{"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-should-you-treat-your-children", "title": "How Should You Treat Your Children?", "body": "An online post by a prominent blogger, Dan Pearce, has shined the spotlight on his opinion about the relationship of fathers and kids and how to treat children. His \npost\n has since drawn more than half a million shares on Facebook and over a thousand shares on Twitter.\n\n\n\u201cTreat your children with respect\u201d was the underlying message that Dan hoped to deliver to all fathers. Despite the relative simplicity of his message, it makes one wonder what exactly did he say that resonated with so many people, making it go viral online?\n\n\nHow to treat children with respect\n\n\n\n\nIn the post, Dan explains how witnessing a \nfather ignoring his young son\n and reprimanding him in public provoked himself to write such a heated post on how to treat children with respect. Dan begged fathers to appreciate their fortune and emphasises the notion that fathers should all treat children with respect.\n\n\nSo how exactly do you treat your children with respect? The main points of the three page long post can be summarised as follows:\n\n\n\n\nParents should always encourage and support their children as this would greatly affect their self-esteem.\n\n\nAlways show your child affection. Physical contact such as a hug or a kiss can go a long way in building a strong bond with your child.\n\n\nNever vent your anger or frustration on your children. If you treat your children with respect, they won\u2019t fear you.\n\n\nDon\u2019t crush your child\u2019s dreams.\n\n\nNobody is immune to making mistakes and your child is certainly no exception. Do not reprimand your children when they do something wrong, as doing so could crush their spirits. Children often become whatever parents keep telling them they will become.\n\n\nNo matter how busy you are, try to find time to play with your children.\n\n\nConstantly show your children how much you love them.\n\n\n\n\nRespect for children\n\n\nDan certainly raised some very strong points with regards to parenting and the majority of the comments published seem to agree with his stand. However, what caught my attention was the arrogance of the post and how Dan believes that his method was the only correct way to care for a child. This can best be exemplified by how Dan states that:\n\n\n\u201cIf one child has a better life because something in my words stirred their father to step up their game, then it was worth every ounce of begging and pleading with you to share this with others, of which I am inevitably going to be guilty.\u201d\n\n\nAsian cultures generally place emphasis on children treating their parents with respect, but Dan\u2019s message seem to be the direct opposite. While showering your children with love and support can reap some benefits, it may backfire in a number of ways as well. The saying \u201cspare the rod, spoil the child\u201d certainly comes to mind here.\n\n\nDan\u2019s abhorrence to punishments may result in his young son growing up to become spoilt due to a lack of boundaries and discipline from a young age. Furthermore, while you should not put your children down for no reason, sometimes criticism is needed. Children are often unrealistic and naive and it is quite common for them to harbour unrealistic aspirations. For example, if your child has no talent at singing but insists on pursuing a singing career and thus neglects his studies, do you still continue to encourage him?\n\n\nSo, do you agree with Dan\u2019s parenting tips? Share your in the comments!\n \n\n\nOn another note, watch this funny video that tries to make a point on how not to treat your children.\n\n\nRead more:\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\n\n\n\n\nFrench children better behaved?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/couple-caught-on-video-having-sex-on-board-a-flight", "title": "Couple caught on video having sex on board a flight", "body": "Imagine you and the family are on your first ever plane ride together. You, hubby and the kids are buckled in and are about to take a groufie before takeoff to immortalise this milestone. So you pull out your smartphone, aim, but \u2014 wait \u2014 your screen captures some strange activity several rows behind you.\n\n\nSo you take a discreet glance to check. Is that\u2026 a couple having sex on the plane?! \u201cLet\u2019s take the groufie later,\u201d you quickly tell your family (while you make bug eyes at your hubby and keep your kids\u2019 heads facing forward).\n\n\nYou might think this will never happen to you on the plane \u2014 but it is exactly the type of in-flight entertainment a couple travelling to Mexico watched onboard Silver Airways!\u00a0\n\n\nCouple Caught Having Sex on a Plane\n\n\nInstead of getting an uneventful and peaceful flight to Mexico, the parents of Twitter user Kiley Tully\u00a0got more than they bargained for.\n\n\n\u201cMy mom and dad were just trying to have a peaceful trip to Mexico and then they sent me this\u2026\u201d\u00a0\nposted\u00a0Kiley Tully\n\u00a0on Sunday.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\nMy mom and dad were just trying to have a peaceful trip to Mexico and then they sent me this\u2026\u2026.. \npic.twitter.com/QxE6JskzuE\n\n\u2014 Kiley Tully (@KileyTully) \nJune 17, 2018\n\n\n\n\nI\u2019m guessing Tully\u2019s mum and dad were about to snap a wefie\u00a0to mark the start of their vacay to Mexico when they noticed some \u201cfrisky action\u201d two rows behind them. The couple were too busy engaging in passionate sex (quietly, I hope?) to notice they had been caught having sex on a plane.\n\n\nAmused Parents Continue to Film the Deed\n\n\n\n\nAmused, Tully\u2019s mum continued to film on her phone. She even sneaked in a quick view of the rest of the cabin where passengers sat none the wiser about what was going on in the back row. Not knowing they had been caught having sex on a plane, the couple wrapped up their little stint and the video ended abruptly.\n\n\nThe airline has confirmed that the video was, indeed, taken on one of their flights and is currently investigating the matter.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough the video proves the couple was caught having sex on a plane, their faces were not visible throughout the entire video. Their anonymity remains safe for now. Imagine having your face in the throes of passion plastered all over the internet.\n\n\nSex in Public Is Illegal in Malaysia\n\n\nAlthough the video clearly shows the couple has been caught having sex on a plane, their faces are not visible, keeping their anonymity safe for now.\n\n\nBut what if you get caught having sex on a plane or in any public area, for that\u00a0matter? In fact, sex in public in Malaysia can get you in trouble. As long as the act is visible to the public, in the plane or not, you\u00a0\ncan be prosecuted for indecency\n.\u00a0\n\n\nYou might think it is okay if other adults saw you, but what if children catch you doing the dirty? How would you explain yourself then? How about the long-term damage to children?\n\n\nEffects on Children When Exposed to Sex Acts at a Young Age\n\n\nWhen children are exposed to sex before they can fully comprehend what it is, this can create a myriad of emotions.\n\n\nConfusion, shock, fear, panic, disgust, curiosity, fascination, and guilt. It is a lot to take in at once. In the long run, it might even make them treat people like they are objects for gratification instead of admiring them for who they really are. Other long-term damages include:\n\n\n#1 \u2013 Early Sex\n\n\nStudies have found that the earlier children are exposed to sexual content, the\u00a0earlier they engage in sex acts and get involved in casual, \nunprotected sex\n.\n\n\n#2 \u2013 High-Risk Sex\n\n\nFollowing this, the child may also engage in high-risk sex like being sexually active by the age of 13. They are also more likely to have multiple sexual partners, engage in frequent intercourse, have unprotected sex and even use\u00a0\ndrugs\u00a0\nor\u00a0\nalcohol\n\u00a0before sex.\n\n\n# 3 Sex, Love and Relationship Addictions\n\n\nAlthough not every child will struggle with addictions after being exposed to sexual content, research shows that early exposure to\u00a0\nporn\n\u00a0is a risk factor\u00a0\nfor sex addiction\n\u00a0and other\u00a0\nintimacy\n\u00a0disorders.\n\n\nIntroduction to sex should be gradual and in-line with your children\u2019s developmental stage. It is not something you want to slap in their face at such a tender age.\n\n\nSo remember this: Even if doing it in public knocks your socks off, think about your actions. Think about what this might mean to young children. So for goodness\u2019 sake, do not get caught having sex on a plane. In fact, don\u2019t get caught doing it anywhere in public!\nPartner Stories\nKehamilan\n8 produk kehamilan anda harus miliki dari Maternity Exchange!\nKanak-Kanak\nMencari Aktiviti Keluarga Yang Seronok? Apa Kata Gabungkan Kuasa Bermain & Penyelesaian Masalah Kreatif Dengan LEGO?\nAges & Stages\nDo These Things to Increase Your Child\u2019s Height\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nFox News\n, \nPsychology Today\n, \nPracto\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/an-affair-with-a-married-man", "title": "Married teacher has sex with 15-year-old", "body": "\n\nFind out the signs that your child has a dangerous crush.\n\n\n\n\nAn affair with a married man \n\n\nThe Seduction\n\n\nThe teacher confessed to his student that he was desperately unhappy with his marriage, before getting her to replace his wife in bed.\n\n\nThey shared a first kiss in the classroom, part of the preparatory seduction lesson that led to his marriage home and bed.\n\n\nIn her own words, \u201cI remember after not feeling guilty or that I had done anything wrong. We used contraception every single time. Obviously it was a big thing for me. It should probably have been bigger, but I was not that affected by it.\u201d\n\n\nRelated: \nWarn your kids about sexual predators!\n\n\nThe Discovery\n\n\nPolice started sniffing around after a tip led them to the girl\u2019s phone, where they discovered text messages between her and Jeremy.\n\n\nJeremy and his lover took a ferry where Jeremy threw his phone into the sea. They dumped their car in Paris, and spent the next few days moving round there.\n\n\nMeanwhile, they had become big news in Britain, but they had no idea. They finally saw their story online, and even though they tried to hide, French police found them and they were sent back to Britain for Jeremy to face trial.\n\n\nRelated: \nWebsite to be developed for child protection\n\n\nWhen a student has a dangerous crush\u2026\n\n\nHow would you know if your own child is being seduced by a teacher, or has developed a dangerous crush on one? What are the indicators to look for? How do you react?\n\n\nThe teacher is being inappropriately physical with the student\n\n\nThis may involve intimate hugs, touching, or even having \u201cextra lessons\u201d. The schools counselor and authorities should be brought into the picture immediately so discreet inquiries can be conducted immediately that will search out the truth in ways that will not damage the reputations or minds of the student or the teacher. Sometimes, real teacher concern and worry can be misconstrued as sexual intentions.\n\n\nThe teacher gives better grades than the student deserves\n\n\nThis is a classic tell-tale sign that sets the stage for the student to \u201clike\u201d the teacher and become psychologically dependent. Parents should be on the watch for this, and not just think, \u201cMy child deserves the grade.\u201d Contact the principal and show the work that received an unfair higher grade, and ask for an opinion.\n\n\nFlirtatious contact through social media\n\n\nIn Malaysia, it seems to be common practice to have a teacher as a friend on social networks. Monitor conversations and virtual items that your child sends to the teacher. It will be quite obvious when it is a genuine appreciative gift and when it becomes something romantic or flirtatious.\n\n\nTalking about a teacher a little TOO much\n\n\nYour child talks about a teacher a little too much or refers to the teacher in relation to things that happen outside school. For instance, \u201cMy teacher loves this too,\u201d when having dinner at home. If it becomes overwhelming, a meeting with the school might be in order.\n\n\nRelated: \nHow to keep your children safe\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nResources\n\n\n\n\nOur classroom kiss, the moment teacher said \u2018I love you,\u2019 and the first time we had sex\n\n\nSchoolgirl describes how she fell in love with Jeremy Forrest\n\n\nTeacher \u2018seduced girl, 15, while wife was away\u2019\n\n\nWhen students develop crushes\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/menstruation-misconceptions", "title": "No, A Tampon Will Not Break Your Virginity - Putting An End to Period Myths", "body": "Call it Aunt Flo, Sharks Week, \ndatang bulan \n(The Time of The Month), \ndai yi ma \n(Big Aunty) and so on, women have been oppressed and fed with inaccurate and misleading information on menstruation for far too long! Menstruation is a normal and natural body process that most women experience. Despite it being common, there are still numerous ludicrous misconceptions surrounding menstruation to this day and age.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to a report by the World Bank Group\n, at least 500 million women and girls globally are facing period poverty and do not have proper access to adequate facilities for menstrual hygiene management. With the lack of access to sanitary products comes limited awareness and understanding of the best way to manage menstrual hygiene.\u00a0\n\n\nIn conjunction with Aurelius Healthcare\u2019s Menstrual Awareness Month, Dr. Azizah binti Rusly, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Aurelius Hospital Nilai is here to debunk some myths surrounding menstruation, which you may have heard or experienced.\n\n\n\n\nDr. Azizah binti Rusly, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Aurelius Hospital Nilai\n\n\n\n\n#1 \u201cMy mum said I need to wash my pad because blood is dirty, and it will attract devils!\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nPeriod blood is similar to other blood from our body and is not dirty. It is made up of blood, uterus membrane, mucus lining, and bacteria. While it can sometimes appear to be clotted or darker, such occurrences are completely normal.\u00a0\n\n\nDisposable pads should be appropriately wrapped and thrown after a single use. However, if you are using reusable pads or menstrual cups, soak them with cold water and wash using normal detergent, baking soda, or vinegar. It is also important to keep them dry! Doing so can avoid infections.\n\n\n#2 \u201cI was told that sticking a washed pad to my face gives me clear skin.\u201d\n\n\nIt is unhygienic as menstrual waste or products should be disposed of properly.\n\n\nThe methods for getting clear skin will vary depending on a person\u2019s skin type. A healthy and balanced diet can help you be the best version of yourself. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink an adequate amount of water and exercise at least three times a week!\n\n\n#3 \u201cA tampon will break my hymen.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nTampons may cause some stretch or tear of the hymen, but this could also happen when you engage in vigorous activities.\u00a0\n\n\nSome women may experience discomfort when inserting a tampon the first few times. However, it will eventually get better!\u00a0\n\n\n#4 \u201cI should avoid cold foods/beverages as it will give me heavier flow and period cramps\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThere are no studies to prove or disprove the effects of cold drinks or food on menstrual cramps. Menstruation is connected to the reproductive system, whereas eating or drinking is linked to the digestive system. These systems function separately and do not affect one another.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, some women are sensitive to cold food or drinks, which might increase or induce cramps. At the end of the day, you should know what your body is used to and act accordingly.\n\n\n#5 \u201cI used to hide my sanitary products as it is inappropriate and disrespectful to be shown in public\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nSanitary products are everyday lifestyle items just like tissue and toothpaste, which support and help women feel more comfortable during menstruation. Every woman should have the freedom to purchase sanitary products without feeling embarrassed about a monthly natural occurrence.\n\n\nFor more information about the importance of menstrual hygiene, check out Aurelius Healthcare\u2019s #RespectMyCycle campaign on\u00a0 \nFacebook\n, \nInstagram\n, and \nLinkedIn\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/signs-someone-likes-you", "title": "How to Know if Someone Likes You: 7 Signs", "body": "Ah, the age-old question of does he or she like me. Although this question has been asked many times, people keep on asking so as to find new answers to this question that will hopefully shed a light on their current or prospective relationships. And so here we\u2019ve prepared several key points for contemplation that with any luck will help you to discern whether the man, woman, boy or girl in your life has the hots for you.\n\n\n1. They Listen\n\n\nEveryone has the ability to listen without a doubt but do they really listen? If someone likes you, they\u2019ll pay attention to what you said. They won\u2019t disregard your opinions and will always respond to your words.\n\n\n2. They remember\n\n\nFollowing the previous point, if they\u2019re interested in you, they\u2019ll remember everything you said. Even the most inane or random thing will be remembered. From your hobbies, likes, dislikes to personal matters about your family as well as work-related matters.\n\n\n3. They\u2019re Helpful\n\n\nWhen we say they\u2019re helpful we don\u2019t mean in the basic sense of opening the door for you. We mean that they\u2019re always willing to lend a helping hand to you no matter the situation and won\u2019t hesitate to help in any way possible. Even if they don\u2019t gain anything from it.\n\n\n4. They Make the First Move\n\n\nWhen someone\u2019s interested in you, they\u2019ll take the initiative to approach you first. Initiating a conversation once or twice doesn\u2019t count but if it happens too often to be a coincidence then chances are they\u2019ve taken a liking to you.\n\n\n5. They Check Up on You\n\n\nNot like a stalker or anything (maybe a little bit) but liking someone usually means wanting to get to know everything about the other person. They might follow your social media accounts, ask about your plans or how your day is going. Small talk like that only comes about when one is interested.\n\n\n6. They Defend/Protect You\n\n\nFrom harm from slander, you name it. If you mean nothing to them they wouldn\u2019t meddle in your affairs and leave you to sort out your own life. But if they take your side in arguments and protect you from even the smallest of things like bugs, then just maybe it means something more.\n\n\n7. They\u2019re Always by Your Side\n\n\nLiking someone means wanting to be by their side and wanting to spend time with them. So, if he or she can be found hanging around you more often than not even after work or during the weekends then their interest in you is certainly high.\n\n\nThese are just some of the signs you can consider looking at to know whether he or she likes you as a friend or more. But if the person you like hasn\u2019t made the first move it isn\u2019t wrong for you to do so. You can do it by gifting them with a\u00a0\nlovely personalized\u00a0birthday gift\n\u00a0and see where it goes from there.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nNurturing Money Values: Understanding The Difference Between A Want And A Need\nMoney Parenting\nThe 5 Money Parenting Styles: Which One Do You Follow?\nKesihatan\nTahukah Anda Tentang 5 Vaksin Tambahan Yang Disyorkan?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vaccine-preventable-diseases", "title": "Reasons Why Parents Don\u2019t Vaccinate - And Why They Should", "body": "Today, there are still parents who do not wish to vaccinate their children. Their reluctance towards vaccination is worrying as it may cause vaccine-preventable diseases to resurface among children.\u00a0\n\n\nIn a journal report titled \u201cExploring the Reasons Behind Parental Refusal of Vaccines\u201d,\u00a0 there are 4 main reasons why parents are refusing vaccines for their kids\n1\n.\n\n\nThe 4 reasons are:\n\n\n\n\nReligion\n\n\nPersonal beliefs or philosophies\n\n\nWorry about its safety\n\n\nThe need to get more information from healthcare providers\n\n\n\n\nParental concerns about vaccines in each category led to different responses: from parents who completely rejected all vaccines to those who delayed vaccinations.\n\n\nBut since a lack of information was one of the reasons cited by parents for them to be able to make responsible immunisation decisions for their children, that is something we hope to address with this article.\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s what you need to know about vaccine-preventable diseases\n2\n\n\nFirstly, parents should know that there are diseases that are preventable with certain precautionary measures, and if the child were to still contract, would likely be less severe. These are the diseases that have vaccines available for parents to consider protecting their kids against:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTuberculosis (TB) \u2013 This disease can cause serious infections such as meningitis and spread to other organs\n3\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDiphtheria \u2013 Toxins released by bacteria may lead to blocked airways\n4\n.\n\n\nPertussis (whooping cough) \u2013 Can cause whooping cough and lack of oxygen to the brain\n5\n.\n\n\nTetanus \u2013 Bacterial poisoning that can cause cramps in the muscles of the body and affects the ability to open the jaw\n6\n.\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) \u2013 This bacterium can cause infections of the lungs (pneumonia), respiratory tract and neuritis (meningitis)\n2\n.\n\n\nHepatitis B \u2013 This virus can cause severe damage to the liver and increases the risk of the individual getting liver cancer in the future\n2\n.\n\n\nPolio \u2013 This virus can cause paralysis and even death\n2\n.\n\n\nMeasles \u2013 This virus can cause fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, infections of the brain (encephalitis) and lungs (pneumonia)\n7\n.\n\n\nMumps \u2013 This virus can cause viral meningitis and infection of testicles (orchitis)\n8\n.\n\n\nRubella \u2013 This virus can cause fever, rash, nausea and mild conjunctivitis\n9\n.\n\n\nPneumococcus \u2013 This bacteria can cause severe diseases like meningitis or milder infections like sinusitis or ear infections\n2\n.\n\n\nRotavirus \u2013 This virus can cause severe diarrhoea and dehydration\n2\n.\n\n\nHuman Papillomavirus \u2013 This virus can cause cervical cancer and genital warts\n2\n.\n\n\nVaricella (Chickenpox) \u2013 This virus can cause a blister like rash and fever, which can also cause shingles later as adults if the virus reactivates\n10\n.\n\n\nInfluenza\u00a0 \u2013 Influenza A can cause epidemics of flu diseases or flu season\n11\n.\n\n\nMeningococcal \u2013 This bacteria can cause deadly infections of the lining of the brain, spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream\n12\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHepatitis A \u2013 This virus can cause short term infection of the liver\n13\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nThe Benefits and Importance of Vaccines That Parents Need to Know\n\n\nParents need to know that vaccination has greatly reduced the effects of infectious diseases\n14\n\u00a0and this is something that cannot be ignored.\n\n\nYes, vaccines are getting more public attention in recent times and specifically in regards to its efficacy and effectiveness.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThat is why parents must consider the benefits of getting their children vaccinated over the 4 reasons that were cited in the aforementioned study.\n\n\nVaccines Can Help Avoid Disease Complications\n15\n\n\nA vaccine is effective in helping to protect an individual if it is given prior to exposure. It works by imitating an infection which helps teach our immune system how to fight off future infections\n15\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe main purpose of immunisation is to help prevent disease and to help protect against complications arising from the infection.\u00a0\n\n\nAlong the lines of wanting to know more knowledge about vaccines, we\u2019re here to talk about the different types of vaccines available so parents can further understand what they are and what they do.\n\n\nThe Different Types of Vaccines\n15\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\n#1: Live attenuated vaccine\n\n\nLive vaccines are made from bacteria or viruses that are weakened, but can still trigger the body to create immune-building reactions similar to natural infections\n15\n.\n\n\n#2: Inactivated vaccine (Killed vaccine)\n\n\nVaccines made from the disease-carrying bacteria or virus that is inactivated or killed during the process of creating the vaccine\n15\n.\u00a0\n\n\n#3: Toxoid vaccine\n\n\nVaccines made from weakened toxins which are called toxoids. Our bodies will learn how to fight off the natural toxins after being exposed to the vaccine containing the toxoid\n15\n.\n\n\n#4: Subunit Vaccines\n\n\nVaccines are made from specific parts of a virus or bacterium called subunits, using only essential antigens and not the entire germ\n15\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n#5: mRNA Vaccine\n\n\nVaccines that use laboratory-created mRNA to teach our cells how to produce spike proteins. It triggers an immune response when our body recognizes that this spike protein does not belong in the body and therefore produces antibodies to fight off the infection\n16\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIf the reason on your mind for not getting your child vaccinated was because of lack of information, we hope this article was able to shed more light on the topic. Another thing to help you along with understanding vaccines better is to ask your paediatrician about it at your next visit.\n\n\nMY-ROT-00231 Aug/2022\n\n\nREFERENCES\n\n\n\n\nMckee C, Bohannon K. Exploring the Reasons Behind Parental Refusal of Vaccines. The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. U.S. National Library of Medicine; 2016;21(2).\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nUNICEF. Vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/parenting/health/vaccines-and-diseases-they-prevent\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tuberculosis. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tuberculosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351250\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Diphtheria. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diphtheria/symptoms-causes/syc-20351897\n.\n Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Service Inform. Whooping cough. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/whooping-cough\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tetanus. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tetanus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351625\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Measles. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services. Mumps \u2013 Complications. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/mumps/complications/\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Rubella. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rubella\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. \u00a0 Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Types of Influenza Viruses. Available From \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/types.htm\n. Last Accessed 21 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Meningococcal Disease. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/index.html\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. What is hepatitis A \u2013 FAQ. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm#overview\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Common Questions About Vaccines. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/FAQs.html\n.\n Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding How Vaccines Work. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/conversations/understanding-vacc-work.html\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/virtual-learning", "title": "Virtual Learning: How It's Different Now and Its Effects on Young Kids", "body": "Online learning has changed quite a bit since the pandemic hit. Back in March, when the MCO first hit, schools and parents were scrambling everywhere, trying to adjust to a drastic switch to virtual classes. Fast forward a few months, and we were under another CMCO. Now we\u2019re back on MCO. The question is, how does the current virtual learning reality compare to its infant stages earlier this year? And also, what has this whole experience done to our kids?\n\n\nVirtual Learning Insights\n\n\nFor this article, we interviewed Colin Haddow, Head of Primary of Beaconhouse Newlands International School, for his expert insight on this timely topic.\n\n\n\n\nWhat It was Like the First Time\n\n\nWhen the government first ordered the closure of schools, teachers had to rush to prepare for online lessons with very short notice.\n\n\n\u201cIt was a very steep learning curve for everybody involved. This was a new way for our teachers to teach. We never had any training for this kind of thing at all\u201d, \n\u2013 says Colin.\n\n\n\nThe technology was the first hurdle at that time.\n\n\n\n\n\nColin recalls that some teachers struggled to find devices that were fit for purpose. Many teachers who worked with PCs in the school environment were now at home with gadgets that weren\u2019t particularly efficient.\n\n\n\u201cConnectivity to the internet was a real problem for teachers as well. Some of our teachers did not have any kind of contract with a network provider, so we\u2019re using things like hotspots from phones.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\nSimilar issues came up for students as well. Parents were struggling to find appropriate devices for their kids\u2019 online classes. For example, some households would only have one or two tablets but several school-age children (and working parents) who needed them at the same time.\n\n\n\nOn top of this, teachers had to independently figure out how to effectively use the technology at hand. They would often discover the limitations of software only through trial and error.\n\n\nAs for students, reactions to virtual learning varied from child to child. Some seemed confused about the sudden shift and needed more motivation, while others did not see online classes as proper school classes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow Virtual Learning Is Different Now\n\n\n\n\n\nWe are now in early 2021, and it seems there have been a number of positive changes. Technology is no longer an issue, as teachers and parents have procured the necessary devices for teaching and learning. Teachers also now know what a good virtual lesson looks like.\n\n\n\nSome schools, like Beaconhouse Newlands International School, initially delivered the curriculum based on the normal school timetable. This means that there was no rollback in any learning at all. However, after noticing that kids (especially younger ones) were struggling with focus issues, the school decided to have breaks between each lesson. This eventually led to better outcomes as kids seemed more thoughtful about their learning.\n\n\n\u201c\nI think when they come to school they don\u2019t reflect as often or as much as they should. Now with online learning, they seem to be more focused and can recall what they were doing in a subject a day ago\u201d, \n\u2013 says Colin.\n\n\nWhen online classes first began, it was challenging for teachers to discipline children through a screen. Kids did not know the etiquette of engaging on an online platform. Now, teachers are better able to set down rules for online classes and enforce them.\n\n\n\u201cWe noticed that children are less problematic in terms of behaviour. They\u2019ve come to accept the norms in terms of this unusual situation we\u2019re in.\u201d\n\n\nThe Role that Parents Play\n\n\n\n\nThe success of virtual learning during school closures rely greatly on parental support. Schools knew they had to collaborate with and reach out to parents right from the start.\n\n\n\n\nParents were deeply involved throughout, especially for younger children who need more guidance. Many parents had to physically be near their child during a lesson, acting as an assistant to the teacher.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Impact on Kids\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCould there possibly be some upsides from this extraordinary period?\n\n\nInterestingly, there could be. Here are some positive observations from Colin\u2019s own experience with students:\n\n\n\n\nStudents have learnt to become more adaptable and resilient. This comes with the level of independence that schools have to give many of the students.\n\n\nKids\u2019 communication skills seem to be a lot better. Children who are generally quieter in class appear to be more vocal now, especially for primary school level.\n\n\nThere are more collaboration and cooperation from all parties.\n\n\nChildren\u2019s digital literacy has improved.\n\n\nThere is more self-sufficiency among students, as they rely less on parents. This helps with critical thinking and problem solving.\n\n\n\n\nIn terms of more negative consequences, Colin suspects that the lack of physical social interaction (especially among peers) could greatly affect kids if this continues for long periods. There\u2019s no way of knowing yet what the effects will look like, but time will surely tell\n\n\nThe Best Practices for Online Learning\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAfter months of practice, Colin and his team have found what works well for them so far\u2014when it comes to virtual schooling. Here are the key takeaways:\n\n\n\n\nSticking to the regular school timetable (in terms of what subjects are taught and how often) helps to ensure more effective learning.\n\n\nPlanning for virtual lessons that challenge different abilities is important.\n\n\nIt\u2019s necessary to find ways to assess and evaluate student progress and understanding.\n\n\nLessons should be as fun and interactive as possible. Use lots of audio and visuals for younger kids, to keep them engaged.\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\nThe \nAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/travelling-with-kids", "title": "Travelling with Your Kids in the New Norm: Where Should You Go?", "body": "A family holiday is the highlight to many people as this is the time for them to finally spend quality time with their loved ones while enjoying themselves with\n fun-filled activities\n. Before going to a holiday and travelling with kids, you would spend countless hours \nplanning out the details\n, arranging the place to stay or activities to fill out your time and even pack the perfect outfit for it.\n\n\nThe pandemic however has changed how we normally operate on a day-to-day basis. We have now entered the era of uncertainty where the new normal has gradually become a major part of our existence. \nTravelling oversea\n however is still prohibited but if you have caught the travel bug, planning for a family holiday in the new norm now requires extra precautions.\n\n\nRegular temperature screening, wearing \nface masks\n and frequent use of hand sanitisers or washing your hands are all part of the new norm. For families travelling with kids, bring extra face masks and a mini bottle of sanitiser wherever you go. Complying with the g\nuidelines set by the \nMinistry of Health\n is a must to ensure that you and your family stay safe and healthy.\n\n\nWhen Travelling with Kids, Planning Is The Key!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIt is normal for you to feel cautious when planning your family holiday during this time. It will take even more patience in finding the perfect family holiday destination. Good news, here are some tips that will help you feel at ease.\n\n\n1# Look for a less crowded destination\n\n\nChoose your family holiday destination wisely. Epidemiologists stated \nrisk factors\n for coronavirus transmission are in terms of \u201c\ntime, space, people, place\n\u201d. In another word, the least amount of risk involves the small number of people in the largest possible place.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile occupation health expert, Dr Shawludin Hussin stated that any destinations \nunder the Standard Operating Procedures can only allow a certain number of customers into their premises at any one time.\n Hence, when looking out for a family destination, it is advisable to head to an area with less crowded space so each family can have their own space. Not only you adhere to social distancing, but you also get to spend quality time with your loved ones in a private setting.\n\n\n2# Check for hotel safety precautions undertaken\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nMany hotels are offering endless discounts rates, however, it is important to make sure that the hotel of your choice adheres to the Standard Operating Procedures that are aligned with the government\u2019s directive to keep the public safe. Safety measures include security and temperature checks within the hotel area must be conducted constantly.\u00a0\n\n\nDaily sanitation and outdoor precautions for all of their activities must be taken into account. Ultimately, you should only book accommodation to where you trust all the necessary measurement have been taken in advance of your arrival. You can always email the hotel before the booking and ask for a list of safety measures that have been put in place so you can arrange your family activities accordingly.\n\n\n3# Review the road to getting there\n\n\nExperts generally suggest\n short-distance road trip\n compared to taking flights or public transportation as you will have more control over your surroundings and you are not breathing the same air as strangers.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that in mind, when choosing a holiday destination, a road trip is a safer option. Not only you are able to social distance yourself from strangers, but you also get to explore all kinds of new areas while heading to your destination! Don\u2019t forget to pack enough snacks and drinks so you don\u2019t have to make a pit stop ever so often.\n\n\nHead to Desaru Coast for your next family holiday!\n\n\n\n\nDesaru Coast located at the eastern tip of Peninsular Malaysia, is only a four-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur via the North-South Expressway. Perfect as a fun and exciting road trip for your kids, Desaru Coast also offers four resorts \u2013 Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast, Tthe Westin Desaru Coast Resort, Anantara Desaru Coast Resort & Villas and One&Only Desaru Coast. With these endless choices, social distancing can be done at ease.\n\n\nBesides, all of these resorts are close to the beaches that are known for its white sand and clear blue water. The 17-kilometre stretch of palm-fringed beaches offers families a space away from the crowd. Not only your kids get to build sandcastles happily, but you also get to unwind and relax. Less crowded beach means families are able to practice social distancing.\n\n\n\n\nAt Desaru Coast, endless attractions await that will make your trip worthwhile including Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast and golfing at The ELS Club Desaru Coast. The Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast for example offers kids thrilling experiences and houses one of the biggest wave pools in the world. They\u2019re equipped with age-appropriate water lay and a 350 meter lazy river, among other attractions.\n\n\nRemember to bring your own travel bag with essentials such as wipes, face masks and hand sanitisers. Don\u2019t forget your sunscreen for that extra sun protection!\n\n\nSo, are you ready to plan your next family holiday and to start travelling with kids again?\n Visit \ndesarucoast.com\n for more information and to book your stay!\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDriving safely during the school holidays\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-healthy-home-cooked-food-your-toddler-will-love", "title": "5 Healthy Kid Friendly Recipes For Your Little Ones, They Will Definitely Want More!", "body": "There is nothing like home-cooked food now, is there? It is not only healthy, but also nutritious and yummy and most importantly, the perfect kid friendly recipes for the little ones!\n\n\nBut of course, not all of us young parents know how to ace it in the kitchen. That\u2019s why have prepared a list of three easy home-cooked food that your kids will love.\u00a0\n\n\n3 Kid Friendly Recipes, Home Cooked Made With Love\n\n\nIf you are looking for kid friendly recipe, look no further! So what\u2019s the wait? Let\u2019s take a look at each of these home cooked food recipes.\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Healthy Mini Chicken Wanton (Potstickers)\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s healthy\n: These lightly pan-fried wantons are full of veggies and packed with protein. They also require minimum effort so you can just whip it up within minutes while your child is having a nap. The best thing is that you can include any kind of veggie you like them to have as stuffing. Trust me, your little ones won\u2019t notice!\n\n\nHow to make\n: Cook ground chicken until completely done. Drain off any fat. Return chicken to pan and add broccoli slaw. Cook over medium heat for 3 minutes, or until the vegetables are softened. Add garlic, ginger and soy sauce, cook for 1 more minute.\n\n\n#2 Alphabet Soto Ayam (Chicken Noodle Soup)\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s healthy:\u00a0\nInstead of giving your child the typical mee soto dish with yellow noodles, try changing it up with\u00a0a twist \u2013 add alphabet pastas instead! You can also cut down on the amount of oil and salt in the broth!\n\n\nHow to make:\u00a0\nC\nlick here for soto ayam recipe!\n\n\n#3 Stir Fried Beef With Green Beans And Broccoli\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s healthy:\u00a0\nThis is a great way to trick your toddler into eating his veggies! Make sure to soften the beef and cut it into suitable bite-sized pieces before serving it up to him.\n\n\nHow to make:\u00a0\nMarinate beef strips in Tamari\u00a0sauce for at least an hour, or overnight. If you don\u2019t have time, don\u2019t worry- just let it marinate while you cut up the veggies and it will still have added\u00a0flavour.\n\n\nFor this Singaporean home-cooked food, heat your oil in a wok or big based fry pan and then add the meat. Brown it lightly cooking for 1 \u2013 2 minutes.\u00a0Add veggies and garlic and stir through before adding\u00a0the oyster sauce. Cook for about 3 minutes and you\u2019re done!\n\n\n#4 Beehoon Soup Mix\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s healthy\n: Who doesn\u2019t love a warm beehoon soup? It\u2019s boiled, so it\u2019s guaranteed a healthier choice for your baby. And the ingredients are fairly easy to find at your nearby mama shop. Careful though, this soul food will leave your little one yelling for more.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to make\n: Boil chicken bones and meat, carrots and onions to create a soup, then add seaweed, fishcake, tau pok, egg yolk and shrimp wonton. Top off with sesame oil/ seeds for an enhanced flavour, and yes add some salt too. If you\u2019re lazy but want good-flavoured soup, use ready-made chicken stock in the soup.\n\n\n#5 Sugar-Free Green Tea Coconut Ice Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s healthy\n: Your tots will love this one. The best thing about it is that it\u2019s sugar free! What\u2019s not healthy about that? With only a few ingredients, you\u2019ll get to make this amazingly simple healthy dessert every mum will swear by.\n\n\nHow to make\n: Into a blender container, pour coconut milk. Add pitted dates, matcha green tea powder, and salt. Turn the blender on for 2 minutes. Make sure that the dates are fully dissolved into the coconut milk.\n\n\nPour the coconut mixture into a bowl, and place the bowl in the fridge for 1 hour to cool. Pour the cooled coconut mixture into an ice cream churn, and churn until the ice cream is the consistency of soft serve ice cream. The churning process will take about 30 minutes.\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t have an ice cream churner, use a wooden spoon and stir every few alternate hours in between the freezing time.\n\n\nStore the ice cream in a sealed container in the freezer. When you are ready to eat the ice cream, just thaw it on the counter for 15 minutes. Scoop it up into a cone instead of serving it in a bowl \u2013 kids love that!\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nThere you go! Try these kid friendly recipes for your little ones and tell us what they think about it!\n\n\nAny other recipes to share? We would love to hear from you!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/im-sorry-your-daughter-has-18-months-to-live", "title": "I\u2019m Sorry, Your Daughter Has 18 Months To Live", "body": "My daughter, Eva was diagnosed to have a hole in the heart when she was 4.\n It is called an atrial septal defect. Hole in the heart\u2019 is a layperson\u2019s term to describe a congenital abnormality of the heart \u2013 congenital meaning present at the time of birth. The term is used to describe an actual hole in the walls separating the heart chambers.\n\n\nEva went for a regular check-up in January of 2015, and the doctors heard an extra unusual sound during a heartbeat. After a third trip to the doctor, our fears were confirmed and that was when the devastating diagnoses became known.\n\n\n\n\nThe position of her hole did not allow us to go through a surgery to close the hole. Her heart weakened by the day and doctors told us that her failing heart was not a good sign. Yes, there were times that this defect is not fatal, but in Eva\u2019s case, her heart was not working as well.\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019m sorry but the best you can expect her to live is between twelve to eighteen months.\u201d The worst thing a parent can hear. But that\u2019s exactly what the doctors told us. Time stood still. I was in denial, and my husband took a long time to even digest this piece of news.\n\n\nDealing with it\n\n\nWe had to be prepared for the worst. A year and a half at most? How does one even think about their child dying in a year? What do we do? Do we distant ourselves from her now so that the pain will lessen? But how will it? There\u2019s nothing that can prepare you for the death of your child. \n\n\nWe were heartbroken and shattered. Why can\u2019t this happen to me instead? I questioned God and my faith was tested. I tried finding solace in prayers and wishing for a miracle to happen. But at the back of my mind, I knew that there was no fighting from Eva being taken away from us. Real soon.\n\n\nEva was an energetic, sweet-natured and extremely loving girl. If you were to ask anyone what her most special quality was, it would be that she possessed such a big heart. The irony of it all. That big heart, which was defective, was the reason to why she wouldn\u2019t live for very much longer.\n\n\nThe battle with time\n\n\nEva believed in fairies and angels, always telling me that one day she would fly up into the clouds and \u201clook for those pretty little things\u201d. \u201cThey make me happy. Maybe I will find Carebears there too.\u201d I kept her dream alive, telling her to keep a watch out for them as they were finding a partner to hang out with. A strong and beautiful little girl.\n\n\nWe were battling with time. Every moment with her became even more precious. Every activity we did as a family, more amplified in its meaning. I kept a mental memory of everything between the three of us. Every time she said she wanted to eat something, go somewhere to play, do something new, my husband and I would make sure we made it happen. Every wish she had was fulfilled. All because of our race with time.\n\n\nEva was our only child, and we were already feeling the emptiness just knowing she\u2019s going to be gone soon. That is a feeling that is indescribable.\n\n\nEva was also wise beyond her years and could be described as an old soul. She was very aware that she was sick and had limited time with her family and friends. We tried hiding it from her, but she could tell something was wrong.\n\n\nHer strength and positivity was what kept me and David (my husband) going. It was unbelievable seeing a little girl so strong, so confident and fighting for her life till her very last day. In her strength, we found ours.\n\n\nEva\u2019s health\n\n\nI remember the day she was too ill to even get out of bed (her health deteriorated very quickly in that one year). Eva was supposed to attend her best friend Mia\u2019s birthday party. It was at Universal Studios and we knew it was a party that Eva couldn\u2019t have fun at because she wasn\u2019t able to go on the rides or do anything that caused strain to her body.\n\n\nShe had made a \u2018friendship band\u2019 for Mia as a gift. And along with it, a small card. The words my daughter wrote to her in the note still plays in my mind till today. It said: \u201cMia, my very best friend and my angel. I will miss playing with you and dressing up our dolls. But don\u2019t be sad when I\u2019ve left the world. I will be watching over you and playing with you from above. All my toys are yours. Never forget me because I never will forget you.\u201d\n\n\nHow does a mother cope when knowing her child is just counting down the days to her death? It felt like we had a time bomb over our heads. But what Eva taught us was that nobody can fight death. It comes to you when it\u2019s your time. And to keep yourself happy no matter how bad the situation is. Our little baby, teaching us life lessons. Who would have known?\n\n\nEva\u2019s passing\n\n\nEva live a whole and full life of happiness and love. We made sure her last days were filled with laughter, joy and prayers.\n\n\nOur daughter never made it to 18 months \u2013 she lived about a year after the diagnosis. The day she left us, it was raining very heavily. David and I looked up into the sky and visualised our baby playing with her fairies, angels and Carebears in the clouds. We could hear her laughter, imagine her beautiful smile and her sparkling eyes filled with delight and excitement on meeting her new friends.\n\n\nIt\u2019s been 6 months since Eva passed away, and we miss her terribly but we are sure she is happy where she is, and most importantly, out of pain. She doesn\u2019t have to make endless trips to the hospitals, go in and out of numerous surgeries, and be injected a few times a day. She\u2019s in our prayers every single day and I wait for the day she and I reunite in the heavens above.\n\n\nTill then, the wait continues\u2026.\n\n\n(Story as told to Pavin Chopra)\n\n\nMummies and daddies, drop your well wishes to the family of little Eva.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nChamps & NASOM Bekerjasama Untuk Meningkatkan Kesedaran Tentang Autisme\nTip keibubapaan\nTepuk Ria Untuk Perut Lebih Lembut Dengan Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk!\nKanak-Kanak\nAnak Sering Nampak Letih, Ada Kemungkinan Kerana Anemia, Ketahui Simptom & Cara Mengatasinya!\nKesihatan\nKetahui 6 Punca Sakit Badan dan Jenis Sakit Badan Yang Biasa Dialami. Ini Cara Merawatnya!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-baby-milk-formula-stage-1", "title": "Best Stage 1 Milk Formulas For Newborns & Infants", "body": "When looking for the best baby milk formula for babies, it's definitely common for new parents to be confused about what exactly they should be buying.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are many stages of milk formula that one can buy in stores or online, these include Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 milk formulas, which represent different baby age ranges as they each contain differing levels of nutrients.\n\n\nSelecting the right milk formula is extremely important as babies aged 0-6 years old rely 100% on milk, with no other supplements. \n\n\nWhile the first and second stage milk formulas have the same amount of nutrition, they differ in the type of protein they contain, where the first stage contains whey protein and the latter contains more casein protein.\n\n\nWhile breastfeeding is usually regarded as the primary and optimal source of nutrition for babies who are 6-12 months old, it may not be the most suitable and convenient option for all families.\n\n\n This is as some mothers may not be able to breastfeed all the time.\n\n\nContents of Breast Milk\n\n\n\n\nWhat makes breast milk so good and nutritious for babies? Breast milk is the best natural food given to babies as it contains a unique composition of nutrients needed to initiate growth and development and boost the immune system.\n\n\nIt contains the following basic compounds and nutrients:\n\n\n\n\nWater\n\n\n\n\nBreast milk contains around 87-90% water\n\n\n\n\nProtein\n\n\n\n\nMilk contains approximately 60% whey and 40% casein protein. Both of these proteins are easily digestible by babies.\n\n\n\n\nFat\n\n\n\n\nBreast milk is rich in long healthy fatty acid chains. Fat is essential for the brain and the construction of a healthy nervous system and vision. \n\n\nIt is also needed for good absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat is also a major calorie source for babies.\n\n\n\n\nCarbohydrates\n\n\n\n\nThe main carbohydrate source present in breast milk is lactose, which makes up almost 40% of the total calories it provides. \n\n\nLactose helps to promote a healthy balance of good bacteria in the intestinal system and increases the absorption of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. \n\n\nBreast milk is also rich in oligosaccharides and complex sugars that feed healthy gut bacteria and prevent infection.\n\n\n\n\nVitamins and minerals\n\n\n\n\nWhile many micronutrients are influenced by a mother\u2019s diet, breast milk often contains enough vitamins and minerals to support a baby\u2019s normal growth, with the exception of vitamins D and K.\n\n\n\n\nAnti-infection compounds\n\n\n\n\nThese include a wide range of enzymes, growth factors, antibodies, and hormones. Some examples include Lactoferrin, Secretory IgA, Lysozyme, and Bifidus factor, which all have unique purposes in the baby\u2019s gastrointestinal tract. \n\n\nThey help to protect against microbes that can cause infections such as E. Coli, Salmonella and coliform. It can also help to protect against the construction of some allergies and promote the growth of Lactobacillus bacteria which is protective.\n\n\nAs you can see, breast milk is rich in nutrients that are critically important for infants. In the case where mothers are unable to produce sufficient breast milk for their babies, it would be important to ensure that the milk formulas that you choose contain such important ingredients as well.\n\n\nFortunately, there are many alternatives from breast milk that are readily available to choose from that will help ensure that babies get the nutrients they need for proper growth.\n\n\nInfant formula has been created to mimic the consistency and contain nutrients naturally available in breast milk, thus moms can rely on it if they require an alternative.\n\n\nChoosing a Good and Suitable Stage 1 Milk Formula\n\n\n\n\nIt is no doubt a challenge when new parents first venture out to buy their young ones milk formula. There are many things that parents worry about as this would be a very new experience for the baby and as the risk for the baby to develop any allergies is still high.\n\n\nThere are also children who suffer from constipation or diarrhoea due to consuming incompatible milk that is not appropriate for the baby. \n\n\nNot to mention, some babies with special conditions such as low weight, may need to consume a special type of milk. \nListed below are some of the factors to consider before buying milk formula:\n\n\n\n\nType of milk:\n Cow\u2019s milk, soy, lactose-free, etc\n\n\nSugar Content:\n low\n\n\nNutrients that the baby needs\n\n\nProbiotics and prebiotics\n\n\n\n\nEssential Nutrients in Stage 1 Milk Formula\n\n\nThe list of contents in infant formula milk can vary, however, there are some components that are always present. \nMilk formula is designed to achieve the highest appropriate amount of natural complexes that the baby needs. \n\n\nAs breast milk is the optimal source of infant nutrition, infant formula milk exists to mimic its composition as well as its physical and nutritional content. \nThis is why it is neither safe nor recommended to substitute breast milk with regular drinking milk, regardless of whether it is animal or plant-based.\n\n\nDrinking milk usually does not have the caloric density, nutrient composition, or components that are safe to support the growth of a baby. \n\n\nThus, it would be dangerous to use as a substitute. \nHere is a list of ingredients that are essential to be used in the production of Stage 1 formula milk.\n\n\n\n\nProtein\n\n\nFat\n\n\nLinoleic acid\n\n\nFat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E, K\n\n\nB Vitamins: B6, B12, Niacin, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid\n\n\nVitamin C\n\n\nCalcium\n\n\nPhosphorus\n\n\nMagnesium\n\n\nIron\n\n\nZinc\n\n\nManganese\n\n\nCopper\n\n\nIodine\n\n\nSelenium\n\n\nSodium\n\n\nPotassium\n\n\nChloride\n\n\nBiotin, Choline, Inositol (Only for non-dairy based formulas)\n\n\n\n\n10 of the Best Stage 1 Milk Formula in Malaysia\n\n\n#1 NAN PRO Infant Formula Step 1\n\n\n\n\nNAN PRO Infant Formula Step 1 is a cow\u2019s milk that is formulated to mimic mother\u2019s milk to be appropriate for babies from birth up until 12 months of age. It provides babies with nutrients for growth and development. \n\n\nThis product also contains Bifidobacterium lactis, a probiotic that helps improve the beneficial intestinal microflora and reduces the chances of diarrhoea.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nCoupled with nucleotides\n\n\nBifidobacterium lactis helps improve the beneficial intestinal microflora and reduces the chances of diarrhoea\n\n\nContains long-chain double unsaturated fatty acids - Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Arachidonic Acid (ARA)\n\n\n\n\n NAN PRO Infant Formula Step 1 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Similac Neosure\n\n\n\n\nWhen babies are born premature, the hospital will usually provide parents will special milk is given to tackle the babies low weight. \n\n\nOnce out of the ward, parents can get Similac Neosure milk which is specially formulated for premature babies. \n\n\nThis is especially as the content of this formula milk contains certain additional nutrients that are beneficial to the baby.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nSpecially made for premature babies\n\n\nMore protein, vitamins, and minerals as compared to other baby formulas\n\n\nRich in calcium and phosphorus for your baby\u2019s bone growth\n\n\nContains more calories than others\n\n\nHelps to increase weight, length and head circumference for premature babies as compared to other regular baby formulas\n\n\nContains OptiGRO to support the development of the baby\u2019s brain and eyes\n\n\n\n\n Similac Neosure \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 ISOMIL Special Formula\n\n\n\n\nISOMIL is soy-based formula milk that is a good alternative to normal breast milk. This product is formulated for babies with Cow\u2019s Milk Protein (CMPA) allergies.\n\n\nIf your child is allergic to lactose, this soy-based product would be ideal. However, parents are advised to seek the advice of a paediatrician first as babies are not commonly born with lactose intolerance.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nSpecial formulation to accommodate babies with allergies\n\n\n100% lactose-free\u00a0\n\n\n100% cow\u2019s milk\n\n\nPlus with EyeQ Plus\n\n\nHigher lutein and DHA to help the brain and eye development\n\n\n\n\n ISOMIL Soy Milk \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Similac GOLD Lactose Free\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSimilac GOLD is made for babies with food allergies, colic, and lactose intolerance. It is hypoallergenic and can reduce colic and stomach discomfort. \n\n\nSimilac is one of the more affordable brands available on the market today. However, it should be noted that it contains less DHA than other brands.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nEquipped with a 2\u2019-FL to encourage a strong and good immune system\n\n\nEye-Q system that contains a blend of unique vegetable oils for better DHA absorption\n\n\nContains natural lutein and Vitamin E - protects DHA from oxidation and nutrient combination - which allows for more brain cell connections\n\n\n\n\n Similac GOLD Lactose Free\u00a0 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Enfalac A+ Step 1\n\n\n\n\nEnfalac is a well-known milk formula that is easily available on the Malaysian market. Enfalac A+ Step 1 is suitable for newborns up until the age of 12 months. \n\n\nIt is the closest formula to breast milk and contains clinically proven levels of DHA and a blend of 2 dietary fibres, GOS and polydextrose, that can soften stool well.\n\n\nThis product is not only patented in Malaysia but also in the US, Europe, Singapore and Hing Kong.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nContains DHA and ARA for baby\u2019s visual development\n\n\nFormulated with a mixture containing GOS and PDX, which are both prebiotic in nature\n\n\n\n\n Enfalac A+ Step 1 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 S-26 Gold SMA\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nS-26 Gold SMA Infant Formula Milk Powder is a soft formula that helps to ensure balanced nutrition for a healthy baby. \n\n\nIt is a premium formula for babies with alpha-lactalbumin and enriched with whey-dominant protein. It is appropriate for babies from the ages of 1 to 12 months.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nContains over 3 times the Lutein, AA & DHA, alpha protein, 5 nucleotides and iron\n\n\nLutein is the dominant macular pigment on the retina of the eyes that is able to filter out blur rays and protect the eye\n\n\nContains more Oligofructose (OF), a prebiotic that supports gut health and promotes soft stool production\n\n\nContains alpha protein, a type of whey protein, that is easily digested, absorbed and assimilated by the body\n\n\nContains nucleotides that are the building blocks of good health\n\n\n\n\n S-26 Gold SMA\u00a0 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#7 Anmum Infacare Step 1\n\n\n\n\nAnmum Infacare Step 1 contains vitamins and minerals that your baby needs for growth and development, such as Nucleotides, Calcium, Zinc, Vitamins A, C, D3, Iron and Iodine. It is appropriate for babies from the ages of 1 to 12 months.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nInfant formula complete with essential fatty acids (EFAs: Omega-3, DHA, Gangliosides and Sialic Acid (SA))\n\n\nSA is an important component of brain tissue\n\n\nBifidobacterium lactis (DR10) helps improve the goodness of intestinal microflora in the gut and can help to reduce chances of diarrhoea\n\n\n\n\n Anmum Infacare Step 1 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#8 Dumex Mamex - Step 1\n\n\n\n\nThis product is suitable for babies from birth to 12 months old. This formula, however, is said to have less iron and zinc as compared to other brands.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nContains a helpful GOS/IcFOS Oligosaccharide Mixture (9:1)\n\n\nIncreases bifidobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract\n\n\nMaintains a healthy intestinal environment\n\n\nImproves the baby\u2019s intestinal immune system\n\n\nKey nutrients include DHA, AA, Prebiotics GOS/IcFos (9:1), Omega 3 & 6, Nucleotides, Taurine\n\n\n\n\n Dumex Mamex - Step 1 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#9 Nestle NAN HA Stage 1 Hypoallergenic\n\n\n\n\nNAN HA formula milk is recommended for babies that are at risk of allergies. It is a premium Switzerland brand that is designed for babies from the ages of 0 to 12 months old. \n\n\nThis milk powder may taste slightly different from others due to the hydrolysis process.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nProvides essential nutrients for the growth and development of the baby\n\n\nIt is also the best choice for babies who may have allergies or sensitive skin as it is hypoallergenic and easy for babies to digest\n\n\nContains a portion of a mixture of hydrolyzed proteins, which helps to break down a cow\u2019s milk protein into smaller fragments for easier absorption\n\n\nContains probiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis) to improve the intestinal microflora which discourages diarrhoea\n\n\nAlso contains nucleotides and long chains of unsaturated fatty acids (DHA & ARA)\n\n\n\n\n Nestle NAN HA Stage 1 Hypoallergenic \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#10 Bellamy\u2019s Organic Equifina Infant Formula\n\n\n\n\nBellamy\u2019s Organic Equifina Infant Formula is suitable for babies from birth to 12 months old. It is made from approved organic cow\u2019s milk and blended with essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.\n\n\n You can rest assured when serving it to your baby as it is recommended by the Australian Food\u2019s World Class Guidelines.\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nThis formula is whey protein-based, which is easy for babies to digest and perfectly balanced to give babies the nutrition they need\n\n\n100% organic milk, which is most effective when taken during the first few months after birth\n\n\nMade with approved organic ingredients\n\n\nEQUIFINA Organic Infant Formula is a new and improved recipe that contains DHA, ARA and GOS\n\n\nAustralian product that has organic certification by NASAA and ACO BPA\n\n\n\n\n Bellamy\u2019s Organic Equifina Infant Formula \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nTips for Using and Storing Milk Formula\n\n\n\n\nA prepared formula can spoil if it is left at room temperature. Do ensure that you use your formula within 2 hours after its preparation and within 1 hour from the start of breastfeeding. If you do not use the formula that has been made within the first 2 hours, do make sure to immediately refrigerate the bottle and use it within 24 hours.\n\n\nDiscard any formula residue left in the bottle after a breastfeeding session. The combination of formula milk and baby saliva can cause bacteria to multiply. Be sure to wash and disinfect the bottle before the next use.\n\n\nDo store unopened formula containers in a cool and dry indoor area (Avoid vehicles, car garages and outdoor areas)\n\n\nOnce opened, store milk formula in a cool and dry place with the lid tightly closed. Do note the date that the jar was first opened.\n\n\nDo not continue to use the formula after the \u2018Use Before\u2019 date on the container.\n\n\n\n\nWe hope this article on the best baby milk formula would be useful for new parents out there. Happy parenting!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \n6 Best Baby Diaper Bags On The Market That Suit Both Moms & Dads!\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lazy-skincare-guide", "title": "5 Simple & Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin: A Lazy Person\u2019s Guide", "body": "Did you know that one of the first things a person notices about another is their skin? Well, the skin on their face to be exact. This is because when you look at someone\u2019s face, you can\u2019t avoid looking at their features and since the skin is the largest organ on the human body it\u2019ll definitely get the most attention.\n\n\nThat is why it is important to make sure that your skin is as healthy as it can be. However, the skincare process isn\u2019t something that is enjoyed by all as it can be time-consuming and overall bothersome to do. Therefore, we\u2019ve scoured the internet for the best ways to keep your skin healthy without having to go through so many complicated beauty processes.\n\n\n1. Sleep\n\n\n\n\nWhen we stated in the title that it\u2019d be a lazy person\u2019s guide to skincare we weren\u2019t kidding for as you can see the first thing we recommend you do is to get some sleep. A restful sleep alone can do wonders for your skin. Try it out for yourself and see how radiant and rejuvenated you look after waking up from a good night\u2019s sleep as opposed to a fitful one. Make sure that you\u2019re also wearing a\u00a0\ncomfortable sleep t-shirt\n\u00a0as it\u2019ll help you to sleep soundly.\n\n\n2. Drink Water\n\n\n\n\nAnother easy task is to just drink water. Over the course of a day, you do get thirsty anyway so this certainly isn\u2019t a chore to do. Besides quenching the thirst in your throat, the consumption of water also quenches your skin\u2019s thirst as it feeds it from within. Skin that\u2019s been well-fed looks soft and supple instead of dry and cracked.\n\n\n3. Sweat\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re the type to sweat easily even while doing nothing then you won\u2019t need to exercise at all. But if you aren\u2019t that won\u2019t matter much since Malaysia is a hot country and no one can escape from the scorching heat. The great thing about sweating is that it helps to purge dirt, grime, bacteria, and impurities from your skin, making it look much healthier in the long run.\n\n\n4. Avoid Polluted Surroundings\n\n\n\n\nOverall, pollution isn\u2019t only bad for your skin but also for your health. So, make sure to avoid it as best as you can. If a certain location is polluted with smoke be it from vehicles, cigarettes or any type of smoke for that matter, get out of there and protect your precious skin. While avoiding such situations, you might even sweat a little which as mentioned before is good for you.\n\n\n5. Moisturiser & Lotion\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nIf the previous four points had nothing to do with skincare products this last one will. But you don\u2019t have to worry as these two products are easy to apply and won\u2019t take up any time at all. All you need to do is to slap on some moisturiser once or twice a day and also some lotion on top. The moisturiser will help to keep your skin moist (in a good way) and hydrated while the lotion will protect your skin from the sun\u2019s harsh rays.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lego-christmas-2020", "title": "Celebrate A Very LEGO\u00ae Christmas At Home With The Family", "body": "It\u2019s been a really long year indeed but it is finally the festive season. For parents, this also means it\u2019s time to start buying Christmas presents for the kids.\u00a0\n\n\nThis magical holiday is made even more special when you can spend time as a family bonding. One of our favourite ways of bonding as a family is to play with LEGO\u00ae sets!\n\n\nSo here\u2019s a roundup of LEGO\u00ae sets to get this Christmas that can be fun for the whole family:\u00a0\n\n\n1. LEGO\n\u00ae\n Elf Club House\n\n\n\n\nThe LEGO Elf Club House includes all the trappings of a wonderful Christmas, including a waffle machine to re-fuel the elves after a long day of toy making! There is even a brick-built repositionable chimney and even a \u2018sleighport\u2019 to park the elf\u2019s sleigh in, ready to load up with presents for \nadults and children.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to put up the LEGO\u00ae Elf Clubhouse Christmas Tree, which is brimming with colourful baubles. Building this set with the family won\u2019t just be for fun, it will also make a beautiful centrepiece for your home decorations. \n\n\nMeasuring 22cm high and 13cm deep, this set even comes with a light brick to illuminate the festive scene!\n\n\n2. LEGO\u00ae\u00a0Harry Potter\u2122 Advent Calendar\n\n\n\n\nAdvent calendars are always fun, counting down the days to Christmas! It\u2019s made even more magical when it\u2019s Harry Potter themed! There are 24 doors in this set, to mark each day in December counting down to Christmas.\n\n\nThe calendar also contains \nminifigures \u2013 including Harry Potter, Hermione Granger\u2122, Ron Weasley\u2122, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil and Cho Chang \u2013 as well as buildable models such as a miniature Beauxbaton\u2019s carriage and a dining table with ice-castle centerpiece.\n\n\n3. LEGO\u00ae\u00a0Star Wars\u2122 Advent Calendar\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis features 6 LEGO minifigures and 6 LEGO figures such as Darth Vader with Christmas sweater decoration and Tauntaun with a red nose. 12 mini build toys, including Anakin\u2019s Podracer, a Republic Cruiser and Darth Vader\u2019s Castle\u00a0\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nLEGO\u00ae \nAdventures with Mario Starter Course\n\n\n\n\nDuring this festive season, \nAdventures with Mario Starter Course\n will be available at a 20% discount at all retailers. The Starter Course is key to unlocking the entire gameplay, being the only set to feature the interactive LEGO Mario figure that collects coins in game levels created with LEGO bricks. LEGO Super Mario brings new interactivity and gameplay to the traditional LEGO brick experience, while reinventing the way people interact with Super Mario in the physical world.\u00a0\n\n\n4. \nLEGO\u00ae \nDUPLO Modular Playhouse\n\n\n\n\nToddlers will love the LEGO\u00ae DUPLO Modular Playhouse which teaches them about everyday life such as cooking, mealtime and bedtime routines. The 3-in-1 dollhouse playset can also be rebuilt and transformed into a tower house or a residential house.\u00a0\n\n\n5. LEGO\n\u00ae \nDisney Belle\u2019s Castle Winter Celebration\n\n\n\n\nSend your kids on a magical journey as they join Belle and the Beast in the colourful castle with multiple rooms and buildable accessories.\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nLEGO\u00ae City Police Station\n\n\n\n\nIf your kids love real-life superheroes (thank you, frontliners!), then they will love playing with this set LEGO light-brick searchlights and cool police vehicles with roof lights and siren for realistic car chases (or in our case, police blocks!). \n\n\n7. LEGO\u00ae Friends Summer Fun Water Park\n\n\n\n\nWe may not be able to go out to the water parks right now, but there is no reason why we cannot bring the water parks home to our kids. Comprising cool water slides and a cute Unicorn float as well as an ice-cream truck, this set will keep the kids entertained for hours as we patiently wait for the day we can hit those water parks again. \n\n\n8. LEGO\u00ae Ninjago Empire Temple of Madness\n\n\n\n\nArm your kids with the tools to fight alongside their ninja heroes against forces of evil, a sure favourite among older boys who love the Ninjago series.\n\n\n9. LEGO\u00ae Monkie Kid Monkey King Warrior Mech\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nFinally, complete your Monkie Kid collection this set, with a Golden Staff, and character minifigures atop the Cloud and Flower Fruit Mountain builds to defeat Bull Clones at Pigsy\u2019s noodle shop.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a really fun time of the year because these toys that we buy for our children also prove to have a lot of entertainment value to us adults!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHe is itching to open his Christmas present already. Perhaps next year we will have to wrap it up a little more discreetly. Happy holidays and happy shopping, parents!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/overnight-watermelon", "title": "Woman Almost Dies From Bacterial Infection After Eating Watermelon Left in Fridge Overnight", "body": "Don\u2019t want to waste excess rice cooked from dinner? Thinking of saving the plate of cut fruits for later? Off they go into the fridge for the next lunch, dinner, or whenever the occasion calls for it.\n\n\nKeeping leftover food overnight in the fridge has become second nature in many households. While some, if not many of us remain relatively fine, certain people could experience discomfort, food poisoning or in extreme cases, even death.\n\n\nFor a 50-year-old woman in Wuhan City, it was a severe case of bacterial infection that almost claimed her life.\n\n\nConsumed Overnight Watermelon after 2 Days\n\n\nAccording to a \nSin Chew Daily report\n on 18 June, the woman previously bought a watermelon and consumed half of it. She then placed the remaining half into the fridge for storage overnight.\u00a0\n\n\nThe next time she took it out for consumption was two days later.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: iStock\n\n\n\n\nExperienced a Bout of Illness\n\n\nWhile no further details were given, on whether the woman stored the watermelon incorrectly, or if the watermelon had been contaminated even before she placed it in the fridge, it led to severe consequences.\n\n\nThe woman first started displaying symptoms such as chills and fever after consuming the overnight watermelon.\n\n\nAccording to Sin Chew, her condition worsened the next day. She experienced blurry vision, weakness in both legs, as well as her body trembling all over.\n\n\nShe was rushed to the hospital immediately for emergency treatment.\u00a0\n\n\nFacing Life-threatening Situation\n\n\nAfter hospitalisation, it was revealed that the woman developed \u201cshock blood pressure\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nIt pointed towards a severe bacterial infection where the bacteria count in her body was thousands of times higher than normal.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to Sin Chew, the bacteria entering the bloodstream from the intestine could potentially cause sepsis and septic shock, placing her in a life-threatening situation.\u00a0\n\n\nFortunately for the woman, her condition stabilised after doctors fought to rescue her.\n\n\nAs to what could have caused the bacterial growth, an Associate professor from the China Agricultural University attributed it to two factors: an unclean fridge or overly high temperature within the fridge.\n\n\nSimilar Incident in 2018\n\n\nThis is not the first time where such an incident have taken place.\n\n\nIn 2018, a man was \ndiagnosed with necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)\n, a medical condition where a portion of the bowel rots and dies, after eating overnight watermelon.\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Apple TV screengrab\n\n\n\n\nDoctors also attributed the cause to a bacterial infection. The 70-year-old also had 70cm of his small intestines removed.\n\n\nIt is noted that \nnecrotising enterocolitis\n is a severe condition that often affects babies, particularly those born prematurely. It leads us to think twice about our own food handling practices to protect loved ones at home.\n\n\nImproper Food Handling has Consequences\n\n\nWhile both were fortunate to have escaped from the clutches of death, the lesson here remains: improper food handling can lead to consequences.\n\n\nIt is even more worrisome for certain groups of people more susceptible to developing foodborne illnesses. They include:\n\n\n\n\nInfants and young children\n\n\nPregnant women and their fetuses\n\n\nOlder adults\n\n\nPeople with weak immune systems\n\n\n\n\nIt leads us to think about how the contamination could have occurred and if it could have been prevented. Whether it is watermelon or other food items, consider:\n\n\n\n\nWas it stored near raw meat?\n\n\nWas it sealed and stored correctly?\n\n\nHad it been left in the open for too long before storage in the fridge?\n\n\nHow was its condition before purchase?\n\n\nWas it placed on a dirty surface?\n\n\nWas the food left in the fridge for far too long?\n\n\n\n\nAnd above all else, it is important to note that food safety starts from the moment you choose to make a purchase.\n\n\nHere are some tips to keep in mind to keep the entire family safe.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nStore overnight watermelon properly to avoid the risk of contamination. | Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTips for Storing Watermelon Safely\n\n\nThe \nU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)\n recommends storing watermelons at a temperature of around \n4\u00baC\n (40 degrees Fahrenheit) and below.\u00a0\n\n\nIf watermelon pieces sit out at room temperature for longer than two hours, be sure to discard them.\n\n\nHere are other safety considerations:\n\n\n\n\nWhen buying pre-cut or packaged watermelon, choose only those refrigerated or surrounded by ice\n\n\nFor whole watermelons\n\n\n\nRun cold water over watermelon. Wipe the outside to remove any dirt or residue and pat with a clean, dry towel or paper towels\n\n\nStore in the fridge for no more than one week\u00a0\n\n\nStore at room temperature for one to two weeks\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor cut watermelons\n\n\n\nIf removing seeds, use the tip of a knife instead of hands\u00a0\n\n\nWrap tightly in plastic, or in an airtight container and refrigerate\n\n\nTo be eaten within three to five days (the sooner you eat it, the better!)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOther Tips to Keep Your Food Safe at Home\n\n\n\n\nDo not dismiss basic hygiene practices such as\u00a0\nwashing your hands\u00a0\nproperly\n\u00a0before handling any kind of food.\n\n\nStore fresh fruits (except bananas) and vegetables in the refrigerator.\n\n\nStore fruits and vegetables in\u00a0\nseparate compartments.\n\u00a0When fruits ripen, they can cause green vegetables to turn yellow.\n\n\nKeep fresh produce\u00a0\nseparate\n\u00a0from raw meat, poultry, and seafood products.\n\n\nEnsure that your fridge is cold enough, typically\u00a0\nbetween 0\u00baC and 4\u00baC.\n\u00a0This increases shelf life and decreases bacterial growth.\n\n\nProtect your food from\u00a0\npathogens\n. Always READ the label for storage instructions.\n\n\nStore cut fruits and vegetables in\u00a0\nsealed plastic bags or clean and properly-covered containers\n\u00a0in the refrigerator. This helps to prevent cross-contamination.\n\n\nStore hardy root vegetables (e.g potatoes, but discard them if they\u2019re green) and fresh fruits that need ripening, at\u00a0\nroom temperature.\n\n\nAlways ensure you have\u00a0\nclean hands\n\u00a0when handling fruits or vegetables for raw consumption (e.g. salads or garnishes). Ensure that anyone else in your home who handles food (e.g. your helper), follows the same rule.\u00a0\n\n\nUse\u00a0\nseparate chopping boards\n\u00a0and utensils when handling other kinds of raw foods such as meat products.\n\n\n\n\nLead image via iStock. For illustration purposes only.\n\n\nThis article was first published on \ntheAsianparent\n, and was \nrepublished\n with permission on theAsianparent Malaysia.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/year-of-the-tiger", "title": "Celebrate This Chinese New Year With Purpose!", "body": "Chinese New Year is around the corner! This year is the year of the Tiger which symbolizes strength, power, and prosperity.\u00a0\n\n\nBatik Boutique values and celebrates different cultures and creates products for you and your loved ones with love.\n\n\nCelebrate the year of Tiger with Batik Boutique\u2019s \u201c\nCNY 2022 Collection\n\u201d by buying meaningful gifts for your family, friends, and loved ones that gives back to the community.\n\n\n\n\n Hari Hari Mau Celebrate Gift Set\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBatik Boutique\u2019s \u201c\nHari Hari Mau Celebrate Gift Set\n\u201d set is designed to celebrate the year of the tiger with your friends, family, and loved ones. It comes with a crimson nasi lemak zip pouch, a crimson nasi lemak face mask, a jar of homemade cookies from \u201cSugar and I\u201d, and a pack of eight CNY tiger-themed ang pao\u2019s.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Hari Hari Mau Bake Gift Set\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBake in style with Batik Boutique\u2019s \u201c\nHari Hari Mau Bake Gift Set\n\u201c. This gift set comes with an apron, a whisk, two jars of homemade cookies from \u201cSugar and I\u201d, and a pack of eight CNY tiger-themed ang pao\u2019s.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Hari Hari Mau Gather Gift Set\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWondering what gift to give to your loved ones this CNY? Get Batik Boutique\u2019s \u201c\nHari Hari Mau Gather Gift Set\n\u201d that\u2019s created to celebrate the reunion with your friends, families, and loved one\u2019s house with its bold and elegant design. \n\n\nThis set comes with a batik reversible pillow cover (with embroidered symbols for \u201chome\u201d in Mandarin), a set of two tea towels (with embroidered symbols for \u201creunion\u201d in Mandarin), a set of four coasters, two jars of homemade cookies from \u201cSugar and I\u201d, and a pack of eight CNY tiger-themed ang pao\u2019s.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Homeware Gift Set (Reversible) \u2013 Crimson Tiger\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThese reversible \nplacemats and coasters\n are perfect for brightening up your reunion dinner. Make a statement with Batik Boutique bold, unique, and vibrant printed reversible placemats and coasters. This set comes with four reversible batik placemats, four reversible batik coasters, and a brown kraft gift box with a colourful sticker ready for gifting.\n\n\n\n\n Hari Hari Mau DIY Batik Painting Kit\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis collection also includes a DIY batik painting kit, which allows you to experience and learn and paint your very own \nHari Hari Mau batik print\n at home. Get the family together and unleash everyone\u2019s inner Picasso. We have a guide on how you can \nuse your batik kit therapeutically\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Crimson Arrow Collection \u2013 Women\u2019s Apparel\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis bold and beautiful collection for women is not just stylish but it\u2019s unique and premium quality. Batik Boutique\u2019s \ncrimson arrow collection\n is designed to give your style and comfort. \n\n\nThey are comfortable enough to wear for any occasion such as around town, to the office, or a night out, this camisole is made using 100% natural fibre (cotton). \n\n\nThe camisole can be paired with batik shorts or a batik skirt making it a versatile addition to your sustainable wardrobe.\n\n\n\n\n Crimson Nasi Lemak \u2013 Men\u2019s Batik Shirt\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGift the man in your life this bold, stylish, unique, and premium quality batik shirt. Bring good luck this year with this \nred shirt\n. They are comfortable enough to wear for any occasion. They are made using 100% natural fibre (cotton), feature a chest pocket, and have a straight-fit design.\n\n\n\n\nBatik Boxer Shorts\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFinding the right gift for men could be challenging, and Batik Boutique knows that. Gift the man in your life a batik boxer that he will surely love. Batik Boutique\u2019s \nboxers\n are hand-printed 100% cotton batik boxers with an elastic waistband and a button closure, a metal shave brush, and shave cream made in Italy all packaged in a handsome gift box.\u00a0\n\n\nShop with purpose and every item purchased from this collection\n directly impacts the artisans involved.\n Each product tells a meaningful story behind Malaysian handmade pieces that will last you a lifetime. Shop online and in-store at \nBatik Boutique\n and let\u2019s do good together.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhy Does My Child Only Root For The Bad Guy When Watching TV?\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nBagaimana Nak Merapatkan Hubungan Dengan Bayi Baru Lahir? Ini 5 Cara Yang Anda Boleh Cuba\nParenting\nBoost Your Child\u2019s Immunity So You Don\u2019t Have to Worry About Them Playing Outside in the Rain\nKesihatan\nPencegahan 101: Panduan Ringkas Dalam Melindungi Bayi Anda Terhadap Rotavirus\nAktiviti anak\n8 awesome ideas to keep your child busy\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/symptom-of-dengue", "title": "Symptoms of Dengue Parents Might Miss Out", "body": "My 14-month old son has this bad habit of scratching himself and when I check his skin, there often is nothing. But that is his way of communicating in a non-verbal way that a spot itches.\n\n\nIn fact, most children are not able to string full, coherent sentences together until they are out of diapers. Some children can say a few words here and there but usually not enough to vocalise what is going on.\u00a0\n\n\nSo as parents, we always have to read into their non-verbal cues to know what is going on with them.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides observation, like noting that a spot itches, parents should also identify other telltale signs of something more serious by knowing what these various spots and markings mean.\n\n\nEspecially with dengue season around the corner again, there is concern that parents might not know if their kids are experiencing symptoms because some kids may not be able to tell their kids when something is wrong at such a young age.\u00a0\n\n\nIn that case, it\u2019s also good to know the symptoms off the top of your head so you might be able to identify it easily if you spot them.\n\n\nA symptom of dengue parents might miss out\n\n\n1. Rashes\n\n\nAt this young age, many children still suffer from sporadic skin outbreaks, so one of the most common symptoms of dengue that parents might miss out is rashes.\u00a0\n\n\nRashes are a clear indication that something is wrong with your child \u2013 whether it is an allergy or something deeper like dengue, rashes is a symptom of dengue parents tend to miss out on sometimes, thinking it might just be contact dermatitis.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is a symptom often missed out or disregarded if a child doesn\u2019t present with a fever in the beginnings.\n\n\n2. Fever\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nTrue to its name, dengue fever tends to come with high recorded body temperature. Most often, children who suffer from dengue fever will have temperatures as high as 40 degrees celsius.\u00a0\n\n\n3. A severe headache\n\n\nIf your child looks like they are in pain and they are clutching their head and crying, they might be experiencing a headache. This is one of the common symptoms of dengue.\n\n\n4. Severe aches and pains\n\n\nDengue fever, unfortunately, also causes really bad aches and pains in the body. Children will typically display a loss of appetite, loss of mood and a general lethargic outlook because of this.\n\n\nThis pain can even happen around or behind the eyes, which is really uncomfortable for the child.\n\n\n5. Mild bleeding from the gums or nose\n\n\nIt is possible for a child who is suffering from dengue fever to also experience this symptom.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Bruising easily\n\n\nThis symptom is also another hard one to identify because children, especially toddlers, tend to fall down and bruise a lot. But if you find that your child has more bruises than normal and they are not banging into things or falling down anymore, then it might be a symptom of dengue fever.\n\n\n7. Dehydration\n\n\nIf dengue fever is left untreated professionally fast enough, it is possible that the child might also experience dehydration. It is best not to even let it get to this point as dengue can be life-threatening.\n\n\nA symptom of dengue can start anywhere from the fourth day of being infected all the way up to 2 weeks, and the effects usually typically last up to a week.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you suspect your child is having dengue fever, it would be best to take them to see a doctor immediately.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nCan you prevent dengue fever?\n\n\nDespite there being a wide range of vaccines available in the market, there is yet to be one for dengue fever.\u00a0\n\n\nThough it is easily treatable, many parents would rather not have their children contract the virus in the first place.\u00a0\n\n\nSince there is no surefire way to prevent dengue fever, the best practice for parents is to keep their children away from mosquito-ridden areas.\u00a0\n\n\nThat is why you often see many accessories to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house, such as mosquito nets, installed in homes. Besides that, some parents also buy mosquito coils to burn or spray the house with mosquito repellent.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, the smell and particles in the air can be quite strong and may end up being more harmful to a young child\u2019s developing lungs.\u00a0\n\n\nWorld\u2019s first anti-mosquito diaper\n\n\nTo address this increasingly common problem that parents face, Mamypoko has introduced their new MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect diaper which comes with Japanese patented technology, integrating the natural mosquito repellent \u2013 lemongrass \u2013 into their diapers.\u00a0\n\n\nThe lemongrass extract is cleverly stored in microcapsules at the tapes, which is released when you rub the tape, so it never comes into contact with your child\u2019s skin.\u00a0\n\n\nThis diaper has been tested and proven to keep mosquitoes away from your little ones and to test its effectiveness, we got a packet to try out and here\u2019s what we found.\u00a0\n\n\nMamyPoko Extra Dry Protect diaper review\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHaving just turned 14 months old, my baby LOVES going out. We have taken him to parks, to the beach, to the zoo and to many more outdoor places.\u00a0\n\n\nBut my main concern when taking him to these places is of course, mosquitos. Being quite the mosquito-bait myself (thanks to my O-positive blood type!), I never wanted my son to experience the awful discomfort of being bitten mosquitos every time he goes out.\u00a0\n\n\nSo I did what any overly-concerned parent would do \u2013 I bought mosquito repellent patches for him and wrapped his stroller up in mosquito nets. He would tear off the patches and swat away the mosquito nets almost instantly and he would be left vulnerable to those bloodsucking predators!\n\n\nThen I noticed that he would come home with one or two bites on him and he would claw at the itchy spots all night, which is absolutely heartbreaking for any mum to see.\u00a0\n\n\nSince we tried the MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect anti-mosquito diapers, we noticed that his outings have been a lot less worrisome, for one. And secondly, he would come home without a single bite.\u00a0\n\n\nWe started using it at home and at night too, especially on those nights we choose not to have the air-conditioner on and we crack open his room door for ventilation.\u00a0\n\n\nI also don\u2019t have to turn on the noisy mosquito killer machine which tends to disturb his sleep.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides just repelling mosquitos, the MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect diaper also promises a good night sleep to the little ones and I noticed that wearing this diaper, my son slept easily through the night and woke up still feeling fresh.\u00a0\n\n\nOne point to note as well here is that despite being an effective mosquito repelling diaper, the lemongrass smell is not overpowering at all and is actually quite pleasant. Even after rubbing the tape part of the diaper, my fingers don\u2019t have any lingering smell of lemongrass on it.\u00a0\n\n\nAll in all, it is quite the all-rounder diaper that is very functional even as it offers extra advantages like being anti-mosquito.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is something I would recommend to parents living in this tropical climate who want to ease their worries.\n\n\nFor more information on MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect, visit the MamyPoko website \nhere\n or get a packet from \nShopee\n or \nLazada\n now.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/intermittent-fasting-pregnancy", "title": "Intermittent Fasting and Pregnancy", "body": "If you have ever struggled to control your weight, you may have given intermittent fasting a try. Many adherents of the practice swear it can help you manage your weight and even stave off conditions such as Type 2 diabetes.\u00a0 However, is it safe for pregnant women?\u00a0\n\n\nGrowing babies need a ton of nutrition and a stable environment in which to thrive. While intermittent fasting does offer some health benefits, do they outweigh the risks to the fetus?\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Is Intermittent Fasting, and Why Do People Practice It?\u00a0\n\n\nIntermittent fasting (IF) refers to restricting your eating to specified hours of the day or days of the week. Two basic variations exist.\u00a0\n\n\nThe first form of IF resembles the natural fast many people experience when they sleep. However,\n\u00a0dieters restrict their intake\n\u00a0for more than the typical eight-hour period. They may eat normally between the hours of noon to 8 p.m., for example. Then, they fast for 16 hours.\n\n\nThe second form entails eating normally on some days of the week but restricting caloric intake to 20% of the typical amount consumed on other days.\u00a0\n\n\nFasting on just juice for a period \u2014 you may have heard this referred to as \u201cjuicing\u201d or \u201cjuice cleansing\u201d \u2014 is another popular method of intermittent fasting. Supporters of this method claim juicing eliminates toxins from the body, though\n\u00a0no solid evidence currently exists\n\u00a0to support such claims.\n\n\nAdherents of IF claim they experience more energy and significant health benefits. Research shows that this method of weight control\n\u00a0does reduce insulin levels\n\u00a0substantially, which can potentially help counteract Type 2 diabetes. It could also help supercharge the paring-down efforts of those who find shedding unwanted pounds challenging due to insulin resistance. In addition, it may help remove waste from cells more quickly and speed cellular repair.\u00a0\n\n\nIs IF Safe for Pregnant Women?\n\n\nAs beneficial as IF is for many individuals, pregnant women shouldn\u2019t engage in the practice for multiple reasons. IF may prove dangerous for pregnant women due to blood sugar levels. If you have ever gotten extremely hungry, you\u2019re familiar with how you can grow dizzy and lightheaded from a lack of food. This sensation can cause pregnant women to pass out and fall, potentially hurting their fetus \u2014 or themselves. Expectant mothers have a higher tendency to develop joint disorders already, and a fall could cause painful injury.\u00a0\n\n\nAnother reason pregnant women should avoid intermittent fasting has to do with their recommended caloric intake. Women need\n\u00a0an additional 300 calories per day\n\u00a0while expecting, and it can prove challenging to meet this need, particularly if she participates in the every-other-day fast.\u00a0\n\n\nThis increased need for energy and nutrients is why doctors advise women with a baby on board to hit pause on their weight loss efforts until after childbirth. They recommend that even\n\u00a0obese women gain 11-20 pounds\n\u00a0throughout their pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nSuggested Methods of Weight Control During Pregnancy\u00a0\n\n\nIf doctors don\u2019t recommend IF for pregnant women, what can moms-to-be with concerns about their weight do? For starters, they should follow their OB-GYN\u2019s recommendations for how much to consume and gain.\u00a0\n\n\nIn general, it is\n\u00a0safe for pregnant women to exercise\n\u00a0unless they have an underlying health concern. You should avoid high-intensity or contact sports, however. Swimming and walking are ideal choices, as is riding a stationary bike or elliptical machine. Working out helps control your weight and might assist you with shedding excess pounds once you give birth.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile you do need extra calories, you don\u2019t want to get them all from high-fat, processed foods. Strive to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet to ensure you and your baby get all the phytonutrients you need to thrive. If you experience morning sickness, keeping whole-grain crackers by your bedside can help curb nausea that sometimes arises from blood sugar fluctuations.\u00a0\n\n\nHitting Pause on Intermittent Fasting During Pregnancy\u00a0\n\n\nWhile IF can offer a host of health benefits pregnant women should give it a pass. Expectant mothers need to focus on keeping their blood sugar stable and feeding their unborn child. They can always use the technique to shed the baby weight once childbirth and breastfeeding conclude.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\u00a0\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nMental Health During Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vegetable-storage", "title": "4 Types of Long-Lasting Vegetables to Have in Your Kitchen", "body": "Unless you\u2019re the type of person who enjoys going grocery shopping on a daily or weekly basis, you might consider getting the vegetables listed below. They\u2019ll save you not just time but also money as you won\u2019t have to make frequent runs to the store. This is because out of all the various vegetables out there, they tend to last the longest if you know how to properly care for them that is.\n\n\n1. Cabbage\n\n\n\n\nAlthough it might not be a favourite of many (to be honest all vegetables are like that), it is without a doubt a versatile vegetable as it can be eaten as it is or after it has been cooked. To ensure that your cabbage lasts for an extended period of time, don\u2019t wash it unless you\u2019re about to use it, handle with care so it doesn\u2019t bruise, and keep it wrapped in plastic in the vegetable drawer. If you follow these rules, your cabbage can even last up to two months.\n\n\n2. Garlic\n\n\n\n\nGarlic that is untouched will last for months; even half a year is possible. If the cloves are separated, it will last up to a month or two. But once you chop a part of it off, the most you\u2019ll have is a week before it\u2019ll start going bad. To prevent the remaining half from being wastefully tossed away, place it in the fridge in a container. However, if brown or yellow spots appear then that means it\u2019s on its way to spoiling.\n\n\n3. Onions\n\n\n\n\npi Onions kept on the kitchen counter can last more than a month. Keep them in the fridge and it\u2019ll last for several more weeks. For a much longer shelf life, say about eight months or so, place your onions in the freezer. Nonetheless, their shelf life will significantly decrease if the skins have been removed. To prolong its life for about a week, you can store the peeled onions in the fridge inside a container.\n\n\n4. Potatoes\n\n\n\n\nWhen storing them, keep them away from onions and apples. This is because when potatoes are in close contact with them it\u2019ll cause it to ripen more quickly due to the natural gasses emitted. The shelf life of potatoes stored in the fridge can be up to four months. If it\u2019s kept outside then it\u2019ll maybe last about two to five weeks. But if the surrounding temperature rises, it\u2019ll ripen and spoil faster.\n\n\nThese vegetables don\u2019t just have a long shelf life but they\u2019re also useful in many recipes so it definitely won\u2019t be a waste for you to have them in your pantry. Know what else won\u2019t be a waste to get for your home? Our\u00a0\ncustom-made gift items\n\u00a0of course! Shop today!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/motherhood-commandments", "title": "Motherhood, Working & Raising Kids in 2020", "body": "For centuries, mothers have been handling the show. In the words of Beyonce, \u201cwho run the world?\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nThe things mothers do at home and outside the house, to maintain a sane, safe space for their kids and families have not deserved the attention, appreciation and respect that\u2019s due. Often times these responsibilities are not even considered \u201creal work\u201d \u2013 a sentiment within many families and often our culture as a whole. This isn\u2019t an Asian thing by any means \u2013 it\u2019s a global epidemic. In fact, across the world, American women are now finally putting their foot down and declaring 2020 be The Year of The Mother. But The United States has jumped on the pro-motherhood bandwagon for awhile now \u2013 2019 even saw some presidential candidates talk motherhood on the campaign trail. Americans are trying to recruit everyone onto this train\u00a0 \u2013 presidential candidates, employers, communities and even their partners \u2013 to take action to help mothers go from \u201csurviving motherhood to thriving motherhood\u201d. After all, it takes a village\u2026.\n\n\nThe official date has been set for a synchronized social launch to be on Monday, January 20, 2020. \u2013 the official day to mark 2020 The Year of The Mother.\n\n\nOf course, there\u2019s no one that can deny that career and motherhood come together as one of the greatest balancing acts of our time. And there will be no perfect balance, ever. It will be hard. And you will often be filled with emotion, confusion and exhaustion. Remember, there is no way to have it all but it is possible to navigate this terrain a little better, and we are here to do our part and help.\n\n\nHere are our 5 commandments for you to work with immediately:\n\n\n\n\nDitch The Guilt\n\u00a0\u2013 You\u2019ll never be able to do 100% of things at 100% quality 100% of the time. It\u2019s impossible, so there is no aim in even trying for perfection. You can just focus on what your best is \u2013 not the best according to your friends, or society \u2013 but your personal best. Your best is one that\u2019s based on your specific priorities for that day or month and things may fluctuate. So focus on your priorities for the moment and work towards that.\u00a0\n\n\n\nFind Quality Child Care\n \u2013 You have other things to focus on, so worrying about how your kids will be in the hands of someone else is certainly not an added stress you can afford. So whether looking for reliable relatives, nannies, or daycare centres, make a list based on criteria that you value and do your research into the quality of service they provide. Always make sure you find someone with a reference you trust. Having quality childcare can mentally ease you up and allow you to focus on other aspects of your life.\n\n\n\nMake Mornings Easier\n \u2013 A hectic morning can certainly send your mood and day into a frenzy. So as much as possible, use the evening before to prepare so you\u2019re not rushing when the sun rises. Whether it\u2019s packing lunches, ironing your outfit, or organising your home, finish it off before you head to bed. This way your mornings can start slower \u2013 with a coffee, some breakfast \u2013 and you can head out calm.\u00a0\n\n\n\nCommunicate With Your Employer\n\u00a0\u2013 Are there flexible arrangements you could be making use of? Perhaps a work from home policy or the opportunity to leave early on specific days? Go into the meeting prepared to efficiently communicate your needs and also come with proposed solutions \u2013 list out stuff that works for you and is also beneficial to your employer.\u00a0\n\n\n\nLimit Distractions And Time Wasters\n\u00a0\u2013 Social media, TV, endless online scrolling. Save up your evenings and morning for your kids and your partner. And when you do spend time with your family, give them your full attention; try not to multitask.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-you-go-on-family-holiday", "title": "5 Reasons Why You Should Bring Your Kids on Holiday", "body": "Family holiday is great for creating memories and of course, taking a breather from the stresses of the city or home life. But, although holidays are associated with a chance for parents to unwind and destress, vacations also offer opportunities for your child to reach their developmental milestones.\u00a0\n\n\nStudies have found that when children encounter new experiences, the \nexisting memory structures within the brain are reshaped\n and ultimately impacts their linguistics, cognitive, social, as well as emotional development.\u00a0\n\n\nThat\u2019s right, your child might grow smarter just by taking them on a family holiday \u2013 it is definitely a win-win situation, and here are the ways it can help with their growth during their crucial early years.\u00a0\n\n\nIt triggers their PLAY and SEEKING brain systems\n\n\nAs we know, holidays equal to new experiences. However, there is a science behind why we feel the way we do on holidays and why children are more content during their time away.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to research, family holiday is a chance to \nexercise two systems ingrained within the brain\u2019s limbic area\n known as the PLAY system and the SEEKING system. The PLAY system is exercised during playful times such as when you piggyback your child or tickle them, while the SEEKING system is used when exploring a new environment.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhen these systems are activated, they trigger the release of positive neurochemicals which causes children to exhibit warm and generous feelings \u2013 they become seemingly unworried within their environment. Exercising these systems enhances brain growth and maturation of the frontal lobes, which is the part of the brain which supports their cognitive function, social intelligence and goal-oriented behaviour.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the long run, this gives children the opportunities to develop their future selves into creative adults that have the ability to experiment with ideas.\u00a0\n\n\nIt can improve their social-emotional interaction\n\n\nSocial-emotional development\n is the developing capacity of a child within their first five years. It is related to how they form close and secure peer or adult relationships through experience, regulating and expressing emotions in socially, as well as culturally appropriate ways.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, social interaction teaches them the importance of aspects such as teamwork and helps develop their communication skills as they encounter these new holiday experiences.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThey are bound to meet people from various cultures within a new environment. Therefore, children will be exposed to people, languages and etiquettes they might not deal within their daily life.\u00a0\n\n\nGoing on a family holiday will also mean meeting many other kids their age. New kids could equal new languages or different communication ways that will provide them with an opportunity to learn how to interact with others in an appropriate manner.\n\n\nThey will broaden their horizons\n\n\nYou might be familiar with the idea that travel is a great teacher. Likewise, children learn best when they are hands-on during a trip. As much as they learn theories and scenarios using a textbook in school, nothing comes close to actually facing them in real life.\u00a0\n\n\nFor instance, a child who has been taught about chlorine in swimming pools will learn better if he or she is able to smell the chlorine in the water when he takes a dip. Other things that children observe and take part in while on holiday are asking for directions, reading signboards, new languages, culture and different ways people live their lives in other parts of the country and the world.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nYou will be creating out-of-school learning opportunities just by bringing them on a holiday and letting them explore by themselves!\n\n\nThey will be taught new responsibilities\n\n\nInterestingly, children shoulder responsibilities better when they are out and about instead of when they are at home. If they are asked to help with folding clothes at home, they might try to get out of it but if you ask them to pack their bags for a holiday, they will jump in and get started in a jiffy.\u00a0\n\n\nGoing on holiday allows them better accountability and responsibility, especially in situations such as sticking to the safety precautions at the pool or beach.\u00a0\n\n\nMoreover, older children shoulder responsibilities for their younger siblings by keeping a watchful eye to ensure they are not out of sight when the adults are away. Being in situations like these will help them to develop decision-making skills and exercise their roles, as well as responsibilities.\u00a0\n\n\nThey can apply their knowledge in real-life situations\n\n\nKids observe and learn things very quickly. They are quick to adapt and will try to apply whatever they learn during their travel once they are back home. With enriched experiences and lifted spirits, kids will start to improve on their personal skills naturally.\u00a0\n\n\nLearning about a new culture, new languages, tasting new food and shouldering responsibilities will help develop them as adults as they come across more real-world knowledge.\u00a0\n\n\nHead to Desaru Coast for your next family getaway!\n\n\nLocated at the eastern tip of Peninsular Malaysia, Desaru Coast is only a \nmere four-hour drive\n from Kuala Lumpur via the North-South Expressway. \nT\nhe journey to Desaru Coast can also serve as an opportunity to become a fun road trip and make it more exciting for your kids by stopping at interesting places along the way.\u00a0\n\n\nThe beaches are perfect for family holidays as it is a seemingly less crowded destination \u2013 a definite plus within the standards of the new norm.\n\n\n\n\nThe 17-kilometre stretch of palm-fringed beaches is wide and offers families a space away from the crowds, giving you privacy for your kids to thoroughly enjoy their stay. The white sandy beach will be a great place for children to explore and have fun while you can rest and relax.\u00a0\n\n\nDesaru Coast is only a four-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur and there are four resorts \u2013 Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast, the Westin Desaru Coast Resort, Anantara Desaru Coast Resort & Villas and One&Only Desaru Coast \u2013 that are all within close proximity to the beach!\n\n\n\n\nBesides that, the Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast offers kids thrilling experiences and houses one of the biggest wave pools in the world. They have age-appropriate water lay equipment and a 350-meter lazy river, among other attractions.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDesaru is also accessible via flight \u2013 it is a one hour journey to Senai International Airport and another hour shuttle to Desaru Coast.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, are you ready to plan your next family holiday?\n Visit \ndesarucoast.com\n for more information and to book your stay!\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n website.\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\n\nhttps://my.theasianparent.com6-sebab-saintifik-kenapa-anda-perlu-bawa-anak-anda-pergi-bercuti\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/understanding-how-to-handle-money-through-real-life-experiences", "title": "Understanding How To Handle Money Through Real Life Experiences", "body": "Freestylers believe that real-life experience is the best way for a child to learn how to manage money. They are confident that their child will figure out everything in their own way and therefore need little guidance about how to manage money.\n\n\nHalf of all Freestylers surveyed are parents of older children who were not given strong money management guidance from a young age. Freestylers are most likely to say, \u201c\nThere is no substitute for real-life experience. A child has to learn by trial and error. They\u2019ll soon understand how to handle their money\n\u201d.\n\n\nHow They Teach About Money Matters\n\n\nAs a result, Freestylers think that actively teaching a child about how to manage money, or constantly \u2018interfering\u2019 to guide their financial behaviour, simply isn\u2019t necessary.\n\n\n78% of Freestylers think that money parenting is important versus 95% of all parents in the Asia Money Parenting survey.\n\n\n\n\nMost Freestylers provide their child with pocket money. But because of their belief in the effectiveness of real-life experience, these parents also usually encourage their child to earn money by doing part-time jobs. By doing this, they aim to help their child understand that it is not easy to earn money, so they value it more.\n\n\nFreestylers want their child to understand the concept of what money can buy through their own encounters and experiences. Yes, there may be some bad experiences, but that is all part of growing up and learning about real life. They want their child to spend their own money, buy items for themselves, and learn how much things cost.\n\n\n\n\nThey believe that as the child gets older, their understanding of financial matters will become ever more sophisticated thanks to the everyday problems they encounter and the new situations they face.\n\n\nFreestylers are also more inclined to money parent individually than operate as a parental team with their spouse when or if they do give money advice to their child.\n\n\nIn fact, 13% of Freestylers say \u2018no one in particular\u2019 is responsible for teaching their child about money management versus just 4% of all parents.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Goals\n\n\nThese parents very much hope that their child will learn about money management themselves and realise the importance of being debt-free. And they firmly believe that the best approach to achieving this goal is to let the child learn themselves.\n\n\nFreestylers are thus supportive of their child rather than actively driving them into some specific behaviour relating to money management. Only a quarter of these parents provide their child with a savings box (versus half of all parents). And only a third of them open a savings account for their child (versus half of all parents).\n\n\n\n\nThe majority of Freestylers, however, have Life Insurance to provide financial security for the whole family. But they see little need for additional investments that are specifically designed to support their child.\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Success\n\n\nBecause of their \u2018hands-off\u2019 approach, however, 46% of Freestylers answer \u201c\nI don\u2019t know\n\u201d when asked if they are doing a good job of money parenting, versus just 12% of all parents. Another 42% say they did the best they could but are not sure how good.\n\n\nIn fact, 18% of these parents say they have \u201c\nno idea how to measure money parenting success\n\u201d (versus just 5% of all parents). There are no specific criteria that they use to judge if their child is financially competent, unlike other parent personas who perceive success based on whether their child knows how to grow money (36% versus 21% of Freestylers).\n\n\nMost believe that their child is \u201c\ngrowing up just fine\n\u201d by gaining a real-life understanding of financial management, just like their parents did.\n\n\nHow Well They Know Money\n\n\nMost Freestylers admit that they themselves do not have sophisticated financial knowledge. They score themselves only 4.88 out of 10 on financial knowledge, versus 7.17 among all parents.\n\n\n\n\nFreestylers do not see a lot of value in learning about financial investments and have even less interest in teaching their children about such things.\n\n\nThey also do not seek financial advice from the bank or a financial advisor to complement their own financial understanding or help prepare their child for the future. Almost a quarter of them say they would not ask for financial advice from any other person, versus just 7% of all parents.\n\n\nHowever, if you are a Freestyler who is curious about how other parents are money parenting, check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\nStill unsure of your Money Parenting style? Check out our \nquiz here\n to find out more!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/common-questions-pregnant-women-get-asked", "title": "7 Common Questions Pregnant Mummies Get Asked All The Time", "body": "When you become a new mother, there are many things you need to consider. Pregnancy is already a tough journey to navigate, especially for first-time mothers, without every other person trying to interject with their personal opinions.\n\n\nBut no matter what culture you belong to, you will be subjected to many intrusive questions \u2013 sometimes by strangers, sometimes by friends who are just curious.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom one pregnant mummy to another, here are some questions you should be prepared to answer:\u00a0\n\n\n7 common questions new mummies should prepare for\n\n\n\n\n1. When\u2019s your due date?\n\n\nThis is by far the most common question pregnant women get \u2013 whether you\u2019re a first-time mum or not. Whether or not you know the person asking the question, you don\u2019t have to give an exact answer if you\u2019re not comfortable with that. You can always give a vague answer like \u201clater in the year\u201d or name a month, rather than giving exact dates. After all, as pregnant women ourselves, we don\u2019t know the exact \ndue date\n! Babies come whenever they want.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Is it a boy or a girl?\n\n\nAgain, it isn\u2019t necessary to answer this question, especially since is a personal matter. If both you and your spouse don\u2019t even want to know the gender of the baby, then it should remain a surprise. You don\u2019t need to answer this question if you feel uncomfortable doing so.\n\n\n3. Have you prepared everything for the baby yet?\u00a0\n\n\nI actually don\u2019t mind this question too much as it is a practical, non-intrusive question that people can ask without offending the parents. It\u2019s also a good opportunity for them to ask if the parents would like them to buy a gift for them that they don\u2019t already have.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n4. Which hospital are you delivering at?\n\n\nPrepare for judgement no matter the answer. Whether you\u2019re going to be delivering at a private or a government hospital, you will be facing a lot of unwarranted opinions from those \nasking the question\n. But stay confident in your choice and don\u2019t get swayed too easily\u00a0\n\n\n5. What are you going to name your baby?\n\n\nThis question can go either way. You could either be very certain of your baby\u2019s name and want to share it with the world, or you might be totally uncertain and want to keep it a secret till the baby is born. No matter where you stand on your baby\u2019s name, this is a very common question you get asked!\n\n\n6. How much weight did you put on?\n\n\nThis is an annoying one. Many \u201ckepoh\u201d Asian aunties tend to ask this question. It is very personal and almost offensive. But you can get away with answers such as \u201cnot much\u201d, \u201cjust a little\u201d or if you\u2019re being very honest, you can give them a figure. However, if you need to know, the normal range for women to put on \nweight during pregnancy\n is between 10-20kg. Some women put on less, some will put on more.\n\n\n7. How big is the baby?\u00a0\n\n\nAs you progress in your pregnancy, the chances of someone asking this question gets higher. At 20 weeks, I had someone ask me if I was already ready to pop. I didn\u2019t realise that my posture was partly to blame for that. Because of the weight of the baby, I was subconsciously arching my back and pushing my belly forward. This would have resulted in backaches in the long run if not for someone recommending that I wear a pregnancy belly band.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe belly band I decided to try was the Love Cradle Maternity Support Belt (Prenatal/Postpartum) by \nBmama Maternity\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is actually the first belly band I have tried and since trying it, I feel my posture has improved tremendously since the Bmama support belt comes with great support for the back. It is also surprisingly cooling and sweat-wicking.\u00a0\n\n\nI also like that it comes in black, while most other belly bands tend to come in pink or beige. Beyond just helping to support my back, it also helps to \u201clift\u201d my belly a little, so the weight is not so burdensome.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIt is highly recommended that Asian mummies wear belly bands to support the weight of the baby since we tend to have smaller waist sizes (though I am really happy that the Bmama belly band comes in sizes up to XL!). The belly band offers this kind of support, especially when mummies are carrying big or heavy babies.\u00a0\n\n\nAt 30 weeks, my baby was already estimated to weigh 2.5kg, so the belly band did my body a huge favour. With the daily usage of the belly band and weekly prenatal massages, I didn\u2019t experience any back pains or pelvic pains throughout the pregnancy until the very end when it was time to deliver.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s great value for money considering the belly band only costs RM75!\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nTo check out the full range of Bmama\u2019s maternity belly bands, visit their website \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nUntuk dapatkan lebih banyak informasi dari theAsianparent Malaysia, boleh terus download \nAplikasi Keibubapaan\n #1 Di Asia Tenggara kami.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-things-parents-say-about-money-and-what-your-children-learn-from-them", "title": "6 Things Parents Say About Money \u2014 And What Your Children Learn from Them", "body": "Words and actions: Every parent knows that these are powerful tools we can use to teach our children. And money parenting \u2014 teaching our children precious \nlessons about money\n \u2014 is no exception.\n\n\nOftentimes, we rely on things that our parents told us when we were young. Or we speak without thinking, saying whatever comes to mind. But we overlook how the words we say play a role in forming the values of our children.\n\n\nLet\u2019s take a look at some common things parents say about money, what our children actually hear when we say them, and what we could say instead.\n\n\n6 Things Parents Say About Money\n\n\n\n\n1. \u201cMoney Doesn\u2019t Grow On Trees.\u201d\n\n\nThis saying is a classic that we probably heard from our own parents when they were telling us not to be wasteful. Having been on the receiving end of this, we also know how ineffectual these words are.\n\n\nWhat Your Children Hear:\n\n\nThese words have little effect on children as they merely state the obvious. Sure, the saying can be funny, and it\u2019s even memorable. But when it comes to teaching money lessons, there is little to be learned here.\n\n\nWhat You Should Say Instead:\n\n\nIf the lesson you want to teach is to avoid waste, there is the equally classic \u201cWaste not, want not.\u201d (Of course, as this saying is so archaic, you may want to paraphrase it!) Try saying, \u201cA lot of hard work went into buying this toy/ preparing this meal/ making this for you. Please respect that.\u201d Or \u201cI worked hard to earn the money for that. Please don\u2019t waste it.\u201d\n\n\n2. \u201cWe Can\u2019t Afford It.\u201d\n\n\nYour child wants an expensive toy, and clearly it is not worth it or it is beyond your budget. They\u2019re whining in the toy store, so to make them stop, you tell them, \u201cWe can\u2019t afford it.\u201d The whining ends (hopefully).\n\n\nWhat Your Children Hear:\n\n\nThough \u201cWe can\u2019t afford it\u201d may seem like a tough-love method of teaching money matters, parents should keep in mind that children are very sensitive. \u201cWe can\u2019t afford it\u201d could easily be confused with \u201cWe don\u2019t have money\u201d\n[1]\n. And this can cause children to worry and become stressed about the family\u2019s financial situation.\n\n\nWhat You Should Say Instead:\n\n\nYou can teach your child the value of things by telling them \u201cThat is not worth the money they are asking for. There are better things we can spend on.\u201d\n\n\n3. \u201cI Don\u2019t Know How We\u2019re Going To Get Through This Month.\u201d\n\n\nExperts encourage parents to include children in money decisions and discussions\n[2]\n. So to educate them on the hardships of life, you give them the truth about the family\u2019s financial situation.\n\n\nWhat Your Children Hear:\n\n\nThis can be even more harmful than \u201cWe can\u2019t afford it.\u201d By sharing your financial difficulties, they may live in fear of losing their home or not having enough to eat. Children need to feel safe and secure\n[3]\n.\n\n\nWhat You Should Say Instead:\n\n\nYes, including children in money discussions is good and healthy. But talking about your fears and money difficulties is not. Seeing you struggle and work hard can still be a good thing, but keep it positive. This is an opportune time to teach them to delay gratification by telling them \u201cLet\u2019s all play a part and try to suggest ways we can save up.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n4. \u201cI\u2019ll Buy You Whatever You Want.\u201d\n\n\nMany parents want to give their children all the things they never had growing up. You may hear them saying \u201cI\u2019ll buy you whatever you want.\u201d\n\n\nWhat Your Children Hear:\n\n\nThis is a sure way of teaching your child to be entitled. When children hear this, you are telling them that money is unimportant; they can always get what they want just by asking for it.\n\n\nWhat You Should Say Instead:\n\n\nTreating children with gifts or rewards can be helpful in money parenting. But these gifts need to be earned. Put a reward system in place: offer rewards for getting good grades in school or for doing the chores for a certain period of time. Tell your children \u201cIf you do this/work hard for this, you can get this (agreed item).\u201d\n\n\n5. \u201cIt\u2019s Just A Waste Of Money.\u201d\n\n\nHow many Spider-Man action figures do you need? The words come flying out of your mouth: \u201cIt\u2019s just a waste of money.\u201d\n\n\nWhat Your Children Hear:\n\n\nJust as you feel good about yourself when you buy a new pair of shoes, your child also feels good when they buy something. That\u2019s because your sense of identity is rewarded by your purchases\n[4]\n; it\u2019s a natural part of being human. If you tell them what they want is a waste of money, you are telling them that what they want is worthless. Therefore, they are worthless too.\n\n\nWhat You Should Say Instead:\n\n\nTake this opportunity to teach your child about needs and wants. Ask them, \u201cI know you want it, but do you really need it?\u201d\n\n\n6. Not Talking About Money At All\n\n\nSome parents choose not to talk to their children about money at all.\n\n\nWhat Your Children Hear:\n\n\nIf you say nothing, your child will be left to interpret your silence about money matters on their own. They may develop incorrect concepts and values which may influence how they view and manage money when they become adults.\n\n\nWhat You Should Say Instead:\n\n\nAt best, not talking about money is a missed opportunity to teach your child important life lessons. At worst, it may lead to distorted values about money. So take some time to teach your child about money using the right words and your own good example. Doing so can give them positive values and teach them practical lessons that they can use for a lifetime.\n\n\nWant to know more about instilling the proper financial values within your child? Check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n[1]\nwww.1life.co.za/blog/kids-money-talk\n\n\n[2]\n \nwww.360financialliteracy.org/Topics/Spending-Saving/The-Basics/Talking-to-Your-Kids-about-Money\n\n\n[3]\n \nwww.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2012/07/25/how-parents-stress-can-hurt-a-child-from-the-inside-out/#41c4a3496b38\n\n\n[4]\n \nwww.businesspsych.org/articles/280.html\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mothers-day-special", "title": "Mother's Day Special: \"The New Twins. Fashionable Mother & Stylish Daughter\"", "body": "Mom, you are the Queen of our hearts. That is the most appropriate and perfect expression for all mothers!\n\n\nThey are the ones who always sacrifice, who always give their best and forever be a source of inspiration for all of us. Every year, Mother\u2019s Day is a very special day, it exists to celebrate all mothers with love and respect, all the time. Let\u2019s make this May month extra special for them by fulfilling all their dreams.\n\nTake a break, make time for them and be with them.\n\n\nIn conjunction with the upcoming Mother\u2019s Day, Summer Love will organize special activities to strengthen the love between Mother & Daughter.\n\n\n\n\nWith the theme \u201cThe New Twins, Fashionable Mother & Stylish Daughter\u201d this campaign will start from April 22 to May 10, 2022.\n\n\nThe selected activities which will be conducted are, Social Media Giveaway on Summer Love Facebook & Instagram page at \nwww.instagram.com/p/CcpSeVXpuFo/\n \nwww.facebook.com/SummerLove.co.official\n / where 3 lucky winners will receive a pair/set of Bangles with special engraving.\n\n\nFor Tik Tok Giveaway on the Summer Love page @summerlove.co.official, all the participants may join by creating a video to portray twins fashion styling between Mother & Daughter, they have to tag us using the special hashtag #thenewtwins #summerlove. Three lucky winners will take home RM200 Gift Voucher along with 2 sets of apparel sponsored by Summer Love.\n\n\nAnother exciting news, Summer Love is always excited to have cross collaborations, we have a special RM20 discount voucher from Summer Love and also the luckiest winners will take home a set of Summer Love Palazzo with Suspender.\n\n\n\n\nApart from that, RM100 Gift Voucher(s) to be won. For all these activities organized by Summer Love, the official hashtags for us to hear and reach out participants are #summerlove #thenewtwins #celebratelife.\n\n\n\n\nSave the date as well, from 1st until 15th May, Summer Love will be having an interesting\n\npromotion, Special Deals from RM 29* and FREE Exclusive Scrunchie with any purchase from www.summerlove.co. T&C Apply.\n\n\nSHOP NOW at www.summerlove.co\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\nKeibubapaan\nEratkan jalinan kekeluargaan bersama\nAktiviti anak\n8 awesome ideas to keep your child busy\nKanak-Kanak\nDuduk Di Rumah Menyebabkan Masalah Lebih Mendalam Seperti Screen Time Berlebihan & Diet Tak Teratur\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/x-marks-the-spot", "title": "NSFW: The 'X marks the spot' sex position can give you pleasure like never before", "body": "Does size matter? Well, if you know how to work your magic with what you\u2019ve got, it probably doesn\u2019t. A recent \nsurvey\n from the\u00a0University Children\u2019s Hospital, in Zurich, Switzerland,\u00a0\nreportedly\n found that most women are not keen on size when it comes to their partner\u2019s penis.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cResults showed that women considered the position and shape of the meatus as the least important penile aspect,\u201d the researchers stated.\u00a0\n\n\nAll they want is for their man to exude confidence. This also means that women were willing to experiment with different positions to experience the best stimulus, irrespective of the size of the man\u2019s penis.\n\n\nAnd one of the most popular sex positions for men with small penises is the \u201cX marks the spot\u201d position.\u00a0\n\n\nCouples Are Going Crazy for the \u201cX Marks the Spot\u201d Sex Position\u00a0\n\n\nReportedly,\n the \u201cX marks the spot\u201d position has become insanely popular among men who may not be that well-endowed. In this position, the woman lies on her back and crosses her legs up in the air.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe man then has to get up before penetrating her where the \u201cX marks the spot\u201d. Sex-perts suggest that the lying partner should be on an elevated base that is higher than a regular bed. They suggest tables or desks as the alternative to a bed.\n\n\nThis \nadventurous position\n has become a huge hit with couples. That\u2019s because crossing legs leaves little space to penetrate making the area tighter and more pleasurable. As \nBustle\n\u00a0puts it, \u201cCrossing at the knees will make for a tighter sensation, which is great for partners with small penises.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nAnd if you fall into this category, perhaps it\u2019s a good idea to give this position a go. But don\u2019t worry, there are other positions that can work a similar magic, especially for men with small penises.\u00a0\n\n\n10 Sex Positions for Men with Small Penis\n\n\nAs stated in our previous \narticle\n, here are a few positions for somebody who may not be highly endowed.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1.The Magic Mountain\n\n\n\n\nOnce he\u2019s inside, squeeze your thighs together to give him a snug. This will generate an orgasm-inducing fit while he plays with your clitoris.\n\n\n2.\u00a0Nirvana\n\n\n\n\nSex positions for men with small penis: This one is great!\n\n\n\n\nAs you hold on to the railing, he can bear down more on you. This gives you leverage to meet his thrusts, adding more pressure to your G spot.\n\n\n3.\u00a0The Prone Tiger\n\n\n\n\nThis position is especially comfortable for the woman and can translate to longer, slower lovemaking sessions.\n\n\n4. The Reclining Lotus\n\n\n\n\nSpread your legs and bend your knees. This can help him change his angle of penetration to really dig into your sweet spot.\n\n\n5.\u00a0The Rocking Horse\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf he\u2019s just at the right angle and you ride him forward, you might be able to get him to press your G spot. This means that the tip and your clit will hit his pelvic area at the same time.\n\n\n6.\u00a0The Suspended Scissors\n\n\n\n\nThis might look like an exercise pose to you, but it\u2019s not. You\u2019ll have to be extremely steady to try this and practice quite a few times before you perfect this move.\n\n\n7.\u00a0The Basket\n\n\n\n\nThis woman on top position lets him stimulate your nipples and clitoris while you shake your hips to grind his tip inside you.\n\n\n8.\u00a0The Butterfly\n\n\n\n\nYou can use a table or high bed for this hot sex position and feel his penis reach you further than usual.\n\n\n9.\u00a0The Curled Angel\n\n\n\n\nLet him scoot a little downwards so you can find your G spot. Meanwhile you can hold on throughout the incredible sensations.\n\n\n10.\u00a0The Fan\n\n\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\nResilience: Turn childhood experiences into success\nHealth\nDid Your Child Miss A Vaccine? Here\u2019s What You Need To Know\nTip keibubapaan\nSayangi Diri Anda! Ini 5 Tips Penjagaan Diri Untuk Ibu-ibu Yang Sibuk Bekerja & Menguruskan Keluarga\nPertandingan & promosi\nYogurt Lactel Kids Snek Sihat Untuk Anak Anda, Diperkaya Dengan Vitamin D & Tinggi Kalsium Bagi Menyokong Tumbesaran Tulang Si Kecil!\n\n\nGet on your tip-toes and thrust your buttocks out so he gets more leverage to really dig his tip into your G spot and scrape the walls of your vagina.\n\n\nIf you want to see more adventurous sex positions for men with small penis, read \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nCosmopolitan\n\n\nFeature & lead image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-resilience-science", "title": "Here\u2019s how a Healthy Immune System supports Resilience, According to Science", "body": "Teaching your child to be resilient is only achievable when their fitness and health are at optimum conditions. By serving the right and adequate nutrition, your child\u2019s immunity will be strengthened allowing them to explore the world to build their Resilience. Recently we had the privilege of speaking to Dr Tay Chee Pin, a pediatrician consultant at Pantai Hospital Klang about child immunity and how it plays a role in raising a Resilient child.\n\n\nHealth and immunity\n\n\nYoung children, whose immune systems are only beginning to mature, are at risk from viral and bacterial attacks. Parents can help protect their children from illness by first and foremost providing excellent nutrition, such as adequate pre- and probiotics. On top of this foundation, include good hygiene practices and comprehensive vaccination for an additional layer of defence.\u00a0\n\n\nResearch has also shown that spending time outdoors will help boost the immune system, and even enhance cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and mental health systems\n1\n. We\u2019re so blessed to be in a country like Malaysia, where there are numerous opportunities to organise weekend trips to farms, petting zoos, indoor parks and outdoor jungle treks. If you\u2019re looking for weekend activity ideas, check out \nResilience Location Map\n for unexplored attractions.\u00a0\n\n\nBut to enjoy these adventures, children must first have a robust immune system to fight off infections and sickness. Children with a high risk of falling ill can\u2019t even be exposed to the world, let alone learn important life lessons from it. If parents want to build resilience in children, the first step must be to secure their immunity.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow does the body\u2019s immune system work? \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \n\n\nThe immune system is the body\u2019s defence mechanism. Without it, the body falls victim to viruses and bacteria. The body\u2019s immune system consists of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to combat illness while protecting the body. However, it is our white blood cells that does the bulk of the work by recognising and destroying viruses, bacteria, as well as other foreign organisms in our body.\n\n\nWhile there are numerous types of white blood cells, both phagocytes and lymphocytes play important roles while working hand in hand. Phagocytes cells can eat up harmful bacteria and problem-causing organisms while Lymphocytes are able to build antibodies that will remember previous infections.\u00a0\n\n\nTips for strengthening your child\u2019s immunity\n\n\nThere are many ways that parents can strengthen their child\u2019s immunity. Here are some of the suggestions from Dr. Tay:\n\n\n\n\nPrebiotics\n\n\nProbiotics\n\n\nHealthy emotional wellbeing\n\n\nVaccination\n\n\nHealthy and active lifestyle which includes 10 \u2013 14 hours of sleep depending on the age of your child\n\n\nOther nutritional supplements and vitamins\n\n\n\n\nAs noted, being in the outdoors is like giving the body a host of multivitamins that can help boost immunity. Some researchers have hypothesised being outdoors puts the body and mind into \u2018rest and digest\u2019 mode, instead of \u2018flight or fight\u2019 mode where every other system, including the immune system is shutting down in response to stress. In \u2018rest and digest\u2019, your child\u2019s body begins to relax and focus on growing, cell reproduction and building the immune system.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is why being in the outdoors not only teaches your child about resilience in a cognitive way, but it allows the body to naturally strengthen its immunology for growth and progress.\n\n\nResilience is also part of the human mind. A sound mind is supported by a healthy body and a healthy body is a result of healthy food. \nYou are what you eat and according to an article from the Institute of Food Technologists forum, immunity boosting food is rapidly growing in popularity\n\u00a02\n. Immune boosting foods for kids include yogurt, almonds, oily fish like salmon, oats and barley and a high-quality formula milk with pre- and probiotic that promotes immunity.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nAside from food, encourage your child to adopt an active lifestyle. Inspire them to be active mentally and physically by introducing problem-solving puzzles and fun gyms. Even a short family outing away from the city will provide a change in environment and some much-needed fresh air. And you don\u2019t even have to spend hours scouring the Internet for new places to visit. \nAptaGro\u2122\n has already compiled an extensive list of locations, categorised by the five pillars of Resilience. Simply Google the Resilience Location Map and you\u2019ll find exciting locations like Gabai Falls (Adaptability), Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary (Daringness), Funtopia (Perseverance), Kidzania (Resourcefulness) and Tadom Base (Self-Reliance) and many more.\u00a0\n\n\nWith the right nutrition and lifestyle, you can boost your child\u2019s immune system and this, in turn, will ensure plenty of opportunities for them to learn to become resilient.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1\u00a0\nMing Kuo (2015, August 25). How Might Contact With Nature Promote Human Health? Promising Mechanisms And A Possible Central Pathway. Retrieved from \nhttps://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01093/full\n\n\n\u00a02 \nSloan, Elizabath A. (2019, October 1). Global Migration: Emerging Opportunities In Food And Drink. Rertrieved from \nhttps://www.ift.org/news-and-publications/food-technology-magazine/issues/2019/october/features/global-migration-emerging-opportunities-in-food-and-drink\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sleep-baby-sleep", "title": "Easy to Follow Tips to Get Your Baby to Sleep Well Tonight", "body": "The biggest issue that most parents worry about even before the birth of their new baby has to be the fact that sleep will become a rare commodity. Yes, it\u2019s ALL true! But this does not mean that you can\u2019t train them to sleep; it just takes tons of patience and hard work to get your baby sleep throughout the night.\n\n\nTo minimise the effect that a newborn\u2019s sleep pattern has on the parents, here are some tips in creating a good sleep routine for your new baby.\n\n\nBaby sleep: The adjustment period\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nAll new parents should understand that in the initial first two months, your bundle of joy would have no concept of day or night.\n\n\nAnd even though newborns require nothing more than milk and sleep for the first few weeks, their intermittent sleep can cause agony to parents who would have to wake every three to four hours every night to feed the baby.\n\n\nWhile there is little that can be done regarding the baby\u2019s instinctive needs, parents can help illustrate the difference between day and night by interacting with the baby more during the day and limiting stimulation at night.\n\n\nThis simple habit aids babies in understanding that day is the time for noisy stimulating activities, while the night is for resting and quiet time.\n\n\nBaby sleep: Limiting contact during the nights\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nIf it is acceptable to the parents, they can also choose to minimise contact with the baby at night as to help them build independence.\n\n\nA newborn can (and will) easily fall asleep most of the time due to their need for rest, and if we avoid repeating certain habits to them to \u201chelp\u201d them, they will slowly be able to associate lack of interaction to bedtime.\n\n\n\nHabits like rocking, cradling and giving them milk to aid them to sleep will only make them rely on these forms of comfort in order to fall asleep. Avoiding them will prevent the forming of bad \u2013 and very hard to quit \u2013 sleep habits down the road.\n\n\n\nThe results of these practices will not be experienced immediately but will help greatly for the child to get used to quieten down in the evenings and slowly settle down for bedtime without screaming for your attention.\n\n\nIt will also help down the road when separation anxiety kicks in when your child is about 9 months old.\n\n\n Taking the cycle into your own hands\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nIf your newborn happens to be one of those who love to sleep all day and are awake all night \u2013 just like the way my boy was \u2013 then some \u201ccrisis control\u201d is necessary. Here are some simple steps in helping your baby sleep normally at night:\n\n\nStimulate your baby by talking and playing with him during the day and try to limit his nap to no more than two hours.\n\n\nThis will tire him out sufficiently by sunset and he will sleep through most of the night, only waking up for milk and then promptly falling back asleep again.\n\n\nAfter a few days of repeating this, your newborn would be accustomed to sleeping longer hours at night instead of in the day.\n\n\n\nUse comforting techniques such as baby massage or lullabies to soothe him to sleep at night. Make sure it is a routine takes no more than 15 minutes and that it will end once it is completed. Otherwise, our cheeky little babies will want you to continue it throughout the night and you can say goodbye to your own much-needed sleep!\n\n\n\nPlace him in a noisy daytime environment such as the living room to let him nap so that he may be woken up by common noises and prevents him from oversleeping.\n\n\nAt night, put him to bed in a quiet and dimly lit room to sleep where there is minimal disturbances. This also adheres to the \u201cday and night\u201d cycle that was mentioned earlier.\n\n\n Keeping in tune\n\n\n\n\nThe most important key in creating a good sleep routine is that it must be consistent, especially in the first few months. Once you have the routine down smack, our little babies are adaptable enough to accept slight adjustments such as a slightly later bedtime.\n\n\nIf you chose to let your child learn to comfort himself and settle down to sleep, there will definitely be some uncomfortable moments where your baby experiences difficulties in self-soothing and would want you to help him out.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nYou will have to bear with it and let him continue to self-comfort. This is a very important step in cultivating independence in your child, and although it may be hard to hear him cry, remember that it is for the better of your child\u2019s sleep habits for the rest of his life.\n\n\nIt is also very important to praise your newborn for his efforts in falling asleep alone. Being praised every morning for being a \u201cbig boy\u201d will only help to build his confidence and encourage him to try again tonight.\n\n\nIt is also important to let him know that sleeping at night is very important and it will help him to grow up big and strong.\n\n\nAll these usually reason enough for them to continue the efforts on their own as you reclaim your own sleep.\n\n\nGood luck parents!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nPutting baby to sleep: Good news and helpful tips\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-developmental-milestones", "title": "How Do I Know if My Baby is Healthy?", "body": "As parents, we spend a lot of time worrying about our children from the time they are born. Today, I am reassuring you that it is perfectly normal for new moms and dads to worry if their baby\u2019s developmental milestones are on track.\n\n\nWhat are developmental milestones?\n\n\nDevelopmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range. In short, they are skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving \u201cbye-bye\u201d.\n\n\nAlthough they\u2019re called milestones, they\u2019re not necessarily set in stone. Every child develops at their own pace!\n\n\n\n\u201cIf your baby reaches one milestone sooner, she may reach another one later, because she\u2019s so busy perfecting the other skill,\u201d says Dr Jennifer Shu, MD, pediatrician and co-author of\u00a0\nHeading Home with Your\u00a0\nNewborn\n.\n\n\n\nBut all it takes is a small, paranoid thought, isn\u2019t it? Why isn\u2019t my baby able to stand on his own? Why doesn\u2019t he smile when he sees us? And you find yourself tumbling down the rabbit hole of online diagnosis.\n\n\n\n\nOver the past decade, LittleLives has served over 180,000 parents, and we\u2019ve learnt a few things about children\u2019s development. We\u2019ve put together a guide for you to gauge whether your baby is happy and developing normally.\n\n\nPhase One: The first three months\n\n\nThe first few hours, days and weeks with your baby are equally exciting and scary. What does ceaseless crying mean? Is she hungry? Is she in need of a diaper change? Is she just fussy?\n\n\nDuring this first stage of development, babies are adapting to living in the outside world having spent nine months comfortably inside mommy\u2019s womb.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Dragos Gontariu/Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nThe first three months can be seen as the \u201cfourth trimester\u201d for parents and babies to get to know each other. It is going to be mostly about eating, sleeping and crying. But you can also look forward to the baby lifting her head, making silly sounds and giving you a real first smile.\n\n\nThese are some developmental milestones you may observe in your little one:\n\n\n\n\nSmiling\n. In the early days, it will be just to herself. But within three months or so, she\u2019ll be smiling in response to your smiles and voices.\n\n\nLifting her head\n. Raise her head and chest when on her tummy.\n\n\nTracking moving objects\n\u00a0with her eyes.\n\n\nBringing hands\n\u00a0to her mouth.\n\n\nGripping objects\n\u00a0in her hands.\n\n\n\n\nPhase Two: Four to six months\n\n\nThe newborn days are over! This is where the baby would have slowly gotten used to life outside mommy\u2019s womb. You will start seeing her personality bloom. You will hear more of her giggles, squeals and babbles.\n\n\nDuring phase two, babies are learning about the world around them. They become more alert and mobile. They\u2019re mastering the use of their hands. Every experience \u2014 from cuddling before nap time to listening to daddy and mummy talk \u2014 will help your baby learn more about the world.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Jonathan Borba\u00a0/\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nHere are some developmental milestones you may observe:\n\n\n\n\nEvolving motor functions.\n\u00a0Rolling over from front to back or back to front. Sitting up with support and having better control of her head.\n\n\nImproved hand-eye coordination.\n\u00a0Reaching out and grabbing objects (hair tugging may occur), and fiddling with toys and other objects with her hands.\n\n\nBaby talk\n. Babbling or making sounds that can sound like a real language. She might start making sounds to express joy. She might also show indications of being able to differentiate emotions from the tone of her voice.\n\n\nClearer vision.\u00a0\nColours, such as\u00a0shades of reds, blues and yellows, become more apparent to them. You might also observe them staring at objects or their own reflections.\n\n\n\n\nThis is the stage at which many working parents may choose to enrol their babies in infant care. This doesn\u2019t mean that these parents will be missing out on developmental milestones! Some infant care centres use software to allow parents to keep an eye on their baby\u2019s daily growth, mealtimes, naps, medication, and other details on how their child is doing.\n\n\nPhase Three: Seven to nine months\n\n\nIn the second half of your baby\u2019s first year, your little one becomes even more mobile. After learning that she can get somewhere by rolling over, she\u2019ll spend the next few months figuring out how to move forwards and backwards. This is the time to start baby-proofing your home if you haven\u2019t done so.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Picsea\u00a0/\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s what you can expect from your baby:\n\n\n\n\nIncreased mobility.\n\u00a0Starting to crawl. This happens in many forms, from scooting (using her arms to drag her bottom) to standard crawling on her hands and knees. Some babies may even go straight from scooting to walking. Every baby is on their own unique journey!\n\n\nIncreased strength.\n\u00a0She may start sitting up without support or learn to stand up with support.\n\n\nIncreased engagement.\n\u00a0She starts responding to familiar words like her name or action words like eating and sleeping. This is why you should\u00a0repeat words\u00a0to your baby. She may also respond to \u201cNo\u201d by briefly stopping and looking at you, and may start babbling \u201cMama\u201d and \u201cDada.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nPhase four: The final three months\n\n\nThe last development stage in a baby\u2019s first year is quite a transition. She is no longer an\u00a0\ninfant\n, and she might look and act more like a\u00a0\ntoddler\n.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Jen Theodore\u00a0/\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nIn the final three months, she\u2019s learning:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\nFeeding herself\n. Babies at this stage start learning to put food into their mouths. You have to be extra careful to not have inedible objects around them.\n\n\nIncreased motor functions\n. She is a master of the pincer grip, holding small objects between her thumb and forefinger. She is also learning to move around the room on her feet while holding onto furniture.\n\n\nFirst words!\n\u00a0The average is about three spoken words by the first birthday, but the range on this is enormous, so take it with a pinch of salt.\n\n\nCopying behaviour.\u00a0\nYou may observe her copying you or using objects correctly, such as pretending to talk on the phone. This is where you should be mindful of the language used around her and avoid the careless slip of the tongue of any colourful words.\n\n\n\n\nWhen to talk to a paediatrician?\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Nathan Dumlao\u00a0/\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nA child\u2019s development is not a race. So, time is not the best measurement of progression for your growing child. What\u2019s important is to watch for your baby moving forward in her development.\n\n\nUnfortunately, there is no magic formula for when a child hits which milestone. As parents, you have to trust your instincts. If you really feel that something is not right, have a conversation with your doctor. If there is a problem, you want to be able to identify it as soon as possible.\n\n\n\u201cEarly intervention is best, and you know your child better than anyone.\u201d says Dr Jennifer Shu.\n\n\nThrough it, all, live in the present moment. They say that the early years will pass in the blink of an eye. So, enjoy the process of your child discovering the world for the first time!\n\n\n\u200b\u200bTo sum it up\n\n\nA smart\u00a0\nschool management system\n\u00a0is designed to make your life easier. It is the nervous system for schools around which other technologies are incorporated.\n\n\nIt is, in fact, a master plan to regulate administrative operations in a consolidated, integrated, efficient and smooth way to increase the productivity of schools.\n\n\nIt is also a value-adding tool for parents to have a look into their child\u2019s day, anywhere and anytime.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nLittleLives\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nCan my child grow double eyelids?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHugging and kissing your baby can make him smarter: Study\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHow smart will your baby be? Science says their poop has the answer!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/through-the-lens-of-star-students-kumon-review", "title": "Through The Lens of Star Students", "body": "Lim Yen Xi is 5-years old, while Julia Johnson is 12-years old. Yen Xi loves watching cartoons. Julia loves playing soccer. They both have very different personalities. But they have one thing in common: they both go to Kumon.\n\n\nIt is because of Kumon that they are now learning ahead of their actual school grades. With just seven months at Kumon, Yen Xi has greatly improved his reading and writing and is studying English two years advanced of his school syllabus.\n\n\nAfter seven years with Kumon, Julia is now doing pre-university grade Maths at the age of 12, working on formulas that is eight years ahead of her friends at school.\n\n\nTeaching Valuable Life Skills\n\n\nWhen asked if Kumon helped his studies, Yen Xi quickly exclaimed, \u201cYes!\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI practice until it is perfect,\u201d said Yen Xi, proudly explaining that he practices his writing, reading and listens to CDs to improve his English.\n\n\nJulia says that Kumon has taught her to tackle problems and challenges, a skill that she has applied to her other subjects as well.\n\n\nOn top of that, Julia said that she has also learnt the importance of discipline and focus.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cNo matter how I feel that day, I will still complete my worksheets,\u201d she said, adding that she proactively allocates time every day to do her Kumon worksheets.\n\n\n\u201cAs I continue to progress and as I complete higher levels, I am motivated to attempt more difficult worksheets,\u201d said Julia.\n\n\n\u201cI know I can achieve anything if I just put my mind to it and work hard,\u201d she added.\n\n\nBoth Yen Xi and Julia\u2019s parents noticed that their children are more confident and independent.\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t need to tell her to complete her worksheets. Even during Christmas holidays, she will be doing her worksheets. It is a part of her schedule,\u201d said Julia\u2019s mother.\n\n\nYen Xi\u2019s mother said that Kumon has made learning fun for her son, and that his lessons have been very encouraging.\n\n\n\u201cIt is good that Kumon nurtures and makes reading fun. I do not pressure him, he would do reading every night and also enjoys doing Kumon worksheets every day,\u201d she said.\n\n\nUnlocking a child\u2019s potential\n\n\n\n\nBoth Yen Xi and Julia\u2019s mothers attribute their children\u2019s academic success to Kumon. They say that Kumon has created a conducive ecosystem where parents work with teachers to mould the child into a better student.\n\n\nThe consistent routine to complete Kumon\u00a0worksheets daily has clearly paid off for Yen Xi and Julia. While these have helped enormously to raise their grades and fast track ahead of their peers, both children have also gained more confidence in their capabilities.\n\n\nBeing disciplined is not merely to complete \u2018homework\u2019 or just to remain \u2018focused\u2019 in a classroom. By employing self-control, students are internalising the benefits of delayed gratification. This is the process of resisting the temptation for an immediate reward in preference of a later, but much higher return of investment.\n\n\nAnd with that, most Kumon students have a bigger aim in mind, and that is to obtain the \u2018Advanced Students\u2019 recognition, studying beyond their school grade level.\n\n\nBoth Yen Xi and Julia have established strong, positive identities for themselves. They feel much more disciplined yet motivated to attain greater heights. This cultivates perseverance and determination which contribute to the best foundation to manage challenges and even peer pressure as they grow older.\n\n\nThis is the Kumon way \u2013 to unlock each child\u2019s potential for independence, critical thinking, discipline and perseverance that are all essential life skills that are critical in their growing up years.\n\n\nNot only does Kumon foster a love of learning in children, they also teach children how to self-learn with minimal guidance.\n\n\n\n\nGetting it \u201cjust right\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI like that Kumon doesn\u2019t go according to age, like schools. Kumon goes according to capabilities,\u201d said Julia\u2019s mother.\n\n\nTaking into account the mindset of self-learning, the Kumon method is specifically designed to enable students to advance smoothly and progressively. Children will learn at a level that is suitable for them, known as the \u201cjust right\u201d level.\n\n\nThe \u201cjust right\u201d level simply means that the student is placed at a Kumon level that is most suitable for them at present, according to his or her ability and pace. There is no \u201cone size fits all\u201d lesson plan, every plan is customised with the respective student in mind.\n\n\nKumon is the largest and most established self-learning enrichment centre in the world with over 4 million students currently enrolled across 51 countries and regions.\n\n\nSince Kumon\u2019s inception in Malaysia in 1997, there are now over 200 centres nationwide. Four new centres were recently opened in Bintulu, Sarawak, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Taman Putra Utama in Perlis and Bandar Baru Tunjong in Kota Bahru.\n\n\nToday, Kumon Malaysia is acknowledged and endorsed by parents, families and education practitioners as the best choice to help children master English and Maths easily, putting them at grade levels ahead of their peers.\n\n\nKeen to find out more about Kumon? Why not sign your child up for the Year-End Special Campaign?\n\n\n\n\nYour child can enjoy 1.5 months of Kumon classes at a 1-month fee. This promotion is open to new students and existing students who wish to take up an additional subject and is available in all Kumon centres nationwide, excluding the Kumon Vista Kiara centre. Register before November 7 and receive a FREE Kumon bag!*\n\n\nVisit \nhttps://kumonmalaysia.com/promotion\n for more information on the campaign\u2019s terms and conditions.\n\n\n*Terms and Conditions apply\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nagging-is-good-for-your-husbands-health-says-study", "title": "Nagging is good for your husband's health, says study", "body": "For years, happy marriages have been attributed to better health. It requires no scientific proof that a harmonious relationship prevents stress, anxiety, and it helps you maintain your sanity despite the challenges of marriage. But did you know that being a nagging wife also promises certain health benefits?\n\n\nHaving a nagging wife lowers the risk of diabetes, says study\n\n\nA study out of Michigan State University claims that \nmen who had a nagging wife had a lower risk of developing diabetes in the future\n.\n\n\n\n\nA nagging wife tends to be persistent in reminding her husband to care for himself better.\n\n\n\n\nHere are some key factors of the study:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe researchers surveyed 1,228 married participants between the ages of 57 and 85 years old at the beginning of the study.\n\n\nBy the end of the five-year study, 389 had diabetes.\n\n\nBecause diabetes requires constant monitoring, men needed constant reminding to care for themselves.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, men with a nagging wife also had a higher chance of treating it, in case they developed diabetes in the future.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSince diabetes is affected by social factors, I thought it would be interesting to see how marriage affects the disease rate,\u201d professor Cathy Liu, Ph. D. explained to \nHealthline\n. \u201cFor women, consistent with expectations, good marital quality promotes women\u2019s health. It lowers their risk of disease.\u201d\n\n\nA nagging wife is someone who cares\n\n\nHaving a nagging wife helps men to remember to go to the doctor, to take their vitamins, to eat better, and to simply care for themselves.\n\n\n\u201cThe study challenges the traditional assumption that negative marital quality is always detrimental to health,\u201d Hui Liu, MSU associate professor of sociology and lead investigator of the study says in a \nstatement\n. \u201cIt also encourages family scholars to distinguish different sources and types of marital quality. Sometimes, nagging is caring.\u201d\n\n\nThe New York Times\n also explored the wonders of the \u201cnagging effect,\u201d claiming that it encourages men to take better care of their health. What\u2019s more, they claimed that married men get treatment soonest in the event of a heart attack.\n\n\n\n\nRedefining what it means to be a nagging wife\n\n\nNagging means constantly reminding someone to get something done. It is not uncommon for couples, especially those who have been together for a long time. With life\u2019s stresses comes the tendency to take it out on our partner through constant nagging.\u00a0\n\n\nThough both spouses can be naggers, wives tend to do it more. Why? Wives tend to feel responsible for keeping things in order \u2014 household upkeep, keeping kids in line\u2026 the list goes on.\u00a0\n\n\nThough nagging no doubt has its benefits when it comes to keeping a household running smoothly, having someone who nags you day and night doesn\u2019t really spell romance. Nagging can provoke irritation and anger, which can obviously be unhealthy for a marriage.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to psychology professor Howard Markman, \ntrust and understanding\n are important and that \u201cnagging is the enemy of love, if allowed to persist.\u201d\n\n\nBut nagging can be turned into a positive thing. Here are a few tips!\n\n\n1. Trust your partner to complete a task\n\n\nYes, it can be a challenge, especially if your spouse keeps on failing to complete tasks. But marriage requires trust, even when it is tough. Though he may not follow through, you will avoid putting undue strain on your marriage.\n\n\nChoose your battles, as they say.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Be patient when they \u201cmess up\u201d\n\n\nAppreciate their efforts and let them know that you value them no matter what.\n\n\nLove blossoms not only when things are going smoothly, but when you show how much you care even when things aren\u2019t going your way.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n3. Be honest with love\n\n\nThere is a way to be upfront with them without hurting their feelings. Let them know what you expect and try to work on a compromise together.\n\n\n\u201cIf you preface your desire with a love statement, your mate may hear you through that lens of love and care,\u201d\u00a0relationship expert Karen Ruskin tells \nHealthline\n.\n\n\n4. Own up to your own mistakes\n\n\nConstantly nagging a spouse can make them feel inadequate, especially if you refuse to admit you have your own faults as well.\n\n\nInstead of focusing on his shortcomings, put your energy into improving yourselves together. Apologise when needed and be open to criticism.\n\n\nThe next time nagging threatens to snuff the romance out of your marriage, remember: nagging can mean you love and care for your spouse! You just need to take care that you don\u2019t overdo it.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nHealthline\n, \nMichigan State University\n, \nTIME\n, \nThe New York Times\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nPrebiotics, an answer to your child\u2019s constipation woes!\nPertandingan & promosi\nHanya Satu Tempat Untuk Semua Keperluan Bayi Anda - Pesta Bayi Lotus\u2019s Malaysia!\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nKesihatan\nIbu dan Ayah, Tahukah Anda Mengapa Anak-Anak Perlu Duduk Di Rumah Jika Mereka Terjangkit Penyakit Rotavirus?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bayi-meninggal-3", "title": "Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan & Apa Yang Tidak Kepada Pasangan Yang Kehilangan Bayi", "body": "Apabila mendengar berita akan kelahiran mati atau bayi meninggal ini, tidak kira siapa pun tentu akan tersentak dan tiada kata yang mampu terjemahkan perasaan itu.\u00a0\n\n\nDi Malaysia, berita mengenai lkelahiran mati atau bayi meninggal ini bukanlah sesuatu yang dianggap biasa berbanding di negara lain. Seperti di Australia, memetik dari satu artikel tempatan menyatakan kelahiran mati atau stillbirth ini sangat biasa terjadi, kebarangkalian untuk orang terdekat dengan anda baik rakan-rakan atau keluarga mengalami kelahiran mati ini sangatlah tinggi.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNamun tidak di Malaysia, yang mana situasi ini amat jarang berlaku kepada orang yang kita kenali dan perkara ini cukup diambil serius oleh kerajaan kita. Disebabkan itu sekiranya insiden ini terjadi baik di hospital kerajaan atau hospital swasta, pihak kerajaan (Kementerian Kesihatan) akan melakukan siasatan yang telus ke atas kes ini. Pihak hospital akan disoal jawab dan jika berlaku kecuaian yang disebabkan pihak hospital tindakan selanjutnya akan diambil.\u00a0\n\n\nJadi disebabkan kurangnya kesedaran orang ramai mengenai kes yang jarang berlaku ini bukanlah bermakna ia tidak penting. Setiap nyawa bayi meninggal adalah berharga dan sensitiviti masyarakat serta sokongan terhadap kes ini sangatlah penting untung pasangan yang mengalami kelahiran mati ini.\u00a0\n\n\nApa yang anda perlu lakukan jika berhadapan dengan pasangan yang mengalami kelahiran mati?\n\n\n\n\nSeperti yang saya nyatakan tadi disebabkan kurangnya kesedaran mengenai topik ini, maka ramai yang tidak tahu bagaimana untuk memberi reaksi sekiranya ia berlaku kepada keluarga atau teman rapat. Apakah kata-kata yang mampu membantu mereka melupakan sengsara ini? Apakah perbuatan yang boleh meringankan beban kesedihan pasangan ini? Dan apakah pula perkara yang tidak patut dibuat atau dikatakan kepada pasangan ini? Ini sedikit sebanyak apa yang anda perlu tahu.\n\n\n#1. Katakan yang anda turut bersedih\n\n\nApabila saya sendiri mengalami pengalaman perit ini, saya cukup menghargai rakan-rakan yang tidak putus memberikan kata-kata simpati dan berada dengan saya di saat itu. Ketika waktu pengebumian bayi yang baru saya lahirkan itu, rakan-rakan rapat serta rakan sepejabat turut hadir ke kubur dan turut menangis bersama saya. Dalam masa yang sama memberi kata-kata semangat yang cukup memberi saya harapan untuk teruskan kehidupan seperti biasa. Tapi percayalah tanpa berkata apa pun, kehadiran mereka di waktu pengebumian arwah anak saya itu cukup bermakna dan saya tidak akan lupakan sampai bila-bila pun sokongan mereka itu.\u00a0\n\n\n#2. Cuba menggembirakan mereka\n\n\nTerpulang kepada pasangan sebenarnya untuk seberapa pantas mereka ingin bangkit. Seperti situasi saya dulu, saya ingin bangkit secepat yang mungkin. Saya tidak mahu meratapi kesedihan itu lama-lama. Bangkit dengan cepat tidak bermakna anda terus melupakan anak kesayangan anda yang telah pergi itu. Tapi ia lebih kepada untuk anda menjadi lebih kuat dalam masa yang sama masih meratapi. Jadi ramai rakan-rakan saya yang bertanya jika mereka boleh hadir ke rumah membawa makanan kegemaran saya atau hadir hanya untuk bertanya khabar. Dan saya okay dengan kehadiran tetamu, saya juga berasa teruja, kerana sedikit sebanyak ia mampu mengalih perhatian saya buat seketika.\u00a0\n\n\nYa, ada yang terus distract saya dengan membuat lawak apabila nampak emosi saya sudah semakin stabil, dan saya cukup menghargainya.\u00a0\n\n\nApa yang patut dielakkan?\n\n\n\n\n#1. Elak kongsi mengenai bayi anda di media sosial\n\n\nJika ada rakan-rakan terdekat atau keluarga yang baru mengalami kelahiran mati, kalau boleh \u2018berehatlah\u2019 sebentar dari berkongsi apa-apa gambar mengenai bayi atau kehamilan. Anggaplah ini satu tempoh berkabung. Memang banyak gambar-gambar anak yang seronok untuk kita kongsi tetapi, hati-hatilah kerana ada kemungkinan rakan anda yang baru mengalami pengalaman pahit ini mungkin akan merasakan perkongsian anda agak sensitif. Jika anda perlu lakukannya demi komitmen anda boleh ubah pada ketetapan untuk \u2018hide\u2019 perkongsian anda bersama rakan anda.\u00a0\n\n\n#2. Mengucapkan kata-kata yang kurang sensitif\n\n\nElakkan dari berkata seperti ia adalah masalah yang biasa, seperti \u201ctak apalah, muda lagi boleh cuba lagi,\u201d percayalah kata-kata itu tidak membantu. Elakkan juga berkata tentang masalah orang lain dan cuba membandingkan, contoh seperti \u201canak kawan saya dulu pernah kena macam ni, lagi teruk,\u201d setiap pengalaman yang perit bukanlah satu pertandingan siapa yang lebih teruk mengalaminya siapa yang kurang teruk. Pengalaman yang buruk tetap satu pengalaman buruk. Sedihnya hanya tuan badan yang tahu!\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nBaca juga:\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nhttps://my.theasianparent.cominduce-bersalin\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/powder-safety-and-talc-should-you-be-concerned", "title": "Powder Safety And Talc - Should You Be Concerned?", "body": "Talc (also known as Talcum Powder and Hydrated Magnesium Silicate) has been in news regarding its safety in personal care products. \nTalc has been used for cosmetics and personal care for hundreds of years because it is soft and absorbs oil easily. \n\n\nBut over the past several decades, talc has fallen out of favour due to questions about its safety. Earlier this year, the FDA held a meeting about testing for asbestos in talc and cosmetics containing talc.\n\n\nThis seems like the time to mention that \nBRUSH ON BLOCK\u00ae\n products do\u00a0 NOT contain talc, and never have. We should also mention that many modern cosmetic powders do not contain talc, but you should always read the label. \n\n\nBe sure to look for Hydrated Magnesium Silicate as well as talc, as some brands don\u2019t necessarily want to claim they use talc, so they fall back on the scientific name. \n\n\nWe know of at least one SPF powder that has Hydrated Magnesium Silicate as its main ingredient but also claims to be talc-free. So be sure you are reading labels and looking for all of the names.\n\n\nThere are several concerns with talc, but the one the FDA is most concerned with is its potential to be contaminated with asbestos. \n\n\nA lawsuit filed in California alleges manufacturers of such brands as Johnson\u2019s Baby Powder, Gold Bond Powder and Shower to Shower, along with private label brands distributed at CVS, Dollar General, Target, Walgreens and Walmart are among those that hid the fact that their products contain excessive levels of dangerous chemicals shown to cause cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm. \n\n\nWithout testing, there is no way to know if a particular talc product is contaminated with asbestos, lead or other harmful compounds, so the FDA has taken action. Asbestos has also been found to be present in high levels of cosmetics for children sold in stores.\n\n\nShould you be concerned about talc? Asbestos and other contaminants aside, the American Cancer Society has said there is a slightly increased risk of ovarian cancer with the use of talc, but the studies results are mixed and rely on the memory of talc use. \n\n\nThey recommend that until more information is available, \u201cpeople concerned about using talcum powder may want to avoid or limit their use of consumer products that contain it.\u201d And fortunately, there are many alternatives available\u2014cornstarch, kaolin clay, zinc oxide, boron nitride and silica.\u00a0\n\n\nWith talc in cosmetic powders for use on the face, contaminants are the main concern. To protect yourself and your family, purchase products that are free of talc. With all of the alternatives available, there is really no reason to risk your health.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to redeem your reward\u00a0\nhere\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nhere\n\u00a0on theAsianparent app!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nThe Lowdown on SPF Sunscreens \u2013 Plus 5 Natural Options to Try!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n5 Simple & Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin: A Lazy Person\u2019s Guide\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nTeaching Your Children To Apply Sunscreen\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/schools-reopen-malaysia-doctor", "title": "Schools Reopen in Malaysia: Doctor's Advise on How to Prepare Your Child Amidst the COVID Pandemic", "body": "Malaysia\u2019s movement control order (MCO) has now entered the recovery phase. Various business activities and economic sectors will reopen, of course, under strict regulations. Meanwhile, our Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education are currently discussing regarding the \nreopening of schools for children in stages\n, starting with those who will be sitting major exams like SPM and STPM. Despite the relatively low number of cases in the past few days, we have yet to achieve the status of COVID-free! Until then, we need to ensure that we do our level best to curb the spread of this virus and that includes teaching our children how to protect themselves when they finally return to school.\n\n\nTeaching your children to keep safe is not as complicated as it seems. Perhaps, it can be a tad tedious but repetition only brings about perfection. Here are some of the everyday preventive actions that every school-going child should practice as schools reopen in Malaysia.\n\n\n1. Good hand hygiene\n\n\nStart observing how your child washes his or her hands at home using soap and water. Effective hand-washing should be at least 20 seconds; equivalent to singing the Happy birthday song twice! Proper steps for hand-washing can be easily attained on line via Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. Hand-washing is a must after coming into contact with items or surfaces frequently touched by other people, such as door handles, tables, chairs, etc. Hands should be washed before touching eyes, nose and mouth to prevent germs from entering the body. If there is no available water source, the next best option is to use a hand sanitiser containing at least 60% alcohol.\n\n\n2. Put on a mask\n\n\nThe World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends the \nusage of fabric mask\n in settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained.\u00a0 On the other hand, a medical mask should be reserved for children or individuals who are unwell, suspected or confirmed COVID cases and health care workers. Are all fabric mask the same? The answer is no.\n\n\n A good fabric mask should preferably have:\n\n\n\n\nAn inner layer of absorbent material such as cotton;\n\n\na middle layer of non-woven material such as polypropylene;\n\n\nand outer layer of non-absorbent material such as polyester or polyester blend.\n\n\n\n\nAlways keep extra clean masks in a zip lock bag and separate them from soiled face masks.\n\n\n\n\n3. Practice social distancing\n\n\nAdvice children to stay at\n between one to two apart\n metres from their schoolmates at all times \u2013 in the classroom, during recess time and even when using the restroom! Children should also learn to keep their hands at their sides and refrain from touching surfaces indiscriminately. Acts like shaking of hands, slapping high five or hugging should be discouraged. Sharing of personal items such as eating utensils is also a no-no. Participation in close contact sports should be put on hold until further notice.\n\n\n4. Taking a bath after coming home\n\n\nA child should take a\n shower immediately\n after coming back from school before interacting with other family members. Although clothing may not be a conducive environment for germs to grow, it is better to be safe than sorry.\n\n\n\n\n5. Sick children should stay at home\n\n\nChildren who are unwell should be kept at home until they are better. Isolating a sick person is one of the best methods to contain a virus or bacteria from spreading. Thanks to the MCO coupled with good hygiene practices, the numbers of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) cases dropped by 44.6%, while Measles reduced by 58.3% followed by Chickenpox (44.4%) compared to the number of cases in 2019.\n\n\n6. Ensure your child\u2019s vaccination is up to date\n\n\n\n\nVaccination is the best proven immune booster.\u00a0 Vaccinated children are protected from vaccine-preventable diseases like Mumps, Measles, Rubella, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Influenza, and the list goes on. Please take this opportunity to go through their immunisation book or discuss with your child specialist regarding optional vaccines that may benefit your child before returning to school.\n\n\nRead More:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTips to harness the power of your parenting style to raise resilient children\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. JoAnn Rajah is a child specialist that provides paediatric\u00a0care to baby and children in Selangor and KL. Her core strength lies in diagnosing early signs of child health issues and guiding parents on how to manage them. For more information visit \nDr JoAnn Child Specialist\n and at her \nFacebook page\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ramadan-fasting-how-young-should-your-child-start", "title": "Ramadan Fasting \u2013 How Young Should Your Child Start?", "body": "Ramadan is the 9th month in the Islamic calendar and it is the holiest month in Islam. Muslims all over the world wait for this holy month for their chance to gain forgiveness from Allah, as Ramadan is a month where all sins are easily forgiven and atoned. As one of the pillars of Islam, Muslims are required to fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims will fast from sunrise to sunset every day in Ramadan and yet fasting is not just the restraining oneself from eating or drinking; fasting in Ramadan also includes abstaining oneself from idle talk, listening to gossips and also sexual relations.\n\n\nBy restraining from worldly desires like greed, envy, hunger and lust, Muslims can come to terms in focusing on supplementing their spiritual self as fasting brings absolute humility and obedience.\n\n\nOne of The Islam Pillars \u2013 Parents Responsibility\n\n\n\n\nmuslim man breakfasting dinner with his daugther and family at home\n\n\n\n\nFasting can be challenging, even for adults. So this raises the question of whether it is necessary for children to fast during the holy month of Ramadan and if it is necessary, how young should a child start to fast?\n\n\nBased on the Shari\u2019ah law,\n\u00a0parents should encourage their child to fast as young as 7 years of age\n provided the child is healthy and is of sound mind. If the child refuses to fast or has purposely skipped fasting by the age of 10, parents are allowed to strike the child with gentle yet firm strokes.\n\n\nHowever,\u00a0there are methods to introduce fasting to your child.\u00a0It is also equally important to explain the rationale behind fasting so your child will be more compelled to do it rather than fasting out of fear.\n\n\nWhen your child first starts to fast, it is not necessary for him or her to fast for the whole day (from sunrise to sunset). Allow your child to go on without food or drink for as long as they can and when they tell you that they are hungry or thirsty, you can let them break their fast. This is because children at this age still need a lot of nutrition and energy.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nSo to force them to complete the whole day of fasting at such a young age can prove to be dangerous. Some parents allow their child to drink to keep them hydrated but skip on the food until it\u2019s time to break fasting at sunset. Remember to always keep an eye on your child\u2019s demeanour to make sure that he or she is not lethargic or appear sickly.\n\n\nYou can lengthen the time it takes for your child to break fasting when he or she fasts the next day. Since there are 30 days in Ramadan, your child can fast gradually. For instance, if he or she happens to break fast at only a quarter of the day, encourage them to try for half day the next day and the three-quarter of the day the next and so on.\n\n\nYou can also let your child fast for the period he or she can endure for several days. This is so that their stomach can acclimatize to not having anything to eat or drink. When they are more used to it, it is easier for them to fast for a longer period further down the road.\n\n\nHow Young Should Your Child Start To Fast?\n\n\n\n\nAsking young children to fast is not a cruel act as once they have reached puberty, fasting will be obligatory for them. By learning to fast at a younger age, it will make the transition easier as the child will be used to fasting since they are small.\n\n\nFasting from the age of 7 is ideal in easing the idea of fasting to your children. Despite fasting in the month of Ramadan is required of every Muslim,\u00a0\nparents should never force their children to fast\n. Instead, parents should explain to their children the importance and significance of fasting and why is it required for Muslims to fast.\n\n\nBeing too lenient is also discouraged because otherwise, the children will think of fasting as something trivial. Parents should be sensitive to their children\u2019s condition during fasting month yet firm and assertive at the same time.\n\n\nAs parents, you should know your child best. So deciding the best time for your child to fast will be up to you, as long as it is in accordance with the Shari\u2019ah law.\n\n\nFasting is not required of children who have yet to reach puberty but as Muslim parents, it is important to introduce the concept of fasting as soon as possible to your child\u00a0so that he or she will grow up and\u00a0understand the true purpose of fasting.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nPreparing Special Needs Children For An Employable Future\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/apple-tv-announces-a-dynamic-kids-family-fall-slate", "title": "Apple TV+ Announces a Dynamic Kids & Family Fall Slate Packed with All New Animated Series", "body": "Apple TV+ today announced a vibrant fall slate for kids and families, featuring an array of fresh, original series, new on-screen imaginings of beloved properties, as well as returning fan-favorite and critically acclaimed series.\u00a0\n\n\nNew original series coming to the platform this autumn include \u201cSago Mini Friends,\u201d an animated series based on characters from the award-winning Sago Mini World app; \u201cSlumberkins,\u201d a mixed media puppet / 2D animation program from the beloved children\u2019s emotional learning brand empowering children to be caring, confident and resilient, and produced by The Jim Henson Company; \u201cCircuit Breakers\u201d a futuristic anthology series that tackles kid-relatable issues through a sci-fi lens; and \u201cInterrupting Chicken,\u201d an animated preschool series which illuminates for children the joy of reading, writing, and storytelling, and stars the voice talents three-time Emmy Award winner Sterling K. Brown (\u201cThis Is Us,\u201d \u201cHonk for Jesus. Save Your Soul\u201d).\n\n\nThe acclaimed series returning this fall include the Emmy Award-winning series \u201cGhostwriter\u201d with an entirely new cast, animated adventure epic \u201cWolfboy and the Everything Factory,\u201d charming friendship and farming tale \u201cGet Rolling with Otis,\u201d and Jack McBrayer\u2019s sweet, music-forward \u201cHello, Jack! The Kindness Show.\u201d Additionally, even more classic Peanuts titles will be made available to fans, many for the first time in decades.\u00a0\n\n\nPeanuts Anthology II \u2013 New to Platform \u2013 September 9\n\n\nFans of the beloved Peanuts gang will have more classics available to watch from Mendelson/Melendez Productions and Peanuts Worldwide including \u201cHe\u2019s A Bully, Charlie Brown,\u201d \u201cHe\u2019s Your Dog, Charlie Brown,\u201d \u201cIt Was A Short Summer, Charlie Brown,\u201d \u201cIt\u2019s Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown,\u201d \u201cThere\u2019s No Time For Love, Charlie Brown,\u201d \u201cWhy, Charlie Brown, Why?,\u201d \u201cYou\u2019re In Love, Charlie Brown,\u201d and \u201cYou\u2019re The Greatest, Charlie Brown.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cSago Mini Friends\u201d \u2013 New Series \u2013 September 16\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSago Mini Friends\u201d is a new preschool animated series produced by Daytime Emmy Award-nominated Spin Master Entertainment and animated by 9 Story Media Group\u2019s Emmy Award-winning studio Brown Bag Films \u2013 Toronto, based on the charming characters and artful designs featured in the award-winning Sago Mini World app, developed by Sago Mini.\n\n\nThe \u201cSago Mini Friends\u201d series is an adorable nod to gratitude, featuring Harvey the floppy-eared dog and his best friends, Jinja the cat, Jack the rabbit, and Robin the bird. Along with a unique cast of residents as colorful as their own whimsical world, the four friends play, explore, imagine and celebrate daily in their joyful town of Sagoville.\n\n\nIn each episode, Harvey and all his friends express their true thankfulness for all things, big and small, through optimism, kindness, preschool-friendly humor and unforgettable original songs! \u201cSago Mini Friends\u201d is executive produced by Daytime Emmy Award nominees Jennifer Dodge (\u201cPAW Patrol\u201d), Ronnen Harary (\u201cPAW Patrol\u201d), Tone Thyne (\u201cWonder Pets!\u201d), and Dustin Ferrer (\u201cEsme & Roy\u201d). Daytime Emmy Award nominees Laura Clunie (\u201cPAW Patrol\u201d), and Toni Stevens (\u201cPAW Patrol\u201d) serve as executive producers, with Chad Hicks (\u201cKingdom Force\u201d) as series director.\n\n\nDr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, distinguished professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside and expert in the science of happiness, serves as the gratitude expert on the series through Apple TV+\u2019s changemakers initiative.\n\n\n\u201cWolfboy and the Everything Factory\u201d \u2013 Season Two \u2013 September 30\n\n\nInspired by the work of visual artist Toff Mazery, co-created by Emmy Award winner Edward Jesse (HITRECORD\u2019s \u201cCreate Together\u201d), developed by Emmy winner Michael Ryan (\u201cAll Hail King Julien,\u201d \u201cKung Fu Panda\u201d), and executive produced by Emmy winner Joseph Gordon-Levitt (\u201cMr. Corman\u201d), HITRECORD and FOX Entertainment\u2019s Bento Box Entertainment, the second season of the animated epic \u201cWolfboy and the Everything Factory\u201d takes Wolfboy (voiced by Kassian Akhtar), to a new realm underneath the Everything Factory that is responsible for all of the destruction in the universe.\n\n\nWith his Spryte friends and new allies, Wolfboy engages in a quest to unite the forces of creation and destruction, and realizes that being different is what makes him special \u2013 and ultimately, it\u2019s the oddballs and dreamers who change the world.\n\n\n\u201cGet Rolling with Otis\u201d \u2013 Season Two \u2013 September 30\n\n\n\n\nBased on the Penguin Random House book series by Loren Long, \u201cGet Rolling With Otis,\u201d is an animated adventure series from 9 Story Media Group and Brown Bag Films welcoming young viewers to Long Hill Dairy Farm, home to Otis the tractor and all his friends. Otis may be little, but he has a big heart. Whenever he sees a friend in need, he hits the brakes, asks how they\u2019re feeling, and rolls into action to help! Get rolling with new adventures, new friends, and a little tractor who\u2019s big on helping others.\n\n\nThe series is executive produced by Vince Commisso, Wendy Harris, author Long, Darragh O\u2019Connell, Jane Startz and Angela C. Santomero. Dr. Michele Borba, internationally renowned educational psychologist, best-selling author, frequent media contributor on TODAY show, and an expert in parenting, bullying, and character development serves as the compassionate action expert on the series through Apple TV+\u2019s changemakers initiative.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cHello, Jack! The Kindness Show\u201d \u2013 Season Two \u2013 October 7\n\n\nJack is one of Clover Grove\u2019s most thoughtful and caring residents, greeting everyone with kindness and humor. His ability to spread compassion, creativity, and imagination inspires everyone in town to do the same.\n\n\nA new season of kindness creates more incredible change. \u201cHello, Jack! The Kindness Show\u201d is co-created and executive produced by Jack McBrayer (\u201c30 Rock,\u201d \u201cPhineas and Ferb,\u201d \u201cWreck-It Ralph\u201d franchise) and Angela C. Santomero (\u201cBlue\u2019s Clues,\u201d \u201cDaniel Tiger\u2019s Neighborhood\u201d).\u00a0\n\n\nThe series is produced by Emmy Award-winning 9 Story Media Group (\u201cKarma\u2019s World,\u201d \u201cBlue\u2019s Clues & You!,\u201d) with animation by its Oscar-nominated studio Brown Bag Films (\u201cDaniel Tiger\u2019s Neighborhood,\u201d \u201cDoc McStuffins,\u201d \u201cVampirina\u201d). Jax Media also produces. Wendy Harris and Vince Commisso from 9 Story Media Group and Tony Hernandez and John Skidmore from Jax Media serve as executive producers, alongside showrunner and Emmy Award nominee Guy Toubes.\n\n\nDr. Junlei Li, the Saul Zaentz senior lecturer in Early Childhood Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, serves as the kindness and human connection expert on the series through Apple TV+\u2019s changemakers initiative.\n\n\n\u201cGhostwriter\u201d \u2013 Season Three \u2013 October 21\n\n\n\n\nEmmy Award-winning \u201cGhostwriter\u201d returns for a third season with an entirely new cast and a new adventure! When a ghost haunts a bookstore and releases fictional characters into the real world, a group of friends works to solve a mystery surrounding the ghost\u2019s unfinished business. A reimagining of the 1992 hit series from Sesame Workshop, the modern-day \u201cGhostwriter\u201d maintains a city-based, multicultural cast, inviting children ages 6-11 to see themselves on screen as they learn to appreciate a range of new and classic literature.\n\n\nStarring Princess Mapp (\u201cSydney to the Max,\u201d \u201cThe Unicorn\u201d), Nour Assaf (\u201cThe Casagrandes\u201d), and Daire McLeod (\u201cDanger Force\u201d), the series was developed for television by J.J. Johnson and Andrew Orenstein with Academy Award winning and DGA Award-nominated Luke Matheny directing the first episode. Matheny and Orenstein executive produce alongside Johnson, Christin \nSimms\n, and Blair Powers for Sinking Ship Entertainment and Kay Wilson Stallings for Sesame Workshop.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cSlumberkins\u201d \u2013 New Series \u2013 November 4\n\n\nEmbark on adventures with Bigfoot, Unicorn, Sloth, Yak, and Fox as they explore a world of feelings in this Jim Henson Company mixed media puppet / 2D animation series that empowers the emotional wellness of children through supportive storytelling.\n\n\nBased on the leading children\u2019s emotional learning brand Slumberkins, the series brings to life some of the beloved characters from the Slumberkins books as they explore new stories of friendship, confidence and connection to model healthy relationships. \u201cSlumberkins\u201d was created for television by Alex Rockwell (\u201cWord Party,\u201d \u201cPajanimals\u201d).\n\n\nThe Jim Henson Company\u2019s Halle Stanford is executive producer along with Rockwell. Callie Christensen, MIT in Elementary Education and Special Education and Kelly Oriard, M.S. in Counseling and Marriage Therapy & School Counseling, creators of the Slumberkins education brand, are co-executive producers.\n\n\nDr. Dan Siegel, executive director of the Mindsight Institute and clinical professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA, and author of multiple New York Times bestsellers, serves as an expert in understanding how attachment experiences affect behavior through the Apple TV+ changemaker initiative.\nPartner Stories\nGive Health A Shot\nAnak Anda Tercicir Janji Temu Imunisasi Rutin? Ini Yang Anda Perlu Tahu\nMoney Parenting\nHow To Nurture Your Child\u2019s Knowledge About Money\nKesihatan\nSeorang Doktor Yang Juga Seorang Ibu Menyarankan Ibu Bapa Semua Untuk Ambil Tahu Tentang Vaksin\nAges & Stages\nIs Your Child Growing Optimally? Here\u2019s What You Need to Know\n\n\n\u201cCircuit Breakers\u201d \u2013 New Series \u2013 November 11\n\n\n\n\n\u201cCircuit Breakers\u201d is a half-hour futuristic anthology series that tackles kid-relatable issues through a sci-fi lens. But not everything is as it seems, and their curiosity leads to chaos. The series was created by Melody Fox with executive producer Matt Hastings directing the pilot episode.\n\n\n\u201cCircuit Breakers\u201d is executive produced by Andrew Orenstein, Cottonwood Media\u2019s \nSarah\n Haasz, David Michel and C\u00e9cile Lauritano, Aircraft Pictures\u2019 Anthony Leo and Andrew Rosen, and Todd Berger.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cInterrupting Chicken\u201d \u2013 New Series \u2013 November 18\u00a0\n\n\nThis animated preschool series based upon the 2011 Caldecott Honor-winning book series written and illustrated by David Ezra Stein \u201cInterrupting Chicken\u201d introduces children to the joy of creative writing \u2013 starting with a young little chicken named Piper who has a habit of interrupting storytime! Every time Piper hears a story, she can\u2019t help but jump in, ask questions and let her imagination run wild as she tries to fill in details, guess what happens next or insert herself in the middle of the action to help save the day.\n\n\n\u201cInterrupting Chicken\u201d was developed by Emmy Award winner Ron Holsey who serves as executive producer. In partnership with Mercury Filmworks, the series stars the voice talents of three time Emmy Award winner Sterling K. Brown (\u201cThis Is Us,\u201d \u201cHonk for Jesus. Save Your Soul\u201d) and is executive produced by Holsey, Stein, Loris Kramer Lunsford, Clint Eland and Chantal Ling.\n\n\nDr. Lucy Calkins, Founding Director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project and the Richard Robinson Professor of Children\u2019s Literature at Teachers College, Columbia University, serves as our reading and writing expert through the Apple TV+ changemaker initiative.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe award-winning slate of original series and film for kids and families on Apple TV+ includes the recently premiered critically-acclaimed \u201cEl Deafo,\u201d \u201cAmber Brown,\u201d \u201cBest Foot Forward,\u201d \u201cLovely Little Farm,\u201d \u201cDuck & Goose,\u201d \u201cPinecone & Pony,\u201d \u201cFraggle Rock: Back to the Rock\u201d and \u201cHarriet the Spy\u201d from The Jim Henson Company, and the star-studded animated adventure film \u201cLuck\u201d from Apple Original Films and Skydance Animation;\u00a0 Peabody Award-winning series \u201cStillwater\u201d; Daytime Emmy Award-winning \u201cGhostwriter\u201d and \u201cHelpsters\u201d from Sesame Workshop; Academy Award-nominated animated film \u201cWolfwalkers\u201d; \u201cHello, Jack! The Kindness Show\u201d from Jack McBrayer and Angela C. Santomero; \u201cWolfboy and the Everything Factory\u201d from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, HITRECORD and Bento Box Entertainment; \u201cGet Rolling with Otis\u201d and \u201cPuppy Place\u201d; new series and specials from Peanuts and WildBrain including \u201cSnoopy in Space\u201d season two, \u201cIt\u2019s the Small Things, Charlie Brown,\u201d and \u201cFor Auld Lang Syne\u201d; and \u201cHere We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth,\u201d the Daytime Emmy Award-winning television event based on the New York Times best-selling book and TIME Best Book of the Year by Oliver Jeffers.\n\n\n\n\nApple TV+ will also soon expand its slate with stories from some of today\u2019s biggest storytellers in kids and family programming, including the soon to premiere\u00a0 \u201cJane,\u201d a new mission-driven series from J.J. Johnson, Sinking Ship Entertainment and the Jane Goodall Institute.\u00a0\n\n\nThe award-winning slate of original series and film for kids and families on Apple TV+ includes the recently premiered groundbreaking series \u201cEl Deafo,\u201d critically-acclaimed \u201cAmber Brown\u201d created by Bonnie Hunt, and Common Sense Media Selections \u201cBest Foot Forward\u201d and \u201cDuck & Goose.\u201d The impressive all-ages offerings also include\u00a0 \u201cFraggle Rock: Back to the Rock\u201d and \u201cHarriet the Spy\u201d from The Jim Henson Company, the Peabody Award-winning series \u201cStillwater,\u201d Daytime Emmy Award-winning \u201cGhostwriter\u201d and \u201cHelpsters\u201d from Sesame Workshop, Academy Award-nominated animated film \u201cWolfwalkers,\u201d new series and specials from Peanuts and WildBrain including \u201cThe Snoopy Show,\u201d as well as \u201cHere We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth,\u201d the Daytime Emmy Award-winning television event based on the New York Times best-selling book and TIME Best Book of the Year by Oliver Jeffers.\n\n\nApple TV+ continues to present young viewers and their caregivers with first-rate options including the upcoming series\u00a0 \u201cJane,\u201d a new mission-driven series from J.J. Johnson, Sinking Ship Entertainment and the Jane Goodall Institute.\n\n\nApple TV+ offers premium, compelling drama and comedy series, feature films, groundbreaking documentaries, and kids and family entertainment, and is available to watch across all your favorite screens.\n\n\nAfter its launch on November 1, 2019, Apple TV+ became the first all-original streaming service to launch around the world, and has premiered more original hits and received more award recognitions faster than any other streaming service in its debut. To date, Apple Original films, documentaries, and series have earned 250 wins and 1,123 award nominations and counting, including this year\u2019s Oscar Best Picture winner \u201cCODA.\u201d\n\n\nApple TV+ is available on the Apple TV app in over 100 countries and regions, on over 1 billion screens, including iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac, popular smart TVs from Samsung, LG, Sony, VIZIO, TCL, and others, Roku and Amazon Fire TV devices, Chromecast with Google TV, PlayStation and Xbox gaming consoles, and at \ntv.apple.com\n, for RM19.90 per month with a seven-day free trial.\n\n\nFor a limited time, customers who purchase and activate a new iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac, or iPod touch can enjoy three months of Apple TV+ for free.* For more information, visit\n apple.com/tvpr\n and see the full list of supported devices.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/habbatus-sauda", "title": "Habbatus Sauda: The Tiny Seed That Delivers Big Health Benefits", "body": "Habbatus Sauda \u2014more commonly known as black cumin, but also referred to as nigella sativa, black seed or kalonji\u2014comes from the fennel plants of Southeast Asia.\n\n\nAnd while this seed has been used medicinally for centuries throughout Asia and other parts of the world, it\u2019s just beginning to pick up steam in the wellness community for its healing powers.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is Habbatus Sauda?\n\n\nHabbatus Sauda or nigella sativa is the scientific name for black cumin seed, which comes from fennel flowers native to Asia. Archaeological evidence shows nigella sativa was used for both culinary purposes\u2014especially in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines\u2014as well as medicinally. In fact, the medicinal benefits of habbatus sauda were recorded as early as the year 980 by the Persian Muslim physician, Avicenna, who stated that ingesting the seeds of the habbatus sauda plant was a treatment for dyspnea\u2014shortness of breath.\n\n\nToday, habbatus sauda seeds are used as an alternative healing method for a variety of ailments, including headaches, arthritis, congestion, digestive problems and more.\n\n\nHabbatus Sauda Benefits\n\n\nOver the last few decades, the scientific community has developed a particular interest in studying this plant because of its ability to adapt itself into biological pathways\u2014one of the reasons the seeds are thought to be so incredibly curative.\u00a0\n\n\nAnti-inflammatory benefits of habbatus sauda seed\n\n\nPerhaps the most notable benefit of habbatus sauda is its anti-inflammatory properties. Considering a number of diseases and conditions develop from chronic inflammation in the system\u2014ulcerative colitis, asthma, ulcers, diabetes, heart disease, and in some cases even cancer\u2014it\u2019s important to take steps to reduce chronic inflammation when possible.\n\n\nWhile human studies are limited to participants with specific conditions, several institutions have found that kalonji (habbatus sauda) oil is effective at reducing inflammation within the body. One study comprised of 42 participants suffering from rheumatoid arthritis showed that taking 1,000mg of kalonji oil a day for eight weeks reduced inflammation and oxidative stress (the imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals within the body).\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, habbatus sauda seeds are high in antioxidants and phytonutrients, which reduce inflammation in the body by neutralising free radicals and cell damage and protect against chronic diseases and obesity.\u00a0\n\n\nBrain boosting benefits of habbatus sauda seeds\n\n\nDue to habbatus sauda\u2019s anti-inflammatory properties and rich antioxidants, research has seen some major brain benefits from this seed, including improved memory and cognitive function.\n\n\nHabbatus sauda is also an incredibly promising herb for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer\u2019s disease as it\u2019s been shown to help protect neuron degeneration in several parts of the brain.\u00a0\n\n\nAntimicrobial benefits of habbatus sauda seed\n\n\nHabbatus sauda has been found to have antimicrobial properties for fighting off bacteria and certain infections, from ear infections to pneumonia to staph.\n\n\nResearch studies in Pakistan have shown habbatus sauda to be effective at curbing the growth of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a fatal and notoriously difficult-to-treat staph infection, as well as other bacteria strains.\n\n\nAnd while more research is needed, the existing data on antimicrobial and antibiotic properties of habbatus sauda seeds is promising!\u00a0\n\n\nBeauty benefits of habbatus sauda seeds\n\n\nProblematic skin? habbatus sauda oil can also be used for a variety of skin conditions to improve skin health.\n\n\nA study by the Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery found that adding black seed oil to participants\u2019 skin routines helped to reduce acne within eight weeks. It\u2019s also been shown to reduce psoriasis flare ups and support accelerated wound healing due to its antibacterial properties.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow to take habbatus sauda\n\n\nThese seeds can be eaten raw, toasted, ground and added to dishes, applied as topical oil treatment, or taken as a supplement in powdered form (like in\u00a0\nPegaga by PurelyB\n!) or soft gel capsule.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.digitalwelt.org/en/lifestyle/herbs/habbatus-sauda-benefits\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4884216/\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3614697/\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19610522\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352241015000286\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4428475/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nFeel Yourself Up \u2014 Your Step-by-Step Guide To Breast Self-Examination\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-your-body-makes-space-for-the-growing-baby-a-visual-guide", "title": "How your body makes space for the growing baby: A visual guide", "body": "The human body never fails to amaze us, and what it does during pregnancy is no exception. One of the most interesting things about being pregnant is that our organs move during pregnancy!\n\n\nWe are surrounded by information on how the baby grows from week to week. We all hear of the infamous pregnancy hormones. We can see our skin stretching. We pay attention to\u00a0every detail of our baby\u2019s growth.\u00a0\n\n\nBut we often overlook what\u2019s going on with our own bodies.\u00a0To make space for the little bun, our organs move during pregnancy and they move again after birth.\u00a0\n\n\nIt all starts with the uterus which enlarges and pushes out of the pelvic cavity. This gets the whole process going. Eventually, the body rearranges vital organs such as the stomach, liver, and intestines.\u00a0\n\n\nSomewhere in the second trimester, the uterus gets close to the rib cage. Does this explain the growing discomfort? The all too familiar heartburns, indigestion, and difficulty sleeping?\u00a0\n\n\nHave you ever wondered how it looks when our organs move during pregnancy? The ultrasound gives us a nice picture of how our baby is developing every week but wouldn\u2019t it be interesting to see what\u2019s going on inside our bodies as well?\u00a0\n\n\nIf the sound of organs shifting and rearranging has piqued your curiosity, then you should explore this really interesting \ninteractive tool \nby the \nMuseum of Science and Industry in Chicago\n. It gives you a week by week visual guide to how your\u00a0organs move during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nIt may sound a little terrifying to think of organs shifting around but do bear in mind that this occurs gradually and over the course of nine months. So let\u2019s have a look at what\u2019s going on inside.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBy the end of the first trimester, the uterus pushes the intestines together to make more space!\n\n\n\n\nThis interactive gif image shows how somewhere between the fifth to the eighth week, your bladder is already compressed to a much smaller size than at the point of conception. Depending on how your organs move during pregnancy, you might find yourself rushing to the ladies every now and then!\n\n\nBy the end of the \nfirst trimester\n, your baby bump might start showing up. You are likely to have gained anywhere between 1.5 to 5 pounds.\n\n\nYour uterus is pushing your intestines together to make more room for the growing baby. This continues to happen throughout the pregnancy. This is exactly why by the end of your pregnancy, eating a full meal becomes so difficult.\n\n\nNot only do your organs move during pregnancy, your heart rate and blood volume also increase. The lungs do not function as they usually do either. The constriction explains why you find yourself constantly out of breath during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nThe kidneys too are working on overdrive. From processing just the mother\u2019s waste, they now have to handle the fetus\u2019 waste as well.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYour uterus would have expanded until your navel by week 21!\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s incredibly interesting how your organs move during pregnancy as shown by this creative diagram. By the time you hit the halfway mark, your uterus would have extended above your navel.\n\n\nThe uterus continues expanding upwards. This causes your stomach to move upward, on the same level of your intestines.\u00a0\n\n\nAgain, does this explain the much-dreaded heartburn that almost every pregnant woman is plagued with?\u00a0\n\n\nBy \nweek 25\n, the sides of your abdomen appear bigger. All thanks to how organs move during pregnancy. Additionally, you may have hemorrhoids caused by the increased blood flow. All the changes happening inside your body can also cause constipation, indigestion, and heartburn.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget the skin. All the stretching causes your skin to change. You may discover the appearance of stretch marks or those infamous varicose veins.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe third trimester is when things get really uncomfortable!\n\n\n\n\nThird trimester\n, here\u2019s where all the fun starts. Aches, pain, and discomfort hit the peak. Organs move during pregnancy, and they move the most at this stage as illustrated by this interactive diagram. By the beginning of the third trimester, your baby is pushing upward on your rib cage.\u00a0\n\n\nBy \nweek 30\n, your uterus is approximately four inches above your navel. By \nweek 34\n, your uterus hardens and pushes against your lower ribs. Your rib cage feels so sore it probably \u2018burns\u2019.\n\n\nThe abdomen stretches and causes your navel to push out. All the pressure causes existing indigestion and heartburn to worsen. Stretching of the uterine muscle might cause you to feel pains down the sides of your abdomen, almost like stitches.\u00a0\n\n\nYour stomach and intestines move up a couple of inches. This causes your liver and lungs to squeeze and this explains why you are almost \nalways\n out of breath!\u00a0\n\n\nThis interactive tool also tracks the growth of your placenta. Your body creates this organ solely for the pregnancy. An interesting fact is that the placenta is bigger than your baby in the first trimester. Things settle down by the second trimester, and the placenta\u2019s growth is highly similar to your baby\u2019s growth.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nThings start to revert after you\u2019ve given birth.\n\n\n\n\nNot only do organs move during pregnancy, but they also continue moving after you give birth. Things have to go back to normal. Gradually, organs take on their original shapes and sizes. They continue to shift to their original position. This diagram also tracks your uterus shrinking to its original size.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough you don\u2019t see any of it, there\u2019s a tremendous amount of change taking place right within you. This interactive tool gives you a thorough visual guide to understanding all of these changes.\u00a0\n\n\nNow that you\u2019ve seen it all, you finally get the picture, in every sense of the word. All the discomfort of pregnancy results from your growing baby and how your organs move during pregnancy to accommodate your baby. Hopefully, that makes you a little more forgiving to those vile pregnancy symptoms.\n\n\nThe wonders of nature never cease to amaze us, do they?\u00a0\n\n\nImage\u2019s credit: The Bump\n\n\nReferences: \nWhat To Expect\n, \nWebMD\n \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ways-to-recharge-midday-slump", "title": "10 Ways To Recharge When You Hit The Midday Slump", "body": "You\u2019re having a productive start to the day, when suddenly that midday slump hits and you can\u2019t help but find yourself wanting to face-plant onto your desk. Does this sound familiar?\n\n\nHow do you typically boost your energy when feeling tired?\n\n\nThe common answer: \ncaffeine\n.\n\n\nThat doesn\u2019t have to be the only answer, though. You can refresh your body and mind without coffee or anything related to caffeine. Keeping your energy up is essential to your productivity and ability to meet daily demands.\n\n\n10 Ways to Overcome Midday Slump\n\n\nHere are ten ways you can overcome that lunchtime sluggishness and perform at your best.\n\n\n1# Understand Why Your Energy Drops\n\n\nA healthy metabolism allows you to function at your best and ensures that you achieve the recovery you need at night \u2013 such as through good sleep. When your blood sugar is poorly regulated, you will experience a drop in energy over time.\n\n\nThis can be due to a poor diet, skipping meals, or just generally not meeting your body\u2019s demands. By regulating your blood sugar, you regulate your energy production.\n\n\n2# Omit Processed Carbs\n\n\n\n\nThe right food can be a\u00a0\npowerful source of energy\n\u00a0that can fuel your body throughout the day. That\u2019s why you should opt for food with a wide range of nutrients and healthy enzymes, rather than processed food stripped of its benefits. For example, avoid white rice during lunch and have quinoa instead.\n\n\nIf you feel like snacking, pick fruits over items filled with refined sugar. Switching your diet to exclude processed carbs will not only help your energy levels but your overall health, too!\n\n\n3# Choose Dark Chocolate Over Other Chocolates\n\n\n\n\nAnother snack to add to your list to help with midday slump would be dark chocolate, preferably the type with more than 70% cocoa.\n\n\nDark chocolate stimulates endorphins and serotonin, which are known as feel-good chemicals. Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and fibre, too \u2013 all the more reason to have some on hand!\u00a0\n\n\n4# Prioritise Important Tasks\n\n\nAs your energy level is at its highest, prioritise the tasks that will require the most amount of attention. Once you\u2019ve completed urgent or complicated tasks, you\u2019ll be able to breeze through the rest of your agenda even if your energy levels have changed.\n\n\n5# Move Your Body\n\n\n\n\nWhen you feel the midday slump creeping up on you, start moving your body to release tension and to feel revived. If you were unknowingly hunching over your desk, focus on stretches centered around the neck, shoulders, and upper back to clear potential tightness. Why not start with easy stretches, or try some\u00a0desk yoga?\n\n\nYou can also just go for a walk. From\u00a0\nreducing blood sugar levels\u00a0\nand\u00a0\nelevating your mood\n\u00a0to helping you\u00a0\nthink more creatively\n, and more, walking has certainly proven its various benefits!\n\n\nOnce everyone can safely return to the office, you could incorporate more walking into your at-work routine, too. Take the stairs over the elevator, walk to your colleague\u2019s desk instead of emailing, and have walking meetings over seated meetings.\n\n\n6# Listen to Music\n\n\n\n\nMusic has the power to\u00a0\nlessen anxiety\n\u00a0and reduce stress by boosting happiness and\u00a0\nregulating emotions\n. Favorite songs especially can work as a natural mood and\n\u00a0energy enhancer\u00a0\nso create a playlist of your favorite songs and let the music play while you work.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re still working from home, you could even have a little boogie in between completing tasks and work calls \u2013 you\u2019ll definitely be smiling, and feeling less sluggish, by the end of your party-for-one!\n\n\n7# Stock Up On Essential Oils\n\n\nWhen it comes to choosing an\u00a0essential oil\u00a0to use to improve your mood, you will be spoilt for choice.\u00a0\nPeppermint\n, lemon, and/ or sweet orange are a few of my favourites. You can either rub a drop or two along your wrists, neck and/or temple \u2013 just remember to avoid the eyes.\n\n\nAlternatively, you can invest in a diffuser and keep your home-office area scented with essential oils throughout your working day for your energy levels to remain balanced.\n\n\n8# Absorb Some Positive Rays\n\n\nIf you have the privilege of living by a balcony or garden, then utilise the space to your advantage. Make sure to get your dose of vitamin D as sunlight can trigger the parts of your brain that are connected to\n\u00a0feeling alert\n.\n\n\nSunlight has a positive effect on your melatonin production too, which means that your energy levels will increase \u2013 bye-bye constant yawning! The ideal amount of time under the sun would be 15 minutes at least, so the next time you have lunch, why not take it outdoors?\n\n\nResearchers have proven how incorporating the sun into your work schedule can \nimprove the mental health of employees.\n\n\n9# Ice, Ice Baby\n\n\nThis solution to dealing with the midday slump is the total opposite of absorbing sunlight. In lieu of sweating under the sun, a cold shower could be what works best for your body.\n\n\nDespite the differences in temperature, a cold shower has similar benefits: it helps you concentrate and can increase focus. Despite how a cold shower can feel like an attack when you\u2019re not used to it, it actually\u00a0\nhelps reduce stress levels\u00a0\nand is ideal for those without access to a balcony or garden.\n\n\n10# Get Visualising\n\n\nVisualisation has long been used for personal development as it can better cognitive performance and in turn, support goal achievement. Moreover, visualisation techniques can enhance your energy throughout the day and\u00a0\nprevent fatigue\n. If you\u2019re new to visualisation, you could start by self-inducing certain states of being, such as being energised or relaxed, for example at your favorite holiday destination. If you prefer some guidance, use an app like\u00a0\nHeadSpace\n.\n\n\nHave A Laugh\n\n\n\n\nKredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIf everything else fails, remember that you always can rely on friends and family to help uplift your mood and energy levels. Instead of just messaging, call them! Chit-chatting away with a loved one will almost instantly have you giggling and put your mind at ease.\n\n\nPlus, during times like these, staying connected with family and friends is more important than ever \u2013 you\u2019d be surprised at how much a phone call can mean to someone going through a tough time!\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \nBye Bye, Caffeine! 5 Caffeine-Free Energy Boosters\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n10 Great Sleep Tips for Working Moms\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nTunes You Should Be Listening To While You Workout To Boost Your Mood\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/telltale-signs-of-anxiety-and-stress", "title": "8 Telltale Signs That You\u2019re Stressed", "body": "In 2011, The Patron of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association (MPA) found that 11% of Malaysians struggled with depression and anxiety. In 2017, that number spiked to 29%. Since the pandemic started in 2020, numerous studies have been conducted to assess the impact on Malaysian citizens.\n\n\nUniversity Pendidikan Sultan Idris revealed how 70% of its respondents agreed that since the outbreak, their anxiety levels have increased \u2013 common physical symptoms include fatigue, headaches, mood swings, and even shortness of breath\n\n\nAnxiety and stress are closely connected, except that stress is the body\u2019s reaction to an external trigger, whereas anxiety is the body\u2019s reaction to the stress. Typically, symptoms of anxiety and stress overlap.\n\n\nA common cause of anxiety and stress is work. In Japan, there\u2019s even a term for anxiety and stress resulting from work: karoshi. It means death caused by overwork and stress. Yes, it\u2019s true: chronic stress can lead to heart disease, stress-induced seizures, strokes, and more.\n\n\nIn order to avoid karoshi, here are 8 telltale signs that you\u2019re stressed.\n\n\n1# Acne (Even If You\u2019re Not Prone To Acne)\n\n\n\n\nIf you wake up one day with your face covered in pimples and you\u2019re pretty sure it\u2019s not triggered by any allergens, the blame falls on stress.\n\n\nThis is often due to a hormone called cortisol that\u2019s secreted to combat stress. Unfortunately, it causes overproduction of oil in the hair follicles.\n\n\nSo, don\u2019t be surprised if you wake up with acne in your 30s! If you\u2019re currently battling acne, then here are\u00a0\n4 Ways To Help Clear Your Acne Naturally\n.\n\n\n2# Uncharacteristic Digestive Problems\n\n\nConsidering how stress affects your physiological system, it\u2019s unsurprising that stress can lead to gastrointestinal or digestive problems such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea,\u00a0constipation, and the likes.\n\n\nBy making small and gradual changes in your lifestyle, you can alleviate all stress-related digestive problems.\n\n\nOur top three tips would be: eat balanced meals in smaller portions at regular intervals, don\u2019t forget to stay hydrated\u00a0by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily and try to\u00a0exercise regularly.\n\n\n3# Sudden Weight Gain\n\n\n\n\nWhile you\u2019d assume that digestive problems lead to weight loss, the opposite is also true. That pesky hormone cortisol can actually make you feel hungrier during times of stress.\n\n\nThese increased levels of stress will, in turn, increase your insulin levels and cause a drop in blood sugar levels.\n\n\nAs a result, you will crave more junk food or just any type of food that\u2019s fatty and/ or sugary. You can learn how to\u00a0curb sugar cravings\u00a0and\u00a0snack healthy\u00a0through our other articles \u2013 phew!\n\n\n4# Random (& Chronic) Body Aches & Pain\n\n\nAccording to Jay Winner, author of Stress Management Made Simple, \u201cWhen you are stressed, your body produces hormones that increase muscle tension and pain sensitivity\u201d.\n\n\nIn fact, a\u00a0\nstudy\n\u00a0found that the participants involved who were experiencing chronic pain had higher levels of cortisol. If you\u2019re feeling tight within your body then try loosening up those tight muscles with these\u00a0easy full-body stretches\u00a0or these\u00a0simple seated yoga stretches.\n\n\nYou could even make yourself this\u00a0homemade pain relief balm.\n\n\n5# Frequent Headaches & Migraines\n\n\n\n\nHave you ever experienced a tension headache? Usually, a tension headache is accompanied by sharp and/ or dull pain, pressure at the back of the head, and/ or pressure at the neck.\u00a0\n\n\nThis study\n proves how stressful events preceded the development of chronic headaches.\u00a0\n\n\n6# Sleep Deprivation\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nIt\u2019s a given that stress can affect sleep. A lesser-known fact is that insufficient sleep will weaken your immunity. The consequence of tossing & turning in bed is that you become more susceptible to colds. You can try sleeping in early. Alternatively, try doing\u00a0Yoga or keep your immunity high with lots of fruits and vegetables.\n\n\n7# Freaky Hair Loss\n\n\n\n\nThe reason you start losing hair when stressed is due to most of the aforementioned signs, particularly poor dietary habits and lack of sleep. It\u2019s not uncommon for people to start losing hair weeks or, sometimes, months after a stressful event.\n\n\nThis is known as \u2018telogen effluvium\u2019 which occurs when a lot of hair is in the resting phase for 3 to 4 months before it falls out and gets replaced by new strands of hair.\n\n\nThe good news? If you are able to address the stressful event, your hair growth cycle will resume as normal. Eating healthy food will help your hair stay healthy and strong as well.\n\n\n8# Feeling Nothing But Blue\n\n\nSerotonin is the much-loved hormone that can elevate your mood and turn around imbalanced chemical activity in the brain. Stress, however, tends to deplete these happy hormones, which can then lead to\u00a0depression. If nothing changes, suicidal thoughts may ensue at a later stage.\n\n\nRemember:\n\u00a0You Are In Control\n\n\nStress is inevitable in this day and age and yes, its side effects can be tough. There will always be one way or another that you can combat stress, you are in control!\n\n\nSo the next time you\u2019re feeling anxious or nervous, use that energy to your advantage and calm your nerves with this yoga.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n10 Ways To Manage Your Stress For Peace Of Mind\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nWorking mums are up to 40% more stressed out than other people\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nNew research proves stress causes obesity\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-shares-importance-of-car-seat-safety-on-long-drives", "title": "Mum shares importance of car seat safety on long drives", "body": "When 28-year-old Kirsti Clark strapped her three-week-old daughter into her car seat, she wasn\u2019t expecting to put her child\u2019s life in danger. But the mum soon learned about car seat dangers in the most frightening way possible.\n\n\nMum shares warning about car seat dangers after newborn daughter almost dies\n\n\nThe frightening incident happened on their drive home, which took longer than normal because of bad traffic.\u00a0\n\n\nOnce they got home, the mum-of-two recounts how she and her husband Christopher got their eldest daughter Malena into bed first. Their baby Harper stayed in the car seat, until they took her out of it because she was getting fussy.\n\n\nTo their horror, Harper, who by then had spent three hours in the car seat, turned blue and started foaming at the nose and mouth; she also suffered a seizure.\u00a0\n\n\nThe terrified parents rushed their little one to the hospital, where doctors managed to resuscitate her.\n\n\n\u201cSeeing her like that was the worst feeling. It was horrid. I wouldn\u2019t wish it upon anyone\u2026\u201d\n\n\nWhile there, they were also warned about the dangers of leaving babies in car seats for more than an hour. Because beyond 60 minutes, a baby\u2019s oxygen level can crash.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cSeeing her like that was the worst feeling. It was horrid. I wouldn\u2019t wish it upon anyone,\u201d Clark tells \nnews.com.au.\u00a0\n\n\nBecause of what happened, the mum and dad are now committed to letting other parents know about one of the most overlooked car seat dangers.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe knew we had to share what happened to Harper because parents need to know. Just two hours in a car seat and we could have lost her, it\u2019s terrifying,\u201d says Clark.\u00a0\n\n\nCar seat dangers parents should know about\n\n\n\n\nCar seat dangers can happen even in the \u201csafest car seats.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nAs this story shows, oxygen deprivation can happen even in the safest of car seats.\u00a0A \nstudy\n\u00a0has also stressed the dangers of putting babies in car seats for too long.\u00a0\n\n\nAnother study also compared how 200 newborns\u2019 breathing patterns changed when placed in a car seat, car bed, or crib.\u00a0\n\n\nThe researchers of both studies, along with other similar ones, agreed that babies\u2019 oxygen levels fall and their breathing and heart rates can go alarmingly up.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, sitting upright for prolonged periods can cause chest wall compression. This, in turn, can affect the size of their still-developing airway.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s what to remember to protect your child from car seat dangers.\n\n\n1. Watch your baby\n\n\nEven if you\u2019ve been keeping them in a car seat without incident, don\u2019t be too complacent. Always be extra observant and vigilant about their safety.\u00a0\n\n\nLook at them through the rear view mirror, or better yet, have someone sit beside them, as rear-facing car seats are still recommended for babies under the age of two years old. In fact, \nSafetyBeltSafe USA\n says this is \nfive times safer\n in the event of an accident.\n\n\n2. Know your baby\u2019s cues\n\n\nAre they extra fussy or kicking around? You know your baby best, so you know when something\u2019s wrong. Trust your instincts; don\u2019t overlook any strange sounds or movements. Or silence.\u00a0\n\n\nJust like the case of the Clarks, they noticed something was wrong when their baby was more restless than usual. Take them out of the car seat immediately or seek medical help as needed.\n\n\n3. Invest in protective accessories\n\n\nGetting breathing or movement monitors\n can help give you peace of mind. You can even download \nbaby monitoring apps\n that can help you keep an eye on your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nThough driving long distances with babies isn\u2019t always dangerous, it\u2019s best to avoid bringing young babies on long car rides too often, especially if they were born prematurely.\n\n\nOf course, car seats are important. Just recently, a \nbaby was flung from her dad\u2019s arms and died\n because she wasn\u2019t in a car seat.\u00a0 But with the time and effort spent trying to \nfind the best car seat,\n there should also be a commitment to making it safer for kids.\n\n\nThough parents can purchase car seats and other safety equipment, nothing beats the watchful eye of a loving parent for a worry-free\u00a0 journey ahead.\nPartner Stories\nAnak\nDoctor And Mum Pleads With Parents To Learn More About These Vaccines\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nDoes Cattle Treatment & Breed Really Matter for Quality Formula Milk?\nRaise them Resilient\nHow I encouraged my child to be resilient even though I was a helicopter mum\nTip keibubapaan\nIni Rupanya Cara Untuk Ajar & Latih Anak-Anak Makan Secara Sihat, Mudah Sahaja!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nnews.com.au,\n\u00a0\nInsider,\n\u00a0\nWebMD\n, \nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-calm-baby-down", "title": "10 Things Mummies Do To Have Calm And Happy Babies", "body": "Mummies, does this scenario sound familiar? Your baby is crying for the umpteenth time in a day. Your household chores are piling up. Your baby is growing increasingly frustrated and so are you!\n\n\nThis is a common situation among new parents. But experienced parents will tell you, this doesn\u2019t ALWAYS have to be the case.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are little \u201chacks\u201d and \u201csecrets\u201d that mummies do to have a calm and happy baby.\u00a0\n\n\nSo how to calm baby down when he or she is wailing and griping?\n\n\n\n\nHere are some tips on how to calm baby down from experienced mummies:\n\n\n1. Breastfeed\n\n\nMany mummies will swear by this \u2013 breastfeeding is the best way to bond with your baby. The healthy relationship you cultivate between the both of you will help them be happier and calmer in the long run.\n\n\n2. Hold them tight\n\n\nIn the first few weeks to months of the baby\u2019s life, he or she is acclimatising to the new environment and world around them. If your child is fussing and crying, he or she might just need a hug from you.\n\n\n3. Make them laugh\n\n\nA happy parent = a happy baby. Laugh a lot with your baby and they will feed off your good mood. Plus, isn\u2019t it a nice bonus to hear them laugh too?\n\n\n4. Give your child your undivided attention\n\n\nThis might be a little tough \u2013 attending to children all day all night can be tiring. But your child doesn\u2019t always demand for attention. He or she might only want a fraction of time during the day. During this time, you should give your child your undivided attention. No playing with your phone or getting distracted with chores!\n\n\n\n\n5. Address their emotions\n\n\nBabies cry because they are trying to express something. Are they frustrated because they are having a nappy rash? If yes, they have a perfectly valid reason to get upset. Acknowledge your child\u2019s emotions by making sure that you check for every reason they might be upset before writing it off as an unreasonable tantrum. Watch for signs like wet diapers or uncomfortable diapers, for example.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Respond to their cries, don\u2019t ignore them\n\n\nThe \u201ccry it out\u201d method is not something you should practice if it isn\u2019t working for your child. Some babies don\u2019t respond well to this method, while others can really sleep through the night with 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. If your baby falls under this category, it is essential that you ensure their comfort for the long duration. \n\n\nThis is where finding the right overnight diaper, like PetPet Tape, for your little one comes into the equation.\u00a0 When a baby sleeps well throughout the night, they tend to be happier and calmer throughout the day. PetPet Tape boasts up to 10 hours of freshness and dryness for your baby. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. Co-parent\n\n\nAs much as you can, try to involve your partner in the parenting process. Don\u2019t let yourself or your partner take on too much of a heavy burden when you should be helping each other co-parent. Co-parenting also helps to raise a happy and calm child as they know that the family structure is well balanced.\n\n\n8. Try a white noise machine\n\n\nBesides getting a good overnight diaper, what can help a cranky baby sleep better is a white noise machine. The white noise machine can act as a way to get the baby to fall asleep, or simply calm the baby down during a tantrum episode.\n\n\n\n\n9. Use a calm and soothing tone with your child\n\n\nChildren always instinctively take over their parents, so the best way to raise a happy, healthy baby is to adopt the behaviour you want them to mimic.\n\n\n10. Distract your child with activities that hone their skills\n\n\nIf all else fails,\n use distraction as a tool for a fussy child. A happy and calm child is one that is distracted doing the things they like! When a child is distracted doing something they like, it\u2019s best not to interrupt them. Using \nPetPet Pants\n, which are easy to wear, can keep your active baby happy and calm during the daytime.\n\n\n\n\nChoosing the right diaper is so important in helping you raise a happy and calm child. Use the perfect combination of PetPet Tape and PetPet Pants to keep your child happy and calm all the time.\n\n\nPurchase PetPet Tape and Pants twin pack today\n and get a free bamboo fibre bowl or plate!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-mum-found-love-again-after-a-really-painful-past", "title": "This mum found love again after a really painful past", "body": "We first came across Suanne\u2019s story on \nzula.sg\n, the story of a woman whose dream of getting married to the love of her life was shattered, when her fiance died in a car crash, leaving her three months pregnant.\n\n\nToday, Suanne works as an insurance agent, and handles accounts work for her dad\u2019s business. She is also proud mummy to 5-year-old Danson. She tells us how she survived the ordeal, made peace with her past and found love again.\n\n\nLove, Hope and Loss\n\n\n\u201cI met my late fiance when I was 12. He was 4 years older than me. We started dating when I was 16. After 8 years of courtship, he proposed to me in 2011; I instantly agreed. There was no doubt about it, we shared a strong and loving relationship.\n\n\nThe accident happened on 2nd May 2011, around 4.45am. It was one month before the wedding day (3rd June 2011). I was 3 months pregnant then.\n\n\nI feel lost for words to describe how I felt back then. Everything fell apart on that fateful day. I became very quiet and didn\u2019t want to talk to anyone at all.\n\n\nI cried through many sleepless nights.\n\n\n\n\nLife as a single\u00a0mum\n\n\nSome of my friends suggested that I go for an abortion and start life anew. In my heart, \u00a0I knew that if I did that, I would never be able to face myself for the rest of my life.\n\n\n Deciding to bring my child to this world was the greatest and firmest decision I have ever made.\u00a0\n\n\nSure, life was tough being a single mum, and at times society could get cruel. But I\u2019m grateful that I had a handful of good friends who cared for me genuinely.\n\n\n My parents and my ever-supportive family, have been my pillars of strength.\n\n\nMy dad once said this to me, \u201cYou have been through the darkest moment (Daniel\u2019s passing) and the most painful moment (giving birth to Danson), is there anything you cannot conquer?\u201d His sentence shook me up instantly.\n\n\nHow this mum found love again\n\n\nAnd then, after 3 years, fate sprang up a surprise, and his name was Daniel too!\n\n\nSays Suanne, \u201cWe are colleagues and I first met him in July 2014, at a company event. \n\n\nWe realised that we could talk to each other about anything and everything. It was only by November 2015 that we got closer. I felt comfortable being with him, he gave me a sense of assurance. We get along very well, and I guess,\u00a0we shared a deep level\u00a0of understanding.\u201d\n\n\nWe asked Daniel Chia, Relationship Manager at an insurance company on what attracted him to Suanne. He reveals, \u201cShe came across as someone who was strong and independent; opinionated, but soft spoken. Even though we were\u00a0colleagues, it took time for us to know each other really well, more than a year, in fact. I realised what a wonderful human being she was, and that the one meant for me was right beside me all along. Life is strange indeed!\u201d\n\n\nSuanne and Daniel got married in September 2016.\n\n\nKnowing about the past\n\n\nWas he ever intimidated by her past, we wonder? Says Daniel, \u201cBeing colleagues, I was well aware of her past. In fact, \nseeing her for who she was and what she stood for in life drew me closer to her. I really can\u2019t think of anyone more kind, gentle and mindful. \n\n\nIt\u2019s human to love and what does loving someone have to do with her past, especially when she\u2019s such a wonderful person! I guess\u00a0most people are just afraid of judgement and rumours and insignificant chatter.\n\n\n Suanne wouldn\u2019t be who she is without her past, and I love and cherish her and our son Danson for it.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen you fall in love, just love hard and embrace the past, present and future of the one you love.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nFather-son bonding\n\n\nSuanne recalls that Danson took to Daniel almost instantly, \u201cAs Daniel and I grew closer, he made the effort to get to know Danson better by spending more quality time with him.\u201d\n\n\nDaniel reveals, \u201cI am not an experienced father so it\u2019s pretty much on-the-job training, much like whatever you do in life that\u2019s worthwhile, non-scripted, and non-conforming, I guess. But it has been a great journey and every single day that I spend with little Danson teaches me more about life than any form of media or entertainment that\u2019s available these days.\u201d\n\n\nAdvice from experience\n\n\nSuanne is now in a happy space but it wasn\u2019t always this way. Any advice she would like to share with our readers? \n\n\n\u201cI wouldn\u2019t say life ahead is going to be blooming. There are many chapters in life, I have been through one of my darkest chapters.\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAre You Making The Right Investments? 4 Important Investment Areas For Parents\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\nKanak-Kanak\nDuduk Di Rumah Menyebabkan Masalah Lebih Mendalam Seperti Screen Time Berlebihan & Diet Tak Teratur\nLifestyle\nLight Up Your Celebration for Mid-Autumn Festival at Sunway Putra Mall\n\n\n I have learnt to banish self-pity along the way, to deal with pain one step at a time. Life is never a shortcut, it\u2019s a beautiful journey. Embrace it.\n\n\nIt is never easy to deal with the loss of a loved one, but what matters most is how you\u00a0turn your pain to strength, and use that strength to\u00a0love and care for your loved ones who matter the most to you. It was my son and my beloved family who stood by me and cried with me in my darkest hours; they are the true heroes of my life. \n\n\n I\u2019m grateful and blessed for all the things I have, and the beautiful people I have met along the way.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nDaniel has this to share, \u201cLove hard and have no regrets, make peace with your past, because there\u2019s a brave new world out there. Life is better spent\u00a0forging ahead\u00a0then wasted looking back, because there\u2019s nothing you can change about your past.\n\n\nThere are always pros and cons to whatever you do in life, and not just in love and relationships. You just have to make peace with them and get really honest with yourself.\u201d\n\n\nDaniel sums up with a quote by Kahlil Gibran, \u201cOut of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.\u201d\n\n\nSuanne and Daniel are expecting their second son in Feb 2017. We wish them peace, good luck and lots of happiness.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/children-eyecare", "title": "Children\u2019s Eye Care: What You Need to Know", "body": "Paediatric ophthalmologists at Ara Damansara Medical Centre (ADMC) and International Specialist Eye Centre (ISEC), Dr. Norazah Binti Abdul Rahman, Dr. Choong Yee Fong and Dr. Tsiang Ung shares the importance of children eyecare at an early age.\n\n\n80% of learning in children happens visually. More often than not, a vision-related problem is the culprit to children falling behind in school. And at such young ages, they lack the ability to tell parents what they are experiencing. Furthermore, they may not realize what they are seeing (or not seeing) raises a red flag or two. This is why eye exams are so critical for young children.\n\n\nFirst Eye Exam: When?\n\n\n\n\nPaediatric ophthalmologists, Dr. Norazah, Dr. Choong and Dr. Tsiang, unanimously stress the importance of early eye exams to rule out any undiagnosed conditions that could potentially lead to irreversible blindness, as well as impact children socially, emotionally and academically.\n\n\n\u201cEven if there are no obvious symptoms, children should have their first comprehensive eye exam between 3-4 years of age,\u201d recommends all.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n6 Alarming Eye Problems in Kids with Long-term Effects Parents Should Know About\n\n\n\n\nMost parents handle their children eyecare until their children start primary school before bringing them for a vision test, and while most schools do have routine eye screenings in place, the problem is that this can be quite late to reverse certain eye conditions, such as lazy eye (amblyopia).\n\n\nAlso, once children reach 7-8 years of age, their brains become less malleable to adapt and reverse vision-related problems. It is even more important for early screening if there is a family history of vision problems.\n\n\n\u201cDespite what many people think, children do not need to be able to talk or know the alphabet in order to have an eye exam,\u201d Dr. Choong dispels a common misconception.\n\n\n\n\nDid You Know?\n The ideal time for your child to have a comprehensive eye exam from an eye care professional is between the ages of 3 and 4 years. Remember, the earlier we catch a disease, the easier it is to beat it!\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhen a child gets the first in-depth eye test, parents should expect a visual acuity test with refraction assessment to determine if the child needs glasses, 3D vision screening, squint assessment and an overall examination of the eyes.\u201d \n\u2013 Dr. Tsiang Ung, Paediatric Ophthalmologist, ISEC Penang\n\n\nWhat to Expect at Your Child\u2019s Eye Exam?\n\n\n\n\nEye care professionals check for many different things during a child\u2019s eye exam. Dr. Tsiang points out that it can include several eye tests, such as a vision (visual acuity) test that looks at how well a child sees at different distances; a pupil test that checks how a child\u2019s eyes respond to light; an eye movement test that checks a child\u2019s side (peripheral) vision.\n\n\nA comprehensive eye exam can detect many refractive and non-refractive errors. Some of the common eye problems in children are nearsightedness (myopia), astigmatism, squint (strabismus), lazy eye (amblyopia) and chalazion. A full eye test can even save lives by revealing underlying life-threatening diseases.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhat\u2019s more concerning is that eye problems can be warning signs and symptoms of an underlying life-threatening disease, such as brain tumour and cancer. Therefore, a comprehensive eye exam is probably one of the most important things you can do for your child\u2019s overall health. If it\u2019s early enough to initiate treatment, it can save vision and occasionally even save lives!\u201d\n\u2013 Dr. Choong Yee Fong, Paediatric Ophthalmologist, ISEC Mid Valley City\n\n\nProtecting Children\u2019s Eyecare\n\n\n\n\nThough a childhood cancer diagnosis is scary and rather rare, with approximately 100 cases a year in Malaysia, most can live long lives if it is diagnosed and treated early. What about other more \u201ccommon\u201d eye conditions? You must be wondering if there is a cure or at least something that can be done to slow its progression. Good news is yes there are numerous ways to prevent eye problems by changing lifestyle habits, genetics aside.\n\n\n\u201cDecreasing time on technology is always a good place to start,\u201d suggests Dr. Norazah. To reduce the strain, try using the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes spent on a near vision activity, take a break and look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.\n\n\nWhat else it to blame for the current \u201cepidemic\u201d of myopia, more commonly known as short-sightedness, affecting children in Malaysia? Spending too much time cooped up indoors. This condition now affects approximately 50-60% of the East Asian population, and the numbers are expected to rise to an alarming 90%, meaning 9 out of 10 children will become short-sighted. This is twice as prevalent as the global obesity crisis.\n\n\n\u201cIt is important to balance activities that involve prolonged near concentration to those that take place outside. Participating in more outdoor activities reduces the risk of myopia in children,\u201d agrees all three paediatric ophthalmologists.\n\n\nNew Treatment for Progressive Myopia\n\n\nIn recent years, there are newer advancements in treatment for progressive myopia \u2013 short-sightedness that continues to worsen year after year and usually occurs during childhood. The types of treatment include orthokeratology (\u201cortho-k\u201d), MiSight multifocal contact lenses, and the most promising therapy \u2013 low-dose atropine (0.01%) eye drops.\n\n\nAtropine eye drops are shown to be effective in slowing down the progression of short-sightedness in children by as much as 70%. The trials were conducted at the Singapore Eye Research Institute. ISEC, ADMC, Subang Jaya Medical Centre, ParkCity Medical Centre are a handful of places where parents with children who are suffering from rapidly deteriorating short-sightedness can turn to for atropine eye drops therapy.\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s amazing if a child whose myopia could have reached -8.00 dioptres (800 degrees) is kept at -3.00 dioptres (300 degrees) with atropine eye drops therapy. This not only reduces the child\u2019s final degree of myopia but also significantly reduces the risks of blinding eye conditions associated with high myopia such as retinal detachment, myopic macular degeneration and glaucoma,\u201d added Dr. Choong.\n\n\nOffer More Insurance Coverage for Eye Patients\n\n\n\n\nThere may be some important advancements in eye treatments but Dr. Norazah hopes that the government can make changes to Bank Negara Malaysia\u2019s provisions on medical insurance coverage for eye patients.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\u201cIf a child has a squint and needs surgery to correct it, it is not for cosmetic purposes, but it is for the child to see properly again and to prevent further permanent problems from occurring. We really hope the government will look into these insurance guidelines and make the needed changes.\u201d \n\u2013 Dr. Norazah Binti Abdul Rahman, Paediatric Ophthalmologist, Ara Damansara Medical Centre\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t Wait for School Eye Checks\n\n\nWhile there are common telltale signs of eye problems, many parents might still miss the mark on eye conditions and diseases. Moreover, the national vision screening programme is only conducted on children aged 7, 12 and 15 years in government schools, and there is currently no formal national eye assessment programme for preschool children.\n\n\nFor these reasons, it is important for parents to schedule the first full eye test for their children at approximately 3-4 years of age. If there are other risk factors, such as premature birth, family history, developmental delays or previous injuries, earlier and more frequent tests are recommended. Bear in mind that most eye problems are treatable but early detection is key!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-test", "title": "\"The UPT Might Be Tainted, Let Me Try\" - My Husband Said This!", "body": "My pregnancy journey is a little bit funny. We weren\u2019t expecting another child when we found out that I was pregnant with another baby.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWe think one child is just ENOUGH for now.\n\n\nBut I Keep on Dreaming of Being Pregnant\n\n\nI kept on dreaming about touching and holding a baby in my arm. I kept dreaming of being pregnant, and it felt real every time I wake up in the middle of the night.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n12 things that pregnant women in Asia secretly fear\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSo I asked my husband to get me some pregnancy test, and he did. He was not familiar with it as all these while, I usually buy some cheap UPT. \n\n\nIt was during Movement Control Order (MCO) at that time, so I had to ask my husband to buy it for me since all of us have to stay home for lockdown. He purchased two (2) Clearblue pregnancy tests for me and asked me to try them.\n\n\nEverything Changed\n\n\n\n\nThe result came in just like this picture. \n\n\nWe were stunned. I remembered my husband said he thought the UPT had some problem or maybe broken. \n\n\nAnd guess what, he decided to test his urine with another Clearblue pregnancy test he bought, and of course the result came in and showed that he was not pregnant \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23. \n\n\n\u201c\nEmmmm\u2026 Betullah UPT ni tak rosak\n (So the UPT is not broken),\u201d he said at that time. \n\n\nI looked at him and laughed over his action. And we celebrated the news with our parent through video call that night. \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f #vipparents #TAPWriter\n\n\nWritten by: Atirah Hasli\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/late-talkers-and-speech-delay", "title": "What you need to know about late talkers and speech delay", "body": "When we have kids, many of our precious memories of them are coloured by milestones \u2014 their first smile, their first steps, their first words and so on.\n\n\nWhat do you do though, when one of those milestones is delayed or doesn\u2019t happen?\n\n\nI\u2019m talking in particular about speech as this is something I can relate to with my older son.\n\n\nWhile he was saying single words such as \u2018Mum\u2019, \u2018give\u2019, and \u2018come\u2019 a little over the age of one, most of his \u2018talk\u2019 for a very long time was \u2018baby-talk\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nWe all wait eagerly to hear our child\u2019s first words\n\n\n\n\nI was worried when by almost 2 years old, he still wasn\u2019t speaking properly.\n\n\nSome of my friends/relatives told me there was absolutely nothing to worry about, that boys are notoriously late in speaking. Others told me to seek the opinion of a doctor, or even show him to a speech pathologist.\n\n\nI\u2019m glad to say that he really didn\u2019t have any other issues besides the fact that he just took his own time to talk.\n\n\nNow he is 5 and doesn\u2019t stop talking! But I do remember the time when I was very worried about his speech, and in retrospect, perhaps I could have stopped worrying had I got the opinion of a speech pathologist.\n\n\nLike in the case of my son, a speech delay can sometimes be simple and unexplained and will resolve itself over time. Other times, the delay can be an indicator of a more serious issue, according to experts.\n\n\nBecause different children develop their speech at different paces and at different times, it\u2019s hard for parents to judge if their child really has a delay.\n\n\nThis is when a professional such as a speech pathologist can help.\n\n\n\n\nA delay in talking is often no cause for worry. But since it can possibly be a red flag for problems such as ear infection, autism etc, it\u2019s best to check with your pediatrician or a speech therapist if you are worried.\n\n\n\n\nSo we talked to the lovely \nJoan Lim\n and \nSheryl Lau \n\u2014\u00a0both qualified speech pathologists \u2013about late talkers and speech delay. What you need to know is on the \nnext page\n.\n\n\nJoan and Sheryl work for \nTherapy Inc.\n, a Singaporean company that provides multidisciplinary services to families and individuals seeking speech therapy, occupational therapy and educational support.\n\n\nWe asked them a few questions about speech delay and late talkers and the following (which has been edited for clarity and brevity) includes the information they provided.\n\n\nWhen should a child start talking?\n\n\nA child will usually say his first word around his first birthday.\n\n\nCommon first words include, \u201cmummy'\u201d, \u201cdaddy\u201d, and \u201cmilk\u201d, although \u201cNO!\u201d and \u201cuh oh\u201d may be included in this list too!\n\n\nA child\u2019s expressive vocabulary quickly grows to around 50 single words by 18 months of age.\n\n\n\n\nEncourage your child to talk by talking to him often and asking plenty of questions\n\n\n\n\nIs there a difference between a late talker and a child who has problems with speech?\n\n\nWhile late talkers and children with language disorders both start speaking late, a child without a language disorder (late talker) will usually \u201ccatch up\u201d with their peers without any intervention.\n\n\nA child with a language problem, might always be behind his peers in language development and will definitely require intervention to prevent the gap from getting larger as he grows.\n\n\nSpeech disorders (issues with pronunciation) can become apparent at any age and parents should consult a speech therapist to ascertain if the speech sound errors are age-appropriate.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nWhat are the characteristics of a late talker?\n\n\nLate talkers may say their first word after 18 months of age.\n\n\nAlso, they may start using phrases (speech and language development experts expect 2-word phrases, e.g., \u201cno juice\u201d at 2 years, 3-word phrases, e.g., \u201cmummy take car\u201d at 3 and so on) much later than expected, and they may appear to understand more than they say.\n\n\nThey could also present with unintelligible or \u201cbaby-like\u201d speech.\n\n\nIt is important with all late talkers to make sure that they do acquire the expected developmental milestones after they start talking.\n\n\nIs it true that boys start talking later than girls?\n\n\nYes it is true that in general, boys start talking later than girls.\n\n\nHowever, everyone is different and there are boys who start talking earlier than their sisters. Developmental disorders like speech and language disorders, autism and stuttering do tend to be more prevalent in boys.\n\n\nWhen should you be worried about your child\u2019s speech delay?\n\n\nYou should seek help if your child:\n\n\n\n\nis not talking by 18 months;\n\n\nhas difficulty following simple routine instructions;\n\n\nis not making eye contact or does not appear interested in people;\n\n\nis not pointing or using gestures to communicate his needs and wants;\n\n\nis only speaking in vowel sounds e.g. ah, ooh etc.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you are worried about your child\u2019s speech delay, it\u2019s best to seek a professional\u2019s opinion.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat can you do at home to encourage your child to talk?\n\n\nGive your child a reason to communicate\n\nYou could do things like giving your child his favourite treats or toys one at a time, so he has a chance to \u201cask for more\u201d, practise turn-talking and other important communication skills.\n\n\nYou could also pretend at times that you do not know what your child likes and dislikes (e.g., offering something your child does not like so he gets a chance to say \u201cno\u201d).\n\n\n\n\nEncourage your child to talk by handing over her favourite toys one at a time, encouraging her to ask for more.\n\n\n\n\nTalk to your child a lot but keep utterances short so your child is more able to imitate you \n\nFor example, you could show and say the name of a favourite toy, describe what you are doing (\u201cMummy is washing, WASH!\u201d), ask a question (\u201cWant up? up?\u201d) and use fun words (\u201cuh oh!\u201d, \u201cwow\u201d etc.).\n\n\nUse gestures and signs to add meaning to what you are saying\n\nThere are great baby sign books and DVDs that you can purchase to learn more about this.\n\n\nIs speech delay a sign of other developmental disorders?\n\n\nSpeech delay \ncould be\n a red flag for developmental problems disorders such as autism.\n\n\nHowever, do keep in mind that while almost all children with autism have a speech delay, not all children with a speech delay have autism.\n\n\nWith autism affecting 1 in 88 children now, again it\u2019s best not to wait if you have a concern about your child\u2019s speech delay.\n\n\n\n\nIf you are worried about your child\u2019s speech delay, consult a professional like a speech therapist.\n\n\n\n\nWho can help your child if you think he has a problem with speech?\n\n\nIf you think your child has a speech delay, contact your pediatrician or you could \ncontact\n a speech therapist such as Joan or Sheryl directly.\n\n\nIf there is nothing to worry about, these professionals can put your mind at ease, and if there is an issue, they can provide the best possible course of treatment.\n\n\nAnother tip is to check with your child\u2019s teacher (if they go to preschool/daycare) if they have noticed anything unusual about your child\u2019s speech.\n\n\nDo you have a late talker, or was your child a late talker? Share you experiences with us by leaving a comment.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-warning-signs-of-mental-illness-in-children", "title": "5 Warning Signs of Mental Illness in Kids", "body": "Mental illness in children has been steadily increasing, and among children aged 13-18, 1 in 5 will have a serious mental illness. The most common childhood mental disorders are anxiety disorders, depression, and \nattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSource: Huffingtonpost.com\n\n\n\n\nAny potential sign of \nmental illness\n should immediately be addressed through the help of a physician in order to ensure that the illness won\u2019t escalate further to adulthood. However, \ndevelopmental\u00a0\ndisorders\u00a0and psychotic\u00a0disorders in children\u00a0can have a lifelong impact on the\u00a0child\u00a0and his or her family\n\n\nHere are some of the warning signs of mental illness in children:\n\n\n\n\nChildhood mental disorders \u00a0can be hard for parents to identify. It is crucial for family members to be aware of any changes in their children at all times to find out for any sign of mental illness.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/aprons-cooking", "title": "Who Says Aprons Are Just for Cooking", "body": "Although aprons are typically associated with the kitchen, they can be used for various other tasks asides from the preparation of food. They actually make quite versatile items to own as you can use them for various situations. From home wear to work wear to hobby wear; it can be used practically anywhere and for any occasion. Have we piqued your curiosity yet? Then satisfy your curious mind by taking a look at the many uses of aprons we have listed below.\n\n\n1. Cooking\n\n\n\n\nThe most basic use of an apron is for cooking. It\u2019s an undeniable and commonly known fact shared by many if not all. Why do we need it? To protect our clothes of course for the splashing of oil or sauce related condiments is certainly not something to look forward to. And let\u2019s be real, no matter how good of a cook you are you certainly can\u2019t avoid from the occasional spillage here and there during the cooking process.\n\n\n2. Baking\n\n\n\n\nBaking and cooking are quite similar to one another though one typically uses more flour than the other. If you\u2019re wearing a white coloured outfit then the flour stain won\u2019t be as obvious but what about the other baking related stains such as egg, food colouring, etc.? This is why it\u2019s important to wear an apron for you\u2019ll be able to avoid any unwanted marks on your clothes.\n\n\n3. Gardening\n\n\n\n\nDealing with plants on a daily basis? For work or pleasure? Whether it\u2019s one or the other, it\u2019d be a good idea to wear an apron when you\u2019re dealing with dirt, pollen, fertilizer and other gardening related items. Even though dirt may be good for the plant, it definitely isn\u2019t good for your laundry bill.\n\n\n4. Painting\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy painting as a hobby or is it your main source of income? For a person with such a creative mind not to mention touch, you must not want anything to get in the way of your magnificent creation. What\u2019s more, when you\u2019re in the zone you can\u2019t afford to be thinking of the paint splatters getting on your clothes. So avoid such disruptions by wearing an apron.\n\n\n5. Woodworking\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nTo create something with your own hands is certainly a joy for you feel a sense of accomplishment when your creation is completed. For those working with wood related materials, it\u2019ll certainly be a good idea to protect your clothes from splinters, wood shavings paint residues, etc. by wearing an apron on top.\n\n\nEven though we\u2019ve only listed 5 uses of aprons, they can actually be used and are used for a large number of things. We can\u2019t possibly list them all or this article will never end. Now that we\u2019ve covered some practical uses of the apron, why don\u2019t you\u00a0\ndesign your own apron\u00a0\nonline with us? Visit our personalised gift store today!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/weird-true-odd-pregnancy-cravings", "title": "Weird But True: Odd Pregnancy Cravings!", "body": "Unsurprisingly, chocolate was found to be the most common food craving, followed by ice cream, sweets, spicy food, pickled onions, tropical fruit, curry, doughnuts, marmite, peanut butter, potatoes and nuts.\n\n\nThis is followed by an array of odd craving combinations such as pickles with peanut butter or marmite with ice cream.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, some studies found that a third of these cravings were for non-food items! We bring you some of the odd pregnancy cravings women around the world want to have during their pregnancy period.\n\n\n5 Odd Pregnancy Cravings\n\n\n1# Dirt/clay\n\n\n\n\nIt is not uncommon for women in some cultures to consume clay or dirt during pregnancy.\u00a0 In the Deep South of the United States, some people believed that eating dirt and clay would help relieve morning sickness.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, in Kenya and Uganda, earth-eating has ceremonial or religious purposes.\u00a0 Even in urban times, there have been cases of women who hanker after dirt and clay during and after their pregnancy.\n\n\nThe most popular dirt craver would be none other than pop sensation Britney Spears.\u00a0 She supposedly pined for earth badly during the last trimester of her pregnancy!\n\n\n2# Ice\n\n\n\n\nApparently, the princess of pop, Britney Spears, leads the pack in terms of weird cravings.\u00a0 The desire to chew on ice is also one of her pregnancy desires.\u00a0\n\n\n\nScientists believe that the innate hunger for ice is due to an iron deficiency, often present in pregnant women.\u00a0\n\n\n\nWomen who hanker for ice often prefer ice cubes that they can chew on, compared to ice shavings which do not serve the same pleasure or satisfaction.\n\n\n3# Furniture polish\n\n\n\n\nAnd you thought your milo on toast craving was weird?!\n\n\n26-year-old British mum-to-be, has to eat the spray furniture polish at least three times a day!\u00a0 Seven months pregnant, Emma Veness, has gone through three cans so far- despite her fears of harming her unborn baby girl.\u00a0\n\n\nIn an interview with the Sun UK, she said: \u2018I can\u2019t explain why I like it so much.\u00a0 I think it has a lot to do with the texture.\u00a0 I normally spray a bit on my fingers and lick it off or spray it on the duster and suck.\u2019\n\n\nAlthough she would like to give up her unusual obsession, she cannot seem to do so.\n\n\n4# Laundry detergent\n\n\n\n\nYes, you saw it right.\u00a0 Mums-to-be have admitted salivating after a laundry detergent.\u00a0 Nibbling on powdered soap is another common, yet bizarre craving.\u00a0\n\n\nAmerican mom blogger, Denene Millner, spoke of her weird obsession in her blog, mybrownbaby.com.\u00a0 She wrote: \u2018when I was pregnant, I couldn\u2019t walk past a laundry room without wanting to crunch on powdered Tide, liquid Downy and all manner of cleaning products, especially Mr Clean.\u2019\n\n\nHowever, she continued to say that she \u2018never actually ate or sipped any\u2019 but admitted to inhaling the products deeply.\u00a0\n\n\n\nSimilar to ice craving, the obsession to eat or inhale detergent is believed to be due to an iron deficiency that can be treated using iron tablets.\n\n\n\n5# Cigarettes ash and butts\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\n5 Perkara Ibu Bapa Baru Perlu Tahu Tentang Rotavirus Pada Bayi dan Anak-Anak Kecil\nKeibubapaan\nAktiviti Cuti Sekolah Yang Paling Menarik Untuk Anak Anda\nTip keibubapaan\nTips untuk Menjagakan Kulit Bayi Anda. Ibu Ayah, Cuba Tips Ini! No.3 MESTI Buat\nTip keibubapaan\n5 Sebab Kenapa Para Ibu Bertukar Kepada Lampin Pakai Buang Offspring\n\n\nThis sounds really out of nowhere, however there are women that tend to crave cigarette ash and butts. The American Pregnancy Association carried out a survey and revealed that some women who have this odd craving admit that not only sniffed, but they also actually ingested cigarette ashes during their pregnancy.\n\n\nThis happens to some women whether they were smokers before their pregnancy or not.\n\n\n\nAccording to a research, pregnant women that crave cigarettes ash and butts tend to have low potassium in their diet.\n\n\n\nGood news is, if you tend to crave this, try treat yourself with supplementation of the deficient vitamins or minerals. At the same time, you can always consume food with high potassium such as avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes, leafy greens such as kale, beans or pumpkin.\n\n\nBizarre cravings are in fact an eating disorder!\n\n\n\n\nWhile unusual pregnancy cravings might be a norm and expected, such hankering for non-food items is highly abnormal and can be harmful.\u00a0\n\n\n\nIf an expectant mum is experiencing such symptoms, she is possibly suffering from an eating disorder called Pica.\u00a0 People affected by this disorder are compelled to eat things that are not generally intended for consumption.\n\n\n\nWomen who are in their first pregnancy, under the age of 20 or have suffered from Pica as a child, are more likely to crave these non-food products.\u00a0\n\n\nSymptoms of Pica usually appear in the first or second trimester of pregnancy and persist for more than one month. Though symptoms tend to disappear after pregnancy, there is a chance that your Pica cravings could continue after labour and delivery.\u00a0\n\n\n\nPica is likely caused by nutritional deficiency, cultural factors or psychological reasons.\n\n\n\nIf not treated, Pica can result in health complications for both mum and unborn child.\u00a0 Among the possible problems would be, lead poisoning, bowel obstruction, parasite infection, dental injury, low birth weight, preterm labour and in extreme cases, stillbirth.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best way to treat and control Pica is to consult your health care professional for treatment options and further actions.\n\n\nDo you have your own odd pregnancy cravings you would like to share with us? Comment on our Facebook page or download theAsianparent Malaysia app. We would love to hear from you!\n\n\nSource: \nBBC\n, \nThe Sun UK\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0What Your Cravings are Telling You\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Pregnancy myths debunked\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n7 tips for busy pregnant mums to meet nutritional requirements \u2013 every pregnant mum\u2019s every day nutrition guide\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-movement-trimester", "title": "Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby's Movements in Pregnancy: Trimester by Trimester", "body": "Among one of the more common questions every pregnant mother asks and wants to know from the moment she receives a big fat positive on her pregnancy test is: When will I feel baby movements during pregnancy?\u00a0\n\n\nFor indeed, fetal movement is an exciting milestone worth documenting and looking forward to. In addition to it letting you know that your baby is thriving and alive and in relatively good health, observing baby movements during pregnancy and counting kicks is an\n important practise that has been linked to lowered risks of experiencing a devastating stillbirth\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhile every baby is different with some being more active than others and patterns varying from pregnancy to pregnancy, we at \ntheAsianparent\n have compiled a list of what to expect based on each trimester of your pregnancy, in order to help you decode your baby\u2019s movements and give you a sneak preview of what you will experience in the months ahead.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA baby\u2019s kicks are an important and endearing milestone in your pregnancy. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBaby movements during pregnancy: First trimester\u00a0\n\n\nWhen Will I Feel My Baby Kicking?\n\n\nAlthough your baby will start to move as early as 12 weeks, you will probably not feel anything because the foetus is still so small and it is still very early on in the pregnancy to feel any movement. In addition, your baby is also burrowed comfortably deep within the protective cushioning of your womb, and any movement will not make it to the surface through all the protective uterine layers.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen it is time to experience them\n, however, many pregnant women describe their baby\u2019s first movements as the sensation of feeling butterflies in their tummies. Early movements may also feel like a nervous twitching or swishing sensation, or a rolling or tumbling sensation, in your belly. For a first-time mum it may be especially difficult to tell if it was your baby\u2019s first movements that you just felt. Mums who have been pregnant before will be more adept at identifying those first movements, and not confuse them with gas or even hunger pangs!\u00a0\n\n\nAs you progress into your second and third trimesters, and your skin is stretched tighter over your womb, you should feel more distinct movements and will experience a full range of activity including kicks, jabbing, and even elbowing, with the movements sometimes being powerful enough to hurt!\u00a0\n\n\nWhile your baby will have active and sleeping phases, in the coming months ahead you will soon find that your baby is more active in these instances:\n\n\n\n\nWhen you turn in for a nap \u2013 this is usually because you are more aware of your baby\u2019s movements and more in tune with them when you are relaxed.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen you are in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down.\n\n\nAfter you have had something to eat \u2013 the spike in\u00a0your blood sugar may give your baby a rush of energy.\n\n\nWhen you are nervous and excited about something \u2013 adrenaline surges have the same effect as blood sugar spikes.\u00a0\n\n\nBabies are also responsive to sounds or touch, and may even kick in response to a hand stroking your tummy, or gentle nudging motions.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhile your baby has begun to move in the first trimester, you will not be able to feel it yet. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBaby movements during pregnancy: Second trimester\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s first movements known as \u201cquickening,\u201d will usually be experienced between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy, during your second trimester. This varies widely among pregnant mums. \nSome second-time mums feel\n those little flutters of life as early as 16 weeks, while some first-time mums may not feel movement until closer to the 24-week mark. However, if you do not feel any movement even after your 24th week of pregnancy, take it up with your doctor who will perform some tests including an ultrasound scan and measurement of your belly, to check if your baby is developing on schedule.\u00a0\n\n\nMany factors affect experiencing those first kicks, including the position of the placenta; if it is positioned facing front, called an anterior placenta, it can buffer movements and make it longer for you to feel those first kicks.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, once you regularly feel your baby\u2019s movements, which are around weeks 20 to 24, you will start to notice them more often. It will go from feeling a few flutters every now and then, to experiencing stronger, more purposeful, and more frequent kicks towards the end of your second trimester.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBy the end of your second trimester, you would generally begin to be more aware of your baby\u2019s movements as they become more defined. At this point in your pregnancy, your baby is big enough with gradually developing motor skills, and there is still space in your womb to perform wild acrobatic stunts, despite not being able to always feel them!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBaby movements during pregnancy: Third trimester\n\n\nYour baby will be kicking up a fully-blown storm in your belly now, and you will feel each bunched up fist, scraping elbow and rounded knee. You will even feel faint but rhythmic tics within your belly, indicating that your baby has a case of the hiccups! This is normal and does not cause your baby discomfort.\u00a0\n\n\nBy now, your baby is moving often, with well-defined patterns of activity. Doctors often advise that you \ncount your baby\u2019s kicks\n and/or be very aware of your baby\u2019s movement pattern during the third trimester. This will help you know straight away if something is not normal in your little one\u2019s movements.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nContrary to popular belief, babies do not kick less in the third trimester. While it is starting to get cramped up in your womb for your baby, you will experience a different range of motion as opposed to reduced movement, with many pregnant mums reporting more forceful rolling, squirming and pressing movements. You should still feel movements consistent with patterns you have been recording so far when counting your baby\u2019s kicks. \nAccording to studies conducted on baby movements during pregnancy\n, reports show that by the third trimester a foetus moves about 30 times an hour, on average. In fact, a healthy baby will keep moving even when you are in labour. \nDecreased fetal movement\n warrants further evaluation by your healthcare provider, and should always be taken seriously.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s movements are well-established and will even be felt by your partner and other siblings in the third trimester of your pregnancy. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAt this point in your pregnancy, you may even be able to interact with your baby! Try giving a protruding limb a gentle push and if you\u2019re lucky you may be able to feel the little limb retract and push back on your palm!\u00a0\n\n\nIf your baby\u2019s movements start getting a little too much for you to take, however, try changing your positions \u2013 sit down if you\u2019re standing, or lie down on your side. Your baby will take cues from you and will likely change positions too. You may also try giving your baby a gentle nudge, and carry out a set of pelvic tilts.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBefore delivery (usually two to three weeks before delivery for first-time mums, and closer to the date of delivery for women who have had previous pregnancies), your baby will engage and drop head-first down into your pelvis. This will signal another change in range of motion in activity patterns, and you will experience every turn of your baby\u2019s head that may feel a little like sharp electric twinges close to your cervix.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile pregnancy is oftentimes stressful and filled with conditions such as morning sickness that somehow extends well into the rest of the day, sleeping troubles, eating troubles and difficulty with just about any other activity that you previously took for granted, your baby\u2019s kicks will be hopefully be something to look forward to and cherish through the trials of being pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gut-health-foods", "title": "Is Your Child Having Trouble Digesting? Here are 10 Foods to Improve Their Gut Health", "body": "Maintaining or building a good gut flora in children is crucial. It has become one of the most talked about topics amongst parents and with good reason \u2013 the gut microbiome plays an important role in your child\u2019s mental and physical health.\n\n\nOftentimes, when your child encounters issues with their digestive system, they can become cranky and irritable because of the discomfort. This, therefore, hinders their ability to learn or explore their surroundings with ease, especially since mood-regulating chemicals are released from the gut to the brain.\n\n\nWhy the gut specifically? Good bacteria resides within the gut and supports various functions within the body. If these \u201cfriendly\u201d bacteria are not nourished, it could potentially lead to a weak or leaky gut that is unable to absorb nutrients no matter the amount of healthy foods you feed him or her.\n\n\nA weak gut can cause issues within your child including stomach aches, weak immunity, mood fluctuations as well as fatigue. When your child consumes food, their body will breakdown the macronutrients which are then absorbed to support various functions \u2013 this is why nutrient absorption is the key to your child\u2019s overall growth.\n\n\nA healthy gut supports nutrient absorption\n\n\nTo better absorb nutrients, parents will need to focus on maintaining or strengthening their child\u2019s intestinal environment. A healthy gut is able to support the absorption, while removing any bad bacteria and waste.\n\n\n\n\nThis is why prebiotics have become the focus of many families as this stimulates the growth of good bacteria within the gut. Prebiotics \u201cfeed\u201d the healthy microbes in the gut to help these bacteria thrive \u2013 this includes probiotics which are made up of beneficial bacteria and yeast that reside within the body.\n\n\nIn summary, the good bacteria reside within the gut\n1\n and supports crucial bodily functions such as:\n\n\n\n\ndigestion;\n\n\nwaste and bad bacteria removal;\n\n\nmood improvement;\n\n\nhealthy weight management;\n\n\nimproving metabolism;\n\n\nand most importantly, nutrient absorption.\n\n\n\n\nSo, how can you strengthen your child\u2019s gut health? With gut health foods.\n\n\nThe answer is through their diet \u2013 prebiotics are present in certain foods, but are non-digestible. What this means is that prebiotics resist stomach acid, travel to the colon intact and are able to selectively stimulate the growth, as well as the activity of beneficial bacteria in the colon.\n\n\nPrebiotics are also a specific type of dietary fibre, but take note that not all dietary fibre are \n\nprebiotics which is why consuming \u201cnon-digestible fibre\u201d is the key.\n\n\nSo, here are 10 prebiotic-rich gut health foods for your kids to help get that good bacteria going!\n\n\n1. Oatmeal\n\n\nOats contain beta-glucans\n2\n which are known to have prebiotic properties \u2013 some of the fibres within oats are \u201cfermentable fibre\u201d\n3\n, which feeds the good bacteria and helps them multiply, as well as regulate bowel movements.\n\n\nTip: Try adding different flavours to your kids\u2019 oatmeals as they may shy away from the bland taste. Try adding fruits such as bananas, or even cocoa powder and honey.\n\n\n2. Broccoli\n\nBroccoli is known as a nutrient-dense food that contains vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, iron, manganese, antioxidants and other good nutrients. However, it is also high in fibre \u2013 it contains about 2.3grams of fibre in three florets (one cup)\n4\n.\n\n\nTip: Kids hate their greens \u2013 we know. So, make it fun, and decorate their plate with broccoli \u201ctrees\u201d to double up as imaginative play.\n\n\n\n\n3. Onions\n\n\nOnions are particularly rich in inulin and fructooligosaccharides prebiotics \u2013 both prebiotics that support the growth of Bifidobacteria in the gut. Raw onions have a higher source of prebiotics, but cooked onions also contain prebiotics \u2013 about five percent of fibre in 120 grams of onions\n5\n.\n\n\nTip: Incorporate onions into their meals, especially sandwiches. For other dishes, we recommend finely mincing the onions for easier consumption.\n\n\n4. Garlic\n\nGarlic is always a key component when it comes to food. However, besides being a star ingredient, its fibre content is made up of about 11 per cent inulin and six per cent fructooligosaccharides\n6\n.\n\n\nTip: Mince up garlic finely and add it to your cooking for your kids if they aren\u2019t too fond of it.\n\n\n5. Bananas\n\n\nBananas boost good gut bacteria, reduce bloating and, as we know, it is very high in fibre. But, they also contain prebiotic fibres with small amounts of inulin. Unripe or green bananas also contain resistant starch which has certain prebiotic effects. Resistant starch is a carbohydrate that ferments within the large intestine\n7\n, and as it does this, the fibre acts as a prebiotic to feed the good bacteria within the gut.\n\n\nTip: Bananas don\u2019t have to be eaten as is. You can add it to oatmeal or even on toast.\n\n\n6. Dark Chocolate\n\n\nDark chocolate has various health benefits and it is actually a prebiotic\n8\n. Dark chocolate contains fibre that does not get digested and instead, it goes to the large intestine to feed the probiotics within your gut.\n\n\nTip: Opt for dark chocolate brands that are natural \u2013 some chocolates go through too much processing and it may limit the nutritional value.\n\n\n\n\n7. Barley\n\n\nBarley, similar to oats, contains beta-glucans \u2013 barley actually contains more beta-glucans than oats\n9\n \u2013 there are between three and eight grams of beta-glucan per 100grams of barley\n10\n.\n\n\nTip: If your child is new to barley, you can ease them into it with barley water \u2013 just add one tablespoon of barley to two cups of water. Cook the barley in a pressure cooker with the water, cool it and blend. Strain and cool before serving\n11\n.\n\n\n8. Beans\n\n\nBeans are one of the strongest sources of fibre \u2013 a cup of lima beans contains 14 grams of fibre, while other popular beans such as black beans and kidney beans contain 15 grams and 16 grams per cup, respectively.\n\n\nMoreover, beans are inexpensive and are loaded with protein. There are different types of beans which contain varying amounts of prebiotics. Soya beans contain inulin, while red kidney beans contains galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides\n12\n.\n\n\nTip: Stir beans into a soup and serve it on the side with your kids\u2019 meals \u2013 it makes it much easier to consume.\n\n\n9. Nuts\n\n\nNuts, including its skin, are a good source of fibre. A study uncovered that two handfuls of almonds (56 grams) once a day for six weeks increased the growth of beneficial strains of gut bacteria. Pistachios also formed a similar result\n13\n!\n\n\nTip: Nuts can easily be crushed up and sprinkle them on top of their daily snacks. Try topping off some puree apples with crushed nuts.\n\n\n10. Brussel sprouts\n\n\nThese little mini-cabbage-like vegetables are not commonly consumed within Malaysian households but they are high in fibre. There are roughly four grams of beneficial fibre in a cup of cooked brussels sprouts\n14\n.\n\n\nTip: Brussel sprouts can be steamed, roasted, stir-fried as well as shredded. You can simply season them with salt and pepper.\n\n\n\n\nImprove your child\u2019s gut health with Mamil D-GestPro+\n\n\nHowever, the effects are not immediate when it comes to improving gut health, which is why finding the right sources of prebiotics is important. Also, we know it can be a struggle when it comes to encouraging your child to eat these specific gut health foods!\n\n\nBut, if your child is suffering from a weak gut, you will need to act fast. Some signs of a weak gut include abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, diarrhoea, gas and bloating.\n\n\nOne alternative to getting your child the adequate amount of prebiotics into their system is through a formula such as sucrose-free Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+, which is formulated with a prebiotic mix that supports gut health.\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+\u2019s formulation contains:\n\n\n\n\nA unique prebiotic mixture\n: It is formulated with a unique Oligosaccharide mixture (GOS/IcFOS) that increases good bacteria and helps maintain a healthy intestinal environment .\n\n\nMilk from grass-fed cows\n: It is sourced from cows that are predominantly grass fed, which means it is high in protein, calcium and vitamin D.\n\n\nDHA*\n: This is a key component that is essential for your child\u2019s growth and brain development.\n\n*Mamil\u00ae Step 3 contains 96mg DHA content based 3 servings per day\n\n\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+ is affordable and has four variations that cater to children aged up to nine-years-old!\n\n\nLastly, one of the most important benefits is that it helps to support your child\u2019s overall growth and development \u2013 a happy and healthy child has more opportunities to explore the world around him.\n\n\nKeen to try out Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+? Visit Dumex Mamil\u2019s \nwebsite\n for more information.\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1\u00a0\nHarvard Health Publishing. (2016, October). Can gut bacteria improve your health? Retrieved October 14, 2020, from \nhttps://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/can-gut-bacteria-improve-your-health\n\n\n2 \n(2013, July 3). Non-digestible long chain beta-glucans as novel prebiotics \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212619813000326\n\n\n3 \n(2007, March 26). Concentrated oat \u03b2-glucan, a fermentable fiber, lowers serum \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1475-2891-6-6\n\n\n4 \n(2019, May 10). Broccoli 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits \u2013 Healthline. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods/broccoli\n\n\n5 \n(2015, December 15). Prebiotic Foods | Top 10 Foods Containing Prebiotics | Prebiotin. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.prebiotin.com/foods-containing-prebiotics/\n\n\n6 \n(2016, June 8). The 19 Best Prebiotic Foods You Should Eat \u2013 Healthline. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/19-best-prebiotic-foods\n\n\n7 \nWhat is Resistant Starch? \u2013 The Johns Hopkins Patient Guide \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://hopkinsdiabetesinfo.org/what-is-resistant-starch/\n\n\n8 \nHayek, N. (2013, February 7). Chocolate, gut microbiota, and human health. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3566565/\n\n\n9 \nBetting on Beta-Glucans \u2013 Today\u2019s Dietitian. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/050114p16.shtml\n\n\n10 \nThe 19 Best Prebiotic Foods You Should Eat \u2013 Healthline. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/19-best-prebiotic-foods\n\n\n11 \n(2018, February 27). Barley for Babies: How to Choose, Benefits, Recipes & more. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/barley-for-babies-how-to-choose-benefits-recipes-more/\n\n\n12 \nPrebiotics \u2013 an added benefit of some fibre types \u2013 Wiley \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nbu.12366\n\n\n13 \n(2016, June 24). Are nuts one of the secrets to a healthy gut microbiome \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://trade.australian-macadamias.org/are-nuts-one-of-the-secrets-to-a-healthy-gut-microbiome/\n\n\n14 \n(2019, July 9). 7 Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts | Health.com. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.health.com/nutrition/benefits-brussels-sprouts\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sex-with-iud", "title": "Can you have sex with an IUD in? Does it feel good?", "body": "Most women will want to find a contraceptive option at some point in their lives. Whether you want to commit to taking the pill everyday, or put in an implant, there are plenty of options available out there. Some women prefer not to have anything inserted into their bodies, while others don\u2019t like the idea of taking hormone pills. Whichever route you go down, contraceptives don\u2019t mean you don\u2019t get to enjoy sex.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the most common long term contraceptives is called the IUD (Intrauterine device), but many ask, can you have sex with an IUD in? Will it hurt? Will it feel uncomfortable?\n\n\nWhat is an IUD?\n\n\nFirstly, here is what an IUD is. An IUD is a tiny device that is inserted into your uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control methods out there.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are 2 types of IUDs available \u00a0\u2013 hormonal IUD and non hormonal/copper IUDs.\n\n\n\n\nCan you have sex with IUD in? Some examples of the non hormonal/copper IUD. | Source: Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\nSome women prefer to have IUD implants because once it is inserted, you don\u2019t have to worry about it anymore. It\u2019s not as cumbersome as taking the pill (which requires you to remember to take it at the same time everyday) and it doesn\u2019t get in the way of sexual pleasure (like condoms might).\u00a0\n\n\nIt is inserted into your uterus by a medical professional and your cervix is often numbed before it is put in. Once it is inserted, you might get lighter periods or your periods will not come at all. The IUD is attached to a string, so that it can be removed by a medical professional later on.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is where women worry if having sex will affect the IUD or that men can feel the IUD.\u00a0\n\n\nDifferent brands of IUDs have different effective periods. Some last up to 12 years, while others may be as short as 3 years.\u00a0\n\n\nSo how having sex with IUD in feel?\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s 6 things you need to know before having sex with IUD inserted:\n\n\n1. Your sex drive will not be affected\n\n\nNeither types of IUD should have an impact on your sexual desire or how you feel during sex. An IUD is inserted inside the uterine cavity. You can\u2019t see or feel it, you won\u2019t even know it\u2019s there.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity and you won\u2019t be able to feel it. | Source: Wikimedia\n\n\n\n\n2. You do not need to worry about getting pregnant\n\n\nYou can enjoy spontaneous sex! But, you should still use a condom if you\u2019re worried about STDs.\n\n\n3. Your partner MAY feel the strings\n\n\nAlthough highly unlikely, some men do feel a tiny sensation. As long as your IUD is properly in place, you can lean on the fact that they are designed to be super-thin and barely noticeable, even softening over time.\n\n\n4. The hormonal IUD might affect your cycle in a good way\n\n\nWomen who experience a heavy flow and cramping during their periods may have an \u201ceasier time of the month\u201d thanks to the progestin in hormonal IUDs. Progestin will decrease bleeding and cramping during your period and could even stop both completely.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMirena \u2013 a hormonal IUD which can lighthen menstrual flow and pain. | Source: Wikimedia\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nWhy Choose Gerber Baby Food?\nAnak\nKeep Your Child\u2019s Health And Safety At Home In Tip Top Order During This Pandemic Season\nNasihat keibubapaan\nVaksin Rotavirus, Langkah Berkesan Untuk Halang Kanak-kanak Maut Akibat Cirit-birit\n#PendidikanKewangan\nMemupuk Nilai Wang: Memahami Perbezaan Antara Kehendak dan Keperluan\n\n\n\n\n5. There may be some post sex bleeding\n\n\nSome women experience bleeding during sex with IUD inserted, especially hormonal IUDs, though it isn\u2019t common. Hormonal IUDs thin out the endometrial lining, the inside of the uterus that sheds each month with a period. If the lining is very thin, it may shed a bit during sex, which would cause bleeding. However, if you feel pain, always check with your doctor. It could be a sign that your IUD is out of place, which leaves you unprotected.\n\n\n6. You can enjoy any positions you like\n\n\nEverybody is different and when the IUD is in the right place, you shouldn\u2019t feel anything at all \u2013 \u00a0which also mean any sex positions are fine. Rough sex too will not affect your IUD, but in very rare cases, the IUD may slip out. In the first year after getting an IUD, the expulsion rate is roughly 5 percent only. Sex does not increase or decrease the risk.\n\n\n\n\nSo now that you know what it is like to have sex with IUD inserted, would you consider getting an IUD as your form of contraceptive?\u00a0\n\n\nRead also:\u00a0\n\u201cMy husband won\u2019t use condoms, I won\u2019t use pills. What other contraceptives should we use?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/singapore-mum-shares-my-babys-left-hand-got-cut-off-in-my-womb", "title": "Singapore mum shares \"My baby's left hand got cut off in my womb\"", "body": "When mummy Christabel Koh gave birth to her baby girl Chrislyn 5 years back, she was shattered. During C-section, doctors found that the baby\u2019s tiny left hand had got severed in the womb. She had been affected by a rare congenital disorder called \namniotic band syndrome during pregnancy\n.\n\n\n\u201cThey found Chrislyn\u2019s tiny left hand inside my womb,\u201d recalls this mummy.\n\n\nShe had amniotic band syndrome during pregnancy\n\n\nIn the case of\u00a0amniotic band syndrome during pregnancy, parts of the amnion hang loosely, like thin threads inside the amniotic sac.\u00a0These amniotic bands can then accidentally twist and wrap around different body parts of the baby, which can affect the little one in many ways.\n\n\nIn\u00a0Chrislyn\u2019s case, the bands had gone all the way around her left arm, cutting off half of the forearm, and fusing the fingers on her right hand.\n\n\nMummy\u00a0Christabel tells Women\u2019s Weekly, \u201cThroughout my pregnancy there hadn\u2019t been any symptoms that showed I had ABS.\u201d\n\n\nIt wasn\u2019t easy for Christabel to cope with\u00a0Chrislyn\u2019s disability. She found herself plunging into depression, and harbouring suicidal thoughts.\n\n\nThings got so bad that she ended up divorcing\u00a0Chrislyn\u2019s father. She saw no hope for herself or for her baby.\n\n\n\u201cI eventually fell in love with her\u2026\u201d\n\n\nChristabel struggled to rein in depressing and suicidal thoughts. The fact that she was jobless and bankrupt made things worse.\n\n\nAs she tells Women\u2019s Weekly, \u201cI had no job, a mountain of hospital bills, and a child with an uncertain future. Many times I\u2019d climb up to the highest floor with Chrislyn in my arms, ready to throw us both over.\u201d\n\n\nOn one occasion, police took\u00a0Chrislyn away from her and locked her up for 24 hours. It was then she realised how much she loved her baby. She decided to turn over a new leaf.\n\n\nShe found a freelance job as a shopper with Honestbee which gave her the flexibility to look after her baby.\u00a0Chrislyn\u2019s father pitched in financially as well, and the baby had to have\u00a0three major surgeries to separate her fused fingers.\n\n\nThings started to look up, and today Christabel is a full-time lead supervisor at Honestbee. She has even bought a 4-room HDB flat with her mum.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: SCREENGRAB THE NEW PAPER\n\n\n\n\n5-year-old Chrislyn is doing well too. For Christabel, being mum to Chrislyn has been such a joy, she wouldn\u2019t have it any other way.\n\n\n\u201cI was convinced that her quality of life was going to be so poor it would not be a life worth living. But she\u2019s defied all expectations. I didn\u2019t know, because I couldn\u2019t have known back then, how strong my little girl is and that I would eventually fall in love with her\u201d, Christabel tells Women\u2019s Weekly.\n\n\nHer daughter is her hero today.\n\n\n\u201cI marvel at how she learnt to use her hand and her stump to feed and clothe herself. She is my inspiration. If she can do all that despite her condition, I have no excuse,\u201d says Miss Koh to The New Paper.\n\n\n\u201cMy greatest wish for her is that she\u2019ll never feel less capable than other girls just because she\u2019s missing a hand.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIf she wants to play the violin or dance the ballet, I\u2019ll go all out to make it possible for her. I will do everything I can to help her fulfill her dreams.\u201d\n\n\nHere\u2019s wishing this mummy and daughter lots of love and happiness.\n\n\nWhat is\u00a0\namniotic band syndrome during pregnancy?\n\n\nAmniotic band syndrome (ABS) is a condition which occurs when you are still pregnant.\n\n\nWhen the baby is in your womb, it is encapsulated in your amniotic sac, which contains amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid keeps the baby afloat.\n\n\nInterestingly, the amniotic sac containing the baby and fluid has two films which stick together. The exterior film which faces the uterus, is the chorion, whereas the inner film surrounding the baby is the amnion.\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: University of San Francisco\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n\n\nABS affects an unborn baby when the amnion tears abruptly, but without damage to the chorion.\n\n\nParts of the amnion then hang loosely, like thin threads inside the amniotic sac.\n\n\nThese amniotic bands can then accidentally twist and wrap around different body parts of your baby, which can affect your little one in many ways.\n\n\nDepending on which body part is entangled and whether it is bound tightly, blood flow could be constricted and impact your little one\u2019s development.\n\n\nThese birth defects include:\n\n\n\n\nMissing limbs or digits\n. A band that twists around a limb tightly can lead to its amputation, such that the baby is born lacking fingers and toes, or may be born with a partial arm or leg. At times, the baby is born with dead limbs which need to be removed surgically.\n\n\nCleft lip or palate\n, if the band goes across the baby\u2019s face.\n\n\nClubfeet,\n\u00a0which commonly happens with babies suffering form ABS.\n\n\nIn the worst case scenario,\u00a0\nfetal death\n. If the amniotic band twists onto the umbilical cord, it cuts off blood supply. This presents a risk of miscarriage.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to diagnose\u00a0ABS\n\n\nDoctors can diagnose ABS before the baby is born, or, more commonly, after he is born.\u00a0\n\n\nPre-birth diagnosis\n\n\nExperienced doctors or specialists might be able to accurately pinpoint ABS based on an ultrasound scan. Doctors normally perform this scan in the baby\u2019s 12th week in the womb.\n\n\nIf the doctor suspects that the baby has ABS, do discuss this with an experienced specialist.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmniotic bands are minute in size and very difficult to see even with ultrasound. This often leads to misdiagnosis. An expert in ABS will be able to guide you with\u00a0their professional opinions on what the ultrasound scan might mean.\n\n\nPost-birth diagnosis\n\n\nOnce you have given birth, there are several ways your doctor can assess whether your baby has ABS or not, such as by:\n\n\n\n\nA physical examination. Your doctor will look for deformed limbs or any other physical abnormalities with your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nAn X-Ray, to assess how deeply an amniotic band might have impacted the tissues below the skin\n\n\nMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or other scans to further understand how the amniotic band could have influenced or injured blood vessels and nerves\u00a0\n\n\nOther deeper tests such as targeted ultrasound (3D), Doppler Blood Flow Study or a Fetal Echocardiogram\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat to do in case baby is diagnosed with ABS?\n\n\nAfter your doctor undertakes a thorough examination of your baby\u2019s condition, he will discuss potential treatment options. It is very likely that fetal surgery will be recommended for extreme cases, whereas mild cases may be treated with reconstructive surgery after giving birth.\u00a0\n\n\nIn general, there are a variety of treatment options for ABS:\n\n\n\n\nSupportive therapy targeted at alleviating the symptoms (for instance oxygen or breathing support for babies with improperly developed lungs)\n\n\nReconstructive or plastic surgery for developmental abnormalities, such as webbed fingers or feet and cleft lip\u00a0\n\n\nClubfoot treatment via the Ponseti method\n\n\nOccupational therapy so that the children are able to practice, and master, using their recovered fingers, toes, arms and legs\u00a0\n\n\n3D-printing prosthetics to replace the abnormally formed limbs\n\n\nFetal surgery, for really extreme cases of ABS in unborn babies. Fetal surgery involves severing the amniotic bands via a laser or sharp surgical apparatus while the baby is still in the amniotic sac. Normally, thorough consideration is given before choosing this option as there may be further complications afterwards.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(Source:\n\u00a0\nWomen\u2019s Weekly\n, \nTNP\n,\u00a0\namnioticbandsyndrome.com\n,\u00a0\nUniversity of San Francisco\n,\u00a0\nrarediseases.org\n,\u00a0\nVery Well Family\n,\u00a0\nSeattle Children\u2019s Hospital\n,\u00a0\n123radiology\n\u00a0)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sharifah-sofia-tells-us-trick-raising-healthy-kids", "title": "Sharifah Sofia Tells Us Her Tricks To Raising Healthy & Happy Children", "body": "We asked Sharifah Sofia if being a mum is the most demanding job in the world. There\u2019s no manual on how to be a good mum AND you won\u2019t know if you\u2019re doing a good job until your child is all grown up.\n\n\nMums tend to be too hard on themselves, judging themselves and trying to compete with other mums. Besides striving to be a good mum, mothers are expected to work, do the household chores, cook and some mothers even have to study.\n\n\nSo, how do these busy mums provide the best nutrition for their child and their family?\n\n\n\n\nWell, we recently caught up with Sharifah Sofia; a full-time mummy to 2 beautiful little girls, an actress, a teacher, a blogger on her site With Love Mummy to talk about family, raising kids and nutrition.\n\n\nWe asked her to give us some advice about the importance of nutrition and bringing up healthy and happy kids by starting early.\n\n\nSharifah Sofia\u2019s key takeaway: No sugar\n\n\n\n\nSharifah Sofia doesn\u2019t allow her daughters to take sugars until they were 2 years old. She adds that it\u2019s important to teach them from young that sugar is bad and if they didn\u2019t grow up with sugary treats, most likely, they won\u2019t want sugar as they grow. Her daughters only take milk and water.\n\n\nAnmum Essential formulated milk powder for children with No Added Sugars is a good example of a healthy drink. It promises to provide all the important nutrients that your growing child needs, without compromising on the delicious taste, and with no added sugars.\n\n\nLabels are extremely important\n\n\n\n\nAs a smart mum, you need to learn how to read the labels. For example, jams. Jams are normally made with fruits boiled with some sugar and set. But, on the label of certain jams, it will state sugar first, followed by strawberries and other stuff.\n\n\nThis means the main ingredient in the jam is sugar because ingredients are listed according to the amount by descending order. This is wrong because it\u2019s a jam, the main ingredient should be the fruit instead.\n\n\nSo, when buying jams, try buying one with fruits listed first. And companies don\u2019t put sugar on their labels (cause sugar is such a bad word!) so, they tend to use other words like sucrose, glucose and all that. Go on to Anmum\u2019s website, they have a list of the common examples of added sugar names. Read the labels, and if you don\u2019t know the ingredients, don\u2019t get it. Why feed your child something that you don\u2019t know?\n\n\nAnmum Essential was recommended to Sharifah and her family and it\u2019s the first milk they\u2019ve tried and the only milk they drink. \u201cMy 2 girls liked it instantly the first time we tried it. They never had much sugar growing up so, they love Anmum Essential.\u201d\n\n\nLimiting Sugar\n\n\n\n\nSugar can be addictive, once a child has tasted sugar, they would constantly crave for it. If a child that wasn\u2019t exposed to sugar at a young age, like Sharifah\u2019s 2 girls, they tend to limit their own sugar intake.\n\n\n\u201cKids being kids, they like the colourful swirls of candy, the sweetness of chocolates but they don\u2019t gorge themselves on it. They stop after one or two and they know their limits,\u201d she adds.\n\n\nFor a year, her family only ate at home. Sharifah Sofia would cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for her family. By doing this, she\u2019s able to limit her daughter\u2019s intake of sugar and salt. After a while, she decided to start her own baby food business, selling healthy, homemade baby food that sold fresh food that her daughters enjoyed eating.\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t consider myself a good mum, I mean, I have cravings too. My weakness is chocolates and I have a secret stash of chocolates that I\u2019ll eat in the kitchen away from the kids. There\u2019s also the occasional McDonald\u2019s craving and I would feel guilty if I don\u2019t get a Happy Meal for them,\u201d\n\n\nBeing a good mum is very subjective, most mums are stressed out, especially working mums. Working mums are always in a rush, rushing to work, rush through their work, and rushing back home.\n\n\nBy the time they get started on the chores and taking care of their kids, they don\u2019t have time to cook a healthy meal for the family. \u201cMums have to sacrifice something. Maybe leave the chores for the weekend and cook a healthy dinner for your family?\u201d Sharifah suggested.\n\n\nMums are constantly judged\n\n\n\n\nNo matter what women do, they\u2019re constantly judged. You should breastfeed your child, you should give your child formula, you should let your child cry it out, you should hug your child, nowadays, and everyone seems to have an opinion or advice.\n\n\n\u201cI try to not give advice because I think there\u2019s enough to go around, but if I have to, it would be, to follow your instincts and follow your heart. Don\u2019t listen to others cause everyone has an opinion on how to \nraise your child\n, all you have to do is to do the best and provide the best for your child. You\u2019re the child\u2019s mum, you know what\u2019s best for your own child.\u201d\n\n\nAs a mum, we have to do what\u2019s best for our child and let\u2019s learn to lead a healthier lifestyle. Learn to read food labels and better yet, learn to cook and prepare the meal yourself. Not only it\u2019s going to be fresher, but you\u2019re also able to control what goes into it.\n\n\nLog onto \nAnmum.com.my\n for more details on reading labels and added sugars!\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n5 Ways You Damage Your Relationship with Your Child Without Even Knowing It\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/being-advanced-as-a-child", "title": "Why being advanced as a child doesn\u2019t really matter", "body": "One of the first things I discovered being a mum is that I live in a culture where being advanced as a child is applauded.\n\n\nWhen Timmy was a little over a year old, a local TV show featured a two-year-old genius who could write and read like a five-year-old. My mum even called me to watch and said Timmy could also be like that. While it sure was a compliment from a grandma who sees the potential of her first grandchild, it really got me nervous.\n\n\n\n\nClearly, that kid was the exception and featuring him was a great idea. But then it also added unnecessary pressure to all the parents watching the show at that time.\n\n\nI remember feeling so competitive back then, but when I looked at my baby who was exploring, walking tiptoe, touching everything out of curiosity, I asked myself, \u201cDo you really need to do all that at two years old?\u201d\n\n\nSo I decided not to let that show affect me. But I still couldn\u2019t shake the pressure that came along with it.\n\n\nAs parents, we all want our children to succeed and do well in life. But as I navigate this parenting journey, I realised that success is relative. And it\u2019s up to us to define what that is to our kids. I\u2019m proud of my son and all the things he accomplishes \u2014 big or small. But I also realised that he can\u2019t possibly do well in everything.\n\n\nBeing Advanced as a Child: Advanced but Not Quite\n\n\nTimmy may be way too advanced in reading, but he still doesn\u2019t colour within the lines. And he still finds it difficult to use scissors.\n\n\nWhatever big words he knows today will also be read by other kids of his age when they all grow up. We all follow the same curriculum guide anyway. And they will all learn the same thing down the line.\n\n\n\n\nHe may write fast \u2013 and I mean quickly scribble the letters/words that come to his mind \u2013 but he doesn\u2019t draw the usual stick people, cars, or houses that most boys do.\n\n\nHe\u2019s unconventional in so many ways, like going for bond paper over ruled paper, coloured pens over pencils, paints over crayons. And God has been using all these things to remove the conventional student mould in my head, to get my cue from my child\u2019s interests more than what traditional schools dictate.\n\n\n\n\nTimmy loves numbers and reads them by the thousands and enjoys skip counting of even and odd numbers. He\u2019s so fascinated with numbers that he even memorises car plates!\n\n\nBut he\u2019s a careless counter. He loses track of what he counts because he gets too excited. He tends to skip pointing at objects or points twice at the same thing. So we\u2019re still working on his slow counting. Slow, slow, slow like a sloth, as Eric Carle would put it.\n\n\nI need God\u2019s grace to remind me continuously that I\u2019m dealing with my child more than he is my student. And I guess this is something that every homeschooling mom struggles with, balancing our parent-teacher side. Every day I am learning to use his preferences as my teaching springboard to communicate with him more effectively.\n\n\n\n\nAlso, I have to keep reminding myself that he\u2019s only four and to stick to what he needs to know at this age. I think it\u2019s something that all newbie parents should keep into perspective \u2014 to never rush their kids, to enjoy every age and every stage.\n\n\nBecause they really do grow up fast. But that doesn\u2019t mean I will limit him. I also have to be sensitive and follow where he wants to progress faster. At the same time, I need to rein him in if we\u2019re going too fast so that he won\u2019t get confused.\n\n\nWhat really matters\n\n\nI\u2019m not an expert in parenting. I\u2019ve been at it for only four years. And every time Timmy gets a year older, it\u2019s a whole new ball game for me.\n\n\nLike when he turned four, I was so excited to know and discover with him what it\u2019s like to be at that age again! All this time God has been repeatedly teaching me to be gentle and patient with my child, to listen to his thoughts and stories, to ride on his interests and leverage it for learning, and to spend quality time with him.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nI didn\u2019t become a parent to raise a genius. There\u2019s much more to parenting than teaching academic lessons.\n\n\nThe values and life skills our children need to learn outweigh the need to master the 3 R\u2019s (Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic).\n\n\nThey will learn those things eventually because they have to. But character building is a different story. We need to be more intentional on this one. They NEED this more than academics when they face the world on their own.\n\n\nNo one will care how smart your child is if he\u2019s such a pain to work with. No one will bother to listen to him if he\u2019s full of himself.\n\n\nHe may be smart and talented in many ways, but if all he wants is to get his way, then no one will follow him. Companies now even value EQ more than IQ because anything can be learned these days. The way you deal with people and your overall work ethic are given more weight than \u201chead\u201d knowledge.\n\n\n\n\nA teachable student can only come from a teachable heart. If my son doesn\u2019t learn about obedience and respect first, then he won\u2019t listen to me.\n\n\nThere are values that he needs to develop before he can even comprehend fractions or geography. He needs to learn patience, perseverance, hard work, honesty, humility, and more to help him not just with his academics but with real life challenges as well.\n\n\nLife skills are learned more easily when they have foundational values first.\n\n\nFor example, cleaning up his toys took repetition before Timmy got used to it. You earn cooperation by doing things together, like washing the dishes.\n\n\nIt sure took time and a lot of wasted water and dishwashing soap, but seeing my son beam with pride makes it all worth it. Last night as he went down his chair (because he can\u2019t reach the sink yet) he said, \u201cThank you for helping me wash the dishes!\u201d It was as if he owned the chore, and I was just there to help him!\n\n\nThose little things help in easy transition to learning like, \u201cLet\u2019s read together! It\u2019s writing time! Let\u2019s count together!\u201d\n\n\nBecause you get to him to cooperate and participate on non-academic things, getting him on board during study time becomes much easier. There\u2019s so much more that our kids need to learn. Even us adults learn something new every day. So why stress out on getting everything right the first time or being ahead of everybody else?\n\n\n\n\nAt the end of the day, it\u2019s never really about whose kid is advanced where. It isn\u2019t about how many degrees my son will finish or how many awards he will get.\n\n\nI would rather measure his success by how many lives he will touch by his kindness and how many will follow his lead because of his integrity. It isn\u2019t about finishing first all the time but about finishing well in life.\n\n\nI remember my dad would always say about drivers overtaking, \u201cOkay lang yan, sabay sabay din tayo sa dulo ng stoplight. (That\u2019s okay, we\u2019ll all meet at the stoplight anyway.)\u201d\n\n\nThe same goes with being advanced as a child. Our kids will all get there. They will all become adults and converse like adults. But the question is, will they become responsible adults? Will they be part of a generation who will walk with integrity? Will they be compassionate and kind?\n\n\n\n\nWhile it may be great to have an \u201cadvanced child\u201d, let\u2019s not forget to advance them on the things that matter.\n\n\nLet\u2019s give them a head start on values and character building. Those are the foundational life skills they need that will help them thrive in the real world.\n\n\nI\u2019m still learning and growing in these areas up to now, which is why I recognise that my son still has a long way to go. And that\u2019s the beauty of parenting right there, you grow and learn together \u2014 and it never stops.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nArticle republished with permission from:\u00a0\nthevinethatwrites\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \ntheAsianParent Philippines\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/digestive-system-for-kids", "title": "Early Nutrition Is Vital for Your Child\u2019s Digestive System! Here\u2019s How To Ensure Your Child Absorbs As Much As Possible", "body": "Lack of sufficient shuteye is a given for experienced and new parents \u2013 not only does your life revolve around your child\u2019s feeding schedule, but you\u2019re also worried if they\u2019re getting enough nutrition, or whether they\u2019re crying from hunger or some other discomfort.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, you have probably found yourself increasingly concerned about the shade or consistency of their poop! You will soon realise that your child\u2019s tummy health plays a major role in the digestive system for kids and it will determine how smooth your week will go.\n\n\nIn the womb, all necessary nutrients were provided by the placenta. But as soon as the umbilical cord is snipped, their delicate digestive systems kicks into gear \u2013 trust us, it is going to take some time before their bowel movements are up and running properly.\u00a0\n\n\nFret not, here is what you can do to protect and support your child\u2019s digestive system, especially in those first crucial years. \n\n\n\n\nUnderstanding your child\u2019s gut health\n\n\n\n\nBear in mind that 80 percent of the immune system resides in their gut. Inside the digestive tract \u2013 the large intestine mainly \u2013 lives an extremely diverse microbiome of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. These \u201cgood\u201d bacteria help with food digestion and regulating the immune system.\n\n\n\n\nSo, establishing a healthy and thriving community of disease battling bacteria within our child\u2019s gut is of the utmost importance, especially in the first three years of your child\u2019s life. The bar you set right now, determines the quality of your child\u2019s health for years to come.\u00a0\n\n\nFocus on your child\u2019s diet\n\n\nAs the pancreas is still developing, young children may not produce enough digestive enzymes to break down proteins or complex carbohydrates. This is also the reason parents are discouraged from feeding solids until after six months of age.\n\n\nBreast milk naturally regulates the digestive system for kids by delivering both prebiotics and probiotics that bolster helpful gut bacteria.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOne important tip is to feed your child before he or she becomes frantically hungry. Only burp them when they take a break from feeding to ensure you are not interrupting their rhythm.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if your child is suffering from indigestion, here is another quick tip: \nPlace a warm towel over your child\u2019s stomach and leave it for two to three minutes before removing. You can repeat this several times a day, after feeding sessions.\u00a0\n\n\nSome parents have also advocated fennel oil \u2013 you can mix it with your child\u2019s regular massage oil and gently rub around the stomach, as well as navel area.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat about the other alternative \u2013 formula milk?\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re opting for formula, Similac Total Comfort makes a compelling promise for better digestion and absorption thanks to pre-digested proteins.\u00a0\n\n\nScientifically proven to resolve common feeding issues like regurgitation, fussiness and colicky tummies, Similac Total Comfort is also formulated with a Unique Vegetable Oil Blend (UVOB). Not only does this special ingredient help soften stools and avoid constipation, but the unique vegetable oil blend also helps young bodies absorb DHA and retain it for increased brain development.\u00a0\n\n\nNow added with a composition called 2\u2019-FL to support body defense and reduce allergy risk. 2\u2019-FL supports your child\u2019s normal immunity functions so they have less interruptions from sick days. Not to forget the addition of the EyeQ system, that combines Natural Vitamin E, Lutein and DHA that supports brain-eye development.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRemember, having a child that is well-fed and digesting comfortably allows mothers and fathers to savour the many joys of parenthood.\u00a0\n\n\nYou will also rest better knowing the nutrients you are providing at this important stage will set the foundation for their future immunity.\n\n\n\n\nTo learn more about Similac Total Comfort milk formula, \nclick here for details. \nLearn more \nhere\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kids-hate-reading", "title": "Are You Causing your Children to Dislike Reading? More Than a Quarter of Children Never Read for Pleasure and It Is Most Likely the Parent's Faults", "body": "A new survey reveals that more than\n 25% of children claim they never read for pleasure\n and \n27% say that they do not read during their leisure time at all. This shouldn\u2019t come as a surprise with the number of other distractions that surround children in this day and age. But what could be surprising is that experts believe that it isn\u2019t these distractions that are directly affecting children\u2019s enthusiasm for reading instead it is most likely down to the behaviour of their parents.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to a Professor from the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, University of Selangor, Prof. Dr Jamilah Mustafa, \nIt\u2019s not the fault of children and teenagers\n, if they don\u2019t like reading because they\u2019ve never seen their parents read. Most parents these days seem preoccupied with phones and streaming platforms and children seem to be merely mimicking the behaviour of their parents.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nReading culture, especially the younger generation, is important to ensure mature and developed thinking. Getting more Malaysians to read for pleasure and to gain knowledge is an ongoing \u201cbattle\u201d in this country. A study shows that Malaysian on average read \n15 books\n a year, just slightly over one book a month.\u00a0\n\n\nAs Managing Director of Children Books at Aulad and being in the industry for 35 years, I have found some tricks and steps on how parents or teachers can help their children to \ndevelop the culture of reading\n as part of their life. This is important as our future generations and leader is dependent on our children hence to lead tomorrow, future leaders must learn to read today. I hope by sharing my learnings with all of you, together we will be able to overcome this dislike for reading and build up a stronger reading culture.\u00a0\n\n\nTips & Tricks on How To Get Your Children \u2018Love Reading\u2019\n\n\n\n\nThe majority of the kids stated they liked being read to and that having someone read to them piqued their interest in the book. Reading a book out loud and expressing the story would gain the children\u2019s interest to sit and listens to the story. The manner in which books are read aloud may have an impact on the children\u2019s enjoyment of the reading. It is critical that the reading be done in a passionate and enthusiastic way to get the children to engage.\n\n\nReading is more than just curling up with a nice book. It\u2019s also a part of everyday existence. As you go about your day, encourage your youngster to look for \u201creading moments.\u201d Reading road signs, grocery lists, or recipes might be one of them. It doesn\u2019t always have to be reading a book.\n\n\nAnother way is by letting the child witness the parent\u2019s reading, whether the parents enjoy books, periodicals, or graphic novels. Children learn by what they see and observe. If they were surrounded by people who enjoy reading, the child will most likely share their interests to copy and read a book as well. If you make reading part of your daily routine, your child is likely to grow up looking forward to it.\n\n\nOne of the major tips is to create a reading environment that is both comfortable and favourable to reading, as well as to set aside time for leisure reading. The reading area does not need to be large or filled with bookcases like a library. It might be a couch corner or a chair in the room where the children sleep. Choosing a comfortable area with enough light and space to store a book or two might help the children associate reading with warmth and comfort.\n\n\nParents may become bored of reading the same story again and over, but the children could like it. Kids like spotting details in stories and images that they missed the first time around. They can also correlate the words they see on the page with the words they hear by rereading. Your children may eventually begin reading the book to you.\n\n\n\n\nReading an interactive book is also part of the trick. It\u2019s 2022, the world has changed, we have the metaverse now and everything revolves around technology. Children nowadays might be attracted to gadgets more, hence books that incorporate technology also should be considered as they could be more effective in capturing and retaining their attention.\n\n\n As a champion of reading and education myself, I recognise this need and potential. This is why through my organisation, Aulad aims to build a reading culture amongst children with our Augmented Reality (AR) Book.\u00a0\n\n\nThis AR storybook is published in line with Aulad\u2019s mission to connect with a new generation of children to encourage them to learn and read in new ways that are more interesting to them. Understanding the Alpha generation who grew up with the use of gadgets and technology in their daily lives, books that are interactive like AR technology used in these books can attract interest and instil a culture of reading among them.\n\n\nThis article is attributed to \nAbdul Rahman, Managing Director of Children Books, Aulad\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0Being A Mum Is Not Easy, As Motherhood Ages Mums By 11 Years! \u2013 Study\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\u00a0\n5 tips to help your child avoid making careless mistakes in math exams!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nYour Children Are Getting Bored At Home? Try These 10 Fun Scientific Experiments For An Engaging Afternoon!\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-every-child-should-have-a-family-pet", "title": "Why Every Child Should Have a Pet", "body": "\n\nMost children are fascinated by animals; they love to visit zoos, animal parks and petting farms. It may be the cute fluffiness of a baby animal, the joy of having a companion to play with or the many unique characteristics of animals that enthral them.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBest family pet for children (that are not dogs or cats)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBenefits of having a family pet\n\n\nIf your child has been continually asking for a pet and you are on the fence about having one, here are seven reasons why pets are great for children:\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nTeach responsibility\n\n\nPet-related chores such as filling its food and water bowls teach children responsibility and how to care for something that is dependent on them. If there is more than one child in the family, the chores can be divided among them on alternate days. This also helps strengthen the bond between siblings. \u00a0\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nHelp children be more active \u00a0\n\n\nA frolicking puppy in the house will definitely increase a child\u2019s physical activity by chasing after it or playing with it. And as the evenings close in, taking the four-legged friends for a walk encourages children to exercise daily. Plus, it\u2019s the perfect thing to burn off excess energy before bedtime.\u00a0\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nHappier overall \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by cottonbro from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nHaving pets around prevent loneliness especially for introverted children and those who do not have any siblings. It\u2019s like having a confidante who will hear about the child\u2019s good and bad days. They make children happier overall, with lots of fond memories to cherish down the road.\n\n\n4.\u00a0\nBoosts social-emotional and cognitive development\n\n\nEven in the youngest children, pets can be a positive influence on their behaviour. Children will show improved ability to control strong emotions and impulses when interacting with animals. Plus, thinking and responding to the animal\u2019s behaviour helps children develop better decision-making and problem-solving skills.\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nMay reduce symptoms of autism and ADHD\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nChildren with autism or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may benefit from having a pet like a dog. Dogs seem to calm children down, lower their stress levels and help prepare them for therapy. Children with a pet are also more likely to engage in social situations such as asking for information or introducing themselves.\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nTeach kindness and compassion\n\n\nWhen children make an effort to care for animals, they understand the importance of treating others with kindness and compassion. The way they treat animals is strongly related to the way they treat people.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n7.\u00a0\nImproved immune system\n\n\nResearch\n\u00a0found that exposing children below the age of five to pets like cats and dogs may reduce the risk of developing allergies and asthma. This is due to how bacteria from pets are transferred to children\u2019s guts, and in turn strengthens their immune systems. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBe a fosterer\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pixabay\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\n\nIf you are a little worried about the full-time commitments of having a family pet, especially something more high maintenance like a dog, you can try fostering.\n\n\nIt means taking care of a dog temporarily until it finds a permanent home with someone who is willing to adopt it. The\u00a0\n\u2018Fosterer Network\u2019 programme\n\u00a0is a great place to start for those who are interested. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 common houseplants that are toxic for your kids and pets\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/boys-school-brawl-caught-on-camera", "title": "Boys' school brawl caught on camera", "body": "We know young boys can be a tad rowdy, especially when in a group. But no amount of \u201cboys will be boys\u201d reasoning can justify this school boys brawl that was caught on camera in a popular Singapore school.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn this school boys brawl, you can clearly see the boys hurling furniture across the room and generally behaving like rowdies. | Image: Stomp screengrab\n\n\n\n\nSchool Boys Brawl Shows Classroom Being Wrecked\n\n\nIn the video, which has been circulating online, we can clearly see how these out-of-control boys trash their classroom as chairs and tables go flying across the room.\u00a0\n\n\nFirst, two boys can be seen hurling plastic chairs while another one turns over a desk. Laughter erupts as another student struts for the camera, raising both his middle fingers rudely.\u00a0\n\n\nMore furniture is thrown around the class and more boys join in the \u201cfun.\u201d Things get so out-of-hand that one chair seems to almost hit the person recording the video.\n\n\nMore students soon join in the brawl as more classroom furniture is flung across the room.\u00a0One chair even hits the person recording the video, causing the camera to shake from the impact.\n\n\nSome boys, however, don\u2019t want to be a part of the chaos and are seen trying to leave the classroom.\u00a0At one point in the video, one boy shouts at the others: \u201cOi! Do not break the tables and chairs!\u201d\n\n\nHowever, no one listens to him and the boys continue with their merry-making, all the while laughing loudly and yelling.\u00a0\n\n\nCitizen journalism site \nStomp\n says they reached out to the principal of the school in question, who issued this statement:\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThe school does not condone the students\u2019 actions in the video, and has counselled them and meted out appropriate disciplinary measures.\u201d Apparently, the students have also\u00a0\u201cexpressed regret for their actions.\u201d\n\n\nWatch the video below:\u00a0\n\n\n\ufeff\n\ufeff\n\ufeff\n\ufeff\n\ufeff\n\ufeff\n\ufeff\n\ufeff\n\n\nWe understand that when excited, children of a certain age can get carried away and behave rowdily. However, can these boys\u2019 behaviour be excused? \n\n\nBesides the trashing of school equipment, they could have easily gotten hurt. They also look big enough to understand the meaning of responsible behaviour and common sense.\u00a0\n\n\nWe hope their parents and teachers speak to them about this incident and just how irresponsible their behaviour was.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nStomp\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBagaimana\u200c \u200cUntuk\u200c \u200cAjar\u200c \u200cAnak\u200c \u200cTentang\u200c \u200cWang:\u200c \u200cPanduan\u200c \u200cMengikut\u200c \u200cUsia\u200c\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow Can I Improve My Child\u2019s Nutrient Absorption?\nLifestyle\nKita Support Kita (15 Oct \u2013 14 Nov)\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Travelling Makes Kids More Resilient\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tips-for-an-easier-labour", "title": "7 tips for an easier labour", "body": null} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-chiropractic-helps-in-pregnancy-this-is-what-you-should-know-about-pregnancy-and-chiropractic-care", "title": "How Chiropractic Helps In Pregnancy? This Is What You Should Know About Pregnancy And Chiropractic Care", "body": "Often, we receive questions from our patients, whether can they bring their pregnant wife to come for chiropractic care, and hence we will talk about pregnancy and chiropractic care!\n\n\nChanges And Pains During Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nDuring pregnancy, your body is experiencing major changes. During the first trimester, pregnant ladies are experiencing an increasing reflux of reproductive hormones, leading them to have symptoms like morning sickness, fatigue, and headache. \n(1)\n. As time progresses to the second trimester, baby is starting to grow bigger, pregnant mothers are starting to have less symptoms, but more pain. \n(2)\n The most faced problems are \n(3,4)\n:\n\n\n\n\nLow back pain\n\n\nPubic symphysis pain\n\n\nLeg pain/ cramps\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\nPelvic girdle pain\n\n\nRound ligament pain (Pain along the underwear line)\n\n\n\n\nWhy Is There So Much Pain During Pregnancy?\n\n\n\n\nThis is because during pregnancy, the ligaments in the body become soft and stretch to prepare for labour. However, this can put a strain on the joints of the pelvic and low back, which can cause low back pain. Besides, as the baby grow bigger in mother\u2019s belly, the mother\u2019s back will become more curve, which press on disc, joint and nerve, and eventually leads to pain.\n\n\nHow Chiropractic Helps?\n\n\n\n\nChiropractic care especially the Webster technique helps to realign the pelvic bone by correcting the subluxation/ misalignment of the bone and work on the pelvic muscles and ligaments. This helps to \n(5,6)\n:\n\n\n\n\nRestore the pelvic alignment\n\n\nReduce tension around the pelvic muscles and ligament\n\n\nAllow a nice and comfortable space for baby to grow in the belly\n\n\nImproved space for fetus movement with pelvic alignment restoration\n\n\n\n\nWhat Is Webster Technique?\n(6)\n\n\n\n\nThe webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that helps to balance the pelvic bones, muscle, and ligament, restore the nervous system of the mother, and to optimize their pelvic function throughout the whole pregnancy and birth.\n\n\nIs Chiropractic Safe During Pregnancy?\n\n\nYes! Chiropractic care is safe throughout every stage of pregnancy. According to studies, chiropractic treatment may be considered safe and effective to treat musculoskeletal symptoms that affect pregnant mothers \n(7)\n! Chiropractic adjustments on pregnant mothers differ from standard chiropractic adjustments in that they are more specific, less forceful, and gentler due to the looser ligaments during pregnancy and there will be more cushion to support the belly during the treatment.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nDevelopment P. Pregnancy Stages: Trimesters [Internet]. SheCares. 2021 [cited 8 July 2021]. Available from: \nhttps://www.shecares.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-stages-trimesters\n\n\nSecond trimester pains: Causes, symptoms, and treatment [Internet]. Medicalnewstoday.com. 2021 [cited 8 July 2021]. Available from: \nhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323799#when-to-see-a-doctor\n\n\nHeadaches during pregnancy [Internet]. Pregnancybirthbaby.org.au. 2022 [cited 7 March 2022]. Available from: \nhttps://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/headaches-during-pregnancy\n\n\nBernard M, Tuchin P. Chiropractic Management of Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain: A Case Study. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 2016;15(2):129-133.\n\n\nChiropractor While Pregnant: Benefits [Internet]. Healthline. 2022 [cited 3 June 2022]. Available from: \nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/chiropractor-while-pregnant#How-can-chiropractic-care-help-during-pregnancy?\n\n\nAbout the Webster Technique [Internet]. Icpa4kids.com. 2022 [cited 3 June 2022]. Available from: \nhttps://icpa4kids.com/training/webster-certification/webster-technique/\n\n\nBorggren C. Pregnancy and chiropractic: a narrative review of the literature. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 2007;6(2):70-74.\n\n\n\n\nThis article is written by \u00a0Webster Certified Chiropractor \u2013 Dr Michelle Fong of \nTAGS Chiropractic & Rehabilitation.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-the-environment-influences-child-personality", "title": "How Environment Influences Child Personality", "body": "We all want to raise a resilient child \u2013 tough and able to persevere even after facing constant failure. \u201cBut what if my child doesn\u2019t have it in him?\u201d you may ask. \u201cWhat if he\u2019s just not that way?\u201d Have you ever wondered about environmental influences on personality? The answer may come as a surprise to some parents.\n\n\nBeing resilient is like being a rubber band.\n1\n\u00a0A rubber band is flexible. It can stretch well beyond its size, but afterwards it will return to its original shape. These are the qualities that we want our children to have: to be able to bounce back after any challenges or hardship, to be adaptable to change.\n\n\nThere is another interesting thing about our rubber band metaphor. Rubber in its original state isn\u2019t flexible at all. It becomes the stretchy rubber band we know through a process called vulcanisation. The lesson? Children aren\u2019t resilient from birth. It is something that can be taught and nurtured.\n\n\nEnvironmental influences on personality\n\n\n\n\nParents have an important role in helping to \nbuild resilience for their children\n. Plenty of research on the effects of environmental influences on child personality, shows that who they are \u2013 or will be \u2013 isn\u2019t defined from birth. It is their experiences growing up in their environment that plays a big part in shaping them into resilient individuals. And parents play a huge role in shaping this environment.\n\n\nIt\u2019s more than just nature vs nurture. Part of raising a resilient child is understanding how different environments play a critical role in your children\u2019s life. His family life, his school, even your community all play a role.\n\n\nResearch has found that a child\u2019s environment has long-term effects on his or her development, especially in the child\u2019s first three years.\n2\n\u00a0Providing a positive environment can lead to behaviours like self-reliance and adaptability. A negative environment has been linked to poor language development, behavioural problems, as well as aggression, anxiety and depression. In the long term, this impacts their education and employment outlook as adults.\n\n\nHere\u2019s How Environment Influences Child Personality:\n\n\nFamily Environment\n\n\nHow does family environment and background affect child development? The fact is family environment is one of the most important parts of a child\u2019s development. The bond your children create with you, your spouse and their siblings builds the foundation of their personality. Through a positive family environment, children can develop a sense of secure attachment, which in turn leads to becoming confident explorers, ready to venture into the world on their own. And this is an important characteristic of \nresilient\n children.\n\n\nHow to shape your family environment to raise resilient kids: \n\n\nPlay with your children often and enjoy fun, regular activities as a family. It can be as simple as playing outdoors every morning. Or it can be about taking up sports together, or biking together. Even just talking to them will show that their ideas and interests are important to you \u2013 and that they are important. A stable and loving relationship with your children will show them that they are valued.\n\n\nThroughout adversities big and small, teach your children that together you can solve any problem. When a family bands together, they are able to overcome any challenges that come their way. So resilient families, in turn, develop resilient children.\n3\n\n\nIt is this foundation of security and love that allows children to develop daringness. Knowing that failure is an option and that they have a loving family behind them, no matter what, helps them become daring and courageous.\n\n\nHome Environment\n\n\nA happy home creates happy children. It\u2019s actually one of\u00a0 environmental influences on child personality. It may sound simple, but the details you need to be aware of are many. The home environment should be someplace bright, with lots of room and filled with happiness. Also, open spaces have been found to promote physical health. Better yet, incorporate outdoor play, or play in the garden or back yard, in your child\u2019s daily routine. It all comes together to create a safe space where your children can learn and experiment. Your home is key to developing resilience in your children.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to build resilience at home: \n\n\nThe important thing for children is for them to know what is to be expected of them. Set rules and family routines around the house \u2013 proper meal times, bedtime, etc, and explain to your children the reasoning behind those rules.\n4\n When children realise that there are consequences to their actions, they will learn self-discipline \u2013 a major component to learning how to be resilient. Growing up in this environment teaches them to be \nself-reliant \nas they know to act responsibly even when we as parents are not around.\n5\n\u00a0They become comfortable to make their own decisions through life, as they understand how their decisions will impact how other people feel.\n\n\nOutdoor Environment\n\n\nMother nature can play a big role in teaching your child resilience. It\u2019s an alternative way for your kids to face challenges head-on without intentionally causing hurt. There are plenty of great hiking trails in Malaysia that the whole family can go together. Check out this list of \n50 hiking trails\n you can conquer from around the country.\n\n\nHow to build resilience in the great outdoors:\n\n\nClimbing over obstacles on their own, facing their fears like crossing a tall bridge, or even not giving up the long trek even through fatigue \u2013 these are lessons nature can teach children in building resilience. They learn to push through tired legs and hungry tummies knowing that this is only temporary. And when they tackle these challenges, they will also feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that they did it all on their own and ultimately teaching them perseverance.\n\n\nLearning Environment\n\n\nMany schools have found that resilience is the key to student success. Great teachers promote resilience\n6\n\u00a0in their students through positive teacher-student relationships, teaching social and emotional skills, building upon their student\u2019s strengths and helping them find meaning and a goal to work towards.\n\n\nWhile finding the right school is important, your home should likewise be a positive learning hub for your children. The home is also the first place your child will learn to develop the attitude, trust and skills to help them learn and engage with the world.\n\n\nHow to create a learning environment that teaches resilience:\n\n\nHelp your child enjoy the process of learning. Praise them for their efforts more than their achievements, create opportunities for them to learn and explore their interests, and encourage them to share their opinions.\n\n\nSpeak to them often to develop their literacy. Read to them, read with them, and have them read to you. You could also sign them for courses like music, martial arts and the arts.\n\n\nAs they begin to explore new interests, there will be times when they hit a stumbling block, finding it hard to carry on. Encourage your kids to keep trying or attempt different ways to make it work. This is how they will learn \nperseverance\n. They will learn to have the tenacity and grit to keep trying and get better at their chosen interests.\n\n\nCommunity\n\n\nDoes your neighbourhood have a playground, library or community centre? More than any smart device, these places in your community can be key in nurturing your children\u2019s resilience and becomes one of environmental influences on child personality. A park or playground gives your children the chance to play and interact with their peers. And it also gives them the chance to learn how to build relationships.\n\n\nHow your community can teach your child resilience:\n\n\nThey say it takes a village to raise a child, and every parent knows this is true. So bring your child to the park or the playground, and let them make friends there. Get to know your neighbours. Take the kids to the library, or the museum. What\u2019s more, let them build a life outside of the walls of your home. After all, this is the world that, one day, your child will navigate on their own. And with your guidance, they will be able to go into this world, unafraid, with the strength of their resilience, and with joy. Your kids will learn \nadaptability\n, wholeheartedly embracing changes in their environment and getting out of their comfort zones.\n\n\nFor more on raising resilient children, visit \nwww.aptagro.com.my\n.\n\n\nCitations:\n\n\n1\u00a0\nhttps://www.solutionsforresilience.com/resilience-is/\n\n\n2\u00a0\nhttps://www.urbanchildinstitute.org/sites/all/files/databooks/TUCI_Data_Book_VII_2012.05_family.pdf\n\n\n3\u00a0\nhttps://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1009&context=jfs\n\n\n4\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.apa.org/topics/parenting/resilience-tip-tool\n\n\n5\u00a0\nhttps://www.stress.org/building-resilience-in-kids\n\n\n6\u00a0\nhttps://thehighlyeffectiveteacher.com/how-to-promote-resilience-in-your-students/\n\n\nSources:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/5-environmental-factors-influencing-early-childhood-development/\n\n\nhttps://www.myvmc.com/lifestyles/parenting-the-social-environment-and-its-effects-on-child-development/\n\n\nhttps://resources.leicestershire.gov.uk/education-and-children/early-learning-and-childcare/childcare-practice/personal-development-behaviour-and-welfare/home-learning-environment/a-good-home-learning-environment\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe importance of family togetherness and how to create it\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lego-botanical-collection", "title": "New LEGO\u00ae Botanical Collection Sets Provide Perfect Perennial Project for Adults Looking to Unwind", "body": "The LEGO Group announces two stunning new additions to its Botanical Collection; a LEGO\u00ae Orchid and a LEGO\u00ae Succulents selection.\n\n\nPerfect as a thoughtful gift for a plant lover or for adding the finishing interior design touches, the new sets are designed to provide an immersive building experience for adults that lets creativity bloom.\n\n\nWith 73% of adults saying they often research new ways to destress\n and over 72% saying play helps them relax\n, the new sets could provide a fabulous floral project for those looking to get creative while finding moments of mindfulness in their day.\n\n\nLEGO Orchid (10311)\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRecreate the show-stopping blooms of a flowering orchid with this blossoming build. This new set features six large flowers and two newly opened flowers which can be customised to create a flawless arrangement for any space, without the worry about how often to water it.\n\n\nA LEGO-built blue fluted vase and bark mix made from LEGO elements complete this beautiful display of pink and white blooms which can be customised and rebuilt time and time again as the builder finds a moment of balance and harmony for them and their d\u00e9cor.\n\n\n\u201cThe design of this set was inspired by a real Orchid we had in the office throughout the design process, so we could see how the flower changed through the seasons,\u201d said Michael Psiaki, Lead Designer at the LEGO Group.\u201d A challenge with this set was creating a cylindrical pot from LEGO elements that would be fun to build but also beautiful to look at.\u201d\n\n\nLEGO Succulents (10309)\n\n\n\n\nThe LEGO Succulents set is the gift that keeps on giving with nine individual succulents in their own containers. The separate plants and cacti can be built and connected together artistically or displayed individually and rearranged depending on the season or the d\u00e9cor with this ultimate low-maintenance display.\n\n\nThe Succulents set comes with three separate building instructions so friends and family can unwind together as they enjoy building the flora.\n\n\n\u201cThey say having succulents in a room helps you focus, and we hope this set gives the same feeling,\u201d says Anderson Ward Grubb, Senior Designer at The LEGO Group. \u201cWe wanted to create a set that offers a relaxing and mindful building experience to help adults switch off from their busy lives and to most importantly re-focus on something they enjoy.\u201d\n\n\nThe LEGO Orchid (10311) set and the LEGO Succulents set (10309) will be launched just in time for Mother\u2019s Day on May 1\nst\n at LEGO Certified Stores, LEGO Official Store on Lazada and Shopee, LEGOLAND, as well as major retailers and department stores in Malaysia, priced at RM 219.90.\n\n\nTo find out more about the new LEGO Botanical Building Sets, visit \nLEGO Malaysia website\n and \nLEGO Malaysia Facebook page\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nWhy Choose Gerber Baby Food?\nKanak-Kanak\nMencari Aktiviti Keluarga Yang Seronok? Apa Kata Gabungkan Kuasa Bermain & Penyelesaian Masalah Kreatif Dengan LEGO?\nHealth\nEvery Parent\u2019s Worst Nightmare: When Children Fall Really Ill And We Can\u2019t Do Much\nKesihatan\nSeorang Doktor Yang Juga Seorang Ibu Menyarankan Ibu Bapa Semua Untuk Ambil Tahu Tentang Vaksin\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/youtube-family-recipe", "title": "Running Out of Food Recipes? Check out these 12 Easy Ideas on YouTube!", "body": "Home-cooked meals are the best option during these times. With takeout or delivery, we\u2019re never really sure if its completely safe during these unpredictable days. However, having to think of food recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the entire family can be a pain.\u00a0\n\n\nThankfully, because our internet has been our main source of entertainment these days, we\u2019ve found easy-to-follow kid-friendly recipes for all three mealtimes, including snack time for the little ones! Check them out.\u00a0\n\n\nRise and shine it\u2019s breakfast time\n\n\nIt\u2019s the most important meal of the day they say. While some studies suggest that skipping breakfast is not a glaring issue, eating breakfast is crucial for your kids as it provides them with energy and nutrients they need for the day.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Banana Bread Toast\u00a0\n\n\nCraving for some banana bread but too lazy to go through all THAT hassle? This is the next best option to get a little bread and banana in.\n\n\n\n\n2. French Toast with Cheese\n\n\nUp your toast game with this easy french toast recipe. Honestly, cheese is everything to a meal at times.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. Korean Egg Roll\n\n\nIf you have some extra time in the morning, turn your omelette into an egg roll! Tip: Use a non-stick pan so it\u2019s easier to roll up your egg.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s time for lunch\u00a0\n\n\nMeal two gets a little heavier. It\u2019s when your family is most hungry \u2013\u00a0 it also gives that extra dose of energy, as well as nutrients we need to get our body and mind working throughout the afternoon. The general rule is that, lunch should be three or four hours after breakfast to keep your blood glucose levels steady and to manage your hunger.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Chicken Teriyaki\n\n\nSlightly sweet, yet, savoury, this teriyaki recipe is a seemingly quick to prepare. Just add a side of steamed veggies and you\u2019re all set for the family. If you want to get in more nutrient content, use brown rice instead of white rice!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. One Pot Pasta\n\n\nRemember the craze of one pot pasta? Let\u2019s bring it back because washing the load of dishes is a pain after meals. Here are eight one pot pasta ideas in six minutes!\n\n\n\n\n3. Crispy Salted Egg Yolk Chicken\n\n\nThis recipe is so delicious and it\u2019s just like the ones you eat at restaurants!\u00a0 The prep might be a little time consuming but if you have time to prepare early, it\u2019s worth the effort.\n\n\n\n\nYay! Snacktime\u00a0\n\n\nGenerally, kids need more calories than adults. This is because they are more physically active and their bodies are still developing. However, try to avoid giving them packaged or processed food as these have low nutritional value and can actually make them hungrier! Try these instead.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Smiley Potatoes\n\n\nPut a smile on their faces with these adorable potato smileys! It\u2019s an easy recipe to follow.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Pizza Pockets\n\n\nPizza without making your own dough? Yes, please! This recipe uses bread that is stuffed with a filling. This can also be customised according to what you have in your pantry.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. Crunchy Egg Fingers\n\n\nFinger food is always a winner with the kids. Here\u2019s a unique one that turns steamed egg into fritters!\n\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s for dinner?\n\n\nIdeally, dinner should be three of four hours after lunch and two hours before bedtime to ensure the calories gained are used up. Also, dinner is a great time to get the whole family together to reflect on your day.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Chilli Garlic Noodles\n\n\nIf you\u2019re sick of having rice, opt for noodles \u2013 it\u2019s a great alternative for when you don\u2019t want to cook a full meal with rice.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\n\n\n\n\n2. Masala Butter Chicken\n\n\nThis is a super delicious recipe and it\u2019s not as complicated as it looks \u2013 it\u2019s quite filling as well and a good alternative to the usual milky butter chicken.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. Garlic Butter Pasta\n\n\nPasta \u2013 it\u2019s a family favourite and a good breakaway from rice. Give your family that variety and try this one out \u2013 it\u2019s not that hard, we promise!\n\n\n\n\nWith that being said, happy cooking!\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information from the theAsianparent Malaysia, you can download our #1 parenting app in Southeast Asia.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\n You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tesco-baby-fair", "title": "5 Awesome Deals You MUST Check Out At The Tesco Baby Fair 2020", "body": "New parents, here\u2019s a tip from all experienced parents: Wait for baby fairs to do your shopping. Thankfully, the Tesco Baby Fair is coming up soon and there are some must-buy deals to look out for.\n\n\nBefore you go for the Tesco Baby Fair, here are some expert tips.\n\n\nFirstly, make space in your house to stock up on diapers, formula milk, wet wipes, baby laundry detergent and other baby hygiene products.\n\n\nSecondly, make sure to save up your money so you can buy all these products at the baby fair in order to enjoy the best deals. (Psst\u2026 You can also get your grocery shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables done while at the baby fair!)\n\n\nSo, here are 5 super awesome deals to catch at the Tesco Baby Fair 2020:\n\n\n1. Get a Free Nestle Mummy Bag\n\n\n\n\nWhen you purchase RM50 and above worth of Nestle Lactokid, Lactogrow, Nankid or Cerelac, you will receive a free Nestle mummy bag. This deal is only from 30 Jan till 12 Feb 2020, so don\u2019t miss out! This mummy bag is perfect for storing milk powder, diapers, wet wipes or any baby things for you to take on the go.\n\n\n2. Get your diapers for only RM26.99 per pack!*\n\n\n\n\nIs it time to stock up on diapers again? At RM26.99 per pack, it sure is! Fred & Flo deals are irresistible this time round with diapers selling for only RM26.99 per pack for its M sizes all the way up to XXL sizes, applicable for both tape and pants diapers.\n\n\n3. Get 2 packets of 80s Wet Wipes for only RM8.99\n\n\n\n\nEvery mummy will know that wet wipes are an absolute essential when it comes to babies and toddlers. So it is no surprise that this Tesco Baby Fair is also offering great deals for wet wipes. The Fred & Flo 80 pack gentle and fragrance free wet wipes are now going for RM8.99 for two packets. (We always keep at least 20 packets at home just in case, right?)\n\n\n4. Baby hygiene products are going for SUPER cheap\n\n\n\n\nGet your baby oil, powder and lotion by Fred & Flo for only RM7.88 per bottle from 6-12 Feb 2020. Also on offer are the head to toe wash in 480ml (RM7.88 per unit) and toddler yogurt wash in one litre bottles (RM9.99 per unit). This is a great deal considering these are everyday products! You could even stock up for half a year or more since the best before dates are very far away. See, this is why you need to free up as much space at home as possible!\n\n\n5. Stock up on baby cleaning products\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTesco\u2019s in-house brand Fred & Flo is also offering baby cleaning products, like liquid cleanser (for baby bottles) and laundry detergent for only RM7.88 per unit. As parents, we know how important it is to keep our baby\u2019s bottles and clothes clean, and we also know how much washing is involved in our everyday chores! So be sure to take advantage of this great deal.\n\n\n6. Enjoy discounts on milk powder\n\n\n\n\nWe all know how expensive milk powder can be, so parents, it\u2019s always a good time to consider buying milk powder during baby fairs. Here\u2019s what you can look forward to at the Tesco Baby Fair: \n\n\u2013 Get RM15 off when you buy two boxes of S-26 Standard Promise or Standard Progress (1.8kg)\n\n\u2013 Get RM10 off when you buy two tins of Pediasure OHT Vanilla (1.6kg)\n\n\u2013 Get RM10 off when you purchase two tins of Similac Gold Gain Plus or Kid (1.8kg)\n\n\u2013 Get RM20 off when you purchase two containers of Friso Gold Step 3 or 4 (1.2kg)\n\n\u2013 Get RM20 off when you buy two tins of Enfagrow A+ 360DHA Complex S3/S4/S5 (1.7kg)\n\n\nSo, have you started making your Tesco Baby Fair 2020 wishlist yet?\n\n\nJoin the #TescoBabyFairDreamyBabies contest\n\n\n\n\nSample image of a baby sleeping in a creative flat lay image. Shoot a creative image like this with a Tesco house brand product to be in the running to win amazing prizes.\n\n\n\n\nWait, don\u2019t go just yet. We have one more exciting piece of news for you. In conjunction with the Tesco Baby Fair 2020, they are also running a contest to win Tesco vouchers worth up to RM20,000!\n\n\nAll you have to do is take a creative photo using simple props such as household items, soft toys, baby apparel, and colourful blankets, using at least ONE Tesco brand product. Post the photo up on Tesco\u2019s Facebook post and you will be in the running to win cash vouchers!\n\n\nFull contest rules: \n\nStep 1: Love flatlays? It\u2019s time to flat lay your baby by creating a creative fantasy setting with props and snap a picture of your child asleep! It is mandatory to have at least ONE Tesco brand item in the image. Share your photo with a short description of the fairytale setting in the comment section of Tesco\u2019s Facebook post.\n\nStep 2: Nominate 3 BFF mums to participate in this challenge by tagging them in the comment section.\n\nStep 3: Share the contest post with the hashtag #TescoBabyFairDreamyBabies and ensure that the post is set to public.\n\n\n\u3010Prizes: Tesco Cash Vouchers\u3011\n\nONE (1) Grand prize: RM3,000\n\nONE (1) Second prize: RM2,000\n\nONE (1) Third prize: RM1,000\n\nTHIRTY FIVE (35) Consolation prizes: RM400\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-all-new-list-of-best-fertility-foods-for-women-and-men", "title": "The all-new list of best fertility foods for women and men", "body": "Different cultures have always had different filters for \nwhat to eat to conceive, as well as what you should avoid\n. Science has backed (or rejected) many of these claims over the years. But the list is constantly evolving. Now, a new review in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Harvard University has revealed \nthe ultimate fertility diet for women and men!\u00a0\u00a0\nWe also tell you about three foods to avoid until your bundle of joy has been delivered.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat To Eat To Conceive: The Top 5 Contenders\n\n\n1. Food Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, like Salmon\n\n\n\n\nImage source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s common knowledge that omega-3 fatty acids can improve brain function, but did you know that they are also good for pregnancy? Omega-3 fatty acids:\n\n\n\n\nincrease blood flow to reproductive organs for men and women\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nboost cervical mucus production, assist in the regulation of body hormones and encourage ovulation\u00a0\n\n\nare critical in maintaining sperm cell viability, like DHA\n\n\ncan also be found in eggs, DHA fortified foods and supplements if you\u2019re not a salmon fan\n\n\n\n\nLyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shames of the Nutrition Twins also added that DHA is great for prenatal care and proven to be vital for infant brain and eye development.\n\n\n2. Dark, Leafy Greens\n\n\n\n\nImage source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nDark leafy greens like spinach (or lettuce, swiss chard and arugula) are known to be high in different nutrients which are beneficial for fertility. These include:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nfolate, which increases the rate and reliability of ovulation\u00a0\n\n\nminerals like calcium and iron, which are needed for prenatal care, such as preventing brain and spine defects in the initial few weeks of pregnancy\u00a0\n\n\nfolic acid, which improves the efficiency of cell division and copying DNA \u2014 necessary for a healthy pregnancy!\n\n\nchlorophyll, which heightens blood flow and natural libido in women\n\n\n\n\n3. Whole Grains\n\n\n\n\nImage source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nWhole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, and barley all have key nutrients needed for successful conception, such as:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nB Vitamins:\n B9 and B12 are absolutely necessary for pregnancy; studies show inadequate B12 consumption is associated with infertility\u00a0\n\n\nFibre:\n which helps remove excessive estrogen and stabilise blood sugar levels\n\n\nAntioxidants:\n\u00a0 protect cells (like the egg), and organs that make reproductive hormones, from free radical damage\n\n\n\n\n4. Beans\n\n\n\n\nImage source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nCan the humble bean help with making your bundle of joy? Science says so!\n\n\n\n\nBeans pack a lot of folate, fibre and are a good source of protein, making them a good food for conceiving.\n\n\nResearch from the Harvard School of Public Health observed 17,500 female nurses who had no prior difficulties in conceiving attempting to become pregnant. They discovered that:\n\n\n\nWomen who ate the most animal proteins were 39 percent less likely to conceive, whereas those who ingested proteins from plants (like beans) had less issues in getting pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nBeans are chock-full of iron which is crucially needed in order to\u00a0prevent anemia while trying to get pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Dark Chocolate\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Stock photos\n\n\n\n\nSurprisingly, even dark chocolate helps! Tammy of the Nutrition Twins says dark chocolate \u201cis important for blood flow and is great for fertility.\u201d So, dads-to-be, do take note. Scientists have discovered that dark chocolate:\n\n\n\n\nconsumption can boost your semen quality\u00a0\n\n\nis comprised of L-arginine, an amino acid that can raise sperm count, sperm motility and semen volume\u00a0\n\n\nhas a lot of antioxidants, which:\n\n\n\ncounter free radicals from pollution and toxins (connected to male infertility)\n\n\nimprove heart health\n\n\ncan also found in blueberries and citrus fruits.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSome Food, However, Should be Avoided like the Plague\u2026\n\n\n1. No Soy (For Men Only)\n\n\n\n\nImage source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nSoy-based food can aid women with infertility due to their slight estrogenic effects, but the reverse is true for males: soy-based foods can harm male fertility.\u00a0\n\n\nResearchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School investigated the effect of eating soy foods in 99 men at the Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Clinic for three months.\n\n\nTheir study unearthed that those who devoured the most soy-based foods possessed 41 million sperm per millilitre fewer than those who consumed did not.\u00a0\n\n\nObstetrician Neils Lauersen\n\u00a0also agrees, explaining that \u201cthe average man is unlikely to be affected by soy foods in their diet. However, soy foods can overturn the estrogen/testosterone balance in men whose sperm count is below average. This can lead to a further reduction of sperm count.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n2. Best to Leave Fried Indulgences Alone\n\n\n\n\nImage source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nYes, fried food is delicious. But in addition to blocking arteries and causing heart attacks, they can impede pregnancy in various ways, too:\n\n\n\n\nFried food reduces blood from going to reproductive organs, which may damage fertility.\u00a0\n\n\nTrans fats from fried food influences the likelihood of infertility. Scientists at Harvard University studied 18,000 women. They found that women who gained an extra two percent of calories from trans fats risked boosting their infertility by 73 percent.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRemember mums, as Lyssie from the Nutrition Twins observes, \u201cYou\u2019re making preparations for your body to house the healthiest place for your baby to grow.\u00a0Ideally you should be eating foods full of vitamins and minerals.\u201d\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Knowing Where Your Milk Comes From Is So Important\nGaya Hidup\nRangsang Pemikiran Kreatif Dan Imaginasi Anak Dengan Cara Mudah Ini!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n6 Sikap Ibu Yang Mengganggu Perkembangan Nutrisi Si Manja, Jangan Terlalu Tegas!\nFormula\nLife skills for children: Teach your kids these important life skills\n\n\n3. Soda Is on the Blacklist\n\n\n\n\nImage source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nNumerous studies have found the negative relationship between drinking soda and conception:\n\n\n\n\nOne paper from Boston University School of Public Health discovered that women who had at least one full-sugar soda a day was associated with a reduction in chances of getting pregnant, regardless of who drank it.\u00a0 Women saw a 25 percent decrease in fertility while men saw a 33 percent decrease.\u00a0\n\n\nElizabeth Hatch, professor of epidemiology and lead author of the study, confirmed the validity of these results, saying that their results \u201cwere consistent many factors, such as obesity, caffeine intake, alcohol, smoking, and overall diet quality, were controlled.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nA Gourmet Recipe that TAP Recommends!\n\n\nPerhaps you are wracking your brains for your next dinner plan now that you know what to eat to conceive. Why not try this salmon salad recipe packed with folates and antioxidants which\u00a0\nwe\u00a0 recommended previously\n? You can even have some fun with hubby in the kitchen!\n\n\nGreen Apple Salad with Salmon and Citrus Dressing (Serves Four)\n\n\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\n2 green apples, cored and diced\n\n\n200g red onionm diced\n\n\n50g low-fat or fat-free mayonnaise\n\n\nSea salt and crushed pepper, to taste\n\n\n4 walnuts, roasted and crushed\n\n\n4 fresh salmon fillets (80g each), skinned and sliced\n\n\n200g mixed green salad\n\n\nCitrus dressing\n\n\n120ml fresh orange juice\n\n\n50ml lemon juice\n\n\n100ml olive oil\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSea salt and crushed pepper, to taste\n\n\n1 fresh orange, segmented\n\n\nHow to make it\n\n\n1. Mix the apples, onion, mayonnaise and seasoning in a large bowl, then set aside to chill in the fridge.\n\n\n2. Season salmon with salt and pepper. Bake in preheated oven for 10 mins at 70\u00b0C, then leave to cool.\n\n\n3. Whisk the citrus dressing ingredients together in a large bowl until smooth.\n\n\n4. Place salad on the centre of the plate and gently lay the salmon on top.\n\n\n5. Garnish with mixed greens, orange segments and walnuts. Drizzle the citrus dressing over.\n\n\n\n\nWe at \ntheAsianparent\n hope this article on what to eat to conceive has been helpful in allowing you to plan your diet better throughout this wonderful journey. Share your results if you\u2019ve tried the recipe above!\n\n\nReferences:\n \nAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/smart-packaging-friso-gold", "title": "Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Is Malaysia\u2019s First Smart Packaging For Milk", "body": "Parents, you will be relieved to know that from now on, you can easily track the origins of your child\u2019s milk from its source, all the way to when you buy it off a supermarket shelf. How? With Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Milk Traceability System \u2014 a new feature introduced in its new smart packaging unveiled in June 2020.\n\n\nComprising milk powders catered for the motherhood journey \u2013 Frisomum Gold (pregnancy) and Friso Gold\u00ae Step 3 & 4 (growing up children) \u2013 Friso Gold and its TrackEasy app builds upon FrieslandCampina\u2019s 140-year Dutch dairy expertise and the fact that it fully owns and controls the entire milk production process.\n\n\nSo, parents, you will not have to wonder anymore, if your milk is manufactured in an Asian country or if it comes directly imported from the source country.\n\n\nWith a QR code printed on each tin, parents can scan this to reveal in-depth information via the Friso Gold\u00ae app.\n\n\nParents will be able to see the real-time journey of the milk from the company\u2019s dairy farming dates, milk collection dates, production process, quality auditing, packaging, and export dates, allowing them to make more well-informed decisions about their child\u2019s milk. Check out this video to understand it better.\n\n\n\n\nDutch Lady Milk Industries Malaysia (DLMI) Managing Director Tarang Gupta revealed that parents today always research extensively on the milk brands that they plan to give to their children.\n\n\n\u201cAccording to a recent survey conducted by theAsianparent amongst 400 mums in Malaysia, 99% of respondents said they will trust a brand more if its products are of a good quality and have passed stringent quality control processes.\n\n\nFrom this survey, quality is a key criteria for brand choice and Friso Gold\u00ae are giving parents the ability to see for themselves the journey behind our products,\u201d he said.\n\n\n\n\nTarang added that the TrackEasy QR code allows parents to trace the full journey of the Friso Gold\u00ae product from our farms in the Netherlands and be assured of the authenticity, safety and quality of Friso Gold\u00ae, emphasising the importance of food security.\n\n\n\u201cThis gives assurance to all our mothers of how this product was made, with the best and highest quality.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAt Friso Gold\u00ae, we are able to provide this unique experience because we own over 11,000 farms and have full control over the single manufacturing process from grass to glass,\u201d said Claire Daphne Dominic, Marketing Manager, Friso Gold\u00ae Malaysia.\n\n\n\n\nTogether with the launch of Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy, FrieslandCampina and DLMI are organising the first-ever search for the Top 50 Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Mombassadors, a contest that will select 50 lucky mothers who stand to win RM5,000 in cash and 6 units of Friso Gold\u00ae products.\n\n\nTo stand a chance to become one of the Mombassadors, all you have to do is:\n\n\n\n\nPurchase a Friso Gold\u00ae product with the new TrackEasy feature from any of these stores.\n\n\nSnap a photo or record a video of yourself with the Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy on Instagram or Facebook.\n\n\nMake sure your post is set to public.\n\n\nCaption your experience using TrackEasy and why you would recommend it to other mothers.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to hashtag #FrisoGoldMombassador and tag @frisogoldMY\n\n\n\n\nContest ends on 16 August, so be sure to submit your entries by then!\n\n\nTo find out more about this contest, click \nhere\n.\n\n\nFor a free sample of Friso Gold\u00ae, click \nhere\n.\n\n\n#FrisoGoldTrackEasy #FrisoGoldMombassador\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/christmas-2020", "title": "Redeem Rewards & Exclusive Gifts at Sunway Pyramid\u2019s Blessed Christmas", "body": "It\u2019s that time of year again where lights are strung and tall, beautifully decorated Christmas trees are out for display.\u00a0\n\n\nAs many preps for Christmas 2020 festivities with their families, now is the right time to shop for gifts (if you have not already) as many retailers are out with their own special festive gift boxes.\n\n\nIf you are a Sunway Pyramid shopper, you are in for a treat as their \u2018Blessed Christmas\u2019 campaign will celebrate shoppers with exclusive festive offerings in the spirit of giving back!\u00a0\n\n\nHave yourself a \u2018Blessed Christmas\u2019 with Sunway Pyramid\u00a0\n\n\nFrom now until 31 December 2020, Sunway Pyramid shoppers can experience a merry time with festive rewards to be redeemed, attractive Christmas deals and gift sets. There will be various rewards including:\n\n\n\n\nRedeem a Sunway Malls Special Edition Fabric Mask when you spend RM250 in a maximum of two receipts\n\n\nReceive two sets of Sunway Malls Special Edition Fabric Mask and a Claire Organics Gift Set worth RM100, when spending RM750 in a maximum of two receipts\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo spread more Christmas 2020 cheer, Sunway Pyramid\u2019s LG2 Blue Concourse will be decked out beautifully as a Christmas tower takes centre stage, decorated with toy store windows and silhouettes of gifts, plus ornaments in festive colours.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, festive street lights will greet shoppers along the main Sunway City driveways until the main entrance of Sunway Pyramid.\n\n\nSanta will be granting wishes to three lucky shoppers\n\n\nShoppers will received an extra treat as well as Santa Claus himself will be granting wishes to three lucky shoppers. There will be a virtual Santa booth from 2 December 2020 where you can watch a video from Santa Claus himself.\n\n\nAt the end of the video, shoppers will be presented with a QR code which is linked to the Sunway Pyramid website \u2013 just fill up your details and state one wish for Christmas this year. Selected lucky winners will have their wish fulfilled by Santa and Sunway Pyramid at the end of the campaign period!\n\n\nGive back this Christmas at Sunway Pyramid\u2019s blood donation drive\n\n\nSunway Pyramid is taking their \u2018Blessed Christmas\u2019 a step further in light of the spirit of giving with a blood donation drive. They will be working with various hospitals and medical facilities to provide a safe venue to donate blood with the target of 5000 donations across Sunway Malls.\u00a0\n\n\nWith the simple act of giving blood, you can make a difference with your contribution by saving a life in the season of giving!\n\n\n\u201cChristmas is always a time of reflection and coming together of family, friends and loved ones.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe often wish our loved ones \u2018Season\u2019s Greetings\u2019, this year, we\u2019re approaching the season differently, through a \u2018Blessed Christmas\u2019 by showing care to our loved ones. In what has been a challenging year for all, we hope the season of giving will spark some joy, encourage togetherness and gratitude as we prepare to head into the new year,\u201d said Sunway Malls\u2019 General Manager of Operations Jason Chin.\n\n\nShop smart at Sunway Pyramid\n\n\nTo make your festive shopping easier, shoppers can download Sunway Pyramid\u2019s Mobile App\u2019s latest \u2018Plan Your Route\u2019 feature. All you need to do is select the desired stores of visit and the app will plan the quickest route between the stores to save time spent in the mall!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nShoppers can take their pick from brands such as TRT, Pandora, Tous, Marks & Spencer, Sports Direct, Uniqlo, Topshop, Adidas, JD Sports and Christy Ng.\u00a0\n\n\nFor those looking for beauty gifts,\u00a0 YSL, Sephora, L\u2019occitane, Est\u00e9e Lauder, Bath & Body Works, Jo Malone have their very own exclusive offers, while other gifts can be found at Machines, LEGO, Toys \u2018R\u2019 Us, Kaison, Hooga, Harvey Norman, Oris, Tissot and more.\u00a0\n\n\nSpread the Christmas cheer safely this year\n\n\n\n\nWorried about safety? Fret not, Sunway Malls has implemented various precautions to keep areas sanitised, disinfected and clean for public use.\n\n\n\u201cThose who visit us for Christmas shopping can be assured that we have been enforcing SOPs strictly.\u00a0 Our appointed officers will still be going around the mall to ensure those visiting us go through temperature scans, wear a face mask and practice physical distancing. All these efforts are in place to ensure our shoppers can shop with peace of mind,\u201d said Jason.\n\n\nFor tips, deals, recommendations and curated gift guides, stay tuned to Sunway Pyramid\u2019s social media platforms and official website at \nhttps://www.sunwaypyramid.com/blessed-christmas\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/rule-for-kids", "title": "10-10-10 Rule For Kids", "body": "Stress is universal, affecting everyone regardless of location and age. Due to its prevalence in the modern world, a countless number of methods to manage stress have been created and shared. If you haven\u2019t learned about\u00a0\nthe 10/10/10 method\n, it\u2019s one of the easier methods to remember and implement, one that\u2019s been tried, tested and loved by us. Considering its simplicity, why not teach children, too?\u00a0\n\n\nBy ingraining methods for stress management, children can grow into adults that are mentally healthy which will contribute to their physical health, too. After all, an emotionally healthy child with managed stress is truly priceless \u2013 it\u2019ll go a long way during this impressionable time.\n\n\nWhat Is The 10/10/10 Method\n\n\nAs a brief refresher, the 10/10/10 method examines perspective and priority by questioning a stressful situation as follows: will it matter 10 minutes from now, 10 months from now, and 10 years from now?\n\n\nThat\u2019s it. Literally. Told you it was straightforward!\n\n\nHow To Make The 10/10/10 Method Kid Friendly\n\n\nOf course, foresight can be a difficult concept to grasp \u2013 especially when children embody by default the yogic mantra of: being present. On the other hand, being present simultaneously entails being flexible and luckily, and children are known for their emotional flexibility. So really, you just need to flip the switch!\n\n\nHow? Well, children can be easily distracted so utilise the 10/10/10 method by switching their perspectives from what wouldn\u2019t matter in the future to what matters in the present. Bonus: including a reward is always helpful, even for successfully practicing the 10/10/10 method. The reward should be carefully curated, though, so the child does not rely on the 10/10/10 method as a means of getting their way. For example, the reward can be treating them to a cheat meal (that is still healthy) or whatever is most relevant to the situation that requires the 10/10/10 method.\n\n\nWhen To Use The 10/10/10 Method Most\n\n\nIn a nutshell, three situations can be one of the most stress inducing in children, applicable around the world but especially in Asia:\n\n\n\n\nGrades\n\u00a0\u2013 with the constant influx of information, the younger generation are expected to know even more and to perform even better than the previous generation. Naturally, this creates stress. If you find your child worrying unnecessarily about their grades (PSA, the most important grades for youngsters to worry over are those during the last year of high school), you could say: If you don\u2019t get an A in all your classes, will it matter in 10 minutes? How would it matter in 10 months? Cause your grade in Year 2 definitely wouldn\u2019t matter in 10 years\u2026\n\n\n\nComparisons\n\u00a0\u2013 comparisons often arise whilst in school, such as when comparing grades, but with the rise of social media, this habit of comparing can also extend to other areas of life. So, remind your kids this: If you continue comparing yourself for the next 10 minutes, how would you feel? Do you want to continue feeling that way 10 months from now? Can you imagine still feeling like this 10 years from now?\n\n\n\nTechnology addiction\n\u00a0\u2013 speaking of social media, the technology addiction is real, especially the iPhone addiction. As the parts of the brain associated with pleasure are triggered during usage, removing an electronic device from your child/ren can cause havoc. Upon successful removal, you could say: Will you still be angry in 10 minutes? But what about in 10 months? In 10 years from now, you would definitely remember exploring the outside world more than the screen of an iPhone\u2026\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRemember, trust your instincts and parent your way, using this article as a guideline for teaching your child the 10/10/10 method! Remember \u2013 kids learn the most by modelling \u2013 so practice what you preach and also apply this method to your own life!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/your-childs-blocked-nose-what-you-need-to-know", "title": "Your child's blocked nose: what you need to know", "body": "We all know that when our kids catch a cold, it\u2019s really nothing to worry about. But the symptoms of a common cold \u2014 especially a blocked nose \u2014 can be very uncomfortable for kids, especially if they are very young.\n\n\n\n\nHow do you relieve your child\u2019s blocked nose without using over-the-counter medications?\n\n\n\n\nYour child\u2019s blocked nose may cause difficulty in breathing as a result of the congestion. This results in sleepless nights for both parents and baby.\n\n\nOf course, there\u2019s also the loss of appetite combined with\u00a0general grumpiness caused by your child feeling really uncomfortable because of the blocked nose.\n\n\nWhat causes a child\u2019s blocked nose?\n\n\nA blocked nose is caused by inflamed blood vessels in the sinuses due to a cold, allergy or sinus infection. When inflammation occurs, mucous secretion increases to help fight infection, resulting in a blocked nose.\n\n\nMost children are not able to blow their noses until around age 4, which is why relieving a younger child\u2019s blocked nose is important.\n\n\nThese days, it\u2019s very simple to walk into any pharmacy and grab one of the many over-the-counter remedies available for a blocked nose or cold in general.\n\n\n\n\nDoctors recommend avoiding over-the-counter blocked nose and cold medication for children under 6 years of age.\n\n\n\n\nBut medical experts are now warning against using these products on children. They say these drugs do nothing to get rid of a blocked nose or cold and may even have nasty side effects.\n\n\nParents, you actually don\u2019t have to rely on over-the-counter drugs to relieve your child\u2019s blocked nose.\n\n\nInstead, try one of these simple home remedies that we talk about on the \nnext page\n.\n\n\n1. \u00a0Elevate his head during sleep\n\n\nIf your child is under 2 years of age and has a blocked nose, breathing while sleeping may pose some problems, especially if he doesn\u2019t use a pillow and his head is not elevated.\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s not recommended that young children use pillows because of the risk of suffocation, you can still help yours breathe easily by raising the head side of his cot mattress from underneath using appropriate props. This will elevate your child\u2019s head, making breathing easier.\n\n\n\n\nUse a rolled up blanket or towel as a prop under the head side of your child\u2019s mattress to elevate his head and help him breathe more easily.\n\n\n\n\nMy co-sleeping 2-year-old just uses me as a mattress when he has a blocked nose! He clambers on top of me and keeps his head on my chest so that it\u2019s elevated. He gets to sleep and breathe more easily, but I don\u2019t!\n\n\n2. Steam\n\n\nWarm steam can help your child\u2019s blocked nose by loosening clogged-up nasal secretions. All you have to do is turn on the hot shower in your bathroom to generate steam. With\u00a0the door closed, sit\u00a0with your child in the bathroom for at least 15 minutes to let the steam work its magic!\n\n\n3. Vicks\n\n\nRegular or Baby Vicks (the latter for younger babies) rubbed on the soles of your child\u2019s feet and then covered with socks will help your child breathe more easily at night. You could also dab some Vicks on his chest and back, as well as on his mattress.\n\n\n4. Saline solution\n\n\n\n\nSaline solution that\u2019s especially made for kids will help thin the mucus in your child\u2019s nose.\n\n\n\n\nAny pharmacy will have saline solution for babies and children. Since toddlers or younger babies can\u2019t blow their own noses to clear the mucus, saline solution will help thin it out. It\u2019s perfectly safe to use as it\u2019s just a sterile mixture of water and salt. How to use it:\n\n\n\n\nPut your child in a position where his head is lower than his feet and you can easily support his head. I often ask my husband or helper to carry my 2-year-old horizontally, with his head slightly dipped down. Expect resistance!\n\n\nGently squeeze one drop of saline solution into each nostril.\n\n\nWait a minute or two to allow the solution to drain through the nasal passages. Your child may sneeze or cough out the thinned mucus so better have plenty of tissues ready!\n\n\n\n\n5. Use a nasal aspirator\n\n\nSince many toddlers and younger babies cannot blow their own noses, you could use a nasal aspirator to help suck the mucus out. You could do this after using saline solution to thin the mucus, as explained earlier.\n\n\nA nasal aspirator has a bulb section and a long, soft and narrow section that you insert in your child\u2019s nostrils. How to use:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\n\nHave your child sit up straight after using the saline solution if needed. For me, what works is to have someone sit down with my 2-year-old on his/her lap while holding him firmly around his waist.\n\n\nTightly squeeze the bulb part of the aspirator.\n\n\nKeeping the aspirator squeezed, insert the tip into one nostril.\n\n\nGradually release the pressure on the bulb, letting it draw out the mucus.\n\n\nRepeat with the other nostril.\n\n\nSeparate the bulb from the tip and run under water to clean the mucus. I usually immerse it in boiling water with a drop of Dettol or gentle soap to sanitise the aspirator before its next use.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUse a nasal aspirator to suck out the mucus that is causing your child\u2019s blocked nose\n\n\n\n\n6. Use a vaporiser or humidifier\n\n\nA vaporiser helps moisten the air, which in turn helps your child to breathe. It could be especially useful if you use air-conditioning, which sucks out all moisture from the air and can really clog up your child\u2019s nose.\n\n\nYou could even add a drop of essential eucalyptus oil or menthol, or a dab of Vicks into the water in the vaporiser, which will further ease your child\u2019s blocked nose.\n\n\n7. Keep your child hydrated\n\n\nAdequate fluid intake not only ensures your child is well hydrated, but it also helps thin the mucus in the nose and clear congestion. Water, milk and juice are great, but the clear winner is chicken soup.\n\n\nChicken soup not only has anti-inflammatory effects, but it\u00a0also stimulates the flow of mucus out of the nose. Add a bit of grated ginger into the soup for even better results.\n\n\n\n\nTip: Minimise the spread of germs by getting your child to wash his hands often with warm soapy water, and disposing of used tissues after he blows his nose.\n\n\n\n\nShow your child to the doctor\u2026\n\n\n\n\nIf your child is less than three months old and develops a fever higher than 38\u00b0C.\n\n\nIf cold symptoms \u2014 including the blocked nose \u2014 last for more than 10 days.\n\n\nIf\u00a0your child complains of pain in the nasal passages after two to four days of home treatment.\n\n\nIf your baby or child has, or seems to have, an earache (babies with earache often rub their ears and seem irritable).\n\n\nIf your child develops other symptoms such as pain or swelling in the face or in the chest, a headache or a very bad sore throat.\n\n\nIf your child seems to be getting worse rather than better.\n\n\n\n\nShare your home remedies for easing your child\u2019s blocked nose with us by leaving a comment.\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\n\n\nwww.healthline.com/health-slideshow/stuffy-nose-relief\n\n\nwww.webmd.com/first-aid/treating-a-childs-congestion-or-stuffy-nose\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/boy-grows-breasts-showing-hidden-dangers-of-junk-food-to-our-kids", "title": "Boy grows breasts, showing hidden dangers of junk food to our kids", "body": "When your daughter starts growing breasts, it\u2019s a sign that they she\u2019s growing up. But when your boy grows breasts, that\u2019s a different matter altogether.\n\n\nIn China, a boy nicknamed \u201cXiao Fang\u201d had the surprise of his young life. He noticed that his breasts were growing when he was 13 years old. Six years later, doctors had to perform a mastectomy to remove the boy\u2019s A-cup size breast. \n\n\nDoctors at China\u2019s Zhejiang Wenzhou Central Hospital found Fang\u2019s body to be in otherwise perfect condition.\n\n\nBoy grows breasts in condition called gynecomastia\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by AsiaWire\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThe right side of the patient\u2019s body resembles a woman, while the left a man,\u201d Chief of Medicine Pan Zhongliang told the \nQianjiang Evening Post\n.\n\n\nMedical science refers to the condition as gynecomastia, which is characterized as the swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men. It is linked to \nan imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone\n, according to \n\u00a0\nMelissa Conrad St\u00f6ppler, MD\n.\n\n\nMedical professionals have commonly found this condition in newborns, boys going through puberty, and older men who develop it as a result of normal changes in hormone levels. \n\n\nGynecomastia can go away on its own. However, in Feng\u2019s case, surgery was the best (if not the only) option to reduce breast tissue.\n\n\nFang\u2019s unnecessary breast tissue was removed in a mastectomy. He remained in the hospital for several days to recover and was discharged from the hospital five days later. According to reports, the reason that he grew breasts was linked to the\u00a0 junk food he liked to eat.\u00a0\n\n\nBoy grows breasts, among many cases in the world\n\n\n\n\n\u201cFang\u201d after surgery | Photo by AsiaWire\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Zhongliang, excess breast tissue is not likely to grow back after the surgery. The final results of gynecomastia surgery may take \nthree to six months\n to achieve. Though the incision lines are permanent, they will fade over time.\n\n\nFang will now be able to resume activities like swimming and playing sports with friends without his breast getting in the way.\n\n\nIn the United States, surgery to correct gynecomastia can cost between $3,000 to $10,000. Its high cost already makes it inaccessible. \n\n\nIn addition, insurance companies don\u2019t cover it because they don\u2019t deem it medically necessary. Yet, gynecomastia-related surgeries have risen by 36 percent since 2000, according to the \nAmerican Society of Plastic Surgeons\n. \n\n\nDr. Adrian Lo, a plastic surgeon specializing in gynecomastia, performs four or five of these procedures a week.\n\n\n\u201cThe men I see are usually pretty fit,\u201d he told \nMen\u2019s Health\n. \u201cBut most men with gynecomastia qualify for surgery even if they\u2019re not an ideal weight.\u201d\n\n\nHormone imbalance reason why boy grows breasts\n\n\nThere are men who develop pubescent gynecomastia, which will not go away naturally, like Fang. Typically, the testicles produce both estrogen and testosterone. \n\n\nBut in early puberty, some boys may not have enough free testosterone to counteract the estrogen. This hormone imbalance is reflected by the growth of breast tissue. \n\n\nCertain kinds of food are linked to these imbalances, which can lower testosterone and raise estrogen levels, causing male breast tissue growth. For example, a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet can lead to body inflammation, increasing estrogen levels and breast tenderness. High-carbohydrate, fatty food includes pastries, french fries, milkshakes, and fried chicken.\n\n\nTake \nthe case\n of a 21-year-old Chinese student whose go-to snack was fried chicken. He too grew breasts, just like young Fang. And the cause was identified as the hormones in his favourite snack.\u00a0\n\n\nSimilarly, medications can also affect the growth of breast tissue in men. A \nstudy\n published in the journal \nAmerican Family Physician\n found up to 25 percent of gynecomastia cases are caused by meds. Antidepressants, antipsychotics, cholesterol drugs, hair loss treatments, and anabolic steroids, among many more, lead to breast tissue enlargement.\n\n\nBoy grows breasts, fast food is probably cause\n\n\nFang\u2019s doctors have linked the phenomenon\n to eating too much fast food\n. His breast growth is due to a hormonal imbalance brought on by the \u201cgender bending\u201d chemicals in fast food, his doctors believe. \n\n\nThere are also \nstudies\n that have looked into the role of meat enhanced by hormones like zeranol in promoting breast growth and eventually, breast cancer. \u00a0\n\n\nBut the effects of fast food on the body don\u2019t just stop there. A new research into the link between high-fat diets and the immune system described eating fast food as akin to giving your body a bacterial infection.\n\n\nDangers of the \u201cWestern diet\u201d\n\n\nScientists described high-fat and \nhigh-calorie\n foods as the \u201cWestern diet\u201d and said that when they put mice on the regimen, it \u201cinduced systemic inflammation\u201d that persisted even after the mice were back on their normal diets, a study in the journal \nCell\n explains.\n\n\nThe food in the diet of the mice contained a lot of fat and sugar and not much fibre. Under the diet, the mouse\u2019s immune system\u2019s inflammatory response was similar to how it would behave in the presence of a bacterial infection.\n\n\n\u201cThe unhealthy diet led to an unexpected increase in the number of certain immune cells in the blood of the mice,\u201d researcher Anette Christ said in a statement from the \nUniversity of Bonn\n in Germany.\n\n\nAlthough the inflammation dissipated once the unhealthy diet was replaced with a better one, the genetic changes linked to an aggressive immune response that the \u201cWestern \ndiet\n\u201c\n brought on remained.\n\n\nHijacked by immune system\n\n\nThis kind of lingering effect is not unheard of. The body uses a sort of \u201cmemory\u201d of its past experiences to better protect itself in the future. In most cases, those past experiences are often for infections. \nWhen a dangerous pathogen comes along, it unlocks the \nimmune system\u2019s memories\n so the body\u2019s defenses can mount a faster and more effective response.\n\n\nThe new research extends this concept to food with poor nutritional value. According to the scientists, having a more stimulated immune system could have health consequences down the road, like diabetes and heart problems.\n\n\n\u201cThe foundations of a healthy diet need to become a much more prominent part of education than they are at present,\u201d researcher Eicke Latz says. \n\n\n\u201cOnly in this way can we immunize children at an early stage against the temptations of the food industry. Children have a choice of what they eat every day. We should enable them to make conscious decisions regarding their dietary habits.\u201d\n\n\nParents, remember: fast food once in a while is okay. But too much consumption of it could have negative health consequences. Eat safe, stay safe!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nMedical Daily\n (\n1\n, \n2\n), \nNCBI\n,\n \nThe Doctors\n, \nQianjian Evening News\n\n\nPartner Stories\nProduk bayi\nInfant safe products for your home\nKesihatan\nJangan Meremehkan Penyakit Rotavirus!\nPregnancy\nStaying Healthy For Your Developing Child: 6 Nutritional Diet Hacks for Busy Mummies\nKewangan\nIbu Ayah Pasti Dah Sediakan Semua Keperluan Anak? Jom Semak Checklist Ini, No.5 WAJIB Ada\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/indoor-activity-kids", "title": "Educate & Entertain Your Children with these 4 Fun Indoor Activities for Kids", "body": "Too dangerous to let your children play outside due to the threat of dangerous germs, bacteria, and viruses like Covid-19? However, staying inside all day without any entertainment has caused them to become restless and tantrum-prone? For this problem, we\u2019ve got the perfect solution for you. Try out any or all of the indoor activities for children we\u2019ve listed below. They\u2019ll be sure to provide not just fun and entertainment but also useful life lessons if you play your cards right.\n\n\n1. Puzzles\n\n\n\n\nThere are various types of puzzles that can be enjoyed by children according to their age as well as interest. From word puzzles, to number puzzles, and the\u00a0classic picture jigsaw puzzles, these are only just some of the puzzles available. For younger children, the best puzzle is, of course, the photo jigsaw puzzles that have been printed with eye-catching images while for older children more challenging puzzles can be given that tests not only their memory but also their general knowledge.\n\n\n2. Dramatic Play\n\n\n\n\nYou can easily set up your own theater showing at home where you and your children are the stars of the play. If you want, you can get a storybook that has all the roles as well as lines assigned but that\u2019s not a necessity. You can just as easily make use of the storybooks at home and assign the character and speech lines yourself. This type of indoor play will help to improve your child\u2019s speech ability as well as stimulate their creativity.\n\n\n3. Cooking Class\n\n\n\n\nUsually, you\u2019re the one that cooks while your children watch TV or do whatever it is they do while waiting for the food to be ready. If you have the time, why not teach your children some child-friendly recipes that they can easily make with your supervision of course. It can be a simple snack, appetizer, main course, or even dessert. Don\u2019t know any easy recipes that can be made by kids? Just search for it online! Tons of them can be found with just a few taps of the keyboard and a few clicks of the mouse.\n\n\n4. Board Games\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re a child of the 90s then you must have played a number of board games back in the day. Therefore, introduce this once favourite pastime of yours to your children. They might not warm up to it straight away but give them time and a little persuasion on your behalf (cough, treats), they\u2019ll be sure to end up enjoying the various types of board games you can get your hands on. Our recommendations; The Game of Life, Monopoly, and Mouse Trap.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tasty-snacks-for-kids", "title": "Mummy Diaries: A Day With Diana Nasir And Her Kids", "body": "Being a parent in these challenging times continues to be a journey of discovery, especially for moms who are working from home and are expected to be the primary caregiver for the kids.\n\n\nDiana Nasir, busy mother of three (3) beautiful, energetic little girls, and social media-extraordinaire of \n@diananasir86\n, shared, \u201cWhile we are juggling a busy schedule with back-to-back virtual meetings and deadlines during the lockdown period, the kids are learning online. Things can get distracting, especially when we have to supervise their online activities. On top of all these duties, meals need to be prepared on time and their non-school activities need to be planned out, which, given the restrictions and standard operating procedures that we are facing, requires an active mind and imagination since options are limited. You are doubly busy when you have young children under five years of age!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThe added challenge is that young, active, and growing children are always hungry. \n\n\nHow many times have we heard them say \u201cMummy, I am hungry\u201d? \n\n\nBesides the three (3) main meals of the day, there will be times when they come by while we are busy rushing a deadline or engrossed in a meeting to ask for a snack. The older ones will help themselves to whatever there is available in the fridge or cupboards.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cAll parents want their children to grow up strong, healthy and happy and ensuring they get the right nutrition is key. For my young ones, preparing nutritious but tasty snacks is especially challenging due to the preparation time and availability. I also understand we want to be able to spend time with our family so preparing the snacks to need to be fuss-free and made available easily. Easier said than done when the temptation is to just give them a bag of salty chips or even a scoop or two of ice cream!\u201d Diana added.\n\n\nBut perhaps there is a better way that is still fuss-free and far healthier and more nutritious, while still being tasty. \n\n\nDiana advocates the same for her girls as she does herself when she is craving a snack: having a serving of yoghurt with a fruit of choice as it comes with all the nutrition and vitamins but none of the guilt!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWith Lactel Kids, Diana believes that it is a yoghurt that has all the attributes that a mother would want for her growing and active children: that is rich with calcium and vitamin D to promote bone strength and growth. \n\n\nThe live cultures in yoghurt are important too for the health of the gut as it improves the digestive system, by maintaining the right balance of good bacteria while helping the body absorb nutrients. \n\n\nIt is a tasty snack that comes in three flavours \u2013 banana, strawberry and vanilla \u2013 children\u2019s perennial favourites. It is creamy and is made with fruit puree to enhance the taste, with none of the artificial sweeteners.\n\n\nThere is the added bonus of yoghurt being a versatile base that can be more than just a simple snack as we can add fruits or cereals to turn it into a light meal. \n\n\nLactel Kids can also become delicious desserts or treats with just a little imagination. For those hot sweaty days, the different flavours provide a base for yoghurt lollies or quenching their thirst with smoothies.\n\n\n\n\nLactel Kids yoghurt comes in a bright, attractive packaging that depicts Malaysian wildlife. It appeals to kids and can become a conversation topic with the kids around the dinner table after a long day. \n\n\nNow more than ever, it is never too early to get kids interested in nature, conservation efforts and related topics such as environmental awareness and protection of wildlife.\u00a0\n\n\nDiana concluded, \u201cIt is important that I start my kids on healthy snacks when young while we can still mould their habits. This is why meals and snacks are especially important as what they eat today provides a solid foundation for a stronger and healthier future. Above all, we can teach them that healthy snacks can be tasty too. Remember, you are what you eat! Stay Safe and Healthy!\u201d\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Quick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Teething 101: A Complete Guide \u2013 Here\u2019s What Parents Need to Know!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \n5 Sure Ways To Get Your Teen To Talk To You\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/batik-boutique", "title": "Get Boosted with Batik this Raya", "body": "The month of Ramadan is upon us and it\u2019s time to reflect, be grateful and improve ourselves and become the best version of ourselves.\n\n\nAnd as Malaysia is transitioning to an endemic phase, Muslims this year can celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri a lot more lively compared to previous years. Many Malaysians can now cross borders and go back to their home and kampung (hometown) to reunite with their beloved families this year.\n\n\nIn celebration of this blessed month, \nBatik Boutique\n introduces the spirit of gifting and giving with specially curated gifts made by \nskilled Malaysian artisans\n. Batik Boutique welcomes you to the \nBatik Booster Collection\n this Ramadan and Raya as we continue to stay safe and create memories together.\n\n\nBatik-Boosted Apparels\n\n\n\n\nRenew and boost your family\u2019s Raya wardrobe this year with Batik Boutique\u2019s batik apparel ranging from men\u2019s batik shirts to women\u2019s dresses to our NEW kids\u2019 collections. A complete matching look for the whole family, your family is going to look and feel amazing wearing \nlocally handcrafted apparel\n.\n\n\nAccessorise your look with the silky shibori scarves, batik tote bags as well as our popular batik ketupat bags in new colours and prints.\n\n\n\n\nGift-Giving Glee\n\n\nThinking of getting some sweet treats to share during iftar or for Hari Raya? Batik Boutique, in collaboration with Pichaeats and Sugar And I, curated three delectable gift sets incorporating the NEW Golden Pineapple batik print for you to share during family and friend gatherings.\n\n\nTapau Set \u2013 RM129.00\n\n\n\n\nIncludes Pichaeats\u2019 almond and pistachio kunafa and chocolate dates, and a Golden Pineapple mini square neck scarf. This is a great gift for you to \u201ctapau\u201d (takeaway) for your friends and family anytime.\n\n\nRileks Set \u2013 RM259.00\n\n\n\n\nThis set is for you to chill together with your friends after so long of not seeing each other. This set includes a laser engraved wooden tumbler, Golden Pineapple coaster set, Pichaeats\u2019 almond and pistachio kunafa and chocolate dates, and Sugar And I\u2019s Belgian chocolate chip cookies.\n\n\nBersama Set \u2013 RM299.00\n\n\n\n\nThis set makes a perfect gift when reuniting with your beloved family on Hari Raya. This set includes a pair of assorted sarong and pelikat, Pichaeats\u2019 almond and pistachio kunafa and chocolate dates, and Sugar And I\u2019s white chocolate almond chip cookies.\n\n\nLooking for bulk order or corporate gifting? We\u2019ve got you covered. Want to send a gift to a family or friend outside your postcode? We can take care of your deliveries and even add a customised greeting card for your recipient.\n\n\nNEW Golden Pineapple Homewares\n\n\n\n\nWhat better time than now to have a house makeover for the upcoming Raya? Liven up your house with Batik Boutique\u2019s new Golden Pineapple batik homeware set. Inspired by this tropical fruit, your house is sure to feel brighter and more fun during family gatherings or even an unexpected visit from an old friend.\n\n\n\n\nIn the spirit of the blessed month of Ramadan, you can usher in Hari Raya this year with gifts that keep on giving. Each thoughtful purchase goes towards \nsupporting\n Malaysian businesses, batik artists and seamstresses from low-income communities, as well as keeping the art of batik thriving.\n\n\nSalam Ramadan and Ramadan Kareem from everyone at Batik Boutique. Wishing you joy, peace, health and safety throughout the year.\n\n\nBatik Boutique artisan-made gifts and apparel can be purchased online at \nwww.batikboutique.com\n (FREE shipping on all orders RM 200 or more within Malaysia) or at one of our three retail outlets.\n\n\n\n\nThe Row, Kuala Lumpur \n58 Ground Floor, Jalan Doraisamy 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia( Open Daily 9 AM-6 PM)\n\n\nDesa Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur \n3, Jalan 26/70a, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Open Daily 9 AM-6 PM)\n\n\nThe Westin Desaru Coast Resort\n, Johor Jalan Pantai 3, Desaru Coast 81930 Bandar Penawar, Johor, Malaysia (Open Tue-Sun 9 AM-6 PM)\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nGive Health A Shot\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nKeibubapaan\n7 Kebaikan Susu Kambing Berbanding Susu Lain, Ibu Galakkan Anak Minum Setiap Hari!\nParenting\nHealthy Kids Learn Better and Faster. Follow These Tips To Keep Your Child Healthy\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBolehkah Pengurusan Kewangan Menjadi Mudah? 5 Perkara Yang Anda Harus Lakukan Sebagai Ibu Bapa\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/singapore-baby-left-disabled-for-life-after-father-hits-him-on-the-head-while-crying", "title": "This baby left disabled for life after father hits him on the head while crying", "body": "The father was mad that he had been woken up by his baby\u2019s cries. So he hit the 6-month-old hard on the head with his hand. This single rash act of hitting a crying baby caused multiple skull fractures in the infant. The child is now disabled for life.\n\n\nToday, he is 2 years and 8 months old, but his developmental age is only 4 months.\n\n\nHitting a crying baby fractured his skull\n\n\nAccording to The Straits Times, the incident happened on 26 August 2016. The Singapore dad, who is a father-of-three, was frustrated that his baby wouldn\u2019t stop crying.\n\n\nHe was sleeping in his Bedok North flat when he heard the child\u2019s cries.\n\n\nDeputy Public Prosecutor Grace Chua has been quoted as saying, \u201cThe accused shouted \u2018shut up la, shut up la. Later I have work, you make noise, I cannot sleep\u2019, and hit the victim once on the head with his right hand.\u201d\n\n\nAfter some time, the baby vomited on the floor and fell asleep. After a few hours, his mother suspected that he was\u00a0semi-conscious and weak.\n\n\nThe baby was rushed to KK Hospital, and a CT scan revealed that the child had multiple skull fractures.\n\n\nHe also had excess fluid in his brain. The baby spent seven months in the hospital and was finally discharged on 2 Mar 2017.\n\n\nThe toddler is now permanently disabled. He cannot sit, move, turn or flip over on his own.He also needs to be fed through a tube.\n\n\nDPP Chua said, \u201cIt is important to continue early intervention and close medical follow-up to prevent further complications.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHowever, the victim is likely to continue to require assistance in all activities of daily living and mobility,\u201d\n\n\nFather admits to hitting a crying baby\n\n\nOn 8 November 2018, the 30-year-old father pleaded guilty in court to severely injuring his son. The child and his 4-year-old brother are now living in foster care. Their sister still lives with their parents.\n\n\nThe victim\u2019s foster parent said, \u201cOn one occasion, when a blanket covered his face, he was unable to react to it\u2026 He is also unable to lie flat on his back and needs to be placed in a special trolley cum bed in light of his reflux condition.\u201d\n\n\nThe father is expected to be sentenced on 9 November 2018.\n\n\nDPP Kumaresan Gohulabalan has been quoted as saying, \u201cWhen the victim was crying that day, instead of pacifying the victim or even checking on him to make sure that the victim was well, the accused betrayed the trust reposed in him by not only neglecting the victim, but also physically assaulting the victim.\u201d\n\n\nWe feel sorry for this little child who bore the brunt of his father\u2019s anger and frustration. We sincerely hope that, with adequate care and medical attention his condition gets better.\n\n\nHow to Keep Calm When Baby Won\u2019t Stop Crying\n\n\nWhen your little baby just won\u2019t stop crying, you might be tempted to do just about anything in an attempt to make him stop. But whatever you do, please don\u2019t hit or shake your baby.\n\n\nShaking your baby is dangerous because babies have weak neck muscles and often struggle to support their heads.\n\n\nShaking your baby out of sheer frustration might have devastating consequences \u2014 including blindness, brain damage or mental retardation. It can be life-threatening or even fatal.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some ways to calm your crying baby:\n\n\nStart with the Basics\n\n\nBabies normally cry when they are hungry or sleepy. The first thing that you could try with your crying infant is to either feed them or hold them up for burping. Also check if they need a diaper change.\n\n\nIf it is close to nap-time, you can change their position or rock them a little so that they easily fall asleep. If none of this works, maybe your baby just needs some attention and could do with a little bonding time with you.\n\n\nSome common reasons why babies cry are:\n\n\n\n\nSleepiness or fatigue\n\n\nWet or dirty diaper\n\n\nHunger\n\n\nOverstimulation from noise or activity\n\n\nColic, acid reflux, or food allergies\n\n\nPain or illness\n\n\nGas\n\n\nStranger anxiety or fear\n\n\n\n\nIf the Tears Still Won\u2019t Stop\n\n\nMany times, the baby seems to be okay but continues to cry. At such times, it is most important to keep cool and try out the following things:\n\n\n\n\nHold your baby close to you and talk to her or sing to her. Tell her that she will be okay.\n\n\nTry getting out of the house. Getting outdoors for a quick walk or a short drive might help in soothing your little one.\n\n\nRemind yourself that while it is okay to get frustrated by the incessant crying of your baby, anger won\u2019t help. Sometimes, babies just need to cry it out. Babies have feelings too.\n\n\nIn case you are the only one handling your crying baby, take a break when you feel the need to. Ask your partner or trusted friend to take over for a while until you calm your nerves.\n\n\nWhen you\u2019ve tried almost everything and the baby still won\u2019t calm down, take professional help from a health expert.\n\n\n\n\n(Source: \nThe Straits Times\n)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/study-motherhood-ages-you-by-11-years", "title": "Being A Mum Is Not Easy, As Motherhood Ages Mums By 11 Years! - Study", "body": "Being a mum isn\u2019t easy. From carrying a child for nine months to giving birth, breastfeeding, caring for your bub and more, motherhood entails a lot of sacrifices and effort. We all know that being a mum takes its toll on us in different ways. But according to a recent study, one of the effects of a stressed out mom of a toddler might even be more drastic than previously thought.\n\n\nStressed Out Mom Of Toddler: What Are The Effects?\n\n\n\n\nAnna Pollack, an epidemiologist from George Mason University, and her team found that women who have given birth show signs of \naccelerated genetic ageing\n. They tested the genetic material of almost 2,000 women in the US and shared their findings.\n\n\nThey found that the\u00a0\ntelomeres \n(a type of genetic marker that shows a person\u2019s age on a cellular level) of women who have given birth are 4.2% shorter compared to those without children.\n\n\n\n\u201cWe were surprised to find such a striking result,\u201d Pollack shared. \u201cIt is equivalent to around 11 years of accelerated cellular ageing.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\nIn an interview with\u00a0\nNewsweek\n, Pollack said, \u201cWe found that women who had five or more children had even shorter telomeres compared to those who had none, and relatively shorter relative to those who had one, two, three or four, even.\u201d This means that the more children a woman has, the more significant the impact is.\n\n\nAs a mum herself, she quipped, \u201cAnecdotally, just chatting with my friends who have children, we all do feel that having kids has aged us.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cBut scientifically, this does fit with what we understand pretty well. We know that having kids is associated with a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes. And some large studies have linked telomere length to mortality risk and risks of other major diseases.\u201d\n\n\nShe added that they\u2019re not saying that women should stop having children, or that mums will die earlier. That\u2019s because many factors can affect a person\u2019s telomeres, including smoking, being overweight, and stress.\n\n\nHow Can You Deal With Mom Burnout Effectively?\n\n\n\n\nMums deal with a lot on a day-to-day basis. Studies have shown that too much stress has a negative impact on a person\u2019s health \u2014 and that\u2019s really no wonder. When experiencing motherhood, the effects of a stressed out mom, can be extremely profound and could steer most mums off balance.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s definitely not something to brush off. Mums, it\u2019s ok to recognise that you are facing a problem and learn how you can deal and manage your anxieties.\u00a0\n\n\nOver the long\u00a0term, stress can even lead to problematic parenting. It manifests in not just the mind, but in the body as well.\n\n\nMums could find themselves in a state where they are unable to manage the \u201cnormal demands\u201d that their little ones have, like how they used to. And these changes could lead to difficulties to \u201cparent positively\u201d.\n\n\nOf course, the best way is to tackle the problem at its roots.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some useful tips and tricks!\n\n\n1. Know the signs\n\n\nDid you feel yourself go through the roof in a particular situation? Felt that your blood pressure was rising or your heart rate took a spike, causing slight dizziness? Are you raising your voice, or even finding yourself yelling?\u00a0\n\n\nIt could be as harmless as feeling a sense of slight irritability or being impatient. Recognising and being aware of the moment you felt those emotions is important.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFrom there, you can trackback what is it that triggers your stress. This could help you pre-empt yourself so that you can avoid putting yourself through a similar situation in the future and can better manage the times when you\u2019re under a lot of stress.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Take breaks\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t be afraid to take breaks. It\u2019s a good way to calibrate your emotions. Being under stress can lead mums to experience \u201clapses in judgment\u201d when dealing with their kids.\u00a0\n\n\nMums, if you feel that you\u2019re too tired to care for your little bub, ask your husband, a close friend, or a relative to help you out. There\u2019s nothing wrong with asking for help. Sometimes, you need to trust that things will be okay, even if you aren\u2019t around. As long as someone is keeping a close watch on your little one.\n\n\n3. Figure out what you can do to de-stress\n\n\nFor some mums, getting a pedicure, baking or reading a book can help them de-stress \u2014 or even watch the television. Find out what works for you. It can be in the simplest things like taking a nice shower or taking a stroll around the neighbourhood.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe key is to step away and clear your mind for a while. Focus on the activities that help you relax and lower your stress levels. You could even consider aromatherapy!\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n4. Try deep breathing or meditation exercises\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s all in the mind. Having the control of your own mind is a\u00a0powerful thing to have. Deep breathing and meditation exercises have been known to significantly reduce stress levels.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTry doing these exercises to help calm you down or help you deal when you\u2019re stressed out from too many problems. You could also dedicate some time every day to meditate if you can. Slowly, but surely. Get a family member to take care of the little one for just this short while.\n\n\n5. Exercise with your family\n\n\nIt might sound tiring, but exercise really does wonders when it comes to dealing with stress as it helps to \u201cboost your feel-good endorphins\u201d.\u00a0Get your heart pumping and help keep your body strong and relieve tension.\u00a0\n\n\nCould only mean more bonding time as well, right?\u00a0\n\n\n6. Laugh!\n\n\nWe\u2019ve all heard the phrase that\u00a0laughter is the best medicine. And truth be told, it is! Apart from relieving stress, there are so many positive effects to laughing.\u00a0\n\n\nIt can improve your immune system, personal satisfaction, activate and relieve your stress response, and many more!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTake the time to look on the bright side and just laugh. Tell jokes to your kids, or play with them and just have fun; focus on enjoying yourself and giving yourself time to relax and recuperate.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a short-term relief from stress and tension, but hey, that feeling of laughing is one of the best feelings to have in this world!\n\n\n7. Have a support group for\u00a0stressed out mom of toddler\n\n\nLastly, having a group of mums that you can talk to when it comes to your problems is really helpful.\n\n\nIt\u2019s always a good idea to connect with other mums since they know exactly what you\u2019re going through, and they can really help you out when it comes to being a stressed out mom.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nHow Employers Make Life Difficult For Working Mums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Working mums are up to 40% more stressed out than other people\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a05 Tips to having successful morning routines for working mums\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/key-to-happiness", "title": "Is Gratitude the Key to Happiness?", "body": "It\u2019s not the only component, but it certainly plays a vital role in our ability to appreciate what we have and realise that the pursuit of material fulfilment doesn\u2019t equate happiness.\u00a0In a perfect world, the first thing we should feel when we wake up is happy and grateful for the life we lead. The reality is usually far from this.\n\n\nMost of us lead lives where we are constantly rushing around for work or children, getting stressed and not having the time for self-care. This situation does not inspire gratitude, which in turn leads to feeling unhappy.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s The Key To Happiness?\n\n\nWithin the realm of psychology, there\u2019s a movement called positive psychology. As the name suggests this focuses on gratitude, happiness, compassion, feeling joy and being inspired. Gratitude is an integral part of this and can be as basic as thanking someone for a gift to feeling a deeper emotion of gratefulness when something wrong or sad is remedied.\n\n\n\nRead more: \nMental Health During Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know\n\n\n\n\nThere have been many studies proving the correlation between the key to happiness and gratitude. We don\u2019t need experts to tell us that appreciating what we have and striving to improve ourselves makes us feel good.\n\n\nWhat we do need is to ensure we are aware that feeling grateful will definitely lead to better relationships (personal and professional), feeling more optimistic about life in general and improving emotional maturity.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nHow can you cultivate gratitude?\u00a0\n\n\nThe key to happiness should\u2013 some will come naturally, while others require more effort \u2013 but in the end, they all lead to the end goal of happiness and positivity.\u00a0\n\n\n1# Count your blessings\n\n\nAs clich\u00e9 as this is, it\u2019s mandatory. Unless you\u2019re an incredibly happy, positive person already, chances are you think the world is unfair and everyone is against you more often than you care to admit!\n\n\nInstead of doing this, think about the good (no matter how insignificant) things that are going in your life. For example, colleagues at work aren\u2019t pulling their weight and leaving you to fix the mess; but you know you\u2019re going home to a \nsupportive partner/family\n who can hardly wait to see you.\u00a0\n\n\nA blessing doesn\u2019t have to be grandiose, it can be something as simple as being in good health or going for a walk with your kids.\n\n\n2# Say \u201cthank you\u201d\n\n\nAnother basic key to happiness is, simple act that can make a massive difference in both your life and the person you\u2019re thanking. If you want to make it even more meaningful, write (yes, write!) a note or letter expressing thanks to your partner, parent, child or friend for just being there.\n\n\nAn email is fine but not as personal, and the written word always has a stronger impact.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: pickpik.com\n\n\n\n\n3# Keep a gratitude diary\n\n\nIt\u2019s no secret that writing down your hopes, dreams and worries can help bring closure or a solution. Reading what you wrote can give clarity and help release pent up emotions, and this works just as well when you put to paper everything you feel grateful for that day.\n\n\n4# Mindful meditation\n\n\nMindfulness focuses on being acutely aware of the moment and what you\u2019re feeling, and it\u2019s up to the individual to decide what they want to be mindful about. Instead of focusing on your usual aspiration (e.g. empathy, peace of mind, communication), hone in on what you\u2019re grateful for that day.\n\n\n5# Stay Present\n\n\nIt\u2019s impossible to not drift off and get caught up with the stressors of the day but as much as possible, it should be our goal to break free from being on autopilot.\n\n\nOne way to do this is to stay present and the easiest way to give it a real shot is to indulge in self care. Whether it\u2019s going for a sound healing session, lighting some candles, palo santo-ing your space or adoring yourself with healing crystals, self care is a way to cultivate body awareness and can help you stay present as you actively love and care for yourself.\n\n\nA good way to start is via our\u00a0\nRelax & Restore Self Care Wellness Kit\n, which gives you many such tools \u2013 guided breathwork and sound healing, candles, palo santo and even crystals to help facilitate your self care journey.\n\n\n6# At work\n\n\nGratitude is often forgotten at the workplace. We are expected to perform and deliver without receiving praise or thanks. This happens across industries and work levels, and it needs to start with bosses and supervisors thanking their staff.\n\n\nOffices where gratitude is lacking are known to have high staff turnover and poor performance\u2014and it\u2019s so easy to fix. Even something as basic as having a staff appreciation lunch can improve attitudes and the work environment.\n\n\nGratitude is an emotion, some say the most important of all. Unfortunately, many of us are hindered by cynicism, narcissism and plain old envy; and we also focus too much on being grateful for material things.\n\n\nThis has the reverse effect on feeling grateful and happy. Feel gratitude honestly and it\u2019s guaranteed that you will feel better emotionally, mentally, physically and have better relationships with everyone around you.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nggsc.berkeley.edu/images/uploads/GGSC-JTF_White_Paper-Gratitude-FINAL.pdf\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\n\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/anantara-desaru-coast-resort-villas", "title": "Share the Love this Mother\u2019s Day with Indulgent Spa and Villa Experiences at Anantara Desaru Coast Resort & Villas", "body": "Anantara Desaru Coast Resort & Villas\n, a glamorous destination favoured by those in the know, is inviting guests to give the gift of love this Mother\u2019s Day with a special spa package designed to pamper and recharge.\n\n\nWhether you are treating your partner or your parent, the indulgent gift will tell them more about your feelings than a thousand words. And with the reopening of land crossings between Malaysia and Singapore and a recent launch of a ferry service from Singapore and Desaru Coast, whisking mom away for a sunny weekend getaway has never been easier.\n\n\n\n\nThe\u00a0\n\u201cMother\u2019s Love\u201d\n spa experience starts with a 90-minute signature Anantara massage, which marries Eastern and Western massage techniques to stimulate lymphatic circulation, promote deep relaxation and restore energy flow for overall wellbeing.\u00a0\n\n\nThe signature oil blend \u2014 a potent mixture of fennel, lavender, cypress, rosemary, mandarin, peppermint, and other healing herbs \u2014 helps to de-stress and soothe away the aches and pains. After that, a 30-minute express facial or a gentle scrub is administered for a radiant glow and baby-soft skin. And, of course, no spa journey is complete without experiencing the serene ambience of the relaxation areas.\n\n\n\n\nTo make the most of Desaru Coast\u2019s sunshine, guests can opt for the new all-inclusive \u201c\nPool Villa Dream\u201d\n package that combines a private pool experience, exquisite dining and resort activities.\n\n\nRanging from a spacious 110-square-metre one-bedroom to the sprawling 245-square-metre three-bedroom villa, stand-alone residential structures in a traditional Malaysian style occupy a tranquil space on the water\u2019s edge or in the garden, offering a wonderfully serene spot for swimming in complete privacy.\n\n\nThe variety of sizes means there is the perfect villa for everyone, from couples to multigenerational family escapes and groups of friends travelling together.\n\n\nThe Pool Villa Dream\n\u00a0package starts at\u00a0MYR3,949 onwards\u00a0based on double occupancy and includes:\n\n\nPartner Stories\nNasihat keibubapaan\nVaksin Rotavirus, Langkah Berkesan Untuk Halang Kanak-kanak Maut Akibat Cirit-birit\nPerkembangan kanak-kanak\nMums, could you be giving your child too much without knowing it?\n#PendidikanKewangan\nCan Financial Management Be Easy? 5 Things You Should Be Doing As A Parent\nKehamilan\nWhy do pregnant and lactating women need DHA supplementation?\n\n\n\n\nMinimum two nights\u2019 accommodation in a luxury villa\n\n\nDaily buffet breakfast\n\n\nDaily lunch and dinner at Turmeric Restaurant\n\n\nComplimentary refill of minibar, once daily\n\n\nComplimentary select resort activities\n\n\nIn-villa tea- and coffee-making facilities\n\n\nAccess to fitness facilities\n\n\nAccess to two swimming pools\u00a0\n\n\nComplimentary welcome fruit platter.\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to enjoying a secluded switch-off with private pool dips and lavish meals, mothers will find a wealth of activities ranging from sporty to indulgent. Yoga lessons on the sumptuous stretch of silky white sand and a game of beach volleyball are available on the property, while fruit farm tours and trips to a mangrove reserve await in the great outdoors. Kids and teenagers, meanwhile, will delight in movie nights and socialising at the kids\u2019 and teen\u2019s clubs.\n\n\nThe \u201cMother\u2019s Love\u201d spa package is available from 1st \u2013 31st May 2022 for a special price of RM550 per person (the usual price is RM750). To book the spa offer, please call +60 7 828 0888 or email \n[email\u00a0protected]\n. For villa inquiries or to make a reservation, please contact +60 7 828 0888 or\u00a0\n[email\u00a0protected]\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/husband-in-love-with-sister", "title": "\"After 10 years of marriage and two kids, my husband is in love with my sister\"", "body": "I will not share my name, it is not important. I could be someone you already know, and if my husband or my in-laws found out I was sharing about this here, or if my parents found out, I would be in a lot of trouble.\n\n\nI am a simple woman, and by that I mean I have simple needs; I am happy just being with my family, my husband and two kids.\n\n\nI am educated, I got married when I was in college, and my in-laws allowed me to complete my degree because I really wanted to. My in-laws expected me to be home and look after everyone. My parents thought that was the best thing too. And so, I became a housewife.\n\n\nMy husband was very nice and caring. I had met him only once before we got married, and he told me that as long as I was doing my duties as a wife and a daughter-in-law, and maintaining the family\u2019s respect, he would always be by my side. We became friends too, and would talk about a lot of things every day. He made sure I never felt lonely in the initial months after I got married and moved to my in-laws\u2019 place.\n\n\nLife was perfect\u00a0\n\n\nWe had our first baby exactly a year after we got married. Everyone was very happy, and my husband, who was by now doing well in his job, could not wait to be home with me and our baby every evening. Life was perfect and I could not be happier.\n\n\n\n\nI was struggling to lose my pregnancy weight, which is when I was diagnosed with a health condition. I was put on medication, because of which my weight problem continued. We planned our second baby around the time our first child was five years old, but due to my health issues, I was always tired.\n\n\nOnce I did all the housework and looked after everyone, I would always be in bed. By this time, my husband started travelling a lot for work, and we started talking less and less.\n\n\nOnce I did all the housework and looked after everyone, I would always be in bed. By this time, my husband started traveling a lot for work, and we started talking less and less.\n\n\nHusband in love with sister: I had health issues and my sister moved in\n\n\nDuring my second pregnancy, my husband suggested I call my sister over to help me with the housework and look after the first baby. My in-laws were old and to be honest, did not do anything in the house. Also, they don\u2019t like to have a maid in the house, which meant all my days were spent in the kitchen or doing chores.\n\n\nMy sister agreed to move in with us for some time, and it was very kind of her. From the moment she came, she took over so many responsibilities. She told me it was now my time to rest, and was always making sure everyone was looked after.\n\n\nShe asked her brother-in-law\u00a0all about his favorite dishes and every day made them for dinner. She played with our child and also looked after the school work.\n\n\nWith all this new energy in the house and with things being done on time, everyone was very happy, especially my husband. He started coming home on time and would sit with my sister after dinner and have a lot of hearty chats. I would sleep, hugging my child, happy that he was again looked after.\n\n\n\n\nMy husband and sister had always bonded, and now they became really good friends. On days when I was in bed and could hardly move, she would make sure I was comfortable. On some nights in the week, my husband would take her out for dinner.\n\n\nEvery weekend, he would take her and our child for shopping, so that I could easily rest at home. Soon my sister joined some course where she had to go out during the weekends, and my husband would go with her, to drop her and bring her back home at night. Along with taking care of my household, I was happy that she was taking care of her life too.\n\n\nSoon, my sister joined some course where she had to go out during the weekends and my husband would go with her, to drop her and bring her back home at night. Along with taking care of my household, I was happy that she was taking care of her life, too.\n\n\nShe stayed back after our second baby was born, as my husband insisted it would help me. He made sure she was comfortable and convinced my parents that it was best if she moves in with us.\n\n\nI was happy to have my sister by me, after all, she had done so much for me and our family. Both my children adored her, and sometimes, they wanted to spend more time with her than with me.\n\n\nHusband in love with sister: He soon revealed that he wanted to leave me to marry my sister\n\n\n\n\nThat day, my husband told me he wanted a separation. He said he is in love with my sister, and wants to marry her. He said she too is in love with him, that they have really tried to avoid it, but now, they are both madly in love and can\u2019t live without each other.\n\n\nFor all these years, the sister I thought was my biggest friend and support, and the husband I felt was the kindest husband in the world, where doing this right in my home, in front of me, and I remained a trusting fool.\n\n\nIn his \u2018kind\u2019 way, he has told me that I can continue to live in this house with them and my kids, as he does not want me to have any problems once we are divorced.\n\n\nAfter 10 years of marriage, this is what I get. What help or hope do I have now? My life is over. Can you tell me if there is anything that I can do?\n\n\n*Name has been withheld to protect the identity of the writer\nPartner Stories\nProduk bayi\nPerkara yang penting untuk penjagaan kulit si manja\nRaise them Resilient\nMums: We Want Resilient Children\nPregnancy\nStaying Healthy For Your Developing Child: 6 Nutritional Diet Hacks for Busy Mummies\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Travelling Makes Kids More Resilient\n\n\nThis article was \noriginally published on theIndusparent\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-prenatal-vitamins-for-pregnant-women", "title": "Best Prenatal Vitamins For Pregnant Women", "body": "In addition to a healthy diet, an appropriate vitamin intake is also highly recommended for pregnant women. \nDuring pregnancy, healthy food intake is necessary to ensure the fetus is in good health. On top of that, doctors will often recommend prenatal vitamins to not only pregnant women but also to couples who are planning a pregnancy.\n\n\nPrenatal vitamins are supplements designed to provide the body with the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy pregnancy, where the vitamins required at the various stages of an unborn baby\u2019s development may differ.\u00a0\n\n\nConsuming the Best Prenatal Vitamins Is Vital for A Healthy Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nPrenatal vitamins are available in most pharmacies. Apart from choosing to follow the doctor\u2019s prescription, you may also choose to consult the pharmacist on duty to recommend certain brands, since prenatal vitamins can be purchased without a doctor\u2019s prescription.\n\n\nA precaution to mothers is that they should only take the appropriate dosage of vitamins and check that these prenatal supplements contain folic acid, calcium, iodine and iron. \n\n\nThese are the reasons why consumption of the above-mentioned ingredients would be very beneficial:\n\n\n\n\nConsuming folic acid helps prevent birth defects of the nervous system that could adversely affect the baby\u2019s brain and spinal cord\n\n\nAn insufficient intake of calcium could decrease a mother\u2019s bone density\n\n\nConsumption of iodine ensures a healthy thyroid function during pregnancy (while iodine deficiency could result in stunted growth, mental retardation and deafness)\n\n\nSufficient iron is required for the mother to carry oxygen in the blood to its baby.\n\n\n\n\nIn addition, it is also extremely helpful to search for prenatal vitamins that contain vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc and iodine. \n\n\nGenerally, it is best for you to avoid taking prenatal vitamins or multivitamins in excess as high doses of some vitamins may harm the unborn baby. For example, ingesting an excess amount of vitamin A during pregnancy could potentially cause harm to the baby.\n\n\n5 Best Prenatal Vitamins in the Market\n\n\nIn addition to helping babies grow, studies show that consuming appropriate amounts of vitamins lowers the risk of the mother and the baby developing certain conditions.\u00a0\n\n\nPrenatal vitamins can help reduce the risk of nausea, birth defects and premature birth. These benefits are optimized when prenatal vitamins are started before fertilization.\n\n\nWith this in mind, let us take a look at the list of prenatal vitamins specially sourced out for you by us that are available in the market.\n\n\n#1 Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Gold\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nA capsule of Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold provides a dose of 20 essential nutrients for mothers including folic acid, iodine and vitamin D3 with supportive nutrients for babies. \n\n\nOn top of containing omega-3 DHA to support the development of the baby\u2019s brain and nervous system, Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Gold capsules also contain iron that helps expectant mothers avoid the risk of constipation and tenderness in the digestive system.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Contains 500 micrograms of folic acid, which if taken daily for a month before conception and during pregnancy, can reduce the risk of having a child with spina bifida/neural tube defects\n\n\n Contains 150 micrograms of iodine for a baby's brain development and hearing\n\n\n Has iron content that does not cause constipation\n\n\n Is odourless and contains concentrated fish oil that is rich in DHA for the development of the baby's brain and nervous system\n\n\n\n\n Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Gold \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#2 NATURELO Prenatal Multivitamin\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nNaturelo prenatal multivitamins are designed to support a good and comfortable pregnancy and healthy fetal development. \n\n\nThis quality product contains plant-friendly vegetable vitamins and minerals and uses MTHFR-activated and friendly B vitamins such as Methyl Folate, B12 Methylcobalamin, and Vitamin B6 P-5-P for better bioavailability. \n\n\nThis product also contains premium chelated minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium which are easily absorbed by the body and are also comforting for the stomach.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Contains folate, iron & DHA\n\n\n No GMO, soy or gluten\n\n\n Suitable for vegetarians\n\n\n No preservatives or flavorings\n\n\n GMP\n\n\n\n\n NATURELO Prenatal Multivitamin \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#3 \nPuritan\u2019s Pride Prenatal Vitamins\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nSpecially formulated to meet the specific nutritional needs of prenatal and postpartum women, this daily multivitamin contains 800 mcg of folic acid. \n\n\nConsuming folic acid is important for pregnant women because a healthy diet with adequate folate can reduce the risk of their babies growing brain or spinal deformities. \n\n\nPuritan's Pride Prenatal Vitamin Formula is a good source of calcium, which is one of the most important minerals in the body and is also a good source of Vitamin D which helps calcium absorption.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Contains iron, an important component of haemoglobin that plays an important role in energy metabolism\n\n\n Can be continued after delivery and during breastfeeding\n\n\n No preservatives,\n\n\n Contains no sugar, milk, lactose, soy, gluten, wheat, yeast.\n\n\n\n\n Puritan\u2019s Pride Prenatal Vitamins \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n\u00a0\n#4 Nature's Plus Ultra Prenatal\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nUltra Prenatal is a great choice for you as it has the right amount of vitamins needed for a healthy pregnancy and is very affordable. \n\n\nIt is formulated specifically to suit the unique nutritional needs of an expectant mother. \nThis product is also suitable for vegetarians, is gluten-free and free of artificial colouring and preservatives.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Is gluten-free and yeast-free\n\n\n Made with Women's Health Formula\n\n\n Suitable for vegetarians\n\n\n\n\n Nature's Plus Ultra Prenatal \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n\u00a0#5 Nature Made Prenatal Multi+DHA\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nFormulated to support the development of the baby's brain, nervous system, bones and eyes, Nature Made has been clinically proven to aid the absorption of iron and folic acid in the mother\u2019s body.\n\n\nAvailable in soft gel form, this product combines 18 essential prenatal multivitamin nutrients with 200 mg of DHA into one easy-to-swallow dose with no added colours or artificial flavours.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Contains 18 key nutrients for pregnant mothers and women who want to get pregnant\n\n\n Contains 200 mg of DHA that can support the development of the fetal brain and eyes\n\n\n A healthy diet with adequate folate can reduce the risk of women having children with neurological defects\n\n\n\n\n Nature Made Prenatal Multi + DHA \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more: \nMilk for Pregnant Mothers is Important For A Healthy Baby, This is One You Can Try!\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kidswear-bohopanna-expands-into-malaysia", "title": "Kidswear Label Bohopanna Expands Into Malaysia, Frying Up Nostalgic Indomie-Inspired Clothing Collection", "body": "Bohopanna, a modern clothing line for babies for children, is frying up an Indomie-inspired clothing collection for its entry into the Malaysian market.\n\n\nA collaboration in conjunction with Indomie\u2019s 13th anniversary, the new line pays homage to the iconic mi goreng, with nostalgic illustrations and classic local catchphrases!\n\n\n\n\nAvailable in three bright and versatile colours, the nostalgic collection includes skirts, tops, and an oversized set of T-shirts and shorts. For some family fun, Bohopanna also has matching outfit sets for parents and their little ones, which range from as young as 5 to age 10.\n\n\n\u201cExpansion has always been one of our long-term goals, and we felt there was nowhere better to mark our overseas digital store than Malaysia \u2014 especially because we share a common love for mi goreng with our Malaysian friends!\u201d shares Devy Natalia, co-founder of Bohopanna. \u201cWith this collection and our partners at Indomie, we hope to have something for everyone in the family:\n\ntaking parents down memory lane, while also nurturing a love for fun, distinctly local icons among children.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nA sub-label under the popular family-centric mega-retailer Buiboo, Bohopanna prides itself on being a sustainable-first label that nurtures a love for nature from the young age of its tiny clientele.\n\n\nNot only is the brand\u2019s packaging biodegradable, so are their wares: each of Bohopanna\u2019s clothing items are lovingly tailored with 100% certified OEKO-TEX cotton. The unrivalled softness of the airy fabric ensures that Bohopanna\u2019s clothes are safe for all skin types \u2014 including sensitive and infant skin \u2014 while also keeping children cool and comfortable as they live their active, growing lives!\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSustainability is a core value that we hold very close to our hearts here at Bohopanna, from small decisions like all-digital invoices, all the way up to bigger business practices like only using canvas bags or reusable baskets at our production sites and warehouses. We want to do our part to make\n\nsure we\u2019re not just clothing our children, but also paving the way for a more sustainable lifestyle and greener world that can be enjoyed by our future generations,\u201d added Devy.\n\n\n\n\nHeadquartered in Indonesia, Bohopanna specialises in a wide range of children\u2019s outfits and accessories, ranging from onesies, rompers, dresses, and pyjamas to trendy headbands and footwear. Over the past 12 months, it has enjoyed twofold sales growth and passed the 1 million mark in active consumers worldwide.\n\n\nThe brand has partnered with both domestic and international resellers to make their eco-friendly kidswear accessible across the globe including Singapore, Spain, Canada, New York, and Germany. Following its expansion in Malaysia, Bohopanna is set to expand its presence across several Southeast Asian markets and grow brand visibility as the go-to retailer for affordable, sustainable, and quality kidswear.\n\n\nTo find out more about Bohopanna, please visit www.bohopanna.com.\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nApa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Tentang Logam Berat Dalam Makanan Bayi: Ini Fakta\nDrypers\nThings To Consider When Picking A Diaper For Your Baby\nGive Health A Shot\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\n#PendidikanKewangan\nApakah Gaya Pendidikan Kewangan (Money Parenting) Anda?\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bugaboo-launches-bugaboo-butterfly", "title": "Bugaboo Launches the Bugaboo Butterfly", "body": "In 2022, the innovative stroller brand \nBugaboo\n is introducing a one-second fold city stroller: the new Bugaboo Butterfly.\n\n\nWith this launch, the innovative stroller brand consolidates its position in the fastest growing stroller segment\u2014the ultra-compact stroller category\u2014differentiating itself from the competition by offering a city stroller that has it all, from a brilliant fold, best-in-class comfort for both driver and co-pilot and a streamlined design matched with top-notch Bugaboo quality.\n\n\nWhen parents seek out ultra-compact strollers, they want something that adapts to and enriches their lifestyle, a stroller that\u2019s ready at a moment\u2019s notice to navigate the city and all of life\u2019s daily transitions. It must be lightweight, portable, easy to fold and unfold, highly manoeuvrable, certified for travel and built to last for years to come.\n\n\n\n\nThe Butterfly offers a solution for vibrant parents whose baby is growing into a curious and active toddler (from 6 months and up to 22 kg). Featuring a one-second fold and an ultra-compact design, the Butterfly allows for seamless transitions in day-to-day urban life. Nothing in the stroller was left to chance, and the ingenious Dutch design was inspired by decades of stroller innovation.\n\n\nThe following features have been carefully incorporated into the Butterfly\u2019s design to meet these needs and to allow parents to lead the vibrant lives they aspire to:\n\n\nOne second fold and air unfold\n\n\n\n\nOne second. That\u2019s all it takes to fold the Butterfly down to a neat, tidy package. No need to adjust the seat, close the canopy, fold away the leg rest or even take off a footmuff.\n\n\nAnd the best part? Parents can fold it with just one hand while they hold their baby close with the other. When it\u2019s time to unfold, the air unfolds technology means all it takes is one quick movement and then gravity does the rest.\n\n\nUltra-compact and portable\n\n\nThanks to its lightweight, ultra-compact build, the Butterfly can be tucked away almost anywhere, and its sturdy upright design means it stays standing wherever you put it down.\n\n\nIt fits neatly under tables, next to metro seats, in taxi trunks or even in overhead luggage compartments (IATA compatible). And you can pick it up 100% hands-free. Just sling the strap over your shoulder and you\u2019re ready to take off on new adventures.\n\n\nFirst-class comfort for growing babies\n\n\n\n\nThe Bugaboo Butterfly was designed specifically for babies and toddlers over 6 months old and weighing up to 22 kg, making it ideal for parents seeking a second stroller for their growing child.\n\n\nFeaturing the roomiest seat of any city stroller, extra padded cushioning, and adjustability up to 143\u00b0, the Butterfly lets the child lie back and relax as the streets buzz around them. The stroller also comes with a five-point leg rest and a convenient quick-click harness, which is perfect for curious toddlers looking to hop off the moment they spot a new adventure.\n\n\nStorage galore and high-quality design\n\n\nThe Butterfly offers a spacious under-seat basket (8 kg) so parents can carry everything they need for a day out on the town. It also features four rugged wheels, a one-hand push, a 4-wheel suspension and an invincible chassis. All combined to give you amazing manoeuvrability regardless of the road you take or the load you carry.\n\n\nIn fact, the Butterfly can carry a whopping 30 kg! That\u2019s 22 kg for the child and 8 kg for the under seat basket. The Butterfly\u2019s streamlined, aerodynamic design is full of elegant curves and precise lines, seamless integration of form and function.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nWhy Choose Gerber Baby Food?\nMoney Parenting\nMoney Lessons From Our Parents \u2013 And How They Shaped Our Money Parenting Style\nPertandingan & promosi\nRebut 10 Tawaran Terhebat Di Tesco Baby Fair 2020\nAktiviti anak\nTop 3 tips to make the most of your child\u2019s screen time\n\n\nThe gorgeous engineering makes the complicated simple, letting you confidently stroll with your growing baby for years to come.\n\n\nThe Bugaboo Butterfly Stroller is available from 14 June 2022 at Baby Parenting, Bebehaus, Happikiddo and Mothercare Malaysia.\u00a0 For more information, please visit \nbugaboo.com\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-wakes-up-after-c-section-to-find-both-her-legs-amputated", "title": "Mum wakes up after C-section to find both her legs amputated", "body": "After spending hour after gruelling hour giving birth to your child, the last thing a mother expects is to find that both of her legs had been amputated, but such was the scenario Ella Clarke from Devon, England found herself in.\n\n\nShe woke up with a new baby in her arms, but both her legs were missing.\n\n\nAlthough it wasn\u2019t her first time giving birth via C-section (only one of her seven children had been born vaginally), it was the first time she had been diagnosed with a condition called placenta previa\u2014a condition that occurs when a baby\u2019s placenta partially or totally covers the opening in the mother\u2019s cervix.\n\n\nAfter she was diagnosed with the condition, her doctors assured her\u00a0the baby was fine, but it was time to have the C-section, said a \nDaily Mail report\n.\n\n\nPlacenta accreta\n\n\nOnce she was on the operating table, the doctors began to realise that her placenta had embedded itself deep into her uterine wall, resulting in a pregnancy complication called placenta accreta.\n\n\n\u201cTypically, the placenta detaches from the uterine wall after childbirth,\u201d according to \nMayo Clinic\n. \u201cWith placenta accreta, part or all of the placenta remains firmly attached. This can cause severe blood loss after delivery.\u201d\n\n\nThe doctors successfully delivered her baby, but half an hour into the procedure, Ella began to lose too much blood due to the complication.\n\n\nDoctors then performed an emergency hysterectomy and in the process gave her five blood transfusions. Ella was placed into an induced coma and transferred to intensive care.\n\n\nFor the next 24 hours, the doctors carefully monitored her for blood clots\u2014a common side effect of her complication.\n\n\nHowever, Ella claims that the doctors forgot to check on her for six hours, and when they finally did, clotting had already occurred in her legs and circulation had stopped, starving her lower limbs of blood supply.\n\n\nIt left doctors no choice but to amputate her legs.\n\n\n\u201cA shadow of her former self\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI remember the moment I woke up. I thought I was waking up from my C-section,\u201d she said in the Daily Mail report. \u201cI expected my beautiful little baby girl to be passed to me. Instead I was told doctors had amputated my legs after complications with my C-section.\u201d\n\n\nNow Ella says she is\u00a0a shadow of her former self; she went from being an active mother to being restricted to her wheelchair.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: SWNS / Daily Mirror\n\n\n\n\nHer five-year-old couldn\u2019t even look at her without a blanket draped on her lap because she\u2019s scared, and her eldest daughter started falling behind on school.\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019m now sleeping downstairs in the living room and trying to get used to walking with prosthetic legs, but it\u2019s challenging,\u201d she said. \u201cI\u2019m having counselling to cope with the shock but my whole life has changed forever.\u201d\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-safe-sunscreen-can-be-hazardous-warns-mum", "title": "Baby-safe sunscreen can be hazardous, warns mum", "body": "During these hot months, mums and dads want to make sure their babies get the right sun protection. But did you know that even baby-safe formulations have their hazards? One mum has taken to social media to warn us about aerosol sunscreen dangers not many people know about.\n\n\nMum\u2019s Warning About Aerosol Sunscreen Dangers Is a Must-Read for Parents\n\n\n\u201cPlease watch and be careful when using aerosolized sunscreen! I have done a lot of research since coming home (from the hospital) and have found a disturbing amount of cases like ours. I don\u2019t know why it\u2019s not removed from the shelves,\u201d writes the mum in a Facebook post, which has been shared over 800 times.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe mum took to Facebook to share about aerosol sunscreen dangers and to update everyone that her little girl is doing fine. | Screenshot: \nRebecca Cannon Facebook page\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nShe recounted how she used Banana Boat SPF 50 broad spectrum kids sunscreen on her 14-month-old daughter, Kyla. Despite being marketed as safe for babies aged six months and above, the sunscreen had horrible side effects. Her baby girl\u2019s face had been severely burned.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe 14-month-old suffered serious burns. Now her mum wants to warn everyone about aerosol sunscreen dangers. | Image courtesy: \nRebecca Cannon Facebook page \n\n\n\n\nThankfully, no lasting damage resulted. And now, more and more mums and dads are becoming increasingly aware of aerosol sunscreen dangers.\n\n\n\n\nSunscreen Protection Tips for Kids\n\n\nWhen choosing sunscreen for your kids, remember the following important guidelines.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Choose One with UVB and UVA Protection SPF 30 or More\n\n\nDuring a hot summer\u2019s day, your kid needs extra Ultra Violet B (UVB) and Ultra Violet A (UVA) protection. In general, SPF 30 sunscreen will be enough for kids, but if your child has fairer skin they need one with SPF 50. Make sure your sunscreen is broad spectrum!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. It\u2019s Important to Choose One that Has Zinc Oxide or Titanium Oxide\n\n\nThe names of these substances might sound quite harsh, but as far as sunscreen ingredients go, they\u2019re actually the safest. Take caution if the sunscreen contains oxybenxone and retinyl palmitate. Ask your child\u2019s doctor about the dangers of these chemicals.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProtect your child from aerosol sunscreen dangers by choosing the best sunscreen and by consulting their paediatrician. | Image courtesy: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n3. Make Sure the Sunscreen Is Smooth in Texture\n\n\nSteer clear of sticky sunscreen that might irritate your child\u2019s skin. Choose one that has no residue and doesn\u2019t leave skin looking rough. Note that coloured and scented sunscreens don\u2019t necessarily cause irritation to a child\u2019s sensitive skin.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow Should You Apply Sunscreen on Your Kids?\n\n\n\n\nMake sure to apply sunscreen on them 15 to 30 minutes before they head outside.\u00a0\n\n\nApply it generously, not forgetting often overlooked areas. Remember BEENS \u2014back of knees, ears, eye area, neck, and scalp.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to reapply sunscreen as instructed, to \navoid extreme sunburn\n. Reapply after every two hours when outdoors, or after less than that time if they\u2019re swimming.\u00a0\n\n\nRemember: Even waterproof sunscreen wears off!\n\n\nIf you\u2019re using spray sunscreen, cover your child\u2019s face while applying. You can also ask him to hold his breath by asking him to copy a funny face you\u2019re making!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nCDC\n, \nWebMD\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Mendidik Ibu Milenium Perlu Buat 7 Perkara Ini. Barulah Anak Jadi Hebat!\nParenting\nBack-to-school Shopping Season: A Parent\u2019s Checklist for Primary & Secondary School Students\nHealth\nWhy Is Childhood Immunisation Important?\nLifestyle\n5 Awesome Deals You MUST Check Out At The Tesco Baby Fair 2020\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-with-special-needs", "title": "How to Teach Kids to Embrace Peers with Special Needs", "body": "\n\nAt some point, your kid will come across a child with special needs. It\u2019s important that kids know how to accept their peers despite their differences, as being able to get along with one another benefits everyone.\n\n\nHere are ideas on how to teach kids to embrace people with disabilities.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Talk About How People Can Be Different\n\n\n\n\nChildren need to know that we all have our differences\u2014 each of us possessing unique challenges and strengths. First and foremost, we\u2019re all still people, with various characteristics that make up who we are. A disability doesn\u2019t define us.\n\n\nExplain to your child that peers with special needs might take a longer time to do some things.\n\n\nSometimes they may need extra help or \nspecial technology\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTell her that not all kinds of special needs can be easily seen, and she can\u2019t \u2018catch\u2019 a disability from someone. Try and use simple, relatable words when you are talking to your child about the topic.\n\n\nRemember to set a safe space for her to ask questions and be curious about special needs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Expose Your Kid to Material That Discusses Diversity\n\n\n\n\nA great way to get your child to learn about disabilities is through \neducational material\n that discusses the topic\u2014in a child-friendly, uncomplicated fashion.\n\n\nSesame Street, for example, has episodes that highlight child with special needs. They even introduced a young Muppet named Julia, who has autism.\n\n\nThere are also a number of children\u2019s books that touch on diversity, such as the celebrated watercolour-illustrated book Special People, Special Ways by Arlene Maguire and Sheila Bailey.\n\n\n3. Set an Example\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s widely known that children learn a lot from observing others. As parents, children are watching us for clues on how to behave in different situations.\n\n\nBe a role model to your kids by setting the right example. Show \nwarmth and empathy\n to people with special needs, and talk to parents who have kids with disabilities. Get to know them, their challenges and how you can help encourage inclusion.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Explain to Your Kid That Everyone Likes Having Friends\n\n\nWe may have our differences, but people are also similar in some fundamental ways. Remind your little one that every child likes feeling included and appreciated. This is why making friends is a wonderful way to celebrate and support one another.\n\n\nYou could suggest ways for your child to \nmake friends with peers\n who have special needs. Encourage your child to approach them and get to know them better. For example, if a classmate speaks with sign language, why not try and teach your child how to sign a few useful words?\n\n\nMost importantly, teach your child patience. \nLearning to communicate\n well with someone who has special needs can take some time, as it requires understanding the individual better and recognizing that each person may do things at their own pace.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nThis Can Make or Break Your Child\u2019s Future\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tommee-tippee-ultra-uv-3-in-1-steriliser-dryer-and-storage", "title": "How This Tommee Tippee Ultra UV 3-in-1 Steriliser, Dryer and Storage Help to Kill Viruses & 99.9% Bacteria", "body": "All parents want to protect their little ones, that\u2019s why Tommee Tippee \nUltra UV 3-in-1 Steriliser, Dryer and Storage \nare designed to kill viruses* and 99.9% of bacteria. UV light is a safe and dry method of sterilising which kills 99.9% of harmful germs without using heat, steam or harsh chemicals.\u00a0 \n\n\nYou can rest assured that it sterilises those hard-to-reach areas, getting rid of germs that may linger in bottles, teats, breast pumps and other accessories even after thorough washing.\n\n\nKills viruses* and 99% of bacteria\n\n\nViruses & bacteria don\u2019t stand a chance against the Tommee Tippee \nUltra \nUV Steriliser. UV light kills viruses & 99.9% of harmful bacteria without heat, steam or harsh chemicals\n\n\nEnergy efficient\n\n\nLong lasting Philips\u00ae UV bulb gives you up to 6,000 hours of sterilising power.\n\n\n\n\nSterile storage\n\n\nKeep baby bottles and feeding accessories sterile inside using the storage mode.\n\n\nFilters dust, pollen and airborne pollutants\n\n\nThe Tommee Tippee \nUltra UV 3-in-1 Steriliser, Dryer and Storage c\nomes with one spare filter. Other than that, it is also:\n\n\n\n\nSafe and dry sterilising using UV light \u2013 no harsh chemicals, heat or steam.\n\n\nViruses & bacteria don\u2019t stand a chance against the UV Steriliser. UV lights kills viruses* & 99.9% of harmful bacteria.\n\n\nSterilise and dry 6 bottles in 60 minutes \u2013 fuss-free and super clean.\n\n\nFits most brands of bottles \u2013 suitable for bottles, teats, soothers and breast pump accessories.\n\n\nEnergy efficient \u2013 long-lasting Philips UV bulb lasts up to 6,000 hours.\n\n\nQuick drying and quiet \u2013 dry contents in 30 minutes.\n\n\nFilters dust, pollen and airborne pollutants \u2013 comes with one spare filter.\n\n\nAuto light shut off \u2013 UV light shuts off if opened while in use for safety.\n\n\n\n\nThe main four functions of the Tommee Tippee \nUltra UV 3-in-1 Steriliser, Dryer and Storage are\n:\n\n\n\n\nSterilise \u2013 sterilise all your baby feeding accessories using UV light.\n\n\nDry \u2013 set for 30, 40 or 50 minutes to dry bottles and other feeding equipment.\n\n\nAuto mode \u2013 dries cleaned bottles then switches to sterilising cycle.\n\n\nStorage mode \u2013 emits UV light every 2 hours to keep contents sterile.\n\n\n\n\n*Tested against Coronavirus (tested to EN 16777) and Influenza H1N1.\n\n\nWhy Use UV To Sterilise?\u200b\n\n\n\n\nBacteria in leftover milk can cause nasty tummy bugs, so it\u2019s important to sterilise all your baby\u2019s feeding kit. The Ultraviolet (UV) light in this steriliser kills 99.9% of micro-organisms including bacteria and mould. There\u2019s no steam, no chemicals, just a safe and simple way to sterilise, dry and store your baby\u2019s bottles and accessories.\n\n\nChoose from four different functions:\n\n\n\n\nSterilise-only:\u00a0\nPop in your bottles, teats, soothers and breast pump accessories and set to either 35 or 45 minutes.\u200b\n\n\nDry-only:\u00a0\nChoose from 30, 40 or 50 minutes drying cycle, depending on how many items you wish to dry.\u200b\n\n\n\u200bAuto mode\n\u200b: This 60-minute setting dries your cleaned bottles, then automatically switches to sterilising cycle. \u200b\n\n\n\u200bStorage:\u00a0\nThis mode emits 5 minutes of UV light and 5 minutes of drying power every 2 hours to keep contents sterile. The UV light also helps our glow-in-the-dark products such as the night-time breast-like soother glow for longer.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/malaysian-man-who-married-11-year-old-child-wanted-her-since-she-was-7", "title": "Malaysian man who married 11 year old child wanted her since she was 7", "body": "A lot of mums in Malaysia are seething in anger after reading the latest news on the 11-year-old Thai child bride and her \n41-year-old husband\n.\u00a0\n\n\nChe Abdul Karim Che Hamid, father of four and husband to two wives, quietly married an 11-year-old girl in June this year. Many protested the marriage. Still, he justified it.\u00a0\n\n\nBut what has currently sent everyone over the edge was when he told local media that he had his eye on the child\u00a0\nsince she was seven years old\n.\n\n\nOn that note, the man is claiming that most of the villagers already knew of his desire. He says that it only shocked the outside world when news got out.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to him, even his close friends knew about and agreed to the union. He claims to have shown them\u00a0a picture of his now 11-year-old Thai child bride, Ayu, during a pilgrimage to Mecca.\n\n\nMarriage to Thai child bride not driven by desire, says man\n\n\n\n\nThe solemnising ceremony with his Thai child bride\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSpeaking to local media, he said he was unsure what drove him to marry the girl. But he claimed it was not driven by desire. He only wanted to protect Ayu and provide for her wellbeing\n,\u00a0\nhe said.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI knew Ayu since she was small because we were neighbours, and I also taught Al-Quran lessons to her\u2026 it was then I told myself, \u2018One day I will take this girl as my wife,\u2019 and I did so four years later.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nUndeterred by the comments and insults of others, he believes Ayu is his destined partner\n. He also firmly believes that she is now his responsibility even if he won\u2019t be \u201ctouching\u201d her until she is 16.\n\n\n\n\u201c\nAfter marriage I feel relieved because I can guide her closer to Allah while taking care of her without sinning\n,\u201d he was quoted saying.\n\n\n\nHis 11-year-old bride has yet to meet his other two wives. According to him, this was to \u201cprotect his wives\u2019 emotions\u201d. He hopes that everyone would stop insulting them, but instead pray for their happiness as he promises to steer his household well.\n\n\nWhy this is so morally wrong on so many levels\n\n\nAs a mother of two daughters with one who is \nseven years old this year\n, you cannot even begin to imagine the amount of rage that is going through me right now. What I cannot comprehend is this: How can any man (a father to boot) view a seven-year-old child as a potential wife?\n\n\nNot a fan of sugar coating things, I\u2019m just going to say it as it is. If he was \u201cwilling\u201d to wait for five years before bedding her, then why not use that time to just adopt the girl?\n\n\nAfter all, he claims it wasn\u2019t desire that drove him to marry her. Adoption would have allowed him to guide and care for her, without marriage.\n\n\nAlso, along with marriage comes legally-approved sex. It is not wrong to infer that under all his preaching about not having any \u201cdesire\u201d for her, that he actually DOES lust after his Thai child bride. And THAT makes me sick to the stomach.\n\n\nSecondly, if he had wanted her since she was seven years old, then chances are he might have started \ngrooming\n her since then.\n\n\nWhy else is the poor child \u201cin love\u201d with him, as she reportedly said? Just think of the child for a moment in all her innocence. What would she know if all she had was him? He is everything to her and all that she knows. Can you blame her for being besotted?\n\n\nWhat this man has done is he has found a moral, ethical and societal loophole. And he is playing it to his advantage. He is using it to legalise his actions, which, in my opinion, are still morally wrong.\n\n\nYou cannot want a seven-year-old girl for a wife and not be a paedophile. It still doesn\u2019t change the fact that she is a Thai child bride. A CHILD: whether at seven, eleven or even 16, when he says he will finally \u201ctouch\u201d her.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nA Muslim father starts online petition to ban child marriage\n\n\nThis same outrage also stirred Umran Kadir, a father of three in the UK, to start an\u00a0\nonline petition\n\u00a0calling for the federal government to stop sanctioning the \u201crape of children\u201d, by banning child marriage.\n\n\nThe \npetition\n read:\n\n\n\u201cIt has outraged people of all creeds who possess a moral compass.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe, being concerned individuals of different religions and ethnicities, insist that you do all in your power to consider on an urgent basis the changes to the laws in Malaysia that currently permit the state-sanctioned rape of children.\n\n\n\u201cWe demand that the government take the unequivocal position that no child below the age of 18 should be permitted to be married, regardless of their faith or gender.\n\n\n\u201cTo permit otherwise is not to permit \u2018child marriage\u2019; instead, it is to permit the state-sanctioned rape of children. This has no place in a civilised society and should be criminalised in Malaysia.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nThe thing is this isn\u2019t just about Malaysia. It is about child marriages everywhere and it has to stop! All of us play a part.\n\n\nAs at 5.45pm today, the \npetition\n has reached over 13,875 signatures.\n\n\nI have signed. The question is, have you?\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nSayangi Diri Anda! Ini 5 Tips Penjagaan Diri Untuk Ibu-ibu Yang Sibuk Bekerja & Menguruskan Keluarga\nFesyen\nAnda Boleh Tampil Bergaya Dan Selesa Dalam Masa Yang Sama, Itulah Kelebihan MS. READ!\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAdakah Anda Membuat Pelaburan Yang Tepat? 4 Bidang Pelaburan Yang Perlu Diketahui Sebagai Ibu Bapa\nTip keibubapaan\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nThe Malay Mail\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lose-weight-tips", "title": "Top 10 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight", "body": "Trying to get your weight under control can be a difficult task. We all know the importance of diet and exercise when trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight but there are also other little things that you could do to help this along.\n\n\nBelow is a list of 10 habits that you can start to incorporate into your daily life to help with your weight loss goals.\n\n\n1. Start your day with Breakfast\n\n\n\n\nCredit: pickpik.com\n\n\n\n\nBreakfast is the most important meal of the day and it\u2019s important in maintaining a healthy body weight. After a long night\u2019s rest, your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and provide energy for the rest of the day.\n\n\nBy eating breakfast, it helps to kick start your metabolism and reduces hunger throughout the day, therefore decreasing the likelihood of overeating and making poor food choices for lunch. Furthermore, people who eat breakfast regularly have better vitamin and mineral levels in their bodies and also eat fewer calories from fatty foods.\n\n\n2. Eat Regularly\n\n\nMany people know that small, frequent meals are absolutely the way to go when trying to lose some pounds. But why? Because when we go longer than 3 hours without eating, our levels of the stress hormone cortisol rise. High cortisol levels signal the body to store fat in the abdominal region. Keep in mind too that people who skip meals have the highest cortisol levels! When you eat small, frequent meals, the body becomes more efficient at keeping cortisol levels low, which helps both men and women to reduce belly fat.\n\n\n3. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nExercise does not need to be strenuous to be effective; consistency is more important than difficulty. Even regular light exercise improves mood and controls appetite. Start with just 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times a week, which can include vigorous activities like jogging or jumping rope or more gentle workouts, like walking briskly or leisurely swimming. As you become more fit, you can include strengthening exercises and interval training for even more health benefits.\n\n\n4. Eat Slowly\n\n\nIf you scarf down your meals, you are probably overeating because of it. It takes a while for our brains to get the message that we\u2019re full. So if we eat too quickly, we will actually eat past fullness. Hence, the trick is to teach yourself to eat slowly. You will feel fuller on lesser amounts of food.\n\n\nAnother trick is to eat a sensible serving without eating seconds right away. A good rule of thumb is to use a moderate plate, and not have food stacked up high. If you are still a little hungry, wait for at least 20 minutes before eating any more. Often so, you will find that your feelings of hunger have already dissipated by then.\n\n\n5. Eat real and raw food & avoid processed food\n\n\nEat mainly whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, veggies and whole grains. Whole, natural foods, such as apples, steel-cut oatmeal, broccoli, salads and brown rice are low-density foods. This means that they take up a lot of room in your stomach because they contain lots of fibre, which are low-calorie hunger satisfiers.\n\n\nHowever, high-density foods or processed foods are the opposite, and food products like butter, oil, candy, or ice-cream fall under this category. Eating mostly low-density foods is the easiest way to keep your weight in check without feeling like you\u2019re depriving yourself.\n\n\n6. Avoid late-night snacking\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nTry your best to avoid caving in to those nagging late-night hunger pangs. Even if you really need to munch on something, go for\u00a0\nhealthy alternatives\n\u00a0like nuts instead.\n\n\n7. Getting Enough Sleep\n\n\nBy \u2018enough\u2019, we mean 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. During sleep, the body and mind undergo a reparation process, where they are readied for the next day. Going without adequate amounts of sleep won\u2019t just leave you feeling tired and irritable, it can actually be dangerous, both to yourself and to others.\n\n\nIt can also seriously cause a deterioration in your quality of life. Sleeping less than six hours a night for an extended period of time has been shown to increase hunger and appetite, particularly\u00a0\nfor high carbohydrate foods that promote excessive insulin secretion, which leads to body fat storage.\n\n\n8. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables\n\n\nMost fruits and vegetables are low in fat and calories and high in fibre, making them ideal in diets targeting weight loss.. Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fibre, and other substances that are important for good health. The fibre and water in vegetables and fruits fill you up way more efficiently and also help to keep you fuller for longer.\n\n\n9. Hydration\n\n\nDrink more water! Water has no calories and fills you up while keeping your metabolism going.\u00a0\nDrinking enough water\n\u00a0is a vital part of any conditioning programme because it keeps your body functioning through homeostasis.\n\n\nWater aids every aspect of bodily function as well. Start adopting this positive habit by keeping a water bottle with you at all times, or by having a cold jug of water in your fridge. If you find the taste of plain water too bland,\u00a0\ninfuse your water\n\u00a0with slices of various fruits and vegetables, like lemon and cucumber,to give your water a slight burst of flavour.\n\n\n10. Plan your meal\n\n\nAs the saying goes \u2013 \u2018if you fail to plan, you plan to fail\u2019. Planning meals ahead will greatly help your dieting efforts. There are several reasons why. First, planning ahead keeps you conscious of your eating habits, and keeps you motivated towards your goal.\n\n\nSecond, it makes it easier to follow through when you are not faced with the need to make a choice during the moment. Often we make unhealthy choices when hungry. If you plan ahead you are better equipped to make the right, wholesome meal choice. Third, planning ahead ensures that your diet stays within the ideal calorie range you need to be in order to lose weight.\n\n\nThe habits we adopt become who we are. If you were to build healthy habits and stick with them long enough so that they become second to you, then being healthy would become effortless, as it is now integrated as part of your daily routine. Habits tend to stick around for the long term and are usually hard to break once in place, so if you were to successfully integrate these 10 habits mentioned above, you would be on your way to ensuring a lifelong, healthy lifestyle. Making small changes can make huge differences.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\u00a0\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\n5 Tips To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKeibubapaan\nSoothing relief for muscle aches and pain\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n#StayHome And Have Fun With The Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Moo-Possible Campaign\nFormula\nLife skills for children: Teach your kids these important life skills\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/absorption-of-nutrients", "title": "Boost Your Child\u2019s Nutrient Absorption With These 6 Smart Ways", "body": "Nutrient absorption \u2013 parents often stumble upon this phrase especially when it comes to child health and development. This is when the body digests molecules, minerals and other nutrients from food into the cavity of the upper intestine\n1\n.\n\n\nBut, why is the absorption of nutrients so important?\n\n\nWithout proper nutrient absorption, this could potentially lead to various health problems. This could include intestinal failure in children which happens when the small intestine is unable to properly soak up the nutrients, vitamins or water from their diet\n2\n. Additionally, malabsorption can also happen in your child when their body cannot absorb the nutrients into their digestive system\n3\n.\n\n\nSo, here are six ways you can improve your child\u2019s absorption of nutrients:\n\n\n1. Add healthy fats to your child\u2019s meals\n\n\nNot all fats are bad. In fact, fats are a crucial substance within a child\u2019s early childhood or infancy period as it support their neurological development and brain functions\n4\n. According Milner and Allison (1999) in The Journal of Nutrition Volume 129, fats supplies essential fatty acids and assists in the absorption of key vitamins A, D, E and Ks\n5\n, which all require fats to be absorbed!\n\n\nHowever, parents must be wary when adding fats to your child\u2019s meals \u2013 KidsHealth recommends dedicating one-third of their meals to fat. To keep their fat intake within the right range, try serving more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish and low-fat dairy products as these are naturally low in fat\n6\n.\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, when cooking their meals try to roast instead of frying as frying food actually adds more fat to the meal \u2013 remember, too much fat can also lead to unhealthy weight gain which can lead to health complications later in life\n7\n.\n\n\n2. Know the right food pairings\n\n\nJust because one substance is able to boost nutrient absorption does not mean you should load up your child\u2019s plate with just that. When preparing your child\u2019s meals, pay close attention to what you pair together. Children should be eating a balanced diet to ensure they get an adequate amount of nutrients from different food groups\n8\n as the body itself cannot churn out all the essential vitamins on its own.\n\n\nHarvard T.H Chan School of Public Health states that half of a child\u2019s plate should be colourful vegetables and fruits, while the other half should be whole grains, as well as healthy protein\n9\n. Some quick tips based on their Kid\u2019s Healthy Eating Plate Guide include choosing whole or sliced fruit, minimally processed whole grains, plant-based protein options, limiting red meat and using healthy oils from plants such as extra virgin olive oil.\n\n\n3. Teach them to chew slower\n\n\nThis is an interesting tip you may not have known \u2013 chewing properly can actually aid in smoother digestion and nutrient absorption\n10\n! Basically, chewing properly means eating slower to ensure you break down your food better. So, just practice the art of chewing with your child and they will surely adopt it into a habit.\n\n\nThe science behind this is that when you chew your food properly, digestive enzymes are released in the stomach that allows it to break down the food for your body to convert it into energy\n11\n. Also, with thorough food chewing, the mouth releases more saliva that is packed with these digestive enzymes and in turn, improves the digestive process.\n\n\n\n\nWe know, sometimes it may be hard to get a hungry child to eat slower, so try rewarding them after every meal where they chew properly.\n\n\n4. Stay away from sugar\n\n\nYou have heard this one before \u2013 sugars are bad. According to the American Heart Association, children below the ages of two should have no sugar at all, while those aged between two and 18 should only have less than 25 grams of sugar per day\n12\n.\n\n\nHowever, simple sugars that are found in nutritious foods such as fruits or vegetables are good and support overall growth\n13\n. It is the bad sugars you need to look out for. The bad sugars are known as \u201crefined sugars\u201d which are added sugars in items including candy or soda\n14\n. These sugars contain no nutrients and are usually high in calories which can decrease nutrient absorption due to intestinal irritation or damage\n15\n.\n\n\n5. Cut processed foods\n\n\nProcessed food are food items that have been refined from its original form\n16\n such as processing fruit into a breakfast bar, canned food and fast food. These foods usually contain added sugars which we know does not benefit a child\u2019s growth.\n\n\nAdditionally, certain processed foods contain high amounts of salt and fat to enhance flavour, as well as increase their shelf life\n17\n. The fat types in these foods are mostly saturated fat, which have less to little benefit\n18\n.\n\n\nHowever, not all processed foods should be avoided. Items such as milk need to be processed and pasteurised to remove harmful bacteria\n19\n. Just be wary of the food labels when grocery shopping to check the nutritional information.\n\n\n\n\n6. Supplement their diet with Mamil D-Gest Pro+\n\n\nGood intestinal health supports nutrient absorption \u2013 that\u2019s a fact. This is because one of the main functions for a gut is to absorb nutrients from food into the body\n20\n.\n\n\nHence, the focus on your child\u2019s gut health is imperative \u2013 the good bacteria (probiotics) within the gut needs to be nurtured and supported by prebiotics\n21\n for them to properly absorb nutrients to ensure the ability of the body\u2019s crucial functions.\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+ can help with boosting your child\u2019s gut health. It is an affordable, yet beneficial choice for parents- it is sucrose-free and contains a prebiotic mix that supports gut health for children aged up to nine-years-old.\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+\u2019s formulation contains:\n\n\n\n\nA unique prebiotic mixture: It is formulated with a unique Oligosaccharide mixture GOS/IcFOS (9:1) that increases good bacteria and helps maintain a healthy gut flora.\n\n\nMilk from grass-fed cows: It is sourced from cows that are predominantly grass fed, which means it is high in protein, calcium and vitamin D.\n\n\nDHA*: This is a key component that is essential for your child\u2019s growth and brain development.\n\n**Mamil\u00ae Step 3 contains 96mg DHA content based 3 servings per day\n\n\n\n\nRemember, without good gut health, it could lead to poor nutrient absorption which could hinder their growth and development. So, boost your child\u2019s intestinal environment with Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+ today.\n\n\nNeed more information on Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+? Visit Dumex Mamil\u2019s \nwebsite\n!\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1 \nNutrient absorption | List of High Impact Articles | PPts | Journals. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.imedpub.com/scholarly/nutrient-absorption-journals-articles-ppts-list.php\n\n\n2 \nPediatric Intestinal Failure | Children\u2019s National Hospital. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://childrensnational.org/visit/conditions-and-treatments/stomach-digestion-gi/intestinal-failure\n\n\n3 \n(2015, November 21). Malabsorption \u2013 HealthyChildren.org. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/abdominal/Pages/Malabsorption.aspx\n\n\n4 \nMilner, J.,Allison, R. (1999). Role of Dietary Fat in Child Nutrition and Development \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://academic.oup.com/jn/article/129/11/2094/4721978\n\n\n5 \nRole of Dietary Fat in Child Nutrition and Development \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://academic.oup.com/jn/article/129/11/2094/4721978\n\n\n6 \nFats (for Parents) \u2013 Nemours KidsHealth. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/parents/fat.html\n\n\n7 \nHelping Your Child Who is Overweight | NIDDK. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/helping-your-child-who-is-overweight\n\n\n8 \n(2016, December 1). The Importance of Healthy Early Eating Habits. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://novakdjokovicfoundation.org/the-importance-of-healthy-early-eating-habits/\n\n\n9 \nKid\u2019s Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/kids-healthy-eating-plate/\n\n\n10 \n(2018, October 22). Health Expert Luke Coutinho Tells Us To Chew Your Food \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.ndtv.com/health/health-expert-luke-coutinho-tells-us-to-chew-food-slowly-know-why-is-it-important-for-your-health-1935480\n\n\n11 \n(2018, October 22). Health Expert Luke Coutinho Tells Us To Chew Your Food \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.ndtv.com/health/health-expert-luke-coutinho-tells-us-to-chew-food-slowly-know-why-is-it-important-for-your-health-1935480\n\n\n12 \nSugar Recommendation Healthy Kids and Teens Infographic \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/sugar/sugar-recommendation-healthy-kids-and-teens-infographic\n\n\n13 \nCarbohydrates and Sugar (for Parents) \u2013 Nemours KidsHealth. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/parents/sugar.html\n\n\n14 \nCarbohydrates and Sugar (for Parents) \u2013 Nemours KidsHealth. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/parents/sugar.html\n\n\n15 \n(2016, August 2). Added sugars drive nutrient and energy deficit in \u2026 \u2013 NCBI. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4975866/\n\n\n16 \n(2019, March 29). 8 ways to avoid processed food \u2013 Children\u2019s Health. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.childrens.com/health-wellness/8-ways-to-avoid-processed-food\n\n\n17 \n(2019, October 29). Up to two-thirds of packaged foods too high in fat, sugar and \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2019/10/29/Up-to-two-thirds-of-packaged-foods-too-high-in-fat-sugar-and-salt-JRC\n\n\n18 \nTypes of Fat \u2013 Harvard TH Chan School of \u2026. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/fats-and-cholesterol/types-of-fat/\n\n\n19 \nEating processed foods \u2013 NHS. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/what-are-processed-foods/\n\n\n20 \nPrebiotics, probiotics and your health \u2013 Mayo Clinic. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/prebiotics-probiotics-and-your-health/art-20390058\n\n\n21 \nPrebiotics, probiotics and your health \u2013 Mayo Clinic. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/prebiotics-probiotics-and-your-health/art-20390058\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/relief-from-pregnancy-nausea-have-you-tried-these-remedies", "title": "Relief from pregnancy nausea: Have you tried these remedies?", "body": "Mummies, if you are suffering from morning sickness and \nvomiting during pregnancy\n, you might be wondering why it\u2019s all happening, and if there is any relief from pregnancy nausea. We feel you. The urge to throw up frequently is one of the most miserable, ickiest feelings ever. \n\n\nHowever, nausea during pregnancy is very common and completely normal. And if it makes you feel any better, throwing up may be a sign that your pregnancy hormones are working perfectly fine.\n\n\nWhat causes nausea during pregnancy?\n\n\nNausea during pregnancy is caused by high levels of pregnancy hormones. It shows that the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in particular, is being produced in large quantities.\n\n\nhCG is the hormone which makes sure that the baby gets adequate nourishment from your body, especially in the early weeks. \n\n\nOther hormones that can contribute to nausea during pregnancy are oestrogen, and stress hormones like cortisol. The deficiency of certain nutrients like vitamin B6, may be another cause of this condition.\n\n\n\n\nThe good news is that, pregnancy nausea does not harm the baby. Most mums start feeling better after their first trimester (around week 12-14). A few however, experience symptoms into the second trimester. An unfortunate few have nausea throughout their pregnancy.\n\n\nSome mums experience an extreme form of pregnancy nausea called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), where they struggle to keep down even water. This condition can cause dehydration and loss of weight and leave you malnourished, so it\u2019s best to seek medical attention immediately.\n\n\nRelief from pregnancy nausea: Self-care tips\n\n\nMummies, suffering from nausea might seem like a rather bleak way of starting your pregnancy journey, but fret not. These simple lifestyle changes and self-care tips might help you in getting relief from pregnancy nausea:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEat small, frequent meals\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn empty stomach can make nausea worse, so make sure you have your meals early, and on time. It is also advisable to avoid large meals, which can make the tummy feel full, and opt for small, frequent meals instead.\n\n\nEat slowly and take your time to chew your food.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChoose foods properly\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAvoid foods or smells that can make you sick. Also avoid oily, fatty and spicy food.\n\n\nChoose food which is high in protein and carbohydrates, low in fat and easy to digest. \u00a0Bananas, rice, crackers, applesauce and toast are some good options.\n\n\nSalty foods are also known to be helpful, and so are foods that contain ginger.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDrink plenty of water and fluids. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nAs with food, taking small sips of fluid throughout the day might prove helpful. Aim for 6-8 cups of non-caffeinated fluids daily. Avoid drinks that are too cold or sweet.\n\n\nAvoid alcohol. It is bad for the baby and bad for morning sickness. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nGet plenty of sleep and rest. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nTiredness can make nausea worse. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Even better if you can take short naps in between.\n\n\nAvoid rushing and getting out of bed too quickly.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo stress\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStress can make your symptoms a lot worse. If you feel too stressed out, try to cut down on your workload. Take some time out to relax and de-stress every day. Meditation might help you relax and get rid of negative thoughts.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t smoke, and stay away from second-hand smoke\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApart from increasing the chances of nausea, smoking during pregnancy affects you and your baby\u2019s health before, during, and after your baby is born.\n\n\nSmoking can cause premature birth and certain birth defects. It is also a risk factor of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).\u00a0\n\n\nThe same holds true for mummies who are exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy. They have an increased chance of having a stillbirth, a low birthweight baby, a baby with birth defects, and other complications of pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreathe fresh air\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMake sure that your room is well-ventilated. Find time to take outdoor walks. Walking and being on the move is also good exercise that is great for blood circulation.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTry these natural remedies\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTry having ginger drinks. You can boil fresh ginger slices to make ginger tea that is caffeine-free and safe to drink. Another refreshing beverage, especially if you don\u2019t like the strong taste of ginger, is to drink ginger ale.\n\n\nSuck on energy sweets or peppermints. They are also great at refreshing your mouth and getting rid of that sick feeling.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nMany pregnant mums often crave for sour food, and maybe part of the reason is that sour food can reduce nausea. Aside from citric fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruit and berries, you can also try eating preserved foods like pickles and jams.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAcupressure\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSome mummies swear by alternative methods like acupressure.\n\n\nThere is a special acupressure point located on your wrist that can help alleviate nausea. Called the \u201cinner gate,\u201d it can be found around one and a half inches up your wrist. Locate the spot between the two bones, and press down hard on the nerve for at least two minutes.\n\n\n\n\nYou could also buy a \u201csea sickness band\u201d from a pharmacy, and wear it on your wrist. It stimulates the same acupressure point that helps to reduce nausea.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVitamin B6 might help\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA little extra vitamin B6 has been shown to reduce morning sickness symptoms in some patients.\n\n\nScientists don\u2019t know exactly why B6 has an effect on nausea, but it could be related to the way it breaks down amino acids and helps produce neurotransmitters. It also stimulates the production of red blood cells, which is very important for the health of the baby.\n\n\nEggs, meat, whole grains and nuts are some food rich in Vitamin B6. The vitamin can also be taken in supplement form.\n\n\nDo note that high doses of Vitamin B6 are harmful to your baby. So don\u2019t take more than 200 mg a day, and always consult a doctor before taking supplements during pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRelief from pregnancy nausea: Medical treatment options\n\n\nMums, if the above self-help measures and lifestyle changes don\u2019t help, and if the vomiting continues to be severe, you might want to consult your doctor for anti-sickness medication.\n\n\nIf you have hyperemesis gravidarum, you may need to be treated with intravenous (IV) fluids and anti-nausea medications in the hospital.\n\n\nDo note that, moderate to severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can also cause dehydration and electrolyte (such as sodium or potassium) imbalance. \n\n\nThere are a number of prescription medications that are safe to take during pregnancy for nausea and vomiting. Avoid taking any over-the-counter medications or supplements during pregnancy, as these may have undesirable side-effects.\n\n\nYour doctor can recommend a safe option for you based on the severity of your symptoms.\n\n\nThe doctor is most likely to recommend an anti-sickness medicine, called an antiemetic, that is safe to use in pregnancy. They might make you feel drowsy though (do check with your doctor on the side-effects). \n\n\n\n\nAntiemetics are usually given out as tablets to be swallowed. But if you can\u2019t keep them down, you might need \u00a0an injection or suppository to stop the vomiting.\n\n\n\n\nRelief from pregnancy nausea: When to seek urgent medical attention\n\n\nMums, remember to seek medical attention immediately if you:\n\n\n\n\nhave very dark-coloured urine or have not had a pee in more than 8 hours\n\n\nare unable to keep food or fluids down for 24 hours\n\n\nfeel severely weak, dizzy or faint when standing up\n\n\nhave tummy (abdominal) pain\n\n\nhave pain or blood when you pee\n\n\nhave lost weight\n\n\n\n\nThese can be signs of dehydration or a urine infection.\n\n\nAlso READ:\u00a0KKH gynae charges all pregnant mums should know\n\n\n(Source: \nNHS\n, \nMayoClinic\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/melbourne-one-stop-destination-for-events-all-year-round", "title": "Melbourne, the One-Stop Destination for Events All Year-Round", "body": "As one of the most popular destinations for exhibitions, sporting events, art shows, musicals and more \u2013 head on over to Melbourne, Australia for a slew of your favourite fix of exciting and impressive events that will inspire, captivate and be the highlight of your visit.\n\n\nKnown for its world-class infrastructure and arts and culture scene, Melbourne does not disappoint being host to these spectacular events that add flair to the city and its regions. Be prepared to be mesmerised by these experiences, which makes Melbourne all the livelier.\n\n\n& Juliet\n \n(\n26 February 2023 onwards)\u00a0\n\n\nThis is Shakespeare\u2019s classic tale of star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, shaken, stirred and spectacularly remixed. The award-winning \n& Juliet\n has debuted in Melbourne for its Australian premiere in February 2023 at Melbourne\u2019s Regent Theatre. What if the ending we all know so well, was just the beginning and Juliet chose her own fate?\n\n\nMelbourne Food and Wine Festival\n (24 March \u2013 2 April 2023)\n\n\n\n\nMelbourne Food and Wine Festival 2015\n\n\n\n\nMelbourne is the undisputed culinary capital of Australia, with its food and wine scene defined by the pursuit of creativity, quality and imagination. The 2023 World\u2019s Longest Lunch is headlined by Alla Wolf-Tasker, founder of Lake House in Daylesford, one of Australia\u2019s pioneering luxury regional restaurants, while the new sibling event, World\u2019s Longest Brunch, is all about Melbourne\u2019s caf\u00e9 and patisserie culture for 2023, led by Natalie Paull, owner and chef of Melbourne cult favourite Beatrix Bakes.\n\n\n\n\nWorld\u2019s Longest Lunch 2023 \n(24 March 2023)\u00a0\n\n\nWorld\u2019s Longest Brunch 2023 \n(25 March 2023)\n\n\n\n\nFormula 1\u00ae Australian Grand Prix\n \n(30 March \u2013 2 April 2023)\n\n\nBe part of the excitement and experience the heart-pumping adrenaline that can only be found at Formula 1\u00ae. Explore the world-famous Albert Park Grand Prix Circuit and take in electrifying live performances and entertainment.\n\n\nAlexander McQueen\n \n(\nuntil 16 April 2023)\n\n\n\n\nOrganised by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), in partnership with the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), \nAlexander McQueen: Mind, Mythos, Muse\n is the first major Australian exhibition to explore the work of this boundary-pushing fashion designer. \n\n\nShowcasing more than 60 looks drawn from LACMA\u2019s holdings of important works by McQueen, the Melbourne presentation also features more than 50 looks by McQueen from the NGV Collection, as well as key loans from designer Katy England\u2019s personal archive, making this Australian-exclusive presentation especially rich and comprehensive.\u00a0\n\n\nOffering an unprecedented insight into the mind of this seminal designer, McQueen\u2019s work is presented alongside more than 80 historical artworks including painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts and works on paper from the collections of LACMA and NGV, that reveal the myriad reference points that influenced his designs. \n\n\nThe juxtaposition of garments and artworks highlights McQueen\u2019s creative process and capacity for storytelling, as well as offering audiences an opportunity to gain a deeper appreciation of his artistic legacy and the nature of inspiration.\u00a0\n\n\nAlexander McQueen\n features examples from some of the designer\u2019s earliest and most acclaimed collections, including the poetic The Widows of Culloden (autumn-winter 2006\u20132007), which both take inspiration from McQueen\u2019s ancestry and Scottish history. The exhibition also features commissioned headpieces by Los Angeles-based artist and designer Michael Schmidt, as well as garments originally owned by McQueen\u2019s muses Isabella Blow and Annabelle Neilson.\n\n\nRONE. Time\n \n(\nuntil 23 April 2023\n)\n\n\n\n\nMelbourne artist Rone reveals his most ambitious building takeover to date with the unveiling of \nTime\n, an extraordinary and transportive immersive installation comprising eleven transformed rooms across the hidden upper level and ballroom of Flinders Street Station.\n\n\nSet in the long-abandoned third-floor wing of the station, \nTime\n is a nostalgic love letter to mid-century Melbourne and a tribute to one of the city\u2019s great icons. Created and developed across the past three years, this truly exceptional site-specific experience is Rone\u2019s most ambitious project to date.\n\n\nRISING Melbourne\n \n(2-18 June 2023)\n\n\nMelbourne\u2019s flagship festival of eclectic arts and culture scene. Discover cutting-edge music and theatre from local and international talents, with immersive experiences set in iconic Melbourne venues in June 2023, kicking off with \nEuphoria\n, a film installation by Julian Rosefeldt.\n\n\nPierre Bonnard: Designed by India Mahdavi\n \n(9 June \u2013 8 October 2023)\n\n\n\n\nThe blockbuster Melbourne Winter Masterpieces\u00ae exhibition will feature more than 100 works by Pierre Bonnard, a leading 20th century French painter celebrated for his iridescent palette \u2013 presented within a contemporary scenography by award-winning architect and designer, India Mahdavi. The paintings of Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) depict intimate domestic interiors, natural landscapes and urban scenes with subtlety, wit and a sensuous approach to colour and light.\n\n\nTo create the exhibition\u2019s scenography, the NGV has commissioned the celebrated Paris-based architect and designer India Mahdavi. Described by The New Yorker as a \u2018virtuoso of colour\u2019 and \u2018possessor of perfect chromatic pitch\u2019, and winner of Designer of the Year at the 2023 Wallpaper* Design Awards, Mahdavi will envelop Pierre Bonnard\u2019s works in an environment that complements Bonnard\u2019s distinct use of colour and texture, and evokes the wistful domestic intimacy for which his paintings are renowned.\n\n\n\n\nFIFA Women\u2019s World Cup 2023\n \n(20 July \u2013 20 August 2023)\n\n\nThe FIFA Women\u2019s World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023\u2122 will take place from 20 July \u2013 20 August 2023, with a total of 64 matches being held over 32 days in 10 iconic venues, including Melbourne Rectangular Stadium.\n\n\nMoulin Rouge! The Musical\n \n(from August 2023)\n\n\nThe spectacular returns to Melbourne. After celebrating stellar reviews and a sold-out premiere season in Melbourne, \nMoulin Rouge! The Musical\n will now return to the iconic Regent Theatre from August 2023. Melbourne audiences could not get enough of this spectacular production.\n\n\nWith an exhilarating line-up of events all-year round, there is always something refreshing for visitors to Melbourne catered to suit all traveller types.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more details, log on to \nwww.visitmelbourne.com\n\n\nPartner Stories\nDrypers\nThings To Consider When Picking A Diaper For Your Baby\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nKanak-Kanak\nJangan Abaikan Tumbesaran Anak Yang Lebih Besar, Mereka Juga Perlukan Nutrisi Yang Cukup!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nApa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Tentang Logam Berat Dalam Makanan Bayi: Ini Fakta\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/7-signs-your-kids-need-more-discipline", "title": "Dear Parents, These Are 7 Signs Your Kids Need More Child Discipline", "body": "Parents try their best to discipline their child when they misbehave, but sometimes everything can be a bit too much. So they make compromises and unnecessary rewards to make things easier. But kids need a good child discipline. We can\u2019t just let everything go because we\u2019re tired, or frustrated.\n\n\nChild Discipline In Your Home\n\n\nAs a parent, you know you can\u2019t let kids get used to making small demands. Left unchecked, these small demands get bigger and before you know it, you\u2019ve already lost control. That is why kids need discipline.\n\n\n\u201cAll parents want the best for their children and are concerned with fostering their \nself-esteem\n,\u201d said parent educator Nancy Samalin. \u201cBut when children tune us out, refuse to do what we want, defy or ignore us, it is normal to become annoyed and frustrated.\u201d\n\n\nSamalin, author of \nLoving Without Spoiling And 100 Other Timeless Tips for Raising Terrific Kids\n, drives home her point in her next remark: \n\u201cWithout meaning to, it\u2019s so easy to fall into the trap of overindulging and not setting limits.\u201d\n\n\nTo help parents figure out when kids need more discipline, Samalin warns parents of several signs to watch out for. \n\n\n\n\n7 Signs Kids Need Child Discipline (or more of it)\n\n\n1.\u00a0Your child has a sense of entitlement\n\n\nBalancing between making a loving home and a disciplined home is a struggle. Sure, parents want to take care of their children to the best of their abilities. Of course, they want to provide for their needs and wants. \n\n\nBut do it all the time and you set up children\u2019s expectations. The problem is when they start to expect too much while forgetting to be grateful. They become entitled, first to you, then to everyone else.\n\n\nWhat you can do:\n\n\nShow and tell your your children that it isn\u2019t about them, or you, or anyone. Things don\u2019t revolve around them. When kids need discipline, it should be rational and factual.\n\n\nTell them to be grateful. As an exercise, you can help them write a list of things they are thankful for. You can also help them write thank-you notes to people they\u2019re thankful for. Helping them develop a sense of appreciation and gratitude helps them realise they aren\u2019t the center of the universe. The world is bigger than them. \n\n\nMake them do work in the house and thank them afterwards. Doesn\u2019t it feel good to be thanked?\n\n\n2. Your child can\u2019t take \u201cno\u201d for an answer\n\n\nThis is a pretty dangerous mindset for a child to adopt very early. Left unchecked, you\u2019re setting up your child to become an abuser who won\u2019t take \u201cno\u201d for an answer later in life. \n\n\nWhat you can do:\n\n\nYour kids should realize what no mean, so don\u2019t settle for just \u201cno\u201d every time. Make them understand why you\u2019re saying no and why it\u2019s important. You can start course-correcting them by making them understand what the \u201cno\u201d entails. \n\n\n3. Your child lacks compassion, empathy, and kindness\n\n\nOne of the most important things about being human is empathy and compassion. We are social beings, and we make each other better by reaching out and helping each other. When your child doesn\u2019t have this sense of belonging and compassion, they lose the chance to make healthy long-term relationships.\n\n\nWhat you can do: \n\n\n\u201cWhenever a child does something helpful, caring, cooperative, or shows improvement, let them know you\u2019ve noticed and give words of appreciation,\u201d Samalin said. \n\n\nYou can say, \u201cThanks, Joey, I like the way you helped Amy put away her toys.\u201d Or \u201cJesse, I was impressed with the way you solved your homework problem.\u201d A little positive acknowledgement goes a long way.\n\n\nThere are also a couple of ways you can teach kids how to be compassionate, like in this\u00a0\nHuffington Post\u2019s list\n.\n\n\n\n\nKids need discipline, but when do you know that what you\u2019ve given is not enough?\n\n\n\n\n4. Your child lacks conscience and guilt\n\n\nSome children have an acute sense of guilt. Meanwhile, some others don\u2019t. When kids don\u2019t feel guilt, it\u2019s an indicator of their refusal to take responsibility for their actions. They lack conscience and guilt because they think they\u2019ve done nothing wrong. It\u2019s a tricky problem since it\u2019s mostly an internal problem. (And for some kids, a sign of a much more \ndifficult problem\n.)\n\n\nWhat you can do:\n\n\nTeaching kids a \nhealthy dose of guilt\n is important. Show them the consequences of their actions on other people. Tell them how others feel and let them see another person\u2019s point of view. However, you shouldn\u2019t make them feel like there\u2019s something wrong with them.\n\n\n\u201cTalk about your feelings,\u201d Samalin said. \u201cBut do not attack your child or tell her all the things that are wrong with him or her.\u201d\n\n\nBetter yet, enforce the consequences of their actions. If they don\u2019t feel guilty, they should experience losing something in exchange for doing something wrong. It\u2019s not about making them miserable but teaching them the difference between right and wrong and holding them accountable for their choices.\n\n\n5. Your child doesn\u2019t care about how other people feel\n\n\nYour child not caring about other people or how they feel is a sign they\u2019re selfish. They need to learn that everyone is just as important as they are. \n\n\nWhat you can do:\n\n\nAgain, your child needs to see that not everything is about them. \nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\u201cWhen you are furious at your child, use \u2018I,\u2019 not \u2018you\u2019 phrases,\u201d Samalin says. \u201cIt\u2019s much better to say \u2018I\u2019m mad\u2019 than, \u2018You\u2019re bad.\u2019\u201d \n\n\nWhen your child does something that made you feel bad but he/she doesn\u2019t care for it, you can say: \u201cI get mad when you are late and haven\u2019t called.\u201d Or \u201cI won\u2019t be spoken to like that,\u201d \u00a0\u201cI am irate at the sight of this room,\u201d or\u00a0 \u201cI\u2019m leaving this room, so I can calm down.\u201d\n\n\nYou can also teach them about charity. If you\u2019re making a donation, take them along, so they can see what other people suffer from, and suggest ways they can help.\n\n\n6. Your child blames others for their misdeeds\n\n\nThis is when they can\u2019t take responsibility for their actions. This need to wash their hands of any responsibility for misdeeds can evolve into something malicious. They may start lying and manipulating people into getting out of trouble, and it may continue without you noticing it. \n\n\nWhat you can do:\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to fight them and insist they take responsibility all the time. Actually, you can teach them about what sort of things they\u2019re responsible or accountable for. You can accomplish this by making responsibility \u201ctangible.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWrite a note or make a sign for your child,\u201d Samalin said. \u201cChildren always read your notes and may even write you back!\u201d\n\n\nSamalin gave the following example: \u201cDear Jo, just a reminder. Here is what has to be done before TV today. Clean clothes hung in closet. Dishes washed and dried. Dog fed and walked. [Thanks] for your help. Love, Mom.\u201d\n\n\n7. Your child is too demanding\n\n\nIs your child too whiny about something they want? Are they so specific about it? And consistent? Well, your child could be demanding. And overly so.\n\n\nWhat you can do:\n\n\n\u201cFor kids who struggle with who\u2019s in control, giving them the opportunity to make a choice helps them to feel some control \u2014 although not too much,\u201d Samalin said. \n\n\nSo give them choices. Kids need discipline when it comes to their choices. Ask them if they prefer their eggs scrambled or sunny side up. Give them a choice between reading or playing during their free time. It\u2019s important for the both of you two know who\u2019s in control of the schedule and when things need to get down. Your child needs to know that everyone has needs, and everyone has a say about what they want or need. \n\n\nBe there when your kids need child discipline\n\n\nIt\u2019s understandable to give your kids what they need and what they want. But what they need to have psychologically is important as well. It\u2019s not just about what they want at the moment, or what they need physically. You have to keep in mind what they need in the future to become well-adjusted adults, a child discipline.\n\n\nWhen your kids need child discipline, it\u2019s important that you show compassion as well, so you won\u2019t go overboard. Discipline isn\u2019t about \nyou\n. It\u2019s about teaching kids to become the best adults they can be later on in life.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\n\u00a0theAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nWhat is infant potty training and how do you do it?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/international-chocolate-day-pavilion-kl", "title": "Celebrate International Chocolate Day with Irresistible Desserts from Pavilion KL", "body": "Rich, creamy, decadent and delicious \u2013 these are some of the words to describe chocolate, one of the greatest culinary inventions known to humankind! To celebrate this iconic treat, we\u2019re counting down our favourite chocolate indulgences at Pavilion KL to celebrate International Chocolate Day (and potentially make your mouth water!).\n\n\nWhether you prefer dark, white, milk, with or without nuts, these are our top chocolate picks you simply have to try!\n\n\nChocoholic\u2019s dream!\n\n\n\n\ndipndip\u2019s pancake and caramel cheesecake bars\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re a certified chocolate lover but haven\u2019t tried \ndipndip\n, you\u2019re missing out! This chocolate specialty caf\u00e9 is known for its range of chocolate desserts \u2013 from chocolate waffles, pancakes, crepes, to a good ol\u2019 cup of hot chocolate. It is definitely a must-visit for all the chocoholics out there!\n\n\nLocated on Level 7 of Pavilion KL, dipndip chocolate caf\u00e9 offers a stunning view of bustling Bukit Bintang while you enjoy your chocolate treats in the breezy outdoor seating area. \n\n\nIf you need some cool air conditioning while you indulge, dipndip also has an indoor dining space furnished with plush cushioned chairs and sofas, making it a cosy and relaxing spot for a romantic date or friendly gathering.\n\n\nLocation:\n dipndip, Level 7, Pavilion KL\n\n\nHoly crepe!\n\n\n\n\nMidnight Chocolate from Vanilla Mille Crepe\n\n\n\n\nDo you love eating chocolate cakes so much that a single-layer just won\u2019t do? Tantalise your taste buds with a chocolate mille crepe cake from \nVanille Mille Crepe\n!\n\n\n The word \u2018mille\u2019 translates as \u2018a thousand\u2019 in French, implying the many layers that go into making a crepe cake. \nEnjoy this incredible cake and find each layer filled with exquisite chocolate cream that will keep you coming back for more!\n\n\nLocation: \nVanille Mille Crepe, Level 6, Pavilion KL\n\n\nIt is ice cream o\u2019clock!\n\n\n\n\nGodiva\u2019s sinfully delicious soft serve\n\n\n\n\nCome along to \nGodiva\n and swoon over the incredibly smooth and creamy soft-serve ice cream! Each serving is paired with a crisp waffle cone with its rim dipped in chocolate and praline almonds.\n\n\n Available in three sinfully delicious flavours\u2014Vanilla White Chocolate Soft Serve, Twist Chocolate Soft Serve, and Dark Chocolate Soft Serve\u2014these ice creams will definitely intensify your passion for chocolate.\n\n\nLocation: \nGodiva, Level 2, Pavilion KL\n\n\nChoco-mess\n\n\n\n\nQuivo\u2019s Oreo Chocolate Brownie Tower\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a dessert to top off a great meal, look no further than Mediterranean restaurant \nQuivo!\n Their impressive Oreo Chocolate brownie tower is a definite must-try, featuring a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two layers of heavenly brownies \u2013 so glorious! \n\n\nIf you\u2019re up for trying something different, go for the Melanzane Al Cioccolato, a chocolate-coated roasted eggplant (yes, you read that right!) with a chocolate sauce that creates a fudgy and moist chocolate cake! It\u2019s absolutely worth trying for all chocolate aficionados out there.\n\n\nLocation: \nQuivo, Level 3, Pavilion KL\n\n\nIt\u2019s just like (chocolate) heaven\n\n\n\n\nHarriston\u2019s Signature Chocolate Fondue (left) and Ruby Chocolate Fondue (right)\nPartner Stories\nParenting\n10 Things Mummies Do To Have Calm And Happy Babies\nPertandingan & promosi\nTawaran Sah Hanya Pada 11.11 Sahaja! Beli Friso Gold & Bawa Pulang Hadiah Edisi Terhad & Peluang Untuk Memenangi Baucar Pelancongan ke Belanda!\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAdakah Anda Membuat Pelaburan Yang Tepat? 4 Bidang Pelaburan Yang Perlu Diketahui Sebagai Ibu Bapa\nPerkembangan kanak-kanak\nMums, could you be giving your child too much without knowing it?\n\n\n\n\nHave you ever had a dessert so good that you leave nothing behind? This is what happens when you eat at Harriston\u2019s Chocolatier Signature Cafe, and try their Chocolate fondue!\n\n\n Filled with a colourful selection of dipping fruits and snacks and an edible chocolate bowl (yum!) filled with goodies like pretzels, strawberries, apricots, praline, macaroons, and mixed berries dipped in a choice of dark, milk or ruby chocolate dipping sauce. You\u2019ll definitely polish this dessert off, no problem.\n\n\nLocation: \nHarriston Chocolatier Cafe, Level 3, Pavilion KL\n\n\nI knew you were truffle when you walked in\n\n\n\n\n\n\nD\u2019Empire\u2019s\u00a0 chocolate hazelnut truffle\n\n\n\n\nTake your taste buds on a sweet chocolatey, yet truffly savoury excursion with\n D\u2019Empire\n\u2019s\u00a0 chocolate hazelnut truffle! The balanced combination of dark chocolate and truffle topped with rich vanilla ice cream is definitely drool-worthy! It is the perfect finish to a delectable steak dinner!\n\n\nLocation: \nD\u2019Empire, Level 6, Pavilion KL\n\n\nChocolatier extraordinaire\n\n\n\n\nMaison\u2019s Valrhona Chocolate Fondant\n\n\n\n\nLike the best romantic entanglements, a good chocolate fondant is hot and intense, and totally swoon-worthy! \nMaison\n\u2019s Valrhona Chocolate Fondant is a decadent melt-in-your-mouth masterpiece, crafted using Valrhona 70% chocolate for an intense chocolate flavour, paired with creamy Madagascar vanilla gelato and a tangy cherry compote to create the perfect dessert.\n\n\nLocation:\n Maison, Level 2, Pavilion KL\n\n\nLe Chocolat!\n\n\n\n\n(From left) Macaron Chocolate, Chocolate Craquant Cake and Eclaire Chocolate\n\n\n\n\nIndulge in luxurious French desserts and chocolate at \nPAUL.\n This French patisserie has perfected its desserts and pastries! Try their selection of delectable chocolate eclairs, scrumptious tartlets, gigantic macarons and sinful cakes \u2013 it\u2019s every chocolate lover\u2019s dream!\n\n\nLocation: \nPAUL, Level 2, Pavilion KL & Ground Floor, Intermark Mall\n\n\nFor dining recommendations, shoppers can contact Pavilion Kuala Lumpur\u2019s VIP Dining Concierge at 03 2118-8835. Happy (chocolate) feasting!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/are-you-making-the-right-investments-4-important-investment-areas-for-parents", "title": "Are You Making The Right Investments? 4 Important Investment Areas For Parents", "body": "Don\u2019t you wish there was an instruction manual for parenting? Daily child care is enough of a challenge, and then there\u2019s the future to worry about!\n\n\nHow much do I need to save for my child\u2019s college years? What are the best \ninvestments\n for retirement? What will happen to them when I\u2019m gone?\n\n\nThese are questions all parents ask, but there is no playbook, no step-by-step guide because everyone\u2019s situation is a little different. In this article, we discuss some \ninvestment\n tips to help alleviate your financial worries.\n\n\nWhat Should I be Investing For?\n\n\nIt all begins with setting \ninvestment\n goals. These are, of course, personal, and will vary from parent to parent. Only you can answer this question, but some common goals that parents often pursue include their child\u2019s university fees, their retirement, what they plan to leave behind for their child, and for the general uncertainties of the future.\n\n\nInvestments can be done in a myriad of ways and different types of \ninvestments\n serve different purposes. It all depends on your \ninvestment\n needs and risk appetite. We look at how parents can use investments to save for some of the common goals in the following examples.\n\n\n\n\n1. University fees\n\n\nSaving for university tops the list of concerns among Asian parents, as we put a high value on education. Unfortunately, higher education also comes with a matching high price tag.\n\n\nWhat can you invest in then? One example could be bonds.\n\n\nBonds are basically an IOU between you (the lender) and corporations or governments (the borrower). When you buy a bond and invest money into it, the borrower will pay you back the full invested sum on a certain date, called the maturity date.\n\n\nBond maturities can range from 1 to 10 years or longer. Buying a bond that has a maturity date that coincides with the future lump sum cash outlay required for your child\u2019s university fees is one option for parents. Consider this as savings tucked away upfront for the future.\n\n\nA bond also offers the additional benefits of paying a regular income at fixed intervals throughout the life of the bond. These regular payouts can help you pay for your other ongoing \nfinancial\n commitments in the meantime.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Retirement\n\n\nMany of today\u2019s parents want to free their children from the large \nfinancial\n burden of supporting them through their retirement. As such, more parents are looking at ensuring they have enough for their twilight years.\n\n\nIf this is you, you could look at investing in equities that pay dividends. Commonly referred to as \u201cstocks\u201d or \u201cshares\u201d, equities allow you to invest in a company by buying shares of that company in the stock market.\n\n\nWhen we hear the word \u201cstocks\u201d, we might think of the necessity to buy and sell when the time is just right. And while you can trade stocks like that and profit from doing so, you would also need time, information, and an appetite for risk.\n\n\nBut often as parents, you might not have time to monitor stocks so closely. In this case, look at buying stocks for the long-term instead and focus on blue-chip stocks that typically pay out steady dividends. Blue chips refer to well established companies with stable earnings. Investing in blue-chip stocks is a strategy that could pay off in the long run and make for a happy retirement.\n\n\n\n\n3. Legacy\n\n\n\u00a0\nWhat will you leave behind? Many parents want to leave their children with a legacy endowment to give them a headstart in life.\n\n\nIf you have the means, you could invest in real estate with the aim of leaving it behind for your loved ones. What\u2019s more, this \ninvestment\n can offer additional benefits. Just by having an additional property, you could:\n\n\n\n\nRent it out to provide you with additional income in the years that you don\u2019t need to live in it.\n\n\nSell it later if the value of your property becomes favourable or if you need the money.\n\n\nPut it to your own use later; as a starter home for when your child starts their own family, or as a more cost-efficient home when you become empty nesters. Your children can also inherit real estate when you pass away.\n\n\n\n\n\u2014 and you don\u2019t even have to physically own a property to get these diversification benefits.\n\n\nYou could instead choose to invest in a \nReal Estate Investment Trust\n (REIT) \u2014 a real estate-specific fund \u2014 and take advantage of the real estate market without committing a large sum on a second home.\n\n\n4. Life\u2019s Uncertainties\n\n\nOther than those large goals mentioned above, there are still many more reasons to invest. If there\u2019s one thing for sure, it\u2019s that life will throw us many unexpected difficulties \u2014 illness, a death in the family, job loss etc.\n\n\nAs parents, we want to protect our family from what we can\u2019t foresee. Insurance products cater to some of these needs, but you can also build a nest egg through \ninvestments\n. And for those of you who are not familiar with \ninvestment\n products, mutual funds can be a good option.\n\n\nMutual funds offer plenty of choices and are a good choice for new investors for the following reasons:\n\n\n\n\nAffordable\n: The required initial and subsequent outlays are often small, though they can also be as big as you want..\n\n\nFlexible\n: With mutual funds, your money doesn\u2019t have to be tied up for long periods of time; you can opt out should the need arise (though there are fees to consider), which makes it ideal for use as a fund for unexpected events.\n\n\nManaged With Expertise\n: You don\u2019t need encyclopedic knowledge about markets. Often, you can choose the amount of risk you\u2019re comfortable with and then sit back and let the experts do their job.\n\n\n\n\nUltimately, there is no single investment that can answer all your \nfinancial\n needs as a parent. Finding the right mix of \ninvestments\n to cater to your family\u2019s goals is the key.\n\n\nThere might not be an instruction manual for parenting or for what to invest in as parents, but \nfinancial\n advisors and \nvarious resources\n that are available can help you find the answers you are looking for. Do bear in mind though that all investments carry risk. No matter how \u201csafe\u201d, there is no such thing as a truly safe investment.\n\n\nWant to know more about making \nfinancial\n investments? Have an Eastpring Unit Trust Consultant get in touch with you to discuss your \ninvestment\n objectives.\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/man-privilege-at-home", "title": "'I was a stay-at-home dad, and it was awful. It was also the best thing I ever did'", "body": "The stay-at-home dad is a rare creature, rarely spotted in the wild. He is an icon to be emulated, and a dirty secret to be ashamed of. He\u2019s a bit of a mystery. For starters, there are precious few of us stay-at-home dads (SAHDs let\u2019s call them). And unlike our counterpart SAHMs and WAHMs, we don\u2019t talk about the experience much. We don\u2019t do brunch with other SAHDs, publish daddy blogs or hold seminars. And yet, over the years as a stay-at-home dad, I learned many things that need to be shared. You may disagree or not believe me. But you need to hear it.\n\n\nI learned that male privilege at home exists, and it\u2019s going strong even in this age of women empowerment and #metoo. As a SAHD, my eyes were opened to the fact that women are being kept down, excluded from the work force, and treated unfairly. I also learned how to put an infant to sleep, kiss boo-boos, and toilet train toddlers. And after five years of SAHD-ness, I\u2019ve come to the conclusion that many dads are missing out on the very best part of life.\n\n\n\n\nImage: \u00a9 Vincent Sales\n\n\n\n\nLesson #1: Get ready to be judged\n\n\nThere is no faster way to end a conversation than by answering the question \u201cWhat do you do?\u201d with \u201cI\u2019m a stay-at-home dad.\u201d You will be met with a chorus of crickets. \u201cOh\u2026\u201d they will say and pretend to be interested in their phone. A man who doesn\u2019t bring home the bacon is not a man at all. He is someone to be ashamed of, a leprous dog.\n\n\nOf course, everyone pretends to be happy about it. \u201cYou\u2019re so good with the kids,\u201d they might say, but behind their eyes, the question will be there. It\u2019s always the 800-pound gorilla in the room. \nHow do you pay for the bills?\n Unfairly, they will assume there is some sort of trust fund from my father. For the record, there is no trust fund.\n\n\nThe real answer is, \u201cIt\u2019s my wife, dummy!\u201d\n\n\nWhen I quit my job in 2012, my wife had two jobs and two nice little side businesses. Anyone who knows her knows she is a strong and capable woman. Bringing home the bacon was in good hands.\n\n\nYou lazy bum\n, they will think next. \nYou worthless freeloader.\n\n\nI believe in work, and I quit my job for a different kind of work. No, not taking care of the kids, though that is work too. I quit my job to write a book. My wife and I made this decision together. It may never make us wealthy, but I wanted my kids to know me as who I am: a writer, not some advertising schmuck who makes oh-so-clever campaigns for social media. And I wanted to see my kids more than just on weekends.\n\n\nDid that answer your question? Good. Now judge away. It\u2019s something we do regularly to mums. All. The. Time.\n\n\nIs she a stay-at-home mum? Poor thing. \n\n\nDoes she work? She must be a horrible mum.\n\n\n\n\nAnother day at the office for a stay-at-home dad\n\n\n\n\nLesson #2: Male privilege at home\n\n\nIf you\u2019re an alpha male sort of dude who thinks bringing home the bacon gives him license to demand a warm meal served by his sex minx of a wife when he arrives at his clean, spotless home, you\u2019ve got another thing coming, buddy. Your \u201crough\u201d day at work is nothing compared to what stay-at-home moms go through, and I experienced this first-hand.\n\n\nA typical day may contain:\n\n\n\n\nThe little bastards waking up at the crack of dawn\n\n\nBreakfast, which you prepare while uncaffeinnated\n\n\nThe little one willfully pouring his milk onto the table (you know, just because)\n\n\nHomework cramming for the middle child (because everyone forgot about him last night)\n\n\nTantrum #2, 3, and 4 from the toddler while the big kids are at school\n\n\nGuilt because tantrum #4 escalated and you shouted\n\n\nDanger and excitement as the middle child ran across the street when you picked him up\n\n\nActual fisticuffs, and biting\n\n\nHomework, meal planning, budgeting\n\n\nPoop\n\n\n\n\nHow was your day, honey?\n\n\nSo don\u2019t even start on how you need undisturbed rest, or how you have a big day tomorrow.\u00a0\n\n\nMany men believe that provider status exempts them from diaper duties or household chores. (And some wives enable this behaviour because their husbands \u201cwork so hard.\u201d) This kind of male privilege at home is commonplace, rampant even.\u00a0\n\n\nBut believe me, men, you\u2019ve got it easy.\n I\u2019ve been on both sides, and, sure, having a successful career isn\u2019t easy, but there is no contest.\n\n\nConsider the fact that to cope with motherhood, women\u2019s brains actually undergo significant changes. It has been found that their \nbrains shrink (for the better) when they get pregnant\n. And later on,\u00a0\nhormonal changes\n help them to cope with the massive changes that motherhood brings.\n\n\nLesson #3: There is no such thing as woman\u2019s work\n\n\nWhen I was a kid, the girls were taught to cook and bake and sew. Meanwhile the boys built things out of wood and metal. So in my early days as a stay-at-home dad I was at a distinct disadvantage. Once again, it was male privilege at work \u2014 men handing off the chores they didn\u2019t want to do to women \u2014 and it was just stupid.\n\n\nEventually, I learned there are only two things I cannot do as a man: give birth to a child and breastfeed. For everything else, I took the same attitude I do with fixing my gaming PC: \neverything is knowable. With the right tools and the right knowledge, I can do anything.\n\n\nMartha Stewart has got nothing on me. I\u2019ve learned how to cut up a whole chicken, and cook a few dishes. I masterminded our home decor. I\u2019ve learned the full lyrics to\u00a0\nPrincess Sofia\n, and some \nTrolls\n songs. My kids and I have engineered pillow forts, and constructed cardboard Iron Man armor.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nOther men will say that they have no \u201cmaternal instincts,\u201d that they can\u2019t do the things their wife does. Men don\u2019t have it in them, they say. I call BS. Last time I checked, I still had my dangly bits, and I figured it out. It never felt unnatural.\u00a0\nHave they ever tried?\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\n\n\nLesson #4: The parenting trap\n\n\nWhen I finished writing the book, it came time for me to go back to work. Inadvertently, I found myself in the same position that many mums find themselves in.\n\n\nAfter five years of being a SAHD, I had basically torpedoed my career. My professional network was gone; we had all moved on to other things. Many of my skills were outdated. A headhunter, after some initial enthusiasm, saw a five-year gap in my work experience and ran for the hills.\n\n\nMeanwhile, I had grown incompatible with corporate culture. I needed to be home early to have dinner with the kids. I needed flexibility for parent-teacher meetings. And I didn\u2019t want to give up my SAHD life.\n\n\nI used to think our society was equal and forward-thinking. I turned a blind eye to my female co-workers disappearing after they got married or gave birth. And I didn\u2019t realise that they didn\u2019t come back \u2014 if they wanted to \u2014 because they couldn\u2019t. We wouldn\u2019t let them.\n\n\nA simple example: \nMaternity leave in Singapore\n is 12 or 16 weeks. That means you have just three or four months to return to work and basically pretend your three- to four-month old baby doesn\u2019t exist while you\u2019re there. Or you can give up your career and become a SAHM. It\u2019s a tough decision to make. And it\u2019s not fair. We can do better, humans.\n\n\nLesson #5: Dads belong at home too\n\n\nA stay-at-home dad is seen as a sad thing in worn out shorts and a wifebeater. But nothing is farther from the truth.\n\n\nFirst off, kids need their dad. Recently, research has begun to show that \nchildren benefit from a father who plays an active role in raising them\n. \u201cEngaged fathers\u201d have a positive impact on the development of\u00a0 \u2014 surprise! \u2014infants and toddlers. And they play a uniquely significant role with their teenage daughters, preventing \u201cearly and unrestricted sexual behaviour.\u201d\n\n\nIt\u2019s not just about the kids either. When you\u2019re a SAHD, your wife is free to be a more fully-realized person. My wife likes to work. There was never a question of whether I would \u201clet her\u201d work. She was always going to. That\u2019s the woman I married. She\u2019s a mother, yes, but she is also so much more. I like to think I contributed to some of that by being a SAHD.\n\n\nMacho men like to be in charge. What, I ask you, is more macho than being in charge of your children\u2019s well-being? Or being the champion of your wife\u2019s aspirations? It\u2019s okay, I\u2019ll wait for your answer.\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re a SAHD, you will be a more fully-realized person too. It\u2019s not easy, or glamorous, not even remotely cool. But I live for it. I didn\u2019t have children just to have them raised by nannies. I wanted the whole experience. And you know what? Yes, work and human endeavour are important. But fatherhood is the best part of life. Let\u2019s not pretend otherwise.\n\n\n\n\nThe times are changing\n\n\nThese days, more fathers are taking an active role in raising their kids, and it warms my heart.This generation\u2019s fathers are far more hands-on and engaged than previous generations. And who knows? Maybe male privilege at home is coming to an end.\n\n\nOf course, bills have to be paid, and bacon has to be brought home. The house has to be cleaned and the kids have to be watered and fed. But why do we delineate these roles according to sex? Thankfully, in these modern times, couples have many ways to find solutions to answering all of their family\u2019s needs \u2014 for starters, try telecommuting, having multiple revenue streams, or entrepreneurship.\n\n\nAt the end of the day, if you find yourself with the option of being a stay-at-home dad or a work-from-home dad, you should consider yourself lucky.\n\n\nI trace the beginning of my life as a SAHD to when my first son was a day old. He was struggling to maintain his temperature and needed kangaroo care (skin-to-skin contact). My wife was out of it at the time and couldn\u2019t. (Years later, we figured out she was going through postpartum depression.) So instead of forcing her to do it, or asking someone else to do it, I tore off my shirt and held my son to my ripped chest and chiseled abs.\n\n\nWe sat there for I don\u2019t know how long, just touching. He slept, as newborns do. I listened to his breathing as my own chest rose and fell.\n\n\n\u201cPapa\u2019s here,\u201d I told him. And I\u2019ve been here ever since.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nALSO READ: \nWhen dads stay at home\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/i-caught-my-husband-cheating-on-me-with-our-maid", "title": "\"I caught my husband cheating on me... with our maid!\"", "body": "\u201cWhen my husband and I first hired *Maria as\u00a0our helper, we thought that we had picked the best person for our children, and for our home.\n\n\nOur 3 kids\u00a0were super attached to her, and our not-so-friendly dog was\u00a0warmed up to her too.\n\n\nShe was a great helper- patient, meticulous and hardworking. I never had to reprimand her or teach her things a second time. We even\u00a0passed\u00a0her a spare iPhone because we trusted and loved her like one of our own.\n\n\n\n\nLooking back now,\u00a0I should have known something was up the day\u00a0I was in desperate need for a massage, and asked my husband\u00a0to rub my back and shoulders.\n\n\nHe told me that Maria gave the best massages, and I asked him how he knew. I shrugged it off when he said that she had told him about it. I know I sound stupid for saying this but I trusted her and didn\u2019t think that she could ever try to seduce my husband of 17\u00a0years (who was 20 years her senior).\n\n\nAfter a year working with us,\u00a0I noticed she started soaking herself in\u00a0perfume even when she was at home, doing her chores. And it usually only happened in the evenings (the time he would\u00a0come home from work). They hardly spoke, but I would catch her secretly looking at\u00a0him,\u00a0and\u00a0entering the kitchen to \u2018clean up\u2019 whenever he went in to get something.\n\n\nI asked my husband if he had observed her unusual behaviour, but\u00a0he brushed it off, telling me that I was looking too much into it. We didn\u2019t have much sex that year either, but I dismissed it as him being\u00a0stressed at work (he had just gotten a promotion, and had his hip practically\u00a0attached to his\u00a0laptop).\n\n\nOne night, when he stepped into the\u00a0shower, I did something that I told myself I\u2019d never do \u2013 I checked his phone. It was just this instinctive feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me do it. And I thank God for giving me that moment of doubt. This was a life-changing moment for me.\n\n\n\n\nAt first, everything\u00a0looked\u00a0fine. His messages were from his colleagues, friends, boss and me. Though\u00a0I felt relieved, there was still a lingering feeling of uneasiness. I took a deep breath and opened his photo gallery\u2026 and my jaw dropped!\n\n\nTo my horror, there were hundreds (and I am not exaggerating) of\u00a0photos of Maria in lingerie, posing suggestively. MY LINGERIE! As I scrolled through the photos, it felt like multiple stabs to my heart. Telling myself to hold it all together, I reached out for my phone and snapped a few of these pictures as evidence (in case he were to delete them).\n\n\nFilled with rage (the hurt\u00a0had not set in yet), I stormed out of my room and barged into Maria\u2019s room to confront her with my husband\u2019s phone. She denied it at first, but was left speechless when I showed her the photos. She kept apologising\u00a0but I didn\u2019t want apologies, I wanted to erase it all from my mind! I wanted her out of my house, away from my kids and I wanted the same from\u00a0him too.\n\n\nMy husband soon came in and asked why I was yelling. I told him to get out of the house because I never wanted to see him again. Seeing his phone in my hand, he figured what had transpired, and\u00a0told me to move\u00a0into our room so we could talk.\n\n\nI composed myself and started spewing out the endless stream of\u00a0questions I wanted answered.\n\n\nHow long had this been going on for? How did they hook up? Where did they have sex? Were the kids aware of this? Did he use protection? Why did he not think of me and our kids?\n\n\nHe admitted to it (of course he had to), giving the lamest excuse in the books. Due to\u00a0my late nights at work,\u00a0he took comfort in *Maria because she would stay up late to listen to him, and comfort him whenever he had a rotten\u00a0day at work.\n\n\n\n\nHe blamed me for not sexually satisfying him. To add more salt to my wounded heart, he had the nerve to tell me that she\u00a0was willing to satisfy him whenever he wanted, in whatever way he wanted. How sick of a man and father could he be?\n\n\nI was hurt, needless to say. I felt betrayed and humiliated. How could the man that I loved for the past 17 years say this? I couldn\u2019t recognise him anymore. How did he turn into this dirty little monster? I told him I wanted a divorce, and to my surprise, he said he had been thinking about it for the past few months himself.\n\n\nI packed my stuff and told our kids that we would be heading to their grandma\u2019s place to stay for the night. I was not ready to explain the details, nor did I want them to hate their father. This was between him and me. I simply told them that grandma was missing\u00a0them, and we should visit.\n\n\nWhen we got there, I told my mum everything. I cried like I had never cried before. She was supportive and gave me the best advice.\n\n\n\u201cDo what is right for you and the kids. This is not the time to think about him. He did what he wanted to, and never thought about what his actions would do to his loving family. He broke you. And your home. So\u00a0now you have to pick yourself up and fix it.\u201d\n\n\nI focused on those precious words and got a hold of\u00a0myself- for my children. They needed their mother, strong and functional. They didn\u2019t deserve this.\n\n\nA week later, I informed them\u00a0of my decision to divorce (they were 10, 12 and 16 at that time), but I never told them the real reason. I said that mummy and daddy had differences that we could not solve decided that \ng\noing our separate ways\n was best.\n\n\nAt first, they questioned if we could just try and be a family,\u00a0but soon asked nothing more when I told them that I would tell them\u00a0the details when they got older.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n#StayHome And Have Fun With The Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Moo-Possible Campaign\nEducation\nThrough The Lens of Star Students\nGaya Hidup\nIbu-Ibu Wajib Baca! Ini 5 Kebaikan Minuman Coklat Yang Anda Mungkin Tidak Tahu!\nKeibubapaan\nResilience: How Your Parenting Style Can Help Nurture Your Child\u2019s Resilience\n\n\n*************************************\n\n\nIt\u2019s been 4 years since my now ex-husband shattered all our dreams. Our plans to build a family, to travel the world, to give our kids everything they asked for.\u00a0But I have no regrets. Zilch. Because I know had I stayed, I would have been leading an insecure life, even if I had forgiven\u00a0him for that one incident.\n\n\n*Maria left our home that night itself. I sent her back to the agency, and all I got was an apology with the reason that she was lonely and he was \u201ca kind-hearted man\u201d. My husband begged me to stay, tried to get my parents to convince me to take him back, but after digging up even more from our mutual friends, I found out that *Maria was not the only one he was intimate with.\n\n\nMy kids now know what happened that night that led to the divorce. They live with me and my parents, and see their\u00a0father on the weekends. I choose not to\u00a0restrict their time with him as I feel that they\u2019re old enough to make their own decisions. I am not seeing anyone at the moment, and I\u2019m not sure if I ever will. But I do know that my kids are all that I need in my life now.\n\n\nI continue working hard to support my family, and we are doing great without him. We make it a point to spend dinner time together, sharing stories of our day, and we do\u00a0normal things that normal families do. We\u00a0are each other\u2019s pillars\u00a0and nothing can break the bond I have with my children.\n\n\nTo the\u00a0women who have been through a similar horrific incident in their lives,\u00a0moving on was the best thing you did \u2013 for you and for your kids. Good riddance, I say!\u201d\n\n\n*All names in this story have been changed to protect the identity of those involved\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\n\"I had an abortion without telling my husband\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hugging-and-kissing-your-baby-can-make-him-smarter-study", "title": "Hugging and kissing your baby can make him smarter: Study", "body": "If you love holding your baby endlessly, here is more reason you should continue. It\u2019s the doctor\u2019s orders after all!\n\n\nA \nstudy\n from The University of British Columbia proves that the constant contact between infants and their caregivers can affect them on a molecular level.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nWhen you hold your baby for a long time, you are actually changing their DNA. Yes, you read that right!\u00a0\n\n\nThe study reveals that babies with less physical contact can end up distressed. In fact, lack of touch changes their molecular profile. And as a result, they remain biologically underdeveloped.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHolding your baby: Scientists say do it!\n\n\nTo work on this data, scientists studied 94 babies for four years.\u00a0\n\n\nParents in the study were instructed to keep a journal about their baby\u2019s behaviour. They noted their baby\u2019s eating habits, sleeping patterns and even their crying. They also revealed exactly how often they physically consoled their baby.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter four years, the scientists checked the babies\u2019 DNAs by swabbing their cheeks. This helped them examine \u201ca biochemical modification called DNA methylation.\u201d These are molecules that keep a track of maturation of active genes.\u00a0\n\n\nAs expected, the results were astounding!\n\n\nYes! Holding your baby can help them grow faster\n\n\nKids who received less physical contact by their parents had a lower\u00a0\u201cepigenetic age.\u201d This means that their molecular maturation was slow. The team also found that babies who were not held that often faced negative health implications at a cellular level.\u00a0\n\n\nSarah Moore, lead author and a postdoctoral fellow on the case explained, \u201cIf further research confirms this initial finding, it will underscore the importance of providing physical contact, especially for distressed infants.\u201d\n\n\nThis study published in the November issue of\u00a0\nDevelopment and Psychopathology\n, has come as a sweet reminder that holding your baby has more benefits that you think.\n\n\nAlthough there are \nstudies\n that have proved that human touch can help babies grow and develop faster, this is the first to prove it on a molecular level. Naturally, this is great news for parents who love to cuddle and hold their babies.\u00a0\n\n\nBut just in case you needed a reminder, here\u2019s why hugging your child is the best gift you can give him.\u00a0\n\n\n5 scientific reasons you should hug your babies more often\n\n\nIn case you needed more scientific evidence to hug your babies, these are for you!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTouch makes them smarter.\n\u00a0A recent \nstudy\n by the\u00a0Nationwide\u00a0Children\u2019s\u00a0Hospital in Ohio, US, proves that babies who receive physical touch show \u201cstronger brain response.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHugging helps them grow.\n\u00a0A \nstudy\n by the University of California proves that hugs release the hormones oxytocin. This hormone in turn pushes several other growth hormones such as\u00a0insulin growth factor-I (IGF-1) and nerve growth factor (NGF).\n\n\nIt keeps them healthy.\n\u00a0A 2013 \nstudy\n reveals that hugs make babies stronger. The oxytocin released by hugs lowers\u00a0plasma levels of thyroid hormones as well as the level of cortisol.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nCuddling stops temper tantrums\n: Hugs can also help you \ncontrol temper tantrums\n because they are emotional outbursts that kids cannot regulate. So hugging a child when he is throwing a tantrum releases oxytocin, reduces stress and calms him.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nIt makes them more resilient.\n\u00a0A \nstudy\n reveals that when a child is exposed to excessive stress, it can compromise his immune system and lower his memory power. So hugging your kids keeps their emotions elevated. That in turn helps them regulate their brains and makes them more resilient.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIncidentally, this research has not come as a shock to us parents. After all, we love cuddling our babies. We can always use one more reason to keep the hugs coming. So snuggle up!\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\nNews source: \nThe University of British Columbia\n, \nScience Daily\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nursery-rhymes", "title": "5 Educational Kid\u2019s Nursery Rhymes to Teach Your Children", "body": "What\u2019s a fun way to teach your young children about animals, numbers and even about compassion? You\u2019d need to find an easy-to-digest way of teaching that can be remembered and understood by the little ones. Even if they aren\u2019t able to fully understand it yet, they\u2019ll at least be able to remember it by heart. This is where children\u2019s nursery rhymes come into the picture. And so here we\u2019ve hand-picked five nursery rhyme songs that both you and your children will love.\n\n\n1. Old Macdonald\n\n\n\u201cOld Macdonald\u00a0had a farm E-I-E-I-O\u201d. This classic nursery song has been sung countless times and is a beloved children\u2019s song. Through the easy to follow lyrics, children are taught all about animals and the sounds they make. Additionally, this song allows the children to recognise and match specific animal sounds to their counterparts in a fun and singsongy manner.\n\n\n2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n\n\n\u201c1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive\u201d. If the previous song helped children learn about onomatopoeic sounds such as \u2018moo\u2019 and \u2018woof\u2019,\u00a0this nursery rhyme song teaches children about numbers. Specifically, counting the numbers 1 to 10. Besides that, it can also help children to differentiate between left and right.\n\n\n3. Hickory Dickory Dock\n\n\n\u201cHickory dickory dock. The mouse went up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse went down. Hickory dickory dock\u201d. Quite similar to the previous song rhyme, this kid\u2019s song aims to teach children about numbers with specific focus placed upon counting time. To make this song even more fun, each time an animal climbs up the clock, express their sound.\n\n\n4. Baa Baa Black Sheep\n\n\n\u201cBaa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!\u201d. Care to take a guess what this popular children\u2019s song is all about? You guessed it; it\u2019s about the joy of sharing for in the nursery song the sheep gives away all three bags of its wool. This song is perfect for introducing your children to the concept of being kind and compassionate towards others.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\n5. Itsy Bitsy Spider\n\n\n\u201cThe itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout\u201d. Out of the five nursery rhyme songs we\u2019ve listed down, this is the shortest and simplest of all. What it teaches the children however is by no means a simple concept for them. Even for some adults this concept proves to be challenging. If you haven\u2019t guessed it yet it\u2019s the concept of persevering and never giving up towards a goal.\n\n\nThere you have it, our five chosen nursery rhymes, nursery songs or whatever you want to call them that aren\u2019t just enjoyable to learn and sing along to but are also packed full with useful information and knowledge for the wee ones. Want to know what else is beneficial for children? A custom-made gift item from Printcious\u2019 range of\u00a0\npersonalised gifts for children\n. Check it out today!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-help-your-child-to-stop-bedwetting", "title": "How to Help Your Child to Stop Bedwetting", "body": "Bedwetting, also known as secondary enuresis, is considered normal in children under the age of 5. However, by the age of 5 or 6, bedwetting is something they should have outgrown \u2013 and if they haven\u2019t, it should be treated seriously.\n\n\nIt is more common in boys as compared to girls up to the age of 12, but as they grow up, they will be more likely to become dry at night.\n\n\nSo, what went wrong?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nPerhaps you would think that child should be blamed for bedwetting- maybe they are just lazy or timid to go to toilet at night.\n\n\nWell, before you jump into such conclusion, there are actually more possibilities that you should consider:\n\n\n1. \u00a0Overactive bladder\n\n\n2. \u00a0Constipation\n\n\n3.\u00a0\u00a0Repeated awakenings\n\n\nRepeated awakenings, however brief they can be, will disrupt the hormone vasopressin,\u00a0 which is responsible to slow down the production of urine at night. The lack of vasopressin will cause kidneys to keep making urine during sleep.\n\n\n4. \u00a0Genetic predisposition\n\n\nIt is found that there can be 40% chance the child will wet the bed and if two parents wet the bed there is a 75% chance the child will also wet the bed.\n\n\n5. \u00a0Psychological factors\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nMore often than not, bedwetting is a cry for help that the child uses to achieve a certain goal or to maintain his psychological balance. It can happen when the child, who used to be the center of attention, suddenly lost this attention because of his new born brother.\n\n\nAnother psychological cause could be that the child wants to achieve a sense of superiority over the family. Through bedwetting, the child is unconsciously sending a message to his family that he still needs attention because he is not that old yet.\n\n\nStress from-divorce, sickness, abuse, neglect, or alcoholism-will cause the bedwetting. In this case, bedwetting is just an unconscious signal that home is not a safe place anymore. On top of that, when children try out new responsibilities or experience role transitions, such as entering school for the first time, life can be both unnerving and stressful to children, leading to bedwetting.\n\n\nBesides bedwetting can also be a psychological response to trauma such as natural disaster, war, or even death in family.\n\n\nWhat can I do?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Asia One\n\n\n\n\nBedwetting, if left unhandled, can pose rather serious effects on children. Feelings of social exclusion. Feelings of being different from others. Children may bottle up these feelings, without letting them to be known- unless they feel it is safe to share.\n\n\nAs parents, we should never underestimate children\u2019s feeling about bedwetting, blame them for their bedwetting, or even feel unsure about how to help their child. Some of the ways that we can help them are:\n\n\na.\u00a0\u00a0Bladder Training\n\n\nTeach your child to control urinating during the day by postponing it, by gradually increasing the amount of time, to strengthen his bladder. However, before asking your child to practice retention control, you should always check with a doctor first.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nb.\u00a0Night-lifting\n\n\nWake your child periodically throughout the night, walk your child to the bathroom to urinate, and then returning your child to bed. This helps to teach your child to make the habit of getting awake and empty his bladder during the night.\n\n\nc.\u00a0\u00a0Reward system\n\n\nChild loves reward. So, give you child a star, a prize or an outing if he manages to achieve longer periods of dryness. And this motivational therapy proves to be effective for younger children.\n\n\nd.\u00a0\u00a0Limit caffeine and drinks before bed.\n\n\ne.\u00a0\u00a0Be honest with your child\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nPunishment, criticizing, or teasing will only backfire. These will only make your child tense and anxious. Therefore, tell him honestly about what\u2019s going on. Your child may be dismay about what to do with bedwetting because it\u2019s the last thing he will ever do.\n\n\nYou can tell him that this may happen to a lot of his peers, though they never share it. Always reassure him that everything will turn out fine for him eventually.\n\n\nf.\u00a0\u00a0Start open communication with your child\n\n\nListen attentively to your child\u2019s worries. Allow him to express his feelings and ask questions as well so that you can reassure him about any specific concerns he may have. However, don\u2019t force him if he doesn\u2019t want you to discuss his bedwetting issue with anyone else-except with your doctor. Respect his privacy so that he will slowly open up his heart to share with you his concerns.\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nMost of us will inevitably be tempted to think that bedwetting is something to be ashamed of. However, we always need to bear in mind that it\u2019s part and parcel of growth. It may or may not have happened to us. So, just accept it with an open mind.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\n theAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat is infant potty training and how do you do it?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/yoga-postures", "title": "Yoga Postures To Help You Calm Down", "body": "Stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression can occur to us at any time. It is very natural to happen when we are unable to cope with current events in our lives. Stress is a body\u2019s response to the fight-or-flight mechanism when we are facing danger and as a result we release several hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine.\n\n\nThe release of these hormones will cause sweating, increasing blood pressure, and alertness. However, too frequent stress will lead to chronic psychological and physical illnesses. It is very important to be able to manage it and stay calm.\u00a0\n\n\nExercise is one of the best tools for stress management. But exercise can be a bit hard for some people. Nevertheless, yoga offers convenience yet regulates a better blood flow to the organs and balances the hormone and maintains positivity in individuals. Yoga may also help in muscle strains and tensions, increasing alertness and concentration. This is why yoga is a very popular exercise that promotes calmness and relaxation to its practitioner. Moreover, yoga is also a tool in many psychotherapy treatments.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nYoga postures that you can easily do anywhere\n\n\nMany studies have proven the benefits of yoga. An academic review published in 2012 summarised that by adapting yoga, it could help with mental health such as depression, anxiety, fatigue and stress while promoting physical fitness.\u00a0\n\n\nYoga included asanas (exercise), pranayama (breathing techniques), relaxation and meditation techniques. There are varieties of yoga poses that you can easily do anywhere be it at your home or at your workplace. These are a few poses that you can try especially if you are a beginner:\n\n\n1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)\n\n\n\n\n\u201cTada\u201d means mountain. This pose requires the practitioner to stand steadily like a mountain. Yoga practitioners often start their practices with this pose. This pose plays a lot with muscles and may promote focus and improve posture.\u00a0\n\n\nHere the basic steps how to do it:\u00a0\n\n\nStand on your feet, bring your toes closer but heels slightly apart. While gently breathing in, lift your toes and balance your weight on the heels. Then, while your heels bearing your weight, stretch upwards your chest, shoulders and arms.\u00a0 Straight up your spine and your tailbone. Stay at this position for a few seconds and feel the stretch. Exhale gently.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)\n\n\n\n\nVrikshasana gives the effect of grounding. This pose helps to improve balance and strength while imitating the posture of a tree. To start, position your right foot on your left thigh, while keeping your balance. Inhale while raising your hands upwards bringing your palm together. Keep your back straight and breathe in deeply. Exhale while slowly bringing down your arms and put your right foot on the floor. Redo this pose with your left leg.\n\n\n3. Balasana (Child Pose)\n\n\n\n\nBalasana or child\u2019s pose is a kneeling pose which practices the sense of let go and surrender. This resting posture helps to stretch the spine and reduces the neck and\u00a0 lower back pain. This pose is promoting a better blood flow to the internal organs.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s how to do it:\u00a0\n\n\nThis practice is the best if you could close your eyes and feel the stretch. In a kneeling position, sit on your heels. Place your head on the yoga mat and bring your hands to your side. Or, you could also stretch both of your hands forward. Breath gently while pressing your chest to your thighs. You can stay in this position for 1-3 minutes.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)\n\n\n\n\nThe easy pose or sukhasana is a comfortable position that gives a centering effect. It allows meditation to help us connect with the spiritual side. Here\u2019s how to start: Sit comfortably on your yoga mat, cross your legs with both legs tucked inside each other, and straight-up your spine. Inhale and exhale gently but deeply for 1-2 minutes to promote relaxation.\u00a0\n\n\nA few minutes of yoga is all that it takes\n\n\nStress, depression and anxiety could cost us our sanity and health. A few minutes of yoga can be the solution to this. An exercise like yoga not only stretches your back and strains your muscles, but it also promotes healthy blood circulation. As a result, it improves overall health and drives calmness and positivity in you. Hence, a better mental and physical health.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBussing, A. et.al. (2012). Effects of yoga on mental and physical health: A short summary of reviews. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012.\n\u00a0https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/165410\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit from freepik:\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEasy pose:\u00a0\nhttps://www.freepik.com/free-photo/young-woman-doing-sukhasana-exercise-side-view_3955325.htm#page=1&query=easy\n\u00a0pose yoga&position=5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChild pose:\u00a0\nhttps://www.freepik.com/free-photo/full-length-young-woman-sitting-child-pose-yoga-mat_7167875.htm#page=1&query=child\n\u00a0pose yoga&position=30\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTree pose:\u00a0\nhttps://www.freepik.com/free-photo/focused-woman-practicing-yoga-tree-pose_5275512.htm#page=1&query=tree\n\u00a0pose yoga&position=21\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMountain pose:\u00a0\nhttps://www.freepik.com/free-photo/young-yogi-attractive-woman-mountain-pose-white-loft-backgro_1282074.htm#page=2&query=mountain\n\u00a0pose yoga&position=26\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/31-powerful-baby-girl-names-inspired-by-famous-world-leaders", "title": "31 Powerful baby girl names inspired by famous world leaders", "body": "It\u2019s important in today\u2019s world that your daughter understands the strength of a woman. Women are more encouraged to embrace their femininity than any other time in history, and as a result women are achieving amazing goals and feats.\n\n\n\n\nGive your daughter a powerful, influential name that embraces the strength of a woman!\n\n\n\n\nYour daughter will be a proud part of the wave of powerful, successful women. So, if you\u2019re expecting a baby girl, why not give her a name that helps embrace her strong will and demands respect?\n\n\nThe names on this list are inspired by famous, and powerful female world leaders. Check out the collection of these commanding names for baby girls, and let us know your favourites:\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\nKesihatan\nAnak-Anak Menderita Kerana Ciri Birit: Guna Cara Ini Untuk Melindungi Si Manja\nKanak-Kanak\nMencari Aktiviti Keluarga Yang Seronok? Apa Kata Gabungkan Kuasa Bermain & Penyelesaian Masalah Kreatif Dengan LEGO?\nHealth\nWhy Is Childhood Immunisation Important?\n\n\n\n\nAgatha\n Barbara: Former President of Malta\n\n\nAlenka\n Bratusek: Prime Minister of Slovenia\n\n\nAngela\n Merkel: Chancellor of Germany\n\n\nAtifete\n Jahjaga: President of Kosovo\n\n\nBeatrix\n: Former Queen of the Netherlands\n\n\nCristina\n Fernandez de Kirchner: President of Argentina\n\n\nDalia\n Grybauskaite: President of Lithuania\n\n\nDilma\n Rousseff: President of Brazil\n\n\nDoris\n Leuthard: Former President of the Swiss Federation\n\n\nElizabeth\n II: Queen of the United Kingdom\n\n\nEllen\n Johnson Sirleaf: President of Liberia\n\n\nHelle\n Thorning-Schmidt: Prime Minister of Denmark\n\n\nIsabel\n Per\u00f3n: Former President of Argentina\n\n\nIveta\n Radicov\u00e1: Former Prime Minister of Slovakia\n\n\nJ\u00f3hanna\n Sigurdard\u00f3ttir: Former Prime Minister of Iceland\n\n\nJoyce\n Banda: President of Malawi\n\n\nJulia\n Gillard: Former Prime Minister of Australia\n\n\nKamla\n Persad-Bissessar: Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago\n\n\nLouise\n Lake-Tack: Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda\n\n\nMargaret\n Thatcher: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom\n\n\nMary\n Robinson: Former President of Ireland\n\n\nMargrethe\n II: Queen of Denmark\n\n\nPark\n Geun-hye: President of South Korea\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPearlette\n Louisy: Governor-General of Saint Lucia\n\n\nPortia\n Simpson Miller: Prime Minister of Jamaica\n\n\nQuentin\n Bryce: Governor-General of Australia\n\n\nSheikh \nHasina\n Wajed: Prime Minister of Bangladesh\n\n\nSibel\n Siber:\u00a0 Prime Minister of North Cyprus\n\n\nVaira\n Vike-Freiberga: Former President of Latvia\n\n\nVioleta\n de Chamorro: Former President of Nicaragua\n\n\nYingluck\n Shinawatra: Prime Minister of Thailand\n\n\n\n\nThis list was originally posted by \nShe Knows\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/things-to-do-with-kids-in-kuala-lumpur", "title": "SuperPark Malaysia: Your kids\u2019 new dream destination for play in Kuala Lumpur", "body": "As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to be strong, happy, and healthy. And we want our kids to pursue their passions and dreams without fear. From the very start, we are their biggest supporters and cheerleaders.\n\n\nWhat does your child dream to be? Do you have a budding football or basketball star? Or do you have an adventurous little one who has their sights set on being a mountain-climber? Or perhaps an Olympic gymnast or a pro skateboarder?\n\n\nFor families like yours, there\u2019s only one destination. There\u2019s a new play place in Malaysia where your kids can discover their passions, learn new skills, and have the most fun of their young lives! Once your kids step foot in \nSuperPark\n, they\u2019ll discover a new home for all their interests and obsessions. Whatever their passion is, they\u2019ll find it at SuperPark Malaysia!\n\n\n\n\nOriginally from Finland, SuperPark is an all-in-one indoor activity park unlike any in Malaysia. Not only is it a great space for fun and active play, it is also an exciting way for kids to spend time with family and friends. It\u2019s your new dream destination for play here in Kuala Lumpur!\n\n\nFounder Taneli Sutinen was inspired to create SuperPark after he had a hard time playing in kid-sized playground equipment with his four-year-old daughter. That \u201cAha!\u201d moment led him to create a play place where kids and adults can play side-by-side. SuperPark is truly a destination made for awesome family bonding time.\n\n\nThings to Do with Kids in Kuala Lumpur: The Superparking Lifestyle\n\n\nThe great thing is we can now experience the \u201cSuperparking lifestyle\u201d\u2013 an awesome combination of joyful play, friendship, and better health \u2013 right here in Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nWith over 40,000 square feet of space, SuperPark Malaysia boasts over 20 fun-filled activities all under one roof. Split into three main areas \u2013 the \nAdventure Area\n, \nGame Arena\n, and the \nFreestyle Hall\n \u2013 every inch of SuperPark Malaysia encourages the joy of play and movement.\n\n\nThe whole family (from the baby to the grandparents) can bond in this amazing place. People of all ages and fitness levels can find something they will love to do. That\u2019s why family day spent here is one of the best things to do with kids in Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\n\n\nUnleash the Athlete\n\n\nSuperPark Malaysia is packed with activities that will excite your little sports enthusiasts. Check out some of the awesome things your kids can do!\n\n\nExclusive to SuperPark Malaysia is the 2,500 square foot \nskate rink\n which is made from an artificial, 100% recyclable and non-toxic synthetic ice. Future Olympians can start their dreams here!\n\n\n\n\nIn the \nGame Arena\n, your budding athletes can swing for the stands in the \nBaseball \nnets.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s a game of man versus machine at AI goalie \nRoboKeeper\n.\n\n\n\n\nOlder kids can challenge their friends to a game of \nStreet Basketball\n.\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, future ballers can practice shooting at \nSuperHoops\n. The whole family can hone skills together or go head-to-head in a friendly competition.\n\n\nIn the Game Arena, performance is measured by digital systems such as radar, so kids can challenge their friends (or their parents!) with real-world metrics. Friendly competitions help kids learn to develop a great sportsmanship mindset.\n\n\n\n\nPractice your moves at the \nFreestyle Hall\n\u2019s \nfoam pit, trampolines, or gymnastics floor. Your kids can jump, flip, tumble and test their limits in a safe environment.\n\n\nMeanwhile, the \nNinja Track \nis an obstacle course that challenges both mind and body. Kids can learn to be more active and agile while having great fun.\n\n\n\n\nThe \nSkate and Scoot World \nis complete with ramps, rails, and kickers.\n\n\n\n\nWhether your child is a beginner or an expert, SuperPark can help them hone or perfect their skills.\n\n\nAwesome Play Time\n\n\nIf simple play is all your kids are interested in, no problem! The \nAdventure Area\n is bursting with fun!\n\n\n\n\nThe \nKid\u2019s Gym\n is just perfect for toddlers. It has traditional play equipment to help build coordination and motor skills, as well as digital activities for mental stimulation.\n\n\nAt the \nKid\u2019s Adventure City\n, the whole family can enjoy climbing up kid-friendly towers, and rushing down giant slides.\n\n\n\n\nScramble to the very top and zip down at the \nSliding Mountains\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe \nTube Slide\n is perfect for young thrill-seekers. We bet that this will keep kids occupied for hours!\n\n\n\n\nThe \nKid\u2019s Gym\n also includes fun and educational games for young children.\n\n\nUnique Experiences\n\n\nSuperPark Malaysia offers unique activities where your kids can test their limits in a safe environment.\n\n\n\n\nYou can encourage young kids to be brave and adventurous by trying out the \nFlying Fox\n.\n\n\n\n\nOr you can satisfy your need for speed at the \nPedal Car \nrace track! Kids can challenge their parents to a heart-pumping race. The experience will surely be stored in their memory banks for years to come!\n\n\n\n\nThe \ntrampoline zone\n is where kids and kids-at-heart can jump, jump, jump as high as they can! You\u2019ll be sweating buckets from the full-body exercise, but you\u2019ll be having loads of fun at the same time!\n\n\n\n\nSuperPark Malaysia also has a climbing wall that is unlike any other you\u2019ve ascended before. SuperPark\u2019s \nAugmented Climbing Wall\n is sure to impress! It has digital, interactive features and games to make climbing even more fun and challenging.\n\n\nIf parkour is more your thing, you and your kids can try the\n iWall, \nan interactive parkour game.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAll of these great activities take place under the guidance of experienced staff, many of whom are recognised coaches. And SuperPark\u2019s not just about protection from injury either. Every time you come and play at SuperPark Malaysia, you can be sure that you and your family are safe from rain, pollution, high UV or bugs and mosquitoes.\n\n\nA visit to SuperPark Malaysia is definitely one of the best things to do with kids in Kuala Lumpur. It truly is a place for everyone. You can watch your kids and their friends play, and pursue their passions in a fun and safe environment. But most of all, SuperPark Malaysia is a special place where you can bond as a family. Plan your SUPER visit today!\n\n\n\u00a0\nSuperPark Malaysia is located at Avenue K Shopping Mall. Day passes are priced at MYR 30-50 per person. Visit \nwww.superpark.com.my\n\u00a0 for more details.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mums-with-more-kids-have-higher-risk-of-heart-attack-study", "title": "Mums with more kids have higher risk of heart attack: study", "body": "Researchers from the UK have discovered that mothers with more than one or two children are at a high risk for heart attack.\n\n\nThey also found that mums with five or more kids are at an even higher risk. Basically, the more kids you have, the higher your risk, says the study.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy Are Mums with more Kids at a High Risk for Heart Attack?\n\n\n\n\nHaving a small family can actually lower your risk of heart attack.\n\n\n\n\nThe authors of the study share that pregnancy and childbirth can put a strain on the heart. And coupled with the stress of taking care of kids and raising a large family, this makes mums with more kids much more prone to heart attacks.\n\n\nThey conducted their study on 8,000 white and African-American mums aged 45 to 64.\n\n\nAccording to them, having more children can increase the risk of heart disease by 30%. It also increases the risk of stroke by 25%, and heart failure by 17% compared to those with one to two children.\u00a0\n\n\nLead researcher Dr. Clare Oliver-Williams, from Cambridge University, said: \u201cThe number of children a woman has had is an easy sign of whether a woman is at greater risk [of heart attacks]. We know that pregnancy and childbirth put a tremendous strain on the heart and raising children can be very stressful, too.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe don\u2019t want to add to the stress people have in their everyday lives but equip them with the knowledge to do something about it.\u201d\n\n\nHowever, the authors of the study are not advocating women to have fewer kids. According to them, they hope that the findings would urge parents of large families to take better care of their health, particularly through diet and exercise.\n\n\nKeep Your Hearts Healthy, Mums!\n\n\nRegardless of how large of a family you have, keeping your heart healthy is very important!\n\n\nBeing unhealthy or having a poor diet can cause you to have a\u00a0high risk for heart attack. Here are some \nreminders\n to keep your health in tip top shape!\n\n\n\n\nExercise! Dedicate at least an hour each day to exercise. You don\u2019t have to do intense Crossfit workouts; just an hour of biking or walking can do a lot of good.\n\n\nStress can cause a\u00a0high risk of heart attack. Try to avoid getting too worked up or stressed out. Take some time to relax and recuperate whenever you feel tired.\n\n\nEat healthy! There is truth to the old saying that \u201cyou are what you eat.\u201d Eating unhealthy food can cause countless health problems.\n\n\nGet enough sleep. Sleep not only helps your body recuperate, but it also keeps your heart healthy. Try to get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep each day.\n\n\nFloss your teeth! Recent studies have shown that gum disease can cause bacteria to get into your bloodstream and increase your levels of\u00a0C-reactive protein. This type of protein is a marker for inflammations in the blood vessels\u00a0and can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nNew York Post\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-hip-seat-carrier-for-baby", "title": "Looking for The Best Hip Seat Carrier to Wear Your Baby Around? Here Are Our Top Picks!", "body": "Are you a parent who is still hesitant to buy a baby hip seat carrier?\n\n\nBaby carriers are a necessity for some parents, helping facilitate daily affairs and maintaining bonding between parents and toddlers. One type of carrier is the hip seat carrier which helps carry the baby around the house.\u00a0\n\n\nThe hip seat has a wide belt with a padded seat for the baby to sit on while the parent holds it with one hand. Instead of holding the growing baby in her arms or hip, the mother can place it in a seat without any tension in the arms and waist.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Best Baby Carrier: Choosing a Good Hip Seat Carrier\n\n\n\n\nHip seat carriers are generally worn with the baby forward-facing the mother, much like the kangaroo\u2019s style of carrying its child. \n\n\nHowever, the baby should be strong enough to lift his head or preferably be able to sit, and the carrier can be used for infants and children between 6 months and 3 years, depending on the specific type and weight limit of the carrier.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are various types of hip seat carriers on the market, but parents should choose wisely before purchasing. Consider some of these features:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSafety features\n\n\n\n\nIn terms of safety, the baby carrier should have a completely ergonomics strap, meaning that the carrier is properly designed to provide optimal comfort for the baby, avoiding stress or injury to both the baby and the wearer. In other words, it should be user-friendly.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit\n\n\n\n\nHipseats should be used for children aged 3 months and above, as newborns sitting for long periods of time can impact them negatively. Hence, make sure to always take this into account.\n\n\n\n\nMaterial\n\n\n\n\nMake sure that the carrier\u2019s material is breathable and non-slip. The comfort of the baby and the wearer is extremely important when using the carrier, especially for long periods of time.\n\n\n7 Best Hipseat Baby Carriers\n\u00a0\n\n\nHere, we have listed some of the best hipseat carriers for you to choose from. Let\u2019s see!\n\n\n#1 Ergobaby Hip Seat Baby Carrier\n\n\n\n\nThe Ergobaby brand is a very well-known and trusted manufacturer of baby carriers. Ergobaby has released various types of baby carriers, including hip seats. \n\n\nThe Ergobaby Hip Seat Baby Carrier is a great choice, especially for babies or toddlers just beginning to explore, as the carrier not only supports the toddler, but also makes it easy to lower the baby when they want to crawl, play, or take a walk.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\nSafety features:\n\n\n\n\nFeatures padded panels and shoulder straps\n\n\nBelt made of velcro\n\n\nLarge cushioned seating\n\n\nHas a hood to protect the baby\u2019s head\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit:\n\n\n\n\n4 months to 4 years\n\n\n5 to 20kg\n\n\n\n\nMaterial:\n\n\n\n\nAir mesh\n\n\n\n\n Ergobaby Hip Seat Baby Carrier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 i-Angel Hipseat Carrier\n\n\n\n\ni-Angel started by entering the Japanese market in 2009 and have undergone numerous safety and quality tests to ensure their products meet the highest US, European and Asian standards.\u00a0\n\n\ni-Angel prioritizes 4 aspects in the design of the hip seat carrier, including ergonomics for both the wearer and the baby, versatility, as well as multi-purpose usage, such as breastfeeding.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\nSafety features:\n\n\n\n\nHas safety straps on the back, chest and waist of the wearer.\u00a0\n\n\nProperly supports the baby\u2019s thighs and knees, preventing hip dysplasia after birth.\u00a0\n\n\nNon-slip seating\u00a0\n\n\nHood to protect the baby\u2019s head.\n\n\nDesigned to provide comfort to the wearer, eliminating back and shoulder pain.\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3 to 36 months\u00a0\n\n\n2 to 20kg\n\n\n\n\nMaterial:\n\n\n\n\nDenim\n\n\n\n\n i-Angel Hipseat Carrier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Chicco Hip Seat Baby Carrier\n\n\n\n\nThe Chicco Hip Seat Baby Carrier is an ergonomic and multifunctional hipseat carrier with seat and hip pads that can be used separately. \n\n\nThe new Chicco Hip Seat carrier has a solid base, with a soft baby seat, that can be used together or separate.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\nSafety features:\n\n\n\n\nHas a panel at the top to cover the baby\u2019s head and neck.\n\n\nSafety straps that can be crossed for comfort and increased safety.\n\n\nThe baby\u2019s body is optimally supported in a natural, comfortable sitting position.\n\n\nThe baby\u2019s weight is optimally distributed on the wearer\u2019s upper body, allowing for comfort, eliminating back and shoulder pain.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit:\n\n\n\n\n3 months to 3 years\n\n\nDepending on the type of wear, it can be worn up to a weight of 15kg.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMaterial:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPolyester\n\n\nMesh\n\n\n\n\n Chicco Hip Seat Baby Carrier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Mimosa Airplush 6-Way Hipseat Carrier\n\n\n\n\nThe Mimosa Airplush 6-Way Hipseat Carrier is designed with its interior panels fully coated with Airplush Mesh, designed by German engineers. It is ideal for wearers with an active lifestyle in hot climates, due to its cool material.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition, this product is available in various attractive color options!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\nSafety features:\n\n\n\n\nExtra padding on the shoulder strap for comfort\u00a0\n\n\nThick belt to ensure weight distribution, reduces back pain\n\n\nAdjustable chest and waist straps\n\n\nPadded foot openings for your baby\u2019s comfort\u00a0\n\n\nLarge belt for extra safety\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit:\n\n\n\n\n6.8 to 20kg\u00a0\n\n\n4 to 48 months\n\n\n\n\nMaterial:\n\n\n\n\nPolyester\n\n\nMesh\n\n\n100% cotton\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Mimosa Airplush 6-Way Hipseat Carrier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Mooimom Breathable Hipseat Carrier\n\n\n\n\nThe Mooimom Breathable Hipseat Carrier is designed for the little one to be in front of the hit seat, ensuring that they sit comfortably all day.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\nSafety features:\n\n\n\n\nSoft shoulder straps with an adjustable width for the wearer\n\n\nDesigned to reduce the load on shoulders and waist while supporting the baby\n\n\nUpholstered chair is ergonomically designed to provide the baby with comfort\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit:\n\n\n\n\n3 to 36 months\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMaterial:\n\n\n\n\n100% polyester fabric\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Mooimom Breathable Hipseat Carrier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Akarana Baby Piri Baby Hipseat\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAkarana is a brand that manufactures mother and child products in New Zealand. Piri Baby Hipseat Carrier is a complete all-in-one baby carrier, allowing for usage as a hip seat, hip seat carrier, or a regular baby carrier. \n\n\nThis is the best ergonomic baby carrier hip seat on the market and has been designed according to international safety standards with a European SGS EN13209-2: 2015 certificate.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\nSafety features:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDouble buckle straps\n\n\nWide velcros with safety buckle\n\n\n30 degree seat made with non-slip fabric\n\n\nNeck support is fully customized to support the baby\u2019s head and neck\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3 to 36 months\n\n\nUp to 20kg\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMaterial:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n100% Polyester and PU\u00a0\n\n\nCotton\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Akarana Baby Piri Baby Hipseat\u00a0 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#7 Sweet Cherry SC660 Toredo Baby Carrier\n\n\n\n\nSweet Cherry is a well-known and easily available brand of mother and baby products in Malaysia, and has been operating for over 30 years. The hipseat carrier products produced by this company are generally more affordable and of good quality.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\nSafety features:\n\n\n\n\nProvides back support by distributing weight evenly to the shoulders and lower body, eliminating bone or postural problems.\u00a0\n\n\nDetachable shoulder straps to allow comfort.\n\n\nSafety straps on the waist and back of the wearer.\n\n\nThe baby sits well and does not hang.\n\n\n\n\nAge/weight limit:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n4 to 36 months\n\n\n\n\nMaterial:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n100% Polyester and PU\n\n\nCotton\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Sweet Cherry SC660 Toredo Baby Carrier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nTwo Proven Methods To Reduce Crying\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/expat-in-malaysia", "title": "Parenting as an Expat in Malaysia", "body": "Moving out of one\u2019s home country can be an exciting life opportunity and also full of anxieties The places one would see, the cultures to be explored and so many new kinds of people one will meet. How does one bring up children in a culture or city one doesn\u2019t know much of? And how easy or difficult is this transformation for you as parents?\n\n\nWhen we moved from India to Malaysia with our three little boys, we weren\u2019t exactly prepared for the life here. Every time I learnt a new cultural or lifestyle point, I began to make a strong mental note, so that I can pass it on to other parents who move to the country whether they are from my home country or elsewhere. This helped one bond instantly with other parents because of the willingness to learn, and for being understanding to those who did not know as much.\n\n\nHere are some notes that I made in the past one year:\n\n\n1. Expat groups\n\n\nThe power of social media can be truly felt when one moves countries.\n\n\n\n\nAs a beginning join Facebook groups that are exclusively for Expats. This would even show your existing Facebook friends in that city and it becomes easier to then reach out to them.\n\n\nGet active on the group and find out local Facebook or WhatsApp expat groups in the locality where you would be living. Start by asking questions on schools and activities for kids to take part in. This immediately opens up avenues to talk to other expat parents who have been living there since some time and have a helping nature.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlmost all countries have their own closed groups on Facebook, WhatsApp or Telegram. This may be city-specific or locality-specific. For example, there can be \u2018American Expat Group in Thailand\u2019 or \u2018American Expat Group in Bangkok\u2019 or \u2018American Expat Group in Sumkhumvit\u2019 (an area in Bangkok). Joining these groups can also ease your move to the new country as you can ask questions as simple as where to buy a certain type or cheese/bread/spice/medicine that are common in your country and you may find it hard to get in the new country. People of your own country can identify with your struggles, which may come across as strange to others. Through these groups one feels more at home in the new country and gradually starts learning one\u2019s way around.\n\n\n\n\n2. Parent community\n\n\nNothing is stronger than the bond of mothers in an International community. If you find it difficult to get acquainted with other moms, look for play areas where younger kids can go. Get started by introducing yourself. Talking to other moms will tell you more about organized groups for parents and you can become a member of these groups (some of which may be paid). They often meet up weekly at play areas in their locality. Your kids will also start getting acquainted with kids of other cultures and feel less intimidated with their accent and appearance, and vice-versa. For older children, enroll them in their hobbies and reach out to parents of other children in the group.\n\n\n3. Explore the city\n\n\nWhile we are living in our home country, we often don\u2019t get to explore it fully. Showing your kids around the city eases them to it and makes places more familiar. Involve them in as many errands as you can, like shopping grocery, picking up parcels from the security or main gate, exploring the wet market, etc. Even visits to religious places of worship can help the children stay in touch with their roots. Do as many \u201clocal\u201d things as you can. Go on a food trail, or a history trail, a hop-on-hop-off tour of the city, or a trek.\n\n\n\n\n4. Pick up a hobby\n\n\nMore often than not along the journey of parenthood the hobbies of our children become our priority and parents start moving away from their own passions and interest. Whether is it an existing hobby or a new one, get started on it through organized groups. This is a great way to meet like-minded people, who would eventually become part of your friend-circle.\n\n\n5. Stay in touch with your culture\n\n\nWhen we don\u2019t live in our home country, certain aspects of it start becoming hazy to our children, especially if the culture is not upheld at home. Now is the time to go overboard with it! From celebrating all festivals at home (like Halloween, Ramadan, Deepavali, Christmas, Eid, etc) to celebrating national occasions like Independence Day, and close relative\u2019s birthday (celebrate with them virtually), tell the importance of your culture to your children and make them feel proud of their roots.\n\n\n6. Educate yourself about the country\u2019s traditions and history\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhen we make an effort to get to know a country or a city by reading up on their festivals, important political milestones, events, we start becoming more at home. The sooner we begin to learn about the country, the faster we understand and appreciate.\n\n\n\n\n7. Listen to your kids closely\n\n\nIf the move to a new country is hard for you, imagine what a child may be feeling. Many times our children are trying to tell us certain things which may make no sense to us (given our own limitations), but when we start looking at situations from their lens and tell them they have our unconditional love and support, no matter what, our children will start confiding more often and parents become part of their evolution.\n\n\nThis article was contributed by our partner\u00a0\nLittle Mister Trouble\n\u00a0and has been published with permission.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-deal-with-a-child-that-doesnt-listen", "title": "11 positive phrases you can use when your kids don't listen", "body": "Children are like sponges. They absorb everything they see around them. Kids \u2014 especially when they are younger \u2014 also like testing and pushing boundaries. As a result, we often find ourselves raising our voices more than we like because \u2014 let\u2019s face it \u2014 sometimes kids don\u2019t listen. So you must be wondering how to deal with a child that doesn\u2019t listen.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nThey can be stubborn and even when they understand your tone, they may choose to ignore it.\n\n\nThat\u2019s when positive phrases come into play. They help rebuild your communication with your children and serve as a better approach to talk to mini-humans than angry words or accusations. How to deal with a child that doesn\u2019t listen is always with positivity, rather than negativity.\n\n\nHow to deal with a child that doesn\u2019t listen: 11 positive phrases to use\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s take a look at 11 positive phrases you can use when your kids don\u2019t listen.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Say: \u2018What do you need to remember?\u2019\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cBe careful!\u201d or \u201cStop doing that!\u00a0\n\n\nHow to deal with a child that doesn\u2019t listen\u00a0is by replacing an instruction with a positive affirmation that engages your child\u2019s critical thinking abilities. This is because kids get tired of hearing the same instruction over and over again and prefer to ignore it after some time.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, when you tickle their intelligence with words that sound different but mean the same, it takes them by surprise. Alternatively, you can also give them specific instructions.\u00a0\n\n\nSo for instance, instead of saying, \u201cBe careful, everybody is watching!\u201d you can try \u201cWhat did we discuss about playing in the park?\u201d or \u201cPlease move slowly while walking on the edge.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n2. Say: \u2018Please talk softly\u2019\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cBe quiet!\u201d or \u201cStop yelling!\u201d\n\n\nSome children are naturally louder than others. So if they have trouble speaking softly, you can show them where it\u2019s okay to be loud (e.g. the park) and where they should keep their voice down (e.g. the library).\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nA combination of light touch, eye contact and whisper can be quite effective in getting the message across to children. So when you want them to quiet down, don\u2019t go about yelling at them yourself. Use a softer tone instead and instruct them to \u201cPlease talk softly in the library.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n3. Say: \u2018What did you learn from your mistake?\u2019\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cYou should know better kid,\u201d or \u201cShame on you!\u201d\n\n\nRather than reminiscing about past behaviour, it\u2019s best to focus on motivating them to do better. This will encourage them to work on themselves in the future and be cautious of their actions.\u00a0\n\n\nSo for instance, instead of screaming \u201cShame on you for shouting!\u201d you can try \u201cWhat did we learn from this mistake?\u201d or \u201cHow will you do this better next time?\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n4. Say: \u2018Please __________\u2019\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cStop!\u201d or \u201cDon\u2019t do it!\u201d\n\n\nAny form of negative communication is not received well by people in general.\u00a0 Screaming \u201cI don\u2019t want this bread,\u201d or \u201cDon\u2019t give me another latte\u201d at a waiter will not really get you what you want. It\u2019s the same with kids.\u00a0\n\n\nOpt instead for positive communication so that there is no undue pressure on your relationship. You can ask your kids to do what you DO want them to do, instead of what you DO NOT want them to do.\n\n\nYour instructions, therefore, could be \u201cI want you to go and sit with your sister,\u201d as opposed to \u201cDon\u2019t sit here!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nHow to deal with a child that doesn\u2019t listen: There is never any need to yell at children. | Image courtesy: stock image\n\n\n\n\n5. Say: \u2018We\u2019re running late and we need to move fast\u2019\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cWe\u2019re going to be late,\u201d or \u201cHurry up NOW!\u201d\n\n\nWhile it is important to teach children about the value of time, it is also necessary to allow them some down time. You can set some time periods where you can allow your kids to move slowly and get into the groove of things at their own pace.\u00a0\n\n\nBut be sure to tell them why they need to hurry with softer positive tones, especially if your kids don\u2019t listen. Try instructing them with \u201cAunty Mila is waiting on us, let\u2019s not keep her waiting. Shall we leave now?\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n6. Say: \u2018Let\u2019s add this toy to your birthday list, shall we?\u2019\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cNO! We can\u2019t buy this,\u201d or \u201cThere is no need.\u201d\n\n\nWe may be in a position to afford our kids\u2019 favourite Lego game or that coveted Barbie. But we often do not have the desire to purchase it. In the same breath, we do not hesitate to spend that much on something we want.\u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nIt\u2019s okay to not indulge your child. But there is always a way to get that message across without bringing finances into the picture.\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of saying, \u201cI don\u2019t have money for your Barbie,\u201d you can try \u201cThis looks amazing. How about we make it a special birthday present for you?\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow to deal with a child that doesn\u2019t listen: Try saying negative sentences a little differently that will come off as positive. | Source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\n7. Say: \u2018Stop, take a break. Now tell me what you want\u2019\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cStop your whining!\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nKids learn almost everything from us. And that makes it our responsibility to model a behaviour we want them to emulate. Therefore, when you give them instructions, make sure to remain calm and breathe slowly so they may do the same.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are anxious and panicking yourself, your child will pick up on that energy and mirror the same behaviour. So instead of saying \u201cStop it, you\u2019re making it worse,\u201d just try \u201cWait. Take a moment. Now tell me what happened.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n8. Say: \u2018You must respect yourself and others around you\u2019\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cBe good,\u201d or \u201cDon\u2019t be rude.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nImparting moral values is as crucial as teaching kids how to go about doing basic things in life. It should always be a part of parenting. But nothing can be taught easily with a strict approach. A soft-but-firm method always wins if kids don\u2019t listen.\u00a0\n\n\nHence, as opposed to instructing them with a general statement, be specific in your instructions. Tell them what you expect them to do and restate it whenever needed.\u00a0\n\n\nUse \u201cRemember to respect yourself as well as your friends when you get to the playground.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n9. Say: \u2018I need you to ______\u2019\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cStop it!\u201d or \u201cWhy are you doing this again?\u201d\n\n\nMost yelled-out instructions go past kids. Not because kids don\u2019t listen, but because negative communication doesn\u2019t work with them. They respond better when we use a non-accusatory tone. Also, it helps when you give them specific instructions telling them exactly what you want and expect.\u00a0\n\n\nSo instead of saying \u201cI do not want you to go and sit in that room,\u201d you can try \u201cI need you to sit right next to Kevin during dinner.\u201d\n\n\n10. Say: \u2018It\u2019s okay to cry\u2019\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cStop being a baby,\u201d or \u201cWhy are you crying?\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nWhen kids don\u2019t listen, remember that they respond swiftly when you do not put undue pressure on them to hide their feelings. Don\u2019t force them to be unnatural and hide their emotions. Instead, you can empower them and teach them that they can get past a particular feeling by concentrating on more important activities. Tell them it\u2019s alright to express themselves.\n\n\nThis will help them come out of the feeling of sadness and build their self-esteem. So avoid arguing over why they shouldn\u2019t cry. Let them vent their emotions. But be gentle with your support. You can even try, \u201cIt\u2019s okay to cry. Don\u2019t worry, everything will be fine. I\u2019m here for you.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n11. Say: \u2018I will always love you, no matter what\u2019\n\n\nInstead of:\n \u201cI won\u2019t love you if you don\u2019t follow this,\u201d or \u201cNobody wants to love an undisciplined child like you.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nYour unconditional love is the foundation of positive parenting. That means your love for your child doesn\u2019t depend on how well he follows your instructions or his level of behaviour. You love them with all your heart, as you should.\u00a0\n\n\nFeeding this affirmation is the key to help them build their confidence and self-esteem and more importantly keep your bond intact. So instead of saying \u201cI don\u2019t love you anymore because you are badly behaved,\u201d try \u201cI love you no matter what, BUT I need you to be more gentle when you speak to your classmates next time. There is no need to yell at them.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nPositive parenting doesn\u2019t mean always being soft on your kids. You can easily instruct them. And all that it needs is for you to be specific in your instructions and positive towards them, even when they commit a mistake. And that is how to deal with a child that doesn\u2019t listen!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nMotherly\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-easy-five-minute-trick-can-save-your-marriage", "title": "This easy five-minute trick can save your marriage", "body": "No matter how perfect you think your relationship is, every marriage comes with its \nfair\n share of ups and downs. While this is normal, some \nrough patches\n seem hard to get by. If you\u2019re wondering how to save your marriage, maybe this easy five-minute trick could be the answer you\u2019ve been searching for.\u00a0\n\n\nSome of us seek help from counsellors or therapists. Others look for articles like this on how to save your marriage.\n\n\nRelationship expert, psychologist Belinda Williams, \nshares\n\u00a0an extremely valuable relationship tip \u2013 something she uses to help couples \nreconnect during rough patches\n.\n\n\nHow to Save Your Marriage in Five Minutes\n\n\n\n\nHow to save your marriage in just five minutes | Source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nMicro-moments.\n\n\nNow, many of you are probably wondering, what on earth is a micro-moment?\n\n\nBelinda explains that when couples get married, there is plenty of time for intimacy to grow. Before the couple has kids, little \u201cmicro-moments\u201d like lounging on the couch, holding hands in the car or just sitting down and listening to music together build the relationship.\n\n\nBut when kids come into the picture, all of this tends to go out the window.\n\n\nSo her solution is to bring back the intimacy in short, five-minute micro-moments.\n\n\n\u201cIt doesn\u2019t have to be big chunks of time for it to be impactful to your relationship,\u201d Belinda says. \u201cMicro-moments are really taking the smallest of opportunities to connect.\u201d\n\n\nIt\u2019s All About the Little Things\n\n\n\n\nSource: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nBelinda goes on to say that she encourages couples to find the smallest opportunity to signal to each other that they care and love one another. This may be as small as just ensuring that you give each other a proper greeting and farewell.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIt can be a quick cuddle as you pass in the hallway, holding hands as you fall asleep, saying I love you face to face, an expression of gratitude or a small gift like their favourite tea,\u201d she adds.\n\n\n\u201cThe main principle is that if we wait for opportunities of grand gestures, it often means that this is unattainable or too long between opportunities for connection. So take what you can get. Make the most of the small moments.\u201d\n\n\nDon\u2019t Wonder How to Save Your Marriage, Try Micro-Moments\n\n\n\n\nSource: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nIf spending little pockets of time together is all it takes to save your marriage, then it\u2019s time to try creating magical micro-moments.\u00a0\n\n\nWe decided to put this to the test. We asked mummies we know to try our doing little gestures of love with their spouses and this is what we found.\u00a0\n\n\nSelena* says that all it took was smiling at her husband as they passed each other, to get him to reach out more for moments of affection.\u00a0\n\n\nRaylene* shares that she would playfully smack her husband\u2019s bum as they walked past each other in the kitchen, first ensuring her children were not within eyesight. This helped to rebuild the physical, and later on, emotional intimacy.\n\n\nJasmine* recalls not remembering the last time she and her husband even shared a drink. One evening after the kids had gone to bed, she decided to pour herself\u2026 and her husband\u2026 a glass of wine. This led to them sharing about their days with each other \u2013 something they had forgotten to do in months.\n\n\n*Names have been changed to protect identities.\n\n\nStill wondering how to save your marriage? Give this micro-moments thing a try and let us know how to goes in the comments.\n\n\nSource: \nNews.com.au\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nMahu Anak Cepat Tangkap Bila Belajar, Kena Pastikan Anak Sentiasa Sihat, Ini Caranya!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child\u2019s Gut Health Causing Tantrums? Here Is What You Need To Know\nHealth\nRed Spots On Your Child's Body: How To Tell The Difference Between Chickenpox Or Hand Foot Mouth Disease\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBecoming Financially Savvy By Maximising Financial Knowledge\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/signs-you-have-thyroid-problems", "title": "12 telltale signs you have thyroid problems", "body": "For years, signs of thyroid trouble have shown a tendency to creep up on women of all ages. This is because women are\u00a0\nfive times more susceptible than men to develop thyroid disorders\n. Despite this, there are still plenty of women who are ignorant about this condition.\n\n\nWhat Is Your Thyroid Gland?\u00a0\n\n\nThe thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is in the front of your neck and its job is to produce hormones which control various bodily functions.\n\n\nIf your thyroid does not function the way it\u2019s supposed to, this can result in health issues that will affect your life. As it plays a key role in your well-being, it is important to know how to identify the signs of thyroid trouble.\n\n\nHow to Identify Signs of Thyroid Trouble\n\n\n1. Always Feeling Tired\n\n\n\n\nYour thyroid glands actually control your\u00a0\nmetabolism, which in turn affects your weight, as well as energy storage and usage\n.\n\u00a0If the gland is not functional, you might notice yourself feeling tired all the time, despite getting quality sleep the night before.\n\n\n2. Mood Swings\n\n\n\n\nWhen your thyroid gland over- or under-produces hormones needed to regulate metabolism, you might experience some mood swings, anxiety and in worst case scenarios, depression.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Constipation\n\n\n\n\nAn underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)\n\u00a0has been found to cause constipation. But while you complain about that, an\u00a0overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism might actually be worse and send you to the loo for loose stools multiple times in a day.\n\n\n4. Sweating for No Reason\n\n\n\n\nThe body gets confused when the thyroid is not producing enough hormones to regulate body energy production,\u00a0\nresulting in sweating\n\u00a0at random times. As weird as it sounds, you might even feel warm when the room is actually really cold!\u00a0\n\n\n5. Weight Issues Are Signs of Thyroid Trouble\n\n\n\n\nWeight gain is always linked to an under-performing thyroid and is a common symptom of thyroid problems.\n\n\nBut don\u2019t let the numbers on the weighing scale upset you if you\u2019re not \nseriously overweight\n, because counting body fat percentage is actually much more accurate.\n\n\n6. Change in Appetite\n\n\n\n\nOther signs of thyroid trouble include a change in how you taste certain foods. When your body doesn\u2019t function as it should, it is not be able to send the right signals as to which nutrients it needs.\n\n\n7. Hair Loss\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve already shown signs of thyroid trouble from long before, chances are you might suffer \nhair loss\n \naccording to the British Thyroid Foundation\n. This happens when the body is confused and goes into conservation mode then decides to redirect resources to all the wrong parts of the body.\n\n\n8. Aches, Pain and Soreness\n\n\n\n\nThyroid issues can be painful, especially if you suffer from \narthritis\n because thyroid malfunction can make it worse. Other pains include muscle ache, tenderness and stiffness. In severe thyroid cases, the ache can get pretty bad in the neck area where the thyroid is located.\n\n\n9. Lumps in the Neck Area\n\n\n\n\nIf you start feeling lumps in your neck, these could be signs of thyroid trouble. But do get them checked out by a medical practitioner because it could end up to be a goitre, which is an enlarged but perfectly normal thyroid, or it could just be a case of enlarged lymph nodes.\n\n\n10. Dry Skin\n\n\n\n\nIf you suffer from hypothyroidism, it is possible your body might not sweat enough. When your skin lacks much-needed moisture this can result in \ndry, flaky, or itchy skin\n.\n\n\n11. High Blood Pressure\n\n\n\n\nWhether your thyroid produces too much or too little, both conditions can result in \nhigh blood pressure\n. However according to the \nAmerica Heart Association\n, further research is needed to determine what actually causes the blood pressure to rise.\n\n\n12. Changes to Your Menstrual Cycle\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOther signs of thyroid trouble also include sudden changes in the menstrual cycle, although this might not be the direct\u00a0cause of thyroid hormone production.\n\n\nSigns of Thyroid Trouble: What Should You Do?\n\n\nFirst, seek professional help to get the right diagnosis. Do not decide for yourself after reading up symptoms of thyroid problems in forums or on the internet.\n\n\nA lot of these symptoms are similar to other health issues as well and can be misconstrued as something else. Only a qualified doctor can give you the right answers and provide you with options for treatment.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nMayo Clinic\n, \nBritish Thyroid Foundation\n, \nSingHealth\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/barbie-malaysian-athlete", "title": "These 5 Female Malaysian Athletes are Barbie Girls. Can You Guess Who?", "body": "\u00a0\nIn celebration of Women\u2019s Day this year, Barbie is honouring five of our very own female athletes and roles models to celebrate their achievements, as well as inspire girls to pursue their own dreams in the field of sports.\n\n\n\u201cAs the original girl empowerment brand, Barbie is dedicated to shining a spotlight on powerful, diverse role models to inspire the limitless potential in every girl.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAs sportswomen continue to set new records and take centre stage around the world, we are proud to honour these amazing women by amplifying their stories and achievements. In an effort to close the Dream Gap, we have a responsibility to show girls they can be anything on and off the field, court, mat and beyond,\u201d said Lisa McKnight, SVP and Global head of Barbie and Dolls, Mattel.\n\n\nSo, who are these five Malaysian barbie girls? \n\n\n\n\n\n\nNicol David, World Squash Champion, Columnist & Advocate for Women in Sports\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEight-time World champion, Nicol David is a familiar face when it comes to the world of sports in Malaysia. Having previously secured the World no.1 spot in women\u2019s squash for 112 months, she also has an honorary degree in the Master of Arts from University of Nottingham while garnering other prestigious titles including WSA Player of the Year.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFarah Ann, Artistic Gymnast\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA recognised face in the world of gymnastics, Farah Ann will represent Malaysia in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and is the third Malaysian gymnast to qualify for the the prestigious sporting event. Among her latest achievements include bagging the gold medal in last year\u2019s Sea Games in Philippines.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShalin Zulkifli, Bowler\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA professional Malaysian ten pin bowler, Shalin is no stranger to winning tournaments within the local and international scene. In 2004, she was placed in the International Bowling Hall of Fame, while also holding a degree in Sports Science. Shalin was also the youngest player and the first Malaysian to win the Ladies Open of the Kent Malaysia All-stars in 1994.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLeong Mun Yee, Diver\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom swimming classes at the age of two to embarking on her diving journey at 10-years-old, Mun Yee, remains a strong contender in the sport of diving. Having recently won the silver alongside Pandelela Rinong at the World Series in Montreal, Canada this year, the olympic stage is nothing new for her having represented Malaysia in the 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012 Olympics.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnja Chong, Short Track Speed Skater\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStarting out in figure skating, Anja started competing professionally at the international circuit when she was just 14-years-old. She previously bagged three gold medals at the 2017 Sea Games and was the first Malaysian female to ever qualify for the ISU World Championships in 2017. Beside that, Anja also holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Nottingham.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNews sports added to the Barbie Olympic Games 2020 collection \n\n\nOn 18\nth\n February 2020, Mattel, Inc. revealed the first product collection across brands to celebrate the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. In collaboration with IOC and Tokyo 2020 the international product line will feature five new sports added to the Olympic program in Tokyo. The sports are baseball/softball, sport climbing, karate, skateboarding and surfing. \u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to the five Barbie\u00ae Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 dolls, Barbie is introducing new sports items into the line based on Barbie Adventures Season 2, including Barbie as a swimmer, Chelsea as a soccer player, Stacie as a basketball player up to Skipper as a surfer!\n\n\n\n\nKids to compete in the Barbie Sports Championship\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, in June 2020, Barbie will be bringing to life the first \u201cBarbie Sports Arena\u201d in Southeast Asia whereby activations will showcase sports-inspired activities and kids are able to experience being a real athlete.\n\n\nThere will also be a \u201cBarbie Sports Championship\u201d slated to launch in the third or fourth quarter of this year, where kids can participate in the qualifying rounds across the region. The championship winners will go on to compete in the Southeast Asia Grand Finals to represent their home country!\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nAdakah Anak Anda Mendapat DHA Yang Mencukupi?\nHome\nIt\u2019s Crucial Now To Keep Your House Virus Free! Here Are 5 Sanitation Solutions For You\nChild\nConnect with Your Children: 4 Fun Activities You Can Do at Home to Encourage Learning\nKanak-Kanak\nIbu Bapa Ingin Anak Memiliki Tinggi Ideal? Ini Caranya..\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-great-era-of-piracy-asia-tour", "title": "Ace Media Network Sdn. Bhd. (AMN) Presents: The Great Era of Piracy Asia Tour, the First and Largest One Piece Experiential Exhibition in Malaysia", "body": "Ace Media Network Sdn. Bhd. (AMN) is thrilled to announce The Great Era of Piracy Asia Tour, \nwhich promises to be\n the first and largest anime-based experiential exhibition in Malaysia.\n\n\nWith an investment of approximately RM5,000,000, AMN promises to take visitors on an unforgettable journey into the action-packed world of One Piece to all Malaysians, where they will join the Straw Hat Crew on their latest adventures. Whether you\u2019re a die-hard fan of the anime, a casual viewer, or entirely new to the series, this once in a lifetime experience is one that you\u2019d definitely not want to miss out on.\n\n\nVisitors are invited to explore the exhibition\u2019s 21 thematic zones, spanning an impressive 25,000 sq feet (the size equivalent to half a football field), to witness their favorite One Piece characters come to life in thrilling fights from the anime series, brought to the exhibition in vivid detail. This is a unique opportunity to experience an unforgettable, 45 to 90 minutes tour, complete with interactive exhibits, authentic pirate artifacts, and engaging multimedia displays.\n\n\n\u201cThe Great Era of Piracy Asia Tour is more than just an exhibition, it\u2019s an opportunity to step into the world of One Piece and become a part of the adventure in real life. This exhibition is not just about showcasing the FRP, artwork, or merchandise. It\u2019s about celebrating the spirit of One Piece and the values it represents \u2013 friendship, perseverance, and the courage to chase your dreams,\u201d \n\u00a0Benedict Wong, Group CEO of Ace Media Network says as he expresses his excitement over the upcoming exhibition\n\n\nRe-experience Luffy\u2019s adventures with 21 unique thematic zones\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhether you\u2019re a long-time fan or new to One Piece, the 21 thematic zones are an attraction that true One Piece fans will not want to miss. Fans will be given the chance to follow the Straw Hat Crew on their thrilling adventures in the Piracy World. \n\n\nThematic zones include fan-favorite legendary Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, who lived in the One Piece world prior to the events of the anime as well as locations and characters that are associated with Roger and his crew, such as the island of Raftel, where Roger supposedly hid the legendary treasure known as the One Piece.\n\n\n Other important locations in this zone include Skypiea, where the Roger Pirates found the Poneglyphs that led them to the island of Laugh Tale, which is said to be the final destination for any pirate who wants to find the One Piece.\n\n\nZones also include iconic events that took place in the One Piece world such as The Marineford Zone where the Battle of Marineford, a major conflict between the Marines and the Whitebeard Pirates that resulted in the deaths of several important characters and had major consequences for the One Piece world as a whole.\n\n\nThematic zones will include exclusive life-size FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic) sculptures of beloved One Piece characters such as Luffy, Katakuri, Yamato and many more. One of the zones will also include a 180-degree immersive interactive mini-theatre showcasing Luffy\u2019s 25 years of adventures with the Straw Hat Crew which will bring back memories for true fans. \n\n\nThe exhibition will also feature the largest, brand-new 3D sculpture of the Onigashima raid, complete with breathtaking fights like the epic showdown between Luffy and Kaido. This awe-inspiring sculpture is being unveiled for only the second time in the world, making it a must-see for all the fans.\n\n\nDive into the One Piece World with unique AR Games\n\n\nVisitors\n to the upcoming \nexhibition will be in for an unforgettable experience, as Ace Media Network are excited to announce the inclusion of multi-sensory interactive augmented reality (AR) games in enhanced zones throughout the venue. \n\n\nThese games are designed to fully immerse visitors in the experience, bringing the exhibition to life in ways never before possible. To participate, visitors simply need to download the official app on their mobile phones and get ready to play!\n\n\nBut the fun doesn\u2019t stop there \u2013 the app also provides a platform for fans to view their rankings and compare scores with friends in real-time. With leaderboards and a social sharing feature, visitors can compete against one another for bragging rights and exciting rewards.\n\n\nIn addition to the AR games, the exhibition also features mini carnival games that are sure to delight for adults and children. From classic games that are changed to match the One Piece theme like ring toss and balloon darts to new twists on old favorites, there\u2019s something for everyone to enjoy. \n\n\nWith the chance to win prizes and experience the thrill of the carnival, the exhibition will take its visitors through a uniquely captivating journey through the One Piece World.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe exhibition also features limited edition merchandise available for sale, allowing visitors to take home official One Piece merchandise, as well as unique souvenirs exclusive to the exhibition.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Great Era of Piracy Asia Tour promises to be an exciting event for fans of One Piece and visitors of all ages. From March 23rd to May 8th, 2023, visitors can experience the largest One Piece experiential exhibition in Malaysia, held at the Pavilion Hall in Skytropolis Indoor Theme Park, Resorts World Genting, with operating hours from 10 am to 10 pm, Monday to Sunday. \n\n\nVisitors are encouraged to book their tickets in advance and choose their preferred time slots for the morning, noon, or evening to ensure a smooth and hassle-free tour.\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Environment Influences Child Personality\n\n\n\n\nTickets to \nThe Great Era of Piracy Asia Tour are\n currently available for sale now, get your tickets at \nhttps://www.ticket2u.com.my/event/30178\n now!\n\n\nDon\u2019t miss your chance to join us for this immersive and unforgettable adventure!\n\n\nFor more information on The Great Era of Piracy Asia Tour, please visit the website: \nhttps://acemedia.network/event/onepieceasiatour.php\n,\n Facebook: \nwww.facebook.com/onepieceasiatour\n and Instagram: \nwww.instagram.com/onepieceasiatour/\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/math-for-kids", "title": "How Soon Can Your Kids Learn Maths?", "body": "Math For Kids, Start Them Young!\n\n\nAs centuries come and go, few things remain the same for each upcoming generation. Having said that, one thing all parents can agree upon is the increasing importance of mastering the art of science and math for kids in order to compete in a world that is an integration of numbers, regular patterns and predictable cycles.\n\n\nAfter all, the use of maths is still very much applicable in our everyday life, from programming to shopping, savings to investment. By having a strong understanding of maths, your children will not only qualify for the best jobs as adults but will also be better equipped to help solve some of the world\u2019s most pressing issues such as energy conservation and global warming. As such, most parents would want their children to be as competent in mathematics as they possibly can.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Right Brain Method (Below 3 Years Old)\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nAccording to right-brain educators Glenn Doman and Makoto Shichida, young children have a unique method of perceiving quantity not by counting, but by using visualization and intuition.\n\n\nAn in-depth research conducted by Doman found that a two and a half-year-old child can promptly \u201cknow\u201d that there are 48 triangles in a page without actually having to count or guess the number. This ability to consistently answer correctly is scientifically referred to as \u201cperceiving quantity\u201d or \u201csubitizing\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\n\nRead more: \nEngage Your Kids With Child Brain Development Activities. Here\u2019s How.\n\n\n\n\nTo achieve this ability, both Doman and Shichida believe that children should be taught how to perceive quantity as early as possible, especially in the first year of their life. Their argument is that a baby\u2019s phenomenal growth during their first year is a crucial learning time because the more you utilize your brain, the bigger it will grow.\n\n\nSubsequently, the reverse would then hold true, which is that infants who do not think much in the first 12 months of their lives have a tendency to lose brain cells and hence would not have as much brainpower as they were originally born with.\u00a0\n\n\nRight brain supporters also believe that the younger the child is, the easier he or she is to teach as they view learning and discovering new things every day as a form of playing. Doman argues that a child would actually prefer playing (or learning) over other basic human needs, such as eating.\n\n\nGlenn Doman also states that while any child below the age of five can absorb a tremendous amount of information, teaching children who are less than two years old are the easiest and most effective of all.\n\n\nThe Later Years\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nWhat happens if your child is already over three years of age and has yet to learn about mathematics? Luckily, preschoolers are also taught basic mathematics in class as well, so most children would have little to no problem in adapting to primary school level mathematics by the time they are 7 years old.\n\n\nHowever, recent studies by Professor Susan Levine from the University of Chicago revealed that there are clear differences in children\u2019s mathematical knowledge even at preschool levels, which suggests that your child may already be at a mathematical disadvantage even before qualifying for primary school classes.\n\n\nThe American study suggested that the amount of time parents spent talking to their children about numbers can greatly affect the child\u2019s affinity with mathematics.\n\n\nA separate study featured in the Journal of Developmental Psychology has also suggested that the level of mathematics knowledge one has will predict their future success as well, mostly because the ability to do well in mathematics is often associated with logical, analytical thinking. In short, it\u2019s never too late to teach math for kids, because sooner, is definitely better than later.\n\n\nHow to Talk Numbers at Home\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nTo prove her theory, Professor Susan Levine meticulously recorded and analyzed parent-child interactions at home relative to the child\u2019s ability and understanding of mathematics. Interesting enough, these parents do not force their children to practise mathematics on exercise books but instead, often use objects around the house to strike up a numerical-based subject.\n\n\nLevine argues that this is a much more effective method of teaching mathematics because while children are taught to memorize the words, \u201cone, two, three\u201d and so forth, they are much too young to understand that the words define a fixed size.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides pointing to random objects around the house for your children to identify (e.g. three blocks, two apples, five pens), parents could also try to frequently use number words into everyday conversations.\n\n\nWhile children may not understand the concept of a \u201chundred\u201d versus a \u201cbillion\u201d immediately, frequent usage of the terms correctly will help them to eventually understand and identify with the number. This will eventually allow them to have a clear advantage when it comes to understanding how these numerical words refer to any set size.\n\n\nBy the end of her study involving 44 families,\u00a0 Levine discovered that some families could manage to slot in as many as 1,799 number-related words in one week whereas others could only manage a mere 28 numbers of words. As predicted, families who talked more often about numbers had children who were more likely to respond correctly when tested.\n\n\nHow to Teach Math Formulas\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: bbc.com\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\n\nOnce your child has a steady understanding of the differences between four and five, a hundred and ten thousand, you can then move on to basic math calculations. The secret to not confusing your child is to have an order to the math you are about to teach.\n\n\nMost experts recommend that you first teach your child addition, followed by subtraction, negative numbers and then multiplication. Most kids should understand the idea of negative numbers as early as four years old, and they ought to have their multiplication tables memorized by age seven.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Number Games\n\n\nProfessor Ming Ming Chiu from the University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education encourages all parents to make learning math for kids a fun process at home in order to allow the children to feel comfortable with mathematical puzzles. Unlike the orthodox method of having your child sit by the study desk and memorize formula, Professor Ming supports teaching maths by the dinner table or by the living room sofa instead.\u00a0\n\n\nHis popular Brain Game featured blueberries featured in three mathematical puzzles. In the first stage, blueberries are placed in two plates, from which the children must find out which plate contains the highest amount of blueberries. This game (known as \u201cMore? You Want More?\u201d) introduces the concept of numbers to the children.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the second stage, children learn the art of addition and subtraction as they try to evenly divide the number of blueberries onto two plates. In the second part of the game (known as \u201cBe Fair and Share\u201d), a third friend or plate is introduced to the game, following which the children must now learn how to use multiplication and division to evenly divide the blueberries onto three plates.\n\n\nThe best thing about these Brain Games is that it can be easily copied at home as well with any other props or items you can find at home. The only four simple rules for creating your very own Brain Game is to use things around the house that kids like (like candy, chocolate or popcorn), begin with an easy question, write down every step in the game and keep the atmosphere fun.\n\n\nPave the Way to Curiosity\n\n\nOne thing all intelligent people have in common is a burning desire to continuously discover more about the world surrounding them. While math may be the leverage needed to propel your child forward towards success, it is just as important that learning be a fun process to keep him or her passionate about constantly looking out for more information. Luckily, this math for kids can be encouraged and emulated at any age.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/international-robothon-competition-2023", "title": "International Robothon Competition 2023 Returns This March; Co-Hosting Global Forum on the Education Metaverse", "body": "The \n18th International Robothon Competition \nmakes its return on 26 March 2023, organised by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Eduspec Sdn. Bhd. Sponsored by \n5T3M\n, with support from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, the event seeks to train young minds to develop real-world solutions using robotics.\n\n\nThe competition, which will be held at UTM\u2019s Kuala Lumpur campus, will welcome 239 students aged 6 to 18 from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia in an intensive half-day marathon. Aptly themed \u201cSecond Earth\u201d, participants will be building, designing, and programming robot projects that can perform a variety of simulated human tasks in outer space.\u00a0\n\n\nMr. EH Lim, Founder of 5T3M \n\u00a0says, \n\u201cJust as the theme of the robothon implies, the robothon\u2019s goal is to keep our youths constantly innovating and adventurous, bravely pushing the boundaries of tech as we know it to create something new. We are moving towards a highly digitised future, and it is important that they are able to creatively utilise STEM knowledge to solve real-world problems \u2014 to become the agile, skilled leaders of ASEAN\u2019s tomorrow.\u201d\n\n\nThe 2023 edition of the annual robothon, which marks the competition\u2019s return to physical format for the first time in three years, will also be hosting a forum on the educational metaverse. Besides live demonstrations and industry discussions on how the metaverse and digital twin technology can make education more innovative and accessible across the region, the forum will also serve as the launch platform for \nPythaverse \u2014 Southeast Asia\u2019s first digital twin learning system\n.\n\n\nDeveloped by Pythaverse Pte. Ltd. Singapore, Pythaverse is an Open and sustainable multiverse that offers a digital twin learning experience for Global competencies, STEM skills, curriculum aligned courses and school digital transformation platform. The platform ultimately aims to provide students across the South East Asian region with a comprehensive and immersive learning experience, with STEM-based learning centre \n5T3M\n leading the way for its distribution in Malaysia.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow Can I Improve My Child\u2019s Nutrient Absorption?\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nTAP Reviews: Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\n\n\nParticipants and attending members of the media will be among the first in Malaysia to get an in-depth look at the meta system\u2019s operations in an exclusive on-site presentation by \nNguyen The Trung, Founder of Phytaverse\n.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on the International Robothon Competition 2023, please visit: \nhttps://robothon.asia/ir2023/\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/comlitos-review", "title": "#TAPreviews: ComLitOs Educational Toys For Kids", "body": "I think one of the most searched for things on the Internet right now is \u201chow to entertain your kids at home\u201d. Due to many countries in the world going into lockdown over the pandemic, schools are closed and parents are working from home. We have never had to spend this much time at home with our kids before and yes, the pressure is on!\n\n\nNot only are we expected to perform the same at work, we are now expected to entertain our children 24/7! If that is not the definition of insanity, I don\u2019t know what is!\u00a0\n\n\nBut the silver lining is of course, that we get to spend more time together as a family and watch the kids develop in ways we never could before.\u00a0\n\n\nPersonally, I\u2019ve seen my 4-month old son blossom into a highly-intelligent and rambunctious 14 month-old over the past 10 months. He cannot sit still for even a moment and it\u2019s always go go go with him.\u00a0\n\n\nIt has been such a pleasure to be able to be around for his first steps, his first words and many of his firsts. I am glad not to have missed a single one of those precious moments.\u00a0\n\n\nThe challenge is now trying to keep up with him. In both his physical and mental development, he\u2019s moving at lightning speed. That is why we have to suddenly fill our home with plenty of educational toys to keep him adequately stimulated while we try to squeeze work in as much as we can.\u00a0\n\n\nI have bought many books and toys for him and it\u2019s a wonder to watch him study every new thing he gets with that childlike curiosity so many of us adults have lost along the way.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSo when ComLitOs sent over some puzzle sets for him to play with, it definitely came at an opportune time and it was his first time being exposed to puzzles.\u00a0\n\n\nThough at this age, puzzles are still a little too sophisticated for him to put together, it is amazing to see his hungry mind just absorb all the shapes and colours. It\u2019s a great size for younger kids because it\u2019s quite big and the quality of the piece is very good considering the thickness of the pieces and the texture of it too.\u00a0\n\n\nSince we had been learning about animals for quite a while now, I could see it in his eyes when I took apart the animal puzzles that he knew that it was not supposed to be that way. So the next step I look forward to seeing him take is to realise he can put the pieces back together.\u00a0\n\n\nComLitOs review: What I like about this ComLitOs puzzle sets\n\n\n\n\nWe got two sets from ComLitOs, which was the Animals of the World First Long Puzzle Set and the Three of a Kind (Colours, Numbers and Shapes).\u00a0\n\n\nBoth of these sets can really grow with a child in their cognitive development, addressing their learning needs from learning about colours, shapes and numbers to expanding their vocabulary and honing their problem-solving skills by putting the puzzles back together.\u00a0\n\n\nThe three of a kind puzzle set especially tests the ability to identify and group similarities together, which is something children are drawn to at this age. Though he could not match them just yet, he was interested in the colours and shapes and when I said the words to him, he really made an effort to try and repeat what I was saying.\n\n\n\n\nThough these sets that ComLitOs sent over are for kids below 3, they also have other sets that are suitable for children above 3, including science sets and other brain teasing activities that will surely keep the kids occupied this season. To find out more about ComLitOs and their offerings, do check out their \nInstagram\n or \nFacebook\n page.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-i-got-my-child-to-stop-using-diapers-completely-in-just-1-week-2", "title": "How I got my child to stop using diapers completely in just 1 week!", "body": "Diapers are part and parcel of a baby\u2019s life and are extremely convenient in the first couple of years \u2013 but they can very quickly become a pain for parents as they try to get their toddler to kick the diaper habit. As a mother of a recently turned three year old, I truly empathise with all mums who are at this life stage. I am proud to share that I just completed 1 year without using any diapers for my little girl! While it was crazy difficult, within a week my precious princess was potty trained. Here\u2019s how I got my child to stop using diapers.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is the right age to stop using diapers?\n\n\nBefore I get into how I managed to ditch the diapers in one week, the first question we should address is \u201cWhat is the right age to stop using diapers?\u201d\n\n\nI am sure that like me, you too must have asked around and have been at the receiving end of a confusing medley of answers.\n\n\nWhile some believe that it is essential to start early, say just after the baby can sit or maybe even before that depending on the society in which the baby is growing. Others feel that it should not be done until the baby can understand and is ready for the change.\n\n\nGenerally speaking in Singapore, most mums start potty training around 2 years of age. That is also around when I started.\u00a0\n\n\nIs your baby ready for potty training?\n\n\nNow while I started at 2, your child might not be ready to stop using diapers, even at age 2. Instead of sticking to a number, it is more important to check if your child is showing signs of being ready for the potty.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0Ask yourself the following questions:\n\n\n\n\nCan your child understand and follow simple directions?\n\n\nDoes your child tell you and/or complain when they are wet or dirty?\n\n\nHave they expressed curiosity and interest in using the toilet and wearing underwear?\n\n\nCan your child pull their pants up and down with little or no help?\n\n\nDoes your child stay dry for at least 3 to 4 hours throughout the day?\n\n\n\n\nIf the answer is yes, it\u2019s time to convince your child that they are ready too and they can now stop using diapers!\n\n\nYes, you read right!\n\n\nDon\u2019t attempt to potty train your child until you have spoken to your kid. From my experience trying to force your 2-year-old to do something is going to absolutely back fire and their rebellious nature will make it 100x more challenging to potty train.\u00a0\n\n\nOne trick is to keep educating your child about the need to use the toilet for all their elimination needs and make it sound as if it were a grown up thing to do. In our home, we started reading our daughter \npotty training\n \nbooks\n about 1 month before we even broached the subject with her.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to choose the right potty\n\n\nThe next important thing to do is to buy the right type of potty. I advice you to take your child on the potty training shopping trip so they feel involved in the process.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAn important step to encourage your kids to stop using diapers is my choosing the right potty. | Image courtesy: stock image\n\n\n\n\nThere are two main types of potties: a\u00a0\nstand-alone potty\n\u00a0and a\u00a0\nseat reducer \n(which go on a traditional toilet seat and reduce the ring to a comfortable, kid-friendly size).\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: stock image\n\n\n\n\nSome go for seat reducers as it is cheaper than a stand-alone potty and take up less floor space. It also helps your child gets used to the regular potty, which prevents another transition from stand-alone potty to adult potty, and there is even less mess to clean after use. Plus, seat reducers can be a good fit for copy cat kids.\u00a0\n\n\nOther parents swear by stand-alone potties. They prefer stand alone potties as it\u2019s kid-size, so your child can get on and off by himself, and during extended periods of trying to go, your toddler won\u2019t be monopolizing the toilet (this is especially important to consider if you only have 1 bathroom at home).\n\n\nWhen looking for a stand-alone potty, consider three important features: safety, fit and simplicity\n\n\nIf your toddler\u2019s bum barely covers the inside rim, she\u2019ll probably feel uncomfortable while using the potty. The right size seat will let your child\u2019s bottom rest comfortably on the seat, with her feet firmly on the floor. Do also look for pottys with handles, as they will help your child balance a little better.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re potty training a boy, it\u2019s best to select a seat with a splash guard to reduce clean up hassles. Choose one that is high enough to help keep the pee in the potty but isn\u2019t so tall that it will be tricky for your little one to sit down on the potty by himself.\n\n\nThe potty should also be simple enough to use and easy to clean up.\u00a0Check online product reviews to see how many steps are required to empty and clean the pot. Some are a simple one- or two-step process; others require that you disassemble half the potty \u2014 every single time.\n\n\nFor us we chose a stand alone potty for our daughter.\u00a0\n\n\nGet rid of all diapers!\n\n\nOnce you have bought the potty \u2013 the best thing is to make your home diaper free. I know it is difficult to get rid of the \u201csecurity blanket\u201d but the best way to stop your child from using diapers is to throw away all the diapers at home.\n\n\nIt may result in many accidents and tears for a few days, which may cause more work for you but in the long run, your child would have learnt not to use the diapers.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\n\n\nThis means you should also not be using training pants or night diapers. You don\u2019t want to confuse your child. Straight away switch to kids underpants or panties.\u00a0\n\n\nDo\u2019s and Don\u2019ts\u00a0\n\n\nPotty Training Do\u2019s\n\n\n1. Watch for tell-tale signs that you child needs to visit the potty. Some common signs include shuffling feet, or fiddling. The best case scenario is if your child is able to alert you before she has an accident.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Dress her in comfortable loose clothes. The last thing you want is to struggle with removing her clothes. Shy away from overalls unless your child is adept at removing them and putting them back on.\n\n\n3. Praise your child after every successful trip to the potty. Experts say that parental praise is actually one of the tried and true methods to ensure successful and pain-free potty training.\n\n\n4. Let her play or read when sitting on the potty. It\u2019s a good idea to have a special toy just for the potty.\n\n\n5. Give your tot a little more control during potty training. This will help the training to go faster and smoother.\n\n\nPotty Training Don\u2019ts\n\n\n1. Force her to potty train upon reaching a certain age. Just because your eldest learned proper potty training at the age of two does not mean your toddler is expected to also follow suit.\n\n\n2. Listen to scolding relatives. Many mums feel unwelcome pressure from their relatives to get their child out of diapers and end up passing on the tension to their own child. If someone remarks, \u201cIsn\u2019t she a little too old for diaper?\u201d Just simply reply that \u201cshe\u2019s still wearing them, so obviously not!\u201d\n\n\n3. End up engaging in power struggles with your child. This can easily increase stress levels and prolong the process in the long run.\n\n\n4. Use nick names. Some parents believe that giving certain body parts \u2018cutesy names\u2019 will help their child. However, this is not the case. Approach potty training in a logical and a matter of fact attitude.\n\n\n5. Resort to punishing your child when accidents occur. It is not your kid\u2019s fault and punishments will only cause problems to arise and may traumatise your child.\n\n\n6. Criticise her over the simple potty training process. Criticisms and reprimands will only make the training process take longer than necessary and won\u2019t help your child\u2019s confidence levels.\n\n\nPatience, my young Padawan\u00a0\n\n\nOnce you start on the process of potty training, do try to be as patient as possible. Understand that this is a time-consuming process, with many accidents and regressions that can often be frustrating. And sometimes your kid may oppose the idea to stop using diapers.\n\n\nWhen these happen it is important that you stay calm and try to understand your child\u2019s plight.\u00a0\n\n\nGently remind your child that pee and poop should go in the potty and not on the floor or the underwear. It is important to establish consistency during the training. But you also need to remember that this is not an easy phase for your kid either.\n\n\nPotty training is a great challenge and an important milestone in your child\u2019s learning process. Your patience and reassuring presence will greatly help him hurdle this phase easier and with the confidence that you are always there to love him potty trained or not.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kids-secret-sexting-codes-every-parent-should-know", "title": "Kids' secret sexting codes every parent should know", "body": "Let\u2019s face it, parents, we can never know for sure what our kids are up to on their phones these days; some lead extremely active online \u2014 and social\u00a0\u2014 lives, starting from quite young. It has become increasingly difficult to track their online interactions with\u00a0so many mediums available.\u00a0 As such, the chances of them potentially engaging in activities such as exchanging secret sexting codes increases with more exposure.\u00a0\n\n\nSo how do we as parents then be aware so that we can protect them from such dangers? Even if your child is still small, it\u2019s good to know what you might be facing in a few years.\u00a0\n\n\nBut first,\n\n\nWhat Is Sexting?\n\n\n\n\nJust so you know, DTF doesn\u2019t mean Din Tai Fung. | Picture credits: TNP\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Legal Match, sexting is the act of transmitting sexually explicit messages, mainly through the use of text messaging on the\u00a0cell phone. The messages may also include explicit images that could be transmitted through various means, including:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCell phone text messaging\n\n\nE-mails\n\n\nCyber chat\n\n\nSocial media websites\n\n\nVarious other means of electronic communication\n\n\n\n\nMums and dads, you may or may not know, but these messages are often filled with abbreviations or coded acronyms that are used to secretly exchange explicit messages\u00a0\u2014 something that should send you major red flags.\n\n\nIf you happen to see such cryptic messages on your kids\u2019 devices, there could be more than meets the eye. Don\u2019t brush it off as if it\u2019s nothing.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s the Big Deal?\n\n\nIncreasingly, even tweens, not just teens, partake in exchanging secret sexting codes and that should be a cause for worry, mums and dads.\n\n\nThe period where your kids transition into adolescence is crucial.\u00a0It\u2019s a time where they are impressionable. They see such acts as a form of social currency, even linking it to their own identity. More importantly, it could be linked to greater underlying issues.\n\n\nThe emergence of peer pressure, body image issues or even wanting to be \u201cbold\u201d by testing waters this way. The key is to take a step back and to understand their motivations.\n\n\nChildren Being Internet Savvy\n\n\nBesides, they are masters of the internet.\n\n\nDr Thomas Lee, consultant psychiatrist and medical director of The Resilienz Clinic, said: \u201cKids are a lot more savvy than most of us. They know how to cover their tracks, whether it\u2019s by using a private browser, using code language, or deleting (browsing) histories \u2013 they are continuously getting better every day.\u201d\n\n\nFor a start, perhaps what you can do is to familiarise yourselves with online talk.\n\n\nTo help you decipher what they mean, below are some secret sexting codes that your kids, from tweens, teens and beyond, might be using.\n\n\nSecret Sexting Codes: What You Need to Know About Them\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCU46:\u00a0One of the most alarming of the texts on the list, CU46 means \u201csee you for sex.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nLMIRL: Let\u2019s meet in real life\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBroken: Hung over\n\n\nDOC: Drug of choice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNIFOC: Naked in front of computer\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0GYPO: Get your pants off\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIWSN: I want sex now\n\n\n\n\n53X: Sex\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLH6: Let\u2019s have sex\n\n\n\n\nTDTM: Talk dirty to me\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8: Oral sex\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSUGARPIC: Suggestive or erotic photograph\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIPN: I\u2019m posting naked\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPAL: Parents are listening\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPAW: Parents are watching\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9 and CD9 or Code 9: Parents are nearby\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKPC \u2013 Keeping parents clueless\n\n\n\n\n\n\n99: Parents are gone\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMOS: Mom over shoulder\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPIR: Parents in room\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWTTP: Want to trade pictures?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKOTL: Kiss on the lips\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPRON: Porn\n\n\n\n\n\n\n420: Marijuana\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nZERG: To gang up on someone\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWUF: Where you from\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWYCM: Will you call me?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nQ2C: Quick to cum\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJ/O: Jerking off\n\n\n\n\n\n\n459 Or 143: I love you\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nASL: Age, sex, location\n\n\n\n\n\n\n182: I hate you\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1174: Nude club\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKMS: Kill myself\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFWB: Friends with benefits\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKYS: Kill yourself\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nP911: Parent alert\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSOS: Someone over shoulder\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSSDD: Same stuff, different day\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDTF: Down to F***\u00a0\u2014 not Din Tai Fung, just saying\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGTN: Got them nudes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJ4F: Just for fun\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKFY: Kiss for you\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRUH: Are you horny?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nFesyen\nBentuk Badan Berubah Selepas Bersalin? Ini Tips Berkesan Untuk Siluet Badan Lebih Menawan!\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nKesihatan\nPrebiotics, an answer to your child\u2019s constipation woes!\nLifestyle\nLight Up Your Celebration for Mid-Autumn Festival at Sunway Putra Mall\n\n\nThere are so many more secret sexting codes out there but we\u2019ll just keep it as that. You get the gist, parents.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nOther ways they can manifest (not exhaustive) is through:\n\n\n1. Truth-or-dare game playing\n\n\nIt\u2019s a fairly common game that kids play. But it\u2019s also a good opportunity for people to take advantage of it to take things further. In such games, your kids might be \u201cdared\u201d to perform acts such as sending obscure messages with secret sexting codes to people, to even kissing them. Of course, there could be more.\n\n\n2. Social media apps such as Snapchat\n\n\nIt\u2019s so easy to exchange all sorts of information online and using Snapchat is one of the easiest ways to do so; in a matter of seconds, the pictures that you post will disappear forever.\n\n\nThis gives the young ones the confidence and courage to experiment with sexting as they perceive it as a low-risk activity\u00a0\u2014 on the condition that they have \u201ca mutual agreement not to screenshot\u201d, according to\u00a0sex and relationships YouTuber,\u00a0\nHannah Witton\n.\n\n\n\n\nPicture credits: Getty Images\n\n\n\n\nA Risk for Teens, Even Pre-Teens\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThe risk is always there that the no-saving, no-sharing rules will not be respected, that a loving partner may not remain that way, and that a\u00a0friendly\u00a0stranger may not be what they seem,\u201d says Grimes-Viort, a social media expert at the agency The Social Element.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou can never be too sure where these pictures will end up at.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSnapchat\u2019s sexting culture has also created a pressure on young people to participate in sexting. According to an\u00a0\nNSPCC\n survey, six out of 10 teens say they\u2019ve been asked for sexual images or videos. And it was found from a 2015 study by the \nUniversity of Indiana\n that a fifth of undergraduates had engaged in non-consensual sexting.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTips for Parents on Their Kids Potentially Sexting Others (Or If They Do)\n\n\n1. Avoid focusing on negative consequences\n\n\nYour kids probably already know\u00a0that what they are doing will lead to negative repercussions. But because there are no preventive effects to the consequences, they will still do it anyway. Instead, your message to your kids should credible, consistent and grounded according your children\u2019s actual social experience.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Spend more time with them\n\n\nYou\u2019d be surprised that forging close relationships and fostering transparency in your children can push them towards more healthy ways of interaction. Trust is an important factor as well. Know where to draw the line between being concerned and invading into their privacy. Give them the space to navigate the social waters, but let them know that you are concerned as well.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides, it\u2019s synonymous with what Sue Berkowitz,\u00a0deputy of children\u2019s commissioner for England said: \u201cSexting is not an IT issue, it\u2019s a relationships issue.\u201d\n\n\n3. Speak to them in a non-confrontational way\n\n\nYou can expect that they will try and avoid the conversation altogether. But that\u2019s okay, just keep it short and always remember to be respectful and consider their feelings. It should be a two-way dialog. Ask them what they know about sexting and help them think for themselves on how it would be like to have their personal information passed on to others.\n\n\nA two-way dialog can go a long way toward helping your kids understand how to minimise legal, social and reputation risks.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nBBC\n,\u00a0\nLegal Match,\n\u00a0\nTNP\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/world-contraception-day", "title": "What Effective Contraceptive Method Should You Use?", "body": "World Contraception Day was launched 14 years ago on September 26\nth\n 2007. The initiative was conceived by the European Society of Contraception in an effort to highlight that 85% of teenage pregnancies globally are unplanned and that each year, millions of people are infected with sexually transmitted diseases due to a lack of contraception awareness.\n\n\nThis is a very unfortunate situation as there are many widely available modern contraceptives that are considered safe and effective. With so much misinformation regarding contraception among Malaysian women, many opt for unreliable contraception (e.g., withdrawal method) or use contraceptives incorrectly, thus resulting in unplanned pregnancies.\n\n\nSome of these women opt to have an abortion, while others go through pregnancy and deliver their babies, only to dump or abandon their newborns shortly after birth.\n\n\nMore than half of these abandoned babies do not survive, and the media carries stories of these cases regularly.\n\n\n\n\nFigures from the Malaysian Maternal Mortality review show that 70% of women who die from pregnancy-related causes in Malaysia have never used contraception. \n\n\n\n\nThe maternal mortality rate (death related to pregnancy-related causes) in grand multiparas (women who have delivered five or more babies) is double that in primigravida\u2019s (women in their first pregnancy).\n\n\nWomen should consult their healthcare providers to choose an appropriate contraceptive method that is effective, safe and that would suit their individual lifestyles.\n\n\nThe Oral Contraceptive Pill\n\n\n\n\nThe oral contraceptive pill is one of the most effective methods of contraception available, with 99% effectiveness when used correctly. It was first introduced in the early 1960s, and there are now over 100 million women using the pill globally.\n\n\nThe modern-day oral contraceptive pill, when correctly prescribed, is safe and very effective.\n\n\nThe doses of the two hormones within the \u201ccombined\u201d pill \u2013 oestrogen and progesterone \u2013 have been gradually reduced over the years, greatly reducing the incidence of side effects, and increasing safety.\n\n\nThe pill comes in packs of 21 or 28. In the 28-day packs, the last seven pills that coincide with the \u201cperiod\u201d do not actually contain any active medication. New low-dose pills have recently been introduced (24/4 regimes), where only the last four pills do not contain hormones.\n\n\nA woman initiating contraception with the pill should start taking the pill on the day her period starts. The pill acts by preventing ovulation (release of an egg); making the mucous in the cervix thick, so that sperm are less likely to enter the uterus; as well as making the lining of the uterus thin, and therefore, less hospitable for implantation of a fertilised egg. \n\n\n\n\nWomen should be aware that certain medications like antibiotics and antiepileptic drugs, can reduce the efficacy of the pill. The pill will also not protect against sexually transmitted infection.\n\n\n\n\nCommon Concerns\n\n\nThere are a number of concerns that patients have regarding the oral contraceptive pill. The most common concern is weight gain. I usually explain to my patients that less than 10% of patients experience weight gain while on the pill.\n\n\nThe patients on the pill who do experience weight gain do so because of fluid retention caused by the progesterone component of the pill. Pills are now available that have a very low incidence of fluid retention and weight gain.\n\n\nOther concerns include the risk of the pill causing infertility, as well as breast cancer. The reality is that fertility returns within one to two months of stopping the pill. I have many patients who have been able to become pregnant when they stopped taking the pill.\n\n\n\n\nThe latest research indicates that the pill does not increase the risk of getting breast cancer.\n\n\n\n\nThe pill is generally a very safe medication, but it does increase the risk of blood clots in the veins (deep venous thrombosis), strokes and heart attacks in some women. Women who are at risk of cardiovascular disease due to multiple risk factors like hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol, as well as female smokers over 35, should not use the combined oral contraceptive pill.\n\n\nSide effects like bleeding, breast tenderness, nausea, and headaches, are usually transient and can occur in a small number of patients. If these side effects persist, medical advice should be sought.\n\n\nOther Benefits\n\n\nThere are many other benefits of the pill. It makes menstrual cycles lighter and regular. The incidence of anaemia is thus decreased in women on the pill. It also decreases period pain in many women and is effective in decreasing the incidence of acne.\n\n\nOther conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease (infections of the uterus and fallopian tubes) can be reduced by as much as 50% by taking the oral contraceptive pill. There is a 17% decreased risk of fibroids for every five years of oral contraceptive pill use.\n\n\n\n\nOral contraceptive pills also decrease the incidence of some breast conditions (fibrocystic disease and fibroadenoma), as well as ovarian cysts.\n\n\n\n\nExcess body hair or hirsutism can affect up to 8% of women, understandably causing distress. The contraceptive pill that contains particular progesterone (cyproterone acetate) is particularly effective in treating this condition\n\n\nIn addition, there are pills formulated to treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and pre-menstrual dystrophic disorder (the most severe form of PMS, where the women\u2019s physical and emotional symptoms become severe enough to impact her daily life), as well as pills that are very effective treatments for women who have heavy periods.\n\n\nWomen close to menopause (perimenopausal women) sometimes have irregular periods, heavy periods and menopausal symptoms. The pill can help in achieving better menstrual cycle control \u2013 reducing heavy periods, as well as reducing menopausal symptoms and mood swings in these women.\n\n\nThe pill also protects against endometrial (womb) and ovarian cancer. Endometrial cancer risk is reduced by 40% with two years of use, and up to 72% with 12 years of use. Ovarian cancer risk is reduced by 50% with five years of use of the pill.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nOther \u2018Combined\u2019 Hormonal Methods\n\n\n\n\nThere are other hormonal methods of contraception that use different methods of delivery, namely through the skin (patch) and the vaginal lining (vaginal ring). The action, side effects and contraindications are like the oral contraceptive pill.\n\n\nThe Patch\n\n\nIn this method, the hormones are delivered by a skin patch applied to the skin on the buttocks, stomach, back or upper arms. Each patch is used for seven days, and a patch is used each week for three weeks, followed by a week with no patch being used, during which a period will occur. \n\n\n\n\nThe patch is less effective in women who are over 90kg in weight.\n\n\n\n\nVaginal Ring\n\n\nThe vaginal ring is a soft plastic ring (54cm in diameter), which is inserted into the vagina by the woman herself. The ring is held in place by the walls of the vagina and will neither fall out nor be felt during intercourse.\n\n\nIt can be removed for up to three hours at a time per day and still maintain effectiveness as a contraceptive. The ring is placed in the vagina for three weeks and then removed for a week when a period will occur. \n\n\nSide effects are uncommon. In addition to those generally associated with the pill, vaginal irritation, discharge and discomfort can occur in a small number of patients.\n\n\nProgesterone-Only Hormonal Contraception\n\n\n\n\nThe hormone oestrogen is contraindicated in some women \u2013 women who smoke, have severe or uncontrolled hypertension, and migraines, those who are obese (body mass index more than 30kg/m\u00b2), and women who are breastfeeding.\n\n\nIt is possible to use hormonal contraception in this group of women by prescribing a \u201cprogesterone-only pill\u201d. In addition to pills, it is possible to use progesterone as a contraceptive in other forms, namely progesterone injections (Depo-provera) and progesterone implants. This method of contraception will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.\n\n\nInjectable contraception\n\n\nDepo-provera is a hormonal method of birth control administered by giving injections in the upper arm or buttock every 12 to 13 weeks. The method works by preventing ovulation (the release of eggs every month).\n\n\nThe benefits are that the woman will only need approximately four injections during the year and does not need to worry about taking pills. Irregular bleeding is common during the first few months of use.\n\n\nBy one year, about 50% of women will stop having periods. Despite popular belief, it is not harmful to stop periods. In fact, this can even be beneficial for women who have heavy or painful periods.\n\n\nOne of the side effects of this method is a decrease in bone density, which is reversible upon stopping this method of contraception. Weight gain is also seen in some women due to increased appetite.\n\n\nAlthough it is a reversible method of contraception, it can take up to nine months after the last injection for regular menstrual cycles to return.\n\n\nImplant\n\n\nThis is a hormonal method similar to the injection. A small rod about the size of a matchstick is inserted in the clinic (after administering a local anaesthetic), using a special applicator, into the upper arm. After insertion, the implant cannot be seen, but it can be felt if the skin over it is pressed.\n\n\nThe implant will last for three years, after which it should be removed (again under local anaesthetic in the clinic), and a new implant inserted, if further contraception is desired.\n\n\nWith the implant, fertility returns soon after removal. The most common side effect is irregular bleeding in the first few months after insertion. Periods can become scanty in many women and may stop completely. Other side effects are weight gain, mood changes, headache, acne, and depression.\n\n\nIntra-uterine devices\n\n\n\n\nAn intrauterine device (IUD) is a small plastic device that is inserted into the uterus in the clinic using an applicator by a healthcare professional.\n\n\nThere are two types of IUDs, the copper-containing IUD, and the progesterone-releasing intra-uterine system (Mirena). IUDs are reversible, and very effective methods of contraception. They can be inserted during the time of the menstrual period, six weeks after delivery, or even after an abortion.\n\n\nThis method is not recommended in women who have not had children and will also not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.\n\n\nCopper IUD\n\n\nThis method of contraception works by preventing fertilisation of the egg by releasing a small amount of copper within the cavity of the uterus. Depending upon the brand used, they can last for three or five years.\n\n\nThe advantage of this IUD is that once inserted, nothing else is needed to prevent pregnancy. It is not felt by the woman or her partner and does not interfere with daily activities or sexual intercourse.\n\n\nSide effects include irregular bleeding, usually confined to the first two to three months after insertion. Sometimes, periods may become heavy or painful.\n\n\nPelvic infection, manifesting as pelvic pain, fever, or vaginal discharge, can occur infrequently. If this occurs, a healthcare provider should be consulted. Expulsion of the device also rarely occurs. Perforation of the wall of the uterus is a rare complication during insertion (approximately once in 1,000 insertions)\n\n\nIntra uterine system (Mirena)\n\n\nThe Intrauterine System (IUS) is impregnated with the hormone progesterone instead of copper and lasts for five years, at which time it can be changed. The IUS is a very effective contraceptive, and in addition, it is also an effective method of treating women with heavy periods.\n\n\nIrregular bleeding, as well as heavier and prolonged bleeding, often occurs in the first three to six months. This usually settles in most women, and the periods will then become very scanty, or even cease completely.\n\n\nA small number of women may have side effects that are related to the progesterone in the device. These may include headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, and pelvic pain, due to the development of small cysts in the ovaries. The symptoms usually decrease within the first couple of months, and the cysts usually disappear without treatment within two months.\n\n\nEmergency contraception\n\n\n\n\nCredit: NPR\n\n\n\n\nThis is the use of contraception after a woman has had sexual intercourse without birth control, or if the method has failed (e.g., breakage of condom, missed birth control pills). These methods are not as effective as the methods described earlier and should not be used as routine contraception.\n\n\nHowever, emergency contraception also called the \u201cmorning-after pill\u201d, is better than no contraception, and may be useful for up to five days after unprotected intercourse. They act by stopping ovulation or fertilisation of an egg, or by preventing implantation of a fertilised egg.\n\n\nThey can be used at any time during the menstrual cycle, and even more than once in the cycle. Progesterone called levonorgestrel, which is present as a component of some brands of oral contraceptive pills, is used, either as a single dose of 1,500 micrograms, or two 750 microgram doses 12 hours apart.\n\n\nIf taken within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse, they can prevent about seven out of eight pregnancies that would have otherwise occurred.\n\n\n\n\nSide effects include menstrual irregularity, transient abdominal pain, and nausea.\n\n\n\n\nAnother option is to insert a copper-containing IUD within five days of unprotected sex. This method is about 99% effective. It is contraindicated in the presence of pelvic infection or where there is a risk of pelvic infection, and in women who have not had children yet.\n\n\nCondom\n\n\nThe condom is a single-use latex sheath worn over the erect penis before intercourse. It has the very important additional benefit of helping to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. It is widely available \u201cover the counter\u201d.\n\n\nCorrect use is important, and it must be put on before any contact between the penis and female genitals. The condom-covered penis should also not be allowed to become flaccid while still within the vagina, as leakage of semen may occur. With perfect use, it is 98% effective; and with typical use, it is 85% effective.\n\n\nOther methods\n\n\nIn addition to the methods described above, there are permanent surgical methods of preventing pregnancy. These include tubal ligation for the female and vasectomy in the male.\n\n\nAlthough reversal is possible, these operations are not always successful; therefore, the couple must be very sure that they do not want any more children.\n\n\nReversal of tubal ligation is successful in approximately 70 to 80% of women. The success of reversal of vasectomy is related to the duration between the vasectomy and reversal procedure. About 76% of reversals are successful when performed within three years of the vasectomy, but only 30% are successful when the reversal is carried out more than 15 years after the vasectomy.\n\n\nFollowing a vasectomy, it is important that some form of contraception is used until the doctor confirms that the patient is sterile. Semen will be collected 12 weeks after surgery and examined under the microscope to ensure that no sperms remain before unprotected sexual intercourse is permitted.\n\n\nThe so-called natural methods of contraception, such as the withdrawal method, fertility awareness and rhythm (calendar) method, are considered less medically reliable than the methods of contraception described earlier. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to discuss the options with your doctor and discuss any concerns you have until you receive answers to your satisfaction.\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by Dr. Suresh Kumarasamy, Consultant Gynaecologist/Gynaecological Oncologist of Gleneagles Hospital Penang\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nIt\u2019s All About Contraception\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nCan you have sex with an IUD in? Does it feel good?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDo Wives Have Less Reproductive Rights Than Their Husbands?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/good-quality-breastmilk", "title": "How To Build Good Quality Breastmilk", "body": "Breastmilk is acknowledged to be the most complete form of nutrition for your baby for at least the first six months of his or her life. Although there are shelves of infant formulas in supermarkets these days, these products cannot compare to the benefits provided by good quality breastmilk, and are inferior (and expensive!) alternatives.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n7 Ways To Build Good Quality Breastmilk\n\n\nThe best thing you can do for your baby is to breastfeed and the below are some tips to help you produce the best breastmilk possible for your little one.\n\n\n1. Stay well hydrated\n\n\nDrink twice the amount of water you would normally consume as you lose a lot of fluids producing breastmilk \u2013 4 litres a day will help produce plenty of milk. You should also reduce or avoid diuretics that can dry up breastmilk such as tea, coffee, chocolate, sugars and alcohol.\n\n\n2. Keep your immunity high\n\n\nIf your immunity is high, the quality of your breastmilk will also be high and chances are you\u2019ll pass on that high immunity to your baby. How? Let\u2019s start with the gut. Remember that when the\u00a0digestive system is functioning properly, it serves as a barrier to bacteria, viruses & pathogens.\u00a0If the digestive system is not functioning at optimal levels, things get out of balance. A safe, natural & effective way to improve gut health is by regular consumption of\u00a0\nPegaga by PurelyB\u00a0\n\u2013 a concoction of traditional Asian superfoods that are backed by science.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n3. Boost Your Milk Supply Naturally With Tropical\u00a0 Healing Herbs\n\n\nNatural supplements and healing herbs can help ensure good quality breastmilk and supply.\u00a0Pegaga (gotu kola) has been used for centuries in post-natal herbal remedies\u00a0and it\u2019s combination with papaya leaf, turmeric leaf, Habbatus sauda, green apples and dates in\u00a0\npegaga by PurelyB\u201d superfood blend\n\u00a0\n\u00a0will\u00a0help boost your breast milk supply and ensure it remains thick and full of colostrum even after confinement\u00a0(pantang) period.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s also important to take it a step further\u00a0& keep yourself informed of all the ways you can combine at-home ingredients to create remedies that will boost the body\u2019s gut & immune system. This is possible through the\u00a0Immunity Boost Bundle, which will keep you informed on how to stay away from\u00a0ailments like cold, flu, constipation (so you can avoid taking medication while you breastfeed). This bundle also contains a canister of Pegaga by PurelyB!\n\n\n4. Increase total kilojoule/calorie intake a day\n\n\nBuilding breastmilk uses up about 500 calories a day so you need to make sure you eat enough energy food to produce enough breastmilk (this is not the time to go on a diet!). Eat nutritious foods such as raw nuts and seeds, hummus and tahini, wholemeal vegetable muffins, fritata. Make sure you avoid foods that are high in calories but nutritionally void such as junk food, potato chips and chocolate. Insufficient calorie intake will result in reduction of breastmilk production or poor growth patterns in your baby.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n5. Eat plenty of good quality protein\n\n\nEating plenty of good quality protein is necessary for healthy milk production and will ensure your baby gets all the essential amino acids for mental and physical growth. Mothers also need adequate protein for themselves as their bodies need it to heal and revitalise after giving birth. Keep in mind that protein intake requirement during breastfeeding is more than during pregnancy as you lose quite a bit of protein in breastmilk. During breastfeeding, the amount of protein you would need on average is 1.4g/kg of body weight. Good quality protein includes fish, organic meat and chicken, nuts and seeds, legumes, eggs, dairy products.\n\n\n6. Eat good fats\n\n\nBreastmilk is rich in the omega 3 essential fatty acid, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). A baby\u2019s brain continues to grow until it reaches three years of age and healthy brain development is dependent on a good supply of DHA. To ensure your hindmilk (the high-fat creamier milk that follows the foremilk, which is the thinner milk that the baby gets first) is rich in DHA, supplement with essential fatty acids high in DHA and eat cold-water fish that are low in mercury, cold-pressed oils, raw nuts and seeds, avocado and coconut milk/cream.\n\n\n7. Eat foods high in calcium\n\n\nA mother\u2019s diet is reflected in the vitamin contents of her breastmilk. Calcium is highly concentrated in breastmilk as it is important for baby\u2019s growth, especially in helping them to develop their muscle, bones and neurological system. Eat plenty of foods that are high in calcium such as seaweed, full fat organic dairy products from cow, goat and sheep, tahini, nuts and seeds, tinned red salmon and tinned sardines. If you don\u2019t get enough calcium from dietary sources, it is recommended that you take calcium supplements \u2013 aim to consume 1500mg of calcium a day during breastfeeding.\n\n\nReferences:\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\n\nOptimum Nutrition for Better Breastfeeding\n\n\nFAQs \u2013 Breast Milk Supply\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-mouthwash-in-malaysia", "title": "Still Have Bad Breath Even After Brushing Your Teeth? Here Are the 7 Best Mouthwashes in the Market", "body": "A mouthwash is a liquid product that cleanses teeth, gums and mouth. A good mouthwash usually contains an antiseptic to kill harmful bacteria that live between the teeth and on the tongue.\n\n\nIt targets plaque or \u201cinvisible\" bacteria on the teeth that could harden into tartar. Without \nproper dental hygiene\n, this could lead to gum disease, gum inflammation, dental bone loss and other periodontal diseases.\u00a0\n\n\nAntiseptic ingredients in mouthwashes such as cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), sodium chloride, menthol, eucalyptol and fluoride all function to fight to kill bad bacteria in the mouth.\n\n\nChoosing the Best Mouthwash in the Market\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNow remember, \noral rinsing should never replace tooth brushing\n, and it only works with proper usage. It is important to also understand that different formulas contain different ingredients, in fact, not all mouthwashes are able to strengthen teeth.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen choosing a mouthwash, the first thing you have to do is to find out the issues you are facing, such as:\n\n\n\n\nBad breath: \nIf this is your problem, a cosmetic mouthwash is great to give you the confidence you need for your important meeting.\n\n\nDry mouth: \nIf you are taking a medicine, or in a situation that causes your mouth to dry out as a side effect, choose a mouthwash that is formulated to give your mouth long-lasting freshness, without drying it out.\n\n\nPlaque or gum problems: \nChoose a mouthwash that contains fluoride or other active bacteria-busting ingredients.\n\n\n\n\nThere are many products with a variety of ingredients that aim to treat certain conditions or overall oral health. Some of the common ingredients in mouthwashes are:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFluoride \n- fights tooth decay and strengthen enamel\n\n\nCetylpyridinium chloride - \ndiminishes bad breath and kills bacteria\n\n\nChlorhexidine\n - reduces plaque and controls gum inflammation\n\n\nEssential oils \n- such as menthol (mint), eucalyptus and thyme have antifungal and antibacterial properties\n\n\nCarbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide \n- whitens teeth\n\n\n\n\n7 Best Mouthwashes in Malaysia\n\n\nTo help you choose the best mouthwash for your needs, we have compiled 7 products that are favoured by us at theAsianparent Malaysia.\n\n\n#1 Mama\u2019s Choice Natural Mouthwash\n\n\n\n\nOur top choice is Mama\u2019s Choice Natural Mouthwash! Not only it protects your teeth and mouth to stay healthy and fresh, but its natural mint extract formulation helps prevent nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy!\n\n\nThis means that it is perfectly suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mums.\n\n\nThe best part is this mouthwash uses a combination of natural ingredients such as \nchlorophyll, allantoin and mint extract\n that can prevent plaque formation that caused bacteria build-up and soothe inflamed gums. You don\u2019t have to worry because it is perfectly safe for sensitive teeth!\n\n\nWhat do we like about it?\n\n\n\n\nSafe for pregnant and breastfeeding mums\n\n\n100% halal\n\n\nMade from natural ingredients\n\n\nFree from alcohol, SLS, fluoride, triclosan and paraben\n\n\nPrevents nausea and morning sickness\n\n\nSafe for sensitive teeth\n\n\nTravel-friendly bottle, easy to carry wherever you go\n\n\n\n\n Mama\u2019s Choice Natural Mouthwash \ndari\n \nMama's Choice\nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#2 Listerine Total Care\n\n\n\n\nListerine is a trusted brand that is used by many in Malaysia. This all-in-one mouthwash provides complete care by cleaning 100% of the mouth. \n\n\nLISTERINE TOTAL CARE is approved by the Canadian Dental Association to reduce and fight gum inflammation, so it definitely provides a more thorough cleanse compared to just brushing and flossing.\n\n\nWhat do we like about it?\n\n\n\n\n6x more effective in cleansing and removing plaque than brushing teeth\n\n\nA unique formula with 4 types of essential oils\n\n\nPenetrates deep into plaque to kill bacteria in biofilms\n\n\nPrevents and reduces gum inflammation\n\n\nStrengthens teeth enamel\n\n\nFights tartar\n\n\nHelps keep teeth naturally white\n\n\n\n\n Listerine Total Care \nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#3 TheraBreath Oral Rinse\n\n\n\n\nThis fresh, alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash does not burn or sting, making it perfect for daily use. TheraBreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse is certified Halal, gluten-free and vegan.\n\n\nIt is also free from dyes, fragrance, cleaning agents and other additives that could dry out and damage your mouth. TheraBreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse is a great product that is recommended by dentists and pharmacists for more than 20 years.\n\n\nWhat do we like about it?\n\n\n\n\nFights bad breath for 24 hours\n\n\nNo alcohol, dyes or artificial flavours\n\n\nHelps reduce bad breath especially in the morning\n\n\nAcknowledged by the American Dental Association\n\n\n\n\n TheraBreath Oral Rinse\u00a0 \nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#4 Colgate Phos-Flur Rinse\n\n\n\n\nPhos-Flur Rinse\n\u24c7\n is specially formulated for orthodontic patients to help reduce the appearance of white spots. It is safe, great-tasting, easy to use and clinically proven to provide fluoride protection.\n\n\nWhat do we like about it?\n\n\n\n\nSpecially formulated for orthodontic patients to help reduce the appearance of white spots\n\n\nSafe, great-tasting and easy to use\n\n\nPhos-Flur Rinse\n\u24c7\n is clinically proven to provide fluoride protection\n\n\n\n\n Colgate Phos-Flur Rinse \nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#5 Oral B Pro-Health Mouthwash\n\n\n\n\nOral B Pro-Health Mouthwash contains Cetylpyridinium Chloride that has been clinically proven to prevent the formation of plaque, and fluoride to prevent cavities.\u00a0\n\n\nThis alcohol-free mouthwash with fresh mint flavour leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean!\n\n\nWhat do we like about it?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nContains fluoride to fight cavities\n\n\nHelps reduce bacteria that causes plaque\n\n\nFresh mint flavour\n\n\n\n\n Oral-B Pro-Health Mouthwash \nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#6 Propolinse Oral Mouthwash\n\n\n\n\nPropolinse Mouthwash is a natural oral rinse formulated in Japan that will help you maintain good dental hygiene by removing bacteria, bad breath and plaque, and at the same time brightens your teeth as well as prevents tooth decay.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can be sure that this mouthwash is working from the protein and particles formed right after you gargle with it! It still works like a charm even if you use it after gargling with another mouthwash!\n\n\nWhat do we like about it?\n\n\n\n\nIt contains catechin from green tea extract and propolis from honey\n\n\nComes in a travel-friendly bottle\n\n\nMaintains good dental hygiene by removing bacteria, bad breath and plaque\n\n\nBrightens teeth\n\n\n\n\n Propolinse Oral Mouthwash\u00a0 \nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#7 Oxyfresh Zinc Mouth Rinse\n\n\nThis patented Pro Formula Mouthwash is suitable for anyone who has veneers, sensitive teeth and gums. This product is free from alcohol, dyes, artificial sweeteners or any ingredients that could damage the teeth and cosmetic dental work.\u00a0\n\n\nInfused with natural essential mint oil, the patented combination of Oxygene\n\u24c7 \nand zinc helps diminish bad breath, yet is still very gentle on the teeth and gum tissues.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat do we like about it?\n\n\n\n\nPatented zinc mouthrinse\u00a0\n\n\nAlcohol-free\n\n\nNo dyes\n\n\nContains xylitol\n\n\nFreshens breath\n\n\n\n\n Oxyfresh Zinc Mouth Rinse\u00a0 \nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHey Mama, Dental Care Is Important During Pregnancy - Try One Of These Pregnancy-Safe Toothpastes!\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/inspire-kids-to-dream-big", "title": "Parents, Let Us Inspire Kids To Dream Big And Change The World!", "body": "It\u2019s a big world out there; fast-paced, ever changing and competitive \u2013 \nextremely\n. And because we are only as big as our dreams, we need to inspire kids to be bold and unapologetically themselves; to dream big because like that Steve Jobs-era Apple ad once said, \u201c\nThe people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.\u201d\n\n\nWe need to teach children not to fear the space between their dreams and reality. If they can dream it, then they can achieve it.\n\n\n \n\n\nBut little ones are plagued with uncertainty and therein lies the problem. From a tender age, how do we inspire kids to see the bigger picture and to understand what dreams are? How do we get them to dream? Here are three easy steps to get them started.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Inspire\n\n\nDreams don\u2019t come out of a vacuum. They come from the dreamer; they are an embodiment of all that the dreamer stands for. So first off, to inspire kids, you need to fill their bucket. Here\u2019s how:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTravel, allow them to see the world and meet people from all walks of life. Let them understand just how small they are in the grander scheme of things.\u00a0\n\n\nExpose them to anything and everything \u2013 music, art, science, sports and the list goes on.\n\n\nRole play, let them be a fish in the pond or a world leader. Allow the power of imagination and for them to believe they can hold the world in the palm of their hand if they\u2019d only just believe they could.\n\n\nRead. Books have the whole world in them, peace and mayhem, love and war. They will take them to ends of the universe. Make children read. As much as they can, about as much as they can.\n\n\nShare your dreams, share how you made your dreams come true and inspire kids to build dreams, \ntogether\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Prepare\u00a0\n\n\nNow that you\u2019ve taught them how to dream, in no time they will start zeroing in on what they want in life. Your job is to set the stage for your budding dreamers. You can start by giving them the greatest wealth \u2013 health.\n\n\nIn order to do that it\u2019s important to know how to increase immunity in your child. Every child needs a strong immune system. Strengthening the body as the first line of defense is always better than treating the illness.\u00a0\n\n\nPrevention is better than cure\n!\u00a0\n\n\nFeed your child lots of immune system booster foods.\n\n\n\n\nFish, like Salmon, that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids\n\n\nChicken soup\n\n\nGreek yogurt or food with probiotics\u00a0\n\n\nNuts like almonds\n\n\nFruits and vegetables \u2013 the more colourful the better\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThese are just a few on the non-exhaustive list. But don\u2019t forget, immune system booster foods also include supplements. Complement your child\u2019s daily routine with an immune system booster like \nChewies Immunolicious gummies\n.\u00a0\n\n\nFortified with a patented Wellmune formula, the hero ingredient in Immunolicious is clinically proven to help strengthen the immune system. \nChewies Immunolicious\n comes in three delicious flavours \u2013 Orange, Strawberry and Mango. Pick one that tickles your child\u2019s fancy! Children love its fun shape that makes it appealing and less \nmedicine-ish\n. And just two of these gummies a day is sufficient to keep health threats at bay.\u00a0\n\n\nThese gummies are Halal, non-allergenic and GMO free so you really have nothing to worry about.\n\n\nIn addition to immune system booster foods, your child also needs sufficient sleep, regular exercise, good hygiene practices and a smoke-free home. Remember, a strong immune system means less sick days and more time to inspire kids to build their big dreams!\u00a0\n\n\n3. Build the Dream\u00a0\n\n\nMaking dreams into reality is hard, \nincredibly\n and \nunimaginably\n. Your job isn\u2019t just to inspire kids, you need to support them every step of the way. Start by setting goals. Ensure that their goals are realistic and measurable and take baby steps.\u00a0\n\n\nRemember, the road ahead is long and arduous but fulfilling nonetheless. It\u2019s not a sprint but a marathon.\n\n\nThere will be good days and days that can be better and there will be days they feel like giving up. Always ensure them that the only way to go is forward.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, mums and dads, may you go forth and inspire your kids. Make them dream big and show them that the world is a treasure trove of endless possibilities and opportunities. The world is their oyster; let them find their pearls!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/preparing-for-baby-checklist", "title": "Mommies, Here Are Some Essentials You Need For Your Baby Checklist", "body": "Mommies, have you prepared the baby checklist?\n\n\nThere is a great deal to consider when \npreparing for the arrival of your new baby\n. We have therefore compiled a list of essentials you will need for the arrival of your little one.\n\n\nPreparing for Baby\u2019s Room\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBaby\u2019s Cot\n\n\nWind-up mobiles/ Merry-go-round\n\n\nMattress\n\n\nBlanket\n\n\nBumper\n\n\nCot sheets\n\n\nMattress protector\n\n\nChanging table (optional)\n\n\nChest of Drawers\n\n\nClothes\n\n\nPacifiers\n\n\nMittens\n\n\nBootees\n\n\nNappy\n\n\nNappy liners\n\n\nCotton buds\n\n\nBlouse/shirts \u2013 long and short sleeves\n\n\nSuits \u2013 pants and long shirts\n\n\nHandkerchief\n\n\nSafety pins\n\n\nFace towels\n\n\nCotton balls etc.\n\n\nNail clippers\n\n\nCream to prevent nappy rash\n\n\nOil for wind\n\n\nZiplock to store soiled pampers or nappies\n\n\nGripe Water\n\n\n\n\n Preparing for Baby Bathing\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWipes\n\n\nBaby bath tub\n\n\nBath mat\n\n\nBath towel\n\n\nBath sponge (optional)\n\n\nBaby soap/ bath lotion\n (fragrance-free, talc-free, alcohol-free)\n\n\nBaby shampoo\n\n\nCotton buds\n\n\nBaby oil\n\n\nBaby powder with a puff (optional)\n\n\nTissue paper\n\n\nDiapers\n\n\n\n\n Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump \n\n\n\n\nSterile swab applicators\n\n\nSterile cotton swabs\n\n\nSterile container for cord spirit\n\n\nCord spirit\n\n\n\n\n Preparing for Feeding Baby\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMilk bottles\n & small sized teats\n\n\nBottle scrub brush\n\n\nWarmer cum carrier bag\n\n\nThermometer (to use when baby is unwell)\n\n\nLarge pan/pot (for sterilising)\n\n\nTongs (to handle hot bottles)\n\n\n6-Bottle Electric Steam Steriliser (optional)\n\n\nMilk containers\n\n\n\n\n Accessories\n\n\n\n\nPlaypen\n\n\nWalker (optional)\n\n\nStairgates\n\n\nRubber protectors\n\n\nHighchair\n\n\nBouncer\n\n\nStroller\n\n\nBaby carrier\n\n\nPram\n\n\nToys & Playstuff\n\n\nRattle\n\n\nMirror\n\n\nBaby gym (optional)\n\n\n\n\n Mummy Care\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMaternity Dress/ Pyjamas with front opening for breastfeeding\n\n\nNipple cream\n\n\nNursing pads\n\n\nDisposable panties\n\n\nSanitary pads\n\n\nBedroom slippers\n\n\nBreast pump\n\n\nHair ties\n\n\nMaternity bra/front hook bra\n\n\n\n\n Other Optional Items \n\n\n\n\nElectrical Flask\n\n\nClaypot or double boil claypot for mum\u2019s confinement soup\n\n\n\n\nDid we miss out on anything else in this baby checklist article? Don\u2019t forget to comment on our Facebook page!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nWhy is my baby so cranky?\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pumpables-supergenie-review", "title": "#tApReviews: Pumpables SuperGenie Review", "body": "Recently, I did a \nPumpables Milk Genie Plus review\n. In terms of portable breast pumps, it is one of the best ones in the market without a doubt. So I decided to also get around to the Pumpables SuperGenie review, though this is not a comparison review since both pumps are of different categories.\n\n\nThe Pumpables SuperGenie breast pump is a hospital-grade pump and as far as pumping goes, every mummy needs a hospital-grade pump in her breastfeeding journey. The reason for this is because hospital-grade pumps have stronger suction power, which is crucial in clearing the breasts and maintaining yield.\n\n\nA good hospital-grade pump can save you from a lot of pain from mastitis, which can happen if you don\u2019t clear your breasts properly during each pump.\u00a0\n\n\nSo let\u2019s get to it!\n\n\nPumpables SuperGenie Review\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice\n\n\nRM999\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSuction Power\n\n\n\n\nUp to 330mmHg\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWeight\n\n\n1120grams\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCategory\n\n\nHospital-grade\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\n\n\n1. The all-new liquid shield kit\n\n\nUnlike any other breast pump in the market, the Pumpables SuperGenie is the first pump to come with a breast shield that actually almost mimics a baby sucking on your breast. The way the shield is designed, the suction doesn\u2019t simply pull on your nipple to drag out the milk, but it almost gently massages and presses down on the nipple with each drag. If you look closely, inside the big plastic flange, there is a smaller silicone insert. This is what gently massages and \u201clatches\u201d onto your nipple.\n\n\nOut of all the pumps I have tried as an EP mum, this definitely mimics the latch as closely as possible (I did get baby to latch occasionally in the beginning). It is also incredibly gentle and doesn\u2019t hurt your nipples due to how gentle the suction is.\n\n\n2. It is a smart pump\n\n\n\n\nWe\u2019ve got smartphones, smart homes and smart everything nowadays \u2013 so why not a smart breast pump too? This revolutionary breast pump comes with Bluetooth so you can connect the pump to an app and control the pump from your phone.\u00a0\n\n\nNot only that, you can save your pump settings and select the programme you want to use for your next pump via the app. For new mummies, preset programmes are also available for you to try out so you don\u2019t feel too lost.\u00a0\n\n\n3. The design makes it easy to store\n\n\n\n\nUnlike other hospital-grade pumps that might be very large, this one is quite compact considering how powerful it is. It comes with a handle that you can choose to lift or tuck away depending on your preference. A nightlight is attached to the handle for your convenience for middle-of-the-night pump sessions. Other pumps, like the Spectra S1 (pictured above on the right), are awkwardly shaped and might be hard to store away.\n\n\n4. It comes with many sizes for the breast shield\n\n\nIf it\u2019s one thing Pumpables really understands, it is that every mummy is build different (especially when it comes to breasts!). Women have a pretty wide range of nipple sizes. Pumpables addresses this issue by offering breast shield sizes from 15mm all the way up to 30mm.\n\n\nHowever, when purchasing you can only select 21mm, 25mm or 29mm. You can buy the other sizes by ordering them separately.\u00a0\n\n\n5. It clears the breast effectively and may even increase your yield\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer: This may not actually work for all mums, but it is worth a shot. As a hospital-grade pump, the primary function is to clear your breasts. However, for lower supply mums, it is always good to have a breast pump that can also help to increase your yield.\u00a0\n\n\nMany mummies have testified to an increased yield due to this breast pump. As an oversupply mum myself, I reached a maximum yield of 450ml or 15oz for both breasts after a month of using the pump. This is the yield that I got from a single pumping session on one side (while collecting milk in a Haakaa on the other side).\u00a0\n\n\nThe other side of things:\n\n\n1. The pump takes some getting used to.\u00a0\n\n\nYou will need to navigate around the settings to get the hang of using this pump. It is not as straightforward as just turning on the machine and adjusting the suction speed. Since it\u2019s a highly customisable pump, you will need to spend time creating a setting profile that is best suited for your pumping style.\n\n\n2. It is quite heavy.\u00a0\n\n\nAt 1.2kg, this might not sound like much. And indeed, it is one of the lightest and most compact hospital-grade pumps available in the market. It is just something you will have to be prepared to live with \u2013 especially if you will be moving this around a lot. However, since I only use it at home, it stays put in one spot and weight is not an issue for me.\u00a0\n\n\n3. There are a lot more parts to wash.\u00a0\n\n\nAhh, one of the most annoying parts of pumping is definitely the washing. You have to wash pump parts, bottles, pacifiers (if you use them), your baby\u2019s toys, clothes, linens and the list goes on. So having extra parts to wash might be a little tedious for busy mummies, but since these parts (like the silicone insert mentioned earlier) clearly contribute to the effectiveness of the pump, I\u2019d say it is worth it.\u00a0\n\n\nWant to win a Pumpables Supergenie pump after reading this Pumpables Supergenie review? Download theAsianparent app on the App Store or Google Play Store and join our giveaway contest now!\n\n\nOr buy your own Pumpables Supergenie pump \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/formula-milk-origins", "title": "Alarming Facts About Your Child\u2019s Formula Milk Powder", "body": "Have you ever heard your other parent friends discussing the different criteria they look for when choosing a formula milk for their children? Or perhaps it is something you have done yourself \u2013 with a spouse or friend.\n\n\nOften, what is discussed is the price and list of \u201cfortified ingredients\u201d contained in the different brands of formula milk. While these factors are important to a certain extent, what parents should be concerned about is formula milk origins as well.\n\n\nFormula milk origins: Where does your child\u2019s formula milk come from?\n\n\nParents, did you know that most milk brands are actually NOT manufactured in Europe or Western countries like Australia and New Zealand? In fact, many brands manufacture their products right here in Southeast Asia!\n\n\nThe next time you walk down a supermarket aisle looking for a can of milk, we recommend you read the label to find out where the product is manufactured.\n\n\nNow, you might be wondering, why does this matter so much? Does it really matter if your child\u2019s milk is made in Europe or Asia? How different could it possibly be?\n\n\nThe fact is, when milk is not manufactured in Europe, it may not contain as many natural nutrients as a product that is made from start to end in the country of origin.\n\n\nThis is due to the different manufacturing processes it goes through. A product made in Asia will go through a double manufacturing process while a product imported directly from Europe, Australia and New Zealand, only goes through a single manufacturing process.\n\n\nWhich is better?\n\n\n\n\nDo you know where your child\u2019s milk is being manufactured? Know your child\u2019s formula milk origins by identifying if it goes through a single or double manufacturing process.\n\n\n\n\nThe difference between a single and double manufacturing process\n\n\nA double manufacturing process means that the milk is typically sourced from a Western country before being exported to Asia for brands to add in their \u201cfortified ingredients\u201d.\n\n\nSo, yes, while the milk comes from cows that are reared overseas, they typically source it from a third party since they don\u2019t actually own the farms or cows.\n\n\nOnce the milk is extracted from the cows on the farm, it is then transported to a factory to be made into powder. The powder is then sent to countries like Thailand, Singapore or other Southeast Asians countries for brands to include their own ingredients.\n\n\nDuring this process, the milk powder is subjected to multiple heat treatments and it is possible that many natural nutrients can be lost.\n\n\nIn cases like this, brands will then have to put on the can that the product is manufactured outside of Europe.\n\n\n\n\nCows are able to thrive in an environment that looks out for their wellbeing, therefore producing better quality milk.\n\n\n\n\nWhy a single manufacturing process is better\n\n\nOf course, a single manufacturing process is better simply because the product goes through fewer heat treatments and more natural nutrients can be preserved.\n\n\nThe single manufacturing process means that milk is extracted from cows in the original country, converted into powder using mild heat treatment and then directly packaged and exported to be sold here in Malaysia.\n\n\nTypically, this single manufacturing process means that a single company is behind the whole process, eliminating any need for third party involvement.\n\n\nThis means that the brand that owns the farm is able to control the environment in which the cows are reared to ensure a thriving atmosphere. Then when the milk is transported, it is done so at the right temperature.\n\n\nBefore the milk is converted into powder, it is carefully tested for the right colour and scent to ensure that it is of the highest quality.\n\n\nAs parents, we aspire to give the best to our children. It is only when we know better that we do better. Thus, choose your child\u2019s milk formula brand wisely by checking where it truly comes from.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lego-set-kids", "title": "Shop These 6 Best LEGO Sets for Your Kids", "body": "LEGO sets are an all-time classic when it comes to building blocks - they are good quality and are pretty much indestructible no matter how many times you hurt yourself stepping on these bricks - yes, we have all been there. But, kids love it and so do adults.\n\n\nWhat started in a woodworking shop of Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1932 has turned into a worldwide phenomenon now with various sets based on movies, celebrities and even, famous sporting teams.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, these building blocks or bricks are also powerful learning tools for your kids, even during their first toddler year - it helps develop fine motor skills while exercising their imagination as they are able to stack them, or create buildings and other construction play.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, if you are looking for an educational and fun toy to keep your kids occupied at home, LEGOs are a great option - some sets may be pricey but consider it as an investment as they can last for years! Here are some of our top LEGO picks for your child based on their age.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Ages 1+: LEGO DUPLO Classic Creative animals (175 Pieces) \nBuy LEGO DUPLO Creative Animals (LazMall LEGO Official Store)\n2. Age 1+: LEGO DUPLO Classic Heart Box - 10909 (80 Pieces) \nBuy LEGO Classic Heart Box (LazMall LEGO Official Store)\n3. Ages 2+: Frozen Ice Castle \nBuy Frozen Ice Castle (LazMall LEGO Official Store)\n4. Ages 4+: LEGO Classic Creative Suitcase 10713 (213 Pieces) \nBuy LEGO Classic Creative Suitcase (LazMall LEGO Official Store)\n5. Ages 4+ : LEGO Classic Creative Brick Box (790 pieces) \nBuy LEGO Classic Box (LazMall LEGO Official Store)\n6. Ages 5+: LEGO City Police Patrol Car 60239 (92 Pieces) \nBuy LEGO City Police Patrol Car (LazMall LEGO Official Store)\n\n\nHere are five LEGO sets ideas\n\n\nIf you have the classic LEGO set, your child can build anything and everything as you won't be limited by design. These are some cool ideas created by LEGO's play agents!\n\n\n\n\nSo, get building these LEGO sets with your little ones and have some fun!\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHow to choose the right toys\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sanitizing-your-home", "title": "It\u2019s Crucial Now To Keep Your House Virus Free! Here Are 5 Sanitation Solutions For You", "body": "Do not wait till one of your family members gets exposed to start sanitizing your home. It is essential to maintain a \nvirus free environment\n at home especially during this time of MCO.\n\n\nSince most of us still require to go outside to work, get groceries and perform other daily tasks.\n\n\nKeep in mind that every trip risks the household to exposure of COVID-19. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a sanitary home especially in areas that we touch with our hands such as door handles, carpets and even the walls are all common places that we regularly have skin contact with.\n\n\nKeys Points on Home Sanitation\n\n\nWhat parents need to keep in mind when sanitizing your home:\n\n\n\n\nUse reusable or disposable gloves when cleaning and/or disinfecting.\n\n\nClean surfaces first with water and soap, then apply a layer of disinfectant.\n\n\nFollow manufacturers\u2019 recommendations when cleaning specific items so as to not damage them.\n\n\nWash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.\n\n\nAllocate a separate bedroom and bathroom for household members that are sick/infected where possible.\n\n\nApply anti-virus paints like Nippon Paint VirusGuard!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAs a parent, we\u2019re almost guaranteed to leave the house to purchase groceries and other essentials. It is therefore advisable to have a pair of re-usable/disposable gloves handy especially when using a shopping cart or even going to the ATM. However the best way to protect yourself and your family when returning home is to first wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds and/or use sanitizer gel with at least 60% alcohol content.\u00a0\n\n\nCleaning\n\n\nCleaning, the first step is sanitizing your home. So what are the tools and products that parents need to prepare? Just follow these simple steps below:\n\n\n\n\nPrepare re-usable or disposable gloves to avoid direct contact when cleaning.\u00a0\n\n\nFollow a 2 step cleaning process, by first cleaning the desired surface with soap and water and then applying a thin layer of disinfectant. The first step helps to remove surface level bacteria and overall dirt whereas the second step helps with deep cleansing on the surface by eliminating the remaining bacteria/viruses.\u00a0\n\n\nPractice a regular cleaning routine for frequently touched surfaces. Some examples include desks, door handles, light switches, refrigerator handles, phones, keyboards, toilets, sinks, etc.\n\n\n\n\nDisinfecting\n\n\nDisinfectants ,as earlier introduced as a step in cleaning, have the capability to kill viruses such as: SARs and COVID-19.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, do practice caution when using and follow instructions on the label to ensure not only your safety but your family\u2019s as well.\n\n\nAlso ensure that the surface remains wet after a few minutes of spraying the disinfectant.\n\n\nWe recommend the following when sanitizing your home:\n\n\n\n\nEnsure the room that is being disinfected has good ventilation.\n\n\nWear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to protect the skin and use a \u2018face shield\u2019 for eye protection from splashes of harmful chemicals.\n\n\nLabel solutions and store them appropriately.\n\n\nMake sure that they are out of reach from children and pets.\n\n\nRefrain from direct contact with disinfectants through touching, smelling or ingestion as it may cause serious injury.\n\n\nAvoid using disinfectants on pets unless clearly specified that is ok for pet-use.\n\n\n\n\nFamily members that have asthma should not be present during the sanitation process as it will affect them negatively and worsen the symptoms of asthma. Similarly, pregnant women should also avoid performing this type of cleaning and not be present as well.\n\n\nDisinfecting the household with Bleach\n\n\nUnderstandably, most mothers often try to be cost savvy and use what is readily available at home. However, bleach should only be used on appropriate surfaces not as an all solution for disinfecting.\n\n\nFurthermore, mothers should take note to use only bleach that contains 5.25\u20138.25 percent sodium hypochlorite. If the percentage does not fall within this range or is not specified, usage should be avoided.\u00a0\n\n\nThe most important thing to remember for parents; never mix household bleach with ammonia or other cleaners. This can cause a very toxic smoke to be produced which could be inhaled.\n\n\n4 Ways to\u00a0sanitizing your home\n\n\n# 1. Clothes, sheets & plushies for children\n\n\nClothes, towels, linens and other fabrics that are used by your children should be washed using the hot water and completely dried either by using a dryer or sun-dried.\n\n\nAlso keep in mind that when washing clothes worn out of the house, parents can immediately dump them into their washing machines to keep them separate from other dirty laundry. This helps to keep laundry worn in and out of the house separate.\n\n\n#2. Other Fabrics\n\n\nFor other fabrics such as mats, carpets and curtains you can clean the surface with soap and water or with a suitable cleaner to use on this surface.\n\n\nIf you have children who are prone to allergies, avoid direct spraying of disinfectant on the carpet where they often lie down or play. Where possible, they should be dried in the sun first.\n\n\nIf you have been previously washing your fabrics in cold water, here\u2019s a tip for you when washing with hot water. If possible dry them in warm temperatures or the dryers. Lastly, vacuum your fabrics after washing for a perfectly soft texture.\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\n#3. Electronic devices\u00a0\n\n\nFor electronic devices such as tablets, smartphones, keyboards and remote controls you can still use disinfectant as usual. Although when using disinfectants on smartphones it is recommended to have a screen protector to protect the screen. Also do make sure you spray the disinfectants on a cloth and not directly onto your electronic devices. You may also want to look at the manufacturer\u2019s instructions for cleaning your electronic devices in case the cleaning process varies from your other electronic devices.\n\n\n#4. Paint your walls with Nippon Paint VirusGuard for perfect wall sanitation!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage: Nippon Paint\n\n\n\n\nSafety for the whole family with a single step.\n\n\nOften overlooked, did you know that viruses or bacteria can also live on the walls of your house? So, it is important that you make sure the walls of the house are always safe to touch by repainting the walls of your home, especially the bedroom! As they say prevention is better than the cure. Take time this MCO to ensure your house is virus free and get a fresh look while you are at it.\n\n\nNippon Paint VirusGuard is the first anti-virus paint produced and proven to be effective against Human Coronavirus, H1N1 and HFMD (hand, foot and mouth disease).\n\n\nBy using Silver Ion technology which is the world\u2019s oldest antimicrobial agent, it is able to inhibit the spread of micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and fungus. In fact, it is also safe for children and pets.\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t miss out!\n\n\nStand a chance to get a Nippon Paint Care Mask if you make a purchase of Nippon Paint VirusGuard now. \nClick here\n to buy Nippon Paint VirusGuard today and get to know more about Nippon Paint VirusGuard \nclick here\n.\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/18-fabulous-and-easy-to-make-rice-cooker-meals-desserts-included", "title": "18 fabulous and easy to make rice cooker meals (desserts included)", "body": "Did you know that you can use a rice cooker to make something other than rice? From dishes such as mac and cheese, risotto,\u00a0stir-fried veggies, to even cheesecakes, the options are endless! If you\u2019re in need of a quick meal or perhaps to satisfy those random hunger pangs, the rice cooker meal option could be great. If you don\u2019t know how, well now you can, because we\u2019ll be sharing some very fabulous and simple rice cooker recipes!\n\n\nIt could be nice to switch things up a little!\n\n\nDo It All With A Trusty Rice Cooker\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t got a rice cooker, you can get a good quality rice cooker at shops such as Best Denki, Harvey Norman or Giant.\n\n\nEven if you want to keep things affordable, go for a trusted brand such as Philips, Panasonic, Sharp or Tefal.\n\n\nWhen choosing a rice cooker, do keep in mind how many people you are cooking for, plus how easy it is to clean it.\n\n\nOnce you\u2019ve made your choice and your rice cooker is ready to be used, the next step is to try out these fabulous and simple rice cooker recipes we\u2019ve lined up for you!\n\n\nSimple Rice Cooker Recipes For Everyone\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nMac and Cheese\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWe all love a one-pot dish, where the mess and cleaning up is kept to a minimum. One of the super simple rice cooker recipes, surely!\u00a0\n\n\nThat\u2019s why \nthis creamy mac and cheese recipe\n is a must-try. It\u2019s sure to be a hit with the kids, too!\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nSteamed asparagus and tofu\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s a super healthy \nveggie-loaded dish\n you\u2019ve got to try. It is simple and nutritious, too.\n\n\n3. Easy chicken curry\n\n\n\n\nYou probably had never thought of making chicken curry in your rice cooker before.\n\n\nWell, all that will change now because you\u2019ve got to try \nthis no-fuss curry dish\n that is perfect for a weeknight dinner (or maybe even lunch or breakfast!).\n\n\n4.\u00a0Fried rice\n\n\n\n\nFried rice is a common favourite among Singaporeans. It is so versatile \u2014 you can mix any kind of vegetable into it and the kids will still like it.\n\n\nThat\u2019s why you have got to try \nthis easy fried rice recipe\n \u2014 everything comes together nicely in the rice cooker!\n\n\n5.\u00a0Oatmeal\n\n\n\n\nOatmeal, although very nutritious and wholesome, can be a bit of a hassle to prepare over the stove\u2026 but not in the rice cooker!\n\n\nIn fact, it\u2019s one of the most simple rice cooker recipes you can find!\n\n\nThat\u2019s why you must give \nthis rice cooker recipe\n a try \u2014 I\u2019m sure you\u2019ll love it!\n\n\n6.\u00a0Scrambled eggs\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s \na quick and extremely easy recipe for scrambled eggs\n which can be made in the rice cooker. The result \u2014 perfectly luscious and creamy scrambled eggs!\n\n\n7.\u00a0Lemon risotto\n\n\n\n\nI love risotto, but I\u2019ve never attempted making it at home because it is so fiddly to make.\n\n\nHowever, I will definitely give \nthis super easy rice cooker version of risotto\n a try, and so should you!\n\n\n8.\u00a0Chicken biriyani\n\n\n\n\nThis recipe\n which appeared in \nThe New York Times\n is amazingly delicious and can be made from start to finish in the rice cooker. You must try it!\n\n\n9.\u00a0Vegetable frittata\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis\n is a great way to include healthy veggies in your (and your kid\u2019s) diet. There\u2019s nothing better than a super simple and quick-to-make meal that is healthy, too!\n\n\n10.\u00a0Stir-fried veggies\n\n\n\n\nStir-fried vegetables such as those prepared using\n this recipe\n are great for a quick and healthy lunch.\n\n\nFor variety, you can try using other vegetables.\n\n\n11.\u00a0Healthy quinoa salad\n\n\n\n\nVia\n\n\n\n\nQuinoa is extremely healthy and nutritious, and is packed with vitamins and fibre. In fact, it can be classified as a \u2018super food\u2019.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\n\n\nThat\u2019s why this fresh and simple \npomengranate and quinoa salad\n is a definite must-try, especially if you are looking to eat healthy.\n\n\n12.\u00a0Chocolate lava cake\n\n\n\n\nDo you fancy a sweet, decadent, warm, gooey chocolate cake for dessert? Here\u2019s a wonderful recipe for a molten hot lava cake that can be made in your rice cooker!\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\u2013 1 box of Betty Crocker Devil\u2019s Food Chocolate Cake mix (mix all necessary ingredients together following the box instructions)\n\n\n\u2013 1 can of Betty Crocker milk chocolate frosting, divided\n\n\n\u2013 (optional) cooking spray\n\n\nDirections:\n\n\n1. Spray your rice cooker bowl with cooking spray if it is not made of non-stick material.\n\n\n2. Place all cake mix ingredients together in the rice cooker bowl.\n\n\n3. Spoon half of the chocolate frosting in the middle of the cake batter.\n\n\n4. Place the bowl in the rice cooker and push the cook button.\n\n\nThe cooking time may vary according to different rice cookers \u2014 so when your rice cooker indicator shows that it\u2019s done, and you open the rice cooker and it\u2019s still liquid, just push the \u201ccook\u201d button again and wait.\n\n\n5. You may have to repeat this process a couple of times. Remember, the cake will be very moist and worth the wait \u2014 just plan ahead!\n\n\n6. When the cake is fully cooked, place the bowl upside down on a flat plate. Remove the bowl so that the cake stays on the plate.\n\n\n7. Heat the rest of the frosting in the microwave for about 20-30 seconds. Pour the frosting over the cake.\n\n\n8. Serve the cake warm and enjoy!\n\n\nSource of recipe: allmoneyblog.blogspot.com\n\n\n13.\u00a0Poached pomegranate spiced pears\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s\n a sophisticated dessert that can even be served to guests at a dinner party.\n\n\n14.\u00a0Banana bread\n\n\n\n\nBanana bread is a yummy tea-time (or breakfast-time, snack-time, or actually anytime!) treat. Try \nthis super simple recipe\n for the perfect banana bread made in your rice cooker.\n\n\n1\n5. Ricecooker Tatin cake\n\n\n\n\nVia\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s\n another sweet treat that can be made entirely in the rice cooker. You must give this one a try!\n\n\nNote: You need to scroll down on the linked page to view the recipe.\n\n\n16\n. Oh-so-deli rice cooker pancakes\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIntroduced by Japan, Rice cooker pancakes are now an internet sensation.\n\n\nSo extremely fluffy and scrumptious! And all you need to do is pour in the batter and let your rice cooker do the work \u2014 it\u2019s almost like magic!\u00a0\n\n\nTop \u2019em off with some refreshing fruits and drizzle with maple syrup or chocolate sauce and you\u2019re good to go!\n\n\nScroll down the page \nhere\n for instructions. Even we can\u2019t help but bookmark this page!\n\n\n17\n. Moist cheesecakes!\n\n\n\n\nWho would\u2019ve thought that you could bake cheesecakes out of rice cookers? We didn\u2019t either!\n\n\nAnd it\u2019ll all be ready in no time, in the comfort of your home.\u00a0\n\n\nCheck out this \nfun guide\n that is a recipe that was originally by Dingo Food.\u00a0\n\n\nBonus: or check out the video before if you\u2019d like!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n18\n. Scalloped Potatoes\n\n\n\n\nVia\n\n\n\n\nPerfect as a side dish for a get together with friends and family. These extremely yummy scalloped potatoes will definitely get your kids excited and wishing they could tuck in sooner!\n\n\nAlthough this requires an extra step in this \nrecipe\n \u2014 to cook\u00a0the butter garlic and onion in a skillet first\u00a0\u2014 it\u2019s well worth it.\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t have a stove, you can cook it in your rice cooker on the saut\u00e9 option (if your model has one).\n\n\nWe hope that these delectable and simple rice cooker recipes will give you more ideas when it comes to meal times with your little ones! Rope them in to help\u00a0\u2014 you can look forward to fun times without all the hassle in preparations.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/strong-immune-system-aptagro", "title": "Build Your Child's Immunity To Fight Infections", "body": "One lesson parents have to learn the hard way is that their children are going to get hurt. No matter how much we do to keep them protected, children are going to be children.\n\n\nAny child will experience falling down, nicking their skin without realising it, scraping their knee on the ground or any minor injury similar to that. Or maybe your child might have unknowingly eaten something that was contaminated.\n\n\nNot only that, they are susceptible to all kinds of infections and catching germs as they grow up and explore the world.\n\n\nThese situations are all pretty inevitable.\n\n\nThe difference between a child with a strong immune system and a child with a weak immune system is how their body reacts to these little accidents.\n\n\nThe immune system is our body\u2019s defense system, that kicks in to fight potential infections, to help heal the body and to prevent the body from getting attacked further.\n\n\nYou just need to know how to identify whether your child has a strong immune system or not, and how to further strengthen it, to keep these defenses up!\n\n\nDoes Your Child Have A Strong Immune System?\n\n\nEveryone is born with an immune system. This is what is known as the innate immune system. Then, there is the adaptive immune system, which is acquired and learned through a person\u2019s life.\n\n\nWhile there is not much we can do to alter our innate immune system, there is much to be done with the adaptive immune system\n1\n.\n\n\nThe adaptive immune system is something that needs nurturing over time. There are many ways to strengthen a child\u2019s immune system that parents need to start practicing from as young as possible to avoid a weakened immune system for a prolonged period.\n\n\nHere are some of the telltale signs of a weakened immune system:\n\n\n1. Your child falls sick often\n\n\nChildren who have weakened immune systems will find themselves falling sick very easily. If your child is constantly exposed to the outside world and is unable to fight the germs they bring back home, they tend to fall sick often.\n\n\n2. Your child takes a long time to recover\n\n\nThis applies to illnesses like the common cold and if you also notice your child\u2019s scrapes and cuts are taking a long time to heal, it is a sign that they have a weakened immune system.\n\n\n3. Your child gets the same infections over and over again\n\n\nGenerally, when we are exposed to a sickness, the body builds up immunity towards that sickness. However, if your child is not able to build up immunity towards these on their own and falls sick again with the same illness, it might hint at a weak immune system.\n\n\n4. Your child seems more fatigued than his or her peers\n\n\nIf your child constantly complains how tired they are, and you notice that he or she seems to have an overall low energy level, this is also an indicator that their immune system might not be very strong.\n\n\n5. Your child\u2019s lymph nodes swell up easily\n\n\nOur lymph nodes are small glands in the neck, groin, armpits, and behind the knees. They are responsible for catching germs and filtering them out as part of our immune system\n2\n. When they are swollen, this is a sign that the body is fighting an infection. If this happens very frequently, your child\u2019s immune system might be compromised.\n\n\n6. C-section birth might play a role\n\n\nTo no fault of the mother\u2019s, research has shown the immunity of children born via c-section might possibly be affected due to the lack of exposure to the bacteria that would occur during the standard birthing process\n3\n. If your child was delivered via c-section, his or her immunity might just need a little boost.\n\n\nHow To Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immune System\n\n\n\n\nThere are many ways you can help your child boost their immune system. There is no one size fits all solution to this, but parents should try to give their kids the best shot at building immunity by practicing as many good health habits such as these:\n\n\n1. Get sufficient sleep\n\n\nSleep plays not only a crucial role in strengthening a child\u2019s immune system, but also to ensure their development is not hindered. A child needs a minimum of 11 hours of sleep a night. In addition, if they require a day time nap, be sure to let them have it.\n\n\n2. Keep them active\n\n\nOf course, with all of that sleep, kids will also have a lot of energy to burn when they are awake! Use this opportunity to keep them active by exercising with them, taking them out to the park or playgrounds to burn off all of that excess energy.\n\n\nThis is a good time to instill healthy lifestyle habits that will stay with the child all of their life.\n\n\n3. Have a balanced diet\n\n\nThis is one of the most important factors for maintaining a good immune system. They say you are what you eat. So, whatever is going into your child\u2019s body is sure to play a role in their overall health and immunity.\n\n\nIt is vital that you provide them with a balanced diet and foods that meet their nutritional intake requirements.\n\n\nAnother important factor that plays a role in maintaining a good immune system is the addition of pre- and probiotics in a child\u2019s intake.\n\n\nWhy Pre- and Probiotics Are So Important\n\n\nPre- and probiotics ensures the child\u2019s gut health is well-taken care of by balancing the growth of beneficial bacteria. The inclusion of pre- and probiotics in your child\u2019s diet will ultimately result in better digestive health and immune system.\n\n\nWhat are prebiotics and what are probiotics?\n\n\nThese are two buzzwords that parents will often hear thrown around by other parents, by experts and doctors and nutritionists, too.\n\n\nIn simple terms, prebiotics are compounds that are found in food that will feed the good bacteria in our bodies. While probiotics, on the other hand, are live bacteria found in our food or supplements that provide our bodies with numerous health benefits.\n\n\nSo, one brings the good bacteria into our bodies, and the other feeds it.\n\n\nWhy do we need these two compounds in our bodies? Well, firstly, the good bacteria will help to protect us from harmful bacteria. And secondly, they act as little signals to our immune system to help regulate inflammation and infections\n4,5\n.\n\n\nNow that we know the importance (and difference) between pre- and probiotics, how do we then get our children to consume them?\n\n\nPrebiotics are often found in foods such as legumes, peas, beans and oats. Probiotics, on the other hand, are found in yogurt, kefir, tempeh or miso, for example. But it would be impossible to feed children these foods on a daily basis to ensure their nutritional needs are met.\n\n\nThat is why we often give them supplements. Parents, we all know, however that kids might resist taking supplements when you force feed it to them in pill form. So if there is a way we can feed our children both pre- and probiotics as conveniently as possible, why not try it, right?\n\n\nThe Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents (2013) has recommended 2 to 3 servings of milk and milk products every day for toddlers to meet their nutritional needs\n6\n. We can make sure our children get their pre- and probiotics through their daily milk intake. At the same time, we can be smart about it by killing two birds with one stone and ensuring their milk also contains the highest level of DHA, knowing how important that is for our children\u2019s development.\n\n\n\n\nAptaGro\u2122 is formulated with a combination of ActiveDuoBio+\u2122 and important nutrients that help support body and learning development. ActiveDuoBio+ is an internationally patented combination of Prebiotics GOS/lcFOS (9:1) and Probiotic B. Breve M-16V to boost the army of good bacteria in children\u2019s body. AptaGro also contains the highest DHA level\n7\n, helping to meet international expert recommendation\n8\n.\n\n\nStay resilient with a strong body defense. Get a free sample \nhere\n!\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1 \nBoraschi, D. (2014). How Innate and Adaptive Immunity Work. Nanoparticles and the Immune System, 1\u20137. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-12-408085-0.00001-7\n\n\n2 \nHow Your Immune System Fights Infection. (2020). Retrieved from \nwww.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/immune-system-fight-infection\n\n\n3 \nAltered microbiome after caesarean section impacts baby\u2019s immune system. (2018, November 30). Retrieved May 12, 2020, from \nwww.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181130094328.htm\n\n\n4 \nYan, F., & Polk, D. B. (2011, October). Probiotics and immune health. Retrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4006993/\n\n\n5 \nVieira, Thomaz, A., Teixeira, Martins, M., Martins, & Santos, F. dos. (2013, November 26). The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Inducing Gut Immunity. Retrieved from \nwww.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2013.00445/full\n\n\n6 \nNational Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition Ministry of Health Malaysia (2013). Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents (Key Message 9)\n\n\n7 \nCompared to other cow\u2019s milk based growing up milk brands per 100g basis in the market as of Dec 2019. AptaGro contains 89.7mg/100g of DHA.\n\n\n8 \nFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2010). Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition: Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 91. Rome.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/organic-baby-food", "title": "Starting Your Child on Solids: Is Organic Baby Food Better?", "body": "Are you finally starting your \nlittle one on solids\n? That\u2019s great \u2013 another milestone to mark down!\u00a0\n\n\nNow, you can \nintroduce him or her to a variety of \nnutritious foods\n such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, yoghurt, cheese, poultry, eggs and many more!\n\u00a0\n\n\nBut what food do you start with? There are mums who make their own homemade purees, but if you are strapped for time or want the easier route, go for the supermarket shelves. Of course, there are many variations out on the shelves that you can pick from and you will start noticing products with the word \u201corganic\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, what is organic food and is it the way to go for your child? To answer that, it is best you understand what it is.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is the difference between organic farmed food & conventional farming?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nGenerally, it is very common that you find baby food products such as instant cereals, juice, and purees made from grains, fruits, vegetables and meat.\n However, the quality of these products lies in the way these ingredients are farmed, which is usually either one of two farming methods \u2013 organic or conventional farming.\u00a0\n\n\nOrganic and conventional farming differs vastly in their agricultural system as the products and methods used by these farmers are very specific. Particularly, organic farming abides by strict laws in order \nto be certified\n as organic produce.\u00a0\n\n\nOrganic farming\n\n\nOrganic produce is farmed in the most natural way possible \u2013 this means the fruits and vegetables do not use chemical pesticides, while livestock is nurtured naturally, without use of antibiotics or growth hormones\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe main rule of organic farming is giving up the use of agrochemicals such as synthetic mineral fertilisers, as well as chemical plant protection products\n \u2013 organic farming mostly relies on natural principles such as biodiversity and composting\n. Meanwhile, farmers also utilise natural fertilisers and pesticides such as bone meal\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are many reasons on why organic farming is preferred which include:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo avoid genetically modified food (GMOs):\n GMOs are when plants, animals or any microorganisms are genetically altered to help farmers prevent crop loss\n. GMO crops are generally more resistant to insect damage and plant viruses, as well as tolerate herbicides. However, the safety of GMOs \nis\n still debatable and unknown, which is why many stay away from GMOs all together and opt for organically farmed crops instead\n.\u00a0\n\n\nFor better food taste:\n Plants that are organically farmed without chemical interference are known to have enhanced flavours in fruits and vegetables. This is because these plants are able to produce more of its own natural compounds known as antioxidants. Studies have shown that plants with higher antioxidant levels positively affect the taste, aroma and mouthfeel of the food\u2019s flavours\n.\u00a0\n\n\nTo prevent of chemical contamination:\n Reports have stated that pesticides are often consumed from poultry, meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products due to the conventional ways of farming which utilise chemicals or growth hormones. With organic farming, farmers use methods such as crop rotation, organic manures, as well as a larger environment to rear and breed livestock\n. This essentially means that the animals are free to roam around, which is also known as \u201cfree-range\u201d\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEnvironmentally friendly:\n Because organic farming does not permit the use of chemicals, it is generally more environmentally friendly than conventional farming as its natural practices promote biodiversity, long-term soil fertility, while encouraging insects that are beneficial to crops and the environment. It also keeps hazardous chemicals out of the groundwater\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, organic farming has strict guidelines to adhere to which is dependent on the law. In the United States, to be \u2018Organic Certified\u2019, the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires farmers to submit an application where they will go through stringent checks, including onsite assessments and inspections to ensure they comply to organic farming methods\n. In fact, there are baby food brands that are imported into Malaysia, such as Gerber\n\u00ae\n Organic that are USDA certified, which means the source of their products are truly organic.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nConventional farming\n\n\nConventional farming relies on chemical products, such as pesticides to ward off pests, weeds and provide plant nutrition\n. Additionally, pesticides are used to prevent the produce from factors such as molding\n.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the main reasons conventional farming methods are used is simply because it increases efficiency and productivity as this allows farmers to grow larger amounts of food, with less land and less manual labour\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, these practices could negatively affect the environment, ecological system and human health\n. Furthermore, these farming methods have been heavily criticised for causing biodiversity loss, soil erosion and increased water pollution because of the high usage of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, conventional farming may use methods that are very much frowned upon such as animal crowding, where animals are crowded together within an area and are fed by complex machinery. At times, they may be injected with medication to prevent diseases\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIs organic safer for your child?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAs we have talked about above \u2013 organically produced food does not rely on any synthetic enhancers during production. This means there is less pesticide residue on the produce, such as vegetables and fruits, compared to conventional farming methods\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThere is always a risk when the human body is exposed to pesticide \u2013 low doses of pesticides absorbed into the body over a long term period can cause highly toxic effects\n. This is even more risky to children as your child\u2019s body is more vulnerable than yours, especially within their early years.\u00a0\n\n\nBecause of this, organic produce or food is known to be a safer alternative as they avoid any potential effects of such residues and as a bonus, give parents a peace-of-mind. But there are parents who go for organic food as it simply tastes better too, while also being environmentally friendly\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWhich organic baby food brand should you try?\u00a0\n\n\nNow that you are more well-versed with organic baby foods, you have probably reached a point where you are keen to jump on the organic food bandwagon. In a nutshell, we know that the produce in organic baby food is farmed naturally, free of any nasty chemicals, environmentally friendly and taste better too.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, it is time to zero in on which brand to go for. Choosing a brand for your little one, especially if it is the first time he or she is starting on solids, might be a head-scratcher especially as a first-time parent. Sure, you can read up on \nthe various brands that offer organic alternatives but let us introduce to you one of the most popular choices among parents \u2013 Gerber\n\u00ae\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBut why Gerber\n\u00ae?\n Not only is Gerber\n\u00ae\n one of the more well-known brands for children, they have their own organic line known as Gerber\n\u00ae\n Organic. As we have mentioned above, their entire organic range is USDA Certified Organic, \nwhich means they abide by the strict USDA Organic Standards \nthat ensures food or other agricultural product uses approved methods in terms of crop, livestock, poultry and handling standards\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGerber\n\u00ae\n \nOrganic\n\u00a0produces organic and high-quality food for your little one\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe brand also has its own farming methods whereby Gerber\n\u00ae\n Organic uses fruits and vegetables that are grown with Clean Field Farming practices. This practice engages agricultural experts and selected farmers to grow their crops to ensure they are harvested according to the strict requirements.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, all of \nGerber\n\u00ae\n\u2019s baby foods are non-GM\nO verified (non-GMO is when there is no genetically modified organism during their food production), while their products are also free of artificial flavours or colours, with no added starch or artificial sweeteners. In addition to that, their food range is also left unsalted and unsweetened.\u00a0\n\n\nTo top it off, the Gerber\n\u00ae\n Organic line offers a large range of product varieties that keep your little one\u2019s food journey exciting as they explore a multitude of flavours and textures \u2013 Gerber\n\u00ae\n Organic has many different products \nincluding baby cereals, pouches, teethers, nutritious snacks and even, a range of supplements. T\nhis way you can introduce your child to a variety of baby foods and snacks!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, remember, when starting solids, start slowly \u2013 this is all very new to your little one. It is crucial you let your child lead the way for you to understand his or her likes and dislikes. Also, do not be worried if his or her eating pattern is erratic \u2013 it\u2019s actually normal!\n\n\nSo, are you ready to introduce your child to Gerber\n\u00ae\n Organic? Check out \ntheir \nproduct range\n now! \n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1 (n.d.). Understanding Food Safety: Pesticides, Hormones, and \u2026. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://www.webmd.com/diet/features/safer-food-healthier-you\n\n\n2 (2011, September 12). Pesticide Residues in the Organically Produced Food \u2026. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://www.intechopen.com/books/pesticides-in-the-modern-world-effects-of-pesticides-exposure/pesticide-residues-in-the-organically-produced-food\n\n\n3 (n.d.). Organic vs Conventional \u2013 Rodale Institute. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://rodaleinstitute.org/why-organic/organic-basics/organic-vs-conventional/\n\n\n4 (2018, November 14). (PDF) Organic versus Conventional Farming\u2014A \u2026 \u2013 ResearchGate. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/329139239_Organic_versus_Conventional_Farming-A_Paradigm_for_the_Sustainable_Development_of_the_European_Countries\n\n\n5 (2020, September 28). How GMO Crops Impact Our World | FDA. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.fda.gov/food/agricultural-biotechnology/how-gmo-crops-impact-our-world\n\n\n6 (n.d.). GMO Facts \u2013 The Non-GMO Project. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nongmoproject.org/gmo-facts/\n\n\n7 (2014, July 14). Organic Foods Are Tastier and Healthier, Study Finds. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/food/the-plate/2014/07/14/organic-foods-are-tastier-and-healthier-study-finds/\n\n\n8 (n.d.). What is Organic Farming \u2013 Conserve Energy Future. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.conserve-energy-future.com/organic-farming-benefits.php\n\n\n9 (n.d.). The Organic Choice | Organic Foods | Articles | Gerber Medical. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://medical.gerber.com/nutrition-health-topics/healthy-eating-habits/articles/the-organic-choice\n\n\n10 \n(2020, June 13). Make the Earth-Friendly Choice! Buy Organic | Down to Earth \u2026. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.downtoearth.org/environment/organic-vs-conventional-farming/make-earth-friendly-choice-buy-organic\n\n\n11 (n.d.). FAQ: Becoming a Certifying Agent | Agricultural Marketing Service. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ams.usda.gov/services/organic-certification/faq-becoming-certifying-agent\n\n\n12 (n.d.). Organic vs Conventional \u2013 Rodale Institute. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://rodaleinstitute.org/why-organic/organic-basics/organic-vs-conventional/\n\n\n13 (n.d.). Organic baby food: Better for baby? \u2013 Mayo Clinic. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/expert-answers/organic-baby-food/faq-20058008\n\n\n14 (2018, November 14). (PDF) Organic versus Conventional Farming\u2014A \u2026 \u2013 ResearchGate. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/329139239_Organic_versus_Conventional_Farming-A_Paradigm_for_the_Sustainable_Development_of_the_European_Countries\n\n\n15 (2018, November 14). (PDF) Organic versus Conventional Farming\u2014A \u2026 \u2013 ResearchGate. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/329139239_Organic_versus_Conventional_Farming-A_Paradigm_for_the_Sustainable_Development_of_the_European_Countries\n\n\n16 (2019, October 22). Is Organic Food Really Better for the Environment? \u2013 Sustainable \u2026. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2019/10/22/organic-food-better-environment/\n\n\n17 (n.d.). Conventional Vs Organic Farming \u2013 TNAU Agritech Portal. Retrieved February 11, 2021, from \nhttps://agritech.tnau.ac.in/org_farm/orgfarm_of%20vs%20con%20fasrming.html\n\n\n18 (n.d.). Organic baby food: Better for baby? \u2013 Mayo Clinic. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/expert-answers/organic-baby-food/faq-20058008\n\n\n19 (2011, September 12). Pesticide Residues in the Organically Produced Food \u2026. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://www.intechopen.com/books/pesticides-in-the-modern-world-effects-of-pesticides-exposure/pesticide-residues-in-the-organically-produced-food\n\n\n20 (n.d.). Organic baby food: Better for baby? \u2013 Mayo Clinic. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/expert-answers/organic-baby-food/faq-20058008\n\n\n21 (n.d.). USDA Organic Standards \u2013 Agricultural Marketing Service. Retrieved February 5, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ams.usda.gov/grades-standards/organic-standards\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u201cHelp! My child stores food in her mouth without swallowing\u2026 what do I do?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kids-activities-malaysia", "title": "Growing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn", "body": "As a parent, I often get anxious about preparing my child for the real world. There\u2019s a limit to what they can learn in school and at home. And even when they\u2019re not at school, children\u2019s learning must go on. But isn\u2019t it my responsibility too?\n\n\nI was looking for somewhere other than school as a safe space for my child to learn. And that was when I discovered \nKidZania Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\n\n\nFirst Visit to KidZania Kuala Lumpur\n\n\nMy child was only four years old when we started going to KidZania Kuala Lumpur. At the start, it was all about having fun and being entertained. My child finally got to pilot an AirAsia plane just like in the cartoons he used to watch and he became a hero by putting out fires as a fireman.\n\n\nWe came home from our first visit to KidZania Kuala Lumpur all happy and tired. But we were already planning our next trip as there were so many other roles my child had not experienced yet.\n\n\n\n\nThe Early Years: Real-Life Experience\n\n\nBy our second trip, my child had started to realise that these activities were not just stuff from his cartoons. These were real jobs that real people have in real life. The surroundings and the whole experience were realistic, and this enabled him to grasp what was going on right away.\n\n\nHe learned how responsible you have to be when you are at work. He discovered how when you are a pilot, you are responsible for the safety of your passengers, and when you are a police officer, you are responsible for keeping the peace in your local area.\n\n\n7 Years Old and Up: Understanding the Importance of Jobs in the Community\n\n\n\n\nAs young as seven years old, my child quickly understood that there are all kinds of jobs in the world, and how each job plays a huge part in the community. Often, even adults forget this truth, but my child had understood this at an early age and placed value on all kinds of jobs.\n\n\nAs he performed as a milk processing operator at the Vitagen Milk Factory, he experienced firsthand how to produce the milk he drinks every night. This helped him to develop an appreciation for all kinds of jobs. For example, he understands he would not have slippers to wear without a slipper maker, and we would not have safe highways without a maintenance crew.\n\n\n\n\nMy child also realised the importance of working as a team as we went on further visits. He would make mistakes as an individual in some jobs, but he soon realised that it was always better to work as a team. For example, when he performed as a field investigator at a crime scene investigation, he quickly approached the forensic scientist to share the information he had so that they could solve the case faster.\n\n\nBeyond Jobs: Expressions of Creativity\n\n\nEvery child is born with the capacity to be creative. So it should have come as no surprise that my child would be creative when he performed as an actor in the theatre setting, when he was a magician in the magic shop or when he was the announcer at a radio station.\n\n\nHowever, seeing his creativity take flight filled my heart with pride. Little did I expect he would create all sorts of situations in his roles; making conversations with passengers as part of the cabin crew or asking random questions as a tourist in the tourist information centre.\n\n\nIt awed me that this tiny human of mine was his own person.\n\n\nTaking Learning Home: Lessons from Being a Customer\n\n\n\n\nKidZania Kuala Lumpur\u2019s surroundings are so realistic that kids get to perform the role of a customer too \u2013 an experience with unexpected positive lessons! When my child played the role of a customer, I saw how careful he was when he interacted with the mobile shop seller, cashier and insurance agent.\n\n\nHe developed a level of patience and understanding which he brought back home in his interactions with me. He is more patient now when I am not able to cater to him immediately or when he can\u2019t catch my attention right away. Being a good customer is as important as being a good worker, and I am happy he has learnt this in KidZania Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nGrasping the Value of Money: Earning, Not Spending\n\n\n\n\nDuring our first KidZania Kuala Lumpur visit, my child was given 50 kidZos to spend within the KidZania Nation. Suffice to say, those 50 kidZos were spent really quickly.\n\n\nMy child was then given the chance to earn more kidZos while working at any of the establishments. And once he earned the kidZos by his own effort, he was more careful in spending it.\n\n\nThese days, he decides to save most of his kidZos in the Central Bank of KidZania, just like a mature adult. I tried my very best not to laugh when he was withdrawing his kidZos from the ATM \u2013 it was too cute!\n\n\nPriceless for Parenting\n\n\n\n\nLooking back, I am glad KidZania Kuala Lumpur has been the safe space my child needed \u2013 a place where he can make as many mistakes as he wants and learn valuable lessons. It had also been such a huge part of our family\u2019s growth and learning experience.\n\n\nWithout KidZania Kuala Lumpur, it would have been harder for me to instill all these different values in my child. But perhaps the best part is he was able to learn it all by himself.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIn collaboration with KidZania Kuala Lumpur, TheAsianParent Malaysia would like to offer our readers and subscribers a 25% discount on entry tickets on \nwww.kidzania.com.my\n! \n\n\n\u00a0\nPromo Code: \nTAP025\n\n\nValid till 30 December 2019\n\n\nKidZania Kuala Lumpur is an award-winning indoor family edutainment centre that offers interactive learning and role play experiences for kids.\n\n\nThe first of its kind in providing edutainment fun, KidZania Kuala Lumpur empowers and inspires kids to pursue their life\u2019s dreams. It provides them an avenue to explore what it\u2019s like to live and work in a real functioning city. \n\n\nKidZania Kuala Lumpur\u2019s kid-sized city experience is for kids aged between 4 and 14 years. It allows them to choose from over 100 job-related role-playing experiences spread across 60 city establishments. If you\u2019re looking for kids activities Malaysia has to offer, you can\u2019t go wrong with KidZania Kuala Lumpur!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKids Activities Malaysia: Kidzania Kuala Lumpur Activities All Year Round\n\n\n1. Variable Programme: Science & Space\u00a0 (25 May-16 June)\n\n\n2. Variable Programme: History & Archeology (10-18 Aug)\n\n\n3. Variable Programme: Be A Star (23 Nov-31 Dec)\n\n\nBe sure to check out Kidzania Kuala Lumpur\u2019s official website and Facebook page for more information on these exciting new variable programmes!\n\n\nKidZania Kuala Lumpur Operating Hours:\n\n\nSunday to Friday\n\n\n*Except during Malaysia school holidays, and National and Selangor public holidays.\u00a0\n\n\nOne Session: 10:00 am\u20135:00 pm\n\n\nSaturday, Malaysia school and public holiday: 10:00 am\u20137:00 pm\n\n\nMonday\n\n\n*Except during Malaysia school holidays, National and Selangor public and replacement holidays: Closed\n\n\nAddress\n\n\nCurve NX, No. 18, Jalan PJU7/5,\n\n\nMutiara Damansara, 47810\n\n\nPetaling Jaya, Selangor\n\n\nWebsite\u00a0\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nwww.kidzania.com.my\n\n\nFacebook\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nwww.facebook.com/KidZaniaKualaLumpur\n\n\nInstagram\n\n\nKidZania Kuala Lumpur @KidZaniaKL\n\n\nYoutube\n\n\nhttps://youtube.com/KidZaniaKualaLumpur\n\n\nCareLine\n\n\n1 300 13 KIDZ (5439)\n\n\n9.00 am\u20136.00 pm (Monday to Saturday)\n\n\nSomething for the Adults Too!\n\n\nKidZania Kuala Lumpur, the city made for kids, has created a special programme where adults could partake in the role-playing activities in the city. Due to popular demand, After Hours was designed for those 16-years-old and above to experience KidZania\u00a0 in a whole different way.\n\n\nAfter Hours is usually organised on Fridays and Saturdays, from 6pm-11pm. So do check out \nKidZania Kuala Lumpur\n official Facebook page for their 1st After Hours event!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-first-year", "title": "What to Expect in The First Year of Life? | Baby Milestones", "body": "There\u2019s so much to look forward to in the first year of a baby\u2019s life. Most people may think of the first head lift, step, or word \u2013but there\u2019s a list of other developmental milestones awaiting!\n\n\nWithout much further ado, let\u2019s explore the milestones from birth to 12 months.\n\n\n1 Month\n\n\n\n\nLifts head while on tummy, for short periods\n\n\nIf something touches baby\u2019s palm, his fingers will clench it (grasp reflex)\n\n\nResponds to loud sounds\n\n\nFocuses on human faces\n\n\nWill turn head and eyes towards light\n\n\n\n\n2 Months\n\n\n\n\nSmiles\n\n\nMakes cooing and gurgling sounds\n\n\nFollows objects with eyes\n\n\nSleeps longer (typically 15-16 hours a day, sporadically)\n\n\nMovements are less jerky\n\n\n\n\n3 Months\n\n\n\n\nMay suck thumbs or fingers (more aware of his hands)\n\n\nRecognizes faces of caregivers and close family members\n\n\nShows preferences for certain textures or touch\n\n\nLifts head and chest when on tummy\n\n\nKicks and straightens legs when lying on back\n\n\nStarts to imitate sounds\n\n\nPushes legs down when in a \u201cstanding\u201d position\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4 Months\n\n\n\n\nRolls over (usually from tummy to back)\n\n\nSits with support\n\n\nResponds with coos when talked to\n\n\nReaches for things with one hand\n\n\nCries to express different feelings (such as discomfort, hunger, pain, etc.)\n\n\nMimics facial expressions (e.g., smiling or frowning)\n\n\n\n\n5 Months\n\n\n\n\nCan focus on small objects\n\n\nExplores the concept of cause and effect (baby notices that actions have consequences, such as when he drops things onto the floor)\n\n\nStarts teething\n\n\nEnjoys playing with his own hands and feet\n\n\n\n\n6 Months\n\n\n\n\nRolls over from front to back, and the other way around\n\n\nSits without support (or minimal support)\n\n\nAttempts crawling\n\n\nAble to try solid foods\n\n\nDrinks from cup, with support\n\n\nSees across a room (vision is getting closer to that of an adult)\n\n\nPuts together two-syllable sounds\n\n\n\n\n7 Months\n\n\n\n\nReaches for things with a sweeping motion\n\n\nEnjoys looking in a mirror\n\n\nPlays peekaboo\n\n\nTries to imitate speech sounds\n\n\nSelf-feeds some finger foods\n\n\nRecognizes emotion in different tones of voice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8 Months\n\n\n\n\nResponds to name\n\n\nMay show \u201cseparation anxiety\u201d when separated from primary caregiver\n\n\nWill turn head away if finished eating\n\n\nCan get into crawling position (on arms and knees)\n\n\nMoves objects from one hand to another\n\n\nSays \u201cmama\u201d and \u201cbaba\u201d (said to both parents; isn\u2019t specific)\n\n\n\n\n9 Months\n\n\n\n\nCrawls on floor\n\n\nPulls himself up (using furniture) to standing position\n\n\nWaves \u201cbye-bye\u201d\n\n\nPoints or reaches for things he wants\n\n\nDisplays curiosity\n\n\n\n\n10 Months\n\n\n\n\nPicks things up with thumb and pointer finger (pincer grasp)\n\n\nAble to stack things (e.g, cups)\n\n\nCrawls well\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11 Months\n\n\n\n\nSays \u201cmama\u201d and \u201cbaba\u201d to the right parent\n\n\nKnows what \u201cno\u201d means\n\n\nCan clap hands\n\n\n\n\n12 Months\n\n\n\n\nCan shake head to say \u201cno\u201d\n\n\nWalks with help of adult\n\n\nBangs two cubes together\n\n\n\u201cDances\u201d to music\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/brown-rice-quinoa", "title": "Brown Rice Versus Quinoa", "body": "Quinoa or Brown Rice? That is the question when building your grain bowls at all those healthy cafes popping up around town. We know that both are good for us as they have a wide nutritional profile, are gluten-free, vegetarian friendly, low-carb, and add a healthy dose of fibre to keep your gut bugs happy and healthy. But which is the best one? Let\u2019s break each of them down.\n\n\nBrown Rice\n\n\nBrown rice was one of the first grains to get popular within the health scene. Due to the way it\u2019s prepared, the nutritional profile of brown rice is greater than that of its counterpart \u2013 white rice. Brown rice is a whole grain, meaning that it contains three parts of the grain kernel: the outer, fibre-filled layer called the bran, the nutrient-rich core called the germ, and the starchy middle layer called the endosperm.\n\n\nCompared to white rice, which is a refined grain and is stripped of the majority of the fiber and nutrients. Due to the preparation process of refined grains, whole grains were brought to the forefront of the health scene with brown rice as the winner.\u00a0\n\n\nQuinoa\u00a0\n\n\nQuinoa (pronounced like KEEN-wa) has been a staple food in Central America for centuries. The seeds of this nutrient dense pseudocereal, meaning it\u2019s not a grass plant, and has been eaten for nearly 6,000 years. Now quinoa has been quickly becoming more popular in the health scene over the last several years and showing to be a competitor among the old crowd favorite brown rice.\n\n\nQuinoa has quickly become popular for its versatility, as it adapts to whatever flavors it is cooked with, along with it\u2019s impressive nutritional profile. Impressive enough to replace brown rice in your diet? Perhaps; let\u2019s do a comparison.\u00a0\n\n\nBrown Rice Versus Quinoa?\n\n\nWhen compared cup for cup, the calorie count of these two grains are fairly similar. If we start to take a look at the\u00a0\nfiber\n (the gut bugs favourite!) this is where we start to see the difference.\n\n\nBrown rice has 14 percent of your daily fibre intake per 1 cup while quinoa comes in ringing a\u00a0 whopping 21 percent. Fibre-wise, no brainer.\u00a0\n\n\nPeople often don\u2019t associate grains as a source of protein, but they are! A cup of brown rice has 5 grams of protein. To get a complete amino acid profile required for human health, just add some beans. Why do you think beans and rice is so popular around the world? But quinoa wins this one again, with more than 50 percent protein, coming in with 8.1 grams per cup. Quinoa is one of the few plant sources that\u2019s a complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the needed protein-forming amino acids.\n\n\nBoth of these foods are important sources of thiamine (vitamin B1), iron, and zinc, which is needed by the body for nervous system and muscle function and electrolyte balance.\n\n\nVerdict\n\n\nBoth grains have their benefits. In terms of health, brown rice is still the best choice for rice, but with its impressive fibre and protein, among other benefits, quinoa wins this round.\n\n\nGuttin\u2019 Down on Some Grains\n\n\nThe prep for each of these foods is pretty similar: just add the grain and water to a pot and cook. You will want to sprout them beforehand to make them easier to digest. You do this by soaking them the night before and then draining the water before cooking. You\u2019ll want to use a ratio of 1 cup grain with 2 cups of liquids.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\n\n\nIf you skip the sprouting step, you\u2019re going to want to rinse the quinoa before cooking. Quinoa has a coating called saponin, which can make the grain taste bitter.\n\n\nBuckle Down With Some Brown Rice Recipes\n\n\nNeeding something that is lower in calories, keeps your blood sugar levels stable, and is easy to throw together? Check out this gut-loving buddha bowl\u00a0\nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nQuick And Easy With Some Quinoa\u00a0\n\n\nYou may only be using this superfood for your savoury dishes, but it is so versatile that you can use it for a sweet breakfast bowl. Check out this recipe \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-suffers-30-seizures-a-day-as-parents-seek-help", "title": "Baby suffers 30 seizures a day, as parents seek help", "body": "As much as it pains people to see babies having seizures back to back, one often wonders what on earth could possibly cause seizures in babies after birth?\u00a0But this is what three-month-old baby Kimberly has to go through\u00a0\nup to 30 times per day\n!\n\n\nWhen baby Kimberly\u2019s first seizure lasted 30 minutes only two days after she was born in Indonesia, this made her parents worry. Tests were carried out and she even went through an MRI. Even though her seizures were controlled with medication, they refused to go away completely.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSeizures in Babies After Birth:\u00a0Hemimegalencephaly\n\n\n\n\nDoctors diagnose Kimberly with a rare neurological condition called Hemimegalencephaly, which can cause seizures in babies after birth.\n\n\n\n\nUnable to stop the seizures and with no experts in Indonesia to handle her condition, Kimberly was brought to Singapore\u2019s KK Women\u2019s and Children\u2019s Hospital to seek treatment. An MRI scan conducted at KK Hospital later confirmed that she has Hemimegalencephaly.\n\n\nHemimegalencephaly is a rare neurological condition in which one side of the brain is abnormally larger than the other. The enlarged brain tissue was responsible for the frequent seizures and needed to be removed via surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nThis would leave Kimberly with no control over the other side of her\u00a0body and only\u00a0her left brain to manage all bodily functions.\n\n\nTaking into consideration how young Kimberly is and her rare condition, doctors are unsure what the outcome will be. But her parents vow to give her a fighting chance of survival because Kimberly is a miracle baby, one they had waited 10 years for. They do not want to lose her.\n\n\nTo date, Kimberly\u2019s medical fees are more than SGD70,000, excluding surgery fees. Estimated bills might go up to SGD150,000 due to possible multiple surgeries, according to\u00a0\nGiveAsia\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Are Seizures?\n\n\n\n\nSeizures in babies after birth can recur many times in a day.\n\n\n\n\nSeizures occur when cells in the brain experience abnormal electrical activity, temporarily disrupting the brain\u2019s normal electrical signals. In simple terms, the brain short circuits,\u00a0\nsays Adam Hartman, M.D\n., assistant professor of Neurology and Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Children\u2019s Center.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\nNational Neuroscience Institute\n,\u00a0the occurrence of seizures could be due to:\n\n\n\n\nBrain injury\n\n\nInfection in the brain\n\n\nBrain Tumour\n\n\nStroke\n\n\nGenetic susceptibility\n\n\n\n\nWhile one can clearly tell when an adult has seizures, this is not the case for babies who show far more subtle signs. In fact, it is very easy to miss it, and parents who have never seen seizures in babies after birth, might not even notice anything wrong.\u00a0\n\n\nAs hard as it is to watch, here\u2019s a video showing how subtle seizures in babies after birth can be:\n\n\nVideo of Back-to-Back Seizures in Babies After Birth\n\n\n\n\nSeizures in Babies After Birth: Different Types and Signs to Look Out For\n\n\n\n\nFebrile seizures\n \u2013\n\u00a0Baby\u2019s eyes are rolled with limbs that either stiffen or twitch and jerk. These seizures, are usually triggered by very high fevers.\n\n\nFocal seizures \u2013\n\u00a0Signs include sweating, \nvomiting\n, turning pale, and spasms or rigidity in one muscle group, for example, the fingers, arms, or legs. Your baby might also show signs of gagging, lip smacking, screaming, crying, and loss of consciousness.\n\n\nAbsence (petit mal) seizures \u2013\n\u00a0Parents may notice baby staring into space or daydreaming. Your baby might also blink rapidly or look like he or she is chewing something. The seizures typically last less than 30 seconds and recur several times a day.\n\n\nAtonic (drop attack) seizures \u2013 \nYour baby will suddenly go limp and unresponsive due to\u00a0the sudden loss of muscle tone. For example, your baby\u2019s head might drop suddenly, while\u00a0\ncrawling\n\u00a0on the floor.\n\n\nTonic seizures \u2013 \nStiffening of various parts or the entire body.\n\n\nMyoclonic seizures \u2013\u00a0\nCluster seizures that happen several days in a row which involve jerky movements in the baby\u2019s neck, shoulders, or upper arms.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Should Parents Do If They See Seizures in Babies After Birth?\n\n\n\n\nAs crazy as this sounds, take a video of your baby having a seizure because showing the video to your paediatrician later will help him make better judgements.\n\n\nIt is also crucial that parents note these important details below:\n\n\n\n\nHow long did the seizure last?\n\n\nWhere did the seizure start? Was it focal (on the arms, legs, eyes) or was it spread out on different parts of the body?\n\n\nWhat was the seizure like? (Was there staring, jerking, or stiffening?)\n\n\nWhat was the last thing your baby was doing before the seizure? (For example, waking up, or eating.)\n\n\n\n\nAlso do not forget to take safety precautions when the baby is undergoing a seizure.\n\n\n\n\nRoll your baby to the side to prevent them \nchoking\n on their vomit.\n\n\nDo not try to stop the seizures, and don\u2019t put anything in their mouth.\n\n\nIf your baby seizes for more than fiveminutes, turns blue or has trouble breathing, call for help immediately\n\n\nAlso seek medical help immediately if your baby is unresponsive for 30 minutes following a seizure.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWatching your baby stiffen and going limp during a seizure can be a frightening experience for a parent t0 watch \u2014 and to have to watch it happen 30 times in a day. Do spare a thought for the parents who are giving their miracle baby a fighting chance to survive. You too \ncan contribute.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nGiveAsia\n, \nNUH\n, \nParents\n, \nWebMD\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAnak\nTop 3 Most Common Illnesses Kids Contract From Daycare\nChild\nConnect with Your Children: 4 Fun Activities You Can Do at Home to Encourage Learning\nMoney Parenting\nHow To Money Parent Your Child: An Age-Group Guide\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n6 Sikap Ibu Yang Mengganggu Perkembangan Nutrisi Si Manja, Jangan Terlalu Tegas!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/must-read-7-vagina-facts-you-didnt-know-but-should", "title": "Must read: 7 vagina facts you didn't know but should", "body": "Did you know that if you exercise your vagina every day, you can keep it looking young? Or that using soap to clean it can actually give you an infection? These are just a few of the many vagina facts you probably didn\u2019t even know!\n\n\nThe truth is that there is no way you can know everything about your vagina. There are some facts that many are unaware of, and only a doctor or a scientist can shed some light on them. So what are these hidden truths about your lady parts?\n\n\nWell, worry not. We are here to share some bizarre but cool vaginal facts so you can \nkeep her healthy and happy!\n\n\nVagina facts: Here\u2019s what you didn\u2019t know!\n\n\nThe vagina is one of the most delicate parts of our body. And yet most of us treat it like it doesn\u2019t matter at all. We scrub, wax, bleach and even spray on it in an attempt to keep it looking and smelling a certain way.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the process, we put her through a horrible routine. And, sometimes insert things that are not meant to be inserted there. (YES! You know what you\u2019re doing!)\n\n\nWhat most of us fail to understand is that our vagina is extremely sensitive to all this \u2018rough\u2019 use. You may feel like she is high-maintenance and needs a lot of TLC, but there is a good reason for that.\n\n\nAfter all, you don\u2019t want to be curled up in bed fighting horrible pain because you didn\u2019t take care of your lady bits. So here are a few vagina facts you should know.\n\n\nWe should warn you, these are probably things she\u2019ll tell you if she could talk! So listen up closely.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n1. NO! You\u2019re not supposed to clean your vagina with soap\n\n\nMost of us don\u2019t want to spend hundreds of dollars on bathing gels, and so we use soap. There is nothing wrong with that. Please continue. But just don\u2019t do that to your vagina. She is too sensitive.\n\n\nIf you want to keep your vagina clean, steer clear of soaps because soaps create a pH imbalance. Like your skin and gut, your vagina also has the perfect balance of good and bad bacteria. Ideally, the good bacteria Lactobacilli, keeps the pH balance in your private parts under 4.5.\n\n\nWhen the pH level increases and the area becomes less acidic, the vagina becomes \nopen to infections\n, including thrush and\u00a0bacterial vaginosis.\u00a0\n\n\nSome \nstudies\n even suggest that the vagina is a \u201cself-cleaning oven.\u201d So why bother using harsh products to clean it? All you need is some warm water, and it will do the cleaning on its own.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGive your vagina a break from tampons, especially the scented kinds because they are going to make you feel very, very sick (Image source: File photo)\n\n\n\n\n2. Stop shaving every single strand of hair off it!\n\n\nYes, you read that right.\u00a0\n\n\nBy \nshaving\n your vagina, you are inviting ingrown hair, bumps and pimples on your beautiful bits.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the process of trying to make your vagina beautiful by waxing, shaving and bleaching, you are putting her under a tremendous amount of unnecessary roughness and stress.\u00a0\n\n\nYou might think that you have decreased the bad bacteria that is lurking in your pubic hair, but by shaving, you\u2019ve put your labia in greater danger. All those pimples and in-grown hairs will eventually hurt your vagina and travel inside causing more bacterial infections.\u00a0\n\n\nNobody wants an itchy vagina! So spare yourself the horror and trim the hair down there, rather than make your private parts look like those of a two-year-old girl.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Did you just say douche? Don\u2019t even think about it!\n\n\nHollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow made this term quite popular on her website \nGoop\n. She advocates steaming your vagina to keep it squeaky clean. But somebody needs to get her a biology book, urgently!\n\n\nThis is \nnot\n something your OB-GYN will advise you to do.\u00a0\n\n\nVaginal douching is the practice of spraying a solution of vinegar and water upwards into\u00a0the vagina.\u00a0You can do this using a\u00a0bottle, bag or a douching syringe.\n\n\nThe idea is to push the solution into the area that only your IUD can reach. In fact, as you walk down the aisle of tampons and other \u2018feminine products\u2019 you may even notice some prepackaged douching solutions containing baking soda and iodine. STAY AWAY!\u00a0\n\n\nWe\u2019re not kidding. We spoke to\u00a0Dr Malpani, MD, Malpani Infertility Clinic, Mumbai, India who explained why.\n\n\n\u201cMany women feel that douching is a good thing, but when you are on a baby-making run, it\u2019s a terrible idea to use douches as they alter the pH-level of your vagina and impair fertility,\u201d he shared. Dr Malpani added that douching can cause vaginal infections as well as\u00a0Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases.\u00a0\n\n\nSo why do this to your most delicate parts?\u00a0\n\n\n4. Give her a break from tampons\n\n\nMany women like using tampons. They find them convenient, easy-to-use and cheaper than napkins. And if you are one of these ladies, you might want to rethink your life choices! Yes, we said it.\u00a0\n\n\nGive your vagina a break from tampons, especially the scented kinds. They are not making your vagina smell like heaven. They are not only bad for your health but also quite pointless. If anything, you are heading straight down the \nToxic Shock Syndrome\n\u00a0(\nTSS\n) street.\u00a0\n\n\nFor the uninitiated, TSS is a life-threatening bacterial infection. It can happen if you use tampons on a daily basis or leave them inside for too long. In addition, tampons also have a toxin called \ndioxin\n, which is linked to cancer.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSo basically, there are many reasons for you to quit tampons right away.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Yes, please use a lubricant if you can\n\n\nYour vagina is probably screaming \u201cUse lube! Use lube!\u201d each time you subject her to some \u2018necessary roughness\u2019 in bed.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nA little bit of lubrication can go a long way. It not only enhances your sexual experience, but also keeps your vagina happy.\n\n\nIdeally, you should avoid an oil-based or a silicone-based lubricant. They can irritate your skin and even cause infections since they are difficult to clean. They can even cause the condom to break! (You don\u2019t want that, right?)\n\n\nInstead, go for a water-based lubricant. These are easy to clean and work really well. Plus, they act like total protection for your vagina when you are on the battlefield (read: sex).\n\n\nThere\u2019s no need to be shy about lubrication. It doesn\u2019t mean your vagina is dry or heading to menopause. It simply means you love your vagina and want her to be happy too!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nVagina facts: Kegels are exercises for everything inside your vagina. And the best part is you can do them anywhere and anytime! (Image source: File photo)\n\n\n\n\n6. Wait! What? You\u2019re not exercising your vagina? Why?\u00a0\n\n\nJust as your body needs exercise to stay in shape, your vagina needs the same, especially after childbirth. Out of the seven vagina facts, this one needs your immediate attention!\u00a0\n\n\nExperts\n suggest, \u201cThe pelvic floor muscles support the womb, the bladder, and the bowels. If the muscles are weak, these pelvic organs may lower into a woman\u2019s vagina. Besides being extremely uncomfortable, this can also cause urinary incontinence.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nAfter a few years, just as your other organs become loose and start losing strength, your vagina goes through the same process. That\u2019s why you should opt for \nKegel exercises\n. These are exercises for everything inside your vagina. And the best part is you can do them anywhere and anytime!\u00a0\n\n\n7. Your vagina won\u2019t become loose after sex\n\n\nYes, you read this right. The only thing that can make it lose its original structure and form is continued childbirth and old age.\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Justin J. Lehmiller\n, Ph.D. and author of the blog\u00a0\nSex and Psychology\n, shares in his book, \u201cThe vagina naturally becomes looser when women are sexually aroused in order to prepare for intercourse \u2014\u00a0but after sex, everything goes back to its normal state. What does cause vaginal looseness? Older age and (for some women) childbirth.\u201d\n\n\nThat should clear things up, right?\n\n\nSo remember to treat your vagina like a lady every single day and she will reward you in ways you never imagined! Remember these vagina facts, mummies, and share them with your friends too.\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nyourtango\n, \ncenter4research\n\n\nAlso read:These 6 foods and drinks will keep your vagina very happy!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/children-with-special-needs", "title": "8 Ways Yoga Helps Kids with Special Needs", "body": "\n\nYoga is getting increasingly popular these days\u2014and for good reason. It helps people feel great and perform better in different aspects of their lives. The physical and mental practices of yoga are also beneficial for children and can be particularly therapeutic for children with special needs.\n\n\nReady to find out how yoga can help kids who have autism, ADHD, Down\u2019s syndrome or other conditions? Read on for the 7 advantages of this wonderful exercise.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Helps to relieve stress\n\n\nKids\u00a0with autism or other special needs may find themselves feeling a lot of anxiety or stress. Yoga, which is typically done in a tranquil setting, teaches breathing techniques that helps kids calm down and relax. This practice of focusing on the breath and \u2018slowing things down\u2019 can be used outside of yoga too, as a way to cope when things get extra stressful throughout the day.\n\n\n\n\n2. Sharpens gross and fine motor skill\n\n\nYoga brings attention to different parts of your body and makes you more aware of big and small movements. This can improve kids\u2019 gross and fine motor skills.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: mahadevicentre.ch\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Builds strength and flexibility\n\n\nYoga can go from easy poses to advanced ones. The lovely thing about yoga is that it\u2019s considerate of individual needs, which means that almost all poses can have modifications. When a child learns yoga with a good teacher, he will be taught exercises that fit his current level of ability, then slowly progress to build more strength and flexibility.\n\n\nIt can be a slow, relaxing experience\u2014or a heart-pumping, full-body workout!\n\n\n\n\n4. Improves self-control\n\n\nKids who do yoga learn to \u2018pause\u2019 and breathe. There is a lot of meditative practice, where one stays in a pose and allows their mind to focus on the present moment. All these practices help children build better self-control and emotional regulation, which can be especially valuable for children struggling with behavioural difficulties.\n\n\n\n\n5. Fosters confidence\n\n\nLow self-esteem can be prevalent in kids who have special needs, due to unsupportive social or academic environments. Being able to do poses, focus better, develop mindfulness, and let out stress, can lead to more confident kids. When kids have confidence, they become happier and more resilient.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. Supports a good night\u2019s rest\n\n\nAs we now know, yoga exercises relieve stress and encourage relaxation. This results in children getting better sleep at night. When kids get adequate, good quality sleep, they become healthier physically and emotionally.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. Provides consistency\n\n\nLots of kids, especially those with special needs, enjoy consistency. If yoga is incorporated into their daily or weekly routine, it gives them something to look forward to. Besides that, kids doing yoga can learn a sequence of poses, to do repetitively, giving them something to work on and remember.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. Brings lots of fun\n\n\nAre you concerned that your child might find yoga \u2018boring\u2019? Well, don\u2019t worry, because yoga made specifically for kids can be heaps of fun, with creative movements and bright energy. Try checking out this imaginative\u00a0\nCosmic Kids Yoga\n\u00a0video that kids can follow along with at home.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/woman-becomes-pregnant-twice-in-10-days-because-of-a-rare-medical-phenomenon", "title": "Woman becomes pregnant twice in 10 days because of a rare medical phenomenon", "body": "In 2006, Kate Hill was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition that prevented her from ovulating,\u00a0\nBBC\n reports. After hormone treatments, Kate and her husband Peter were delighted to find out that she was pregnant. 10 days later, they found out that she had conceived again!\n\n\nKate initially conceived twins, but one baby didn\u2019t develop. Almost two weeks later, while pregnant, she became pregnant again. Even though Kate was pregnant, she had ovulated again, causing her to become pregnant one more time.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: donnierayjones/Flickr\n\n\n\n\nWhat makes the Hills\u2019 case even more exceptional is the fact that they only had unprotected sex once. \u201cMy husband and I only had intercourse one time,\u201d Kate said in an interview with \nToday Tonight\n. \u201cHis sperm stayed alive for 10 days to fertilise the second egg released.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHole in one, maybe,\u201d Peter quips.\n\n\nHer doctor had to Google it. \u201cI\u2019ve never ever seen it before,\u201d Dr. Brad Armstrong said. \u201c[Her condition was] so rare that I could not find any literature in the medical review websites at all.\u201d\n\n\nThe twins, named Olivia and Charlotte, arrived 2 days before Kate\u2019s planned C-section date. The Hills are now planning their daughters\u2019 first birthday party.\n\n\nWhat is superfetation?\n\n\nThis phenomenon is called superfetation. Superfetation occurs when an already-pregnant woman ovulates weeks into her pregnancy. The second egg gets fertilised, causing the pregnant to be pregnant with twins.\n\n\nSuperfetation is very rare because it isn\u2019t supposed to happen. \u201cPregnancy hormones usually shut down a woman\u2019s system, making it impossible for her to ovulate during her pregnancy,\u201d obstetrician Connie Hedmark explains to \nBabyCenter\n. \u201cThis is why superfetation is so remarkable.\u201d\u00a0\n(This is totally different from superfecundation, which is when two eggs are released simultaneously and fertilized at separate times.)\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Pregnancy Corner, only around 10 cases of superfetation have been documented in medical literature, and experts are suspicious even of some of these. But many experts also say that superfetation may be more common than we think, as some cases may be mistaken for ordinary twin pregnancies.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nBe sure to check out \ntheAsianparent Community\n for more insightful stories, questions, and answers from parents and experts alike. If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nursing-bras-101", "title": "Nursing Bra @ Maternity Bra, Choosing the Right One Makes ALL The Difference", "body": "I use to think that nursing bras were the ugliest things on earth to wear when I had my first daughter.\u00a0Nursing bras come in different styles, designs, fabrics, you name it. But the ones readily sold in shops were really ugly. That was 6 years ago.\n\n\nI was probably ignorant then. Either the bras available didn\u2019t fit my budget, or maybe I just wasn\u2019t very sure about buying internationally then, but I pretty much wore ugly \nbreastfeeding\n bras with my first child.\n\n\nThat doesn\u2019t have to be the case now. You can find\u00a0pretty affordable and cute nursing bras out there if you looked hard enough. Most of them just at the click of a mouse. Nursing mums deserve to feel sexy too.\n\n\nMaternity and Nursing Bra Fitting Guide\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Business Insider\n\n\n\n\nHowever, before we get to the actual buying, we should learn foremost, how to find our best fit. There are also a variety of bras to choose from, but they would all go to waste if you bought the wrong size.\n\n\nCommon Types of Nursing Bras\n\n\n1# Drop-cup bra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: What to Expect\n\n\n\n\nThis is the most common type of nursing bra. The bra cups have clips, poppers or hooks at the top so you can drop the cups down from the strap when you nurse. One hand is all you need to unclip and clip the bra cups back on. For mums who prefer to show less, some drop-cup bras have additional fabric covering the top of the breast.\n\n\nI used drop-cup bras a lot and from my personal experience, I found the added fabric to be a nuisance. To put it rather bluntly it was a very bizarre experience. Almost as if you would dress abreast in a turtleneck. I know this is so oversharing on my part, but that\u2019s exactly how it felt and it was not pleasant.\n\n\nThe regular drop-cup bras are so much more comfortable and offer so much more skin on skin contact which actually helps trigger your letdown. That small piece of fabric isn\u2019t going to cover much in my honest opinion.\n\n\n2# Front fastening between cups\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Ample Bosom\n\n\n\n\nI must have been very adventurous when I thought to give these a try. On a whim, I ordered one online to try and boy did I hate it. Everything about the bra was awesome. The support was awesome, the cut was a perfect fit, the straps were wide and supportive. Now if only I could just button up with one hand, while still holding my baby with my other arm.\n\n\nI really tried to make it work, thinking maybe I just needed to get used to it, or it had a learning curve. But nope, I couldn\u2019t do it. In the end, I tossed the bra. It just wasn\u2019t practical for me.\n\n\nPerhaps it could work for some mums, but I found no love for them. It doesn\u2019t make for discreet nursing either. But the worse part is when you release the cups, nothing is going to support your breast. If you are blessed with perky breasts post-pregnancy, then good on you. Some of us are not so lucky.\n\n\n3# Underwired\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Agent Provocateur\n\n\n\n\nUnderwired bras have a general bad name for being the most uncomfortable, but I do think this is a matter of preference. I have known nursing mums who swear by\u00a0them, especially the amount of support it provides.\n\n\nI am still with the team uncomfortable though, but sulking on the sidelines. They do make a lot of pretty underwired nursing bras.\n\n\n4# Stretch fabric bra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Amazon\n\n\n\n\nThis kind is usually seamless and a bit like a sports bra. Usually lightly padded and really comfortable. Don\u2019t expect the same support as some high impact sports bras. This is still just stretch fabric. Sure it is snug and all, but don\u2019t forget it doesn\u2019t have any underwire support. Also over time and several washes, the stretch fabric will lose its elasticity and may not offer much support.\n\n\n5# Night bra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Marks & Spencer\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\n\nMade for comfort, a night bra (or sleep bra) is lighter, with no hooks or hard seams. It might have a crossover front design so you can slip your breast out easily for a night feed while you continue to snooze.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHow to clear blocked breastmilk ducts: A step-by-step guide\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-who-weighed-just-20kg-gives-birth-to-miracle-baby", "title": "Mum who weighed just 20kg gives birth to miracle baby", "body": "The thought of giving birth might be a nerve-racking experience for some mums-to-be, especially if you\u2019ve heard of scary birth stories. But one mum\u2019s story will inspire you. This brave mother, suffering\u00a0a debilitating disease, was determined to stay alive so she could birth her baby girl.\u00a0\n\n\nThe birth of a miracle\u2026\n\n\nWe don\u2019t know the mother\u2019s name, but for the purpose of this story, we\u2019d like to call her \u201cAngel\u201d. Reportedly, Angel weighed barely 20kg even during her pregnancy. She struggled between life and death to see her little one, who she appropriately named Miracle.\u00a0\n\n\nAngel has \nmuscular dystrophy\n, a condition that degenerates the body\u2019s muscles and which explains her very low body weight. But on top of this, she was also diagnosed with cervical hyperextension when she became pregnant with her second child. This made the pregnancy extremely dangerous to her. But even so, she still decided to go ahead with it.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAt one point in her pregnancy, Angel\u2019s condition had deteriorated so far that treatment couldn\u2019t help her anymore. She was unable to speak. All she could do was stare into the air helplessly while an oxygenating machine kept her breathing.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhen Angel finally reached the 32-week point of her pregnancy, doctors decided to bring little Miracle into this world.\u00a0\n\n\nAngel was deserted by her cruel husband\u2026\n\n\nIn addition to fighting a debilitating disease the mum had also been abandoned by her husband.\u00a0 According to Miracle\u2019s grandmother, Angel\u2019s husband stopped caring for her after he knew about her condition. He even brought their first daughter to his mum\u2019s home and lived as if his wife wasn\u2019t alive anymore.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe mum was cared for by her grandmum in the hospital. | Image Source: \nfeedytv\n\u00a0screengrab\n\n\n\n\nFearless against death, she chose to give life\n\n\nAngel\u2019s mum shared that \u201cShe\u2019s done it- she\u2019s won. Miracle\u2019s birth was a success \u2013 weighing as much as 1.8kg.\u201d\n\n\nThe thought of welcoming Miracle into her family was in itself a miracle \u2013 she\u2019d only thought that it would only happen in the wildest of dreams.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMy daughter seemed to drift between life and death several times in order to save Miracle\u2019s life. While taking care of her at hospital and seeing her still breathing everyday, I prayed that something good would happen to her and her baby. But now, she\u2019s done it \u2013 my prayers have been answered, thank God,\u201d says Miracle\u2019s grandma.\n\n\n\u201cShe loves her baby above everything else. Despite her near-death condition, all she wants to see is her baby born alive. Now, I just hope she will get better and stay strong to care for Miracle on her own. My cruel son-in-law hasn\u2019t cared for them and he\u2019s never even visited her in the hospital. I tried calling him several times, but was met with no response\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nPresently, Angel is still in hospital. Wish wish this fearless warrior mum and her Miracle all the very best.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is muscular dystrophy and how does it affect pregnancy?\n\n\nMuscular dystrophy, or MD, is an umbrella term for a genetic disease with over 30 variants. The condition causes muscles to decline, such that patients become increasingly weak. The disease can also cause long-term or irreversible shortening of tendons and muscles.\n\n\nMD is treated by focusing on the symptoms and easing them, such as via steroids, physical therapy, breathing machines and surgical procedures. What to expect from the disease depends on which variant the patient is affected with and how fast the muscles decline.\n\n\nPregnant women who suffer from MD may experience additional issues, including:\n\n\n\n\na higher risk of the child becoming affected by MD. Unborn babies can be checked for MD while they are still in the womb so that the disease can be managed better after delivery.\u00a0\n\n\nailing muscles in the abdomen, back and uterus, which are critical parts for a successful delivery. Pregnant women with MD may have to opt for a Caesarean section when giving birth.\n\n\nissues with heart muscles \u2013 in which case experts advise against becoming pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNo matter which variant you\u2019re affected with, a diagnosis of MD necessitates a team of medical professionals who can treat the disease \u2013 particularly for pregnant women when they are giving birth \u2013 so that both the mum and baby can receive the best care.\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nfeedytv.com\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\nAnaesthesist\n,\n\u00a0\nsharecare.com \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nStart your day with FREE breakfast this October\nRaise them Resilient\n12 signs you may be a helicopter parent\nAges & Stages\nIs Your Child\u2019s Growth Stunted? Here\u2019s What You Should Know\nPercutian\nAktiviti Luar Yang Mesra Keluarga di Hong Kong\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/common-illnesses-for-children", "title": "Top 3 Most Common Illnesses Kids Contract From Daycare", "body": "Most parents will consider sending their children to daycare or childcare centres at some point. Some of us do it because we don\u2019t have anyone to care for the kids while we go to work. Some of us do it so the kids can start socialising at a young age.\u00a0\n\n\nWhatever the reason is, most parents tend to have a pretty strict vetting system when it comes to choosing their childcare centre. It isn\u2019t enough to just choose which childcare centre is the closest in proximity to home \u2013 we also consider things like the syllabus used, the number of children to teachers, the overall environment of the centre and more.\u00a0\n\n\nBut one of the most important factors should be the childcare\u2019s cleanliness and hygiene. And if all else fails, their standard operating procedure should a disease outbreak happen at the centre.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are many common illnesses for children that can be contracted at the childcare centre. \n\n\nHere are the top 3 common illnesses for children that they can catch at their childcare centre:\n\n\n1. Hand, foot and mouth disease\n\n\n\n\nHand, foot and mouth disease, often known by its abbreviation HFMD, is a mild but contagious viral infection common in young children. It is characterized by sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet.\n\n\nThis is one of the most common illnesses for children at childcare centres because if one child gets it, it is possible that it can easily be spread to other kids at the childcare centre. It can spread when poor hand washing after a diaper change or contact with saliva allows the virus to be passed from one child to another\n1\n.\n\n\nUnfortunately, HFMD is NOT preventable as there is no vaccine for it yet\n2\n.\n\n\n2. Conjunctivitis\n\n\n\n\nAlso known as pink eye, conjunctivitis is an eye infection causing the whites of the eyes to appear red. It is commonly caused by a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction, or \u2014 in babies \u2014 a blocked tear duct\n3\n.\n\n\nIt won\u2019t affect your child\u2019s vision, but it is a highly contagious infection and also incredibly uncomfortable because the child would feel the irritation or itchiness in their eyes.\n\n\nThe virus spread through hand-eye contact. So if a child were to touch their eyes and then touch another child or a toy that another child touches, they can also contract the virus.\n\n\nThough good hygiene can help to prevent it from spreading, there is not much parents can do to prevent their kids from contracting the virus itself\n4\n.\n\n\n3. Chickenpox\n\n\n\n\nThough many parents think that it\u2019s a rite of passage for their kids to contract chickenpox from daycare or from friends, we\u2019re here to tell you right off the bat that it is not. In fact, this disease is completely avoidable!\n\n\nChickenpox, as we commonly call it, is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. A child can start showing symptoms anywhere from 1-3 weeks after catching the virus and what it usually does is cause an itchy rash outbreak on the whole body and the blisters will be filled with fluid\n5\n.\n\n\nOther symptoms of chickenpox\n6\n include:\n\n\n\n\nFever or a general feeling of unwell or lethargy about five days before the rash.\n\n\nRash which usually starts on the chest and back, and spreads to the face, scalp, arms and legs.\n\n\nAfter which, the rashes turn into the blisters that burst, dry up and become crusty\u00a0\n\n\nNew spots will continue to pop up for about five days and take about two weeks to go away.\n\n\n\n\nThese are the common symptoms that occur when children get chickenpox\n7\n. However, in more severe cases, having chickenpox could also lead to:\n\n\n\n\nBacterial skin infections\n\n\nBloodstream infection\n\n\nPneumonia\n\n\nInflammation \nor swelling\n of the brain (encephalitis, cerebellar ataxia).\n\n\n\n\nIn the most extreme cases, chickenpox can even lead to death due to such complications\n8\n.\n\n\n\n\nChickenpox is highly contagious to children or adults who haven\u2019t had it before nor been vaccinated. But the good news is that once you get it, you generally have lifelong immunity to\n the disease\n!\n\n\nSomething to take note of, however, is that the virus remains inactive in nerve tissue and may reactivate later in life and cause shingles\n9\n.\n\n\nThat is why it is so important for parents to save themselves the hassle of putting their child through such a painful illness by giving their kids the chickenpox vaccine.\u00a0\n\n\nChickenpox vaccines can be given to children as soon as they turn 1. Though it is not in the National Immunisation Programme (administered by government hospitals and clinics), it is possible to get the chickenpox vaccine from a private doctor \nfrom only RM50\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThough the cost may seem pricey to some parents, parents must remember that the cost of treatment if a child contracts chickenpox could go well into the thousands if complications arise. Not to mention, we cannot put a value on our child\u2019s health and well-being.\u00a0\n\n\nChickenpox can leave ugly scars on a child\u2019s body that could last for life\n10\n. The cost of scar treatment will also go well into the thousands.\u00a0\n\n\nSo don\u2019t put your child through all of that unnecessary discomfort or risk! You can vaccinate your child at private clinics or hospitals. Check out the full list \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso a bonus point for parents!\n\n\nThe BEST thing about this now is that these recommended vaccines fall under the Malaysian tax relief. As announced by the Malaysian government in 2020, in a report by Bernama, the RM1,000 tax relief for vaccinations include the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine as well as a list of other vaccinations\n11\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMY-VVX-00059 Jul/2021\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1 \nHand, foot, and mouth disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \nwww.cdc.gov/hand-foot-mouth/about/index.html\n. Accessed 10 June, 2021.\n\n\n2\u00a0 \nHand-Foot-Mouth Disease. (HFMD): Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention. (n.d.). \nwww.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/hand-foot-mouth\n disease#:~:text=a%20few%20days-,Prevention,be%20a%20problem%20to%20others.\n\n\n3 \nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, January 4). \nSigns and Symptoms of Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)\n. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \nwww.cdc.gov/conjunctivitis/about/symptoms.html\n.\n\n\n4 \nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, January 4). \nPreventing Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)\n. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \nwww.cdc.gov/conjunctivitis/about/prevention.html\n. \n\n\n5 \nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, August 7). Chickenpox Vaccination: What Everyone Should Know. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \nwww.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/varicella/public/index.html.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n6 \nNHS. (2020, November 27). \nChickenpox\n. NHS Choices. \nwww.nhs.uk/conditions/chickenpox/\n. \n\n\n7 \nNHS. (2020, November 27). \nChickenpox\n. NHS Choices. \nwww.nhs.uk/conditions/chickenpox/.\u00a0\n\n\n8 \nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April 28). \nChickenpox (Varicella) Complications\n. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \nwww.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/complications.html#:~:text=Chickenpox%20can%20also%20cause%20death,disease%20from%20their%20unvaccinated%20children.\u00a0\n\n\n9 \nChickenpox\n. Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). \nwww.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/chickenpox.\u00a0\n\n\n10 \nChickenpox\n. Chickenpox \u2013 Better Health Channel. (n.d.). \nwww.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/chickenpox.\u00a0\n\n\n11 \nBernama. (2020, December 16). Parliament: Tax exemptions for COVID-19 treatment, vaccine \u2013 MoF. BERNAMA. \nwww.bernama.com/en/general/news_covid-19.php?id=1912872.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/moms-day-off-super-brand-day", "title": "Moms, Get Rewarded RM15 Shopee Voucher For \u201cMom\u2019s Day Off\u201d Super Brand Day! 19-21 April 2021", "body": "\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nIf this photo just made you go \u201cOMG, this is so me!\u201d, then it\u2019s time to kick off those heels, put your favourite pyjamas on and grab your go-to cuppa because you\u2019re in for a sweet surprise.\u00a0\n\n\nYour mommy duties go beyond just nourishing your children. We know how much effort you put into making sure the whole family is well taken care of, day in and day out. We also know that you sometimes forget to take some time off for yourself, so we\u2019re here to remind you to do just that!\n\n\nDo you love shopping? Wait, let us rephrase that. Do you love shopping with free cash vouchers and great discounts? If you answered \u201cyes!\u201d, then get ready for\u2026\n\n\nBe One of the First 500 to Get a RM15 Shopee Voucher from us!\u00a0\n\n\nYes, mommy! You deserve a day (or two?) off to enjoy a Shopee spree on \nMom\u2019s Day Off \u2013 Super Brand Day. \nHurry up! Submit a photo between \n1st April \u2013 14th April\n and be among the first \n500\n to receive this \nRM15 Shopee Voucher\n!\n\u00a0There are many exciting offers to grab during this special campaign, but first, follow these simple steps to win your cash voucher:\n\n\nRules of Participation:\n\n\n\n\nFill in \nthis\n form.\n\n\nTake a picture of how you would unwind/relax and tell us what your dream \u201cday off\u201d looks like. Start with \u201cI usually unwind/relax by\u2026\u201d\n\n\nThe first 500 valid submissions will receive a \nRM15 Shopee voucher \n(with no minimum spend)* via email between 15-18 April 2021.\n\n\nVouchers are valid between 19 to 21 April 2021.\n\n\n\n\n*Terms & Conditions applied.\n\n\n* Vouchers are valid from 19th Apr \u2013 21st Apr 2021.\n\n\n*Limited to the first 500 submissions only.\n\n\n*Applicable to Maternal Milk/Adult Milk /Formula Dietary Food/Growing Up Milk for children aged 1-year-old and above only.\n\n\n*Vouchers to be used on either \nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae\n, \nNANKID\u00ae\n, or \nLACTOGROW\u00ae\n official stores.\n\u00a0\n\n\nSpecial Offers On Mom\u2019s Day Off \u2013 Super Brand Day\n\n\nThese are the deals that you don\u2019t want to miss, so start loading your cart from now and check out between 19-21 April to enjoy these great discounts!\n\n\nLACTOGROW\n\u00ae\n \nOFFICIAL STORE\n\n\n\n\nDiscount up to 20% off on 20 April (12am-2am & 12pm-2pm) \u2013 min RM350, cap RM200\n\n\nDiscount up to 18% off on 20 April (full day) \u2013 min RM350, cap RM200\n\n\nDiscount up to 15% off on 19-21 April \u2013 min RM250, cap RM90\n\n\n\n\nNANKID\n\u00ae\n OFFICIAL STORE\n\n\n\n\nDiscount up to 20% off on 20 April (12am-2am & 12pm-2pm) \u2013 min RM500, cap RM300\n\n\nDiscount up to 18% off on 20 April (full day) \u2013 min RM500, cap RM300\n\n\nDiscount up to 15% off on 19-21 April \u2013 min RM330, cap RM120\n\n\n\n\nS26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae OFFICIAL STORE\n\n\n\n\nDiscount up to 20% off on 20 April (12am-2am & 12pm-2pm) \u2013 min RM600, cap RM150\n\n\nDiscount up to 15% off on 19-21 April \u2013 min RM500, cap RM90\n\n\n\n\nCountdown To Your Day Off!\n\n\n\n\nWe\u2019re excited, you\u2019re excited and your shopping cart is ready to be loaded! Hurry, save the date and make it official: \n19-21 April 2021\n is \nMom\u2019s Day Off\n! But hey, don\u2019t shop alone. Share this article to all your mom friends and get the day-off party started!\u00a0\n\n\nRemember, \nsend your entries\n between \n1st April \u2013 14th April\n \nnow to claim your \nRM15 Shopee voucher\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGet ready to shop on \nMom\u2019s Day Off \u2013 Super Brand Day\n from \n19-21 April 2021\n.\n\n\n#MomsDayOffMY\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/food-delivery-service", "title": "Food Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!", "body": "Being able to stay at home with your family is a luxury, however, at times you may not feel like whipping up a meal. So, why not order in?\n\n\nAlthough malls have reopened their doors, there are times when families may choose to stay at home instead of eating out. With many businesses offering alternatives, such as online purchases and home deliveries, it is now easier for families to shop or feast on their favourite foods.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that, Sunway Pyramid has launched \u2018Order and Collect\u2019 in a bid to cater to the food cravings from 40 participating outlets within the popular mall \u2013 they will deliver it to your doorstep and you can order from multiple outlets in just one delivery!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn collaboration with MatDespatch, Sunway Pyramid now helps shoppers enjoy food from multiple retailers in one delivery for added convenience.\n\n\n\n\nThe food delivery service will begin with Sunway Pyramid outlets and is slated to launch in other Sunway Malls throughout this year, as well as in 2021.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, here is what you need to know and how you can get food delivery service from Sunway Pyramid.\u00a0\n\n\nEasy food delivery service\u00a0 \u2013 just order and collect at home\n\n\nThe service, which runs until 17th July 2021 (yes, next year!), will allow customers to order food delivery service from various food and beverage outlets within the mall. MatDespatch has been assigned as the delivery partner and they have assured that all orders will be in accordance with strict safety, as well as hygiene practices.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThe expansion of this \u2018Order and Collect\u2019 system is to provide added convenience to shoppers as we slowly ease into recovery and other lifestyle services that they have come to know and love. This way, they can still have the Sunway Malls experience in their homes, and support our retailers at the same time,\u201d said Sunway Pyramid\u2019s Chief Operating Officer, Kevin Tan.\u00a0\n\n\nWith this new platform on the Sunway Pyramid website, you can now order that hearty bowl of noodles you probably craved to snacks you can share with your family during movie night.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nShoppers can order a wide variety of food and beverages from participating retailers on the Sunway Pyramid website.\n\n\n\n\nThe participating food outlets include Genki Sushi, Village Roast Duck, Krispy Kreme, TGI Fridays, Wagyu More, Ippudo Ramen, Putien, The Alley, Shihlin Taiwan Street Snack, Garrett Popcorn and more. Gourmet food and beverage retailers from Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa will be added to the list soon.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, how can you make your order?\n\n\nOrdering is simple \u2013 it works the same as other food delivery platforms! Here are the steps:\n\n\n\n\nHead to their website (\nwww.sunwaypyramid.com\n)\u00a0\n\n\nClick on \u201cORDER & COLLECT\u201d and choose from any retailer listed\n\n\nMake your order and have your food delivered to you!\n\n\n\n\nHowever,\u00a0 deliveries are currently only available within the Klang Valley. As for delivery rates, charges start from RM7 and increase based on the customer\u2019s location \u2013 fret not, shopping rates are shown at checkout.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is advised to place your order an hour in advance to allow time for food preparation and delivery.\u00a0\n\n\nSettle your family\u2019s lunch or dinner with bundle meals\u00a0\n\n\nVarious retailers offer bundle meals which include a spread of multiple food and drinks within one price \u2013 a convenient choice as you will get enough to satisfy everyone. These bundle meals can serve up to four people and as little as two pax!\n\n\nOutlets with bundle meals include \n\u00a0Kenny Rogers Roasters, Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, An Viet, Johor Mini Steamboat, Ippudo and Zen House Japanese Vegetarian Restaurant\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSunway Pyramid is offering FREE delivery in the first month\n\n\nSunway Pyramid is offering a special treat for those who use the food delivery service on \u2018Order and Collect\u2019.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nClaim your free delivery when you spend within the first month.\n\n\n\n\nFor those who use the \u2018Order and Collect\u2019 service within the first month, you can enjoy free delivery until 26 July 2020. This free delivery is redeemable when you spend a minimum of RM20. Additionally, you will also receive 5x Sunway Pals points and an RM5 promo code off your bill!\n\n\nJust a quick note \u2013 the Sunway Pyramid website platform also offers some shopping retailers so you can also make purchases from the comfort of your home too! So, what are you waiting for?\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vaccine-malaysia", "title": "Be Wise, Get Immunised!", "body": "Time to roll up your sleeves for the vaccines, kids.\n\n\nRecently, the news of three emerging polio cases have shaken Malaysians, especially those with kids. Polio is a contagious viral illness from the poliovirus, which can cause severe nerve injury, leading to paralysis, difficulty in breathing, and sometimes even death1, especially in children.\n\n\nSince 2000, Malaysia has successfully eradicated polio, and was declared as being polio-free since then. However, in December 2019, Malaysia has reported its first polio case in three decades.\n\n\nSubsequently, two other cases were reported in January 2020 involving an 11- and 8-year-olds who were not administered with the polio vaccine. This news has shocked Malaysians and led to a heated online argument between those who vaccinate their kids and the \u201canti-vaxxers\u201d, those who do not.\n\n\nWhat Are Vaccines?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nVaccines are substances that help prepare your child\u2019s body to fight off diseases, germs, and pathogens by imitating an infection. These vaccines trick the body into making a \u201cmemory\u201d of the germ, without having to ever fight against the infection. Thus, when a child encounters the real pathogen, their body is ready to attack it and as a result, they don\u2019t get sick.\n\n\nIn Malaysia, all children up to the age of 15 are recommended to receive vaccinations on a schedule, as released by the Ministry of Health Malaysia under the\u00a0\nNational Immunisation Programme\n, up to the age of 15.\n\n\nDuring this period, vaccines to fight against tuberculosis, diphtheria, polio, and tetanus, amongst others, are administered. These vaccinations are given for\u00a0\nfree\n\u00a0under the National Immunisation Programme, where it can be obtained at your nearest government health clinic and at a private clinic with a small fee. The full schedule is published as a guide for healthcare personnel and parents, which can be found\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\nShould I Vaccinate My Child?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI read that vaccinations cause autism!\u201d is a common phrase passed around to scare new parents to avoid vaccinating their child.\n\n\n\nA study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2013 reports that vaccines, in fact, does\u00a0not cause autism.\n\n\n\nYoung children are most vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases due to their weaker immune system. When vaccines are administered, it helps strengthen the children\u2019s immune system and protect them from any life-threatening complications.\n\n\nVaccines may produce undesirable side effects, such as pain and redness at the injection site or sometimes fever, but reactions are usually mild and go away very quickly. It\u2019s never possible to predict exactly who may have reactions to vaccinations, and those who may not.\n\n\nNot to fret mummies and daddies, because the Ministry of Health Malaysia continuously monitors the safety of the vaccine. If there are any concerns or adverse side-effects after receiving or administrating a vaccine, report to the ministry through a phone call at \n+60 3-7883 5400\n\u00a0or via\u00a0\nemail at \n[email\u00a0protected]\n.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nKredit: Freepik\n\n\nThere\u2019s no guarantee that a child will always be free from infection and vaccine-preventable diseases. Even if your child is infected by the disease, it will be mild and not fatal with the help of vaccinations. So,\u00a0\nYES\n, your child should definitely be vaccinated.\n\n\nIt\u2019s Fine If You Want to Be Fined\n\n\nThe Government is talking serious business when it comes to combating the anti-vaccination movement. Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Deputy Minister, Hannah Yeoh states that the ministry takes the issue of not vaccinating children very seriously.\n\n\nAccording to Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001, a person who cares for a child but abuses, neglects, abandons or exposes a child in any manner that will likely cause physical or emotional injury will face a fine up to RM20,000, jail time up to 10 years, or both.\n\n\nIn November 2019, Dr. Zulkefly Ahmad, Minister of Health Malaysia has announced that the decision to make immunisation compulsory will be revealed soon4.\n\n\n*This is the personal opinion of the writer*\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDoctors\u2019 bags of tricks revealed\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-reasons-why-your-kid-shouldnt-watch-peppa-pig-according-to-parents", "title": "6 Reasons why your kid shouldn't watch Peppa Pig, according to parents", "body": "Kids all over the world just love the Brit cartoon \nPeppa Pig\n. She\u2019s sassy, funny, and isn\u2019t afraid to speak her mind. But over the years, parents have raised problematic aspects of the show. So it\u2019s natural to wonder: is \nPeppa Pig\n bad for kids?\n\n\nThe award-wining show that spawned its own line of toys is taking over the world. But some parents don\u2019t buy in to the hype. In fact, one mum even banned the hit TV show in her household. Should you follow suit? Let\u2019s take a closer look.\u00a0\n\n\nIs \nPeppa Pig\n bad for kids? 6 Problematic aspects of the show\n\n\n1. Peppa can be disrespectful towards her dad\n\n\n\u201cSilly daddy\u201d is something Peppa often says. Though some would find this endearing, it can send kids the message that it\u2019s okay to make fun of a parent.\n\n\nIn one episode, Peppa even creates a password \u201cdaddy\u2019s fat tummy\u201d for people to be allowed to enter the tree house.\n\n\n\u201cI let (my daughter) watch the rest of the episode hoping for a positive lesson,\u201d writes a mum on Common Sense Media. Instead, I ended up going over the scenes with my daughter explaining that this secret password to get into the tree house was not funny but mean and disrespectful.\u201d\n\n\n2. She can be bossy and rude\n\n\nMum Nicole laments how the show has \nmade her four-year-old bossy and rude\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd mum Mandi agrees. Not only does she think Peppa is a bully, she thinks she always has to be star of the show.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cShe is always saying negative things to her family and friends,\u201d she writes.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, she can be a bully to her little brother George.\n\n\n\n\nIs Peppa Pig bad? Some parents think she promotes bullying. | Screenshot: YouTube\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0She can be rude to her friends\n\n\n\u201cThe main character is so rude and downright ugly towards other characters that are supposed to be friends. And the parents do absolutely nothing,\u201d \nsays parent Sydney\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nParents agree that she tends to whine, and she also doesn\u2019t take losing well.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t like you anymore! You\u2019re not my best friend,\u201d has become a common catchphrase throughout the show. Remember that time she\u00a0\nslammed the phone down on Suzie sheep\n\u00a0for simply knowing how to whistle when she couldn\u2019t?\u00a0\n\n\n4.\u00a0Peppa tends to promote unhealthy habits\n\n\nBut Peppa isn\u2019t the only character who\u2019s being viewed as a questionable role model. Her little brother George throws fits and tantrums when he doesn\u2019t get his way.\u00a0He also hates vegetables and loves chocolate cake.\n\n\nBut some parents would argue that they\u2019re just depicting normal kid behaviour, and this makes it endearing.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMany parents can relate to the struggle of having a picky eater! | Image source: \nPeppa Pig\n Facebook page\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. She always tends to to say \u2018no\u2019 and \u2018yuck\u2019\n\n\n\u201cToo much verbal aggressions and bad role models. Peppa is disrespectful with her parents, and almost all the episodes have some kind of contempt for Peppa\u2019s father. There are many other better choices for the same age,\u201d writes Jacob, a dad of a three-year-old.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThough Peppa\u2019s quips and reactions are intended to be cute, parents believe this teaches kids to be snarky and hostile.\n\n\n6. She can present problematic concepts of gender\n\n\nThere\u2019s nothing wrong with embracing traditional gender roles. Peppa is super girly; she wears a red dress and loves dolls. But it gets tricky when she refuses to do \u201cboy stuff.\u201d\n\n\nThis is a subtle quirk, but it might be reinforcing stereotypes that can be disempowering or limiting for children.\n\n\nHow to turn these problematic aspects into a good thing\n\n\nAre there good lessons to be learned from \nPeppa Pig\n? Yes, aside from the fact that the show can be funny, it also promotes the value of family and staying positive through life\u2019s struggles.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, the show also celebrates strong female role models like Mrs. Rabbit, who is super hard working.\n\n\nMommy Pig is also an inspiring character because she strives to teach Peppa what\u2019s right from what\u2019s wrong with love and patience, even if Peppa can be stubborn at times.\n\n\n\n\nDespite the show\u2019s problematic aspects, the Pig family love each other. | Image source: \nPeppa Pig\n Facebook page\n\n\n\n\nSome might think Peppa promotes \u201cnaughty\u201d behaviour, while others disagree. The reason why the show is a hit is because the \u201cflawed\u201d characters are so believable.\u00a0\n\n\nAt the end of the day, whether or not you think Peppa Pig is a good or bad role model, \nyou can use TV cartoons as an opportunity for learning\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you can\u2019t seem to ban the show in your household, that\u2019s perfectly understandable. Compromise. Why not use it as an opportunity to open up a dialogue with your kids?\n\n\nCommunicate with them\n to find out what they understand from the show. Reinforce that it is important to:\u00a0\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\n\n\n\n\nLove and respect elders.\n\n\nRemember that being a good leader doesn\u2019t mean being a bully.\n\n\nPractice healthy habits\u00a0 (veggies are good!).\n\n\nHave good friends by being one yourself.\n\n\nChoose kind words and embrace diversity.\n\n\n\n\nThere are good lessons to be found on television, but your kids need your guidance and wisdom to see them. Answer their questions openly and patiently.\n\n\nWith your supervision, they will only take away the laughs, positivity, and good lessons from \nPeppa Pig\n and their other favourite shows.\n\n\n\n\n<yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>&<yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark></yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark>lt;a href=\u201d\npolldaddy.com/poll/9937033/\u201d<yoastmark\n class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>&<yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark></yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark>gt;Is Peppa Pig a bad role model for kids?<yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>&<yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark></yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark>lt;/a<yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>&<yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark></yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark><yoastmark class=\u2019yoast-text-mark\u2019>amp;</yoastmark>gt;\n\n\nSources: \nCommon Sense Media,\n\u00a0\nThe Huffington Post\n, \nThe Guardian\n,\n\u00a0\nnews.com.au\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mega-bloks-first-builders-review-toys-for-one-year-olds", "title": "#TAPreviews: Mega Bloks First Builders For Kids", "body": "When a child turns one, suddenly there is a world of possibilities opened up for them to explore in the realm of children\u2019s toys.\u00a0\n\n\nMost kids below one only know how to put toys in their mouth as a sensory activity rather than focusing on its shape and colours.\u00a0\n\n\nAt one, they are a little more mature to know the different textures and shapes and colours. This means it\u2019s time to introduce them to a new set of toys.\u00a0\n\n\nMega Bloks First Builders is appropriate for kids above one and the entire range of First Builder toys can be very stimulating for a child.\u00a0\n\n\nI recently let my son, Jedi, try out the First Builders range of toys and here is what I found.\u00a0\n\n\nMega Bloks First Builders Let\u2019s Get Learning toy review\n\n\n\n\n1. The toys are brightly coloured, allowing him to differentiate between the colours\n\n\nAt one year, a baby\u2019s eyesight has developed to a point where they can perceive colours more clearly and are able to distinguish between the different colours. So it is very important to let them have toys that clearly differentiate colours in separate pieces.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen I let Jedi choose the Mega Bloks, he gravitated towards picking up the bright coloured blocks, like yellow, green and orange, rather than the white ones. This is also a great teaching opportunity so parents can teach the kids the colours and help them verbalise it.\u00a0\n\n\nHe also had such a wonderful time playing with all the blocks and being surrounded by the colours.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Building blocks build creativity\n\n\nThough the toys are listed for above one, Mega Bloks is a toy that can grow with a child. At one, they might only be attracted to picking up the colours and grouping them together. But at later ages, up to 3-4 years old, they will train your child\u2019s creativity in building up the structures and taking them apart.\u00a0\n\n\nThough Jedi is still at an age that is too young to build, when I let him do some free play, he ended up picking up the toys and putting it into the Mega Bloks bag one by one.\u00a0\n\n\n(Great early training to teach your kids to pick up after themselves!)\n\n\n3. Learning to count\n\n\nIt\u2019s never too early to start introducing your child to numbers and counting. Playing with Mega Bloks can also encourage counting. As Jedi picks up the toys, I count out loud with him and show him the numbers on my fingers so he can associate the words with the number of fingers I am holding up.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Hand-eye coordination\n\n\nAt Jedi\u2019s age, he is still unable to put the blocks together to make structures, but it does take a certain dexterity to pick the blocks up. He also likes to \u201cclap\u201d them together to make sounds, which hones his hand-eye coordination and motor skills.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy I think it\u2019s important for every child to have a set of Mega Bloks\n\n\n\n\nJedi had fun watching the penguin from the Mega Bloks Peek A Blocks Arctic set get launched from the top of the slide.\n\n\n\n\n1. It sets the right foundation for science and art\n\n\nIf you really think about it, beyond just creativity, building structure requires a basic level of engineering. Children who are exposed to this at a young age will be shown the science of the real world.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom the laws of physics to beauty of architecture, your child will have plenty to learn. The Mega Bloks Peek A Blocks Arctic set demonstrated a lot of physics principles, from the penguin being launched upwards and then rolling down the slide.\u00a0\n\n\n2. They learn math skills better growing up\n\n\nAs I already mentioned in my play time with Jedi, we count the blocks out loud. This is a very basic first step into the world of mathematics. Studies have shown that playing with blocks is associated with mathematical ability. So why not give it a try?\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n3. It builds social skills too\n\n\nI really enjoyed playing the Mega Bloks with my son and he enjoyed having me around to play with him too. Having this engaged play time with him really showed me a depth into his social skills at his age.\u00a0\n\n\nA survey was recently done by Toys\u201cR\u201dUs Malaysia and it showed that 33.4% of parents only spend an average of 1-4 hours per week of unstructured playtime with their children.\n\n\nWhen they were able to join in play, 36.4% of parents said the biggest challenge was a lack of information on age-appropriate toys and games that strike a balance between fun and learning development.\n\n\nMega Bloks proved to be an effective toy that was age-appropriate (and will continue to be age-appropriate for a few years to come) that is both fun and educational.\u00a0\n\n\nMega Bloks First Builder sets are available for purchase at Toys\u201dR\u201dUs Malaysia outlets now.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/toddler-rashes-watch-out-for-these-15-common-childrens-skin-conditions", "title": "Toddler rashes: Watch out for these 15 common children's skin conditions", "body": "Toddler rashes are quite common and usually not a major concern. Most of them disappear on their own and are pretty harmless.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if the redness and soreness persists, rushing your child to a medical practitioner is advisable. You may find that\u00a0sometimes a prolonged illness, allergic reaction or even a cold can cause specific skin conditions in toddlers.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom \ndiaper rash\n to \neczema\n, from ringworm to chicken pox, and from cold sores to cradle cap, there are many skin conditions that turn a baby\u2019s soft skin red, blotchy and scaly.\u00a0\n\n\nToddler rashes: Skin conditions that can affect your baby\u00a0\n\n\nRashes don\u2019t usually need urgent medical intervention. However, knowing what they are can help you treat them faster. Here, we are going to take a look at some of the most common types of toddler rashes and how to treat them.\u00a0\n\n\nBut before we begin, let\u2019s understand a rash. A rash is a change in the texture and colour of a small or large part of the skin. The skin may become scaly, red, sore and even bumpy with a rash.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThere are various terminologies that are used for rashes based on their appearance and intensity. These terms will help you identify the rash quickly.\n\n\n\n\nRaised\n: You will feel a bump when you run your finger over your toddler\u2019s rash.\u00a0\n\n\nFlat\n: As the name suggests, you will only see redness or a blotchy patch but it won\u2019t be raised.\u00a0\n\n\nLacy\n: You will notice that the skin over the rash has a lacy design on top.\n\n\nBumps\n: This means exactly what the name suggests, it is a raised bump.\n\n\nPimply\n: This will be a raised rash with a tiny white head in the middle, just as you see in a pimple.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBlisters\n: The bump in this case will be filled with a clear fluid.\u00a0\n\n\nSpots\n: These are just like pigmentation and are red and flat.\u00a0\n\n\nPustule\n: This is a pus-filled raised bump.\n\n\nBlotches\n: These are red and skin-coloured patches and are usually flat.\n\n\nWelt\n: These are similar to blotches, but they are raised and can be red in colour.\u00a0\n\n\nPatch\n: This is a small red or skin-coloured area on the skin and is sometimes the size of a pimple.\u00a0\n\n\nHives\n: A slightly bumpy red area on the skin that can be itchy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou will notice most medical practitioners using these common phrases to describe your child\u2019s skin condition. Now let\u2019s move on to see the different kinds of toddler rashes and how to deal with them.\u00a0\n\n\n15 types of toddler rashes\u00a0\n\n\n1. Baby acne\n\n\nYes, babies also get acne. This skin condition usually appears on their cheeks, forehead, chin and even on their backs. It\u00a0can be present at the time of birth or appear in infants aged two to four weeks. Fortunately, it clears up at around three to four months. But there\u2019s no exact cause for this.\n\n\nAs mentioned in \nthis\n article, \u201cto treat acne, wash your baby\u2019s face with a gentle soap daily. Remember not to scrub too hard, especially on affected areas. Don\u2019t use lotion as it tends to make skin more oily. Consult your baby\u2019s paediatrician if the problem persists.\u201d\n\n\n2. Chicken pox\n\n\nThis skin condition first appears on the face, scalp, torso and back. Then it slowly spreads all over the body. You will notice small red bumps all over your toddler\u2019s body if he has contracted chicken pox.\n\n\nThese soon turn into blisters that are filled with a clear fluid.\n\n\n\n\nChicken pox is extremely contagious so if you\u2019ve never had chicken pox yourself, chances are you might contract it from your toddler | Image copyright: Scott Camazine / Science Source\n\n\n\n\nAs the illness progresses, these blisters become itchy. After two weeks or so you will notice the blisters turning into dry scabs that eventually fall off the body as the child recovers. Usually young children get about 250 to 300 blisters in all. It is also possible for some to have just a few if they have just had a chicken pox injection.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nRemember that chicken pox is one of the many toddler rashes that is extremely contagious. If you\u2019ve never had chicken pox yourself, chances are you might contract it from your toddler.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your baby doesn\u2019t have fever, you can try giving them a bath after a few hours and keep them dry. Home remedies include sprinkling baking soda or colloidal oatmeal in his bath to calm the blisters.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Cold sores\u00a0\n\n\nThis skin condition is quite common in toddlers. It appears either on or near the lips. You will notice small pus-filled blisters that get bigger and eventually burst or even crust over.\u00a0\n\n\nRemember that cold sores are contagious and caused by a virus. So if you notice them on your baby\u2019s face do not to kiss him or touch the affected area. Also, make sure he doesn\u2019t touch his eyes after touching his lips. That can cause a serious eye infection called ocular herpes.\n\n\nCold sores are also quite painful, so avoid touching them. The best home remedy for cold sores is to apply ice on the affected area. You can also try giving your child a mild pain reliever like\u00a0acetaminophen. If your child is six months or older, he may be prescribed ibuprofen by a doctor.\n\n\nYou should also avoid giving citrus or acidic foods to your kid when he has a cold sore. Refer to a doctor if it doesn\u2019t go away.\n\n\n4. Cradle cap\u00a0\n\n\nThis skin condition\u00a0 is usually seen on the scalp, eyes, eyebrows, armpits and even where your toddler\u2019s neck creases. It is medically termed as infantile seborrheic dermatitis. In this condition, the skin becomes dry and scaly, and you will notice yellowish crusty patches.\n\n\nSince cradle cap commonly occurs when the child is three to four months old, you may even notice minor hair loss.\n\n\nYou should know that cradle cap is not contagious. So you can treat it at home by gently massaging your baby\u2019s scalp with your fingers, or by combing the flaky skin out. Shampoo his head at least once a day. You can even use shampoos that are especially made to tackle cradle cap.\n\n\n5. Diaper rash\n\n\nIn this skin condition, you will notice inflamed red skin around the diaper area. You might even notice a flat or raised rash \u2013 or even blisters \u2013 around the folds of the toddler\u2019s thighs and legs.\u00a0\n\n\nA diaper rash is quite common in babies, especially those under the age of one. Fortunately, it is not contagious but may need attention for quick treatment. Your baby might be prescribed a diaper rash cream or an ointment.\u00a0\n\n\nMost importantly you must\u00a0 keep the baby\u2019s diaper area dry and clean at all times. You can even consider letting him sleep without his bottoms just so the area can get some fresh air.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Eczema\u00a0\n\n\nIn this skin condition you will notice red rashes on your baby\u2019s forehead, scalp, or cheeks. These can be itchy and painful for the baby. It is commonly seen in children under the age of six months. Eczema can persist even after your baby turns a year old.\n\n\nThe bad news is that it can spread to the knees, elbows, and skin creases. But the good news is that it can still clear up on its own.\n\n\nAs mentioned in our previous article, \u201cthis condition worsens due to accidental contact with an allergen or irritant, as well as saliva.\u201d\n\n\nAlthough there is no definitive cure for eczema, you can manage your baby\u2019s symptoms by bathing with a gentle soap for only five to 10 minutes. Follow it up by applying a thick cream or ointment twice a day.\n\n\nAlso, make sure to avoid exacerbating eczema and always use unscented laundry detergent when washing your baby\u2019s clothes.\n\n\n7. Erythema toxicum\n\n\nThis skin condition can appear anywhere on the baby\u2019s body. It is characterised by small white and yellow bumps that are surrounded by red skin. This is quite common in newborns and you might notice it three to five days after birth.\u00a0\n\n\nAn erythema toxicum usually only lingers for about two weeks, with a maximum of three weeks. Then it goes away on its own. But you can go for a check up if you notice that all these symptoms continue.\n\n\nFortunately, eruthema toxicum is also non-contagious and your toddler will not need any specific treatment.\u00a0\n\n\n8. Fifth disease\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0Also called\u00a0slapped cheeks disease or erythema infectiosum, this skin condition is common in preschoolers and older toddlers. You might notice it on the cheeks, torso as well as the feet of the toddler.\u00a0\n\n\nWith this skin condition the toddler has bright red cheeks and lacy skin. Sometimes the child may even have a fever, runny nose and cold symptoms. Discovered after\u00a0scarlet fever,\u00a0measles,\u00a0rubella,\u00a0chicken pox, and\u00a0roseola; the fifth disease is contagious.\n\n\nYour child might be given\u00a0acetaminophen or ibuprofen\u00a0to treat the virus. Although you cannot treat it at home, you can bring down the possibility of his contracting it again by maintaining hygiene.\n\n\n\n\nFever, constant drooling, and open blisters are some of the common symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease | Image copyright: Biophoto Associates / Science Source\n\n\n\n\n9. Hand, foot, and mouth disease\n\n\nIn this condition, some blister-like sores appear on the mouth, palms, soles and even the buttocks. The rashes begin as small red dots and soon develop into bumps and blisters.\n\n\nAlthough it is common in preschoolers, it can happen to kids at any age. But be careful because this condition is contagious and is commonly caused by the coxsackie virus.\u00a0\n\n\nUsually kids recover from it within 10 days. But in rare cases, it might lead to meningitis. Fever, constant drooling, and open blisters are some of the common symptoms. If you notice them rush to a doctor.\n\n\nAlso, you should avoid giving spicy or salty food to your child if he is suffering from this condition. Maintain hygiene and wash his hands regularly.\u00a0\n\n\n10. Impetigo\n\n\nIn this skin condition you will notice small itchy red bumps. These are mostly seen around the mouth and nose and might even spread to other parts of the body.\u00a0\n\n\nAs the condition progresses, the bumps become blisters and develop a brown crust. Your child might suffer from fever, swollen lymph glands and have cold symptoms in this condition.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nImpetigo is also quite common in children aged between two and six. Sadly, this condition is highly contagious and caused by bacteria that enter the skin through a cut.\u00a0\n\n\nIf this condition is not immediately treated by medication, it can become prolonged.\u00a0\n\n\n11. Milia\n\n\nIn this skin condition, you will spot acne-like white bumps on your newborn\u2019s cheeks, nose, and even chin. Here, the skin bumps caused by dead skin clog the skin surface. Just like acne, milia doesn\u2019t need treatment and usually resolves on its own.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHowever to treat milia at home you can use a gentle soap while washing your baby\u2019s face. Also avoid hard scrubbing or using lotions.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFortunately, milia is neither contagious nor painful. But if it doesn\u2019t go away in a few weeks you should consider going to a doctor.\u00a0\n\n\n12. Hives\n\n\nThis skin condition usually appears on the body, face as well as hands. They are basically raised red bumps and can be quite itchy.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may notice that many of them come and go after a few days. But if they persist for more than two weeks you should consult with a doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nThese are usually not contagious but might need medical intervention based on the child\u2019s age and the level of infection.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n13. Heat rash\n\n\nThese toddler rashes occur when blocked pores lock sweat into the skin. It is mostly because of hot or humid weather. In this condition you will notice red fluid-filled blisters that sprout on the chest, armpits, shoulders, neck, and/or groin.\n\n\nIf it doesn\u2019t go away within a few days or looks infected, rush your child to a doctor immediately.\n\n\nHeat rash can be easily managed at home. Choose loose cotton clothing for your baby during hot months. Also make sure you regularly change your toddler\u2019s diapers and keep his diaper area clean and dry at all times.\n\n\nUse a gentle powder to keep most of his body dry and fresh.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRingworm is usually dry and crusty on the periphery and smooth and soft in the centre | Image courtesy: Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\n14. Ringworm\u00a0\n\n\nThese toddler rashes are common in kids that are two years and older. These can appear anywhere on the body or their scalp. You will notice that a ringworm looks like a red circle that ranges from the size of a dime to a quarter.\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, the size increases when you don\u2019t treat the rash.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nRingworm is usually dry and crusty on the periphery and smooth and soft in the centre. On the scalp you will notice it as dandruff and even bald spots. Unfortunately, ringworm is contagious and thrives in a humid climate.\u00a0\n\n\nKeep your toddler clean and dry, and make sure to wash his hands as often as possible.\u00a0\n\n\n15. Scabies\u00a0\n\n\nUnlike most other toddler rashes, this one causes a lot of itching. You will notice red bumps between your toddler\u2019s fingers, wrists and elbows, as well as in the armpit and diaper area. They might also show up on kneecaps, soles of the feet, palms, the scalp and even the face.\n\n\nScabies often leaves curvy red lines in the skin around the rashes and is highly contagious.\n\n\nYour toddler may experience a lot of itching at night, especially after a hot bath. This can occur at any age and if it is his first time, it might fully develop after three to four weeks.\n\n\nThis condition intensifies as scabies mites lay eggs in the skin. So the best solution is to keep your child and your home clean. Consult a doctor if it continues for more than a week.\u00a0\n\n\nRemember that for most of these toddler rashes, the best prevention is good hygiene. When you keep your toddler away from places that can potentially house viruses and bacteria, he becomes less vulnerable.\u00a0\n\n\nSo maintain hygiene. But also make sure to keep track of your child\u2019s body. What may seem like a small rash, might actually turn out to be a bigger infection. So make a note of all these aforesaid symptoms so you can treat toddler rashes before they become deadly.\n\n\nSources: \nNHS\n, \nWedMD\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gifts-for-him", "title": "Don\u2019t Do This When You Give a Gift to Your Boyfriend", "body": "And they say when you love someone, you will be foolishly in love.\n\n\nGuilty as charged. Some of us can immensely relate to this statement. Being in love got us cocooned into a different world. Our take of life have changed and we no longer feel the same. Sparks fly when your loved one is around as if the world stops spinning and centred around the two of you.\n\n\nThat\u2019s a bit of a stretch but we will get to the point..\n\n\nHave you ever loved someone so much that you want to give them the world? Or in this case, lots and lots of gifts.\n\n\nGiving a gift is not a crime but there is a time in which a gift can bear a different message to the receiver.\n\n\nWe might have one or two female friends who keep spending money to their boyfriend despite us keep telling them no.\n\n\nWhy? These are the reasons.\n\n\n1.You gift too much\n\n\nHey, girl. It\u2019s okay to give a\u00a0\ngift to your boyfriend\n. Us girls can relate too much on it. We want to show him that we care and one of our love languages is through a gesture of affection. In this case, we want to gift something to convey our feeling.\n\n\nBut what is not okay? Giving too much until the point he suffocates. You keep showering him with excessive gifts will only cause him to repel away from you.\n\n\nA\u00a0\npersonalised gift for your boyfriend\u00a0\nwill be fine. You don\u2019t need to over do it.\n\n\nLike really? Gifts for monthsary? Who does that? Giving him a gift each month is a sign of desperation. You can\u2019t keep a man with a gift.\n\n\nUnless he is after something\u2026..\n\n\n2.\u00a0Expect the same from him\n\n\nExpectation is a silent killer in every relationship. Being in a relationship with someone, of course you should your own have expectation on how things should evolve or to placing it on your partner. But too much of it? Can absolutely kill the relationship instantly.\n\n\nYou give your partner a gift for his birthday. He loves it, he adores it and he tells you how much your gift means a lot to him.\n\n\nSecretly, you wish that he will reciprocate in the same manner as your birthday is approaching.\n\n\nWhen the day finally comes; you notice that no gift comes to place, only his last minute wishes and his promise to bring you to dinner.\n\n\nIt is enough to start a World War 3.\n\n\nHowever, you must remember that individuals in love speaks in a different language of love. Some boyfriends are not into gifts, while some are into it. Ladies, how can you judge a man who doesn\u2019t want to gift you a gift but want to bring you somewhere special to celebrate your birthday. Seriously.\n\n\n3.\u00a0Spend a lot on a gift\n\n\nThis is another\u00a0don\u2019t\u00a0if you want to gift your boyfriend a gift. Why on earth would you want to spend a lot on a guy? Okay, we heard you loud and clear. It\u2019s your money and you deserve the right to be overspending on a gift for him.\n\n\nWe really hate to be the one who break the news; your value isn\u2019t going to be defined by all your lavish gifts.\n\n\nSome women think if they give an inexpensive gift, their boyfriend will think lowly of them or they are scared that their boyfriends will drift away from them.\n\n\nHoney, you are not a convenience store to please him.\n\n\nIf he loves you, he will love anything you gift him without having you to break the bank.\n\n\nUnless your net worth is similar to Kylie Jenner\u2019s, then by all means, go ahead.\n\n\nThe key is to be sincere. Hence, gift your boyfriend something special, something meaningful.\n\n\n4.\u00a0Gift him something based on the gift guide\n\n\nYour boyfriend will like everything you give him. Fact check.\n\n\nBut you cannot expect him to really love the gift when you gift him something that you think he would enjoy.\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n6 Sikap Ibu Yang Mengganggu Perkembangan Nutrisi Si Manja, Jangan Terlalu Tegas!\nDrypers\nThings To Consider When Picking A Diaper For Your Baby\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Mendidik Ibu Milenium Perlu Buat 7 Perkara Ini. Barulah Anak Jadi Hebat!\nRaise them Resilient\nRaising a Resilient Child: 5 Ways Nutrition Contributes to a Resilient Mind and Body\n\n\nAgain you have placed an unnecessary expectation on him.\n\n\nYou scour a list of gift guide for your boyfriend, and decided to pick one from the list. He\u2019s a book nerd and he enjoys reading. So, you thought that it will be great to gift him the bestseller book that year.\n\n\nOnly to realise later, he isn\u2019t really into a sappy love story, he\u2019s a Murakami fan.\n\n\n5. You\u2019re the only one who\u2019s giving a gift or doing something nice\n\n\nRelationship is like an investment. You invest to get something in return and you must be willing to take the risk. However, if you feel like you are the initiator of everything. EVERYTHING. Something has gone wrong somewhere.\n\n\nThe point of giving someone a gift is to make them happy and when they are happy, so will the giver right?\n\n\nBut it is always you. You are the one who starts everything. You are over investing and he hasn\u2019t done anything to reciprocate and not even a nice gesture.\n\n\nThis is different than placing an unrealistic expectations on him.\n\n\nWhen you are over investing, trust us you will know it in your heart.\n\n\nYou can feel it.\n\n\nThere needs to be a balance for everything, so does presenting your boyfriend a gift. It can be difficult if he doesn\u2019t give you any sly hints of what he might want for his birthday or etc. So for his gift, why not start by being personal?\n\n\nGift him a\u00a0\ncustom personal gift\n\u00a0that better reflects his personality and you can\u2019t go wrong with that!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/glass-door-shattered-by-itself", "title": "Maid Saves Toddler After Bathroom Glass Door Shatters On Him", "body": "A little child was hurt recently, after a bathroom glass door shattered by itself.\n\n\nIt was a maid\u2019s quick thinking and presence of mind that saved the day, and prevented the toddler from getting more hurt.\n\n\nToddler hurt after glass door shattered by itself\n\n\nMummy PeiRong recently posted about the frightening incident on Facebook.\u00a0\n\n\nShe wrote, \u201cHere\u2019s a frightening yet touching story on how a Filipino helper Sheryl saved my toddler from an incident which took place at my sister\u2019s house. I am grateful to her quick-witted and selfless act which prevented my son from further injuring himself.\u201d\n\n\nThe child had wanted to pee, and the family\u2019s helper, Jena, took him to the toilet.\n\n\n\u201cWhile Jena was flushing the toilet bowl, my son was trying to pull the sliding door forcibly thus as a result the glass door shattered on top of him, and the floor was covered with thousand of tiny \nglass shards.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cTo my horror, I saw blood streaming down his face.\u201d\n\n\nThe shocked little child tried to escape from the place, unaware of the dangers posed by the broken glass pieces.\n\n\nThankfully, another maid, Sheryl shouted at him to keep still.\n\n\n\u201cNext, she told Jena who was in a state of shock to lift him up. Without a second thought, Sheryl walked into the toilet with her BAREFOOT to carry him out.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cShe could have dangerously hurt herself but I was completely touched by her brave and selfless act. She is a remarkable person who always put others before herself. Luckily Jena and her is unharmed from this incident.\u201d\n\n\nAfter the accident, the child was rushed to KKH emergency ward. Thankfully, he suffered only minor injuries.\n\n\n\u201cFortunately, he only had a few minor cuts on its head and no stitches\n were required.\u201d\n\n\nThis mummy finally has an important warning for all parents. She cautions, \u201cNEVER let your guard down by letting your children to touch or close the door if it\u2019s made of glass. I\u2019ve witnessed how dangerous it is if it shattered on you.\u201d\n\n\nHere is her post on Facebook:\n\n\n\n\nGlass door shattered by itself: Not the first time\n\n\nUnfortunately, this is hardly the first time such a problem has been reported.\u00a0\n\n\nIn 2014,\u00a0a young girl suffered numerous cuts after the glass bathroom door in her home shattered while she was nearby.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd again in 2015, a mum had just finished bathing her 10-month old daughter, when her glass bathroom door shattered for no reason, leaving glass shards all over the floor.\n\n\nIn the same year,\n\u00a0analyst Kevin Fong was shocked\n\u00a0to enter his \nbathroom\n one day to find his glass shower cubicle in pieces all over the floor.\n\n\nThere are regulations for types of glass that can be used for the exterior of a building (windows, balconies etc). The type of glass used within the home however, is up to the home owner.\n\n\nWhen it comes to using glass inside homes here are some things you should know:\n\n\n\n\nThere are\u00a0\n2 main types of \u201csafety glass\u201d\n: tempered glass and laminated glass.\n\n\nDon\u2019t go for cheaper glass\n: Normal untreated glass may be cheaper, but when it breaks, it breaks into shards with extremely sharp edges that can be dangerous.\n\n\n\n\nWhen tempered glass breaks, however, it shatters into smaller pieces with \u2018softer\u2019 edges. Even if you get cut, injuries will be less severe.\n\n\nDo note that laminated and tempered glass can cost up to 50 % more than untreated glass.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAccording to experts, there\u2019s a\u00a0\ncommon misconception\n\u00a0that any glass becomes \u2018safety glass\u2019 just because safety film has been applied on it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(A safety film is a large piece of sticky tape pasted over glass to hold the shards together in case it breaks).\n\n\nHowever, if the glass has not been treated properly, it can still cut through the film and hurt someone badly.\n\n\n\n\nYou can check for the type of glass installed by checking the corner of the glass panel for the manufacturer\u2019s mark.\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBagaimana\u200c \u200cUntuk\u200c \u200cAjar\u200c \u200cAnak\u200c \u200cTentang\u200c \u200cWang:\u200c \u200cPanduan\u200c \u200cMengikut\u200c \u200cUsia\u200c\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nHome\nIt\u2019s Crucial Now To Keep Your House Virus Free! Here Are 5 Sanitation Solutions For You\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow Can I Improve My Child\u2019s Nutrient Absorption?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/razor-blades-found-taped-to-slides-in-childrens-public-playground", "title": "Razor blades found taped to slides in children's public playground", "body": "Encouraging your children to get off their iPads and play in the playground is a great idea. Playing outdoors helps your child\u2019s development in a big way, building up their motor skills and cognitive functions.\u00a0\nBut a poorly built or maintained playground that does\u2019t follow playground safety regulations can be a safety risk for your kids. \n\n\nIn public playgrounds, there\u2019s even a risk of foul play. \nIn the UK\n, police were called when two razor blades were found taped to the handles of a slide of a local public playground.\n\n\nRazor blades found taped on slide in playground\n\n\nThe scary incident happened in a small town in Lancashire, UK. Suspects are yet to be found, but whoever did this intentionally wants to hurt children. \n\n\nThe razors were taped hidden on each handle of the slide.\n\n\nPolicemen are warning parents to be more careful and check thoroughly all public playground equipment before allowing their children to play. \n\n\nThe police are committed to fully investigating the case. \n\n\nThe playground safety checklist\n\n\n\n\nYour neighbourhood HDB public park should be safe, but it doesn\u2019t hurt to check first | Source: File photo\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s best to make sure the playground is safe for your children to play in. Singapore\u2019s public playgrounds are built and maintained following playground safety regulations by Enterprise Singapore. But it\u2019s always good to play it safe. Before letting your kids roam free, here are ways you can check the safety of your neighbourhood playground:\n\n\n\n\nInspect all the playground equipment to make sure they are in tiptop condition. Check for protruding edges and sharp points. Finding sharp objects like the case above is an extremely rare occurrence here, but the possibility is always there.\n\n\nCheck the play surface used for the playground. Usually it\u2019s soft enough to withstand minor impact, made out of mulch, wood chops, sand. Most playgrounds in Singapore use rubber mats for flooring.\n\n\nWatch the ground area for places where your kids can trip and fall. This includes growing tree stumps, rocks and exposed flooring. \n\n\nAll elevated areas in the playground, like the top of slides, platforms and ramps, should have guardrails installed so children don\u2019t fall over or attempt to jump off.\n\n\n\n\nRemember: If you see something dangerous, don\u2019t allow your child to play in the playground, and report the problem to your town council/ building management. \n\n\nWhat your kids wear is important\n\n\n\n\nMake sure your kids are wearing well-fitted clothes when they play in the playground | Source: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nThe clothes and accessories your children wear to the playground could also be hazard. Do make sure your children \naren\u2019t\n wearing any of the following:\n\n\n\n\nsumber: vancouverisawesome\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDrawstrings\n. Think hoodies or pants with drawstrings attached. It might get caught around playground equipment, get stuck or worse, risk strangling your child.\n\n\nLong scarves and necklaces\n. For the same reason as above. Get shorter scarves if your child is feeling cold \u2013 the scarf should not be trailing as your child run. Remove necklaces, bangles and any accessories that hang if possible.\n\n\nBike helmets\n. If your little one isn\u2019t cycling, there\u2019s no need to keep the helmet on. The helmet strap could get caught onto playground equipment. The already bulky helmet could trap your child\u2019s head into an opening, risking suffocation. \n\n\n\n\nIn any case, it\u2019s sometimes inevitable for your children to suffer an injury. It\u2019s not a bad thing of course, as it teaches them how to cope with the injury, and what to do in case it happens again. It\u2019s a great learning process for your kids.\n\n\nBut you or your spouse should supervise your children at the playground at all times, so that you\u2019re there when a serious issue happens.\n\n\n[Source: \nIndependent\n, \nFamily Education\n]\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nHow To Nurture Your Child\u2019s Knowledge About Money\nMoney Parenting\nA Quick Look At How Asian Parents Teach About Money\n#PendidikanKewangan\nJom Lihat Bagaimana Ibu Bapa Asia Mengajar Anak-Anak Tentang Wang\nHidangan\nBayi Juga Perlukan Snek! Ini Antara Yang Ibu Ayah Boleh Cuba, Jangan Risau Ia Dijamin HALAL & Cukup Lazat!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-bottle-cleanser", "title": "7 Best Milk Bottle Cleaner Brands, Able to Remove Milk Crust Easily", "body": "Without a doubt, parents will use a special baby bottle cleanser to ensure full and efficient cleaning of the bottle. However, be aware of the content in each soap, \navoiding any harmful chemicals\n!\n\n\nMilk bottles and bottle nipples have to be washed thoroughly to prevent the accumulation of milk fat, which can pose a risk to the baby\u2019s health. \n\n\nHence, to help you choose the best milk bottle cleaner, we have listed the 7 best baby bottle cleaner brands for you to refer to!\n\n\n7 Best Baby Bottle Cleaner Brands in Malaysia\n\n\n#1 Sleek Baby Bottle, Nipple & Accessories Cleanser Value Pack\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBaby equipment bottle and cleaner, with 100% food-grade formula which is safe for babies.\n\n\nContains a special dirt removal formula to help get rid of milk fat residue and odour attached to baby bottles.\n\n\nThis cleanser can be used to wash vegetables and fruits.\n\n\nNatural anti-bacterial\n\n\nAnti-irritation\n\n\nDirt-removal formula\n\n\nParaben-free\n\n\n\n\n Sleek Baby Bottle, Nipple & Accessories Cleanser Value Pack \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Pigeon Liquid Cleanser Value Pack\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMade from 100% food-grade ingredients\n\n\nFormulated with safe chemicals\n\n\nRemove milk crust\n\n\nSafe for baby\n\n\nGentle on skin\n\n\nAnti-bacterial\n\n\nSuitable for cleaning milk bottles, nipples, children\u2019s toys, fruits and vegetables\n\n\n\n\n Pigeon Liquid Cleanser Value Pack \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Tollyjoy Baby Accessories & Vegetable Liquid Cleanser\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nUses a new formula to clean baby utensils as well as vegetables making them safe for usage and consumption.\n\n\nEffective in cleaning baby bottles, toys and other accessories.\u00a0\n\n\nLightweight and formulated to remove milk fat and dirt well.\n\n\nContains antibacterial ingredients to kill germs.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Tollyjoy Baby Accessories & Vegetable Liquid Cleanser \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Pureen Bottle Wash & Pureen Liquid Cleanser\u00a0Combo\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nColourless clear liquid\n\n\nAvailable in 3 scents (Orange, Mint, non-scented)\n\n\nEffectively removes milk fat and dirt\n\n\nSpecially formulated from surfactants (plant-based)\n\n\nSafe for cleaning baby accessories, fruits and vegetables\n\n\nEasily cleans baby accessories\n\n\n\n\n Pureen Bottle Wash & Pureen Liquid Cleanser\u00a0Combo \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Bumble Bee Baby Safe Liquid Cleanser\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEco-friendly\n\n\nFree from chloride, fragrance, heavy metals, preservatives and artificial colours.\u00a0\n\n\n100% free from chemicals such as LABS, SLS, SLES, Betaines, CDE, Phosphates, Parabens and Silicates.\n\n\n\n\n Bumble Bee Baby Safe Liquid Cleanser\u00a0 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Cosway Ecomax Baby Bottle Cleanser\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBiodegradable food and plant grade ingredients, ph-balanced.\n\n\nClean and safe for consumers, babies and the environment.\u00a0\n\n\nEffectively remove stubborn milk residue on baby bottles.\n\n\nGentle on skin.\n\n\nCreated with antibacterial formula, safe to use.\u00a0\n\n\nIdeal for cleaning baby accessories\n\n\nFree of alcohol, dyes and fragrances.\n\n\n\n\n Cosway Ecomax Baby Bottle Cleanser \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#7 Baby Ganics Foaming Dish + Bottle Soap\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFormulated without phosphates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances or dyes.\u00a0\n\n\nEffective cleaning using natural ingredients.\u00a0\n\n\nDoes not irritate the skin.\n\n\nSafe for baby bottle cleaning.\n\n\nNon-allergic\n\n\nNo harmful chemicals\n\n\nTested by paediatricians and dermatologists\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Baby Ganics Foaming Dish + Bottle Soap\u00a0 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\u00a0\n:\u00a0\n6 Best Baby Diaper Bags On The Market That Suit Both Moms & Dads!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more : \n6 Delicious Instant Porridge Choices for Babies, Perfect For Busy Moms\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nTop 5 Best Baby Laundry Detergent Brands That Are Safe For Your Baby\u2019s Skin\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/danone-brings-one-planet-one-health-to-life", "title": "Danone Brings 'One Planet. One Health' to Life Through a Healthy and Engaged Workforce in Malaysia", "body": "\n\nDanone is cementing the \u2018One Person, \nOne Voice\n, \nOne Share\n\u2018 programme in \nMalaysia\n to empower Danoners in shaping its 2030 Business & Sustainability Goals roadmaps\n\n\nTo support inclusive diversity in the organisation, Danone is investing heavily in employee development programmes, including the Agile Organisation pilot initiative\n\n\nDanone is introducing a progressive parental policy to support Danoners in \nMalaysia\n during the first six months of parenthood, in line with the \u2018One Planet. One Health\u2019 vision\n\n\n\n\nDanone, parent company of iconic brands such as Dumex, Dugro, Nutricia AptaGro and Evian water, today announced an enhanced focus on employee well-being and engagement as part of its \u2018One Planet. One Health\u2019 vision in \nMalaysia\n.\n\n\nIn line with Danone\u2019s belief that people are its biggest asset in achieving its mission and addressing new challenges facing the world, Danone is committed to create and maintain an inclusive, diverse and participative workplace environment. Building a healthy and engaged workforce through an innovative talent management model is integral to realising Danone\u2019s \u2018One Planet. One Health\u2019 vision, starting with its own employees.\n\n\n\u201cI am a proud Danoner\u201dcampaign in Southeast Asia: celebrating Danoners\u2019 diversity and uniqueness\n\n\nDanone has launched \u2018One Person, \nOne Voice\n, \nOne Share\n\u2018, an innovative employee engagement programme to further foster company-wide engagement and increase the sense of ownership among Danoners in \nMalaysia\n.\n\n\nThe \u2018One Voice\u2019 programme is driven by the belief that all employees should co-own the company\u2019s agenda, including by helping to define the roadmaps to implement Danone\u2019s 2030 Goals, which are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.\n\n\nTo equip Danoners in participating in these conversations, the \u2018One Voice\u2019 programme has developed an internal platform with learning resources related to the company vision and goals, including content derived from collaborations with like-minded partners such as the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) as well as internal initiatives such as the annual \u2018Campus for All\u2019 event, a week-long series of learning activities to nurture local talent and help them co-lead the food revolution.\n\n\nThrough the \u2018One Voice\u2019 consultations with employees in \nMalaysia\n, Danoners identified strongly with wanting to impact people\u2019s health locally and this has been integrated into our strategic plans for \nMalaysia\n through the focus on addressing iron deficiency.[1]\n\n\nComplementing \u2018One Voice\u2019 is the \u2018One Share\u2019 programme, which gives every employee a share in the company combined with a global annual dividend-based incentive scheme, thereby deepening a symbolic ownership mindset among Danoners.\n\n\nDanone, as a company that believes in inclusive diversity, recognises the uniqueness of each Danoner and invests in enhancing the added value that these differences bring to the organisation. Developing local talent and providing career growth opportunities are key components of this strategy.\n\n\nAll Danoners have the chance to experience other markets and cultures through short-term assignments in other offices across \nSoutheast Asia\n and beyond. In line with the digitalisation of the global economy, Danone is also piloting Agile Organisation, an initiative that focuses on competency development and adopting digital means of working.\n\n\nTo demonstrate Danone\u2019s commitment to supporting employees in the workplace of the future, Danone is introducing an extensive parental policy covering pre-natal support, gender-neutral parental leave as well as post-natal support.\n\n\nThis policy includes adapted working conditions for expecting mothers, extended parental leave of up to 18 weeks of paid leave and unpaid leave of up to six months for parents, job protection policies and flexible working schedules for parents as well as lactation rooms in all its corporate and manufacturing sites across \nSoutheast Asia\n.\n\n\nThese practices reflect Danone\u2019s support for employees during the important early days of parenthood and is with a view to encouraging exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, in accordance with the World Health Organisation\u2019s recommendations.\n\n\n\u201cAt Danone, we prioritise the well-being of our employees. Danone\u2019s dual commitment to business success and social progress is guided by the 1972 landmark speech by our former CEO \nAntoine Riboud\n outlining a new vision of corporate social responsibility. The \u2018One Person, \nOne Voice\n, \nOne Share\n\u2018 programme is our way of inviting our employees to actively participate in co-creating and co-owning our collective future. In \nMalaysia\n, we recently launched the \u2018I\u2019m a Proud Danoner\u2019 campaign, which engages employees to share what they are passionate about as a Danone employee. We have also invested heavily in employee development through programmes such as short-term overseas assignments and the Agile Organisation initiative.\n\n\nAs a sign of our commitment to support our employees into the future, our new parental policy includes flexible work-life options to help parents keep families at the centre of their life and guidance on the importance of optimal nutrition during the first six months of a baby\u2019s life. We want to be the most parent-friendly company in \nMalaysia\n.\n\n\nI am happy that our efforts have been reflected in Danone\u2019s excellent retention rates. Danone Dumex Malaysia\u2019s turnover rate of 6 percent is well below the market average of 20 percent,\u201d said Normalis Mohd Sharif, Director of Human Resources, Danone Southeast Asia.\n\n\nAzuin, Digital Manager, Danone Dumex Malaysia, said: \u201cI am proud to be working for a supportive company like Danone, which values my opinion and has allowed me to have a say in the company\u2019s agenda through initiatives such as \u2018One Person, \nOne Voice\n, \nOne Share\n\u2018. There are many opportunities for me to grow as an employee and the digitalisation of our operations will give us the chance to experience other regional markets even if we are based in our home country. I am also thankful that the company actually cares about giving me sufficient rest and more time to spend with my little one. Danone also provides a comfortable lactation room in the office to support \nbreastfeeding mums\n like me.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[1] Iron deficiency is the top cause of anaemia, a form of malnutrition affecting a third of children below five years old in Southeast Asia and whose symptoms may range from extreme fatigue to effects on cognitive development and productivity, according to the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbout Danone (\nwww.danone.com\n)\n\n\nDedicated to bringing health through food to as many people as possible, Danone is a leading global food & beverage company building on health-focused and fast-growing categories in three businesses: Essential Dairy & Plant-Based Products, Waters and Specialized Nutrition. Danone aims to inspire healthier and more sustainable eating and drinking practices, in line with its \u2018One Planet. One Health\u2019 vision which reflects a strong belief that the health of people and that of the planet are interconnected. To bring this vision to life and create superior, sustainable, profitable value for all its stakeholders, Danone has defined its 2030 Goals: a set of nine integrated goals aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Danone commits to operating in an efficient, responsible and inclusive manner; it holds itself to the highest standards in doing business, as reflected by its ambition to become one of the first multinationals certified as B CorpTM. With more than 100,000 employees, and products sold in over 120 markets, Danone generated \u20ac24.7 billion in sales in 2018. Danone\u2019s portfolio includes leading international brands (Actimel, Activia, Alpro, Aptamil, Danette, Danio, Danonino, evian, Nutricia, Nutrilon, Volvic, among others) as well as strong local and regional brands (including Dumex, AQUA, Bl\u00e9dina, Cow & Gate, Horizon, Mizone, Oikos, Prostokvashino, Silk, Vega).\n\n\nListed on Euronext Paris and on the OTCQX market via an ADR (American Depositary Receipt) program, Danone is a component stock of leading social responsibility indexes including the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, Vigeo Eiris, the Ethibel Sustainability Index, MSCI Global Sustainability, MSCI Global SRI Indexes and the FTSE4Good Index.\n\n\nPhoto \u2013 \nhttps://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191011/2602357-1?lang=0\n\n\nRelated Links: \nwww.danone.com/\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-diaper-rash", "title": "Diaper Cream Should Be Applied Every Diaper Change & Here\u2019s Why", "body": "Diaper rash is a nightmare. They turn up as inflamed skin, all over your little one\u2019s buttocks, thighs and genitals. The most heartbreaking part of it all is that your baby becomes uncomfortable and possibly distressed \u2013 it\u2019s truly a situation we would all like to avoid.\n\n\nThis is why we are myth-busting the fact that many think diaper rash creams are to be applied when flare-ups come, but in actuality, they should be applied in every diaper change to avoid just that. Here\u2019s why.\n\n\nThe cause of the nasty diaper rash\n\n\nBefore we dive in further, let\u2019s explore the cause of these nasties \u2013 diaper rashes happen when your baby\u2019s skin comes in contact with their urine or stool, which then irritates their skin\n.\u00a0\n\n\nNewborns are more prone to diaper rashes because they poop and pee up to 10 times a day\n. This means the longer babies sit and stew in their diapers, the more susceptible they are to rashes which is why parents often rush to change their diapers the moment their baby has done a number one or two.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s a fact: always use diaper rash cream with every change\n\n\n\n\nThe old adage \u201cprevention is better than cure\u201d applies in this situation. Many diaper rash advice comes only after the rash has shown up \u2013 this includes (as we mentioned above) applying rash cream only when a rash forms. But that acts as a cure. What about preventing the situation?\u00a0\n\n\nWell, this brings us to our point; apply diaper rash with every change. This is especially important for babies with sensitive skin as they are more prone to such skin issues.\u00a0\n\n\nUsing diaper rash with every change creates a barrier between the baby\u2019s skin and the urine, as well as stool\n. This reduces the chance of irritation between their skin and the wet diaper contents or material.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, in terms of application, when a rash occurs you will need to apply a thick layer of cream (think of frosting a cake) to create a thicker barrier. But for prevention purposes and use with every change, you only need a thin layer\n.\u00a0\n\n\nNevertheless, some mum and dads may argue the fact that rash cream with every change is simply too much product which can irritate their skin as well. Well, this depends on the products you are using.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThis brings us to our second point \u2013 make sure to use a clinically-proven, dermatologist tested and soothing diaper rash, such as Cetaphil\u2019s Diaper Cream with Organic Calendula, in a routine for the best protection.\u00a0\n\n\nUse Cetaphil\u2019s Diaper Cream with Organic Calendula in a three-step routine\u00a0\n\n\nCetaphil\u2019s Diaper Cream with Organic Calendula is an easy-to-apply cream that gently moisturises and protects your baby\u2019s bottom from wetness that causes diaper rash. Formulated with organic calendula extract, it works quickly to soothe delicate baby skin, together with zinc oxide, vitamin B5 and vitamin E.\u00a0\n\n\nCetaphil\u2019s Baby Diaper Cream is a gentle everyday formula that protects babies from chapped\u00a0 skin.\u00a0 The non-sticky, non-greasy formulation keeps babies\u2019 skin hydrated and provides a long lasting breathable barrier that protects your baby\u2019s bottom from wetness that causes diaper rash. Formulated with organic calendula extract, it works quickly to soothe and moisturize delicate baby skin, together with zinc oxide, vitamin B5 and vitamin E.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIt also has 5-fold protection that is:\n\n\n\n\ngentle;\n\n\nsoothing;\n\n\nhypoallergenic\n\n\nseals moisture; and\u00a0\n\n\nprotects the skin barrier.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCetaphil Baby\u2019s Diaper Cream with Organic Calendula is also clinically-proven and dermatologist-tested for babies\u2019 delicate skin with no added fragrance, as well as being non-irritating and paraben free.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhile it works great on its own, it works better in a routine with Cetaphil Baby\u2019s 5 Fold Protection product range. Remember, skin protection should not only be for their buttocks. Instead, having a well-rounded skin care routine goes a long way, especially for babies with sensitive skin.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nJust like adults, we all have a skin care routine that works for us in preventing skin issues. The same goes for your baby too. So, here\u2019s a recommended \nfour\n-step routine to give your baby\u2019s skin the best care.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nStep one: \nGently cleanse from head to toe without drying \nwith tear-free \nCetaphil Baby Gentle Wash & Shampoo.\n\n\nStep two:\n Moisturise baby\u2019s skin \nfrom dryness with the Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion that\u2019s enriched with shea butter.\n\n\nStep three: \nApply Cetaphil Baby Advanced Protection Cream with Organic Calendula on extra sensitive or drying areas ie elbow, knees etc\n\n\nStep four: \nApply \nNEW! \nCetaphil Baby Diaper Cream with Organic Calendula \nto moisturise & protect \nyour baby\u2019s bottom from wetness that causes diaper rash.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe NEW Cetaphil Baby Diaper Cream & Cetaphil Baby range is available in pharmacies nationwide and stores online! Grab yours at: \nhttps://bit.ly/3SAvMmy\n\n\nTo find out more on Cetaphil Baby\u2019s 5 Fold Protection product range product and the new Cetaphil Baby Diaper Cream with Organic Calendula, visit \nComplete Care with Cetaphil\n now.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that, we hope you start applying diaper cream with every change \u2013 trust us, it does help!\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bowel-problems-in-children", "title": "How To Teach Kids To Communicate About Their Digestive Health", "body": "Parents are always worrying about their child\u2019s digestive tract and they have every right to \u2013\u00a0 a child\u2019s gut health must be at its best to support vital bodily functions such as nutrient absorption. Furthermore, a leaky gut can hamper their development, especially if they experience symptoms such as stomach discomfort, diarrhoea or mood swings\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBut, at some point, you will have to educate them on your obsession with their poop because teaching them the importance of taking care of their gut health will essentially benefit their future selves and habits. But, how do we explain this to a child?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWe know that children may not have the attention span or patience to listen to your ramblings about their gut health. You might just end up frustrated trying to explain and give up altogether \u2013 yes, the topic is not exactly the easiest to convey.\u00a0\n\n\nBut, it is not an impossible task. There are certain teaching methods children respond better to. \n\n\nHere are four that you can use to educate them on gut health:\n\n\n1. Turn it into an activity\n\n\nChildren learn best through play including activities and it also benefits your child\u2019s cognitive development. To do this, you can source various worksheets online but try to find one that your child is more inclined to do.\u00a0\n\n\nSome children may love colouring more, so you can opt to make your own colouring activity sheet or get a pre-made free printable online. The trick is to educate them as they go through their worksheets by asking questions and providing answers with an easy story-like dialogue.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFor example, when your child is colouring the intestinal tract, you can educate them on what lives within such as the good bacteria (probiotics), and how we need to \u201cfeed\u201d them with indigestible fibre known as prebiotics \u2013 you can even encourage them to use their imagination to draw what they perceive as the \u201cfriendly\u201d bacteria on their worksheets and turn it into gut-health story!\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, games can also be an educational activity where the whole family can participate. Here are two game ideas:\n\n\n\n\nThe gut game show:\n Educate them briefly on gut health with use of child-friendly terms such as \u201cgood and evil bacteria\u201d. Let them know that they will be playing a game afterwards where they can win a special prize. After the short session, you can ask them simple questions and for every five answers they get right, you can reward them with a sweet treat or even star stickers.\u00a0\n\n\nThe food experiment:\n Lay out some bad and good foods that affect the gut health. Then, ask them to pick out which foods they think are the best for their gut. With every food item they pick up, make sure you educate them on why it is beneficial or bad for their gut. Reward them for every good gut food they pick out.\u00a0\n\n\nTeach them about food groups: \nThrough food groups, you can point out the foods that impact their gut flora positively and some that do not \u2013 you can label the ones that have a great amount of prebiotic fibre as the \u201cfriendly foods\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOne way to teach your kids about food groups is through the pen and paper method. Instead of printable charts, this time your child has to doodle it out. First, draw out an empty circle and split it into five empty sections. Then, explain to your child each food group and get them to draw the food items in the empty circle.\u00a0\n\n\nThe five main food groups are:\n\n\n\n\nfruits and vegetables;\n\n\nmeat, fish and other alternatives\n\n\nfood with fats and food with sugar;\n\n\nmilk and dairy products;\n\n\nbread, cereals and potatoes.\n\n\n\n\nAfter drawing these out, you can go through each food to explain to them if they are good or bad for their gut and why \u2013 emphasise on foods that contain prebiotic fibres and foods that contain probiotics. You can circle it out and place this chart in your kitchen to serve as a reminder the next time they reach for the cookie jar.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Lead by example\n\n\nChildren often love to mimic adults \u2013 this includes what they eat. Many times, children reach out for a taste so, why not eat what you want your kids to eat? When eating gut-healthy foods, your child will likely ask \u201cwhat are you eating\u201d? or gesture that they want a piece. Before you hand it over, explain why you are eating these foods and how it can affect your health, including the importance of health upkeep.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can even term these foods within your household and turn it into a daily phrase such as \u201cdo you want to eat a gut-healthy food?\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nSometimes, the easiest and smallest gestures can have the best impact on your child.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Talk about communicating\n\n\nChecking your child\u2019s poop is effective to a certain limit \u2013 we can only tell so much by colour. Essentially, you will need your child to communicate if they are feeling any stomach discomfort or are starting to feel ill \u2013 children with a leaky gut tend to have recurrent colds or ear infections.\u00a0\n\n\nIf they are able to communicate this to you, you have a better chance of understanding their digestive health.\u00a0\n\n\nWe understand that getting your child to communicate about their gut health or health issues in general might be difficult because a leaky gut can include mood fluctuations, a symptom they may not necessarily be able to \u201cfeel\u201d \u2013 this includes random outbursts or demotivated moods.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough some children may not respond to your questions during a temper tantrum, take some time to talk to them once they have calmed down and get them to communicate the reasons for their behaviour.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThese are some common symptoms you should watch out for that may indicate weak gut health\n: constipation, diarrhoea, asthma, food intolerances, food allergies, food sensitivities, regular colds, ear infections, anxiety and constant mood swings.\u00a0\n\n\nTo get them to communicate, you will need to give them the lowdown on gut health using methods as we have listed above. Once they have the basic grasp of that, you can talk to them about why they should communicate their feelings to you \u2013 you can also be specific such as asking them to talk about if they are having trouble during their toilet time and describing the types of pains associated with a leaky gut.\u00a0\n\n\nImprove your child\u2019s gut health with Mamil D-GestPro+\n\n\nNow that we have given ideas on how to get your child to understand the importance of gut health, it is time to get their nutrients in. At times, it can be a struggle to get the right amount of nutrients they need into their systems \u2013 especially with fussy children.\u00a0\n\n\nActing immediately is important as soon as you spot a leaky gut symptom \u2013 if it is overly severe, please contact your doctor for further advice.\n\n\nNevertheless, there are formulas made specifically focused on improving a child\u2019s gut health and this includes Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+ is an affordable, yet beneficial choice for parents- it is sucrose-free and contains a\u00a0 prebiotic mix that supports gut health for children aged up to nine-years-old.\u00a0\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+\u2019s formulation contains:\n\n\n\n\nA unique prebiotic mixture:\n It is formulated with a unique Oligosaccharide mixture\u00a0GOS/lcFOS (9:1) that increases good bacteria and helps maintain a healthy gut flora.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMilk from grass-fed cows:\n It is sourced from cows that are predominantly grass fed, which means it is high in protein, calcium and vitamin D.\u00a0\n\n\nDHA*: This is a key component that is essential for your child\u2019s growth and brain development.\n\n\n\n\n*\n*Mamil\u00ae Step 3 contains 96mg DHA content based 3 servings per day\n\n\nRemember, without good gut health, it could lead to poor nutrient absorption which means the nutrients you feed your child may go to waste. If your child understands the importance of this, he or she will be more likely to respond when you introduce gut-related nutrition to their diets!\n\n\nNeed more information on Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+?\n Visit \nDumex Mamil\u2019s website\n!\u00a0\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1\n\u00a0(n.d.). Gut-Microbiota-Brain Axis and Its Effect on Neuropsychiatric \u2026. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from \nhttps://www.clinicaltherapeutics.com/article/S0149-2918(15)00226-X/pdf\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cost-of-delivery-in-malaysia", "title": "Want to Give Birth in Malaysia? This is The True Cost of Delivery According to Malaysian Mums", "body": "With the economic downturn, businesses are churning out frequent, or perpetual sales, in order to improve sales. From retail to electronics, F&B to air tickets, consumers are hoping to maximize their value per dollar, while enterprises are aiming to maximize their dollar for value. However, there is one thing which remains unaffected in this gloomy weather, and that is hospital charges and the cost of delivery.\n\n\nWhen it comes to delivering babies, hospital charges can be said to be anything but cheap, taking into consideration the type of room Mum-to-be stays and the duration of the stay.\n\n\nTo be exact, the total cost of \u2018baby delivery\u2019, typically consists of the services of the obstetrician/gynaecologist and paediatrician; services of the anesthesiologist and epidural, if used; the cost of the stay in the hospital room and board; a nursery fee; laboratory fees; and any medications or medical supplies.\n\n\nHow Much is the Cost of Delivery in Malaysia?\n\n\n\n\ntheAsianparent spoke to some new mothers about their hospital bills that greeted them after they delivered their babies.\n\n\nMs Carol Liew delivered at the Pantai Ayer Keroh, Melaka, and her bill was RM2,000. She stayed in a normal ward for one night, and the fees included the use of forceps, painkillers and gas.\n\n\nAs for Ms Aishah Marican, who chose the University Malaya Specialist Centre, Klang Valley and stayed there for 3 Days 2 Nights, and delivered naturally; she paid approximately RM2,500 to RM3,000.\n\n\nAt the Island Hospital in Penang, prices were RM3,100 and RM4, 100 respectively for two new mothers, Ms Aini Shariff and Ms Nadia Ismail.\n\n\nMs Aini Shariff paid RM3, 100 for her 3 Day 2 Night stay at the hospital, including an epidural for a normal delivery; whereas Ms Nadia Ismail paid a higher price of RM4,100 for her caesarian.\n\n\nAnother new mother, Ms Natasha Mehta, stayed at the Subang Jaya Medical Centre, PJ. She underwent a natural birth and took medication to induce the birth, together with other processes which included vacuum and buttock injections. Her total bill was RM3,600.\n\n\nIf you think RM3,600 is expensive, think again!\n\n\n\n\nIn another hospital, in Petaling Jaya (PJ), Ms Nurul Mohid paid RM6,000 for her caesarian and 4 days, 4 nights stay at Assunta, PJ. Higher prices were generally found in Kuala Lumpur (KL), where the new mothers we spoke to paid RM4,000 and above for their delivery.\n\n\nFor instance, Ms Susan Ooi stayed in a single room for one night at the Sunway hospital in KL, she paid RM4,300. This included her natural delivery, epidural, induced birth as well as vacuum. Ms Elaine Ong had an induced, caesarian birth at the Tawakai Hospital, KL and she stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights, which totalled her bill to RM6,300.\n\n\nLast but not least, and also the most expensive, Ms Noni Fatimah paid RM6,494 for 4 days and 3 nights after her caesarian which included a spinal epidural. She stayed at the Perdana Specialist Hospital, Kota Bharu.\n\n\n\n\nAll in all, nobody said that delivering is easy on the pockets. But it is worth every penny when the delivery process is both safe and immaculate for both, mother and child. With that said, government hospitals might be slightly cheaper compared to private institutions.\u00a0\n\n\nAt the end of the day, only you and your partner can decide on the perfect birthing plan. We always suggest to all new mums, to take their time and seek out what is best for you. What could be best for your friends, may not work for you so take in all the information you need to get through this.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Pregnancy Discrimination: The Untold Truth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat to do If You\u2019re Afraid of Giving Birth and How to Overcome Childbirth Fears\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0Diastasis recti: All you need to know about this postpartum condition\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/understand-the-changes-in-your-body-the-first-trimester", "title": "Understand the Changes in Your Body During the First Trimester", "body": "Is it getting harder to wake up each morning? Do you feel like throwing up at pungent smells? Do you easily get tired? Do you feel dizzy at times? Do you salivate more? Yes, you get it right \u2013 you are pregnant and welcome to your first trimester!\n\n\nActually, these are the \nearly symptoms of pregnancy.\n I experienced all of these and more. I still experience some of these symptoms, and some even escalated to higher levels of salivating, dizziness, and laziness among others.\n\n\nWhat you might not know is that, along with these symptoms, are changes in your body that you never thought could happen to you. These changes also progress as you move along with your pregnancy month by month.\n\n\nThis article, nevertheless, will focus on the first trimester changes in the body. During this period, your body will work hard informing what is considered to be one of the most intricate works of nature.\n\n\nWhat Your Body Goes Through During the First Trimester\n\n\nMonth 1\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAt the end of your first month of pregnancy, your baby will be about the size of a grain of rice, which means he or she is less than an inch long.\n\n\nBy this time, you might have already taken notice of the changes in your body in terms of size and shape. \nYou might feel bloated since the baby feels like \u2018feeling up your tummy\u2019.\n\n\nYour breast may also start to feel \u2018heavy\u2019 because the mammary gland is gradually becoming active. Not to mention, you may notice that the areolas are getting bigger and darker.\n\n\nUltimately, your breast will start to become more tender and sensitive. You will also notice more frequent vaginal secretions like those you experience pre-menstrually. Finally, you will feel tired and dizzy.\n\n\nMonth 2\n\n\n\n\nBy the end of this month, your baby will be about the size of a grape, about 1 inch long. At this stage, you will feel \u2018more pregnant\u2019 now than you did in the first month. Your body will keep on changing.\n\n\nOther than the ones mentioned in Month 1, you will experience more changes including frequent urination, mild to severe headaches, recurrent nasal congestion, increased salivation, and increased ingestion.\n\n\nOf course, your \nmood swings and stress levels will definitely increase\n.\n\n\nMonth 3\n\n\n\n\nCongratulations! This is a milestone month marking the end of the first trimester. By the end of this month, your baby had already grown into the size of a medium shrimp, which is about 3 to 4 inches long.\n\n\nYou may already hear your baby\u2019s heartbeat by this month through a Doppler. One of the most notable changes is your protruding belly.\n\n\nFor some women,\n vomiting and nausea are over by this month\n, but for some, this month will be just the start of the agony of morning sickness.\n\n\nOther than the other symptoms mentioned in months 1 and 2, you will also experience fatigue. No one knows exactly what the cause of fatigue is although some experts blame the increased amount of progesterone in the body.\n\n\nSince other changes in the body like frequent trips to the restroom consume your energy, you may feel all run down at the end of the day.\n\n\nBy the end of the third month of pregnancy, all of your baby\u2019s functions have begun to form \u2013 major organs and nervous system, heartbeat, arms, fingers, legs, toes, hair, and buds for future teeth.\n\n\nSince your baby\u2019s most critical development has taken place, your chance of miscarrying drops considerably after the first trimester.\n\n\nIn the second trimester, the changes will be more profound than in the first trimester. Read more about the changes your body goes through during the second trimester of your pregnancy in the next article in our series.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThings they never tell you about pregnancy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nPregnancy Exercise: 5 Easy workouts for every trimester\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nTelling Employer About Pregnancy: When Is The Best Time To Do It?\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-is-a-trimester-in-pregnancy", "title": "What Are the 3 Trimesters of Pregnancy? A Guide for Pregnant Women", "body": "What is a trimester? First-time mums, this guide is for you.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is a trimester?\n\n\nFirst trimester\n\n\nSecond trimester\n\n\nThe third trimester\n\n\nMost critical weeks of pregnancy\n\n\nWhen is your due date?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is a trimester?\n\n\nA \u201ctypical\u201d full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but it can last anywhere from 37 and 42 weeks. It is split into three trimesters. Each trimester is 12 to 14 weeks long, or around three months.\n\n\nAs you are probably aware, each trimester brings with it its unique set of hormonal and physiological changes.\n\n\nUnderstanding how your \ngrowing baby affects your body\n may assist you in preparing for these changes when they occur. It\u2019s also useful to understand the different risk factors (and related medical testing) for each trimester.\n\n\nWhat are the 3 trimesters of pregnancy?\n\n\nTrimesters are the three stages of pregnancy: the first, second, and third trimesters. A trimester lasts 12 to 14 weeks, while a full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the first day of a woman\u2019s last period. Each trimester, the fetus will attain key developmental milestones.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by cottonbro from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nFirst trimester\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by PNW Production from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nPregnancy dates begin on the first day of your most recent normal \nmenstrual cycle,\n and conception occurs in week 2.\n\n\nPregnancy\u2019s first trimester lasts from the first to the 12th week. During this time, your baby\u2019s body structure and organs develop.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough you may not appear pregnant during the first trimester, your body is undergoing significant changes to support your growing baby.\n\n\nDuring the first few weeks following fertilisation, your hormone levels change drastically. Your uterus starts to help the placenta and fetus grow, your blood supply grows to carry oxygen and nutrients to the developing baby, and your heart rate increases.\n\n\nThese changes are linked to a number of early pregnancy symptoms, including:\n\n\n\n\nfatigue\n\n\nnausea in the early morning\n\n\nheadaches\n\n\nconstipation\n\n\nThe first trimester is essential for the growth of your kid.\n\n\n\n\nThe baby will have formed all of its organs by the end of the third month, so this is an essential time. It is vital to maintain a balanced diet that includes an adequate level of folic acid to help prevent neural tube abnormalities.\n\n\nSecond trimester\n\n\nThe second trimester (weeks 13 to 27) is the most comfortable for the majority of pregnant women.\n\n\nSome people refer to it as the \u201choneymoon period,\u201d when many of the unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy fade. The bulk of early \npregnancy symptoms\n will go away with time. You\u2019ll probably have more energy during the day and get a better night\u2019s sleep.\n\n\nYour abdomen will appear pregnant as the uterus swells dramatically in size. It\u2019s a great time to buy maternity clothes, avoid constraining apparel, and, if you\u2019re feeling courageous, notify your friends and family about your pregnancy.\n\n\nWhile the discomforts of early pregnancy should subside, there are a few new symptoms to be mindful of.\n\n\nLeg cramps and heartburn are both typical problems. You may have increased hunger and your weight gain may accelerate. Backaches, varicose veins, and nasal congestion are all possibilities.\n\n\nMost pregnant women feel their baby move for the first time around 20 weeks into their pregnancy. The baby can hear and recognise your voice throughout the second trimester.\n\n\nSome screening tests may be performed throughout the second trimester. \nAn ultrasound can reveal the gender of a baby as early as 14 weeks, while some doctors may schedule your first ultrasound between 18 and 20 weeks. An ultrasound technician takes measurements of the baby during the anatomy ultrasound.\n\n\nYou may notice your baby\u2019s first movements between 16 and 20 weeks, which is known as \u201cquickening.\u201d\n\n\nDiscuss with your doctor any medical history, family history, or genetic issues that could endanger you or your child.\n\n\nThese bodily components are as follows:\n\n\n\n\nheart\n\n\nlungs\n\n\nkidney\n\n\nbrain\n\n\n\n\nYou may be able to learn the gender of your baby during the anatomy scan. Let your doctor know whether you want to know or not.\n\n\nDoctors typically test for \ngestational diabetes\n during the second trimester. Between weeks 26 and 28, gestational diabetes can be detected.\n\n\nThe third trimester\n\n\nYou\u2019re nearing the conclusion of your pregnancy and are undoubtedly excited and worried about your child\u2019s arrival. \nThe third trimester\u00a0happens from the 27th to the 40th week. From the 28th week, until your baby is born, you are in the third trimester.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n Some of the physical symptoms you may have at this time include shortness of breath, haemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, varicose veins, and sleeping difficulties. Many of these symptoms are caused by your uterus expanding from 2 ounces before pregnancy to 2.5 pounds at the time of birth.\n\n\nDuring the third trimester, the baby\u2019s bones will be totally grown, its touch receptors will be fully matured, and the baby\u2019s organs will be capable of working on their own. The baby\u2019s body may move southwards into a head-down position for birth as your due date approaches.\n\n\nYour doctor will usually:\n\n\n\n\nCheck your urine for protein.\n\n\nCheck your blood pressure.\n\n\nKeep an eye on the foetal heart rate.\n\n\nAscertain your fundamental height (the approximate length of your uterus)\n\n\nCheck for oedema in your hands and legs.\n\n\nYour doctor will also establish your baby\u2019s position and check your cervix to track how your body is preparing for childbirth.\n\n\n\n\nLabour and delivery can be learned during the third trimester. Make time to attend a birthing education class. Childbirth programs are designed to prepare you and your partner for labour and delivery. \n\n\nIt\u2019s an excellent opportunity to learn about the many phases of labour and delivery options, as well as to ask questions and express concerns to a qualified birthing educator.\n\n\nMost critical weeks of pregnancy\n\n\nThe \nfoetus is most vulnerable during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy\n. At this stage, the fetus\u2019s major organs and body systems are developing and can be injured by drugs, infectious agents, radiation, some medications, tobacco, and toxic substances.\n\n\nThe foetus\u2019 organs and body systems are fully established by the end of 12 weeks, yet it cannot survive on its own.\n\n\nThe first trimester is crucial for the growth of your kid. During this time, your baby\u2019s body structure and organ systems develop. The bulk of miscarriages and birth defects occur during this time.\n\n\nYour body also undergoes considerable changes throughout the first trimester. These changes typically cause symptoms like nausea, tiredness, breast discomfort, and frequent urination. \n\n\nDespite the fact that these are common pregnancy symptoms, each woman\u2019s experience is unique. While some people may feel more energized during this time, others may feel exhausted and emotional.\n\n\nWhen is your due date?\n\n\n\n\nA full-term pregnancy might last anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks.\n\n\nYour due date is only an estimated delivery date (EDD). Even when you conceive roughly two weeks later, it\u2019s dated from the first day of your last menstruation.\n\n\nThe dating technique works effectively for women who have fairly regular menstrual cycles. However, the dating system may not work for people who have irregular periods.\n\n\nIf the day of your last menstrual period is unknown, you may need to determine your EDD using another method.\n\n\nDue to the consistency of early foetal development across pregnancies, an ultrasound in the first trimester is the next most accurate method of determining the due date.\n\n\nCheck out \nour pregnancy section for a week-by-week guide on your pregnancy\n, what to expect and how to prepare for your baby\u2019s arrival.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article was written by Margaux Dolores and republished with permission from theAsianparent \nPhilippines\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHealthline\n, \nJackson Health System\n, \nJohns Hopkins Medicine\n, \nUCSF Health\n\n\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nEarly Signs That You Might Be Pregnant With Twins\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nPregnancy Discrimination: The Untold Truth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nFruits to Avoid During Your First Week of Pregnancy And What to Eat Instead\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/birthday-balloon-kills-8-year-old-girl-2", "title": "Birthday balloon kills 8-year-old girl", "body": "This is a story that starts with the celebration of life and ends with the mourning of death. Mike McGloghlon from Ontario celebrated his birthday with his friends and family at his home.\n\n\nAfter the guests left, the table cleared, and the plates cleaned, he went into his eight-year-old daughter Jaina\u2019s room to check on her. He found her feet sticking out from the blankets and a Mylar balloon over her head.\n\n\nShe was not breathing.\n\n\nREAD: 8 harmless things that can harm your children\n\n\nWhile waiting for the medical personnel to arrive, Mike cut the balloon off and performed CPR until. They spent almost an hour trying to revive the girl, but it was too late.\n\n\n\u201cRight now, it\u2019s too raw with everybody,\u201d Jaina\u2019s grandmother told reporters. \u201cWhat can you say? We all want to turn back yesterday and start over again.\u201d\n\n\nNow the devastated family wants to help raise awareness about the dangers of balloons.\n\n\n\u201cIt was a big Mylar balloon,\u201d the grandmother, who was the the house when it happened, said, \u201cthe number three, and it had different size fill-holes. The only thing we can think is that she would have opened it to suck the helium out, and put it over her head.\u201d\n\n\nBalloons are the leading cause of suffocation death to children, \nreports say\n.\n\n\nKiller balloons\n\n\nAccidents involving balloons tend to occur in two ways.\n\n\nSome children have sucked uninflated balloons into their mouths, often while attempting to inflate them.\n\n\nThis occurs when a child blowing up the balloon inhales or takes a breath to prepare for the next blow, drawing the balloon back into the mouth and throat.\n\n\nThe second kind of accident involves balloon pieces.\n\n\nIf a balloon breaks, some children continue to play with it, chewing on pieces of the balloon or attempting to stretch it across their mouths and suck or blow bubbles in it.\n\n\nThese elastic pieces stick to the throat and lungs, completely blocking the breathing.\n\n\nThe Consumer Product Safety Commission advises parents and guardians not to allow children under eight years play with un-inflated balloons.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nBoost Your Child\u2019s Immunity So You Don\u2019t Have to Worry About Them Playing Outside in the Rain\nPertandingan & promosi\nTawaran Sah Hanya Pada 11.11 Sahaja! Beli Friso Gold & Bawa Pulang Hadiah Edisi Terhad & Peluang Untuk Memenangi Baucar Pelancongan ke Belanda!\nProduk bayi\nPerkara yang penting untuk penjagaan kulit si manja\nProduk bayi\nInfant safe products for your home\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/children-with-mental-health-disorders", "title": "Counselling and Psychotherapy for Children with Mental Health Disorders", "body": "Many more children are currently struggling with some sort of psychosocial problem or diagnosed with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).\n\n\nLife events like family dysfunction, school stress, online bullying, being the victim of a sexual assault and many other possible reasons could be the cause for blame. It is becoming an issue of real concern as there are many who need help are still left untreated.\n\n\nIf untreated, these conditions can adversely affect children\u2019s development and potential to live productively, and can even lead to suicide. In the long run, these can pose problems to society with a surge of troubled youngsters.\n\n\nWhen to Seek Help?\n\n\n\n\nWhile a child may grow out of certain symptoms, there are times when it is wise to seek professional diagnosis and treatment.\n\n\nFor instance, when the following warning signs persist for a long time and start impacting a child\u2019s functioning and affecting other people: \u00a0\n\n\nPhysical Signs\n\n\n\n\nRefuses to eat or throws up after eating.\n\n\nTries to self-harm.\n\n\nBecomes hyperactive and very fidgety.\n\n\nTenses muscles regularly.\n\n\n\n\nEmotional Signs\n\n\n\n\nUnusually anxious, depressed or moody for a long period of time.\n\n\nBecomes angry, extremely sensitive and cries often for no apparent reason.\n\n\nHas compulsive behaviours or obsessive thoughts.\n\n\n\n\nBehavioural Signs\n\n\n\n\nAggressive behaviour can possibly cause hurt to others.\n\n\nRefuses to go to school and does not want to participate in activities.\n\n\nStays alone during recess time and avoids social interactions with peers.\n\n\n\n\nWhat Can You Do as a Parent?\n\n\n\n\nAs parents caring for children with mental health conditions, it is important to let them know that they can confide in you at all times. Encourage them to discuss their feelings with you or talk over the things that are bothering them. Be open and available, and let them know that you have all the support for them without judging them.\n\n\nYou do not have to do this alone. To the untrained eye, it is confusing to tell the difference between actual symptoms of mental disorders and normal challenges that children experience as part of the growing up process. Arrange to discuss your concerns and access help from a trained professional.\n\n\nWithout question, it is going to be a very challenging time for the ones giving care. So, connecting with support groups will benefit parents enormously. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTherapy to Help the Struggling Child\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMental health disorders come in all types and forms, and there is no one-size-fits-all therapy that solves everything.\n\n\nThe most common form of treatment emphasizes therapeutic conversations, exploring feelings and behaviour, then finding the best ways to tackle them from there. The range of approaches may include the following:\n\n\n\n\nCognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)\n\u00a0works by teaching children to understand that the way they think and feel will affect the way they act and behave. The goal is to find strategies to help them change their destructive thought patterns and be able to control the way they deal with their inner struggles and conflicts. \u00a0\n\n\nPlay Therapy\u00a0\nuses games and activities to assess and resolve the troubling problems facing the child such as temper tantrums, aggressive behaviour and having difficulties sleeping. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nFamily Therapy\u00a0\nworks on improving relationship patterns and communication between family members. An important component of this therapy includes helping the parents in child management and problem-solving skills. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn some cases, the treatment plan may include medication to make it more effective.\n\n\nCounselling and Psychotherapy Services in Klang Valley\n\n\nEarly identification and intervention are critical to distinguish possible mental health disorders from developmental delays. Listed below are organizations that can help:\n\n\nSI World\n\n\nNo. 10, Jalan SS 2/52, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 47300 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n016-225 9828\n\n\nhttps://www.siworld.com.my\n\u00a0\n\n\nWELL Rehabilitation Centre\n\n\nZV-1-3A & 5, Zeva Residence, Persiaran Pinggiran Putra, Bandar Putra Permai, Seri Kembangan, Selangor 43300 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n013-488 3191\n\n\nhttps://www.wellrehab.com.my\n\n\nThe Energy Source\n\n\nNo. 204, Jalan Limau Manis, Bangsar Park, Bangsar Kuala Lumpur 59000 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n016-260 8895\n\n\nhttps://www.theenergysource.com.my\n\u00a0\n\n\nThink Enrichment Centre\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nBlock E-1-5, Plaza Arkadia, 3, Jalan Intisari Perdana, Desa ParkCity, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur 52200 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n03-27710799/012-2677990/016-6606843\n\n\nhttps://www.thinkenrichmentcentre.com\n\u00a0\n\n\nAutism Behavioral Center\n\n\n45E, Bangunan Bangsaria, Level 3, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Kuala Lumpur 59100 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n03-22011107/012-2852007\n\n\nwww.abcautism.com.my\u00a0\n\n\nSri Rafelsia\u00a0\n\n\n65 Persiaran Zaaba, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur 60000 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n03-77100372/012-3710372\n\n\nwww.srirafelsia.com/\u00a0\n\n\nNASOM\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nNo. 29, Jalan Sanggul 1D, Bandar Puteri, Klang, Selangor 42000 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n03-51625336\n\n\nwww.nasom.org.my\u00a0\n\n\nSPICES Early Intervention Centre\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nB-0-6 Vista Wira 2, Jalan 4/27A, Section 2 Wangsa Maju, Setapak, Kuala Lumpur 53300 Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\n03-41498032\n\n\nwww.spices.org.my/eip/\u00a0\n\n\nEnrich Counselling & Therapy Centre\n\n\n17-3, Jalan Puteri 1/6, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor\n\n017-6683702 (Yvonne)\n\n\nhttps://www.jm-enrich.my\n\u00a0\n\n\nDing Psychology Centre\n\n\n19-B, 2nd Floor, Jalan SS21/56B, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor\n\n\n019-2020 318\n\n\nhttps://www.dingpsychology.com/\n\u00a0\n\n\nInPsych Psychological & Counselling Services\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n41-3, (3\nrd\n floor), Jalan 1/137B, Resource Industrial Centre, Jln Klang Lama, 58200 Kuala Lumpur\n\n\n017-331 1216\n\n\nhttps://www.inpsych.com.my\n\u00a0\n\n\nPantai Therapy Centre\n\n\nA804, Level 8, Block A, LCCH Therapy Centre @ Pantai Hospital 59100 Kuala Lumpur\n\n\n019-328 5928\n\n\nhttps://www.pantaitherapy.com.my\n\u00a0\n\n\nKin & Kids Marriage, Family and Child Therapy Center\n\n\n10-8, Binjai 8 Premium Soho, No. 2, Lorong Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nor\n\n\n\u00a0\n5-05-03, Block 5, \n[email\u00a0protected]\n City Centre, Jalan Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya.\n\n\n019-380 0902\n\n\nhttps://www.kinandkids.com\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nCould Your Child Have Bipolar Disorder? Here Are 6 Red Flags\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\nDoes Your Child Have Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a05 Early Signs Of Autism In Toddlers\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/visual-literacy", "title": "Feasible Ways of Promoting Nursery Children's Emergent Literacy Skills", "body": "Flewitt, Messer & Kucirkova (2014) discussed in their paper how visual literacy offers innovative opportunities for early literacy learning to nursery children, primary school reception children and special school children. \n\n\nThey found variability but commonality was that visual literacy activities stimulated children\u2019s motivation and concentration. They also offered opportunities for communication, collaborative interaction, and independent learning.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nChildren \nlearn to recognise and distinguish how sounds are represented alphabetically and discover some letter sounds, symbols, characters, and signs. And children use information in context from pictures and other sources to support in making meaning (Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, 2016).\n\n\nParents and teachers must always be very positive on the issue of promoting language and literacy skills at home or in school. Making meaning is the ultimate to children\u2019s emergent literacy development. \nEducators and parents can achieve this by scaffolding children\u2019s emergent reading comprehension (making meaning from texts) and emergent written expression (expressing ideas through texts). \nSome feasible ways are through the use of symbols and labels.\u00a0\n\n\nVisual Literacy: Through Symbols and Labels\n\n\nSymbols\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nChildren are surrounded by signs or symbols. Learning how to extract meaning is vital particularly on how to read and write.\n\n\nLlyod & Bishak (1992) defined symbols as a representation of a referent. Some symbols are created to serve communication purposes while others are created to serve literacy purposes and therefore can be used as reading materials. Abbot & Lucey (2002) claimed that in the UK, most special children use symbols to support their literacy.\n\n\nSome other teachers in the UK believe that signs or symbols are powerful things. Symbols not only facilitate special children but also commonly promotes literacy amongst young children. They can be used to help the children picking up words without having to teach the children the words. You just need to look around the school or the streets.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\u00a0\u00a0\nTeach junior to read and write\n\n\n\n\nParents and teachers in Malaysia can also do the same thing too. Symbols are all over, the symbols or signs help the children to pick up words. Without having to teach the children the words they know the road signs say \u2018STOP\u2019 or \u2018NO ENTRY\u2019 and other symbols that say \u2018LEGO\u2019, \u2018My Little Pony\u2019 and that say \u2018M&M\u2019.\u00a0\n\n\nTo illustrate, \nwhen a circle with a red line through it accompanied by the images of a person dropping litter is posted in the hallways, what message is being sent? This symbol is a great way to encourage children to tell them that it is forbidden to throw garbage, we cannot throw garbage or no debris. This symbol also conveys a message to the children that they need to play their part to keep the property clean.\n\n\nDuring the pandemic, there is a need to adhere to precautions, for instance, practising social distancing. In order to convey this message, a poster portraying a symbol is pasted almost everywhere. The images of two persons with an arrow in the middle of them communicate a message that there is a need for social distancing to help limit opportunities to come in contact with infected people outside the home.\n\n\nWhen young children see these symbols, they will be able to get the messages without having them to be taught the printed words. Symbols can support the development and building of vocabulary. Symbols can also be a transition tool to be used towards printed texts.\n\n\nLabels\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nLabels are useful in promoting children\u2019s language and literacy skills. Teaching literacy happens in how you set up the room or wall. Create a print-rich environment!\u00a0\n\n\nIn the school context, labelling is used in many developments of nursery classrooms or perhaps in the lower primary classrooms to support non-readers connect the orthography and the meaning of the printed word by placing a label to the actual object. Labelling the classroom is a wonderful way to bring print awareness into a child\u2019s life.\n\n\nLabels are presented in a form of a piece of writing which described children\u2019s work on displays in the classroom. When teachers put up displays in the classroom to display children\u2019s work, we always have a piece of writing beside it. Sometimes teachers will write that out when the children are in class. For instance, the teacher may want to ask \u201cwhat are we going to write beside our picture?\u201d or \u201cwhat will we write to tell people to come to look at our picture?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nSome teachers put on labels on the sink or hand soap with the children. A child automatically knows how to \u201cread\u201d the word since it is attached to a known object. This process increases a young child\u2019s confidence and makes print come alive in an incredibly authentic way.\u00a0\n\n\nEncouragement must be given to the children to write a label for their picture before putting up their picture on the classroom wall. However, handwritten labels are recommended. The children could copy the teacher\u2019s handwriting. While the teacher is writing the label, the children could see the teacher writing it. The teacher and the children could initially decide what to write too. Then, the teacher may continue encouraging the children to copy the label and they put it up together.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nCredit: freepik.com\n\n\n\n\nIn the family context, mums and dads can help your child to choose items in the grocery store by letting your child read the labels on the containers. For examples, \u201cFind full-fat milk\u201d or \u201cFind apple juice\u201d. Labels also contain a list of ingredients. Say something like \u201cThis has too much sugar. Let\u2019s find the one with less sugar in it\u201d. Let him/her try it and let them \nread once you are at the store.\n You may be surprised.\n\n\nOther than that, parents can also place a visual daily schedule at your child\u2019s eye level. You child would be able to read, or to play the piano, or to play outdoor by looking at the schedule which activity is coming next.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso, parents can put on labels in your child\u2019s space like the bedroom or playroom. This is such an authentic way to practice letter sounds and handwriting. Say something like \u201c\nOh, Rida.\u00a0 Look at this word.\u00a0 It has a\u00a0\nd\n\u00a0at the beginning of the word.\u00a0 The\u00a0\nd\n\u00a0makes the /d/ sound.\u00a0 I wonder which room of the house we\u2019ll put this word in?\u201d Your child may then suggest you put up the word that begins with \nd \nat her doll or at the door.\n\n\nLiteracy skills (i.e. reading and writing) can easily be embedded in daily routines as children see labels and symbols around them and practice literacy activities (reading or writing) for a purpose based on parent, teacher and peer models. Promoting the development of emergent language and literacy by implementing purposeful strategies that encourage reading and writing in the classroom and at home can be valuable. Parents who provide young children with a diverse array of early reading and writing experiences lay the foundation for nursery readiness.\n\n\nThis article is written by Dr. Rahimah Saimin\n\n\nAbout the Author:\n\n\n\n\nDr. Rahimah Saimin is a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Major Language Studies (FPBU), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). She completed her PhD in Education from the University of Dundee, Scotland and presented her research and works in SERA (Scottish Educational Research Association) and BERA (British Educational Research Association). \n\n\nDuring her stay in Scotland, Dr Rahimah worked closely with nursery and primary school children as a researcher, as a parent, and as a volunteer. She also actively participated in playgroups and bilingual group activities at nursery schools and community centers while she was there. Upon her return to Malaysia, she aims to continue exploring her real passion further. \n\n\nDr. Rahimah is also a writer of a local newspaper and an article contributor to national parenting magazines. She\u2019s a mother and has three amazing kids aged 15, 12 and 7 years old.\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nWhat you need to know about late talkers and speech delay\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sensory-experiences", "title": "How Babies Benefit From Sensory Experiences", "body": "Discovering The World Through Senses\n\n\nBabies love to explore; eager to be a part of the world. Between the ages of 0-3, their brain is developing at an exponential rate as they learn to receive and respond to sensory stimuli. Research suggests that babies are more likely to recognise familiar sounds; from their mother\u2019s voice to perhaps their father\u2019s favourite music and they prefer to hear them again after birth. The same is true of sights, smells, tastes and textures\u00a0\n(1)\n.\n\n\nInfants use their senses to familiarise themselves with the environment in which s/he lives, and, above all, to achieve comfort. In other words, they\u2019re constantly learning from every bonding experience and stimulus that the parents expose them to from birth. Apart from unintentional series of exposures, playing helps stimulate all these senses. Babies who are constantly stimulated are likely to reach developmental milestones faster\u00a0\n(2)\n.\n\n\nScreen Time And Sensory Play Activities\n\n\nThere are many reasons why WHO went to issue its first ever guidelines on screen time. One of which is when a child spends so much time sitting in front of a screen, s/he is being deprived of the essential sensory experiences in which his/her brain really needs\u00a0\n(3)\n. Apart from sensory overload, uncontrolled screen time over an extended period of time can affect one\u2019s ability to concentrate.\n\n\nSensory play encourages scientific processes; play activities stimulate their senses and help them learn and develop, creatively, socially, emotionally, cognitively, linguistically and physically\u00a0\n(4)\n. Stimulation is crucial and parents must strive to provide continuous appropriate stimulation.\n\n\n\u201cDevelopmental delay is common in children deprived of normal sensory stimulation \u2013 for example, in premature neonates and some institutionalized children. Touch has emerged as an important modality for the facilitation of growth and development; positive effects of supplemental mechanosensory stimulation have been demonstrated in a wide range of organisms, from worm larvae to rat pups to human infants\n.\u201d \u2013 The Importance Of Touch In Development by Evan L Ardiel, MSc & Catharine H Rankin, PhD.\n\n\nFurthermore, sensory play activities are not only fun, but they also encourage kids to investigate and ask questions. There is much more going on than meets the eye. Sensory play is any activities that stimulate a baby\u2019s senses of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. Babies are continuously exploring these 5 senses as they try to make sense of the world they were brought into and sensory play helps heighten their senses and enrich their learning. Here are some of the key benefits of sensory play.\n\n\n\n\nIt encourages the development of fine and gross motor skills\n\n\nIt facilitates language development.\n\n\nIt helps helps strengthen their brain development for learning.\n\n\nIt helps children interact and work well with others.\n\n\nIt helps children develop a better sense of space around them.\n\n\n\n\nPromoting Sensory Development\n\n\nThe following are activities you can try with your baby to promote their sensory development. For a more comprehensive list of sensory activities, you may visit this page; click\u00a0\nHERE\n.\n\n\n1) 0-3 months\n\n\n\n\nPlay with your baby, tickle them, make them giggle to help enhance their sense of touch.\n\n\nSing songs to help enhance their listening skills.\n\n\nHang colourful toys above their crib to help provide visual stimulation.\n\n\n\n\n2) 4-6 Months\n\n\n\n\nEncourage your baby to touch fabric with different textures.\n\n\nLift your baby, move her up and down to help her develop their sense of movement and balance.\n\n\nGet soft, colourful fluffy toy balls, teach her how to roll, drop, and bounce them.\n\n\n\n\n3) 10-12 Months\n\n\n\n\nPlay peek-a-boo with your baby.\n\n\nEncourage your baby to crawl.\n\n\nBegin introducing new textures through food, toys, clothes and so on to your baby\n\n\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nBabies learn by using multiple senses simultaneously. What parents can do is, allocate an area in one\u2019s home that\u2019s quiet; filled with all sort of sensory materials of varying shapes and colours. Play dough is a must. Sensory materials like play dough and sand provide hands-on, active learning experiences for babies. Any material that\u2019s able to stimulate their senses is considered a sensory material. Any activity that engages their senses is considered a sensory activity. Bear in mind that, babies who have no access to sensory materials and activities, are likely not to have their sensory development optimally facilitated.\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n\n\n(1) Babies and Their Senses By Lois Barclay Murphy, Ph.D., with Rachel Moon, M.D., Washington, D.C. Edited from the Zero to Three Journal\n\n\n(2) The Importance Of Touch In Development By Evan L Ardiel, MSc and Catharine H Rankin, PhD\n\n\n(3) Guidelines On Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour And Sleep For Children Under 5 Years Of Age By World Health Organization\n\n\n(4) Cognitive Development And Sensory Play By Michigan State University Extension\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\nHaving trouble feeding baby? Just add garlic!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/eczema-cure-stories", "title": "One mum\u2019s journey to find a solution to her child\u2019s eczema", "body": "This is one good eczema cure stories for all mommies out there. Clara* was a new mum to Maria*, a three-month old baby, when she started noticing redness in her girl\u2019s cheeks, neck, and in the folds of her skin, around the elbows and knees. She had read about cradle cap in babies, so she didn\u2019t think anything of it. She also thought that her child\u2019s chubbiness had something to do with the redness, since the folds in her skin was natural due to her weight.\n\n\n\n\nIt was only when her baby started to whimper during bath time and water would hit the redness that Clara started to wonder if there was anything more to it than she thought, if it was actually itchy skin, or skin rashes that itch.\n\n\nClara had sleepless nights observing her child and how she would wiggle and move around, seemingly trying to self-soothe. She was filled with anxiety so she sought a doctor\u2019s help.\n\n\nEczema Cure Stories\n\n\nEn route to a paediatric dermatologist, Clara started researching online on what it could be. Eczema cure stories, or atopic dermatitis problems, were some of the results that came up. And these best depicted the symptoms of Clara\u2019s baby.\n\n\nSure enough, when the doctor checked Maria, \nthe baby indeed had a severe case of eczema\n. The folds in her body kept the sweat trapped inside her skin, making the redness and itchiness worse \u2014 the doctor likened it to the feeling of having second-degree burns. It was, of course, a shock to Clara to hear about what her baby was going through.\n\n\n\u201cThe doctor said that Maria was so brave, considering that she was so young to go through such an ordeal,\u201d Clara says, \u201cAfter that, we were prescribed eczema cream, eczema lotion and specific sensitive skin products for bath time, one that we still follow up to now that she\u2019s almost six years old. Even if she has bouts of eczema every so often, the regime has greatly helped keep it at bay, and it never got as bad as it was before.\u201d\n\n\nEczema Can Happen to Anyone\n \n\n\nBefore anything, mum, it\u2019s not your fault. Put the blame aside because eczema can happen to anyone, and is a common condition in young children.\n\n\n\n\nOne out of five children below the age of five in Malaysia suffer from atopic eczema. According to Dr. Rachael Teo, a dermatologist and consultant at The Dermatology Practice @ Gleneagles, atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema in children.\n\n\n\u201cThe hallmark of eczema is itchy, scaly, red patches on skin. This usually starts in childhood before age two,\u201d she says, \u201cbut the distribution of the rash tends to change as the child gets older. In infancy, you\u2019ll find eczema on face or neck, in later childhood or adulthood, it will be in the skinfold areas like the neck, back of knees or elbows, but any part of the skin can be involved.\u201d\n\n\nWhy Does Eczema Happen?\n \n\n\nDr. Teo states that eczema happens due to a \u201cdisrupted skin barrier due to mutations in the FLG gene, which encodes a key protein in the skin called filaggrin.\u201d\n\n\nThis protein is crucial in healthy skin. When Filaggrin is lacking in the body, bacteria and allergens get inside the skin easier, and leads to the redness.\n\n\n\u201cSo the key factor in effective management of eczema will be restoration of the normal skin barrier function,\u201d Dr. Teo adds, \u201cMoisturization is the cornerstone of eczema treatment, and has been shown in clinical studies to reduce the need for topical steroid in eczema.\u201d\n\n\nRelieve Eczema with Daily Hygiene Habits\n \n\n\nIt can be heartbreaking to see your child suffering from the discomfort and itching eczema causes. But there are things you can do to provide relief. You have the power to help your child.\n\n\nWhile eczema is often something that will be with your child up to adulthood, it\u2019s in the small habits that you do on a daily basis that will help relieve your child\u2019s eczema.\n\n\n\n\nFiguring out and avoiding your child\u2019s triggers, like changes in weather, dust, or allergens, can help. The products that your child uses also help.\n\n\nDr. Teo suggests, \u201cNon-soap based cleansers that are neutral or low pH, free of fragrances, and hypoallergenic are the best. An ideal cleanser or moisturizer should be free of additives, fragrances, and other potentially sensitizing agents. Moisturizers containing ceramides and filaggrin are also effective, and lessen the signs and symptoms of inflammation on the skin.\u201d\n\n\nCetaphil Restoraderm, with Filaggrin Technology\n\n\n\n\nWith Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Body Wash and Skin Restoring Body Lotion, moms and dads won\u2019t need to worry if the product that they\u2019re using on their child is safe or not. You can put your trust in Cetaphil Restoraderm because it is a brand recommended by dermatologists.\n\n\nThe Cetaphil Restoraderm line is the only clinically proven two-step skincare range that contains Filaggrin technology\u2122. This locks in and retains the moisture in the skin to relieve itchiness. And it helps restore the Natural Moisturizing Factor in your child\u2019s skin.\n\n\nCetaphil Restoraderm is also paraben-free, steroid-free, and hypoallergenic \u2014 making it safe for babies as young as three months old. With frequent use, it will help rebuild and strengthen your child\u2019s skin barrier.\n\n\nFinding a way to relieve your child\u2019s eczema will not only help your child greatly, but your family as well. Cetaphil Restoraderm is available in leading drugstores nationwide. For more information about Cetaphil and where to find products near you, log on to \nhttps://cetaphil.com.my/en/restoraderm/\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/down-syndrome", "title": "Understanding Down Syndrome: What Causes It and Can We Check During Pregnancy?", "body": "What is Down syndrome?\n\n\nEach cell in our body has 46 chromosomes, which are arranged in 23 pairs. One chromosome from each pair is inherited from our father and another from our mother. Chromosomes contain genetic materials that control our body functions.\n\u00a0\n\n\nDown syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality in humans. Down syndrome occurs when there are three copies of Chromosome 21, instead of the normal two. It is not inherited from one generation to another generation (except in rare conditions a mother is a carrier of abnormal Chromosome 21).\n\n\nWhat causes Down syndrome?\n\n\n\n\nDown syndrome generally occurs in about 1 in 700 pregnancies. The incidence is higher in mothers who conceived beyond 35 years of age. The chance of having a child with Down syndrome is 1 in 350 at 35 years old and 1 in 100 if the mother conceived at 40 years old.\n\n\nWhat are the features of Down syndrome?\n\n\n\n\nA person with Down syndrome has a distinctive physical appearance; small and low set ears, up slanting eyes, prominent eyelid folds, thickening of the skin on the back of the neck, bigger than normal space between the big toe and second toe (sandal gap), short fingers with a little finger that curve inwards and protruding tongue.\u00a0\n\n\nThey have some degree of learning disabilities and growth delay.\u00a0 The severity may vary from person to person. The average intellectual quotient (IQ) of an adult with Down syndrome is about 50. Delayed speech and motor development (floppy muscle) are also seen frequently.\n\n\nUp to 30 per cent of children with Down syndrome have heart defects requiring heart surgery. They are also at risk of developing eye problems, ear and lung infections, dental caries, leukaemia, thyroid diseases and bowel problems.\n\n\nHow can we check for Down syndrome in pregnancy?\n\n\nIt can be detected during pregnancy or after delivery.\n\n\nThere are few screening tests that can be performed during pregnancy. Ultrasound scans at 13 weeks of pregnancy to examine the presence of nose bone and thickness of the fluid at the back of the fetal neck (Nuchal Translucency) have a 70 per cent detection rate.\u00a0\n\n\nChecking the mother\u2019s blood for fetal DNA (Noninvasive Prenatal Testing, NIPT) is 99 per cent accurate in screening for Down syndrome.\n\n\nDetailed ultrasound scans in the second trimester can also identify some of the features of the syndrome.\n\n\nDiagnostics are confirmatory tests and have a detection rate of 99.9%.\n\n\n\n\nTwo commonly performed diagnostic tests are Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) and Amniocentesis. CVS involves a biopsy of placenta tissue. Amniocentesis, on the other hand, involves taking samples of amniotic fluid for Chromosomal study. Both tests carry about a 1 per cent risk of miscarriage.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nLong term care\n\n\nThere is no cure for Down syndrome. Some children with Down syndrome have low thyroid hormones requiring thyroid medications. They may also have feeding problems and poor muscle tone that make them unable to hold their head up and sit and therefore require physiotherapy and extra assistance care.\n\n\nSpecial education and proper supportive care have been shown to improve the quality of life in these children. Their average life expectancy is around 50 to 60 years. \n\n\nThe Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation has various branches around the country to provide interventional programs for children with Down syndrome. Patients who have a child with Down syndrome have a slightly increased risk of having another child with Down syndrome in their future pregnancies. \n\n\nDo seek your Obstetrician for further counselling regarding available options.\n\n\n\n\nThis article is written by \nDr Lim Wan Teng, \nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist \nMBBS (IMU), MObGyn (UM), Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine (Malaysia/Hong Kong) of \nPantai Hospital Cheras.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Home Remedies for Flu: 5 Foods That Will Boost Your Child\u2019s Immunity\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nThe Importance Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy & Why You SHOULD Take It\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nIdentifying Children With High IQ: An Age-By-Age Guide For Parents\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/resilient-children-survey", "title": "The extraordinary greatness of resilient children: Here\u2019s why \u2013 and how \u2013 you should make nurturing a resilient child your parenting focus", "body": "In a recent survey by theAsianparent (tAp), 90% of mums agreed it was crucial to raise resilient children. In an ever evolving world, our children will face new opportunities as well as challenges. To ensure a bright future, children must be raised to be independent problem-solvers, determined to resolve tough situations by themselves through resourcefulness and determination. Therefore, our children must embody the Five Pillars Of Resilience \u2013 Perseverance, Daringness, Resourcefulness, Self-Reliance, and Adaptability.\n\n\nMerely being smart is no longer sufficient to guarantee your children\u2019s place in the world. Instead, you\u2019ll learn how resilience will be the most important key to your child\u2019s future success, and how it will continuously offer benefits throughout their whole lives.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat mums want: Lessons from the TAP-Aptagro survey\n\n\nThe world is changing and today\u2019s children will grow up to face new challenges that we have never experienced before. It\u2019s becoming increasingly clear to be successful is to prepare them for anything \u2013 by giving them the gift of resilience.\n\n\nIn a survey conducted by tAp and AptaGro, 90% of mothers want their children to be resilient; who do not give up easily when faced with difficulties. And 87% found it vital to expose their children to experiences that built perseverance.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is resilience?\n\n\nResilience is the ability to bounce back from any challenges. However, there are many other supporting traits that can help build resilience in children. Here are the 5 pillars of resilience and how to achieve them.\n\n\n1. Self-Reliance\n\n\nThis quality is defined as making one\u2019s own decisions independently, yet being connected to family and friends. For instance, when setting off on a nature walk, why not allow your children to decide which trail to take? When queried about parenting styles, 70% of mums thought it was beneficial to have their children participate in activities on their own decision.\n\n\n\n\n2. Adaptability\n\n\nDescribed here as the ability to respond quickly and thrive in challenging environments or when something changes suddenly. This characteristic may be learned from arranging playdates for your children. Learning to play satisfactorily with one or several other children means learning to adapt to the games or \u201cplay\u201d style of others. This will teach your children to take into account the reactions of their friends and adapt one\u2019s own choices so that everyone involved enjoys a rewarding playdate. 71% of mums said it is important to teach their children to adapt to new environments quickly.\n\n\n3. Resourcefulness\n\n\nExplained as the ability to find quick and clever solutions to thrive in challenging environments. An important aspect of raising a resilient child is ensuring that they are able to solve problems. By teaching them the correct use of technology and surrounding them with multiple positive role models,\u00a0 as well as encouraging both independent and collaborative activities with their peers and adults to solve difficulties, you are modelling resourcefulness and nurturing your child\u2019s creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. 59% of mums want their children to solve problems on their own.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Perseverance\n\n\nThis is the ability to continue despite failures, turning a weakness into a strength as a result of persistence. Offer your child age-appropriate challenges to build grit, which is often more important than a high IQ. Teach your children to prioritise major goals and to accept frustration as part of the learning process.\u00a0 As they learn from mistakes and improve, they have already started to build perseverance. According to AptaGro survey, 90% of mothers agreed their children must have perseverance and determination and not give up easily.\n\n\n\n\n5. Daringness\n\n\nThis important quality is defined as the bravery and courage to try something new and experiment with the unknown. Accepting and overcoming fear is the last of the Five Pillars of Resilience. Show your children that unfamiliar situations might seem daunting but with a positive can-do attitude, each foreign environment is full of opportunities to learn and experience new things. And remember to praise your child\u2019s efforts in trying to accomplish a difficult task instead of the final result. 69% of mums wanted to raise children that are not afraid of the unknown.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat science says about resilience\n\n\nIn a previous\n article\n, Malaysian psychologist Dr Valerie Jaques pointed out that a child is able to meet every developmental milestone because of their five senses and intuitive survival mechanism. This natural drive to survive can be enhanced when children apply the\u00a0 Five Pillars of Resilience in their everyday lives. From picking themselves up after a tumble in the playground, to handling school bullies and making new friends, children will need to be Self-Reliant, Adaptable, and Resourceful. All while Persevering despite difficulties and Daring to change their circumstances.\u00a0\n\n\nDr Valerie went on to say that how your child turns out in the future depends heavily on the type of environment he or she is in. So how we shape our children from childhood is essential to determine how resilient they will be in the future.\n\n\n\n\nNutrition, immunity, and resilience\n\n\nGood nutrition also plays a fundamental part in developing resilient children. When children absorb sufficient pre- and probiotic, this helps their growing bodies build immunity. With a healthy body comes a strong mind, which in turn allows them to experience the world\u2019s challenges to build pillars of resilience. It\u2019s no wonder the tAp survey reflected 91% of mums are searching for high quality formula milk brands that are able to support the development of their child\u2019s immunity.\n\n\nRaise them resilient: a parent\u2019s toolbox\n\n\nWhat can parents do to nurture resilience in their children? Here are some tips to help parents get started.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child\u2019s Gut Health Causing Tantrums? Here Is What You Need To Know\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nDoes Cattle Treatment & Breed Really Matter for Quality Formula Milk?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nMy Child Is Not Gaining Weight - What Should I Do?\n\n\nThere are plenty of practical solutions. Just read \u2018\n6 Tips on How to Build Resilience in Children\u2019\n to be inspired. And if you\u2019re unsure of where to go, here\u2019s a list of \u2018\nResilience Locations\n\u2019 filled with activities to encourage traits like Adaptability, Perseverance, Daringness, Resourcefulness, and Daringness.\n\n\nWhen a child is resilient, parents can rest assured that their children will be ready for life\u2019s curveballs.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/balanced-diet-child", "title": "Does a Balanced Diet Affect My Child Mentally?", "body": "The early years of a child is one of the most important stages of life because it is vital for cognitive, physical and behavioural growth. As a parent, you would obviously want the best for your child, and giving them a nutritious, well-balanced diet is of utmost importance. Many parents might think that a nutritious meal is only important for their child\u2019s physical development, but do you know that a well-balanced diet is also crucial to your child\u2019s mental and emotional growth? Yes, that glass of milk does not only strengthen your child\u2019s bones, but it also assists in nerve stimulations and regulates your child\u2019s blood pressure!\n\n\nBrain development can be highly affected by the quality and adequacy of your child\u2019s diet. Even during pregnancy and early life, poor nutrition can lower IQ scores and even lead to learning disorders, according to Dr. Reynaldo Martorell, a renowned International Nutrition professor at Emory University.\n\n\n\n\nAttentional issues, as well as behavioural and societal issues could also occur. Providing adequate energy, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are necessary to provide enough nutrition for brain development, while also allowing for your child\u2019s body to grow and mature healthily.\n\n\nStudies have shown that iron deficiency, even in children, can lead to a decrease in the transmission of dopamine, a naturally produced chemical which sends signals to the brain to initiate movements.\n\n\nDopamine deficiency is closely related to Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder or more commonly known as ADHD. ADHD may cause your child to be inattentive, hyperactive, and/or impulsive. Some of the best sources of iron include tofu, red meat, and lentils (yes, that\u00a0\ndhal\n\u00a0curry that goes with your\u00a0\nroti canai\n!). The best way to make sure your child has enough iron in his diet is to ensure he eats according to a balanced diet.\n\n\nOther than the how a well-balanced diet can affect your child\u2019s learning behaviours, surprisingly a good diet can also affect your child\u2019s societal behaviours. With participation in family meals, your child will start to mimic eating choices, behaviour and patterns of family members. For example, when a family member shares about his or her day it will show your child how important communication is within family members in order to form a strong family bond. \u00a0\n\n\nKey Factors for Meal Planning\n\n\nNow that we have learnt how a balanced diet can have positive effects on your child, it is super important to consider these 3 things when planning a meal for your child:\n\n\n1. Balance\n\n\n\n\nA balanced diet means incorporating all the food groups (carbohydrates, greens, protein, and fat) from the Malaysian Food Pyramid into each and every single meal. Parents should make an effort to prepare meals containing more foods from the lower part of the food pyramid and less foods from the higher parts of the food pyramid.\n\n\n2. \nModeration\n\n\n\n\nToo much or too little can be unhealthy for you and your child, especially when it comes to food and nutrients. As parents, you might think that forcing your child to scoff down bowls of kale salad and cutting down on the carbohydrates would be a good idea, but in fact, it is not. Practicing portion planning is essentially necessary to ensure that your child eats according to the recommended serving size for each food group in the food pyramid. Parents can practice the\u00a0\nsuku-suku-separuh\n\u00a0(quarter-quarter-half) rule propagated by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.\n\n\nFor a properly balanced plate, one\u00a0\nsuku\n\u00a0(quarter) should consist of protein and another quarter should consist of carbohydrates such as rice, noodles or grains while the rest of the plate should be filled with vegetables and fruits.\n\n\n3. \nVariation\n\n\n\n\nEating a varied, well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each food group daily, in recommended amounts. It is super important to choose a variety of foods within each food group because different foods provide different types and amounts of key nutrients important for your child\u2019s growth and wellbeing, both mentally and physically. Added to that, kids get bored really easily, so preparing different variations of a meal each time will make it more interesting, so that your child would not get bored and refuse to eat.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nFinally, child nutrition is not just about keeping your child\u2019s tummy full. It is about planning a balanced meal that is as nutritious and fun as possible for them, because in the long run, the meal you crafted determines how your child grows and develops.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hibiscus-tea-benefits", "title": "Hibiscus Tea: 9 Reasons You Should Be Drinking This Antioxidant Powerhouse", "body": "Hibiscus tea has been taking the health world by storm recently, but the striking crimson tea made from the calyces of the roselle flower, a type of hibiscus, is nothing new to Asians.\n\n\nWith hibiscus being the national flower of Malaysia, we are sharing some of the incredible benefits of this vibrant flower tea.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/differences-between-chickenpox-hand-foot-mouth-disease", "title": "Red Spots On Your Child's Body: How To Tell The Difference Between Chickenpox Or Hand Foot Mouth Disease", "body": "The number of cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) in the country is increasing at an alarming rate. A total of 82,846 cases were reported as of 4 June 2022, an increase of 32 times compared to 2,485 cases in the same period in 2021, following the relaxation of distancing, masking, and the opening of day care centres and schools\n1\n.\n\n\nAccording to the Director General of Health, Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, most cases of HFMD occur among children aged six (6) years and below\n1\n.\n\n\nAlthough HFMD can be classified as a common endemic disease in children, many parents are still confused and unable to differentiate HFMD from other childhood diseases. Perhaps because the symptoms of HFMD are almost similar to those of other diseases, especially chickenpox\n2,3\n.\n\n\nLet\u2019s understand the differences between these two diseases so that parents are more aware and can respond effectively if their child is infected.\n\n\nWhat is Chickenpox?\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nVaricella is an infectious disease caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus. This disease, better known as \u2018chickenpox\u2019, usually occurs in children under the age of 10 years old\n3\n.\n\n\nAfter the first infection, most people will have lifelong immunity, though the virus may re-emerge later on in life as shingles for some\n4\n.\n\n\nAccording to Dr. JoAnn, a paediatrician from FirstStep Child Specialist Clinic, chickenpox is so contagious that 90% of those who come into contact with an infected person can get the disease, especially if they are not immune. \u201cThis explains why chickenpox outbreaks often occur in schools or daycares. With the contagious nature of chickenpox, parents should visit their children\u2019s doctors to understand more about the preventive measures that they can take, including suitable vaccinations.,\u201d she adds.*\u00a0\n\n\nThe chickenpox virus is spread through respiratory fluids or direct contact with blistered skin fluids. The most common symptom of chickenpox is a rash on the body. One to two days before the rash on the body appears, your child will begin to feel weak, headaches, have a poor appetite, and fever\n5\n.\n\n\nThe rash will appear around the face, chest, and back of the body at the beginning of the infection and then spread to all parts of the body. The rash will turn into blisters filled with fluid that are very itchy. The blisters eventually dry out and become scabs\n6\n.\n\n\nIt is important for parents to note that children who have been vaccinated against chickenpox may be prevented from getting the disease or will experience milder symptoms and fewer rash if they do get infected and the recovery process will occur more quickly\n5,6\n.\n\n\nTo get a more in-depth understanding on chickenpox, we asked Dr. JoAnn to share some important information as well as her personal experience in treating patients, particularly children with chickenpox.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Who is most at risk of getting infected by the Varicella-Zoster virus?\n\n\nDr. JoAnn: The majority of chickenpox cases occur in young children. However, older children and adults can also get it if they are not immune.*\u00a0\n\n\n2. Is chickenpox usually mild or serious?\n\n\nDr. JoAnn: For most healthy people, chickenpox is usually mild, and they recover fully without any specific treatment. However, complications from chickenpox can occur in certain high-risk individuals such as infants, adolescents, adults, pregnant mothers and those with a weakened immune system, for example, those undergoing chemotherapy.*\u00a0\n\n\n3. What are the possible complications associated with chickenpox?\n\n\nDr. JoAnn: Some possible complications associated with chickenpox infection include bacterial infection of the skin, infection of the lungs (pneumonia), infection or swelling of the brain (encephalitis, cerebellar ataxia), bleeding problems (hemorrhagic complications), and bloodstream infections (sepsis).*\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAlthough these complications are deemed rare, I have personally seen and treated children with these complications. It is heartbreaking to see any child or parents go through this. With the availability of vaccines for chickenpox, parents should speak with their children\u2019s doctors to understand more.,\u201d Dr. JoAnne shares.*\n\n\nWhat is HFMD?\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nHand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is an infection caused by viruses from the Enterovirus group especially Coxsackievirus A16, Coxsackievirus A6, Enterovirus 71 (EV71) and several other viruses\n7\n.\n\n\nThe virus is spread by direct contact with saliva, blister fluid and faeces from infected individuals. Children usually get infected from other children in a \u2018faecal-oral\u2019 pattern i.e. the infection is acquired from exposure to faeces or secretions from the nose or mouth\n8\n.\n\n\nThe symptoms of the disease are usually mild with symptoms of fever followed by a watery rash or blisters on the hands, feet, mouth and tongue\n2\n. Children infected with HFMD usually have a markedly reduced appetite for food and drinks due to the pain experienced especially on the throat and tongue\n2\n.\n\n\nAlthough the disease infects all ages, HFMD most commonly occurs in children especially those aged ten (10) years and below. But that doesn\u2019t mean that adults and older children can\u2019t also be infected with HFMD\n9\n.\n\n\nCases of HFMD caused by EV71 virus infection is also associated with the increased risk of getting complications such as encephalitis and inflammation of the heart (myocarditis)\n10\n.\n\n\nThe Difference Between Chickenpox and HFMD\n\n\nThe two diseases share similar general symptoms and signs such as lethargy, fever and rash, but there are several features that distinguish them\n2,3\n:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVirus Type\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChickenpox is caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus\n5\n and HFMD is caused by the Enterovirus type virus, specifically the Coxsackie virus\n7\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNature of Rash\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe chickenpox rash will spread to all parts of the body\n6\n\u00a0while the HFMD rash is concentrated in the mouth, diaper slits, palms and soles of the feet\n8\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCharacteristics of Rash\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe rash caused by chickenpox starts with small red spots that then become blisters with pus and will rupture, dry out and eventually become scab before healing\n5\n. Whereas the rash caused by HFMD usually appears first in the mouth like an ulcer and followed by flat red spots which in turn become small blisters\n11\n. Chickenpox rash is very itchy and HFMD rash can be very painful\n5,11\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDuration\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChickenpox usually lasts about 4 \u2013 7 days\n6\n. HFMD will heal 7 to 10 days after symptoms begin\n12\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInfectiousness\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChickenpox infection is usually once in a lifetime except for when Varicella-zoster virus which lies dormant in the nerve tissues and may reactivate as Shingles\n3\n. HFMD infection can occur in a person repeatedly because there are different variants of the Enterovirus\n10\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTreatment\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVaricella vaccine can help prevent chickenpox and doctors may prescribe antivirals in some cases\n13\n. HFMD has no specific treatment other than treating the symptoms\n12\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSecondary Complications\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUsually, chickenpox is mild but complications such as pneumonia, inflammation of the brain can occur\n5\n.\u00a0 Bacterial infections can also occur in chickenpox rash due to scratching due to itching\n3\n. In addition, the chickenpox virus that is known to lie dormant in the nerve cells and become active again, causing shingles which are very painful skin blisters\n5\n. \n\n\nChickenpox can cause abnormalities in the foetus if contracted early in pregnancy and makes the baby very sick if contracted towards the end of pregnancy\n5\n. HFMD is also usually harmless, mainly pain from ulcers in the throat and mouth which causes children to lose their appetite and can lead to dehydration\n12\n.\n\n\nPrevention\n\n\nBoth Chickenpox and HFMD are caused by highly contagious viruses\n5,7\n. The viruses can pass from person to person on unwashed hands and contaminated surfaces. It can also spread through droplets of fluid sprayed into the air when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Contact with rash or blister fluid can also spread the virus easily\n5,6\n.\n\n\nSo why does chickenpox spread so easily among young children?\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cChickenpox spreads so easily among young children due to a few factors. Young children are often curious and tend to touch everything, sometimes putting objects or their hands into their mouths. They also tend to drool, which helps in the virus spread. Furthermore, it isn\u2019t easy to maintain social distancing among young children,\u201d Dr. JoAnn explains.*\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the CDC, regular hand washing using soap and adequate sanitation kills not only the HFMD and Chickenpox viruses but also other viruses that commonly infect children. Image for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nTherefore, some of the prevention measures to help protect children from being infected with Chickenpox and HFMD is to keep the environment clean, always wash hands with soap, manage disposable diapers properly and most importantly parents are advised not to send their children to daycare, babysitter or kindergarten to prevent infection and outbreaks if your children show symptoms or if there are other children who show symptoms\n14\n.\n\n\n\u201cVaccinating against chickenpox is one of the preventive measures for this highly contagious disease. Most people vaccinated against chickenpox have a lower risk of infection or develop milder symptoms if they are infected,\u201d adds Dr. JoAnn as a reminder to all parents out there.*\n\n\nSo parents, now that you know the difference between the symptoms of Chickenpox and HFMD, you can identify it better. Or if you want to learn how to better protect your children against preventable diseases, speak to your family doctor or paediatrician at the next visit.\u00a0\n\n\n*This information is provided as a professional service by MSD. The views expressed in the publication reflects the experience and opinions of the authors.\n\n\nMY-VVX-00134 Oct/2022\n\n\nREFERENCES:\n\n\n\n\nFrom the Desk of the Director-General of Health Malaysia. Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 7 Jun 2022 \u2013 Situasi Semasa Kejadian Penyakit Tangan, Kaki dan Mulut (HFMD) di Malaysia (ME 22 2022). Available From: \nhttps://kpkesihatan.com/2022/06/07/kenyataan-akhbar-kpk-7-jun-2022-situasi-semasa-kejadian-penyakit-tangan-kaki-dan-mulut-hfmd-di-malaysia-me-22-2022/\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hand-foot-mouth/about/signs-symptoms.html\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services Inform. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/chickenpox\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Shingles (Herpes Zoster).\u00a0 Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/shingles/about/transmission.html\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chickenpox/symptoms-causes/syc-20351282\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Chickenpox (Varicella). Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/symptoms.html\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hand-foot-mouth/about/transmission.html\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nStanford Medicine Children\u2019s Health. Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Children. Available From: \nhttps://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=hand-foot-and-mouth-disease-in-children-90-P01857\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nBetter Health Channel. Hand, foot and mouth disease. Available From: \nhttps://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/hand-foot-and-mouth-disease\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nYi E, Shin Y, Kim J, Kim T & Chang S. Enterovirus 71 infection and vaccines. \nClinical and Experimental Vaccine Research\n. 2017;6(1).\u00a0\n\n\nNational Health Services Inform. Hand, foot and mouth disease. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/hand-foot-and-mouth-disease\n.\u00a0 Last Accessed 27 September 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hand-foot-mouth/about/treatment.html\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Chickenpox (Varicella). Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/prevention-treatment.html\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hand-foot-mouth/about/prevention.html\n. Last Accessed 26 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-online-learning", "title": "Just Stay at Home! 6 Edutainment Apps & Services to Keep Your Kids Learning", "body": "As schools are closed, parents have to rely on the virtual world to keep their kids educated or engaged. Due to this, Digi Telecommunications is now offering Malaysians access to fun and quality learning activities to keep families occupied during this Movement Control Order (MCO).\n\n\nParents can subscribe to MyDigi Subscriptions by EasyAdd, which offers various edutainment apps and services that are currently on special discounts and with free trials. Non-Digi users can also access this through \nwww.easyadd.my\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are six edutainment app and services for your children:\n\n\n1. JomStudi\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo ensure that children are not left behind in their studies, try \nJomStudi\n, a digital learning hub developed to provide students with educational content that they can easily access anytime and anywhere. The educational content, which includes those from Astro Tutor TV and Media Prima\u2019s FullAMark, complies with the syllabus prescribed by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) for Year 5, UPSR, PT3 and SPM and gamifies the study process by allowing students a chance to collect e-badges as rewards for completing their assignments.\n\n\nDigi is now offering\u00a0free 24/7 data access for all Digi customers for any JomStudi content browsed throughout the MCO.\n\n\n2. Classruum\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nClassruum\n is a virtual classroom that enables students to learn from certified teachers and tailor their own lesson plan using study materials that comply with the MOE syllabus. Consisting of core subjects for UPSR, Form 1, PT3 and Form 5 levels, tutorials are broken into lesson plans, practice and summary to enable students to understand the subjects and practice at their own pace. Students have online access to video tutorials, study notes, assessments and even interactive games.\n\n\nDigi customers can enjoy a limited RM1 offer to access certain Classruum subjects for one month via MyDigi Subscriptions.\n\n\n3. Me Books\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a great way to bond with your kids, \nMe Books\n is an interactive storytime experience which contains over 300 children\u2019s audio books. The quality storytime experience targeted at children aged between two to nine years consists of built-in narration with accurate pronunciations to help children brush up on their language skills. Children and their parents can opt to personalise the experience through a recording programme that records narrations and sounds.\n\n\nMe Books is now available for subscription at RM12/month or RM60/year via MyDigi Subscriptions.\n\n\n4. Atom & The Dot\n\n\n\n\nAny parent will know that the trick to keep children out of trouble is to keep them busy! \nAtom & The Dot\n enables fun and continuous learning for children aged between two to nine years through hands-on art science activity boxes. Each activity box comes with materials and instructions for art and science-inspired activities and experiments which will keep children entertained while sparking their curiosity and promoting creativity at the same time.\n\n\nFor Digi customers who are interested to try out Atom & The Dot, they can do so with the single trial pack at RM25 or opt for the RM40 for a monthly mini box subscription.\n\n\n5. Veative\n\n\n\n\nVeative\n offers over 650 VR modules mapped to the Malaysian (KSSM) curriculums. It provides students with another way to connect with complex concepts, via an engaging virtual environment. Open your children\u2019s world to new possibilities and take a deeper dive into science and mathematics topics in a virtual world.\n\n\nDigi customers can subscribe to Veative for a special price of RM95 which comes with a VR headset and 1-month subscription. Subsequent renewals thereafter will only be at RM10/month.\n\n\n6. Hopster\n\n\n\n\nScreen time can be an enriching experience for children through \nHopster\n, a safe and ads-free entertainment and education app developed by academics in childhood education and cognitive development. The app contains hundreds of television shows, books, songs and games under one platform and comes with parental control features and smart screen time features.\n\n\nHopster is available for subscription from RM5/week.\n\n\nSource: Digi\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-injected-with-skin-cleanser-instead-of-epidural-left-paralysed", "title": "Mum injected with skin-cleanser instead of epidural left paralysed", "body": "Grace Wang\n, a victim of an epidural gone bad will never know what it is like to run free with her son Alex.\n\n\nAn anaesthetist mistakenly injected chlorhexidine, a skin-cleansing fluid, instead of administering an\u00a0\nepidural\n during a routine injection of spinal anaesthesia. The hospital has admitted fault and Grace\u2019s case is the only one of its kind ever recorded.\n\n\nNot only did the 33-year-old mother from Sydney suffer\u00a0massive nerve damage, she also had to endure\u00a0two brain surgeries and ended up paralysed from the waist down.\n\n\nEpidural Gone Bad: Mum Left with Life-Long Injuries\n\n\n\n\nPicture credit: Now To Love\n\n\n\n\nWhat was meant to be a joyous occasion being first-time parents, turned in to a nightmare. Grace and Jason never saw it coming. Grace recounts the sadness in her\u00a0heart because she couldn\u2019t even physically hold her own son when he was born.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhen all those nurses hold Alex, when they kiss and hug him, I feel really sad because I really hope I can also hold him just like the others do because our Alex is so cute,\u201d she says.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAccording to \nThe Sydney Morning Herald\n,\u00a0both clear liquids were placed in separate dishes on a sterile table in the delivery room and\u00a0were mistakenly switched because they were\u00a0un-labelled.\u00a0\n\n\nGrace told \nSBS Mandarin News\n in an exclusive interview that she still feels the after-effects of the epidural gone bad till this day. Even while sitting in her wheelchair, she still feels very stiff and as though all the nerves in her body are constantly in pain.\n\n\nThere are days when she still cannot accept the tragedy that befell her. She has to accept that she will be unable to care for her own son. Her husband Jason not only has to take over that role, he also has to care for her. This is difficult because they are on their own in Australia with no other family members who can help.\n\n\nOur hearts go out to this family, and we hope they get the help they need and so deserve.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPicture credit: Grace Wang \u2013 Epidural Tragedy \u2013 Updates and Help Facebook account\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWatch the interview here:\n\n\n\n\nAn Epidural Gone Bad May Cause These Complications:\n\n\n1. Drop in Blood Pressure\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEvery time your blood pressure drops, it can also affect the blood flow to your baby. According to the\u00a0\nAmerican Pregnancy Association\n, mums will have to be treated with IV fluids, oxygen, and possibly medications, if this happens.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Inadvertent Dural Puncture or a \u2018Wet Tap\u2019\n\n\nThis occurs when the epidural needle accidentally punctures the membrane that covers your spinal cord. As a result, your spinal fluid leaks out. The result is intense headaches say the\u00a0\nAmerican Society of Anaesthesiologists\n. The mum will need to do a \u201cblood patch\u201d to treat the problem. This involves injecting your own blood into the hole to seal it off.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Infections\n\n\nDespite the very real risk, an infection is highly unlikely because the needles used are always sterile. Your back would also be cleaned with antiseptics. The risk is not high, but whenever there\u2019s an opening in the body, it could potentially allow \nbacteria\n to enter and grow. Also, the spine is directly wired to your brain. As rare as it may be, an epidural gone bad could mean an infection to your spinal cord, which then can be a risk to your life.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Fevers\n\n\nEpidurals used for more than six hours can lead to fever. In such cases, mum and baby would have to run some tests and be given an \nantibiotic\n treatment.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Nerve Damage\n\n\nAs scary as this sounds, this injury is only temporary and only lasts a couple weeks. Side effects of nerve damage that last a long time are very rare.\u00a0\n\n\nOther not so scary side effects of an epidural gone bad include shivering, itching, or feeling nauseous. Some women get a mild fever or even a\u00a0headache after an epidural. However, these side effects are usually temporary.\n\n\nAccording to \nSingHealth\n\u00a0\napproximately\u00a0\n40-45% patients opt for epidural pain relief during labour \nwhich translates to an annual number of more than 5000 people in KKH.\n\n\nWhile epidurals are safe for both baby and mum when administered correctly and by a trained anaesthetist, there still is the possibility of human error. Are you considering pain relief the next time you go into labour? What will you opt for? Let us know in the comment box below.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\n \nSBS News\n, \nSingHealth\n, \nWebMD\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pet-lovers-centre", "title": "Experience Pet Health and Care Right at your Fingertips with the Launch of Pet Health by Pet Lovers Centre", "body": "Pet Lovers Centre, the largest pet retail chain in Malaysia is offering a one stop solution to all your pet inquiries with just a click away. Their user-friendly website connects consumers directly to pet pharmacists and pet care consultants. It offers both online and offline (in selected Pet Lovers Centre stores)\u00a0 services ranging from Pet Pharmacy, Veterinary and Pet Care Consultant which provides consumers the ease of access to attend to the needs of their furry friends.\n\n\nAs a brand that is dedicated to enhancing their customers\u2019 experience, Pet Lovers Centre have taken the initiative to expand their service offerings beyond the regular retail experience with the launch of the Pet Health platform. With this latest initiative, Pet Lovers Centre hopes to make pet care more accessible to the general public and provide with them the convenience of seeking immediate health consultations for their pets through the range of services offered on the website.\n\n\nPet Pharmacy\n\n\nThe goal of the Pet Pharmacy service [online and offline] is to make it easy for pet owners to get professional advice and access to pet healthcare expertise from the safety and comfort of their own homes. Pet Lovers Centre\u2019s pharmacists are registered with the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia and are equipped with skills and knowledge on pharmacotherapy, prescription screening, medicine counseling and nutritional management. \n\n\nPlacing an order with Pet Pharmacy is as simple as filling up a form and providing a valid vet prescription for non over the counter medications. Consumers can opt for self pick up in selected stores or alternatively may also request for home delivery services and expect to receive the items and products they ordered\u00a0 within 3-5 working days, subject to availability.\n\n\nPet Care Consultant\n\n\nA little guidance and advice can go a long way in helping pet parents care for their fur kids\u2019 health. That is why Pet Health\u2019s Pet Care Consultants are always available via Live Chat and in selected Pet Lovers Centre stores. \nPartner Stories\nParenting\nReal Mum Review: Skinature By Drypers\nPerkembangan & Umur Anak\nMums, are you encouraging your little ones to be creative?\n#PendidikanKewangan\nPengalaman Adalah Guru Terbaik, Cuba Tanya Pada Freestyler\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nI Saw Improvement In My Child\u2019s Behaviour After Doing This\n\n\nThe consultants are veterinary trained professionals who are able to share holistic, professional advice through their combined expertise, skills and experiences, in order to help pet parents maintain their pet\u2019s optimum health. The Live Chat operates daily from 9am to 10pm. All you need to do is click on the Live Chat icon to start chatting with a Pet Care Consultant.\u00a0\n\n\nVisit the Pet Lovers Centre\u2019s website \nHERE\n today for free pet health consultations or to place your pets medicine prescriptions orders, it\u2019s only one click away.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/screen-addiction-6-year-old-boy-suffers-facial-seizures", "title": "6-Year-Old Boy Suffers Facial Seizures After Excessive Screen Time", "body": "Everywhere we go, we often see this familiar sight among young families: children bent over their\u00a0tablets and phones. Absorbed and cut-off, these children are very much lost in their own digital world. But sadly, this phenomenon is becoming a disease. Even young children are starting to show gaming addiction signs.\n\n\nA six-year-old Filipino boy has recently developed persistent facial seizures after playing\n video games for almost nine hours a day\n. While most of us would find nine hours of video games truly excessive, this\u00a0is the norm for John Nathan Lising \u2013 who was suddenly hit with uncontrollable facial tics on 23 July 2018.\n\n\nHis parents rushed him to the nearest hospital, but according to CT scan results, John\u2019s brain is surprisingly healthy.\n\n\n\n\nThere was no real way to medically prove that John\u2019s facial seizures\u00a0are linked to gaming addiction signs, however, doctors did advise his parents to stow away all gadgets and keep them away from their son.\u00a0\n\n\nDoctors also mentioned that the symptoms were similar to a disorder named \u201cFocal Seizure\u201d, which affects only one half of the brain. Currently, they are unable to properly diagnose John\u2019s actual condition due to lack of evidence. But it would be wise for us parents to heed the doctor\u2019s initial advice: reduce the amount of screen time even if our children are not showing gaming addiction signs.\n\n\nVideo of Six-Year-Old Boy Having Facial Seizures\n\n\n\n\nHow to Spot Gaming Addiction Signs\n\n\nA couple of red flags that parents should note when looking for gaming addiction signs include:\n\n\n\n\nunsuccessful control\n \u2013 when it becomes hard for the child to stop using screen media\n\n\nloss of interest in everything else\n \u2013 when screen time is all that motivates your child\n\n\nlack of social interaction/disengagement\n\u00a0\u2013 when your child is preoccupied to the point where it interferes with family activities\n\n\nwithdrawal\n \u2013 when they become irritable when you cut down on their gaming or screen time\n\n\ntolerance\n \u2013 playing for increasing amounts of time\n\n\nlying\n \u2013 to conceal gaming or sneak in extra screen time\n\n\n\n\nPreventing Gaming and Screen Addiction in Children\n\n\nBe firm with the boundaries you\u2019ve set. And be prepared to be unpopular. While other parents lug gadgets, power banks and earphones, you need to start bringing colour pencils, books, small portable toys, and stickers.\n\n\n\n\nFind out what is the recommended limit for screen time per age group and stick to those limits.\u00a0This\u00a0includes the use of TV, computers and mobile devices. Here are new guidelines from the \nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics\n.\n\n\nMake the effort to go offline yourself and spend time doing fun physical activities\u00a0with your children.\n\n\nNo TVs and electronic gadgets in your child\u2019s bedroom. Set certain places as \u201ctech-free\u201d zones.\n\n\nSet \u201ctech-free\u201d times during meals, homework time and bedtime.\u00a0\n\n\nStart early by teaching your children about the importance of moderation. Praise them when they follow your set boundaries.\n\n\nKeep logs and monitor your child\u2019s screen time.\n\n\n\n\nEven if there is no medical proof to link gaming addiction signs to\u00a0facial seizures, \nWebMD\n says that stress and\u00a0\nsleep deprivation\n seem to play a role in both the occurrence and severity of motor tics.\n\n\nJust imagine if your child spends hours and hours staring at the screen. Think about how this can affect their stress levels due to \noverexposure of blue light in the eyes\n and also strain in the \nneck\n.\n\n\nThere is no actual way to measure stress levels in a person. So stow away your gadgets and focus on physically bonding with your children. They might protest now, but soon they will find that spending quality time with their own folks can be pretty fun too.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nEdgar Lising\n, \nWebMD\n, \nWorld of Buzz\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/we-baby-bears", "title": "Cute, Tiny, Furry Trios are Back in Action with We Baby Bears!", "body": "With fandom all over the world, squealing over their cuteness, We Bare Bears has captured the hearts of children and adults with their funny antics. With so much success over the original series, this year we get to be charmed all over again with the junior versions of Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear in We Baby Bears.\n\n\nThe spin-off of the hit Cartoon Network series, We Baby Bears\u00a0follows Grizz (Connor Andrade), Panda (Amari McCoy) and Ice Bear (Max Mitchell) \u2013 as their younger baby selves \u2013 travelling in a magical box to fantastic new worlds searching for a place to call home.\n\n\nAlong the way, they meet new friends, learn a few lessons and discover that \u201chome\u201d can mean wherever they are, as long as they\u2019re together.\u00a0\n\n\nWe caught up with\u00a0Christina Chang, the Creative Director for the Cartoon Network Original Series\u00a0We Baby Bears to know more about the show.\n\n\nThe difference between the spin-off compared to We Bare Bears\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Christina, aside from featuring locations out of San Francisco- the art style is just something different and more vivid; a completely different take on the Bears actually, an AU (alternate universe).. literally!\n\n\nShe stated that the message the show is trying to convey to the audience is through the Bears\u2019 adventures. She feels sthey leave each of the worlds they visit with a better understanding of the characters and people they meet \u2013 and they learn what works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa.. and that it\u2019s ok!\n\n\nHow the show would appeal to audiences, both kids and adults\n\n\n\n\nIn terms of visual appeal, credits would have to be due to the art director, Valerie Schwarz! Valerie and her team take so much time researching and pulling inspiration from real flora, fauna, architecture, and more to create the fantastic visuals we have in the show!\n\n\nWhen it comes to the characters, all of We Baby Bears\u2019 board artists do such a fantastic job drawing in fun expressions- which might be an appeal point for kids.\n\n\nOverall, Christina thinks travelling and exploring is on a lot of people\u2019s minds, especially during the pandemic. The Bears get to zip zap all around the universe and see new places. All exciting and something new to explore.\n\n\nChristina\u2019s favourite bear\n\n\n\n\nWhen asked about her favourite bear, Christina said she liked Ice Bear\u2019s monotone vibe, but she thinks she has gotten to like Panda more \u2013 he\u2019s not shy about expressing his comfort zone and is pretty resourceful! As long as he\u2019s got his cellphone and decent internet connection.\n\n\nWatch the official trailer right here:\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nWe Baby Bears is also executive produced by Daniel Chong and Manny Hernandez, We Baby Bears will also feature an otherworldly list of guest stars including Anjali Bhimani, Rhys Darby, Janeane Garofalo, Young M.A., Jason Mantzoukas, Stephen Oyoung, Willow Smith and Bernardo Velasco with its\u00a0theme song, \u00a0\n\u201cThe Bha Bha Song\u201d\n, is performed by K-pop supergroup,\u00a0\nTRI.BE\n.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to catch\u00a0We Baby Bears on Cartoon Network (Astro Ch 615) at 10:30am on weekends. The series will also be available to stream on\u00a0\nHBO GO\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/parenting-immunity-children", "title": "10 Things Parents Should Know About Strong Immunities & Mental Development in Children", "body": "Making sure your toddler gets enough of the right kind of nourishment remains top of mind for all parents. Now, more than ever, having a strong immunity system is the main priority, whilst keeping them happy, curious and actively learning!\u00a0\n\n\nProper nutrition is one way to help build strong immune systems and to promote mental development at every stage of a child\u2019s growth. Starting early and putting in place the right foundation at the beginning will ensure improved future growth and development. At the same time, this strong foundation will serve to protect them from seasonal illness and health problems.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, here are the top 10 things all parents should know to help build strong immune systems and mental development in their growing child! \n\n\n1. The early years are the most active period for creating neural connections in the brain. In the first few years of life, more than 1 million new neural connections form every second\n1\n, \nwhich is why proper nutrition is one of the key areas during this critical period in supporting their growth and development. It is also during this period that parents start looking for ways to prepare their child for a complex and challenging world.\u00a0\n\n\n2. It is best to nourish your child with a wide variety of food and maintaining a balanced diet according to the food pyramid. \nMilk is one of the most important meal requirements \nfor the growing up children as it is nutrient-dense which provides energy as well as high quality protein\n2\n. Considering the nutritional value of milk, the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents 2013 recommends that children \nconsume 2 to 3 servings of milk or milk products a day\n2\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM\n) is a nutrient rich component naturally present in milk and in\u00a0\nour brain. In 2017, MFGM complex hit headlines as the next breakthrough in children nutrition. Studies show that MFGM consumption leads to \nimproved emotional and behavioral regulation\n3 \nin young children. \nIt promotes the \nproduction and transmission of neurotransmitters \n(substances that participate in the creation of brain cell connections)\n4\n. By helping brain cells to connect, they regulate mental abilities, emotions and mood\n5\n.\u00a0\n\n\n4. MFGM complex plays a role in \nbuilding immunity \nas well! In one study,\u00a0\nconsumption of MFGM enriched milk by young children was shown to have \nprotective effect \nagainst gastrointestinal infections, producing a significant decrease in the number of short febrile episodes (symptoms of fever)\n3\n.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Incorporating fatty acids such as \nDHA, Omega 3\u2019 and 6\u2019 \ninto your child\u2019s diet provides benefits for your child\u2019s \nmental development \nas it is shown to be associated with better reading and working memory performance\n6\n. DHA is a primary structural component of brain tissue, which plays a role in \neffective communication between brain cells\n. It is essential for mental function, including key development areas such as intellectual, motor, emotional/social and communications skills\n7\n.\u00a0\n\n\n6. DHA and MFGM are \nabundantly found in the brain \nand they \nwork synergistically\n. Scientific studies shown that MFGM & DHA work together to help support mental and emotional development contributing to significantly better behaviour\n4\n. Preschool children who consumed enriched MFGM for 4 months were evaluated by their parents and were found to have \nbetter behavioural and emotional regulation \ncompared to the controlled group children\n4\n.\n\n\n7. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) \nplays a starring role in a child\u2019s\u00a0\ndevelopment too. Emotional well-being and social competence in the early years provide a strong foundation for emerging cognitive abilities and together, they are the \nbuilding blocks of brain architecture\n1\n. Just like IQ (intelligence quotient), social-emotional skills such as communication, problem-solving and collaboration are just as important in adapting well in school and working effectively with others.\n\n\n\n\n8. PDX^ (Polydextrose) and GOS (Galacto-oligosacharide) are dietary fibres that work together throughout the large intestine to foster the growth of good bacteria and promote digestive health and immune system\n8\n. Yeast Beta Glucan is known for its ability to help \nsupport the body\u2019s natural defenses\n9\n. Research has shown that children consuming milk fortified with DHA, PDX^+GOS and Beta-Glucan have been shown to have \nfewer episodes \nof acute respiratory infections (ARI) compared to children consuming unfortified milk. Furthermore, \nlesser children received antibiotics \nand \nrecovered faster \nwhen they consumed milk fortified with DHA, PDX^+GOS and Beta-Glucan\n10\n.\u00a0\n\n\n9. While fresh milk is still beneficial, fortified milk contains \nadded essential nutrients \nsuch as DHA, MFGM, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Iron and Zinc. It is a great choice in boosting your child\u2019s natural defenses\n11 \nand ensuring their daily nutritional requirements are met.\u00a0\n\n\n10. Strong immunity and healthy mental development also mean having \nadequate sleep, active\u00a0 \nlifestyle \nand \ngood hygiene\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEnfagrow A+\u2019s \nunique blend \nof MFGM complex, highest DHA**, a prebiotic mix of PDX^+GOS and Yeast Beta Glucan. Scientific studies show that MFGM, DHA, PDX^+GOS and Yeast Beta Glucan help support \ndual function \nin mental development and immunity resistance towards infections\n4\n \nThe formulation contains \n40% higher DHA* \nthat meets FAO/WHO expert recommendation in terms of daily DHA^.\u00a0\n\n\nStronger children lead fuller lives, let\u2019s help build their tomorrow by providing them with optimal nutrition and stimulation for their emotional and mental development #TodayBuildsTomorrow.\u00a0\n\n\n**Compared to key growing up milk brands in the market as September 2019, Enfagrow A+ provides \n105 mg of DHA in 3 servings a day. \n* Compared to previous formulation, Enfagrow A+ provides \n105 mg of DHA in 3 servings a day \n^FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2 years old & above\n12\n .\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\n\n\n1\n \nCenter on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Brain Architecture. \nRetrieved from: \ndevelopingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/brain-architecture/\n.\u00a0\n\n\n2\n \nNational Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition. Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children \nand Adolescents 2013. Retrieved from: \nnutrition.moh.gov.my/wp-content/uploads/penerbitan/buku/MDG_Child\u2026\n. \nAccessed on 14 March 2017.\u00a0\n\n\n3\n \nVeereman-Wauters G et al. Milk fat globule membrane (INPULSE) enriched formula milk decreases \nfebrile episodes and may improve behavioral regulation in young children. Nutrition. 2012;28:749-752. Retrieved from: \nwww.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0899900711003741?via%3Dihub\u00a0\n\n\n4\n \nK\u00fcllenberg D et al. Lipids in Health and Disease. 2012; 11(3),1=16 \nRetrieved from: \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3316137/\u00a0\n\n\n5\n \nBanjari I et al. Brain food: how nutrition alters our mood and behavior. Hrana u zdravlju i bolesti, \nznanstveno-stru\u010dni \u010dasopis za nutricionizam i dijetetiku, 2014; 3(1),13-21 Retrieved from: \nhrcak.srce.hr/file/186517\u00a0\n\n\n6\nMontgomery P et al. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(6): e66697. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066697 \nRetrieved from: \njournals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0066697\u00a0\n\n\n7\n \nKuratko CN, Barrett EC, Nelson EB, Salem N Jr. The relationship of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) \nwith learning and behavior in healthy children: a review. Nutrients 2013;5:2777-810. Retrieved from: \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3738999/\u00a0\n\n\n8\n \nRoytio,H, Ouwehand A.C (2014) The fermentation of polydextrose in the large intestine and its \nbeneficial effects. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 5(3), 305-314. Retrieved from: \nwww.researchgate.net/publication/261742337_The_fermentation_of_polydextrose_in_the_larg\n e_intestine_and_its_beneficial_effects\u00a0\n\n\n9\n \nVolman JJ, Ramakers JD, Plat J. Dietary modulation of immune function by beta-glucans. Physiol \nBehav. 2008;94:276-84. Retrieved from: \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18222501\u00a0\n\n\n10\n \nLi F, Jin X, Liu B, Zhuang W, Scalabrin D. Follow-up Formula consumption in 3- to 4-Year-Olds and \nRespiratory Infections: An RCT. Pediatrics 2014;133:e1533-1540. Retrieved from: \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24843061\u00a0\n\n\n11\nwww.nutrition.org.uk/healthyliving/covid19/immunity.html?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=7d0ad307d6b\n \n53eef8e16b4f95226ddf3dd06ce8c-1588678013-0- AQHxglDBzVXoTpQIWknc3be4KHLRXmTasztodUqYjYHVDh0cZWWO1tfMGveK8abnGH_ZxRGpN Olg6JP1F1bw2J2kykrXa6loOfpFBYDZY1myiig0WmaEHqmQ8KTMdg8pnGEHm4CSLR3h7xqubs2N Aom- 7aTQCjUbgixXkhrh3HFCGyL0oxBdzsbefeszPOfy9Ng_mgxOiuCiIE3d0HMs1YkWxIBmdrmhxVN7UV _DCDgPDpQ0IH4DC_vQ0GFPDiO0viQdIGzkzkBtTBdCku8CH7SHcNd- \nT9owefUfGOZJ8J5ml2PVegI0Nj2iQIxgqL8tHFKYuhIRL- mYB5Hy_P0JgXTNrM1taVUrmtsvIszQVA5D5T2mulPbxD1CxXfkJHBzjA\u00a0\n\n\n12\nFAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and \nNutrition Paper no.91. FAO: Rome.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article is republished with permission from Enfragrow A+ Malaysia\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/top-tips-for-photographing-kids", "title": "Top 8 Tips for Photographing Kids", "body": "Every parent wants a great photo of their kid, but kids have a mind of their own. Sometimes, that just doesn\u2019t happen. We always dreamt of photographing kids in their natural state \u2013 just simply being kids!\n\n\nHowever, I have friends who photograph kids for a living, and even they say kids are as unpredictable as the weather. They are the hardest to photograph and you really just have to follow their cue and keep them focused.\n\n\nI wish we owned a DSLR camera, but realistically our phones are our fastest bet these days at capturing the moment. Kids are fast. Very fast, and by the time you unpack, adjust your camera settings, the moment is gone.\n\n\nDepending on the\u00a0type of\u00a0phone you\u2019re using, high speed burst shots are really as simple has holding down one button these days. And if all else fails, there\u2019s always video \u2013 heh! With so many photo editing apps available for \nIphone\n and\u00a0\nAndroid\n users, you can almost cheat.\n\n\nSimple great tips in photographing kids\n\n\n\u00a0Here are some\u00a0tips for ending up with some reasonably\u00a0good shots\u00a0of your fidgety, fussy or unruly kid.\n\n\n#1 Get down on their level\n\n\n\n\nGet down to their level, and start a conversation with\u00a0the child. It can be a story or a series of questions about their favorite things. Have a stool or a chair to keep them in one place so that it is easier to get a shot.\n\n\n#2 Mobile Babies\n\n\n\n\nFor mobile babies who can\u2019t quite follow instructions yet, food/treats or even their favourite toy are a great way to keep them in one spot for\u00a0just about long enough to get the shot. Sit them\u00a0down in a pretty spot, drop their favourite snack/toy, then make some funny noises, snap your fingers, clap, call their name\u2026 anything to get them to look at the camera and hopefully smile.\n\n\n#3 Make it a Game\n\n\n\n\nFor the older kids, you can make it a Game. Simon says \u201cSmile?\u201d Do you have a bubble machine? Time to stock up on small bottles of bubbles. That one never fails.\n\n\n#4 Get Your Kids in a Picture Together\n\n\n\n\nEspecially,\u00a0when you want both of them to be well behaved and in the same picture. Give them a task to achieve together \u2013 sibling interaction is nice to capture on photos too. Sometimes simple team work\u00a0works, otherwise you can get them to check each other\u2019s nose for boogers.\n\n\n#5 Add an adult into the Melee\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBecause sometimes it is about getting back some semblance of a control. Plus who doesn\u2019t want mom in the picture?\n\n\n#6 Bribery\n\n\n\n\nI am un-bashfully admitting this works EVERY TIME. I bribe mine with organic gummy candies and I reserve candy sessions solely for\u00a0this purpose.\n\n\n#7 Do Some Actions and Get them to Mimic You\n\n\n\n\nNothing like clowning around for a bit and getting them to copy some\u00a0funny actions. Even if it isn\u2019t full proof\u00a0at least it would relax the kiddos and add some cheer. Remember this is suppose to be fun, not boot camp.\n\n\n#8 Above all else KEEP YOUR COOL\n\n\n\n\nNothing like getting visibly angry/frustrated/annoyed at the kids\u00a0for lack of cooperation and ruining the whole shoot. Keep it in check and spew it later.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nSee? That was not so hard, was it? Photographing kids is a tricky but fun business especially when you and your little ones get the chance to look back all those sweet memories.\n\n\nAll\u00a0images are provided by Andy Kho\u00a0of\u00a0\nAndy Kho Photography\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\u00a0\nHugging and kissing your baby can make him smarter: Study\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gifts-for-kids", "title": "5 Smart & Educational Gifts for Kids", "body": "Christmas is probably a kid\u2019s favourite holiday as they are spoiled with gifts from all of their family. However, if you haven\u2019t had the time to pick out a present for the toddlers and young children, it\u2019s not too late \u2013 we have the perfect gift guide for you.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough we may be tempted to spoil them with fun toys, opt for a thoughtful gift that can benefit their abilities instead. Remember, these early days are crucial as they provide a foundation for their future skills and development.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, here are five gifts for kids ideas that are fun, encourage learning and help develop important skills!\u00a0\n\n\n1.\u00a0 Storybooks\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nReading and storytelling shape your child\u2019s abilities such as understanding different cultures, learning new languages, identifying while triggering their imagination and curiosity. Books are the easiest, affordable and most accessible gifts for kids, depending on which storybook you choose as they cater to children of all ages \u2013 little tots can enjoy picture books, while the older kids can read into an adventure that teaches them valuable life lessons.\u00a0\n\n\nFurthermore, picture books have been identified to be an important source of a new language, concepts and lessons as it allows the transfer of the information they gather from the books into the real world\n!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nRecommended shop: \nPOPULAR Malaysia, Lot 2.24, Level 2, Sunway Velocity Mall\n\n\n\n\n\u00a02. \nBuilding Blocks\n\n\nBuilding blocks make great gifts for kids especially toddlers and young children \u2013 there are large versions made for the younger children and more advanced sets that the big kids will enjoy. While they make fun playtime tools, early childhood educators believe that building blocks serve various developmental abilities in children\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIt encourages problem-solving as they build their vision, imagination, allow self-expression, as well as use critical thinking such as mathematics when they understand concepts such as length, measurements and estimations.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nRecommended shop: \nToys \u201cR\u201d US, Lot 2.47, Level 2\n, Sunway Velocity Mall\n\n\n\n\n\u00a03. \nArt set\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nArt is a common school subject with good reason \u2013 it creates a learning environment as they have fun with colours and play with their imagination. These simple activities using items such as a paint set, colouring pencils, or merely pencil and paper allow children to develop various skills.\u00a0\n\n\nMotions associated with art such as using a paintbrush mould their motor skills, while art can also give them the opportunities to develop their language with simple colours, shapes or actions. Additionally, art can also encourage inventiveness and cultural awareness\n.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nRecommended shop: \nPOPULAR Malaysia, Lot 2.24, \nLevel 2, \nSunway Velocity\n Mall\n\n\n\n\n\u00a04. \nCoin Bank\n\n\nCoin banks, or commonly known as piggy banks, teach kids the value of money and saving. Research has highlighted that wealth management is an important skill for young children as it benefits them when they grow up\n.\u00a0\n\n\nChildren are still grasping the concept of money, which is why a coin bank is a useful and educational gift. Instead of just giving them what they want, parents can teach their kids to earn and save for the things they want to buy. Plus, coin banks these days are made in various shapes, sizes and even characters so you\u2019ll have plenty of options to choose from that will interest them.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nRecommended shop: \nTypo, Lot G.12, Level GF, Sunway Velocity Mall\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n5. \nPlasticine or modelling clay\u00a0\n\n\nPlaying with clay develops abilities similar to that when playing with building blocks \u2013 it nurtures their coordination, builds strength in their arms, improves their fine motor skills and more\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\nThe best part of it is that it is purely up to their imagination \u2013 they can create figures, animals or even, food. These days there are sets that come with extra tools to fuel their creativity, such as an ice cream mould or a shape maker!\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nRecommended shop \nDaiso, Lot 4.13,\u00a0 Level 4, Sunway Velocity Mall\n\n\n\n\nRedeem Rewards at Sunway Velocity Mall\u2019s Blessed Christmas Until 3 January 2021!\n\n\n\n\nOver at the Main Atrium in Sunway Velocity, the Christmas atmosphere has taken over to spread holiday cheer. Shoppers can shop for special, not only gifts for kids but for everyone (or even yourself) with exclusive promotions at POPULAR, MILANO, Little Pleasures, Veesee, Skin10, Krispy Kreme and more!\u00a0\n\n\nTo celebrate a time to be grateful to our families, especially during this tough year, Sunway Velocity\u2019s Blessed Christmas will be rewarding shoppers until 3 January 2021. \n\n\nHere\u2019s what you can get:\n\n\n\n\nRM20 Food Street Cash Vouchers: \nFeast on some delicious dishes when you spend RM300 in maximum of two receipts to redeem exclusive cash vouchers, while Sunway Pals members or Sunway Velocity Mall mobile app users only need to spend RM200 in a maximum of two receipts.\n\n\nBe gifted a Glass Lock Jar Set: \nSpend RM600 in a maximum of two receipts to redeem a classic glass lock jar set. Sun Sunway Pals members or Sunway Velocity Mall mobile app users only need to spend RM500 in a maximum of four receipts to receive this.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo top it off, a discount booklet will be provided with every redemption and Sunway Pals members can collect any amount of points to enjoy one Walls ice cream, plus a daily freebie!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo become a Sunway Pals member, just download the Pals For Life app and get one Walls Ice Cream when you sign up with the code \u2018VMERRY20\u2019.\n\n\nFor more information on Sunway Velocity Mall\u2019s Blessed Christmas, visit their \nwebsite\n \nor \nFacebook page\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that, we wish everyone a very a merry Christmas \u2013 we hope this holiday brings you some joy this year!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/eat-this-fruit-if-you-want-to-conceive-a-baby-boy", "title": "Eat THIS fruit if you want to conceive a baby boy!", "body": "We\u2019ve all heard of old wive\u2019s tales about eating certain food to influence the gender of your baby. But have you ever heard that you should eat bananas for baby boy?\n\n\nNow, science has proved that there just might be some truth in these stories.\u00a0\n\n\nThe study\n\n\nScientists at UK\u2019s Exeter and Oxford universities based their research on the eating habits of 740 first-time pregnant British mums.\u00a0\n\n\nData about these women\u2019s nutritional intake was collected for the following key periods: preconception, early pregnancy and late pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nThe study was published in\u00a0\nThe Royal Society\n.\u00a0\n\n\nReportedly\n, the findings seem to confirm certain traditional beliefs related to diet and gender, while disproving others.\u00a0\n\n\nFiona Mathews, who is lead researcher on the study, had this to say:\u00a0\u201cWe were able to confirm the old wives\u2019 tale that eating \nbananas\n and so having a high potassium intake was associated with having a boy, as was a high sodium intake.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cFor the first time, we\u2019ve shown there is a clear association between a mother\u2019s diet and the gender of her infant,\u201d she elaborated.\u00a0\u201cThe mother seems to be able to influence the survival of either the sperm or the fertilised egg in its very early stages, probably before it has even implanted in the womb.\u201d\n\n\nHigh energy intake = high energy little people?\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s not just bananas that assist with the conception of little boys. Researchers also found that 56% of the women with the highest energy intake around the period of conception, had boys.\n\n\nIn other words, \u201ca higher calorie intake prior to conception can increase the chances of having a son from ten to 11 boys in every 20 births.\u201d\n\n\nThis was in comparison to just 45% of women with the lowest energy intake.\u00a0\n\n\nTo break it down further:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAverage calorie intake for mums of sons: 2,413\n\n\nAverage calorie intake for mums of daughters: 2,283\n\n\n\n\nOther than potassium found in bananas, women who had sons also consumed a higher quantity and larger range of nutrients. These included vitamins C, E and B12, as well as calcium around the time of conception.\u00a0\n\n\nAnother addition to the diets of mums of boys when they were trying to get pregnant were \nbreakfast cereals.\u00a0\n(Hint: If you want a baby boy, add chopped bananas to your morning cereal!)\u00a0\n\n\nIn contrast, women with more restricted diets were likely to have daughters.\u00a0\n\n\nMathews told \nNew Scientist\n magazine that the study identified this simple dietary \u201ctrick\u201d:\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIf you want a boy, eat a healthy diet with a high calorie intake, including breakfast.\u201d\n\n\nSensible eating in pregnancy\n\n\nLadies, do keep in mind that all health professionals \u2013 including the scientists who led this study \u2013 do\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nrecommend that you drastically change your diet with the hope of influencing the gender of your baby. For example, eating too much sodium could be detrimental to your health.\n\n\nAs Mathews says,\u00a0\u201cIf you\u2019re looking for a boy, then eating breakfast cereal every day and within safe limits, having a reasonable intake of sodium, potassium and calcium, plus a good intake of protein looks like a sensible option. It\u2019s the converse of that if you\u2019re hoping for a girl, but again, only within safe limits.\u201d\n\n\nRecommended reading: \nTips to Conceive a Baby Girl\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/special-needs", "title": "How to Teach Kids to Embrace Peers with Special Needs", "body": "At some point your kid will come across a child with special needs. It\u2019s important that kids know how to accept their peers despite their differences, as being able to get along with one another benefits everyone.\n\n\nHere are ideas on how to teach kids to embrace people with disabilities.\n\n\n1. Talk About How People Can Be Different\n\n\nChildren need to know that we all have our differences\u2014 each of us possessing unique challenges and strengths. First and foremost, we\u2019re all still people, with various characteristics that make up who we are. A disability doesn\u2019t define us.\n\n\nExplain to your child that peers with special needs might take a longer time to do some things.\n\n\nSometimes they may need extra help or special technology.\n\n\n\n\nTell her that not all kinds of special needs can be easily seen, and she can\u2019t \u2018catch\u2019 a disability from someone. Try and use simple, relatable words when you are talking to your child about the topic.\n\n\nRemember to set a safe space for her to ask questions and be curious about special needs.\n\n\n2. Expose Your Kid to Material That Discusses Diversity\n\n\n\n\nA great way to get your child to learn about disabilities is through educational material that discusses the topic\u2014in a child-friendly, uncomplicated fashion.\n\n\nSesame Street, for example, has episodes that highlight children with special needs. They even introduced a young Muppet named Julia, who has autism.\n\n\nThere are also a number of children\u2019s books that touch on diversity, such as the celebrated watercolour-illustrated book Special People, Special Ways by Arlene Maguire and Sheila Bailey.\n\n\n3. Set an Example\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s widely known that children learn a lot from observing others. As parents, children are watching us for clues on how to behave in different situations.\n\n\nBe a role model to your kids by setting the right example. Show warmth and empathy to people with special needs, and talk to parents who have kids with disabilities. Get to know them, their challenges and how you can help encourage inclusion.\n\n\n4. Explain to Your Kid That Everyone Likes Having Friends\n\n\nWe may have our differences, but people are also similar in some fundamental ways. Remind your little one that every child likes feeling included and appreciated. This is why making friends is a wonderful way to celebrate and support one another.\n\n\nYou could suggest ways for your child to make friends with peers who have special needs. Encourage your child to approach them and get to know them better. For example, if a classmate speaks with sign language, why not try and teach your child how to sign a few useful words?\n\n\nMost importantly, teach your child patience. Learning to communicate well with someone who has special needs can take some time, as it requires understanding the individual better and recognizing that each person may do things at their own pace.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\n Kiddy123.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/consume-fruits", "title": "The Correct Way to Eat Fruits!", "body": "Fruits are nature\u2019s desserts! They\u2019re packed with nutrients, loaded with fibre and to top it off, they\u2019re really tasty. It\u2019s universally understood that in order to stay healthy, there should be a measure of fruit included in your diet. But the question that is often asked is, \u201cWhat\u2019s the right way to consume fruits? Does it have to be on an empty stomach?\u201d\n\n\nTo be fair, there is no real \u2018wrong way\u2019 to consume fruit. Eating fruit at anytime of the day will still bring you health benefits to a certain extent. However, that said, there is the \u2018best\u2019 or effective way to consume fruit \u2013 one that will make sure you get the most out of each fruit and that will also reduce some of the harmful risks that might affect you from eating fruit \u2018incorrectly\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nHow to consume fruits & the best time to eat your fruits\n\n\nThe answer to this question is on an empty stomach and/or between meals. Best practice is to consume your fruit first thing in the morning before anything else. This way your body can absorb all the nutrients in said fruit because it is not bogged down by other food items in your stomach.\n\n\nFruits digest very quickly in the stomach, so when eaten on an empty stomach \u2013 especially one that is well rested overnight, it allows the stomach to easily process the fruit. This is the optimal way to eat fruit.\n\n\nRules of \u2018empty stomach\u2019 fruit:\u00a0\nBut bear in mind that not everyone is able to consume fruits on an empty stomach. I will not recommend this to those who have stomach ulcers, acid reflux and diverticulitis, as well as people who might have weak stomach functions like the elderly or toddlers. This is because certain fruits such as grapefruits, cranberries, pineapples, tomatoes, citrus, lemons and even persimmons, contain acetic acid that stimulates the production of gastric acid in the stomach which can worsen heartburn and lead to discomfort later.\n\n\nBetween meals as a snack\n\n\nFruits are also great as a snack between two meals \u2013 mid morning snack and mid afternoon snack. I always say that a balanced diet should consist of three main meals and two snacks. Not only will this keep your metabolism rate up, a healthy snack in between will also help maintain your blood sugar levels so your body does not fall into \u2018starvation\u2019 mode and start storing fat instead of losing fat.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nNever consume fruits at this time\n\n\n1# Right after a meal\n\n\nUs Malaysians do love to finish our meals with a little bit of fruit. Many falsely believe that by eating some fruits after a meal, it helps digest or breakdown the calories that they just consumed effectively. Sorry to burst your bubble but eating fruit right after a meal will not counter the calories you just ate \u2013 remember fruits contain calories too, especially those high in sugar. So you are only putting extra burden/calories in your body.\n\n\nAll this extra sugar (from fruits) can cause havoc in those who suffer from metabolic syndromes, glucose intolerance and diabetes. The sweetness of the fruit mainly comes from the fructose content, and unlike glucose, fructose goes directly to the liver to be metabolised, and the metabolic product? It\u2019s \u2018fat\u2019 and it is stored in the body. So, can you consume too much fruit and put on weight? The answer is YES!\n\n\nSo consume these high sugar fruits in moderation:\n\n\nBanana, fig, grapes, guava, kumquat, lychee, mango, persimmon, pomegranate, durian, and watermelon.\n\n\nFor those who have issues with sugar, eat these low in sugar fruits:\n\n\nPapaya, passion fruit, peach, apple, pear, pineapple, plum, raspberry, and strawberries.\n\n\n2# Right before you go to bed\n\n\nIf you really want to snack on fruit before bed, make sure you pick the \u2018right\u2019 type of fruit. Bananas (contains tryptophan that helps you relax), kiwis (natural serotonin that calms you down), and cherries (natural melatonin that improve sleep), are good choices as they aid sleep. That said, make sure you consume fruits at least one to two hours before bedtime. Avoid high-in-sugar fruits like mango, durian, and grape right before bed, as these may actually disturb your sleep during the night because of the sugar content that can keep your brain active and awake.\n\n\n\n\n3# Fruit juice is not as healthy as the whole fruit\n\n\nFruit juice is tasty and refreshing, but is not as healthy as the real deal. When a whole fruit is pressed to make juice, some of the nutrients, most notably the fibre and the water-soluble vitamins, are lost in the process. While 100% fruit juice is not completely devoid of nutrients, it is undoubtedly less nutrient dense than the whole fruit that it came from.\u00a0\n\n\nTake the almighty orange juice. A staple in many breakfasts all over the world. The white pulpy part of the orange is the primary source of its flavonoids, which are colourful pigments that support numerous metabolic processes in the body, and most importantly, it also helps you to absorb the vitamin C from the orange. In other words it is there for a reason as a whole, but when the pulpy white part of the orange is removed in the processing of orange juice, the flavonoids in the orange are lost in the process.\n\n\nAdditionally, fruit juices are also loaded with sugar, although it is \u2018healthy\u2019 natural sugar, but too much of a good thing can also be an issue. And stay away from juice boxes from supermarkets! They contain very little actual fruit and a lot of preservatives and sugar. As a result, it is easy to consume a large amount of calories without getting any actual nutrition.\n\n\nHope these tips help. Enjoy eating your fruits! If these fruit-eating tips were beneficial and you\u2019d like more info by well known nutritionists and health experts, check out our\u00a0\nVirtual Care Package\u00a0\nby Carina Lipold, where you\u2019ll get natural remedies and healthy yummy recipes. To do at your own time, certified by experts, guaranteed to get you and your family onto the healthy train.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0di\u00a0\niOS\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nAndroid\n\u00a0sekarang!\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nGive Health A Shot\nIni Sebabnya Ada Ibu Bapa Enggan Vaksin Anak-Anak dan Mereka Harus Ubah Fikiran\nTip keibubapaan\nWiggle Boks, Kotak Keperluan Bayi Yang WAJIB Dimiliki Semua Ibu Bapa Sibuk!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nPertandingan & promosi\nSambutan Istimewa Untuk Para Ibu - Super Brand Day Special!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/anxiety-disorder", "title": "Parenting With Anxiety", "body": "Anxiety can affect anyone & anybody. As it comes unannounced, anxiety can make your life a bit stressful. But, being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder is not the end of the world.\n\n\nAnxiety may make your heart race and you may feel like it\u2019s hard to catch a breath. You may feel hopeless, you cry and at the end of the day, and the anxiety can leave your body exhausted.\n\n\nAnxiety can develop for any reason, unknowingly. However, anxiety is also a common disorder diagnosed in new mothers. Postpartum disorder, the experience of handling a demanding newborn baby can sometimes drain the mother which can then lead to anxiety. And as a parent, dealing with anxiety can be challenging.\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, as a parent who has an anxiety disorder, daily challenges with the responsibilities and taking care of children can make your anxiety worse. But to breakdown in front of the kids is not ideal. Fortunately, anxiety can be better managed by adding several of the tips below:\n\n\n\nRead: \n5 Postpartum depression symptoms you should know\n\n\n\n\nGet your \u201cme time\u201d at least once a week\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nIf you are a full-time parent who manages the house, doing all the house chores alone while managing children can be stressful and tiring at times. This is why a \u201cme time\u201d can be very helpful. \u201cMe time\u201d can help us to find ourselves, our passions or hobbies. Take some hours off at least once a week, go out for some window shopping, have a massage or have a coffee with friends. This can help to rejuvenate our mind and soul & helps with managing anxiety.\u00a0\n\n\nTake a deep breath\n\n\nYou probably heard this tip from your therapist or physician if you have ever seeked professional treatment. When the anxiety attacks, we will find ourselves having difficulty in breathing like we are running out of air. But by adopting breathing techniques, this \u201cout-of-air\u201d can gradually be managed. What you can do each time the anxiety attacks is similar to meditation. Get yourself to sit comfortably and take a deep breath; slowly inhale through your nose & exhale out your mouth. One round is for ten counts. Do this for at least four or five sets until you feel calm.\u00a0\n\n\nAdopt plants\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nNature is a good therapist. Adopting plants at home can help to alleviate the stress and promote calmness in the ambience. Studies also support that being around plants makes us release more serotonin which can calm us. Thus, this can help to improve mood and reduce anxiety.\u00a0\n\n\nLess perfectionism\u00a0\n\n\nSome people can be perfectionists. While perfection may be needed in some tasks or areas, sometimes it can cause more stress than good. Accept the fact that as humans we can never be perfect. Sometimes letting go and taking things easy or as they show up can save ourselves from unnecessary stress that may lead to anxiety attacks.\n\n\nGet some peace\n\n\nHaving children following us around and clinging onto us 24-hours can take a toll on the mothers\u2019 mental health. Not to mention when they are fighting and crying and you had to play a referee. Take a short time for some peace such as taking a long shower, do some reading or gardening. Include this into your everyday routine and see how it changes your mood.\u00a0\n\n\nInclude him and let\u2019s co-parenting\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nRemember, taking care of children is not one person\u2019s job alone. Parenting needs both partners to work together. Co-parenting can be extremely helpful to your mental health. Parenting together can lift the burden and halve the stress. As a parent with anxiety, being open with your partner is important. Let your partner know what triggers your anxiety so he too can play his part. Sometimes being open to your partner can help reduce the pain and working together can spark more love between the couple.\u00a0\n\n\nEvery mother wants the best for their children. Anxiety may affect the quality of life of a mother, but it can never affect the quality of her parenting. Living with anxiety may be challenging, but by adopting the right tools, we can pick up the pieces and stand strong for our children.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0di\u00a0\niOS\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nAndroid\n\u00a0sekarang!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tips-on-how-to-raise-a-bilingual-kid", "title": "9 Ways You Can Implement To Raise A Bilingual Child", "body": "Children are like sponges. It is amazing how they can soak up loads of information and develop phenomenal learning capacity that the average adult cannot do. So when it comes to language acquisition, adopt these clever techniques in honing your little one\u2019s skills to become a \nbilingual\n child.\n\n\nTips On How To Raise A Bilingual Child\n\n\n\n\nJoin a playgroup\n\n\nAllow your child to join in a playgroup or any learning situation where other kids speak the second language. He or she can learn best in a fun, laid-back, normal environment where there are many children of different ages.\n\n\nRead to your child\n\n\nStart \nreading for your bundle of joy\n as soon as he or she arrives and don\u2019t stop even until he or she is able to do it on his or her own. In fact, you should even encourage questions, comments, and suggestions while reading together.\n\n\nMake it fun!\n\n\nSecond language fluency can be supported by surrounding your child with games, television shows, and other learning tools that build up the vocabulary, provide grammar rules, and enhance other pertinent language skills.\n\n\nWatch shows in a different language\n\n\nIf your child loves games and adventure, find out ways you can enhance his or her bilingual skills in this aspect. \u201cMy 3-year old daughter adores all the \u201cDora the Explorer\u201d episodes,\u201d says a mom. \u201cSo we download the \u201cDora la Exploradora\u201d series to get her to learn more about the Spanish language.\u201d\n\n\nThink outside the box\n\n\nA dad wanted his son to hear Chinese from someone else other than just him, so he brings him to parishioners\u2019 tea after the Sunday mass. \u201cMy little one is a huge delight for the other families especially when they hear him utter words in Chinese.\u201d\n\n\nAdopt a strategy\n\n\nIt can be one parent speaks the mother tongue when talking to the child while the other speaks the second language. You can also try speaking the second language at home if the child speaks the mother tongue in any other places.\n\n\nReward your child\n\n\nWhile other parents may not agree, you can let your child earn a little prize if he or she finishes a task or has done something great to enhance his or her bilingual skills. \u201cMy daughter loves all Angry Birds novelties so after she finishes her daily homework, she gets something to add up to her collection. It only heightens her enthusiasm for doing her task.\u201d\n\n\nInvest in a bilingual babysitter\n\n\nIf you need to find a babysitter, go for an au-pair or a babysitter who can teach your kid a new language. The payment would be worth it and soon you\u2019ll have a bilingual kid at home.\n\n\nTravel with your kid\n\n\n\n\nVisit the country where the language is spoken, if your budget and time will allow you to do so. Total immersion for even just a few days can do wonders to your child\u2019s bilingual skills. If you do not want to break the bank, encourage family and friends to pay you a visit instead so they can interact with your little one\n\n\nAbove all, remember to provide all the love and attention your child needs during his or her formative years. Time flies fast so enjoy every moment that he or she learns to utter simple syllables until meaningful sentences. Resist reprimanding when your child commits a mistake. Do not get irritated too quickly when he or she asks questions repeatedly. It may take a lot of effort to do so but it will quicken the pace of your child\u2019s bilingual skills and deepen your bond with each other.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/inspiring-instagramers-malaysia", "title": "Inspiring Instagrammers in Malaysia", "body": "Inspiration is everywhere \u2014\u00a0whether it is food, fame, brains, amazing couples and wanderlust that tickles your fancy. Whether you aspire to be them, cook like them, here are some of my favourite inspiring Instagrammers in Malaysia.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Inspired by\u00a0Number of Followers\n\n\nIf fame by number of followers inspires you then your sure bet is \nNora Danish,\n\u00a0\n\u00a0To date she\u00a0has surpassed even the likes of \nLisa Surihani\n, \nDato\u2019 Siti Nurhaliza\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nScha Alyahya\n\u00a0with\u00a03.7 million followers on Instagram.\n\n\nNora binti Mohd Danish Hanif\n (born 7 March 1982) or better known as \nNora Danish\n is a Malaysian actress, model and television host. Ambassador for SafiRaniaGold, OPPOF1 and MameeChef, she is also a mother and a \nsingle parent\n. Despite her rocky marriage that ended in a divorce, she still emits cheer where ever she goes and remains positive about her love life.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#2 Inspired by Power Couples\n\n\nShe is\u00a0\nScha Alyahya\n, a Malaysian actress, model and TV host. He is\u00a0\nAwal Ashaari\n, a Malaysian actor, model and TV host. And together with their daughter\u00a0rising Instagram celebrity \nLara Alana\n and you\u2019ve got yourself the top Instagram family to follow.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#3 Inspiring Foodies\n\n\nNeed I say more? Click \nhere\n for more \u201ctorture\u201d.\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#4\u00a0Inspiring Wanderlust\n\n\nHadhinah Fawwazah Nasaruddin or better known as \nHannah on Earth\n is a full-time adventurer in the USA. Hails from Borneo, she has toured 47 of the 50 states in the USA and hopes to complete all 50 of them\u00a0. Travelling to all 50 states in the USA is a feat in itself, even people in the USA alone find this difficult. Besides USA, Hadhinah has traveled to more than 20 countries around the world.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#5 Inspired by\u00a0Brains, Beauty and\u00a0Talent\n\n\nLisa Surihani binti Mohamed\n is a Malaysian actress, model, television host and commercial model. Better known as \nLisa Surihani\n, she was born on 23 March 1986 and raised in Kuala Lumpur to a family of Buginese and Chinese heritage. She has completed her studies majoring in Law from Help University College and Aberystwyth University in Wales, United Kingdom. She is also wife to Yusry of KRU and mother to daughter Yahaira Leanne. With so many awards under her belt, there is no denying her talent.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pelvic-health-issues", "title": "7 Pelvic Health Issues You Need To Know About As A Mother", "body": "When the words \u201cpelvic health\u201d come to mind, what do you think of? Many women don\u2019t know what to think because there has been little education about it.\u00a0\n\n\nIn fact, there are many conditions that women suffer from in silence because they have no idea what they are going through or they are embarrassed about it.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThese are 7 common pelvic health issues that women go through.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Urinary incontinence\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve ever laughed so hard, a little bit of pee came out, this is just a minor instance of urinary incontinence. And guess what? That\u2019s not normal. As women grow older, or they recover from labour or surgery, or maybe even go through major hormone changes such as menopause, they might find themselves suffering from urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence, or lack of bladder control, can be caused by many factors \u2013 some of which has been listed above.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Fecal incontinence\n\n\nThough not as common as urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence is another pelvic health issue that women often face and need to address in their lives and is the second most common issue women face. Fecal incontinence is the lack of bowel control. Those experiencing this might have the urge to pass a bowel movement but not be able to control before reaching the toilet or they might just leak stools anytime.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Overactive bladder\n\n\nAn overactive bladder is described as the need to use the toilet excessively. This means needing to go multiple times in the night, not being able to hold your urine in without feeling that it will leak out or always needing to rush to the toilet. This can be caused by uncontrolled diabetes, pelvic floor nerve damage, low levels of oestrogen after menopause or even sleep apnoea.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n4. Uterine prolapse\u00a0\n\n\nThere are actually four types of prolapses that can happen in women. First is the uterine prolapse, which is when the uterus drops in the vaginal canal (and sometimes out of the vagina). It can happen due to any of these factors like childbirth, chronic coughing, chronic constipation and heavy lifting, which can cause straining of the abdominal muscles or very commonly, menopause, which causes oestrogen levels to decrease and, as a result, weaken pelvic tissues.\n\n\n5. Cystocele prolapse\n\n\nThis type of prolapse happens when the front wall of the vagina sags and causes the bladder to drop. Aging is one of the factors that causes this pelvic floor issue, but it can also be due to childbirth, menopause or injury.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Rectocele/enterocele\n\n\nThis kind of prolapse is when the back wall of the vagina pouches forward, causing the rectum or the intestines to bulge into the vagina. This can also be caused by childbirth or obesity or injury.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Vaginal vault prolapse\n\n\nFinally, the last kind of prolapse that women experience is the vaginal vault prolapse which is when the vaginal walls sag after a patient has a hysterectomy.\n\n\nBut not all hope is lost if you are facing such problems. There are many ways you can address these issues like practicing Kegel exercises, hormone therapy or even prolapse surgery for the more extreme cases.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re not sure about your condition, it is always best to check with an expert. \nVibrance Pelvic Care Centre\n in Bangsar offers consultation and treatment options for women who want to improve their pelvic health.\u00a0 Find out more about your pelvic health today.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information, \ndownload\n theAsianparent Malaysia app, the #1 parenting app in Southeast Asia.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nKesihatan\nSenarai Jenis Najis Bayi, Awas Jika Najis Anak Anda Berwarna & Tekstur Ini\nKesihatan\nMasalah Anemia Atau Kekurangan Darah Merah Boleh Terjadi Disebabkan Pelbagai Punca\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/all-inclusive-resorts-club-med", "title": "All-Inclusive Family Holiday Destinations for That Much-Needed Quality Time With Kids Only At Club Med", "body": "When it comes to family holidays, choosing the right destination is key to ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide where to go. But fear not, as we\u2019ve put together a guide to help you choose the perfect family holiday destination.\n\n\nWith school holidays commencing, many families are seeking destinations and activities to spend some much-needed quality time with their children that not only keep them occupied, but also provide a transformative experience that helps build their knowledge, skills, character, and confidence in the real world.\n\n\nThings to Consider Before Picking Your All Inclusive Resorts Destination\n\n\n\n\nFirstly, consider the age range of your family members. If you have young children, a destination with plenty of activities suitable for them, such as water parks or theme parks, may be ideal. Alternatively, if you have teenagers, a destination with vibrant nightlife and adventure activities like rock climbing or surfing could be more suitable.\n\n\nSecondly, consider your family\u2019s interests. If you\u2019re a family of nature lovers, a national park or countryside retreat could be a great choice. Alternatively, if you\u2019re a family of foodies, a destination with a rich culinary scene could be perfect.\n\n\nThirdly, consider practicalities such as budget and travel time. If you\u2019re on a tight budget, a destination with affordable accommodation and activities could be ideal. If you have limited time, a destination within a short flight or drive could be more convenient.\n\n\nClub Med, the Leading Name in All Inclusive Resorts\n\n\nClub Med has been a pioneer of kids and family experiences since 1967 and guests with families will feel right at home as everything from the get-go is designed to make families feel welcome and free to make the most of their holidays.\n\n\nWith so many destinations they offer, you will be spoilt for choice. Here are some of our favorite top picks!\n\n\nEnroll in the school of cool at Club Med Kiroro Peak, Hokkaido, Japan\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThose looking for a spring skiing adventure will be delighted with the latest addition to Club Med\u2019s mountain portfolio in Hokkaido, Club Med Kiroro Peak. The resort, which is open to guests ages 12 years old and above, will provide a one-of-kind snow experience offering guests access to some of the best powder snow in the world and long ski seasons till May, the only Club Med mountain resort in Asia to offer spring skiing.\n\n\nBringing on a new dimension to vacation experiences, the 216-room resort offers a multitude of facilities and activities including the brand\u2019s first traditional Japanese onsen, distinctive restaurant and bar concepts, a full-service spa and wellness space, modern event spaces.\n\n\nClub Med\u2019s all-inclusive formula allows for a hassle-free holiday, as ski lift passes and group skiing or snowboarding lessons are also offered in the holiday package.\u00a0\n\n\nEmbark in an adventure into the wild at Club Med Cherating\n\n\n\n\nThe resort boasts a breath-taking view of nature, nestled in an 85-hectare seaside jungle retreat that beckons a family-fun filled adventure into the wild. Whether it is adults or children, guests can look forward to plenty of spaces and activities within the resort compound, such as the signature flying trapeze,\u00a0educational nature walks, or other adrenaline-pumping sports such as archery, tennis, rock climbing, and sailing.\n\n\nClub Med Cherating is also committed to sharing their values on biodiversity preservation by partnering with The Turtle Conservation Society \u2013 the first non-governmental and non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of wild turtle population in Malaysia.\n\n\nThe collaboration has brought about specially designed programs suited for the whole family with the aim of raising awareness on one of the most endangered animals in the country. Families can look forward to interactive activities that are both educational and fun, such as:\n\n\n\n\nEnvironmentally-friendly soap and lotion making DIY workshops, where guests can look forward to learning about how house-hold products can affect the habitat of turtles and other sea animals. Adults and children alike will be delighted as they not only get to bring home a new skill, but also the products made at the workshop as souvenirs.\n\n\nInformative mini exhibition of turtle specimens as well as interactive talks for guests to learn more on the importance of biodiversity and the existing turtle population in our region.\n\n\n\n\nBe immersed in the cultural wonders of Thailand at Club Med Phuket\n\n\n\n\nThis vibrant family-centric resort comes complete with newly-designed spaces and upgraded entertainment facilities that offer families and couples a tropical island paradise gateway.\n\n\nAt Club Med Phuket, they can connect with their loved ones and take advantage of the wide open spaces of rich greenery and landscapes, beach views of the Andaman sea and revel in the myriad of fun activities, cultural highlights and delectable local and international fare at their fingertips. Club Med Phuket is back and ready to welcome guests back to happiness.\n\n\nA brand-new partnership with \u201cOceans For All\u201d will help to breed these endangered species and support the marine biodiversity in Phuket. The bamboo sharks are a harmless breed that feed on invertebrates like crabs and small fish on the reef and are threatened due to its popularity with fish collectors and exotic food enthusiasts.\n\n\nClub Med Phuket is dedicated to the conservation of the bamboo sharks and will be taken care of by our Gentil Organizers (G.Os), and after 4 to 6 months, they will be released into the ocean. This will provide them with a size advantage and give them a better chance of survival in the ocean.\n\n\nConnect with your loved ones under the sun at Club Med Bali\n\n\n\n\nClub Med Bali invites you to a harmonious destination for the whole family, where you can relax in our wellness spa and enjoy the best beaches Bali has to offer. Dive into outdoor adventures, get Zen with a yoga practice on the beach and take in the natural beauty of Bali. Rejuvenate your body, savour authentic Indonesian flavours, appreciate perfect family moments and connect to the soul of Bali through vivid experiences at Club Med.\n\n\nConnecting you to the soul of Bali, the resort also introduced a dedicated Balinese Day each week, where families can join in local cooking classes with striking flavours and relish in the rich, cultural performances.\n\n\nAnother note-worthy event is the Nomad Festival themed day, where colourful bohemian-chic happenings and curated workshops such as eco-friendly glitter make-up, dreamcatcher-making and boho-chic festival party with a live DJ await. Watch as families of all ages doll up, bringing vibrancy of the island to life and with it.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nHow Does Picky Eating Affect My Child's Growth?\nLifestyle\nParents, Here\u2019s How To Effectively Support Your Child\u2019s Dreams\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\nMoney Parenting\nA Quick Look At How Asian Parents Teach About Money\n\n\nChildcare at Club Med\n\n\n\n\nFrom 4 to 17 years, children will be meaningfully engaged by the attentive G.Os with a most enriching experience at \nMini Club Med+,\n a brand new science-based framework inspired by Positive Education.\n\n\nWith specially designed age-appropriate programmes that seamlessly integrate education into play and encourage the development of unique character strengths.\n\n\n\u00a0Club Med prides itself on uncovering a child\u2019s Creativity, Confidence, Connection, Cheerfulness, Courage and Cooperation (the 6 Cs of Mini Club Med +); vital soft skills to being happy, staying connected and growing with confidence.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNot forgetting the youngest from 4 months to 3 years of age, Baby Club Med and Petit Club Med are available in selected Club Med resorts with a programme of their own and is bookable in advance at an additional\u00a0cost.\n\n\nIn addition, children under the age of 4 get to stay free at selected Club Med resorts!\u00a0\n\n\nUltimately, the perfect family holiday destination will depend on your family\u2019s preferences and priorities. By considering the above factors and doing some research, you\u2019re sure to find a destination that will create lifelong memories for everyone.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/slow-down-we-are-sharing-the-road", "title": "School Zone Safety: Slow Down, We are Sharing the Road", "body": "A Year Five pupil from SK Telok Medan was pronounced dead at the scene\u00a0after he was knocked down by a lorry in front of the school last\u00a0\nWednesday\n.\u00a0A\u00a0CCTV footage, believed to have been recorded by the school\u2019s security system, went viral after it was shared on social media yesterday.\n\n\nThe \n35 second footage\n showed\u00a0Mohamad Haikal Helme crossing the road to his school at the designated crossing spot to the school entrance. A crossing guard, who was manning the traffic, had also held up a \u201cSTOP\u201d\u00a0sign to allow the pupils to cross the road.\n\n\n\n\ncredit : www.hoffmannpersonalinjury.com\n\n\n\n\nThe lorry driver had seen the victim crossing the road. But because the distance was too near, he could not stop the vehicle in time and ran over the pupil.\n\n\nMinistry of Education\n\n\nThe Education Ministry will\u00a0be working with police on traffic conditions in front of schools, especially those with entrances near a main road.\n\n\nSungai Siput, Perak, Deputy Education Minister Datuk P. Kamalanathan urged the Road Transport Depart\u00adment (JPJ) and safety authorities to take \nstern action against motorists who speed in school zones\n.\n\n\n\u201cThe ministry will look into improving safety measures but in the most recent incident, the driver was speeding without heeding the signs, even in the presence of a road safety guard,\u201d he said.\n\n\nWhat Can Parents Do?\n\n\nIf You\u2019re Dropping off\u00a0\n\n\n\n\ncredit : www.kosmo.com.my\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKnow the school\u2019s designated drop-off point and crossing point\n\n\nDon\u2019t double park; it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles\n\n\nDon\u2019t load or unload children across the street from the school\n\n\nCarpool to reduce the number of vehicles at the school\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemember You Are Sharing the Road with Young Pedestrians\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t block the zebra crossing\u00a0forcing pedestrians to go around you; this could put them in the path of moving traffic like motorbikes\n\n\nAlways stop for a school traffic guard on duty holding up a stop sign\n\n\nTake extra care to look out for children in school zones\n\n\nNever pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians\n\n\n\n\nRemember You Are Sharing the Road with School Buses and Transporters\n\n\n\n\nTake extra care\u00a0if you\u2019re passing a school bus, van or transporter that has stopped to load or unload children\n\n\nIf you have to stop, stop far enough back to allow them space to safely enter and exit the bus\n\n\nBe alert; children often are unpredictable, and they tend to ignore hazards and take risks\n\n\n\n\nRemember You Could Be Sharing the Road with Bicyclists\n\n\nThis is not so common in the city, but in smaller towns this could be a possibility especially if the school is really near homes. Generally bikers are already hard to see. Children riding bikes are even harder to notice.\n\n\nI don\u2019t think\u00a0road traffic safety are taught\u00a0as an actual subject in schools in Malaysia. I seriously doubt some of these kids are taught basic bicycle safety. You got to admit that here in Malaysia, we are not very good at enforcing\u00a0rules.\n\n\n\n\nBe extra vigilant in school zones and residential neighborhoods\n\n\nWatch for bikes coming from driveways,\u00a0behind parked cars or in between cars\n\n\nCheck side mirrors before opening your door\n\n\nWatch for bike riders turning in front of you without looking or signaling; children especially have a tendency to do this\n\n\n\n\n\n\ncredit : sktmnputraperdana.blogspot.com\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\n\nBy exercising\u00a0a little extra care and caution, drivers and pedestrians can co-exist safely in school zones.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/20-single-royals-to-obsess-about-now-that-prince-harry-is-married", "title": "20 Single royals to obsess about now that Prince Harry is married", "body": "One of the single royals, is now taken! What\u2019s that sound you hear? It\u2019s the sound of a million women groaning as they watch Prince Harry\u2019s ship sail from the land of singles. After the\n royal got married\u00a0to Meghan Markle\n, women the world over couldn\u2019t help but feel both happy and sad. \n\n\nOn one hand, they\u2019ll have to stop dreaming of marrying their favourite British prince. On the other, who wouldn\u2019t be thrilled to see Prince Harry so happy and obviously in love with Ms Markle?\n\n\nPrince Harry may no longer available, but there\u2019s no reason to fret. Monarchies still exist elsewhere in the world. Looking for single royals is still easy, though they may not be as popular as the British princes. \n\n\nThese single royals have the look, the style, and the riches. Plus they have social media accounts.\n\n\nTake a look at this list of the most eligible single royals in the world today.\n\n\nSingle Royals That You Need To Follow:\n\n\n1. Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah of Jordan\n\n\n\n\nA scion of the royal line of the Hashemite family, the 23-year-old prince is the son of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan. He\u2019s a second lieutenant in the Jordanian Armed Forces, and a graduate of Georgetown University with a degree in international history. \n\n\nHe is in charge of the Crown Prince Foundation, which is responsible for a technical university and a number of scientific and humanitarian initiatives. In 2015, when he was just 21 years old, Hussein was the youngest person to chair a UN Security Council session. \n\n\nHe has an \nInstagram\n account with more than 1.2 million followers. From his pictures, his interests include playing football, motorcycling, playing the guitar, and reading. \n\n\n2. Prince Hamdan bin Mohammed of Dubai\n\n\n\n\nSheik Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum\u00a0\nis the Crown Prince of Dubai. As his Instagram account (with 6 million followers) shows, he\u2019s into adventure sports like hiking, semi-professional skydiving, regular diving, cycling, horse riding, and zip lining.\u00a0\n\n\nPrince Hamadan bin Mohammed s also an accomplished poet, publishing his work under the name Fazza, a name in which he\u2019s popularly known. His poetry is mainly romantic, patriotic, and about his family.\n\n\n3. Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaughter of Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the 29-year-old single royal is eighth in line to the British throne. In an interview on her 18th birthday, Princess Beatrice said she wanted to use her position to help others through charity work. By that time, she had already undertaken charitable duties alongside her mother, Sarah, the Duchess of York.\u00a0\n\n\nIn 2002 alone, Princess Beatrice visited children living with HIV in Russia, supported Springboard for Children (a literacy project for children with learning difficulties) and the Teenage Cancer Trust in Britain. \n\n\nIn April 2010, she became the first member of the royal family to complete the London Marathon in order to raise money for Children in Crisis. She is also the patron of Forget Me Not Children\u2019s Hospice.\n\n\n4. Princess Eugenie of York\n\n\n\n\nSister to Princess Beatrice, the 27-year-old single royal has gifted the world with her royal grace and ventures into charity and art. She has been working for the Hauser & Wirth art gallery in London as an associate director since 2015.\n\n\n5. Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana of Thailand\n\n\n\n\nThe sole daughter of Thailand\u2019s Crown Prince, she\u2019s ranked by Forbes magazine as one of the hottest royals in the world. She is also a fashion designer with two fashion shows under her belt.\n\n\n6. Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark\n\n\n\n\nPrince Philippos is the son of former monarchs \nQueen Anne-Marie\n of Denmark\u00a0and King\u00a0\nConstantine II of Greece.\n\u00a0He belongs to a generation of young European royals who went to New York City, seeking anonymity. There, they also seek a chance to prove themselves without the help of their royal titles. \n\n\nHe graduated from United World College \u2013 USA, and\u00a0\nthe Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. He is currently an analyst at Ortelius Capital, a hedge fund, in New York City. He even has a \nLinkedIn account\n.\n\n\n7. Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark\n\n\n\n\nSister of Prince Philippos and daughter of former King Constantine II of Greece and Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark, Princess Theodora is an actress going by the stage name Theodora Greece. \n\n\nPrincess\u00a0\nTheodora moved to \nLos \nAngeles in April 2010\n to pursue an acting career. She made her television debut as secretary Alison Montgomery in the long-running \nsoap opera\n, \nThe Bold and the Beautiful\n, on December 5, 2011.\n\n\n8. Prince Constantine-Alexios of Greece and Denmark\n\n\n\n\nPrince Constantine-Alexios is the youngest single royal on the list, at 19 years old. He is the eldest son of Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece, and Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece, and the godson of Prince William of Britain. The prince is currently studying at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., and you can have a look at him in school at \nhis Instagram account\n.\n\n\nHe has four siblings:\u00a0\nPrincess Maria-Olympia\n, 21, Prince Achileas-Andreas, 17, Prince Odysseas-Kimon, 12, and nine-year-old Prince Aristidis-Stavros. (More single royals who will be fawned over by adoring fans of royalty.)\n\n\n9. Prince Haji \u201cAbdul\u201d Azim of Brunei\n\n\n\n\nHe is fourth in line to the throne of Brunei. He is a paparazzi favourite and the most well-known of Brunei\u2019s royal family. And for good reason. He\u2019s been known to steal the spotlight because of his extravagant lifestyle and lavish star-studded parties. \n\n\n10. Prince Albert of Thurn and Taxis\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nBorn\u00a0Albert Maria Lamoral Miguel Johannes Gabriel, 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis, he is a German aristocrat, businessman, and race car driver. He is also a\u00a0regular on the \u2018World\u2019s Youngest Billionaires\u2019 list since his father\u2019s death in 1990. In 2008, Prince Albert ranked 11th on Forbes Magazine\u2019s List of\u00a0The 20 Hottest Young Royals.\n\n\n11. Princess Elizabeth of Thurn and Taxis\n\n\n\n\nBorn\n Elisabeth Margarete Maria Anna Beatriz Prinzessin von Thurn und Taxis\n,\n\u00a0Princess Elizabeth is a German journalist She has certainly made a name for herself in art, travel, and fashion. She is even capable of liturgical writing. She penned a liturgical volume about faith, and she had a regular column in \nVatican\n magazine.\n\n\nWhile she is known professionally as Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis, she is frequently referred by her nickname, TNT. She is now based in London and has been a style editor-at-large for \nVogue\n magazine since 2012.\u00a0\n\n\n12. Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein\n\n\n\n\nPopularly known as \u2018Vince the Prince,\u2019 he was born on May 12, 1974. Though he\u2019s 43 years old as of this writing, the single royal still hasn\u2019t settled down for marriage just yet.\u00a0\n\n\n13. Lady Amelia Sophia Theodora Mary Margaret Windsor\n\n\n\n\nDaughter of Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent, the young and single royal is known for her disarming beauty and bold fashion choices. The 22-year-old, affectionately called \u2018Mel\u2019 by friends and family, has kept a relatively low profile until she was named the most beautiful member of Britain\u2019s royal family in Tatler magazine\u2019s April issue two years ago. \n\n\nShe is currently 36th in line to the British throne. She is the darling of the fashion world for her daring and impressive style, so it would only be fair to name her the most stylish member of the royal family as well.\n\n\n14. Lady Marina Charlotte Windsor\n\n\n\n\nLady Amelia\u2019s older sister and a well known name in the royal high society, Lady Marina Charlotte Alexandra Katharine Helen Windsor is a fashion figure in her own right. \n\n\n15. Prince S\u00e9bastien of Luxembourg\n\n\n\n\nBorn\u00a0\nS\u00e9bastien Henri Marie Guillaume on April 16, 1992, he is the fifth and youngest child of\u00a0\nGrand Duke Henri\n and \nGrand Duchess Maria Teresa\n. The single royal is currently sixth in the line of succession after his elder siblings. He graduated from the 44-week officer training course at the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst and qualified as an Officer Cade. On September 4 this year, he took the oath as an officer of the Luxembourg Army.\u00a0\n\n\n16. Princess Alexandra of Luxemborg \n\n\n\n\nThe fourth child and only daughter of Grand Duke Henri and Duchess Maria Teresa, Princess Alexandra is one classy single royal. She was born\u00a0Alexandra Jos\u00e9phine Teresa Charlotte Marie Wilhelmine\u00a0on February 16, 1991. These days she undertakes engagements like visiting a school for students with disabilities, and accompanying her father for the Japanese State Visit this year. Single royals are so happy to have her as one!\n\n\n17. Prince Joachim of Belgium\n\n\n\n\nPrince Joachim is ninth in line to succeed the Belgian throne. He is currently 27 years old, and he is a ranking officer in the Belgian Navy. All of his grandparents and great-grandparents are royal or noble. He is descended from the Austrian, Belgian, Italian, French, Swedish, Danish, British, Portuguese, Spanish and German royal or imperial families.\n\n\n18. Princess Maria Laura of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este\n\n\n\n\nBorn\u00a0Maria Laura Zita Beatrix Gerhard on August 26, 1988, the single royal\u00a0is the second child and oldest daughter of Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este, and Princess Astrid of Belgium. She is currently eighth in line to the Belgian throne. She is fluent in French, Dutch, and German, the three official languages of Belgium, as well as English.\u00a0\n\n\n19. Sheikha Maitha bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of the UAE\n\n\n\n\nNot only does she possess royalty and beauty, she is also an award-winning athlete who represented the UAE in the 2006 Asian Games. She won the silver medal at the Women\u2019s Over 60 Kilogram karate event and participated in the 67 kg category for women in tae kwon do. She is the daughter of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. One of the most inspirational single royals.\n\n\n20. Kgosi Leruo Molotlegi of the Royal Bafokeng Nation\n\n\n\n\nThe only king in this list, he is the 36th King of the Royal Bafokeng Nation in the Republic of South Africa. He is effectively a king without a queen.\n\n\nThis single royal is the\u00a0\nPresident of the Mineral Rights Association of Indigenous People of South Africa, an alumnus of Holton College in Natal, South Africa, and holds a university degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from Natal University. He is also a keen sportsman and holds a Victor Ludorum Gold Medallion at Hilton. That\u2019s not all. Apart from being a sportsman, he is also a fixed wing and rotocraft pilot. He was appointed an Honorary Colonel in the South African Air Force.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/diagnosed-with-diabetes", "title": "Recently Diagnosed with Diabetes: 10 Things You Need to Know", "body": "If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, here are a few things you need to know \u2013 you are not alone. In the next four years, seven million Malaysians are expected to have diabetes and it is\u00a0prevalent among 31.3% of adults. The World Health Organisation (WHO) even dedicated November 14th for this medical condition.\n\n\nDiabetes is a medical condition where the pancreas doesn\u2019t produce enough insulin or the body is unable to use the insulin at an optimum level.\n\n\nThere are four types of diabetes \u2013 Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes mellitus and prediabetes. Of these, gestational is a case of glucose intolerance during pregnancy and disappears post-delivery for women.\u00a0\nPrediabetes\n\u00a0is the presence of higher blood glucose levels but it is not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. A\u00a0\n2016 report\n\u00a0indicated that prediabetes in Malaysia is underdiagnosed.\n\n\nType 1, also known as juvenile diabetes, is an autoimmune case where cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed by the body\u2019s immune system. Type 2 refers to a condition where your body does not make enough insulin or the insulin made does not function properly.\n\n\nHalf of those with Type 2 diabetes are 54 years or younger. Up to 90% of people living with diabetes have Type 2. Both types have similar symptoms. Some of them include:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nfrequent urination\n\n\nfeeling thirsty and drinking a lot of fluids\n\n\nfeeling hungry\n\n\nfeeling fatigued\n\n\nblurry vision\n\n\ncuts or sores that don\u2019t heal quickly\n\n\n\n\nDealing with Your Diagnosis\n\n\n\n\nIt is most important that you learn to deal with your diagnosis. Diabetes refers to high levels of glucose or sugar in your blood. You need to understand this medical condition and how it affects you. You also need to understand how it will create an impact on\u00a0your life.\u00a0\n\n\nThe biggest change you would undergo is related to your diet. Your diet needs to be changed, depending on your diet. Those with Type 1 diabetes will have to monitor their carbohydrate intake. If you have Type 2 diabetes you have to undergo a diabetes management course.\n\n\nYou need to understand the course of medication and its side effects including the possibility of it reacting to your present set of medicine.\n\n\nQuestions\n\u00a0to ask your doctor\n\n\n\n\nWhen should I have my blood sugar checked next?\n\n\nWhat are the signs that my blood sugar is too low?\n\n\nWhat should I do if my blood sugar gets too low?\n\n\nWhat are the signs that my blood sugar is too high?\n\n\nWhat should I do if my blood sugar is routinely too high?\n\n\nHow much should I be exercising? Should I take any special precautions?\n\n\nWho could help me design a meal plan?\n\n\nWhat kind of complications does diabetes cause?\n\n\nDo I have any complications caused by diabetes?\n\n\nWhich other specialists should I be seeing?\n\n\nHow easily can I get a referral to a specialist when needed?\n\n\nAt what point should I consider medication to lower my blood sugar?\n\n\n\n\nTalking to your family about the diagnosis\n\n\nTalking about your diabetes condition to\u00a0\nyour family and close individuals\n is not easy but it is essential for you to do so that they would know how to react in the event they have to react to a condition you are facing. Sharing the diagnosis would give you a sense of relief as it is also a heavy burden to shoulder all alone.\n\n\nHere are five tips that you can use in addressing the issue with your loved ones.\n\n\n\n\nDetermine what you want and don\u2019t want to talk about\n\n\nLead them into the conversation\n\n\nLet them pose questions after you speak because they are concerned about you\n\n\nExplain to them how they can help you. It can be in the form of emotional support and assist you with a new diet.\n\n\nBe patient with them as they may be overly concerned about whether you can manage to live with diabetes.\n\n\n\n\nPlanning for Your Future\n\n\n\n\nSince the majority of the population has Type 2 diabetes, here is how you can plan your future while managing the medical condition. There are certain lifestyle changes you would have to follow religiously.\n\n\nWalk more\n\n\nIn opting for a healthy lifestyle, the easiest thing for you to do is to walk. Walk more, preferably a 20-minute stroll after having meals since that would bring down the blood sugar level. Even a 10-minute walk after meals is better than a 30-minute walk at any other time.\n\n\nStrengthen your body\n\n\nDo more cardiovascular workouts that would strengthen your body.\u00a0Body-weight exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, wall-sits, and lunges can be done without the need for equipment from a gymnasium. Please also consult a doctor before you begin a new exercise routine.\n\n\nA blood sugar meter is your ally\n\n\nFrom now on, the blood sugar meter is your best buddy. It is a device that would allow you to have better control over your blood sugar and power your health. It comes in various names: blood glucose meters, continuous glucose meters (CGM). Discuss with your doctor the frequency to check your blood sugar. Monitoring the blood sugar would also be helpful for the doctors who are treating you.\n\n\nCGMs and Insulin pump therapy has been used here since 2005. Insulin therapy is especially useful for Type 1 diabetes patients.\n\n\nAnnual eye check-ups\n\n\nHaving diabetes would lead you to have eye-related medical conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma. Symptoms for these medical conditions are not noticeable. Your eye doctor would be able to track that. So please go for your annual eye checkups.\n\n\nDiet\n\n\n\n\nGenerally, people would watch out for the sugar content on the nutrition label that they purchase. It is not the sugar content that you would have to look out for. Look out also for the carbohydrate content.\n\n\nEven if a product claims to be sugar-free, the presence of carbohydrates doesn\u2019t make it sugar-free. Carbohydrates, when broken down, become sugar that would raise your blood sugar level.\n\n\nAs for your diet, ensure that it is made up of three to four food groups. As far as possible make sure your meal is starch free. Instead of animal-based protein such as beef and other poultry, you can try beans, legumes, and soya. Even fish with omega 3 fatty acids are good protein options.\n\n\nDental Care\n\n\nThe\u00a0\nAmerican Academy of Periodontology\n\u00a0has found that diabetic patients are more likely to develop periodontal diseases. Having periodontal disease would make it more difficult to control blood sugar. You would also increase your risk of having diabetic complications. To be on the safe side, please have a dental check-up done annually.\n\n\nFeet care\n\n\nCheck on your feet regularly before you retire to bed for\n\u00a0peripheral neuropathy\n. It is a type of nerve damage that affects the feet and legs. About 50% of people having diabetes also have this condition. High blood sugar damages the nerves on the legs and small vessels that nourish the nerves.\n\n\nHave adequate sleep\n\n\nPlease get about 7 to 9 hours of sleep. There is a somewhat strange 2-way link between diabetes and\u00a0\nsleep\n. Those who have Type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of having sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and those with sleep disorders also have a higher risk of having diabetes. Having longer high-quality sleep would help reduce your blood sugar level.\n\n\nCare Options in Malaysia\n\n\nTraditionally diabetes care was hospital-based. However, since the 1990s, it has evolved to include the private sector as well as technology-based care using the apps on smartphones.\n\n\nHomage\u00a0offers all-around care services in terms of nursing care, vital signs monitoring, medical administration, post-surgery care. Daily living care by locally trained caregivers would cost RM29 per hour. Locally qualified nurses for your nursing care would cost RM34 an hour. Home therapy by locally trained therapists is RM170 per hour\n\n\nDiabetes Support Groups in Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nNational Diabetes Institute (NADI)\n\u00a0offers various forums and seminars to help one understand diabetes. They also conduct free counselling and blood test sessions. You can also consult them regarding the lifestyle change you would have to do.\n\n\nDiabetes Malaysia\n\u00a0focuses on care for diabetic patients via awareness, prevention, education and management of this medical condition.\n\n\n\n\nLiving A Full Life with Diabetes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLiving a full life with diabetes is a reality since it is manageable. Here are some tips to living a full life with diabetes:\n\n\nEat healthy with a proper diet that would not increase the blood sugar level\n\n\nExercise. Spend about 5 hours exercising in a week.\n\n\nLose 10% of your weight as that would reduce the impact of diabetes.\n\n\nMonitor and treat your blood sugar levels. Use metformin that is prescribed by your doctor to control the sugar levels.\n\n\nFollow the treatment plan. Attend regular screenings. You can also purchase blood glucose monitoring kits.\n\n\nPrevent infections because diabetes increases the risk of infections. It can be life-threatening for those with diabetes compared to those without diabetes.\n\n\nManaging diabetes is a reality even though it is not curable.\n\n\n\n\nReference:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nChattu, V. K., Chattu, S. K., Burman, D., Spence, D. W., & Pandi-Perumal, S. R. (2019). The interlinked rising epidemic of insufficient sleep and Diabetes Mellitus.\u00a0\nHealthcare (Basel, Switzerland)\n,\u00a0\n7\n(1), 37.\n\n\nHussein, Z., Taher, S. W., Gilcharan Singh, H. K., & Chee Siew Swee, W. (2015). Diabetes care in Malaysia: Problems, new models, and solutions.\u00a0\nAnnals of Global Health\n,\u00a0\n81\n(6), 851\u2013862.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nHomage.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/oral-health-children", "title": "Poor Oral Care in Children - A Hidden Epidemic", "body": "Many people think of good oral health as having white teeth and a nice smile but there is so much more to it than that. Practising good oral health care from infancy into adulthood as part of overall health is simple and easy. Unfortunately, many fail to see that poor oral health has far-reaching consequences.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, childhood cavities are \nnot\n harmless \u2013 studies show that children who have cavities at a young age are three times more likely to have them as adults. The Malaysian National Oral Health Survey of Preschool Children (NOHPS) reports that 71.3% of 5-year-olds already have cavities!\n\n\nWhat can parents do to prevent this from happening? Dr Yogeswari Sivapragasam, Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, the School of Dentistry at International Medical University (IMU), offers some valuable advice.\n\n\n\n\n(left) Dr Yogeswari Sivapragasam, Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry at International Medical University (IMU)\n\n\n\n\nStart them young (from birth!)\n\n\nIt is easy to overlook oral care in babies \u2013 after all, they won\u2019t have teeth till months later! However, babies should still have their gums cleaned at least twice a day.\n This helps to set the foundation for a lifetime of daily oral cleaning routines.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides that, parents should also get advice from healthcare practitioners, such as a nurse advisor at community clinics or paediatricians, on how to care for their child\u2019s oral health from birth, which includes what to do when their teeth first appear.\u00a0\n\n\nSay \u2018no\u2019 to salt and added sugar (until later)\n\n\nAs children \u2013 and their teeth \u2013 grow, exposure to new foods is natural, as their diet expands in accordance with their changing nutritional needs. However, it is important to introduce new foods gradually and mindfully.\n\n\nDr Yogeswari advises parents to delay the introduction of added salt and sugar into their child\u2019s diet, so that they do not develop a liking for these flavours early in life. A lifelong preference for sweet foods can lead to higher risk of dental problems as well as chronic health conditions such as obesity and diabetes, she explained.\n\n\nMake dental visits fun and regular\n\n\n\n\nIt is quite common for adults to have an aversion to visiting the dentist, and this may have developed from their own negative experiences. However, it is important that parents put aside their personal fears and help to create a positive experience for their child.\n\n\nChildren should receive their first dental check-up when they are one year old\n (remember this: \u201cfirst birthday, first dental check-up\u201d). \n\n\nThereafter, a check-up is advisable every 6 months.\n As it is unlikely that they will have any dental problems at this young age, this will help young children have a positive experience rather than associate dental visits with pain and fear. \n\n\nRegular visits will help to normalise the experience of visiting a dentist and will go a long way towards preventive care. The idea behind early dental visits is that potential problems are detected early and prevented from progressing further, explains Dr Yogeswari.\u00a0\n\n\nBe alert to behavioural changes\u00a0\n\n\nIt can happen that children sometimes refuse certain foods or refuse to brush their teeth. While this may be easily explained as the child being fussy or picky, there could be another reason behind it.\u00a0\n\n\nA child with cavities or gum disease may experience chronic discomfort or pain, causing them to avoid foods that require chewing. This may inadvertently lead them to avoid whole foods such as apples and chicken, and choose softer foods instead, many of which are processed and contain higher levels of salt, sugar and fat. Over time, this may lead to nutritional deficiencies or chronic conditions that can affect a child\u2019s health into adulthood.\n\n\nLong-term pain can also cause irritability, or affect their ability to concentrate during lessons in preschool. In addition, poor oral health can also affect a child\u2019s self-esteem if they are teased due to the appearance of their stained or rotten teeth. This may cause them to avoid social activities or become withdrawn.\n\n\nAs such, Dr Yogeswari advises parents to be alert and check for possible dental problems if their child suddenly appears to be unwilling to chew or becomes irritable without any apparent cause.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nDifferent ages, different oral health needs\n\n\n\n\nParents can help to support their child\u2019s oral health through different stages of development by being observant of any visible signs such as bleeding gums, ulcers or discolouration of the teeth.\n\n\nDr Yogeswari also cautions against the common misconception that milk teeth are not important as they will drop out anyway after a number of years and stresses that establishing a lifetime of healthy oral health habits begins in childhood.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s her advice for oral care at different ages:\n\n\n\n\nAfter birth, before the baby\u2019s teeth develop\n\n\n\n\nUse a clean, damp cloth wrapped around a finger, gently wipe the gums in the morning and at night.\n\n\n\n\nAfter the first teeth appear\n\n\n\n\nUse a baby-friendly toothbrush with a toothpaste that contains fluoride to gently brush the teeth and gums at least twice a day, as part of a routine.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPre-school age\n\n\n\n\nAt this age, children are able to hold a toothbrush but will need their parents to manually guide them on how to do so thoroughly.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nBaby Signing Basics\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\nTip keibubapaan\nChamps & NASOM Bekerjasama Untuk Meningkatkan Kesedaran Tentang Autisme\nTip keibubapaan\nIni Rupanya Cara Untuk Ajar & Latih Anak-Anak Makan Secara Sihat, Mudah Sahaja!\n\n\n\n\nSchool-going age\n\n\n\n\nBy this time, children should be able to brush their teeth independently, with supervision from parents.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe cannot isolate oral care from the rest of the body. Oral health and general health \u2013 they are interlinked. Overall health literacy, a healthy diet and good personal hygiene including good oral care habits all contribute towards overall health and wellbeing,\u201d said Dr Yogeswari. \n\n\n\u201cIt is therefore essential to establish good oral care habits from infancy, with daily hygiene and preventive care as part of everyday life. This will make oral care a natural part of life, allowing parents to gradually entrust children to continue these healthy habits into adulthood and for the rest of their lives.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/smart-ways-to-discipline-your-child", "title": "Smart ways to discipline your child at every age", "body": "\n\nIt was impossible to think about your precious newborn ever turning into a sassy, defiant toddler, but we all know it happens-even to the sweetest, most congenial children. Hey-we all have our off days, right?\n\n\nWhen your toddler begins this type of behavior, you may as well resign yourself that you are in for these episodes every now and again until they reach the age of\u2026being out on their own. And then they \nstill \nwon\u2019t listen to you all the time (take it from a mom who knows). Don\u2019t despair, though. There are effective and age-appropriate ways to handle their misbehavior \ni\nn such a way that they will think twice before repeating the offence. Okay, so maybe it will take a third, fourth or fifth \u2018think\u2019 before they catch on. The point is that they \ndo\n eventually catch on\u2026as long as you handle their discipline/punishment appropriately.\n\n\nToddlers\n\n\nFirst of all, a baby under the age of 10-12 months should never be disciplined beyond the repeated \u2018no\u2019 and slap on the hands to teach them the necessity of not touching breakables, things that can burn or harm them in other ways and not putting things in their mouth that could possibly choke them or be poisonous.\n\n\nOnce they reach that \ntoddler stage\n, however, you will need to be prepared to discipline your child. You need to remember, though, that a toddler\u2019s defiance is usually the result of another problem. They may be scared, ill or simply not understand what is expected of them. They may also feel overwhelmed at their surroundings. And then, yes, there are those who are simply \ntesting their boundaries \nbecause that\u2019 what they feel needs to be done.\n\n\nFor whatever reason, the first step toward discipline needs to be deflection. Try to deflect them away from the situation by drawing their attention to something positive. This will work much of the time, but when it doesn\u2019t try one of the following:\n\n\n\n\nRemove the toddler from the situation\n\n\nGently, but firmly holding them on your lap; speaking to them calmly, reassuringly but firmly stating what is expected of them\n\n\nShort periods of \u2018time out\u2019-one minute for every year old they are\n\n\nTaking away the item (toy, book, etc.) that is causing the problem\n\n\n\n\nPreschoolers\n\n\nOnce your children reach their preschool years, they are more aware of right vs. wrong and can be held accountable for their actions. Again, the discipline should be age-appropriate and fit the \u2018crime\u2019.\n\n\nIt is also important to remember that children this age are eager to copy your actions and will often times do things like mummy and daddy (putting on makeup, going through the tool box, cooking, mopping the floor, etc.) to be helpful (or so they think). At times like this, it is better not to discipline or punish. They honestly didn\u2019t see any wrong-doing in their actions.\n\n\nThe behaviors of a preschooler that need disciplinary action include:\n\n\n\n\nHitting\n\n\nNot sharing\n\n\nBullying\n\n\nLying, cheating\n\n\nSassing and arguing\n\n\nDisobedience\n\n\n\n\nProper discipline for a preschooler\u2019s misdeeds includes:\n\n\n\n\nTalking with your child\n about their misdeeds; why it was wrong, what they need to do to make retribution and not repeating the offense\n\n\nTime out\n\n\nRemoving your child from the situation\n\n\nWithholding a favorite toy, television time or another privilege for their misbehavior\n\n\n\n\nElementary aged children\n\n\n\n\nElementary aged children are at an age when they are beginning to think for themselves more and more. And with this thinking for themselves comes a fight for independence.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to allow them a certain amount of independence, but at the same time, you need to teach independence within boundaries and with respect for those boundaries and authority. This is done by allowing them to spread their wings a bit via overnights with friends, earning an allowance and allowing them to spend part of it as they choose, making choices in regards to what they wear, what activities they participate in (within reason) and to pursue a hobby of their choosing.\n\n\nWhen your child does act out, however, the \nappropriate disciplinary measures\n include:\n\n\n\n\nLoss of privileges\n\n\nAn act of kindness for every act of unkindness or disrespect\n\n\nAdditional chores\n\n\nVerbally expressing their acknowledgement of their wrong doing and asking forgiveness\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOlder children\n\n\nAs your children grow and mature, their need and desire for independence, expressing their own thoughts, feelings and discovering who they are is both natural and important. But this time of discovery, like every other phase of their life, needs to be handled with lots of firm but gentle love and care.\n\n\nIt is important that you allow your children to grow their own passions and interests, that they are allowed to grow and mature at their own pace-as long as it is within the boundaries and expectations of your household.\n\n\nIf they do-no, when they do need discipline, the most acceptable forms of discipline include:\n\n\n\n\nLoss of privileges\n\n\nLoss of allowance\n\n\nExtra household chores\n\n\nAn act of kindness for every act of unkindness\n\n\nLoss of items that are near and dear to them; IPOD, computer, etc.\n\n\n\n\nRemember what discipline is\n\n\nDiscipline is meant to teach appropriate\u00a0behaviour\u00a0and to\u00a0instil\u00a0the fact that for every action there is a consequence. Discipline is not meant to humiliate, cause pain nor is it to be used as \u2018payback\u2019. In other words, discipline in firm and gentle love and with the intention of teaching your child how life is to be lived rather than using it as a control mechanism.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/things-to-consider-when-picking-best-diaper-for-baby", "title": "Things To Consider When Picking A Diaper For Your Baby", "body": "Parents, you are in for a shock of your life! Did you know that babies can go through at least 700 diapers during their first 3 months of life?\n1 \nFor the first few weeks of their lives, babies need to be changed 7 or 9 times per day! This is why choosing the best diaper for baby can be slightly difficult.\n\n\nYou might like a certain brand of diapers, but if your baby doesn\u2019t and she faces irritation, diaper rash and even leakage, you might have to search high and low for the best one! \n\n\nNevertheless, we are here to guide you through how to find the best diaper for baby of top-notch quality. With an extensive variety of baby diapers in the market, parents are bound to be confused about choosing the best one for their baby.\n\n\nHow to Choose the Best Diaper for Baby\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\n1# Diaper Feature\n\n\nAll diapers in the market are special in their own ways \u2013 some are super absorbent, some have special features for certain sizes, while some are manufactured without nasties! \n\n\nThe rule of thumb that I follow is a perfect diaper must have these features:\n\n\n\n\nGood absorbency\n\n\n\n\nThe main purpose of using a diaper is to absorb pee and poop without any leakages even after a few hours of wearing. Although it is advisable to change the baby\u2019s diaper as often as possible, sometimes it\u2019s good to prevent \u2018accidents\u2019 from happening.\n\n\nA leaky diaper can irritate the skin and potentially causes diaper rashes because the baby\u2019s delicate skin comes in contact with wetness. An irritated baby is not someone you want to deal with when you are already running around trying to keep things together.\n\n\n\n\nWetness indicator\n\n\n\n\nThis is my favourite feature in any diaper \u2013 wetness indicator lines change colour as the diaper becomes fully soiled. I was once a new mother myself, and I would constantly check the baby\u2019s diaper to see if he peed. \n\n\nNot only did it keep me anxious at all times, but the baby also couldn\u2019t get a peaceful rest!\n\n\nWith the indicator, I do not have to open the baby\u2019s clothes to check the diaper. It\u2019s definitely a win-win situation and super convenient!\n\n\n\n\nBreathability\n\n\n\n\nAs parents, you need to ensure that the diaper is made from soft and breathable material so it will not restrict airflow to the baby\u2019s bottoms, causing them to be stuffy and cranky.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is especially true when we\u2019re residing in Malaysia with such hot and humid weather. An airy diaper also means less likely for the baby\u2019s skin to have irritation.\n\n\n\n\nFit\n\n\n\n\nYou also need to look out for stretchability and a good fit in diapers. It should be stretchy enough to fit your angel comfortably without leaving any creases and marks on the skin. If it did, again, it will lead to skin irritation and a cranky baby. \n\n\nAlso, a perfectly fitting diaper will prevent unwanted leakages as it contours the baby\u2019s body well while allowing babies to develop freely, whether they are laying down, crawling or actively moving around.\n\n\n2# Size Range\n\n\nIt\u2019s always better to opt for a diaper brand that offers a full range of sizes from Newborn onwards, to larger sizes to cater for your baby\u2019s different growth stages.\n\n\n It\u2019s especially important to consider this if you\u2019re expecting or have a newborn baby because some brands do have Newborn size with special features that are made to gently protect your baby\u2019s healing umbilical cord stump.\u00a0 \n\n\n3# Skin sensitivity\n\n\nMost babies will develop dry skin, rashes or other skin conditions a few months after their birth. Contrary to popular belief, diaper rash is not caused by diapers alone. \n\n\nIn fact, \ndiaper dermatitis comes from any moisture that\u2019s sitting around in your baby\u2019s diaper area for a certain period of time. \n\n\nOne of the ways to reduce skin dermatitis issues is by choosing disposable diapers that are dermatologically tested and manufactured without allergens or nasties to keep your little one\u2019s bottoms rash-free. \n\n\nWe Serve Only The Best For You!\n\n\n\n\nUnderstanding the needs for the baby has always been a priority to Drypers especially with their specially designed diaper, \nSkinature by Drypers\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe super-premium diaper designed with \nDerma-Care Technology\n\u2122\n is a combination of soft and breathable materials with special care technology keeping the baby\u2019s skin dry. \n\n\nThat means, it is gentle for ALL skin types, even sensitive ones that are prone to \nEU26 Allergens\n. \nEU26 Allergens are the 26 most-known allergenic substances in Europe and are commonly defined as substances that induce an allergy including redness, skin irritation or rash.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best part about Skinature by Drypers is that it is \nhypoallergenic, chlorine-free and fragrance-free\n, making it safe and gentle on baby\u2019s sensitive skin. No allergens, only pure goodness!\n\n\nThe Skinature By Drypers \nhas 100% more airspace that allows more breathability and less stuffiness\n as well as speedy absorption to keep babies clean and dry. These would help to reduce skin irritation on your baby and keep them comfortable all day.\n\n\nNew parents will love this feature the most \u2013 it has a \nwetness indicator that turns from yellow to green\n, so you will know when to change the diaper without opening it to check! That way, not only do you get to keep your baby dry and clean all the time, you won\u2019t have to worry much on when would be the perfect time to change them.\n\n\nThis premium \ndiaper range comes in different sizes, from Newborn to XL\n. With its premium softness and 6x more stretchable waistband, this allows your baby to grow physically unhindered with ultimate comfort assured!\n\n\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nwww.healthline.com/health/parenting/the-best-disposable-diapers-for-babies-toddlers-and-the-environment#Quick-look-at-the-best-disposable-diapers\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nSkin Irritation Makes My Baby Cries A Lot. Here\u2019s What I Did to Help Him\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDiapers/Nappies And Poo\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDiaper Rash\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-alarming-eye-problems-in-kids-with-long-term-effects-parents-should-know-about", "title": "6 Alarming Eye Problems in Kids with Long-term Effects Parents Should Know About", "body": "Making sure kids have good vision is part of helping them make the most out of life. But no matter how hard parents try to maintain good vision, some kids will develop eye problems, if they weren\u2019t born with it already. Eye problems like nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hyperopia) can easily be detected, but what about the problems that go unnoticed?\n\n\nLet\u2019s take a closer look at these eye problems, which can have long-term effects, that parents should be aware of.\n\n\n\n\n#1. Amblyopia or Lazy Eye\n\n\nAmblyopia is also known as \u201clazy eye.\u201d It can either be the result of strabismus (eye misalignment), refractive errors (nearsightedness or farsightedness), or a blockage of the eye\u2019s capacity to filter light, as is common in cataracts.\n\n\nAccording to the University of Oklahoma Eye Institute\n, amblyopia can be corrected if diagnosed early, specifically a child\u2019s preschool years. But if it\u2019s recognised when a child is about 9 to 10 years old, it may prove more difficult to treat.\n\n\nWhat parents should know:\n Watch out for squinting in one eye, misaligned eyes, poor depth perception (often bumping into things), double vision, or frequent head tilting. Treatment includes prescription glasses, eye drops, patching, or surgery.\n\n\n#2. Childhood Tearing\n\n\nThis condition, which is also called epiphora, or excessive tearing, is often recognised shortly after birth. During infancy, it presents as blockage of tear ducts.\n\n\nAccording to the American Academy of Ophthalmology\n, symptoms of blocked tear ducts are watery eyes or tears overflowing from the eyes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat parents should know: \nBlocked tear ducts normally corrects itself before a baby turns a year old. Some doctors may recommend a special massage to help tear ducts open up. As for childhood tearing, it can improve on its own at 6 to 12 months. It can be treated by a similar massage followed with eyedrops.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#3. Developmental Abnormalities\n\n\nThere are eye disorders like coloboma (holes in the eye),\u00a0microphthalmia (small eye) and optic nerve hypoplasia (underdeveloped optic nerve), which appear during fetal development.\n\n\nWhat parents should know: \nThese eye development abnormalities can result to vision loss. For those with coloboma, vision loss depends on the location and size of the holes in the eye. For instance, if the \ncoloboma is located on the iris\n there will be a noticeable \u201ckey hole\u201d shape on the eye. In kids with\u00a0microphthalmia, the eyes appear to be abnormally small.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#4. Pediatric Cataract\n\n\nMuch like cataracts in adults, \npediatric cataracts can be\u00a0noticed\u00a0as\u00a0cloudiness\n or opacification of the lens of the eye, which is usually clear in appearance. Though it\u2019s more common in adults, it can also appear as early as infancy or childhood.\n\n\nWhat parents should know: \nIn order to avoid lasting visual impairment, parents should bring their kids to the doctor for early detection and treatment once the condition is suspected. Take note that eye misalignment or a white area in the pupil may be early signs of cataract. Treatment through eyeglasses, contact lenses, or eye-patching may be recommended, but for severe cases, surgery may be required to avoid a child\u2019s vision from being further damaged.\n\n\n#5. Pediatric Glaucoma\n\n\nA result of high pressure in the eye, glaucoma can result in optic nerve damage. The optic nerve is one of the essential parts of the eye for vision. This serious disease can result in \ntotal and permanent vision loss\n.\n\n\nWhat parents should know: \nThis is a rare condition that is often detected in newborns, toddlers, or school age kids. Watch out for frequent blinking, light sensitivity, eye redness, cloudy corned or tearing.\n\n\n\n\n#6. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)\n\n\nThis results when the \nblood vessels inside the retina do not develop normally\n. It is commonly seen in premature infants. Though it results in mild symptoms, it can evolve or progress into more serious ones that increase the risk of vision loss.\n\n\nWhat parents should know:\n Though ROP often resolves on its own, some cases may require laser treatment. Other complications of this condition are strabismus (eye misalignment), cataract, myopia (nearsightedness) and, in some severe cases, blindness due to retinal detachment. For preemies at risk for this condition, pediatricians can recommend a routine screening protocol, which can be done before discharge from the hospital.\n\n\nThis article is republished with permission from \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nRosacea In Kids & What To Do\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nGive Health A Shot\nAnda Sudah Masuk Trimester Kedua Kehamilan? Ini 5 Perkara Penting Mummy Perlu Lakukan!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nApa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Tentang Logam Berat Dalam Makanan Bayi: Ini Fakta\n#PendidikanKewangan\nSecuring Financial Independence Through Good Work Ethics And Savings\nTip keibubapaan\nBaby Signing Basics\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hp-deskjet-ink-advantage-printers-truly-family-friendly-set-printers", "title": "One printer that will keep your whole family smiling", "body": "As a mum, it\u2019s important for you to keep everyone in your family happy. But at the same time, as a busy mum, you want to be efficient about doing so.\n\n\nJust imagine if you could easily print out your weekly menu plan, help your husband keep abreast of the latest world and business news, and keep your kids amused with fun and educational activities, just at one touch?\n\n\nWell now you can, with the \nHP DeskJet Ink Advantage all-in-one wireless printer series\n.\n\n\n\n\nKids can have loads of fun with the HP DeskJet Ink Advantage all-in-one wireless printer series.\n\n\n\n\nSomething for everyone in the family\n\n\nWireless printing is convenient for most time-strapped mums, but if you have a printer from the\u00a0HP DeskJet Ink Advantage all-in-one wireless printer series \u2014 which come pre-loaded with a wide range of great apps \u2014 you\u2019ve got yourself a true lifesaver.\n\n\nNot only do these printers come with great features, but they keep everyone in your family happy by connecting you to the following awesome apps.\n\n\n\n\nCheck out these fun Disney activities you can print for your little ones with the Disney app!\n\n\n\n\nFor kids\n\n\n1. Disney:\u00a0\nWith this app, your little ones (both boys and girls) can enjoy their\u00a0favourite Disney characters with fun colouring pages, games, cards, special features and more. You just need to pick a Disney character and choose from the many fun-filled activities that are available for your kids.\n\n\n2. LeapFrog:\u00a0\nLeapFrog is one of the best-known names in early childhood education. Now with this app, you can print out fun and education learning activities for kids from preschool to grade two.\n\n\n\n\nMums, get organised with the handy 7-Day Menu Planner.\n\n\n\n\nFor Mum\n\n\n1. 7-Day Menu Planner:\u00a0\nThis incredibly handy app offers busy and health-conscious mums a\u00a0week\u2019s worth of meals that are flavorful yet low-fat, and can be prepared easily and economically. It also includes a shopping list to whip these meals up\n.\n\n\n2. Easy HP Games and Craft:\u00a0\nIf you want to keep the kids busy but want to keep an eye on them at the same time, this app will help you bring\u00a0art class to the kitchen table! With it, your kids can create their own finger puppets, 3-D model cars and more!\n\n\n\n\nGet your dose of daily news, quickly and efficiently.\n\n\n\n\nFor Dad\n\n\n1. Docstoc:\u00a0\nBusy parents can find and share templates they need with Docstoc, the premium document repository for professional documents. You can gain instant access directly from the touchscreen panel for legal, business, financial, technical and educational documents.\n\n\n2. TimesDigest Daily:\u00a0\nGreat for dads (and mums!) who want to stay up-to-date with world news, this app delivers\u00a0The New York Times\u2019 top stories in a comprehensive synopsis up to seven days a week. To customize your delivery days and sections, go to \nhpconnected.com\n or \neprintcenter.com\n (up to 10 pages per day).\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to stop at just these. Explore multiple apps on Education, Business, Travel, Productivity and more through your\u00a0HP DeskJet Ink Advantage all-in-one wireless printer.\n\n\nTo browse all the apps that help you and your family Play, Live and Learn, \nplease follow this link\n.\n\n\n\n\nYou can print out cool colouring sheets\u00a0and let your child get creative!\n\n\n\n\nFeatures to enhance your life\n\n\n\n\n1. Easy mobile printing\n\n\n\n\nStart printing and get connected quickly with easy setup from your smartphone, tablet, or PC.\n Click this link\n for the full list of supporting operating systems. \n\u00a0\n\n\nConnect your devices directly to your printer, and easily print without accessing a network. For details, \nplease follow this link\n.\n\n\nManage printing tasks and scan on the go with the free HP All-in-One Printer Remote mobile app.\n\n\nEasily print from a variety of smartphones and tablets.\n\u00a0\nYour pages come out great, even if you\u2019re not there!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrint wirelessly from virtually anywhere.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Affordable, high-quality printing\n\n\n\n\nYou get value for money, where you can print up to twice as many pages with Original HP high-yield ink cartridges. For more information, \nclick here\n.\n\n\nGet high-quality prints, time after time, using the world\u2019s number one printer brand*.\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nCreate a family memory wall with your HP printer!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Everything you need to keep your family smiling\n\n\n\n\nThe display panel features simple icons for controlling print, scan, and copy functions, simplifying your tasks greatly.\n\n\nYou can create borderless photos, flyers, and other documents, right from the comfort of your home.\n\n\nGet up and running right out of the box and automatically connect to your wireless network. \nClick here\n for information on compatibility.\n\n\nAccess fun colouring pages, yummy recipes, coupons, and more with free HP Printables that are all delivered on your schedule.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s something for everyone with the HP printable apps.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Designed to fit your life\n\n\n\n\nSave space with a compact all-in-one designed printer to fit on your desk, on a shelf, or anywhere you need it.\n\n\nPrint in any room you choose without causing disruptions. The optional quiet mode helps keep noise to a minimum.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAs you can see, the HP DeskJet Ink Advantage all-in-one wireless printer series\n\u00a0\ngives you the flexibility to print absolutely anything you want even from your mobile device.\u00a0It truly supports the needs of a modern family that cherishes the time they spend together doing activities the kids love, and helps create memories to last a lifetime.\n\n\nVisit\u00a0\nwww.hp.com/apac/thinkitprintit\n\u00a0to know more about HP printers.\n\n\nFor peace of mind, HP delivers support and services right to your doorstep for faulty HP printers.\u00a0This service is\u00a0available throughout Malaysia and HP will even\u00a0deliver a replacement printer to your\u00a0doorstep for your convenience. Please \nclick here\n to find out more.\n\n\n*\nAll features described in this article may not be applicable for all\u00a0HP\u00a0printers. Please refer to relevant product specifications for each printer for more information\n\n\nHow does having an HP printer make your life easier as busy parents? Let us know by leaving a comment below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/safe-itching-creams-for-pregnant-women", "title": "Safe Itching Creams for Pregnant Women", "body": "Itching is common during pregnancy, which is caused by increased levels of certain components in the blood such as hormones. The stretched belly skin will also cause itching! Therefore, it is never too early to start sourcing for itching creams to soothe your skin.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is inadvisable to scratch the itch on your skin, especially at the abdomen area, since scratching it will often result in stretch marks that are more noticeable and harder to treat. Hence, it is crucial to find out the causes of these itches and ways to curb the urge to scratch that itch.\u00a0\n\n\nSome causes of itching during pregnancy include:\n\n\n\n\nSkin stretch marks\n\n\nDry skin\n\n\nFragrances or fabrics\n\n\nHormonal changes\n\n\nCholestasis (a liver disorder that can result in a buildup of bile acids in the blood that causes itching)\n\n\nPruritic Urticaria Papules and P\nregnancy Plaques (PUPPP) - an itchy rash that occurs around stretch marks during late pregnancy\n\n\nPrurigo (crusty and itchy bumps on the arms, legs or abdomen that can appear in any trimester)\n\n\n\n\nChoosing The Best Itching Creams On The Market\n\n\n\n\nDuring pregnancy, mothers shouldn't consume products that could potentially harm the fetus, hence it is important to consult your doctor before using any products to treat your itch.\u00a0\n\n\nTo choose the best itching creams out there, here are few things to look out for: \n\n\n\n\nEnsure the ingredients used are safe and come from natural sources \n\n\nAvoid products with parabens, SLS, alcohol and so on\n\n\nCheck labels to confirm it is safe for use during pregnancy\n\n\nLook out for multipurpose itch creams (like itch creams that help minimise the appearance of stretch marks)\n\n\n\n\n5 Best Itching Creams For Pregnant Women In Malaysia\n\n\n#1 Mama\u2019s Choice Stretch Mark Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s good:\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice Stretch Mark Cream is formulated with selected natural ingredients and is enriched with Vitamin E and antioxidants, which is effective in repairing and replenishing the skin by providing moisture.\n\n\nIn addition, it helps to reduce stretch marks appearance and relieve itching that is caused by these stretch marks.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Patented formula by Mama's Choice\n\n\n Provides comfort to the stretched abdomen, hips, and breasts\n\n\n Contains Lipobelle \u2122 Soyaglycone and aloe vera which promotes skin elasticity while keeping the skin soft, hydrated and supple throughout the day\n\n\n Rich in antioxidants and collagen-building components\n\n\n Gentle enough for sensitive skin\n\n\n Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers\n\n\n Recommended for use during and after pregnancy and to help with weight fluctuations\n\n\n\n\n Mama\u2019s Choice Stretch Mark Cream \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#2 Bio-Oil\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\u00a0\n\n\nBio-Oil is one of the most popular and trusted products in Malaysia. Bio-Oil is formulated with the following natural ingredients: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Calendula Oil, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil and Chamomile Oil.\n\n\nIt is a non-comedogenic (acnegenic) hypo-allergenic product that is suitable for daily use especially for individuals with sensitive skin.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Good for removing new and old scars\n\n\n Reduces the likelihood of stretch mark formations during adolescent growth spurts, pregnancy, and periods of rapid weight gain\n\n\n Helps improve the appearance of existing stretch marks\n\n\n Softens and tightens wrinkled skin\n\n\n Helps replenish the skin's natural oils which could be diminished due to severe weather, frequent bathing and the drying effects of central heating and air conditioning\n\n\n\n\n Bio Oil Skin Oil \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#3 MUSTELA Stretch Marks Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nMustela Cream provides long-lasting hydration that strengthens skin elasticity, treats discomfort and, best of all, is fragrance-free.\n\n\nAvocado peptides, which are patented natural origin ingredients, are used to strengthen the skin\u2019s hydrolipidic barrier, thereby helping to moisturise and soothe the skin. More importantly, it is suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Increased skin hydration 4 hours after application\n\n\n Strengthens skin elasticity\n\n\n Tested by a dermatologist\n\n\n Made with ingredients formulated for pregnancy and lactation.\n\n\n 0% paraben, phthalate, phenoxyethanol\n\n\n\n\n MUSTELA Stretch Marks Cream \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#4 Palmer\u2019s Cocoa Butter\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nPalmer\u2019s Cocoa Butter Formula Concentrate Cream is made with genuine Cocoa Butter and enriched with Vitamin E in an emollient base. It soothes, heals and softens rough and dry skin as well as scars, and it also tones the skin.\n\n\nIt is an excellent whole-body moisturizer that also relieves itching due to stretching.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n SPF 15 protection\n\n\n Hydrates rough and dry skin\n\n\n Especially effective in hydrating hands, elbows and knees\n\n\n Compact size suitable for travel\n\n\n Provides moisture for 24 hours\n\n\n No parabens or phthalates\n\n\n\n\n Palmer\u2019s Cocoa Butter \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#5 Sebamed Anti-Stretch Mark Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nThis product is suitable for preventing itches due to stretched skin during pregnancy.\n\n\nThe Anti Stretch Mark Cream helps soothe the discomforts from stretched skin caused by clinical treatments for slimming, mesotherapy, liposuction and the altering of breast size.\n\n\nIn addition, it provides maximum skin tolerance for all sensitive areas such as the abdomen, breasts, hips, and thighs.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Contains avocado oil, natural sheaths and other lipids that provide efficient care and protection of the many skin layers\n\n\n Ensures better adaptation of connective tissues when there is rapid weight loss or gain due to the presence of a unique combination of Centella Asiatica (tiger grass) extract and peptides supported by a liquid-crystalline lipid structure from a complex derived from olive oil\n\n\n Can be used while breastfeeding provided that proper hygiene rules are followed\u00a0\n\n\n Does not stain clothes\n\n\n Free of parabens, mineral oils, phthalates, alcohol and bisphenols (BPA)\n\n\n No animal ingredients used\n\n\n\n\n Sebamed Anti-Stretch Mark Cream (200ml) - \nRM106.50\nby\n \nSebamed\nBeli di Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nStill Have Bad Breath Even After Brushing Your Teeth? Here Are the 7 Best Mouthwashes in the Market\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nHey Mama, Dental Care Is Important During Pregnancy \u2013 Try One Of These Pregnancy-Safe Toothpastes!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n5 Best Pregnancy-safe Facial Moisturizers - Great For Mums With Dry Skin!\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/completely-healing-a-c-section-wound-2", "title": "Completely healing a C-section wound", "body": "The skin usually heals in about 5 to 10 days time. While the muscle layers along the abdominal wall takes about 4 to 6 weeks to heal. On the deeper layer, the muscle of the womb, would take about 12 weeks to heal completely. With regards to when can you start exercising, probably about 2-3 weeks after the c-section.\u00a0 If you feel well, you can start to exercise without much exertion so a good exercise to start off with is things like brisk walking,\u00a0 swimming, \u00a0or light weights.\n\n\n\n\nYou can slowly pace yourself and increase intensity to your comfort level. Usually, exercises that involve your core muscles, example, sit ups, things like that, should be delayed for about 8 weeks to 12 weeks after the surgery. This is to allow the muscles to heal nicely before you put any undue pressure on it.\n\n\nAnswered by Dr Beh Suan Tiong\n\n\nDr Beh Suan Tiong is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Thomson Medical Centre. He is also accredited by the Members of Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (M.R.C.O.G) in the United Kingdom.\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/effects-of-gadgets-on-children-eyes", "title": "Does Gadgets Bring Any Harm to Children?", "body": "Gadgets including smartphones, tablets, TV, computer, laptops, projectors or other displays are loved by both parents and children. Naturally, it is because of the positive impact such as entertainment and education for the children, and it also helps to improve motor skills, etc.\n\n\nHowever, it can be harmful if excessive usage. Studies have shown that excessive use of gadgets can cause physical and mental negative effects eg. speech delay, affected social and communication skills, less interaction between parents and children, anxiety, depression, early exposure to negative contents, addiction etc.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s really surprising that a study carried out USA revealed 1 in 3 children in the United States of America (USA) can use a tablet or phone before they even start talking. \n\n\nChildren using gadgets usually focus so much on the content that they usually don\u2019t pay attention to their posture, the distance of their eyes from the screen. I\nt\u2019s very common to slouch, tilt back the head with the chin jutted forward. And these will affect the body and the eyes.\n\n\nHow do gadgets affect our eyes? Are tablets bad for children\u2019s eyes?\n\n\n\n\nStaring at an electronic screen continuously for a long time can cause eye strain. \n\n\nComputer vision syndrome also called digital eye strain is a condition that is caused by extended screen time. It is a combination of eye and non-ocular symptoms. \n\n\n\n\nThis includes fluctuating vision, double vision, difficulty in focusing, eye strain and tiredness, irritated eyes, tearing, red eye, dry eye, headache and fatigue, neck, back and shoulder pain.\n\n\n\n\nResearchers also recognise that \nincreased screen time among children is a significant risk factor for the development and progression of short-sightedness (myopia). It is noted that the prevalence of myopia has increased significantly in the last few decades which coincides with the increased use of digital devices.\n\n\nHow does too much screen time affect children\u2019s eyes?\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nResearch has shown effects of gadgets include to those who used gadgets longer hours have more eye symptoms than those who do not. \nIt has been observed that children can spend more than 2 hours to even 9 hours a day of screen time. \n\n\nThe glossy screen on most of the gadgets can cause glaring which can cause significantly decreased visual acuity and thus causing blurring of vision. \n\n\n\n\nChildren who use devices more than 4 hours a day have worse computer vision syndrome than those who spent less time on gadgets. \n\n\n\n\nThe risk\n of developing myopia (short-sightedness) also increases in children when they spend about 8 hours daily on gadgets. \n\n\nIf possible, restrict the amount of time children spend on gadgets and don\u2019t allow them to use them after their time is finished. Also, limit the time of watching TV.\n\n\n\n\n Small children can use gadgets an hour a day and two hours a day for school-going children. Students should not use computers/mobile for more than 4 hours continuously in a day.\n\n\n\n\nThe ceffects of gadgets and too much screen time\n\n\n\n\nAccording to different studies, a child will likely become overweight or have vision problems when they spend too much time using gadgets. The thinking and emotional development during the first five years of a child are crucial.\n\n\n Spending more than two hours a day on gadgets can cause slow cognitive development and attention deficit. Hence, it is advisable to reduce screen time and add in other activities to have balanced development as a whole.\n\n\nHow to advise or help your child practice good eye habits?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nNot realistic to stop children from using gadgets and if it is necessary to use computer/mobile many hours in a day then preventive measures must be taken.\n\n\nFrequent rest breaks in between:\n \nEncourage them to follow the \u201c20-20-20\u201d rule: After every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the screen and look at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This relaxes the eye focusing and alignment muscles. It is also a good time to stand up, walk, do some stretching or other tasks, to relieve strained muscles and reduce fatigue.\u00a0\n\n\nOutdoor activities:\n Encourage children to play outside with their friends and siblings. So helps in exercising long-distance vision and lessens the chances of myopia. They can also take some fresh air and exercise, and learn to interact and communicate with other children. Encourage to take up hobbies: Gardening or sports and games.\n\n\nParents should not always use gadgets as babysitters. \nGadgets are given to keep the child busy while the parents tend to do their chores or other activities. Instead give them wide choices of creative toys, storybooks, colouring books and puzzles.\n\n\nAdjust the light brightness\n on the device screen so that it is comfortable for the child to see. Anti-reflective coatings on the spectacles or over the screen can help reduce glaring and strain.\n\n\nFix a gadget-free time each day.\n Use this time to connect as a family. \nParents and caregivers have the greatest responsibility to discipline children and control their exposure to gadgets. It is good to start young.\n\n\nWhen to have your child\u2019s eyes examined?\n\n\nA doctor or health \nprofessionals will examine newborns\n and infants while they follow up and when given vaccination. They will screen and look out for any eye infections, eye defects, congenital cataracts or glaucoma during their regular check-up and visits.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\nParents can bring their child to an optometrist, paediatrician or ophthalmologist as early as 3 to 5 years old for eye screening as long as they can cooperate.\n\n\n\n\nHowever, if parents noticed child has a squint (strabismus), lazy eye (amblyopia), eye focusing issues or a white coloured pupil (leukocoria) while taking photos, the child should have a comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist.\n\n\nIf the child is already 5 years old and above, vision should be checked every year.\n\n\nWill the use of a phone at night cause blindness? Or is it true using your smartphone in the dark risks speeding up vision loss?\n\n\n\n\nShort term usage of phones in the dark is not harmful to the eyes. The problem starts when it is prolonged and without taking adequate breaks. An excessive\n\u00a0amount of phone usage in the dark for several hours is not advisable.\n\n\n Too much light exposure directly into the eye can trigger a toxic reaction called phototoxicity, which will kill the light-sensing photoreceptor cells in our retinas. The photoreceptor cells are unable to regenerate.\n\n\nTo worsen this, when we are in the dark, our pupils are dilated and this intensifies the amount of light exposure into our eyes. But when we are in a well-lit room, our pupils\u2019 contract and will reduce the amount of light entering into the eye.\n\n\nThe macula is the centre area of our retina that is responsible for providing clear detailed images in our central vision. The light radiating from smartphones can be a potential cause for macular degeneration which may lead to some degree of vision loss with time.\n\n\nWhat foods are good for your eyes?\n\n\nSeveral major studies have pointed to the influence of dietary factors in eye health. Researchers are continuing to study and to look at a range of nutrients also in dry eye, cataract, and glaucoma.\n\n\n\n\nDry Eye:\n Many studies have demonstrated the benefits of fish oil (Essential Fatty Acids ) in dry eyes.\n\n\nGlaucoma:\n Several studies have shown that reducing oxidative stress benefits glaucoma. Those who consumed more fruits and vegetables high in vitamins A and C and carotenoids were less likely to have glaucoma.\n\n\nAge-related Macular Degeneration:\n Food that is rich with Omega-3 fatty acids, copper, zeaxanthin, lutein, zinc, vitamin C and E which are antioxidants slows down age-related damage\n\n\n\n\nThe current daily recommendations for healthy eye nutrients, as suggested by the\u00a0American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) to slow the progression of eye disease, are:\n\n\n\n\n500 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C\n\n\n400 international units of vitamin E\n\n\n10 mg lutein\n\n\n2 mg zeaxanthin\n\n\n80 mg of zinc oxide\n\n\n2 mg of copper oxide\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s better to eat a healthy balanced diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, and minimal sugar, salt, and meat better than relying on heavy supplements.\n\n\n\n\nLutein and zeaxanthin\n are carotenoids which counteract the ravages of free radicals. Both are abundant in \nleafy greens, such as spinach and kale.\n These carotenoids make up the macular pigments, which give the macula its characteristic yellow colour.\n\n\nFish rich in \nomega-3 fatty acids\n eg salmon, tuna. \n\n\nNuts\n are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E eg.\n walnuts, cashews, pistachios, almonds\n. \n\n\nSeeds\n eg. \nChia seeds, Flaxseed Oil and Black Currant Seed Oi\nl also contain omega-3 fatty acids.\n Sunflower Seeds\n are excellent sources of vitamin E and zinc.\n\n\nCitrus fruits and berries\n are rich in vitamin C eg lemons, oranges, grapefruits and berries\n\n\nSweet potatoes\n are rich in vitamin E and beta carotene.\n\n\nMeat such as beef, chicken breast\n are rich in zinc which also delays age-related macular degeneration\n\n\nEggs\n are an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, good sources of vitamin A, C and E, and zinc.\n\n\nWater prevents dehydration which may reduce dry eyes symptoms\n\n\nWhole Grains\n are foods with a low glycemic index (GI) that can reduce the risk for age-related macular degeneration.\n Reduce refined carbohydrates and take quinoa, brown rice, whole oats and whole-wheat bread and pasta\n. Whole grains are rich in vitamin E, zinc and niacin which will also help promote overall eye health.\n\n\nColourful fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, pumpkin, corn and cantaloupe\n are excellent sources of vitamins A and C. \u2013 Legumes: Kidney beans, black-eyed peas and lentils are good sources of bioflavonoids and zinc\u00a0\n\n\nIn moderation, \nlean beef\n in your diet also contains zinc, which helps your body absorb vitamin A\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe market nowadays is filled with processed food. Chances are we must have consumed a form of processed food every day. \n\n\nThey are convenient, delicious but low in nutrition. Processed food contains refined grains, fats, sugar, salt, and additives leading to increased inflammation and oxidative stress, speeding up degenerative processes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCaution: Avoid Excess Supplementation. More is not necessarily better. There is a danger of duplicated nutrients which can cause harm to the body. Discuss with doctor or dietician\n\n\n\n\nTips on protecting children from the adverse impacts of electronic screens\n\n\nIn this era, it\u2019s not practical to stop ourselves or our children from using these devices. Hence, it\u2019s important that we should try to minimize the impact of these devices on our children.\n\n\nIt\u2019s important for parents and caretakers to establishing a healthy balanced lifestyle for their children, especially from a young age. This can be vital in bringing up children that are able to take care of themselves during adulthood.\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by Dr Tan Jin Poi, Eye Surgeon of Pantai Hospital Penang\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nKeep your eyes healthy with the 20-20-20 rule\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n6 Alarming Eye Problems in Kids with Long-term Effects Parents Should Know About\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nCan my child\u2019s astigmatism go away?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chenot-spa", "title": "Celebrating Mothers With the Gift of Wellness at Chenot Spa, One&Only Desaru Coast", "body": "In honour of Mother\u2019s Day, Chenot Spa at One&Only Desaru Coast says thank you with the ultimate indulgence: a 120-minute treatment session designed to leave Mum feeling calm, purified and most importantly, cherished. Nestled in the peace and serenity of lush rainforest and unspoilt coastline, One&Only Desaru Coast is the ultra-luxe home to Asia\u2019s first Chenot Spa\u2014a pioneer of the health industry for almost 50 years renowned for its science-based approach to wellness.\n\n\n\n\nThe Chenot Method combines the latest advances in Western medicine and diagnostics with the best of time-honoured Chinese and alternative treatments, with holistic treatments designed to evoke calm and to promote a healthy, well-balanced and active life.\n\n\nFor the entire month of May, Chenot Spa has curated a treatment package for the woman who deserves nothing but the very best. The Mother\u2019s Day package begins with a signature treatment of the spa\u2014the Chenot relaxing massage. Skilled and highly trained therapists work the body to a state of pure bliss, helping muscles relax, balancing hormones and freeing the body and mind of worry and stress.\n\n\n\n\nAs Mum is suitably relaxed and beginning to glow from within, the second part of the treatment works to bring the glow to her face. Chenot Spa\u2019s Illuminating & Nourishing Facial Treatment provides nourishment and hydration to the skin with the use of specialised products that give tissue the optimal balance of vitamins and minerals. It stimulates the connective tissue, improves circulation and the flow of energy to bring vitality and radiance to the skin, leaving it exceptionally energised and hydrated.\n\n\n\n\nThe Mother\u2019s Day package at Chenot Spa is priced at a special rate of RM848 (RRP RM1,060) and will be available for the entire month of May. Personalised gift certificates will also be available for purchase from 1 \u2013 31 May 2022*, allowing guests to give their mothers a day as wonderful as she is.\n\n\n*Gift certificate redemption is valid from 1 May till 30 November 2022.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nSenarai Jenis Najis Bayi, Awas Jika Najis Anak Anda Berwarna & Tekstur Ini\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-eating-habits", "title": "How to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!", "body": "As a mother to a three-year-old, my biggest concern is whether my child has been getting enough nutrients from his daily meal. I make sure to teach him healthy eating habits, as I believe good nutrition is crucial to fuel him as he is growing up.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough my child tends to be picky with his food, I am a firm believer that starting him off on the right foot with food will set the foundation for a healthy lifestyle that he will carry into adulthood.\n\n\nThat is why I try not to limit my child\u2019s eating habits. He experiences healthy eating habits with food through self-learning and by watching others. Other than modelling healthy eating myself, there are other ways parents can do to instil this in their children.\n\n\nThe Do\u2019s and Don\u2019ts of Healthy Eating Habits\n\n\n1. Do teach your child what food does to their body\n\n\nWhen we see our children reaching for junk food, we tend to get angry at them and tell them off without explanation. I personally find that children are highly inquisitive about their surroundings and their bodies. They want to know how things work and we as parents should teach them what food does to their bodies.\n\n\nUse this as an example, we want children to eat apples and we would normally say \u201cApples are good for you. If you don\u2019t eat them, you will get sick easily!\u201d. Try this instead, \u201cApples are delicious and eating it can give you a strong heart.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nThis allows children to process their own healthy eating habits without forcing them or creating a fear-mongering situation. Never force them to eat something if they refuse it.\n\n\nWith that said, if a child feels restricted, they will only eat certain food and start a tantrum when you force them to try different meals. And eventually, parents will feel frustrated and only offer meals that their children like without taking nutrients into consideration.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Do teach children to eat at the dining table\n\n\nMy husband and I have a bad habit of eating our meals in front of the television and I started to notice that my son would prefer to have his meal this way too. However, when we are at my parent\u2019s house, they insist that everyone eat at the dining table.\n\n\nWhen they model this behaviour, my son would follow suit. He would sit properly on his chair and try different variations of meals because everyone is doing so right in front of him!\u00a0\n\n\nThe best part is everyone talks to each other and my son no longer depends on screen time to keep himself entertained.\n\n\n3. Don\u2019t forbid treats\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis might be an unpopular opinion, however, I believe we should treat food equally and this includes treats. Parents tend to worry that their children will become unhealthy and that we might be failing as parents.\n\n\nI make sure that the treats my son is eating are in children-sized portions and I will always make sure to serve the treat with his regular meals.\n\n\nWhen your child feels restricted with their meals, that is when they start to eat sneakily, binge on food or start to obsess with food. You do not want to encourage this behaviour as it will continue to affect them into adulthood.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Don\u2019t force them to eat\n\n\nIt comes naturally to us parents when we want our children to eat certain food. We tend to say, \u201cfinish off your carrots then you get your cookie\u201d. It makes sense to us, but not to the children!\n\n\nInstead, what they would think is that carrots are gross, cookie is good. They will end up liking the vegetables less and dessert more. To fix this problem, parents should serve everything on the same playing field.\n\n\nTreat vegetables and desserts as what they are. Do not force your children to choose. Instead, model it to them. You eat your carrots and cookies, they will eat their carrots and cookies.\n\n\nSupport Your Child\u2019s Growth with DUTCH LADY MaxGro\n\n\n\n\nOne quick way to get your children to get the right nutrients for optimal growth is by introducing them to milk. DUTCH LADY Milk Industries Berhad (DLMI) recently introduced two new packaging sizes for its latest innovation, DUTCH LADY MaxGro.\n\n\nWith the aim to provide convenience and value to parents, the two new sizes help children reach their growth potential by providing a nutrient-dense offering. The new serving sizes come in a 405g portion pack that contains 15 sachets, and a 1.2kg twin pack \u2014 with two 600g packs.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for children aged 1 \u2013 9 years old, DUTCH LADY MaxGro is DLMI\u2019s first milk-based formula dietary food and provides children with 80% of the recommended daily nutrient intake (Malaysia RNI 2017)\n, as well as packed with essential nutrients, namely 9 Essential Amino Acids (9EAA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Calcium and Vitamin D.\u00a0\n\n\nOther nutrients that can be found in DUTCH LADY MaxGro include Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Vitamin A, E, K1, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and C. The DUTCH LADY MaxGro is specially formulated to support children\u2019s optimal growth, as testified by real mothers in Malaysia, with 97% of them agreeing they feel satisfied with their child\u2019s height gain after consuming DUTCH LADY MaxGro\n.\n\n\nTrack Your Child\u2019s Growth Using DUTCH LADY MaxGro Growth Tracker\n\n\n\n\nDLMI introduced MaxGro Growth Tracker \u2014\u00a0a mobile application that helps parents track their children\u2019s growth, alongside the launch of DUTCH LADY MaxGro earlier this year in January.\n\n\nSince the launch of MaxGro Growth Tracker, 98% of mothers agree they find the growth tracking tool use to track their child\u2019s growth\n2\n.\n\n\nDialling the user experience further, DLMI is launching a new feature within the app, Growth Predictor, to allow parents to have an overview of their children\u2019s growth projection. Available on \nGoogle Play\n for free, parents can track their child\u2019s growth anytime and anywhere.\u00a0\n\n\nWant to Know More? Join DUTCH LADY Facebook Live Session\n\n\n\n\nIn conjunction with the launch of the new packaging sizes and the new feature for the MaxGro Growth Track application, DUTCH LADY will be hosting a Facebook Live Session this 30th October (Saturday) at 9 pm.\n\n\nEarly childcare expert, Adlil Rajiah and Corporate Nutritionist of DUTCH LADY, Miah Chuah will talk about Nutrient-dense Consumption for Optimal Growth. This live session aims to spread awareness amongst parents on the importance of choosing a nutrient-dense diet for children to support their growing needs.\n\n\nTune in to the Facebook Live session right here on the \nDutch Lady Moms Club Facebook Page\n to find out more.\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n80% of Daily Nutrients: Meeting At Least 80% Of Malaysia Recommended Daily Nutrient Intake (Malaysia RNI 2017) For Selected Nutrients Such As Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin A, D3, E, K1, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and C\n\n\nSurvey conducted by Home Tester Club between 22/12/2020 and 15/04/2021, 112 members have received and home tested DUTCH LADY MaxGro for 3 months.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nChildren who go to daycare are more skilled than kids who stay at home, says study\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/another-baby", "title": "When You Think Your First Born Will Be Your Only Child", "body": "When Anas, my firstborn, reached the age of 2, I told my husband I\u2019m ready to have another baby. We were never on birth control. I thought the process will be as easy as the first one. After a few months, I noticed my period came irregularly. There are months when Ms Flo didn\u2019t come to visit.\n\n\nI then went to see my gynaecologist at Darul Ehsan Medical Center (now Avisena Medical Center) and she diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. She advised me to eat healthily and exercise regularly. She also prescribed me Duphaston, a medicine that contains progesterone and Metformin, a medicine to control blood sugar levels.\n\n\nI needed a second opinion. I went to see another gynaecologist and he directed my husband to do a sperm test, which came back normal. I also did a pelvic exam, and he confirmed my diagnosis. He also explained that secondary infertility is normal.\n\n\nAt the end of the consultation, he requested me to do an HSG exam at a clinic in KL city centre. The HSG procedure had me take a medical leave from my office. I never had bad period cramps before, but the exam gave me the same side effect.\n\n\n\n\nAfter 2 months, I noticed that I was late for 2 days. It was Christmas and coincidentally I kept a Clear Blue in my drawer. Unbelievably, I was 5-6 weeks pregnant! My husband and I were in shock. It feels like the first time. There are so many people we need to share the great news!\n\n\nWe went to a private GP and the doctor referred me to a public hospital due to my high BP. I was kept for monitoring from 11 am to 5 pm! Not my intention to offend but it was a pretty bad experience for me. At the end of the day, the doctor referred me to Klinik Kesihatan for my monthly checkups, if there was a baby.\n\n\nI had my first pregnancy checkups at a private GP. This time I needed to get my prenatal checkups at the Klinik Kesihatan. I never knew their services were very efficient. Well, in my experience, the nurses were.\n\n\n\n\nBy 8 months, my pink book was very thick with papers because I needed to write down all my BP readings every day. I had a yellow sticker that indicated that I needed O&G supervision.\n\n\nUnlike the low-risk pregnant mothers, my checkups were usually twice a month. I also started checkups with my gynae at Avisena Women\u2019s & Children\u2019s Hospital on my third month of pregnancy.\n\n\nAt a weekly check-up with my gynae, at 35 weeks, my BP was quite alarming. I was put in the labour room for monitoring. But this time, it was more comfortable and very peaceful. I requested to go home in the evening because I still have some work that needed to be done before my maternity leave.\n\n\n\n\nIn the next week, I was again wheelchaired to the labour room for BP monitoring. But this time, I needed to deliver my baby as he was in distress. I was told by the anesthesiologist that I might be staying a couple of nights in the ICU due to my condition. Then I was asked to fast before my surgery.\n\n\nI gave birth just a little after sunset with full anaesthesia. He was put in NICU, and I was put overnight at the High Dependency Unit (HDU). After 3 more nights, I was discharged, without my son.\n\n\n\n\nI needed to come back every day to feed him. He was in the NICU for 11 days before being discharged. The days I came to see him was very overwhelming. Seeing him on the machine saddened me.\n\n\nWhen I was pregnant with my firstborn, I was finishing up my master\u2019s degree. I was preparing for my Viva. During the early months, the doctor suspected I have Placenta Previa and asked me to go slow.\n\n\nBut I was travelling from Damansara to Shah Alam for my Master\u2019s classes. I didn\u2019t have any cravings and I was enjoying every bit of my pregnancy. There were no major complications except for a mild BP level.\n\n\nBut with the second pregnancy, I was working at a production & event company. Being pregnant should mean less physical (and heavy) works and more desk jobs.\n\n\nBut not in this industry. We were having TV shows and major events which needed me running around and walking down the stairs. I must admit, I was exhausted. I was cranky and moody almost all the time.\n\n\nIt was one roller coaster ride with this one. Like people always say, every pregnancy will never be the same. Just like how different siblings are, too. Though with the ups and downs and two caesarean scars, I told my husband I\u2019m ready for a third when my second is only 18 months old.\n\n\nThen pandemic hits\u2026 My husband believes it is best for us to wait because having another baby during this trying time would be very risky. Plus, I\u2019m still controlling my BP with medication. And now (September 2021) my son is 2 years 2 months.\n\n\n\n\nThis article is written by VIP Parents, Mawaddah Mohamad for theAsianparent Malaysia\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \n15 Things to expect with your second child\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n5 Things You\u2019ll Do Differently as a Second-Time Mum\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nNo.2 Coming Soon? Here is a Quick Guide on Introducing a Sibling to Your Child\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-clear-a-clogged-milk-duct", "title": "How to clear blocked breastmilk ducts: A step-by-step guide", "body": "When it comes to reduced\u00a0\nbreast milk\n supply, the reasons are aplenty\u00a0\u2014 from formula feeding, low nutrition,\u00a0insufficient glandular tissue, pre-existing medical conditions and more. But what happens when your milk ducts start to clog and add on to your stress in breastfeeding? No doubt that it becomes more painful and challenging for you. But fear not, mums! We share how to clear a clogged milk duct through breast massage in 5 gentle, simple steps.\n\n\nBut before that, do you know what are the symptoms of a clogged milk duct?\n\n\nSymptoms Of A Clogged Milk Duct\n\n\n\n\npain in a specific location in the breast\n\n\na swollen, tender lump in the breast\n\n\nheat and swelling in the breasts\n\n\nslower milk flow on one side\n\n\nskin that looks lumpy in one area\n\n\na small white dot on the nipple called a\u00a0\nmilk bleb\n\n\n\n\nLeaving your ducts blocked could lead to a low\u00a0\nfever\n\u00a0in some cases. And doing so could lead to \nmastitis\n, a painful infection in the breasts.\u00a0\n\n\nAs such, if you experience a fever alongside breast pain, it is recommended to visit a doctor.\n\n\nHow To Clear A Clogged Milk Duct Through Breast Massage: A Step-by-step process\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re facing clogging of the\u00a0breast, your breast can tend to look solid, thick or lumpy in some areas. The skin surrounding the nipple could also swell red with white spots on the nipple as well.\n\n\nHere\u2019s a massage technique that involves 5 simple steps you can do on your own, mums, to help you ease the milk flow through your milk ducts. Besides, you know your bodies best.\n\n\nStep 1: The back and forward motion\n\n\n\n\nPlace your breast between your hands while holding them horizontally. Keep that position while moving the gland tissue back and forward\u00a0\u2014 as shown in the picture.\n\n\nAfterwards, repeat the same procedure by placing your breast between your hands held vertically (more on the next picture).\n\n\nStep 2: Massaging in circular motions\n\n\n\n\nSupport your breast with one hand and place \nthree to four fingertips\n of your other hand flat on the breast. Do all of that while massaging the gland tissue in a circular motion.\n\n\nShift the fingertips 2-3 cm from time to time and repeat the procedure, until you have massaged the entire breast.\n\n\nStep 3: The gentle caress\n\n\n\n\nUse your fingers to gently caress the breast from the base of the areola (the area surrounding the nipple) to the nipple. Through this movement, you can induce the milk to flow.\n\n\nStep 4: Applying slight pressure\n\n\n\n\nPlace your thumb and finger behind the areola and press slightly in the direction of the chest; gently try and squeeze out a drop of milk.\n\n\nAfter doing so, gently squeeze the breast. Then, move your\u00a0thumb and finger towards the nipple without rubbing the skin.\n\n\nStep 5: Release the tension through \u201crhythmical repetition\u201d\n\n\n \u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nYou can wet your nipple with the resulting drop of breast milk and encourage your baby to suck the breast. The rhythmical repetition around the areola can help to relax your tense breast or even unclog it.\n\n\nAlternatively, you can use a gently-functioning breast pump to help stimulate and express the breast milk.\n\n\nHow To Clear A Clogged Milk Duct: What To ALWAYS Take Note Before A Breast Massage\n\n\nHere are some things to be mindful of:\n\n\n1) Timing is key\u00a0\n\n\nPerform this massage briefly before any breastfeeding session.\n\n\nIt\u2019s advised to do this particularly in the first days and weeks after your little one\u2019s birth so as to prevent engorgement. If you want to prevent breast inflammation, this is especially useful.\u00a0\n\n\n2) Watch out for the signs\n\n\nBreast massage should always be carried out\u00a0\ngently\n.\n\n\nIf it\u2019s painful,\u00a0then you\u2019re not doing it right. There\u2019s always a good and a bad kind of pain, but don\u2019t let the pain be a sign that things are working out. Always go with what your body is telling you and stop if it gets out of hand.\u00a0\n\n\n3) Keep your hands clean!\n\n\nA simple but often overlooked step. Always remember to wash your hands before any breast\u00a0massage and make sure to wash them thoroughly!\n\n\nSources: \nArdomedical,\n\u00a0\nMedical News Today\n, \nAustralian Breastfeeding Association\n\n\nImages: Ardomedical screengrabs.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-suffers-30-seizures-a-day-as-parents-seek-help-2", "title": "Baby suffers 30 seizures a day, as parents seek help", "body": "As much as it pains people to see babies having seizures back to back, one often wonders what on earth could possibly cause seizures in babies after birth?\u00a0But this is what three-month-old baby Kimberly has to go through\u00a0\nup to 30 times per day\n!\n\n\nWhen baby Kimberly\u2019s first seizure lasted 30 minutes only two days after she was born in Indonesia, this made her parents worry. Tests were carried out and she even went through an MRI. Even though her seizures were controlled with medication, they refused to go away completely.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSeizures in Babies After Birth:\u00a0Hemimegalencephaly\n\n\n\n\nDoctors diagnose Kimberly with a rare neurological condition called Hemimegalencephaly, which can cause seizures in babies after birth.\n\n\n\n\nUnable to stop the seizures and with no experts in Indonesia to handle her condition, Kimberly was brought to Singapore\u2019s KK Women\u2019s and Children\u2019s Hospital to seek treatment. An MRI scan conducted at KK Hospital later confirmed that she has Hemimegalencephaly.\n\n\nHemimegalencephaly is a rare neurological condition in which one side of the brain is abnormally larger than the other. The enlarged brain tissue was responsible for the frequent seizures and needed to be removed via surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nThis would leave Kimberly with no control over the other side of her\u00a0body and only\u00a0her left brain to manage all bodily functions.\n\n\nTaking into consideration how young Kimberly is and her rare condition, doctors are unsure what the outcome will be. But her parents vow to give her a fighting chance of survival because Kimberly is a miracle baby, one they had waited 10 years for. They do not want to lose her.\n\n\nTo date, Kimberly\u2019s medical fees are more than SGD70,000, excluding surgery fees. Estimated bills might go up to SGD150,000 due to possible multiple surgeries, according to\u00a0\nGiveAsia\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Are Seizures?\n\n\n\n\nSeizures in babies after birth can recur many times in a day.\n\n\n\n\nSeizures occur when cells in the brain experience abnormal electrical activity, temporarily disrupting the brain\u2019s normal electrical signals. In simple terms, the brain short circuits,\u00a0\nsays Adam Hartman, M.D\n., assistant professor of Neurology and Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Children\u2019s Center.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\nNational Neuroscience Institute\n,\u00a0the occurrence of seizures could be due to:\n\n\n\n\nBrain injury\n\n\nInfection in the brain\n\n\nBrain Tumour\n\n\nStroke\n\n\nGenetic susceptibility\n\n\n\n\nWhile one can clearly tell when an adult has seizures, this is not the case for babies who show far more subtle signs. In fact, it is very easy to miss it, and parents who have never seen seizures in babies after birth, might not even notice anything wrong.\u00a0\n\n\nAs hard as it is to watch, here\u2019s a video showing how subtle seizures in babies after birth can be:\n\n\nVideo of Back-to-Back Seizures in Babies After Birth\n\n\n\n\nSeizures in Babies After Birth: Different Types and Signs to Look Out For\n\n\n\n\nFebrile seizures\n \u2013\n\u00a0Baby\u2019s eyes are rolled with limbs that either stiffen or twitch and jerk. These seizures, are usually triggered by very high fevers.\n\n\nFocal seizures \u2013\n\u00a0Signs include sweating, \nvomiting\n, turning pale, and spasms or rigidity in one muscle group, for example, the fingers, arms, or legs. Your baby might also show signs of gagging, lip smacking, screaming, crying, and loss of consciousness.\n\n\nAbsence (petit mal) seizures \u2013\n\u00a0Parents may notice baby staring into space or daydreaming. Your baby might also blink rapidly or look like he or she is chewing something. The seizures typically last less than 30 seconds and recur several times a day.\n\n\nAtonic (drop attack) seizures \u2013 \nYour baby will suddenly go limp and unresponsive due to\u00a0the sudden loss of muscle tone. For example, your baby\u2019s head might drop suddenly, while\u00a0\ncrawling\n\u00a0on the floor.\n\n\nTonic seizures \u2013 \nStiffening of various parts or the entire body.\n\n\nMyoclonic seizures \u2013\u00a0\nCluster seizures that happen several days in a row which involve jerky movements in the baby\u2019s neck, shoulders, or upper arms.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Should Parents Do If They See Seizures in Babies After Birth?\n\n\n\n\nAs crazy as this sounds, take a video of your baby having a seizure because showing the video to your paediatrician later will help him make better judgements.\n\n\nIt is also crucial that parents note these important details below:\n\n\n\n\nHow long did the seizure last?\n\n\nWhere did the seizure start? Was it focal (on the arms, legs, eyes) or was it spread out on different parts of the body?\n\n\nWhat was the seizure like? (Was there staring, jerking, or stiffening?)\n\n\nWhat was the last thing your baby was doing before the seizure? (For example, waking up, or eating.)\n\n\n\n\nAlso do not forget to take safety precautions when the baby is undergoing a seizure.\n\n\n\n\nRoll your baby to the side to prevent them \nchoking\n on their vomit.\n\n\nDo not try to stop the seizures, and don\u2019t put anything in their mouth.\n\n\nIf your baby seizes for more than fiveminutes, turns blue or has trouble breathing, call for help immediately\n\n\nAlso seek medical help immediately if your baby is unresponsive for 30 minutes following a seizure.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWatching your baby stiffen and going limp during a seizure can be a frightening experience for a parent t0 watch \u2014 and to have to watch it happen 30 times in a day. Do spare a thought for the parents who are giving their miracle baby a fighting chance to survive. You too \ncan contribute.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nGiveAsia\n, \nNUH\n, \nParents\n, \nWebMD\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/8-things-prepare-going-labour", "title": "8 things you should prepare for before going into labour", "body": "You\u2019re in your last few weeks of the pregnancy and amidst your frantic rush to document all your belly shots before you pop, coupled with nesting instincts and waddling around restlessly, I\u2019m sure at some point you would have scoured the internet for checklists on what else to do.\n\n\nGetting ready the car seat\n\n\nWhile the Malaysian Government is expected to enforce the use of car seats by 2017 (\nThe Sun Daily\n), we started with our first child in 2010. The convertible was installed into the car and our first born made her first trip in a car seat. If you\u2019re inheriting a hand me down car seat, be sure to check the manufacturing dates: car seats do \nhave a shelf life.\n\n\nUnpack and set up that crib\n\n\nYes, have the husband do this way in advance and be sure to sun the mattress and have all the bedding washed and ready to go. Unless of course if you\u2019re using a \nClose and Secure sleeper\n to co-sleep, which is hardly any unpacking at all.\n\n\nPack that hospital bag\n\n\nChange of clothes and breastfeeding clothes? Preferred brand of heavy flow sanitary pads and granny panties? Ipod with a zen playlist? Breast pump?Toiletries and other essentials? Check! But that\u2019s not all, pack a change of clothes for the husband as well and going home clothes and diapers for your newborn. Have everything packed, double check it, and have it ready to go.\n\n\nPut all documents in a file\n\n\nHave all your necessary documents in one place for easy access and preferably in your hospital bag. Your prenatal check up booklet, medical coverage information, OBGYN contacts, and personal documents for registering at the hospital or specialist centre. If you have a scheduled delivery then make sure you have pre-registered documents with you. \n\n\nCharge that camera, empty that flash drive\n\n\nI remember how excited we were when we were first time parents! There were two smart phones and a camera rearing to go. Remember to make space for new memories. It would be most inconvenient when at the most crucial moment and the camera reads: memory full. Have on yourself spare batteries and flash cards, we wouldn\u2019t want to \nmiss a thing.\n\n\nWhen to go the hospital\n\n\nYou should already know in general when to be heading to the hospital, your decision for type of delivery and also your options for pain relief along with their side effects. Be sure to ask all the questions and raise any concerns at your last visit to the OBGYN, he or she will gladly furnish the answers.\n\n\nTransportation \n\n\nBe sure to appoint your designated driver to the hospital and have backup numbers to call just to be on the safe side. Preempt your driver on how to register you at the hospital and show them where the necessary documents are, in case of an emergency .\n\n\nGadgets or books\n\n\nIf you\u2019re a tech junkie like me then be sure to pack along your tablet and charger to keep you company. Unless you are in a private room chances are you won\u2019t get to choose your own entertainment. Do some light reading and having some music on can really help you ride out the contractions!\n\n\nAnd there you have it. 8 things to prepare before going into labour. But the most important thing for me is to try to relax and enjoy the journey transitioning into motherhood.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nStart your day with FREE breakfast this October\nTip keibubapaan\nMakanan Pepejal Untuk Anak: Adakah Makanan Organik Bayi Lebih Baik?\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mans-bowels-fall-out-after-sitting-on-toilet-for-too-long", "title": "Man's bowels fall out after sitting on toilet for too long", "body": "Dads, do you play on your phone while sitting on the toilet? If you are reading this while on your \u2018throne\u2019, this might scare you a bit! Because, a man in China who, after playing on his smartphone for half an hour while sitting on the toilet, suffered from a rectal prolapse. In other words, his bowels fell out!\n\n\nA local Chinese media reported this on Friday, February 9.\u00a0The man, whose name has not been revealed,\n went to Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University\u2019s emergency room\u00a0in Zhongshan, Guangdong at around 1 am after noticing a \u2018ball-sized\u2019 lump hang out of his anus. The man was only able to walk with assistance from a friend.\n\n\nA horrifying \u201crevelation\u201d\n\n\nThere, doctors found a \u201ctail\u201d measuring 16 cm protruding out of the man\u2019s anus. They diagnosed him with rectal prolapse, according to the local report. The report added that the man had spent too long playing on his mobile phone while sitting on the toilet.\n\n\nWhat is rectal prolapse? It is a condition where the rectum, or the lower end of the colon, drops down and turns inside out. As it worsens, the rectum may protrude down your anus. \nIt\u2019s a condition that\u2019s fairly common, especially among children and old people in particular.\n\n\nDr Dan Su, one of the hospital\u2019s medical practitioners, said that most rectal prolapses can be retracted, but this case is an exception.\n\n\nHe had it from a young age\n\n\nSu said the man had previously suffered from rectal prolapses when he was four, but in the previous circumstance, doctors were able to retract it.\n\n\nSince they were unable to retract the prolapse, they decided to operate on the man to remove the protrusion. The man was able to walk around two days later. \n\n\nA CT scan revealed the 6.3-inch bulge hanging outside the patient\u2019s anus, as well as blood spots and bruises along the patient\u2019s intestinal wall. \n\n\nSu said that it\u2019s possible that, while trying to eliminate waste, the man\u2019s pelvic muscles might have weakened. Sitting on the toilet too long triggered the prolapse. T\nhe man is currently recovering.\n\n\nSu warned that anyone with the condition must seek treatment as soon as they spot it.\n\n\nCommon in the very young and very old\n\n\n\n\nNot pictured: the pain of rectal prolapse. | File photo\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS), rectal prolapse affects about 2.5 out of 100,000 people. It affects mostly adults over 50 years of age, though women over 50 years old are six times more likely to develop the condition. However, men who develop the condition are often in their 40s.\n\n\nThe condition isn\u2019t a sudden phenomenon and tends to manifest in a gradual manner, returning back to normal after some time. When the rectum still hasn\u2019t returned to its normal position, patients with rectal prolapse may feel like they\u2019re sitting on a \u201cball.\u201d \n\n\nAround 50% of patients experience chronic constipation (a tell-tale sign) and if left untreated, this condition requires emergency surgery.\n\n\nIn your children\u2019s case \u2014 as with the man\u2019s experience when he was four years old \u2014 a prolapse may start happening when your child is between one to five years of age when he begins standing or potty training. The cause in these cases is often not known.\n\n\nPossible causes of rectal prolapse\n\n\nHowever, there are factors that increase the child\u2019s risk of a rectal prolapse. They could be any of the following:\n\n\n\n\nAn \ninfection\n in your child\u2019s bowel can cause his rectum to swell and move down through his anus. The infection may be caused by parasites or bacteria.\n\n\nConstipation\n makes your child push too hard during bowel movement. The pressure from pushing too hard may cause the rectum to prolapse.\n\n\nMalnutrition \naccelerates the loss of fatty tissue that helps hold your child\u2019s rectum in place.\n\n\nDiarrhoea\n may cause swelling of your child\u2019s rectum, raising the risk of prolapse.\n\n\nChronic conditions such as \nCystic fibrosis (CF) or ulcerative colitis (UC)\n may cause \nmalnutrition\n and \nconstipation\n. UC can also cause \ndiarrhoea\n.\n\n\n\n\nSigns and symptoms of rectal prolapse\n\n\nIf your child is complaining of any difficulties during bowel movement or is generally stressed around it, you can check for any of these signs of rectal prolapse.\n\n\n\n\nRectal tissue\n seen through the anus after or during your child\u2019s bowel movement\n\n\nPain or discomfort\n during bowel movement\n\n\nSwollen\n, pink, or red rectum\n\n\nBleeding\n or mucus from your child\u2019s rectum, which may happen from rubbing against underwear or nappies\n\n\n\n\nOnce you\u2019ve seen any of these signs, check with your doctor to confirm if it\u2019s rectal prolapse. The doctor will examine your child\u2019s anus for rectal prolapse or rectal polyps (a small growth of tissue in the lining of the rectum).\n\n\nRectal prolapse testing\n\n\nThe doctor may feel inside your child\u2019s anus to check for bumps that cannot be seen from the outside. The doctor may also ask you about your child\u2019s bowel habits. So if your child has any other medical conditions, tell them.\n\n\nThe doctor or medical professional may do the following tests:\n\n\n\n\nA sweat chloride test shows the amount of chloride in your child\u2019s sweat. This test is used to check for cystic fibrosis (CF). If your child has CF, your child\u2019s sweat will contain a high amount of chloride.\n\n\nAn x-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan may show problems with your child\u2019s rectum. The healthcare provider may give contrast liquid to your child to help the intestines show up better in the pictures. Your healthcare provider may also place contrast liquid into your child\u2019s anus. Tell the healthcare provider if your child has ever had an allergic reaction to contrast liquid.\n\n\nA sample of your child\u2019s bowel movement may show what germ is causing your child\u2019s illness.\n\n\n\n\nHow you can help treat it\n\n\nRectal prolapse can be treated, so be prepared for your or your child\u2019s treatment.\n\n\n\n\nAntibiotics fight bacterial infection.\n\n\nAntiparasitics fight or prevent parasite infection.\n\n\nBowel movement softeners help prevent constipation.\n\n\nLaxatives relax and loosen your child\u2019s intestines to prevent constipation.\n\n\nIf the rectal prolapse is bad, injections may prevent your child\u2019s rectum from moving through the anus. Be warned that a medical professional will give your child one or more shots of numbing medicine or anaesthetic. Afterwards, a needle will be inserted into the rectum to apply the appropriate medicine. Your child will feel some pressure or discomfort as the needle enters the rectum.\n\n\nIn extreme cases, surgery may be necessary if other treatments don\u2019t work. Surgery can help correct the position of your child\u2019s rectum to prevent it from hanging out of the anus. Surgery may include placing sutures or mesh into the rectum, or removing the part of the rectum that is prolapsed.\n\n\n\n\nThere are many things you can do to help a child get through this condition. You can check \nthis website\n for more information on rectal prolapse treatment and recovery.\n\n\nDon\u2019t multitask on the toilet!\n\n\nThe objective of going to the toilet is to eliminate waste, nothing more, nothing less, and should not be treated as \u201cluxury time.\u201d Multitasking during toilet time only raises the risk of rectal prolapse.\n \n\n\nSo parents, if you\u2019re thinking of hiding from your in-laws, visitors, or kids, don\u2019t hide in your bathroom, sit on the toilet, and burn hours away on your phone. And don\u2019t forget to warn your children not to stay on the toilet for too long, or they might get rectal prolapse too! \n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/burn-in-children", "title": "Children & Burns", "body": "Burns are classified by the amount of damage done to the skin and other body tissue. Accidents happen whether at home or in public, and burn in children often leads to injury not only on their physical health, also mental and emotional being.\u00a0\n\n\nDr Marzida Abd Latib, Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon of Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (GKL) here to explain about burn in children and what parents should do if this situation happen to them.\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the common burns in children\n\n\n\n\nThe aetiology of common burns in children changes with age. Younger children suffer more scalds, for example hot water, hot soup, hot oil, hot beverages.\u00a0\n\n\nOlder children usually suffer more flame burns. Example flammable liquid causing a fire.\n Other notable causes of burn in children include:\n\n\n\n\nContact with a hot object hot iron, hot stoves\n\n\nChemicals:\n\n\n\n\na child may come into contact with is through household cleaning and beauty products. E.g., drain cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, dishwashing detergents, oven cleaners, metal cleaners, rust removers, and hair relaxers.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nElectrical burns\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSuch as biting an electrical cord, placing an object into an electrical socket, contacting a low voltage wire or appliance indoors (low voltage household injury)\n\n\ncontacting a high voltage wire outdoors) or being struck by lightning\u00a0(high voltage injury)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSunburn is a specific type of burn caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun (or from artificial ultraviolet sources, such as tanning beds).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWill appear similar to thermal burns and can range from painless erythema to painful erythema with oedema and bullae, appearing in sun-exposed areas only\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNon-accidental injury (child abuse) should also be suspected from any suspicious lesions.\n\n\n\n\n2. What are the different types of burns and symptoms?\n\n\n\n\nHowever, burn wound constantly changes, which sometimes makes it dif\ufb01cult to determine the depth of the injury in the \ufb01rst 2-5 days and it is rarely homogenous throughout.\n\n\n3. When should I take my child to the A&E for a burn injury?\n\n\nGo to\u00a0a hospital\u00a0\naccident and emergency (A&E)\n\u00a0department\u00a0for:\n\n\n\n\nlarge or deep burns (2\nnd\n and 3\nrd\n degree burns) bigger than the affected person\u2019s hand\n\n\nburns of any size that cause white or charred skin\n\n\nburns on special areas:\u00a0 the face, hands, arms, feet, legs or genitals\u00a0\n\n\nburns with \nblisters\n\n\nall chemical and electrical burns\n\n\n\n\nAlso get medical help straight away\u00a0if the child with the burn:\n\n\n\n\nhas other injuries that need treatment\n\n\nis going into shock\u00a0\u2013 signs include cold, clammy skin, sweating, rapid, shallow breathing, and weakness or dizziness\n\n\nis under the age of 5\n\n\nhas a\u00a0medical condition, such as heart, lung or liver disease, or\u00a0\ndiabetes\n\n\nany uncertainties at all\n\n\n\n\nThe level of care needed to treat a burn depends on many factors, including the location of the burn and the extent of the burn. If you\u2019re not sure if your child\u2019s burn is serious, check with your paediatrician.\n\n\n4. Do\u2019s and Don\u2019ts of Burn First\u2013Aid\n\n\n\n\nDo\u2019s\n\n\n\n\nStop burning process as soon as possible by:\n\n\n\n\nremoving the person from the area\n\n\nextinguish flames with water, or smothering flames with a blanket, fire-extinguishing liquid\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCooling the wound\n\n\n\n\nwith tepid water to remove any residual heat and prevent progression of the thermal burn\n\n\neffective if applied within the first few minutes of the injury\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemove any clothing or jewellery\u00a0near the burnt area of skin, including babies\u2019 nappies.\n\n\nCover the burn with cling film, a clean bandage or cloth.\n\n\nKeep the child warm.\n\n\n\n\nWrap using a blanket or layers of clothing, but avoid\u00a0putting them on\u00a0the injured area\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTake Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for pain.\n\n\nSit upright as much as possible if the face or eyes are burnt\n\n\nSeek medical attention as soon as possible\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019ts:\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0not start first aid before ensuring your own safety (switch off electrical current, wear gloves for chemicals, etc.)\n\n\nDo\u00a0not apply home remedies/ointments until the patient has been placed under appropriate medical care.\n\n\n\n\nDo not apply soy sauce, toothpaste, turmeric powder, flour or greasy substances s like butter\u00a0\n\n\nit might become infected\n\n\nit makes initial burn assessment difficult due to discloration\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0not apply ice, ice water because it deepens the injury;\n\n\nAvoid\u00a0prolonged cooling with water because it will lead to hypothermia\n\n\nDo not\u00a0try to remove anything that is stuck to the burnt skin, as this could cause more damage.\n\n\nDo\u00a0not intentionally open blisters.\n\n\n\n\n5. How are burns managed or treated in children?\n\n\n\n\nOutwardly, burns treatment for children is similar to that for adults, but there is significant physical, psychological, and social differences. Children have thinner skin, lose proportionately more fluid, are more prone to hypothermia, and mount a greater systemic inflammatory response.\n\n\nOverall, it involves a multidisciplinary team including an emergency Physician, Paediatrician, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Nutritionist, Physiotherapist, & Rehabilitation Specialist, Child Councillor nurses and many more. \n\n\nDepending on the extent and severity, a burned child maybe well taken care of in a tertiary hospital with Burn Unit set up which is usually headed by a Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon.\n\n\nManagement of burns includes multiple phases: initial resuscitation, early burn management, rehabilitation and post-burn reconstruction as outlined below:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPrimary survey evaluation:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0A, B, C, D, E (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability (neurological status), Exposure/ environmental control.\n\n\n\n\nSecondary survey: head to toe examination after initial stabilization\n\n\n\n\nBurn wounds will be assessed in terms of depth and extent\n\n\nIntravenous fluid and urinary catheter inserted if required\n\n\nPain management\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAny concern of non-accidental injury (child abuse) should also be addressed\n\n\nWound management\n\n\n\n\nTreatment can be conservative which include cleaning, debridement, regular dressing change. Optimum wound care is instrumental toward recovery, as it protects the wound from further infection, provides comfort, and promotes healing\n\n\nThere is no clear evidence on which dressing provides the best coverage; thus, the choice can be made based on cost, availability, frequency of dressing changes (i.e. dressing which minimizes amount of changes may be more suitable for children)\n\n\nBurn reconstruction surgery with early excision of burn wound and skin grafting is the mainstay of surgical burn treatment for wounds which are not expected to heal in 2-3 weeks\u2019 time. This is usually required with extensive and deeper burn injury. This will help wound heals faster, better functional and aesthetic outcome as it reduces the risk of hypertrophic scarring and contractures. It also shortens the hospital stay which translates to lower overall medical cost. Nevertheless, skin donor site availability is a problem in major burns.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNutritional support & Physiotherapy\n\n\n\n\nhigh protein diet is important for wound healing. Encourage foods such as milk, meat, eggs, yogurt, cheese, beans and peanut butter.\u00a0\n\n\nA nasogastric tube may also be inserted if required to facilitate feeding.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOnce wounds are healing and closed it is usually dry and itchy\n\n\n\n\nMay begin to apply olive oil or moisturizer at least 4 times a day.\n\n\n\u00a0Use a circular motion when rubbing the lotion into the skin.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0Scar massage helps the skin be more elastic, softer and less raised. It also helps with itching.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSplinting the joints to prevent scar contracture.\n\n\nPressure garment and silicone gel sheet are also added as scar management tool which results in improved texture and thickness of scars. If a pressure garment is recommended, it will be custom ordered by a physical or occupational therapist.\n\n\nPsychological management must not be overlooked.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n6. What are the complications of deep or widespread burns in children?\n\n\n\n\nThey may cause multisystemic manifestations, including injuries t\no\n all major organs systems like renal failure, respiratory failure, sepsis and death.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nSpecialized burn centres, which care for these patients with multidisciplinary teams, may be the best places to treat children with major thermal injuries\n\n\nDeep wounds may potentially lead to infection, hypertrophic scarring, and scar contracture, unstable scar and chronic pain. All may lead to functional and social disfigurement.\n Follow-up visits for therapy and for fitting pressure garments (to control scarring) can last for months and even years. \n\n\nThe child may need long term to follow up and secondary reconstruction procedures like contracture release, skin grafting or flap surgery.\n Some unstable chronic burn wounds may also have transformed into skin malignancy at a much later age. \n\n\nThe disfigurement and impaired function suffered by many burn victims may be lifelong, and returning to school and society with these handicaps can be extremely stressful, particularly for children.\n\n\nTheir behaviour and self-esteem may change tremendously. They may have a major psychological breakdowns if not detected early.\n\n\n\u00a0\n7. What steps parents can take to prevent the future risk of burns at home?\n\n\n\n\nParents can take small steps to reduce the likelihood of burns. Some useful tips:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTo always test the water temperature first before soaking a baby or toddler in a tub. Remember\n: 140\u00b0F (60\u00b0C) water will cause partial-thickness burns in approximately 5 seconds, whereas water at 120\u00b0F (49\u00b0C) will cause partial-thickness burns in approximately 5 minutes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNever leave a toddler unattended as accident may happen in split seconds\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKeep children out of the kitchen while cooking, using the oven or preparing hot milk and beverages\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPlace socket covers on unused plugs.\u00a0Use safety cords, such as circuit breakers or ground fault interrupters. Cover or fix any exposed wires. Replace damaged electric cords. Never allow your child to touch wires.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWatch your child when he or she is playing with electric toys.\u00a0Turn off and unplug electric toys or machines when not in use.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo not use electric machines near water.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKeep electric machines out of your child\u2019s reach.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMind your hot cup of beverages on the table. Do not put it within the child\u2019s reach or try avoiding the tablecloth when serving hot meals when there is a curious toddler around.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPut away chemical substances beyond the reach of children and never let them near you when you are using these substances.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA working fire alarm, aportable domestic fire extinguisher should be made available in all homes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClosely supervise older children around candles, fires and grills.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMake sure you don\u2019t leave matches and lighters where children can find them.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlso, don\u2019t let children move logs in a burning fire, or throw on flammables such as straw or dry grass, which flare quickly, and especially not lighter fluid or gasoline.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nParents may also proactively educate their children in an age-appropriate manner on matters above. Teach the older children on first aid and important numbers to contact should such a mishap happens.\n\n\nInternational Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science\u00a0 |\u00a0 Vol. 2\u00a0 |\u00a0 Issue 3\u00a0 |\u00a0 Sep-Dec 2012 133\n\n\nKrishnamoorthy, et al.: Pediatric burn injury review\n\n\nCONCLUSION\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by Dr Marzida Abd Latib, Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon of Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (GKL)\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHandling head bumps\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat to do if your child swallows a button battery?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n9 household items that can put your children in grave danger\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-falls-sick", "title": "Malaysian Mum Shares A Secret On Why Her Kid Falls Sick Infrequently", "body": "Until my son turned 3, I can count the number of times he has\n fallen ill with one hand\n. His teachers at preschool would wonder at his amazing immune system and would lament to me that his peers would be skipping school often due to being ill. So it made me take a look at what I did to ensure my child falls sick less often.\n\n\nThe only time my son had to be in the hospital was when he had an \nallergic reaction\n to some nuts in a cake. But besides that, he has never had to be admitted nor has he gone to the clinic for even the common flu.\u00a0\n\n\nLooking back, here are some of the things that I did that I want to share with other parents to hopefully, reduce the doctor\u2019s visits.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nTips to ensure your child falls sick less often\n\n\n1# Clean but not too clean\n\n\nWhile I ensure my child takes his evening bath and \nbrushes his teeth\n, I tried the theory of Hygiene Hypothesis to see if it would help with his immune system and to my surprise, it did.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Hygiene Hypothesis is a theory that suggests that children\u2019s environment\u2019s should not be \u201ctoo clean\u201d so that it can actively stimulate the child\u2019s immune system to mature properly and fight off diseases or illnesses Davis, C. P. (2018, June 13). The hygiene Hypothesis Definition, Information. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from \nwww.medicinenet.com/the_hygiene_hypothesis/views.htm\n \n.\n\n\nSo my home was never too clean. I don\u2019t mop or sweep or vacuum every day or every single time I see a strand of hair or dust on the floor. In fact, I only vacuumed once a week, changed his sheets once a week and let him occasionally eat stuff he had dropped on the floor.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the end, I saw that his immune system was maturing and could handle these minor bacteria.\u00a0\n\n\n2# Prioritise sleep\u00a0\n\n\nOne thing many of my friends and family never understood was how I would schedule my day around my son\u2019s naps. We would be out having a family lunch and 2 pm would creep up, and I would promptly excuse myself to bring my son home for his nap.\n\n\nSure, he could nap in the car or \nat the restaurant\n itself, but it would not give him the restful sleep he needed. To give him the most restful naps, we ensured he always had a dark, quiet room to nap in.\u00a0\n\n\nWithout fail, every day he would take his naps at the exact same time and then he would go to bed by 7 pm. We established a very certain routine for him and one of the reasons we believe his \nimmune system\n is so strong is because of his sleep.\u00a0\n\n\nGood sleep and rest is associated with a stronger immune system Born, J., Dimitrov, S., & Lange, T. (n.d.). Effects of sleep and circadian rhythm on the human immune system. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from \npubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20398008/\n and this is very evident in practice.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\n3# Don\u2019t skip any vaccinations\n\n\nOne of the things we did was to stick to a \nstrict vaccination schedule\n too. We even opted in for the recommended ones like chickenpox and rotavirus. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.\u00a0\n\n\nSo when there was a small outbreak of chickenpox at my son\u2019s preschool, it did not worry me as I knew my son would be protected from it. It\u2019s a small upfront cost to pay.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter all, paediatric hospital bills can go well into the hundreds or thousands even for a one night stay \u2013 so why not vaccinate your children to prevent them from having to go through the ailment and treatment, right?\n\n\n4# Provide a stable environment at home\n\n\nMental health is important. Yes \u2013 even from a young age. \nMental health\n can affect our physical health as adults, and the same applies for children. Children who are given a happy, carefree childhood environment will also benefit from it by falling sick less often.\u00a0\n\n\nStress can negatively affect their physical health and when your child falls sick, stress could be a contributing factor. So as parents, we should try to create a stress-free environment for our kids.\n\n\n5# Reinforcing their nutritional intake\n\n\nMy son is quite the fussy eater. He only wants to eat the same foods everyday \u2013 mashed potatoes, bolognese sauce with minced beef, salmon and steamed carrots and broccoli. Sounds healthy, right?\u00a0\n\n\nWell, while this might be healthy, it doesn\u2019t hurt to\n reinforce their diet with additional vitamins and nutrients\n. I ensure my child gets additional prebiotics by adding Similac Gain Plus\u00ae Gold to his daily intake.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSimilac Gain Plus\u00ae Gold is the world\u2019s first formula with 2\u2019-FL, nucleotides and EYE-Q\u00ae NUTRITION SYSTEM.\n\n\nEYE-Q\u00ae NUTRITION SYSTEM is the unique blend of Lutein, Natural Vitamin E & DHA for overall brain development to support fast learning, while protecting your child\u2019s body defense with the dual system of 2\u2019-FL and nucleotides.\n\n\nThe 2\u2019-FL, which stands for 2\u2032-Fucosyllactose, is an oligosaccharide composed of L-fucose, D-galactose, and D-glucose units. It helps to nourish your child\u2019s gut.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, the 2\u2032-FL is prebiotic that is able to \u2018trick\u2019 bacteria, reducing chances of them binding to the body\n3\n. It helps to fight off the harmful pathogens that try to enter your body.\n\n\nNucleotides, on the other hand, are the building blocks of DNA which help to strengthen your child from within.\u00a0\n\n\nSo with all of these steps I took, I was able to ensure my child falls sick less and at the same time, ensure he is getting the best nutrition to support a stronger immune system while enhancing his learning ability.\n\n\nGet your sample of Similac Gain Plus\u00ae Gold to support your child\u2019s immunity \nhere\n.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1 \n\u00a0Davis, C. P. (2018, June 13). The hygiene Hypothesis Definition, Information. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from \nwww.medicinenet.com/the_hygiene_hypothesis/views.htm\n\n\n2 \nBorn, J., Dimitrov, S., & Lange, T. (n.d.). Effects of sleep and circadian rhythm on the human immune system. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from \npubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20398008/\n\n\n3 \n\u00a0Bode L et.al. Glycobiology 2012;22(9):1147-62.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/7-messages-a-married-man-should-never-send", "title": "7 Messages a Married Man Should NEVER SEND", "body": "Married life is different from one\u2019s life as a single person; responsibilities shift, roles are reestablished. Once you\u2019re a married man, there are things you once did before are no longer all right to do.\n\n\nThat\u2019s why as a husband it\u2019s important to keep your messaging habits in check. You may think that what you\u2019re sending to other people is considered innocent and harmless, but they could possibly ruin your marriage.\n\n\n7 Messages Married Man Should Never Send\n\n\nThese are seven messages a married man should never send.\n\n\n\n\n1. Checking up on your ex-lover\n\n\nIt doesn\u2019t matter if you\u2019ve gotten over them for a long time, or if they were the one who messaged you first. This is a person you once loved, and such feelings can come back and complicate things with your wife. The past should stay in the past.\n\n\n2. Complaining about your wife\n\n\nMarital issues are a private matter, and should remain so. You may think it\u2019s okay to whine about your wife to her sister or brother, for example, but it\u2019s not. Worse still is if you\u2019re venting your frustrations to your friends, who have no business knowing such things. If you\u2019re frustrated with your wife, the best course of action is to talk about it with her in a healthy manner.\n\n\n3. Obsessively texting a friend\n\n\nThis becomes more troublesome if you\u2019re sending more text to your friend than you do your wife. It shows that you are more invested in what they have to say, and that is not a good sign in any marriage.\n\n\n4. Messages sent from a secret messaging app\n\n\nAlthough absolute transparency in any marriage is not ideal, and keeping things to yourself is at times even healthy, going to such lengths to keep certain messages private is a sign that you\u2019re feeling guilty about something. If that\u2019s the case, then a married man like you shouldn\u2019t be doing it in the first place.\n\n\n5. Angry messages\n\n\nArguments between couples happen, but it is never okay for either party to send messages out of anger. In the heat of the moment it is easy to say things with the express purpose of hurting, only for it\u00a0to be regretted\u00a0later, once we\u2019ve cooled down.\n\n\n6. Flirty texts\n\n\nThis one is a no brainer. If you\u2019re married, your only object of affection should be your wife. Otherwise, engaging in such conversations is called cheating.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\n10 Things Mummies Do To Have Calm And Happy Babies\nLifestyle\n5 Ways To Make Your House Safer When You Have Kids\nKeibubapaan\nSoothing relief for muscle aches and pain\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\n\n\n7. Sexually explicit images\n\n\nIf there\u2019s anything anyone can learn from the digital age, it is that information spreads fast, and once you put it out there, it can never be taken down. Even if you\u2019re only sending it to your wife, your images can be shared to anyone. If you\u2019re feeling sexy and you want your wife to know, there\u2019s a right time and place for it.\n\n\nThis post is based on Amberlee Lovell\u2019s \nFamily Share article\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-nursing-bra-for-pregnant-breastfeeding-women", "title": "Maternity Bras That Make Breastfeeding A Comfortable Process", "body": "Women experience many significant physical changes during pregnancy, where in addition to a growing belly, their breasts also become much more sensitive.\n\n\nYour breasts are growing due to increased progesterone levels and the expansion of your milk ducts in preparation for the coming baby.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring pregnancy, it's common to gain a cup size or two. Because your rib cage expands to make room for your baby, many women notice they are also wider across the back.\n\n\nYou may start to grow uncomfortable, sore, and short of breath, thus this is the perfect time for them to invest in the best nursing bra to ensure comfort throughout and beyond pregnancy.\n\n\nIn this article, let\u2019s look at the best maternity bras, why you should get them, how to care for these undergarments, and more!\n\n\nWhat are breastfeeding bras?\n\n\nBreastfeeding bras are undergarments specially designed to entail to the needs of \nbreastfeeding women.\u00a0\n\n\nIt has cups with flaps or panels that can be opened easily to give the baby access to the breast without the need to completely remove the bra during a breastfeeding session.\n\n\nDifference Between Maternity Bra and Nursing Bras\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDesign\n\n\nMaternity Bra\n\n\nNursing Bra\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Fit larger sized breasts\n\n\nYes\n\n\nYes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Wide straps, lining with soft cotton on the inside, with extra hooks and hangers on the tape\n\n\nYes\n\n\nYes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. No underwire\u00a0\n\n\nYes\n\n\nYes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Hook/panel for easy breastfeeding access\n\n\nNo\n\n\nYes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Provides optimum comfort\n\n\nYes\n\n\nYes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThus, we suggest that it's best for expectant mothers to purchase a combination of both, i.e. first buy a larger sized pregnancy bra as well as a breastfeeding bra to switch to near the middle of the 3rd trimester.\n\n\nIf you buy a breastfeeding bra to wear during pregnancy, you should choose one that has more room for breast augmentation as your breast will grow 1-2 sizes up after the baby is born.\n\n\nWhy Should You Use The Best Nursing Bra?\n\n\n\n\nDuring pregnancy, many women ponder over whether they should invest in a breastfeeding bra or if they should just stick to their normal bras. \n\n\nMany pregnant women and new mothers actually do recommend buying a breastfeeding bra are best as it helps provide comfort while their bodies change over time.\n\n\nHere are some of the reasons why pregnant women are encouraged to buy breastfeeding bras:\n\n\n\n\nThey are \nspecially designed to accommodate breasts that are enlarged or abruptly changing in size\n. Your breasts will likely go through dramatic size changes during pregnancy and have the potential to fluctuate in size depending on the breastfeeding and pumping sessions you have after you have given birth.\n\n\nMost breastfeeding bras \ncome with multiple hooks\n which enable one to change the width of the bras to keep up with changes in one\u2019s body size.\n\n\nBreastfeeding bras are also usually \nmade of soft and stretchy material and do not consist of iron wires or stitches near the nipple\n (which can cause inflammation) in order to maximize comfort.\n\n\n\n\nWhen Should You Get A Breastfeeding Bra?\n\n\nA good sign of when it is time to get a breastfeeding bra is when you feel like your bra is too restrictive. Some things you can look out for is when you remove your bra and realise that it leaves \u2018dent\u2019 marks where the tape and the straps are, or when your breasts start to overflow out of the cups.\n\n\nEvery pregnancy is different, much like how every woman is different. Thus, each woman's breast will also change in unique ways. Some pregnant women will find that the size of their breasts continually \nincreases\n throughout the entire duration of their pregnancy. whereas, others may find an increase in the first trimester only, etc.\n\n\nDepending on how your own body changes throughout your pregnancy, you will need to monitor it and purchase new bras as you see fit!\n\n\nHow many maternity bras will I need?\n\n\nThis is a question that is fully dependent on your body and personal requirements. To begin, you'll need to purchase a maternity bra. For pregnant women, these will be cordless bras. There are a variety of alternatives, such as T-shirt bras, which are both comfortable and fashionable.\u00a0\n\n\nYou should first purchase a couple of bras and then assess your situation. You may require more at that time, or you may wait until your breasts have grown larger again before purchasing.\n\n\nMoreover, you should consider purchasing a breastfeeding bra during 36-38 weeks because this is usually when you will start lactating. Hence, a nursing bra may be useful to use when breastfeeding. When you use a nursing bra, it contains a pull-down clip to let you feed your baby more easily.\n\n\nTips For Choosing The Best Nursing Bra\n\n\n\n\nA good bra should provide ample support but should not be too tight as well. It should not leave any dent marks on the skin as that leads to the risk of clogged milk ducts, mastitis or even a decreased milk supply.\n\n\nHere are a few things you should take note of before you buy your bra:\n\n\n\n\nWireless bras are more suitable during breastfeeding\n\n\nIt is advisable to choose a bra made of cotton or other natural materials. This is as natural materials absorb well and have good ventilation.\n\n\nYou should choose a bra that has a hook that is easy to operate with one hand, such that the mother can use the other hand to hold the baby.\n\n\nSoft and stretchy material is ideal. This is so that there is enough allowance for the fluctuating shape of the breast.\n\n\nChoose bras that have ample support\n\n\nThe bra should also be soft so as to enable any breast changes and minimize chances of irritation to the breasts and nipples\n\n\nBras that feature cups that can be opened to enable easy access for breastfeeding are recommended\n\n\nBras that allow for fluctuation in the ribs are also ideal\n\n\n\n\nCaution!\n\n\nIt is not recommended to buy \u2018normal bras\u2019 in larger sizes as normal bras do not have the capacity to support and accommodate the growing breasts and body during pregnancy, given that they are made with different fabrics and structures.\n\n\nIn addition, normal bras have an iron underwire which does not accommodate for breast enlargement and can thus result in extreme discomfort if worn throughout pregnancy.\n\n\nDuring the breastfeeding stage, a normal bra also poses much impracticality as it does not have any easy access openings that allow for breastfeeding. \n\n\nThis can also be harmful as it increases the likelihood of mastitis (blockage and infection of milk ducts) due to the constraint of the underwire and less breathable materials used.\n\n\nHow Do You Ensure Your Nursing Bra Fits Perfectly?\n\n\nThere is no denying that many women, not just those pregnant, are confused about how to make sure that the bra they buy fits perfectly, protects their breasts and provides comfort. \n\n\nFor pregnant mothers, the following are some of the ways in which you can make sure your breastfeeding bra fits well. \n\n\nThese tips can also apply to all women who are in the search of a comfortable bra.\n\n\n\n\nWrinkles on the bottom of the bra cup are visible indicators that your bra is too big.\n\n\nThe tape band of your bra should fit perfectly, lie neatly and not be skewed upwards on the back.\n\n\nIf your breasts peek out of the bottom of your bra, this means that your bra is too big.\n\n\nIf your breasts \u2018overflow\u2019 out of the top or the sides of the bra cup, it means that your bra is too small.\n\n\n\n\nHow to measure for a good fit?\n\n\nTaking two easy measurements - underbust and bust - is the best approach to begin fitting a bra.\u00a0\n\n\nYour band and cup sizes are calculated using these two figures. These measures can be taken with a cloth measuring tape or a piece of thread and a ruler.\n\n\nFirst, strip down to your bra to obtain your underbust, or band measurement. Wrap the measuring tape or thread around your torso and place it just beneath your breasts.\u00a0\n\n\nThe measuring tape should be snug but not too tight around your torso. This measurement should be rounded up to the next even number. A band size of 34, for example, might be anything from 32.5 and 34 inches wide.\n\n\nWrap the measuring tape over the largest region of your breasts while still wearing your bra to get your bust measurement. If you're breastfeeding, remember to measure before each meal.\n\n\nSubtracting your band size from your bust measurement yields your cup size. Every tenth of an inch of difference is a letter.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your breast measurement is 37 inches and your band size is 34 inches, the three-inch discrepancy equals a C cup. A difference of four inches equals a D cup, and so on.\n\n\nHow often should I wash my maternity bra?\n\n\nAfter two wears, it is normally advised that you wash your bra. This assumes it isn\u2019t milk-stained, sweated in, or otherwise marked.\n\n\nThe wrinkles around your breast and armpits are hot and humid because our bodies are continually losing skin. Bras are figure-hugging and quickly absorb odours and grime.\n\n\nCan I wash these bras by hand?\n\n\nYes, you can! While it is tempting to just toss your bra in the machine and let it do the job for you, hand washing your bras is recommended to get the most out of them.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are a few tips on how to care for your maternity bra:\n\n\n\n\nFill a bucket with around 5 litres of cold water and a tiny bit of biodegradable detergent to dissolve. Detergents containing bleach or strong enzymes should be avoided. Your bras will be harmed by them.\n\n\nWhether you pre-soak or not is totally up to you. If you soak it for a few minutes before washing it, the fibres will stretch, giving the dirt and grime a head start on getting out.\n\n\nSoak your undergarment for at least 10 minutes. Just in case any colours run, only soak comparable colours together. Any stains should be lightly rubbed off.\n\n\nIn the bucket, stir the water by dipping the bra in and out for around 5 minutes. When in the bucket, gently compress your bras, but never beat or wring them.\n\n\nFill with clean, cold water and discard the soapy water. You should only need two rinses, or until the water runs clear.\n\n\nIf you want to use a softener, dissolve a tiny quantity in cold water and soak for 5 minutes before rinsing.\n\n\nLay flat to dry or hang in the shade to dry. The sun, like hot water, may hasten the degeneration of the elastic in your bras, so keep them out of direct sunshine if at all possible.\n\n\n\n\n10 best maternity and nursing bras\u00a0\n\n\nTo aid in the search of finding the best breastfeeding bra, we have listed below some of the best breastfeeding bras in Malaysia for your consideration.\n\n\n#1 Mamaway Ultralight Antibacterial Seamless Nursing and Maternity Bra\n\n\n\n\nIt is the best maternity bra to wear during pregnancy and after childbirth given its thin yet comfortable material. \n\n\nIt helps to eliminate any discomfort or pain that can be caused by sensitivity during pregnancy or when breasts are swollen. \n\n\nThis bra is also built with soft pads and openings that make it easy for mothers to breastfeed their babies.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nVery light and comfortable design\n\n\nCan accommodate up to a 3 cup size increase due to its great structural support.\n\n\nIt is known to be more comfortable, ultra light and soft compared to other nursing bras\n\n\nStitched with soft padding and shapes to your breast well\n\n\nMerylR Skinlife with adhesive silver microparticles, antibacterial and odour resistant\n\n\nMaterials: Nylon, spandex and polyester\n\n\n\n\n Mamaway Ultralight Antibacterial Seamless Maternity and Nursing Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#2 Mamaway Antibacterial Crossover Sleeping & Nursing Padded Bra\n\n\n\n\nThis easy stretch bra is very suited for breastfeeding, especially during the early stages of breastfeeding due to its easily accessible openings.\n\n\nThe material used is also both easy to dry and absorbent to ensure the mother\u2019s comfort even if there is a milk leak on the bra.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nAntibacterial and anti-odour material\n\n\nRemovable bra pads to provide better support\n\n\nFlexible and strong enough to maintain its shape despite constant pull during breastfeeding.\n\n\nThin fabric that can be shaped to fit different breast shapes well.\n\n\nWide shoulder strap that provides extra back and shoulder support\n\n\nMaterial: 100% Cotton\n\n\n\n\n amaway Antibacterial Crossover Sleeping & Nursing Padded Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#3 Holabebe Hands Free Pumping Nursing Bra\n\n\n\n\nNot only is the Holabebe breastfeeding bra comfortable for breastfeeding but also compatible with a hands-free breast pump!\n\n\nThe design is also neat and able to accommodate the breasts, ensuring that they stay comfortable and in good shape throughout breastfeeding. The opening is also easily accessible by one hand.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCan accommodate up to a 3 cup size increase due to its great structural support.\n\n\nWide shoulder straps and side panels to distribute weight evenly\n\n\nBack design contains many hooks and clasps to accommodate breast changes\n\n\n1 drop-down clip for easy breastfeeding\n\n\nRemovable bra pads\n\n\nMaterial: Nylon and Spandex\n\n\n\n\n Holabebe Hands Free Pumping Nursing Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#4 Holabebe Seamless Nursing Bra\n\n\n\n\nAnother Holabebe bra for mothers to consider! This model can not only be used during pregnancy and as a breastfeeding bra but is also suited as a sports bra.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCan accommodate up to a 3 cup size increase due to its great structural support.\n\n\nWide shoulder straps and side panels to distribute weight evenly\n\n\nThe back design contains many hooks and clasps to accommodate breast changes\n\n\n1 drop-down clip for easy breastfeeding\n\n\nRemovable bra pads\n\n\nMaterial: Nylon and Spandex\n\n\n\n\n Holabebe Seamless Black Nursing Bra - \nRM39.90\nEditor's Choice\n5\n/5\nshop now\n\n\n#5 AUTUMNZ Isabel2 Maternity & Nursing Bra\n\n\n\n\nThe AUTUMNZ Isabel2 is a soft and lightweight breastfeeding bra complete with a soft cup and o additional lining. It would definitely be a good pick for mothers who are constantly breastfeeding.\n\n\nIt is also highly functional with an easy opening that can be accessed with one hand.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nAttractive colour and pattern options are available\n\n\nEasy opening\n\n\n3-point hook opening that facilitates resizing according to one\u2019s comfort\n\n\nNo extra wires and pads\n\n\nInternal openings that enable breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\n AUTUMNZ Isabel2 Maternity & Nursing Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#6 Lunavie Hands-Free Pumping Bra\n\n\n\n\nThe Lunavie bra is a very helpful breastfeeding bra that makes pumping a fuss-free and easy process.\n\n\n It allows the mother to multitask while pumping milk and even facilitates the process of breastfeeding directly from the breast.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nHands-free and good design that helps to maximize comfort and enables multi-tasking\n\n\nIt is designed to work with all types of electric milk pumps from the largest manufacturers that include Medela, Philips, AVENT, Autumnz, Lacte, Evenflo, Spectra and more.\n\n\nComes with an additional adjustable back panel to ensure a perfect fit according to how your body changes throughout breastfeeding\n\n\nThis bustier style features a panel in the centre and a zipper on the front that allows 1 inch of side-to-side movement for proper pump lip positioning\n\n\nEasy to clean as you can wash it safely in the washing machine with cold water, on medium cycle and using chlorine-free bleach if necessary.\n\n\n\n\n Lunavie Hands Free Pumping Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#7 XIXILI Super Soft Wireless Pansy Bra\n\n\n\n\nPregnant women and new mothers would surely appreciate the comfort brought about by the XIXILI Pansy Bra. It\u2019s perfect for at -home use or a casual day out.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nIt is designed without an iron underwire\n\n\nFeatures a more comprehensive coverage that provides high protection to the breast\n\n\nCreated with stretchy ultra-soft yarn-free knitted fabric\n\n\nHas a removable bra cup for you to choose between different levels of coverage and comfort\n\n\nFeatures a breathable mesh panel\n\n\nFit with a wide and snug elastic band that is comfortable and will not curl.\n\n\nEasy access clip for breastfeeding that can be unbuttoned with just one hand\n\n\nU-shaped rear wing for support\n\n\nAdjustable bra strap on the shoulder\n\n\n3 panels of back hook fasteners\n\n\n\n\n XIXILI Super Soft Wireless Pansy Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#8 Neubodi Momready Maternity Bra\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Neubodi bra is an all-in-one bra design for pregnancy and lactation, designed to mimic the support of a regular daily wear bra while having the ability for adjustments. \n\n\nIt is also made of a soft cotton-spandex butter-like fabric that is very comfortable to wear and barely visible under clothing.\n\n\n The bra also comes with a removable foam pad that is extremely breathable that can be washed from time to time.\n\n\nIt also comes with a bra extender that can be used to adjust the size so as to increase breathing space.\n\n\n In addition, it is also designed without thread and features a drop-able bra cup to assist easy breastfeeding. It can accommodate up to a 3 cup size increase for when one\u2019s breast size fluctuates.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\n3 layer fabric for extra protection\n\n\nExtra-wide (1.5cm) shoulder straps to reduce the pressure on the shoulders\n\n\nExtra side panels for a more flattering fit\n\n\nIron cordless bra cups and lightweight structure\n\n\nDouble layer inside the cups for optimal leakage protection\n\n\nFront and back panels are supported with 3 hooks for security\n\n\nBreastfeeding clips to facilitate the breastfeeding process\n\n\nBra extensions to widen the tape band\n\n\nCan be used during both pregnancy and lactation\n\n\n\n\n Neubodi Momready Maternity Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#9 Bravado Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis design is the smoothest of all and does not show any stitching, providing a comfortable experience for pregnant women. It is suitable for daily wear and can be worn during both pregnancy and lactation.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nLuxuriously soft, invisible stitching to ensure comfort\n\n\nDesigned with stretchy fabric that covers your body and accommodates any fluctuation in size or shape\n\n\nFeatures a removable foam pad\n\n\nEasy to open and close\n\n\nBra cups are fully lowerable to enable easy access\n\n\nComes with a Bra Conversion Kit to be able to convert this bra into a normal bra when the breastfeeding process is complete\n\n\nThis bra has been tested and certified to the requirements of Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex, which ensures that the product is free of any harmful substances\n\n\nAvailable in 5 different colours\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Bravado Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#10 Bmama Nursing Sports Bra\n\n\n\n\nThe Bmama Bras was designed with a threadless #D structure that provides all-day comfort and is virtually invisible under clothing.\n\n\n It fits comfortably and accommodates one's body shape as it changes from each stage to the next through its 4 extenders that allow easy adjustment. \n\n\nThe bra also has reinforced non-slip straps for optimal support and removable cups.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nHas side wings to support changes in breast size and shape\n\n\nDesigned with a large cup size\n\n\nIron cordless design\u00a0\n\n\nComes with 3 hooks\n\n\nRemovable bra cups\n\n\nHigh level of elasticity\n\n\nNaturally designed with a breathable fabric to ensure long-lasting comfort\n\n\nSuitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers\n\n\nHas a pleated design in the middle\n\n\nHas a clip on the top to facilitate the breastfeeding process\n\n\n\n\n Bmama Nursing Sports Bra \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\nFinal Remarks\n\n\nWe hope that this list and summary will be useful in helping pregnant ladies and new\n\n\nmothers choose the most suitable and best nursing bra!\n\n\nFor more \nparenting\n tips, read our extensive articles that are ever ready to help parents.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Best Massage Oils For Pregnant Women\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/anak-istimewa", "title": "Nora Anne Disahkan Maut Akibat Kebocoran Usus, Tapi Masih Ada 15 Soalan Jadi Tanda Tanya...", "body": "Anak istimewa warga negara Ireland, Nora Anne Quoirin, 15 yang \nditemui mati di hutan di daerah Seremban\n telah disahkan meninggal dunia akibat kebocoran usus kerana mungkin kelaparan dan stres berpanjangan selama kehilangannya.\u00a0\n\n\nMenurut Ketua Polis Negeri Sembilan, Mohamad Mat Yusop berkata Nora Anne mungkin meninggal dunia antara dua hingga ke tiga hari sebelum mayatnya ditemui. Selain itu, tiada tanda perbuatan jenayah dan anak istimewa itu \ntidak dirogol.\n\n\nTerdahulu, Mayat Nora Anne ditemui pada hari ke-10 operasi mencari dan menyelamat secara besar-besaran yang dilancarkan oleh pihak berkuasa Malaysia.\n\n\nMayat remaja itu ditemui di kawasan lurah berhampiran anak sungai 2.5 kilometer dari resort penginapan tempat anak istimewa ini dilaporkan hilang pada 4 Ogos lalu, sehari selepas keluarganya mendaftar masuk untuk percutian selama dua minggu.\n\n\nProses bedah siasat mayat Nora Anne bermula pada 11.45 pagi dan berlarutan hingga malam. Ia diketuai oleh pakar patologi dari Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan Hospital Tuanku Ja\u2019afar Seremban serta dibantu pakar dari Jabatan Kimia dan Jabatan Forensik Petaling Jaya.\n\n\nPunca sebenar kematian anak istimewa Nora Anne masih menjadi bualan ramai\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWalaupun telah diketahui punca kematiannya adalah disebabkan \nkebocoran usus\n dan stres berpanjangan namun masih ada beberapa persoalan yang tergantung dan memerlukan jawapan terutama dari keluarga mendiang Nora Anne.\n\n\nAntara soalan yang belum terungkai adalah seperti berikut:\n\n\n#1. Jika Nora Anne maut dalam masa 2-4 hari lalu, sepanjang 10 hari kehilangannya, mengapa Nora Anne tidak ditemui lebih awal? Adakah Nora Anne bersembunyi?\n\n\n#2. Bagaimana Nora Anne boleh ke kawasan hutan? Adakah dia keluar dan sesat?\n\n\n#3. Bilakah waktu sebenar keluarga mendiang tiba di Malaysia?\n\n\n#4. Adakah keluarga mendiang Nora Anne sampai bersama dengan saudaranya yang lain?\n\n\n#5. Adakah mereka ada makan di mana-mana? Atau ada sesiapa yang terlihat mereka di lapangan terbang atau hotel?\n\n\n#5. Semasa di Malaysia, keluarga Nora Anne ada tak menaiki sebarang kenderaan?\n\n\n#6. Semua fakta asas ini masih belum diketahui dan tiada penerangan yang jelas.\u00a0\n\n\n#7. Adakah pintu bilik tidur dibuka atau ditutup pada malam kejadian?\n\n\n#8. Adakah ibu dan ayah Nora Anne mengambil pil tidur? Ini kerana mereka langsung tidak dengar derapan kaki naik dan turun di dalam resort penginapan itu.\n\n\n#9. Adakah Nora mengambil pil tidur kerana itu mungkin sebabnya mengapa dia tidak menjerit\n\n\n#10. Adakah katil tempat tidur Nora paling dekat dengan pintu keluar?\n\n\n#11. Adakah dua lagi kanak-kanak yang ikut bercuti itu tidur awal pada waktu malam? Ini kerana kebiasannya kanak-kanak akan terjaga di malam hari kerana teruja dengan percutian mereka.\n\n\n#12. Adakah pintu gate utama Villa Luxury Resort itu telah dikunci?\n\n\n\n\n#13. Ada satu laporan media mengatakan pintu gate utama itu dibuka pada malam itu. Adakah benar? Ini kerana kawasan itu adalah hutan, maka keselamatan seperti mengunci pintu gate patut diambil berat.\n\n\n#14. Pada hari pertama percutian, Nora kelihatan sangat teruja kerana adanya air terjun. Adakah ia lokasi pertama pencarian kehilangan Nora?\u00a0\n\n\n#15. Kenapa Maebh Quoirin berbohong dan mengatakan ia adalah percutian seumur hidup? Sedangkan mereka pernah bercuti ke Australia dan beberapa negara Asia yang lain termasuk Bali pada 2017.\n\n\n#16. Adakah media telah menemubual anak-anak mereka yang lain?\n\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, masih banyak persoalan yang masih tergantung tentang kematian Nora Anne ini.\u00a0\n\n\nTips menjaga anak istimewa\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKeibubapaan\nThe Five Pillars of Resilience \u2013 Why We Need Resilient Children Now\nPendidikan\nKetahui Rahsia Kejayaan Pelajar Cemerlang!\nAnak\nKeep Your Child\u2019s Health And Safety At Home In Tip Top Order During This Pandemic Season\nGive Health A Shot\nAnak Anda Tercicir Janji Temu Imunisasi Rutin? Ini Yang Anda Perlu Tahu\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Dapatkan penilaian dan rawatan yang sewajarnya dengan doktor. \n\n\u2013 Pastikan anak didaftarkan dengan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan borang pendaftaran perlu mendapatkan tandatangan dari doktor. Ia penting bagi memastikana anak anda mendapat elaun khas dan pendidikan khas.\n\n\u2013 Tidak mengabaikan pendidikan anak dan bincang dengan guru tentang \naliran khas\n yang sesuai buat mereka.\n\n\u2013 Fahami tingkahlaku dan keadaan anak anda. Jangan rasa malu atau marah dengan setiap perbuatannya kerana cara mereka berfikir ada ketikanya tidak sama seperti kita.\n\n\u2013 Mengalah dengan anak jika mereka mahukan sesuatu seperti pakai baju warna apa, tak mahu makan, sepahkan rumah dan sebagainya.\n\n\u2013 Untuk menjaga anak istimewa maka ibu bapa perlu mendapatkan rehat dan tidur yang mencukupi.\n\n\u2013 Tetapkan jangkaan untuk masa depan anak mengikut kemampuan mereka. \n\n\u2013 Raikan kemampuan anak anda asalkan mereka boleh membaca Al-Quran, membaca dan menulis itu merupakan satu pencapaian yang cukup membanggakan.\n\n\nSemoga kes ini dapat diselesaikan dengan cara yang baik dan persoalan yang tergantung itu terjawab hendaknya.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nSumber: \nMalaysia Kini\n ,\u00a0\nBidadari, \nAnne Brennan\n\n\nBaca juga\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMayat Ditemui Di Air Terjun Disahkan Nora Anne, Pencarian Orang Hilang Berakhir\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/important-vaccines-for-kids-in-malaysia", "title": "Parents Often Forget These TWO Important Vaccines For Their Kids", "body": "Here in Malaysia, parents are really lucky because we are given an immunisation schedule with important vaccines for kids in Malaysia, whether you\u2019re visiting a government or private hospital or clinic. There\u2019s little to have to figure out on our own\u2026\n\n\nBUT, if you\u2019re a parent who is currently visiting the government clinics or hospitals, there are two very important vaccines for your kids that are not on the national immunisation schedule, but is EQUALLY essential for your child\u2019s health \u2013 the rotavirus and chickenpox vaccines.\n\n\nAccording to Datuk Dr Zulkifli Ismail, rotavirus and chickenpox vaccinations are often missed by parents. \u201cParents don\u2019t even think about these vaccines because they are not listed in the National Immunisation Programme (NIP). However, both vaccines actually play a vital role in keeping children safe and healthy.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nImportant Vaccines for Kids in Malaysia: Rotavirus Can Kill\n\n\nDr Zulkifli explains: \u201cRotavirus is very contagious[1]. It\u2019s the leading cause of severe diarrhoea in children aged under 5 years worldwide[2]. Each year, rotavirus kills around 215,000 children globally and accounts for up to 50% of hospital admissions for diarrhoea[3],[4].\u201d\n\n\nHe stresses that rotavirus infection can be very dangerous: \u201cAn infected child will present symptoms such as fever, vomiting and watery diarrhoea1. The rapid loss of fluid can lead to dehydration. If left untreated, death may occur. Infants are most at risk of becoming dehydrated due to their low body weight[5].\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThe first infection is most severe and does not lead to permanent immunity. Reinfection can occur at any age, but the subsequent infections will usually be less severe[6],\u201d he says.\n\n\n\n\nWhy Parents Should Avoid Letting Their Kids Get Chickenpox\n\n\nLike rotavirus, chickenpox is also a viral disease and it is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Dr Zulkifli remarks: \u201cMany parents think that chickenpox is not a big deal besides causing a few spots. However, they are not aware that chickenpox can cause complications or deaths, even in healthy children.\n\n\n\u201cAnnually, there are around 4.2 million cases of severe complications leading to hospitalisation and 4,200 related deaths worldwide[7]. Complications include brain inflammation, bacterial infection of the skin, bloodstream infection and lung infection[8]. Scarring may also occur, especially in older children[9].\u201d\n\n\nHe continues: \u201cBeing highly contagious, chickenpox spreads easily among children, especially in nurseries and pre-schools[10]. A natural infection usually provides lifelong immunity[10], but parents won\u2019t be able to know in advance how severe the symptoms will be in their children, so it\u2019s really not worth taking the risk.\u201d\n\n\nPrevention Through A Series Of Important Vaccines For Kids In Malaysia\n\n\nDr Zulkifli concludes: \u201cIt\u2019s important to take preventive measures to protect children against these two diseases, and one of the ways is through vaccination.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI would tell parents not to be intimidated by the two vaccines. Think of both vaccinations as a series, that one leads to the next, since it\u2019s recommended for children to receive the rotavirus vaccine as early as possible after 6 weeks of age, and then the chickenpox vaccine starting from 12 months old[11],[12].\u201d\n\n\nCurrently in Malaysia, rotavirus and chickenpox vaccines are only available in private clinics. Pregnant mums should bear this in mind to add to their child\u2019s immunisation schedule as one of the important vaccines for kids in Malaysia. And for parents who have infants below 3 months or kids that are about to reach the age of one, click \nhere\n to find your nearest clinic and talk to a paediatrician about rotavirus and chickenpox prevention for your child.\n\n\nDr Zulkifli Ismail is a consultant paediatrician and paediatric cardiologist. He is currently the Immunise4Life Technical Committee Chairman and Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association. Dr Zulkifli was also a past president of the Malaysian Paediatric Association. He previously served as the Head of Paediatrics in a university hospital. He has more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed international and local journals. In 2012, he was given the Outstanding Asian Paediatrician Award by the Asia Pacific Paediatric Association. Recently in 2019, Datuk Zulkifli was awarded the Vaccine Hero Award by Ministry of Health Malaysia.\n\n\nThis article was originally adapted from \nImmunise2Protect\n.\n\n\nMY-VVX-00061 Jul/2021\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n[1]Mayo Clinic. 2019. Rotavirus. \nwww.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rotavirus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351300\n (Accessed on March 15, 2019)\n\n\n[2]WHO. 2013. WHO Position Paper. Retrieved from \nwww.who.int/wer/2013/wer8805.pdf?ua=1\n (Accessed on March 15, 2019)\n\n\n[3]WHO. 2018. Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals. Retrieved from \nwww.who.int/immunization/diseases/rotavirus/en/\n (Accessed on March 15, 2019)\n\n\n[4]Fischer, T. K., Bresee, J. S., & Glass, R. I. Rotavirus vaccines and the prevention of hospital-acquired diarrhea in children. Vaccine. 2004; 22S: S49-S54.\n\n\n[5]NFID. n.d. Frequently Asked Questions About Rotavirus. \nwww.nfid.org/idinfo/rotavirus/faqs.html\n (Accessed on March 11, 2019)\n\n\n[6]CDC. 2018. Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. Retrieved from \nwww.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/rota.html\n (Accessed on March 15, 2019)\n\n\n[7]WHO. 2014. Varicella and Herpes Zoster Vaccines: WHO Position Paper. Retrieved from \nwww.who.int/wer/2014/wer8925.pdf?ua=1\n (Accessed on 18 Apr 2019)\n\n\n[8]CDC. 2018. Chickenpox Complications. Retrieved from \nwww.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/complications.html\n (Accessed on 18 Apr 2019).\n\n\n[9]Mayo Clinic. n.d. Chickenpox Diagnosis and Treatment. Retrieved from \nwww.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chickenpox/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351287\n (Accessed on 18 Apr 2019).\n\n\n[10]Facts about chickenpox. Paediatrics & child health. 2005; 10(7): 413-4.\n\n\n[11]WHO. n.d. Rotavirus. Retrieved from \nwww.who.int/ith/vaccines/rotavirus/en/\n (Accessed on April 29, 2019)\n\n\n[12]WHO. n.d. Varicella. Retrieved from \nwww.who.int/ith/vaccines/varicella/en/\n (Accessed on April 29, 2019)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chinese-medicine-menopause", "title": "Ease Menopause Symptoms with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - Here\u2019s How!", "body": "We think ageing gracefully is the new black! With age comes wisdom, experience, new perspectives\u2026and menopause. But fear not \u2013 we have some tips for making this life transition easier thanks to TCM.\n\n\nMenopause \u2013 it\u2019s an unavoidable stage of life for us ladies. But it doesn\u2019t have to be the negative experience you may have heard about. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for centuries as a method to treat common ailments and health concerns naturally and effectively, including menopause.\n\n\nFor most women, the menopausal process begins with perimenopause. It typically occurs in the mid- to late forties when estrogen begins to decrease and menstrual cycles become irregular. While you may not experience menopausal symptoms during this time, it does indicate the beginning of the transition period. Your body will gradually stop producing eggs and reproductive hormones. Menopause, which follows, occurs after the menstrual cycle has been absent for at least one year. Along with infrequent or absent periods, other signs of menopause can include insomnia, hot flashes, sweating or chills, fatigue, anxiety, depression and decreased libido. Menopause is a gradual process can last anywhere from two to five years.\n\n\nIn TCM, menopause commonly represents an imbalance in the body, specifically in the kidneys. Symptoms of perimenopause or menopause \u2013 hot flashes, missing or irregular menstruation, etc. \u2013 are all signs that kidney energy \u2013 or \u201cyin\u201d \u2013 is decreasing.\n\n\nFortunately, this imbalance can be remedied with TCM approaches \u2013 herbal medicine, acupuncture, food therapy and simple lifestyle changes. In fact, a study by\u00a0\nAlternative Therapies in Health & Medicine\n\u00a0found that TCM practices such as acupuncture and herbal medicine were as effective as potentially risky hormone replacement therapy in the treatment of menopause-related symptoms.\n\n\nHerbs\n\n\nChinese herbs have been shown to help to reduce some of the uncomfortable signs of menopause by restoring balance and tonifying kidney energy. However, since symptoms may vary, there isn\u2019t a one-size-fits-all program; It\u2019s best to consult with your TCM practitioner for a treatment plan that fits your needs.\n\n\nAcupuncture\n\n\nAcupuncture is used as a method to regulate the body\u2019s \u201cQi\u201d (energy). It\u2019s believed when energy gets stuck or blocked, your body won\u2019t perform as it should, which can enhance symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, anxiety and insomnia. Acupuncture addresses blockages by moving energy within the body, allowing it to flow properly.\n\n\nFood\n\n\nNutrition is an important aspect of managing menopausal symptoms as well. Kidney-strengthening foods will often be recommended, such as yams, fennel, apples, figs, walnuts and lean meats, to name a few. Additionally, incorporating a variety of flavours \u2013 salty, bitter, sweet, sour and pungent \u2013 at every meal may help to rebalance energy within the kidneys.\n\n\nLifestyle\n\n\nLifestyle changes are also an important factor in reducing the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Excessive emotional and physical stress, extreme exercise routines or lack of exercise altogether, restrictive diets and overindulgence in alcohol or unhealthy foods should be avoided. For the smoothest transition through menopause, it\u2019s imperative to get enough sleep, maintain a balanced diet, including kidney-strengthening foods mentioned above and stick to lower intensity workouts like yoga, walking and swimming.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bathe-a-newborn", "title": "Is It Necessary to Bathe Your Newborn Every Day?", "body": "Babies need to be kept clean, but frequent baths or over-cleaning can damage a newborn\u2019s delicate skin. To properly care for your baby\u2019s skin first you must understand some facts about your baby\u2019s skin. Many parents often wonder, how often should I bathe a newborn? Do I really need to give him regular baths? How many times should I bathe my baby? How do I know if my baby is clean enough?\n\n\nBaby\u2019s skin is 30% thinner than adult skin, with a barrier function that is still thin and weak. This barrier function, which continues to develop during their first 12 months helps to protect the skin against harsh environmental elements like the sun and wind, but this barrier function can be disrupted by harsh soaps and cleansers.\n\n\n\nRead more: \nMommies, Here Are Some Essentials You Need For Your Baby Checklist\n\n\n\n\nAlthough your baby\u2019s skin is naturally more hydrated than yours in the first 12 months of life and it may seem visibly hydrated and soft even after cleansing, your baby\u2019s skin actually loses moisture very easily. To prevent moisture loss from the baby\u2019s skin it needs proper care so that the barrier function remains healthy.\n\n\nWhen Should I Bathe A Newborn?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nIn the first days of your baby\u2019s life, gentle care and hygiene are very important to protect your newborn\u2019s delicate skin. Naturally, every parent wants the best for their baby and do not want to do anything that might lead to common skin troubles.\n\n\nHowever, there are some parents who go to the extreme and refuse to use any kind of cleanser at all, while others take the opposite view by insisting that their child is kept clean at all times, even if it means bathing them several times a day.\n\n\n\u201cAs a general rule, babies can be bathed once or twice a day\u201d; says paediatrician Dr. Foo Chee Hoe. This excludes regular cleansing between diaper changes and keeping their mouth and hands clean throughout the day. Despite our warm weather, avoid giving frequent baths so that your newborn\u2019s delicate skin is able to maintain its natural moisture and pH balance. Most importantly, remember to use products that are clinically proven to be safe, mild and effective for babies.\u201d\n\n\nHere are some simple Do\u2019s and Don\u2019ts to keep in mind for baby\u2019s bath time:\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nDo\n\n\n\n\nPrepare\n\u00a0what you need in advance.\n\n\nTest\n\u00a0the water temperature before putting baby in. Use a bath thermometer to check for atemperature of 37 degrees. If you don\u2019t have a thermometer, dip your whole elbow into the water to test that it is not too hot or too cold.\n\n\nKeep it simple\n. All you need is a bath with warm water, a mild and gentle baby cleanser and a fresh towel, as well as a calm and safe space to undress and later dress your baby. If your baby is still very small, a small basin placed on a flat, stable surface such as a countertop may be easier for bathing your new-born rather than a full-sized baby bathtub. When using a baby bathtub, use a rubber mat to prevent baby from sliding.\n\n\nStay calm\n. Your baby\u2019s temperament will often reflect your own mood. Enjoy the bath time experience because every bath time can be a special moment to help a mother and her baby develop a stronger and deeper bond. To maximise the benefits, create a soothing ritual out of bath times; choose a time when you\u2019re least likely to be interrupted, in between feeds so that he is neither full nor hungry, and use the time to interact fully with your child, without rushing.\n\n\nGive your full attention\n\u00a0to your baby; distractions like the telephone ringing will just have to wait.\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019ts\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t leave your baby unattended even for a moment, regardless of whether he is in the tub or on the changing mat. Taking your attention away from your baby even for a second can affect his safety and well-being.\n\n\nDon\u2019t use any kind of skincare or products that are not specifically formulated for babies as may contain ingredients that are too harsh for baby\u2019s delicate skin, leaving it dry or irritated.\n\n\n\n\nBaby Skincare Essentials\n\n\nChoosing the right skincare for your baby is very important, as the right skincare regimen will help protect your baby\u2019s skin health and early development.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nWhile there are a great variety of options available, it\u2019s important to use a trusted and established brand, with a long history of safe and trusted products.\n\n\nThe ideal cleanser for babies is one that safely and mildly cleanses without drying your baby\u2019s skin. It does not cause irritation or inflammation and respects the baby\u2019s sensitive skin barrier by maintaining the skin\u2019s natural pH level.\n\n\nAs harsh soaps and cleansers can damage the skin barrier, causing the skin to lose its natural moisture and making the skin more vulnerable to irritants, it\u2019s essential to choose products that are specially formulated for babies, which are hypoallergenic and clinically proven to be mild and gentle.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nDoktorBudak.\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0di\u00a0\niOS\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nAndroid\n\u00a0sekarang!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vegan-recipe", "title": "4 Vegan Recipes To Support Your Body At Each Phase Of Your Menstrual Cycle", "body": "Picture this\u2014mood swings, hormonal breakouts, unpredictable cravings\u2014yup we\u2019ve all been there and may have even thought \u201cWouldn\u2019t it be so much easier to be a guy?\u201d Ladies, we hear you.\n\n\nMenstruation\u2014pre, post and during, can be a whirlwind and throw us off our game. But it doesn\u2019t always have to be this way and there are steps we can take to minimise these changes that may seem uncontrollable. By understanding what our body needs at each phase of our cycle as hormone levels fluctuate, you can supplement your body with the nutrients it so dearly needs.\n\n\nHealth Coach, Amanda Luukinen, breaks each phase down and shares her recipes for hassle-free dishes that will support your body through the month. Try incorporating these recipes to improve the wellness of your body and ease any unwanted symptoms.\n\n\nPhase 1 \u2013 The Menstruation Phase\n\n\nMiso Mushroom Ramen\n\n\n\n\nirst up, menstruation\u2014during this intense phase cravings can be real. This is because your body loses vital minerals such as zinc and iron causing you to crave nutrient-dense foods in order to keep up this process. This\u00a0\nMiso Mushroom Ramen\n\u00a0is a simple yet comforting vegan, gluten-free dish to load up on the nutrients and minerals that have been drained from your body during this phase. This dish is loaded with lean protein and minerals, exactly what you need during your menstruation phase. \u00a0\n\n\nPhase 2 \u2013 The Follicular Phase\n\n\nAvocado Toast\n\n\n\n\nDuring the 7-10 days after your menstruation ends, your hormones levels are at their lowest and begin to rise, resulting in a rise in the energy levels. To sustain your energy levels, your body need proper fuelling.\n\n\nEating fresh, light foods such as veggies, lean proteins, and quality grains will provide long-lasting energy. This\u00a0\nAvocado Toast\n\u00a0is a simple favourite that will have you feeling fresh and vibrant during this phase.\n\n\nPhase 3 \u2013 The Ovulatory Phase\n\n\nWarm Quinoa Spinach Salad\n\n\n\n\nOvulation, during the ovulatory phase is typically triggered in the middle of your cycle and lasts for 3-5 days. This is also known as your fertile window, as your body is working hard to create the healthiest egg possible. The upsurge of oestrogen level during this phase can cause dreaded hormonal symptoms such as breakouts and bloating.\n\n\nWhat you can do to assist your body is to flush out excess oestrogen with foods that are high in fibre and antioxidants. This\u00a0\nWarm Quinoa Salad\n\u00a0is a good example of high fibre dish packed with antioxidants that you can easily prepare at home. \u00a0\n\n\nPhase 4 \u2013 The Luteal Phase\n\n\nLoaded Baked Sweet Potatoes\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: JSHEALTH by Jessica Sepel\n\n\n\n\nPremenstrual symptoms kicks in just about 10-14 days before your menstruation starts, in the luteal phase. As energy levels gradually lesson and the hormones oestrogen and progesterone naturally decrease, you begin to feel sluggish, lethargic and can become more self-aware.\n\n\nNutritious food is fundamental to maintain your hormonal balance during this phase. These\u00a0\nLoaded Baked Sweet Potatoes\n\u00a0are a great way is warm, comforting and a great way to flush out excess oestrogen and keep the sugar cravings at bay.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nDIY Smiley Fries Recipe\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cartoonito-encourages-young-ones-to-laugh-play-learn", "title": "New TV Brand \u2018Cartoonito\u2019 Encourages Young Ones To Laugh, Play & Learn", "body": "Cartoonito is a programming \u201cblock\u201d that hosts animated series every morning on Cartoon Network. It\u2019s specifically designed for younger kids of about 2-5 years old, and their parents and caregivers. Watch a playlist of videos \nhere\n.\n\n\nWhat makes Cartoonito special?\n\n\nAll \nCartoonito\n preschool content will align with Cartoon Network\u2019s new tagline, \nRedraw Your World, \nwhich aims to empower kids to feel comfortable with who they are, embrace their uniqueness and believe anything is possible.\u00a0\n\n\nBased on the proprietary preschool educational framework of \nHumancentric Learning\n,\n \nCartoonito \naims to support every child\u2019s humanity by celebrating their unique selves and encouraging them to interact with others with empathy, respect, and fairness.\n\n\nWhat is Humancentric Learning?\n\n\nThis modern educational framework is inspired by Positive Psychology and 21st Century Learning, championing curiosity and independence and intertwines learning with play.\u00a0\n\n\nIn partnership with Educational Psychologist Dr. Laura Brown, Humancentric Learning was developed around the principles of\n \nidentifying and developing one\u2019s strengths, as well as feeling empathy for others so that every child can be the best version of themselves. Building on the learning\u2019s four-pillar strengths: Curiosity, Courage, Humanity and Creativity, \nCartoonito\u2019s\n diverse storytelling aims to be authentic, relevant and relatable.\n\n\n\n\nCreativity \n\u2013 Thinking and acting in new and meaningful ways.\n\n\nCaring \n\u2013 Treating oneself, others, your community and the world with kindness, compassion, respect, and fairness.\n\n\nCuriosity \n\u2013 Being interested in, observing, and exploring oneself, other people, your community, and the natural world.\n\n\nCourage \n\u2013 Being brave and persisting in the face of uncertainty, fear, or difficulty.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Watch an explainer video \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat does the channel look like?\u00a0\n\n\nCartoonito will be bright, colourful and fun \u2013 bursting with music and energy. Guiding audiences through their journey are Nito, Glob, Itty and Wedge. They love exploring the world and learning new things.\n\n\n\n\nNITO\n\n\nNito is a magical box of joy bursting with imagination, surprise and even other characters! Ever curious, Nito loves exploring the world and eagerly shares facts with others: \u201cOh, oh, oh! Pandas eat up to 40 pounds of bamboo a day!\u201d They are a natural leader and everyone\u2019s best friend.\n\n\n\n\nWEDGE\n\n\nWedge can be cautious and careful, but is capable of feats of great derring-do with the encouragement of friends! A triple-threat trilingual character, Wedge is super into arts and crafts, loves to help others and is the ultimate team player.\n\n\n\n\nGLOB\n\n\nGlob expresses themselves through shapes, not words and physically shows their emotions. A neuro-diverse shapeshifter, they love playing pretend and becoming new things. Glob is very caring and protective of their friends \u2013 especially Itty \u2013 and is always coming to the rescue in hilarious ways!\n\n\n\n\nITTY\n\n\nItty is the baby of the group and is just learning to speak. Like the world\u2019s happiest toddler, they bounce through life and radiate positivity! Communicates with giggles, goos and the occasional upchuck if upset.\n\n\nWhere else can I see Cartoonito?\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to Cartoon Network, in selected territories, Cartoonito will also be available on Boomerang, Cartoon Network\u2019s companion channel. And also on the streaming service, HBO GO \u2013 available in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.\n\n\nWhat shows are available?\n\n\nCartoonito is the new home to \nLucas the Spider, Dino Ranch, Monchichi, Alice & Lewis, Ranger Rob, Mush Mush & The Mushables and Sesame Street-inspired Esme & Roy \nand plenty of others.\n\n\n\n\nLucas the Spider\n\n\nLucas the Spider \nfollows the adventures of a big-hearted, impossibly cute, little jumping spider in a human-sized suburban home. This happy, inquisitive, music-loving, 4-year-old wants us to join him as he explores and learns about this giant world, spreading love and togetherness whilst having a ton of fun with all \nhis friends.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEsme & Roy\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\n#PendidikanKewangan\nJom Lihat Bagaimana Ibu Bapa Asia Mengajar Anak-Anak Tentang Wang\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBecoming Financially Savvy By Maximising Financial Knowledge\nTip keibubapaan\nMusim Membeli Belah Kembali-Ke-Sekolah: Senarai Semak untuk Pelajar Sekolah Rendah & Menengah\n\n\nEsme & Roy are best friends \u2013 and the best monster-sitters in Monsterdale! This pre-school series brings little viewers along on relatable monster adventures and is packed with playful learning, humour, heart, and musical monster-y fun.\n\n\n\n\nDino Ranch\n\n\nDino Ranch follows the adventures of the Cassidy Family as they tackle life on the farm in a fantastical, \u201cprewestoric\u201d setting where dinosaurs still roam.\n\n\n\n\nAlice & Lewis\n\n\nSix-year-old Alice has a magical key that leads her to Wonderland. In this \u201cother realm\u201d, she\u2019s met an endearing rabbit, Lewis, and the two have become fast friends \u2013 best friends to be exact! Alice loves going to Wonderland and teaming up with Lewis and her other friends, even if it means contending with the whimsical, hot-headed Queen.\n\n\nBeyond TV shows, what else is available for kids and parents?\n\n\nCartoonito\u2019s online home is located here: \nCartoonNetworkAsia.com/Cartoonito\n \nand parents can also check out @CartoonitoAsia on \nFacebook\n and \nInstagram\n. There are heaps of fun games, activities, videos and even AR filters to play around with on your phone.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/if-your-child-is-sitting-in-the-w-position-stop-him-right-now", "title": "If your child is sitting in the \"W\" position, stop him right now!", "body": "The \nW-sitting position\n is the most common sitting position amongst children, especially during their play time. If you see your child sitting this way, it is best to correct his\u00a0posture immediately to ensure that it does not become a habit.\n\n\nAccording to paediatrician \nJean McNamara\n, \u00a0it is common for children to sit in such manner because of the added trunk or balance for sitting upright while playing with toys. This excessive reliance to W-sitting might aggravate existing problems such as:\n\n\n\n\nOrthopedic problems\n. W-sitting can predispose a child to hip \ndislocation\n, so if there is a history of hip dysplasia, or a concern has been raised in the past, this position should be avoided.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMuscle tightness\n. This position places the hamstrings, hip adductors, \ninternal rotators\n and heel cords in an extremely shortened range. If a child is prone to tightness or contractures, encourage another pattern of sitting.\n\n\nNeurologic concerns/developmental delays\n. If a child has increased muscle tone (hypertonia, spasticity), W-sitting will feed into the abnormal patterns of movement trying to be avoided (by direction of the child\u2019s therapist). Using other sitting postures will aid in the development of more desirable movement patterns.\n\n\n\n\nHow to\u00a0discourage W-sitting\n\n\nThere are two important things you need to do to discourage W-sitting.\n\n\n1. Making\u00a0your child\u00a0aware of the difference between W-sitting and\u00a0sitting with the legs bent \nin front of the body.\n Correcting their habits by showing them the right form of sitting is the best possible preventive measure as you are their form of reference. You show, they\u2019ll follow!\n\n\n2. Your child\u00a0needs to\n get used to\n sitting with the legs bent in front of the body. This requires practice to develop the necessary flexibility and control.\u00a0When you see your child\u00a0sitting between their legs, gently move her legs to a better position and emphasise the importance of \u201cfeet in front\u201d. You can even turn it into a game \u2013 anyone with\u00a0feet in front first wins!\u00a0Encourage lots of twisting and reaching forwards to stretch the back and hip muscles while \nyou\u2019re at it.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-can-group-b-strep-do-to-a-baby", "title": "Newborn dies from Group B Strep infection: Awareness needed", "body": "What can Group B Strep do to a baby? Well, a lot actually.\n\n\nGroup B Streptococcus, better known as Group B Strep or GBS, is a bacteria commonly found in the intestines or the lower genital tract.\u00a0 It is not a sexually transmitted disease. But while it is normally harmless to healthy adults, it can make a newborn seriously ill if contracted. In worst case scenarios, the baby could even die.\n\n\nThis is was what happened to a couple in the UK when their newborn baby girl died from \ninfection\n only five days after she was born.\n\n\nTests for Group B Strep in pregnant women were not available on the Welsh NHS, and mum-to-be Gabby, did not know she was a carrier.\u00a0She only realised something was not quite right when her baby Amber wasn\u2019t moving during cervical sweeps to bring on labour.\n\n\nThey induced Gabby the very next day and Amber was born, weighing in at 11lb 4oz.\u00a0Sadly, the infection had taken hold, and doctors rushed her to intensive care right away.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat can Group B Strep do to a baby? Amber was put on medication to regulate her blood pressure, she was suffering from seizures and she was severely \nbrain damaged\n.\n\n\nEven though it was an unbearable decision to make, the couple turned off their daughter\u2019s life support machine after doctors said there was nothing more they could do.\u00a0No parent should have to go through planning for their child\u2019s funeral.\n\n\nWhat Can Group B Strep Do to a Baby?\n\n\n\n\nBabies who get infected by Group B Strep during labour can become critically ill. The infection usually presents itself in two forms.\n\n\nA baby with \nearly-onset Group B Strep disease \nwill start\u00a0getting\u00a0sick within one week after birth. According to the American Pregnancy Association, signs and symptoms include:\n\n\n\n\nSepsis, pneumonia, and\u00a0\nmeningitis\n, which are the\u00a0most common complications\n\n\nBreathing problems\n\n\nHeart and blood pressure\u00a0instability\n\n\nGastrointestinal and kidney problems\n\n\n\n\nBabies with \nlate-onset Group B Strep disease \nhowever,\u00a0only start developing symptoms within a week to a few months after birth. Minor symptoms include:\n\n\n\n\nDifficulty breathing\n\n\nFever\n\n\nDifficulty feeding\n\n\nLethargy\n\n\nIrritability\n\n\n\n\nHowever, \nmeningitis\n is the most common symptom.\n\n\nHow Can Mums Protect Their Baby from Group B Strep Disease?\n\n\n\n\nNo expectant mum wants to see what can Group B Strep do to a baby.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is why routine\u00a0screening for vaginal strep B is crucial for all pregnant women. The test involves screening swabs from both the vagina and rectum between the 35th and\u00a037th week of pregnancy. Afterwards, you can get lab results within 24 to 48 hours.\u00a0\n\n\nTo\u00a0avoid ever finding out what can Group B Strep do to a baby, intravenous antibiotics are given via IV during\u00a0delivery. This would reduce the chance of your baby becoming sick. Mums are recommended to\u00a0begin \nantibiotics\n at the start of labour and every four hours during\u00a0active labour until the baby is delivered.\n\n\nDifferent factors come into play with a caesarean delivery.\u00a0If labour hasn\u2019t started and/or your water has not broken, then you will not need to be treated for Group B Strep during surgery. However, if you are already in\u00a0labour and/or your water has broken, you will have to be treated even if you are having a cesarean delivery.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nMetro\n, \nMayo Clinic\n,\n \nAmerican Pregnancy Association\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nGive Health A Shot\nPerkembangan Bayi Usia 2 Bulan, Dah Pandai Senyum & Terhibur Bila Diagah!\nMoney Parenting\nMoney Lessons From Our Parents \u2013 And How They Shaped Our Money Parenting Style\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nTips untuk Ibu Sibuk: 5 Cara Mudah untuk Sediakan Sarapan Berkhasiat\nHealth\nUnderstand the Impact of Chickenpox From a Doctor's Diary\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/back-to-school", "title": "Amid Covid Worries, Most Parents Plan to Send Their Children Back to School, Survey Shows", "body": "\n\nThe Delta variant of the coronavirus is more contagious than anything we have seen so far. However, even amid concerns about the virus becoming more transmissible, most parents plan to send their children back to school for in-person learning, a\u00a0\nsurvey\n\u00a0by RAND Education and Labor finds.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage credit: Pine Hills International School\n\n\n\n\nThe results of the July 2021 survey represent over 3000 U.S. parents with children aged 5 to 18 years. \u201cBecause children under 12 were not eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine at the time of this survey, we focused some questions on the youngest school-age child to understand parents\u2019 willingness to send their unvaccinated children to school,\u201d said the RAND researchers.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Parent survey July 2021 from RAND Corporation\n\n\n\n\n89 percent of parents are willing to send their children back to school to resume physical classes despite an increase in COVID-19 cases during the time when parents took the survey. This is a 4 percent increase from a similarly worded survey done in May.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWith the virus evolving and changing over time, it is possible that these preferences will change. But the survey shows that parents really value in-person learning. Even parents with children under 12 were just as likely to send their children back to school,\u201d suggested the researchers.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe majority of parents surveyed preferred their child physically in school because their child actually does better academically and socially when they learn in person. Slightly more than half of the group said their child wanted to attend classes in school again.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Parent survey July 2021 from RAND Corporation\n\n\n\n\nOn the other end of the spectrum, parents who were not so opened to the idea of sending their child back to brick-and-mortar classes were mainly concerned that their child might contract COVID-19.\n\n\nIn order for them to feel safer, Asian parents especially, needed these practices to be in place before considering whether to send their child back to school: ventilation in each classroom, most teachers vaccinated, social distancing, regular COVID-19 testing of staff and students, mandatory masking, and no group gatherings at mealtimes when masks are off.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the July survey, 83 per cent of Asian parents will get their child(ren) vaccinated for COVID-19 when a vaccine is authorised and available for their age, up from 78 per cent from the survey conducted in May.\u00a0\n\n\nImage credit: Borneo Post Online\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nWhy Are Malaysians Choosing to Homeschool?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nSchools Reopen in Malaysia: Doctor\u2019s Advise on How to Prepare Your Child Amidst the COVID Pandemic\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \u00a0How to Prepare Your Child for Transition to Year 1 From Kindergarten\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-pregnancy-husbands", "title": "How Can Husbands Help Ensure Their Wife Has A Healthy Pregnancy?", "body": "Very often when a couple becomes pregnant, a lot of the \u201cwork\u201d in maintaining a healthy pregnancy falls on the mother-to-be. After all, she is growing the baby inside of her. By \u201cwork\u201d, I mean she has to start watching what she eats (no more raw fish), she has to remember to take her supplements every day, she has to experience the morning sickness and months of water retention and acid reflux.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd yes, while the bulk of the effort falls on the woman during pregnancy, dads-to-be actually play a huge role in ensuring their wife has a healthy pregnancy too. So here\u2019s what husbands can do to help their wife have a healthy pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nEnsuring your wife has a healthy pregnancy\n\n\n1. Follow her to all her doctor\u2019s appointments\n\n\nSpeaking from personal experience, I don\u2019t know if it was because I already had so many things on my plate, I would often forget what the doctor says at appointments and sometimes messing up the information they would relay to me.\n\n\nMy husband had a very inflexible job at the time and couldn\u2019t be at all my doctor\u2019s appointments, leading to a lot of confusion surrounding what the doctor said about the baby\u2019s development.\u00a0\n\n\nIf I could do it all over again, I would put my foot down and force my husband to take leave for every doctor\u2019s appointment so he could help keep track of my baby\u2019s growth and remind me of what I need to do/when my next appointment was.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s also important for the husband to find out \nwhat questions to ask\n during an OBGYN visit.\n\n\n2. Remind your wife to take her vitamins\n\n\nSometimes we\u2019re so busy, we tend to overlook the small stuff, like taking our daily vitamins. It would go a long way if you can prepare your wife a quick, healthy breakfast and put her supplements out for her so she remembers to take them before you both rush off to work or start your day.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Help her with counting kicks\n\n\n\n\nThis is something that is both a great bonding activity, as well as a practical method in ensuring your wife has a healthy pregnancy. Choose an hour during the day (the best would be when you both are preparing for bed) and lay down with your wife with your hand on her belly. Feel the baby\u2019s kicks and count them with your wife. At the same time, you can sing and talk to your baby so he or she will recognise your voice when they are born.\u00a0\n\n\nTo better keep track of the counts, you can download theAsianparent app and utilise the kick counter feature.\n\n\n4. Massage your wife\u2019s ankles\n\n\nWe absolutely cannot help it when we experience those dreaded swollen ankles. It would help if you could massage them to get the blood and water flowing, or prepare an Epsom salt bath for us. Your wife will surely appreciate the relief of putting her feet up at the end of a long day!\u00a0\n\n\n5. Doing the little things\n\n\nThe dishes, the laundry, the cleaning \u2013 these are all things that your wife shouldn\u2019t be overexerting herself on during the pregnancy. Try to help out as much as you can so your wife can rest.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Reading up on more information\n\n\n\n\nAs your wife\u2019s pregnancy progresses, so should your knowledge of what her body is going through or what the baby is going through. For instance, you should know that, by the third trimester, your wife should be sleeping on her left. Get your wife a pregnancy pillow that she can use to sleep with. Sleeping on the left side assists in increasing the amount of blood that flows to the placenta and baby.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Get involved with the nesting\n\n\nYour wife will inevitably go through a nesting phase during her pregnancy. Get involved with it when the time comes. In fact, there is a thing called \nmale nesting\n! Help her with setting up the baby\u2019s nursery or sleeping quarters. Do as much as you can to show that you are an involved parent. Not only does it allow your wife to rest while the work gets done, it\u2019s also very emotionally reassuring to pregnant women to see their husbands becoming more fatherly during this stage.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may not realise it, dads-to-be, but by doing all these little things, you are ensuring good mental health and wellbeing for the most important woman in your life. And this is crucial to make sure the mother of your child has a healthy pregnancy so that both of you can welcome a healthy, happy baby to your family.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-air-conditioning-system", "title": "The Lazy Mum\u2019s Guide to Leading a Healthier Life", "body": "Here\u2019s a little secret many mums are not going to admit to \u2013 but the fact that you clicked on this article means you agree: Mummies can get lazy too!\n\n\nWe\u2019re not lazy when it comes to giving our children the best, but sometimes we look at other mums and wonder, how do they juggle everything.\n\n\nOne of the things that many mummies feel guilty about is a healthy lifestyle. Living healthy seems like a lot of hard work.\n\n\nIt means buying organic food for the kids, preparing it in the most healthy manner possible, all while ensuring the house is in tip top condition. How exhausting.\n\n\nBut it doesn\u2019t have to be. A healthy lifestyle can be easy and passive. We\u2019re going to let you in on that secret here. This is all you really need to lead a healthier life at home:\n\n\n1. Adopt A Healthier Attitude\n\n\n\n\nDoes it really begin with us? Yes, it does! Our children look at us as role models everyday and their behaviour tends to mimic ours.\n\n\nLeading a healthy lifestyle is not just about being physically active and eating clean. It is also about that mindset!\n\n\nYou can still be a lazy mum (we\u2019re not judging), but all you have to do is put a positive spin on things.\n\n\nGot dishes piled up and don\u2019t know where to start? Instead of becoming frustrated, try to turn it into a fun chore. Turn on some music, get the kids to dance along with you as you do the dishes together.\n\n\nIt isn\u2019t \u201clazy\u201d if it\u2019s delegating, right?\n\n\n2. Do Everything With A Smile\n\n\n\n\nAgain, health is not just about the physical but also emotional and mental. Every time you smile, your brain recognises it and immediately starts producing endorphins or happy hormones.\n\n\nChildren see a smiling parent and they will also learn to smile more, resulting in a happier, healthier household.\n\n\nAlso, it doesn\u2019t take a lot of effort to smile, so even the laziest of parents can do this!\n\n\n3. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation\n\n\n\n\nWe bet when you first opened this article, you thought it would be a bunch of hacks for the household. Read on, we promise there\u2019s a super easy hack that many parents can practice for healthier living at home!\n\n\nBut before we get there, here\u2019s another tip to kickstarting your healthier lifestyle \u2013 mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness and meditation enables us to live in the present. Just by using simple breathing exercises, we can return our focus to the present and be in the moment.\u00a0\n\n\nMany times we\u2019re always rushing and on-the-go, that we forget to stop and smell the roses (in other words, appreciate the little things in life). \nIt is a simple to do, yet its health benefits are deep and far-reaching. It also helps us become better parents to our little ones.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Clean Air At Home\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is the ultimate lazy hack for parents who want to live a healthier lifestyle at home \u2014 clean air! On top of the daily pollution that we face, sometimes we also have to worry about the haze. Not to mention, the children\u2019s allergies!\n\n\nBut this all can be solved at home by simply breathing in clean air!\u00a0\n\n\nIt is as simple as installing an air conditioning system at home that can protect the whole family from allergens, dust, bacteria growth and viruses.\u00a0\n\n\nPanasonic\u2019s X Premium Inverter Series air conditioning system is a revolutionary air purification system that can do just that. It cleans the air in your home while you\u2019re sleeping, while improving the quality of air that we breathe in. On top of that, this complete air conditioning system is also energy-saving and friendly for the environment!\n\n\nBut the best part has got to be its wireless controls over the network. Now you can manage an entire air conditioning system from your phone. All you have to do is download the app and install the network adaptor and you can easily manage the system from anywhere.\u00a0\n\n\nThe app can control 20 units per location and up to 10 different locations. If that isn\u2019t effortless healthy living, I\u2019m not sure what is!\n\n\nWhen you combine all the tips mentioned above, you might find that living healthier isn\u2019t as hard as you initially thought it would be.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/normal-characteristics-of-newborn", "title": "What Do Newborns Look Like? Normal Physical Characteristics of Newborns and How They Change", "body": "You may always wonder what a normal baby should look like. And what seems odd to us sometimes are actually newborn babies\u2019 normal characteristics.\n\n\nBefore you become parents, you might have a picture in mind of what a newborn baby looks like. You may imagine a cherub-like baby with soft and tender skin, bumpy cheeks, and a sweet smile. However, when your baby is first born, they don\u2019t look like that much.\n\n\nFreshly delivered newborns have the normal characteristics of being covered in good and other fun stuff. Their skin may look blotchy and rashy-red, and their hands and fingers might have a tinge of the colour blue.\n\n\nIt is very much understandable that parents would be frightened by the sight of their newborns. But, most of these icky and unsettling newborn features are totally normal. Yes. N-o-r-m-a-l.\n\n\nIt may be helpful to know what to expect so you may not be alarmed if what your baby would look like after birth. So mums and dads, let us review what the normal characteristics of newborns are.\n\n\nNormal Characteristics of a Newborn\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nWhether you are a new parent or a veteran, you might be concerned and curious about why your baby looks like that. Many of the (physical) conditions that we will be talking about here are common and normal characteristics of a newborn.\n\n\nThese conditions will diminish or change as soon as your baby develops and grows. But to make sure if a feature is really normal, you may need the help of a \npaediatrician\n.\n\n\nThe newborn\u2019s characteristics that you need to take note of are in the list below.\n\n\nNewborn characteristics of skin:\n\n\n\n\nAt birth, the skin of a normal newborn has purplish-red colour. Then, within minutes, the skin turns pink. We can frequently see that the skin and feet are blue during the early hours of your baby\u2019s life.\n\n\nJaundice to some degree is normal for newborn babies in their first week of life. Usually, this is due to the immaturity of their livers and is not a health condition for your baby.\n\n\n\n\nNewborn characteristics of the head:\n\n\n\n\nMoulding may refer to the long, narrow, cone-shaped head that is caused by the passage through a tight birth canal. If the OB-gynaecologist sed a vacuum to deliver your baby, you might notice more moulding and/or bruising. Your baby\u2019s head will return to its normal shape in a few days.\n\n\nYou may also notice a \u201csoft spot\u201d found in the top front part of the head.\n\n\nThe head closes with a bone when your baby is between 12 and 18 months old.\n\n\n\n\nCharacteristics of the n\newborn\u2019s eyes:\n\n\n\n\nThe newborn baby\u2019s eyes are puffy because of the pressure on the face during delivery.\n\n\nThe production of \u201ccrossed-eyes\u201d and jerky, uneven movements, are normal. Your baby\u2019s muscle control of their eye movement is still in development.\n\n\n\n\nNewborn characteristics of the nose:\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s nose could have been misshapen during the birth process. It may be flattened or pushed to one side. It will go normal after 1 week of age.\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nCharacteristics of newborn\u2019s reproductive organs:\n\n\n\n\nSwollen breasts are noticeable during the first week of life in many boy and girl babies.\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s genital may be swollen, too.\n\n\nErections usually occur in a newborn baby boy, which means the bladder is full and nerves are normal.\n\n\n\n\nNewborn characteristics of feet:\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s feet might be turned in any direction inside the cramped quarters of the uterus or womb.\n\n\nCharacteristics of newborn\u2019s hair:\n\n\nIn some cases, you may find lanugo in your baby after birth. Lanugo is the fine downy hair that is noticeable on your baby\u2019s back and shoulders. It is more common to happen in \npremature babies\n.\n\n\nThe use of the APGAR scale to assess the characteristics of a newborn\n\n\nTo use the \nAPGAR scale\n, a doctor gives a score for each sign at one minute and five minutes after birth. If there are problems with the baby, an additional score is given at 10 minutes.\n\n\nIn cesarean delivered babies, a baby is additionally assessed 15 minutes after the delivery.\n\n\nA means activity movement of the muscles, P stand for a pulse, G means grimace (response to care), second A stands for the appearance of the skin, and R means respiration/breathing.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSign\n\n\n0 pts.\n\n\n1 point\n\n\n2 points\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA\n\n\nActivity (muscle tone)\n\n\nAbsent\n\n\nArms and legs flexed\n\n\nActive movement\n\n\n\n\n\n\nP\n\n\nPulse\n\n\nAbsent\n\n\nBelow 100 bpm\n\n\nAbove 100 bpm\n\n\n\n\n\n\nG\n\n\nGrimace\n\n\nNo response\n\n\nGrimace\n\n\nSneeze, cough, pulls away\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA\n\n\nAppearance (skin color)\n\n\nBlue-gray, pale all over\n\n\nNormal, except for extremities\n\n\nNormal over the entire body\n\n\n\n\n\n\nR\n\n\nAbsent\n\n\nAbsent\n\n\nSlow, irregular\n\n\nGood, crying\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA baby with a score of 7 to 10 is considered normal.\n\n\n4 to 7 points may require some resuscitative measures.\n\n\nA baby with APGAR of 3 and below requires immediate resuscitation.\n\n\n\n\nYou may request or demand your doctor to get your baby\u2019s APGAR, just to make sure. Either way, your doctor or \nOB-gynaecologist\n shall give it away to prevent any complications, and to ensure your baby is alive and normal.\n\n\nWhen Does Baby\u2019s Skin Colour Stop Changing?\n\n\n\n\nImage from | pexels.com\n\n\n\n\nResearchers accounted that a baby\u2019s skin became lighter and less red between 2 to 2o months old. Additionally, a baby\u2019s skin was found to increase yellow pigment until they reach 20 months old.\n\n\nHowever, this study was performed on small sample size, and the racial and ethnic orientations of the babies in the research are unclear. Various ethnic skin tones may change differently, becoming either darker or lighter over time.\n\n\n\nNewborn babies can have different skin colours when they are born. Your baby\u2019s skin color might change over time and should settle fully at around 20 months old.\n\n\n\nDue to a natural occurrence of genetics, your baby may look more like one of the parents than the other, or may not look like either.\n\n\nCertain skin colours are typical and common for a newborn baby. But there are various complications or health conditions that can result in a baby\u2019s particular skin colour. If this is alarming, you should contact your baby\u2019s doctor immediately.\n\n\nWhen Do Babies\u2019 Looks Change From the Past Normal Characteristics\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nArguably, your baby changes more in the first year of their life than during their 12-month period of life. If ever you are concerned with how your baby looks, wait for a while. You may expect some dramatic changes in a relatively short period of time.\n\n\n\nNotice that babies gain lots of weight during the first year of life. Weight typically doubles during their 5 to 6 months, then triples by 1 year of age. This rapid weight gain will significantly affect your baby\u2019s appearance, filling out their frame and becoming adorably chubby.\n\n\n\nOther alterations come even more quickly. Bruising on your baby\u2019s face from cramped \nwomb position\n should fade within days after birth. Their unusual head shape and their head lumps may also begin to settle and look normal after a few days of life.\n\n\nLanugo also doesn\u2019t take long to fall off. A few weeks into your baby\u2019s life, this fine, fuzzy hair at their back and shoulders should begin to be replaced with normal body hair or vellus. Meanwhile, the hair on their head will start to grow, too.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nEye colour, too, may take some time to fully develop. According to experts, you might see eye colour changes, especially in grey or blue-eyed babies (depending on culture and race), starting at around 6 months of age, and can take a couple of years to get to their final colour.\n\n\nSo mums and dads, even if you find your newborn baby without a cute face, better review the normal characteristics of a newborn baby. These features are normal, but if you mind and find something odder than what is normal, better consult your baby\u2019s doctor immediately.\n\n\nSource:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHenry Ford Health. (n.d.). Your Newborn\u2019s Appearance. \nwww.henryford.com/services/baby/newborn-care/newborn-characteristics\n\n\nVery Well Family. (March 25, 2022). What Will My Newborn Look Like?. \nwww.verywellfamily.com/what-a-newborn-baby-looks-like-2759392\n\n\nStamford Pediatrics. (n.d.). Your Baby\u2019s Appearance. \nstamfordpediatrics.com/medical-advice/newborn-characteristics/\n\n\nMedical News Today. (September 10, 2021). Baby and skin color: A guide. \nwww.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/are-black-babies-born-white\n\n\n\n\nThis article was written by Nathanielle Torre and republished with permission from theAsianparent \nPhilippines\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nBabies and Pets: Can They Co-Exist?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nSudden Infant Death Syndrome: SIDS Causes, Risk Factors and Tips for Prevention\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n15 Parenting Tips to Improve Your Parenting Skills TODAY!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/water-birth-may-right", "title": "Why a water-birth may be right for you", "body": "Delivering by water birth is becoming increasingly popular compared to conventional labour and delivery in a hospital ward. It has been practiced for ages, and the practice is seeing a reemergence among modern women.\n\n\nWhen a woman delivers by water birth, she squats in a tub filled with warm water in the position most comfortable to her for labour. Some women choose to deliver the baby in the water while some women prefer to climb out for the actual birth. It can sound a little scary, but there are many benefits of water birth you may \nnot be aware of.\n Here\u2019s a little more information on what you should know if you\u2019re thinking about delivering by water birth.\n\n\nWon\u2019t being born in water hurt the baby?\n\n\nActually, it is thought that being born in water is a less traumatic way for the baby to enter the world, as the environment feels like the amniotic fluid it\u2019s been submerged in already for nine months. The warm water is soothing and comforting, and it reduces the stress of labour and delivery for both baby and mum.\n\n\nThe benefits of a water birth can include:\n\n\n\n\nReducing stress hormones, which lowers blood pressure and allow the body to produce natural painkillers\n\n\nIncreasing movement and energy during labour, as the water supports a heavily pregnant body and can improve blood circulation and encourage \nbetter contractions\n\n\nReducing tearing, as water relaxes the perineum, making it stretch better so few stitches are needed later\n\n\nImproving mental focus as the mum-to-be can adjust her position, relax, and concentrate on birthing\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the risks of water-birth?\n\n\nWater births are best for low-risk, healthy pregnancies. They are not suitable for women with herpes, which can be transmitted in water, or other medical conditions which can cause complications. Water birth can also be complicated when there are multiple babies involved, so it should only be carried out by an experienced professional. It is also not suitable for premature babies who need special attention.\n\n\nThe risks with water birth that you should be aware of include:\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nKegembiraan dan Kejayaan: Mencari Keseimbangan Di Antara Bekerja Keras dan Menikmati Hidup\nMoney Parenting\n6 Things Parents Say About Money \u2014 And What Your Children Learn from Them\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\nHealth\nHow To Tell If Rashes Are More Than Just A Harmless Rash: Signs To Look Out For In Kids\n\n\n\n\nBreech positioning:\n\u00a0Even if your baby was correctly positioned for birth at your last scan, it can flip around anytime. If your baby is in a breech position, you require \nmedical intervention.\n\n\nWater inhalation:\n\u00a0Normally, a baby does not take its first breath of air until it is born. But sometimes, if the baby is having problems in the birth canal, the baby may inadvertently inhale some water, though this is rare.\n\n\nDirtying the pool:\n\u00a0During labour, it\u2019s very common to lose control of your bowel movements. While midwives and nurses are used to this, and will even clean up the debris, you might feel uncomfortable about birthing your child in this water.\n\n\nPresence of meconium.\n Meconium is your baby\u2019s first feces and is black or green in colour. While it can wash off the baby\u2019s face, it\u2019s best to avoid contact by coming out of the water once it\u2019s detected.\n\n\nSnapping of umbilical cord.\n One risk when a baby is born in water is that the umbilical cord can snap when the baby is lifted out of the water. Professionals are usually very good about doing this with care when handling the baby, however.\n\n\n\n\nYou can also choose to have a water birth in the comfort of your home instead of a hospital. However, you should at least have an experienced trained doula or midwife by your side in case of complications.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/confinement-food-recipes-to-boost-your-postpartum-immunity", "title": "6 Chinese Confinement Food Recipes To Boost Your Postpartum Immunity", "body": "In Chinese tradition, confinement is an extremely important period for new mums and to recuperate their body after childbirth. It allows the new mum to take much-needed rest for an immunity boost to recover faster from the delivery.\n\n\nIt also helped that both the mother and baby remained indoors and under the care of the family. And even though science has made enough progress for women to have safe childbirth, it never hurts to adopt some of the traditional roots with modern science in a bid to boost the overall immunity levels of the mum and the baby.\n\n\nThat\u2019s why we\u2019ve listed six Chinese confinement food recipes that new mothers should try at home.\n\n\nThese recipes aren\u2019t just about being healthy and nutritious, but they are tasty as well. And just in case you aren\u2019t a new mum, you can always try them at home to give your immunity\u00a0a natural boost.\n\n\n6 Immunity Boosting Confinement Food Recipes To Try\n\n\n1. Chinese confinement food recipes: Milkfish and Green Papaya Soup\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: The Meatmen Channel on YouTube\n\n\n\n\nThis Chinese-style soup with slices of fish and green papaya can be consumed daily and helps boost the production of breastmilk. \n\n\nThe milkfish also has a less \u2018fishy\u2019 smell and taste but packs all the nutrients that fishes have to offer. It is certainly a must-add to your postpartum diet.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nCooking oil \u2013 2 tbsp\n\n\n\n\nMilkfish \u2013 2 pieces \n\n\n\n\nGinger \u2013 8 slices\n\n\n\n\nRed dates \u2013 20 g\n\n\n\n\nPeanuts \u2013 50 g\n\n\n\n\nWater \u2013 3.4 litres\n\n\n\n\nGreen papaya -1 kg cut into cubes\n\n\n\n\nSalt \u2013 to taste\n\n\n\n\nMuslin bag\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nAdd cooking oil to a pan and fry both pieces of the milkfish.\n\n\n\n\nAdd four ginger slices and pan-fry until the fish turn golden brown.\n\n\n\n\nTransfer the fried fish into a muslin bag and let it rest in a pot.\n\n\n\n\nAdd red dates to the pot along with ginger slices, peanuts and boiling water.\n\n\n\n\nCover with a lid and let all the ingredients boil for one hour until the water turns murky.\n\n\n\n\nRemove the muslin bags with the fish and store them aside.\n\n\n\n\nAdd the diced green papaya pieces and boil for another 15-20 minutes.\n\n\n\n\nSeason the soup with some salt and serve in a bowl immediately. \n\n\n\n\n2. Chinese confinement food recipes: Red Glutinous Rice Wine Chicken Mee Sua\n\n\n\n\nImage source: The Meatmen Channel on YouTube\n\n\n\n\nThis recipe is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties with ingredients like sesame oil, ginger, ride wine, and more, all of which help in the wellbeing and recovery of mothers during the postpartum period.\n\n\n These are collectively rich in unsaturated fats, help maintain bone health, and fight off free radicals. Food items like ginger are also known as galactagogue and help boost breastmilk production.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nChicken drumsticks \u2013 2 lbs\n\n\nFoo Chow Red Wine \u2013 3 cups\u00a0\n\n\nSesame oil \u2013 1 tbsp\u00a0\n\n\nFresh ginger peeled and thinly sliced \u2013 1-inch\u00a0\n\n\nRed Yeast Rice \u2013 1 tbsp\u00a0\n\n\nMee sua noodles or use somen noodles \u2013 8 bundles\u00a0\n\n\nSalt to taste\n\n\nA small pinch of sugar optional\n\n\nFresh cilantro leaves\n\n\nChopped green onions\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nMarinate the chicken for 15 minutes with red wine lees, rice wine, ginger juice, and light soy sauce.\n\n\nAdd sesame oil to a pan and then thin slices of ginger.\n\n\nFry until the slices turn crispy and fragrant, then drain and set aside.\n\n\nIn the same pan, add the marinated chicken drumsticks and fry until they turn light brown.\n\n\nAdd more of the red wine lees followed by rice wine add salt according to your taste preference.\n\n\nStir and mix everything evenly and let it simmer for 15 minutes until the chicken turns soft and tender\n\n\nIn another pan, add the mee sua to boiling water and blanch for one minute.\n\n\nDrain off water and transfer the mee sua into the individual serving bowl.\n\n\nPortion our chicken pieces and ladle them with some hot soup and with some of the red yeast rice, if preferred.\n\n\nGarnish with chopped green onions and cilantro leaves.\n\n\n\n\n3. Chinese confinement food recipes: Ginger Fried Rice\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: The Meatmen Channel on YouTube\n\n\n\n\nThis is one of the easiest confinement food recipes to prepare and adds a lot of nutritional support for your recovering body. The recipe has ample ginger and sesame oil that also helps build inner immunity against cold weather.\n\n\nPlus, the anti-inflammatory properties will help your body heal faster.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nCooked white long-grain or jasmine rice \u2013 2 cups\n\n\nChopped chicken fillets \u2013 260 g\u00a0\n\n\nCooking oil divided \u2013 2 tbsp\u00a0\n\n\nLarge eggs \u2013 2\n\n\nMixed vegetables thawed if frozen \u2013 1 cup\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMarinade:\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\n\nGrated ginger \u2013 1 tbsp\u00a0\n\n\nSesame oil \u2013 1 tsp\u00a0\n\n\n1 stalk green onion finely sliced\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMarinate the chicken with salt and cooking wine, cornstarch, sesame oil, and mix well.\u00a0\n\n\nLeave the marination for 15 minutes\n\n\nWhisk the eggs in a separate bowl with a little bit of salt and pour the mixture over pre-cooked rice and mix evenly.\n\n\nPour cooking oil into a pan and fry the beaten eggs. Stir fry until cooked. Set aside.\n\n\nAdd minced ginger to the same pan followed by garlic and stir until fragrant.\n\n\nAdd the marinated chicken to the pan and stir fry until cooked.\n\n\nPour the rice mixture, mix well and stir constantly to avoid the rice sticking to the pan.\n\n\nTop up the fried rice with light soy sauce and salt to taste, as well as sesame oil and mix it well.\n\n\nAdd in cooked eggs and pepper.\n\n\nGarnish it with sliced green onion and fried garlic strands.\n\n\n\n\n4. Chinese confinement food recipes: Pork Liver with Scallions & Wolfberries\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: The Meatmen Channel on YouTube\n\n\n\n\nGet a boost of nutrition with this recipe that has ample of vitamins and minerals from pork liver.\n\n\nIt is considered one of the best confinement food recipes not just for recovering mums, but also for women on their periods or anyone in need of an immune system boost.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nPork liver \u2013 320 g thinly sliced\n\n\nCooking oil \u2013 1/4 cup\u00a0\n\n\nGinger strips \u2013 60 g\n\n\nChicken powder\n\n\nWolfberries \u2013 10 g\u00a0\n\n\nRice wine \u2013 50 ml\n\n\nGinger juice\n\n\nLight soy sauce\n\n\nScallion \u2013 4 stalks\u00a0\n\n\nSalt\n\n\nPepper\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRemove blood and impurities from the pork liver by adding flour and rub gently.\n\n\nAdd the cooking wine and mix well and let it marinate for 15 minutes.\u00a0\n\n\nRinse and drain the liver.\n\n\nAdd salt, pepper, chicken powder, rice wine, ginger juice, light soy sauce, and mix well.\u00a0\n\n\nAdd cornstarch to the mixture followed by sesame oil and leave it to marinate\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, fry the ginger strips and set them aside once they turn light brown.\n\n\nIn the same pan, add minced ginger and garlic and stir fry until fragrant.\u00a0\n\n\nAdd the marinated pork liver and stir fry for about two minutes.\u00a0\n\n\nAdd the wolfberries, rice wine and stir fry until just cooked.\n\n\nTop the pork liver with sliced scallions and mix well.\u00a0\n\n\nGarnish with the fried ginger strands\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5. Black Vinegar Pig Trotter\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: The Meatmen Channel on YouTube\n\n\n\n\nThis dish is as common as it gets with confinement food recipes, courtesy of its great nutritional support and abundance of proteins.\n\n\nIt is also great at boosting the immune system for anyone who is feeling under the weather. Make this at home and restore lost energy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nPork trotter \u2013 1 whole (1.2 kg that\u2019s cut into smaller pieces)\n\n\nOld ginger \u2013 150 g (sliced)\n\n\nYoung ginger \u2013 200 g (sliced)\n\n\nSweet vinegar \u2013 750 ml\n\n\nBlack rice vinegar \u2013 300 ml\n\n\nSesame oil \u2013 3 tbsp\n\n\nScallions \u2013 3 stalks\n\n\nPalm sugar \u2013 200 g\n\n\nBoiled eggs \u2013 6\n\n\nScallions \u2013 3 stalks\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nPut the pork trotter pieces with scallions in a skillet pan\n.\n\n\nAdd water until the pork trotter is fully covered.\u00a0\n\n\nBring it to a boil until the scums from the pork float.\n\n\nDrain and wash the pork.\n\n\nAdd boiling water until the pork is fully covered and bring it to a boil for the second time until the scums float.\n\n\nDrain and wash the pork.\n\n\nIn the same skillet, add old ginger, young ginger and stir until fragrant.\u00a0\n\n\nAdd the blanched pork trotter next and stir fry until it\u2019s slightly brown and fragrant.\u00a0\n\n\nTransfer the pork into a deep pot and add sweet vinegar and black vinegar.\u00a0\n\n\nLet it braise for one hour.\u00a0\n\n\nAdd palm sugar and six boiled eggs and let it all cook for 10 minutes.\u00a0\n\n\nServe the pork trotter in an individual bowl with a boiled egg and add top it up with some soup. Garnish using coriander and enjoy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n6. Stir-Fried Pork with Mushrooms\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: The Meatmen Channel on YouTube\n\n\n\n\nThis recipe is exactly what you\u2019d want to eat when you have midnight food cravings. The dish is packed with ginger and mushrooms, and there\u2019s plenty of flavours to keep your taste buds happy.\n\n\nBut more importantly, its active anti-inflammatory and rich fibre and protein ingredients make it one of the most obvious go-to confinement food recipes. Together, these help to provide energy and heal the body faster.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nPork shoulder \u2013 380 g (sliced thinly into shreds)\n\n\nGinger \u2013 30 g (sliced thinly into match-sticks)\n\n\nMinced garlic \u2013 1 tbsp\n\n\nShimeji mushrooms \u2013 75 g\n\n\nOyster mushrooms \u2013 75 g\n\n\nSesame oil \u2013 3 tbsp\n\n\nCornstarch solution \u2013 1 tbsp cornstarch with 1 tbsp water\n\n\nLight soy sauce \u2013 2 tbsp\n\n\nMushroom seasoning \u2013 1 tsp\n\n\ntsp Sugar \u2013 1/2 tsp\n\n\nShaoxing rice wine \u2013 3 tbsp\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHeat the sesame oil and stir fry ginger slices until they turn fragrant and brown.\n\n\nPush it aside and add in minced garlic and stir fry until fragrant.\n\n\nAdd in pork slices, mushrooms stir fry constantly until cooked.\n\n\nContinue to stir fry and add in light soy sauce, mushrooms seasonings, sugar and rice wine, and mix all the ingredients well.\n\n\nAdd in cornstarch solution to thicken the sauce.\n\n\nGarnish with spring onion\u00a0\n\n\nDish up and serve hot with rice.\n\n\n\n\nRemember, it is important for you to eat a balanced diet and pay attention to your nutrition. Since these meals are simple to make and packed full of nutrition and fibre, they will help energise you and fuel you through the day.\n\n\nThe most important point to note is that at the end of the day this journey is yours: What works for someone else may not always work for you. But as long as you take care of yourself, you also take care of your growing little one.\u00a0\n\n\nRecipes and videos in this article were produced by The Meatmen Channel. Subscribe to their\u00a0\nYoutube channel\n\u00a0for weekly recipe ideas!\n\n\nThe Meatmen Channel is a lean team of meaty people from the little red dot, Singapore. They are here to turn your favourite Asian dishes into easy, home cook recipes. For more, visit \nThe Meatmen Channel website\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis article was first published on \ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nDiastasis recti: All you need to know about this postpartum condition\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/formula-milk-facts", "title": "Facts Vs Myths About Formula Milk Every Parent Should Know", "body": "Some mothers choose to give their > 1-year-old toddler formula milk for a variety of reasons. No matter the reason, all mothers want the best for their kids. Two of the main concerns are typically quality and nutrition. This article helps to provide clarity as well as addresses other perceptions surrounding formula milk.\n\n\nHere are some formula milk facts versus myths that every parent should be made aware of.\n\n\nFormula milk facts vs myths\n\n\nMyth #1: All premium formula milk brands are manufactured in Western countries.\n\n\nFact: Most premium formula milk brands are manufactured in Southeast Asia. That\u2019s right \u2013 you read that correctly. The fact is \u2014 it is a false perception that many Asian parents have. But what does it matter where the manufacturing is done?\n\n\nThis is where it is important for parents to understand the difference between a single manufacturing process versus a double manufacturing process.\n\n\nA single manufacturing process is when the source of milk comes directly from cows in one country, like Holland, and are transported straight from farms to factories in the same country at the right temperature to be processed into formula milk before being packaged and sold to consumers.\n\n\nA double manufacturing process is when milk is sourced from a farm that brands do not own \u2013 most likely a farm in Europe, Australia or New Zealand. This means that the cows are reared in farms overseas and the milk extracted from these cows are processed into powder before it comes to Southeast Asia for brands to add in their own formulations.\n\n\nThis forces the powdered milk to be put through multiple heat treatments that might end up compromising nutrient quality.\n\n\n\n\nFriso Gold has full chain control with single manufacturing process to better preserve natural nutrients.\n\n\n\n\nMyth #2 \u2013 Expensive is better.\n\n\nFact: Quality is the number one criteria cited by mums when choosing formula milk. So, what does good quality look like? Most mums believe that the more DHA the better. However, as the saying goes, the gut is the second brain. And so, it is important for milk formula to first be gut-friendly. An easy-to-digest milk formula will essentially support better absorption of key nutrients.\n\n\nLook for milk formula that preserves 90%+ of natural nutrients for easy digestion.\n\n\nMyth #3 \u2013 Formula feeding is easy.\n\n\nFact: Sure, formula feeding is relatively easy. All you have to do is measure out the right amount of water and mix thoroughly.\n\n\nBut when you are encountered with a stressful situation, like trying to placate a hungry child while trying to prepare their milk, you wish the milk would just make itself!\n\n\nThankfully, the great design behind Friso Gold Step 3 exhibits exactly what good packaging design should entail. First of all, you only need one hand to open the can due to the unique protection lid that offers airtight protection to preserve the freshness of the milk powder.\n\n\nSecondly, the cleverly designed package is thoughtful towards parents because it holds the scoop right at the very top of the can \u2014 which means you never have to dig through the can ever again just to get the scoop out.\n\n\nThirdly, with a scoop guide, your child gets the right amount of recommended nutrients with every feed to support his or her right growth and development.\n\n\n\n\nParents, did you know that you are doing your best just by staying educated on where your child\u2019s milk comes from?\n\n\n\n\nMyth #4 \u2013 Milk formula is just a convenient solution.\n\n\nFact: There are many factors that go into choosing formula milk and it isn\u2019t as simple as just picking one off the shelf.\n\n\nPart of giving your best as a parent is knowing where your child\u2019s milk is from as well as how it is made. When you look at your child\u2019s formula milk label and identify the country it was manufactured in, you should be able to tell immediately if it had gone through a single or double manufacturing process.\n\n\nFriso Gold provides natural goodness of milk starting from the source, thus ensuring the whole process of \u201cGrass to Glass\u201d and freshness of formula milk is preserved through their unique protection lid packaging.\n\n\nUndoubtedly, when mums take the time to understand the manufacturing process behind formula milk and take the right steps in choosing a formula milk for their child, they are truly giving their best.\n\n\nFriso Gold Step 3 is specially formulated with LocNutri\u2122 technology, which uses only a mild heat treatment during the milk manufacturing process to preserve 90%+ of natural nutrients for easy digestion, so more nutrients goodness can be absorbed.\n\n\nThis way, your child will naturally have stronger insides so that he or she can experience more with you \u2014 which is ultimately what every parent wants.\n\n\nFor more information on Friso Gold Step 3 or to request a sample, visit their website \nhere\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/support-child-immune-system", "title": "5 Healthy Tips to Guard Your Child Against Illnesses", "body": "Having a small child means no running away from a fever and a cold, the two most common sicknesses that will \u201caccompany\u201d them as they grow up\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nChildren are always exposed to a variety of germs and bacteria everywhere, whether at school, home or in kindergarten.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd with the world\u2019s condition today, parents are getting more worried about their child\u2019s health\n2\n. Just recently in March, Malaysia is seeing a surge in the number of children (0 to 12 years) being admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) due to viral respiratory illness\n3\n.\n\n\nNaturally our child\u2019s body has a defence system that is responsible for protecting from harmful germs, viruses and bacteria. They were born with natural protection from their mothers in the earliest months. As they begin to grow, that protection also begins to wane and vaccines are given to children to help keep them from falling ill\n4\n.\n\n\nSo as a parent, how do we ensure our child\u2019s health is in shape, especially during the period when they are growing up?\n\n\nTips for keeping your child healthy throughout the year\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n1. Maintain good hygiene\n\n\nEven good hygiene, bacteria and germs can be transmitted and contact with other people or objects and children especially are also more likely to catch viruses from the constant touching of their mouth and nose.\n\n\nAs a parent, you should pay special attention to your child\u2019s hygiene before and after each meal, after using the bathroom, after arriving home from school, and when they cough or sneeze.\n\n\nTeach them young, they say. Practising the habit of handwashing reduces the chance of them spreading infections after touching something. Washing hands more regularly has now become a second nature; maybe even getting children to sing the \u2018happy birthday\u2019 song twice to make sure they hit the 20-second recommended mark\n5\n.\n\n\n2. Establishing good sleep routine\n\n\nJust like how adults are moody when they don\u2019t get enough sleep, the same thing happens with children that aren\u2019t sleeping properly. Poor sleep during childhood can persist for extended periods, resulting in long-term problems in academic performance, poor impulse control, and impaired social functioning\n6\n.\n\n\nHaving a good night\u2019s sleep is important to keep your child\u2019s body full of energy and will also reduce stress levels. They also benefit from the restorative effects of sleep including improved brain function, development, working memory, and emotion regulation\n4\n thus making them less susceptible to sickness.\n\n\nSleep requirements for each night vary by age:\n7\n\n\n\n\nBabies between 0 and 3 months need 14 to 17 hours of sleep. Infants between 4 and 12 months need 12 to 16 hours of sleep per 24 hours (including naps).\n\n\nToddlers between the ages of 1 and 2 need between 11 and 14 hours per 24 hours (including naps).\n\n\nKids between the ages of 3 and 5 should get from 10 to 13 hours per 24 hours (including naps).\n\n\nChildren ages 6 to 12 should get between 9 and 12 hours per 24 hours.\n\n\n\n\n3. Get active\n\n\nPhysical activity and exercise are essential for a child\u2019s overall fitness. By regularly doing physical activity, it can help prevent and manage noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and several cancers. It also helps prevent hypertension, maintain healthy body weight and can improve mental health, quality of life and well-being\n8\n.\n\n\nEncourage your child to play outside and explore the outdoors or take them to the playground, where they can run, jump, climb, slide, and move in general, giving your child a healthy outlet for exercise.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBesides taking them to the playground, parents can also consider other physical activities or even sign them up for physical classes or sports teams. Just remember to always wash their hands after playing outside.\n\n\n4. Eat a well-balanced diet\n\n\nProviding your kids with nutrient rich foods is a must when it comes to healthy development. It\u2019s so important for parents to feed a variety of foods from each of the food groups, every day.\u00a0\n\n\nEven if it\u2019s only in small amounts, offering your child a broad array of foods is the ideal way to expand their palate and ensure a diverse range of nutrients they need for growth and energy.\n\n\nPhytonutrients in food, for example, have great benefits to the body for they are antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, antiaggegrative, and anti-inflammatory \u2013 acting as a natural defence weapon in maintaining a healthy body. Phytonutrient-rich sources include both colored (fruits, nuts, berries, vegetables, tea, cacao, legumes, spices) and uncolored foods (onions, garlic, ginger, shallots)\n9\n.\n\n\n5. Food supplement\n\n\nParents can make a meal plan to ensure that your child\u2019s meals always have some amount of essential-nutrient food. However, sometimes food supplements may help to ensure that children are getting enough. This is particularly important if your preschooler or children is a poor eater or are not getting a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in their diet. It also helps boost energy levels and support their body\u2019s natural defence system.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nScott\u2019s Pastilles \nwith Vitamin C are high in Vitamin C which is highly beneficial in helping the body absorb iron from their food. Did you know that the daily recommended Vitamin C intake for children aged 1-6 years old is 30mg and 35mg for children aged 7-9 years old?\n10\n You can help fulfil your child\u2019s daily Vitamin C intake with Scott\u2019s Pastilles with Vitamin C which contains 21mg of Vitamin C per serving.\n\n\n\n\nScott\u2019s, the No. 1 Brand in Peninsular Malaysia for Health Supplement and Vitamin C in Children Category based on IQVIA*, has been around for nearly 60 years in the country. It continues to make nutrients in interesting forms and formats that appeal to children alike.\u00a0\nRecommended from the age 3 onwards, the Scott\u2019s Pastille with Vitamin C come in 5 different flavours \u2014 blackcurrant, orange, peach, mango and mixed berries \u2014 that are also Halal-certified.\u00a0\n\n\nSo parents, amidst all the play, exploring, and fun, remember to keep up with your child\u2019s Vitamin C intake. Give them Scott\u2019s Pastilles with Vitamin C daily.\u00a0\n\n\n*IQVIA Malaysia Consumer Health Malaysia Audit (CHMA), Health Supplements and Vitamin C Children Category, Total Peninsular Malaysia, MAT Nov 2021 (Values)\nDisclaimer: Consumption with adult supervision is advised and not to replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPM-MY-SCT-22-00113\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nChildhood illnesses\n. nidirect. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2022, from \nhttps://www.nidirect.gov.uk/conditions/childhood-illnesses\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSimon, A. K., Hollander, G. A., & McMichael, A. (2015). Evolution of the immune system in humans from infancy to old age. Proceedings. \nBiological sciences\n, \n282\n(1821), 20143085.\u00a0\n\n\nBernama. (2021, September 12). Reopening of schools: Parents can choose not to send children to school \u2013 Radzi. \nAstro Awani\n. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from \nhttps://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/reopening-schools-parents-can-choose-not-send-children-school-radzi-319377\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCovid-19: Health Ministry says vaccination for children important for transition to endemic phase. (2022, March 12). \nMalay Mail\n. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from \nhttps://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2022/03/12/covid-19-health-ministry-says-vaccination-for-children-important-for-transi/2047028\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nNorman, R., & Gordon, B. (2020, October 15). \nHandwashing can\u2019t stop \u2013 millions of lives are at stake\n. World Health Organization. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries/detail/handwashing-can-t-stop-millions-of-lives-are-at-stake\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWu, L. C., Hattangadi, N., Keown-Stoneman, C., Maguire, J. L., Birken, C. S., Stremler, R., Constantin, E., & Charach, A. (2022). Sleep Duration and Internalizing Symptoms in Children. \nJournal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l\u2019Academie canadienne de psychiatrie de l\u2019enfant et de l\u2019adolescent, 31\n(3), 115\u2013123.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, September 14). \nHow much sleep do I need?\n Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/sleep/about_sleep/how_much_sleep.html\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. (2022, October 5). \nPhysical activity\n. World Health Organization. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/physical-activity\n\u00a0\n\n\nKhan, H., Barreca, D., Suntar, I., & Nabavi, S. M. (2020). \nPhytonutrients in food: From traditional to rational usage\n. Woodhead Publishing.\u00a0\n\n\nYu, Y. K. (2016, September 8). \nImportance and toxicity of vitamin C\n. PORTAL MyHEALTH. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/importance-toxicity-vitamin-c/\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/adult-acne-face", "title": "Adult Acne & Face Map - Why Do Some Of Us Still Get It?", "body": "Acne can make us lose some self-esteem. You survived your school years, you survived your teenage life and probably thought you survived all the acne you were going to have. But too bad, nothing as such! Acne can hit you even in adulthood. Adult acne is defined as acne that occurs continuously, or develops after the age of 25.\n\n\nAcne occurring during adulthood can be due to a variety of factors. Although acne is not similar to acne in your teenage times, the onset of adult acne can take place anywhere on the face.\n\n\nMore often, acne in adults tends to be at specific spots on the lower face area such as on the jawline. Adult acne is usually due to hormonal imbalance and it is more commonly seen in women. Nodulocystic or cystic acne is the hormonal acne that develops with a large, inflamed cyst on the adult face. This acne is undeniably painful. Close to that time of the month for women, hormone regulators produce excess oil in the skin, combined together with the dirt from the environment and wallah \u2013 here comes the spots! Unfortunately, women with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or women who have no regular menstrual cycles experience adult acne more frequently, due to the hormonal imbalance.\n\n\nAcne can appear on many areas of the face. Each part of the face corresponds to a different internal system in your body that needs to be looked at. So, by paying attention to this mapping, you can look at what needs help which eventually will assist with improving your complexion.\u00a0\n\n\nFace Acne Spot Map\n\n\nForehead\n\n\nAcne on the forehead could be an indicator to look into your digestive system, or it could also be due to poor stress management and lack of rest.\n\n\nBetween The Eyebrows\n\n\nThis area could be a sign that you might have poor diet management with an excessive oil intake, or ineffective gallbladder functions.\n\n\nNose\n\n\nAcne on the nose might be telling you that you have a digestive system that is weak, some constipation and bloating or have a less than ideal fibre intake.\n\n\nCheeks\n\n\nAcne on cheeks are a sign that you might have liver or lung problems, are overeating, or are using dirty makeup brushes or cellphones.\n\n\nMouth or Lip Area\n\n\nThis signifies excess of oily foods, high calorie foods and possibly a weak gut.\n\n\nWorry not! There are ways to soothe your acne\n\n\nOur skin obviously becomes more sensitive when we have acne. We want to treat the skin gently so it does not cause additional breakouts and we definitely do not want scarring. Here are some tips on how to manage your skin naturally when acne hits:\n\n\n1. Use \u201cat-home\u201d natural ingredients\u00a0\n\n\nThere are several ingredients in your kitchen that could help to soothe acne. These are natural at-home remedies are believed to combat acne problems, reduce scarring and prevent acne from coming back. Natural ingredients such as\u00a0\napple cider vinegar\n\u00a0(ACV) is known for its wide benefits. While it is also antimicrobial, applying ACV to the skin could help to reduce acne in a short time. Additionally,\u00a0\nKelulut Honey\n, cinnamon, aloe vera, and turmeric also help with your acne.\n\n\n2. Proper diet\n\n\nDiet also plays an important role in your skin condition. Eating healthy whole foods such as fruits and vegetables will help to increase your fibre intake and therefore give you less constipation or \ngut related issues\n, thus giving your skin a better chance at breathing.\n\n\n3. Managing stress\n\n\nStress could trigger hormones to regulate more oil in the skin. This will clog pores make us break out even more. This is why\u00a0\nmanagement of stress\n\u00a0is essential.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Balanced hormones\n\n\nBalanced hormones will help you to get closer to healthier skin and reduce your acne outbursts. Signs like heavy irregular and painful periods, hot flashes, night sweats, indigestion are symptoms that could mean hormonal imbalance. If you are concerned about this, go to your doctor and suggest a blood test. Typically doctors will do a test to check on your hormones levels by testing for things like thyroid, oestrogen, testosterone and cortisol levels.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\n\n\nAcne in adults is more common than we think and it can be very stressful. But with correct management, diagnosis and correct lifestyle it is however possible to prevent acne from getting worse and eventually reduce future outbreaks.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mam-baby-supreme-pacifiers", "title": "#TAPReviews: MAM Baby Supreme Pacifiers", "body": "As a mother, there were many things I read up on. One of the things I came across was of course, how pacifiers affect teeth development in babies. Upon further research, I found that MAM Baby pacifiers, especially their Perfect range, was developed by paediatric dentists to support oral development.\n\n\nSo since birth, my son has always used MAM Baby\u2019s Perfect Pacifier. Somehow, I also had it in my head that to maintain his oral development, I should continue using the newborn size.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is where I went wrong.\u00a0\n\n\nMy assumption that not going up a size would help his oral development was completely wrong, because it brought about a different set of issues. For one, he was developing a rash near his mouth due to saliva always leaking out from the sides of the pacifier.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter speaking to MAM Baby about this, they advised me that I should have gone up the sizes as he met those milestones. So when the opportunity for us to try MAM Baby Supreme Pacifiers cropped up (with the appropriate sizing!), we decided to give it a shot.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd here\u2019s what I found:\u00a0\n\n\n1. Saliva doesn\u2019t leak out anymore\n\n\nWhat I found out was that when you give a child a pacifier that is too \u201csmall\u201d for their age, and as their mouths grow bigger, they will find it hard to suck at the pacifier teat. This is how saliva pools and eventually leaks out to cause rashes around the mouth.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter switching to the 16+ months Supreme pacifier, this was no longer an issue.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. It certainly fit better\n\n\nIf you can see from the picture above, Jedi is wearing a MAM Baby Perfect Pacifier for newborns. Obviously, at over 18 months, this is way too small for him.\u00a0\n\n\nSubsequently, after he tried the new MAM Baby Supreme Pacifier, I could immediately see the difference where it fit better on him and the saliva would no longer leak out and get stuck on the pacifier rims, causing rashes around the mouth.\n\n\n\n\n3. It is still the same teat as the Perfect range\n\n\nDespite the pacifier design looking different, the extra-thin teat remains the same as the Perfect range of pacifiers, maintaining its priority on good oral development for your growing baby. It allows for a more natural mouth closure as well as gives teeth more room to grow.\n\n\nThis Supreme design also offers better breathability since the shield design is airy, which really makes a huge difference in our hot and humid climate.\u00a0\n\n\nThough the Supreme pacifiers are not new to the rest of the world, it is a new product line by MAM Baby that has recently been brought into Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on the MAM Baby Supreme pacifiers or to purchase them, visit the Malaysian MAM Baby website \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mummies-beware-ceiling-fans-can-be-a-safety-hazard", "title": "Mummies beware! Ceiling fans can be a safety hazard", "body": "We\u2019ve never really thought anything more\u00a0of\u00a0ceiling fans than the fact that they help cool the room down, and that they work better than standing fans, and are more environmentally friendly than air-conditioners.\n\n\nHowever, what mummy Karen Xiao experienced may just be an eye-opener to how unsafe they can actually be.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKaren shared with us that while she was in the room with her 4-month-old daughter, her ceiling fan suddenly went out of control and two of its blades broke.\n\n\nThankfully, neither Karen nor her baby was hurt. Karen also states that if she had\u00a0placed her baby on the bed, she\u2019s sure it would have totally been a much worse scenario.\n\n\nYou can read her Facebook post about the incident below:\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Karen, the ceiling fan\u2019s speed was at its lowest and was left on for a few hours when the incident took place.\n\n\nThe fan first started shaking, the\u00a0one blade hit the ceiling fan and broke.\n\n\nIn order to stop the other blades of the fan from breaking, Karen quickly\u00a0switched the power off.\n\n\nShe suggests that the incident could be due to the fan\u2019s prolong usage, especially with it being 4 years old.\n\n\n\n\nKaren hopes that her Facebook post will be able to raise awareness about the potential dangers that a\u00a0ceiling fan can bring. Also, mummies should think twice about installing a ceiling fan in the baby room, or putting the baby\u2019s bed directly under the ceiling fan.\n\n\nSafety tips to protect your\u00a0babies\n\n\nThe following tips are from this \ntheAsianparent article\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you have a pedestal/table fan, place it well away from potential contact from the baby, ensuring there is nothing nearby that he can climb up onto in order to reach the fan.\n\n\nMake sure that all cords are out of reach from your baby.\n\n\nInvest in a fan guard, which is made out of fine mesh and fitted over the fan head to prevent little finger getting caught in the blades. This will also prevent your child from poking other objects in the blades.\n\n\nIf you do buy a second-hand fan, run it through rigorous tests for health and safety. Make sure the grill is secure and the oscillator works, and the electrical works are safe as well.\n\n\nConsider fitting a ceiling fan as these are obviously placed far away from your baby\u2019s reach.\n\n\nIf you do install one, ensure\u00a0at least 3 to 4 feet between the tip of the ceiling fan blades and the edge of your child\u2019s bed or other furniture, so if he\u2019s tempted to jump on his bed or climb he won\u2019t reach the fan.\u00a0This is especially important if your child has a bunk bed.\n\n\nEnsure that\u00a0all blades are properly installed and that the fan is securely mounted following the manufacturer\u2019s instructions.\u00a0\n\n\nNever turn a fan into a play thing. As a kid, you may have made silly noises in front of a fan, but it\u2019s best not to show your child how to do this as it\u2019s a safety hazard.\n\n\nDo not hang streamers, ropes or other items from the blades of a ceiling fan. This could pose the danger of strangulation for your child.\n\n\nClean your fan at least once a month, as dust and dirt will get trapped on the blades.\n\n\n\n\nWe hope you\u2019ve learnt an important safety message from this article. If you have any thoughts on this story, do share them with us.\nPartner Stories\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\nKeibubapaan\nIni Item Yang WAJIB Ada Dalam Checklist Barang Baby Ke Hospital, Lampin Paling Penting!\nHealth\nThe Development at 2 Months Old, Your Baby Can Smile & Interact!\nHealth\nWhy Is Childhood Immunisation Important?\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/counting-kicks-baby-pregnancy", "title": "How to Count Your Baby's Kicks, and Why is It So Important?", "body": "From the moment you experience that first fluttering sensation in your tummy, to those strong (and sometimes painful!) jabs and punches from little elbows and knees \u2013 your baby\u2019s kicks \u2013 from the very first one to the very last, are all precious. However, counting kicks during pregnancy is also an important way for expectant mothers to keep track of their baby\u2019s movements during the third trimester of pregnancy.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIt is important to keep track of all your baby\u2019s movements daily in the third trimester, as any changes detected in this period are often the earliest sign of distress in a baby.\n\n\nWhen a mother has established regular kick patterns, she has a sense of what is considered normal and regular, and what is not. We at theAsianparent, frequently hear from mums whose babies were saved because they counted kicks during pregnancy. Because of this, these mums were thus able to weed out any unusual developments (or lack thereof) in their baby\u2019s movement patterns and were able to alert their healthcare providers in time.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRegular monitoring of your baby\u2019s movements helps you keep track of what is normal and what is not. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nCounting kicks during pregnancy: Why is it important?\n\n\nStillbirth prevention\n\n\nIt is every mother\u2019s nightmare to have the pregnancy she laboured for months in advance to end in a tragedy.\u00a0\n\n\nStillbirth\n is devastating and unexpected. But it can sometimes be prevented, and counting kicks during pregnancy, and especially in your third trimester and towards the end, is one way to ensure that you lower the risk of your baby being stillborn.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to \nCount the Kicks\n, \na stillbirth prevention public health campaign established in the United States of America, the early success of the initiative\u2019s efforts have already been spotted with stillbirth rates dropping nearly 32 percent in Iowa, the state in which it was first implemented. The campaign notes that approximately 24,000 babies are lost to stillbirth every year in the US. \u201cStatistically, that means 1 out of every 167 pregnancies ends in stillbirth. For African American mums, that number is even more alarming \u2013 1 in 94!\u201d\n\n\nAccording to reports\n, fifty per cent of mothers who have lost a baby to stillbirth in the third trimester reported that they noticed a gradual decline in foetal movement several days prior to the loss of the pregnancy. This indicates that many cases of stillbirth are not sudden and that you might be able to save your baby if you are aware of the warning signs and of what\u2019s normal and what\u2019s not with regard to your baby\u2019s movements.\n\n\nIn fact, a change in your baby\u2019s heartbeat is one of the last things to occur when a baby is in distress, whereas decreased movement is an early sign.\n\n\nMonitoring your baby\u2019s movements allows you to detect changes in usual patterns, indicating any potential problems before actual changes in the heart rate are detected. The time in between the detection of reduced patterns in movement and decreased heart rate, may well be the only time you have to save your baby.\n\n\nThe campaign further notes that if the outcome of decreased rates in stillbirth brought about through mothers counting their baby\u2019s kicks and being aware of their movements to note any new changes indicating a potential threat, \u201cis replicated in all 50 states (of the US), more than 7,500 babies will be saved every year!\u201d The numbers thus naturally increase multiple folds, in a global context. Counting kicks during pregnancy is a way of saving babies\u2019 lives.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd one of those could be yours.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is vital, therefore, for pregnant mothers to keep track and observe patterns that will be established through the course of their pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nFuthermore, in addition to \nhelping prevent stillbirth\n, counting your baby\u2019s kicks serves as a way to help you to bond with your baby.\n\n\nThis is your special time with your little unborn baby, reserved to focus on your baby\u2019s movements and personality. You may take this one step ahead if you wish and further utilise this as an opportunity for family time, when you bring your partner and any other siblings into the midst to share this experience with you. This will enable them to improve their bond with the baby as well, strengthening family ties and establishing an early connection in between family members.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCounting kicks can also count as Family Time! Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nCounting kicks during pregnancy: how to keep track of your baby\u2019s movements\u00a0\n\n\nPregnant mothers are advised to begin counting kicks in the 28th week of their pregnancy, or at 26 weeks if you are high risk or pregnant with multiples.\u00a0\n\n\nYour pregnancy may be progressing along smoothly and without much complication, but even normal pregnancies can sometimes turn problematic, and usually active babies can also experience distress, sometimes quickly and without other warning signs.\n\n\nA record of your baby\u2019s movement every day will alert you if your normally active baby has slowed down, and you will have recorded data to show your ob-gyn regarding your concerns.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some tips for you to make counting kicks during pregnancy easier:\n\n\n\n\nMake use of online resources and apps available to keep track of your baby\u2019s movements in order to facilitate a digitised record that you are able to flip back to access, or show to your ob-gyn if the need arises. theAsianparent\u2019s Kick Counter is one such resource.\u00a0\n\n\nStart at the\u00a028th week of your pregnancy, and count your baby\u2019s movements every day, preferably at the same time.\n\n\nEvery baby is different, and the time you pick should be when your baby is usually active and you notice an increase in movements.\n\n\nYour baby should have at least 10 movements within an hour.\u00a0\n\n\nSit comfortably, with your feet up or lie on your side to count each of your baby\u2019s movements \u2013 these include kicks, rolls, pokes and jabs, but not hiccups as they count as an involuntary movement.\n\n\nTime yourself on how long it usually takes to get to ten movements.\n\n\nIn most cases, it\u00a0will take less than half an hour on average in order to record ten movements, but each baby is different.\u00a0\n\n\nRegular monitoring of movements will enable you to soon form patterns and derive a sense of what\u2019s normal for your baby (how long it takes your baby to get to ten movements), alerting you to call your doctor if you notice any changes.\n\n\nBe sure to count your baby\u2019s movements every day without fail.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDocumenting your baby\u2019s movements will give you a record of data that you could provide to your doctor if the need arises. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhen to call your doctor?\u00a0\n\n\nWhile the word \u201cnormal\u201d differs from baby to baby, and activity patterns are unique and different to every foetus, keeping track of your daily kick counting sessions will enable you with a sense of what your baby usually does.\u00a0\n\n\nAnything out of the ordinary should be considered as a potential problem and you should bring it to your doctor\u2019s attention right away.\u00a0\n\n\nNotify your ob-gyn immediately if there have been:\n\n\n\n\nAny change in movement patterns (it starts to take longer than usual to record ten kicks).\n\n\nAny changes in the strength of your baby\u2019s movements, that is if you notice the movements become weaker, or if you suddenly notice a wild surge in your baby\u2019s movements. Both of these instances should be paid attention to, and taken to your doctor immediately. You should not wait until you note significant changes in your baby\u2019s movement pattern, or note no sign of movement at all, to bring the matter to your doctor\u2019s notice.\n\n\nAny feeling that something is \u201coff\u201d with regard to your baby\u2019s movements. When in doubt, contact your doctor. Pay attention to that mummy-sense. It\u2019s there for a reason, and it is usually right! As the adage goes, it is always better to be safe than sorry.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nContrary to the popular belief that babies kick lesser towards the end of your pregnancy, you may experience a difference in movement with less sharp kicking and more rolling.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nHowever, if you have been keeping track of movements at the same time each day, it should take about the same amount of time to feel 10 movements.\n\n\nRemember mamas, anything out of the ordinary, anything different, even a \u201cprickling\u201d of that mummy-instinct and gut feeling, needs to be paid attention to. These could be vital signs that your baby is in distress and you could be one step away from saving your baby\u2019s precious life.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/distance-learning-tools", "title": "Our Top Picks for Best Distance Learning Tools", "body": "We can\u2019t deny that distance learning is quite a challenge. To make it easier, we\u2019ve picked out a group of tools to make it easier for schools to deliver lessons, communicate effectively and facilitate fun learning even when we can\u2019t do it in person now. Best thing, most are free to use.\n\n\n1. Learning and Classroom Management\u00a0\n\n\n \nGoogle Classroom\n\n\nThis may be the easiest way to launch online classes and stay connected remotely.\n\n\n\n\nEasy to create classes \u2013 To join a class, teachers just have to share a code with her students.\n\n\nEffective communication \u2013 Teachers can post announcements and facilitate class discussions instantly.\n\n\nSeamless assignment workflow \u2013 Teachers can assign, grade and review assignments securely. Students can access course materials anytime and anywhere.\n\n\nStay organised \u2013 Keeps all class materials, including assignments, videos and photos, neatly organised in Google Drive folders\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n \nEdmodo\n\n\nTeachers can share lessons, communicate with students and keep parents updated all with one tool and a variety of languages.\n\n\n\n\nTeachers can live stream class instruction, present activities and create quizzes that the whole class can do online.\n\n\nDiscover new lessons and get inspired by resources posted by other teachers around the world.\n\n\nFacilitate classroom discussions with students and send direct messages to parents.\n\n\nStudents can stay more organised with an in-built planner that will be updated automatically.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n2. For Teachers to Create Digital Learning Content\u00a0\n\n\nNearpod\n\n\nThis software allows teachers to customise lessons and students to participate interactively in virtual classrooms.\n\n\n\n\nTeachers can create customisable lessons by using Google Slides or by importing existing lessons (ppts, pdfs, jpegs) in minutes.\n\n\nThere are thousands of ready-to-run lessons created by other educators. Some are free, some needs to be paid.\n\n\nTeachers can control lessons across all student devices and evaluate student responses live or create post-session reports.\n\n\nStudents are kept engaged in every lesson as they are always required to participate actively with open-ended questions, drawing tools, activities, quizzes, virtual field trips and more.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free, Paid, In-app purchases\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n \nPlanboard\n\n\nCut down lesson prep time with this online classroom planner.\n\n\n\n\nCreate digital lessons and customise with videos and photos.\n\n\nThere\u2019s a Standards Progression tool that can help keep classroom progress on track.\u00a0\n\n\nView and edit lessons on any device, and also share lessons with colleagues.\n\n\nEasy to organise subjects, timetables and semesters.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free, Paid\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n3. Platforms That Support Live-video Communication \n\n\nGoogle Hangouts\n\n\nEngage in a conversation or start a free video call to keep in touch with all your contacts worldwide.\n\n\n\n\nSetting up is a breeze. Simply just share a link and talk.\n\n\nTalk to one person or communicate as a group of up to 10 people across any devices.\n\n\nAdd more to the conversation with videos and photos.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n \nMicrosoft Teams\n\n\nHost audio or video meetups with your school community and achieve more as a team.\n\n\n\n\nChat privately or in groups without compromising security.\n\n\nHost live presentations with up to 10,000 attendees inside or outside your school.\n\n\nAccess features that allows you to share files in real time and save what\u2019s important.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free with Office 365\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\nZoom\n\n\nIt\u2019s easy for spontaneous video group chats and works fine with low-bandwidth connections.\n\n\n\n\nHost online classes or group chats for up to 100 people in a snap.\n\n\nEasily share photos, web, Dropbox or Google Drive files.\n\n\nThere\u2019s a 40 minute time limit for free group sessions.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free\u00a0\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n Skype\n\n\nThis alternative now allows group sessions up to 50 participants without having to sign-in.\n\n\n\n\nWith a Chrome browser, there\u2019s no need to install anything before starting a group video chat.\n\n\nParticipants can record sessions and rewatch them for up to 30 days, which can come in handy.\n\n\nFor anyone living in a messy space, there\u2019s a feature to blur the background. Super handy.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n4. Digital Portfolio and Parent Communication\u00a0\n\n\n \nClassDojo\n\n\nThis is a simple communication platform that helps build a positive school community instead of just a classroom.\n\n\n\n\nChildren\u2019s work can be neatly stored in their own digital portfolios for easy track recording.\n\n\nTeachers and students can share feedback on progress along the way, and parents can access character building activities for their kids. This is a great way to encourage skills and values like teamwork, perseverance and mindfulness in students.\n\n\nTeachers and parents can instantly message each other without sharing any contact details.\n\n\nWhen everybody can go back to school like normal, teachers can share the classroom experience with parents through photos and videos.\n\n\n\n\nPrice:\n\u00a0Free\n\n\nCompatibility:\n\u00a0Desktop, iOS and Android\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n5. Online Learning Resources\u00a0\n\n\n British Council Learn English Kids\n\n\nFind tips and advice from the English teaching experts to help children practise their English at home. Just like their\u00a0\nin-person classes\n, children learn through online interactive activities that are fun, such as stories, games, songs and videos.\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n \nScholastic Learn at Home\n\n\nScholastic offers day-to-day projects categorised into topics to keep Kindergarten up to Year 9 kids occupied at home. There are reading materials, activity ideas, tips and tricks for home learning, and other resources for both teachers and families.\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n \nDuolingo\n\n\nEnhance school lessons with Duolingo. Get children to become proficient in new languages through fun, game-like lessons that are quick to pick up and effective to learn. Master Chinese, French or even Swahili with new words, vocabulary and grammar covered in every lesson.\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n \nKhan Academy\n\n\nClick on \u201cCourses\u201d to access online learning resources sorted by subjects, including Maths, Science, Reading, Social-emotional learning and Arts. Lessons cover preschool learning to high school lessons. Children can practice interactively online.\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\n\u00a0\nYouTube Read Aloud @Brightly Storytime\n\n\nRead along to full-length picturebooks either presented by the anchor storyteller, Ms. Linda, or the authors themselves. Snuggle up for some weekly story time to raise lifelong readers.\n\n\nVisit Website\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pantry-items", "title": "Stock Up on These 3 Must-Have Pantry Items", "body": "Due to the current situation, it can be a bit inconvenient (not to mention unsafe) to be buying food supplies on a daily basis. We get that fresh food is the best kind of food to consume for one\u2019s health and all but as the surroundings around us change, so do we as we have to learn how to adapt along with it. Therefore, here we have listed down 3 of the most necessary pantry food items that we reckon you should stock-up on which will help you and your loved ones survive this trying period without much suffering (in terms of your stomach that is).\n\n\n1. Rice\n\n\n\n\nAs born and bred Malaysians, rice is something most if not all of us can\u2019t live without. Thus, on your next pantry run, make sure to get enough rice to last you and your family for at least a month. That way, you won\u2019t need to make unnecessary trips to the supermarket just to buy some more rice. Besides being a staple food item, rice is also a versatile ingredient to have around the home as you can make lots of dishes using it such as risotto,\u00a0\nnasi lemak\n,\u00a0\nnasi lauk\n\u00a0and don\u2019t get us started on\u00a0\nnasi goreng\n.\u00a0\nNasi goreng\n\u00a0alone has many versions like\u00a0\nnasi goreng kampung\n,\u00a0\nnasi goreng cina,\n\u00a0and many others.\n\n\n2. Noodles\n\n\n\n\nFor those of you who don\u2019t like rice (as horrifying as that might be we won\u2019t judge you for it) or are trying to lose weight by not consuming rice, there are always noodles. When we say noodles, we\u2019re not just referring to the yellow noodles, laksa noodles or instant noodles. We\u2019re also talking about pasta, vermicelli and basically anything related to noodles that can be slurped. Just like rice, noodles are very versatile and many delicious dishes can be made using them such as noodle soup, Italian pasta, ramen and you guessed it, fried noodles. Just throw in any other ingredients alongside it and it\u2019ll easily become a mouthwatering home-cooked dish.\n\n\n3. Eggs\n\n\n\n\nAlthough eggs are rarely the main stars in any cooked meal, the absence of them in one\u2019s kitchen can prove to be problematic. Imagine frying rice or noodles and not having any eggs to throw into the mix. Of course, it\u2019ll still be eaten to the last grain but it\u2019ll be missing that one element that elevates a dish from good to great. Apart from complementing and elevating a dish, eggs can be eaten at any time of the day be it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. For breakfast, one can make scrambled eggs, omelette, or soft boiled eggs. For lunch, egg salad or egg spread on bread. For dinner, egg casserole or for a more local taste, egg fried rice.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vaccination-before-after-tips", "title": "Is Your Little One Getting Vaccinated Soon? Tips On What You Should Do Before & After Each Jab", "body": "Infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death among children\n1\n. Vaccination is one of the ways that can help protect and prevent children from getting these diseases.\n\n\nThe Malaysian National Immunisation Programme has been in place since the 1950s \u2013 all babies born in Malaysia are given free vaccinations\n2\n.\n\n\nThe immunisation programme offered by the Ministry of Health Malaysia can help prevent around 13 childhood diseases namely Tuberculosis (TB), Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, \nHaemophilus influenzae\n type B (Hib), Hepatitis B, Human papillomavirus (HPV), Japanese encephalitis (JE), Mumps, Rubella and Pneumococcal\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAs parents, do pay close attention to your child\u2019s vaccination schedule. Parents are advised to follow the vaccination schedule accordingly as it is important in helping your child to have optimal protection\n3\n.\n\n\nWhat do you normally do before getting your child vaccinated?\n\n\n\n\nBased on survey conducted on theAsianparent app(4)\n\n\n\n\nThere are a few important steps parents can take to prepare for their child\u2019s vaccination, for example, more than half of the parents who responded to the survey conducted on theAsianparent app said that they would read up on information about the vaccines on the internet. 38% would read leaflets provided by medical centres or doctors about vaccines\n5\n.\n\n\nIf you have any questions, don\u2019t hesitate to ask your doctor. In fact, 35% of parents from the survey agree that they would talk to their doctors to find out more about the benefits and risks of vaccines their child is taking\n5\n.\n\n\nMoreover, parents can also talk to other parents that have brought their children for vaccination. 17% of parents agree that it is good to ask for their advice and find out what the side effects their child has been through after vaccination.\n\n\nDo bring along your child\u2019s vaccination card in order for your doctor to check on your child\u2019s vaccination records\n5\n.\n\n\nWhat are the three things you do to calm your newborn during vaccination\n5\n?\n\n\n\n\nBased on survey conducted on theAsianparent app(6).\n\n\n\n\nThere are a few tricks and ways to soothe babies when they are getting vaccinated, and to make sure that they feel calm during the visit to the doctor\u2019s.\n\n\nFirstly, 28% of parents distract their baby with their favourite toy. 44% of parents try to talk to their baby with a soft and comforting tone while distracting them with their favourite toy.\u00a0\n\n\nParents can also entertain their baby by singing their favourite song (15%) while holding and hugging them (64%).\u00a0\n15% of parents calm their baby down with blankets which have their smell, while 33% of mums breastfeed their baby before vaccination.\u00a0\n\n\n28% of parents would hold their baby in a comfortable position while looking into their eyes.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are the three things you do to calm your older child during vaccination\n5\n?\n\n\n\n\nBased on survey conducted on theAsianparent app(7)\n\n\n\n\nCalming older children during vaccination may be slightly challenging as they are more likely to wriggle out of your arms or have a meltdown.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the survey conducted on theAsianparent app, 38% of parents point out interesting things in the room to create distractions.\u00a0\n59% of parents will hold their child\u2019s hand for support and 30% will encourage them to take deep breaths.\n\n\n14% of parents also try telling stories or jokes to their child as a temporary distraction, while 35% of parents hold them on their lap. \nFurthermore, 11% of parents offer sweets after taking their jabs.\n\n\nParents can also explain to their children that the pain from the injection is just temporary and will not last for long.\n\n\nWhat are the 3 things you do to calm your newborn after vaccination\n8\n?\n\n\n\n\nBased on survey conducted on theAsianparent app(9)\n\n\n\n\nAfter their baby\u2019s vaccination, 27% of parents swaddle their baby with a blanket and comfort them with a soft and calming voice. \nBabies are also often calmed with physical touch. 24% of parents say they hug and sway their baby close and 40% of parents will shush their babies calmly.\n\n\n62% of parents say they will breastfeed, and 15% of parents let their baby suck on pacifiers or their bottles for comfort.\n\n\nWhat are the three things you do after vaccination for older children?\n\n\n\n\nBased on survey conducted on theAsianparent app(10)\n\n\n\n\nFor older children, 37% of parents use a cool, wet cloth to reduce soreness and swelling of the injection site, while 31% of parents will give lukewarm water baths to reduce fever\n5\n.\u00a0\n58% of parents agree to make sure that their child drinks more water, while 18% of parents give non-aspirin pain relievers\n5\n. 49% of parents ensure that their child gets plenty of rest.\n\n\nWhile 39% of parents offer words of encouragement while offering cuddles and hugs after the child has gotten their vaccination. \nBefore leaving the clinic, do consult with your doctor on what you can do for your child at home to help them reduce possible side effects of the vaccine.\n\n\nDo not panic as there are possible side effects that are generally temporary after vaccination. This is because your child\u2019s body is building antibodies naturally in order to prevent infectious diseases.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are the effects of vaccines towards infants?\n\n\nMany parents are concerned about getting their children vaccinated due to their doubt on vaccine security.\n\n\nVaccines are generally well tolerated due to its stringent and extensive research before public use. Normally there are mild side effects which may include fever, mild swelling and pain at the injected area\n11\n. If this happens, consult with your doctor or comfort your child with lukewarm baths and cold compress for mild swelling and pain\n5\n.\n\n\nHowever, parents are encouraged to immediately see the doctor shall any of the below occur\n12\n:\n\n\n\n\nBreathing difficulties\n\n\nUnable to wake up\n\n\nProlonged crying\n\n\nFever\n\n\n\n\nWhy Are Infants Vaccinated From Young Age?\n\n\nParents should know that vaccines are important in supporting infants as their immune system is weak\n3\n. \nBy providing vaccines to your infants according to the fixed schedule, you can help protect your child from some fatal diseases\n13\n.\n\n\nIf your child does not receive complete vaccination on time, they are at risk to contract diseases such as measles and whooping cough\n13\n.\n\n\nAccording to the USA\u2019s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most unvaccinated children are prone to be infected by fatal diseases, which can lead to death\n13\n.\n\n\nSo as parents \u2013 we are sure you want only the best for your children and families. Ask your doctor about the necessary preventive steps you can take today.\n\n\nThis information is provided as a professional service by MSD. The views expressed in the publication reflects the experience and opinions of the authors.\n\n\nMY-ROT-00230 Jul/2022\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nUNICEF. Childhood diseases. Available from: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/health/childhood-diseases\n. Last Accessed 1 July 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nImmunise4Life. The Malaysian National Immunisation Programme (NIP). Available from: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/the-malaysian-national-immunisation-programme-nip/\n. Last Accessed 1 July 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMyHealth. Immunisation: Facts and Myths. Available from: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/imunisasi-fakta-dan-kemusykilan/\n. Last Accessed 1 July 2022.\u00a0\n\n\ntheAsianparent Survey. What do you normally do before getting your child vaccinated?. Retrieved on 20 July 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Before, During, and After Your Shots.\n \nAvailable from:\n \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/visit/before-during-after-shots.html\n. \nLast Accessed 1 June 2022.\n\n\ntheAsianparent Survey. What are the 3 things you do to calm your newborn during vaccination?. Retrieved on 20 July 2022.\n\n\ntheAsianparent Survey. What are the 3 things you do to calm your older child during vaccination?. Retrieved on 20 July 2022.\n\n\nKidsHealth. How Can I Comfort My Baby During Shots? Available from: \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/parents/baby-vaccinations.html\n. Last Accessed 20 July 2022.\u00a0\n\n\ntheAsianparent Survey. What are the 3 things you do to calm your newborn after vaccination?. Retrieved on 20 July 2022.\n\n\ntheAsianparent Survey. What are the 3 things you do after vaccination for older children?. Retrieved on 20 July 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). Vaccines and Immunization: Vaccine Safety Q&A. Available from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/vaccines-and-immunization-vaccine-safety\n. Last Accessed 15\n \nJune 2022.\n\n\nSeattle Children\u2019s Hospital. Immunization Reactions. Available from: \nhttps://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/immunization-reactions/\n. Last Accessed 20 July 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Answers to Your Most Common Questions about Childhood Vaccines. Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/FAQs.html\n. \nLast Accessed 1 July 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-finds-daughters-fingers-covered-in-blisters-after-playing-with-slime", "title": "Mum finds daughter's fingers covered in blisters after playing with slime", "body": "Are your kids obsessed with slime? Slime is one of the most popular \u201ctoys\u201d that kids play with today. But like most toys, it also comes with its fair share of risks. So parents, you have to ask yourself \u2013 is slime dangerous?\n\n\nAs fun as it may be to play with store-bought slime or simply make your own slime, the thick and slippery substance could be potentially toxic to your children\u2019s skin and cause health problems. \n\n\nIs slime dangerous? Borax in slime linked to health problems\n\n\n\n\nImage source: YouTube screengrab\n\n\n\n\nMum-of-two Gemma Williams from the UK, was horrified to find her daughter\u2019s fingers covered in blisters after making slime at home. \n\n\nThe \nNew York Post \nreported Layla Fisher, 10, was diagnosed with chemical burns caused by the slime she made using a recipe she found online using only glue, shaving foam and contact lens solution.\n\n\nContact lens solution contains trace amounts of borax (sodium borate), also known as borax or boric acid. The chemical is one of the primary ingredients for making slime at home as it\u2019s the stuff that gives the slime its gooeyness. It can also be found in liquid starch and liquid laundry detergent.\n\n\nWhile borax is fine in small doses, exposure to excessively high levels of borax has been linked to health problems like irritation, diarrhoea, and vomiting, and could potentially cause \nbirth defects\n as well as \ninfertility problems\n.\n\n\nThankfully Layla\u2019s all okay now after seeing a doctor and going on medication.\n\n\nIt\u2019s not just in other countries that slime poses a potential health risk to kids.\u00a0\u00a0\nIn Singapore\n, regulatory agency for consumer goods safety Enterprise Singapore found two slime products sold here, Magnetic Putty and Dr Wacko\u2019s Mad Lab Colour Goo, containing unsafe levels of borax and have removed them from shelves.\u00a0\n\n\nThe agency advises parents to purchase slime from reputable brands and stores, and to check if the product has met safety requirements. \n\n\nMake your own fluffy borax-free slime\n\n\n\n\nIs slime dangerous? Even if you make slime at home, it can contain dangerous chemical substances that are harmful to the skin. | Source:\n\n\n\n\nThe best (and safest) way is to make your own borax-free slime at home with your kids. It\u2019s quick to make\n\u00a0\nand is plenty of fun. You can try this recipe\n\u00a0using only shampoo and cornstarch.\n\n\n\n\nPut 1/2 cup shampoo and 1/4 cup of cornstarch in a bowl.\n\n\nMix well.\n\n\nAdd 3 drops of food colouring (optional \u2013 especially if your kid is allergic to colouring).\n\n\nAdd 1 tablespoon of water and stir. Slowly add 5 more tablespoons of water, stirring well after each one.\n\n\nKnead the slime for around 5 minutes.\n\n\n\n\nKeep adding cornstarch into your slime if you find it\u2019s still sticky. Different brands of cornstarch and the level of humidity the air means you may need a little more cornstarch than what we listed here. \n\n\nFor a slightly warm, \u201cvolcano slime\u201d, try this:\n\n\n\n\nPour 1/4 cup white school glue (check the ingredients!) and a 1/2 cup of cornstarch in a bowl.\n\n\nAdd 3 drops of food colouring (optional).\n\n\nMix it well.\n\n\nKnead it with your hands for 10 minutes.\n\n\nHeat it in the microwave for 20 seconds.\n\n\nLet it cool, then knead it for another 10 minutes.\n\n\n\n\nExtra tips for aspiring slime creators\n\n\n\n\nBefore you make the slime, cover your table with a dirty tablecloth or oilcloth so it\u2019s easier to cleanup later.\n\n\nSlime can be a little messy, so it might be wise to play with slime over plastic table mats to protect your furniture. Give it a quick wipe down when your kids are done playing with the slime. \n\n\nBecause it\u2019s made of glue, Slime becomes harder to clean off the longer you keep playing with it, especially once it starts to dry. Use warm soapy water to bring the slime back to life. \n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to ask your kids to wash their hands and avoid touching their mouth when playing with slime.\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nNew York Post \n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\n5 Perkara Ibu Bapa Baru Perlu Tahu Tentang Rotavirus Pada Bayi dan Anak-Anak Kecil\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nTip keibubapaan\nAdakah Anak Anda Mendapat DHA Yang Mencukupi?\nTip keibubapaan\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-hair-dyson-hair-care-experience", "title": "The Gift of Healthy Hair: Dyson Hair Care Experience This Mother\u2019s Day", "body": "Celebrate this Mother\u2019s Day with a limited-edition gift set for the Dyson Supersonic\nTM\n hairdryer and the coveted Dyson Airwrap\nTM\n multi-styler. But why stop there? Complete the gifting experience with a visit to the Dyson Demo Store / Dyson Beauty Labs for a complimentary session where she can learn styling tips to get the best out of her Dyson machine!\n\n\n\n\nDyson engineers are continuously striving to advance engineering, bringing people better ways to style hair more healthily, informed by a continued dedication to hair science and deepening understanding of all hair types.\n\n\nThis Mother\u2019s Day, Dyson combines pioneering tool technology with Dyson-designed accessories to provide the ultimate gift for loved ones. Dyson hair tools are engineered to preserve hair from extreme heat damage. With a range of tools, personalisable with precision-engineered attachments, variable heat settings and accompanying accessories, owners of all hair types can create many styles, without compromising the health of their hair.\n\n\nComplete the gift with an experience this year. Dyson Demo Stores invite customers to experience Dyson technology first-hand. Visit Dyson Demo Stores to meet Dyson Experts for a complimentary demonstration on styling tips and learn how to get the best out of Dyson\u2019s haircare technology. Presentation cases can also be personalised with a choice of debossed initials, available only when buying directly from Dyson.\n\n\nTo buy, learn more and experience Dyson Hair Care technology, visit www.dyson.my and Dyson Demo Stores.\n\n\nDyson Supersonic\nTM\n hairdryer\n\n\n\n\nEngineered for different hair types, the Dyson Supersonic\nTM\n hair dryer is powerful and fast. The tool uses a fast but focused airflow is engineered for balance in the hand, is quieter than others and intelligently controls the temperature to help protect hair from extreme heat damage.\n\n\nUnlike traditional hairdryers, the Dyson Supersonic\nTM\n hair dryer measures air temperature over 40 times a second to regulate temperature output. Featuring Dyson\u2019s intelligent heat control technology, the Dyson Supersonic\nTM\n hairdryer prevents extreme heat damage, to help protect hair\u2019s shine.\n\n\nThe Dyson Supersonic\nTM\n hairdryer in fuchsia/nickel gift set comes with an exclusive Prussian blue presentation case and is priced at RM2,099, available from Dyson Demo Stores and www.dyson.my/dyson-supersonic-fuchsia-nickel-gift-edition.\n\n\nDyson Airwrap\nTM\n multi-styler\n\n\n\n\nStyling hair should not be synonymous with damaging hair. Similarly, to the Dyson Supersonic\nTM\n hairdryer, the Dyson Airwrap\nTM\n multi-styler features Dyson\u2019s intelligent heat control technology, allowing users to achieve their desired style at a lower temperature, preventing hair from extreme heat damage.\n\n\nNow re-engineered for faster, easier styling, the Dyson Airwrap\nTM \nmulti-styler brings new and re-engineered attachments powered by enhanced Coanda airflow. Next-generation styling barrels featuring a rotating cool tip now allow users to style the full head, creating clockwise and anti-clockwise curls and waves, without the need to switch attachment mid-style.\n\n\nRe-engineered brush attachments deliver precision shaping with enhanced Coanda performance, alongside an all-new dual-purpose Coanda smoothing dryer to hide flyaways in a single pass, with no extreme heat and transform into a powerful dryer with the flick of a switch.\n\n\nThe Dyson Airwrap\nTM\n multi-styler is priced at RM2,699, available from Dyson Demo Stores and www.dyson.my/products/hair-care/dyson-airwrap/overview.\nPartner Stories\nFesyen\nAnda Boleh Tampil Bergaya Dan Selesa Dalam Masa Yang Sama, Itulah Kelebihan MS. READ!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nApa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Tentang Logam Berat Dalam Makanan Bayi: Ini Fakta\nPerkembangan kanak-kanak\nMums, could you be giving your child too much without knowing it?\nFormula\n10 mistakes you make that will turn your kid into a monstrous brat\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\u00a0website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/language-classes-malaysia", "title": "Language Classes: Does My Child Need Them?", "body": "Giving the gift of languages \u2013 Is a foreign language really a gift to my child?\n\n\nAs Malaysians, being bilingual is something we take pride in. Being able to converse in at least two or more languages, be it Malay, English, Mandarin or Tamil, switching tongues just seems natural to us. But as parents in Malaysia, sending your child to language classes just might not be on your mind. Here\u2019s why you should definitely consider language-based enrichment classes for your little one:\n\n\n1. Language Absorption\n\n\nChildren between the ages of 6 months up to 10 years are like little sponges, they absorb everything easily and quickly! It\u2019s a natural ability for children that age to imitate their surroundings. Monkey see, monkey do!\n\n\nTheir brains are designed to receive and learn foreign languages easily within the early years of their lives. Studies from the University of Washington show that as children age, they lose the ability to understand and learn foreign languages gradually.\n\n\nMortimer English Club\n\u00a0offers English language enrichment classes through games using senses and is easily accessible with locations all over Klang Valley.\n\n\n2. Boosts Brain Activity\n\n\nStudies have also shown that being bi- or multilingual are better at multitasking and are more focused than monolinguals. Exposing your child to foreign languages can provide \u2018mental gymnastics\u2019 which can assist in sharpening their attention skills.\n\n\nOther skills that are acquired when your child is introduced to foreign language include:\n\n\n\n\nCritical thinking\n\n\nProblem solving\n\n\nBetter memory\n\n\nBetter overall cognitive patterns\n\n\n\n\nCheck out\u00a0\nEMS English School\n, a top-ranking English language center that offers a variety of classes to suit the needs of a modern family.\n\n\n\n\n3. Boosts Empathy\n\n\nChildren who are exposed to foreign languages are often more open and empathic. This is because they understand and appreciate foreign culture and arts through the languages they learn. Often times, children who are multilingual tend to be mindful of their surroundings and considerate towards others who may or may not understand the language.\n\n\nOther than that, a multilingual child also has a deeper perspective towards a different race, customs, geography, and other things that may be \u2018different\u2019 from what they are accustomed to.\n\n\nBright Star Chinese Education\n\u00a0strives to promote the Chinese art and culture through different courses made available at the center. Classes are available for different age groups, covering various topics.\n\n\nWith native English speakers as teachers, parents can be sure that\u00a0\nEmphasis English Academy\n\u00a0only provides the best English language lessons using the Emphasis Method to help your child master the language.\n\n\n4. Better Academic Performance\n\n\nAs your child begins to learn a new language and acquire additional skills such as critical thinking and problem solving, these skills become the foundation of your child\u2019s learning abilities academically.\n\n\nStudies show that children and young adults who are multilingual perform better academically especially with Mathematics and languages.\n\n\nLooking to teach your child Mandarin?\u00a0\nLittle Professor Chinese Learning Centre\n\u00a0has a specially designed pictorial programme to help young children master 2,500 Chinese characters in no time using right and left-brain strategies.\n\n\nModern English\n\u00a0also provides English language classes of the highest standard using a student-centred approach.\n\n\n\n\n5. Breaking Borders\n\n\nWhen your child masters a foreign language, it enables them to spread their wings and acquire friendships from around the globe, opens up opportunities for them in the future, and have deeper insights into how others perceive the world.\n\n\nLearning Mandarin itself can allow you child to speak with over a billion people worldwide and learning English allows them to speak with over half of the world\u2019s population. Isn\u2019t that cool?\n\n\nAs a household name in English education,\u00a0\nCambridge English for Life\n\u00a0has centers all over Malaysia to provide English language training for you and your little one.\n\n\nSimilarly, check out\u00a0\nBritish Council\n, an English language center that is specially designed to stimulate learning via latest technologies.\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\n Kiddy123.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\n5 best enrichment classes for babies and toddlers in Klang Valley\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mindful-guide-part-2", "title": "The Mindful Guide To Self-Quarantine - Part 2", "body": "It\u2019s all not over just yet. We haven\u2019t yet found the pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow. But it\u2019s not to say there\u2019s no possibility of it being close, or if we\u2019re still ways away. But what we know for sure is that this doesn\u2019t have to be a terrible time for all of us.\u00a0\n\n\nWe understand the severity of the situation \u2013 people across the globe are affected mentally, emotionally, physically and even financially \u2013 so it\u2019s important we are all doing our part by staying home and in self-quarantine. Check out our\n\u00a0Part 1\n that goes into the basics of how to stay home and stay healthy. Today, in The Mindful Guide To Self-Quarantine \u2013 Part 2 we will be taking things further, and talking about three things in particular \u2013 food hygiene, human connection & working from home. So read up, this is important for everyone.\n\n\n1. Food Hygiene\n\n\nWe need the sustenance and the nutrients to keep us strong, nourished and healthy. Don\u2019t skimp on quality food during self-quarantine. A wholesome diet will make sure your immunity is optimal \u2013 and there\u2019s nothing quite like it right now. So whether you\u2019re getting your food at the grocery store or ordering things online for delivery (recommended for people above 65 or who have health related issues especially if they compromise your immunity or lungs), there are precautions you should put into place.\n\n\n\n\nWipe containers. It can\u2019t hurt to wipe down glass or cans with disinfectant wipes and after putting the items away, wash your hands. Also make sure the surfaces you touch (counter tops, etc.) are sanitised especially if you share these spaces with someone who\u2019s been ill or someone who\u2019s older.\n\n\n\nWash produce \u2013 rub your fruit and veggies under running water for 15-25 seconds is ideal. This not only gets rid of pesticides but also any lingering virus or contamination\n\n\n\nIf food is delivered to you \u2013 whether groceries or food that\u2019s ready \u2013 avoid a direct hand-off with the driver; have them drop off the items at your doorstep. If you\u2019d like to tip them, do so electronically. Also, it\u2019s important to order as far ahead as you can so you can avoid the long waits.\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re headed to a store to pick something up, go at a time that\u2019s less busy. Take your hand sanitizer with you and wipe down the carts before and after you shop. It\u2019s best to avoid direct contact with cash so use your debit or credit cards when possible.\n\n\n\n\n2. Human Connection\n\n\nEven though we\u2019re experiencing self isolation, this isn\u2019t a time we should be shutting ourselves completely from the world. From a physiological standpoint, long periods in complete isolation promotes inflammation in the body according to a study published in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Review in Surrey, UK. This in itself makes a compelling argument for interconnectivity \u2013 both for your mental and physical health. Don\u2019t mix this up with simply getting on Zoom or Skype and sharing updates with your team; what\u2019s needed is a real connection \u2013 perhaps sharing your day with a close friend. Here are some ways you can do this effectively\n\n\n\n\nGo back to school \u2013 online. It\u2019s time to invest your time in developing a new skill or taking up a course of interest. Some interesting ones to consider are\u00a0\nMasterClass\n\u00a0 or even\u00a0\nNatural Home Pharmacy\n\u00a0which helps you turn the ingredients right from your kitchen to effective remedies for common ailments. Both these programs grant you access to online communities which truly does feel like being part of a classroom with classmates \u2013 remote as it may be.\n\n\nHave a virtual party. Set a time and invite some of your favorite faces to join you \u2013 perhaps on\u00a0\nHouse Party\n. Tell people to bring their favorite beverage to the meet-up and pick a topic. Perhaps you can join a virtual book club, or even take a free\u00a0\nvirtual museum tour\n together. The importance is this \u2013 you\u2019re not just randomly chatting or catching up, but sharing an online experience. This imitates the natural behavior of a group of people offline.\n\n\n\n\n3. Work From Home\n\n\nSome love it and some hate it. But at this point, most of us are doing it. Here are some ways to make sure you\u2019re getting the most out of this set up\n\n\n\n\nCommunicate. It\u2019s very important to make sure communication is streamlined so everyone is on the same page. This will prevent you from having to work in silos and also avoid you having to repeat things. We love\n\u00a0Slack\n because it allows you to do just that. Private communications can also be set up.\n\n\nOrganise. There are plenty of tools to help you organize things. Instead of sharing documents over Whatsapp, thumb drives and email, put everything on \nGoogle Drive\n\u00a0\u2013 regardless of where you are, you\u2019ll have access to them later.\u00a0 Need to plan different tasks and time management?\u00a0\nToggl\u00a0\nis a good tool which times each project and can help keep your schedule in check.\n\n\n\n\nMost importantly, we\u2019re all in this together. This situation isn\u2019t ideal for anyone but yet we\u2019re presented with it without an option B. So let\u2019s make the most of this time.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/police-officer-breastfeeds-hungry-baby-who-was-called-smelly-and-dirty", "title": "Police officer breastfeeds hungry baby who was called 'smelly and dirty'", "body": "Police officer breastfeeds baby who was called \u2018smelly and dirty\u2019.\n\n\nA malnourished, crying baby boy was recently brought into Sor Maria Ludovica children\u2019s hospital in Argentina, when police officer Celeste Ayala was on guard duty.\n\n\nBusy hospital staff ended up neglecting the \u2018smelly and dirty\u2019 baby. Ayala, who had recently had a baby, couldn\u2019t bear to hear the little one\u2019s cries. So she asked if she could hold and breastfeed the baby.\n\n\nShe was quoted as saying, \u201c\u2018\nI noticed that he was hungry\n, as he was putting his hand into his mouth, so I asked to hug him and breastfeed him.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cIt was a sad moment, it broke my soul seeing him like this, society should be sensitive to the issues affecting children, it cannot keep happening.\u201d\n\n\nThe little child calmed down as soon as she breastfed him.\n\n\nIt was a beautiful moment, one that quickly went viral. Ayala has now been hailed as a hero.\n\n\nPolice Officer Breastfeeds Hungry Baby\n\n\nApparently, the baby\u2019s mother is a single mum who has six kids, and is struggling to cope.\n\n\nAyala\u2019s heroic deed got noticed when her colleague\u00a0Marcos Heredia posted the picture of the kind gesture online.\n\n\nHe said, \u201cI want to make public this great gesture of love you made today for this little baby who you did not know, but for who you did not hesitate to act like a mother.\n\n\n\u201cYou did not care if he was dirty or smelly, which is what the hospital staff called him. Good job mate.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nDays later, she received a visit from the Vice President of the Legislature of Buenos Aires, Cristian Ritondo. He promoted Ayala from an Officer to a Sergeant.\n\n\nAyala\u2019s noble deed was commended, \u201cWe wanted to thank Ayala in person for that gesture of spontaneous love that managed to calm the baby\u2019s cry.\n\n\n\u201cThe police that make us proud, the police we want.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nMirror\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nApakah Gaya Pendidikan Kewangan (Money Parenting) Anda?\nKesihatan\n7 Brilliant Mom Hacks To Battle The Dreaded Annual Cold and Flu Season\nKewangan\n5 Soalan yang Ibu Bapa Perlu Tahu Sebelum Memilih Bank untuk Membuat Simpanan\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/prevent-misbehaviour-in-children", "title": "Prevent misbehaviour in children: 3 Things to give your child", "body": "\u201cA misbehaving child is a discouraged child.\u201d\n discovered psychiatrist Rudolf Driekurs. \n\n\nThe child feels discouraged when she does not feel belonged or significant. Though the resulting behavior seems like misbehaviour, it is in fact a signal for help.\n\n\nPrevent misbehaviour in children: Is it possible?\n\n\n Has it become a recurring negative behavioral pattern? Are you desperate to see a shift in your child\u2019s attitude? \n\n\nGive the following THREE things to your child consistently:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Give UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and ATTENTION\n: \n\n\n\n\n\n\nEveryday, spend at least few minutes with your child. Show that you value your time together. Start by asking about things that are important to your child. Instead of asking general yes or no questions such as \u201cDid you have a good day?\u201d, ask open ended questions to encourage dialogue:\n\n\n\u201cWhom did you play with during recess today?\u201d \n\n\n\u201cWhat do you think of the upcoming choir auditions?\u201d\n\n\nTalk less, listen more. \u00a0Connect without any hidden agenda. This will reduce the child\u2019s need for undue attention. \n\n\nIf the child continues to interrupt you at other times of the day when you are busy, be kind and respectful. \u201cI wish I could spend time with you now. But I have some other work to do. I am looking forward to our special time together after dinner.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Give RESPONSIBILITY\n: \n\n\n\n\n\n\nTreat your child as a responsible young person. Create opportunities for your child to realise how capable he is. Teach him how to do household chores. \n\n\nLet him see how his contributions benefit the whole family. Notice positive behaviors without praising excessively: \n\n\n\u201cThanks for setting the table. I appreciate your cooperation.\u201d \n\n\n\n\n\n\n Give CHOICES\n: \n\n\n\n\n\n\nNobody likes to be ordered around. People feel significant when they feel their opinions count. Give your child \nfreedom within limits\n. Imagine a circle with room to move around in the middle. As the child becomes older, expand the circle giving her more control over things that matter to her.\n\n\nFor example:\n\n\nSet reasonable limits: \n \nHomework needs to be completed before dinner.\n\n\nGive choices: \u00a0\nBefore or after playtime etc. \n\n\nRespect her choices and have faith in her ability to make the right decisions. Don\u2019t resort to punishment by taking away privileges when mistakes happen. Let her learn from the experience.\n\n\nYour child may test your resolve to be kind and firm by acting out even more. But stay the course. Things will soon start to look up!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/endometriosis-symptoms", "title": "What You Should Know About Endometriosis", "body": "It\u2019s the first day of Aunt Flo\u2019s monthly visit, and you feel like someone is carving out your lower abdomen with a blunt melon ball tool. You burn through a box of tampons the way a pit crew discards bald tires. Do you suffer from unusually heavy menstruation \u2014 or do your symptoms indicate an underlying disorder?\n\n\nIf you\u2019re a woman experiencing problems with her reproductive system, you can search for years before finding a cure. To advocate for yourself effectively at the OB-GYN, you need to educate yourself on common disorders. One condition females frequently experience is endometriosis. Recognising the signs of this disease, and taking prompt action, can preserve your fertility.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Is Endometriosis and What Causes It?\u00a0\n\n\nEndometriosis refers to a medical condition where the endometrium, or\u00a0the tissue that lines your uterus, grows on organs outside this cavity. The growth can occur on your ovaries or your large intestines. Rarely, the endometrium spreads beyond the pelvic cavity to other organs, as well.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen you ovulate, your body releases hormones that stimulate the growth of endometrial tissue. This occurs to prepare your body for pregnancy. However, when the tissue grows outside of the uterus, it can cause other organs to stick together or create scarring.\u00a0\n\n\nResearchers don\u2019t know what causes endometriosis, but they have several theories. In some cases,\u00a0you might experience retrograde menstruation, where your tissue travels backward through your fallopian tubes. However, not all women with retrograde menstruation develop endometriosis. If you\u2019ve had surgery on your lower abdomen, your doctor may have transferred endometrial cells to other areas of the cavity.\u00a0\n\n\nOther scientists point to hormonal changes in prompting unusual tissue growth. Many factors contribute to these variations, including your diet and stress levels. Stress impacts\u00a0your monthly hormonal fluctuations, and excessive pressure could prompt your body to hit the accelerator. Exposure to toxins like pollution and cigarette smoke can also prompt changes.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Are the Symptoms of Endometriosis?\u00a0\n\n\nEndometriosis can be challenging to diagnose, but these symptoms are commonly associated with it:\n\n\n\n\nPain with intercourse: Because scar tissue arises on organs in the pelvic region, you can experience pain if your partner strikes them.\n\n\nPain with menstruation: As the tissue detaches, you experience stronger than normal cramping.\n\n\nPainful bowel movements: Your endometrial tissue can attach to your bowels, and when it detaches, the go becomes painful.\n\n\nPainful urination: Similarly, your endometrium may attach to the bladder.\n\n\nInfertility: Not all cases of endometriosis result in infertility. If you and your partner have tried\u00a0for at least six months to conceive, make an appointment with your gynecologist.\n\n\nOther symptoms: You may also experience higher-than-average bloating before your period. Additionally, you may endure fatigue and nausea, especially with menstruation.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to note that several other conditions cause symptoms similar to those seen in endometriosis. Uterine fibroids, for example,\u00a0can also cause heavy menstrual periods\u00a0and pain with intercourse. So can polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).\u00a0\n\n\nYour gynecologist will perform a pelvic examination and an ultrasound. If they suspect endometriosis, they will conduct a laparoscopy or biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. They may order blood tests to check for hormonal irregularities. It can take as long as 7 1/2 years to receive a diagnosis once symptoms develop, so contact your doctor without delay.\n\n\nHow Is Endometriosis Treated?\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re coping with a diagnosis of endometriosis, you want to know your treatment options. These\u00a0fall into three general categories\u00a0\u2014 pain medications, hormone replacement and surgery. The best protocol depends on your age and your childbearing status.\u00a0\n\n\nSome women experience only mild symptoms that they treat effectively with over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Motrin. In severe cases, doctors may prescribe opioids. However, stricter prescribing guidelines make many physicians hesitate to use such potent drugs. The FDA recently approved the first medication designed specifically for pain from this condition.\u00a0\n\n\nHormonal birth control pills control endometriosis with varying degrees of success. However, these pose difficulties if you and your partner are trying to conceive. Specific estrogen inhibitors have demonstrated success in Europe, but the FDA has not cleared them for use in the U.S.\u00a0\n\n\nSurgical options include laparoscopic surgery to remove or ablate scar tissue. In severe cases, physicians will perform a hysterectomy. This procedure renders a woman infertile, and surgeons typically advise women to wait until they conclude childbearing. They will usually leave the ovaries intact. However, even women who have these organs removed can experience a recurrence of their disorder.\n\n\nKnow the Signs of Endometriosis and Protect Your Fertility\u00a0\n\n\nThe best way to prevent endometriosis from rendering you infertile is to know the signs and seek treatment early. This way, you can select the best option for yourself and your future family.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/3-things-you-need-to-know-about-carbs-during-pregnancy", "title": "3 things you need to know about carbs during pregnancy", "body": "Hannah May Brown, an accredited practising dietitian and PhD candidate at the University of Newcastle, shares what we all need to know about eating carbohydrates while pregnant.\n\n\n1. Carbs should\u00a0\nnot\n\u00a0be avoided during pregnancy\n\n\nFirst and foremost \u2013 carbs are important and supply energy for your growing baby, so don\u2019t avoid them\u00a0during pregnancy!\n\n\n\n\nCarbohydrates are an important component of foods that make up\u00a0healthy eating habits for pregnant women. They provide the body and brain with energy that enables them to work effectively. Many high-carb healthy foods, such as bread, are a\u00a0great source of other important nutrients for pregnant women, such as fibre, iodine and folate.\n\n\n2. Carbs aren\u2019t just found in bread and pasta\n\n\nCarbohydrates are found in a wide range of foods and beverages and are not only found in the grain and cereal food group. Foods such as milk and yoghurt, fruit, starchy vegetables, beans and legumes contain healthy carbs.\u00a0These foods, which are nutrient-rich and great for health are called \u2018high-quality\u2019 carbs.\n\n\n\n\nOf course there are some foods and beverages that contain carbohydrates that are not so good for us. These foods are usually highly processed and are often high in energy (or kilojoules) and low in nutritional value. These \u2018low-quality\u2019 carbs include biscuits, cakes, lollies, chocolate and soft drink.\n\n\nThe recommendation is that you choose mostly high-quality carbohydrate-containing foods such as wholegrain bread, rolled oats, yoghurt and vegetables and fruit, and keep the low-quality carb foods to a minimum.\n\n\n3. The\u00a0\namount\n\u00a0of carbs you eat during pregnancy is important\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to consider the TYPE of carb-containing food you eat. But it is just as important to consider how MUCH of that food or beverage you eat or drink. This is because when you eat carbohydrate-containing food, it is digested and broken down into glucose, which is then absorbed into your bloodstream. This in turn causes\u00a0your blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels rise.\n\n\nModerating your carb intake and spreading it out over the day helps moderate blood glucose levels during pregnancy.\n\n\nExcessively\u00a0high blood sugar levels in pregnancy can be a sign of gestational diabetes, which can have negative consequences for both you and your baby.\n\n\nResearch has found these\u00a0negative consequences include premature delivery, a large birth-weight baby and a higher risk of some birth complications.\n\n\nBecause of this,\u00a0it is important to be aware of your carbohydrate food portion sizes in pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nBut how do you find out how much you should be eating?\n\n\nThe\u00a0\nAustralian Dietary Guidelines\u00a0\nhave created recommendations for the average daily number of standard serves for pregnant women from each of the five food groups.\n\n\nA standard serve is a specific amount of food e.g. \u00bd cup of pasta is one standard serve from the grains and cereal food group \u00a0\u2013 but this doesn\u2019t mean you can only eat \u00bd cup of pasta though!\n\n\nThe guidelines currently recommend up to 8 \u00bd standard serves from the grain and cereal group per day for pregnant women. Keep in mind, that this is just a\u00a0\nguide\n\u00a0and assumes the rest of your food intake is predominantly from the basic food groups.\n\n\nIf you need help to improve your eating habits in pregnancy, Accredited Practising Dietitians can help to personalise your dietary requirements. So if you\u2019re pregnant, make sure you\u2019re including carbs each day, but pick the high-quality varieties. Pasta is not the enemy! Just keep an eye on your portion sizes.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKidspot\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-year-old-girl-gets-molested-in-shopping-mall-restroom", "title": "5-year-old girl gets molested in shopping mall restroom", "body": "Mums, do you let your young daughters go to washrooms in malls or restaurants? Please think twice about this as danger lurks even in places we think are safe. Recently, a little girl was brutally molested in a shopping mall restroom.\n\n\nWho would have thought that an innocent trip to the toilet could lead to such a disastrous outcome?\u00a0\n\n\n5-year-old girl was locked in a restroom and molested by a stranger\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: a post by a concerned netizen (who does not want to be identified) on the incident\n\n\n\n\nAccording to a viral post from a concerned netizen, this incident took place in a \u201chigh-end restaurant\u201d. Specifically, a shopping mall restroom in Manila, the Philippines.\n\n\nThe woman was waiting for her meal when a commotion broke out at one of the tables inside the restaurant, no far away from hers. \u201cThe manager called the attention of the two security guards on duty,\u201d she says.\n\n\nThe commotion involved a five-year-old\u00a0girl and her mother\u2026.\n\n\nWhat happened to this child was horrifying\u2026\n\n\nApparently, the\n\u00a0little girl, her mother, an old lady in a wheelchair and another woman were eating in the restaurant. Halfway through, the girl needed to go to the restroom and asked her mother for permission. She was permitted to do so alone.\n\n\nThis was when an unidentified man immediately followed her into the restroom and locked the doors.\u00a0\n\n\nWondering why her daughter was spending such a long time in the restroom, the mum decided to check on her \u2014 only to find her shaking and crying in a corner, \nher genitals covered in blood.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter the mother and child returned to their table, she started interrogating her daughter on what actually happened. The mother could not contain her anger and even went a little hysterical. She shouted \u201cNo! No! My daughter was molested!\u201d\n\n\nWhile leaving, the netizen said that the mother was still crying while her child was brought to the hospital for both medical and legal purposes.\n\n\nThe scariest part of this incident? All of it happened within a relatively short time. But it is \nenough\n to cause damage to a child. No one expected such a thing would happen.\n\n\nThis tells us one thing: Parents, always be vigilant and never be complacent with your child no matter where you are, especially so in crowded places.\u00a0Ultimately, you can never be too careful when it involves\u00a0\nchild safety in public places.\n\n\nTips to ensure\u00a0child\u00a0safety in public places: What can we learn from this incident?\u00a0\n\n\nWhat the five-year-old girl experienced was heart-wrenching. We can only imagine the horror she went through. While we hope the offender is caught, mums and dads, let this be a reminder to never let your guard down when it comes to child safety in public places.\n\n\nHere are some pointers:\n\n\n1. NEVER take your child\u2019s safety for granted\n\n\nYes, Singapore is one of the safest countries in the world to live in. But this does not mean we should let our guard down when it comes to our kids\u2019 safety. Avoid sending your young children to public restrooms alone. If you must, teach them how to keep themselves safe. If anyone tries to harm them in any way, teach your child to\u00a0\nscream as loud as they can.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso remember that little boys are equally vulnerable to predators as girls.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Listen to what your child is telling you\n\n\nIt can be easy to shrug off what they tell you in a heartbeat, especially when you think you know better. But listen to them, especially when they are sharing things with you, including their worries and what bothers them. Try to suss out where it\u2019s coming from. Is there a bully at school? A nanny they don\u2019t like?\u00a0\n\n\nChildren will be able to sense your emotions, so let them know that you will take them seriously and that you will fight to keep them safe.\n\n\n3. Help build your child\u2019s self-esteem\n\n\nAccording to the\u00a0\nIrish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children\n, adults looking to do harm may tend to pick out adolescents who are timid, neglected or alone. Such bullies take\u00a0advantage of children\u2019s lack of confidence as they are unable to stand up for themselves.\n\n\nParents, you can help boost their confidence by sending an abundance of love, praise and attention their way.\n\n\n4. Let your child know the power of saying \u201cNO\u201d\n\n\nLet your child be aware that it is okay to say \u201cno\u201d, even to adults. They don\u2019t have to feel obligated to do anything against their wishes \u2014 whether it\u2019s in the presence of an adult or older child that they know.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can practice this at home with them. Making sure that they never give in to kissing or hugging an adult if they don\u2019t want to!\n\n\nAlso, teach them to say \u201cNo\u201d or \u201cStop\u201d if someone is making them feel uncomfortable by touching them inappropriately. Tell them to report any such happenings to you if they do occur.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nBack-to-school Shopping Season: A Parent\u2019s Checklist for Primary & Secondary School Students\nMoney Parenting\nLearn How To Money Parent: A Guide For Asian Parents\nLifestyle\nMoms, Get Rewarded RM15 Shopee Voucher For \u201cMom\u2019s Day Off\u201d Super Brand Day! 19-21 April 2021\nKehamilan\nVitamins and supplements you need during pregnancy\n\n\n5. The \u201cno exclusivity\u201d rule\n\n\nJust because an adult has a greater influence than a child, it does not mean they can exert their influence on a whim. Educate your child on open communication and practicing the \u201cno exclusivity\u201d rule: Adults should never ask children for help and that they should never ask children to keep any secrets.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nPsychology Today\n,\u00a0\nIrish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children\n\n\nFeatured image is a stock photo and is used for illustration purposes only.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cultivate-childrens-skills", "title": "Discover and Nurture Your Child\u2019s Talents in 5 Steps", "body": "\n\nIdeas to Cultivate Children\u2019s Skills\n\n\n\u201cEverybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid,\u201d is a famous line commonly credited to Albert Einstein. Although we aren\u2019t sure if Einstein said it, we do know it makes sense. Children have their own talents and tendencies, some attributed to nature and some to nurture. As parents, we may not be able to control nature. But we can definitely nurture and cultivate children\u2019s skills with what\u2019s there and help build what\u2019s not yet there. We do this by setting opportunities for our children.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nIdentifying children with high IQ: An age-by-age guide for parents\n\n\n\n\nHere are some suggestions to help you get started:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1.\u00a0Observe Your Child\n\n\nIt\u2019s hard to make good decisions if you don\u2019t know what your child\u2019s natural inclinations or problems are. You can do this by carefully watching what your child says and does throughout the day, in different settings.\n\n\nTry seeing what your child chooses to do on her own prerogative, and also watch how she behaves in situations presented to her. Since you probably aren\u2019t always with your child (such as when she\u2019s in school), you could always discuss your child\u2019s behaviours and interests with other key individuals (such as her teachers).\n\n\nYou may note something new that could be further discovered. Try listing down the interests and natural talents you notice in your child.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.\u00a0Ask Your Child What She\u2019d Like to Learn\n\n\n\n\nAlthough children have much to know and learn, older toddlers and preschoolers may already be attracted to particular subjects, such as dancing or natural science. Think about it: Siblings who grew up in the same household can have very varied personalities and hobbies. Have a chat with your kid and ask her what she\u2019d like to learn.\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0Explore Child Enrichment Classes in Your Area\n\n\nSearch online, take a drive around the neighbourhood or ask other parents and teachers to know more about the child enrichment options in your locality. You may unearth a new subject or skill area that you previously didn\u2019t think of! Once you\u2019ve narrowed down your options, spend time researching the curriculums. It might be helpful to arrange visits to the centres, so you can see what classes are like in action.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4.\u00a0Let Your Child Try New Things\n\n\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t expose your child to different activities and begin to cultivate children\u2019s skills now, she may never know if she\u2019d like them or not. How could she, if she doesn\u2019t try them? Sometimes trying new things can be scary for both parent and child, but it can always be done in a safe and controlled environment. Nonetheless, try pacing out activities for young children as they can be easily overwhelmed.\n\n\n5.\u00a0Give it Time Before Giving Up\n\n\nChildren can be quick to decide what they do and don\u2019t like based on knee-jerk reactions to new experiences. After all, they are still developing emotional regulation. If your child is reacting in a harsh way to a new activity, try speaking to her about giving it a good try (for maybe a few more days or weeks). This might give her some time to get settled in. Having said that, if your child still refuses, try not forcing her as it might cause an intense hate towards the subject. Let your child naturally ask to be involved if a desire comes up in the future.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nStudy: The brain food that will make your kids smarter\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gout-pain-in-legs", "title": "Woman dies after drinking fruit juice to treat gout", "body": "She had been drinking the purple fruit juice from Geylang for 6 months because she thought it was effective in treating gout pain in legs.\n\n\nSadly, on Friday 21 September 2018, the 28-year-old Singapore woman passed away. Suspicious that the juice had something to do with her untimely death, her family got it tested.\n\n\nIt was found to contain high levels of steroid. The family were also shocked to know that the fruit juice\u2019s sale had been banned for over a year now in Singapore.\n\n\nFalse claims of treating gout pain in legs\n\n\nAccording to \nSinchew\n, Titinlismawati used to buy the fruit juice from a Geylang store (but it was made in Malaysia). She also recommended it to her father, who experienced immediate pain relief too.\n\n\nHowever, he felt suspicious and worried about the instant effects of the juice, and stopped drinking it soon after.\n\n\nHe has been quoted as saying, \u201cI too drank it once or twice and the pain did go away right after. I couldn\u2019t believe it as it was too miraculous and was worrying if it contains strong ingredients.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0Titinlismawati though, remained convinced by the juice\u2019s powers and continued to drink it\u2026until her death.\n\n\nOn the ill-fated day,\u00a0Titinlismawati was taken to hospital after she complained of excessive back pain. Doctors diagnosed her with stomach flu, but her condition deteriorated rapidly.\n\n\nHer father says, \u201cThe doctor said it was just stomach flu. She consumed the medicine dispensed on the spot but at 11 am after returning home, she started having breathing difficulty and kept gasping for air.\u201d\n\n\nBeware of such false claims\n\n\nShe started sweating profusely and showed difficulty in breathing. Her temperature dropped too.\u00a0\n\n\nShe was rushed back to hospital, but in vain.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThe doctor asked us if we want to continue saving her and said even if we managed to bring her back, her brain could be dead. We insisted on saving her but to no avail. She passed away at 9 pm\u201d, said her father.\n\n\nThe family gave the fruit juice to the authorities for testing. The juice was found to contain high levels of a steroid called\u00a0Dexamethasone.\u00a0\n\n\nDexamethasone is a potent corticosteroid that can cause an increase in blood glucose levels leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cataract, muscular and bone disorders, and other infections.\n\n\nSome common side effects from consuming the steroid include nausea and vomiting, severe headache, blurred vision, pounding in the neck or ears, and shortness of breath.\n\n\nThe exact name of the fruit juice has not yet been revealed, but there are many guesses going around.\n\n\nSome banned products\n\n\nMeanwhile, the Ministry of Health in Malaysia\u00a0has banned three health juices, produced under Sri Saga Marketing Sdn Bhd, a company which does not exist. Yes, checks found that\u00a0the company stated on the products\u2019 labels did not exist!\n\n\n\n\nThe banned products are:\n\n\n\n\nJus Sunnah Gold 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif\u00a0\n\n\nJus Al Sunnah 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif\n\n\nand Jus Penawar 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif\u00a0Resdung\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHealth Director Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah declared that, \u201cJus Al Sunnah, Jus Al Sunnah Gold and Jus Al-Sunnah Penawar products issued by Sri Saga Marketing S/B also contained dexamethasone and prednisolone, which is a steroid substance prohibited under the Food Act 1983.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThose who have been using any of these products are advised to seek advice and treatment from doctors or health professionals immediately.\u201d\nPartner Stories\nKehamilan\nWhy do pregnant and lactating women need DHA supplementation?\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Environment Influences Child Personality\nHealth\nIs Your Little One Getting Vaccinated Soon? Tips On What You Should Do Before & After Each Jab\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n#StayHome And Have Fun With The Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Moo-Possible Campaign\n\n\nHe also stressed that\u00a0sales of the three items, including via online, were prohibited.\n\n\n(Source: \nThe Independent,\n \nNew Straits Times\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/prevent-germs-method", "title": "Simple Methods to Prevent the Spread of Germs and Diseases", "body": "In light of the recent health concerns that have plagued not just Malaysia but numerous other countries worldwide, it is of no wonder that more and more people are taking exceptional care of their health and wellbeing. Among the more common ways of doing so is by wearing masks in public and by using hand sanitisers.\n\n\nDue to the worrisome outbreak of coronavirus infections not just in Singapore but also in Malaysia, both items are in high demand where some stores even find themselves unable to cater to their customers\u2019 needs. If you find yourself unable to get your hands on such precious items, don\u2019t fret as you can still take good care of your health without them.\n\n\n1. Cleanliness is next to Godliness\n\n\n\n\nHave you heard of this phrase before? If you haven\u2019t, it means to always ensure that your persons and surroundings are clean. For, when you\u2019re physically clean, your spirit is too. Thus, strive to keep clean at all times of the day by throwing away your rubbish and avoiding dirty locations. Besides, diseases are often attracted by dirt and repelled by a clean environment. So what better way to keep yourself healthy and happy than by keeping clean? One good way to make sure that your clothes are free from dirt, stains, and what not, is to wear an apron.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Sharing is not caring\n\n\n\n\nThe phrase is wrong you say? It should be \u2018sharing is caring\u2019? Well, normally, that would be the case. However, for times such as these, such a heartfelt practice may affect one negatively instead of positively. When you share food or items with another, it allows for the transfer of germs. So although this practice is originally one borne from good intentions, for the current world of today where harmful germs can easily be transmitted from one individual to another, it should be avoided at all costs.\n\n\n3. Avoid skinship for a healthy relationship\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t know what skinship is? It\u2019s basically a form of bonding that comes from the physical contact between two individuals who share a close relationship with one another. People typically initiate skinship with their family members, close friends and significant other. Closely related to the previous point, skinship which is originally a good thing should for the meanwhile be avoided so as to prevent the transmission of harmful germs.\n\n\nBut if you can\u2019t seem to live without hugging, kissing or touching your loved one (let\u2019s be honest here, who can?), it\u2019s best to make sure that both you and them maintain clean habits such as washing your hands often and using tissues whenever necessary.\n\n\n4. Consideration isn\u2019t overrated\n\n\n\n\nEven though this point might seem redundant, it still needs to be said as sometimes the most obvious point is often overlooked. For one, when you sneeze or cough, kindly do it in the opposite direction and not right in the face of an unsuspecting individual who was just minding their own business.\n\n\nAnother thing, if you do by chance sneeze in the opposite direction, make sure that the direction you\u2019re sneezing into does not have a fan blowing towards other people as it will only accelerate the transmission of germs. If you don\u2019t have enough time to look both ways before you sneeze or cough, make sure to always have on hand some tissues or a handkerchief. If won\u2019t just be a lifesaver for you but also for those around you too.\n\n\n5. Disinfect, disinfect, disinfect!\n\n\n\n\nHow to disinfect if hand sanitisers are out of stock everywhere? Though the demand for hand sanitisers is on the rise, it is highly unlikely that you\u2019re unable to get your hands on them. But on the odd chance that all the sanitisers in your nearby stores have been completely bought out, you can always rely on the trusted and true hand soap. It might be slightly more inconvenient in terms of needing water to wash it away completely but it is still an effective hand cleansing method.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/study-men-dont-hear-a-babys-cries-at-night", "title": "Study: Men Don't Hear a Baby's Cries At Night!", "body": "Are you secretly suspecting your husband of pretending to be asleep when your \nbaby cries\n at night? Do you think your husband is just trying to escape from what is supposed to be a shared responsibility?\n\n\nA study tells us that he may really be sleeping after all. Researchers from MindLab, as commissioned by a British manufacturer of cold and flu tablets, wanted to find out what can disturb men and women in their sleep.\n\n\nAccording to the study, women are most likely to wake up at the sound of a baby\u2019s cries while interestingly men are sure to jolt out of their sleep when they hear the sound of a car alarm. Researchers conclude that the differing sensitivities of men and women to sounds during sleep may primarily be due to the fact that they are wired differently. Women quickly respond to anything that poses a threat to their children while men are alarmed when they hear anything that can harm the entire family.\n\n\nOther sounds that rouse women out of their sleep are these: a dripping tap, rowdiness outside, snoring, buzzing fly, drilling, sirens, car alarm, howling wind and noise from the drains.\n\n\nFor men, it\u2019s a totally different list: howling wind, buzzing fly, snoring, noise from the drains, crickets, emergency sirens, clock ticking, drilling and dripping tap. At least, they are equally disturbed by the sound of snoring!\n\n\nNow you\u2019re feeling just a tad bit guilty for screaming at Hubby for not waking up when Junior needed a change, aren\u2019t you?\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\nParenting styles: What can Malaysian parents learn from the Japanese?\nHealth\nEverything You Need To Know About Immunisation For Your Child In Malaysia\nKesihatan\nKetahui 6 Punca Sakit Badan dan Jenis Sakit Badan Yang Biasa Dialami. Ini Cara Merawatnya!\nGive Health A Shot\n\"Anak Saya Sihat, Tetapi Bagaimana Dia Boleh Dijangkiti Cacar Air?\"\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-does-an-eczema-rash-look-like", "title": "Rash or eczema? Here\u2019s how to find out", "body": "Given babies\u2019 sensitive skin, even the slightest contact with an irritant \u2014 be it daddy\u2019s beard, a wooly blanket, harsh soaps, or even mom\u2019s perfume \u2014 can trigger redness and itching. No surprise here! An infant\u2019s skin is very delicate, making it very vulnerable to irritation.\n\n\n\n\nBut while most parents already know this, the tricky part is determining if a skin flare-up is nothing more than a mild case of skin sensitivity or something more serious, like \neczema.\n\u00a0But what does an eczema rash look like? And what is eczema?\n\n\nA chronic skin condition that usually begins in infancy, eczema affects about \n10 to 20%\n of young children, and can persist until adulthood. Unlike simple rashes that usually go away quickly with proper management (like heat rash or diaper rash), eczema usually comes with recurrent redness and itchy skin, and can cause the affected areas to become thick, leathery, and even discoloured.\n\n\nNot sure if your child has a simple rash or something more serious? What does an eczema rash look like? Here, we provide a list of questions to help you figure it out.\n\n\n\n\nQuestion #1: Is it itchy?\n\n\nNot all rashes are itchy; some might just be irritated or inflamed skin. But eczema definitely comes with mild to moderate itchiness, coupled with dry, scaly skin. In some\n\n\ncases, the itchiness gets so bad that kids tend to scratch the area until it bleeds, making the condition worse. A lukewarm bath helps relieve the itch; just steer clear of harsh soaps, which may only cause more irritation.\n\n\n\n\nQuestion #2: Where are the rashes? What does an eczema rash look like?\n\n\nEczema usually appears as itchy, red patches, but bear in mind that the \nappearance and location\n may change as your baby grows up.\n\n\n\n\nIn young babies:\n It usually looks red and weepy, and appears more often on the cheeks, forehead, and scalp.\n\n\nFor babies six to 12 months old: \nIt occurs more often on crawling surfaces such as the elbows and knees.\n\n\nIn toddlers two years old and above:\n It\u2019s usually visible on the hands, elbows, and in the \u201cbending\u201d areas of the body like the inside of the elbows and back of the knees. But it can also appear anywhere \u2014 including the neck, chest, and eyelids.\n\n\n\n\nQuestion #3: What are the triggers? \n\n\nUnlike common rashes with very clear triggers \u2014 such as heat rash, which is caused by sweating or too hot temperatures, or a diaper rash, which stems from irritation from soiled diaper \u2014 there are several possible causes of eczema. These include genetics, as well as the abnormal function of the immune system. Other \ntriggers\n also include: skin dryness, irritants (from everyday products such as soaps, lotions, household cleaners), pollutants such as cigarette smoke, and stress.\n\n\nIt is important to take note, though, that flare-ups can appear some time after exposure, making some triggers extra challenging to detect.\n\n\nQuestion #4: Do the rashes keep coming back?\n\n\nSince eczema is classified as a long-lasting (a.k.a. chronic) skin condition, chances of recurrence are high \u2014 that is, without proper management. It would be best to consult\u00a0a dermatologist or physician if you notice that your child\u2019s rashes aren\u2019t going away, or tend to come back periodically.\n\n\n\n\nWhat to do if your child has eczema\n\n\nWhile it may be alarming to discover that your child is suffering from eczema, the good news is you can definitely manage it \u2014 with the help of the right skin care habits and products for your child\u2019s sensitive skin. Here are some tips to prevent flare-ups and minimise the symptoms:\n\n\n\n\nKeep skin moisturized. \nAn inability to hydrate skin is at the heart of eczema.\n\n\n\n\nA specialised product such as \nCetaphil Pro Ad Derma\u00a0\nanswers this problem directly by gently moisturising sensitive skin to prevent and control skin flare-ups.\n\n\n\n\nFormulated with Filaggrin technology, this clinically-proven moisturizer improves skin\u2019s ability to retain moisture while also strengthening the skin\u2019s barrier, so skin is less susceptible to irritation.\n\n\nIt absorbs quickly and is non-greasy.\n\n\nIt\u2019s hypoallergenic and free from parabens, steroids and fragrance.\n\n\nAvoid sweating or overheating.\n Hot temps can trigger eczema episodes, so make sure your house is well ventilated. It\u2019s also best to avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity.\n\n\nSteer clear of irritants.\n Stay away from triggers such as harsh products and chemicals, particularly bath products. Choose light and breathable clothes, and avoid those made with itchy materials such as wool and other synthetic fabrics.\n\n\nDitch the itch.\n Give regular lukewarm baths to relieve the itching, and teach your child \nnot \nto scratch. (Applying a cold compress or towel is a good alternative!) Your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines and other oral medications in severe cases.\n\n\n\n\nFor best results, cleanse skin with the \nCetaphil PRO AD Derma Skin Restoring \u00a0Wash \nbefore moisturizing with the \nCetaphil PRO AD Derma Skin Restoring \u00a0Moisturizer.\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\n\n\n\n\nFor more information, visit\u00a0\nhttps://cetaphil.com.my/en/\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/childhood-vaccinations", "title": "Childhood Vaccinations Saw A Significant Drop in 2020(1), Now Doctors Are Pleading With Families To Return To Them", "body": "One only needs to open up their social media feeds and they will see the endless news about COVID-19 and monkeypox\n2\n. We\u2019ve had a few years to get into the habit of practising good hygiene habits with our kids, such as wearing masks, hand sanitising and also keeping the environment that they\u2019re growing up in clean.\n\n\nHowever, there is only so much we can do at home and we cannot guarantee that our kids won\u2019t get exposed to infectious diseases,\n which are a leading cause of death in children\n3\n because they have a weak immune system at their young age\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nInfectious diseases such as smallpox have been eradicated\n5\n, while others drastically reduced through vaccinations over more than 50 years.\u00a0\n\n\nUnfortunately, in 2020, there was a significant drop in childhood vaccinations worldwide, due to lockdowns and movement restriction orders around the globe\n6\n.\u00a0\n\n\nChildhood vaccinations help children stay well and healthy for themselves, families and the community, and protect them from vaccine-preventable diseases.\n\n\nDr Rakhee Yadav, Consultant Paediatrician & Head of Department of Paediatrics, Ara Damansara Medical Centre, believes that now more than ever, parents need to be vigilant with their children\u2019s health and the most preferred method for reducing your child\u2019s risks of being exposed to these diseases is by vaccination.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWith the pandemic and the emergence of ongoing new diseases, parents cannot afford to be indifferent about their children\u2019s health. The trend of parents not vaccinating their children is worrying and we cannot let this continue,\u201d she says.\n\n\nAccording to an article published by the WHO, UNICEF data confirms that this is a red alert for child health. We are witnessing the largest sustained drop in childhood immunisation in a generation. The consequences will be measured in lives\n6\n.\n\n\nWhile a pandemic hangover was expected last year as a result of COVID-19 disruptions and lockdowns, what we are seeing now is a continued decline. COVID-19 is not an excuse. \u201cWe need immunisation catch-ups for the missing millions or we will inevitably witness more outbreaks, more sick children and greater pressure on already strained health systems\u201d urged the UNICEF\n6\n.\n\n\nParents Need To Go Back To Vaccinations: National Immunisation Programme And Beyond\n\n\nMalaysia has long provided free immunisation services for children to prevent major childhood diseases. The National Immunisation Programme (NIP) was introduced in the early 1950s followed by the Expanded Programme for Immunisation (EPI) in 1989. Malaysia currently provides immunisation against 13 major diseases that affect children\n7\n. This helps strengthen their immune systems by stimulating defence cells and protecting them from possible life-threatening complications\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMedical experts also recommend that parents take extra precautions against other diseases that are life-threatening and dangerous for children. Dr Rakhee Yadav shares more about these additional recommended vaccinations.*\n\n\nAdditional Recommended Vaccines\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to Dr Rakhee, there are five diseases that commonly affect children which are not included in the National Immunisation Programme. They are\n8\n:\u00a0\n\n\nRotavirus\n\n\nA highly contagious disease that can infect children aged five or below. It infects the intestine lining and causes severe diarrhoea and vomiting\n9\n. About 22% to 50% of cases of diarrhoea in Malaysian children are caused by Rotavirus\n10\n.\n\n\nVaricella\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nMore commonly known as Chickenpox, this infection causes rashes, skin blistering and uncomfortable itching. It is highly contagious and is spread through contact and respiratory fluids. The vaccine against the Varicella Zoster virus will help prevent chickenpox and other serious complications\n11,12,13\n.\n\n\nInfluenza\n\n\nInfluenza (flu) differs from the common cold in that it can cause severe infections of the respiratory tract including the throat, nose and lungs. In addition, the symptoms include fever, sore throat, muscle pain and fatigue\n14\n. Failure to get treatment for the effects of the influenza virus can put the child at greater health risks such as pneumonia, lung diseases and heart problems\n15\n.\n\n\nHepatitis A\n\n\nHepatitis A is a highly contagious, short-term liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. It can spread through close, personal contact with an infected person or contaminated food that contains the virus. While it rarely causes death in children, the disease can lead to complications such as abdominal pain, liver failure and jaundice\n16\n.\n\n\nMeningococcal\n\n\nMeningococcal meningitis is a type of bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. The disease mostly occurs in children and adolescents but 5% to 10% of those infected do not show symptoms of the disease. Without proper treatment, among the complications that can occur are nervous system problems such as paralysis, deafness and can cause death\n17\n.\n\n\nDiseases With No Specific Treatments: Vaccines Are A Preferred Defence\n\n\nDoctor Rakhee stressed that these five diseases mentioned have no specific treatment. Therefore, one of the preferred defences against them is prevention through vaccines. She added that these diseases are easily transmitted in childcare centres and schools, which is why the Malaysian Ministry of Health recommends these five additional vaccines for infants and children.*\n\n\n\u201cIt is normal for children to experience fever, pain at the injection site and lethargy after the vaccination. This is just a temporary discomfort and the benefits are long-term,\u201d said Dr Rakhee.\u00a0\n\n\nIn her opinion, while the Ministry of Health and National Immunisation Programme provides comprehensive protection to the community by preventing diseases, it is the responsibility of parents to give maximise protection for their children with these recommended additional vaccines.\n\n\nWhen and where should I get these 5 additional recommended vaccines?\n8\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage adapted from Ministry of Health Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nThese additional vaccines are available at private clinics and hospitals. The above schedule is a guideline for parents to decide if their children should complete these supplemental vaccines and they should consult a paediatrician for more information.\u00a0\n\n\nLet us take care of the health of our children and those around us. Prevention is always better than cure.\n\n\nDr Rakhee Yadav is a Consultant Paediatrician at Ara Damansara Medical Centre (ADMC) and Baby & Beyond Child Specialist Clinic Publika. She is a strong advocate for childhood vaccination and early childhood nutrition. She is a proud mother of four with a passion for travelling.\n\n\n*This information is provided as a professional service by MSD. The views expressed in the publication reflects the experience and opinions of the authors.\n\n\nMY-ROT-00238 Aug/2022\n\n\nREFERENCE:\n\n\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 pandemic leads to major backsliding on childhood vaccinations, new WHO, UNICEF data shows.Available from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news/item/15-07-2021-covid-19-pandemic-leads-to-major-backsliding-on-childhood-vaccinations-new-who-unicef-data-shows\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Monkeypox. Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/response/2022/index.html\n. Last Accessed 12 Sep\u00a0 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). Children: Improving survival and well-being. Available from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/children-reducing-mortality\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Immunisation: Facts and Myths. Available from: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/imunisasi-fakta-dan-kemusykilan/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nAndre FE, Booy R, Bock HL, Clemens J, Datta SK, John TJ, Lee BW, Lolekha S, Prltola H, Ruff TA, Santosham M, Schmitt HJ. Vaccination greatly reduces disease, disability, death and inequity worldwide. Bull World Health Organ [Internet]. 2008;86(2).\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 pandemic fuels largest continued backslide in vaccinations in three decades. Available from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news/item/15-07-2022-covid-19-pandemic-fuels-largest-continued-backslide-in-vaccinations-in-three-decades\n. Last Accessed 12 Sep 2022.\n\n\nImmunise4Life. The Malaysian National Immunisation Programme (NIP). Available from: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/the-malaysian-national-immunisation-programme-nip/\n.\u00a0 Last Accessed 21 Jun 2022.\n\n\nImmunise4Life. 5 Additional Recommended Vaccines for Children. Available from:\u00a0 \u00a0 \nhttps://immunise4life.my/5-additional-vaccines-for-children/\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nChildren\u2019s Hospital of Philadelphia. A Look at Each Vaccine: Rotavirus Vaccine. Available from: \nhttps://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-details/rotavirus-vaccine\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Rotavirus Vaccine. Available from: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/rotavirus-vaccine/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). About Chickenpox. Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/index.html\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chickenpox Transmission. Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/transmission.html\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chickenpox Prevention and Treatment. Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/prevention-treatment.html\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Key Facts About Influenza (Flu). Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/keyfacts.htm\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nRothberg MB, Haessler SD, Brown RB. Complications of Viral Influenza. The American Journal of Medicine [Internet]. 2008:121(4).\u00a0\n\n\nMyHealth. Jangkitan Virus Hepatitis A. Available from:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/jangkitan-virus-hepatitis-a/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Penyakit Meningitis (Meningococcal). Available from: \n\n\nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/penyakit-meningitis/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\u00a0\nwebsite\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-herbs-for-health", "title": "3 Ancient Herbs to Strengthen Your Immunity", "body": "It\u2019s everywhere you look; everyone, every media outlet and every single social media post and meme has something to say about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). With such an information overload, now is the time to really put your thinking caps on and analyze the stuff you\u2019re reading, checking out the sources of origin and knowing what applies directly to you.\n\n\nThis sieve of information not only protects you from the misinformation out there (and let us tell you there are plenty) but also makes sure you stay informed and healthy which is exceptionally vital during a health pandemic like the one on our hands.\n\n\nAs of right now, the first thing we\u2019ll say is don\u2019t panic. This isn\u2019t simply an urge for you to relax. We\u2019re saying don\u2019t stress \u2013 when you stress and panic, you put your body in fight or flight mode, raise cortisol levels and weaken your nervous system and immunity.\n\n\nAnd now is not a time to weaken your immunity \u2013 now is the time to strengthen it and make sure it\u2019s running optimally. So instead of sharing with you\u00a0 COVID-19 facts (something you have plenty of we\u2019re sure), we want to give you simple DIY ways you can make sure your immunity is functioning at an optimal level.\n\n\nBest Herbs for Health\n\n\nA strengthened immunity is one that can help fight viruses. So, we asked international expert, Dr Gerad Bodeker of Oxford and Columbia University, about natural products and best herbs for health for which there is evidence of strengthened immunity and here are three that he mentioned:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n1. Pegaga (gotu kola)\n\n\n\n\nCredit: pixabay.com\n\n\n\n\nThe first superfood to increase consumption during this pandemic is pegaga, which is high in immunity boosting properties and also works great as an antioxidant. You\u2019ll want to find the right blend of pegaga though, one high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, which will help you fight off infections, support your body\u2019s immune system and overall health \u2013 according to\u00a0\nresearch\n\u00a0conducted by Chiang Mai University in Thailand.\u00a0\n\n\nIn fact, Ayurvedic traditions see pegaga as a regenerative herb which is said to fortify the immune system, both cleansing and feeding it and to strengthen the adrenals. So if you want to rev up your immunity, check out our very own\u00a0\nPegaga by PurelyB\n, a superfood blend that\u2019s herbal, natural and high in antioxidants.\n\n\nIt was formulated with traditional herbalists & medical scientists and contains the highest quality of pegaga, turmeric leaf, green apples, papaya leaf and dates and has been used for generations for its ability to strengthen immunity, improve digestion and promote skin health.\n\n\n2. Turmeric & turmeric leaf (curcumin)\n\n\n\n\nCredit: bbc.com\n\n\n\n\nWhen you think turmeric, people associate bright yellow-hued powder stashed in your kitchen.\u00a0 Very few of us would be storing turmeric in its root form and even fewer would be storing or knowing about turmeric leaves!\n\n\nTurns out, that turmeric or haldi leaves are no less a health, beauty and medicinal wonder. Of course people in South Asia and Southeast Asia have been using turmeric and tumeric leaf for thousands of years\u00a0 \u2013 in Ayurveda and local health traditions \u2013 and the reason is because it\u2019s known to be a high anti-inflammatory food that is also high as an antioxidant.\n\n\nKnown as \u201cnature\u2019s antibiotic\u201d, turmeric one of the best herbs for health actually helps to fight off foreign bodies and substances that don\u2019t belong in the system, including viruses. An increase in turmeric consumption can help support the immunity no doubt.\n\n\nAccording to Medical News Today \u201ccurcumin is proven to improve immune function with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties.\u201d Luckily in Asia, tumeric and turmeric leaf is a household ingredient, available in most kitchens making it very accessible. An easy way to consume turmeric leaf is by consuming it in the form of a superfood drink\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n3. Elderberry\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Healthline.com\n\n\n\n\nElderberry is often reached for during seasonal change for internal health support. The berries are dark and beautiful and popular in Europe for a variety of health-supportive properties.\n\n\nEven Greek physician Hippocrates referred to elderberry as his \u201cmedicine chest\u201d and recent studies have shown ways that elderberry functions to support a healthy immune response. In Asia, we don\u2019t experience as many seasonal changes but regular elderberries can also promote immune function during trial times.\n\n\nYou\u2019re a sip away from stronger immunity and a healthy mind and body! In times of uncertainty like this, leave panic on the shelf and instead do what you can to boost your immunity naturally. Your body, immunity and sanity will thank you for it!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAnd remember, the best advice for staying vigilant still stands \u2013 please don\u2019t panic. It\u2019s also important to wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. We\u2019re in this together and we\u2019ll power through soon enough.\n\n\nReferences:\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nhttps://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/covid-19\n\n\nhttps://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/covid-19-coronavirus-facts/\n\n\nhttps://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/too-much-bad-news-causes-stress/\n\n\nhttps://www.pharmabotanica.com.au/herb/gotu-kola/\n\n\nhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319638#:~:text=Boosts%20immune%20function,immune%20cell%20function%20against%20cancer\n\n\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/16236006\n\n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352513419302637\n\n\nhttps://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/2/411/pdf\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/movementmatters-campaign", "title": "IHH Healthcare Malaysia Launches Nationwide #Movementmatters Campaign To Raise Awareness Of Bone And Joint Health", "body": "IHH Healthcare Malaysia, with its network of 16 hospitals comprising Gleneagles Hospitals, Pantai Hospitals and Prince Court Medical Centre, is launching a nationwide MovementMatters campaign to promote better bone and joint health among Malaysians.\n\n\nAccording to the International Association for the Study of Pain, close to 2.5 million Malaysians suffer from back pain as a result of a sedentary work-from-home lifestyle that has emerged from the pandemic.\n\nAt IHH Healthcare Malaysia hospitals, most of our orthopaedic patients are presented with disc displacement, strains and sprains, as well as general trauma and fractures attributed to sports and other injuries.\n\n\nIHH Healthcare Malaysia\u2019s Chief Executive Officer Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Naa said that the #MovementMatters campaign aims to combat orthopaedic conditions among Malaysians by creating awareness of the importance of bone and joint health and assessment.\n\n\n\u201cWe want to let people know not to take minor pain or discomfort lightly. By sharing validated information and extending our medical expertise, we hope to build healthier communities as part of our aspiration to Care. For Good.,\u201d he said.\n\n\n\u201cIf you think about it, a healthy diet and physical activity are basically what keep your bones and joints healthy. Even doing simple exercises, as long as you do it regularly, can make a huge positive difference. What we do not want is to let bone-related conditions or diseases get in the way of us staying active and healthy,\u201d he said.\n\n\n\n\nThe #MovementMatters campaign will be launched in three regions, kicking off in Kuala Lumpur at Lalaport (Ground floor) from 15 to 19 March 2023, Toppen Johor (Level 1) from 22 to 26 March 2023 and Gurney Plaza, Penang from 29 March to 1 April 2023.\n\n\nVisitors are encouraged to partake in the various #MovementMatters activities happening throughout the day from 10am to 10pm. This includes an informative and interactive journey towards understanding and improving bone and joint health.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n1. Pedal Your Way Towards Stronger Bones & Joints\n\n\nHop on a stationary bicycle and pedal as fast as possible to reach the goal. Besides picking up interesting health facts, participants who complete the challenge also stand a chance to win a mystery gift.\n\n\n2. Body Posture Assessment\n\n\nUnderstand the importance of good body posture. IHH Healthcare\u2019s team of qualified rehabilitation experts are on hand to provide assessment on body posture and advise on underlying health conditions and potential risks of developing bone and joint diseases. Just for fun, join the Funny Pose Challenge that challenges body agility through creative and funny poses!\n\n\n3. Health Booth\n\n\nGet loads of health information, calculate Body Mass Index (BMI), receive tips for healthy nutrient intake and ask questions about bones and joints. Visitors are encouraged to take creative photos and post them on their social media accounts using the #MovementMatters hashtag and share their bone health journey with friends and family.\nPartner Stories\nKewangan\n5 Soalan yang Ibu Bapa Perlu Tahu Sebelum Memilih Bank untuk Membuat Simpanan\nFormula\nMudah Jatuh Sakit? Cuba Tips untuk Tingkatkan Sistem Pertahanan Badan Sekeluarga Ini!\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\nLifestyle\n5 Awesome Deals You MUST Check Out At The Tesco Baby Fair 2020\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/early-signs-pregnant-with-twins", "title": "Early Signs That You Might Be Pregnant With Twins", "body": "One baby is already a big blessing and a big responsibility. Imagine if you\u2019re having two! But could you be already carrying twins? This article will talk about the early signs that indicate that you might be pregnant with twins.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPregnant with Twins or More\n\n\nEarly Signs You\u2019re Pregnant with Twins\n\n\nHow to confirm a twin pregnancy\n\n\nWhat precautions to be taken in twin pregnancy\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPregnant with Twins or More\n\n\nWe look at twin babies on TV or social media, or even if we pass by them in the mall, and we cannot contain swooning at how adorable they are. It\u2019s double the cuteness and double the excitement of raising two babies instead of one.\n\n\nHowever, as parents of twins will later on discover, it\u2019s not always fun having two babies to worry about. For starters, a twin pregnancy is more at risk for complications compared to pregnancies with just one fetus. For this reason, most women carrying twins will have more frequent prenatal visits than women with singletons.\n\n\nAt the same time, over half of twin pregnancies end in preterm delivery (before 37 weeks). Most twin pregnancies are delivered at approximately 36 weeks, just a few weeks short of the 40 weeks, which is considered the full gestation period.\u00a0 Twin pregnancies can be delivered vaginally, but there\u2019s a higher risk for one or two babies to be delivered via \ncesarean section\n.\n\n\nHowever, with good prenatal care, twin pregnancies can still have a full-term delivery and avoid complications.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly Signs You\u2019re Pregnant with Twins\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nYou wouldn\u2019t know for sure if you\u2019re having twins until your doctor reports hearing two heartbeats and you see two babies on the ultrasound. But there are still some early signs that can reveal if you\u2019re pregnant with twins.\u00a0 Here are some of them:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYour pregnancy symptoms are exaggerated\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women who are pregnant with multiple babies may have more severe morning sickness or breast tenderness than women who are pregnant with a single foetus. They may also experience extreme fatigue.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYour characteristics and means of conception make you more likely to have twins\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSome history and means of conception can increase your odds of becoming pregnant to twins, such as:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUse of birth control pills. \nHormone fluctuation can affect the release of more than one egg\n\n\nYou had to undergo fertility treatments to conceive. \nHormonal treatments such as\u00a0in vitro fertilization (IVF) make the frequency of twin pregnancies more common, due to the ovarian stimulation that may release more than one egg at a time\n\n\nHaving twins run in the family.\n If you have a mother or sister who had twins, or you are also a twin, it\u2019s possible that the \u201ctwin gene,\u201d runs in your family. According to research, there is a gene that promotes hyperovulation, the tendency to release more than one egg during ovulation, which increases the chances of conceiving dizygotic (or fraternal) twins.\u00a0\n\n\nYour BMI is high.\u00a0\nA previous \nstudy\n showed that a body mass index (BMI) of above 25 is associated with an increased probability of having twins.\n\n\nYou got pregnant late.\u00a0\nAccording to a 2017 \nstudy\n published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the probability of having a twin pregnancy increases with maternal age.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYour hCG levels are elevated\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDuring your first checkups, your doctor\u00a0may perform common screenings to check\u00a0hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels, a hormone that is produced during pregnancy. If your hCG levels are high or accelerated, it can be one of the signs that your having twins.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: iStock\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou feel the foetal movement early\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMost women feel the first kicks of their baby about midway through the pregnancy, between 16 and 25 weeks gestation. However, mums of multiples reported feeling the foetal movement much early, sometimes as early as the first trimester.\u00a0\n\n\nMoreover, if you\u2019re feeling the swishing and the fluttering inside your belly more frequently, it can be that there are more than two sets of tiny hands and feet who are doing the kicking and fluttering.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou are gaining weight more rapidly\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCarrying a single baby will have a big impact on a woman\u2019s body, and even more, if there are two babies. Not only are mums of multiples likely to gain more weight quickly, but their uterus will also stretch and expand to accommodate the extra baby.\n\n\nYour doctors monitor your weight gain and fundal height during routine appointments, and excess in either may indicate a twin or multiple pregnancies.\u00a0\n\n\nFinally, the last sign to consider is your maternal instinct. If you have been pregnant before, you can tell if what you\u2019re feeling is normal for a single pregnancy or not. If you\u2019re a new mum, then you may also have dreams or premonitions about having twins, and your theory can have some backing if having twins run in the family.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to confirm a twin pregnancy\n\n\nThe only way to confirm a twin pregnancy is to undergo an ultrasound. Because of the advancement in technology, your healthcare practitioner can already tell if there are two embryos early in the pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nYour doctor will also be able to tell from an ultrasound whether you have fraternal or identical twins, but the best way to determine if twins are identical or fraternal is by examining their DNA, since identical twins have the same DNA.\n\n\nWith careful listening, your doctor or midwife can also detect multiple distinct heartbeats and might suspect that there are twins, however, this is not always foolproof, and would still need an ultrasound to confirm if you\u2019re pregnant with twins.\n\n\nWhat precautions to be taken in twin pregnancy\n\n\nOnce you have finally confirmed that you are indeed pregnant with twins, you need to follow your doctor\u2019s guidance to prevent complications like preeclampsia, \ngestational diabetes\n and preterm birth. Check with her on how many calories you need to consume to make sure you\u2019re eating enough for your twins.\n\n\nYou may need to undergo additional tests and screenings to make sure both of your babies are developing normally and getting enough nutrition (especially if they are sharing one placenta).\n\n\nAs we mentioned earlier, having twins means double the joy, but also double the responsibility. You need to take care of not just one, but two babies inside your womb. If you have any concerns while you\u2019re pregnant with twins, do not hesitate to consult with your \nOB-gynaecologist\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from theAsianparent\u00a0\nSingapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nVerywell Family\n, \nHopkins Medicine\n, \nBabycenter\n, \nACOG\n\n\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nThe Placenta\u2019s Important Role in Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nWhat to do If You\u2019re Afraid of Giving Birth and How to Overcome Childbirth Fears\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nUnderstand the Changes in Your Body During the First Trimester\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/books-for-teachers", "title": "5 Must-Read Books for Teachers in 2021", "body": "\n\nLooking for inspiration and forward determination to bring new hope after being overwhelmed by 2020? Check out our pick of the best books for teachers to read this year.\n\n\n\n\n1. \nThe Teacher\u2019s Guide to Self-Care: Build Resilience, Avoid Burnout, and Bring a Happier and Healthier You to the Classroom\n\n\n\n\nBy Sarah Frost\n\n\n\n\nAs a teacher, it is common to feel stressed-out and exhausted. This guide can help teachers build a sustainable career without sacrificing their well-being. Written by a former special education teacher who experienced a mental breakdown at the beginning of her career, Sarah Frost knows the importance of self-care firsthand.\n\n\nShe offers readers practical strategies on how to make time for self-care and the need to set healthy boundaries in order to become a happier and healthier teacher. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. \nMindfulness in the Classroom: Mindful Principles for Social and Emotional Learning\n\n\n\n\nBy Season Mussey\n\n\n\n\nMindfulness matters in the classroom more so than ever before. In this book, readers can explore eight principles of mindfulness that promote better social-emotional learning. Grounded by research-based theories and examples of classroom activities and strategies, Season Mussey guides readers back to the heart of teaching and learning.\n\n\nTeaching the whole child to have increased self-awareness, self-control, kindness, integrity and empathy will optimise students\u2019 potential, give them life skills that they can carry with them into the future and make the world a better place in general.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nTeaching in the Online Classroom: Surviving and Thriving in the New Normal\n\n\nBy Doug Lemov\n\n\n\n\nEducation has evolved in many new ways as a response to COVID-19 and the shift to technology-integrated learning systems are expected to remain post-pandemic.\n\n\nAuthor of\u00a0\nTeach Like a Champion\n, Doug Lemov, and other expert educators teamed up to provide everyday teachers with workable strategies to tackle online learning challenges.\n\n\nThey share proven techniques that can improve students\u2019 engagement and achievements online. This is a fitting read for educators to survive and thrive in the new normal.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4.\u00a0\nThe Excellent 11: An Award-Winning Teacher\u2019s Guide to Raising Children Who Love to Learn\n\n\nBy Ron Clark\n\n\n\n\nRon Clark, an award-winning teacher and author of the New York Times bestseller\u00a0\nThe Essential 55\n, identifies eleven qualities that make a great teacher and student. This book is filled with many inspirational stories and suggestions on how to apply these qualities when educating children.\n\n\nFor instance, Creativity: the best teachers are the ones who are able to think out of the box to find the best techniques to help children learn; Enthusiasm: a teacher\u2019s enthusiasm is infectious and will stimulate children to learn; Confidence: half the battle in raising successful children is boosting their self-confidence.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nEduHeroes: How to Transform Relationships into Powerful Tools for Classroom Success\n\n\nBy Deanna Jump\n\n\n\n\nDeanna Jump is a well-known teacher-author who made headlines when she earned a million dollars from Teachers Pay Teachers. She wrote\u00a0\nEduHeroes: How to Transform Relationships into Powerful Tools for Classroom Success\n to encourage other fellow educators to build stronger learning communities that inspire student success.\n\n\nReaders will discover tools that can strengthen their relationships with students, parents and colleagues, and be a positive influence to help students reach their full potential. \u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\u00a0\nWhy Are Malaysians Choosing to Homeschool?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nSchools Reopen in Malaysia: Doctor\u2019s Advise on How to Prepare Your Child Amidst the COVID Pandemic\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\u00a0How to Prepare Your Child for Transition to Year 1 From Kindergarten\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/botanical-therapy", "title": "Botanical Therapy Launches First-Ever VIP Event at Mothercare Tropicana Gardens Mall", "body": "Botanical Therapy, a Korean brand that specializes in infant and toddler skin care products is having its first-ever VIP launch event in Mothercare Flagship Store at Tropicana Gardens Mall.\n\n\n Since its launch in 2015, Botanical Therapy products aim to help children with weak skin barriers where it is able to rejuvenate sensitive skins with Leaf-Barrier\n\u2122\u00a0(\nLowtemp extraction from high-density essentials from Apple Mint, Thyme, and Green Tea). \nThe attendees of this launch consist of Mothercare\u2019s own Parents Panel.\n\n\n\n\nThe evening started off with a brand Introduction from Youni (Sales Manager Botanical Therapy) on the history and background of Botanical Therapy. \n\n\nThroughout the presentation, the attendees were able to try and experience the products that were available to them. This was followed by a presentation by Dr. Ken (Skin and Aesthetic Physician) who gave a talk on \u2018Common Skin Conditions in Mother and Babies\u2019. And finally, the moms were then treated with a special hand pampering session using Botanical Therapy Baby Lotion and Oil.\n\n\nBotanical Therapy won the \u20182021 Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index No.1\u2019 in the baby product (child skincare) category for 4 consecutive years. The 1\nst\n place in the Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index is an award established to discover future-oriented companies by recommending and evaluating the satisfaction of consumers with products and services in each field.\n\n\nBaby Care\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nStep 1: Cleanse\n\n\n\n\nBaby Wash\n\n\nBaby Shampoo\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 2: Moisture\n\n\n\n\nBaby Lotion\n\n\nLeaf Barrier Soothing Gel\n\n\nBaby Oil\n\n\nBaby Cica Cream\n\n\nBaby Cream\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 3: Protection\n\n\n\n\nWashable Sun Milk\n\n\nWashable Sun Pact\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Care\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWash\n\n\nShampoo\n\n\nConditioner\n\n\nLotion\n\n\nCream\n\n\n\n\nBotanical Therapy\u2019s top 3 secret recipes include:\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\n5 ways to teach perseverance to children, according to Jack Ma\nHealth\nHow To Tell If Rashes Are More Than Just A Harmless Rash: Signs To Look Out For In Kids\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\n\n\nExtraction method that follows mankind\u2019s first pharmacopoeia\u2019s secret formula which allows minimum destruction of nutrients.\u00a0\n\n\nThe effectiveness of the product getting absorbed into the skin.\n\n\nBlending ratio with active and natural ingredients\n\n\n\n\nBotanical Therapy\u2019s products are now available at Mothercare Nationwide.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vitamins-for-pregnancy", "title": "Take Care of Your Health and Equip Yourself With Vitamins For Pregnancy!", "body": "Having children is the dream of many married couples, let alone those who have been married a long time. Some might seek out traditional massage treatments, see gynaecologists, change lifestyles or even resort to taking supplements and vitamins for pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile vitamins or medications may not necessarily prove to be immediately effective for pregnancy, they can play important roles in a woman\u2019s health and are important for a variety of functions, including:\n\n\n\n\nMenstruation and ovulation\n\n\nThyroid function\n\n\nEnergy production\n\n\nImmune function\n\n\nQuality and maturation of eggs\n\n\n\n\nTherefore, intake of vitamins is very crucial when creating an environment for a healthy pregnancy. A number of nutrients found in certain vitamins may also reduce the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which is a cause of infertility and a difficult pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nThese vitamins can even be helpful for men, as studies have shown that certain supplements can help increase sperm volume and mobility.\u00a0\n\n\nHow To Choose The Right Vitamins for Pregnancy?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor women, look for products that contain a minimum of 400 mcg of folate (consider using an active form of methylation), a minimum of 300 mg of choline, 150 mcg of iodine, 18 mg of iron, and at least 600 IU of vitamin D.\n\n\nFor men, look for a multivitamin with adequate antioxidants, providing about 200% of the daily value for vitamins C, E and zinc.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDo keep in mind that certain vitamins used in pregnancies are not necessarily risk-free and may cause unpleasant side effects, hence follow dosage instructions on labels carefully, and always consult a doctor before starting a new vitamin or supplement.\u00a0\n\n\n8 Types of Vitamins for Pregnancy\n\n\n#1 Acetyl L-Carnitine\u00a0\n\n\nRecommended Product: MRM Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 mg 60 Vegan Capsules\n\n\n\n\nThis supplement is a form of the amino acid L-Carnitine (LC), which occurs naturally in the body and helps convert fats into energy. \n\n\nSometimes, ALC and LC are taken together to increase fertility in women. \nResearch has shown that both ALC and LC can increase sperm mobility in men.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for: \nMen and women\n\n\nFertility benefits: \nHelps sperm movement; contains antioxidants that promote a healthy female reproductive system\u00a0\n\n\nAdvantages:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHelps with focusing\n\n\nNon-GMO product\n\n\nVegan\n\n\nProduced in a GMP-certified facility\n\n\nStrengthens memory\n\n\nAntioxidant support\n\n\nCognitive support\n\n\n\n\n MRM Acetyl L-Carnitine 500mg 60 Vegan Capsules \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Vitamin B\n\n\nRecommended product: Blackmores Executive B\n\n\n\n\nHigher intakes of vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6 and B-12 is associated with a lower risk of ovulatory infertility. Several studies have linked low levels of vitamin B-12 with female infertility.\n\n\nAdditionally, research has shown that higher levels of B-12 and folate can improve women\u2019s fertility and that B vitamins can help improve sperm quality as well.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for:\n Men and women\n\n\nFertility benefits: \nHelps improve egg health and prevent ovulatory infertility; can improve sperm quality\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nA combination of B group vitamins and Magnesium, and Zinc\n\n\nIdeal for those with busy lifestyles, only requires one daily dose\n\n\nNutrients in it are important for bodily functions\n\n\n\n\n Blackmores Executive B \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Coenzyme Q10\n\n\nRecommended product: HEALTHY CARE CoEnzyme Q10 150mg\n\n\n\n\nOur body produces Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) by itself, but this product can help increase blood flow, which can be beneficial when looking to conceive, especially in the case of IVF. \n\n\nA study in 2018 found that pre-supplementation with CoQ10 improved ovarian responses in women undergoing IVF. \n\n\nCoQ10 supplementation can also increase sperm concentration and mobility in men experiencing infertility.\n\n\nSuitable for: \nMen and women\n\n\nFertility benefits: \nEnhances ovarian responses in women undergoing IVF; increases sperm mobility\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nSupports heart health and energy production in muscles\n\n\nMaintains healthy heart tissue and a healthy cardiovascular system\n\n\nIncreases energy production\n\n\nPowerful antioxidants and free radical blockers\n\n\nMaintains normal cholesterol in healthy individuals\n\n\nHelps muscles function, increases stamina and endurance\n\n\nMaintenance of a healthy immune system\n\n\n\n\n HEALTHY CARE CoEnzyme Q10 150mg \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Vitamin D\n\n\nRecommended product: Blackmores Vitamin D3\n\n\n\n\nA 2019 analysis found low levels of vitamin D in women dealing with infertility due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (POS). \n\n\nVitamin D plays a crucial role in both female and male reproductive functions. \nResearch has shown that vitamin D deficiency may be related to infertility in both men and women, so it is important to test for such deficiency.\n\n\nSuitable for: \nMen and women\n\n\nFertility benefits: \nIncreases ovarian stimulation and semen quality\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nHelps with the absorption of calcium and phosphate which are essential for healthy bones\n\n\nVitamin D3 maintains healthy bone density\n\n\nSupports muscle strength\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Blackmores Vitamin D3 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Folic Acid\n\n\nRecommended product: Appeton Essentials Folic Acid\n\n\n\n\nFolate supplementation is often associated with a greater chance of conceiving, increased success rates with fertility treatment, and a reduced risk of neural tube defects in infants.\u00a0 \nFor pregnant women, the recommended RDA of folic acid is 600 micrograms (mcg). \n\n\nAdditionally, it is recommended that women planning to conceive require a daily dose of 400 to\u00a0 800 mcg of folic acid at least a month before pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for:\n Men and women\n\n\nFertility benefits: \nHelps with conceiving, improves outcomes from fertility treatment\n\n\nAdvantages:\n\n\n\n\nPrevents Bifida and other spinal damage\n\n\nEssential for DNA synthesis\n\n\nHelps support the placenta\n\n\nPrevents megaloblastic anaemia\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Appeton Essentials Folic Acid \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Iron\n\n\nRecommended product: NATURELO Vegan Iron Supplement\n\n\n\n\nOvulatory infertility, a potential barrier to conceiving, can be caused by iron deficiency.\u00a0\nA long-term study on over 18,000 women showed that iron helps reduce the risk of ovulatory infertility.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for: \nWomen\n\n\nFertility benefits: \nPrevents iron deficiency anaemia\n\n\nAdvantages:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIncreases energy and reduces fatigue without nausea or constipation as side effects\n\n\nThe addition of Vitamin C further increases iron absorption, allowing for better results\n\n\nDesigned for individuals with common iron deficiency, such as pregnant women, menstruating women, vegans and vegetarians, dialysis patients, frequent blood donors, and anaemic women or men.\n\n\nPremium ingredients that are non-GMO, natural, gluten-free, soy-free, vegetarian and do not contain dyes, flavours, or any form of preservatives.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n ATURELO Vegan Iron Supplement \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#7 Omega-3\n\n\nRecommended product: BIO-LIFE MaxX Fish Oil\n\n\n\n\nThe consumption of seafood as part of a healthy diet has been linked to higher fertility in both men and women, and if you do not take Omega-3 rich seafood on a regular basis, this supplement may be beneficial for you while trying to conceive.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for:\n Men and women\n\n\nFertility benefits: \nIncreases sperm mobility; helps achieve pregnancy\u00a0\n\n\nAdvantages:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHigh quality, pure double strength fish oil providing concentrated marine fish oil rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)\n\n\nSupports the functioning of a healthy body\n\n\nOmega-3 fatty acids extracted from small deep sea fish such as anchovies\n\n\n\n\n BIO-LIFE MaxX Fish Oil \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#8 Selenium\u00a0\n\n\nRecommended products: 21st Century Selenium 200 mcg\n\n\n\n\nResearch in 2015 reported that selenium deficiency is a factor in miscarriages, low semen quality and poor sperm mobility.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to a more recent 2019 study, selenium can also help maintain the health of follicular fluid around a woman\u2019s eggs.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for: \nMen and women\n\n\nFertility benefits:\n Helps with conceiving\n\n\nAdvantages:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMen need higher amounts of selenium and this supplement can help with that\n\n\nRegular intake of selenium helps prevent dandruff and other fungal skin infections\n\n\nMay be effective in reducing arthritic pain and inflammation\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n 21st Century Selenium 200mcg \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMilk for Pregnant Mothers is Important For A Healthy Baby, This is One You Can Try!\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/jaeko-designs", "title": "How to Choose the Best Diaper Bag for First Time Mummies?", "body": "When I first got pregnant, I started reading up about a lot of baby products. Before long, Google, Facebook and anything I accessed online would start showing me ads about everything to do with babies.\n\n\nBaby hip seat carriers, strollers, car seats, baby fairs, maternity clothes, cribs, confinement centres, you name it. One of the things I came across rather frequently was also diaper bags.\n\n\nOf course, I would see generic brand ones sold by Chinese websites. I would also see a lot from Jujube. When I went to do some research for price range, the prices would range anywhere from RM50-RM800! RM800, for a diaper bag!\n\n\nAs a new mum, you wonder then, what\u2019s the difference between a diaper bag and a normal bag. And why the price discrepancies? What is a good amount to spend on a diaper bag?\n\n\nDifference between a diaper bag and a normal bag\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s what I found from other experienced mummies out there:\n\n\n\n\nDiaper bags are fitted with insulated compartments so you can keep your breast milk/baby\u2019s food warmer for longer.\n\n\nThere are plenty of zippered compartments for you to carry whatever you might need to in a diaper bag.\n\n\nDiaper bags are waterproof. For obvious reasons.\n\n\nDiaper bags are also easier to clean. Again, for obvious reasons.\n\n\nGood diaper bags are currently made so you can evenly distribute the weight and carry it like a backpack so you don\u2019t strain too hard on one side of your body.\n\n\n\n\nSo then \u2013 why the price discrepancies?\n\n\nJust like buying any other handbag, price ranges due to quality, features and most importantly, the brand. Buying a non-branded bag from a Chinese retailer might only set you back RM50, but how sturdy and reliable would a bag like that be?\n\n\nOn the other hand, buying a bag from brands like Jujube can set you back in the hundreds. At this point on, you\u2019re paying mostly for the branding. Jujube partners with a lot of other big brands, such as Sanrio and TokiDoki. Much of the price is then based on the licensing fee.\n\n\nReasonable price to pay for diaper bag \u2013 Jae Ko Designs!\n\n\n\n\nBased on extensive research and our belief that we should be buying value for money items, one Malaysian brand stood out. \nJae Ko Designs\n prices their bags at RM250 (now on sale at RM200).\n\n\nThe stylish bags are made of vegan leather, making it easy to clean while maintaining its high quality aesthetic.\n\n\nIt comes with all the necessary features like an insulated pocket, plenty of compartments, as well as boasting waterproof and easy-to-clean qualities.\n\n\nThe best part about Jae Ko Designs is that their diaper bags come 100% customisable with the option to monogram your initials onto your bag to make it as personal as it can get.\n\n\nYou can also expect your customised diaper bag to arrive within 1-3 working days of placing your order online.\nPartner Stories\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\nThe Magic of Oats: Here's How You Can Soothe Dry, Itchy Skin for Mum & Baby\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntheAsianparent is currently doing a giveaway with Jae Ko Designs. \nDownload theAsianparent app now\n to participate.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cara-menghilangkan-kesedihan", "title": "Pentingnya Punyai Sistem Sokongan Yang Kuat Untuk Pasangan Yang Mengalami Kehilangan Bayi", "body": "Ada ibu bapa yang mengalami keguguran kandungan juga kelahiran mati ini tidak mendapat sokongan yang betul daripada rakan-rakan dan keluarga. Lantas kebanyakan mereka mencari cara menghilangkan kesedihan sendiri dengan hanya berdiam diri.\u00a0\n\n\nDimana silapnya? Mungkin kerana masyarakat kita sekarang masih menganggap topik ini tabu, jadi ia langsung tidak dibincangkan.\u00a0\n\n\nPasangan mungkin lebih bersifat berdiam diri, tidak menceritakan kisah pahit ini dengan sesiapa, malah juga keluarga. Namun anda sebagai keluarga atau rakan-rakan perlu sebenarnya membantu pasangan yang sedang bersedih ini.\u00a0\n\n\nSentiasa bertanya khabar misalnya, ia tidak perlulah menjadi satu \u2018deep conversation\u2019.\u00a0\n\n\nBagaimana mendapatkan sistem sokongan & cara menghilangkan kesedihan\n\n\n\n\nSetiap orang yang ditimpa musibah perlu mencari ikhtiar sendiri untuk menghilangkan kesedihan mereka. Namun sekiranya anda \u2018lost\u2019 dan tidak tahu langkah seterusnya anda boleh dapatkan informasi lebih lanjut di bawah. Ini adalah sebagai panduan untuk anda, sekiranya anda masih tidak mampu untuk berbuat apa-apa berundinglah kepada pakar. Mereka akan sedia membantu.\u00a0\n\n\nBerjumpa dengan pakar\n\n\nSekiranya anda merasakan tragedi ini sukar betul untuk dilupakan anda boleh berjumpa dengan pakar psikiatri. Ya, itu adalah normal. Memang hospital menyediakan sesi kaunseling untuk ibu bapa yang mengalami kelahiran mati ini. Biar orang luar membantu anda sekiranya sukar untuk anda bantu diri sendiri. Percayalah mereka di luar sana ingin bantu anda sebanyak yang anda inginkan bantuan mereka.\u00a0\n\n\nCerita dengan rakan-rakan & keluarga\n\n\n\n\nApabila anda mula berkongsi, keluarga dan rakan akan tahu anda mempercayai dan cukup memerlukan bantuan mereka waktu ini. Percayalah mereka akan sedia membantu dan memberi semangat kepada anda saat anda meluahkan.\n\n\nAnda tidak tahu mungkin mereka pun ada bebanan mereka sendiri kisah yang mereka lalui sendiri, jadi apabila anda menceritakan kisah anda mereka juga akan berkongsi sesuatu yang anda sendiri tidak pernah tahu. Lantas boleh menjadikan ikatan perhubungan anda dengan keluarga dan rakan-rakan lebih rapat.\u00a0\n\n\nMengapa perlu bercakap mengenai kehilangan?\n\n\n\n\nJika ada yang memilih untuk berdiam diri, tak mengapa. Itu hak masing-masing untuk tidak membicarakannya, dan mungkin itu cara menghilangkan kesedihan buat mereka. Namun ia adalah penting untuk meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai mengenai hal \nstillbirth\n ini. Bayangkan ada ramai pasangan yang terdekat dengan anda tidak tahu akan risiko yang mungkin mereka alami ketika kehamilan.\n\n\nDikalangan rakan-rakan anda serta keluarga tentu ada yang hamil namun seperti anda dulu tidak tahu akan tragedi yang bakal berlaku kepada anda. Lantas tiada kesedaran dan cara menanganinya dengan betul jika ia berlaku. Bukanlah kita minta untuk kisah hitam ini berlaku kepada sesiapa pun cuma ia adalah risiko yang mungkin berlaku, jadi penting untuk diambil tahu.\u00a0\n\n\nRamai orang dapat ambil pengajaran dan jadikan insiden anda alami ini satu iktibar. Namun ia terserah kepada individu. Sekiranya anda tidak bersedia, ambil lah masa selayaknya. Jika tidak mampu untuk meluahkan dari segi vokal, anda boleh menulis, dan kongsikan.\u00a0\n\n\nDi theAsianparent kami cukup mengalukan kisah anda untuk disiarkan. Jadi jika anda rasakan disini adalah platform terbaik untuk berkongsi anda boleh hantarkan email kepada kami. Malah dengan Project Sidekicks yang kami lancarkan ini, kami cukup prihatin dan ingin membantu pasangan untuk mendapatkan sistem sokongan yang diperlukan.\u00a0\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nBaca juga:\u00a0\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\n\n\nKumpulan Sokongan, Kaunselor & Ahli Terapi Kehilangan Kehamilan Di Malaysia\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/picky-eating-in-children-affect-growth", "title": "How Does Picky Eating Affect My Child's Growth?", "body": "Is your child demanding nuggets for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Does he or she refuse anything besides eggs? Don\u2019t worry, picky eating in children is common.\u00a0\n\n\nBut your child may or may not grow out of it \u2013 however, that\u2019s not something you should wait around for. Studies have revealed that children become established picky eaters when their diets become very controlled\n1\n.\n\n\nBut controlling your child\u2019s nutrition is nothing to be ashamed of because as parents, we just want the best for them. Plus, if we didn\u2019t have a bit of control, they would probably end up eating everything they could get their hands on!\n\n\nHowever, picky eating can have major consequences when it comes to your child\u2019s growth and development, so it can be a cause for concern.\n\n\nSo, what are the root causes of picky eating?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThere are various causes of picky eating such as early feeding difficulties, pressure to eat and food choosiness\n2\n.\n\n\nAdditionally, studies on children between the ages of one and five revealed that unrealistic expectations from parents cause unnecessary concern, while threats or punishments may cause a child\u2019s refusal to eat\n3\n. What this means is that setting overly high standards on your child\u2019s diet might fuel their dislike towards a certain food or limit them from experiencing other cuisines.\n\n\nAlso, many parents give in to their child\u2019s food desires or stick with what they are used to eating \u2013 this may be an \neasier way to get your child to eat, but it can leave their taste buds stuck to the same flavours, leading them to refuse trying anything new.\n\n\n In addition to that, your child may not get adequate nutrition especially if they only consume from specific food groups. In fact, they may suffer from short-term or long-term nutrient deficiencies in cases where the child is extremely selective\n4\n.\n\n\nSo, how does picky eating affect your child\u2019s growth?\n\n\nWhen your child pushes away their veggies or turns away new foods, giving in to what they want to eat is a simpler option.\n\n\n However, studies have shown that picky eating leads to a higher risk of being underweight, poor growth or even, lead them to becoming overweight \u2013 this could be driven by poor diet variety, especially the rejection of vegetables, which are crucial as a nutritional source for vitamins and minerals\n5\n.\u00a0\n\n\nFor example, a child who does not eat enough vegetables may result in lack of dietary fibre which is linked to constipation in picky eaters\n6\n\u00a0 \u2013 a much more serious consequence of poor vegetable intake puts them at greater risk of developing heart disease or even, bowel cancer in their later stages of life\n7\n.\n\n\nMoreover, lack of such food groups or an overall, balanced diet could result in nutrient deficiency which means your child may not be getting enough vitamins, minerals or fibre. Fruits and vegetables are also a good source of Vitamin C, which the body needs to fight infection, heal wounds and absorb iron\n8\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to that, it was found that other issues such as fear of unfamiliar places, poor physical activity, constipation and medical illnesses were more prevalent in picky eating children, according to data provided on children aged between two and four in Taiwan\n9\n.\n\n\nThis could be attributed to the fact that they lack exposure to diet varieties where they may not be open to new experiences, while medical issues can stem from them not getting enough nutritional content because they are so adamant on specific foods.\u00a0\n\n\nIn brief, picky eating hampers their bodies from getting balanced nutrition that is crucial to their overall growth and development.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nNevertheless, it has been stated that with early identification and intervention of picky eating in children, as well growth surveillance is a way that you can possibly curb these issues\n10\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBut if you have already discovered your child is a picky eater, it\u2019s best to change their eating habits within their early years. As we mentioned, lack of variety in your child\u2019s diet can lead to a distortion of nutrient intakes.\n\n\n In fact, studies have found that there is a link between picky eating and growth as there was a prevalence of thinness in picky eaters\n11\n. So, it\u2019s best to act and intervene early when you notice your child\u2019s picky eating habits!\u00a0\n\n\nSo, here are some three quick tips on how you can curb picky eating for your child to get those nutrients in\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nInvolve your child in grocery shopping & meal planning:\n Getting your child to the grocery shop with you allows them to engage with the food products and gets them excited to eat. You can explain items on the list as a fun, delicious food and narrate them in a desirable way. \nFollowing that, allowing them to plan their own meals is also a great way to curb a picky eater \u2013 however, make sure you tell them they can only pick a meal from the food items you put in front of them. This also allows them to be creative!\n\n\nKeep mealtimes intimate: \nAs tempting as it may be to put a screen in front of them during mealtimes, try taking away the distractions. Turn off the television, put away your phone and engage with your child during meal times. Have a conversation or eat the same meal with him or her \u2013 they are more likely to focus on their food.\n\n\nGet creative: \nChildren love fun and colourful things \u2013 that\u2019s why toys are so popular! So, why not try modelling their food creatively? You can shape the rice into cute, fun animals and plate their fruits or vegetables as a forest area, or into other creative shapes. If you get them to join in, they might be more willing to eat it later too!\n\n\n\n\nBalance, variety and moderation in terms of nutrition are the keys for your child to reach their full growth and development potential, which is why picky eating is met with many issues \u2013 they\u2019re just not getting enough nutrients.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, at times, all efforts to turn your child\u2019s habits in order for them to get the right nutrients in their vulnerable bodies might fail, which is why turning to a nutritional source such as Milnutri Sure might be the right way.\u00a0\n\n\nIntroducing MILNUTRI SURE, the new catch-up growth formula for your child\n\n\n\n\nMilnutri Sure is especially formulated to support your child\u2019s \u2018catch-up growth\u2019 \u2013 it is a formula dietary food that helps provide complete and balanced nutrition for your child.\n\n\nIt is specially formulated with 100% of the Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysia (2017) with selected nutrients*** that contribute to a child\u2019s growth and development. It also contains IcFOS and inulin, which are prebiotics that support a good intestinal environment for your child.\n\n\n This is crucial for your child\u2019s body to be able to absorb nutrients properly and support crucial bodily functions \u2013 the bodily functions include warding off infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as supporting brain health.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, Milnutri Sure also contains these key nutritional components:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLysine:\n This is an essential amino acid that needs to be provided in daily diets of children.\n\n\nCalcium and Vitamin D, Arginine:\n Calcium supports strong bones and teeth, while Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Meanwhile, Arginine is an amino acid required by synthesis of protein.\u00a0\n\n\nHighest DHA 88mg/100g** & OMEGA 3,6,9\n: These are found abundantly in the brain\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo top it off, Milnutri Sure tastes great and has zero sucrose* to encourage healthy eating. \n\u00a0\nWith a balanced diet and Milnutri Sure (an energy-dense formula at 1kcal/ml) as a supplement, you can notice visible growth in 4 weeks\n^#\n!\n\n\nSo, are you ready to give Milnutri Sure a try? \nRequest for a free sample now\n!\n\n\nAnd for more information, check out Milnutri\u00a0 Sure\u2019s \nwebsite\n or \nFacebook page\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n*** Selected nutrients according to age group, based on Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) for Malaysia 2017:\n\n\n1 \u2013 3 years: \u2265 100% RNI for vitamin E, K, B2, C and iodine;\n\n\n4 \u2013 6 years: \u2265 100% RNI for protein, Vitamin E, K, B2, C and iodine; and\n\n\n7 \u2013 9 years: \u2265 100% RNI for vitamin E, K, B2, C and\u00a0 iodine.\n\n\n** Milnutri Sure DHA (88mg/100gm) content is based on other Formula Dietary Food for children aged 1-10 in similar Recommended Consumer Price within range of RM90-110/kg basis as of May 2020.100g.\n\n\n* No sucrose were added during production nor detected in final product.\n\n\n^ \nBody weight improvement of 0.5kg in children aged 3 to 6 years with weight for height z- score between -1 to -3 in 28 days. Reference: Devaera, Yoga, et al. \u201cComparing Compliance and Efficacy of Isocaloric Oral Nutritional Supplementation Using 1.5 kcal/mL or 1 kcal/mL Sip Feeds in Mildly to Moderately Malnourished Indonesian Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial.\u201d\u00a0Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition\u00a021.4 (2018): 315-320.\n\n\n#\nFollow recommended intake per day (2 glasses for 1-3 years old, 3 glasses for 4- 6 years old, 4 glasses for \u2265 7 years old) and used as supplement on top of a normal dietary intake of children.\n\n\nReference\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(2020, May 26). Study: Children May Not Always Grow Out of Being Picky Eaters. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from \nhttps://labblog.uofmhealth.org/rounds/study-children-may-not-always-grow-out-of-being-picky-eaters\n\n\n(n.d.). Picky eating in children: causes and consequences \u2013 PubMed. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30392488/\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). The \u2018picky eater\u2019: The toddler or preschooler who does not eat. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3474391/\n\n\n\u00a0(2018, February 10). What makes kids picky eaters \u2014 and what may help them get over it. Retrieved April 26, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/what-makes-kids-picky-eaters-what-helps-them-get-over-ncna846386\n\n\n\u00a0(2018, July 11). Growth and body composition in children who are picky \u2026 \u2013 Nature. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41430-018-0250-7\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Picky eating in children: causes and consequences \u2013 PubMed. Retrieved April 26, 2021, from \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30392488/\n\n\n(n.d.). Kids Health Information : Nutrition \u2013 school-age to adolescence. Retrieved April 26, 2021, from \nhttps://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Nutrition_older_children/\n\n\n(n.d.). Kids Health Information : Nutrition \u2013 school-age to adolescence. Retrieved April 26, 2021, from \nhttps://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Nutrition_older_children/\n\n\n\u00a0(2018, February 12). Association of Picky Eating with Growth, Nutritional Status \u2026. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5816267/\n\n\n\u00a0(2018, July 11). Growth and body composition in children who are picky \u2026 \u2013 Nature. Retrieved April 2, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41430-018-0250-7\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Growth and body composition in children who are picky eaters: a \u2026. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41430-018-0250-7\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nALSO READ\n: \nDo\u2019s and Don\u2019ts To Raise A Mindful Eater\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dyson-expands-retail-footprint-with-two-new-dyson-demo-stores-in-kuala-lumpur", "title": "Dyson Expands Retail Footprint With Two New Dyson Demo Stores in Kuala Lumpur", "body": "Today, two new Dyson Demo stores open at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and IOI City Mall, Putrajaya\n\nin Malaysia. The immersive Demo spaces form a part of Dyson\u2019s global drive to grow its direct-to-consumer retail ambitions.\n\n\nThe new spaces in Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and IOI City Mall Putrajaya are now a part of a group of ten direct store locations and will be home to Dyson\u2019s full portfolio of key technologies, helping customers discover, explore, and better understand how Dyson technology works.\n\n\n\n\nThe new Dyson Demo stores spotlight the technology inside Dyson\u2019s machines, with demonstration zones and interactive displays to show the designs at work. From exhibiting the effectiveness of Dyson \nvacuum cleaners\n on different floor surfaces with various types of dust and debris, to air quality demonstrations that show live air quality data, and styling stations where shoppers can have their hair styled with the latest Dyson technology, the Demo stores offer owners a seamless hands-on experience.\n\n\nHealthy hair styling and timeline, technology walls\n\n\n\n\nDyson Demo store (Pavilion Kuala Lumpur) has a dedicated space for in-house \nhair care\n, equipped with two styling stations. Dyson Experts are available on-site to provide advice and a personalised styling service using Dyson hair care technology, based on hair type and styling needs.\n\n\nComplimentary in-store styling is also available to all shoppers at the styling stations. Unique to Dyson Demo store (Pavilion Kuala Lumpur) is a timeline wall showcasing the history of Dyson\u2019s problem-solving technologies, marking the milestone successes \u2013 and failures \u2013 along the way. Shoppers are invited to explore Dyson\u2019s story and learn about the inner workings of the machines displayed on walls alongside. Dyson experts on their next visit to the store.\n\n\n\n\nLike its capital counterpart, Dyson Demo store (IOI City Mall, Putrajaya) represents a strategic location to reach out to more Malaysians with more emphasis on healthier space solutions, including floorcare and air purification technologies.\n\n\nAlso exclusive to all Dyson Demo stores, located behind the Personalisation Bar is a first-ever display wall of Dyson\u2019s full range of hair care offerings, including the recently launched Dyson Airwrap multi-styler.\n\n\nDyson Direct Exclusive Offerings\n\n\n\n\nWhen buying direct from Dyson, customers can access exclusive technologies and limited-edition colourways. At the Personalisation Bar, they will also enjoy complimentary case debossing for their Dyson SupersonicTM hair dryer, Dyson AirwrapTM multi-styler and Dyson CorraleTM straightener presentation cases with a selection of colours for the foil initials and gift-wrapping services.\n\n\nFrom 4th to 9th April 2023, Dyson will be hosting an Experiential Event at IOI City Mall Putrajaya (Ground Floor, East Wing), to celebrate the official opening of the new Dyson Demo store. Exclusive deals include a complimentary RM150 instant-rebate voucher (while stocks last) will be available at the event only, so this is an opportunity for new and existing Dyson owners to invest in the latest technologies for their home and wellbeing in mind.\n\n\nDyson Demo\n\n\n\n\nThe new Dyson Demo store (Pavilion Kuala Lumpur) opens officially to the public at 10:00am on 4 April 2022 and is located at Lot 4.17.00, Level 4, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, 168, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.\n\n\nThe new Dyson Demo store (IOI City Mall, Putrajaya) open officially to the public at 10:00am on 4 April 2022 and is located at No. L1-232, First Floor, 101 City Mall 2, Lebuh IRC, IOI Resort City, 62502 Putrajaya, Sepang Selangor, Malaysia.\n\n\nIt will be open daily from 10:00 \u2013 22:00.\n\n\nThe health and well-being of our people, shoppers and any person visiting our stores is paramount. We have introduced several measures to make the shopping experience as hygienic and safe as possible. They include:\n\no Alcohol-based hand sanitiser or hand wipes are readily available on plinths around the store.\n\no Dyson experts routinely wipe down each machine on display, before and after demonstrations.\n\no All surfaces that are frequently touched, such as plinths, door handles, and handrails are cleaned at least daily.\n\n\nRisks assessments have been conducted in each location and Dyson Experts have been trained on the various hygiene measures we have in place.\n\n\n\n\nDyson\u2019s portfolio of key technologies will be on display:\n\n\n\n\nDyson Airwrap multi-styler:\n Dyson\u2019s best-performing and most-efficient Airwrap is a fully customisable styling tool to deliver a range of styles for different hair types, without extreme heat. Its next generation styling barrels featuring a rotating cool tip, make achieving curls and waves faster and easier \u2013 with no heat damage. Re-engineered brush attachments deliver precision shaping with enhanced Coanda performance, alongside an all-new dual-purpose Coanda smoothing dryer. Combining two attachments in one, the Coanda smoothing dryer hides flyaways in a single pass and transforms into a powerful dryer with the flick of a switch.\n\n\nDyson CorraleTM straightener:\n The only straightener to use flexing plates that shape to gather hair, this extra control enables styling with less heat and damage. It incorporates an intelligent sensor system to regulate and adjust the temperature of its plates 100 times per second, ensuring constant power and heat for enhanced styling.\n\n\nDyson V12 DetectTM:\n A new generation of cord-free vacuum cleaners which features a precisely angled laser beam that reveals hidden dust, while an acoustic piezo sensor measures and records the dust and debris that has been sucked up displaying the data on a screen in real-time. People will be able to see the Singapore-made Dyson HyperdymiumTM motor and five-layers of filtration close-up and try the machine on four different floor surfaces with a variety of dust and debris.\n\n\nDyson Purifier CoolTM Formaldehyde air purifier:\n Latest generation of purification machines with new solid-state formaldehyde sensing technology, designed to capture ultrafine dust and allergens, even destroying potentially dangerous VOCs including formaldehyde. Dyson experts are on hand to explain the way in Dyson\u2019s air purifier technology sense, captures and projects clean air for home air treatment.\n\n\n\n\nDYSON.COM\n\n\nNo matter where you are in the world, you can experience the science and engineering behind Dyson\u2019s technologies by coming to Dyson directly at Dyson.my. Bringing the experience of physical retail to shoppers in their own homes, Dyson experts are available for live video demonstration of exclusive Dyson machines.\n\n\nWhether it be cleaning demos, air purification guidance or styling tips, owners can get support directly from Dyson Experts. Live chat functionality also allows people to ask questions to ensure they get the right Dyson for their home environment, with free next-day delivery once the decision is made. Dyson\u2019s Direct channels offer exclusive technology and the opportunity to personalise both the tool itself and its accompanying accessories.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\u00a0website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Travelling Makes Kids More Resilient\nTip keibubapaan\n7 Strategi Bijak Yang Boleh Dilakukan Oleh Ibu Supaya Anak Mengambil Suplemen Kesihatan!\nPertandingan & promosi\nTesco Malaysia Lancar Program 'Kembali Teguh' Bagi Membantu Murid-Murid Kembali Ke Sekolah\nKesihatan\nPrebiotics, an answer to your child\u2019s constipation woes!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kuala-lumpur-mooncake-guide", "title": "The Ultimate Kuala Lumpur Mooncake Guide", "body": "The Mid-Autumn Festival is upon us again, which means shopping for mooncakes, from timeless classics like baked lotus paste mooncakes to snow-skin mooncakes and everything in between!\n\n\nHere are our top picks of the most unique mooncakes around the Klang Valley, including selections from Pavilion KL\u2019s Moonlit Mid Autumn Mooncake Bazaar, the biggest selection of mooncakes at one location in Bukit Bintang, as well as the unique offerings at Intermark Mall and Da Men USJ!\n\n\nPavilion KL\u2019s Moonlit Mid Autumn Mooncake Bazaar Highlights!\n\n\nEnchanting Pavilion\n\n\n\n\nPavilion Hotel\u2019s Moonlight Garden Mooncake Collection\n\n\n\n\nAdorn your home with a stunning Jade Pavilion rechargeable lantern that accompanies \nPavilion Hotel\n\u2019s Moonlight Garden Mooncake Collection.\n\n\n Each artfully crafted lantern contains four pieces of traditionally baked mooncakes \u2013 choose from their classic flavours of Lotus, White Lotus and Red Bean, as well as favourites such as Pandan, Yam and Sweet Corn. Illuminate your Mid-Autumn celebration with this perfect gift for family and friends.\u00a0\n\n\nTo the Moon!\n\n\n\n\nA Thousand Words by The Fame\u2019s Limited Edition Celestial Lab Mooncake Gift Set\n\n\n\n\nLooking for an out-of-this-world gift this Mid-Autumn? Check out \nA Thousand Words by The Fame\u2019s (ATW by The Fame)\n Limited Edition Celestial Lab Mooncake Gift Set featuring four delicious mooncakes inspired by the moon. \n\n\nCheck out their unique Dragonfruit and Cranberry, Red Bean\u200b Matcha, Lava Black Sesame, and Lava Tiramisu mooncakes that incorporate the latest AR technology and immersive packaging design to bring you a highly experiential treat!\u00a0\n\n\nChocolate Surprise\n\n\n\n\nAwfully Chocolate\u2019s Classic Baked Mooncakes and Chocolate Truffle Mooncakes\n\n\n\n\nChocolate lovers have to taste \nAwfully Chocolate\n\u2019s specialty Chocolate Mooncakes! Try their signature Original Chocolate Mooncake with an all-chocolate mooncake filled with rich dark chocolate lotus with a divine dark chocolate filling. Other flavours include Tiramisu Mooncake, Hazelnut Custard Double Yolk, and Chocolate Brownie Sea Salt Caramel.\u00a0\n\n\nAwfully Chocolate is also bringing back its\u00a0 Chocolate Truffle Mooncakes, and they\u2019re bigger and better! Coming in a larger size, the specially curated collection comes in Dark Chocolate Passion Fruit, Cookies and Cream Dark Milk, Chocolate Hazelnut Feuilletine and Caramel Creme Brulee.\u00a0\n\n\nDurian Delight\n\n\n\n\nDurian mooncake set by First Class Durian\n\n\n\n\nAttention, durian lovers! Looking for a mooncake that will not only mark the Mid-Autumn festivities but also fulfil all your durian cravings? \n\n\nLook no further than \nFirst Class Durian\n\u2019s durian mooncake sets featuring snow skin mooncakes with Musang King, Black Thorn, Pandan Musang King and Chocolate Musang King fillings.\u00a0\n\n\nSo Macha Love\n\n\n\n\nEQ\u2019s handcrafted Nerikiri Wagashi mooncakes\n\n\n\n\nTry \nEQ Hotel\n\u2019s Japanese-inspired handcrafted Nerikiri Wagashi mooncakes available in Citrus Adzuki, Matcha Pistachio, and Yuzu Passion Fruit flavours.\n\n\n These delicate round mooncakes are beautifully decorated with characters reflecting the Mid-Autumn Festival, including white rabbits and lanterns and Chinese symbols representing luck and longevity. Do make sure to order these mooncakes early as order slots are limited.\u00a0\n\n\nA Taste of Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nMizicor Malaysia mooncakes\n\n\n\n\nEnveloped in soft Japanese Mochi, \nMizicor\n offers a host of unique flavours inspired by Malaysian and international flavours. \nPartner Stories\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nHome\nIt\u2019s Crucial Now To Keep Your House Virus Free! Here Are 5 Sanitation Solutions For You\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nMoney Parenting\nHappiness And Success: Finding The Right Balance Between Hard Work And Enjoying Life\n\n\nMizicor\u2019s Mooncake flavours include Cempedak, Berry Strawberry, Mango Passion, Uji Matcha, Musang King, and Belgium Chocolate. Best of all, these mooncakes have no added sugars and are preservative-free!\u00a0\n\n\nTravel The World\n\n\n\n\n(From left) Le Meridien\u2019s Destination Inspired Mooncakes and the Trieste Mooncake\n\n\n\n\nTake a trip around the world when you bite into \nLe Meridien Kuala Lumpur\n\u2019s innovative destination-inspired snow skin mooncakes! \n\n\nTravel to Trieste and taste a delectable espresso illy coffee and cashew nuts mooncake; Kyoto features a genuine Japanese matcha tea with lychee mooncake; Brussels stars a show-stopping dark Belgian chocolate mooncake with dehydrated raspberries; and Melaka features a blue pea flower, yuzu and cranberries.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, if you\u2019re looking for a hit of alcohol, try Shanghai for lychee infused with Peddlers Shanghai crafted gin mooncake; New York City for Le Meridien\u2019s take on a Manhattan Cocktail in the form of a mooncake; or perhaps try Vera Cruz for Kahlua Coffee Liqueur, vodka and illy Espresso Martini.\n\n\nSweet and Savoury\n\n\n\n\nGrand Imperial\u2019s Snow Skin Custard and Chicken Floss mooncake\n\n\n\n\nIn collaboration with renowned dried meat brand Oloiya, \nGrand Imperial\n handcrafted a unique Snow Skin Custard and Chicken Floss Mooncake that achieves the perfect balance of sweet and savoury enveloped in a stunning pale blue snow skin. This mooncake promises a burst of flavours and textures that will invigorate the senses.\u00a0\n\n\nMajestic Flavours\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCasahana\u2019s Royal Osmanthus Mooncake and Thousand Miles Mooncake Gift Box\n\n\n\n\nIndulge in a variety of mooncakes in stunning gift packaging at \nCasahana\n. Notable flavours include German Black Forest, Coffee Lotus, Mocha Lava, Matcha Red Bean Omochi, Musang King Lava and Royal Osmanthus.\n\n\nAward-Winning Delicacies\n\n\n\n\nOriental Restaurant\u2019s Shanghai Style and Single Egg Yolk & Yam Paste in Teochew Style Mooncake\n\n\n\n\nSometimes old school is best! For a taste of traditional Chinese-style mooncakes, check out \nOriental Restaurant\n\u2019s award-winning Shanghai Style Mooncake and Single Egg Yolk and Yam Paste in Teochew Style Mooncake. \n\n\nOther chef-recommended mooncakes include the Creamy Lava Traditional Mooncake and Single Egg Yolk and White Lotus Paste Traditional Mooncake.\u00a0\n\n\nLocation:\n Ground Floor, Intermark Mall\n\n\nTimeless Classics\n\n\n\n\nGrand Harbour\u2019s VIP Premium Box\n\n\n\n\nOn top of stocking the classic baked mooncake flavours like White Lotus Paste and Red Bean Paste, \nGrand Harbour\n has a series of Snow Skin Mooncakes that are filled with high-quality ingredients with flavours ranging from White Lotus, Yam Paste and Red Bean.\u00a0\n\n\nLocation: \nLevel 4, Da Men USJ; Level 5, Pavilion Bukit Jalil; Lower Ground Two, Fahrenheit 88\n\n\nAim for the Stars\n\n\n\n\n(from left) Starbucks\u2019 Caramel Macchiato Mooncake and Matcha Adzuki Mooncake\n\n\n\n\nCraving mooncakes with a \nStarbucks\n twist? Inspired by its signature beverages, Starbucks\u2019 mooncake flavours include Caramel Macchiato, a coffee lotus mooncake with soft caramel lava; Matcha Adzuki, a green tea lotus mooncake with adzuki (red bean) lava; Chocolate Hazelnut Praline, a chocolate lotus mooncake with hazelnut lava; and Golden Lotus Salted Egg, a classic lotus mooncake with an indulgent salted egg lava filling.\u00a0\n\n\nLocation: \nLevel 3 / Level 6, Pavilion KL; Ground Floor, Intermark Mall; Ground Floor, Da Men USJ; Level 3 Pavilion Bukit Jalil\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/effective-cough-remedy", "title": "A Natural And Effective Cough Remedy - Steamed Orange With Salt", "body": "Like most of you, we find ourselves at home and want to make sure the health of ourselves and our family is not compromised during these times. As many of you know, we\u2019ve been proponents of natural herbs, ingredients and DIYs for a long time now, and today is no different.\u00a0\n\n\nWe\u2019d like to take our love for simple powerful ingredients and DIY \u2013 to the next level! At this level, we turn what\u2019s available in our homes that\u2019s natural and safe into remedies, concoctions and tonics that really help you with common ailments like the cough, flu, constipation, as well as help to boost immunity.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: freepik.com\n\n\n\n\nBecause although antibiotics could be used as a fast cure option, there\u2019s more damage than good done in the long term. Today, we\u2019ll be sharing with you our Co-Founder Stephanie\u2019s very own effective cough remedy \u2013 Steamed Orange With Salt.\n\n\nIt\u2019s proven to work like a charm\u00a0 \u2013 putting her and her family to sleep through the night, where they wake up feeling less congested (the citrus worked like an expectorant), their throats eased up and within 2-3 days they were back to good shape. The best thing is arguably the taste \u2013 for both parents and the kids.\u00a0\n\n\nSo what are some common ailments & health-related concerns you have now? Is it immunity? Or an eternally running cold? Instead of quick-fixing them, how about looking at the natural route to see if there is a safe alternative for you \u2013 that\u2019s currently sitting in your kitchen.\n\n\n\n\nEffective Cough Remedy Using Home-Based Ingredients\n\n\nNow that we\u2019re all home anyway, let\u2019s give it a try with this Steamed Orange. It\u2019s pretty easy, here are the steps and ingredients needed.\n\n\nRecipe: Steamed Orange With Salt\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 orange per person\n\n\nHimalayan salt\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nSoak the orange in salt water for 20 minutes.\n\n\nSlice the top of the orange (about 2 cm from the top) to resemble a cap or cover.\n\n\nPoke a fork through to make multiple holes in the top of the orange.\n\n\nSprinkle about \u00bd to 1 teaspoon of salt over and allow it to dissolve and seep into the orange.\n\n\nCover the orange with its top. Put the orange into an empty bowl.\n\n\nPlace it in a steamer for 15 to 20 minutes.\n\n\nServe warm \u2013 peel the orange (the skin will come off easily), eat the flesh and drink the juice that collects in the bowl.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: freepik.com\n\n\n\n\nWho would have known that a juicy vitamin-C filled orange could actually turn into something that helps with cough right? We have a ton other remedies that you can whip up straight from the comforts of your kitchen and home.\n\n\nSo if you\u2019d like to find out more remedies you can easily whip up \u2013 for immunity,\u00a0 fevers, the flu, constipation, etc. check out\u00a0\nNatural Home Pharmacy\n\u00a0\u2013 it\u2019s an online program created by leading Naturopath Amanda Teh that\u2019s got 30 simple videos that shares 30 remedies for you to put together \u2013 to transform your health in a safe and natural way.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/post-partum-urinary-tract-infection-uti-in-new-mothers", "title": "Post partum Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in new mothers", "body": "\n\nAfter having a baby, one of the last things you want is to get post partum UTI\n\n\n\n\nAs a woman, you might have suffered from a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) before and may recall that it definitely was not fun.\n\n\nA UTI\u00a0occurs when there is a significant number of bacteria present in your\u00a0urinary tract.\n\n\nIn Singapore,\u00a0\n20% of women\n aged between 20 \u2013 65 years suffer at least one attack per year and around\u00a050% of women will experience UTI at least once in their lives.\n\n\ntheAsianparent spoke to Dr Sam Peh Oon Hui, a\u00a0Urologist from the\u00a0\nPanAsia Surgery Group\n for more information about post partum UTI and what new mothers can do to avoid it:\n\n\n1. What are the causes of post partum UTI?\n\n\nThe incidence of post partum UTI is about 2.8% overall including caesarean\u00a0sections and normal vaginal deliveries.\n\n\nIt is higher after \ncaesarean section\n\u00a0possibly due to catheterization.\n\n\nUse of sanitary\u00a0pads\u00a0post partum also may\u00a0contribute the higher incidence of UTI.\n\n\n2. Why UTI is the most common type of infection which plaques women?\n\n\nWomen are at an anatomical disadvantage due to the short urethra which\u00a0enables bacteria to gain access to the bladder more easily.\n\n\nThe perineum is\u00a0always populated by gut bacteria and it proximity to the vagina and\u00a0therefore the urethra further contributes to the high incidence of UTI in\u00a0women.\n\n\n3. Why is UTI the most common type of infection post partum women faces?\n\n\nWomen who had caesarean usually have a \nurinary catheter\n inserted and this\u00a0increases the risk of infection.\n\n\nPost partum women also have pads put on\u00a0and these also increase the risk of UTI.\n\n\n\n\nChange your sanitary pads often to avoid getting a UTI\n\n\n\n\n4. What are some tips and tricks new mothers should adopt to avoid contracting UTI?\n\n\nThe urinary catheter, if present, should be removed as early as possible.\n\n\nSanitary pads (if required) should be changed regularly.\n\n\nFinally, early mobilization will reduce the risk of\u00a0UTI.\n\n\nMore tips\n on how to prevent UTI include:\n\n\n\n\nAfter going to the toilet, always wipe from front to back\n\n\nAvoid vaginal deodorants, vaginal douching agents and bubble baths\n\n\nPractice good personal hygiene (especially before and after sexual intercourse)\n\n\nEmpty your bladder fully\n\n\nDrink lots of water\n\n\n\n\n5. What is the recurrence rate in post partum women?\n\n\nThe recurrence rate is the same as the rest of the population unless the\u00a0women have an underlying problem.\n\n\n6. What are the signs and symptoms?\n\n\nPainful urination, urinary frequency, urgency, blood in the urine and fever\u00a0are the symptoms of UTI.\n\n\nOther symptoms\n include:\n\n\n\n\nAny pain in your back or lower abdomen\n\n\nCloudy or dark urine that has a strange smell\n\n\nFeeling tired or shaky\n\n\nFever or chills (this is only if the UTI has already\u00a0reached your\u00a0kidneys)\n\n\n\n\n7. What are the health complications that can arise from having UTI?\n\n\nMost of the time UTI have no long term health complications.\n\n\nQuite often\u00a0UTI causes undue stress to the women who suffer from it, more so if it is a\u00a0recurrent UTI.\n\n\nIn individuals whose immune system is compromised for\u00a0example poorly controlled \ndiabetics\n or patients on chemotherapy it may\u00a0lead to severe infections where the bacterial goes into the blood \u2014 this then\u00a0becomes a life threatening situation.\n\n\n\n\nEating dried cranberries, or craisins, can help prevent UTI\n\n\n\n\n8. What are some natural ways to prevent this?\n\n\nThere are a few things women can do to reduce the incidence of UTI. One of\u00a0the ways is to \nconsume cranberries\n on a daily basis.\n\n\nThe general guideline is\u00a0to drink half a cup of pure cranberry juice with high concentration of\u00a0cranberries or a quarter cup of dried cranberries (craisins).\n\n\nCranberries are\u00a0an exceptional fruit that provide one-of- a-kind \nhealth benefits\n as it contains\u00a0a unique combination of compounds including Type-A PACs (or\u00a0proanthocyanidins), that prevent bacteria from sticking and causing\u00a0infection.\n\n\nNew studies also discovered a class of compounds, xyloglucan\u00a0oligosaccharides, which have similar anti-bacterial properties against E. coli\u00a0as PACs which are also found within cranberries.\n\n\nThis means there are\u00a0multiple, unique elements within cranberries which will rejuvenate the body\u00a0from within.\n\n\nTake care of yourself\n\n\nYou may have your hands full taking care of your new little bundle of joy, but it is also important that you take good care of yourself.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\n\n\nShould you be feeling any pain or suspect that you may have post partum UTI, it is recommended that you\u00a0seek immediate medical help to get the treatment you require.\n\n\nAlthough UTI is a common occurrence in women, you should always watch out for the signs and symptoms and\u00a0get\u00a0appropriate medical treatment to prevent any possible complications down the road.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHave you ever suffered from a UTI?\u00a0 Share your story with us below\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/is-my-babys-weight-normal-a-guide-to-newborn-weight-loss-and-gain", "title": "\"Is my baby's weight normal?\": A guide to newborn weight loss and gain", "body": "When your baby is still in your womb, you wait for your ultrasound scan days so you can find out just how well your baby is doing.\n\n\nBut after you give birth, your full attention is now on his weight and which percentile he is in, as markers of his good health and wellbeing.\n\n\nIt\u2019s all too easy to fret about your baby\u2019s weight \u2014 including loss of it and not gaining enough (in your eyes).\n\n\nHowever, by familiarising yourself with the information presented in this article* about newborn baby weight gain and loss, you can spare yourself of this worry \u2014 and also know when worry is warranted.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s normal for newborn babies to lose some weight initially\n\n\n\n\nBaby weight: loss and gain\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s weight at birth\n\n\nGenetics as well as your health and nutrition during pregnancy will determine your baby\u2019s birth weight.\n\n\nAccording to the Health Promotion Board of Singapore (HPB), the average Singaporean baby (at 40 weeks) weighs 3.2kg, with most healthy newborns weighing anywhere between 2.5 to 4.5kg.\n\n\nHowever, it\u2019s not how much your baby weighs at birth that\u2019s important \u2014 it\u2019s the rate of his weight gain and growth pattern over the next few months that is.\n\n\nThe first 14 days\n\n\nAll babies will lose a few ounces from their birth weight within the first few days after birth.\n\n\nAccording to the American Academy of Pediatrics, \u201ca\u00a05% weight loss is considered normal for a formula-fed newborn and a 7-10% loss is considered normal for breastfed babies.\u201d This is reiterated by the Australian Breastfeeding Association who say\u00a0a maximum weight loss of 7-10% is considered normal in breastfed babies.\n\n\nIn fact, \naccording to a study\n published in\u00a0\nPediatrics,\u00a0\nexclusively breastfed newborns (in the study cohort) lost as much 10% or more of their birth weight in the first few days post-birth.\n\n\nThe same study noticed a slight difference in weight loss among vaginally- and C-section-born babies \u2014 with 5% of the former losing at least 10% of their birth weight and 10% of the latter losing the same amount of weight.\n\n\nThis immediate weight loss in your newborn is generally no cause for concern, because babies are born with extra weight to sustain them until you get breastfeeding going.\n\n\nDr. Jennifer Shu, paediatrician and co-author of\u00a0\nHeading Home With Your Newborn\n, \nalso\u00a0reassures new mums by pointing out that the \ncolostrum\n your breasts produce immediately after delivery, has everything your baby needs at this point.\n\n\nTwo to five days after birth, your breastmilk should come in. Following this, you should notice a gradual climb in your baby\u2019s weight \u2014 and he should re-gain his birth weight when he\u2019s around 14 days old.\n\n\nDuring this time, neonatal experts say you should document a weight gain in your baby of at least half an ounce a day.\n\n\n\n\nA baby weight and height chart will help you monitor your baby\u2019s growth.\n\n\n\n\nMaking sense of your baby\u2019s growth chart\n\n\nFrom the day your baby is born,\n his weight\n will be assessed and recorded in a weight-for-age growth chart. The most common chart (and the one that is used in Singapore) is a percentile chart, based on World Health Organisation growth standards.\n\n\nImportantly, the World Health Organization growth standards are based on healthy, exclusively breastfed babies from six countries across five continents, and can be used whether your baby is breastfed or formula-fed.\n\n\nThey more accurately show how a healthy baby should grow in comparison to older versions based on information gathered from only formula-fed infants.\n\n\nYou can find the World Health Organization child growth standards percentile charts and tables here:\n\n\n\n\nCharts:\u00a0\ngirls\n; \nboys\n\n\nTables:\n\u00a0\ngirls\n; \nboys\n\n\n\n\nChildren will grow along their own \u2018curve\u2019, and as long as your baby follows his curve consistently, there is no cause for concern. For example,\u00a0a baby who is in the 5th percentile and has always been in the 5th percentile is less of a concern than a baby in the 50th percentile who suddenly starts to drop.\n\n\n\u201cIf we see an infant falling significantly on the chart, say from the 60th to the 10th, we\u2019ll have the baby come in for more frequent weight checks and try to feed her more,\u201d says Dr. Shu. \u201cIf she\u2019s eating well but still not gaining, we\u2019ll run tests to rule out an underlying cause, like a food allergy.\u201d\n\n\nNewborn weight: Keep these points in mind\n\n\nBreastfed babies vs. formula-fed babies\n\n\nBabies on formula will have much less trouble gaining weight than breastfed babies. In fact, formula-fed babies may even gain too much weight because formula is more concentrated than breastmilk and often, parents want their baby to finish the whole bottle.\n\n\nDr Jack Newman, who is an internationally reputed\u00a0breastfeeding expert and paediatrician, says that too much weight gain is less of a concern for breastfed babies.\n\n\nThis is because breastfeeding babies stop when they\u2019re done (rather than when the bottle is empty) and therefore, are able to self-regulate the amount of milk they drink.\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\n\u201cI wouldn\u2019t worry about rapid growth in a breastfed baby who is content and healthy,\u201d says Dr Newman.\n\n\n\n\nHow full or dry your infant\u2019s diaper is, is a good indication of if he\u2019s getting enough to eat or not.\n\n\n\n\nMonitor those early diapers\n\n\nIn the first three days post-birth, your little one will pass dark stools, or meconium. By day three or four, his stools should be soft and yellow (if breastfed) or darker and firmer (formula-fed).\n\n\nIf your baby\u2019s stools are not changing in this manner, then experts advise that he may not be getting enough milk.\n\n\nAnother indication that he may not be getting enough milk is if he is not producing enough wet diapers a day. In general, a newborn baby aged two days old will have two to three wet diapers a day. But this should ideally increase to six to eight by the time he is a week old.\n\n\nIf you feel your baby isn\u2019t producing enough wet diapers, or you notice something odd with his stools, please contact your paediatrician without delay.\n\n\nAverage weight gain in the first year\n\n\nWhile the general understanding is that a baby should gain, on average, between 140 to 201 grams (five to 7 1/2 ounces) per week, in the first three months, Dr. Newman advises parents not to get too obsessed with monitoring these averages.\n\n\nInstead, Dr. Newman suggests you should keep in mind that:\n\n\n\u201cA baby who is following the 95th percentile on the growth chart will be gaining significantly more.\n\n\nA baby following the third percentile gains significantly less than that. That\u2019s one reason growth curves are a better way to judge how the baby is growing.\u201d\n\n\nKeep in mind that between three and six months of age, your baby\u2019s average rate of growth will slow down to between 105 and 147 grams per week. And between six and 12 months, it further slows down to\u00a070 to 91 grams per week.\n\n\nIn general, babies will double their birth weight by around five months, and triple it by a year.\n\n\n\n\nIf your baby is not latching on properly, this could interfere with his weight gain.\n\n\n\n\nWhen your baby is not gaining enough weight\n\n\nThere may be several reasons for inadequate weight gain** in an infant (or failure to thrive), including the following:\n\n\n1. Your baby is not latching on properly\n\n\nIt may look simple enough, but helping your baby to latch on properly takes practice for both mummy and baby. If you think your baby is not getting enough breastmilk, Dr Newman says the first step is to improve your little one\u2019s latch.\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s important that the mother know when the baby is getting milk rather than just \u2018nibbling\u2019 at the breast. When the baby is not drinking much, using compression can help,\u201d he advises.\n\n\nBreast compression means squeezing your breast while the baby is sucking, but not drinking. It\u2019s like hand-expressing milk into the baby\u2019s mouth.\n\n\nIf you are struggling with getting your baby to latch on, please consult your paediatrician, or a lactation consultant/nurse without delay, as they can guide you with the correct techniques.\n\n\n\n\nTongue tie. Image from \nLLLI/Pinterest\n\n\n\n\n2. Your baby may have tongue tie\n\n\nSome babies have tongue tie, meaning the lingual frenulum \u2014 the piece of skin that attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth \u2014 is too thick or too short. This interferes with the movement of the tongue, making it hard for baby to breastfeed.\n\n\nA clue to watch out for that may indicate he has this condition is if the tip of his tongue curls under when he cries with his mouth open.\n\n\nIf you suspect your baby has tongue-tie, mention this to your paediatrician or lactation consultant, who can check. The remedy for this condition is a quick clipping of the frenulum by a doctor.\n\n\nTongue-tie is more of a problem for breastfed babies rather than bottle-fed ones, as the latter use their tongue less to get milk from the bottle.\n\n\n\n\nIs your baby too sleepy to nurse?\n\n\n\n\n3. Your baby is not nursing often enough\n\n\nNewborns should be nursing around every two and a half hours, or, according to \nLa Leche League International\n\u00a0(LLLI), about eight to 12 times in 24 hours.\n\n\nDr. Shu says that some little ones can tend to be really sleepy, and therefore, forego some feeds. But at this stage, the need to be feeding him at regular interval overtakes your need for a nice, long stretch of sleep \u2014 at least until your paediatrician says you can reduce the frequency of feeding.\n\n\nWhen your little one doesn\u2019t nurse frequently especially at the initial stages, your body doesn\u2019t get enough stimulation to make more milk, meaning your baby may not be getting enough nourishment. This in turn can make him too tired to nurse.\n\n\nIf you find your baby is drifting off at your breast, do your best to rouse your little sleepy head by rubbing his feet or stroking his cheek. If these methods fail, take him off the breast to wake him up, then re-latch, \nsuggest\n lactation experts.\n\n\n\n\nPrevent supply issues from occurring by making you you get plenty of breastfeeding support at the outset\n\n\n\n\n4. You have supply issues\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s difficult to tell if your baby is getting enough breastmilk, as long as he is producing the recommended amount of wet diapers and pooing frequently, you\u2019re doing a great job.\n\n\nHowever, to keep up your supply you don\u2019t just need your baby to latch-on frequently \u2014 you also need loads of support.\n\n\nMost often, supply issues develop when new mums don\u2019t have enough support initially, which can have a negative impact on establishing their full supply.\n\n\nTalk to a lactation consultant, other breastfeeding mothers or a doctor early on, and frequently.\n\n\n\n\nAlways mix your baby\u2019s formula following instructions precisely.\n\n\n\n\n5. You aren\u2019t mixing formula properly\n\n\nDr Shu explains that some parents add extra water to formula to save money or because they think formula is constipating their baby.\n\n\nStick to the correct measurements \u2014 too much water and not enough nutrients can be fatal to a newborn, if, for whatever reasons, you are giving him formula and not breastmilk***.\n\n\nParents, we hope you found this information useful. Remember not to compare your baby and his size or weight to that of other babies.\n\n\nEach little one is unique and will gain weight at a different rate.\n\n\n*Please keep in mind that this is a general guide. You should be discussing any matters related to your baby\u2019s health with a medical specialist.\u00a0\n\n\n**\nSeek medical help without delay if your infant\u2019s weight gain has slowed or stopped.\u00a0\n\n\n***\nMedical professionals around the world recommend that breastmilk is the best source of nourishment for a newborn baby. They advise at least six months of exclusive breastfeeding.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences\n\n\nAmerican Pregnancy Association\n\n\nLa Leche League International\n\n\nAustralian Breastfeeding Association\n\n\nParents\n\n\nMedscape\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/austism-spectrum-disorder", "title": "Myth Busters - Autism Spectrum Disorder", "body": "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that has been attracting more and more attention in recent years. This spectrum is characterised by deficits in two major areas. Firstly, social communication, and secondly, restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour and interests. Even with the abundance of information available on this complex spectrum, it can still be a confusing matter for families, educators and caregivers.\n\n\nAs the title suggests, ASD is a\u00a0\nspectrum disorder\n\u00a0whereby there is great variance in abilities and characteristics of individuals across the spectrum. It is said that if you have seen 10 children with autism, you have seen 10 different cases of autism. No two cases are alike.\n\n\n\n\nCommon Misconceptions About People with Autism\n\n\n1.\u00a0People with ASD do not like to socialise with others\n\n\nIndividuals with autism tend to exhibit difficulties with social skills, for example the inability to make or sustain eye contact. Sometimes, their lack of social skills may make them appear shy or even unfriendly, however, it is more likely anxiety and the inability to communicate their desire to connect that is causing their behaviour. For many, socialisation and attempts to socialise needs to be broken down into simple concrete steps and requires the support from family and teachers in a step by step manner.\n\n\n2.\u00a0People with ASD do not have speech\n\n\nOne of the common red flags of ASD is a lack or delay of speech in children. However, with early intervention and regular speech therapy, many individuals with ASD progress to have fluent age-appropriate speech. Others can learn to use different modes of communication such as gestures or pictures, for example \u201cPicture Exchange Communication System\u201d or PECS.\n\n\n3.\u00a0ASD only affects children\n\n\nTo fulfil the criteria for an ASD diagnosis, symptoms must be present from the early developmental stages, so in many cases, ASD is diagnosed in childhood. Children diagnosed with ASD will grow up to become teenagers and then adults with ASD. However, milder forms of ASD may not be diagnosed until later in life when social demands begin to exceed abilities. It is important to note that the presentation of symptoms will manifest differently as individuals progress through different stages of life \u2013 hence the importance of tailoring support for different age groups.\n\n\n4.\u00a0ASD is caused by vaccination\n\n\nThere is no specific cause of ASD, or rather, no one factor has been identified as the cause of ASD. Current research highlights that some of the risk factors for ASD are both genetic and environmental factors. Genetically, research has shown that autism tends to run in families. Some environmental factors include parental age and pregnancy or birth complications.\n\n\n5.\u00a0Autism can be cured\n\n\nThere is no known cure for ASD, however, children with ASD can benefit from structured early intervention including speech and occupational therapy, with intervention tailored to the individual needs of the child. This can lead to a reduction in symptoms and the severity of symptoms.\n\n\n6.\u00a0ASD only affects boys\n\n\nASD does seem to be more prevalent in boys than girls, with the ratio of about 4:1. There is no exact reason for this difference however it is believed that autism is harder to detect in girls due to behavioural differences in the two genders at the early stages of life. As a result, studies have shown that girls with ASD tend to be diagnosed later in life when different life challenges arise.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/start-eating-healthy-2017", "title": "How To Start Eating Healthy This Year", "body": "The New Year is a great time for making new resolutions to live a healthier lifestyle or even to start eating healthy. But this year, with Chinese New Year coming so fast after the end of year festivities, it may feel like we\u2019re just going from indulging in Christmas treats to feast on Chinese New Year snacks.\n\n\nBut the reality is that most Malaysians really should pay more attention to what\n we eat.\n Granted that Malaysian food is delicious, but recent \nreports \nshow that we are increasingly becoming \nsicker \nas a result of unhealthy diets. Moreover, it is a parents responsibility to show a good example to their children in all things, including healthy eating habits and getting enough exercise.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nHow to start eating healthy\n\n\nSo maybe we should start taking those resolutions seriously. To help out, here are 6 tips on how to start eating healthy this year.\n\n\n1# Eat out less\n\n\nYes, we know as busy as we are it is not easy to prepare a home-cooked meal every single day. Eating out is not only easy, but good food can be found anywhere. Unfortunately food prepared outside tends to be oily and salty and you can\u2019t control what goes into each dish. It\u2019s also not cheap. With prices on the rise, why not make a commitment to eat home say 4 out of 7 days in a week? You don\u2019t have to make anything fancy, just Google or YouTube a simple stir-fry recipe including meat and \nvegetables!\n\n\n2# Cooking style counts\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re eating out, consider the food on your table \u2013 how many dishes are deep-fried? Simply opting for grilled or steamed meats can make a meal healthier and always make sure you order some vegetables too. And if you\u2019re already full, you can skip the dessert, or simply share.\n\n\n3# Consider your drinks\n\n\nCarbonated drinks, packet juices, even coffee and tea at your local \nmamak\n can contain lots of sugar. And too much sugar contributes to diabetes. If you\u2019re thinking of cutting down on the sugar, then reduce the amount of sugary drinks you take per week. Opt for juice without sugar, black coffee or \nsimply plain water.\n\n\n4# Don\u2019t get distracted\n\n\nEver finished one whole bag of chips while sitting in front of the TV? You are more likely to overeat when you\u2019re distracted so dedicate a certain time to meals and cut all distractions. Yes, including your phone.\n\n\n5# Start with breakfast\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s really important for kids to start the day with breakfast (adults too!) as breakfast replenishes energy, puts you in a better mood and helps you focus and be more productive. This is a good habit to inculcate- wholemeal peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a cup of MILO (no sugar) can go a long way.\n\n\n6# Snack wise\n\n\nEveryone loves a snack whether sweet or salty. The key is to snack healthy. Opt for nuts instead of chips and fruits instead of sweets. Or if you really must have cake, chocolate and ice-cream, try reducing the amount you eat.\n\n\nEvery journey has its ups and downs. Even if you fall off the wagon today, you can always start again tomorrow. Good luck!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-habits-games", "title": "Develop Healthy Habits By Playing", "body": "Still racking your brain over in planning for the future of your newborn babies? Are you intending to fill up your child\u2019s childhood memories with a variety of talent classes, in the hope to groom them into SUPER KIDS? If you are about to do so, please hold on and stick your eyes to this article first, as it might WOW you with some better, easier ways to groom your child better. You may wonder: is this for real? \u00a0\n\n\nIndeed- and it is called P-L-A-Y!\n\n\nHow to Develop Healthy Habits By Playing\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nPlaying-through physical activities or games-which is previously perceived to be unproductive to learning, have been shown to assist children in establishing healthy habits and behaviours, especially the ones aged between 0-5.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides, the benefits of these healthy habits and play can extend well beyond physical health, developing children\u2019s motor coordination, the state of psychologically and socially well-being, and cognitive skills. To put it simpler, physical activities set the stage for wholesome development in children.\n\n\nGiving children early exposure to physical activities, indeed, works the best for their overall development; parents, however, must only allow children to do the age-appropriated activities.\n\n\nBased upon different needs in each developmental stage, these activities can well vary from light intensity activities namely role-play, messy play, and painting, to moderate-to-vigorous activities such as running, jumping and even ball games. \u00a0\n\n\nBesides, recent research findings even attest to the significance of unstructured physical activities-or more commonly known as free play- to children\u2019s development in the early years.\n\n\nSo, how are we supposed to go about it?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nLet\u2019s understand children\u2019s physical activity patterns in different developmental stages:\n\n\n\n\nFor\u00a0\ninfant (0-12 months)\n, their motor skill develops during the transition from involuntary reflexes to voluntary control over body movements throughout this period. Reacting to stimulus, together with active buildup of muscle mass, they learn to sit up, roll over, crawl, stand, and reach objects. Therefore, promoting physical activity opportunities will give rise to a stimulating environment, which is critical to establish the foundation for future physical activity behaviours.\n\n\nToddlers\n\u00a0\n(1-3 years old)\u00a0\ngenerally start walking- and this gives them more learning opportunities. At the age between 2 to 3, they develop locomotor skills (for example running, skipping, galloping and etc.) and manipulative skills (for instance pushing, kicking, bouncing, catching and etc.)\n\n\nPreschoolers (3-5 years old)\u00a0\nare characterized by further development in balance, locomotor skills and manipulative skills.\n\n\n\n\nNow, here comes the question: how intense, or how much time should children play for optimal development in early childhood? Much as there isn\u2019t much finding that provides the precise measurement, still, there are some suggestions on engaging them more in physical activities of different intensity, instead of in the sedentary activities which result in their inactivity.\n\n\nActivities to Try to Develop Healthy Habits in Your Child\n\n\nBelow are some specific activities based on different age groups:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAge Groups\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPhysical Activities\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSedentary\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInfants\n\n\n(0-1 year)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGross motor skills training activities should be emphasized so as to develop their limbs, neck and back muscles.\n\n\ni.)\u00a0\n0-3 months\n: Infants are drawn to things that they can look at and listen to. Encourage them to move their limbs and grasp objects with toys such as sensory toys, rattles, bright-coloured hand-held toys and etc.\n\n\nii.)\u00a0\n3- 6 months\n: Lay dangling toys and rattles around infants (especially on the infants\u2019 tummies) to encourage them to strengthen their neck, back and arm muscles. Hold their hands and help them to stand or bounce up and down.\n\n\niii.)\u00a0\n6- 9 months:\u00a0\nInfants\u2019 movements become more precise, as they start developing fine motor skills. Allow them to play hide-and-seek with objects- and encourage them to crawl by crawling after them, create a maze of pillows or let them explore their world by crawling under chairs. These will develop their sensory processing.\n\n\n\u00a0iv.)\u00a0\n9-12 months:\u00a0\nInfants generally can crawl and do cruising; their problem-solving skills are improving as well. Give them push toys to exercise their walking skills, and shape sorters to challenge their problem-solving skills. Provide them with balls for bouncing.\u00a0 Teach them dumping and filling through bathing or outings, for example park.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTry to engage them more in the activities that promote brain development instead of TV or electronic media. Some suggestions are:\n\n\n\n\nReading:\n\n\n\n\nReading at any stage will pay off. It helps infants to develop an ear for the cadence of language. Voice variety will make reading appealing to them.\n\n\n\n\nSinging\n\n\nTalking (make eye contact with infants)\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nToddlers\n\n\n(1-3 years)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGenerally there should be at least 30 minutes spent on structured activities (adult-led) and 60 minutes to several hours for unstructured activities (free play) in daily.\n\n\nExamples of structured activities are:\n\n\n\n\nCard games and board games\n\n\nSolving puzzles\n\n\nKicking ball back and forth\n\n\nWalking like different animals\n\n\nPlaying catch\n\n\nRiding tricycle\n\n\n\n\nExamples of unstructured activities are:\n\n\n\n\nPlaying with blocks\n\n\nRandom arts (coloring, drawing or painting)\n\n\nFree running in park\n\n\nDancing\n\n\nSwimming\n\n\n\n\nSome basic skills that should be achieved through the activities are:\n\n\ni.\u00a0\nEarly Toddler (12-24 months)\n\n\n\n\nwalks independently\n\n\npulls/carries toys while walking\n\n\nstoops and gets back up\n\n\nbegins to run\n\n\nkicks a ball\n\n\nholds railing going up/down stairs\n\n\nwalks backward\n\n\n\n\nii.\u00a0\nOlder Toddler Skills (24-36 months)\n\n\n\n\nbalances 1 to 2 seconds on one foot\n\n\nclimbs well\n\n\nbends over easily without falling\n\n\nruns well\n\n\nkicks ball forward\n\n\nboth feet on step going upstairs/downstairs\n\n\nstarts to pedal tricycle\n\n\nthrows ball over head\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSedentary activities shouldn\u2019t take up more than consecutively 1 hour of toddlers\u2019 time (except sleeping).\n\n\nFor toddlers (0-2 years old), avoid spending time on TV and electronic media. For toddlers (2-3 years old), limit their media time to no more than 1- 2 hours every day.\n\n\nAlways encourage activities like reading, hobbies and creative play instead of watching TV and electronic media.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPreschoolers (3-5 years)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAt least 60 minutes should be spent on cumulative structured activities, and 60 minutes to several hours for unstructured activities in daily.\n\n\nSome examples of activities are:\n\n\n\n\nCatching and trapping (balloons and scarves can be used for them to catch)\n\n\nThrowing, kicking, and striking (accompanied with rhymes)\n\n\nRunning, jumping and skipping\n\n\nBalancing (for instance, place a rope on the floor and encourage them to balance.\n\n\n\n\nEncourage them to:\n\n\n\n\nMove their body parts to help them aware of their body and how it moves.\n\n\nUnderstand space and how to move within it- high, medium, low, forward, backward, curve, side-to-side, small and big.\n\n\nAware of others in their space. (for example, ask them to slow down or stop when they approach another person)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLimit their media time to no more than 1- 2 hours every day.\n\n\nAlways encourage activities like reading, hobbies and creative play instead of watching TV and electronic media.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n*The amount of daily activity is based on the guidelines provided by National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE).\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nLast but not least, don\u2019t do the mistake by thinking that children will learn if we kick them out to play. We have to help children to acquire better motor skills by spending quality playing time with them actively, offering positive and constructive feedback (for example, \u201cYou\u2019ve done a great job to reach the ball!\u201d or \u201cYou are almost there! Hang on there!\u201d)\n\n\nSo, having understood the importance of play in children\u2019s all-rounded development and their healthy habits, you won\u2019t try so hard to fill up the childhood of your little darlings with all sorts of talent classes, will you?\n\n\nIt doesn\u2019t mean that you shouldn\u2019t send children for any talent class, but they should obtain a fair share of development via physical activities alongside, too.\n\n\nAs what famous philosopher, Rousseau preached, \u201cLet all the lessons of young children take the form of doing rather than talking, let them learn nothing from books that they can learn from experience\u201d.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhy you should spend more one-on-one time with your kids\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/promote-independent-learning", "title": "5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential", "body": "Dear mummy and daddy,\n\n\nAre you looking for ways to support your child\u2019s higher IQ and help them reach their full potential? As a parent, you want the best for your children and evidently, you also have the ability to unlock your child\u2019s learning potential and higher IQ with the right guidance, support, and right nutrition.\n\n\nGiven that the home environment forms the foundation of a child\u2019s education, parents play a vital role in their children\u2019s learning and development. Here are some ways you can help your child enhance their learning foundation for higher IQ.\n\n\n5 ways to help boost your child\u2019s learning foundation to support higher IQ\n\n\n#1. Improve thinking speed\n\n\n\n\nThinking speed is important as the first step to learning. It allows a child to process and analyse information quickly and effectively, which is essential for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Each child is unique and has their own individual capacity for learning, and it\u2019s important to keep this in mind. To support your child\u2019s growth, it is essential to understand their learning capabilities and what they can achieve. By gaining this knowledge, you can customise your approach to meet your child\u2019s learning needs.\n\n\nBy enhancing a child\u2019s thinking speed, they can improve their ability to understand complex concepts, solve problems, and learn new skills which are important to help develop a child\u2019s learning potential and therefore, higher IQ. \n1\nRegular exercise and mindfulness practices are some of the ways that can help enhance a child\u2019s thinking speed.\n\n\n#2. Introduce them to new learning resources that can broaden their knowledge and skills\n\n\n\n\nLearning should be a fun and enjoyable experience for kids, and it shouldn\u2019t be limited to a strict learning environment with limited resources. Children tend to learn and thrive better in an engaging and interactive environment.\n\n\nUsing tools and relevant learning resources can help support your child\u2019s learning journey. These resources can come in different forms, such as textbooks, workbooks, videos, and other materials that can aid in their development. It is also an ideal time for parents to introduce multimedia tools and technology such as online courses, educational websites, or apps to their children to expose them to different types of media that can benefit them in this digital era.\n\n\nParents can play a vital role in supporting their child\u2019s learning by introducing new tools that can supplement their learning to stimulate their critical thinking skills and sharpen their spatial visual skills, hand and eye coordination, problem-solving skills and etc. Additionally, they can provide guidance and ensure that their child uses the resources effectively. It is essential to choose \n2\nthe right learning tools to help your child expand their skills, and knowledge effectively and therefore support higher IQ.\n\n\n#3. Encourage kids to prioritise goal setting as a means of self-improvement\n\n\n\n\n3\nSetting a learning goal at an early stage can create a positive learning environment for your child and also foster their willingness to learn. In addition, goal setting will also help your child to have a clear direction on what they need to achieve.\n\n\nWithout a clear learning goal, your child may struggle to stay motivated and engaged in their learning. However, setting specific goals can help instil motivation and drive for your child to learn, as well as develop crucial life skills such as time management and self-discipline.\n\n\nAs a parent, you can play an effective role in supporting your child\u2019s learning by helping them set realistic goals and breaking them down into achievable steps. This approach can help your child develop independence in achieving their goals and take ownership of their learning. You can also offer incentives to your child when they have completed their goal as a reward to boost their happiness.\n\n\n#4. Encourage your child to read for knowledge\n\n\n\n\nIncorporating reading into a child\u2019s learning journey from an early age is crucial as it is a powerful tool that enables us to explore and understand the world around us. It is an essential skill that will be used throughout their lives. Reading helps children to be creative by stimulating their imagination and enhancing their cognitive and emotional development.\n\n\nParents can play a significant role in cultivating a love for reading in their children by providing a variety of reading materials. These materials can range from educational books, storybooks, alphabet books, to comic books that cater to their child\u2019s interests and age group. By providing such materials, parents can nurture their child\u2019s interest in reading and encourage them to develop a passion for it.\n\n\nFurthermore, reading aloud to children can help to increase their vocabulary and comprehension skills, according to \n4\nMerga (2019). Parents can make reading sessions more interactive and engaging by using different voices and asking their children questions about the story.\n\n\n#5. Incorporate brain development food in their diet\n\n\nThe right food can help enhance your child\u2019s learning and to support their well-being. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. Parents can help support their child\u2019s health by introducing nutritional and well-balanced food that supports child\u2019s development and brain growth.\n\n\nGive your kids the \n5\nbest brain foods to support their cognitive function. Include eggs, whole grain foods, leafy greens, oats and beans in your child\u2019s diet. To support your child\u2019s learning and development, you can also consider introducing Similac Gold Gain Plus\u00ae, an growing milk designed to provide 5 key brain nutrients like Gangliosides, 2\u2032-FL + nucleotides, Lutein , DHA and NVE to support healthy growth and development in children and 5G thinking speed. Good nutrition is important to enhance your child\u2019s learning potential and promote a stronger immune system. Good immune function support more learning opportunities.\n\n\nSimilac Gold Gain Plus\n\u00ae\n can provide the right balance of nutrients to support cognitive function, allowing for faster learning to support higher IQ. Additionally, it contains a special blend of 2\u2019-FL, nucleotides, and antioxidants that can provide 76% better body defense\n6\n, thus promoting a strong immune system and less infections.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a reliable and nutritious milk formula\u00a0 to support your child\u2019s higher IQ\n7\n with 5 key brain nutrients, try \nSimilac Gold Gain Plus \u00ae\n today!\n\n\nPurchase on \nShopee\n or \nLazada\n today!\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1 Angelina Tala (2018)\n\n\nExercise Benefits Children Physically and Mentally \nwww.healthline.com/health-news/exercise-benefits-children-physically-and-mentally\n\n\n2 Miriam FisherHow (2020)\n\n\nHow parents can support children\u2019s learning at home\n\n\n\n\nHow parents can support children\u2019s learning at home\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3 The importance of goal setting\n\n\nBritish Council Malaysia\n\n\nwww.britishcouncil.my/english/courses-children/resources/importance-goal-setting\n\n\n4 Margaret Kristin Merga (2019)\n\n\nThe Conversation\n\n\nRead aloud to your children to boost their vocabulary\n\n\ntheconversation.com/read-aloud-to-your-children-to-boost-their-vocabulary-111427\n\n\n5 Louisa Richards (2021)\n\n\nWhat brain foods should kids eat?\n\n\nMedicalnewstoday\n\n\nwww.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/brain-food-for-kids#healthy-brain-foods\n\n\n6\u00a0Greater antibody production in response to HiB vaccination. Pickering LK, et al. Pediatrics. 1998;101(2):242-249\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n7 Tan S, et al. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2020, 29, 584-592\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/study-children-with-better-relationships-with-fathers-less-likely-to-have-behavioural-problems", "title": "STUDY: Children with better relationships with fathers less likely to have behavioural problems", "body": "Research has found that the closer a child is to their father, the less likely they are to have behavioural problems in the future, \nIndependent\n reports.\n\n\nAfter examining data from parents of 10,440 children, the researchers found that fathers who were emotionally involved with their child and who felt confident in their role as a parent had kids who were 28% less likely to suffer behavioural problems.\n\n\nThe researchers concluded that the psychological and emotional aspects of fatherhood are more powerful in influencing child behavior\u2014not the amount of time fathers help in childcare or domestic tasks.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nWhy are hands-on\u00a0fathers so important?\n\n\n \u201cPositive parenting by fathers may contribute to good outcomes in children in a number of way,\u201d the researchers said, before enumerating the possible reasons why hands-on\u00a0fathers are so instrumental:\n\n\n\n\nBy being a source of support to mothers, hands-on\u00a0fathers allow their partners to provide better care to their children.\n\n\nHands-on\u00a0fathers can alleviate the impact of factors like maternal depression.\n\n\nHands-on\u00a0fathers lead to a happier and more cohesive family.\n\n\n\n\nAs we know how crucial they are to the development of their children, fathers should never take their role as parents for granted. Here are some tips from FamilyShare on how fathers can strengthen their relationships with their kids.\n\n\n1. Constant communication\n\n\nTake some time every day to talk to your child, even if it\u2019s just for a few moments. Make them feel like they can talk to you about anything and everything.\n\n\n2. Share a hobby\n\n\nHaving a common interest gives you more opportunities to spend time together. You can share one of your passions with your child, or ask her what she\u2019s interested in exploring, and take up the new hobby with her.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n3. Don\u2019t miss important moments\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s a school play, an awards ceremony, or a sports event, do everything you can to be present. Knowing that her parents care enough to witness these big moments will mean the world to your child.\n\n\n4. Affirm them\n\n\nInstead of focusing on correcting your child\u2019s mistakes, affirm them for what they\u2019re doing right. This builds up their self-esteem and helps them feel closer to you as well.\n\n\n5. Share knowledge\n\n\nOne of the biggest roles that come with being a parent is that of a teacher. Whether it\u2019s teaching your child how to ride a bike or passing down a secret family recipe, passing down knowledge will not only help your child build his skills, but also give you great memories.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/10-fun-scientific-experiments-you-can-do-at-home", "title": "Your Children Are Getting Bored At Home? Try These 10 Fun Scientific Experiments For An Engaging Afternoon!", "body": "Science is a really fascinating subject and in fact, some scientific experiments can be done in your own home! Imagine teaching your child chemical reactions using an erupting \u201cvolcano\u201d in the comfort of your own home.\n\n\nSome children find science to be a little intimidating\n because let\u2019s face it, it can make your head spin. But there are plenty of easy and fun experiments that children of all ages (adults even!) can try themselves using items they can find at home.\n\n\n10 Fun Scientific Experiments Children Can Try At Home\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Enlighted Hand Learning Hub\n\n\n\n\nReady to get started? Here are some fun and engaging activities you can try with your children. Be careful though, some might just explode to your face so keep an eye on them all the time!\n\n\n1# Erupting Volcano\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\n1 empty mineral bottle\n\n\nPlasticine\n\n\nWarm water\n\n\n6 drops of Detergent\n\n\n2 tablespoons of Baking Soda\n\n\nVinegar\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nModel the plasticine around the mineral bottle and shape it so that it looks like a volcano. Make sure that the mineral bottle is in the middle of the \u201cvolcano\u201d.\n\n\nFill \u00be of the bottle with warm water.\n\n\nAdd 6 drops of detergent to the bottle contents. The detergent helps trap the bubbles produced by the reaction so you get better lava.\n\n\nAdd 2 tablespoons baking soda to the liquid.\n\n\nSlowly pour vinegar into the bottle.\n\n\nEruption time!\n\n\n\n\n2# Scientific experiments children can try: Magic Mud\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMagic Mud\u201d is a non Newtonian \u201cmud\u201d made from potato starch that remains hard when handled and turns into liquid when not in use. However, parents have to beware that it can get messy! But it\u2019s pretty cool because it\u2019s \nglow in the dark!\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\nA bag of normal potatoes (washed, cleaned and chopped to tiny bits)\n\n\n1 bottle of tonic water that contains quinine\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nPut the chopped potatoes into a large \nmixing bowl.\n\n\nCover your tiny potato bits with hot water.\n\n\nStir for a few minutes until the water turns red/muddy.\n\n\nStrain the potatoes out of the potato water. Into another large bowl.\n\n\nLeave it for about 10 minutes OR until you see a white layer at the bottom of the bowl.\n\n\nRemove the dirty water. The white layer won\u2019t move.\n\n\nTo \u201cclean\u201d the white layer, mix it with some water and pour it into a glass jar.\n\n\nShake it and let it rest for about 10 minutes again.\n\n\nYou will see the layers again and throw the water away.\n\n\nLeave the white layer for 2 days until it turns into powder.\n\n\nPut 3 tablespoons of the white powder into the bowl.\n\n\nMix in some tonic water.\n\n\nYou can play with it now!\n\n\n\n\n3# Pasta Hybrid Rocket Engine\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFor those budding rocket scientist, you can make a \u201chybrid engine\u201d using only pasta, yeast and hydrogen peroxide which you can get at most pharmacists. It is also a chemical reaction experiment like the erupting volcano.\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\nA canning jar with a ring lid. Punch a hole on the lid. DO NOT USE THE SCREW ON RING.\n\n\nHydrogen Peroxide\n\n\nYeast\n\n\nPasta with a hole in the centre.\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nFill the jar with Hydrogen Peroxide.\n\n\nStir in a teaspoon of yeast.\n\n\nPut the lid in place and the pasta over the hole.\n\n\nLight the end of the pasta.\n\n\n\n\nDid you know that some of the most advanced rocket engines share the same concept?\n\n\n4#\nScientific experiments children can try: \nFreezing Water\n\n\n\n\nFor those children who loves Elsa\u2019s freezing power or Frozone\u2019s freezing power from The Incredibles, this is for you. You can now make instant slushies of your favourite soft drinks! Plus, it\u2019s super easy!\n\n\nWhat you Need:\n\n\n\n\n500ml Room temperature soda (Shake it until it foams)\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nPut the shaken bottle of soda into the freezer for approx. 3 hours and 15 minutes.\n\n\nDo not open the shaken bottle.\n\n\nNow, twist the cap (but do not open), tighten the cap back, turn the bottle upside down and you have a soda slushie in 3 seconds.\n\n\n\n\n5# Clouds in a bottle\n\n\n\n\nCreate your own clouds in a bottle. Perfect to teach your child about temperature and the formation of clouds.\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\nLarge glass jar (one gallon size) with lid\n\n\nAerosol (hairspray or air freshener)\n\n\nFlashlight or lamp\n\n\nWater\n\n\nDark-colored paper and flashlight\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nPour boiling water into a glass jar.\n\n\nSwirl the water around so that the jar heats up.\n\n\nThe jar will be very hot. Be sure to use oven mitts to hold the jar.\n\n\nPlace 2 ice cube in jar lid.\n\n\nSpray aerosol into the jar.\n\n\nPlace a dark-colored piece of paper behind the jar.\n\n\nYou can also use a flashlight to shine into the jar.\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy your little cloud!\n\n\n6# \nScientific experiments children can try: \nLava Lamp\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\nLifestyle\n3 Easy Indoor Activities to Keep The Kids Entertained\nLifestyle\nCalling all Hot Wheels fans to Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays\n\n\nA lava lamp that can be made with ingredients from your kitchen! Trust me, you\u2019ll be the coolest parent around!\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\nPlastic soda bottle with cap (big)\n\n\nVegetable oil\n\n\nFood colouring\n\n\nEffervescent tablet (Shortcut for parents: You can use those Vitamin C tablets and orange colouring)\n\n\n\n\nOptional:\n\n\n\n\nSequins\n\n\nGlitter\n\n\nSalt\n\n\nFlashlight\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nPour vegetable oil into a clean soda bottle till \u00be full.\n\n\nFill the rest of the bottle with water.\n\n\nAdd 3-5 drops of the food colouring.\n\n\nOptional: Add in your glitter/sequins.\n\n\nBreak the effervescent tablet into small pieces.\n\n\nDrop it into the mixture.\n\n\nNo effervescent tablet? Use salt instead!\n\n\nPut the cap back on.\n\n\nSlowly move the bottle back and forth.\n\n\nEnjoy the show!\n\n\n\n\n7# Colourful Carnations\n\n\n\n\nTurn white flowers into colourful flowers! This experiment is important to illustrate the diagram of a flower.\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\n4 glasses\n\n\n4 white carnations\n\n\n4 types of food colouring\n\n\nChopping board\n\n\nSharp knife\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nFill \u00bd of the glasses with water.\n\n\nAdd in the food colouring until you get a nice, strong colour.\n\n\nCut the stem of your flowers with the knife.\n\n\nCut it slanting.\n\n\nPut one flower in each glass of water.\n\n\nPlace them in a bright, sunny spot.\n\n\nKeep it there for 4-6 hours.\n\n\nKeep checking as they change colours!\n\n\n\n\n8# \nScientific experiments children can try: \nRainbow In A Jar\n\n\n\n\nWho doesn\u2019t love rainbows? Better yet, your own rainbow in a jar!\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\n1 jar\n\n\n1/2 cup blue dishwashing liquid\n\n\n1/2 cup olive oil\n\n\n1/2 cup rubbing alcohol\n\n\n1/2 cup light corn syrup\n\n\nFood coloring\n\n\n5 spoons\n\n\n5 bowls for mixing\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nMake your purple layer by mixing 1/2 cup of the light corn syrup with 1 drop of blue and 1 drop of red food coloring.\n\n\nCarefully pour it into the bottom of your jar.\n\n\nCarefully pour the blue dish soap down the side of the jar.\n\n\nMix 1/2 cup of water with 2 drops of green food coloring.\n\n\nCarefully pour in your green water down the side of the jar.\n\n\nGently pour 1/2 cup olive oil down the side of your jar.\n\n\nMix 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol with 2 drops of red food coloring.\n\n\nCarefully pour the red rubbing alcohol down the inside of your jar.\n\n\nBeing careful not to disturb your liquids, set your jar down on the table and enjoy your rainbow!\n\n\n\n\n9# Crazy Slime\n\n\n\n\nPerfect for sensory play and also, makes you feel like the Professor in Flubber.\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\nWhite wood glue\n\n\nBorax powder (can be bought from most Chinese Medicine halls)\n\n\nFood colouring (any colour of your preference)\n\n\nWater\n\n\nMeasuring spoon\n\n\nTwo containers\n\n\nAirtight container where you can store your slime\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nIn one container, put one tablespoon of glue in it and mix it with another tablespoon of water and a tiny drop of the food colouring.\n\n\nStir it with a stick or another spoon.\n\n\nIn another container, put one teaspoon of borax powder and mix it with one tablespoon of water.\n\n\nStir the mixture until the borax powder dissolves, creating a borax solution.\n\n\nPour the borax solution into the other container, and mix it with your coloured glue mixture.\n\n\nMix the two solutions together. You can do this using your hands.\n\n\nLess than 10 minutes, you have your very own slime!\n\n\n\n\n10# Naked Egg\n\n\nThis is a fascinating experiment to strip the egg off it\u2019s shell!\n\n\n\n\nWhat You Need:\n\n\n\n\nEgg\n\n\nVinegar\n\n\n\n\nHow:\n\n\n\n\nPlace the egg in a tall glass or jar and cover the egg with vinegar.\n\n\nLeave the egg in the vinegar for a full 24 hours.\n\n\nChange the vinegar on the second day.\n\n\nCarefully pour the old vinegar down the drain and cover the egg with fresh vinegar.\n\n\nPlace the glass with the vinegar and egg in a safe place for a week\n\n\n\n\nThese scientific experiments sound exactly what you needed at the moment with your children stuck at home doing online learning. Good luck parents! We know you really need it.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow Babies Benefit From Sensory Experiences\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nForget Homework, Do These Things Instead!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nA Parent\u2019s Toolkit: 40 Online Resources for FREE Printables, Virtual Tours, Audio Storybooks & More\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-is-what-happens-to-you-when-you-have-sex-every-day-for-a-year", "title": "This is what happens to you when you have sex every day for a year", "body": "Having sex every day is not uncommon among newlyweds or couples in the early stages of their relationship. You just can\u2019t get enough of each other and you have all the time in the world \nfor \neach other. So, sex is a natural, highly enjoyable consequence.\n\n\nBut as time passes, you fall into a rut. Work usually gets in the way of sex first. Then you have kids, the biggest little co%&-blockers around! Or sometimes you\u2019re just TOO tired to \nhave sex\n after a long day of chores.\n\n\nSometimes, this is okay and you catch up on weekends or holidays. But other times, it can take a toll on your marriage when you lack intimacy with your partner.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, US author and mum of three Brittany Gibbons decided to try a little experiment of sorts, by having\u00a0\nsex with her husband\n every night \nfor a whole year\n.\n\n\nAnd this is what she learnt from it.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3 Things that Happen to Your Body and Mind When You Have Sex Every Day\n\n\n1. It boosts your confidence\n\n\nIf you do something long enough, it becomes a habit. But you don\u2019t \nwant sex\n to get too boring. So you have to work at it to make it interesting. After a while, guess what, it boosts your confidence too!\n\n\n\n\nBrittany explains that \nafter her third child\n, she didn\u2019t feel comfortable being naked. \u201cI kept the lights off during sex, hid my stomach and boobs inside a camisole, and I waited for my husband to leave the bedroom before barrelling from the shower to my closet to get dressed,\u201d she says.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter speaking to a friend, she decided to have sex every day for a year to force herself into \u201cinto facing her body\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nShe got used to the feeling of being naked and being touched by her husband that a few months into the experiment, she didn\u2019t find herself having to hide her body anymore.\n\n\n2. You start looking forward to it\n\n\n\n\nSource: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nMummies, you might be able to relate to what Brittany is saying about not being comfortable with her body. Many women feel insecure about the way they look. In turn, this affects their sex lives.\u00a0\n\n\nBut if you have sex every day, you will start looking forward to having sex again.\u00a0\n\n\n3. It changes the dynamics of your relationship\n\n\n\n\nSource: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nHaving sex every day \nwill\n change the dynamics of your relationship. After a few months of \nhaving sex with her husband\n every day, Brittany said that the frequent intimacy began showing outside the bedroom.\n\n\n\u201cWe were more romantic with each other, touching arms as we passed, kissing longer before work and not just the cold familiar peck. Our relationship was stronger and better when our intimacy was flourishing.\u201d\n\n\nIs this something every couple should do?\n\n\nAccording to therapists, yes. For couples who have drifted apart, having sex every day is a chance to reconnect, \nrebuild intimacy\n, prioritise time together as a couple.\n\n\nNot to mention, it can also improve confidence, increase a sense of security and also boost your immunity!\n\n\nIt\u2019s a great stress reliever and can also help you sleep better. We say, why not give it a shot? If not for 365 days in a row, then at least a few times a week!\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nNasihat keibubapaan\nVaksin Rotavirus, Langkah Berkesan Untuk Halang Kanak-kanak Maut Akibat Cirit-birit\nHome\nIt\u2019s Crucial Now To Keep Your House Virus Free! Here Are 5 Sanitation Solutions For You\nKesihatan\n7 Brilliant Mom Hacks To Battle The Dreaded Annual Cold and Flu Season\nBayi\nKetahui 10 Masalah Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir & Cara Mengatasinya!\n\n\nNeed some tips on rekindling that spark in your marriage? Let \nJenna Dewan and Channing Tatum\n tell you how it\u2019s done.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nNews.com.au\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/unusual-birth-stories", "title": "Woman gives birth to her baby in the Red Sea", "body": "In one of the most unusual birth stories we\u2019ve heard so far, a Russian mum delivered her little one in the Red Sea by the resort town of Dahab in Egypt. Beautiful images of the mum and newborn are now emerging, leaving netizens totally mesmerised.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: Russian tourist delivered her baby in the ocean\n\n\nAccording to some reports, the mum is a Russian tourist and had travelled all the way to this resort town to give birth in the special waters of the Red Sea.\n\n\nThe mum-to-be was accompanied by her husband and her doctor, who specialises in water births. Before labour started, the Russian woman had gone for a swim. But it looks like her labour started just then. Her partner and doctor followed her and helped in delivering the baby.\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: Placenta put in the bowl | Image: \nFacebook\n\n\n\n\nReportedly, the placenta was put in a bowl after the birth. The baby was then carried out while the umbilical cord was still attached. Apparently, it was a seamless delivery.\n\n\nMohamed El Said, the owner of the hotel Dar Dahab, took these incredible pictures from one of the hotel balconies. Hadia Hosny El Said, his niece, shared the beautiful pictures on her Facebook page and since then, they have been breaking the internet.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: Father bringing the newborn out | Image: \nFacebook\n\n\n\n\nThe images show the father coming out of the water with the newborn. Other pictures show the mum coming out after a post-delivery swim. She can also be seen greeting her other child on the beach.\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: What do you need to know about water birth?\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: Baby was delivered in the Red Sea. | Image: \nFacebook\n\n\n\n\nGiving birth in water has both benefits and risks. While mums can choose to deliver in a warm water tub (which is a controlled environment), having a baby in an uncontrolled body of water, like the Red Sea, may have risks.\u00a0\n\n\nBenefits of a water birth\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: Mum comes out after a swim | Image: \nFacebook\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe warm water is soothing to the mother in pain.\n\n\nThe water can be instrumental in increasing the woman\u2019s energy at the later stages of labour.\n\n\nThe buoyancy helps in reducing the body weight of the mother and allows free movement and new positions. It also promotes better uterine contractions.\u00a0\n\n\nIt helps in improving the blood circulation. This in turn results in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, reduced pain for the mum and increased oxygen for the baby.\n\n\nIt also helps in lowering blood pressure, which can shoot up due to anxiety.\n\n\nThe stress-related hormones also get reduced. This further allows the mum\u2019s body to produce endorphins that work as pain-inhibitors.\u00a0\n\n\nThe perineum also becomes more elastic and relaxed because of the water. As a result it helps in reduced incidences or severity of tearing. This also brings down the need for episiotomy and stitching.\u00a0\n\n\nPhysical relaxation helps in mental relaxation and the mum can focus on the process of birthing.\n\n\nFor the baby, it feels similar to being in the amniotic sac, which\u00a0reassures the baby and builds a sense of security.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: risks involved in a water birth\n\n\nAlthough water birth has some really amazing benefits, it does have its flip-side too. Especially when choosing an ocean to give birth instead of a controlled labour room environment, you may need to consult your doctors beforehand.\n\n\n\n\nThe water can be rough or turbulent.\n\n\nFrom a hygiene perspective, it may not be safe.\n\n\nDoctors may not be in control of the situation.\n\n\nDoctors may not be well-prepared for an emergency.\n\n\nIt may lead to other water birth related complications such as \nwater embolism or water aspiration\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: Here are a few situations when water birth may not be advised\n\n\n\n\nUnusual birth stories: Russian woman who gave birth in Red Sea | Image: \nFacebook\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf the mum has herpes, as it can be easily transferred through water\n\n\nWhen the baby is breech\n\n\nIn case of excessive bleeding or maternal infection, avoid water birth\n\n\nIf you have multiples\n\n\nIf you have toxemia or preeclampsia\n\n\n\n\nSo mums, while it is okay to get adventurous about your baby\u2019s birth, do keep the risk factors in mind. Consult your doctors about how you would like to deliver and do follow their advice.\n\n\nSources: \nFox News\n,\n \nAmerican Pregnancy\n\n\nImage source: \nFacebook\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKanak-Kanak\nMencari Aktiviti Keluarga Yang Seronok? Apa Kata Gabungkan Kuasa Bermain & Penyelesaian Masalah Kreatif Dengan LEGO?\nRaise them Resilient\nParenting styles: What can Malaysian parents learn from the Japanese?\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nLifestyle\nMoms, Get Rewarded RM15 Shopee Voucher For \u201cMom\u2019s Day Off\u201d Super Brand Day! 19-21 April 2021\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mebiesnuggle-malaysia", "title": "Mebiesnuggle Malaysia: Premium Organic Lounger For Infants And Toddlers", "body": "Here\u2019s something I noticed about being a parent right off the bat: you\u2019re going to have to buy a million and one things for the little one. You\u2019re going to deplete whatever savings you have buying a crib, diapers, baby clothes, formula milk or breast pumps and the list goes on forever.\n\n\nThere are many things that are essential and those that aren\u2019t. So how do you weed out what you actually need and what you don\u2019t?\n\n\nFor me, I learnt the hard way that a lot of things I bought turned out to be really redundant. One of the things I donated immediately to an orphanage after realising I don\u2019t need it was 2oz milk storage bottles as I was producing more than 3oz of milk per pump by day 4 of my baby\u2019s life.\n\n\nThen there were things I really needed but didn\u2019t have. One of those things was an infant lounger.\n\n\n\n\nNow, when we say lounger, you might think of it as a non-essential item that a baby uses only during the day. But the Mebiesnuggle infant lounger is essential for your baby\u2019s daytime usage for many reasons. And I can attest that this is one item I use EVERYDAY.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are 5 reasons why I find the Mebiesnuggle to be an essential item:\n\n\n\n\n1. It keeps baby snug\n\n\nWhen babies come out of the womb, they\u2019re exposed to the world for the first time and this can be scary for them. That is why newborns cry so often and need to be held for long periods. But the Mebiesnuggle is able to mimic a hug so babies feel comforted. Even now at almost 4 months old, my baby sleeps peacefully in the Mebiesnuggle during daytime naps.\n\n\n2. It is made of premium organic cotton\n\n\nUnlike many pillows and infant sleep positioners, the cloth covering the Mebiesnuggle is incredibly soft as it is made of organic cotton. Not only is it perfectly plush to the touch, it is also customisable and comes in gorgeous colours. I got mine in grey, with additional covers in rusty and moss (some of their best selling colours).\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s always good to get extra covers because babies will make a mess!\n\n\n3. It\u2019s particularly useful for tummy time\n\n\nLooking back, I can\u2019t believe I actually just put a thin mat on a cold hard floor for my 2 week old baby to learn how to do tummy time! What an uncomfortable experience that must have been for him. I wish I got the Mebiesnuggle earlier so I would have spared him that experience.\n\n\n\n\nNow he enjoys tummy time every day using the Mebiesnuggle. And bonus points, it\u2019s a great prop for you to capture your baby with their heads lifted up!\n\n\n4. It is ergonomic for baby\n\n\nThe way the lounger is designed, the baby\u2019s neck is supported with a nice groove whenever they\u2019re awake and just lounging in the Mebiesnuggle. It also provides good armrests at the side for baby\u2019s arms to relax.\n\n\n\n\n5. It\u2019s extremely portable\n\n\nThe Mebiesnuggle is light and easy to pack. The infant size easily fits in a medium-sized luggage or an IKEA bag if you\u2019re taking it on the go. The larger toddler-sized ones can fit in a large suitcase if you plan to take it for a road trip.\n\n\nMebiesnuggle is available on Instagram @mebiesnuggle.my. DM them for orders now.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/12-year-old-boy-dragged-bruised-and-naked-through-the-streets-by-his-dad", "title": "12-year-old boy dragged bruised and naked through the streets by his dad", "body": "In the past, methods of disciplining children in many cultures were harsh to say the least. Thankfully now, more and more parents are realising that harsh discipline methods traumatise rather than teach. But some parents still turn to extreme means of punishment, with horrifying results.\u00a0\n\n\nA shocking video has surfaced of a man dragging his son naked and bruised through the streets in China. The 12-year-old boy was stripped naked, shivering in the rain, and his hands tied with a rope to a motorcycle by his own father.\n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzd7q8HTO9s\n\n\nIn the video, the little boy is visibly covered with bruises and cane marks. Furious passers-by are captured confronting the father, asking if the boy is his biological son.\n\n\nWhen the father says yes, the good Samaritans demand why he beat his own flesh and blood so badly.\n\n\nCaught stealing\n\n\nAuthorities say in the video above that the little boy was caught stealing money, speculating that the father could not control his son. The dad regularly beats his son for being \u201cfrequently naughty\u201d, Yunnan.c \nreports\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe boy\u2019s situation is a pitiful one: he comes from a poor family and his mother earns a little money as a vegetable seller, the report claims.\n\n\nThe child found some money from under the bed \u2014 100 yuan or a little over S$20, \naccording to\n the South China Morning Post. He\u00a0took it, and ran away from home for a few days.\u00a0\n\n\nThe father\u2019s harsh beating and shaming of his young son was an extreme punishment for his misdeeds. In the video, horrified passers-by can be seen demanding that the dad give his shivering son his jacket.\n\n\nHowever, the little boy pushes the jacket back, frantically telling the crowd not to say any more. The father then drove away.\u00a0\n\n\nLocal police are still in the midst of investigations.\u00a0\n\n\nWhether or not this father was well-intentioned in disciplining his son, the fact remains that his brutal actions are inexcusable.\u00a0\n\n\nThis little boy will likely have psychological scars that will linger throughout his life.\u00a0It\u2019s truly heartrending to think of this young child\u2019s fear and humiliation at being beaten and stripped \u2014 all by the very man who is supposed to protect him.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/placenta-role-in-pregnancy", "title": "The Placenta's Important Role in Pregnancy", "body": "When you think about it, pregnancy is amazing; it\u2019s a miracle how your body was formed in order to support the life that\u2019s growing inside you. And in this process, there\u2019s an organ that is vital in making sure your baby gets the nutrients he needs to survive from beginning to end \u2013 the placenta.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article is all about the placenta: its role in pregnancy and when you should be concerned that not all is well with the placenta, warranting medical attention.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is the placenta?\n\n\nWhat does the placenta do?\n\n\nPlacental health\n\n\nCommon placental problems\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is the placenta?\n\n\n\n\nThe placenta is an organ specially grown in your uterus during pregnancy to support your developing baby. It is the starting point of your baby\u2019s \numbilical cord\n, and it grows as your baby grows and as the amount of amniotic fluid increases.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is made up of the same cells as your baby and attaches itself to the wall of your uterus, usually at the top or side.\n\n\nWhen does the placenta form in pregnancy?\n\n\nAccording to Cleveland Clinic, the placenta starts to form after a fertilised egg implants in your uterus around seven to 10 days after conception. It starts as a few cells and grows to be several inches as your pregnancy progresses.\n\n\nWhen does the placenta take over?\n\n\nAfter the first trimester, around weeks 8 to 12, the placenta takes over key functions such as hormone production and providing nutrients to your baby. Around this time, pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and \nmorning sickness\n also diminish.\n\n\nHowever, in this context, the placenta \u201ctaking over\u201d means that what you consume can now reach your baby via the umbilical cord and placenta. Your own hormone production and nutrition are vital during this stage.\n\n\nAfter your baby is born, your placenta \u2014 which by now is around the size of a dinner plate \u2014 is also delivered. Some women opt to consume their placenta in the form of specially made pills. You can read all about placenta encapsulation and what it involves by \nfollowing this link\n.\n\n\n\n\nSome women choose to consume their placenta for health benefits, via a process known as placenta encapsulation.\n\n\n\n\nWhat does the placenta do?\n\n\nYour growing baby gets all the oxygen and nutrients he needs via the placenta, throughout the duration of your pregnancy.\n\n\nThis happens because the placenta links your blood supply with your baby\u2019s, transferring everything he needs to grow and develop, directly to him. In fact, experts point out that during every minute of pregnancy, \u201caround 550 millilitres of blood is pumped into\u00a0the uterus to exchange enough nutrients with the placenta for your baby.\u201d\n\n\nThis is also why pregnant mums need to be careful about what they eat and drink during pregnancy, as well as the drugs they take, as these passes directly to their growing baby.\n\n\nThe placenta also produces hormones that help to trigger labour. But until the time is right for your baby\u2019s birth, the placenta secretes hormones such as progesterone and estrogen to prevent early labour.\n\n\nThis incredible organ also removes waste products from your baby\u2019s blood to yours, which your body disposes of. At the same time, it keeps your baby\u2019s and your blood separate, almost acting like a filter, which helps to protect your baby from infections and harmful substances.\n\n\nAccording to the UK\u2019s National Health Service (NHS), \u00a0towards the end of your pregnancy, \u201cthe placenta passes antibodies from you to your baby, giving them immunity for about three months after birth.\u201d\n\n\nThe placenta also works almost like padding to cushion your baby while within your womb and provides your little one with the perfect, unique environment to thrive and grow.\n\n\nPlacental health\n\n\nThere are various factors that affect the health of your placenta, according to the medical experts at \nMayo Clinic\n. While there\u2019s nothing much you can do to change some of these, other factors are modifiable.\n\n\n\n\nMaternal age:\u00a0\nPregnant women over the age of 40 are at a higher risk of placental problems.\n\n\nHigh blood pressure:\u00a0\nHypertension during pregnancy can have a negative effect on your placenta.\n\n\nPremature rupture of the membranes:\u00a0\nIf your baby\u2019s amniotic sac (a fluid-filled membrane surrounding him or her) leaks or ruptures prematurely during pregnancy, your placenta can be affected.\n\n\nSubstance abuse:\u00a0\nWomen who smoke or use drugs such as cocaine during pregnancy are at a higher risk of experiencing placental problems.\n\n\nMultiple pregnancy:\u00a0\nCarrying twins or triplets (or more) may increase the likelihood of the mother experiencing issues with her placenta.\n\n\nAbdominal trauma:\u00a0\nSome placental problems may arise if a pregnant mum suffers a blow to her stomach or other similar trauma.\n\n\nBlood-clotting disorders:\n If you have a medical condition that affects your blood\u2019s clotting ability, you may be at a higher risk of suffering from placental health problems.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSmoking and taking illicit drugs during pregnancy can sharply increase the risk of placental health problems.\n\n\n\n\nCommon placental problems\n\n\nMost of the time and in most pregnancies, the placenta functions just fine. But sometimes, placental problems can crop up, particularly in advanced pregnancy.\n\n\nThe following are the most commonly encountered medical issues with the placenta:\n\n\n1. Placenta Previa\n\n\nWhat it is:\u00a0\nThis condition occurs as a result of the placenta partially or completely covering the cervix which is the womb\u2019s opening. It usually is experienced in early pregnancy and sometimes corrects itself as the uterus grows.\n\n\nRisk factors:\u00a0\nSmoking and drug use, getting pregnant after 35, being pregnant with multiples.\n\n\nHealth risks:\u00a0\nPlacenta previa\n can cause severe bleeding during or after a baby\u2019s birth, endangering the lives of both mum and baby. The birth process may be disrupted too since the cervix is fully or partially covered.\n\n\nSigns and symptoms:\u00a0\nSometimes there are no symptoms at all and the condition might be picked up by routine ultrasound. Other times, placenta previa is marked by painless vaginal bleeding.\n\n\nTreatment:\u00a0\nIf placenta previa is experienced in the first half of the pregnancy, it usually corrects itself. However, you will still be monitored carefully by your obstetrician for the duration of your pregnancy. If the condition is still present in the second half of your pregnancy, it is highly likely that your doctor will recommend a C-section to deliver your baby.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nPlacenta previa can occur partially or fully\n\n\n\n\n2. Placental abruption\n\n\nWhat it is:\u00a0\nHere, the placenta peels away (partially or fully) from the womb\u2019s inner wall, usually close to delivery, but sometimes as early as 20 weeks of pregnancy.\n\n\nRisk factors:\u00a0\nTrauma to the abdomen, being older than 35, being pregnant with multiples, not having enough amniotic fluid, water breaking too early, uncontrolled high blood pressure, smoking and using drugs (e.g. cocaine).\n\n\nHealth risks: The baby\n can be starved of oxygen and nutrition, and the mum can experience bleeding and cramps. Placental abruption may also trigger premature birth.\n\n\nSigns and symptoms:\u00a0\nContinuous or sudden stomach pain, bleeding from the vagina sometimes with discomfort and tenderness of the uterus.\n\n\nTreatment:\u00a0\nIf you are close to being full term and you have mild placental disruption, your doctor may suggest immediate delivery of your baby, either via induced labour or C-section. If you are diagnosed with this condition early on in your pregnancy, you will probably be monitored closely by your healthcare provider.\n\n\n3.\u00a0Placenta accreta\n\n\nWhat it is:\u00a0\nMedical experts\n explain that this condition is a result of placental blood vessels growing too deeply into the wall of the uterus. Also, \u201cmore-aggressive forms of this problem can also occur if the placenta invades the muscles of the uterus (placenta increta) or if the placenta grows through the uterine wall (placenta percreta).\u201d\n\n\nRisk factors:\u00a0\nPrevious uterine surgery or having had placenta previa.\n\n\nHealth risks:\u00a0\nSevere bleeding following vaginal birth or premature birth.\n\n\nSigns and symptoms:\u00a0\nHeavy vaginal bleeding in the third trimester.\n\n\nTreatment:\u00a0\nC-section delivery followed by surgical removal of the uterus\u00a0(abdominal hysterectomy). More-aggressive forms of this problem can also occur if the placenta invades the muscles of the uterus (placenta increta) or if the placenta grows through the uterine wall (placenta percreta).\n\n\n4. Retained placenta\n\n\nWhat it is:\u00a0\nSometimes, the placenta gets trapped in the uterus after the birth of your baby, because of a partially closed cervix, or because it is still attached to the uterine wall.\n\n\nHealth risks:\u00a0\nHeavy bleeding (\npostpartum haemorrhage\n) that may affect the health of the mother if not stopped.\n\n\nSigns and symptoms:\u00a0\nNo delivery of the placenta 30 to 60 minutes after the birth of your baby.\n\n\nTreatment:\u00a0\nIf you have not delivered your placenta within 30 to 60 minutes after the birth of your baby, your healthcare providers may give you an injection of\u00a0syntometrine or syntocinon to make your uterus contract strongly, thus expelling the placenta. In some cases, doctors may manually remove the placenta (following numbing of the area).\n\n\nMums, while it\u2019s unlikely that you will experience any problems with your placenta in your pregnancy, do consult your doctor without delay if you experience:\n\n\n\n\nVaginal bleeding\n\n\nTrauma to your abdomen\n\n\nStrong uterine contractions\n\n\nSevere back pain\n\n\n\n\nAlso, make sure you visit your healthcare provider regularly throughout your pregnancy \u2014 the earlier placental issues are diagnosed, the better the chance is of reducing complications both for you and your baby.\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from theAsianparent \nSingapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nParents\n, \nMayo Clinic,\n \nNHS Choices\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \u00a0\nBaby Growth Spurts: Timeline, Signs, and Tips\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWant to Give Birth in Malaysia? This is The True Cost of Delivery According to Malaysian Mums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Pregnancy Discrimination: The Untold Truth\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/fried-chicken", "title": "Delicious and Crispy Fried Chicken \u2013 5 Fried Chicken Favourites", "body": "In last week\u2019s blog post, we talked about Korean dishes. This week, we\u2019ll be focusing on western fast food. And to start it off, we\u2019ll be focusing on the top fast food places in Malaysia that serve delicious, mouthwatering fried chicken. Some of these places may be as familiar to you as your home, while others may be as new as a stranger you\u2019ve just met. Pretty weird analogies? Doesn\u2019t matter as long as you get the point we\u2019re trying to get across. Now on we go to fried chicken heaven!\n\n\n1. Kentucky Fried Chicken\n\n\n\n\nVia straitstimes.com\n\n\nKFC, need we say more. Well, we actually have to or this section will be left blank and for an article that\u2019s a huge no-no. Many businesses have come up with their own fried chicken recipes but somehow none have managed to beat KFC. Whether it\u2019s due to the secret blend of spices, their experience in the field of frying chicken, or the friendly fatherly face of Colonel Sanders, their fried chicken remains to be one of the best if not the best fried chicken. It also doesn\u2019t hurt that they often come up with new and improved versions of their chicken. Our favourite might just have to be their \u2018Golden Egg Crunch\u2019. Fingers crossed it\u2019ll make a comeback soon!\n\n\n2. Texas Chicken\n\n\n\n\nVia grab.com\n\n\nA strong contender to KFC, Texas Chicken is also constantly finding ways to evolve their fried chicken so that it captures the hearts and of course stomachs of Malaysians. In some ways, it has even managed to beat KFC in terms of long-lasting crunch for even if their fried chicken was left aside for several hours, it still manages to retain its crispy exterior instead of becoming soggy. Don\u2019t believe us? Try it out for yourself then.\n\n\n3. Marrybrown\n\n\n\n\nVia skipthedishes.com\n\n\nUnlike the previous two fried chicken restaurants mentioned above, Marrybrown isn\u2019t originally from the US as it is actually a Malaysian-based restaurant. Bet many of you didn\u2019t know that. And dissimilar to KFC and Texas Chicken that focus specifically on fried chicken, Marrybrown is a jack of all trades. From fried chicken, burgers, and specialty wraps to fish and chips, porridges, and even local delights such as curry noodles. These are only some of the menu options available there. Since their menu is too varied their food can\u2019t be all that good? Don\u2019t knock it before you\u2019ve tried as their fried chicken is absolutely scrumptious. Daresay, it might even be better than KFC\u2019s original chicken.\n\n\n4. McDonald\u2019s\n\n\n\n\nVia mcdonalds.com.my\n\n\nThis name needs no further introduction because who in the world doesn\u2019t know McDonald\u2019s. Popularly known not just for their tasty variety of burgers but also for their seasonal promotions and desserts. And even though the current king of fried chicken is KFC, McDonald\u2019s fried chicken comes to a close second. Some even think that McDonald\u2019s fried chicken is better than KFC\u2019s. Especially their spicy fried chicken that has a kick unlike any other.\n\n\n5. Uncle Jack Fried Chicken\n\n\n\n\nVia mrspip.com\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\n\n\nSimilar to Marrybrown, Uncle Jack is also a Malaysian-based fast food restaurant. However, since it is owned by the same company as Giant, it can only be found within the hypermarket. So if you\u2019re ever interested in trying finger-licking fried chicken that\u2019s highly affordable and at the same time need to purchase groceries, Uncle Jack is the one for you. Seriously though, don\u2019t let the sparse menu deter you from trying their food for as the saying goes, don\u2019t judge a book by its cover.\n\n\nDid your favourite fried chicken restaurant make the list? If by chance there\u2019s any restaurant you haven\u2019t tried before, we strongly recommend you to do so as you might just find a new restaurant to love. Know what else you\u2019ll love? Custom-made gifts that look great and are budget-friendly. Where to find them? At Printcious\u2019\u00a0\npersonalised gift shop\n!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gaya-hidup-tidak-sihat", "title": "5 Sebab Tabiat Merokok Ketika Mengandung Amat Membahayakan Diri Ibu & Janin", "body": "Gaya hidup tidak sihat seperti tabiat merokok amat ditegah sama sekali kerana ia mendatangkan lebih banyak keburukan berbanding kebaikan terhadap diri sendiri dan orang sekeliling. Ia bukanlah rahsia lagi bahawa merokok membahayakan kesihatan tubuh kerana mampu merosakkan organ dalaman secara amnya.\n\n\nSekiranya anda sedang mengandung, tabiat merokok secara berterusan ini boleh mendatangkan kesan negatif terutama sekali dalam proses tumbesaran janin dalam kandungan.\n\n\nGaya hidup tidak sihat ketika hamil beri kesan buruk terhadap ibu dan bayi\n\n\n\n\ncredit to sources\n\n\n\n\nJika ibu merupakan perokok dan tidak melepaskan kebiasaan ini setelah mengetahui diri sudah berbadan dua, anda bukan sahaja membahayakan kesihatan diri, tetapi juga bayi dalam kandungan.\n\n\nSetiap satu batang rokok memiliki lebih daripada 7,000 bahan kimia yang boleh merosakkan sel dalam badan.\n\n\nKetika ibu hamil tidak berhenti melakukan tabiat ini, bahan-bahan kimia yang terdapat di dalam rokok akan masuk ke dalam salur darah dan mencemarkan kandungan cecair darah.\n\n\nKemudiannya, ia akan meresap ke bahagian uri (plasenta) melalui salur-salur darah. Bayi memiliki hubungan terus dengan darah ibu dan bahan-bahan kimia toksin dari rokok ini akan meresap kepada bayi. Tidak kira berapa banyak batang rokok yang dihisap sehari, ia tetap memberikan kesan negatif terhadap janin.\n\n\nIni yang bakal berlaku sekiranya ibu hamil terus memilih untuk mengamalkan gaya hidup tidak sihat ini:\n\n\n#1. Risiko keguguran dan kelahiran mati\n\n\nSalah satu kesan yang paling dahsyat adalah anda mungkin akan kehilangan bayi yang dikandung sama ada disebabkan oleh keguguran atau kelahiran mati. Dalam hal ini jika ibu mengandung terus merokok, besar kemungkinan kedua-duanya akan terdedah dengan bahan kimia berbahaya yang terdapat dalam rokok seperti Nikotin (racun serangga), Ammonia (Pencuci tandas), Tar, Benzena dan Formaldehida.\n\n\n#2. Kehamilan ektopik\n\n\nKehamilan ektopik ini terjadi apabila telur yang disenyawakan akan tersekat pada bahagian tiub fallopio dan tidak dapat berkembang. Kandungan nikotin dalam sebatang rokok boleh menyebabkan keadaan ini terjadi.\n\n\n#3. Plasenta previa\n\n\n\n\ncredit to sources\n\n\n\n\nPada kehamilan normal, plasenta biasanya akan berada di atas rahim bagi mendapatkan ruang ketika serviks terbuka bagi kelahiran yang betul. Dalam hal ini, plasenta previa terjadi ketika plasenta menutup sebahagian atau sepenuhnya pembukaan servis.\n\n\nAktiviti tidak sihat ketika mengandung seperti merokok boleh membuatkan masalah ini menjadi lebih serius.\n\n\n#4. Kelahiran awal atau pramatang\n\n\nTabiat merokok semasa hamil juga boleh menyebabkan risiko kelahiran pramatang. Ini bukan sahaja melibatkan kelahiran awal, namun berlaku disebabkan oleh banyak komplikasi lain terjadi pada bayi.\n\n\nKesan pada masa akan datang pada bayi adalah masalah cerebral palsy, masalah pembelajaran, tingkah laku serta ketidakupayaan.\n\n\n#5. Berlaku kecacatan pada bahagian tubuh bayi\n\n\nIbu mengandung yang gemar menghisap rokok turut menyebabkan bayi mengalami kecacatan pada fizikal setelah dilahirkan. Misalnya bibir sumbing atau lelangit.\n\n\nAnda juga akan mendapati si manja mengalami masalah jantung yang serius kesan tabiat merokok semasa hamil.\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nPenjagaan pantang dan selepas bersalin\nChildbirth aftermath \u2013 Get back in shape\nTip keibubapaan\n7 Expert tips for parents on instilling moral values in kids\nTip keibubapaan\nIbu Ini Berkongsi Helah Bagaimana Dia Memberi Suplemen Kepada Anaknya & Ia PASTI AKAN Menakjubkan Anda\nLifestyle\nLight Up Your Celebration for Mid-Autumn Festival at Sunway Putra Mall\n\n\ncredit to sources\n\n\n\n\nManakala, janin juga akan mengalami masalah kekurangan bekalan oksiden dan pendedahan toksik sehingga boleh menyebabkan \nasphyxia\n (lemas) dan \nhypoxic ischemic encephalopathy\n iaitu komplikasi otak yang boleh menyebabkan \u2018tarik\u2019 (seizure) serta kegagalan otak untuk berfungsi dengan baik.\n\n\nPerokok wanita yang mengandung hendaklah mendapatkan nasihat daripada kaunseling di premis kesihatan iaitu:\n\n\n\n\nBimbingan psikologi\n\n\nRawatan gantian nikotin\n\n\nRawatan ubat-ubatan\u00a0\n\n\nKaunseling untuk berhenti merokok\n\n\n\n\nJusteru, setiap ibu yang mendapatkan perkhidmatan ini hendaklah melalui proses saringan terlebih dahulu bagi mengenal pasti fakta risiko kesihatan terutamanya tabiat merokok dalam seharian.\n\n\nAdalah lebih baik jika anda berusaha untuk menghentikan tabiat ini bagi mendapatkan kualiti hidup yang lebih baik, bebas daripada sebarang masalah penyakit dan anak-anak dapat membesar dengan sihat seperti kanak-kanak yang lain.\n\n\nMenurut ketua penyelidik dari Universiti Helsinki, Dr Joni Lindbohm, tiada merokok yang selamat, baik diambil beberapa batang atau sekotak sehari. Pilihan yang terbaik ialah jangan merokok langsung.\n\n\nSumber: \nPenulis asal Aimee. Artikel ini mendapat keizinan daripada \ntheAsianparent Filipina\n untuk diterjemah.\n\n\nFoto: gettyimages\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nBaca juga:\n\n\nhttps://my.theasianparent.comlahir-caesar\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maid-smokes-and-gives-baby-pneumonia", "title": "Maid smokes and gives baby pneumonia", "body": "Being a mum is challenging enough. But if you have to raise your child without a partner, it can be even more difficult. So single mothers seek the help of relatives and trusted friends. \nIt takes a village\n, as they say.\n\n\nBut what if one person in your \u201cvillage,\u201d who\u2019s supposed to protect your child is the one who puts them at risk? 31-year-old Jenny Young learned the value of a trustworthy support system after her baby\u2019s \nyaya\n harmed her otherwise healthy baby.\n\n\nHere\u2019s her story.\n\n\nNeglectful smoking nanny gives baby pneumonia by smoking while caring for her\n\n\nIn an interview with \ntheAsianparent\n, Jenny laments that her 16-month-old baby once contracted pneumonia at 6 months old from her nanny (\nyaya)\n.\n\n\nThe \nyaya\n, who was already in her late 50s, had apparently been smoking while caring for the baby.\n\n\n\u201cI already heard from my stepmum that she caught her smoking and already told the yaya not to,\u201d Jenny confides, recalling how her little one started to get sick\u2014from the common cold to cough.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, she says that \u201cthe yaya did promise not to smoke.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI caught the yaya hiding a cigarette behind her back as she carried my baby with one hand\u2026\u201d\n\n\n\n\nphoto courtesy of Jenny Young\n\n\n\n\nBut the smoking\u00a0nanny had a hard time kicking the habit.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cEven though my child already had cough and colds at the time, I caught the \nyaya\n hiding a cigarette behind her back as she carried my baby with one hand,\u201d recounts Jenny.\u00a0\n\u201cAfter a day, my child\u2019s cough was making it hard for her to breathe and that time my \nyaya\n strongly advised against taking her to the doctor.\u201d\n\n\nThe child\u2019s yaya instead insisted she knew how to perform baby massages (or \nhilot\n), which could help relieve the symptoms, but this seemed to only put the baby in pain.\n\n\nSo Jenny persisted in bringing her child to the doctor, and it was a good thing she did. While at the doctor\u2019s clinic, she found out her baby\u2019s breathing was no longer normal.\n\n\n\u201cIf I didn\u2019t bring her to the hospital soon it could have been fatal\u2026\u201d\n\n\n\n\nphoto courtesy of Jenny Young\n\n\n\n\nSince she was vomiting up medicine, the doctor thought it best to refer them to a hospital. While there, several tests confirmed the baby already had pneumonia.\n\n\n\u201cHer lungs were filled with phlegm and if I didn\u2019t bring her to the hospital soon it could have been fatal,\u201d Jenny relates.\n\n\nDoctors also diagnosed her baby with a urinary tract infection (UTI).\u00a0\nShe later found out from neighbors that the \nyaya\n had given the child soda to drink.\n\n\nJenny eventually terminated the employment of the problematic \nyaya\n.\n\n\nThrough her experience, she\u2019s learned a lot. And she has this advice:\u00a0\n\u201cParents should make sure \nyayas\n aren\u2019t smokers and have no vices like gambling because that would be the reason why they will neglect the child when you are not around\u201d\n\n\nHere are some of the best lessons in handling problems with your child\u2019s \nyaya\u00a0\nbased on Jenny\u2019s story.\n\n\n\n\nConfront them.\u00a0\n\u201cSometimes it is hard to talk back to older people but we shouldn\u2019t be afraid to stand for ourselves when our child is at risk,\u201d says Jenny. If you sense something is off, you can still confront them without being disrespectful. You are still their employer despite the age gap.\u00a0Don\u2019t be afraid to speak the truth.\n\n\nGive them the benefit of the doubt. \nWhen faced with an issue, allow them to explain themselves. Listen to them with an open mind. This encourages a mutually beneficial conversation.\n\n\nGive them a chance to prove themselves. \nDo\u00a0not jump to conclusions based on a person\u2019s background. Jenny assumed the smoking nanny\u00a0would be a good caregiver since she\u2019s an older mum. You can only really tell how good a caregiver they will be once they\u2019re on the job.\n\n\nBe firm but fair. \nT\nhere has to be a balance between being a kind employer and a one that keeps employees in line.\n\u00a0Jenny confides that it\n\u00a0was her\n\u00a0bad for being too lenient, \u201cI felt like she abused her freedom and thought she was irreplaceable.\u201d\n\n\nStrive to find the best replacement, if needed. \nThere are still good helpers out there!\n\u00a0\nAfter all that her family has been through, Jenny\u00a0happily reports that she\u2019s found a more suitable helper in caring for her child\u2014a kind, caring woman, who she calls her \u201cangel.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMy baby is not as sickly as she was with her old \nyaya\n,\u201d she says in closing. \u201cI am at peace with the new \nyaya\n in taking care of her.\u201d\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nMengapa Pendidikan Kewangan Penting\nTip keibubapaan\nMahu Anak Cepat Tangkap Bila Belajar, Kena Pastikan Anak Sentiasa Sihat, Ini Caranya!\nPercutian\nMaksimumkan Masa Percutian Anda ke Hong Kong: Tip Penduduk Tempatan Untuk Destinasi Paling Trendy, Restoran Menarik & Banyak Lagi!\nHias rumah\nUdara Di Dalam Rumah 2 Kali Ganda Lebih Tercemar Dari Udara Luar? Ini 5 Tips Dari Dr Amanda Untuk Anda Ubah Kualiti Pengudaraan!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/identifying-children-with-high-iq-an-age-by-age-guide-for-parents", "title": "Identifying Children With High IQ: An Age-By-Age Guide For Parents", "body": "Is your child extra tall for her age? Or is your seven-year-old child always glued to a book? Parents, these could be signs that your child\u2019s Intelligence Quotient (IQ) \u2013 the measurement of intelligence \u2013 is higher than average!\u00a0\n\n\nVarious \nstudies\n\u00a0have revealed important indicators that identify children of various ages with high IQ. As your child grows and passes through each of these ages, you may be able to check for these signs in him or her.\n\n\nHere\u2019s an age-by-age guide for identifying children with high IQ:\n\n\nNewborn: Having a bigger-than-average head!\n\n\n\n\nChildren with high IQ: A sign of this in a newborn is a large head!\n\n\n\n\nMums, if your baby had a fairly large head at birth, it\u2019s time to rejoice! According to a study published in the \nJournal of Molecular Psychiatry\n, there is a positive correlation between the size of a baby\u2019s head at birth and the probability of a high IQ.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAnalysis of the research data also showed \nthat\n \u201cbabies born with larger heads are significantly more likely to get a degree, as well as score\u00a0higher on verbal-numerical reasoning tests.\u201d\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nRegular massage for fostering physical and motor skills.\n\n\nResponding to your baby\u2019s babbling and also speaking to your baby will help develop your baby\u2019s brain.\n\n\nHolding and cuddling your baby helps in making him or her feel emotionally secure and stable\n\n\n\n\nAge One and Two Years: Exposure to a\u00a0number of languages\n\n\nMums, do you speak different languages? If yes, encourage bilingualism in your toddler by talking to them in more than one language.\n\n\nAccording to \nstudies,\n speaking to your one or two-year-old in multiple languages fosters brain development.\n\n\nChildren born to parents speaking more than one language performed better in IQ tests as \nstudies\n reveal.\u00a0\n\n\nIn a related study, experts\n Peal and Lambert concluded that:\u00a0\u201cIntellectually [the bilingual child\u2019s] experience with two language systems seems to have left him with a mental flexibility, a superiority in concept formation, a more diversified set of mental abilities.\u201d\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nYou can help improving your child\u2019s\n cognitive skills\n by encouraging imitation\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nPlaying games like hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo will also foster cognitive skills at this age\n\n\nGive your toddler choices: \u201cWould you like apple juice or orange juice?\u201d This gives your child autonomy, while you still maintain some control!\n\n\n\n\nAge Three Years: Growing taller than the usual benchmark\n\n\n\n\nChildren with high IQ: Is your 3-year-old taller than average?\n\n\n\n\nIf you think your child is a bit tall for a three-year-old, chances are he or she is going to have a higher IQ later on.\n\n\nChildren with higher IQ are taller than others according to a \nstudy\n by National Bureau of Economic Research.\n\n\nThe research team states:\u00a0\u201cAs early as age three, before schooling has had a chance to play a role, and throughout childhood, taller children perform significantly better on cognitive tests.\u201d\n\n\nThe study further elaborates that tall children are quite likely to become tall adults as the correlation between height in childhood and adulthood is around 0.7 for both men and women.\n\n\nTaller adults often choose higher paying occupations where advanced verbal-numerical skills and greater intelligence are needed. This can be related back to the cognitive skills in childhood.\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nGive your child ample playtime as their\u00a0\nmotor skills\n are developing. At this age, most kids are able to learn walking or running without tripping. You can also encourage the use of a bicycle or tricycle.\n\n\nEncourage your three-year-old to draw with crayons or turn the pages to encourage fine motor skill development.\n\n\nYou can also start asking simpler questions like their name and age. Their linguistic skills will get stimulated by this activity.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge Four Years: Capacity to paint a person\n\n\n\n\nChildren with high IQ: Your 4-year-old\u2019s painting skills can be a sign of their IQ.\n\n\n\n\nMums, if your four-year-old is inclined towards painting, there\u2019s a chance that he or she may have higher IQ.\n\n\nA \nstudy\n reveals that four-year-olds, who can create a realistic image of a human, may do well in IQ tests.\n\n\nIn this project by King\u2019s College in London, four-year-olds had to take the \u2018Draw-a-Child\u2019 test. As part of this, kids had to draw a child and results were based on the presence and correctness of the physical features like eyes and nose.\n\n\nThe research team examined 15,000 drawings made by four-year-olds. Kids who had an eye for art had better chances of scoring well in IQ tests. Children with higher scores in this test also had higher intelligence at the age of four as well as fourteen.\n\n\nDr Rosaline Arden, lead author of this study says:\u00a0\u201cThe Draw-a-Child test was devised in the 1920\u2019s to assess children\u2019s intelligence, so the fact that the test correlated with intelligence at age 4 was expected.What surprised us was that it correlated with intelligence a decade later.\u201d\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nPlaying bounce ball with your child to help develop their motor skills\n\n\nYou can also ask them to identify names of colours, animals and other objects to facilitate their \ncognitive development\n.\n\n\nEncourage them to draw as during this age they will begin to master the art of holding a pencil properly, which in turn will assist with writing.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge Five Years: Ability to lie\n\n\nPerhaps the only time you\u2019d be happy that your child is lying may be when he or she is five years old!\n\n\nLying involves cooking up stories and this can be a complex process. Experts feel that if a child can do this by the age of five years he or she may go on to develop a high IQ later on.\n\n\nA Canadian \nstudy\n that had 1,200 children in the age group of 2 to 17 years supports this thought that children who were able to lie at an early age turned out to be more intelligent.\u00a0\n\n\nDr Kang Lee, the director of the Institute of Child Study at Toronto University, says: \u201cParents should not be alarmed if their child tells a fib. Their children are not going to turn out to be pathological liars. Almost all children lie. It is a sign that they have reached a new developmental milestone. Those who have better cognitive development lie because they can cover up their tracks.\u201d\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nYou can take your child to a park and encourage him or her to swing and climb. At this age, a child is looking forward to developing these \nphysical skills\n.\n\n\nAllow your kids to co-narrate stories with you. They can complete the stories at this age. Letting them take the lead in storytelling from time to time will help in developing cognitive skills like memory and imagination.\n\n\nYou can also allow your child to wear their clothes on their own. Around this time, kids learn to dress independently.\n\n\n\n\nAge Six Years: Playing a musical instrument\n\n\nResearch by the \nUniversity of Vermont College of Medicine\n found that anxiety management and emotional skills of children who played a musical instrument were better than those who didn\u2019t.\n\n\nThey studied the brain scans of 232 healthy kids falling in the age group of six and eighteen. At six years, playing musical instruments helps in boosting a child\u2019s emotional intelligence.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nTips to help your child\u2019s healthy development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nAllow your child to be more independent as this is an age when kids like to do things on their own.\n\n\nEncourage them to dance as around this age kids usually \nlearn\n to move to music and beat.\n\n\nApart from that, allow them time for lots of physical activity for their little bodies to develop.\n\n\n\n\nAge Seven Years: Being voracious readers\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChildren with high IQ: Do you have a voracious little reader at home?\n\n\n\n\nDo you see your child reading anything and everything that they lay their hands on? Apart from improving vocabulary, reading is also an indicator of high IQ.\n\n\nIn 2014, the University of Edinburgh and King\u2019s College in London conducted \na joint study\n. They found out that children who read a lot of books by the age of seven displayed higher intelligence in later life.\n\n\nThey fared extremely well in IQ tests as well.\u00a0\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nAround this time, the child\u2019s \npersonality is developing\n, so giving positive feedback for building self-esteem is required.\n\n\nIt is also important to have patience and understanding if your child gets frustrated or anxious about a task.\n\n\nEncourage responsibility to assigning age-appropriate chores.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge Eight Years: Staying up until late\n\n\nMums, if you have difficulty in getting your eight-year-old to sleep on time, they\u2019re probably going to grow up to become more intelligent than others.\n\n\nAccording to research by the London School of Economics, clever adults are more likely to stay up late, and guess what? They got into this habit at an early age.\n\n\nResearchers observed: \u201cMore intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be \nnocturnal\n adults who go to bed late and wake up late on both weekdays and weekends.\u201d\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nAt this age, your child may feel a strong need to belong. So this can be a good age to talk about \npeer pressure\n.\n\n\nParents must also recognize a child\u2019s need for privacy at this age.\n\n\nTeach your child about managing basic finances by giving them an appropriate amount of pocket money.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge Nine Years: Eating a healthy breakfast\n\n\nChildren with high IQ prefer eating healthy breakfast. Research conducted by the \nUniversity of Cardiff\n that included studying 5,000 children in the age group of 9 to 11 found that those who ate a balanced breakfast did better in their exams.\u00a0\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nKids in this age are also curious about relationships between boys and girls. So you can talk to them more openly about what they think.\n\n\nYou may allow kids of this age to make their own decisions. Around this time, children would appreciate that type of freedom from parents.\n\n\nEncourage them to be organized in their day-to-day life as well as make plans, by keeping a journal or a daily planner.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAge Ten Years: Ability to engage in a good chat\n\n\n\n\nChildren with high IQ at an older age love to have proper chats with you!\n\n\n\n\nAt the age of ten years, some of the significant signs of intelligence can be a liking for chatting, making up different rules for board games and getting bored with other children.\n\n\nTips to boost your child\u2019s overall development at this age:\n\n\n\n\nYou can encourage your kids to join group activities or spend time with friends to improve their social skills.\n\n\nYou can also allow them to do complex tasks on their own like asking them to help in household activities.\n\n\nContinue to foster your child\u2019s love of reading by getting them a library membership.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn sum, children with high IQ display a wide range of characteristics like good memory and observation skills. They also have good concentration. Even at a young age, they may show exceptional ability in one area of growth and development, however not in others. They may have some special interests that they explore deeply.\n\n\nTheir thought process can be abstract even at a young age. They have a variety of ideas that they produce in their mind and understand well. Their inquiring minds are always on the lookout to uncover new streams of knowledge or learn new skills. They not only understand concepts quickly but also show that they have understood them by explaining in easy language or with examples.\u00a0\n\n\nWe hope you found this article useful. Does your child display any of these signs?\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nUsing Psychology to Shape Behaviour: Punish, Reward or Remove?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/angry-mum-finds-indoor-playground-contaminated-with-faeces", "title": "Angry mum finds indoor playground contaminated with faeces", "body": "An angry mum took to Facebook recently after an indoor playground* continued running while\u00a0staff were cleaning up a poo accident that happened in the ball pit.\n\n\nAccording to mum\u00a0\n\u200e\nJustine Marie Santos-Sugay\n\u200e, she and her husband had taken their son to an indoor playground to play. After watching her four-year-old son playing for 10 minutes, she noticed something was amiss. Strangely enough, some indoor playground staff were emptying the ball pit while there were still about roughly\u00a0\n20 kids playing.\n\n\nThere was poo in the ball pit\n\n\n\n\nCurious as to why the staff would be cleaning playground equipment right at that moment, she went to talk to the\u00a0attendant on duty. According to him, they were just replacing the balls.\u00a0\n\n\nSo imagine her shock when she found out from other parents that the staff were actually cleaning faeces that they had found in the ball pit. Furious, she confronted the attendant asking why wasn\u2019t she told about the matter, to which he replied that he thought she already knew.\n\n\nShe immediately asked her husband to remove their son from the playground while she talked to the manager of the place. Angry that her son spent 15 minutes in a faeces-infected playpen, she asked the manager for a refund.\n\n\nThe indoor playground continued on as usual\n\n\n\n\nStaff should be cleaning playground equipment properly without any children still playing around.\n\n\nWhen asked why they didn\u2019t close the ball pit, the manager replied that he was 100% sure that the poo was just contained in that area.\n\n\nIn other words, spot cleaning was sufficient. He did not see the need to close the whole place so that a more thorough cleaning ccould be done.\n\n\nBut as any parent knows, the kids throw the balls everywhere \u2013 so actually, there is no fool-proof way of knowing if the ball is contaminated with faeces or not. Just think about the long list of infections that can be transmitted through faeces like \nHFMD\n,\u00a0\nrotavirus\n,\u00a0\nsalmonella\n\u00a0and even \nworms\n. It\u2019s enough to give even the toughest of us the creeps.\u00a0\n\n\nJust imagine how mummy Justine felt when they saw their\u00a0son holding two balls when they found him. Why did they allow the children to continue playing while they were cleaning playground equipment?\u00a0\n\n\n\u2018I practically doused him in cleaning alcohol!\u2019\n\n\nIn a short interview, Justine told \nTheAsianParent\n that she practically doused her son with alcohol when they got home.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThere is a lack of regulation and accountability. And it pains me to think that so many parents just avoid [the mall playground] altogether instead of demanding for better service. \u201c\n\n\n\n\nIn reply to the incident, the indoor playground released a statement later stating:\n\n\n\n\nCleaning playground equipment and proper sanitizing is important\n\n\nEven if the indoor playground looks visibly clean, germs, bacteria and viruses may still be present. It is important to properly clean or disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated. This is to reduce harmful germs and the risk of children contracting illness and disease.\n\n\nCleaning up of body fluids like blood, urine, vomit, or faecal matter should be done immediately. The area should be closed off so that the staff can disinfect the area. Prior to disinfecting the area, surfaces should always be first cleaned thoroughly with soap and water.\n\n\nGood hygiene practices in indoor playgrounds include:\n\n\n\n\nno footwear (except socks)\n\n\nno eating or drinking allowed\u00a0\n\n\nHygiene levels are adhered to, and daily cleaning and inspections are carried out.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nMayo Clinic\n, \nWebMD\n\n\nRead also:\u00a0\nToddler catches HFMD, possibly from an indoor playground\n\n\n*The incident happened in the Philippines. The name of the playground has not been revealed.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKewangan\nMulakan Simpanan Pendidikan & Masa Depan Anak Seawal Mungkin, Pilihlah Cara Terbaik Untuk Tabungan Konsisten\n#PendidikanKewangan\n6 Perkara Ibu Bapa Mengatakan Tentang Kewangan - Dan Apa Yang Anak-Anak Pelajari Daripadanya\nProduk bayi\nInfant safe products for your home\nHealth\n\"My Child Is Healthy, How Did They Get Infected With Chickenpox?\"\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cleaning-tools", "title": "5 Must-have Cleaning Tools for Your Home to Spark Joy", "body": "Have you watched a hit American TV show called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo?\n\n\nIf you have been living in a disorganized and chaotic place that you call home, maybe it\u2019s time to check this show out. This show is going to worth your while instead of the sappy rom-com you have always seem to enjoy binge-watching on Netflix.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s the deal with this show?\n\n\nIt has garnered millions of viewers with Marie Kondo, a best-seller Japanese author going rounds visiting houses and asking people to clean their houses. Not exactly the kind of motivation that you need at the moment right?\n\n\nBut wait until you hear about her declutter method which is also known as the KonMari method. It has brought to light the idea to spark the joy back into your dull and miserable life by getting rid of the things that you do not need and keep the ones that truly matter to you.\u00a0\n\n\nWe are highly inspired by Marie Kondo\u2019s show but we also know for a fact that cleaning can be a total nightmare. When you have been a hoarder for years, imagine how much dust you have been accumulating all this while.\n\n\nYou want to clean but you haven\u2019t got the power and will to summon your\u00a0pseudo-cleaning spirit.\n\n\nLaziness at its best form.\n\n\nIf cleaning can be arduous and time-consuming, how can it spark joy?\u00a0\n\n\nWe intend to answer this question by giving you the best 5 cleaning tools that you should have in your home to ease your cleaning process together with some PRO tips to help you clean like a MASTER.\n\n\n1.\u00a0Mop like a pro\n\n\nDoes mopping get you feeling like ugh?\n\n\nIf you have a traditional mop and a heavily loaded water bucket for mopping, you\u2019ll know what we are talking about. It\u2019s heavy and you have to squeeze the life out of the mop before you start moping or else, you will end up with a wet floor.\u00a0\n\n\nThank god, we\u2019ve found a workaround this time and it comes down to the newest and latest mop types to help speed up the process and makes moping fun again. It\u2019s 2020, guys.\n\n\nSpray mop\n\n\n\n\nA water bucket for mopping? Who needs that? All you have to do is to fill in the tube with your cleaning detergent and you are good to go. Spray here, spray there, one swipe. You are done.\u00a0\n\n\nEasy spin mop\n\n\n\n\nA fan of an old school mop? This is almost like the one you have at home but with a touch of modernity. You no longer have to spin the mop with your bare hands. The bucket will do it for you.\n\n\n2. Easy Vacuum\n\n\nSuck it, dust! Only one tool can do the deed better than everything else and that is a vacuum. Some vacuum can be overpriced but there are plenty of vacuums that can fit your budget.\u00a0\n\n\nCordless\n\n\n\n\nCordless vacuums are the rage nowadays. No more a long and messy cord that you have to pull from the vacuum. Because they are cordless, you can clean the whole house to your heart\u2019s content without having to drag the cord.\n\n\nRobotic vacuum\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t underestimate its look. It\u2019s small and handy but its compact power will surprise you. Just let this guy run on its own. Set to on and you don\u2019t have to do anything. Just simply watch. It can be pretty amusing when it wants to clean at a tight corner.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Broom, Broom\n\n\nYou have a vacuum for carpet and mop for the floor, if you think that we are missing out on this tool to clean your floor, then you are in for surprises. All households in the world need a good sturdy broom. So, let\u2019s get started.\n\n\nSmart Sweeper\n\n\n\n\nThis is a goal broom because it comes in two in one function. Who needs a dustpan when you this.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nBroom and dustpan\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s like your ordinary broom and dustpan but with a twist. Check out the video above.\n\n\n4.\u00a0Magic Sponge\n\n\nBehold that one magical sponge that can help you save hours and hours of scrubbing the dirt and whatnot. Need us to say more? This has helped lots of housewives removing any toughest stain in their homes.\n\n\n\n\nMicrofiber cloths and wet tissue\n\n\nYou know that satisfying feeling when you have finished cleaning your counter top and they look squeakily cleaned? You can thank microfiber cloths and wet tissue for that. Both function the same. If you want to clean a dusty surface, get a microfiber cloth as it helps to trap dust better than any ordinary cloth. Wet tissue? Brilliant. It is an easy solution to clean any stain easily.\n\n\n\n\nDo you know what else can truly spark joy?\n\n\nThe smile from someone you love. Make them feel loved today by giving a\u00a0\ncustom personalised gift\n. Wherever you are, whether you live in the outskirt of Malaysia or miles apart from someone you love, Printcious is here from you as we will send the gift safe and sound to them.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/study-co-sleeping-with-a-toddler-is-bad-for-mums-mental-health", "title": "Study: Co-sleeping with a toddler is bad for mum's mental health", "body": "After the birth of your baby, you make many important choices as new parents. One of these is whether to co sleep or not and if yes, for how long. Many parents feel that co-sleeping is a healthy practice, and indeed, there are many benefits to it. But did you know that research has revealed that co sleeping with a toddler can affect mum\u2019s mental health?\n\n\n\n\nCo sleeping with a toddler: How much do you know about the benefits of this?\n\n\n\n\nCo sleeping with a toddler: What does co sleeping mean?\n\n\nSharing a sleeping surface with your little one, either for part of the night or the whole night, is called co-sleeping.\n\n\nThere are two types of co-sleeping: room-sharing or bed-sharing.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRoom sharing:\n\u00a0When parents and the child sleep in the same room but in different beds. For example, the baby may be put to sleep in a crib in the same room as the parents, or an older child may have a separate bed in the same room as their parents.\u00a0\n\n\nBed sharing:\u00a0\nMany times, kids crawl in to their mum\u2019s bed and sleep in the same bed, or infants are put to sleep in the same bed as their mums for easy nursing. This is bed-sharing.\n\n\n\n\nThe American Academy of Paediatrics recommends co-sleeping during a child\u2019s first year, mainly because it can reduce the risk of SIDS. After the age of 12 months, this risk lowers greatly, and that\u2019s why kids may be encouraged to sleep separately.\n\n\nCo sleeping with a toddler: Why do families choose to co sleep?\n\n\n\n\nParents believe that it is a more healthy and natural approach for sleeping.\n\n\nNighttime feeding becomes easier in case of breastfeeding babies.\n\n\nEven accidental co-sleeping may take place wherein the child may visit the parents\u2019 room in the middle of night and sleep with them.\n\n\n\n\nDifferent families may have different experiences when co-sleeping. They may feel that it is a positive experience or even find it frustrating. While there has been a lot of research that points out the safety aspect of co-sleeping, little has been done on the effects it can have on the parents. But there\u2019s one study about co sleeping with a toddler that suggests the negative impact on a mother\u2019s mental health.\n\n\n\n\nPrevious studies have examined the effects on mums co-sleeping with infants.\n\n\n\n\nCo sleeping with a toddler: How does this affect a mum\u2019s mental health?\n\n\nIn 2017, the \nJournal of Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics\n published a study that looked at the effects of co-sleeping on the mental health of a mum. The research reveals that sleeping problems in kids can highly affect the parents, especially the mothers. Insufficient sleep for parents can be a common \u201cside effect\u201d of co-sleeping with a toddler, especially one who is restless even in sleep!\n\n\nEarlier research in the subject had indicated a connection between children\u2019s poor sleep and negative\u00a0 mental health in the mum. So, a specific study was conducted to understand the same in the case of mums of toddlers.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nLow-income toddler mums with kids in the age group of 12 to 32 months participated in this study. They answered a questionnaire related to their toddler\u2019s sleeping habits, their own sleep as well as mental health symptoms. The mental health questions included topics like depression, anxiety and stress.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat did the findings reveal?\n\n\nThe findings said that in the cases where toddlers experienced sleeping problems, the mother\u2019s own sleep was also disturbed.\n\n\nThe disruption was increased in situations where mothers were co sleeping with a toddler who had trouble sleeping. There was an average decrease of 51 minutes of sleep for mums who were co sleeping with a toddler.\n\n\nTheir sleep was mainly disturbed by the child\u2019s movements in the bed, or the child would wake them up. Mothers co sleeping with a toddler also showed symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. In contrast, mothers who were not co sleeping with a toddler did not show as many negative mental health symptoms.\u00a0\n\n\nCo sleeping with a toddler: How to encourage them to sleep independently\n\n\nIf you are looking to encourage your little one to start sleeping independently, here are a few useful tips:\n\n\n\n\nWhen you feel your child can handle sleeping alone, discuss the new sleeping routine with them during daytime. It is not advisable to go cold turkey on them right before bedtime. Mentally preparing your child well in advance can be of great help. This is also important as it can give you indications about how happy or unhappy your child is about this change.\n\n\nBegin with simple things like not lying down in the bed with them. You may just sit or at the most lay next to their bed. You can read bedtime stories with the lights dimmed, to encourage your toddler to fall asleep.\u00a0\n\n\nFix a time for how long you will wait with your child. For example, you may wait for five or ten minutes and then assure them that you will be back to check on them.\n\n\nChecking on your child as often as you feel comfortable is advisable. When checking on your little one, do so quietly. If they notice you, just tell them that you are going to come back after a while.\n\n\nLast but not least, give your child the time to adjust to this new sleeping routine. Every child is different and will respond differently. Understand what is working for your child. If needed, get advice from your paediatrician who can explain this change to your child and also tell them how they can deal with your absence on their own.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n \nVery Well Family\n, \nKids Health\n, \nAsk Dr Sears\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/truth-behind-the-mum-shaming-picture-that-went-viral", "title": "Truth behind the mum shaming picture that went viral", "body": "Imagine this. You are exhausted, stressed and fighting to keep your head above water. It doesn\u2019t help that you are struggling to juggle a few things and when you\u2019re in the midst of it all, someone decides to snap a picture when you momentarily let go of your child\u2019s hand. You find your picture all over the internet and discover that you are a victim of mum shaming.\n\n\nYou mouth is agape but you just can\u2019t find the words. You don\u2019t even know how to go about defending yourself. \nIt\u2019s almost akin to taking someone\u2019s words out of the full context and accusing them of defaming someone.\n Well most of the time, that\u2019s what mum shaming is like!\u00a0\n\n\nSo what happened?\n\n\nAnd that\u2019s exactly what happened to Molly Lensing, a mother of three, from Illinois. An image of her looking at her cell-phone screen in the Colorado airport, with her then 2-month-old daughter, Anastasia, resting on a blanket on the airport floor, was captured in 2016.\u00a0\n\n\nThe photo was snapped when Molly and Anastasia were on their way home after a trip to visit their family. Soon enough, the picture started rapidly circulating\n online\n and not surprisingly, people started actively judging her.\u00a0\n\n\nShe became known as the \u2018woman who found her cell phone more interesting than her infant\u2019.\u00a0\n\n\nSomeone else posted the picture and captioned it such: Albert Einstein said, \u201cI fear the day that technology will take on our humanity\u2026 the world will be populated by a generation of idiots\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nHow did Lensing feel about the mum shaming?\u00a0\n\n\nExpectedly, Lensing felt that her privacy was violated and that there was more to the story than what the picture depicted.\n\n\nDelta Airlines was going through a computer shut-down and her flights had been delayed multiple times. She had to keep re-booking flights and was \nstuck in the airport for more than 20 hours, with an infant\n!\n\n\n\n\nImagine how stressed this mum would have felt?\n\n\n\n\nAnastasia badly needed to stretch. Lensing had her in the carrier and in her arms for many hours. Her arms were tired too. \u201cAnd I had to communicate with all the family members wondering where the heck we were!\u201d Now, I bet those who were actively mum shaming Lensing, didn\u2019t know this part of the story!\n\n\nThe mum shaming went on\u00a0\n\n\nThe worst part about the incident was that the mum shaming continued for months to come. Lensing found her picture online after a few months and once someone managed to identify her by her name, she even started receiving messages!\u00a0\n\n\nSome people stood up for her but others berated her for being a terrible parent!\n\n\nLensing, who works as a part-time paediatric nurse, was terrified that her colleagues or bosses might come across the picture. She had recently started working on the labour floor and was worried that it might jeopardise her career and her superiors might decide that she\u2019s not suited to work with infants. Luckily for her, it didn\u2019t go that way!\n\n\nIt\u2019s been a year and Lensing says that while on most days she does not think of the mum shaming picture, there are times when the image resurfaces on the internet and she is forced to shift her focus to more important things.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201c\nI ignore the photos and comments and lean on those close to me who know the real me. I am powerless compared to the internet, and I know that I am the best momma to my girls,\n\u201d\u00a0\nsaid Lensing.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLensing, her husband, Nick, and their three daughters. Image Source: Today.com\n\n\n\n\nSay NO to mum shaming\u00a0\n\n\nMum shaming is never acceptable. A mom blogger, Mary Katherine Backstrom, writer at Mom Babble, shared the picture and pledged her support for Lensing and others who have been victims of mum shaming.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cNo, we do not snap photos of exhausted mothers in the airport and shame them publicly. This is gross and needs to stop\u2026Don\u2019t choose to pounce on someone in their weakest moment.\u201d\n\n\nMum shaming also happens in Singapore. There are many incidents of viral pictures on the internet, or gossip circulating like wildfire in Facebook groups or other mum groups. We must remember that only a mother would truly understand and empathise the struggle of other mothers. As such, we should be encouraging and understanding towards other mothers and never ever be part of mum shaming!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat to do if you catch someone mum shaming\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIf you catch someone mum shaming, give them a gentle reminder not to do so and explain to them that what they see is never the full picture. Don\u2019t be sanctimonious or too quick to judge another mother without understanding why she does the things she does. The only time anyone should step in is when it\u2019s clearly a case of child abuse or a mother is endangering her child.\u00a0\n\n\nMums, let\u2019s help each other to make the journey a tad bit easier!\n\n\nSource: \nToday.com\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/retroverted-uterus-what-is-it-and-how-it-affects-conception", "title": "Do You Have A Retroverted Uterus? Check These Signs To Find Out", "body": "Do you have a retroverted uterus? Under normal circumstances, the uterus is placed up-down inside a female body. In a woman suffering from this problem, the uterus is not properly aligned to where it should be.\n\n\nIt is slightly tipped forward or backwards from the ideal position, causing\n many complications and problems to the woman so affected.\n\n\nMisalignment of the uterus might be caused due to:\n\n\n\n\nFibroid tumors,\n\n\nEndometriosis,\n\n\nPelvic adhesions, or\n\n\nPregnancy. The uterus can get tilted or misplaced from its original position during childbirth, whether the child has been delivered vaginally or through a C-section.\n\n\n\n\nBesides the main causes listed above, the tilt or misalignment in the uterus might be caused by certain diseases and disorders. In most females, however, the causes of a retroverted uterus remain largely unknown.\n\n\nSymptoms of retroverted uterus\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nThe signs and symptoms associated with a tilted uterus make it easy for an experienced gynaecologist to detect the condition after a pelvic examination.\n\n\nThe three most common symptoms that lead to detection of this problem are:\n\n\n\n\nPain during the periods:\n A misaligned uterus can cause severe pain in the pelvic region during periods or during ovulation. Some women even complain of pain in the back during their periods. Affected women might face difficulty while using tampons for menstrual protection as well, though that is not always the case.\n\n\nPain during sexual intercourse:\n The neck of the uterus is known as the cervix. In most cases, a retroverted uterus is accompanied by a tilted cervix as well. In such cases, the affected female \nexperience pain during sexual intercourse\n as the penis strikes the walls of the cervix. The intensity of pain can vary from mild to extremely unbearable.\n\n\nFrequent infections and incontinence:\n Women with a retroverted uterus have been known to be more prone to infections of the urinary tract and also urinary incontinence (also called bladder incontinence).\n\n\n\n\nComplications caused by a retroverted uterus\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Two Views\n\n\n\n\n\nA retroverted uterus is not a disease or a disorder. Nor does it render the affected woman sterile. However, it certainly can and does create problems for her in many ways by affecting her sexual life and her fertility.\n\n\n\nAnd that too, in more ways than one!\n\n\nA woman with a tipped uterus can have problems in conceiving naturally. That problem would partly stem from the fact that \nsexual intercourse is a painful experience\n for her, instead of bringing her joy and pleasure due to which she might want to desist from having sexual contact altogether.\n\n\nAs if that was not enough, she might be unable to conceive even if using the IVF technique. Most experienced doctors would go for a Mock Transfer Process on a woman so affected to ensure that the embryo transferred by him into her body, later on, will be able to traverse the length of the uterus and implant itself firmly.\n\n\nTaking care of yourself\n\n\n\n\nCredit: GoodToKnow\n\n\n\n\nIf a woman does notice the presence of any of the symptoms listed above, \nshe must visit her gynaecologist\n to confirm the presence of this condition. While it certainly is not a pleasant thing to know that one has been affected by it, some steps can help make life and childbearing easier.\n\n\n\nDoctors can today recommend some simple exercises which can alleviate the pain experienced during sexual contact on this account. If exercises are not enough to take care of the problem, the doctor might need to deal with the problem physically or surgically.\n\n\n\nVaginal inserts can be used to lessen the discomfort or pain experienced during sexual intercourse, though some of them have been known to cause pain in the male partner due to which they are not a very popular option.\n\n\nSurgical interference is the last available option, and that might be required if none of the methods of treatment listed above work.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nMum horrified at gauze that emerged from uterus after natural birth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nEverything you need to know about life-threatening Placenta Previa\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n8 Ways your body tells you that you\u2019re super fertile!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-often-should-i-wash-my-bra-heres-the-dirty-truth", "title": "'How Often Should I Wash My Bra?' Here's The Dirty Truth!", "body": "It\u2019s time to fess up ladies: When was the last time you washed your bra? And no, we are not talking about your sports bra, but your regular bra. The one that you take off, sniff and throw back into the drawer to wear again the next day. While many women may not want to admit the dirty truth, the reality is that we often have different rules when it comes to washing our bras and panties.\u00a0\n\n\nSo while you most certainly should follow a one-wear-wash policy for your panties, your bra probably does not get the same amount of TLC. So, why should \u201cwash bra\u201d be on your laundry to-do list? And how often should you wash it, anyway?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhen is the ideal time to wash bra each week?\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s not necessary that you wash your bra every day.\n\n\nBut if you do not wash it at least every other day, chances are you are making it easy for oil, dirt, sweat and resulting bacteria to accumulate inside.\n\n\nNot to forget, the dirty combination of unwashed bra and boob sweat can lead to rashes and irritation.\u00a0Add to the mix a change of seasons and your unwashed bra can be a hotbed of germs and infections.\n\n\nBut don\u2019t feel grossed out. To have oil, dirt and even bacteria on the body is quite normal. However, if you leave them there, you are creating problems for your own body.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nLexie Sachs, product analyst, Textiles Lab,\u00a0\nGood Housekeeping Institute\n\u00a0\nexplains\n, \u201cEvery few wears [to wash bra] should be sufficient, but it does depend on your activity level.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cFor instance, if you\u2019re outside on a humid day and end up sweating a lot, you\u2019ll want to wash your bra sooner. On the other hand, if you throw a bra on for a couple hours, that might not count as a \u2018wear.\u2019 Washing gets rid of the oils and germs that accumulate, so the more oil you\u2019re producing, the more frequently you\u2019ll need to launder your bra,\u201d she adds.\u00a0\n\n\nThink about its type before you decide to wash bra frequently\u00a0\n\n\nWashing a bra not only depends on its use, but also its type.\u00a0\n\n\nFor instance, an underwire bra or a sports bra that pushes up closely against your skin can accumulate more oil and dirt than the soft cup bras. So it may need more washes than the latter.\n\n\nIdeally, each time your sweat it out at the gym, you should wash your sports bra. But for the fancier bras, you can re-wear them about three or four times, and then wash them on the delicate cycle.\n\n\n\u201cOver-washing can damage the elasticity, which is essential for providing the proper support,\u201d adds\u00a0Sachs.\u00a0\n\n\nNow that the question of \u201chow many times to wash bra\u201d is out of the way. Let\u2019s move on to the more important question: how do you wash your bras?\u00a0\n\n\nHow do you properly wash bra at home?\u00a0\n\n\nIn order to wash bras properly, you\u2019ll need two things:\n\n\n\n\nA clean mesh bag\n\n\nMild detergent\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1. Prepare to wash bra\n\n\nYou can just causally throw your bra in the washing machine. But what happens when you have other clothes in the washing machine such as your tees and blouses or even towels? The hooks on your bras can tug and snag onto other clothes and cause them to tear while being washed.\u00a0\n\n\nSo the best way to avoid this from happening is by hooking your bra; as you would when you wear it. Then place it in a clean mesh bag and throw it in the wash.\n\n\n2. Begin to wash bra\n\n\nYou can select the \u201cdelicate\u201d option on your washing machine and add a mild detergent.\u00a0\n\n\nYour bras do not need aggressive cleaning, both due to their size and the amount of dirt and oil than can collect onto them. However, if your bra label has specific instructions on cleaning, follow them to a tee. In addition to cleaning your bra properly, it will also increase its life.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to rely on a washing machine to clean bras, you can do so yourself as well. | Image courtesy: YouTube\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, if you do not want to wash them in the machine, you can try hand-washing them. Use a milk-based cleaning soap and wash them gently, especially the soft cup bras and the ones that are intricately designed.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Prepare to dry your bra\n\n\nOnce your bra is washed, it\u2019s time to dry it. Try to avoid a machine to do this job for you because the tugging and stretching can destroy your bra.\u00a0\n\n\nInstead, take it out of the washer and lay it flat over a towel or a clean surface. Alternatively, you can dry it faster by hanging it out in the sunlight and\u00a0\navoid drying clothes inside\n. Either way, do not wring the bra because that can also make it lose its elasticity and firmness.\n\n\nMake sure that the cups are not misshaped when you dry them.\u00a0When your bra is completely dry, stack them together with other bras so the cups remain in their original shape.\u00a0\n\n\nIncidentally, knowing what to do with your delicates is not enough to keep them clean and in proper condition. It\u2019s also important to know what you shouldn\u2019t do.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n4 things you shouldn\u2019t do while washing your bra\u00a0\n\n\nHere are a few things you must bear in mind while washing your delicates, so you do not end up with ugly, out-of-shape, or filthy bras.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Wash bra after each use: what overwashing can do\n\n\nAs stated earlier, you don\u2019t have to wash your bra after each wear; not unless it\u2019s a sports bra. Over-washing your bra can damage it.\n\n\nFor instance, the cups can lose their original shape. Or you may notice that the elasticity is gone and the cloth has a lot of wear and tear to it.\u00a0\n\n\nInstead, opt for washing bra only three to four times a week. However, you can increase the frequency based on the climate and your activity level.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Misunderstanding \u201cwear\u201d\n\n\nIf you travel a lot and have been out on a hot day, you\u2019ll want to wash your bra. And that\u2019s perfectly fine. But, if you\u2019ve only thrown it on for a couple of hours then that might not count as \u201cwear.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nSo the lacy bra can wait a while longer, but you may need to follow a one-wash-per-wear for your sports bra.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Not making room for rotation\u00a0\n\n\nAs a rule, you must keep clean bras on standby so you can rotate and wear them while the dirty ones go out for a wash. Have a minimum of five bras for the five days of the week.\n\n\nEven though you can wear the same bra for two days (if the weather and your activity levels permit), you still need more than three. This will help prevent unnecessary worry about rotation and washing of bras. It will also help protect your bras from losing their elasticity and their shape quickly.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLine them up in a stack. If you fold them with one cup inside of the other, you risk messing up the shape and shifting the padding. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n4. Storing carelessly\u00a0\n\n\nYou don\u2019t want to just throw in your bras in a drawer and then get upset about why they lost their shape so quickly. You want to be careful about the way you store them as well.\u00a0\n\n\nCarolyn Forte, director of the\u00a0\nGood Housekeeping Institute\n\u00a0Cleaning Lab \nadvises\n, \u201cLine them up in a drawer, like they do in the store. If you fold them with one cup inside of the other, you risk messing up the shape and shifting the padding.\u201d\n\n\nIf you have taken all these necessary precautions, chances are your bra will have a long shelf-life, maybe even two to three years. After that you might want to consider throwing them out.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYour bra shouldn\u2019t dig into your flesh or make you squirm every time you you try to hook it. If that happens, it\u2019s time for a change.\u00a0 | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n3 reasons you might have to throw out your bra\n\n\nYou and your bra may be best buds. You know how to wash bra and your other delicates properly and might be doing a fabulous job at keeping them looking fresh and clean.\n\n\nBut as important as it is to keep the bra in good condition, it is also crucial to know when to throw it out.\u00a0Here\u2019s what you need to look out for.\u00a0\n\n\n1. It no longer looks the same\u00a0\n\n\nJust like everything else in your cupboard, your bra will also begin to fade and lose its bloom. The best way to identify this is to check the small cloth insert that lists the size and style of the bra. If you cannot read a thing, it\u2019s time to consider buying a new one.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso make sure to check the straps, cups and the fabric. Any wear and tear on them is also an indication that you should replace them.\u00a0\n\n\n2. You haven\u2019t worn it in a long time\u00a0\n\n\nYou\u2019ve stuffed this one bra at the back of the drawer and almost never reach for it. If it\u2019s fancy and strapless, you might have stored it to wear later, but never really got around to doing so.\u00a0\n\n\nIf so, chances are this bra doesn\u2019t fit you anymore and you know that. That\u2019s why you have kept it around to check if it wears the same. But there is no shame in trying it one last time. If it fits you well, go for it. If not, it\u2019s time say \u2018goodbye.\u2019\n\n\n3. Your body has changed and it doesn\u2019t support you anymore\n\n\nOur bodies are unique. They change a lot, almost everyday one can say. So do our breasts. When you gain a few pounds, have a baby or stop breastfeeding, this reflects in your bra size as well.\u00a0\n\n\nThe straps might be too loose or the fabric is no longer your preference. Likewise, the bra may not provide you with the support it did a couple of years back. Remember that your bra shouldn\u2019t dig into your flesh or make you squirm every time you you try to hook it. If that happens, it\u2019s time for a change.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you have some fresh bras that you feel are too good to throw out, you can \nrecycle\n\u00a0them\u00a0 (there are companies willing to take your almost new bras) or donate them.\u00a0\n\n\nIs \u201cwash bra\u201d on your to-do list already?!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n \nGood Housekeeping\n, \nHuffington Post\n, \nMarie Claire\n, \nThe Breast Life\n\u00a0\n\n\nALSO READ: 8 Cleaning Mistakes That Leave Your Home Dirtier\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sex-pregnancy-good", "title": "This Is Why Sex During Pregnancy Is Good For Your Body and Mind!", "body": "Carrying a baby doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t get it on with your partner. \nHormones wreak havoc when you\u2019re expecting, which can make intercourse during pregnancy the last thing on your mind.\u00a0\n\n\nThe good news is women with normal pregnancies have nothing to fear from pregnancy sex. According to research, there are many benefits of sex during pregnancy for mommies!\n\n\n10 Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy\n\n\nHelps stop frequent peeing\n\n\n\n\nYou\u2019ve never been so leaky your entire life. Regular orgasms, thanks to intercourse during pregnancy, can help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to prevent incontinence.\n\n\nBetter big O\u2019s\n\n\nThat\u2019s right, ladies, you may have more and better orgasms during pregnancy. Since your lady bits are\u00a0\nengorged with blood and more sensitive,\n you may find that reaching that climax is much easier.\n\n\nQuick, tell the hubby now!\n\n\nHappy hormones for you and your hubby\n\n\nPregnancy is all about weird hormonal imbalances. Orgasms, thanks to intercourse during pregnancy, trigger the release of oxytocin, which is the chemical responsible for making you feel happy, content, and loved.\n\n\nThis can reduce stress for you and your hubby as he gets his own oxytocin high during orgasm, though to a much lesser degree than yours.\n\n\nPrevents the dreaded preeclampsia\n\n\n\n\nWhen a pregnant woman\u2019s blood pressure spikes suddenly and results in convulsions, she\u2019s going into eclampsia. This can be fatal for both her and the baby.\n\n\nA scientific study says that pregnant women who perform oral sex are less likely to exhibit signs of preeclampsia. Take note, ladies, this means you have to swallow.\n\n\nLowers blood pressure\n\n\nOne of the benefits of sex during pregnancy would be sex helps to lower your blood pressure. Just after orgasm, your body\u2019s blood pressure lowers so this helps mommies who are being monitored for high blood pressure.\n\n\nWhile this is just a temporary fix, intercourse during pregnancy\u00a0can relieve the stress you\u2019re feeling from the pregnancy complication.\n\n\nDispels pregnancy myths and misconceptions\n\n\nThe amount of pregnancy myths is staggering and can sometimes overwhelm and instil fear in a couple. Having sex helps you dispel these myths, such as those that say that miscarriages are caused by sex and intercourse harms the baby.\n\n\nHelps build body image\n\n\nAccepting your pregnancy body can be difficult, especially if you\u2019re one of those moms who experience darkening in some areas and have other symptoms that make you feel unattractive.\n\n\nSeeing your husband still sexually attracted to you and engaging in intercourse during pregnancy can do wonders for accepting your changing body.\n\n\nPreps you for the big day\n\n\n\n\nWhile orgasm or sperm usually does not lead to labour, it does help ripen your cervix and make it easier to dilate when the big day arrives, thanks to prostaglandin (a group of compounds with different hormone-like effects such as promoting uterine contractions) that\u2019s present in semen.\n\n\nGives hubby more time and attention\n\n\nHusbands may find it hard to abstain from sex for nine whole months. This may lead to marriage problems later on. Having sex while you\u2019re pregnant strengthens bonds and creates more intimacy with the hubby.\n\n\nOpens up more ways to communicate\n\n\nHaving intercourse during pregnancy creates stronger bonds between husband and wife. This leads to better communication during the pregnancy, allowing both of you to be more supportive of each other.\n\n\nTry opening up about issues post-orgasm when hubby is super happy and very eager to listen to you!\n\n\nShortened recovery time for mommy\n\n\nAs mentioned earlier, orgasms strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which help you push when the big day arrives. For normal delivery, frequent intercourse during pregnancy can also help you recover faster since your muscles are stronger.\n\n\nYou should listen to your body\n\n\nWe understand that, because of our hormones and health, the thought of having intercourse during pregnancy can go either way, with you being averse or eager for it.\n\n\nWhatever you\u2019re currently feeling, listen to your body and talk to your husband about it. You both have needs; sex can help build your relationship and relieve stress during pregnancy.\n\n\nHow has your sex life fared during pregnancy? Share your experiences with us in the comments!\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat to do If You\u2019re Afraid of Giving Birth and How to Overcome Childbirth Fears\n\n\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kidzania-kl-malaysia", "title": "New Engaging Activities to Inspire Young Minds at KidZania", "body": "In a quest to continually bring new role-playing activities to life, KidZania Kuala Lumpur debuts new activities alongside the introduction of two new purpose partners this December. This line-up of new activities will definitely be the talk of KidZania city and provide even more reasons to visit Malaysia\u2019s foremost edutainment facility dedicated for children!\n\n\nKidZania KL warmly welcomed \u2013 KODOMO, the children\u2019s oral care brand that is trusted by generations of mothers, and Optimax, Malaysia\u2019s most recognized eye specialist centre into the KidZania family with the handing over of the Keys to the City, a symbolic honour traditionally bestowed by the KidZania city upon esteemed purpose partners.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWith these two new partners in tow, kids will not only gain the opportunity of stepping into the shoes of an Optometrist or Dentist, they will also gain invaluable life lessons through hands-on learning. \n\n\nThis includes learning the importance and benefits of dental hygiene and maintaining good eye health, which are important aspects of overall healthy habits that can often be overlooked and should be instilled in young minds.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHere at KidZania, we are constantly coming up with fresh ideas and engaging activities together with our new and existing purpose partners. I\u2019m certain that these new role-play activities will be a hit among the children as they now have something new and exciting to explore and learn. What better way to get our kids learning than through play! It is a proven concept where kids do pick up new skills and instill new habits through hands-on experiences and engaging learning modules such as the one KidZania KL offers. There are plans in place for more stimulating activities to come in the future, so do keep an eye out for it,\u201d said Philip Whittaker, CEO of Sim Leisure Group.\u00a0\n\n\nIn line with KidZania\u2019s relentless pursuit of nurturing young minds to take on the world, the KODOMO establishment will feature a Dental Check activity where young participants can become a dentist for the day. They will also learn how to care for their teeth and the importance of brushing and flossing daily. Aside from this, kids will also learn about the types of food that cause cavities or cause harm to their teeth if left unbrushed after eating.\n\n\nOver at Optimax, kids will be able to learn about the importance of sight and how to care for their eyes.\u00a0 This is crucial, especially in this technology-driven era where a majority of kids are glued to the screens. They can choose to take on the role of an optometrist to diagnose, examine and treat a customer\u2019s eyes or be in the shoes of a customer. \n\n\nIn this activity, kids that want to try their hands at being an optometrist will be given the opportunity to examine, diagnose and treat their patient\u2019s eyes. Meanwhile, those in the role of the customer will undergo an eye check by the optometrist.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBuilt to be a city of dreams for young minds, KidZania KL provides kids with an avenue to obtain hands-on fun, and interactive experiences, setting the path towards possible future careers and also to give them a taste of real-life experiences.\n\n\nMeanwhile, the event also saw existing partners; Faber-Castell, Canon, and Hotel Sentral receiving their Keys to the City as a symbol of a renewed partnership with KidZania Kuala Lumpur. These well-loved existing partners promise to inspire young minds with their new lineup of activities that will provide a better insight to their profession, the brand, and what they do.\u00a0\n\n\nWith Hotel Sentral, there are two activities set up \u2013 Hotel Room Service and Concierge. Seeing as how kids just love the idea of a hotel stay, these activities will be extremely fun for them as they would be able to check-in guests in the lobby or learn what makes a hotel room so comfortable at the Room Service section.\n\n\n\n\nFaber-Castell on the other hand has three activities lined up for crafty minds that focus on cultivating creativity and learning. The fun and engaging activities are Blow Painting Art, Glow in The Dark Art and DIY Stickers, where kids can try all the different creative techniques and bring home with them their arts and crafts. Through the combination of science and art, these activities will spark curiosity and encourage kids to think creatively.\n\n\nMeanwhile, Canon\u2019s activities will engage little participants in two activities such as Bird Photography with its Canon PowerShoot ZOOM and also learn about Vlogging with its Canon PowerShot PICK. These activities are in line with KidZania\u2019s aim of keeping up with the changing times especially in this digital world where vlogging is now also considered a profession.\u00a0\n\n\nMore information about the activities can be found at \nhttps://www.kidzania.com.my/\n .\u00a0 \n\n\nPartner Stories\nEducation\nThrough The Lens of Star Students\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAre You Making The Right Investments? 4 Important Investment Areas For Parents\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/is-home-birth-for-you", "title": "Is Home Birth For You?", "body": "Ever think of a home birth?\n\n\n\u201cSo you\u2019re doing natural or C-section?\u201d\n\n\nEvery single pregnant mother has had someone ask them this question regarding their deliveries. The benefit of living in 2016 means that mothers enjoy more choice and support during their pregnancy and delivery than ever before, including pain relieving methods, fetal monitoring and a team ready to take over in case of emergencies.\n\n\nBut it also means that with so\u00a0many medical options, what used to be a straightforward natural process is now treated as a high-tech medical procedure. To the point that some women feel that their labours were overly interfered with and\u00a0their choices were taken away from them.\n\n\nCertainly rates of C-sections are higher in Malaysia now with up to 20%-25%\u00a0of babies\u00a0in government\u00a0hospitals delivered via C-section. The figure is believed to be higher in \nprivate hospitals.\n\n\nEnter the home birth\n\n\nHome birth is simply giving birth at home, whether in your own bed or in a tub of water, with your chosen birth partners and a certified midwife. It\u2019s the way humans have done it for most of history.\n\n\nAdvocates claim that for healthy, low risk pregnancies, home birth helps to avoid interventions like inductions, episiotomies, c-sections, epidurals, vacuum and forceps. Labouring moms are free to move around in a familiar environment which can help them relax and help\u00a0the labour progress. Moms can also change positions, take a shower and eat or drink freely while surrounded by people they are most comfortable with. And cost-wise it is definitely easier on the pocket.\n\n\nA quick search on the Internet finds plenty of web sites, chat groups and links to books and home videos on the subject. Childbirth-related sites like \nHypnoBirthing Malaysia\n lists at least 90 unassisted home birth stories.\n\n\nWeighing the risks\n\n\nOne of the must-haves for a home birth are midwives who are certified in the field.\n\n\nIn Malaysia, assisted home births are legal and common in small towns or rural areas where access to a hospital is difficult. Based at health clinics, these certified midwives attend to the expectant mothers in their homes with equipment for monitoring foetal heart rate and resuscitation, and medications to stop bleeding. High-risk and emergency cases are transferred to the nearest hospital.\n\n\nBut in urban areas like the Klang Valley, women do not have adequate support for planned home births such as certified midwives who are confident enough or willing to assist in home births. Without the supervision of a qualified and experienced midwife or care provider during home births, most mothers and their birth companions can\u2019t recognise potential problems.\n\n\nLate last year, two first-time mothers had tragic unassisted home births; they died from excessive blood loss after delivering their babies. Postpartum\u00a0haemorrhage is the most common cause of maternal deaths worldwide. It can be caused by the failure of the uterus to contract, vaginal or cervical lacerations, uterine rupture or retained placental tissue.\n\n\nOn the bright side, public and private hospitals are making an effort to create a more welcoming and comfortable birthing environment, and address unnecessary obstetric interventions.\n\n\nSo at the end of the day, it\u2019s really a question of weighing the risks and benefits and of course, finding a certified professional birth companion if you really would like to try a home birth.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nPengajaran Tentang Kewangan Yang Anak-Anak Akan Ingat Sampai Bila-bila\nKeibubapaan\nIs Your Child Allergic to Milk or Lactose Intolerant? Here is the Difference Parents Should Know About\nPertandingan & promosi\nRebut 10 Tawaran Terhebat Di Tesco Baby Fair 2020\nParenting\n5 VERY Important Tips when Choosing a Newborn Diaper\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-safe-shampoo", "title": "How to Choose the Right Pregnancy-Safe Shampoo That Is Safe for Mums & Baby", "body": "Do you need a pregnancy-safe shampoo that is specifically made to cater to the hair type changes during your pregnancy stage?\n\n\nA woman\u2019s body undergoes hormonal changes during pregnancy that not only affect her emotional health, like her mood but also impacts her physically--you may be seeing changes in your skin and hair.\n\n\nThus, not only is proper nutrition very important during pregnancy, what type of body care you use is just as important! This includes bath soaps, lotions and even shampoo! Be sure that the contents of your pregnancy-safe shampoo are not evasive or harmful. \n\u00a0\n\n\nStudies show that an increase in estrogen levels in a woman\u2019s body during pregnancy. But the effect of this hormonal change differs from person to person.\n\n\n While some of the lucky ones\u2019 hair gets thicker and grows quicker than it usually does on a regular basis, others may experience oilier hair or flakier scalps. \n\n\nDo not worry! Because this is completely normal and part and parcel of being pregnant. Additionally, we\u2019ve got your back--here is a list that summarises the best pregnancy-safe shampoos there are in the market.\u00a0\n\n\nChoosing the Right Pregnancy-safe Shampoo\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, most shampoos are known to contain chemicals that may be too strong for sensitive skin, and some experts claim that this can be greatly harmful.\n\n\nThus, it becomes more important to choose a pregnancy-safe shampoo that is:\n\n\n\n\nNatural and Organic\u00a0\n\n\nFragrance-free\n\n\nFree of harsh chemicals\n\n\n\n\nWe have compiled a list of the 6 best shampoos available on the market, all safe for use during pregnancy. If you are interested in any of these products, you can click on the corresponding button and buy it right away!\n\n\n6 Best Pregnancy-safe Shampoos Every Mum Must Try!\n\n\n1. Mama's Choice Treatment Shampoo\n\n\n\n\nMade with natural ingredients, Mama\u2019s Choice Shampoo is perfect for those of us who enjoy a fruity, organic pregnancy-safe shampoo. \n\n\nAs it is specially created for pregnant and breastfeeding mamas, Mama\u2019s Choice Shampoo boasts being, well, Mama\u2019s Choice. It is a treatment shampoo that helps to reduce hair loss while keeping your hair soft and smooth.\u00a0\n\n\nBeing free of harmful ingredients such as SLS/SLES, parabens, dyes, alcohol and silicone, this product is perfect for pregnant women. \n\n\nWith that being said, you may be wondering why such ingredients are harmful--sulfate in shampoo can remove natural oils which actually are what gives our hair its shine, alcohol can dry out your hair follicles and scalp. \n\n\nThus, this product is definitely at the top of our list of suitable shampoos!\n\n\nWhat we love:\n\n\n\n\nReduces hair loss\n\n\nStimulates hair growth\n\n\nIncreases the strength of hair roots\n\n\n\n\n \n Mama's Choice Treatment Shampoo \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n\u00a0\n2. Christina Moss Naturals Hair Shampoo\n\n\n\n\nIf you are looking for an organic shampoo, Christina Moss Naturals Hair Shampoo is a product that you are surely going to love! For starters, it contains organic and plant-based ingredients. \n\n\nYou can protect the earth while protecting yourself and your hair! Its eco-friendly, vegan, chemical-free, and GMO-free nature allows you to do just that.\n\u00a0\n\n\nBecause of the non-artificial ingredients, the cleansing process is very gentle. The shampoo gently removes oil and dirt from our hair. \n\n\nB\neing enriched with the goodness of coconut oil, aloe vera, and shea butter, it goes beyond what basic shampoos do. It also softens, soothes and hydrates the hair.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition, olive oil, one of the ingredients, is filled with antioxidants. This means that it is able to help prevent and even reverse damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.\n\n\nWhat we love:\n\n\n\n\nNo harmful chemicals (no SLS derivatives, SLES, PG, PG, parabens, sulfates, dyes, synthetic fragrances or petrochemicals)\n\n\nHypoallergenic\n\n\nIncreases the strength of hair roots\n\n\nThoroughly cleanses hair\n\n\n\n\n \n Christina Moss Naturals Hair Shampoo \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n3. Majestic Pure Hair Loss Shampoo\n\n\n \n\n\nHair loss is a common occurrence for many moms or soon-to-be moms during pregnancy. Already having to struggle with mood and body changes can already take a huge toll on us, so having found a product that can reduce hair loss sounds amazing to me!\n\n\nMajestic Pure Hair Loss Shampoo is known for 14 DHT blockers. DHT is a hormone that shrinks follicles and causes hair loss. \n\n\nUsing this shampoo would reduce those hormones in your scalp. It offers perfect herbal and natural nourishment while strengthening hair follicles. It is undoubtedly a soft yet strong formula!\n\n\nAlso, this shampoo contains many nutrient-filled, natural ingredients. Some examples are argan oil to prevent dryness, biotin to stimulate hair growth, niacin to improve blood circulation and various other botanical extracts that promote healthy hair.\n\n\nWhat we love:\n\n\n\n\nContains botanical extracts\n\n\nNo harmful chemicals\n\n\n14 DHT blockers\n\n\nStimulates hair growth\n\n\nSulfate-free\n\n\nCan be used by both men and women\n\n\nGluten-free and parabens\n\n\n\n\n Majestic Pure Hair Loss Shampoo \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n\u00a04. BIGGREEN 23 Natural Daily Scalp Shampoo\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhile other shampoos may not use natural ingredients, they could lead to dryness and itching. The Big Green shampoo consists of 100% natural ingredients, making it gentle enough for everyday cleansing use while still protecting the skin barrier.\n\n\nThis natural shampoo from Big Green can be a mother\u2019s choice because of all the natural ingredients found in it. \n\n\nThis plant-based cleanser is perfect for you, filled with botanical oils, extracts of basil, rosemary and chamomile, amongst other ingredients, that keep your hair nourished and healthy.\u00a0\n\n\nThis product is friendly for most skin types and suitable for sensitive skin. Being \ndermatology tested and EWG verified, it \nis definitely one of the safest shampoos especially in the early stages of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we love:\n\n\n\n\nNatural - no harmful chemicals\n\n\nSuitable for individuals with sensitive skin\n\n\nSafe to use\n\n\nContains aloe vera which makes hair soft and hydrated\n\n\nTreats hair loss\n\n\n\n\n \n BIGGREEN 23 Natural Daily Scalp Shampoo \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n5. Love Beauty & Planet Hope & Repair Shampoo\n\n\n\n\nThis product is particularly moisturising and nourishing, it is a combination of an oil shampoo and a conditioner. The two-in-one conditioner cum shampoo nature of this product makes it suitable for those with very dry hair. It moisturises and provides deep cleansing, helping us repair our dry and damaged hair.\n\n\nThis product has proven to be very suitable for pregnant women due to the nature of the ingredients that have been selected. It is even harmless for the sensitive skin of pregnant women.\n\n\nMoreover, the fragrance left behind is also light and natural, a very enjoyable floral scent. Overall, this is a great shampoo that helps with dryness and is great for pregnant women!\n\n\nWhat we love:\n\n\n\n\nOrganic ingredients - coconut oil and Ylang Ylang flower oil\n\n\nFree of parabens and silicone\n\n\nRepairs hair and curbs hair loss\n\n\n\n\n \n Love Beauty & Planet Hope & Repair Shampoo \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n6. Organic Formulations Biologika Coconut Shampoo\n\n\n\n\nEnriched with organic ingredients and coconut oil for natural hair nourishment, this product is an eco-friendly and cruelty-free formula suitable for all hair types and gentle for everyday use. \n\n\nIt leaves hair feeling clean but not stripped, making it perfect for everyday use.\u00a0\n\n\nWhether your hair type is dry or oily, this product is good for you because it is made to suit all hair types. The organic jojoba oil and sweet almond oil helps healthy hair growth, loads up shiny hair and it has a cooling effect while helping to repair damaged air.\n\n\nWhat we love:\n\n\n\n\nContains no synthetic fragrances, parabens, artificial colours\n\n\nDoes not contain substances of animal origin\n\n\nCoconut oil has been added because of its natural nutrients.\n\n\n\n\n Organic Formulations Biologika Coconut Shampoo \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \nBest Pregnancy Safe Lipstick for Expecting Mums\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-smart-will-your-baby-be-science-says-their-poop-has-the-answer", "title": "How smart will your baby be? Science says their poop has the answer!", "body": "As your baby grows, it\u2019s natural to dream about what they will be like as adult. Will they be funny, kind, or smart? A surprising\u00a0\nnew study claims\n that clues to a child\u2019s intelligence are hiding inside\u2026 \nbaby poop!\n\n\nYes, you read that right. Baby poop comes in different colours and consistencies.\u00a0It can tell us what\u2019s going on in our little one\u2019s body. And it can also indicate what sort of conditions need to be addressed.\n\n\nA recent study asserts that baby poop can offer even more insight.\n\n\nResearchers from the University of Carolina\u2019s (UNC) School of Medicine published their findings in \nBiological Psychiatry\n.\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nThe scoop on the fascinating possibilities of baby poop\n\n\nHere are some key takeaways from the study that mums and dads will find interesting!\n\n\n1. Babies with a certain type of bacteria in their poop excel in cognitive tests\n\n\nResearchers examined the poop samples of 100 babies, all one year old. They found that those with less diverse microbiomes and lots of \nbacteroides\n scored higher in cognitive tests by age two.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThis is the first time an association between microbial communities and cognitive development has been demonstrated in humans,\u201d explains\u00a0Rebecca Knickmeyer of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine \nin a statement\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThey assessed the babies using the Mullen Scales of Early Learning. This is a series of developmental tests that involve examining fine and gross motor skills, perceptual abilities, and language development.\n\n\n2. Probiotics could affect brain development before the age of one\n\n\n\u201cWe\u2019re not really at the point where we can say, \u2018Let\u2019s give everyone a certain probiotic,'\u201d clarify the researchers in the statement.\n\n\nBut their findings shed light on the crucial role a baby\u2019s gut bacteria plays in brain development before the age of one.\n\n\n\u201cThese results suggest you may be able to guide the development of the microbiome to optimize cognitive development or reduce the risk for disorders like autism which can include problems with cognition and language,\u201d say the researchers.\n\n\n\n\nImage source: File photo\n\n\n\n\n3. This raises the question: Can bacteria communicate with a baby\u2019s developing brain?\n\n\n\u201cAre the bacteria actually \u2018communicating\u2019 with the developing brain?\u201d wonders Knickmeyer. \u201cThat\u2019s something that we are working on now, so we\u2019re looking at some signaling pathways that might be involved.\u201d\n\n\nShe also presents another theory: that the type of bacteria in baby poop is just a substitute or bridge between another factor in brain development. For instance, this could be a baby\u2019s diet and nutrition.\n\n\n4. This is just the first of many more discoveries\n\n\nThis study has no precedent. It is the first to explore the connection between brain development and gut bacteria found in poop.\u00a0\n\n\nAll these claims may seem far-fetched. And a wider pool of candidates might have to be tested to cement these claims. But researchers are confident this is the first step to more promising discoveries.\n\n\nFor mums and dads, it\u2019s always interesting to find new ways to get to know their little one better, even if it\u2019s lurking in their diapers!\n\n\nsources: \nEureka Alert\n, \nIFLScience.com\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mindvalley-founder", "title": "Vishen Lakhiani Talks on Parenting During Pandemic & Launching Online Classes for Families", "body": "Following the Movement Control Order (MCO), families are finding themselves with more time at home and having to rely on technology for work, as well as classes. Technology is as the centre of our lives \u2013 now more than ever \u2013 due to the pandemic as we have to adhere to guidelines, such as social distancing, to keep ourselves safe.\u00a0\n\n\nWith this, online learning tools and free classes have taken the limelight of home activities, especially for those with children. Although technology has become an effective tool in keeping your little ones entertained, it is also our portal to information and\u00a0 he key to a vast library of knowledge \u2013 let\u2019s think of this precious time as the perfect opportunity to reflect on our marriages, our family relationships, and to focus on ourselves through important lessons!\u00a0\n\n\nHence, new platforms such as \nLittle Humans by Mindvalley\n has launched to offer parents talks that walk you through key tools and practices that have changed the lives of parents worldwide. These classes, which focus on topics such as breaking unhealthy habits, fostering healthy technology usage and homeschooling, are curated by 12 transformational parenting experts \u2013 essential tools to be the best parents you can be, according to Mindvalley Founder Vishen Lakhiani.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, Mindvalley has launched a free online self development programme for teens amidst the coronavirus pandemic titled \u201c\nBe Extraordinary for Teens\n\u201c, which aims to helps teenagers in taking a deep dive into life lessons including meditation, goal setting and life planning \u2013 something to look at for your big kids, who may be in need of a pick-me-up during this difficult time.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBeing a parent himself,\u00a0 Vishen Lakhiani, understands the challenges parents faces and here, he talks about his own parenting experience while sharing some of his top tips.\n\n\nWhat are the toughest challenges, in your opinion, that parents face during this difficult time?\n\n\nWith more than half-a-billion kids (including yours) out of school right now, parenting is one of the most important jobs in our lives. It\u2019s 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and right now we are being challenged like never before. Every day comes with a new set of challenges, but I believe the biggest ones we face are keeping the right mindset as parents, staying positive for ourselves and our children, while maintaining good eating habits, creating boundaries with healthy entertainment as well as adopting daily routines (for us too!)\n\n\nWhat parenting methods do you practice at home? Are you facing any personal challenges?\n\n\nOne of the most important methods I practice at home is to debunk the three big lies we are taught as parents:\n\n\n\n\nIn order to be a good parent, we have to discipline our children;\n\n\nWe need to make our children happy and give them everything we never got in life;\n\n\nWe need to impose or traditions, our cultures and religious beliefs on our children.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThese are the three big lies we are told that can help us build the right mindset as a parents: \n\n\nA funny challenge I am facing is that my daughter has interrupted some of my Zoom calls and distracted me while having important meetings, but it turns into a humorous topic and makes us all more personable as humans.\n\n\nWhat are the key pieces of advice would you give to parents?\n\n\nThe advice I would give focuses on solutions to the challenges I mentioned above.\n\n\nThe mindset of a parent\n\u00a0\n\n\nI\u2019m passionate about helping parents raise conscious children and now is a great time to take a look at your own parenting methodology. In fact, our role as parents is not to mould our children. Instead, our role is to ensure our kids blossom into their truest and most authentic selves.\n\n\nStaying positive amidst a pandemic\n\n\nAnxieties won\u2019t just affect you, they\u2019ll affect your relationships and how you communicate with your kids. Positive instructions work better than negative and will likely get your children to listen more. Additionally, giving them the power to make certain decisions on their own builds character and helps them understand simple concepts in accountability, plus responsibility. Our job is to support and guide them, so, the best way to do that is by getting in the habit of spreading positive thinking and clear communication that is filled with praise as well as love.\n\n\nBetter eating habits\n\n\nBeyond just washing your hands and quarantining, there is a lot more that can be done to guarantee the good health and safety of your kids. It starts with the right kind of nutrition\u2014planting the seeds to ensure they understand why certain foods are better than others; and ultimately, helping their immune systems stay strong at all times, which will come in handy even after the storm passes. \n\n\nCreating healthy entertainment habits\n\n\nPart of our job as parents is to run our households with balance and efficiency\u2013 so, try to be flexible when it comes to screen time, especially right now as the burden of reducing screen time should be lighter. It can also be a very positive experience if you suggest the type of content to watch together, whether it\u2019s a nature documentary or an animated history tour. Watching content together can boost empathy, bring humour to the relationship and overall strengthen bonds. You can periodically schedule FaceTime video chats or Zoom calls with family and friends, giving everyone a chance to connect and interact, and experience a sense of togetherness. As for some fun off-screen activities, think about improving reading habits together, being resourceful while doing arts and crafts and getting into baking, which seems only natural seeing as we\u2019re spending more time cooking at home.\n\n\nCreating daily routines\n\n\nRoutines aren\u2019t just for your kids \u2013 they\u2019re also for you. A routine can really help you stay on top of your responsibilities, in the very same way that routines can help your kids thrive, and level up their ability to juggle tasks, or switch from one area of focus to another smoothly. Balance is important. Don\u2019t feel compelled to reinvent the wheel. You can easily use the traditional school routine as inspiration. Block time slots for breakfast and lunch, recess, and time for doing homework. Breaking down the day into small chunks of time will make it easier to address your kids\u2019 needs. Playtime of course is very important. If you\u2019ve properly segmented work and play, let them take the lead with their playtime. This can boost their creativity and play a role in overall development.\n\n\n\u00a04. What do you hope parents take away from attending these Little Humans sessions?\n\n\nI hope parents take away the following:\n\n\n\n\nHow to support anxious children and how parents can manage their own personal anxieties;\n\n\nHow to break unhealthy food habits and show parents how to take care of their kid\u2019s bodies & immune systems;\n\n\nHow to foster healthy tech habits and balance screen time in a digital first world;\n\n\nHow parents can homeschool children and ensure their educational needs are met;\n\n\nHow to create a winning daily routine at home that will give your days a new sense of stability and maintain order.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCheck out the trailer to Little Humans below:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/switch-natural-body-wash-right-now", "title": "Why you should switch to a natural body wash RIGHT NOW", "body": "As mummies, we take care of our families, our passions, our work, and, of course, our children. But have we forgotten to take care of ourselves?\n\n\nMost of us wake up before the crack of dawn, attend to a million tasks all day, then crash into our beds at night. But mummy, in that race to do it all, you might be neglecting the most important person of all \u2014 yourself. You matter more than you think.\n\n\nWhen was the last time you had a good look at yourself in the mirror? Or had a nice bath or shower? Where is the time for a proper skincare routine in the midst of all this busyness, you ask?\n\n\nIt is exactly for this reason that we should make sure that whatever we use on our bodies is made up of the most NATURAL and SAFEST ingredients. After all, taking care of yourself begins with taking care of your skin. And a body wash made of natural ingredients, such as honey, helps the skin remain soft, hydrated and clean, while not stripping it of its natural oils.\n\n\nMany top-selling bath products claim to be \u201cextra gentle\u201d and \u201csafe for delicate skin\u201d. But did you know these actually contain undesirable chemicals?\n\n\nHow can we make sure that we are making the best choice for ourselves and for our families?\n\n\nWell, a good product should be:\n\n\n\n\nOf skin-friendly formulation, and enriched with moisturising effect\n\n\nFree from undesirable chemicals that can cause skin irritation and allergies\n\n\nEffective in removing germs, dirt and pollutants\n\n\npH balanced and consistent with our skin\u2019s natural pH, so as to not disrupt the acid mantle\n\n\n\n\nNatural Is Best\n\n\nMums, no doubt you know that natural is best when it comes to caring for your family. You always ensure that the food they eat is natural or organic. Why should the products that you use for caring for your skin be any different?\n\n\nThere are a number of powerful and natural ingredients that we can use to care for our skin:\n\n\nManuka Honey\n\n\nHoney has been known since ancient times to have healing properties. \nManuka honey\n, produced by bees from New Zealand that pollinate the native Manuka tree, is a natural antibacterial wonder. Honey also has antibacterial properties and can repair tissue damaged by infection.\n\n\n\n\nTea Tree Oil\n\n\nMade from the leaves of tea tree, tea tree oil is used to treat fungal infections. It is also an antiseptic for cuts and bruises, insect bites, infections of the mouth and much more.\n\n\n\n\nPomegranate\n\n\nPomegranate has countless health benefits. It contains punicalagins, which are extremely potent antioxidants. Pomegranates also have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. There is even some evidence that pomegranates can help \nfight cancer\n.\n\n\n\n\nOrganic Aloe Vera\n\n\nAloe vera is a wonder plant that is used in countless cosmetics products for its medicinal powers. Among its many benefits are antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.\n\n\nNatural Means No Harmful Chemicals\n\n\nMums, many products contain a number of harmful chemicals. These chemicals may be effective in cleansing \u2014 some have antibacterial properties \u2014 but they are also known to have negative effects. Check out the ingredients list on every product to see what they\u2019re made of.\n\n\n\n\nHere is a list of eight chemicals that we should AVOID in our body wash:\n\n\n\u2022 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate\n\n\nSodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS, is commonly found in household cleaning products and cosmetics.\n\n\nWhen in high concentrations, SLS causes eye irritation/eye damage and skin irritation.\n\n\n\u2022 Triclosan\n\n\nSome lab studies suggest that Triclosan contributes to bacterial resistance to antibiotics, can possibly trigger allergies, and alter the body\u2019s hormone levels.\n\n\nIn 2017, US FDA banned the use of Triclosan in daily use body washes and soaps.\n\n\n\u2022 Parabens\n\n\nParabens are often found in personal care products.\n\n\nThese chemicals in body wash are associated with HIGHER cancer risks. They alter the body\u2019s hormone levels, and have an impact on pregnancy rates and growth development.\n\n\n\u2022 Formaldehyde\n\n\nFormaldehyde is toxic to the nervous system and has been characterised as a human carcinogen (causes cancer). It irritates the eyes, nose, throat & skin, which results in watery eyes, sneezing and nausea. It also affects memory and learning abilities.\n\n\n\u2022 Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)\n\n\nMethylisothiazolinone \u2014 known as MIT \u2014 is commonly found in personal care products and in detergents as preservatives. It causes skin irritation and allergies.\n\n\nFrom January 2016, MIT has been banned from leave-on cosmetics in Europe.\n\n\n\u2022 Dioxane\n\n\nDioxane can potentially increase the risk of cancer. It causes drowsiness, dizziness, headaches and anorexia (eating disorder). It also irritates the eyes, nose and throat when inhaled.\n\n\n\u2022 Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)\n\n\nButylated hydroxytoluene, also known as BHT, is added to some personal care products. It can potentially cause cancer, irritate the lungs and alter the body\u2019s hormone levels.\n\n\n\u2022 Triclocarban\n\n\nTriclocarbon is yet another common ingredient in \u201canti-bacterial\u201d soaps.\n\n\nTriclocarban may impact the body\u2019s hormone levels and may cause irritations of the lungs, eyes and skin.\n\n\nIn 2017, US FDA banned the use of Triclocarban in daily use body washes and soaps.\n\n\nA Natural and Safe Body Wash with All These Qualities\n\n\nMummies, you will be relieved to know that Betadine, a trusted brand for over 60 years, is now expanding its expertise with Betadine Natural Defense.\n\n\nBetadine\u00ae Natural Defense range products are natural, made from the goodness of Manuka honey, and FREE from eight undesirable chemicals!\n\n\nAnd that means, \u201cAchieving personal hygiene with no compromise.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nHere is what truly makes Betadine\u00ae Natural Defense range the ideal body wash for the whole family:\n\n\n\u25cf\u00a0\nBETADINE\u2122 Natural Defence embraces your family\u2019s health and wellness with natural ingredients.\n\n\nIt is enriched with these premium and skin-friendly ingredients for healthy and moisturised skin:\n\n\n\n\nManuka honey\n\n\nOrganic Aloe Vera\n\n\nVitamin E\n\n\n\n\n\u25cf\u00a0\nBetadine\u00ae Natural Defense range is FREE from EIGHT undesirable chemicals:\n\n\n\n\nSodium Laury Sulfate\n\n\nTriclosan\n\n\nParabens\n\n\nFormaldehyde\n\n\nMethylisothiazolinone (MIT)\n\n\nDioxane\n\n\nButylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)\n\n\nTriclocarban\n\n\n\n\n\u25cf\u00a0\nBetadine\u00ae Natural Defense range also contains the natural germ-killing effects of:\n\n\n\n\nManuka Honey\n\n\nTea Tree Oil\n\n\nPomegranate\n\n\n\n\n\u25cf\u00a0\nBetadine\u00ae Natural Defense range is dermatologically tested, soap-free and pH balanced.\n\n\n\u00a0\nIn short, mummies, Betadine\u00ae Natural Defense range is natural, safe and trusted, and offers the skincare and protection the whole family needs!\n\n\nYou can now avail the goodness of BETADINE\u2122 Natural Defense Range in three forms:\n\n\n\n\nBETADINE\u2122 Natural Defense Body Wash (comes in three variants: Manuka Honey, Pomegranate and Tea Tree)\n\n\nBETADINE\u2122 Natural Defense Hand Wash (comes in two variants: Manuka Honey and Tea Tree)\n\n\nBETADINE\u2122 Natural Defense Hand Sanitizer (Manuka Honey)\n\n\n\n\nThe entire BETADINE\u2122 Natural Defense Range is now available at Watsons, Jaya Grocer, other leading pharmacies and on Lazada (online).\n\n\n\n\nFor more details, visit\n https://my.betadine.com/en/my/daily-protection \n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-horrified-at-gauze-that-emerged-from-uterus-after-natural-birth-2", "title": "Mum horrified at gauze that emerged from uterus after natural birth", "body": "As patients, we trust surgeons to care for us and help treat the conditions or disease we are suffering under. However, mums, did you know that it\u2019s possible that things left in body after surgery can happen, with possibly serious health consequences?\n\n\nTwo recent mum experiences highlight the very real possibility of these medical problems \u2014 and the problems they can bring.\n\n\nSurgical mistakes can happen anywhere\u2026\n\n\nFrom Thailand\u2026\n\n\nRecently, a young mum found out the the effects of things left in body after surgery \u2014 except in her case, it was minor surgery, likely a episiotomy.\n\n\nSeventeen-year-old Tan, a young mum from Thailand, gave birth naturally to her first child on 18 June 2018. There were no complications: she was allowed to leave after just three days, but did note that the wound from the episiotomy, was painful.\u00a0\n\n\nShe paid no notice, thinking that all mums have some pain after childbirth. Even after a doctor\u2019s consultation, she was only given pills to ease the pain.\n\n\nHowever, it was only on 28 August 2018\u00a0 \u2013 two months after her surgery \u2013 that she discovered the horrifying truth in the most gruesome way.\u00a0\n\n\nAs reported in\u00a0\nThe Phuket News,\u00a0\nshe explains, \u201cOn Tuesday (Aug 28), the pain was so bad I could not stand or sit. I felt like there was something in my uterus. I went into bathroom and I found a piece of gauze in there. It was black and smelly.\u201d\n\n\nWe are assuming that the gauze emerged from her vagina as she went to the bathroom. The young mum\u00a0returned to the hospital within the day for an examination. The doctors prescribed her antibiotic medication and assured her that her uterus was free of anything else.\n\n\n\u201cThe doctor forgot gauze inside my uterus for over two months. How lucky that my wound isn\u2019t infected,\u201d she writes in her post above.\u00a0Tan also warns other women about the possibility of such mistakes and recommended them to pick a reputable hospital before giving birth.\u00a0\n\n\nOn 30th August 2018, the Phuket Provincial Health Office officially apologized to Tan about her ordeal.\u00a0Dr. Jirapan Taepan, the health office\u2019s chief,\u00a0 also admitted the surgical blunder which happened at a government hospital, and that Tan will be reimbursed for her trouble.\n\n\nInvestigations continue.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e2a\u0e1a\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e13\u0e4c\u0e42\u0e14\u0e22\u0e15\u0e23\u0e07 \u0e17\u0e35\u0e48\u0e42\u0e23\u0e07\u0e1e\u0e22\u0e32\u0e1a\u0e32\u0e25\u0e43\u0e19\u0e08\u0e31\u0e07\u0e2b\u0e27\u0e31\u0e14 \u0e20\u0e39\u0e40\u0e01\u0e47\u0e15 #\u0e25\u0e37\u0e21\u0e1c\u0e49\u0e32\u0e01\u0e47\u0e2d\u0e15\u0e44\u0e27\u0e49\u0e43\u0e19\u0e0a\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e04\u0e25\u0e2d\u0e14\u0e40\u0e1b\u0e47\u0e19\u0e40\u0e27\u0e25\u0e322\u0e40\u0e14\u0e37\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e01\u0e27\u0e48\u0e32\u2026\nPosted by \n\u0e19\u0e49\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e15\u0e32\u0e25 \u0e08\u0e34\u0e1a\u0e34\u0e42\u0e01\u0e4a\u0e30\n on\u00a0\nTuesday, 28 August 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPerhaps more common than granted?\n\n\nHowever, medical errors can also occur in hospitals in developed countries, too.\n\n\nSix months ago, a 42-year-old woman in Japan also faced a similar issue. After consulting a clinic for bloating that had persisted for three years, doctors used a CT scan to find out the issue.\n\n\nThey discovered that there were two masses in her abdomen. It was only after another surgery to remove these masses that doctors realised that it was a surgical sponge \u2013 another one of the things left in the body after surgery.\n\n\n\n\nThe results of the scan showed two masses to the left and right of the woman\u2019s pelvis. | Image Source: \nNew England Journal of Medicine\n\n\n\n\nThese doctors penned their results in a report in the \nNew England Journal of Medicine.\u00a0\n\u00a0They deduced that the sponges were likely left behind from a cesarean section.\n\n\nThe woman had two sections before \u2013 one in 2012, and the other in 2009 \u2013\u00a0 meaning that the sponge could have been left inside her for at least six years. Dr Takeshi Kondo, the chief author of the report, said that the woman did not\u00a0have any other abdominal or pelvic surgeries.\n\n\nThankfully, once the sponges were removed, the 42-year-old\u2019s symptoms eased. She was allowed to leave the hospital after five days.\n\n\nMums from \na forum site\n have also expressed their horrifying experiences. One mum,\u00a0adianlahni, said that she also experienced something similar in 2009, but even two years on, she\u2019s \u201c\nstill in pain, and can\u2019t have intercourse because of the damage from the sponges that were in my body for 7 weeks. Sitting is uncomfortable and my vagina is sore all the time.\n\u201c\n\n\nEven after consulting multiple gynecologists and being prescribed antibiotics, her infection still hasn\u2019t gone away.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThings left in body after surgery: What you should know\n\n\nRare, but more likely in gyneocological surgeries\n\n\nA r\neview conducted in 2013\n found that these events tend to be rare. Things left in body after surgery tend to happen between 1 in 5,500 operations to 1 in 18,760 operations. However, unlike other surgeries, \ngynecological surgeries carry a higher risk\n of ending with things left in body after surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Fizan Abdullah, a pediatric surgeon, explains why: body parts around the pelvis are tougher to reach and have small hollow spaces where it\u2019s much easier for a small or spongy items to get stuck.\u00a0\n\n\nSymptoms of things left in body after surgery\n\n\nSurgical objects that remain in the body can lead to different effects, depending on which part was operated on and what instrument was used. In general, the red flags that could possibly mean that there are things left in body after surgery are:\n\n\n\n\npain in the surgical area that could flare up or be persistent.\n\n\nreally painful headaches or leg pain\n\n\ndiscomfort and bloating\n\n\nFaecal matter that looks black, bloody, or tar-like.\n\n\nFeeling constipated or finding it hard to urinate, possibly meaning a blockage.\n\n\nCoughing or vomiting blood.\n\n\nAn Abscess or fistula growing\n\n\nStruggling with basic movements such as breathing, swallowing, or eating.\n\n\nLiquid streaks near or something seeping from the surgical wound.\n\n\nNot feeling better after the surgery, such as declining weakness, fatigue and pain.\n\n\nSwollen lymph nodes \u2013 especially swollen areas near the the armpits, groin, and neck.\n\n\nSigns that an infection has occurred, such as:\n\n\n\nDiscoloration\n\n\nFeeling feverish\n\n\nPus seeping\n\n\nSoreness/Tenderness\n\n\nSwelling\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe surgical wound starts to tear or become undone.\n\n\n\n\nNote that the object itself presents a danger \u2014 it doesn\u2019t matter if it\u2019s a fluffy sponge or a needle. In fact, sponges or gauzes can cause deadly infections. Do remember that even simple or minor surgeries may risk things left in body after surgery.\n\n\n\n\nPain or the surgical wound coming apart could be a sign that\u2019s something\u2019s wrong. | Image Source: Stock Photos\n\n\n\n\nEffects of things left in body after surgery\n\n\nThe effects do vary, from no effects at all to sepsis or death.\n\n\nDr. Atul Gawande, a practicing surgeon at Brigham and Women\u2019s Hospital, says that\u00a0\u201cIn two-thirds of these cases, there were serious consequences, whether that\u2019s infection or even death. In one case, a small sponge was left inside the brain of a patient that we studied, and the patient ended up having an infection and ultimately died.\u201d\n\n\nSome good news: preventive methods\n\n\nTraditionally, medial personnel prevented these accidents by counting the objects they use during surgery. But this is not always practical due to the large number of items used in a typical surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nThankfully, hospitals are using two new ways to prevent accidents from happening again by using:\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nWhy Choose Gerber Baby Food?\nLifestyle\nKita Support Kita (15 Oct \u2013 14 Nov)\nGive Health A Shot\nPerkembangan Bayi Usia 2 Bulan, Dah Pandai Senyum & Terhibur Bila Diagah!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nFriso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Is Malaysia\u2019s First Smart Packaging For Milk\n\n\n\n\nradiofrequency tagging to find out if sponges were left in patient\u2019s bodies. This cost-effective method works as a microchip woven into the it can be located using\u00a0a wand or mat after the surgery to uncover any things left in the body after surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nbar-codes. By bar-coding sponges and\u00a0scanning them during the surgery, medical staff can keep count of the number of sponges used. Once the surgery is done, these sponges can be scanned again to be sure that\u00a0there are no differences.\n\n\n\n\nReferences: \nNCBI\n,\u00a0\nNew England Journal of Medicine\n,\u00a0\nCoconut.co\n, \nCNN\n, \nbabycenter\n, \nwieand law firm\n, \nlivescience\n, \nWashington Post\n, \nthought.co\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/influenza-flu-in-children", "title": "What is Influenza (Flu) in Children?", "body": "\n\nFlu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illnesses, and at times can be fatal if it is severe. This can be prevented in the current era and the best way to do it is by getting a flu vaccine or influenza vaccine every year.\n\n\nThe flu virus spreads quickly from person to person, especially in crowded areas where people live, work, study or places of leisure in close proximity. Children are most likely to be infected and become the major spreaders of influenza.\n\n\nSo why is the paediatrics group susceptible? Influenza viruses are found in the nose and throat. Children touch their noses, eyes as well as mouths often and they have the tendency to put things in their mouths.\n\n\nTherefore, often during play, close contact among them allows the flu germs to transmit very easily. A similar form of contact also exists between the children and their parents or caregivers, such as holding hands, parents carrying the children, feeding them, changing their diapers and so forth.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSymptoms of influenza\n\n\n\n\nThe usual symptom of an influenza infection is fever or feeling feverish/chills. Some infections come with cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle or body aches.\n\n\nThere are even cases reported with symptoms of headache, and fatigue (tiredness) while some may experience vomiting and diarrhoea, though these are more common in children compared to adults. It\u2019s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVaccination as an effective prevention\n\n\n\n\nVaccination has shown many\u00a0\nbenefits\n including reducing the risk of flu illnesses, hospitalizations and even the risk of flu-related death in children. Flu vaccines develop antibodies in the body approximately after two weeks of vaccination. These antibodies protect against infection from circulating influenza viruses.\n\n\nSeasonal flu vaccines are designed to protect against influenza viruses whereby research indicates their usefulness in the upcoming season.\n\n\nMostly, flu vaccines in Malaysia and other countries are \u201cquadrivalent\u201d vaccines, which means they protect against four different flu viruses namely, influenza A (H1N1) virus, influenza A (H3N2) virus, and two influenza B viruses. It is highly recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention \u2018CDC\u2019 and approved for use in Malaysia.\n\n\nEveryone above 6 months of age and older should get influenza (flu) vaccine every season with rare exceptions. CDC\u2019s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has made this recommendation since the 2010-2011 influenza seasons.\n\n\nVaccination to prevent flu and its\u2019 potentially serious complications is extremely important for people who are at higher risk of developing serious flu complications.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused a global pandemic which led to nearly three million deaths globally. Before the COVID-19 vaccines were developed, some evidence suggested that an influenza vaccine may stimulate non-specific immune responses that reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection or the severity of COVID-19 illness after infection.\n\n\nMany studies have been conducted on this and even though the influenza vaccine may only marginally protect people from COVID-19 infection, it remains an important aspect to receive an influenza vaccination to reduce the risk of a co-infection of influenza and COVID19.\n\n\nThis vaccine is not in our routine vaccination schedule under Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia \u2018KKM\u2019 for the paediatrics group; however, it is available at many medical centres. The lack of awareness among parents has led to many infections among children and its infection rate.\n\n\nDespite such global success and the proven impact on human health and life expectancy, vaccines are still under-utilized.\n\n\nLet\u2019s take it from here to prevent something that can be prevented. Giving your child the best health is the most beautiful gift of love that you can provide to your little one. Get your child vaccinated today.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \u00a0\nCounselling and Psychotherapy for Children with Mental Health Disorders\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0What To Do If Your Child Has COVID-19?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0How to Talk to Toddlers\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/viral-breastfeeding-video", "title": "Mum gets 10 years in prison for her 'dirty' breastfeeding videos with son", "body": "For many mums, breastfeeding is a time to bond with and feed their child. In no way should this experience be\u00a0\nconsidered sexual\n. However, recently, a mum has come under fire for a rare crime. Apparently, she uploaded multiple viral breastfeeding video with her baby son \u2014 but took a very adult approach.\u00a0\n\n\nMum uploads viral breastfeeding video with a sexual twist\n\n\n\n\n34-year-old Leigh Felton, the creator of a viral breastfeeding video which landed her 10 years of jailtime. | Image Source: yahoo screengrab\n\n\n\n\n34-year-old American mum and single parent Leigh Felton was penalised with 10 years\u2019 of jail time. Felton, a piano teacher who also educates kids with special needs, received this heavy sentence for recording and uploading\u00a0videos of her breastfeeding her little boy in a sexual manner.\n\n\nThe mum was found guilty of one crime:\u00a0lewd lascivious performance, as reported by \nlocal media\n.\n\n\nApparently\n, a woman lodged a police report at the County Sheriff\u2019s Office in Wisconsin. She claimed her husband bought seven recordings (which w\nere sold online) of Felton breastfeeding her son because \u201cboth of them were nude\u201d.\n\n\nIn addition, the woman was convinced her partner traveled to Florida to personally meet Felton and have sex with her.\u00a0\n\n\nLocal media\n\u00a0also managed to gain access to legal evidence claiming that Felton\u2019s viral breastfeeding video was sexual in nature.\n\n\nThey were clearly titled sexually, with videos being named\u00a0\u201cMommy\u2019s a Whore\u201d or \u201cGood Little Boy.\u201d\n\n\nOne video showed the mum\u201drubbing oil on herself and the child\u201d. Another one saw her \u201crubbing her breasts back and forth across the child\u2019s face\u201d. One extreme example even appeared to show the both the mum and her son\u2019s genitalia seemingly\u00a0touching each other.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI regret making them\u201d\n\n\nLast month, Felton admitted in court that she felt sorry for recording her viral breastfeeding video (there were 45 of them) and was \u201cashamed of them\u201d.\n\n\nThe mum admitted that she became lonely and depressed after her son\u2019s dad cut off their relationship. It was then that she started recording\u00a0breastfeeding tutorials with her male toddler. However, once she gained the interest of male viewers, she began sexualising her tutorials.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThat lifted her spirits.\u00a0\u201cFinally, I was getting attention and felt like I had some worth,\u201d recalls the mum. \u201cI\u2019m not a monster.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to Vollrath-Bueno, from what she\u2019s seen in 15 years of her career, incidents similar to Felton\u2019s\u00a0are \u201cthe most terrible thing you can see.\u201d\n\n\nFelton\u2019s son now lives with his dad.\n\n\nBreastfeeding is not a sexual act\n\n\nA mum breastfeeding her baby is a special time to bond. It shouldn\u2019t be used for\u00a0male viewing pleasure. What this mum did can be likened to child abuse. What if a paedophile saw the video, met her and harmed and abused her baby?\n\n\nThis news highlights another problem, too: sexualising mothers who nurse their babies in public. We should be increasing awareness about \npublic breastfeeding\n so that nursing mums feel safe to breastfeed in public.\n\n\nWhat do you think, mums?\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nUSA Today\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\n7 Strategi Bijak Yang Boleh Dilakukan Oleh Ibu Supaya Anak Mengambil Suplemen Kesihatan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nTip keibubapaan\nIni Rupanya Cara Untuk Ajar & Latih Anak-Anak Makan Secara Sihat, Mudah Sahaja!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mangsa-memperkosa-malaysia", "title": "Penggal kepala kerana memperkosa", "body": "Membaca permulaan tajuk berita ini membuatkan hati saya berdebar-debar dan tertanya mengapa perkara ini tergamak dilakukan, namun di pertengahannya saya hanya berbisik \u2013 \nhmmm \u2026 patutlah!\n\n\nBukan maksud saya membenarkan perbuatan seorang anak memenggal kepala seorang ayah kerana marah. Tetapi jika dia sanggup merogol anak sendiri, berulang kali, maka itu adalah akibat daripada perbuatan jahatnya.\n\n\nBERKAIT: \nWarn your kids about sexual predators!\n\n\nPenggal kepala ayah\n\n\nSeorang remaja 18 tahun memenggal kepala ayah dengan parang setelah dia diperkosa olehnya dalam rumah mereka, di tanah tinggi Papua New Guinea.\n\n\nTiada siapapun menyalahkan remaja itu di kampungnya. Malahan mereka melindunginya dan enggan menyerahkan remaja tersebut kepada pihak polis kerana beranggapan ayah remaja tersebut sememangnya layak untuk mati.\n\n\nBukan itu saja, menurut ketua gereja tempatan, pastor Lucas Kumi daripada kampung Rang, seluruh penduduk tidak mahu remaja itu disiasat.\n\n\nDiperkosa beberapa kali\n\n\nSeorang penduduk dan ketua kawasan telah menemui badan tanpa kepala itu selepas anak remajanya melaporkan kejadian tersebut dan menjelaskan mengapa dia melakukannya.\n\n\nMenurut remaja tersebut, ayahnya telah datang ke biliknya malam itu dan memperkosanya beberapa kali. Dan pagi yang sama, dia cuba untuk memperkosanya lagi apabila remaja tersebut mengambil parang dan memenggal kepalanya.\n\n\n\u201c\nKami semua bersetuju yang dia boleh tinggal dalam komuniti ini kerana ayahnya memang layak untuk mati. Dia lakukakannya kerana trauma dan perbuatan jahat ayahnya. Itulah sebabnya kami bersetuju untuk membiarkan dia tinggal di sini.\n\u201d\n\n\nKomuniti itu juga bersetuju untuk tidak melakukan pengkebumian formal untuk ayah remaja itu.\n\n\nJika menjadi mangsa\n\n\nDalam lima tahun antara 2006 dan 2010 sebanyak 1,823 kes penderaan seksual terhadap wanita dan kanak-kanak telah dilaporkan di Malaysia. 60% daripadanya dilakukan oleh ahli keluarga terdekat termasuk bapa kandung, bapa tiri dan saudara mara (PDRM).\n\n\nBERKAIT: \nIncrease of rape cases in Malaysia\n\n\nJika anda menjadi mangsa, pastikan langkah berikut:\n\n\n\u2022 Jangan salahkan diri\n\n\u2022 Pergi ke tempat yang selamat, sama ada rumah anda, rumah rakan, balai polis atau hospital. Jika anda tinggal dengan pemerkosa, beritahu seseorang tentangnya dan rancang pelan keselamatan untuk meninggalkan rumah.\n\n\u2022 Jangan mandi atau basuh mana-mana bahagian badan walaupun anda merasa diri \u2018kotor\u2019\n\n\u2022 Beritahu seseorang yang anda percayai\n\n\u2022 Pergi ke Pusat Krisis Sehenti atau Once Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) di bahagian Kecemasan mana-mana Hospital Kerajaan.\n\n\u2022 Hubungi mana-mana NGO untuk sokongan dan nasihat.\n\n\nPusat Krisis Sehenti (PKS)\n\n\nPusat Krisis Sehenti ditempatkan di bahagian Kecemasan di hampir semua Hospital kerajaan. Pusat ini khas diadakan untuk menangani kes-kes sebegini. Tidak perlu membuat laporan polis sebelum ke sini.\n\n\nPKS bukan sahaja akan memberikan rawatan fizikal, malah sesi kaunseling turut dijalankan dengan kerjasama agensi kerajaan dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO). Semua urusan berkaitan akan dilakukan hanya disatu tempat. Ia juga memberikan perlindungan dan bantuan perundangan melalui jaringan NGO dan agensi kerajaan yang terlibat seperti Polis.\n\n\nKaunseling\n\n\nSetiap mangsa memberi reaksi berbeza kepada trauma ini, namun apa juga yang dirasakan oleh mangsa adalah perasaan yang benar. Antara perasaan dan trauma yang seringkali dilaporkan termasuk merasa terkejut, bersalah, sentiasa dihantui kejadian yang dapat dihidupkan semula dengan bau atau bunyi, hilang keyakinan diri, hilang kepercayaan, rasa tidak bernilai, merasa marah terhadap mereka yang hampir dengan anda, takut dengan orang lain atau tempat.\n\n\nMangsa harus mendapatkan kaunseling. Jika kesemua perasaan ini tidak ditangani dengan betul dan tidak dibantu untuk menghadapinya, ia boleh membawa kepada keadaan yang lebih buruk.\n\n\nKepada keluarga, saudara dan rakan mangsa, ketahuilah mereka amat-amat memerlukan sokongan. Buangkan rasa malu dan rasa ingin menyalahkan kerana perkara telahpun berlaku.\n\n\nKepada mangsa, jangan sekali-kali berputus asa. Ingatlah, ini semua bukan salah anda. Carilah ketenangan dengan mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan dan sentiasa menyebut-nyebut nama-Nya. Sesungguhnya dengan mengingati Tuhan, hati pasti menjadi tenang.\n\n\nHubungi bantuan\n\n\nAntara NGO dan agensi kerajaan yang boleh dihubungi sama ada ingin melaporkan kes atau mendapatkan kaunseling termasuk:\n\n\nWomen Crisis Centre (WCC, Penang) ~ 04-228 0342\n\nWomen\u2019s Aid Organisation (WAO) ~ 03-7956 3488\n\nAll Women Action Society of Malaysia (AWAM) ~ 03-7597 0224\n\nBEFRIENDERS ~ 03-7956 8144\n\nKementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat ~ 03-8323 1000\n\nTalian NUR ~ 15999\n\n\nBERKAIT: \nDoes marriage make rape okay?\n\n\nBERKAIT: \nMalaysian rapist to marry his 13-year-old victim\n\n\nRujukan:\n\n\nDaughter, 18, cuts off her father\u2019s head after he raped her in their Papua New Guinea village home\n\n\nKes dera seksual serius\n\n\nOSCC bantu mangsa dera dan rogol\n\n\nRape @ AWAM\n\n\nFlyer @ WCC: Rogol bukan salah anda!\n\n\nApa pandangan anda tentang isu ini di Malaysia? Kongsikan buah fikiran anda di ruangan komen di bawah.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-are-apgar-scores", "title": "What Are Apgar Scores And What Does My Baby's Score Mean?", "body": "As soon as you give birth, you\u2019ll notice the medical professionals in the room picking up your newborn and checking if he\u2019s breathing. They will instantly follow this up by sharing a few\u2013what may seem like random\u2013numbers with each other. But these numbers aren\u2019t just any off-the-cuff figures. They help doctors and nurses determine how your baby is doing and are commonly called the Apgar scores.\n\n\nThese scores assigned a minute after labour are especially useful to assess heart rate and umbilical artery blood gases in your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nBut how do the \nmedical professionals\n assess and assign these Apgar scores and what does it mean if your baby is given a score of 1? Let\u2019s find out.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Do Apgar Scores Check?\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThe Apgar scores are assigned to newborns after 1 minute and 5 minutes of their birth.\n\n\n\n\nThe 1 minute score \nis to determine\n how well your baby handled the birthing process\n\n\nWhile, the 5 minute score is to check how your baby tolerates being out of the womb.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe test may be given again if your baby is found to have a few concerns regarding their condition.\n\n\nInterestingly, the word \u2018Apgar\u2019 comes from Dr. Virginia Apgar who created the system in 1952. Since then, medical professional have used this benchmark to determine a newborn\u2019s health. It is now an acronym that stands for and checks the following:\n\n\n\n\nAppearance\u00a0\nor the skin colour of your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nPulse\u00a0\nof your newborn\u2019s heart rate after birth.\u00a0\n\n\nGrimace response\u00a0\nor reflex which is judged by placing either a catheter or syringe to your baby\u2019s nose to check for their response.\n\n\nActivity\u00a0\nor their muscle tone.\n\n\nRespiration, \nwhich is your baby\u2019s breathing rate and effort.\n\n\n\n\nAll of these are examined and your baby\u2019s Apgar scores are assigned after the birthing process.\u00a0\n\n\nThe \nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics\n clarifies that while this test can not necessarily predict how your little one will grow up and develop. But it can alert the medical professionals if the baby is slow to respond to stimulation and if he/she needs further assistance in adapting to the new surroundings.\u00a0\n\n\nHow Is Your Baby Scored During The Apgar Test\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nApgar scores are based on five factors. Your newborn will be examined on these factors to check the overall health and each would be scored on a scale of 0 to 2.\n\n\nA score of 2 is the best a newborn can get for each factor. Then all the figures are added up for a final score between 0 to 10. Your doctor, midwife or nurse will typically add up your baby\u2019s Apgar scores.\n\n\nWhile 10 is the highest possible score, only a few babies are given this score. That\u2019s because most newborns still come out with their hands and feet blue until they are warmed up enough.\n\n\nTake a look at how these scores look, what they mean and how your baby will be scored in the table below.\u00a0\n\n\nApgar Scoring System\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApgar Score\n\n\n0\n\n\n1\n\n\n2\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAppearance\n\n\nBluish-grey or pale skin\n\n\nPink skin with bluish hands and feet\n\n\nNormal pink skin\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPulse\n\n\nAbsent or no pulse found\n\n\nHeart rate is below 100 beats per minute\n\n\nNormal heart rate with above 100 beats per minute\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGrimace response\n\n\nAbsent or no response whatsoever\n\n\nGrimaces only with stimulation\n\n\nGrimaces, coughs, sneezes, pulls away or cries\n\n\n\n\n\n\nActivity\n\n\nNo movement and is limp\n\n\nCan flex arms and legs a bit\n\n\nActive movements\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRespiration\n\n\nAbsent or no breathing\n\n\nBreathing is slow and irregular; cries weakly\n\n\nNormal breathing rate and effort; can cry strongly\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Does Your Baby\u2019s Apgar Score Tell You?\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7 or above:\u00a0\nNewborn babies are considered to be in good health if they score a 7 or above, which is usually the case in most births.\u00a0\n\n\nBetween 5 and 7 at one minute:\u00a0\nYour baby might have gone through some problems during the birthing process and it may have lowered the oxygen in their blood to get this score. But don\u2019t worry, the hospital staff will do their best to improve their oxygen supply so his/her 5-minute score can end up somewhere between 8 and 10.\n\n\nLess than 5:\u00a0\nOnly a small percentage of babies get this score. Babies who are born prematurely or delivered through an \nemergency C-section\n have a higher chance of getting low scores. This may be due to the complications your baby had during labour. It may also indicate problems with their heart or respiratory system, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.\n\n\n\n\nHowever, these low scores aren\u2019t that bad. Getting a low score does not mean your newborn is unhealthy. It only means that they just need some immediate medical care that may include helping them breathe better by providing oxygen.\n\n\nIf your baby\u2019s score does cause a sign of concern, your doctor or midwife will let you know. They may even suggest the type of care as well as treatment your baby will need.\n\n\nYes, being a new parent may be overwhelming, and the process of labour and scoring doesn\u2019t make things easier. But just remember that this crucial measure is what is needed to get your baby the additional help he/she needs. Once your little bub is settled well by the medical professionals, it is only a matter of time that you\u2019ll have a healthy and happy baby\u00a0back home.\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\nMedline Plus. (n.d.). Apgar score. \nmedlineplus.gov/ency/article/003402.htm\n\n\nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics. (n.d.). Apgar Scores. \nwww.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/prenatal/delivery-beyond/Pages/Apgar-Scores.aspx\n\n\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Newborn Baby Vomiting: Is It Normal or Should I Start to Worry?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBaby communication: Why you should be paying attention to your baby\u2019s first gestures\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0How to burp your baby the right way: A helpful guide\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-hand-sanitiser-might-be-harmful-to-health", "title": "Why hand sanitiser might be harmful to health", "body": "We love their hand sanitiser. That little bottle is a must-have item in any mum\u2019s handbag and we even pop it in our kids\u2019 schoolbags, with stern warnings to use its contents to sanitise their hands often.\n\n\nOf course, we use hand sanitiser as an easy way of cleaning our hands and importantly, those of our kids when soap and water is not readily available.\n\n\nBut what if we told you that the use of hand sanitiser may actually be bad for your\n health?\n\n\nWhy hand sanitiser might be harmful\n\n\nEndocrine disruptors\n\u00a0are \u201cchemicals that may interfere with the body\u2019s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects in both humans and wildlife.\u201d\n\n\nBisphenol-A, or BPA as we know it, is an endocrine disruptor, and you may know of it as being used in some plastics and food containers.\n\n\nBut did you know that BPA is also often found in the thermal paper that is often used to make receipts, bus tickets and train tickets? This is because the chemical can assist in binding dyes to the paper, making the printing more visible, according to a \nForbes article\n.\n\n\nIn fact, \naccording to a paper published in \nJAMA\n, people who handle receipts have elevated levels of BPA in their urine and blood.\n\n\nThis is where the potential danger of hand sanitiser comes into the picture. Research published in the journal\u00a0\nPLOS ONE\n\u00a0\nshows that BPA is absorbed more rapidly and extensively when people use hand sanitiser before handling paper receipts.\n\n\nThe authors explain that this is because many hand sanitisers \u201ccontain mixtures of dermal penetration enhancing chemicals that can increase by up to 100 fold the dermal absorption of lipophilic compounds such as BPA.\u201d\n\n\nIn simpler terms, hand sanitiser \u201copens up your skin to allow BPA to get right in,\u201d \nsays Laura Vandenberg\n, who studies endocrine disruptors at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.\n\n\nBut that\u2019s not all that\u2019s not so good about hand sanitisers. Some of them also contain\u00a0triclosan, which, \naccording to research\n\u00a0published in\u00a0\nMicrob Drug Resist\n, not only kills bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria on our skin.\n\n\nThe study authors caution that \u201cthus, widespread use of triclosan may represent a potential public health risk in regard to development of antibacterial-\nresistant bacteria.\u201d\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, triclosan may be linked to \u201cliver and inhalation toxicity, and low levels of triclosan may disrupt thyroid function\u201d, says US-based environmental watchdog \nEnvironmental Working Group\n\u00a0(EWG).\n\n\nMums, we understand that hand sanitiser is a useful product to keep in your handbag and your kids\u2019 schoolbags, for when you need to clean your hands on the go. The trick is not to use it excessively.\n\n\nAlso, there\u2019s nothing like good old soap and water to effectively clean your family\u2019s hand \u2014 so use this old-fashioned yet effective method whenever possible.\n\n\nShare your thoughts on this article in a comment below.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/heavy-metals-in-baby-food", "title": "What You Need to Know about Heavy Metal in Baby Food: Here Are the Facts", "body": "Parenting is part love, part worry, with the latter often related to your \nchildren\u2019s wellbeing and health\n. When little ones are old enough to start eating solid food at around six months of age, a whole new range of concerns related to food emerge. One of these, for many parents, is related to heavy metal in food. Let\u2019s take a look at some scientific facts about heavy metals in food, and what you should keep in mind when it comes to your \nchild\u2019s health and nutrition\n.\n\n\nWhat are heavy metals and how do they occur in food?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nHeavy metals are\n \ndefined as\n naturally occurring elements that are present in the earth\u2019s crust. Also known as trace elements, metals are literally, \u201cheavy\u201d: they have a high atomic weight and sink in water.\n \nThey include\n copper, zinc, magnesium, and iron, as well as arsenic, cadmium, and lead.\n\n\nIt is believed these metals are\n \nbrought to the earth\u2019s surface\n by phenomena such as erupting volcanoes and earthquakes. They then get incorporated into soil and water, which of course are absorbed by crops and plants.\n \nExperts\n agree that it is hard to completely avoid or eliminate heavy metals in foods.\n\n\n\u201cMetals \u2013 both beneficial and harmful \u2013 are in many foods\u201d, explains\n \nthe U.S. Food & Drug Administration\n (FDA). The natural occurrence of metals in soil and water, as well as in the air, is also noted by the\n \nFDA\n.\n\n\nAccording to the\n FDA\n, metal levels found in food depend on many factors, including \u201cgrowing conditions, industrial, manufacturing, and agricultural processes.\u201d \nSome crops, like rice,\n \nnaturally contain traces of arsenic\n, because they are grown under flooded conditions, and so\n \nabsorb more elements\n (whether added or naturally occurring, or both) that are present in the water.\n\n\nSometimes, essential trace elements like iron are added to certain foods like cereal and bread by the manufacturer, to boost the overall nutritional value. This practice of fortifying foods and drinks with key nutrients is not new. For example, \norange juice is often fortified with vitamin D\n, and many soy and almond milks have\n added calcium\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe impact of metals on health\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nThe effect of metals on health depends on the amount consumed, the type and properties of the metal, as well as a person\u2019s age and developmental stage, explains the\n \nFDA\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSome metals are needed by the human body for good health maintenance, and in children for, proper growth development. For example, \nresearch shows\n essential dietary metal iron is crucial for brain development, which in turn is linked to learning ability and other important cognitive functions for children. The dietary metal \nmagnesium\n is needed for energy production and heart health. And another dietary metal\n\u2014\n \npotassium\n\u2014\nis important for nerve and muscle health, as well to move nutrients into and waste products out of cells.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nOther metals\n, like cadmium and arsenic, provide no benefits to the human body and can be toxic when ingested in concentrated or high levels.\n\n\nHeavy metals in baby food: The facts\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nRecent news about heavy metals in commercially produced baby food may have left you with many questions. Let\u2019s take a look at some facts on the matter:\n\n\nWhat metals does baby food contain? \nMost commercially produced baby foods should ideally contain only approved levels of essential metals like iron, magnesium, potassium that are beneficial for your baby\u2019s health, as mentioned above. These should be listed on the packaging, along with the quantities.\u00a0\n\n\nWill heavy metals in baby food harm my little one? \n\u00a0High quantities of metals\n\u2014\neven the beneficial ones\n\u2014\nwhen consumed over the approved levels, will\n \nhave a negative effect\n on a child\u2019s health. The good news is that commercially prepared baby food generally contains\n \nlow levels\n of heavy metal. Also, many baby food manufacturing companies have stringent \nquality and safety control measures\n in place that are monitored by scientific and governmental bodies. As long as you offer your child a variety of healthy foods, you generally do not need to be too concerned.\u00a0\n\n\nHow about organic baby food?\n Most, if not all foods will contain traces of heavy metals\n\u2014\n including\n \norganic baby food\n. Heavy metals are naturally found in both soil and water, and traces can be found in all produce, even organic, as \nidentified by studies\n. Therefore, organic foods often contain similar levels of heavy metals as non-organic foods.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCan I avoid heavy metals if I make my baby\u2019s food at home? \nUnfortunately, you cannot, as it is almost impossible to avoid metals in \ngrains, fruits, and vegetables\n. Remember that they are present in the earth and water and so, are absorbed by all types of crops. Also, unlike many commercially produced baby foods which are routinely quality tested and under the scrutiny of various monitoring organizations, the same cannot be done when buying your own produce to make your own baby food. However, you can follow some safety tips (see below) when preparing your child\u2019s food at home to ensure optimum nutritional value, hygiene and safety.\n\n\nFood safety tips for parents to keep in mind\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThere is no reason for mums and dads to panic over the presence of heavy metals in baby food. Keep the following food, nutrition and safety tips in mind that are relevant to both commercially prepared and homemade baby food:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEnsure your child gets a\n balanced diet\n when they are ready to eat solid foods at around six months of age. They should be offered a mix of fruits, vegetables, meats and fish, and grains to get adequate nutrition that will fuel their physical and cognitive development.\n\n\nAlternate the types of foods you offer your child. Rotating foods could help minimize the overconsumption of heavy metals and ensure your little one gets a varied, balanced diet that contains all key nutrients.\n\n\nWhile\n \nrice cereal fortified with iron\n provides your child with a good mix of nutrients, it shouldn\u2019t be the only option. Also offer other fortified cereals made with, for example, barley, oats and multigrain. This will help minimize the possible overconsumption of metals by eating only rice cereal.\u00a0\n\n\nFish contains essential nutrients like Omega-3-fatty-acids and protein, crucial for healthy brain development in your child. However, larger types of fish like swordfish and shark may contain\n \nhigher levels\n of heavy metal mercury. Try to avoid these types of fish as much as possible, and instead opt for smaller fish like cod or salmon. \nHowever, even if you can\u2019t always avoid larger types of fish, there is no need to worry too much. \nThe Singapore Food Agency\n states that severe poisoning due to eating fish that contain high levels of heavy metals is rare, and may only occur in the event of severe ocean pollution.\n\n\nFinally, always speak to a medical professional if you have any concerns or doubts about your child\u2019s health and nutrition.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Study: How children prefer to eat based on gender and age\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-hand-blender", "title": "7 Hand Blenders That Are Lightweight & Easy To Use For Baby Food Prep & Family Meal", "body": "When it comes to cooking, one of the most important utensils is a blender. Some of us may prefer the traditional way of using a mortar, some prefer a regular blender, while others may prefer a hand blender.\n\n\nThere are many blender options in the market, such as common blenders with a larger base and overall size, suited for heavy or bulky use, while hand blenders are much more compact and lightweight.\u00a0\nHand blenders have several advantages over regular blenders such as:\n\n\n\n\nSmaller\n\n\nEasy to use\n\n\nEasy to clean\n\n\nTakes up less space\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChoosing The Best and Worthwhile Hand Blender For The Family\n\n\n\n\nChoosing the most suitable hand blender can be difficult due to how many options there are in the market. Here\u2019s a list of important details you should take note of when choosing the best hand blender!\n\n\n\n\nBrand: \nTo ensure you will get the best-desired performance from a hand blender, you should choose one from a good brand. There are many brands available in the market, but normally, people will buy from brands that are already widely known in the local market.\u00a0\n\n\nMotor: \nThe real test of a hand blender is its motor efficiency. Hand blenders with good motors are able to grind and chop up ingredients easily, as compared to blenders with weaker motors. Look out for a hand blender with a motor capacity between 250 and 500 watts!\n\n\nSpeed: \nIt is much better if you buy a hand blender that has several different speeds. Variation in speed helps obtain better control \u2014 some hand blenders come with 2-speed variations while others even have 5-speed variations.\n\n\nWeight: \nAlongside the above factors, you should also consider the weight of the hand blender while using it. Since you have to hold it up during the usage, it is important to choose a lightweight blender!\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to check on product guarantees \u2014 electronic goods are sometimes vulnerable to damage during use. Hence, choose a product that is able to offer you maximum warranty time.\u00a0\n\n\n7 Best Hand Blenders In The Market\n\n\n#1 Philips ProMix Handblender Daily Collection (HR2533/01)\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDesigned with the Philips ProMix system, this unique state-of-the-art technology uses specific triangular shapes to create optimal food flow, with maximum performance for faster and consistent blending.\n\n\n It has a 2-button hand blender release system, making it easy to separate the blender blades for easy cleaning.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nBrand: \nPhilips\n\n\nEstimated price: \nRm100+\n\n\n650 watts\n\n\nAnti-splash knife protector\n\n\nErgonomic design\n\n\nProMix technology\n\n\nSingle-button release system\n\n\nCompact size\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Philips ProMix Handblender Daily Collection HR2533/01 \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#2 PerySmith 5-in-1 Hand Blender\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis Perysmith 5-in-1 hand blender can be used for blending, cutting, beating and more. In addition to coming in neat colours and designs, each part is easily removable for efficient and easy cleaning!\n\n\n It\u2019s definitely a worthwhile purchase.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nBrand: \nPerysmith\n\n\nEstimated price:\n RM100+\n\n\nPower rating: 850W, Voltage:220-240V ~ 50/60Hz\n\n\nBeaker Capacity: 0.5L, Chopper Capacity: 0.5L\n\n\nGross Weight: 0.8kg, Dimensions: 240 x 230 x 150 (mm) 800 watts\n\n\n2 speeds\n\n\nEasy holding system for accessory exchange\n\n\nRemovable parts for easy cleaning\n\n\n0.5L BPA-free mixing beaker with lid and chopper\n\n\n\n\n PerySmith 5-in-1 Hand Blender \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#3 Panasonic MX-GS1 Hand Held Immersion Blender\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis is a high-performance handheld blender with multiple functions. Equipped with a Four-Blade cutting system, its speciality is that you can produce many types of food easily! \n\n\nShould you want to make a meringue or a smoothie, with this, you have no worries!\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nBrand: \nPanasonic\n\n\nEstimated price: \nRM100+\n\n\nEasy to use\n\n\nPower: 600W\n\n\nEasy-grip handle\n\n\n2 blades\n\n\nStainless Steel Shaft\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Panasonic MX-GS1 Hand Held Immersion Blender \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#4 Kenwood Triblade HDP102WG\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis blender from Kenwood features 3 angled blades from Triblade System\u2122 to ensure all ingredients are mixed exactly as needed, in a short period of time! \n\n\nWhether you\u2019re making a delicate pie filling or a creamy soup, all can be done perfectly and easily.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nBrand: \nKenwood\n\n\nEstimated price: \nRM100+\n\n\n3 angled blades\n\n\nPower: 600W\n\n\nTurbo function\n\n\n\n\n Kenwood Triblade HDP102WG \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#5 Carote Multifunctional Food Chopper\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nManual hand blenders are one of the items that have become increasingly preferred recently. This product uses no electricity and works just by pulling the provided straps.\n\n\n You might be surprised\u2014the end results are great!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBrand:\n Carote\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated price: \nRM20+\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFood grade, ABS, BPA-free\n\n\nMini-sized\n\n\nSaves electricity\n\n\nOdorless material, high transparency, high temperature resistance\n\n\n420 Stainless Steel Blade: 3-dimensional design, thin and sharp\n\n\nSlip bottom silicone ring to add friction and stability\n\n\nTwo sizes: 900ml and 500ml\n\n\n\n\n Carote Multifunctional Food Chopper \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#6 Philips 800W Turbo Speed ProMix Hand Blender HR2652\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis option is from Philips as well, but instead is a hand blender with a motor power of 800 watts, which will definitely simplify your affairs in the kitchen!\n\n\n Interestingly, it is also easy to use, with just one button.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBrand: \nPhilips\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated price: \nRM200+\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPower: 800 watts\n\n\nTurbo function\n\n\nSpeedTouch technology\n\n\nBlack & stainless steel\n\n\nStainless steel blades\n\n\nABS plastic + stainless steel + anti-slip rubber\n\n\n\n\n Philips Turbo Speed ProMix Hand Blender HR2652 \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#7 Tefal Optitouch Hand Blender HB8338\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis hand blender has speed variations of 16 levels, making it the best choice, as it is not only comfortable to use due to its ergonomic shape, but also its 4-blade function that helps grind foods more efficiently and quickly!\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nBrand: Tefal\n\n\nEstimated price: \nRM190-RM210\n\n\nPower: 600W\n\n\n16 speeds + pulses, 4 Blades & ActivFlow Technology\n\n\nAnti-Splash Guard\n\n\nErgonomic handle\n\n\nMetal legs and body\n\n\n500ml mini chopper (anti-slip base) + 800ml beaker\n\n\n\n\n Tefal Optitouch Hand Blender HB8338 \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nVegetable Smoothies for Kids Who Hate Their Greens\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n5 Healthy Kid-Friendly Recipes For Your Little Ones, They Will Definitely Want More!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nBaby Food 101: The Basics All Mums and Dads Should Know!\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-beauty-products-for-pregnant-women", "title": "Best Skincare Products for Pregnant Women That Are Safe & Effective", "body": "Using your usual best beauty products that contain dangerous substances or have very strong effects can affect both the mother and the fetus. \n\n\nMany changes occur during pregnancy. Skin troubles that were not there before pregnancy can appear due to hormonal surges, which can result in dry or oily spots, dark spots, stretch marks, newly grown moles, itchy stomachs and more.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition, your favourite skincare product may not be suitable for your now sensitive skin. \nHence, it is crucial for you to alter your skincare routine appropriately by examining the contents in products you use more carefully to ensure you do not harm yourselves or your babies unknowingly.\n\n\nHow To Choose Safe, Effective & Best Beauty Products For Pregnant Women\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSome ingredients that \nshould be avoided during pregnancy and\u00a0 breastfeeding\n include:\n\n\n\n\n Retinoids\n \u2014 Products containing ingredients such as Avage, Differin, Renova, Retin-A, retinols, retinyl palmitate and Tazorac should be avoided. Studies have shown that even small amounts of substance absorbed by the skin could potentially cause your child to have birth defects.\n\n\n Tetracycline\n \u2014 This antibiotic acne treatment can adversely affect the development of your baby\u2019s teeth and bones.\n\n\n Hydroquinone\n \u2014 When applied, between 34 to 45 percent of Hydroquinone (a topical skin whitening agent) is automatically absorbed into the body. Although current studies do not show a distinct relationship between using hydroquinone during pregnancy and an increased risk of adverse effects, it is best to avoid it.\n\n\n Salicylic Acid\n \u2014 Although some products only contain up to 2 percent of salicylic acid, which has a low risk of impacting babies, some dermatologists still recommend pregnant women to avoid using it.\u00a0\n\n\n Benzoyl Peroxide\n \u2014 The risks pertaining to the use of benzoyl peroxide to treat acne has yet to be confirmed, therefore it is best to consult your doctor before using it.\u00a0\n\n\n Artificial Fragrances\n \u2014 Cosmetic companies use \u201cfragrance\" as an umbrella term for a mixture of hidden toxic chemicals, such as diethyl phthalate that has been linked to causing birth defects.\n\n\n\n\nIn a nutshell, it is safest to avoid products that contain the aforementioned ingredients and instead, choose products that use natural ingredients. \n\n\nYou could also consider your pregnancy term as a time to change up your skincare routine by selecting products created specifically to pamper your skin!\u00a0\n\n\n6 Best Beauty Products on the Market for Pregnant Women\n\n\nIn an effort to help expectant mothers to pamper, we, here at theAsianparents, have sourced some skincare products just for you! \n\n\nHere is a list of 6 best beauty products on the market for pregnant women:\u00a0\n\n\n#1 HADA LABO Premium Hydrating Moisturizer Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nHada Labo Premium Hydrating Cream is a light velvety cream that is directly absorbed into the skin to instantly hydrate it. Aside from hydration, it also tightens the skin, making it smooth, firm and soft.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Contains collagen which helps to improve the density and elasticity of the skin so that it looks more taut and youthful.\n\n\n Contains peptides which aids in increasing collagen production to improve facial contours and minimize the appearance of wrinkles.\n\n\n Contains 5 HA, combines Super HA, medium-sized HA, small-sized HA, 3D HA and Nano HA to hydrate the skin thoroughly so that it is softer and smoother\n\n\n Balanced skin pH\n\n\n Low irritation\n\n\n Free of alcohol, dyes, fragrances and mineral oils.\n\n\n\n\nContents:\n\n\nAir, Squalane, Glycerin, Propanediol, Triglyceride Caprylic / Capric, Dimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Pentylene Glycol, Hydroxyacetophenone, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate / Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Hydrogenated Phosphatidylcholine, Aslilinium, Aricon , Cyclodextrin, Caffeine, Butylene Glycol, Sorbitan Isostearate, Sodium Hyaluronate (Medium SA Medium, Hydrolyzed Sodium Hyaluronate, Carnosine, Citrus Sinensis Extract, Hydrolyzed Algin, Collagen, Sodium Hyaluronate (Sodium Hyaluronolate) Sodium Hyaluronolate (Sodium Hyaluronolate) Sodium Hyaluronolate, Phenoetyanol Acid Peel Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens Flower Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) Root Extract, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5, 1,2-Hexanediol, Elettaria, Elettaria Oil, Aphanothece Sacrum Polysaccharide, Poliathanthes, Cananga Tuberosa Odorata Flower Oil, Palmitoyl Hexapeptide-12, Sodium Hyalu ronate Crosspolymer.\n\n\n HADA LABO Premium Hydrating Moisturizer Cream \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nThe Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash is infused with tea tree oil, which helps extract dirt and oil without drying the skin, resulting in cleaner and clearer skin after daily use.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Natural and vegan content\n\n\n Can be used every day\n\n\n Made with purifying tea tree oil from the foot of Mount Kenya\n\n\n Cleanses the skin thoroughly\n\n\n Cools and refreshes the skin\n\n\n Reduces greasiness\n\n\n Enriched with organic Community Trade tea tree oil\n\n\n\n\nContents:\n\n\nAqua / Air / Eau, Glycerin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, PEG-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Polysorbate 20, Alcohol Denat, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Chloride, Panthenol Leaf Oil Alternifolia / Melaleuca Leaf Oil Alternifolia (Tea Tree), Sodium Benzoate, Calophyllum Inophyllum Seed Oil, Citric Acid, Allantoin, Menthol, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Leptospermum Petersonii Oil, Tocopherol, Sodium Hydroxide, Ci, 19 /2090 Blue 1\n\n\n The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nCleanse your face twice a day with Cetaphil\u2019s Gentle Skin Cleanser! It is a mild, fragrance-free cleanser that is not only soothing but also effective in cleaning the skin. \n\n\nThis product is also safe enough to be used on babies, and therefore can be used daily for pregnant women.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Soothes and cleanses, leaving skin smooth and soft afterwards\n\n\n Gentle, soap-free formula that cleanses without irritation \u2014 it will not remove the skin\u2019s natural protective oils or emollients\n\n\n Moisturizes without leaving residue that can clog pores\n\n\n Good for special skin needs including sensitive or rosacea-prone skin\n\n\n Suitable for face and body\n\n\n Works without causing skin irritation\n\n\n pH balanced and non-irritating formulation used\n\n\n Can be used with or without water\n\n\n Fragrance-free, hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic\n\n\n Helps with dehydration, irritation, roughness, tightness, and dryness of skin\n\n\n\n\nContents:\n\n\nAir, Cetyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Stearyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben\n\n\n Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Mederma AG Hydrating Facial Cleanser\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nMederma AG products are among the top few beauty products on the market as they provide the benefits of glycolic acid exfoliation in a pH-balanced cleansing and moisturizing system for the whole body.\n\n\nThis product is soft, non-dry and suitable for all skin types. It cleans oil and dirt from your face, leaving your skin feeling smooth and fresh.\n\n\nAqua Glycolic Facial Cleanser is not merely a facial cleanser, it can also be used as a shaving cream on sensitive areas, such as the bikini line, face and armpits!\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Gently exfoliates dry dead skin cells\u00a0\n\n\n Not only can be used as a cleanser, but also an excellent shaving cream\n\n\n Helps hydrate and soften dry skin, leaving skin fresh, clean and soft\n\n\n Provides the exfoliating benefits of glycolic acid in a pH-balanced cleansing and moisturizing system for the whole body\n\n\n Hypoallergenic\n\n\n Free of added fragrances\n\n\n Soap-free (results in minimal irritation)\n\n\n Non-comedogenic\n\n\n Recommended by a dermatologist\n\n\n\n\nContents:\n\n\nDistilled Water, Acid Glycolate, Ammonium Glycolate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Sorbitol, Stearyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben.\n\n\n Mederma AG Hydrating Facial Cleanser \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Dickinson Original Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting Toner\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nWithout added fragrances, dyes, parabens or phthalates, this 100 percent natural toner is perfect for pregnant mothers whose skin may be more oily or sensitive than usual. \n\n\nIt helps shrink pores, remove excess oil, soothe itchiness and maintain the skin\u2019s natural balance while ensuring the skin does not feel dry after use.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Oil free\n\n\n Does not dry out the skin\n\n\n For all skin types\n\n\n Gently cleanses and refines pores to maintain clear, smooth & balanced skin\n\n\n 100% Natural\n\n\n Soft Formula\n\n\n Recommended by a dermatologist\n\n\n\n\nContents:\n\n\nAll natural distilled witch hazel, contains 14%natural grain alcohol, and witch hazel extract\n\n\n Dickinson Original Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting Toner \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nNeutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel consists of a refreshing gel formula with purified Hyaluronic acid and olive extract that continuously supplies moisture to the skin. As it thoroughly hydrates tand softens the skin, this product is also very suitable for those with dry skin.\n\n\nThe Neutrogena gel is oil-free, dye-free, non-comedogenic and is especially preferred by mothers with oily skin because the gel formula permeates faster than regular cream moisturizers.\n\n\nIt is, therefore, no surprise that this Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel is a top choice for those with sensitive or dry skin!\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Moisturizes the skin\n\n\n Suitable for sensitive and dry skin\n\n\n Tested by a dermatologist\n\n\n Allergies tested\n\n\n Oil free\n\n\n Non-comedogenic\n\n\n\n\nContents:\n\n\nAir, Dimethicone, Glycerin, Dimethicone / Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Phenoxyethanol, Polyacrylamide, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Dimethiconol, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Chlorphenesin, Carbomer, Laureth-7, Sodium Hyalurin 14, Sodium Hyalurin 14, Sodium Hydroxide, Blue\n\n\n Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nFinding the best beauty products to use during pregnant is not as hard as you think it will be. We hope this helps!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nGetting Unwanted Acne Is The Worst! Try These Acne Patches To Remove The Acne Without Leaving Any Scars\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/morning-sickness-tummy-friendly-food-guide-2", "title": "Morning sickness tummy-friendly food guide", "body": "\n\nIf you have morning sickness, stock up on the following foods. They are known to be tummy friendly.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s good for morning sickness\n:\n\n\n\n\nApplesauce\n\n\nApricots\n\n\nAvocado\n\n\nBagels\n\n\nBananas\n\n\nCorn\n\n\nCrackers\n\n\nCheese\n\n\nCereal\n\n\nChewing gum\n\n\nCider vinegar\n\n\nCucumber\n\n\nCurry leaves\n\n\nDates\n\n\nFennel\n\n\nFrozen yogurt\n\n\nFruit Juice\n\n\nGinger\n\n\nGrapes\n\n\nLemon drops\n\n\nLemons\n\n\nMints\n\n\nMilk\n\n\nOatmeal\n\n\nPeppermint\n\n\nPotato chips\n\n\nPotatoes\n\n\nPuddings\n\n\nRaspberry leaf tea\n\n\nRice cakes\n\n\nSoda crackers\n\n\nSorbet\n\n\nSour candies\n\n\nWhole wheat bread\n\n\nYogurt smoothies\n\n\n\n\nStay away from during morning sickness:\n\n\n\n\nAlcohol\n\n\nBetelnut (Supari)\n\n\nBrocolli\n\n\nCabbage\n\n\nCauliflower\n\n\nCaffeinated beverages like coffee and cola\n\n\nFoods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG)\n\n\nFoods containing excessive seasoning\n\n\nFried eggs\n\n\nFried foods\n\n\nGarlic\n\n\nGreasy foods\n\n\nHigh-fat foods\n\n\nOnions\n\n\nSausages\n\n\nStrong-tasting vegetables\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s also interesting to note that in a \n2000 study by Cornell University\n evolutionary biologists, \u201cthe most-observed aversion was to meats, fish, poultry and eggs \u2014 the foods that were more likely to carry harmful microorganisms and parasites before the advent of modern refrigeration and food-handling processes,\u201d The study went on to reveal that in \u201ctraditional societies with virtually no morning sickness, animal products are not a dietary staple. Plant-based foods \u2014 and corn, in particular \u2014 were found to be the dietary staple in six of seven societies with little or no morning sickness. The edible parts of the corn plant, the kernels, have very low levels of phytochemicals\u201d.\n\n\nRemember that eating more or avoiding all of these may not necessarily work for you, try some and find out which food works for you. Also it\u2019s important to have a healthy diet during pregnancy, so do listen to your body about your needs.\n\n\nDo also check out this article on\n tried and tested cures for morning sickness\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/4-easy-exercises-to-help-your-kids-grow-much-taller", "title": "4 Easy Exercises To Help Your Kids Grow (Much) Taller", "body": "All parents want to give their children the best chance of success in life. At some point, the question of height might enter your mind: how do you help your kids\u00a0grow taller? Is there any height increasing exercise available?\n\n\nResearch is proving height to be surprisingly important for your children\u2019s future. Studies have \nshown\n that each extra inch of height corresponds to an additional USD800 in annual earnings. Taller people are \nmore likely\n to have higher education and job status.\n\n\nThis even affects happiness \u2014 those above average height \nreport\n being more content than their shorter counterparts! Strange though it sounds, this seemingly arbitrary factor can change a\n lot\n in your kids\u2019 lives.\u00a0\n\n\nFortunately, it\u2019s not entirely out of your hands. According to \nScientific American\n, only around 60-80% of one\u2019s height is determined by genes.\n\n\nThe other 20-40% can be influenced by environmental factors, such as nutrition and exercise. And good news: \nin Asian populations, the effect of \u2018nurture\u2019 on height leans much closer toward 40%.\u00a0\n\n\nHeight increasing exercise\n\n\nTo give your kids that crucial inch or two extra, here are some types of height-boosting exercises that they can work on! These are suitable for kids of all ages, particularly before they hit puberty \u2014\u00a0by 16, most boys reach their \nmaximum height\n, while girls do so around 14 to 15. \u00a0\n\n\nThese exercises won\u2019t help your children\u2019s height shoot up noticeably, but they might add that magic inch or two. At the very least, you can bet that your kids will gain great posture and a stronger body.\n\n\n1) Spine-stretching exercises\n\n\nStretching exercises boost the spine\u2019s suppleness, ensuring that all the vertebrae are aligned correctly.\u00a0These easy and kid-friendly exercises by \nGrow Taller Success Key\n\u00a0elongate the cartilage in the spine, regenerating flexibility!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n(Screenshots from Grow Taller Success Key)\n\n\n\n\n(Screenshots from Grow Taller Success Key)\n\n\n\n\nClick \nhere\n to find the full instructions for the exercises.\n\n\n2) Posture exercises\n\n\nWith heavy schoolbags and long hours on the computer, kids might not always develop the best posture. Standing tall helps lengthen your children\u2019s spines to their full potential.\u00a0\n\n\nThese fun exercises put together by \nCoolum Family Chiropractic\n\u00a0will help your kids work towards a strong, healthy back.\n\n\n\n\n(Image Credit: Coolum Family Chiropractic)\n\n\n\n\nNot only does great posture elongate the spine, it makes your kids look more confident, creating the\u00a0\nillusion\u00a0\nof height.\u00a0This will stand them in good stead for everything from school presentations to job interviews.\u00a0\n\n\nClick \nhere\n to find the full instructions for the exercises.\u00a0\n\n\n3)\u00a0Neck exercises\n\n\nJust like the back, a long, strong neck can provide that extra inch of height and poise.\u00a0These simple neck exercises, according to holistic health guru Mickey Mehta, can\u00a0remove tension in the neck and stimulate the thyroid, promoting growth.\n\n\n\n\nRolling the neck up and down. (Screenshots from Mickey Mehta/Times Living)\n\n\n\n\nRolling the neck left and right. (Screenshots from Mickey Mehta/Times Living)\n\n\n\n\nClick \nhere\n\u00a0to find the full instructions for the exercises.\u00a0\n\n\n4) Vertical hanging\n\n\nThe force of gravity exerts pressure on our spines, \ncompressing the discs\n\u00a0and making us just that tiny bit shorter. This is also why astronauts can \ngrow up to 3% taller \nwhile living in space!\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to health guru Mickey Mehta, vertical hanging lets the weight of your lower torso stretch your spine and decompresses the vertebrae. Over long periods of time, this makes it possible to increase your kids\u2019 height by one or two inches. Every inch helps!\n\n\n\n\n(Screenshot from Mickey Mehta/Times Living)\n\n\n\n\nClick \nhere\n\u00a0to find the full instructions for the exercise.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: Parents are advised to check with a medical professional before undertaking any exercise regime for your children.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\n\nALSO READ: \nWant to help your kids grow taller? Feed them these foods!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/effortless-beauty", "title": "#TAPreviews: Effortless Beauty Lash Extension With Relaxing Head Massage Service At Home", "body": "Before we become mothers, we first become women who have strong identities. We might be career women or we might be academic scholars. We might be women who love to dress up and socialise with friends. We have these personas that we take decades to craft before we decide to add on another layer to that \u2014 and that layer is motherhood.\n\n\nBut becoming a mother does not make us less of who we were before our children came along. We still prioritise our careers, our passion projects and of course, our beauty.\u00a0\n\n\nSometimes, though, beauty takes a backseat especially when we\u2019re busy juggling our jobs, our kids and not to mention household chores. It can be absolutely exhausting.\n\n\nWorse still, 2020 has been a crazy year. We did not expect to have to stay home for half the year and have even less \u201cme\u201d time.\u00a0\n\n\nThis year, I have had nary a moment to brush my hair, let alone go out and get a massage or do the usual beauty treatments I enjoy doing from time to time.\n\n\nThankfully, I was recently introduced to Effortless Beauty, an online beauty booking platform in Malaysia, which aims to bring you the pampering you need right to your doorstep. And amidst this COVID-19 mess, they promise safety too.\u00a0\n\n\n#TAPreview: Effortless Beauty Booking Platform\n\n\nThe name is perfect for this platform because yes, indeed it is effortless to make a booking for your beauty treatments from manicures to lash extensions to make-up services to waxing and more.\u00a0\n\n\nAs a busy mum myself, it is tough to set aside time to get dressed, get out of the house and go to a beauty appointment. This process is even more restricted now with the CMCO.\u00a0\n\n\nBut when I got the chance to try out the Effortless platform for a lash extension with a relaxing head massage, the decision to make the booking was an automatic one.\u00a0\n\n\nA representative from Effortless contacted me before the service and asked about my lash preferences and I also filled in a declaration form for safety purposes. Then it was all good to go and time for my service!\n\n\n\n\nWith my husband caring for our baby in another room, I welcomed the therapist, Jessica, into our home and let her start working on my lashes from the comfort of my own bed. She was wearing a mask the whole time and she made it a point to sanitise her hands and her tools before the session started.\u00a0\n\n\nIt was a really nice and relaxing session as she started by giving me the head massage with essential oils before starting on my lashes. Jessica was very professional, she questioned me about my lash preferences before I started, just to be sure I got what I wanted. I really wanted natural lashes and she definitely delivered on that end.\n\n\nShe was also very conscientious about the glue as sometimes it might sting for some people. She kept asking me if I felt okay and I was glad to say I was comfortable throughout the whole treatment session. The entire thing took about 75 minutes and I managed to relax and rejuvenate during the session. Though Jessica says many people take this opportunity to take a nap, I preferred to chat with her a little instead.\n\n\nShe was very knowledgeable on giving me tips to care for the lash extensions, such as not washing my face or coming into contact with water for at least 4 hours after the treatment and also no rubbing my eyes, of course. Another tip she gave was not to apply eye makeup or use eye makeup remover on the area as it might affect the longevity of the glue.\u00a0\n\n\nAll in all, it was an enjoyable session.\n\n\nOnce done, I went straight to my baby to spend time with him.\u00a0\n\n\nDoing a treatment like this goes just beyond having pretty lashes, because during the CMCO, it can be quite depressing to stay home all the time. Having done my lashes, I felt an uplift in my mood as well because when we go out nowadays, we have to wear our masks and the first and most noticeable thing would be our eyes.\u00a0\n\n\nI got plenty of compliments from people who saw me after the lash extension and it can be a great feeling to take care of yourself despite busy schedules. As mums, we definitely deserve the kind of effortless pampering Effortless Beauty can offer us.\n\n\nAs for the price point, I have to say that their services are very reasonably priced. My lash extension with head massage was RM189. I know many parlours out there that offer lashes at a higher price point than this, so I found this to be incredibly affordable.\n\n\n\n\nI think the lashes turned out great and this is something I will be looking forward to doing more often. I also look forward to trying out their other services, such as their massages which range from prenatal massage to postnatal massage to the usual traditional massages, starting from RM170.\u00a0\n\n\nTo make your booking on Effortless now, click \nhere\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/almond-milk-recipe", "title": "Almond Mylk Recipes", "body": "Learn how to spice up your almond mylk and get all the health benefits people are talking about.\n\n\nBasic Almond Mylk Recipe\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 cup of raw\u00a0\npre-soaked almonds\n\n\n3 cups of filtered water\n\n\na pinch of salt\n\n\n\n\nOPTIONAL:\n\n\n\n\n5 brazil nuts for extra creaminess\n\n\n10 hazelnuts if you want a yum mylk for your coffee\n\n\n2 to 3 dates for a little sweetness\n\n\n1/4 teaspoon of vanilla powder\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0Download this Infographic\u00a0\nhere\n\n\nHomemade nut mylks will stay fresh for about 3 to 4 days. Store them at the back of your fridge where it is coldest. You will notice that the mylk will separate, this is normal. Stabilizers and emulsifiers will make store bought ones separate more slowly. Just shake your mylk before using. If it smells funny or has clumps then it\u2019s time to throw it out.\n\n\nNo more stalling, here are 3 easy recipies to jazz up your mylk:\n\n\nMatcha Almond Mylk\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 L of almond mylk\n\n\n3 tsp Matcha powder\n\n\n2 to 3 dates if desired\n\n\n\n\nChocolate Almond Mylk\n\n\n\n\nSummer refreshment drinks. Chilled iced chocolate cocoa. With scoop of chocolate ice cream chocolate powder and ice. In glasses with tubes for drinking. White concrete table. Copy space\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 L of almond mylk\n\n\n4 tsp cocoa powder\n\n\n3 to 5 dates\n\n\n\u00bd tsp cinnamon powder\n\n\n\n\nGolden Mylk\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 L of almond mylk\n\n\n\u00bd tsp turmeric powder\n\n\n\u00bd tsp ginger powder\n\n\n\u00bd tsp cinnamon powder\n\n\n1 to 3 dates if desired\n\n\n\n\nTo make the above drinks, place the ingredients into a blender and mix on high speed for about one minute or until all the ingredients have blended together. Store in the fridge as you would would the basic nut mylk. Before consuming, give the mylk a good shake as some of the ingredients will sink to the bottom when the mylk blend sits for a while. These drinks are absolutely delicious when consumed warm. Gently heat in a pan, stirring and ensure not to over boil.\n\n\nSo now you have your mylk, but what shall you do with the leftover pulp? I use it as regular almond meal but due to the added moisture it will be heavier. A good rule of thumb is to double the amount. If a recipe for, let\u2019s say brownies (YUM!) calls for 100g of almond meal, use 200g of the wet pulp. With the additional moisture, your baking time might take longer too. Use the pulp to thicken soups and stews or add it to a salad. If you don\u2019t want to use it immediately, \u00a0you can store it in the freezer and thaw it in the fridge before use.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-parents-must-know-about-the-momo-suicide-challenge-2", "title": "What parents must know about the Momo suicide challenge", "body": "Parents, you might have heard about the \nBlue Whale challenge\n already. This is a dangerous \u201cgame\u201d that presents various \u201cdares\u201d to kids. And if they fail, they are goaded to take their own life. In other words, it\u2019s a suicide challenge. But as you might have tried to Google what the Blue Whale challenge is, another term might have popped up as a suggestion \u2013 \u201cwhat is Momo challenge?\u201d\n\n\nNow, another similar challenge has reared its ugly head. Known as the Momo Challenge, this one uses\u00a0a common, innocent messaging app \u2013 Whatsapp \u2013 to target children. We urge you to look out for it, learn more about it, \nand\n learn how to protect your children from it. Here\u2019s a clearer explanation of the risks of the Momo Challenge.\n\n\nThe Risks of Momo Challenge\n\n\nSo what is the Momo challenge? The Momo Suicide Challenge is a game which has roots in Japan. Essentially, it all started with Facebook group members daring themselves to contact an unknown number. Nowadays, the suicide game is popular on both Facebook and Whatsapp.\u00a0\n\n\nThe anonymous person with the unknown number, who is commonly known as \u201cMomo\u201d, will instruct you to engage in odd activities, like waking up at night or overcoming a fear.\n\n\nChildren are then told to film themselves doing these activities and send it to Momo.\u00a0If the challenge is successful, Momo will encourage you to partake in even more dangerous activities that involve harm \u2013 eventually leading to suicide.\n\n\nMore often than not, Momo won\u2019t just message you normally. Momo\u2019s messages may be filled with violent or scary content, and Momo will even call participants and intimidate them. Refusing to do the challenge will make Momo threaten to visit you and curse you.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s very to easy to see why children feel so pressured in this hideous challenge.\n\n\nThe bulging eyes, wide grin and warped features of Momo make it easy to believe that she\u2019s real. Factor in the fact that children may have some difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy \u2013 together with peer pressure \u2013 and you have a disaster waiting to happen.\u00a0\n\n\nInterestingly, Momo herself isn\u2019t real. Momo is actually a sculpture named \u201cMother Bird\u201d by Midori Hayashi, a Japanese Artist (see below). It was an artwork exhibited in Tokyo\u2019s horror Art Vanilla Gallery, and it was never intended to be used in a dangerous game on social media.\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u300c\u9055\u548c\u611f\u300d\u306f\u3082\u3046\u5c11\u3057\u4ed5\u4e8b\u3057\u3068\u3044\u305f\u307b\u3046\u304c\u3044\u3044\u3068\u601d\u3046\u3002\u5c71\u4e0b\u3055\u3093\u64ae\u5f71w \u30f4\u30a1\u30cb\u30e9\u753b\u5eca\u306b\u3066\n\nA post shared by \n Tinkerbell Asuka\n (@tinkerbellasuka) on \nAug 20, 2016 at 3:45am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReal or a hoax?\n\n\nFears around the Momo Challenge being a very serious cyber threat circulate after a 12-year-old girl in Buenos Aires reportedly taking her own life in her home in Argentina. Apparently, she recorded her last moments before committing suicide. Police believe that the girl was encouraged to end her life by an adolescent adopting the Momo identity.\n\n\nParents, while this is no joke it is important to understand that there has so far been no concrete evidence behind the Momo Challenge being real. In fact, the entire lore behind Momo has been based on rumours circulating around the internet. As described above, the actual Momo character is not real. The grotesque figure is based off an art sculpture, yet the hideous model has raised intrigue and served as nightmare fuel for your children.\n\n\nWhy does it spread so much fear?\n\n\nNow you know what is the Momo challenge. But what drove it to become viral? Well, it\u2019s namely the fear factor. The intrigue causes kids find out \u201cwhat is Momo challenge\u201d, and from there, people drum up the hype to spread the Momo challenge. Other factors encourage the Momo challenge due to a few reasons:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSocial Media Apps like Facebook and Whatsapp are easily accessible today\n. Any unsuspecting child can just download it and be pressured into playing, thinking that there is no danger.\u00a0\n\n\nChildren\u2019s brains are still developing\n. Children are still unable to differentiate fact from fiction. Don\u2019t forget there\u2019s also peer pressure. Both of these factors can make a creepy face and frightening messages become reality, leading to tragedies.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor children, scary things that seem implausible to adults, such as curses, are real to them. |Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhatsapp uses encrypted technology and anyone can use it\n with just a phone number. This means\u00a0that parents and police find it hard to trace messages coming from an account and are unable to keep an eye out for possible cyberbullying behaviour. \n\n\n\n\nHow can I protect my children from this cruel game?\n\n\n\n\nDespite knowing what is the Momo challenge, you might be wondering how to protect your child from this viral influence. While not giving your child a smartphone or Whatsapp account may be easy, it may not be practical in our techno-centric world. Here are some sensible, easy tips to help protect your children.\n\n\n\n\nMonitor and supervise your child\u2019s online activity\n. You can ask your child for their phone and check through their Whatsapp activity briefly.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEducate your children about the dangers. \nLet your child know that suicide won\u2019t benefit anyone, and that it will only hurts their loved ones. Listening to Momo\u2019s instructions won\u2019t do anyone good: It will just cause people to get hurt.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEducate your children about the dangers of this suicide game so that they know what to do if they encounter it. | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExplain to your children about the dangers of the internet.\n\u00a0Tell your child not to trust everything they read or watch on the internet. Many videos are doctored to make the impossible look real. And people can easily pretend to be someone whom they\u2019re not, such as Momo.\u00a0While you may be able to easily differentiate between someone playing a sick joke and a genuine warning, your child can\u2019t.\n\n\nBe open with your kids, and encourage them to be a positive influence\n. If your child is old enough to understand clear risks, talk to them openly about this game. Tell them \nwhy\n they should\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nparticipate in it. Also,\u00a0encourage them to be a pillar of support for their peers!\u00a0\n\n\nDelay giving them a smartphone.\n \nYoung children shouldn\u2019t be given a smartphone\n. For older kids, any normal phone that can make outgoing calls is more than enough.\n\n\nBe a good role model by limiting your own smartphone use, especially when your children are around. \nStart with simple habits like keeping the phone at home when going to dinner and leaving it off before bed (yes, even if you have to buy an alarm clock!).\u00a0\n\n\nSet clear rules at home for using the smartphone\n, such as a no-phone schedule (during meals, before bedtime) and limiting when your children have access to phones. If your younger kids use Whatsapp, make sure it\u2019s only on the phone you or your partner uses.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTackling the Issue of Suicide with Your Child:\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nShare your own experiences.\n\u00a0We\u2019ve all gone through a lot of scary experiences. Share your own struggles and the lessons you\u2019ve learnt from them, and how everything turned out okay in the end.\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nDon\u2019t freak out\n. We all get panicky when it comes to suicide. However, your child will trust you more if you approach this in a calm manner.\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nGet on social media.\n\u00a0Friend your child on Facebook, and Whatsapp. Let them know that you can always talk to them on the phone wherever they are.\n\n\nBut what if my children are already playing the Momo Challenge?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore, issued an\u00a0\nadvisory\n\u00a0on the trend of suicide games, such as the Momo challenge, via its online publication \nSchoolbag\n.\n\n\nHere\u2019s a breakdown of the safety tips they gave:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKnow the warning signs.\n\u00a0Keep an eye on your children for signs of distress, like out-of-character behaviour, aggressiveness, social withdrawal, anxiety, or fear.\n\n\nTalk about your child\u2019s feelings.\n\u00a0Talk to your child with a smile. You have to make them feel safe confiding in you. Ask them calmly what the problem is and if you can help.\u00a0\n\n\nStand by their side in this challenge.\n Assure him or her that \u201cMomo\u201d doesn\u2019t exist, and that it\u2019s okay to refuse instructions or go against peer pressure. If your child is too scared, say that you\u2019ll stand by their side no matter what happens.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTalk about what your child is watching or playing.\n\u00a0You can talk about which characters your teen liked or disliked, and why he or she felt this way.\n\n\nDon\u2019t be afraid to ask your child direct questions if they\u2019ve done anything dangerous or had a scary experience. \nOpen up a healthy discussion with questions like \u201cHave you ever been scared by someone recently?\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLastly, don\u2019t forget that if worse comes to worst, you can always block or delete unknown phone numbers from your child\u2019s phone. Remember to file a police report and to also consult a paeditrician or a psychologist if your child had a traumatic experience.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nYahoo News\n, \nABC News\n, \nStraits Times\n, \nUnscrambled\n, \nSimplemost\n, \ntinkerbellasuka\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nCara Memupuk Pengetahuan Anak Tentang Wang\nHidangan\nBayi Juga Perlukan Snek! Ini Antara Yang Ibu Ayah Boleh Cuba, Jangan Risau Ia Dijamin HALAL & Cukup Lazat!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nMoney Parenting\nUnderstanding How To Handle Money Through Real Life Experiences\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/modern-lifestyle-and-infertility", "title": "Modern Lifestyle and Infertility", "body": "In modern times, 1 out of 8 couples impacted by infertility. This percentage is set to increase notably in cities, more so in couples wherein, both the partners are working professionals. \n\n\nHere Dr Tan Chee Hoe, O&G from Pantai Hospital Cheras sharing his insights on how the modern lifestyle affect fertility in recent years and tips on optimizing fertility.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is infertility?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nInfertility is defined as not being able to conceive after trying for more than 12 months (6 months for women more than 35 years old), without any contraceptive precautions.\u00a0\n\n\nIs infertility a common problem in Malaysia?\n\n\nInfertility is not something new. According to the World Health Organization, about 1 in 8 couples has a problem trying to conceive and having a baby. \n\n\nThe increase in infertility cases in recent years is likely due to increasing awareness of infertility complications and changes in contemporary lifestyles.\u00a0\n\n\nIs infertility just a woman\u2019s problem?\n\n\nInfertility has traditionally been thought of as a woman\u2019s problem. But as it turns out, men are not spared from the causes of infertility. \n\n\n\n\nIn fact, men contribute to more than 40% of the causes of infertility. Women contribute to another 40% while the remaining 20% is due to unexplained causes. \n\n\n\n\nIn view of this, it is crucial to get the husband involved during fertility screening and treatment in order for the fertility doctor to provide you with a holistic treatment plan.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat causes infertility in men?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Medical News Today\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe leading causes of male infertility are urogenital disease, sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted disease (STD), obstructed spermatic cords, testicular mumps infection, testicular failure, undescended testis and varicocele.\n\n\n\n\n Others include hormonal problem, genetic abnormality, chemotherapy and local radiotherapy due to cancer.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nRecent global data in semen analysis revealed that there is an increase in sperm abnormalities and sperm count is in a reducing trend. \n\n\nContributing factors for these findings include an increase in paternal age, unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, E-cigarettes, alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, recreational drug use & steroid use etc.), processed food, obesity, plastics and chemical toxins, pesticide, herbicides, pollution etc.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHow does the modern lifestyle affect fertility? What are the factors that contribute to infertility?\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Medical News Today\n\n\n\n\nFertility decline as we age. It is best to start trying sooner than later. Unfortunately, a contemporary trend sees not only women opting to delay starting a family, men too are postponing fatherhood.\n\n\n In today\u2019s rat race society, many are engrossed in chasing career opportunities and financial stability. Furthermore, we see a change in lifestyle and an increased search for freedom. Occasionally, some are still waiting for their Mr and Mrs Right to appear.\n\n\nAt birth, women are born with a fixed number of oocyte (eggs) inside their ovaries for their entire life. The decrease in fertility with female ageing is mainly due to the decline in quantity and quality of eggs. \n\n\n\n\nA substantial number of eggs are lost before puberty and at every menstrual cycle. The progressive loss of eggs is a normal process, and the loss of eggs is accelerated after 35. \n\n\n\n\nWomen will be attaining menopause when the reserved oocytes (eggs) inside the ovaries are depleted, marking the end of the reproductive period.\u00a0\n\n\nWomen younger than 30 have around a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month, and the chance declined to 5% per month when the women reached the age of 40. \n\n\nThe consequences of advancing maternal age are relevant to the risk of natural and medical assisted conception and the outcome of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nDue to the ageing process, the quality of eggs is affected. There is an increased risk of genetic abnormalities called aneuploidy. \n\n\nAneuploidy refers to an abnormal number of chromosomes in the fertilized egg, resulting in the condition such as Down Syndrome.\n\n\n\n\n Thus, as women age, they become less likely to conceive easily, more likely to have miscarriages and a higher risk of having children born with a chromosomal problem. Not to mention complications associated with pregnancy in ageing mothers.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFibroids, endometriosis, endometrial polyps and ovarian cysts are acquired gynaecological diseases, which are more common when women age and in women who have not given birth before. These diseases might affect your chance to conceive in future.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nSemen analysis in mature men often show a lower sperm count and lower quality. Hence, mature men take longer to impregnate their female partner and fathering a child than younger men. \n\n\nBesides, there is an increased risk of miscarriage, autism, abnormal genetic inheritance (i.e., Down Syndrome).\n\n\nWhy does stress cause infertility?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nHuman has an excellent adaptive mechanism for stress. Stress could disrupt fertility, but it rarely causes infertility. Women can continue to bear children during war, famines and other extreme situations.\u00a0\n\n\nIs there any new treatment available to treat infertility in men and women?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nNon-Invasive Chromosome Screening (NICS) is a type of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) during In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), especially if genetic testing is required.\n\n\n NICS can diagnose embryos with genetic abnormality before the embryo is transferred back to the uterus for implantation. \n\n\n\nTherefore, it increases the chance of IVF success and produces a genetically healthy baby.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe principle of NICS is based on sequencing the genomic DNA secreted into the culture medium from the embryos, hence avoiding the need for embryo biopsy which causes potential injury to the embryos. Traditionally, embryo biopsy is needed for preimplantation. \n\n\nGenetic Testing is not required when NICS is applied.\n\n\nWhat are the complications one might face from the treatment?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nInfertility treatment is very safe. Complications from IVF includes Ovarian Hyperstimulation and IVF procedure-related complications, which are seldom encountered nowadays. \n\n\nPerhaps, treatment failure is more of a concern than the complication itself. \n\n\nExamples: Poor treatment outcome due to the ageing process, poor eggs & sperm quality, and poor embryo quality as well as underlying gynaecological health problem etc, are the most common causes of fertility treatment failure.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are the prevention tips that may help optimize fertility?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nWomen and men should maintain a healthy lifestyle before they start trying for a baby. \n\n\n\n\nBeing in optimal weight, not smoking, limiting alcohol intake, exercising regularly, and optimizing pre-existing medical problems are essential in increasing pregnancy chances. \n\n\n\n\nIt is vital for your baby\u2019s health if you have a successful pregnancy.\n\n\nA healthy lifestyle is important; it includes consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables and having a regular good sleep rhythm. \n\n\n\n\nOthers include supplementing yourself with nutritious food, multivitamins, and essential nutrients (Folate, Vit D, Calcium, nutrient and good fat). It is found to be beneficial and can give your fertility a boost.\n\n\n\n\nNevertheless, regular fertility and gynaecological health screening are of utmost importance. \n\n\nEarly diagnosis and prompt treatment of a gynaecological disease may help to preserve your fertility function for future parenthood journey.\n\n\nSource: \nThis article is written by Dr Tan Chee Hoe, Obstetrics & Gynaecology (O&G) of Pantai Hospital Cheras (PHC)\n\n\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\nThe AsianParent Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nBaca juga:\n \n9 Signs of infertility in men and women all couples should know\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/giving-birth-at-home", "title": "Giving birth at home", "body": "In the past, most women gave birth to their babies at home. But with the coming of modern science, home birth is no longer promoted. Instead women are advised to give birth in hospitals or in birthing centres. Yet there are still women who prefer giving birth at home rather than in a hospital. This article will explore the reasons why women should choose or not choose home child birth.\n\n\nWhen it is advised\n\nHome birth is ideally encouraged for women with the following conditions. First of all the mother should have a healthy, low-risk pregnancy. Another is that there is an availability of a trained and experienced birth attendant. Next is that the home birth should be well-planned. Lastly, a modern hospital is nearby so that the mother can be easily and quickly transferred in case of emergencies.\n\n\nWhen it is not advised\n\nOn the other hand, home birth is not encouraged when: (1) the mother has diabetes or high blood pressure; (2) a trained and experienced home birth attendant is not available; (3) the mother thinks she will not be able to stand the pain of labour and delivery; (4) the mother experienced or is at risk of complications such as preterm labour, pre-eclampsia or a breech position of baby ; (5) the mother had a previous cesarean delivery or a uterine surgery; and (6) the spouse is not supportive of home birth.\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nThe advantages that home birth can give to a mother are the following. First, she is in a familiar and relaxing environment with family and friends around when she gives birth. Second, she is more in control of the birth because she can decide on the environment she wants. Third, she is free to make herself as comfortable as she wants. Fourth, she can enjoy the comforts of her home. Fifth, she is not subjected to potentially problematic medical interventions. Sixth, she will have more attention, care, observation and monitoring by a trained birth attendant. Seventh, she will feel more capable and confident as a mother after giving birth. Eighth, she will have immediate bonding with her baby. Ninth, she will be able to breastfeed right after birth which is equally beneficial for her and for the baby. Finally, it is less expensive to give birth at home than to give birth\u00a0 in a hospital.\n\n\nRisks\n\nBefore you decide to have a home birth, several drawbacks should be considered. One is that if you cannot anymore stand labour pains, there is no option for an epidural. Two is that if complications such as exhaustion from labour, premature rupture of membranes, fetal distress, cord prolapse or hemorrhage arise, you have to be transferred to a nearby hospital. Three is you might feel the disapproval or discouragements of family, friends and physicians. Four is you are held responsible for every decision or preparation for the homebirth. Fifth is the lack of privacy due to the presence of family and friends may restrain the labour.\n\n\nHow to make it safe\n\nOnce you decide to go for a home birth, below are factors to be considered and preparations to be made to ensure safety:\n\n\n1.\u00a0Hire a certified nurse-midwife and an obstetrician with experience in home birth deliveries. Interview the prospective midwife who will assist you in the delivery. Get to know her and ask what you can do to cope with labour pains and other things you may need to know.\n\n\n2.\u00a0Prepare a back up plan. In case complications arise, you should have another plan to speed up your transfer to a nearby hospital.\n\n\n3.\u00a0Choose in advance a paediatrician to visit the baby within 24 hours after birth.\u00a0 This is to ensure that the baby will not have any problem or complication.\n\n\n4.\u00a0Prepare the necessary equipment or materials for the procedure. Aside from the equipment that will be brought by the midwife or home birth attendant, you have to ask and prepare the other things that home birth will require.\n\n\nTo have a picture of what home birth is, watch this video about a woman\u2019s options in giving birth at home or at a birthing centre.\n\n\nIf you are pregnant and are considering a home birth delivery, make sure that you have weighed the pros and cons of this type of delivery. No one else can decide what is best for you and for your baby. But your decision will definitely have an impact on your baby\u2019s health and safety.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor more related articles on childbirth and pregnancy, see:\n\n\nHypnobirthing Ensures Pain-free Childbirth\n\n\nI gave birth at home!\n\n\nManaging labour pain\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Mendidik Ibu Milenium Perlu Buat 7 Perkara Ini. Barulah Anak Jadi Hebat!\nLifestyle\nFamily Holiday Guide: The Ultimate Travel Itinerary for a Trip to Desaru Coast\nPertandingan & promosi\nHanya Satu Tempat Untuk Semua Keperluan Bayi Anda - Pesta Bayi Lotus\u2019s Malaysia!\nGaya Hidup\nRangsang Pemikiran Kreatif Dan Imaginasi Anak Dengan Cara Mudah Ini!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/august-school-holidays-2019-sunway-putra-mall", "title": "Calling all Hot Wheels fans to Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays", "body": "With the August school holidays just around the corner, parents, it\u2019s time to start planning as many activities as possible to keep the kids entertained! What better way to do that than to join in on the fun at the Hot Wheels Challenge Accepted event happening at Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s main concourse from now until 18 August.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your child is a fan of Hot Wheels, then this is an event not to be missed. With hundreds of toy cars on display and for sale, it is going to make every toy car lover\u2019s dreams come true!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nJoin the super exciting Hot Wheels Challenge Accepted event happening at Sunway Putra Mall main concourse from 2-18 August.\n\n\n\n\nBeyond the display and toys for sale, parents can spend precious bonding time with their kids by joining in the various challenges set up at the event.\u00a0\n\n\nNot only do you get to pique your child\u2019s interest in cars, you also get to revisit your childhood by joining them in the challenges.\u00a0\n\n\nBeyond entertainment, it\u2019s educational too!\n\n\n\n\nEngage your child in a basic physics challenge as they use their Hot Wheels cars to knock down a tower of plastic cups in the Experimental Challenge.\n\n\n\n\nHot Wheels Challenge Accepted\n goes beyond just keeping the kids entertained. Each round of challenges also connects with children on an educational level and pushes boundaries. The edu-tainment event hopes to nurture a \u2018Challenger Spirit\u2019 by encouraging the kids to try, fail, try again and succeed.\u00a0\n\n\nAs today\u2019s parents are focused on finding products and services that help their children grow and develop, Hot Wheels provides help to kids to build the skills and confidence they need to take on the world.\u00a0\n\n\nThese challenges are aimed at children from 4-12 years of age. During the launch of the event, kids of all ages tried the challenges and it\u2019s interesting to see how kids of different ages are able to tackle these challenges with their own methods.\u00a0\n\n\nThe delight on their faces when they successfully finish a challenge is a testament to how confidence can be built via mini-challenges such as the ones Hot Wheels have set up.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are three challenges not to be missed in this exciting school holiday event at Sunway Putra Mall. First is the Experimental Challenge (Hit-The-Target), where children are tested on their aim and basic knowledge in physics. Using Hot Wheels cars and a track, children are tasked to aim their cars at a tower of plastic cups piled up a couple of feet away.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGet your child to test their physical boundaries in the Competitive Challenge.\n\n\n\n\nThe next is the Competitive Challenge (Overcome-The-Obstacles), which will test physical boundaries and Creativity Challenge (Slide-With-Car), which focuses on expanding their mental capacity.\u00a0\n\n\nParents can get a \u201cLittle Engineers Passport Card\u201d to collect stamps from each Challenge once it is completed and be a certified Little Engineer for Hot Wheels. How adorable!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFinish off the trifecta with the Creativity Challenge and collect all three stamps to be a certified \u201cLittle Engineer\u201d!\n\n\n\n\nFor parents who want to take it a step further, the Triceratops Challenge is an exclusive challenge only made available for those who register for the Putra Junior Club. The challenge will take place only on 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 17th and 18th August at 1pm, 3pm and 5pm.\u00a0\n\n\nJoin the Putra Junior Club during the school holidays\n\n\n\n\nJoin the Putra Junior Club!\n\n\n\n\nTo sign up for the \nPutra Junior Club\n membership, all parents have to do is head down to the Concierge Counter, ground floor of Sunway Putra Mall and register any time from 10AM-1oPM daily.\n\n\nThe Putra Junior Club is a loyalty club by Sunway Putra Mall and welcomes all kids from age 4-12. Members will get exclusive invitations to future events, fun activities and more. Members also get to enjoy attractive offers and discounts at selected outlets.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to check out the great deals for Hot Wheels toys when you head to the Hot Wheels Challenge Accepted event at Sunway Putra Mall from 2-18 August.\n\n\n\n\nFor more information on the Hot Wheels Challenge Accepted event, visit the website \nhere\n.\n\n\nMore fun and activities at Sunway Putra Mall\n\n\n\n\nCome join the fun at Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays.\n\n\n\n\nThat\u2019s not all! The fun continues at the East Wing, Ground Floor of Sunway Putra Mall with The Parenthood\u2019s array of kids activities, including arts and crafts and a Petting Zoo area with rabbits.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDo your kids love animals? Bring them to the petting zoo area organised by The Parenthood at Sunway Putra Mall.\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t miss out on all these fun activities at Sunway Putra Mall this August school holidays! See what other parents who have dropped by are saying:\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSelalu bila dah busy dengan kerja, weekend jelah masa yang ika ada untuk happykan anak anak. Boleh tak ika nak tahu aktiviti apa mommy selalu buat dengan anak2 selain lepak dekat rumah je time weekend? \ud83d\ude06 . Kalau ika lah kan, ika suka pergi mall dan mall yang ika paling suka ialah @sunwayputramall. Bukan je banyak aktiviti menarik untuk kids. Baru2 ni ika pergi sana, ada event Hot Wheels jugak tau! . Beden dengan Ayser apa lagi. Hot wheels tu memang feveret! Menjerit2 happy sebab ada banyak game yang best! Siap ada slide \ud83d\ude48 . Btw kalau mommy ada plan nak pergi sana this week, boleh dapat 2 jam FREE PARKING tau kalau bagitahu kod \u2018IKAHOTWHEELS\u2019 dekat kaunter. . Promo ni tak lama, valid dari 5-18 Ogos je! Yelah bukan apa, benda best kenalah share. Haha so jangan lupa pergi okay! \ud83d\ude18 . #SunwayPutraMall #HotWheelsChallengeAccepted\n\nA post shared by \n Ika Radiusite\n (@ikaradiusite) on \nAug 5, 2019 at 7:29am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nikaradiusite\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWe were recently invited to the #hotwheelschallengeaccepted event, and my sons @coen.adler couldn\u2019t be happier. Jumping, smiling and enjoying, we had a great time! It\u2019s about time you take your little ones here. Go check it out if your kids are car enthusiastic! Use my promo code\u3010shueannhotwheels\u3011to redeem 2hrs FREE parking. (Valid from 5th-18th Aug 2019) @sunwayputramall #sunwayputramall #hotwheelschallengeaccepted #hotwheelsmalaysia\n\nA post shared by \n mompreneur \u677f\u5a18\u02d8\u2323\u02d8\n (@shueanntay) on \nAug 4, 2019 at 10:32pm PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nshueanntay\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHot wheels challenge accepted ( AUG 2 \u2013 AUG 18) @sunwayputramall @hotwheelsmalaysia #sunwayputramall #hotwheels #hotwheelmalaysia #hotwheelschallengeaccepted\n\nA post shared by \n Vincent Lim\n (@imvincentlim) on \nAug 4, 2019 at 4:36pm PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nimvincentlim\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMiles has always been a fan of cars ever since he could hold onto one. Even his first word was \u201ccar!\u201d So imagine his excitement when we first got to the Hot Wheels event @sunwayputramall \ud83d\ude0a There are fun challenges for your kids to complete, special promos and merchandise to check out. Well here\u2019s one: use promo code: MEGANHOTWHEELS for 2 hours free parking from now until the 18th of August! #sunwayputramall #HotWheelsChallengeAccepted #milesteo\n\nA post shared by \n Megan Tan\n (@themegantan) on \nAug 6, 2019 at 10:46pm PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nthemegantan\n\n\nWhat are you waiting for? \nJoin in the fun at Sunway Putra Mall\n and don\u2019t forget to hashtag #SunwayPutraMall!\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/working-mums-are-up-to-40-more-stressed-out-than-other-people", "title": "Working mums are up to 40% more stressed out than other people", "body": "For most women, the first time they have kids is life-changing. All they have known throughout their lives is how to be a daughter, how to be a girlfriend, then wife. But after giving birth, women have to learn to be mothers for the first time ever. Not to mention that they have to do this on top of everything else in their lives \u2013 like juggling a career. So it is understandable that working mum stress kicks in.\n\n\nI remember the day I met my first born. The day we took him home and I realised that now, my world was not just about taking care of myself, but about him too. And I also had to think about going back to work soon after giving birth.\u00a0\n\n\nEverything changed\n\n\nOnce my confinement period was over, it was time to go back to work. But I was still so new at being a mother. I was still learning the ropes. In new jobs, you\u2019re given at least a three-month probation for you to settle into your role comfortably. Some roles even require you to go through a six-month probation period. \n\n\nHaving only two months to adjust to being a mother, we\u2019re thrown back into another cycle of balancing being a new mum and a career woman. \n\n\nI struggled to find the balance because I constantly stressed to figure out which one came first. If I focus on work, I had to neglect my child. If I focus on my child, I could not complete my work.\n\n\nIt was a constant battle in my head and an emotionally draining too. I wish I had known or had expected how big the impact would be. But honestly, no stories or shared experiences could really define it until you\u2019re in it.\n\n\nWorse still, you don\u2019t know HOW much stress it actually is on yourself!\n\n\nWorking mum stress now measurable\n\n\nHowever, a university research has shown that a working mum\u2019s stress is now measurable. In fact, the results show that working mums are 18 percent more stressed than other people.\n\n\nResearchers from Manchester University and the Institute for Social and Economic Research at Essex University in the UK found that working mothers of two children record 40 percent higher stress levels. They looked at 11 indicators of chronic stress, including blood pressure and hormones, in 6025 women. \n\n\n\u201cThe survey absolutely aligns with what we know about the context of Australian working mums,\u201d says Rae Cooper, Professor of Gender, Work and Employment Relations at the University of Sydney. \n\n\n\u201cMotherhood is challenging for all women, but there\u2019s a higher layer of complexity for working mothers.\u201d\n\n\nThe survey also mentioned that mothers who work from home or those with flexible hours didn\u2019t feel any less stressed. \n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s good to feel grateful for the job you have. But we have to be really vigilant that women who are working at particular flexible hours are not doing unpaid labour.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nResearch found that working mothers of two children record 40 percent higher stress levels.\n\n\n\n\nA mother\u2019s struggle\n\n\n\u201cI know my boss watches me when I get my lunch every day. But if she ever confronted me, it would be a great excuse to tell her that I\u2019ve been working full time on a part time wage for a year now.\u201d says Zoe, 41, a mother of two who works three days a week in a public relations firm.\n\n\n\u201cI work part-time, but if I really stuck to my hours, nothing would get done, so I have to go in on weekends, and log back on after my kids are asleep. I know my kids are resentful, but they don\u2019t pressure my husband to \u2018get off the computer\u2019 the way they do me.\u201d\n\n\nNicole, 44, a counsellor with three kids, describes her arrival from work to home like \u201cwalking into a crime scene\u201d. \u201cThe house is a mess, the kids are crazy, I\u2019m exhausted, but then it\u2019s somehow my job to organise dinner.\u201d\n\n\nDr. Inga Lass, a research fellow of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne surveyed nearly 20,000 households over 16 years.\n\n\nThe results found that after the first child is born, women do far more housework than men, and as the children grow up, the dynamic only worsens.\n\n\nWorking mothers have higher stress levels than other people\n\n\n\u201cWomen have to find ways to combine housework, care work, and their paid work, whereas men can be much more focused on their employment. I think this is directly related to women feeling more stressed\u201d says Dr. Lass.\n\n\nWomen are under more pressure to be a \u201cgood mother\u201d than any other generation while still trying to work as hard as they would if they didn\u2019t have kids.\n\n\n\n\nWorking mums should be respected and honoured as they are providing the best for their family. | Source: Pxhere\n\n\n\n\nMummies, if you\u2019re a working mum and doing your best to find balance for your family, you\u2019re a\n SUPERMUM\n! You truly are a great role model to your children.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nDoes Your Growing Up Child Have A Sensitive Tummy? Here\u2019s What You Should Know\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nPregnancy\nTips for a Healthy Pregnancy\nPertandingan & promosi\nLotus\u2019s Baby Fair Kembali Lagi! Rebut Promosi Terhebat Barangan Keperluan Bayi Anda Di Sini!\n\n\nLove yourself. Be more kind to yourself. Take breaks when you need to , and it is totally okay to feel overwhelmed at times. Discuss some options/responsibilities with your spouse so you can come to an understanding and that the tasks are equally shared.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSOURCE: \nThe Age\n\n\nRead also: \nHere are 4 tips for working mums\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/give-gripe-water-baby", "title": "My Baby Won't Stop Crying Due to Colic - Can I Give Him Gripe Water? Is It Safe?", "body": "Newborns typically \nexperience gas or colic\n during their first few weeks due to a still maturing digestive system. Gas and colic could make sleep difficult, and they may cry a lot from the pain. For a worried first time mom, this is of course very worrying and heartbreaking. So we did our research and stumbled upon gripe water Malaysia.\n\n\nNow we started to ask ourselves, what is gripe water? Why is it often associated with children that have colic problem? Is it just another old folks\u2019 remedy or would it actually work?\n\n\nTo be fair the \nbest treatment for colic is time\n, as it goes away when the baby\u2019s digestive systems become more mature. But in the meantime, moms are advised to burp their babies, hold them upright after a feed, try tummy rubs and the one recommended by everyone\u2019s mum and aunty: Give them some gripe water after every meal.\n\n\nSo what is gripe water? Can I buy gripe water in Malaysia?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nThe formula for the first gripe water was created in England by a pharmacist named William Woodward in 1851. He claims it not only cures colic but calms the baby\u2019s hiccups, \nteething pains\n, flatulence and other conditions. Back then the formula also consisted of 3.6% alcohol!\n\n\nToday, we know better than to give babies alcohol. So the formula of gripe water today contains \u2013 sodium bicarbonate, ginger, fennel, liquorice, cinnamon, dill, chamomile, cardamom, peppermint, lemon balm and such. The exact ingredients depend on the country of origin and the brand that manufactures it.\n\n\nDoes it work and is it safe to use?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nYou may be surprised to learn that such a commonly used cure for colic has minimal scientific evidence of effectively relieving colic. Yet many parents do swear by its use. Believers say dill liquorice, fennel and ginger relieve the gas and stomach discomfort that are believed to be a cause of colic.\n\n\nAnd yes, gripe water is safe to use as long as it doesn\u2019t contain\n alcohol or sucrose\n which can cause tooth decay. Also, make sure to check the instructions and follow them carefully. As with any supplement or medication, always check with your doctor before using!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you are sceptical of gripe water and wish to skip it, be glad to know that some things do work to re\nlieve gas \u2013 burping, holding baby upright, massaging baby\u2019s tummy and bending their legs back to the tummy\n are all time-proven methods of helping them expel gas.\n\n\nAre there side effect to gripe water?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nIt is said that gripe water is safe for your baby, however, it is advisable to get an opinion from your medical practitioner before you give it to your child. Some parents notice that their child will be drowsier than usual. But does this mean gripe water make your \nbaby sleepy\n? Not exactly.\n\n\nThey\u2019re probably just tired of being fussy all day long. With our without gripe water, a baby finally calms down after hours of crying will start to tire out easily.\n\n\nThe rule of thumb is whenever your baby starts to cry erratically after few hours, along with swollen lips and difficulty to breath, go to the emergency room right away. That could mean a serious sign of an allergy. You should also look out for watery eyes, hives, itchiness, diarrhoea and vomiting.\u00a0\n\n\nAlternatives to gripe water\n\n\nIf you are not convinced or comfortable with using gripe water, you can always try other safer alternatives:\n\n\n\n\nTry antigas drops\n \u2013 Check with your paediatrician for some recommendations and suggestions. If she advises against it, try something else instead.\n\n\nCheck your baby\u2019s formula milk\n \u2013 If your baby has started drinking \nformula milk\n, you need to make sure to prepare the milk correctly. Instead of shaking vigorously, use a spoon to stir the milk. Another quick solution is to \nchange your baby\u2019s milk to the ones that do not contain cow\u2019s milk or formulated especially for sensitive stomach\n.\n\n\nMassage, massage, massage\n \u2013 A nice, \nsmooth massage will help to calm down your baby\n. Not only your baby will feel at ease, but you also get to bond with them. Make sure you practise bicycle-wheel motion exercise as often as possible as that would improve his gas situation.\n\n\nCheck your diet\n \u2013 If you still breastfeed your child, you might want to take a look at your own diet as sometimes your daily meal like soy or dairy, could be one of the main culprits.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGripe water Malaysia is easily accessible at your local pharmacy, but be cautious, not all babies can take the medication. If all else fails, do check with your paediatricians for further investigation. Your baby might not be able to share his feelings via words, but those cries and tears alone should indicate that he is unhappy. Good luck mommies!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHugging and kissing your baby can make him smarter: Study\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/8-tv-shows-your-preschooler-should-be-watching", "title": "8 TV shows your preschooler should be watching", "body": "For several decades now, television has become an integral part of the lives of children. And b\nefore you became a mum or dad, you surely had your own favourite cartoon show. Now it\u2019s your child\u2019s turn. Make sure he enjoys the very best educational preschool shows.\n\n\nBack in the day, Sesame Street taught us about friendship and community. Captain Planet taught us to respect the environment. And how did 90s kids learn about bravery and honesty? By watching Scooby Doo.\u00a0\n\n\nWatching our beloved Rugrats introduced us to the concepts of kindness and the impact of bullying. Whenever we needed to be inspired to be strong and independent, we looked to the Powerpuff Girls.\n\n\nWith the increasing ability of networks to produce more cartoons, the responsibility of producing quality viewing for kids also grows.\n\n\nAccording to a \nstudy by the American Academy of Pediatrics\n, television viewing can influence a child\u2019s behaviour, concepts of gender, health habits, and school performance. \u00a0\n\n\n\u201cYes, we use a television in the classroom. Most preschools do this because these days, teaching has to be dynamic and adaptable,\u201d says Clara Tagasa, head teacher at Pink Playhouse Manila, Philippines.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cToday\u2019s preschoolers are of Generation Alpha. They were born after 2010 and they\u2019ve never known a world without gadgets or digital media,\u201d she further explains, adding that television can be used to spark a child\u2019s interest and keep them engaged.\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s so important to always supervise them during TV time, even when they\u2019re at home,\u201d she stressed, emphasising that guiding kids and communicating with them offers them a more enriching experience. \u201cBut we keep TV time as brief as possible. We also engage them in hands-on activities, outdoor play like exploring, which is important in preschool.\u201d\n\n\nThe latest screen time guidelines state that kids aged two to five should spend no more than one hour on digital media. \nKids under the age of 18 months \nshould not be exposed to screens at all\n. \n\n\nSince media consumption should be limited, mums and dads need to make sure kids have a quality viewing experience.\n\n\n8 Exceptional preschool shows that enhance your kid\u2019s learning\n\n\n1. Creative Galaxy\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nThe show revolves around the amiable alien named Arty, who uses his love for art to come up with creative solutions to problems.\n\n\nWith his friend Epiphany by his side, they go on adventures across the galaxy to explore the arts and to inspire people with the power of creativity. \n\n\nMore than knowledge about art, the takeaway for kids is the lessons about friendship and compassion for others. Many episodes also encourage kids to be more active in problem solving.\n\n\n2. Curious George\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nThe lovable monkey George gets into all sorts of trouble, but with his friend \u2018The Man in the Yellow Hat\u2019 by his side, he is able to learn something new through each adventure and misadventure.\n\n\nAs one of the most watched preschool shows, Curious George sparks curiosity and a passion for learning in its young viewers. This is a key component of learning, at any stage of life. \n\n\n3. Daniel Tiger\u2019s Neighborhood\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nThe kind and ever so curious tiger named Daniel is the star of this show. With his parents and grandparents, Daniel navigates each milestone in life, such as the arrival of his baby sister.\n\n\nThe show\u2019s creators, who have \nresearched how the show affects kids\n, frequently touch upon how to deal with feelings and how to care for others. It gives practical advice to toddlers, like how to deal with anger: \u201cStomp three times to make you feel better!\u201d\n\n\nWith each episode, preschoolers learn more about important socio-emotional skills, how to build good relationships with others, and how to be more self-confident.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Peg + Cat\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nThe fun duo of Peg and her pal Cat are the stars of this quirky cartoon designed to teach preschoolers about numbers.\u00a0\n\n\nMore than easing them into mathematics, the show teaches preschoolers the value of teamwork and playing well with others. Catchy tunes also teach kids about rhyming!\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nTumble Leaf\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nIn this lightly paced, colourfully animated series, a little blue bear named Fig and his friends explore the world together.\u00a0\n\n\nAs they make simple discoveries, viewers of preschool shows are able to better grasp problem solving, reading, rhyming, and basic shapes and geometry.\n\n\nWhat drives the show is the concept that kids can learn a great deal about science through fun and play!\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nWallykazam\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nFeaturing an adventurous six-year-old named Wally Trollman and his dragon buddy Norville, this show sheds light on basic problem solving.\u00a0\n\n\nThe show also has a magical element that makes learning about phonics and words more fun and interesting.\n\n\n7. Word Party\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nAs its title suggests, this kid-friendly show focuses on helping establish the foundation of a child\u2019s vocabulary in fun ways.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat makes this show unique is that it helps young viewers learn by \u201cteaching\u201d the young characters, who are baby animals still learning how to speak and read.\n\n\n8. Doc McStuffins\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nThis show revolves around a smart little girl named Doc who, armed with a stethoscope and clad in a doctor\u2019s coat, helps kids overcome their fear of going to the doctor.\n\n\nShe also gives preschoolers helpful health advice and encourages them to be diligent and independent.\u00a0\n\n\nThe show\u2019s creators make sure to research thoroughly before writing each script.\n\n\nSince premiering in 2012, this show has gained recognition from organisations like the \nArtemis Medical Society\n, who commended it for inspiring future doctors.\n\n\nThough these exceptional animated preschool shows teach kids a lot, the importance of balancing out screen time with physical activity and reading cannot be overstated.\n\n\nWhile these shows offer a wealth of knowledge, nothing beats the lessons kids can learn \u00a0by spending quality time with mum, dad, siblings, and friends away from screens.\n\n\nSources: \nCNN.com\n, \nCommon Sense Media\n, \nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/celebrate-earth-day-with-the-app-store", "title": "Celebrate Earth Day with the App Store", "body": "Protecting our planet\u2019s environment and delicate ecosystems is no small task, which is why we have to start with its smallest inhabitants: our kids. To mark this Earth Day, why not take your little ones on a life-changing, mind-expanding adventure with some of the App Store\u2019s most eco-positive offerings?\n\n\nCelebrate Earth Day Using Apps That Teach Your Children About Our Planet\n\n\nThese apps have the power to instil not only a sense of magical wonder about the living world around us but also plant the seeds of caring for our beautiful blue world. Plus, they\u2019re all a lot of fun!\n\n\nAll the World: explore + learn\n\n\n\n\nOn\u00a0\niPhone & iPad\n\n\nWatch inspiring and fun videos for children 4-10 years old on a wide range of topics that will help explain how the world works, and challenge kids to explore. There are also videos on Science and Nature which explore topics like why trees are important, and how to reduce, reuse, and recycle.\n\n\nWWF Free Rivers\n\n\nOn iPhone & iPad\n\n\nUsing the power of Augmented Reality (AR), WWF Free Rivers lets you view a digital diorama of a rural landscape, complete with hills, rivers and agriculture, right in the room you\u2019re in. Explore how droughts and flooding can have an impact on land and life, or learn about how dams are built with this nifty app. More information\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\nGrow Recycling\n\n\nOn iPhone & iPad\n\n\nLearn to take care of our planet\u2019s resources with fun recycling activities. With groovy characters, funky music and more, kids will learn to how to make new products out of the garbage they\u2019ve sorted.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s in the Oceans?\n\n\nOn iPhone & iPad\n\n\nAn educational app about the deep sea and the animals that call it home. Learn about the pollution of the oceans and its dangers. See how plastics, overfishing, climate change and ships affect the life and health of different ecosystems.\n\n\nEco Birds\n\n\n\n\nOn iPhone, iPad, Apple TV\n\n\nHelp the Eco Birds save their home and environment from being destroyed by deforestation, pollution and oil spills in this highly addictive game. With an environmental focus, you\u2019ll increase your score with more trees you replant and villains you hit.\n\n\nLumino City\n\n\nOn iPhone, iPad, Apple TV\n\n\nLumino City is a puzzle adventure designed to raise awareness about renewable energy technologies and sustainable practices as an intrinsic part of the gameplay. Almost every puzzle in the game involves powering up a location using renewable technologies or exploring a form of self-sufficiency.\n\n\nOn Apple Arcade:\n\n\nGibbon: Beyond the Trees\n\n\nJourney with a family of gibbons as they find themselves lost in a dangerous world. The game deals with challenging but acute environmental topics such as deforestation, poaching and climate change.\n\n\nAlba: A Wildlife Adventure\n\n\n\n\nGo on an adventure to protect the beauty and nature of a faux Mediterranean island where players can also learn about the different species inhabiting the island.\n\n\nBeyond Blue\n\n\nBeyond Blue is a single-player narrative adventure where players explore the mysteries of our ocean through the eyes of Mirai, a deep-sea explorer and scientist. Offering an in-game encyclopaedia as well as footage from the award-winning documentary Blue Planet II, it encourages players to learn about and reflect on the incredible vastness of our ocean.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nApple\u00a0Arcade offers unlimited access to a growing collection of over 200 premium games \u2014 featuring new releases, award winners, and beloved favourites from the App\u00a0Store, all without ads or in-app purchases. It\u2019s available at RM19.90/month, with a one-month free trial.\u00a0The catalogue is packed with unforgettable adventures, fast-paced action games and runners, fierce multiplayer competitions, relaxing and creative puzzlers, compelling sports and racing games, beloved App Store classics, and so much more.\nPartner Stories\nGaya Hidup\nTips untuk Tingkatkan Sistem Pertahanan Badan Sekeluarga. Ambillah Susu - Sumber Protein Berkualiti Tinggi!\nParenting\nBack-to-school Shopping Season: A Parent\u2019s Checklist for Primary & Secondary School Students\nLifestyle\nParents, Here\u2019s How To Effectively Support Your Child\u2019s Dreams\nHealth\n\"My Child Is Healthy, How Did They Get Infected With Chickenpox?\"\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/strengthen-your-immunity", "title": "3 Ancient Herbs to Strengthen Your Immunity", "body": "It\u2019s everywhere you look; everyone, every media outlet and every single social media post and meme has something to say about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).\n\n\nWith such an information overload, now is the time to really put your thinking caps on and analyse the stuff you\u2019re reading, checking out the sources of origin and knowing what applies directly to you. This sieve of information not only protects you from the misinformation out there (and let us tell you there are plenty), but also makes sure you stay informed and healthy which is exceptionally vital during a health pandemic like the one on our hands.\n\n\nAs of right now, the first thing we\u2019ll say is don\u2019t panic. This isn\u2019t simply an urge for you to relax. We\u2019re saying don\u2019t stress \u2013 when you stress and panic, you put your body in fight or flight mode, raise cortisol levels and weaken your nervous system and immunity. And now is not a time to weaken your immunity \u2013 now is the time to strengthen it and make sure it\u2019s running optimally.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, we asked international expert, Dr Gerad Bodeker of Oxford and Columbia University, about natural products for which there is evidence of strengthened immunity and here are three that he mentioned:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n1. Pegaga (gotu kola)\n\n\nThe first superfood to increase consumption during this pandemic is pegaga, which is high in immunity boosting properties and also works great as an antioxidant. You\u2019ll want to find the right blend of pegaga though, one high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, which will help you fight off infections, support your body\u2019s immune system and overall health \u2013 according to\u00a0\nresearch\n conducted by Chiang Mai University in Thailand.\u00a0 In fact, Ayurvedic traditions see pegaga as a regenerative herb which is said to fortify the immune system, both cleansing and feeding it and to strengthen the adrenals. So if you want to rev up your immunity, check out Pegaga by PurelyB, a superfood blend that\u2019s herbal, natural and high in antioxidants. It was formulated with traditional herbalists & medical scientists and contains the highest quality of pegaga, turmeric leaf, green apples, papaya leaf and dates and has been used for generations for its ability to strengthen immunity, improve digestion and promote skin health.\n\n\n2. Turmeric & turmeric leaf (curcumin)\n\n\nWhen you think turmeric, people associate bright yellow hued powder stashed in your kitchen.\u00a0 Very few of us would be storing turmeric in its root form and even fewer would be storing or knowing about turmeric leaves! Turns out, that turmeric or haldi leaves are no less a health, beauty and medicinal wonder. Of course people in South Asia and Southeast Asia have been using turmeric and tumeric leaf for thousands of years\u00a0 \u2013 in Ayurveda and local health traditions \u2013 and the reason is because it\u2019s known to be a high anti-inflammatory food that is also high as an antioxidant. Known as \u201cnature\u2019s antibiotic\u201d, turmeric helps to fight off foreign bodies and substances that don\u2019t belong in the system, including viruses. An increase in turmeric consumption can help support the immunity no doubt. According to Medical News Today \u201ccurcumin is proven to improve immune function with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties.\u201d Luckily in Asia, tumeric and turmeric leaf is a household ingredient, available in most kitchens making it very accessible. An easy way to consume turmeric leaf is by consuming it in the form of a superfood drink.\n\n\n3. Elderberry\n\n\nElderberry is often reached for during seasonal change for internal health support. The berries are dark and beautiful and popular in Europe for a variety of health-supportive properties. Even Greek physician Hippocrates referred to elderberry as his \u201cmedicine chest\u201d and recent studies have shown ways that elderberry functions to support a healthy immune response. In Asia, we don\u2019t experience as many seasonal changes but regular elderberries can also promote immune function during trial times.\n\n\nYou\u2019re a sip away from stronger immunity and a healthy mind and body! In times of uncertainty like this, leave panic on the shelf and instead do what you can to boost your immunity naturally. Your body, immunity and sanity will thank you for it!\u00a0\u00a0And remember, the best advice for staying vigilant still stands \u2013 please don\u2019t panic. It\u2019s also important to wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. We\u2019re in this together and we\u2019ll power through soon enough.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kindergarten-teacher-questioned-for-rejecting-student", "title": "\"He's Not Ready For School\" \u2060\u2014 Kindergarten Teacher Questioned For Rejecting 5-Year-Old Student", "body": "A 50-year-old kindergarten teacher informed her student\u2019s mother that her son did not meet the standard preschool readiness checklist. The child was kicked out of class for allegedly \u201cnot being ready for school.\u201d The teacher further complained about the 5-year-old\u2019s frequent crying which triggered stress and disrupted her lessons with other students.\u00a0\n\n\nIn this article, you\u2019ll read:\n\n\n\n\nThe kindergarten teacher questioned for rejecting the crying 5-year-old student\n\n\nPreschool readiness checklist\n\n\n\n\nKindergarten Teacher Questioned for Rejecting 5-Year-Old Student\n\n\n\n\nOn Friday, 25th of March 2022, a mum expressed her frustration through a Facebook post. Her statement reached many netizens and gained over 14,000 shares and 7,200 comments.\u00a0\n\n\nAuthorities in Selangor, Malaysia, are taking the appropriate steps to investigate the 50-year-old kindergarten teacher. The teacher allegedly asked the mother to stop sending her child to school because of his constant crying fits.\n\n\nThe kindergarten teacher reportedly complained to the mum that her son\u2019s frequent wails were causing her stress. Additionally, the teacher said that the weeping 5-year-old was disrupting her lessons with the other students.\n\n\n\n\u201cIt has only been four hours since my son went to school, and his teacher is already WhatsApping me this,\u201d mum claimed.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe mother felt offended by her conversation with her son\u2019s teacher on WhatsApp.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u201cIs it not normal for five-year-old children to cry at school?\u201d She added, venting \u201cA five-year-old child apparently doesn\u2019t have the awareness to learn; it\u2019s so sad that the teacher feels this way about my son.\u201d\n\n\n\nTeacher Claims the Child Is Not Ready to Attend School\n\n\nThe incident saddened the 5-year-old kid\u2019s mother. To make matters worse, the teacher also lectured the woman for failing to educate her child when he was three or four years old. Because of this, her supposed carelessness made the child unfit for the standard preschool readiness checklist.\n\n\nDespite the kid\u2019s age, the teacher insisted to the mum that her son \n\u201cis still not ready for school.\u201d\u00a0\nHowever, the mom refutes the educator, claiming that she manages her son\u2019s studies at home. She then added that her teaching style was different compared to a teacher\u2019s professional skills.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019m not a teacher [\u2026] my son can\u2019t read as well as other five-year-olds. Does this mean he\u2019s not fit to attend this kindergarten?\u201d said the mother.\u00a0\n\n\n\nTeacher Urged Mum to Take Her Child Out of Class\n\n\n\n\nThe mum immediately rushed to pick up her son after receiving the teacher\u2019s message. The text contains a message from the teacher suggesting her son take out of kindergarten. She said that it was because the 5-year-old kid frequently cries every day, causing her stress.\u00a0\n\n\nThe child\u2019s mum got the alarming message on the fifth day of her son at school. She felt too distraught to discuss the issue with the teacher at that time.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter some time, she resolved to write a Facebook post to vent out and express her frustration. The mum defended her son and said it was only five days since her kid started school. The child was not familiar with the new environment and the people he encountered.\n\n\n\n\u201c[Should he] stop going to school? What about his education and communication if he doesn\u2019t start now? When he turns six or seven years old, starting school will be just the same,\u201d mum said.\n\n\n\nAdditionally, the child\u2019s family cannot afford to enrol him in a private school. She was worried about taking any action and had no intention to \n\u201chumiliate government servants.\u201d\n\n\nThe Ministry of National Unity Took Action\n\n\nThe Ministry of National Unity took the necessary action regarding the case. They reassured the mum that they are seriously assessing her complaint. The officials also vowed to discuss the problem regarding the student in a proper manner.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u201cAs teachers, they have to know what their responsibilities are and be ethical no matter the situation,\u201d\u00a0said Minister Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique.\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, the teacher in question was temporarily placed at the Hulu Langat District Unity Office until the investigation gets finalized.\n\n\nPreschool Readiness Checklist\n\n\n\n\nIs your child \nready for preschool\n? It is essential to know and assess if your child is prepared for preschool before the opening of classes.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Speech Buddy comes up with a \nchecklist\n for you to know what to expect with your child when school starts. Here are general guidelines for understanding what the teacher will be looking for when school starts:\n\n\nParents, you might want to check their \nemotional development\n, attention and independence. You could also check their basic knowledge of language, art, and mathematics.\n\n\nEmotional Development\n\n\n\n\nRecognizes other people\u2019s emotions\n\n\nTakes turns and chooses to share toys\n\n\n\n\nAttention & Independence\n\n\n\n\nListens to simple instructions\n\n\nSits still during storytime\n\n\nCan separate himself from you for a few hours\n\n\nEnjoys doing things herself sometimes, such as\u00a0getting dressed on her own\n\n\n\n\nLanguage, Art, and Math\n\n\n\n\nRecognizes some shapes and colours\n\n\nRecites the alphabet and recognizes some letters\n\n\nExpresses thoughts and needs verbally\n\n\nRecites his full name\n\n\nCounts to five\n\n\nDraws with crayons or pencils\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSays,\n \nSpeech buddy\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n8 Homework Tips For Parents: How You Can Help Your Child Study At Home\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nEffective Ways to Help & Motivate Slow Learners to Excel in Studies Without Shaming Them\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nHow to raise children who are deserving\u2013not entitled\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nApakah Gaya Pendidikan Kewangan (Money Parenting) Anda?\nLifestyle\n5 Ways To Make Your House Safer When You Have Kids\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nTAP Reviews: Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App\nMoney Parenting\nHappiness And Success: Finding The Right Balance Between Hard Work And Enjoying Life\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/breast-cancer-diagnosis", "title": "Recently Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: 10 Things You Need to Know", "body": "What is Breast Cancer?\n\n\nCancer occurs when cells start to multiply uncontrollably, often forming tumours. In\n \nbreast cancer\n, uncontrolled cell growth begins in the breast and forms a tumour. These cancerous cells may eventually spread to the rest of the body if left untreated. \n\n\nIt is important to note that not all breast tumours are cancerous. Nevertheless, it is best to get it checked immediately to make sure it is not a potential health risk.\n\n\nOne in 19 women in Malaysia\n \nis at risk of getting breast cancer, although men are also at risk of contracting same cancer. Breast cancer affects approximately one million women worldwide and is also the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths, behind lung cancer.\n\n\nDealing with Your Breast Cancer Diagnosis\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nDealing with the news will be a very confusing, frightening experience. You may be going through a lot of uncertainty, panic and fear as your doctor presents your diagnosis. You might even find relief to have an answer to a condition that has affected you for some time.\n\n\nTake some time to come to terms with your diagnosis; you may not be able to absorb all the information of the diagnosis. Give yourself sufficient time to process everything, at your own pace. \n\n\nAs the reality of it sets in, you will need to start taking steps that will help you stay informed of your cancer progression, and how to effectively manage your overall well being.\n\n\nResearch is your best friend to understanding how this cancer affects you and those around you. You and your family can find out about current treatment methods, the associated side effects, and what to expect as your cancer changes through treatment. \n\n\nIf you have not spoken to your doctor about your diagnosis in detail, research can help you prepare questions that you want to ask them regarding your condition.\n\n\nBreast cancer affects people differently, and how it affects you depends on many variables, from its stage to symptoms you will face, to how it affects your body. Knowing how it affects you can help you stay informed of how the medical team will treat you, and what to expect in the event something comes up.\n\n\nConsult your medical care team to clarify questions about your condition and how to treat and manage it. If there are aspects you do not fully understand, ask for a simpler explanation.\n\n\nThere may also be instances where your doctor does not give you a full picture of your diagnosis. It helps to be informed so that, if you feel your doctor\u2019s initial diagnosis seems dismissive or if they refuse to elaborate on your condition, you can immediately seek a second opinion that will accurately diagnose your complications and determine what it actually is.\n\n\nEqually important is to get relevant and medically accurate information from trusted sources. In this age of connectivity, false information can be rapidly circulated by the public. Look for resources from known cancer research charities or organisations. \n\n\nIf something seems off to you, have it fact-checked or consult your medical team on the matter. Some organisations that you can get reliable information from including the Malaysian\n \nBreast Cancer Foundation\n, the UK-based\n \nCancer Research UK\n, and charity organisations such as\n \nBreast Cancer Now\n.\n\n\nQuestions to Ask your Doctor\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nBefore you see your doctor again, you may want some time to think about what you would like to ask regarding your diagnosis. Consider the following list of questions:\n\n\n\n\nWhat type of breast cancer do I have?\n\n\nWhere is the cancer located?\n\n\nWhat stage is my cancer?\n\n\nAre there other tests that need to be done?\n\n\nHas my cancer started to spread to the rest of my body?\n\n\nWhat are my options for treating the cancer?\n\n\nWhat will my treatment be like?\n\n\nWhat kind of side effects will I face?\n\n\nIs surgery an option for me?\n\n\nHow will the treatment affect my daily activities/work?\n\n\nWhat symptoms or side effects should I inform you about immediately?\n\n\nAm I limited to what I can or cannot do?\n\n\nWhat kind of follow-up will I need after successful treatment?\n\n\n\n\nThis is not an exhaustive list but may help suggest other questions you might want to ask. There may be some questions that are too early to ask, but you can consider them at a later point in your treatment.\n\n\nCommunicate with Family and Friends\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIf you have not informed your family of this development, you might be feeling anxious about how you will break the news to them. What will they say? How will they respond?\n\n\nDisclosure of your condition is a very personal matter. Who you decide to tell is up to you, based on your relationship with them or even how you perceive their reaction to the news will be. \n\n\nYou could start with some basic information on your diagnosis and treatment options, and let the conversation flow from there. Answer questions to the best of your knowledge. \n\n\nYou may choose to withhold some information or refrain from answering others because you are not sure yourself. Provide some booklets on breast cancer if you think it will help.\n\n\nHaving someone who knows of your diagnosis before you disclose it to others can be reassuring, as you have someone you can rely on for support when you bring up the news with others. They can even act as a mediator if need be. While you cannot predict or control how they react to the news, the important thing is to focus on getting your overall health back on track.\n\n\nHaving a strong support system is key to recovering and managing your condition. By building closer bonds with your family and close friends, you may find the strength to keep moving forward even as the cancer advances.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n If you were not close with some of them, you may eventually find meaningful closure. If you are very close with others, it will reinforce the love and care they have for you, and vice versa.\n\n\nTheir participation in your wellbeing is important as a source of strong familial love and support, as well as being able to help you research breast cancer and learn its intricacies and what to expect from your situation. They can also help point out credible sources and learn about\n \nmyths surrounding breast cancer\n. \n\n\nHaving someone when you see the doctor can provide outside perspectives to how your condition is progressing. They may recognize a new symptom that has developed or point out changes that you may not have noticed. They may even have other questions to pose to your doctor on your treatment plan. \n\n\nIn doing so, and by staying alert to your condition, they can help you manage your symptoms and encourage you on your journey.\n\n\nSpeaking to your children, especially if they are still very young, can seem a little daunting. When talking about your condition, do not speak down to them; despite their age, children can be surprisingly mature on the subject of many topics. \n\n\nBe honest with your diagnosis and what it means; tell them it is not their fault (some children tend to assume it is their fault when a parent falls ill), and that you are still the same person they know. Answer their questions with these in mind. If you refuse to talk to them about it, you may risk alienating them or eroding trust.\n\n\nYour cancer treatment can affect your overall performance in daily activities. It is alright to seek help when you find it difficult to do things you could normally do before cancer. Seek help when you need it, and have honest discussions with family and friends about how you feel. \n\n\nDo not keep your emotions to yourself, or you may only end up hurting yourself and those closest around you. Just as they are being patient and doing all they can to help, be patient with them too. Resolve tensions amicably through candid, polite discussions on what you are all going through.\n\n\nDisclosure and Your Work\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nOutside of your family, you may feel afraid about how to approach the subject with your colleagues or your manager, or even your friends outside of your close circle. You may worry that your diagnosis may change their perceptions of what you can or cannot do. There is a fear that you will be alienated from your peers and colleagues for being less capable due to your cancer.\n\n\nThe important thing to remember is that while you cannot control how they react to your condition, you can control how you respond to them, or how you feel about it. Not everyone may have empathy for your condition, and some may outright choose not to acknowledge the situation.\n\n\n Reassure your colleagues and employers that you can still contribute to your work as best as you can, and are open to accommodate changes that can help you continue working.\n\n\nIf need be, speak to your immediate supervisor and work out something beneficial for you and your company via its policies on employee benefits. Some companies may offer medical benefits that can help cover the costs of your treatment while ensuring you can return to work once your cancer is treated. \n\n\nAs a precaution, look up ways to protect yourself and your rights; leaving your job should be the last resort, or if the condition has advanced and prevents you from working.\n\n\nDiscuss with your family for suggestions as well; they may offer insights that you may not have thought about.\n\n\nTreatment and Care Options in Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThe type of treatment you will receive will depend on factors such as the size and location of the tumour in the breast, the results of lab tests done on the cancer cells, and the stage, or extent, of the disease.\n\n\nLocal Treatments\n\n\nThe term \u2018local\u2019 refers to treating the tumour without affecting the rest of the body. Local treatments include surgery and radiotherapy.\n\n\nSurgery \nmay be needed depending on the severity of your cancer. If only the tumour is to be removed, this requires a lumpectomy, also known as breast-conserving surgery or wide local excision. This procedure removes the tumour and a small amount of surrounding healthy tissue as well. It is recommended for those whose tumours are small, although in some cases radiotherapy (or other treatments) will be needed to shrink the tumour in order to remove it via lumpectomy. For advanced cases, however, a mastectomy \u2013 the removal of all the breast tissue \u2013 may be required. If there is an increased risk of cancer in the other breast, a double mastectomy (the removal of both breasts) may be done.\n\n\nYou should always discuss the consequences of surgery with your medical team and your family before deciding to pursue it. Consider the side effects, the chances of recovery, and how it will impact you in the long run.\n\n\nRadiotherapy \nis another form of local treatment that involves using high-powered beams of energy, such as X-rays and protons, to kill cancer cells in the breast, chest and lymph nodes. This can be done via external beam radiation using a machine, or by placing radioactive material inside your body (brachytherapy), usually in or around the tumour. Radiotherapy is generally conducted before or after surgery, depending on your condition. It may also be used together with chemotherapy to complement your treatment. It may also be used to help treat advanced stages of breast cancer. As with surgery, it pays to know more about radiation therapy through research and by consulting your medical team, who will advise you on what will be done and how it will affect you. Some of the side effects include fatigue, a sunburn-like rash where the radiation was applied, as well as soreness and swelling in the breast area.\n\n\nSystemic Therapy\n\n\nSystemic therapy involves treatments that affect cancer cells throughout the entire body. They include chemotherapy (or simply chemo), hormone therapy, and immunotherapy.\n\n\nChemotherapy \nuses medications to destroy fast-growing cancer cells in your body. Its application in your treatment plan will vary depending on your cancer. It may be used before surgery to shrink a tumour prior to surgery or radiotherapy, or it may be used after surgery to destroy cancer cells that remain in your body after surgery or radiotherapy. It may also be considered to control cancer and decrease any symptoms it causes.\n\n\nHormone therapy\n involves preventing certain hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that can attach to cancer cells and promote their growth. This will require taking medications that will do either one of the following:\n\n\n\n\nStops production of a specific hormone(s)\n\n\nBlock hormone receptors\n\n\nSubstitute chemically similar agents for the active hormone(s)\n\n\n\n\nBecause of how it affects your hormones, side effects may include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, weight gain and/or night sweats.\n\n\nImmunotherapy \nis somewhat similar to chemotherapy, but it entails using medicines to stimulate the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells more effectively. Your immune system may not be protecting you from cancer because the cancer cells produce proteins that \u201cblind\u201d the immune system cells. Because cancer cells start forming from normal, healthy cells, the immune system does not immediately recognize them as a threat. Immunotherapy, therefore, assists your immune system to be able to target the cancer cells and eliminate them. It may be administered along with chemotherapy to treat advanced cancer.\n\n\nA cancer diagnosis can be unnerving and your loved one has care needs that are unique. Engaging a caregiver for your loved one not only encourages better recovery; it also helps build strong emotional support for your loved one.\n\n\nTo give your loved one the best care he/she deserves, we provide a free care consultation for you and your loved one, to ensure that they get a Care Professional that best suits their needs.\n\n\nPlanning Ahead\n\n\n\n\nKnowing is half the battle, as the saying goes. Being aware of how your cancer can change over time, and how your treatment will affect you overall, can help you make more informed decisions together with your doctors. \n\n\nThe side effects that emerge from treatment may affect you differently than other breast cancer survivors, so be sure to communicate how you feel with the medical team. \n\n\nIf a particular treatment causes a strong negative reaction, ensure your doctor knows about this so they can look into what might be the cause, or consider an alternate treatment method.\n\n\nChanges caused by treatment can be drastic; you may find yourself anxious when you start losing hair, or when you have to decide to surgically remove a breast to treat your cancer. All these drastic changes will leave you unsettled, or make you feel like you have lost control of your body and your life. You may feel that your entire life has been disrupted by cancer and that you have lost a sense of who you are.\n\n\nIt is normal to feel that your body has let you down, or feeling like you need to exert control over your life to face the uncertainties of the future. Most of the effects you experience are temporary, but they may still leave you upset. \n\n\nYour doctors may consider\n \npalliative care\n to help you prevent and relieve side effects. You can also ask about complementary therapies to help remedy your ailments. Discuss how you feel about these changes with your doctors and your family so you do not feel burdened by the physical or emotional toll cancer inflicts on you.\n\n\nHave someone close to you to help you weather difficult times. Having someone to support you can do wonders to easing your fears and helping you move forward.\n\n\nEven after the cancer is treated, the after-effects of surgery and/or treatment methods can continue to affect you, even after leaving the hospital. You may find yourself worrying over the prospect of cancer coming back, or whether you can regain control of your life and get it back to the way things were. These are some concerns you will have as a cancer survivor, a state known as survivorship.\n\n\nBreast Cancer Support Groups in Malaysia\n\n\nThere are a few breast cancer support groups in Malaysia you can consider joining. The\n \nBreast Cancer Foundation\n is one such organisation that conducts awareness campaigns and fun activities for survivors. It is their mission to empower survivors and help them live their lives to the fullest. They also provide monetary assistance through the Breast Cancer Foundation Patient Fund and other endeavours.\n\n\nThe\n \nNational Cancer Society of Malaysia\n is a not-for-profit organisation that provides education, care and support services for people affected by cancer and the general public of Malaysia. They aim to deliver holistic cancer\u2013related services to cancer patients, caregivers and the public, including wellness programs, public awareness campaigns and support for cancer survivors. They also manage the support group\n \nPINK UNITY\n, which has a page on Facebook.\n\n\nThere is also the\n \nBreast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia\n, which aims to provide the quality of life for women with breast cancer using a \u201cReach to Recovery\u201d concept of psychosocial and material support, and offer public education, early detection of breast cancer and subsequent follow-up investigations and timely medical treatment. They offer individual and group psychosocial support channels to help you cope with your treatment and recovery, as well as to face the road ahead.\n\n\nLiving a Full Life with (and After) Cancer\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Adobe\n\n\n\n\nOnce treatment finally stops and your doctors declare that you are cancer-free, you may be feeling very elated that it is finally over. But you may find that feeling eventually fades away and you\u2019re left feeling vulnerable and worried about what is in store for the future.\n\n\nSurvivorship may have a different meaning to you compared to other survivors. It could mean being cancer-free after finishing treatment or living with, through, and beyond cancer. Your experience of breast cancer determines how you experience the rest of your life and how much it has changed since your diagnosis.\n\n\nMuch of the fear stems from this change, where familiar things have suddenly become so foreign and unrecognizable. Your workplace may have instituted new systems to get things done, and you will need to learn how these systems work. At home, your family members may have settled into new routines that you were responsible for when you were around. Some of them may no longer be dependent on you.\n\n\nThe important thing is to give yourself time to adjust to these changes. Life after cancer, for many people, means having to deal with unfamiliar situations on a daily basis and making changes of your own to adapt. Coping with the new life ahead requires an understanding of what you face, thinking through solutions and being comfortable with your decisions. Communicating with your family, friends and medical team can help you through the uncertainties that come up, so do not hesitate to bring it up with them.\n\n\nYou might feel worried that the cancer will come back. Every little ache or pain might put you on high alert because, to you, it might be a bad sign. Always keep in touch with your doctors if you have any medical concerns that may come up; it is always good to find out the truth, and it might be nothing more than a warning sign of a cold coming up. It is perfectly fine to feel anxious, but do not ever keep these occurrences to yourself.\n\n\nYou may find yourself developing a new perspective of life as well. Given what you have been through, you may find the motivation to make lifestyle changes as you adapt to things. This usually involves changing your dietary habits, such as having a healthier and well-balanced diet; reducing or quitting smoking; reducing alcohol intake; and being more active. Doctors believe abiding by these lifestyle changes can be helpful in reducing the risk of recurring cancer.\n\n\nIt also becomes important to check yourself for possible signs of returning cancer. Be aware of changes to your breast, chest or the surrounding area, and inform your doctors accordingly. Equip yourself with this information so you know what to look for when performing a self-check.\n\n\nDon\u2019t let the challenges of survivorship bring you down. With strong support from those around you and a comprehensive medical team rooting out for you, life with or after breast cancer becomes much more bearable.\n\n\nAre you looking for someone to care for you and your loved ones?\n\n\nHomage provides caregiving services for your loved ones at every stage. Our trained care professionals are able to provide \ncompanionship, nursing care, night caregiving, home therapy and more\n, to keep your loved ones active and engaged.\n\n\nProvide the best care to your loved one today!\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nAmerican Cancer Society.\u00a0 (2019). \nFollow up Care After Breast Cancer Treatment\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/living-as-a-breast-cancer-survivor/follow-up-care-after-breast-cancer-treatment.html\n\n\nAmerican Cancer Society.\u00a0 (2019). \nHow Immunotherapy Is Used to Treat Cancer\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/treatment-types/immunotherapy/what-is-immunotherapy.html\n\n\nAmerican Cancer Society. (2019). \nIf You Have Breast Cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/if-you-have-breast-cancer.html\n\n\nAmerican Cancer Society. (2021). \nImmunotherapy for Breast Cancer\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/treatment/immunotherapy.html\n\n\nAmerican Cancer Society. (2019). \nQuestions to Ask Your Doctor About Breast Cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/understanding-a-breast-cancer-diagnosis/questions-to-ask-your-doctor-about-breast-cancer.html\n\n\nAmerican Cancer Society. (2019). \nSurgery for Breast Cancer\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/treatment/surgery-for-breast-cancer.html\n\n\nBoyles, S. (2005). \nWhat to Do After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/features/becoming-proactive-cancer-patient\n\n\nBreast Cancer Foundation. (n.d.). \nIntroduction to Breast Cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.breastcancerfoundation.org.my/about-breast-cancer#introduction-to-breast-cancer\n\n\nBreast Cancer Foundation. (n.d.). \nBreast Cancer Treatment\n. Retrieved 15 September 2021 from\n https://www.breastcancerfoundation.org.my/treatment\n\n\nBreast Cancer Now. (2018). \nCoping with breast cancer emotionally\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://breastcancernow.org/information-support/facing-breast-cancer/living-beyond-breast-cancer/life-after-breast-cancer-treatment/coping-emotionally\n\n\nBreast Cancer Now. (2018). \nBreast cancer and you: Coping with diagnosis, treatment and the future\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://breastcancernow.org/sites/default/files/publications/pdf/bcc44_breast_cancer_and_you_2018_web.pdf\n\n\nBreast Cancer Now. (2018). \nTalking with children about breast cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://breastcancernow.org/information-support/facing-breast-cancer/talking-children-about-breast-cancer\n\n\nBreast Cancer Now. (2018). \nTelling your family and friends about your breast cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://breastcancernow.org/information-support/facing-breast-cancer/telling-family-friends-about-your-breast-cancer\n\n\nCancer.net. (2020). \nBreast cancer: Coping with treatment\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/breast-cancer/coping-with-treatment\n\n\nCancer.net. (2020). \nBreast cancer: Survivorship\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/breast-cancer/survivorship\n\n\nCancer.net. (2018). \nLiving with chronic cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.net/survivorship/living-with-chronic-cancer\n\n\nCancer.net. (2018). \nThe importance of follow-up care\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.net/survivorship/follow-care-after-cancer-treatment/importance-follow-care\n\n\nCancer.net. (2019). \nWhat is survivorship? \nRetrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.net/survivorship/what-survivorship\n Cancer.net. (2020). \nWhat\u2019s Next After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?\n Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/breast-cancer/follow-care-and-monitoring\n\n\nCancer Research UK. (2020). \nCoping with breast cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/breast-cancer/living-with/coping\n\n\nCancer Research UK. (2021). \nFollow up after breast cancer treatment\n. Retrieved 15 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/breast-cancer/treatment/follow-up\n\n\nCancer Research UK. (2020). \nLife after breast cancer surgery\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/breast-cancer/living-with/life-after-surgery\n\n\nCancer Research UK. (2020). \nSurvival\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/breast-cancer/survival\n\n\nCleveland Clinic. (2018). \nBreast Cancer\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/3986-breast-cancer#management-and-treatment\n\n\nCleveland Clinic. (n.d.). \nHormone Therapy to Treat Cancer\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17108-hormone-therapy-to-treat-cancer\n\n\nCleveland Clinic. (2020). \nRadiation Therapy\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17637-radiation-therapy\n\n\nGeisinger. (2017). \nFirst steps in the fight against breast cancer: What to do after your diagnosis\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.geisinger.org/health-and-wellness/wellness-articles/2017/10/09/16/57/first-steps-in-the-fight-against-breast-cancer-what-to-do-after-your-diagnosis\n\n\nMayo Clinic. (2021). \nBreast cancer \u2013 Diagnosis and treatment\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/breast-cancer/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20352475\n\n\nMichigan Health. (2017). \nDiagnosed with Breast Cancer: Now What? \nRetrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/cancer-care/diagnosed-breast-cancer-now-what\n\n\nMichigan Health. (2017). \nTo Lighten Your Load, Share the Burden of Breast Cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/cancer-care/to-lighten-your-load-share-burden-of-breast-cancer\n\n\nNational Health Service. (2019). \nBreast cancer in women \u2013 Diagnosis\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/breast-cancer/diagnosis/\n\n\nUCLA Health. (n.d.). \nWhat to Expect When Diagnosed with Breast Cancer\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.uclahealth.org/breasthealth/what-to-expect-when-diagnosed-with-breast-cancer\n\n\nUCLA Health. (n.d.). \nUnderstanding Your New Breast Cancer Diagnosis\n. Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.uclahealth.org/breasthealth/understanding-your-new-breast-cancer-diagnosis\n\n\nWedMD. (2021). \nBreast Cancer Treatment\n. Retrieved 16 September 2021 from\n https://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/breast-cancer-treatment\n\n\nWedMD. (2021). \nWhat\u2019s Next After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?\n Retrieved 14 September 2021 from\n https://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/guide/breast-cancer-plan-after-diagnosis\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nHomage\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n15 Cancer Signs In Children That You Shouldn\u2019t Ignore, Alert Mommies!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/covid-19-vaccine-and-pregnancy", "title": "Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccine", "body": "Is it safe to get COVID-19 vaccine while pregnant?\n\n\nSince the news about the development of the COVID-19 vaccine has been the front-page splashed, it has prompted abundant questions on its safety during pregnancy and lactation.\n\n\n Prior observational data has demonstrated that while the chances for these severe health effects are low, pregnant women with COVID-19 have an increased risk of severe illness including ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, and death compared to non-pregnant women of reproductive age.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nAt this point, only limited data are available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines including mRNA vaccines administered during pregnancy. \n\n\nThe World Health Organization (WHO) has recently updated its advice around pregnant women receiving the vaccine, stating only those who are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 through work or who have underlying health conditions which predispose them to develop complications from the virus, should take the vaccine. \n\n\n\n\nOn the other hand, The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said that the vaccines should be available to pregnant people but ultimately leaves the decision up to expectant parents and their doctors.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nIn general, mRNA vaccines do not contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. Thus, theoretically it won\u2019t be able to give someone COVID-19. It does not interact with a person\u2019s DNA because the mRNA does not enter the nucleus of the cell. \n\n\nBased on this, it is unlikely for the vaccine to pose a specific risk for people who are pregnant. However, the actual risks of mRNA vaccines to the pregnant person and her fetus are unknown because these vaccines have not been studied in pregnant women. \n\n\n\n\nOne of the key considerations to note is that women who are pregnant and part of a group recommended to receive COVID-19 vaccine, such as healthcare personnel, may choose to be vaccinated after thorough discussion with their healthcare personnel.\n\n\n\n\nAnother crucial discussion includes the risks of developing a severe allergic reaction balancing the benefits of vaccination itself. CDC recommends that all vaccine recipients, including pregnant people, should talk with their healthcare provider if they have a history of severe allergic reaction especially to another type of vaccine they have received prior. \n\n\nSide effects can occur after receiving COVID-19 vaccines and these side effects are not expected to be any different for pregnant as compared to non-pregnant women.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Times of India\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPregnant women who experience fever following vaccination may be counselled to take paracetamol because fever has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and paracetamol is considered to be relatively safe to be used in any trimester of the pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nThere are neither data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in lactating women nor on the effects of mRNA vaccines on the breastfed infant or on milk production/excretion. \n\n\nAgain, women who are breastfeeding and are part of a group recommended to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, such as healthcare personnel, may choose to be vaccinated.\n\n\nIn conclusion, there is no evidence to suggest that any of the COVID-19 vaccines are likely to have adverse effects to either mum or baby and the data as well as recommendations on it has been contradictory. \n\n\nHowever, in order to help protect them from these risks, it is important that pregnant women receive safe and reliable advice when it comes to getting the COVID-19 vaccines.\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by \nDr Ida Lilywaty Md Latar\n, Obstetrics & Gynaecology (O&G) of Pantai Hospital Cheras (PHC)\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhy It Is Important to Wear Your Mask, Even After You Have Been Vaccinated?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pay32-clinic-launches-in-malaysia", "title": "A Rescue To All Clinics: AI-Powered Software, Pay32 Clinic, Launches in Malaysia To Fully Digitise Clinic Inventory", "body": "With online shopping becoming increasingly prevalent, there is now a more urgent need to ensure products, especially those for medical emergencies, are well stocked and always available. Aiming to fully digitize medical practices nationwide, online \nhealthcare supply platform for manufacturers, medical and dental professionals, Lumiere32 has launched\n Pay32 Clinic, an AI-powered inventory analytics and vendor payment software.\n\n\nDue to the pandemic, many players in the healthcare sector have seen a boom in business such as rubber gloves, face masks and\u00a0 PPEs\u2019\n, to meet the rising demands from the public, hospitals and clinics. Furthermore, there has been huge support from \ngovernment bodies as well as local and international organisations in the form of monetary and equipment donations\n.\n\n\nThat said, there are still significant issues that need to be addressed. Some of these issues include the \nlack of proper logistics management systems\n, especially for PPE (personal protective equipment) and difficulty in tracking inventory. \nManual checking\n has also been an ongoing issue in managing inventories.\u00a0\n\n\nEliminating the \u2018Out of Stock\u2019 Occurrence and Digitising All Payment Processes\n\n\n\n\nTo address these issues, Pay32 Clinic offers 2 main solutions- a robust inventory analytics tool and an e-wallet, called Pay32 Wallet, allowing clinics to maintain full visibility over their medical stock and to streamline all incoming and outgoing payments respectively. \n\n\nWith the inventory analytics tool clinics can effectively track product expiration dates and availability, instantly making \u2018Out of Stock\u2019 situations obsolete. \n\n\nMoreover, the software allows clinics to optimise their inventory using data from\n vendor invoices and related memos/delivery orders, \nresulting in a more accurate record of their bottom lines. The software also provides trend updates to clinics, allowing them to better predict buying patterns before planning their purchases for re-stocking.\u00a0\n\n\nOn the other hand, Pay32 Wallet, which also offers payment tracking and Buy-Now-Pay-Later capabilities, aims to encourage clinics towards adopting cashless payment options with a flexible payment plan. \n\n\nWith this, clinics will be able to lessen the paperwork involved when managing incoming vendor payments, while enjoying longer, interest-free payment periods (90 days) when purchasing supplies, thus strengthening overall cashflow. \n\n\nFurthermore, the Pay32 Wallet allows clinics to have a maximum credit of RM100,000 per clinic, allowing for the hassle-free purchase of small medical equipment, instruments, consumables and other supplies without paying upfront.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nFinding the Right Package According to Your Clinic\n\n\n\n\nBeyond its digital features, Pay32 Clinic also offers varied subscription packages to multiple types of clinics including founder clinics, group clinics and super clinics. All packages will include a complimentary 6-month subscription and free digitization of data for up to 3 months.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nSensitive Skin? Here Are 5 Laundry Tips & Tricks to Avoid Irritation\nKehamilan\nLearning starts in the womb: How to encourage your little one\u2019s early learning\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n#DudukDiRumah dan Bergembira bersama Kempen Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Mission Moo-Possible\nKewangan\nMulakan Simpanan Pendidikan & Masa Depan Anak Seawal Mungkin, Pilihlah Cara Terbaik Untuk Tabungan Konsisten\n\n\nPay32 Clinic is now available nationwide after successfully being implemented for 6 months across 200 selected clinics earlier this year.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nHow to Encourage Character Building for Children in Positive Manner\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDear Parents, You Need to Learn How To Instill Confidence In Your Child, This Is Why!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Biggest Parenting Mistakes You Make That Will Destroy Your Relationship with Your Children\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-pillars-of-resilience", "title": "5 Simple Steps To Resilience: Prepping Your Child To Face The World", "body": "Long before any of us became parents, we all had some idea of what to expect. The less romantic might have anticipated their children\u2019s first food fight, impromptu Crayola murals, or hot tears from having skinned their knees. Balanced of course by the cosiest snuggles, the cutest photographs, and those immaculate moments when our children might randomly proclaim, \u201cI love you so much, mummy\u201d.\n\n\nWhat you might not have foreseen, is teaching your children to deal with the uncertainty of life. Just as there will be moments of pure bliss, there will also be challenging times that push their limits or even break their hearts. To accept and overcome these tremendous stresses, our children need to be Resilient \u2013 the ability to bounce back from any challenges.\n\n\nResilience can be taught, nurtured and honed. And this is especially easy if parents are aware of AptaGro\u2122\u2019s \n5 Pillars of Resilience\n. This neatly packaged roadmap from AptaGro\u2122 helps mums and dads introduce essential values to their children, like Perseverance \u2013 that is the tenacity to achieve something as a result of persistence (never give up).\n\n\nOr Daringness, the bravery, and courage to embrace new experiences. And when faced with challenges, children should be ready to employ Resourcefulness, the aptitude to find quick and clever solutions so they may thrive under any conditions.\n\n\nAdaptability comes next, which is the ability to respond suitably and swiftly when the environment changes suddenly. And to tie all these pillars together, AptaGro\u2122 has identified that children must be Self-Reliant. This is making their own decisions while yet being connected to family and friends.\n\n\nIn five easy steps, we\u2019ll show you how to prep your child to face the world\u2019s challenges!\n\n\n\n\n5 Pillars of Resilience: 5 Steps For Building Resilience In Children\n\n\nStep 1: Notice Your Child\u2019s Natural Stress Response And Face Them Together\n\n\nWhat sets them off? What are your children\u2019s trigger indicators? Do they fight or flee when facing difficult situations? With your child, gently discuss their biggest challenges.\n\n\nAcademically, it could be solving math problems, writing a long essay, or simply the nerves of presenting their work in front of the class. You\u2019ll know it\u2019s their biggest challenge because children will express doubt and frustration as they aren\u2019t sure if they can accomplish the task. \n\n\nThen share with them that adults face challenges too. Did you know Dr. Seuss was rejected many times before anyone agreed to publish his children\u2019s stories? Children can benefit from hearing that these feelings are common in all people, young and old.\n\n\nThis is the ideal time to teach Perseverance. Encourage your child to face each stress trigger or problematic situation because Perseverance is the drive that helps them get past the hard stuff to get what they want. Good grades, the praise of their teachers, the admiration of friends, these are all goals that motivate children. Without Perseverance, these goals are unattainable.\n\n\nStep 2: Inspire Your Child To Say Yes To New Experiences\n\n\nThe human brain is like a muscle. It needs to exercise and grow by learning new things. Yet to learn, one must first have the Daringness to say \u2018Yes\u2019 to new experiences.\n\n\nWith young children, fear is a common response to new challenges and experiences. These situations make children feel uncertain, vulnerable, powerless, and anxious. They strip away a child\u2019s sense of security and control.\n\n\nTo encourage Daringness, parents must first be supportive of effort and progress, rather than only praising successful outcomes. Commending your child on their willingness to try new things. This means parents must also learn to say \u2018Yes\u2019 if their child wants to learn to ride a bike, paint with their fingers, join an adventure club, run for class president and so forth.\n\n\nThis helps them overcome fear and see the world with new perspectives. Remember, daringness is the bravery and courage to experiment with the unknown. Join and support them on this journey.\n\n\nStep 3: Coach Your Child To Enjoy Unstructured Play\n\n\n\n\nSome of the best toys are ones that children repeatedly pick up because each play session requires them to apply new creativity. Open-ended toys that foster imagination and can be used in a variety of ways are especially well suited to impart \nResourcefulness.\n\n\nParents and children can even experiment with making their own toys. From crafting your own wooden building blocks, to fidget spinners\u00a0made out of\u00a0cardboard, to building your own sailing boat from bamboo skewers and straws, the objective is to have the final product look nothing like what it started off being.\n\n\nWith each experience, be your children\u2019s guide. Show them how you would approach the raw materials and turn them into something fun and colourful. \n\n\nWhen you share your creative process, they get a front-row seat in seeing how an adult approaches problems and they\u2019ll soon realise overcoming obstacles are just part of regular life. All that\u2019s necessary is applying resourcefulness \u2013 the power to discover clever solutions to thrive in challenging environments.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nStep 4: Teach Your Child To Be Well-Acquainted And Comfortable With Change\u00a0\n\n\nYour children will begin school, eventually transition into university students, begin a career and in due course, move out of the house. They\u2019ll begin relationships and they\u2019ll also end them. Each phase of growth comes with its own uncertainties, change, and novelty. Resilient children must be able to negotiate each level successfully in terms of adjusting their\u00a0behavior, their thinking, and their emotional responses.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis is the fourth Pillar of Resilience, that of\u00a0\nAdaptability\n\u2013 the ability to respond suitably and quickly to challenging environments so that they may thrive as and when events change. \n\n\nResearch has shown that children who are more adaptable had a higher likelihood of participating in class, enjoying school, being more satisfied with life, possess higher self-esteem and have a more concrete sense of the meaning and purpose in life. \n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nTo teach adaptability,\u00a0\nencourage\n\u00a0your children to seek out new or more information when faced with an uncertain situation. Or perhaps to take a different course of action. This can be as simple as asking a teacher for additional advice on how to complete a project. Asking for pointers is a great way to expand one\u2019s thinking and incorporate new ideas to be more adaptable to new situations.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nStep 5: Boost Your Child\u2019s Confidence\u00a0By\u00a0Delegating Tasks\u00a0And\u00a0Chores\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTo tie\u00a0all of\u00a0\nAptaGro\n\u2122\n\u2019s\u00a05 Pillars of Resilience together, the final key is to encourage your child to be\u00a0\nSelf-Reliant\n. Now self-reliance does not usually come from academic institutions. On the contrary. It is learned at home, as\u00a0modeled\u00a0by both mum and dad. As a parent, take time to delegate tasks to your child. Start with easy tasks that you know your child can complete with minimal supervision.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nThen applaud them for being responsible when they have shown their capability and done something good. Simple tasks include cleaning their rooms, putting the dishes in the sink after meals, or arranging their toys neatly.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nBut be careful not to force your children to do things\u00a0\nthey are\u00a0\nnot good at. The last thing you want is to see them becoming frustrated and losing self-confidence in their abilities. Instead present your children with significant choices, allowing them to pick the tasks that they are good at versus those they struggle with. \n\n\nAfter all, self-reliance is allowing children to make their own decisions while still being connected to family. It is about weighing the pros and cons and how it affects not only themselves but the whole family as well. \n\u00a0\n\n\nBuilding resilience is a journey\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAptaGro\n\u2122\n 5 Pillars of Resilience\n have been attentively defined so parents will have a complete framework from which to impart the \ncharacteristics\u00a0\nthat promise future success. Parenthood is a lifelong journey and we\u2019re excited to see you begin with a strong foundation.\u00a0\n\n\nAptaGro\n\u2122\n milk formula has itself been carefully crafted \nwith a patented combination of\u00a0\nprebiotics and probiotics to support \nyour child\u2019s body and learning development\n. This way, your child is ready to go out and experience the world, \nbecause with resilience, they can make the most out of life\u2019s opportunities and challenges.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/plan-your-babys-full-month-party-like-a-pro", "title": "Plan your baby's full month party like a pro!", "body": "\n\nCelebrate the birth of your new baby with a full month celebration, thrown for both mummy and baby.\n\n\n\n\nThrowing a full month party for your new baby is a celebration for the new mother too!\n\n\nIn Asia, families usually \ncelebrate the baby\u2019s full month\n\u00a0or full moon (\u6ee1\u6708)\u00a0when the baby is about to, or, is turning one month old. It is loosely referred to as the\u00a0\u2018baby shower\u2019, but it is different from that of our Western counterpart\u2019s party, which is an event thrown during the third trimester before the baby is born, to celebrate the mother\u2019s soon-to-be new life.\n\n\nNew parents are excited to \nshare the birth of their child\n, but how can they pull off a baby full month party without going into a frenzy while struggling with a new baby?\n\n\nIf you\u2019re planning to organise a full month party, then rest easy\u00a0\u2014\u00a0we\u2019ve\u00a0done the legwork to make things easier for clueless parents.\n\n\nHere are 7 steps\u00a0to guide you through you baby full month party planning just like a pro:\n\n\n#1: Set a date and time for the full month party\n\n\nMost families usually pick a weekend to accommodate schedules. The ideal date would be on the actual day\u2014or before\u2014as traditional Asian families don\u2019t believe in celebrating after the actual date.\n\n\nWhen to start:\n 2 to 3 weeks before the date of party, pin down dates you\u2019d like to hold\u00a0the event. That would help you let\u00a0your guests to block their calendar too.\n\n\n#2: Decide on who to invite to the full month party\n\n\nTake time to plan your guest list. Consider how big or small a baby full month celebration\u00a0you are hoping to have and will be able to manage. Don\u2019t forget, planning for a party requires logistical arrangements and coordination with various people involved. The larger the scale, the more complex things become.\n\n\nTip:\n Get your husband to list down the people he\u2019d like to invite, you do the same too, then\u00a0combine the lists. If the group gets too large to handle, consider scaling down. Remember, the more guests you have, the bigger the venue will need to be and that might affect your budget if you are cost-conscious.\n\n\nWhen to start:\n 2 to\u00a03 weeks before the date of party; done concurrently when\u00a0deciding the date and time.\n\n\n\n\nBaby full month party is a time when your family will come together to celebrate the new arrival.\n\n\n\n\n#3: Look for an accessible venue and plan your budget\n\n\nOnce you have an estimated number of guests, start looking at venue options.\n\n\nWill it be a simple baby full month celebration\u00a0at your own home or at your in-law\u2019s condominium function room?\u00a0Or will you be going all out to throw a classy party at the hotel\u2014fit for your little princess?\n\n\nShortlist a few locations, so you have options in case the top choice is taken or way out of budget. Some \nfavourite party places \nrequire a minimum number of guests in order to book the venue and may include various packages, so you might need to check and confirm with your guests on their availability prior to booking.\n\n\nIndoor\u00a0venues\u00a0are usually favoured due to the unexpected weather conditions. Plus, you wouldn\u2019t want to deal with a sticky, cranky, little baby on this special day.\n\n\nAt the same time, start costing out how\u00a0much you will\u00a0need to set\u00a0aside. Don\u2019t forget the nitty gritty details such as party decor, party favours, and \ncakes\n too!\n\n\nHere are some party venues which offer Full Month/Full Moon party packages for your newborn\u2019s first party:\n \nPolliwogs\n\u00a0(prices start from $688), \nGiggles\n\u00a0(prices start from $688), \nSingapore Polytechnic Graduates\u2019 Guild\n (prices start from $48/pax)\n\n\nWhen to start:\n 2\u00a0to 3 weeks before the date of party, especially for popular locations such as a cafe. They are booked on a first-come-first-served basis, so ideally, site reservations should be done early too.\n\n\n#4: Send out invites to guests\n\n\nThere are several ways to send out invitations these days: through text messages, Facebook event invites, email invitations, etc. Find a method which works best for you and your guests. Remember to leave your contact numbers so that guests can call if they have any questions and to RSVP to confirm their attendance for your baby\u2019s full month celebration.\n\n\n\n\nTraditional full month food to prepare: Red eggs, ang ku kueh, and glutinous rice.\n\n\n\n\nSome traditional families send red eggs (\nyou can DIY them easily\n!) and cakes personally to the seniors in the family out of respect. These folks may or may not be invited or might not be attending the actual full month celebration, but this gesture is passed down from generations to announce the birth of a new family member.\n\n\nWhen to start:\n After the date, time, and venue have been set, send out the invites to your guests to tell them about the party!\n\n\n#5: Decide on a theme and plan the menu\n\n\nHow you wish to beautify the space will depend on your concept. Decor can be entirely minimal with just standard balloons. Or you may go all out and splurge on a printed backdrop, with a customised dessert table and made-to-order themed birthday cake, coupled with activities and games!\n\n\nSome venues such a cafe, restaurant, or hotel function room, come catered with food options, which makes things easier for the busy new parents when it comes to deciding the food.\n\n\nIf the full month party is going to be held at a condominium function room, someone\u2019s house, or at the common pavilion at your estate, be sure to cater enough food for all your guests.\n\n\nWhen to start:\n 1 to\u00a02 weeks before the party, as some guests might not respond promptly to the RSVP deadline. Some caterers or F&B places allow an estimated heads-up on the expected guests but will need the final figure a week before. Be sure to get your numbers right, because if the guests don\u2019t turn up, you will most likely be charged for that agreed number any way.\n\n\nFor party decor, you may hunt for them as soon as you have decided on the party theme. Online purchases may take several days to reach, and you may wish to factor waiting time for any unexpected delays. Getting the party frills from retail stores is more straightforward, unless, of course, you prefer to shop around, and that would take some time too.\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy the sweet moments of your baby\u2019s full month party with the lovely company of families and friends that matter to you.\n\n\n\n\n#6: Plan the full month party\u00a0agenda\n\n\nNow, the fun is getting started!\n\n\nNew parents may be too caught up with their newborn and might prefer an easier full month party with just food, catching up with guests, cake-cutting, and, perhaps, a goodie bag for the kids.\n\n\nA simple 4-hr party agenda can look\u00a0like this:\n\n\n12pm: Guests arrive; lunch and mingle\n\n\n2.30pm: Cake-cutting and photo taking\n\n\n3-4pm: More mingling and party ends; goodie bags for kids to take home\n\n\nSome excited mums and dads may actually go all out with the full works: with\u00a0clowns, storytellers, magicians, or a bouncy castle for their kiddie guests.\n\n\nOthers may tone down by preparing\u00a0a simple activity booklet to keep kids entertained while the adults mingle and coo over the star of the party.\n\n\nWhen to start:\n If external vendors will be engaged, it might be good to book them at least 2 weeks prior. Regardless\u00a0of the complexity of agenda, it\u2019s good to start preparing early especially if you foresee plenty of DIY needed \u2013 well, that is if you actually have time for that!\n\n\n#7: Have fun and enjoy this special\u00a0day!\n\n\nAll the planning is half the glory of an awesome event.\n\n\nBut take heart if some things don\u2019t turn out the way you had planned. The purpose of a full month party is to celebrate the birth of your child and share the joy of becoming new parents.\n\n\nThis date most likely marks the end of your confinement too, so rejoice and bid farewell to those Sesame Oil Meat and Pork Trotters in Vinegar!\n\n\nNow that the preparation work is over and your family is all ready to enjoy the party, have you forgotten about your newborn?\n\n\n\n\nShe may not know that she is the star of the party, but that doesn\u2019t mean that she can\u2019t have a good time too!\n\n\n\n\nPreparing your newborn for his full month party\n\n\nYour little bundle of joy is much too young to know that he\u2019s the star of the party, but that doesn\u2019t mean your baby should not have a good time too. Afterall, snapshots of that day will be lingering on the internet, your computer, and printed ones in albums!\n\n\nGo about the day like any other day. Your newborn will most likely still be in a sleepy state at this point and spend his special day, well, dozing. But that\u2019s perfectly normal.\n\n\nIn the busyness of entertaining guests, remember to check on him every other moment. Just in case he might be cold, hot, hungry, or needing a cuddle. If the husband or yourself will be caught up chatting away with friends, remember to designate a trusted person who is able to prepare baby\u2019s milk and feed promptly.\n\n\nMost importantly, ensure your little one is taken care of during the event. This might be one of the first few times that your new baby is seeing so many new faces, with excited uncles and aunties pawing over him or wanting to steal a cuddle. Should your baby start showing signs of distress or is overstimulated, \nWebMD recommends some ways to calm your little one\n.\n\n\nHost etiquette during the full month party\n\n\nNow that your baby\u2019s full month party is happening, have you thought about how you and your partner will be hosting your guests on that day?\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t arrive later than your guests (or at least try not to!)\n\n\nEnsure there\u2019s enough food to go round \u2013 better to be over-prepared than under!\n\n\nDon\u2019t stay glued to your mobile, and other digital devices\n\n\nIf the party is at home, ensure the bathroom is well-stocked with necessities such as toilet paper and hand soap\n\n\nBe gracious and remain calm if spills happen \u2013 accidents are, well, accidents!\n\n\nRemember to mingle and chat with each guest \u2013 they\u2019ve taken time off to celebrate your newborn, it\u2019s rude to have them feel like they have been invited to be seat fillers\n\n\nIf your partner has invited his/her own group of friends, do thank them for their presence of sharing your joy even if you\u2019ve not met them before.\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to thank all your guests at the end of the party. Afterall, they have made special arrangements and effort to share your joy, so don\u2019t forget your P\u2019s and Q\u2019s too!\n\n\nAre you planning for your baby\u2019s full month party? Share with us how you intend to celebrate!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/schoolgirl-jumps-from-building-due-to-school-pressure", "title": "Schoolgirl jumps from building due to school pressure", "body": "Motivating kids to pursue academic excellence is admirable, but how much pressure is too much? After a schoolgirl jumps from a building in China, questions are being raised whether the education system can be overwhelming for kids.\n\n\nThis is especially so because, barely a year before this incident, a Chinese student \ntook his own life\n on the day of his college entrance exam. The same holds true back home here in Singapore, where \ncases\n of student suicide are not rare.\u00a0\n\n\nSchoolgirl jumps from a building: Can school pressure drive kids to suicide?\n\n\n\n\nThe schoolgirl jumps from a building in an attempt to take her own life because of intense academic pressure | Screenshots: \nSohu video\n\n\n\n\nAccording to a report by \nMedium\n, the girl\u2019s mum blames her daughter\u2019s school for putting too much pressure on their students.\n\n\nThe 12-year-old girl jumped out of a 15th floor window after being unable to finish her homework over the Winter break.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThankfully, the 6th grade student landed on an air cushion and only suffered an injury to her ear.\n\n\n\n\nThe stressed-out schoolgirl jumps from a building but miraculously lands on an air cushion! | Screenshot: \nSohu Video\n\n\n\n\nHow to help children deal with academic stress\n\n\nThere\u2019s a fine line between motivating kids to study hard and demanding that they get high grades.\n\n\nHow can you tell if your child is overwhelmed by school? Though depression and hurting themselves are obvious red flags, some are less obvious. Even joking about having too much to deal with should be taken seriously by parents.\n\n\n\n\nEven young kids can suffer hopelessness because of intense pressure. So observe them closely! | Image source: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nHere are important reminders for mums and dads to help kids cope with school pressure:\n\n\n1. Teach them to value the process, not just the results\n\n\nAssure them that it is okay to make mistakes. Learning is a continuous process. It\u2019s not just about getting high marks \u2013 though those are important. It should be about growing and learning.\u00a0\n\n\nThis way, they will learn to love learning and not merely go about it for the grades.\u00a0\n\n\n2.\u00a0Assess if they are over-scheduled\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0Denise Clark Pope\n, PhD of Stanford University, overscheduling is one of the major sources of stress for students.\u00a0\n\n\nEven young students can get caught up with trying to keep up with a \u201churried lifestyle\u201d involving studies and extracurriculars.\n\n\nIs your child stressed by their schedule? Try to check what you can give up.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Observe if you are pressuring them, too\n\n\nBe objective, mums and dads! Kids take to heart even stray comments about, for instance, how they need to keep their grades up.\n\n\nPushing them to be excellent isn\u2019t wrong, but it should be coupled with the right tools, motivation, and most importantly, support.\n\n\n4. Empower them with time-management skills\n\n\nTeach them how to manage their tasks efficiently. Discourage cramming or procrastination because it leads to poor habits as an adult.\u00a0\n\n\nDelores Curry, a California high school counselor \nrecommends to \nWebMD\n that parents help kids do \u201csomething every night instead of cramming at the last moment.\u201d\n\n\n5. Encourage self-care\n\n\nTeach them to prioritise rest and caring for their needs, too! This goes beyond the physical; it concerns their emotional and mental health as well.\n\n\nParenting expert Susan Stiffelman \ntells the \nHuffington Post\n that it\u2019s important for students to establish \u201cmeans to cope with stress, and that includes healthy food, non-harmful substances, sleep and, down time.\u201d\n\n\nSchool counselor Joy Holt and Dr. Pope both agree that frequent family bonding can \nhelp ease school stress\n. So make time for good conversations over good meals, mums and dads! It can make all the difference.\n\n\n6. Let them be kids!\n\n\nAbove all, remind them not to take things too seriously. Childhood and even their teen years should be a fun time of making memories and establishing friendships.\n\n\nEncourage them to take breaks, to bond with family more, and not to be too hard on themselves.\n\n\nThere is a way to be firm but loving, mums and dads! By giving them guidance and love, your kids will be all the more motivated to reach for excellence.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n \nMedium\n, \nShanghai List,\n\u00a0\nWebMD\n, \nThe Huffington Post\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKehamilan\nMengapakah ibu-ibu mengandung dan menyusu memerlukan suplementasi DHA?\nKesihatan\nZespri Green Kiwifruit \u2013 a much needed fibre boost for your child!\nTip keibubapaan\nJom Buat 5 Aktiviti DIY Yang Menarik Ini Dengan Anak Anda, Pasti Dia Lebih Bersemangat Nak Belajar!\nKehamilan\nRevitalize your skin during and after pregnancy\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tommee-tippee-milk-modulator", "title": "New Mums Must-Have: Tommee Tippee Milk Modulator for Feed Prep", "body": "24 hours readiness for preparation of formula milk instantly at anytime; without reboiling water, Tommee Tippee Milk Modulator prepares the best water temperature for formula milk preparation in hygienic condition and allows your baby to enjoy it at any time instantly.\n\n\nGetting enough sleep\n can be a challenge for any parent. Hungry babies don\u2019t like waiting for a feed and will make their feelings known in the only way they can.\n\n\n That early morning feeds where you\u2019re trying to keep quiet as you juggle baby and get the bottle to the perfect temperature can be a real stress test.\n\n\nWhy Tommee Tippee Milk Modulator Is Our Ultimate Choice?\n\n\n\n\nOur Milk Modulator makes bottle feeding a dream, right around the clock. Not only does it prep the bottle in two minutes, but it\u2019s also sleep-friendly with dimed standby indicators to make your night feeding so much easier. \n\n\nNo more waiting for the kettle to boil or water to cool, the water is ready at the right temperature for your baby.\n\n\nUsing boiling water for preparing \nformula milk\n can keep your babies away from gems and bacteria in tap water. Reboiling water is a concern for some parents, as increasing the concentration of toxic substances may be harmful to the baby\u2019s health. \n\n\nThe AUTO/FAN function of our Milk Modulator can make sure to boil the water to 100C and keep it at your preferred temperature. No reboiling of water! The water is set at your pre-set temperature and kept warm for 24 hours. \n\n\nThe automatic switch-off function is also helping to remind you to change clean water every day if you haven\u2019t used the water for over 24 hours. To keep your water hygiene and at the right temperature ready to prep, you can feed your baby anytime instantly!\n\n\nProduct Feature:\n\n\n\n\nInstant \u00a0formula milk preparation & Convenience for parents\n\n\nOne touch boiling to 100C & keep warm to pre-set temperatures with speedy cooling feature\n\n\nFast cooling to the desired temperature for formula milk preparation\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBright, easy-to-read LED display & key operation\n\n\n24 hours keep warm function\u00a0\n\n\nTrouble-Free Memory setting of water temperature\u00a0\n\n\nFood grade durable stainless-steel container (need to fact check)\n\n\nRealtime temperature display\u00a0\n\n\nWide range of temperature settings from 38C to 85C\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConvenient:\n\n\n\n\nReadiness/On-demand boiled water at the desired temperature for formula milk preparation\u00a0 around the clock\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSmart:\n\n\n\n\nOne touch to boil water to 100C and fast cooling to the desired temperature for formula milk preparation.\u00a0\n\n\nKeep warm for 24 hours to assure water freshness\n\n\nAfter each boiling set water temperature to enjoy instant formula milk making at anytime\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFeatures:\n\n\n\n\nSmart and easy to use\n\n\nFeed ready in a minute to your babies\n\n\nFast boiling and cooling to a desirable temperature\n\n\n24 hours keep warm to preferred temperature\n\n\n\n\nCompact in size\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/naturally-nurtured-australia", "title": "Naturally Nurtured Australia Introduces a Tasty Range of Healthy Fresh Foods Direct from Aussie Farms to Malaysia", "body": "Naturally Nurtured Australia (NNA), a new category of great quality fresh food that\u2019s both tasty and tested for safety, will be flown in fresh from the Aussie farms and arrive directly to Mercator Gurney Penang.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nFlown fresh directly from Western Australia, NNA accesses the most advanced food testing to ensure optimum safety. Produce is grown without the use of dangerous chemicals or heavy metals, and its vitamin and mineral levels are regularly checked to ensure optimum nutrition,\u00a0 guaranteeing the best nature has to offer.\u00a0\n\n\nA leading lifestyle food category\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWith an increasing consciousness, demand for authenticity and sustainability in consumer food intake, NNA has spotted an opportunity in the global market for a leading well-defined lifestyle food category that is tasty and safer for all consumers.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom 25 May 2022, produce will be available at Mercato Penang, including a range of vegetables and fruits with new varieties added weekly. The brand will expand its reach further into Malaysia from July 2022. The range will include fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, salads, heirloom pumpkin and winter pumpkins, fresh and leafy Tuscan kale, white and purple cauliflowers, ripe and buttery avocados, and juicy persimmon fruits.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe are thrilled to expand Naturally Nurtured\u2019s product range into the Malaysian market. \n Health and food authenticity have become increasingly important globally, and we are excited to grow and foster this important trend,\u201d says Mark Baker, Naturally Nurtured Australia\u2019s CEO.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cNaturally Nurtured\u2019s mission is to provide tastier, safer and nutritiously richer food and to\u00a0 ensure easy accessibility to all homes.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nRegenerative farming\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNaturally Nurtured \nAustralia accredits the superior tasting produce to the sustainable \nregenerative farming methods\n, whereby the farmer naturally nurtures the soils, resulting in the optimum nutritious produce cultivated in the pristine landscape of Western Australia.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to its nutritional value, Naturally Nurtured Australia produce is characterised by several highly sought factors, including longer shelf life, superior taste, and texture alongside vibrancy in colour, indicating quality and freshness.\u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\n12 signs you may be a helicopter parent\nKesihatan\nRawatan Cirit Birit Di Rumah Mengikut Usia Anak, Ini Yang Ibu Bapa Perlu Tahu\nParenting\nStarting Your Child on Solids: Is Organic Baby Food Better?\nKewangan\n5 Soalan yang Ibu Bapa Perlu Tahu Sebelum Memilih Bank untuk Membuat Simpanan\n\n\nAll produce includes QR scans, informing about nutritional value, and a controlled supply chain from farm to consumer with no intermediaries able to substitute.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/online-resources-kids", "title": "A Parent's Toolkit: 40 Online Resources for FREE Printables, Virtual Tours, Audio Storybooks & More", "body": "Dear parents, as the Movement Control Order (MCO) continues, you might find yourself out of ideas to do with your little ones. So, we\u2019ve taken the liberty of gathering a few free resources you might want to look into (if you haven\u2019t already) for ideas to fill up this time and use it as an opportunity to educate your kids, as well as have some fun together!\n\n\n1. Virtual Tours\n\n\n\n\nSince travelling is out of the picture for the foreseeable future, virtual tours are the next best thing. Not only can you immerse yourself into another culture and view the magnificent displays, it can also serve as a platform to learn with your kids \u2013 just pick a tour, pull up a few facts and learn as you explore.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe Louvre Museum\n: Explore the world\u2019s largest art museum in Paris, France. Did you know, it was the Royale palace for French kings in the 16th and 17th century?\u00a0\n\n\nSmithsonian National Museum of Natural History\n: Take a self-guided trip that goes room-by-room with tours of selected exhibits and areas within the museum.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nNational Women\u2019s History Museum\n: Venture into a remarkable journey of research, collections, exhibit and contribution of women in the context of world history.\u00a0\n\n\nSan Diego Zoo\n: Watch live feeds of the zoo\u2019s beautiful animals including its adorable baboons, panda and koalas.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe Great Wall of China\n: Tour China\u2019s greatest attraction and gaze at the gorgeous scenery from this over 2,000-year old structure.\u00a0\n\n\nEaster Island\n: Explore this breath-taking island and learn about its many statues.\u00a0\n\n\nGrand Canyon\n: Journey to the deepest canyon in the world with this super-cool 360 video.\u00a0\n\n\nMars\n: Head to outer space and tour the actual surface of Mars!\n\n\nThe White House\n: Enjoy a guided tour of one of the most prestigious world landmarks.\u00a0\n\n\nCentral Park\n: Take a virtual walk in one of the most famous parks.\u00a0\n\n\nRed Square, Russia\n: Head to Moscow, Russia and tour the city square which separates the former royal citadel and current official residence of the President of Russia.\u00a0\n\n\nBuckingham Palace\n: Visit the Queen\u2019s residence with tours that showcase areas from the drawing room to the throne room.\u00a0\n\n\nVatican\n: The headquarters of the Roma Catholic Church, view the Vatican\u2019s ancient roman sculptures.\u00a0\n\n\nBritish Museum\n: Dive into history with this interactive tour that allows you to explore different decades.\u00a0\n\n\nVan Gogh Museum\n: Marvel at his famous artworks and take a virtual tour of the museum in Amsterdam.\n\n\nCincinnati Zoo USA\n: Meet the zoo animals through daily live videos and check out their past lives to see what their magnificent animals have been up to!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Free printable worksheets\n\n\n\n\nWorksheets are great learning tool for child development, especially in their earlier years. This can be a daily exercise and you can choose from varying subjects or activities to keep their brain juices flowing.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHP Print & Play\n: Select from fun mazes, book reviews, drawing, colouring and even, crafting templates.\u00a0\n\n\nEducation.com\n: Choose from various printable worksheets including dot-to-dots, spelling and other lesson-based activities based on your child\u2019s learning stages.\u00a0\n\n\nK5 Learning\n: Download worksheets for grammar lessons, vocabulary, flashcards and more.\u00a0\n\n\nGreat Schools\n: With over 1,000 worksheets, select from a library of reading pictures and timetables, among other education materials.\u00a0\n\n\nKidzone\n: Choose from worksheets that help your kids learn their letters, numbers, shapes and colours.\u00a0\n\n\nWorksheet Fun\n: Teach you kids math with various printable worksheets according to their learning level.\u00a0\n\n\nJumpstart\n: You\u2019ll find worksheets that cover various subjects including math and science.\u00a0\n\n\nScholastic\n: Find adorable worksheets that your kids can colour and learn with here.\u00a0\n\n\nAll Kids Network\n: Pick from worksheets that go according to seasons, as well as other materials.\u00a0\n\n\nSuper Easy Storytelling\n: Let your kids\u2019 imaginations go wild with creative writing and storytelling. There are various worksheets and lesson plans that focus on teaching your kids just that.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. E-learning\n\n\n\n\nWith school closures and the wonders of technology, e-learning has come forth as a saviour for parents \u2013 children can now have their classes fro the comfort of their own homes and according tot their own time. Here are a few websites you can get well-curated lessons for kids of all ages.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\ne-learningforkids.org\n: A great website for free childhood learning.\n\n\nKhan Academy\n: A non-profit organisation that offers free education for all ages with daily schedules on math, science, history and more.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\ngonoodle.com\n: Your kids will love this with fun movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.\u00a0\n\n\nBrain POP\n: Covering various subjects including English, Art, Music and more, they host daily topics with challenges too.\u00a0\n\n\nDreambox\n: Find lessons for various subjects with fun, interactive videos.\u00a0\n\n\nTeach Your Monster to Read\n: Get your kids acquainted with everything from letters and sounds to full sentences with their phonics programmes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n4. Online Storybooks\n\n\n\n\nStory time is a good way to instil values or teach your kids about morals, while diving into another magical world. You can encourage them to act out the stories and engage them with some questions at the end of every tale.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAmerican Literature\n: Pick from a library of fairy-tales, fables, and nursery rhymes.\u00a0\n\n\nFreechildrenstories.com\n: Read original stories according to their ages, with rhyming or non-rhyming stories.\u00a0\n\n\nKids World Fun\n: Read these entertaining English stories that can teach\u00a0children about several things in life.\n\n\nStorynory\n: Enjoy the cutest free audio stories, including cultural-related tales!\u00a0\n\n\nStories to Grow by\n: Choose audio books of classic tales including Snow White, Pocahontas, Robin Hood and more.\u00a0\n\n\nLight up Your Brain\n: This website offers downloadable mp3 and streamable content of original stories made just for children.\u00a0\n\n\nagendaweb\n: Enjoy short audio stories on fun tales that also promote educational learning.\u00a0\n\n\nmagickeys\n: Listen to various stories including old classics reimagined.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWell, we hope this list helps you out and keeps your household entertained!\n\n\nFor more information from the theAsianparent Malaysia, you can download our #1 parenting app in Southeast Asia.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cerebral-palsy", "title": "Cerebral Palsy | How Does It Affect Children?", "body": "Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a condition that affects a child\u2019s movement and muscle tone. It is the most common motor disability in childhood, and is identified in about 1 in 323 kids.\n\n\nThe signs of CP can vary from person to person, but typically involves features such as poor coordination, muscle stiffness and delayed development.\n\n\nIt is usually diagnosed in infancy or early childhood.\n\n\nTypes of Cerebral Palsy\n\n\n\n\nThere are 4 main types of CP:\n\n\n1. Spastic Cerebral Palsy\n\n\nSpastic CP is the most common type, affecting about 80% of people with the condition. Those who have this type of CP have increased muscle tone and stiffness, which can lead to awkward body movements.\n\n\n2. Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy\n\n\nDyskinetic CP causes trouble with muscle control. Kids with this type of CP can have unpredictable, involuntary movements.\n\n\n3. Ataxic Cerebral Palsy\n\n\nAtaxic CP is the least diagnosed form, manifesting in problems with balance and coordination.\n\n\n4. Mixed Cerebral Palsy\n\n\nWhen symptoms from different types of CP are present, kids can be diagnosed with mixed CP.\n\n\nSymptoms of Cerebral Palsy\n\n\n\n\nKids with CP often exhibit developmental delays, meaning that they don\u2019t reach milestones expected of their age group. Below are some of the signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy.\n\n\nWhen the child is below 6 months old:\n\n\n\n\nThe child feels floppy\n\n\nThe child feels stiff\n\n\nWhen picked up while lying on his back, he can\u2019t hold his head up\n\n\nWhen held, he might overextend his back or neck (as if pulling away)\n\n\nThe child\u2019s legs become stiff and may cross or scissor when picked up\n\n\n\n\nWhen the child is above 6 months old:\n\n\n\n\nHe doesn\u2019t roll over\n\n\nHe has trouble bringing his hands together\n\n\nHe can\u2019t bring his hands to his mouth\n\n\nHe reaches out with one hand while the other stays fisted\n\n\n\n\nWhen the child is above 10 months old:\n\n\n\n\nHe doesn\u2019t crawl on all fours, but may scoot around on his buttocks\n\n\nHe crawls in an \u2018off-balanced\u2019 way, pushing off with one arm and leg while the opposite side drags behind him\n\n\nHe can\u2019t stand independently, even if he\u2019s holding on to something\n\n\n\n\nOther symptoms of CP in young kids\n\n\n\n\nInability to walk by 12-18 months\n\n\nInability to say simple sentences by 24 months\n\n\n\n\nHow do you know if your child has special educational needs? Here are some\u00a0\nearly warning signs\n\u00a0to look out for. \nCauses of Cerebral Palsy\n\n\n\n\nCerebral Palsy is caused by damage or abnormal development in the brain that can occur before, during, or after birth. About 70% of CP cases result from prenatal factors.\n\n\nThe severity of the condition is dependent on when the damage or disruption happened, and the extent to which the brain was impacted.\n\n\nThere are several ways a child\u2019s brain can be damaged, including:\n\n\n\n\nPrenatal infection\n\n\nAbnormal bleeding of the brain before birth\n\n\nAsphyxiation (lack of oxygen reaching the brain)\n\n\nBrain injury during or after birth\n\n\nInfections after birth, such as bacterial meningitis or untreated jaundice\n\n\n\n\nCP is not considered a hereditary condition, but some research has shown genetic influences may predispose a person to cerebral palsy. \nTreatments for Cerebral Palsy\n As with other developmental disabilities, treatment for CP should begin as early as possible. There is no cure, but medicine and surgical options do exist for some. There are also a number of interventions to seek out, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy.\nPartner Stories\nAnak\nKeep Your Child\u2019s Health And Safety At Home In Tip Top Order During This Pandemic Season\nKesihatan\nRawatan Cirit Birit Di Rumah Mengikut Usia Anak, Ini Yang Ibu Bapa Perlu Tahu\nHealth\n6 Causes of Body Aches and Pains. Here\u2019s How To Treat Them!\nAnak\nHave You Heard Of This Contagious Disease That Affects Many Children?\n\n\nDo visit a medical professional for diagnosis and advice if you think your child may have cerebral palsy.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a list of top special needs centres in Malaysia, check out our selected picks\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/teenage-parents-force-toddler-to-drink-beer-smoke-marijuana", "title": "Teenage parents force toddler to drink beer, smoke marijuana", "body": "The teenage parents of a toddler thought it would be funny to make their daughter smoke marijuana and force her to drink beer. Even though it is a form of abuse, they did all this so that they could capture it on video. It is unclear who shared the video on social media, but since then, it has gone viral.\u00a0\n\n\nThe video\n\n\nAccording to the reports, the parents 18 and 17 hail from Formosa in Argentina. They have a daughter, who features in the video. She appears either intoxicated or terribly tired, as she keeps on swaying throughout the video. Loud music is playing in the background as the man, most probably her father feeds her something.\u00a0\n\n\nThe father puts some white powder on a piece of paper and takes it near the toddler\u2019s mouth. And within the next 15 seconds, he puts a bottle of beer followed by a live cigarette to her lips. We can hear laughter in the background, most probably the mother and a friend. And as the father puts a cigarette to the little girl\u2019s lips, the mother is heard saying, \u201cno, Raquel\u2026\u201d a bit half-heartedly.\n\n\nThe girl is safe now\n\n\nAs soon as the video was shared, people started pointing out the cruelty against the poor angel. The parents tried to defend themselves, claiming that they never gave the child anything. It was just a ruse to capture a funny video. However, like the rest of the world, even I fail to see the humour in the video.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to reports, the\u00a0Staff from the Police Investigation Brigade, the Secretariat of the Ministry of Childhood and authorities of the Juvenile Prosecutor\u2019s Office rescued the girl. The parents are also suspected of giving the girl cannabis to smoke. Thankfully, she is now safe with her grandmother while the parents face the law.\n\n\nAs the mother is just 17, she is not yet an adult. And so, she is going to be tried by the juvenile court. Not much is known about the father, other than his detention by the law enforcement authorities.\u00a0\n\n\nChild abuse\n\n\n\n\nNegligence is also a form of child abuse recognised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, Singapore. According to the MSF,\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChild abuse is defined as any act of commission or ommission by a parent or guardian which would endanger or impair the child\u2019s physical or emotional well-being or that are judged by a mixture of community values and professionals to be inappropriate.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSo, in addition to physical and sexual abuse, neglect and emotional abuse also fall under the purview of child abuse. Sadly, the incident of child abuse has spiked in the recent past.\n\n\nAccording to a \nreport\n, the MSF probed 873 child abuse cases in 2016, almost 60 per cent more than the 551 cases in 2015. The news about the \nlittle boy who died \nafter being repeatedly beaten and forced to eat chilli is still fresh on our minds. While the teenage parents from Argentina were not this cruel, they definitely endangered the life of their little one.\u00a0\n\n\nThe key to a successful rescue of a child who undergoes abuse is actively spotting signs of abuse. Here are the signs that a child is being abused.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBehaviour changes\n in children when they suddenly stop being their cheerful self.\n\n\nDisplay of rage\n, aggressive and antisocial behaviour\n\n\nLoneliness\n and lack of friends\n\n\nFear\n of going to sleep\n\n\nCuts and bruises\n that may not be logically associated with a fall\n\n\nFrequent falls\n and hospital visits\n\n\nFear of meeting\n a particular person or temperament changes at a certain time of the day.\n\n\n\n\nWhat can an ordinary citizen do?\n\n\nIf you spot a kid displaying one or more of these signals, it may just be a silent cry for help. If you know the parents, you can judge if the \u2018disciplining\u2019 is going too far. Grandmas and grandpas, it is OKAY to interfere in your children\u2019s affairs if you see your grandchildren displaying these signs.\n\n\nAs a responsible citizen, get in touch with the proper authorities. You can always contact the police on 999 if you hear an abuse happening in your neighbourhood. The other option is to contact organisations like\u00a0\nChildren\u2019s Society\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nTouch Community services\n\n\nMums and dads, think carefully before you do something as moronic as these parents did. Ultimately, it is our future you would be toying with.\u00a0\n\n\n(Image: \nscreen grab\n)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nWhy Money Parenting Matters\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Your Child\u2019s Poop Habits\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/9-signs-of-infertility-men-women-couples-know", "title": null, "body": null} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/myopia-eyecare-experts", "title": "Experts: No Cure For Myopia in Children, But You Can Slow Down Its Progression", "body": "Myopia, or more commonly known as short-sightedness, is a vision condition where people are able to clearly view objects that are near, but are unable to see objects that are far.\n\n\nThe onset of myopia usually occurs before the ages of 12 and stabilises into adulthood. Sadly, there is no cure for myopia but there are measures you can take to slow down its progression.\n\n\n\u00a0\nTo better understand this condition we spoke to eye care experts HOYA Consultant Optometrist Darren Toh, HOYA Professional Affair Assistant Manager Chris Toh and HOYA Professional Affair Executive Chong Ching Wei.\n\u00a0\n\n\nHere is a rundown on myopia 101.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow is myopia caused?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMyopia is a condition that occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea is overly curved. Because of this factor, light is unable to enter the eye which results to blurry objects in the distance.\n\n\nDarren states that the causes of myopia are also multifactorial, stating that the three main risks factors are associated with the gene pool, hereditary and excessive amount of near tasks.\n\n\n\u201cPeople with myopia have difficulty in seeing things like blackboards, when driving, or TV screens,\u201d he said.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWho is more likely to be myopic?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMyopia generally begins at a young age. Due to this, children are more prone to myopia and it progresses as they grow \u2013 it is the most common cause of impaired vision in people under the ages of 40.\n\n\nAccording to Chris, research revealed that half of the world could potentially be myopic by 2050 with an estimated 4.758billion people globally, while 938million people will have high myopia.\n\n\n\u201cNormally people who wear spectacles are people who study a lot \u2013 kids, usually. Nowadays all the kids are wearing specs. This is due to lifestyle changes such as exposure to digital devices such as parents letting their kids play with phones, and mobile games,\u201d he said.\n\n\n\n\nTake the right steps in preventing rapid progression of myopia.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the preventive measures can parents take?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nThe prevalence of Myopia in children is growing at an alarming rate. However, while myopia cannot be cured, it can be corrected or slowed down. Note that, there is a difference between correcting it and slowing down its progression. Correcting is using immediate measures such as fitting spectacles, or contact lenses to clear the vision \u2013 this does not mean your child\u2019s myopia will not progress.\n\n\n\u201cMyopia can\u2019t really be treated or cured, but we are merely correcting it. Myopia can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, Ortho-K or refractive surgery. With the alarming rate of increased prevalence of Myopia in children, we are focusing on how to control and slow down the progression of Myopia,\u201d said Darren.\n\n\nHe noted currently, there is no 100 percent effective way to prevent myopia but the onset can be slowed down or delayed by controlling the amount of time conducting near tasks. To control this, it is advised to take regular breaks in between when looking at devices or television screens.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow can you slow down the progression of myopia?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDepending on the individual, the progression of Myopia may be more aggressive in some, while others have a slower progression. To slow down its progression, there are specialised technology that have been curated for this. Furthermore, effectively reducing the rate of myopia progression by 50% could reduce the prevalence of high myopia by up to 90%.\n\n\nHOYA has launched their MiyoSmart Lens which is made especially for those with myopia. These lenses uses a natural homeostatic mechanism known as \u201cemmetropization\u201d, where the eyeball adapts and shapes to receive focused images as it does for normal vision.\n\n\n\u00a0\nWith the special D.I.M.S technology, these lenses provide light and thin UV protection for the eyes and are made with highly impact-resistant polycarbonate material, made ideal for active kids from 6 to 18 years. Hence, it will not break easily, especially with active kids.\n\n\n\u00a0\nHOYA had conducted a two-year randomised double-blind clinical trial involving 160 myopic children aged between 8 to 13, where 60 per cent of the cases reduced their myopia while 21.5 per cent experienced a halt in their Myopia progression!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow can you detect Myopia?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe main way to do this is through a proper eye test. Parents, especially, should take their kids to eye appointments at least once a year. This way, if they have signs of Myopia, parents can take measures to make sure it does not worsen.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSend your child for regular eye checkups.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMyopia always shows onset among children. There is no specific age that it happen, but generally, it starts occurring before the age of 12 and it will stabilises into adulthood, \u201c said Darren.\n\n\nHe noted that parents should act immediately if their child complains of blurred vision, as catching it early can reduce the risk of catching high myopia.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is the worst case scenario?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Darren, the worst case is that Myopia progresses to a prescription of more than -6.00. This is known as high myopia, which is a more serious form of the condition where the eyeball grows more than it is supposed to and becomes very long from front to back.\nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\n\n\nMyopia can also raise risks of having other conditions like a retinal detachment and glaucoma. Another concern is degenerative myopia, also known as pathological myopia, which is when it is inherited from their parents \u2013 this is when the eyeball gets longer quicker and causes severe myopia during the teenage or early adult years.\n\n\nThis is worrying as it makes it harder to view things at a distance and those affected are at higher risk of a detached retina, as well as abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lifting-weights", "title": "Can Lifting Weights Make Your Brain Stronger?", "body": "Physical exercise can have many benefits to our body and brain. Heavier exercises such as weight lifting improves blood circulation, cardiac health and reduces fat mass. Interestingly, weight lifting could also have benefits to our brain health.\u00a0\n\n\nOur brain is one unique organ. Not only does it work intelligently like a computer, but it can heal and reboot itself exactly like a computer. Exercise helps to improve the blood flow throughout the body, thus allowing the oxygen flow smoothly including to the brain. Current studies found that exercise, especially strength based exercise like weight lifting, promotes brain health.\n\n\nLifting weights not only help in muscle building, but promotes brain health as well\n\n\nWe are all well aware of how physical exercise has many benefits to our body and health. Little do we know that physical exercise too can provide benefits to our brain. Often we hear about lifting weights helping to strengthen muscle and increase strength. But isn\u2019t it surprising that when you lift weights, it actually helps to improve brain health too. A recent study published in the\u00a0\nJournal of Applied Physiology\n\u00a0has found that weight lifting could help with cognitive impairment, as seen with lab rats. In fact, weight lifting could promote the generation of new neurons and increase memory function. This suggests that lifting weights can have a neuroprotective effect on the brain.\n\n\nIn a lab test involving rats, it was found that rats that had weights tied to their feet as they climbed ladders experienced changes in the brain cells that increased their thinking abilities. This can be an important finding on how weight-training can help to reverse memory loss. Though the study was only done on rats, researchers believe that strenuous exercise such as weight lifting may have beneficial benefits to humans. Especially for the elderly, weight-training exercise may prevent dementia and improve cognition.\u00a0\n\n\nNevertheless, studies did not focus on rats only. In 2016, a study published by\u00a0\nJournal of The American Geriatrics Society\n\u00a0conducted in Australia, had a test done on men and women aged 55 to 86 who had problems with cognition, then were grouped into two groups. First group was assigned to lift weights while the second group was assigned with stretching. At the end of the study, the researchers found that the cognition status of the first group was significantly higher than the second group.\u00a0\n\n\nBut how can weight-training exercises help with cognition? One study published in 2016 explained that when a person lifts weight, gray matter in the brain thickens. This prevents it from shrinkage which is a common sign when an individual is diagnosed with Alzheimer\u2019s disease.\n\n\nWait no more, go lift weights\n\n\nIf you have never tried weight-training exercises before, well maybe you should consult with a doctor & start looking into this as many studies support its benefits to our brain health as we age.\u00a0\n\n\nThough many studies are still needed to confirm this, lifting weights as a method to prevent dementia and to improve cognitive functions especially in elderly is something that is worth a try.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019d like to know of other ways you can support brain function, it is important to also understand inflammation. Inflammation can be reduced through proper diet for starters. But if you don\u2019t know where to\u00a0 begin, let the\n\u00a07-Day Wellness Starter Kit\u00a0\nhelp you \u2013 it\u2019s a program you can do anywhere that gives you easy to follow steps \u2013 on ingredients to eat & omit, what to shop for, how to prepare meals, superfoods to include & much more\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1.Harvard Health Publishing. (2017). Weight training may boost brain power. Retrieved from \nhttps://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/weight-training-may-boost-brain-power\n\n\n2 AARP. (2019). Strength Training\u2019s Surprising Health Benefits. Retrieved from \nhttps://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2019/strength-training-health-benefits.html\n\n\n3 MDLinx. (2019). Research shows a surprising link between weightlifting and cognition. Retrieved from \nhttps://www.mdlinx.com/article/research-shows-surprising-link-between-weightlifting-and-cognition/lfc-4190\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nRead more:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nThe clueless mum\u2019s guide to back-to-school shopping\nKanak-Kanak\nAdakah Pertumbuhan Anak Anda Terbantut? Ini Yang Anda Perlu Tahu\nPertandingan & promosi\nBayi PKP Bakal Lahir? Ini Senarai Persiapan Untuk Anda Menyambut Si Kecil!\nPenjagaan pantang dan selepas bersalin\nChildbirth aftermath \u2013 Get back in shape\n\n\n\n\nIs Our Gut Our 2nd Brain? The Mind-Gut Connection Explained\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/help-my-babys-on-milk-strike", "title": "Help! My baby\u2019s on milk strike", "body": "Mummies, HELP ME! My 3-month-old boy cries for milk, and then when I give him he will struggle and scream then suck for a while then struggle and scream again continuously. He doesn\u2019t always finish up his milk anymore. He\u2019s hungry, but why is he acting like this? Is he on nursing strike?\n\n\nIt has been 2 weeks + already. The milk temperature is just nice. I need advice.\n\n\nWhen baby is on nursing strike!\n\n\nSerene Chew:\n Hmmm\u2026Try burping him before and during a feed. Maybe there\u2019s gas in \nhis tummy\n. Or maybe he scream n cry swallowed gas. And did u recently change his milk bottle/teat?\n\n\nJasline Khor:\n You can try \ngripe water\n\u2026 may help\n\n\nAgatha Ayden:\n Serene- No leh, I didn\u2019t change anything. He not only struggles, he keeps turning his head left and right. Then when I force the milk in his mouth, he will drink. Then after drinking halfway he will again go on a nursing strike. It\u2019s a headache. Jasline, I used to feed him gripe water because he didn\u2019t like to drink plain water.\n\n\nJasmine Lee:\n Maybe he has Colic, feeling very unwell in he tummy, like my gal also like this too. Maybe u can apply some yu yee oil.\n\n\nAlice Tan:\n My almost 3mth old son also behaves this way, he used to finish till the end. Now every time halfway or almost finishing, he will start refuse to drink\u2026\n\n\nAgatha Ayden:\n What\u2019s colic?? I always apply ruyi oil morning and night after \nhis bath.\n\n\nAng YiMin:\n Check the bottle teats. Maybe too small.\n\n\nAgatha Ayden:\n Nope it\u2019s big. When I put the milk on his lips he like to test machine first, then struggle & kick to throw himself backwards. \u00a0Must force then he will drink. Why why why?? Going crazy\u2026\n\n\nBoo Soo Fern:\n Colic usually starts in the evening and has a repeated pattern. I advise to record bb daily schedule n show pd for advise. Oh ya, check bb tongue. If hv thick white layer than may be time to clean. Baby cant taste the milk and may cause infection I think. Check it out.\n\n\nAgatha Ayden:\n I always use a wet handkerchief and rub his tongue every morning. Don\u2019t think it is this. He does his stunts the whole day. Sighs.\n\n\nSerene Chew:\n So sorry I\u2019ve never encountered anything like this. Maybe you can try to feed him in another position see if it helps? Maybe that\u2019s how he will stop his nursing strike!\n\n\nJoanne Lam:\n I bought my baby went check up n the doc told me after three months, baby will start to refuse milk and the milk intake might go down.\n\n\nAng Yimin:\n Try to google \u201cbaby on milk strike,\u201d or \u201cnursing strike.\u201d There may be some \nanswer for you.\n\n\nJasmine Lee:\n I think doc say is true, I read from book also say about it but not all babies are the same.\n\n\nAgatha Ayden\n: Hey mummies, thanks for all your concern. I\u2019ve solved the mystery by changing a new teat for him!\n\n\nJasmine Lee:\n He cannot wait, Milk flow too slow. Same as my daughter cannot wait too.\n\n\nMary Yee:\n I encounter this before too. But I try to spoon feed her with the milk. She doesn\u2019t want to be bottle fed. This lasted me for 2 weeks and back to normal.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-medications-are-not-safe-to-take-during-pregnancy", "title": "Was this baby born skinless because his mum took potent drugs in pregnancy?", "body": "Whenever a woman finds out she is pregnant, she immediately starts changing her habits to ensure her body and baby are well taken care of. But sometimes, it\u2019s difficult to avoid taking medication if you are ill while pregnant. Unfortunately,\u00a0for one mum, that medication she took could have affected her baby, as her little one was born without skin.\u00a0\n\n\nA case study published in the \nJournal of the Pakistan Medical Association\n\u00a0previously examined the reasons why a baby without skin was born. The scientists suspect that maybe one of the medicines the mum took called \nazathioprine\n was to blame for her baby\u2019s condition. Later, we also answer other questions on\u00a0what\u00a0\nmedications are not safe\n to take during pregnancy, too.\n\n\nWhat medications are not safe to take during pregnancy: Mum gives birth to baby without skin\n\n\nUnlike other healthy newborns, over 90% of this baby\u2019s body was not covered with skin at birth. In addition, the baby was born with no nails, not even a single strand of hair, eyelashes or eyebrows.\n\n\n\n\nA screenshot of a baby affected by Aplasia cutis congenita. A warning to mums on what medications are not safe to take during pregnancy. | Image Source: JPMA\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNot only that, this baby boy also lacks nipples; his ears have not fully developed, and all the blood vessels in his body can be seen visibly.\n\n\nAt birth, the baby boy only weighed 1.02 kg, with a head circumference of only 26.5 cm. Generally, the head circumference of a newborn ranges between 33 cm to 38 cm.\n\n\nWith such a severe condition, the baby boy received intensive care in an incubator. Even so, the baby still passed away after four days of receiving treatment.\n\n\nThe baby was affected by Aplasia cutis congenita: A rare condition\n\n\nDermatitis Aplasia cutis congenita is a condition where a person lacks skin from birth. Up until today, babies born with this condition are quite rare.\n\n\nMost of the time, this condition affects areas around the head.\u00a0 It can also happen in either gender \u2014\u00a0 boys and girls.\n\n\nExactly what caused this abnormality?\u00a0\n\n\nApparently, the baby\u2019s mum had given birth to two healthy babies previously.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring delivery, the mum admitted that she had not been previously affected by chickenpox or rashes while pregnant. However, she suffers from a condition called pemphigus vulgaris.\n\n\n\n\nMost parts of the baby were not covered by skin at all. | Image Source: JPMA\n\n\n\n\nWhat is pemphigus vulgaris?\n\n\nPemphigus vulgaris is a rare autoimmune disease. This condition leads to blisters on the skin or mouth, which gradually grow and burst, leaving a scar.\n\n\nThe disease is actually caused by a dysfunctional immune system. One of its symptoms are flaking or skin peeling off from the mouth. The condition can also lead to diphtheria and dermatitis. Pemphigus vulgaris affects people off all ages, including children,whether male or female.\u00a0\n\n\nThe main symptoms that 50% of patients will experience are vesicles or boils in their mouth. Generally, blisters can also be found on the gums, cheeks or palate. Abrasions can also be seen in several areas or can spread throughout the mouth. Patients can experience excruciating pain from this condition.\n\n\nClearly, the illness leads to patients feeling discomfort. Furthermore, patients also drastically lose their appetite so much that they risk malnutrition and a hoarse voice.\n\n\nThis is the main reason why the mum admitted to taking medication while pregnant. Unfortunately, the medication she took may have put the foetus\u2019s health at risk.\n\n\nThe mother said she had initially bought prednisolone, which she took\u00a0at a dose of 60 mg daily during the first two months of pregnancy. Then the dosage gradually decreased until 30 mg / day.\n\n\nIn addition, she also took 150 mg of azathioprine each day from her sixth till 20th week of pregnancy. Afterwards, doctors gradually reduced her dosage to about 15 mg each day.\n\n\nWhat are the health risks of taking Azathioprine while pregnant?\n\n\nMums, please note that taking azathioprine during pregnancy is \nnot\n recommended by the FDA\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the \nsource study\n, it\u2019s known that taking azathioprine while pregnant may lead to a rise in congenital abnormalities.\u00a0\n\n\nFor instance, in the study, the researchers point out that taking azathioprine could lead to:\n\n\n\n\nslower development in the womb\n\n\na higher risk of premature birth and low birth weight\n\n\na variety of different conditions affecting the head, spinal cord,\u00a0 thymus, kidney, blood, lungs, urinary bladder, eyes, urethra, and hands.\n\n\n\n\nHowever, there are conflicting results. Some studies suggesting that taking azathioprine can lead to \nheart defects\n, low-birth weight, premature birth and \nsmall size for gestational age\n. \nOther studies\n, on the other hand, claim that it\u2019s safe.\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to note that perhaps the mum\u2019s disease, pemphigus vulgaris, could have also contributed to her baby being born skinless.\n\n\n\n\nWhat medications are not safe to take during pregnancy? One of them might just be azathioprine, which could lead to delayed foetal growth. The scientists in the this study hypothesised that azathioprine might also be responsible for Aplasia cutis congenita. | Image Source: JPMA\n\n\n\n\nOf course, no mum or doctor wants a baby in the womb to be at risk of incomplete development. Therefore, all expecting women should ensure that the drugs they take are safe and will not affect foetal growth.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nWhat medications are not safe to take during pregnancy?\n\n\nSo azathioprine may not be safe to take during pregnancy. Are there any other medications that could have risky side effects too?\n\n\nWell, we\u2019ve answered the question \u201cWhat medications are not safe to take during pregnancy?\u201d before in \nprevious articles\n. Here\u2019s a short list of those that you \nshouldn\u2019t\n\u00a0take during pregnancy:\n\n\n\n\nIbuprofen\u00a0\n\n\nAspirin\n\n\nNaproxen Sodium (Aleve)\n\n\nAcne medicines\n\n\nRibavirin\n\n\nAnti-fungal medication\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAnti-anxiety medication and anti-depressants\n\n\nAntibiotics (unless prescribed by your doctor)\n\n\nAntihistamines (unless prescribed by your doctor)\n\n\nMigraine medications\u00a0(unless prescribed by your doctor)\n\n\nSleeping aids\n\n\nBismuth Subsalicylate\n\n\n\n\nRead more on about why these medications aren\u2019t suitable for you and your little ones \nhere\n, mums! At the same time, if you need to take any medication while pregnant, only take those prescribed by your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat to consider before you consume Over-the-counter (OTC) medications\n\n\n\n\nConsult with your doctor. Before you take any medication make sure to consult with your doctor. You should know most of these popular OTC medications have serious long-term affects. Ask yourself, are you willing to put your baby\u2019s life in danger to get rid of that headache?\n\n\nAvoid combination drugs. Do not take two different kinds of medications together. Only do this if your doctor recommends it. For instance, an anti-allergy drug and a pain reliever can be a deadly combination. So discuss this with your doctor as well.\n\n\nRead labels. Always make sure to read the labels before you buy or consume an OTC medication. Many times, ingredients like alcohol and caffeine show unannounced. So be careful with what you purchase and share the information with your doctor, as always.\n\n\n\n\nOne final reminder: mums, if you\u2019re pregnant and expecting a little one soon, please be sure to \nALWAYS\n check with your doctors about drugs and drug safety. You should never self medicate without professional advice. That way, you can get the best outcome from your pregnancy each step along the way.\n\n\nThis article about what medications are not safe to take during pregnancy was originally written in Bahasa Indonesia by Adisty Titania. It was translated and further edited by Kevin Wijaya Oey, later republished with the permission of\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Indonesia\n.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nJPMA\n, NCBI (\n1\n, \n2\n, \n3\n)\n\n\nAlso Read:\n\n\nMedications to avoid during pregnancy: Why these pills are no good\n\n\nSafe meds during pregnancy: safe and unsafe medications\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/there-is-a-last-chance-for-your-teen-to-grow-taller", "title": "Parents, Did You Know There Is A Last Chance For Your Teen To Grow Taller?", "body": "Parenting is an interesting journey. You\u2019re a parent from the day you discover your pregnancy to the rest of your life. It\u2019s ever-changing and at each stage of your child\u2019s life, you focus on different things. Parents often think a lot more about growth and development more when their children are younger. But did you know that your child\u2019s adolescent growth spurt \nis the final window of growth and the last chance for your teen to grow taller.\n\n\nGrowth and Development Amongst Malaysian Teens\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re wondering why this is a significant concern, did you know that Malaysian teens are up to 6cm shorter than teens around the world\n1\n? \n\n\nThis is in comparison to World Health Organization (WHO) average height, so there is an opportunity\n\u00a0to help our Malaysian teens grow taller\n. \nWhy is this happening? Nutrition plays a huge role \u2013 Teens require 2x or more\n2\n key growth nutrients for growth. \n\n\nHowever, unhealthy food choices and skipping meals can lead to an unbalanced diet and reduced intake of essential nutrients causing them to be at risk of stunting\n3\n. \n\n\nBut don\u2019t fret, thankfully, teens go through a 2\nnd\n growth spurt between the ages of 10 and 15 years, where they have a last chance to achieve their full growth potential, \nwith the support of complete and balanced nutrition\n. By following some of these tips, \nyou can help \nyour teen \ncatch up on the last chance for growth!\n\n\nTips to Help Your Teen\u2019s Growth and Development and Catch-Up Growth\u00a0\n\n\n1. There\u2019s More to Sleep than Beauty\u00a0\n\n\nTeens often forget that at their age, they still require a good 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. Some of our mum readers lament about their teens staying up late at night finishing their many assignments. Others complain about, well, you know \u2013 the late-night phone calls, using devices \nto stay up late\n. \n\n\nBut you see, sleep helps to regulate their hormones, which in turns impacts their growth and development. Insufficient sleep can adversely affect their physical development and even their metabolic development\n4\n.\n\n\nRemember, this is a period of tremendous physical changes for your child. In fact, \nup to 20% of adult height can be achieved during this period\n5\n. \nAs this sets the stage for adulthood, it is the final window of opportunity to influence growth and development.\n\n\nSo, parents, talk to your teens about the importance of sleep and work with them to set a realistic \nsleep schedule.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Healthy Mind, Healthy Body\u00a0\n\n\nWe all know that mental health and wellness has a huge impact on our physical health. This is especially so for teenagers who are dealing with huge emotional changes during their adolescent years. It\u2019s tough business being a teen, really \u2013 tasting independence, finding their identity and friends, puberty, and so \nmuch more.\u00a0\n\n\nParents, it\u2019s just as difficult for you too. Suddenly, your lovely, adorable child \nis now\n a hot and cold, unexplainably grumpy teen who disappears into his or her cocoon and then there\u2019s radio silence for hours. We feel you. There\u2019s only one way around this problem \u2013 building a positive relationship with your teen. \n\n\nTo achieve this, you need to spend a lot of time talking, the resilience of a warrior and the patience of a saint. Show interest in his or life apart from school and ask questions without coming across as interrogating. If your teen doesn\u2019t fear judgment from you, it\u2019s more likely that you will have open communication. \n\n\nRemember, they can get sensitive at this stage so respect their opinions and continue to show affection even when it gets \nhard\n6\n. This will go a long way in helping your teen\u2019s mental health and wellness.\u00a0\n\n\nHaving said that, don\u2019t forget about physical health as well. Encourage your teen to sleep sufficiently and get at least an hour of daily physical activity. Remember to set healthy boundaries and limit screen time for your teen. Impossible as it may sound, with a lot of consistency and determination, it \ncan\n be achieved!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. You are What you Eat\n\n\nOne of the leading causes for teens\u2019 growth stunting is unhealthy eating habits. Did you know that 7 in 10 teens skip breakfast regularly\n7\n? In addition, general unhealthy food choices such as choosing processed food over fresh food and skipping meals lead to an unbalanced diet and reduced intake of essential nutrients.\u00a0\n\n\nParents, we know that it\u2019s hard to control your teen\u2019s diet. It\u2019s not like the good old days when they were young, and you could pack lunchboxes and have full control over their diets. But remember, this is the last window of opportunity for your teen to catch up on growth, so nutrition is of paramount importance.\n\n\nEating a well-balanced diet comprising of carbohydrates, proteins, dairy, fruits and vegetables will help your child to achieve his or her full potential in developing healthy bones and muscles, and to stay in the healthy weight range\n8\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBut sometimes, try as you might, it\u2019s next to impossible to get your teen to eat a fully balanced diet. They may miss out on certain important nutrients that could hinder them from getting the most of this last window of growth. So, what \ndo\n you do to help your teen?\n\n\n\n\nPediaSure\n\u00ae 10+ for teens\n\n\n\n\nAvailable in both vanilla and chocolate flavours, PediaSure\u00ae 10+ for teens is your delicious and nutritious solution. It may be difficult to get your teen to eat some or all of what you want them to. But it isn\u2019t that hard to offer them a drink they are likely to love.\n\n\nIt\u2019s easy to incorporate PediaSure\u00ae 10+ into your teen\u2019s daily diet. Use it to fuel them either before or after sports or even as a quick post-school snack! It\u2019s tasty, nutritious, and your teen is sure to love it!\n\n\nPediaSure\u00ae 10+ is the first complete, balanced nutrition in Malaysia that is scientifically designed for teens aged 10 years and above to catch up on growth. Formulated with a Triple Growth System and 2 times or more growth nutrients (as compared to Pediasure for 1-10 years old) for height, energy and support for the immune function, it\u2019s a great way to fuel your teen\u2019s final growth spurt. It also contains Arginine, Vitamin K2 and calcium for long and strong bone growth\n9\n. Don\u2019t miss out on the last chance to help your teen catch up on growth!\u00a0\n\n\nMums and Dads, we hope that you find these tips useful. Remember, adolescent growth spurt is the final window of opportunity for growth development and catch-up growth for your teen. Forming healthy lifestyle habits, addressing undernutrition and ensuring that your teen gets adequate nutrition intake will help him or her to reach their full growth potential before this golden window closes!\u00a0\n\n\nClick here to get your FREE SAMPLE NOW!\n\n\nPurchase PediaSure\u00ae 10+ on\u00a0 \nShopee\n or \nLazada\n now!\u00a0\n\n\nMAL.2023.36584.PDS\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nNCD-RisC(2020), Lancet 396: 1511-24\n\n\nRNI Malaysia, 2017.\n\n\nNHMS Adolescent Nutrition Survey, 2017.\u00a0\n\n\nhttps://www.sleepfoundation.org/teens-and-sleep\n\n\nCampisi et al, 2018.\n\n\nhttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/adolescence2.html\n\u00a0\n\n\nhttps://headtopics.com/my/poor-dietary-habits-lack-of-physical-activities-among-teens-study-finds-24483572\n\u00a0\n\n\nhttps://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/1147/dont-let-baby-fat-follow-you-to-adulthood\n\n\nJiang MY et al, 2011 & Schurgers LJ et al, 2007.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/haenim-nexusfit-7v-breast-pump-review", "title": "Haenim NexusFit\u2122 7V Breast Pump Review", "body": "Working mums will know this struggle: trying to get a sleek, light yet effective breast pump for their daily pumping needs away from their kids.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the main things I look for in a pump is usually the size, weight and noise level of the pump. We recently tried the Haenim NexusFit\u2122 7V Breast Pump in white and rose gold and this is how we feel about it.\n\n\nHaenim NexusFit\u2122 7V Breast Pump Review\n\n\n1. It is super sleek and stylish\n\n\nThere are not many pumps that are as sleek and stylish as this one, especially in the white and rose gold colour. Usually, pumps come in pastel colours, but the metallic finish on this pump makes it a very classy one to be carrying around. So if aesthetics is what you\u2019re going after, then this pump is a good choice.\u00a0\n\n\n2. It has a built-in LED night light with adjustable brightness\n\n\nThis is particularly useful for when you\u2019re travelling or if you happen to be sharing a room with your little one and you don\u2019t want to wake them from the bright light.\u00a0\n\n\nMany other pumps come with external lights which, might be a little glaring or bright. But the built-in LED night light is gentle on the eyes and surely won\u2019t wake baby up.\n\n\nNot to mention, the easy interactive LED display indicates the timer, suction level and battery level.\n\n\n\n\n3. It is incredibly light\n\n\nAt only 385g, this is one of the lightest breast pumps I\u2019ve used of this calibre. This is not to say it is the lightest one in the market \u2013 but it is incredibly light for something so quiet and powerful.\u00a0\n\n\n4. It is gentle on the breasts\n\n\nPowerful is not always good, especially if you\u2019re using the wrong parts. It could end up in cracked nipple problems, clogged ducts and more issues. But when you have a design for the breast shield that is comfortable for the breast, it can be advantageous. The Haenim NexusFit\u2122 7V shields come with grooves, which gentle massage and press down on the breast, easing the milk to come out.\u00a0\n\n\nThe one-size-fits-all silicone breast shield is also convenient for mums as it fits nipple sizes from 20mm onwards.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5. It comes with a smart memory function\n\n\nIf you\u2019re like me and you like to work while pumping, sometimes, you lose track of time and you forget to switch fro massage mode to pumping mode. For me, I like to run my massage mode for 3-5 minutes before switching to pumping mode.\u00a0\n\n\nAll it took was doing this once and saving it as my favourite setting using the memory mode and it was automatic after that. I didn\u2019t have to pay much attention as the pump effectively drew out my supply.\u00a0\n\n\nOverall, I am quite happy with the results of the pump. Usually it would take me 30 minutes (15 minutes on each side, single pumping mode) to yield about 7 ounces, but with this pump, it cut short my time to only 25 minutes to achieve the same yield.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/skincare-habits-every-woman-should-endorse", "title": "8 Skincare Habits Every Woman Should Endorse", "body": "You don\u2019t need luxurious facials or expensive facial products to achieve dewy and glowing skin. Sometimes, all it takes is just going back to basics and practicing what your mother has taught you! Incorporate these skincare habits and your skin will be the better for it!\n\n\nKeeps your hands off your face\n\n\nAs reported by the US National Institutes of Health, we touch our faces an average 3.6 times an hour. This means millions of germs that our fingertips encounter by touching everyday objects are transferred to our skin.\n\n\nThis is made worse if we pick at our skin as it can get infected and inflamed, leading to breakouts and maybe even scarring. You don\u2019t want to spend an eternity trying to heal those scars now, do you?\n\n\nLess is more\n\n\n\n\nOne of the biggest trends in skin care is the 10-step Korean skin care routine, but are all those products really necessary to achieve youthful and glowing skin? Not necessarily.\n\n\nApplying multiple products on the skin may increase the chances of irritation and clogged pores. For an everyday routine, many dermatologists recommend sticking to only 3 skin care items; a low-foaming cleanser, a hydrating serum and a moisturizer to seal it all in!\n\n\nShield your skin from sunlight\n\n\nWhile you need your daily dose of vitamin D from the sun, that does not mean putting your health at risk! The most common cause of skin cancer is exposure to the sun. This is because ultraviolet light from the sun damages the skin.\n\n\nApplying sunscreen would prevent premature ageing, as essential skin proteins such as collagen, keratin and elastin would be protected. You should also avoid staying out in the sun for too long.\n\n\nMoisturise regularly\n\n\nMoisturising your skin will benefit you in the long run as it promotes younger-looking, softer and hydrated skin. Use a moisturiser that is compatible with your skin type.\n\n\nIn order to get into the habit of moisturising, make a routine of it \u2013 do it at the same time every day. Your skin repairs itself at night so going to bed with clean moisturised skin will do it a world of good.\n\n\nSweat it out\n\n\n\n\nGet moving for that fresh-faced glow! By increasing blood flow, working out helps to nourish skin cells and keep them healthy. Sweating is necessary for your body to release toxins so helping it out by having a good workout session will be helping it along.\n\n\nYour skin will be brighter and healthier from that detox! Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of activity at least five days a week.\n\n\nWash your face every night\n\n\nMama always says to cleanse and remove your makeup before bed. And you should practice it wholeheartedly! Washing your face removes not only makeup, but also the grime that has accumulated on your face throughout the day.\n\n\nNot washing your face will cause clogged pores, which will eventually lead to enlarged pores, acne and irritated skin. And just splashing it with water won\u2019t do \u2013 make sure you cleanse, tone and moisturise.\n\n\nEat your fruits and veggies\n\n\n\n\n\u201cYou are what you eat\u201d. The saying is also true when it comes to skin health. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help to nourish the skin from within.\n\n\nThese nutrients help to minimise signs of ageing and keep the skin looking supple and hydrated. Smoothies and salads are some of the most delicious ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.\n\n\nGet your 7-hour snooze\n\n\nBeauty sleep is real. Your body needs rest to go through the natural repair processes of recovery. This process includes making new collagen, improving circulation, and reducing under-eye puffiness.\n\n\nAim for seven to nine hours of sleep, and stick to a consistent bedtime routine.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow To Improve Your Gut Health (Foods & Healthy Habits)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n3 Ancient Herbs to Strengthen Your Immunity\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\u00a0\n7 Herbs to Naturally Boost Your Immune System\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/left-right-brain", "title": "How to Exercise the Left and Right Side of the Brain | Brain Training", "body": "You might have heard the term \u2018brain training\u2019 before.\n\n\nBrain training involves a series of activities aimed at strengthening your child\u2019s cognitive abilities; i.e. help your kid be better at learning.\n\n\nThink of it like putting your brain through a workout so it can be sharper and faster, just like how you\u2019d train your body for fitness.\n\n\nReady to check out a few activity suggestions for exercising your child\u2019s brain?\n\n\nLet\u2019s begin!\n\n\nLeft Brain Exercises\n\n\n\n\nThe left side of the brain is associated with science and mathematics, logic, linear thinking and language. It also controls the right side of the body.\n\n\nBelow are some ways for your kids to boost their left brain:\n\n\n1. Read\n\n\nThis actually develops both sides of the brain (left and right). Bring out those story books and read together.\n\n\n2. Practice Writing\n\n\nGet your kid to practice her writing, on any topic she wants! It could be fictional or non-fictional. How about a diary entry?\n\n\nWriting forces an individual to be organized in their thinking, as it requires structure and planning. (She also has to pay attention to spelling and grammar!)\n\n\n3. Solve Math Problems\n\n\nMath is a fantastic way to build up the left brain. Your child can start really small, through early math concepts like counting, comparing and patterning (noticing a pattern of colours, for example).\n\n\n4. Figure Out Puzzles\n\n\nThere are a multitude of puzzles to choose from, depending on your child\u2019s interests. Sudoku, solving mysteries and picking apart riddles are a few options. Surf the net to find a treasure of riddles.\n\n\n5. Play Chess\n\n\nChess seems to be the godfather of logic games. You have to plan several steps ahead and use a great amount of analytical thinking in chess. Perhaps you could teach your child and pick up a new hobby for yourself too.\n\n\n6. Learn a New Language\n\n\nWe\u2019ve mentioned that reading and writing are great left-brain exercises. Now imagine doing it in a new language! Learning languages is not only healthy for the brain, but is also really useful in real life.\n\n\nRight Brain Exercises\n\n\n\n\nIf the left brain is considered the \u2018logical\u2019 side, then the right side is seen as the \u2018creative\u2019 side. The right brain is linked with intuition, auditory and visual processes, the arts, and holistic thinking. It also manages the left side of the body.\n\n\nHere are some activities for a right-brain workout:\n\n\n1. Play a Musical Instrument\n\n\nLearn the violin, piano, or even singing! Learning rhythm, using your ear, and trying out composition are good right brain exercises.\n\n\nDid you know that damage to particular areas of the right brain can affect one\u2019s music perception? Well, now you do.\n\n\n2. Make Art\n\n\nDraw! Pick up any medium of choice, such as a pencil, a paintbrush, or even some playdough. Using visualization for art projects are a right brain activity.\n\n\n3. Practice Meditation\n\n\nYour right brain functions best when it is relaxed, allowing for intuition and creativity. Meditation or mindfulness practices are ways to achieve this. There are schools out there that are teaching these practices as part of a daily routine with their kids\u2014and seeing great results.\n\n\nBrain Training with Professionals\n\n\n\n\nBoth sides of the brain work together to achieve a well-rounded learning experience. There are programs such as\u00a0\nBrainCarve\u2019s\n\u00a0whole brain development curriculum that works on this with your child.\n\n\nYou&Me Right Brain Learning Specialist\n, Putra Heights, also has a programme designed to train both sides of the brain, by not just focusing on the left side (which is traditionally given more attention to in mainstream education).\n\n\nIf you have a child with special needs, you could try exploring neurofeedback, a type of brain training. It\u2019s a therapeutic intervention that uses a computer programme to provide feedback on brainwave activity. Do contact\u00a0\nNeuroScience Program Specialist\n, TTDI, or\u00a0\nHappyLand Psychology & Therapy Sdn Bhd\n, Johor Bahru, to find out more.\n\n\nWant to know more about brain training programmes in Malaysia? Read this\u00a0\narticle\n.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/low-budget-recipes", "title": "Life Hack: What Can You Cook on a Low Budget?", "body": "If your daily activity consists of you excessively scrolling your social media account drooling over the sight of food, you are not alone.\n\n\nHave you ever felt this way? The moment you start to see the food that you like, your mind starts plotting to ensure that you will get what you want at the end of the day.\n\n\nImagine if this is your situation. Your options are kind of limited as you can either choose to dine in at the restaurant or to cook them. But since you are trying to save up some money, you choose the latter.\n\n\nAnyone can cook this,\u00a0\nyou said to yourself. Fuelled with determination, you hit by the nearest supermarket to buy the ingredients. But, a wave of disappointments washes over you. The prices of the ingredients are too expensive and in the end, you have to settle with the less appetising options.\n\n\nAww, honey. It is okay. It happens to the best of us.\n\n\nMoney can be a concern here but who\u2019s to say that you can\u2019t enjoy cooking a scrumptious meal under a low budget?\u00a0\n\n\nWhether you are a student or a man in love who wants to save up some money for your wedding, can we get an awwh here, we have prepared a list of cheap fail-proof recipes for you to try today. So, you can enjoy eating the food that are not only delicious but taste better too.\n\n\n1. Murtabak Maggi\n\n\nThis recipe combines the two of Malaysian\u2019s all-time favourite foods; murtabak and Maggi. A perfect combo which will have you drooling the moment its smell hits you. It is super easy to do and it costs me less than\u00a0\nRM 10\u00a0\nto buy the Maggi and the eggs. Tried and tested, it doesn\u2019t require you to be a master chef. But make sure that you don\u2019t overcook them. A few of this and your stomach will be full in no time.\n\n\nCheck the recipe here from none other, Hi, What\u2019s up, guys, the\u00a0\nKhairul Aming\n.\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDapur Fancy Ep 3 : Murtabak Maggi\n\nA post shared by \n Khairul Amin Kamarulzaman\n (@khairulaming) on \nDec 3, 2019 at 8:33pm PST\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n2. \nRoti Poket Doraemon (Pocket Bread)\n\n\nAnother all-time favourite. This is a hit for me personally when I want to eat some fried chicken but had enough of KFC and I want a simple meal. So, hot dog it is! The best part of this is that you don\u2019t have to break a bank to make this. With less than RM 20 for a budget, *depending on your preference, you can cook this bite-size meal for 3 people! Seriously, tak tipu.\n\n\nRead the full recipe\u00a0\nhere\n\u00a0in Bahasa.\n\n\n\n\n3. \nPlanta Fried Rice\n\n\nAh, planta. It evokes lots of sweet memory when I was a child where I used to eat a slice of bread with planta spread.\n\n\nPlanta fried rice is easy to cook and if you have to host a family at the last minute and they are expecting a meal, I have to tell you that this is your ultimate salvation meal. Pair them up with a fried egg. Oh my god. Need us to say more?\n\n\nYou have to give it a try, we assure you that you won\u2019t ever fail.\n\n\nMake your Planta fried rice from \nAzie Kitchen\n.\n\n\n\n\n4.\n\u00a0Easy Spaghetti Recipe\n\n\nThe name says it all and they are cheap too. You don\u2019t have to pull off any tricks to make this a success. All you need are some spaghetti, some love and channel your inner Salt Bae persona when you pour the red chili flakes onto the spaghetti. The meal will come in handy whenever you wake up in the middle of the night upon hearing your stomach\u2019s growling. You wish to eat something heavy because your stomach desperately needs it but are way too lazy to make an effort. Trust me, I have been there. We have our moment of laziness or in my case, they occur too much lately :p\n\n\nThanks\u00a0\nRasaMalaysia\n\u00a0for a brilliant spaghetti recipe.\n\n\n\n\n5.\n\u00a0Cheesy Egg Fried Bread\n\n\nBehold the power of the bread! Surprisingly, this runs out fast during the MCO (Movement Control Order) period and we have heard from some people that the bread can be hard to find sometimes. But fret not, for those who have gotten hold over this staple food, they are so good to be eaten just like that or you can pair them with a tin of canned Tuna. And if you wish to fry them, do so with eggs and a slice of cheese. It\u2019s finger-licking good.\n\n\nGet the recipe\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\nThere you go. We hope that this list is able to fill your appetite.\n\n\nWhether you are on a budget or just way lazy, these recipes do not take much of your time to make them and you get to eat them with someone you love.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mongolian-spots-in-babies-need-to-know-information-2", "title": "Mongolian spots in babies: Need-to-know information", "body": "Newborn babies do not always have flawless skin. \nDry skin, peeling skin \nand \nacne\n are just a few of the \u201cproblems\u201d these little ones may face. Mongolian spots (or Mongolian blue spots) a bluish discolouration of the skin, may also cause worry among parents.\n\n\nBirthmarks are\u00a0 common among newborns. But sometimes, they may raise\u00a0 concern among parents, especially if the birthmark has an unusual appearance or colour.\n\n\nThis article will tell you about one type of common birthmark\u00a0 among newborns \u2014\u00a0\nMongolian spots\n.\n\n\nWhat are Mongolian spots?\n\n\nAlso known as slate gray nevi and formally known as dermal melanocytosis, Mongolian spots are a type of pigmented birthmark. They are bluish-gray in colour, varying from a very dark blue to a lighter gray. The colour is usually uniform over the whole birthmark.\n\n\nMongolian spots come in various sizes, but most are a few centimetres across without clearly demarcated edges. They are flat, not raised.\n\n\nTypically, these birthmarks are present on the buttocks and/or lower back. Occasionally, they are found on a baby\u2019s arms or legs.\n\n\nThey are usually present at birth, or develop soon after.\n\n\n\n\nThe spots commonly appear on a baby\u2019s lower back and/or buttocks. | Image: \nPinterest\n\n\n\n\nWhat causes Mongolian blue spots?\n\n\nWhen the baby is still in the womb, the cells that eventually form the skin move to the surface.\n\n\nAccording to \nmedical experts\n:\n\n\n\u201cA particular type of cell called a\u00a0dermal melanocyte moves to the top layer of the skin between the 11th and 14th week of pregnancy.\n\n\n\u201cThese dermal cells usually disappear by the 20th week of pregnancy. Doctors believe that Mongolian blue spots are the result of these cells not moving to the top layer of skin and not disappearing.\u201d\n\n\nAnd because these cells are trapped deep within the skin, the area takes on a blue-grey hue.\n\n\nHow common are Mongolian spots?\n\n\nThese birthmarks are common in children of Asian, Middle Eastern, African and Mediterranean background. It occurs in as many as three-quarters of children from these groups, \nsay\n medical professionals. However, Mongolian spots are rare in children of European background.\n\n\nThis condition occurs in both genders. It is slightly more common in boys, although the reasons for this are not known.\n\n\nMythology around Mongolian spots\n\n\nAccording\n to a Korean myth, Mongolian blue spots occur when a shaman spirit of childbirth \u2014 Samshin halmi \u2014 slaps the baby\u2019s bottom so that he exits mummy\u2019s womb!\n\n\nIn \nChina\n meanwhile, these blue spots are known as \u201cmark\u201d (taiji). The story here is that when a baby is born, he gets a \u201cspank\u201d from God as a start to life.\n\n\nAnd \nJapanese mythology\n has it that a Mongolian spot (known in Japanese as \u201casshirigaaoi\u201d or \u201cblue bottom\u201d), is believed to be the result of mummy and daddy having sex during pregnancy.\n\n\nShould you be worried about your baby\u2019s Mongolian blue spots?\n\n\nSeeing these birthmarks on a newborn might be\u00a0 alarming for parents especially since they resemble bruises. But rest assured that they are non-cancerous, not painful and present no health danger to your child.\n\n\nOccasionally, the spots may be mistaken for the symptoms of a spinal condition known as\u00a0spina bifida occulta. But, according to the\u00a0\nSpina Bifida Association\n, these spots are reddish in colour and not the distinctive blue-grey colour of Mongolian blue spots.\n\n\nAlmost always, the spots fade away by the time your child is around five. Some take longer, generally disappearing during the teenage years. Speak to a doctor about possible options if they linger and your child is disturbed by them.\n\n\nSometimes, Mongolian spots may be associated with extremely rare ( fewer than one in every 100,000 newborns) metabolic problems such as \nmucopolysaccharidosis\n or \ngangliosidosis\n.\n\n\nIf your child appears to have bluish marks at birth, get a doctor to confirm that they are indeed blue spots. Also, if you notice that the spots change colour or appearance, you should consult a doctor without delay.\n\n\nWhy parents should take pictures of these spots at birth\n\n\nAs mentioned earlier, Mongolian spots may look like bruises or \u201cspank marks.\u201d Concerned teachers or daycare providers may mistake these birthmarks as signs of abuse.\n\n\nFor this reason, parents should take pictures of these spots while their baby is a newborn. If he still has his Mongolian spots when he is older, it\u2019s important to mention the presence of these birthmarks. If necessary, show the pictures too, to avoid any misunderstandings.\n\n\nSources:\u00a0\nIndian\n Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology\n,\u00a0\nMedlinePlus,\u00a0\nHealthline\n,\u00a0\ngosh.nhs.uk\n\n\nFeatured image from \nStanford Medicine\n\u00a0(Janelle Aby)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maid-abuse-cases", "title": "Woman jailed for punching maid, nearly caused her to go blind", "body": "Maid abuse cases have skyrocketed. Take a look at this recent case where a woman expressed her emotions a little too strongly and punched her maid in the face. Her repeated abuse almost made the maid go blind.\n\n\nMaid Abuse Cases: Woman Jailed for Abusing Myanmar Maid\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cBong denied abusing the maid. She said the maid was \u2018very slow in her work\u2019, and claimed she had treated her as a daughter and that she was \u2018part of the family\u2019.\u201d | Source: Screengrab from \nThe Straits Times\n\n\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\nThe Straits Times\n, Suzanna Bong Sim Swana was jailed for 20 months and was ordered to pay over $38,000 in compensation for repeatedly abusing and exploiting her Myanmarese maid, Ms Than Than Soe.\n\n\nIt all started in a Yishun flat that belonged to Bong\u2019s parents in May 2013 where the maid was not given any days off.\u00a0\n\n\nInitially, Bong would just scold her maid. But after four months, Bong started finding fault with her work and it escalated into physical abuse.\u00a0\n\n\nThe 46-year-old\u00a0would\u00a0generally inflict physical abuse concentrated on Ms Than Than Soe\u2019s face about two or three times a week, often punching her in the eyes.\u00a0\n\n\nAround January 2014, Ms Than Than Soe started to experience blurred vision \u2014 she\u2019d always had perfect eyesight \u2014 and she complained to Bong about it. But Bong refused to take her to a doctor.\n\n\nThe abuse worsened when Ms Than Than Soe was moved to Bong\u2019s Sengkang flat in early 2015.\n\n\nBong deprived her of dinner about three times a week, and occasionally lunch, too. She was even forced to sleep on her sarong on the floor because Bong did not give her a mattress.\u00a0\n\n\nApart from physical abuse, Bong exploited her maid as well by refusing to\u00a0\npay her salary and denying her any days off during the two years of employment.\n\n\nWhen It All Becomes Too Much to Bear\n\n\nThe last straw for Ms\u00a0Than Than Soe was on May 17, 2015, where she was hit three times on her left cheek by Bong. Ms Than Than Soe was having a headache so she used some medicated oil. Bong was upset about it as \nher family dog did not like the smell\n.\n\n\nShe seized the glass bottle containing the oil in her hand, made a fist with it and hit her maid yet again.\n\n\nUnable to take it any longer, Ms Than Than Soe called the police the following day to tell them of her ordeal, and officers brought her to a hospital.\u00a0\n\n\nMs Than Than Soe apparently suffered injuries including retinal detachment that caused her blindness in her left eye, while her right eye was severely\u00a0injured.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nShe has since had operations performed on her eyes and fortunately, regained some of her sight. Afterwards, she was taken to a shelter for victims of violence.\n\n\nMaid Abuse Cases Reflect Inhumanity\n\n\nThis is truly an unfortunate incident that Ms Than Than Soe had to bear. It speaks volumes about how some of us are treating our maids in Singapore. Perhaps for Bong it is because her maid was \u201cvery slow in her work\u201d or did things that annoyed her. Even so, we have to treat them right.\u00a0Besides, if we have children at home, how would that reflect on us as parents?\n\n\nIf we have maids, this leads us to ponder our actions towards them. Could anything have been done to prevent such situations from arising? How do we ensure that they carry out their work well in our home without us having to become the \u201cbad person\u201d?\n\n\nTips for Parents with Maids at Home\u00a0\n\n\n1. Never act on impulse\n\n\nIt is easy to get riled up by the little things that are presented to you after a long day of work. Duties assigned to your maid are not done properly, the dishes are not entirely clean\u2026 You see them working at a snail\u2019s pace and assume that they are taking their own sweet time. Or you might even find your kids getting hurt at home while you\u2019re away and hold your maid accountable right away.\n\n\nBefore you do anything, always observe and clarify. It may be difficult to control yourself at first but you will thank yourself for doing so later. Set a good example for your kids.\n\n\n2. Find a common ground\n\n\nHow much can your maid do within a day? There is a limit to what she can do. Is her workload overwhelming her, causing inefficiency? What does she need in order to perform her duties well?\n\n\nLay out the rules and expectations clearly, and make sure that she understands and agrees to them. Most importantly, practice open communication between each other.\n\n\nOur maids are humans too and a little affirmation and positivity go a long way!\u00a0\n\n\n3. Don\u2019t assume!\n\n\nEver heard of the quote \n\u2018Assume\u2019 makes an \u2018ass\u2019 out of \u2018u\u2019 and \u2018me\u2019\n? Don\u2019t expect your maids to know everything you tell them to do.\u00a0\n\n\nSome of them may even question why they should do this or that \u2014 don\u2019t take that as an act of defiance just yet.\u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKeibubapaan\nMahu Minda Anak Lebih Tajam & Cekap? Ada Cara Mudah Untuk Kembangkan Otak Anak Hari Ini!\nHealth\nRed Spots On Your Child's Body: How To Tell The Difference Between Chickenpox Or Hand Foot Mouth Disease\nRaise them Resilient\nYour Child\u2019s Future Hangs On A Resilient Immune System!\nFesyen\nIbu-Ibu Gila Shopping? Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Berbelanja Seisi Keluarga, Satu Tempat Saja Sudah Memadai!\n\n\nGive them the chance to express any concerns they may have. You can decide later if it is just being \u201clazy\u201d. Sometimes, being a little more forgiving may work in your favour.\n\n\nConflicts may arise, but you can always deal with them amicably.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nThe Straits Times\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tiger-milk-mushroom", "title": "Everything You Need To Know About the Malay Superfood That Can Help You Fight Colds, Cough & COVID-19", "body": "For over 400 years, Tiger Milk Mushroom (Lignosus Rhinocerus) has been known for it\u2019s\u00a0powerful healing properties on more than 15 types of medical conditions\u00a0particularly\u00a0immunity, inflammation, lung & respiratory health. It\u2019s scientific findings and proven case studies are miraculous. Yet it hasn\u2019t hit the mainstream market before.\u00a0\n\n\nThat\u2019s about to change. With Tiger Milk Mushroom\u2019s proven medicinal properties for anti-inflammation and healthy lungs,\u00a0it is now needed more than ever at a time of COVID-19.\n\n\nNot sure what all the buzz is about? Don\u2019t worry. We reached out to\u00a0Professor Dr. Fung Shin\u00a0Yee, a renowned Medical Scientist at University Malaya who has conducted years of research and scientific studies about Tiger Milk Mushrooms, to answer all your questions about this rare fungus, Malaysia\u2019s Ancient Hidden National Treasure.\n\n\nWhat is Tiger Milk Mushroom and what makes it unique?\n\n\n\n\nThe Tiger Milk Mushroom (also known as Lignosus Rhinoceros and Cendawan Susu Harimau) has been used for centuries by Traditional Malay & Chinese medicine practitioners and the orang asli community due to its strong healing properties on several common medical conditions, especially respiratory and lung health issues. Asthma, cough, bronchitis, allergies, inflammation, fever, and joint pains are just a few examples.\n\n\nIt was recorded to be used to treat diseases that \u201c\nWestern druggists and physicians were not able to figure out.\n\u201d\n\n\nLately, Tiger Milk Mushroom\u2019s popularity has increased, since more health-conscious people around the world are becoming aware of\u00a0\nhow it can transform your wellbeing\n.\n\n\nWhere does the name \u201cTiger Milk Mushroom\u201d come from?\n\n\nAccording to Malaysian folklore, it was believed by the indigenous people that the Tiger Milk Mushroom grows where the mother tiger might have dropped its milk while feeding her cubs \u2013 hence the name. Tiger milk mushroom\u2019s sclerotium is also white in colour!\n\n\nHow Can Tiger Milk Mushroom help in times of COVID-19?\n\n\n\n\nTiger Milk Mushroom\u00a0\nboosts immunity and strengthens your body\u2019s ability to resist infection\n and eliminate unwanted toxins. It has the ability to harmonize several important anti-inflammatory properties and cytokines in the body, which are essential in controlling the activity and growth of other immune system cells and blood cells.\n\n\nWhen released, they signal the immune system to do its job, which is more important than ever during these uncertain times of COVID-19.\n\n\nCOVID19 causes and elevates inflammation in your body, which is why people who are already experiencing alot of inflammation are most at threat from the virus.It is important to consume supplements, herbs, foods and a lifestyle that can help reduce inflammation in your body to protect and prevent COVID19 symptoms.\n\n\nTiger Milk Mushroom is recommended as it both balances the immune response and has anti-inflammatory properties.\n\n\nIt also has bronchorelaxation effects and has the ability to relax the lung passage airways (pre-contracted airways) helping to ease breathing during times of difficulty which is why asthma patients no longer feel the need to rely on their inhalers and have less asthma attacks when they start taking Tiger Milk Mushroom regularly.\n\n\nWhy are people talking about Tiger Milk Mushroom now?\n\n\nMore information and credible science, such as safety studies and clinical trials that back up the many benefits of Tiger Milk Mushrooms are available now, which has made more people aware of its advantages. We expect this to continue in the future, which likely will boost the demand on the commercial market even more.\n\n\nThere were huge intervals between the historical mentions of Tiger Milk Mushroom. Probably due to the quandary of locating the mushroom for use. It is a rare mushroom. High harvesting costs, overharvesting, deforestation, and its unique growth habits are a few reasons why it hasn\u2019t hit the mainstream market before.\n\n\nWho takes it, and why? What are the main benefits?\n\n\nTiger Milk Mushroom has been the go-to remedy of our indigenous tribe for hundreds of years. It is used to fight various conditions, including cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis, allergies, inflammation, fever, and joint pains.\n\n\nThe Temuans utilized Tiger Milk Mushroom to treat coughs and asthma and strengthen the weak constitution. The Semai aborigines used it for the treatment of asthma, cough, fever, cancer, liver-related illnesses, and joint pains. They are also used by men to revitalize their bodies and as medicines for women after childbirth.\n\n\n\n\nThe latest survey shows that the local Malay and Chinese communities utilized the sclerotium of tiger milk mushroom to treat food poisoning, wounds, stomach cancer, breast cancer, and swellings.\n\n\nIn Hong Kong and China, traditional Chinese physicians regarded L. rhinoceros sclerotium as an expensive folk medicine to treat liver cancer, chronic hepatitis, and gastric ulcers.\n\n\nTun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia and a medical doctor, has mentioned in his opening speech at the International Convention on Biotechnology 2002 that his chronic intractable cough has been cured by tiger milk mushroom (SMPKE Prime Minister\u2019s Office 2017).\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nThe Medicinal Mushroom Research Group (MMRG) from the University of Malaya initiated the safety assessment of the cultivated L. rhinocerus sclerotia powder in 2009 after its successful cultivation to ensure that the cultivar is competent for consumption.\n\n\nHow can Tiger Milk Mushroom help with allergies & respiratory problems?\n\n\nDue to its high anti-inflammatory properties, Tiger Milk Mushroom has been shown to help reduce the body\u2019s reaction to allergens. This can relieve respiratory symptoms such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and coughing. It has also been proven to be beneficial to people who are exposed to polluted environments or are heavy smokers. Learn more about\u00a0\nhow its main benefits can transform your health here\n.\n\n\nAs mentioned earlier, it also has the ability to relax the lung passage airways helping to ease breathing during times of difficulty which is why asthma patients no longer feel the need to rely on their inhalers and have less asthma attacks when they start taking Tiger Milk Mushroom regularly.\n\n\nHow long should I take Tiger Milk Mushroom before I can expect to see results?\n\n\nDepends on your bodily status \u2013 a minimum of one week.\n\n\nIs Tiger Milk Mushroom something I should take long-term or just for a shorter time period?\n\n\nTiger milk mushroom has over 400 years of history of use \u2013 and the raw mushroom powder has been in the market for more than 10 years. Being a mushroom, it is a food \u2013 and can be taken as such for any duration.\n\n\nThe Medicinal Mushroom Research Group (MMRG) from the University of Malaya initiated the safety assessment of the cultivated L. rhinocerus sclerotia powder in 2009, after its successful cultivation to ensure that the cultivar is competent for consumption.\n\n\nHow can I evaluate the quality?\n\n\nOur laboratory and the growers have developed a method to check and validate the bioactive components of tiger milk mushrooms and do regular consistency checks.\n\n\nAre there any downsides/side effects?\n\n\nSome individuals may experience a more energized body and feel flushed, which is a good sign that their body is trying to adapt and heal.\n\n\nWhat would you say to people who claim that Tiger Mushrooms is nothing but hype?\n\n\nI\u2019d say try it! And talk to the people who\u2019s lives have transformed because of it.\n\n\nHow do you consume it?\n\n\nWith water or any beverages. It was documented that in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia (where the mushroom is often given to mothers after childbirth), the sclerotium is pounded with raw rice, infused, and drunk.\n\n\nHow can I get started/try it out?\n\n\nGet your hands on it and try it today!\n\n\nExciting News: Tiger Milk Mushrooms By PurelyB\n\n\nYES! We\u2019ll soon be launching our brand new Tiger Milk Mushroom Traditional Asian Superfood product \u2013 which has been in R&D with leading scientists and traditional herbalists for the past 4 years with amazing transformation results \u2013 and we couldn\u2019t be more excited to make its many powerful benefits available to you!\n\n\nYou\u2019ll soon be able to experience the potent medicinal properties of this ancient Malaysian herbal treasure just as our ancestors before, in an easy and delicious way.\n\n\nIt also can be paired perfectly with \nPegaga superfood\n blend for even more health benefits!\n\n\nWould you like to be the FIRST to know how you can get Malaysia\u2019s lost national treasure \u2013 TIGER MILK MUSHROOM \u2013 into your health routine this year? Sign up above!\n\n\nWhat research backs this up?\n\n\nBelow is a sample of the research that backs up the benefits:\n\n\n\n\nAlvin Yap Chee Sum, Xiaojie Li, Yeannie Yap Hui Yeng, Muhammad Fazril Mohamad Razif, Amira Hajirah Abd Jamil, Ng Szu Ting, Tan Chon Seng, Peter Chi Keung Cheung, Shin-Yee Fung (2020) The Immunomodulating Properties of Lignosus rhinocerus TM02\u00ae Cultivar and Its Associated Carbohydrate Composition, International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom.\n\n\nPeter Chiew Hing Cheong, Yen Sun Yong, Ayesha Fatima, Szu Ting Ng, Chon Seng Tan, Boon Hong Kong, Nget Hong Tan, Jayakumar Rajarajeswaran & Shin Yee Fung (2019). Cloning, overexpression, purification and modelling of a lectin (Rhinocelectin) with anti-proliferative activity from Tiger Milk Mushroom, Lignosus rhinocerus, IUBMB Life.\n\n\nHui Yeng Y Yap, Nget Hong Tan, Szu Ting Ng, Chon Seng Tan, Shin Yee Fung (2018). Molecular attributes and apoptosis-inducing activities of a putative serine protease isolated from Tiger Milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerus) sclerotium against breast cancer cells in vitro, PeerJ 6:e4940\u00a0\nhttps://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4940\n\n\nMei Kee Lee, Xiao Jie Li, Chee Sum Alvin Yap, Peter Chi Keung Cheung, Chon Seng Tan, Szu Ting Ng, Richard Roberts, Kang Nee Ting, Shin Yee Fung (2018). Airway relaxation effects of water-soluble sclerotial extract from Lignosus rhinocerotis, Frontiers in Pharmacology, section Ethnopharmacology 9:461. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00461\n\n\nYap, YHY, Tan NH, Ng ST, Tan CS, Fung SY (2018). Inhibition of Protein Glycation by Tiger Milk Mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerus (Cooke) Ryvarden) and Search for Potential Anti-Diabetic Activity Related Metabolic Pathways by Genomic and Transcriptomic Data Mining. Frontier in Pharmacology: Section Ethnopharmacology.9:103. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00103\n\n\nVignesraaj Pushparajah, Ayesha Fatima, Chin Hung Chong, Thandeka Z Gambule, Chong Joo Chan, Szu Ting Ng, Chon Seng Tan, Shin Yee Fung, Sook Shien Lee, Nget Hong Tan, and Renee Lim (2016) Characterisation of a New Fungal Immunomodulatory protein from Tiger Milk mushroom, Lignosus rhinocerotis, NATURE Scientific Reports 6:30010\n\n\nHui-Yeng Y. Yap, Shin-Yee Fung, Szu-Ting Ng, Chon-Seng Tan, Nget-Hong Tan (2015) Shotgun proteomic analysis of tiger milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerotis) and the isolation of a cytotoxic fungal serine protease from its sclerotium, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 174(2015)437 -451\n\n\nSook Shien Lee, Nget Hong Tan, Shin Yee Fung, Si Mui Sim, Chon Seng Tan, Szu Ting Ng (2014) Anti-inflammatory effect of the sclerotium of Lignosus rhinocerotis (Cooke) Ryvarden, the Tiger Milk mushroom, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 14:359 (8 pages)\n\n\nYeannie HY Yap, Nget Hong Tan, Shin Yee Fung, Azlina A Aziz, Chon Seng Tan and Szu Ting Ng (2013) Nutrient composition, antioxidant properties, and anti- proliferative activity of wild type and cultivated strain of Lignosus rhinocerus Cooke (Tiger milk mushroom) sclerotium, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 93(12):2945-2952\n\n\nSook Shien Lee, Francis Kanyan Enchang, Nget Hong Tan, Shin Yee Fung, Jayalakshmi Pailoor (2013) Preclinical toxicological evaluations of the sclerotium of Lignosus rhinocerus (Cooke), the Tiger Milk mushroom, Journal of Ethnopharmacology,147 (157-163)\n\n\nLee, M.L., Tan, N.H., Fung, S.Y., Tan, C.S. and Ng, S.T. (2012) The anti-proliferative activity of sclerotia of Lignosus rhinocerus (tiger milk mushroom). Evidence- Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 697603, 5 pages doi:10.1155/2012/697603\n\n\nS.S. Lee, N.H. Tan, S.Y. Fung, J. Pailoor, S.M. Sim (2011) Evaluation of the sub-acute toxicity of the sclerotium of Lignosus rhinocerus (Cooke), the Tiger Milk mushroom, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 138:192-200\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\n\u00a0PurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBoost Fertility the Traditional Way\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n3 Ancient Herbs to Strengthen Your Immunity\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n7 Herbs to Naturally Boost Your Immune System\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-5-money-parenting-styles-which-one-do-you-follow", "title": "The 5 Money Parenting Styles: Which One Do You Follow?", "body": "All parents share the same goal: to see their children grow up to be confident, compassionate adults who are capable of fulfilling their potential while remaining resilient in times of adversity. How we achieve this goal, however, can be wildly different from parent to parent.\n\n\nParenting styles are very diverse. Some parents strictly control every aspect of their child\u2019s life from screen time to soccer practice. Others envelop their children with hugs and live and let live.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhere Does Money Parenting Come In?\n\n\nA subset of parenting, money parenting involves educating children about attitudes on money, and teaching them the financial habits they need to help them succeed in life.\n\n\nSaving money is just the beginning. Money parenting includes teaching children about how to make money, how to spend it wisely, how to invest, as well as how to give back.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe 5 Money Parenting Styles: Which One Describes You?\n\n\nIn\u00a0\nthe Asia Money Parenting survey\n, Eastspring Investments studied 10,000 parents from 9 different countries around Asia and surveyed their habits and practices involving financial attitudes and money parenting.\n\n\nTo understand them better, we have classified these parents into 5 personas according to: 1) how important they view money parenting to be and 2) how active they are in money parenting.\n\n\nInterested to know what persona you are? Take the \nquiz here\n, or read on to find out about these 5 personas.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Freestylers\n\n\n\n\nFreestylers believe that real-life experience is the best way for a child to learn how to manage money. They are confident that their child will figure out everything in their own way and therefore need little guidance about how to handle or manage money.\n\n\nThese parents want their child to understand the concept of what money can buy through their own encounters and experiences, including bad ones. This is all part of growing up and learning about real life. They want their child to spend their own money, buy items for themselves, and learn how much things cost.\n\n\nFreestylers are most likely to say, \u201cThere is no substitute for real life experience. A child has to learn by trial and error. They\u2019ll soon understand how to handle their money.\u201d\n\n\nFind out more of \u201cThe Freestyler\u201d Money Parenting style \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Facilitators\n\n\n\n\nSimilar to Freestylers, Facilitators also see real life experience as important. However, they also think that some parental guidance is required in teaching their children about financial matters, so they take steps to prepare their children for the future.\n\n\nSome of the things Facilitators are likely to do is open a savings account for their children when they are born, or encourage their children to take up a part-time job. Facilitators believe these experiences can help their children become financially self-sufficient in the future.\n\n\nFind out more of \u201cThe Facilitator\u201d Money Parenting style \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Nurturers\n\n\n\n\nNurturers see money parenting as a serious matter. They devote much time to caring for their children, and providing guidance and clear advice to teach their child proper values relating to money, such as the difference between a want and a need.\n\n\nThey practise what they believe in as well. Nurturers are knowledgeable on financial matters (a large number of them own an investment property), and yet they still educate themselves regularly on financial matters so they can be a better teacher.\n\n\nFind out more of \u201cThe Nurturer\u201d Money Parenting style \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Go-getters\n\n\n\n\nThe Go-getters are confident in their financial knowledge, and their ability to pass this on to their child. They also purchase investment products for them at an early age. Their ultimate goal? For their children to be successful money managers.\n\n\nThey actively engage their children with:\n\n\n\n\nLessons of different money management techniques\n\n\nA rewards system when they complete tasks\n\n\nGames that involve money, such as Monopoly\n\n\nInvestment concepts and options for their future\n\n\n\n\nFind out more of \u201cThe Go-getter\u201d Money Parenting style \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Balancers\n\n\n\n\nBalancers \u2014 you guessed it \u2014 strike a balance between teaching money matters and learning through experience. They are neither uninvolved parents, nor are they too involved. They\u2019re not demanding, but neither are they uncaring. They are also moderate in their views on the importance of money parenting.\n\n\nBalancers teach that money is important, but also encourage their children to invest in other facets of life like play. Their children are therefore very familiar with experiences that mix learning and playing, such as education through fun activities and games. It\u2019s all about the balance.\n\n\nThere is no right or wrong money parenting style. No matter what money parenting persona you are, remember that we all share the same goal to give our children the best start in life.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s most encouraging is seeing that almost all Asian parents value money parenting. Whatever your money parenting style, the ultimate winner is your children.\n\n\nFind out more of \u201cThe Balancer\u201d Money Parenting style \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kid-activities-mco", "title": "Stuck at Home: How to Keep Kids Engaged", "body": "\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat a time it is. Malaysia has been put under a movement control order (MCO) due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Although our kids can\u2019t go to preschool or playgroups for now, there are still ways to keep them learning and occupied.\n\n\nHere are 9 activity ideas to keep those brains active:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Read Books\n\n\nSpeaking and reading are essential skills that preschools focus on.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSit with your child and read story books together. If you need time to get some work done, put on storytelling videos on sites like YouTube.\u00a0\nTaska Ceritamu\n\u00a0also has daily story time videos for kids on their Facebook page.\n\n\nRight now, Audible (the audiobooks service) is making their collection of kids\u2019 stories\u00a0\nfree\n\u00a0\nto stream online, as schools close around the world.\n\n\nReading teaches children phonics, expands vocabulary, and highlights important moral values. Just be sure to pick the right books!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Print Out Worksheets\n\n\nGet some quality worksheets for your kids without forking out cash. All you have to do is go online to sites like\u00a0\neducation.com\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nworksheetfun.com\n, and print out their age-appropriate materials. These worksheets develop areas such as early math and writing skills.\n\n\n\n\nThese local preschools are also providing learning materials for kids during this MCO:\n\n\n\n\nMRC Kids, Sri Petaling\n\n\nJunior\u2019s Playhouse Montessori Preschool, Mount Austin\n\n\nInspiraSeed, Bandar Puteri\n\n\nHappy Villa Kindergarten, Taman Bukit Indah\n\n\n\n\n3. Find Paid Online Classes\n\n\nSince your child can\u2019t go to class, bring class to him or her. If you\u2019re looking for more structured teaching, paid online classes for kids are available. Here are a few preschools and enrichment centres you can contact:\n\n\n\n\nCambridge English For Life, Kota Damansara\n\n\nR.E.A.L Kids Preschool\n\n\nBright Star Chinese Education\n\n\nMRC Kids, Sri Petaling\n\n\nLittle Professor Chinese Learning Centre, Subang Jaya\n\n\nKidskool, Seri Kembangan\n\n\n\n\nFor special needs children,\u00a0\nHeadstart Academy\n, Shah Alam, is offering teletherapy (therapy conducted online). Visit\u00a0\nwww.kiddy123.com/listing/headstart-academy-shah-alam.html\n\u00a0for more information.\n\n\n4. Cook or Bake Together\n\n\nCooking and baking are not just fun; they engage a multitude of skills. Math, science and creativity are all used in a practical sense as children measure ingredients, watch batter turn into ready-to-eat cookies and place pizza toppings.\n\n\nIn addition, kids will learn to follow steps (as they work through recipes) and also pick up a bunch of new words!\u00a0Try out these quick and easy recipes compiled by\u00a0\nPuei Chee Kindergarten\n.\n\n\nOasis Place\n, KL, has a great pizza making activity guide on their Facebook page that supports kids with speech and occupational therapy goals. The page also suggests other home-bound activities for children with special needs. Find them\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n5. Experience Sensory Play\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids can gain a lot from sensory play. To get started, find a tray or box, and fill it with varied textures (think coloured rice, sand, and ice). Don\u2019t forget to make it look inviting! These sensory bins will stimulate your kids, develop hand-eye coordination and build new nerve connections in their brains.\n\n\nGet some spoons, cups, and tongs out so they can practice their transferring skills too.\n\n\nBesides sensory bins, you could have your child play with non-toxic playdough. You can make some at home using flour and food colouring. Check out this simple recipe:\u00a0\nwww.diynatural.com/homemade-playdough-recipe/\n\n\nFor some messy fun, see this\u00a0\nThe children\u2019s house post\n\u00a0on how to make a DIY bubble blower.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. Play (Educational) Games\n\n\nWho says screen-time is always unproductive? It just depends what your kid is watching or doing on the screen! There are plenty of websites and apps with free educational games for different age groups. Visit\u00a0\nabcya.com\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nlearninggamesforkids.com\n\u00a0for interactive games that teach about numbers, shapes, and the alphabet!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. Experiment Like Scientists\n\n\nThe wonderful thing about natural science is that it\u2019s all around us. Kids get to see, touch, smell and taste things \u2013all while asking important questions about why it\u2019s happening. Get them thinking and curious about the world, even at home.\n\n\nTadika KinderJoy\n\u00a0is sharing daily science-related challenges during this MCO for kids to do with their parents. Check out their challenges and other free learning activities\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. Explore Like Artists\n\n\nNow is an apt time to lay out those paints and palettes, don\u2019t you think? Children can develop fine motor skills, learn to express themselves, and experience calmness through art-making. Be it drawing, creating crafts, or even playing music, the arts extend benefits that can apply to other areas of life.\n\n\nFor a very simple activity, try this symmetrical painting idea by\u00a0\nPeter and Jane Kindergarten.\n\n\n\n\nRise N Shine Childcare Centre, SS2\n, has some neat art ideas such as string butterfly painting in their house activities holiday programme.\n\n\nHead on over to\u00a0\nwww.kiddy123.com/listing/rise-n-shine-childcare-centre.html\n\u00a0and get in touch for more info.\n\n\nIf an online class might be more fitting for your child,\u00a0\nTone Color Academy\n\u00a0has paid Skype lessons in the arts for kids.\u00a0\n\n\n9. Clean and Tidy Things Up\u00a0\n\n\nCleaning is a life skill. We need it to maintain a healthy and safe environment. It also teaches us appreciation for what we have.\n\n\nTry inviting your child to watch you do chores around the house and then slowly teach them how to do the basic motions. They could start with little things, like sorting coloured clothes for laundry or drying plates (maybe just the plastic ones for now). These activities get them moving, and can help with releasing pent-up energy!\n\n\nYou could also try peppering these cleaning sessions into your kids\u2019 routine and give them responsibility over certain tasks. For example, you could make placing cutlery on the table for meals your child\u2019s duty, while you arrange the plates and cups. This will allow you both to bond and get him feeling proud for doing things independently, while helping out the family.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hormones-in-pregnancy-and-their-functions", "title": "What You Need To Know About Hormones In Pregnancy and Their Functions", "body": "Pregnancy\n is a roller-coaster of emotions, and the wheels of this roller-coaster are none other than pregnancy hormones. From giving you thick shiny hair and flawless skin, to making you cry at the sight of a puppy and so much more, what are the main hormones in pregnancy and their functions?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the main hormones in pregnancy and their functions?\n\n\n\n\nThe main hormones in pregnancy and their functions: An overview\u00a0\n\n\nWhile the body produces many different hormones, pregnancy involves a set of unique hormones, each with specific tasks. Let\u2019s take a look at the main hormones in pregnancy and their functions.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)\n\n\nWhat makes those two little blue lines pop on your positive pregnancy test? HCG! It\u2019s perhaps the most important of all pregnancy hormones and produced exclusively during this time by what\u00a0eventually becomes your placenta.\u00a0\n\n\nTypically, your levels of HCG will rise eight days after ovulation, peak at 60 to 90 days, then drop slightly.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring your first two weeks of pregnancy, \nHCG levels will double every two days\n. It is present in both your urine and blood, and it is this that is picked up by both urine and blood tests, confirming a pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nThe role of HCG\n\n\n\n\nIt stimulates the production of progesterone and estrogen, two other important pregnancy hormones.\u00a0\n\n\nHCG suppresses your immune system in order to support your developing baby. Basically, it announces the presence of your baby to your body, and helps your womb get ready for its tiny guest.\u00a0\n\n\nThis hormone is also responsible for telling your ovaries to stop releasing and maturing an egg every month.\n\n\nIt is believed that rising levels of HCG are responsible for morning sickness \u2014 which subsides as your HCD levels go down.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Progesterone\n\n\nProgesterone is a regular female hormone produced by a cyst on the ovary known as the \ncorpus luteum.\n But by about the tenth week of pregnancy, the placenta takes over the production of progesterone.\n\n\nThis hormone is crucial to establish and maintain a healthy pregnancy, and levels of it rise dramatically in the first trimester.\u00a0\n\n\nRole of progesterone\n\n\n\n\nEven before you are pregnant, it stimulates the growth of your uterine lining in preparation to receive the fertilised egg.\u00a0\n\n\nIt encourages the growth of breast tissue in \npreparation for breastfeeding\n, while preventing lactation.\u00a0\n\n\nProgesterone helps prepare you for labour in late pregnancy, by softening ligaments and cartilage.\n\n\nIt suppresses your immune system so that it tolerates the foreign DNA of your developing baby.\u00a0\n\n\nThis hormone stimulates glands in the endometrium to release nutrients for your tiny embryo to grow.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMany hormones in pregnancy and their functions involve making sure your developing baby is safe and healthy. Image: file photo.\n\n\n\n\n3. Estrogen\n\n\nSimilar to progesterone, estrogen is also secreted by the ovary, until the placenta takes over. It steadily increases until the end of your first trimester, after which it plateaus. Estrogen has several, incredibly important roles in your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nRole of estrogen\n\n\n\n\nEstrogen helps your uterus grow.\n\n\nIt regulates the production of other important hormones, including progesterone.\n\n\nPlays a crucial role in the development of your baby\u2019s organs. Without it, your baby\u2019s lungs, liver and other organs cannot grow.\u00a0\n\n\nIt helps protect your pregnancy by preventing miscarriage.\n\n\n\n\n4. Oxytocin\n\n\nAlso known as the happy hormone and love hormone, this is the hormone that triggers labour by kick-starting contractions.\u00a0\n\n\nRole of oxytocin\n\n\n\n\nThis hormones promotes bonding between you and your baby soon after he or she is born.\u00a0\n\n\nIt stretches your cervix in preparation for birth.\u00a0\n\n\nOxcytocin stimulates your nipples to produce milk.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5.\u00a0Human placental lactogen (hPL)\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDuring pregnancy, the placenta starts to produce this hormone around the second week The highest levels of hPL occur during the latter stages of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nRole of hPL\n\n\n\n\nHelps supply energy to your developing baby, to fuel his or her growth. This is done by regulating your metabolism, enabling your body to break down fats better, converting them to energy/ food.\u00a0\n\n\nMakes your body less sensitive to insulin. Insulin is responsible for shifting glucose from your bloodstream to cells. In effect, there is more sugar left in your blood to nourish your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nStimulates milk glands in the breasts in preparation for breastfeeding after baby\u2019s birth\n\n\n\n\n6. Prolactin\n\n\nThis is another important hormone that helps with milk production. In fact, during pregnancy, it increases 10-20 times its normal amount.\u00a0\n\n\nRole of prolactin\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n\n\nIt causes your breasts to increase in size, promoting growth of your breast tissue.\u00a0\n\n\nPrepares breasts for lactation and the release of milk.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n7. Relaxin\n\n\nMuch like its name suggests, this hormone has an important, \u201crelaxing\u201d role on your body during pregnancy. While it is present and produced by the ovaries in non-pregnant women, during pregnancy, the placenta and uterine lining boost the production of relaxin.\u00a0\n\n\nRole of relaxin\n\n\n\n\nPrepares the uterus and its lining for pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nRelaxes the uterus wall to prevent contractions, which can obstruct the implantation process of a fertilized egg.\u00a0\n\n\nPrevents early contractions, helping to retain the pregnancy and avoid miscarriage.\u00a0\n\n\nIt relaxes your blood vessels to help them cope with the increased blood volume you produce in pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring labour and delivery, relaxin stimulate the softening of the cervix. It also relaxes the ligaments of your pelvis for a smoother delivery.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAlso read:\u00a0\nThe stages of labour\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\nJohn Hopkins Medicine\n, \nStanford Children\u2019s Health\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/quinoa-salad", "title": "Minimise Acne, Bloating & Other Symptoms During Ovulation With This Warm Quinoa Salad", "body": "During the ovulatory (i.e. ovulation) phase, your body is the most fertile and is working hard to create the healthiest egg possible. This phase occurs typically in the middle of your monthly cycle and lasts 3-5 days.\n\n\nThe ovulatory phase is caused by a natural increase in the hormones testosterone, Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and oestrogen. Foods high in antioxidants and fibre can best support your body during this time. Antioxidants support the body to create a healthy egg, whilst fibre helps to flush out excess oestrogen.\n\n\nHigh oestrogen levels during this phase can cause the body to produce oestrogen-driven symptoms such as acne and bloating.\u00a0You can assist your body in minimising these symptoms by eating high-fibre and high-antioxidant foods. In addition, try to use minimal cooking methods such as light steaming or, when possible, eating foods raw.\n\n\nThis\u00a0\nWarm Quinoa Spinach Salad\n\u00a0is light, yet filling, and is well-suited for the ovulatory phase.\u00a0Fibre-rich quinoa serves as the base; raw red capsicum, cherry tomatoes, green onions, almonds, and spinach provide antioxidants; and a zesty balsamic vinaigrette dressing joins all the flavours together. This versatile salad can be eaten right away whilst warm, or saved in the refrigerator for an anytime meal.\n\n\nRecipe: Warm Quinoa Spinach Salad (Vegan, Gluten-free)\n\n\nServes 2-4\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n180g quinoa, rinsed\n\n\n500ml filtered water\n\n\n100g raw spinach\n\n\n1 red capsicum, deseeded and chopped\n\n\n100g cherry tomato, halved\n\n\n2 green onions, thinly sliced\n\n\n2 tbsp almonds (sliced or chopped)\n\n\n60ml extra virgin olive oil\n\n\n30ml balsamic vinegar\n\n\n\u00bc tsp sea salt\n\n\n\u00bc tsp cracked black pepper\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMethods:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBring the quinoa and water to a boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until the quinoa is tender and the water has been absorbed, about 15 to 20 minutes. Once cooked, remove from heat and set aside.\n\n\nWhilst quinoa cooks, whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sea salt, and black pepper. Set aside.\n\n\nIn a large bowl, combine quinoa, all vegetables, and almonds.\n\n\nPour dressing over salad and gently mix.\n\n\nServe immediately or refrigerate to keep for later. \u00a0(If refrigerated, recommend consuming within 2-3 days.)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mastitis-stricken-mum-still-breastfeeds-toddler-against-doctors-advice", "title": "Mastitis-stricken mum still breastfeeds toddler against doctor's advice", "body": "Among the many issues breastfeeding mums may face \u2014 like sore nipples and engorgement \u2014 perhaps \nmastitis.\n is the worst. It\u2019s a medical condition that causes severe inflammation of the breast tissue and ducts, and is very painful. So, when one mum who developed mastitis was under pressure to stop breastfeeding by her doctors, why did she not listen?\u00a0\n\n\nMum continues to breastfeed son despite medical pressure to stop breastfeeding\n\n\nSummer Dawn Pointer, a 22-year-old US mum who developed mastitis, continued breastfeeding her child, despite the medical pressure to stop breastfeeding.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe young mum delivered her only son, Knox, in May 2017. However five weeks later, Summer realised that her right breast developed a red bump.\n\n\nAfter consulting doctors, she was given a\u00a0diagnosis of mastitis.\u00a0One doctor advised her\u00a0to discontinue breastfeeding her son. However, she persisted in nursing him in spite of being warned, and is determined to so until the now 18-month-old Knox weans himself.\n\n\nIn her own words, Summer wants \u201cto breastfeed Knox until he\u2019s at least two-years-old or older\u201d, should the toddler choose to keep on breastfeeding.\u00a0 She says she will only end it when \u201che is ready to self-wean.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nSummer\u2019s mastitis (pictured before the surgery) was the main medical reason for pressure to stop breastfeeding. | Image Source: \nDaily Mail screengrab\n\n\n\n\nHow doctors treated her mastitis\n\n\nDoctors prescribed Summer antibiotics when she initially got a diagnosis of mastitis.\n\n\nHowever, the drugs didn\u2019t work. Then, the young mum was\u00a0referred to a breast surgeon, who aimed to get rid of the painful abscess on her breast.\n\n\nThe breast surgeon advised Summer to stop breastfeeding, \u201cbut I cried and cried and told her we had to try something else besides that,\u2019 she says.\u00a0\n\n\nHearing this, the breast surgeon prescribed her the most powerful antibiotics she could buy. The mum even got two prescriptions of the antibiotics \u201cbefore the surgeon finally just lanced out the abscess\u201d.\n\n\nIn the end, her treatment impacted the amount of breastmilk she made, and she was advised to not\u00a0 breastfeed him since it might worsen the infection.\u00a0\n\n\nContinuing despite pressure to stop breastfeeding: \u201cBreast is best\u201d\n\n\nHowever, even with health risks and the medical pressure to stop breastfeeding, Summer says she still\u00a0breastfeeds Knox between eight to 10 times daily.\n\n\nThe mum nurses him \u201canywhere, anytime\u201d. At first, she became uneasy breastfeeding her son as it wasn\u2019t easy latching him, \u201cbut after time it became easier\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nShe says many people have given her weird looks.\n\n\nThe same happened with her boyfriend\u2019s family.\u00a0At first, they commented that Knox was \u201ctoo old\u201d. However, they don\u2019t comment anymore after being informed that Summer wasn\u2019t going to stop breastfeeding up till Knox was ready.\u00a0\n\n\nThankfully, Summer says that \u201cmy oldest sister and mom, Connie, are very supportive as well as my boyfriend.\u201d\n\n\nThe young mum also uploads breastfeeding\u00a0posts on Instagram. So far, her posts have largely garnered positive comments from followers, with a few attacking her when she insists that \u2018breast is best\u2019.\n\n\n\u201cBreast milk is better for him than cow\u2019s milk and if other moms aren\u2019t going to help wean him then it\u2019s none of their business,\u201d said Summer.\n\n\nThe young mum says she also wants to promote breastfeeding to more mums \u2013 particularly new ones \u2013 and to \u201cstick to it\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nUS mum Summer Dawn Pointer (left), aged 22, still carries on breastfeeding her son Knox (right) despite medical and social pressure to stop breastfeeding. She wants to promote breastfeeding among more mums \u2013 especially new ones. | Image Source: \nDaily Mail screengrab\n\n\n\n\nWhat is mastitis?\n\n\nMastitis is an infection of the breastfeeding mother\u2019s breast tissue. It\u2019s usually caused by bacteria entering the milk duct through a break or crack in the nipple. It can also occur if the plugged or blocked milk duct isn\u2019t treated accordingly.\n\n\nNormally, mastitis affects only one breast at a time but if a mum has had it before, she will likely have it again. This problem is most common in the first two to three weeks but can occur in any stage of lactation.\n\n\nMastitis: Signs and symptoms\n\n\nMastitis is pretty obvious when it occurs. That\u2019s because the affected breast/s not only looks very different, but also feels painful.\n\n\nHere are some of the signs and symptoms of mastitis:\n\n\n\n\nHard, swollen breasts\n\n\nWarm, reddened and tender breasts\n\n\nRed streaks over the breast\n\n\nFever and chills (of 38.5 degrees or higher)\n\n\nFatigue and flu like body aches\n\n\nHeadaches\n\n\nGelatin-like or stringy breastmilk\n\n\nMilk may contain mucous pus or blood\n\n\nMilk tasting saltier from increased sodium\n\n\nNausea or vomiting\n\n\nPus coming out of the nipple\n\n\nPain when breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\nTreatment\u00a0\n\n\nWhile mastitis is scary at first, mums shouldn\u2019t worry. Mastitis is a very curable infection and will not affect the breast milk or the breast tissue.\u00a0This infection can be treated by using:\n\n\n\n\nAntibiotics\n, which is the usual medication for mastitis and may last 10-14 days. Not only is it safe\u00a0for the breastfeeding mummy and baby, but antibiotics can help kill the mastitis-causing bacteria and eliminate pus from inside the breast tissue. Remember to never self medicate, though!\u00a0Antibiotics should be prescribed by a Doctor.\n\n\nPain relievers\n, like ibuprofen or panadol, can relieve mastitis symptoms\u00a0like fever, swelling and pain. Take fever medication if you have a fever. Just like antibiotics, it is important that you should only take medicines prescribed by the doctor.\n\n\nSurgical drainage\n. If the breasts continue to remain swollen, a doctor can make a small incision on the breast to manually drain the pus. This treatment is very effective and provides almost instant relief.\u00a0\n\n\nSupportive measures, such as:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\na lot of \u00a0bed rest, especially when they are experiencing fever and fatigue.\n\n\nWarm compress with breast massage helps get the swelling down while encouraging milk letdown.\n\n\nDrinking more fluids and getting adequate nutrition.\n\n\nNot working around the house and getting extra help instead.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMums, we hope that this article about continuing to breastfeed despite pressure to stop breastfeeding has been helpful. Have any thoughts? Share them in the comments below!\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\n\nReference: \nPeople.com\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/proven-ways-to-get-rid-of-cellulite", "title": "Reduce the Look of Cellulite & Stretch Marks With These Natural Remedies", "body": "What is cellulite\u2014and what causes it?\n\n\nCellulite is caused by a buildup of fat just under the skin\u2019s surface, often resulting in an uneven orange peel-like texture on the affected area. The amount of cellulite you have depends on a variety of factors like genetics, age, body fat percentage, intake of food and lifestyle.\n\n\nAlthough completely getting rid of cellulite nearly impossible, there are simple ways to assist with the appearance of cellulite. A healthy, balanced diet, tons of water, regular exercise and massage are all changes you can make to your routine to help decrease the appearance of cellulite.\u00a0\n\n\nProven Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite: What Are Stretch Marks\u2014And What Causes Them?\n\n\n\n\nStretch marks occur when there\u2019s been a rapid change to your body due to growth or \nweight gain\n. It\u2019s most common for pregnant women and girls going through puberty to experience stretch marks.\n\n\nThe look of stretch marks may vary from person to person, but they usually start out as a thin reddish line and fade to a lighter, white colour over time, and may even become shiny.\u00a0\n\n\nAs with cellulite, stretch marks aren\u2019t likely to go away with natural remedies, however, you can make adjustments to your routine to help minimize the appearance of the scars.\u00a0\n\n\nNatural Remedies for Cellulite & Stretch Marks\n\n\nSupplements\u00a0\n\n\nVitamins and minerals like vitamin A, collagen-enhancing products or herbal supplements such as\u00a0\nPegaga by PurelyB\n\u00a0can help to reduce the look of cellulite and stretch marks by improving your skin\u2019s overall health.\u00a0\n\n\nIn fact, the rich antioxidants found in Pegaga (Gotu Kola) help to enhance skin repair by reducing inflammation and skin irritation, while the essential amino and fatty acids improve circulation, and stimulate cell growth and collagen production needed for skin elasticity and firming to give your skin a smoother, more radiant look.\u00a0\n\n\nDry brushing\n\n\nDry brushing\n\u00a0increases circulation on the skin, removes dead skin cells allowing for new cells to grow. This supports the natural detoxification process of the skin. It is important to use a plant loofah or ones with natural bristols and massage in circular motions. Dry brush a few times every week for five minutes, best before bath time. Check out a step-by-step how-to guide\u00a0\nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nInstant Coffee\n\n\nCoffee is known to dehydrate our cells and system, which can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Regular topical application will reduce bumpiness and stimulate blood circulation and promote lymph flow.\n\n\nHere is how to make a paste: add half a cup of olive oil into two tablespoons of instant coffee and mix well to form a paste. Put the paste into the microwave and heat for twenty seconds. Apply that paste onto your skin for five minutes in a circular motion. Then use cling wrap and bandage the area away for thirty minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this twice a week for optimal results.\u00a0\n\n\nSugar scrubs\n\n\nSimilar to dry brushing, sugar scrubs are fantastic for increasing circulation and exfoliating away dead skin cells, revealing newer, fresher skin.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s how to make a sugar scrub: mix 1\u00bd cups of sugar with \u00bc cup of coconut oil and 5-10 drops of your favourite essential oil. If you want the scrub a little wetter, add more coconut oil. A little drier? Add more sugar. Apply the scrub in a circular motion and rinse off with warm water.\n\n\nLymphatic Drainage Massage\n\n\nWhile this is not something you can do at home, it\u2019s well worth the effort. Lymphatic drainage massage is a type of massage that helps your system eliminate toxins and excess fluid while stimulating blood flow through the lymphatic system.\n\n\nThe lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that rid the body of toxins, waste and unwanted materials. Assisting the body with such drainage not only improves the appearance of cellulite but also works against the future build-up of new cellulite. Aim for one to two sessions a month for optimal results.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/true-story-woman-shares-details-of-secret-affair", "title": "True Story: Woman shares details of secret affair", "body": "I got married in the year 2000. I was 27-years-old and my husband was 30. My first-born came along a year later and my second, after two years.\u00a0\nLittle did I expect a third addition to the family \u2013 but because I had an affair with someone else.\n\n\nMy husband, an Australian, was in finance and making enough for me to enjoy being a stay-at-home mum. But I remained firm in my decision to continue in my line of real estate.\n\n\nAlthough the hours were odd and long, and many a time\u00a0I would only return home after the girls were both already tucked in, I still wasn\u2019t ready to give up my job.\n\n\nIn 2005, after my husband and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, I felt my marriage fizzing out. Don\u2019t get me wrong, though. My husband \n*\nRobert, is one of the most wonderful men I have ever met. Flowers, chocolate, champagne, were little surprises that I would find around the room to brighten my day.\n\n\nHowever, I was getting a tad bored with the whole family life that had been woven up to that point\n. I began to consider applying for a job overseas to stay for about a year to rid myself of the \u2018beautiful family\u2019 pantomime that I was forced to be part of. \nAfter thinking about it, I\n\u00a0began searching and tried to work up the nerve to let the family know my plan. I knew I had to do it. That was, until I met \n*\nJake.\n\n\n\n\nCertain things should just remain confidential.\n\n\n\n\nJake \u2013 my Achilles heel\n\n\nThe dimpled smile, the deep voice, the mysterious eyes, the chiselled jaw \u2013 Jake looked like a walking Greek God. He wanted a condo in Bukit Timah and I went to great lengths to find the one apartment he would be satisfied with.\n\n\nAs we met more to see various apartments, I realised two things. 1) He would always meet me earlier so we could grab a cuppa. 2) I made it a point to clear about an hour or 2, before and after any appointment with him. \nI guess I was subconsciously waiting for him to make a move!\n\n\nHe finally settled on a sexy two bedroom in Upper Bukit Timah. As the necessary papers were being signed, I could not help feeling a pang of jealousy at a conjured image of the lucky lady that would eventually be sharing the pad with him.\n\n\nJake and I had opened up to each other in the previous weeks and he had told me in detail about himself. He was 36-years-old. His mother was Lebanese and his father, British. He had lived in different parts of England since young. He was posted here from his job over there and had been rather excited about his trip here.\n\n\nHis aim in Singapore was to study the culture, learn more about the fusion of the West and East ideals created by the locals here and try to find a companion. I had told him about myself as well, the kind of growing up I had experienced, my school days, etc. But I held back on the whole marriage thing. I didn\u2019t think he had to know about that. I always removed my ring anyway when I met male clients as I seemed to sell better with my ring off!\n\n\nGuilt creeps in\n\n\nA week later, I visited Jake to see how well he had settled in. He had prepared a wonderful spread for dinner and as we dined, we spoke about our dreams and desires. As we were having dessert, he took my hand, looked into my eyes and placed something with his other hand in my palm.\n\n\nLooking down, I saw a key. \u201cIt\u2019s yours, Jess. I\u2019m not going to force you to move in or anything but I want you to know that you have a place here and if you would even consider it, I\u2019ll be ecstatic,\u201d he whispered. He would be ecstatic?! I was over the moon by every last word of his sentence! But at that moment, the ugly picture of my family crept into my mind. My heart wanted Jake but my stupid sensible mind knew that I had to give up one. And that one could not be my \nfamily, even if I had an affair.\n\n\nI reached a compromise with Jake.\u00a0I visited him most weekday evenings but I didn\u2019t stay over. In all form of rarity, I would spend the night with him, giving the excuse to my husband that I was spending the night with one of my girlfriends.\n\n\nRobert was never one to check up on me so I knew I didn\u2019t have to let any of my girlfriends in on this. As much as I tried, I couldn\u2019t get rid of the guilt whenever I saw Robert smiling down on me or giving me a squeeze. To make up for it, I would sleep with him immediately the following night and we went at it like two wild animals. I \u2013 out of the \nguilt, since I had an affair. Robert \u2013 out of the sheer desire of being with his wife.\n\n\nI had an affair: The Ultimatum\n\n\nAfter two months, Jake decided to go back home for Christmas and asked me to follow him. I bailed out by lying to him about the big projects that I was involved in. Whilst he was there, shock arrived in the form of a home pregnancy test. I was pregnant. The uncertainty of whose baby it was, grew bigger as the baby grew in me.\n\n\nJake was due to return a few days after Christmas and I had to make a choice by then. \nWhat started initially where I had an affair turned into an ultimatum: leave everything and be with Jake and the new baby or leave him and have the baby as part of the family.\n\n\nAs both Robert and Jake, were Caucasians, I knew neither would know the truth when the baby was born. I made a decision and changed my handphone number.\n\n\nIt has been two years since the birth of my son, Aiden. As I type this, Aiden plays by my feet and looks up at me with a set of beautifully lashed eyes. The same eyes Jake used to look at me with.\n\n\nEditor\u2019s Note:\n This is a true story, but to protect the identity of our author, we have changed all the names involved.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nKuiz Ini Akan Membantu Anda Memutuskan Cara Terbaik Untuk Melindungi Diri Anda, Anak-Anak Dan Ibu Bapa\nPregnancy\nTips for a Healthy Pregnancy\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nPilihan Utama Ibu-Ibu Di Australia, 5 Sebab Anak Anda Perlu Beralih Kepada Susu Organik Kanak-Kanak Dari Bellamy\u2019s Organic EQUISPIRE\n#PendidikanKewangan\nDua Matlamat Dalam Satu! Pendidikan Kewangan Melalui Permainan\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/is-it-important-to-teach-balance-between-saving-and-spending", "title": "Is It Important To Teach Balance Between Saving And Spending?", "body": "I\u2019m a 75-year-old father, and my wife and I are now enjoying our retirement with comfortable savings. When I look back, I\u2019m content that we worked hard yet afforded the things we liked \u2014 and still saved enough.\n\n\nIn short, it was a balance of the yin and yang: the right equilibrium between hard work and enjoying life. It\u2019s no coincidence that we are \nBalancers\n \u2014 parents who seek to achieve exactly this in their lives and for their children. (Want to know your money parenting persona? Take the \nquiz here\n!)\n\n\nMost importantly, I\u2019m glad we\u2019ve passed on some important money lessons focusing on this balance to our son. Now in his mid-thirties, he has a comfortable lifestyle and decent savings.\n\n\nCould other Balancer parents achieve the same? Why not?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMoney Lessons We Taught Our Son \n\n\n1. Save\n\n\nWhen my son turned 3, I got him his first piggy bank. He was thrilled by the sound of coins clanking against the plastic. Therein lay his first money lesson:\u00a0 the more money there was in it, the less noise it would make. While the sound of its emptiness may be exciting, it actually is an alarm bell!\n\n\nFrom then on, he religiously deposited coins into his piggy bank. It became a habit that stuck with him for life.\n\n\nBut of course, balance is key. We did remind him not to deprive himself of the simple joys in life. We encouraged him to use some of the money to treat himself to erasers or sweets when we brought him out. Save, but live as well \u2013 that\u2019s our motto as Balancers.\n\n\n2. Investing\n\n\nWhen my son was 6, I taught him his first lesson about \u2018interest\u2019. I told him that for every 10 dollars he saved out of his pocket money, I would add a dollar to it.\n\n\nHe caught on to the idea quickly, saving whenever he could just so I would add to his growing stash. I helped to fund a number of things in his teen years \u2014 and he also started investing early in his life.\n\n\nMuch to my surprise, his appetite for risk is far greater than mine. I have always been on the conservative side, but he\u2019s been educating me on the need to take \ncalculated \nrisks since he was a young adult.\n\n\n3. You Don\u2019t Always See Your Money\n\n\nAlso when he was 6, I taught my son what a bank account is. He\u2019d been asking where we put all the coins he\u2019d collected when the piggy bank got full, and where all the festive \nhong baos\n that he received went.\n\n\nI explained, \u201cyou may not see it, but it\u2019s there and it grows. And the longer you don\u2019t see it, the longer it has to grow.\u201d\n\n\nOf course, he didn\u2019t understand the need to put his savings into his bank account immediately. An expert at negotiation even at 6, he would come up with creative arguments of why he would need to use some of the money before the rest were deposited and forgotten about.\n\n\nAnd we never insisted that he saved \nall\n of it; for us, we view that life isn\u2019t just about money. When he really wanted something, he got to buy it with the money that we let him keep.\n\n\nNeedless to say, now he sets aside money for fixed deposits and other investments that bring him passive income. We may have started him on this, but he\u2019s added his two cents to it \u2014 well, definitely more, but that\u2019s precisely what we wanted him to do!\n\n\n\n\n4. It All Adds Up\n\n\nAs a natural math whiz, numbers always made sense to my son. So I used real-life examples to teach him to understand expenses by adding them up \u2014 what better way to learn than real-life contexts anyway?\n\n\nFor example, when we had our occasional McDonald\u2019s treat, I would ask him, \u201cHow much would you spend in a week if you buy one Happy Meal a day?\u201d And he would calculate that. Then I\u2019d ask him how much that would be in a month, in a year, and so on.\n\n\nHaving him understand that \u201cjust one\u201d thing could add up to \u201ca lot\u201d in terms of expenses was an important lesson for him and me, and is one that still applies today. By looking at his expenses like this, he\u2019s managed to make significant savings! In fact, I think he does it better than me.\n\n\n5. Money Is Hard To Earn\n\n\nMy son first started earning his own money when he was in junior college. He would give tuition for some extra cash to fund concerts, movies and whatever else he wanted. Later, he took on odd jobs in warehouses until he entered university to fund his holidays with his friends.\n\n\nWe\u2019ve always encouraged him to get the best of both worlds; to learn what it\u2019s like to earn money (even if it is just one aspect in the overall scheme of life), but also to build travel and cultural experiences.\n\n\nTo us, money spent on such things are investments too. We\u2019d funded his 3-month trip to Europe as a gift upon his graduation \u2014 half of it anyway. He knew that it was our hard-earned money, and insisted on paying for half.\n\n\nThat, to me, was already an indication of our money parenting success. He had learnt the value of money. He had also learnt the importance of spending money on things that are worth it.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nA Never-ending Journey\n\n\nMoney parenting is a journey and it doesn\u2019t only go one way, I\u2019ve found. Once, it was me teaching him; today, he gives me lessons on retirement savings, insurance policies, investing, what I should do with my property and so on. I like how there is a nice mix between the early lessons I have taught him and the things that he has discovered for himself along the course of his life.\n\n\nI guess that\u2019s what money parenting has been all about for us as Balancers: giving our son a solid foundation that he can build on as he goes along, and guiding him without being overbearing.\n\n\nWe strived to teach our son about the value of money and how best to use it. Knowing that our son has achieved this balance gives us the assurance that he is well prepared for the rest of his life.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWant to know more about instilling the proper financial values within your child? Check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/all-natural-a2-protein-enfagrow-all-mindpro", "title": "Malaysia\u2019s First & Only Children Formula Milk With All-Natural A2 Protein: New Enfagrow All Mindpro", "body": "Mead Johnson Nutrition Malaysia today announced the launch of Malaysia\u2019s first-ever children formula milk with the original, all-natural A2 protein\n[3]\n: Enfagrow \nAll\n\u00a0MindPro. This will be a new addition to the range of growing-up milk offerings in the company\u2019s overall portfolio.\n\n\nWith over 100 years of expertise in children nutrition, Mead Johnson Malaysia decided to bring back the most original source of milk protein that was naturally produced by cows over 5000 years ago after discovering its positive effects on the digestive system\n[1]\n. \n\n\nEmerging evidence from studies in preschool children and adults suggest that consuming milk with A2 beta-casein protein is less likely to be associated with digestive discomfort\n[2]\n.\n\n\n\n\nMost regular cow\u2019s milk in the market nowadays are sourced from cow breeds that produce a combination of A1 beta-casein protein and A2 beta-casein protein. Farming practices and genetic mutation over the years resulted in only 30% of cows (A2 cows) in the world being able to produce all-natural, easy-to-digest A2 beta-casein protein\n\n\n\n\nEnfagrow \nAII\n MindPro is made of naturally pure A2 beta-casein protein selectively sourced from rare A2 cows that graze on lush pastures beneath the Southern Alps of New Zealand\n[4]\n. \n\n\nThe fertile soils as well as high levels of rainfall and sunshine in this West Coast landscape make for one of the best dairy farming environments to raise cows in the world.\n\n\n All cows are also carefully selected through non-invasive DNA testing to ensure that they are of an authentic breed of A2 cows that can produce 100% pure A2 protein in their milk.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAside from its naturally easy-to-digest pure A2 milk protein, Enfagrow \nAII\n MindPro also contains MFGM and the global expert recommended level of DHA\n[5]\n for sharper minds, with no added sugar\n[6]\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEnfagrow \nAII \nMindPro is specially formulated for children between 1 to 3 years old and is available in 440g and 1.1kg. Enfagrow \nAII\n MindPro is now available for purchase on Enfagrow A+ Shopee Official Store, all MANJAKU outlets, and exclusive Chinese Medical Halls (Full store listings available here: \nhttps://www.enfagrow.com.my/a2storelist\n). \n\n\nTry now to experience the A2 protein difference and enjoy a 14-day money back guarantee\n#\n with purchases made from 15 May until 31 July 2021.\u00a0\n\n\nFind out more about Enfagrow \nAII\n MindPro \nhere\n.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\n Sheng et al., JPGN. 2019 Sep;69(3):375-382.\n\n\n Brooke-Taylor S, Dwyer K, Woodford K, Kost N. Systematic Review of the Gastrointestinal Effects of A1 Compared with A2 -Casein. Adv Nutr, 2017 Sep 15;8(5):739-748.\n\n\n Compared to all key growing up milk brands in Malaysia as of Mar\u20192021.\n\n\n More than 90% of A2 milk sourced from New Zealand.\n\n\n FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2-4 years old.\n\n\nReference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91. FAO; Rome\n\n\n Sugar refers to sucrose based on Regulation 118 under Malaysia Food Regulation 1985.\n\n\n\n\n# Terms and conditions apply.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHugging and kissing your baby can make him smarter: Study\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHush Little Angel, It\u2019s Bedtime \u2013 Easy to Follow Tips to Get Your Baby to Sleep Well Tonight\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHow to Encourage Character Building for Children in Positive Manner\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/perseverance", "title": "5 ways to teach perseverance to children, according to Jack Ma", "body": "Founder and chairman of e-commerce giant Alibaba, Jack Ma, wasn\u2019t born successful. He had a rough life before founding Alibaba, the single largest retailer in the world. Throughout his life, Ma has had his fair share of rejection and even lived in poverty. Now, after years of perseverance, Jack Ma teaches a new generation what it takes to succeed.\n\n\nThrough all these challenges in life, he has risen to emerge as one of the most successful businessmen in the world. Based on his rich set of life experiences, Jack Ma teaches important lessons for everyone \u2014 especially parents and the younger generation \u2014 at the recently concluded 2018 World Economic Forum.\n\n\nMums and dads, here are some enriching lessons for you to teach perseverance to children and on how to be successful in life, based on Jack Ma\u2019s inspiring speech. \n\n\nLesson #1: Jack Ma teaches kids to learn from their mistakes\n\n\n\u201cIn life, it\u2019s not how much we achieved, it\u2019s how much we\u2019ve gone through the tough days and mistakes,\u201d\n \nMa explained\n to a group of young leaders at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.\n\n\n\u201cIf you want to be successful, learn from the other people\u2019s mistakes, don\u2019t learn from the successful stories.\u201d\n\n\nMa recommends that youngsters should make themselves their own competition instead of setting their goals and aspirations based on other people\u2019s success stories.\n\n\n\u201cAs a young boy \u2014 even today \u2014 I never thought I would be here,\u201d he said. \u201cWhen I look back, every problem I met when I was a kid benefited me.\u201d\n\n\nLesson #2: Jack Ma teaches kids that it\u2019s okay to fail\n\n\nThere are many lessons of success for children to learn through failure. It\u2019s not about defeat \u2014it\u2019s about getting up, dusting off the dirt, and \nbeing more determined\n than ever to achieve your goal. \n\n\n\u201cI failed so many times, people probably know that I applied for so many jobs, over 30 jobs, all rejected, not even got a chance: 24 of us interviewed for a KFC job, 23 got accepted, I was the only guy rejected,\u201d he explained during the forum.\n\n\nOnce, he applied for a \u201cpolice job\u201d with five other people and was the only one to be rejected. In another instance, he and his cousin applied for jobs as servers in a four-star hotel.\n\n\n\u201cWe waited [in a] long queue for two hours,\u201d Ma said. Eventually, his cousin was accepted and he was once again rejected.\n\n\nHe said his mother could only shake her head at him, but he refused to feel discouraged because he knew \u201cthis is a training course for me.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cNo matter how smart you are, you will encounter mistakes,\u201d\n Ma said.\n\n\n\u201c\nYou learn from mistakes not because you will be able to avoid mistakes when these mistakes come, [when] these suffers come, you learn how to deal with it, how to face it.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nJack Ma had humble beginnings. | Image: Facebook\n\n\n\n\nLesson #3: Jack Ma teaches kids the importance of love and EQ \n\n\nAs parents, we focus a lot (too much, sometimes) on nurturing our children\u2019s intelligence. What should we feed them so their brain can grow? How many enrichment classes should we send them to? And so we go on. \n\n\nOf course, intelligence \u2014 and having a good IQ \u2014 is important for kids. But Jack Ma reminds us not to forget another very important quality to nurture in kids for future success. That is emotional quotient, or EQ. In other words, the IQ of love. \n\n\n\u201cTo gain success a person will need high EQ; if you don\u2019t want to lose quickly you will need a high IQ, and if you want to be respected you need high LQ \u2014 the IQ of love,\u201d\n \u00a0he explained. \n\n\nLesson #4: Jack Ma teaches perseverance to children\n\n\nPersevering through life\u2019s injustices is tough. Many give up.\n\n\nBut others forge ahead and take these challenges head on. This quality, to persevere through hardship, is called \ngrit\n. Jack Ma is one such person who has this quality, and his life story can indeed be used as a lesson in perseverance to teach our kids. \u00a0\n\n\nMa also reveals that his favourite movie is \nForrest Gump\n. He said that the movie taught him that life is indeed tough, but one should forge ahead despite life\u2019s difficulties.\n\n\nHe paraphrased Forrest Gump saying, \n\u201cNo one made money out of catching whales, people make money out of catching shrimp.\u201d\n\n\nLesson #5: Jack Ma teaches girls to know their self-worth\n\n\nIt might be 2018, but when it comes to gender balance in society, males still have the upper-hand in general. Parents of little girls, know that you nurture future leaders of the world, scientists, astronauts, engineers, teachers.\n\n\nTeach your daughters that they can be whatever they want to be. \n\n\nEmpower them with the knowledge that they are strong, powerful and capable. Remind them to \nnever doubt their capabilities\n. \n\n\nMa understands the value that women add to the world, especially to the workplace. He explains:\n\n\n\u201cIf you want your company to be successful, if you want your company to operate with wisdom, with care, then women are the best.\n\n\n\u201c37% of senior management in Alibaba are women. Part of the \u2018secret sauce\u2019 of our success is because we have so many women colleagues.\u201d\n\n\nSo there you have it, mums and dads: genuine words of wisdom from one of the most successful people in the world, who started out small. Through his life, we can all learn about perseverance and grit. We hope you are inspired, and that you will teach your children these lessons. \n\n\nYou can listen to Ma\u2019s speech in full here: \n\n\nTo learn more about perseverance and how to raise resilient children, visit \nwww.aptagro.com.my\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYOU CAN ALSO READ:\n\n\nParenting styles Malaysian mums and dads can learn from\n\n\nLife skills for children: Teach your kids these important life skills\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-tips", "title": "Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy", "body": "Pregnancy is a beautiful journey \u2013 from the little moments of your developing baby\u2019s first flutters or kicks to the excitement of giving birth, these experiences all make up a remarkable chapter within your life.\u00a0\n\n\nNevertheless, pregnancy, especially for first-time mums, can be intimidating with factors such as diet restrictions, or the changes in your body. However, these changes are the sacrifices you must make to ensure a safe space for your developing baby as he or she develops within your womb.\u00a0\n\n\nUltimately, caring for yourself properly during pregnancy is the key to your developing baby\u2019s health. We know many soon-to-be parents will have questions and concerns, so here are some pregnancy tips and do\u2019s and don\u2019ts to take note of during your pregnancy.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat you should do:\n\n\n1. Book your first doctor appointment \n\n\nAfter taking an at-home pregnancy test, you might be at the verge of wanting to celebrate. Before you do that, it is advisable to \ncall your doctor first and set an appointment\n \u2013 pregnant mummies in Malaysia are expected to register for antenatal check-ups before their 12\nth\n week of pregnancy\n. We recommend contacting your doctor as soon as you can to assess your health and confirm your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring your first visit, the doctor will check your overall health with a physical exam, as well as predict your due date. General information and various other details, including your ethnic group is also taken down to identify any cultural practices during pregnancy\n. They will also ask about your family or medical history and any previous pregnancy experiences.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, screening tests such as urine and blood samples will be taken for your doctor to check for conditions, including bladder infections or your sugar levels.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n2. Take your prenatal supplements\n\n\nAfter your assessment, you will be prescribed \nprenatal vitamins\n based on your checkup results \u2013 this is why keeping up with your appointments is crucial as your doctor will track the health of your pregnancy closely, and prescribe the care you need to support your developing baby\u2019s optimal growth.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStockphoto\n\n\n\n\nAmong the common prenatal supplements for expectant mothers are folic acid, which \nreduces the risk of fetal neural tube defects\n such as spina bifida, as well as iron to support your growing baby\u2019s brain development and maintain the supply of oxygen\n. Meanwhile, these prenatal supplements are also equally important:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCalcium:\n As your body is unable to produce calcium, you will need to get it from supplements or high calcium foods such as milk and dairy products. \nCalcium is important\n for your developing baby\u2019s bone and teeth formation\n. It also\n reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEssential fatty acids (omega-3, DHA, EPA):\n This is for brain and nerve development. Moreover, according to the \nAmerican Pregnancy Association,\n studies show that higher consumption of Omega-3 may reduce the risk of preterm labour and delivery, thus \nlowering the risk preeclampsia\n.\n\n\nVitamin D:\n This is beneficial for a mother\u2019s health as it supports the immune system, healthy cell division and bone health. It is imperative to \nsupport your developing baby\u2019s bone development\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Try to exercise regularly\u00a0\n\n\nDid you know that exercising for expectant mothers can actually benefit their pregnancy? According to the \nUnited Kingdom National Health Service\n, women who are active and fit during pregnancy are likely to adapt better with changes within their body, as well as reduce the risk of problems within later \npregnancy or during labour\n \u2013 exercise actually helps your body \nprepare your body\n for birth as strong muscles and a fit heart can \nease your delivery\n!\u00a0\n\n\nMoreover, exercising releases endorphins to make you feel better overall, relieve backaches, improve your posture, promote better sleep, and \nreduce constipation\n. But, be sure to ease down as your pregnancy progresses. We recommend consulting your doctor further on the types of exercise your pregnancy can handle.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n4. Eat a balanced and healthy diet\u00a0\n\n\nEating healthily for pregnant women is consuming a balanced and varied diet. John Hopkins Medicine states that expectant women should consume 300 extra calories daily for a healthy pregnancy from protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains \u2013\u00a0 keeping to a healthy diet can ease common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and \nconstipation\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStockphoto\n\n\n\n\nHere are some foods to include \nduring pregnancy\n:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVegetables \n(for vitamin A and potassium):\n carrots, cooked greens, spinach, sweet potatoes.\n\n\nFruits \n(for potassium):\n \nbananas, honeydew, mangoes, oranges, tomatoes.\u00a0\n\n\nDairy \n(for calcium, potassium, vitamin A and Vitamin D\n)\n: maternal milk, soymilk, fat-free or low-fat yoghurt.\n\n\nGrains \n(for iron and folic acid):\n ready-to-eat cereal.\u00a0\n\n\nProtein\n \n(for amino acids)\n: lean beef, lamb, salmon, nuts, seeds.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Eliminate exposure to toxins\n\n\nThroughout pregnancy, you will hear various advice on what to avoid, and this may include the regular products you use. Some of this may ring true. In fact, a 2019 study from Sweden revealed that certain chemicals can be absorbed through a mother\u2019s skin and cause interference with hormone activity, therefore \naffecting the developing baby\u2019s brain development\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, this subject is not commonly discussed in doctors\u2019 office, but generally, you should avoid certain toxins during pregnancy. There are some \ntoxins to limit exposure\n to as listed by UTSouthwestern Medical Centre which is pet medication, animal waste, cigarette smoke, vape smoke, lead, cleaning products (use rubber gloves if needed) and BPA\n.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Listen to your body\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the final and most important pregnancy tips we have is to listen to your body \u2013 everyone\u2019s pregnancy is different! While you may seek advice from friends or family, know that some circumstances may differ because no pregnancy is exactly the same.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIf your body does not feel right or you are experiencing pain, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Remember, your body is your developing baby\u2019s safe haven, which is why keeping your doctor\u2019s checks is extremely crucial to monitor the health of you and your developing baby.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat not to do during pregnancy\n\n\nNow that we have an understanding of what to do during pregnancy, here are some quick pregnancy tips on what you should \navoid\n:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAvoid raw meat:\n Stay away from uncooked food such as sushi, oysters, clams, undercooked beef or poultry. These meats may be\n contaminated with toxoplasmosis or salmonella\n.\u00a0\n\n\nStay away from raw eggs:\n Raw eggs may also contain salmonella. Make sure to check your foods before you eat \u2013 salad dressings such as hollandaise or mayonnaise may contain \nraw egg\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAvoid bathing in hot water:\n \nKeep your body temperature below 102.2\u00b0F (39\u00b0C). \nAn increase in body temperature during the first trimester can lead to birth defects. \n\u00a0So, \navoid hot baths\n, especially during early pregnancy, and try a warm bath instead\n.\n\n\nNo smoking:\n Smoking has a harmful effect on the developing baby\n and may pose a risk of miscarriage, premature separation of the placenta, premature birth and low birth weight\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAvoid alcohol:\n Consuming alcohol may cause behavioural and learning difficulties with your baby. In large amounts, it can cause \nFetal Alcohol Syndrome\n which has negative effects including congenital malformations and mental retardation\n.\n\n\n\n\nTrack your pregnancy with Enfamama A+ Club Mobile app\n\n\nPregnancy goes through different stages and with every trimester your body changes and your developing baby grows more. Hence, one of the most important tips is to track your pregnancy. While you may have your doctor appointments scheduled, tracking your growing baby\u2019s development can help your doctor understand your pregnancy better.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to that, tracking your growing baby\u2019s development during pregnancy puts your mind at ease as well because we know how worrisome mummies can get! Thankfully, these days, there are easy ways to track your pregnancy progress such as using Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWith Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App, expectant mums can track their pregnancy throughout the first, second and third trimester. The app tailors your pregnancy journey through features such as personalised guidance, pregnancy tips, fetal developmental and growth tracking.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat\u2019s even better is that you can view all of Enfamama A+ exclusive offers and save more with their Mead Johnson Nutrition flagship store promotions.\n\n\nSo, are you ready for your pregnancy journey? Learn more about Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App \nhere\n and download it today.\u00a0\n\n\nKeen to try out Enfamama A+? \nSign up for a free sample and join the Enfamama A+ Club for more support!\u00a0\n\n\n*For adult pregnant and locating females, the minimum intake for optimal adult health and fetal and child development is 300mg/d EPA+DHA, of which at least 200mg/d should be DHA. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91, FAO: Rome.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n1 (2014, January 21). Pregnant? Here\u2019s What To Do \u2013 Dr Ayu Akida | The Malaysian \u2026. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.mmgazette.com/pregnant-heres-what-to-do-dr-ayu-akida/\n\n\n2 (2016, July 4). Vitamins and health supplements for pregnant mothers \u2026. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/vitamins-health-supplements-pregnant-mothers/\n\n\n3 (2018, June 25). Get the Calcium You Need During Pregnancy \u2013 WebMD. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.webmd.com/baby/get-the-calcium-you-need-during-pregnancy\n\n\n4 (n.d.). Calcium supplementation during pregnancy to reduce \u2026 \u2013 WHO. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.who.int/elena/titles/guidance_summaries/calcium_pregnancy/en/\n\n\n5 (2012, April 27). Omega-3 Fish Oil and Pregnancy :: American Pregnancy \u2026. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-health-wellness/omega-3-fish-oil-and-pregnancy-986\n\n\n6 (2013, April 25). Vitamin D and Pregnancy :: American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://americanpregnancy.org/health-fitness/vitamin-d-and-pregnancy-4915\n\n\n7 (n.d.). Exercise in pregnancy \u2013 NHS. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pregnancy-exercise/\n\n\n8 (n.d.). Exercising During Pregnancy (for Parents) \u2013 Nemours \u2026. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/parents/exercising-pregnancy.html\n\n\n9 (n.d.). Nutrition During Pregnancy | Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/nutrition-during-pregnancy\n\n\n10 (2019, November 5). 6 in-home toxins to avoid during pregnancy | Your Pregnancy \u2026. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://utswmed.org/medblog/home-toxins-pollutants-pregnancy/\n\n\n11 (n.d.). Things Not to Do While Pregnant: What to Avoid \u2013 Healthline. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/things-not-to-do-while-pregnant\n\n\n12 (n.d.). Hot Tubs and Pregnancy: Safety and Risks \u2013 Healthline. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/hot-tubs\n\n\n13 (n.d.). Do\u2019s and Don\u2019ts in Pregnancy \u2013 HealthHub. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from \nhttps://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/927/pregnancy-dos-and-donts-in-pregnancy\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-swears-drinking-sperm-keeps-healthy", "title": "Is Sperm Protein Good For Skin?Mum Swears That Drinking Sperm Keeps Her Healthy!", "body": "Tracy Kiss is very much concerned about her health, but one of her health habits might not be for the faint of heart, nor the squeamish. She insists that sperm protein good for skin!\n\n\nSperm Protein Good For Skin?: She Gets It From Her Best Friend\n\n\n\n\nA personal trainer, vegan, and a single mother, Tracy is very much concerned about her health. However, after having an interesting conversation about alternative remedies with her beauty therapist, she decided to try using sperm to keep her skin healthy.\n\n\nShe started with using it on her face to keep her skin fresh, and she eventually started ingesting it in order to keep her immune system strong.\n\n\nTracy gets her supply from best friend, who took a test to make sure that he had no sexually transmitted infections. Her best friend is also a non-smoker, which she says ensures that the sperm is clean and safe since she admitted that sperm protein good for skin.\n\n\nShe Feels Better After Drinking It\n\n\nWhile it might sound\u00a0strange to\u00a0most of us, Tracy swears by the benefits of using sperm. She says that it has improved her skin, and that she also started feeling better after she started drinking it.\n\n\nShe shares, \u201cI\u2019d been feeling run down and had no energy, but now I\u2019m full of beans and my mood has improved.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIt can taste really good \u2013 depending on what my friend has been eating. My other mates think I\u2019m strange, but I don\u2019t give a toss.\u201d\n\n\nShe also sometimes drinks the semen on its own, depending on what her friend has eaten.\n\n\n\u201cIf he\u2019s been drinking alcohol or eaten something particularly pungent like asparagus, I ask him to give me a heads up so I know not to drink it neat.\u201d\n\n\nInterestingly, sperm has been known to contain zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and fructose that\u00a0can also nourish the skin. It also contains\u00a0proteolytic enzymes, or enzymes that dissolve proteins, and these can possibly also help break down layers of dead skin.\n\n\nGo to the next page to learn about other ways to keep yourself healthy!\n\n\n\n\nThere are a lot of other ways to keep you and your skin healthy\n\n\n\n\nWhile Tracy\u2019s chosen method of keeping her body and her skin healthy works for her, it\u2019s not something that most people would choose to do. \u00a0Thankfully, there are a lot of other ways that you can keep you and your skin healthy.\n\n\nHere\u2019s are a some other\u00a0ways of keeping yourself healthy:\n\n\n\n\nEat some tomatoes!\n Tomatoes not only taste good, but they also contain lycopene, which can keep your skin from aging.\n\n\nSweet potatoes do your body good.\n Not only are sweet potatoes tasty, they also have a lot of vitamin C, which aside from strengthening your immune system, also helps increase collagen, which keeps your skin plump and healthy!\n\n\nPopeye\u2019s right, spinach makes you strong!\u00a0\nStudies have shown that people who eat a lot of leafy\u00a0greens had at least half the number of skin tumours compared to people who eat very few greens. The folate in spinach can also help repair and maintain DNA, keeping your cells healthy!\n\n\nHave a tea break.\u00a0\nHot tea has a lot of antioxidants called catechins that have been proven to have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Make sure to drink it while its hot since the catechins degrade as the tea cools down.\n\n\nDark chocolate is very healthy.\u00a0\nGood news chocolate lovers! Flavonols, or the antioxidants present in dark chocolate helps protect your skin against sun damage and can lessen the effects of aging. Though, you only need a few ounces of chocolate each day, so don\u2019t binge!\n\n\nSnack on some almonds!\u00a0\nAlmonds are a great snack, as they\u2019re full of vitamin E that helps protect your skin against sun damage. Instead of eating a bag of chips as a snack, mix it up and snack on some almonds instead!\n\n\n\n\nSources:\u00a0\ndailymail.co.uk\n, \naww.com.au\n, \nwomenshealthmag.com\n\n\nBe sure to check out \ntheAsianparent Community\n for more insightful stories, questions, and answers from parents and experts alike. If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-air-purifiers-in-malaysia", "title": "Top 5 Best Air Purifiers in Malaysia to Absorb Smoke, Allergen & Dust in Your Home", "body": "Nowadays, air purifiers are essential for families, especially those who have small children. It is not only the outside air that is polluted, the air inside the house can also be polluted even if we do not feel it. Therefore, it is crucial to find the best air purifier to ensure our family breathes in clean air every day.\u00a0\n\n\nDid you know that certain allergens in the air can adversely impact the health of your family?\n\n\n Perhaps your child often has a cold or an allergy to something you may not be sure of, they could be caused by the harmful substances in the air that they are breathing in. \n\n\nThis is where air purifiers come in! They can be placed in the living room or the baby\u2019s room and are effective in cleaning the air from impurities and improving air quality.\u00a0\n\n\nChoosing The Best Air Purifier For The Family\n\n\n\n\nFinding a good air purifier nowadays may not be easy since many brands in Malaysia have started selling air purifiers. Hence there is a lot to choose from. \n\n\nIn order to make your search easier, we have identified some air purifiers that have good filtration technology (can filter fine particles), can effectively filter the air for \u2154 of the house and is quiet so infants can sleep comfortably!\u00a0\n\n\nTop Best Air Purifiers in Malaysia\n\n\nSterra Breeze True HEPA-13 Air Purifier\n\n\n\n\nWhat we love about this product is that it is Singapore\u2019s most effective hospital-grade air purifier that eliminates deadly viruses, smoke, and air contaminants to protect you and your family at home. \n\n\nSterra Breeze True HEPA-13 is one of the best-selling air purifiers in Singapore and has now entered the Malaysian market. With its ability to remove up to 99.97% of all airborne particles, Sterra Breeze makes the air in your home fresh, clean, and most importantly healthy for the whole family.\n\n\nNot only that, it helps to r\nemove up to 99.97% of all airborne particles using the most powerful, medical-grade True HEPA-13 Filter and operates as silent as a soft whisper - definitely won't scare your children or pets at home!\n\n\nSterra Breeze True HEPA-13 is such a powerful machine that it can also get rid of pet fur and dander, which can help with allergies too. Not only that, it also removes unwanted odours such as pee or poop.\n\n\nThe sleek aesthetic design is also perfect for individuals looking for that minimalist look.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nComes with a medical grade HEPA-13 filter that can eliminate particles in the air including dust, hair, animal hair, PM2.5\n\n\nValue for money - as a medical-grade air purifier, this product comes at such an affordable price!\n\n\nIt can cover up to 3 to 4 rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b80m2\u00a0\n\n\nVery suitable for those who have pets at home, it not only eliminates dandruff on animal fur but also removes unpleasant odors in the home\n\n\nWhisper-quiet \u2013 operates as silent as a soft whisper\n\n\nIt is highly efficient and able to deliver 400 m\n3\n/hr of fresh, clean air\n\n\n\n\n Sterra Breeze True HEPA-13 Air Purifier - \nRM1,099.00 (0% interest installment plans available RM3/day). 100% Free Delivery \u2013 no minimum spend\nBuy Here\n\n\nDYSON Pure Cool Tower Purifier Fan\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Great:\n\n\nThe Dyson Pure Cool has a draft-free air mode that cleans without cooling. If your toddler sleeps in an air-conditioned room, the draft-free mode will clean the air without making it too cold for your child.\n\n\nYou also do not have to worry if your baby is prone to allergies or has asthma because Dyson Pure Cool is certified safe for people with asthma and is allergy-friendly by Allergy Standards Limited.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Filtration technology: Consists of a glass HEPA filter that captures 99.95% of micro allergens and contaminants as small as 0.1 microns\n\n\n Effective area: ~ 27m\u00b2\n\n\n Noise: 40 - 56 dba depending on fan speed\n\n\n\n\n DYSON Pure Cool Tower Purifier Fan \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nSharp Plasmacluster Air Purifier FP-J30L\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Great:\n\n\nPlasmacluster Ion technology is the original Sharp cleaning technology that cleans the air by emitting positive and negative ions. \n\n\nWhat\u2019s more is that the Sharp Plasmacluster FP-J30L is one of the quietest air purifiers on the market, and it would be perfect in the kids\u2019 room or the living room!\u00a0\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Filtration technology: High-density plasma cluster ion technology with true HEPA & Carbon filters that quickly removes airborne particles\n\n\n Effective area: \n\n\n Noise: 23 - 44 dba depending on fan speed\n\n\n\n\n Sharp Plasmacluster Air Purifier FP-J30L \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nXIAOMI Air Purifier 3H\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Great:\n\n\nUsing the True HEPA Class 13 filter, the well-known XIAOMI brand has come up with the XIAOMI 3H air purifier that can be controlled using the Mi Home application and is compatible with other XIAOMI products. \n\n\nIt can also be used with both Google Assistant and Alexa AI smart systems! \n\n\nIn addition, the product features a combination of a centrifugal fan and a custom brushless motor to increase the amount of clean air output. \n\n\nThe XIAOMI Air Purifier 3H also boasts 6 optional modes, which are the sleep, automatic, favourite, low, medium, and high-level modes.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Has an OLED touch screen display\n\n\n Effective area: \n\n\n Noise: 33 - 64 dba depending on fan speed\n\n\n\n\n XIAOMI Air Purifier 3H \nby\n \nXiaomi\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\nPhilips Air Cleaner AC2887/30\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Great:\u00a0\n\n\nThis air purifier comes with 3 automatic cleaning settings: general mode, highly sensitive allergen mode for when someone is sick at home, as well as a very strong bacterial and viral mode to ensure the air is sanitised from harmful bacteria that can cause sickness. \n\n\nThe key features of this air purifier include the ability to monitor, respond and clean the air automatically, its aerodynamic structure that improves efficient airflow and, most importantly, the ability to track the surrounding air quality level on a 4-scale colour mark.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Filtration technology: The patented AeraSense filter removes 99.97% of viruses and aerosol particles in one hour\n\n\n Effective area: 24 - 41 m\u00b2\n\n\n Noise: 20.5 - 51 dba depending on fan speed\n\n\n\n\n Philips Air Cleaner AC2887/30 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nMidea MAP-20BD Air Purifier\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Great:\n\n\nThe MIDEA MAP-20BD has a 3 in 1 compound filter consisting of Pre Filter, HEPA Filter and Active Carbon Filter to provide excellent air purification.\n\n\n This air purifier releases negative ions throughout the room, where they become attached to dust, pollen, smoke particles and airborne bacteria and come to rest on the floor.\u00a0\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n This compound filter consists of a pre-filter, HEPA Filter and Activated Carbon Filter to provide excellent air purification.\n\n\n Effective area: 24 - 41 m\u00b2\n\n\n Noise: 25 - 47 dba depending on fan speed\n\n\n\n\n Midea MAP-20BD Air Purifier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBest Dental Floss to Use for Perfect, Shiny and Bright Smile\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-help-your-child-develop-life-skills", "title": "How To Develop Children\u2019s Skillset For The Future", "body": "Although we are all born with the natural instinct to learn, each of us grows and develops at a different rate. \nBy the age of 5, children learn through mental, physical and emotional stimulation, and most of their learning will be through play.\u00b9\u00a0\n\n\nChildren go through various stages of development, acquiring essential physical skills and behaviours such as moving, seeing, hearing, communicating and interacting with other people as they learn to engage with the world around them. These are the skills that they need to practise every day as they develop.\u00a0\n\n\nBrain connections are instrumental for these developmental milestones. Children\u2019s brains grow rapidly in their early years, so it is important for parents to support their brain development during this time to ensure that they hit their development milestones accordingly. Here are some of the activities you can do with your little ones:\n\n\n\n\nSensory and communication development: diaper time fun \u2013 touching, singing, smiling and massaging.\n\n\nMotor development \u2013 crawling, walking and exploring; kicking; and grasping things.\u00b2\n\n\nSensory experience \u2013 food play (introduce texture and taste \u2013 feed their curiosity), gardening and water play.\n\n\nSense of smell \u2013 smelling the flowers, spices in the kitchen, etc.\n\n\nKitchen fun \u2013 chat, play with pots and pans, cooking experiments, etc.\n\n\nConversations \u2013 describe household chores mummy and daddy are doing, shapes of things in the house and show directions around the house (left, right, upstairs, downstairs, etc.)\n\n\nMulti sensory learning \u2013 hands on activities e.g. cook and bake combining learning maths and chemistry; watching documentaries to stimulate brain regions for visual and auditory perception; move around while learning; music while playing blocks; and doodle while listening to audiobooks.\n2\n\n\n\n\nThere is so much you can do to support your child\u2019s brain development so he will master the life skills needed for a holistic development.\n\n\nEssential Skills Every Child Should Learn and Develop\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhen you become a parent, your priorities automatically shift towards your child and his future. It\u2019s only natural for you to want to provide the very best of everything for your little pride and joy. We\u2019re happy to tell you that you can start right away from the day you become a parent, and guess what? You don\u2019t really need physical things to provide your child with the best start in their life. What you need is lots of love, effort, time and attention, because what you\u2019re going to do is help your child develop essential skills that are beneficial for their future success.\n\n\nThese are the 7 essential life skills your child should learn and develop, according to the groundbreaking book \u201cMind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs\u201d by Ellen Galinsky, chief science officer at the Bezos Family Foundation and executive director of Mind in the Making:\n\n\n1. Focus and self-control\n\n\nWhat does it mean?\n\n\n\n\nWe\u2019re living in a world overloaded with information and full of distractions. This is a skill that can help children achieve their goals, because it trains them to pay attention (focus); resist automatic response (self-control) so they will think before they act; remember what they need to know in order to use the information (working memory); and think flexibly (cognitive flexibility).\n3\n\n\nHow can parents help?\n\n\nDaily routine:\u00a0\n\n\nCreate an organised home: Show your child where and how to organise their shoes, toys, books, etc. Turn tidy up time into a game, e.g. \u201cWhere do the shoes go?\u201d, \u201cI Spy\u201d and anything fun you can think of! Activities like these help them to focus and pay attention. Also, slot down slow-down time \u2013 reading, listening or playing music and puzzles are good ways to encourage calmness and focus.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nLearning creatively:\u00a0\n\n\nWork your child\u2019s memory by improvising story time, e.g. stop in the middle of the story and ask your child to predict what is going to happen next, or leave a word out when you\u2019re singing a song and get your child to sing the missing word. Games like Musical Chairs and Hide and Seek are great to help them practise self-control.\n\n\nStrategising:\u00a0\n\n\nIf your child often gets agitated when he has to wait in line or take turns with something, encourage him to come up with his own plan on how to manage the situation. This helps to develop your child self-control skills. When they make mistakes, encourage them to try again so they will learn that making mistakes is natural and part of learning and growing up.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n2. Perspective-taking\n\n\nWhat does it mean?\n\n\n\n\nThinking about how others think and feel. This is not merely about empathy-building, but it goes way beyond to facilitate a child in building positive relationships with less conflict in the future. With this skill, children learn to remember how others might respond (working memory); hold back their thoughts to understand others\u2019 perspective (inhibitory control); view situations in different ways (cognitive flexibility), and observe the thoughts and feelings of others (reflection).\n3\n\n\nHow can parents help?\n\n\nDaily routine:\n\n\nEncourage your child to express his feelings or thoughts about any situation and explain how other people might think or feel differently about it. This exercise opens up their minds and builds on their perspective-taking skill.\n\n\nLearning creatively:\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nDiscuss experiences and feelings of characters in stories. This teaches them to learn to appreciate another\u2019s point of view and others\u2019 world views.\n\n\nStrategising:\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHelp your child to use words to express feelings instead of acting out physically. Assist him to resolve a conflict with another child by talking and discussing. Support them to listen to others in a conversation.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Communication\u00a0\n\n\nWhat does it mean?\n\n\nThe ability to understand and communicate with others. Children require personal interactions to build healthy social-emotional skills. Their communication skills continue to develop as they grow and learn. Learning communication skills teaches children to pay attention to what they want to communicate (focus); think about how others would understand what they are communicating (cognitive flexibility); and use a different way of expressing themselves, especially if the initial approach wasn\u2019t communicated effectively (inhibitory control).\n3\n\n\nHow can parents help?\n\n\nDaily routine:\n\n\nListen and respond to your child attentively; what do they want to communicate? Coach them on how to say it effectively using appropriate words and expressions. They will learn to be as sensitive as you are and develop social-emotional skills in interacting with others.\n\n\nLearning creatively:\n\n\nActing is a fun way to build communication skills. You can get your child to act out a scene from his favourite story or movie, retell a story in his own way, and play sports or games that require communication such as football, show and tell, charades, etc.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nStrategising:\n\n\nEncourage your child to think before saying or doing something, and consider how others might react to their words or actions. Help them understand the importance of listening and taking turns to talk in a conversation.\n\n\n4. Making Connections\n\n\nWhat does it mean?\n\n\n\n\nThe fundamentals of learning lie in this very skill. This skill enables you to see the connections between contrasting things. For example, how a symbol \u2013 letters, numbers and words \u2013 is a symbolic representation of real objects. When making connections, children learn to picture what they know (working memory); recognise similarities and differences (cognitive flexibility), and categorise things accordingly (inhibitory control).\n3\n\n\nHow can parents help?\n\n\nDaily routine:\n\n\nRationalise how different things in the world are related based on functions and purpose. Explain to your child why certain household items are made of wood, plastic and glass; why we wear different clothes for different weather and so on. During mealtime, ask your child how many people are eating together and how many plates should be on the table, then show the symbol for that number. You can also bring your child grocery shopping and get him to point out 3 items and tell you the similarities or differences between them.\u00a0\n\n\nLearning creatively:\n\n\nHelp your child to make abstract connections by reading a story or watching a film, and discussing how a certain scene reminds you of a real experience (from the scene or words spoken). This trains them to make meanings of things for different people in different situations. It also builds compassion and feelings of gratitude. For music lovers, play \u201cguess that song\u201d \u2013 clap the rhythm of a song and have your child guess the title or sing the song. Do you see the connection? \ud83d\ude42\n\n\nStrategising:\n\n\nWhen your child makes a mistake, talk to him about it \u2013 ask why he made the mistake and what he can learn from it. Your child will learn to connect the dots and find a solution.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Critical Thinking\n\n\nWhat does it mean?\n\n\n\n\nLearning to analyse information, make choices and decisions. This skill enables you to use what you know to search for information (working memory); digesting information in different ways to have a deeper understanding (cognitive flexibility); and not reacting automatically and reusing old information, but utilising information you have acquired (inhibitory control).\n3\n\n\nHow can parents help?\n\n\nDaily routine:\n\n\nEncourage your child to brainstorm ways to solve a conflict, e.g. an argument with friends. Teach them to state the problem, list down solution ideas, analyse the ideas to see which one works the best for everyone and finally, try it out. If it doesn\u2019t work, try another idea. This practice teaches your child problem-solving skills.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nLearning creatively:\n\n\nPretend play is great to enhance your child\u2019s critical-thinking skills. Introduce games that involve problem-solving, e.g. detectives solving mysteries, treasure hunts, etc. At storytime, pause when you reach a conflict and ask your child to predict what is going to happen and how to solve the issue. This sharpens your child\u2019s imagination and encourages him to find thoughtful solutions.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nStrategising:\n\n\nWhen your child asks an obvious question, instead of answering right away, dig into his mind a little by asking if he knows how to search for the answer. You can guide them by asking questions, referring to books or the web, experimenting and so on. Encourage them to evaluate the answer rather than accepting it blindly.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Taking on Challenges\u00a0\n\n\nWhat does it mean?\n\n\n\n\nBeing resilient by learning to overcome stressful situations proactively. Courage to try new skills, accept failures and bounce back stronger. With this skill, children learn to control their reactions (inhibitory control); reflect on the situation (reflection), and be flexible in finding solutions to the problem (cognitive flexibility).\n3\n\n\nHow can parents help?\n\n\nDaily routine:\n\n\nEncourage your child to try something new when he seems ready. Children will accept new challenges as long as they feel safe, so allow reasonable risks, e.g. riding a bike, skating, climbing a tree, riding a bike, tying shoelaces and so on. Acknowledge and praise success, but focus more on effort rather than achievement. This helps your child to build resilience, determination and persistence.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nLearning creatively:\n\n\nWhen your child\u2019s art project doesn\u2019t turn out as expected, encourage him to improvise instead of immediately giving up. Think of creative ways to \u201crepair\u201d the artwork. Some children do not accept losses well, so in such situations, help them manage their feelings and teach them that winning isn\u2019t everything, but it\u2019s the effort that truly counts.\u00a0\n\n\nStrategising:\n\n\nAs children are still learning many new things every day, they might stumble upon situations where they feel defeated and not know how to get out of the sticky situation. Encourage your child to seek help from people they trust. Help your child understand that different situations might call for different solutions, so guide him on new ways to solve his current issue. Remind your child that his attitude matters, so when facing a problem, the way forward is to keep trying and improving.\n\n\n7. Self-directed, Engaged Learning\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat does it mean?\n\n\n\n\nSetting goals and strategies to adapt to change as the world changes. This enhances children\u2019s curiosity and passion for learning, which will help them in realising their potential. This skill trains your child not to go on auto-pilot mode, but instead reflect upon experiences, set goals and work toward them (inhibitory control); and be flexible in accepting new ways of learning (cognitive flexibility).\n3\n\n\nHow can parents help?\n\n\nDaily routine:\n\n\nBe a model to hunger for knowledge and expose your child to new experiences and information to help him broaden his knowledge and be passionate about learning. Let your child explore his interests and guide him to set his goals or dreams based on them. Children learn the most when they are happy and feel safe, so create a safe space for your child to learn and build on his strengths instead of focusing on his weaknesses. Let him feel in charge of his own learning.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nLearning creatively:\n\n\nProvide reading materials, art and craft supplies, music education/musical instruments and games at home. Limit tv and electronic devices. Encourage creativity, and allow some mess because it\u2019s a sign that your child is having fun, exploring and exercising his creative mind.\n\n\nStrategising:\n\n\nInvolve your child in family activities that can improve his social, emotional and cognitive capabilities. For example, have your child join you in organising his birthday party. Discuss menu, decoration and game ideas, but let him take the lead. This way, your child will learn how to provide new ideas by making use of all the information, knowledge and skills he has obtained, and at the same time be responsible for his own learning.\n\n\nNutrients That Facilitate \nChildren\u2019s\n Learning Experience\u00a0\n\n\nBuilding brain connections begins with a nutritional foundation. The appropriate nutrients can help support children\u2019s brain development and facilitate their learning experience.\n\n\nResearch has shown that key nutrients like DHA and \nsphingomyelin\n, are the force behind brain connections.\n\n\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t heard of \nsphingomyelin\n, here\u2019s a little background info:\n\n\n\n\nMyelination is one of the major processes that guide brain development in early childhood onwards.\n4\n\n\nMyelination happens when a substance made of fatty lipids and protein called myelin, coats the nerve fibre (this is where messages are transmitted between neurons) in the brain. This coating is called the myelin sheath, and \nsphingomyelin\n is a phospholipid that is an integral component of the myelin sheath.\n4\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSphingomyelin\n is the backbone of myelination and supports efficient brain connections.\n5-7\n\n\n\n\nThink Quick, Learn Fast!\n\n\n\n\nS-26 GOLD\n\u24c7\n PROGRESS\n\u24c7\n is now formulated with innovative ingredients to provide our most advanced formulated milk for children.\n\n\n\n\nNUTRILEARN SYSTEM\u2122 is a scientific blend of nutrients designed with outstanding children in mind, offering them the nutrients they need to support learning and overall growth & development.\n\n\nEncourage children to master life skills for a more successful future. Teach them well while their brain is growing rapidly. This is the perfect time to nurture them to be learners for life. Remember, every child has the potential to be exceptional, so start them right with the appropriate nutritional foundation and guide them with the skills they need to excel in the future.\u00a0\n\n\nS-26 Gold\n\u24c7\n Progress\n\u24c7\n is specially formulated with \nsphingomyelin, DHA, 2\u2019-FL and oligofructose\n.\n \nSupport your child\u2019s growth with appropriate nutrition and sufficient rest to help him Think Quick and Learn Fast.\u00a0\n\n\nTry \nS-26 Gold\n\u24c7\n Progress\n\u24c7\n \n(1-3 years old)\n today!\n\n\n\n\nGet your \nFREE SAMPLE\n now!\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nwww.healthdirect.gov.au/developmental-milestones\n\n\nwww.thehomeschoolmom.com/7-simple-ways-to-boost-your-child\u2019s-brain-power/\n\u00a0\n\n\nwww.mindinthemaking.org/life-skills\n\n\nSalzer JL, Zalc B.Curr Biol. 2016;26:R971-R975.\n\n\nHenr\u00edquez-Henr\u00edquez MP, Solari S, Quiroga T, Kim BI, Deckelbaum RJ, Worgall TS. Front Neurosci. 2015;9:300.\n\n\nTanaka K, Hosozawa M, Kudo N, et al. Brain Dev. 2013;35(1):45-52.\n\n\nDeoni S, Dean D 3rd, Joelson S, O\u2019Regan J, Schneider N. Neuroimage. 2018;178:649-59.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-cost-malaysia", "title": "How Much Does It Cost To Have A Baby?", "body": "As the last ring of the wedding bell fades away, it\u2019s time to plan your next move as a married couple. Most people would enjoy the first few years of being newlywed and will consider having their first child a few years later. But that doesn\u2019t mean you shouldn\u2019t plan for it still!\n\n\nHave you considered how expensive it will be to raise a child? From food, clothing, education, hobbies and\u00a0healthcare\u00a0to entertainment and caretaker costs\u2014having a child costs you a lot more than just love and fresh air.\n\n\nA\u00a0pan-Asian insurance group had looked into the total cost of raising a child in Malaysia recently and discovered that the figure is close to half a million ringgit for each child!\n\n\nThe\u00a0report\u00a0produced by AIA Bhd estimated that it would require about RM400,000 to\u00a0RM1.1 million, taking into account the cost of delivering the baby, schooling expenses all the way to university fees.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, according to\u00a0financial consultants\u00a0quoted by a local daily, you need to put aside another RM20,000 even before the baby is born as that is the estimated cost of expenses throughout pregnancy up till childbirth.\n\n\nSo how much does it cost to have a baby in Malaysia today? What if you\u2019re considering quitting your job to take care of your child full time? How will it affect your family if there\u2019s just a single source of income?\n\n\niMoney offers clues on how to estimate and plan expenses so that the joy of parenthood is not buried under financial stress.\n\n\nPregnancy Checkup\n\n\nAssuming a normal pregnancy, a pregnant mother is required to go for regular check-up once\u00a0a month and once every two weeks from 36\nth\n\u00a0week onwards. These check-ups at a private hospital can cost an average of RM200 per visit.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPregnancy check-ups up to 40th week \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost =\u00a0\nRM2,400\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDelivery\u00a0\n\n\nAsk any parents and you will find out that the cost of delivery in Malaysia isn\u2019t cheap. According to a poll on\u00a0\nBabycenter\n,\n\u00a041% of Malaysians opt to deliver their child in a private hospital, clinic or maternity centre. If you fall in the same category and is planning to deliver your child at a private hospital in the Klang Valley, a natural delivery can cost\u00a0over\u00a0\nRM6,500\n\u00a0including hospital stay for both mother and baby, while a Caesarean delivery can cost\u00a0up to\u00a0\nRM20,000\n, especially if it involves an emergency case\u00a0including\u00a0anaesthetics and post natal photo therapy for your newborn.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNatural birth & hospital stay in a private hospital in the Klang Valley \n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost =\u00a0\nRM6,500\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMedical care for your little one\n\n\nYour newborn baby will have to go for regular check-ups and immunisation in the first year. These immunisations are scheduled every other month, from a BCG at 0-month to measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination in the 12\nth\n\u00a0month.\n\n\nOn average, these visits can cost between RM70 to RM150 per visit, if you visit a private paediatrician clinic.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImmunisation & check-ups for baby\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated annual cost =\u00a0\nRM2,250\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf your baby is susceptible to flu and cold, be prepared to fork out about RM150 to RM200\u00a0per doctor\u2019s visit, as consultation by a paediatrician and medication does not come cheap.\n\n\nChildcare\n\n\nIf both parents are working, you will need to prepare to pay a fixed amount every month for the caring of your child.\u00a0\nBabycenter\n\u00a0found over 80% of parents in Malaysia rely on their parents/relative (41%), or a babysitter/nanny (40%) to take care of their child when they are at work. Some parents are lucky enough to have their parents to look after the child.\n\n\nHowever, for those who don\u2019t have this luxury, here is the breakdown of childcare cost.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBabysitter or nanny\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf both parents are working, you will need to prepare to pay a fixed amount every month for the caring of your child.\u00a0\nBabycenter\n\u00a0found over 80% of parents in Malaysia rely on their parents/relative (41%), or a babysitter/nanny (40%) to take care of their child when they are at work. Some parents are lucky enough to have their parents to look after the child.\n\n\nHowever, for those who don\u2019t have this luxury, \u00a0babysitters can cost up to\u00a0\nRM1,500\n\u00a0per month or more.\u00a0 Here is how much it will cost to send your child to a babysitter in the Klang Valley:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBabysitter or nanny\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated annual cost =\u00a0\nRM18,000\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMaid service\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOthers opt to get a live-in maid to take care of the child, especially if they have an aging parent at home too. However, getting\u00a0\na stay-at-home maid\u00a0\ncan be costly. Agencies generally charge fees\u00a0ranging from\u00a0\nRM14,000 to RM18,000\n\u00a0and a monthly salary to the maid\u00a0starting from\u00a0\nRM1,100\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLive-in domestic maid\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost for the first year =\n from\u00a0RM27,200\n(not inclusive of food and accommodation)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOther necessities\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStroller and car seat\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou will need a good quality stroller that can usually last at least two years to bring your baby out. An average stroller with a baby carrier that doubles as car seat costs about RM1,300 (and we are not talking about those designer strollers). When your baby is slightly older (depending on weight), you will need to get a separate car seat that costs at least RM400.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStroller & car seat\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost =\nRM1,700\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFurniture\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA baby needs different types of furniture, such as a crib, playpen, changing table, high chair, and Jumperoo. If you would like to cut cost, you can buy second-hand for these or get free from your relatives, whom children have grown out of these.\n\n\nHowever, if you have to buy everything brand new, these can add up to a big amount\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nItem\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCrib/Cot/Mattress/Pillows/Bedding\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM800.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPlaypen\n\n\n\n\nRM200.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHigh chair\n\n\n\n\nRM100.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChanging table\n\n\n\n\nRM150.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFurniture\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost =\u00a0\nRM1,250\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFood\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Breastfeeding\n\n\nIf the mother decides to breastfeed, then you will need to consider getting a breast pump. Currently, breast pumps in the market range in price from RM400 to over RM800, not forgetting the required storage bottles, chiller packs and other paraphernalia.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost =\u00a0\nRM800\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Formula\n\n\nBaby formulas have different prices depending on the different brands and stages. The earlier the stage, (for newborn) the more expensive the cost. As your child becomes older, the cost of formula milk will reduce. The average price of a tin of formula for a newborn of up to six months old range from RM60 to over RM110 a tin.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBaby formula milk\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost for first year =\u00a0\nRM2,640\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Solid food\n\n\nOnce your baby is six months old and above, you can start feeding him or her solid food to supplement milk like porridge, puree food, or baby cereal. This can roughly cost about RM120 a month, depending on the ingredients you choose.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSolid food\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost for first year =\u00a0\nRM720\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiapers\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere are various brands of diapers available. Some can be cheaper while others can cost you quite a hefty sum.\n\n\n\n\nA mid-range diaper brand can cost over RM35 per pack. The number of diapers in a pack depends on the size.\n\n\nA more premium diaper brand can cost about RM60 per pack. These can be used at night as they can last longer without leaking.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiapers\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost for first year =\u00a0\nRM1,435\n\u00a0(RM35 X 15 packs and RM60 X 15 packs)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClothes and toys\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBabies grow out of their clothes and get tired of toys fairly quickly. Most parents are advised to get used clothes or toys from friends or relatives. However, parents will still buy new clothes and toys for their babies occasionally (who can resist those cute outfits and toys?). The amount spent on these items really depend on you and your baby.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClothes & toys\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost for first year =\u00a0\nRM720\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTo save some cost on toys, you can consider renting the toys places\u00a0like\u00a0\nRent A Toys\n. Children get bored easily, so it makes sense to rent instead of buy, especially for expensive toys.\n\n\nSo\u2026 What IS the total cost of having a baby?\n\n\nThe figures above are just estimates and some of them are one-time costs while others are recurring. In the interest of providing new parents, and soon-to-be parents an idea of how much they need to prepare for an arrival of their newborn, here is an estimate of the total cost that may be incurred from pregnancy to the first 12 months of your baby\u2019s life in the case of both parents working and if one parent stayed at home full time.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nItems\n\n\nPaid childcare\n\n\nNon-paid childcare\n\n\n\n\n\n\nArrival of baby\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPregnancy check-ups^\n\n\nRM2,400\n\n\nRM2,400\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDelivery (natural)^\n\n\nRM6,000\n\n\nRM6,000\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAfter birth (12 months)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImmunisation & check-ups^\n\n\nRM2,250\n\n\nRM2,250\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildcare (babysitter)#\n\n\nRM18,000\n\n\nRM0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStroller & car seat^\n\n\nRM1,700\n\n\nRM1,700\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFurniture^ \n\n\nRM1,250.00\n\n\nRM1,250.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump^\n\n\nRM800\n\n\nRM800\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFormula milk# \n\n\nRM2,640\n\n\nRM2,640\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBaby solid food# \n\n\nRM720\n\n\nRM720\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiapers# \n\n\nRM1,435\n\n\nRM1,435\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClothes/Toys# \n\n\nRM720\n\n\nRM720\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal\n\n\nRM37,915.00\n\n\nRM19,915.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n^ One-off cost\n\n\n# Recurring annual cost\n\n\nThese are estimated costs of the things you will need in the first year of your child\u2019s life for an average middle-income family living in Klang Valley. For example, by opting to go to government hospitals you can help save significantly on delivery, check-ups and medical costs. Keep in mind that the total figure above is not an upfront cost so you can spread this out a little. However, you will need to prepare at least RM12,000 to RM18,000 before the delivery at a private hospital, as you will not know if the mother will delivery naturally or via Caesarean.\n\n\nHaving the\u00a0\nright credit card\n\u00a0can help you manage your expenses better, not just as a payment method, but you can use facilities such as the easy payment plan or\u00a0\nbalance transfer\n\u00a0to help you spread out the payment for a large amount.\n\n\nTo further help ease the financial burden of Malaysian parents, the government is providing the following tax reliefs to parents:\n\n\n\n\nOrdinary child relief\n\u2013 RM2,000 (only for one of the parents)\n\n\nPurchase of breastfeeding equipment\n\u00a0\u2013 RM1000\n\n\nChild care fees to a child care centre or a kindergarten\n\u00a0\u2013 RM1000\n\n\nChild education insurance\n\u2013 RM3,000 per parent\n\n\nSkim Simpanan Pendidikan Malaysia (SSPN)savings \n\u2013 RM6,000 (for each parent)\n\n\n\n\nHaving a child is a life-long commitment. As they grow older, you will need to consider other costs such as their education and hobbies. However, it will be worth it as Nicholas Sparks, a famous author once said, \u201cWhat it\u2019s like to be a parent: It\u2019s one of the hardest things you\u2019ll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.\u201d\n\n\nThe article was first published on \niMoney Learning Centre\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/teaching-your-children-to-apply-sunscreen", "title": "Teaching Your Children To Apply Sunscreen", "body": "If you have young children you are probably concerned about keeping their skin protected from the sun. After all, studies have shown that sunburns in childhood dramatically increase the odds of developing skin cancer as an adult. So you nag and slather, spray and poof, and pop hats on heads until you\u2019d think it would become second nature. But does it?\n\n\nPreviously in the US, a child needed to bring sunscreen to the office with a doctor\u2019s note, and have it applied by a school nurse or the administrator filling that role. Thankfully, many states now have laws that allow children to carry and apply their own sunscreen. But as a parent, how do you know that they are doing an adequate job? The best way to be sure is to begin teaching them young, and give them guidelines to judge how well they have covered themselves.\n\n\nThe first thing that children (and many adults) need to learn is that \nsunburns can still occur with sunscreen\n\u00a0and that it happens for one of \nthree reasons\n:\n\n\n\n\nNot applying enough\n\n\n\n\nMake sure your kids understand the amount it takes to get their faces and bodies well covered. Have them apply in front of a mirror, then check their work. If you\u2019d apply more, have them look at how their skin looks when you are finished. They can always apply sunscreen in a school bathroom with a mirror, or may have a mirror available in their classroom.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMissed spots or uneven application\n\n\n\n\nB\nefore you begin, have your child look in the mirror and tell you all the places they need to apply. They should look for exposed skin, from the tops of heads to the holes in sandals, and be sure to apply in all those areas. Sun Safety for Kids, a non-profit organization based in California tells kids to \u201cPut on a lot. And don\u2019t miss a spot!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nFailure to reapply\n\n\n\n\nEven many adults don\u2019t realize that sunscreen needs to be reapplied every 2 hours when you are out in the sun. This is because the chemical active ingredients in sunscreens (oxybenzone, avobenzone, homosalate, and more) actually deteriorate with sun exposure. Even mineral sunscreen actives Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide can become less effective over time due to sweating and wiping away of product. Even if you still have some protection remaining, it never hurts to reapply.\n\n\nIf you or your child do get a sunburn while wearing sunscreen, it probably means you have unknowingly committed one of the above errors. Sunscreen is tested to be at least the protection factor listed on the container, but it is tested by people who understand how to apply sunscreen. \n\n\nYour actual protection (and that of your child) relies on proper usage. Find a sunscreen your child can manage and doesn\u2019t hate to apply, and teach them how to get the coverage they need.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to redeem your reward \nhere\n and \nhere\n on theAsianparent app!\n\n\nThe article is written by Terresa Clark\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThe Lowdown on SPF Sunscreens \u2013 Plus 5 Natural Options to Try!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Simple & Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Skin: A Lazy Person\u2019s Guide\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to Keep A Healthy Skin? These Are 5 Nutrients for Healthy, Glowing Skin\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/are-you-the-good-wife-2", "title": "What Do Men Expect Of A Woman In Marriage? Are You 'The Good Wife'?", "body": "When you consider your role as a wife, how would you grade yourself? Are you the good wife?\n\n\nNow, what grade would your husband give you? If your marriage is healthy and happy, your answers will most likely be in sync. At least, that\u2019s where it should be.\n\n\nBut the reasons\u00a0\nwhy \nyou and your husband think you\u2019re \u2018Wonder Wife\u2019 are likely different\u2013different, that is, unless you know what men think a great wife is.\n\n\n\n\nAs far as being a good wife goes, how does he think you fair?\nPartner Stories\nHealth\n6 Causes of Body Aches and Pains. Here\u2019s How To Treat Them!\nPenjagaan pantang dan selepas bersalin\nChildbirth aftermath \u2013 Get back in shape\nLifestyle\nRedeem Rewards & Exclusive Gifts at Sunway Pyramid\u2019s Blessed Christmas\nKeibubapaan\nBaki Tali Pusat Bayi Ada 5 Masalah Ini? Parents, Ini Yang Anda Perlu Lakukan Untuk Bayi Anda\n\n\n\n\nWhat men want in a good wife\n\n\nWhen it comes to getting down to the nitty-gritty on what men want and need in a wife, the following list of things is considered the essentials for a\n\u00a0healthy marriage\nand what men consider a wife to be:\n\n\n\n\nRespects her husband. She respects her husband\u2019s need to be the \u2018fixer\u2019 in the relationship. She knows her husband is not going to be a passive listener. It\u2019s not in his genetic make-up to \u2018just\u2019 listen without trying to make the situation a resolved situation.\n\n\nIn a husband\u2019s eyes, a woman is one that contentedly lives within their means. To do so affirms to them that they are fulfilling their role as head of the house. Don\u2019t laugh\u2013no matter how progressive you are. There is an inherent need in a man to feel this way.\n\n\nWill parent with their husband\u2013not against him. She will also never ever speak negatively about her husband to her children, family, friends or co-workers. The problems in a marriage (every marriage has a few) need to stay between the married couple (unless professional help is sought out). FIY: Your co-worker is not a marriage counselor.\n\n\nWill not try to change her husband; molding him into her ideal of perfection.\n\n\nMakes time for her husband every day\n. Some days that time may be shorter than others, but make sure there is always time for just the two of you.\n\n\nListens to her husband. She won\u2019t always agree with him, but she\u2019ll listen in just the same way she wants her husband to listen to her.\n\n\nA wife lets her husband know she is sexually attracted to him. No, men aren\u2019t quite as insecure as we women are about ageing and looks, but they do think about it just the same. And although it should go without saying, this includes being faithful in the marriage.\n\n\nA wife is one whose takes care of her family. Again\u2026no matter how modern and progressive you think your family is (or should be), the position of wife and mother comes with certain responsibilities.\n\n\nThe good wife doesn\u2019t try to make her husband choose between her and his family. This family may be his mom, children from a previous marriage or spending every other Friday night playing poker with his brother-but he shouldn\u2019t be made to choose.\n\n\nA wife tells her husband that she loves and appreciates him every single day.\n\n\n\n\nAn important point to remember is that the trick is in working towards being a good wife as opposed to the perfect wife. First of all, there is no such thing and even he knows that. Here is where understanding each other\u2019s wants, needs and expectations take centre stage. Ultimately, \u00a0a splendid wife begets a good husband and vice versa.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-do-you-rarely-see-prince-william-carrying-princess-charlotte-in-public", "title": "Why do you rarely see Prince William carrying Princess Charlotte in public?", "body": "Though both the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are \nclearly devoted parents\n, it seems that Princess Charlotte is growing up to be a \u201cmummy\u2019s girl.\u201d\n\n\nIf you look closely at some of the Royal family\u2019s public appearances, you\u2019ll notice how Prince William often holds his son George\u2019s hand. Meanwhile it is always Kate who looks after their youngest.\n\n\nPrincess Charlotte is \u201cMummy\u2019s Little Shadow\u201d!\n\n\nThis is not random, says a \nreport by Us Weekly.\n\u00a0A trusted source from the Middleton family is said to fondly call the little princess her mummy\u2019s \u201cshadow.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWherever Kate goes, so does Charlotte. It\u2019s adorable. As she\u2019s home a lot more than George, Charlotte spends time in the kitchen \u2018helping\u2019 with things,\u201d says the source.\n\n\n\u201cWhenever the housekeeper or Kate is preparing food, Charlotte needs her own little toy set by her side to imitate.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nRobert Jobson, a royal commentator and author, \ntold theBusiness Insider\n that \u201cit usually comes down to the relationship between the individual child and parent as to who takes the lead in a particular relationship. But in William and George\u2019s case, it may be different.\u201d\n\n\nContinuing, Jobson shared that it is only William, aside from the Queen and Prince Charles, \u201cwho knows what it\u2019s like to be the direct heir in line to the British throne, and only he knows what is expected of him.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nJobson believes, William naturally takes the lead by guiding his son while in public.\n\n\nBritish manners and etiquette coach William Hanson believes it might not be intentional. But it is still a nice way to pay tribute \u201cto\u00a0the lineage and line of succession that is key to the British royal family.\u201d\n\n\nThe royal kids are growing up very close with their parents\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nPrincess Charlotte, who\u2019s turning three in May 2018, will soon be starting nursery school this January 2018.\n\n\nThe royals\u2019 school of choice? Willcocks Nursery School at the Holy Trinity Church in London. The prestigious nursery is just a short distance away from Kensington Palace.\u00a0\n\n\nBig brother George, who\u2019s turning five in July 2018 is definitely very close to his dad William.\n\n\n\u201cWilliam says they have surprisingly deep conversations these days and his view of the world is absolutely fascinating to him,\u201d reveals the source. William himself can\u2019t believe how bright beyond his years George is, the source adds.\n\n\nThere\u2019s no doubt these little Royals, who have such doting parents, will grow up close to both mummy and daddy, regardless of who looks after whom whenever they greet the adoring public.\n\n\nsources: \nUs Weekly\n, \nBusiness Insider\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/international-day-of-happiness", "title": "Celebrate International Day Of Happiness With A Digital Detox", "body": "With life, relationships and responsibilities sometimes getting the best of us, it can be hard to remember the last time you felt truly happy. Many of us try to combat this via distraction \u2013 whether that\u2019s keeping ourselves busy, binge-watching TV shows, or mindlessly scrolling through social media.\n\n\nThat\u2019s why March 20th \u2013 the International Day of Happiness \u2013 is the perfect time to remind ourselves of the small things that contribute to our own joy.\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve been struggling to disconnect with the world and reconnect with what makes you happy, then it could be the perfect time for a digital detox. With wellness travel being a big trend for 2023, it\u2019s not a bad idea to consider a quick getaway that brings you back to yourself.\u00a0 Let\u2019s escape the hustle and bustle of the city and head to Desaru Coast for the weekend to heal while holidaying, and find your inner happiness.\n\n\nGet Some Vitamin Sea\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThey say salt water is the cure for everything, and it\u2019s true. It\u2019s almost impossible to be unhappy when at the beach, with pristine white sand and calm blue waters, the sea offers us a myriad of healing properties.\u00a0\n\n\nWhether you enjoy sitting by the beach and listening to the waves, reading a good book in the sunshine,or getting your thrills through water sports, you can discover a whole new world under (or by) the sea.\n\n\nThe Desaru Coast Beach Walk is the perfect way to find that inner peace, allowing you to take in the beautiful beaches, interesting flora, and marine plants along the shoreline. This tour demonstrates the importance and benefits of the coastal environment and the rich geological history of Desaru\u2019s rock pools.\u00a0\n\n\nExplore The Mangroves\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou might consider mangroves to be simply shrubs or trees that grow in coastal saline or brackish water \u2013 but they\u2019re so much more than this. While we often look at the thicket of roots and marvel at how intricate and strong they are, the real magical properties of the mangroves are the fact that they are crucial to the coastal ecosystem.\n\n\n Between serving as a buffer between marine and terrestrial life, protecting the shoreline from damaging winds, waves and floods, and filtering pollutants \ntrapping sediments from the land while reducing coastal \nerosion\n, mangroves are one of nature\u2019s best gifts to coastal lands.\u00a0\n\n\nBe one with nature in Desaru Coast as you cruise along the mangroves with a naturalist guide, who will ensure you not only get to explore, but also learn about the traditions and superstitions of local fishermen. You might also have the chance to plant some mangrove saplings, and find some joy in doing your part to maintain this crucial ecosystem.\u00a0\n\n\nGet Active\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAs Elle Woods said in the movie \nLegally Blonde\n, \u201cExercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!\u201d And she was absolutely right.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s scientifically proven that physical activity helps your brain produce more endorphins \u2013 and numerous activities can contribute to this feeling.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, have your pick at Desaru Coast! Play a round of golf at two award-winning golf courses, embark on a beautiful nature hike, cycle along the coast, or speed away on an ATV adventure! There are plenty of options for you to get your heart pumping and those endorphins running, so choose what excites you most and go for it!\u00a0\n\n\nHappiness is a Spa Day Away\n\n\n\n\nOnce you\u2019ve soaked in the sand, sun and sea, it\u2019s time to bring the focus to your mind and body. One&Only Desaru Coast is home to the first Chenot Spa in Asia that focuses on vitality, which means you can enjoy science-based treatments that will leave you feeling recharged and rejuvenated.\n\n\nAt Chenot, you can embark on a journey to complete wellness with a programme that helps you achieve your specific goals. This could be via mindfulness, aesthetic treatments, or a Chenot Actif massage where the masseuse will knead your worries away with super-charged emulsions infused with plant-based essential oils. The perfect concoction to help reduce and eliminate stress, fatigue and relieve pain.\n\n\nReady for your journey to happiness? Desaru Coast is happy to be the vessel to guide you on your digital detox as you rekindle your joy through sun, sea, nature and self-care. Head over to \nhttps://desarucoast.com\n to book your digital detox weekend.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nSenarai Jenis Najis Bayi, Awas Jika Najis Anak Anda Berwarna & Tekstur Ini\nGaya Hidup\nPenjagaan Oral Yang Baik Dapat Mengurangkan Mabuk Hamil, Ini Cara Penjagaan\nHealth\nUnderstand the Impact of Chickenpox From a Doctor's Diary\nLifestyle\n5 Ways To Make Your House Safer When You Have Kids\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/galaxy-watch4-for-women", "title": "Galaxy Watch4 for Women \u2013 Here\u2019s How It\u2019s An Absolute Advantage", "body": "Combining brains and beauty like never before, Samsung Galaxy Watch4 is the one for ladies, offering truly helpful health monitoring features while adding a dash of style to an everyday ensemble. From tracking your daily activities to monitoring your menstrual cycle, the Galaxy Watch4 can be your right hand wo(man) that supports your endeavours.\n\n\nTake a look at the following top benefits of the Galaxy Watch4 for women:\n\n\nMore Than a Period Tracker\n\n\n\n\nSayonara to worries, surprises and feelings in the dark about your own reproductive health! With the Galaxy Watch4 connected with Glow\n app, you can keep track of all your menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, and health information effortlessly on your wrist, and make informed decisions.\n\n\n Over time when Glow learns a user\u2019s cycle pattern, its predictions will become smarter and you can use the data to set reminder alarms for optimal time for health-related activities and take control of your reproductive health.\n\n\nStylish In Every Occasion\n\n\nFrom its sleek profile to an array of fun strap colours and customizable watch faces, the Galaxy Watch4 can blend with thousands of your outfits, keeping you classy and stylish as always. You can constantly play around with different watch face designs and colour coordination to suit your daily mood and wardrobe. \n\n\nWith the Galaxy Watch4, your fashion possibilities could be endless! \nFor a more feminine appeal, get the smaller-sized models, such as 40mm or 42mm, in either pink or silver! They can never go wrong!\n\n\nSmart n\u2019 Quick SOS Prompt\n\n\nGoing beyond healthy and fashionable lifestyle conveniences, the smart Galaxy Watch4 doubles as a SOS signal in the event of an emergency.\n\n\nIn situations when you\u2019re alone and in need of emergency assistance or feel threatened on the street, quickly press the watch\u2019s Power key three times, and the emergency feature will help to prompt Emergency calls or SOS messages to assigned emergency contacts. Your contacts will then be aware of your whereabouts and how to locate you immediately. \n\n\nBecause we never know when the unthinkable can happen, it\u2019s always best to be prepared and set up emergency contacts in advanced so the Galaxy Watch4 can be of great help when needed.\n\n\nFood Diary on Your Wrist\n\n\n\n\nJournaling on every snack, sip of soda and carbs you take is a great approach to becoming more mindful of your eating patterns and make healthy changes. \n\n\nWith the Galaxy Watch4, it is quick and convenient to record your daily food intake and calorie count on Samsung Health with just a few taps. Counting calories is said to significantly improve your chances of achieving your desired physique. \n\n\nSo, if you\u2019re interested in bodybuilding, keeping fit or losing weight, you have to leverage the potential of this tool!\n\n\nEnjoy Over 90+ Workout Modes and Programmes\n\n\nHave you ever experience an intense sports session, like tennis or rock climbing, but lacked the proper gear to record your achievements?\n\n\n With Samsung Health, you can effortlessly track over 90 variety of workout modes in detail, including yoga, endurance training, golf and more! \n\n\nSimply add the fitness modes to your list of interests, set your workout schedules and manually activate the workout mode tracking on Galaxy Watch4 before you start. Your effort will be documented and you will be inspired to strive higher!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nGive Health A Shot\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nI Saw Improvement In My Child\u2019s Behaviour After Doing This\nHealth\nIs Your Little One Getting Vaccinated Soon? Tips On What You Should Do Before & After Each Jab\nFormula\nLife skills for children: Teach your kids these important life skills\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nutrition-for-resilience", "title": "Your Child\u2019s Future Hangs On A Resilient Immune System!", "body": "Do you remember the movie Bubble Boy? Spoiler alert: It was about a boy whose mother tricked him into \u201cliving\u201d in a literal bubble by telling him that he didn\u2019t have an immune system.\n\n\nYou probably thought that show was such an exaggeration until you had your own child. Then you realised that the world is full of germs, bacteria and viruses that our children are exposed to on a daily basis.\n\n\nImmunity, then, plays such a huge role in keeping our children healthy and happy. After all, when our children have strong immune systems, it allows them to explore the world and learn from all the experiences.\n\n\nWhat does having a good immune system mean?\n\n\nEvery parent wants their child to have a good immune system. But what exactly does this mean?\n\n\nWhen a child has a good immune system, they basically have a strong foundation for their health, allowing them to be exposed to various environments without fear of falling ill.\n\n\nBut HOW do we achieve good immune systems for our children? Is it something they are born with? Is it something we can build?\n\n\nThe good news is that it is indeed something we can build, by introducing probiotics and prebiotics to our children.\n\n\nWhen you include prebiotics and probiotics in your child\u2019s diet, the two work together to promote a healthy gut by encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria. This ultimately improves digestion and supports the immune system.\n\n\nSounds easy enough, right?\n\n\nAbsolutely right! By ensuring your child has increased probiotic and prebiotic intake, it builds a strong barrier between the body and the external environment\n1\n.\n\n\nAn added bonus is that our children also enjoy improved digestion, which helps the body absorb more essential nutrients for their development while reducing the risk of infection.\n\n\nMaking the right choice\n\n\nMany children are not going to sit down and take a thousand and one supplements that you will inevitably try to hide in their food. So how do you entice them to take in all the nutrients they need to build a strong immune system?\n\n\nOne way to do that is by ensuring they meet all their dietary needs and one of the most important meal requirements is milk. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children drink 2-3 cups of milk per day\n2\n.\n\n\nAptaGro\u2122 with patented combination of Prebiotics and Probiotic and important nutrients helps to support their daily nutritional requirements. Not only that AptaGro\u2122 has the highest DHA level\n3\n, helping to meet international expert recommendation.\n\n\n\n\nUnderstanding the science behind it\n\n\nNow, you might be thinking \u2014 yes, I am familiar with prebiotics and probiotics in my child\u2019s diet. But how does it really work?\n\n\nLet us break it down for you.\n\n\nPrebiotics are mainly made out of fibre that is fermented by the time it reaches the large intestine.\n\n\nNot to be confused with probiotics, prebiotics is what feeds the friendly bacteria that is already in the gut.\n\n\nExamples of food high in prebiotic fibre include legumes, beans, peas, oats, garlic, bananas, watermelon, flaxseeds.\n\n\n\n\nProbiotics, on the other hand, is obtained naturally through foods that have gone through bacterial fermentation (such as yogurt, kombucha, kefir, tempeh, kimchi and miso).\n\n\nYou might find that your child is not getting enough probiotics through their diet alone, which is why supplements are a good option. The benefits of probiotics very much depend on the dosage and strains. Studies have found that probiotics are able to reduce the severity of eczema\n4\n, diarrhoea\n5\n and reduce the risk of infection in children\n6\n.\n\n\nGetting started with prebiotics and probiotics\n\n\n\n\nThe key is to start your children on prebiotics and probiotics as early as possible to get a headstart on building their foundation.\n\n\nWith the right balance of probiotics and prebiotics, your children will be able to build strong immune systems that are resilient against disease and sickness.\n\n\nHealthy bodies lead to sharp minds. Children who have the benefit of both will learn important lessons quickly, adopt resilient attitudes readily, and be prepared to face challenges with optimism.\n\n\nWith this foundation, parents will be able to teach and model the Five Pillars Of Resilience (Perseverance, Adaptability, Self-Reliance, Resourcefulness, and Daringness). Want to know more about the five pillars of Resilience? Read the full story at \nthis link\n.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1 \nHemarajata, P., & Versalovic, J. (2013). Effects of probiotics on gut microbiota: mechanisms of intestinal immunomodulation and neuromodulation. Retrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3539293/\n\n\n2 \nAdvice to Children to \u201cDrink Their Milk\u201d Should come with Recommended Amounts. (2012). Retrieved from \nwww.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/pages/Advice-to-Children-to-Drink-Their-Milk-Should-Come-With-Recommended-Amounts.aspx\n\n\n3\n\u00a0*Compared to other cow\u2019s milk based growing up milk brands per 100g basis in the market as of Dec 2019. AptaGro contains 89.7mg/100g of DHA.\n\n\n4 \nMakrgeorgou, A. (2018). Probiotics for treating eczema. doi: \nhttps://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD006135.pub3\n\n\n5\n\u00a0\nH. Szajewska-M. Ko\u0142odziej \u2013 Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2015). Retrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26365389\n\n\n6\n\u00a0\nChatchatee P et al. Effects of Growing-Up Milk Supplemented With Prebiotics and LCPUFAs on Infections in Young Children. JPGN 2014; 58(4):428-437Chatchatee P et al. Effects of Growing-Up Milk Supplemented With Prebiotics and LCPUFAs on Infections in Young Children. JPGN 2014; 58(4):428-437\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/money-lessons-for-children-that-will-last-a-lifetime", "title": "Money Lessons For Children That Will Last A Lifetime", "body": "Money Lessons\n\n\nWe used to jokingly call my father \u201cthe money tree\u201d. Forget saving or earning money; if we wanted a new toy, all we had to do was give the old money tree a shake. The truth is, of course, \nmoney doesn\u2019t grow on trees\n.\n\n\nEqually true: children need to learn the essentials of saving, the value of hard work, and the difference you can make by giving back. What\u2019s more, in a world full of uncertainty, it has become increasingly important that we teach our children the power and the true value of money.\n\n\nBut where do you start? Can children grasp the concept of money? And how do you instil money lessons in your little ones that will last a lifetime?\n\n\nMoney Lessons: Financial Literacy In Children\n\n\nBefore anything else, some good news: You\u2019re likely already off to a great start. In the Asia Money Parenting study\u00a0commissioned by Eastspring Investments, which surveyed 10,000 parents of 9 Asian countries, it was found that 95% of parents believe that financial education \u2014 knowing how to use and manage money \u2014 is highly important.\n\n\nDifferent parents may have \ndifferent styles of imparting financial knowledge\n, or \nMoney Parenting\n as we call it, but this is especially crucial as parents are a child\u2019s first role model.\n\n\nWhen Can You Start Teaching Your Child About Money?\n\n\nGenerally, in Asia, parents (65% of those surveyed) teach their children about money matters at the age of 10 and under, coinciding with when the children start going to school and managing money becomes a necessity.\n\n\nBut actually, the simple answer for when exactly children should be taught is \u201cas soon as possible\u201d. Children as young as three to five years old can be taught money basics. And you might be surprised by how much they actually comprehend.\n\n\nIn fact, according to researchers from the \nUniversity of Cambridge\n commissioned by the UK\u2019s Money Advice Service, money habits are formed as early as the age of seven.\n\n\n\n\nTeaching The Value Of Money: Piggy Bank 2.0\n\n\nBefore you discuss the finer points of an investment portfolio with your young child, a good place to start is the humble piggy bank or savings jar \u2014 47% of Asian parents already do this, according to the Asia Money Parenting survey.\n\n\nWhile your child is young, the lesson you want to impart is that money is good and useful and that it\u2019s often a good idea to think carefully before buying.\n\n\nTo teach this lesson, you may want to give the classic piggy bank an upgrade. Instead, get three jars and have your child write \u201cSave\u201d, \u201cSpend\u201d, and \u201cShare\u201d on each.\n\n\nThe \u201cSave\u201d jar will teach your child that the act of saving is fun and worthwhile versus spending it all on toys or ice cream \u2014 a lesson even adults struggle with.\n\n\nThe \u201cSpend\u201d jar is all about teaching your child the power of money. When they realise how money gives them the power to answer their wants and needs, they\u2019ll learn just how useful money can be.\n\n\nFinally, the \u201cShare\u201d jar lets them learn important lessons like their place in the community, or that oftentimes, it is the giver who receives more.\n\n\n\n\nMore Money Lessons For A Lifetime\n\n\nThe Save, Spend, Share Jars are just the beginning. There are many other ways to teach your child about money. If you can make learning about money a regular part of your child\u2019s life, it will reward both of you in the future \u2014 exactly like a smart investment.\n\n\nToddlers And Preschoolers:\n\n\n\n\nGive an allowance. You can start giving your child an allowance when they enter school, or even earlier. It doesn\u2019t have to be a large sum of money. The role of an allowance at an early age is just to get your child used to have money.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRole play. During playtime, pretend you are at a restaurant and make sure to role play paying the bill as well. You can also do pretend grocery shopping, or sit them on your lap and go online shopping together.\n\n\n\n\nPrimary School:\n\n\n\n\nBudgeting 101. As your child enters primary school, you may want to give your child\u2019s allowance in a weekly lump sum \u2014 even monthly if you think they can handle it. This will teach your child to budget. And if your child spends it all in one day, be strong and don\u2019t bail them out!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nOpen a bank account. The Asia Money Parenting survey revealed that 48% of parents have opened savings accounts for their children. This is a simple way of teaching your child how to grow their money in the early years of their life.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSet goals. Nothing will inspire your child to save more than a personal goal of their own. Just be sure the goal is realistic. If your child\u2019s goal is a little expensive, try an incentive scheme, like matching them dollar for dollar \u2014 a simple method of teaching them that saving money makes more money.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMonetise the chores. Teach your child the value of hard work by putting a monetary value on the chores that they do at home. This is an effective way for children to learn how to make money through experience, and 33% of Asian parents use this method.\n\n\n\n\nBeyond:\n\n\n\n\nLevel up the money talk. As your child enters their teen years, make sure your regular money talks evolve with their level of maturity. Motivate your child to save more money by teaching about the power of compounded interest. You could be the \u201cbank\u201d, allowing your child to leave money with you and you give back the principal with interest after a period of time.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nEncourage them to get a part-time job. The exact job doesn\u2019t matter \u2014 they can work at a fast food restaurant, wait tables, or serve customers in retail. The idea is to teach your teen the dignity of work.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFake invest. \u201cKnowing how to grow money\u201d is a desired money parenting outcome of their children for some parents, and if you are one of them, you can teach your young adult to invest in stocks by doing a dry run first. Have them invest on paper, putting fictional money in actual stocks. Keep track of the performance of their portfolio and reward them when they do well. And when they\u2019re ready, invest for real, starting with small amounts.\n\n\n\n\nMoney lessons can begin at an early age and should evolve with your child\u2019s level of maturity. Through your constant tutelage, your child can learn how to better manage money, and be more prepared for adult life.\n\n\nFor more lessons on Money Parenting, check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/3-fruits-to-avoid-during-the-first-trimester-of-your-pregnancy", "title": "Fruits to Avoid During Your First Week of Pregnancy And What to Eat Instead", "body": "Pregnancy is a journey with many changes. From morning sickness to rapid changes in body structure, pregnant women adapt to a different set of routines that they aren\u2019t normally used to.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the main changes is diet: Exactly what\u2019s safe and beneficial to eat, and what isn\u2019t? Are all fruits safe to eat, and if not, why? Here, we discuss three fruits to avoid during pregnancy first trimester.\n\n\nBut first\u2026\n\n\nWhy Is the First Trimester of Pregnancy So Important?\n\n\n\n\nA woman\u2019s pregnancy is divided into three parts, or trimesters. The first trimester is regarded as the first three months of your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nThe first trimester is important because even though your bump is barely showing, your baby is physically growing inside you.\n\n\nBy the end of the first trimester, \nmost of your tiny foetus\u2019s organs have formed already.\u00a0\n\n\nSince the foetus is still developing, it is also defenceless as it still doesn\u2019t have its own immune system. All of its growing organs can be injured by a variety of things, such as drugs, infections, radiation, tobacco and toxic chemicals.\u00a0\n\n\nKnowing all this, one way of keeping you and your foetus healthy is to refrain from alcohol, caffeine, smoking or drugs.\n\n\nHealthy foetal development also goes hand in hand with good lifestyle habits, such as\u00a0exercising regularly, drinking adequate amounts of water and eating the right things.\n\n\n3 Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy First Trimester\n\n\nWhen it comes to food that is not safe to eat during pregnancy, we know of the usual suspects: soft cheese, sushi, soft-serve ice cream \u2013 anything that can result in food poisoning.\n\n\nHowever, did you know that there are some fruits too that you should avoid, especially in the first trimester?\u00a0\n\n\n1. Grapes\n\n\n\n\nThere are mixed opinions about grapes when it comes to fruits to avoid during pregnancy first trimester.\n\n\nSome experts advise that\u2019s it safe to eat while some say it should be avoided. While grapes do have high levels of vitamin A and C (which are important nutrients for pregnant mums), there are a few reasons why you might want to steer clear from grapes in your first trimester:\n\n\n\n\nResveratrol toxicity\n\n\n\n\nThe outer skin of grapes is rich in a compound called resveratrol. Although scientific research identifies resveratrol as a healthy nutrient, it could be toxic to pregnant women. This is because resveratrol can react with disproportionate hormone levels a pregnant woman might have.\n\n\nA study also found out that pregnant monkeys fed with resveratrol supplements led to surprising results. Although more blood was directed from the pregnant monkey\u2019s placenta to the foetus, the \nbaby\u2019s pancreas developed irregularly\n.\n\n\nThe pancreas is important for controlling glucose levels in the blood, meaning that the babies were likelier to suffer from diabetes later on.\n\n\n\n\nPesticides that remain on the skin\n\n\n\n\nGrapes are often sprayed with pesticides that aren\u2019t easily washed away. These pesticides may contribute to health complications in the foetus.\n\n\n\n\nGrapes may cause constipation\n as their skin is difficult to digest.\u00a0\n\n\nHeatiness \ncan affect both the mum and the baby.\n\n\n\n\nIf you are concerned about eating grapes while you are pregnant, please consult your doctor or gynaecologist for further advice.\n\n\n2. Unripe and Semi-Ripe Papaya Fruit\n\n\n\n\nPapayas are known for their sweet, juicy, orange flesh and as a natural remedy for indigestion. It is common in tropical countries and comes in a variety of types and sizes.\n\n\nHowever, the \nunripe and semi-ripe forms\n of this fruit aren\u2019t particularly good for pregnant women for the following reasons:\n\n\n\n\nThey are abundant in latex, which promotes early uterine contraction. \nThis may result in a miscarriage.\u00a0\n\n\nThey contain large amounts of papain. \nOne of papain\u2019s side effects is that it can trigger early labour. The reason behind this is that papain looks very similar to another molecule that performs this role, which your body mistakes papain for.\n\n\nLatex is a common allergen. \nCommon allergic symptoms include a runny nose, swelling in the mouth area and skin rashes. However, sometimes allergic reactions can cause breathing difficulties and anaphylaxis. In such cases, medical attention should be sought immediately.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDo avoid food or dishes that contain unripe or semi-ripe papaya (which have completely green skin), such as green papaya salads or papaya smoothies containing papaya seeds.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile the unripe versions are best not eaten during pregnancy, ripe papayas, on the other hand, are completely safe.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nIn fact, ripe papayas (with fully yellow skin) contain many nutrients that are important for a healthy pregnancy, such as:\n\n\n\n\nfolate\n\n\nfibre\n\n\ncholene\n\n\nbeta-carotin\n\n\npotassium\n\n\nand vitamins A, B and C.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. Pineapple\n\n\n\n\nWho doesn\u2019t like pineapple? It\u2019s sweet, bright yellow and is tasty whether eaten ripe or used in dishes (like pineapple fried rice).\n\n\nSadly, this tropical fruit isn\u2019t suitable for pregnant women. Pineapple is known to contain bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein. One of its side effects is that bromelain may soften the cervix, which could lead to early labour.\n\n\nStudies also show that bromelain tablets are so potent in breaking down the protein that they even can cause irregular bleeding!\n\n\nHowever, do note that you need to eat massive amounts of pineapple (between seven to ten fresh ones at one go) to actually induce this effect. This means that while concentrated bromelain pills should be avoided, eating a few slices of pineapple while pregnant is okay.\u00a0\n\n\nDo note that eating too much pineapple can cause issues due to its acidic nature, such as acid reflux,\u00a0 heartburn, and even diarrhoea (which leads to dehydration).\n\n\nAlso, if you haven\u2019t eaten pineapple for some time, it\u2019s possible that doing so will cause an allergic reaction.\n\n\nIf you have symptoms like nasal congestion, itchy or swollen areas in your mouth or asthma after consuming pineapples, do book an appointment with your local doctor and discuss this.\u00a0\n\n\nMore Tips About Eating Fruit When Pregnant\n\n\n\n\nClearly, unwashed fruits aren\u2019t fit for consumption whether you are pregnant or not. However, they are especially risky for pregnant women.\n\n\nThe soil particles on fruits and vegetables can harbour bacteria such as toxoplasma, which makes infection possible for both the mother and baby.\u00a0\n\n\nAlways wash your fruits and vegetables, ensuring that they are completely free of soil particles before eating them.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhy should pregnant women eat fruits as part of their diet?\n\n\nFruits are an essential part of a pregnant woman\u2019s diet. Not only do they have nutrients that support your baby\u2019s growth, but they also provide minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and fibre.\n\n\nFurthermore, their rich nutrient content is counterbalanced by low-calorie content, making it the ideal food for pregnant women!\n\n\nIn addition, the following benefits have been linked to fruit consumption:\n\n\n\n\nPreventing cell damage.\u00a0\nFruits have antioxidants, which help to reduce any fetal cell injuries from damaging substances in the environment.\n\n\nReduced infancy\n \nwheezing, \nwhich is associated with\u00a0higher consumption of apples.\n\n\nLower likelihood of childhood eczema\n, which is linked to eating citrus fruits during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat Fruits Are Completely Safe to Eat During Pregnancy?\n\n\n1.\u00a0 Apples\n\n\n\n\nApples contain a variety of beneficial nutrients, like fibre, vitamins A & C, and potassium.\n\n\nIn addition, previous research also highlights another added bonus: Most children born from mums who ate apples while pregnant did not develop childhood asthma or allergies.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n2. Oranges\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to preventing childhood eczema, oranges also have:\n\n\n\n\nHigh water content\n, helping you stave off dehydration;\n\n\nFolate\n, a key vitamin that stops irregular development of the brain and spinal cord;\n\n\nVitamin C, \nwhich not only has antioxidant properties but also aids iron absorption.\n\n\n\n\n3. Bananas\n\n\n\n\nBananas contain high levels of potassium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C and fibre.\n\n\nThe fibre in bananas can help prevent constipation, whereas vitamin B6 can mitigate nausea and vomiting from morning sickness.\n\n\n4. Avocados\n\n\n\n\nAvocados are the nutrient powerhouses of all fruits, containing a diverse array of nutrients such as:\n\n\n\n\nVitamins B, C and K\n\n\nFibre\n\n\nMagnesium\n\n\nPotassium\n\n\nIron\u00a0\n\n\nCholine\n\n\nFolate \u2013 avocados have much higher levels compared to your average fruit.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn particular, eating avocados can reduce the instances of:\n\n\n\n\nleg cramps\n\u00a0from low potassium and magnesium levels\n\n\nnausea,\u00a0\nperhaps due to its high magnesium and choline content\n\n\nabnormal brain and nerve development\n in your baby via supplying ample amounts of choline\n\n\n\n\n5. Berries\n\n\n\n\nThese yummy fruits are also nutrient-dense superfoods that provide a lot of beneficial compounds, such as:\n\n\n\n\ncarbohydrates\n\n\nvitamin C\n\n\nfolate\n\n\nfibre\n\n\nflavonoids\n\n\nanthocyanins\n\n\n\n\nTo maintain healthy levels of energy during the day, pregnant women should consume 50 to 60% of their calories from carbohydrates. Berries pack a lot more nutrients than other \u201cempty calories\u201d from refined grains.\n\n\nDo consider limiting refined carbohydrates and eating more nutrient-rich sources of carbohydrates like berries, instead.\n\n\nWe hope this information on fruits to avoid during pregnancy first trimester has been useful to you and helps you ensure a safe and smooth pregnancy!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0What Your Cravings are Telling You\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nWeird But True: Odd Pregnancy Cravings!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nDoctor\u2019s advice on 5 foods to avoid while pregnant\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/10-cancer-causing-foods-you-probably-eat-every-day", "title": "10 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day", "body": "What are the cancer causing foods?\n\n\nConvenience When It Come To Food\n\n\nWith the hustle and bustle that goes on in our daily lives, it\u2019s easy for us parents to prioritize convenience in our lives. Sadly, these little conveniences have harmful effects that we can\u2019t easily see.\n\n\nFood is the perfect example of this. There are may dangerous food out there that may harm your health!\n\n\nProcessed meat is one of the top offenders. According to a 2015 study by the \nWorld Health Organization\n, it is one of the most \ncancerous food\n out there. But it is only one of the many.\n\n\nCancer Causing Foods In Our Daily Life\n\n\nHere are 10 more cancer causing foods that you need to avoid, as suggested by \nCancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences\n.\n\n\n1. Sunflower Seeds\n\n\nAlthough they may seem harmless, sunflower seeds easily absorb and accumulate heavy metal compounds, especially if they are grown in metal-laden soils. Heavy metal is notoriously known to cause lung cancer.\n\n\n2. Chewing Gum\n\n\n\n\nGum base may not be toxic, but some ingredients found in gum are. These include aspartame and titanium dioxide. So the next time you buy gum, make sure these are not on the ingredients list.\n\n\n3. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG).\n\n\nOften added to food to make it tastier and more flavorful, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) poses many risks to human health according to studies. It is one of common but dangerous food in our daily life.\n\n\n4. Pork Liver\n\n\nNot only is pork liver high in cholesterol, it is also found to be associated with liver cancer and other health ailments.\n\n\n5. Glass Noodles And Rice Noodles\n\n\nOne essential food additive that is used in such noodles is called \u201cAlum.\u201d Many research established a link between Alum and breast cancer, as well as Alzheimer\u2019s disease for others.\n\n\n6. Pickled Vegetables\n\n\nWe have been taught since we are little that vegetables are healthy and generally good for our health. But according to Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, if they\u2019re pickled, they may be doing more harm than good. Pickled vegetables are generally believed to increase risk of gastric cancer.\n\n\n7. Bottled Juice\n\n\nJuice comes from fruit, and fruit is healthy, therefore juice is healthy. Right? Yes and no. Fruits, even though they are healthy, are still loaded with sugar. And sadly, not all juices are made with fresh fruit. In fact, most bottled juices are pumped with artificial flavoring and sugars.\n\n\n8. Preserved eggs\n\n\nThe use of lead in preserving eggs is one of its major safety concerns. Lead, even in tiny amounts, can\u00a0be toxic to humans\u2014especially when ingested. Before consuming preserved eggs, do your research and find out if lead has been used in its processing.\n\n\n9. Fermented Tofu\n\n\nDuring the fermentation process, tofu has been proved to be extremely vulnerable to microbial contamination. That\u2019s why it\u2019s important that you only eat fermented tofu that came from a reputable source.\n\n\n10. Youtiao (Deep-Fried Bread Sticks)\n\n\nAccording to Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, deep-friend foods such as youtiao, increases the risk of prostate cancer in men. \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kids-home-health", "title": "Tips for Mommies to Manage Stay-at-Home Kids Without Compromising Their Mental and Physical Health", "body": "Trying to manage a career and family proves challenging enough in ordinary times. Tackling the daunting task of having your kids at home while you attend to your work duties can leave you in a sobbing heap quickly. How can you do it all?\u00a0\n\n\nMany people have juggled home life and careers successfully. Embrace these tips to keep your entire family mentally and physically healthy during uncertain times \u2013 this is also helpful when your kids are on a school break:\u00a0\n\n\n1. Give your kids a schedule\u00a0\n\n\nRight now, the world seems like an uncertain place, and the anxiety you may have over finances or your job can rub off on your little ones. Human beings crave routines because\n\u00a0these schedules inhibit the fear response\n\u00a0\u2014 when you know what to expect, life seems less scary. This mechanism explains why people sometimes grow irritable or excitable when they are in unfamiliar situations.\u00a0\n\n\nCreate a schedule and post it on your refrigerator. Designate at least eight hours of activities, including frequent breaks for socialization and movement. You might follow an hour of homeschooling work with a snack break, and take a longer one at lunch for getting out in the backyard, too.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Monitor indoor noise levels\u00a0\n\n\nChildren can make a lot of noise \u2014 especially when some of yours typically attend school during the day. You could get a headache, or even experience hearing loss from screaming little ones.\n\n\nSteal a tip from teachers and demonstrate indoor and outdoor voices for your little ones. This way, when you need them to calm down, you can say, \u201cIndoor voices, please.\u201d This statement works more effectively than losing your cool when things get too noisy.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Learn something new\u00a0\n\n\nYour children may need to be homeschool right now. Resources such as Khan Academy offer online lessons parents can assign to young learners. The Princeton Review recently launched\n\u00a0a one-on-one tutoring program\n\u00a0where your struggling high school student can prepare for advanced placement tests despite their altered environment.\n\n\nYou too can also learn some new tricks. For example, why not learn\n\u00a0how to make holistic healing recipes\n\u00a0from ingredients from your kitchen? These tips can prove useful when you don\u2019t want to take your little ones to the clinic and can be done from your living room.\n\n\n4. Cook nutritious meals together\u00a0\n\n\nYou don\u2019t always have to keep your children out of your hair. Bring back the days of home economics \u2014 even if your kiddos aren\u2019t high school-aged \u2014 by whipping up nutritious meals together. While you don\u2019t want to let the littlest tots use sharp knives, they can do things like help you sift flour or stir batter. When you sit down at the dinner table, your rambunctious little angels will give you less grief about eating a meal they helped prepare.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Get outside \u2014 safely\n\n\nEven though you can\u2019t visit\n\u00a0many popular outdoor destinations\n, you may still go out for exercise \u2013 if your city allows it. Why not do it as a family with these tips:\n\n\n\n\nGo for a walk:\n\u00a0Walking helps you burn calories. Plus, if you have young children, you can take a stroller if they get tired. Getting them to move their little legs can make naptime a breeze later on.\u00a0\n\n\nPlay nature explorer:\n\u00a0Take your kids out in the backyard, balcony or garden and become explorers. Bring a magnifying glass to examine the bug species you see. Use an app like\u00a0\nPictureThis\n\u00a0to identify native flora.\n\n\nBuild something together:\n\u00a0If you have a budding young Bob \u2014 or Barb \u2014 the Builder, why not show them how to build a birdhouse? You can complete this activity on a small porch or balcony.\n\n\n\n\n6. Encourage self-soothing behaviours\u00a0\n\n\nEveryone \u2014 adults and children alike \u2014 need positive behaviors to turn to when life gets chaotic. Encourage activities like coloring and drawing. Even adults enjoy the soothing motions of staying within the lines. Yes \u2014 when things get too hectic, it\u2019s okay to let your kiddos play a video game. Limit their screen time, but remain aware of their psychological needs, also. Sometimes, they might need 30 minutes to lose themselves in Mario Kart.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Introduce your child to mindfulness\n\n\nFinally, you can introduce even young children to yoga and meditation. Yoga and similar forms of mindfulness-related exercise are excellent ways to\u00a0\nmanage stress and reduce negative thoughts\n. When teaching kids yoga, name\n\u00a0poses after zoo animals\n\u00a0to get them into the playful spirit. You can get them into a downward dog pose, for example, by having them imitate a dolphin leaping out of the waves.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can also introduce kids of any age to basic mindfulness techniques. Have them practice deep breathing by pretending to be Darth Vader. Show them how to place their hands on their hearts to feel the beat. Get them to gently rest their palms on their stomachs to feel the rise and fall as they breathe.\u00a0\n\n\nManage your stay-at-home kids and stay healthy\n\n\nWhether you are temporarily at home during the pandemic, or you are a full-time stay-at-home mom, these tips can help you keep yourself and your family mentally and physically healthy. Try them all and start on a path of wellness together.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/8-ways-to-stimulate-your-childs-learning", "title": "Everyday Activities That Fuel Your Child's Brain Development, Here's How!", "body": "Parents, do you know child brain development activities you can do with your kids after school? Here\u2019s how.\n\n\nParents should start teaching their kids as soon as your precious baby opens his eyes, and you continue to teach them right until their schooling years.\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to establish good learning habits early, as it acts as your child\u2019s foundation for learning in advanced levels like high school and college.\n\n\nChild Brain Development Activities To Do After School\n\n\nThe key is giving your child many opportunities to learn, including informal activities that you do for fun. Here are some recommendations on how you can be an active participant in your child\u2019s learning process:\n\n\n1. Prepare home activities after school\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t just rely on your child\u2019s pre-school teacher to come up with homework ideas. Most kids tend to associate activities that require them to sit down and hold a pencil with school, so you should try to make sure your home activities are fun and different from normal school activities.\n\n\nAll kids want to play after class and play is what the home activities should seem like! You can create simple home activities that your child will enjoy after class, before the actual homework!\n\n\n2. Encourage your child\u2019s interests\n\n\nIf your child is into pets, give him time to play with animals. Show him how PlayDoh works and create clay statues together. While your child is watching, casually start drawing or doodling on a piece of paper to get him interested in writing.\n\n\n3. Get educational toys\n\n\n\n\nKeep yourself abreast with technology, especially when it comes to educational toys. Some toys are great for older kids, while others are perfect for smaller ones.\n\n\nToddlers, in particular, love to touch their toys and stack them, so get blocks and balls of various colours and sizes. They can start on board games as soon as they\u2019re old enough to understand the simple rules of each game.\n\n\n4. Take your child wherever you go\n\n\nMany parents bring their kids to the mall or the store every week, while others do this every day. Simply walking around your neighbourhood will expose your child to different sights, improving his capacity to learn more.\n\n\nSoon, you\u2019ll hear your child mentioning the words on signs and billboards out of the blue. Taking him outside will also help improve his sense of direction.\n\n\n5. Socialize with other kids and their parents\n\n\n\n\nOne of the first things that a child should learn is that there are other children out there and those kids are like him.\n\n\nAs soon as he understands this, he is able to learn from other kids through social interaction. Host or join playgroups in your community.\n\n\n6. Assign some house chores to your child\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s arranging magnetic numbers on the refrigerator or organizing the placemats according to colour and shape, you can get your child to help you with some chores.\n\n\nExpect your child to make a mess most of the time, but at least he\u2019s learning something.\n\n\n\u00a07. Record your progress together\n\n\nCraft a small notebook where you will record your activities for the day. Keeping a journal about your progress with your child looking on or participating as you draw stars beside specific activities can be good.\n\n\nThis is one way to motivate your child to keep learning.\n\n\n8. Unplug your child\n\n\n\n\nKeeping kids occupied is always a challenge, especially during the toddler years, and many parents are too quick to take the easy route of handing out consoles and new gadgets to their kids.\n\n\nWhile many games are educational and your child is probably learning new skills from simulation games, there\u2019s no substitute for real interaction and learning.\n\n\nGet your kids off their virtual playpen occasionally and encourage them to play with other toys.\n\n\nEncouraging your child to learn is not difficult because every child is curious and eager to know more about everything. You just have to get the right tools and provide a bit of encouragement.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Biggest Parenting Mistakes You Make That Will Destroy Your Relationship with Your Children\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/study-shows-high-levels-of-pesticide-residue-in-oatmeal-cereals", "title": "Study Shows Alarming Amounts of Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Oatmeal and Cereal", "body": "Having a meal as soon as you wake up is definitely important. Breakfast helps nourish our bodies, giving us energy to face the day. This is especially important for children and babies who are still growing up. But what if their go-to breakfast options, like cereals and oats, weren\u2019t so safe after all?\u00a0\n\n\nOatmeal causes cancer? The results of a new study are alarming\n\n\nFirst, we want to clarify that oatmeal as a food does not cause cancer. In fact, it is considered to be a very \nhealthy food option\n for children and adults alike. However, what\u2019s\u00a0\nput on oatmeal\u00a0\nduring the production process has become a cause for concern as of late.\u00a0\n\n\nA study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG)\n recently examined glyphosate levels in 61 products made from oats, including granola and granola bars.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nGlyphosate is a chemical that is normally used for killing weeds and pests. It is responsible for the weed-killing potency of the pesticide called Roundup in the United States.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the World Health Organisation, it\u2019s possible that glyphosate can trigger cancer in humans. In response to this, the Environmental Protection Agency has declared new threshold limits for this possibly toxic chemical when it comes to food production.\u00a0\n\n\nSadly, though, it is common for US farmers to treat their crops with Roundup to maintain that fresh, crisp look. Nearly 100,000 tonnes of Roundup are sprayed onto these crops in the United States annually.\n\n\nThus, it should come as no surprise that the EWG discovered that:\n\n\n\n\n43 out of 45\n of products made using oats had glyphosate.\n\n\n31 of the 43\n products had \nmuch higher levels\n that the recommended limit by the EPA.\n\n\n\n\nWorryingly,\u00a0\nfive of the so-called organic products also had glyphosate.\n\n\n\n\nOatmeal causes cancer? Always double check your food products before feeding them to your kids, parents! | Image Source: stock photos\n\n\n\n\nIn fact, even though this study has detected glyphosate in the oats we eat, glyphosate giving rise to cancer itself isn\u2019t old news.\n\n\nJust last week, Monsanto, the company who produces Roundup, suffered immense losses.\u00a0A man who says his terminal cancer came from being subjected to Roundup had \nsuccessfully sued them,\n leading to the court to order Monsanto to reimburse him with $412.5 million.\n\n\nYet, this is just the tip of the iceberg, with several hundred cases still in progress in courts.\u00a0\n\n\nWhich brands have been affected?\n\n\nThe EWG considers products having 160 parts per billion of glyphosate as safe for children to eat.\u00a0However, many products were well above this level of glyphosate.\n\n\nOne of the highest contenders included Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, which had an average of 900-1000 parts per billion of glyphosate tested.\n\n\nQuaker Dinosaur Eggs and Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal, came in second with an average of 700 parts per billion of glyphosate.\n\n\nAnother common breakfast option \u2013 Cheerios toasted whole grain oat cereal \u2013 comes with 500 parts per billion of glyphosate, according to the report.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a \nfull list of the products\n that were published on \nEWG\u2019s website itself,\n that shows which product samples they tested may actually pose a danger to health:\u00a0\n\n\nPossibly Toxic to Children\n\n\n\n\nBack to Nature Classic Granola\n\n\nQuaker Simply Granola Oats, Honey, Raisin and Almonds\n\n\nBack to Nature Banana Walnut Granola Clusters\n\n\nNature Valley Granola Protein Oats \u2018n Honey\n\n\nGiant Instant Oatmeal Original Flavor\n\n\nQuaker Dinosaur Eggs, Brown Sugar, Instant Oatmeal\n\n\nGreat Value Original Instant Oatmeal\n\n\nUmpqua Oats, Maple Pecan\n\n\nMarket Pantry Instant Oatmeal, Strawberries & Cream\n\n\nCheerios Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal\n\n\nLucky Charms frosted toasted Oat cereal with marshmallows (but the marshmallows were removed prior to glyphosate testing)\n\n\nBarbara\u2019s Multigrain Spoonfuls, Original, Cereal\n\n\nKellogg\u2019s Cracklin\u2019 Oat Bran oat cereal\n\u00a0\n\n\nNature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Oats \u2018n Honey\n\n\nQuaker Steel Cut Oats\n\n\nBob\u2019s Red Mill Steel Cut Oats\n\n\n\n\nHas Glyphosate, but Within Safe Limits:\n\n\n\n\nKIND Vanilla, Blueberry Clusters with Flaxseeds\n\n\nKIND Oats & Honey with Toasted Coconut\n\n\nQuaker Chewy Chocolate Chip granola bar\n\n\nKellogg\u2019s Nutrigrain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars, Strawberry\n\n\nNature\u2019s Path Organic Old Fashioned Organic Oats\n\n\nWhole Foods Bulk Bin conventional rolled oats\n\n\nBob\u2019s Red Mill Organic Old Fashioned Rolled Oats\n\n\n\n\nGlyphosate-Free Brands:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNature\u2019s Path Organic Honey Almond granola\n\n\nSimple Truth Organic Instant Oatmeal, Original\n\n\nKashi Heart to Heart Organic Honey Toasted cereal\n\n\nCascadian Farm Organic Harvest Berry, granola bar\n\n\n365 Organic Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats\n\n\n\n\nBut the debate continues\n\n\nNot everyone agrees with the results of this report.\u00a0\n\n\nAlex Berezow is a\u00a0senior fellow of biomedical science at the \nAmerican Council on Science and Health\n. In a CNN report, Berezow is quoted as saying the new EWG report is \u201cabsolutely atrocious\u201d.\n\n\n\u201cAccording to the EPA, people should avoid consuming more than\u00a02 mg of glyphosate for every kilogram of body weight,\u201d he said, elaborating, \u201cthe good news is that nobody on Earth consumes anywhere near that amount of glyphosate.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThe EWG fabricated its own safety standard so that they could promote organic food. They\u2019ve been doing this for years \u2014 ignoring the scientific literature in order to lobby for the organic industry,\u201d he continues, in the CNN report.\u00a0\n\n\nMums and dads, the purpose of this article is not to scare you. Instead, it\u2019s to educate you, with the hope that it helps you make better, more informed choices. Regardless of raging scientific debates, no layperson wants to have chemicals in the food they eat or give to their families, even in minute quantities.\n\n\nCheck those ingredients labels on what you purchase from the supermarket, question and challenge manufacturers. You have the right to do this as consumers, and as parents watching out for your kids\u2019 health and wellbeing.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n \nCNN\n,\n\u00a0Health\n, \nAsiaone\n, \nThe Gazette\n, \newg.org\n\u00a0\n\n\nAlso Read:\n \nCancer Causing Foods you should avoid\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\nDoes coffee cause cancer?\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\nFood Safety tips for parents\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/makeup-for-little-girls-could-have-dangerous-additives-warns-mum", "title": "Makeup for little girls could have dangerous additives warns mum", "body": "Several stores across the globe are wooing young girls with their very own kids makeup lines. Their intricate designs, loud colours and variety of product options have made them a hot selling commodity. But have you ever given a thought about the dangers of makeup ingredients in your little girl\u2019s cosmetic products?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t yet, it\u2019s time you do.\n\n\na three-year-old girl from\u00a0Illinois, U.S., just suffered the most horrific allergic reaction after she used kids makeup on her face. In their innocence, her parents purchased some kids makeup from a nearby store. But that one purchase led to a massive medical disaster and nightmare for both the mum and her daughter.\u00a0\n\n\nMother shares the dangers of makeup ingredients\u00a0\n\n\nLydia Cravens\u2019 mother Kylie posted her daughter\u2019s ordeal on the family\u2019s Facebook page, attracting comments and more than 160,000 shares from young parents across the globe.\u00a0\n\n\nCravens began her post by reminding parents to be careful of every product their children use.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019m making this post because I feel like it is very important to remind parents to be very careful about what we allow our children to have. For Tony and I this was definitely an eye opener and we will be more cautious about acknowledging ingredients and educating ourselves on what is good and bad before purchasing from here on out\u2026\u201d she wrote.\n\n\n\u201cWe never imagined\u2026that our worst nightmare would come true\u2026\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nShe then explained exactly what happened to her three-year-old daughter after she used some kids makeup on her face.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAbout 8 days ago we bought this makeup set from the Family Dollar here in town.. Thinking it was harmless ..non toxic .. kids make up set and having bought Lydia this same type of thing .. just different brand \u2026we never imagined after spending the day applying to her eyes and lips that our worst nightmare would come true..\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKylie then went on to explain that these products contained six harmful ingredients\u00a0 that can cause an instant allergic reaction. And Lydia became a victim.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThere are 6 different chemicals in this makeup that are commonly known to cause an allergic reaction.. Lydia unfortunately was one of those people allergic and for the past week she has been going through a severe allergic reaction,\u201d she wrote.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cHer eyes swollen and blistered shut\u2026her skin was burning\u201d\n\n\nCravens then went on to describe the reaction and how it changed her daughter\u2019s face and body.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cSO SEVERE she had to be admitted to Carle pediatrics in Champaign\u2026\u201d she wrote.\n\n\n\u201cIn 24 hours our little girl went from 100% healthy to her eyes swollen and blistered shut.. with a rash all over her body that we would have to apply cold packs to every 30 minutes or so because her skin was burning \u2026 she was unable to eat much for days because of the blistering and cracking of her lips\u2026\u201d Cravens explained.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, the strong mum wrote that she was hopeful and confident that her daughter would recover and sent out a warning to all parents.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: \nFacebook\n/TonyKylie Cravens\n\n\n\n\n\u201cLydia has been through so much these past few days.. Good news is we are home from the hospital today and she is doing better!!! PLEASE be aware of what you are letting your babies have\u2026 ESPECIALLY kids cosmetics\u2026. so this doesn\u2019t happen to your child\u2026\u201d she concluded.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile the Cravens were forthcoming about their daughter\u2019s ordeal \u2014 which in turn may help many other parents \u2014 this is not the first case.\n\n\nDangers of makeup ingredients no company will share\n\n\nThere have been several cases in the past where the dangers of makeup ingredients were kept hidden. And that led to several medical problems among kids.\u00a0\n\n\nIn December 2017, Claire\u2019s Accessories \nreportedly\n recalled some of its cosmetics after it was accused of adding asbestos. \nTime\n reported that the Florida-based company\u2019s products \u201callegedly tested positive for tremolite asbestos, which has\u00a0\nbeen associated with mesothelioma\n\u00a0and other types of cancer.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, the company was quick to refute the allegations.\u00a0In their \nstatement\n they said,\u00a0\u201cWe are pleased to report that test results received to date from two certified independent labs confirm that the products in question are asbestos free, completely safe and meet all government requirements. Any report that suggests that the products are not safe is totally false.\u201d\n\n\nHowever, as parents you must be careful of the products you buy for your kids, especially, if they plan to use it on their faces.\u00a0\n\n\n7 harmful makeup ingredients you must look out for\u00a0\n\n\nThere are many international and local kids makeup sellers.\u00a0And while not all of their products will have issues, all you need to be safe is to read the labels.\n\n\nLook out for the following dangers of makeup ingredients:\n\n\n1. Lead\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis is common in face paints, as well as lipsticks. The more lead, the more harmful the effects will be.\n\n\nAs per the \nCentres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n, childhood lead poisoning could lead to \u201cdamage to the brain and nervous system, slowed growth and development, learning and behaviour problems (e.g., reduced IQ, ADHD, juvenile delinquency, and criminal behaviour), and\u00a0hearing and speech problems.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n2. Arsenic\n\u00a0\n\n\nMany face paints include this harmful substance, and the levels range from 1.1 to 1.9 ppm. As per\u00a0\nCDC\n, this is a cancer-causing heavy metal and can cause\u00a0nausea, vomiting,\u00a0dehydration, diarrhea, and even shock.\n\n\n\n\nSome of the dangers of makeup ingredients include cancer, respiratory diseases and even heart attacks. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nHealth\nHow To Tell If Rashes Are More Than Just A Harmless Rash: Signs To Look Out For In Kids\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nImported Maternal Milk: Where Is It From And Why That Matters\nProduk bayi\nPerkara yang penting untuk penjagaan kulit si manja\n\n\n\n\n3. Cadmium\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis is often found in\u00a0Halloween face paints including lip paints.\n\n\nAccording to the \nCDC\n, \u201cThe health effects seen in children from exposure to toxic levels of cadmium are expected to be similar to the effects seen in adults (kidney and lung damage). Harmful effects on child development or behaviour have not generally been seen in populations exposed to cadmium.\u201d\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n4. Parabens\n\u00a0\n\n\nYou may have heard of this one before. But a product laced with parabens is an\u00a0endocrine disruptor.\n\n\nAs per the\u00a0\nNational Institutes of Health (NIH)\n, this chemical can affect the body\u2019s hormonal system and even affect\u00a0developmental, reproductive, neurological systems as well as body\u2019s immunity.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Talc\n\n\nThis is a mineral used in cosmetics to make them soft and more absorbent. However, they may be contaminated with asbestos, which is a carcinogen, as explained by the \nInternational Agency for Research on Cancer\n.\u00a0\n\n\nInhaling talc is also a serious problem as it can cause respiratory diseases,\u00a0mesothelioma and even inflammation.\n\n\n6. Fragrance\n\n\nMore than half the cosmetics products worldwide include some kind of fragrance. But artificial fragrances can include several carcinogens such as\u00a0acetaldehyde, benzophenone, styrene, dichloromethane, and even titanium dioxide.\u00a0\n\n\nThese can often lead to skin irritations, and some are often toxic to the liver, lungs, and kidneys.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Silica\n\n\nThis is also used in cosmetic products because it is absorbent, non-surfactant, and thickens the products. However, it is quite dangerous for your lungs.\u00a0\n\n\nIt can potentially cause toxicity in your liver, kidney and respiratory system.\n\n\nMums and dads, the next time you go out to purchase a kids makeup product or even face paint, make sure these ingredients are not on the list.\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nFacebook\n,\u00a0\nDr Sears\n, \nCDC\n\n\nAlso read: Old makeup you refuse to throw out may be making you sick\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/holiday-experience-desaru-coast", "title": "Get Ready For Some Fun Under The Desaru Sun This School Holiday", "body": "School\u2019s out and children all across the country are rejoicing! After a long year grinding away at their textbooks, parents and kids are looking forward to a much-deserved break \u2013 and an adventure-filled getaway by the beach might be just the thing!\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a unique holiday experience that will be both refreshing and indulgent while still giving you ample opportunity to connect with family, why not escape to Malaysia\u2019s very own Desaru Coast, an all inclusive destination resort filled with experiences for the entire family ensuring that there is something for everyone to enjoy.\u00a0\n\n\nNestled against a pristine backdrop of white sandy beaches, Desaru Coast is a sprawling coastal destination with four globally renowned five-star resorts, luxurious spas, educational eco-tours, an adventure waterpark, and two award winning golf courses amongst other stellar facilities.\u00a0\n\n\nWith so much to do, we\u2019ve pulled together some ideas to help plan your great escape!\n\n\nA Splashing Great Time\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast is home to the first-ever water coaster in the region and one of the biggest wave pools in the world! The waterpark features more than 20 wet and dry rides, slides and attractions, and its very own beach and surf simulator.\n\n\nOpen to families with kids of all ages, you don\u2019t have to worry about food or a place for the little ones to rest as you can rent a Beachside Cabana for RM 400 for the entire family that comes with snacks, merchandise, and a safety deposit box so that you can enjoy a stress free day in the sun. Prices for the Waterpark start from RM75 for MY Kad holders and RM110 for non-Malaysians.\n\n\nAdditionally, each individual hotel at Desaru Coast offers plenty of water sport opportunities\u00a0 such as jet skiing, paddle boarding, wakeboarding, banana boat rides and more.\u00a0\n\n\nYoung Explorers Unite\n\n\n\n\nParents, if you\u2019ve been looking for a way to keep your kids occupied \u2013 teach them about the beauty and wonder of nature. Desaru Coast, through its eco-tourism partner, Junglewalla, has a special Young Explorers Club for children from 8 \u2013 12 years of age that allows them to discover the wonders of science through hands-on exploration and experience.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom RM 150 for each package, children will be able to bring out their inner explorer as they learn more about Earth\u2019s history, marvel at the intricacies of the forest ecosystem, discover the world of insects, build their own terrarium and so much more! It\u2019s an experience they\u2019ll never forget! \n\n\nThere are also activities by Junglewalla for the whole family such as Bird Watching and the Sungai Lebam River Cruise for families to enjoy together. Prices start from RM 120 for adults and RM 60 for children\n\n\n\n\nThat\u2019s not all! A short 40-minute drive away from the coast, families can visit the Kota Tinggi Firefly Park by Junglewalla for a mesmerising sunset evening with nature\u2019s little lamps.\n\n\nEnjoy The Buzz Of The City\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re making the trip down to Desaru Coast, you\u2019ve got to take a day trip into Johor Bahru City Centre to fully immerse in everything that Johor has to offer. If both you and your kids are lego fans, then bring that love of lego to life by visiting the LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort.\n\n\nFor a tea time snack, stop by Hiap Joo bakery, a 100 year old bakery known for their soft and fluffy bamboo baked banana cake and introduce your children to a bit of your childhood with the range of nostalgic childhood biscuits available there. \n\n\n\n\nWith Ramadan and Raya coming up really soon, you might also want to make a stop at Johor Premium Outlets and get some matching outfits for the whole family.\n\n\nTake Time To Unwind\n\n\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s important to spend time together and bond as a family, it\u2019s equally important for you to take some time to yourself. Each hotel at Desaru Coast has their very own Kids Club where you can drop your child off, knowing that they will be well taken care of while you head off for a quick spa or golf date with your partner.\u00a0\n\n\nFor sportier couples, we recommend you bring your bicycles along\u00a0 to experience the sights and sounds of the beautiful coast.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThese are just a few of the things families can do at Desaru Coast! Head over to \nhttps://desarucoast.com\n to book your next dream vacation.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nKetahui 6 Punca Sakit Badan dan Jenis Sakit Badan Yang Biasa Dialami. Ini Cara Merawatnya!\nGive Health A Shot\nPerkembangan Bayi Usia 2 Bulan, Dah Pandai Senyum & Terhibur Bila Diagah!\nLifestyle\nParents, Here\u2019s How To Effectively Support Your Child\u2019s Dreams\n#PendidikanKewangan\nCan Financial Management Be Easy? 5 Things You Should Be Doing As A Parent\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/birth-son-beautiful-experience-thanks-epidural", "title": null, "body": null} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/changes-in-education-after-covid-19", "title": "What\u2019s Next? Educational Trends After COVID-19", "body": "\n\nCOVID-19 has forced students to learn from home for the first time ever in their lives, while teachers had to re-evaluate their teaching methods as they conduct lessons from home. Only time can really tell what it will look like post-pandemic, but some of the changes in education that were caused by the coronavirus might be here to stay.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s a look at the likely future of education:\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nGrowth in blended learning\n\n\nWe could see more courses being delivered in a blended format that uses online materials to supplement classroom learning. Students will work on more\u00a0\nonline exercises and watch instructional videos\n\u00a0during their own time; classroom time will be spent on discussion, problem-solving and other practical exercises. A growing number of online learning tools will be integrated into the learning management system to make learning more accessible and flexible.\n\n\nThis will require a re-thinking of pedagogical approaches, course design and\u00a0\nclassroom layouts\n\u00a0in order for successful blended teaching and learning to be carried out.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nFocus on skills-based learning\n\n\nMore emphasis will be given to soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability and resilience starting from the preschool years. Exposing students to learning experiences that can help strengthen their capabilities to adjust during critical times of crisis will be deemed more important than academic learning. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nIncreased use of open educational resources\n\n\n\n\nBoth educators and students will be able to access an even wider variety of digital content, free of charge, from multiple online sources.\n\n\nOpen educational resources in the form of textbooks, lesson plans, assignments, videos, training materials and many other formats will save educators a lot of time and effort when it comes to resource development. Many such resources come with accompanying interactive activities that can advance students\u2019 learning inside and outside the classroom.\n\n\n\n\n4. \nNew forms of assessment\n\n\n\n\nEducators will need to modify traditional assessment methods and embrace new digital tools to gauge students\u2019 understanding in hybrid learning environments. When in virtual classrooms, quick checks like thumbs up/thumbs down and hand signals can help educators make sure students are grasping key concepts.\n\n\nOther digital assessment tools like collecting students\u2019 responses to quizzes created on Google Forms, coordinating graphs of their answers with Plickers\u00a0cards or visualising responses submitted by the class on Poll Everywhere\u00a0are great for educators to know more about students\u2019 strengths and weaknesses. Many of these tools are designed to share the results on a big screen, which can then spark an open class discussion and provide instant feedback on the assessment. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nCommitment to end the digital divide\n\n\n\n\nThe shift to online learning highlighted the fact that many children do not have stable internet access at home and most cannot afford\u00a0\nreliable digital devices (tablets and laptops)\n\u00a0needed to continue learning when schools are closed. They have to rely on computers in community centres and local libraries to attend lessons, or just miss out and be left behind.\n\n\nIf we were to leapfrog to a truly digital economy, schools will have to readjust strategies and work with the community to address this digital divide.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \nDiscover and Nurture Your Child\u2019s Talents in 5 Steps\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nCultivate Good Eating Habits From Young\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nStuck at Home: How to Keep Kids Engaged\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\nEducation\nThrough The Lens of Star Students\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nerf-gun-eye-injury", "title": "Boy goes loses an eye after being shot at with a Nerf gun", "body": "Nerf guns are a common staple of kids toys that can be found in many homes. It can be a pretty dangerous toy and you would often hear parents banning the toy in their household. With good reason! Recently, a nine-year-old boy in South Wales needed to have his eye removed as a result of a Nerf gun eye injury.\n\n\nNerf gun eye injury causes \nboy\n to lose his eye\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Flickr\n\n\n\n\nTaylor-Jay Ravicini was playing at home with a friend under his mother\u2019s supervision. Things seem to be going well until he was shot in his right eye.\u00a0\n\n\nTaylor had already lost all sight in his right eye when he was shot by a toy arrow when he was three-years-old. Stacey, Taylor\u2019s mother, said the accident \u201chappened in a flash\u201d.\n\n\n\u201cI was downstairs, and I heard a devastating scream and my heart sunk, I couldn\u2019t even go to see him, I sent my partner as I knew something had happened.\u201d\n\n\nUpon inspecting Taylor\u2019s eye, it was clear to see that it had gotten worse after being shot at by the Nerf gun.\n\n\n\u201cTaylor\u2019s eye was full of blood and it was causing a build-up of pressure. Doctors told us that he risked losing sight in both eyes if we didn\u2019t remove the damaged one,\u201d Stacey shared.\n\n\nAfter an emergency operation and infections in the eye, Taylor was hospitalised for six weeks after the unfortunate accident.\n\n\nStacey is trying to fundraise for a better quality prosthetic eye to avoid drawing more attention to Taylor\u2019s\u00a0deficiency.\n\n\n\n\nImage source: WTHR\n\n\n\n\nShe revealed that some children at school have even resorted to bullying him by giving him the nickname \u201cPopeye\u201d.\n\n\n\u201cWherever we go people are staring at him and whispering about his eye. In school he is constantly bullied, and people call him, \u2018Popeye\u2019, that really hurts, why should he be treated different?\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI hope people understand how much he needs this prosthetic eye.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI really don\u2019t want people thinking I am a bad mother,\u201d she lamented.\n\n\nThis story is a grim reminder to all parents that Nerf guns are not always the best toys to have lying around the house. Children can get hurt even with the supervision of adults.\u00a0\n\n\n8 toys that are potentially harmful to children\n\n\n\n\nImage source: PXhere\n\n\n\n\nSo was Taylor just unlucky? Or should he not have been allowed to play with toy guns in the first place?\n\n\nThere are studies that indicate \nplaying with toy guns\n is actually beneficial for your child\u2019s development. But are they really safe enough to risk the level of exposure that might end up in physical injury? The Nerf gun eye injury says otherwise!\n\n\nPlaytime should definitely be fun, but also risk-free as much as possible. Consider avoiding these toys\n\n\n\n\nToys with ribbons and strings (choking hazard)\n\n\nToys with sharp points and edges (sharp edges)\n\n\nToys with small parts (choking hazard)\n\n\nToys that make loud noises (hearing loss)\n\n\nToys that children ride on or jump on (falls and bumps)\n\n\nToys with projectiles (facial and eye injuries)\n\n\nToys with magnets (choking hazard)\n\n\nToys with small batteries\u00a0(choking hazard)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSources: \nYahoo News\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nEducation\nThrough The Lens of Star Students\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nRaise them Resilient\nHow I encouraged my child to be resilient even though I was a helicopter mum\n#PendidikanKewangan\nApakah Gaya Pendidikan Kewangan (Money Parenting) Anda?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/parenting-styles", "title": "Parenting styles: What can Malaysian parents learn from the Japanese?", "body": "Parenting styles are personal and often depend on our own unique situation, but there is much we can learn from how others do it. Lately, Japanese parenting culture has been in the spotlight because it is unlike any other in the world. Parents do not mollycoddle (read: \nspoil\n) their children. Instead, they encourage them to be independent from quite early on. And through their practices, we learn that the effects of parenting styles on child development can be significant \u2013 and surprising.\n\n\nJapanese parents also emphasise maintaining high moral standards. So virtues like honesty, humility, honour and trustworthiness become the bedrock of their parenting culture. \n\n\nIt is especially interesting with \npermissive parenting\n being so popular these days.\n\n\n And writer Maryanne Murray Buechner thought so too. When she spent almost six years in Tokyo, \u00a0she uncovered some fascinating truths behind Japanese parenting culture. \n\n\nBuechner shared some interesting parenting tips, which she picked up while she was in the land of the rising sun. \n\n\nParenting Styles: 8 Things We Can Learn from Japanese Parenting Culture\n\n\nIn her article for \nTIME\n, Buechner wrote that she lived in Tokyo, Japan from 2007 to 2012. During these six years, she discovered some insights into authoritative parenting and permissive parenting. And of course, in the process, she learnt many parenting lessons, which she believes all parents should consider emulating.\n\n\nHere\u2019s what she found. \n\n\n1. Every Child Is Independent \n\n\nThe writer says that one of the first few things she understood was that children were encouraged to be \nindependent\n. Kids would go to school unaccompanied, even if they used public transport. \n\n\n\u201cThe country\u2019s extremely low crime rate means it\u2019s safe, and the general feeling among parents is that the community can be trusted to help look out for its own,\u201d she writes. \n\n\n2. Parents Don\u2019t Talk About Their Kids\n\n\nWhile most parents often share their parenting trials and tribulations with each other, Japanese parents are different. Buechner found that they only share their problems with their most trusted confidants. \n\n\nAlso, they consider talking about their kid\u2019s activities as bad form. \u201cAnd simply mentioning that your child plays for this soccer team or attends that academy can come off as boastful; it\u2019s enough that he is seen in public wearing the uniform.\u201d\n\n\nHowever, Japanese parenting culture is competitive. \u201cParenting in Japan is hyper-competitive, and there\u2019s a lot of pressure to make sure your kids get into the right schools. The prep for entrance exams is intense,\u201d she writes. \n\n\n3. Parents Practice Extreme Attachment \u00a0\n\n\nBuechner found that while Japanese parents loved attachment parenting, they did not publicly display affection. \n\n\n\u201cMoms typically take their babies everywhere, by sling or Baby Bjorn-like carrier, wearing them around the house, out to the shops, even cycling across town. (In a Nagano resort town, I saw a dad on skis with a baby in a pink snowsuit strapped to his back.) This physical closeness is in many ways how affection is expressed; there is no kissing or hugging,\u201d she writes. \n\n\nShe adds that most parents preferred to sleep together with the mother on one side, father on the other and the kids in the middle. And that this tradition continues well past their preschool phase. \n\n\n\u201cAnd you\u2019ll see lots of moms take their small children with them for a soak in the public baths. The Japanese call it \u2018skinship\u2019\u2014 everyone\u2019s naked in the \nonsen \n(hot springs),\u201d she observes. \n\n\n4. Parents Encourage Kids to Practice Restraint \n\n\nIn her six years in Tokyo, Buechner also observed that a crucial element of the Japanese parenting culture was restraint.\n\n\nFrom quite early on, parents encourage their kids to maintain peace and harmony in the family and around them \u2014 even if it means not expressing their angst or anger. It is a perfect example of how authoritative parenting can be more effective than authoritarian parenting.\n\n\n\u201cWherever we were \u2014 in a restaurant or museum or food shopping hall, jam-packed pedestrian lane or popular hiking trail \u2014 I\u2019d see Japanese kids all calm and contained while my boys jostled each other or rushed past little old ladies with canes, noisy with talk,\u201d Buechner writes.\n\n\n\n\nJapanese mums set high standards for their kids\u2019 bento box meals, rising early to prepare an elaborate selection of healthy items that look pretty too. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n5. Meal Preparation Is Crucial for Japanese Mums \u00a0\n\n\nWhile most urban mums succumb to their busy lifestyle and pack easy-to-make meals for their kids, Japanese mums believe in meticulous meal planning. especially when it comes to their kid\u2019s lunch boxes. \n\n\nBuechner writes that even if this means getting up earlier than everybody else in the family, Japanese mums make the effort to prepare elaborate multi-item meals. They also make sure that they are colourful enough to entice kids so they eat every healthy item on the plate. \n\n\n\u201cJapanese moms set high standards for their kids\u2019 bento box meals, rising early to prepare an elaborate selection of healthy items that look pretty too \u2014 fish, vegetables, tofu, seaweed, rice balls shaped like animals or plants,\u201d she writes.\n\n\nShe also noted that this was a culture most schools wanted their kids to adopt. \u201cFall short and the teacher might say something,\u201d she adds. \n\n\n6. No Such Thing as \u2018Appropriate for Kids\u2019\n\n\nWhile most countries have an \u201cadults only\u201d certification or disclaimers to movies, sexual imagery or violence is not considered unwatchable by Japanese parents. \n\n\n\u201cNobody at the Tokyo cinema seemed fazed when a trailer for a film like \nResident Evil\n played right before a showing of \nToy Story 3\n. Realistic-looking play guns are still sold in toy stores. There\u2019s sexual imagery in manga comics,\u201d she writes.\n\n\nThe reason is simple.\n\n\n\u201cThe cute and cuddly stuff \u2014 the cartoony culture of \nkawaii\n that is everywhere \u2014 helps balance things out,\u201d Buechner explains. \n\n\n7. Parents Take Nature Seriously \n\n\nBecause Japanese parenting culture is as much about discipline as it is about attachment, they practice the same values when it comes to nature. And that means a picnic under a cherry blossom tree is an event, but running and playing around them is strictly controlled. \n\n\nYes, you read that right!\n\n\nBuechner writes, \u201cBaby\u2019s first \nhanami\n (cherry blossom viewing) is a photo op. Parks and gardens are exquisitely designed and painstakingly curated. And where and when children can run and play is strictly controlled.\u201d \n\n\n8. Fairy Tales Are No Joke\n\n\nDuring her many years in the land of the rising sun, Buechner also learnt that the Japanese like to share their legends and myths through interesting and colourful tales. \n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s common in Japan to share stories and characters from Japanese legend and to mark their festival days. There are many throughout the year, like the Tengu Matsuri honouring a long-nosed goblin, and Setsubun, a day to cast out Oni the ogre by throwing fistfuls of dried soybeans,\u201d she writes. \n\n\nIt is also common to project the protectors as the ugliest, a form of tough love, the writer observes.\n\n\nAlthough Buechner is back to her hometown, she sure has taken many learnings from the Japanese parenting culture. As have we. And we hope you have too! There are many lessons we can pick up from different parenting styles to help our children grow up strong and independent.\n\n\nTo learn more about how to raise resilient children, visit \nwww.aptagro.com.my\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\n\n\nTIME, \namp.timeinc.net/time/3959168/how-to-parent-like-the-japanese-do?__twitter_impression=true\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nALSO READ:\n\n\nLife Skills For Children: Teach Your Kids These Important Life Skills\n\n\nAn open letter to the mummy of the little girl who hurt herself at the playground\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-ways-you-damage-your-relationship-with-your-child-without-even-knowing-it", "title": "5 Ways You Damage Your Relationship with Your Child Without Even Knowing It", "body": "No parent is perfect. We\u2019re all bound to make mistakes when interacting with our children, but most of us do try to make our bond with our children as strong as possible. However, some things we do that may seem harmless or normal can actually be hurting our relationship with our kids. Here are some ways you damage your relationship with your child, as compiled from \nFamilyShare\n and \nQuora\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1. Constant criticism\n\n\nWe all want our children to become better, but constantly pointing out what they\u2019re doing wrong can lead your child to believe that you\u2019re disappointed in them. And not only that, criticism can also hurt their self-esteem.\n\n\nThough it\u2019s important to correct your child\u2019s behavior, you should focus on teaching, not criticism. Teach your child what to do instead and focus on what they\u2019re doing right. Try your best to maintain a 4:1 positive-negative feedback.\n\n\n2. Overprotectiveness\n\n\nIt\u2019s a dangerous world out there, and parents do need to take the necessary precautions. However, plenty of well-meaning parents end up going overboard. Their kids end up living in a bubble, totally sheltered from the real world. Thus, they don\u2019t learn to stand up on their own two feet, nor do they learn self-confidence.\n\n\n3. Always prioritizing other things\u00a0\n\n\nThere will always be something else that needs to be done\u2014housework, your job, errands\u2026 the list goes on and on. If you don\u2019t make time for your child and always put other things first, that can hurt your relationship.\n\n\nPut your phone down, turn off the television, and spend quality time with your child regularly\u2014one-on-one, if possible.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Dreamstime\n\n\n\n\n4. Not listening when your child is talking\n\n\nLet\u2019s face it, not everything your child has to say would be especially interesting to you, but that doesn\u2019t mean that you should only pretend to be listening. Kids can pick up on a lot more than you think.\n\n\nIf you really have your hands full, ask your child if he can wait until later, when you can give him your full attention. Discussing different topics that your child is interested in is a great way to strengthen your relationship and make them feel comfortable communicating with you in the future.\n\n\n5. Lashing out at\u00a0your child\n\n\nIt\u2019s normal to get angry from time to time, but taking it out on your kids is an extremely unhealthy way to deal with your feelings. Raising your voice, name-calling, and so forth gives your child a bad example on dealing with anger, and also fosters fear, instead of love.\n\n\nIf you ever lose control and act out in anger, apologise to your child right away and tell them what you should have done instead.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/10-ways-to-handle-sibling-rivalry", "title": "10 Sure-Fire Ways to Handle Sibling Rivalry", "body": "All kids fight. Fighting and sibling rivalry are the ways a child handles conflicts, and the way we guide them or react to them during these moments is as important as any of the parenting roles we do.\n\n\nBelow are the ultimate 10 ways of keeping sibling rivalry at bay.\n\n\nThese are proactive parenting tips that would not only help kids learn social skills and train them how to manage themselves when faced with a conflict \u2014 these could also save you from those endless pain-in-the-neck fights and bickering among siblings.\n\n\n10 Ways to Handle Sibling Rivalry Without Losing Your Mind\n\n\n1. \u201cNo fighting\u201d rule\n\n\n\n\nOne of the best, if not the best, parenting tool there is would be having entrenched a fixed set of universally consistent set of GROUND RULES. You know \u2026 rules like \u201cDo not do unto others\u2026.\u201d You can devise your own that could resemble the one below:\n\n\na. Love one another at all times\n\n\nb. Keep your room neat and tidy\n\n\nc. Clean up and return things to where they\u2019re kept after using\n\n\nd. NO FIGHTING, no biting, no spitting, no cursing\n\n\ne. Respect the property of others, etc.\n\n\nYou can formulate these rules\u00a0\nwith\n\u00a0your children. Have them chip in, let them own these rules. When they feel empowered, when they feel they own the rules, it would be easier for them to stick to these.\n\n\nYou can discuss and explain these with them, have them printed and posted on the fridge where everyone can see them. It doesn\u2019t matter if some kids can\u2019t read yet \u2014 they would pretend they can because they must already know these by heart.\n\n\n2. Be consistent\n\n\nDon\u2019t let your mood decide the observance of these rules. No matter how tired or preoccupied you are, if one of these rules is broken, you must always take a moment to deal with the kids involved.\n\n\nYour being inconsistent about the imposition of these rules during a sibling rivalry will give the kids the signal that rules can be broken-sometimes.\n\n\n3. Give them attention (not while they\u2019re fighting)\n\n\n\n\nThe best way to illustrate this is by citing the \u201cAre we there yet?\u201d syndrome. When the entire family is in the car during long-distance travel, the kids would start pestering the parents with this question. They would start to grumble, bicker and fight. This does not happen if you engage them in a conversation or a game.\n\n\nKids who feel loved, given ample attention, and taken cared of are less likely to fight. Whether at home or in the car, always engage them. For all you know, they are fighting so they can get your attention (which you may not be giving them otherwise).\n\n\nIf you have more than one kid, be a part of their \u201cgang\u201d and share your time with them as a friend, not as an adult authority.\n\n\nIt would also pay if you give each child lots of individual attention. Always tell them you love them. Hug them any slightest chance you get.\n\n\n4. Teach them how to communicate properly\n\n\nRemember that most conflicts arise from poor communication, or the lack of it. Being able to communicate properly is a trait of a good leader \u2013 even among kids.\n\n\nHe expresses himself, he can convince, and he can influence his way out of a conflict. Not being able to express himself leads to frustration and a fight.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\n\n\n5. Teach them to empathise\n\n\n\n\nThis is all about teaching your child the notion of \u201cfeelings.\u201d When your child say, \u201cI HATE Angel!\u201d, you explain to her that hate is different from \u201cbeing mad at.\u201d You can say, \u201cYou don\u2019t hate Angel, you LOVE her. You are just angry with her for grabbing your toy.\u201d\n\n\nYou empathise with her feelings. She appreciates that you understand how she feels, which then becomes the foundation of her developing empathy becomes for others.\n\n\nYou can explain to her how the other child is feeling, \u201cOh how bad she must feel! She\u2019s crying. It would be nice if someone could make her feel better.\u201d If your child could empathise, she would think twice before hurting someone else.\n\n\n6. Teach them the concept of \u201cwin/win\u201d\n\n\nWhile it can be very difficult to make kids understand that the world does not revolve around them, it would pay to teach them how to negotiate and compromise.\n\n\nOne of the basic lessons in life that you can teach them: You can\u2019t get what you want all the time. Sometimes you have to work hard for it or give something to get it.\n\n\nIf kids are fighting for the spot in the front seat of the family car, you can teach them to take turns or have someone offer something for the spot.\n\n\n7. Teach them the value of patience and tolerance\n\n\n\n\nIf all else fails, they can always use some small amount of patience and tolerance. If you have included \u201cLove one another at all times\u201d in your GROUND RULES, patience and tolerance usually comes along naturally.\n\n\nYou can teach them to divide (share a piece of cake) or to give in. Also in the art of negotiating, a lesson in tolerance and patience could also go a long way.\n\n\n8. Don\u2019t get involved\n\n\nAs much as possible, never step into a sibling rivalry to stop it \u2013 let them settle their fight themselves. If you always intervene, they can always fight because you are always there to put out the fire. They will not learn how to work out their problems on their own.\n\n\nThis may sound difficult but as long as they are not in any danger of physical injuries, let them learn that if they get into trouble, they would have to learn to get out of it by themselves.\n\n\nYou can simply remind them of the ground rule against fighting and tell them to fix their differences themselves. You can decide later to impose the \u201cpenalty\u201d for breaking the GROUND RULES, but not before they settle the fight themselves.\n\n\nThe usual knee-jerk reaction of a parent would be to step in and ask who started it \u2013 don\u2019t. It doesn\u2019t matter who started it. Each took part in the fight so each child is responsible. A bigger child bullying a baby is an entirely different matter, though. It is bullying, not fighting.\n\n\n9. Be the example\n\n\n\n\n\u201cNo fighting\u201d rule but the kids always see you fight with your spouse? C\u2019mon, guys\u2026.. You are also breaking a lot of other GROUND RULES!\n\n\n10. Have lots of fun and happy moments as a family\n\n\nEverything else will follow. No fights, more love.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n6 Ways to help your kids get along better with each other\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nNo.2 Coming Soon? Here is a Quick Guide on Introducing a Sibling to Your Child\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Tips and tricks to get kids to do the chores\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-i-healed-my-eczema", "title": "This Is How I Healed My Eczema The Natural Way", "body": "I battled eczema until recently when I started to make some changes to my lifestyle. This has been quite a learning process for me\u2014and everybody is different; what is best for my skin and health, might not be what\u2019s best for you. But here\u2019s what worked for me.*\u00a0\n\n\n*Always talk to your healthcare provider before trying new self-care routines.\n\n\n4 Ways I Healed My Eczema\n\n\n1 \u2013 I cleaned up my diet\n\n\n\n\nThe first thing I concluded: my diet was awful. The journey of starting PurelyB helped me to really dive into my healing. My diet changed in gradual stages and I learned more and more about my body with each passing month.\n\n\nFor my diet, I tried eliminating things, supplementing things. And for me, I found the culprit when I did an elimination diet\u2014it was meat (I don\u2019t consume beef/lamb in general).\n\n\nSo, when I started cutting down meat, my body healed tremendously. And eventually, I learned enough about my body to know what I needed to avoid and what my body needed to thrive.\n\n\nHaving said that, what I learned from this journey is that many eczema flareups are not caused by foods, so it can be difficult to determine the specific foods you\u2019re sensitive to. But if you suspect food is the instigator, an elimination diet is one of the best ways to discover specific foods that trigger eczema. I strongly suggest anyone with eczema go for this test. Additionally, it\u2019s generally best to stay away from inflammatory food like sugar and sweets, wheat and dairy to avoid flareups as well.\u00a0\n\n\n2 \u2013 I drank a ton of water\n\n\n\n\nIn order to get the full benefits of a healthy diet\u2014and to have hydrated skin\u2014it\u2019s important to stay hydrated with lots of water. If your urine is any shade of yellow you need to drink more water. I like to start my day with\u00a0\nPegaga by PurelyB\n and apple cider vinegar. When I started taking Pegaga by PurelyB, I also realised I was less prone to eczema when I ate meat. Which means I can occasionally enjoy my favourite chicken dishes.\n\n\n3 \u2013 I went natural with my cleaning products\n\n\n\n\nDetergents and other soaping agents can dry out the skin. I recommend looking for gentler, fragrance- or colour-free laundry detergent to help improve eczema symptoms.\n\n\nAs for beauty products, I pay a lot of attention to the ingredients of each of these products to understand what\u2019s in there. Try using a gentle, no-lather, fragrance-free cleanser. Avoid products with rough particles for scrubbing or exfoliating, as these can further irritate the skin.\n\n\n4 \u2013 I upgraded my mindset\u00a0\n\n\nI do admit, there are days when my eczema flares up even when I\u2019m very diligent and careful with my food because eczema does constantly change day-to-day and week-to-week. It can be difficult to pin down precisely what causes triggers, but I do believe holistic methods, like a healthy mindset, can be highly effective at offering relief and managing eczema, sending it into remission for the long term.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/homecooked-baby-food-in-kl", "title": "Baby Ambrosia - Homecooked Baby Food In KL", "body": "Full-time working mothers, we don\u2019t know about you, but after a long work day, you come home and you still have a mountain of chores to do. The last thing on your mind is figuring out how to cook healthy meals for you little one.\u00a0\n\n\nThe buying of fresh ingredients. The washing. The chopping. The pureeing. And not to mention the washing.\u00a0\n\n\nDo we really need to add on all of those tasks on top of what we already have to do?\u00a0\n\n\nThis is exactly how I felt with my bub turned 6 months old and it was time to start him on solids.\u00a0\n\n\nI looked at friends\u2019 Instagram stories and wondered how they had the energy to cook meals for their kids after a long day at work. I really didn\u2019t have it in me. So, I turned to packet foods that I bought from overseas (after shipping, each packet would cost me almost RM15 each).\u00a0\n\n\nSince it said it was organic on the packet, it gave me some reassurance that I could give it to my son without worrying.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile this worked out well for a while, I also realised that he didn\u2019t have much variation with textures. The packet foods were pureed to a watery form and he didn\u2019t learn the \u201cchewing\u201d technique.\u00a0\n\n\n(Baby-led weaning was also out of the question for me as I had little time to clean up afterwards.)\n\n\nLooking for homecooked food for babies in KL\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThankfully, it was around my baby\u2019s 8 month milestone that I discovered \nBaby Ambrosia\n. Better late than never, right?\u00a0\n\n\nThey sent over some meals for Jedi to try and the first couple of tries were pretty challenging. He was not used to the textured food and had to take some time to get used to it.\u00a0\n\n\nBut after his third meal, he was hooked!\n\n\nFrom their vegetable medley to their quinoa, pear and blueberry meals, he was excited for every mealtime.\u00a0\n\n\nBaby Ambrosia \u2013 Fresh food for little angels\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe brand has been around for over a decade now, providing babies and toddlers with food that is 100% natural and nutritious. All their food does not contain added sugar or salt.\n\n\nSince it is made right here in Kuala Lumpur, the food is super fresh too!\n\n\nI\u2019ve personally tried all of Jedi\u2019s food \u2013 packet ones and these ones from Baby Ambrosia. The freshness in these little meals are guaranteed and the flavours are very natural.\u00a0\n\n\nBaby Ambrosia addresses your babies needs from their first foods (single ingredient puree), to mixed flavour purees, to lumpier textures and even chunky meals for toddlers.\u00a0\n\n\nEasy preparation for busy mummies\n\n\n\n\nBaby Ambrosia is designed for the busy mum and also the fussiest of babies. Busy mums, like myself, have little time to take 10 different steps to prepare their child\u2019s meal multiple times a day (and mummies, there\u2019s no need to feel guilty about this). You can still offer your child the best with meals from Baby Ambrosia.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s as simple as heating up the meal (instructions are on each of the pots) and the meals can be kept in your freezer for up to 2 months.\u00a0\n\n\nThough the preparation is not like those supermarket packet foods where you just twist open the cap and squeeze out the meal, it shouldn\u2019t take you more than 2-3 minutes to get the food heated up and into your child\u2019s bowl.\u00a0\n\n\nI like to use a small pan to heat up the food, which only takes me about 3 minutes at the most to get the food to a nice warm temperature for my baby.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you have to use a microwave (which we don\u2019t really recommend), a minute would suffice.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s a lifesaver for busy mums and it is also easy to prepare if your child is with a caregiver. There are many options for flavours and we find the balance in nutrition to be great for your child as they progress through the ages.\u00a0\n\n\nShow some support to these local homecooked baby food vendors by visiting their store at The Curve or find out more about their locations \nhere\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maid-boils-baby-to-death-highlights-importance-of-not-ignoring-red-flags", "title": "Maid boils baby to death highlights importance of not ignoring red flags", "body": "This article is from our archives. It reminds us all to be very aware of helper red flags that could indicate trouble is brewing. At the same time, let us be responsible employers, giving our domestic helpers enough time to rest, paying them on time etc. That said, \nnothing\n warrants this despicable act of a maid who boils baby to death.\u00a0\n\n\nThey say money is the root of all evil. In this \nparticularly shocking case\n, money matters appear to have caused a maid in South Africa to\u00a0boil her employer\u2019s three-month-old baby to death.\n\n\nMaid boils baby to death: Why she did it\n\n\nThe maid, Nokuthula Nyathi, from Zimbabwe, reportedly carried out the cruel act of boiling the baby to death when she failed to get her salary on time.\n\n\nNokuthula confronted her employer about her salary two days after the day she was supposed to receive her pay. Her\u00a0employer, Karen Dube, had\u00a0promised to pay her by the end of the same week but\u00a0did not hold up her end of the bargain.\n\n\n\n\nWas it really because of money?\n\n\n\n\nSo, in a despicable act of revenge, Nokithula did the unthinkable: she placed her employer\u2019s innocent three-month-old baby in a pot of water, and boiled the baby for an hour.\u00a0\n\n\nSome neighbours suggested that the main cause of the tragic incident was the turbulent relationship between the maid and the employer, and not the fact that the latter was unable to pay her helper.\n\n\nAccording to reports, Nokithula was allegedly caught stealing on several occasions and her employer tried to terminate her employment before but had been unsuccessful because Nokithula simply refused to resign.\n\n\nMum\u2019s reaction after maid boils baby to death\n\n\nAfter murdering the baby, Nokithula packed up her belongings and left. When Karen Dube returned home, she collapsed in shock and grief upon discovering her baby in the container.\u00a0Karen Dube was unconscious and found lying on the floor by her neighbour.\n\n\nThe maid was arrested the next day and was charged with murder and then held in custody.\n\n\nLearning points from the maid boils baby case\n\n\nAlthough this maid boils baby incident happened overseas, there is a very real possibility of similar situations happening in Singapore.\n Horror stories about maids abusing children are nothing new in Singapore\n.\n\n\nHere are some tips to help lessen the likelihood of a similar situation striking in your household:\n\n\n1. Build a good relationship with your maid\n\n\nYour maid is less likely to abuse your child if they enjoy a good relationship with your family.\n\n\n2. Trust your instincts\n\n\nIf your maid gives you the creeps, be cautious of her. If you are really worried, bring the issue up to the maid agency and see if you can replace your current helper.\n\n\n\n\nMake sure to choose your maid wisely.\n\n\n\n\n3. Choose wisely\n\n\nAlways hire a maid from a reputable agency. It will be advisable to get references from the maid agency about a potential maid. If you employ a transfer maid, always ask her previous employer about her, including the reason why she left.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Listen\n\n\nIf someone reports to any disturbing behaviour related to your maid, do not dismiss them. Try to investigate and verify the credibility of the claims.\n\n\n5. Don\u2019t be afraid to ask\n\n\nIf it is possible, ask your friends for recommendations of good maid agencies.\n\n\nRemember, it\u2019s always a two-way relationship between any employer and employee.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nMoney Lessons From Our Parents \u2013 And How They Shaped Our Money Parenting Style\nTip keibubapaan\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nTip keibubapaan\nZaman Kanak-Kanak Yang Seimbang Dalam Era Digital - Pasti Boleh!\nKewangan\nIbu Ayah Pasti Dah Sediakan Semua Keperluan Anak? Jom Semak Checklist Ini, No.5 WAJIB Ada\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/breast-self-examination-steps-by-steps", "title": "Feel Yourself Up \u2014 Your Step-by-Step Guide To Breast Self-Examination!", "body": "According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer globally, and \u2018early detection to improve survival remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control\u2019. That is why it\u2019s important to learn about breast self-examination steps by steps.\n\n\nIn light of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and with this statement in mind, make sure you carry out regular self-examinations and annual mammograms.\n\n\nBreast cancer occurs when there is \nabnormality present in breast cells\n and they divide without control or order, unlike normal cells which divide and produce in a systematic manner.\n\n\nWhen this unorderly division occurs, extra tissue is produced, which creates a mass called a tumor. Such tumors can be cancerous or benign and the majority of breast cancers start in the milk ducts.\n\n\nWhile going for regular mammograms is one-way women can detect breast cancer in its early stages, there is another, more simple method you can use to check for lumps in the privacy of your own home: breast self-examination.\n\n\nBreast Self Examination Steps By Steps\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPhoto credit: \nSMG Women\u2019s Health\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-simple-healthy-and-delicious-recipes-toddlers-will-love-2", "title": "5 simple, healthy and delicious recipes toddlers will love!", "body": "Mums and dads, medical research has shown that what you feed your little ones in their early years is crucial for brain and motor skills development.\n\n\nHowever, \ntoddlers\n can be notoriously picky eaters. So how can parents make sure that their tots eat the nutritious food that is given to them? The trick is to make it yummy and appealing, too!\n\n\nHere are five recipes for healthy and tasty, toddler-friendly meals that are packed with the right type of nutrients to boost your little one\u2019s overall development.\n\n\n1. Sweet and Sticky Plums Recipe for Babies:\n\n\n\n\nPlums are nutritious, tasty and a great first food for baby. Not only are they sweet and juicy, they are also high in fibre and vitamins C and A, making them a great immune-booster and bowel regulator. The high fibre content in plums makes them one of nature\u2019s best remedies for constipation in babies, toddlers and adults. This recipe is suitable for babies from six months onwards.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIngredients (For 2portions):\n\n\n3 plums\n\u00a0\n\n\n1 stick of clove\n\n\n1 cinnamon stick\n\n\n2-3 whole black peppers\n\n\n1 star anise\n\n\n1/2 cup water\n\n\nCooking instructions:\n\n\n\n\nPut 3 halves of de-stoned plums in a small pan, then add one clove stick, one cinnamon stick, 2-3 whole black peppers and one star anise.\n\n\nPour in half a cup of water and let simmer over medium heat for 12 minutes.\n\n\nOnce it is thick and sticky in consistency, remove pan from the stove. Once cooled, remove the whole spices and plum skin.\n\n\nThe plums should be very mushy in consistency. If you wish, you can feed them to your baby without blending. If you want to create a puree, just add two teaspoons of water before blending. Serve the puree as it is, or add it to cereal or rice.\n\n\n\n\n2. Semolina with Mashed Strawberries:\n\n\nThis is a delicious homemade breakfast dish for babies!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSemolina is finely ground wheat, and becomes beautifully soft when boiled. It contains fibre and is a great first food for babies.\n\n\nSemolina contains protein and starch, as well as vitamins E, B1, B2, B9 and PP, and minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium needed for your child\u2019s healthy growth. However, do note that it also contains gluten.\n\n\nAdding delicious strawberries to semolina makes it even more delectable to your little one. Also, berries, including strawberries, are a great source of vitamins and minerals.\n\n\nIngredients (For 1 portion, from six months):\n\n\n3 tablespoons of semolina\n\n\n1 cinnamon stick\n\n\n2 strawberries mashed with a fork\n\n\n1 clove stick\n\n\n1 star anise\n\n\n1/2 cup of milk\n\n\nCooking instructions:\n\n\n\n\nPour half a cup of milk into a pan. When it starts to bubble on the sides, add cinnamon, clove and star anise.\n\n\nPour in the semolina and continue to stir till porridge-like in consistency.\n\n\nTop with mashed strawberries and serve.\n\n\n\n\n3. Spinach Tart (6 servings):\n\n\n\n\nThis is a healthy dish, which is not only delicious but easy to make, too!\u00a0\n\n\nSpinach is a good food for your baby because it\u2019s packed with nutrients vital to healthy growth and development. It\u2019s a good source of vitamins A, K and C, and provides folate, iron, calcium, zinc, fiber and magnesium. Iron and zinc, in particular, are important nutrients for a baby.\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n1 tablespoon butter or olive oil\n\n\n1 large onion, chopped\n\n\n1/3 cup cheddar cheese, grated\n\n\n700 g baby spinach\n\n\n500 g pastry dough\n\n\nCooking instructions:\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPreheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.\n\n\nHeat oil/butter in a pan and saut\u00e9 chopped onions.\n\n\nAdd spinach, cooking gently until wilted but still bright green.\n\n\nSet the spinach mix aside to cool.\n\n\nRoll out pastry dough and lay it on a greased tart dish. Prick the bottom with a fork.\n\n\nAdd spinach mix and top it with the grated cheese. Bake until the pastry is golden brown.\n\n\n\n\nYour delicious spinach tart is ready for your toddler to eat once cool!\n\n\n4. Easy Apple Pie\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\n\nKids love apple pie! It always makes for a popular dessert.\n\n\nApples are truly a wonder fruit, and they may be one on your baby\u2019s first foods. Some of the most important nutritional components of apples are fibre and flavonoids. Apples help boost your baby\u2019s immune system and are good for the digestive system.\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\n2 refrigerated pie crusts\n\n\n1 egg white\n\n\n8 large Golden Delicious apples (peeled, cored and thinly-sliced)\n\n\n1/3 cup granulated sugar\n\n\n2 tablespoons all-purpose flour\n\n\n1 teaspoon cinnamon\n\n\nCooking instructions:\n\n\n\n\nPreheat oven to 204 degrees Celcius.\n\n\nPlace\u00a0one of the pie crusts\u00a0into a 9-inch pie plate. Brush with egg white (this prevents the crust from getting soggy). Let the egg white dry while you prepare the filling.\n\n\nToss apples together with sugar and flour. Place the apples inside prepared crust.\n\n\nPlace the second prepared pie crust over the apples, tucking the excess under the bottom crust. Now crimp the edges with your fingers.\n\n\nCut 3-4 slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape. Brush the top of the crust with any remaining egg whites (optional).\n\n\nCover the pie loosely with a sheet of aluminum foil. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the foil, lower the temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, and bake another 30-40 minutes.\n\n\nOnce finished baking, set pie aside to cool.\n\n\nOnce cool, slice pie and serve with a glass of milk (or better yet, a scoop of vanilla ice cream!)\n\n\n\n\n5. Carrot Soup\n\n\n\n\nCarrots are rich in beta-carotene, the plant form of vitamin A, and make an excellent weaning food, as babies like their naturally sweet taste. Darker, older carrots contain more beta-carotene than baby carrots.\n\n\nYour baby will love this delicious carrot soup!\n\n\n1 large carrot, cubed\n (We recommend \nPasar Organic Baby carrots\n)\n\n\n2 tbsp onion, finely chopped\n\u00a0\n\n\n1 small piece ginger, finely chopped\n\n\n3 cloves garlic, minced\n\n\nPinch of salt\n (can be omitted)\n\n\nPinch of pepper powder\n\n\n1 tsp butter\n\n\n\u00bc tsp \ncumin seeds\u00a0\n\n\n1 \u00bd cups \nwater\n\n\nCooking instructions:\n\n\n\n\nHeat 1 tsp butter in a pressure cooker, then add cumin seeds.\n\n\nAdd finely chopped onions, ginger and minced garlic. Stir for 2 minutes. Add diced carrot and seasoning.\n\n\nPour in measured water and bring to a boil. Pressure\u00a0cook mixture over medium heat for 3 whistles.\u00a0\n\n\nTransfer the cooked ingredients to a blender and blitz with some of the cooking water until smooth and shiny.\n\n\nServe!\n\n\n\n\nThe carrot soup is ready for your baby!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cost-of-raising-a-child", "title": "What Motherhood Taught Me About Investing", "body": "Before even deciding to have kids, most people would already know just how expensive the cost of raising a child is in Malaysia.\n\n\nEven during pregnancy, the costs can be pretty steep if you go down the private route. My first visit to a private hospital for my pregnancy, I had to stay overnight and my bill was a whopping RM3,500!\n\n\nAt 27 years old and only 6 months into my marriage, we were financially unprepared for something like that.\n\n\nAfter that, for the rest of my pregnancy, I decided to try out the government option. My entire bill for the 9 month pregnancy, plus a hospital stay of 6 days in my second trimester, and the final cost of my c-section delivery, was sub RM2,000.\n\n\nTalk about a world of difference.\n\n\nEven before the baby was born, I knew I would have to start investing in his future if I wanted to stay ahead of the huge, looming financial costs I was about to face for the next 25 years of my life (most of us Asian kids stay with our parents till then, some even longer!).\n\n\n\n\nCost of raising a child: investing for your kids\n\n\nSo here\u2019s what I considered as a young mother planning for her son\u2019s future:\n\n\n1. Insurance is the first step\n\n\nI once heard a story about a woman who took her baby for a short holiday and while overseas, the baby passed away due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and she had no insurance to pay for her child\u2019s remains to be repatriated. She ended up in a mountain of debt. This story stuck with me throughout my pregnancy and as soon as I could, I requested for insurance.\n\n\nIn Malaysia, you can buy insurance for your unborn child as early as in the second trimester. But if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you might be rejected by the underwriters. If not, your loading premium might be higher.\n\n\nIf you successfully obtain insurance while pregnant, the plan will then be converted to your child\u2019s insurance upon the child turning 2 weeks old.\n\n\nI didn\u2019t manage to get pregnancy insurance, so as soon as my son turned 2 weeks old, we were sure to sign the insurance papers for medical and hospitalisation.\n\n\nLife insurance at this age is not completely necessary just yet as many view life insurance to be a financial cushion to leave to the next of kin.\n\n\n2. Education is going to be even more expensive in the future\u00a0\n\n\nConsidering the rate of inflation and the rising costs of education, many parents will want to ensure their child\u2019s college fees are covered. Starting an education fund is one of the best ways to do so.\n\n\nFor those who have the option to invest in Amanah Saham Bumiputera under Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad, this is one of the safest and best bets. On average, the returns for the account one hovers around 8% annually, while account two is 6% on a decent year.\n\n\nEach account can hold up to RM200,000. So if you\u2019re able to dump in a lump sum from your child\u2019s birth, you can be looking at a very healthy fund for your child\u2019s future by the end of 18 years. Even if you\u2019re not able to, every bit counts.\n\n\nFor those who don\u2019t have this option, many insurance providers now offer investment plans that are tied to insurance that can also meet this need.\n\n\nCompounding interest is one of the most powerful tools in financial planning, so make good use of that.\n\n\n\n\n3. Investing in the present is just as important\n\n\nOne thing new parents will learn quickly is that having a child is unpredictable. This means the child is not going to wait until your rainy day savings are full before an unexpected trip to the paediatrician.\n\n\nBy the way, on average, a trip to the paediatrician will set you back RM200 at least.\n\n\nHaving an immediate emergency fund to access for moments like these will prove to be very useful so you don\u2019t have to dip into savings or charge it to your credit card.\n\n\nBesides setting aside their college fund and insurance premiums, parents should have a separate account to keep this emergency money in.\n\n\n4. Buying in bulk\u2026 isn\u2019t always cheaper with a baby\n\n\nOne thing you will see a lot of are baby fairs or expos. You will be tempted to go and check out the awesome deals that brands are offering during that period. This, in my opinion, is not necessary for two reasons.\n\n\nOne, babies grow quickly and you won\u2019t know that what works for them now will work for them in a month\u2019s time.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nTwo, with the bursting popularity of e-commerce sites and an unhealthy obsession with monthly sales (1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, so on), you can easily catch these deals all year round.\n\n\nI had once spent RM400 buying diapers for my son at a baby expo thinking it would be a great deal of savings\u2026 only to have to donate the whole lot to an orphanage two months later when I found out he was allergic to that particular brand of diapers!\n\n\nI had also used the opportunity of baby fairs to purchase many milk bottles on sale to find that my son only wanted to use another brand of milk bottles.\n\n\nSo when it comes to babies, buy as you go.\n\n\n\n\nA little goes a long way\n\n\nUltimately, what motherhood really taught me about money and investing is this \u2014 we will always want to give the best to our children, even though the cost of raising a child might equal a bit of financial sacrifices.\u00a0\n\n\nSometimes, the best can be as simple as making sure you have enough to get them by every month with food and clothes. And when you have a little bit of spare cash, you tuck it away into a savings account for them.\n\n\nNo matter what the circumstances are, mums and dads, we know you\u2019re trying your best for your little ones.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nThe most terrifying part of motherhood no one ever warns you about\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-women", "title": "3 Steps That\u2019ll Make Women Entrepreneurs Become Instantly Healthier", "body": "The rapid rise of women entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon and at the same time, the competition amongst businesses in various industries are at a new time high.\n\n\nNew startups are popping up everyday, existing companies are growing and scaling at a speed like never before through rounds after rounds of fundraising and better yet, consumers are becoming more and more demanding. So what could this all mean to the well being of\u00a0 women entrepreneurs? What can be done to ensure peak state of mind and energy day in day out? Is it even possible to become healthier when time seems to be the most scarce resource in the life of an entrepreneur?\n\n\nThis article is dedicated to the amazing women entrepreneurs out there who are going and giving their 110% everyday. These individuals are, ready to defy the norm of the unhealthy lifestyles many entrepreneurs subject themselves to because you believe that the ultimate goal of entrepreneurship should actually be about living the life of vitality, joy and fulfilment through the existence of your business. Here, we share with you three vital steps to make this possible for you.\n\n\n1. High intention low attachment\n\n\nWe all treat our business like a baby. Yes, we get it and no one can takes care of it as well as you do. From inception to where it is right now giving you the kind of pay off\u00a0 keeps you going everyday while so much is at stake; it\u2019s natural to keep everything under a close watch all the time. As a result, many entrepreneurs neglect the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle because it just seems impossible to make time to workout and stick to healthy habits amidst chaos. The illusion of \u201cone day I will\u201d might seem real at times, but more often than not, it\u2019s the mind playing tricks. The truth is, it\u2019s not so much about having more time, rather, it all starts from the mindset of an entrepreneur. Start empowering others and allow them the space to make mistakes, start leveraging time of others and give yourself the gift of time to do what you need to do and what others can\u2019t do for you, which is to keep your body and mind in tip top condition in order to lead the pack. Remember the livelihood of others strongly depends on your business, which is under the massive influence of your health and well being as a leader.\n\n\n2. Less coffee, more sleep\n\n\nWith constant deadlines chasing, endless meetings and discussions while keeping tabs on the sales and performance of the team, many entrepreneurs will choose getting things done over getting sleep in. Many entrepreneurs turn to coffee, coffee and more coffee as a way to power through the day. It could be an effective way to get you charged up temporarily, but as we know, a quick fix is never sustainable. Even worse, excessive amounts of caffeine from beverages like tea, coffee or energy drinks can inhibit absorption of vitamins and minerals and increase their excretion from the body. Just imagine iron and calcium (which are important for women) is lost day in day out as you chug more coffees down, what will it do to your health and vitality in the long run? Treat yourself to the sleep you deserve because entrepreneurship is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Better sleep means you are able to keep your metabolism on point, keep your stress level down and hence, allowing you to make more intellectual decisions which could be pivotal in your business.\n\n\n3. Trigger your endorphins!\n\n\nYes! And on purpose too! Endorphins, known as the body\u2019s natural \u201cfeel good\u201d chemicals, gets released when we are exercising, eating certain foods and drinks, having sex, getting a good massage or having a laugh. As an entrepreneur, you will need a lot more of these to ward off stress, frustrations and perhaps anger due to things not turning out the way it should (which happens a lot). Primarily, we are going to deploy the most impactful one, which is to perform some form of exercises (moderate intensity) at least 4x per week and a minimum of 30 minutes each time with a warm up and a cool down. Exercising will no longer just be something to get you lean and toned. It should be about using exercise as a tool to prime your body and mind to achieve exceptional feats in your work and that\u2019s what makes an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur. An average (or less than) health will inevitably produce average work, an average work ongoingly will then reflect onto the business. So now, we know the power is within YOU, start linking the well being of you and your business together as a direct correlation, will you need anymore reasons to get your endorphins going via the means of exercise?\u00a0\n\n\nBuilding a thriving business is not all about having the right knowledge, tools and resources. In fact, I believe it has a lot to do with the health and well being of the entrepreneur / business owner. By implementing the above three steps on a regular basis, you will be able to truly live the life you deserve as a result of taking charge of your body and mind which your business and the people you work with can all benefit from. Finding it hard to get started? Sometimes, all you need to do is gather like-minded entrepreneurs to get you going because the environment is stronger than willpower.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ezerra-treatment-for-eczema", "title": "What Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child", "body": "If you suffer from dry, flaky, inflamed patches on your skin that are uncontrollably itchy, you are not alone.\u00a0\nYou are most likely with a chronic skin disorder known as eczema. \n\n\nMany people who live with eczema would describe the incredible itchiness as one of the worst symptoms of this increasingly common skin disorder.\u00a0\nNow imagine that unbearable itchiness in your child, especially one that is too young to help soothe itself.\u00a0\n\n\nBut parents, do not fret. Thankfully, there are some tips and tricks from doctors that can help relieve the itchiness and dryness that eczema can cause.\u00a0\n\n\nUnderstanding eczema and the trigger factors\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nAlthough the cause of eczema is not fully understood, doctors believe that both genetics and environmental factors play a role in causing the emergence of eczema. People living with eczema tend to be oversensitive towards topical irritants or allergens that can cause the inflammation.\u00a0\n\n\nUnderstanding the trigger factors\n\n\nEczema affects everyone differently. One person\u2019s triggers may not be the same as another\u2019s, so it is important to be aware of the common triggers so you can change your habits and routine.\n\n\nCommon trigger factors include:\n\n\nDry skin:\n When your skin gets too dry, it becomes brittle, scaly and tight, which may lead to an eczema flare up.\n\n\nIrritants: \nComing in contact with irritants such as everyday household products, cosmetics or even natural substances can cause your skin to itch and burn. Common irritants include, sweat, saliva, fragrances, shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, hand and dish soap. Some natural liquids and food, such as lemon juice, vinegar or fermented foods, can also irritate the skin when you come in contact with them.\n\n\nEnvironmental allergens: \nThings in your surroundings might also be a reason for a flare up, this can include cigarette smoke, dust mites, pet dander, pollen, insect bites, and bee stings.\n\n\nMaterials: \nMaterials such as latex, coarse wool or lace can irritate the skin and trigger an outbreak.\u00a0\n\n\nStress: \nStress, anxiety or depression can be a cause for eczema flare ups due to the increased cortisol levels, which leads to inflammation, causing eczema symptoms.\u00a0\n\n\nClimate:\n Yes, even the weather can aggravate your eczema, be it cold and dry or hot and sweaty.\u00a0\n\n\nEczema remedies\n\n\nThere are plenty of clinically proven treatments containing natural active ingredients that are gentle on the skin of babies and children that can help soothe the dry and itchy skin caused by eczema.\u00a0\n\n\nEzerra is a brand recommended by paediatric dermatologists and paediatricians to help relieve eczema symptoms.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe \nEzerra Cream\n is a specially formulated cream that relieves itchiness and inflammation, while intensively moisturising the skin. \n\n\nIt contains Stimutex-AS \u00ae (itch and inflammation relieving agent) derived from natural ingredients: shea butter, argan oil and spent grain wax. It also contains Saccharide Isomerate (natural intensive moisturising agent) which is extracted from wheat.\u00a0\n\n\nAnother product that will help with itchy skin is the \nEzerra Extra Gentle Cleanser\n which is a specially formulated cleanser for dry and irritated skin. The Ezerra Extra Gentle Cleanser is SLS/SLES-free and is 3-Times-Gentler \nthan normal\n cleansers in the market.\n\n\nFormulated for daily-use using non-irritating, natural active ingredients, Ezerra Extra Gentle Cleanser contains a natural cleansing agent extracted from coconut, which has been clinically proven to retain skin moisture even after your shower. It also contains natural sensitive skin relieving agents to soothe inflammation and redness.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBest of all, these Ezerra products are non-steroidal and suitable for extended use on babies as young as 2 weeks old to moisturise, relieve and speed up skin restoration for your little one. Ezerra helps to restore the smiles on the faces of you and your children by relieving dry or eczema prone skin and restoring skin to a healthy condition.\n\n\nReady to try a natural treatment to soothe your little one\u2019s itching? Parents can purchase Ezerra products online or at pharmacies and baby shops nationwide, find out where at \nwww.ezerramalaysia.com/where-to-buy\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAre you feeling lucky? Take part in Ezerra\u2019s Mother\u2019s Day Campaign by simply sharing their Mother\u2019s Day video on \nFacebook\n or \nInstagram\n,\n and comment on what made you decide to use Ezerra to be in the running to win RM600 cash.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0List of Child Specialist Clinics (Paediatrician) in KL and Selangor\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nEasy to Follow Tips to Get Your Baby to Sleep Well Tonight\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Hugging and kissing your baby can make him smarter: Study\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-singaporean-family-has-6-very-unique-birthdays", "title": "This family has 6 very unique birthdays, unbelievable!", "body": "Birthdays in any family are extra-special. They are made even more special if family members have a unique birthday \u2014 perhaps they share the same birthday with a sibling or parent, or their birth date consists of the same numbers. But what are the chances for a whole family to have similarly unique birth dates? One Singaporean family of six with perhaps some of the least common birthdays we\u2019ve ever heard of, share their story.\u00a0\n\n\nLeast common birthdays: Singaporean family of six has unique birth dates\u00a0\n\n\nThe Loke family\u2019s birthdays are certainly unique: everyone in their family of six have birthdays with the same day and month!\n\n\nTo put things in perspective:\n\n\n\n\n40-year-old Mr Shamen Loke\u2019s birthday is on January 1 (01/01);\n\n\nhis wife, 39-year-old Madam Yau Mei Siong\u2019s birthday is on September 9 (09/09);\n\n\nseven-year-old Lucius\u2019s birthday is on June 6 (06/06);\n\n\nfour-year-old Andrius celebrates his birthday on January 1 (01/01);\n\n\ntwo-year-old Justinius, was born on the 4th of April (04/04), and\n\n\nOne-month-old Kaius, the family\u2019s newest member, has his birthday on October 10 (10/10).\n\n\n\n\nAll Mr and Mrs Loke\u2019s children were born naturally, meaning those birth dates weren\u2019t pre-planned to fall on those dates, say Mr and Mrs Loke.\n\n\n\u201cIt is truly a blessing. Each one of them is a godsend,\u201d says Mr Loke, who named all his boys.\n\n\n\n\nLeast common birthdays: the Loke family, with birth dates made from repeating numbers. From left to right: Lucius Loke, Andrius Loke, Kaius Loke, Madam Yau Mei Siong, Mr Shamen Loke and Justinius Loke.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cFingers crossed for October 10\u201d\n\n\nMr Loke says that his sons \u2013 Lucius, Andrius, Justinius and Kaius \u2013 were named after the Latin words \nfor\u00a0light, courage, justice and joy, respectively.\u00a0\n\n\nBut the couple, who are both civil servants, very nearly miss\ned the\u00a0perfect record.\n\n\nApparently, baby Kaius\u2019s due date was predicted to be October 13, says Mr Loke. Furthermore, he admits that they \u201cnot planned for a fourth child\u201d and once they were aware about\u00a0Kaius\u2019s arrival, the couple \u201d didn\u2019t expect the date to be Oct 10\u2033.\n\n\nHowever, the couple did feel t\nhat \u201cit would be a bonus if it happened\u201d. The critical thing, Mr Loke pointed out, was that\u00a0\u201cboth baby and mother are safe and sound.\u201d\n\n\nLooking back, Madam Yau joked that the chance delivery wa\ns\u00a0\u201cbetter than winning the lottery\u201d when contractions began three days prior to Kaius\u2019s due date.\n\n\n\u201cI was not very confident of making the date. As the date drew closer, people around us kept their fingers crossed,\u201d says Madam Yau.\n\n\nSo does this family use their string of\u00a0 \u201clucky birth-dates\u201d to try and win the lottery? \nMr Loke\u2019s dad has, in fact, struck the winning lottery using\u00a0\u20181199\u2019 \u2013 the two \u20181\u2019s from Mr Loke\u2019s birth date and the two \u20189\u2019s from his wife\u2019s!\n\n\nAcc\nording to Madam Yau, since the birth of their eldest son, the couple\u2019s family and friends began predicting the\u00a0birth dates of her following pregnancies. \n\n\n\n\nHer two older sons, who knew their\u00a0special birth dates, would also encourage baby Kaius \u201cto come out on October 10\u201d each night while Madam Yau was pregnant with him.\u00a0\n\n\nStill, Madam Yau adds that she didn\u2019t do anything to influence the birth dates. She is confident that her\u00a0boys \u201cchose\u201d their unique birth dates on their own. \n\n\n\u201cWe hope it will be a story that they can tell their children and grandchildren in future,\u201d says Madam Yau.\n\n\nNo intention of expanding the family with more kids\n\n\nBen Neo, Madam Yau\u2019s gynaecologist in th\ne\u00a0Ben Neo Clinic for Women, who helped to give birth to all of the Mr Loke\u2019s children, says the Lokes have been the first case he\u2019s seen in his practice.\n\n\n\u201cIt is unique that all six members of the family have such birth dates,\u201d says Dr Neo.\n\n\nWith baby Kaius delivered, M\nr Loke isn\u2019t planning to expand\u00a0the family\u2019s unique pattern of repeating birth dates with\u00a0additional children.\n\n\nAt times, Mr Loke says he \ndoes wonder about what life would be like if he had a daughter instead, asking himself questions like\u00a0\u201cHow would my daughter look like if I had one? How different would I be as a father if I had a daughter?\u201d\n\n\nIdeally, Mr Loke still wants more kids. However, realistically, he admits that it would be difficult \u201c\nconsidering our ages, finances and time\u201d.\n\n\nThe couple first encountered each other as\u00a0\nundergraduate students in the National University of Singapore (NUS). While they were dating, they did chat about their\u00a0\nspecial birth dates. \n\n\nEventually, they got married in 2006.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nThe fami\nly\u2019s car, a white Toyota Estima, shared the same licence plate number as their two former cars:\u00a0 \u20181199\u2019.\n\n\n\u201cDo you buy 4D? No, my best prize is at home,\u201d says Mr Loke\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA happy family is so much more important than winning the lottery! | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\nMadam Yau\u2019s kids\u2019 birth dates have become an unexpectedly popular topic to start conversations.\n\n\nShe says that completing registration forms in clinics and pre-schools usually roused people\u2019s attention to her children\u2019s unique birth dates. Additionally, people were also \u201cin awe or amazed\u201d upon learning that all her children were delivered naturally.\u00a0\n\n\nThe family\u2019s special birth dates makes it very easy for family members to remember their birthdays, chuckles\u00a0Madam Yau.\n\n\nMr Loke agrees, too, confessing that he could never forget his children or wife\u2019s birthdays.\n\n\n\u201cPeople close to us think we are special and must have been greatly blessed to have these birth dates,\u201d says Madam Yau.\n\n\nAnd Mr Loke doesn\u2019t need anyone to tell him that. He regards his family as \u201chis greatest achievement\u201d, saying that he feels \u201clucky and contented\u201d the moment he returns home and sees his family.\n\n\n\u201cPeople often ask me whether I buy 4D, but I tell them no, I already have the best prize at home,\u201d says Mr Loke.\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent, we wish this wonderful family all the very best!\n\n\nReferences: \nThe Straits Times\n, Images: ST screengrabs.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/my-mother-in-law-held-my-baby-before-me-and-i-can-never-forgive-her-for-that", "title": "\"My mother-in-law held my baby before me and I can never forgive her for that!\"", "body": "Mother in law boundaries baby.\n\n\nSo you carry your precious angel in your womb for a good 9 months, waiting for that day when you\u2019ll finally be able to hold her in your arms.\n\n\nYou are so obsessively and selfishly in love with the life inside you that you want to be the very first person to feel her, to be the very first person she sees. You deserve the privilege after all, for you are her mother \u2013 her creator, nurturer and protector.\n\n\nSo imagine what this mum went through when she woke up after C-section and discovered that \u2018someone else\u2019 had gotten to hold her bundle of joy first?\n\n\nAnd that \u2018someone else\u2019 was not her husband, nor the doctor, not even the nurse, but\u2026her mother-in-law?\n\n\nCan you feel her pain now?\n\n\nMother In Law Boundaries Baby : \nI Had An Emergency C-Section\n\n\n\n\nA mum was left devastated when she realised that her mother-in-law had held her newborn before she got to. Mummy Miss Bax recently vented her anger on forum Mumsnet.\n\n\nShe writes,\u00a0\u201cI had my daughter six weeks ago.\u201d\n\n\nIt wasn\u2019t an easy delivery and she had to undergo an emgergency C-section, \u201cIt was a traumatic birth and ended in emergency C-section.\u201d\n\n\nHer husband was quite nervous and tense, and requested his mum to come over, as he needed some support, \u201cShe is a doctor and works in the same trust as I was delivering in, although she doesn\u2019t work in the women\u2019s hospital.\u201d\n\n\nIt can get quite stressful to watch your pregnant wife being wheeled away for an emergency operation, and we totally understand what the hubby was going through.\n\n\nMother In Law Boundaries Baby :\nMy mother-in-law held my baby before me\n\n\nSo, the mother-in-law did turn up. Only, this mummy felt that she made herself more than useful, \u201cShe was able to obtain access to the recovery area with her works access card, and just let herself in without permission.\u201d\n\n\nSo our mummy was blissfully unaware that her mother-in-law had actually sneaked in to the recovery area, \u201cI wasn\u2019t asked if it was okay if she could be there,\u2026\u201d\n\n\nNow comes the worst part, \u201cand because I was being stitched up on theatre still, she held my daughter before I even got to.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019m so angry and upset about this.\u201d\n\n\nOops! We feel you, mummy\u2026\n\n\nMother In Law Boundaries Baby\n\n\nShe clarifies that she had often discussed with her hubby about wanting some alone time with the baby before having relatives over, \u201cPrior to going into labour, I\u2019d discussed with my husband that I didn\u2019t want anyone visiting for at least a day or so, let alone have my mother-in-law there before I\u2019ve even held my own child.\u201d\n\n\nNot just that, this mum is also upset that her mother-in-law managed to overhear some private information about her, \u201cA doctor came and spoke to me whilst I was in recovery and mentioned some very personal information about me, medically, which she then overheard too.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019m actually in tears this morning thinking about it all again and so angry and upset still.\u201d\n\n\nBeing a new mum is beautiful, but it is also an incredibly delicate, exhausting, scary period. It is a momentous time in a woman\u2019s life, and there is an enormous surge of thoughts and emotions.\n\n\nThere are so many things a mum has planned, in anticipation of her little one\u2019s arrival, and we can totally identify with this mum\u2019s sorrow on finding that her precious dream has been snatched away from her in an instant.\n\n\nBut then again, as some other mums pointed out, what if the mother-in-law\u2019s intentions were totally harmless? She was after all there, because her son had sought her help?\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nI Saw Improvement In My Child\u2019s Behaviour After Doing This\nKesihatan\n4 Sebab Kenapa Ada Ibu Bapa Sengaja Pilih Untuk Tidak Beri Anak Vaksin\nFormula\nAnak Susah Minum Susu? Ini Tips Daripada Pakar Untuk Pujuk Anak Minum Susu & Kepentingannya Pada Tumbesaran Mereka!\nTip keibubapaan\nBaby Signing Basics\n\n\n(Source: \nMirror\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/to-my-children-when-you-dont-need-me-anymore", "title": "To my children, when you don't need me anymore", "body": "\u201cMummy!!\u201d\n\n\nThis word uttered continuously through the day by my boys \u2013 aged four and six \u2013 has dominated my space and time for years.\n\n\nFrom the moment my little boys wake up to the moment they go to bed, they need me. One wants me in the morning for his first cup of water; the other for his milk. They need me to make their breakfasts and lunches, wash their hair, their bums, help them get dressed\u2026 and so it goes on through the day.\n\n\nRight now, they need me and they need my time. Sure, it feels amazing to know that I am just so wanted by these two little human beings.\n\n\nBut\u2026\n\n\nThere are times when I find these constant requests for my presence just downright exhausting. How can I be in two places at the same time, answering different questions, fulfilling different needs? Of course I do it, just like other parents.\n\n\nBut sometimes, I just want my time back, greedily, all to myself. I dream of the day when I won\u2019t be so needed, when I can do as I please without thinking too hard about how it will affect my children\u2019s needs.\n\n\nAt the same time, I realise that I need my boys as much as they need me right now, because soon, there will come a day when they won\u2019t have time for me anymore, they won\u2019t need me like this anymore, leaving me with a bittersweet ache in my heart.\n\n\nSo here\u2019s what I\u2019d like to tell them.\n\n\nIn a few years, both of you will be too big to need me. You\u2019ll be independent \u2013 perfectly capable of dressing and bathing yourselves, packing your own schoolbags, getting your own glass of water.\n\n\nYou might talk back to me when I ask you something or you might ignore me altogether in that typical teenager way.\n\n\nYour sweet chatter about planets, dinosaurs and what you did at school, and your incessant questions to me about which animal is the most \u2018powerfullest\u2019 ever, will likely be replaced by monosyllabic words, grunts or even worse, silence.\n\n\nYour impulsive hugs and kisses will be rare and still as precious as gold.\n\n\nYou probably won\u2019t have time for me as your days and thoughts become filled with friends, hobbies, sports, studies and girls\u2026 and you know what? This is just fine, because it\u2019s normal. It\u2019s how the world works and it\u2019s how children grow up and become adults.\n\n\nBut I also want you to remember the days when all my time was yours. All the time spent cooking you meals you asked for and didn\u2019t eat, stuck in school traffic, watching you chew your food oh-so-slowly. \u00a0The three hours I spent with a blinding headache to catch a two-minute glimpse of you in your school concert.\n\n\nAll this and more\u2026 it was not a waste of my time as I might have thought at the time.\n\n\n\n\nThere will come a time when I won\u2019t be the most important person in your lives. Until then, time is precious.\n\n\n\n\nDedicating my time to these matters was as meaningful as those magical newborn day-night blurs when my time was irrelevant and all that mattered was you.\n\n\nThe long moments at dawn, dusk and in-between when it was just you at my breast and me, living in that precious moment.\n\n\nFor moments like that, time stood still.\n\n\nYour neediness right now translates to love and trust. To understand that I am loved without limits is something I find hard to express with words (but I try).\n\n\nMy dream of having more time to myself right now is shattered by something as simple yet profound as two bear-hugs from you; a wide-eyed look from under long eyelashes that is pure love; by heartfelt utterances from you telling me how much you love me, how I am the best mummy in the world.\n\n\nAnd I know there will come a time in my life when I wish I could have all those moments back \u2013 even the ones I sighed my way through.\n\n\nIn parenting, time is never lost or wasted. Time is precious, something never to be recovered. Time goes by too fast, and even faster, our little ones grow up. They won\u2019t understand the value of time until they become parents themselves.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\n\n\nSo mums and dads, the next time you find yourself wishing that you didn\u2019t have to sit by your child for an hour, waiting for him to finish his meal, or you grudgingly reject that amazing job offer because you just can\u2019t find the time to dedicate to it in the midst of child-rearing, stop.\n\n\nYour time will come.\n\n\nBut the time you have now with your children won\u2019t come back. Cherish each nano-second of it \u2013 it\u2019s worth your time a million times and more.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIs time whizzing by too fast for you too, mums and dads? Are there moments when you too wanted more time to yourself? Tell us \u2013 just leave a comment below.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-labour-pain-really-feels-like", "title": "What Labour Pain Really Feels Like", "body": "I\u2019m sure all mothers who have given birth would remember very clearly how labour was for them. Even those who opted for pain relief, would have had a small introduction and preview to labour pains.\n\n\nSo \u2026 I decided to ask some moms\u00a0about their labour experiences, hoping to shine some light on\u00a0what labour really feels like.\n\n\nSigns of Labour\n\n\nIf the mention of labour pain hasn\u2019t sent you running in the other direction yet, let\u2019s talk about some signs that tells you that labour is underway. But if and when in doubt about what is happening to your body, contact your OBGYN anyway. They can always give you a once over to see if you\u2019re really going to finally see your\u00a0baby.\n\n\n\n\nimage credit : slideplayer.com\n\n\n\n\nThe usual main signs of labour starting, are strong and regular contractions. You might also get a \u201cshow\u201d; a mucus-like discharge that could sometimes be tinted with a bit of blood. This happens\u00a0when the plug of mucus\u00a0from your cervix comes away. Do not be alarmed. Just inform your doctor, and he or she can advice on when you can make that trip to the hospital.\n\n\nOther signs that\u00a0labour is starting\u00a0includes backache, menstrual-like cramps and an urge to go to the toilet, which is caused by your baby\u2019s head pressing on your bowel. The most dramatic sign is of course, your waters breaking (rupture of the membranes).\n\n\nWhat Labour Feels Like, According to Malaysian Mums\n\n\nFor my first pregnancy, it felt like the worst\u00a0case of diarrhea, except I wasn\u2019t pooping. It also was the l0ngest \u201cdiarrhea\u201d experience ever.\n\n\n\n\nGenerally, you may feel the uterus tightening. Those strong contractions comes in surges and helps to push the baby into position and then out into the world. You may feel the muscles around the uterus harden and contract.\u00a0\nChan Li Xiann \nshared that her tummy was as hard as a stone and that it felt like her baby was going to burst out.\n\n\nAnother mom, \nTracy Chan\n\u00a0said, \u201c\n(I was)\u00a0\nHowling like a banshee and had uncomfortable back ache every time I experienced surges.\u201d\n\n\nContractions can also\u00a0feel like gas pain. Or even strong pressure.\u00a0Mom,\u00a0\nKher Chia\n \ndescribed it as having diarrhea pain from tummy to buttock with increased intensity liken to a washing machine spinning non stop. \n\n\nBet none of us felt like \nYuki Nishitzawa who created her own spins\n doing the tootsie roll during labour!\n\n\n\n\nLabor could also feel like a constant pain in your back, like what I experienced my second time around. If your baby is facing up when entering the birth canal, the pressure from his or her skull on the nerves of your back, could lead to some incredible pain.\n\n\nI was walking around like a mad woman in my room, at 3am in the morning, because I wasn\u2019t able to sit or lie down. Even when they strapped me up to monitor my contractions, I think they couldn\u2019t accurately detect them\u00a0as it was mostly focused on my back.\n\n\n\n\nimage credit : Gas And Air\n\n\n\n\nAnd boy will it change in intensity. It starts off far apart and gradually gets closer and closer, longer and stronger.\n\n\n\u201c3 years ago I went into labour without any pain killer. I was tired and sleepy as well. I was sweating in cold sweat, struggling on the bed with every contraction and cursing at my husband. But (I) still managed to nap between surges. It was really crazy and I felt so high with the pain. Gonna experience this again in 3 months time!!\u201d\n shared \nBee Lian\n, who is currently in her second trimester.\u00a0\n\n\nLilian Ho\n said,\n\u201c\nI thought I would cry after all the pain\u2026 You know, (like) that movie thing? No. I just felt like swearing.\u201d\n\n\nHiccups\u00a0Can Happen\n\n\nNothing really prepares us for what could happen in the labour ward. You just have to deal with whatever life throws you.\n\n\nMom\u00a0\nRen Dixon\u00a0\nshared about her rare experience during her s\necond pregnancy. The\u00a0epidural she took only numbed\u00a0the left side of her\u00a0body, while the right side was subjected to the full pain of labour. \n\n\n\u201c\nIt was the strangest sensation ever. My whole right side would cramp up in unspeakable pain and then\u2026nothing on my left. (It) Still made me mad enough to curse the nurses and doctor for the error until baby came out.\n\u201c\n\n\nOUCH.\n\n\nLet\u2019s Do It Again\n\n\nSuffice to say, after all the pain, screaming and cursing, mums would\u00a0go through the miracle of birth, and bring life into this world all over again. That feeling of holding your baby, after patiently waiting to meet him or her for 9 long months, is indescribable. No matter how great the pain, one look into those eyes, and all is right with the world again.. Well\u2026 Until they start stitching you! *cringe*\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nIs Your Child Your Copycat?\nMoney Parenting\nHow To Money Parent Your Child: An Age-Group Guide\nKehamilan\n8 produk kehamilan anda harus miliki dari Maternity Exchange!\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-loss-mental-health", "title": "How To Manage Your Mental Health After Pregnancy Loss", "body": "There are an estimated \n2.6 million stillbirths\n each year. And yet, for some reason we find it difficult to talk about something that happens so often. Not just the physical repercussions, but mental health after pregnancy loss continues to remain a taboo subject in most societies around the globe. \n\n\n\n\nThis abandonment of understanding of the basics of mental health after pregnancy loss can often leave women and their partners feeling isolated and seeking much-needed support. Not to forget, the changes in mood owing to dropping \nhormone levels\n can add to the trauma.\n\n\nHowever, by understanding the root cause and through coping mechanisms based around support, love, and care, couples who experience pregnancy loss can overcome the hurt. \n\n\nMental Health After Pregnancy Loss: Learn About the Root Cause, First\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nManaging your mental health after\n \npregnancy loss should first begin with comprehending its root cause. Generally, pregnancy loss can be broadly attributed to either a \nmiscarriage\n or \nstillbirth\n. While the former is a spontaneous abortion anytime before 20 weeks, the latter can take place anywhere between \n20 weeks\n and \n37 weeks\n. \n\n\n\n\nStillbirth, in particular can even be identified based on the duration of the pregnancy: \n\n\n\n\nFrom 0 to \n27 weeks\n: Early stillbirth\n\n\nBetween \n28\n and \n36 weeks\n: Late stillbirth\n\n\nAfter 37 weeks: Term stillbirth\n\n\n\n\nWhile it is known that maternal ill-health and complications during pregnancy can lead to pregnancy loss, it\u2019s crucial to identify the root cause in order to plan the next steps. \n\n\nThat\u2019s why most doctors prefer that an expecting mother undertake \npregnancy scans\n and come in for routine checkups. \nBut in the event of the inevitable loss, here are a few primary causes: \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nPregnancy and labour complications\n: These can include \npreterm labour\n, overdue baby with the pregnancy lasting for more than 42 weeks, carrying multiple babies at once, or an accident or injury during pregnancy.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIssues with the placenta\n: This is a crucial link that provides essential nutrients, oxygen and blood to the baby. If it is affected by issues of blood flow, inflammation or even infection, it can lead to pregnancy loss.\u00a0\n\n\nBirth defects\n: As per the \nNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development\n, about 1 in every 10 stillbirths is \ndue to birth defects\n. These include structural defects, Rh incompatibility, genetic conditions, or fetal growth restrictions.\u00a0\n\n\nInfection in the body\n: Whether it is in the mother\u2019s body or the baby\u2019s, infection such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), fifth disease, syphilis, \nlisteriosis\n, genital herpes, or toxoplasmosis\u00a0 can lead to pregnancy loss. Typically, infections are more common in stillbirths that occur before the \n24th week\n of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nIssues with the umbilical cord\n: The umbilical cord connects the baby to the mother via the placenta. If an infection or inflammation occurs in it, or if it gets knotted or squeezed, it can lead to pregnancy loss.\u00a0\n\n\nMaternal health\n: Finally, a mother\u2019s ill health can also be one of the causes of pregnancy loss. Whether it is medical conditions such as \npreeclampsia\n or chronic high blood pressure or \nthyroid\n, obesity, and \ndiabetes\n, all of these can prove to be instrumental.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, you may not notice any of these symptoms early on unless you\u2019ve had a proper medical examination. It is only when you start experiencing physical changes such as bleeding, or experience vaginal pain, or cramping that you may realise that something is amiss.\u00a0\n\n\nAnother tangible sign of pregnancy loss is that the baby stops moving inside the womb.\u00a0\n\n\nEither way, if you do notice any of these signs and report them immediately to the doctor only to find that you\u2019ve sadly lost the baby, your first priority should be to discuss your next options.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Happens After Pregnancy Loss\n\n\nPhysically speaking, your body may take anywhere between two and four months to recover. This, depending on your health and the root cause of the loss. For instance, if it is a miscarriage, chances are the fetus will automatically be released from your body. This is also called expectant miscarriage.\u00a0\n\n\nAlternatively, in some cases remaining pregnancy tissue is removed via surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nIn case of stillbirth, if your baby has passed away before labour, you may be given \nmedicine to induce labour\n. This is a safer option as compared to a cesarean section. \n\n\nHowever, if there is still time until the due date, you may be advised to take a few days of rest while the medicine prepares the body (generally about 48 hours) for labour. \n\n\nWhile your body continues to adapt to the physical changes, mental health after pregnancy loss is the one aspect that may need serious work. With couples experiencing a profound emotional impact, support and care are at the heart of psychological recovery.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMental Health After Pregnancy Loss: How To Manage Mind and Body\n\n\nAt this point, your emotions may be running high. You may feel lost, angry, sad, and constantly reflect on what you could have done to prevent it; all at the same time. However, it\u2019s important to not blame yourself or even feel the need to somehow \u2018get over it.\u2019 \n\n\nIt may also help to maintain a journal of your feelings. Here are a few things that you may find helpful to help you get through the grieving process.\u00a0\n\n\n1) Know that it is \u2018OKAY\u2019 to grieve\n\n\nYou\u2019ve spent many months bonding with your unborn child. It was a time of hope and positivity. You\u2019ve picked out clothes for your baby, perhaps even bought a crib and all the other equipment needed for your little one.\u00a0\n\n\nYou\u2019ve perhaps even wondered what your baby may look like, and even the personality traits.\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, you\u2019ll be affected deeply by this loss. How can you not be? So know that it is okay to grieve for your loss, in your own way. Whatever that may look for you.\u00a0\n\n\n2) Work towards managing your guilt\u00a0\n\n\nIt can be hard not to feel guilty. You might wonder what you could have done differently. If you should have been more careful or gone to the hospital earlier. \n\n\nWhen the truth is that none of what you could have done may have changed much.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBut getting answers from your doctor may help you understand the situation better. Ask him/her about your current medical condition, what you can do differently the next time around, and if it can happen again. \n\n\n\n\nWhile this activity may not change the present, it can prepare you for the future, and help you get closure.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n3) Think about your partner or spouse \n\n\nWhile you are grieving this loss, it can be easy to forget about your partner or spouse who is also going through the same emotional trauma\n. \nRemember that men and women may show grief differently. \n\n\n\n\nAt this juncture, it\u2019s crucial that you keep your partner in mind as well. Be patient and share your feelings with each other. Try to be a good listener and be respectful of each others\u2019 grieving processes. \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n5) Remember the baby \n\n\nNaming your baby can be a way of remembering and honouring him/her. Those around you can also feel more comfortable to grieve alongside if you name your baby. \n\n\n\n\nWhile some couples already have chosen names for their babies, you may even choose to remember your loved one with a representative name such as \nHeaven\n or \nAngel\n. It\u2019s advisable to choose a name that you are comfortable to say out loud.\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nIn some cases, couples may even organise funerals for their babies. All of these decisions will be rooted in how you wish to remember your baby.\u00a0 \n\n\nPartner Stories\nHealth\n4 Things Every Parent Should Know About Their Child's 12-Month Checkup\nPenjagaan pantang dan selepas bersalin\nChildbirth aftermath \u2013 Get back in shape\nTip keibubapaan\nJadikan Waktu Duduk Di Rumah Lebih Bermakna Bersama Si Manja Dengan Menyertai Friso\u00ae\ufe0f Gold Mombassador 2021!\nPerkembangan & Umur Anak\nWant to boost your child\u2019s immune system? Here are 5 expert tips for you\n\n\n6) Prepare to get back home\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s possible that getting back home both physically and mentally may be difficult at this point. You may feel that you cannot look at the crib you bought or no longer feel connected to your baby. So trust your instincts.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you want family and friends to remove things that remind you of your baby then inform them before you come back. And if you don\u2019t want that to happen, share that as well.\u00a0\n\n\n9) Watch out for any signs of depression\u00a0\n\n\nSometimes healthy pregnancies can also come with their fair share of \u2018\nbaby blues\n.\u2019 But in case of pregnancy loss, you may experience greater emotional impact. That\u2019s why it\u2019s crucial to understand the difference between grief and \ndepression\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are constantly withdrawn, lose your appetite and even experience suicidal tendencies, these are signs of depression. You may need to seek immediate counsel and help.\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n10) Take care of your physical health\u00a0\n\n\nWhile you work on taking care of your mental health after pregnancy loss, it\u2019s also important to make sure you are physically healthy.\u00a0\n\n\nGood health through\u00a0 a balanced diet, and a well-rested hydrated body can help you recover faster and also keep your hormones in check.\n\n\n\n\n11) Plan out future pregnancies\u00a0\n\n\nEventually, you may decide whether or not to \nconceive again\n. This choice is of course, deeply personal. If you do decide to go ahead and try again, it should be on your own terms. \n\n\nKnow that it doesn\u2019t mean that you\u2019ve forgotten your loss. It only means that you acknowledge that life moves on and you still remember your little one.\u00a0\n\n\nTalk to your doctor to make sure you are physically ready, when you are emotionally ready to take this step. Continue to take good care of your health. Spend time with your partner or spouse so you are both on the same page.\n\n\nMost importantly, know that emotional recovery from pregnancy loss can be difficult and slow and difficult. But with support from family and friends, as well counsel from professionals, you can ease into the next phase of your life.\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nWHO\n, \nHealthline\n, \nNHS\n\u00a0\n\n\nAlso read: Mental Health During Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/9-year-old-girl-dies-after-jealous-stepmother-has-her-gang-raped", "title": "9-year-old girl dies after jealous stepmother has her gang-raped", "body": "A disturbing and horrific piece of news has been reported. A nine-year-old Indian girl was raped and murdered. It was her jealous stepmother who ordered the gang rape of the child.\n\n\nHow could anyone be capable of such\n monstrosities?\n\n\nIndian Girl Raped and Murdered\n\n\nThe incident happened in the Baramulla district of Indian-administered Kashmir. According to reports, the 36-year-old stepmother was jealous of the girl and her mother, her husband\u2019s second wife.\n\n\nApparently, her husband would spend more time with his second wife, and his daughter was her father\u2019s favourite.\n\n\nOn 24 August 2018, the stepmother took the girl to a forested area, where she ordered her 14-year-old son and his two teenage friends \nto rape her.\n\n\nShe then strangled the child, while her son hit her head with an axe.\n\n\nA boy sprinkled\u00a0vehicle battery acid on her body, and his friend\u00a0gouged \nout her eyes\n. The child\u2019s body was then dumped in the bushes, and\u00a0covered with pine twigs and branches.\n\n\nOn 4 September 2018, the decomposed body of the little girl was found hidden behind bushes.\n\n\nSenior police officer Mir Imtiyaz Hussain told NDTV, \u201cIt was found that the stepmother had been nursing a grudge against the second wife of her husband, and her children.\n\n\n\u201cThe woman conspired to kill her stepdaughter. She took her to the nearby jungle where she asked her 14-year-old son to rape the girl.\n\n\n\u201cThe girl was gang-raped at the insistence of her stepmother and in her presence.\u201d\n\n\nPolice have now arrested six people in connection with this case, including the cruel stepmother. The teenage boys have also confessed to their crimes.\n\n\nThe abuse was brutal and sickening. We hope that justice is swift, righteous and without mercy.\n\n\nThis young girl did not deserve to die.\nPartner Stories\nKeibubapaan\nPenjagaan Kulit Bayi: Tip Untuk Ibu Baharu\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n5 Easy Recipes for Kids to Boost Nutrient Absorption\nFesyen\nIbu-Ibu Gila Shopping? Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Berbelanja Seisi Keluarga, Satu Tempat Saja Sudah Memadai!\nMoney Parenting\nIs It Important To Teach Balance Between Saving And Spending?\n\n\nSource: \nNDTV\n, \nTOI\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/parents-heres-what-a-heavy-school-backpack-can-do-to-your-child", "title": "Parents, here's what a heavy school backpack can do to your child", "body": "Parents, this could be the reason why you would want to switch to roller bags. Recently, a Facebook post made by Zahir Ali has gone viral and has since raised concerns about schools bags for kids.\n\n\nIn the Facebook post which was posted 6 months ago, Zahir stated that his nephew underwent major surgery due to a back pain that was caused by his heavy school bag.\n\n\n\n\nHis primary school aged nephew had started walking with a bent back and complained of back pain whenever he had his heavy school bag on. ever since he since carry the heavy school bag.\n\n\nThe post also included pictures that showed just how badly Zahir\u2019s nephew\u2019s backbone had bent.\n\n\n\n\nThe post received concerned comments from the public and some stated that their child also had to go through surgery because of a similar issue.\n\n\nOthers say that they even they, as adults, find it hard to carry their child\u2019s school bags because they are so heavy.\n\n\nIt is important that parents ensure that their kid\u2019s only bring the books that are needed and necessary for the day.\u00a0Always keep track of the class\u2019s timetable if you are unsure.\n\n\nIf you have any thoughts on this topic, do share them with us.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/club-med-cherating-family-beach-resort", "title": "Why Club Med Cherating Is the Ultimate Holiday Destination, Perfect for The Whole Family", "body": "Travel restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have affected the whole family, especially children. It has disrupted daily routines, relationships with people, and limited recreational activities as they are forced to sit at home. With no movement restrictions to adhere to anymore, it\u2019s time for parents to take their children on holiday at the all-inclusive family beach resort only at Club Med Cherating!\n\n\nThere is no doubt that the stay at home period causes many to spend time on screen; children who go to school have to go through an online learning system while parents work from home.\n\n\nBeing in this confined space makes many families depressed, and relationships become more strained than ever before.\n\n\nHow Club Med Cherating Is the Perfect Destination for Family Vacations\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAs we head into an endemic phase and domestic travel restrictions have been eased, this is the time for Malaysians to re-establish their family ties by going out to enjoy the fresh air, warm sunshine and lush greenery surrounding them.\u00a0\n\n\nSo parents looking for that perfect location that has all of the above can look to Club Med Cherating as your next getaway \u2013 as it is the ultimate location for families seeking to reconnect and strengthen family bonds.\n\n\nThe resort\u2019s signature all-inclusive formula allows guests to indulge in a worry-free holiday where accommodation, dining, entertainment, childcare (for ages four to ten), and a range of curated experiences and activities are all included within the holiday package.\u00a0\n\n\nWith the school holiday season just around the corner, the resort\u2019s all-inclusive concept also allows families to enjoy the beauty of nature within its expansive resort grounds while taking away the hassle of planning \u2013 providing more opportunities for family quality time and creating unforgettable memories.\n\n\n#1. \nFlash Sale (14 \u2013 24 February 2022)\n\n\n\n\nClub Med Cherating is currently having a flash sale with best rates offered for those looking to travel during 25\nth\n February \u2013 19\nth\n March 2022, in conjunction with the school holidays.\n\n\nThis is the best opportunity to go for a family holiday as \nchildren below six years old can stay for free \nfor bookings made during this period\n.\n\n\n\n\n#2. Last Minute Offer\n\n\n\n\nFor those looking for a spontaneous holiday, you can book a Club Med Cherating holiday online at least seven days before the travel date to \nto enjoy an additional 5% discount off the current room rate. \n\n\nThe offer is available from 20th January until 21st March 2022. You can redeem the offer by entering the code AVALM1 upon check-out.\n\n\n#3. Club Med in partnership with The Turtle Conservation Society\n\n\n\n\nClub Med believes that fulfilling experiences cannot be at the expense of nature or others, and are committed to share their values on biodiversity preservation by partnering with The Turtle Conservation Society \u2013 the first non-governmental and non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of wild turtle population in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\nLaunching on 25 February 2022, the collaboration will see monthly specially designed programs suited for the whole family introduced at the resort with the aim of raising awareness on one of the most endangered animals in the country.\u00a0\n\n\nYou and the children can engage in interactive activities that are both educational and fun, including workshops to make eco-friendly soaps and exhibitions where you can learn about freshwater and seawater turtles.\n\n\n#4. \nSafe Together Program\n\n\n\n\nThe Safe Together program allows families to enjoy holiday moments with peace of mind; with more than 60 activities offered that are suitable for guests of all ages and various interests \u2013 all safely confined within the property to minimise contact with the outside world within the Club Med Cocoon.\u00a0\n\n\nWhether it is adults or children, guests can look forward to plenty of spaces and activities within the resort compound, such as:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor kids:\n Get the kids off their screens at the Mini Club (open to ages four and ten), where spaces and activities have been designed exclusively for the enjoyment of the little ones, under the care of the resort\u2019s certified G.Os.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor those looking for tranquillity:\n Enjoy morning yoga and immerse yourself in the serenity of the adults-only Zen pool while enjoying the sunset and stunning views across the resort.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n\n\nFor adrenaline hunters:\n Try the famous flying trapeze and show off your acrobatic skills, get close to nature by hiking or enjoy other sports options such as archery, tennis, rock climbing and sailing.\n\n\n\n\nTherefore, with the various exciting areas and fun activities available at the resort, families should explore Club Med Cherating as their next holiday location for the upcoming school holiday season!\n\n\nFor those of you looking to book your next holiday at Club Med Cherating, just click the link for more information: \nhttps://www.clubmed.com.my/r/cherating-beach/y\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/8-year-old-refuses-to-attend-school-threatens-suicide-on-33-story-building", "title": "8-year-old refuses to attend school, threatens suicide on 33-story building", "body": "Although schools are a place for all kinds of learning to take place, some kids don\u2019t want to go to school for justifiable reasons, such as bullying, stress and pressure. Even more worryingly is the trend of child suicide from excessive academic pressure.\n\n\nIn 2016, we heard the \ndevastating news\n of a schoolboy who killed himself because of his \u201cpoor\u201d grades. Now, another young boy has tried to take his life because of school-related stress and pressure.\u00a0\n\n\n8-year-old boy threatens suicide from 33rd floor\n\n\nThe attempted child suicide happened in China. Construction \nworkers stationed well above ground sighted a\u00a0young boy very close at the edge of a 33-story building. \n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t want to go to school!\u201d he wailed. Apparently, the boy had also wanted to jump from the building.\n\n\nOnce they saw this, the workers immediately rang 119. What ensued was a heroic rescue, widely shared on China\u2019s social media, which you can watch below:\n\n\n\n\nThe footage shows a firefighter arriving on the scene. He walks towards the wailing child, unflustered. Once he reaches the primary-schooler, the firefighter talks to the boy normally. \n\n\nAfter trying to \nget a firm grasp on the boy, the rescuer manages to fasten a\u00a0harness and rope round the boy\u2019s waist. His colleagues, who were surrounding the boy, then manage to pull him back up safely.\n\n\nApparently, according to firefighters, the boy was soaked\u00a0in sweat and was shaking intensely as they approached him.\u00a0He was crying in a low voice about refusing to attend school. \n\n\nHowever, after a 10 minute conversation between the two, the firefighter managed to console and calm the child down. It was only after that he was led back to safety.\u00a0\n\n\nReportedly, the boy\u2019s parents realised they need to change their parenting methods and help reduce the stress and pressure of learning and school, on their child.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhen kids don\u2019t want to go to school and can\u2019t handle pressure, they might turn to drastic measures, like this child.\u00a0 Thankfully this boy was rescued before it became too late. | Image Source: Screenshot from \nyoutube\n\n\n\n\nWhy kids don\u2019t want to go to school\n\n\nChildren in many Asian countries are often under massive pressure to perform well academically. They\u2019ve been taught the mantra to study with their utmost potential, excel in exams, and enter a quality university. \n\n\nHowever, not all kids can cope. Some can\u2019t handle the pressure. Take the case of a girl \nwho almost succeeded in ending her life\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSometimes, all it takes is pressure from parents, bullying and not giving space for kids to fail (failure is a part of life everyone should learn to tackle and overcome). How can we, as parents, help our kids to reach their full academic potential, while also relieving our expectations off them?\n\n\nWhat parents can do to relieve academic stress\n\n\nParents, do understand that\u00a0a bad grade, or one that\u2019s below expectations doesn\u2019t mean your child is a failure for life.\u00a0There are many other factors which determine your child\u2019s success later in life.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some tips to help you relieve your child\u2019s academic pressure.\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n6 Sikap Ibu Yang Mengganggu Perkembangan Nutrisi Si Manja, Jangan Terlalu Tegas!\nKesihatan\nKetahui 6 Punca Sakit Badan dan Jenis Sakit Badan Yang Biasa Dialami. Ini Cara Merawatnya!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Your Child\u2019s Poop Habits\nRaise them Resilient\nParenting styles: What can Malaysian parents learn from the Japanese?\n\n\n\n\nBe realistic \u2013 know what your child can achieve.\n\u00a0Once you know their limits, find out what they need from you. Is it pressure? Or encouragement?\u00a0Explain to your child the importance of their studies and let them know that you are there for them as a source of support.\n\n\nLet your child decide how they want support\n. Each child responds differently to pressure. Some may enjoy you setting them challenges. Others may want support and encouragement. Certain children might really need extra tuition, or the space and time to relax. Whatever the case, do adjust how you help your child specific to their needs.\n\n\nDon\u2019t come down hard if they\u2019ve tried their best.\u00a0\nDon\u2019t continue to force unrealistic expectations on your child if you know that they have tried their best. Your child still has a lot of time to\u00a0progress and catch up on their own in the future.\n\n\nEncourage them to be open about their struggles.\u00a0\nTell your children that you\u2019re there for them. They shouldn\u2019t be fearful of\u00a0talking to you about issues in class or subjects that they find especially tough. Knowing your child\u2019s strengths and weaknesses will make it easier for you to help them better prepare for their exams.\n\n\n\n\nParents, we hope that this article on why kids don\u2019t want to go to school and the methods to calm them from academic stress has helped your little one cope better. Remember that exams aren\u2019t everything in life!\n\n\nReference: \nShanghaiist\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/happiness-and-success-finding-the-right-balance-between-hard-work-and-enjoying-life", "title": "Happiness And Success: Finding The Right Balance Between Hard Work And Enjoying Life", "body": "Balancers seek the right equilibrium between hard work and enjoying life. They believe that finding the right balance is the key to \nhappiness\n and success.\n\n\nIt\u2019s all about Yin and Yang. Hard work and determination are important, but so is taking a break and enjoying life\u2019s simple pleasures. They take nothing for granted and focus on important tasks but know when to take it easy and relax.\n\n\nHow They Teach About Money Matters\n\n\nBalancers want to achieve the right emphasis between teaching money management and letting their child learn and develop their own understanding of money themselves.\n\n\nThey believe that learning about money management is best achieved by actually doing, rather than just talking. Real-life experience will yield faster and better results than lecturing.\n\n\nHowever, Balancers also believe that it would not be right to simply let their child experiment freely, so they do provide ongoing guidance and comment. These are not strict or heavy-handed instructions, but rather light and consistent advice and direction.\n\n\nThey are not obsessed with teaching their children about finance because they believe that a successful, enjoyable life is a lot more than just making money. Balancers, therefore, place lower importance on financial planning than other parent personas.\n\n\n\n\nBalancers are most likely to say, \u201c\nMoney parenting is important, but it\u2019s just one aspect of parenthood. I want my child to understand that money has a specific role and place in the overall scheme of life\n\u201d.\n\n\nBalancers do spend a certain amount of \u2018quality time\u2019 to teach their child how to handle and manage money, but they also ensure not to overload their child. They impart knowledge at the child\u2019s pace and feel it unnecessary to keep pushing them all the time.\n\n\nJust over half of Balancers (56%) work with their spouse to teach money parenting; in 25% of other households, the mother leads, and in 15%, the father leads.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Goals\n\n\nBalancers encourage their child to invest their energy in other areas beyond money as well. Their children are therefore very familiar with experiences that mix learning and playing, such as education through fun activities and games.\n\n\nThe main financial goal is to provide for their child, and they do this through a savings account, the property they live in, Life Insurance policy, and investments for them in mutual funds, stocks and bonds.\n\n\nBalancers are more likely than other parent personas to want their child to understand that money needs to be earned.\n\n\n\n\nThis is why despite giving their child pocket money they also encourage them to earn some money themselves by doing household chores or even taking part-time jobs. In this way, over time, their child builds a comprehensive understanding of the value of money.\n\n\nIn doing so too, Balancers hope to teach their child the value of money, the cost of different items, and how to budget and save. If they can achieve these, they know their child is well prepared for the future.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Success \n\n\nHave Balancers achieved their goal? Most think that they have. In fact, all Balancers either think they have done a good job or are sure that they have; in contrast, only 49% of parents across Asia think the same.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s all about achieving the right balance of parental responsibility and their child\u2019s personal learning. With this, all will work out well.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHow Well They Know Money\n\n\nAlthough Balancers admit they lack financial knowledge, they do not feel that increasing their own knowledge is key to teaching their child greater money management skills.\n\n\nRather, Balancers worry about being overbearing or focusing too much on money parenting.\n\n\nBecause of their reluctance to place great emphasis on actively teaching money management, they are not as focused on finding new tools and techniques for teaching money parenting.\n\n\n\n\nHowever, if you are a Balancer who is curious about how other parents are money parenting, check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\nStill unsure of your Money Parenting style? Check out our \nquiz here\n to find out more!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/liver-health-bile", "title": "The Magic of Bile & Detoxing Your Liver", "body": "When we talk about digestion, we imagine the whole process through the intestine and this is true although there are a few processes that occur in the intestine. One, is the digestion of fats. Fats need to undergo a digestion process that ensures our \u201cbyproduct\u201d or faeces don\u2019t turn slimy and greyish.\n\n\nSo how do fats get digested in the body? Bile is responsible for the job. Bile is a dark green or yellowish brownish fluid that aids digestion of fats in the small intestine. Bile helps to break down fats into fatty acids so it can be easily digested and absorbed.\n\n\nBile is extremely important for waste removal\n\n\nBile plays an extremely important role in the digestive system. As mentioned earlier, bile helps with the digestion of fats in the small intestine, thus increases the absorption of fat into the body. With the absorption of fat into the body, bile also helps with the absorption of lipid-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K.\n\n\nBesides this, bile neutralizes stomach acids into alkaline to prepare it for the digestion in the small intestine. Bile flushes out waste products such as bilirubin and excretes it as faeces. This is how faeces get its yellowish to brownish colour. In case of lack of bile, the fats are unable to be digested and absorbed efficiently will lead to a condition called steatorrhea, which then causes fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins deficiencies.\n\n\nSigns and symptom of bile deficiency include:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nVitamin deficiencies, specifically of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K\n\n\nJaundice, the classic yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes\n\n\nStunted or abnormal growth\n\n\nDiarrhoea\n\n\nLoss of liver function\n\n\nLiver failure\n\n\n\n\nWhich organ produces bile and how do we maintain its optimal function?\u00a0\n\n\nBile is originally produced by the liver and then stored in the gallbladder. After we are done eating, bile is released into the duodenum. Duodenum is the first part of your small intestine. Therefore, it is also very essential to keep the liver healthy so it can produce sufficient bile.\n\n\nBesides producing bile, the liver too has other functions. The liver plays vital roles such as filtering our blood from the toxins and harmful substances that result from various environmental and dietary factors, metabolises drugs, synthesis of carbohydrates, fats and protein and acts as a storage for vitamins A, D, E and K and glycogen.\n\n\nNatural ways to detox the liver\n\n\nIn order to maintain the health of your liver, it requires nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Although the liver is able to self-cleanse, it\u2019s function may be interrupted with the continuous burden from dietary and environmental toxins such as oily and processed foods, chemicals from skincare, preservatives and pollution from the environment. All of which can make us tired, sick and give our liver a whole lot more work to do. Hence, it is a good idea to regularly detox our liver.\n\n\n\nThere several natural ways that we can do to help our liver to function better:\n\n\n1. Drinking natural green tea\n\n\nTea is widely known for its health benefits including to the liver. A study conducted in Japan revealed that green tea may help to improve liver health. This is not a surprise since green tea is packed with plant antioxidants.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Cruciferous Vegetables\n\n\nCruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage and kale are a major source of glutathione, which will signal the enzyme in the liver to cleanse itself. Cruciferous vegetables promote the production of glucosinolate, which helps to eliminate carcinogens and other toxins.\n\n\n3. Turmeric\n\n\nTurmeric has an ingredient called curcumin, which has incredible biological properties. It helps to promote activation of enzymatic activities in the liver to flush out toxins while also helps to promote liver cells repair. Turmeric also helps the promotion of secretion of bile.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Citrus\n\n\nCitrus not only provides vitamin C, but it also helps the liver to synthesise harmful toxic material into water-soluble. Fruits rich in vitamin C such as grapefruit have powerful antioxidants like naringin and naringenin that help to protect the liver from inflammation and injury.\n\n\n5. Beetroot\n\n\nBeets promote effective oxygen supply into the blood circulation. Beets are high in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber which are beneficial for detoxing the digestive system. Beets protect the liver and promote the production of bile, thus stimulating better liver functions.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Garlic\n\n\nGarlic is high in sulphur. Sulphur is a chemical ingredient which helps to detox the body. Other than that, garlic also contains selenium to help boost enzymatic activities and increase natural antioxidants in the liver. Diet high in selenium may protect our livers from the damage due to oxidative stress.\n\n\nIt is incredibly important to keep our liver healthy by giving it the essential nutrients it needs. It is also best to avoid fatty food or processed food that could burden our liver as well as expose ourselves to the harmful environment such as pollution, and sunlight as this could increase the attack of free radicals.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Travelling Makes Kids More Resilient\nPertandingan & promosi\nSambutan Istimewa Untuk Para Ibu - Super Brand Day Special!\nTip keibubapaan\nCara Membantu Anak Anda Mengimbangkan Antara Belajar dan Bermain\nGive Health A Shot\nMimpi Ngeri Setiap Ibu Bapa: Apabila Anak Jatuh Sakit dan Kita Tidak Dapat Buat Apa-Apa\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-stretch-marks", "title": "Mums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks", "body": "Stretch marks developed during pregnancy are completely normal \u2013 don\u2019t worry. Just think of them as a milestone of your beautiful motherhood journey. In fact, it is estimated that between 50 to 90 per cent of women develop stretch marks before giving birth\u00b9\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhile we cherish our pregnancy moments, at times, many mums will admit that they would like to be rid of their stretch marks for cosmetic reasons. However, stretch marks \u2013 also known as \u2018striae distensae\u2019 in more medical terms \u2013 cannot completely disappear. Instead, they fade away in time, or you can improve their visibility if you treat them the right way.\n\n\nSo, here\u2019s what you need to know about pregnancy stretch marks.\u00a0\n\n\nQuick facts to know about pregnancy stretch marks\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhere do stretch marks appear?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nStretch marks are a common skin problem for pregnant women and they normally appear as streaks or linear lines on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, hips and thighs\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhen do stretch marks usually develop?\n\n\n\n\nThey usually develop after the 24th week of pregnancy. It usually occurs during a woman\u2019s first pregnancy, however, there are cases where stretch marks appear for the first time during the second pregnancy\n3\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow do stretch marks develop?\n\n\n\n\nThere are two factors that contribute to stretch marks. The first is related to the physical stretching of the skin as a mum gains weight to accommodate the baby. The second, on the other hand, has been debatable among experts \u2013 it factors in the increased levels of hormones. These hormones are said to attract more water to the skin, which in turn, relaxes the bonds of the collagen fibres and makes the skin more prone to tears that essentially form stretch marks\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDo all mothers experience pregnancy stretch marks?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNo. The likeliness of experiencing stretch marks during pregnancy depends on various factors including your skin type (the elasticity of your skin) and overall pregnancy weight gain\n5\n. Stretch marks can also be genetic, according to studies\n6\n \u2013 so, if your family has a history of getting stretch marks, you may get them too.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat do stretch marks look like?\n\n\n\n\nPregnancy stretch marks can be in various colours and largely depends on your skin tone. They can appear as pink, red, purple or brown marks\n7\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHow to treat pregnancy stretch marks\n\n\nAs we\u2019ve mentioned above \u2013 stretch marks are permanent. However, some stretch marks may fade away after your delivery. Although these marks are here to stay, there is a way you can treat them to make them appear less visible.\u00a0\n\n\nTopical treatments are one of the most common ways to treat pregnancy stretch marks \u2013 these topical treatments can be bought over-the-counter or easily found on the shelves of local pharmacies.\u00a0\n\n\nThis includes products such as the Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil. However, Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil can also be used to prevent stretch marks from forming during pregnancy and it\n has been safely used by pregnant women for years to maximise the skin\u2019s elasticity, as well as reduce the possibility of stretch marks forming.\n\n\nPrevent or treat pregnancy stretch marks naturally with Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural)\n\n\n\n\nYou have probably heard of the popular Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil. This magic oil in a bottle has become a household must-have amongst pregnant women because of its ability to treat skin issues, especially scars and stretch marks. The best thing is that it is completely safe for pregnant women to apply on areas prone to stretch marks during pregnancy to avoid it from forming in the first place!\n\n\nBut as mummies are becoming more conscious of the ingredients that they put in their bodies, you\u2019ll be glad to know that Bio-Oil\u00ae has come up with an all-natural alternative that was rolled out in 2020 \u2013 the Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural).\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural)?\u00a0\n\n\nThe Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural), is an all-natural version of the Bio-Oil Skincare Oil \u2013 this formulation caters to more conscious consumers, especially mummies. It is 100 per cent natural and uses ingredients with no preservatives, parabens or artificial fragrances or colourants.\u00a0\n\n\nThis new, all-natural formulation has the same effect on the skin as Bio-Oil\u00ae\u2019s Skincare Oil \u2013 the original scar and stretch mark product.\n\n\nClinical trials showed that Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural) was the first time a natural product has been proven to match the performance of a category-leading product. This means that it works exactly like the original Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil as it is clinically proven to improve the appearance of scars, uneven skin tone and of course, stretch marks.\u00a0\n\n\nThe formulation features a unique blend of base oils, special oils, vitamins, plant extracts essential oils, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients.\n\n\nHere are the natural oils in Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural)\u2019s formulation:\n\n\n\n\nThree base oils: \nSoybean, sunflower seed and safflower seed oil.\n\n\nFour specialist oils: \nJojoba seed, chia seed, pomegranate seed and inca inchi seed oil.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTwo vitamins: \nWheatgerm and rosehip oil.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFive plant extracts and essential oils: \nChamomile, lavender, rosemary, calendula and patchouli oil.\n\n\n\n\nSafflower seed oil, in particular, have shown to improve the appearance of scars in just eight weeks, according to studies\n8\n. Meanwhile, oils such as jojoba oil help hydrate the skin without clogging pores, while chia seed and pomegranate oils were added to maintain skin health, as well as shun away harmful free radicals.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA quick TAP review on Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural)\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWe recently tried the Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural) and here\u2019s a quick review with three key items on what we think.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTexture & Smell: \nThe texture is seemingly much lighter than the original Bio-Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil. It seeps into the skin much easier and leaves skin with a nice silky surface.\u00a0\n\n\nSmell: \nThe smell, compared to its original formulation, is also much lighter with a pleasant earthier tone.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffectiveness:\n The bottle suggests applying the oil twice daily \u2013 once in the morning and once at night for best results. Since doing this, we have noticed that the appearance of small scars on the skin has greatly been improved, while the skin feels hydrated and much more supple to the touch. The skin texture also appears less bumpy in just a few weeks of daily application.\u00a0 Although this is an oil, it is not as greasy as many would think it is \u2013 this is why it is important to massage it on your skin in circular motions until it is fully absorbed.\n\n\n\n\nIt is safe to say that we love the all-natural version of the Bio-Oil Skincare Oil. So, if you are interested in giving the Bio\u2011Oil\u00ae Skincare Oil (Natural) a go, you can log on to \nBio-Oil Experience\n and you can also purchase it easily online from Lazada and Shopee!\n\n\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(2016, September 21). The use of anti stretch marks\u2019 products by women in pregnancy: a \u2026. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from \nhttps://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-016-1075-9\n\n\n(n.d.). Risk factors for the development of striae gravidarum \u2013 NCBI \u2013 NIH. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1913631/\n\n\n(n.d.). Risk factors for the development of striae gravidarum \u2013 NCBI \u2013 NIH. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1913631/\n\n\n(n.d.). Pregnancy Stretch Marks | American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from \nhttps://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-concerns/what-are-pregnancy-stretch-marks-4575/\n\n\n(n.d.). Stretch marks in pregnancy \u2013 NHS. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/common-symptoms/stretch-marks/\n\n\n(2013, July 11). Genome-Wide Association Analysis Implicates Elastic Microfibrils in \u2026. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3806248/\n\n\n(n.d.). Stretch marks in pregnancy \u2013 NHS. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/common-symptoms/stretch-marks/\n\n\n(2018, May 3). Applying Safflower, Olive Oil Can Minimize the Appearance of Scars \u2026. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from \nhttps://www.allure.com/story/can-applying-safflower-olive-oil-fade-scars\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThis mum will inspire you to wear your stretchmarks with pride\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThings they never tell you about pregnancy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThe most terrifying part of motherhood no one ever warns you about\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/menstrual-cycle-fertile-period", "title": "Fertile Period", "body": "There are times in your menstrual cycle when you are at your most fertile, and this is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant.\n\n\nEach menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your menstruation and continues until the subsequent first day of your next menstruation. \n\n\nA normal menstrual cycle falls typically between 21 \u2013 35 days. The menstruation (menstrual flow) usually lasts within 2-7 days on average. If your menstrual cycle is at regular intervals with few days in variation, you are likely to ovulate during most of your menstrual cycle.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOvulation has usually followed the cessation of menstruation and the egg maturing process. You can use 3-4 of your menstrual cycle average length to calculate your Fertile Period (window), especially if you are keen to conceive. \n\n\nYou are most fertile at the time of ovulation (when a mature egg is released from your ovary), which is usually occurs about 14 days before your next menstruation begin. \n\n\nIf the attempt for pregnancy failed, the subsequent menstrual cycle would follow, and your menstruation will begin. If you have successfully conceived, then your menstrual cycle will not resume until the fetus is delivered and you have completed nursing your newborn.\u00a0\n\n\nLet us illustrate the estimation of your Fertile Period with an example here. If your menstrual cycle is averaged at 28-30 days, you will most likely ovulate at day 14-16 of your menstrual cycle by subtracting 14 days from the 28-30 days cycle.\u00a0 \n\n\nIf your menstrual cycle is averaged at 32-34 days, then your fertile window will be at day 18-20 of your menstrual cycle. You may need to add or subtract (plus & minus) 1-2 days from your fertile window to buffer cycle length variation. \n\n\nIf menstruation happens, it likely indicates a failure to conceive from the previous menstrual cycle. You may continue to try again for another six months if you are above 35. If you are below 35, you may try for another 12 months.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEvery step in the human reproduction process must happen correctly for natural conception to take place. The steps include:\n\n\n\n\nOne of the two ovaries releases a mature egg.\n\n\nThe egg is picked up by the fallopian tube.\n\n\nSperms swim up the cervix, through the uterus and into the fallopian tube to reach the egg for fertilization.\n\n\nThe fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus.\n\n\nThe fertilized egg implants and grows in the uterus.\n\n\n\n\nA menstrual cycle that is too long (35 days or more), too short (less than 21 days), irregular or absent can mean that you are \u201c\nnot ovulating\u201d\n (Anovulation). \n\n\nOvulation disorder is a term for Infrequent ovulation or not at all during the fertile period, it accounts for 1 in 4 cases of infertility. \n\n\nOvulation disorder can be caused by problems with regulating the reproductive hormones by the brain, ovaries and other causes.\n\n\n\n\nPolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)\n is the most common cause of female infertility due to hormonal imbalance in the ovaries, leading to anovulation. In addition, PCOS is associated with insulin resistance, obesity, and increased male hormone secretion leading to abnormal hair growth on the face or body and acne.\n\n\nPremature ovarian failure\n (primary ovarian insufficiency): This disorder is usually caused by an autoimmune response or premature loss of eggs from your ovaries (Due to genetics, surgery, infection, diseases or even chemotherapy) before 40. The ovaries no longer produce eggs.\n\n\nThe brain and pituitary gland\n are responsible for stimulating ovulation each month \u2014by secreting Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). However, excess physical or emotional stress, extreme bodyweight, recent substantial weight gain or loss can disrupt hormone production leading to anovulation.\u00a0\n\n\nHigh prolactin.\n The excess production of prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) from the brain inhibits the body\u2019s reproductive function, leading to infertility. This shut down can be caused by thyroid disease, stress, medications, and sometimes a growth inside your brain.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBelow are some tips for women who are keen to conceive\n\n\n\n\nMaintain ideal weight\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOverweight and underweight women are at an increased risk of ovulation disorders. If you need to lose weight, exercise moderately and take care of your calorie\u2019s intake. Intense exercise is associated with decreased ovulation.\n\n\n\n\nStop smoking\n\n\n\n\nTobacco has multiple adverse effects on fertility, not to mention its impact on your general health and well-being of the pregnancy and your baby.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAvoid alcohol\n\n\n\n\nHeavy alcohol use may lead to decreased fertility and can affect the health of your baby too.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nManage your stress\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExcessive stress can turn off the reproductive function and leads to poorer treatment outcome.\u00a0 Divide and conquer your stress by break the obstacles into smaller tasks.\u00a0 \n\n\nMeditate, exercise, encourage yourself and discuss the matters with your friends or family members. If you cannot resolve the stress yourself, it is time to get help from an expert.\n\n\n\n\nLimit caffeine intake\n\n\n\n\nWell, you do not need to give up your cup of coffee or tea. Limiting caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams a day should not affect your ability to get pregnant, according to recent clinical data.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are below 35 years old, you should get help from a fertility expert if you have been unable to conceive for 12 months or more.\u00a0 On the other hand, if you are more than 35 years old, you should get help from a fertility expert if you cannot conceive after six months of trying.\n\n\nEver Link wishes you all the best towards your journey to parenthood. Happy trying!\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by\u00a0Dr Tan Chee Hoe,\u00a0Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G)\u00a0of\u00a0Pantai Hospital Cheras (PHC)\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\nRead more: \n4 Vegan Recipes To Support Your Body At Each Phase Of Your Menstrual Cycle\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nA Women\u2019s Health Expert Answers Your Questions About Fertility Tracking\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Bloated? Your hormones are to blame. Here\u2019s what you can do about it\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tokyo-street-celebrates-11th-anniversary", "title": "Tokyo Street Celebrates 11th Anniversary in Conjunction with 40 Years of the Look East Policy", "body": "\u00a0Look east and celebrate all things Japanese at Tokyo Street, Pavilion KL\u2019s award-winning themed precinct, as it celebrates its 11\nth\n anniversary. In conjunction with 40 years of the Look East Policy (LEP), Tokyo Street\u2019s celebrations this year promise plenty of Japanese activities, culture, shopping and dining, right in the heart of Bukit Bintang!\n\n\nThe stunning \u2018Art of Kimono\u2019 exhibition is the main highlight of Tokyo Street\u2019s 11th Anniversary. From now until 31 July at Centre Court, the inaugural \u2018Art of Kimono\u2019 exhibition features more than 100 pieces of Japanese kimonos, yukatas and fusion Japanese dresses that blend pop culture and Malaysian batik elements. \n\n\nA selection of these beautiful pieces are showcased in a spectacular \u2018Art of Kimono\u2019 fashion show from Tuesday to Sunday at the Centre Court.\n\n\n\n\nPlenty of authentic Japanese shopping awaits at Centre Court! From now until 31 July, indulge yourselves at the specially curated Japanese artisanal pop-up stores. Browse through a variety of intricately handcrafted tableware, decorative items, accessories, bags, towels, skincare and beauty products.\u00a0\n\n\nThis Anniversary, immerse in Japanese cultural activities with experiential workshops, such as Traditional Japanese Fabric Making, Traditional Japanese Fabric Accessory Making, Japanese Lolita Accessory Making, How to use Furoshiki, and Traditional Japanese Game Katanuki experience. Get made up as Lolita, or try on a traditional Japanese Yukata to take photos while admiring the Japanese d\u00e9cor at Centre Court and Tokyo Street.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTokyo Street\u2019s 11th-anniversary celebration was launched today at a festive event with Guest of Honour His Excellency Katsuhiko Takahashi, Japan Ambassador to Malaysia, accompanied by his wife Madam Mami Takahashi, in their first official visit to Pavilion KL since their official arrival in Malaysia in December 2021.\n\n\n Also present to launch the festivities were Puan Sri Cindy Lim, Executive Chairman of Kuala Lumpur Pavilion Sdn Bhd; Dato\u2019 Maznah Jalil, Pavilion REIT Board of Director; Ms. Kung Suan Ai, Director of Marketing of Pavilion KL; and Ms. Vichelle Woon, Head of Marketing, Regional Cards, Group Community Financial Services of Maybank.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAs this year marks the 40th anniversary of Malaysia\u2019s \u2018Look East Policy\u2019, we look forward to strengthening the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and Japan. Tokyo Street not only houses Japanese retail and F&B brands, we also collaborate with Japanese business partners to showcase Japan\u2019s rich culture, heritage and technology,\u201d said Kung Suan Ai, in a speech delivered on behalf of Puan Sri Cindy Lim.\u00a0\n\n\nAs part of today\u2019s celebrations, guests were treated to a traditional Japanese drum performance, as well as a sake barrel-breaking and cake cutting ceremony before being given an exclusive tour of the \u2018Art of Kimono\u2019 exhibition and Japanese pop-up stores at Centre Court before proceeding to Tokyo Street.\u00a0\n\n\nBe Transported to Japan\n\n\n\n\nSince opening in 2011, the award-winning precinct has become renowned for blending traditional elements and modern facets of Japan\u2019s dynamic culture and ambience.\n\n\n From now until August 26, shoppers will also be transported to the streets of Harajuku at Tokyo Street, where they can indulge in Japanese cuisine at pop-up booths selling \nsushi bentos\n, Yatai Ramen, green tea and beer from Asahi at Tokyo Street\u2019s Event Atrium on Level 6.\n\n\nShoppers can immerse themselves in Japanese popular culture at one of Malaysia\u2019s largest animation, comics and games conventions AniManGaki, held at Tokyo Street until 31 July. \n\n\nCosplayers, anime lovers, comic enthusiasts, gamers, dancers and general shoppers can also check out AniManGaki\u2019s cosplay, dance competitions and live musical performances on 30 and 31 July. \n\n\nKeep your eyes peeled for popular Malaysian cosplayers Hakken, YingTze and Preston in AniManGaki special meet and greet sessions!\n\n\n\n\nMarvel at the spectacular display of limited-edition anime collectables, cosplay costumes, props and motorcycles featuring exclusive anime wraps. Don\u2019t forget to shop at the AniManGaki Marketplace where shoppers can purchase limited edition figurines, handmade crafts, Ichiban Kuji and Gachapon.\n\n\nAfter exploring the exciting activities and pop-ups at Tokyo Street, sit back and enjoy a delectable Japanese meal at one of the precinct\u2019s many restaurants. Don\u2019t forget to check out exclusive promotions and discounts to shoppers who dine-in.\n\n\nRent a kimono or yukata at \nKuma Yukata\n to snap photos at Tokyo Street\u2019s famed \nNakamise \n\u2013 a long row of quaint stores with wooden finishings, inspired by the famous Nakamise-dori Street in Japan. \n\n\nOr commemorate your trip to Tokyo Street with a snap by the precinct\u2019s iconic \nAsakusa \nlanterns inspired by the Lantern of Kaminarimon (thunder gate) of Senso-ji Temple in Japan.\n\n\nShopper Rewards\n\n\n\n\nShoppers who spend over RM200 through a combination of two receipts at Tokyo Street, or one receipt mall-wide, will be eligible to participate in a Lucky Draw contest and stand a chance to win more than RM160,000 worth of prizes from Isuzu, with the grand prize winner driving home a new Isuzu ride!\u00a0\n\n\nThose who spend RM80 in a single receipt at Tokyo Street or RM150 at Pavilion KL speciality stores will receive Happy Gifts filled with Japanese snacks. With RM100 spent at Pavilion KL speciality stores, shoppers can redeem a RM10 Tokyo Street cash voucher. \nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nKehamilan\nWhy all pregnant mums need to know about gestational diabetes\nRaise them Resilient\nSecure Your Child\u2019s Immunity Now, Starting With Probiotics and Prebiotics\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAdakah Penting untuk Ajar Keseimbangan antara Menyimpan dan Berbelanja?\n\n\nMaybank cardholders who spend RM150 at Tokyo Street or RM300 Pavilion KL speciality stores in a single receipt will be eligible to receive a free Japanese ceramic bowl with chopsticks.\n\n\nFor more information on Tokyo Street\u2019s 11th-anniversary events and promotions, shoppers can visit \nwww.pavilion-kl.com\n or contact Pavilion Kuala Lumpur\u2019s Concierge at 03 2118 8833. Shoppers can also check real-time updates on Pavilion Kuala Lumpur\u2019s \nFacebook page\n, \nTwitter page\n or \nInstagram account\n.\u00a0\n\n\nShoppers are encouraged to snap photos and take videos of the exciting Tokyo Street activities and decorations and hashtag #happyanniversarytokyostreet and #pavilionkl.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-bottle-bag", "title": "7 Best Milk Bags on the Market, Useful and Stylish for Moms Who are Always On The Go!", "body": "For parents who often go for walks with their baby, a baby bottle bag is one of the most important necessities for storing breast milk or formula milk. This is because baby milk is feared to be contaminated or spoiled if of the wrong temperature, or without proper storage over a long period of time.\n\n\nTo help overcome this problem, baby bottle bag can be used to store breast milk and formula safely, and can even be used to store baby food. The milk bag is not like any regular bag, it is usually insulated such as to always provide the milk with perfect storage mechanisms.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to Choose the Best Baby Bottle Bag?\n\n\n\n\nA good baby bottle bag offers safe storage for milk bottles and is usually insulated for longer preservation of milk, serving useful if you are on a long trip without access to a refrigerator. \n\n\nThere are baby bottle bag made for storing milk bottles only, and there are also wider ones for storing other necessities, such as diapers, wet tissues, small towels or snacks.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some considerations before choosing a milk bag for daily needs:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSize\n: Find a bag that suits your needs\u2014will you only be storing a milk bottle, or do you need more space for a pump? Some parents choose smaller bags, suitable for travel.\u00a0\n\n\nMaterial\n: Find a bag made of a material that is waterproof and easy to clean, as milk is at risk of spillage.\u00a0\n\n\nDurable:\n A good storage bag is preferably durable, with a sturdy handle. There are various types of bags available in the market made of nylon, synthetics, leather and others.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5 Best Baby Bottle Bag in the Market\n\n\n#1 Skip Hop Grab & Go Double Bottle Insulated Bag\n\n\n\n\nThis Skip Hop bag has a beautiful design and is suitable for stylish moms who love fashion. Not only can it be carried on the back, but this great product can also be hung on a stroller, making it easier for mothers if and when they do not wish to hand-carry it. \n\n\nThe bag is also covered with insulation, such that baby milk can be preserved for up to 4 hours. It also makes for a great snack bag!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHolds up to two large bottles or sippy cups\n\n\nInsulation allows for bottles to stay warm or cold\n\n\nZip installed in 2 directions, allowing storage of 1 or 2 bottles\n\n\nIncludes frozen packs\n\n\nAdjustable straps\n\n\nMesh pocket inside the bag\n\n\nBPA and phthalate-free\n\n\nSize (inches): 6.75L x 3.5W x 9H\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Skip Hop Grab & Go Double Bottle Insulated Bag \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Lekebaby Thermal Insulation Bag\n\n\n\n\nThe Lekebaby brand is perfect for breastfeeding moms, both durable with easy access and management. Ice packs last longer to ensure milk is preserved throughout the journey and this bag even has a bigger capacity, suitable as a daily bag.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nInsulated layer keeps the bottle warm or cold\n\n\nKeeps breast milk cool for up to 8 hours\n\n\nEasy On The Go\n: Stores up to six baby bottles\n\n\nComes with an adjustable strap for carrying on the shoulders\n\n\nThe design with two types of zippers allows for easy opening\n\n\nOpening at the front allows for easy storage of milk bottles into the bag, and the opening at the top allows for easy access. Also includes a front zipper for smaller items.\u00a0\n\n\nDurable\n: Made with 600D Oxford fabric, waterproof and durable, high-quality aluminium foil lining made with baby-safe material.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Lekebaby Thermal Insulation Bag \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#3 Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Insulated Bottle Carrier\n\n\n\n\nLooking for a simpler milk bag? Tommee Tippee has a product that is light, compact and suitable for mothers who want a milk bag for a short walk with their little ones. \n\n\nThis insulated bottle carrier has excellent thermal properties, keeping the baby bottle as cool or warm as needed. It is designed to keep a bottle of milk, yet can also be used to store a baby food jar.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGreat for moms who are always on-the-go\u00a0\n\n\nExcellent thermal properties\n\n\nNeat handle that can be hung from a stroller\n\n\nKeeps the baby bottle at an appropriate temperature for several hours\n\n\n\n\n Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Insulated Bottle Carrier \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 V-Coool Simplicity Portable Cooler Bag\n\n\n\n\nThis elegant V-Coool brand milk bottle bag comes in a variety of attractive colours! It is able to store milk at an appropriate temperature for 3 to 8 hours while ensuring that breast milk is free of bacteria and full of key nutrients that babies need for healthy development. \n\n\nAdditionally, it has two openings and can hold a milk pump in the top opening, as well as a milk bottle in the bottom opening.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nInteresting colours\n\n\nCan store 5 to 6 bottles of milk\n\n\nDurable\n\n\n600D Oxford fabric material + 10MM pearl insulation cotton + environmentally friendly aluminium foil coating\u00a0\n\n\n24 x 117 x 25cm\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n V-Coool Simplicity Portable Cooler Bag \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Princeton Double Layer Cooler Bag 2.0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe Princeton Double Layer 2.0 bag not only looks great but also functions well, allowing for storage of 10 bottles and 10 packs of milk.\n\n\n There are 3 ways to carry it\u2014crossbody, tote style, or backpack-style. It is made with polyester nylon and comes with a neat rose gold zip!\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCooling effect of up to 12 hours\n\n\nUp to 4 hours of heat effect\n\n\n3 ways to carry: hand carry, backpack, sling\n\n\n2 openings: top layer for storage of breast pump tools and accessories; bottom layer for storing baby bottles or milk storage bags\n\n\nWater and dust resistant surface\n\n\nIncludes an extra zipped back pocket\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Princeton Double Layer Cooler Bag 2.0\u00a0 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \nDo You Know What's In Your Child's Milk?\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/becoming-financially-savvy-by-maximising-financial-knowledge", "title": "Becoming Financially Savvy By Maximising Financial Knowledge", "body": "Go-getters believe that superior \nfinancial\n knowledge and expertise are the keys to \nsuccess in life\n. They want to give their child every possible advantage by imparting as much knowledge as soon as possible, and in many different ways.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHow They Teach About Money Matters\n\n\nStarting from an early age, Go-getters give their child pocket money to teach their child how to handle the money and learn techniques to grow money.\n\n\nThe child is also encouraged to undertake various household tasks for payment, and even a part-time job, so they understand the value of money, how it is earned, and how it can be used.\n\n\nOf course, experience plays a part in broadening a child\u2019s \nfinancial\n knowledge, but to really learn financial sophistication requires education and application. It isn\u2019t just \u2018picked up along the way\u2019 and cannot be left to chance. Therefore, Go-getters are least likely to allow their child to learn from real-life experience.\n\n\nRather, they are willing to try any sort of teaching methods to improve their child\u2019s \nfinancial\n knowledge and money management skills. Go-getters are more likely than to employ almost every technique and tool to increase their child\u2019s financial acumen and teach money management \u2014 whatever does the job.\n\n\nFor example, 61% of Go-getters (versus 47% of other parents) give their child a savings box to encourage savings, 33% of them (versus 17% of other parents) teach their child to use a calculator and other money management tools, and 31% use games to teach their child to handle money (versus 19% of other parents).\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Goals\n\n\nGo-getters actively teach their child about money management, because they believe financial competence is vital. Half of all Go-getters say that a primary goal is to give their child a head start in life so that they have a better chance of \nfinancial\n success in the future.\n\n\nThey place a lot of emphasis on their child becoming financially competent and understanding how to grow money. A key outcome they want to achieve is ensuring their child becomes affluent.\n\n\nBased on their own \ninvestment\n experience, Go-getters are much more likely to purchase a range of \nfinancial\n assets for their child to deliver security and growth in their future. And you can be sure that Go-getters will show their child how to re-invest these to maximise the growth.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Success\n\n\nAfter all this effort, do Go-getters think that they have done a good job of money parenting? Has their child learned about how to handle money and gained the head start that they hoped for?\n\n\nYes, they have. Every Go-getter parent in the survey is confident or sure that they have done a good job.\n\n\n\n\nThey feel they have gone above and beyond when it comes to money parenting. And the result is that they are confident that their child will become an affluent adult.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHow Well They Know Money\n\n\nGo-getters strongly believe that \nfinancial\n skills are critical and need to be taught. And what better way to do that than to improve one\u2019s own knowledge first? They are hungry for more personal knowledge about money parenting, like what other parents are doing, tools they are using, teaching styles \u2014 everything and anything to help their child become financially savvy!\n\n\n\n\nGiven the broad range of \ninvestments\n that Go-getters have for themselves and their children, it is little surprise that they are much more likely than other parent personas to seek professional advice.\n\n\nIf you are a Go-getter who is curious about how other parents are \ninvesting\n, have an Eastspring Unit Trust Consultant get in touch with you to discuss your \ninvestment\n goals.\n\n\nStill unsure of your Money Parenting style? Check out our \nquiz here\n to find out more!\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/newborn-care-basics", "title": "What Is the New Standard of Gentle?", "body": "So much has changed since the time of our parents or grandparents. We are now more aware of the harmful effects of toxic chemicals. When it comes to caring for our children, we now know that natural and gentle care is best. This awareness extends even to breakthroughs in science and child development. As a result, we are better equipped than ever before to give our children the very best in child care. And with all these changes, a new standard of gentle has evolved. Read on to find out what this means for you and your child.\n\n\n\n\nA New Standard of Gentle\n\n\nWith all the changes of modern life, some things remain constant and true, such as a mother\u2019s love, and her gentle touch.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is this timeless truth \u2013 married to the latest developments \u2013 that has made JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n renew their focus on providing mums with products to care for their children in the gentlest, best way. This has resulted in a new JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n and a new standard of gentle.\n\n\nWhat to Expect from the New JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n\u00a0\n\n\nWith 125 years\u2019 experience and in-depth knowledge in baby skin and manufacturing science, JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n is a name synonymous to baby care.\u00a0\n\n\nWith the New JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n, mums can expect not just a reformulation but a total reinvention of the baby care products JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae \nhas become famous for. This new baby care line has Ultra Gentle formulas that contain 0% parabens, phthalates, sulfates and dyes.\n \nThey are also designed to be irritation-free for the delicate and developing skin of babies and toddlers.\n\n\nMr. Prashant Mahalingam, Country Director, Consumer at Johnson & Johnson Malaysia, said, \u201cTo create the New JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n range of products, we put parents at the center \u2014 listening to more than 26,000 parents from around the world \u2014 \nand paired their feedback with the latest science to shape and refine our products inside and out. The result is \nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n gentlest range of baby care products ever, \nraising the bar of our Best for Baby\n\u2122\n standard from the formulation to packaging design\n.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a list of what mums can expect to find in the new product range:\n\n\nPurposeful Choices of Ingredients\n\n\nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n carefully considered every single ingredient, rejecting over 400 ingredients, and using naturally-derived oils like coconut and cottonseed while replacing ingredients like mineral oil.\u00a0\n\n\nThe new range has 0% parabens, phthalates, sulfates and dyes. This is a remarkable achievement \u2013 less than 2% of cosmetic ingredients globally meets these \ns\ntandards of gentleness! What it means for you is that nothing but the most gentle ingredients touch your baby\u2019s skin.\u00a0\n\n\nFragrances Designed with Mum and Baby in Mind\n\n\nEveryone remembers the iconic smell of JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae \nproducts from their childhood. They trigger happy memories of a simpler time, with loved ones nearby.\n\n\nBecause smell, memory and emotion are intimately connected, JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n retained the scents their classic products are known and loved for, while maximising bonding moments between parent and baby. All the fragrances are now free of allergens. And they continue to follow the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) global standards.\u00a0\n\n\nParent-Friendly Packaging\n\n\nThe new \nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n bottles are now equipped with pumps designed for easier and one-handed use for parents, so mum and dad can remain focused on the baby while taking care of the countless tasks we juggle.\n\n\nGentle Products for Every Stage in a Baby\u2019s Life\n\n\nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n products are specially formulated to address the special skin needs of babies. Mindfully designed to turn moments of care into opportunities to strengthen babies\u2019 connection to their parents, they nurture children\u2019s healthy development in every stage.\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe new range features four \u201cAges & Stages\u201d labels to help parents easily navigate between the products. The New \nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n baby care range is suitable for minutes-old newborn babies to six year old kids.\n\n\n\n\nWhy You Should CHOOSE Gentle\n\u2122\n\n\nThere are many reasons to choose gentle \u2013 from the emotional to the scientific.\n\n\nDatuk Dr. Zulkifli Ismail, Consultant Paediatrician and Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association, explained, \u201cA newborn\u2019s epidermis or the outermost layer of skin is 30% thinner than adults\u2019. Baby\u2019s thinner skin means it cannot absorb and retain moisture in the skin and is prone to moisture evaporation and dry skin.\u201d\n\n\nParents need to select gentle cleansers that will keep the skin barrier hydrated. Dry skin causes itchiness and allows for easier penetration of bacteria and allergens.\u00a0\n\n\nMr. Prashant Mahalingam said, \u201c\nAt \nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n, we\u2019ve always been committed to delivering only the best for babies. We have never been more passionate in advocating for parents to CHOOSE gentle, that is to select the gentlest baby care products for their little ones.\u201d\n\n\nGentle Newborn Care Like No Other\n\n\n\n\nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\u00a0 \nadded a new member to their family of products \u2014 the New JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n CottonTouch\n\u2122\n range. The CottonTouch\n\u2122 \nTop-to-Toe Bath and Face and Body Lotion are specifically designed for newborns. Blended with natural cotton, the hypoallergenic, ultra-light formula is clinically proven mild and safe from the first day of life while encouraging more parent-baby touch and interactions. The wash and lotion are formulated to be easy-to-rinse and lightweight. And there\u2019s also no sticky residue, giving parents a good grip on their little ones and confidence to touch and connect with them.\n\n\nGan Mei Yan, a well-known radio announcer,\n\u2122\n is a fan of the New JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n CottonTouch\n\u2122 \nproducts. \u201cExpecting moms, you need this JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n gentlest baby care for newborns!\u201d she exclaimed during the launch of Cotton Touch.\n\u2122\n\u00a0\n\n\nShe went on to say, \u201cI believe every newborn deserves the gentlest baby care products. This ultra-light, easy-to-rinse wash and lightweight lotion with no sticky residue allows me to get a good grip of my little Seng Sum during bath and change. It gives me even more confidence to handle her, even though I have had experience caring for Seng Jo. And the smell\u2026 it makes her even more lovable to hug and hold!\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nChoose Gentle\n\u2122\n\n\nJOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n CottonTouch\n\u2122 \nproducts will be joining the current range, which includes Milk + Rice and Milk + Oats Wash and Lotion for Toddlers and Active Kids Shampoo for Toddlers and Kids.\n\n\nSpeaking at the product launch, actress and model Amyra Rosli told us about why she chooses JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n Milk + Rice Bath and Lotion for her 1-year-7-months-old son, Aqeef Anaqi Bin Amar. She said, \u201cAs my little boy is actively crawling and constantly on all fours on the various floor surfaces at home, I have to ensure his skin is well moisturized and protected so that he can enjoy his exploration and develop happily.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nThe New JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n range of baby care products is available at major retail outlets nationwide. For more information about the New JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n, visit \nwww.johnsonsbaby.com.my\n or follow JOHNSON\u2019S\n\u00ae\n Malaysia Facebook page at \nwww.facebook.com/JohnsonsbabyMY\n.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-horrified-at-gauze-that-emerged-from-uterus-after-natural-birth", "title": "Mum horrified at gauze that emerged from uterus after natural birth", "body": "As patients, we trust surgeons to care for us and help treat the conditions or disease we are suffering under. However, mums, did you know that it\u2019s possible that things left in body after surgery can happen, with possibly serious health consequences?\n\n\nTwo recent mum experiences highlight the very real possibility of these medical problems \u2014 and the problems they can bring.\n\n\nSurgical mistakes can happen anywhere\u2026\n\n\nFrom Thailand\u2026\n\n\nRecently, a young mum found out the the effects of things left in body after surgery \u2014 except in her case, it was minor surgery, likely a episiotomy.\n\n\nSeventeen-year-old Tan, a young mum from Thailand, gave birth naturally to her first child on 18 June 2018. There were no complications: she was allowed to leave after just three days, but did note that the wound from the episiotomy, was painful.\u00a0\n\n\nShe paid no notice, thinking that all mums have some pain after childbirth. Even after a doctor\u2019s consultation, she was only given pills to ease the pain.\n\n\nHowever, it was only on 28 August 2018\u00a0 \u2013 two months after her surgery \u2013 that she discovered the horrifying truth in the most gruesome way.\u00a0\n\n\nAs reported in\u00a0\nThe Phuket News,\u00a0\nshe explains, \u201cOn Tuesday (Aug 28), the pain was so bad I could not stand or sit. I felt like there was something in my uterus. I went into bathroom and I found a piece of gauze in there. It was black and smelly.\u201d\n\n\nWe are assuming that the gauze emerged from her vagina as she went to the bathroom. The young mum\u00a0returned to the hospital within the day for an examination. The doctors prescribed her antibiotic medication and assured her that her uterus was free of anything else.\n\n\n\u201cThe doctor forgot gauze inside my uterus for over two months. How lucky that my wound isn\u2019t infected,\u201d she writes in her post above.\u00a0Tan also warns other women about the possibility of such mistakes and recommended them to pick a reputable hospital before giving birth.\u00a0\n\n\nOn 30th August 2018, the Phuket Provincial Health Office officially apologized to Tan about her ordeal.\u00a0Dr. Jirapan Taepan, the health office\u2019s chief,\u00a0 also admitted the surgical blunder which happened at a government hospital, and that Tan will be reimbursed for her trouble.\n\n\nInvestigations continue.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e2a\u0e1a\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e13\u0e4c\u0e42\u0e14\u0e22\u0e15\u0e23\u0e07 \u0e17\u0e35\u0e48\u0e42\u0e23\u0e07\u0e1e\u0e22\u0e32\u0e1a\u0e32\u0e25\u0e43\u0e19\u0e08\u0e31\u0e07\u0e2b\u0e27\u0e31\u0e14 \u0e20\u0e39\u0e40\u0e01\u0e47\u0e15 #\u0e25\u0e37\u0e21\u0e1c\u0e49\u0e32\u0e01\u0e47\u0e2d\u0e15\u0e44\u0e27\u0e49\u0e43\u0e19\u0e0a\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e04\u0e25\u0e2d\u0e14\u0e40\u0e1b\u0e47\u0e19\u0e40\u0e27\u0e25\u0e322\u0e40\u0e14\u0e37\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e01\u0e27\u0e48\u0e32\u2026\nPosted by \n\u0e19\u0e49\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e15\u0e32\u0e25 \u0e08\u0e34\u0e1a\u0e34\u0e42\u0e01\u0e4a\u0e30\n on\u00a0\nTuesday, 28 August 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPerhaps more common than granted?\n\n\nHowever, medical errors can also occur in hospitals in developed countries, too.\n\n\nSix months ago, a 42-year-old woman in Japan also faced a similar issue. After consulting a clinic for bloating that had persisted for three years, doctors used a CT scan to find out the issue.\n\n\nThey discovered that there were two masses in her abdomen. It was only after another surgery to remove these masses that doctors realised that it was a surgical sponge \u2013 another one of the things left in the body after surgery.\n\n\n\n\nThe results of the scan showed two masses to the left and right of the woman\u2019s pelvis. | Image Source: \nNew England Journal of Medicine\n\n\n\n\nThese doctors penned their results in a report in the \nNew England Journal of Medicine.\u00a0\n\u00a0They deduced that the sponges were likely left behind from a cesarean section.\n\n\nThe woman had two sections before \u2013 one in 2012, and the other in 2009 \u2013\u00a0 meaning that the sponge could have been left inside her for at least six years. Dr Takeshi Kondo, the chief author of the report, said that the woman did not\u00a0have any other abdominal or pelvic surgeries.\n\n\nThankfully, once the sponges were removed, the 42-year-old\u2019s symptoms eased. She was allowed to leave the hospital after five days.\n\n\nMums from \na forum site\n have also expressed their horrifying experiences. One mum,\u00a0adianlahni, said that she also experienced something similar in 2009, but even two years on, she\u2019s \u201c\nstill in pain, and can\u2019t have intercourse because of the damage from the sponges that were in my body for 7 weeks. Sitting is uncomfortable and my vagina is sore all the time.\n\u201c\n\n\nEven after consulting multiple gynecologists and being prescribed antibiotics, her infection still hasn\u2019t gone away.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThings left in body after surgery: What you should know\n\n\nRare, but more likely in gyneocological surgeries\n\n\nA r\neview conducted in 2013\n found that these events tend to be rare. Things left in body after surgery tend to happen between 1 in 5,500 operations to 1 in 18,760 operations. However, unlike other surgeries, \ngynecological surgeries carry a higher risk\n of ending with things left in body after surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Fizan Abdullah, a pediatric surgeon, explains why: body parts around the pelvis are tougher to reach and have small hollow spaces where it\u2019s much easier for a small or spongy items to get stuck.\u00a0\n\n\nSymptoms of things left in body after surgery\n\n\nSurgical objects that remain in the body can lead to different effects, depending on which part was operated on and what instrument was used. In general, the red flags that could possibly mean that there are things left in body after surgery are:\n\n\n\n\npain in the surgical area that could flare up or be persistent.\n\n\nreally painful headaches or leg pain\n\n\ndiscomfort and bloating\n\n\nFaecal matter that looks black, bloody, or tar-like.\n\n\nFeeling constipated or finding it hard to urinate, possibly meaning a blockage.\n\n\nCoughing or vomiting blood.\n\n\nAn Abscess or fistula growing\n\n\nStruggling with basic movements such as breathing, swallowing, or eating.\n\n\nLiquid streaks near or something seeping from the surgical wound.\n\n\nNot feeling better after the surgery, such as declining weakness, fatigue and pain.\n\n\nSwollen lymph nodes \u2013 especially swollen areas near the the armpits, groin, and neck.\n\n\nSigns that an infection has occurred, such as:\n\n\n\nDiscoloration\n\n\nFeeling feverish\n\n\nPus seeping\n\n\nSoreness/Tenderness\n\n\nSwelling\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe surgical wound starts to tear or become undone.\n\n\n\n\nNote that the object itself presents a danger \u2014 it doesn\u2019t matter if it\u2019s a fluffy sponge or a needle. In fact, sponges or gauzes can cause deadly infections. Do remember that even simple or minor surgeries may risk things left in body after surgery.\n\n\n\n\nPain or the surgical wound coming apart could be a sign that\u2019s something\u2019s wrong. | Image Source: Stock Photos\n\n\n\n\nEffects of things left in body after surgery\n\n\nThe effects do vary, from no effects at all to sepsis or death.\n\n\nDr. Atul Gawande, a practicing surgeon at Brigham and Women\u2019s Hospital, says that\u00a0\u201cIn two-thirds of these cases, there were serious consequences, whether that\u2019s infection or even death. In one case, a small sponge was left inside the brain of a patient that we studied, and the patient ended up having an infection and ultimately died.\u201d\n\n\nSome good news: preventive methods\n\n\nTraditionally, medial personnel prevented these accidents by counting the objects they use during surgery. But this is not always practical due to the large number of items used in a typical surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nThankfully, hospitals are using two new ways to prevent accidents from happening again by using:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\n\nradiofrequency tagging to find out if sponges were left in patient\u2019s bodies. This cost-effective method works as a microchip woven into the it can be located using\u00a0a wand or mat after the surgery to uncover any things left in the body after surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nbar-codes. By bar-coding sponges and\u00a0scanning them during the surgery, medical staff can keep count of the number of sponges used. Once the surgery is done, these sponges can be scanned again to be sure that\u00a0there are no differences.\n\n\n\n\nReferences: \nNCBI\n,\u00a0\nNew England Journal of Medicine\n,\u00a0\nCoconut.co\n, \nCNN\n, \nbabycenter\n, \nwieand law firm\n, \nlivescience\n, \nWashington Post\n, \nthought.co\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dangerous-reason-to-stop-drying-your-clothes-indoors", "title": "This is the DANGEROUS reason to stop drying your clothes indoors!", "body": "Sometimes parents have no choice but to dry their laundry indoors, especially if it\u2019s raining outside if pressed for space. But studies reveal that doing so have considerable health risks.\n\n\nAllowing wet or even damp clothing on drying racks or radiators raises the moisture levels inside the house by up to 30%.\n\n\nWhile this may sound harmless, it creates the perfect condition for mold spores to breed, and experts are particularly concerned about the Aspergillus fumigatus spores, which are known to cause lung infection.\n\n\nREAD: 8 harmless things that can harm your children\n\n\nProfessor David Denning from the National Aspergillosis Centre in Manchester told The Daily Mail, \u201cOne load of wet washing contains almost two liters of water, which is released into the room.\n\n\n\u201cMost of us are either immune to the fungus which grows in these humid conditions, or have a sufficiently healthy system to fight the infection.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s even worse for people with preexisting conditions such as asthma and those with weak or damaged immune systems.\n\n\n\u201cThe fungus can cause pulmonary aspergillosis\u2014a condition which can cause irreparable, and sometime fatal, damage to the lungs and sinuses.\u201d\n\n\nCraig Mather, for example, was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1997, rendering his lungs weak and worsened the problems he had due to childhood asthma.\n\n\nREAD: Clean your house with environment friendly products made from kitchen ingredients!\n\n\n\u201cI only started to recover when my consultant diagnosed chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and prescribed me special drugs to fight the fungal infection,\u201d he said.\n\n\n\u201cHowever, I noticed coughing fits and night sweats particularly when I had wet washing drying on the warm bedroom radiator.\n\n\nFor those who are guilty of the practice, professor David advises that \u201cthey dry wet washing outside, in a tumble dryer or in a well-ventilated indoor space away from bedrooms and living areas to be safe rather than sorry.\u201d\n\n\nWhat is Aspergillosis?\n\n\nA group of ailments caused by a fungal mold called aspergillus, aspergillosis affects the respiratory system (windpipe, sinuses and lungs).\n\n\nBut it can also travel from the windpipe, sinuses or lungs to anywhere in the body.\n\n\nDepending on its severity, aspergillosis\u2019s symptoms can fall anywhere between mild wheezing to coughing up blood.\n\n\nThe ailment is caused by breathing in small spores of aspergillus mold. Typically, when it enters the body, one\u2019s immune system quickly isolates and destroys the mold before it can spread to their lungs.\n\n\nA person with damaged lungs or a weakened immune system, however, is more likely to develop aspergillosis when exposed to the mold.\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ovulation-period-tracking", "title": "Ovulation Tracking: How To Use This Method To Better Plan A Pregnancy", "body": "If you are facing issues with conception, your gynaecologist may ask you to track your ovulation period or your fertile window. This is the time when the egg releases from your ovary and may or may not become fertilised by a \nsperm\n.\n\n\nIf the egg does get fertilised, it will travel to the uterus and implant itself to develop into a pregnancy. On the other hand, if the egg is unfertilised, then it will disintegrate and the uterine lining will shed during your period.\u00a0\n\n\nUnderstanding how your ovulation period and the cycle work is crucial, as it helps to better plan a pregnancy. It can also be a key to understanding if you are suffering from any underlying medical conditions.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen Does The Ovulation Period Start?\n\n\nHow To Detect When Are You Ovulating?\n\n\nHow Does An Ovulation Calendar Help?\n\n\nOvulation Period: The Phases To Track\n\n\nHow Frequently Do You Need To Have Sex?\n\n\n4 Common Types Of Ovulation Disorders\n\n\n\n\n1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome\n\n\n2. Premature ovarian insufficiency\n\n\n3. Hyperprolactinemia\n\n\n4. Hypothalamic dysfunction\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Induce Ovulation?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen Does The Ovulation Period Start?\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: iStock\n\n\n\n\nMost girls begin to menstruate between the age of 10 and 15 years. This is the time when they begin to ovulate and can also conceive.\n\n\nOn average, a woman\u2019s menses last anywhere between 28 and 32 days and the start of each cycle is considered to be the first day of menses. The egg is released generally 12 to 16 days before the next period is due.\u00a0\n\n\nWomen reach the menopause stage between the age of 50 and 51 years, which is when ovulation typically stops. But even in the \nperimenopausal\n or menopausal transition period, ovulation can take place.\u00a0\n\n\nHow To Detect When Are You Ovulating?\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: iStock\n\n\n\n\nHere are the ways you can detect whether or not you are ovulating.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe cervical mucus increases in volume and becomes thicker due to increased estrogen levels.\n\n\nYou may also see a slight\n increase in body temperature\n during your ovulation period. According to medical experts, women are generally most fertile for 2-3 days before the temperature reaches its maximum.\n\n\nYou can use a basal thermometer to track the subtle temperature increase.\n\n\nAnother prominent sign is that some women may feel a mild ache in the lower abdomen. This pain may last between a few minutes and a few hours.\n\n\nYou can also buy ovulation predictor kits that are now easily available at drug stores.\n\n\n\n\nHow Does An Ovulation Calendar Help?\n\n\nThe ovulation calendar will help you to understand your most fertile period. This is an important tool to keep track of your cycle and also is key to understanding any irregularities.\n\n\nThere are several websites and apps that actually help you keep track of the cycle easily. All you have to do is feed in the correct information.\u00a0\n\n\nMoreover, you can also download one of these apps on your partner\u2019s phone to help them know about your ovulation period if you\u2019re trying.\u00a0\n\n\nOvulation Period: The Phases To Track\n\n\n\n\nThe ovulation period is generally divided into three phases:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPeriovulatory\n: In this stage, the layer of cells around the ovum begins to become more like mucus and expand. The uterus lining also starts to thicken.\n\n\nOvulatory phase\n: This is the phase when the egg releases from the dominant follicle within an ovary into the fallopian tube. The sperm can fertilise the egg at this stage.\n\n\n\n\n\nDo note that the life span of a typical egg is only about 24 hours. Unless it meets a sperm during this time, it will die. This is the only time during a woman\u2019s menstruation cycle that a woman can become pregnant. So if you are planning to have a baby you can improve your chances of getting pregnant, if you know your fertile window.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nLuteal phase\n: A fertilised egg gets implanted into the womb, while the unfertilised egg will slowly stop producing hormones and dissolve within 24 hours. The lining of the uterus starts to break down and prepares to exit the body during menses.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow Frequently Do You Need To Have Sex?\n\n\nIn many cases, a couple can have sex once during the fertile window and is able to conceive. However, if you are actively trying to conceive, then you can better your chances by having sex \nevery other day\n during the fertile window.\n\n\nNote that the \nbest time\n to get pregnant is in the two days leading up to ovulation and the day of ovulation itself.\n\n\n4 Common Types Of Ovulation Disorders\n\n\nOften issues with ovulation can lead to infertility or difficulty in conceiving. So watch out for some of these common ovulation disorders.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome\n\n\nPolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)\n is the most common endocrine (hormonal) disorder affecting young women. It is estimated that up to 10 per cent of women in Singapore may have PCOS.\n\n\nWomen with PCOS may often but not always have multiple cysts in their ovaries or have hormonal imbalances such as excess androgens (male hormones) and insulin resistance.\n\n\nIt can manifest with a wide variety of symptoms, and many may not be aware of their condition and go undiagnosed. Some of them include obesity, acne and abnormal hair growth. It is also one of the leading causes of infertility in women.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Premature ovarian insufficiency\n\n\nEgg production stops prematurely in this condition. It will lead to a drop in estrogen levels and mostly affects women before the age of 40 years.\u00a0\n\n\nThere can be several reasons behind it such as genetic abnormalities, environmental toxins or an autoimmune disease.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Hyperprolactinemia\n\n\nIn some scenarios, due to the use of certain medications or abnormality in the pituitary gland (which produces hormones), women can produce excessive amounts of prolactin. It can also cause a reduction in estrogen. This is a less common cause of ovulatory dysfunction.\n\n\n4. Hypothalamic dysfunction\n\n\nThis is a condition where the production of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) gets disrupted. These are the two prominent hormones that stimulate ovulation and can affect the menstrual cycle.\n\n\nSome causes of hypothalamic dysfunction include emotional and physical stress, and excessively high or low body weight. Sometimes, excessive exercise, low body weight and tumours can also lead to hypothalamic dysfunction.\n\n\nHow To Induce Ovulation?\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nIf there is an abnormality in your ovulation, doctors may prescribe fertility drugs to treat the problem. Some common drugs which most doctors prescribe for ovulation include:\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n\n\nMetformin:\n It\u2019s typically used by women with PCOS. It is to treat insulin resistance and increase the chances of ovulation.\n\n\nBromocriptine: \nDoctors can recommend this medicine in case of hyperprolactinemia.\n\n\nLetrozole:\n It works temporarily by lowering a woman\u2019s level of the hormone progesterone to stimulate ovum production.\n\n\nClomid:\n This oral medication increases the pituitary secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), thus stimulating ovarian follicles. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBut note that these fertility drugs can have side effects such as the following, and must only be taken post-consultation:\n\n\n\n\nHot flushes\n\n\nMood swings\n\n\nAbdominal pain\n\n\nVaginal dryness\n\n\nIncreased urination\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you have any doubt about your menstrual cycle, always consult a health practitioner. They can help track it better and advise on tests and medications if needed.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMedical News Today\n, \nAmerican Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from theAsianparent\u00a0\nSingapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Early Signs That You Might Be Pregnant With Twins\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0The Placenta\u2019s Important Role in Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0What Are the 3 Trimesters of Pregnancy? A Guide for Pregnant Women\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gift-idea-printcious", "title": "Perfect Wedding Gift and Present Ideas for Your Sister", "body": "Ah, so the time has come that your sister take that big step and begin her own family. It\u2019s the moment every girl has been waiting for, to know that she\u2019s going to have her happily ever after. Little does she know that the true challenge has begun! Managing your own household isn\u2019t an easy task. Kids, husband, chores AND her career is nothing compared to those late night couple arguments. So, what can you do to make it better? Get her an awesome wedding gift that can make her productivity at home a little better. So without further ado, here\u2019s Printcious\u2019 wedding gift and present idea for your sister.\n\n\nLuggage\n\n\nOne of the best part about traveling is exploring new places with your lifetime partner. One of the bad things about it is packing. What I\u2019ll give to never pack and unpack ever again! But if you got her a pretty luggage, I\u2019m sure packing wouldn\u2019t be that bad.\n\n\n\n\nKitchen electronics\n\n\nThis is probably one of the few expensive, but very useful things to get as a wedding gift. From toasters to blenders, there are multiple options to get as a gift. Just make sure you get them something they want or they will use. Check out online stores such as\u00a0Lazada\u00a0for your best buy!\n\n\n\n\nHousehold Electronic\n\n\nElectronics are a necessity in every household. Keeping a home clean is just not easy! That\u2019s why we make machines do the heavy work for us. If you\u2019re not sure what\u2019s best to get someone, a sturdy vacuum cleaner is always a safe bet.\n\n\n\n\nA Spa Day\n\n\nOrchestrating a wedding is exhausting! It may have been a one day event but it took months of broken nails, sweat and tears to accomplish. I think someone is in need of a spa date.\n\n\n\n\nA Red Packet\n\n\nMore commonly known as an angpao, red packets are actually more preferred when given a wedding gift. They have a direct control of their finances and in case they don\u2019t like the gift, they don\u2019t have to store it or awkwardly give it away. Plus, it\u2019s nice having some pocket money after spending everything on the wedding!\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nLifestyle\nSpread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/left-paralysed-in-car-crash", "title": "Left paralysed in car crash, woman walks again at her wedding", "body": "\u201cI\u2019m a woman paralysed in car crash\u201d \u2014 nothing could prepare Jean Ling for that realisation when she finally woke up in the hospital.\n\n\nOn the day of the accident, she remembered it being a beautiful day in Glenlorchy, in New Zealand\u2019s South Island. She was driving on Paradise road admiring the picturesque scenery filled with mountains and endless open fields. But after a quick check in the rearview mirror, her car skidded and hit a tree.\n\n\nOnly Five Minutes Away from Her Destination\u2026\n\n\n\n\nCondition of the car that left Jean paralysed in car crash in New Zealand | Source: \nCNA\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhen she came to, she couldn\u2019t feel her lower body. She looked down and saw that she still had all her limbs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cBlood was coming out of my mouth. I couldn\u2019t breathe that well, and I started to press the horn before I fainted,\u201d recalled the 35-year-old when she was speaking to \nThe Red Dot\n. (\nWatch the episode here.\n)\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMs Kelly Louise Morritt, who called the ambulance, remembers clearly the screeching tires and the massive bang that followed soon after. It was a miracle Jean was still alive. She was only five minutes away from the horse ranch where she\u2019d planned to go riding\u00a0that day.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nJean was flown to a hospital in Invercargill with punctured lungs and fractured ribs. A rod was inserted to pump out all the blood in her lungs so that she could breathe normally.\n\n\nParalysed in Car Crash\u00a0with No Hope\u2026\n\n\n\n\nParalysed in car crash: Jean undergoing rehabilitation in Burwood Hospital, Christchurch | Photo credit: Jean Ling\n\n\n\n\nShe didn\u2019t know what the doctors were doing when they kept touching her from head to toe. She didn\u2019t know they were testing if she could feel anything. Then it hit her \u2014 she was a woman paralysed in car crash. It was her, and she couldn\u2019t feel anything from the waist down. Her spinal cord was severely injured.\u00a0\n\n\nHow am I going to carry on with my life?\n\u00a0\nWill I be able to work? How am I supposed to take care of my mum when she\u2019s old?\u00a0\nThose thoughts were running over and over in her head.\n\n\n\u201cI couldn\u2019t control my bowels. Balancing was a problem and I had no core muscles. I was like a baby. From dressing up to cleaning up and showering, everything started from zero,\u201d she said.\n\n\nWho Would Love Me?\n\n\n\n\nStapped with rods to straighten her legs. Jean started training with a walker for her wedding. | Photo credit: Jean Ling\n\n\n\n\nAlthough rehabilitation went well in Christchurch, the feelings of helplessness came back when she returned to Singapore. She felt terrible that she had to depend on people for help. What would become of her? Who would \nlove\n her? Even her boyfriend left her because he could not accept her disability.\n\n\nBut Jean\u2019s faith in love slowly blossomed when she met\u00a0Jake Oh through mutual friends. He proved to her that disability is no barrier to love and they got married in December 2017.\n\n\nDetermined to walk down the aisle herself, and as a surprise for Jake, Jean secretly started training.\n\n\nWhen the day came, she walked with the help of a \nwalker\n, clad in a beautiful white gown to be with the man of her life.\n\n\nLife After Being Paralysed in Car Crash\n\n\nThe couple moved into a flat that was designed with Jean in mind. This helped her tremendously when Jake \nworks overtime,\n\u00a0and slowly she learned to be more independent.\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019ll try and accommodate her when I\u2019m around,\u201d said the 28-year-old. \u201cI also have to let her be independent when I\u2019m not around.\u201d\n\n\nWhen they went to New Zealand, Jean tried adaptive skiing, skydiving and even went horseback riding to finish what she had set out to do. And even though it was really emotional for her, Jean also revisited her accident site in Glenorchy town.\u00a0\n\n\nDespite everything she has been through, Jean remains positive. She looks forward to starting a family and having a baby of her own. While she thinks that it might be the next big challenge for them, it doesn\u2019t seem to faze Jake. With a confident smile, he said \u201cI don\u2019t think it\u2019ll be that challenging because our love has overcome everything.\u201d\n\n\nWatch Jean\u2019s Amazing Story:\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nKeibubapaan\nBaki Tali Pusat Bayi Ada 5 Masalah Ini? Parents, Ini Yang Anda Perlu Lakukan Untuk Bayi Anda\n#PendidikanKewangan\n6 Perkara Ibu Bapa Mengatakan Tentang Kewangan - Dan Apa Yang Anak-Anak Pelajari Daripadanya\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\n\n\nSource: \nCNA\n\n\nImages:\u00a0\nCNA\n screengrabs\n\n\nRead also:\u00a0\n\u2018I Am 18. I Am A Single Mum In Singapore. This Is My Story\u2019\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stepfather-drowning-little-girl-in-a-hotel-pool-caught-on-cctv-footage", "title": "Stepfather drowning little girl in a hotel pool caught on CCTV footage", "body": "In the lottery that is life, some will be lucky, while others will simply lose. A three-year-old girl from Mexico was one of those who weren\u2019t so fortunate.\n\n\nWhen her mother remarried, the girl had acquired a stepfather from hell, who will eventually cause her demise.\n\n\nIt was even caught on a CCTV footage.\n\n\n\u201cHarrowing CCTV footage shows the killer, identified only as Jose David N., repeatedly tossing the child into the water,\u201d said a \nMirror\n report. \u201cThe little girl\u2014who could not swim\u2014is seen struggling to stay afloat as her stepfather stands by and watches.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nAccording to reports, the family had been out on a vacation on August 12, 2015. \n\n\nWhile the child\u2019s mother was sleeping on their hotel room, the stepfather brought the girl with him to the public pool.\n\n\nOther patrons of the hotel were present when the incident transpired, and they were seen scrambling out of the pool.\n\n\n\n\nSadly, the tot drowned to death.\n\n\nEven more upsetting is the fact that the stepfather pleaded surprise during a court hearing after he was told that his stepdaughter had drowned.\n\n\nThankfully there was a CCTV footage showing what had really occurred, and it was enough to have him convicted and jailed with no possibility of parole.\n\n\nIt hasn\u2019t been made clear what the intentions of the stepfather were, or the reasons that led him to kill his stepdaughter.\n\n\n\u201cAfter deliberation, judges Juan Salvador Alonso Mejia, Ana Lilia Garcia Cardona and Noe Reyes Millan found him guilty of killing her,\u201d the same report said. \n\n\n\u201cJudge Garcia Cardona told the court how the stepfather even dragged the little girl\u2019s hair and held her tiny body in such a position in the water that she was unable to breathe.\u201d\n\n\nWhen the CCTV footage was made public, it caused a massive outrage across South America.\n\n\nThe stepfather is now facing 100 years in jail.\n\n\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKanak-Kanak\nEvery Mum should know this: The Innovative prebiotics oligosaccharide mixture GOS/lcFOS (9:1)\nParenting\nMalaysian Mum Shares A Secret On Why Her Kid Falls Sick Infrequently\nGive Health A Shot\nIni Sebabnya Ada Ibu Bapa Enggan Vaksin Anak-Anak dan Mereka Harus Ubah Fikiran\nAges & Stages\nMarkings On The Wall: Why Measuring Your Child's Height Is So Important\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/childhood-immunisation", "title": "Why Is Childhood Immunisation Important?", "body": "One question that might arise in the minds of new parents is, \u201cWhy do we need to vaccinate our children from an early age?\u201d (Among the million other questions we have as new parents, of course\u2026)\n\n\nSo if this is a question that has crossed your mind, it is likely because your parental instincts are in full force and you want to help protect your kids from all threats and dangers. This includes threats arising from diseases and potential health problems.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you have been wondering why we start vaccinating our kids from a young age, this article should help shed some light on that and answer your question.\n\n\nWhy is it necessary to vaccinate children from an early age?\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nVaccines are especially important because babies have weaker immune systems. Therefore, by giving vaccines to your kids according to the set schedule of an immunisation programme, you can help protect your baby from potentially life-threatening diseases\n1\n. For example:\n\n\n\n\nTuberculosis (TB) \u2013 This disease can cause serious infections such as meningitis and spread to other organs\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDiphtheria \u2013 Toxins released by bacteria which may lead to blocked airways\n3\n.\n\n\nPertussis (whooping cough) \u2013 Can cause whooping cough and lack of oxygen to the brain\n4\n.\n\n\nTetanus \u2013 Bacterial poisoning that can cause cramps in the muscles of the body and affects the ability to open the jaw\n5\n.\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzae\n type B (Hib) \u2013 This bacteria can cause infection of the lungs (pneumonia), respiratory tract and meningitis\n6\n.\n\n\nHepatitis B \u2013 This virus can cause severe damage to the liver and increases the risk of the individual getting liver cancer in the future\n6\n.\n\n\nPolio \u2013 This virus can cause paralysis and even death\n6\n.\n\n\nMeasles \u2013 This virus can cause fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, infection of the brain (encephalitis) and lungs (pneumonia)\n7\n.\n\n\nMumps \u2013 This virus can cause viral meningitis and infection of testicles (orchitis)\n8\n.\n\n\nRubella \u2013 The virus can cause fever, rash, nausea and mild conjunctivitis\n9\n.\n\n\nPneumococcus \u2013 This bacteria can cause severe diseases like meningitis or milder infections like sinusitis or ear infections\n6\n.\n\n\nRotavirus \u2013 This virus can cause severe diarrhoea and dehydration\n6\n.\n\n\nHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) \u2013 This virus can cause cervical cancer and genital warts\n6\n.\n\n\nVaricella (Chickenpox) \u2013 This virus can cause a blister like rash and fever, which can also cause shingles later as adults if the virus reactivates\n10\n.\n\n\nInfluenza\u00a0 \u2013 This virus can cause epidemics of flu diseases or flu season\n11\n.\n\n\nMeningococcal \u2013 This bacteria can cause deadly infections of the lining of the brain, spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream\n12\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHepatitis A \u2013 This virus is a highly contagious infection that attacks the liver\n13\n.\n\n\n\n\nUnderstanding the Different Types of Vaccines Available\n14\n\n\nIf you\u2019re still confused about what vaccines are and how it can help protect your children, we\u2019re going to try and simplify it here for you. These are the various vaccines available and what it does:\n\n\n#1: Live attenuated vaccine\n\n\nLive vaccines are made from bacteria or viruses that are weakened, but can still trigger the body to create immune-building reactions similar to natural infections\n14\n.\n\n\n#2: Inactivated vaccine (Killed vaccine)\n\n\nThese are vaccines that are made from the disease-carrying bacteria or virus that is inactivated or killed during the process of creating the vaccine\n14\n.\u00a0\n\n\n#3: Toxoid Vaccine\n\n\nToxoid vaccines are made from weakened toxins, which are then called toxoids. Our bodies will learn how to fight off the natural toxins after being exposed to the vaccine containing the toxoid\n14\n.\n\n\n#4: Subunit Vaccine\n\n\nThese\n \nvaccines are made from specific parts of a virus or bacterium called subunits (think of it as a smaller version), using only essential antigens and not the entire germ to train the body to fight these infections\n14\n.\n\n\n#5: mRNA Vaccine\n\n\nmRNA vaccines teach our cells how to produce proteins. It triggers an immune response when our body recognizes that this protein does not belong in the body and therefore produces antibodies to fight off the infection\n15\n.\n\n\nIf You Did Not Vaccinate Your Child, What Are The Risks?\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\n#1: They are at risk of contracting an infectious disease that may lead to death\n16\n\n\nChildren who do not receive complete immunisations on time are at risk of exposure to the various vaccine-preventable diseases listed above.\n\n\nFurthermore, children are also vulnerable to a variety of other health problems that may arise from contracting the initial disease. For example, if they are infected with measles, complications such as diarrhoea, pneumonia or encephalitis can arise\n7\n.\n\n\nAccording to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most children who are not vaccinated are more likely to be infected with a disease that can result in death\n17\n.\n\n\n#2: The rest of the family becomes susceptible\n16\n\n\nWhen you take the right steps to protect your family, like keeping the house clean, wearing a mask when you are sick and making sure everyone\u2019s immunisation schedule is adhered to, everyone benefits from this.\n\n\nHowever, when one member of the family is left vulnerable to the kaleidoscope of diseases out there in the world, it puts the entire family at risk.\n\n\nWe spend most of our time with our loved ones at home but at the same time, we also go out and are exposed to outside environments which may be full of viruses and bacteria. We could unknowingly bring home viruses and inadvertently pass it to the family and this can be fatal to an unvaccinated child.\u00a0\n\n\nAdults themselves can also become infected and experience mild symptoms with fatal complications; for example, pregnant women infected with the rubella virus are at high risk of giving birth to a child with Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) or worse still, result in fetal death\n9\n.\u00a0\n\n\n#3: You put your community at risk too\n16\n\n\nThink of your community as the daycare friends your toddler has, or perhaps your group of friends who might be expecting, or even your ageing parents. Think of your community as your favourite yoga friends or your child\u2019s swimming teacher and classmates. Or they could even be your favourite cashier at the local supermarket or your neighbour that you share a common lift with.\n\n\nCommunities are made up of the people we interact with on a daily basis. So if you\u2019re carrying viruses or diseases, it can lead to wider community outbreaks if everyone is not vaccinated. \n\n\nPolio, which was not detected in Malaysia for over 27 years, made an appearance in December 2019 due pockets of unvaccinated children causing a reemergence. But with a polio vaccination campaign put in place, the outbreak was curbed\n18\n. Today, polio vaccines are still given to children and included in the National Immunisation Programme\n19\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAs we have seen through the COVID-19 pandemic, taking drastic steps like global lockdowns, social distancing and wearing masks had helped to curb the spread of the disease among communities\n20\n. But with the introduction of vaccines, we have seen cases become less severe towards the general communities. However, since most infants and toddlers are still not able to receive the vaccine for that particular disease, they are still left vulnerable\n21\n.\n\n\nJust like how we would not want our neighbours passing COVID-19 to our children, we wouldn\u2019t want our kids to be the source of other vaccine-preventable diseases too.\n\n\n#4: Prevention is better than cure (and it might also be cheaper)\n16\n\n\nDisease not only directly affects individuals or their families but also carries a huge financial impact for society as a whole. It may require expensive and time-consuming treatment plans that usually occur in the medium to long-term.\n\n\nFor example, diphtheria requires immediate treatment in a hospital that has the capacity to treat the disease and its complications. The patient is required to be placed in an isolated room and requires special medication\n16,22\n. With hospitals at full capacity due to COVID-19, this is not a risk parents should take at this time.\n\n\nIf we had to put it into whole numbers, getting your child vaccinated would likely cost you a couple thousand Ringgit \nover their lifetime\n (factoring in taking recommended vaccinations at private clinics, transportation cost to these clinics and maybe some consultation costs), but a \nsingle night\u2019s stay\n at a private hospital would set you back the same if not more.\n\n\n#5: The long-term effects on quality of life for your child and family\n16\n\n\nDid you know that some of these diseases that can be prevented with vaccines can actually cause lifelong disability? For example, in extreme cases, measles can result in blindness\n16,23\n.\u00a0\n\n\nParents, you have the ball in your court when it comes to protecting your children from potential decreased quality of life. So what else can you do to help protect your child today?\n\n\nOther Protections That Parents Can Do Besides Vaccinating Children\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to teaching children good eating habits and activities, you can also teach them some basic health and hygiene habits. For example:\n\n\n\n\nWash your hands every time you use the toilet, after you blow your nose, and before you eat.\n\n\nDo not share hats, combs, toothbrushes or other personal items with other children.\n\n\nClose your mouth when you cough or sneeze.\n\n\nDo not touch the saliva, blood, urine, faeces or other unknown fluids anywhere.\n\n\n\n\nWhen & How To Get the Treatment?\n\n\nParents, the first thing you ought to do as soon as you find out you\u2019re pregnant is to decide on a good paediatrician that you can trust for decades to come. Many parents become very reliant on their paediatricians to offer them advice for their child\u2019s health.\u00a0\n\n\nTypically, this doctor would know your child very well and would be highly familiar with their medical history and health. It is also good to stick with the same doctor as they would have their vaccination records on hand and would be able to advise when an upcoming vaccination is due.\n\n\nIf you have not seen your paediatrician recently, we highly recommend booking an appointment to discuss your child\u2019s health protection plan as soon as you can!\n\n\nMY-ROT-00235 Aug/2022\n\n\nREFERENCES:\n\n\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Immunisation: Facts And Myths. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/immunisation-facts-myths/\n.\u00a0 Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tuberculosis. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tuberculosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351250\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Diphtheria. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diphtheria/symptoms-causes/syc-20351897\n.\n Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services Inform. Whooping cough. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/whooping-cough\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tetanus. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tetanus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351625\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nUNICEF. Vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/parenting/health/vaccines-and-diseases-they-prevent\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Measles. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services. Mumps \u2013 Complications. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/mumps/complications/\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Rubella. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rubella\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. \u00a0 Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Types of Influenza Viruses. Available From \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/types.htm\n. Last Accessed 21 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Meningococcal Disease. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/index.html#:~:text=Meningococcal%20disease%20refers%20to%20any,cord%20(meningitis)%20and%20bloodstream.\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. What is hepatitis A \u2013 FAQ. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm#overview\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding How Vaccines Work. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/conversations/understanding-vacc-work.html\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nUNICEF Indonesia. 7 consequences and risks of not getting your child routinely vaccinated. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/indonesia/stories/7-consequences-and-risks-not-getting-your-child-routinely-vaccinated\n. Last Accessed 19 August 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Common Questions About Vaccines. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/FAQs.html\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Following a successful mass vaccination campaign, the polio outbreak ends in Malaysia. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/malaysia/news/detail/27-09-2021-following-a-successful-mass-vaccination-campaign-the-polio-outbreak-ends-in-malaysia\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nImmunise4Life. The Malaysian National Immunisation Programme (NIP). Available From: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/the-malaysian-national-immunisation-programme-nip/\n.\n Last Accessed 19 August 2022.\n\n\nTalic S, Shah S, Wild H, Gasevic D, Maharaj A, Ademi Z, et al. Effectiveness of public health measures in reducing the incidence of covid-19, SARS-COV-2 transmission, and covid-19 mortality: Systematic review and meta-analysis. The BMJ. British Medical Journal Publishing Group. 2021;375.\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Interim statement on covid-19 vaccination for children. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news/item/11-08-2022-interim-statement-on-covid-19-vaccination-for-children\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Diphtheria. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diphtheria/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351903\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Measles. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/measles\n. Last Accessed 20 August\u00a0 2022.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/beaconhouse-school-fee", "title": "Beaconhouse Reduces School Fees by 15% Following MCO Extension", "body": "With the enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO), one of the largest networks of international and private schools Beaconhouse Group of School has announced a 15% reduction in fees.\u00a0\n\n\nThe announcement, which applies to all of Beaconhouse\u2019s 14 schools in Malaysia, comes to light after the extension of the nation\u2019s MCO order.\u00a0\n\n\nThe schools are:\n\n\n\n\nPreschool:\n BNEY Ampang U-Thant, BNEY Bangsar, BNEY SS2, Beaconhouse Subang Jaya, Beaconhouse Gasing, Beaconhouse Puchong, Beaconhouse Sri Petaling, Beaconhouse Kota Kemuning, Beaconhouse Klang, Beaconhouse Sarah\u2019s Klang\n\n\nPrivate Schools:\n Beaconhouse Sri Lethia, Beaconhouse Sri Murni\n\n\nInternational Schools:\n Sri Inai International, Newlands International\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, the school will reimburse school fees for the period of the MCO extension that was recently announced.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe understand the financial burden that some families may be facing amid school closure and economic slowdown. We are proud to be one of the first schools in the country to extend this gesture of goodwill to help the parents of our beloved students in these difficult times. Learning mustn\u2019t stop, no matter what,\u201d said Allister Bartholomew, Regional Director of Southeast Asia Beaconhouse Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHe added that the school\u2019s top most priority has always been the continuation of student education regardless of the situation.\n\n\n\u201cThis is part of our promise for holistic and life-long learning. Even though we are all at home playing our part to flatten the curve, our commitment to enriching our students continues,\u201d he said.\u00a0\n\n\nVirtual learning system\n\n\nDespite school closures for several weeks now, Beaconhouse Schooling Uninterrupted has launched a virtual learning system to provide a full spectrum of learning opportunities for its students.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cDespite such short notice we are pleased with the progress of our online teaching and learning platform, which is becoming more comprehensive and meaningful in its rollout every day. This is all thanks to our ever-committed teaching staff, our committed students and their dedicated parents,\u201d said Allister.\u00a0\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\nJust Stay at Home! 6 Edutainment Apps & Services to Keep Your Kids Learning\n\n\nPartner Stories\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\nEducation\nThrough The Lens of Star Students\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maid-from-hell-seduced-my-husband", "title": "Maid from hell seduced my husband", "body": "Like any busy parent with a family, we relied on foreign maids. It seems so commonplace nowadays. I remember my late-mother-law saying to my husband Colin and I that she never needed maids in her day. My husband liked to point out to his mother that things were different back then.\n\n\nI bet maids back in my mother-in-law\u2019s day never tried to seduce husbands. Or tried to burn down the home and attempt to commit suicide.\n\n\nFarewell to the old maid\n\n\n\n\nSeveral years ago, we grew to be quite fond of Pilar, our old Filipino maid, but we had to say goodbye to her when her contract ended. She carried out her duties without complaint, really. Our five-year-old son, Brian was also quite attached to Pilar.\n\n\nOur positive experiences with Pilar made me overlook my initial gut responses to our next maid. We switched maid agencies and they sent Gema, from Indonesia.\n\n\nFeelings of unease\n\n\nGema was 25 years old and in retrospect, she already gave me chills when I first set eyes on her. She seemed too worldly for someone who claimed to come from the countryside. Gema had waist-length black hair and sharp eyes, like a crow\u2019s. When we picked her up from the agency, she gazed at Colin for several seconds too long and admired our brand new Toyota Corolla.\n\n\nBurning down the apartment\n\n\nThe first three weeks with Gema passed without event. However, one day I was at work, I received a frantic phone call from the management of my condominium:\n\n\n\u201cExcuse me, are the you one of the owners of this unit?\u201d asked the manager.\n\n\n\u201cYes, why?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cYour apartment is on fire.\u201d\n\n\nI called my husband and quickly left the office and drove home. When I arrived, there was a fire engine waiting at the foot of the block. My heart stopped beating until I saw Brian standing with Gema at the entrance. Luckily he was not hurt, just rather disorientated.\n\n\nAccording to the firemen, a small fire had started in the kitchen and set off the smoke alarms. Since Gema had been home alone with Brian, I asked her what had happened. She said that one of the rings on the electric stove had caught fire. Which I found to be strange, because it was a new stove.\n\n\nThen my phone rang \u2014 it was Colin, asking me to come up to our apartment. When I got there, the whole floor stank of smoke. The smell was even worse inside the sooty apartment. A fireman was standing in the kitchen (one side of the cabinets and counter had been badly scorched) and showing something to Colin.\n\n\n\u201cYour fire seems to have started from here.\u201d the fireman pointed to a blackened round metallic container. It was the remains of the garbage can, with remnants of burnt newspaper stuffed inside it. Small sticks of what looked like used matches were scattered over the kitchen floor.\n\n\nColin quizzed Gema again over the cause of the fire, yet she stuck to the story she had told me. Since the stove was electric there was no need to light the gas with a flame, and Gema didn\u2019t smoke. Seeing that all of us had been through a rough time I didn\u2019t question further. Since our kitchen was out of order, we ate out for the next two weeks.\n\n\nFlirting with my husband \u2014 and stealing his shirts\n\n\nThis part is the hardest to tell, mainly because when I tried to tell my friends about it they just made jokes and thought I was being paranoid. But I feel it\u2019s difficult to see when you\u2019re not seeing it from day-to-day with your own eyes.\n\n\nA month after the fire, Gema started letting down her hair. She really had lovely shiny black hair, down to her waist. Every time she walked past my husband, she would swish her hair at him as if she was a model in a shampoo advert.\n\n\nColin ignored this gesture, but I found it annoying. When I tried to tell her to get a haircut or tie up her hair she would agree, but never do it. When I found a strand of long black hair in Brian\u2019s porridge and then lost my temper with Gema. Only after that she tied up her hair.\n\n\nBut Gema\u2019s flirting didn\u2019t stop there. She would giggle at the most minor things Colin would say to her and a few times I caught her eagerly brushing \u2018specks of dust\u2019 off his suit, when he came home in the evenings. Normally she wore a t-shirt and shorts at home, but the t-shirts started to show her midriff and the shorts became hot pants.\n\n\nThe last straw was when I noticed that three of Colin\u2019s shirts were missing. These were expensive designer shirts, so it wasn\u2019t possible they were simply misplaced. I couldn\u2019t find them until one Sunday, when I walked past Gema\u2019s room while she was out.\n\n\nShe had forgotten to close the door. Through the gap I saw something familiar hanging from the ceiling fan \u2014 it was one of Colin\u2019s shirts! I found the other two folded up under her bed.\n\n\nTo this day I still have no idea what she intended to do with the shirts. Perhaps she had a crush on Colin, or just liked the feel of the material. Some friends of mine suggested black magic, but that idea really creeps me out.\n\n\nGema jumps out of the window\n\n\nWhen I told Colin about the shirt incident, he agreed that Gema had to go. Colin had also overheard that Gema often told random strangers that Brian was her son, while we were out in public.\n\n\nGema\u2019s reaction was rather dramatic. She cried and said that she felt at home with us. I got really scared when she went to the upstairs window and threatened to jump.\n\n\nWe had to make a police report after that, since the commotion had attracted the attention of the neighbours, who had called the police. I remember the officer on duty being rather annoyed with Gema, because she tried to get his sympathy but he wasn\u2019t convinced. I overheard him say to his colleague, \u201cAnother maid trying to act crazy to go home!\u201d\nPartner Stories\nBayi\nKetahui 10 Masalah Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir & Cara Mengatasinya!\nTip keibubapaan\nAdakah Anak Anda Mendapat DHA Yang Mencukupi?\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nPertandingan & promosi\nThe Tale of the Frog Prince comes to Malaysia. Win free tickets here!\n\n\nPrecautions for other employers\n\n\nAfter all the drama my family had to go through, I would tell other people just to be very careful when hiring a maid. I suppose it is like a lottery, but please check with the agency if you feel in the slightest bit uneasy.\n\n\n*\nNames have been changed to protect identity.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/resilient-children-aptagro", "title": "The Foundation Of Resilient Children: A Simple Guide To Understanding Pre- And Probiotics", "body": "Do you see a vision of your children accomplishing great things? That one day they\u2019ll live an amazing life, blessing everyone that crosses their path, and constantly surrounded by love and gratitude? To unlock this achievement, there are several conditions parents must realise.\n\n\nThe first prerequisite is a child whose body is strong enough to reject illness. Because with a healthy body comes a vibrant mind \u2013 one that is constantly inquisitive and always learning new lessons. And the greatest teacher of all is life itself. Going out into the world gives your children a chance to discover purpose, passion, and progression. All of which come in equal measure with disappointment, frustration and trauma\n1\n.\n\n\nHow do you get your child in the right frame of mind to negotiate life\u2019s challenges? This is where you need to understand the importance of the immune system.\n\n\nUnderstanding The Immune System Of Resilient Children\n\n\n\n\nWhat is it?\n\n\nThe immune system is the body\u2019s defensive network against harmful substances like viruses, bacteria and other toxins. It is made up of different organs, cells and proteins, and is known as the body\u2019s most complex system.\n\n\nHow does it work?\n\n\nPathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites or germs) can infect the body and cause illnesses. Antigens are parts of the pathogen that warn the immune system when the body is being attacked. When this happens, the immune system responds by getting white-blood cells to produce antibodies and other mechanisms to get rid of the infection. The antibodies would then remain in the body so should the immune system get another attack from the same antigen, they could easily fight it off\n2\n.\n\n\nAccording to an article from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, the immune system also fights \u201cagainst the body\u2019s own cells that have changed due to an illness, for example, cancerous cells\u201d.\n\n\nThe symptoms we get during an infection such as headaches, fever and rashes are signs that our immune system is working to fight the infection.\n\n\nWhen does a child\u2019s immune system start to mature?\n\n\nA child\u2019s immune system begins to mature during the early years of childhood. They produce their own antibodies each time they\u2019re exposed to germs and viruses.\n\n\nWhat are the signs of a weak immune system?\n\n\nWe usually don\u2019t take notice of our immune system until something goes wrong. The list below is only a crude guide, but some signs of a weakened immune system may include:\n\n\n\n\nBowel movement problems \u2013 either diarrhea that lasts for more than two to four weeks, or constipation\n\n\nEye discomfort \u2013 dry, pain, blurry vision, redness, stringy discharge or a sandy feeling in your eyes\n\n\nFatigue\n\n\nMild fever\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\nRash\n\n\nJoint aches\n\n\nRepeated infection\n\n\nSun sensitivity\n\n\nUnexplained weight loss\n\n\nWhite patches of skin on body\n\n\nYellowing of skin and eyes\n\n\n\n\nThe Immune System and Mental Health\n\n\nThink of our immune system as a thermostat. Low temperatures means the body is doing just fine. But if infection sets in, that thermostat turns up the heat. Due to any number of reasons (such as an improper diet, stressful living conditions, or even a lack of parental affection) some people have thermostats that fluctuate more than others. While clinical studies are not conclusive, scientists have discovered individuals with immune systems that are constantly being stressed, to be at a higher risk of developing depression and psychosis.\n\n\nWhile we are only beginning to understand the complicated relationship between mental and physical health, researchers have found tons of evidence that an enhanced immune system contributes to positive emotions\n3\n.\n\n\nHealthy Body, Strong Mind, Better Future\n\n\n\n\nNow we know mental health is a crucial part of any child\u2019s overall makeup. A great way to support your child\u2019s healthy growth is by providing wholesome and healthy foods from day one. Eating well affects children\u2019s overall health and helps them perform well in their daily activities too.\n\n\nHere are some of our top picks for kid-friendly immune-boosting foods:\n\n\n\n\nProbiotic foods such as yogurt, tempeh, miso, sourdough bread \ufffcand cottage cheese with live cultures\u00a0\n\n\nPrebiotic fruits such as bananas, watermelon and custard apple\n\n\nSalmon and tuna for Omega 3 fatty acids\n\n\nOats and barley for soluble fibre\n\n\nBroccoli, oranges, carrots and strawberries for a good dose of vitamin C\n\n\n\n\nA child with a physically healthy body and a strong mind is more likely to ace through childhood with flying colours. Growing up active with lots of play and exploration provides your child with a variety of experiences that are essential for their developing personalities. With a happy and invigorating childhood, your child is most likely to mature into adulthood with a resilience that few can match.\n\n\nSupplementary Formula Packed With Pre- and Probiotics\n\n\nIf you\u2019re considering a milk formula that specifically aims to boost pre- and probiotics in young children, AptaGro\u2122 is one such option. As the no. 1 company* in formula milk for children in Europe**, AptaGro\u2122\u2019s \ufffcphilosophy is based on a simple but crucial principle: children must be exposed to the world to help build their resilience. Driven by the objective of building resilient children, AptaGro\u2122 has a track record of over 40 years of pioneering research. This has led to formula milk containing a patented combination of prebiotics and probiotics. On top of this, there are many important nutrients that help support children\u2019s bodies and their learning development, so you can let them build their resilience by experiencing the world.\n\n\nLearn more about it \nhere\n.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1 \nSimon, A. K., Hollander, G. A., & Mcmichael, A. (2015). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1821), 20143085. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.3085\n\n\n2 \nKids and the Immune System \u2013 CHOC Children\u2019s.\u201d \nwww.choc.org/health-topics/kids-immune-system/\n. Accessed 4 Dec. 2019.\n\n\n3 \nImmune system and mental health are connected.\u201d 15 Aug. 2019, \nmedicalxpress.com/news/2019-08-immune-mental-health.html\n. Accessed 4 Dec. 2019.\n\n\n*Danone Dumex is part of Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition \n\n\n**Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition calculation based in part on information reported by Nielsen through its Scan Track, MarketTrack and Retail Index Services for the Children nutrition milk formula for children aged between 12 and 36 months segment (client defined) in the Children nutrition milk formula category (client defined) for the 52-week period December 2017, for the total grocery channel in Belgium, Czech, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Switzerland. (Copyright \u00a9 2017 The Nielsen Company.)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/recovery-postnatal-delivery", "title": "What You Need To Know About Postnatal Wound Care & Recovering From Delivery!", "body": "Congratulations mommy on your newborn! This is a joyous time, but it\u2019s also a period of adjustment and healing for mothers. Your newborn might be your top priority, but postpartum care counts, too. Whether it\u2019s a vaginal delivery or through the window, caesarean section, care for both wounds are equally important.\u00a0\n\n\nEpisiotomy wound care\n\n\nIf you had a vaginal childbirth, you may have had an episiotomy done for you. Some women tear naturally during delivery. Caring for this wound will ensure it heals well with the least discomfort, especially when your lil\u2019 munchkin needs more of you. To reduce the pain and ensure good healing of your wound, the following can be done:\n\n\nGood hygiene and wound care:\n\n\n1. Always remember to keep the area clean!\n\u00a0Do rinse gently after passing urine with tap water. You should be given an antiseptic liquid, called chlorhexidine. Gently dab and clean using the liquid at least three times a day for the first 1-2 weeks. Try a sitz- bath, a small basin of warm water with a handful of salt thrown in, this helps with cleaning and healing the wound as well. Never clean your vagina after cleaning the anal area! Move from front to back to prevent germs from the anus coming in contact with your wound!\n\n\n2. Ensure to keep the area dry as much as possible.\n\u00a0Keeping the area dry reduces the pain and promotes healing. You may also try using a hair dryer to dry the wound area, DO NOT BURN YOURSELF!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n3. Change your sanitary pads as soon as possible.\n\u00a0The last thing you want during this time is your getting infected!\u00a0 While donut might remind you of your favourite snack, try to get your hands on \u201cdonut\u201d that you can sit on so that there is no direct pressure on the wound.\n\n\n4.\n\u00a0\nPain control\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0If the pain is too bothersome, over-the-counter pain control medications will help. Do note that if you are breastfeeding, always ask your baby\u2019s healthcare provider before taking any medications. If you can, get yourself some numbing gel/spray, it may be useful. Applying an ice pack can also help to ease pain.\n\n\n5.\n\u00a0\nAvoid constipation\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Keep things moving by drinking plenty of water and get a healthy diet that is full of fruits and vegetables. A fiber supplement may help. Some hospitals discharge the moms with lactulose syrup, if you don\u2019t have one you can always buy it over the counter in a pharmacy. Avoid the use of suppositories or enemas. Postpartum hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum usually caused by straining, the ugly side of chronic constipation. You can also apply an ice pack for this and take some pain medications.\n\n\nWhen the babies are too adventurous and want to sneak out through the window, the wound would be around the abdomen area. Each person\u2019s recovery will be different, depending on the medical and obstetrical circumstances and general health of the patient. Always bare in mind, any abdominal surgery is considered major surgery as the area has multiple important organs,\u00a0 YOU NEED TO TAKE THINGS SLOWLY!\n\n\nThings can be done for a c-sec wounds are:\u00a0\n\n\n1.\u00a0Early ambulation\n\u00a0\u2013 Get out of bed early! Start walking around and get your blood pumping. This will speed up recovery and prevent the development of blood clots in the veins. If you are in pain, do get some pain medication to help ease it. The incision wound will feel less painful as the days go by.\n\n\n2.\n\u00a0\nSuture\n\u00a0\u2013 The most commonly used types are the dissolvable ones, which means you don\u2019t have to get it removed. At times, you may be asked to return after a week to remove the non dissolvable stitches or metallic staples. Keep an eye on the suture to ensure its not infected or oozing blood/pus. Keep the area dry.\n\n\n3. Dressing\n\u00a0\u2013 When you are being discharged from the hospital, the dressing over the wound may be changed to a waterproof type. Try and maintain the area dry as much as possible after bathe. The dressing can be removed after a week. The use of an abdominal binder helps to support the abdominal wall muscles when walking and this may help in reducing pain.\u00a0\n\n\nLong term Postpartum complications\n\n\nDid you know, it takes up to six weeks for all your pregnancy-related changes in your body to revert back to its pre-pregnancy state.\n\n\nSome of the main complications are the relaxation of local muscles. The main complaints are lack of urine control with leakage every time the patients are pressing on the lower abdominal walls (gym, cough, sneeze, sexual intercourse). Also, the laxity of the tissues in the same area will alert these patients especially when they have lack of sexual satisfaction and alteration of sexual life quality. This could happen after any pregnancy, depending on the nature of the pregnancy and the delivery itself.\u00a0\n\n\nLuckily there are options available to get a quick fix, Vaginal rejuvenation using radio frequency. A non-surgical, quick, pain-free and safe solution. Can you believe that a simple, pain-free procedure can make a huge difference in women\u2019s lives? These issues are much more common than you would ever imagine and now they\u2019re really easy to solve.\u00a0\n\n\nOur recommendations are 3 to 4 months post delivery and you can get this done. It does not interfere with breastfeeding nor interferes with your menstrual cycle!\u00a0 The success rate is extremely high that patients benefit from just a few treatments!\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/family-movies", "title": "3 Timeless Animated Movies for the Whole Family", "body": "Since you can\u2019t avoid spending most of your time inside the house, why not enjoy yourself by finding entertaining things to do that\u2019ll get the whole family involved. A good way to do so is by watching movies together. But if you have little ones with you, the types of movies you choose to watch will need to be heavily considered so that they are suitable for them and at the same time can be enjoyed by both children and adults alike. Therefore, consider watching any one or all of the animated movies we have listed below. They\u2019ll surely make for a great time for you and your family.\n\n\n1. Mulan (1998)\n\n\n\n\nThe live-action version of this classic Disney movie starring Liu Yifei as well as other notable Chinese actors such as Donnie Yen, Jet Li, and Gong Li was set to premiere last month but due to the threat of coronavirus, the worldwide screening of the movie has been delayed until further notice. But just because you can\u2019t view the live-action version doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t enjoy the story. So go ahead and watch the original animated version of\u00a0\nMulan\n, you won\u2019t regret it at all.\n\n\n2. Toy Story (1995-2019)\n\n\n\n\nToy Story\n\u00a0was such a big hit amongst children of the 90s that it\u2019d be a shame not to rewatch all four movies again with your family and children. The fact that even as adults this movie franchise remains to be enjoyable proves its timeless attraction and charm. Each movie has unforgettable heartstring-tugging moments that\u2019ll bring you and your family closer than ever before.\n\n\n3. How to Train Your Dragon (2010-2019)\n\n\n\n\nOut of the three animated movies listed here, it is the most recent. Where\u00a0\nMulan\n\u00a0was all about the empowerment of women (no man needed to save the world) and\u00a0\nToy Story\n\u00a0was about friendship (between the toys as well as children),\u00a0\nHow to Train Your Dragon\n\u00a0focused on the concept of not judging a book by its cover for even though one might look or act a certain way, there\u2019s usually something more to the story as not everything might be as it seems.\n\n\nSince we don\u2019t want to spoil the movies for you we\u2019ve purposely omitted their summaries as we believe that it\u2019ll be more fun and not to mention give you something to do by searching for it yourself online. If you want to do something that\u2019s equally as interesting if not more so, head on over to an \nonline\n gift \nstore\n\u00a0and start creating your own Disney-themed souvenirs or memorabilia that can be enjoyed by you and your loved ones at home.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/toddlers-fall-to-their-death", "title": "Two toddlers die after slipping from parent\u2019s arm in shopping mall", "body": "It only takes a moment for your world to shatter. Two parents in Tianjin, China, know this too well after their two toddlers\u2014aged 2-3\u2014plummeted to their death at a shopping mall after slipping from their parent\u2019s arms.\n\n\nToddlers fall to death, parents could only watch in horror\n\n\nWhat began as a fun evening at the mall turned into a horrific nightmare.\n\n\nOn February 27, 2017, the family decided to enjoy some time at the Joy City mall in the Nankai district. According to the\u00a0\nShanghaiist\n, one parent was carrying both toddlers, and was standing by the railings on the fourth floor when one child slipped over the railings.\n\n\nThe Sun\n\u00a0reports\u00a0that as the parent attempted to save the falling tot, they lost their grip on the other toddler, who fell as well. They\u00a0could only watch in horror as the\u00a0two children plunged four storeys\u00a0to their death.\n\n\n\n\nIt was not clear whether it was the mother or the father who was holding the toddlers. Apparently, there was a 1.3m-high glass barrier at the balcony,\u00a0\n\n\nA video of the parents crying hysterically over the lifeless bodies of their children has circulated on social media.\n\n\nWhile some\u00a0netizens have been quick to criticise the parents for their so-called carelessness, many\u00a0more have expressed their sympathy.\n\n\nYou never think that something like this can happen to you until it does. We hope that these parents find the support they need after this tragedy.\n\n\nDon\u2019t underestimate your surroundings. Be aware of safety hazards\n\n\nThis incident is a reminder for all of us to\u00a0be careful, to be mindful of our surroundings, and most of all,\u00a0to hold our little ones close.\u00a0You can get so comfortable at\u00a0your\u00a0favorite mall, your neighborhood playground,\u00a0or even your own home that you fail to see the safety hazards around you.\n\n\nMake sure your child doesn\u2019t have access to dangerous objects or places where they could hurt themselves. Your child\u00a0still doesn\u2019t have a full grasp on what\u2019s safe and what\u2019s dangerous, so it is your job as her parent to minimise the dangers in her surroundings.\u00a0Awareness is key.\n\n\n*This article was first published in \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKids\nWhy we should be concerned about parabens in baby products\n#PendidikanKewangan\nJom Lihat Bagaimana Ibu Bapa Asia Mengajar Anak-Anak Tentang Wang\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nIngin Bantu Menyokong Proses Pembelajaran & Ingatan Anak? Ini Rupanya Cara Mudah Ibu Boleh Cuba!\nKanak-Kanak\nAnak Sering Nampak Letih, Ada Kemungkinan Kerana Anemia, Ketahui Simptom & Cara Mengatasinya!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-age-to-give-child-smartphone", "title": "The best age to give your child a smart phone, according to Bill Gates", "body": "He\u2019s the world\u2019s richest man and the creator of the modern computer industry, so it goes without saying that Bill Gates knows what he\u2019s talking about when it comes to technology and the best age to give child smartphone.\u00a0\n\n\nSo when he \nreveals\n the \u201csafest\u201d age for kids to have access to a smartphone, you know you better listen!\n\n\nIn a recent interview, the billionaire revealed that kids should\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nbe allowed to own a smartphone until they are \nat least 14 years old.\n\u00a0\n\n\nParenting and tech experts have praised Mr Gates, in the light of research that consistently highlights the downside of exposing kids to technology and the internet at a young age.\u00a0\n\n\nBill and Melinda\u2019s tech rules for their kids\n\n\n\n\nThey banned their three kids from owning mobile phones until they were 14.\u00a0\n\n\nScreen time is limited, giving them more time together as a family.\u00a0\n\n\nNo phones are allowed at the tables during meals.\u00a0\n\n\nThey enforce a \u2018knock-off\u2019 time for screen times every day, meaning their kids go to bed at a decent hour.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nToo much screen time can hamper a child\u2019s development. The key is to set rules related to usage.\n\n\n\n\nWhy too much screen time is bad for kids\n\n\nYes, it\u2019s really annoying when you\u2019re trying to get your kid\u2019s attention and he won\u2019t even look at you because he\u2019s too busy staring at a screen. But the damaging effects of too much screentime go deeper than this.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIt opens up the dark and dangerous corners of the internet and exposes your child to online dangers such as predators, bullying and dangerous games and challenges.\u00a0\n\n\nScreen time can \naffect the brain development\n of young children.\u00a0\n\n\nIt may make children lazy. For example, when a child listens to his mum telling him a story, he has to use a lot of cognitive processes to visualise and understand the story. A tablet, on the other hand, will do this processing for him.\u00a0\n\n\nIt can have an impact on his social development and health, making it hard for him to make \u2018real\u2019 friends.\u00a0\n\n\nIt creates addictive behaviour which can have a negative impact on your child, through his lifetime.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMums and dads, we\u2019re not saying screentime is bad. There are plenty of great apps and educational games, songs and stories that help with your child\u2019s development.\u00a0\n\n\nThe key is to set rules \u2013 much as you would for most other parenting matters \u2013 and be strict about enforcing these and making sure your child sticks to them.\u00a0\n\n\nShare with us \u2013 what are your screentime rules for your children?\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/8-things-you-should-know-about-hari-raya-puasa", "title": "8 things you should know about Hari Raya Puasa", "body": "It\u2019s\u00a0Hari Raya Puasa soon! Our Muslim friends must be busy preparing a scrumptious and mouth-watering feast of Lontong, Ayam Masak Merah, Beef Rendang, Ketupat and Kueh. Yum!\n\n\nBut,\u00a0apart from the delectable dishes\u00a0Malaysian get to taste during the joyful occasion, how much do we all really know about Hari Raya Puasa?\n\n\nHere are 8 things that we should all know about the festival to join in the celebrations with our Muslim friends and neighbours.\n\n\nWhy is\u00a0Hari Raya Puasa celebrated?\n\n\nHari Raya Puasa marks the end of a month of fasting for Muslims. It is a day of joyous celebrations. Some think that Hari Raya Puasa is the Muslim New Year but that is not true!\n\n\nJust what exactly does \u2018Ramadan\u2019\u00a0mean?\n\n\nRamadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a month of fasting for Muslims. During fasting, Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activities from dawn till dusk.\n\n\nRamadan is considered a very auspicious month in the Islamic calendar as it is believed that Prophet Mohammed received the first verses of the Qur\u2019an during this month.\n\n\nWhy do Muslims fast?\n\n\nMuslims fast to appreciate what God has bestowed upon them. Through fasting, they believe that one\u00a0learns self-control and develops empathy\u00a0towards\u00a0what the poor undergo on a daily basis. Fasting is an important religious duty in Islam.\n\n\n\n\nHari Raya Puasa marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and is day of gratitude and celebrations.\n\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s the difference between Hari Raya Puasa and Hari Raya Haji?\n\n\nWhile Hari Raya Puasa is a day for celebrating the end of the fasting month, Hari Raya Haji, which occurs usually about three months later, marks the end of the pilgrimage (Haj) Muslims make\u00a0to the holy city of Mecca.\n\n\nHari Raya Haji is also widely referred to as the \u2018day of sacrifice\u2019 as Muslims believe that on this day, Prophet Ibrahim almost sacrificed his son, Ismail, in an act of obedience and reverence to God.\n\n\nMuslims usually slaughter sheep and cows and feed the poor in remembrance of the Prophet\u2019s sacrifice.\n\n\n\n\nFamilies wear traditional clothes on the day of Hari Raya Puasa.\n\n\n\n\nWhat happens on the day of Hari Raya Puasa? \n\n\nMuslims wake up early, visit the mosque and thank God for the blessings they have in life. They also seek forgiveness from their elders and receive \u2018green\u2019\u00a0packets of money. While dressed in their best, people\u00a0visit family and friends and dig into delicious food!\n\n\n\u201cIt feels amazing when I put a morsel of Ayam Masak Merah in my mouth! It feels like the entire month of fasting was sooo worth it!\u201d exclaims\u00a0 Nisa Jumat, 24 \u2013 student.\n\n\nWhat are the traditional clothes, worn on the day, called?\u00a0\n\n\nYou look out the window on the day of Hari Raya Puasa and see brightly clothed people flagging a cab down. You try and tell your other half what these beautifully tailored clothes are but can\u2019t get the names right..\n\n\nLet us tell you. Women usually either wear a Baju Kurong, Baju Kebaya or Jubah. Men wear the male version of a Baju Kurong together with a Kain Samping (a piece of cloth worn over the trouser of the Baju Kurong).\n\n\nIt is common to see men wear a songkok on their heads as well. It doesn\u2019t really matter if you wear a Kebaya or Kurong \u2013 it is a matter of preference.\n\n\n\n\nHow should guests generally behave?\n\n\nMost Muslims in Malaysia do not expect guests to present gifts or cash. If guests insist on presenting something, then sweets, cookies or kueh are best and will be appreciated by most hosts!\n\n\nGuests should also look out for what not to give.\n\n\nBlack is an\u00a0avoidable colour. Wine, champagne or any other form of alcohol is an absolute no.\n\n\nAdditionally, non-Muslim\u00a0guests are not\u00a0expected to be dressed in traditional Malay clothes. However, it might please your hosts, if you made the effort.\n\n\nDon\u2019t have the time to shop for a Baju Kebaya or Jubah? Fret not! Wearing casual Western clothing is completely acceptable! However, keep in mind that the Muslim community here is quite modest.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nLifestyle\nSpread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!\n\n\nSo female readers, remember not to wear anything too revealing! If you\u2019re not too sure about the dress code, just keep in mind that short skirts and cleavage baring tops are a no-no!\n\n\n\n\nBefore you dig into the yummy food, be sure to wish your friends \u2018Selamat Hari Raya\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the most common Hari Raya Puasa greetings?\n\n\nSelamat Hari Raya is the traditional greeting used by Malay Muslims which means \u2018Happy Hari Raya\u2019 and \u2018Maaf Zahir dan Batin\u2019 which when translated loosely, means \u2018 I seek forgiveness from you\u2019.\n\n\nA lot of\u00a0Muslims also\u00a0say \u2018Eid Mubarak\u2019 when they greet each other; the term has Arabic origins. \u2018Eid Mubarak\u2019 means \u2018Happy Hari Raya\u2019.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/fetal-kick-chart", "title": "Counting Kicks: Why & How to Track Fetal Movement", "body": "Every \npregnant mother\n waits to feel their baby\u2019s kicks \u00a0\u2013 it is a wonderfully reassuring feeling that your baby is safe and sound.\u00a0Most new mothers will feel their baby move between 18 and 25 weeks, while women who have previously gone through pregnancy can sense the flutters as early as 14 weeks as they already know how it feels.\u00a0As precious as these kicks are and although you just want to cherish or live in these moments, you should also be tracking your baby\u2019s movements to understand their activity pattern. A fetal kick chart is one way you can do this.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is fetal behaviour important? \n\n\nMany of us know this: an active baby in the belly is a healthy baby. This is the very reason why understanding their behaviour or activity pattern can help you flag any possible signs of distress.\u00a0\n\n\nTracking their movements is especially important within the third trimester when your baby\u2019s kicks should be regular and strong. Any unusual pattern changes in movement could potentially be an indicator that your pregnancy may be at risk of complications. This fact is supported by various studies, including one conducted by \nBMA Pregnancy and Childbirth\n which revealed that changes in activity are also linked the risk of stillbirth \u2013 a heartbreaking tragedy we mummies pray never to face.\n\n\nWith this, you have probably heard about kick counting and with good reason. Kick counting remains as one of the best ways to track your baby\u2019s activity pattern as you will know what is \u201cnormal\u201d activity for him or her, as well as when and how active your little one can be \u2013 it is good to practice counting your kicks daily, especially in your 28th week of pregnancy when your baby\u2019s kicks are more prominent. In doing so, you are able swiftly act on contacting your doctor when you sense any signs of any abnormal activity patterns.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat counts as a \u2018kick\u2019? \n\n\nBesides actual baby kicks, their twists, turns, swishes, rolls and jabs also count as one movement. However, baby hiccups do not count as a kick \u2013 these often feel repetitive or as a rhythmic twitching or a pulsating motion.\n\n\nBut, if you are unsure if your baby has hiccups or is kicking, one method to differentiate this is by moving around. Sometimes, if you reposition yourself, your baby may move as he or she is feeling a little uncomfortable. You can also eat something to stimulate their senses. If the twitching or repetitive feeling continues to linger after this or when you are still, it could just be a case of the hiccups.\n\n\nTracking your kicks using a fetal kick chart or other method: Count to 10\n\n\nThe \nAmerican Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists\n (ACOG) recommends that mothers should be charting how long it take to feel 10 movements within two hours at least once a day. However, you should not count one session for more than two hours \u2013 this way you will be able to properly identify their activity pattern and take notice when there is a sudden change in movement during these active periods. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThere are many mediums you can use to track your kicks. Some mummies prefer using a printable chart, jotting it down in a notebook or with a digital kick counter (such theAsianparent kick counter on our app). When counting kicks, there are three main and very crucial things to note down during your sessions \u2013 the date, times and of course, the amount of kicks.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are keen on recording your kicks manually,\u00a0 here is an example of an easy fetal kick chart format we made that you can follow:\n\n\n\n\nFetal kick chart example\n\n\n\n\nRecording these movements under each of these columns is\u00a0 crucial as this allows you to observe your baby\u2019s activity pattern to identify how long it normally takes your baby to move or finish 10 movements.\n\n\nKick counting tips to keep in mind\n\n\n\n\nThere are certain positions and tips you can follow that allow you to feel your baby\u2019s movements better when counting their kicks. Here are some of our top tips:\n\n\n\n\nAlways set aside a time: \nChoose a time when your baby is most active to feel their kicks. It is important to set aside this time alone for you to sit or lie down \u2013 this will let you feel their movements and count each kick.\u00a0\n\n\nGet comfortable with the right position:\n Mums know that placing your hands on the abdomen area helps you feel the kicks. But, it is also equally important to be comfortable as you do this so you can fully concentrate on counting his or her movements. Many pregnant women prefer to lie on their left side as a comfortable position to count their baby\u2019s movement \u2013 lying down as such also allows \nbetter circulation that allows your baby\n to be much more active. Likewise, you can also count your kicks while sitting down.\n\n\nContacting your doctor:\n If your baby has less than 10 kicks in two hours, don\u2019t panic! Wait for a few hours and start counting your kicks again \u2013 if there continues to be less than 10 kicks, it is advisable to contact your doctor immediately. However, if there is a change in their activity pattern that prolongs between three and four days, you should also consult your doctor. Your doctor may conduct a Non-stress Test (NST) in both of these scenarios to check your baby\u2019s heart rate and movements using a fetal monitor.\n\n\n\n\nRemember, stay positive always\n\n\nWe cannot deny that kick counting can lead to anxious mummies, where some avoid counting kicks all at once because of this \u2013\u00a0 we all want the best for our babies and any unusual activity can trigger maternal anxiety. Nevertheless, as we mentioned, counting your kicks and tracking your baby allows you to pick up their behavioural patterns. Yes, we have maternal instinct but tracking your kicks can help your doctor understand your baby\u2019s health, especially in threatening situations.\u00a0\n\n\nScientific studies have also brought to the light the benefits of kick counting with expectant mums, especially during their third trimester \u2013 it was said that mums are the best evaluator of their baby\u2019s status and education on kick counting could be one of the\n main pillars in stillbirth prevention\n. But, avoid panicking if there is a change and instead, stay calm while contacting your doctor for advise.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-electrocuted-to-death-in-dryer-is-grim-lesson-on-safe-play", "title": "Child electrocuted to death in dryer is grim lesson on safe play", "body": "We are often wary of the dangers of outdoor play areas. However, sometimes, we overlook hidden dangers in our very own homes, especially when it comes to play. A recent, shocking incident involving the death of a boy shows just how dangerous household appliances can be to kids. It also highlights the importance of keeping an eye even on older kids, and creating a safe play environment at home.\u00a0\n\n\nA Tragic End to Hide-and-Seek\u00a0\n\n\nFernando Fernandez Junior, 10, was playing hide-and-seek with his younger brother one day. However, the game ended tragically as he was found inside the dryer, lifeless.\n\n\nThe mum of both boys, Christina Rodriguez, was shocked and heartbroken to find out about her 10 year old son\u2019s shocking death.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t know what happened. I was just inside cooking and my little son came inside and told me my son was dead on the floor, \u201d she says.\n\n\nMs Rodriguez then asked her boyfriend to bring him into the house, but it was too late. \u201cHe was purple. His eyes were open. He was gone,\u201d she recounts tearfully.\n\n\nFernando was rushed to the hospital, where paramedics performed CPR on him in futility. He was pronounced dead soon after.\u00a0Initially, authorities thought the boy had suffocated inside the dryer. However, a further investigation by a Harris County Medical Examiner discovered that he was electrocuted.\u00a0\n\n\nHow Do I create a Safe Play Environment?\n\n\nThis accident is made even more tragic because it shows that even older kids can get hurt while playing. And as sad as the incident is, it serves as a reminder about the need to always supervise children (old or young) when they are playing in case anything unexpected happens.\n\n\nHow do we do that? Here are some tips for creating a safe play environment:\n\n\n\n\nCheck your crib\u2019s side grills. Are they narrow enough to prevent your baby\u2019s head from getting stuck?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nFor \nYounger Children\n:\n\n\n\n\nCheck your baby\u2019s crib and ensure that it is of\n an appropriate standard\n. For instance, the fencing gaps must be narrow and bolts should be secure. Are there \nany choking hazards \nlike ribbons, buttons, and removable paddings? Is the crib near a window or too exposed to the sun?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAlways \nlock windows and doors\n. Windows should be free of cords and nearby furniture. Fit doors with stoppers so your little one\u2019s hands don\u2019t get caught.\u00a0\n\n\nSeal electrical outlets\n with a sturdy cover and \nplace electrical cords\n out of sight.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nArrange your\u00a0\nroom\u2019s furniture\n. Is the room crowded with too much furniture? Are objects like changing tables and chairs stable? Are there any gaps between tall and heavy furniture against the wall? Drawers and cabinet doors should be fitted with latches so that the baby won\u2019t open them. Cushion all furniture corners to avoid injuries.\u00a0\n\n\nDecorate wisely. \nAvoid paint with lead, heavy mirrors and picture frames, and avoid leaving items that have strings or tiny removable parts in the nursery.\u00a0\n\n\nOnly let your children play with toys that are \nsafe, lead-free and age appropriate\n. Buy your toys from reputable brands and be sure to read the instructions before finalising payment. Also, toys should be stored in chests that don\u2019t close quickly so kids won\u2019t get their hands stuck.\n\n\nEnsure that the space is open and lacking obstructions. This\u00a0area helps infants and toddlers explore their environment without any hesitation.\n\n\n\n\nFor Older Children:\n\n\n\n\nSet some rules. For instance playtime should not last more than one to two hours, and kids should be advised to stay away from potential hazards, such as knives.\u00a0\n\n\nEstablish these rules and routines consistently at home and in childcare or preschool. Only let your kids play with friends who you know and trust. This way, their friends are able to contact you should anything happen, and it will prevent strangers from bullying your kids.\n\n\nTeach your kids to look out for one another in case something wrong happens. This will help older children develop autonomy, friendships and teach them how to socialise.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlways ensure that your kids play with kids who you know and that they are accountable for one another\u2019s safety.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlways supervise your children, whether old or young, while they are playing.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you cannot supervise them, ensure that there is a trusted adult nearby who will take care of them.\n\n\nInspect the environment where they are to play beforehand. Are there any potential hazards around the location? Is it overwhelming to the senses? For instance, kitchens and bathrooms should be out of bounds as they may contain hazards. Kitchens have heavy objects, and bathrooms can be slippery. Strong chemicals like bleach are also commonly stored there.\n\n\nExplain to your children what they should do if an emergency happens, such as a fire breaking out, a toddler becoming unconscious, or a stranger following them. Always tell them to contact the nearest adult for help, and tell them how to contact emergency (995) and what to say.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWe at \ntheAsianparent\n hope that this has been useful for creating a safe play environment that protects your loved ones from tragic accidents.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nFox News\n, \nPlay and the Learning Environment\n, \nResponse Ability\n\n\nALSO READ: \nCreating a safe nursery\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nGive Health A Shot\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nKehamilan\nMengapakah ibu-ibu mengandung dan menyusu memerlukan suplementasi DHA?\nGive Health A Shot\nIni Sebabnya Ada Ibu Bapa Enggan Vaksin Anak-Anak dan Mereka Harus Ubah Fikiran\nPregnancy\nTips for a Healthy Pregnancy\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-be-a-work-from-home-mum", "title": "How to be a work-from-home mum", "body": "Mothers definitely have loads of work at home. But this article is not about the household chores and the duties of \u00a0taking care of the family. This is more about mothers who are taking care of the home and the family, while earning extra income at the same time to augment the family expenses \u2014 in other words, here\u2019s how to be a work from home mum.\n\n\n\n\nHow to be a work from home mum?\n\n\n\n\nI can relate well to mothers who look for ways and means to make ends meet especially when the husband is the only bread winner in the family.\n\n\nThough I have been earning my own income as a working mother, I know how difficult it can be when there are mouths to feed and bills, which cost more than or just equal to what the family earns, to pay.\n\n\nWhile some mothers leave their homes to seek work and earn income, this is a luxury that many mothers do not have \u2014 someone has to stay home to\u00a0look after their children.\n\n\n\n\nSome mums choose to stay at home and look after their kids full-time. But it is possible to be a work-from-home mum with some careful thought and planning\n\n\n\n\nSo, how to be a work from home mum?\n\n\nLuckily, today\u2019s mothers are more fortunate than their earlier counterparts. \u00a0The Internet has made the world much smaller and opened doors to hundreds and thousands of women to work from home.\n\n\nA word of caution before I proceed any further though: beware of the\u00a0many online scams.\n\n\nIn this article, I am going to share with you information about online work opportunities that stay-at-home mothers can do and where to find legitimate work.\n\n\nI will also share a few tips on how they can balance their work and family priorities.\n\n\n\n\nThere are plenty of online jobs if you know where to look\n\n\n\n\nHow to be a work from home mum: The kind of jobs to look for\n\n\nThere are many online work opportunities you can apply for depending on your skills and abilities.\n\n\nHere\u2019s a list to get you started:\nAdministrative Support\n \u2013 This involves data entry or becoming a virtual assistant. If you can write articles, do research, coordinate travel plans, answer letters or emails, create database, transcribe audio files or type fast, then you can work as a virtual assistant for a client.\n\n\n\n\nWriting, Proofreading, Editing and Translation\n \u2013 This job is for those who can write, proofread or edit web content, articles,resumes, \u00a0letters, stories, essays or speeches, or for those who can translate one language to another.\n\n\nMultimedia Design\n \u2014 If you are creative enough to design graphics, logos, animation, brochures, labels and packages, cartoons and comics, photographs and a lot more, then this type of work can be good for you.\n\n\nFinance and Management\n \u2013 Those who are knowledgeable in accounting, bookkeeping, financial planning, business consultancy, operations management etc. can earn much from this type of work online.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou too can be a successful work-from-home mum\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLegal Services\n \u2013 If you are an expert when it comes to laws and legal procedures, then this could be the best type of online work for you. This entails providing legal advice or writing legal documents for different clients.\n\n\nSales and Marketing\n \u2013 This refers to promoting websites and products for a business owner. If you\u2019re someone who is well-versed in sales and marketing, a lot of opportunities await you.\n\n\nWeb and Programming\n \u2013 Website design, web or blog programming, software applications development and search engine optimization are just some of the web and programming jobs you can find from the internet.\n\n\n\n\nHow to be a work from home mum: Finding opportunities\n\n\nIt isn\u2019t difficult to find websites that can introduce you to the different work opportunities mentioned above.\n\n\nTwo websites that I can personally recommend and find find trustworthy are \nwww.elance.com\n and \nwww.odesk.com\n.\n\n\nThese websites are venues \u00a0for legitimate work which will safeguard your interests.\n\n\nHow to be a work from home mum: Succeeding in your online work\n\n\n\n\nUseful tips on how to be a work from home mum\n\n\n\n\nIt can definitely be difficult to ensure that you take care of the home and the children and deliver expected output from your online employer. But you can succeed with discipline and determination.\n\n\nHow to be a work from home mum: Tips to get serious about your online work\n\n\n\n\nSet up your own office at home. Put a desk or table and a chair. Make it comfortable and clean so that when you work you\u2019ll feel at ease.\n\n\nSet and follow a schedule. Make your family members understand that you are working and they are not to disturb you when you are working except for emergency reasons. And don\u2019t try to mix up your house work and online work. Work according to your schedule.\n\n\nList down things to do and prioritize the urgent and important ones. You can easily be overwhelmed with the many things you have to do but the secret to doing what you can do promptly is by prioritizing.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo make time to spend with your family too\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTake every opportunity to do your work and be productive. When you go out for grocery or errands or when waiting for your children from school, you can bring a notepad where you can jot down ideas which you can finalize when you\u2019re in your home office. It\u2019s great if you have a laptop or notebook handy where you can directly do whatever you have to work on online.\n\n\nHave a break. Always remember to set aside time off from your work in order to relax and spend time with your children and spouse.\n\n\n\n\nWhen at first things don\u2019t work out well, don\u2019t be discouraged because it takes time to finally get the feel of working online and staying at home.\n\n\nAre you a work-from-home mum? Share your tips with us by leaving a comment\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/full-vaccine-list-in-malaysia-for-kids", "title": "Doctor And Mum Pleads With Parents To Learn More About These Vaccines", "body": "Dr Angel Ho Yun Ying has been a practising doctor for over a decade now and is currently in \ntraining to become a specialist in caring for the elderly. As a geriatric fellow, her focus has \nvery much been on the elderly in a work setting.\n\n\nBut her life\u2019s juxtaposition is having to focus on the elderly all day long while also being a \nmother to two young boys. Her two sons, aged three and five, are a stark contrast and a burst \nof energy compared to her usual \u201ccompanions\u201d at work.\n\n\nSo it is understandable, though at first a little shocking, that Dr Ho herself had missed out on \nsome key vaccines to give her kids despite being a doctor. In fact, her story is a warning to \nother parents that oversights happen to the best of us.\n\n\n\u201cBoth of my children have completed vaccinations under the National Immunisation \nProgramme (NIP). They have also gotten their pneumococcal vaccine which was not initially \npart of the NIP,\u201d she shares. But in the rush of things of being a new mother (and even a \nsecond-time mother) and juggling her career, other vaccinations had slipped her mind.\n\n\n\u201cBy the time I realised that my children were due for the rotavirus and chickenpox vaccines, \nit was too late. It had just simply slipped my mind due to my busy schedule, as they are not \nlisted in the compulsory list of vaccines,\u201d she adds.\n\n\nRotavirus and Chickenpox\n\n\nWhat are these diseases and why is it so important to get your kids vaccinated if it is not part \nof the current National Immunisation Programme?\n\n\nRotavirus is a virus that affects the intestinal tract resulting in diarrhoea, vomiting and fever \ntoo, and is found in the baby\u2019s poop.\n\n\nA caretaker, like a nanny or a parent, could potentially be a carrier for the virus when we are \ncleaning the baby\u2019s dirty diaper, and the virus gets in contact with our hands, then \ncontaminates anything we touch after that. Then, the baby could touch these contaminated \nsurfaces or objects, and if they put their hands in their mouth, the virus will infect them.\n\n\nIf the child is infected, symptoms will start appearing after 2 days of contracting the virus. \nAlongside vomiting or diarrhoea, your baby might also lose their appetite. For babies, not \nhaving an appetite means that they won\u2019t drink their milk, which could lead to dehydration(1) \nand in severe cases, death(2).\n\n\nChickenpox, on the other hand, is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. A child \ncan start showing symptoms anywhere from 1-3 weeks after catching the virus. Symptoms \nstart with an itchy rash outbreak on the whole body and the blisters will be filled with fluid.\n\n\nIn complicated cases, the child could end up with bacterial skin infections, a bloodstream \ninfection, pneumonia or worse still, inflammation or swelling of the brain (encephalitis, \ncerebellar ataxia). In the most extreme cases, chickenpox can even lead to death due to such \ncomplications(3).\n\n\nA Mistake She Regrets\n\n\n\n\nSo it comes as no surprise that not having vaccinated her kids for these diseases was a \nmistake that Dr Ho regrets. With the risks that these diseases bring, any parent would want to \nprotect their child to the best of their ability. And Dr Ho believes that what parents can do to \nprotect their kids in the best possible way is to vaccinate.\n\n\nOn top of which, hygiene is also a top priority of hers to ensure the well-being of her kids. \nShe believes the combination of both is what can protect kids and keep them in good health \nas much as possible.\n\n\nThough hygiene played a big part in her mission to keep the kids safe from such harm, she \ndoes confess that if she had paid closer attention to the missed immunisations, she would \nhave felt more at ease, especially when putting her kids in the care of others.\n\n\n\u201cAs we know, the varicella virus can cause encephalitis and pneumonia. Acute gastroenteritis \n(resulting from rotavirus) in young children can also potentially cause severe dehydration \nrequiring hospitalisation. I was very blessed never to have experienced this despite missing \nout on the vaccines but I do hope to share with other parents on the importance of adding \nthese vaccines to their own version of a full vaccine list in Malaysia for kids,\u201d she elaborates.\n\n\n\u201cI definitely feel that more education programmes are needed, aimed at both healthcare \nworkers and the public regarding non-compulsory vaccines. It can be easy to overlook these \naspects without occasional reminders.\n\n\nThe seriousness of contracting the actual illnesses should also be reiterated. Webinars, live \nevents and even posters can be useful in this regard,\u201d she adds.\n\n\nShe adds that she feels regretful that she did not pay closer attention to this. Kids who are not \nvaccinated against such diseases are put at unnecessary risk for potential disease transmission \nand complications.\n\n\nAdding full vaccine list in Malaysia for kids to your diaries\n\n\n\n\nThe key takeaway that Dr Ho wanted to emphasise to parents is that the full vaccine list in \nMalaysia for kids should be added to your calendars as soon as you find out you\u2019re pregnant.\n\n\nBecause once you get pregnant, the whirlwind speed at which parenthood happens can really \noverwhelm you and this can be inadvertently pushed to the backburner.\n\n\nHere is the full vaccine list in Malaysia for kids that go above and beyond the NIP that \nparents should consider right off the bat:\n\n\n\n\n Rotavirus\n\n\n Meningococcal\n\n\n Influenza\n\n\n Varicella (chickenpox)\n\n\n Cholera\n\n\n Typhoid\n\n\n Hepatitis A\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI would like to tell parents the best way we can protect our children from infectious diseases \nis through vaccination, besides also ensuring a good hygiene environment for them. Start \nplanning from day one, make appointments with your medical practitioners and set reminders \nso you provide the best protection for your kids,\u201d Dr Ho encourages.\n\n\n\u201cThere are 2 ways to develop antibodies towards certain diseases. The first way is after \ngetting infected\u2013 but this may mean the infections can be serious and potentially life-threatening\n. The second and safer way is through immunisation,\u201d she explains.\n\n\n\u201cVaccination is one of the most effective ways to build our immune system. After the jab, \nthere may be some minor reaction which is usually self-limiting. Antibodies then develop \nwithout suffering from the actual illness,\u201d she says.\n\n\nNot only do we protect our children from the disease itself, she adds, we are also protecting \nthe community of kids around our children from spreading the disease.\n\n\nFor the vaccines to be so readily available at clinics and also at an affordable price point, \nparents can take this active step in ensuring their kids are protected and also be responsible \ntowards their overall community.\n\n\nSpeaking to the hearts of parents, Dr Ho knows and understands that parents would never \nwant to see their kids suffer from illnesses. It can be heartbreaking for a mother to watch her \nchild go through an illness. So we should not subject others\u2019 to that potential harm too.\n\n\nShe urges parents not to overlook the vaccines like she had and to protect kids from as many \nof these preventable illnesses as possible.\n\n\nSpeak to your doctor about getting your child\u2019s health protection on track today or find a clinic near you \nhere\n.\n\n\nMY-VVX-00066 Sep/2021\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\n WebMD. (n.d.). What Is Rotavirus? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. WebMD. \nwww.webmd.com/children/guide/what-is-rotavirus\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Lim, B. Y. (2016, May 24). Rotavirus Vaccine. PORTAL MyHEALTH. \nwww.myhealth.gov.my/en/rotavirus-vaccine/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April 28). Chickenpox (Varicella) \nComplications. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \nwww.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/complications.html#:~:text=Chickenpox%20can%20alsoo%20cause%20death,disease%20from%20their%20unvaccinated%20children\n.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-eat-whole-grains", "title": "How To Get Your Child To Eat More Wholegrain", "body": "You\u2019ve heard of it. In fact, \nyou know it\n \u2013 whole grains are healthy and a necessary part of your diet. For children, it\u2019s just as \u2013 if not more \u2013 important to eat whole grains. In fact, according to the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, at least \nhalf\n of your child\u2019s intake \nof grains should be in the form of whole grains. But here\u2019s the thing: Most children don\u2019t have enough whole grain in their diet. The Nutrition Society of Malaysia conducted a nationwide dietary survey and the results showed that an alarming nine\n out of ten children \naren\u2019t getting enough whole grain!\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry, mums and dads, we\u2019re here to tell you a bit more about the benefits of eating whole grain. More importantly, we\u2019ll also tell you \nhow\n to get your child to eat more whole grain!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Is a Whole Grain?\u00a0\n\n\nBefore anything\n, what is a whole grain? A grain is considered \u201cwhole\u201d if it has all three edible parts of it still intact, just as it was during harvesting. It should not have been ground, refined or processed \u2013 something that grains such as white flour, rice and noodles go through.\u00a0\n\n\nThe three parts of a whole grain:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBran\n \u2013 outermost skin and contains antioxidants, B-vitamins and dietary fibre\u00a0\n\n\nGerm\n \u2013 the part of the grain seed that is able to sprout into a new plant; it is high in B-vitamins, minerals, some protein and healthy fats\n\n\nEndosperm \u2013 \nthe\n \nlargest part of the grain; it provides energy mainly in the form of carbohydrates and some protein\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBenefits of Eating Whole Grain\u00a0\n\n\nWhole grains are full of fibre, vitamins and antioxidants that are great for your child. They also offer a plethora of health benefits such as a reduction in the risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.\n1\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nB Vitamins\n are essential for a healthy nervous system and to convert and produce energy from fats, carbohydrates and glucose.\n\n\nMinerals \nlike magnesium build strong bones and release energy from muscles.\u00a0\n\n\nAntioxidants\n2 \n\u00a0\nstrengthen the body\u2019s ability to fight infection and disease.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe extra fibre in whole grain also significantly adds to its many benefits. Dietary fibre is important for the bowel to function properly, and it reduces constipation. In addition, your child will feel more \u201cfull\u201d from the extra fibre in whole grain. This full feeling helps a lot when it comes to combating obesity or preventing children from snacking on sugar-loaded or unhealthy junk food.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhole Grain Sources\u00a0\n\n\nNow that you\u2019re aware of the benefits of eating whole grain (and \nhopefully\n are convinced about including it in your child\u2019s diet), the next question is, where do you get whole grain from? Here are some of the common sources of whole grain:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBarley\n\n\nBrown rice\u00a0\n\n\nBuckwheat\n\n\nOatmeal\n\n\nCorn\n\n\nWheat \n\n\n\n\nThese whole grains are then used to make all kinds of grain-based foods such as noodles, bread, pasta and cereals.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen to Include Wholegrain\u00a0\n\n\nMums and dads, now that you are aware that kids today aren\u2019t eating enough whole grains, this is where you come in.\u00a0\n\n\nTo begin with, it\u2019s important to quell the misconception that children won\u2019t like whole grains. Eating habits are, more often than not, a result of conditioning, so children tend to like foods they are exposed to and are most familiar with. As such, it\u2019s never too early to start steering your children in the right direction. Remember, healthy eating habits encouraged from a young age will have a lasting, positive impact on their health.\n\n\nWhile you can (\nand should\n) include whole grains in all their meals, breakfast is your best bet. There are endless options of whole grain bread, cereal and oatmeal to tickle their taste buds.\n\n\n\n\nMaking Wholemeal a Choice\u00a0\n\n\nApart from whole grain breakfasts, here are some simple ways that you can make eating whole grain a healthy habit. It\u2019s as simple as making it a preferred choice!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMix white with brown\n \u2013 It might be a bit shocking to serve your kids an entire plate of brown rice, so you can start by mixing half white and brown rice and cooking it as per normal in the rice cooker. Brown rice can also be used in entirety when making fried rice as it is less obvious.\n\n\nNoodles and pasta\n \u2013 When cooking noodles and pasta, choose whole grain options. With all the seasoning and flavour, they probably won\u2019t be able to tell the difference!\n\n\nBread\n \u2013 When making wraps, buns or sandwiches, choose whole grain bread over white.\u00a0\n\n\nOatmeal \n\u2013 This can be eaten any time of the day. It can also be cooked with savoury dishes. You can even use it for making smoothies!\n\n\nCereal \n\u2013 Explore the many different whole grain cereals available. Served with milk and topped with fresh fruits, it makes a healthy and delectable breakfast. For variety, you can include crushed cereal as toppings for other dishes.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThere you go, mums and dads. These are just a few of the numerous ways to include whole grains in your child\u2019s diet. If you don\u2019t succeed immediately, keep exploring new options, and you will find the answer in no time. Remember, the choice you make today, matters for your child\u2019s tomorrow!\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\n\n\nHealthhub \nand \nEssentialkids\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-fish-bowl", "title": "Introducing \u201cIftar Date Combo\u201d The New Seasonal Poke Bowl For This Ramadan", "body": "Ramadan is back! The\u00a0Fish\u00a0Bowl\u00a0has created a special combo promotion for all poke\u00a0bowl\u00a0lovers to celebrate this holy month.\n\n\nWe would like to introduce our newest \u201cIFTAR DATE COMBO\u201d featuring Miso Salmon Set and Preeka Chicken Set. These two bowls are made with a hint of spices and herbs to match your traditional taste buds. They are sweet and savoury, making them the perfect buka puasa meals.\n\n\nTo top, we also pair this combo with dates and specially curated sides that you\u2019ll enjoy. We are confident to say that you will love it as we do!\n\n\nDo let the world know that the \u201cIFTAR DATE COMBO\u201d will be available from 3 April to 8 May 2022 for only RM42.90 (the normal price is RM49.80). We\u2019re counting on you!\n\n\nDetails of the menu\n\n\nMiso Salmon + Tempeh\n\n\n\n\nWhite Rice/Brown Rice/Baby Green, Lime Aioli, Shallots, Corns, Seaweed Salad, Mangoes, Seaweed Flakes, Furikake,\u00a0Fish\u00a0Roe, Sesame Seeds.\n\n\nPreeka Chicken + Tempeh\n\n\n\n\nWhite Rice/Brown Rice/Baby Green, Gar Gar & Teriyaki, Japanese Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes, Mangoes, Carrots, Fried Shallot, Fried Garlic Chips, Furikake, Seaweed Flakes, Pumpkin Seeds.\n\n\nOur Story\n\n\nThe Fish Bowl is Malaysia\u2019s leading premium pok\u00e9 restaurant, specialising in serving the freshest poke bowls! To date, the Fish Bowl has 15 outlets located in the prime areas within Klang Valley and we\u2019re still growing! Our mission is to offer healthy and delicious meals to everyone at reasonable prices. You can customize and build your very own healthy masterpiece poke bowl! Visit us today to create yours!\n\n\nBringing Fresh, Healthy Hawaiian Poke to Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nOne of the most recognizable food trends in the colourful, flavorful Hawaiian poke bowl.\n\n\nPoke (pronounced poh-kay, not poh-kee) means \u201cto slice or cut\u201d in Hawaiian. Poke is cooked or raw, hot or cold \u2013 all the same time. It resembles a beautifully customizable salad bowl but is paired with warm rice. It\u2019s both comfort food and a healthy meal.\n\n\nPoke doesn\u2019t necessarily have to be tuna or even seafood, nor does it have to be raw cubed. It can be cooked or raw, cubed or scraped, and Voil\u00e0! Enjoy immediately, while rice is hot and poke is fresh.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Your Child\u2019s Poop Habits\nAges & Stages\nIs Your Child Growing Optimally? Here\u2019s What You Need to Know\nKanak-Kanak\nEvery Mum should know this: The Innovative prebiotics oligosaccharide mixture GOS/lcFOS (9:1)\nKeibubapaan\nPentingnya Nutrien Awal Untuk Sistem Penghadaman Anak! Ini Cara Untuk Anak Anda Mendapat Nutrisi Secukupnya\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/air-borne-viruses", "title": "The Rise of Air-borne Viruses & COVID-19 Variants and How We Can Protect Our Family", "body": "With the rising case of COVID-19, we become more cautious with the air we breathe. In fact, what scares us most is that some disease transmission can happen in different ways, including airborne transmission that leads to air-borne viruses that linger in dust particles and respiratory droplets.\n\n\nFearing to even leave home these days, make us question what exactly is air-borne viruses and how Malaysians can learn to combat them especially if you are a parent with children who are yet eligible for vaccination.\n\n\nWe talked to Sia Ban Ian, founder and CEO of Bactakleen for further investigation.\n\n\nThe rise\u00a0\nin dangerous air-borne viruses and new COVID-19 variants and how Malaysians can combat them\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Sia Ban Ian, air-borne viruses have been around since man existed. Air-borne viruses are often forgotten or omitted because it is invisible. People don\u2019t take notice of it and take it for granted especially during Covid when people wear face masks and they think the face masks will protect them. \n\n\nThe biggest problem is when people remove their masks to eat at restaurants and cafes. They are immediately exposed to the danger of air-borne viruses. \n\n\nAir-borne viruses are spread via the air conditioning system where a sick person coughs or sneezes the droplets get drawn into the air conditioning system\u2019s intake and recirculated out thus affecting other people in the same room. \n\n\nHe stated that his company developed the first disinfection system, Bactakleen Ultra Mist specifically to treat the air-borne viruses problem by spraying anti-viral and anti-bacterial mist into the air conditioning system. It has been extensively tested and proven to kill Covid-19.\u00a0\n\n\nThe importance of being vigilant against the dangers of COVID-19\u00a0\n\n\nThere is a lot that we do not know or understand about the impact of Covid-19 since the virus reacts differently with different people. Ideally, we should avoid contracting it as much as possible, contrary to the herd immunity idea.\n\n\n Many people who contracted COVID-19 (different strains) have reported feeling pain or discomfort from underlying health problems. The virus appears to expose or amplify the underlying health problems which can lead to death.\u00a0\n\n\nVarious ways Malaysians can use to keep themselves and the environment around them safe, clean and disinfected\n\n\n\n\nDespite the Omicron variant being milder, it is still recommended to regularly sanitise your hands, contact surfaces, avoid touching your face, wear the face masks properly and if possible, disinfect the air conditioning system of your car, home or office periodically.\u00a0\n\n\nKey considerations in choosing the right kind of disinfectant products\n\n\nSafety is the key in choosing the right disinfectant. Many disinfectant sellers make wild claims about their product\u2019s safety without any proof and are not backed by any product liability insurance. In the event of any problems, it is unlikely the disinfectant seller will assist the user.\n\n\n Using products with toxic chemicals is worse than not using any disinfectant as disinfectants with toxic chemicals will cause more problems.\n\n\n Before buying always check or ask to see safety test reports such as skin allergy test, inhalation test (for items that may end up being inhaled such as products containing Chlorine Dioxide), and oral ingestion test.\u00a0\n\n\nBactakleen\u2019s products and services and its efficacy rate against COVID-19, its variants and other harmful viruses\n\n\nAll of Bactakleen\u2019s products achieve a 99.9% or more efficacy rate when tested against Covid-19. Bactakleen is one of the very few brands in the market that have multiple products that are tested against the Covid-19 virus.\n\n\n Bactakleen\u2019s products are designed to destroy the virus\u2019s structure and regardless of the variant, the products will effectively destroy the virus. All Bactakleen products are also safety tested to ensure it is completely safe for their intended use.\n\n\n\n\nMarvekleen has been tested to kill 99.99% of the Covid-19 virus and has passed all the safety tests such as skin allergy, oral and inhalation tests. It is completely safe for humans and pets.\u00a0\n\n\nUsing internationally recognised laboratories help create credibility. These laboratories adhere to strict standards and are Government recognised. Unlike university test reports which are not audited and often are not recognised by any Government. It is also merely a research report rather than an accredited and auditable test.\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/newborn-diapers", "title": "5 Essential Considerations for Newborn Diapers", "body": "Picking newborn diapers\u00a0off the shelves is no easy feat \u2013 there are just so many types and features to consider. Plus, it can take a while before you make your final decision because just like any other parent, you want the best for your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nIt can be extremely intimidating especially as a first-time mum or dad because your \nbaby won\u2019t be able to communicate\n how they feel so it\u2019s up to you to figure out the right fit. After all, your baby uses diapers and are subject to \ndiaper changes every two to three hours\n \u2013 that\u2019s a lot of diapers to stock up on, and it\u2019s not the cheapest item out there.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, to avoid spending on the wrong diaper, here are five important considerations before you decide which newborn diapers\u00a0brand to buy.\u00a0\n\n\n1# Think of their delicate navel area\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhen the\n umbilical cord is clamped and snipped after birth\n, it will leave behind a stump. This small stump will eventually dry out and fall off on its own when your baby is between one to three weeks old\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is why you\u2019ll need to avoid covering their stump underneath the diaper as this will prevent the base from drying out. So, to let the stump dry out, you can either fold the diaper to lay below the navel area, or an easier and much more comfortable option is to look for a newborn diaper that is cut in a way that avoids this sensitive area.\u00a0\n\n\nDiapers such as Drypers Wee Wee Dry feature a navel cut-out design specifically to protect the \ndelicate newborn umbilical stump\n \u2013 this special cut \nprevents the diaper from rubbing against the stump as their belly button heals, while also allowing air circulation to keep the area dry.\n\n\n2# Look for good absorbent layers & avoid leaky diapers\n\n\nLeaky diapers are the worst and it\u2019s just too much unnecessary clean-up! A good diaper should feature good absorbent layers otherwise you will end up dealing with \nnasty leakages\n. It\u2019s not just about the leakages but absorbent layers will also keep your baby from sitting in wet filth which could aggravate their skin, especially during their sleep.\u00a0\n\n\nBaby skin is extremely delicate\n and much more sensitive than adult skin, so it is easily irritable as it is less resistant to bacteria\n. Basically, diapers with great absorption are able to hold the liquid away from their skin and clinical evidence has shown that this helps\n maintain proper skin hydration\n, minimise irritation and \nreduce the chances of a diaper rash\n. Also, the \nnewborn baby stool is usually loose and can be quite runny due to their feedings, so that\u2019s a lot of moisture in their diapers.\u00a0\n\n\nThankfully, diapers nowadays have advanced to feature more functional layers to draw in liquid \u2013 Drypers Wee Wee Dry diapers are made with \nSoft AbsorbDry Layers\u2122 to ensure superb urine absorption and distribution while locking in urine to prevent leakage. Meanwhile, the Stool Lock System\u2122 helps keep baby\u2019s sensitive skin clean and healthy by drawing and locking in poo.\u00a0\n\n\n3# Let the air flow with diaper breathability\n\n\n\n\nKredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nWhen choosing a diaper, you might overlook this one crucial detail which is breathability. What this essentially refers to is a breathable sheet that allows proper airflow through the diaper which, in turn, keeps the skin drier.\n\n\nMoreover, studies have shown that breathable sheets in diapers have a positive effect on baby skin, especially in \npreventing skin issues\n such as diaper dermatitis\n. Plus, a diaper with good breathability allows your baby to live more comfortably in their diapers.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is why Drypers Wee Wee Dry features a 100 per cent breathable cloth-like cover that is as soft as fabric to keep your baby\u2019s skin cool and fresh. In addition to that, it keeps your baby comfortable throughout day and night in Malaysia\u2019s humid weather.\u00a0\n\n\n4# Diaper with customized fit to support baby\u2019s growth\n\n\nWe all want our babies to be as comfortable as possible. With that, when picking out diapers, you should consider if this will allow them to move easily. On top of that, \nan uncomfortable baby is a cranky baby.\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHow you can gauge this is through looking at the diaper features, specifically the fit and leg cuffs \u2013 newborns movements often jerk, especially with their legs, within their first few weeks\n so they\u2019ll need good leg cuffs to do so. \n\n\nDrypers Wee Wee Dry has soft elastic leg cuffs to ease your baby\u2019s movement without losing the fit, which is important for your baby\u2019s growth and learning development.\u00a0\n\n\n5# Make diapering easy with well-gauged sizes\u00a0 \n\n\nThis is probably one of the least considered (yet important) factors, especially for first-time parents. It can be quite a struggle to find out what a perfect fit means for your baby, whether the sizing is correct or when is the right time to size up.\u00a0\n\n\nDrypers Wee Wee Dry is the only diaper that has TummyFIT Guide\u2122, a guided indicator zone with \u2018Best Fit\u2019, \u2018Good Fit\u2019 and \u2018Next Size\u2019 labelled on the diaper to ensure that it fits just right for your baby and provide the best comfort. All you need to do is to position the Flexi-Tape\u2122 correctly on the TummyFIT Guide\u2122 at the ideal position of either \u2018Best Fit\u2019 or \u2018Good Fit\u2019. However, if your baby touches the \u2018Next Size\u2019 indicator, then you\u2019ll know that your baby needs to size up. No more blind guesses on the perfect size!\n\n\nDrypers Wee Wee Dry is perfect for your newborn baby\n\n\n\n\nBy now, you should know that Drypers Wee Wee Dry diaper ticks all the boxes you need in a newborn baby diaper.\u00a0\n\n\nIn summary, Drypers Wee Wee Dry diapers are designed to fit newborn\u2019s needs and of course, are easy for parents.\n\n\nDrypers Wee Wee Dry gives your newborn baby optimum care with its navel protection feature, while the Stool Lock System\n\u2122\n, as well as the \nSoft AbsorbDry Layers\u2122 ensure good absorption to keep your baby dry \u2013 a great feature to keep them comfortable as they sleep throughout the night.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTo top it off, it lets your baby move around easily due to the diaper design and the TummyFIT Guide\u2122 indicator lets you know the best fit for your baby or when you need to size up\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nSign up with \nDrypers Baby Club\n today to get a free sample of award-winning Drypers Wee Wee Dry Newborn diapers! In addition to that, you will get helpful parenting tips and other exciting benefits too.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nAll you want to know about diaper rash\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/indoor-hobbies", "title": "Stave Off Boredom with these Useful Indoor Hobbies for Women, Men, and Kids", "body": "We\u2019re now into our fourth week of the Covid-19 lockdown in Malaysia. What have you been up to since it began? Binge-watching movies, TV series, K-dramas? Those are all good ways to pass the time but after a while, it will get boring. So, get rid of your boredom and gain a new skill (if you don\u2019t already have them) by taking up these interesting hobbies that can easily be done from the comfort of your home.\n\n\n1. Cooking\n\n\n\n\nIt really shouldn\u2019t come as a surprise that cooking is the first indoor hobby we\u2019d like to recommend. By learning how to cook, you\u2019re opening yourself to an infinite amount of possibilities in terms of meal choices. If you don\u2019t have this important skill, you\u2019re likely to get stuck preparing and eating the same ol\u2019 same ol\u2019 food. How boring and unappetizing is that? And since you\u2019ve plenty of free time to do so now, why not learn to cook as it won\u2019t just benefit your stomach but also your wallet. Oh, and be sure to wear an apron since cooking can get messy especially if you\u2019re not well-versed in it. Better yet, wear a\u00a0\ncustom-printed apron\n\u00a0that\u2019s tailor-designed for you by you; because, if you have the option to cook in style then why not?\n\n\n2. Reading\n\n\n\n\nThis hobby might sound boring to some but the benefits of it are more than worth it. When you read facts-based books, articles, etc., you absorb knowledge that can then be applied to everyday life. On the other hand, when you read fictive writing it helps to expand the creative side of your mind as through their words you\u2019ll be able to picture what the author is describing. Besides that, you can also enhance your vocabulary. Therefore, give it a try as you\u2019ve got nothing to lose. Who knows, you might just end up loving it.\n\n\n3. Exercising\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nNow, you must be thinking that this can\u2019t possibly be a hobby (unless it is a hobby of yours). Well, we hate to be the bringer of bad news but it is. So, get off your chair, floor, bed, or any other surface you may be lounging on and get exercising! Just because your movements outside are restricted doesn\u2019t mean you\u2019ve been given the pass to lead an unhealthy life. Thus, stay healthy and fit during this lockdown period by adding some exercise routines to your daily plans.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/resilient-child", "title": "Are Your Kids Ready to Go Back to School? Bolster Their Confidence With These 5 Steps to Resilience", "body": "As a parent, you wish you could protect your kids from every disappointment, defeat, or scary challenge. Although this isn\u2019t possible, you can teach your children to be resilient. A resilient child has grit.\n\n\nWhen they encounter a difficult problem, they try to solve it instead of giving up. When bad things happen, they quickly bounce back, ready to face the next challenge.\n\n\nWhen they make mistakes, they grow and learn from them.\n\n\nResilient children are hopeful, optimistic, and strong.\n\n\nHere are 5 simple ways to raise a resilient child\n\n\n\n\n1. Be a supportive role model\n\n\nInstead of complaining that your child doesn\u2019t share, doesn\u2019t clean up. Stop, Pause. Ask yourself when did you demonstrate that behaviour?\n\n\nYour child needs one stable, committed relationship with a supportive adult role model.\n\n\nThe more positive adult connections a child has, the more resilient s/he will be. These relationships can be with grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, coaches, or any other positive adult in your child\u2019s life.\n\n\nFoster and encourage relationships with strong and positive adults, and continue being the supportive role model your child needs.\n\n\nYour child watches and learns from everything you do, so model resilient behaviours. Be calm and consistent. Admit to your mistakes, but don\u2019t agonize over them. Talk to your child about what you learned or how you can do better next time.\n\n\n2. Let children make mistakes. Mistakes are proof that your child is learning\n\n\nWhen your daughter does a hurried, poor job on a school project, you may feel a strong urge to help her improve or fix it. Stop!\n\n\nIf you\u2019re busy at work, and your son calls to say he left his homework on the table, you may want to rush to the rescue. Stop!\n\n\nAs uncomfortable as it is to let our children make mistakes, this is one way that kids develop resiliency.\n\n\nFind humour in mistakes.\n\n\n\u201cOopsie\u2026. I made a mistake!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI am sorry I made a mistake.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI apologise that I forgot to replace the towels.\u201d\n\n\nIf children never make mistakes, they\u2019ll never learn how to fix their errors or make better decisions in the future.\n\n\nFailure teaches perseverance and problem-solving. It causes children to think about their actions and how to avoid repeating those mistakes in the future.\n\n\n3. Praise Kids the Right Way\n\n\n\n\nThe way we praise our kids can affect their mindset and their inclination to take on challenges and persevere.\n\n\n\u201cYou\u2019re so smart!\u201d, they develop a fixed mindset. With a fixed mindset, children believe that qualities like intelligence are personal characteristics that don\u2019t change or develop. As a result, they may avoid challenges that will test their abilities.\n\n\nInstead of giving \u201cperson praise,\u201d like, \u201cYou\u2019re so smart,\u201d or \u201cYou\u2019re so creative,\u201d try to give \u201cprocess praise.\u201d Focus on your child\u2019s effort, as in, \u201cI can tell you\u2019ve been working really hard.\u201d You can also give specific praise, like, \u201cYou really understand decimals!\u201d\n\n\nWhen a child with a growth mindset makes a mistake, the child focuses on how to improve next time. When a child with a fixed mindset makes a mistake, he\u2019s more likely to believe that failure is the result of personal characteristics, such as, \u201cI can\u2019t spell,\u201d or, \u201cI\u2019m just not good at math.\n\n\n4. Teach Children to Manage Emotions\n\n\nManaging emotions is key to developing resilience. Emotional coaching is the key to raising resilient and happy children.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nThe first step is to teach our children that ALL emotions, even the worst ones, are okay. Negative emotions can be opportunities to learn about ourselves, grow, and learn how to cope with these feelings effectively.\n\n\nThis step also involves helping your child label and validate his emotions. For example, you might say, \u201cI understand you\u2019re feeling angry because Angie wouldn\u2019t let you play with his toys.\u201d\n\n\nThe second step is to deal with bad behaviour, if there was any, in order to set limits. For instance, if your child threw a tantrum, he would face consequences at this point. Explain that your child is not in trouble for feeling angry; he\u2019s in trouble for the way he handled his anger.\n\n\nFinally, you problem-solve. Help your child brainstorm ways to fix the problem or to prevent it from happening again in the future.\n\n\nI strongly recommend taking ten minutes at bedtime to discuss the day. During this time, you can repair moments of conflict or misunderstanding. Help your child put the day\u2019s disappointments and perceived failures in perspective.\n\n\nAsk your child if there\u2019s anything he wants to talk about, and LISTEN patiently to his feelings. If there has been conflict between you and your child, try to set aside your feelings and listen to his side of the story, then talk through it and work together to resolve the disagreement.\n\n\nAs children learn to manage emotions in a healthy way, they will also learn to be more resilient. They will be able to deal with life\u2019s challenges and disappointments with emotional maturity instead of tantrums, breakdowns, and giving up.\n\n\n\n\n5. Teach Kids to Problem-Solve\n\n\nWhen your child comes to you with a problem, help her brainstorm ways to address the challenge. For example, if your child is nervous about a test, talk through specific solutions like developing a study schedule, finding effective study strategies, and managing time.\n\n\nAs you brainstorm, help your child consider what the results might be for each solution she proposes.\n\n\nWe should give our children frequent opportunities to learn WHAT works and what doesn\u2019t. This means that we shouldn\u2019t immediately rush to solve problems for our children or tell them the best solution.\n\n\nTrial and error are one of the best ways for our children to learn. This, too, is uncomfortable but necessary.\n\n\nChildren who know how to tackle challenges head-on will grow to be resilient. These children can take failures and disappointment in stride, knowing that these are only problems to be solved.\n\n\nStep 1:\n\u00a0What is the problem I am facing?\n\n\nStep 2:\n\u00a0Different ways I can solve my problem.\n\n\nStep 3:\n\u00a0What would happen (Step 2)?\n\n\nStep 4:\n\u00a0Discuss tried Step 2s.\n\n\nBeing positive does not mean ignoring the problem and being happy. Being positive means being resilient and finding a workaround to carry on with life. Not letting anything or anyone stops you!\n\n\nWe hope that this article on how to raise a resilient child would be helpful to all parents out there.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nAmid Covid Worries, Most Parents Plan to Send Their Children Back to School, Survey Shows\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/netflix-shows", "title": "Netflix \u2018Cheat Sheet\u2019 For Dads", "body": "Choosing what to watch on Netflix can be a fun journey for dads and kids, as the platform offers a vast array of kids and family content from popular franchises like \nKung Fu Panda\n to recognisable local favourites like \nUpin&Ipin\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a quick cheat sheet of the latest family-friendly features for dads out there who want to get the best out of their entertainment experience for their kids on Netflix:\n\n\n\n\n \nMystery Box\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids are drawn to what they like, whether it\u2019s their favourite toys, foods, or songs. It\u2019s hard to get them to branch out and try something new. \n\n\nSo with this recently launched feature\u00a0 \u2013 a brand new mystery box. It will introduce kids to new shows and movies they may find interesting, yet instead of presenting it as a simple card, it will be displayed in a \u201cbox\u201d like a birthday gift. \n\n\nThey simply have to hover over the middle title within their favourites row where they will be presented with a sparkly mystery box that \u2018unboxes\u2019 a fun character tied to a new title that\u2019s labelled \u2018New For You\u2019.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Kids Recap Email\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShows and movies are an important way for kids to connect with the world \u2013 helping to teach them about new places, create bonds with family or friends and understand other perspectives. \n\n\nWith these bi-weekly kids recap emails, you will have a better understanding of your child\u2019s preferences and new ways to engage those interests off-screen.\n\n\n You will get a recommendation list based on your child\u2019s favourite shows and movies, downloadable printable colouring sheets with activities inspired by your kid\u2019s favourite characters, and a chart for visual examples of the themes or topics your children love the most (i.e. science, friendship) as well as tips designed to educate you on how to use the various kids\u2019 features on Netflix.\n\n\n\n\n Kids Top 10\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\nJust like how the Top 10 rows help you find something to watch, the Kids\u2019 Top 10 list features the most popular Kids content across Malaysia and with a red badge on popular Kids films, series, and specials for all member profiles. \n\n\nWith this feature, you get to stay on trend with your kid\u2019s favourite content and characters. Seeing what\u2019s popular can help you and your kid find something to watch and bring you closer together by understanding his/her preferences.\n\n\nNow, to unlock these weapons for the battle, dads will simply have to activate the Netflix Kids Profile. With Kids Profile, you can regulate your child\u2019s safety and access to material on Netflix as well. \n\n\nWith no direct access to accounts and a default maturity setting of 7+, Netflix Kids Profile exclusively plays kid-friendly TV shows and movies. Simply use the \u201cProfile and Parental Restrictions\u201d area inside account settings, to get access to a wide range of controls to personalize your kid\u2019s Netflix experience to your own requirements.\n\n\nEvery child is special and unique in their own way. That is why it is so important to engage your children in the tales that create their world. These features are designed to assist dads in making the best decisions for their kids, as well as to make Netflix a safe place for everyone to explore and enjoy entertainment.\u00a0\n\n\nClick \nHERE\n for more guidance on creating Netflix Kids Profile\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\n#PendidikanKewangan\nMemahami Cara Menguruskan Wang Melalui Pengalaman Hidup Sebenar\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAlarming Facts About Your Child\u2019s Formula Milk Powder\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBelajar Cara Mengurus Wang: Panduan Untuk Ibu Bapa Asia\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-tips-to-help-your-child-avoid-making-careless-mistakes-in-math-exams", "title": "5 tips to help your child avoid making careless mistakes in math exams!", "body": "\n\n5 tips to help your child avoid making careless mistakes in math exams!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to avoid making careless mistakes in math exams\n\n\n\n\nYou\u2019ve noticed that your child comprehends all the math concepts, and gets nothing less than full marks for all the assessment book practices he/she does religiously every weekend. Then, why does your child keep coming home with results that belie that aptitude? If you haven\u2019t figured it out by now, you might want to consider the fact that your child may be dealing with a case of the dreaded \u2018careless mistakes\u2019 which might be the reason for him making mistakes in math exams. This is what both parents and teachers call the silent killer. It can be the one thing that trips your child from passing to failing, or barely missing out on an A. But what can you do as a parent to help?\n\n\nFirstly, you need to understand that in an exam situation your child is in a high-stress environment (as opposed to doing assessment practices at home). This usually makes them prone to careless mistakes naturally. But, don\u2019t worry! There is still hope. There are some things that you can teach your child to help them understand how to avoid and minimize careless mistakes in math\u00a0exams.\n\n\nRelated: \n10 ways to improve your child\u2019s math\n\n\nDon\u2019t skip too many steps at once\n\n\nAvoid skipping too many steps at once when it comes to addition and subtraction. Students usually attempt to skip a few steps in problem solving by working it out mentally to save time. However, these mental calculations are not always accurate, which will lead to the wrong answer despite going through all the right steps.\n\n\nCheck calculations and REVERSE-CHECK\n\n\nPut answers back into the\u00a0math\u00a0problem or equation to check for accuracy. Many students skip this especially when they are rushed for time, but this option is often faster than going through and re-working the problem all over again.\n\n\nUse the correct units\n\n\nThis is a potential stumbling block! Units can be a bane for many students dealing with math. Thus, it is important to be alert of the units presented in the questions, especially when a student is required to convert metres to centimetres or vice versa.\n\n\nRelated: \n10 last minute study tips\n\n\nTime management\n\n\nYes, students are under a time limit and need to work fast to finish up all the questions when it comes to exams. But at the same time, it is important not to overlook accuracy. Try not to spend the entire time on solving an addition or subtraction problem, when the focus should primarily be on more complex questions.\n\n\nKeeping it neat\n\n\nIf possible, try and keep all work and equations neat and systematic. This will help to spend less time on checking equations, and will also prevent a child from accidentally copying a different or wrong answer.\n\n\nLike with anything else, there needs to be constant practice before one can master the art of avoiding careless mistakes. We recommend that you help your child implement these practices above into their daily routine for math, and eventually spotting careless mistakes and\u00a0remedying\u00a0it will become second nature.\n\n\nShare your tips with us on how you helped your child to avoid making careless mistakes in math exams!\n\n\nHere\u2019s a video with some extra tips on making sure your child avoids any careless mistakes:\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-and-delicious-meal-deliveries-in-kl", "title": "Top 8 Tried-and-Tested Healthy and Delicious Meal Deliveries In KL", "body": "Intrigued to find out what options urbanites in the Klang Valley had, we went on a hunt for nutritious and delicious meal deliveries in KL and were pleasantly surprised by the variety of meal deliveries available.\n\n\nSo, here\u2019s a concise and updated list featuring our top 8 healthy and delicious meal deliveries in Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nTop 8 Tried-and-Tested Healthy and Delicious Meal Deliveries in Kuala Lumpur\n\n\n1# Go Clean\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Go Clean\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n\u00a0What sets GoClean apart from competitors is that all their meals are created and prepared under the guidance of a nutritionist, a personal trainer, and an executive chef. Their aim is to create suitable portion-controlled macros across a broad spectrum of fitness goals.\n\n\nWhile you\u2019d expect to fork out a large sum for such service, the meals by GoClean are actually fairly priced and quite affordable!\n\n\nPricing\n:\n RM 13.90 and upwards\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n Available\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n Pad Krapow, Mediterranean Fish with Balsamic Pumpkin Salad, or Chicken Meatballs with Zoodles\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule:\n Unspecified Time (Monday to Friday)\n\n\nWebsite\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n\n\n2# Plant Power Cleanse\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Plant Power Cleanse\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n\u00a0Plant Power Cleanse is under Nourish Me but focuses specifically on (you guessed it) providing people with plant-based detox regimes. Designed by nutritionists, the 7-day plant-based cleanse cuts out corn, gluten, grains, legumes, processed sugar, and soy.\n\n\nIt includes daily deliveries of lunch, dinner, and snacks, with turmeric tea and nut butters provided. To find out more,\u00a0\nclick here\n.\n\n\nPricing:\n\u00a0RM530 for 7 days for plant based\u00a0\nlunch\n,\u00a0\ndinner\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nsnacks\n.\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n \u2013\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n \u2013\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule\n: 11.30-1 p.m. (Monday to Sunday)\n\n\nFacebook\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n |\n\n\n3# Meals in Minutes\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Meals in Minutes\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n \nIf you\u2019re not a fan of cooking then know that Meals in Minutes is designed exactly for you! All meals delivered are frozen and vacuum-sealed a la Sous Vide style meaning you just need to place the packet into heated water.\n\n\nCurrently, Meals in Minutes has pledged to donate 1 litre of clean drinking water to underprivileged communities every time a meal is sold.\n\n\nPricing:\n RM 3.90 upwards\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n Unavailable\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n Truffled Mashed Potatoes, Creamy Tuscan Salmon, or Rosemary & Thyme Chicken\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule:\n 9-5 p.m. (Monday to Saturday)\n\n\nWebsite\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n\n\n4# Meal2U\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Meal2U\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n Meal2U specifically targets gym junkies meaning meals are portion-controlled. To add to that, each meal is labelled with information on the calories, carbs, fat, and protein contained within the dish. Everything is cooked \u2018gasless\u2019 to preserve nutrients and vacuum-packed meals are available, too.\n\n\nPricing:\n RM 14.90 and upwards\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n Available\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n Smoked Duck Salad, All Day Brunch, or Teriyaki Chicken with Omurice\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule:\n Unspecified Time (Monday to Friday)\n\n\nFacebook\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nWhatsapp\n\n\n5# Meraki Kitchen\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Meraki Kitchen\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n Meraki is derived from the Greek word for doing something with heart and soul. Unsurprisingly, every meal whipped up by Meraki Kitchen delivers just that. You can expect generous servings, too \u2013 great if you\u2019re an active person but if not, perfect for splitting into two meals. Bonus: Meraki Kitchen doesn\u2019t provide plastic cutlery unless requested.\n\n\nPricing:\n RM 13 and upwards\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n Menu per day changes weekly but some dishes repeat every other week\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n Miso Charred Broccoli & Mushroom Bowl, Korean Honey Gojuchang Bowl, or Yakisoba Pasta\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule:\n Unspecified\n\n\nWebsite\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n\n\n6# Nourish Me\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Food Matters\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n As mentioned, Nourish Me was founded and is run by nutritionists that are also wellness consultants. As such, their goal is to make delicious yet healthy meals more accessible to everyone \u2013 especially families hence their family-based meal plans.\n\n\nBonus: the calorie count and macros for each dish is clearly stated for discerning customers.\n\n\nPricing:\n RM 20 for one meal\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n Available\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n Braised Mushroom Char Siu Pao, Vegetarian Tagine, or No Bake Cookie Bars\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule:\n 11.30-1 p.m. (Monday to Friday)\n\n\nFacebook\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nWhatsApp\n\n\n7# The Naked Lunchbox\n\n\n\n\nCredit: The Naked Lunchbox\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n\u00a0The reason it\u2019s named The Naked Lunchbox is that each lunchbox is free from dairy, gluten, MSG, preservatives and additives, and sugars and artificial sweeteners. What remains is freshly made food that\u2019s clean yet delicious.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re dairy-free, gluten-free, paleo, raw, vegetarian, or vegan then The Naked Lunchbox is ideal for you.\n\n\nPricing:\n RM 6.90 and upwards\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n Unavailable\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n\u00a0\nSpiced Corn Ribs, Beef Steak & Mushroom Pie, or Gluten-free Apple Pie\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule:\n Unspecified\n\n\nWebsite\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n\n\n8# Ordinary Eats\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Ordinary Eats\n\n\n\n\nBackground:\n\u00a0\nIf you occasionally need to avoid garlic and onion or just want to reduce your intake of meat then Ordinary Eats is your go-to. The menu is entirely plant-based and refrains from using mock meat.\n\n\nIt caters to Asian and Western palettes, with a limited selection of sugar-free desserts available, too.\n\n\nPricing:\n RM 16\n\n\nDaily Specials:\n Available\n\n\nSuggested Meals:\n Oil-free Pesto, Butter \u2018Milk\u2019 Chicken, or Popeye Protein Burger\n\n\nMeal Delivery Schedule:\n Unspecified Time (Monday to Friday)\n\n\nFacebook\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nInstagram\n\u00a0|\u00a0\nWhatsapp\n\n\nThere you have it \u2013 8 healthy meal deliveries that prove healthy eating can be appetizing, fun, varied, and convenient \u2013 bon appetit!\n\n\nWant to cook up your own healthy meals instead? Check out\u00a0\nthese delicious plant-based recipes to make at home\n.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nPhoto by \nJane D.\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nYoga Postures To Help You Calm Down\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tips-recover-from-a-c-section", "title": "Tips To Recover From A C-Section", "body": "The birth of a\u00a0baby is probably the most intense experience of your life. Once baby arrives it is a time for healing, resting and bonding.\n\n\nBut when you add major surgery into the mix, things get a little more challenging. While Caesarean sections are a wonderful, life-saving option, there can be no denying that healing takes longer and can be more difficult. It is major abdominal surgery after all.\n\n\nHere are some tips that can hopefully help you to recover from a \nC-section.\n\n\nPlan for help after\u00a0delivery\n\n\nWhether you give birth vaginally or via C-section, some help and support in the immediate aftermath is always a good thing. \u00a0If you know you\u2019ll be having a C-section, make arrangements to always have someone with you at the hospital. A little bit can go a long way.\n\n\nPlan to take it easy when you get home\n\n\nAgain, accept help whenever it is offered. Your friends or relatives can bring you a meal or help to bathe or change the baby. You need to rest after delivery and healing may be prolonged if you try to do too much at once.\n\n\nSet up baby care stations in a few places in your home like one in your living room, one in your bedroom and one in the nursery, so you don\u2019t have to go up and down the stairs for every nappy/diaper change.\n\n\nA tote or a basket with a swaddle, burp cloth, nappies/diapers, wipes and a change of clothes for baby is helpful to keep around so you\u2019re prepared wherever you happen to be resting.\n\n\nBe patient with your body\n\n\nSpending nine months growing a baby and then having major surgery means your body needs a bit of time to heal and get back to normal function. Many women post-surgery worry about that first time emptying their bladder and first bowel movement.\n\n\nEspecially since for C-section mothers, the hospital will be monitoring if and when you go for that all important first pee after the catheter is removed. For most, its a temporary issue. Just try to relax and you can try squirting some water on the area \nto stimulate\n urine flow.\n\n\nBe kind to yourself\n\n\nThis is the time to be really kind to yourself. Ask for what you need, don\u2019t try to do too much and remember to take your pain medications as per recommended by your doctor. Even if you typically avoid medications, remember that you\u2019ve just had major surgery.\n\n\nYour baby needs a mother who is pain and stress free! If you are worried about breastfeeding while on medication, many pain relievers are considered safe and most likely your doctor has already prescribed the safe option for you.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-baby-wash-for-sensitive-skin", "title": "A worry-free bath time for you and your baby", "body": "Your newborn is home, and you are surrounded by peace and love \u2013 and terror during bath time. Trust us, we know the feeling. We\u2019ve been there! To make matters worse, babies can sense their parents\u2019 anxiety and might feel the same way, too. They are our mini versions of us, remember? So even if you get jitters just by thinking of holding your tiny human all covered with soap, you got to \nmum up\n.\n\n\nIt doesn\u2019t matter if you are on day one or day 231, but if you\u2019re still in distress and haven\u2019t figured out why baby is fussy every time you put her in her tub, we have three surefire ways to make bath time with your baby a breeze. And with one less thing to worry about, you can focus on providing the love and care that you were made to give.\n\n\nMise En Place\n Your Bath Time Gear\n\n\n\n\nMise en place\n is a French culinary process that kitchen professionals use wherein ingredients are prepared and organised before cooking. You can do the same thing with your baby\u2019s bath time essentials. That\u2019s because bath time \u2013 like cooking \u2013 is all about preparation.\n\n\nMake sure you have enough space around your baby\u2019s tub or basin for all of your gear, toys and bath products. Everything should be within arm\u2019s reach to avoid leaving the baby alone. Remember, your little bundle of joy relies on you for everything, so make sure to keep him safe at all times.\n\n\nSing a Soothing Song\n\n\nIf your newborn is a little fussy during bath time, try singing. It will work wonders to make that anxiety disappear.\n\n\n\n\nYou don\u2019t need to sound like a true blue singer to make bath time oh-so-relaxing for your baby. You don\u2019t even have to sing \u2013 you can just talk. And you don\u2019t have talk sense either, actually!\n\n\nWhen your baby was still in your womb swimming in her amniotic fluid, she already got used to hearing your voice. So doing the same when she\u2019s finally on this side of your belly can be a familiar experience for her. She just has to feel that there\u2019s nothing to fear because her mummy will always be here. Sounds sweet, right? Better yet, it works!\n\n\nUse Baby Products You Can Trust\n\n\nSo far so good. The key to a worry-free and relaxed bath time is trust. And when it comes to the products you use on baby\u2019s skin, trust is just as important.\n\n\nTo establish a happy bath time routine, it\u2019s important that the product you use for your baby\u2019s delicate skin can maintain its soft and healthy glow. Take it from the experts and experienced moms. They all recommend tried-and-tested products that are perfectly suitable for babies such as \nCetaphil Baby\n. In fact, in a survey conducted by Home Tester Club, 10/10 moms agree that Cetaphil Baby Moisturising Bath & Wash gently cleanses & moisturises baby\u2019s delicate skin. It has gentle ingredients that complement a mother\u2019s loving touch and supports the skin\u2019s natural development in its most vulnerable early stages.\n\n\nTrust Cetaphil Baby\n\n\n\n\nWith Cetaphil Baby, you can set your worries aside, mums. It contains 1/3 moisturiser with soothing aloe vera and almond oil leaving your baby\u2019s skin soft and clean. And it contains nothing that can harm your baby\u2019s sensitive skin. Below are more reasons to choose Cetaphil Baby for your little one:\n\n\n\n\nParaben-free\n\n\nSoap-free\n\n\nTear-free\n\n\npH balanced\n\n\nHypoallergenic formula\n\n\nGently cleanses and moisturises baby\u2019s delicate skin\n\n\nPaediatrician-recommended\n\n\n\n\nWe take the trust you put in Cetaphil seriously. That\u2019s why Cetaphil Baby conducted an online survey with 200 paediatricians and dermatologists and found that paediatricians truly do recommend Cetaphil Baby.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/can-my-childs-astigmatism-go-away", "title": "Can my child\u2019s astigmatism go away?", "body": "Astigmatism is a refractive error, and is often caused by an abnormal curvature of the cornea. A refractive error means that the shape of the eye does not bend light correctly, leading to blurred vision. In order to see things clearly, light has to be refracted by the lens and the cornea correctly before it reaches the retina in order to see things clearly.\n\n\nChildren with astigmatism may have difficulty seeing finer details of objects both close and far away. They may also experience symptoms of fatigue, headaches and eye strain as a result of blurred vision.\n\n\nAstigmatism In Children: What Causes Astigmatism?\n\n\n\n\nAstigmatism in children may be caused by irregularly shaped lens, resulting in a blurred image.\n\n\n\n\nAstigmatism occurs when the front surface of the eye (cornea) is curved irregularly \u2013 usually one half is flatter (or steeper) than the other. \u00a0When light rays enter the eye they do not focus correctly on the retina, resulting in a blurred image.\n\n\nAstigmatism may also be caused by an irregularly shaped lens, which is located behind the cornea. Studies have found that astigmatism usually begins at birth, but it may also appear later in childhood or even later when we are adults. In some cases, astigmatism may occur after an eye surgery or injury.\n\n\nTreatments for astigmatism\n\n\nAlthough astigmatism may not go away on its own, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children with mild astigmatism may not need to undergo any treatment. An eye exam can determine the severity of your child\u2019s astigmatism and whether is it necessary to undergo any treatment to correct it.\n\n\nCorrective eyeglasses\n\n\n\n\nCorrective eyeglasses can help improve your child\u2019s astigmatism.\n\n\n\n\nIt has been shown that corrective eyeglasses tend to yield the most effective results in correcting astigmatism in children. The use of corrective lenses in eyeglasses can help to bend the incoming light rays to compensate for the error caused by faulty refraction so that images are properly received onto the retina.\n\n\nIn addition to the spherical lens power used to correct near sightedness or far sightedness, astigmatism requires an additional \u2018cylinder\u2019 lens power to correct the difference between the powers of the two principal meridians of the eye.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nContact lenses\n\n\n\n\nExperts recommend that contact lenses only be used to correct astigmatism in children above the age of 12.\n\n\n\n\nCorrective contact lenses can also be used to correct astigmatism, with the soft toric contact lenses being the most common option. Soft lenses are made of hydrogel, which allow oxygen to move through the lens and into the eye. The high water content in soft lenses evaporates easily, so soft lenses can only be won for a day and then discarded.\n\n\nExperts recommend that contact lenses only be used to correct astigmatism in children above the age of 12, and to be careful about cleaning the lenses properly to avoid eye infection.\n\n\nRefractive surgery\n\n\n\n\nLASIK may be recommended by your eye doctor to correct your child\u2019s astigmatism.\n\n\n\n\nIn some cases, refractive surgery such as LASIK can be recommended by your eye doctor to correct the surface of your child\u2019s eye. After the surgery, you child\u2019s astigmatism should be gone \u2013 along with any related form of near-sightedness or far-sightedness.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nIt is best to discuss the condition of your child\u2019s astigmatism with your eye doctor, and see if they advise refractive eye surgery in your case.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/children-immunisation-schedule-malaysia", "title": "Everything You Need To Know About Immunisation For Your Child In Malaysia", "body": "Since the world was hit by the pandemic, there has been a larger emphasis by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) to introduce more precautionary measures by updating the immunisation schedule for the protection of young children.\n\u00a0\n\n\nIn December 2020, Director-General of Health Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah announced that the Pneumococcal vaccine has become available to all newborn babies at MOH Health Clinics throughout Malaysia and was included into the National Immunisation Programme (NIP)\n1\n.\n\n\nChildren born on 1 January 2020 onwards who are aged 5 months or more are eligible to receive the vaccine under the updated NIP.\u00a0\n\n\nDr Noor Hisham explained that pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is given to prevent various diseases caused by \nStreptococcus pneumoniae\n or pneumococcal bacterial infections that can result in\n1,2\n:\n\n\n\n\nInflammatory disease (pneumonia)\n\n\nInflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis)\n\n\nMiddle ear infection (otitis media)\n\n\nInflammation of the meninges\n\n\nSpinal cord (meningitis)\n\n\nBacterial infection in the blood (septicemia)\n\n\n\n\nBesides the addition of this vaccine to the list, there are many other vaccines included in the NIP that are made available to all parents for free at government clinics.\u00a0\n\n\nWhich Vaccines Are Included in the National Immunisation Programme\n3\n?\n\u00a0\n\n\nTable adapted from Info Sihat, Ministry of Health Malaysia 2021\n\n\nThere are many vaccines covered in the NIP, so parents can make an appointment at the nearest government health facilities to get their children immunised according to the schedule.\n\n\nIt is important for parents to consider vaccinating their children according to the NIP to help protect them from contracting these contagious and dangerous diseases.\u00a0\n\n\n17 Dangerous Diseases That Can Be Avoided By Getting Your Kids Vaccinated\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nVaccines are especially important to babies because their immune systems are developing from the time they are born.\n\n\nTherefore, by giving vaccines to babies according to a set schedule, you can protect your baby from potentially fatal diseases\n4\n. For example:\n\n\n\n\nTuberculosis (TB) \u2013 This disease can cause serious infections such as meningitis and spread to other organs\n5\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDiphtheria \u2013 Toxins released by bacteria may lead to blocked airways\n6\n.\n\n\nPertussis (whooping cough) \u2013 Can cause whooping cough and lack of oxygen to the brain\n7\n.\n\n\nTetanus \u2013 Bacterial poisoning that can cause cramps in the muscles of the body and affects the ability to open the jaw\n8\n.\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) \u2013 This bacterium can cause infections of the lungs (pneumonia), respiratory tract and meningitis\n4\n.\n\n\nHepatitis B \u2013 This virus can cause severe damage to the liver and increases the risk of the individual getting liver cancer in the future\n4\n.\n\n\nPolio \u2013 This virus can cause paralysis and even death\n4\n.\n\n\nMeasles \u2013 This virus can cause fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, infections of the brain (encephalitis) and lungs (pneumonia)\n9\n.\n\n\nMumps \u2013 This virus can cause viral meningitis and infection of testicles (orchitis)\n10\n.\n\n\nRubella \u2013 The virus can cause fever, rash, nausea and mild conjunctivitis\n11\n.\n\n\nPneumococcus \u2013 This bacteria can cause severe diseases like meningitis or milder infections like sinusitis or ear infections\n4\n.\n\n\nRotavirus \u2013 This virus can cause severe diarrhoea and dehydration\n4\n.\n\n\nHuman Papillomavirus \u2013 This virus can cause cervical cancer and genital warts\n4\n.\n\n\nVaricella (Chickenpox) \u2013 This virus can cause a blister like rash and fever, which can also cause shingles later as adults if the virus reactivates\n12\n.\n\n\nInfluenza\u00a0 \u2013 This virus can cause epidemics of flu diseases or flu season\n13\n.\n\n\nMeningococcal \u2013 This bacteria can cause deadly infections of the lining of the brain, spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream\n14\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHepatitis A \u2013 This virus can cause short term infection of the liver\n15\n.\n\n\n\n\nCovering All Bases To Help Protect Your Kids\u00a0\n\n\nRaising children is a huge responsibility. It can be hard to remember all of the things your child needs to stay safe and healthy.\n\n\nBesides vaccinating your kids, you can also teach them good eating habits and basic health and hygiene practices. For example:\n\n\n\n\nWashing their hands every time they use the toilet, after they blow their nose, before they eat or whenever they come home from school/outside.\n\n\nDo not share food and drinks, clothes, combs, toothbrushes or other personal items with other children.\n\n\nClose their mouth when they cough or sneeze, and to wear a mask whenever they are unwell.\n\n\nSanitise their hands whenever possible.\n\n\nLimit physical contact with other children.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAll Vaccines Are Well-Tolerated In Malaysia\n\n\nIf you are worried about the safety of vaccines in Malaysia, you need not worry. All vaccines listed in the Malaysian National Immunisation Programme (NIP) have been recommended by the National Fatwa Committee Council\n16\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\nIn fact, MOH experts also certify that the vaccines in the NIP are effective and have tolerable safety profiles for use by children.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\nMoreover, the vaccines are also rigorously tested on thousands of people through large-scale clinical studies and closely monitored before being marketed commercially to ensure the safety of its recipients\n17\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\nSo parents do not have to excessively worry about this aspect. If you have any concerns regarding the safety profile of any vaccine, please speak to your doctor.\n\n\nTo find out more about getting your child protected against diseases and keeping them at optimal health, speak to your healthcare provider like the family doctor or paediatrician at your next visit!\n\n\nMY-ROT-00234 Aug/2022\n\n\nREFERENCES\n\n\n\n\nFrom the Desk of the Director-General of Health Malaysia. Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 24 November 2020 \u2013 Pelaksanaan pemberian Vaksin Pneumokokal di Bawah program Imunisasi Kebangsaan Untuk Kanak-Kanak. Available From: \nhttps://kpkesihatan.com/2020/11/24/kenyataan-akhbar-kpk-24-november-2020-pelaksanaan-pemberian-vaksin-pneumokokal-di-bawah-program-imunisasi-kebangsaan-untuk-kanak-kanak/\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine information statement. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/pcv.html\n.\n Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nBahagian Pendidikan Kesihatan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Jadual Imunisasi Kebangsaan Terkini. Available From: \nhttps://www.infosihat.gov.my/penerbitan-multimedia/garis-panduan/item/jadual-imunisasi-kebangsaan-terkini.html\n.\n Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nUNICEF. Vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/parenting/health/vaccines-and-diseases-they-prevent\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tuberculosis. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tuberculosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351250\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Diphtheria. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diphtheria/symptoms-causes/syc-20351897\n.\n Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Service Inform. Whooping cough. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/whooping-cough\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tetanus. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tetanus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351625\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Measles. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services. Mumps \u2013 Complications. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/mumps/complications/\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Rubella. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rubella\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. \u00a0 Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Types of Influenza Viruses. Available From \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/types.htm\n. Last Accessed 21 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Meningococcal Disease. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/index.html\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. What is hepatitis A \u2013 FAQ. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm#overview\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHuda E. Zainudin EN, Mohammad KA, Aris A, Shahdan IA. Vaccination: Influencing factors and view from an Islamic perspective. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia. 2018;17(2).\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Vaccines and immunization: What is vaccination?. Available from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/vaccines-and-immunization-what-is-vaccination\n. Last Accessed 19 August 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dna-diet-nutrition", "title": "Finding The Best & Worst Foods For You Based On Your DNA\u2014Is It Possible?", "body": "What if you could take a simple painless test and find out exactly what you should be eating according to your genes? Our DNA differentiates us from everyone else. Therefore, what we eat and what diet we follow should be unique to us as individuals.\n\n\nWhat does DNA have to do with what we eat?\n\n\nThe simplest definition of DNA is that it is a genetic code found in every living cell determining unique physical characteristics and features. These include obesity and certain diseases to what we look like, e.g. hair and eye colour. Take this concept of individualising further, and you can base your nutritional intake on your genes. This makes perfect sense particularly for those who may have the obesity gene or a hereditary illness, or even those who have been on diets that don\u2019t seem to work.\n\n\nCulinary genomics\n\n\nResearch has shown that eating according to your genetic makeup does improve overall health compared to just eating what you want (obviously!) or following the latest diet no matter how effective it may be. DNA-based nutrition is also called culinary genomics\u2014preparing and consuming food that positively interacts with your genes. Basing a diet on ingredients, the way food is prepared and meal planning according to an individual\u2019s DNA is becoming more creative and is a natural progression from how many of us are eating anyway, i.e. more plant-based, less (or no) sugar, less salt, low carb, vegan, etc.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEat what\u2019s right for you!\n\n\nPersonalised nutrition isn\u2019t some fad or even a new concept; but it is becoming more mainstream and available to consumers. There are no complicated tests to undergo, blood drawn, questions asked\u2014these days a simple saliva swab is all that is needed to discover what your body needs to perform better, stay healthy and even decrease the chances of getting certain illnesses linked to the consumption of sugar, salt and saturated fat.\n\n\nWe have all been through this scenario\u2014you cut down on carbs, avoid high-cholesterol food (seafood, fatty meat, dairy) and eat as cleanly as possible, but you still gain weight and cholesterol levels remain high. What you need is an eating plan based on scientific facts where the food you eat is exactly what your body needs to function at its best. The best (and easiest) way to do this is by taking a DNA test, and not from referring online as most of us are regularly inclined to do.\n\n\nConsider this an investment into your long-term health goals and weight maintenance. DNA-based tests don\u2019t come cheap but neither do doctors\u2019 bills, medication, supplements or those holidays you take to de-stress!\n\n\nBy taking a DNA test, you will find out:\n\n\n\n\nHow effective specific (low carb, high protein, Mediterranean) diets will be for you\n\n\nCaffeine metabolism rates\n\n\nGluten/sodium sensitivity\n\n\nVitamin and mineral deficiency risks\n\n\n\n\nOnce you have such accurate information, you can plan and manage your diet to lose, gain or maintain your weight, take the correct supplements and eat food that will truly benefit you in the long run.\n\n\nHow DNA testing works\n\n\nAll you have to do is send away for a\u00a0\nDNA Wellness Plan\n, and a saliva collection kit will be sent to you. You DNA will then be analysed in a lab through genotyping, and a detailed report sent to you. \u00a0From here, health and wellness professionals will be consulted and a detailed personalised plan created, which you can access and put into motion. Considering how easy it is, getting a test done should be something we should all do to ensure what we eat enhances our health.\n\n\nA healthy lifestyle is all about longevity attained through diet, a positive attitude, good mental health and being fit. Your diet is a crucial factor in your overall well-being and ultimately how long you live and how ill you could become. By knowing exactly what you lack and shouldn\u2019t eat too much of, you are already well on your way to becoming healthier and slimmer, if that\u2019s your end goal.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stretch-marks-treatment", "title": "Stretch Marks: Why You Get Them And How To Naturally Reduce Their Appearance", "body": "Stretch marks, also known as striae, are scars that normally occur due to \nrapid weight loss\n or weight gain, such as during pregnancy, causing an abrupt change in the structure of the skin.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen the skin is overstretched, the two main elements that support its elasticity, collagen and elastin, break. Leaving behind scars that look like narrow lines, known as stretch marks. Stretch marks are often pinkish, purple or red in the early stages, and tend to fade to a paler silvery, translucent colour over time.\n\n\nWhile stretch marks can appear anywhere on your body, it\u2019s more common to get them on places where larger amounts of fat are stored, such as the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks and thighs.\n\n\nWhat affects whether you get stretch marks?\n\n\n\n\nGenetics, lifestyle and skin health all play a role in whether or not you develop stretch marks. Some people are genetically predisposed to them, which may have something to do with overactivity of messengers in the genes responsible for scar development (1).\u00a0\n\n\nStretch marks can also be attributed to the chronic use of steroids, which weakens the skin\u2019s collagen structure, resulting in scars.\u00a0\n\n\nThe most common types of stretch marks\n\n\nDifferent types of stretch marks are categorized by their cause and for how long you\u2019ve had them. The following are the three most typical ones:\n\n\n\n\nStriae atrophica arise due to the thinning of the skin and breakdown of elastin or collagen components.\n\n\n\nStriae distensae occur during puberty due to hormonal changes and rapid growth. They often look like stripes.\n\n\n\nStriae gravidarum only occurs during pregnancy. \u201cMama Stripes\u201d can sometimes be seen as the pregnancy progresses, especially in the last trimester when the baby rapidly gains weight, but are most commonly noticed after giving birth. So, just when you think it\u2019s all over and you can finally enjoy your new baby and start getting back into shape, you realise you\u2019re looking a little like a Tapir!\n\n\n\n\nCan you do anything to prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Healthline\n\n\n\n\nAs with most things, it is easier to prevent stretch marks from occurring rather than getting rid of them.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile it doesn\u2019t exist one magical solution to prevent them completely, let\u2019s look at a few different ways that can help you reduce the risk and the appearance of stretch marks.\n\n\nStretch marks treatment via natural remedies: How they help and what to look for\n\n\nNatural remedies can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars.\n\n\nKey factors to look out for when you\u2019re searching for a remedy are the potential abilities to increase cell proliferation and turnover, encourage natural collagen production, reduce inflammation and hydrate the skin.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen applying a topical remedy, be sure to massage it into the skin to ensure it is absorbed well and to increase the blood supply to the area.\n\n\nGentle exfoliation is also helpful in increasing circulation and stimulating cell turnover.\u00a0\n\n\nYour diet: How to eat your way to less stretch marks\n\n\n\n\nConsuming a diet rich in skin-nourishing vitamins and minerals, along with the application of natural remedies, is an effective two-pronged approach to treating stretch marks and scars.\n\n\nVitamins E, A and C, as well as essential fatty acids, boast skin-regeneration and -healing abilities.\n\n\nBelow are a few foods and ingredients to look out for.\n\n\n\n\nVitamin E\n\n\n\n\nKnown for its skin-healing properties, Vitamin E consists of tocopherols and the lesser known tocotrienols. Both tocopherols and tocotrienols promote a healthy skin barrier and reduce\u00a0\noxidative effects\n.\n\n\nTocotrienols are thought to have more potent antioxidant properties than \u03b1-tocopherol (2), and can therefore be absorbed quickly and penetrate through the deep layers of skin.\n\n\nGood sources of Vitamin E\n\n\nSunflower seeds, almonds, kiwi fruit and spinach are a few examples of foods rich in Vitamin E . Red palm oil and rice bran oil are high in tocotrienols, while argan oil, olive oil and jojoba oil are high in tocopherol.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n\n\nOmega-3 fatty acids\n\n\n\n\nOmega-3 fatty acids play a key role in skin tissue reconstruction and cell membrane structure. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids modulate local inflammatory response at wound sites, accelerating the skin\u2019s healing process.\n\n\nRecent studies (3) have demonstrated how Omega-3 fatty acids can prevent wound infections and improve early wound healing, and after several days, decrease the deposition of collagen, preventing extensive scarring.\n\n\nGood sources of Omega-3\n\n\nSacha Inchi oil and Flaxseed oil are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming cold-water fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel, as well as walnuts and chia seeds, can also increase your intake of health fatty acids.\n\n\n\n\nVitamin A\n\n\n\n\nResearch shows that retinoids, a vitamin in the vitamin A family, may improve the appearance of stretch marks.\n\n\nGood sources of Vitamin A\n\n\nCarrots, sweet potatoes and red palm oil. Topical application of Rosehip oil and jojoba oil are hydrating and also rich in Vitamin A.\n\n\n\n\nVitamin C\n\n\n\n\nVitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, which is key in maintaining your skin healthy and elastic.\n\n\nGood sources of Vitamin C\n\n\nFoods high in Vitamin C include fruits such as papaya and citrus fruits and vegetables such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts.\n\n\n\n\nOils such as calendula and lavender\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nStretch marks and scars can appear inflamed and are sometimes sensitive to touch. These types of oils can greatly reduce the inflammation and calm the skin down.\n\n\n\n\nPolyphenols\n\n\n\n\nEating a diet rich in the micronutrients antioxidant polyphenols can help speed up your skin\u2019s healing process and aid in wound healing.\n\n\nGood sources of Polyphenols\n\n\nPlant-based foods, such as berries, leafy green vegetables and herbs are high in polyphenols.\n\n\n\n\nTraditional herbs\n\n\n\n\nUlam, a collection of Malaysian herbs traditionally eaten raw, exhibit strong antioxidant properties, and many are also known for their skin-healing properties.\n\n\nCentella asiatica, more commonly known as Pegaga and Gotu Kola in Malaysia, is a herb high in terpenoids that helps increase collagen production in the body.\n\n\nIt\u2019s positive effects, such as reducing the appearance of stretch marks and helping prevent new stretch marks from forming, are backed by a number of clinical trials and studies. Pegaga is used in many exclusive cosmetic brands as an anti-ageing component to reduce fine lines and tighten the skin.\n\n\nWith the right habits you can prevent stretch marks and reduce their appearance\n\n\nStretch marks are a normal part of growing and nothing to be ashamed of. With that said, you can take action to prevent stretch marks from arising in the first place and treat the ones you already have naturally.\n\n\nWhile there is no one way to prevent stretch marks completely, eating well and exercising regularly help avoid rapid weight loss or gain. Organic oils rich in vitamins and skin-healing properties, as well as the consumption of skin-nourishing foods, are a great way to go.\n\n\nReference\n\n\n1. Wu J, Ma B, Yi S, Wang Z, He W, Luo G, Chen X, Wang X, Chen A, Barisoni D. 1. Gene expression of early hypertrophic scar tissue screened by means of cDNA microarrays. J Trauma. 2004 Dec;57(6):1276-86. doi: 10.1097/01.ta.0000108997.49513.dc. PMID: 15625461.\n\n\n2. Serbinova EA, Packer L. Antioxidant properties of alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol. Methods Enzymol. 1994;234:354-66. doi: 10.1016/0076-6879(94)34105-2. PMID: 7808307.\n\n\n3. 1. Kiecolt-Glaser J.K., Glaser R., Christian L.M. Omega-3 fatty acids and stress-induced immune dysregulation: Implications for wound healing. Mil. Med. 2014.\n\n\n4. Kang S, Kim KJ, Griffiths CEM, et al. Topical Tretinoin (Retinoic Acid) Improves Early Stretch Marks. Arch Dermatol. 1996;132(5):519\u2013526. doi:10.1001/archderm.1996.03890290053007\n\n\n5. Bylka W, Znajdek-Awi\u017ce\u0144 P, Studzi\u0144ska-Sroka E, Brzezi\u0144ska M. Centella asiatica in cosmetology. Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 2013 Feb;30(1):46-9. doi: 10.5114/pdia.2013.33378. Epub 2013 Feb 20. PMID: 24278045; PMCID: PMC3834700.\n\n\n6. MALLOL, J., BELDA, M., COSTA, D., NOVAL, A. and SOLA, M. (1991), Prophylaxis of Striae gravidarum with a topical formulation. A double blind trial. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 13: 51-57.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nYour Menstrual Cycle Explained \u2013 Including How to Eat and Workout to Feel Empowered\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/boy-raped-his-sister", "title": "12-year-old boy rapes 6-year-old sister after watching sex scene in video game", "body": "A 12-year-old boy raped his sister three times after being influenced by sex scenes from a video game. The 6-year-old girl was told that they were \u2018special bundles and snuggles\u2019.\n\n\nThe boy told Swindon Youth Court, in England, that he watched a sexual act in the game, \u2018Grand Theft Auto\u2019, and recreated the scene on his sister more than once.\n\n\nBoy raped his sister after watching sex scene in video game\n\n\nThe game in question, is for those aged 18 and above, and is known for the graphic nature of sex and violence.\u00a0The boy wanted to try out the scenes to \u2018see what it was like for himself\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nApparently, he raped his sister while the adults in the house were asleep, or in another room. On one occasion, another sibling was in the room when it happened.\n\n\nThe incidents came to light when the little victim confided in her school friend, and\u00a0the girl told their teacher. The boy has pleaded guilty to the charges.\n\n\nWhen asked by the judge what he would do if he had the opportunity to commit his crimes again, the boy replied, \u201cI would stop myself, I have learned that it\u2019s wrong.\u201d\n\n\nThe boy is currently not living with his siblings. He will have to complete a 12-month referral order.\n\n\n\u201cWe just want to make things right and do what\u2019s best for the safety of the children,\u201d the boy\u2019s mother has been quoted as saying.\n\n\n\u201cMy daughter used to be very sad this was her fault, but she\u2019s come on leaps and bounds, she\u2019s a very strong girl and there\u2019s not an ounce of sadness in her now, I\u2019m so proud of her,\u201d she said.\n\n\n\n\nReal Dangers of Watching Porn or Adult Content on Children\n\n\nPornography is a serious menace. Research has found out that long term exposure to pornography can\u00a0cause many detrimental behaviours.\u00a0A study by the\u00a0\nAmerican College of Paediatricians\n\u00a0found out that subjects:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\ndemonstrated increased callousness toward women\u00a0(for males only)\u00a0\n\n\nconsidered the crime of rape less serious\n\n\nwere more accepting of non-marital sexual activity and non-coital sexual practices such as oral and anal sex\n\n\nbecame more interested in more extreme and deviant forms of pornography\n\n\nwere more likely to say they were dissatisfied with their sexual partner\n\n\nbecame more accepting of sexual infidelity in a relationship\n\n\nvalued marriage less and were twice as likely to believe marriage may become obsolete\n\n\nshowed a greater acceptance of female promiscuity\n\n\n\n\nWhat Can We Do to Protect Our Kids?\n\n\n\n\nPlacing home computers in public spaces in the home, and never in a child\u2019s room (including mobile phones, iPads, gaming devices, etc.)\n\n\nSet and enforce limits around screen time.\n\n\nEquip all media devices with Internet filters and parental controls.\n\n\nModel healthy, respectful relationships and\u00a0self-worth.\n\n\nTalk to your child openly. Share your family\u2019s values and expectations regarding sex and relationships.\n\n\nKnow what your children are watching, playing and listening to.\u00a0Discuss any inappropriate content or behaviours with them.\n\n\n\n\nACPeds president and pediatrician, Michelle Cretella, M.D. warns parents that, \u201cThe chances of accidentally coming across porn at some point is probably close to 100 percent for most kids.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cTell them that \u2018If you ever see something that bothers you, or that makes you feel yucky, please tell me, and I will help you.\u2019\u201d\n\n\nIf you catch your child watching porn or adult content:\n\n\n1. Remain Calm\n\n\nBeing overly-emotional, angry, concerned and confused is normal\u2026 but won\u2019t get you anywhere. Perhaps these words are enough to describe your feelings as a parent when you first find out that your child often watches adult videos.\n\n\nHowever, the first thing you must do is to\u00a0\ncalm yourself down\n. This is so that you can begin a conversation with your child in an even-tempered manner.\n\n\n2. Avoid Scolding Them\n\n\nDon\u2019t blame or scold your child. Stay calm and act maturely.\n\n\nShow your support and care at all times. Get to know\u00a0what exactly they have seen/read.\n\n\n3. Provide Additional Supervision or Surveillance\n\n\nWhat else can you do once you know that your child has come across/frequently watches pornographic videos? Parents can take the extra step by providing extra supervision at home and in school. This includes limiting their access to viewing adult videos and being wary of who they befriend.\n\n\n(Source:\n International Business Times\n, \nYahoo News)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nTips untuk Menjagakan Kulit Bayi Anda. Ibu Ayah, Cuba Tips Ini! No.3 MESTI Buat\nKesihatan\nKuiz Ini Akan Membantu Anda Memutuskan Cara Terbaik Untuk Melindungi Diri Anda, Anak-Anak Dan Ibu Bapa\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nAdakah Anak Anda Alah Pada Susu Atau Intoleransi Laktosa? Ini Perbezaan Yang Ibu Bapa Patut Tahu\nParenting\n5 VERY Important Tips when Choosing a Newborn Diaper\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gut-brain-connection", "title": "Is Our Gut Our 2nd Brain? The Mind-Gut Connection Explained", "body": "By now you\u2019ve most likely heard the big news: your gut is your considered your second brain and it needs some extra attention. This is especially true when it comes to your mental health. With anxiety and depression being the leading cause of disability in 2020 with 40 million people suffering globally, it\u2019s time that we start to take a holistic approach in addressing the matter and for that science is taking a bottom up approach.\u00a0\n\n\nMicro-what?\n\n\nThe term \u201cmicrobiome\u201d gets thrown around quite a bit when chatting about gut health. Let\u2019s break it down so you can g(u)t a better idea of what\u2019s going on.\u00a0\n\n\nThe microbiome beings as soon as you pass through the birth canal. As you exit the womb, you\u2019re covered in this healthy bacteria which then grows into this 3 pound mass known as the microbiome. Research has found that humans are made up of 90% microbes and only 10% human cells.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring the early stages of life (from birth until the age of 3), these bacteria are sensitive and the foundation of health is being built. During this time it\u2019s very crucial to ensure that these bacteria are in healthy balance referred to as homeostasis.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nYour gut microbiome grows to be incredibly intelligent. It is made up of 100 trillion of these tiny bacteria that influence almost every function in your body. These bacteria control your weight, mood, sleep, skin, and brain health, which is why it\u2019s important to make sure they stay balanced and well fueled.\u00a0\n\n\nThe state of your gut can be the reason you feel fabulous or why you feel sluggish.\n\n\nBut, why is the gut called the second brain?\n\n\nThere are a few key reasons for the gut being referred to as the second brain.\n\n\nThe first reason we call it our \u201csecond brain\u201d, is that the microbiome controls almost everything about us. Such as:\n\n\n\n\nYour genetics\u00a0\n\n\n\nYour healthy weight balance\n\n\n\nThe foods you crave\n\n\n\nThe quality of your sleep\n\n\n\nYour immunity\n\n\n\nYour hormones\n\n\n\nDetoxification\n\n\n\nAutoimmunities\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s happening with your skin\n\n\n\nHow you feel and think\n\n\n\n\nThis is why I would arguably say that it is our first brain!\u00a0\n\n\nSecondly being that it runs entirely on its own through the Enteric Nervous System. You don\u2019t have to tell yourself to digest your food or your heart to breathe, do you? The brain, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, and gut all make up this system.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Enteric Nervous System is home to the longest cranial nerve called the vagus nerve, something we refer to in my programs as the \u201cwandering nerve\u201d. The vagus nerve sends out these signals called \u201caction potentials\u201d that keeps everything running smoothly in the body.\u00a0\n\n\nThe communication is entirely automatic and 90 percent of the communication that runs through this vagus nerve is from the gut to the brain, meaning your gut is continually influencing how your brain functions through this gut-brain connection.\u00a0\n\n\nGut-Brain Connection\n\n\nYou\u2019ve most likely used the phrases \u201cI have butterflies in my stomach\u201d or maybe you\u2019ve had a \u201cgut wrenching experience\u201d where you felt your fears in your stomach. These phrases aren\u2019t just a play on words but have some truth to them as the brain and gut have a sensitive relationship.\u00a0\n\n\nYour gut is home to over 100 million neurons; that\u2019s as many as your spinal column. On top of that, it is home to 30 different neurotransmitters; that\u2019s as many as in your brain!\u00a0 And it is the powerhouse of your immunity with 85 percent of your immunity being held between your gut wall.\n\n\nThe communication between the gut and the brain is a two-way street. An imbalanced and inflamed gut can send signals to the brain, just as an imbalanced and inflamed brain can send signals to the gut. This is why when working with clients I often see those suffering from\u00a0\nIBS\n\u00a0also suffering from anxiety or depression and vice versa.\u00a0\n\n\nTherefore, a person\u2019s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause and/or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression.\n\n\nWhat research is now finding is that 90 percent of your serotonin \u2014 your happy hormone\u2013 and 50 percent of your dopamine \u2014 your reward hormone\u2013 is housed in your gut lining. So, with 90 percent of your happiness being held in your gut and 80 to 90 percent of that communication through the vagus nerve being from your gut to your brain, it makes sense to tune into what you\u2019re eating to tackle depression, anxiety, and stress.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, now what?\n\n\nSimply put: when you have an inflamed gut, you have an inflamed brain and when you have an inflamed brain you can have an inflamed gut. To see relief in one, it starts with tackling inflammation. This is why when working with students in the\u00a0\nGut Recharge Program\n, we take the dual approach for fighting inflammation.\u00a0\n\n\n\u2063Tuning into your nutrition is the first step in healing your anxiety and depression using a holistic approach. Figuring out your trigger foods and then eliminating them to allow the body to heal will do wonders for the mind, body, and soul.\u00a0\n\n\nNext, you also want to focus on what\u2019s happening outside of your plate. You can drink all the green juice and eat all the kale salads, but if you\u2019re not dealing with what\u2019s going on inside your head you\u2019re only fighting half the battle.\u00a0\n\n\nTuning into your stress management, your eating habits, your relationships, and your environments will create a platform to set you up for success.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re someone that is looking for a holistic approach to healing your anxiety and depression, check out the Gut Recharge Program. We cover topics like this and so much more so that you can heal for good.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chronic-stress-manage-stress-for-peace-of-mind", "title": "10 Ways To Manage Your Stress For Peace Of Mind", "body": "We know by now that stress is not something to ignore. In fact, chronic stress can pose some real health risks to your body. When chronic stress develops into long-term stress, it can lead to high blood pressure, chest pains, chronic digestive issues, insomnia, panic attacks, and even depression.\n\n\nIn order to maintain a healthy body, mind, and soul, here are 10 ways to manage your stress for peace of mind.\n\n\nEliminate Your Triggers\n\n\n\n\nTake a moment to contemplate on what, or who is causing you to feel stressed. Some ideas: your job, your relationship with someone specific, or maybe even your diet? If you can identify triggers then you can start to work towards eliminating your triggers.\n\n\nIf you can\u2019t eliminate the trigger entirely, then how can you reduce your interaction with or approach towards that trigger?\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re struggling to identify your stress triggers, then consider keeping a stress journal. Simply note moments when you feel stressed and try to notice if you can find a pattern.\n\n\nMaintain A Balanced Diet & Avoid Sugar\n\n\nAlthough eating well hasn\u2019t been proven to have a direct connection to stress reduction, eating healthy and staying away from refined sugar can make you feel a lot better \u2013 physically and mentally.\n\n\nYou may start to develop more energy and in turn, become more focused and productive. Being alert and on top of your to-do list can also help reduce work-related stress.\n\n\nConsider Supplements\u00a0\n\n\nThere are numerous supplements available that promote stress reduction \u2013 you\u2019ll actually be spoilt for choice! 3 great options are:\n\n\n\n\nAshwagandha: A natural remedy loved by the Ayurvedic community, ashwagandha is known for\u00a0\ntreating stress and anxiety\n.\n\n\nGreen Tea: Easily accessible and effective, green tea contains polyphenol antioxidants which\u00a0\ncan increase serotonin levels\u00a0\n(known as the \u2018happy\u2019 chemical).\n\n\nOmega 3 Fatty Acids: According to\u00a0\nthis study\n, Omega 3 Fatty Acids helped medical students reduce their anxiety by 20%.\n\n\n\n\nRefrain From Stimulants\n\n\n\n\nWhile it might be tempting to turn to a glass (or more) of alcohol, the side effects are not worth it. Besides straining your wallet, alcohol can strain your mental health, too, as it\u2019s classified as a\u00a0\ndepressant\n. As for everything else, it\u2019s about balance.\n\n\nIf you always turn to alcohol \u201cto relax\u201d, cutting down can be hard \u2013 but comes with many benefits.\n\n\nAnother hard fact to swallow: caffeine is a stimulant that infamously causes\u00a0\njitters\n.\n\n\nSet Boundaries & Say \u2018No\u2019 More\n\n\nSaying\u00a0 \u2018no\u2019 more can be liberating as it will provide you with more time to focus on yourself, as opposed to doing things you don\u2019t want to do or meeting people you don\u2019t feel like seeing. Again, it will be hard to set boundaries and to say \u2018no\u2019. Just remember that your overall health should always be at the top of your priority list. Once you start saying \u2018no\u2019, it will only get easier and easier as your self-love deepens.\n\n\nMove Your Body\n\n\nWorking out can help to reduce stress, so if you still are not exercising, then it\u2019s time to get moving! Even just 15 minutes a day is enough for your body to start producing endorphins \u2013 a chemical known for making people feel ecstatic.\n\n\nWhy not hit up your favourite class at the gym, go for a run, or a long walk?\n\n\nConnect To Your Breath\n\n\n\n\nWhen faced with a stressful situation, the body automatically reacts by going into fight or flight mode. This means your heart rate increases, breathing becomes shallow, you get a dry mouth, and might experience other unpleasant sensations.\n\n\nThe first thing to do in situations like that is to take a slow, deep breath. Then take another. For a more long-term solution, find a\u00a0\nmeditation\n\u00a0or breathwork technique that resonates with you and practice it daily \u2013 even if just for ten minutes.\n\n\nGet Lost (Safely)\n\n\nReading\n\u00a0is often an underrated cure for stress. It\u2019s been proven to increase relaxation which, of course, helps with stress.\n\n\nA study conducted by the\u00a0\nUniversity of Sussex\n\u00a0found that participants who read for merely six minutes began exhibiting slower heart rates and reduced stress levels.\n\n\nRemember:\n\u00a0Reading comic books is still reading.\n\n\nSchedule In Time For Your Hobbies\n\n\nDo you get enough play in your life? Those moments where you are doing something purely for the pleasure of it \u2013 no expectations, no deadlines? Moments like that allow your body, and mind, to unwind and relax.\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t quite found a hobby then start experimenting. If you have, start scheduling in time to continue your (perhaps long lost) hobby.\n\n\nSet Yourself Up For A Good Sleep\n\n\n\n\nwoman sleep in eye patch in grey bed. copy space\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s undeniable: A bad night of sleep often results in lower energy levels, which then affects your mood and/ or leads to stress.\n\n\nIn order to avoid a restless night, why not set up your room to be conducive to sleep like a queen/king? You can try lighting candles, using a diffuser, playing soothing music, utilising an eye mask, and so much more.\n\n\nKeep Going\n\n\nYes, forming new habits can be challenging. You will thank yourself later when the quality of your life improves!\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget that for every problem, there is always a solution \u2013 and often is a lot about your mindset and how you approach different situations.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nBoost Fertility the Traditional Way\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n3 Ancient Herbs to Strengthen Your Immunity\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\u00a0\n7 Herbs to Naturally Boost Your Immune System\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/wean-your-baby-with-4-basic-tips-for-a-smooth-transition", "title": "Wean Your Baby With 4 Basic Tips for a Smooth Transition", "body": "Mums, your baby is now around six months old and can now sit up on his own. He watches you eat and cheekily tries to grab your food.\n\n\nYou know what? Your baby is now at the \nweaning stage\n. In other words, he is ready to start \neating solid food\n.\n\n\n\n\nBut as a new mum, you may not be sure about the basics of a child\u2019s weaning journey. Here\u2019s help for you to make this transition smooth and easy!\n\n\n\n\n1. Is \nYour Baby Ready for Weaning? The Telltale Signs\n\n\nWeaning is an exciting new phase for mothers. But how can you be sure that your baby is absolutely ready to start his journey towards eating solid food?\n\n\nAccording to most paediatricians, babies are ready for their first taste of solids by the time they are around six months old. By this age, babies begin to lose their \u201cextrusion reflex,\u201dor what they use for sucking a breast or bottle, and begin to develop motor skills for chewing and eating.\n\n\nHere are the telltale signs that will confirm your baby is ready for this new phase of his life:\n\n\n\n\n2. Baby\u2019s \nFirst Food\n\n\nNow that you are weaning your toddler, you should try to offer him food that provides all the nutrients he requires. This is important for the overall growth of your child.\n\n\nAccording to experts, a baby\u2019s natural stores of iron begins to deplete around the time he is ready to \nstart eating solid food\n, which is at the age of six months. Because of this, babies should be given baby iron-fortified cereal, as well as foods naturally rich in iron (such as chicken or pork), as some of their first foods.\n\n\nIron-rich food should be combined with Vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of iron.\n\n\nOffer him a variety of food from the four main food groups in the correct portions. Familiarise yourself as well with the serving sizes of various food groups to help you plan a healthy diet for him.\n\n\n\n\n3. Texture of \nWeaning Food\n\n\nWhat should be the texture of the solids that you offer to your toddler? You can\u2019t jump straight away to giving him food that adults consume.\n\n\nMums, weaning is a journey, and so the texture of food should also gradually change as the weaning process progresses.\n\n\nFor example, for the first stage (at around six months), keep the texture \nsmooth and runny\n to help your baby enjoy the process of learning how to eat. Give your baby soft, mashed fruit and cooked, strained vegetables at this stage. You can also give soft protein-rich foods such as beancurd/tofu, cooked and mashed lentils, and finely flaked fish.\n\n\nHowever, as your baby\u2019s ability to chew and bite improves between eight and ten months, you can move towards food with more texture. For example, you could add finely minced meat and finely shredded poultry in his diet.\n\n\n4. How \nMuch to Feed Your Baby\n\n\nFeeding a baby is a delicate affair as every baby has a unique appetite. Feed the baby too little and he mayremain hungry. Feed him too much, and he could be overfed, resulting in possible digestive unease.\n\n\nHere is how you couldportion your toddler\u2019s solid intake:\n\n\n\n\nMums, we know that the transition from milk to solids is a bit tricky, and you might meet some resistance or challenges along this journey. But as long as you persevere and follow the advice we have detailed here, the transition from milk only to solids is bound to be smooth.\n\n\nThis article was republished from \ntheAsianparent Singapore\n with permission.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stretch-marks-cream-malaysia", "title": "Best Stretch Marks Creams for Pregnancy to Ease Itchy, Sensitive & Dry Skin!", "body": "What\u2019s the best way to fade stretch marks?\n\n\nMothers go through a lot of physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. Stretch marks, also known as striae, happen when the skin stretches quickly, usually due to pregnancy, sudden change in weight, or even rapid growth during puberty.\n\n\nStretch marks appear in different areas of our body such as the stomach, arms, hips, and thighs. Although they are perfectly normal, some women actually do find them bothersome as they feel itchy, sensitive and also it affects their self-esteem. \n\n\nSome women usually find it hard to fade their post-pregnancy stretch marks. And here at theAsianparent, we have just the solution for you!\n\n\nHow to Choose A Good Stretch Marks Cream\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t let your stretch marks get you down, Mama, because there is a way for you to fade them!\u00a0\n You have to be patient though because it will take some time. \n\n\nThe best way to deal with stretch marks is to start applying a good stretch mark cream consistently throughout your pregnancy.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTake note of these few things before purchasing your stretch marks cream:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPregnant women should be extra careful when consuming or applying any medication to avoid any potential risks to the baby. It is best to go for creams that are made with natural ingredients or medically-approved chemical ingredients, and paraben-free.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort\n\n\n\n\nA good cream provides moisture and hydration to the skin. We recommend choosing an anti-inflammatory stretch mark cream if you have sensitive skin.\u00a0\n\n\nWe have compiled some of the most-loved stretch mark creams in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice Stretch Mark Cream\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nOur top choice is Mama's Choice Stretch Mark Cream that deeply moisturizes stretch mark-prone skin and relieves itching. This cream is safe to use during and after pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding. You can count on this to provide comfort to your stretching belly, hips, and breast.\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nA blend of natural ingredients derived from Lipobelle\nTM\n Soyaglycone\n\n\nAloe vera to improve skin elasticity and keep the skin soft, hydrated and supple all-day\u00a0\n\n\nEnriched with shea butter, olive oil, and jojoba oil\n\n\nRich in antioxidants and collagen-building components\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort:\n\n\n\n\nSoothes itchiness\n\n\nSoft and gentle enough to be applied on the skin\u2019s most sensitive area\n\n\n\n\n Mama\u2019s Choice Stretch Mark Cream \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\nPureen Stretch Mark Lotion\n\n\n\n\nPureen is one of the most trusted mum and baby care brands in Malaysia. The Pureen Stretch Mark Lotion is developed with its TRIPLE ACTION FORMULA that helps prevent and reduce stretch marks.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nCocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil dan Rose Hip Seed oil\n\n\nCollagen and Sodium Hyaluronate to strengthen the skin and enhance its elasticity\n\n\nVitamin E for antioxidant protection\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort:\n\n\n\n\nContains oil to soften the skin\n\n\nRelieves itchiness due to dry skin\n\n\n\n\n Pureen Stretch Mark Lotion (150ml) - \nRM30.40\ndari\n \nPureen\n5\n/5\nshop now\n\n\nPalmer\u2019s Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks\n\n\n\n\nPalmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion helps increase skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of stretch marks. This cream is highly recommended for stretch marks during and after pregnancy or sudden weight changes and can be used all over the body. \n\n\nBonus point - it does not only reduce stretch marks but also corrects skin tone and texture.\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nPure Cocoa Butter dan Shea Butter\n\n\nNatural oils\n\n\nCollagen, Elastin, and Lutein keep the skin moist and supple for 48 hours, allowing the skin to stretch more easily\n\n\nFree from mineral oil, parabens, phthalates, fragrance allergens, and dyes\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort:\n\n\n\n\nNot oily\n\n\nSuitable for whole body use, instead of your usual body lotion\n\n\n\n\n Palmer's Cocoa Butter Stretch Mark Cream \ndari\n \nPalmer's\n4.8\n/5\nBeli di Lazada\nBeli di Shopee\n\n\nBio-Oil\u00ae\n\n\n\n\nBio-Oil is a scar removal product that is not only very popular in this country, but around the world.\n\n\nRenowned for its very own research laboratory, the brand is known as Bio\u2011Oil\u00ae in all countries other than Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Slovakia, and Switzerland where it is known as Bio-Oil\u00ae and in Japan where it is known as Bioil\u00ae.\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nCalendula, Lavender, and Rosemary oils as well as Chamomile extract\u00a0\n\n\nVitamin A and E\n\n\nFree from chemical ingredients and preservatives\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort:\n\n\n\n\nPurCellin Oil\u2122 makes this a non-oily body oil a.k.a \u201cdry\" oil that feels light on the skin\n\n\nEasily absorbed into the skin\n\n\n\n\n Bio Oil - \nRM66.40\ndari\n \nBio oil\nBuy from Shopee\n\n\nBurt Bees Mama Belly Butter\n\n\n\n\nMums love this cream as it is specially formulated to soothe the skin throughout the 9 months of pregnancy. \n\n\nBurt Bees Mama Belly Butter has a creamy texture that will nourish mum\u2019s growing belly with softness, extra care, and comfort before and after the arrival of the baby. \n\n\nApply this belly butter early on during pregnancy so it is much easier to fade them later!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n99% natural ingredients\n\n\nSunflower oil, coconut oil, almond oil, shea butter, jojoba oil\n\n\nVitamin E\n\n\nFree from phthalates, parabens, petrolatum and SLS\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort:\n\n\n\n\nNot sticky\n\n\nEasily absorbed into the skin\n\n\n\n\n Burt Bees Mama Belly Butter \ndari\n \nBurt's Bees Mama Bee\nBeli di Lazada\nBeli di Shopee\n\n\nMustela Stretch Marks Prevention Cream\n\n\n\n\nThis Mustela cream helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks since pregnancy. It does not contain any fragrances or ingredients that can be harmful to the baby. \n\n\nIt was developed in collaboration with physicians to ensure that it is safe for mum and baby.\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nAvocado peptides strengthen skin elasticity and make skin feel supple and comfortable\n\n\nGalactoarabin, a patented stretch mark treatment ingredient extracted from the Larch tree, increases skin elasticity and helps skin withstand stretch marks\n\n\nBeeswax and shea butter provide lasting moisture and nourishment, leaving skin feeling soft\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort:\n\n\n\n\nHypoallergenic, safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding\n\n\nDoes not contain potentially harmful ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, phenoxyethanol, bisphenols A/S, caffeine and alcohol\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Mustela Stretch Marks Prevention Cream - \nRM120\ndari\n \nMustela\nBeli di Shopee\n\n\nMederma Stretch Mark Therapy\n\n\n\n\nMederma\u00ae Stretch Marks Therapy locks hydration to help prevent stretch marks. This cream can be applied during pregnancy, beginning the second trimester onwards, and even during breastfeeding.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\nCepailin, a proprietary botanical blend\n\n\nHyaluronic Acid\n\n\nCentella Asiatica plant extract\n\n\n\n\nFeel and Comfort:\n\n\n\n\nEasily absorbs into the skin\n\n\nIncreases the moisture content of the skin\n\n\n\n\n Mederma Stretch Mark Therapy \ndari\n \nMederma\nBeli di Lazada\nBeli di Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \nThe downside about being pregnant that no one told you about\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/helicopter-parents", "title": "12 signs you may be a helicopter parent", "body": "While you might have heard of helicopter parents before, here, we dive deep into the topic to provide you with a better understanding of this parenting style. What are some typical traits of helicopter parents? What are the effects of parenting styles on child development? And what can you do if you are a helicopter parent? \n\n\nWhat Is Helicopter Parenting?\n\n\n\u201cHelicopter parenting\u201d\n involves pouring an unhealthy amount of attention into your child\u2019s life. As the name implies, helicopter parents tend to hover over their children at all times. This kind of behaviour continues even when children are grown up. \n\n\nFrom giving advice all the time to dealing with your children\u2019s issues yourself, helicopter parenting goes hand-in-hand with intruding into your children\u2019s lives \u2013 a lot.\n\n\nDr Lim Boon Leng, a psychiatrist at Gleneagles Hospital, says that helicopter parenting is \u201ca maladaptive\u201d, since the parent is \u201coverprotective, hovers around the child, and gets involved in his affairs and activities excessively\u201d.\n\n\nAnd it\u2019s not just young children. Helicopter parenting can even affect teenagers and adults.\n\n\nAlthough children grow up and move out, they remain financially and emotionally reliant on mum and dad. Parents can still withhold financial support or tenderness to penalise children and obtain the results they want.\n\n\n\n\nSigns of helicopter parenting: Even University students can feel the effects of helicopter parenting. | Image source: stock photos\n\n\n\n\nSigns of Helicopter Parenting\n\n\nThere are many ways to identify whether you\u2019re a helicopter parent or not. Helicopter parents have a particular mindset, unlike others parents.\n\n\nDo any of these signs of helicopter parenting seem familiar to you?\n\n\nSigns of Helicopter Parenting: Do you believe that\u2026\n\n\n1. Your main role as a parent is minimising pain in your child\u2019s life?\n\n\n2. A smooth life will help your child to grow up happily? \n\n\n3. You can\u2019t stand seeing your child experiencing painful or negative setbacks?\n\n\n4. It\u2019s okay to intrude into your kid\u2019s social life, continuously giving them advice and listening to their problems?\n\n\n5. Your child may not be able to handle life\u2019s challenges, such that you call them excessively throughout the day until even they become anxious?\n\n\nSigns of Helicopter Parenting: You\u2026\n\n\n6. Take full control and handle your children\u2019s social issues (e.g. arguments with other kids or teachers) by talking it out with the adults who could be responsible.\n\n\n7. Finish your child\u2019s assignments for them and ask teachers for an extra grade.\n\n\n8. Preach to your child\u2019s teachers after class, telling them what they should be doing.\n\n\n9. Keep your child within your sight at all times when possible (e.g. driving your teenager to meet their date, even if it\u2019s close by).\n\n\n10. Organise your older child\u2019s room, wash and fold your teenager\u2019s clothes, even though they are quite capable of doing such tasks themselves.\n\n\n11. Don\u2019t let them take any risks (e.g. telling your primary-schooler they are not allowed to ride a bike for fear of injuries).\n\n\n12. Don\u2019t accept failure in your child.\n\n\nWhy Helicopter Parenting Doesn\u2019t Work\n\n\nHelicopter parents overly shield their children from a huge range of issues. They may go so far as solving the child\u2019s problems. Or helicopter parents may make decisions for their children even if they are old enough to do these things for themselves.\n\n\nWhile such parents have the best intentions at heart, the reality is they could be harming their child\u2019s development.\n\n\nParental behaviour such as this results in a generation of helpless children who are at a loss when tasked with making a decision. Without the confidence to self-motivate, children of helicopter parents find it harder to be \nindependent\n at any stage in their life. \n\n\nHere is how helicopter parenting \ndoes not \nhelp your child. \n\n\n\n\nHelicopter parents want to find easy ways to prevent their children from getting stressed, such as by doing their assignments or chores. \nHowever\n, some frustration can be good as it helps your child improve his problem-solving skills. Meanwhile chores can teach your child how to be responsible.\n\n\nThey think they know how to best guide their children\u2019s physical activities. \nHowever\n, when it comes to sports and teamwork, too much hand-holding only deprives your child of learning experiences, such as resolving conflicts, cooperating, leading others towards a common goal, and coping with defeat. They can only learn these skills by experiencing them on their own. \n\n\nSome parents strip children of the opportunity to be independent when they keep them by their side all the time. \nHowever, \ndoing so only reduces your child\u2019s self-confidence and may even lead to aggression and/or depression.\n\n\nThey want to protect their children by not allowing them to take any risks. \nHowever\n, not taking any risks at all can hamper one\u2019s mental and physical growth. \n\n\nThey won\u2019t accept the child\u2019s mistakes, instead taking over the tasks that their child has to do. \nHowever, \ndoing so will only deny your children a chance to learn from trial and error. Trial and error allows your children to teach themselves, and eventually, how to navigate the world or resolve issues later in life. \n\n\n\n\nPsychological and Emotional Effects of Helicopter Parenting\n\n\nAlthough helicopter parenting may come from the best of intentions, it comes with a lot of negative consequences for the child. According to experts and helicopter parenting statistics,\n1\n children are at risk of developing behavioural problems when they grow older.\n\n\nWith extensive helicopter parenting, your child could become:\n\n\n\n\nAnxious and depressed\n. Helicopter parents can also force unfeasible expectations onto their children, who become self-critical, faulting themselves even for the slightest of errors. Over time, this behaviour can slowly develop into anxiety and depression.\n\n\nDeveloping low self-esteem. \nPrevious studies\n2\n have shown that children whose parents don\u2019t care for their children, or don\u2019t give them opportunities to improve via trial and error, were at risk of perceiving themselves as worthless.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLow self-esteem in younger and older kids is a common effect of overprotective parents, and is one of the signs of helicopter parenting. | Image source: stock photos\n\n\n\n\n\n\nToo dependent on you. \nBy doing everything for your children instead of letting them figure it out on their own, you\u2019re creating a situation of dependency. Your children will only ever see you as the solution, even \u00a0in adulthood. Always remember that struggling is actually good, as it helps a person learn how to do things better.\n\n\nAggressive and impatient to their peers\n. Parents who over-impose their authority and intervene too much in their children\u2019s lives can make them feel as though they\u2019re not in control. In response, their children uphold their own influence by becoming \nirritable\n3\n when talking to peers. \n\n\nOverweight. \nHelicopter parents tend to limit their children\u2019s outdoor playtime activities (to avoid injuries, mostly). This often results in children sitting indoors. Most of the time they\u2019ll be in front of a TV or computer. And this deprives them of opportunities to develop social skills and exercise. \n\n\n\n\nA study by the University College London\n4\n has discovered that children brought up with parents who did not impose as much psychological control over them become happier, more satisfied adults.\n\n\nHelicopter Parents, Here\u2019s What You Can Do About It\n\n\nThere are ways to curb the signs of helicopter parenting. Here are some practical tips:\n\n\nDon\u2019t Punish Mistakes\n\n\n\n\nTrust kids with tasks that are age- and developmentally-appropriate.\n\n\nEquip children with the skills needed to complete a task.\n\n\nEncourage them to make mistakes, but be ready to guide them when they do so. The aim is to teach them \nlife lessons\n so that they can learn responsibility and accountability.\n\n\nObserve how your child deals with frustration first before intervening.\n\n\nIt\u2019s fine to let your child get a few minor injuries. Remember: the point is to keep him as protected as needed, not as protected as possible. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nMaking your child feel safe and trusted in your hands is an important way to guide them properly. | Image source: stock photos\n\n\n\n\nOpen Communication Channels\n\n\n\n\nListen to your children intently, especially with regard to social conflicts. Support them as they talk and let them express their full range of emotions. Then, teach them to soothe themselves and find ways to resolve the issue. \n\n\nReassure them that you care for them before helping them solve a problem.\n\n\nEngage them in conversation that helps stimulate their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. \n\n\nBe vulnerable and let your kids see you struggle.\n5\n They will learn about \nperseverance\n, which might even set them up for future success. \n\n\n\n\nTeach Them Independence\n\n\n\n\nEmphasise how their struggles can be an opportunity for learning and collaboration.\n\n\nHighlight the importance of the process more than results.\n\n\nLet your children solve problems on their own, as it helps them learn to become mentally stronger. Let them test their limits. Celebrate their efforts, not just their successes, especially when they persevere through difficult problems.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to start small, and don\u2019t push further if they can\u2019t take it. Let them explore their own passions that they naturally excel in, instead.\n\n\nTeach your child to talk to his own peers or teachers if he has issues with them.\n\n\nProvide times for your children to be free. You can leave older children in the fenced backyard or playground while you prepare dinner or do something else. \n\n\n\n\nExpert Recommendations\n\n\nJulie Lythcott-Haims was the Dean of freshmen in \nStanford University\n. In her 10 years of serving the University, she realised that new students were increasingly academically brilliant, but also increasingly unable to care for themselves.\n\n\nShe pinpoints the source as helicopter parenting. While this style of parenting may help students perform excellently in terms of academics, it protects them from hardship, failure and disappointment. She points out that such parents are stripping their children of the chance to learn who they are, what they love and how to navigate the world.\n\n\nLythcott-Haims advises four simple ways to curb helicopter parenting:\n\n\n\n\nBeat the signs of helicopter parenting. Start with chores young, gradually increasing the need for self sufficiency. | Image source: stock photos\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIndependence: \nEncourage your older children to be independent by asking them to run errands, teaching them to cook meals on their own, and so on. According to Lythcott-Haims, this is a good thing. It teaches your child valuable social skills such as self-sufficiency, a good work ethic, and confidence.\n\n\nIndividuality: \nDon\u2019t say \u201cwe\u201d to refer to your child. Letting your child own the important aspects of his life allows them be at the forefront of their dreams and aspirations, so that you don\u2019t need to do everything for them. \n\n\nTrust others: \nLet your child\u2019s older mentors guide him as needed. By letting these other adults do what they do the best, your child can interact with and question them independently. You are essentially teaching your child how to stand up for himself. \n\n\nStep back: \nDon\u2019t do their work for them\n \u2013 it makes them feel helpless (even if it gets the grades). Instead, make your presence known should they they need guidance. Give them the chance to express their sense of fulfillment when they nail a school project independently. \n\n\n\n\nParents, remember that it\u2019s alright to be involved in your children\u2019s lives. But it\u2019s impossible to protect or advise them 24/7.\n\n\nAs Lythcott-Haims says, putting yourself out of your job as parents is the only way you\u2019ll know you\u2019ve successfully raised an adult.\n\n\nWATCH: Long-term risks of helicopter parenting\n\n\n\n\nTo read more about how to raise resilient children, visit \nwww.aptagro.com.my\n.\n\n\nInterested in other parenting styles? Learn more here:\n\n\nHave You Heard Of The Durian Generation? Here\u2019s How Not To Raise A Brat\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\nToday,\n \nwww.todayonline.com/singapore/are-you-helicopter-parent\n\n\nWebMD,\n \nwww.webmd.com/children/ss/slideshow-kids-injuries\n\n\nThe Atlantic, \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n\n\n1\n\u00a0\n\n\n2\n\u00a0\njournals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2167696815576458\n\n\n3\n \n\n\n4 \nwww.ucl.ac.uk/news/news-articles/0915/040915-caring-parents-happier-lives\n\n\n5\n \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAlso Read: \n\n\nThe effects of helicopter parenting explained by a Stanford Dean\n\n\nThe lazy mom\u2019s guide to teaching your child to be independent\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-negative-influence-of-accommodating-child-anxiety", "title": "The Negative Influence of Accommodating Child Anxiety", "body": "We may not notice it but most parents can\u2019t help but accommodate child anxiety. More and more people have been raising mental health awareness. This leads most adults to be more mindful of their actions towards people and their kids.\n\n\nHowever, parents who constantly accommodate their child\u2019s anxiety can pose risks and negatively influence them.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen Did We Start Accommodating Child Anxiety?\n\n\n\n\nParents can discover strategies that strengthen their children\u2019s resilience and ability to cope. This especially applies to times of global uncertainty and stress. Fostering resilience and self-regulation in children is better than accommodating your child\u2019s anxiety.\u00a0\n\n\nUnfortunately, a vast part of parenting philosophies in the media confuse most parents. It is an exceedingly difficult endeavour for parents to decide which strategies to employ.\u00a0\n\n\nIn truth, a poor parenting approach poses risks to children. Concerning this, anxiety is one of the two most common mental health disorders among children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anxiety affects 1 in 11 children aged 3-17.\u00a0\n\n\nNationwide surveys indicate that the prevalence of anxiety among children significantly increased before the pandemic. Afterwards, anxiety rates in children across the globe doubled. Anxiety in young people can be caused by a variety of factors. Social isolation, a lack of genuine contacts, social media use, and news exposure are all issues at play.\n\n\nThings You Need to Know About Parental Accommodation\n\n\nWhen it comes to child anxiety, we parents can\u2019t help but accommodate our kids. Parental accommodation happens when we change our behaviour to relieve their distress. We start to disregard our emotional needs to alleviate our children\u2019s stress.\u00a0Unfortunately, this causes our kids to become reliant on us as we suppress our feelings.\n\n\nWe can relate child anxiety with commonly related other mental illnesses such as anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The majority of parents of youth with these disorders report engaging in accommodating behaviour. Additionally, most of them accommodate their kids at least once a day.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some scenarios in which you might be accommodating your kid\u2019s anxiety:\n\n\n\n\nAlways let your kids refuse your encouragement of engaging in sports or activities outside your home.\u00a0\n\n\nConstantly speaking in public for your kid.\n\n\nAllowing your child to stay at home instead of joining extracurricular activities at school.\n\n\nGetting rid of the things that your kid dislikes.\n\n\n\n\nThe acts mentioned above all fall under accommodation. Continuously practising these situations may result in worsening your kid\u2019s anxiety. They may also become spoiled and reliant on you.\n\n\nAs parents, we can\u2019t help but do the mentioned acts because we want to prioritise our kids\u2019 comfort. However, constant child accommodation may result in:\n\n\n\n\nOur kids becoming fearful of meeting new people like visitors at home\n\n\nNever having confidence in speaking their mind\n\n\nInability in completing tasks by themselves\n\n\n\n\nWhy Do Parents Accommodate?\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nParents accommodating their children is understandable. It is typically well-intentioned behaviour that can occur for many reasons.\u00a0\n\n\nProtective Parents\n\n\nParents, you must be capable of protecting your children from any harm or danger. This kind of protection is a healthy and normal part of parenting, especially when the real threat is present. However, you must also watch yourself from being overprotective.\n\n\nAccommodating brings relief\n\n\nSome parents experience stress when observing their children experience negative emotional states. Concerning this, parental accommodation can provide relief not just to the kids but also to their parents.\u00a0\n\n\nParents personal histories\n\n\nSeveral parents may also accommodate because of their own personal histories and belief systems. Some parents have experienced harsh discipline as a child.\u00a0As a result, they were fearful and uncomfortable applying behaviour management strategies themselves. They may falsely equate discipline with abuse.\u00a0\n\n\nPersonal views\n\n\nSome parents subscribe to the view that they should always strive to make their kids happy and comfortable. Some parents see their role as one in which they are responsible for extinguishing negative emotions. They tend to hold the belief that anxiety is harmful to their child.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Risks of Accommodating Child Anxiety\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWith everything we mentioned, you probably realised how you accommodate your child\u2019s anxiety. To avoid the negative influence, we must address the risks involved.\n\n\nRisks in Children\n\n\nChildren with anxiety can throw meltdowns and tantrums and sometimes display aggressive behaviours. These could be the result when they anticipate and try to escape the fearful situation.\u00a0Family accommodation feeds the negativity of child anxiety. It is linked to more severe symptoms and a poorer response to treatment.\u00a0\n\n\nA study has shown to promote greater reliance on parents and less development of independent coping skills.\u00a0Parental accommodation may prevent children from gaining insight and healthy perceptions of difficult situations. It could impose on children that situations are hard, too dangerous, or the child is incapable.\u00a0\n\n\nRisks in Parents\n\n\nParents might experience both guilt and anxiety watching their child cry. It happens specifically when they set a limit or tell their child no.\u00a0If accommodation has been a fixture in a home for a long time, changes in parenting behaviours affect your child. It can lead to a more intense child response as they adjust to new expectations.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nParents must keep in mind that getting uncomfortable is just normal. The only way to get past an emotion is to let yourself experience it.\n\n\n\n\nPsychology Today\n\n\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from theAsianparent\u00a0\nSingapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nEffective Ways to Help & Motivate Slow Learners to Excel in Studies Without Shaming Them\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/11-11-sale-friso-gold", "title": "#StayHome And Have Fun With The Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Moo-Possible Campaign", "body": "It\u2019s almost the year-end and besides the holiday season coming up, we can also look forward to year-end sales like the famous 11.11 sale.\n\n\nWhat started off as a \u201cSingles Day\u201d cyber sale, it has morphed into the biggest online sale of the year for everyone \u2013 from singles to parents looking to snag the best deals for the family.\u00a0\n\n\nWe spend months adding stuff into our carts waiting for all these awesome online sales to finally check them out and the time is here for us to do that again!\n\n\nFriso\u00ae Gold \n11.11 Sale*\n Makes It Moo-Possible To #StayHome And Get The Best Deals\n\n\nNow that we\u2019ve experienced two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia and unfortunately, also two rounds of the movement control order, going out to shop is a luxury many of us can no longer afford \u2013 especially with vulnerable kids we wish not to expose to these risks.\u00a0\n\n\nThankfully, for us parents who need to stock up on necessities like milk powder for the kids, we have alternative means of doing so.\u00a0\n\n\nFriso\u00ae Gold is introducing its Moo-Possible campaign this year-end, encouraging parents to #stayhome and continue to shop online.\u00a0\n\n\nThis campaign brings us the Friso\u00ae Gold ambassadors, Lizzie & friends, which you will find on various channels online, offering superb rewards, great deals, and even the opportunity to get a free BBQ-hotpot set when you purchase from the Friso\u00ae Gold Flagship store on Lazada during the 11.11 sale.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is \nMoo-Possible\n all about?\n\n\n\n\nJust like us, due to the current situation out there, 1,111 of Friso\u00ae Gold\u2019s cows have also been staying indoors. They eat and sleep well, but similar to how we feel, they can\u2019t help but to feel a little bored at home.\n\n\nFriso\u00ae Gold needs everyone\u2019s help to cheer the cows up. So whenever you spot these Friso\u00ae Gold cows on the internet, just click on them to throw these cows a little party!\u00a0\n\n\nYou will be instantly rewarded with vouchers for your Friso\u00ae Gold purchases before and on 11.11.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s\n what you can look forward to\n:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nVouchers up to RM100 with no min spend.\u00a0\n\n\nA limited time only Crazy Brand Mega Offer with all-day great deals PLUS Exclusive price off Friso\u00ae Gold Value Packs (6 x 1.2kg) to be revealed on 11.11\n\n\n1000 sets of BBQ-hotpot for the first 1000 customers who spend RM800 with Friso\u00ae Gold or on Frisomum Gold products.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOn 11.11 itself, look out for their crazy brand mega offers\u00a0 from 12am-2am:\n\n\n\u2013 RM30 off, with min.spend of RM250 on Friso\u00ae Gold/Frisomum Gold products\n\n\n\u2013 RM80 off, with min.spend of RM700 on Friso\u00ae Gold/Frisomum Gold products\n\n\nAs well as their all-day great deals:\u00a0\n\n\n\u2013 RM25 off, with min.spend of RM250 on Friso\u00ae Gold/Frisomum Gold products\n\n\n\u2013 RM60 off, with min.spend of RM700 on Friso\u00ae Gold/Frisomum Gold products\n\n\nSo mark your calendars now and get ready for their amoozing deals on \nLazada\n!\u00a0\n\n\n*Sale or offers above only applicable for Friso\u00ae Gold range of products\n.\n\n\n\n\nFriso\u00ae Gold is a premium formulated milk powder for children\u2019s brand that\u2019s 100% produced and imported from the Netherlands. With 140 years of Dutch dairy heritage and expertise, Friso\u00ae Gold delivers natural milk nutrition preserved by the unique LocNutri\u2122 Mild Heat Treatment Technology in a single manufacturing process. This results in nutritious milk that\u2019s easy to digest, helping kids grow stronger from the inside out\u2014a benefit that\u2019s incredibly important to Malaysian parents.\n\n\nLast June, \nFriso\u00ae Gold introduced smart packaging called \nTrackEasy\n, allowing Malaysian parents access to full transparency over formulated milk powder. Friso\u00ae Gold is the only brand in Malaysia that offers this \nsmart packaging\n innovation.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/top-health-and-safety-rules-to-remember-when-flying-with-a-baby", "title": "Top health and safety rules to remember when flying with a baby", "body": "Flying with a baby is tough in many ways. But if your little one is sick before a flight \u2014 or worse still, falls ill on a flight \u2014 then parents are presented with a whole new set of challenges.\u00a0 What \nshould\u00a0\nyou do if a baby falls ill while flying? For a mum and dad recently, they could only watch in horror and helplessness as their little one passed away during air travel.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nRules for flying with a baby: Baby tragically passes away in flight to Qatar\n\n\nOn Wednesday, September 26, Qatar Airways announced that an\u00a011-month-old baby had tragically passed away after a flight travelling from Doha to the Hyderabad, an Indian city.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe are aware of the very sad news that a young child passed away at Hyderabad International Airport this morning.\u00a0\nOur heartfelt sympathy and thoughts are with the affected family,\n\u201d\u00a0 stated the airline.\n\n\n\n\nAccording to a representative of Qatar Airways, the 11-month-old boy was accompanied by his parents in the plane during the wee hours of Wednesday.\n\n\nOnce the plane arrived in Hyderabad, the parents noticed that their baby had difficulty breathing while they were walking to the\u00a0immigration area, commented the representative.\u00a0\n\n\nThe 11-month-old was rushed to Hyderabad\u2019s\u00a0Apollo hospital.\n\n\nSangeetha C R, the spokeswoman for Hyderabad airport, challenged the claim that the 11-month-old passed away in the airport. \u201cWe\u2019re waiting for investigations to conclude and for official reports from both Qatar Airways and Apollo hospitals on the baby\u2019s death,\u201d she said.\n\n\nWe\u2019re not sure of what exactly happened as there are no further details available yet. But the tragic incident does remind us to remind\u00a0\nyou\u00a0\nof\u00a0these health and safety rules for flying with a baby.\n\n\n\n\nAre you aware of some key health and safety facts to keep in mind when travelling with a baby?\n\n\n\n\nTop health rules for flying with a baby\n\n\n1. Sanitise\n\n\nWash hands frequently while travelling \u2014 on the flight as well as in airports. Bring hand sanitiser or wipes if you have no access to water and soap.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Get prior paediatric advise\n\n\nIf your baby has chronic heart or lung issues, or has upper or lower respiratory conditions or illnesses, consult with your paediatrican\u00a0\nbefore\u00a0\nflying.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Watch out for ear infections\n\n\nConsult your pediatrician if flying within two weeks of an\u00a0ear infection\u00a0or ear surgery in your child.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Position your baby properly\n\n\nContinue holding your baby for a few minutes after you\u2019ve fed him while flying, ensuring that he burps. If your baby begins to doze off, position him lying on his back, and not on the stomach or lying sidewards. Sleeping sidewards \u2013 on the stomach \u2013 produces additional pressure on the heart and lungs. This excess pressure can squeeze the abdomen, pressing it against the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties.\n\n\nReferences: \nChannel News Asia\n, \nEconomic Times\n, \nHealthy Children\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child\u2019s Gut Health Causing Tantrums? Here Is What You Need To Know\nKanak-Kanak\nThe Day My Child Cried Because Of Hard Bowel Movements And How It Changed Me\nKesihatan\nThis Quiz Will Help You Decide How Best To Protect Yourselves, The Kids And Your Parents Too\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-if-your-child-starts-bullying", "title": "What if Your Child is the Bully: A Guide for Parents", "body": "What are you going to do when you receive that dreaded phone call from your child\u2019s school,\n\n\n\u201cHi is this Mrs T? This is Principal H.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI wanted to talk to you about Timothy. We have been receiving complaints from several parents that he has been picking on his classmates.\u201d\n\n\nLast year, the\u00a0\nbullying of a Primary 5\n\u00a0student drew widespread attention when her sister took it to social media to talk about it. The community expressed their sympathy for the victim and apologies were issued by the victimisers.\n\n\nThis incident sparked a chain of other questions:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhat leads to these kinds of unfortunate situations?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAre their parents checking upon them?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHow could they let their child behave so badly?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nBut the truth is that bullying behaviour may not be immediately noticeable to parents, who may be unaware of what their child is doing outside of the home.\n\n\nYou\u2019re going to experience a range of strong emotions if you discover your child is bullying others. These emotional reactions are normal for parents who want to believe that their children would never intentionally harm others.\n\n\nTo be an effective advocate for your child, you must first acknowledge your emotions and then focus on developing an action plan to assist your child.\n\n\nWhat is bullying?\n\n\n\n\nBullying is not the same as the typical conflicts in schools. It is a deliberate act that injures, harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or emotionally, and can occur at school, in the community, or online. The behaviour is usually repeated, though it can be a one-time occurrence if it is extremely severe or results from a pattern of behaviour.\n\n\nBully? Or a child who bullies?\n\n\nBullying is a behaviour, not an identity. Labelling a child as a \u201cbully\u201d implies that their behaviour is fixed and unlikely to change. But behaviour can and does change.\n\n\nAdults attempting to resolve a bullying situation should avoid labelling the child engaging in bullying behaviour as a \u201cbully.\u201d When we label a child as a \u201cbully,\u201d we send the message that they will never be able to change their bullying behaviour. It makes everyone, including the child, believe that they will always be a \u201cbully.\u201d\n\n\n\nBullying is a behavior, not an identity.\n\n\n\nConsider using the terms \u201cchild who bullies\u201d or \u201ca child exhibiting bullying behaviour,\u201d which both acknowledge that they are, first and foremost, children and that they have demonstrated a negative behaviour.\n\n\nChildren who engage in bullying behaviour must be held accountable for their actions and given appropriate consequences, but it is also important to figure out why they are doing so. Adults have an important role in helping children make long-term, positive changes by addressing the behaviour and its causes.\n\n\nWhy do they bully?\n\n\n\n\nWhile there aren\u2019t conclusive indicators of why a child bullies, research has shown that they may have one or more of the following traits:\n\n\n\n\nPositive views towards violence\n\n\nOften aggressive towards parents, teachers and other adults\n\n\nA need to control and dominate others and situations\n\n\nHot-tempered, impulsive and easily frustrated\n\n\nOften tests limits, boundaries and breaks rules\n\n\nGood at talking their way of difficult and tense situations\n\n\nShow little sympathy towards others who are bullied\n\n\n\n\nIf you notice these characteristics in your child or hear from others that your child is bullying, it is critical that you investigate the situation.\n\n\n\nBullying is a learned behavior that can be \u201cunlearned\u201d and replaced with more positive ones.\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t despair if you discover that your child is bullying others. Because bullying is a learned behaviour that can be \u201cunlearned\u201d and replaced with more positive ones. You can teach your child more appropriate ways of dealing with emotions by talking with him or her and seeking help.\n\n\nHow you can help your child to stop bullying?\n\n\n1. Meet with their teacher\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to meet with the teacher and to listen to their perspective without being judgemental. This allows you to have a better understanding of what happened.\n\n\nCooperation with your child\u2019s school is also important. It is important to communicate with teachers or administrators on a regular basis to learn how your child is progressing in changing his or her behaviour. It helps to share with the teacher if you are having any family problems.\n\n\n2. Sit down and talk with your child\n\n\n\n\nSet up a safe environment to have the conversation. A good place would be in the child\u2019s room.\n\n\nBe direct about the issue, but make it clear that you are open to hearing your child\u2019s side of the story. Say something along the lines of: \u201cI got a call from the school today, and the teacher indicated that you were involved in some bullying. I\u2019m really concerned about this, and we need to talk about it. Please tell me what happened.\u201d\n\n\nChildren may not always recognize their own bullying behaviour. They may see it as \u201cjust having fun,\u201d not realizing the serious consequences for another child. It is important to help them understand what is bullying and emphasize that negative behaviour will not be tolerated.\n\n\n3. Find out why they are behaving this way\n\n\nThrough an open, non-judgmental discussion, find out why your child is behaving in such a manner. You could ask your child how they are feeling, if they are being bullied by others, or if they are feeling peer pressure from peers who are also bullying.\n\n\nDepending on the age of the child, you might need to ask some leading questions to guide them. Some questions that might help:\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\n\n\u201cYou\u2019ve said that a lot of people laugh at the jokes you\u2019ve made about your classmate. How do you think he feels about these jokes?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHow would you feel if you were being treated this way?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cYou\u2019ve said it\u2019s funny that J gets upset when he\u2019s teased. Can you tell me more about that?\u201d\n\n\n\n\n4. Be sure that it is a behavioural issue\n\n\nIn some cases, children with disabilities who have specific emotional and behavioural disorders or limited social skills may act in ways that can be misinterpreted as bullying. You could seek professional advice in such cases for help.\n\n\n5. Execute meaningful consequences\n\n\n\n\nPunishments for bullying behaviour can be effective, but they\u00a0should be meaningful and limited in scope.\u00a0It isn\u2019t a one-size-fits-all where you simply use the same punishment for everything.\n\n\nSay, for example, you find out that your child has been snatching toys from her peers, her actions should be met with immediate confiscation of her toys.\n\n\nThe duration of the punishment can work against you instead. The kid may have the impression that she is never going to get it back and thus give up trying.\n\n\nYou want to make it so that the time within which punishment happens and the amount of time for which it happens are really balanced to have the biggest effect.\n\n\n6. Make it right\n\n\nBehavioural changes don\u2019t happen on their own. You cannot expect your child to grow out of it. It is critical to consider the steps that are appropriate for you, your child, and your situation. Consider how things could be different and what needs to change. Then, decide who needs to be involved and what steps need to be taken.\n\n\nHere\u2019s a\u00a0\nplan\n that you could use.\n\n\n\u200b\u200bTo sum it up\n\n\nIn some ways, the most important action you can take is to have an open line of communication with your child about his daily life, which will put you in a better position to detect signs of bullying and trouble.\n\n\nTalk to your kids and be very present in their lives. They need to know that you care about them and that you are aware of what is going on in their lives.\n\n\nA smart\u00a0\nschool management system\n\u00a0is here to make your life easier by keeping the line of communication open \u2013 not just between you and your child, but also with their school.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are still looking for a system that will work well for your school\u2019s operations, you can\u00a0\ncontact LittleLives\n\u00a0to see how we can help!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nLittleLives\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/soup-recipes-cooking-ideas", "title": "Looking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup", "body": "Parents these days juggle a lot of things from day to night. \n\n\nEven if you\u2019re working from home, you\u2019re still pretty much \u201con the move\u201d all day, from doing the laundry and preparing meals, to catching up on your work emails while monitoring the kids\u2019 school lessons, squeezing in grocery runs and online meetings in between and the list goes on (and on and on). \n\n\nIt can get pretty overwhelming at times, so what do you need to do to keep the balance? Breathe, work smart and choose CONVENIENCE.\u00a0\n\n\nYes, convenience is key when you\u2019re a busy bee! It simplifies everything and in return, you get a much-deserved breather, too. \nMost mums would agree that cooking is one of the chores that take up most of their time in a day. It\u2019s even harder when you have picky eaters and run out of meal ideas.\n\n\nSo meal planning is a great way to save time (and the headache of not knowing what to cook!) and energy throughout the week. Find out what the kids love and try to create yummy recipes from there.\u00a0\n\n\nWe know how tedious it is to prepare 3 meals a day, especially when you\u2019re running on a full to-do list, so we\u2019ve come up with a convenient cooking solution that\u2019s not only perfect for busy mums but just about anyone who prefers the taste of wholesome home-cooked meals.\u00a0\n\n\nYou Can\u2019t Go Wrong With Everyone\u2019s Favourite Comfort Food \u2013 Soup!\n\n\n\n\nAhhh, that warm bowl of goodness we crave whenever we need a little pick-me-up. Whether we\u2019re feeling blue, coming down with a cold or just a bit too tired to cook up a storm in the kitchen after a long day, a bowl of warm and tasty soup has a way of making our tummy happy and also lifts our mood almost instantaneously.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd who can say no to a bowl of creamy mushroom soup, served with crispy garlic bread? It\u2019s one of the easiest meals to whip up when you\u2019re pressed for time but need something good to fill your tummy with.\n\n\nMums would also agree that any kind of soup recipes be it creamy chicken or mushroom soup is always a winner with the little picky eaters.\n\n\n\n\nGetting Hungry? Let\u2019s Get Cookin\u2019!\u00a0\n\n\nIf we got you thinking of soup recipes already, it\u2019s time to have some fun. Did you know that there are countless possibilities when it comes to creating dishes from a regular can of soup? \n\n\nYup, and for this, we trust the taste of the most popular soup brand around the world, Campbell\u2019s! \nCampbell\u2019s Condensed Soup\n has a variety of flavours that you can play around with in the kitchen.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCampbell\u2019s Condensed Soup makes meal preparation convenient and fuss-free, which is important for busy mums. It\u2019s tasty to enjoy on its own, and mums around the world love it for the warmth and nourishment it provides in every bowl. \n\n\nTip:\n make it extra special by complementing your bowl of Campbell\u2019s soup with a side of buttered toast or crackers. Yum.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd when you have a special family feast coming up, trust Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup to help you create a variety of nourishing hearty meals that are sure to make everyone go for seconds and thirds!\n\n\nYes, you read it right. With the very same can of Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup, you will discover #countlesspossibilities in your cooking adventure!\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s check out some yummy soup recipes created with different Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup flavours:\n\n\n1# Campbell\u2019s Baked Chicken Broccoli\n\n\nMade with \nCampbell\u2019s Cream of Chicken Condensed Soup\n\n\n\n\nGet the recipe and watch the cooking video \nhere\n.\n\n\n2# Campbell\u2019s One Pan Mushroom & Spinach Egg\n\n\nMade with \nCampbell\u2019s Creamy Chicken Mushroom Condensed Soup\n\n\n\n\nGet the recipe and watch the cooking video \nhere\n.\n\n\n3# Campbell\u2019s Chicken Chop with Mushroom Sauce\n\n\nMade with \nCampbell\u2019s Cream of Mushroom Condensed Soup\n\n\n\n\nGet the recipe and watch the cooking video \nhere\n.\n\n\n4# Campbell\u2019s Grilled Prawn with Tomato Sweet Basil\n\n\nMade with\n \nCampbell\u2019s Tomato Condensed Soup\n\n\n\n\nGet the recipe and watch the cooking video \nhere\n.\n\n\n5# Campbell\u2019s Lemon Chicken Rice\n\n\nMade with\n \nCampbell\u2019s Cream of Chicken Condensed Soup\n\n\n\n\nGet the recipe and watch the cooking video \nhere\n.\n\n\nPretty amazing recipe transformations, right? Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup is so versatile and convenient, it makes cooking hearty meals pretty easy for everyone! \n\n\nPerfect for busy moms and especially for those who are always on the go. Make it a staple item in your kitchen pantry and you\u2019ll always be ready to turn any regular meal into an enjoyable occasion with your whole family.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChoose convenience and enjoy more quality time with your loved ones. Get your favourite Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup flavours, heat up your pots and pans and enjoy a delicious gastronomic journey with #CampbellsMY Condensed Soup because #OneCampbellsCountlessPossibilities!\u00a0\n\n\nFor more soup recipes ideas, exciting contests and product info, follow \nCampbell\u2019s Soup Malaysia on Facebook\n now.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to deal with your child\u2019s slow eating habit\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/babys-fever-dos-and-donts-all-parents-must-know", "title": "Baby's fever: Do's and don'ts all parents must know", "body": "You know the signs, mums \u2014 hot, flushed little bodies, restlessness and over-bright eyes. Your little one\u2019s temperature has risen and now, you are worried about your baby\u2019s fever.\n\n\nA baby\u2019s fever is a cause for concern for mums around the world. This article provides you with information about this rather common occurrence in your little one, including how you can manage the fever at home without medication and when you should be worried.\n\n\nWhat is fever?\n\n\nA human body\u2019s regular temperature is around\u00a036-37C (98-100F).\u00a0Normal body temperature \nvaries\n from person to person. It may also be influenced by activities such as exercise, sleeping, eating and even the time of day. For example, your body temperature generally peaks at around 6pm and is at its lowest around 3am.\n\n\nAccording to Dr Ratna Sridjaja\n\u00a0of SBCC Baby and Child Clinic, Gleneagles Hospital Singapore, \u201cfever occurs when the body\u2019s internal \u2018thermostat\u2019 raises the body temperature above its normal level.\u201d\n\n\nShe explains that this thermostat is located in the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating the body\u2019s temperature and keeping it within the normal range.\n\n\nWhen your little one is ill or has an infection, sometimes, the hypothalamus will increase the body\u2019s temperature in response. Dr Sridjaja says that \u201cresearchers believe that turning up the heat is the body\u2019s way of fighting the germs that cause infections and making the body less comfortable for them.\u201d\n\n\nSo, when your child\u2019s\u00a0body temperature rises, it means his immune system is healthy and working hard to fight an infection or illness. And while it your baby\u2019s fever certainly is a worry, do remember that a \nmild fever\n\u00a0(around 37.5-37.7C) in a baby over the age of 6 months is usually no cause for concern and means that his immune system is working just fine.\n\n\nRemember:\u00a0\nfever itself is\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nan illness; it is a sign of illness/infection.\n\n\n\n\nA digital thermometer is the safest option when taking your baby\u2019s temperature rectally.\n\n\n\n\nHow to take your baby\u2019s temperature\n\n\nThe medical experts at \nWebMD\n\u00a0describe a few ways to take a baby\u2019s temperature: rectally (via the rectum); orally (mouth); axillary (armpit); and forehead. You should only use a digital thermometer to take a child\u2019s temperature as mercury thermometers carry the risk of mercury poisoning if they break.\n\n\nThe most accurate temperature reading for babies under the age of one year old can be obtained by using a rectal thermometer.\n\n\nHere\u2019s how you can take your baby\u2019s rectal temperature using a digital thermometer, according to WebMD:\n\n\n\u201cFirst make sure the thermometer is clean. Wash it with soap and water or wipe it off with rubbing alcohol. Lay your baby on the belly or on the back with legs bent toward the chest.\n\n\n\u201cApply a little bit of petroleum jelly around the thermometer bulb and gently insert it about 1 inch into the rectal opening. Hold the digital thermometer in place for about two minutes until you hear the \u2018beep.\u2019 Then gently remove the thermometer and read the temperature.\u201d\n\n\nBe sure to clearly label the rectal thermometer so it\u2019s not subsequently used in your baby\u2019s mouth.\u00a0\n\n\nFor children over the age of one year of age, paediatrician \nDr. Cara Barone\n\u00a0recommends using either an ear thermometer or an oral digital thermometer.\n\n\nAccording to Dr Sridjaja, these are the temperatures that indicate a baby\u2019s fever, depending on the type of thermometer you use:\n\n\n\n\n38 C ( 100.4 F ) measured rectally ( in the bottom )\n\n\n37.5 C ( 99.5 F ) measured orally ( in the mouth )\n\n\n37 C ( 99 F ) measured an axillary position ( under the arm )\n\n\n\n\nCommon causes of fever\n\n\n*\nThe information in this section is adapted from \nSeattle Children\u2019s Hospital\n.\n\n\nAlmost always, a fever is caused by an infection, with viruses causing 10 times more infections than bacteria.\n\n\nThe following are some of the most common causes of your baby\u2019s fever:\n\n\n\n\nViral Infections: \nColds, the flu and other common viral infections are the most common causes of fever in babies. In fact, little ones \u2014 especially if they are in daycare \u2014 may have seven to 11 viral illnesses accompanied with fever per year. Often, fever might be the only symptom you notice in the first 24 hours, followed later by other symptoms such as a runny nose and/or cough.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBacterial Infections: \nThese infections are the second most common causes of fever in babies. Look out for bladder infections in girls especially if she has no other symptom other than fever. Unexplained fever is also a symptom of common bacterial infections like strep throat.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSinus Infection: \nA sinus infection is a complication of a cold, with a symptom being the return of fever a few days after your child\u2019s temperature returns to normal (along with sinus pain).\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVaccine Fever: \nMany babies develop fever after most vaccines, usually within the first 12 hours. It may last for two to three. This is normal and harmless and means the vaccine is working. However, if your baby\u2019s vaccine-related fever worries you, do see a doctor without delay.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOverheating: \nLow grade fever can occur if your child is over-heated. This could be either via overdressing or high environmental temperature. His temperature will return to the normal range once he is moved to a cooler place or the unnecessary layers of clothing are removed. Rest and drinking extra fluids also help in re-establishing a normal temperature.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEven a slight fever in your newborn baby is a cause for worry \u2013 do not wait to show him or her to a doctor.\n\n\n\n\nWhen to be worried about baby\u2019s fever\n\n\nNewborn fever\n\n\nIf your baby \nunder the age of three months old\n develops a temperature over 38C (100.4F), you will need to show him to a doctor without delay, says Dr. Barone. It is also a cause for concern if your baby\u2019s temperature drops to less than 35.5C (96F).\n\n\nWorrying symptoms to look out for\n\n\nDr Sridjaja advises that you should see a doctor if \nyour baby over three months of age has a fever under 39C\n,\n but also\n:\n\n\n\n\nrefuses, or seems too sick to drink enough liquids\n\n\nhas persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea\n\n\nshows signs of dehydration, such as being less alert/active than usual, crying without tears or urinating less than usual\n\n\nfeels pain when urinating\n\n\nis suffering from a medical condition such as cancer, kidney or heart disease\n\n\nhas fever for more than 72 hours\n\n\nalso has a rash\n\n\n\n\nSeek\u00a0\nimmediate medical attention, \nadvises Dr Sridjaja,\u00a0if your baby\n over three months of age has a fever over 39C, along with any of the following symptoms\n:\n\n\n\n\nInconsolable crying and extreme irritability\n\n\nLethargy and difficulty walking\n\n\nRash or purple spots that look like bruises on the skin ( that were not there before the child got sick)\n\n\nStiff neck\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\nBlue lips, tongue or nails\n\n\nSeizure\n\n\nInfant\u2019s soft spot on the head that bulges out or sunken inwards\n\n\nDifficulty breathing\n\n\nLearning forward and drooling\n\n\n\n\nIMPORTANT INFORMATION: How to manage your baby\u2019s fever \u2013 The Do\u2019s and Don\u2019ts\n\n\nWhile fever is a sign of a healthy immune system, it\u2019s still important to know ways of managing your child\u2019s fever, because if it goes too high (over 40-41C) there may be a risk of your little one developing a \nfebrile fit\n.\n\n\nHere are some do\u2019s and don\u2019ts of managing your baby\u2019s fever:\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\ngive paracetamol or ibuprofen based on the package recommendations according to your baby\u2019s weight and age. A syringe is the best way to ensure you are giving your little one the correct dosage. Avoid household teaspoons to measure out the medication, as you run the risk of overdosing or not giving enough of it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\ngive ibuprofen until you are sure your child\u2019s fever is not caused by the dengue virus. \nThis is because\n\u00a0dengue affects the platelets, which are responsible for blood clotting, increasing the likelihood of internal bleeding. Ibuprofen (and aspirin too) has a similar blood-thinning effect, and can aggravate, instead of helping to control the condition.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\ngive aspirin (unless advised by a doctor) due to its association with the potentially fatal \nReye\u2019s Syndrome\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA syringe is the best way of accurately measuring medication for children.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\nkeep your child well hydrated as fever causes little ones to lose fluids faster. If he is under six months of age, breastfeed him more often. Your breastmilk also contains powerful antibodies that will help him fight the infection more efficiently.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\ngive fever medications (i.e. panadol, ibuprofen) to a baby under two months of age says Dr. Sridjaja, unless advised to do so by a paediatrician.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\nuse a lukewarm compress to help bring your child\u2019s fever down. Apply it under his armpits, on his forehead and on either side of his groin.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\nimmerse your child in cold/icy water. Instead, fill your tub with just a few inches of tepid water and using a washcloth, dribble the water over your little one\u2019s body to help bring his temperature down. Never leave your child unattended in the tub.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\nuse rubbing alcohol as a way of lowering your child\u2019s temperature.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\nover-medicate on fever medication. Read the label carefully for the recommended interval between dosages and stick to it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\n\u201cstarve a fever\u201d. Let your child eat what he likes, especially if he is already eating solids. This will give him much-needed energy to help him fight the infection. Don\u2019t worry too much if he refuses solids, as long as he is drinking enough fluids and his urine output is normal.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\ndress your child in light, cotton clothing and use a light blanket too. Overdressing and using too much bedding can raise his core temperature even more.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\nencourage your child to rest. Running around can raise his temperature.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo not\u00a0\nsend your child to daycare or school while he has fever. Once your little one has been fever-free for 24 hours, he can go back.\n\n\n\n\nParents, if you are in doubt about what to do when it comes to your baby\u2019s health \u2014 fever or otherwise \u2014 please consult your little one\u2019s paediatrician without delay.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nWe hope you found this article helpful. Please share your thoughts on the topic of fever in baby\u2019s by leaving a comment below.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vbac-vaginal-birth-csection", "title": "Everything you wanted to know about a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-section)", "body": "\u00a0\n\n\nDid you previously have a \nC-section\n to deliver your baby, but then this time round you are hoping to deliver your next baby naturally via a VBAC (which stands for Vaginal Birth After C-section)?\n\n\nThen you will need to know whether your doctor will give you the greenlight after carefully assessing your pregnancy and taking your medical history into consideration.\n\n\nIt is also important that you learn about the risks involved when opting for a VBAC and how you should prepare yourself for one.\n\n\nCriteria to get a VBAC\n\n\nJust because you previously had a C-section, this does not mean that you will automatically have to deliver your next baby that way too.\n\n\nAccording to the \nKK Women\u2019s and Children\u2019s Hospital\n (KKH)in Singapore, pregnant mums\u00a0who previously have had one uncomplicated lower segment C-section (LSCS) and no other medical issues\u00a0in the current pregnancy are suitable candidates for VBAC.\n\n\nFactors that will help you have a successful VBAC include:\n\n\n\n\nNo more than two low transverse C-section deliveries\n\n\nNo additional uterine scars, anomalies or previous ruptures\n\n\nYour doctor should also be prepared to monitor your labour and perform (or refer for) a C-section\u00a0if needed\n\n\nIf the original reason for your previous C-section delivery is not repeated with this current pregnancy\n\n\nYou have no major medical problems or health issues\n\n\nYour baby is not larger\u00a0than average\n\n\nYour baby is head-down (\nor engaged\n)\n\n\nYou have had a vaginal birth before\n\n\nYour labour starts spontaneously\n\n\n\n\nFactors that will affect your chances of having a successful VBAC are:\n\n\n\n\nBeing an older mum\n\n\nYou are overweight or obese\n\n\nYour\u00a0baby has a a high birth weight (\naverage birth weight\n for babies in Singapore is 3.2kg)\n\n\nYour pregnancy has gone\u00a0beyond 40 weeks of gestation\n\n\nThere is\u00a0a short time between your pregnancies (18 months or less)\n\n\nThe reason for your previous C-section delivery was due to \nDystocia\n\n\n\n\nRemember to talk with your doctor about\u00a0your individual chance of success and critically\u00a0weigh out all the benefits and the risks of a VBAC before moving forward.\n\n\nVBAC vs repeat C-section\n\n\nWhat are the risks?\n\n\nAccording to KKH, the chance of a successful VBAC is around\u00a060% to\u00a070%, and is generally higher for women who have had previous successful vaginal deliveries before.\n\n\nHowever the chances\u00a0may be lower if the reason for the previous C-section was due to \nCephalopelvic Disproportion\n\u00a0(CPD), which is when the baby is too big to pass through the pelvis.\n\n\nIf you are considering getting a VBAC, there are a few potential serious risks involved that you should be aware of such as:\n\n\nFailed attempt at labour\n\n\nIt is very risky if you have to deliver your baby\u00a0via an emergency C-section after a failed VBAC \u2014 the\u00a0reasons for this can be due to\u00a0your labour not\u00a0progressing, or\u00a0if\u00a0there is evidence of foetal distress.\n\n\nUterine rupture\n\n\nAlthough this is rare, your\u00a0uterus might tear open along your old scar line from the prior C-section.\n\n\nIf your this happens, an emergency C-section is needed to prevent any life-threatening complications such as heavy bleeding or you getting an\u00a0infection;\u00a0and possibly even brain damage for your baby.\n\n\nIn some cases, a\u00a0\nhysterectomy \nmight have to be performed (to remove your uterus) in order to stop the bleeding \u2014 therefore you will not be able to get pregnant again in future.\n\n\nFoetal distress\n\n\nFoetal heart rate monitoring will help to to detect any signs of foetal distress and is usually\u00a0a routine part of the VBAC procedure.\n\n\nIf your\u00a0baby\u2019s life is at risk from \nfoetal distress\n or any other complications, you will have to\u00a0consider getting a C-section\u00a0delivery instead.\n\n\nDystocia\n\n\nDystocia is when you have\u00a0a long and difficult labour due to slow \ncervical dilation\n, if your baby is too large for the pelvic opening, or if your baby is in an abnormal position.\n\n\nIf such complications are detected early, then you would probably be advised to opt for a C-section instead of a VBAC.\n\n\nGenital herpes\n\n\nMums\u00a0with a history of herpes will be strongly encouraged to\u00a0deliver by C-section\u00a0because of the risk of passing herpes to your baby during delivery.\n\n\nTests will be made to examine the cultures\u00a0during\u00a0your last weeks of pregnancy and if an active virus is found then that calls for a\u00a0C-section to be scheduled.\n\n\nPerineal tears\n\n\nDuring a vaginal birth, the pressure from your baby\u2019s head pushing through can cause tears and lacerations in your perineum (that sensitive area between your vagina and your anus) and possibly\u00a0your cervix too.\n\n\nAll women who are delivering vaginally are at risk of getting a small tear and you should also expect some perineal postpartum pain.\n\n\nPreparing for your VBAC\n\n\nIf you opt for a\u00a0VBAC, here are a few steps you can take increase\u00a0your chances of an overall positive experience:\n\n\n\n\nLearn more about VBAC\u00a0by taking a childbirth education class specifically on VBAC, read up about it, and discuss it in more detail with your doctor\n\n\nMake sure your doctor\u00a0has your complete medical history, including the records of your previous C-section and any other uterine procedures or surgeries\n\n\nTalk to other mums who have experienced a VBAC before to get their first-hand accounts\n\n\nChoose a\u00a0well-equipped hospital to deliver your baby which is equipped to handle an emergency C-section (should you require one)\n\n\nIf possible, allow your labour process to begin naturally, as drugs that\u00a0are used to induce labour can make contractions stronger and more frequent, which might increase the\u00a0risk of a \nuterine rupture\n\n\nBe prepared for a C-section in case any\u00a0complications may arise during your pregnancy or the delivery\n\n\n\n\nGo with the flow\n\n\nEven if you have your heart set on getting a VBAC, remember that each pregnancy is unique and you should trust your medical team\u2019s decision should any complications arise which will require you to go through another C-section instead.\n\n\nThe most important thing is that your baby is delivered safe and sound and will be in your arms once it\u2019s all over!\n\n\nAre you considering getting a VBAC? Or have you had one before? Do share your personal stories with us or tips for other mums in the comments section below\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBayi\n6 great tips to keep your newborn\u2019s skin healthy\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nGalakkan Anak-Anak \u2018Sayang\u2019 dan \u2018Rindu\u2019 Pada Bulan Ramadan, Ini Caranya\nAges & Stages\nHow Does Picky Eating Affect My Child's Growth?\nKanak-Kanak\nJangan Abaikan Tumbesaran Anak Yang Lebih Besar, Mereka Juga Perlukan Nutrisi Yang Cukup!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/managing-stress-during-pandemic", "title": "How to Manage Stress During Covid & Beyond", "body": "When you look back on your life and your daily dynamic before the pandemic has completely taken over our lives, you can recognize patterns of stress that would naturally infuse your time. Whether we like it or not (and most of us don\u2019t, really), stress is deeply woven into the fabric of the human experience.\n\n\nIt can arise from regular interactions at work, from typical misunderstandings with our spouses, or it can come from a momentary mishap in traffic. It can be chronic or acute, and it can certainly rewire how we perceive the value of our lives and our relationships.\u00a0\n\n\nThe one relationship you must protect from stress the most is that with yourself. Now that we\u2019re deeply immersed in the pandemic and the turmoil that comes with it, stress is practically our daily reality.\n\n\nFacing those numbers published online, the earth-shattering realization that someone we know has Covid, or the idea that we are constantly alert not to get sick or get someone else sick \u2013 all more than enough to get yourself sweating with stress.\n\n\nSelf-care is more vital than ever to managing stress, so here\u2019s your little guide on improving your daily habits to do just that.\n\n\nSkincare as your stress relief\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Toa Heftiba\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nDepending on your skin type and your kitchen supplies, you can work wonders for your pores with very little effort.\n\n\nNot to mention the benefits for your mind and confidence, because you can spend an hour taking care of your skin, your first line of defense, and thus enjoying the scents and the tactile dimension of your routine.\n\n\nConsider applying a combination of nourishing, natural ingredients such as honey, avocado, or coconut oil for a moisturizing effect. \nCreate your own facial mask\n\u00a0and use it to pamper yourself and to treat your pores with a little extra attention during these stressful times.\n\n\nCherish your locks\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Ale Cisnros\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nMuch like natural ingredients in that DIY face mask of yours can be a precious source of moisture for your skin, you can treat your scalp and your hair with the same kindness and attention.\n\n\nIn fact, in doing so, you\u2019ll create another self-care beauty routine perfect for reducing your stress levels. Merely combing your hair carefully with a natural comb will help you unwind.\n\n\nMake sure you\u2019re using natural items in your hair care such as \norganic and natural hair wax\n\u00a0to style your hairdo, and protect your locks at the same time.\n\n\nWhen you take the time to tend to your locks, you\u2019ll enjoy the process as much as the end result, and you\u2019ll have another helpful ritual to banish dan managing stress in a simple, natural way.\n\n\nMeditation and breathing for your inner Zen\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Ale Romo\u00a0Photography on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve always been reluctant to try meditating, have you considered less conventional alternative forms that allow you to get active?\n\n\nIn fact, \nmeditation in motion\n\u00a0has become even more widespread than you\u2019d assume, since many activities are ideal for putting your mind into a meditative state, such as gardening, jogging, or doing yoga.\u00a0\n\n\nSometimes when you\u2019re feeling particularly anxious and you don\u2019t have a chance to get active immediately, it\u2019s enough to start focusing on your breath.\n\n\nAromatherapy as your go-to sensory delight\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Toa Heftiba\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nWith a nourishing facial mask, you might feel that you\u2019ve run out of soothing options. However, you\u2019d be surprised just\u00a0\nhow restorative aromatherapy can be\n for your mind and body. Calming fragrances such as lavender can have a profound impact on your ability to fall asleep or even to keep your mind at ease and managing stress during the day.\n\n\nYou can buy some lavender oil for starters to add a few drops to your pillowcase and see how it affects your sleep. Then again, you can purchase scented candles and place them in your rooms to see if you can balance your mood throughout the day.\n\n\nEscape with the help of storytelling\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Sincerely Media\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nJournaling is a powerful habit for facing your emotions and processing all those chaotic thoughts you have during the day. By writing about your life, you \u201ccleanse\u201d your brain before bed and thus allow yourself a clean mental slate to fall asleep.\n\n\nEven more so, \nreading a good book\n\u00a0can become your refuge. Great storytellers are able to pull you into the story from the very first sentence and allow you to escape the harsh reality from time to time in a healthy and controlled way.\n\n\nYou\u2019ll stimulate your imagination, build up your vocabulary, and most of all, get rid of pent-up stress and negativity.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nGet your sweat on\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Minh Pham\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nSometimes, it will be exercise, at other times, it will be a sauna. It depends on your mood and your energy levels, and of course, the situation with wellness parlors in your vicinity.\n\n\nWhen it\u2019s healthy and safe, you can set up regular visits to the sauna to detox your entire body and mind properly.\u00a0\n\n\nAlternatively, \na workout routine\n\u00a0can elevate your fitness levels, enable you to become more resilient both physically and psychologically, and become more impervious to stress. In both scenarios, little time and effort can yield great results for your wellbeing.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s vital to accept that stress is inevitable, but managing stress can be done. We can regulate our response to stress triggers and become more resilient in times of turmoil such as the ongoing pandemic.\n\n\nThese simple self-care strategies won\u2019t erase the pandemic, but they\u2019ll let you appreciate yourself and those little moments of pleasure, and help you build a fortress in your own mind to stay serene.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nYoga is safe and beneficial for pregnant women\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kiasu-my-child-hates-losing", "title": "My Child Hates Losing!", "body": "Before we start pointing fingers at our kids and wonder why they hate to lose, let us look at ourselves. Where did that\u00a0\u201ckiasu\u201d behaviour come from?\n\n\nFor those of you who are not familiar with the slang,\u00a0\u201ckiasu\u201d\u00a0literally means\u00a0\u201cafraid to lose\u201d\u00a0and it refers to \npeople or individuals who feels insecure and need constant reassurance that what they have is the best\n.\n\n\nSo if we are to be totally honest, as parents, we love to win and we often foster the love of winning in our children.\n\n\nA child will pick up on what their parents want and therefore realize that whenever they win or succeed in something, they are rewarded. We are proud of them. We praise them, give them Hi5s, and cheer loudly for their teams to encourage winning.\n\n\nOf course, many of us say things like \u201cWinning does not matter it\u2019s better to play fair\u201d, \u201cThere are winners and losers\u201d, \u201cThe important thing is that we play our best\u201d etc. however, our actions tend to speak louder than our words.\n\n\n Kids sense that parents are disappointed when they do not win or succeed in something\n.\n\n\nDevelopmental Stage\n\n\n\n\nAfter looking at our own behaviour there are also other factors to look at such as the developmental stage that the child is currently in. Some developmental stages are more competitive than others.\n\n\nFor example when your child first learn how to play \u201cchutes and ladders\u201d\u00a0and he or she is 6 years old, all they can think of is winning the game, they cannot comprehend why they should sit there and play something unless it is to win.\n\n\nIt is to be expected that when your child loses a game for the very first time, he or she will likely be pouting or may even cry and get upset\n.\n\n\nEspecially six-year-olds, they really hate to lose. Let\u2019s face it even with us adults we find it hard to be a good sport and smile when we are losing, right? Therefore let us try to be a little more patient with our six-year-old when he or she cries and throws a tantrum whenever they lose a game.\n\n\nAt this age, most kids are very passionate about winning and being number One. This is also a stage where children will learn to cheat so that they can win or even accuse their friends of cheating because they have won.\n\n\nSo is competition good for children?\n\n\n\n\nIn a society where our children are always stressed, is competition and putting more stress on them a good thing? There are basically two kinds of stress: \u2013\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDistress\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is the bad type of stress when a person has to deal with too many negative things all at once. For example, your child just had an argument with their best friend, and they forgot to complete their assignment that is due today and later on he or she has a karate competition.\n\n\nYour child tries to focus and concentrate to do well for the competition but he or she is overloaded with stress. They struggle and their energy level and drive drop hence performing badly in the competition.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEustress\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is a type of good stress that comes from the challenge of taking part in something that you enjoy and work hard for. Eustress pumps your child up and it provides a healthy push and sparks for anything that your child participates in.\n\n\nDo NOT lecture your child\n\n\n\n\nNow that we know that it is normal for a child to get upset when they lose, how can you help your child?\n\n\nBe sympathetic when he cries and have a meltdown\n. Show him that you understand; ask them if they would like to do something else that might make them feel better.\n\n\nBy showing him that you understand his disappointments, your child will learn that although he cannot count on winning all the time, he can always count on you to be there with love and support.\n\n\nFinally, you can teach your child self-talk strategies to help him handle things. Perhaps when he tells himself that\u00a0\u201cThis is only a game\u201d\u00a0or\u00a0\u201cEven though I lost, I have\u00a0become a much better player\u201d\u00a0it will help him keep his perspective.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0How to inspire brilliance from an early age\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Why being advanced as a child doesn\u2019t really matter\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nThings About Kindergarten That Are Already Stressing Me Out\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/husbands-stop-5-things-save-marriage", "title": "Husbands: Stop doing these 5 things and save your marriage", "body": "There\u2019s room for growth in every relationship, but sometimes it\u2019s difficult to discern which areas need improvement. Here is a list of five things husbands should stop doing to strengthen their marriage and their family life:\n\n\n1. Stop pretending like everything\u2019s fine.\n\n\nWhen the crap hits the fan and it seems like nothing is going right, it might be easier to run away from the problem or pretend like it\u2019s not there. But guys, this is no good. The longer you put off a problem, the harder it will be to resolve them. Don\u2019t let yourself go to bed angry. Be willing to talk things through and find a solution.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Pexels\n\n\n\n\n2. Stop putting yourself down.\n\n\nThere is no such thing as a perfect husband or father. Insecurity and low self-esteem will only hurt you and your loved ones. Be confident in your abilities and your family will thank you for it.\n\n\nRead on for 3 more ways to strengthen your marriage.\n\n\n\n\n3. Stop putting others down.\n\n\nWords are powerful. Instead of criticizing your wife and your kids, build them up and cultivate a positive home environment. Take our word for it: you\u2019ll notice how it makes a difference soon enough.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Pexels\n\n\n\n\n4. Stop taking things for granted.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a cliche, but counting your blessings really does improve your outlook. If you think about the many different things you are grateful for instead of dwelling on what you don\u2019t have, you\u2019ll be a happier man for it.\n\n\n5. Stop dealing with problems alone. Ask for help.\n\n\nMen often feel the pressure of having to solve problems by themselves, which is unhealthy and even damaging. It\u2019s alright to admit that you need help. It doesn\u2019t make you less of a man.\n\n\nBe sure to check out \ntheAsianparent Community\n for more insightful stories, questions, and answers from parents and experts alike. If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below. \nLike us on Facebook\n and\n follow us on Google+\n to stay up-to-date on the latest from theAsianparent.com Malaysia!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/can-you-get-pregnant-after-endometriosis-treatment", "title": "Can you get pregnant after endometriosis treatment?", "body": "For many years, I struggled to get pregnant. My husband and I tried everything on the spectrum of \ninfertility treatment\n: from fertility boosting drugs, naturopathy and acupuncture, to IUI and three rounds of (unsuccessful) IVF.\n\n\nNothing worked and I was diagnosed with \u201c\nunexplained infertility\n\u201d.\n\n\nOn the verge of giving up, we had one last visit to our doctor. She suggested that I do a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis. During the surgery it was discovered I did indeed have this condition (on my ovaries, therefore affecting my fertility) and the growths were removed. Of course, the question on my mind now was \u201ccan I get pregnant after endometriosis surgery?\u201d\n\n\nThe very next month, I saw those two blue lines. Perhaps you too have the same question:\u00a0\ncan I get pregnant after endometriosis surgery?\u00a0\nLet\u2019s take an in-depth look at the condition, treatment and what happens after endometriosis treatment.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat is endometriosis?\u00a0\n\n\nThe lining of your uterus is made up of a tissue called the endometrium. It is this that sheds along with bleeding when you have your period.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen a woman has \nendometriosis,\u00a0\nthis tissue grows in places where it should not: the ovaries, pelvis or even the intestines.\u00a0\n\n\nMedically defined\n, endometriosis is \u201ca progressive, chronic condition where cells similar to those that line the uterus (the endometrium) are found in other parts of the body.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nWhen endometrial tissue grows in places in your body it shouldn\u2019t, it still degenerates and bleeds, just like in your uterus. However, the difference is that when this tissue is\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nin your uterus and breaks down, it doesn\u2019t have a place to go.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat happens then is that this accumulated tissue and blood turns into cysts, adhesions and scars. It can even cause organs to bind together.\u00a0\n\n\nIn women not trying to get pregnant, one effective way of treatment is to stop ovulation. However, as you can image, for those trying to conceive, endometriosis can affect their fertility, especially if it is present on their ovaries or fallopian tubes.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCommon symptoms of endometriosis\n\n\nThe most common symptom is pain (especially around the pelvis) and strong cramping. Another symptom is infertility. To read about less common symptoms, \nclick here\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHow endometriosis affects fertility\n\n\nIf endometriosis is present on one or both ovaries, the quality of your eggs could get affected, preventing pregnancy. When on the fallopian tube lining, it can stop the egg from making its way to the uterus where it will be fertilised.\u00a0\n\n\nMedical experts suggest that endometriosis could also damage a man\u2019s sperm once released in the woman\u2019s body. While the exact reason is not known, the theory is that endometriosis causes inflammation in the body, and this could affect the sperm, and even the eggs.\u00a0\n\n\nEndometriosis treatment\n\n\nUnfortunately, endometriosis cannot be cured. But it can be managed. Usually, doctors will try out non-invasive procedures before they conduct surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nNon-invasive treatment for endometriosis\n\n\n\n\nPain medication:\u00a0\nAs mentioned before, one of the most obvious signs of endometriosis is pain before and during your period. Doctors may recommend common over-the-counter pain relief for this, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.\u00a0\n\n\nHormone therapy:\u00a0\nDuring your menstrual cycle, you experience a surge and ebb in various hormones. This causes endometrial tissue (outside of your uterus) to thicken, break down and bleed. Hormone medication can help slow down this thickening/ breaking down process, thus reducing pain. \nCommon hormone treatments\n are: contraceptives; gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists and antagonists; progestin therapy; and aromatase inhibitors.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHowever, if you are trying to get pregnant, then the treatment option is usually surgery.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA laparoscopy is usually the surgery of choice to treat endometriosis.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSurgery for endometriosis\n\n\nEndometriosis surgery involves removing the endometrial growths, while protecting your ovaries and uterus. It is commonly done via a laparoscopy, or keyhole surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nA laparoscopy involves one to three tiny incisions near and around your navel. Through one of these small cuts, the surgeon inserts a laparoscope, through which she or he can view inside. More instruments will be inserted in the other cuts to scrape out the growths.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cCan I get pregnant after endometriosis surgery?\u201d\n\n\nThere\u2019s no clear-cut answer to this, but usually the answer is \u201cyes\u201d. In my case, I did. This is because the endometrial growths were on my ovaries, affecting the quality of my eggs. The moment the growths were removed, my egg quality improved and I became pregnant the very next month after my laparoscopic surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nStudies\n have also shown that following surgery for endometriosis, a woman\u2019s chances of getting pregnant improve. Generally, you can start trying for a baby around two weeks after the surgery (of course, do get your doctor\u2019s clearance on this).\u00a0\n\n\nWhat if the surgery doesn\u2019t work?\u00a0\n\n\nIf, unfortunately, the answer to the question \u201ccan I get pregnant after endometriosis surgery?\u201d is \u201cno\u201d, don\u2019t worry \u2013 you still have good options.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEgg freezing:\u00a0\nIf surgery is not an option or doesn\u2019t work, then doctors may suggest you freeze your eggs.\u00a0\n\n\nIntrauterine Insemination (IUI):\u00a0\nThis method can be successful if the endometriosis has not affected your fallopian tubes and your partner has great sperm.\u00a0\n\n\nIn vitro fertilisation (IVF):\u00a0\nThis involves fertilising an egg outside of the body, and then placing it back in the uterus.\u00a0\n\n\nFertility medication:\u00a0\nDrugs such as Clomiphene help a woman produce two to three mature eggs, increasing the chances of conception.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve had the question \u201ccan I get pregnant after endometriosis surgery?\u201d on your mind, we hope you\u2019ve now got your answer. Remember to maintain a positive mindset and a healthy lifestyle, and soon, baby joy should be yours!\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\nMayo Clinic\n, \nHealthLine\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Balik Kampung? Ini 5 Barang Wajib Ada Untuk Si Manja Anda\nKanak-Kanak\nJangan Abaikan Tumbesaran Anak Yang Lebih Besar, Mereka Juga Perlukan Nutrisi Yang Cukup!\nKeibubapaan\nThe importance of family togetherness and how to create it\nAges & Stages\nParents, Did You Know There Is A Last Chance For Your Teen To Grow Taller?\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-foods-that-can-make-your-childs-brain-stupid", "title": "4 Types Of Bad Foods For Brain That Can Make Your Child Slow In Learning", "body": "What are the bad foods for brain?\n\n\nYou are what you eat\u2013 this statement holds true for everyone including your kids. When it comes to choosing\u00a0the right nutrition for your child we moms make sure that we hand-pick the food items for our kids to ensure they get the best of everything.\n\n\nBad Foods For Brain: Harmful Foods For Your Children\n\n\n\n\nHowever, there are a few foods we often miss as we think that they are perfectly okay for our\u00a0child, once in a while. Sadly, that\u2019s not true as there are certain foods that are not only harmful for\u00a0your child\u2019s brain development, but also make them slow learners.\n\n\nYes, that\u2019s right! Here are a few foods that experts say are a complete no-no for your child, of course in excess:\n\n\n1.Packaged Or Processed Foods\n\n\n\n\nAvoid\n\u00a0packed & processed foods\n\u00a0such as packed chips, packed salted chips and other munchies, burger & pizza, noodles (Maggi, cup noodles, and instant noodles) with Monosodium glutamate (MSG).\n\n\nMSG is used as a flavour enhancer that also causes mood and behaviour changes, including headaches and hyperactivity. It also best to avoid fast foods, pre-cooked foods, and ham.\n\n\n2.\u00a0Artificial Colouring / Adulterated Foods\n\n\nMany countries have banned artificial colouring due to the detrimental effects these chemicals have on children. Linked to ADHD, anxiety, hyperactivity, and headaches in children, artificial colouring can also cause significant behavioural changes.\n\n\nBecause artificial colouring is found in many sugary foods, parents often blame behavioural changes on sugar. Artificial colouring is also often hidden in unexpected foods such as\u00a0bread and yoghurt.\n\n\n3. Aerated Drinks / Soda / Cold drinks /Caffeinated drinks /Tea/ Coffee\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCaffeine is found naturally in chocolate, coffee and iced tea, and many companies add it to soda and cold medications. For example, a typical can of cola may contain between 36 and 46 milligrams of caffeine, according to the article\u201dNutrition Matters\u201d from Toronto\u2019s Public Health organization.\n\n\nKids\u2019 smaller bodies are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, which can cause jumpiness, nervousness, sleep loss, hyperactivity, headache or stomachache,\n\n\n4. Foods With High Amounts Of Sugar\u00a0\n\n\nSugar can cause a child to be hyperactive. Which not only impact students\u2019 grades and performance but also influences their behaviour and moods.\n\n\nIt even has a damaging effect on the baby\u2019s brain and it\u2019s is proven by research. Some foods also contain high amounts of glucose and fructose that may affect the secretion of insulin.\u00a0This will cause the brain to malfunction, work down and negatively affect the mood of the child and his brain.\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \nThe Indus Parent\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/are-you-raising-a-spoiled-child", "title": "Are You Raising A Spoiled Child?", "body": "I subscribe to the belief that no child is born spoiled. Being a brat is a learned behaviour. Behaviour is often fostered and reinforced by parents whether they realize it or not.\n\n\nAll kids have the potential to behave in a bratty manner. They would seek to push boundaries and that is how they learn. They should not be penalized for demonstrating \u201cinitiative\u201d.\n\n\nHowever, as parents, it is your job to teach them acceptable and not-acceptable behaviour.\n\n\nHow Do You Tell If You Are Raising A Spoiled Child?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEach time your child wants something they will start to cry and yell.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYour child will slam his or her body on the floor and refuse to get up until they are given what they want.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProne to throwing tantrums and sulk each time you deny them something, even when it is beyond your control. For example, you promise to take him or her to the playground and it starts raining. They will throw a tantrum regardless of how much you try to explain to them.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHe or she hits you, when you are trying to punish them, sometimes even kicking you when you are taking them to sit in the corner, or trying to put them in their room.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen you ask them a question they blatantly ignore you and pretend not to hear.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTheir behaviour is always rude even to other adults and their peers. An example, when someone gives them something they do not bother to say \u201cthank you\u201d or when they want something they do not say \u201cplease\u201d.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThey snatch toys and refuse to share them with other children.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThey have a constant need to be \u201cthe best\u201d to show off their possessions to others and will often put other kids down by saying things like \u201cMy house is bigger than yours, or my party was the best\u201d.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYour child always seem to want what other children have, if they have a Nintendo Wii and they see another child having a Playstation, they would grumble and complain daily for you to get one for them too. But once they have the Playstation they want something else.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThey don\u2019t want to help out with the chores at home. Leaves all their toys for you to pick up.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBedtime is always a struggle and battle. They will use all methods to stay awake and usually you end up giving in to them.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to Handle Bratty Behavior?\n\n\n\n\nHere are some tips to help you deal with your spoiled child:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGratitude\n\n\n\n\nOften when a child acts bratty it is because they feel a sense of entitlement. They feel that things should automatically be given to them; they never learned a sense of gratitude, to be appreciative of what they have.\n\n\nAs a parent, it is your job to teach them and help them develop gratitude. It is important to be thankful for the things you have and a child that has been thought gratitude is less likely to throw tantrums and constantly demand material things.\n\n\n\n\nLearn to say \u201cNo\u201d\n\n\n\n\nYour child does not always need to have the latest gadgets or toys. As a parent, learn to say \u201cNo\u201d when they ask for something and stick to your decision.\n\n\nIf you want you can make them earn it. That way your child will learn that they do not always get everything that they ask for. They will learn to appreciate what they have more.\n\n\n\n\nTeach your child the importance of empathy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGiving to others, helping others. Encourage them to do charity work and volunteer.\n\n\n\n\nSpend time with them\n\n\n\n\nYour time with them is very important so do spend quality time with your child, often a spoiled child acts spoiled because that is the only way he or she can get attention.\n\n\n\n\nNo room for disrespectful and rude behaviour\n\n\n\n\nTeach them that rudeness is not tolerated regardless of how young they are. Make sure you set clear rules and guidelines for punishment so your child understands.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nRemember, if your child is bratty and spoiled it often starts with you. Pay attention to your own behaviour, it is important to model the appropriate behaviour as well as teach them.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHave you heard of the Durian Generation? Here\u2019s how not to raise a brat\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n10 mistakes you make that will turn your kid into a monstrous brat\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nRunning Out of Food Recipes? Check out these 12 Easy Ideas on YouTube!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-your-wife-is-so-angry-all-the-time", "title": "Guys, You Are Probably Asking, Why Is My Wife So Angry All The Time?", "body": "Ah, that wonderful period in a \nmarriage\n when neither partner can do no wrong. It\u2019s called the \u201choneymoon period\u201d for a reason, after all. But eventually, reality sets it and that rose-coloured tint wears off. Husbands might find themselves asking this question more often: \n\u201cWhy is my wife so angry all the time?\u201d\n\n\nEven the tiniest things tick her off. Kid drops crumbs on the floor \u2013 anger mode enabled. You forget to bring milk \u2013 death glare on. Helper missed a spot while dusting \u2013 fury! You cannot understand why she goes ballistic over such \u201ctiny\u201d issues.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy Is My Wife So Angry All The Time\n\n\nHusbands, we understand your confusion and that\u2019s why we\u2019re here to help.\u00a0\nWhy is my wife so angry all the time,\n\u00a0you ask?\u00a0We explain why, including the differences in how women experience anger, and what you can do about it.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDo you find yourself asking, \u201cwhy is my wife so angry all the time?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nUnderstanding Anger In Women\n\n\nHusbands, before you learn about why your wife seems to be angry all the time, you need to understand some key differences in this strong emotion between males and females.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s commonly accepted that men get more angry than women. But this is not true. Research shows that both men and women experience anger at the same frequency. However, it\u2019s\u00a0\nhow\u00a0\nthey express it that is different.\n\n\nIn a nutshell (and across cultures), generally, men are encouraged to display their anger openly, while women are encouraged to hide their anger.\u00a0\n\n\nPsychologist Sandra Thomas explains. Traditionally in men, anger is seen as a \u201cmasculine\u201d quality, and so physical fights are seen as \u201cmanly\u201d and a sign of virility.\n\n\nBut,\u00a0\u201cfor girls, acting out in that way is not encouraged. Women usually get the message that anger is unpleasant and unfeminine,\u201d she explains. And because of this, a woman\u2019s anger is often directed into other channels, like sulking.\n\n\nIn 1993, Thomas conducted\u00a0the \nWomen\u2019s Anger Study\n, which involved 535 women between the ages of 25 and 66.\n\n\nThis study revealed three roots to women\u2019s anger:\u00a0\npowerlessness, injustice and the irresponsibility of other people.\n\n\nWomen also experience and show their anger differently than men. Another study found that women:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nstay angry longer,\n\n\nare more resentful, and\n\n\nare less likely to express their anger\n\n\n\n\nNow that you understand these important facts about the emotion of anger in women, let\u2019s answer the burning question of the day: \nWhy is my wife so angry all the time?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhy is my wife so angry all the time: Accumulated tiredness leads to stress. This turns to anger.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhy is my wife so angry all the time?\u201d Three valid reasons\n\n\n1. She is exhausted from things that might not cross your mind\n\n\nNot just tired. EXHAUSTED \u2013 mentally and physically.\n\n\nPerhaps she\u2019s been running after the kids all day. Maybe she\u2019s come home from work and has been running after the kids.\n\n\nHas she been up most of the night with the baby? Or your child is going through a clingy phase and refuses to be put down.\u00a0\n\n\nOr, she\u2019s just so tired of dealing with your toddler\u2019s tantrums with patience and calmness (as parents are supposed to)\u2026 of keeping her cool.\n\n\nYour wife could be sick to death of your sassy tween\u2019s even sassier behaviour. Did you irresponsibly forget to pick up the groceries she texted you about (and now she has to dash to the supermarket?). Maybe she\u2019s just over telling the helper for the millionth time to wash her hands before cooking.\u00a0\n\n\nNow here\u2019s where the anger comes in. Exhaustion leads to stress, and stress leads to anger. In fact, a \nsurvey\n revealed that stress was seen as a major factor that leads to anger in women.\u00a0\n\n\nSo it\u2019s no wonder that an exhausted, stressed wife is angry all the time.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat husbands can do:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOffer to help, even in small ways\n. If your wife has settled down to breastfeed, bring her a glass of water and a snack.\u00a0 Watch over the toddler if she\u2019s with the newborn. If the tween (or threenager) is giving out sassy vibes, step in and discipline them.\u00a0\u00a0\nDon\u2019t\u00a0\nforget the shopping. Even better, look in the fridge or pantry and if you see that you\u2019re out of milk, bread, eggs or anything else, bring it. Remember that historically, women have been \u201ctrained\u201d to hide their anger. So prevent that simmering pot of emotion from boiling over by remembering to help.\u00a0\n\n\nFind ways to ease her stress.\n\u00a0This could be as small as a neck and shoulder massage (without her asking for it) to ease some of the tension, or giving her a day off \u2014 even better is a week \u2014 to do whatever she likes, minus the kids. Be creative \u2014 you know your wife the best.\u00a0\n\n\nAcknowledge her tiredness.\u00a0\n\u00a0Don\u2019t shut your eyes to her exhaustion or just sit there playing games on your phone while she\u2019s almost passed out from exhaustion. Sometimes, just asking, \u201cYou must be so tired. Is there anything I can do to help?\u201d, helps bring calmness.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. The injustice of invisible labour\n\n\nOffice work, the kids\u2019 homework, lunch/snackboxes, groceries, doctors\u2019 appointments, fever readings and medicine dosages, when baby last breastfed, birthdays, birthday parties, vaccination schedules\u2026\u00a0\n\n\nAre you tired just reading this list? Well it\u2019s only the tip of the iceberg in many women\u2019s worlds. This is what is called\u00a0\ninvisible labour\n. \n\n\nIt\u2019s true that the division of labour in the home between genders is gradually equalising. But it\u2019s also true that women (wives, mothers) in general still take on more household and parenting chores.\u00a0\n\n\nInvisible labour doesn\u2019t just take a toll on your wife\u2019s body. It bears a cognitive and emotional burden, too. And that can be as devastating as physical exhaustion.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nCan Financial Management Be Easy? 5 Things You Should Be Doing As A Parent\nParenting\nParents, Let Us Inspire Kids To Dream Big And Change The World!\nHealth\nRed Spots On Your Child's Body: How To Tell The Difference Between Chickenpox Or Hand Foot Mouth Disease\nDrypers\nThings To Consider When Picking A Diaper For Your Baby\n\n\nAlong with this unseen work naturally comes a sense of tiredness (accumulated over years, even), resentment, and yes, you guessed it, anger.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat husbands can do:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAppreciate the invisible labour your wife handles.\u00a0\nMake it visible to your eyes and tell your wife how much you appreciate everything she does. Understand\u00a0\nwhy\u00a0\nshe might feel so tired even though she\u2019s just woken up from a nap, instead of wondering how this is even possible.\u00a0\n\n\nTake it one step further,\u00a0\nand share that invisible labour. Take some of the load off your wife\u2019s shoulders. Give her confidence that you too can manage the shopping list and the kid\u2019s doctor\u2019s appointments (and more) as efficiently as she does.\u00a0\n\n\nTeach your children to help.\u00a0\nEven children as young as toddlers can help around the house. \nHere\u2019s a handy guide\n. Importantly, assign household chores to your sons\u00a0\nand\u00a0\ndaughters, ignoring traditional \u201cguidelines\u201d like, \u201cgirls should learn how to cook and boys, to fix a broken tap\u201d. Teach\u00a0\nboth\u00a0\nhow to do these things.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhy is my wife so angry all the time?\u201d you ask. It could be that she feels stripped of power.\n\n\n\n\n3. The powerlessness that motherhood sometimes brings\n\n\nNow, don\u2019t get me wrong. Becoming a mother is an incredibly \npowerful experience\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBut motherhood gives power and takes away power at the same time, which is what men don\u2019t always understand. It is empowering physically, mentally, even spiritually, and we talk about this in \nother articles\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, becoming a mother can also take away a woman\u2019s autonomy to do what she pleases, when and how she wants to. She loses her self in many ways, because her life now revolves around your children.\n\n\nYour wife loses control over her own body. Her breasts don\u2019t belong to her, her stomach is a stranger\u2019s. She cannot even eat, poop and pee when she wants to. She may feel bitterness, even disgust when she sees herself in the mirror.\u00a0\n\n\nEvery little decision your wife takes now is determined by the well-being of the kids. If she is heading back to work, then perhaps she loses the power she once had to work late hours, more hours, maybe even accept that promotion. Let\u2019s say she still works long, late hours or accepts the promotion. But there\u2019s the \nmum-guilt\n to deal with.\u00a0\n\n\nIf she decides to stay at home, then she loses the ability to head out when she wants to, eat what she desires on time, even drink a cup of tea while it\u2019s still hot.\u00a0\n\n\nSome women take all this in their stride. But others don\u2019t. They might even resent the injustice of it all, and this gives rise to a slow, simmering anger\u2026 which is what you, her husband, sees and experiences.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat husbands can do:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWe understand, you cannot give birth or breastfeed.\u00a0\nBut you can be by your wife\u2019s side as she births your child, you can change diapers, you can bathe your baby, learn how to soothe him, put him to bed, give him a bottle\u2026 there\u2019s SO much you CAN do to help. And when you actively play a role in parenting, this empowers both you and your wife.\u00a0\n\n\nSupport your wife in her decisions.\u00a0\nPlease don\u2019t make her feel bad if she decides to go back to work. If childcare is an issue, actively work with her towards a solution: daycare, employ a helper, or perhaps even consider staying at home yourself.\n\n\nAsk her about her.\u00a0\nWe tend to focus on the wellbeing of our children. But what about their mother\u2026 your wife? If your child is sick while you are away, of course you would be concerned about him or her. But remember that your wife must be worrying her head off. She must be up every four hours to monitor your child\u2019s temperature. She is definitely tired. So ask about her too.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWomen seem like complicated beings, but honestly, we are not. Acknowledge your wife\u2019s visible and invisible labour, appreciate her and support her. Be a team. And eventually, you won\u2019t ever have to ask \nWhy is my wife so angry all the time\n. We promise you.\u00a0\n\n\n*\nThe purpose of this article is in no way to generalise or discount men. There are innumerable husbands and fathers who contribute equally to parenting and managing households. We love, honour and appreciate you and are grateful to have you in our lives.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\nWomen\u2019s Anger, Aggression and Violence\n, \nAmerican Psychological Association\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-dies-after-fall-at-babysitters-house-2", "title": "Baby dies after fall at babysitter's house", "body": "Earlier this month, we were left in shock after the \ngrim news\n of a five-month-old baby found dead and stuffed into the fridge in his babysitter\u2019s house in Malaysia. Now, sad news of another baby death has emerged, this time after a fall at babysitter\u2019s house, also in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRIP, little one. | Images: Facebook\n\n\n\n\nFall at Babysitter\u2019s House Fractures Baby\u2019s Skull\n\n\nOn Tuesday 17 July, 10-month-old\u00a0Naufal Amsyar Bin Nabil Fikri is reported to have suffered a fit and collapsed while under his babysitter\u2019s care.\n\n\nHe was rushed to hospital. There, doctors found injury marks on Naufal\u2019s forehead, a blood clot in his eyes and a crack in his skull.\n\n\nThe baby \u2013 the only child of\u00a0Nabil Fikri Anwar and wife Noraziqah Rahman \u2013 was under careful care for four days. However, sadly, the little one passed away on Saturday 21 July.\n\n\nThe baby reportedly died of brain haemorrhage, according to the post-mortem\n\n\nQuoted by \nAsiaOne\n, Nabil initially thought their precious son would recover. However, \u201cit was not meant to be,\u201d he said.\u00a0\n\n\nThe grieving dad also said he and his wife Noraziqah \u201caccepted fate and that Naufal was no longer around.\u201d\n\n\nThey also do not blame the 35-year-old babysitter for their child\u2019s death. \u201cI leave it to the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough investigation to identify the cause of death,\u201d said Nabil.\n\n\nPreviously, Nabil mentioned the babysitter told him that\u00a0Naufal collapsed after eating porridge prepared by his wife.\n\n\n\u201cThe babysitter told me that my baby\u2019s eyes were wide open and there was no reaction. Initially, she suspected that he had choked while eating.\u00a0But it was only after he was admitted to the hospital that we were made aware that he sustained injuries after falling from the crib,\u201d he said.\n\n\nNabil did not know the babysitter well. His wife reportedly asked on Facebook for recommendations before sending their son to the babysitter.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is not the first time the baby fell at the babysitter\u2019s house, according to reports. He had fallen twice from his cradle previously, at the same house.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPosted by \nHazwan Aroff Hamidi\n on\u00a0\nSaturday, 21 July 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA Mother\u2019s Grief\n\n\nNoraziqah posted a heartbreaking note about her baby boy\u2019s passing on Facebook.\n\n\n\u201cI had carried him in my tummy for nine months and only managed to raise him for 10 months and five days. You were born here (in this hospital) and you also left me and your father forever at the same place,\u201d she wrote.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, Nabil (who is an enforcement officer) has asked the public not to speculate until the investigation is over. The nanny reportedly, is assisting with investigations.\u00a0\n\n\nOur heartfelt condolences go out to the parents and family of little Naufal. May you rest in peace, and may your parents find peace, too.\u00a0\n\n\nExtra Caution Needed When Employing a Babysitter\n\n\nAll child care centres require a license to operate in Malaysia. But there are still those who offer babysitting services quietly on the side.\n\n\nThese places are cheaper because they usually hire workers who have minimal experience in caring for a baby. Their staff have no background or any training in\u00a0\nearly childhood education\n. In fact, some may not even know\u00a0\nfirst aid\n\u00a0at all.\u00a0\n\n\nThen you also have those who put the word out about babysitting services offered on social media. Again, their rates would probably be cheaper than registered carers.\u00a0\n\n\nBut those cheaper rates might appeal to smaller young families who are just starting out.\u00a0\nFinances\n\u00a0might be tight with rent and other matters.\n\n\nThey might be desperate to find someone to\u00a0\ncare for their child\n\u00a0while they earn a living. This could be the reason why some families end up choosing an unregistered and unregulated child care centre or babysitter.\u00a0\n\n\nLaws might be there, but if there are no regular checks and no proper enforcement, situations like this can happen again.\n\n\nIn Singapore, the government regulates all child care centres through the Child Care Centres Act (Cap. 37A) and Child Care Centres\u00a0Regulations (Cap. 37A, Section 19).\n\n\nAll child care centres MUST be licensed\u00a0and they must comply with standards set out in the Regulations made under the Act, or any\u00a0other requirements that may be specified by the Director of Social Welfare.\u00a0\n\n\nBut remember parents, despite laws being there to protect you, you still need to do\u00a0\nyour research\n\u00a0and choose wisely. Also, if your child suffers from any medical condition at all, you must inform the babysitter or carer of this, and what to do in case of an emergency.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nAsiaOne\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\n6 Things Parents Say About Money \u2014 And What Your Children Learn from Them\nLifestyle\nCalling all Hot Wheels fans to Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays\nHealth\nSymptoms of Dengue Parents Might Miss Out\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/budget-2021", "title": "Budget 2021 | How Does It Impact Parents and Families?", "body": "\n\nThe government recently tabled the 2021 Budget in Parliament. They\u2019ve proposed an expenditure of RM322.5 billion, which makes it the largest budget in Malaysian history.\n\n\nFormulated based on three integral goals: 1) people\u2019s welfare, 2) business continuity, and 3) economic resilience, the budget outlines fund allocations to help the rakyat through the Covid-19 pandemic, with RM17 billion going into the Covid-19 fund.\n\n\nThe question is\u2014how could all this affect you as a\n\u00a0\nparent?\n\n\nA Compilation of Highlights From Budget 2021 That Might Interest You\n\n\n\n\nCredit: snappygoat.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHealth\n\n\n\n\nRM90 million for pneumococcal immunisation programme for children\n\n\nTax exemption for vaccination pneumococcal, influenzas and Covid-19 up to RM1,000 for self, spouse and children\n\n\nTax relief for treatment of serious diseases increased from RM6,000 to RM8,000 for self, spouse and children\n\n\nTax relief for health screenings increased from RM500 to RM1,000 for self, spouse and children\n\n\nTax relief for parents/special needs child medical expenses and care increased from RM5,000 to RM8,000 for self, spouse and children\n\n\nAid for bedridden OKU carers, senior citizens and chronically ill patients increased from RM350 to RM500 monthly\n\n\nmySalam protection program extended (includes heart stents and prosthetics)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n\u00a0Teaching Your Kids About Money\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBantuan Prihatin Rakyat\n\n\n\n\nCredit: bernama.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHouseholds earning less than RM2,500 will receive RM1,200 to RM1,800, depending on the number of children they have\n\n\nHouseholds earning between RM2,501 to RM4,000 will receive between RM800 to RM1,200, depending on the number of children they have\n\n\nHouseholds earning between RM4,001 to RM5,000 will receive between RM500 to RM750, depending on the number of children they have\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTax Relief and Community-Based Initiatives\n\n\n\n\nTax exemption for disabled spouse increased from RM3,500 to RM5,000\n\n\nRM20 million to establish B40 community centres for children to attend after school\n\n\nRM170 million for early childhood education under KEMAS\n\n\nRM30 million to establish childcare centres in government buildings (especially hospitals)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEducation\n\n\n\n\nCredit: thestar.com.my\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM420 million for the Supplementary Food Programme for students (milk to be provided every school day)\n\n\nRM45 million for special needs education\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTransport\n\n\n\n\nIntroduction of unlimited monthly travel passes at RM5 for school kids and the disabled (includes train services in the Klang Valley and several other areas)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDuring these uncertain times, it might be a good idea to discuss financial literacy with your child. Click\u00a0\nhere\n\u00a0to learn more.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/40-year-old-man-takes-12-year-old-pregnant-wife-for-checkup", "title": "40 year old man takes 12 year old pregnant wife for checkup", "body": "What if while waiting in the doctor\u2019s office for your monthly pregnancy checkup, you come across a man with who you think is his teenage daughter. Unwittingly, you overhear part of their conversation and you\u2019re shocked\u00a0to hear that the little girl is not in fact his daughter, but the mother of his baby.\u00a0What would you do?\n\n\n\u201cStop asking so many questions\u201d\n\n\nA\u00a0man was arrested by authorities after he brought his pregnant \u2018wife\u2019 for a routine checkup in Xuzhou City Central Hospital, in East China\u2019s Jiangsu Province. The catch? The man was 40-years-old, and his \u2018wife\u2019, 12.\u00a0They were accompanied by another woman who claimed that she\u00a0was the child\u2019s mother-in-law.\n\n\n\n\nDoctors were immediately suspicious since it was very obvious that the pregnant \u2018wife\u2019 was just a child. They tried asking the girl some questions, but they weren\u2019t unable to get any answers since she doesn\u2019t speak any mandarin. One hospital staff shared,\u00a0\u201cIt\u2019s obvious she is just a child, and certainly not anywhere near 20 years old.\u201d\n\n\nApparently, they also angered the husband when they became suspicious of the child\u2019s real age. He was quoted as saying\u00a0\u201cI took her here to be examined \u2013 just do your job. Stop asking so many questions.\u201d\n\n\nShe might have been abducted at 12 years old\n\n\nWhen the police officers arrived, they found that the girl didn\u2019t have any Chinese ID or any other form of identification for that matter. Authorities think that she is a foreign national from Southeast Asia, but they haven\u2019t concluded anything yet.\n\n\nInvestigators are also looking into the angle that she might have been abducted or bought by the man claiming to be her husband. This is due to the fact that the Chinese have had a history of purchasing Vietnamese \u2018brides\u2019 from across the border.\n\n\nAn investigation is currently ongoing regarding the matter.\n\n\nThe high price of human trafficking\n\n\nHuman trafficking is not an isolated problem. All countries suffer from different forms of this modern-day slavery. \u00a0In most\u00a0cases,\u00a0women, both young and old, are sold into sexual slavery or sold as child brides. Traffickers usually trick them into thinking that they will be working regular jobs, but then they get stuck in a vicious cycle of psychological and physical abuse.\n\n\nProtecting your family\n\n\nThe scary thing about human trafficking is that\u00a0they also abduct children from the streets. That is why it it\u2019s important to make sure that you and your family know how to keep themselves safe. Here are some tips that you should always keep in mind:\nPartner Stories\nHealthy Snack Ideas\nHow To Get Your Child To Eat More Wholegrain\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nAnak\nKeep Your Child\u2019s Health And Safety At Home In Tip Top Order During This Pandemic Season\n\n\n\n\nTeach your kids to know the important phone numbers in case of an emergency\n\n\nTeach them not to let any strangers inside the home, especially if there are no adults at home\n\n\nTeach them not to trust any strangers, even if they say that you know them\n\n\nMake sure to establish trust as well as open communication between you and your kids\n\n\nKnow where your children are at all times. It pays to nag your children for the sake of their safety\n\n\nMake sure to know the people around your children, especially if you think they might have a hidden motive\n\n\n\n\nSources: \nMetro\n,\ninnocentsatrisk.org\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-little-known-health-risk-of-giving-children-bubble-tea", "title": "The little-known health risk of giving children bubble tea", "body": "Can kids drink tea? There are many debatable answers and reasons as to why kids should or shouldn\u2019t drink tea. Still, especially in Asia, tea is popular among children, and even more popular is bubble tea made so tempting with those chewy little pearls made of tapioca.\n\n\nHowever, one mum recently learned in a very scary manner of a little-known risk of this type of tea, particularly related to the tapioca pearls.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCan Kids Drink Tea? Just be Careful of Bubble Tea\n\n\nTaiwanese milk tea (or bubble tea as it\u2019s popularly known) is loved for its sweet taste and unusual texture given by the addition of \u201cblack peals\u201d, or tiny tapioca balls.\n\n\nHowever, when giving bubble tea to little ones (even though this might only be an occasional treat), please remember this cautionary story about\u00a0eight-year-old Xiao Lin from China.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Happened?\u00a0\n\n\nXiao Lin endured pneumonia, fever and coughing for over six months. His mum, Linlin, didn\u2019t think too much of it and gave him medicine. The medicine helped to soothe his symptoms for a while, but they soon returned.\n\n\nHowever, Xiao Lin\u2019s coughing took a turn for the worse, and was coupled with high fever. But strangely, he did not show any classic flu symptoms such as a runny nose. Concerned about the condition of her child, Linlin took him to the local hospital for a thorough medical checkup.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter running some tests, doctors found out that Xiao Lin had suffered multiple attacks of pneumonia in the past six months, which was highly unusual.\n\n\nThey deduced that there was probably a foreign object inside him that led to these symptoms. Only after inserting a probe into his lungs were they able to confirm their diagnosis.\n\n\n\n\nXiao Lin\u2019s lunch endoscopy showed a foreign object blocking his air passages. | Image Source: \nYouTube\n\n\n\n\nXiao Lin\u2019s endoscopy showed a black tapioca pearl \u2013 a common bubble tea topping \u2013 stuck in his right lung. Soon after this discovery, the doctors took the eight-year-old to the operating room, where they surgically extracted the tapioca pearl.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Aftermath\n\n\nSurprisingly, the pearl looked brand new even after six months \u2013 it had not broken down at all!\n\n\nThe doctor in charge explains that as the lungs do not secrete digestive juices, their main mechanism of defense from a foreign object is to wrap it with secretions. This meant that over time, the black pearl was set to only grow larger, potentially becoming a life-threatening hazard.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe pearl looked brand new even though it had been in Xiao Lin\u2019s Lungs for six months. | Image Source: \nfeedytube.tv\n\n\n\n\nFurthermore, the main danger was related to the fact that the cause of the boy\u2019s illness was so hard to detect. The good news is that\u00a0Xiaolin is recovering from his ordeal.\n\n\nWatch the full video below to see the full incident:\n\n\n\n\nWhat We Can Learn from this Incident\n\n\nLooking back, Xiao Lin\u2019s mum speculates that her son took a sip of the bubble tea when she took her eyes off it. However, he accidentally sucked in and choked on a tapioca pearl, which eventually lodged in his trachea.\u00a0\n\n\nXiao Lin\u2019s disturbing experience is a warning to all parents to be mindful of even innocent-looking objects children are exposed to \u2013 even certain kinds of food and drinks.\u00a0\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent we\u2019ve also collated a few tips to help prevent such incident from occurring again.\u00a0\n\n\nPreventive Measures to Take with Food and Drink:\n\n\nInfants and Toddlers\n\n\n\n\nCut food appropriately:\n\n\n\nDice, shred, or cut up carrots, celery and green beans.\u00a0\n\n\nShred, dice or cut up carrots, celery, green beans, meats and cheeses.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDont\u2019 feed them high risk choking hazards like:\n\n\n\nsmall, hard foods like\u00a0\nhard candies, cough drops, nuts,\n\u00a0and\u00a0\npopcorn\n\n\nsoft, sticky foods like\u00a0\nchewing gum, marshmallows, jelly,\n\u00a0or\u00a0\ngummy candies\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNever leave a small child unattended while eating \nand always supervise them. This pearl incident was the result of negligence.\n\n\nEducate caregivers.\n\u00a0In a situation where your child is left in the care of someone else, teach them about choking hazards and precautions to take to prevent choking. Identify emergency resources and contacts.\n\n\nSeat your children while they eat\n and stop them from chatting, laughing, or playing while their mouth is still full of food or drinks.\u00a0\n\n\nNever feed them huge balls of peanut butter\n. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on bread, instead.\n\n\nCut high risk items like grapes, cherries or melon balls into quarters \nbefore feeding them to your child, remembering to de-seed it first.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor young children, grapes are a common choking hazard that can kill. | Image Source: Stock photos\n\n\n\n\nOlder Children\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOccasionally monitor\n your children in case anything happens.\u00a0\n\n\nTeach them to alert you if they feel unsafe.\n Tell them about safety risks and to let you know immediately if something bad has happened or if they feel uncomfortable.\n\n\nRemember that age does not matter.\n\u00a0It doesn\u2019t matter if your child can already chew his/her food properly. Grapes and tapioca pearls are the perfect size to block a child\u2019s windpipe. Once the grape is stuck, the airway will be blocked completely. Continue cutting food for them if necessary and don\u2019t forget to educate their caregivers as well.\u00a0\n\n\nContinue avoiding the choking hazards above, and \ndiscourage your child from multitasking\n \u2014 when he\u2019s eating, he shouldn\u2019t be distracted from his meal.\n\n\nDon\u2019t give older children latex balloons to play with\n.\u00a0Children often breathe in latex balloons while trying to blow them. They can even choke on the torn latex pieces. Unlike other things, latex is smooth and can twist itself to the shape of a child\u2019s throat, suffocating them. First Aid is of no help as the air that pushes through the lungs can completely block the throat.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Can I Do if My Child Is Already Choking?\n\n\n\n\nFirst, see if the object can be coughed out. Encourage your little one to cough so that the object is spat out.\n\n\nWhen that doesn\u2019t work, you can try to slap it out. So, help your child to bend forward. Then between their shoulder blades, give five sharp back blows using the heel of your hand. After five blows, check their mouth. If you can find anything there, ask your child to spit it out.\u00a0\n\n\nNow, if you\u2019ve tried both coughing it out and slapping it out, you can try to squeeze it out. For this, try giving not more than five abdominal thrusts to your little one. Here\u2019s how you do it according to the American Red Cross:\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Stand or kneel behind the child and wrap your arms around his or her waist.\n\n\n\u2013 Locate the navel with one or two fingers of one hand.\n\n\n\u2013 Make a fist with the other hand and place the thumb side against the middle of the child\u2019s abdomen, just above the navel and well below the lower tip of the breastbone.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\u2013 Grab your fist with your other hand and give quick, upward thrusts into the abdomen.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf none of the above works, call an ambulance. Continue your efforts to get the object out until the ambulance arrives.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWatch this video for a better understanding on how save a choking baby.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nMargaret R. Hurd\n, \nfeedytube.tv\n, \nNationwide Children\u2019s\n, \nWebMD\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/exclusive-mum-club-vouchers-freebies-giveaways-and-offers", "title": "This Exclusive Mum-Club Gives The Best Vouchers, Freebies and Offers. Be A Member Today!", "body": "Life as the Head of the Get-Things-Done Department is no easy feat. From grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning, to managing the kids\u2019 classes and family outings, every single thing requires planning and most importantly, budget. No doubt, it\u2019s tough at first, but as with other things, motherhood too gets better with time. And as mentioned earlier, look out for those little things that make your day, for example, hunt for deals! \n\n\nYes, we call it SMART retail therapy. Shop, but not till you drop! We know that you\u2019re always searching for the best deals when shopping for the kids and yourself too, so why not enjoy these little treats once in a while? Here\u2019s the good news \u2013 there\u2019s a \u201cMum-Club\u201d that gives you that and so much more! Many mums have been enjoying the perks of motherhood with this exclusive club, so are you ready to join them?\n\n\nSay Hello to Enfamama A+ Club!\n\n\n\n\nWelcome, mums! Here\u2019s where you can unlock a world of privileges and benefits because you deserve it! It\u2019s especially beneficial for first-time moms, as there are many useful tips to help you get through your early years of motherhood.\u00a0\n\n\nEnfamama A+ Club Benefits & Privileges\n\n\n1# Free Samples\n\n\nDelivered straight to your doorstep!\n\n\n2# Birthday Specials\u00a0\n\n\nExpect a sweet surprise on your birthday\n\n\n3# Useful Parenting Advice and Tips\n\n\nGreat tips and advice to help you through your motherhood journey\n\n\n4# First to Know About Our Promos\n\n\nBe the first to know about our fantastic deals and promotions.\n\n\n5# Exclusive Vouchers\n\n\nGet exclusive deals and vouchers from our participating companies.\n\n\n6# Exclusive Member Deals\u00a0\n\n\nGet access to limited and special members-only deals.\n\n\nThat\u2019s not all! Enfamama A+ Club also has a variety of exciting privileges for your kids, such as:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \nLearn Through Play Activities\n\n\n\n\nExclusive deals on children activities, home activity kits and birthday parties.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n \nEarly Childhood Enrichment Centre\n\n\n\n\nSpecial promo on children\u2019s art & music programme\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n \nInteractive & Personalised Storybooks\n\n\n\n\n20% discount* to create your child\u2019s very own storybooks\n\n\n\n\n \nBalloons and Party Items\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n15% off* on fun and simple Try-Me boxes that expands your child\u2019s learning\n\n\n\n\n \nWhole Brain Development Centre\n\n\n\n\nGet FREE* brain development assessment and trial class\n\n\n\n\n \nThe Most Trusted Music Programme\n\n\n\n\nRM50 voucher* to experience the wonders of music-based learning\n\n\nFor pregnant mums, Enfamama A+ Club is here to help you spice up your maternity looks!\n\n\n\n\n<9 Months> \nStylish Maternity Fashion and Essentials\n\n\n\n\nGet your favourite items at 15% off\n*.\n\n\nSelf-care is a must, mums. So pamper yourself with rejuvenating health and beauty products. Enfamama A+ Club members get to enjoy:\n\n\n\n\n\n \n100% Raw, Natural and Organic\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy 20% off* on handcrafted luxurious nourishment for your skin, body and wellbeing.\n\n\n*terms and conditions apply\n\n\nEnjoy more self-care moments with soothing and relaxing music, especially if you\u2019re currently expecting. Let the music heal your soul \ud83d\ude42\n\n\n\n\n Music for Everyone\n\n\n\n\nGet access to 20+ tracks of classical music to soothe you and your developing baby.\n\n\nGifts and Vouchers Worth More Than RM700!\n\n\nYes mums, all of these could be yours when you \njoin the Enfamama A+ Club\n today. And to make it extra special for you as our new member, you get to purchase a 600g pack of Enfagrow A+ MindPro for only RM20!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis RM20 voucher is a members-only offer, so hurry, \nsign up\n as a member now. Enjoy the perks of being a mum with Enfamama A+ Club!\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/softest-diaper-skinature-by-drypers", "title": "Real Mum Review: Skinature By Drypers", "body": "Recently, I got the opportunity to try out Skinature by Drypers in my search for the softest diaper in the market to help with my baby\u2019s sensitive skin.\n\n\nHonestly, it\u2019s been a while since I last shopped for diapers in a supermarket or in a physical store, so I\u2019m quite out of touch with new products on shelves.\n\n\nNowadays, most of my purchases are made via Lazada or Shopee.\n\n\nSo when the chance came about to try out this new Skinature by Drypers, I jumped at it because I was eager to see if this diaper would finally be the one to rid me of all my worries when it comes to Jedi\u2019s sensitive skin problems.\n\n\nSoftest Diaper: Fighting Diaper Rash And Other Skin Problems\n\n\n\n\nJedi was born with pretty sensitive skin, having suffered from prolonged cradle cap and also eczema since birth. So I am very careful when I change his laundry detergent or when I pick diapers.\n\n\nThe struggle with eczema lasted for months. We saw countless dermatologists and paediatricians, who gave us many creams to combat the flare-ups. To date, we still have 10 different types of nappy creams on standby just in case!\n\n\nBut when we tried Skinature by Drypers, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Jedi\u2019s skin did not experience any diaper rashes or redness or flare-ups. It was SUCH a relief!\n\n\nWith their new Derma-Care Technology\u2122, Skinature by Drypers has one of the softest materials I have ever felt in a diaper. The premium materials contribute to great absorbency, leaving me to sleep in peace knowing my baby is not in any discomfort as he learns to sleep through the night.\n\n\nIn fact, every morning when I change Jedi\u2019s diaper, there is no pee leakage and the whole diaper is still dry and as soft as ever!\n\n\nThese are some other plus points about the diaper that every parent will appreciate:\n\n\n1. It can hold a lot of volume!\n\n\nAs mentioned, one of the best things about this diaper is the fact that it can hold A LOT of volume. My baby drinks 180ml of milk before going to bed every night, so you can imagine how much volume a diaper would need to hold by the next morning!\n\n\n2. Your baby can sleep comfortably with this diaper.\n\n\nTheir Derma-Care Technology\u2122 ensures that the baby\u2019s skin remains dry throughout the night, while the diaper does its job of absorbing as much volume as it can. One of the special features that allows for the dry skin is the 3D embossed top sheet with deeper air pockets, creating a huge space between the diaper and baby\u2019s skin, allowing more airflow and breathability.\n\n\n3. It is very soft and gentle on the skin\n\n\n\n\nSince Jedi has such sensitive skin, it\u2019s very important for me to find the most suitable diaper for him. As it is, we normally only buy him organic cotton clothes!\n\n\nSkinature by Drypers mimics the same softness that organic cotton has since it is made with soft fibers produced with air-through technology, making the material super lush and gentle on the skin.\n\n\nIf you notice in the picture above, I chose to emphasise the focus more so on the tape part, which is most commonly the part that will cut the baby\u2019s skin and cause redness.\n\n\nWith plenty of soft material there, my baby\u2019s skin is well protected by any cuts.\n\n\nNot only that, Skinature by Drypers is also chlorine-free, fragrance-free and dermatologically tested to be free from 26 EU allergens, putting my mind at ease for any potential allergic reactions.\n\n\nAs I said before, since Jedi switched to Skinature by Drypers, we have not had to use any nappy creams and there hasn\u2019t been a single incident of diaper rash!\n\n\n4. It has a super cute design with a wetness indicator\n\n\n\n\nI am a sucker for design, so when I saw the little polar bear design on the diaper, I just could not resist. But beyond just being cute, the diaper also comes with a wetness indicator \u2013 one of my favourite features in a diaper. This is important because sometimes my little one might soil his diaper without me realising and I can easily check with a wetness indicator.\n\n\n5. The sizing is versatile\n\n\n\n\nI have a pretty big baby with chunky thighs so certain diapers will become too small for him quickly. What I realised with Skinature by Drypers is that even though Jedi is almost 7.5kg, size S still fits him really well because it has a 6x more stretchable waistband.\n\n\nThis is something that is a bonus for me, not only because he can stay within a size group for a longer period of time, but also because it\u2019s a more comfortable fit for him (and his thunder thighs!).\n\n\n6. No nasty chemical smell\n\n\nI\u2019m sure parents would notice that with certain diaper brands, after it is used, there is a very strong chemical smell coming from the diaper. That is probably the chlorine kicking in. With Skinature by Drypers, I realise my diaper bin is not smelly.\n\n\n7. The price point is reasonable\n\n\nOne of the main things parents look at when buying diapers, besides the features, is also the price point. I am no different. It is important that I find the best diaper for my baby that keeps his skin dry and free from rash, but it also has to be reasonably priced.\n\n\n8. The pack has an easy-open design\n\n\n\n\nI don\u2019t know how many diaper packets I have struggled to open, ripping apart the whole package and having all the diapers fly everywhere. When you\u2019re in a frenzy to get your baby\u2019s diaper changed, the last thing you want to worry about is opening the diaper packet!\n\n\nI love this design on the Skinature by Drypers packet, which also makes it easy to just keep the whole packet next to your diaper changing table and take out what you need, rather than having to open the whole packet and rearrange the diapers in a separate box or tray.\n\n\nSo overall, I guess you can say that I have had a very enjoyable experience using Skinature by Drypers on my baby. And if Jedi could speak, I\u2019m sure he would say that his comfort level has certainly improved since the switch.\n\n\nSpecial Design For Newborns\n\n\nI actually really wish that I had discovered Skinature by Drypers a lot sooner, especially when Jedi was a newborn.\n\n\nOne of the main problems I found with diapers for his newborn stage was that it was always too big and I would find the extra material chafing his umbilical cord stump.\n\n\nSkinature by Drypers has addressed this pain point with its special cut-out design for its NB size that protects the umbilical cord stump and the baby\u2019s navel area.\n\n\nThis special cut-out design reduces the pressure and contact of the diaper with your baby\u2019s umbilical cord stump as the belly button heals. At the same time, it enables better air circulation to keep the navel area dry.\n\n\nThis would have certainly been useful and I would not have had to go through the horror of finding blood on my baby\u2019s diaper as a newborn.\n\n\nParents who are keen to find out more or try this diaper should click \nhere\n.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re ready to buy it now, check out \nLazada\u2019s Super Brand Day\n promotion on 16 June, or CHUP DULU from 11-15 June or \nShopee Super Brand Day\n from 22-26 June.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/c-section-birth-images-that-help-normalise-birth-2", "title": "C-Section Birth Images That Help Normalise Birth", "body": "When we think of the miracle of childbirth, we don\u2019t often think of C-section births. But that\u2019s changing. A lot of people in the world today celebrate a mother\u2019s bravery by capturing C-section birth images. And they are truly memorable.\n\n\nGiving birth is a risky sort of miracle. My elders used to say that a mother has one foot in the realm of the living and one foot in the realm of the dead when giving birth. Without doubt, they just meant it\u2019s really risky. And it\u2019s even more so when a mother goes through a Ceasarian section procedure.\n\n\nA recent study found that 18.6% of all births from 1990 to 2014 were Caesarian section. That\u2019s 1 in 5 mothers. The World Health Organization stated that the recommended C-section rate worldwide should be at 10%-15%. \n\n\nThough the procedure has saved numerous lives, a higher worldwide C-section rate is a heightened mortality risk because of the procedure\u2019s possible complications.\n\n\nC-section birth images\n\n\nIn spite of this risk, the option to have a C-section is a godsend when natural birth is not possible. That\u2019s why there are photographers like\u00a0\nJessica Bender\n\u00a0who choose to immortalise C-section birth images. \n\n\nJessica was used to taking photos kids during their birthdays but not during their births. When she was chosen by her friend to take C-section birth images during her delivery, she said yes. \n\n\n\u201cIt was an odd feeling to be so excited that someone needed to have emergency surgery,\u201d the Canadian photographer\n\u00a0writes in her blog\n. \u201cI felt guilty for about 39 seconds.\u201d \n\n\nShe had to wait for her friend\u2019s baby to come out while stooped on a stool, camera pressed against her face. Jessica noticed that her friend remained calm, cool, and collected as she watched the doctors \u201ccut open the midsection, layer by layer.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cShe has forever reframed what a C-section means to me,\u201d Jessica says of her friend. \u201cIn the past, it was presented as something to fear, but seeing Carly meet her baby . . . there was zero fear.\u201d\n\n\nRemembering a child\u2019s birth through C-section birth images\n\n\nHuffington Post ran a series of photos submitted by members of the \nInternational Association of Professional Birth Photographers\n for Cesarean Awareness Month last April. \n\n\nSo we thought it would inspire mums-to-be about the beauty of a mom\u2019s bravery in childbirth. It\u2019s a celebration of the complexity of birth, and the joy that comes along with it.\n\n\nSome of these photos are from birth photographers, while some of them are from the parents themselves. A few photos are from our community.\n\n\nA series of miracles\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThis mother, Esther, came from Nigeria to have her baby. It was an unexpected C-section, which was initially disheartening for everyone involved. But it was remarkable to watch Esther become a mother, especially given the circumstances.\u201d \u2014 \nPhoto and words by\u00a0\nSarah Lewis, birth photographer\n\n\n\n\nFirst breath.\u00a0\nPhoto by\u00a0\nLindsey Scholz, birth photographer\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMy sweet little girl entering the world but still half inside of me. I am so grateful that the anesthesiologist snapped this for us.\u201d \u2014 \nPhoto and words courtesy of Kristin Kelly, mother.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA baby\u2019s first light. Photo courtesy of kidspot.com.au.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCleaning the baby. Photo courtesy of kidspot.com.au\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFirst contact. Photo courtesy of kidspot.com.au.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI just prayed and I was so relieved to hear his first cry. He was loud. I could hear the strength in his voice.\u201d\u00a0\n\u2014 Curtina, mother. Photo by \nKer-Fox Photography\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI like to keep everything light, so we were all joking and laughing in the OR. The anesthesiologist is also a fellow travel agency owner so we talked shop the whole time. You know, when she wasn\u2019t holding the barf bag for me.\u201d \u2014 \nLia, mother. Photo by \nKelly O\u2019Roke\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThis was a Cesarean birth of twins, and this is \u201cBaby A,\u201d who came out singing to the heavens and reaching for his family.\u201d \u2014 \nPhoto and words by \nJennifer Mason, birth photographer\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cAfter a really long labor, this family \u2014 of three! \u2014 was happy to just finally all be in each other\u2019s arms.\u201d\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u2014 \nPhoto and words by \nJaydene Freund, birth photographer\n.\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nThe Lazy Mum\u2019s Guide to Leading a Healthier Life\nKids\nWhy we should be concerned about parabens in baby products\nMoney Parenting\nIs Your Child Your Copycat?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\u201cThe delivery lasted, like, three minutes, so I didn\u2019t have much time to think. They had the baby out so quick, and then they put him on my chest and we just spent time soaking him in and getting to know him. I love my birth story and everyone who helped it unfold so beautifully.\u201d \u2014 \nAnonymous, mother. Photo by \nAngie Klaus\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThe anesthesiologist was my photographer haha!\u201d\u2014 \nPhoto and words by Carla Perlas, Regional Content Head of The Asian Parent.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/does-an-egg-a-day-keep-the-doctor-away", "title": "Does an egg a day keep the doctor away?", "body": "Are eggs good for kids?\n\n\nMy 3-year-old son certainly thinks so. When I recently asked him what his favourite food is he replied, \u201ceggs, scrambled eggs and omelette\u201d! Needless to say, he\u2019s a true egg-lover.\n\n\nSo when I recently heard that an egg a day may be bad for children, I panicked. My son eats one daily. Was I setting him the foundation for an adulthood full of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes and high cholesterol? Surely an egg has to be better than a burger a day. So I set out on a quest to find the truth about eggs. The first thing I did was to find out what other mums thought.\n\n\nThe majority wins!\n\n\nFellow mums were of the opinion that an egg a day for children was fine. Many said it\u2019s the ideal brain-food for kids.\n\n\nOther mums said it was their children\u2019s main source of protein. I was happy to know my boy wasn\u2019t the only egg enthusiast around and that other parents thought similarly about the goodness of eggs.\n\n\n\n\nIf you stay within the daily cholesterol limit for your kids, a daily egg shouldn\u2019t be an issue\n\n\n\n\nGood egg or bad egg?\n\n\nOver the years, eggs have been labelled as good or bad for health. One of the most popular claims is eating them frequently causes elevated blood cholesterol. However, recent research has busted this claim \u2013 eating an egg daily is not directly responsible for this.\n\n\nOne egg contains approximately \n185mg\n of cholesterol. A healthy child\u2019s daily cholesterol intake should be \nunder 300mg a day\n. As long as your child is not going over this amount every day, an egg daily shouldn\u2019t be a problem.\n\n\nAn egg is like a multi-vitamin pill\n\n\nJust look at all these nutrients and the related benefits found inside an egg:\n\n\n\n\nCholine:\n\u00a0for brain development, function and memory;\n\n\nFolate:\n\u00a0produces and maintains red blood cells;\n\n\nIron:\n\u00a0carries oxygen to the cells;\n\n\nLutein and Zeaxanthin:\n\u00a0maintain good vision and protect the eyes against harmful UV rays;\n\n\nNiacin:\n promotes normal nerve function and helps release energy;\n\n\nOmega-3 fats:\n improve blood cholesterol;\n\n\nProtein:\n helps keep body strong;\n\n\nRiboflavin:\n helps keep body tissues healthy;\n\n\nVitamin A:\n protects against cancers;\n\n\nVitamin B12:\n\u00a0protects against heart disease;\n\n\nVitamin D:\n\u00a0keeps bones and teeth healthy;\n\n\nVitamin E:\n acts as an antioxidant;\n\n\nZinc:\n\u00a0promotes a strong immune system.\n\n\n\n\nSalmonella and eggs\n\n\nA common accusation against the egg is that it causes salmonella poisoning. \nSalmonella enteritidis\n is a common bacterium found inside perfectly normal-looking eggs.\n\n\nIf eggs are eaten raw or undercooked, they carry the risk of causing salmonella poisoning. Most people recover without treatment. But infants, the elderly, and those with weak immune systems are at risk for serious illness.\n\n\nThe simplest way of destroying any salmonella bacteria is to full-boil the egg. But it\u2019s also pretty easy to prevent food poisoning via egg consumption simply by following some basic food safety rules:\n\n\n\n\nBe sure to eat fresh eggs with shells intact.\n\n\nWash the outside of the egg shell before you crack it.\n\n\nWhile it is recommended not to give soft-boiled eggs to children, pasteurised eggs (which we will talk about soon) are the better option.\n\n\n\n\nKampong, organic or cage-free?\n\n\n\n\nThe options are many when it comes to eggs\n\n\n\n\nAs with almost anything these days, the choices when it comes to eggs are huge. Here\u2019s what different labels on those cartons mean:\n\n\nCage-free:\u00a0\nThese are eggs from birds usually raised in an open barn.\n\n\nFree-range :\u00a0\nThese are laid by hens that have the opportunity to roam about freely. These hens obviously have a more \u2018natural\u2019 diet as opposed to caged hens.\n\n\nOrganic:\u00a0\nOrganic eggs generally come from cage-free hens who eat an organic feed and don\u2019t receive vaccines or antibodies.\n\n\nVegetarian:\u00a0\nThe hens that produce these eggs are only fed a vegetarian diet \u2013 free from any meat or fish by-products. Hens are kept in cages or indoors and do not peck\u00a0at any grubs or worms.\n\n\nPasteurised:\u00a0\nThese eggs have been put through a pasteurisation process where they are heated to 140 degrees Fahrenheit for 3.5 minutes. This kills bacteria without cooking the egg. Eating pasteurised eggs is recommended for young children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems so they can reduce the risk of contracting a salmonella infection. Pasteurised eggs are available in selected Singaporean supermarkets.\n\n\nSo, are eggs good for kids?\n\n\nLike with any good thing, moderation is the key. But we do hope this information has made it a bit easier to decide what to do when your child demands an egg a day!\n\n\nWe would love to hear your opinion on the good and bad of eggs. Does your child eat an egg a day? Take our poll and let us know!\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTake Our Poll\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kidney-disease-in-children", "title": "Kidney Disease in Children: What Every Parent Should Know", "body": "One of our biggest concerns is to ensure that our children grow up healthy and happy. Despite all of our efforts, sometimes our children still get sick, and our worst fear would be for them to fall ill over serious injuries such as heart attack, kidney disease or even catching virus from influenza.\n\n\nAccording to the University of Rochester Medical Center, kidney disease is short-term or permanent damage to kidneys resulting in loss of normal kidney function. There are a few causes of kidney failure, and that includes:\n\n\n\n\nbirth defects\n\n\nhereditary diseases\n\n\ninfection\n\n\nnephrotic syndrome\n\n\nsystemic diseases\n\n\ntrauma\n\n\nurine blockage or reflux\n\n\n\n\nWhat to do If Your Child Has Kidney Disease?\n\n\n\n\nWe talked to\u00a0\nDr Yap Yok Chin,\n\u00a0Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist (Managing Paediatric Transplant Patient since 2005), to get her input on the matter and what parents should know about this illness.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is the first thing you need to do if your child has kidney disease? How would the doctor evaluate them, and what treatment would they need?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA child with kidney disease should seek a specialist (Paediatrician/Paediatric Nephrology) for consultation on the type of kidney disease.\n\n\nBefore confirming the diagnosis, the evaluation process involves going through the medical history and a complete physical exam, including urine tests, blood tests, imaging studies, or a biopsy.\n\n\nAmong children with end-stage kidney disease in Malaysia, the leading causes of kidney disease are Glomerulonephritis and Focal segmental glomerulonephritis (include nephrotic syndrome) (39%), Congenital anomaly of kidney urinary tract (16%) (Reflux nephropathy, Obstructive uropathy, Renal dysplasia, Cystic kidney disease) and Systemic disease 4% (SLE & Metabolic)\n1\n.\n\n\nFurther evaluation and treatment for kidney disease in children depend on the cause of kidney disease.\n\n\n2. Would chronic kidney disease limit their lifestyle, and they can\u2019t live like other children?\n\n\nChildren with early stages of chronic kidney disease (1st to 2nd stage) might not have any symptoms and remain well to participate in all lifestyle activities.\u00a0\n\n\nChildren with more severe kidney disease (3rd to 4th stage) and those undergoing dialysis will need dietary change \u2013 low salt and phosphate, take medicine to control blood pressure, proteinuria and anaemia.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom our experience, they may experience a negative self-image; however, they can still attend school as usual and light extracurricular activities.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Is it advisable for young children to go through kidney transplants?\n\n\n\n\nYes. Research has shown that children with a renal transplant have a better survival rate at 5 years (90%) than children on dialysis therapy (73-77%)\n1\n.\n\n\n4. Would they need to follow a special diet?\n\n\nEating ideal food and at a proposition may improve the child\u2019s growth. The child\u2019s diet will need to be adjusted depending on the stage of chronic kidney disease and dialysis therapy.\n\n\nGenerally, I\u2019d advise reducing the amount of salt (canned & processed/packaged food). Limit amount of phosphorus \u2013 dairy products, processed foods, packaged food and sodas. Keep in mind that the children will need adequate protein for growth.\n\n\n5. What kind of medications do they need to take? How would it affect them?\n\n\nChildren may need to take medications to manage the symptoms and prevent complications such as anaemia, acidosis and control blood pressure. It\u2019s important to discuss why your children need those medications with your health care professional and how it will affect them.\n\n\nCommon chronic kidney disease medications are:\n\n\n\n\nBlood pressure medication (Antihypertensive)\n\n\nReduce the amount of protein in the urine (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or receptor blockade)\n\n\nDiuretics (Control of oedema)\n\n\nPhosphate binders (Prevent absorbing phosphorus from the food your children eat)\n\n\nSodium bicarbonate (help to balance the acid in your child\u2019s blood)\n\n\n\n\n6. How is the recovery journey after the transplant?\n\n\n\n\nThe hospital recovering from a kidney transplant surgery is usually a week if there are no complications. Before going home, the transplant team will counsel the child and family on everything needed to know about taking excellent care of yourself and your new kidney.\n\n\nDuring the first 3 months, there will be frequent bloodwork and reviews to monitor the child\u2019s overall health and kidney function. During this period, it is crucial to keep the child\u2019s hands clean, avoid crowded places, and take their medications as prescribed by the doctors.\n\n\n7. Is the child able to live everyday life like everyone else after the surgery?\n\n\nYour child will be able to return to school in 3 months after the transplant surgery. Make sure they exercise regularly. Avoid contact sports that can injure their belly area and adopt a healthy lifestyle.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nChapter 5, Paediatric Renal Replacement Therapy, \nWong HS and BL Goh (Eds) Twenty Fourth Report of the Malaysian Dialysis and Transplant 2016, Kuala Lumpur 2018, \nwww.msn.org.my\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUniversity of Rochester Medical Center\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\u00a0\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/menstrual-cycles", "title": "Your Menstrual Cycle Explained - Including How to Eat and Workout to Feel Empowered", "body": "On average, women menstruate for about 40 years and use 11,000 period pads or tampons in their lifetime. But how much do we actually know about our periods and our menstrual cycles? And how much do our families, spouses, and friends understand?\n\n\nThe reality is \u2013 probably very little.\n\n\nBy learning about your monthly cycle and realizing why you may feel or act in a certain way throughout it, you can optimize your life. Today we\u2019ll break it down. From what to expect during the menstrual cycle\u2019s 4 different phases, to what to eat, and how to workout to feel empowered.\n\n\nReady? Let\u2019s get started.\n\n\nHow long is the menstrual cycles?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nYou might guess somewhere between 3-7 days. That\u2019s when you bleed; from spotting, to flow, to spotting again. While your period is a part of the process, your menstrual cycle is about much more than that.\n\n\nIf you instead ended up with between 25-35 days, you\u2019re right!\n\n\nThe length of the menstrual cycle refers to the time between the first day of your last period, to the start of your next period.\n\n\nKeep in mind that these are just guidelines. Every woman is different and the length, and everything else about your menstrual cycle, can therefore vary. Listen to your body \u2013 and if you feel unwell in any way, seek medical advice.\n\n\nHow can you take care of yourself during your menstrual cycles?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nBy understanding the impact of your own menstrual cycle, you can take better care of yourself and adjust your routines in ways that make you feel empowered. Ranging from planning your workload, to food habits, and workouts \u2013 which we\u2019ll get more into below.\n\n\nThrough my own journey of learning and discovery, I\u2019ve stumbled across so much useful information that has made me feel more in control of my body.\u00a0\n\n\nI now understand why my body may act in a certain way, which sometimes has an impact on my emotional and mental well-being.\n\n\nYour menstrual cycles is like the 4 seasons of the year\n\n\n\n\nNow, let\u2019s dive into the details.\u00a0\n\n\nTo put it simply, our menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases. You can think of them like the 4 seasons of the year.\n\n\n\n\nWinter:\n Menstruation Phase (your period)\u00a0\n\n\nSpring:\n Follicular Phase\n\n\nSummer:\n Ovulation (baby making time!)\n\n\nAutumn:\n Luteal Phase\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you already have learned something about your cycle and put an effort into exercising, living and eating well, you\u2019ve done most of the hard work!\n\n\nNow it\u2019s just about understanding what happens during each menstrual phase, so you can optimize your food and exercise habits throughout the menstrual cycle.\n\n\n1. Menstrual cycles: The Menstruation Phase\n\n\nThis is the period (pun intended) in which your body releases a blend of blood, uterine lining, tissue and mucus. Even though you may feel like \u201ca lot of blood\u201d is coming out of your body, only about 36 % of your menstrual fluid is made up of period blood \u2013 about 3-5 tablespoons on average. This phase of your cycle is about slowing down.\n\n\nFood Goals during the Menstruation Phase\n\n\nPrioritize foods that support the process of menstruation, and replenish nutrients lost in the process. If you are listening to your body\u2019s cravings, you may notice an inclination for warm foods, such as soups and stews. Lean in to these cravings, as they can be an easy way to help your body renew and re-energize.\n\n\nEssential Nutrients & Foods for the Menstruation Phase:\n\n\n\n\nIron:\n Beef, beans, molasses, lentils, firm tofu, tuna, eggs, dark-meat turkey & chicken\n\n\nVitamin C:\n Bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruit, papaya, mango\n\n\nVitamin B12:\n Salmon, mussels, yogurt, turkey, chicken, eggs, beef\n\n\nOmega 3 Fatty Acids:\n Salmon, cod, mackerel, skipjack, tuna, halibut\n\n\nZinc:\n Turkey, chicken, eggs, pork, avocado, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, lentils, yogurt, shellfish\n\n\nHigh Fiber Carbohydrates:\n\u00a0Sweet potatoes, quinoa, lentils, oats, brown/wild rice, winter squash\n\n\n\n\nExercise Tips during the Menstruation Phase\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nYour energy will dip during menstruation \u2013 and this is completely normal! If you\u2019re up for it, try to engage in light-intensity physical activity, such as walking, stretching or yoga. Gentle movement can also help ease cramping, relieve muscle tightness, and/or bloating experienced during your period. Again, everyone\u2019s body is at different levels of athleticism, so go ahead and do more if you\u2019re able to.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n2. Menstrual cycles: The Follicular Phase\n\n\nYour estrogen levels rise as your body prepares eggs for ovulation. This time is more likely to be the \u2018happy\u2019 phase of your cycle!\n\n\nFood Goals during the Follicular Phase\n\n\nThis phase is often accompanied by a drop in appetite, as your brain shifts to focusing on your upcoming fertility window. This is the time to fill your plate with protein and lots of veggies, with a daily serving of berries and fermented foods.\n\n\nEssential Nutrients & Foods for the Follicular Phase:\n\n\n\n\nKredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPhytoestrogen Foods:\n\u00a0Flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, hummus, berries, grains, garlic, sprouts\n\n\nFiber:\n VEGGIES, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, avocado, berries, apples\n\n\nAntioxidants\n: Berries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, citrus, passion fruit, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, pomegranate\n\n\nFermented Foods:\n Raw & fermented vegetables, yogurt, kefir, miso, tempeh\n\n\nCruciferous Veggies:\n\u00a0Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, broccoli\n\n\n\n\nExercise Tips during the Follicular Phase\n\n\nThis is a great time to get a little more ambitious on the workouts you choose and to discover new ways to move your body. Try a different workout, or something that challenges both your body and your mind at the same time.\n\n\n3. Menstrual cycles: The Ovulation Phase\n\n\nWhen a mature egg is released. In other words, it\u2019s baby-making time (if that\u2019s what you\u2019re planning for)!\n\n\nFood Goals during the Ovulation Phase\n\n\nYou might experience a drop in appetite. Researchers believe this is your body\u2019s way of directing your attention toward mating. Keep your plate similarly balanced as in the late follicular phase (protein + fats + veggies), with an extra emphasis on magnesium-rich foods to prevent the inevitable drop in magnesium that occurs with ovulation.\n\n\nEssential Nutrients & Foods for the Ovulation Phase:\n\n\n\n\nFiber:\n\u00a0VEGGIES, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, avocado, berries, apples\n\n\nCruciferous Vegetables:\n Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, broccoli sprouts, broccoli\n\n\nZinc:\n Turkey, chicken, eggs, pork, avocado, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, lentils, yogurt, shellfish\n\n\nMagnesium:\n\u00a0Hemp seeds, flaxseeds, tofu, almonds, quinoa, sorghum, pumpkin seeds, spinach, dark chocolate (!)\n\n\n\n\nExercise Tips during the Ovulation Phase\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThe surge in 2 special hormones, Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), causes testosterone to peak. This contributes to the increase in libido you might notice around this time of your cycle. Use it as an excuse to get busy!\n\n\nYou might also see your energy continue to increase from your follicular phase, so this is the perfect time to take those HIIT / cycling classes!\n\n\n4. Menstrual cycles: The Luteal Phase\n\n\nIn layman\u2019s terms, the makings of what happens to your egg. Either it gets fertilized, or it doesn\u2019t, and disintegrates, causing a decline in progesterone and some estrogen. This causes the whole cycle to start again as you move back into period phase.\n\n\nFood Goals during the Luteal Phase\n\n\n\u00a0As the luteal phase draws to a close, you may begin to experience stronger sweet cravings and heightened emotions. The luteal phase is not a time for carbohydrate restriction, and including moderate amounts of low glycemic (high fiber) carbohydrates can help stave off sweet cravings.\u00a0\n\n\nOr, indulge in a little dark chocolate to curb those cravings, but one that is made of at least 70% dark chocolate!\n\n\nEssential Nutrients & Foods:\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVitamin D:\n\u00a0Salmon, mackerel, tuna, egg yolk, mushrooms\n\n\nMagnesium:\n Hemp seeds, flaxseeds, tofu, almonds, quinoa, sorghum, pumpkin seeds, spinach, dark chocolate (!)\n\n\nOmega 3 Fatty Acids:\n Salmon, cod, mackerel, skipjack, tuna, halibut\n\n\nThiamine:\n Oats, whole grains, bean-based pastas, nuts, oranges, sesame seeds\n\n\nVitamin B6:\n\u00a0Turkey, lentils, fish, potatoes, banana, watermelon, poultry\n\n\n\n\nExercise Tips during the Luteal Phase\u00a0\n\n\nThe first three to five days of the luteal phase are often accompanied by high energy levels. Your exercise and diet may closely resemble similar to the ovulation phase during these early days.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, as you move further into the luteal phase, you might notice your body shift from energize-mode to chill-mode, as progesterone levels rise. This is a great time to focus on strength training and slower yoga with moderate-intensity cardio.\n\n\nIn the end, it\u2019s all about listening to your body\n\n\nThere is a lot of information here to digest. Baby steps are a good place to start and if you\u2019re already making some progress on your nutritional, fitness and wellness journey, you\u2019re halfway there!\n\n\nListen to your body. Keep track and/or take notes via period tracker apps or note-taking apps if it helps.\n\n\nMost importantly, never be afraid to speak to friends or to a gynaecologist if something just doesn\u2019t feel right. It\u2019s so important that we start to normalise period talk and feel empowered about how our body works.\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nhttps://mplsimc.com/\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nTop 10 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tun-malaysia-unique-name", "title": "Tun Malaysia's Unique Name", "body": "Imagine being named after not one, but two countries!\n\n\n19 year old Tun Malaysia Venecia Zaman Riera has parents so patriotic they named her after Malaysia, the land of her father\u2019s birth and Venezuela, her mother\u2019s motherland.\n\n\nHer father, Tun Kamalul, an IT consultant, was stationed in Venezuela when Tun Malaysia was born.\n\n\n\u201cI was born in Venezuela. At the time, my father, who was a very patriotic man, misses his home dearly and suggested to my mother that I should be named \u2018Malaysia\u2019 and so my mother agreed.\n\n\n\u201cBut then my mother got a little jealous because my name carried my father\u2019s choice of name. So she wanted to name me \u2018Venezuela\u2019 as well. But since \u2018Venezuela\u2019 was too long, they decided to name me \u2018Venecia\u2019 which is an old name for Venezuela. So my name became Malaysia Venecia,\u201d she explained in an interview with\n Astro Awani\n.\n\n\nShe was often teased as a child\n\n\n\u201cEver since I was little, they would always tease me \u2018Cuti-cuti Malaysia\u2019 or \u2018Malaysia Boleh\u2019. But now that I am much older, I learned to embrace what the meaning of my name means to the people of this country. I started to love my name, it is a beautiful name.\n\n\n\u201cNowadays whenever someone teases me \u2018Malaysia Boleh\u2019, my response would be \u2018Of course, Malaysia (meaning myself) Boleh, but can you?\u201d said the spunky teenager.\n\n\nBorn overseas with an international heritage, this international business major student still considers Malaysia home.\n\n\n\u201cMalaysia will always be home to me. This is where I grew up ever since the \nage of four!\u201d\n\n\nTun Malaysia speaks\u00a0fluent Malay, English and Spanish, and is close to her traditional values and roots, competing in Silat Gayung Fatani tournaments with her sister.\n\n\nFor this young lady, Malaysia is not just her name but represents a harmonious multicultural nation.\n\n\n\u201cMalaysia has united us with Sabah and Sarawak, to become a country with multicultural backgrounds. To me, Malaysia means unity, where we all come together and for a nation. Just like they always say, One Malaysia,\u201d she said in the interview with Astro.\n\n\nSource: \nAstro Awani\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nTip keibubapaan\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nProduk bayi\nPerkara yang penting untuk penjagaan kulit si manja\nKeibubapaan\nSoothing relief for muscle aches and pain\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/great-mystery-finally-answered-stay-home-mums-day", "title": "A great mystery, finally answered: What do stay-at-home mums do all day?", "body": "Stay-at-home moms can\u2019t seem to catch a break. They do what\u2019s right for their family\u2014dedicating all their time to raising their kids\u2014which sounds like a noble and good thing to do, and yet they still don\u2019t get the respect they deserve.\n\n\nSome people still see stay-at-home parenting as the easy way out. They perceive stay-at-home moms as women who just lie around the house all day, pausing their Netflix binge-watching to change a dirty diaper or two.\n\n\nBut stay-at-home parents do so much around the house. They\u2019re not only childcare providers, but also cooks, housekeepers, money managers, laundrywomen, teachers, etc. \nSheKnows\n put together a very scientific (no, not really) pie chart to finally answer\u00a0what remains\u00a0a mystery to many non-parents:\n\n\n\u201cWhat does a stay-at-home mum do all day?\u201d\n\n\nIn case you\u2019re having trouble reading the fine print, some highlights from the pie chart include \u201c20% grocery shopping (for healthy she\u2019ll never make but will make her feel like a responsible mother)\u201d and \u201c5% cleaning her children\u2019s pee off the walls (of the local Rite Aid)\u201d.\n\n\nThough the pie chart is comical and shouldn\u2019t be taken seriously, it is disheartening that stay-at-home moms still feel the need to defend themselves from people that devalue the work (yes, parenting is work) \nthat they do.\n\n\nWhat moms with their time\u00a0depends a lot on their socioeconomic statuses\n\n\nRedbook\n recently conducted a survey of over 500 women who identified as stay-at-home mums, asking them about their daily lives. They found that the women they interviewed were from diverse backgrounds whose activities ranged from playing tennis for hours to milking cows. In addition, many women who call themselves stay-at-home mums also work for pay.\n\n\nWhat mums with their time\u00a0depends a lot on their socioeconomic statuses. While well-off mums spend their day socialising, exercising, and running errands, mums whose households don\u2019t have large incomes end up doing large amounts of housework.\n\n\nWhen Insure.com tried to compute the economic value of a stay-at-home parent, it listed 14 tasks ranging from cooking and driving to planning parties and just \u201cfinding up what the kids are up to\u201d, as \nBusiness Insider\n reports.\n\n\nThough not an exhaustive list, that gives us an idea of the amount of work stay-at-home mums really do\u2014a lot more than some of us salaried employees, some of whom often get paid for just spacing out at our desks for hours.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hip-hop-punk-trance-music-children-malaysia", "title": "Music Makes Me Lose Control, Study Finds That Kids Who Like Hip-Hop Likely to Become Rebellious", "body": "All parents of a young teen have heard of Justin Bieber and One Direction \u2013 they\u2019re a teenager\u2019s anthem, the cute boy the pine over and their songs make them squeal with excitement.\n\n\nNow parents have a reason to love these music stars too, a study in the Netherlands shows that kids who listen to \u201cmainstream music\u201d such as music by Justin Bieber and One Direction will end up being better behaved in the future.\n\n\nParents who think it\u2019s cute that their kids are hipsters by rejecting mainstream pop music should think again. Findings of the research done show that kids who listen to \u201cunconventional music\u201d like hip-hop, punk and trance, are more likely to become delinquents.\n\n\nMusic taste and delinquency\n\n\n\n\nThe \nstudy\n conducted was tested on 300 children in the Netherlands. The study followed the children for four years of their adolescence where researchers found out their favourite types of music and tracked incidents of \u2018minor delinquency\u2019 like shoplifting and vandalism, from when they were 12-years-old till they reached the age of 16.\n\n\nDoes hip-hop really causes your kids to \u2018act out\u2019?\n\n\n\n\nKids who were into hip-hop, metal, gothic, punk, trance and techno reportedly started to \u2018act out\u2019 and did so by the time they were 16.\n\n\nWhereas, kids who enjoyed rock music at age 12 were relatively well-behaved, but were more likely to engage in bad behaviour when they reach 16.\n\n\nOn the other spectrum, researchers predicted that kids who listened to mainstream pop, classical or jazz would probably not have a future of delinquency.\n\n\nTake note of what your children are listening to\n\n\n\n\nThe study suggests that what can be seen as \u201cinnocent\u201d enjoyment of \u201cdeviant\u201d music may be an early sign that the kids may grow up to be deviants themselves.\n\n\nThe authors theorize that \u201cMusic is the medium that separates mainstream youth from young people who may more easily adopt norm-breaking behaviours.\u201d\n\n\nThey also suggest that \u201cin peer groups characterized by their deviant music taste, norm-breaking youth may \u2018infect\u2019 their friends with their behaviour.\u201d\n\n\nSo perhaps parents should take a closer look at what kind of music their kids are listening to. Your teen\u2019s music taste may determine what kind of behaviour they will have in the future.\n\n\nDo you think that music is really to blame for a child acting out? Do you agree with the study\u2019s conclusion?\n\n\nSome parents might argue that they listen to the same genre and they turn out perfectly fine. That is true in nature, and music alone should not be the main cause of children acting out badly.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nHowever, it is a parent\u2019s responsibility to ensure what their children listening to are appropriate and as of age. And even if they start to listen to music that we do not approve of, it is also our responsibility to teach them what is right and wrong.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Ways To Make English Grammar Easier To Learn For Kids\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/fatimah-abu-bakar", "title": "Supermum Fatimah Abu Bakar Named Among Netflix\u2019s 55 Ground-breaking Women in Entertainment", "body": "In celebration of International Women\u2019s Day, Netflix and UN Women launched a collection named \n\u201cBecause She Watched\n\u201d of series, documentaries, as well as films that were made by or featured female creators. The collection, which will be available for viewers throughout the year, features female creators around the world including \nMalaysia\u2019s Fatimah Abu Bakar\u2019s masterpiece titled \nBabies\n.\n\n\nBabies docuseries explores the growth of babies, motherhood and fatherhood\n\n\nThe Malaysian mother-of-four has aptly chosen \nBabies\n to stand among the list, which is a docuseries that centres around the emotional story of a baby\u2019s first year of life while combining elements of both motherhood and fatherhood.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe heart-warming docuseries uses ground-breaking science to explore the growth of babies from the angles of love, first food, crawling, first words, sleep and taking their first steps.\n\n\n\u201c\nBabies\n lets us peep into the exquisitely mysterious world of these complex little human beings and how both parents are immensely involved in the process of raising and caring for them. It\u2019s important to show that fatherhood is just as deep as motherhood\u201d, said Fatimah.\n\n\nThe thespian, writer and acting coach also talked about the importance of strong female characters on screen as they inspire others to combat barriers in breaking the space for women in today\u2019s world.\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s important to see strong women characters on screen who defy the odds as they teach young women to stand up tall and overcome barriers. I felt the most empowered when I was involved in \nMaria\n, it mirrored my own life at the time and it was interesting to say the least to flit in and out of reality. The experience was truly enriching,\u201d she said.\n\n\n\n\nCollection to celebrate inclusion of female creators\n\n\nMeanwhile, other female creators from behind and in front of the camera include Sophia Loren, Salma Hayek, \nStranger Things\u2019 \nstar Millie Bobby Brown and Lana Condor from \nTo All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You\n.\n\n\nWith the this year\u2019s International Women\u2019s Day theme of \u201c\nI am Generation Equality: Realizing Women\u2019s Rights,\n\u201d the collection celebrates the stories that have inspired the women who inspire us. Series, films and documentaries such as \nUnbelievable, Luna Nera and Followers\n to \nOrange Is the New Black and Lionheart\n, have started important, often hard, conversations that challenge the status quo and societal views.\n\n\nFounder of the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative Dr. Stacy L. Smith stated that research has shown that inclusion behind the camera leads to greater inclusion on screen.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe\u2019re encouraged that last year, 20% of the directors of Netflix original films were women and we are excited to celebrate these female creators on International Women\u2019s Day. There\u2019s still more to do to reach equality, but by recognising female talent from around the world, we hope more women will feel encouraged to tell their stories, pushing that number even higher,\u201d said Stacy.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUN Women and Netflix\u2019s partnership in support of the\u00a0 Generation Equality campaign comes on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action \u2013 a platform recognised as a visionary agenda for women\u2019s rights.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThis collaboration is about taking on the challenge of telling women\u2019s stories and showing women in all their diversity. It\u2019s about making visible the invisible, and proving that only by fully representing and including women on screen, behind-the-camera and in our narratives overall, society will truly flourish,\u201d said UN Women Deputy Executive Director Anita Bhatia.\n\n\nThe collection is available at \nNetflix.com/BecauseSheWatched \u2013 or by searching \u201c\nBecause She Watched\n\u201d\n on Netflix. Every title in the collection will be labeled \u201cXXXX\u2019s Women\u2019s Day Pick\u201d and subscribers will be able to choose from a selection of \u201c\nBecause She Watched\n\u201d profile icons to celebrate their favourite female characters from the collection.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nMengapa Pendidikan Kewangan Penting\nRaise them Resilient\n4 concrete steps to build resilience in children, according to science\nKesihatan\nJangan Meremehkan Penyakit Rotavirus!\nRaise them Resilient\nTips to harness the power of your parenting style to raise resilient children\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nutrition-in-pregnancy-guidelines", "title": "7 tips for busy pregnant mums to meet nutritional requirements \u2013 every pregnant mum\u2019s every day nutrition guide", "body": "If you\u2019re a busy mum-to-be, things can feel quite overwhelming. As your body undergoes massive changes, you must also make sure that you are in optimal health and be mindful of nutrition in pregnancy guidelines. Staying healthy and eating right have suddenly become a huge priority. To make sure you stay on the right track, here are some simple tips on how to take care of yourself during pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\n1. Eat a Healthy Breakfast Everyday\n\n\n\n\nStart the day right with a healthy breakfast. Not only will doing this put you in a good mood, it will also give you the energy you need to go about your busy day.\n\n\nOf course, in the early months of your pregnancy, this can be quite a challenge. If you\u2019re still experiencing morning sickness, go slow and drink some liquids first, like ginger tea.\n\n\nRemember that it\u2019s important to get some nourishment for you and your developing baby. Choose food that is easy to eat such as chicken porridge or whole-grain bread. Make sure to eat some fruit and veggies, too. Smoothies can also be a great breakfast alternative.\n\n\n2. Pregnancy Power Foods\n\n\nEating well-balanced meals is essential, especially when you have a little one developing in your womb. You must eat foods rich in \nfolate\n, \niron\n, \ncalcium\n, and \nprotein\n.\n\n\n\n\nFolate\n is essential for growth and development of cells. These days, many kinds of food are enriched with folate, and these can help ensure that you get your daily requirement.\n\n\nIron\n helps you avoid feeling weak and tired, plus it helps your body produce more red blood cells to supply oxygen to your baby. You can find iron in food like lean red meat and leafy green vegetables.\n\n\nCalcium\n primarily helps with bone development. Up your calcium intake by taking milk and eating fish with edible bones like sardines and anchovies.\n\n\nProtein\n is essential for tissue growth. Choose well-cooked chicken and lean cuts of meat for protein. Milk and dairy products provide you with protein, too!\n\n\n\n\n3. Get Ready to \u2018Go\u2019\n\n\nThis can be uncomfortable to talk about, but it\u2019s common in many pregnancies. Because of hormonal changes, many pregnant women may experience constipation.\n\n\nTo help keep things moving along, you have to make sure to eat fibre-rich food such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans and grains. And together with an increase in your fibre intake, don\u2019t forget to drink plenty of liquids throughout the day.\n\n\n4. Give Up \u2018Bad\u2019 Snacks\n\n\nIf you\u2019re craving for a bag of salty chips or a sugar-sprinkled donut or two, resist the urge and just say no to junk food! While you\u2019re at it, remember that soft drinks are a big no-no, too.\n\n\nBe mindful of every single thing that you put into your body. Baby needs the good stuff!\n\n\n5. Make Healthy Choices for Two\n\n\nAvoid alcohol and \ncaffeine\n. For now, you\u2019ll have to put your love for coffee on hold. More than one cup of coffee or four cups of tea is too much, mummy! Did you know that soft drinks contain caffeine, too?\n\n\nAlso make sure to avoid \nraw or undercooked fish and seafood\n. They may contain parasites, harmful viruses or bacteria. And while cooked fish is actually great for your diet, you need to avoid fish high in mercury such as tilefish, swordfish, shark, and marlin.\n\n\nGoing back to undercooked food, don\u2019t eat that soft-boiled egg, undercooked chicken, or medium-rare steak. Make sure all your food is well-cooked and well-done!\n\n\nThat\u2019s not all. For now, you must also \navoid soft cheeses\n like brie and gorgonzola. These might contain bacteria that are harmful for your baby.\n\n\nEven if these foods are your favourites, it\u2019s best to err on the side of caution. That sushi binge or wine and cheese party will have to wait until after you give birth.\n\n\n6. Move It, Mum!\n\n\n\n\nBeing pregnant doesn\u2019t mean that you should stop exercising (unless your doctor advises you so!).\u00a0 At some point, you will feel lazy and heavy, but you have to set aside some time every day to be physically active.\n\n\nBeing fit during pregnancy\n is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Not only will being physically active help you put on weight gradually, it also conditions your body and gets you in shape for childbirth.\n\n\nGo for a swim. Practice gentle \nyoga\n. Go out for a walk on a nice day. Do some \nstretching exercises\n which are good for reducing pregnancy aches and lower back pains.\n\n\nFind ways to move around and aim for at least 30 minutes of being active every day. But listen to your body and know your limits. Find the right balance so you can feel energized throughout your pregnancy.\n\n\n7. Drink Milk: Include Anmum\nTM\n Materna in Your Diet\n\n\n\n\nAs a busy pregnant woman, it may be hard to exercise and eat healthy on a daily basis. Work and your other tasks can keep you occupied, and you may not have enough time and energy to grab some vegetables at the store to cook yourself a healthy meal.\n\n\nOne of the trusted ways to get the right nutrients is to include Anmum\u2122 Materna as part of your balanced diet.\n\n\nThis is an excellent formulated milk for both expecting moms and women planning to become moms to support their nutritional needs.\n\n\nAnmum\u2122 Materna is packed with key nutrients that are essential for pregnant mums. Aside from folate, iron, and calcium, it contains DHA and Gangliosides (GA\u00ae). It also contains Probio DR10\u2122, or\u00a0 Bifidobacterium lactis \u2013 a type of live and good bacteria \u2013 and Inulin,\u00a0 a prebiotic beneficial for good gut health. It is important to have good intestinal environment for effective absorption of nutrients.\n\n\nMums will be happy to know that Anmum\u2122 Materna prenatal milk is low in fat and Anmum\u2122 Materna (plain) has no added sugars, so you worry less about excess weight gain.\n\n\nPerhaps best of all, Anmum\u2122 Materna is so convenient! It is specially formulated to provide you key pregnancy nutrients with just two glasses a day. And it\u2019s all oh-so-easy to prepare for busy mums-to-be with stick packs for easy consumption. Simply keep some in your handbag, and you can enjoy it at the office when you want to.\n\n\nPregnancy is a precious and exciting time for mums-to-be. You must remember to take care of yourself even if your days are packed and busy. By making healthy choices, you can make sure you\u2019ll meet the nutritional requirements you and your developing baby need for a healthy and happy pregnancy journey.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor more healthy pregnancy tips and Anmum\n\u2122\n Materna nutrition information, check out\u00a0\nhttps://www.anmum.com.my\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stillbirth-keguguran", "title": "Mengapa Kita Perlu Bercakap Mengenai Keguguran & Kelahiran Mati? Ini Kepentingannya", "body": "Keguguran atau \nstillbirth\n (kelahiran mati) mungkin memberi definisi yang berbeza di setiap negara, namun secara amnya kelahiran bayi mati berlaku pada usia kandungan 22 minggu ke atas sebelum bayi sempat dilahirkan. Ini bermakna bayi meninggal di dalam rahim beberapa minggu atau jam sebelum atau selepas ibu mengalami sakit bersalin.\n\n\nKeguguran pula adalah \u2018kehilangan\u2019 kandungan yang berlaku sebelum usia 22 minggu ataupun berat bayi kurang daripada 500 gram jika usia kandungan tidak diketahui. Dan kes kelahiran mati yang tercatat setiap tahun mencecah sehingga 2.6 juta.\u00a0\n\n\nNamun keguguran dan\n stillbirth\n mungkin masih dianggap tabu bagi sesetengah masyarakat. Dan di Malaysia juga masih ada yang berpendapat topik ini terlalu sensitif untuk dibincangkan.\u00a0\n\n\nWalaupun tradegi ini berlaku di kalangan keluarga sendiri dan rakan-rakan rapat pun sebolehnya mereka akan mengelak dari bercakap mengenainya.\u00a0\n\n\nUntuk membuat pasangan yang mengalami pengalaman hitam ini bercerita mungkin agak sukar, jadi kaum keluarga dan teman rapat lah yang sebenarnya patut sentiasa bertanya jika mereka ini dalam keadaan baik atau tidak.\u00a0\n\n\nPenting sebenarnya untuk kita bercakap mengenai isu ini, terutama sekali buat pasangan yang mengalaminya.\u00a0\n\n\nMemang perit untuk diluahkan namun lebih memudaratkan jika dipendam. Untuk pasangan yang mengalami kelahiran mati, ada banyak kebaikannya mengapa anda perlu bercakap mengenai apa yang terjadi.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMengapa perlu bercakap mengenai \nstillbirth\n?\n\n\nRamai pasangan yang mengalami kisah hitam berpendapat mengapa mereka perlu bercakap mengenai pengalaman mereka yang cukup menyedihkan itu? Malah buat apa orang mahu tahu, cukuplah mereka saja yang tahu dan biarlah kisah itu disimpan rapi. Tapi silap antara kepentingan untuk bercakap mengenainya adalah:\n\n\n#1. Meningkatkan kesedaran\n\n\nYa, memang itu hak masing-masing itu tidak membicarakannya, namun ia adalah penting untuk meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai mengenai hal \nstillbirth\n ini. Bayangkan ada ramai pasangan yang terdekat dengan anda tidak tahu akan risiko yang mungkin mereka alami ketika kehamilan. \n\n\nDikalangan rakan-rakan anda serta keluarga tentu ada yang hamil namun seperti anda dulu tidak tahu akan tragedi yang bakal berlaku kepada anda. Lantas tiada kesedaran dan cara menanganinya dengan betul jika ia berlaku. Bukanlah kita minta untuk kisah hitam ini berlaku kepada sesiapa pun cuma ia adalah risiko yang mungkin berlaku, jadi penting untuk diambil tahu.\u00a0\n\n\n#2. Menghilangkan rasa beban\n\n\n\n\nPercayalah bila anda lepaskan apa yang terbendung dalam benak perasaan anda sekarang akan kurang sedikit bebanan yang dirasai. Jika masih tidak mampu untuk meluahkan kepada yang terdekat, minta rundingan dengan pakar di hospital. \n\n\nBerjumpa dengan pakar psikiatri bukan bermaksud gila, ia adalah satu khidmat pertolongan untuk anda meluahkan apa yang anda rasa, dan mereka akan bantu beri nasihat yang sewajarnya tanpa penilaian \u2018bias\u2019.\u00a0\n\n\n#3. Merapatkan lagi hubungan keluarga dan rakan-rakan\n\n\nApabila anda mula berkongsi, keluarga dan rakan akan tahu anda mempercayai dan cukup memerlukan bantuan mereka waktu ini. Percayalah mereka akan sedia membantu dan memberi semangat kepada anda saat anda meluahkan. \n\n\nAnda tidak tahu mungkin mereka pun ada bebanan mereka sendiri kisah yang mereka lalui sendiri, jadi apabila anda menceritakan kisah anda mereka juga akan berkongsi sesuatu yang anda sendiri tidak pernah tahu. Lantas boleh menjadikan ikatan perhubungan anda dengan keluarga dan rakan-rakan lebih rapat.\u00a0\n\n\nApa yang patut dilakukan jika pasangan meluahkan kepada anda tentang pengalaman mereka?\n\n\n\n\nPertama sekali janganlah suka menggunakan ayat \u201cbenda dah berlaku, nak buat macam mana,\u201d malah katakan saja yang anda bersimpati. \u201cTak boleh bayangkan benda ini terjadi kepada aku, berat dugaan ini, namun kau tabah.\u201d Berikan kata semangat yang begitu, ia sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu mereka rasa lebih kuat.\n\n\n Elakkan juga untuk berkata \u201ctakpe, boleh pregnant lagi,\u201d sesungguhnya kita tak tahu sekiranya mereka \nstruggle\n untuk hamil atau bukan mudah untuk mereka mencuba hamil, tiba-tiba kehilangan pula. Katakan \u201ctidak mengapa, kita berdoa untuk yang terbaik.\u201d Dengan sentiasa mengingatkan mereka untuk berpaling kepada Allah swt adalah yang terbaik, sesungguhnya hanya Dia yang tahu perasaan orang yang ditimpa dugaan ini. \n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nBaca juga:\u00a0\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\n\n\nKelahiran Mati: Bagaimana Untuk Menghadapinya & Perlukah Diceritakan Kepada Rakan-Rakan\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/little-boy-chokes-to-death-at-preschool-do-you-know-how-to-save-a-choking-child-2", "title": "Little boy chokes to death at preschool: Do you know how to save a choking child?", "body": "We leave our kids at daycare, secure in the knowledge they\u2019ll be looked after well. But apparently, this is not always the case. Heartwrenching preschool CCTV footage has emerged of a four-year-old boy choking to death at school, all alone during lunchtime.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWhy didn\u2019t a teacher come to his rescue?\u201d sobbed the mother\u2019s boy\n\n\nSeptember 10 was a normal day for a kindergarten class in Hunan, China. The teacher on duty at mealtime made one critical and life-threatening mistake: She went away, leaving the little ones eating lunch on their own.\u00a0\n\n\nSoon, one of the boys begins choking on his meal. The CCTV footage shows the boy is suffocating, as he tries to remove the food stuck in his mouth by coughing non-stop.\u00a0\n\n\nThe child did not receive any help for three minutes. His classmates \u2013 too young to understand the gravity of the situation \u2013 are oblivious to the little one\u2019s suffering.\u00a0\n\n\nThe footage then continues, showing the teacher coming back to the table. She tries to help the child extract the cake that was choking him, but to no avail.\n\n\nImmediately after that, the teacher can be seen hurrying the boy to a hospital. The journey took eight minutes, but unfortunately, the boy could not be saved in time.\u00a0\n\n\nThe kindergarten school has taken full responsibility for the unfortunate episode after thoroughly discussing it over with the victim\u2019s parents.\n\n\nThe following video shows the full sequence of events. Be warned that this video contains distressing content \u2013 viewer discretion is advised.\n\n\n\n\nHow to Stop a Child Choking\n\n\nThe choking child can appear conscious or unconscious \u2013 and you should act accordingly depending on how they appear.\n\n\nHere are guidelines from the\u00a0\nNational Healthcare System UK\u00a0\n\u00a0on how to act if you see a child over one year old choking. Remember, these short tips may not seem much, but they can potentially help you save a life.\n\n\nIf the child is still conscious\u2026\n\n\n\n\nPlace the child facing downwards on your lap OR help sit up while leaning forward.\u00a0\n\n\nPat his back five times.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf these back blows don\u2019t help at all, apply the Heimlich Maneuver. This technique involves giving hard pushes towards the abdomen, which can help remove the object stuck in the child\u2019s throat. The steps are to:\n\n\n\n\nStand or keep your knees down, facing the child\u2019s back.\n\n\nTighten your hand into a fist place it between the navel and ribs.\n\n\nGrab onto your fist with your free hand while still having both around the abdomen, then pull them both inwards and upwards.\n\n\nContinue doing this action up to five times.\n\n\n\n\n*Note that too much force may damage the lower ribcage, so do take caution.\n\n\nOnce the technique has been applied, evaluate the situation. Has the object been removed? If it hasn\u2019t been expelled while the child is clearly aware, continue the Heimlich Maneuver. Always stay by the child\u2019s side.\u00a0\n\n\nEven if the object has been expelled and the child isn\u2019t suffocating, it is still best to consult a medical professional to evaluate his condition.\n\n\n\n\nEducate yourselves and all carers of your kids on how to stop a child choking.\n\n\n\n\nIf the child is unconscious\u2026\n\n\n\n\nLay them down onto a hard, flat surface.\n\n\nAttract attention and call for help. Use your phone to notify the emergency hotline.\n\n\nOpen the child\u2019s mouth. If you can clearly see an object that\u2019s stuck and can be retrieved,\u00a0try and take it out.\n\n\nApply cardiopulmonary resuscitation by giving the child a few breaths.\n\n\nAlways stay by the child\u2019s side.\n\n\n\n\nWe are very sorry for the mother\u2019s loss of her son. It\u2019s a death that certainly could have been prevented had the responsible adults known what to do.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nAsiaOne\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n\u201cEidress Jarang Sangat Sakit Dan Cerdas!\u201d Ini Rupanya Tips Anzalna Amalkan Bagi Memastikan Anaknya Membesar Dengan Baik!\nTip keibubapaan\nTepuk Ria Untuk Perut Lebih Lembut Dengan Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk!\nAnak\nTop 3 Most Common Illnesses Kids Contract From Daycare\nTip keibubapaan\nMengapa Memilih Makanan Bayi Gerber?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maternal-nutrition-fetal-development", "title": "Staying Healthy For Your Developing Child: 6 Nutritional Diet Hacks for Busy Mummies", "body": "Motherhood is an extremely rewarding journey, but it can sometimes drain your energy \u2013 you are always on-the-go and it may seem that time is always against you.\u00a0\n\n\nThis rings especially crucial during pregnancy, because you are not only responsible for your own well-being, but also that of your \ndeveloping\n baby. \nIt is important to note that a well-balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are especially important during pregnancy or lactation.\u00a0\n\n\nRemember, nutrition is key \nduring pregnancy\n\u2013 what you eat can affect your child\u2019s development, which is why focusing on yourself should always be a priority as well. Neglecting this aspect could lead to stress, malnutrition, and growth deficiencies for your child.\u00a0\n\n\nThis might sound a bit overwhelming, but fret not, with\u00a0 adequate nutritional knowledge and guidelines, including your doctor\u2019s recommendations, you will do just fine.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, here are six useful diet hacks that we have put together to ensure you get that maternal and child support during your pregnancy journey.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0#1. Pan fry a quick salmon for your omega-3 fatty acid fix\n\n\nAccording to a research study from the \nUniversity of Granada\n, adding salmon to your diet during pregnancy increases omega-3 fatty acid levels that are vital for both your health and your child\u2019s.\u00a0\n\n\nIt also improves your antioxidant defenses due to nutritional contents such as selenium and retinol in salmon. Salmon also contains essential proteins, minerals, and vitamins like iron. \nThe U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA)\n recommends that pregnant or lactating women can take up to two to three servings of salmon per week.\u00a0\n\n\nPan-frying a salmon is one of the easiest, tastiest ways of cooking this fish \u2013 just follow these fool-proof tips:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSeasoning:\n Just season salmon with salt and pepper \u2013 these two spices are more than enough to enhance the flavour.\u00a0\n\n\nUse a non-stick skillet:\n Using a non-stick skillet allows you to easily flip the salmon when pan frying.\u00a0 Cook it with olive oil (this is also high in omega-3 fatty acids!) until golden brown for about four minutes. Do the same for the other side.\u00a0\n\n\nAdd a healthy side:\n You can also quickly pan fry some asparagus \u2013 these green stalks are high in Vitamin K and support your child\u2019s development.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#2. Crazy busy week up ahead? Make pre-packed meals\n\n\nMeal preparation may sound daunting and time consuming, but making pre-packed meals is a smart way to make sure you get your healthy portions for the whole week. You only need to spare one day in a week to prepare.\n\n\nThe most important thing to consider is making sure you get enough of your macronutrients. Here are some ideas to add to your grocery list:\n\n\n\n\nProtein: \nThis is especially important to help build your child\u2019s \nimportant organs including the brain and heart\n. You can add poultry, fish, dried beans, peas, eggs, nuts, cheese and tofu.\u00a0\n\n\nCarbs: \nPregnant women should have between \n175 and 210 grams\n of carbs daily. Carbohydrates, which become an easy energy source for your body include whole grains, pasta, cereal, potatoes, and other starchy vegetables.\u00a0\n\n\nHealthy fats:\n According to the \nAmerican Heart Association\n, the majority of fats that you should take must be from unsaturated fats \u2013 there are two types of good fat: monounsaturated (almonds, avocado, olive oil, mixed nuts) and polyunsaturated fats (salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans).\u00a0 You should aim for four servings of healthy fat per day.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFrom here, prepare between three or four different recipes so you can have diverse meals for the week. Meal prep does not have to be extravagant, it can be as simple as setting aside a few almonds, steaming some veggies and some brown rice. Cooked brown rice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days when stored in a tight shallow container.\u00a0\n\n\n#3. Blend a nutritious smoothie\u00a0\n\n\nSmoothies are a great way of packing in the essential nutrients, fibre, and minerals that you need into a tasty treat! Instead of heading down the smoothie corner near you to sip some sugar-filled drinks, you can make a healthier version.\u00a0\n\n\nAll you need are the essential ingredients plus a blender, and you are good to go. Here are some of your must-have nutritious ingredients to shop for:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOrganic, green vegetables such as baby spinach or baby kale\n\n\nPeanut butter\u00a0\n\n\nNuts (walnuts, cashews) and seeds (flax, chia, hemp)\n\n\nUnsweetened almond milk\n\n\nFruits like banana, mango, avocado, orange, apple, grapes, mixed berries, lemon\n\n\nGreek yoghurt\n\n\nGinger or turmeric\n\n\nUnsweetened cocoa powder\u00a0\n\n\nHoney for sweetness\n\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s a lot more to add on the list, but try to avoid any canned options as these are generally high in sugar \u2013 so watch out for the food labels.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n#4. Give yourself a snacktime\n\n\nSetting aside time to snack ensures you get small, frequent meals throughout the day. Pregnancy and lactation can give you intense hunger cravings.\u00a0\n\n\nBut, when you go hungry, it is easy to grab whatever is in the pantry. However, chances are, you will be grabbing onto something that is high calorie and low in energy, such as cookies or sweet biscuits. While there\u2019s nothing wrong to consume these foods in moderation, these empty calorie foods contain high preservatives, while the calorie levels give you little energy or nutrients that you need throughout the day.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThus, it is important to eat the right and healthy snacks that can both satisfy your hunger, give you energy, as well as provide you with essential nutrients. One of the best foods that you can snack on is nuts and seeds \u2013 these are a good source of healthy fat and protein that are essential to your diet.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can try a\u00a0 trail mix by mixing up dried fruits, salt-free nuts, dark chocolate, and oats.\n\n\n\n\n#5. Make a weekly menu plan\n\n\nIf you are going for a pre-packed meal for the whole week, you will only have to prepare your menu once in a week. However, if you feel like you have enough time to make fresh meals every day, then you will need to have a good menu plan to maintain a healthy diet.\u00a0\n\n\nPlanning what you want to eat at the start of the week can save you time when thinking about what you should eat \u2013 at least you will know exactly what to prepare when\u00a0 your meal time comes.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAlways keep in mind your nutritionist or dietician\u2019s advice for the essential nutrients that you will have to include in your menu. You can make your menu plan any time you want as long as consider the portions that you need to take. Just like pre-planned meals, the daily menu needs to include your dose of essential carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, as well as vitamins and minerals from fruits or vegetables. Menu plans can make you extremely creative, resourceful, and disciplined to maintain a healthy lifestyle.\n\n\n#6. Drink Enfamama A+ to \nsupport your nutritional needs\n!\n\n\nBut sometimes, no matter how much we prepare or how hard we try, some things in motherhood do not always go as planned. Some days, you have little to no time to calculate your macronutrients for the week, other days you just do not get enough nutrients in your body no matter how hard you are trying. But, that is perfectly fine especially if you can get your quick fix with formulas such as Enfamama \nA+\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat is Enfamama A+?\u00a0\n\n\nEnfamama \nA+ \nis scientifically formulated to support the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating mothers. During pregnancy, as we have reiterated, mummies have increased nutritional needs to support both themselves and their developing child.\u00a0\n\n\nWith proper nutrition and stimulation, you can help support your child\u2019s\u00a0growth and development from \npregnancy.\n\u00a0\n\n\nEnfamama \nA+\n contains 100mg DHA (in two servings daily) which is formulated to meet the expert recommended daily DHA intake*. It is also high in Folic Acid, which is essential for growth and division of cells.\u00a0\n\n\nOther than that, Enfamama A+ contains a unique blend of nutrients:\n\n\n\n\nCholine: \nCholine is a nutrient necessary for the muscle, brain, and liver to function properly. Choline is also an essential nutrient for pregnant and lactating mothers. \nCholine\n has been shown to improve the fetus\u2019 cognition, brain development, and placental functioning. It also acts to protect your developing child against neural and metabolic deficiencies.\n\n\nCalcium:\n Calcium intake is especially important during pregnancy and lactation. Calcium is essential in a child\u2019s bone development. Conversely, there are adverse effects on maternal bone health if maternal calcium stores are depleted.\u00a0\n\n\nVitamin D: \nVitamin D\u00a0supplementation is essential for the absorption, as well as utilisation of calcium and phosphorus.\u00a0\n\n\nIron: \nIron is important as it is a factor in red blood cell formulation. Women who do not get enough iron in their diet may feel tired throughout the day and are at risk for infections.\n\n\nInulin (prebiotic):\n \nInulin is a type of dietary fiber that is crucial to increase intestinal bifidobacteria to help maintain a good intestinal environment.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn summary, Enfamama \nA+\n is a great choice for maternal and \ndeveloping baby\u2019s\n nutrition. It \nhelps you get the supplementary nutrients\n needed, while skipping the hassle or worry of getting enough \u2013 it also comes in two delicious flavours of chocolate and vanilla!\n\n\nKeen to try out Enfamama A+? \nSign up for a free sample and join the Enfamama A+ Club for more support!\u00a0\n\n\n*For adult pregnant and locating females, the minimum intake for optimal adult health and fetal and child development is 300mg/d EPA+DHA, of which at least 200mg/d should be DHA. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91, FAO: Rome.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/fitness-trends-2020", "title": "Fitness Trends Around The World For 2020", "body": "Fitness and wellness trends are constantly evolving and improving. With each passing year of technology and knowledge progress\u00a0 we find ourselves spoiled for choice on ways to become fitter, stronger and healthier.\u00a0\n\n\nThe American College Of Medicine is a leading expert on sports medicine and exercise science. For the past 14 years, they conducted a comprehensive global fitness trends survey asking thousands of fitness experts (e.g. personal trainers, medical professionals, wellness coaches and clinical exercise specialists) what they think will be the trends of the year. These trends are rated accordingly and with some being improvements of last year\u2019s trends to new concepts.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some interesting trends that we can follow to ensure 2020 is the year we achieve our fitness goals based on the survey and what people in the industry are predicting.\u00a0\n\n\nOutdoor training:\n\u00a0Training in a gym isn\u2019t for everyone. Being outdoors cycling, running, walking, hiking or swimming, can be more fun and gets you out of the house and office. These can be done solo or with a group and can last for as little as an hour-long bike ride to a weekend of hiking and climbing.\u00a0\n\n\nGet the kids fit:\n\u00a0If you\u2019re a parent, getting your children to do a sport or be active can be challenging. Child and teen obesity is a real problem and it\u2019s been proven that many of these children end up with serious health issues as adults. Start them young and make them understand that keeping fit and at a healthy weight through a wholesome diet is necessary for their future wellbeing.\u00a0\n\n\nBeat that middle-age spread:\n\u00a0It\u2019s not only the children that need to keep in shape. The world\u2019s population is ageing and we are living and working longer than previous generations. The fitness industry has realised this and offers a wide variety of exercise options for seniors.\u00a0\n\n\nWorkout from home:\n\u00a0There are many reasons why people don\u2019t want to hit the gym or go outside for a run / cycle. It could be a question of time or logistics; but there are now so many choices for live connected workouts that can be done in the comfort of your living room. A great example of this is the indoor cycling classes by Peloton are live streamed and on-demand, and can get very competitive! Here are some of our\u00a0favourite at-home workouts.\n\n\nFree weights:\n\u00a0Free weight training is increasing in popularity and is based on using kettlebells / barbells / medicine balls correctly and gradually upping resistance to improve strength.\u00a0\n\n\nHILIT:\n\u00a0Everyone knows what HIIT is and it has been proven to be an extremely effective way of getting fit. High-intensity low impact training (HILIT) is becoming more prevalent and is about doing high intensity exercises without putting stress on your joints. It\u2019s the ideal option for those who have injuries and need to take it down a notch.\u00a0\n\n\nRowing:\n\u00a0The rowing machine is enjoying a renaissance and there has been a steady increase in rowing classes. This is an exercise that uses over 80% of your muscles and is relatively low impact, great for upper body strength and improves posture.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nHealth\nReasons Why Parents Don\u2019t Vaccinate - And Why They Should\nFesyen\nIbu-Ibu Gila Shopping? Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Berbelanja Seisi Keluarga, Satu Tempat Saja Sudah Memadai!\nKesihatan\n5 Perkara Ibu Bapa Baru Perlu Tahu Tentang Rotavirus Pada Bayi dan Anak-Anak Kecil\nKeibubapaan\nDibelenggu Masalah Kulit Kering dan Gatal? Sapukan Losyen Ini Untuk Kelegaan Serta Merta\n\n\nHigh-tech fitness:\n\u00a0Working out at home used to mean using weights or a resistance band and following a programme on a screen. This is old-school because fitness at home has entered another dimension with the introduction of systems like Mirror, which touts itself as the \u2018nearly invisible home gym\u2019, and is a full length mirror that streams live and on-demand workouts when switched on. These type of home fitness options aren\u2019t cheap but neither are personal trainers and gym memberships, and there\u2019s something very enticing about exercising in the comfort of your living room.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/poor-father", "title": "10 Ways Being A Dad Makes You Poorer", "body": "Everybody knows that it\u2019s expensive to raise a child, but just how much would it cost you?\n\n\nHow much does the average Malaysian dad spend from the time of their child\u2019s birth to when he or she goes to university?\n\n\nThe scary truth is, the cost of raising children is staggering and probably far more than what most (single) people can imagine!\n\n\nFor instance, you could be paying RM12,000 every year for babysitting services alone \u2013 that\u2019s roughly the cost of a down payment for a brand new Audi A6! And we\u2019re looking at just one aspect of the bigger picture, as these costs will surely escalate as your child grows older.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \niMoney.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-your-middle-child-is-the-most-powerful-of-your-kids", "title": "Why Your Middle Child Is The Most Powerful Of Your Kids", "body": "The common stereotype of the middle child is they will always be ignored in favour of the more accomplished firstborn or the cute and needy youngest child. They often get lost in the hustle and bustle of family affairs, developing an inferiority complex that never really goes away. \n\n\nIt\u2019s a common stereotype in popular culture, but is it really true? New research suggests that a middle child has some pretty cool advantages. Contrary to popular belief, being the middle child has helped some people develop strong leadership qualities when they grow up.\n\n\nHere are eight reasons why being a middle child is a pretty cool deal.\n\n\n\n\nThe middle child gets a good deal, actually\n\n\n1. They\u2019re skillful negotiators and peacemakers\n\n\nThe middle child will always compete with other siblings for attention and resources, so finding their own niche and voice in the family becomes a priority for them.\n\n\nCatherine Salmon, a professor of psychology at the University of Redlands and coauthor of the book \nThe Secret Power of Middle Children\n says as much. Middle children hone their skills in empathy as a result of their childhood experience. Seeing things from another person\u2019s perspective helps them become better problem-solvers.\n\n\n\u201cThe negotiator role is one they typically have to take up to get what they need in competition with the needs and desires of favored firsts and pampered lasts,\u201d Salmon said.\n\n\nSharper negotiating skills in middle children is a social and professional advantage. This makes them better at making friends. \n\n\nA 1976 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that compared to firstborns, children born after them had better social skills and \nwere more popular\n.\n\n\n2. They tend to be risk-takers and creative \n\n\nA survey of 1,000 parents and 1,000 middle children by \nTheBabyWebsite.com found that a third of the parents surveyed admitted that their second child often gets \nleft out\n.\n\n\nThis has the positive effect however, of taking intense scrutiny off the middle child. This means middle children are often freer, more creative, and more willing to do new things.\n\n\nFor example, middle children will often get to spend more time alone, forcing them to come up with creative ways to entertain themselves.\n\n\n3. They are less likely to break under pressure\n\n\nOkay, so the eldest are more likely to be under more pressure to live up to their parents\u2019 expectations of them. This often leads to a higher risk of depression, than those children who came after them. \n\n\nMiddle children don\u2019t often have this problem, since there\u2019s less pressure upon them. So they\u2019re less likely to be hard on themselves when encountering failure or disappointment during adulthood.\n\n\n4. Middle children have an entrepreneurial spirit\n\n\nAlright, alright, the eldest are usually given a \nlot\n of credit for being natural leaders. However, middle children tend to learn many highly valued leadership qualities. Among these are cooperative skills, relationship-building skills, and independence. (Is it a coincidence that 52% of US Presidents are \nmiddle children\n? You decide.)\n\n\nSalmon said eldest children are more likely to lead using dominance. But middle children lead through persuasion because they\u2019ve learned negotiation and peacemaking skills early on.\n\n\n\u201cIn addition, middles\u2019 ability to think outside the box, the result of greater openness to experience (which also facilitates exploring different niches in the family), lends itself to entrepreneurial approaches,\u201d she said.\n\n\n5. The middle child is an amazing relationship partners\n\n\nSo, the middle child has good people skills. Good! Because conflict-resolution skills are helpful in the workplace and a long-lasting marriage. \n\n\nOn a related note, a \nstudy\n by the University of Washington\u2019s John Gottman found that couples who are more willing to make compromises are more communicative. They were able to clearly state their positions during arguments. And they had stronger marriages.\n\n\nSalmon conducted a survey for her book which revealed that 80% of middle children had never cheated on their significant others. On the other hand, 65% of firstborns and 53% of those born last had. There\u2019s also a \nreview of birth order literature\n in 2010 that found that being a middle child had a strong correlation with being faithful in monogamous relationships.\n\n\n6. \u00a0They are flexible\n\n\nStill not convinced? Well, numerous studies have detailed the social and mental benefits of growing up with siblings. \n\n\nOne study in Ohio State University revealed that a child with siblings had more highly developed social skills in kindergarten than an only child. It can be attributed to them having to play well with others at an early age. \n\n\nRecent research has turned this idea on its head, though. The argument is that being an only child has little to no effect on future social development. But, growing up with siblings has been linked to lower rates of divorce and higher rates of altruism.\n\n\nThe middle child gets a pretty a good deal. They learn from the wisdom and mistakes of their elders, and they can teach what they learn to the siblings younger than them. \n\n\nThis makes them flexible. There is no assigned role to the middle child. They can be fluid and assume either role, as student or teacher. \n\n\n7. Middles are less likely to succumb to helicopter parenting\n\n\nThis is the age of helicopter parents. They hover around their kids, make a lot of noise, fuss and overprotect. You know the deal. \n\n\nChildren may find it difficult to learn to live independently with helicopter parents around. But if you\u2019re a middle child, HA! Being forgotten and ignored suddenly doesn\u2019t seem like such a bad thing. \n\n\nOther kids suffer from the insufferable effects of over-parenting. But middle children? They\u2019re largely left to their own devices. This means more freedom to solve their problems and the chance to forge a path for themselves.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIt seems a bit counterintuitive, but in a post-helicopter age where many college kids and beyond aren\u2019t very good at managing their own time and efforts, perhaps because parents have done too much of this for them, it seems like there might be a real advantage to not be the 24/7 focus for parents,\u201d Salmon said.\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: Fresh off the boat\n\n\n\n\nThe path of the middle child\n\n\nI have to give it to the middle children: they are some of the most motivated and confident people I know, and they\u2019re also deeply in touch with who they are. \nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\nSo if you have a friend who\u2019s a middle child or if you have a middle child, go to them when they\u2019re feeling down. Show them this list. They are awesome. The world will break without them. You can\u2019t have a world without a middle, eh?\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/autism-spectrum-disorder", "title": "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Signs To Look For & What Parents Need To Know", "body": "World Autism Awareness Day falls on April 2nd and while we are all aware of what ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is, this is a complex disorder with many layers and individual differences. We asked Teresa Ling, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) therapist, to answer some commonly asked questions about ASD.\n\n\nIn simple terms, define autism spectrum disorder\u00a0\n(ASD)\n?\n\n\nASD is a developmental disorder that emerges early in life. It is characterised by difficulties with social interaction skills, communication skills, repetitive behaviour, and/or restricted interests. According to the Centers of Disease Control (CDC), autism affects about 1 in 59 children in the United States (approximately 300,000 people in Malaysia live with ASD).\n\n\nAre there \u2018levels\u2019 of autism and what are they?\n\n\nThere is no distinctive levels of autism, but before we continue, let\u2019s talk about the diagnosis for autism. For a child to be diagnosed with ASD (or other mental disorders), professionals use\u00a0\nThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)\n, which is created by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The current DSM-5 has grouped different conditions, such as Autism Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Asperger Syndrome under\u00a0\na single umbrella of ASD\n. On top of the re-categorisation of ASD, each individual with ASD may exhibit different levels of severity of impairments. For example, some may need significant support in daily living activities while others may need little to no support. Due to the individual differences in syndrome expression, Autism is known as a \u2018Spectrum\u2019 disorder and in that, every individual with ASD is unique.\n\n\nWhat is the most common age at which the signs appear or become more obvious?\n\n\nGenerally, symptoms do not show until the child is about 18-24 months old. Studies suggest that at least 80%-90% of parents recognise some atypical behaviours by the age of 24 months. With that being said, studies have found subtle early signs that might be presented even before the age of 18 months. For example, some behaviour (e.g. eye contact, social smiling) shows a gradual decrease in frequency from 6-18 months. Approximately only 20% of parents report having concerns within the first 10 months.\n\n\nToddlers undergo rapid growth with regards to social interactions skills, pretend play skills, and verbal and non-verbal communication skills during their second year. This is also when ASD symptoms become more apparent with toddlers showing abnormalities and differences when compared to their typically developing peers, and this when parental concerns are triggered.\n\n\nWhat are the signs to look out for in toddlers (pre-school age) with regards to ASD?\n\n\nEarly symptoms of ASD in infants/toddlers at risk:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMinimum, reduced or avoidance of eye contact (child doesn\u2019t look at speaker\u2019s eyes or may look away if speaker tries to make eye contact)\n\n\nLimited social smiling\n\n\nReduced response to name (by 12 months of age)\n\n\nLimited initiation of joint attention (doesn\u2019t bring objects over to caregiver or attempt to show caregiver something interesting)\n\n\nMinimum or no pointing to communicate needs and express interests (by 14 months of age)\n\n\nAtypical preverbal vocalisations (may babble random sounds repeatedly)\n\n\nAtypical object exploration (spinning a toy car or lining toy cars up)\n\n\nUnusual visual inspection of objects (looks closely at car wheels)\n\n\nInflexible to minor changes (may be upset because the usual water bottle is replaced by a new one)\n\n\nAtypical or limited use of nonverbal communication (doesn\u2019t nod or shake the head)\n\n\nDeficits in pretend play (by 18 months of age)\u00a0\n\n\nRepetitive motor movements (body rocking, arm waving, ears/hands flapping)\n\n\nMinimum, or reduced response to adult social bids (may not be interested in other children or adults, does not react when spoken to by looking, smiling, speaking or babbling)\n\n\nLimited response to another person\u2019s distress (doesn\u2019t understand other people\u2019s feelings)\n\n\nAtypical response to sensory stimulation like tickling, pain, light, sound, cold or warmth\n\n\n\n\nWhat is the first thing a parent should do if they think there could be a possibility of their child exhibiting signs?\n\n\nConsult with the professionals! Talk to your healthcare provider, your child\u2019s paediatrician or developmental psychologist and get a proper assessment and diagnosis. Some may say \u201cYour child will eventually learn how to speak, don\u2019t worry\u201d, or \u201cYour child will respond to you soon, what\u2019s the rush?\u201d. There\u2019s no harm seeking professional advice early on and I strongly encourage parents to do so regardless of what others say.\n\n\nEarly diagnosis is important to help prevent and mitigate some of the symptoms of autism by undergoing early interventions. If you are on a waitlist to see a paediatrician, try out some online Level 1 screening tools, such as Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) or Early Screening of Autistic Traits (ESAT). These questionnaires are easy to understand and no training is needed to use them. At the very least, they will give you an idea about whether your child is at risk and eligible for more detailed assessments while you\u2019re waiting to see a professional. It\u2019s also a good idea to carefully observe your child\u2019s behaviour and record any abnormalities so you can provide clear and comprehensive information needed by the professional later on.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-immune-system-development", "title": "Malaysian Parents are Changing! Survey Revealed Pandemic Caused a Shift in Nutritional Choices", "body": "Following the outbreak, there have been growing concerns over child immune system development. In light of this, a nationwide survey revealed that Malaysian parents changed their nutritional choices to maintain the health of their family.\u00a0\n\n\nThe #ImmunityMatters study comprised of more than 500 parents with children above one years old and was conducted by Mead Johnson Nutrition\u2019s Enfagrow A+ Malaysia. Findings revealed that 82 per cent of parents believed that a child\u2019s immunity could be nurtured overtime. In turn, 95 per cent of parents were focused on familiarising themselves with immunity boosting foods.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThis survey is part of our campaign #StrongerImmunityforASmarterTomorrow, in efforts to understand the concerns and behaviour of parents towards the role of nutrition in building immunity.\n\n\nThe company\u2019s purpose is to protect, heal and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world. Inspired by our purpose, we believe that it is important to educate parents on the benefits of proper nutrition influencing immunity in early years and beyond, so parents are able to make more informed decisions that will positively impact their child\u2019s health and immunity,\u201d said Dr Tan Choon Kiat, Medical Director of Mead Johnson Nutrition.\n\n\nResults also uncovered other insights into the choices of parents amidst the current landscape. These included:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n52 per cent of parents believed that their child\u2019s nutrition could be improved;\n\n\n94 per cent believed nutrition plays an important part of their child\u2019s health;\n\n\n42 per cent made a conscious decision to change their family\u2019s food choices;\n\n\n84 per cent of family shopping lists have shown that parents were looking into immunity-building foods to improve their natural defenses.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMilk remains an important factor in a child\u2019s nutrition\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nOver 70 to 80 per cent of immune cells are found in our gut. Diet with the right nutrients can help modulate immune function, reduce the risk of infection and amplify the inflammatory responses when attacked by pathogen or viruses\n1\n.\n\n\nWhen it came to choosing foods that parents believed were the best for an immunity boost, 54 per cent chose milk among the top five food choices in building strong immunity. From the survey, over 81% parents cited the importance of milk in their child\u2019s overall nutrition and 63% of parents give their child milk at least three times a day \u2013 according to the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents 2013, children are encouraged to consume two to three servings of milk or dairy products daily.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMilk is one of the most important contribution in a child\u2019s diet as it is a nutrient-dense food\u00a0 provides energy, high-quality protein and micronutrients such as calcium magnesium, selenium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, as well as pantothenic acid\n2\n. Milk supplemented with ingredients such as MFGM, DHA, PDX- GOS and Yeast Beta Glucan works in synergy to help protect against infection.\n\n\nMeanwhile, 88 per cent also gravitated to vegetable to boost their body\u2019s health, followed by fruits (80 per cent), meat (55 per cent) and grains (42 per cent).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKey ingredients to modulate child immune system development\u00a0\n\n\nThe process of building a child\u2019s immunity begins with these key ingredients that has been scientifically demonstrated to activate and modulate the immune system, while reducing the risk of infections:\n\n\n\n\nMilk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) is a nutrient rich component naturally present in our brain and studies have shown that MFGM play dual roles in supporting mental development and immune defense in the gut. Consumption of MFGM enriched milk by children above one (1) year old was found to have a protective effect against gastrointestinal infections, producing a significant decrease in days of fever symptoms and leading to improved behavioral regulation (EQ)\n3\n.\n\n\nPolyunsaturated fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic (DHA) is found in our brain and fatty fish such as salmon. DHA helps modulates the function of the immune cell response to bacteria and viruses. Working together, DHA modulates a balanced and effective immune response to fight infections\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPrebiotic dietary fibers such as PDX-GOS promotes good digestive health as it encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It has modulating properties to the immune system, demonstrating protection against infections\n5\n.\n\n\nResearch has shown that children that consume fortified milk containing DHA, PDX-GOS, Yeast Beta-Glucan was associated with fewer episodes and shorter duration of acute respiratory illnesses as well as less antibiotic use\n6\n.\n\n\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1. Gombart, A. F., Pierre, A., & Maggini, S. (2020). A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System-Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection. Nutrients, 12(1), 236. \ndoi.org/10.3390/nu12010236\n\n\n2. National Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition. Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents 2013. Retrieved from: \nnutrition.moh.gov.my/wpcontent/uploads/penerbitan/buku/MDG_Children_adolescent_2014.pdf\n.\n\n\n3. Veereman-Wauters G et al. Milk fat globule membrane (INPULSE) enriched formula milk decreases febrile episodes and may improve behavioral regulation in young children. Nutrition. 2012;28:749-752. Retrieved from: \nwww.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0899900711003741?via%\n 3Dihub\n\n\n4. Guti\u00e9rrez, S., Svahn, S. L., & Johansson, M. E. (2019). Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Immune Cells. International journal of molecular\n\n\n5. Cerdo T, Garc\u00eda-Santos JA, Berm\u00fadez MG et al. The role of probiotics and prebiotics in the prevention and treatment of obesity. Nutrients 2019; 11:635.\n\n\n6. Li F, Jin X, Liu B, Zhuang W, Scalabrin D. Follow-up Formula consumption in 3- to 4-Year-Olds and Respiratory Infections: An RCT. Pediatrics 2014;133:e1533- 1540. Retrieved from: \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24843061\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nIf my baby is allergic to milk\u2026\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-maternity-belly-bands-brands-malaysia", "title": "Belly Bands for Pregnant Women that Help to Relieve Back Pain! These Are The 6 Best In The Market", "body": "During pregnancy, women typically experience many changes which may include sudden weight gain as a result of their developing baby. As the mother\u2019s abdomen gets bigger, this can put the mother at risk for back pain and may affect their mental well-being.\n\n\nFortunately, nowadays, there are medications and tools that can help to reduce the feeling of stress, one of which being pregnancy bands. Maternity belly bands are worn to help provide support to the lower back and abdomen during pregnancy and can be very beneficial during the second and third trimesters.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough all maternity belly bands have the same function, not all belly bands are of the same quality or provide the same amount of comfort. \n\n\nThere are actually many types of maternity belly bands on the market that differ in terms of materials, size, and type of wear. \n\n\nHowever, there is no reason to fret as we\u2019re here to help you make a choice by presenting you with some of the best options available in today\u2019s market.\n\n\n6 Best Maternity Belly Bands In Malaysia\n\n\n#1 Mama\u2019s Choice Postpartum Adjustable Corset\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThis pregnancy band is able to be worn during pregnancy and beyond. It can be shaped according to the wearer\u2019s body type and can help to restore a slimmer body and maintain the correct posture. The elastic function feature of this corset enables comfort and yet is not too tight on the waist.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\nSuitable to use after childbirth\n\n\nPosture-correcting\n\n\nExclusive Velcro Design\n\n\nMaterial: 65% Polyester, 35% Elastic Fibre\n\n\n\n\n Mama's Choice Postpartum Adjustable Corset - \nRM59.90\nEditor's Choice\nby\n \nMama's Choice\n5\n/5\nshop now\nshop now\nNikmati diskaun 50%!\nPromo code:\nMAMATAP50\nshop now\nNikmati diskaun 50%! Copy & paste pautan di Google Chrome atau Apple Safari anda!\nPromo code:\nhttp://bit.ly/3JStgVt\n\n\n#2 Lunavie Maternity Support Belt\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThis belt helps reduce pelvic pressure and improve blood circulation in the legs. It can also support the lower body and maintain proper body posture. \n\n\nAdditionally, the belt also provides immediate relief in the back and abdomen and provides maximum comfort throughout pregnancy. It can also double up as a band for the hips well after childbirth.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\nDouble Comfort: Stretchable, Thin, Well-Ventilated\n\n\nPrenatal Support: Helps to reduce stress during pregnancy\n\n\nPostpartum Support: Suitable for postpartum use to re-tighten the pelvis\n\n\n\n\n Lunavie Maternity Support Belt \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Mama\u2019s Choice Activewear Maternity Leggings\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nMama\u2019s choice leggings are belly bands combined with tights for the comfort of pregnant ladies to enable them to do more activities. \n\n\nThis is as the product is designed to provide ample support for the mother\u2019s abdomen and reduce pressure on the hips and abdomen.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\nDurable: Not easily stretched or damaged\n\n\nCan be used after childbirth as a belt band\n\n\nMade from 60% Cotton and 40% Polyester\n\n\nSoft, thick and well-ventilated material\n\n\nMakes legs appear slimmer\n\n\nFree-size\n\n\n\n\n Mama\u2019s Choice Activewear Maternity Leggings \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Tally 589 Belly Band\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThe Tally 589 Belly Band is a belt-type pregnancy corset that comes with a velcro strap. This belt helps to reduce motion sickness through improving stability.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\nSoft Cotton Material: Comfortable and not itchy\n\n\nAdjustable Size according to one\u2019s gestational age\n\n\n\n\n Tally 589 Belly Band \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 OPPO Maternity Belt 4062\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThe OPPO Maternity Belt is designed to assist with supporting the abdomen and correcting body posture. In addition, this product relieves stress on the body by encouraging proper body position and movement. \n\n\nIt does this by gently lifting the abdomen so that other parts of the body are not burdened.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\nSoft Cushion: Ensures maximum comfort for the abdomen\n\n\nThick and soft material: 50% Polyurethane, 25% Nylon, 25% Cotton\n\n\n\n\n OPPO Maternity Belt 4062 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Mamaway Ergonomic Maternity Support Belt\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThe Mamaway Maternity Support Belt can help to reduce maternal back and pelvic pain during pregnancy as well as help improve blood circulation and relieve bladder discomfort. \n\n\nThis maternity abdominal support belt is also a medical grade prescription product recommended by Australian obstetricians, health professionals and physiotherapists around the world.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\nMade of soft premium velcro material\n\n\nStretchable: Can be used every trimester\n\n\nThin: Not visible under clothing\n\n\n\n\n Mamaway Ergonomic Maternity Support Belt \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more: \nThe Best Education Savings Plan For Your Children's Future - It All Begins Here!\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Maternity Bras That Make Breastfeeding A Comfortable Process\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Best Prenatal Vitamins For Pregnant Women\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/waldorf-education-pros-and-cons", "title": "Waldorf Education: A comprehensive guide for parents", "body": "Like parenting styles, there are many education \u201cstyles\u201d too, to choose from. One learning system you might want to know more about is Waldorf Education, which focuses on the holistic education of a child. In this article, we introduce this pedagogy to you, as well as discuss Waldorf Education pros and cons, and more.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is Waldorf education?\n\n\nHistory\n\n\nBefore discussing Waldorf education pros and cons, here\u2019s a bit of history first.\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf schools were founded by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian educator. Steiner designed his own educational system as he was against the traditional German educational system at the start of the 20th century.\n\n\nBack then, the German education system revolved around teachers and prioritised teaching students reading, writing, maths, German history, and religion. Furthermore, only a few students were exclusively granted further education after\u00a0\nVolksschule, \nor 8-year elementary school.\n\n\nSteiner firmly disagreed with this method of teaching. Instead, he wanted to create an educational system that could nurture a child on a holistic level.\n\n\nSteiner purposely steered clear of focussing on intellect only. He built his school taking into account the acceptance of all children, co-education between boys and girls, and to last for 12 years.\n\n\nIn addition, he also suggested for teachers to remain the highest authority in schools. This practice has continued since the first Waldorf school opened in 1919.\n\n\nDefinition\n\n\nWaldorf schools offers age-appropriate education that is based on experiential learning. It is also coupled with meticulous attention to academic quality and is designed based on human development to provide a growing child what they need.\n\n\nUnlike traditional education, Waldorf schools combine all forms of subjects from preschool level to High school, to better the student\u2019s learning experience. Ultimately, Waldorf education seeks to nurture an attitude of lifelong learning in all students, thereby giving them the ability to mature and master\u00a0their unique abilities.\n\n\n\n\nIn Waldorf schools, art subjects such as music, dance and writing aren\u2019t memorised and evaluated by testing.\n\n\nRather, they are experienced, helping Waldorf students develop their\u00a0intellect, emotional intelligence, physical and spiritual qualities so that they grow up to become helpful, confident adults that are able to navigate through the world.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: One of the pros is that it fosters enthusiasm in the arts, not just focussing on science, math or the humanities. | Image Source: Stock Photos\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf teachers are committed to instill a burning passion for each student. By doing so, external rewards \u2013 such as academic rankings from competitive exams and testing- aren\u2019t needed. Instead, the reward is better inspired learning and and individual drive to learn more.\n\n\nWaldorf education also instills independence in each individual while being open to everyone. It sustains liberty in education while also acting on administration on its own in all Waldorf schools.\n\u00a0\n\n\nCharacteristics of Waldorf education\n\n\nDifferent Waldorf schools may offer different teaching programmes based on location, local culture, group size, student age-range and their own unique teaching methods. Still, all Waldorf schools fundamentally share the following characteristics:\n\n\nIn terms of educational structure\n\n\n\n\nA committed and continued loving attention in embracing every student\n\n\nOpportunities for students to play on their own. Uncomplicated play material is provided and is the\u00a0critical activity for young children.\n\n\nExperiential learning, which gives kids the freedom to internalise and comprehend their experiences.\n\n\nAn understanding that young kids understand new things in three ways: mimicking others, stimulating a variety of senses and moving.\u00a0Young kids instinctively want to investigate\u00a0the surrounding physical and social environment on their own. Waldorf school\u00a0environments provide structure, security, the opportunity to act despite risks, and confront challenges.\n\n\nPrioritising realistic rather than virtual experience, which helps the child have a healthy understanding of and connection to the world.\u00a0\n\n\nRegular routines throughout each day, week and year. A regular rhythm provides a sense of security and teaches students how everything in life is connected. Of course, seasonal events and festivals are also celebrated according to local culture.\n\n\nWaldorf teachers put a heavy emphasis on creating a collaborative community built on healthy relationships between parents, teachers\u00a0and students.\n\n\n\n\nIn terms of educational subjects\n\n\n\n\nProvision of art-themed recreation like playing music, painting, and telling stories, which allows the child to develop their imaginative and creative capabilities.\u00a0\n\n\nPractical skills such as how to cook, bake, tend to a garden, handwork and other domestic actions, which offer the space to unleash and develop hidden potential. This form of education emphasises on how life carries on, and not on learning objectives.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: The benefits of Waldorf Education\n\n\nThe benefits of Waldorf education have been clearly established among the Waldorf education pros and cons. Professors who have educated Waldorf students in a variety of subjects and institutions have stated that Waldorf students are different as they:\n\n\n\n\nare able to make connections between information. Waldorf graduates can absorb information well, rather than rote memorisation of facts\n\n\nadopt flexibility, creativity in their approach and aren\u2019t hesitant to take intellectual risks;\n\n\nbecome leaders who uphold strong moral standards. Waldorf graduates\u00a0are proactive and\u00a0keen to realise their goals.\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to the holistic academic program Waldorf schools provide, it also has these seven benefits in early childhood education.\n\n\n1. Putting a heavy emphasis on speaking and listening early on\n\n\nWaldorf schools emphasise speaking and listening while the child is under seven years old. The kindergarten curriculum is centred around stories like folktales or fairy tales that are read aloud. Teacher are\u00a0\u2018storytellers\u2019 .\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf teachers are also very meticulous, ensuring that they speak clearly and enunciate properly. After all, immersing oneself into literature is the foundation of becoming literate. Becoming familiar with speaking and listening will also support the child when they learn writing and spelling later on.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Continuous repetition to aid brain development\n\n\nThe same stories are told again at regular times within the span of several weeks. This way, children are able to remember the stories and songs covered in class as second nature.\n\n\nModern research on the brain has verified that repeating action supports a child\u2019s brain while it\u2019s developing. The massive amount of links between neural pathways in the brain are enhanced via repetitive experience.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Writing is made fun\n\n\nIt is only in primary one that children begin to learn the alphabet \u2013 but not through dull, black and white worksheets. Rather, the alphabet is taught in a creative pictorial method.\n\n\nEvery alphabetical letter is depicted as a\u00a0picture portraying something from the stories they had to learn. For instance, kids may draw the letter \u201cM\u201d in the form of two mountains side by side.\u00a0\n\n\nLearning alphabets pictorially aids the child in understanding how the letters are related to the real world instead of immediately understanding the abstract forms. Pictorial alphabets provide a good stepping stone before the child learns about abstract concepts as an adult.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nOnce students have mastered the alphabet, they will copy text which the teachers have written in their lesson books.\n\n\nUnlike dull, school-issued books, these lesson books are beautified by Waldorf students on their own.\u00a0\u00a0The initial few sentences and stories will stem from whatever the child experiences, and they first learn reading by understanding the text they\u2019ve composed in their books.\n\n\nA lesson might go like this: teachers note down a verse which the children are familiar with. After quickly identifying the sounds and words that make up the verse, kids will begin to \u2018read\u2019 the text as they record it within their\u00a0lesson books.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: children don\u2019t need extra hand-holding from their teachers when they learn how to write. | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n4. Allows the child to learn reading skills without forcing them to\n\n\nWaldorf education extends reading from Primary two till Primary three. That\u2019s because reading doesn\u2019t come instantly to every child. It requires additional skills which children learn at their own pace.\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf education acknowledges that the most important aspect of teaching children to read is to give them time and support. By cultivating a positive relationship with talking and scribbling letters, coupled with the required skills and tools, Waldorf education allows a child to master reading on their own.\n\n\n5. Providing books to enhance vocabulary\n\n\nChildren who are comfortable with reading will be provided with age-appropriate, quality literature to fuel their passion for reading.\n\n\n6. Doesn\u2019t risk forcing pupils to read books too early\n\n\nIt\u2019s well known from research that forcing children to learn academics too early on has many negative consequences. Pressurising kids to read early usually damages their\u00a0self-confidence and interest in reading up on books. \u00a0\n\n\nInstead, research has shown that early childhood schools should prioritise age-appropriate activities like playing, exploring and socializing. Kids shouldn\u2019t have too much pressure, as evidenced from the Finnish education system, which starts kindergarten at age six,\u00a0centers on play and socialization, doesn\u2019t include reading or writing, and has a maximum of four hours for school hours.\n\n\n7. Teaches kids pronunciation without Phonics\n\n\nAs we all know, English words are often not pronounced in the same way as they are spelled, and vice versa. It would take some time to fully learn such a language as it needs key skills that kids only learn later on.\n\n\nReaders who are still beginners need two key skills:\n\n\n\n\nto decode words. That is, isolating sounds making up a word and then combining them together.\n\n\nword recognition. Kids need to identify words and link them to their unique pronunciation \u2013 which requires time to master.\n\n\n\n\nThe Waldorf method is unique in setting up the fundamental basics for reading during Kindergarten. As students aren\u2019t pressurised to master reading and writing quickly, Waldorf students are able to pick up the pace naturally.\n\n\nThey eventually\u00a0start reading according to or beyond government-set levels, with better comprehension.\n\n\nMost significantly, kids who have mastered reading have a sustained passion for reading which carry on well as they enter adulthood.\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: The other things you should be aware about\u00a0\n\n\nWhen talking about Waldorf education pros and cons, there is one \u2018con\u2019 that usually comes to the forefront.\n\n\nIn addition to being an educator, Steiner was also a formulator of anthroposophy. Anthroposophy is a philosophy that stems from the idea that humans are able to communicate with spiritual worlds with their intelligence.\n\n\nWhile Steiner hasn\u2019t completely passed down his anthroposophy teachings to Waldorf schools, they can still be contaminated with them. That leads to a few issues, such as:\n\n\nInadequate Vaccination\n\n\nAccording to a guideline published by Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship (SWSF), an organisation representing all Waldorf schools, it was mandatory for Waldorf schools to show that:\n\n\n\n\n\u201can anthroposophical impulse lies at the heart of planning for the school\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nAnthroposophy\u2019s beliefs are rooted from reincarnation. That could lead to a few odd rules, but some have more devastating consequences than others. For instance, Steiner believed that sicknesses affecting us today have a \u201csource\u201d in our previous lives. By handling these \u201csource\u201d problems, one could gain \u201creinforced power\u201d and boosted \u201ckarma\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nSuch beliefs inevitably conflict with vaccination. Waldorf schools don\u2019t have strict regulations on vaccination.\n\n\nInstead, parents are supposed to select their own jabs. Sadly, Waldorf school students aren\u2019t likely to get vaccines, with a Health Protection Agency once citing it as \u201cunvaccinated populations\u201d for measles.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: A lack of vaccination is one of the main complaints against Waldorf schools. | Image Source: Stock Photos\n\n\n\n\nIssues with bullying\n\n\nThe Department for Education (DfE) once noted that people did complain about bullying in Waldorf Schools. While bullying isn\u2019t a common problem, it can possibly happen due belief in anthroposophy.\n\n\nRacist teachings\n\n\nIn modern eyes, Steiner would have been accused of racism. He believed that different races of people had different types of lives, and that they should reside to a fixed\u00a0\ngeographical location\n.\n\n\nAlthough the SWSF claims that none Steiner\u2019s racist teachings \u201coccur in his educational writings\u201d, it could still taint certain Steiner schools.\n\n\nFor instance, during one diversity training day in a Waldorf school, four Caucasian teachers filled in all the boxes in identifying their ethnic background. The reason, apparently, was that they had ascended above the other races.\u00a0\n\n\nThe above issues are the usual reasons for complaints against Waldorf schools. Much of Steiner\u2019s findings also point out to racism being threaded through anthroposophy and the Waldorf educational method. \n\n\nOther complaints also argue that anthroposophical beliefs aren\u2019t taught, Waldorf students are remain unprotected. They are indirectly exposed to anthroposophical values and ideas of spirituality, which could also affect their upbringing.\n\n\nParents we hope that this article on Waldorf education pros and cons has benefitted you on choosing a good school for your little one. Read on more articles about non-traditional education, such as \nProgressive education\n or \nthe Montessori method\n!\n\n\nReferences: \nBritannica\n\u00a0(\nWaldorf school\n, \nAnthroposophy\n),\u00a0\nIASWECE\n, \nWaldorf Education.org\n,\u00a0\nBBC News\n, \nNelsonWaldorf.org\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-sweats-while-sleeping-2", "title": "Baby sweats while sleeping? Here's what you need to know", "body": "So your nighttime routine is all done \u2013 baby had her bath, is nice and warm in her pyjamas, you\u2019ve turned on the aircon and she falls asleep after nursing and listening to the soothing lullabies that you sing. You creep out of the room and return after an hour just to check, and you find your baby sweating while sleeping. This happens all the time and you cannot for the life of you understand just why this happens.\n\n\nWhy is my baby sweating while sleeping in spite of me turning on the air conditioner every night? Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Could it be an underlying problem?\n\n\nMums and dads, especially if this is your first baby, we completely understand that something as seemingly innocuous as your baby\u2019s sweat, could get you all worried and maybe even making an appointment with your paediatrician.\n\n\nSo before you do that, we are here to provide you with some basic information that you need to know.\u00a0\n\n\nCauses of babies sweating while sleeping\n\n\nThe good news is that in most cases, the infamous wet patch behind your baby\u2019s head, that you often find when she is fast asleep, is really nothing to worry about. Here are some possible reasons behind it.\n\n\n1. Immature nervous system\n\n\nWhat is the nervous system? It is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body. Our nervous system also controls our body temperature.\n\n\nHowever, the nervous system of newborn babies isn\u2019t fully developed yet. Consequently, the nervous system isn\u2019t able to regulate the body temperature of a newborn the way it does for adults. And this explains babies sweating while sleeping.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Night sweats in deep sleep\n\n\nWhat are night sweats? Night sweats refer to excessive perspiration by infants and children, especially when they are sleeping. In other words, that infamous wet patch that you often find on your baby\u2019s pillow, or where she rests her head while sleeping.\n\n\n\n\nMost babies perspire while sleeping and end up leaving a wet patch where their head rests.\n\n\n\n\nWhy does this happen? Babies spend a whole lot of time in their deep sleep cycle. I know this sounds unbelievable, considering how they wake you up like 20 times every night, but even then, they spend a fair bit of their day in this deep sleep cycle. They are in this deepest cycle of sleep much more than older children and adults are.\u00a0\n\n\nSo your baby sweating while sleeping is simply because of this deep sleep cycle. They don\u2019t move around much when in a deep sleep and this results in a lot of sweat!\n\n\n3. Location of sweat glands\u00a0\n\n\nAs adults, our sweat glands aren\u2019t confined to one part of our body. But babies are different. They don\u2019t have as much sweat glands in their armpits and their most active sweat glands are located on their heads. This causes them to sweat excessively, particularly at night when they don\u2019t change their head position much.\u00a0\n\n\nSo the lack of movement in addition to the sweat glands on the head explains your baby sweating while sleeping, and that wet patch she leaves behind!\n\n\n4. It\u2019s too warm!\n\n\nYes, it\u2019s really as simple as that. Most of time we sweat because we feel warm. Likewise, a simple and obvious reason your baby is sweating while sleeping is that the room is too warm, or they are too warm. Some parents like to dress their babies in thick, fleece sleep suits that cover them from head to toe. In addition, they swaddle the baby and place blankets, comforters or quilts over them.\u00a0\n\n\nWell mums and dads, I don\u2019t think I need to remind you just how hot the weather is here in Singapore. So go easy on the sleepwear. I know how irresistibly cute some pyjamas are, but do spare a thought for the most important thing \u2013 your baby\u2019s comfort!\n\n\n\n\nWe know you want to keep your baby nice and warm but don\u2019t overdo it!\n\n\n\n\nWhen it\u2019s a cause for concern\n\n\nAs mentioned earlier, most of the time, a baby sweating while sleeping is normal and nothing to worry about. But these are some conditions that the excessive perspiration could be an indication of:\n\n\n1. Congenital Heart Problem\n\n\nApart from your baby sweating while sleeping, if you find her sweating excessively during simple activities such as feeding, it\u2019s probably time to make an appointment with the paediatrician as it is a symptom of a congenital heart problem.\n\n\nA congenital heart problem is a result of defective development of the heart in the foetus. Babies with this condition end up sweating much more than other babies because their heart has to work so much harder to pump blood efficiently.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Hyperhidrosis\n\n\nIf you find that even in a cold, air conditioned room, your baby still sweats profusely, it could be attributed to a condition known as hyperhidrosis.\u00a0\n\n\nHyperhidrosis is when a baby is sweating beyond what is required of the body to maintain normal body temperature. It\u2019s common for people with sweaty palms and feet to have this condition as well.\u00a0\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nBayi\nBilakah Waktu Yang Sesuai Untuk Ibu Perkenalkan Lampin Jenis Seluar Kepada Si Manja?\nBayi\nKetahui 10 Masalah Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir & Cara Mengatasinya!\nBayi\nBayi Baru Lahir Boleh Duduk Dalam Baby Carrier Ke? Si Manja Asyik Nak Dukung Saja! Apa Kata Ibu Pakai Baby Carrier Ini\nBayi\n6 great tips to keep your newborn\u2019s skin healthy\n\n\nThis is not something that you particularly need to treat with medication. It\u2019s nothing serious really, contrary to what it sounds like. Rather, as the child gets older, you can teach them sweat management techniques such as using antiperspirants.\n\n\n3. Sleep Apnea\u00a0\n\n\nFound more commonly in premature babies, sleep apnea is another reason for babies to sweat in their sleep. It is also accompanied by bluish skin colour, wheezing sounds and pauses of up to 20 seconds while breathing, and that causes the baby\u2019s body to work really hard to breathe.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)\n\n\nMany people overlook the danger of overheating a baby. This causes the them to fall into a very deep sleep that is difficult to wake up from and can result in SIDS.\n\n\n\n\nOverheating can cause SIDS.\n\n\n\n\n5. Other conditions\n\n\nWhile we say a baby sweating while sleeping is common and not a cause for concern, if the sweating is excessive, we must never dismiss the matter. It can also signal a problem with the nervous system, respiratory issues, an overactive thyroid gland or a genetic disorder.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are in doubt, it\u2019s best to err on the side of caution and get your baby checked. But just to reassure you mums and dads, all the above mentioned conditions are extremely rare so please don\u2019t work yourself into a frenzy the next time you notice your baby sweating while sleeping!\n\n\nSource: \nBabyment.Com\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/wives-who-want-to-become-mums", "title": "An open letter to all wives dreaming of becoming mums", "body": "Joylyn Guiao-Sigua is dreaming of becoming a mother someday. Despite her struggles, she continues to hold on to her faith. She also wants to inspire women who find themselves in a similar situation, wives who want to become mums but somehow can\u2019t.\n\n\nIn an open letter, Joylyn wrote to all her fellow wives who are longing to begin their motherhood journey.\n\n\n\u201cLast month, the whole world celebrated Mother\u2019s day. I have seen tons of pictures of children with their parents and lengthy messages which flooded social media.\u00a0But this post is not a late Mother\u2019s day tribute. This letter is not for mothers, but for wives like me who cannot call themselves \u2018mothers\u2019. Women who have been waiting to have their own pregnancy announcement, too,\u201d she begins.\u00a0\n\n\nShe recalls how she and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for the past year.\n\n\n\u201cI know, (one) year is not long enough compared with the length of time other couples waited. But like them, the pain is the same,\u201d she continues.\n\n\nIn the letter, she recalls how \u201cthe thought of being infertile or similar cases did not even cross (her) mind\u201d when she was still single.\u00a0\n\n\nSoon after she married her husband Jethro, they started trying to have a baby immediately.\n\n\n\u201cWe did not even consider waiting for a year or two to conceive like what others have advised us to do. We were so excited. But month after month after month nothing happened. I started to ask if there\u2019s something wrong with me or us,\u201d she wrote.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI may not see you right now, we may not know each other personally, but I share your pain. I feel how is it to become a wife, but not a mother\u201d\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Joylyn Guiao-Sigua\n\n\n\n\n\u201cBut let me tell you this, I may not see you right now, we may not know each other personally, but I share your pain. I feel how is it to become a wife, but not a mother,\u201d she wrote, addressing women who are struggling to get pregnant.\n\n\nJoylyn recounted how she got a lot of advice, and even did her research. But none of them, though well meaning, seemed to fully understand her situation, which only wives who want to become moms can relate to.\n\n\n\u201cWe can control most things in our life. The clothes we wear, the food we eat, our job, even the paint of our houses or our lipstick shade. But when it comes to getting pregnant, not everyone understands that not all women get to choose, not all women can control their bodies,\u201d she laments.\n\n\n\u201cI know you have experienced visiting your gynaecologist with a room full of pregnant women, and you are that 1 of 10 who\u2019s there because you can\u2019t get pregnant. How you wanted to disappear and how you wished you didn\u2019t come. Yes, that\u2019s us,\u201d she writes.\n\n\n\u201cI know there was a day while you\u2019re scrolling through your Facebook feed only to see someone\u2019s pregnancy announcement. Then you ask when\u2019s your turn\u2026\u201d\n\n\nShe went on to tell other mums how much she understands how painful it is to hope, when on your Facebook feed pregnancy announcements pop up regularly.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI know there was a day while you\u2019re scrolling through your Facebook feed only to see someone\u2019s pregnancy announcement. Then you ask when\u2019s your turn. I know you tried to feel happy for that mum-to-be who was really excited to tell the world that a little pea will soon pop out,\u201d she wrote.\u00a0\n\n\nShe went on to reveal how she would often go to the kid\u2019s section of department stores to feel the warmth that comes from holding tiny clothes and shoes. Her heart leapt with joy at the thought of her little one wearing these someday.\u00a0\n\n\nShe has also kept a long list of baby names and even planned her future baby\u2019s first birthday.\n\n\n\u201cAll these I have experienced, and once in a while I still cry when reminded about the situation,\u201d she continued.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s okay to hope, hope that the next test\u2026 will show two lines. But it\u2019s never okay that we stop living life because of this. Let\u2019s not allow them to consume us and take us far from the joy of life\u2019s little things\u201d\n\n\nThroughout the time she\u2019s tried to become a mum, she rejoiced with those who have conceived successfully. She\u2019s also grieved with those who have lost babies. In the letter, she also confessed how there were times when she questioned the Lord, even though both she and her husband are devout Christians.\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s okay to cry. It\u2019s okay to feel sorry sometimes. It\u2019s okay to hope. Hope that the next test you will have will show two lines. It\u2019s okay to hope that your cravings are associated with pregnancy,\u201d she writes in closing. \u201cBut it\u2019s never okay that we stop living life because of this. Let\u2019s not allow them to consume us and take us far from the joy of life\u2019s little things.\u201d\n\n\nShe also went on to encourage other wives who want to become mums to hold on to the Lord\u2019s promises, citing miracle pregnancies in the Bible, like the stories of Sarah, Rebekah, Hannah, and Elizabeth.\n\n\n\u201cI hope you can find a support system \u2013 people who will tell you there\u2019s hope, rather than people who keeps on questioning your inability to bear a child,\u201d she wrote in closing. \u201cKnow that you are not alone. We are not.\u201d\n\n\nYou can read Joylyn\u2019s Facebook post, which has been shared over 7,000 times, \nhere\n.\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \ntheAsianParent Philippines\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\n7 Expert tips for parents on instilling moral values in kids\nHealth\nQuestions For The Paediatrician, #4 Is A MUST!\nKanak-Kanak\nAnak Aktif Lebih Bijak & Sihat, Ini 5 Cara Mendorong Si Manja Kekal Aktif Di Rumah\nHealth\nUnderstand the Impact of Chickenpox From a Doctor's Diary\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/diy-home-projects", "title": "5 Cheap DIY Projects for Your Home", "body": "From the author\u2019s point of view\n\n\nI don\u2019t know about you but staying at home for a long period of time has turned me into an uncertified interior designer. There\u2019s always something that needs to be done at the house. The first phase of MCO got me into a spring cleaning mode, now that the Raya is just around the corner. I\u2019d cleaned every crooks and corner of my house until I have no idea on what to clean next.\n\n\nThe second phase of MCO was a bit different. I channeled my inner Marie Kondo in which most of my time was spent to get rid of all the unnecessary stuff at my house. That\u2019s the funny thing about staying at home for too long, everything you see started to look like a nuisance in your eyes. So, I asked myself\u2026what\u2019s next? What\u2019s on the list?\n\n\nBeing an avid Facebook fanatic has got me into thinking that there\u2019s gotta be more than this. Like a Sherlock Holmes in disguise, I joined several Facebook\u2019s house cleaning and decor groups only to be mesmerized and enamored by the wits of some Malaysians who had put on their creative hats to transform their ordinary home into a complete masterpiece.\n\n\nSuffice to say that I was hooked from day 1 but in order to do a house makeover, I have to spend a large sum of money. But the thing is, we are told to save up. See the dilemmas that I have to put up with?\n\n\nBut there\u2019s this one thing that is called determination and after long hours of searching for the affordable transformations, I finally found the answer.\n\n\nWho\u2019s to say that a house makeover should be expensive?\n\n\nLet\u2019s go unearth the secrets to beautify your home with the transformations that you can afford!\n\n\n1.\u00a0Easy wall transformation\n\n\nYour interior wall plays an important role in setting the right tone of the ambiance in your home and if you are planning to transform the room, what would better than focusing on your feature wall. Some might opt for painting but it can cost you a lot of money if it is applied wrongly. Nobody wants an ugly wall. Lol.\n\n\nTIPS 1: Use a wallpaper\n\n\n\n\nPhoto video credit to\u00a0\nTheerah AnanasLovers\n\n\nEasy breezy and they look extremely nice too! One easy application and just carefully paste the wallpaper on your wall. Some wallpapers come in a form of adhesive and some are with the sticker at the back. My personal favourite is one with the sticker behind it.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s the trick:\n\u00a0Whether you buy it online or going to the store to purchase, please measure your wall\u2019s length and width to estimate the number of your wallpapers. Otherwise\u2026you will end up having to wait for another batch of wallpapers to arrive at your home.\n\n\nWhere to get budget wallpaper:\n\u00a0You can get them at\u00a0\nEco shop\n\u00a0for RM2.10 a roll or from MR.DIY, *prices range from RM4.** and more depending on the width and length or its type.\n\n\n\n\nThe photo was taken from\u00a0\nEco Shop Shopee\n\n\nTIPS 2: Install wainscoting\n\n\n\n\nCredit to\u00a0\nPinterest\n\n\nFor those who are unfamiliar with wainscoting, they are amazing, and installing it to your interior wall will inject a luxurious feel to it.\n\n\nHere\u2019s the trick:\u00a0\nMeasurement is the key and makes sure that you have a steady hand if you are pasting it to your wall especially if you are using a form type. Whether it is form or PVC type, another tip to remember is to layout the panels. Use an adhesive tape to help you outline.\n\n\nWhere to get budget wainscoting\n: Get them from Lazada and Shopee. Prices range from RM 8.xx depending on its length and width as well as the type. Have to be \nrajin\n to search.\n\n\n2.\u00a0DIY viral decoration tree\n\n\nThe prices of the trees are varied depending on the length. So If you think that you can do it yourself, why not succumb to the temptation? I had successfully attempted this by doing one using a tutorial from here and they are brilliant. I love the fact that it\u2019s easy to do and it has added some flair to my living room. Brownie point? My mom totally loves it and it costs me\u2026\u2026.less than RM30.\u00a0\n\n\nTIPS 1:\u00a0\nMaking a Banana leaf tree and Fiddle Fig leaf\n\n\n\n\nCredit image from\u00a0\nMingguan Wanita\n\n\nChoose the leaves that you want carefully and make sure you follow the instruction to the latter. You can choose to create a large size tree or a small one. In my case, I created a small one to be put on a side table. Simple and practical. Learn how to create one\u00a0\nhere\n\u00a0courtesy from\u00a0\nFadilah Arifin\n.\n\n\nHere\u2019s the trick:\n\u00a0You can\u2019t go wrong unless you treat the tree as a Christmas tree by stuffing all the leaves on it. It\u2019s a bit wee much. Unless you are cool with it, then we are too :p\n\n\nWhere to get the materials\n: Eco store for RM 2.10 for a packet (4 leaves) and the rest you can get from the convenience store or the florist. The ones your mom loves to go to get her artificial flower arrangement done. Yes, that one.\n\n\n3.\u00a0New flooring\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit from\u00a0\nGoogle\n\n\nI have yet to try this but from the posts and statuses from the fellow Facebookers, I must say that the results are pretty impressive. The reviews from Shopee have given me enough confidence to try it later and for you who are on the lookout of budget flooring, why not give this a go.\n\n\nTIPS 1\n: Opt for the vinyl flooring with a self-adhesive type\n\n\nHere\u2019s the trick\n: Choose vinyl flooring for a classic look and most importantly as we can\u2019t stress this enough, measure your floor\u2019s length and width first and make sure that you buy a few spare of flooring set just in case for emergency. The key is to be cautious when you are installing. No worries, you will be fine.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nWhere to get the new flooring:\u00a0\nThere are a lot of flooring stores that provide a variety of options and affordable prices. Need em cheap? You can browse more flooring on Shopee and some of them are inexpensive too.\n\n\n4. Custom canvas\n\n\nCanvases that I hang on the wall of my room are ancient. Meaning to say that they are outdated and cast a gloomy look in my room. But if you can have cool wall art that functions as a feature wall for your room, it will totally transform the room\u2019s look and will brighten up the space. But as I want it to be special and personal, hence I choose to customise my canvas and have them printed with my friend\u2019s photo.\n\n\n\n\nTIPS 1\n: Choose the perfect size for your canvas.\n\n\nHere\u2019s the trick:\n\u00a0Size does matter because the canvas is a statement decor. It complements your wall, hence it is important that you pick the right size for space. Otherwise, it will be too overcrowded.\n\n\nWhere to get the canvas:\n\u00a0Printcious has great online design tools that allow you to\u00a0\nmake your own canvas\n. Whatever artwork that you wish to print, you can have them printed with great quality. It comes with varied sizes too to be fitted to your wall.\n\n\n5.\u00a0DIY wall mirror\n\n\n\n\nThe photo was taken from Wan\u00a0\nHelmi Noordin\n\u00a0via\u00a0\nOhbulan\n\n\nWant to make your living room or any spaces in your house looks bigger and spacious? Here\u2019s the neat trick, how about making a DIY wall mirror collage? Mirrors as you might as well know, do not come as cheap. Some mirrors can cost you hundreds but in our entry, it will cost you RM30 and less. Still, you can do a budget DIY wall mirror depending on how much you want to spend.\n\n\nTIPS 1\n: They come in shape and sizes. Similarly to canvas, you might want to choose the size that fits your wall space\n\n\nHere\u2019s the trick:\n\u00a0Plan, visualise, and execute. Browse the mirrors that you want first and then decide the layout that you want.\n\n\nWhere to get the\u00a0\nmirror: Get it from Mr.Diy or Eco shop for RM2.10 per piece\n\n\nThis article is written based on the writer\u2019s experience and straight from the heart. I truly hope that this entry inspires you to transform your home this year and can be beneficial to you.\n\n\nTill next time.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-massage-oil-for-pregnant-women", "title": "5 Best Massage Oils For Pregnant Women", "body": "Physical and emotional stress is common during pregnancy. From morning sickness, headaches and lower back pain, to swollen ankles, insomnia and anxiety; pregnant women face many issues during this stage. While some of these issues linger for days, some just come and go without needing any treatment.\n\n\nNevertheless, the discomfort caused by these conditions can exhaust you, giving rise to additional stress. Your worry can also adversely affect your little baby.\n\n\nWell, a good prenatal massage oil can come to your rescue and help you cope with most pregnancy-related issues.\n\n\nThe best massage oil or aromatherapy oils help alleviate issues like muscle pain, nausea, insomnia, stress and other common conditions, giving you a calming effect and ample health benefits.\n\n\nBut when you have to choose from a wide range of massage oils in the market \u2013 like ginger, peppermint, lavender or sunflower oil, how can you decide which one\u2019s best for you?\n\n\nHow To Choose The Best Massage Oil For Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nWhen you wish to buy the best massage oil in the market, you must consider certain criteria to ensure that it suits your needs.\n\n\nCheck whether the oil:\n\n\n\n\nis safe\n\n\nhas a nice scent\n\n\nhas a relaxing effect\n\n\nalleviates muscle aches\n\n\neliminates nausea\n\n\nreduces stretch marks\n\n\nimproves sleep\n\n\neases swelling\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s also important that you avoid some oils such as sage, rue, camphor etc. as they can be toxic for you. Be sure to consult an expert on the matter if you are worried!\n\n\nChoosing The Best Massage Oil\u00a0\n\n\nRegular prenatal massage during pregnancy not only helps moms relax but also relieves insomnia, joint pain, neck and back pain, leg cramps and sciatica.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition, prenatal massage can reduce swelling in the mother\u2019s hands and feet, relieve carpal tunnel pain and reduce headaches and sinus congestion. Massage for pregnant mothers can also prevent depression without the use of medication, according to several scientific studies.\u00a0\n\n\nKnowing that there are so many benefits to prenatal massages, picking a good massage oil is definitely of utter importance!\n\n\nTypes of the Best Massage Oil For Pregnant Women\n\n\nAmong the massage oils that can be used for pregnant mothers are as follows:\n\n\n\n\nLavender oil\n: It r\neduces anxiety, soothes and is excellent for relieving pain. Known as a balancing and all-purpose oil, this is a massage oil that is worth trying while pregnant.\n\n\nGinger oil:\n Works as a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Mothers can use it to relieve aches and pains during pregnancy.\n\n\nSunflower oil:\n Absorbs into the skin quickly, and can even be the right oil to use for prenatal massage. It has a variety of health-enhancing nutrients and continues to be used as one of the best oils for prenatal massage.\n\n\nGrapefruit oil:\n It is ideal for use in baths or diffusers to enhance the senses and reduce fatigue. But during pregnancy, it can only be used in moderation.\n\n\nGrapeseed oil:\n It can make the skin softer and more elastic, thus preventing stretch marks. It can also increase vitamins E and C on your skin to be more effective!\n\n\n\n\nBecause we know that selecting a quality massage oil in accordance to your needs with so many in the market isn\u2019t an easy task, we have narrowed down the top 5 pregnancy massage oils for you!\n\n\nBest Massage Oil Suitable For Prenatal Use\n\n\n#1 Mama\u2019s Choice Relaxing Massage Oil\n\n\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice Relaxing Massage Oil is made from a natural, gentle, and light formula and is suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Its use will leave the skin fresh, soft and not dry!\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a non-greasy lavender massage oil to soothe your senses, then go for Mama\u2019s Choice Relaxing Massage Oil.\n\n\nIt\u2019s made with natural ingredients like lavender, grapefruit and orange that help calm your mind, improve blood circulation, heal wounds, reduce irritation and blemishes, prevent wrinkles and maintain the skin\u2019s oil balance.\n\n\nPrenatal massage with this oil also improves your sleep quality, relieves stress, stabilises the hormones and attenuates body aches. No wonder Singapore mums are in awe of this product!\n\n\nWhat we love\n\n\n\n\nHas natural ingredients \u2013 lavender, grapefruit, orange\n\n\nHalal\n\n\nWorks as a massage oil, aromatherapy oil, skin moisturiser etc.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for pregnant/breastfeeding mums\n\n\nDermatologically tested\n\n\nMild, non-greasy\n\n\nSuitable for all skin types\n\n\n\n\n Mama\u2019s Choice Relaxing Massage Oil \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#2 Green Herbology Lavender Massage Oil\n\n\n\n\nGreen Herbology massage oil is a 100% pure grade therapeutic oil blended with minerals. This means that it is extremely gentle and hypoallergenic, it can be applied to the skin directly!\n\n\n This body oil nourishes and repairs your skin,\n giving your skin a healthy glow. The oil calms your senses and the dry skin repair leaves you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.\u00a0\n\n\nThis oil hydrates and repairs your skin like no other moisturiser and even minimizes cellulite and stretch marks. No more itchy, dry skin!\n\n\nWhen used as a \nmassage oil, this product soothes and relieves, eases headaches, digestive problems, body aches and also help with insomnia and anxiety. \n\n\nThe soothing properties of essential oils induce physical and mental relaxation while increasing skin elasticity!\n\n\nWhat we love\n\n\n\n\n100% pure essential oils \u2013 lavender\n\n\nSuitable for those who are sensitive to artificial fragrance\n\n\nContains only pure Essential Oils\n\n\nHypoallergenic: Suitable for all skin types\n\n\nCan be used as massage and body oil\n\n\n\n\n Green Herbology Lavender Massage Oil \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#3 Tanamera Carrier Oil\n\n\n\n\nThis Malaysian-made massage oil is excellent for all massage methods. The oil has emulsifiers that are naturally derived from coconut and palm kernel oil infused in it. \n\n\nWhat's special about this oil is that it can be rinsed off with water. Pretty miraculous isn't it! \n\n\nThis product is great for those of us who dislike the sticky, oily feeling most massage oils leave us with. \nFurthermore, it is fragrance-free and all-natural.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we love\n\n\n\n\nHas natural ingredients \u2013 grape seed, sunflower, jojoba, wheat germ and virgin coconut oil\n\n\nLightweight and non-greasy\n\n\nMoisturizing\n\n\nLeaves the skin feeling soft\n\n\nA perfect natural base for your favourite essential oils\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Tanamera Carrier Oil \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#4 Tanamera Ginger Blend Massage Oil\n\n\n\n\nTanamera Ginger Blend Oil is a blend of oils targeted to relieve \nmuscle and abdominal cramps, reduce inflammation, and help with nerve fatigue and stress-related conditions. \n\n\nGinger has been proven to be a natural cure for discomfort. Bid goodbye to motion sicknesses, nausea, bloating, and indigestion with this pure and calming essential massage oil.\n\n\nIf you like the smell of ginger during a massage session, this product is suitable because it can give you a spa feel! \n\n\nThe pleasant scent relaxes your senses and relieves stress from your mind and body, instantly gearing you up for your next course of action.\n\n\nFeatures we love\n:\n\n\n\n\nSuitable for pregnant mums, relieves nausea, indigestion, motion sickness and gas bloating\n\n\nReasonably priced\n\n\n100% pure essential oils \u2013 lavender, peppermint, ginger, spearmint\n\n\nAromatherapy oil\n\n\nTherapeutic quality\n\n\n\n\nWhat we love\n\n\n\n\nHas natural ingredients \u2013 g\ninger, lemongrass etc.\n\n\nGinger stimulates blood circulation to relieve nausea and vomiting\n\n\nLemongrass and lemon oil used are beneficial for the circulatory system.\n\n\nLavender oil also helps the digestive system better.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Tanamera Ginger Blend Massage Oil \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#5 ATOPALM Maternity Care Massage Oil\n\n\n\n\nFormulated with MLE and Ceramide, AUTOPALM massage oil helps restore the skin\u2019s protective moisture barrier system. \n\n\nAt the same time, ingredients phytosqualane and collagen nourishes the skin with water and nutrients to soothe skin irritation and make skin feel smooth and look healthy.\n\n\nThis oil is very light and clean. It is formulated to help relieve the dryness and itchiness that occurs during and after pregnancy. \n\n\nThis product is free from harmful ingredients and great for moisturizing dry skin.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we love\n\n\n\n\nEnriched with Meadowfoam Seed Oil and Macadamia Seed Oil \n\n\nMakes skin smooth and supple \n\n\nContains Brassica Campestris (Rapeseed) flower extract which has nourishing qualities\n\n\nFilled with Vitamins A and C\n\n\nFormulated with MLE and Ceramide that help restore the skin's protective moisture barrier system.\n\n\nLightweight and safe for daily use\n\n\nThis product is free of artificial pigments, parabens, artificial fragrances, ethanol, mineral oil, phenoxyethanol, benzophenone, PG. PEG and diethanolamine.\n\n\n\n\n ATOPALM Maternity Care Massage Oil \nBuy at Lazada\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to Choose the Right Pregnancy-Safe Shampoo That Is Safe for Mums & Baby\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/guide-your-child-into-responsible-behaviour", "title": "8 Ways To Guide Your Child Into Responsible Behaviour", "body": "If a child misbehaves or conducts himself in an unresponsible manner, saying nothing to the child for the sake of appearing as an unintrusive parent would serve more as accepting the child\u2019s behaviour more than anything else.\n\n\nIf you accept such behaviour, there is no reason why your child should change, is there? Let\u2019s talk about it, responsibly\u2026\u00a0\n\n\nGUIDANCE \u2013 The Key To Teaching Responsible Behaviour To Kids\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s true that children will be running around wild without discipline, they will be just as wild if that discipline came without guidance to do what\u2019s right.\n\n\nGuidance should never be confused with punishment. Punishment involves some form of disciplinary action while guidance involves showing a child the path we recommend, explaining why we think it\u2019s the best path, and providing the child with the initiatives to stay on that path.\n\n\nUnless we\u2019re willing to fully depend on disciplinary force, influence via guidance is needed to teach children to be responsible for their actions. It would be well worth it to keep in mind that kids generally resist force, hence influence actually works better to transmit values and behavioural standards.\n\n\nKids will then simply choose to do the right thing because they want to \u201cfollow\u201d your lead. There are many ways to guide kids into developing responsible behaviour. Here are some of them:\n\n\n1# Setting some clear limits\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIn life, limits have to be set for many reasons and one of them is to serve as a mark of what can and cannot be done. It is inevitable that kids will be getting away with a lot of mischiefs, but limits will ensure that they can still be kids without endangering themselves or others.\n\n\nLimits can also ensure that they do not go overboard in any way, causing harm or distress to anyone. Kids should generally know that hitting people, running in the street, or throwing their food at each other are all off-limits.\n\n\nIf any misconduct pertaining to those limits were met with harsh punishment, kids will eventually learn but not without resistance. If limits were set instead with a proper understanding of their perspective, (for example, \u201cI cannot let you hurt your sister for breaking your toy, but I can help you tell her how you feel about what she did\u201d), your kid will be more likely to understand and agree with the limits set by you.\n\n\n2# Kids need to feel connected to the ones they love\n\n\nAlways be certain of why your child misbehaves before meting out any disciplinary action. Remember that kids start to feel disconnected for many reasons \u2013 because they\u2019re angry, because we\u2019re angry at them, because we\u2019ve been apart from them all day, and so on and so forth. They may \u2018act up\u2019 until the connection is, to them, \u2018healed\u2019.\n\n\nA child generally wants to please his or her parents and since you are an important person in your child\u2019s life, he or she is predisposed to listen to your guidance. However, this would be difficult if your child is not convinced that you\u2019re on his or her side.\n\n\nPunishment will only further erode the connection at this point, because in a child\u2019s mind, you\u2019re intentionally causing them to hurt, either physically or emotionally.\u00a0\n\n\n3# Empathy is not a natural inclination\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nEmpathy is not only one of the foundations of morality but it paves the way for responsible behaviour. Parents who are empathetic are more likely to encourage the virtue of empathy in their household.\n\n\nA child can be taught to develop empathy for others including his siblings and friends. This will lead them to act in responsible ways because they care enough not to hurt others with their words or actions.\n\n\n4# Empower them with the power of repair\n\n\nLife is never without mistakes, for that is how humans learn to become better people. Every one of us has made mistakes and wise parents will give some thought to guiding their offspring in the subject of damage control.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nFor kids to carry on acting in responsible ways, they need to know that they can and should make amends when the need arises. Instead of concentrating on harsh punishments, help a child to reflect on the misdeed and how best to repair the \u2018damage\u2019 done, for this is the real key to a deeper and more meaningful lesson.\n\n\n5# Balance your own act\n\n\n\n\nA kid who is \u2018whipped into shape\u2019 is not likely to turn out a responsible adult and the same goes for a kid who has never been shown what\u2019s wrong from right. Communicate your expectations of your kids behaviour well and fortify the message by exhibiting a sense of responsibility in your own actions.\n\n\nWhat would you yourself say is right, acceptable or absolutely wrong? If you yourself are confident of your own balance of wrongs and rights, you will more likely succeed in teaching your child about responsible behaviour.\n\n\n6# Coaching the emotion\n\n\nWhen kids learn to manage their emotions, they can manage their behaviour, so they\u2019re \nable\n\u00a0to behave and cooperate. We only gain control of our emotions by befriending them. Start by accepting your child\u2019s full range of emotions with as much compassion as you can muster, and lots of roughhousing play to work through feelings and anxiety.\n\n\nThis gives your child the support needed to understand and regulate emotions and behave in the best possible way. Above all, a kid needs to feel loved, unconditionally. That feeling of \u201cgoodness\u201d is what helps all of us make progress toward our good intentions.\n\n\n7# Be a role model for responsible behaviour\n\n\n\n\nWhen teaching a child valuable lessons in life, talk is cheap! Yes, children are more likely to learn their values and emotional regulation from what parents do and not what they say. Anybody can talk, but can you do as you preach?\n\n\nChildren are more intelligent than you think and if a parent says one thing but does the opposite, then expect an observant child to not take such parents seriously, or worse, follow in their footsteps!\n\n\n8# Discussion\n\n\nDon\u2019t wait till there is a problem to talk to a child about responsible behaviour, for if you do, then expect lots of problems! Children learn from experience accompanied by reflection so communicate freely about good behaviour whenever possible.\n\n\nIt\u2019s our job to provide opportunities for reflection. That means lots of talking and listening with your child, daily.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nUsing Psychology to Shape Behaviour: Punish, Reward or Remove?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n10 mistakes you make that will turn your kid into a monstrous brat\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n12 signs you may be a helicopter parent\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/superpark-malaysia", "title": "SuperPark Malaysia: What An Exciting Indoor Playground For Our Kids!", "body": "Learn more about SuperPark Malaysia!\n\n\nWhat An Exciting Indoor Playground For Our Kids!\n\n\nAs a mum of two active young kids, I\u2019m always looking forward to brings more excitement to my kids so I don\u2019t have to listen them whining \u201cI\u2019m bored\u201d on repeat.\n\n\nWho loves it when your kid keeps saying that they\u2019re bored, right? It\u2019s like fingernails scraping down a chalkboard\u2014it drives parents crazy!\n\n\nIn Malaysia, our clean, green outdoor parks and playgrounds might sound good. But, our kids need creative way and space to play and burn their energy as well.\u00a0\n\n\nI believe, just like many other Malaysian parents, you must be left with limited options during rainy season, and indoor playgrounds usually offer the same things:\u00a0slides and ball pits.\u00a0\n\n\nSo when we were invited on a media trip to\u00a0\nSuperPark Finland\n, I was very excited and also intrigued. Would it be just another regular indoor playground in Malaysia?\n\n\nWould it be able to stimulate my tech-generation kids and get them moving? \u00a0Mums and dads, I can assure you, it was so much more than I ever imagined or expected!\n\n\nThere are 4 key factors that make this family activity park unique, and set it apart from your regular indoor playground:\n\n\n1. Tech-integrated play\n\n\n\n\nSuperPark has cleverly incorporated technology into play to encourage the mobile gaming generation of today stay fit and healthy while acknowledging their love of electronics.\n\n\nOn the surface, we see a lot of play and physical movement, but technology drives this park, especially the game arena.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSample this.\u00a0Superball is a simple game where members team up, throw balls at a digital screen while being under the pressure of a timer on the other end. The team with the highest score wins.\n\n\nThere\u2019s simplicity, movement, speed, a sense of urgency, and a timer, all leading to a thrilling experience.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnother activity involves jumping on the trampoline to navigate the various levels of a game on a digital screen. Even a simple rock climbing wall has integrated digital aspects to make it more challenging!\n\n\n2. Old school games with a digital twist\n\n\nI was delighted to discover many \ntraditional games\n that we normally play outdoors \u2013 like soccer and basketball \u2013 under SuperPark\u2019s vast roof.\n\n\nBut here\u2019s the pull-factor for the kids: each one of these \u201cold-fashioned\u201d games has been given a digital revamp! The games are timed and mostly require you to hit targets and beat records.\n\n\n\n\nFor instance, the digital basketball game had us dunking a ball in each basket before the timer ran out. We had great fun challenging each other to beat our scores, feeling like kids all over again!\n\n\nA super-cool and super high-tech game of ice hockey definitely had us working up a sweat. But it\u00a0also\u00a0left us rather amazed at how the speed of our shots was measured by radar and displayed on digital systems!\n\n\nIt\u2019s pure genius, we say, and a clever way to get all of us moving \u2014 parents and kids alike.\n\n\nIt also means that there is \u201cfull-bodied\u201d learning. This means that both the body and the mind are being worked out at the same time, so they work in synergy better.\n\n\n3. Stress-free learning or Sparking\n\n\nComing to SuperPark is without a doubt a stress-free, educational experience, cleverly incorporated through play!\n\n\nAt SuperPark, a simple Math addition or multiplication problem for example, can be made much more exciting, by encouraging your little one to grab the correct number block from a foam pit.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\nLifestyle\n3 Easy Indoor Activities to Keep The Kids Entertained\nLifestyle\nCalling all Hot Wheels fans to Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays\n\n\nAny learning that is associated with a fun experience generally helps kids retain that knowledge better.\n\n\nIn fact, \u201cSparking\u201d is a way of life at SuperPark. Sparking is a combination of:\n\n\n\n\nStress-free learning\n\n\nFreedom and creativity\n\n\nSocial interaction\n\n\nInspiring environment\n\n\nPhysical fitness and health\n\n\nFun\n\n\n\n\nSparking, by the way, has been found to offer physical and cognitive benefits for people of all ages.\n\n\nWhich is why, Physical Education teacher, Mrs Heidi Rautajoki, brought her Grade 9 students for a PE session outside school while we were there. The kids had a blast practising gymnastics, jumping on trampolines and diving into foam pits.\n\n\n\n\nPhysical Education teacher, \nMrs\n Heidi Rautajoki, and her \nstudents,\n having their PE session outside \nschool\n\n\n\n\nHeidi later told us,\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHaving a bouncy floor/mattress to jump on gives you the flexibility to try new things, which you may not otherwise be able to do, at say a school gym. Giving new experiences to the students is always good.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nFor me as a mum, one of the biggest pull factors of SuperPark was also that it offers a secure and supervised environment together with high quality equipment. So you don\u2019t have to stress about your kids\u2019 safety.\n\n\n4. Hybrid model\n\n\nI have never really seen a play area offering such varied experiences under one roof. Yep, there are over 20 activities across three themed zones: the adventure area (for smaller kids), game arena (for bigger kids and adults) and freestyle hall (for the thrill seekers).\n\n\nAs SuperPark Founder, Mr. Taneli Sutinen, told us,\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThere are indoor playgrounds, and trampoline parks and other kinds of single activity parks, but not this kind of hybrid model parks, where there are different kinds of activities for people of different age groups.\u201d\n\n\nThe concept is really unique even when you consider other countries.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy usual experience with an indoor playground involves looking at my smartphone while occasionally taking pictures or videos of the kids to post on social media.\n\n\nAt SuperPark, parents are encouraged to join in and be part of the immersive experience.\n\n\nA great reason for adults to play is that it has the opposite effect on the body as stress. \n\n\nApart from its positive impact on physical and mental health, play is also linked to an increase in productivity.\n\n\nIf that\u2019s not enough to convince you, remember, our children are watching what we say and do all the time. They learn more from us than from anyone else.\n\n\nAnd this I realised, when I saw daddy Aleksi Halen, and his kids, 9-year-old Rossi and 6-year-old Senna.\n\n\n\n\nAleksi is almost 40, but that hasn\u2019t stopped him from trying out new games and learning new skills. The family visits SuperPark regularly and we were pretty amazed by the stunts the little kids could do. They were so good at backflips and scootering!\n\n\nIn fact, Aleksi tells us that he was encouraged to learn how to backflip, by watching his son do it effortlessly on the SuperPark trampoline.\n\n\nWe never saw Aleksi saying \u201cNo\u201d to his kids, as they attempted stunts beyond their age. The kids were inspired by seeing daddy lead an active lifestyle as well!\n\n\nThis in turn inspired me to want to be more involved with my children\u2019s playtime back home in Singapore.\n\n\nWait For It\u2026 SuperPark Opens Soon, In Malaysia!\n\n\nNow that you know what makes SuperPark stand super tall, bet you are excited as I am about SuperPark Malaysia opening soon at Avenue K near Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nSuperPark Malaysia will also see three new games making their debut \u2013 iWall \nparkour\n game, Superclimb, Ninja Track, and Ice Skating \u2013 exclusively in Malaysia only!\n\n\nWondering how much it\u2019s going to cost? Here are the ticket prices to SuperPark Malaysia:\n\n\nWeekday:\n\n\n\n\nAll day: MYR 50\n\n\nEvening (1800 \u2013 2100): MYR 30\n\n\n\n\nWeekend\n:\n\n\n\n\nAll day: MYR 70\n\n\nMorning\u00a0(0900-1300): MYR 45\n\n\nMid Day\u00a0(1330 \u2013 1730): MYR 55\n\n\nEvening (1800 \u2013 2100): MYR 45\n\n\n\n\nMums and dads, get ready for some serious movement then. Remember, \u201cThe body is meant to move.\u201d\n\n\nThank you, SuperPark, for bringing us to Finland to experience an immersive play adventure and for also reminding us that, you\u2019re never too old to play (and learn)!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/height-and-weight-tracker", "title": "Markings On The Wall: Why Measuring Your Child's Height Is So Important", "body": "Most millennial parents will have memories of their parents measuring their height with a measuring tape and then making a mark on the wall, a door frame, or one of those cutesy height posters that we see at clinics.\u00a0\n\n\nThose truly were the days!\u00a0\n\n\nGoing back to our parents\u2019 homes now, we still reminisce over those markings on the wall and when we bring our kids to visit their grandparents, we compare our height to theirs now.\n\n\nIt\u2019s such a beautiful experience. But as time progresses, so must we.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile some of us still practice the markings on the walls, it\u2019s now done more so for nostalgia (or Instagram!) rather than to actually check on our child\u2019s progress.\u00a0\n\n\nWe often wait for paediatrician visits to check our child\u2019s height and weight for a proper analysis of their development. During these visits, the paediatrician will examine our child and plot their growth against a chart. Then, they will usually let us know if our child is growing on the right track.\u00a0\n\n\nSigns that paediatricians look out for when examining our children are if their height and weight are within the normal range, whether a child is responsive to stimulation, and also just looking at a child overall to determine if he or she is well nourished.\u00a0\n\n\nOne example of stimulation is checking which milestone the child is supposed to be hitting at that stage \u2013 like walking or talking \u2013 and conducting on the spot tests to see if the child can do so.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides that, we often see developmental toys in a paediatrician\u2019s office, like building blocks or musical instruments, to see how children react to them. If the skills required for that age are demonstrated, then there is nothing to worry about.\n\n\nUsually, if the child is developing well, the paediatrician will inform us, and we will happily accept their feedback.\u00a0\n\n\nBut if we are using the more traditional method of marking our child\u2019s height on the wall, the average parent would not be able to tell if their child is growing at the normal rate beyond the measurement number besides comparing their height to their peers.\n\n\nThat is why, one of the easiest ways to keep track of your child\u2019s development for height and weight is via an app \u2013 one that has all of this information ready for you and will even explain it the way a paediatrician would!\u00a0\n\n\nNovo Nordisk has introduced a new app called Growth Journey\n\u2122\n, which is a fun and useful way to store information about your child\u2019s development.\u00a0\n\n\nGrowth Journey\n\u2122\n app: Height and weight tracker for your kids\n\n\n\n\nUsing augmented reality, the app captures your child\u2019s height using a camera (applicable for children of all ages!). Just get your child to stand up straight next to a parent and snap a photo. The app will then automatically measure the height based on the parent\u2019s height.\u00a0\n\n\nAlternatively, you may key in your child\u2019s measurements manually, if you prefer. You can even track the development of multiple children at the same time.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter all the data is collected, the app will then be able to tell you where your child ranks on the World Health Organization\u2019s growth chart. Typically, what the results mean is where your child ranks against the average child in the world according to that age.\u00a0\n\n\nFor example, a boy who is 2 years old is usually about 87cm tall. If your child is taller than this height, then they will likely be plotted above the 50th percentile. If your child is shorter than this, then they will be plotted below the 50th percentile.\u00a0\n\n\nIf there are any abnormalities in their height in accordance with their age, the app will also give you an alert to check with a doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nA glimpse into the future\n\n\nSomething really cool about the app is that it will also give you a glimpse into the future. You will be able to see your child\u2019s predicted height when they grow up! This is also a good indicator as it is customised for parents to track and see if their child is growing on the right trajectory.\n\n\nOver time, when you log enough entries, you will be able to see your child\u2019s growth book and see their historical growth. This will give you a great insight into whether your child is on track in their overall development.\n\n\nYou might be wondering; what can height possibly tell us in terms of your child\u2019s overall development?\u00a0\n\n\nWell, in fact, height is an important factor in knowing whether a child is in good or bad health. Slow growth may be a sign of poor nutrition or an underlying medical condition.\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, bear in mind, genetics also play a role in this. Children with shorter parents can be expected to have inherited similar genes.\n\n\nBut what if that\u2019s not the case? Could your child be suffering from a serious medical condition?\u00a0\n\n\nWhat if your child is not reaching growth milestones?\n\n\n\n\nThere is a chance that if your child is not plotting well against the height and weight chart on the app, that they might be suffering from growth hormone deficiency.\u00a0\n\n\nGrowth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a condition in which a child\u2019s body is lacking growth hormones.\n\n\nThe function of growth hormones is to regulate bone mass, muscle mass, muscular strength, body composition, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and cardiac function. Therefore, people with untreated GHD are at risk of health issues like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart diseases later in life\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe immediate effects will be seen in children, who will be shorter than most kids of their age. However, this may be overlooked because they appear to have normal body proportions.\u00a0\n\n\nAs a result, children with GHD may not attain the potential adult height that they could have if the condition was treated earlier. Or they could even suffer from delayed puberty.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly recognition of GHD is important because this condition can be present at birth or develop later. So, it\u2019s good to keep an eye on the signs from the get-go to start treatment for the most optimal outcome\n. Therefore, it is important to keep track of your child\u2019s development, which you can do so easily with the Growth Journey app.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides slow growth in height, GHD might also be diagnosed if the child is showing other symptoms such as a micropenis in male infants, prolonged neonatal jaundice, craniofacial defects such as cleft lip, or postnatal failure to thrive (affecting both weight and height)\n.\u00a0\n\n\nTreatment for GHD\n\n\nThe good news is that GHD is treatable by introducing growth hormones to affected children.\u00a0\n\n\nThis treatment will quicken the child\u2019s development in just 3-6 months. You might notice that they are growing faster than usual, that they have a bigger appetite, and that they might look a little skinnier than usual for the first couple of months (because they\u2019re growing in height more quickly)\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe duration of the treatment will vary according to your child\u2019s needs but generally children will only stop treatment once they can reach their full adult height or achieve full bone maturity.\n\n\nIf children are undergoing treatment, then monitoring their height and weight becomes even more important.\u00a0\n\n\nParents must strictly monitor their children every 3 months and go for regular check-ups with their paediatricians.\u00a0\n\n\nTo stay ahead of your child\u2019s developmental needs, download the Growth Journey\n\u2122\n app now on the \nGoogle Play Store\n or \nApp Store for iOS\n.\n\n\n\n\nThis article is for educational purposes only. In case of any doubt, always consult your qualified healthcare professional.\n\n\n1 Sinha, S. (2019, November 22). Hyposomatotropism (Growth Hormone Deficiency). Retrieved October 19, 2020, from \nemedicine.medscape.com/article/922543-overview\n\n\n2 \nwww.moh.gov.my/moh/resources/Penerbitan/CPG/Endocrine/4b.pdf\n\n\n3 \nwww.moh.gov.my/moh/resources/Penerbitan/CPG/Endocrine/4b.pdf\n\n\n4 \nwww.chp.edu/our-services/endocrinology/resources/endocrinology-patient-procedures/growth-hormone-treatment\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/10-kid-snacks-we-secretly-love-to-eat-ourselves", "title": "10 Kid Snacks We Secretly Love to Eat Ourselves", "body": "Admit it: Who are you kidding? There are snacks\u00a0you say you buy for your kids, which you secretly love and snack on when they are not looking. Did these make your list?\n\n\n#1\u00a0\nIce pops/Aiskrim Malaysia/Ice lollies\n\n\n\n\ncredit : hungryc.wordpress.com\n\n\n\n\nWhether you buy these or make them yourself at home, who can resist this on a really hot day!? Back in the days this use to cost 10 cents and come in a variety of flavours. I use to love the somboi one. Milo comes close too.\n\n\n#2 Roasted Seaweed\n\n\n\n\ncredit : www.maangchi.com\n\n\n\n\nThese salty crispy morsels that are packed with all the goodness of the sea.. yum.. I can go through the whole pack myself while watching Korean Drama. There are so few pieces in one pack and the kids and myself wallop them\u00a0so quickly that I\u2019m always rushing to\u00a0open another \npacket\n!\n\n\n#3 Ice Gem Biscuits\n\n\n\n\ncredit : www.shopback.my\n\n\n\n\nMy husband and I bought this on a whim, one day for old time\u2019s sake and showed the kids what we use to eat back in the 80s. Unbashfully I will report that: Yes, we still fight for the sugar tips. Sorry kiddos, age is just a number.\n\n\n#4\u00a0Cornetto Mini Chocolate & Vanilla\n\n\n\n\ncredit : tesco.com.my\n\n\n\n\nThey are small and just the right size treat, even for a peckish mummy like me. If you manage to will yourself to only have one, you won\u2019t have to feel too guilty about the calories. Don\u2019t you just feel like some \nright now\n?\n\n\n#5 Bin Bin Rice Cracker\n\n\n\n\ncredit : Tesco\n\n\n\n\nNothing like getting your MSG fix when snacking on these. I almost never buy these anymore because EVERYONE in the house loves them. Once in a blue moon,\u00a0I would cave and buy \none packet\n.\u00a0The MSG high is real people. I actually get very happy and contented.\n\n\n#6 Mamee Monster\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\ncredit : www.mamee.com\n\n\n\n\nThis\n is like standard staple in almost any party pack or party favors these days.\u00a0I help myself to my daughter\u2019s stash which I hide in her \u201cSpecial Occasions Only Snack\u201d basket. Well\u2026. they are almost expiring, I might as well eat them right?\n\n\n#7 Fernleaf CalciYum\n\n\n\n\ncredit : Tesco\n\n\n\n\nIs it bad when I sometimes use \nthis\n\u00a0in my overnight oats? I mean, who makes chocolate yogurt for adults? It\u2019s always fruits or plain or something healthy.. pfft! Hardly ever in chocolate flavour !\n\n\n#8 Chicken nuggets\n\n\n\n\ncredit: KFC\n\n\n\n\nAnother culprit that I seldom buy because well, who knows how much dubious meat is in there, along with all the artificial flavourings that make this OH SO GOOD to EAT!! On the random occasion, or special moments when I allow my kids this, you won\u2019t mistake me looking forlornly at their \nnuggets\n and fighting the need to sneak one off. Don\u2019t even get me started on the fries.\n\n\n#9 Yoghurt Melts\n\n\n\n\ncredits : prince-amp.blogspot.com\n\n\n\n\nWho enjoyed these yoghurt melts with their crawling babies, hands up! Guilty here! I wished I knew back then, how to \nmake my own\n, instead I \nspent a bomb\n feeding the kids and myself these.\n\n\n#10 Popcorn\n\n\n\n\ncredit : hungrygowhere.com\n\n\n\n\nThe picture above was used for attention grabbing purposes only. My personal favourite is the one with macadamia nuts. Garrett\u2019s are only reserved for super duper special occasions, for when I want to indulge. So no, we don\u2019t buy these.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nCheapo me would just usually pop them fresh at home in my big\n kuali.\n\u00a0I\u00a0don\u2019t make them sweet, I make them simple popped in oil and later seasoned with salt. I think of it as an alternative to chips. Air pop them you say? Sorry, no go. I like mine popped in oil.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n5 common houseplants that are toxic for your kids and pets\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/postpartum-wrap-after-childbirth", "title": "The Importance Of Using A Postpartum Wrap After Childbirth, Must-Try Tips For All Mums!", "body": "Pregnancy can be challenging for some women, and more often than not, mothers go through various unexpected body changes post-birth. It\u2019s only natural for mothers to want to quickly get back into their pre-pregnancy body, especially to get rid of that persistent mummy pooch (a.k.a postpartum belly). Since mothers are not encouraged to do heavy exercises right after birth, a good postpartum wrap is what you need to help control that jiggly belly!\n\n\nPostpartum wraps (a.k.a maternity bands/belly bands/belly wraps, or famously known as \nbengkung\n, according to Malaysian cultural practices) are intended to support the abdomen and help postpartum mothers to recover from physical discomfort.\n\n\nThey help put muscles in place, improve posture, promote blood circulation, correct pelvic position and can slowly prevent back pain as well as fluid accumulation.\n\n\nA study conducted in 2019 found that mothers who wore a postpartum wrap after a c-section felt less pain during postpartum, compared to those who did not.\u00a0\n\n\nA number of women who give birth normally also say that the postpartum wrap helps make their bodies more toned and feel less like jelly.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nContents:\n\n\n\n\nThe History of Postpartum Wrap: Why Do Women Wear It?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSarashi\n\n\nPostpartum Wrap\n\n\nFaja\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow Does A Postpartum Wrap Help Women Get Their Dream Body Shape?\n\n\nChoosing A Good Postpartum Wrap\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to Choose Your Size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6 Best Modern Postpartum Wrap in Malaysia\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice Postpartum Adjustable Corset\n\n\nMamaway Nano Bamboo Postnatal Recovery & Support Belly Band\n\n\nAutumnz Post-Partum Abdominal Binder\n\n\nPRADO Body Shaper Waist Trimmer Postpartum Support Belt\n\n\nLunavie Premium Postpartum Abdominal Binder\n\n\nUpspring Shrinkx Belly Postpartum Belly Wrap with Bamboo Charcoal Fiber\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice comparison\n\n\nSlimming Tips After Childbirth\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe History of Postpartum Wrap: Why Do Women Wear It After Childbirth?\n\n\nPeople from many cultures around the world believe in the benefits of wearing supportive clothing such as postpartum wraps, especially after childbirth. Let\u2019s find out some of the advantages of wearing compression garments for the abdomen after childbirth.\n\n\nThe traditional practice of wrapping the abdomen after childbirth is an ancient art that has long been practised in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Technically, it is done by wrapping a very long piece of cloth around a woman\u2019s midsection after childbirth.\n\n\n\n\nThe Sarashi\n\n\n\n\nAccording to history, Japanese women would spend 100 days indoors with their new born babies. During these 100 days, the women would be wrapped in blankets with their babies and are expected to do more than just eat, and breastfeed their newborns.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nA Sarashi is about 13 feet long and between 8-9 inches wide, which is shorter than the typical Malaysian \nbengkung\n. Traditionally, the wrapping begins very low at the hips and ends between the belly button and the bust line. The cloth will be shortened and tightened only after the new mother\u2019s abdomen contracts.\n\n\n\n\nThe Traditional Bengkung\n\n\n\n\nIn the Malaysian tradition, new mothers would bind their tummies for 44 days after childbirth. Malaysian mothers particularly believe that the uterus is the centre of a woman\u2019s health and it is important to take care of it at all stages of life, but especially after childbirth.\u00a0\n\n\nThis tradition dates back centuries at the palace, where princesses used it to help them \u2018rise again\u2019 and the story quickly spread throughout the state. It is still widely practised in rural areas and is now also common among urban communities.\n\n\n\n\nThe Faja\n\n\n\n\nFaja is believed to be able to prevent air from entering the woman\u2019s body, prevent the uterus from falling down and is also thought to help the uterus to close and shrink.\n\n\nFaja is made from many types and styles of materials, but the most common ones are fabric and mixed materials namely; cotton and elastic.\n\n\nFaja is usually worn for at least 2 weeks, except at night.\n\n\nIn Latin American cultures, the position of the uterus is at the centre of traditional birth medicine. They believe that abdominal massage after birth and belly wraps are not only beneficial to heal the muscle walls, but also really help put the \u201cuterus\" back in the right position.\n\n\nHow Does Postpartum Wrap Help Women Get Their Dream Body?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCompression increases blood supply to the affected area to accelerate the healing process.\n\n\nBelly binding reduces uterine swelling with stable pressure and removes fluid.\n\n\nBelly binding provides lower back support and abdominal stability to relieve back pain.\n\n\nBelly binding is also a helpful way for mothers to wear pre-pregnancy clothing comfortably during postpartum recovery.\n\n\nBelly binding can protect the c-section area, or scars from other surgeries too.\n\n\nSupports the mother to heal faster so she can begin exercising earlier to strengthen her core and treat rectus diastasis.\n\n\nPostpartum wraps help improve the wearer\u2019s posture and allow for deeper breathing.\n\n\n\n\nChoosing A Good Postpartum Wrap\n\n\nThere are various options of modern postpartum wraps available in the Malaysian market, but it is recommended for mothers to get one that is effective for both normal and caesarean birth.\n\n\nToday, we have postpartum wraps that come in different lengths, designs, comfort levels and price points.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are looking for a modern belly wrap in particular, there are certain criteria to keep in mind, such as comfort, ease of use and care, material quality, smoothness, breathability and most importantly, the effectiveness of the wrap.\n\n\nHow to Choose A Postpartum Wrap\n\n\nMost women\u2019s postpartum body size is approximately the same as their size at 8 months pregnant. So at about 8 months pregnant, measure the largest part of your tummy all-around your abdomen (usually at the belly button) and choose the size that fits your measurements.\n\n\nJust before delivery, subtract 3 to 5 inches from the size of your abdomen. Select the appropriate wrap for that size.\n\n\n6 Best Modern Postpartum Wraps in Malaysia\n\n\nBrowsing around for a good and comfortable postpartum wrap is indeed a challenge. Mothers would usually do extensive research on the Internet, ask friends for reviews or refer to respective sellers.\n\n\nSo to ease your burden and put an end to your never-ending search, we have prepared a list of the 6 best modern maternity/postpartum wraps that are available in the market.\n\n\n#1 Mama\u2019s Choice Postpartum Adjustable Corset\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice Postpartum Adjustable Corset is a multi-purpose corset that is suitable to be worn during pregnancy, confinement and is even great for those with back pain.\n\n\nThis corset not only helps restore the body back to its original form but also works to correct the wearer\u2019s posture. If you are looking for comfort during confinement, this is definitely IT because of its soft and comfortable material!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nTrims the body at the waist and abdomen\n\n\nCan be used to treat back pain\n\n\nHelps shrink the uterus to its original size\n\n\nCan be worn as a belly band during pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nSafety and comfort:\n\n\n\n\nUse of velcro material for comfort when tightening the corset\n\n\nThe material is made of 65% polyester, 35% elastic fibre\n\n\nAvailable in customised sizes to suit each wearer\n\n\n\n\n Mama's Choice Postpartum Adjustable Corset \nBuy from Shopee\n\n\n#2 Mamaway Nano Bamboo Postnatal Recovery & Support Belly Band\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nThis Mamaway belly band is not only suitable for mothers who have just given birth normally, but also for mothers who have given birth via c-section.\n\n\nIn fact, this belly band can be worn as early as 2 days after childbirth and is intended to provide the best comfort and healing during the postpartum recovery period. This modern band can also be worn for long periods including at night to achieve faster healing.\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nReduces pain at the c-section area and does not tag on the surgery wound during movements\n\n\nDistributes weight from the spine and improves posture to reduce back pain\n\n\nHelps tighten the abdomen, including the abdominal muscles and skin\n\n\n\n\nSafety and comfort:\n\n\n\n\nMade from bamboo charcoal fibre that has good ventilation\n\n\nCan be worn for long periods including at night, during sleep\n\n\nContains infrared fibre that supports blood circulation\n\n\nBacterial and odour-resistant\n\n\nHas an elastic handle that makes it easy to wear\n\n\n\n\n Mamaway Nano Bamboo Postnatal Recovery & Support Belly Band - \nRM350\ndari\n \nMamaway\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#3 Autumnz Post-Partum Abdominal Binder\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nAutumnz Post-Partum Abdominal Binder is carefully designed to help reshape the mother\u2019s abdomen back to pre-pregnancy shape.\n\n\nRecognised as a postpartum band that functions differently from traditional methods, this band intends to facilitate the recovery process after pregnancy naturally. This belly band is available in several sizes to suit each wearer.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nSupports and reshapes the body after childbirth back to its original shape\n\n\nHelp reduce signs of unwanted stress on the body\n\n\nIncreases the skin\u2019s natural elasticity\n\n\n\n\nSafety and comfort:\n\n\n\n\nMade of comfortable material, light and breathable, 80% polyester, 20% spandex\n\n\nSoft inner and outer layers that are soft on the skin\n\n\nNot visible under clothing\n\n\n\n\n Autumnz Post-Partum Abdominal Binder - \nRM37.50\ndari\n \nAutumnz\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#4 PRADO Body Shaper Waist Trimmer Postpartum Support Belt\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nThis PRADO 3-in-1 body shaper is technically a girdle for the abdomen, waist and pelvis, that is intended to treat those parts to return to their original form after childbirth.\n\n\nYou can also overcome postpartum issues such as stretch marks, back pain and bloating with continuous use of this body shaper throughout your confinement period. It is easy to wear and available in a wide variety of sizes, from M to XXL!\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nFulfils all your needs throughout the postpartum recovery process\n\n\nHelps postpartum women regain their body shape quickly, relieves postpartum discomfort and regain confidence\n\n\nHelps shrink the abdomen, waist and hips, prevent sagging skin, relieve back and pelvic pain\n\n\nHelps smoothen the uterine transition, reduces the effects of stretching and speeds up healing after childbirth\n\n\nAdds support while breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\nSafety and comfort:\n\n\n\n\nMade of high-quality lightweight fabric, very comfortable, easy to stretch and easy to clean\n\n\nEasy to wear, just by pulling the two sides together\n\n\nComfortable to wear for both normal and cesarean births\n\n\n\n\n PRADO Body Shaper Waist Trimmer Postpartum Support Belt - \n15.50\ndari\n \nPrado\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#5 Lunavie Premium Postpartum Abdominal Binder\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nLunavie Premium Postpartum Abdominal Binder is an abdominal compression band designed to help mothers get back into their pre-pregnancy bodies.\u00a0\n\n\nThis belly binder can also be worn under clothing comfortably and seamlessly. Want to wear it all the time? No problem! This will help you slim down at the waist.\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nShapes the body to go back to pre-pregnancy shape\n\n\nSupports the abdomen after both normal and cesarean childbirth\n\n\nRecommended for patients suffering from abdominal hernia\n\n\n\n\nSafety and comfort:\n\n\n\n\nNot visible under clothing\n\n\nMade from high-quality breathable material\n\n\nStretched to fit your body\u2019s natural curves\n\n\nHelps reduce back stress & prevent fat accumulation\n\n\nDurable adhesion design with strong velcro\n\n\n\n\n Lunavie Premium Postpartum Abdominal Binder - \nRM57.60\ndari\n \nLunavie\n5\n/5\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\nshop now\n\n\n#6 Upspring Shrinkx Belly Postpartum Belly Wrap with Bamboo Charcoal Fiber\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nFor mothers who prefer a brand that is recommended by OB/GYNs, this is one of the best options in the market.\n\n\nGetting rid of the infamous mummy pooch takes time, so what could be better than a band designed based on bamboo charcoal fibre technology, that not only helps slim the waist but also supports the abdominal muscles?\n\n\nThe three-point compression from bamboo charcoal works on your body heat, thus increasing blood flow, reducing swelling, providing lower back support and ensuring effective recovery.\n\n\nWhat we like about it:\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nBuilt with triple compression bamboo fibre technology for excellent recovery\n\n\nBuilt-in boning for excellent lower back support\n\n\nRapid recovery with core muscle support, reduction of swelling and better blood circulation\n\n\n\n\nSafety and comfort:\n\n\n\n\nRecommended by obstetricians and gynaecologists\n\n\nMade with antibacterial material, easily adjustable and absorbs moisture\n\n\nOffers a therapeutic and safe healing process\n\n\n\n\n Upspring Shrinkx Belly Postpartum Belly Wrap with Bamboo Charcoal Fibre - \nRM303.43\ndari\n \nUpspring\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\nPrice Comparison\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPRODUCT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSIZE\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPRICE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice Postpartum Adjustable Corset\n\n\n\n\n\n\nXXL\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM76.23\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMamaway Nano Bamboo Postnatal Recovery & Support Belly Band\n\n\n\n\n\n\nS-M\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM350.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAutumnz Post-Partum Abdominal Binder\n\n\n\n\n\n\nM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM47.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPRADO Body Shaper Waist Trimmer Postpartum Support Belt\n\n\n\n\n\n\nXXL\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM15.50\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLunavie Premium Postpartum Abdominal Binder\n\n\n\n\n\n\nL\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM72.00\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUpspring Shrinkx Belly Postpartum Belly Wrap with Bamboo Charcoal Fiber\n\n\n\n\n\n\nL-XL\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRM256.76\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer: The prices shown are based on the official websites and the official stores of the products on Shopee\n\n\nSlimming Tips After Childbirth\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to belly binding, the confinement period is the best time for mothers to start losing weight. This is due to the strict diet and practices that mothers go through during this period that are effective to maintain an ideal weight such as:\n\n\n#1 Breastfeeding\n\n\nDid you know that breastfeeding can burn as much as 500 calories a day and increase a breastfeeding mother\u2019s metabolic rate?\n\n\nWow, this means that breastfeeding is not only good for babies but beneficial for mummies too! Breastfeeding helps the mother\u2019s uterus shrink faster, hence flattening the mother\u2019s abdomen much more quickly.\n\n\n#2 Bertungku\n\n\nBertungku\n is one of the main practices during the confinement period. It usually uses heat made from nutritious herbs wrapped in cloth, to remove excess sweat and toxins in the body.\n\n\nBertungku\n also helps the body feel fresher and lighter, besides assisting it to get back into shape.\n\n\n#3 Move A lot\n\n\nSome may argue that mothers need to lie down a lot during the postpartum recovery period. However, the fact is, mothers are advised to move a lot to improve blood flow. It is a form of exercise, indeed!\n\n\nHope this helps!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to Minimize Stretch Marks Appearance \u2013 6 Easy Tips You Can Try Today!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHey Mama, Dental Care Is Important During Pregnancy \u2013 Try One Of These Pregnancy-Safe Toothpastes!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nStill Have Bad Breath Even After Brushing Your Teeth? Here Are the 7 Best Mouthwashes in the Market\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-dies-after-fall-at-babysitters-house", "title": "Baby dies after fall at babysitter's house", "body": "Earlier this month, we were left in shock after the \ngrim news\n of a five-month-old baby found dead and stuffed into the fridge in his babysitter\u2019s house in Malaysia. Now, sad news of another baby death has emerged, this time after a fall at babysitter\u2019s house, also in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRIP, little one. | Images: Facebook\n\n\n\n\nFall at Babysitter\u2019s House Fractures Baby\u2019s Skull\n\n\nOn Tuesday 17 July, 10-month-old\u00a0Naufal Amsyar Bin Nabil Fikri is reported to have suffered a fit and collapsed while under his babysitter\u2019s care.\n\n\nHe was rushed to hospital. There, doctors found injury marks on Naufal\u2019s forehead, a blood clot in his eyes and a crack in his skull.\n\n\nThe baby \u2013 the only child of\u00a0Nabil Fikri Anwar and wife Noraziqah Rahman \u2013 was under careful care for four days. However, sadly, the little one passed away on Saturday 21 July.\n\n\nThe baby reportedly died of brain haemorrhage, according to the post-mortem\n\n\nQuoted by \nAsiaOne\n, Nabil initially thought their precious son would recover. However, \u201cit was not meant to be,\u201d he said.\u00a0\n\n\nThe grieving dad also said he and his wife Noraziqah \u201caccepted fate and that Naufal was no longer around.\u201d\n\n\nThey also do not blame the 35-year-old babysitter for their child\u2019s death. \u201cI leave it to the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough investigation to identify the cause of death,\u201d said Nabil.\n\n\nPreviously, Nabil mentioned the babysitter told him that\u00a0Naufal collapsed after eating porridge prepared by his wife.\n\n\n\u201cThe babysitter told me that my baby\u2019s eyes were wide open and there was no reaction. Initially, she suspected that he had choked while eating.\u00a0But it was only after he was admitted to the hospital that we were made aware that he sustained injuries after falling from the crib,\u201d he said.\n\n\nNabil did not know the babysitter well. His wife reportedly asked on Facebook for recommendations before sending their son to the babysitter.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is not the first time the baby fell at the babysitter\u2019s house, according to reports. He had fallen twice from his cradle previously, at the same house.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPosted by \nHazwan Aroff Hamidi\n on\u00a0\nSaturday, 21 July 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA Mother\u2019s Grief\n\n\nNoraziqah posted a heartbreaking note about her baby boy\u2019s passing on Facebook.\n\n\n\u201cI had carried him in my tummy for nine months and only managed to raise him for 10 months and five days. You were born here (in this hospital) and you also left me and your father forever at the same place,\u201d she wrote.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, Nabil (who is an enforcement officer) has asked the public not to speculate until the investigation is over. The nanny reportedly, is assisting with investigations.\u00a0\n\n\nOur heartfelt condolences go out to the parents and family of little Naufal. May you rest in peace, and may your parents find peace, too.\u00a0\n\n\nExtra Caution Needed When Employing a Babysitter\n\n\nAll child care centres require a license to operate in Malaysia. But there are still those who offer babysitting services quietly on the side.\n\n\nThese places are cheaper because they usually hire workers who have minimal experience in caring for a baby. Their staff have no background or any training in\u00a0\nearly childhood education\n. In fact, some may not even know\u00a0\nfirst aid\n\u00a0at all.\u00a0\n\n\nThen you also have those who put the word out about babysitting services offered on social media. Again, their rates would probably be cheaper than registered carers.\u00a0\n\n\nBut those cheaper rates might appeal to smaller young families who are just starting out.\u00a0\nFinances\n\u00a0might be tight with rent and other matters.\n\n\nThey might be desperate to find someone to\u00a0\ncare for their child\n\u00a0while they earn a living. This could be the reason why some families end up choosing an unregistered and unregulated child care centre or babysitter.\u00a0\n\n\nLaws might be there, but if there are no regular checks and no proper enforcement, situations like this can happen again.\n\n\nIn Singapore, the government regulates all child care centres through the Child Care Centres Act (Cap. 37A) and Child Care Centres\u00a0Regulations (Cap. 37A, Section 19).\n\n\nAll child care centres MUST be licensed\u00a0and they must comply with standards set out in the Regulations made under the Act, or any\u00a0other requirements that may be specified by the Director of Social Welfare.\u00a0\n\n\nBut remember parents, despite laws being there to protect you, you still need to do\u00a0\nyour research\n\u00a0and choose wisely. Also, if your child suffers from any medical condition at all, you must inform the babysitter or carer of this, and what to do in case of an emergency.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nAsiaOne\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nTravelling with Your Kids in the New Norm: Where Should You Go?\nFesyen\nGaya Fesyen Trendy & Terkini, KWC Fashion Wholesale Masa Depan Fast Fashion di Malaysia\nRaise them Resilient\n4 concrete steps to build resilience in children, according to science\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n\u201cEidress Jarang Sangat Sakit Dan Cerdas!\u201d Ini Rupanya Tips Anzalna Amalkan Bagi Memastikan Anaknya Membesar Dengan Baik!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/leaky-gut-symptoms", "title": "These 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health", "body": "The word \u201cbacteria\u201d often sends parents into protective mode when it comes to their children, but not all bacteria are harmful.\n\n\nWithin the gut microbiome resides the friendly bacteria that humans, especially children, need as they support critical functions that determine the state of our health.\n\n\nYour child\u2019s gut health also greatly impacts their ability to explore, play or learn as a leaky gut can lead to food intolerance, stomach discomfort, irregular bowel movements, constipation and mood swings, among other issues.\n\n\nResearch also suggests that poor balance of gut bacteria in early childhood can lead to allergies including asthma or eczema\n1\n.\n\n\nThis is where probiotics come to the rescue. Probiotics are known as beneficial bacteria that help your child\u2019s gut flora thrive and gives them the ability to self-regulate their digestive tract, strengthen the immune system and most importantly, absorb all the essential nutrients.\n\n\nThe gut soaks in most of our nutrients and a weakened gut may thwart this from happening. To ensure the probiotics, or the good bacteria, function properly in the intestinal system, you will need to nourish them to encourage their growth and support their vital functions.\n\n\nBesides that, a healthy intestinal system can help your child poop better and give you a peace of mind! There are ways you can improve their gut health, but there are also certain factors that could potentially put their gut microbiota at risk.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat can potentially harm your child\u2019s gut health?\u00a0\n\n\n1. Artificial food colouring\n\n\n\n\nThe discussion on food colouring has stemmed over the years, with many side effects found upon consumption \u2013 especially in children with existing behavioural problems\n2\n.\n\n\nArtificial food colouring integrates into proteins within foods when added and our digestive enzymes are unable to break down or absorb these proteins because of the bond. This, in turn, can potentially lead to intestinal inflammation, which is one of the causes of a leaky gut\n3\n.\n\n\nFood items with artificial colouring include certain candies, snacks, beverages and cereals. So, pay close attention to food labels when grocery shopping.\n\n\n2. Artificial sweeteners\n\n\nArtificial sweeteners, also known as sugar substitutes\n4\n, are present in various food products and soft drinks, as well as items such as toothpaste. These sweeteners are made to replace sugar.\n\n\nThe gut microbiome reacts differently to artificial sweeteners\n simply because it is harder to breakdown the sugars with increased consumption of artificial sweeteners\n5\n \u2013 this could pose health risks as it can alter the amount of nutrients the body can extract out of the food your child consumes.\n\n\n3. Lack of prebiotics\n\n\n\n\nPrebiotics act as the \u201cfood\u201d for probiotics. Prebiotics are fibres that cannot be digested but instead, they support the growth and survival of probiotics in your gut such as Lactobacillus that can help reduce diarrhea.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, when children lack prebiotics, this can deter the growth of these crucial beneficial bacteria.\u00a0\n\n\nPrebiotics are naturally present within various foods that are high in fibre such as bananas, beans and vegetables such as broccoli.\n\n\nHow can you improve your child\u2019s gut health?\n\n\nIn summary, we know that probiotics are good bacteria and prebiotics are their support system in ensuring the vital bodily functions are carried out properly.\u00a0\n\n\nThere is much evidence that unveils childhood health will have a large impact on how your child grows up and this of course, includes the state of their gut health. Without a healthy gut, your child will not be able to absorb the nutrients provided, regardless of how much your focus is on feeding them with \u201chealthy\u201d foods.\n\n\nSymptoms of leaky gut\n6\n include a weak immune system (constantly getting sick or ear infections), diarrhoea, asthma, food allergies or intolerance, skin conditions, behavioural issues and more. If your child is suffering from these symptoms, you will need to steer your focus on their gut health with the right nutrition.\u00a0\n\n\nThese days, there are various alternatives in securing prebiotics into your child\u2019s system. One easy way to do that is to opt for a formula that is loaded with prebiotics such as \nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+.\n\n\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+ is specifically formulated to maintain a good intestinal environment to support nutrient absorption within your child.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+\u2019s formulation contains:\n\n\n\n\nA unique prebiotic mixture:\n It is formulated with a unique Oligosaccharide mixture that (GOS/lcFOS) that increases good bacteria and helps maintain a healthy gut flora.\u00a0\n\n\nMilk from grass-fed cows\n: It is sourced from cows that are predominantly grass fed, which means it is high in protein, calcium and vitamin D.\u00a0\n\n\nDHA*:\n This is a key component found abundantly within the brain and is essential for a child\u2019s growth.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n*Mamil\u00ae Step 3 contains 96mg DHA content based 3 servings per day\n\n\nIt is also sucrose-free and is marked at an affordable price point! However, if the leaky gut symptoms persist further, it is best you seek medical attention.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that, one of the most important takeaways of child gut health is that it can determine their development and their ability to explore their surroundings or learn new things.\n\n\nSo, strengthen their gut health today with Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+ (besides having a good meal) and visit \nDumex Mamil\u2019s website\n for more information.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1\n\u00a0(n.d.). The Importance of Good Gut Health in Children | Only \u2026 \u2013 OAC. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.oac.edu.au/news-views/the-importance-of-good-gut-health-in-children/\n\n\n2\n\u00a0(n.d.). The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child \u2013 Maya \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://books.google.com/books/about/The_Dirt_Cure.html?id=J1UjBQAAQBAJ\n\n\n3 \n(n.d.). Artificial food colorings: What you don\u2019t know can make you \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://drflannery.com/artificial-food-coloring/\n\n\n4 \n(2020, February 6). Are Sugar Substitutes Toxic for Your Gut? \u2013 Healthy Balance. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://blog.uvahealth.com/2020/02/06/sugar-substitutes-toxic-gut/\n\n\n5 \n(2019, March 29). Trick or Treat? How Artificial Sweeteners Affect the Brain and \u2026. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.frontiersin.org/articles/412920\n\n\n6 \n(2019, October 5). Symptoms of leaky gut in kids \u2014 Nutrition For Kids. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from \nhttps://www.nutritionforkids.com.au/learn/symptoms-leaky-gut\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/social-emotional-development", "title": "How to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know", "body": "All parents have a common goal in raising their children, where they want their child to be happy, healthy and successful with good social-emotional development.\n\n\nSome parents are more open-minded and give more freedom when raising their children,\n resulting in children with a cheerful and energetic aura. Meanwhile, some parents are very restrictive and as a result, their children tend to be picky and emotionally unstable.\n\n\nA child\u2019s character may partly be due to their genetics, but this does not necessarily mean that their happiness is predetermined from birth.\n \nAccording to Bob Murray, Ph.D., author of Raising an Optimistic Child: A Proven Plan for Depression-Proofing You Children-for Life (McGraw-Hill), our genes may make us more prone to certain behaviours, but they are malleable and can be switched on or off depending on the environment. \u201cThe research clearly shows that happy, optimistic children are the product of happy, optimistic homes, regardless of genetic makeup.\u201d\n1\n\n\nSo it all depends on us parents. As parents, you need to be able to shape your children\u2019s futures and educate them \nin a way that guides their overall development, not just focused on education, but also physical, mental and social-emotional development.\n\n\nHow to Raise A Healthy & Happy Child\n\n\n\n\n#1. Foster a good relationship with your child\n\n\nThe most important aspect of a child\u2019s social-emotional development is to help them connect with parents, siblings and other family members.\n\n\nAccording to Edward Hallowell, M.D., child psychiatrist and author of The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness, a child\u2019s connection with their family and close friends from a young age is the ultimate key to happiness in their adulthood\n2\n.\n\n\nFeeling loved, valued, understood and prioritized becomes the biggest protective factor to children from emotional stress and bad behaviours.\n\n\n#2. Don\u2019t give in\n\n\nIt sounds a bit contradictory as opposed to what parents would normally do, but every behaviour has its limits.\n\n\nEverything has consequences and if we put our children in their own bubble and always cater to their demands, they will grow to expect others to cater to them too. However, they should learn that real life does not work this way.\n\n\nParents should also know that they are not solely responsible for a child\u2019s happiness. Parents who swoop in immediately to protect their child\u2019s emotions will face great difficulty in allowing their child to experience their own anger, sadness or frustration.\n\n\nWe feel the need to always keep them happy when in actuality they need to experience other emotions such as anger and sadness too.\n\n\n\u00a0\nOf course it\u2019s true that as parents we want them to always experience life with happiness, however, we need to remember that there is a time and place for everything.\n\n\n\u00a0\nAccording to Bonnie Harris, Founder of Core Parenting, in Peterborough, New Hampshire, and author of When Your Kids Push Your Buttons: And What You Can Do About It, \u201cchildren who have never learned to deal with negative emotions are at risk of being easily frustrated when they reach adolescence\n.\u201d\n3\n\n\n\u00a0#3. Cultivate your own happiness\n\n\nWhile we cannot control the happiness of our children, we have to be responsible for our own actions and the role we play. Children absorb everything from us, from our behaviour to reactions and many more.\u00a0\n\n\nHappy parents are more likely to have happy children, while children of parents facing depression suffer twice the average rate of depression.\n\n\nHence, one of the best things you can do for your child\u2019s emotional well-being is to take care of your own emotions. Find time to relax and nurture a quality relationship with your partner. \u201cIf parents have good, committed relationships, children\u2019s happiness will flow naturally\n4\n,\u201d says Murray.\n\n\n#4. Praise only when it\u2019s right\n\n\nAs parents, we naturally want to praise our children \nwhenever they do anything that makes us feel proud.\n But be careful, mum and dad, not everything deserves praise or celebration.\n\n\nOne of the things that can help a child\u2019s social-emotional development is to give praise when they worked on something diligently, not just based on talent or pure luck.\n\n\nAnd what is even better is to praise them for their effort instead of the result alone. This can prevent children from doing things only because they crave praise \nwhich can eventually lead to them only focusing on winning.\n\n\nThey will then tend to overlook the main motive which is the effort itself. And if they do things only for praise, one day when they actually face failure, they will be tremendously devastated.\u00a0\n\n\n#5. Give children real responsibility\n\n\nOnce your child \nsteps into schooling life,\n they must be taught real-life responsibility.\u00a0\n\n\nHappiness greatly depends on the feeling that what we are doing is important and valued by others.\n\n\nGive your child \nspecific tasks\n such as taking care of their baby brother while you prepare dinner, setting up the dining table before mealtime and so on.\n\n\nAnd \nif they ever forget to do their task\n, say something like, \u201cI don\u2019t know how to set the table like you did. You\u2019re the only one that is good at it.\u201d It will make your child feel that they are important and that they can handle such responsibility.\n\n\nProvide the essential nutrients to complete your child\u2019s development\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to ensuring your child grows \nup with confidence, happiness, and the ability to control their emotions and social life, their health also plays a major role in their development\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSo parents, when you have done your best for your child\u2019s social-emotional development, give them NESPRAY Full Cream Milk for all the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy, active & happy!\n\n\nThe Malaysian Diet Guidelines recommend the consumption of 2 glasses of milk a day and did you know, NESPRAY Full Cream Milk is the only full cream milk with 15 vitamins and minerals*\n.\n\n\nIt is specially formulated for school-going children to \nhelp with their physical, mental and social development\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAs school-going children experience mental and physical development at a rapid rate at this age, it is important to establish a solid nutritional foundation for their health.\u00a0\n\n\nThat is why a balanced diet with foods from all food groups, especially fruits and vegetables, is very important as this will ensure that your child gets all the key nutrients to help strengthen their immune system. These nutrients include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Iron that can be obtained from a healthy diet. In fact, NESPRAY Full Cream Milk also contains all these essential nutrients.\u00a0\n\n\nNESPRAY Full Cream Milk \nis a good source of protein and is high in Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin D. \nNot only that, it\u2019s also delicious and creamy, with 0g sucrose!\n\n\nGood overall nutrition is important \nfor a healthy\n immune system, especially in this time of the pandemic. So always make sure your kids are given enough of these extra nutrients for \noptimum physical, mental and social development!\n\n\n\n\nFind out more about Nestle NESPRAY Full Cream milk \nhere\n. If you would like to try this product, you can get it at \nShopee\n or \nLazada\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: *Comparison based on Full Cream Cow\u2019s Milk nutritional information from Nielsen data (October 2020).\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nMurray, Bob. (January 13, 2006), \nRaising an Optimistic Child: A Proven Plan for Depression-Proofing Young Children\u2013For Life from \nwww.amazon.com/Raising-Optimistic-Child-Depression-Proofing-Children/dp/0071459480\n\n\nEdward M. Hallowell M.D. (August 26, 2003). \nThe Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness: Five Steps to Help Kids Create and Sustain Lifelong from \nwww.amazon.com/Childhood-Roots-Adult-Happiness-Lifelong/dp/0345442334\n\n\nBonnie Harris (n.d). \nWhen Your Kids Push Your Buttons: And What You Can Do About It from \nwww.amazon.com/When-Your-Kids-Push-Buttons-ebook/dp/B001BYAPNG\n\n\nMurray, Bob. (January 13, 2006), \nRaising an Optimistic Child: A Proven Plan for Depression-Proofing Young Children\u2013For Life from \nwww.amazon.com/Raising-Optimistic-Child-Depression-Proofing-Children/dp/0071459480\n\n\nParents\n\n\nTime\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n11 Early signs that your kid is smarter than average\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vegetarian-vegan", "title": "The Difference between Vegetarians and Vegans", "body": "Do you know anyone around you that practices the vegetarian or vegan way of life? It can be a family member, friend, significant other, neighbour or coworker. Nowadays, this kind of lifestyle is no longer unfamiliar as more and more people have started to embrace it. Therefore, for those of you who are still unable to tell the difference between the two, we\u2019ve listed it down for you so that you\u2019re able to be more attentive towards their respective needs and beliefs.\n\n\nVegetarian\n\n\nBy definition, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat animal flesh aka meat such as pork, beef, chicken or fish. However, the term \u2018vegetarian\u2019 is very broad and can further be broken down into several categories according to their lifestyle choices for not all vegetarians are the same.\n\n\na) Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian \u2013 Don\u2019t eat meat but do consume animal products such as dairy and eggs.\n\n\nb) Lacto Vegetarian \u2013 Don\u2019t eat meat and eggs but do consume dairy.\n\n\nc) Ovo Vegetarian \u2013 Don\u2019t eat meat and dairy but do consume eggs.\n\n\nThere are also two other types of vegetarian-related lifestyles; pescatarians and flexitarians. Pescatarians, in addition to having a mainly vegetarian diet also consume seafood. Flexitarians mainly eat plant-based food but they also consume meat and animal produce in moderate amounts. Since both lifestyles permit the consumption of meat which is against the main principle of vegetarianism, they can\u2019t really be regarded as a vegetarian way of life.\n\n\nVegan\n\n\nSimply put, the vegan lifestyle is the hardcore version of vegetarianism as practitioners of this lifestyle don\u2019t consume meat or any sort of animal products. This is because they view the harvesting of such products to be exploiting animals in an inhumane way.\n\n\nReasons for Being Vegetarian or Vegan\n\n\nAlthough there are many reasons as to why some people choose to become vegetarians or vegans, these are the most typical ones;\n\n\n1. Trauma\n\n\nUnfortunately, some people witnessed firsthand the slaughter of animals for their meat be it chickens, cows, goats or pigs and since then were unable to forget the sight as it has been branded into their brain. And from then on, whenever they see or try to consume meat-based food, the recollection prevents them from doing so.\n\n\n2. Sympathy\n\n\nQuite related to the point above, the feeling of sympathy towards animals stops them from consuming their meat or flesh.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nI Saw Improvement In My Child\u2019s Behaviour After Doing This\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nLifestyle\nCalling all Hot Wheels fans to Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays\nHealth\n4 Reasons Why Some Parents Choose Not to Vaccinate Their Kids\n\n\n3. Healthy Living\n\n\nPeople who become vegetarians or vegans due to this reason view that meat is unnecessary for them to lead a healthy life. They might even feel that meat is just a hindrance to their healthy lifestyle for they can obtain the nutrients and proteins through other means that don\u2019t involve animals. That\u2019s why they opt to cut meat from their diet and instead consume plant-based food.\n\n\nHopefully, through the information provided here, we\u2019ve helped you identify the differences and similarities between vegetarians and vegans which will help you to understand your loved ones or anyone around you with such a lifestyle better. But hey, if you\u2019re the one with a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, express it loud and proud with a\u00a0\ncustom-printed t-shirt\n\u00a0that says \u201cPeace.Love.Vegan\u201d or go the subtle route with \u201cMy body is a temple, not a tomb\u201d.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/amazing-32-kg-weight-loss-transformation", "title": "This mum's amazing 32 kg weight loss transformation will stun you!", "body": "Mummy of three, Chelsea Lim, recently shared her weight loss success story with us, and boy were we impressed! Chelsea revealed how she had managed to shed 32 kg in 20 months*!\n\n\n43-year-old Chelsea, manager of a software company for Singapore and Malaysia, hopes that her weight loss story can inspire other women who have gained a lot of weight after pregnancy.\n\n\nHere is her story then, in her words!\n\n\nMum\u2019s Weight Loss Secrets*\n\n\n\u201cAll my pregnancies had complications, ranging from gestational diabetes to 100% placenta previa.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMy body weight shot to 78 kg two months after my third delivery, due to all the nourishing confinement food.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThe main reason I wanted to lose weight is because I wanted to stay healthy and reserve more energy and time towards my family.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThe turning point came when I was hospitalised in the third quarter of 2016 due to a spasm in my heart area. It was a scary moment and I thought I would never be able to see my family again.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThe second reason is that I wanted to be treated like a lady, and not as a pregnant woman. On many occasions, I was being offered seats in public transport (MRT, bus) because these kind-hearted passengers thought I was pregnant!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIt was definitely a kind gesture from them, but it was a big blow to my self esteem.\u201d\n\n\nWeight Loss Plan\n\n\n\u201cMy spasm scare was a wake up call for me to exercise. I decided to stop consuming carbs, suppers and sugary drinks. I cycled with my husband almost every night and switched to a low-carb diet.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI managed to lost 18 kg over a span of 8 months from August 2016 to April 2017. I could not lose any more weight though, and my weight remained stuck at 60 kg.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIn May 2017\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMy waistline was then around 93.5 cm. Kind-hearted passengers would still offer their seats in public transport and I was constantly given priority in queues, as I still looked pregnant.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cBut I didn\u2019t lose heart. With strong determination and strict time management, I took up exercise regimes. I took up yoga and zumba classes, started swimming early in the morning, and went for running or jogging at night when my children were asleep.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cFrom May 2017 to June 2017, I managed to shed another 6 kg.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nMum\u2019s Weight Loss: The Journey Was Not Easy\n\n\n\u201cIt was then that I chanced upon free exercise classes conducted by Health Promotion Board and Singapore Sports Hub. I joined the HIIT, Cardio, Boot Camp and Functional training every evening after work and during weekends.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cFinally, I managed to lost another 9 kg over a span of 9 months (from July 2017 to April 2018). In April 2018, I weighed 46 kg.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIn 2018\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSo, from August 2016 to April 2018, I lost a total of 32 kg\n!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThe journey is not easy, especially if you need to juggle work, family, and children. I credit my weight loss success to my strong will and determination.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI am proud to transform from a plump mummy to a slim and sexy mother. My entire wardrobe got revamped, as I went from a size XXL to size S.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMy weight loss has inspired and motivated many of my friends to follow what I have achieved.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nLife Now\n\n\n\u201cI still attend my free exercise classes by Health Promotion Board and Singapore Sports Hub, at least three sessions a week. My present priority is to stay healthy, watch my diet and exercise together with my family.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAs a family, we do a lot of outdoor activities together such as swimming, cycling, rollerblading, jogging, and many more. I sleep better now and feel much more refreshed.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIn July 2018\n\n\n\n\n\u201cOverall, I feel happier, confident and healthier. I have regained my self esteem. Health is very important to me. I hope to empower other woman especially mums, to stay healthy and fit regardless of age.\u201d\n\n\nThank you, Chelsea Lim for sharing your story with us. You have proved that a woman can be anything she wants to be. More power to you!\n\n\n*\nThis is Chelsea Lim\u2019s story. \ntheAsianparent\n strongly advises readers to consult a doctor before embarking on ANY diet or exercise regime, as every \u201cbody\u201d is different.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/legoland-malaysia-reopens", "title": "LEGOLAND Reopens Today With New Health & Safety Protocols: Should You Bring Your Kids There?", "body": "LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort, which hosts a theme park, Water Park Hotel and SEA LIFE has officially reopened its doors to families on 25th June following relaxed restrictions within the country.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, as the new normal takes over our daily lives, you may think twice about the opportunity to visit a large-scale resort, considering the realm we now live in. While it may be tempting to take a drive after being cooped up for more than three months, would you risk bringing your children there?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHere are the precautions LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort promises:\n\n\nThe resort has implemented various safety protocols to ensure the safety and health of their visitors.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cGuests can expect to see new protocols and operational changes at the resort. Our hope is for the guests to feel reassured of safety and hygiene throughout their vacation, but nothing short of a fun, entertaining and adventurous experience with their loved ones,\u201d said Mr C.S. Lim, Divisional Director at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort.\n\n\nWith the new normal and under government protocols, LEGOLAND has installed new facilities, processes, as well as increased manpower to adhere to safety protocols as well as procedures.\n\n\nThis includes:\n\n\n\n\nSocial distancing\n and \ncrowd control \n\n\nLimitation of capacity to \n30% of normal operations \n\n\nTemperature screening\n and guest registration\n\n\nHygiene and \ndisinfection protocols\n\n\nEnhanced \ncleaning regimes\n\n\n\n\n\u201cDuring the temporary closure, our team has been working tirelessly to refresh our properties and train our employees in addition to implementing the health and safety protocols. We have also been sharing and applying many learnings and best practices among our sister attractions in a collaborative effort to align with the highest level of compliance. We are ready to play and make LEGOLAND a safe and memorable place for families again,\u201d C.S further added.\u00a0\n\n\nBut, how safe is it for children?\n\n\nRecently, \nSenior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob\n said although the restrictions have been relaxed for citizens, including children, parents are advised and encouraged to keep children safe at home as they a considered a high-risk group.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough the link between coronavirus and children has been contradictory, studies have suggested several possibilities.\u00a0 Here is a rundown of some findings that has come to light about Covid-19 and children:\n\n\n\n\nRare inflammatory condition affecting children\n believed to be linked to Covid-19 coronavirus:\n The link first came to light after various cases of a new and rare inflammatory condition appeared in children within the United Kingdom (UK). Upon further analysis by clinicians and researchers in the UK, they have suggested that the new syndrome is a separate condition now known as paediatric inflammatory multi-system syndrome, which is temporally linked to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (PIMS-TS). However, there is no strong evidence that show that PIMS-TS is linked to coronavirus. From the study, it was found that 78 per cent of the children had a positive result for the virus, while some showed antibodies against it which outlined that they were previously infected. This was also believed to have links to Kawasaki Syndrome after comparing the symptoms to 1,117 children with the diesease \u2013 PIMS-TS also responded to anti-inflammatory immunoglobulin and steroid treat which is also used to treat Kawasaki disease. However, as of May, \nit was reported\n that no Kawasaki cases were detected among children infected by Covid-19.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nChildren identified as high-risk group in Malaysia:\n Although Covid-19 cases in children within Malaysia have remained low, children are categorised within the high-risk group. In response to queries on the why children were categorised as such, \nHealth Ministry Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah clarified on June 9\n that child cases were about 6.5 per cent, but there is definitely no morality for those under the age of 12. He also stated that children\u2019s immunities differ from our own and at times, they not have immunity.\u00a0\n\n\n\nSchool children don\u2019t spread coronavirus:\n A french study uncovered that \nchildren show fewer signs of the virus \ncompared to adults and appear to be less contagious. The study was conducted in Crepy-en-Valois which had an outbreak in February and March \u2013 this included 510 students from primary schools. From there, they discovered that 61 per cent of parents from the infected kids has coronavirus, while only 7 per cent of parents\u00a0 with healthy children caught the virus. This suggested that children who were infected were likely to have caught it from their parents and not the other way around.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSo, is it safe? With the pandemic, nothing is seemingly \u201csafe\u201d. Furthermore,\u00a0 the link between children and the virus is still under going study. But, if you are the slightest bit sick, it is advisable to stay at home.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are keen on going LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort has some special offers:\n\n\n\n\nFollowing the reopening LEGOLAND is offering various promotions with an extended validity period.\n\n\n\n\n3-month extension for all Annual Pass: Valid for passes that have expired or are expiring between February \u2013 December 2020\n\n\nLimited Time Annual Pass Renewal: Annual Pass renewed from now onwards will be valid until December 2021\n\n\nLimited Time Free Hotel Stay: Book 1 night and get the 2nd night for free\n\n\nLimited Time Free Theme Park Access: Buy 1 Day ticket and get the 2nd ticket for free\n\n\n\n\nBut, please take these safety precautions\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are going out and about, here are some safety guidelines to remember:\n\n\n\n\nSocial distancing: Stay apart from others at least one metres (three feet) away from others. Educate your kids on social distancing and why need to do this, especially in a theme park. Being too close may leave you vulnerable to breathing in droplets of those who may cough or sneeze near you.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t touch your eyes, nose and mouth: Your hand can pick up viruses, and is able to transfer to your eyes, nose and mouth from which are entrances for the virus.\u00a0\n\n\nCover your mouth when sneezing or coughing: If you are sick, stay home. But when coughing or sneezing, make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or a bent elbow.\u00a0\n\n\nWash your hands regularly: In a theme park, you will be touching various surfaces. So, bring a hand sanitiser or wash your hand throughly throughout your visit.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWith that, stay safe families!\u00a0\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe 3-minute rule to create stronger bonds with kids according to a psychologist\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nLifestyle\nSpread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/covid-mco", "title": "8 Surprising Lessons Malaysians can Learn from the Covid-19", "body": "The virus outbreak has changed all aspects of our lives no matter where we are and what conditions we are living in. It is a pandemic that has struck all nations worldwide and surprisingly, it has bring to light some of the important lessons that we should acknowledge and appreciate in our lives especially for those who live in Malaysia during this Movement Control Order (MCO).\n\n\n1. I can work from home!\n\n\n\n\nDrop the mic. Raise your hand if you thought that remote working for your job is not possible to back then. Guess what, you have proved yourself wrong. Internet is no longer deemed as a luxury but it is a necessity. Everyone is talking about this. How your regular hours of the meeting can be solved in a quick online Skype meeting or an e-mail. This might be a wakeup call for many employers out there knowing that their employees can be productive in managing their works at home and it should be an OPTION for those who wish for it.\n\n\nHowever, this might be a different case for working moms juggling between the kids and chores. Our hearts are with you, stay strong!\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nSome people can be selfish while some are outright generous\n\n\n\n\nWell, isn\u2019t that the truth. Earlier, the news of the outbreak had unleashed a massive panic among citizens which the results had caused shelves of toilet papers to clear out first among other things. Panic buying at its best! Not to mention the seconds the news of restriction movement came out, panic-buyers stripped bare all aisles in the grocery stores. Causing even more panic among people who\u2019s afraid that the food supplies will run out.\n\n\nHowever, we take our hats off to some of the notable supermarkets in our countries which allow a morning time operation, especially for senior citizens. That is awesome!\n\n\nSo stop panic buying and buy only what you need because you don\u2019t have to buy a whole carton of Nescafe to make Dalgona coffee or buying lots of Gardenia breads when they are bound to expire soon.\n\n\nRemember when you are at the supermarket, make sure to think of others and be considerate.\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nStay at home or stay at\u2026.\n\n\n\n\nSome Malaysians can be so stubborn! Just #stayathome lah but no, they have treated this restriction movement as a vacation. This is a good time for you to unwind INSIDE your home. Many reports claimed that there are joggers out there spending their morning and evening jogging in their residential area. Please, please refrain from being selfish.\n\n\nAll of us need to stay indoors to prevent the virus from SPREADING. And if you do need to go out to get the groceries, make sure that you have followed through all necessary precautions before you head out. Wash your hands and wear your face mask.\n\n\nAnd if you need to shop, you can easily shop online to get groceries or if your loved ones birthdays are near, you can\u00a0\nshop birthday gift online\n\u00a0too.\n\n\n4. Lesson about cleanliness\n\n\n\n\nWe were taught about cleanliness when we were a kid but this outbreak has caused us to take our cleanliness to a whole new level.\n\n\nLet\u2019s be honest, how often do you wash your hands daily? Or wearing a face mask when you are sick? This outbreak has taught us about the importance of cleanliness the way we have never thought about it before.\n\n\nWhat about social distancing? In a layman term, you need to keep some distance between other people approximately 1 meter away from each other. But seeing all these people rushing in and out with direct contact with one another is going to spread the virus even more.\n\n\nThings that we can learn is to make it a habit of practicing good hygiene by washing our hands frequently with soap or with a sanitizer. And don\u2019t just blindly throng malls or any other crowded area without wearing a face mask especially if you are sick.\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nGetting closer with your family\n\n\n\n\nIf you are a workaholic and have no time with your family, then this is the right time to spend as much as you can and savour this moment while it lasts. Understandably, this is indeed a challenging time for many families as you have to stay indoors. Please be patience and it doesn\u2019t have to be so boring.\n\n\nThere are a lot of activities that you can do together like watching movies, playing board games, gardening, cooking, creating Tik Tok and many more.\n\n\nSo, families. Turn this restriction movement situation into your very own staycation. Practice social distancing outside of your home but not inside of your home. Talk more. Your family needs you and you need them.\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nLearn to enjoy being alone and what it means to sacrifice\n\n\n\n\nLet\u2019s face it, although some may enjoy some time staying at home, however for some, this is a difficult task to do so. However, this is the time where you can truly discover who you truly are and what you are passionate about.\n\n\nWe can see it in our social media news feeds where there are a lot of people who have tried out a lot of new things to fill their times.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nYou will learn that it is okay to be alone because you get to know yourself. If all this while, all you are thinking about is work, this is the time for you to turn this into a process of rediscovering about yourself.\n\n\nYou have been responsible to stay at home and indeed, it is true that this is a tough thing to do. But by doing so, you have learned to sacrifice your freedom to go out for the sake of others.\n\n\nWhen the time comes and people come at you asking what you have been doing for your country, you will say\n\n\n\u201cI stay at home for my country\u201d\n\n\n7. Emergency saving and contingency plan\n\n\n\n\nSome of you might realise that at this moment, having an emergency saving is really necessary. We never know what might happen and we certainly have no idea what can go wrong. Having an emergency saving can help a lot in this situation and to defeat the unknown.\n\n\nIn this challenging time we face, adapting is no longer a choice but it is something that all of us has to face.\n\n\nBe sure to be extra prepared for anything and plan ahead for your financial situation.\n\n\n8. Our Front liners are our new superheroes\n\n\n\n\nThey are Malaysian\u2019s superheroes. Our front-liners that include doctors, nurses, polices and all authorities who have helped us in these dire situations managing the outbreak.\n\n\nYou are our superheroes and we love you.\n\n\nThey are men and women who have fought against this outbreak, who have sacrificed their times being away from their beloved families and loved ones. And we can\u2019t thank you enough for what you have done for our countries.\n\n\nLesson learned: Stay at home. They stay at work for us, we stay at home for them.\n\n\nIt is unclear as to how long this outbreak will last but even in the pitch darkness, you may find that a diminutive light will shine the brightest in the dark. A fitting personification for a glimmer of hope that we all should have as we brace ourselves to face a better tomorrow together.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/buying-presents", "title": "If you don\u2019t know these, you\u2019re buying presents wrong", "body": "Are you intimidated by getting\u00a0someone a gift? Exchanging\u00a0gifts can be daunting especially if you\u2019re trying to impress them *\nchough\nINLAWS\ncough\n*. Now gift ideas differ from one person to the other due to\u00a0their personality type and demographic. While you\u2019re caught up thinking what they might like or don\u2019t, you\u2019re forgetting the core fundamentals of gift giving. When buying a gift there are\u00a0\nthree\n\u00a0factors that you must adhere too;\n\n\n1. Functionality\n\n\n2. Quality\u00a0\n\n\n3. The element of surprise\n\n\nOther factors such as age, gender, occupation and personality are simply\u00a0\nguidelines\n\u00a0to personalise your gift ideas.\n\n\nTake for example when you\u2019re planning a gift for dad. He is a middle aged man working as a lecturer in business. You think instantly\u00a0\u201c\nI should get him something related to being a man and being a teacher. He might like\u00a0a necktie or a fountain pen\n\u201c. While these make good gifts, they don\u2019t make great gifts.\n\n\nAlways remember when you\u2019re getting someone a gift, never get something they would expect to get for themselves. The surprise isn\u2019t what\u2019s in the box covered in wrapping paper but the gift ideas that you put into it.\n\n\n\n\n1. Functionality\n\n\nLet\u2019s use the same example of your father. Your first goal is to get him something that\u2019s \nfunctional\u00a0\nto him. There are a lot of items that could serve as functional to him, but this is where his personality and traits come in. Clearly you don\u2019t get him a makeup organizer because although\u00a0it is practical, it\u2019s not\u00a0practical at all for him is it?\u00a0Functionality covers both use and the ease of using it.\n\n\n\n\n2. Quality\n\n\nYour second target is to get him something of \nquality\n. Don\u2019t mistake quality for price. While debatably with quality comes price, but it doesn\u2019t always have to be the case. Malaysian shopping is always about sales. Christmas sale, Raya sale, Chinese New Year sale. All year round also got sale\u00a0\nlah\n. So take advantage of your nation\u2019s love for sales and get yourself a good bargain.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re not sale\u00a0\nsavvy\n, you have to know your way in shopping. You need to know what brands gives the most value for price and what stores gives the best prices. Essentially while quality might seem like it\u2019s the build and performance of the gift, its really the hard work you put into getting a great gift.\n\n\n\n\nImage source \nwww.davisenterprise.com/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Element of Surprise\n\n\nThe last factor that comes into play is the \nelement of surprise\n. And no, getting him a tie hiding in the dark and yelling \u201cSURPRISE!\u201d doesn\u2019t count. When you\u2019re thinking of surprising gift ideas, it\u2019s always gifts that they never knew existed or things they want but are reluctant to treat themselves with. I\u2019m pretty sure there are things you want and can buy, but because you can\u2019t justify the reason to buy it you just don\u2019t\u2019 buy it at all. Well, everyone else has been there too.\n\n\nNow putting all three into an example, I will share with you my personal experience in getting my boyfriend an amazing anniversary gift.\n\n\n\n\nImage source \nmdc.mo.gov\n\n\n\n\nThe gift was an Introduction to Glock Shooting for two. Now you may ask how this is functional. The\n\u00a0functionality\n\u00a0of this gift was from me to him. I bought the gift, I arranged the whole event and brought him there. All he had to do was simply attend and enjoy the experience together with me. With all that said I met\u00a0the requirement of \u201cuse\u201d and \u201cease\u201d of functionality.\n\n\nThe\u00a0\nquality\n\u00a0of the gift was the event itself. The content of the event\u00a0. The package includes safety briefing and a professional trainer that teaches you the right way to hold a gun and pull the trigger.\n\n\nThe\u00a0\nsurprise\n\u00a0factor is pretty easy to spot. It\u2019s very unexpected and rare that someone brings you to an event to \u201cplay\u201d with guns. Also based on the fact that he loves shooting games and outdoor activity, I knew this would be a great gift.\n\n\nNow you know the secret to\u00a0\nbuying someone an amazing gift\n\u00a0and you will never run out of gift ideas. If you have friends out there that gives you horrible gifts, share this with them and hopefully they get better at gift giving too.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hasbro-transformers-earthspark", "title": "Hasbro Unveils New Line of Transformers Toys In Conjunction with New Animated Series Transformers: EarthSpark", "body": "Global toy and entertainment leader, \nHasbro\n unveiled a brand-new line of Transformers figures in conjunction with the recently launched new animated series \nTransformers: EarthSpark\n.\n\n\nThe new Transformers: EarthSpark toy range consists of 5 different designs and will be released in 5 phases throughout 2023, featuring different characters from the new animated series.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAll characters featured in the TV show will be brought to life in different shapes, sizes and play styles through the Transformers: EarthSpark toy range. From old favourites like Optimus Prime and Bumblebee to brand-new characters like the Terran Transformers, Twitch and Trash. Kids will be able to re-enact their favourite scenes from the animated series or dream up entirely new ones with Autobots, Terrans, and Decepticons of their choice,\u201d\n \u2013 Hasbro Malaysia stated.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe new line includes Tacticons, followed by the One-Step Flip, Warrior, Deluxe, and Spin Changers. The Tacticons are convenient, pocket-sized toys that can convert from vehicle mode into toy mode with just 1 finger. \n\n\nMeanwhile, the 1 Step Flip Changer, on the other hand, converts the toy from robot to sports car by just flipping it in the air. The Warrior and Deluxe Class toys stand at an impressive 5 inches tall and can be reshaped in just 7 \u2013 15 and 11 \u2013 21 steps respectively. Last but not least, the 8-inch Spin Changer\u2019s conversion starts off manually, and is completed by connecting the included human figures to trigger the rest of the conversion.\n\n\n\u201cFrom the storytelling wonder of the Tacticons and the amazingly simple and fun transformation of the One-Step Flip to the astonishing and intricate transformations of the Spin Changers \u2013 there is truly something special and unique to enjoy about every new design in the Transformers: EarthSpark line,\u201d the company added.\n\n\nDeveloped by Nickelodeon and Entertainment One!, the new Paramount+ exclusive series centres around the first Transformers to be born on our very own Planet Earth as they go through thick and thin with their newfound human family.\n\n\n\n\nBesides featuring franchise staples such as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream, the new line of figurines will also include Earthspark protagonists the Terran Transformers \u2013 Twitch, and Thrash. Together with the Malto family, Twitch and Trash join forces with the Autobots and the secret human organisation G.H.O.S.T to protect Earth from the remaining rogue Deceptions and the evil Dr Meridian.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nTanya Pakar: Bagaimana Untuk Memilih Sabun Pencuci Tangan untuk Anak-Anak dan Amalan Mencuci Tangan Yang Betul\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nBayi\nKetahui 10 Masalah Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir & Cara Mengatasinya!\n#PendidikanKewangan\n[Advertisement] Preparing for Your Child\u2019s Future Education: 3 Major Mistakes Parents Make\n\n\n\u00a0\nThe new Transformers: EarthSpark line ranges from RM 35.90 to RM 157.90. In conjunction with the launch of the new line, customers will get an RM15 discount on Transformers: EarthSpark figures with a minimum purchase of RM150 on any Transformers items online via \nShopee\n (using the promo code \u201cHASBTRAMY\u201d) or \nLazada\n. This promo is valid from 30th January 2023 until 28th February 2023.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on Hasbro and the Transformers: EarthSpark line, visit Hasbro Malaysia\u2019s social channels at \nwww.instagram.com/hasbromalaysia/\n or \nwww.facebook.com/HasbroMalaysia\n. To participate in the conversation, use the hashtags #HasbroMalaysia #Transformers #EarthSpark #MoreThanMeetsTheEye\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/resilience-in-children", "title": "4 concrete steps to build resilience in children, according to science", "body": "The natural development of a child from birth presents the innate ability of a child to roll over, bend his knee, crawl, stand up and walk. None of these are taught, but a child naturally grows into these developmental milestones using their five senses and instinctual survival mechanism. As such, each time the child falls they try again and again until they get it right which leads to the achievement of these developmental milestones. Building resilience in children is about enhancing the ability to bounce back in the face of adversity and not getting stuck in the problem situation.\n\n\nBy the age of five, children have already been shaped by their environment to be compliant. Depending on the approach taken by a child\u2019s caregivers and the behaviours and attitudes modelled by parents, the child at five to seven years old is almost a product of their environment.\n\n\nIn Malaysia, most children at this age have been in a preschool or kindergarten being taught to colour inside the lines, keep quiet, be obedient, finish homework, stay indoors and do as one is told. They are taught to listen more than to speak.\n\n\nAt the same time, many children have access to computer games that keep them occupied and busy. Helicopter parents are always checking on the child and ensuring he or she is kept busy doing something. And so, children become less expressive and live lives that ensure the expectations of the adults around them are met. No space for the child to do nothing, dream dreams, and just be.\n\n\nChildren who follow instructions tend to be not resourceful in getting out there to find the answers they need. They are so used to parents doing everything for them that they lack the motivation to be self-reliant. They may also lack the daringness required to explore uncharted territories, a quality which may be necessary to help them out of\u00a0 difficult situations. Without these traits, children are not able to embrace challenges when they grow up.\n\n\nSo, if you are interested in resilience development, here are a few things you can do as a parent.\n\n\n4 Concrete Steps to Build Resilience in Children\n\n\n\n\n1. Encourage Creative Problem Solving\n\n\nCreative problem solving\n helps develop the cognitive ability to find alternatives. \nImaginative play\n is a key to developing a creative mind. It is important to allow children the space to imagine possible outcomes in a given situation.\n\n\nDespite their overwhelming popularity these days, computer games do not grow creative problem solving. They encourage repetition towards developing expertise and cognitive mastery. Children learn algorithms that lead to the solution in a game. The faster they are able to master this, the more they win. As such, they learn to solve a problem that has a defined formula which only works in the game.\n\n\nUnfortunately, in human relationships, these algorithms do not necessarily work. Raising a resilient child requires children to play games with other children where there is no learned solution to winning.\n\n\nIn contrast, many \nboard games and sports\n encourage social interaction, communication, and fun. It helps them express emotions and identify various tones of voice, including body language. And this teaches children about a multitude of possible reactions.\n\n\nThese activities increase the child\u2019s ability to be flexible by encouraging trial of different options to creatively solve problems. In the long run, the child learns to adapt easily to different situations.\n\n\nCreative problem solving also teaches children to be resourceful. Exposing children to different people, places and experiences encourages them to broaden their worldview.\n\n\nWith this, the child who needs to find an answer to a problem may explore the various resources available to him and even ask for assistance from various people. Often, parents are encouraged to introduce their children to creative therapies. This helps a child feel unafraid of exploring such support services when they are stuck in a similar situation when they are older.\n\n\nChildren who have been exposed to extra-curricular activities such as music, singing, art and drama, as well as children who have experienced the guidance of a therapist, are able to be resourceful in finding solutions and tend to bounce back from challenging situations.\n\n\n\n\n2. Share Family Stories\n\n\nFamily stories\n are the DNA of family life. They help make meaning of adverse situations that give a child courage to do the same.\n\n\nMany parents feel children do not understand or are not aware, and so they do not speak about their situations and explore the child\u2019s response.\n\n\nSharing stories of what happened in the day help children to articulate and make meaning of thoughts, emotions and actions. This helps to develop objectivity and\u00a0 conscious awareness. And both of these are key in making decisions to bounce back from challenging situations.\n\n\nStorytelling in situations of grief and loss\n are important to talk about. These may range from the death of a family member to the maid leaving at the end of her contract. A child needs to talk about events that are central to their lives, such as times when a best friend moves away or how a new sibling takes away attention from the child.\n\n\nMany adults talk about their observations with their spouses and friends. \nChildren need to speak about these too,\n not necessarily in a logical way, but through play or looking through photographs, \nwhich often symbolises their experience.\n This allows the child to put words to emotions and experiences. Conscious expression can also be made concrete by drawing pictures or using toys to tell the story.\n\n\nChildren who do not share stories and express them verbally or creatively tend to suppress the experience into the unconscious by forgetting, which is a negative coping strategy. Sharing stories is the key to helping children embrace change instead of adopting a strategy of suppressing and forgetting.\n\n\nSo, when a child is sad, \nallow the child to be sad and talk about it\n. This action is making their memory active, which prevents forgetting and burying sad stories. By talking aloud with someone and expressing it through their play, children are able to find alternative ways to bounce back. Parents may want to comfort the child and let them sleep in their bed. But doing this too much only feeds the fear as the assurances given are coming from the external world which is not in the control of the child. \nExpressing the stories\n is a way to self-regulate internally that \nbuilds a stronger sense of self-reliance and esteem\n.\n\n\n\n\n3. Practice Challenging Opposites\n\n\nMost people tend to practice a preferred way of doing things. These preferences eventually develop into habits and routines which lead a person to be inflexible to short term adjustments or, worse still, to longer term changes.\n\n\nResilience calls for an ability to be \nflexible\n and \nadaptable\n to situations. To teach how to be flexible and step to resilience, parents can practice what is called \u201cchallenging opposites\u201d.\n\n\nChallenging opposites is about becoming aware of comfort zones or preferred ways of doing things and then doing the opposite. For example, if a child has the habit of talking very quickly about what happened in school, then challenge the child to do the opposite. Tell him speak slowly so that they learn to slow down and relax as they talk.\n\n\nTeaching a child to do the opposite allows them to become flexible to adapt to different situations. In this case, speaking quickly is similar to brainstorming, which allows thoughts and ideas to be shared right away. Speaking slowly is similar to thinking aloud and listening to what is being said so as to be able to make decisions. If the child is only comfortable sharing their experiences by speaking quickly, then they will never learn how to do the opposite, forming words and thoughts deliberately. Challenging opposites can be played as a game with children to develop flexibility and adaptability. This helps them grow up more resilient.\n\n\n\n\n4. Be Courageous\n\n\nFor your child to grow up resilient, it begins with him/her being courageous and daring to explore something new. Get them out of their comfort zones by doing something different.\n\n\nFor example, if you are a pilot, take your child on flying trips with you so they experience what it is like to be up in the air. When they see you relaxed in this space, they too will enjoy the experience.\n\n\nOutdoor adventure is another way to build courage. Teach your children to rock climb, traverse a jungle track and learn survival skills with a team of experienced and trusted people. During training they will make mistakes and need to try again until they succeed. This experience builds tenacity and grit, and parents encourage children by providing support to keep trying and persevere.\n\n\nFinally, remember to be a model of resilience. As children, to some degree, are a product of their parents and caregivers, it is imperative to be aware that building resilience in children means being a resilient parent yourself.\n\n\nRead more inspiring mum stories \nhere\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/universal-studios-singapore-rides-rules-and-restrictions", "title": "Universal Studios Singapore rides: Rules and restrictions", "body": "It\u2019s one of our absolute favourite theme parks in Singapore, and yes, we are talking about Universal Studios.\n\n\nMummies and daddies, while the little ones probably insist on getting on every single ride, do remember to stay safe, and follow the rules and restrictions. Here\u2019s a handy guide:\n\n\n\n\nSesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase (New York)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions:\u00a0\nChildren under 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising companion.\u00a0\n\n\nLights, Camera, Action (New York)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Children under 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adult.\n\n\n\n\nTRANSFORMERS The Ride: The Ultimate 3D Battle\u00a0(Sci- Fi City)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Guests must be 102 cm in height to ride. Children 102 cm to 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising companion.\n\n\nThose prone to motion sickness, dizziness or giddiness should not ride.\n\n\nAccelerator (Sci- Fi City)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Children under 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adult. Hand-held infants are not permitted.\n\n\nBattlestar Galactica: HUMAN vs. CYLON\u00a0\n(Sci- Fi City)\n\n\nBattlestar Galactica: HUMAN vs. CYLON\u2122 are high-speed turbulent roller coasters that include sudden and dramatic acceleration, climbing, lifting and dropping. Guests should be in good physical health to experience the rides.\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Guests under 125 cm may not ride.\n\n\nWeight Restrictions:\n This ride employs safety restraints which may not accommodate certain people due to their body shape or size.\n\n\nLoose articles are not permitted. Please store them in the free lockers during your ride.\n\n\n\n\nRevenge of the Mummy (Ancient Egypt)\n\n\nRevenge of the Mummy is a high-speed roller coaster that includes sudden and dramatic acceleration, climbing, tilting, dropping, and backwards motion. Guests should be in good physical health to experience this attraction.\n\n\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Guests under 122 cm may not ride.\n\n\nWeight Restrictions\n: This ride employs safety restraints which may not accommodate certain people due to their body shape or size.\n\n\nLoose articles are not permitted. Free lockers are available during a visit to this ride.\n\n\nTreasure Hunters (Ancient Egypt)\n\n\nHeight Restriction\ns: Children under 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adult. Hand-held infants are not permitted.\n\n\n\n\nJurassic Park Rapids Adventure (The Lost World)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions: Guests under 107 cm may not ride. Children between 107 cm and 122 cm must be accompanied by supervising companion.\n\n\n Dino Soarin\u2019 (The Lost World)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions:\n Children under 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adult. No hand-held infants. Weight Restrictions: Weight restrictions may apply.\n\n\n Amber Rock Climb (The Lost World)\n\n\nWhat to bring:\n\u00a0Identification card or passport. (Parents or guardians need to sign the indemnity form for those under 21 years old.)\n\n\nWhat to wear:\n\u00a0Covered shoes. Shoes are available but sizes limited to 3 to 12.\n\n\nCanopy Flyer (The Lost World)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions:\n Guests under 92 cm may not ride. Children between 92 cm and 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adult. Hand-held infants are not permitted.\n\n\nWeight Restrictions\n: Weight restrictions may apply.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nLifestyle\nSpread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!\n\n\n\n\nPuss In Boots\u2019 Giant Journey (Far Far Away)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n:\u00a0Guests under 100 cm in height may not ride. Children between 100 cm and 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising companion.\n\n\nThis ride employs safety restraints which may not accommodate certain people due to their body shape or size.\n\n\n Magic Potion Spin (Far Far Away)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Children under 100 cm must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.\n\n\nWeight Restrictions\n: The maximum weight limit per gondola is 200kg.\u00a0\n\nThis ride\u2019s vehicles may not accommodate certain people due to their body shape or size.\n\n\nEnchanted Airways (Far Far Away)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Guests under 92 cm may not ride. Children between 92c m and 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adults. No hand-held infants.\n\n\nWeight Restrictions:\n This ride employs safety restraints which may not accommodate certain people due to their body shape or size\n\n\n\n\n King Julien\u2019s Party-Go-Round: (Madagascar)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Children under 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adult.\u00a0\n\n\nMadagascar: A Crate Adventure (Madagascar)\n\n\nHeight Restrictions\n: Guests under 80 cm may not ride. Children between 80 cm and 122 cm must be accompanied by a supervising adult.\u00a0\n\n\nThis ride employs safety restraints which may not accommodate certain people due to their body shape or size.\n\n\nFor more information, please refer to the \nResorts World Sentosa official website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/free-child-app", "title": "Studycat Donates Free Use of Its Children's Language Learning Apps Globally", "body": "Global edtech firm \nStudycat Limited\n\u00a0is donating a month\u2019s free use, globally, of its award-winning\n Fun Series\n language learning apps\n\u00a0teaching 3-8 year-olds \nEnglish\n, \nChinese\n, \nSpanish\n, \nFrench\n\u00a0and \nGerman\n.\u00a0This expands on Studycat\u2019s earlier donation of free use of its apps in the \nGreater China\n region, launched on \nFebruary 4\nth\n, 2020, which received a massive response, demonstrating the urgent need for safe home learning resources for young children at this time.\n\n\nAccess to the apps is effective immediately. In suitable cases, the company will also offer complimentary use of its product designed for educational institutions,\u00a0\nFun English for Schools\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\nMark Pemberton\n, co-founder of Studycat, said:\n\u00a0\u201cWe deeply empathize with all families affected by the virus epidemic. With schools disrupted in many areas, us parents now face a practical challenge of caring for our younger children as this situation unfolds. We need easy-to-use resources, delivering productive activities for our kids to do safely at home. Our apps were designed specifically for safe home use and we are proud to help families in some small way during this concerning crisis\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe are deeply concerned for anyone impacted by this virus outbreak. We are determined to do our part, helping to mitigate some of the burden brought on by school disruption\u201d, added \nMateo Solares\n, co-founder of Studycat\n. \u201cWe are committed to helping young children at this time, allowing them to learn new things while having fun, turning their minds to something constructive.\u201d\n\n\nStudycat enables safe and convenient home learning of beginner-level English, Spanish, Chinese, French and German, as well as literacy and critical thinking. Its huge variety of fun online games, puzzles, songs and interactive exercises encourage creativity and collaboration. The company\u2019s website, \nstudycat.com\n, also offers hundreds of creative worksheets to help fill time productively, which families will have access to on the company\u2019s website.\n\n\nEstablished in 1999, Studycat was started by experienced educators \nMark Pemberton\n, \nMateo Solares\n and \nJason Bakkum\n. They began their journey as a brick-and-mortar language school before moving into game-based digital learning in 2006 and app stores in 2011.\n\n\nAbout STUDYCAT\n\n\nStudycat is an international leader in children\u2019s online language education, empowering young children around the world to enjoy learning a foreign language with innovative learning applications that connect homes and schools. The company\u2019s consumer solutions help children aged 3-8 learn beginner-level English, Chinese, Spanish, French and German effectively, achieving superior outcomes, using a blended approach of online and offline games and exercises. Studycat\u2019s English-language learning content is aligned with Cambridge Young Learners, a well-recognized academic curriculum and exam system. Built on the premise that young children learn most effectively through play and are motivated to study by having fun, Studycat\u2019s apps have been downloaded more than 11 million times worldwide. \nPartner Stories\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\nEducation\nThrough The Lens of Star Students\n\n\nConnect with Studycat on Twitter @Study_cat, Facebook @ Studycat.net. and \nLinkedIn\n\u00a0or visit studycat.com\n\n\nTo sign up, those interested can visit the \nApple \nApp Store\n,\u00a0\nGoogle Play Store\n\u00a0or Studycat\u2019s website : \nhttps://studycat.com/in-this-together/\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mylaksa-authentic-penang-asam-laksa", "title": "MyLaksa Brings the Taste of Unity with Authentic Penang Asam Laksa Served Across the Nation", "body": "MyLaska \u2013 a Penangite founded and owned chain of restaurants is looking to unify Malaysians from all corners of the country and all walks of life with delicious authentic bowls of Penang Asam Laksa.\u00a0\n\n\nThe brand is bringing a Taste of Unity to all by taking a dish rooted in multiculturalism and refined over generations and making it more accessible than ever before. So if you are craving the spicy, sour and rich flavours of the iconic Penang Asam Laksa,\u00a0 MyLaksa has exactly what you need \u2013 delivering the promised layers of tang, spice, heat and heartiness in every bowl of their Penang Asam Laksa to diners across the country.\n\n\n \n\n\nThe iconic Penang Asam Laksa is not only beloved by Malaysians but is renowned internationally, having been ranked \n7th on CNN\u2019s list of World\u2019s Best\u00a0 50 foods\n.\n\n\n Originating in the coastal towns of Peninsular Malaysia, the dish intricately weaves the flavours of Penang\u2019s diverse cultures and captures centuries of tradition in a single bowl of hearty noodles and heartwarming broth. It is no wonder then that so many \u2013 regardless of race, religion or creed have fallen in love with the tangy taste upon the first bite.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSpeaking about their focus on Penang Asam Laksa, Daniel Ong, Co-Founder and Managing Director at MyLaksa said, \u201cMyLaksa was built on a foundation of unity and friends coming together over bowls of delicious tangy Asam Laksa noodles. My best friend and now business partner Hee and I found ourselves catching up over numerous bowls of Asam Laksa over the years, it didn\u2019t matter if we were living in Penang or studying abroad. Sometimes we were even willing to grab a bowl of Asam Laksa at the airport. So to us, Penang Asam Laksa is the taste of home, the taste of friends coming together, the taste of unity.\u201d\n\n\nLiving up to its official tagline of #TasteofUnity, MyLaksa expertly brings together the complexity of the Penang Asam Laksa and the simplicity of its ingredients to truly capture the taste of Malaysian culture in every slurp.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMyLaksa utilises a unique mix of ingredients that sets the Penang Asam Laksa apart from the rest. Namely the succulent morsels of mackerel, the hae kor (shrimp paste), the tangy asam gelugor and the quintessentially local bunga kantan that contribute to the unique taste of Penang Asam Laksa.\n\n\nEach bowl of their Penang Asam Laksa features its signature Asam Laksa soup that has the perfect blend of aromatic flavours to bring about a truly authentic taste. The soup is complemented by the thick white rice noodles that act as the ideal sponge soaking up the flavours of the soup and delivering it through satisfyingly chewy bites. \n\n\nThe dish is garnished with freshly sliced red onions, shreds of crunchy cucumber, a handful of refreshing coral lettuce, a sprinkling of red and green chilli slices and a dash of mint leaves.\n\n\n\u201cAt MyLaksa we want to be as authentic as possible with no compromise on the integrity of the true Penang Asam Laksa. Our recipe honours my business partner\u2019s mother\u2019s recipe as well the generations that came before her. We are proud of every single ingredient that we source because each one of those elements represents the different aspects of Penang history.\u00a0 We are proud of our food scene, and we insist on keeping the authenticity, using complex preparation & cooking methods, and not resolving to use a shortcut and artificial ingredients. Through this sincere and authentic approach we are hoping that MyLaska can become a household brand name within this space,\u201d Daniel continued.\u00a0\n\n\nMyLaksa offers its signature Penang Asam Laksa in three varieties, the base Asam Laksa KAW KAW, the Asam Laksa KAW KAW Special \u2013 which features slices of a hardboiled egg and fishballs and the Asam Laksa Royal which adds even more helpings of the additional proteins.\u00a0\n\n\nMyLaksa mirrors the incredible unifying powers of the Penang Asam Laksa through every part of its business. This ambition is exemplified in even the most minute details of the brand, the phrasing and wordage used to describe their authentically Malaysian flavours \u2013 Kaw Kaw.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cUnity is at the heart of what we stand for at MyLaksa so when it came to describing our dish we knew we wanted to apply the same philosophy. Kaw is the term for thick in Hokkien but the term is now universally used by Malaysians to describe rich broths or even drinks. This is what makes Malaysians special, we mix, we match, we unite to make something that is wholly unique and suits our lifestyles. Much like the intermingling of languages, the authentic flavours of MyLaksa\u2019s Penang Asam Laksa appeals to taste buds across the country bringing together family, friends and strangers alike to share fond memories over delicious broth and noodles,\u201d Daniel added.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMyLaksa also offers an array of other dishes for its customers. Their Choco Berry Frostee is a popular option to balance out their Asam Laksa. The shaved ice dessert provides the ultimate contrast to MyLaksa\u2019s signature dish, the cold and sweet dessert juxtaposes the hot and spicy bowls of broth with noodles.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are also snack options that allow customers to enjoy the heartiness of their Asam Laksa flavours without having to order an entire meal. The protein-heavy snacks feature fishballs and eggs along with the signature Kaw Kaw broth.\n\n\nSince its inception in 2019,\u00a0 MyLaksa has already cultivated a dedicated following of Penang Asam Laksa cravers \nserving over 5 million bowls of Penang Asam Laksa across their 16 outlets across 8 states\n.\n\n\n The brand has also echoed its ambition of unity in its approach to partnerships, collaborating with various other brands and \norganisations including Nilofa Group, Mahnaz Food, CIMB Bank, WokIt, The Hope Branch and Popular Bookstore for business, marketing and CSR outreach efforts.\n\n\n\u201cInternationally, we are on a mission to promote the Asam Laksa to be the face of Malaysia\u2019s vibrant food scene. It uses complex ingredients, and hours of preparation, and the taste is rich and unique, and it is fascinating to the travellers visiting Malaysia,\u201d Daniel explained.\nPartner Stories\nKids\nSuperPark Malaysia: Your kids\u2019 new dream destination for play in Kuala Lumpur\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nAdakah Anak Anda Alah Pada Susu Atau Intoleransi Laktosa? Ini Perbezaan Yang Ibu Bapa Patut Tahu\nKesihatan\nMengapa Ibu Bapa Perlu Vaksin Anak Sejak Kecil Lagi?\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\n\n\nMyLaksa is part of the IFV Group \u2013 a purpose-driven organization founded by dynamic Malaysian Food and Beverage entrepreneurs that aims to bring more iconic multi-concept F&B and Lifestyle brands to the region becoming a regional F&B powerhouse.\u00a0 The brand hopes to achieve this by empowering the local F&B ecosystems, and helping entrepreneurs in scaling up promising F&B brands leveraging on IFV Group\u2019s expertise and resources.\n\n\nFor further info on MyLaksa\u2019s menu, store locations or licensing opportunities visit: \nwww.mylaksa.asia\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/salmonella-food-poisoning", "title": "Are You Cooking Your Eggs Right? Check Today As You May Be At Risk Of Salmonella Food Poisoning", "body": "Next time when you purchase \neggs\n for your family, be careful as you may be at risk of salmonella food poisoning. In recent \nnews\n, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has recalled eggs from Lay Hong Berhad Layer Farm Jeram in Malaysia, after it detected the presence of Salmonella enteritidis. SFA has suspended the farm and will lift the ban only when the farm has rectified the SE contamination issue.\u00a0\n\n\nThe SFA has also reportedly directed several importers to recall eggs that have the farm code \u201cCES008\u201d on them. These importers include Ang Seng Eggs Supplier, Dasoon, Heng Guan Food Industrial and Lam Leng Trading.\n\n\nAll You Need To Know About Salmonella\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Rocky Mountain Laboratories,NIAID,NIH\n\n\n\n\nSalmonella\n is a kind of bacteria that can cause food-borne illnesses. It can be present in the intestines of animals, and you can find it in raw meats, raw dairy products, poultry, as well as eggs. The bacteria can spread to humans through the consumption of contaminated food and drinks.\u00a0\n\n\nIn particular, Salmonella can contaminate eggs in two ways.\n\n\n\n\nThe first way is via faecal contamination. In this, the insides of eggs may be contaminated when bacteria in the faeces enter through pores on the shells.\n\n\nThe second way is exclusive to one particular type of Salmonella known as Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). In SE-infected layer hen, the bacteria can be found in their ovaries and they enter the eggs even before the shells are formed. Infected hen does not appear sick, but will occasionally lay SE-contaminated eggs.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSymptoms of Salmonella food poisoning\n\n\nSymptoms of salmonella food poisoning include \ndiarrhoea,\n abdominal pain, fever, nausea, abdominal cramps and vomiting.\n\n\nAccording to\n SFA\n, salmonella enteritidis usually subsides within a week in most people. However, it can cause serious infection in vulnerable groups such as the elderly, young children, expecting mothers, and those with weakened immune systems.\n\n\nHere\u2019s When To Rush Your Kid To A Doctor\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nParents should stay alert and watch out for symptoms if they see their child suffering from any of the following\n\n\n\n\nSevere dehydration-including excessive thirst, no urination for over three hours or cries without tears.\u00a0\n\n\nVomiting that lasts for over 12 hours in infants, 1 day in children younger than age 2, or 2 days in other children.\n\n\nBloody stools\n\n\nDiarrhoea\n\n\n\n\nPrecautions You Need to Take To Avoid Salmonella Food Poisoning\n\n\nEggs are one of the most nutritious and economical foods which are used in most houses. Considering the risks of Salmonella \nfood poisoning\n, you must bear in mind certain precautions while cooking eggs.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPurchase eggs from SFA- approved businesses (farms, importers, retailers) and ensure that the shells are clean, free from faecal contamination, and not cracked.\u00a0\n\n\nCook the eggs thoroughly before consumption, as heat destroys the bacteria. The egg white and the yolk need to be firm to avoid the risk of salmonella food poisoning. Runny egg whites or yolks may still contain bacteria.\n\n\nEat eggs or dishes containing eggs as soon as possible after cooking.\n\n\nUse separate crockery and utensils for raw eggs and ready-to-eat/cooked food.\u00a0\n\n\nTo prevent the risk of cross-contamination, wash your hands thoroughly with soap before and after handling eggs.\n\n\nRefrigerate (below 4\u00b0C) food containing eggs promptly to avoid the growth of bacteria that may be present in the dish.\n\n\nConsider buying and using pasteurised eggs and egg products that are widely available.\n\n\nMake sure that foods that contain raw or lightly cooked eggs, such as hollandaise sauce, and tiramisu, are made only with pasteurised eggs.\n\n\nCDC\n mentions another important point which we often end up doing. Do not taste or eat any raw dough or batter, such as cookie dough and cake mix, made with raw eggs.\n\n\n\n\nAlternatives To Eggs For Proteins\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIf you are replacing eggs in your child\u2019s diet, add an adequate amount of other protein-rich foods for their growth and development.\u00a0Here are some alternatives, you may consider:\n\n\n\n\nCooked Lentils\n\n\nTofu\n\n\nCheese\n\n\nFish\n\n\nYoghurt\n\n\nNut\n\n\n\n\nRemember, protein requirements depend on a child\u2019s age and weight. The US Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services published updated \nDietary Guidelines for Americans in 2020.\n\n\n\n\nAccording to this, a child between the age of 2-3 years should consume 13 grams of protein daily.\u00a0\n\n\nUntil a child reaches 14 years old, protein recommendations are the same for both boys and girls.\n\n\nIn later years, boys should eat more protein because they are gaining more muscle mass and weigh more than girls.\n\n\nGirls in the age group of 14-18 years recommended a daily dose of 46-grams of daily protein.\n\n\nBoys in the same age group require 52-grams of daily protein dose.\n\n\n\n\nYou can always experiment with your child\u2019s palate. Most kids love different flavours. Therefore, instead of relying on one source of protein, look for other options.\n\n\nAs a parent, salmonella infection must concern you, especially now that the kids are home. Remember, there is no need to panic. Eggs are safe when cooked and handled properly.\u00a0\n\n\nNews Source: \nStraits Times\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHow to harness rice water\u2019s beauty and health benefits to be glowing all over\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/asap-rokok-terpakai", "title": "Risiko Asap Rokok Secondhand Kepada Ibu Mengandung", "body": "Kita tahu bahawa merokok ketika hamil amat membahayakan kesihatan kepada anda dan bayi dalam kandungan. Kesan lebih buruk sekiranya bayi anda menjadi mangsa oleh tabiat buruk orang lain. Pendedahan terhadap asap rokok terpakai boleh memberi kesan negatif kepada janin yang sedang membesar.\n\n\nKajian dan tinjauan telah membuktikan kesan-kesan buruk asap rokok pada tubuh manusia. Ini adalah sebabnya doktor menasihatkan wanita mengandung untuk berhenti merokok, kerana kesan nikotin dan bahan toksik lain yang ada dalam rokok boleh menyebabkan kehilangan kehamilan.\u00a0\n\n\nDalam beberapa kes, \nwanita yang berhenti merokok ketika mengandung\n setelah mempelajari kesan-kesan negatif merokok terhadap kandungan mereka. \n\n\nAdakalanya, wanita mengandung berhenti merokok kerana tidak gemar akan bau rokok. Pengelakan ini mempengaruhi olfaktori dan gustatori iaitu deria bau dan rasa, menjadi faktor utama.\n\n\nNamun bagaimana pula dengan wanita mengandung yang mempunyai ahli keluarga atau kawan-kawan yang merokok?\n\n\nApa Itu Asap Rokok Terpakai dan Mengapa Ia Berisiko?\n\n\nMenyedut asap rokok tanpa sengaja dipanggil asap rokok terpakai (secondhand smoke), dan ia juga dikenali sebagai perokok pasif. \n\n\nAnda dianggap sebagai \nperokok pasif\n apabila ada orang merokok di sekeliling anda \u2013 sama ada ahli keluarga, kawan-kawan atau kawan sepejabat \u2013 yang menyembur asap, anda pula menyedutnya.\n\n\n\n\nKredit: mirror.co.uk\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApabila anda menyedut asap rokok, toksin dalam rokok akan masuk dalam sistem anda, walaupun anda sendiri tidak merokok.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAsap rokok terpakai menimbulkan risiko kesihatan bagi semua orang termasuk kanak-kanak. Malah orang dewasa juga kadang-kala boleh mengalami masalah kesihatan yang serius. Antara masalah kesihatan orang dewasa hadapi akibat pendedahan terhadap asap rokok termasuk:\n\n\n\n\nPenyakit kardiovaskular\n\n\nStrok\n\n\nKanser paru-paru\n\n\nMasalah pernafasan\n\n\nMasalah pembiakan pada wanita.\n\n\n\n\nKesan jangka masa pendek pula termasuk batuk, sakit tekak, hidung rasa gatal, mata rasa gatal dan pening kepala. \n\n\nKesan jangka masa lama pula ia memekatkan darah. Jadi semua masalah kesihatan yang berkaitan dengan darah beku boleh terjadi termasuk strok, angina, sakit jantung, aterosklerosis dan kegagalan jantung. \n\n\nRisiko ini meningkat sehingga 20-30% kepada perokok pasif yang sentiasa terdedah dengan asap rokok.\n\n\nBayi dan kanak-kanak pula terdedah kepada masalah kesihatan lebih berisiko akibat pendedahan terhadap asap rokok. Risikonya termasuk masalah pernafasan seperti:\n\n\n\n\nPenyakit cecair di tengah telinga (middle ear disease)\n\n\nJangkitan paru-paru\n\n\nAsma\n\n\nBronkitis dan pneumonia\n\n\nSindrom kematian bayi mendadak (SIDS)\n\n\n\n\nHidu Asap Rokok Semasa Mengandung Membahayakan Janin\n\n\nAnda mungkin percaya bahawa berhenti merokok atau menjadi seorang yang tidak merokok boleh menyelamatkan bayi anda. Ini tidak benar sama sekali. \n\n\nJika anda terhidu asap rokok terpakai, hampir 400 bahan kimia toksik disalurkan dalam darah anda termasuk karsinogen, agen merosakkan DNA serta logam berat. \n\n\nBayi anda yang menerima segala nutrisi dan oksigen daripada darah anda melalui plasenta secara automatiknya terdedah kepada toksin-toksin tersebut. \n\n\nBahkan perkembangan badan anak anda juga boleh terjejas secara kekal akibat toksin ini. \nRisiko-risikonya termasuk:\n\n\n\n\nBayi dilahirkan dengan berat badan berkurangan\n\n\nKeguguran\n\n\nBayi pramatang\n\n\nKelahiran mati (stillbirth)\n\n\nKecacatan kongenital\n\n\nSindrom Kematian Bayi Mendadak (selepas kelahiran)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKredit: sciencemag.org\n\n\n\n\nSatu kajian daripada Nottingham Universiti mendedahkan bahawa walaupun masih ada 20-34% risiko kelahiran mati buat ibu mengandung yang merokok, hampir 23% risiko pula pada wanita yang menghidu asap rokok ketika mengandung. \n\n\nPada masa yang sama, kecacatan kongenital pada wanita mengandung yang terdedah kepada asap rokok terpakai pula adalah 13% berbanding 10-34% bakal-bakal ibu yang mengandung. \n\n\nKajian mengemukakan kemungkinan bayi yang terdedah kepada asap rokok terpakai, \ndilahirkan dengan kecacatan otak, kaki dan testis\n.\n\n\nApa Yang Perlu Dilakukan Tentang Pendedahan Asap Rokok?\n\n\n\n\nKredit: cdnparenting.com\n\n\n\n\nAnda mesti berhati-hati apabila terhidu bau asap rokok semasa mengandung. Sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, periksa tahap karbon monoksida ada dengan doktor atau bidan. \n\n\nIni memberi anda penjelasan tentang pendedahan asap rokok. Berikut beberapa tip untuk anda ingat:\n\n\n\n\nCuba meminimumkan pendedahan anda terhadap asap rokok\n\n\nElak ke kawasan yang ada perokok\n\n\nPilih kenderaan secara bijak dan minta orang tidak merokok berdekatan dengan anda\n\n\nMinta ahli keluarga atau pelawat merokok di luar rumah dan hanya masuk ke dalam selepas mereka selesai\n\n\nPastikan pintu dan tingkap terbuka jika seorang perokok melawat anda. Elak berdekatan dengan mereka \u2013 ini tidak biadap, anda hanya ingin menjaga pembesaran bayi anda.\n\n\nBincang dengan majikan untuk tukar tempat duduk ke bahagian perudaraan yang baik jika ada perokok di pejabat anda.\n\n\nBincang dengan doktor dan majikan tentang penggunaan alat pernafasan di pejabat, jika teman sepejabat merokok.\n\n\nPastikan anda tidak terlalu terdedah kepada sisa rokok sebelum masuk ke dalam rumah.\n\n\n\n\nIngat, bayi anda akan memerlukan perlindungan daripada asap rokok terpakai walaupun selepas kelahirannya. \nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nTeruskan amalan tidak merokok di sekitar dan di dalam rumah selepas kehadirannya dalam hidup. Dengan cara hidup lebih berjaga-jaga, bayi anda mungkin akan selamat daripada asap rokok terpakai.\n\n\nSumber asal ditulis dan\u00a0diterjemah dengan izin dari\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-stages-of-labour", "title": "The stages of labour", "body": "\n\nBreakdown of giving birth in 4 stages\n\n\n\n\nFIRST STAGE\n\n\nEarly labour\n\n\nEarly labour is considered one of the three parts of the first stage of labour. This happens when your cervix starts to thin out gradually and dilates. At this stage, you will start to feel contractions but not quite at a regular interval. This stage is quite tricky to determine because some pregnant women often go into false \nlabour\n.\n\n\nDepending on the pain threshold of a woman, others won\u2019t be able to feel any pain and could still be going about their normal routines. But there are some women who feel quite a lot of discomfort even if their cervix hasn\u2019t really started dilating yet.\n\n\nAt this stage, it is important to let your doctor know what you are experiencing. You would either be advised to wait out the contractions until they get stronger or go to the hospital immediately.\n\n\nActive labour\n\n\nFor \npregnant women\n like yourself, active labour may be the most trying thing that you have experienced ever. Not only will the contractions be stronger but it would seem to be non-stop. At this point, your cervix would be dilated from 4\u00a0centimetres\u00a0up to 7\u00a0centimetres\u00a0 Active\u00a0labour\u00a0can last for a few hours up to a day depending on the mother and the condition of the baby. Make sure to keep yourself comfortable by\u00a0practising\u00a0different relaxation and breathing methods. If you feel comfortable standing up and pacing instead of just lying on the bed, do it. Have a lot of patience and try not to push.\n\n\nTransition\n\n\nWhen you have dilated from 7\u00a0centimetres\u00a0to 10\u00a0centimetres\u00a0 you are now in the transition to the second stage of\u00a0labour\u00a0 This transition stage is considered as the most painful time of labour and could result in a lot of tears and swearing. During this time contractions would double in frequency and in intensity. At this stage, you might feel really tired, annoyed and really uncomfortable but do not lose hope. Like all trials, this is about to end.\n\n\n\n\nSECOND STAGE\n\n\nBaby delivery\n\n\nAs soon as your cervix is at 10\u00a0centimetres\u00a0and fully dilated, you are now in the second stage of\u00a0labour\u00a0 At this point, the baby will slowly make its way to the birth canal due to the contractions. With each strong contraction, you will be asked to push so do it with all your might. The length of this\u00a0labour\u00a0stage depends on the size of the baby. Bigger babies often tend longer to deliver.\n\n\nTHIRD STAGE\n\n\nPlacenta delivery\n\n\nAfter the baby has been pushed out, it is time for the placenta to be delivered. You may have to wait for about 15 to 30 minutes before the placenta is pushed out of your body. At this point, you\u2019ll still feel mild contractions but nothing you can\u2019t handle. Just focus on hearing the cries of your baby. Your little angel is finally here!\n\n\nFOURTH STAGE\n\n\nRecovery\n\n\nWith the baby successfully delivered and the placenta flushed out entirely from your body, you may now begin to relax. If you opted to breastfeed, now is the best time to start. Now only will your child get the best portion of the\n breast milk \nbut you will also help your body heal much faster.\n\n\nRead this article\n for all you need to know about labour!\n\n\nHere are some related articles:\n\n\n7 tips for an easier labour\n\n\n14 ways in 14 days to jumpstart labour\n\n\nLabour \u2013 all you need to know\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBelajar Cara Mengurus Wang: Panduan Untuk Ibu Bapa Asia\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Your Child\u2019s Poop Habits\nKesihatan\n5 Perkara Ibu Bapa Baru Perlu Tahu Tentang Rotavirus Pada Bayi dan Anak-Anak Kecil\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nImported Maternal Milk: Where Is It From And Why That Matters\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mothercare-flagship-store-reopening-klcc", "title": "Kim Hin Joo Announces Grand Re-Opening of Its Mothercare Experience Store And Launch Of The Entertainer Toy Shop at Suria KLCC", "body": "Kim Hin Joo (Malaysia) Berhad (\u201cKim Hin Joo\u201d or the \u201cCompany\u201d), a leading retailer of maternity, baby, children\u2019s clothing, and toys, today unveiled its second experiential concept store, with the grand reopening of its Mothercare Flagship Store at Suria KLCC, making shopping for the little ones so much easier and convenient in the central business district as well as the main shopping and entertainment district of Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nConcurrently, the Company has also launched The Entertainer Toy Shop at Suria KLCC to further enhance the shopping experience of its customers. The opening of these new stores is in line with the Company\u2019s omnichannel strategy to improve all consumer touchpoints in Malaysia.\n\n\nSpanning across 13,000 sq ft, the newly renovated Mothercare Flagship Store at Suria KLCC features several key experience zones that provide parents and parents-to-be with comprehensive hands-on exposure that can facilitate them in making better decisions for their bundle of joy.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThese include a stroller test track that allows customers to try out different strollers on the platform with different terrains, replicating various strolling simulations; a baby-wearing zone where customers can use the store\u2019s weighted baby dolls to replicate carrying a real baby, and select baby carriers best suited for their needs; and a \u201cSparkle Clean\u201d zone for baby gear cleaning services.\n\n\nThe Mothercare Experience Store (\u201cExperience Store\u201d) in Suria KLCC also features Mothercare\u2019s nursery advisors, where our trained and certified in-store staff will guide shoppers, especially new parents, through the deluge of information on what to buy and how to better prepare for the arrival of their little ones. New parents can put their mind to ease as the highly experienced nursery advisors can educate them on purchasing the relevant products that best suits their lifestyle and needs.\n\n\nIn addition, customers can enjoy personalised embroidery service, which is only exclusively available at the Experience store in Suria KLCC. Personalising the product with engravings can make it becomes all the more special and it can also be gifted as a unique and creative personalised gift for their loved ones.\n\n\n\n\nThe brand new Mothercare Experience Store (\u201cExperience Store\u201d) is also home to more than 300 brands of baby and children\u2019s products, maternity essentials, and toys.\n\n\nMeanwhile, The Entertainer in Suria KLCC will be the 5th store in Malaysia. The Entertainer Toy Shop sells a wide range of exclusive toys for children and it is located next to the Experience Store as an added attraction to complement the Company\u2019s \u201cUnder One Roof\u201d concept.\n\n\nPang Fu Wei, Group Managing Director of Kim Hin Joo said, \u201cToday\u2019s launch of our second Experience Store is a proud achievement for us, and we hope that the Mothercare Flagship Store in Suria KLCC will replicate the success of our first Experience Store in Tropicana Gardens Mall in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.\n\n\n\n\nOur Mothercare Experience store offers a one-stop solution for all baby and parenting needs, and that is in line with our aim to help ease the parenthood journey of our customers from childhood and beyond. Boasting several key experience zones within a spacious and comfortable shopping environment, it is a must-visit store for all new parents, mums-to-be, and families with children.\n\n\nMoving forward, we plan to continue rolling out the Experience Store concept to more Mothercare outlets as part of our Retail 2.0 strategy to improve all our consumer touchpoints\u201d.\nPartner Stories\nKanak-Kanak\nAnak Aktif Lebih Bijak & Sihat, Ini 5 Cara Mendorong Si Manja Kekal Aktif Di Rumah\nTip keibubapaan\nWiggle Boks, Kotak Keperluan Bayi Yang WAJIB Dimiliki Semua Ibu Bapa Sibuk!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nAdakah Anak Anda Alah Pada Susu Atau Intoleransi Laktosa? Ini Perbezaan Yang Ibu Bapa Patut Tahu\nFormula\nAn open letter to the mummy of the little girl who hurt herself at the playground...\n\n\nThe KLCC Experience store will be running a special giveaway from 11 August 2022. All expecting mothers can sign up to receive an exclusive Mothercare newborn starter kit worth RM150 to get them started on their parenting journey.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\u00a0website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-tips-for-a-safer-c-section", "title": "5 tips for a safer C-section", "body": null} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/intermittent-fasting", "title": "Intermittent Fasting: Healthy Or A Binge-Eating Instigator\u2014Obesity Trainer Weighs In", "body": "Intermittent fasting has been a rising trend the last few years \u2013 but is it really new? If we look at various cultures, fasting has been a part of many old traditions in one form or the other. Some fast for a few days, some even for a whole month.\n\n\nIf we go even further: wasn\u2019t fasting always something we all did? Imagine our ancestors in the cave: food was scarce and they only got something to eat if the women gathered enough roots and berries or if the men hunted down some animals. Then there was food for a bit \u2013 and after not much to eat for maybe even longer.\n\n\nBut can fasting lead to binge eating?\n\n\n\n\nAs the food industry grew, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day were the gold standard, with breakfast was a must if you wanted to stay healthy, and fasting was not recommend. Fasting was not only regarded as difficult, but it was even said that most people binged after a fasting period (aka diet) and therefore gained the weight back even faster. On top of this metabolism was said to slow down with calorie restriction (which made gaining back weight even easier) and people got fixated on food which resulted in an unhealthy relationship with food in the long term. Today we know some of this is true, but for many they are able to view things differently.\n\n\nFasting is usually a period where you reduce your calorie intake or don\u2019t eat at all. Most people go into such a period thinking of what they can\u2019t have and end up just torturing themselves thinking about the food they are not allowed. This can definitely result in binging once the fasting is over. But what if we could change our mindset and focus on the benefits of fasting and approach it from a more spiritual side? What if we don\u2019t see it as black or white?\n\n\n\u00a0\nThe return of fasting\n\n\nWhile fasting has always been around, it\u2019s only in the last few years that it has been popularised again. It started with \u201cdinner cancelling\u201d and in the recent years various forms of alternate day, whole day and time restricted fasting appeared.\n\n\nIn animal studies amazing effects were achieved: weight loss, improvements with blood pressure, blood sugar levels and cholesterol and even increased life span. In humans more studies need to be conducted but for sure its safe in healthy humans and effective for weight loss. There are also indications that it does help with diabetes and makes our metabolism more effective.\n\n\n\n\nHow to incorporate intermittent fasting into your life\n\n\nThe fact is \u2014 our bodies need time to get used to fasting. By nature our body can deal with fasting very well, but with the 24 hour availability of food, we often need to retrain our bodies and minds. If you are a constantly thinking about food and eat every few hours, it will be more challenging for you than for someone who can easily go hours without food. It will get easier with time and our bodies will adapt and become more flexible.\n\n\nMy approach has always been that we are all different, with a different genetic makeup. So how can there be a one-size-fits-all solution? Who says it should be one way or over another? So I invite you:\u00a0\nMake intermittent fasting your own.\n\n\nIf intermittent fasting is something that appeals to you, try first to extend the hours you don\u2019t eat during night and then between meals and find the amount of hours that work for you.\n\n\nMy recommendation has always been to\u00a0\ntry for minimum 12-14 hours during night\n\u00a0(meaning for example dinner at 7pm and then breakfast only at 9am the next day) and around\u00a0\n4 hours between meals where you only drink water\n. This gives your digestive system a bit of rest and also gives your body the chance to use up energy fuel (aka fat).\n\n\nIf you feel okay, you can even try to go longer without food overnight and limit the window where you eat during the day even more. I feel at my best when I don\u2019t eat 14-16 hours overnight and leave around 4 hours between meals.\n\n\nGive it a try, experiment and find your own preferred way of intermittent fasting and see how it makes you feel.\nReferences\n:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/intermittent-fasting-surprising-update-2018062914156\n\n\nhttps://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-weight/diet-reviews/intermittent-fasting/\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-keep-a-husband-faithful", "title": "5 ways to keep your husband faithful, according to experts", "body": "Cheating is a choice \u2014 and so is remaining faithful. It is a choice couples make, some more often than others. While each couple\u2019s story is different, the same is true for all: remaining true to your spouse means being devoted to the vow you made to them. But even if you\u2019re happily married, or even if fidelity comes naturally to you, at some point you\u2019ve likely wondered how to keep a husband faithful.\u00a0\n\n\n5 expert-approved tips on how to keep a husband faithful\n\n\nWhile there are many ways to prevent your husband from straying, there are common expert-backed ways you can start with. Here are just five of them.\n\n\n1. Acknowledge that infidelity is a possibility\n\n\nAccept his vulnerability. Don\u2019t be too confident, thinking that cheating \u201ccould never happen to you.\u201d Once you accept the fact that he is not perfect, then you can start working towards strengthening your bond.\u00a0\n\n\nIn this way, explains \nauthor and speaker Gretchen Rubin\n, you won\u2019t be too complacent as to put him in situations where he is easily tempted.\u00a0\n\n\nPsychology expert Barry McCarthy agrees. In an \narticle for \nPsychology Today\n, he writes that the key to preventing extra-marital affairs is to \u201cconfront denial\u201d by establishing a positive view of each other\u2019s vulnerabilities. Even those who are \n\u201chappy\u201d can be tempted to cheat\n. So don\u2019t take anything for granted.\n\n\n2.\u00a0Stay away from tempting situations\n\n\n\u201cDo not play with fire,\u201d as they say. This goes both ways. You should be proactive enough to steer clear of anything \u2014 or anyone \u2014 that could sabotage your fidelity in any way. This could be \nemotional cheating\n or \nonline flirtation\n.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a slippery slope. And what\u2019s worse is that it could be happening without you even noticing. The key is to be open to introspection, correction, to be self-aware and mature enough to admit when you\u2019re wrong.\u00a0Both of you should be accountable for your actions and missteps. Of course, this is easier said than done, but it\u2019s worth a shot!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow do you keep a husband faithful? It\u2019s easier than you think!\n\n\n\n\n3. Communicate\n\n\nMaking a habit out of expressing your thoughts and feelings doesn\u2019t just strengthen your bond, it pushes you to see the good in your husband. According to \npsychologist Leslie Becker-Phelps\n it also helps you resolve conflict in a more productive way.\u00a0\n\n\nOftentimes, the reason husbands have affairs is that they don\u2019t feel valued or heard. And while the act of cheating is NEVER the fault of the one cheated on, there are ways to make a spouse feel less inclined to seek out an affair. And one of them is simply talking things through to help you stay on the same page no matter what life throws at you.\n\n\n4. Don\u2019t obligate them\n\n\nAccording to research published in the\u00a0\nJournal of Personality and Social Psychology\n\u00a0demanding fidelity can be counterproductive. Trying to control someone\u2019s actions is not the way to keep them faithful.\n\n\nResearchers found that limiting people\u2019s desires decreased their relationship satisfaction and increased their interest in seeking out an affair.\n\n\nSo accept that you or your husband will find other people attractive at one point or another. But keep in mind that attraction is different from acting on it. Being faithful should feel like the natural choice.\u00a0\n\n\nSetting strict limits might work for some husbands \u2014 especially those with a history of infidelity \u2014 but it more often backfires.\u00a0A partner will be less inclined to stray if they are satisfied, if they feel trusted.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Commit to satisfying each other beyond sex\n\n\nNon-sexual touch\n should not be taken for granted. You should not just be sweet between the sheets! But rather \nshower each other with loving touch\n throughout the day. It can be as simple as a hug goodbye in the morning or a sweet kiss when you reunite at the end of the day. These \nrituals of affection\n\u00a0\u2014 once they become habits \u2014 can keep you both feeling content in your marriage.\u00a0\n\n\nClinical psychologist David J. Ley writes\n that there should be an honest ownership when it comes to sexual desire and feelings. Intimacy is not just what goes on in the bedroom. Don\u2019t be afraid to open up about what worries or frustrates you.\u00a0\n\n\nIn fact, oftentimes when there is a sexual issue couples face, it\u2019s because of \nunresolved issues\n that have nothing to do with sex at all. Though for many men sex is the \nmain reason why they cheat\n, there are those who seek out affairs for emotional reasons.\u00a0\n\n\nLoving is easy, but remaining faithful no matter how overwhelming the temptations around you are, now there\u2019s a challenge.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n\u00a0\nPsychology Today\n, \nThe Atlantic,\n\u00a0\nWebMD,\n\u00a0\nJournal of Personality and Social Psychology\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nA Quick Look At How Asian Parents Teach About Money\nPenjagaan pantang dan selepas bersalin\nChildbirth aftermath \u2013 Get back in shape\nLifestyle\nStart your day with FREE breakfast this October\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/childhood-stunting-how-ensure-child-grows-well", "title": "Is Your Child\u2019s Growth Stunted? Here\u2019s What You Should Know", "body": "Did you know that according to the National Health and Morbidity Survey, \nthe prevalence of stunting in children under five years of age in Malaysia has increased from 17.2% (2006) to 20.7% (2016)\n1\n? That\u2019s basically 1 in 5 children!\n\n\nWhat Is Childhood Stunting?\n\n\nStunting generally means the failure to reach full potential for growth. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines stunting as \u201cthe impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection and inadequate psychosocial stimulation\u201d.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Causes Childhood Stunting?\n\n\nIf a child\u2019s \u201cheight for age\u201d value is less than two standard deviations from the WHO Child Growth Standards median, he is defined as stunted\n2\n\u00a0\n(see Appendix A and B for WHO Child Growth graphs).\u00a0\n\n\nChildhood stunting can be caused by many factors, but here are the common ones in Malaysia, as elaborated by Dr Nazrul Neezam, \nPaediatric Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist:\n\n\n\n\nPoor nutrition/feeding\n\n\n\n\nChildren require an adequate amount of calories and vital nutrients to grow well and healthy. The lack of vital nutrients will not only affect children\u2019s growth but also weaken their immune system.\n3\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPoor nutrient absorption\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nIndigestion, bacterial overgrowth and the body\u2019s inability to absorb nutrients are known to affect children\u2019s growth. These are the root causes of illnesses such as paediatric gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that causes vomiting and indigestion among children, and Celiac disease that slows down bowel movements which leads to increased bacterial concentration. Acute diarrhoea that is caused by a bacterial/viral infection or inflammation of the gut also affects children\u2019s growth. This leads to problems such as weight loss, nutrient loss and abdominal pain, too.\n3\n\n\n\n\nInability to utilise nutrients\n\n\n\n\nThe lack of hormones will cause the body to have difficulties in absorbing nutrients effectively. Though uncommon, children who are diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, for example, do not produce enough thyroid hormones in their bodies that are needed to maintain a good metabolism function. These children may suffer not only from stunted growth but also delayed puberty, delayed tooth eruption as well as poor mental development.\n3\n\n\nOther factors include adolescent pregnancy, poor maternal nutrition, poverty which leads to limited healthcare access and healthy food supply, poor sanitation and lack of stimulation from parents and caregivers.\n2,4\n\n\nLong-term Impacts of Stunting\n\n\nStunting is largely irreversible\n2\n, so never take it lightly. Do note that while children can regain weight, they can never recover the same way with their height.\n1\n\u00a0Below are the long-term impacts of childhood stunting:\n\n\n\n\nDelayed cognitive and physical development\n2\n\n\nImpaired mental abilities, which affects learning capacities\n2\n\n\nPoor performance at school\n2\n\n\nAt the risk of developing chronic diseases\n2\n\n\n\n\nChildren who are suffering from the impacts of stunting basically do not get to enjoy a healthy and happy childhood, and as a result, will have a huge impact on their livelihood in the future.\u00a0\n\n\nHow Do You Prevent Childhood Stunting?\n\n\nNow that you have understood the severity of childhood stunting, it\u2019s imperative that you take preventive measures from day 1. We know by now that poor nutrition is the main cause of stunting among children, so what you need to do to prevent early stunting is first and foremost, practise good feeding.\u00a0\n\n\nProvide your child with complete and balanced nutrition daily. The easiest way to ensure that your child gets an adequate amount of calories and nutrients daily is to follow the Ministry of Health Malaysia\u2019s healthy plate guideline\n5\n, a.k.a #quarterquarterhalf. This helpful guideline recommends children eat a variety of food groups daily by filling their plate with \u00bc protein, \u00bc carbohydrates and \u00bd fruits and vegetables.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: The Malaysian Healthy Plate by Ministry of Health Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nIn order to instil good eating habits in your child, you can also limit mealtimes to 20-30 minutes only, encourage self-feeding (just tolerate the mess, mummy!), avoid distractions a.k.a no gadgets during mealtimes, never use food as a reward, introduce new foods every week, encourage their appetite by serving 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, and lastly, reward good behaviour and practise time-out should they misbehave.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nNext, encourage your child to enjoy an active lifestyle. Bring them outdoors to play and exercise their muscles. Exercise is good for growing children because it makes them stronger and healthier, encourages them to socialise with their peers, improves their self-esteem, lowers stress and supports their healthy growth and development.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nNow, remember when we said never take childhood stunting lightly? Well, it\u2019s now super easy for any parent to track their children\u2019s growth, thanks to the PediaSure GrowthCam filter!\n\n\n\n\nChildren can achieve 60% of final adult height by age of five\n6\n\u00a0yet, 1 in 5 children in Malaysia are stunted.\n1\n\u00a0Therefore, it is important for you to track and monitor your child\u2019s height more regularly and pay attention to nutrition during the first five years of life, which is known as the golden window for growth.\u00a0\n\n\nSupport Your Child\u2019s Optimal Growth With PediaSure\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo further support your child\u2019s growth, why not amp up his daily nutritional needs with PediaSure, the complete and balanced nutrition for children that has been scientifically proven for 50%* faster growth in children and lesser sick days.\n7\n\n\n\n\n*Alarcon PA, et al. Effect of oral supplementation on catch-up growth in picky eaters. Clin Pediatr (Philia). 2003;42(3):2019-17. 50% is based on calculated value.\n\n\nPediaSure is formulated with Arginine, Natural Vitamin K2 and Calcium for longer and stronger bones.\n8,9\n\n\nMeasure your child\u2019s growth against their gender and age in seconds, with the new Pediasure GrowthCam filter, accessible at \nhttps://pediasure.com.my/\n. You can do this at a monthly interval, at the comfort of your own home!\u00a0\n\n\nSee how PediaSure can help Malaysian kids stand taller at \nwww.standtallerwithpediasure.com\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nJoin the contest by telling us your child\u2019s dream ambition and win 1 year\u2019s worth of PediaSure + an Apple iPad!\n\n\nREFERENCES\n\n\n\n\nNational Health and Morbidity Survey 2019: Factsheet. Available from: \nhttps://mpaeds.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/5.-Fact-Sheet-NHMS-2019-English.pdf\n Last accessed 2 July 2020.\n\n\nStunting in a Nutshell. Available from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news/item/19-11-2015-stunting-in-a-nutshell\n\n\nBelajar & Cegah Kanak-Kanak Daripada Terbantut. Available from: \nhttps://mypositiveparenting.org/ms/2016/06/26/belajar-dan-cegah-kanak-kanak-daripada-terbantut/\n\n\nStunting: What Is It and What It Means. Available from: \nhttps://www.concernusa.org/story/what-is-stunting/#:~:text=Some%20common%20factors%20linked%20to,for%20children%20and%20their%20mothers\n\u00a0\n\n\nPanduan Pinggan Sihat Malaysia. Available from: \nhttps://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/pages/view/2414?mid=891\n\u00a0\n\n\nWHO Growth Standards, 2007.\n\n\nHuynh DTT et al. 5th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth 2018. Oral nutritional supplementation improved linear growth in Filipino children at nutritional risk.\n\n\nVan Vught AJ et al. Dietary arginine and linear growth: The Copenhagen school child intervention study. Br J Nutr (2013), 109, 1031-1039.\n\n\nVan Summeren MJ et al. Vitamin K status is associated with childhood bone mineral content. Br J Nutr (2008), 100, 852-858.\n\n\n\n\nAPPENDIX A\n\n\nHEIGHT-FOR-AGE (BOYS)\n\n\nAPPENDIX B\n\n\nHEIGHT-FOR-AGE (GIRLS)\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \nDo These Things to Increase Your Child\u2019s Height\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHealthy Food Tips To Live By, It\u2019s Super Easy You Won\u2019t Even Believe It!\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n4 Easy Exercises To Help Your Kids Grow (Much) Taller\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/viparents-content-creators-vipcc", "title": "Get Published, Get Paid! theAsianparent Is Giving Parents a Platform to Write Stories and Earn Income", "body": "Feeling anxious about your\u00a0pregnancy? Overwhelmed with \ntaking care of your\u00a0newborn\n? Doubting your parenting skills?\u00a0\n\n\nThen write about it! Because chances are, there are other parents who are in the same boat and could learn a thing or two from reading about your experience.\n\n\nWhatever parenting stage you are in, it is important for you to be supported, valued, and encouraged.\u00a0\n\n\nWe at theAsianparent recognise this and have created the VIParents Content Creators (VIPCC), a platform where you can voice out your concerns, opinions, and first-hand knowledge about \npregnancy\n, relationships, and parenthood.\u00a0\n\n\nPlus, for every story published is a dollar earned for the parent content creator! And the higher the readership, the higher the pay!\n\n\nAt the VIParents Content Creators (VIPCC), we give value to your voice.\u00a0\nYour voice empowers you. Your voice empowers others.\n\n\nHow to Get Published via the VIParents Content Creators (VIPCC)\n\n\nIn 5 easy steps, parents can write and publish their stories via theAsianparent App (download\u00a0\nhere\n) and the VIParents website (click\u00a0\nhere\n).\n\n\nVia theAsianparent App:\n\n\n\n\nGo to VIP on theAsianparent app and select content creator job type.\n\n\nSelect the topic you want to contribute your story on.\u00a0\n\n\nAccept the Terms & Conditions (one time per user).\n\n\nShare your story, attach an image, and submit!\n\n\nOnce submitted, go to \u201cPublished\u201d tab, copy the published link, and share your story on your social media and with your friends for higher earnings!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVia the VIParents\u00a0\nWebsite:\n\n\n\n\nVisit the VIParents website (\nhttps://www.parents.vip/\n) and login\n\n\nClick on content creator jobs to view available jobs\n\n\nSelect the topic you want to contribute your story on\u00a0\n\n\nAccept the Terms & Conditions (one time per user)\n\n\nShare your story, attach an image and submit!\n\n\nOnce submitted, go to \u2018Published Jobs\u2019 tab, copy the published link and share on your social media and with your friends for higher earnings!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to Get Paid via the VIParents Content Creators\n\n\nEach story submission gets an automatic\n \n50 VIP Credits\n* \nwhich can be exchanged for e-vouchers or cash\n*\n. You can earn more credits if your story reaches readership milestones, determined by page view tiers. You can easily achieve this by sharing the link to your story to your family, friends, and community. In short, more readers, more credits.\n\n\nWith every experience you share, you are giving value to your voice.\u00a0\nJoin\u00a0\nVIParents\n\u00a0on theAsianparent app or web!\u00a0\n\n\n*Payout\n\n\nMalaysia (English)\n\n\n\n\nUpon Submission >> 50 VIP Credits\n\n\nYour story reaches 400 page views >> 45 additional VIP Credits\n\n\nYour story reaches 1,150 page views >> 80 additional VIP Credits\n\n\nYour story reaches 2,850 page views >> 100 additional VIP Credits\n\n\nYour story reaches 8,000 page views >> 115 additional VIP Credits.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sudden-infant-death-syndrome", "title": "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: SIDS Causes, Risk Factors and Tips for Prevention", "body": "It\u2019s so heartbreaking to hear news about babies dying in their sleep. But can something be done to prevent this from happening? Learn more about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) here.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?\n\n\nWhat is SIDS caused by?\n\n\nDoes SIDS have symptoms?\n\n\n\n\nParental risk factors\n\n\nEnvironmental and Physical risk factors\n\n\nBiological factors\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to prevent SIDS\n\n\n\n\nPut your baby to sleep on his back\n\n\nChoose your bedding wisely\n\n\nRemove the bumper pad\n\n\nCo-sleep with your baby\n\n\nDo not overheat your baby\n\n\nBreastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed\n\n\nOffer a pacifier\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCommon concerns related to SIDS\n\n\n\n\nFlat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly)\n\n\nSpitting up or vomiting\n\n\nIt happens in the best of circumstances\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?\n\n\nSudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS is part of a larger classification of unexpected infant deaths called Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy.\n\n\n\nSIDS, also known as crib or cot death, is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby between 1 and 12 months old. This usually happens while the baby is asleep. It is also considered one of the leading causes of death among infants.\n\n\n\nSudden Infant Death Syndrome kills nearly 3,000 babies each year. SIDS victims are babies, who appear to be perfectly healthy when their parents put them down for a nap or at bedtime, but never wake up. Needless to say, it\u2019s a devastating and horrific tragedy that can happen to anyone at any time.\n\n\nIn 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics modified its recommendations for preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and sleep-related newborn fatalities.\n\n\nDespite the ongoing communication efforts, there appears to be a gap between public health recommendations to prevent SIDS and promote safe sleeping environments, and what parents actually practice with regard to infant sleeping environments, as evidenced by the continued infant mortality statistics.\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nAround 196 babies or a rate of 0.28 deaths per 1,000 live births still die every year of SIDS in the United Kingdom in 2019, the Office for National Statistics in the UK said.\n\n\nAlso in 2019, about 170 or a rate of 0.27 per 1,000 live births unexplained infant deaths occurred in England and Wales. This, however, showed a decrease from 0.32 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2018.\n\n\nMeanwhile, boys are more at risk of SIDS than girls with 55.3 per cent or 0.29 per 1,000 live births happening in 2019. In the same year, the SIDS was highest for mothers aged under 20 with 0.96 deaths per 1,000 live births.\n\n\nA statistic from The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2019 showed that there were about 1,250 deaths due to SIDS, about 1,180 deaths due to unknown causes, and about 960 deaths due to accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed in the United States.\n\n\nHere on the island, SIDS is not a commonly discussed topic. However, it\u2019s important to know what measures families can take to help reduce their baby\u2019s risks.\n\n\nWhat is SIDS caused by?\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nNo one knows for sure what causes SIDS. What we do know, however, is that SIDS victims stop breathing and lack the ability to alert themselves to start breathing again.\n\n\nMany researchers and clinicians affirm that SIDS might be associated with abnormalities in the part of the infant\u2019s brain. That is responsible for regulating breathing and sleep-wake function. However, this claim has yet to be proven beyond doubt.\n\n\nIn 1994, Filiano and Kinney proposed the Triple-risk model for SIDS to explain how it occurs.\u00a0 The model poses that SIDS happens when these three conditions exist at the same time:\n\n\n\n\nThe infant is exposed to exogenous stressors such as prone sleeping position, soft and loose bedding, \nexposure to secondhand smoke\n, or an upper respiratory infection;\n\n\nthe baby has an underlying abnormality such as defects in the part of the brain that controls cardiac function and respiration;\n\n\nThese conditions prevail during a vulnerable stage in the child\u2019s development, especially during the first six months of life.\n\n\n\n\nDoes SIDS have symptoms?\n\n\nEven with years of research given to find more about SIDS, there are still no easy answers when it comes to clearly identify symptoms. Although the exact cause of SIDS is unknown, \ncertain risk factors\n\u00a0have been identified:\u00a0\n\n\nParental risk factors\n\n\n\n\nBabies who receive poor prenatal care\n\n\nWhose mothers smoked, drank alcohol, and consumed drugs during their pregnancy\n\n\nBabies born to mothers who are under the age of 20\n\n\n\n\nEnvironmental and Physical risk factors\n\n\n\n\nBabies born prematurely or at very low birth weight\n\n\nBabies exposed to certain stressors (such as sleeping tummy-down or on too soft bedding)\n\n\nInfants who become too hot or too cold while asleep\n\n\nBabies with prolonged\u00a0tobacco smoke exposure\u00a0even after birth\n\n\nWho had an apparent life-threatening event (e.g. babies who have turned pale and required resuscitation)\n\n\nBabies who recently suffered from respiratory infections might experience breathing problems.\n\n\n\n\nBiological factors\n\n\n\n\nSIDS is most prevalent in babies between the ages of two and four months, but there are more than a few cases each year in babies up to one year of age.\n\n\nSex may be a factor as 3 out of 5 victims are boys.\n\n\nBabies born with underlying vulnerabilities and abnormalities (like brain and heart abnormalities and respiratory infections)\n\n\nBabies who have siblings or blood relatives who died from SIDS.\n\n\n\n\nHow to prevent SIDS\n\n\nIt is so heartbreaking to hear news about a baby who dies in her sleep for unknown reasons. No parent should ever go through the pain of losing her newborn without much explanation.\n\n\nWhile there is no clear way to prevent SIDS from happening, there are a number of practical precautions parents can take to lower the risk of SIDS:\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPut your baby to sleep on his back\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBabies placed on their\u00a0stomachs or sides to sleep\u00a0may have more difficulty breathing than those placed on their backs. This is because when infants sleep tummy-down, they\u2019re more likely to overheat, breathe incorrectly, and re-breathe carbon dioxide air they\u2019ve exhaled, which lacks oxygen.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re worried about your baby developing a flat spot on his head after too much back time, you can always give your baby adequate amounts of tummy time while she\u2019s awake and under your watchful eye.\n\n\nSo the next time some elders insist on having the baby sleep on his tummy, gently take charge and say \u201cNo,\u201d and tell them to wait until your baby is older and has more control over his body.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChoose your bedding wisely\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen buying baby bedding, go with the basics: a firm mattress, a fitted sheet, and as few blankets, quilts, and fluffy padding as possible. Choosing appropriate bedding for infants will prevent smothering or suffocation.\n\n\nMake sure to clear the crib of any linens, pillows, or stuffed toys that can accidentally move and block the baby\u2019s airways during sleep. Should you give your baby a blanket, make sure it\u2019s breathable, in case your baby wiggles under it or pulls it over his head.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemove the bumper pad\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnd most importantly, avoid using\u00a0bumper pads\u00a0in cribs. Doing so will decrease the risk of strangulation and entrapment, increase airflow into the crib, and let you see your baby without any obstruction.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCo-sleep with your baby\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere has been a lot of debate about co-sleeping and SIDS, but recent studies show that the rate of SIDS is lowest in cultures, such as in Asia, that traditionally share sleep. The best and safest option would be to \nroom-sharing with your infant\n. Put your baby\u2019s bassinet or crib closer to your bed so you can keep a close watch on her at all times.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re set on co-sleeping, make sure your mattress is firm, that there\u2019s enough space for you and your child, and that there\u2019s nothing that will obstruct your baby\u2019s breathing.\n\n\nAlways remember to trust your parental awareness \u2013 your bodies are so attuned to your newborn that you\u2019ll wake up with even the slightest bit of uneasiness in your child.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo not overheat your baby\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn a tropical country like ours where it\u2019s hot most of the year, there\u2019s really a risk of overheating a newborn, especially when we alternate between air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned rooms.\n\n\nIt\u2019s best to watch for signs of overheating like sweating and damp hair. Another way to tell if you\u2019re bub is overheating is to put your hand on the back of his neck and feel if it is sweaty or warm.\n\n\nMake sure your baby\u2019s room is cool, and not too warm or stuffy. Hot stuffy air makes it more difficult to breathe.\n\n\nUnless your baby\u2019s a preemie, do not over-layer baby clothing and swaddles. Dress your baby in comfortable and light clothes for sleeping.\n\n\nYou may use onesies or pyjamas to cover arms, legs, hands, and feet if your concern is about keeping your baby warm. Instead of using a regular blanket, place them in a sleep sack or a wearable blanket.\n\n\nDon\u2019t cover your baby\u2019s head. And to be sure, take your baby\u2019s temperature now and again and make sure their body heat stays at a constant 36 degrees Celsius.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou all know about the \nbenefits of breastfeeding\n, and\u00a0reducing the risk of SIDS is actually one of them. The protective effect is strongest if you breastfeed your baby exclusively for six months.\n\n\nBut even some breastfeeding is better than none \u2013 exclusively breastfeeding until 1 month of age already cuts the risk of SIDS in half.\n\n\nCombining all these precautions with proper immunisations, infant care, regular paediatrician visits, and a good, clean environment (free of tobacco smoke, alcohol, and drugs) will give you the upper hand when it comes to avoiding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In SIDS case, prevention is definitely key.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOffer a pacifier\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe sucking reflex from using a pacifier aids in consistent breathing. It also helps soothe your baby to sleep.\n\n\nFor breastfeeding mothers, it is best to wait until the infant is regularly breastfed (not less than 1 month old) before using a pacifier. Your baby might experience nipple confusion if you introduce a pacifier too soon. Your child then would rather have the pacifier\u2019s nipple instead of your own.\n\n\nYou may put the pacifier on the infant\u2019s mouth when you put them to sleep. After they fall asleep, it is best not to put it back in their mouth.\n\n\nMake sure that you keep the pacifier clean by sterilising it. Buy a new one if it is already damaged. Avoid putting any coating in the pacifier. Don\u2019t compel your baby to use a pacifier if they don\u2019t like it.\n\n\nCommon concerns related to SIDS\n\n\nFlat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly)\n\n\nSome parents might worry if their babies would develop a flat spot on the back of their heads because of spending too much time lying on their backs.\n\n\nHowever, this can be treated easily. You can change your baby\u2019s position and allow more supervised \u201ctummy time\u201d while your baby is awake.\n\n\nSpitting up or vomiting\n\n\nSpitting up or vomiting\n while babies are sleeping on their backs is one of the things that parents also worry about. Take comfort in knowing that there is no increased risk for choking for healthy infants who sleep on their backs.\n\n\nThe same goes even for most babies with gastroesophageal reflux (GER). On the other hand, experts suggest that babies experiencing some types of rare airway problems sleep on their stomachs.\n\n\nTake note of these life-saving interventions. Spread the word to other parents so they can also protect their babies from the risk of SIDS. Hopefully one day, we will know a definite cause for this tragic disease, which will lead to a definite cure.\n\n\nIt happens in the best of circumstances\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhile it is important for you to follow the safety guidelines for the prevention of SIDS, the fact is that some babies who die from SIDS die in spite of their parents doing everything right. Hopefully one day, we will know a definite cause for this tragic disease, which will lead to a definite cure.\n\n\nTell us if you have any more tips or ways to share with us!\n\n\nWatch this video for more on this matter:\n\n\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\n\n\n\n\nMayo Clinic\n,\u00a0\nGoodTherapy\n,\u00a0\nChildrensHospital\n,\u00a0\nWebMD\n,\u00a0\nNCBI\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nBaby Growth Spurts: Timeline, Signs, and Tips\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Newborn Baby Boy Circumcision: What It is, Aftercare and More\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Are Pacifiers Good For Your Baby?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dettol-malaysia", "title": "Dettol\u2019s Hygiene Quest Targets To Help 100,000 School Children Adopt Healthy Hand Washing Habits", "body": "Dettol Malaysia proudly launches a\n \npublic awareness campaign entitled\n \nPurpose Programme 2022 with support and in partnership with the Ministry of Education, targeting 100,000 school children between the ages of seven to nine. \n\n\nFalling under the brand\u2019s, \nHidup Sihat, Malaysia Hebat\n initiative, the school programme will be rolled-out in over 400 primary schools across Malaysia from 17 January 2022 with an aim to educate those from standard one to standard three adopt and retain healthy hygiene habits from a young age.\n\n\nIn today\u2019s world, where pollution levels are rising and numerous diseases emerging, it is imperative to begin teaching children proper hand washing techniques at an early age to encourage a lifelong habit.\n\n\n\n\nTo build better hygiene practices and uplift health standards, Dettol, through this educational awareness initiative, aims to ingrain regular handwashing practices into a child\u2019s daily life, which is one of the best ways to remove germs and prevent the spread of germs to others.\n\n\nAccording to Dr Steven KW Chow, President of The Federation of Private Medical Practitioners\u2019 Associations, Malaysia (FPMPAM) and Chairman for FPMPAM/Dettol Public Education partnership program, \u201cIt is very important that inculcating proper handwashing and keeping good hygiene become part and parcel of routine training for all school children.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly childhood is a formative period during which healthy habits are developed, including good hygiene practices. \n\n\nThe Dettol Purpose Programme, which has been constructed to drive behaviour change and create lasting hygiene habits is looking to run a series of educational sessions that targets the cognitive-developmental stage of children on increasing their knowledge and promoting hand hygiene practices.\n\n\n\n\nCreative activities have been planned for the illustration of hand hygiene concepts in terms of \u201cthe right time\u201d, \u201cthe right steps\u201d, and \u201cthe right duration\u201d.\n\n\n\u201cChildren are powerful agents of change who use their powers of persuasion to take messages back to their parents and wider communities. With the right support and interventions, we can significantly boost child development, helping them to grow, learn and foster daily practices that we hope will translate into permanent habitual change. This is why it is so important that we begin the nurturing and education process in the early stages of life where healthy habits are adopted, and hand hygiene practice becomes second nature,\u201d said Gonzalo Balcazar, Regional General Manager of Reckitt Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nUnder this initiative, Dettol Malaysia will be introducing Hygiene Quest, a range of curriculum modules that use short, animated episodes, comics, lesson plans and activities centred around the adventures of four hero characters to deliver learning objectives.\n\n\n The comprehensive course has been developed by leading global educational partners with a measurement framework in place for maximum impact.\n\n\n\n\nDr Say Shazril has also been engaged as an ambassador to help educate a wider audience on the importance of good hygiene practices and stand as an advocate to the children.\n\n\n \u201cI am thrilled that a programme like this is finally being rolled out in schools, more importantly, at the primary school level. Learning simple life-long habits like good hand hygiene will benefit these children not just today, but into adulthood and future generations. It is a pleasure to be working with Dettol on this initiative and my hope is that we exceed the 100,000 children target so that more kids are exposed to the importance of keeping their hands clean at all times,\u201d stated Dr. Say.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAt Dettol, our purpose is to protect and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world. Via partnerships with the Ministry of Education such as these, we live our mission to help protect people of all ages, especially children, from germs by highlighting the necessity of healthy habits. As a leader in germ protection, we strongly believe that through this programme, we will be able to help safeguard the health of families in Malaysia for a better and healthier future,\u201d added Balcazar further.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nKeibubapaan\nIs Your Child Allergic to Milk or Lactose Intolerant? Here is the Difference Parents Should Know About\nKesihatan\nAnda Perlu Berjaga-jaga Terhadap Penyakit Ini! Doktor Ini Berkongsi Pengalamannya Dengan Rotavirus\nHealth\nThe Latest Vaccination Schedule for Children, Parents MUST Know!\nKesihatan\n4 Sebab Kenapa Ada Ibu Bapa Sengaja Pilih Untuk Tidak Beri Anak Vaksin\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/when-children-feel-rejected-by-their-father-the-effects-are-worse", "title": "When children feel rejected by their father, the effects are worse!", "body": "When it comes to parenting, we typically associate warmth, affection and nurturing with mothers and more practical aspects with fathers. But you\u2019d be surprised to learn that contrary to popular belief, recent studies have proven that when children feel rejected by their father, it\u2019s more harmful than rejection by the mother!\n\n\nWhat happens when children feel rejected?\n\n\nRonald Rohner of the University of Connecticut, carried out an analysis of over 36 studies about the effects of parental rejection on about 10,000 participants . He explains that in half a century of international research, no other childhood experience has been proven to have such a strong and consistent effect on the personality of a child as that of rejection, especially by their parents.\n\n\nStudies show that the same parts of the brain that activate when a person is experiencing physical pain are also triggered when a child feels rejected. But rejection is worse than emotional pain for people can psychologically re-live the emotional pain of rejection for many years.\n\n\nWhen children feel rejected by their parents, they tend to become more anxious and insecure. Over time, they start to have low self-esteem, chronic self-doubt and depression. They even develop hostility and aggression towards others.\n\n\nThis doesn\u2019t end in childhood and the emotional pain lingers into adulthood. As a result, these children grow into adults who find it difficult to form trusting and secure relationships with their partners.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat happens when children feel rejected by their fathers?\n\n\nNow here\u2019s the thing, people primarily target mums when it comes to children feeling rejected. But the recent studies prove otherwise.\n\n\nWhen children feel rejected by their fathers, the effects on their development are far more serious than that of the mother.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhen children feel rejected by their fathers, the effects are worse than their mums rejecting them.\n\n\n\n\nA possible explanation for this is that children pay more attention to the parent they view as more influential and the one with more interpersonal power or prestige. So it hits them harder and causes more emotional damage when children feel rejected by their father.\u00a0\n\n\nAttention received from the father has a strong impact on the development of a child\u2019s personality.\n\n\nImplications of these findings\u00a0\n\n\nThe takeaway from this is that the findings should serve as a strong driving force for men to be more involved in the emotional upbringing of their children.\n\n\nMen need to understand that their love is as important as motherly love which often gets most of the spotlight.\n\n\nFathers tend to leave the emotional parts of being a parent to their wife. Often this is because they feel insecure about their emotional importance in the family. But the truth of the matter is the father is the head of the family.\n\n\nThe father is very influential and he should be more involved in the emotional upbringing of the children.\n\n\nIn addition, schools and medical institutions are often too quick to blame mothers. It\u2019s important to recognise the influence and role of the father on the child\u2019s personality development and as such, the inappropriateness of mother blaming.\n\n\nDo you know when your child feels rejected?\n\n\nHaving said all of this, it\u2019s also important to raise awareness of what parental rejection is and when and how children feel rejected.\n\n\nMany a time, parental rejection is not deliberate. Especially for men, they don\u2019t have the slightest idea that they are making their children feel rejected by some of the things that they unintentionally do.\n\n\nApart from the obvious, not being warm and affectionate towards your child is also a form of rejection. If you want to be the disciplinarian go ahead, but that doesn\u2019t mean that you\u00a0\nalways\n\u00a0\ndismiss your child or communicate in a curt and distanced manner.\n\n\n\n\nIf you only focus on the negative, children feel rejected.\n\n\n\n\nIt may seem like you are doing them good and raising them in a \u2018firm\u2019 manner, but if you don\u2019t balance it out and show them affection, children feel rejected and you end up scarring them emotionally.\n\n\nLikewise, being too busy for them and constantly giving them divided attention is also a form of rejection. If your child runs to you in excitement to show you his schoolwork and you can barely look away from the television, your handphone or laptop, it\u2019s also rejection.\n\n\nNot praising and affirming their achievements and positive character traits and constantly focussing on the negative is also rejection.\u00a0\n\n\nSo mums and dads, and especially dads in this case, be more aware of how you interact with your child. Give them the affection and attention that they need and deserve to avoid damaging them emotionally!\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nReference: \nCurious Mind Magazine\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ramadan-ebook", "title": "Your FREE Ramadan At-Home Care Guide E-Book", "body": "Let us set ourselves up for our best and healthiest Ramadan yet at home \u2013 where you can continue to maintain your spiritual practice, do the needful of fasting and still care for your body and mind.\n\n\nPlease take good care of yourself and share this care guide with one another, your health and well-being is most important during this time.\n\n\nHere is a sneak peek into the e-book:\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \u00a0\n \n \n\n\nDownload the complete\u00a0FREE Ramadan At-Home Care Guide \nhere.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/breech-baby-decapitated-highlights-dangers-of-forgoing-a-c-section", "title": "Breech baby decapitated highlights dangers of forgoing a C-section", "body": "When a mum is told she is carrying a breech baby, or a baby who will likely be born feet first, she naturally worries if delivery will be smooth. After all, babies born headfirst are indeed more common. A mum-to-be normally tries to ease her worries by talking to her doctor or researching common breech newborn death causes.\u00a0\n\n\nBut no amount of research can ever prepare a mum for losing a child, and in one of the most horrific ways possible.\n\n\nAccording to \nThe\n \nGuardian\n, a 30-year-old mum in Dundee, Scotland was subjected to extreme malpractice during delivery.\n\n\nThe mum, only named as Patient A, was carrying a premature infant in breech position. She should have been told that a caesarean section was her safest option for delivery. However, reports say her doctorallegedly urged her to deliver normally.\n\n\nBreech Newborn Death Causes: Reports Say Gynaecologist Forced the Mum to Deliver\n\n\nDr Vaishnavy Laxman, a 41-year-old consultant gynaecologist, reportedly instructed the mum to push while she tugged at the unborn baby\u2019s legs. The baby had a prolapsed cord, a common danger. Because the baby was fragile and pre-term, the force detached the legs, arms, and torso from its head.\u00a0\n\n\nMore disturbing still are reports that say the mum was in pre-labour. Her water had just broke and she was just three centimetres dilated when the doctor attempted to deliver the baby.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe safest route when it comes to breech babies is still delivering them via emergency C-section. | Image source: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nLater reports say the baby had a slow heartbeat, but was alive when it happened. Charles Garside, a lawyer for the General Medical Council, stressed that Dr. Laxman made \u201cthe wrong choice.\u201d He emphasises that doctors \u201cshould never use vaginal delivery in that situation.\u201d\n\n\nThe traumatised mum recounted in a medical tribunal hearing how she was forced down on the bed. Despite her protests, they tried to cut her cervix twice without telling her. There was no anaesthetic and she made it clear that she wanted them to stop, but her pleas were ignored.\n\n\nAfter they realised what had happened, two doctors performed a caesarean section in order to get the baby out so they could reattach the head. They let the mum hold her little one to say goodbye.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBreech Newborn Death Causes: How Can They Be Avoided?\n\n\nAs previously stated, an emergency caesarean section would have been the safest decision. Considering that the mum wasn\u2019t fully dilated yet, then the C-section route would have prevented this tragedy from happening. One doctor\u2019s alleged mistake cost a baby its life.\n\n\nSadly, this is not an isolated case. Back in 2012, a \nbaby in Brazil was decapitated\n after its shoulders got stuck in the birth canal. But the baby was not in breech, so the rest of its body was left inside the womb. Six years earlier, in Kentucky USA, a baby was decapitated during a cervical cerclage procedure.\u00a0\n\n\nAround 3-4 % of all pregnancies will result in a breech delivery. There are many possible causes of breech baby presentation. For starters, if a mum has had several babies, or is pregnant with twins, then she\u2019ll likely have a breech baby. Mums who have had premature babies in the past are also prone to carrying breech babies.\n\n\nWhat Causes Breech Babies and How Can Mums Have a Safe Delivery?\n\n\nBreech presentation is influenced by having too much or not enough amniotic fluid. Why? The baby has more room to turn or move around in. Uterine shape and conditions like Placenta Previa also heighten the likelihood.\n\n\nAside from the fact that a breech baby is head-up in the uterus, it\u2019s just like a normal pregnancy. The real risk occurs during delivery. When a baby is in breech, they are more at risk for getting stuck in the birth canal. There is also a tendency that their umbilical cord will be compressed or cut off prematurely.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nTo prevent rare, terrifying breech newborn death causes, a \npast study\n claims that planned caesarean sections are still SAFER for breech babies.\u00a0\n\n\nThe British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology\n backs this claim, saying that although a trained provider can deliver a breech baby normally, C-sections are still the safest decision to make.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nThe Guardian\n, \nThe Huffington Post\n, \nHealthline\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/types-of-headaches-how-to-treat-them", "title": "15 Types of Headache & How To Treat Each of Them", "body": "Headaches are a common condition that is characterised by pain that occurs in the head or upper neck area. There are many different types of headaches \u2014 common and rare. Here\u2019s a guide to 15 recognised types of headaches and how to treat each of them.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrimary Headaches vs. Secondary Headaches\n\n\nHeadaches can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary.\u00a0\n\n\nA primary headache occurs as a condition in itself and is not related to any other cause. The main types of primary headaches are migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches and hypnic headaches.\u00a0\n\n\nOn the other hand, secondary headaches occur as a result of another condition \u2014 this includes hormone headaches that occur due to a change in hormones, head injury headaches that occur after a concussion or whiplash, and even hangover headaches that occur after a night of excessive alcohol consumption.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Homage\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Tension Headache\n\n\n\nOne of the most common types of headaches, tension headaches cause pain behind the eyes and in the base of the neck. Symptoms include muscle tightness in the temple, the sensation of a tight band of pressure around the head, and continuous but not throbbing pain.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe pain can range from mild to severe, and women aged 20 to 40 are typically more prone to tension headaches compared to men.\n\n\nMost experiences with tension headaches tend to be episodic, meaning that they occur sporadically once or twice a month, or less. However, tension headaches may also be chronic.\u00a0\n\n\nTension headaches are commonly associated with stress, fatigue, arthritis, anxiety or depression, but may also be a result of poor posture, eye strain, as well as misaligned teeth or jawbones.\u00a0\n\n\nTension Headache Treatment\n\n\nWhen dealing with tension headaches (and most headaches), your first line of treatment can be to drink more water. Dehydration can result in headaches or make headaches worse, so increasing your fluid intake may help mitigate and prevent headaches.\u00a0\n\n\nA lack of sleep is a common headache trigger, so be sure to monitor how much sleep you are having each night.\u00a0\n\n\nBeyond these strategies, over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin and paracetamol may be able to get rid of headache symptoms.\u00a0\n\n\nBe cautious about overusing these OTC medications though, as these may lead to more severe recurring headache symptoms as you stop taking them and the drugs\u2019 effects wear off.\n\n\n2. Migraine Headache\n\n\n\n\nMigraines are moderate to severe headaches that manifest as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. This may be accompanied by other symptoms such as feeling nauseous and increased sensitivity to surrounding light and sound.\u00a0\n\n\n\nMigraines are complicated events that may be triggered by different reasons, and the symptoms may manifest differently as well. Though severe chronic migraine attacks can affect one\u2019s quality of life, migraines generally occur in a recognisable pattern that makes them easy to diagnose and treat.\n\n\n\nWhat sets a migraine apart from a headache is that it tends to progress through several stages:\n\n\n\n\nThe Prodromal Phase\n: Pre-migraine warning signs may appear (constipation, depression, food cravings, hyperactivity, irritability, neck stiffness etc) one to two days before the migraine attack.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Aura Phase\n: Some people may experience visual disturbances or\u00a0visual auras\u00a0just before the attack.\n\nSome do not experience this phase, but may instead experience mood changes, fatigue, mental fuzziness, fluid retention, diarrhoea, increased urination, nausea and nasal congestion.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Attack Phase\n: This occurs as a throbbing pain that\u2019s usually felt above the eyes and affects one side of the head, which may last for a few hours to several days. Physical activity and movement usually worsen the pain.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Postdromal Phase\n: The pain subsides.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMigraines can happen to anyone, though they tend to be more common in adult women than men. Some women may find that\u00a0migraine attacks tend to coincide with their menstrual cycle.\n\n\nMigraine Treatment\n\n\nSince migraines can be caused by several factors, the best strategy to manage migraines depends on the frequency and severity of your symptoms and how they affect your life.\u00a0\n\n\nOTCs such as paracetamol and ibuprofen may help to relieve some migraine pains. However, if your migraines persist,\u00a0consult a doctor\u00a0for other treatment options. Some doctors might prescribe medications that help prevent the onset of migraines. These usually come with some side effects, so only take those medications when prescribed.\u00a0\n\n\nStaying away from your migraine triggers as much as possible will be helpful. You can consider writing down your potential migraine triggers to help you and your doctor identify them in the long run.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Cluster Headache\n\n\nAs its name indicates, cluster headaches are primary headaches that occur in \u201cclusters\u201d of up to eight times per day. This kind of headache can result in severe, debilitating pain that occurs suddenly. This is often considered to be one of the most painful types of headache and is described as a searing, stabbing pain that occurs behind the eye or in the side of the head.\u00a0\n\n\nCluster headaches comprise short attacks that last around 15 minutes to 3 hours. These daily clusters occur in cycles that can last for weeks or months, with cluster headaches occurring daily. Between these cycles is the remission period that can last for months or years, where the individual typically remains headache-free. Those with remission periods that last for less than a month are considered to have chronic cluster headaches.\u00a0\n\n\nOne key characteristic that separates cluster headaches from migraines is the actions that worsen or lessen the headache\u2019s effect during an attack. Migraine patients often opt to lie down in a dark room or keep still during an attack as movement tends to worsen migraines.\u00a0\n\n\nOn the flip side, most people who suffer from cluster headaches find that keeping still does nothing to help with the pain and tend to fidget and move around during an attack. They may even resort to banging their head on something to distract from the pain.\u00a0\n\n\nCluster Headache Treatment\n\n\nAccording to the American Migraine Foundation, individuals experiencing cluster headaches are often treated incorrectly by doctors who attempt to treat their symptoms the same way as with migraines. However, cluster headaches and migraines are different forms of headaches that require different types of treatments.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThere are several ways that cluster headache symptoms may be reduced, including steroid prescriptions, preventive medications, and other newer experimental treatments that are currently being developed.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best way to find a treatment plan that works for you is to consult a specialist (neurologist) on an individualised treatment plan for severe headaches that disrupt your quality of life.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Hypnic Headache\n\n\n\nHypnic headaches are a rare type of headache that occurs when one is sleeping. These are sometimes called \u201calarm-clock headaches\u201d for how they awaken people from their sleep.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThese headaches often occur around the same time each night for several days a week, with each attack lasting from 15 minutes to 4 hours. The pain can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by migraine-like symptoms such as nausea as well as light and sound sensitivity.\u00a0\n\n\nThe exact cause of hypnic headaches is currently still unknown, though some experts believe that they might be linked to issues in the parts of the brain that involve pain management, REM sleep and melatonin production.\u00a0\n\n\nHypnic Headache Treatment\n\n\nThough there are currently no specific treatments for hypnic headaches, your doctor might recommend that you try taking a dose of caffeine before bed in the form of coffee, as it has been shown to help reduce hypnic headache attacks without causing any severe side effects.\u00a0\n\n\nOTC medications can be taken to manage the pain, though long-term reliance on these may cause chronic headaches. Always speak to your doctor before trying any kind of new medication.\n\n\n5. Sinus Headache\n\n\n\n\nSinus headaches (called rhinosinusitis), are a rare secondary headache that occurs due to viral or bacterial sinus infection. Symptoms include thick, discoloured nasal discharge, a decreased sense of smell, facial pain or pressure and fever.\n\n\nIt is quite common for people who \u201cself-diagnose\u201d themselves with sinus headaches to actually be suffering from migraines, due to shared symptoms such as the forehead and facial pressure over the sinuses, nasal congestion and runny nose.\u00a0\n\n\nSinus Headache Treatment\n\n\nIf you have been diagnosed with a bacterial sinus infection, the doctor should prescribe you a course of antibiotics, which should resolve the headache symptoms after a few days.\n\n\nIf the pain persists, consult your doctor again as you may be suffering from migraines rather than sinus headaches, which will require a different type of treatment. Your doctor might then prescribe a migraine-specific treatment for you and see if your symptoms get better.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Ocular Migraine\n\n\nOcular migraines are a rare condition characterised by temporary vision loss in one eye. This is often caused by reduced blood flow or spasms in blood vessels within the retina or behind the eye.\n\n\nOcular migraines can be painless or they can occur along with or after a migraine headache, with vision in the affected eye generally returning to normal within an hour. Symptoms include a small blind spot that affects the central vision in one eye and may get larger, which could end up preventing you from driving or walking if the attack occurs when you are out of the house.\u00a0\n\n\nOcular migraines are often incorrectly used to describe\u00a0visual migraines, which are much more common and harmless.\u00a0\n\n\nTreatment for Ocular Migraine\n\n\nThe first step is to consult your doctor, who will determine if you are suffering from ocular migraines or some other condition. As the attacks usually last less than an hour, most people usually don\u2019t require treatment and will be advised to stop their activities during the duration of the attack until their vision returns to normal.\u00a0\n\n\nA sudden loss of vision in one eye may be related to a more severe eye problem not linked to headaches. If you suddenly experience any sort of blind spot in your vision, consult an eye doctor immediately to determine if this is a temporary harmless vision problem or a symptom of something more serious such as a retinal detachment or a\u00a0stroke.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Visual Migraine/Migraine Aura\n\n\n\nSome people experience a phenomenon called visual migraines or migraine auras shortly before their migraine attack. These often occur suddenly and disappear within 30 minutes or so, and may or may not be accompanied by a migraine headache.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThese may manifest as:\n\n\n\n\nA flickering blind spot near the centre of one\u2019s field of vision\n\n\nA wavy ring of coloured light surrounding a central blind spot\n\n\nA blind spot that slowly migrates across your visual field\n\n\n\n\nOne way to determine if you are experiencing an ocular migraine or a visual migraine is to close one eye at a time \u2014 if the disturbance occurs in only one eye, it\u2019s likely an ocular migraine, and if it occurs in both eyes, it\u2019s likely a visual migraine.\u00a0\n\n\nTreatment for Visual Migraine\n\n\nAs with ocular migraines, the first step is to consult a doctor about your vision problems.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best way to prevent visual migraines is to avoid your migraine triggers and get ample sleep. You may also take OTCs to mitigate the headache pain occasionally.\u00a0\n\n\n8. Hormone Headache (Headache During Menstruation)\n\n\n\n\nDue to the natural fluctuations in hormone levels that women experience throughout the month, many women suffer from uncomfortable symptoms around the time of their menstrual cycle, including headaches.\n\n\nDue to the natural drop in oestrogen levels during this time, migraines are more likely to develop in the two days before a menstrual period or during the first three days of a menstrual period.\u00a0\n\n\nBeyond menstrual periods, other causes of hormonal headaches include taking combined oral contraceptive pills (which contain oestrogen) that involve a pill-free week, menopause and pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nHormone Headache Treatment\n\n\nTreatment for hormone headaches typically involves mitigating the headache symptoms via OTCs or prescribed medications taken around the time of one\u2019s period.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your headaches are caused by a drop in oestrogen levels during the pill-free week of taking combined contraceptive pills, you may consult with your doctor on switching to a continuous contraceptive such as combined pills with no break, progesterone-only mini-pills, and birth control implants.\u00a0\n\n\nRead our handy guide to learn more about the\u00a0\ndifferent types of birth control available in Malaysia\n.\n\n\n9. Cervicogenic Headache\n\n\nA cervicogenic headache is a pain that develops in the neck and radiates to the back and front of the head, often accompanied by neck stiffness. These often result from structural problems in the neck and cervical vertebrae (vertebrae at the top of the spine).\n\n\nCervicogenic headaches can develop in people who work in jobs that put them at more risk of neck strain, such as cab drivers and labourers. Cervicogenic headaches can also occur after an injury to the neck such as whiplash.\u00a0\n\n\nCervicogenic Headache Treatment\n\n\nCervicogenic headache treatment focuses on removing the cause of neck pain. Your doctor may prescribe medication or OTC pain relief medications to help manage the painful symptoms.\u00a0\n\n\nPhysical therapy involving soft tissue massage and joint movement may also be an effective treatment as it deals directly with the cause of the neck pain that results in cervicogenic headaches.\u00a0\n\n\n10. Post-Injury Headache\n\n\nA post-injury headache is a secondary headache that may occur in the days and weeks following a traumatic head injury.\u00a0\n\n\nHeadaches immediately after a head injury are fairly common and they usually taper off in the days following it, but a persistent headache that lasts longer than that is considered a post-injury headache.\u00a0\n\n\nThese types of headaches are often characterised as a daily constant ache that affects both sides of the head. These bouts of pain are usually mild to moderate, though one may experience some spikes in pain similar to that of a migraine.\n\n\nOther changes and symptoms that people may experience post-injury include neurological symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, sleep disruptions and ringing sounds in their ear.\u00a0\n\n\nPost-Injury Headache Treatment\n\n\nTreatment for this type of headache is symptomatic and often consists of tension headache treatments such as medication. Your doctor may also advise you to get ample rest and sleep following a traumatic injury in order to help reduce the symptoms, and to avoid consuming stimulants like nicotine and alcohol.\n\n\n11. Cough Headache\n\n\nCough headaches occur in some people when they experience headaches caused by a bout of coughing that\u2019s often triggered by a sudden increase of pressure within the abdomen and chest. These headaches can be either primary or secondary.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you have sinusitis or a cold, your coughing might become more forceful, which increases your risk of coughing headaches. This headache can also occur after sneezing, laughing, straining during bowel movements and bending over for too long.\n\n\nThese types of headaches are usually nothing serious, particularly if they are primary headaches, which tend to improve on their own. However, secondary coughing headaches could point to a more serious issue (an abnormal skull shape, weakness in a brain blood vessel that could lead to an aneurysm, brain tumour etc).\n\n\nCough Headache Treatment\n\n\nPrimary cough headaches can often be treated by medication such as OTC anti-inflammatory medications to reduce coughing and blood pressure medication.\u00a0\n\n\nSecondary cough headache treatment is more complex and will depend on what the doctor determines the cause to be, whether it\u2019s a malformation of the skull or a brain tumour.\u00a0\n\n\n12. Exertion Headache (Headache After Exercise)\n\n\n\n\n\nExertion headaches are headaches triggered by physical activity such as exercise. This type of headache is often felt as a pulsating pain at both sides of the head during or after a workout, and typically don\u2019t last more than several minutes.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThough the causes are unknown, some medical experts believe that strenuous exercise narrows the blood vessels inside the skull and results in headaches. These headaches are often likely to develop when exercising in hot weather or at high altitudes.\u00a0\n\n\nExertion Headache Treatment\n\n\nMost exertion headaches go away on their own within a few months. You may take OTC medications to help with the headache pain, as well as apply a hot towel or heating pad to your forehead. You should also drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you frequently get headaches after exercising and experience other unusual symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor to rule out any serious underlying conditions.\n\n\n13. Stimulant Drug Headache\n\n\nHeadaches and migraines are associated with individuals with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who are prescribed stimulant drug medication, such as Adderall.\n\n\nMost individuals report two different types of headaches when using medications to treat ADHD and ADD. The first is a milder sort of headache that is usually felt at the back of the head, which occurs at the end of the dose. This type of headache is relatively bearable and can usually be relieved by taking OTCs if desired.\u00a0\n\n\nThe second type of headache tends to be more severe and is usually felt radiating throughout the whole head for the entire duration of the dose (and sometimes even after each dose has worn off). Patients with a family history of migraines are often more susceptible to this type of severe headache side effects.\n\n\nStimulant Drug Headache Treatment\n\n\nIf you experience recurring headaches as a side effect of your prescription, consult your doctor for the best course of treatment. Your doctor might consider switching the type of medication prescribed to help with the symptoms.\n\n\n14. Caffeine Headache\n\n\nDid you know that caffeine can both cause and relieve headaches?\u00a0\n\n\nHeadaches can be caused by a caffeine overdose. Caffeine isn\u2019t just found in coffee \u2014 it\u2019s found in energy drinks, workout supplements such as pre-workout, certain sodas as well as other foods and beverages. One side-effect of caffeine is that it makes you urinate more (as it is a diuretic), which is dehydrating. In turn, dehydration can cause headaches.\n\n\nOn the flip side, caffeine can also help treat headaches. Some people are prescribed caffeine by their doctor in a bid to alleviate chronic headaches \u2014 particularly patients with hypnic headaches.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, once your body adapts to caffeine, stopping consumption for even one day could cause some unpleasant side effects. Since caffeine narrows the blood vessels that surround the brain, a sudden stop in consumption results in these blood vessels dilating. The increase in blood flow around the brain puts pressure on the surrounding nerves, which may trigger caffeine withdrawal headaches.\u00a0\n\n\nThis can happen to anyone who consumes coffee regularly, even in doses as little as a cup of coffee a day. If you\u2019ve been taking caffeine to alleviate your headaches, stopping the consumption of caffeine may result in a \u201crebound effect\u201d during which your headaches become worse after you stop \u2014 similar to how an overreliance on medication for headaches can result in a worse headache after you stop taking it.\u00a0\n\n\nCaffeine Headache Treatment\n\n\nThere is no actual way to prevent or stop caffeine headaches from occurring. However, if you consume caffeine regularly, you can monitor your intake to ensure that you are not taking too much caffeine each day. Drink plenty of water as well to make sure that your body is well-hydrated since caffeine is a diuretic.\u00a0\n\n\n15. Hangover Headache\n\n\nWine nights are great for unwinding \u2014 but having a few too many glasses may result in some unpleasant morning afters.\u00a0\n\n\nDespite how warm and fuzzy alcohol often makes you feel, it\u2019s still a substance that affects your brain, liver, kidneys and other body systems adversely. Many of these effects persist till the next day even after your body detoxes from the alcohol. Dehydration is one significant effect, alongside disruptions to your blood chemistry, digestion, and sleep cycle. These all cumulate in what we come to know as the hangover, which is often accompanied by headaches.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe duration of each hangover varies depending on how much alcohol was consumed, how hydrated (or dehydrated) you are, weight, gender, current health status and more. People who are already prone to migraines tend to experience more instances of developing headaches along with their hangovers.\u00a0\n\n\nHangover Headache Treatment\n\n\nDespite all the hangover drinks and jellies that claim to prevent hangovers, the best and most reliable way to avoid a hangover is: don\u2019t drink.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you end up with a splitting headache after a night of overindulgence, here are some things you can do:\n\n\n\n\nDrink more fluids (other than alcohol) to stave off dehydration, such as water and sports drinks.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t take medications like acetaminophen that may overtax your liver (and definitely don\u2019t drink when you are on medication in the first place)\n\n\nAvoid more alcohol \u2014 that\u2019s a given.\n\n\n\n\nWhen to See a Doctor for Headaches?\n\n\nMost headaches are usually mild and will go away with rest and the occasional self-medication. If your headache is chronic, you may want to consult a GP or be referred to a specialist who can devise a treatment plan for you.\u00a0\n\n\nEven though most headaches don\u2019t require immediate medical intervention, persistent and severe headaches may point to more serious problems that require immediate medical attention.\u00a0\n\n\nConsult a doctor immediately or head to the emergency department if your headache:\n\n\n\n\nIs abrupt and severe, and/or lasts over 72 hours with little to no gaps\n\n\nOccurs with a fever\n\n\nHappens after a head injury and gets worse\n\n\nLasts for a few days or weeks and gets worse after coughing, exertion, straining or a sudden movement\n\n\nIs accompanied by severe and uncontrollable vomiting\u00a0\n\n\nOccurs along with confusion and difficulty in understanding what other people are saying\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat different types of headaches are there? Medical News Today. Retrieved 9 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320767\n\u00a0\n\n\nHormone Headaches. National Health Service (UK). Retrieved 9 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hormone-headaches/\n\u00a0\n\n\nHeadache and Migraines. Health Hub. Retrieved 9 June 2021, from\u00a0\u00a0\nhttps://www.healthhub.sg/a-z/diseases-and-conditions/649/headache-and-migraine\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Connection Between Headaches and ADHD. Psychology Today. Retrieved 9 June 2021, from\u00a0\u00a0\nhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/1-2-3-adhd/202005/the-connection-between-headaches-and-adhd\n\u00a0\n\n\nUnderstanding Cluster Headache. American Migraine Foundation. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/cluster-headache-2/\n\u00a0\n\n\nHypnic Headache: A Painful Alarm Clock. Healthline. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/hypnic-headache\n\u00a0\n\n\nSinus Headaches. American Migraine Foundation. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/sinus-headaches/\n\u00a0\n\n\nOcular Migraines and Visual Migraines: What\u2019s the Difference? All About Vision.\u00a0 Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\u00a0\nhttps://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/ocular-migraine.htm\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is a cervicogenic headache? Medical News Today. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324108\n\u00a0\n\n\nHeadaches After Head Injuries \u2014 Post-Traumatic Headaches. Brainline. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://www.brainline.org/article/headaches-after-head-injuries-%E2%80%94-post-traumatic-headaches\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy Does My Head Hurt When I Cough?\u00a0 Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/head-hurts-when-i-cough\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Link Between Caffeine and Headaches. WebMD. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from\u00a0\u00a0\nhttps://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/triggers-caffeine\n\u00a0\n\n\nAlcohol and Headaches. Mathew, Paul G. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from \u00a0\u00a0\nhttps://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/alcohol-and-headaches-2018102615222\n\u00a0\n\n\nHangover Headache. John Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved 10 June 2021, from \u00a0\u00a0\nhttps://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/headache/hangover-headache\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nHomage.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThings That Give Expecting Malaysian Mummies A Headache\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/diastasis-recti-all-you-need-to-know-about-this-postpartum-condition", "title": "Diastasis recti: All you need to know about this postpartum condition", "body": "Do you still \u201clook pregnant\u201d months after your delivery? You might have what is called \nDiastasis recti\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is extended flab (instead of abs) that is formed when there is extra space between your left and right belly muscles.\u00a0Although this \u201cpouch\u201d is usually harmless, it is fairly undesirable.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s most commonly seen in pregnant women and sometimes even newborns. But it usually goes away after a while in both cases. You may also notice it in women who give birth to more than one child or have twins or get pregnant past the age of 35.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is Diastasis recti?\u00a0\n\n\nEach of us have rectus abdominis, which are long and flat muscles that run down vertically on either side of our abdomen. These are crucial because they provide core strength to our body and also hold in the internal organs.\u00a0\n\n\nNow when you are pregnant, the rectus abdominis muscles expand and separate vertically down the middle so as to make room for the baby. In addition, your pregnancy hormones enable the tissues to relax and expand.\u00a0\n\n\nUsually, rectus abdominis heal on their own four or six months postpartum. In other words, they come back into the same pre-pregnancy vertical position. However, in many cases there is a possibility that these muscles do not come back to their original position.\n\n\nIn such a scenario, you end up with a \u201cpouch\u201d that looks like a pregnant belly. Sometimes, you may need surgical intervention.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDiastasis recti occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles expand and separate vertically down the middle\u00a0to make room for the baby during pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nSometimes, it may also look like an unsightly ridge protruding from your tummy and may look prominent when you cough. But not every type of belly fat is Diastasis recti.\u00a0\n\n\nHow do I know if I also have\u00a0Diastasis recti?\u00a0\n\n\nThere is a simple home test that can check if the flab you have is actually\u00a0Diastasis recti or just fat!\u00a0\n\n\nSimply lie on your back, keeping your knees bent and your feet firmly on the floor. Now bring your hand gently over the navel. Make sure that it is palm down and your fingers are pointing towards the toes.\u00a0\n\n\nLift your head and bring it towards your chest, this causes the\u00a0rectus abdominis to contract.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you feel a gap of two or more fingers between the two sides of your abdomen, it means you have Diastasis recti. But worry not, it is not harmful in any way. However, you may need medical intervention to get rid of it.\u00a0\n\n\nCan Diastasis recti lead to other health complications?\n\n\nWhile a\u00a0Diastasis recti mainly affects the abdomen and may be harmless in most cases, sometimes it can also have implications on functioning of other organs and body parts.\n\n\n\n\nChronic back ache\n: Women with Diastasis recti may suffer from chronic back pain (because of excess flab in the front that refuses to go).\n\n\nUrinary incontinence\n: They may also have\u00a0urinary incontinence, which occurs when loose muscles are unable to\u00a0keep urine in control and prevent leak.\n\n\nPostpartum constipation\n: In some cases women may also suffer from postpartum constipation. It may take a few days for you to pass stool and you feel bloated most of the time.\u00a0\n\n\nPain during sex\n: Another problem that\u00a0Diastasis recti causes is painful sex. You may have pelvic pain during sex and clubbed with\u00a0urinary incontinence, intercourse can be difficult initially.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat can I do about my\u00a0Diastasis recti?\n\n\nThe bad news is that once the connective tissues of the\u00a0rectus abdominis muscles stretch out, it is difficult to put them back together. In fact, traditional crunches may also render useless because they may strengthen the stretched tissues in the same position. So the gap still remains.\u00a0\n\n\nThe good news is that an abdominal rehabilitation can help you get rid of\u00a0Diastasis recti.\n\n\nIn an abdominal rehab you essentially work with a physical therapist who suggests specific type of exercises to strengthen as well as tone weak abdominal muscles.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s what you can expect in an abdominal rehab:\u00a0\n\n\n1. Strengthen rectus abdominis\n:\n\n\nYou may have to perform mini crunches while wearing a belt or a sheet that is tightly wrapped around your waist. This will strengthen your abdominal connective tissues and prevent them from stretching further.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n2. Strengthen transverse abdominis\n:\n\n\nYou may also be taught to work on strengthening your transverse abdominis. This is a part of the abdomen that acts as a corset and protects and provide strength to the core. When you say \u2018shhh\u2019 out loud, you\u2019ll be able to feel your transverse abdominis.\u00a0You may also be recommended the\u00a0\nTupler Technique\n\u00a0for this purpose.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n3. Daily exercises\n:\n\n\nYour therapist may show you how to use abdominal exercises and ways so that you can incorporate them in your daily activities such as getting up from the bed, sitting on a chair, picking up objects from the floor among others.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBased on your therapist\u2019s guidance you may have to perform mini crunches to recover from a severe Diastasis recti\n\n\n\n\nTo start the abdominal rehab you\u2019ll have to wait a minimum of six weeks in case of \nnormal delivery\n and eight to weeks in case of a \ncaesarean section\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe other thing to remember is that if your\u00a0Diastasis recti is severe (if you can feel a gap of three or more fingers between your right and left abdomen), then surgery may be the next best option. This is especially true if you do not plan to get pregnant again.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat happens in a\u00a0Diastasis recti surgery?\u00a0\n\n\nIn a\u00a0Diastasis recti surgery, your abdominal wall muscles are stitched back together down the middle of the abdomen. While this is a more common method, in certain cases a laparoscopical procedure can also be performed.\u00a0\n\n\nHere, a small camera is inserted in the abdomen through tiny incisions and the stitch is made.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\n\n\nIn case of severe\u00a0Diastasis recti, doctors may even perform an open abdominal surgery (abdominoplasty). This usually involves a larger incision in the belly. However, remember that the latter is a cosmetic surgery so you may have to discuss with your insurance provider if this can be covered in your plan.\n\n\nBut there is always a 50-50 percent chance for all this to actually work.\u00a0\n\n\nWill I ever get my pre-pregnancy abs back?\u00a0\n\n\nEach body is different and its requirements and healing process, therefore, also differ. So while a few weeks in abdominal rehab may work for some women, others may need a surgery to recover from a severe\u00a0Diastasis recti.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition, you may also want to lose the pregnancy weight and so it may take time for your entire body to get back into its previous shape and size. The important thing is to take it slow, trust your body and do not over exert.\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nWedMD\n, \nHealthline\n, \nWellness Mama\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n(Images courtesy: Shutterstock, Pixabay)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chickenpox-vaccine", "title": "Every Parent\u2019s Worst Nightmare: When Children Fall Really Ill And We Can\u2019t Do Much", "body": "It is every parent\u2019s worst nightmare when their beloved children are down with contagious and potentially life-threatening diseases like chickenpox, hand-foot-mouth disease or others. No matter what the disease is, it is definitely something parents want to avoid at all costs.\u00a0\n\n\nParents will do their very best to help protect their precious children. Whether it is for their education or health, we don\u2019t tolerate mediocrity.\n\u00a0\n\n\nSo if you\u2019re a new parent and you\u2019re wondering where to even begin with giving the best to your kids, one of the first things to do is to fill up our knowledge cups on what to do when your child falls sick.\u00a0\nWhen kids fall sick, it can be overwhelming to parents and while we are not expected to know everything, there are a few key things we can take note of to remember.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are diseases that are preventable by vaccines. This is why we have a National Immunisation Programme with a vaccination schedule for parents\n1\n.\n\n\nBut on top of that, there are also additional vaccines for other common diseases which parents can get for their children. These vaccines are available in private hospitals and clinics\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of these common diseases is chickenpox.\n\n\nWhat is Chickenpox?\n\n\nWe usually hear about chickenpox as a disease that often affects children. This is caused by a virus known as varicella zoster virus, which makes it a contagious disease that can spread from person to person easily through contact (with the fluid from the chickenpox blisters) or air if the infected person coughs or sneezes\n3\n.\n\n\nWhat Are the Symptoms of Chickenpox?\n\n\nYour child might start showing symptoms of chickenpox 10-21 days after being exposed. In fact, chickenpox can spread from 1\u20132 days before the rash appears in an infected person until all rashes are dry\n3\n.\n\n\nSo if you have heard of a recent outbreak of chickenpox in your child\u2019s school, here are some of the symptoms to look out for\n3\n:\n\n\n\n\nFever, feeling unwell and/or tired for about five days before the rash appears.\n\n\nThe rash starts with small red spots and can be itchy for the child, sometimes also appearing on the mouth area. Usually it starts on the chest and back, then spreads to the face, scalp, and both arms and legs.\n\n\nWithin 24 hours, the rashes will look like water blisters, then burst, dry out and become crusty over 4 to 5 days.\n\n\nNew spots will continue to appear for five days and take about two weeks to disappear.\n\n\n\n\nThough in most cases, a person is said to have lifelong immunity after chickenpox infection, the virus can remain hidden and recur as shingles in adults later in life\n3\n.\n\n\nIf your child is experiencing symptoms of chickenpox, it is highly recommended to take them to see a doctor to seek the right treatment plan.\n\n\nChickenpox Complications\n\n\nThere are instances in which serious complications can arise from chickenpox. The complications include bacterial skin infection, blood stream infection, pneumonia or even brain infection in severe cases\n3\n.\n\n\nHow to Prevent Chickenpox\n\n\nIf you are sending your child to day care or know that they will be at some point, exposed to a large group of children in an environment that you cannot guarantee their health, it is of course better to seek preventive care for your child.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the case of chickenpox, one of the most effective ways in helping to protect your child against the disease is by getting them vaccinated\n3\n.\n\n\nImmunisation for ANY preventable disease is IMPORTANT\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nParents, we\u2019re here to remind you how important vaccination or immunisation is for your children to help protect them from vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccines can help in building your child\u2019s immunity towards these diseases\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBy getting vaccinated according to the given schedule, you may receive protection from a number of life-threatening diseases, such as\n5\n:\n\n\n\n\nTuberculosis (TB) \u2013 This disease can cause serious infections such as meningitis and spread to other organs\n6\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDiphtheria \u2013 Toxins released by bacteria may lead to blocked airways\n7\n.\n\n\nPertussis \u2013 Can cause whooping cough and lack of oxygen to the brain\n8\n.\n\n\nTetanus \u2013 Bacterial poisoning that can cause cramps in the muscles of the body and affects the ability to open the jaw\n9\n.\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) \u2013 This bacterium can cause infections of the lungs (pneumonia), respiratory tract and neuritis (meningitis)\n5\n.\n\n\nHepatitis B \u2013 This virus can cause severe damage to the liver and increases the risk of the individual getting liver cancer in the future\n5\n.\n\n\nPolio \u2013 This virus can cause paralysis and even death\n5\n.\n\n\nMeasles \u2013 This virus can cause fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, infections of the brain (encephalitis) and lungs (pneumonia)\n10\n.\n\n\nMumps \u2013 This virus can cause viral meningitis and infection of testicles (orchitis)\n11\n.\n\n\nRubella \u2013 This virus can cause fever, rash, nausea and mild conjunctivitis\n12\n.\n\n\nPneumococcus \u2013 This bacteria can cause severe diseases like meningitis or milder infections like sinusitis or ear infections\n5\n.\n\n\nRotavirus \u2013 This virus can cause severe diarrhoea and dehydration\n5\n.\n\n\nHuman Papillomavirus \u2013 This virus can cause cervical cancer and genital warts\n5\n.\n\n\nVaricella (Chickenpox) \u2013 This virus can cause a blister like rash and fever, which can also cause shingles later as adults if the virus reactivates\n3\n.\n\n\nInfluenza\u00a0 \u2013 Influenza A can cause epidemics of flu diseases or flu season\n13\n.\n\n\nMeningococcal \u2013 This bacteria can cause deadly infections of the lining of the brain, spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream\n14\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHepatitis A \u2013 This virus can cause short term infection of the liver\n15\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nBesides which, parents would also want to take these other cautionary measures in ensuring their child\u2019s health is not compromised such as practising good hygiene habits and keeping the home environment clean.\n\n\nSpeak to your paediatrician or your doctor about protective and preventive measures to keep the family healthy and protected.\u00a0\n\n\nMY-VVX-00130 Sep/2022\n\n\nREFERENCES:\n\n\n\n\nImmunise4Life. The Malaysian National Immunisation Programme (NIP). Available From:\n \nhttps://immunise4life.my/the-malaysian-national-immunisation-programme-nip/\n. Last Accessed 19 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nImmunise4Life. 5 Additional Recommended Vaccines for Children. Available From: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/5-additional-vaccines-for-children/\n. Last Accessed 19 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Vaccines and immunization:What is vaccination?. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/vaccines-and-immunization-what-is-vaccination\n. Last Accessed 19 August 2022.\n\n\nUNICEF. Vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/parenting/health/vaccines-and-diseases-they-prevent\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tuberculosis. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tuberculosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351250\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Diphtheria. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diphtheria/symptoms-causes/syc-20351897\n.\n Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Service Inform. Whooping cough. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/whooping-cough\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Tetanus. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tetanus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351625\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Measles. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services. Mumps \u2013 Complications. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/mumps/complications/\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Rubella. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rubella\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Types of Influenza Viruses. Available From \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/types.htm\n. Last Accessed 21 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Meningococcal Disease. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/index.html\n. Last Accessed 24 August 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. What is hepatitis A \u2013 FAQ. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm#overview\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022\n.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bifido-probiotic", "title": "Bifido-WHAT?!: How To Choose A Probiotic", "body": "Chances are that even if you haven\u2019t used probiotics, you have heard of them. With gut health being all the rage lately, these tiny yet powerful buggers have made quite a few headlines. Foods, supplements, drinks; they\u2019re all the rage! But what are they, do you need them, and how the heck do you choose which one is best? Let\u2019s find out.\n\n\nAs always, run everything by your doctor first.\n\n\nWhat are probiotics?\n\n\nWhen we think of bacteria, we often think of germs and all the things that make you sick. But your body is home to trillions of beneficial bacteria that you need to live a healthy life. We\u2019re actually made up of 90% bacteria \u2013 woah!\u00a0\n\n\nProbiotics\u00a0\nare the friendly bacteria that live in our digestive tract and are beneficial to our health. These bacteria make sure that the digestive system is running smoothly by assisting in digesting food, along with destroying harmful pathogens and producing vitamins we need to live a healthy, happy, and balanced life. An easy way to remember this is that antibiotic means \u201canti-life\u201d (killing off bacteria) and probiotic means \u201cpro-life\u201d (promoting the bacteria growth).\n\n\nWe are naturally born with probiotics in our colon but with modern living, full of antibiotics, antibacterial products, and poor diet and lifestyle choices, these healthy forms of bacteria are being wiped out and causing major health problems.\u00a0\n\n\nTaking a probiotic helps to top up the existing good bacteria, aids in converting the bad bacteria to good, and promotes a healthy balance between the good and the bad bacteria in our\u00a0\ngut flora\n. This ultimately helps to heal digestive issues and has even been seen to relieve mood disorders and autoimmunities.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is why picking a probiotic tailored to you is important. Supporting healthy gut bacteria ultimately means supporting a healthy life, and we\u2019re all about living our healthiest lives!\n\n\nBifido-what?\n\n\nWhen you first embark on the probiotic hunt, you\u2019re going to find billions (literally billions- with a B) of different strains. This is where the confusion starts to set in that usually can lead to many of us just giving up on choosing. Let\u2019s simplify this process for you so you can gut going.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are three major probiotics available today that have been found to provide health benefits: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces. These are the things you want to see on the label when choosing a probiotic.\n\n\nLactobacillus bacteria predominantly live in your small bowel and are responsible mostly for supporting digestion and immune function. The most beneficial species are L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, and L. paracasei.\n\n\nThe Bifidobacteria bacteria, predominantly found in your colon or large intestine, are responsible for producing the short-chain fatty acid butyrate. Butyrate regulates a variety of metabolic processes. The most beneficial of the Bifidobacteria are B. lactis and B. longum.\n\n\nFinally, we have Saccharomyces. Saccharomyces is a friendly yeast that supports the gut lining from the effects of dysbiosis that can happen after taking a round of antibiotics, which can lead to leaky gut syndrome. This is why Saccharomyces should be taken when given antibiotics.\n\n\nChoosing the right probiotic for you\n\n\nNow that we understand what a probiotic is, let\u2019s chat about who should be taking a probiotic. Raise your hand if you are someone that: has taken antibiotics in recent years, eats processed foods, lives in an urban area, struggles with stress, or lives in this modern world.\u00a0\n\n\nThen you should be taking a probiotic supplement.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd even if you live a generally healthy lifestyle, you can benefit from taking a probiotic. The people that are better off NOT taking a probiotic are those with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and people with compromised immune systems.\n\n\nAs always, run everything by your medical practitioner first.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen buying a probiotic you want to ensure that it is high quality. I highly recommend not skimping when purchasing a probiotic supplement. Due to the lack of regulation within the supplement world, you need to do your research and make sure that the product you\u2019re investing in is actually doing something.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd since the\u00a0\ngut is the powerhouse\n\u00a0to your overall health, it makes sense to make the investment, right?\n\n\nResearch has shown that some strains seem to be more effective than others for treating certain conditions, so it\u2019s important to keep in mind what exactly you\u2019re trying to resolve when buying your supplement.\n\n\nHow to tell which probiotic to buy\n\n\n\n\nBrand quality \u2014 Look for reputable brands with quality customer reviews.\n\n\n\nThe number of CFUs (colony forming units) \u2014 You\u2019ll usually see millions and billions, which seems like a lot. But, Billions is best. 5 to 100 billion colony-forming units is what you want to aim for. Start small and work your way up.\n\n\n\nThe number of various strains \u2014 Generally, you want to aim for 10\u201330 different strains. If you\u2019re looking to heal a certain symptom (depression, anxiety, IBS, leaky gut, etc.) search for a probiotic supplement that has certain strains to heal that.\u00a0\n\n\n\nSurvivability \u2014 There\u2019s no point in buying a high strength probiotic if it doesn\u2019t survive the trek from the supplier to your stomach! Check the label to see how many cultures survive the journey. Look for strains like Bacillus coagulans, Saccharomyces boulardii, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and other cultures that ensure probiotics make it to the gut and are able to colonize.\n\n\n\nResearch \u2014 Do your homework and look for brands that have strains that support your specific needs. Look for products that have been clinically trialled with a proven health benefit.\n\n\n\n\nHow to gut started with probiotics\u00a0\n\n\nProbiotics are generally recognised as safe, but if you have a compromised immune system or suffering from SIBO you\u2019ll want to work with your medical practitioner.\n\n\nFor those looking to boost their gut health, I suggest starting with 30 to 50 billion CFUs and working from there. The process of finding the right probiotic can take a bit of trial and error. I suggest taking your probiotics on an empty stomach once a day for 3 months and then tuning into how you\u2019re feeling since you first began. This is why when working with\u00a0\nclients\n\u00a0I have them use a gut tracker.\n\n\nThe more imbalanced the gut, the more CFU\u2019s you\u2019re going to need to get it back into balance. In cases like this, you\u2019re going to need closer to the 200 to 400 billion CFUs.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking to better understand how to find a specific strain and dosage that works for you, I recommend working with a practitioner.\n\n\nPotential side effects\n\n\nAlthough probiotics are usually seen to improve gut health, you may experience some uncomfortable symptoms when you first start taking a probiotic supplement. This is due to something called \u201cdie off\u201d. This can show up as gas, bloat, changes in stool and moods.\n\n\n\u201cDie Off\u201d is a sign that the good bacteria are killing off the bad bacteria, producing detox-like symptoms. If the symptoms are causing too much discomfort though, try lowering your dosage and then slowly working your way up. If that doesn\u2019t work, then it is possible that the strain that you are taking isn\u2019t suited for your body. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach as we are all different so it takes a bit of experimenting.Keep in mind that probiotics should be seen as a preventative, not as a treatment to any condition and that it\u2019s important to make sure you\u2019re consuming a healthy diet and practicing other health-promoting lifestyle choices as well. Otherwise, you can\u2019t expect probiotics to provide much benefit.\n\n\nIs yogurt enough?\n\n\nSimply put, no. Although in my programs I encourage fermented foods within the Rule of 5 plate, I encourage you to still get a quality probiotic. Think of fermented foods as the cherry on top of your sundae, you still need the delicious sundae first.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can find a easy to follow sauerkraut recipe that you can toss into your daily diet here:\n\u00a03-Ingredient Sauerkraut\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/rites-of-passage-for-children", "title": "Rites of Passage for Children Growing Up: Do You Remember These?", "body": "We all remember key moments growing up, moments where we have passed a milestone and we said to ourselves: \u201cI\u2019m all grown up now!\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nThese little \u201crites of passage\u201d were significant at a personal level, helping to create formative memories and is something we all continue to revisit and talk about in our adulthood.\n\n\nAt the age of twelve, we would gain our own identity card, which we would then proudly put into our wallets.\n\n\nFor the average Malaysian kid attending public school, we would also vividly remember the key examinations we had to go through. UPSR, PMR, SPM!\u00a0\n\n\nAs we turned eighteen, feeling the post-SPM bliss, we would likely also be in the midst of acquiring our driver\u2019s licence and be planning for college, which is a major transition and passage into adulthood for many.\n\n\nSo many rites of passage that have created fond memories in our minds and are probably topics we still bring up with our friends when we meet up for reunion dinners!\n\n\nBut what is probably one of the most memorable milestones that we can all recall from attending a public primary or secondary school is getting vaccinated along with our friends!\u00a0\n\n\nFor most, it was a moment of simply bracing ourselves physically, not wanting to be that one person in your class who winced or worse, cried at the sight of a needle. And if you were stern-faced and went through with it like a champ, a sense of relief likely followed.\n\n\nThen we would go home and proudly tell our parents that we got vaccinated and we definitely didn\u2019t cry!\n\n\n\n\nApplying lotion to itchy blisters as a symptom of chickenpox. Image for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nPerhaps another \u201crite of passage\u201d that you might recall from childhood would be outbreaks of chickenpox in school. Some of us might recall getting chickenpox and having itchy blisters all over our bodies\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWe might recall the nagging voice of our parents saying, \u201cDon\u2019t scratch! It will leave scars!\u201d or remember them rubbing calamine lotion\n1\n all over our bodies and looking like little pink dalmations from it!\u00a0\n\n\nBut the thing is, this didn\u2019t need to be a rite of passage at all!\n\n\nNot for us, nor for our children now.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you still think that it is a rite of passage for all children to get chickenpox, that is a myth we are debunking right now.\u00a0\n\n\nFirstly, it is not \u201cnormal\u201d for all kids to get chickenpox. Especially since many children are vaccinated against chickenpox nowadays, the outbreak of the disease has been substantially curbed comparatively to when we were kids. It is a vaccine-preventable disease\n2\n.\n\n\nSecondly, the disease is not something that we should \u201cforce\u201d our kids to get so that they can build immunity against chickenpox. Vaccination can help to build Immunity. Not to mention, the disease can cause serious complications that can even lead to death\n3\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSome of the complications that can happen if a child gets chickenpox include bacterial skin infection, blood stream infection, pneumonia or even inflammation of the brain, known as encephalitis\n1\n!\u00a0\n\n\nThis is definitely not something we would want our children to ever endure! Not when there are preventive measures!\n\n\nSo what can parents do to make sure this \u201crite of passage\u201d never has to happen to their kids?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAsk your doctor about immunisation against chickenpox.\n\n\nKeep your kids at home if you know about an outbreak in school.\u00a0\n\n\nTeach your kids basic health and hygiene habits.\n\n\nEnsure your child is healthy with balanced nutrition, getting enough sleep and keeping them in a healthy environment\n\n\n\n\nWe would recommend speaking to your healthcare provider about the ways you can help protect your child from getting chickenpox, as you now know that it is not a \u201crite of passage\u201d they need to go through!\n\n\nMY-VVX-00129 Oct/2022\n\n\nREFERENCE:\n\n\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH.Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Chickenpox (Varicella). Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/prevention-treatment.html\n. Last Accessed 14 September 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCentre for Health Protection. Department of Health \u2013 The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/24/15.html\n. \nLast Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/does-your-child-have-a-tiny-hole-near-their-ear-heres-what-it-is", "title": "Does your child have a tiny hole near their ear? Here's what it is", "body": "Parents, carefully observe your child\u2019s ears, just where they join the face. Can you spot a tiny hole (as depicted by the picture above)?\n\n\nThis small hole is known as a \npreauricular pit\n. It also has other names, such as preauricular sinus or fistula. The hole arises from a problem in ear development during the sixth week of pregnancy.\n\n\nActually, this small hole is the entrance to a sinus tract which continuously intertwines under the ear\u2019s skin. The sinus canal can be either short or long, with several branches forming zig-zag shapes across ear tissue.\n\n\nPreauricular Ear Pit Baby: A Congenital Defect\n\n\n\n\nThis innocent hole doesn\u2019t usually cause problems, but if you notice something wrong, do consult a medical professional.\n\n\n\n\nNeil Shubin, the\u00a0Professor and Associate Dean of Biological Sciences\n at the\u00a0\nUniversity of Chicago\n, explains that the preauricular pit is an \u201cevolutionary remnant of fish gills.\u201d It goes without saying that just because you have this small hole, it does not make you (or your baby) a mermaid or an alien!\n\n\n\n\nThe preauricular pit was first documented by a scientist named Van Heusinger in 1964. Normally, this tiny hole is only found on one ear, but about 50% of people have them on both ears.\n\n\nA preauricular hole near the ear actually counts as a \ncongenital defect\n because usually, babies don\u2019t have such holes.\n\n\nThese pits can also appea\nr as\u00a0a dimpling rather than a hole. Fortunately, this condition is\n\u00a0quite rare \u2014 only about 5% of the global population have it. Both genders are similarly affected by the condition.\n\n\nFurthermore, while not all relatives might have a preauricular pit, it is likely to run in the family if both of your child\u2019s ears are affected.\u00a0\n\n\nNote that there are certain ear conditions that can be mistaken for preauricular pits.\n\n\n\n\nPreauricular tags\n are are mounds of skin near the ear. They don\u2019t have a sinus tract and so are not at risk of an infection. At best, they are only \u201cappearance problems\u201d and won\u2019t cause potential issues like preauricular pits.\u00a0\n\n\nA \nbranchial cleft cyst\n is a more serious condition which initially shows up as a small opening, skin tag, or dimpling \naround the neck. \nThese cysts, which look like extra pouches of flesh, are at risk of becoming infected and needs to be drained.\n\n\n\n\nPreauricular Ear Pit Baby and Potential Risks\n\n\nRed Flags\n\n\nEven though it\u2019s rare, these holes can sometimes be associated with various ear infections and sinusitis. This is the reason why a pediatrician will refer your child to an ENT specialist if he is aware that your child has a preauricular pit. The ENT specialist will examine the child further to eliminate anything serious.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWiyarni Pambudi\n, a paediatric specialist and an International Board certified lactation consultant, says that preauricular holes don\u2019t require medical attention and can be left as it is. However, there are some red flags to take note.\n\n\nNot all children have identical symptoms, but here are common symptoms that requir\ne treatment from an ENT specialist:\n\n\n\n\nInflammation\n of the surrounding tissue near the preauricular pit.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAn \ninfection\n, which is characterized by redness of surrounding tissue, pain, fever or swelling inside the and around the pit.\u00a0\n\n\nAbscesses,\u00a0\nwhich can appear with an infection. These are small masses filled with pus or an irritating fluid discharge, usually white or yellow in colour.\u00a0\n\n\nCyst formations\n. Cysts are painless lumps near the hole which expand slowly over time, as dirt accumulates near the hole. Unfortunately, cysts can \nheighten the risk of infection in\u00a0\nthe area.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAlthough it\u2019s near the ear, the preauricular sinus is not usually related to hearing problems.\u00a0\n\n\nCongenital Syndromes Associated with Ear Pits\n\n\nIn rare cases, preauricular pits can jointly appear w\nith\u00a0a genetic syndrome \u2014 together with a whole host of other problems associated with that syndrome. \n\n\nA newborn baby with such a congenital defect will be carefully analysed to see if the hole will present an additional risk. \n\n\nHere are some syndromes that come with preauricular sinuses:\n\n\n\n\nBeckwith-Wiedemann syndrome\n\u00a0is a disease that usually presents with\u00a0unsymmetrical \nearlobes and a tongue bigger than its normal size. Do get this checked right away, as the syndrome has been known to cause abdominal irregularities and cancers of the kidney and liver.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBranchio-oto-renal syndrome, \nwhich can be detected by:\n\n\n\n\npits seen around the neck with tags or pits in front of the ear\n\n\nreduced hearing compared to normal\n\n\nkidney abnormalities\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Can I Do If I Notice This Condition?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAlways let a medical professional assess your child. Do not self medicate.\n\n\n\n\nThe best course of action you can take if you see a preauricular pit is to consult an ENT specialist or otolaryngologist. They are experienced in their fields and can administer the best possible treatment procedure for your child. \n\n\nThe specialist will assess if your child\u2019s ear pit is dangerous or not, checking the severity of infections, or if there are possible genetic syndromes. \n\n\nThey will perform imaging techniques (MRI, CT scans, ultrasounds scans) to help them develop a diagnosis and ascertain what the best course of action is. They may also use an audiogram to test your child\u2019s hearing abilities if they have ear pits with irregularities observed in the external ear. \n\n\nIf your child does have other syndromic features, your doctor may recommend you to consult with other specialists.\u00a0\n\n\nHow Will the Doctor Treat My Child?\n\n\n\n\nIf your otolayngologist does find something requiring medical attention, they may perform at least one of the following, depending on the issue at hand:\n\n\n\n\nGiving your child antibiotics if he suspects that the pit is infected.\n\n\nPoking a needle into an abscess when antibiotics aren\u2019t effective. The needle will allow the doctor to obtain cells and understand the bacteria causing the disease better. This technique is called needle aspiration.\n\n\nCutting open an abscess and draining it if needle aspiration fails.\n\n\nRemoving the whole tract by surgery if the preauricular pit gets infected too often. Parents can expect the surgery to take about one hour to complete after their child is anesthesised. As this is a minor surgery, it does not need to be done in a hospital. Surgeons normally only conduct the operation when the child has recovered from an infection.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Happens After Treatment?\n\n\n\n\nOnce your child has received treatment for an ear pit infection, they will need to be closely monitored for further issues. If infections repeat, surgery is needed. Medical staff will advise parents to care for the bandaged wound,\u00a0administer antibiotics, and schedule an appointment to follow-up on the child\u2019s condition.\n\n\nSurgical stitches will break down on their own, so not to worry. Do note that it is necessary for your child to keep his head raised while asleep and that he won\u2019t be able shower while the wound is still bandaged. They should be fit enough for school, though. Just avoid activities that are too taxing, and the surgical wound will recover in no time.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\nWe at \ntheAsianparent\n hope that this information regarding preauricular ear pit baby was helpful in relieving your concerns. If you suspect a serious medical condition, please consult a doctor.\n\n\n\n\nReferences: \nVerywell Health\n, \nBlog Wiyarni\u00a0\n, \nBusiness Insider\n, \nNeilShubin.com\n, \nChildren\u2019s Hospital of Philadelphia\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/high-quality-protein-foods", "title": "Milk: We\u2019ll tell you why high quality protein is important for your whole family", "body": "Mums, you may have already heard how protein plays a huge part in your health and well-being. It helps build, maintain and repair tissues in our bodies, and also produces enzymes, hormones and other chemicals.\n1\n\u00a0To put it simply, protein not only builds strong muscles for our daily activities such as walking, running, exercising and working, it is also behind the formation of important tissues such as your skin and hair too!\n1\n\u00a0This is why protein is essential for you and your family. But did you know not all protein are the same? And have you ever heard of high quality protein foods?\n\n\nConsider High Quality Protein Foods for a Strong Family\n\n\n\n\nProtein is a \u201cmacronutrient\u201d that your body requires a large amount of in order to function well. When a protein-rich food enters your stomach, it is broken down into different types of amino acids\n2\n\u00a0 before your body can absorb it for the various functions and benefits.\n\n\nThis means it is crucial for your health \u2013 and the health of your family \u2013 to fuel your body with all the essential amino acids in the right ratios.\n2\n\n\nHence, it\u2019s a good idea to really consider where we get our protein intake in our diet to ensure our overall well-being by stimulating the growth of our muscles and the development of our bodies.\n4\n\u00a0This is why it\u2019s important for you and your family to consume foods with high quality protein.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Is High-Quality Protein?\n\n\nA high-quality protein is determined by:\n3\n\n\n\n\nthe quality and quantity of the amino acids profile \u2013 complete protein\n\n\nits biological value \u2013 how well the protein is utilised by your body\n\n\nits digestibility \u2013 how well it breaks down in your body\n\n\n\n\nThere are two types of proteins: complete proteins and incomplete proteins.\n\n\nComplete protein, which is from animal sources like meat and milk, contain all nine essential amino acids that our body cannot produce, while incomplete protein, which is plant-based, is labelled \u201cincomplete\u201d because it does not contain all nine essential amino acids.\n5\n\u00a0 As such, animal-sourced protein is more biologically complete than plant-sourced protein!\n\n\nFulfill Your Protein Requirements with Milk!\n\n\n\n\nMilk is very important to Malaysians\u2019 diet as a source of many essential nutrients. According to Indra Balaratnam, Consultant Dietitian at Indra Balaratnam Nutrition, you can get your sources of protein, retinol, riboflavin, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium and potassium from milk and dairy.\n6\n\u00a0They are an important source of nutrients for all age groups of the general Malaysian population throughout their life cycle.\n\n\nUnfortunately, Malaysians are consuming way less milk than the amount of our body needs. Based on the Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey 2014, Malaysian adults only consume 0.4 glasses of milk per week.\n7\n\u00a0This is far from ideal. The recommended intake by the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines recommends two to three\u00a0servings of milk per day.\n8\n\n\nMilk is indeed a great source of high-quality protein and other essential nutrients that our body needs. \u00a0Indra recommends milk to be included in everyone\u2019s daily diet for the many health benefits they provide.\n\n\nHere\u2019s why you should enjoy the goodness of milk every day:\n\n\n\n\nMilk contains\u00a0\nnine essential amino acids\u00a0\nthat are required to build and maintain a healthy body.\n10\n\n\nMilk has\u00a0\nhigh protein digestibility ratings\n, which means your body can efficiently utilise the sources of protein from it.\n9\n\n\nMilk is made up of\u00a0\n80% casein protein and 20% whey protein\n.\n9\u00a0\nThe branched amino acids in whey protein are essential for tissue maintenance in the body.\n11\n\u00a0In other words, they\u2019re what you need for muscle building, maintenance and repair.\n\n\nYour body cannot produce calcium on its own. Therefore\u00a0\nyou need to consume calcium from your daily diet\n. The high calcium content in milk helps children to develop stronger teeth and bones in their growing years.\n12\nAs for adults, calcium helps to maintain healthy bones and prevent loss of bone mass.\n13\n\n\nMilk boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure, rehydrates you after a physical exercise and cleanses your skin too.\n14\n\n\n\n\nA Stronger Start with Dutch Lady +Protein\n\n\nThe good news is it\u2019s simple to achieve your family\u2019s protein requirement.\n\n\nReady-to-drink milk is a great choice of protein source because you can enjoy it any time, especially during your hectic mornings. Other foods with high quality protein like meat, eggs and fish require time to cook or prepare. Plus, you may lose some nutrients by overcooking or overheating your food.\n15 \n\n\n\n\nSo if you\u2019re looking for a fuss-free way to have a stronger start to your day, go for a protein-filled breakfast with NEW Dutch Lady +Protein! It is the perfect breakfast choice for you \u2013 and your family \u2013 because it fuels your body with all the essential nutrients you need\u00a0for an active day ahead:\n\n\n\n\nEvery glass of Dutch Lady +Protein gives you 10g of high-quality protein.\n\n\nTwo glasses of Dutch Lady +Protein fulfill 40% of the protein requirement for you and your family.\n16\n \u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s packed with high-quality protein for STRONGER MUSCLES, high calcium for STRONGER BONES and other essential nutrients for your body such as vitamin A for healthy eyes, vitamin B2 to support the release of energy and vitamin D to aid the absorption of calcium.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s so easy to enjoy Dutch Lady +Protein every morning. No cooking is required \u2013 just enjoy this delicious milk with your favourite wholegrain breakfast cereal, blend it with fruits to make a smoothie or simply drink it on its own! It\u2019s convenient and affordable, tastes good and really is the smartest way to give you and your family a protein and calcium boost for a stronger start, every day!\n\n\n\n\nLet\u2019s start your day stronger with Dutch Lady +Protein today! It\u2019s available at your nearest hypermarket, supermarket, minimarket and selected provision store, or you can buy online at\u00a0 \nwww.eshop.tesco.com.my\n.\n\n\nFor more information about Dutch Lady +Protein, please visit Dutch Lady Malaysia Facebook at\u00a0\nwww.facebook.com/spread.the.goodness.of.milk\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nhttps://www.dutchlady.com.my/plusprotein\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1\n The Benefits of Protein. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.webmd.com/men/features/benefits-protein#1\n\n\n2 Essential amino acids: Definition, benefits and food sources (2018, June) Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/essential-amino-acids\n\n\n3 What is a \u201chigh-quality\u201d protein? (2018, May) Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.bornfitness.com/high-quality-protein/\n\n\n4 Getting childhood off with a strong start with protein (2010, October) Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://foodinsight.org/getting-childhood-off-to-a-strong-start-with-protein/\n\n\n5 University of Massachusetts at Amherst, \nhttps://www.umass.edu/nibble/infofile/incprot.html\n\n\n6 Malaysian Dietary Guidelines, National Coordinating Committee on Food & Nutrition, Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2010)\n\n\n7 Current nutrient intake among Malaysians, Adult: Finding from MANS 2014, THE MEDICAL JOURNAL OF MALAYSIA, VOL.70 SUPPLEMENT 1 SEPTEMBER 2015, pp12. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.e-mjm.org/2015/v70s1/Asia-Pacific-Conference-on-public-health.pdf\n\n\n8 Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (National Coordinating Committee on Food & Nutrition, Ministry of Health Malaysia 2010); Page 9\n\n\n9 Hoffman JR & Favlo MJ. Protein \u2013 Which is best? Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2004; 3: 118-130. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3905294/\n\n\n10 Milk Protein. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.milkfacts.info/Milk%20Composition/Protein.htm\n\n\n11 MacLean D.A., Graham T.E., Saltin B. (1994) Branched-chain amino acids augment ammonia metabolism while attenuating protein breakdown during exercise. American Journal of Physiology267, E1010-1022. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7810616\n\n\n12 MOH (2010). Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (as at December 2010). Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://extranet.who.int/nutrition/gina/sites/default/files/MYS%202010%20Guide%20to%20Nutrition%20Labelling%20and%20Claims.pdf\n\n\n13 National Institutes of Health (1994) NIH Consensus Statement 12:4. Optimal Calcium Intake. Bethesda, MD: NIH. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://consensus.nih.gov/1994/1994optimalcalcium097html.htm\n\n\n14 9 incredible benefits of drinking milk. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://www.medclique.org/nutrition-and-diet/milk-health-benefits-nutrition/\n\n\n15 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia, 2017. A report of the technical working group on nutritional guidelines. Ministry of Health. Retrieved from\u00a0\nhttps://nutrition.moh.gov.my/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/FA-Buku-RNI.pdf\n\n\n16 In accordance to NRV Malaysia\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/legoland-malaysia-resort-marks-10-years", "title": "LEGOLAND\u00ae Malaysia Resort Marks 10 Years of Awesomeness with Exciting News!", "body": "LEGOLAND\n\u00ae\n Malaysia Resort invites guests to celebrate its 10\nth\n Anniversary milestone with an exciting line-up of new and enhanced activities. Guests can also look forward to building more precious memories with friends and families with awesome month-long activities, especially for this momentous celebration.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cBeing the first of its kind in Asia, LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort never stops offering fresh, fun, entertaining, and educational experiences for the past 10 years. We will continue to build on our passion and commitment to providing our guests with a truly unique experience that is only available in LEGOLAND,\u201d said CS Lim, Divisional Director at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHe added, \u201cWe want to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to guests, partners, and the government for the unwavering support shown. We will continue to challenge our boundaries with new offerings that are of great value and bring our guests new experiences at every visit.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nLEGOLAND Malaysia Resort is dedicated to providing a one-stop holiday destination for friends and families by bringing them together for a different experience with each visit. In addition to the well-loved annual festivals and activities, guests can look forward to a series of enhancements for 2023 and beyond.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nShaded MINILAND \u2013 \nGuests can walk around comfortably under new shades with cooling fans while browsing through iconic landmarks of LEGO builds from January 2023 onwards.\u00a0\n\n\nRefurbished LEGOLAND Hotel Rooms with New Themes \n\u2013 Fellow explorer friends should look forward to experiencing the up-and-coming new themed room that will be joining the current offerings of PIRATE, KINGDOM, ADVENTURE and NINJAGO in the 1\nst\n quarter of 2023.\u00a0\n\n\nFirst Ever Splash Carnival \u2013\n Fans can look forward to the first ever water park festival for special shows, activities, friendly challenges and more while enjoying a splashing good time in Mid 2023 at the \nLEGOLAND Water Park\n.\u00a0\n\n\nNew Thrilling 4D Movie at LEGO Studio \u2013\n LEGO fans rejoice as the Resort will be bringing immersive cinematic experience to a whole new level with a new 4D Movie that will only be available at the \nLEGO Studio\n around third quarter of 2023.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAbove and beyond, LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort will continue hosting larger scale annual festive events celebrating key holidays such as \nHari Raya, Chinese New Year \nand more.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the coming year, guests can also look forward for LEGO themed events like \nBuild the Thrills\n and \nFriendship Fest\n that are uniquely available in LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort.\n\n\nMeanwhile, for the rest of this year, guests can immerse themselves in the new world of mythical creatures with \nLEGO MYTHICA 4D movie\n, a spookily fun \nBrick-or-Treat Monster Party \nfeaturing a brand new 4D movie and the spectacular \nBrick-Tacular Holidays\n to end the year with a bang.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThe investments and enhancements are in line with our strategic priorities to draw new and repeat visitations from domestic and international tourists to LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort. We are optimistic about the industry\u2019s recovery and are fully supportive of the tourism revitalizing plans developed by the government with our new enhancements, activities, and promotions ahead,\u201d said CS.\n\n\nCommemorating the momentous occasion, LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort is constructing a 12-feet tall LEGO Anniversary Cake made of more than 90,000 LEGO\n\u00ae \nDUPLO\u00ae bricks. Designed with a touch of Malaysian flair, the Anniversary Cake will feature the Hornbill, Wau, and Hibiscus flowers and will be displayed for guests from 26 August onwards.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Else to Expect at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort\u2019s 10\nth\n Anniversary Celebration\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to the grand LEGO cake, LEGOLAND has planned a bevy of activities for the big celebration such as:\n\n\nBuild Your Very Own LEGO DOTS Mosaic:\n\n\nSet your inner creativity free and create bold and colourful mosaic using LEGO DOTS. Your masterpiece will be featured in our LEGO DOTS booth for other guests to enjoy.\u00a0\n\n\nBest Birthday Shows Ever:\n\n\n\n\nThink about every show you\u2019ve ever wanted at your birthday party like Bubble Shows, Magician\u2019s extravaganza, Professional Balloon Sculptors, and Dance performances. LEGOLAND Malaysia will bring all of them to life at the resort so don\u2019t miss your favourite show.\u00a0\n\n\nMeet and Greet:\n\n\nMeet and party with some of your favourite LEGO\n \ncharacters such as Emmet, Olli The Dragon, Bricky, and our newest LEGO Character Friends.\n\n\n10th Birthday Lucky Draw\n\n\nStand a chance to win prizes worth up to RM50,000. For a chance to spin the Lucky Wheel and win LEGOLAND Hotel Stay, LEGOLAND Day tickets, LEGOLAND Annual Passes, LEGO Sets, and exclusive LEGOLAND merchandise, guests only need to make a minimum spend of RM99 at any retail store in LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort. Draws are hosted every Friday to Sunday and on Public Holidays. There will also be a special one-day only draw on Thursday, 15 September 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nBirthday Themed Activities\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTry your hand at our \nballoon sculpting workshop\n and bring home your best work\n\n\nParticipate in friendly basketball challenges at the \nSlam Dunk Fun\n corner to win amazing prizes\u00a0\n\n\nHunt for the hidden cupcakes around the Resort and stand a chance to win a prize for the \nTreasure Hunt\n activity\n\n\n\n\nA Taste of LEGOLAND At AEON Malls nationwide\n\n\nLEGOLAND Malaysia will be taking the 10\nth\n anniversary celebration to AEON Malls nationwide from 30 August to 2 October. AEON shoppers can have a taste of the one-stop family destination experience at the LEGOLAND AEON Roadshows happening in select locations.\u00a0\n\n\nAt the LEGOLAND Roadshows, shoppers will be able to see a replica of the 12ft tall LEGO Anniversary Cake, join in some LEGO cake building activities and speed building contests.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to enjoying some of the interactive displays and activities, AEON shoppers stand a chance to get exclusive LEGOLAND discounts and vouchers \u2013 especially on weekends when the EDUPLAY Express bus might make a surprise visit.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort\u2019s 10th Anniversary Awesome Celebration, head over to the official website at \nhttps://www.legoland.com.my/explore/shows-entertainment/10th-anniversary/\n \nor \nLEGOLAND social media pages on \nFacebook\n and \nInstagram\n.\n\n\n10\nth\n ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLEGOLAND Exclusive Deals\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBirthday Kids Go Free\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren aged 11 and below can enter LEGOLAND Malaysia for FREE on their Birthday Week with the purchase of a 1-Day Double Park or 1-Day Triple Park adult ticket.\u00a0\n\n\nBirthday Guests under the age of 11 will also receive a surprise, button badge and RM20 retail voucher*.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTriple Park Pass Birthday Child Brings their Friend for Free\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren aged 11 and below with a valid Triple Park Annual Pass can bring their FRIEND/FAMILY for free on their Birthday Week (limited to ONE Double or Triple Park CHILD ticket only)\n\n\nBirthday Guests under the age of 11 will also receive a surprise, button badge, and RM20 retail voucher*.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTriple Park Annual Pass Holders Bring-A-Friend at 50% off\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCustomers with a Triple Park Annual Pass can bring a friend to enjoy 50% off a 1-Day Single Park, 1-Day Double Park or 1-Day Triple Park ticket , limited to 4 tickets per day. This promotion ends 31 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10% off on F&B for Annual Pass Holders\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCustomers with Annual Pass will get an additional 10% off on F&B, which ends 30 September 2022.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nSpread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!\nTip keibubapaan\nWiggle Boks, Kotak Keperluan Bayi Yang WAJIB Dimiliki Semua Ibu Bapa Sibuk!\n#PendidikanKewangan\nJadi Lebih Bijak Dalam Kewangan Dengan Menambah Ilmu Kewangan\nRaise them Resilient\nTips to harness the power of your parenting style to raise resilient children\n\n\n*available while stocks last\n\n\nNote: All promotions are exclusively available on the official LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort website. Retail offers are also available at the Resort and the online store.\n\n\nLEGOLAND Malaysia @ AEON Schedule & Exclusive Promotions\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAEON Exclusive Promotions\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Go For Free to LEGOLAND\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpend at AEON* and receive a voucher allowing kids to go to LEGOLAND for free. Vouchers are valid with the purchase of one adult LEGOLAND day ticket.\u00a0\n\n\n*Applicable in 28 AEON Malls nationwide with a minimum spend.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnlock Ultimate LEGOLAND Discounts In a Snap\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShare about the EDUPLAY Express bus in your nearest AEON (Fridays \u2013 Sundays) on Instagram / Facebook with the hashtag #LEGOLANDMY10.\n\n\nYour post will unlock a secret LEGOLAND discount that you can use during LEGOLAND\u2019s 10\nth\n anniversary. Your post will also make you eligible to win weekly LEGO & LEGOLAND prizes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAEON Mall Roadshow Schedule\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n30 August \u2013 4 September\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAEON Tebrau City JB\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6\nth \n\u2013 11\nth\n September\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAEON Shah Alam\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13\nth\n \u2013 18\nth\n September\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAEON Nilai\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n20\nth\n \u2013 25\nth\n September\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAEON Cheras Selatan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n30 September \u2013 2 October\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAEON Kinta City\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\u00a0website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/two-goals-in-one-money-parenting-through-fun", "title": "Two Goals In One! Money Parenting Through Fun", "body": "Do you believe that even through fun there are always things to learn? Are you keen to teach your child about anything and everything about the world as best as you can? You might be a\n \nGo-getter\n \nparent! (Find out your Money Parenting style for sure by taking our\n \nquiz here\n).\n\n\nGo-getters strive to be the \u201cbest\u201d parent they can by giving their child every possible advantage. They are driven and strive to be knowledgeable about all things, including finance, and they are always keen to learn more and pass on what they know to their child.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd since one of the most effective ways children learn is through play\u00b9\n, Go-getters are well-versed in using board games as well as apps to teach their children about money. If you are a Go-getter and haven\u2019t started on this yet, no worries; you\u2019ll soon see why this approach is best for you and your child.\n\n\n\n\nGo-getters strive to be the \u201cbest\u201d parent they can by giving their child every possible advantage.\n\n\n\n\nGo-getters: Setting The Board For Learning\n\n\nBefore we bring out the games and begin our teaching, we have to remember what we\u2019re trying to achieve with these games \u2014 we are Go-getters and goal-getters after all. Everything should have a purpose.\u00a0\n\n\nWe want to build our child\u2019s financial knowledge and teach the value of money, and most importantly, have fun while doing this. Used in tandem with other techniques, like experiential learning or more formal money lessons, games are a good tool to help children build a solid foundation for their future.\n\n\nIn order to achieve the above, we have to keep in mind the following:\n\n\nTeach In An Age-appropriate Manner\n\n\nGames that involve a fair bit of reading and understanding of the concept of money, like Daytrader, a financial board game, would probably not be the best game to start your 4-year-old off with. At your child\u2019s age, probably something with less reading and thinking would be more fun. Similarly, simple games meant for children under 5 would probably not engage your pre-teen.\u00a0\n\n\nGames should be age-appropriate, challenging your child\u2019s abilities so there\u2019s always something new to learn.\n\n\nLearning About Money Is An Ongoing Process\n\n\nI\u2019m sure as Go-getters, we\u2019re always looking for opportunities to teach our children about money, whenever we can, as much as can. Why not make game sessions a weekly or monthly affair for the whole family to enjoy?\n\n\nPut The Lessons Into Practice\n\n\nOf course, like everything we are teaching our children, what they know in theory should be put into practice to translate into true learning. Use teachable moments in real life to show how what they\u2019ve learned in games is connected to their lives. Match games with hands-on experience.\n\n\nAnd now, let the games begin!\n\n\nGames About Money: The Classics, Awesome Apps And More!\n\n\n\n\nGo-getters are well-versed in using board games as well as apps to teach their children about money.\n\n\n\n\nThe Classics\n\n\nWith board games, everyone\u2019s a winner. Not only will your child learn about money with these games, but you\u2019ll also be able to spend precious hours with the whole family and make memories that will last a lifetime.\n\n\n1. Monopoly\u00a0\n\n\nDo you play financial literacy board games like Monopoly with your kids? According to the Asia Money Parenting Survey commissioned by Eastspring Investments, 31% of Go-Getter parents do (versus the 19% average for all parents in the survey).\n\n\nYou can\u2019t go wrong with Monopoly. Your children will get to practice their arithmetic, learn when to spend, and how to make money into more money.\n\n\n2. The Game of Life\n\n\nIn modern times, The Game of Life (sometimes called just Life), has been adapted into an app, but nothing beats the original board game. Simulating the ups and downs of life, the game introduces important financial ideas like banking and insurance. There are even promissory notes and stocks to teach your child about! Your child could get a headstart in life.\n\n\n3. Pay Day\n\n\nAnother classic from the 70s, Pay Day simulates the life of your average employee. One trip around the board equates to one month where you incur expenses and pay bills. It\u2019s a great way to teach your child about the business of life. Your child could be budget-savvy in no time.\n\n\nThe Apps\n\n\nApps are easy learning tools of the modern world, and there are a ton of them that are games about money. As a Go-getter, you\u2019re already ahead of the curve \u2014 Go-getters are twice as likely to use apps and online games to teach their kids about money.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re interested in teaching your child about money through apps, here are a few of our picks:\n\n\n1. Bankaroo\n\n\nIn Bankaroo, your child will learn to save money in a \u201cvirtual bank\u201d. They\u2019ll be able to track their allowance and the money they receive from grandparents, as well as their expenses. But it\u2019s all done in a fun and motivating way.\n\n\n2. Stock Market Game\n\n\nDesigned for teens and pre-teens, the Stock Market Game is a great way for your child to dip their toes into the stock market without fear of losing the shirt on their backs. There\u2019s even an aspect of competition; you get to play online with other people and rank up when you make money. For a Go-getter like you, there\u2019s nothing more satisfying than good competition for you and your child.\n\n\nGamify Everything\n\n\nYou\u2019re not just limited to board games and apps. Why not go beyond what\u2019s out there and invent your own game for your child so you can make it a part of your child\u2019s life? There\u2019s always room for fun and learning in life.\n\n\n1. Play with money\n\n\nMoney is a great toy for young children. Familiarise them with coins for example and challenge your child to make the tallest stack, or group-specific denominations together faster than you. The possibilities are endless.\u00a0\n\n\nFor older children, let them pay for a bill themselves (with your wallet and money of course) \u2014 and see if they can count out the cash properly. \n\n\n2. Open up chores for business\n\n\nWish your child would help with some household chores? Make it a game. Put a monetary value on these chores. And when they\u2019re done, add up their earnings together and pay them in cool cash. In all of this, they learn that money has to be earned.\n\n\n3. Grocery game\n\n\nDuring your next visit to the grocery, engage your kids by turning grocery shopping into a game. Have them hunt for the best bargains. Or you can give them a small budget and challenge them to make the most of their money.\n\n\nThere\u2019s a good reason why Go-Getter parents turn to games to teach their children about money. Play comes naturally to children and it\u2019s how they make sense of our world. Games are a useful tool to take advantage of the power of play. Harnessing this natural ability could be the start of building a secure and prosperous future for your child. No matter what the age of your child, you can start teaching money lessons through games today!\n\n\nYou can learn additional tips on how to make Money Parenting more fun by visiting our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00b9\nhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/328350125_The_Effects_of_Play-Based_Learning_on_Early_Childhood_Education_and_Development\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/1-year-old-dies-as-his-father-leaves-him-in-a-shower-to-treat-congestion", "title": "1-year-old dies as his father leaves him in a shower to treat congestion", "body": "In a sad twist of fate, an infant lost his life two days back. The reason, his dad tried to treat his congestion and cough by placing him in the shower room, hoping that the steam might ease his congestion.\u00a0\n\n\nNasal congestion gone wrong\n\n\nAccording to \nreports\n,\u00a0little Mordechai Halpern from Brooklyn, USA, woke up his father at about 3 30 am as he was unable to breathe properly and was coughing. His father gave him a home remedy of lemon, water, and sugar. But, that did not help the baby with his congestion. So the father decided to create some steam to ease the congestion.\n\n\nApparently, he strapped the baby in a stroller, covered him with a blanket so that the steam would be retained, and placed him in a shower room. He started the hot shower, and steam filled up the bathroom. He then left him there, setting an alarm for 5 am. Mordechai\u2019s mum woke up at 5 and went looking for the baby. She found the baby unresponsive, and an ambulance rushed the baby to Maimonides Medical Center, where he died at 5:49 a.m.\n\n\nAccording to the sources, little Mordechai\u2019s body temperature was 108 F (42 C). A heat stroke can occur if the body temperature goes north of 104 F (40 C) in adults. In children, it can occur at much lower temperature. The autopsy results are not out yet, so we do not know the exact cause of death, but most likely, it is due to asphyxiation in addition to hyperthermia.\n\n\nTreating nasal congestion the right way\n\n\nSteam is one of the ways to treat congestion, but not like this. Many times,\u00a0congestion can be managed at home, so it is important to understand the aspects of congestion.\u00a0\n\n\nRespiratory tract infections are the infections of sinuses, throat, airways, and lungs. They are most commonly caused by viruses but may be caused by bacteria as well. Doctors differentiate them into two types\n\n\n\n\nUpper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI) \u2013 infection of the sinuses, nose, and throat\n\n\nLower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTI) \u2013 infections of the airways and lungs\n\n\n\n\nNasal congestion may be a symptom in either. That said, while URTIs may be mild, LRTIs almost always warrant a treatment.\u00a0\n\n\nThe clue to the location of infection is where the wheezing noise is coming from. If it is from the nose, chances are it is a URTI. However, if you can feel wet sounds from the chest when the child coughs, it might end up being a LRTI. That said, a doctor may be in the best position to decide the treatment, and you should take the baby to a hospital if\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThere is a high-grade fever for more than 24 hours.\n\n\nThe child is breathing about 60 times a minute, with ribs being drawn in every time he takes a breath.\n\n\nHe seems disoriented and urinating less than 4 times in 24 hours.\u00a0\n\n\nThe child has a history of wheeze or asthma.\n\n\n\n\nIf your child does not display these symptoms, you may be able to treat his congestion at home.\u00a0\n\n\nThings that might help in doing this are\n\n\n\n\nSaline nasal spray/drops. These help in relieving the nasal congestion.\n\n\nHot steam. Reserve it for children older than 5 years of age. Use a steamer or a bowl of hot water. be careful to avoid splash burns. You can use menthol crystals or eucalyptus drops for the same.\n\n\n\n\nVaporubs are not indicated for use in children. So, be careful about using anything like a Vaporub.\u00a0\n\n\nMums, if you feel that the congestion is not being relieved, just pop in your doctor\u2019s office.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nTahukah Anda Tentang 5 Vaksin Tambahan Yang Disyorkan?\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBelajar Cara Mengurus Wang: Panduan Untuk Ibu Bapa Asia\nParenting\nBoost Your Child\u2019s Immunity So You Don\u2019t Have to Worry About Them Playing Outside in the Rain\n\n\nAlso, read \nPrevent misbehaviour in children: 3 Things to give your child\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/unhappy-marriage-after-birth-of-child", "title": "Baby's Here, But Is My Marriage Going Out?", "body": "Jenny and James were happily married for 3 years before they decided to start a family. Both love children and felt that they were ready for the responsibilities of being parents.\n\n\nA year later, baby G was born and soon, everyone was aah-ing and ooh-ing over the newborn. Everything was fine for the first 2 months. In the first month, Jenny had a confinement lady over to help out. When the confinement lady left, her mother dropped in every day to help look after the baby and to cook meals.\n\n\nThen, it was time for Jenny to return to work. Baby G was sent to Jenny\u2019s parents\u2019 house during the day while Jenny and James went to work and was brought back when they are home from work.\n\n\nAnd before long, the stress came. The midnight feeds and work pressure was taking a toll on Jenny and she felt that James was not helping enough.\n\n\nJames, on the other hand, felt left out as Jenny was focusing all her attention on baby G and was easily irritated. Soon, they were arguing about responsibilities, money, expectations and even parenting styles.\n\n\nThis unhappy marriage problem is a common scene in a home when there\u2019s a newborn. Really makes us think how someone so small and so cute can put so much strain on a marriage?\n\n\nChallenges and Suggested Solutions of Unhappy Marriage\n\n\n\n\nNever-ending nappy change, lack of sleep, depleting savings and a messy house are definitely not romantic. Far from it. Whatever happened to what they say about babies being a bundle of joy and completing your life? Well, they are and they do.\n\n\nIt\u2019s just that you need to make some changes from being husband and wife to being parents. If you don\u2019t, you may end up feeling depressed and if it continues, may lead to separation or divorce.\n\n\nWhat this article intends to do is to highlight the common challenges that new parents face and suggestions on how to overcome them.\n\n\nFinances\n\n\n\n\nMoney has always been a favourite argument topic among new parents in an unhappy marriage. Not surprising. There just seemed to be so many things to buy, from nappies to formula (if the mother is not breastfeeding) to breastfeeding aids (if the mother is breastfeeding and working) to travelling equipment.\n\n\nThe nice little savings that you have saved up for rainy days suddenly felt not adequate anymore, especially if either one has to give up work to take care of the baby.\n\n\nBut hang on. Unless you have more money than you can spend, avoid buying everything you were told to get. Understand that you just have a baby.\n\n\nThere are only this many things it needs to be happy. Re-look at the list of things to buy for a baby and cross out the unnecessary stuff that baby product companies insist you buy. Forget about the branded stroller. Babies couldn\u2019t care less for brands.\n\n\nAs long as it\u2019s comfortable and safe, the baby will be happy.\n\n\nWhatever it is, do talk to your spouse before investing in more expensive baby equipment. Don\u2019t let this jeopardizes your relationship.\n\n\nCareers\n\n\n\n\nOccasionally, you have mothers (and sometimes, fathers) who will make the decision to resign and stay at home to take care of the baby. While some are happy to do so, others are a little reluctant, especially when their careers are moving upwards and giving them so much satisfaction.\n\n\nIn the latter circumstance, both parents would need to address the matter and iron out any issue there might be.\n\n\nWork out how long the spouse will need to stay at home and if a single income earner is adequate to provide for the family.\n\n\nIs there any other choice? Perhaps sending the baby to the grandparents or to a babysitter? Maybe it is possible to work out an arrangement to work from home? Ask your boss for flexible working hours?\n\n\nThe key to solving this unhappy marriage problem is to thrash things out and come out with solutions together.\n\n\nHousehold Chores\n\n\n\n\nNow that baby is here, there is an increase in household chores. There is more laundry these days and there are baby bottles to clean.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nOn top of that, there are the usual household tasks too. But if it\u2019s taking a toll on either of you, then do step back and look at the entire picture.\n\n\nUnderstand that you do not need to be perfect. It\u2019s ok to have a slightly messy house. Don\u2019t let domestic chores be the reason for nags and complaints.\n\n\nAt the same time, work out a schedule with your spouse. Be a team. Never let one spouse take full responsibility for the entire home. Over time, that\u2019s a recipe for disaster and resentment.\n\n\nIf you are the super busy type of parent, maybe can consider hiring a part-time domestic helper. Eight to ten hours a week should be enough to keep your house at an acceptable level.\n\n\nOh, and another piece of advice. Ladies, men need to be told what to do. Telepathy does not work. And guys, do offer to help. Trust me, your wife will appreciate the nice gesture.\n\n\nSpend Time Together Without Baby\n\n\n\n\nAnother common complaint about parents is that they don\u2019t spend as much attention on each other as they did before their baby. This cannot be denied.\n\n\nOnce the baby arrives, parents definitely will want to spend more time with it. However, this doesn\u2019t mean that there will be more couple times.\n\n\nTen twenty years ago, couple time is unheard of, at least for many Malaysian parents. But I\u2019m glad to report that these days, Malaysian parents are slowly but surely taking time off to spend with each other. It can be a second honeymoon.\n\n\nJust a couple of days away from baby and work stress.\n\n\nBut it doesn\u2019t necessarily have to be a vacation. It depends on the babysitter or the grandparents\u2019 schedules. In fact, a one-day leave can be a good break where you can stay home with your spouse. Catch up on the Masterchef series marathon or have a romantic candlelight meal together.\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nAnd baby makes three. Isn\u2019t that supposed to be a happy and exciting phrase of being married? Well, researches had shown that many couples felt stressed out once the baby arrived leading to an unhappy marriage.\n\n\nLoving couples become distanced and if this is not addressed early, may lead to marriage breakdown. So, do start listening to your spouse and communicate more.\n\n\nMake raising your child an adventure to be shared together, both ups and downs. After all, a marriage is for better or worse, right?\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhich should be your priority: your spouse or your kids?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-money-parent-your-child-an-age-group-guide", "title": "How To Money Parent Your Child: An Age-Group Guide", "body": "If you\u2019re like most Asian parents, you probably view teaching your child about money as a crucial task so you can prepare them for life. In fact, over 95% of parents across Asia rated money parenting as something that is important to their family, found \nthe Asia Money Parenting Survey\n commissioned by Eastspring Investments.\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s a clear priority for Asian parents, the methods to teach your kids about money are less obvious. How can you do this? And what money lessons are right for their age?\n\n\nThe key to teaching your kids about money lies in observing what they\u2019re ready for. No two children are the same. Some will fill up the piggy bank with ease; others might have trouble understanding that money isn\u2019t a limitless resource.\u00a0\n\n\nThe important thing is to make \npractical money lessons\n \u2014 simple, no-nonsense financial education \u2014 a regular part of your family life.\n\n\nEvery child is different, and certain things are better learnt and understood at specific ages. Here is a guide on how to money parent your child according to their age group:\n\n\nHow To Money Parent Your Child\n\n\n3 \u2013 6 Years Old: Introducing The Concept Of Money\n\n\n\n\nAt this age, it\u2019s all about understanding the world. Toddlers and preschoolers need to learn the basics: what money is and what it\u2019s for.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat can you do?\n\n\nFamiliarise your child with money. Give them coins and bills to play with, pointing out the pictures as well as the denomination on each of them.\n\n\nYou can also teach them that mommy and daddy work to earn money which goes into a bank account. Have your child accompany you to the ATM \u2014 maybe they can even press some buttons!\n\n\nMost importantly, teach your child that we exchange money for things. Take them shopping with you so they see this firsthand. When you\u2019re paying at the grocery, or at a restaurant, have your child help in settling the bill by finding the right note or coin from your wallet, or give them the money and let them give it to the cashier and have them receive the change.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n7 \u2013 9 Years Old: Teaching The Value Of Things\n\n\nHaving entered primary school, your child is rapidly learning more and more about the world every day. This is an ideal time to teach them about the value of things\n\u00b9\n.\n\n\nAnd how can you do this?\n\n\nYou can start by putting a price tag on everything. Not literally, of course, but at this age, your child is ready to understand that some items cost more than others. Take them on grocery trips and point out prices. Make them choose which cereal to buy based on your budget: one pricier box with the marshmallows, or two boxes of corn flakes?\n\n\nA separate but connected lesson is the difference between value and price. For example, teach them that during recess, for the same amount of money, they could either buy junk food or a nutritious sandwich. The price of both items might be equal, but the sandwich would give them more value for their money, nutrition-wise.\n\n\nTo get started on money parenting for this age group, there are plenty of resources online. \nCha-Ching\n, a financial literacy programme created by Prudence Foundation, in partnership with Cartoon Network, is a great starting point. There\u2019s a wealth of online videos that provide financial education for your child around the four key concepts of Earn, Save Spend and Donate. Check out parent guides and downloadable tools for you to explore on your money parenting journey (\nchaching.cartoonnetworkasia.com/en/parent-guides\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n10 \u2013 12 Years Old: Saving And Spending\n\n\nWhile the marshmallow test can provide fascinating insight on a young child\u2019s ability to delay gratification\u00b2\n, at this age, it\u2019s time to put the lessons of the marshmallow test into practice. 10-12 year olds definitely have the capacity for some self-control, making this an ideal time to teach saving and spending\u00b3\n.\n\n\nHow can you introduce this?\n\n\nYour child\u2019s allowance is key to learning about saving and spending\n4\n. Get into detail with them about how they are spending their money, how much they are saving (if any), and why this is important. Regularly check up on their progress so they become more aware of how they are doing financially.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can also encourage them to be independent, such as letting them do grocery runs on their own, armed with just your shopping list and some money. That way they\u2019ll have to make purchasing decisions based on the budget you\u2019ve given them.\u00a0\n\n\nStill looking for more resources? Look at this Cha-Ching activity you can do with your child to understand what delayed gratification is and how to make purchase decisions.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n13 Years Old And Onwards: Towards Self-sufficiency\n\n\n\n\nTeenagers should be on the road towards financial self-sufficiency \u2014 and don\u2019t think it\u2019s too late to money parent them. To achieve this, you need to give them the right tools. This can include learning how to budget, recognising advertising traps, and discovering the power of compounded interest.\n\n\nHow do you teach a teenager about money?\n\n\nStart by reminding them of the many ways advertising targets them \u2014 especially online where every click, every like and every search is monitored by tech platforms to deliver targeted ads and more. Do they notice how related ads would start popping up all over their social media feeds, every time they search for something on Google?\u00a0\n\n\nEducate them on how marketing can influence their spending behaviour. For example, one study found that the more children watched TV and its advertisements, the more likely they were to ask for more items at the grocery store\n5\n.\u00a0\n\n\nTeaching your children about money and raising them to be financially-literate adults takes a lot of work, but it is one of the best gifts you can offer them as a parent. For more tips on how you can discuss money matters with your child, read about money lessons that will last a lifetime.\n\n\nAt the end of the day, this is only a guide. Remember, every child is different, so teach them at a pace that they\u2019re comfortable with. As a parent, you know that it is the journey that is important. As long as you\u2019ve taught your child the basics of money management, on which they can build on with their own experiences, then you\u2019ll know that you\u2019ve done your job well.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nNeed more advice on how to Money Parent your child according to their age-group? Start by visiting our \n#MoneyParenting site\n\u00a0or contact us for a partner financial advisor.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00b9\nhttps://www.incharge.org/financial-literacy/resources-for-teachers/financial-literacy-for-kids/\n\n\n2\n \nhttps://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/12/marshmallow-test\n\n\n3\n \nhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2013/10/15/the-5-most-important-money-lessons-to-teach-your-kids/#87fdf1468269\n\n\n4\n https://www.incharge.org/financial-literacy/resources-for-teachers/financial-literacy-for-kids/\n\n\n5\n https://mascdn.azureedge.net/cms/the-money-advice-service-habit-formation-and-learning-in-young-children-may2013.pdf\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-journey-story", "title": "Pregnancy Journey Story", "body": "My first trimester was the toughest. I had to tender my job resignation letter with 24 hours notice just because my body kept failing me from morning till late at night.\n\n\nLots of vomiting, lots of wanting to lay in bed all day not doing anything, losing weight because I couldn\u2019t eat anything without throwing it all up again.\n\n\nPregnancy Journey Story\n\n\n\n\nCredit: snappygoat.com\n\n\n\n\nIt was really devastating to the point that my husband & I got into big fights occasionally \u2014 for the miscommunication, misunderstanding, misconceptions of what pregnancy should be like.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n7 tips to make your marriage work\n\n\n\n\nLosing My Appetite\n\n\n\n\nCredit: bbcgoodfood.com\n\n\n\n\nIt was tough. I wasn\u2019t making up when I said I didn\u2019t have the appetite to eat. Never purposely tried to throw up every dinner. My body was truly not having it \u2014 at that point of time, food was just mere nutrition to keep me alive, not something to feast.\n\n\nBut Alhamdulillah it\u2019s true when they said things get better over time \u2014 at least for me. My appetite did come back in my third trimester.\n\n\nTruthfully, it was probably the best part of the pregnancy journey story. The pregnancy glow started to kick in. I was skinny before but I gained some KGs over the months and my family finally stopped bugging me with the \u201ceat some more!\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nI think the excitement to welcome a new life into the family beats all the drawbacks of going through the journey. Pregnancy might not be breezy to everyone. Heck, it\u2019d ever be. But that what makes having the little one here worth it.\n\n\nI pray for TTC parents to be able to experience this soon. Allah is the Best Planner.\u00a0\n\n\nThis post is written in conjunction with pregnancy journey campaign by @theasianparent_my this month.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n#TAPmom #vipparents #TAPWriter\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/betel-leaf-home-remedy-for-blocked-nose-2", "title": "Can betel leaves really help clear a baby's nose congestion?", "body": "Betel leaf home remedy for blocked nose\n\n\nA blocked nose in a young child is tough on both mummy and baby. Babies find it hard to breathe, eat and sleep, and mummy suffers just watching her child struggle.\n\n\nAs such, many mums search for and try unique home remedies to help their little ones get through mild illnesses, such as cough, cold and congestion.\n\n\nThis is exactly what Malaysian mummy\u00a0\nShikin Jaiz\n did when her little one had a badly blocked nose. She used a traditional remedy using betel leaves to ease her child\u2019s congestion.\n\n\nWe must admit, we were intrigued by her post \u2013 just look at all that snot that has come out!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s what she did:\n\n\n\n\nGently steam 4-5 betel leaves until they are comfortably warm.\u00a0\n\n\nApply a mentholated balm (she used Vicks) on the child\u2019s chest in a thin layer.\u00a0\n\n\nNext, cover the area with the warm betel leaves. Leave them on for 10-15 minutes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nShe says the results are truly remarkable (as you can see in the pictures) and really helped thin the mucus and draw it out.\n\n\n\n\nHealing properties of betel leaf\n\n\nTraditionally (in both Ayurveda and Chinese medicine), betel leaves are used to assist with stomach pain and also ease redness and irritation caused by rashes and other skin conditions. They are believed to have antiseptic properties.\n\n\nAccording to an article published in\u00a0\nSouth Asian Journal of Cancer\n:\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cImportance of BL (betel leaf) has been described in ancient books of Ayurveda. Use of BL was known for centuries for its curative properties. \n\n\nIn Chinese folk medicine betel leaves are used for the treatment of various disorders and claimed to have detoxification, antioxidation, and antimutation properties. \n\n\nThere are number of research experiments on BL, where the leaf extract, fractions, and purified compounds are found to play a role in oral hygiene, and to have various properties including anti-diabetic, cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory, anti-ulcer, hepato-protective, anti-infective, etc.,\n\n\nPatents were also awarded for some of the biological activities like anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immunomodulatory associated with the leaf extracts and purified compounds.\u201d\n\n\nIt is believed that the extracted oil from betel leaves is \u2018warming\u2019, and as such, can help heat up the body, easing issues such as congestion.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBetel leaf home remedy for blocked nose: Safety tips\n\n\nMums and dads, keep in mind that like many home remedies, this one has \nnot\n been verified by a medical professional or institution.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso, mentholated ointments should be used carefully, \nwith the general advice being you should not apply it on babies under the age of two.\n If you need further clarification on this, please check with your child\u2019s paediatrician.\n\n\n*\nDisclaimer: theAsianparent does not advocate this as a method of treating nose congestion in babies. We are simply sharing a home remedy shared by a mummy.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor any medical condition in babies and children, your first point of reference should be a paediatrician.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis article is inspired by the Vietnamese version of the same, published on theAsianparent Vietnam.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-insurance-plans-for-pregnancy", "title": "4 reasons why you need insurance now that you\u2019re pregnant", "body": "You\u2019re ready to pop! You\u2019ve done everything you can, from taking your prenatal supplements, to purchasing what you need once you give birth. However, are you truly ready for what\u2019s to come? If you\u2019re like most Malaysian moms, you may have missed out on one crucial thing: prenatal coverage and coverage for your soon-to-be newborn. But what exactly does this kind of insurance give you? Why is it necessary to have your child insured while he or she is\u00a0 still in the womb? We give you the answers \nand \nsuggest one of the best insurance plans for pregnancy in Malaysia.\n\n\nBest Insurance Plans For Pregnancy: Why Prenatal Insurance Is So Important\n\n\n#1: It protects your child even before birth\n\n\n\n\nMost mothers will tell you that being pregnant costs more money than they initially thought. Between the checkups and prenatal tests you need to take within those nine months, the amount can add up to a hefty sum.\n\n\nGetting your baby insured will help to protect your baby, even before he or she comes out of the womb. If complications were to arise, an insurance plan can ease your financial burden and allow you to focus on your pregnancy journey.\n\n\n#2: It protects you while you\u2019re pregnant\n\n\n\n\nMost medical plans do not cover pregnancy, as most insurance or health plans are developed without pregnancy in mind, focusing instead on your future needs given your present situation. Maybe you were single then, without plans of having children.\n\n\nBut now that your family is set to grow, your needs have changed. That\u2019s why prenatal coverage is important \u2014 to make sure that you and your child are cared for, no matter what happens while you\u2019re expecting or when you\u2019re in the delivery room already.\n\n\nTo answer these needs, there is actually a plan that is made for pregnant women. \nPRUMy Child Plus\n gives your soon-to-be newborn\u00a0 coverage as early as 14 weeks in the womb. This makes it the ideal insurance policy for women planning on starting a family, or for women who are already pregnant. It is also the only coverage that includes IVF pregnancies \u2013 the first in the market. The coverage includes prenatal needs, critical illness, medical needs and any additional options that you may choose.\n\n\n#3 It covers a wide range of congenital conditions, including neonatal jaundice\n\n\nAs soon as babies are born, they undergo a series of tests, from how much they weigh, to checking for any congenital conditions. If your child has a congenital condition, you need to be ready.\n\n\nPRUMy Child Plus covers a range of congenital conditions and other newborn coverage, including \nneonatal jaundice\n, which is the yellowing of a baby\u2019s skin and eyes. It is one of the most common conditions that newborns can have, affecting up to 60% of full-term babies and up to 80% of preterm newborns.\n[1]\n If left untreated, it can lead to serious harm.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s comforting to know that PRUMy Child Plus can help you through situations like this, if needed.\n\n\n#4 You can use it for more than health insurance\n\n\n\n\nBeyond pregnancy and newborn coverage, you may also get other kinds of coverage \u2014 savings, critical illness, and accident riders can be attached to your PRUMy Child Plus plan. When your child reaches 25 years old, the critical illness rider covering specified child critical illnesses will automatically convert to cover the 43 critical illnesses. This way, the coverage grows up with your child, making it the policy that they can have all the way to adulthood.\n\n\nBest Insurance Plans For Pregnancy:\n With Prudential, Get Coverage with EASE\n\n\nEASE stands for Easy and Simple Enrolment. This means that when you have been covered under PRUMy Child Plus, your next pregnancy can be easily covered under the EASE process, without going through the whole process of application again.\n\n\nWhen you enroll now, you will get \nfree\n \n50% additional \ncritical illness coverage for Essential Child Rider for\n three years\n! The Crisis Care rider will allow you to receive a lump sum benefit of any one of the 43 covered Critical Illnesses listed. This means it won\u2019t reduce or take away from your plan\u2019s Basic Sum Assured.\n\n\n\n\nOnce you reach your third policy year, the additional 50% coverage can be converted to permanent coverage, no problem \u2013 absolutely no questions asked. You can even do this via smartphone \u2013\u00a0 it\u2019s that easy!\n\n\nFor more information about the PRUMy Child Plus, click\u00a0 \nhere.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n[1]\n Neonatal Jaundice, \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK65113/\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-most-terrifying-part-of-motherhood-no-one-ever-warns-you-about", "title": "The most terrifying part of motherhood no one ever warns you about", "body": "It\u2019s 2am and, as through most of my motherhood journey so far, I can\u2019t sleep. This time, it\u2019s not because I have a tiny newborn nuzzling at my breast every two hours, demanding love and nourishment.\n\n\nNeither has a pudgy toddler just woken up bright and sunshiney, commanding me to play with him.\n\n\nI can\u2019t sleep this time because I\u2019m terrified.\n\n\nWhat or who makes me this fearful? None other than the vision of my two sons, now 5 and 8 years old, peacefully asleep.\n\n\nHow my motherhood journey confronts me\u2026\n\n\nAs I gaze at them peacefully asleep, I\u2019m scared because their bodies are too big to fit in a snug bundle in my arms anymore.\n\n\nI\u2019m fearful because their sweet faces no longer have those squishy baby cheeks. Instead, they bear traces of the young men they will soon become.\n\n\nThe \nmotherhood\n journey is terrifying for this reason. It gives me constant reminders of how fast time passes by. That soon, those little arms will no longer cling to me for comfort. Neither will they want me like they do now, even though I grumble about the million times a day I hear \u201cmummy-mummy!\u201d.\n\n\nIt is certainly the best teacher and reminder of mortality. The motherhood journey is defined by the too-quick passing of a day into tomorrow and yesterday. By one year, suddenly into five, and then ten.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat happened to that helpless little newborn?\n\n\n\n\nMotherhood sees the rapid change of a fragile newborn into a robust toddler. The metamorphosis of a child into an adult.\n\n\nWhy did no one warn me that this hurtling of time is the most terrifying thing about the motherhood journey? Why did they not say that a year really is not that long? Who warned me about the sense of unimaginable longing when you\u2019re spring-cleaning and stumble upon minuscule first-shoes?\n\n\nSo, fearful at 2am, I climb into bed with my children and take them into my arms. And then, in one moment, my anxieties melt away.\n\n\nEven in deep sleep, they wrap their arms around me and cuddle up to me. My older son sleepily opens his eyes and whispers, \u201cI love you\u201d, before falling asleep again. My younger son smiles and giggles sweetly in his sleep.\n\n\nYes, motherhood is terrifying and tiring and challenging. But it\u2019s also joyful and enriching and inspiring. It teaches life-lessons the best university in the world cannot teach. Learning how to balance the fear and joys of life is one of these lessons.\n\n\nUnderstanding that each minute with your loved one is a privilege and not something to be taken for granted is something only motherhood can teach. \u00a0\n\n\nYou learn lessons about time that quantum physicists are still grappling with \u2013 that it cannot be turned back, and that it passes faster than you ever imagined.\u00a0\n\n\nFor now, I am calm again as I feel the warm little bodies of my children trustingly cuddle up to me. Their steady heartbeats slow mine down.\u00a0\n\n\nI know there will be more terrifying moments in my motherhood journey as time passes by faster than I want it to. But I must learn to embrace the swift passing of time as a rite of motherhood that we all must accept. \u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mothers-day-gifts", "title": "Mothers\u2019 Day Gifts That Will Surely Put A Smile On Your Mother\u2019s Face!", "body": "Mothers\u2019 Day is coming! It is the day to show our appreciation for the woman who clothed and fed us since young, who always put us first and who knows us better than anyone else in the world. What better way is there to celebrate our mothers than to handpick a unique and meaningful Mother's day gift that will bring endless joy to her?\u00a0\n\n\nHere at Photobook Malaysia, we celebrate moments and people through our wide selection of photo books and photo albums!\u00a0\n\n\nPhotobook Malaysia has numerous types of books, papers, covers and accessories available that can inspire your creativity and help translate your dream to reality, and the website is also easy to navigate!\n\n\nApart from picture books, Photobook Malaysia also offers the best personal prints such as canvas prints, cards, stationery, calendars and others.\n\n\nGiving the gift of a photo book or photo album will capture and help us remember these beautiful moments forever, and are therefore very memorable and significant Mother's day gift! \n\n\nSo what are you waiting for? Take your pick with these Mother's day gift below!\n\n\n#1 Mother's Day - Great Job Momma\n\n\n\n\nSurprise your loved ones with this special gift set collection from Photobook Malaysia. This unique gift box contains a variety of customisable products that will definitely not fail to touch your mother\u2019s heart!\n\n\nProduct list:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1 Moleskin Notebook \n\n\nFeatures: Magenta, 13cm x 21cm in size, 240 pages, plain pages, hardcover\n\n\nLaptop Sleeve 13 \"\n\n\nFeatures: 13 \"x 10.5\" in size, Neoprene material\n\n\nFlat Greeting Card \n\n\nFeatures: 7 \"x 5\" in size, landscape orientation, thick fine art paper\n\n\nPackaging Foldbox\n\n\n\n\n Mother's Day - Great Job Momma \nBuy From Photobook Malaysia\n\n\n#2 Mother's Day - Stick By You\n\n\n\n\nExpress your appreciation and love for your mother with this gift! The Stick By You gift set features a variety of photo products that is customisable and will most surely make her happy!\u00a0\n\n\nProduct list:\n\n\n\n\n3 pieces of Magnets\n\n\nFeatures:\u00a0 6 \"x 4\" in size, 0.34mm thick, matte finish\n\n\n1 Canvas Print\n\nFeatures: 8 \"x 8\" in size, fine art canvas material\n\n\n1 Flat Greeting Card\n\nFeatures: 7 \"x 5\" in size, landscape orientation, thick fine art paper\n\n\n1 Gift Box\n\nFeatures: Top-bottom box type, 4L capacity\n\n\n\n\n Mother's Day - Stick By You \nBuy From Photobook Malaysia\n\n\n#3 Mother's Day - You're \u201cBrew\"tiful\n\n\n\n\nSurprise your mother for this year\u2019s Mothers\u2019 Day with a You\u2019re \u201cBrew\"tiful set! This cute and cosy gift set will no doubt put a smile on her face.\n\n\nProduct list:\n\n\n\n\n1 Magic Mug\n\n\nFeatures: 1 oz capacity, made with black heat-sensitive coating on white ceramic material\n\n\n1 Canvas Air\n\nFeatures: 8 \"x 8\" in size, fine art canvas material\n\n\n1 Flat Greeting Card\n\nFeatures: 7 \"x 5\" in size, landscape orientation, thick fine art paper\n\n\n1 set of Gift Box \n\n\nFeatures: Top-bottom box type, 4L capacity,\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Mother's Day - You're \u201cBrew\u201dtiful \nBuy From Photobook Malaysia\n\n\n#4 Rosette Mom\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis paddleboard is perfect for serving individual dishes such as burgers, sushi and steaks.\n\n\n More importantly, especially on special occasions, serving appetisers, mains or desserts on this wooden preparation board would give it a much more rustic appearance and it will surely add to the celebratory mood!\n\n\n This preparation board will be a pleasant gift to any mothers!\u00a0\n\n\nProduct:\n\n\n1 Wooden Paddle Serving Board\n\n\nFeatures: 15.35 \"x 6.30\" x 0.78 \"(39cm x 16cm x 2cm) in size, made from acacia wood, can be personalised (by text only)\n\n\n Rosette Mom\u00a0 \nBuy From Photobook Malaysia\n\n\n#5 I Heart You\n\n\n\n\nPhotobook Malaysia also has a selection of customisable coasters. You can choose from various carvings, patterns, sceneries and pictures to put on these coasters!\u00a0\n\n\nThis coaster can not only be used as a useful decoration in your mother\u2019s home, it can also serve as coaster for hot and cold drinks, and it has a non-slip bottom layer. Do not miss this incredibly meaningful Mothers\u2019 Day gift!\u00a0\n\n\nProduct:\n\n\nCoaster\n\n\nFeatures: 3mm wood composition made on non-slip cork and rounded corners with elegant black edges, made from Pine Wood Slotted Coaster Holder, has a stylish design, 3.75 \"x 3.75\" (95mm x 95mm) in size\n\n\n I Heart You \nBuy From Photobook Malaysia\n\n\n#6 Canvas Tote Bag\n\n\n\n\nWho does not love tote bags? This Canvas Tote Bag can be personalised as we provide embroidering services where you can feature your mother\u2019s name or even a quotation that your mother loves! \n\n\nThis bag is perfect as a gift as it is both durable and can be washed by just throwing it into a washing machine!\u00a0\n\n\nProduct:\u00a0\n\n\n1 Canvas tote bag\n\n\nFeatures: 17 \"x 15\" in size, 1.2mm in thickness,\u00a0 made from 100% polyester canvas material\n\n\n Canvas Tote Bag \nBuy From Photobook Malaysia\n\n\n#7 Bravado\n\n\n\n\nDoes your mother love to hang family photos? \n\n\nIf so, this Bravado set is the perfect gift for her! Made from a beautiful New Zealand Pine wood frame, this photo frame is a great way to celebrate and remember beautiful memories that you share as a family and the simple design easily complements any house!\n\n\nProduct:\n\n\n1 Bravado Photo Frame\n\n\nFeatures: Plot-shaped, 8 \"x 8\" in size, Ultra Luster paper, comes in Winter white or Woodland Brown colour\n\n\n Bravado \nBuy From Photobook Malaysia\n\n\nHow to Download the Photobook Malaysia application\n\n\nNow, everything is at your fingertips. You can create a photo album using Photobook Malaysia with \nthis link\n!\n\n\nHere's how:\n\n\n1) Choose your country.\n\n\n2) Select the size for your album book.\n\n\n3) Select pictures from your photo album or from social media. You can select a minimum of 21 pictures or a maximum of 195 pictures.\n\n\n4) Pick a layout choice. Your picture will be adjusted automatically.\n\n\n5) When everything is done, choose a title for the picture book.\n\n\n6) Select the type of paper, then add the book to the Cart.\n\n\n7) Enter \"voucher code\" if any.\n\n\n8) Click \u201ccheck out\" and your photo book will be prepared by us.\n\n\nWe hope this article about Mother's day gift would help you find the perfect present for the perfect woman!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBest Prenatal Vitamins For Pregnant Women\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/immunity-raise-them-resilient", "title": "Immunity, The Outdoors & Resilience: How They All Work Together", "body": "The research agrees \u2013 time spent in the outdoors offers children a myriad of benefits. Most obvious are the developmental tasks crucial to prepping children for the next stage of their lives \u2013 exploring, risk-taking, emotional regulation, fine and gross motor skills plus the absorption of basic knowledge.\n\n\nBut there is also a secondary and much less understood overall benefit. Recently unearthed, is the evidence that spending time in nature provides protections against a surprising range of diseases, including depression, ADHD, cardiovascular disease, cancer and many more.\n\n\nMing Kuo, an environment and behaviour researcher with the University of Illinois believes the answer lies in nature\u2019s ability to enhance the function of the body\u2019s immune system\ni\n.\n\n\nShe goes on to note, \u201cNature doesn\u2019t just have one or two active ingredients. It\u2019s more like a multivitamin that provides us with all sorts of the nutrients we need. That\u2019s how nature can protect us from cardiovascular, respiratory, mental health, and musculoskeletal disease simultaneously\ni\n.\u201d\n\n\nSo now that we know getting outdoors and experiencing the world is good for our children\u2019s health, how can we use it to prepare them for the challenges of the world?\n\n\n\n\nImmunity First\n\n\nPhysical activities like camping, cycling or even daily plays in the neighbourhood park are challenges that stimulate children, thus promoting cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being. But before allowing them to be exposed to the outside world and to benefit from exposure to sunlight and the open air, children must first have that baseline protection from germs, microbes, viruses and seasonal allergies.\u00a0\n\n\nOne thing to consider is the effect of probiotics and prebiotic foods and supplements on the immune systems of young children. Occurring naturally in the human digestive system, probiotics are live microorganisms that enhance the health of your child by acting as a digestive aid and boosting their overall immunity. Whereas prebiotics is a compound found in food that promotes the growth of beneficial probiotics.\n\n\nFrom a scientific standpoint, probiotics and prebiotics are undeniably linked to intestinal and overall bodily health, considering also that the gastrointestinal tract is where several immune and inflammatory processes begin.\n\n\nThis could possibly lead to a reduction in the severity and incidence of gastroenteritis and diarrhoea in children. In young children, probiotics and prebiotics can also function as an additional barrier against disease and illness by synthesizing essential vitamins, help digest dietary fibre and convert it into cell nutrients and teach the immune system to recognize and attack harmful bacteria\ni\ni\n.\n\n\nParents may increase the health of these beneficial bacteria and microorganisms with a healthy diet consisting of grains, fruits and vegetables. It can also be boosted with probiotic and prebiotic supplementation.\n\n\n\n\nExperiencing the World First-hand\n\n\nOnce the \u2018immunity\u2019 foundation has been established, being among trees, jungle trails, rivers and waterfalls puts children in a new environment. This is the perfect time for mums and dads to encourage the natural explorer in their children to emerge. Cheer them on to push a little farther, to see what natural wonders are just around the bend in the trail.\n\n\nHere you can demonstrate Daringness, one of the five pillars of resilience. To be daring is to be brave and have the courage to try something new.\n\n\nIf you think back on your own childhood, it\u2019s easy to recall outdoor play as one of our happiest memories. So, provide your little ones with the autonomy to climb trees, to struggle over a tightly sealed container, to dictate their own playtime. If the best preparation for adulthood is to have a full and enjoyable childhood, then it\u2019s time to get them out and about.\n\n\nNot to mention, your permission to allow your child to decide which fork in the trail to take, teaches Self Reliance. According to the five core pillars, Self-Reliance means making one\u2019s own decisions while being connected to family.\n\n\nThrough these experiences, children can also encounter problem-solving, creative thinking, and most importantly, gain a deeper knowledge of themselves. Plus, the outdoor environment offers a constantly changing landscape.\n\n\nA patch of grass that was previously ideal for a spot of soccer, might be too wet and muddy to run around in. Simple swap sports shoes for rubber boots and get to splashing in leftover puddles. This models Adaptability to children, which is the ability to respond quickly to a different environment.\n\n\nIn addition, the outdoors offers a unique stimulus for open-ended play. A broken branch can function as a gun, a boat, even a pen to scratch an impromptu ground mural. This mobilises skills related to divergent thinking, otherwise known as the quality of Resourcefulness. Characterized as the capacity to find quick and clever solutions in challenging environments, Resourceful children do not let circumstances keep them down.\n\n\nLastly, experiencing the world can help parents defeat a \u2018Fear of Failure\u2019. This is the false impression that children should not be exposed to disappointment, defeat or frustration. In fact, controlled risk gives children the chance to come to terms with the unpredictability of life.\n\n\nJump on this moment to broach the subject of Perseverance. This final pillar demonstrates the value of not giving up despite failure. Persistence is the key to overall success and children who instil this important value know how to turn a weakness into a strength.\n\n\n\n\nParents must guarantee their children get play-time outside. The outdoors simply offers challenges and adventures that the indoors cannot match!\n\n\nTo begin your family\u2019s journey to the outdoor, start with AptaGro\u2122 Step 3 and 4. AptaGro\u2122 formulated milk powder for children is from the number 1 company* in formula milk for children in Europe**, it has over 40 years of pioneering research and contains a patented Prebiotics and Probiotic formula along with other important nutrients to help support your child\u2019s body and learning development.\n\n\nFurthermore, to continue quoting from researcher Ming Kuo, there is some indication that exposure to the outdoor switches the body into \u2018rest and digest\u2019 mode, as opposed to the stressful state of \u2018fight or flight\u2019 mode. When children feel safe and blissful, their bodies might very well be devoting resources to long-term investments that lead to good health outcomes like growing and strengthening the immune system. And isn\u2019t that the very definition of win-win?\n\n\nLearn more about AptaGro\u2122 products \nhere\n.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\ni. Ming Kuo (2015, August 25). How Might Contact With Nature Promote Human Health? Promising Mechanisms And A Possible Central Pathway. Retrieved from \nwww.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01093/full\n\n\nii. Markowiak, P. & Slizewska, K (2017, September 15). Effects Of Probiotics, Prebiotics, And Synbiotics On Human Health. Retrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5622781/\n\n\n*Danone Dumex is part of Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition\n\n\n**Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition calculation based in part on information reported by Nielsen through its Scan Track, MarketTrack and Retail Index Services for the Children nutrition milk formula for children aged between 12 and 36 months segment (client defined) in the Children nutrition milk formula category (client defined) for the 52-week period December 2017, for the total grocery channel in Belgium, Czech, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Switzerland. (Copyright \u00a9 2017 The Nielsen Company.)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bring-baby-out-mco", "title": "I Still Bring My Baby Out Now During The RMCO -- Here's Why I Think It's Okay", "body": "As far as super paranoid mothers go, you can put me at the top of the list (I have at least 20 bottles of hand sanitisers at home). But in early March, when the COVID situation was starting to pick up, I still packed up and went on my first family holiday with my five-month old baby at the time. Even when people said to me, \u201cYou dare to bring baby out now?\u201d\n\n\nYes, we went ahead. Not out of stubbornness. In fact, we were very careful to keep ourselves away from crowded places and to sanitise as much as we could throughout the trip.\n\n\nWe were scheduled to fly back to Malaysia on March 18, the first day of the Movement Control Order (MCO). Upon arrival, we were greeted by an eerily empty airport (shops were closed, not many lights were turned on and only few immigration officers were working). The Grab ride back home seemed sombre as we zoomed down the quiet highways.\u00a0\n\n\nUpon coming back from our trip, masks and hand sanitisers were our best friends. We washed our hands frequently and kept the baby in his stroller or baby carrier at all times. And of course, we stayed home.\n\n\nNow, as the MCO is starting to become a bit more relaxed in its recovery phase, I think it\u2019s okay to bring the baby out.\u00a0\n\n\nBUT before you go and shoot me down, hear me out.\u00a0\n\n\nDo it in moderation\n\n\n\n\nWe still proceeded to bring baby out on our holiday in March to Melbourne but practised strict hygiene practices and avoided crowded places.\n\n\n\n\nI don\u2019t mean to bring my baby out every day to the shopping malls to leisurely stroll around. But I do think it\u2019s okay to bring the baby out to the park for a walk, or around the neighbourhood to get some fresh air.\n\n\nIt is also okay to bring the baby out to the mall if you really don\u2019t have much of a choice. Yes, though babies cannot wear masks, you can be vigilant as the parent, to avoid coming in close contact with others. Keep the stroller covered with a plastic cover so your baby can still see but there is less chance of wet particles travelling towards them.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your baby or child is old enough to reach outside of their stroller to touch things, it\u2019s best to avoid letting them touch anything. But if they do, keep their hands sanitised and clean as we all know how much they like to put their hands into their mouths.\u00a0\n\n\nLike any responsible citizen should, continue to practice social distancing. Be sure to give the correct personal details when leaving your contact information at the mall. Should the need arise, contact tracing will be much easier this way.\u00a0\n\n\nBefore touching your baby, wash and sanitise your hands again if you\u2019ve been touching things inside the mall. Try not to touch the lift buttons with your fingers, instead use your elbow.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCover your baby with as much protection as you can within safe limits and bring your own hand sanitisers out.\n\n\n\n\nThere are many ways for you to bring your child out now during this RCMO without having to compromise them.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t bring your child to wet markets or crowded closed in areas.\u00a0\n\n\nBring them out for a drive.\n\n\nTake them to the beach now that domestic travel is allowed again. Some outdoors would do them good.\n\n\nIf both you and your partner need to go out, consider taking turns to get down from the car while the other stays in the car with the baby.\n\n\nContinue to read up on the news to keep up to date on hotspots for the virus, and actively keep away from those places.\n\n\nDoctors appointments should be scheduled as much as possible to avoid contact with too many people.\u00a0\n\n\nBring your own hand sanitisers instead of using the ones given at malls.\n\n\nBring your own pen and avoid touching as many \u201cshared\u201d items as possible.\n\n\nTry not to use the mall facilities like nappy changing rooms during this time. Instead limit your time out to an hour or two at the maximum so you can change your baby\u2019s nappies at home or in the car.\n\n\n\n\nFor those keyboard warriors out there telling parents that they\u2019re idiots for bringing the kids out \u2014 let me just say that it is really not easy being cooped up at home for three whole months with a child.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is not realistic for parents without help to never go out. What about single mothers who have no choice but to bring their babies anywhere?\n\n\nBefore you are too quick to judge, consider that some parents don\u2019t have much choice. Let\u2019s go easy on each other and help each other out during these hard times instead.\n\n\n*These opinions reflect those of the author.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n#tApReviews: Pumpables SuperGenie Review\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-conceive-a-baby-boy", "title": "How to conceive a baby boy", "body": "When asked what gender expectant couples prefer for their baby, the reply is usually that gender doesn\u2019t matter \u2013 as long as the baby is healthy.\n\n\nWhile gender shouldn\u2019t determine the love you have for your baby, there are times when you\u2019d love a little boy \u2013 for instance, if you have a girl and you want to create some balance in the home.\n\n\nThe theory on how to\n\u00a0conceive a baby boy\n\n\n\n\nIs there a surefire way on how to conceive a baby boy? | Image source: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nThere are different ways to affect our ability to conceive a baby with a certain gender. This ranges from the \ntype of food we eat to get a baby girl\n, or even eating specific fruit to help us \nconceive a baby boy\n! But is there any scientific proof behind these tactics?\n\n\nWell, according to Dr Shettles, there is! In his best-selling book, \u201cHow To Choose the Sex of your Baby\u201d, he writes that male and female sperm have different traits. Importantly, studies indicated that male sperm is smaller, weaker, but faster than female sperm. In fact, female sperm was found to be more resilient and remained in a woman\u2019s body longer.\n\n\n5 tips on how to\u00a0conceive a\u00a0baby boy\n\n\n\n\nFollow these tips on how to conceive a baby boy | Image source: Shutterstoc\n\n\n\n\nWith these details in mind, there are some tips you can implement if you\u2019re planning to start your family and want a baby boy!\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n1. Know your cycle\n\n\nAnyone trying to conceive baby boy is generally finely tuned into their cycle. But when you\u2019re hoping for a boy, it is even more important. The key to conceiving a boy is to do the deed close to your ovulation.\n\n\nAs Dr Shettles points out, male-producing sperm (Y-chromosome) moves faster than female sperm. Male sperm also dies pretty fast, while female-producing sperm (X-chromosome) can stick it out and take their time hooking up with the egg. If you have made love close to ovulation, you give the male sperm a better opportunity to get there first.\n\n\nUseful Tip:\u00a0\n\u00a0\nListen to your body. During mid-cycle, you may get sticky, egg-white discharge (cervical mucus) indicating that ovulation is about to take place within 1-2 days. Some women can even feel a twinge of pain where your ovaries should be at the moment that the egg is released.\n\n\n2. The Chinese gender chart\n\n\nUsing the\u00a0\nChinese gender chart\n\u00a0is another helpful tip that has been used for centuries \u2013 so much so that this method has been claimed to be 99% accurate.\n\n\nThe Chinese gender chart combines the mother\u2019s age and the month in which she hopes to conceive to determine the baby\u2019s gender. Working backwards, you can determine the best month in which to conceive in order to become pregnant with a boy.\n\n\n3.\u00a0How deep is your love? Try different sex positions\n\n\n\n\nTry deeper penetration if you\u2019re asking how to conceive a baby boy| Image source: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to conceive baby boy, you need to bid farewell to the missionary position and get a bit more creative. \u00a0This is in line with \nDr Shettles\u2019 method\n, which prescribes the most effective natural method for gender selection by combining the woman\u2019s cycle, sexual position and timed intercourse.\u00a0\n\n\nBasically, deeper penetration gives male sperm a running start, since they will be closer to the uterus. And in a foot (or sperm) race, the male sperm should outrun (or rather, outswim) the female sperm.\n\n\nAlthough this doesn\u2019t sound too romantic in theory, it can mean for more \nintimate intercourse\n.\u00a0\n\n\nTrying the Doggy Style can allow for deeper penetration, and is often recommended by many as the \nbest sex position\n\u00a0when trying to conceive a baby boy.\n\n\nYou could also experiment with sex while standing up. Many believe that male sperm do well against gravity since they have to swim faster to reach the egg. Consider leaning against a wall for balance, or asking your partner to lift you up.\n\n\nAnother sex position for deep penetration is straddling. With your partner lying on a bad or sat up, you lower yourself onto him. Because you are on top,\u00a0 you are able to control the depth of penetration.\n\n\nAlthough the Shettles method is said to be 75% effective, Canadian registered nurse, Pat Buie, included the Shettles method into her gender selection plan, and claims a\u00a0\n95% success rate\n.\n\n\n4.\u00a0Create the right environment\n\n\n\n\nGreen smoothies go a long when when planning how to conceive a baby boy | Image source: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nMale-producing sperm thrives in an alkaline environment, so create it for them by following a healthy diet:\n\n\n\n\nHave a fresh green smoothie daily\n\n\nEat loads of alkaline fruits and veggies.\n\n\nAvoid processed foods and sugar.\n\n\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\na study mentioned by WebMD\n, it was found that mums-to-be who enjoyed breakfast cereal and potassium-rich diets tend to conceive baby boys. \u00a0However, experts cautioned that it was unclear whether the increased calories or the potassium that had the result.\n\n\nIt is also worthwhile to note that an orgasm changes the pH levels in your body, so this is a good opportunity to put yourself first by encouraging your husband to help you climax first.\n\n\n5. Buy your man some boxers\n\n\nBoxers are cooler than briefs, allowing the male-parts to hang free and keeping the sperm at just the right temperature.\n\n\nHe also shouldn\u2019t take very hot baths or sit with his laptop on his lap, as that will also warm up the sperm, causing them to move slowly and the male sperms may not survive to make it to the egg.\n\n\nWhile this method is recommended for overall fertility, it is particularly beneficial for the weaker Y-sperms.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n#StayHome And Have Fun With The Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Moo-Possible Campaign\nKeibubapaan\nResilient Location Quiz: Where To Bring Your Kids To Build Resilience\nAnak\nTop 3 Most Common Illnesses Kids Contract From Daycare\nHealth\nChildhood Vaccinations Saw A Significant Drop in 2020(1), Now Doctors Are Pleading With Families To Return To Them\n\n\n6. Give the man a caffeine boost!\n\n\nWhile there\u2019s no scientific evidence, many women swear by making their men coffee before sex. \u00a0Perhaps the caffeine in the coffee helps speed the sperms towards the finish line. According to Dr. Shettles,\u00a0\na strong cup of coffee\n\u00a0for your man just before you \u201cget busy\u201d can help the Y-chromosomes to become more active.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n7. Female orgasms can lead to conceiving a baby boy!\n\n\nMany hold the popular belief that female orgasms contribute a lot towards the conception of a baby boy. The theory goes that an alkaline secretion is released into the vagina when an orgasm happens. By doing so, male sperm increases the chances of survival.\n\n\nHow gender selection works to\u00a0conceive baby boy\n\n\n\n\nThis is how gender selection works when planning how to conceive a baby boy | Image source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nA mother is genetically XX, and will contribute an X chromosome to the baby. The father is XY, and can therefore contribute either an X or Y chromosome. Since each parent contributes half of the baby\u2019s DNA, the sperm is the deciding factor when it comes to determining the sex of the baby.\n\n\nDuring intercourse, more than 200 million sperms are ejaculated, consisting of a mixture of both X and Y chromosomes. One of which will hopefully make your uterus its home.\n\n\nWhile there is no guarantee, apart from modern medical methods that offer a high degree of probability, these natural methods do make sense and people swear by it.\n\n\nEven if it doesn\u2019t work, you will have fun trying \u2013 and even if you don\u2019t conceive a boy, you will still love a baby girl deeply.\n\n\nDo you have other tried-and-tested methods for conceiving a baby boy? Share them with us by leaving a comment below!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/protect-your-children", "title": "7 Brilliant Mom Hacks To Battle The Dreaded Annual Cold and Flu Season", "body": "\n\nWelcome to the new year! If you\u2019re planning family activities over the festive breaks, then you know how exciting and occasionally overwhelming things can get. As you pack your luggage essentials, the most important consideration goes to your health, and the protection of your family. Nothing ruins a fun vacation like a child struggling with the cold or flu!\n\n\nBut fret not, here are 7 expert hacks that\u2019ll have you strutting like a regular Macgyver so your kids (and even your hubby) will look forward to an awesome 2020!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAlways protect your children\n\n\nTip 1 \u2013 Use a humidifier\n\n\nAlong with temperature/seasonal changes, come cold or flu symptoms like stuffy noses, sore throats & coughs. Humidifiers provide temporary relief by keeping throat and nasal passages hydrated. Harsh dry air caused by extended air-conditioning usage, can be addressed by a humidifier that adds much needed moisture to the air, creating optimal breathing conditions that helps children sleep and play more comfortably.\u00a0\n\n\nTip 2 \u2013 Make a home-made heat pack\n\n\nAll you need are old cloth, corn kernels and a little sewing. Corn kernels keep their warmth the longest! Simply warm up your home-sewn heat pack and place it close to your child. But make sure to check your child\u2019s skin every 15 to 20 minutes to make sure the heat is just right. If possible, avoid electric heating pads or cloths soaked in hot water because these do not offer controlled warmth.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTip 3 \u2013 Banana peel to alleviate bug-bites\n\n\nIf you\u2019re planning on an outdoor excursion, you\u2019ll encounter mosquitoes & other insects. Even with anti-mozzie sprays, stickers and ointments, nasty bites can and will occur. All you need to do is rub the inside of a banana peel on bites to stop swelling and itching fast. This is quick and natural way to avoid chemical-based remedies that could possible end up in your child\u2019s bloodstream by way of skin absorption. \n\n\nTip 4 \u2013 Keeps your family hydrated with this home-made recipe\n\n\nIf your child is just recovering from sickness, keep them hydrated with this delicious juice recipe. Instead of offering a commercial hydration drink, simply mix one litre of water with two tablespoons of sugar, and half a teaspoon of salt. Warm up the water first to easily dissolve the sugar and salt, then add a dash of orange juice for flavouring. Coconut water is also great for hydration too.\n\n\nTip 5 \u2013 Use Vicks VapoRub on your child\u2019s neck, chest and back.\n\n\nRubbing Vicks VapoRub on childrens\u2019 chest area eases nasal congestion and cough, helping them to sleep better. But did you know applying Vicks on the back area also work wonders? This is because Vicks VapoRub actually helps to relieve muscular aches too, providing a cooling, soothing sensation that might make your muscles feel less sore. Vicks VapoRub helps both yourself and your child get a good rest when you relieve the symptoms of flu or cold.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTip 6 \u2013 Marshmallows for a sore throat\n\n\nNow we\u2019re willing to bet kids (or adults for that matter), will have little objection to this quick fix. Once upon a time, marshmallows made from tree sap contained a gooey pith called mucilage that forms a gel that relieved throat irritation by coating raw surfaces.\n\nStore bought products are most likely devoid of mucilage, but the gelatin used to bond these sugary items can also do the trick!\n\n\nTip 7 \u2013 Pack an essential-supplies bag for any situation\n\n\nIn your go-bag, include a digital thermometer, hand-sanitizer, reusable straws (less sharing means less spreading of germs), Vicks VapoRub, cough drops for kids, alcohol-free wipes and even a can of easy cook broth-based soup. This flu-ready kit could be a life-saver, not to mention the saviour of your much treasured sanity (in case screaming and crying ends up being the response to flu-like symptoms).\n\n\n\n\nTake control and don\u2019t let your family suffer during the holidays! With the right precautions and remedies, you can easily soothe coughs and stuffy passages to help your family enjoy all the holiday plans you have coming up. The bottom line is that most people and children get better with time. Young children, pregnant women and older people should of course seek a doctor\u2019s advice. But in regular cases, keep these tips at the top of your mind!\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nVicks VapoRub is only for children aged 2 and above. Read label before use. Use as directed.\n\n\nThis article is brought to you by Vicks.\n\n\nLink : \nhttps://www.facebook.com/MYVicks/\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/benefits-of-breastfeeding-for-mom-and-baby", "title": "The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby, In Conjunction of World Breastfeeding Month", "body": "Research about breastfeeding continues to show important\n health benefits for baby and mother.\n\u00a0\nNot only does breastfeeding boost your baby\u2019s physical and mental development, but it also protects your own health.\u00a0\n\n\nIn conjunction with World Breastfeeding Month, Dr. Balkees Abdul Majeed, from Pantai Hospital Penang shares the importance of breastfeeding for Mom and Baby.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nDoes breastfeeding reduce heart disease?\n\n\n\n\nBreastfeeding is an important public health issue.\n\n\nChildren and adolescents who were breastfed as babies are less likely to be overweight or obese, breastfed infants experienced lower mean blood pressure later in life, which reduces the risk of heart disease.\n\n\nBreastfeeding is associated with a lower maternal risk of cardiovascular disease hospitalization and mortality in middle\u2010aged and older women. Breastfeeding may offer long\u2010term maternal cardiovascular health benefits.\n\u00a0\n\n\nAt what age is breastfeeding no longer beneficial?\n\n\nHow long to continue breastfeeding is a personal decision for each family to make. \n\n\nThe World Health Organization recommends \nexclusive breastfeeding\n (i.e. no other fluids or solids) for six months and then continued breastfeeding combined with solid foods for 2 years or as long as the mother and baby desire.\n\n\nWhy is breastfeeding so important in child development?\n\n\nBreast milk is uniquely suited to the human infant\u2019s nutritional needs and is a live substance with unparalleled immunological and anti-inflammatory properties that protect against a host of illnesses and diseases for both mothers and children.\n\u00a0\n\n\nNot breastfeeding has been associated with an increased risk of \nsudden infant death\n, necrotizing enterocolitis, diarrhoea, respiratory infections, and otitis media.\u00a0\n\n\nThe benefits of breastfeeding have been found to continue long beyond infancy and even into adulthood, having been linked to a decrease in obesity and overweight, type 2 diabetes, and increased intelligence quotient points. \n\n\nIn addition, breastfeeding also has protective effects for the mother, including decreased risks of postpartum haemorrhage, postpartum depression, heart disease, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer\n\n\nWhat is colostrum? Why is it important?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Mama Natural\n\n\n\n\n\n\nColostrum, the \u2018first golden milk\u2019, is good for your baby. It gives newborns an immunity boost while their immune systems are developing to support good lifelong health.\n\n\n\n\nColostrum which has been called the\n \u2018\u2019first milk\u2019\u2019,\u2019\u2019 liquid gold\u2019\u2019 or\u2019\u2019 immune milk\u2019\u2019\n is a clear, sticky, thick liquid that is produced by a mother\u2019s mammary glands after the first day of a baby\u2019s birth.\n\n\nAt birth, your breasts will make a thick, yellowish substance called colostrum. Colostrum is packed with nutrients and other important substances that help your baby start building up his or her immune system. \n\n\nThere will not be a lot of this liquid at first, but the amount will gradually increase over the first couple of days. Most babies will get all the nutrition they need through colostrum during the first few days of life.\n\n\nBenefits of Human Colostrum\n\n\nThere are different so many benefits of human colostrum which are pointed out in the following:\n\n\n\n\nHuman colostrum is\n high in carbohydrates, high in protein, high in antibodies, and low in fat.\u00a0\n\n\nIt actually \nworks as a natural and 100% safe vaccine\n. It contains large quantities of an antibody called which is a new substance to the newborn.\n\n\nAntibodies\u2019\u2019 Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA)\u2019\u2019 help to\n protect the mucous membranes in the intestines of the infant.\n\n\nColostrum also contains high concentrations of leukocytes, protective white cells that can \ndestroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses\n.\n\n\nIt has a \nlaxative effect that helps expel the first stool called Meconium\n. This clears excess bilirubin, a waste product of dead red blood cells which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction, from the infant\u2019s body and helps prevent jaundice.\n\n\nIt \ncontains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and protects the gut lining.\n\n\nColostrum is high in cholesterol, which is essential for the \ngrowth of the baby\u2019s nervous system\n at this stage.\n\n\nSugars in the colostrum \nprovide the energy\n required by the baby\u2019s growing body.\n\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s the oldest a child can be breastfed?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow long to continue breastfeeding is a personal decision for each family to make. \n\n\nThe World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding (i.e. no other fluids or solids) for six months and then continued breastfeeding combined with solid foods for 2 years or as long as the mother and baby desire.\n\n\nCan moms exclusively breastfeed for 2 years?\n\n\nBreastmilk alone is the only food and drink an infant needs in the first six months of life. After six months, a baby needs a variety of other foods in addition to breastmilk to ensure healthy growth and development.\u00a0\n\n\nThe transition from exclusive breastfeeding to \nfamily foods\n is referred to as complementary feeding, typically covers the period from 6 to 18-24 months of age and is a very vulnerable period. Breastfeeding should be continued until two years of age and beyond. \n\n\nThe first two years of life provide a critical window of opportunity for ensuring children\u2019s appropriate growth and development through optimal feeding.\n\n\nOn COVID-19 vaccines\n\n\n\n\nYes, mothers should vaccinate. \nCOVID-19 vaccines are not to be a risk to lactating people or their breastfeeding babies. Therefore, lactating people can receive a COVID-19 vaccine.\n\n\nRefer to CLINICAL GUIDELINES ON COVID-19 VACCINATION IN MALAYSIA.\n\n\nCan the vaccine affect a lactating mother\u2019s milk production? Are there any potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine for the moms?\n\n\nNo. Covid -19 -vaccination does not affect lactating mothers\u2019 milk production. Side effects as for general population.\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by Dr. Balkees Abdul Majeed,Paediatrician and Lactation Consultant ofPantai Hospital Penang (PHP)\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n 6 Breastfeeding Positions For Every Mum\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a010 things you need to know before you start breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHelpful Breastfeeding Basic Tips for the New Mum Within the First 6 Months\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sensitive-stomach", "title": "What Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?", "body": "One of the most common childhood pain experiences is stomachache. Most children will complain of stomach pain and discomfort once in a while. Rest assured, the pain and discomfort\n \ncan happen for any number of reasons, but parents are often left to wonder if their children have a sensitive stomach.\n\n\nA sensitive stomach is used to describe a stomach that is easily upset and normally people with sensitive stomachs may experience\u00b9\n. The symptoms include:\n\n\n\n\nExcess gas\n2\n\n\nHeartburn\n2\n\n\nAcid reflux\n2\n\n\nNausea\n2\n\n\nUpset stomach\n2\n\n\nConstipation\n2\n\n\nDiarrhoea\n2\n\n\nVomiting\n2\n\n\nChanging bowel habits\n2\n\n\n\n\nWhen your child is going through abdominal pain, it is crucial to understand the source of this issue as the issue can start interfering with daily life. Children who are constantly in pain are often more likely to be fussy, constantly crying, and even spit up after every meal.\u00a0\n\n\nParents must constantly remind themselves that the stomach of your child is not the same as an adult\u2019s stomach. A complex interplay of factors such as food habits, genes, gender, state of health, age and gut health contribute to the maturity of your child\u2019s digestive system\n3\n.\n\n\nSome children\u2019s nerves are more sensitive compared to others and they often feel discomfort as a reaction to even normal intestine activities. Some of the most likely causes of stomach discomfort is not eating enough, not going to the bathroom or a combination of the two.\n\n\n In some cases, a specific problem such as constipation, heartburn, or a \nfood allergy\n causes abdominal pain. In other cases, the cause may not be so clear\n4\n.\n\n\nHow to Support Your Child\u2019s Digestive System?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nChildren with sensitive stomachs need all the help they can get especially in their daily food intake. Parents must play a proactive role in modifying the food they eat.\u00a0\n\n\nNot only you can speak to a dietitian about what food items can complement their diet and support their development, but you must also educate your child on what they can and cannot eat.\n\n\nFollow these easy tips to help your child\u2019s digestion:\n\n\n\n\nSpeak to your doctor to understand the underlying causes.\n\n\nOnce the cause is determined, start to eliminate the root of the problem. If your child is sensitive to certain foods, get the doctor\u2019s advice on how to get nutrients from a well-balanced diet.\n\n\nBe calm. A sensitive stomach can be unpleasant for your child. You need to assure your child that everything will be okay and you can figure out the situation together.\n\n\nStay constantly updated on trends and information that might guide you through your journey.\n\n\nSeek help and support from a community of other parents and experienced professionals.\n\n\nServe food that is loaded with fibre as it helps to promote healthy digestive function. Fibre also helps to regulate bowel movement, prevent constipation and promote the growth of beneficial microbes in the guts\n5\n.\n\n\nGo on the new meal plan together. Your child will feel less lonely when parents and other family members participate in their new diet.\n\n\nPromote light to moderate physical activity or play to help with digestive problems. Children are recommended to accumulate at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily\n6\n. Do it together! Be it playing badminton, jogging or even cycling.\n\n\n\n\nDealing with a child\u2019s sensitive stomach can be a tough and painful ordeal. That is why learning about diet and avoiding triggering foods should be your ultimate goal. Once you have figure out what is causing your child\u2019s stomach to act up, you need to back on these common culprits:\n\n\n\n\nGluten\n\n\nDairy\n\n\nOily, fatty and fried food\n\n\nSuper spicy foods\n\n\nProceed food\u00a0\n\n\nBeans\n\n\nWheat bran\n\n\n\n\nInstead focus on meals that carry wonderful nutrients that are tame to the stomach such as:\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLean protein\n\n\nCooked vegetables\n\n\nFruits\n\n\nWhole grains\n\n\nLow fat or fat-free dairy (only if your doctor determined that dairy is not an issue)\n\n\n\n\nPHP For Your Child\n\n\nRegardless of your child\u2019s stomach issue, every parent needs to start gradually making changes to their diet. To do so, you need to remove food and drinks that will trigger their sensitive stomach and stick with something they can tolerate well.\n\n\nThis does not mean, they have to skip the milk and other dairy products altogether! Your child may be able to tolerate a small amount of lactose, depending on their tolerance level\n7\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat you can do is to switch to growing up milk that is lower in lactose and choose milk that is formulated with Partially Hydrolysed Protein (PHP).\n\n\nWhat Is Partially Hydrolyzed Protein (PHP)?\n\n\n\n\nChildren with digestion problems would often need to pay special attention to their diet. Getting the correct source of nutrition helps children to grow up strong and healthy. Milk is a common and easiest nutrition source.\n\n\nPartially Hydrolyzed Protein (PHP) is a cow\u2019s milk protein that has undergone a special process called hydrolysis. Hydrolysis breaks down the protein molecules into small pieces for easier absorption and digestion\n8\n.\n\n\nTherefore, formula milk that contains PHP is easier to digest especially for children with sensitive stomach \nissues\n. It is less likely to irritate their digestive systems and helps to manage their digestive discomfort\n \nin the future.\n\n\nTry Enfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease (1-3 years)\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEnfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease (1-3 years) is designed for children with delicate tummies and provides balanced nutrition for your child\u2019s happy growth.\u00a0\n\n\nIt contains partially hydrolyzed protein that helps children with sensitive tummies to have better digestion and absorption of key nutrients.\n\n\nIt is also now added with MFGM that supports brain development\n9\n and enhanced with 105mg DHA in 3 servings per day to help meet expert-recommended daily DHA intake*, so you can be sure that your child\u2019s daily DHA needs are always on track.\n\n\nYour child needs optimum nutrition to experience well-rounded growth and development. Give your child\u2019s sensitive tummy growing-up milk specially formulated with Partially Hydrolysed Protein that is easy to digest and with lower levels of lactose**.\u00a0\n\n\nBring that little smile to your child\u2019s face again, try Enfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease today!\n\n\nReference:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.) Friedman L.,\n \nThe Sensitive Gut (Harvard Health Publications Book 5).\n Retrieved from \nwww.amazon.com/Sensitive-Harvard-Health-Publications-Book-ebook/dp/B00L1QUDFY\n\n\n(Sept 4, 2015) Hunt R., Camilleri M., Crowe S., El-Omar E., Fox J., Kuipers E., Malfertheiner P., McColl K., Pritchard M., Rugge M., Sonnerberg A., Sugano K., Tack J., \nThe Stomach in Health and Disease. \nRetrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4835810/\n\n\nMerchant HA, Liu F, Gul MO, Basit AW. Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Retrieved from \nhttps://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1542469/1/Orlu%20Gul_Age-mediated%20changes%2..\n\n\n(n.d.) Boston Children\u2019s Hospital. \nAbdominal Pain in Children.\n Retrieved from \nwww.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/a/abdominal-pain\n\n\nAnderson JW, Baird P, Davis RH, et al. Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutrition Reviews 2009 ;67(4):188-205.\n\n\nMalaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents 2013\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.) Swagerty Jr D., Walling A., Klein R., \nLactose Intolerance\n. Retrieved from \npubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12018807/\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.) Manninen A., Protein\n hydrolysates in sports nutrition.\n Retrieved from \nnutritionandmetabolism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-7075-6-38\n\n\n(n.d) Moukarzel S, Dyer R, Garcia C, Wiedeman A, Boyce G, Weinberg J, Keller B, Elango R, Innis S. Milk Fat Globule Membrane Supplementation in Formula-fed Rat Pups Improves Reflex Development and May Alter Brain Lipid Composition from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189118/\n\n\n\n\n*FAO/WHO recommended daily DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2 years old and above. FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91. FAO: Rome.\n\n\n**Compared to Enfagrow A+ formulation\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat Parenting REALLY Looks Like\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lego-90th-anniversary", "title": "Brick by Brick \u2013 Building LEGO\u00ae Love for 90 Years", "body": "Ninety years ago, a Danish carpenter crafted a line of small wooden toys in his workshop in Billund, Denmark. His first collection had a modest 36 items that included cars, aeroplanes, and yoyos, all carefully crafted to help local children learn about the world.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Ole Kirk Kristiansen couldn\u2019t have known back in 1932, was that the LEGO Group would become one of the biggest toy companies in the world and inspire millions of children to play each year.\u00a0\n\n\nTwenty-six years later, the LEGO\u00ae brick we know today was patented, with its interlocking tube system and endless creative building possibilities. \n\n\nSince then, our humble brick has been busy \u2013 it has formed the basis of over 18,000 LEGO products, received the Hollywood treatment in THE LEGO MOVIE\u2122, helped children learn about robotics and coding through LEGO\u00ae MINDSTORMS\u00ae, and inspired hours of playful digital adventures in over 180 LEGO video games.\u00a0\n\n\nThroughout time, Ole\u2019s passion for fun and high-quality toys has endured as his legacy. But play is not just about having fun. It is also integral to childhood development, overall happiness and family wellbeing.\n\n\nThe Power of Play\n\n\n\n\nFor the 2022 LEGO Play Well Study, the company polled more than 55,000 parents and children in over 30 countries and found that almost all parents think children strengthen their creativity (93%), communication (92%), problem-solving skills (92%), and confidence (91%) while they play. \n\n\nNot only do they develop skills that help them thrive in a rapidly changing world, but almost all children also say playing as a family makes them happy (97%), helps them relax and takes their mind off school (95%), and is their favourite way to learn (67%).\u00a0\n\n\nPlay isn\u2019t just for kids; it\u2019s a family affair too. According to 95% of parents, playing together makes the whole family happier, builds stronger family bonds and improves their well-being. Over 4 in 5 parents (85%) mentioned LEGO play specifically, saying that their families are happier when playing with LEGO bricks.\n\n\nFamily values have always been at the heart of the LEGO Group \u2013 to this day, LEGO is still owned by Ole\u2019s family.\n\n\n\u201cWhen my great-grandfather founded the company 90 years ago, he only had a small workshop. But he had big ambitions to ensure as many children as possible could experience the benefits that play brings,\u201d said Thomas Kirk Kristiansen, Chairman of the LEGO Group.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWhether it is 1932, 2022 or on our 100th Anniversary in 2032, we strive to continue this legacy by helping all families, wherever they are in the world, to play well.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nTake a walk down memory lane with 11021 LEGO Classic 90 Years of Play\n\n\n\n\nKids, adults and grandparents alike will love the 11021 LEGO Classic 90 Years of Play\n. \nLaunched in celebration of the LEGO Group\u2019s 90th Anniversary, this iconic 1,100-piece playset has something for everyone, from the 1932 Duck to the 2020 Pineapple Pencil Holder. \n\n\nWith 15 mini build recreations and extra bricks for free building, families can have hours of fun and nostalgia. You can choose to recreate iconic LEGO models such as \n1998\u2019s Secret of the Sphinx, 2013\u2019s LEGO\u00ae NINJAGO\u00ae Golden Dragon, or simply let your creativity and imagination run free!\n\n\nGet ready to spend quality family playtime with more LEGO play\n\n\nIn today\u2019s technology-driven world, screen time among kids can be higher than ever. Keeping your children away from digital devices and screens may seem tough, but with LEGO play, even the most distracted of kids can be occupied for hours. \n\n\nTo get you started, the LEGO Group has curated a list of sets to inspire you to spend quality family time. The relevance of these sets to our daily lives will bring a sense of familiarity and home to both our little builders and their parents.\n\n\nLittle builders who have a passion for play will be able to recreate the fun thrills of the outdoor pool with the 41720 LEGO\u00ae FRIENDS Water Park and action-packed creative play with the 60320 LEGO\u00ae City Fire Station.\n\n\n\n\nThe younger ones at home can enjoy 10974 LEGO DUPLO Wild Animals of Asia\n,\n while the\n 71775 \nLEGO\u00ae NINJAGO Nya\u2019s Samurai X MECH is perfect for fans looking to recreate action from the NINJAGO\u00ae: Crystalized TV series.\n\n\n\n\nThose who prefer the arts over action are not to be left out either. With\n 41961 LEGO DOTS Designer Toolkit \u2013 Patterns\n, kids can assemble and create endless designs on the items to express themselves however they like.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCelebrate with us at the LEGO Imagination Playground\n\n\nAs part of the LEGO Group\u2019s 90th anniversary celebrations, LEGO fans can look forward to a physical installation at the ground floor of Centre Court, Mid Valley Megamall, from 1 to 12 June 2022. With various play-centric stations and activities for the public to engage with, LEGO Imagination Playground is a must-visit for both children and adults.\n\n\n\n\n For those down south, there will also be a second installation in Johor Bahru from 20 to 31 July 2022 at The Mall, Mid Valley Southkey.\nPartner Stories\nProduk bayi\nPerkara yang penting untuk penjagaan kulit si manja\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nHealth\nAre You In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy? Here are 5 Important Things Moms Should Do!\nRaise them Resilient\nMums: We Want Resilient Children\n\n\nImagination Playground will showcase the endless potential of play and highlight why play matters in child development. Aside from fun activities such as the Cupcake Making Zone and Build & Race Zone, there are also stations that will transport visitors back in time as they revisit key milestones in the company\u2019s history. \n\n\nOne such station is The Memory Lane, which takes a look at the brand\u2019s 90-year history as well as The Tiny Block Theory, which details the history of the iconic LEGO Minifigure.\u00a0\n\n\nAt the Endless Creativity Zone, LEGO fans can unleash their creativity and share their well wishes with LEGO DOTS bricks. Be it a LEGO build of a sushi platter or a designer handbag, the Imagination Playground immerses itself into its venue by showcasing unique builds from brands within Mid Valley Megamall at the Mall Tenants\u2019 Creation Zone for all to see.\n\n\n For certain zones, you can walk away with goodies by participating in various activities.\u00a0\n\n\nThe celebration doesn\u2019t stop there! Visitors to Imagination Playground can look forward to redeeming a limited edition LEGO\u00ae 90th Anniversary Water Bottle with a minimum spend of RM299 or a 30581 LEGO\u00ae Tropical Parrot with a minimum spend of RM149. \n\n\nAdditionally, one can redeem an awesome mystery gift with a minimum spend of RM199 on any LEGO DUPLO, LEGO City, LEGO Friends and/or LEGO Ninjago playsets. \n\n\nFor in-store promotions (across all channels), customers who spend a minimum of RM 199 on any LEGO range, will be entitled to a limited edition 30510 LEGO\u00ae 90 Years of Cars from 9 June onwards, nationwide. These offers are available while stocks last.\u00a0\n\n\nFollow the hashtags #LEGO90Years, #LEGOMY #midvalleynow or visit\n \nhttps://www.lego.com/en-my/90-years-of-play\n \nto join in the fun!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/7-breathing-exercises-for-children-that-can-help-them-de-stress-and-feel-relaxed", "title": "7 Breathing Exercises For Children That Can Help Them De-Stress And Feel Relaxed", "body": "Kids between the ages of two and five years can get troublesome at times, especially when things aren\u2019t going their way. You too may have experienced your kids throwing massive \ntantrums\n and acting out in the unlikeliest of situations.\n\n\nIt essentially happens when cortisol surges through your child\u2019s body, which makes them act out of instinct even if they did not intend to. Think of it as the body\u2019s natural response to what they presume to be dangerous situations.\u00a0\n\n\nTherefore, controlling your child at that moment can be a pain for every parent.\n\n\nSo how do you workaround to get your little one to calm down? There\u2019s actually a simple way to do this and that\u2019s through deep breathing.\n\n\nNot just for adults, but breathing exercises are great for kids as well. And the earlier you train them, the more they will be able to stay in control of themselves.\u00a0\n\n\nBut how to do breathing exercises with the kids to make it effective for them? Well, we\u2019ve got you covered.\u00a0\n\n\nHow Do Deep Breathing Exercises Help?\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Stock photo\n\n\n\n\nA child\u2019s \ntantrums\n have a lot to do with anxiety. When kids get anxious, they may act out. This is accompanied by a fast heartbeat with fat and sugar rushing to the bloodstream to provide accessible energy.\n\n\nAnxiety\n also makes our senses sharper and we tend to breathe frequently, which actually reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the body.\u00a0\n\n\nFast breathing further causes the blood pressure to drop by limiting blood flow to organs and tissues. It can also trigger panic attacks in children. That\u2019s why kids start hyperventilating in the middle of a tantrum.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best way to naturally reverse this process is: taking slow and deep breaths. Deep inhalation and exhalation help restore the body\u2019s carbon dioxide levels. It also eases the body from alert mode to rest mode.\n\n\nOne of the most tangible ways of seeing the effects of deep breathing is anxiety reduction.\n\n\nWhen Should Your Child Take Deep Breaths?\n\n\nThere\u2019s no particular moment to practice \ndeep breaths\n. The best time is every day and especially when your child is feeling particularly anxious.\u00a0\n\n\nGetting them to practice every day will only help them take the edge off when necessary. This helps children feel a sense of calm, irrespective of anxiety issues.\u00a0\n\n\nHow To Practice Deep Breathing?\n\n\nHere\u2019s how to do breathing exercises with kids:\n\n\n\n\nAsk your child to breathe through the nose that automatically forces them to slow down and take longer breaths\n\n\nCheck if the child\u2019s belly is contracting and enlarging as they breathe in and breathe out\n\n\nIf their chest is moving, they are taking shallow breaths\n\n\n\n\nFor children who may have a breathing disorder like asthma, do consult your paediatrician on a more personal recommendation for breathing exercises.\n\n\nYou should also consult a doctor if your child is struggling to do deep breathing exercises.\u00a0\n\n\nHow To Do Breathing Exercises For Kids: 7 Practical Ways To Try\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhile breathing is an activity we all do subconsciously, deep breathing can help children gain control and stay alert of their selves in the long run. Here are seven breathing exercises for kids you should try at home:\n\n\n1. Box Breathing\n\n\n\n\nInhale the air for four counts\n\n\nHold the breath for four counts\n\n\nExhale for four counts, and hold again for four more counts\n\n\n\n\n2. Balloon Breathing\n\n\n\n\nPlace a hand on your belly and imagine it\u2019s a deflated balloon\n\n\nInhale the air and it will feel like a balloon being filled with air\n\n\nNotice the belly rise\u00a0\n\n\nHold your breath for two counts and then exhale, slowly deflating the belly\n\n\n\n\n3. Swimming Breathing\n\n\n\n\nAsk your child to imagine as if they are swimming underwater.\n\n\nLift your child\u2019s arms over their head as they inhale, as if they are coming up and out of the water for air.\n\n\nBring your hands back to your sides and slightly behind while they exhale\n\n\n\n\n4. Bumble Bee Breathing\n\n\n\n\nInhale slowly, then exhale while making a \u201cbzzzz\u201d sound for as long as you can.\n\n\nYou can also try Roller Coaster Breathing with the kids. Here, you ask them to hold out one hand in front of them so that they\u2019re looking at their palm. With the other hand, trace around each finger, inhaling as they move up a finger to its tip, and exhaling as they move down a finger towards the palm.\n\n\n\n\n5. Rainbow Breathing\n\n\n\n\nAsk your child to Imagine there\u2019s a half-rainbow in front of you\n\n\nInhale the air as the child traces their finger from left to right\n\n\nThen exhale the air as the child traces their finger from right to left\n\n\n\n\n6. Fish Breathing\n\n\n\n\nInhale the air through the nose for five seconds\n\n\nFill the cheeks with air\n\n\nBlow the air out through the mouth\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n7.\u00a0Bunny Breathing\n\n\n\n\nInhale quickly three times\n\n\nSniff like a bunny\n\n\nThen exhale in one long breath\n\n\n\n\nTry these simple techniques and you\u2019ll surely spot in difference in your child\u2019s anxiety and overall sense of calmness.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDoes Gadgets Bring Any Harm to Children?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/103-beautiful-korean-baby-girl-names-you-will-absolutely-fall-in-love-with", "title": "103 Beautiful Korean Baby Girl Names You Will Absolutely Fall in Love With", "body": "Did you know that the \nmost popular baby girl names\n\u00a0over the last 100 years globally include the likes of Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth and Jessica? But for us living in Asia, these names \nmight\n come across as too\u00a0 Western. One of the best ways to help your baby girl stand out in a crowd and rule the world is to give her an uncommon name. So why not consider giving her one of our beautifully unique Korean girl names instead?\n\n\nWhy Korean? Well, unique Korean girl names often come with subtle nuances in their\u00a0meanings. Often, Korean names are made up of two Sino-Korean morphemes, like Chinese names, except in Korean, the first \u201cword\u201d is the surname, while the second is the individual name.\u00a0\n\n\nEach baby is given an individual name to reflect certain characteristics that the parents would like the child to have.\n\n\nUnique Korean Girl Names and Their Meanings\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\n\n\nMeaning\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. A-Yeong\n\n\nElegant, graceful, refined\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Ae-Cha\n\n\nA loving daughter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Aera\n\n\nLove, net for catching birds\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Ae-Ri\n\n\nGains, advantage, profit, merit\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Ah-In\n\n\nHumanness, benevolent\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. Ahnjong\n\n\nTranquility\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. Ara\n\n\nBe beautiful and good\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. Areum\n\n\nBeautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9. Bae\n\n\nInspiration\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10. Bada\n\n\nOcean\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11. Baram\n\n\nWind\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12. Bitna\n\n\nShining\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13. Bom\n\n\nSpringtime\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14. Bong-Cha\n\n\nThe ultimate girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n15. Byeol\n\n\nStar\n\n\n\n\n\n\n16. Chin-Sun\n\n\nThe one who seeks truth and goodness in everything\n\n\n\n\n\n\n17. Cho\n\n\nBeautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n18. Choon-Hee\n\n\nA girl born during spring\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19. Chul\n\n\nFirmness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n20. Chun-Ae\n\n\nRighteous love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n21. Chun Hei\n\n\nGrace and justice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n22. Chun Cha\n\n\nNoble daughter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n23. Chung-Cha\n\n\nA righteous and chaste girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24. Dae\n\n\nThe great one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n25. Doh\n\n\nAccomplished\n\n\n\n\n\n\n26. Eui\n\n\nRighteousness/purple\n\n\n\n\n\n\n27. Eun\n\n\nSilver\n\n\n\n\n\n\n28. Eun Ae\n\n\nGrace with love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29. Eun Jung\n\n\nGrace and affection\n\n\n\n\n\n\n30. Eun-Kyung\n\n\nA graceful gem\n\n\n\n\n\n\n31. Gi\n\n\nBrave one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n32. Goo\n\n\nSomeone to complete you\n\n\n\n\n\n\n33. Gyeong\n\n\nThe respected one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n34. Hae\n\n\nA girl who is like the ocean\n\n\n\n\n\n\n35. Ha-Neul\n\n\nSky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n36. Hae-Won\n\n\nGraceful and beautiful garden\n\n\n\n\n\n\n37. Hana\n\n\nFavourite\n\n\n\n\n\n\n38. Hea\n\n\nGraceful girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39. Hee-Young\n\n\nJoy and prosperity\n\n\n\n\n\n\n40. Hei Ryung\n\n\nGrace and brightness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n41. Hei-Ran\n\n\nGraceful orchid\n\n\n\n\n\n\n42. Ho-Sook\n\n\nA clear lake\n\n\n\n\n\n\n43. Hwa-Young\n\n\nA beautiful flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n44. Hyo\n\n\nFilial one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n45. Hyo-Sonn\n\n\nFilial and gentle\n\n\n\n\n\n\n46. Hyun\n\n\nBright and intelligent\n\n\n\n\n\n\n47. Hyun-Jae\n\n\nWise and respectful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n48. Hyun-Aw\n\n\nA woman who is loving and clear\n\n\n\n\n\n\n49. Hyun-Ok\n\n\nA wise and beautiful pearl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n50. Iseul\n\n\nFrom dew\n\n\n\n\n\n\n51. Jae\n\n\nRespect\n\n\n\n\n\n\n52. Jae-Hwa\n\n\nRespect and beauty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n53. Jee\n\n\nWisdom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n54. Jin Ae\n\n\nTruth, treasure and love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n55. Jin Kyong\n\n\nTruth, treasure and brightness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n56. Ki\n\n\nThe one who has arisen\n\n\n\n\n\n\n57. Kwan\n\n\nStrong girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n58. Kyung Mi\n\n\nHonour and beauty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n59. Kyung Soon\n\n\nHonour and mildness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n60. Kyung-Hu\n\n\nGirl in the capital\n\n\n\n\n\n\n61. Mee\n\n\nBeautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n62. Mi Cha\n\n\nBeautiful daughter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n63. Mi Kyong\n\n\nBeauty and brightness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n64. Mi Sun\n\n\nBeauty and goodness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n65. Mi Young\n\n\nEverlasting beauty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n66. Mi-Hi\n\n\nBeauty and joy\n\n\n\n\n\n\n67. Mi-Ok\n\n\nBeautiful pearl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n68. Min\n\n\nSharp-minded, quick responding person\n\n\n\n\n\n\n69. Min Jee\n\n\nBrightness and wisdom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n70. Min Jung\n\n\nBright and noble\n\n\n\n\n\n\n71. Mishil\n\n\nA beautiful kingdom or dynasty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n72. Moon\n\n\nLearned, with a lot of knowledge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n73. Mun-Hee\n\n\nEducated and literate\n\n\n\n\n\n\n74. Myung Hee\n\n\nBright and pleasant\n\n\n\n\n\n\n75. Myung-Ok\n\n\nA bright pearl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n76. Nam Kyu\n\n\nSouthern\n\n\n\n\n\n\n77. Nari\n\n\nLily flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n78. Sang Hee\n\n\nBenevolent and pleasant\n\n\n\n\n\n\n79. Seung\n\n\nVictorious\n\n\n\n\n\n\n80. Seo-Yun\n\n\nFelicitous\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n81. So\n\n\nSmile\n\n\n\n\n\n\n82. So Young\n\n\nEternal, beautiful and prosperous\n\n\n\n\n\n\n83. Soo\n\n\nA charitable and noble person\n\n\n\n\n\n\n84. Soo Jin\n\n\nTreasure, excellence and truth\n\n\n\n\n\n\n85. Soo Min\n\n\nExcellence and cleverness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n86. Soo Yun\n\n\nA perfect lotus flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n87. Sook\n\n\nShe of pure nature\n\n\n\n\n\n\n88. Soon-Bok\n\n\nGentle and blessed\n\n\n\n\n\n\n89. Sun Hee\n\n\nPleasure and goodness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n90. Sun Jung\n\n\nGoodness and nobility\n\n\n\n\n\n\n91. Sung\n\n\nSuccessor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n92. Whan\n\n\nAlways growing\n\n\n\n\n\n\n93. Wook\n\n\nSunrise\n\n\n\n\n\n\n94. Woong\n\n\nGrand and magnificent\n\n\n\n\n\n\n95. Yon\n\n\nLotus blossom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n96. Yong\n\n\nPerpetual and brave\n\n\n\n\n\n\n97. Young Mi\n\n\nProsperity, eternal and beautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n98. Young-Il\n\n\nThe most prosperous of all\n\n\n\n\n\n\n99. Young-Soon\n\n\nMild and flowery\n\n\n\n\n\n\n100. Youra\n\n\nSilky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n101. Yun\n\n\nLotus flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n102. Yun Hee\n\n\nLotus flower, pleasure\n\n\n\n\n\n\n103. Yun-Yeong\n\n\nBrave hero, forever\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSo there you have it: unique Korean girl names for your clever, gorgeous baby girl!\nPartner Stories\nPregnancy\n4 reasons why you need insurance now that you\u2019re pregnant\nTip keibubapaan\nWiggle Boks, Kotak Keperluan Bayi Yang WAJIB Dimiliki Semua Ibu Bapa Sibuk!\nKeibubapaan\nPentingnya Nutrien Awal Untuk Sistem Penghadaman Anak! Ini Cara Untuk Anak Anda Mendapat Nutrisi Secukupnya\nLifestyle\nRedeem Rewards & Exclusive Gifts at Sunway Pyramid\u2019s Blessed Christmas\n\n\nTell us \u2013 what\u2019s your favourite on our list of\u00a0unique Korean girl names? Do you have any to add to it? Please share with us in a comment.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nWant to Give Birth in Malaysia? This is The True Cost of Delivery According to Malaysian Mums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nNewborn Baby Vomiting: Is It Normal or Should I Start to Worry?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nWeird But True: Odd Pregnancy Cravings!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/birthday-balloon-kills-8-year-old-girl", "title": "Birthday balloon kills 8-year-old girl", "body": "This is a story that starts with the celebration of life and ends with the mourning of death. Mike McGloghlon from Ontario celebrated his birthday with his friends and family at his home.\n\n\nAfter the guests left, the table cleared, and the plates cleaned, he went into his eight-year-old daughter Jaina\u2019s room to check on her. He found her feet sticking out from the blankets and a Mylar balloon over her head.\n\n\nShe was not breathing.\n\n\nREAD: 8 harmless things that can harm your children\n\n\nWhile waiting for the medical personnel to arrive, Mike cut the balloon off and performed CPR until. They spent almost an hour trying to revive the girl, but it was too late.\n\n\n\u201cRight now, it\u2019s too raw with everybody,\u201d Jaina\u2019s grandmother told reporters. \u201cWhat can you say? We all want to turn back yesterday and start over again.\u201d\n\n\nNow the devastated family wants to help raise awareness about the dangers of balloons.\n\n\n\u201cIt was a big Mylar balloon,\u201d the grandmother, who was the the house when it happened, said, \u201cthe number three, and it had different size fill-holes. The only thing we can think is that she would have opened it to suck the helium out, and put it over her head.\u201d\n\n\nBalloons are the leading cause of suffocation death to children, \nreports say\n.\n\n\nKiller balloons\n\n\nAccidents involving balloons tend to occur in two ways.\n\n\nSome children have sucked uninflated balloons into their mouths, often while attempting to inflate them.\n\n\nThis occurs when a child blowing up the balloon inhales or takes a breath to prepare for the next blow, drawing the balloon back into the mouth and throat.\n\n\nThe second kind of accident involves balloon pieces.\n\n\nIf a balloon breaks, some children continue to play with it, chewing on pieces of the balloon or attempting to stretch it across their mouths and suck or blow bubbles in it.\n\n\nThese elastic pieces stick to the throat and lungs, completely blocking the breathing.\n\n\nThe Consumer Product Safety Commission advises parents and guardians not to allow children under eight years play with un-inflated balloons.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nBack-to-school Shopping Season: A Parent\u2019s Checklist for Primary & Secondary School Students\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nHealth\nUnderstand the Impact of Chickenpox From a Doctor's Diary\nLifestyle\nParents, Here\u2019s How To Effectively Support Your Child\u2019s Dreams\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/shopee-face-mask", "title": "No More Face Masks? Shopee Increases Their Supply", "body": "While groceries are constantly being stocked up, face masks are a necessity but difficult to find. Thankfully, Shopee is strengthening its face mask supply as companies in China are gradually resuming their operations.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nRegional Managing Director of Shopee, Ian Ho, said there has been an increase in the supply of face masks following the ban on export and tax relations on the product.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cTo further aid Malaysians, Shopee is working closely with manufacturers and distributors in our local and regional networks to offer convenient online access to face masks in the country.\n\n\n\u201cWe now have both local and cross-border face mask sellers on our platform who are able to offer face masks in larger quantities and at better prices to end consumers,\u201d he said.\u00a0\n\n\nFace mask prices decreases\n\n\nAs we know, the price of face masks have caused a stir following price hikes, which in turn, forced the government to impose a price ceiling.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile Shopee does not dictate the price of goods on behalf of their sellers, Ian said they have been cautioned to exercise care and concern that these face masks are affordable to Malaysians. Furthermore, it was encouraged for buyers to report overpriced products through the app.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAs a result, we have sellers on our platform offering boxes of \n50 pcs 3-ply surgical face masks between RM60 and RM85\n, below the regulated retail ceiling price of RM100,\u201d he said.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, here are some 3 key tips from Shopee when shopping for face masks or other essentials online:\n\n\nIan noted that there has been an increase in demand and purchases through the online platform for essentials such as diapers and toilet papers, while food items like Milo, cereal, as well as pasta.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRead the product description and reviews from other buyers carefully before making a decision\n\n\nUse the in-app Shopee Live Chat to verify prices and quantity and/or to obtain more information from sellers\u00a0\n\n\nStay away from and report overpriced masks. While Shopee proactively bans the sale of face masks that are sold above the regulated retail ceiling price, \nbuyers are encouraged to report any overpriced products\n encountered to keep the online shopping environment fair. You can use the \u201cReport This Product\u201d function located at the top right corner of any product listing.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nShopee is also taking precautions with its deliveries. Although a delay in shipment is expected, the platform is working with third-party logistics that have implemented safe delivery processes \u2013 this includes temperature checks for workers, drivers and rider, as well as the disinfection of warehouses and vehicles.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen do you really need to use a mask?\n\n\nContrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to wear face masks constantly. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is advising people to wear masks wisely \u2013 here are some facts they have put out:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou should only be wearing a mask if you are sick. If you are healthy, there is no need.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you have symptoms including coughing, breathing problems and/or sneezing, you need to use a mask, as well as seek medical attention.\n\n\nIf you are in quarantine or taking care of a suspected Covid-19 patient, please wear a mask when you are around them.\n\n\n\n\nDo take note, that masks do not provide full protection against Covid.\u00a0 You must always practice proper hygiene, especially washing and sanitising your hands. If you are going out of the home to get essentials, practice social distancing.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that being said, stay safe families!\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information from the theAsianparent Malaysia, you can download our #1 parenting app in Southeast Asia.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\nHealth\n6 Causes of Body Aches and Pains. Here\u2019s How To Treat Them!\nAnak\nHave You Heard Of This Contagious Disease That Affects Many Children?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-food-101", "title": "Baby Food 101: The Basics All Mums and Dads Should Know!", "body": "Your baby is around 6 months old and is grabbing wildly at everything you eat. You know that he\u2019s now ready to start eating solid food and you\u2019re very excited about seeing him \u2018eat\u2019 for the first time ever!\n\n\nBut with the excitement, you may also start to feel slightly overwhelmed by all the baby food products in the market, and by\u00a0all the information you might hear from friends and relatives, or read in books or on the Internet.\n\n\nTo make this time a bit less overwhelming for you, here\u2019s some information related to some of the most common questions about baby food.\n\n\n\n\nStepping into the world of solid food is an exciting time for both you and your baby!\n\n\n\n\nWhen is my baby ready for solids?\n\n\nAccording to Gina Shaw of WebMD, most babies are ready for their first taste of solids by the time they are 6 months old. She explains that by this ages,\u00a0babies lose what\u2019s called the \u2018extrusion reflex\u2019 that they use for sucking a breast or bottle.\n\n\nHere are some signs that your baby may be ready for solids:\n\n\n\n\nHe can sit up with support, and also hold his head up well.\n\n\nHe can keep food in his mouth rather than let it dribble out.\n\n\nHis birth weight has doubled.\n\n\nHe shows plenty of interest in what you\u2019re eating.\n\n\n\n\nWhat baby food should I introduce first?\u00a0\n\n\nThere is no particular order in which you should introduce solid food. However, pureed vegetables, fruits, meats, beans and iron fortified cereals are all good choices. They contain key nutrients that your growing baby needs. Only introduce only one ingredient at a time. Remember that your baby is still young and his or her body might not be able to tolerate certain foods.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to start baby on solids\n\n\n\n\nIntroducing your baby to solid food is a gradual process. Here are some tips on how to get your baby started on his or her first foods.\u00a0\n\n\nUse a spoon \u2013 Feed your baby the pureed food with a spoon from the start. It\u2019s best that your little one learns the right way to eat from the get go. DO NOT put cereal or puree into your baby\u2019s bottle as this might cause your baby to choke.\u00a0\n\n\nGo slow \u2013 Start with half a spoonful (we\u2019re talking baby spoons) so that your baby gets used to swallowing solid food. It\u2019s ok if your baby turns away from the spoon. Just try again another time. You can introduce solids for one meal in the beginning and slowly add on to it. Try the morning as your baby is hungry and alert.\u00a0\n\n\nTry new foods a few times \u2013 Babies may take time to decide that they actually like the food.\u00a0\n\n\nIntroduce new food one at a time \u2013 Give your baby the same food for a minimum of three days before another one so that you know if your baby is allergic to it.\u00a0\n\n\nTry different forms \u2013 Your baby doesn\u2019t seem to like pureed food? Don\u2019t worry, why not try mashing the food instead. Remember that in addition to taste, your baby is also learning the different food textures.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow do I choose the best food for my baby?\n\n\nExperts point out that around the time babies are ready to start eating solid food (6 months), their natural stores of iron begin to deplete.\n\n\nBecause of this, the Health Promotion Board of Singapore (HPB) recommends giving your baby iron-fortified cereal, as well as foods naturally rich in iron, as some of his first foods.\n\n\nMaking your baby\u2019s food at home\n\n\nIf you are planning to make your baby\u2019s food at home, keep the texture smooth and runny to help your baby enjoy the process of learning how to eat.\n\n\nThe HPB recommends giving your baby soft, mashed fruit and cooked strained vegetables. They also advise giving soft protein-rich foods such as soybean curd, cooked and mashed lentils, and finely flaked fish.\n\n\nAs your baby\u2019s ability to chew and bite improves, you can add finely minced meat and finely shredded poultry in his diet.\n\n\n\n\nBanana is a great first food for babies.\n\n\n\n\nHere are some fruit and vegetable options that are appropriate first foods for your baby:\n\n\n\n\nAvocado: \nAvocados are full of essential fats and nutrients for your little one, including vitamins A, C, niacin and folate; and the minerals potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium.\n\n\nPears: \nContaining vitamins A, C and folate, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, pears are an ideal first food for your baby.\n\n\nSweet potato: \nThis vibrant orange yam is a super-food and is chock-full of vitamins such as vitamins A, C and folate, and minerals like potassium, selenium, magnesium and calcium.\n\n\nPumpkin:\n\u00a0A\u00a0strong favourite with babies, pumpkin is loaded with vitamin A and beta carotene, and is also a great source of potassium, protein and iron.\n\n\nBanana: \nAnother popular first food choice for babies, bananas contain vitamins A, C and folate, and minerals like potassium, selenium, magnesium and calcium.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSupermarkets all over Singapore carry a large range of bottled baby foods.\n\n\n\n\nBuying your baby\u2019s first food from the supermarket\n\n\nMost baby food jars are labelled according to your baby\u2019s stage of development. So if you\u2019re looking for first foods, look for jars labeled as Stage 1, which contain food pureed to an appropriate consistency for your little one.\n\n\nWhat to check:\n\n\n\n\nThe expiry date on the jar label/lid\n\n\nThat the vacuum seal on the lid is intact and hasn\u2019t \u2018popped\u2019 \u2014 the center of the lid should be slightly indented\n\n\nThe ingredients \u2014 they \nshouldn\u2019t \ncontain added salt, sugar, preservatives, modified starch or colouring\n\n\nStage 1 foods should ideally contain just one ingredient, i.e., the fruit or vegetable it is made of.\n\n\n\n\nAlso, before you open the jar to feed your baby, don\u2019t forget to wipe the lid and then check that when you open it, you hear a popping sound which indicates that the seal was intact.\n\n\n\n\nBaby first food\u2014Should you give your baby only organic foods?\n\n\n\n\nShould I buy organic baby food or use organic food when making my own baby food?\n\n\nMany parents prefer to give their babies organic first foods, even though they cost more. However, others trust in the Singapore Government\u2019s food safety standards and may opt to buy commercially produced fruits and vegetables.\n\n\nEither way, this is an issue that\u2019s best resolved by considering\u00a0your family\u2019s budget and beliefs.\n\n\nHowever, do try to avoid skimping on fruits and vegetables in an effort to reduce your baby\u2019s exposure to pesticides.\n\n\nInstead, consider buying organic for the following fruits and vegetables known as the \u2018dirty dozen\u2019 \u2014 produce that typically contain the highest levels of residue pesticides.\n\n\nThe \u2018dirty dozen\u2019\u00a0are celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, bell peppers, spinach, cherries, kale/collard greens, potatoes, and imported grapes.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nHere\u2019s an idea:\n\u00a0If you have enough garden space, why not grow your own fruits and vegetables? Even if you live in an apartment, you could still grow things like herbs and tomatoes in pots!\n\n\nCan I make my own baby food instead of buying it?\n\n\nOf course you can! Baby food is one of the simplest things to make. All you need to do is puree or mash cooked vegetables, grains or other foods, then add a little breast milk, formula milk or boiled and cooled water to get the desired consistency.\n\n\n\n\nFruits such as \navocado,\u00a0\nbanana\n\u00a0and \npapaya\n can be mashed. They can be passed through a sieve and then mixed with breast milk, formula or water to achieve desired consistency.\n\n\nApples\n and \npears\n can be diced and then simmered in water untill soft. After that, they can be pureed and mixed with breast milk, formula or water.\n\n\nWhen cooking \nvegetables\n, it\u2019s best to steam them to preserve maximum nutrient content.\n\n\nIf you are feeding your child\n rice or other cereals\n, follow the instructions on the box or container.\n\n\nConsider giving your child \nwhole grains\n \u2014 there are plenty of wholegrain cereals on the market, including affordable local brands.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are giving your child what the rest of the family is eating, remember to puree his/her portion \nbefore\u00a0\nyou add salt and/or other seasonings.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBaby first food\u2014Freeze small portions of baby food to avoid wastage.\n\n\n\n\nTo avoid wastage, make large batches of purees and then freeze them in appropriately sized containers (many baby shops have great first food storage solutions) or even in ice-cube trays.\n\n\nThis way, you only need to thaw the amount you need for each meal. Remember not to re-freeze thawed baby food.\n\n\nHow long does baby food last after I open the jar?\n\n\nIn general, baby food containing poultry, fish, meat, or eggs should stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.\n\n\nThose made with only plain fruits and vegetables should last 2 days. Do check the jar label,\u00a0too, for recommendations on how long to keep the food once the\u00a0jar is opened.\n\n\nBaby food can be kept for a month or 2 (6 months for plain fruits and vegetables) in the freezer, but take note that freezing does change its\u00a0consistency.\n\n\nKeep in mind that liquids tend to expand in the freezer, potentially cracking the jar or causing the container to pop open, so place the baby food in a clean storage container, leaving some room at the top.\n\n\nIf you store leftover baby food in the fridge, make sure you do not dip your baby\u2019s spoon in it during feeding, as this could cause bacteria to grow in the food.\n\n\nInstead of dipping into the jar, scoop a small amount of food into a bowl and feed your baby from that. If you need more, use a clean spoon to dish food\u00a0out from the jar.\n\n\nWhen feeding time\u2019s over, throw out anything that\u2019s left in the bowl. If there\u2019s food left in the jar, put the lid back on and store it in the refrigerator.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBe prepared: The first time with baby first food can be messy!\n\n\n\n\nIs it okay to heat baby food in the microwave?\n\n\nYou can heat baby food in the microwave, but with plenty of care. Food heated in the microwave tends to get hot very fast and heat unevenly too.\n\n\nBecause of this, it may contain \u2018hot spots\u2019 which could be dangerous for your child.\n\n\nHeating the food on the stove-top may be safer. You could also place the container with the food in a bowl of hot water and it should heat up nicely.\n\n\nHowever, if you do use the microwave to heat your baby\u2019s food, scoop it out of the jar (if shop-bought). Then place it in a microwave-safe container. Heat it for only a few seconds.\n\n\nTake the food out, stir well and let it stand for a few minutes. Always test the temperature of the food before feeding it to your baby \u2014 it should be at\u00a0room temperature.\n\n\n\n\nAfter giving baby first food, introduce new flavours and textures.\n\n\n\n\nBaby first food by age\n\n\nHere are some ideas for your baby\u2019s first food according to age\n\n\nBaby food to try between 6-9 months\n\n\n\n\nCooked pureed vegetables\n\n\nMashed avocado\n\n\nMashed banana\n\n\nWell cooked and pureed meat or poultry\u00a0\n\n\nWell cooked and pureed beans\n\n\nCooked and pureed or ground single grain cereal mixed with formula or breast milk\n\n\nInfant cereal mixed with formula or breast milk\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBaby food to try between 9-12 months\n\n\n\n\nCooked vegetables cut into small pieces (half inch)\n\n\nCut bananas as well as other soft fruit cut into small pieces.\u00a0\n\n\nWell cooked, minced meat, poultry and beans\n\n\n\n\nBaby food to try between 12-18 months\n\n\n\n\nSmall pieces of cooked vegetables\n\n\nSmall pieces of easy to chew fruits\n\n\nSoft, shredded meat and fish\n\n\nFood dishes the family is eating, but make sure size is not too big to prevent choking. Also remember to remove your baby\u2019s portion before you add salt and other seasoning to the dishes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFood to avoid feeding your baby\n\n\nYou should avoid giving babies the following:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCow\u2019s milk \u2013 Stick to formula or breast milk until your baby is at least one years old.\u00a0\n\n\nHoney \u2013 If introduced too early, can cause botulism\n\n\nChoking hazards \u2013 Because your baby is still learning how to chew, avoid foods such as raw, hard vegetables, grapes, hard candy, popcorn, buts, seeds, raisins, hot dogs, peanut butter.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhen can I give finger foods?\u00a0\n\n\nStarting your baby on her first solids can be a really exciting time. We may be tempted to offer our little one all kinds of finger food to see their excitement. However, it\u2019s also important to remember not to go too fast as our little ones are still learning how to chew and swallow.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can start offering your baby finger foods when she can sit up, and is bringing her hands to her mouth. Doing so will help your baby learn to feed herself. Do make sure that you only give your baby food that is soft and easy to swallow. Cut the food up into small pieces that your baby can manage. You can offer your baby small pieces of banana, baby biscuits, well cooked pasta, well cooked potato cut into small pieces, and finely chopped chicken. \n\n\nMore tips about baby food\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the HPB, the earliest phase of introducing solids to your baby is to teach him to swallow. So you only need to start with about a teaspoon of solid food. As your baby grows, you can gradually increase the portion size.\n\n\nDo take note that the HPB and the World Health Organization\u00a0recommend exclusively breastfeeding your child for the first 6 months.\n\n\nIf you are wondering when the best time to feed your baby his first meal is, pick a time when he is alert and not too hungry \u2014 mid-morning is a good time for most babies.\n\n\nAs your child grows, encourage him to feed himself and introduce plenty of finger foods when he is old enough to handle them.\n\n\nAlways serve your baby clean and safe food, and supervise his eating. Avoid hard foods that could cause him to choke.\n\n\nThe HPB advises to introduce one new food at a time. Continue to feed your baby the same food for 3 days in a row and observe him for any adverse effects such as rashes or diarrhoea.\n\n\nIf your baby tolerates the food well, then add on another new item to the menu. If there is a history of food allergy in the family, take particular care to avoid the introduction of the known allergens.\n\n\n\n\nShare your tips about feeding a baby solids for the first time \u2014 do leave a comment!\n\n\nsources: \nWebMD\n, \nHPB SG\n, \nWHO\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/18-asian-baby-names-that-will-make-you-laugh-out-loud", "title": "18 Asian baby names that will make you laugh out loud!", "body": "Back in college, I used to know a fine fellow called Hariharan (popular Indian name after a God), or Hari for short. The hours I spent making fun of his name, it could have got me into Harvard had I used it wisely! From \u201chairy\u201d to \u201chari hurry up\u201d, from absurd rhymes to the blatantly stupid. I shamelessly made fun of him so much. Now this brings me to the point, why for the life of you, would a parent give funny Asian names to children? \nForget Shiloh (of Brangelina fame) or Apple (Gwyneth Paltrow\u2019s daughter)\n, let\u2019s celebrate our Asian culture and discover some funny Asian names as well as regular Western names.\n\n\n\n\nFunny Asian Names popular with South Asians\n\n\nDarriah\n (a popular Indian name) \u2013 Yes we all do not know how to spell diarrhea, but it sure sounds like that!\n\n\nHardick\n (a Hindi name) \u2013 try splitting the word in half. At least the owner of this name won\u2019t have trouble attracting the women.\n\n\nPinky \u00a0(\nPopular Indian nickname\n)\u00a0\n\u2013 Smells suspiciously like a dumb blonde. This girl\u2019s never ever going to be invited to MENSA. If we don\u2019t have a bluey or a greeny then why in the world is there a pinky?\n\n\nSukhdeep (\npopular Punjabi name\n)\u00a0\n\u2013 once again you can split this unfortunate fellow\u2019s name in half and let your imagination run wild.\n\n\nFunny Asian Names Popular with the Chinese\n\n\n Dick \n \u2013 Absolutely self-explanatory\n\n\n Fanny \n \u2013 I\u2019m refraining deliberately from going into details\n\n\n Phyllis \n \u2013 Congratulations Phyllis, you\u2019re Syphilis free.\n\n\n Harry \n\u2013 It\u2019s terrible when you have hairless legs and are called Harry.\n\n\n Chastity \n\u2013 Yes, I\u2019m sure she\u2019s going to have a brilliant sex life\n\n\nFunny Names Popular with others\n\n\nDough\u00a0\n\u2013 You name your child the first five letters of doughnut. Really, do you expect the poor child not to be fat?\n\n\nJesus\u00a0\n\u2013 Now why, why would you want to call him that? \u201cJesus! Jesus, can you stop misbehaving\u201d\n\n\nVodka \n\u2013 Unless you\u2019re Russian, please!\n\n\nFacebook\n \u2013 Who can forget the Egyptian dad who named his firstborn girl Facebook in a tribute to the social media site\u2019s role in his country\u2019s political revolution? Good thing FB was not a short fad.\n\n\nJustin Case\n\u2013 Err, \u201cjust in case\u201d you\u2019re wondering\u2013this list is a \u201cnot-to-name-your-kid-with-these-names-list. So, don\u2019t get inspired.\n\n\nJo King\n\u2014 Seriously? Hey, it\u2019s short for Joseph King or Joanne King or Jolene King\u2026\n\n\nWill Power\n\u2014 You got to love this one. We do! He will go far in life but first, your family name must be \u201cPower\u201d.\n\n\nTeresa Green\n\u2013Yes, tress are not blue.\n\n\nBarry Cade\n\u2014 This one can\u2019t be for real, right?\n\n\nThe list can keep going on and on.\n However, I do have limited friends and I\u2019ve made fun of most of them here already!\n\n\nIn the Austin Powers movie \u201cGoldmember\u201d it\u2019s all about the scene when Austin Powers meets nubile Asian twin girls named, \u201cFook Yu\u201d and \u201cFook Mi,\u201d and delightfully banter about their names \u2014 names which take on new meaning when translated into English.\n\n\nThe name joke was a hit with the film\u2019s audience but also touches on the pulse of an evolving trend among real-life Asians and their self-consciousness over poorly translated names.\n\n\n Laksa sounding names only please \n\n\nParents can and must play a huge role here. Avoid the fanciful Mediterranean name if you eat roti prata and chicken rice consistently. Your child is not going to miraculously look like a Greek god just because he\u2019s called Xaviere.\n\n\nWe can all remember when the teacher calls out the names from the register in secondary school and pauses ever so often, stumped by fancy or simply long names.\n\n\nYes, I belonged to the latter and often these long pauses by the teacher with a bewildered look plastered on her face, meant the cue for me to raise my hand and chirp \u201cthat would be me!\u201d\n\n\n Simplicity is beauty \n\n\nFriends have told me that naming their child is an operation similar to organising a National Day Parade. Both have to be exceptional, different from the average Joe and memorable (minus the helicopters and the President for the child\u2019s name of course).\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\n6 Perkara Ibu Bapa Mengatakan Tentang Kewangan - Dan Apa Yang Anak-Anak Pelajari Daripadanya\nFesyen\nGaya Fesyen Trendy & Terkini, KWC Fashion Wholesale Masa Depan Fast Fashion di Malaysia\nMoney Parenting\nUnderstanding How To Handle Money Through Real Life Experiences\n#PendidikanKewangan\n[Iklan] Persediaan Pendidikan Masa Hadapan Anak: 3 Kesalahan Utama Ibu Bapa Sering Lakukan\n\n\nFor crying out loud, every National Day Parade looks the same each year! How about staging one that is pure, simple yet meaningful? Now people would truly appreciate that and remember that particular parade. Precisely how a baby\u2019s name should be \u2013 meaningful in its original language or at least of some value to the parents. It\u2019s simple in its spelling and pronunciation, unless the name\u2019s adapted from a foreign language of course.\n\n\nDo also remember that while your baby grows up to eventually become a matured adult, his name remains with him. While your baby daughter appears so cute when called Twinky as a bumbling infant, she certainly is not going to appreciate it years later, dressed in a power suit when she has a swanky business card. Give your child a name you would be proud of having yourself.\n\n\n Thought of a name? \n\n\nFinally you have a simple yet meaningful name for your child? One final step, check the name please! Trawl the internet and search the name. Better yet, ask friends for opinions when you think of a name, instead of shrouding the name in mystery all the way up till the naming ceremony.\n\n\nMake sure it has no weird meanings in other languages or even belong to infamous celebrities. For example, if you\u2019re a Chong, naming your sweet little daughter Annabel is simply sentencing her to a lifetime of ridicule (from people like me of course!)\n\n\nThere are only three things an individual has no control of; his genes, parentage and name. Parents do your children a favour and assure that they can be proud of what they call themselves. Your children would thank you profusely when they\u2019re all grown, and no one has contorted their name.\n\n\nNow I\u2019ve an old friend who\u2019s long overdue a call from me. Let me check my phonebook for hairy, sorry Hari\u2019s number.\n\n\nREAD THIS ALSO: Most popular baby names 2018: 31 names for baby boys and girls\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/philips-avent-celebrates-you-are-enough-campaign", "title": "Philips Avent Celebrates All Mothers with A Touching \u201cYou Are Enough\u201d Campaign", "body": "Royal Philips\n (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today launched the \nYou Are Enough\n campaign under its baby care brand Philips Avent, to celebrate all mothers and their unique \nbreastfeeding journeys.\n\n\nBeing a new mother is not easy and every mother desire to do her best for their child. But just like any new skill, breastfeeding can take time to master, even though many perceive that it should come naturally and easily. \n\n\nRecognising the physical, emotional and mental stresses of breastfeeding on mothers, together with local TV host and artiste Hunny Madu champions the \u201cYou Are Enough\u201d campaign, which aims to empower mothers by raising awareness that every breastfeeding journey is unique and is a process that should be taken at an individual\u2019s own pace and comfort.\n\n\n\n\nStudies show that breastfeeding is beneficial for both the mother and the baby\n1\n, and Philips Avent believes that every mother should be supported to embrace every challenge and love every moment of the feeding journey.\n\n\n Though the first 1000 days of motherhood may not be easy, mothers should rest assured that doing their best is enough, because \u201cYou Are Enough.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cTrue to our brand mission, Philips Avent\u2019s solutions are informed by extensive research and deep insights. We aim to support and empower parents through their first 1000 days with their babies. The Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump and Natural PPSU baby bottle are designed to provide mothers and babies with a natural and comfortable feeding experience, while the Pregnancy+ App helps to equip mothers to tackle the challenge of feeding their babies smoothly and safely.\u201d says Zach Lim, Philips Avent Marketing Manager for ASEAN.\n\n\nUltimate comfort for babies\n\n\n\n\nThe bestselling Natural PPSU baby bottles easily combine the best of both breast- and bottle-feeding, as they come fitted with a flexible, breast-shaped, skin-soft silicone teat that not only mimics the feel of a soft nipple but also encourages a natural latch-on.\n\n\n It also allows natural tongue movement as a baby feed. The high-quality and durable bottles made of PPSU material are designed with higher heat resistance. They also come with an anti-colic system with a valve designed to draw air away from the teat, reducing the amount of air that the baby swallows can lead to lower reflux and colic issues.\n\n\nThe ultimate convenience for mothers\n\n\n\n\nTo further assist mothers in their breastfeeding journeys, the Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump comes in a modern, sleek and lightweight design. It offers a gentle, fast and simple pumping experience that mimics a baby\u2019s natural feeding motion. With this, mothers can pump comfortably and discreetly anytime, anywhere. \n\n\nTheir unique Natural Motion Technology uses a combination of suction and nipple stimulation, helping mothers initiate milk flow quickly and efficiently. As compared to the other pumps in the market, it allows those who are breastfeeding to express more milk in less time.\n\n\n Understanding that mothers go through changing nipple sizes during their breastfeeding journey, the \nsilicone cushion gently adapts to fit 99.98% of nipple sizes so mothers can be confident that the Electric Breast Pump will stay reliable support to them throughout.\u00a0\n\n\nThe \nPhilips Avent Electric Breast Pumps\n are available at the Philips official stores on Lazada and Shopee. The regular Retail Price starts from RM799 For more information, visit \nhttps://www.philips.com.my/\n.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nStuebe A. The risks of not breastfeeding for mothers and infants. Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2009;2(4):222-231.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-condoms-for-you-and-your-partner", "title": "Not Ready To Have Kids? You Can Start Your Family Planning With These Condoms", "body": "There are various types and flavours of condoms sold in the market, but how do you know which ones to use?\n\n\nFor those who are not ready to have a family, condoms are one of the best tools that can help to prevent pregnancy when couples are having sex.\n\n\nHere are 7 different types of condoms that we recommend based on comfort, safety and daily use. We also include links where you can buy them online to make your purchasing experience as discreet and convenient as possible.\n\n\n#1 ONE Condom Super Sensitive (12\u2019s)\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCreated 35% softer and thinner to make you feel closer to your partner\n\n\n50%\u00a0 lubricant compared to other condom brands which makes you feel more aroused\n\n\nSensatex technological innovations to enhance the quality of intercourse\n\n\nComes directly from the main factory\n\n\n\n\n ONE Condom Super Sensitive (12\u2019s) \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 DUREX Together (12\u2019s)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n100% high quality\n\n\nSuitable for those who value guaranteed high quality\n\n\nEasy-to-wear\n\n\nTransparent and lubricated\n\n\nDermatologically tested\n\n\nNominal width 52.5mm\n\n\n\n\n DUREX Together 12\u2019s \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Elephant Condom G-Studs (10\u2019s)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHas a 5 year shelf-life\n\n\nVery thin\n\n\nLarge particle design to stimulate the vagina\n\n\nLatex material\n\n\nWater-based lubricants\n\n\nEach box comes with 10 pieces\n\n\n\n\n Elephant Condom G-Studs x10pcs \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 DUREX Fetherlite Ultima (12\u2019s)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSuper smooth condom with Sensi-fit for greater increased sensitivity\n\n\nStraight walled, ULTRA THIN\n\n\nTransparent and well-lubricated\n\n\nDermatologically tested\n\n\n100% electronically tested\n\n\nNominal width 52mm\n\n\n\n\n DUREX FETHERLITE ULTIMA 12\u2019S \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Original Banana Project 0.02mm Prolong Delay Condom (10\u2019s)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDurable condom with a thickness of 0.02mm\n\n\nEach box comes with 20 pieces\n\n\nHigh quality\n\n\nBest-selling and Longest-use condoms\n\n\nBanana Aroma\n\n\n3 pieces of tissues are given free\u00a0\n\n\nSuper lubricating\n\n\n\n\n ORIGINAL BANANA PROJECT 0.02MM PROLONG DELAY CONDOM 10pcs \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 SHOOOT Tutti-Frutti Condom (12\u2019s)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n100% effective for pregnancy prevention and protection against sexually transmitted diseases\n\n\nNaturally coloured and flavoured\n\n\nMade from natural latex\u00a0\n\n\nBase has a tapered nipple shape\n\n\nElectronically tapered\n\n\nLubricated with non-lubricant spermicide\n\n\nNominal width: Compliance 52mm +/- 2mm\n\n\nComfortable to use\n\n\n\n\n SHOOOT TUTTI-FRUTTI Condom 12\u2019s \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#7 Mix Style 24pcs Ultra-thin Condoms\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMade out of natural rubber, Non-toxic and Safe\n\n\nDesigned to reduce risks of disease transmission and is durable\n\n\nPremium finely lubricated for comfort and sensitivity\n\n\nSimple shape makes condoms easier to wear and ensures comfort\n\n\nSpecial reservoirs provide extra security\n\n\nTapered base ensures a safe fit during sex\n\n\n\n\n Mix Style 24pcs Ultra-thin Lubrication Condoms For Men Penis Sleeve Transparent Natural Latex Sex Female Condoms \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nSex positions to avoid pregnancy\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/grand-hyatt-big-break", "title": "5 Reasons Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Should Be Your Next Staycation Hotel", "body": "One of the things we absolutely love about Malaysia is its wide variety of choices when it comes to holiday destinations. You can unwind on a remote island somewhere like Pulau Tengah or you could visit city steeped in heritage, like Melaka or Ipoh.\u00a0\n\n\nBut if you\u2019re strapped for time, sometimes, the best option is to stay right in the heart of the city of Kuala Lumpur and enjoy a staycation not too far from home. Often, we forget to enjoy our own city. So what better way to show our appreciation than through a local staycation?\n\n\nOne of our top picks for staycations is Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur located at Jalan Pinang.\u00a0\n\n\n5 Reasons Why Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Is The Best Staycation Spot In Town\n\n\n\n\nsumber: @thejetsettingfamily\n\n\n\n\nThe Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia\u2019s first Grand Hyatt hotel, offering 411 rooms including 42 elegant and contemporary suites. Here\u2019s why we think it would make the perfect staycation spot for couples and families:\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Strategic Location\n\n\nThe Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur is strategically located next to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, which is also within walking distance to the Petronas Twin Towers, Suria KLCC, KLCC Park, Petronas Philharmonic Hall and other attractive places of entertainment in Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nIf you are planning to shop, Pavilion is just 10 minutes by foot, while Avenue K is not too far off either. And if you\u2019re looking for something to keep the kids occupied, the Aquaria KLCC is really close by too!\n\n\n#2 Great Interior Design\n\n\n\n\nsumber: @GrandHyattKualaLumpur\n\n\n\n\nThe Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur has one of the largest rooms in the city, starting at 505 square feet (47 square meters).\n\n\nAll rooms and suites at the hotel have been purposely designed with floor-to-ceiling windows to maximise natural lighting and give you that luxurious feeling.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re going to treat yourself to a luxury getaway in the city, Grand Hyatt is the place to do it!\n\n\n#3 Spoilt For Choice With Food\n\n\nIf you are hungry, you do not need to leave the hotel for breakfast, lunch or dinner! In fact, the hotel offers 3 restaurants with different themes to pick from with interesting menu options!\n\n\nHere are the 3 restaurants:\n\n\n\n\nTHIRTY8:\n If you\u2019re a fan of international cuisine, this is your go-to spot. THIRTY8 offers classic Western dishes like steaks and lobster Thermidor, Chinese seafood dishes, sushi and sashimi, a wide spread of buffet breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.\n\n\nThe JP Terrace: \nOffers top-quality Malaysian dishes such as grilled satay, tandoori chicken, fried dishes and more!\n\n\nPoolhouse: \nSurrounded by tropical greenery, this casual dining establishment serves local and international favourites.\n\n\n\n\n#4 Balance Between Rest And Recreation\n\n\n\n\nsumber: @thejetsettingfamily\n\n\n\n\nA good hotel provides great spa facilities, so guests can look forward to a bout of relaxation while on vacation.\n\n\nThe Essa spa in Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur boasts 11 treatment rooms, offering natural health treatments using traditional Malay ingredients.\n\n\nThe hotel also offers other amenities, including a 24-hour fitness centre with latest state-of-the-art gym equipment, an outdoor pool, a steam room and sauna, a whirlpool bath, and other relaxing features.\n\n\n#5 Promotions Not To Be Missed\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nLifestyle\nSpread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!\n\n\n\n\nsumber: @GrandHyattKualaLumpur\n\n\n\n\nIf it\u2019s one thing Malaysians love more than their food and holidays, it is a good discount.\u00a0\n\n\nSave up to 20% on advance purchase bookings at Hyatt hotels across the globe and indulge in the staycation you deserve, when you book now till September 2, 2019.\u00a0\n\n\nYou will also get an additional RM100 credit for Spa and RM100 for F&B if you book a suite room! Click \nhere\n to book now.\n\n\nFor questions about reservations, terms and conditions, and other enquiries, please call +60 3 2182 1234 or email \n[email\u00a0protected]\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/early-childhood-educator", "title": "I Want To Be A Preschool Teacher!", "body": "What to expect when you\u2019re expecting\u2026 to be an\u00a0Early Childhood Educator.\n\n\nAs a child begins to grow, an explosion of activity happens within the first five years of their life. During these early years, children\u2019s brains develop faster than any other point in their life. Thus, it\u2019s important for them to receive adequate early childhood education as it is critical for their growth.\n\n\nAre you looking to be part of a child\u2019s growth and have direct influence on them but don\u2019t know how? If you absolutely love children and want to actively be part in their learning process and their future, you should definitely consider becoming a qualified Early Childhood Educator.\n\n\nWhat is Early Childhood Education?\n\n\nEarly Childhood Education refers to education for infants, toddlers, and young children.\n\n\nIt focuses on developing children\u2019s cognitive and learning skills, motor skills such as balance, and social-emotional growth. In general, Early Childhood Education are made up of:\n\n\n\n\nInfant or Baby:\n\u00a00 to 1 years\n\n\nToddler:\n\u00a01 to 2 years\n\n\nPre-school:\n\u00a03 to 4 years\n\n\nKindergarten:\n\u00a05 to 6 years\n\n\n\n\nThese early years of a child\u2019s life are extremely crucial. Many studies have also shown that children with a solid foundation in Early Childhood Education have increased IQ and test scores. It also helps little ones prepare and adapt for school and beyond!\n\n\n\n\nWhat Do I Need To Become An Early Childhood Educator?\n\n\nAs of 2020, the Malaysian Ministry of Education has made it mandatory that all preschool teachers must possess a minimum qualification of a diploma in early childhood education. This shows that early childhood education is rapidly gaining importance amongst Malaysians\n\n\nA degree or a diploma in Early Childhood Education is usually 2 to 3 years long and once completed, the certificate can be used to start working immediately. In addition, candidates need to attend the Kursus Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-Kanak PERMATA if candidates wish to work with infants and toddlers. Make sure to always get your diploma or degree in ECCE from an institution accredited by the National Accreditation Board (LAN) and is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.\n\n\nA list of institutions that offer Early Childhood Education courses can be found\u00a0\nhere\n\u00a0and the Kursus Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-Kanak PERMATA can be completed online. For more information on the PERMATA course, click\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\nAn Early Childhood Education course will help candidates develop core knowledge on a child\u2019s growth, learning styles and behaviour. Candidates will also learn various teaching styles and approaches and strategies to engage with children, such as play-based learning.\n\n\nWhat Can I Really Expect as An Early Childhood Educator?\n\n\nOf course, educating little children and toddlers feels rewarding but what should you really expect when you venture down this path?\n\n\n\n\nYou\u2019re not going to get paid a lot.\n\n\nPayscale.com\n\u00a0reports that Preschool Teachers (but not Special Education) earns an average of RM17,849 annually which equals to an average of RM1,400 per month. Considering the living costs and expenses these days in Malaysia, that\u2019s not a lot. It\u2019s just enough to get by. Although in the future, it seems that maybe these numbers are going to increase but not exponentially as early childhood education gets more attention from parents. In the meantime, if a candidate chooses to venture down this path, you\u2019re going to have to really love this job because it\u2019s never going to be about the money.\n\n\nEveryday is going to be physically demanding.\n\n\nToddlers and children are filled to the brim with energy. You\u2019re going to have to bend down and up again several hundred times per week and carrying toddlers isn\u2019t going to be good for you pelvic structure. Being a preschool teacher is a very physical demanding job and you\u2019re going to want to take care of your health. Remember to regularly exercise, get a good night\u2019s sleep, and eat healthy. Also don\u2019t forget to utilise your leaves if you ever feel burnt out.\n\n\nEvery school isn\u2019t the same.\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re not working for the money, it\u2019s important to assess your own beliefs. Prior to applying as an educator at a preschool, study it\u2019s environment and philosophy. Does it align with your teaching philosophy? Does the school appeal to you as a teacher? Are you going to be happy there? You\u2019re going to want to make sure that you\u2019re happy and content teaching at the school because money isn\u2019t the main reason you signed up for this, it\u2019s the rewarding feeling of seeing children grow up that is. Make sure to study various kinds of teaching and learning styles, philosophies and have your own opinion on early childhood education. This will greatly ease your search for the perfect school.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/anlene-michelle-yeoh", "title": "Anlene Reunites with Malaysian-born Hollywood Superstar Michelle Yeoh for #MoveWithNoLimits Campaign", "body": "International movie icon and long-time Anlene supporter, Michelle Yeoh, is back with an Anlene campaign after over a decade. Yeoh is set to take up her role as a brand ambassador for Anlene\u2019s #MoveWithNoLimits campaign, to encourage more Malaysians to overcome both physical and mental limitations by staying active. The campaign also focuses on how each of us can make important contributions to our own lives and communities, even during the different stages of our lives.\n\n\nWeak, sick, immobile, and depressed, are often the general perceptions of older people. The vicious cycle of these stereotypes is worsened by the elderly mindset of being incapable to achieve any life goals due to the preconceived ideas of aging, which equals becoming weaker and less productive.\n\n\nTo battle this stereotype, Anlene invites Malaysians to join its #MoveWithNoLimits campaign, to learn about how we can move more with better flexibility and energy, and to be the best version of ourselves, even as we get older.\u00a0\n\n\nGrowing Older Not a Hurdle to Michelle Yeoh\n\n\nAt the heart of the campaign is the Malaysian-born actress Hollywood star, Michelle Yeoh. Her stellar career is showing no sign of slowing down, as she recently received a Gotham Award nomination for her lead role in the critically acclaimed \u2018\nEverything Everywhere All At Once\u2019. \n\n\nHer performance speaks for her talent, as she stands among the front-runners for the upcoming Oscars. At 60, she continues to push boundaries and is nowhere close to slowing down, as she continues to defy \nthe stereotypes that older people are restricted in mobility and cannot make significant milestones in their lives.\n\n\n\u201cI\n \nfirst drank Anlene fifteen years ago and chose to join hands with the brand in 2008 because their philosophy struck a chord with me. They believe in enabling you to be stronger than your age, allowing you to continue moving freely and live a healthy life as you age. On that note, I too want to continue bringing good to the lives of others through Anlene,\u201d said Yeoh.\n\n\nLet\u2019s Care for our Bones, Muscles, and Joints\u00a0\n\n\nFrom a nutritional standpoint, taking a balanced diet by including nutrients such as calcium, protein, collagen, and minerals, is one of the key factors to staying active and mobile. Mobility among Malaysians are also at risk, as previous Anlene Mobility Check roadshow bone scan results found that \n7 out of 10 Malaysian adults\u00a0 may be susceptible to poor bone health.\n Therefore, it is vital for individuals to consume the important nutrients sufficiently, together with regular exercise,\u00a0 in a bid to maintain optimal bone health.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAs you continue to age your bones begin to lose calcium gradually. For older adults, increasing calcium is necessary because the gut tends to absorb less calcium as one ages. Additionally, having sufficient protein intake is important to help preserve muscle mass and strength to maintain a certain quality of life. The amount of collagen in your body decreases with age. Collagen is found in our body including skin and joints\u201d, said Liew Yen Lee, the Assistant Nutrition Manager of Fonterra Brands Malaysia.\n\n\n\n\nAnlene Gold 5X\u2122 is scientifically formulated\u00a0 with high calcium, high protein, collagen, 13 vitamins and minerals, with no added sugar, to support our active lifestyle and daily nutrition needs. It also contains MFGM Active\u2122. \n\n\nIn addition, study shows people who consumed two glasses of milk added with MFGM and important nutrients daily along with regular exercise, experience double the improvement in flexibility, three times improvement in balance and 40% greater improvement in muscle mass, as compared to the control group.\n\n\n\u201cAt Anlene, we want to empower Malaysians by taking charge of their lives and their bone, joint and muscle health, ensuring our mobility does not limit how we spend our days ahead. As the number one adult milk brand across Southeast Asia, we believe good nutrition and an active lifestyle lays the foundation to build and maintain strong bones, joints and muscles for productive aging. Our Anlene products and #MoveWithNoLimits campaign encourages Malaysians to step out and to move more with better flexibility, to improve overall well-being. This also helps bridge the gap between our younger, fitter, stronger self, and who we are today,\u201d said Marketing Director of Fonterra Brands Malaysia, Irene Cheah.\n\u00a0\n\n\nAs part of the campaign, Anlene will be activating nationwide roadshows to encourage Malaysians to be more mobile while taking care of their bone health. The first activation will be held from 25th \u2013 27th November in Vivacity Megamall \n, Kuching, Sarawa\nk\n. These roadshows will also give the public an opportunity to undergo a \nFREE bone scan and muscle strength test worth RM150\n, and to ensure that we can continue to improve our overall mobility measure.\u00a0 Find out the upcoming roadshows near you here: \nhttps://www.anlene.com/my/en/anlene-move-check.html\n\n\nSo get ready to start moving with flexibility, gear up for good mobility for years to come and stay active with Anlene. For more information on Anlene\u2019s product range, visit \nwww.anlene.com/my\n. Alternatively, check out Anlene\u2019s Facebook page, \n@AnleneMalaysia\n and stay up to date with #MoveWithNoLimits.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nBagaimana Komplikasi Akibat Penyakit Berjangkit Boleh Menyebabkan Pekak Atau Buta Kekal\nTip keibubapaan\nTanya Pakar: Bagaimana Untuk Memilih Sabun Pencuci Tangan untuk Anak-Anak dan Amalan Mencuci Tangan Yang Betul\nKesihatan\nFahami Impak Cacar Air Daripada Diari Doktor Pakar\nFesyen\nBentuk Badan Berubah Selepas Bersalin? Ini Tips Berkesan Untuk Siluet Badan Lebih Menawan!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/diarrhoea-treatment-at-home", "title": "Home Diarrhoea Treatment For Children At Every Stage Of Their Lives", "body": "The last few months have been tough on everyone with the MCO and even the RMCO. It\u2019s the first time that we could not leave the house for so long and parents have found themselves cooking at home more than ever.\n\n\nThe kids are at home with us all the time and it means that we can (almost) always monitor what they\u2019re eating or drinking.\n\n\nThis is the new normal for the foreseeable future. Even as the kids return to school, we\u2019re vigilant with what they eat and drink. After school activities are also reduced. But no doubt, the risks of them contracting diarrhoea might be higher as they start going out again.\n\n\nAs parents, we should be prepared to give them the necessary diarrhoea treatment at home should the need arise.\n\n\nDiarrhoea is defined as three or more loose or liquid stools per day (or more frequent passage than normal), according to the World Health Organization. It is a very common problem that children under 5 experience.\n\n\nHowever, the diarrhoea treatment for children of different ages and stages differ. So we\u2019re here to share with you how you should treat the problem at different ages.\n\n\n\n\nDiarrhoea Treatment At Home: Ages and Stages\n\n\n\n\nNewborn stage: At this age, babies cannot communicate (besides crying), so parents rely on checking the diapers for frequency and consistency of bowel movements.\n\n\nSince newborn poop tends to be watery and frequent, how do we identify if it is actually diarrhoea?\n\n\nDiarrhoea in newborns is a serious issue as is any other medical condition at this age. It can lead to dehydration and weight loss\n1\n. Typically, signs of diarrhoea in newborns are if the stools are even more watery than usual and if the frequency is more than once every two hours (or after every feed).\n\n\nParents should take their newborn to see a doctor if they suspect the baby is experiencing diarrhoea.\n\n\n\n\nInfant stage: Children at this age are still susceptible to diarrhoea though the effects are not quite as serious as the newborn stage.\n\n\nInfants are also at a higher risk of getting diarrhoea because of a change in environment, like going to daycare or when solids are introduced to their system\n2\n.\n\n\nIf diarrhoea persists for more than three days at this age, it\u2019s important to bring your child to see a doctor.\n\n\n\n\nToddler stage: When children start to explore the house on their own as they learn to crawl and walk, sometimes they might pick things up along the way and put it into their mouths, potentially causing some diarrhoea when the gut is affected.\n\n\nKeeping the house clean is important, but keeping your child\u2019s gut \u201chealthy\u201d is even more important.\n\n\nA visit to the doctor is necessary if the diarrhoea continues for more than three days or the child is showing other symptoms like a fever or rash. It would be an indication of something more serious than just diarrhoea.\n\n\n\n\nYoung child stage: When children start to go to school, it\u2019s also important to monitor their bowel movements.\n\n\nAt this age, many kids would have successfully completed potty training and can communicate about their bowel movements more effectively.\n\n\nDiarrhoea at this age is more manageable and many parents might have already experienced their child having diarrhoea at least once by then.\n\n\nWhat Happens To A Child\u2019s Body When They Get Diarrhoea?\n\n\nUsually, when a child gets diarrhoea, it is because a virus has entered their gut or it is antibiotic-induced.\n\n\nWhat then happens is a condition called gut microbiota dysbiosis. This happens in the gastrointestinal tract when there is a bacterial or fungal overgrowth in the small intestine\n3\n.\n\n\nSounds serious? Yes. But it\u2019s easily treatable.\n\n\nIn order to treat diarrhoea, many doctors recommend a dose of antibiotics. While this might stabilise the condition, the healing is assisted by introducing probiotics to your child.\n\n\nProbiotics can reduce the duration and intensity of diarrhoea\n4\n.\n\n\nBut parents would know this \u2014 probiotics can be quite a troublesome thing. Most of them have to be kept in the refrigerator for maximum efficacy. Finding ways to feed it to the kids can also be a pain!\n\n\nSo what then?\n\n\nDiarrhoea Treatment At Home\n\n\n\n\nEnterogermina is a diarrhoea treatment that is effective and easy to feed to children. It is a clinically tested product with proven effectiveness for infants and children.\n\n\nBut you might be wondering, what is Enterogermina?\n\n\nEnterogermina consists of a suspension of spores of non-pathogenic probiotic Bacillus clausii.\n\n\nIn layman terms, what this means is that it is made up of spores that can survive the effects of gastric acid, heat and antibiotic conditions in order to restore intestinal microbiota when children experience diarrhoea.\n\n\nVery simply, it replenishes what is lost while relieving the symptoms of diarrhoea (which can include bloating) at the same time.\n\n\nIt is also very easy to feed to children as it comes in mini bottle form that does not need to be refrigerated. Parents can easily mix it into their child\u2019s milk or water as it is tasteless, colourless and odourless.\n\n\nTo purchase Enterogermina to treat your child\u2019s diarrhoea at home, visit your nearest pharmacy.\u00a0\n\n\nMAT-MY-2000414(08/20)\n\n\nThis is a medicine product advertisement.\n\n\n1\u00a0 \nBrennan. (2020). Baby Diarrhea: Causes, Treatment, and More. WebMD. Retrieved from: \nhttps://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/baby-diarrhea-causes-treatment\n\u00a0\n\n\n2 \nThomson, S.C. (1994). Infectious diarrhoea in children: controlling transmission in the child care setting. Journal of paediatrics and child health. Retrieved from : \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8074906/#:~:text=The%20major%20risk%20factors%20for,hygiene%20and%20child%20handling%20practices\n\n\n3 \nErdogan, A. Rao, S. (2015). Small intestinal fungal overgrowth. Current gastroenterology reports. Retrieved from: \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25786900/\n\n\n4 \nHempel, S. (2014). Probiotics for diarrhoea. Indian Journal of Medical Research. Retrieved from: \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4069727/\n\n\nKKLIU: 1790/2020\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/make-learning-fun", "title": "Learning through play keeps boredom at bay!", "body": "Let\u2019s be honest. The moment your child begins school, you start thinking of homework, exams, report cards and tuition classes. Scoring straight A\u2019s is undoubtedly a wonderful thing, but the stress is real and it could make learning a chore. We think it\u2019s time to make learning fun again, so let the children live, laugh and learn!\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s no secret that children learn best when they\u2019re having fun. These days, four-year-olds know more about the solar system and dinosaurs than their parents do! This is largely due to the many educational tools available today such as interactive books, educational videos, puzzles, and more. When children enjoy what they\u2019re doing, they automatically absorb information, hence teaching them new knowledge and skills.\n\n\nAs confirmation to this, a study on \nThe Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bond\n by the American Academy of Paediatrics found that playing promotes healthy brain development.\n\n\n\n\nThe study states that \u201cplay allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength.\u201d This supports the idea of learning through play, where we unleash our children\u2019s playful side and creativity through exciting activities so they can experience learning in a more engaging way.\n\n\nThe Benefits of Play\n\n\nThe American Academy of Paediatrics suggests that harnessing the power of play is a great way to teach children. Play\u2026\n\n\n\n\nEnhances children\u2019s engagement and interaction with the world around them\n\n\nInstills confidence, bravery and resiliency\n\n\nHelps children develop new skills \u2013 physical, cognitive and social \u2013 and literacy\n\n\nExpands vocabulary\n\n\nTeaches children to be team players through sharing, negotiating, problem-solving, and also gives valuable lessons about self-advocacy when working in a group\n\n\nEncourages children to discover their own interests and be passionate in pursuing them\n\n\nBuilds active and healthy bodies\n\n\n\n\nThrough play, children receive valuable hands-on experiences that enhance their emotional, mental and physical development. The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights has even recognised play as a right of every child (read more about this \nhere\n). So there you go! Playing is indeed learning and learning should always be fun.\n\n\nReinvent Learning with HP Little Makers\n\n\n\n\nRealising how important it is for children to learn in a fun and progressive environment, HP advocates learning through play via the HP Little Makers programme.\n\n\nThe HP Little Makers programme aims to inspire children to unleash their creativity by discovering their own ways of learning. The programme was designed to encourage children to learn on their own, through creativity, games, and \u2013 best of all \u2013 through quality time with their parents. How cool is that?\n\n\nNow, get yourself and your Little Makers ready for a whole new world of learning!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMake learning fun! Join the HP Little Makers Contest!\n\n\nReady to play? Just follow these simple steps. And when you join, not only will your child unlock new ways of learning, you could also win great prizes!\n\n\n\n\nDownload the HP Little Makers challenges from HP Malaysia at\u00a0\nhp.com/my/littlemakers\n\n\nCarry out the challenges according to the instructions in the most creative way possible!\n\n\nUpload your completed challenges on social media.*\n\n\nBe sure to complete each entry by answering the question given for each challenge and don\u2019t forget to add the hashtags: #HPMY, #HPDeskJet and #HPLittleMakers.\n\n\nTag @hp_asia for entries via Instagram. Tag @HP_Malaysia for entries via Facebook.\n\n\nThere are loads of prizes up for grabs. In order to win bi-weekly prizes, participants will need to answer the question of the week.\n\n\nAll postings must be available on social media and set to \u201cpublic\u201d for six months from the date of entry.\n\n\n\n\n* Set Instagram and/or Facebook profiles to \u201cpublic\u201d. Ensure that all postings are viewable throughout the entire contest period and until the announcement of the winners.\n\n\nThere will be five winners for each challenge and a total of 40 winners throughout the contest period.\n\n\nThe HP Little Makers Challenge Champion will be selected based on the following criteria:\n\n\n\n\nComplete contest entries (as instructed above)\n\n\nComplete submissions for all items in the bi-weekly challenge\n\n\nAnswers to the question in every challenge (e.g.: What was the funniest moment you had with your child/teacher/parent throughout the process?). Participants with the most creative answers will be shortlisted.\n\n\n\n\nWin Awesome Prizes!\n\n\n\n\nThe HP Little Makers Challenge Champions will receive prizes worth RM500 each. A wide variety of prizes are up for grabs, like HP printers, ink cartridges and education-related items to further empower your child\u2019s learning.\n\n\nFeeling inspired already? All set to make learning fun again? Well, what are you waiting for? Let the fun begin! Unleash your child\u2019s learning through creativity and play.\n\n\nClick \nhere\n to join the HP Little Makers Contest now.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/brad-pitt-shares-that-leaving-jennifer-aniston-was-the-biggest-mistake-of-his-life", "title": "Brad Pitt shares that leaving Jennifer Aniston was the 'biggest mistake of his life'", "body": "According to an inside\u00a0\nsource\n, Hollywood actor Brad Pitt has reportedly said that the biggest mistake of his life was leaving Jennifer Aniston for his now ex-wife Angelina Jolie.\n\n\nLeaving Jennifer Aniston was one of the biggest mistakes of his life\n\n\n\n\nThe high profile couple was married for 2 years before getting divorced last year. Source: wikimedia commons\n\n\n\n\nFans of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt may have some cause for celebration! After Brad Pitt\u2019s very public separation from his now ex-wife Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt has become sober and sought therapy for himself.\n\n\nAs a result, he\u2019s now more \u201cin touch with his emotions and his true self like never before.\u201d The source added, \u201cHe\u2019s come to realise that leaving Jen for Angelina was one of the biggest mistakes of his life.\u201d\n\n\nBrad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were married back in 2000, and got divorced 5 years later in 2005. Brad Pitt had a 9-year relationship with Angelina Jolie, and the\u00a0couple were married for 2 years before they also got \ndivorced\n.\n\n\nJennifer Aniston recently announced her split from Justin Theroux. The couple had tied the knot back in 2015.\n\n\nHe \u2018would take a second chance at love with Jen in a heartbeat\u2019\n\n\nThe source adds \u201cAnd while he\u2019s not in love with Jen, he realizes how much he does love her. Brad keeps telling friends that he\u2019s seeing everything more clearly.\u201d\n\n\nBrad also reportedly said that while he would \u201cnever dream\u201d of ruining Jen\u2019s marriage, if he was given the chance, he \u201cwould take a second chance at love with Jen in a heartbeat.\u201d\n\n\nAccording to the source, Brad \u201cstill considers Jen the love of his life.\u201d\n\n\nCan you stay friends with your ex?\n\n\nIn any marriage, couples are bound to have problems. While some couples successfully overcome their differences, for other couples, it can end in divorce. It sounds disappointing, but that\u2019s just the way some things go.\n\n\nSome people choose to stop all communication with their ex, as obviously, it\u2019s not easy to have a civil relationship with your ex. But is it possible to \nstay friends\n\u00a0after everything?\n\n\nIt\u2019s possible to stay friends\n\n\nDifficult as it may be, it\u2019s\u00a0possible for divorced couples to stay friends with each other, especially for couples who have kids.\n\n\nThere\u2019s no easy way to go about it since both parties need to overcome their anger, grief, and sadness, but eventually, friendship can blossom out of a broken relationship.\n\n\nWhat can ex-couples do?\n\n\nThere\u2019s no hard and fast rule when it comes to reconciling and being friends with an ex, but it surely takes a lot of hard work and willingness to reconcile.\n\n\nTalking about the past can also bring up some painful memories, and it\u2019s something that both parties have to work through. A good way to go about it is to focus instead on the present, especially for their kids.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s not a good idea for ex-couples to act uncivil towards each other since it\u2019s not uncommon for the children of divorced parents to think that they are the reason why their parents broke up.\n\n\nSometimes, seeking help from a therapist can also help ex-couples reconcile with one another. So long as both parties are interested in reconciliation, then eventually ex-couples can stay friends with one another.\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nPregnant or breastfeeding? What you eat matters\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nKanak-Kanak\nEvery Mum should know this: The Innovative prebiotics oligosaccharide mixture GOS/lcFOS (9:1)\nPregnancy\nTips for a Healthy Pregnancy\n\n\nUltimately, the most important thing would be to remember that they\u2019re doing this not only for the sake of their kids, but also to find peace within themselves and with each other.\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nindiatoday.intoday.in\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/effects-of-travelling-with-a-young-child", "title": "How Travelling Makes Kids More Resilient", "body": "Luca Olesya Lim is only three and already she has visited 15 countries, including exotic locations such as Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan and Mauritius. She\u2019s already exploring the world, expanding her horizons and making new friends \u2013 all of which are excellent ways to build a resilient child.\n\n\nAs Luca grows up watching her parents\u2019 example, she will learn that the world is full of opportunities and challenges. And it\u2019s up to her to seize both with open arms if she\u2019s to lead a successful life.\n\n\nHer parents, Josen Lim and Umei Teh are popular food and travel bloggers, at \nccfoodtravel.com\n, which explains why they are always on the go. But why did the duo choose to bring Luca on all their adventures?\n\n\nVacations are more than just opportunities to bond and relax as a family. They\u2019re also a way to form essential life skills in your children. Can\u2019t find their favourite snack at a foreign grocery store? Your children will need to Adapt. Want to play with new kids at the resort pool? Your children will need to be Daring enough to reach out. Together with the other pillars of resilience \u2013 Perseverance, Self-Reliance and Resourcefulness \u2013 vacations offer children and parents the best opportunity to build \nResilience\n.\n\n\nAccording to Umei, it was a natural decision to bring her along because the pair work from home and Luca was single-handedly raised by both of them with little help. So it made sense that when they travel, she would come along.Today, when little Luca sees her mother packing for yet another trip, she knows that it is time to go for another adventure.\n\n\n\u201cTravelling with a child is very fun as Luca gets to experience the world. Since she became a part of our family, we knew we were going to integrate her into our travel and blog,\u201d Umei shares.\n\n\n\n\nWhat it is like to travel with a young child\n\n\nBefore they had Luca, Umei and Jo would take part in a lot of extreme sports, high-risk activities and be out from early morning till late night. After that, they would still have the energy to go and party.\n\n\nBut once Luca was born, they needed to adapt to her lifestyle \u2013 that meant a later start to the day, a leisurely breakfast and days packed with child-friendly activities.\n\n\nUmei believes that starting Luca off early as a traveller is a good idea because it builds Resilience, which consists of five pillars: Self-Reliance, Adaptability, Perseverance, Resourcefulness and Daringness.\n\n\n\u201cThere\u2019s a certain willpower that comes with travelling. Luca is exposed to many different cultures and she meets people across these different cultures. We find that the more varied the culture, the more she learns.\n\n\nShe picks up little knowledge nuggets without knowing it. Travelling really is the best teacher,\u201d Umei explains.\n\n\n\u201cFor instance, when we were in Yangon, people would approach her and speak to her in their native language. Then they would take the thanaka (yellow powdered sunscreen) and rub it on her face. After that, she knows what it\u2019s for and she brings it over to me and rubs it on my face in the same way,\u201d she elaborates.\n\n\nThis is something that cannot be learned if a child is not exposed to world experiences that come with travelling.\n\n\nThrough travelling, Umei can see resilience blooming in Luca\u2019s growth. Especially in her adaptability, and daringness. In terms of self-reliance, Umei says at Luca\u2019s age, she\u2019s on her way there, but still needs some ways to go.\n\n\nUmei cites their time in Mauritius when Luca was drawn to the whole sega dance, which is deeply rooted in Mauritian culture.\n\n\n\n\nThroughout her travels, Luca has learnt to be daring enough to welcome new experiences. So she would just go up and touch the tambourine and drums of the musicians. She made friends with all the Mauritians, taking pictures with them and adapting to the language barrier. If she wanted to show them something, she would take them by the hand and drag them with her to ensure she got her message across, proof of how resourceful she could be when facing an obstacle such as different languages.\n\n\nShe also took the time differences when travelling in stride. Though jetlag would get to her, she would adapt to on-the-go short naps to regain her energy and continue on her travel adventures.\n\n\n\n\nWhat effects travel has on a child\n\n\nOne of the key things that happens when a child travels is that the learning parts of the brain are fired up. \u201cOf course, we don\u2019t know the exact outcome will be for her later in life, but I read that kids who travel are less likely to drop out of school and will pursue a college education,\u201d Umei says.\n\n\nBesides that, children learn important lessons when travelling such as how to be polite, how to say hello and thank you in various languages. This is Adaptability in action \u2013 the ability to respond suitably in different environments. In Luca\u2019s case, she has also learned some \u201csign language\u201d like the gesture for thank you in Thailand (hands put together and bowing).\n\n\n\u201cI also believe that through travel, Luca is not afraid of new adventures, attesting to how daring she is,\u201d Umei adds. She is already quite the extrovert, but travelling brings out another level of that \u2013 it brings about a sense of curiosity too.\n\n\n\n\nWhen Luca was younger, she didn\u2019t know what getting on a plane meant. But now, she knows when she gets on a plane, she will wake up somewhere far from home. To date, Luca has sat in an impressive range of vehicles including a car, bus, train, plane, boat and even a submarine!\n\n\nThe most impressive thing in terms of raising a resilient child through travel, according to Umei, is the fact that Luca totally stopped wearing diapers at only two. Because of travelling, Luca has to adapt to the on-the-go lifestyle and has learned to communicate her needs, thus overcoming the challenge of potty training at a very young age.\n\n\nThrough her experience, she knows that travelling with kids comes with more advantages than disadvantages. It has helped her raise a child who is resilient in every way. And remember, no one will ever have the perfect trip. And that\u2019s a good thing. Imperfection is exactly what makes it so valuable to children because resilience can only be built in challenging situations.\n\n\nBut the foundation that allows little Luca to absorb and retain all of life\u2019s crucial lessons comes from strengthening her immunity. Without a healthy body and a sound mind that\u2019s able to reject illness, Luca won\u2019t be able to enjoy these exciting trips. In fact, even her parents won\u2019t be able to travel fear of worsening her condition.\n\n\nThankfully \nAptaGro\u2122\n is a global brand that\u2019s readily available in major stores globally. This means the patented combination of prebiotics and probiotic that has made AptaGro\u2122 the number 1* company in formula milk for children in Europe** is always within reach.\n\n\nThe moral of the story? Boost your child\u2019s immunity and take them out to experience the world. Children who travel have wider perspectives on life, a love for adventure and a desire to make the world a better place. These are the qualities that will serve them well in the future.\n\n\n*Danone Dumex is part of Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition\n\n\n**Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition calculation based in part on information reported by Nielsen through its Scan Track, MarketTrack and Retail Index Services for the Children nutrition milk formula for children aged between 12 and 36 months segment (client defined) in the Children nutrition milk formula category (client defined) for the 52-week period December 2017, for the total grocery channel in Belgium, Czech, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Switzerland. (Copyright \u00a9 2017 The Nielsen Company.)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/together-for-good-sunway-putra-mall", "title": "Spread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!", "body": "Just like the song by Andy Williams, it is the most wonderful time of the year! Beautifully decorated Christmas trees are out for display with lights strung high and tall. The smell of gingerbread cookies and all things cinnamon comes out to play. It is also the time of the year to get together for good with your loved ones.\n\n\nAs many have started to prepare for their festivities with families and friends, it is also the perfect time to shop and to spread joy to others.\n\n\nSunway Putra Mall ushers in \u2018Together for Good\u2019 with its Christmas Guardian \u2013 Reindeer who spreads joy and happiness. The mall hopes to provide goodwill to those in need and ensures no one is left behind during this wonderful time of the year\n.\n\n\nUsher in The Spirit of Together for Good\n\n\n\n\n\u2018Tis the season to be giving!\n\n\nFrom 19 November 2021 to 2 January 2022, bring your family to Sunway Putra Mall to experience a jolly good time as the Main Concourse, GF is decked with 7 metre tall colourful present boxes in different shapes and sizes\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSome of the decorations such as Christmas trees, ornaments, and reindeers are made of recycled and eco-friendly materials. This sustainable approach is in line with Sunway\u2019s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs).\n\n\n\n\nAnd when you\u2019re there, do not miss out on your chance to take some photos at Sunway Putra Mall insta-worthy Newspaper Project Corner. The entire room and swing are wrapped in old newspapers creating that picture-perfect moment for you and your little family\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, you can look forward to an exciting line-up such as Arts & Crafts sessions; DIY Kaleidoscope, Playdough Decor, and Paper Cup Bells \u2013 all organized and sponsored by The Parenthood at Edutainment Hub at Level 4 just for Putra Junior Club and Autsome members.\n\n\nClick \nHERE\n to register.\n\n\n\n\nNo Christmas celebration is complete without a special appearance by the jollyman himself, Santa Claus! Get your children to spot St. Nick around the mall and see if they are on the nice or naughty list this year.\n\n\n\n\nChristmas Gone Digital\n\n\n\n\nSleigh it isn\u2019t so! Sunway Putra Mall is bringing in a fun engaging digital experience for all shoppers with a Christmas Guardians Augmented Reality (AR) that features five (5) interactive games!\u00a0\n\n\nShoppers are required to collect five (5) adorable stamps at five (5) different locations within the mall.\n\n\n\n\nOnce all the stamps are collected, you will receive instant rewards at The World of Sunway at Level 1 and you will also be in the running to take part in the Christmas Guardians Shopping Spree Challenge on 18 December!\n\n\nOnly 16 lucky winners will be rewarded with attractive cash vouchers worth up to RM8,000 to shop in selected outlets in 5 minutes/per outlet!\n\n\nClick \nHERE\n to read more.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, shoppers will also be rewarded with The Goody Redemptions when they shop and dine in the mall.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTier 1 \u2013 Reindeer Soap Dispenser\n\n\n\n\nSpend a minimum of RM200/*RM180 in TWO (2) receipts to redeem a Reindeer Soap Dispenser\n\n\n\n\nTier 2 \u2013 Dinnerware Set\n\n\n\n\nSpend a minimum of RM500/*RM450 in TWO (2) receipts to redeem a Dinnerware Set.\n\n\nPay It Forward in the Spirit of Together For Good\n\n\n\n\nChristmas is not just about getting presents and having a scrumptious dinner with your family, but it is also a perfect opportunity to pay it forward towards the less fortunate.\n\n\nSunway Putra Mall gives you a chance to enlighten your kids on the true spirit of Christmas by playing your part in The Goody Aid, a near and dear project by the mall together with The Lost Food Project (TLFP). Through this project, you can encourage your children to show kindness and compassion to help out families and children from Buku Jalanan Chow Kit (BJCK).\n\n\nYou can opt for Charity Gift Wrapping where you can enjoy a gift-wrapping service (maximum three items) and get rewarded with an exclusive Tote Bag upon donating RM10 via Sunway Pay or you may also donate non-perishable items and daily essentials under the Sunway Putra Cares initiative.\n\n\nApart from that, Sunway Putra Mall provides a platform for BJCK to raise funds through Bake Sale Fundraiser at Level 1. BJCK together with the children of BJCK will be selling cookies, snacks, and more on Saturdays and Sundays. This also provides an opportunity to create awareness of the efforts of BJCK to the underprivileged community of Chow Kit.\u00a0\n\n\nAll proceeds and contributions will be channeled towards the operations of BJCK.\n\n\nYour Safety Is Our Priority!\n\n\nSunway Putra Mall will only allow fully vaccinated shoppers to enter the mall. However, children of 17 years and below are allowed to enter the mall accompanied by their fully vaccinated parents.\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf you plan to visit the mall or other public premises, remember to always practice the safety measures such as monitoring physical distance, sanitizing, and wearing masks. While visiting the mall, do abide by the measures in place that have been set by the mall and their respective stores.\u00a0\n\n\nSunway Putra Mall will also continue to take stringent measures to ensure the mall is safe and secure for the patronage of its shoppers. All common touchpoints and high-traffic areas are sanitised and disinfected regularly. This is to provide all shoppers with peace of mind while they enjoy a safe shopping experience.\n\n\nFor more information on Together For Good, kindly visit \nhttps://www.sunwayputramall.com/together-for-good/\n or check real-time updates on Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Facebook page.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n6 Ways to get your kid to stop begging and whining\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gut-digestion", "title": "A Gut Expert\u2019s Guide To Bloat & Digestion", "body": "That dreaded bloated belly \u2013 we\u2019ve all been there. Although gas and a little bloating after eating is a normal bodily function (most healthy adults pass gas somewhere between 13 and 21 times each day) but\u00a0 if it gets to a point of excess and discomfort is when one should start to ask questions.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nGuttin\u2019 Down On Bloat\u00a0\n\n\nFlatulence is a healthy part of the digestive process. It is caused by air that\u2019s trapped in the digestive system from either unintentionally swallowing air while eating or produced by gut bacteria during digestion. This can cause discomfort and pain as gas builds up in the intestines. Expelling the gas will normally bring relief. However,\u00a0 if the pain persists or worsens, it can be a sign that your body is reacting to a deeper rooted issue and you should consult with your physician as soon as possible.\n\n\nSome common culprits of persistent gas and bloating could be:\n\n\n\n\nPoor eating habits\u00a0\n\n\n\nEating too fast\n\n\n\nDrinking too many liquids with your meal\u00a0\n\n\n\nConsuming processed or hard-to-digest foods\n\n\n\nChanging to a high-fiber diet or cruciferous vegetables\n\n\n\nChewing gum\n\n\n\nOverindulge in a high-fat or a spicy meal\n\n\n\nCarbonated beverages\n\n\n\nHormonal fluctuations\n\n\n\nFood intolerances\n\n\n\nLeaky gut\n\u00a0or a gut imbalance\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nSteps to Relieve Bloat and Digestive Issues\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re constantly fighting off the bloat, it\u2019s time you checked in with what you\u2019re eating and how that is affecting the health of your gut. My first advice is to have a look at your meals and see if there was anything out of the ordinary or that you consistently eat that causes this reaction- something I refer to with clients called mindful tracking and something we cover in the\u00a0\nGut Recharge.\u00a0\n\n\nBut I also know that when the discomfort arises, we want instant relief. Here are some remedies you can use today to help bring you relief:\n\n\nGinger\n\n\nGinger\n\u00a0aids in digestion and helps release gas trapped in the gastrointestinal tract. It helps relax and calm the stomach as it eases digestion. Ginger helps the body break down sweet foods such as sweet potatoes, yams, squash. You can enjoy a warm ginger tea to help ease the trapped gas and help your GI tract digest the trapped food.\u00a0\n\n\nPegaga by PurelyB\n\n\nOur blend of Pegaga is known to have special enzymes that support your body\u2019s ability to properly digest food, resulting in a healthier gut. The green apples and papaya contained in the concoction is fibre and antioxidant-rich and ats as a natural digestive aid and detoxifier to prevent constipation.\n\n\nProbiotics\u00a0\n\n\nYour small intestine and colon are made up of a healthy balance of bacteria. Bloating is often caused by an imbalance of good-to-bad bacteria in your gut. This can be due to poor diet, stress, antibiotic use, or other lifestyle factors and can then lead to excessive fermentation and more trapped gas in your gut. Implementing the use of a high-quality probiotic supplement can help to maintain a healthy balance which results in a healthy digestive tract.\u00a0\n\n\nDue note that if you are new to using probiotics, you may feel some offset and discomfort for the first few days of adding in these bacteria. This just means that it is working, but if the symptoms last longer than 7 days you\u2019ll want to either cut back on your dosage or change the product you are using. As always, run everything by your practitioner first.\u00a0\n\n\nAdjust your eating habits\n\n\nMindful eating and awareness of your hunger cues is critical. If you show up starving to your meal, it\u2019s unlikely that you\u2019re going to take the time to properly chew your food. This not only leads to excessive bloating, but it causes damage to the gut lining that can lead to bigger issues down the road. Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing\u2014one bite at a time.\u00a0\n\n\nYou also want to take the time to ensure you\u2019re putting your phone down, leaving your work at work, and really being in the moment. If you\u2019re stressed out, your natural digestive enzymes aren\u2019t working properly and thus you won\u2019t be absorbing the foods you eat. As the saying goes, \u201cyou aren\u2019t what you eat, you are what you absorb\u201d.\n\n\nDigestive enzymes\u00a0\n\n\nDigestive enzymes help the gut to break down dairy, fats, starches, and proteins. Find a high-quality full-spectrum digestive enzyme supplement that contains lactase to breakdown lactose in dairy, lipase to breakdown fats, amylase to breakdown starches and protease to breakdown proteins. Take a full-spectrum digestive enzyme supplement as recommended.\n\n\nConsume pineapple and papaya\n\n\nJust as in a supplement, pineapple and papaya have enzymes that help the body digest.\u00a0\n\n\nPapaya contains an enzyme called papain that boosts digestion and helps the body break down and use proteins. It is ideal for those with low stomach acid and struggling to absorb proteins found in meat. It also works as a mild laxative, which helps the body eliminate excess waste.\u00a0\n\n\nPineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps the gut break down proteins into peptides and amino acids, while also helping to reduce inflammation in the GI tract. Due to it\u2019s high fiber content, it can help to prevent constipation and promote regularity.\u00a0\n\n\nGut in fiber, but not too much\u00a0\n\n\nMost people around the world are eating less than 20g of\u00a0\nfiber\n\u00a0a day and with about 1 in 10 people suffering from constipation, this is beginning to look like a huge problem that can be fixed with a quick shift in dietary intake. Fiber improves your digestive health and helps keep you regular. You can up your fiber intake by eating real, whole foods that are nutrient dense.\u00a0\n\n\nBe careful not to get too much fiber though as it can have the opposite effect and clog you up. Also cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower, and cabbage, can cause a buildup of gas. You can minimize this symptom by cooking these foods before consumption.\u00a0\n\n\nAs Michael Pollan says \u201ceat food, not too much, mostly plants.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nBeware of your sodium intake\n\n\nWe are often told to look out for our sugar intake (which always plays a role in this) but the less obvious culprit can be sneaky sodium. Sodium causes your body to hold water, thus resulting in that bloated belly.\u00a0\n\n\nMost sodium comes from processed foods, restaurant foods and convenience foods. Often, these foods don\u2019t even taste salty, yet they are full of sodium. As you cut down on these you\u2019ll most likely see bloating be minimized.\u00a0 Make sure to cut back on your salt intake when you\u2019re feeling the bloat and to read labels.\n\n\nDrink water\u00a0\n\n\nYour colon needs water to get things moving and to create peristalsis (the contraction of your GI tract). This contraction moves gas, food, and everything else through your gut. This is why to eliminate digestive issues and to assist your body in detoxification you have to make sure you\u2019re drinking enough water.\u00a0\n\n\nI advise clients to drink two lukewarm glasses of water upon waking, followed by two liters throughout the day. If you need help remembering, keep a large water bottle on your desk and make sure you finish it by the end of the day.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for some recipes to beat the bloat, give these a try:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nGut-Healing Turmeric Latte\n\n\nGold Juice: Immune Boosting + Bloat Beating\n\n\nIf the problem persists, I invite you to have a deep look to heal your gut and join me in\u00a0\nGut Recharge.\n\u00a0We walk together on learning how to heal the gut to heal the mind, body, and soul and finally eliminate the bloat for good!\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n\n\nThe 10 Best Natural Remedies For Gas & Bloating\n\n\nHow to Get Rid of Gas: 8 Natural Treatments\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/preconception-health-pregnancy", "title": "Preconception Planning: How to Get Your Body Ready For Pregnancy", "body": "You\u2019ve decided to have a baby, and you may have those butterflies fluttering in your tummy with the excitement of bringing life into this world. Now before you start to think of what colour you want the baby\u2019s room, let\u2019s look at getting you ready for pregnancy.\n\n\nHere are our tips.\n\n\nWhy should you care about preconception health?\n\n\n\n\nUnless a couple has a little trouble conceiving, little thought is given to preconception health care. It\u2019s a crucial step that is passed over \u2013 even though the events surrounding your baby\u2019s conception can affect their health for a lifetime \u2013 for better, or for worse.\n\n\nOur expert\u00a0\nAmanda Teh\n\u00a0explains the logic behind it.\n\n\n\u201cIt takes 100 days for an egg follicle to mature and up to 116 days for sperm to be produced. If during that time there are infections, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, or other contaminants in the body, the chances of producing healthy eggs and sperm \u2013 and therefore a healthy foetus, is greatly reduced.\n\n\nSimply put, healthy bodies have a better chance of making healthy babies. So yeah, when it\u2019s put like that it makes sense that both parents should make time for a preconception health plan.\n\n\nWhen should you start preparing?\n\n\nWhile the actual act of getting pregnant can come in the future, start preparing at least four months ahead to maximize the chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. [1] Why? It takes up to four months to produce the eggs and sperm that are going to make a baby.\n\n\nFor the preconception health preparations, I\u2019m not talking about losing weight. It\u2019s all about ensuring that both prospective parents are in excellent health; free of hidden infections, toxic (heavy) metals, environmental hazards, and excessive stress, and that they are only eating healthy foods.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nVisit Your Doctor & Dentist\n\n\n\n\nA full body check-up will be able to catch any health issues that need attention.\u00a0 This will also be the time to speak to your doctor about necessary supplements for you.\n\n\nSince you\u2019re seeing the doctor, get your teeth checked too. Some research links oral health to a healthy pregnancy; women with unchecked gum disease are more prone to miscarriage, preterm birth, and preeclampsia.\n\n\nGo off the pill\n\n\nIf you have been using birth control pills or the Depo Provera injection, you should have a transitional period of time before you attempt to conceive and just use a condom. Each woman differs in how her body reacts after she stops taking contraception. Some will get their periods within weeks, but some take much longer. This gives you a bit of time to see what your natural menstrual cycle is like \u2013 so you can figure out when you\u2019re ovulating.\n\n\nClean Up Your Diet\n\n\nDiet is key to overall health. Consume a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, meat, and fish.\n\n\nDo you need to buy organic? Not necessarily, but make the best choices you can. When it comes to eggs and meat, look for antibiotic, hormone-free, free-range, and grass-fed options.\n\n\nAlthough fish is a great source of omega fats, keep seafood to a minimum given the current condition of the oceans.\u00a0\n\n\nIf caffeine and alcohol are a regular occurrence, you may want to consider cutting back on both whilst trying to get pregnant, and certainly once you are pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nSupplement Support\n\n\n\n\nFirst and foremost, speak with your doctor and discuss which supplements will be best for you. The one vital supplement that you most likely need is folic acid, which helps prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.\n\n\nOther supplements you may be prescribed are Vitamin B12 and omega oils \u2013 especially if you are vegetarian; iron and vitamin D if you are deficient.\u00a0\n\n\nOften supplements are not necessary if you have a varied well-balanced diet. However, there is still a possibility that your body requires a little more of something depending on various factors \u2013 which is why it\u2019s important to talk to your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nExercise is Vital\n\n\nDuring the preconception phase, exercise is beneficial as it naturally elevates your mood and energy levels, it reduces stress and it helps you to sleep better. Your body will be going through a big change, and exercise will help support you through this.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you already are exercising, you will most likely be able to continue your workouts as usual. If you are new to exercise or have yet to establish a regular exercise routine, look at engaging in moderate-intensity type exercises such as brisk walking/jogging, swimming, hiking, and cycling.\n\n\nEnsure your workouts include strength training, as you will need a strong body to be able to carry the added weight during pregnancy, as well as the strength to carry a baby for many months.\u00a0\n\n\nDestress\n\n\nStress is unavoidable with our current lifestyles. When we get stressed the body releases cortisol, which can suppress ovulation and decrease sperm count.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nMoreover, stress can affect your sleep, sex drive and throw your diet off, as you reach for comfort food or seek that extra cup of coffee or glass of wine.\n\n\nHere are a few things that can help manage stress: yoga, meditation/breathwork, mindfulness exercises, nature walks, journaling, reading, exercise, energy healing (acupuncture, sound baths), massage. Don\u2019t be afraid to seek support if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious.\n\n\nBe Patient\n\n\nGetting pregnant for some can happen very quickly, and for others, it may take some time.\u00a0\n\n\nSet yourself a window frame, for example, four to twelve months. If it doesn\u2019t happen within a year, you can always set yourself a new window. It is often when we least expect it, it will happen.\u00a0\n\n\nDeclutter\n\n\nDecluttering can help to create both the physical and mental space you need when trying to get pregnant. Take a look at your life and remove what no longer serves you. This means that both you and your home may need a good spring clean.\n\n\nWhen we declutter, we give ourselves more time to take care of ourselves and have more energy for the things that bring us joy, and for making a baby!\u00a0\n\n\nEnjoy the process\n\n\nThis may be a lot to take in, but remember there\u2019s no rush. Taking care of our health is something we should be doing, but sometimes may forget because of our busy lifestyles. Now is the time to reevaluate a few things.\n\n\nAfter all, the process of preconception health care is not about putting extra stress in your life. It\u2019s all about giving you a chance to transform your life to prepare for the next level \u2013 being a parent and feeling empowered by taking control of your own fertility.\n\n\nIf you are getting anxious as it\u2019s taking a little longer than you hoped for and you are doing all of the above, speak with your doctor to plan the next steps. Most importantly, enjoy the process. Put some trust in divine timing and have lots of sex!\n\n\nREFERENCE:\n\n\n\n\nNaish, F. and Roberts, J. (2000) The Natural Way to Better Babies. Random House: Sydney\n\n\nMaternal caffeine consumption during pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage: A prospective cohort study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 198 (3), e1-8.. Weng, X., Odouli, R. & Li, D.K. (2008).\n\n\nWashington State University. (2015, January 22). Effect of BPA and estradiol on sperm development seen by researchers. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 13, 2015 from\u00a0\nwww.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150122145422.htm\n\n\nLathi RB, Liebert CA, Brookfield KF, Taylor JA, vom Saal FS, Fujimoto VY, Baker VL.Fertil Steril.\u00a0\nConjugated bisphenol A in maternal serum in relation to miscarriage risk.\n\u00a02014 Jul;102(1):123-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2014.03.024. Epub 2014 Apr 18.PMID:24746738 \u00a0[PubMed \u2013 indexed for MEDLINE]\n\n\nMuthusami, K. R. and Chinnaswamy, P. (2005). \u201cEffect of chronic alcoholism on male fertility hormones and semen quality.\u201d Fertility and Sterility 84(4): 919-924\n\n\nZaadstra, B.M., Looman, C.W., et al. (1994). \u201cModerate drinking: no impact on female fecundity.\u201d Fertility and Sterility, 62, 948\u2013954.\n\n\nAugood C., Duckitt K., et al. (1998). \u201cSmoking and female infertility: a systematic review and meta-analysis.\u201d Human Reproduction 13: 1532-39. 1\n\n\nBoggess, K, Edelstein, BL. Oral health in women during preconception and pregnancy: implications for birth outcomes and infant oral health.\u00a0\nMatern Child Health J\n. 2006;10:S169\u2013S174.\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nThe all-new list of best fertility foods for women and men\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sensory-disabilities", "title": "If Your Child Has a Sensory Disability, Here Are Accommodations He Might Need", "body": "\n\nSensory disabilities commonly refer to conditions that affect one\u2019s ability to see and hear. This means that low vision, blindness, deafness and other hearing impairments all fall under this category of special needs.\n\n\nLet\u2019s explore the types of sensory disabilities, their effects on learning and what kind of accommodations you or a teacher can make for your child.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLow Vision\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nKids with low vision (or partial sight) have difficulty seeing without help. The ability to see details, such as normal-sized print on a book, can vary from child to child. Some may be able to see things up close, while others can\u2019t. There are also individuals who cannot see things in their peripherals but are able to see directly ahead.\n\n\nLearning visually can be tiring and challenging for those with impaired sight.\n\n\nHere are some accommodations to help with learning:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProvide large print on books, worksheets, etc.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPlace the child at the front of a classroom, close to the teacher\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMake sure the lighting in the room is sufficient\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStudents can be given extra time for exams\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDuring tests, the child can say out their answer while someone else helps to write it down\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe child may record classes instead of writing notes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAssignments given through electronic medium\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTech that converts text to speech, such as a reading pen\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBlindness\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBlindness can occur over time, while others may be born with it.\n\n\nStudents with no sight since birth may find it hard to comprehend verbal descriptions of visual materials (e.g., describing the colour or look). Those who have had a vision before may have no issue.\n\n\nOther than accommodations such as a scribe during exams and text-to-speech technology, students who cannot see may benefit from:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReading materials in Braille\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAudiotaped assignments\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTactile models\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGraphic materials that have raised lines\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHard of Hearing\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nCredit: The Sped Guru\n\n\n\n\nHearing difficulties sensory disabilities can affect kids in different ways. Some children may need to lip read occasionally while others require hearing aids.\n\n\nStudents who have hearing impairments may find it strenuous to follow along during a lesson if the teacher speaks too quickly or softly. Their ability to hear could also be affected by the acoustics of the room they are in.\n\n\nKids who use hearing aids might benefit from other methods of amplifications, such as personal neck loops (which are like headphones that can be plugged into a computer or phone).\n\n\nAnother option is to use a frequency-modulated (FM) system in class, which allows the child to hear the teacher\u2019s voice even if she is at the back of the classroom. This system makes the teacher\u2019s voice louder than other sounds, while also giving your child the ability to listen to her own voice.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDeafness\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIf a child is born deaf, he might not develop speech. Learning sign language will be useful, but it is also important to find a community that your child can practice and communicate with. In Malaysia, the deaf community mainly uses Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (BIM).\n\n\nTo assist with learning, students could be provided with:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInterpreters\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSomeone to help take notes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClosed captions on videos\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a preschool that uses BIM as the primary language of instruction, check out the\u00a0\nearly years programme\n\u00a0offered by Malaysia Federation of the Deaf (MFD).\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nDoes a Balanced Diet Affect My Child Mentally?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-late-talkers-and-speech-delay", "title": "What you need to know about late talkers and speech delay", "body": "When we have kids, many of our precious memories of them are coloured by milestones \u2014 their first smile, their first steps, their first words and so on.\n\n\nWhat do you do though, when one of those milestones is delayed or doesn\u2019t happen?\n\n\nI\u2019m talking in particular about speech as this is something I can relate to with my older son.\n\n\nWhile he was saying single words such as \u2018Mum\u2019, \u2018give\u2019, and \u2018come\u2019 a little over the age of one, most of his \u2018talk\u2019 for a very long time was \u2018baby-talk\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nWe all wait eagerly to hear our child\u2019s first words\n\n\n\n\nI was worried when by almost 2 years old, he still wasn\u2019t speaking properly.\n\n\nSome of my friends/relatives told me there was absolutely nothing to worry about, that boys are notoriously late in speaking. Others told me to seek the opinion of a doctor, or even show him to a speech pathologist.\n\n\nI\u2019m glad to say that he really didn\u2019t have any other issues besides the fact that he just took his own time to talk.\n\n\nNow he is 5 and doesn\u2019t stop talking! But I do remember the time when I was very worried about his speech, and in retrospect, perhaps I could have stopped worrying had I got the opinion of a speech pathologist.\n\n\nLike in the case of my son, a speech delay can sometimes be simple and unexplained and will resolve itself over time. Other times, the delay can be an indicator of a more serious issue, according to experts.\n\n\nBecause different children develop their speech at different paces and at different times, it\u2019s hard for parents to judge if their child really has a delay.\n\n\nThis is when a professional such as a speech pathologist can help.\n\n\n\n\nA delay in talking is often no cause for worry. But since it can possibly be a red flag for problems such as ear infection, autism etc, it\u2019s best to check with your pediatrician or a speech therapist if you are worried.\n\n\n\n\nSo we talked to the lovely \nJoan Lim\n and \nSheryl Lau \n\u2014\u00a0both qualified speech pathologists \u2013about late talkers and speech delay. What you need to know is on the \nnext page\n.\n\n\nJoan and Sheryl work for \nTherapy Inc.\n, a Singaporean company that provides multidisciplinary services to families and individuals seeking speech therapy, occupational therapy and educational support.\n\n\nWe asked them a few questions about speech delay and late talkers and the following (which has been edited for clarity and brevity) includes the information they provided.\n\n\nWhen should a child start talking?\n\n\nA child will usually say his first word around his first birthday.\n\n\nCommon first words include, \u201cmummy'\u201d, \u201cdaddy\u201d, and \u201cmilk\u201d, although \u201cNO!\u201d and \u201cuh oh\u201d may be included in this list too!\n\n\nA child\u2019s expressive vocabulary quickly grows to around 50 single words by 18 months of age.\n\n\n\n\nEncourage your child to talk by talking to him often and asking plenty of questions\n\n\n\n\nIs there a difference between a late talker and a child who has problems with speech?\n\n\nWhile late talkers and children with language disorders both start speaking late, a child without a language disorder (late talker) will usually \u201ccatch up\u201d with their peers without any intervention.\n\n\nA child with a language problem, might always be behind his peers in language development and will definitely require intervention to prevent the gap from getting larger as he grows.\n\n\nSpeech disorders (issues with pronunciation) can become apparent at any age and parents should consult a speech therapist to ascertain if the speech sound errors are age-appropriate.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nWhat are the characteristics of a late talker?\n\n\nLate talkers may say their first word after 18 months of age.\n\n\nAlso, they may start using phrases (speech and language development experts expect 2-word phrases, e.g., \u201cno juice\u201d at 2 years, 3-word phrases, e.g., \u201cmummy take car\u201d at 3 and so on) much later than expected, and they may appear to understand more than they say.\n\n\nThey could also present with unintelligible or \u201cbaby-like\u201d speech.\n\n\nIt is important with all late talkers to make sure that they do acquire the expected developmental milestones after they start talking.\n\n\nIs it true that boys start talking later than girls?\n\n\nYes it is true that in general, boys start talking later than girls.\n\n\nHowever, everyone is different and there are boys who start talking earlier than their sisters. Developmental disorders like speech and language disorders, autism and stuttering do tend to be more prevalent in boys.\n\n\nWhen should you be worried about your child\u2019s speech delay?\n\n\nYou should seek help if your child:\n\n\n\n\nis not talking by 18 months;\n\n\nhas difficulty following simple routine instructions;\n\n\nis not making eye contact or does not appear interested in people;\n\n\nis not pointing or using gestures to communicate his needs and wants;\n\n\nis only speaking in vowel sounds e.g. ah, ooh etc.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you are worried about your child\u2019s speech delay, it\u2019s best to seek a professional\u2019s opinion.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat can you do at home to encourage your child to talk?\n\n\nGive your child a reason to communicate\n\nYou could do things like giving your child his favourite treats or toys one at a time, so he has a chance to \u201cask for more\u201d, practise turn-talking and other important communication skills.\n\n\nYou could also pretend at times that you do not know what your child likes and dislikes (e.g., offering something your child does not like so he gets a chance to say \u201cno\u201d).\n\n\n\n\nEncourage your child to talk by handing over her favourite toys one at a time, encouraging her to ask for more.\n\n\n\n\nTalk to your child a lot but keep utterances short so your child is more able to imitate you \n\nFor example, you could show and say the name of a favourite toy, describe what you are doing (\u201cMummy is washing, WASH!\u201d), ask a question (\u201cWant up? up?\u201d) and use fun words (\u201cuh oh!\u201d, \u201cwow\u201d etc.).\n\n\nUse gestures and signs to add meaning to what you are saying\n\nThere are great baby sign books and DVDs that you can purchase to learn more about this.\n\n\nIs speech delay a sign of other developmental disorders?\n\n\nSpeech delay \ncould be\n a red flag for developmental problems disorders such as autism.\n\n\nHowever, do keep in mind that while almost all children with autism have a speech delay, not all children with a speech delay have autism.\n\n\nWith autism affecting 1 in 88 children now, again it\u2019s best not to wait if you have a concern about your child\u2019s speech delay.\n\n\n\n\nIf you are worried about your child\u2019s speech delay, consult a professional like a speech therapist.\n\n\n\n\nWho can help your child if you think he has a problem with speech?\n\n\nIf you think your child has a speech delay, contact your pediatrician or you could \ncontact\n a speech therapist such as Joan or Sheryl directly.\n\n\nIf there is nothing to worry about, these professionals can put your mind at ease, and if there is an issue, they can provide the best possible course of treatment.\n\n\nAnother tip is to check with your child\u2019s teacher (if they go to preschool/daycare) if they have noticed anything unusual about your child\u2019s speech.\n\n\nDo you have a late talker, or was your child a late talker? Share you experiences with us by leaving a comment.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-boy-dies-on-daycare", "title": "3-month-old boy dies in a day care centre on his mum\u2019s first day at work", "body": "New York, USA\u2014Entrusting her 3-month-old son Karl to a day care center was the only option Amber Scorah had when her paid leave was up.\n\n\nOn the morning of her first day back at work, she dropped Karl off at Soho Child Care\u00a0in Manhattan, and then headed to work.\n\n\nAt noon, she returned to the day care center to breastfeed Karl\u00a0but, to her horror, she found him\u00a0unconscious and\u00a0day care center owner was performing CPR on him incorrectly.\n\n\nThey were no longer able to\n revive Karl.\n\n\nAccording to the medical examiner handling Karl\u2019s case, the autopsy report didn\u2019t reveal much; the cause of death remains unknown.\n\n\nTurning tragedy into advocacy\n\n\nIn a \nblog entry\n in The New York Times, Scorch recounts her horrific ordeal but also\u00a0sheds light on the need for more consideration when it comes to parental leave.\n\n\nShe writes, \u201dA mother should never have no choice but to leave her infant with a stranger at 3 months old if that\n decision\n doesn\u2019t feel right to her. Or at 6 weeks old. Or 3 weeks old. I would have stayed home with Karl longer, but there just didn\u2019t seem to be a way.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHi guys #KarlIves\n\nA post shared by \n Amber Scorah\n (@amberscorah) on \nJul 6, 2015 at 2:18pm PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThough she acknowledges that the 3-month paid leave granted by her company was more than generous, she shares that her human resources department would not grant her request for a much-needed extension.\n\n\nPushing for the extension could mean losing her job as well as her family\u2019s health insurance. She shares, \u201cI wasn\u2019t just up against the end of my parental leave. I was up against an entire culture that places very little value on caring for infants and small children.\u201d\n\n\nThrough her blog entry that has been going viral, she has managed to turn this devastating event in her life into something that will hopefully help many parents and prevent tragedies such as this one from\n happening again.\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFriday night flowers #KarlIves #Brooklyn\n\nA post shared by \n Amber Scorah\n (@amberscorah) on \nJul 10, 2015 at 4:22pm PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nMemupuk Nilai Wang: Memahami Perbezaan Antara Kehendak dan Keperluan\nHealth\nAre You In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy? Here are 5 Important Things Moms Should Do!\nParenting\nReal Mum Review: Skinature By Drypers\nKesihatan\nSeorang Doktor Yang Juga Seorang Ibu Menyarankan Ibu Bapa Semua Untuk Ambil Tahu Tentang Vaksin\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/common-toddler-sleep-problems", "title": "4 Common Toddler Sleep Problems & How To Solve Them", "body": "All parents know what it\u2019s like: it\u2019s late at night, and finally, the baby is all tucked in and in deep slumber. But it doesn\u2019t last long.\n The baby wakes up and starts wailing for attention\n. \nYou pick them up and try to put them back to sleep, only they don\u2019t.\n\n\nIt can be frustrating for parents to see their \ntoddler struggle with sleep\n despite the\u00a0best efforts, but this usually means something.\n\n\n\u201cSome disruptions, such as protesting a nap or crying when you leave the room, are related to development,\u201d says Nanci Yuan, M.D., medical director for the Sleep Center at Lucile Packard Children\u2019s Hospital Stanford, in Menlo Park, California, \u201cwhile others may be the result of a change in routine.\u201d\n\n\nSo how do you solve common toddler sleep problems? Read here.\n\n\nFour tips to solve common toddler sleep problems\n\n\n\n\n1. She refuses to nap\n\n\nBabies do need to sleep, and lots of it. Typically, it is ideal for our toddlers to have a couple of naps throughout the day.\n\u00a0 \nHowever, as they grow older, the amount of time spent in bed is reduced. \n\n\nOnce they start resisting naps, it is usually a sign that their daily naps can now be reduced to just one.\n\n\nTo minimise your tot\u2019s struggles, \nParents\n advisor Dr. Judith Owens advises a consistent presleep routine. \u201cThe timing and order of meals and activities help anchor your child\u2019s circadian clock,\u201d Dr. Owens said.\n\n\nSay your toddler is having trouble napping earlier in the day. What you can do instead is \nschedule it later.\n\n\n2. He cries when put in the crib\n\n\n\n\nAt 10 to 18 months, a child\u2019s separation anxiety peaks. This is the reason why when you put them in the crib, they start fussing. Another reason may be that their imaginations are on overdrive and they start imagining scary creatures.\n\n\nTo combat this, Dr. Yuan said to sit near the crib as they are about to fall asleep. \u201cSit near the crib and tell your toddler that you\u2019re there, but don\u2019t interact beyond that,\u201d she advises.\n\n\nThen move farther and farther away each time so that they will slowly be able to adjust.\n\n\n3. Vacation messes up her sleep schedule\n\n\nThree-time X Games gold medalist David Wise and his wife have done their fair share of travelling for competitions. \u201cTraveling with a toddler is difficult, especially when you throw in sleep deprivation,\u201d David says.\n\n\nSo for their children to be able to sleep more or less regularly during and after travelling, the couple suggests having a nightly routine and maintaining it as faithfully as possible.\n\n\nThey also suggest \u201ctoting along with a portable crib, loveys, and bedtime books, and putting your toddler down in the darkest, quietest spot you can find.\u201d\n\n\n4. They wake up at night\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Dr. Nelly Maseda, a paediatrician at the Montefiore Medical Group-Grand Concourse, in Bronx, New York, if your child is suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, a milestone may be to blame.\n\n\n\u201cIf he\u2019s learning a new skill like walking, he may be so focused on practising that he can\u2019t sleep,\u201d Dr. Maseda says. What a parent should do is to comfort the child, but keep them in the crib. \n\u201cMake it clear that he needs to go right back to sleep.\u201d\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \nIs Dad Or Mum More Sleep Deprived?\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nCo sleeping: Yes or No?\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nNightmares \u2013 How to ease your little one\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/brain-fog", "title": "When Does Brain Fog Become A Concern?", "body": "Do you stumble through life feeling as if you\u2019re on a heavy-duty antihistamine, even when you haven\u2019t taken a single pill? \nBrain fog\n can significantly impact everything from your energy levels to your career trajectory.\u00a0\n\n\nEveryone experiences the occasional day when they feel off. Your alarm doesn\u2019t go off, and you start the day on the wrong foot. Perhaps you have a touch of a head cold, and you spend more time counting tissues than adding up expense account figures. However, if you\u2019ve noticed an ongoing pattern of not quite feeling like your old self, it\u2019s time to take action.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen Do Symptoms Become Severe?\u00a0\n\n\nBrain fog itself isn\u2019t a medical condition, but it shows up as a symptom of a host of other ailments. If you have fibromyalgia, for example, you\u2019re probably \nfamiliar with fibro-fog\n, a type of cognitive dysfunction common among those with the disease. Even prolonged stress can leave you feeling unable to focus on the task at hand.\u00a0\n\n\nThe question of whether your symptoms are severe enough to warrant intervention depends on the degree to which they impact your overall life. Let\u2019s take a closer look at each issue associated with brain fog and when you should ask for help.\u00a0\n\n\nLack of Concentration\u00a0\n\n\nOne bad day doesn\u2019t devastate a career in typical cases, at least as long as you don\u2019t participate in any extreme or outrageous behaviors. However, over time, brain fog can lead to repercussions in the workplace. If you were previously a top performer, but you\u2019ve fallen back to the middle of the pack, it\u2019s time to do some soul-searching. Is it your inability to concentrate that is causing the issue, or are you feeling dissatisfied with your career in general? If it\u2019s the latter, it\u2019s time to dust off your resume. However, if it\u2019s the former, it\u2019s time to take action.\n\n\nThis rule goes double if your employer puts you on a performance improvement plan. If you get fired, you could find it challenging to locate alternative employment. The financial ramifications of this can leave your mind reeling even more. Ask for help before you face the firing line.\u00a0\n\n\nMemory Failings\u00a0\n\n\nEveryone walks into a room now and then and has no clue why they went in there. However, memory failings can cost you considerable money and gas if you have to keep running back to the grocery store and other places for forgotten items. Additionally, if you find yourself struggling to keep track of significant events like anniversaries, birthdays or even important appointments like the dentist or the doctor, you need to make changes. Do the same if you can\u2019t keep a mental list of more than two items straight.\u00a0\n\n\nAches and Pains\n\n\nSometimes, your brain fog stems from physical factors. For example, migraines are\n the third most prevalent disease\n in the world and cause considerable difficulty with focus. Millions of Americans also suffer from chronic lower back pain or other ailments. These warrant a trip to the doctor when they create negative consequences in your daily life.\u00a0\n\n\nExcessive Fatigue\u00a0\n\n\nFinally, brain fog can make you feel like you\u2019re continually spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. This situation is exhausting, and it\u2019s no wonder you always feel tired! However, if you find that you can\u2019t get out of bed in the morning, or you toss or turn all night, take action.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat to Do to Combat Brain Fog\u00a0\n\n\nYou\u2019ve decided that your brain fog is severe enough to warrant intervention. What are your next steps?\u00a0\n\n\nSee Your Doctor\u00a0\n\n\nThis tip is particularly crucial if you\u2019ve skipped your annual checkups of late. You could have an underlying medical condition contributing to your brain fog, and the more quickly you start down the road to diagnosis, the sooner you can find relief. Millions of women have endometriosis, for example, but it can\n take years to receive a diagnosis\n, let alone get treatment. When you speak with your physician, tell them that you\u2019ve been feeling out of it \u2014 often. They may ask probing lifestyle questions to identify habits you need to change.\u00a0\n\n\nGet Regular Exercise\u00a0\n\n\nExercise improves blood flow to your brain, bathing your neurons in vital oxygen. If the blood isn\u2019t flowing to this organ, it increases your risk of everything from developing depression to committing crimes.\u00a0\n\n\nMost experts recommend you take\n 150 minutes of moderate exercise\n or 75 minutes of vigorous activity weekly. That translates to approximately 30 minutes per day. They also advise that you do strength training exercises twice per week. You can invest in inexpensive dumbbells or resistance bands to use during commercial breaks while you watch TV. There\u2019s no need to pay for a pricey gym membership.\u00a0\n\n\nImprove Your Diet\u00a0\n\n\nYour diet can impact your mood and ability to focus. Even something as simple as dehydration can affect your concentration. The most significant dietary culprit is ultra-processed junk food laden with fat and sugar. Because manufacturers\n strip these foods\n of their nutrients, your body turns to the sugar for energy. Once your metabolism burns through all of this fuel, you experience a crash.\u00a0\n\n\nTo prevent this effect, strive to eat foods as close to their natural form as possible. Also, aim to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal. Limit the amount of white flour and processed foods you consume. Learn\n how to meal prep\n on your days off so that you have grab-and-go goodness ready for the workweek.\u00a0\n\n\nPractice Meditation\u00a0\n\n\nMindfulness meditation builds your awareness of the distracting thoughts that so often impact your behavior. It gives you the ability\n to become fully present\nin the current moment. Scientific evidence suggests you can restructure your brain\u2019s anatomy by regular practice. Best of all, you don\u2019t have to spend a dime to get started on a mindfulness journey.\u00a0\n\n\nFind a place where you can sit quietly. Begin by focusing your awareness on your breath, inhaling for a count of four, pausing, then exhaling even more slowly. As distractions enter your mind, observe these thoughts neutrally. Remind yourself that the time you set aside to meditate is to benefit your health, and resist the urge to act when you remember you left laundry in the dryer. It will still be there when you finish \u2014 promise!\u00a0\n\n\nRemodel Your Bedroom\u00a0\n\n\nFinally, if a lack of restful slumber contributes to your brain fog, take a look at your sleeping environment. Do you live in an urban area or work unconventional hours? Hang blackout curtains so that flashing neon lights or outside sunlight doesn\u2019t disturb your rest. If you don\u2019t like how dark they make your bedroom, you might try finding a canopy that you can drape around your bed to block light.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nDetik-detik Peralihan Sepanjang Kanak-kanak Membesar: Masihkah Anda Ingat Semua Ini?\nParenting\n5 VERY Important Tips when Choosing a Newborn Diaper\nParenting\nThe Magic of Oats: Here's How You Can Soothe Dry, Itchy Skin for Mum & Baby\nMoney Parenting\nNurturing Money Values: Understanding The Difference Between A Want And A Need\n\n\nTake a look at your bedroom furnishings as well. Do you have a computer or a TV in your room? Do you use your cellphone as an alarm? Scientists theorize constant exposure\n can halt the production\n of melatonin, a critical sleep hormone. Invest in a traditional alarm clock and ban all gadgets from your sleep chamber.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t Let Brain Fog Ruin Your Life\u00a0\n\n\nIf your brain fog has veered into the severe territory, you don\u2019t need to let it ruin your life. Follow a few simple tips to get back to feeling like yourself more quickly.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/improve-high-rise-balcony-safety", "title": "5 Ways to Improve High-Rise Balcony Safety", "body": "Children are curious by nature.\n They love to climb, touch, watch and explore, which make them more susceptible to falls. This is worrisome especially for families who stay in high-rise buildings. Even more so when statistics show that most accidental falls among children happen from heights.\n\n\nThe most notable area of concern is the balconies of apartments. To reduce fatalities, we are urging all parents and landlords to make homes safer for children with one of these balcony installations. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBalcony Safety Solutions\n\n\n\n\n1# \nInvisible Grilles\n\n\n\n\nImage: Legate\n\n\n\n\nYou can\u2019t really go wrong with invisible grilles. Engineered with steel cables, this balcony guard lowers the risk of children falling from balconies.\n\n\nThey are customisable to individual home preferences and come in movable versions, which can come in handy for families who are looking for a short-term solution in their rented homes.\n\n\nBeing made out of stainless steel, invisible grilles are hardy and durable, however, they can still be cut using a wire cutter. So, they can\u2019t be used to prevent burglars from breaking in.\u00a0\n\n\nInvisible grilles may be the modernised version of traditional grilles, but they are not exactly invisible, as the name suggests. You can still see thin wires running across and you would not have the clearest view of what is happening outside. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n2# \nGlass Curtains\n\u00ae\n\n\n\n\nImage: Glass Curtains\n\n\n\n\nGlass Curtains\u00ae\u00a0is a fully retractable enclosure for balconies that can convert that unused space into an all-year-round balcony oasis with endless possibilities. This unique innovation secured an exclusive European patent and is designed for easy everyday usage, maximum security and durability.\n\n\nIt relies on toughened glass units and Teflon Transport System to bring families a multitude of benefits. Tests showed that Glass Curtains\u00ae can reduce the intensity of outside traffic noise to the noise level of soft background music and is effective in keeping interiors dry even under heavy rainy conditions.\n\n\nThanks to a maintenance-free Teflon Transport System, it eliminates the need for rubber wheels that can degrade, or ball bearings, which can rust and have sliding friction. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe glass panels sit sturdily with the weight on the bottom of the tracks, making Glass Curtains\u00ae an incredibly steady and secure product. With no unsightly frames between the slimline glass panels, apartment dwellers get an endless gaze of the horizon.\n\n\nAnother unique innovation is the Flying Door\u2122 opening system. Users have the option to open the glass panels completely for full ventilation or some panels can be left in place for a partial windbreak.\n\n\nPlus, a sidelock system is also available to provide additional safety. Parents can rest assured that children can move around freely and safely as this glass enclosure can prevent fatal falls from high-rise apartments. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3# \nOutdoor Blinds and Ziptrak\n\u00ae\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage: Ziptrak\n\n\n\n\nOutdoor blinds are also a great solution for families looking for extra protection. Louvre shutters, PVC blinds and external Venetian blinds come in an extensive range of configurations to suit different needs.\n\n\nMost of these blinds are versatile but do not perform well under harsh weather conditions. They require frequent touch-ups and replacements and obstruct views.\n\n\nZiptrak\u00ae, on the other hand, is a sophisticated track guided blind system designed to provide protection from undesirable elements, such as rain, heat, wind, haze and insects, and ultimately, falls!\n\n\nIts spring-balanced system is one of the smoothest in the market. No cranks or ropes are required to operate the blind. Just simply pull down, push up, let go and it will stay at any desired height. Ziptrak\u00ae is rigorously tested to provide total rain and wind protection.\n\n\nThe design grips tight to the vertical tracks so there will be no rattling even in the strongest winds. For a full secure hold, the blind can also be locked when fully down. Ziptrak\u00ae can go up to 6 metres wide to cover a large opening, and is available in manual or motorised geared styles, making it a stylish and effective solution. \u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n4# Safety Nets\n\n\n\n\nImage: Madhu Safety Nets\n\n\n\n\nAdding a safety net to the balcony is one of the most basic preventive steps one can take. Netting materials can easily be bought at most hardware stores, cut to size and are easy to install.\n\n\nIt may not be aesthetically appealing to have a net at the balcony obstructing views, but at least there is still space to enjoy some fresh air while keeping children and pets relatively safe.\n\n\nDo bear in mind that nets may be useful at keeping out unwanted visitors, such as birds, but they are not tested to provide full home security.\n\n\n5# \nAdditional Slats and Spindles\n\n\n\n\nImage: Sapphire Balconies\n\n\n\n\nFor families who stay in an apartment with a balcony, some child safety tips to keep in mind include: making sure the railings do not have horizontal parts that could allow children to climb on them; putting away furniture and other climbable objects from the edge of the balcony; keeping doors to balconies closed to prevent children from gaining access to them.\n\n\nApart from these, adding extra vertical slats or spindles to fill in the gaps in the railing can make the balcony safer as well.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\n\u00a08 Ways To Guide Your Child Into Responsible Behaviour\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0Using Psychology to Shape Behaviour: Punish, Reward or Remove?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nCan You Tell the Difference Between a Tantrum and a Meltdown? | Ask an Expert\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/even-when-i-did-all-these-my-little-one-was-still-infected-with-rotavirus", "title": "Even When I Did All These, My Little One Was Still Infected With Rotavirus", "body": "\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/quality-time", "title": "Want to Create Quality Time With Your Kids? Here Are 5 Ideas for You to Try!", "body": "Today\u2019s family has become a family that is almost always pressed for time. With both parents who are working and managing a house at the same time and children who are stressed with school and extra classes, it is not a wonder that there may be big pockets in the day when you don\u2019t see one another. Then you look at your weekend schedule and find out that you have a host of social obligations to fulfil. It is for this reason why it is even more important to \u2018steal\u2019 time here and there and spend quality time with your children so that they are always guided by you and the values you want to impart to them.\n\n\nHere are some ways in which you can spend a great deal of time with your children without having to take out too much time.\n\n\nHow to Spend Quality Time with Your Children\n\n\n#1. Take your children with you when you are running errands; whether to the supermarket, bookstore or laundry\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nNot only will they know and appreciate the amount of work you do, you will also get to connect with them on a different level when on these trips. My kids and I talk a lot about school, friends and values in life when we are on these drives.\n\n\nWhen we drive to and from classes, we sometimes steal a short break at a coffee shop and down a doughnut and we are able to catch up a lot more about each other\u2019s lives. I remember the times my mum and I did this when I was a child and I also know these are the moments my kids and I will both cherish in the years to come.\n\n\n#2. Put aside a time a week for each of your children\n\n\nThese times need not be long if you cannot afford it but it should be a time only between you and a child of yours. Plan what you will do on this date; be it watch a movie, go bowling or go window shopping \u2013 do something fun where your child has your undivided attention.\n\n\nYou will see that it is during these times that your child will share many things with you that he or she may not normally share with you. Blame it on the rush of the day\u2019s events, kids just like adults are able to talk more when they unwind.\n\n\n#3. Spend quality time together by eating at least one meal a day together\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nBreakfast is often a chaotic time, so pick a meal when your schedules allow you to eat together. A family that eats together, stays together. Mealtimes are a great time when a whole family is able to interact and this is a healthy way to show your children togetherness.\n\n\n#4. Take a walk with your children regularly\n\n\nIf you can take out even 15 minutes every evening, go on and take a walk around the neighbourhood with your kids. This \u2018free\u2019 free time is amazing because you get to catch up with one another, get positive energy into your bodies thanks to exercise and also feel fresh breathing some fresh air outdoors when most of our days consist on being cooped up indoors with artificial air.\n\n\n#5. Spend quality time together by cooking together\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nSchedule some days when your child is a little free where he or she can help you cook dinner. Children bond very well with parents when they spend time in the kitchen together. There is just something truly special about this.\n\n\nI still remember how I used to make the pancake batter for breakfast on weekends and was allowed to even make my own pancake. My kids and I bake cakes and cookies together and we always have a great time connecting over this simple activity.\n\n\nWe will always have reasons to be busy in our lives. So will our kids. With our stressful lives where we wear many different hats, life will never become easier or simpler unless we move to a village far away. Always remember this one line I read somewhere recently, \u201cthere are only 936 weekends from the time your child is born till he or she goes off to university\u201d \u2013 how do you want to spend these weeks and weekends?\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nPreparing Special Needs Children For An Employable Future\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stop-telling-your-sons-these-10-things", "title": "Stop telling your sons these 10 things: raising boys the right way", "body": "Women empowerment, the #metoo movement, fighting gender discrimination \u2013 the world is changing. A large part of this change depends on you, mums, and how you raise your boys. If you want your son to grow up well-rounded, respectful, and kind to everyone, then you should stop telling your sons these 10 things!\n\n\n10 Things to Stop Telling Your Sons\n\n\n\n\nIf you care about your child\u2019s development, then you need to stop telling your sons these things!\n\n\n\n\n1. \u201cAct tough\u201d\n\n\nA lot of people think of men as tough, and women, emotional. That\u2019s why you often see dads telling their sons to \u201csuck it up\u201d or \u201cact tough.\u201d\n\n\nHowever, the truth couldn\u2019t be any more different. It\u2019s totally normal for some men to be sensitive, while some women are tough. People are just inherently different, and it has nothing to do with gender whatsoever.\n\n\n2. \u201cYou\u2019re acting like a girl\u201d\n\n\nWhat does it mean to \u201cact like a girl?\u201d If you think really hard about it, young boys and girls essentially have the same traits, habits, and interests.\n\n\nTelling your son that he\u2019s \u201cacting like a girl\u201d is also usually said as an insult. But there\u2019s nothing wrong with being a girl.\n\n\nAs parents, it\u2019s important to teach equality to children at a very young age, and not make their children think that one gender is superior to the other.\n\n\n3. \u201cYou need to be more manly\u201d\n\n\nWhat does being \u201ca man\u201d mean? For the most part, it means that boys should grow up to fit the stereotype of a traditional man.\n\n\nBut these days, there\u2019s really no such thing. Men come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique personalities. Instead, teach your son to embrace himself and to be proud of who he is.\n\n\n4. \u201cYou have to be big and strong\u201d\n\n\nAgain, this one plays to the stereotype of the \u201cbig and strong\u201d man. Honestly, not all men are big and strong \u2013 that depends on their genes mostly. Parents should be proud of their sons no matter what, and not force them to adhere to an outdated stereotype of what men should be.\n\n\n5. \u201cThat\u2019s not something for boys\u201d\n\n\nYou usually hear this when little boys start playing with \u201cgirl\u201d toys. But what is wrong with young boys playing with dolls? Or cooking sets for that matter?\n\n\nToys are toys, and kids love to play. It doesn\u2019t matter if they\u2019re playing with action figures, or dolls, what matters is that kids are having fun and they\u2019re learning.\n\n\nThe same goes for clothes, or colours. Who ever said that boys can\u2019t wear pink, or the so-called \u201cfeminine\u201d colours? If a little boy wants to wear a pink shirt, then who are we to stop them from doing so?\n\n\n6. \u201cDo you want people to think you\u2019re a girl?\u201d\n\n\nThis is another thing that some parents tell their sons. And if you\u2019re one of those parents, then please, stop telling your sons this phrase.\n\n\nThere is nothing wrong with being a girl, and parents should steer clear of outdated notions of gender norms.\n\n\nAcceptance and understanding are what kids need, not judgment from their parents.\n\n\n7. \u201cBoys don\u2019t cry\u201d\n\n\nIt\u2019s totally fine for boys to cry. If a young boy feels sad, then it\u2019s okay for them to express their feelings by crying. This is normal.\n\n\nValidating a child\u2019s feelings is important, and crying is a way for them to be in touch with their emotions. And parents should always validate their child\u2019s feelings.\n\n\n8. \u201cThis will turn you into a man\u201d\n\n\nThe only thing that turns boys into men is the natural process of growing up. There\u2019s no prescribed behaviour that makes a boy into a man. Saying this phrase would only make kids feel bad about themselves if they don\u2019t live up to what a \u201cman\u201d should be.\n\n\n9. \u201cBoys will be boys\u201d\n\n\nTelling kids that \u201cboys will be boys\u201d is basically teaching young men to not be responsible for their actions.\n\n\nIf a boy does something wrong, don\u2019t let it pass because \u201cboys will be boys.\u201d It only creates a culture that allows men to do whatever they want, without any repercussions or responsibility.\u00a0\n\n\n10. \u201cAre you a girl?\u201d\n\n\nStop telling your sons this phrase. This makes it seem that being a girl is a bad thing, when in reality it\u2019s not.\n\n\nNot only does this degrade your son, but it also degrades women in general. Calling someone a girl should never ever be an insult.\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nSource: \nPsychology Today\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ball-pit-dangers-singapore-mum-warns-about-drowning-dangers-at-suspended-ball-pit", "title": "Ball pit dangers: Mum warns about drowning dangers at suspended ball pit", "body": "How unsafe can a ball pit get? A mum recently had the fright of her life at a newly opened suspended ball pit in Singapore. She took to Facebook to warn other parents of ball pit dangers at the area.\n\n\n\u201cThere is a certain level of danger in the playground\u201d, she says after her terrifying experience.\n\n\nSingapore mum warns about ball pit dangers\n\n\nMummy Vivien Low who runs the blog \u201cBeautiful Chaos\u201d,\n shared on Facebook\n, \u201cToday I had the fright of my life.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe went to the newly opened Air Zone at City Square Mall.\u201d\n\n\nThe attraction, which had a soft launch in January this year, is touted as the world\u2019s first suspended net playground inside a shopping mall. The ball pit is suspended on the 3rd floor.\u00a0\n\n\nVivien elaborates, \u201cI was afraid of heights. But my boy \nwanted to play.\n So I just went ahead. I thought the ball pit was the safest place of the 3 storey structure. But I was so wrong.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cNot long into the play, I lost my balance in the ball pit and fell backwards. I could not reach the bottom and I could not stand up.\n\u201c\n\n\nShe recalls, \u201cI tried to roll over, I couldn\u2019t. I tried to find the net so I could grip it, I couldn\u2019\nt. My son was stuck inside too. \n\n\n\u201cI panicked and waved and screamed for help. None came. I seriously panicked and did not know what to do. (My helper stopped the video when she realised something was wrong and shouted for help too but none came).\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI finally grabbed someone\u2019s hand and managed to stabilise myself and stood up. And thereafter I pulled out my son, and 2 other kids: a boy and a girl. \u201c\n\n\n\u201cIt was then the staff came by to help me drag the kids out of the balls before I climbed out. The kids all went in alone. They were about 6-8 years old. The girl was crying and I think she went out after the \nincident.\u201d\n\n\nVivien says that the experience has left her terrified \u2013 she will not be going into the ball pit anymore. However, she will not stop her kids from doing so. She will make sure that her husband accompanies them.\n\n\n\u201cJust for info, the balls were up to about my armpits when I\u2019m standing, and I\u2019m 1.72m tall.\u201d\n\n\nFinally, she has this warning for all parents, \u201cThere is a certain level of danger in the playground and there is only so much the staff there can do. I appeal for you to go in with your kids.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAdult supervision needed. Lots of it.\u201d\n\n\nHer video has since then gone viral. Here it is:\n\n\n\n\nAirzone apologises for the incident\n\n\nVivien\u2019s post has met with mixed reactions from netizens, with many blaming her for over-reacting.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, Airzone has apologised and clarified to The Straits Times, \u201cIt is a requirement at Airzone for children under the age of 7 to be accompanied by an adult.\u201d\n\n\nCurrently, the pit holds about 40,000 balls. There are 2-3 trained staff on each level during peak time hours. Visitors have to attend a compuslory safety briefing before they can go inside.\u00a0\n\n\nAirzone said that they would be reviewing the safety measures, which includes the number of balls inside the pit. First-aid staff would also be trained to be quicker in their response.\n\n\nVisitor feedback would be taken seriously. Other measures include making sure there are not more than 8 guests and staff members inside the pit at any point in time.\n\n\nThey are also considering reducing the slack of the nets to make the \npit shallower.\n\n\nMums and dads, what do you think of this incident? Have you had a similar experience? Do let us know.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nMengapakah Si Manja Anda Memerlukan MFGM?\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child\u2019s Gut Health Causing Tantrums? Here Is What You Need To Know\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/single-sided-deafness", "title": "Single Sided Deafness And Why You Should Know About It!", "body": "Single-sided Deafness in hearing health influences a person\u2019s emotional and physical health. \nHearing loss\n, even in one ear, is associated with other problems which can range from balance to social and behavioural issues.\n\n\nWhat is Single Sided Deafness (SSD)?\n\n\n\nSingle-Sided Deafness (SSD) or Profound Unilateral Hearing Loss refers to a condition where an individual has non-serviceable hearing in one ear and normal hearing in the other ear. A non-serviceable ear is defined as one with no usable hearing even with the use of a hearing aid. In an audiometry report, it is commonly referred to as profound hearing loss where an audiometry test is able to determine the degree of hearing loss.\n\n\nWhat happens in SSD?\n\nIn the mechanism of hearing, sound waves travel through the outer ear to the middle ear, inner ear (cochlea), auditory nerve and eventually to the brain. In SSD, the damage is normally located at either the cochlea, or the auditory nerve. The injury at the outer ear and the middle ear, even to its maximal extent, will not cause SSD.\n\n\nWhat causes SSD?\n\n\n\n\n\nThe causes of one-sided hearing loss could be as simple as impacted earwax, or as sinister as nasopharyngeal carcinoma or acoustic neuroma. There is no one specific cause but some possible ones include:\n\n\u2022 Viral infection causes direct injury to the cochlea \n\n\u2022 Blunt trauma to the head injure the inner ear structure \n\n\u2022 Vascular insult decrease the blood supply to the cochlea\n\n\u2022 Brain tumour e.g. acoustic neuroma\n\n\u2022 Side effect of drugs affecting the inner ear or auditory nerve (ototoxicity) \n\n\u2022 Congenital malformation of the inner ear \n\n\u2022 Meniere\u2019s disease \n\n\u2022 Autoimmune disease\n\n\nHow is SSD detected?\n\nAn ENT doctor will normally perform a thorough examination but it is not uncommon to be unable to identify a cause in some situations. An MRI brain scan is always performed on adults to rule out acoustic neuroma, a benign tumour arising from the auditory nerve.\n\n\nIf you think you are experiencing one-sided hearing impairment (not only confined to SSD), please consult an ENT specialist as soon as you can. In a condition called Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (sudden loss of hearing in one ear or both ear), if the treatment is delayed for more than two weeks from the onset of the symptoms, the hearing loss could turn permanent.\n\n\nWhat happens to the senses of a person with SSD?\n\nA patient with SSD will be able to hear with the good ear but will experience difficulty in localising the source of the sound. During a conversation, the patient will have a tendency to turn his or her head to direct the good ear towards the person who is speaking, in order to get a clearer sound. In a noisy environment, the person will find it hard to focus on a single person\u2019s voice\n\n\nHow is SSD treated?\n\n\n\nThere are two ways to achieve binaural hearing \u2013 one is by rerouting the sound from the poor ear to the good ear, and the other is to restore the auditory function by inserting an implant. Rerouting the sound can be done through air (air conduction device) or through bone (bone conduction device).\n\n\nFor an air-conduction device, there is the CROS (contralateral routing of signal) system. The patient wears a behind-the-ear or in-the-ear device that mimics a hearing aid at both the ears.\n\n\nThe bone conduction system involves surgically implanting a device at the skull bone behind the non-serviceable ear. Alternatively, a person can use a stick-on bone conduction device which does not require surgery.\n\n\nRestoring auditory function can only be achieved by performing surgery. There are two types of surgery \u2013 cochlea implant or brainstem implant, depending on the site of the lesion/damage. A cochlea implant bypasses the damage at the inner ear while a brainstem implant bypasses the damage at the inner ear and auditory nerve.\n\n\nSingle-Sided Deafness (SSD) is now listed as a disability by Malaysia\u2019s Social Welfare Department (JKM). \n\nIn 2019, the Social Welfare Department (JKM) recognised SSD as a disability. The JKM registration form (pindaan 2/2019) is now available online at \nJKM.\n\n\nBy DR CHAI CHIUN KIAN AND DR TANG MEE LING / SUNWAY MEDICAL CENTRE VELOCITY\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/financial-literacy", "title": "Financial Literacy For Children: Financial Conversations To Have With Your Kid", "body": "In most households, money is often deemed to be taboo dinner table topic, the same way how politics, religion, sex, or death were sometimes deemed to be taboo. Many parents are hesitant to broach the subject. Reasons given included that \u201cmoney\u201d related topics can only be discussed by adults, among adults.\n\n\nBut perhaps the real reason stems from the fact that we, as parents, often regard ourselves as being \u201cnot good with money.\u201d It could be true, and it could explain why many of us are financially literate only after we entered the workforce in early adulthood. We learned from trial and error. Consequently, we think our knowledge of money is insufficient, and so we neglect to pass it down to our own children.\n\n\nFinancial literacy is the knowledge of how money works in the world. Not only adults, but children also need to learn how to make responsible and informed financial decisions. A\u00a0\nstudy\n\u00a0by the University of Cambridge postulated that money habits in children are formed as early as by the time they\u2019re 7 years old. At this age, they\u2019ll eventually notice and are able to learn their parents\u2019 spending habit. What your kids see you do is a lot more powerful than what they hear you say. Set a healthy example for them and they\u2019ll be much more likely to follow it when they get older.\n\n\nFive Most Important Financial Conversations To Have With Your Kid\u00a0\n\n\n1)\u00a0People Get Paid For Their Work\n\n\nTalk about your career. What do you do and why do you love what you do. How did you pick your career. Ask your child what s/he might like to do when s/he older. Whatever what they decide to be when they\u2019re older, they will treasure their money much more if they understand the hard work that goes behind earning it.\n\n\n2)\u00a0Save Up If You Want To Buy Stuff\n\n\nChildren receive allowances as young as four. Parents should start giving kids allowance as soon as they can count money.\u00a0\n\u201cThe most basic tool for teaching your kids about money is by offering an allowance,\u201d\n\u00a0said Kathleen Grace, author of\u00a0\nPrince Not So Charming\n. Talk to them about the idea of budgeting and saving. Ask them what do they want to buy with it; it can be a toy car or a Barbie doll of their choice. Make sure they use a clear jar when saving. Clear jars give kids a visual. When s/he uses a clear jar, s/he sees the money growing. Check how much the item costs and tell them how much they would need to save up before they can buy them.\n\n\n3)\u00a0How Does A Bank Work\n\n\nMost children who watch their parents withdraw money from the ATM would find it hard to understand how does ATM or bank actually work. Most would probably think that anyone can just simply press a series of numbers on it and the money would freely come out of the ATM by itself. For a start, take her/him to the bank with the allowance that s/he has saved to buy the toy (step2). Open a savings account and deposit his/her the money s/he has saved. Then, open an online account and explain to them how online banking works.\n\n\n4)\u00a0Giving Back\n\n\nOnce they start making a little money, be sure to teach them about giving. Make them see that giving back is also an important part of life. You can start by telling them to sort through their old toys that s/he is no longer interested to play with and then decide which one to donate. In so doing, talk to them about charity and the importance of reaching out to others in their time of need.\n\n\n5)\u00a0Repercussions Of Impulse Buys\n\n\nKids know how to capitalise on the impulse buy; especially when it uses someone else\u2019s money. Encourage your child to wait at least a day before they purchase anything over RM50, for instance. Parents must also be willing to stand by while their kids make poor money decisions with his or her money. Don\u2019t be quick to swoop in, or they won\u2019t learn a lesson. Alternatively, parents can also be open about their own personal money mistakes they\u2019ve made in the past, too. Doing this allows you to lead by example.\n\n\nConclusion\u00a0\n\n\nUltimately, to better improve how we teach our children about money, it\u2019s crucial that we initiate a dialogue and talk about it. If your kids are old enough to ask you to buy them things at the store, they are old enough to start learning about money. The key is finding teachable moments to share with them how to handle money responsibly.\n\n\nWe as parents, should train good money habits in our kids from young. If you\u2019re looking for a Financial Literacy workshop for kids,\u00a0\nMoneyTree Malaysia\n\u00a0is the place to go!\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/complete-guide-to-mindfulness", "title": "A Complete Guide to Mindfulness: Benefits, Techniques & More", "body": "Mindfulness is a major contributor to positive self-development. It covers a wide range of practices that can affect how you view yourself, how you interact with others, how you treat the environment, and more.\n\n\nYet, to many, mindfulness is just a vague term.\n\n\nThis guide will help you understand what mindfulness really is. Learn about the different ways you can practice and how to find relevant methods that work for you.\n\n\nMindfulness Techniques: Meditation\n\n\nWhat is it, benefits, and how to practice mindfully\n\n\n\n\nMeditation is an often recommended mindfulness technique available to everyone, regardless of demographics. Whether you\u2019re a seasoned meditator or are new to meditating, here\u2019s how your meditation practise can become more mindful.\n\n\nWhat Is Meditation\n\n\n\n\nTo find a meditation style that is suitable for your current state of mind.\n\n\nMeditation is a skill that requires practice.\u00a0\n\n\nThinking while meditating is not bad \u2013 it can in fact help train your mind to become more aware of your own thoughts.\n\n\n\n\nThe Benefits of Meditation\n\n\nHere is a concise list that will make you want to start meditating immediately.\n\n\n\n\nWhile there are many surprising things that happen when meditating, becoming a better listener is certainly one good reason to start!\n\n\nResearch has proven that the actual structure of your brain changes if you consistently meditate.\u00a0\n\n\nBurnouts in the workplace are worryingly common.\n\n\n\n\nHow To Practice Mindfulness Daily: Different Ways You Can Be Mindful\n\n\nNurture your body and mind\n\n\n\n\nNow that meditating has been thoroughly covered, let\u2019s focus on your body.\n\n\n\n\nFor almost two years now, Malaysians have been working from home. Did you know that your posture can affect your mood and health?\u00a0\n\n\nSpeaking of being stuck at home. It\u2019s a known fact that stress can lead to binge eating. Therefore, starting tiny habits to help create a healthier relationship with food is important. So is eating mindfully!\n\n\nExercising is a known mood booster. If you\u2019re not mindful while training, however, you may injure yourself. Make sure to avoid mistakes while exercising.\n\n\nFor the female readers: learn about your menstrual cycle and how you can eat and work out to feel empowered while menstruating.\n\n\n\n\nMindful Relationships with Others\n\n\nFoster healthy relationships with yourself and others\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s easy to forget to be mindful when you\u2019re surrounded by people you\u2019re comfortable with. However, your words and your actions can have a lasting impact. Bringing mindfulness into your day-to-day interactions with others is key.\n\nAlso, the way others interact with you is not always an accurate reflection of how they feel about you. They may just be unaware of themselves and their words or actions.\n\n\n\n\nFigure out your\u00a0Attachment Style and then use this knowledge to understand how other people have different attachment styles from you\n\n\nSeeing someone special? Here are\u00a05 Ways To Be More Mindful In Your Relationship\n\n\nIf you\u2019re a parent, this is how to\u00a0Equip Your Child With Crucial Life Skills\n\n\n\n\nMindful Consumerism\n\n\nLifestyle changes and mindful gifts\n\n\n\n\nThe modern world applauds fast everything. Fast cars, fast food, fast fashion, etc. Unfortunately, consuming items produced quickly is usually harmful to the environment, those who produced the item, and to your body, too. Here is how to consume mindfully.\n\n\n\n\nA Beginner\u2019s Guide To Zero Waste Living\u00a0and\u00a05 Bulk Food Stores in Kuala Lumpur To Help You Get Into Zero-Waste Living\n\n\nWith Christmas around the corner,\u00a0 instead of purchasing \u2018one-time\u2019 items this year, why not buy any of these\u00a06 Mindful Gifts that will last longer than the Christmas season?\n\n\nYou are what you consume, so try to make it a habit to consume things that uplift your body, mind, & soul. Like these\u00a012 Inspirational Books About Mindfulness\n\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s More To Mindfulness\n\n\nBecoming mindful is a lifelong journey. It\u2019s about constantly re-assessing your internal dialogue, cultivating awareness of the way you interact with the world around you, and even the way others interact with you.\n\n\nYes, changing your lifestyle can be daunting. We\u2019re here to help you remain relaxed throughout whatever changes you\u2019re making to become more mindful. Improve your sleep, reduce stress, calm your body and mind.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat it Means to Be an Empath?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nYoga Postures To Help You Calm Down\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHow to Manage Stress During Covid & Beyond\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-suffocated-to-death-in-childcare-centre-caught-on-cctv", "title": "Baby Suffocated To Death In Childcare Centre, Caught On CCTV", "body": "When working mums go back to work, sometimes we don\u2019t have a choice but to send our children to daycare. It is something we are reluctant to do as parents, but with little other choices, we proceed with entrusting our child into someone else\u2019s care. But you might be wondering how to tell if a childcare centre is good.\n\n\n\n\nLooking for the right childcare centre is one of the main concerns for parents who are going back to work. | Image source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWe\u2019ve heard so many horrifying stories lately on accidents and \nmishaps in daycare centres\n that happened and it\u2019s still happening globally.\n\n\nRecently, an 11-month-old boy suffocated to death in a childcare centre in Taiwan. Reports say the babysitter is responsible for the baby\u2019s death for hugging him to sleep.\n\n\nAccording to \nTaiwan News\n, the babysitter was just trying to get him to sleep.\u00a0\nThe 40-year-old woman told the police that he was an active baby, so she hugged him to coax him to take an afternoon nap.\n\n\nHow to tell if a childcare centre is good: Avoid accidents like this\n\n\nShe was seen wrapping her arms around the boy\u2019s head and slinging her leg over his bottom as he laid on a sleeping mat.\u00a0\nWith his face tucked against her body and being pinned down, the toddler can be seen trying to struggle free.\n\n\nHe tried to free himself of the sitter\u2019s hold by wiggling his arms and body, but she continues to hold him in a tight embrace, giving little or no room to breathe.\n\n\n\n\nHow to tell if a childcare centre is good: Avoid accidents like this. The babysitter can be seen lying on top of the boy on CCTV. | Source: Asiaone\n\n\n\n\nThe babysitter only let go of the boy when he stopped moving after 19 minutes, to attend to other children. She did not seem aware that she had smothered him to death.\n\n\nThe motionless boy went unnoticed until a kitchen staff tried to wake him during snack time at 2 pm. By then, 40 minutes had gone by. \nWhen she turned him over to his side, she discovered that his skin had turned purple and his body had become stiff. Alarmed, she hurriedly called for help and a nurse \nperformed CPR on the boy\n.\n\n\nIt was too late\n\n\nParamedics arrived a few minutes later and rushed him to the nearest hospital, but it was already too late. He had stopped breathing and had no pulse.\u00a0\n\n\nThe parents of the child were horrified with what they saw and demanded that the infant care centre provide them with justice.\u00a0\nThe heartbroken mother told Taiwanese media that the babysitter had tried to apologise to the family, but it won\u2019t bring back her only child.\n\n\nThe babysitter is currently being investigated for a case of negligent homicide.\n\n\nThough we cannot prevent such accidents from happening, we can take precaution in choosing a proper and reputable childcare centre.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to tell if a childcare centre is good\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\n1. Find out how many staff members work at the childcare centre\n\n\nStaff-child ratio is something that must be taken into serious consideration. In Singapore, according to the Ministry of Social and Family Development, the ratios range from one edu-carer to five infants, to one teacher to 25 kindergarten-age children. If a childcare centre has fewer than one carer to five infants, you should disregard that childcare centre and report them for negligence.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Inspect the childcare centre\n\n\nWhen you visit the childcare centre, you will be able to see how they operate. Ensure hygiene standards are met. Make sure you are comfortable with the place before committing.\u00a0\n\n\n3. What are their communication practices\n\n\nSome childcare centres offer you access to their CCTVs directly, while others send daily reports to you. Depending on which you are most at ease with, make sure communication practices are transparent and up to your expectations.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Read mummies reviews online\n\n\nOther kiasu mummies out there will be happy to share their experiences with the childcare centre online. Pose a question in a group or ask your community of mummy friends for their reviews. This will give you a good idea on how good the place is.\n\n\n*This article is from our archives.\u00a0\n\n\nSOURCE: \nTaiwan News\n\n\nRead also:\n\n\nJust Stay at Home! 6 Edutainment Apps & Services to Keep Your Kids Learning\n\n\nThis article was first published on theAsianparent Singapore.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/beautiful-couples-have-girls", "title": "Beautiful couples are more likely to have girls reveals study", "body": "Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Jessica Alba and Cash Warren, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. All these beautiful couples have one thing in common. All of them are parents of girls. Does this mean that beautiful couples have girls?\n\n\nThis common factor erects a step up into proving a study by Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa of the \nLondon School of Economics.\n\n\nThe study\u2019s hypothesis goes along a satirical yet controversial base. That beautiful people tend to have girls and the \u201cnot-so-beautiful\u201d people tend to have boys.\n\n\nVenus must be having such a good laugh at Mars right now.\n\n\nWhat this study says\n\n\nSince 1958, some 17 000 babies born in Britain have been followed for the study. All kinds of data about them have been gathered and analyzed. Dr. Kanazawa picked apart the numbers and found some interesting correlations.\n\n\nAt the age of 7, kids were rated by their teachers as either attractive or unattractive. Once these kids grew up and became parents, a correlation was gathered.\n\n\nThe subjects that were rated as \u201c\nattractive\n\u201d were more likely to have daughters than those who were rated as \u201cunattractive\u201d.\n\n\nKanazawa\u2019s findings will be published in the Journal of Reproductive Sciences, along with his sketchy conclusions about evolution and mate selection, etc.\n\n\nWith a disproportionate number of girls springing forth from the loins of the attractive, this could apparently leave us with less than bountiful pool of attractive men to choose from.\n\n\nA hypothesis is always accompanied with a risk that another research will sweep in to prove the theory wrong. The villain for this theory would be the statistics provided by Andrew Geltman, a statician at Columbia University.\n\n\nHe analyzed \nPeople \nmagazines most beautiful celebrities\u2019 issues from 1995 to 2000. He found that the people who made the list had more boy offspring.\n\n\nThis brings us to the celebrity couples who have boys. David and Victoria Beckham, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Giselle Bundchen. \u2014 All beautiful couples with boys.\n\n\nWe haven\u2019t heard of the study covering any statistics and co relations on couples who have both boys and girls though. We\u2019ll just have to wait for another theory to pop out about that then.\n\n\nThe best step to take now, is to laugh off this whole \u201cbeauty begets girls\u201d theory.\n\n\nWhat do YOU think? Do beautiful couples have girls, or boys?\n\n\nSource: babble.com\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/parenting-styles-nutrition", "title": "Do You Know What Kind Of Nutrition Your Child Really Needs?", "body": "Parents, we know that you\u2019re always trying to find the best for your child, no matter the circumstance. There is no \u201crule\u201d on what is best, of course.\n\n\nAfter all, we know our children the best. But sometimes, we subconsciously shape our children\u2019s eating behaviours and nutritional intake based on our preferences.\n\n\nFind out what kind of \nparenting style\n you are adopting, how that is affecting your child\u2019s nutrition and what you can do to supplement their intake!\n\n\nYou can also stand a chance to get vouchers to buy the right formula for your kids, for up to 20% off by visiting this link \nhttps://www.funwithnutrients.com\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to get vouchers for up to 20% off by visiting this link \nhttps://www.funwithnutrients.com\n!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/food-cravings", "title": "What Your Cravings are Telling You", "body": "Craving is a strong desire for a certain kind of food. People crave differently. Some may crave for something sweet, salty, fatty, etc. Scientists believed that cravings can last for 3-5 minutes.\n\n\nBut, cravings also mean that your body is trying to tell you something about your body. It is a natural way for the body to maintain its balance. Food cravings are the results of the signal released from the brain to the body that gives us a strong desire to eat. Cravings can be due to the stress that some people want to eat to comfort themselves. Some hormonal responses also could lead to cravings for food. Nevertheless, here are some of the explanations of what your cravings mean.\n\n\n1. Cravings for candy or sweets\n\n\nCandy and sweets are high in sugar. Sugar is the source of energy. If you are craving for sweet treats that could mean that your body needs energy. But, candy won\u2019t benefit your body. Instead, opt for something nutritious like fruits (eg. apple, banana, etc) that also pack in sugar and fibres.\n\n\n2. Cravings for salty chips\n\n\nPeople who crave salty food usually will go for high-calorie junk options like chips, crisps or savoury snacks. Cravings for salt can mean that your body lacks electrolytes or water. Therefore, instead of chips, get yourself extra hydration by drinking lots of water. If plain water sounds too boring, add on lime, mint or frozen fruit to make it more exciting.\n\n\n3. Cravings for pasta or bread\n\n\nCravings for starchy food like pasta or bread can mean that you need a mood booster. High-carb foods can induce the release of the happy hormone, serotonin. Alternatively, you can revive your mood by taking a bath! So, the next time if you\u2019re feeling sluggish, soak yourself with a warm bath and might as well with a treat of scented candles to lift your mood.\n\n\n4. Cravings for ice cream\n\n\nIf you are craving for ice cream, this could mean that you might need extra healthy fats in your diet. Before you reach out for ice cream in your fridge, why don\u2019t first try to snack on walnuts or almonds which are also packed with healthy fats?\n\n\n5. Cravings for steak/burger\n\n\nThis could mean that your body is lacking iron, folic acid or vitamin B12. These nutrients are essential for making red blood cells in your body and maintaining healthy metabolism. Burgers and steak can be high in cholesterol so the other option you can go to such as eat up green vegetables like kale and broccoli that are also rich in iron and other vitamins and minerals.\n\n\n6. Cravings for chocolate\n\n\nChocolate cravings can mean that your body needs extra magnesium. Chocolate can help release hormone serotonin that induces a happy mood. Apart from being high in sugar and fats, chocolate too has few vitamins and minerals. One of them is magnesium. Magnesium is important for energy production and muscle function. Women with premenstrual symptoms (PMS) also find themselves to cravings for chocolate, which is true due to lower levels of magnesium and haywire mood. Instead of a random chocolate bar, go for a chocolate drink using high-quality cacao powder that is rich in minerals.\n\n\nHow to reduce food cravings\n\n\nFood cravings can be influenced by our dietary habits, lifestyles and mood. However, uncontrollable cravings may interfere with our healthy diets and risk gaining weight.\u00a0 Therefore, to improve this, there are few things that we can do such as:\n\n\nManage the stress level\n\n\nMany people will eat a lot during stress. Stress also will induce unnecessary food cravings and increase weight gain. Therefore, it is important to manage our stress level, for example by indulging in an exercise or going for a massage.\n\n\nKeep yourself hydrated\n\n\nSometimes our brain gets confused; are hungry or thirsty? They both produce a similar sensation. Hydration can keep us from eating extra calories. Hence, it is good to drink water first before you claim that you want food. Plus, drinking plenty of water will help us to detox and maintain our well-being.\n\n\nGet enough sleep\n\n\nNot enough sleep will cause mood deprivation and hormone imbalance. Hence, unnecessary cravings. Therefore, getting enough sleep will improve this.\n\n\nMaintain a healthy diet\n\n\nA healthy diet will ensure that our body gets enough nutrients to function well. Make sure to take enough protein, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients so the body system is in balance. When the body is lacking certain nutrients, the brain will signal cravings to compensate for the lack.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019d like to avoid cravings, you\u2019ll have to eat better. If you\u2019re wondering how to eat better so you feel energised, have better digestion, avoid cravings and are able to better work towards your goals, check out our new\u00a0\nWellness Starter Kit\n\u00a0\u2013 a seven day virtual program for anyone wanting to incorporate mindfulness & healthy habits to overhaul their health. Because healthy living should be simple, effective and fun!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nPrebiotics, an answer to your child\u2019s constipation woes!\nTip keibubapaan\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThe Importance Of Nutrient Absorption For Growing Kids\nKeibubapaan\nRaikan Hari Ibu dengan Bloom and Grow\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/curiosity-of-a-child", "title": "What Kills Curiosity? Here's Why Parents Must Always Encourage Kids to be Curious!", "body": "I was watching a pair of one-year-old twins playing when they visited our home last weekend. The one thing that strikes me immediately is how different they are from one-year-old 20 years ago. While babies of the previous generation would lie in one place and keep \nbusy with a toy\n till hunger strikes, babies today are far more active and curious about the world around them.\n\n\nKids today want to know how everything works, they like to try out new things and learn from all their experiences. This is very different from the children of those days who were happy to hear stories about an experience, instead of experiencing it themselves.\n\n\nThe innate curiosity children have in them today makes them learn so much more easily. I watched one of the twins as he whipped out \nhis mother iPhone, went to an app a\nnd turned on some music for himself so he could dance and entertain us all.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nSet a toddler free in a natural environment and they will ask you for the names of the plants around them. Show them an \ninteresting book\n and you will see how their curiosity makes them remember interesting facts. Throw them into an activity where they have to discover and you will see the same trend.\n\n\nA curious child learns best. Many preschools that I have studied in the Klang Valley use the child\u2019s curiosity and creativity to teach them basics in reading, writing and counting.\n\n\nThese are the children who do not hate studying because they are discovering a whole new world in a creative and fun way where they are allowed to explore the world around them with their curious nature.\n\n\nSadly, these children then progress to primary schools, a place where \ntheir curiosity is not allowed to enter the classroom\n and dies a slow death. They are welcomed to a world of mugging and memorizing, a world of do\u2019s and don\u2019ts and a world of studying and not learning.\n\n\nAs curiosity fades in children, you will find children who have fewer friends, who read less and this child will be harder to inspire, motivate and teach.\n\n\nHow adults crush the curiosity of a child\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThere are many ways adults constrain and crush the enthusiastic curiosity of a child:\n\n\n1# Fear\n\n\nA child who is afraid will no longer explore new things and will constantly seek a comfort zone where they are \u2018safe\u2019.\n\n\nChildren who are impacted by war, natural disasters, family distress or violence have their curiosity crushed.\n\n\n\nChildren who are constantly told to \u2018sit down or they will be punished\u2019 or \u2018don\u2019t go there or the dog will come and get you are the ones whose curiosity will fade over time.\n\n\n\n2# Disapproval\n\n\n\u201cDon\u2019t touch. Don\u2019t climb. Don\u2019t yell. Don\u2019t take that apart. Don\u2019t get dirty. Don\u2019t. Don\u2019t. Don\u2019t.\u201d\n\n\nYour disgust for your child\u2019s muddy shoes will not make them want to discover tadpoles the next time. Your disgust for a messy play area will not encourage your child to learn through play anymore.\n\n\n\nInstead of reprimanding them for muddy shoes and messy rooms, teach them how to clean up after themselves. This way, they can always use their curiosity and learn and won\u2019t get into trouble.\n\n\n\n3# Absence\n\n\nWhen an adult is fully present as a child explores the world around them, learning is so much more fun. They know they are safe because you are there and they can share their discoveries with you and learn more from you.\n\n\nToday, many parents don\u2019t have the time to spend with their children to explore the world around them and to learn from nature. An hour of TV has replaced a walk in the park. A day with parents has been replaced by a day with the maid.\n\n\n\nYour absence has far more negative impacts on your child than you may think.\n\n\n\nHow to nurture the curiosity of a child\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nYou can nurture your child\u2019s curiosity even when the education system does not. It does not take much. Here are some little ways to pique a child\u2019s curiosity:\n\n\n1. Go slow\n\n\nOur mornings are usually a time frenzied one where we are all in a rush to get ready and go to work and school. Instead of making them miserable, stressed and late, set aside some time for talking about the weather.\n\n\n\nWhen you walk or drive to school, look around and appreciate nature around or talk about an interesting topic.\n\n\n\nIf you can\u2019t do this in the morning, set aside some time during the day where you can observe and discuss the world around you.\n\n\n2. Be bored\n\n\nBoredom may be included in the list of deadly sins, but it is actually the best and quickest way to pique curiosity. Pick a time in the day to shut down from electronics and all external stimuli and you will find all the minds turning on with ideas and questions.\n\n\n3. Go outside\n\n\nGoing outdoors is not just about pointing out flowers and leaves to your child. There is physics with the lighting we experience in our lovely weather here, there are bugs to catch and classify and there are hiking trips to learn from.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n4. Make a game\n\n\nI love this activity the most because it has worked all these years for my family. Whatever the age, your family will always enjoy this one. Have everyone in the house come up with 2 questions they don\u2019t know the answer to. At dinner, pull out these questions and discuss them.\n\n\nThere are countless ways in which you can keep the bug of curiosity alive for your family. If you have a curious streak in you, chances are your children will follow suit too!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nIf Your Child Has a Sensory Disability, Here Are Accommodations He Might Need\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-natural-remedies-for-cough-and-cold-during-pregnancy", "title": "5 Natural Remedies for Cough and Cold During Pregnancy", "body": "That tickle at the back of your throat is the first sign of an unwelcome intruder into your body and is enough to throw you into a frenzy of pill-stocking at the local pharmacy under normal circumstances.\u00a0\nBut now that you have a little bub cozying up in your oven. Whether you are in your first trimester or ready to pop, perhaps you want to go \nau naturel\n in ridding yourself of this pesky cold?\n\n\nBelow are some holistic time-tested remedies that you should definitely try to bring some relief without fear of potential nasty side effects.\n\n\nNatural Remedies for Cough and Cold During Pregnancy\n\n\n1.\u00a0Garlic\n\n\n\n\nRaw or cooked garlic is a great natural rermedy \u2013 just remember to gargle afterwards!\n\n\n\n\nGarlic is a great bacteria-fighting \nsuperfood\n. If you can eat it raw, atta girl! Otherwise, peel four to five cloves of garlic, lightly crush, and then saut\u00e9e it before adding\u00a0it to your favourite dish.\n\n\nAlternatively, you can juice four cloves of garlic, two tomatoes, and a lemon to make a delicious antibacterial and antiviral drink. If juices are not your thing, take the same ingredients, puree them and voila! You have a lovely tomato soup. Add a dash or salt, pepper and even light cream and you are good to go.\n\n\n2.\u00a0Herb Teas\n\n\nHerb infusions \nare readily available at your nearest supermarket. Choose from ginger, chamomile, and lemon flavours.\n\n\nGinger has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine from time immemorial to unclog the respiratory system and get rid of \u201cwind\u201d which is believed to be the culprit of aches and pains.\n\n\nChamomile is great for its general antiviral and anti-bacterial properties. Besides, when you breathe in the soothing aroma of your chamomile tea, is there anything more calming?\n\n\nLemon has got huge amounts of vitamin C which boosts the immune system \u2013 great for pregnant women whose immune systems are naturally lowered during this period. Lemon strengthens the body to enable it to fight its battles.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTake a deep breath and relax with our healthy recommendations to fight the bug.\n\n\n\n\n3. Honey Ginger Lemon Mix\n\n\nBut maybe the last thing you want to do is run out to the supermarket when you are just about ready to fall on your face.\n\n\nFret not, make your own power-drink with readily available ingredients.\n\n\n\n\nTake a tablespoon of freshly grated fresh ginger and place in a bowl of boiling hot water.\n\n\nAllow it to stand for about five minutes.\n\n\nStrain the water into a cup of warm water.\n\n\nAdd a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and another tablespoon of honey.\n\n\nMix together and taste. Add more honey to sweeten as preferred.\n\n\n\n\nGinger is used widely in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for getting rid of\u00a0excessive toxin and helps the body to\u00a0recover properly, according to Ivy, a TCM practitioner from\u00a0The Learning Corner.\u00a0Honey has great anti-bacterial properties and this power-packed drink is yummy!\n\n\n4. Apple Cider Vinegar\n\n\n\n\nHighly recommended \u2013 take apple cider vinegar by itself or add it into food.\n\n\n\n\nMany nutritionists swear by \napple cider vinegar\n and with good reason. It\u2019s great for preventing coughs and colds when taken in the right amounts and also helps push the nasties out when you do fall sick.\n\n\nOn the one hand, when your body gets sick, your body turns alkaline. Apple cider vinegar helps neutralise illness so your body becomes inhospitable to the viruses. On the other hand, it thins your mucus down so it is easier for you to expel it and you breathe easier.\n\n\nMoreover, it contains vital minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon and fluorine that are essential in regulating bodily functions.\n\n\nIf you cannot abide its sour taste, take it in your salad or mix it with maple syrup or honey.\n\n\n5. Berries\n\n\n\n\nYummy and healthy!\n\n\n\n\nWhile our tropical climate might mean that berries are not always available, when they are, load up on them. They can be used as powerful natural remedies against cough and colds.\n\n\nAll \nberries\n are full of antioxidants, but the one to surpass them all in healing properties is the blueberry. Antioxidants are integral in ridding your body of toxins that could be the cause of your sniffles and irritated throat. Either juice them into a shake or perhaps mix a handful into your favourite brand of natural yoghurt. While they may not be as soothing as a hot drink, they do their job in fighting the virus.\n\n\nCoughs and colds plague the average individual about once or twice a year, and with a weakened immune system during pregnancy, it seems as if this is inevitable. You don\u2019t want to introduce potentially harmful chemicals to your little bub, but you are worried that a prolonged infection would affect his growth. These home remedies will doubtless allow you a more well-rested sleep and hopefully tide you over through this down period quicker.\n\n\n(Remember, do take these foods in moderate amounts! Seek a doctor\u2019s advice if in doubt or if your body develops a reaction to any of these remedies. These should not be taken as a complete substitute to medicine for serious cases of cough and cold.)\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nWhat other home remedies do you fall back on when the cold season comes around? Leave a comment below and tell us!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-ovulation-test-strip-for-pregnancy", "title": "Fertility Tools Test Strip To Help Predict Your Most Fertile Times", "body": "Many couples have in common the desire to have children, be it immediately after marriage or even after a few years.\n There are numerous methods that make conceiving easier. \nThese\n include the \nprocess\n of recording body temperature (BBT), weight control, checking cervical mucus, IVF and finally, the easiest of all, the use of an ovulation test strip.\n\n\nWhat is an ovulation test strip?\n\n\nAn ovulation test strip is a home-based test that can be used to determine the exact time of a woman\u2019s ovulation. This is a period of time where the possibility of becoming pregnant is the highest.\n\n\nThe ovulation test strips work by measuring the luteinising hormones (LH) present in the urine\n. Typically, LH is secreted at low levels throughout one\u2019s menstrual cycle.\n\n\nHowever, once a developing egg follicle reaches a certain maturity, LH levels increase, and ovulation occurs shortly after in the following 12-36 hours. Ovulation test strips are thus able to detect ovulation by measuring one\u2019s level of LH.\n\n\nWhat does fertile window mean on the period tracker?\n\n\nWhen it comes to getting pregnant, knowing when ovulation occurs is crucial since the window of chance to conceive is rather narrow each month.\n\n\nThe \u201cfertile window\" in a woman\u2019s cycle lasts six days and corresponds to the lifetime of the sperm and the egg.\n\n\nIf you have intercourse in the three days preceding up to and including ovulation, your chances of getting pregnant skyrocket.\u00a0\n\n\nIf a woman has intercourse six days or more before ovulating, her chances of becoming pregnant are almost nil. Then, in the three days coming up to and including ovulation, the likelihood of pregnancy climbs progressively to 27-33 percent.\n\n\nWhat are the best fertile days to get pregnant?\n\n\nA woman\u2019s menstrual cycle lasts 28 to 32 days on average. Most women ovulate between days 11 and 21 after the start day of their last menstrual cycle.\n\n\nWomen, for the most part, ovulate around the middle of their cycles. However, even if a woman has regular periods and a normal cycle, there are a number of circumstances that might contribute to a lack of ovulation each month, such as hormone issues.\n\n\nWhen should I use ovulation test strips?\n\n\nThere is no right or wrong timing to test for ovulation. Some women like to test their pee first thing in the morning, while others prefer to do it later in the day or evening.\u00a0\n\n\nKeep in mind that the quantity of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine might be diluted by drinking drinks. If this happens, it may appear that you are not ovulating while you are actually ovulating.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, around 2 hours before the test, reduce your fluid consumption. It\u2019s also a good idea to avoid urinating for 1 to 2 hours before the test.\n\n\nHow Do We Choose the Best Ovulation Test Strip?\n\n\nWith the endless choices of fertility tests to choose from, we have made the task easier by focussing on these \ntwo essential\n factors:\n\n\n\n\nLevel of sensitivity\n: The sensitivity of the test indicates the minimum amount of LH in your system that the test is able to detect. \nA lower number indicates a more sensitive test as it shows that the test can detect lower ranges of Lh that would otherwise be missed out on tests with higher thresholds.\n\n\nEase of use\n: Ovulation tests can be challenging to use, especially if you are new to them. \nIt is advisable to kit\u2019s instructions to ensure that you are using them correctly.\n\n\n\n\nThe Best Fertility Test in Malaysia\n\n\n#1 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test\n\n\n\n\nThe Clearblue brand is one of the most accurate and reliable brands in the market, well-liked for higher sensitivity than other brands. \nTest results are generated in 3 minutes and displayed through either a happy or sad emoticon.\n\n\nThe product is also recommended by gynaecologists and boasts an accuracy of over 99%.\n\n\nWhy we like it:\n\n\n\n\nFast results with only a 3-minute wait\n\n\nExtremely accurate (>99%) in detecting LH surges\n\n\nClear results, depicted with either a happy or sad face\n\n\nIdentifies your 2 most fertile days\n\n\nRecommended by experts\n\n\n\n\n Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test \nBuy from Shopee\n\n\n#2 BioTest Ovulation Test Kit\n\n\n\n\nEach box contains 3 kits.\n\n\nTo use the test, you need to hold the test instrument down by the thumb grip with the exposed tip of the absorber facing down.\u00a0 \nThen, place the tip in a direct stream of urine for 10-15 seconds to allow maximum urine absorption\n.\n\n\nPlace the test kit on a flat level surface with the results window facing up. Results will form after 5 minutes in the window.\n\n\nWhy we like it:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nQuick results with only a 5-minute wait\n\n\nEasily available at pharmacies\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIdentifies your 2 most fertile days\n\n\n\n\n BioTest Ovulation Test Kit \nBuy from Shopee\n\n\n#3 One Step Ovulation Test\n\n\n\n\nEach box contains 5 kits and is readily available in Watson pharmacies.\n\n\nTo use the test, you need to hold the test with the absorber facing down and place it in a direct stream of urine for at least 10 seconds.\n\n\nAlternatively, you could also urinate in a collection cup and dip half of the tip of the absorbent into the urine for at least 3 seconds. Then, close the device and wait for the coloured strip to appear in the results window.\n\n\nResults will take about 5 minutes.\n\n\nWhy we like it:\n\n\n\n\nFrom a trusted pharmaceutical brand in Singapore/ Malaysia\n\n\nValue for money\u00a0\n\n\nQuick results with only a 5 minute wait\n\n\nEasy to use\n\n\n\n\n WATSON One Step Ovulation Test \nBuy from Shopee\n\n\nHow to read an ovulation test strip?\u00a0\n\n\nYou\u2019ll get two lines if you\u2019re using basic test strips. The control line is one line long. This is only to inform you that the test is functioning well. The 2nd line is the test line. When this second line is as dark as or darker than the control line, LH is rising.\n\n\nA design will emerge on the screen if you\u2019re using an ovulation test with a digital display, indicating if you\u2019ve reached your fertile window.\n\n\nWhen your test shows a positive result, you\u2019ll know that your LH is spiking and that your fertile window is closing in on you in the following 24 to 48 hours.\n\n\n\n\nDo ovulation test strips really work?\n\n\nOvulation tests are very successful in predicting ovulation because they are \n97% accurate in detecting an LH surge.\n\n\nFinal remarks\n\n\nRegardless of whichever kit you end up choosing, be sure to seek advice from your doctor if you need any clarifications or assistance on how to use them.\n\n\nAdditionally, please do consult your doctor if you are experiencing any irregular menstruation as well as to figure out if something may be going on.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nA Women\u2019s Health Expert Answers Your Questions About Fertility Tracking\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/safe-artificial-sweeteners-during-pregnancy", "title": "Is It Safe to Consume Artificial Sweeteners During Pregnancy?", "body": "Pregnancy comes with a lot of do\u2019s and don\u2019ts when it comes to your diet. Between the cultural nutritional taboos and all the concern about unpasteurised dairy and shellfish, eating becomes a bit of a minefield.\n\n\nAnd then throw confusing topic of artificial sweeteners in the mix. Artificial sweeteners are lower calories substitutes for sugar, but it\u2019s important to note that anything with the word \u201cartificial\u201d attached to it is made with ingredients of a chemical nature.\n\n\nArtificial sweeteners gained popularity primarily because of their lower calorie count. Here was a substance that was sweet, but didn\u2019t have the cons of regular sugar made from sugar cane and sugar beets like weight gain.\n\n\n\n\nThere are four main artificial sweeteners prevalent in the food and beverage market: aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin and sucralose.\n\n\nThese sweeteners are commonly found in products that are labelled \u2018light\u2019, \u2018diet\u2019 or \u2018reduced sugar\u2019. This means that everything from your soft drinks, juice and baked goods to chocolate, yoghurt and ice cream has some form of these four sweeteners if it\u2019s labelled as having a lower caloric count.\u00a0\n\n\nAre artificial sweeteners safe?\n\n\nThe Food And Drug Administration (FDA) is an American government agency that reviews the results of animal, clinical and laboratory testing performed by manufacturers. It then grants approval for a product if the benefits outweigh the known risks. The FDA has\u00a0\napproved these six artificial sweeteners\u00a0\nsafe for consumption: aspartame, acesulfame K, advantame, saccharin, sucralose and neotame.\n\n\nThe bottom line is yes; they are safe, but as with everything, should be consumed in moderation. And if you have an underlying health condition, check with a medical expert.\n\n\nAre artificial sweeteners safe for pregnant women?\n\n\n\n\nAlthough experts do agree that more studies should be done to ascertain the in-utero effects these sweeteners may have, the general consensus is they are safe to be consumed in moderate amounts. This means adhering to the daily intake as prescribed by regulatory agencies, nutritional experts and medical practitioners.\n\n\nIt is important to note that aspartame should not be consumed by anyone with a metabolic disorder called PKU (phenylketonuria), a rare condition that affects the liver. This also refers to pregnant women with high levels of phenylalanine (an amino acid) in their blood. As this is a component of aspartame, the metabolising process can be hindered.\n\n\nAnother artificial sweetener to be aware of when pregnant is saccharin, which while being approved for consumption, did have bad press when it was linked with an increased risk of bladder cancer.\n\n\nThis has been dismissed by\u00a0\nresearch conducted by the National Toxicology Programme\n, which is run by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Studies have shown that this sweetener may cross the placenta so for peace of mind, ask your doctor or just avoid it while pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nNatural sweetener is best\n\n\n\n\nBeing pregnant is a challenge\n and an incredible accomplishment both mentally and physically. Keep it simple and natural, and veer away from anything artificial as much as you can. The upsurge in clean and more plant-based eating has led to many healthier natural options, even for sweeteners.\n\n\nSugar has a bad rap due to being over-consumed, but raw cane sugar and coconut sugar are examples of natural sweeteners that are fine if consumed moderately. Honey is also another good option. At lastly, you\u2019re pregnant! You\u2019re literally making a human life inside you! So if you want a doughnut/hot chocolate/soft drink \u2013 go for it! Just don\u2019t have too much and look out for healthy sugar craving alternatives.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/high-intensity-sweeteners\n\n\nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/phenylalanine/faq-20058361\n\n\nhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/304354526_The_Metabolism_and_Toxicology_of_Saccharin\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/natural-wellness", "title": "6 Natural Wellness Tips for New Mums from Health Experts", "body": "From needing to wake up at odd hours to breastfeed to juggling being a wife and a mum, to still finding time for yourself in between \u2013 being a new mum can be hectic. While it may sound like more to add to your long to-do list, maintaining a balanced lifestyle and caring for your wellbeing is more essential than ever as you\u2019re entering this new phase.\n\n\nBecause if you don\u2019t take care of yourself, how will you be able to take care of your new baby? Read that again and let it digest.\n\n\nSince we want to make this new exciting, and at times overwhelming, phase easier for you, we asked our network of health experts for their best natural wellness tips for new mums. Bonus: All the experts included are also mums!\n\n\n6 Natural Wellness Tips You Need to Know Now\n\n\nSo here they are \u2013 6 natural wellness tips put together especially for you, from one mum to another.\n\n\n1. Use natural supplements to recover and support your baby\u2019s growth\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChildbirth depletes the body of various nutrients, since parts of what you eat that normally would be stored, instead is used to create a little person. Incorporating supplements into your postnatal self-care routine helps you ensure that you get enough vitamins to nourish yourself and your growing baby.\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s brain and body develop fastest during the initial years. If you\u2019re breastfeeding, your milk supports this development, which is why you should ensure that you consume enough nutrients. Even if you aren\u2019t breastfeeding, supplements can help your body restore.\n\n\n\u201cA zinc deficiency may lead to\u00a0\nbaby blues\n\u00a0for the mother\u201d, says the Health & Wellness Director and Naturopath\u00a0\nJohanna Arshad\n, a mum of three. \u201cNot receiving sufficient amounts of zinc through breast milk may also cause your child to cry more. Eating foods high in zinc, or purchasing zinc supplements, can help you avoid postnatal depression\u201d.\n\n\nBesides zinc, our own\u00a0\nAsian Traditional Superblend Pegaga\n\u00a0supports improved cell growth, boosts brain function, milk production, digestive health, skin repair and wound healing. Pegaga has been used for centuries in Asia and also helps flush out excess toxins, ease inflammation, boost energy levels, and instigate weight loss.\n\n\n2. Try eating healthy fats to support your baby\u2019s eye and brain development as part of your natural wellness\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Brooke Lark on Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nIf you are breastfeeding, Arshad also recommends you to eat plenty of\u00a0\nhealthy fats\n. Such as Omega-3, which contains the fatty acid DHA that contributes to optimal brain and eye development. Since your baby\u2019s brain and eyes develop significantly in the first year, it\u2019s crucial to ensure that it gets enough healthy fats.\n\n\nSome foods that include healthy fats and oil to get you started: Avocado, nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, flax seed, pumpkin seed, sunflower seeds etc.), olive oil, coconut oil, and more.\n\n\n3. Take a Epsom Salt Bath to heal and stress down\n\n\n\n\nDr Carolyn Goh\n, an integrated natural and modern medicine doctor and a mum of one, emphasizes the benefits of Epsom salt.\n\n\n\u201cEspecially if you\u2019re experiencing soreness after vaginal delivery \u2013 and even more so if you had a tear or episiotomy. Soaking yourself in Epsom salt for 15-30 minutes will help you heal, reduce the swelling, stress down and sleep better.\n\n\nIf you are recovering from a C-Section, an Epsom salt bath, or a heat-pad, can help reduce pain and discomfort. Also, remember to not lift anything heavier than your baby to avoid putting strain on the incision site. Know that constipation is common after a C-Section, so eat enough fibre to avoid and relieve yourself of any constipation\u201d.\n\n\n4. Natural wellness also includes stay hydrated to boost nutrition absorption and improve your sleep\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nDid you know that breast milk consists of about\n\u00a090% water\n? So if you\u2019re breastfeeding or pumping, try to drink at least 3 litres of water per day. According to Dr. Carolyn, you should also consume herbs such as fennel and fenugreek to promote milk supply.\n\n\nEven if you don\u2019t breastfeed,\n\u00a0staying hydrated is still important\n. Why? Well, water keeps joints lubricated, delivers nutrients to cells, and improves sleep quality and even moods.\n\n\n\u201cAnother way to improve your sleep is to nap when your baby is napping\u201d, adds Dr. Carolyn, who also contributed to our complete\u00a0\nPostnatal Care & Recovery kit for new mums\n.\n\n\n5. Limit phone use to avoid harmful health effects\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSocial media has a habit of making life look perfect even when it\u2019s not. As a new mum, adding more pressure onto yourself to appear perfect is simply unnecessary.\n\n\nMarissa Parry\n, a fitness expert, nutritionist, and a mum of two, also states that electromagnetic radiation (EMR), can be harmful to the health of your growing baby. If you\u2019re unfamiliar with EMR, it\u2019s emitted from technological devices like phones, tablets, laptops etc.\n\n\nResearch indicates that high amounts of EMR can compromise the immune system. The consequences of EMR are yet to be more comprehensively investigated. At this point, we don\u2019t know enough to with certainty determine which problems may develop, or what other risks that may arise, which in itself is a reason to be careful.\n\n\nSo, reduce the close proximity of your phone to your newborn baby.\n\n\n6. Get moving to boost your happiness\n\n\n\n\nAlthough exercising might not be among your top priorities as a new mum, moving the body is necessary to boost your endorphin-, serotonin-, and dopamine levels.\n\n\n\u201cEven going for a walk or performing gentle stretches can help\u201d, says Parry. Once the doctor has given you the green light, she encourages Postnatal Pilates to strengthen your core. \u201cIf you prefer high-intensity exercises, just make sure to listen to your body\u201d.\n\n\nParry teaches at\u00a0\nFire Station in Kuala Lumpur\n, so if you are in the city, why not attend one of her classes when your body is physically ready and\u00a0\nM.C.O\n\u00a0is over?\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nYour Menstrual Cycle Explained \u2013 Including How to Eat and Workout to Feel Empowered\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chakra-crystal", "title": "Know Your Chakra-Healing Crystals", "body": "Crystals are incredibly beautiful with their hues and tones. Not just worn as accessories (though advisable due to their properties as well as beauty), crystals can help with your healing and \nchakras\n. It\u2019s not as easy as it seems though, as there are many different layers to knowing your chakra crystal and how to use it for your benefit.\n\n\nEasy Guide to Understand How Chakra Crystal Works\n\n\nGeneral Rule Of Thumb\n\n\nChakra stones are crystals used for healing purposes with specific vibrations and colour to create healing for each chakra. All your chakras have different purposes and so do the chakra crystal for them. Your chakras have their own colour energy \u2013 use that as a guide to which crystals work best. Certain chakras are more sensitive to specific stones.\n\n\n1# Crown Chakra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: satincrystals.com\n\n\n\n\nStarting from the top, your crown chakra is the core for enlightenment, inspiration, positive vibes and happiness. When unbalanced, this chakra causes stress and the inability to have clear thoughts. In turn, this messes with your purpose and further plans. Amethyst (purple, the colour of the crown chakra) or clear quartz crystals work best to align this chakra with its ability to give clarity and balance.\n\n\n2# Third Eye Chakra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: chakra-bracelets.com\n\n\n\n\nKnown for being the chakra that enables you to organise and prepare you for life, more often than not, the third eye chakra is a tricky one to handle as it\u2019s very intuition-based. If your thoughts are clouded and the vision for your purpose isn\u2019t clear, it\u2019s time to get your crystals to charge this chakra. Amethyst also works for this chakra, but so do Fluorite and Angelite. It\u2019s definitely a matter of preference which crystal feels right to you.\n\n\n3# Throat Chakra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: chakras.info\n\n\n\n\nThe throat being important for speaking, this chakra is one that allows you to speak the truth and express your feelings, thoughts and ideas. Not being able to articulate your thought process and speaking before thinking are often what happens when this chakra is not at its best. Using stones such as Aquamarine (blue like the chakra), Sodalite and Blue Apatite work great.\n\n\n4# Heart Chakra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: chakra.info\n\n\n\n\nWhen it comes to the matters of the heart (think relationships and feelings), that\u2019s what this chakra is about. The feeling of being unloved and also being disconnected from people you love, could lead to you overreacting and getting emotional when not necessary. Aventurine and Rose Quartz are known for the energy of love, be it with someone else or even self-love. Use those crystals to get you back on track with this chakra.\n\n\n5# Solar Plexus Chakra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: gemstagram.com\n\n\n\n\nThe ability to control and take charge of your life, and to have complete power over what you are as an individual is what this chakra is known for. When you feel like these aspects of your life are slipping away, align them back again to feel focused and gain confidence using crystals such as Citrine and Yellow Jasper.\n\n\n6# Sacral Chakra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: adelewalshblog.com\n\n\n\n\nThis chakra\u2019s key focus is on energy flow for you body and wellbeing. The lack of motivation, the feeling of being uninspired and lethargic all come from this chakra not being at its optimum balanced stated. Tiger\u2019s Eye and Carnelian are great crystals that work wonders for this chakra.\n\n\n7# Root Chakra\n\n\n\n\nCredit: newmoonbeginnings.com\n\n\n\n\nTaking into account your physical body and how you treat it, the root chakra plays an important role with how happy you are with yourself. Safety and security is another aspect of the root chakra. To ensure it is balanced and your temper is intact, use Red Jasper and Garnet.\n\n\nDo keep in mind that each of these crystals, due to their individual properties, work in different ways for different people. There are also crystals that are good for the home, such as Selenite \u2013 it\u2019s known to be great for clearing out spaces \u2013 homes, offices & cars. Yup, crystals can be used for physical spaces too! Trust your instincts and feelings when it comes to using them.\n\n\nSo if you\u2019re ready to balance your chakras through crystals. If you\u2019d like to experience this balance for yourself sign up to our\u00a0 \nLIMITED EDITION Relax & Restore Self Care Wellness Kit\n where you\u2019ll be able to experience to find crystals that can help to balance out, plus enjoy a breathwork session which also works to harmonise your chakras. You\u2019ll also receive goodies like Bach Flower Remedies, a natural soap, Palo Santo sticks \u2013 and so much more!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nIs Gratitude the Key to Happiness?\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-dumped-in-bin", "title": "DNA in this couple's hotel room matches baby dumped in bin, says Taiwan police", "body": "In an update to the baby dumped in bin by (allegedly) a Singapore couple case, Taiwan police have confirmed that blood samples found in the hotel room where the couple stayed matched the DNA of the baby.\n\n\nIt is yet to be confirmed if the baby was alive at the time of birth.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIt was earlier reported that Taiwan police was looking for a Singapore couple, after the body of a baby was found in New Taipei City, dumped in a bin full of kitchen waste.\n\n\nThe couple is said to have put the baby in a black plastic bag and disposed of the body.\n\n\nBaby dumped in bin: Taiwan police allegedly looking for Singapore couple\n\n\nAccording to \nTaiwan news reports\n, it was an employee at a recycling company in New Taipei City, who made the shocking discovery on 26 February 2019. The body of the baby was apparently found with the umbilical cord and placenta still intact.\u00a0\n\n\nPolice are now investigating a possible case of murder and abandonment.\n\n\nTo trace the culprits, police surveyed security cameras, and found that the infant had been abandoned at\u00a0Ximending, in Taiwan. It seems that, the\u00a0body was carried by a recycling truck from Taipei to New Taipei City.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: SCREENGRAB NEWS VIDEO\n\n\n\n\nA video captured outside a restaurant in Ximending showed a man in his 20s dumping a black plastic bag into the recycling bin. The man is believed to have a foreign accent, so investigations led police to a hotel popular\u00a0among tourists from Southeast Asia.\n\n\nAccording to witnesses and hotel staff, the man\u2019s girlfriend seemed to be pregnant when they first arrived at the hotel (on 19 February), but by the time they checked out (on 26 February), her tummy had \u201cdisappeared\u201d.\n\n\nInitial reports had suggested that the man and woman were from Singapore and had left Taiwan on Tuesday, 26 February 2019. Police had found traces of blood and hair in the bathroom, and had taken samples there.\n\n\nSingapore couple deny the pregnancy\n\n\nMeanwhile,\u00a0\nin an earlier interview with Shin Min\n, the man had denied the accusations, stressing that his girlfriend wasn\u2019t pregnant. He also said that he had never left the hotel to dispose of the plastic bag at the time.\n\n\n\n\nThe woman too denied being pregnant, and asked how she would have been able to board the flight to Taiwan if she were so.\u00a0The woman\u2019s father also revealed that she had gone back to work the very next day after returning to Singapore. It did not seem like she had just given birth.\n\n\nHowever, the man\u2019s parents did confirm that the couple were in Taiwan on those dates. They however\u00a0 said they weren\u2019t aware of the pregnancy.\n\n\nHead of the Taiwan police team in charge of the case, Mr Zeng Bozhong, told Chinese-language daily Lianhe Zaobao that Taiwan police are certain of the Singapore couple\u2019s involvement in the case.\n\n\nIf their suspicions are confirmed, Taiwan police may contact Singapore authorities to assist with investigations.\n\n\nHere is the latest video of the news coverage:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\nImmunity, The Outdoors & Resilience: How They All Work Together\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nKanak-Kanak\nAnak Tidak Mahu Makan? Ini Cara Untuk Pastikan Anak Membesar Dengan Sihat\nTip keibubapaan\n5 Kriteria Penting Pemilihan Produk Penjagaan Kulit Bayi Supaya Kekal Lembap Sepanjang Hari\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-tips-minimise-stretch-marks", "title": "How to Minimize Stretch Marks Appearance - 6 Easy Tips You Can Try Today!", "body": "All women hate stretch marks, unfortunately, if you are genetically prone to it, sometimes there is very little you can do to prevent it.\u00a0\nSince stretch marks never really disappear, most people will do anything to minimize stretchmarks\u2019 appearance and hide it every chance they get!\n\n\nAccording to \nEveryday Health\n, in fact, n\ninety per cent of \nwomen who have been pregnant\n have stretch marks, and seventy per cent of people develop stretch marks during puberty. It is completely normal to have them regardless of your weight.\n\n\nStretch marks are developed when your skin is made to stretch at an abnormally fast rate. When it is stretched rapidly, the skin is unable to react fast enough and caused the middle layer of your skin to tear! These tears appear as a reddish-purple line at first, but over time will develop into the white streaks we see on your breasts, stomach, hips or buttons.\n\n\n6 Ways To Minimize Stretchmarks Appearance\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOn the bright side, there are some steps to minimize how \nstretchmarks will be. Here\u2019s what you need to know!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1# \nMinimize stretchmarks by using your \nfavourite moisturizer\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nYou can use \nany mild moisturiser\n you have and slather it all over your skin to massage the areas where \nstretchmarks\n have begun to appear. Massage the area several times a day.\n\n\nThough some people believe that cocoa butter is an important ingredient that will help to reduce stretchmarks it\u2019s interesting to note that no studies to date have proven so.\n\n\nAlthough studies have proven that creams containing Gotu kola (also known as Luei Gong Gen/ Vallaria) extracts, vitamin e and collagen hydrolysates are associated with fewer stretch marks.\n\n\n2# Exfoliate your skin regularly\n\n\nDo so with a gentle exfoliate.\n There are many ready-mades exfoliates in the market. NTUC has tons and you can pick one that suits your skin type the next time you go shopping for groceries.\n\n\nYou can also make your own exfoliate using dried and powdered orange peel and yoghurt.\n\n\n3# Take your supplements to m\ninimize stretchmarks\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nVitamin E helps repair and replenish collagen. \nA daily dose of Vitamin E or a massage with Vitamin E oils\n can help you reduce the appearance of these stretch marks.\n\n\nWheat germ oil, cosmetic products that contain peptides, and retinoids are some of the other products that may work on your skin. However, their efficacy is not known.\n\n\n4# Drink lots of water\n\n\nThis way, you will keep your skin hydrated and it will remain relatively free from scars and stretch marks\n\n\n5# Exercise regularly when you are pregnant\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels\n\n\n\n\nA lot of women avoid any kind of exercise and take long periods of rest. This could be detrimental to your overall health as well as the health of your skin. \nPartner Stories\nKanak-Kanak\nDuduk Di Rumah Menyebabkan Masalah Lebih Mendalam Seperti Screen Time Berlebihan & Diet Tak Teratur\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBagaimana\u200c \u200cUntuk\u200c \u200cAjar\u200c \u200cAnak\u200c \u200cTentang\u200c \u200cWang:\u200c \u200cPanduan\u200c \u200cMengikut\u200c \u200cUsia\u200c\n#PendidikanKewangan\n[Iklan] Persediaan Pendidikan Masa Hadapan Anak: 3 Kesalahan Utama Ibu Bapa Sering Lakukan\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBecoming Financially Savvy By Maximising Financial Knowledge\n\n\nTake a stroll for a few minutes everyday.\n If you want, you can even enroll yourself in a special yoga class for pregnant women.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nYou\u2019re Beautiful, Stretch Marks and All \u2013 But If You Wish To Do Something About Them, Here Are The 7 Best Stretch Mark Creams You Can Try\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mums-dirty-diaper-picture-perfectly-encapsulates-new-mum", "title": "Mum's dirty diaper picture perfectly encapsulates being a new mum", "body": "The trials and tribulations of being a new parent speak for themselves, but let\u2019s just say that the experience isn\u2019t for the faint of heart.\n\n\nEverything from sporadic sleeping patterns (of both you and your baby), earsplitting crying sessions, and general distress\u2026it\u2019s enough to break even the toughest parents.\n\n\nWhile these aforementioned \u201cpleasantries\u201d are endearing in their own right, there\u2019s nothing quite like diaper duty. Not only is it a unique way to bond with your infant, but it\u2019s also debatably one of the grossest things you\u2019ll be responsible for in your life. But, hey\u2014someone has to do it.\n\n\nEsther Anderson is no stranger to diaper duty. In fact, if you\u2019re an active part of social media and follow Story of This Life\u2019s Facebook account, then you already know she\u2019s no rookie to the diaper game.\n\n\nIn an absolutely hilarious viral photo shared by Story of This Life\u2019s Facebook, Anderson\u2019s daughter, Ellia, aimed to test the validity of the old adage, \u201ca picture is worth a thousand words.\u201d\n\n\nIn the photo (seen below), Anderson is seen holding her baby who\u2019s just had what the internet has deemed \u201ca diaper blow out\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nWhile the human eye will undoubtedly be drawn to the messy situation, on second glance, you\u2019ll want to analyse Esther Anderson\u2019s face!\n\n\nThe photo is being called the perfect definition of being a new parent, and for good reason. There are lot of things that come along with being anew parent, and the dirty work cannot be overlooked. It\u2019s not all cuddles and cute giggles. Sometimes it\u2019s about stinky, messy, and downright nasty situations.\n\n\nIn the photo, Anderson used the caption: \u201cSecond blowout of the day, and let me tell you \u2026 this one wasn\u2019t nearly as bad as this morning\u2019s. Let\u2019s just say Ellia might go back into her Pull-Ups for tonight.\u201d\n\n\nWhich, honestly, makes you grateful that we aren\u2019t getting a first hand look at the first blowout!\n\n\nIn the comment section of the hilarious image, parents spoke their mind on the legitimacy and truth behind the photo.\n\n\nOne mother and commenter, Lily Fisk, had this to say:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cBlowout on my first child, the most memorable, was her christening.\u00a0She was 2 weeks old. Barely weighed 5 lbs. She had a monitor strapped to her with a machine. The gown was one all of my cousins had worn and I. We did not know she was allergic to everything at the time, which made her unable to tolerate breastmilk.\u00a0So in the middle of Mass, her monitor sounds off just as she decided to blowout. My father was holding her. His tie got stuck on the little flaps and pulled the diaper down.\u00a0Yep. Still can not get the stains out.\u201d\n\n\nLooks like you\u2019re not alone Esther! Other mums have had to roll up their sleeves and deal with diaper duty too!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAnother mother shared her thoughts on the hysterical photo:\n\n\n\u201cI remember that happening one time when we were on our way to a picnic with the family. She had a blowout up to her neck! LOL. Had to put her in the tub and start all over. When we got there, the family was like, \u2018Where have you been?\u2019 LOL.\u201d\n\n\nLOL indeed!\n\n\nDiaper blowouts like these are bound to happen. In fact, it\u2019s one of the most fundamental challenges of being a new parent. Through it all, it\u2019s important to stay on the brighter side of these messy situations! Way to embrace the stink, and share a hilarious image with your fellow moms, Esther! Good luck in your future endeavours!\n\n\nThis story was originally covered by \nBabble\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/improve-memory", "title": "3 Fun Ways to Improve Memory: Long-Term & Short-Term Memory", "body": "Sooner or later everyone gets old. That\u2019s just the way of life. You\u2019ve seen it happen to those around you from your parents, teachers, neighbours, etc. And as age catches up to you, slowly but surely your physical and mental abilities will start to falter. However, this won\u2019t be a cause for concern if you know how to handle it properly. Since it\u2019s going to happen anyway, it\u2019s best to be as prepared as you can be so that you age gracefully. That\u2019s why we\u2019ve prepared several types of fun memory slash brain exercises that\u2019ll help you and your loved ones to do so.\n\n\n1. Music\n\n\n\n\nMany studies have shown the beneficial aspects of music towards one\u2019s memory. So that we don\u2019t bore you with a list of academic papers covering the issue, we won\u2019t list down the papers but you\u2019re more than welcome to Google it yourself. Even if you think you aren\u2019t in the least bit musically inclined, you can still boost your memory through learning by heart the lyrics to a song. To make it even more challenging, learn the lyrics of a song that\u2019s not of your native language.\n\n\n2. Jigsaw Puzzles\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t think that it\u2019s just an entertaining game for children as jigsaw puzzles can also be a fun pastime for adults. Besides being a fun game that helps you while away the time, there are many benefits to this classic game. Famously known as a great fine motor skill activity, the impact it has on the mind especially the memory can\u2019t be denied. From the moment the assembled\u00a0\nphoto jigsaw puzzle\n\u00a0pieces are studied and then disassembled so that it can be put together again, the neurons of the brain are working together to make the correct connections between the pieces.\n\n\n3. Cooking\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nAnother fun and engaging activity that aids in boosting memory is through cooking. This activity engages all five human senses of sight, touch, sound, smell, and taste which are all connected to different parts of the brain. So, by training all of these parts it\u2019ll definitely help you to improve your memory. Additionally, it\u2019ll also satisfy your stomach which is a definite plus. Therefore, go and learn a new recipe be it for appetisers, main courses or desserts. Any kind is fine as long as it gets you thinking and working that brain of yours.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-safe-toner", "title": "3 Best Pregnancy-Safe Toner to Get That Mom-to-Be Glow", "body": "An important routine in facial care is the application of toners, serums and moisturizers before ending with sunscreen. However, pregnant mothers can be apprehensive about the use of such facial products, hence we created this list of pregnancy-safe toner for expecting moms to use!\n\n\nThe function of toner or facial freshener is to gently refresh the skin without removing its natural moisture.\n\n\nThis means that toners should not irritate sensitive skin or cause extreme dryness while preparing the skin to absorb products such as moisturizers more effectively.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to Choose the Best Pregnancy-safe Toner\n\n\nFirst and foremost, avoid products that use formulas such as alcohol, parabens, synthetic dyes, and mineral oils. \nAlcohol has several \u201csecret\" names, which allow it to go undetected in the ingredient list.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCheck labels and look for words like ethanol, denatured alcohol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol \u2014 in reality, they all refer to alcohol that can hurt your skin!\n\n\n\n\nSo what should you look for?\n\n\n\n\nBotanical products are rich in vitamins such as artichokes.\n\n\nAntioxidant-rich ingredients such as camellia and fermented rice.\n\n\nSoothing and hydrating ingredients such as aloe and hyaluronic acid.\n\n\nAnti-ageing ingredients such as niacinamide and peptides.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAs a substitute for alcohol-based toners, it\u2019s best to look for toners with a mineral base \u2014 specific ingredients like chamomile, ginseng, or peppermint is great for skin, especially oily or sensitive skin.\u00a0\n\n\n3 Best Pregnancy-safe Toner\n\n\n#1 CosRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis CosRX toner is a gentle exfoliating toner formulated with AHA, BHA, and purifying botanical ingredients that improve skin texture and elasticity, while reducing pore size.\u00a0\n\n\nIt can soothe, refresh and soften the skin with a content of 0.1% AHA Glycolic Acid and BHA Betaine Salicylate. In fact, it can also reduce dull skin and get rid of dead skin cells.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMade with natural ingredients: 10% Pyrus Malus Fruit Water (Apple) and Salix Alba Water (Willow), this toner is gentle enough for daily use for all skin types.\u00a0\n\n\nCan be used as a mask toner, just pour it onto a cotton pad for instant hydration on the skin.\u00a0\n\n\nVegan, cruelty-free, paraben-free, hypoallergenic.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n Mineral Water, Salix Alba (Willow) Bark Water, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Water, Butylene Glycol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Sodium Lactate, Glycolic Acid, Betaine Salicylate, Allantoin, Panthenol, Ethyl Hexanediol\u00a0\n\n\n CosRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Indie Lee CoQ-10 Toner\n\n\n\n\nHydrating and balancing the pH level, this product does not dry out the skin. The CoQ-10 Toner is alcohol-free and formulated with Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Cucumber, Sage and enzymes from Papaya.\u00a0\nThis ingredient make-up makes the skin much calmer, smoother and protected from environmental pollution. The combination of plant, flower and fruit extracts benefit the skin with an immersive, fresh aroma!\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nHydrates and rebalances the skin with Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Vera essence \u2014 Cucumber and Aloe Vera extracts to provide skin relief.\u00a0\n\n\nAlcohol-free and formulated with antioxidants CoQ-10 and Sage.\u00a0\n\n\nSkin elasticity increases while being protected from pollution and environmental invaders.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for all skin types.\u00a0\n\n\nFormulated without 1,300+ banned substances including parabens, mineral oils, sulfate-based detergents, synthetic fragrances, petroleum-based ingredients, phthalates, phenoxyethanol, formaldehyde and GMO ingredients.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients: \nDistilled Water (Aqua), Aloe Barbadensis, Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10), Hyaluronic Acid, Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile), Salvia Officinalis (Sage), Carica Papaya Leaf Extract, Cucumis Sativus Extract (Cucumber), 1 Citrus Aurantium Flower Oil, 3 Propanediol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Potassium Sorbate.\n\n\n Indie Lee CoQ-10 Toner \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Dickinson Original Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting Toner\n\n\n\n\nThis toner is gentle, non-drying and non-irritating to the skin, as well as fragrance-free for sensitive skin. It helps remove dirt and makeup residue, and can even be used daily. \n\n\nAdditionally, it does not contain dyes, sulfates, parabens or gluten.\u00a0\nThis toner makes the skin feel healthily hydrated and is able to cleanse all skin types.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCleanses the skin in a single step.\u00a0\n\n\nMade from 100% natural ingredients for an exclusive formula from plants.\n\n\nRemoves and balances the skin\u2019s oil content while soothing and refreshing, all without being dry.\n\n\nRecommended by a dermatologist.\u00a0\n\n\nSuitable for sensitive skin and pregnant women.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIngredients: \nNatural Witch Hazel\n\n\n Dickinson Original Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting Toner \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nBest Prenatal Vitamins For Pregnant Women\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/decision-making-skills", "title": "How to Work on Your Decision-Making Skills", "body": "In most cases, the decisions we make in our personal lives are more trivial \u2013 what to watch on TV, what to eat for dinner, \nwhat to gift a loved one\n, etc. Decisions we make at work, however, have far-reaching consequences.\n\n\nYour decision-making skills are something that can make or break your career. Luckily, decision-making is a skill everyone can improve. Here are some strategies that will help you make the right choices in a pressing and stressful environment.\n\n\nPractice in Your Comfort Zone\n\n\nIf you have a million other things going on, don\u2019t pressure yourself to work on this skill. Those who are distracted by urgent deadlines should not challenge themselves any further.\n\n\nInstead, try thinking through decisions when you\u2019re not pressured to multitask. Setting aside some time to focus on decision-making can be very beneficial.\n\n\nGetting outside your comfort zone is great, but sometimes, practicing while you\u2019re still in it is a better decision.\n\n\nAvoid Making Emotionally-Charged Decisions\n\n\n\n\nOne\u2019s judgment can easily become clouded if he or she is too emotionally invested in the problem. Use rational, careful thinking, instead of acting impulsively.\n\n\nDon\u2019t focus on your impulsive desires, personality differences, or ego \u2013 focus on the facts.\n\n\nMaking decisions when you\u2019re upset, stressed, or anxious will surely \nlead to poorer outcomes\n. When you feel like you\u2019re acting out of emotion, take a step back.\n\n\nLook at the Problem in Short-Term and Long-Term\n\n\n\n\nOne thing that usually leads to further problems is when you\u2019re looking at the situation only in the short-term. This kind of short-sightedness almost always leads to negative consequences.\n\n\nConsider the potential issues stemming from failure to think long-term. Looking at the situation from the long-term perspective can, for example, prevent unexpected expenses that may ruin your business.\n\n\nMake Evidence-Based Decisions\n\n\n\n\nRather than simply trusting your instincts, use hard facts when making vital decisions. Incorporating evidence into your decision-making can make all the difference.\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re about to resolve something, find out if your decision is supported by data. Get the most complete and current data possible. Challenge your gut feelings with objective evidence.\n\n\nAsk an Expert\n\n\n\n\nEvery decision you need to make has probably been made in the past. While the issue you want to take care of may be unique to you, there\u2019s a good chance somebody already resolved it at a larger scale.\n\n\nFortunately, most entrepreneurs love helping each other and are very approachable. A good alternative is \nhiring a business coach\n. An experienced coach can help you improve your decision-making skills by encouraging you to do some critical thinking.\n\n\nPlan for Doomsday\n\n\n\n\nAnother step in the process of improving your decision-making skills is understanding the potential risks of the decisions you make.\n\n\nTake 10 minutes to thoroughly think about the worst possible scenario of the decision you\u2019re planning to go with.\n\n\nFor example, what\u2019s the worst outcome of you firing someone? Will that person sue you for wrongful dismissal? Will that cause your other workers to lose motivation?\n\n\nThere are many ways to mitigate the wrong decision. However, it\u2019s important to know its potential risks first.\n\n\nArgue it Out\n\n\nTo improve your decision-making skills, encourage exhaustive debate. Give different members of your team the task of arguing for the given option. Others will have to determine flaws in their arguments.\n\n\nBy overseeing the argument, you\u2019ll see every option from different perspectives. Spot how each argument is interpreted and what it\u2019s about \u2013 values, vision, people, data etc.\n\n\nSet Time Limits\n\n\nTo make smaller decisions, give yourself only a couple of minutes. Don\u2019t forget that you can waste a lot of time going back and forth on minor decisions.\n\n\nFor the more crucial decisions, give yourself more time. Depending on the particular situation, this could mean a few days, maybe even a week.\n\n\nThe key is in providing yourself with an adequate amount of time to do some research and weigh the advantages and disadvantages.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nUse S.W.O.T. Analysis\n\n\nBy taking a look at your goals and finding clear patterns, making the right decision is easier. One way to do this is to take a piece of paper and create a detailed scenario.\n\n\nListing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is the basis of a \nS.W.O.T. analysis\n. It\u2019s something that can help you improve your decision-making skills. Moreover, the work you put into this analysis can help you with all future decisions as well.\n\n\nDraw a square with four boxes and list threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths related to a particular decision.\n\n\nIf there\u2019s a strong connection between weaknesses and threats, consider other options. If strengths line up with opportunities, you should probably proceed with the decision.\n\n\nDon\u2019t beat yourself up when you make the wrong decision. Instead, think about why it failed and learn how to avoid making similar ones in the future. Keep the tips mentioned above in mind, and you\u2019ll be confident enough to make faster and better decisions.\n\n\nI\u2019m Rebecca, a translator and avid traveler, a book worm and horror flick enthusiast. My job has given me the amazing opportunity to travel to dozens of countries around the world, and writing on \nRough Draft\n gives me a chance to try to showcase some of them.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\n\u00a0\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\n\nHow to Have a Positive Mindset\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nightmare", "title": "What to do When Your Child Has a Nightmare?", "body": "Remember the many sleepless nights when you had to literally slept 3-hour intervals so you could feed your newborn baby? The bad news is that watching over your child and guarding for their wellbeing never really stops, even when they\u2019ve graduated into sleeping independently in their very own cosy little bedroom. Toddlers can become severely affected by nightmare even before they develop a vocabulary range that\u2019s sufficient enough to explain his or her experiences to you.\n\n\nIt does not change the fact that your child requires your love and comfort, even if it is 5 in the morning and you have work to go to work in 3 hours. The last thing any parent would want is to be sleep-deprived and clueless about what to do with a sobbing child who is clearly terrified about going back to bed.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nBehaviours to Look Out For\n\n\nA distressed child is very vocal about being in pain, even if it is mentally self-inflicted. As dreams usually happen during the second half of the night, your toddler will probably complain about the event in the early hours just before dawn.\n\n\nBesides sudden crying or wailing, other symptoms of a bad dream could include an unwillingness to part from a parent, shaking from terror and strong refusal to go back to bed.\n\n\nThese symptoms could also mean that your child is either physically ill or uncomfortable as well, which is why it is important that you attend to a child who suddenly cries out in the middle of the night as fast as you can.\n\n\nAre Nightmares and Night Terrors the Same Thing?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nSimply put, a child having night terrors is still in a state of slumber, whereas a child recovering from a nightmare is fully awake. Night terrors usually affect children who are above the ages of 4 years old. When one is experiencing night terrors, he or she remains fast asleep but does not dream. At the same time, the sleeper also experiences severe agitation and may cry out in their sleep.\n\n\nIn some cases, a child which is suddenly shaken awake during a night terror episode will not be able to recognise anyone. Other traits include heavy sweating and a racing heartbeat.\n\n\nOddly enough, most children do not recall having night terrors when they wake up the next morning. Night terrors do not affect every growing child, and is less common compared to nightmares, as night terrors usually occur when a child is uneasy or stressed, usually due to change of schools or moving home.\n\n\nThis psychological problem also happens during the non-rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, approximately within two hours after the child is sound asleep. Night terrors usually occur in boys and only 5% of all children reportedly suffer from night terrors.\n\n\nOn the other hand, nightmares only occur when the sleeper is deep in the REM state of slumber. Children between the ages of two and three are most susceptible to nightmares because their minds are at the most imaginative, and they also struggle with the ability to differentiate between the real world and fantasy.\n\n\nDid I Cause the Nightmare?\n\n\nToddlers are especially easy to mould and impress. Typical causes of nightmares in a toddler include violent or scary \ntelevision programs\n, stories or watching something upsetting happen right before his or her eyes.\n\n\nA toddler who has just been separated from his or her parents may also be converting separation anxiety into a nightmare as well, even if said parents are only sleeping in the room next door.\n\n\nThe good news is that while toddlers can stress themselves into repeatedly having nightmares, this phenomenon is usually self-made and is not caused by something the parents has said or done.\n\n\nWhat to do During a Nightmare\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nSome parents prefer to let their children cry away protests during bedtime, especially when they refuse to go to bed or do not want to sleep in separate bedrooms. However, all parents are highly advised to console their children immediately, especially when they suddenly cry out in the middle of the night. If your toddler is too young to communicate with words, demonstrate your love with physical contact instead.\n\n\nPhysical reassurances like hugging, kissing and cuddling are especially important for toddlers who have just been stressed out and is feeling sad. Once the toddler is calm, you can then rub his or her back down until they fall asleep again. Some parents prefer to invite toddlers into their bedroom for a sleepover as well.\n\n\nAlthough this could effectively help your toddler fall back into a deep sleep, repeatedly doing so could create a bad habit that will be hard to reverse. Remember that like teenagers, toddlers also love pushing boundaries just to see how much they can get away with before they get into trouble.\n\n\nA popular alternative is to find a replacement guardian for your toddler as well, especially in the form of a teddy bear! Let your toddler pick out his or her favourite soft toy and make it a habit to let them fall asleep with their plush buddy every night. The smell, softness and familiarity of the childhood object will be sure to calm most kids down.\n\n\nIf your toddler\u2019s nightmare was beast/monster-related, you might also want to make a great show of checking under the bed and in the cupboards for said vermin. The simple exercise of reminding your child that he or she is well-protected may be all they need to calm down and go back to bed.\n\n\nParents may also invest in a nightlight so your child will not feel completely alone and/or defenceless in a dark room. Another great idea is to keep their bedroom door open so they can hear the sounds of their parents bustling about the house as they fall back to sleep.\n\n\nEvery child is different, so do some trial and errors until you find the perfect security blanket for your child. The idea is that you want to provide as much love and comfort as you can, yet also encourage independence at the same time.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\nIf your child is old enough, you may also want to consider talking to them about their nightmare. However, do note that dwelling on the nightmare for too long can cause your toddler to relive the event again, thereby causing even more distress. If you really are curious about the nightmare plot, perhaps you could wait until the sun comes up for a more in-depth investigation.\n\n\nAt the same time, saying things like, \u201cit\u2019s just a dream\u201d is also futile, as younger children won\u2019t be able to tell the difference between fabricated dreams and actual reality. Instead, try other identifiable words such as, \u201cIt was just a TV/movie in your head,\u201d or \u201cIt was just a story\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: babycenter.com\n\n\n\n\nCan I Just Let Them Stay Awake?\n\n\nMost nightmares usually end near dawn, which is why it\u2019s tempting for a tired parent to just let their kid run about the house until it\u2019s time for breakfast. However, it\u2019s always best to encourage your child to try to sleep some more as you don\u2019t want to upset their sleeping schedule or deal with a lethargic child later on in the day.\n\n\nThe sad truth is that all children will eventually experience nightmare frights, and while it is heartbreaking, there is nothing much you can do about it.\n\n\nIf you would like to lessen the likelihood of nightmares, try telling your children happy stories only or relive precious memories like birthdays and Christmas with your child just before he or she falls asleep. When something frightens your child, all you really can do is provide comfort and wait until the terror passes.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/soul-shattering-child-abuse-death-in-japan-has-the-nation-weeping", "title": "'Soul-shattering' child abuse death in Japan has the nation weeping", "body": "In March this year, Japan faced a \u201csoul-shattering\u201d child abuse death case. The victim was a little girl, just five years old, named Yua Funato.\u00a0\n\n\nThe little girl had not just been physically abused over months by her very own mother and step-father, but she had also been starved. In fact, her cause of death was linked to malnutrition.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA mother and her child mourn for Yua outside the apartment where she was abused for months. | Image: Reuters/screengrab.\n\n\n\n\nJapanese Child Abuse Death: What Happened?\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\nThe Japan Times,\u00a0\nYudai Funato, 33, and his wife Yuri, 25, physically abused little Yua from January 2018 right until her death in March.\n\n\nThey also did not give her enough to eat. This led to her death on March 2 from sepsis, caused by pneumonia (triggered by malnutrition).\u00a0\n\n\nWhen she died, Yua weighed only 12 kg: the weight of a one-year-old.\u00a0\n\n\nThe husband and wife were arrested back in March. But will it ever bring back this little innocent who is now an angel?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nJapanese child abuse: The child had been battered and abused for months before her death.\n\n\n\n\n\u2018Mama, I Will Make Myself Do Much Better\u2026\u2019\n\n\nIn a recent report by \nReuters\n news agency, more heart-breaking details about the little girl\u2019s tortured life were revealed.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201c\nMama, I will make myself do much, much better tomorrow than I did today, without being told by Papa and Mama, so please forgive me, please, I beg you, forgive me..\n.\u201d\n\n\nThis is what the little girl wrote in a notebook in which her stepfather forced her to do writing drills as punishment.\u00a0Reportedly, the child\u2019s parents kicked and beat her regularly. She did not get medical care despite her deteriorating condition.\u00a0\n\n\nJapanese Prime Minister Orders Loopholes in Child Welfare System to be Closed\n\n\nYua\u2019s tragic death, which Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has called \u201csoul-crushing\u201d, has forced the government to do some soul-searching.\u00a0\n\n\nOn Friday 20 July, the government announced strict emergency measures that would \u201cconfirm the safety of all pre-schoolers, relying on the help of law enforcement officials, if necessary,\u201d reports\u00a0\nReuters.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThe government will work as one to create a society that protects the lives of children,\u201d its top spokesman, Yoshihide Suga, told a news conference.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLoopholes in Japan\u2019s child welfare services are being blamed for Yua\u2019s abuse going unnoticed (or ignored) for so long.\u00a0\n\n\nSocial Workers Knew of Abuse\n\n\nJust three weeks before Yua\u2019s death, the mother reportedly refused to allow welfare workers to visit their apartment in Tokyo.\u00a0\n\n\nApparently, the workers did not insist on going through with their visit because the family wasn\u2019t under official supervision anymore. They had moved to Tokyo from\u00a0the western prefecture of Kagawa.\u00a0\n\n\nDr\u00a0Fujiko Yamada of the Japanese Medical Society on Child Abuse and Neglect, stated that welfare workers failed to notice signs of abuse the little girl was facing, even when they visited her.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nReportedly, when they lived in Kagawa, social workers took the little girl into protection twice after showing signs of abuse.\u00a0\n\n\nLast July, authorities handed the child back to her mother and stepfather under supervision. This included frequent observation by a doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nEvery following month,\u00a0\nthe doctor had alerted welfare workers to signs of physical abuse. \nYua had also said she didn\u2019t want to go home,\u00a0\na clear red flag,\u00a0\nsay experts.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI want to know why the authorities didn\u2019t take any action,\u201d Dr Yamada said. \u201cHow the words of the doctor, and Yua herself, could be taken so lightly is beyond comprehension.\u201d\n\n\nThe welfare of Japanese children lies firmly in the hands of social workers, since kids there have no\u00a0independent advocate or representation, unlike in other developed countries. However, now, with the pledge of the Japanese government to do more for children, we hope what happened to Yua is never repeated.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMay you rest in peace, precious girl. You were too good for this cruel world. We hope your death has not been in vain, and that this never happens to another child, ever again.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nRawatan Cirit Birit Di Rumah Mengikut Usia Anak, Ini Yang Ibu Bapa Perlu Tahu\nRaise them Resilient\nThe Foundation Of Resilient Children: A Simple Guide To Understanding Pre- And Probiotics\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\nPertandingan & promosi\nBayi PKP Bakal Lahir? Ini Senarai Persiapan Untuk Anda Menyambut Si Kecil!\n\n\nSources: \nReuters\n, \nThe Japan Times\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/desaru-coast-holiday", "title": "Family Holiday Guide: The Ultimate Travel Itinerary for a Trip to Desaru Coast", "body": "It is no secret that Malaysia\u2019s brilliantly managed beaches and coastlines have become a coveted getaway spot for both local and international tourists.\u00a0\nDesaru Coast, especially, is growing in recognition as one of the ideal beachside destinations within Malaysia because of its beautiful blue beaches and much-anticipated tourism developments such as its family-friendly holiday resort area.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, one of the main and most important highlights of Desaru Coast is that it is seemingly less crowded than other destinations in Malaysia, which equals better privacy for your family.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, if you are looking to head down to Desaru Coast, here is a rundown of what you should know before you take that family trip.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat to do at Desaru Coast?\n\u00a0\n\n\nEnjoy family privacy at the beach\u00a0\n\n\nLocated at the eastern tip of Peninsular Malaysia, Desaru Coast beaches are a haven for families wanting to spend some time amidst nature.\u00a0\n\n\nIts 17-kilometre palm-fringed coastline offers white sandy beaches where families are able to enjoy their own peaceful privacy with sunrise and sunset views. Furthermore, you will also find it to be a clean and unpolluted holiday spot due to careful maintenance.\u00a0\n\n\nTake your kids to the Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast\n\n\nAdventure Waterpark Desaru Coast is great for both adults and children. It has one of the biggest wave pools in the world, amazing rides, slides and attractions \u2013 you could opt to spend a whole day here.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThere are five zones in the waterpark, all with its own unique offerings from Kids Ahoy with age-appropriate water play equipment and 13 different water slides for younger kids, to cruising down the 350-meter lazy Penawar River with the family.\u00a0\n\n\nFor those looking for a thrill, we suggest checking out The Tempest which allows bigger kids who are at a minimum height of 122 centimetres. The Tempest has two high-energy funnels and ends with a 24-foot drop, while its 55-foot tube slide includes a funnel in the middle that will send you swirling before a splashdown!\u00a0\n\n\nGolf at the Els Club Desaru Coast\n\n\nThe Els Club Desaru Coast, a 45-hole golfing course, designed by four-time champion Ernie Els comes with a perfect backdrop of rolling valleys set against the South China Sea. The courses are built with The Three Nines, which are The Ridge, The Coast and The Lakes.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, the Ocean Course consists of 27-holes which are suited for all skill levels, while the adjoining luxury clubhouse houses a golf shop, casual dining restaurants, locker room facilities, private function rooms, viewing balconies, and a relaxed terrace. Apart from that, the facilities at the golf course also include GPS buggies.\u00a0\n\n\nIndulge in a food affair\u00a0\n\n\nYou can find plenty of dining options here. Each of the resorts offers restaurants where you can indulge in buffets or a la carte options \u2013 some even have beachside dining for you to fully take in the tranquillity of Desaru Coast.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are craving a burger, River Grill at Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast serves a deliciously juicy lamb patty burger and a crispy tender chicken burger with charcoal buns.\n\n\n\n\nJuicy lamb patty burger and crispy tender chicken burger at Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast\n\n\n\n\nOver at the Big Easy Bar & Grill at Els Club Malaysia, diners will love the thali set, while Tumeric at Anantara Desaru Coast Resort & Villas serves bold, fresh flavours of Thai cuisine. We also recommend trying out the lamb shank at the Elephant & The Butterfly at Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, there are additional options for seafood restaurants further away from the Desaru Coast resort area if you are willing to explore.\u00a0\n\n\nShop for limited edition souvenirs\n\n\nIs a holiday ever complete without a few purchases? \nThe Rock, which is Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast\u2019s merchandise outlet sells limited-edition souvenirs including tees, jackets, collectable pins and more. The hotel also has Hard Rock Roxtars which sells children\u2019s plushies, and other exciting toys, as well as colourful sweet treats.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, the Seafarer\u2019s Gift Shop at Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast offers waterpark essentials such as wetsuits and other apparel.\n\n\nWhere to stay at Desaru Coast?\u00a0\n\n\nThe Desaru Coast Destination Resort is the latest tourism attraction that is part of a plan to revamp the tourism landscape in Johor\u2019s south-eastern resort.\u00a0\n\n\nCurrently, there are four main resorts at Desaru Coast which you can opt to book a stay at.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast: \nLocated right beside Desaru Coast Adventure Waterpark, the hotel is just a short walk to the beach. There are various amenities here suited for a family stay, including a kids club where your little ones can take part in fun and educational activities. Additionally, the hotel offers a well-equipped fitness centre, state-of-the-art spa and an amazing lobby bar for a perfect night-cap, while their outdoor pool is fitted with a submerged sound system!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Westin Desaru Coast Resort: \nThis five-star resort, which faces the beach, offers a spa, a family kids\u2019 club, a fitness studio and an outdoor pool. There are various room types to choose from including sea view rooms and suites for larger families. As for dining options, the hotel has five outlets, inclusive of a beach bar and a lounge.\u00a0\n\n\nAnantara Desaru Coast Resort & Villas: \nChoose between rooms with a wraparound balcony, Malaysian-style villa or a beachfront residence with a private pool. This beachside resort includes a Lagoon Pool, an Infinity Pool, as well as a Watersports Centre where you can try out sailing, paddling, windsurfing, or kite surfing. For some quiet time, Anantara houses a well-furnished library and a modern gym.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOne&Only Desaru Coast: \nWith design inspiration based on local culture and history, the resort is located beside the beach is a short walk to Desaru Coast Riverside. The accommodation options are all inspired by nature and incorporate tropical elements, while the rooms are open, as well as airy.\u00a0 It is also 500metres away from The Els Club (Ocean Course). Apart from swimming pools, the resort offers top-notch spa experiences and wellness programmes.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to get to Desaru Coast?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFun-filled family holiday at Desaru Coast\n\n\nThere are two ways you can get to Desaru Coast Hotel from Kuala Lumpur which is via road trip or by taking a flight.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDriving from Kuala Lumpur: \nIt will approximately take four hours via the North-South Expressway. It is recommended to start your drive early in the morning to avoid traffic jams in the city. One of the popular rest areas along the North-South Expressway is R&R Ayer Keroh where you will find a lot of options to eat, drink and stretch before you continue your drive to Desaru Coast.\u00a0\n\n\nFlight from Kuala Lumpur: \nIf you choose to take a flight, it will only take approximately one hour to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Senai International Airport. From there, you will have to embark for another hour to Desaru Coast which you can take by shuttle.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to pack these essentials!\u00a0\n\n\nWhen packing, it is always good to prepare a checklist especially for family trips \u2013 you would not want to miss out your kids\u2019 essentials. So, here is a basic checklist you can start with:\n\n\n\n\nSunscreen\n\n\nHats\n\n\nSwimsuits\n\n\nSlippers (easier to walk on the beach with)\n\n\nSand toys & books (during beach relaxation days)\n\n\n\n\nHowever, apart from the usual beach essentials, bear in mind two of the most important essentials currently are face masks and hand sanitiser \u2013 remember, always carry these two necessities with you as you practise social distancing and sanitise your hands at regular intervals.\u00a0\n\n\nMore importantly, take time to explain these safety measures to your kids so that they are safe at all times.\u00a0\n\n\nReady to take your trip? Visit \ndesarucoast.com\n for more information and book your stay!\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n website.\n\n\nBaca juga:\u00a0\n\n\nhttps://my.theasianparent.combekal-makanan\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-3-minute-rule-to-create-stronger-bonds-with-kids-according-to-a-psychologist", "title": "The 3-minute rule to create stronger bonds with kids according to a psychologist", "body": "When you think of bonding activities for parents and kids, you automatically think of many hours of playtime or meals together with your little ones. Indeed, creating that bond between parent and child is so important at many levels: love, security, communication are just a few of the connections that are established.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd as important as things like play and mealtimes together are, psychologists say that bonding between kids and their parents can also happen in as little as three minutes. Have you heard of the 3-minute rule, mums and dads?\u00a0\n\n\nThe \u20183-minute\u2019 Rule, according to a psychologist\n\n\nAs parents, we\u2019re constantly \u201cbusy\u201d, whether it is with taking care of our kids or working. Usually both\u2026 and some more.\u00a0\n\n\nIf we\u2019re working, that leaves us with even less precious time to spend with our kids.\u00a0When we do get to finally spend time with them, are we fully present? Is there anything we\u2019re missing out on?\n\n\nThere could be indeed something \u2014 and it could be the most \nimportant\n part of your day.\n\n\nAccording to Psychologist\u00a0Nataliya Sirotich, head of the Center of Work with Children and Youth, there is a precious 3-minute ritual that not many parents perform with their child.\u00a0\n\n\nThe rule of 3 minutes says that when you return home, you focus fully on your child for at least 3 minutes. And you have to do this without fail, every day.\n\n\nIt is a\u00a0simple yet effective way that helps to improve family relations.\u00a0By following this rule, Sirotich says that a child learns to be totally secure with parents. The child\u2019s trust could even be carried on till they become teenagers.\u00a0\n\n\nMums and dads, this may also be applicable if you have gone out of the house on chores like a department store.\u00a0\n\n\nBonding Activities For Parent And Child: How To Manage These 3 Minutes Correctly?\n\n\nIt\u2019s not simply just sharing that 3 minutes with your child. There are some important things to note, of course.\n\n\n1. Position yourself at the same eye level\n\n\nAs\u00a0you spend those 3 minutes in the presence of your child, ensure that you are at the same eye level as him or her.\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s sitting on a sofa or on the floor with your child standing or sitting down beside you, maintaining that same eye level is crucial.\n\n\n\n\nBonding activities for parent and child: a reminder to be at eye level with them. |\u00a0 Source: File photo\n\n\n\n\n2. Observe the 3-minute rule when picking your child up from school\u00a0\n\n\nThis is especially important when you\u2019re fetching your little one from the\u00a0kindergarten. It\u2019s been a while since you\u2019ve seen them so why not just simply spend 3 minutes: hug them and\u00a0gently ask them to share more about their day in school and what they did.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t downplay the importance of small talk here because a child can feel as though they are not being heard if you don\u2019t focus on them. The interactions you have with them are extremely important to them.\n\n\nYour eager little ones can\u2019t help but feel excited to share whatever that is going on in their minds when they see you, according to\u00a0Sirotich. You are his/ her greatest friend!\n\n\nProtip:\u00a0\nFollow up on what they tell you by asking specific questions about it.\u00a0Never shrug them off.\u00a0\n\n\n3. What you should never do\n\n\nYou should never ignore fully focussing these 3 minutes on your child after a period of not being with them. When you don\u2019t dedicate time to your child, they might stop placing importance on their own daily experiences.\n\n\nIt could come off to them as though you are disinterested and in the future, they could even grow up thinking that they should keep things to themselves.\n\n\n3. Of course, don\u2019t to take it literally\n\n\nThe \u20183-minute\u2019 rule simply means taking the extra effort to \nspend at least 3 minutes\n\u00a0fully focused on\u00a0 your child, so that they can tell you the most important things the moment they see you.\n\n\n\n\nCredits: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nBonding Activities For Parent and Child To Create Better Bond of Understanding\u00a0\n\n\nThere are other things you can do to create a better bond with your child, according to \nPsychologists\n.\n\n\n1. Engage in mutual interests with your child\n\n\nThe key here is letting them know that you are interested in spending time together with them and partaking in activities together. It could be as simple as playing a game, cooking or some DIY projects!\n\n\nDuring this time, focus on them and being with them. Everything else can wait.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Letting your child know that they can always talk and confide in you\n\n\nMums and dads, it\u2019s important to practice active listening when speaking with your child.\n\n\nBesides just taking in what they have to say, your child needs to know that you have understood them perfectly. How will that benefit you in the long term?\u00a0\n\n\nThey will grow up understanding your role as a figure of authority and a loving place for support. You can also be sure that they can count on you anytime if they have anything to say or reveal. What\u2019s more, you can expect that this behaviour will most likely carry on in teen life.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n3. Be genuine, do away with the fake excitement\n\n\nSometimes, you might not identify with whatever your child may be expressing to you.\n\n\nIn your attempt to respond to your kid appropriately, the key is to always come from a genuine place. Kids are way smarter than you think. And some are able to catch on when you are faking it.\n\n\nProtip:\n Revisit the conversation that they both of you have, as it reinforces in your child that you have indeed listened and took in what he or she said.\n\n\nConsequences Of Ignoring Your Child\n\n\nIt doesn\u2019t mean that if you don\u2019t practice the 3 minute rule, you are ignoring your child. But not observing this 3 minute rule could manifest in other ways as your child grows older.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCultivating a closed nature\u00a0\u2014 they could withdraw into their own shell\n\n\nYou\u2019re seen to be not with them in times of need and when they get older, they will find less reason to speak with you.\n\n\nThey could be reluctant or see no need to share important details of their lives with you.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe effects of paying extra attention to the little details are long-lasting. The key is always consistency and showing that you\u2019re with your kids every step of the way.\n\n\nSource: \nZeptha\n,\u00a0\nAmerican Psychological Association\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/respiratory-distress-in-children", "title": "Respiratory Distress in Children", "body": "Respiratory distress means difficulty in breathing. There are many causes for this including lung and non-lung problems. The latter is rare. Having a blocked nose usually causes a mild problem and no real distress.\n\n\nBeing mildly breathless can be missed as your child may just be breathing fast or show mild in drawing of muscles around the Collar Bone, Chest Ribs and Upper Stomach Muscles. You may also notice flaring of their nostrils. All this will be more pronounced during play activity or exercise.\u00a0\n\n\nAs it progresses there would be in drawing at rest. In more severe distress they would be unable to speak few words or cry intermittently only. In very young children and babies, they may not be able to feed and appear very sweaty. Once they start developing bluish lips and becoming restless, because of low oxygen levels, an emergency situation is developing.\n\n\n\n\nThe most common cause is a lung infection and the worst form of this would be pneumonia. Young children and babies can get viral bronchiolitis. Another common cause would be asthma. We should always think about a foreign body causing respiratory distress in children.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCOVID-19 causes respiratory distress. However, we should be cautious about this as most childhood COVID-19 are asymptomatic. That means children with COVID-19 can be very well and so may spread the virus without realizing it.\n\n\nTreatment would involve first identifying the cause. If you know your child has asthma, you can first try using the inhaler to relieve their problem. You should seek advice from your doctor if the problem is not getting better with whatever treatment you are giving or if their distress is getting worse.\n\n\nOn the way to the Emergency Department keep your child in a sitting position with the head tilted back to keep the airway open.\n\n\nWhat are the signs of respiratory distress in a child?\n\n\n\n\nFast Breathing \u2013 Difficult to notice. \nUse Best Judgement\n. You know your child!\n\n\nIn Drawing Muscles \u2013 Maybe subtle and require observation\n\n\nFlaring Nostrils \u2013 Especially significant if noticed at rest\n\n\nDifficulty to drink milk (in babies)\n\n\nBluish lips \u2013 Danger sign\n\n\n\n\nWhen should parents be concerned about their child\u2019s breathing?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbove signs noticed at rest\n\n\nBluish lips\n\n\n\n\nIs respiratory distress an emergency? Why do we need to go to Accident and Emergency immediately when we notice signs of respiratory distress in a child?\n\n\nUsually, this problem will creep up on you. Sudden distress is usually a foreign body blocking the air tube. \n\n\nSeek help early if there is distress. If asthmatic and no relief with medication, then seek help from Accident and Emergency immediately.\u00a0\n\n\nHow parents can help a child with difficulty breathing?\n\n\nAside from inhalers in asthma, there\u2019s very little you can do at home for Respiratory Distress. If you are not sure how to remove a foreign body, like doing the Heimlich manoeuvre then you should seek help.\n\n\nIs it normal for a child to breathe fast when sick?\n\n\nAside from a fever, rapid breathing should be a cause of concern. If you have controlled the fever and still find your child distressed, you should seek help from your physician.\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by \nDr Ganesarasa A/L Annarasa\n, \nPaediatrics \u2013 General\n of \nPantai Hospital Klang (PHK)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nWhy It Is Important to Wear Your Mask, Even After You Have Been Vaccinated?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/a-guide-to-which-foods-improve-and-hinder-sperm-production", "title": "A Guide To Which Foods Improve (and Hinder) Sperm Production", "body": "Singapore\u2019s birth rate has been steadily declining over the past two decades and is at its \nlowest for the past seven years\n. While rising costs of raising children are one of the reasons why people aren\u2019t having kids, fertility issues are an ongoing issue. Specifically, a man\u2019s sperm quality could be the reason why you\u2019re not conceiving.\n\n\nA lot of things can affect your sperm quality like genetics or stress. One thing you can control is your diet.\n\n\nBesides the benefits of helping you to lose weight and improve your energy levels, what you eat has a significant impact on improving how much sperm you produce, as well as quality.\n\n\nWhile taking supplements like \nCoenzyme Q10\n or \ndoing more exercise\n can improve male fertility, there has been recent evidence that shows your diet plays an important role in keeping your sperm healthy.\n\n\nSo how exactly does diet affect sperm quality?\n\n\nHow does diet affect sperm quality and which diets are best?\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s been found that when men have more sperm when they have healthy hearts.\n\n\nA \nrecent study\n by Ana Cutillas-Tol\u00edn and her cohort found that men who ate according to the \nDietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension\n (DASH) diet had a higher sperm count and better semen quality compared to men who didn\u2019t follow the DASH eating plan.\n\n\nThe DASH diet focuses on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. There aren\u2019t specific items you should eat, but focuses on the number of servings you have for different categories. These include lean meat (like chicken or fish), nuts and legumes, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.\n\n\nThe DASH diet is found to help lower hypertension and blood pressure because of the lower salt intake. A Mediterranean-style diet will also provide the same benefits.\n\n\nWhile there aren\u2019t any specific foods listed that you shouldn\u2019t eat as part of the above diets, there are foods that are detrimental towards sperm count and quality.\n\n\nWhat should you stop eating to improve sperm quality?\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nEating certain things can really impact your ability to conceive. If you aren\u2019t conscientious about what you eat, then you will find your sperm count and quality to be lower than usual.\n\n\nAlcohol lowers testosterone levels which affect \nsperm production\n. Another reason to cut back on the booze is weight management.\n\n\nAvoid drinking canned drinks or eating a lot of sweets or chips as high sugar content can lead to obesity. Being overweight causes hormone levels to change and impact male fertility.\n\n\nOrgan meats contain a lot of cadmium, a mineral which is found to \nkill sperm cells.\n Hold off from eating too much kueh chap or dishes where innards are plentiful.\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nSoy-based food has been found to lower sperm count. Although the exact reason why isn\u2019t clear, \nstudies\n indicate that it\u2019s because of higher estrogen, which affects hormonal balance.\n\n\nFruits and vegetables with pesticides contain bisphenol a (BPA). Similar to soy-based products, this mimics estrogen.\n\n\nIt\u2019s worth noting that men with low sperm count are at risk of various health diseases. A \nstudy\n found that men with less sperm were at increased risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart diseases.\n\n\n\u201cInfertile men are likely to have important coexisting health problems or risk factors that can impair quality of life and shorten their lives,\u201d explained the lead investigator Dr. Alberto Ferlin.\n\n\nThese results imply male fertility plays an important role in your holistic health!\u00a0\n\n\nSo now you\u2019re familiar with the foods you should cut down on, what should eat more of to have better sperm quality?\n\n\nFoods you should include more of in your diet\n\n\nWhat you eat\n is one of the easiest things to control. Eating the right things can do wonders for your sperm quality, just as much as a bad diet can negatively impact your sperm production.\u00a0\n\n\nLook to include more of these foods for improved male fertility and better health overall.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSalmon\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nSalmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In particular, you\u2019ll find docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is plentiful amongst omega-3 compounds.\n\n\nThis fatty acid \nhelps sperm viability\n.\n\n\nIn other words, it turns sperm from immature cells into more streamlined shape with a long tail that\u2019s effective for swimming!\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nTime to start eating more sushi!\n\n\nWhole Grains\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nWhole grains are commonly found in bread, brown rice, and oatmeal.\n\n\nThey\u2019re rich in vitamin B-12 and antioxidants, which are essential to maintaining healthy levels of sperm.\n\n\nThey also\u00a0contain a lot of fibre which removes\u00a0excess estrogen.\n\n\nSwitch out your bread loaves for whole-grain varieties. Consider including more quinoa and sweetcorn in your diet as well.\n\n\nDark chocolate\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nDark chocolate is great for your heart health because it\u2019s rich in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant often found in fruits and veggies.\n\n\nAdditionally, it contains L-arginine, an amino acid that boosts sperm count.\n\n\nAs with all things good and tasty, eat in moderation!\n\n\nRed meat\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nLean beef and pork contain zinc which \nimproves sperm quality\n.\n\n\nStudies\n show that lower zinc levels are linked to lower male fertility.\n\n\nInclude enough protein in your diet to keep your sperm levels up.\n\n\nDark, Leafy Greens\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nFolate is another B vitamin that\u2019s linked to sperm production.\u00a0\n\n\nResearch\n indicates that low folate is linked to damaged sperm cells.\n\n\nEat more salad with leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, and arugula.\n\n\nDon\u2019t let what you eat get in the way of planning for a family!\n\n\nHave any thoughts on how does diet affect sperm quality? Let us know below!\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/potty-training-guide", "title": "Parents, Here Is The Ultimate Potty Training Tips For Your Toddler", "body": "When your child reached a certain age, you might think it\u2019s time to get him off using diapers on daily basis and start to use potty. You will start doing your research on potty training tips, which potty to buy, or even perhaps how to teach him to say he wants to use it.\n\n\nThe problems with potty training are myriad and even on completion, you are not sure whether your child is truly trained as there could be relapses and regressions.\n\n\nIn fact, it is one continuing battle between the parent and the child till final learning is achieved. As my three years old put it, \u201cHave patience mama, it\u2019s a virtue and will help you achieve anything, even teaching me to use the potty.\u201d\n\n\nNow, before you feel discouraged by the idea of potty training (no matter how hard it would be!), we have some potty training tips all parents must try:\n\n\nStep 1: Assess his readiness to start using the potty\n\n\n\n\nThis is very essential and many parents make the mistake of pushing their child too early, only to face the music later.\n\n\nBelieve me, toddlers can be stubborn and you need to cajole them into accepting this new routine. No amount of \nanger\n or frustration will help get them to use their potty.\n\n\nIt would do you good to remember that all children are different. So, potty training ages would also differ from one child to the other.\n\n\nStep 2: G\net a good potty, which is comfortable and liked by your child\n\n\n\n\nIf possible, have your child select his or her potty as this will help in the long run. I know this might sound silly to you but believe me when I tell you that some toddlers are very specific as to the kind of potty they want and will use.\n\n\nI remember a niece of mine who made a living hell for my sister when she insisted on peeing only in a pink potty. My sister was travelling at that time and forgot to bring her usual potty so she settled for one from the local store.\n\n\nHowever, my niece was not buying it \u2014 no amount of cajoling helped as she continued to pee and poop in her diapers. Only when my cousin got her another pink potty, similar to the one she used at home, did she get onto the potty again.\n\n\nStep 3: Create a routine where the toddler uses the potty to get himself/herself familiarized with the process\n\n\nYou could start by placing your toddler fully \nclothed\n on the potty while explaining the process. Ideally, this should be done at a time when you know your toddler is most likely to have bowel movements.\n\n\nMake sure that he or she is really comfortable. You can place it in the living room or anywhere outdoors initially.\n\n\nLater, of course, you can both remove the diaper when the child is ready and also move to the bathroom.\n\n\nTraining pants are a good addition at this point as they help you in your endeavour\n\n\n\n\nHowever, at all stages, be ready for relapse or regression to earlier behaviour and be sure to treat the situation calmly. Additionally, if there are any accidents, handle them calmly and never make it an issue.\n\n\nRemember you should \nnever \nmake potty training a power struggle issue as this will make your child rebel against it and will not help you attain final success.\n\n\nAlways remember that day and night training does not happen simultaneously.\n So, it would help to train your toddler during the day before you try night training.\n\n\nLast but not the least, it is important to understand that potty training for peeing and pooping also happens at different stages.\n\n\nGood luck!\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat is infant potty training and how do you do it?\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/positive-mind", "title": "How to Have a Positive Mindset", "body": "Stress and worldly issues can certainly play a toll on one\u2019s feelings and emotions. They can make an individual feel worthless, lost, and lonely. Feeling as if no one\u2019s on their side and no one understands them. However, that is most certainly not the case as it\u2019s just our emotions causing us to feel as such. To aid those of you who may have fallen into this pit of despair, we\u2019ve provided several steps that you can perhaps consider in your road to gaining a personal positive mindset. \u00a0\n\n\n1. Think of God\n\n\nFor those of you who are religious or you might not be a devote worshipper but you still follow the practices of a certain religion, always keep in mind that God doesn\u2019t test his worshippers beyond their limitations. If you think that you\u2019re being tested more than those around you, that\u2019s just because you can\u2019t see how God tests them. No two people face the same obstacles in life. Each individual has to face their own problems and so trust in God to help you see through this tumultuous period of your life.\n\n\n2. Learn from failures\n\n\nWho here hasn\u2019t failed before? Everyone has definitely experienced failure in their lives. Some may fail academically, others fail relationship-wise, and there are those that fail in their professional lives. But just because you fail in one aspect, doesn\u2019t mean that the failure is permanent. As long as you\u2019re willing to look at the failure as a learning opportunity that will help you to better yourself (for that\u2019s exactly what it is) then you can certainly bounce back from it.\n\n\n3. Compare yourself with others\n\n\nYou might have heard that it\u2019s not nice to compare yourself with other people but in this case, it\u2019d be a good idea to do so. When we say compare, we mean to think of those who are in worse situations than you. You might think that you\u2019ve been handed the worst hand in life but there are so many more people out there who are more unfortunate than you. So whenever you\u2019re feeling down in the dumps, take a moment to reflect on what you have instead of what you don\u2019t or what you\u2019ve just lost.\n\n\n4. Seek the company of your loved ones\n\n\nNothing works better to uplift one\u2019s spirit than the company of their loved ones. When you surround yourself with those you love be it family, friend, or significant other, your mood will instantly improve as having them by your side will provide you with the strength to face any upcoming obstacles or resolve any issues you might be having. Besides, having someone else\u2019s perspective on whatever\u2019s troubling you might just help you to get over it quicker.\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nSecuring Financial Independence Through Good Work Ethics And Savings\nKids\nOne mum\u2019s journey to find a solution to her child\u2019s eczema\nLifestyle\nKita Support Kita (15 Oct \u2013 14 Nov)\nKesihatan\nSenarai Jenis Najis Bayi, Awas Jika Najis Anak Anda Berwarna & Tekstur Ini\n\n\n5. Treat yourself\n\n\nApart from the four methods discussed above, we\u2019d also like to suggest that you pamper and treat yourself as a way of improving your mood. For this to work effectively, you\u2019ll need to banish all worrisome thoughts from your mind for a few hours at least (or for as long as you need) and just enjoy yourself by doing things that make you happy. It can be cooking a delicious meal for your family, shopping for\u00a0\ncustom-made \ngifts\n, or catching the earliest movie showing. Once you\u2019ve managed to calm your emotions, you\u2019ll be able to think more clearly and the world won\u2019t seem like such a horrible place after all.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/to-the-brave-mother-with-a-terminally-ill-child", "title": "To the brave mother with a terminally ill child\u2026", "body": "When my friend\u2019s son was diagnosed with cancer the first time, I wonder how intense the pain she felt was. When he recovered, I can only imagine how her joy and relief must have soared.\n\n\nAnd, when he was diagnosed with cancer for the second time \u2013 this time aggressive, fast and deadly \u2013 I don\u2019t dare imagine how she felt.\u00a0\n\n\nLiving every parent\u2019s worst nightmare, how did she feel knowing that he was dying this time? What agony did she feel in her heart and soul knowing that she won\u2019t ever see him graduate, fall in love, reach for the stars? That she can\u2019t kiss the pain away this time?\n\n\nHow did she cope when she saw him slipping away, not knowing if she could hold him again tomorrow?\n\n\nFrom where did she gather the strength to keep living when her child took his last breath?\u00a0\n\n\nI can\u2019t imagine. I just can\u2019t.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow do you go on when you know your child won\u2019t? | image: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nThis is what I want to tell her, and every mother out there with a terminally ill child.\n\n\nI don\u2019t know your story. I don\u2019t know the depths of your pain and sorrow as the mum of a terminally ill child. I feel stupid saying \u201cI\u2019m sorry\u201d because no amount of sympathy or pity in the world is going to make your child better. Or bring them back.\n\n\nBut as a mother, I know how you are hurting badly, because this is one thing all mothers share: we bleed emotionally when our kids hurt.\n\n\nWhen my older son once split his head on the edge of a sharp-tiled step, I thought my heart would crack open too. Another time when my younger boy hit his head against the table leaving a gaping gash on his forehead, I swear I could physically feel his pain.\n\n\nI\u2019m not trying to compare these expected hazards of childhood to the experience of having a terminally ill child.\u00a0Because both times, my emotional bleeding scabbed over fast, even though it was intense at the time. I knew my boys would recover. They have only faint, silvery scars left now to remind me of their injuries.\n\n\nSo, how do you go on when you have a terminally ill child, knowing that they won\u2019t? How does your heart continue to beat?\n\n\nAfter my friend\u2019s son passed away, I tentatively asked her how she was coping. She gave me a small smile and told me:\n\n\nIt\u2019s memories of him that keep me going. I celebrate his days of health, his beauty, his laugh, how he cared for his younger brother and sister. I go back to the time when he was a tiny newborn, a chubby baby, a cheeky toddler, a laughing preschooler. He only brought me joy so I refuse to give in to sorrow.\n\n\nI know he would want me to be happy and strong to care for his brother, sister and dad whom he loved with his whole heart. I know he would want me to live my life with no regrets.\u00a0The memories I have of him are pure happiness and it\u2019s how I will remember him forever. It\u2019s how I \nwant him to be remembered. \nNot with sadness. Not with pain. Not with suffering. \n\n\nShe also told me the worst thing to ask a mother of a terminally ill child is about the disease. By doing this, you\u2019re letting the disease win in yet another way. Instead, ask about the child. Put the child ahead of the condition. \u00a0Give the child importance.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s been five years since cancer took her boy. Yet, she remains one of the most positive, cheerful people I know.\u00a0I will always be in awe of her.\u00a0\n\n\nI am in awe of all you mums with a terminally ill child. As a mother, I empathise with you and respect you. Your courage and strength, your love \u2013 nothing can match these qualities that have intensified in you a thousand-fold.\n\n\nAnd on the days you\u2019re feeling not so strong, perhaps this will give you hope: They say when a woman is pregnant, her unborn child\u2019s cells \nmigrate\n to various spots in her body and settle there. After the child is born, these cells are forever carried in you. This is the secret behind that beautiful, mysterious mother-child bond that never dies, regardless of the passing of time.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMums, your child is forever immortal within you.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nPertandingan & promosi\nIbu-ibu, dapatkan Baucar RM15 Shopee Anda Sempena \"Mom\u2019s Day Off\" - Super Brand Day! 19-21 April 2021\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\nProduk bayi\nTahukah anda udara kotor di rumah boleh mendatangkan penyakit kepada keluarga?\nMoney Parenting\nIs It Important To Teach Balance Between Saving And Spending?\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/good-eating-habits", "title": "Cultivate Good Eating Habits From Young", "body": "Finding this all-time favourite nursery rhyme interesting enough to teach your children good eating habits?\n\n\nJohny, Johny, Yes, Papa.\n\n\nEating sugar? No, Papa.\n\n\nTelling lies? No, Papa.\n\n\nOpen your mouth. Ha! Ha! Ha!\n\n\nWell, it could be one of the ways- but don\u2019t give up if it doesn\u2019t work for your children. There can be plenty of other interesting ways to instil good eating habits in them. Before this, let\u2019s set our expectation right:\n\n\na)\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Children may eat a limited range of food than adults during their early years of life, yet this can still cover all the major food groups. Some children \u201ceat little but often\u201d. Therefore, it\u2019s absolutely normal if they eat very well one day and very little on a subsequent day. Forcing them to finish the food may just backfire, to the extent of causing them to hate vegetables even more.\n\n\nb)\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 We can\u2019t make children eat, but we can control what, when and where to feed them. Nutritionist Ellyn Satter suggested this before, \u201cChildren are responsible for how much and whether of eating.\u201d Therefore, when children refuse to eat, it may have little to do with the food.\n\n\nc)\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Children prefer relaxed experience while eating- and to them, food is most enjoyed by eating slowly together with parents. \u00a0So, don\u2019t rush them to finish their food!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nHow to set good eating habits\n\n\nOf course, to teach children about good eating habits is not about preaching or forcing. Just learn a skill or two from the following methods (Who knows, they might work wonders on your children!):\n\n\n1# Set yourself as a role model\n\n\nSet aside some time from your hectic routine and eat together with your children. They will settle to eat if parents eat together at the same time. Amplify your enjoying fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and etcetera to \u201cbait\u201d them. You might want to bring along some fruits as snacks when you on the run, as well.\u00a0 And always keep the positive spirits up in face of unfamiliar food and don\u2019t show disgusted expression even the food isn\u2019t to your liking.\u00a0 This enables the children to take cues from you.\n\n\n2# Get children into action!\n\n\nOne way to arouse your children\u2019s thrill in eating healthy food is to involve them in meal planning. Hear their suggestions out for their meal preference, and guide them to come out with menus and grocery list. While shopping for ingredients, show them how to check for the information-such as nutrition labels and expiry dates-of the food is chosen.\u00a0 Provide children with a few more choices to make, in substitution of the ingredients that can\u2019t be found. \u00a0For instance, suppose you would like to prepare vegetable salad, but there isn\u2019t any tomato available, you may suggest some choices such as cherry tomato or carrot for them to choose. \u00a0\n\n\nBesides, children will mostly enjoy preparing meals together with their parents. Grab the chance to teach these little helpers to:\n\n\n\n\nChoose, scrub or even tear vegetables and fruits ingredients.\n\n\nAdd in ingredients.\n\n\nWipe and help setting dining table.\n\n\n\n\nAnd trust me, by the end of the day, they will be more than happy to eat the fruits of their labour!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\n3# Schedule it\n\n\nAlways try to make it point to eat together as a family, and make sure every member keeps distractions away-for example turn off TV, Ipad, phones and others-during meal time. Besides, preschoolers need to eat every 3 to 4 hours- it will be ideal to prepare three meals, snacks and enough fluids to prevent them from getting famished. Let them pick up the habit of eating on time by setting regular time for eating. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n4# Don\u2019t fool and bribe\n\n\nIn order to grow children\u2019s interest for vegetables, you might include it in the dishes of your children\u2019s preference, and even hide the truth from them. \u00a0Please bear in mind that this is a fatal mistake, as they may feel hurt or betrayed once they figure it out.\n\n\nDon\u2019t be afraid to tell them that there is lettuce -the vegetable that they\u2019ve never tried before- mixed in the special spaghetti you prepare. Just encourage them to eat it, with more enthusiasm. And if they start to take a small bite, consider it a good start as it takes them numerous attempts before they can accept a new food. So, don\u2019t forget to acknowledge their \u201ccourage\u201d with praise \u2013 \u201cYou tried a bit of lettuce. Good job!\u201d\n\n\nAlso, be more considerate to the little tummies. Don\u2019t force children to finish the food more than what they want. Don\u2019t pressurize or bribe children with comments such as:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cJust take one more bite.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cNo dessert and no toys unless you finish this!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIf you don\u2019t finish the food, you\u2019ll get pimples all over your face next time!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cEat up all the broccoli, and I will get you Haagen-Dazs ice-cream afterwards.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n5# Creativity makes the best\n\n\nPlay around with your creativity by preparing greater variety of foods- you should at least introduce a new fruit, vegetables or ingredient in weekly to keep children\u2019s curiosity intact. More often than not, curiosity sparks off their interest. \u00a0\n\n\nBesides, imaginations can add colours to food, too. For example, you can easily decorate the children\u2019s plate into shape of a clown\u2019s face with spaghetti noodles, cherry tomatoes, and carrot sticks. Make your new dish even more memorable to children with funny names, for example \u201cSpaghetti Clown\u201d, \u201cApple Moon\u201d, and so forth. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nCredit: freepik.com\n\n\n\n\n6# Stop becoming a short-order cook\n\n\nAs parents, you are not obliged to cook something just to accommodate your children\u2019s preference, as you are not running a restaurant. Instead, you can include something they enjoy eating-for example stewed chicken- in every meal, and encourage them to taste what you\u2019re having- for instance, noodles with tomato sauce. Then, let them decide what and how much they want to eat. This way, they will learn to respond to their hunger and avoid over-eating.\n\n\n7# Be easy on the juice\n\n\nVariety of fruit juice can replenish the nutrients similar to the vegetables that children refuse. Still, it is not the best substitute for whole vegetables or fruit- and it contributes to malnourishment and obesity. Thus, limit the juice that they drink to only 120-180ml per day. Offer water to them instead so as not to affect their appetite.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTo make vegetable appealing to them, you can try to \u201cdisguise\u201d the vegetable with some sauce or macaroni, to name a few. Enlisting children\u2019s help in planting vegetables will also making them more interested in eating vegetables, on top of giving them a sense of achievement.\n\n\nIndisputably, eating well marks the first milestone for children\u2019s ongoing development, establishing a solid foundation for their learning and growth.\u00a0 Given the right expectation, patience and approach, it will not be impossible to cultivate lifelong good eating habits in children.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0di\u00a0\niOS\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nAndroid\n\u00a0sekarang!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/grand-ion-delemen-hotel-genting-highlands", "title": "Top 6 Things To Do In Genting Highlands For Families with Kids", "body": "We have so many long weekends and school holidays in a year that we\u2019re practically number one in the world for being professional vacationers! But that also means that it\u2019s a great opportunity for parents to bring their kids on short vacations throughout the year. One place they can consider is Genting Highlands \u2013 now with an extra kid-friendly hotel, Grand Ion Delemen.\u00a0\n\n\nGrand Ion Delemen has actually been open for about three years now and it\u2019s starting to gain more attention as the busier part of Genting is becoming more costly and crowded. Grand Ion Delemen is still up in the highlands, but located slightly further away from the main attractions, giving you that luxury of privacy at a more affordable price for the whole family.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are 6 reasons why we think families with kids will love Genting Highlands:\n\n\n1. You can enjoy a whimsical high tea experience at Fairy Tales Cafe\n\n\n\n\nThe Fairy Tales Cafe at Grand Ion Delemen is a really fun and colourful place for parents to bring their kids to. This al fresco cafe offers a cooling experience with the fresh air of Genting Highlands while parents have high tea with the kids. The kids can run around the astroturf area to explore the area and take lots of photos.\n\n\n2. They can swim in an indoor heated pool\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOne of things about visiting Genting Highlands is that kids normally don\u2019t get a swimming pool experience due to the cold weather. But at Grand Ion Delemen, the indoor pool allows kids to go swimming even if the weather outside is a little chilly. Better still, there are super fun floats for rent at the swimming pool so kids can enhance their swimming experience.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Take part in flying fox and challenge course\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re travelling with slightly older children, they will definitely enjoy the outdoor flying fox and challenge course which will get their adrenaline going. And don\u2019t worry \u2013 you can join in the fun too, mummies and daddies!\n\n\n4. Go on an educational Nature Walk\n\n\n\n\nFind out more about your local flora and fauna in the world\u2019s oldest rainforest when you embark on this educational Nature Walk. Get more details from the hotel\u2019s reception about this. Just be sure to wear comfortable gear!\n\n\n5. Visit Skytropolis Theme Park at Sky Avenue\n\n\nJust because you\u2019re staying at an accommodation a little ways away from the main attractions of Genting Highlands doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t still enjoy them! Grand Ion Delemen offers a complimentary shuttle all day long for its hotel guests so they can still enjoy the excitement of the theme park, the restaurants as well as the casino.\n\n\n6. Enjoy a PRAWN extravaganza at Hugo\u2019s In The Sky\n\n\n\n\nThe Hugo\u2019s In The Sky promotion starts on 1st Oct and will last till 23rd Dec 2019. So if your kids love food (or if you and your spouse are huge foodies), then you will not want to miss out on this amazing promotion!\n\n\nSo what do you think, parents? Are you ready to take your children to Genting Highlands for your next holiday?\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nUntuk dapatkan lebih banyak informasi dari theAsianparent Malaysia, boleh terus download \nAplikasi Keibubapaan\n #1 Di Asia Tenggara kami.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stem-avengers-carnival", "title": "Cultivating Future Trailblazers: Sparking Interest Among Children With First of its Kind STEM Carnival in Malaysia", "body": "In a bid to support Malaysia\u2019s goal of growing the interest of children in STEM-related curriculums from its current rate of \n47% to its goal of 60%\n, the nation\u2019s first STEM Edutainment Academy, 5T3M is on a mission to create greater awareness around STEM education amongst Malaysia\u2019s young trailblazers by utilising gamification and interactivity.\n\n\n This is what 5T3M looked to achieve with the recent first-of-its-kind STEM Avengers Carnival targeted at children from ages 3 to 15.\n ]\n\n\n\n\nWhile Malaysia is moving towards the future with technological advances, there is still a majority of our population who are unaware of the positive outcomes that STEM can provide to children. 5T3M\u2019s \nSTEM education academy is designed to help children gain the skills required to succeed in the 21st century. This includes a wide variety of soft skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, creativity, digital literacy, and more.\n\n\nThe STEM Avengers Carnival which was held from June 4th to June 12th focused on allowing children to explore the multiverse of Science and Technology at their academy located in Starling Mall. The superhero-themed carnival looked to cultivate children\u2019s inner creativeness through 5T3M\u2019s gamification and application-based workshops and activities.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5T3M believes this unique approach to science and technology helps drive children\u2019s natural curiosity,\u00a0 passion and creativity rather than rely on a rigid curriculum. With 1000 participants attending the carnival, the event has been viewed as a stepping stone to further \nsolidify 5T3M and STEM subjects within the community.\n\n\n \u201c\nAs a team, it was great to see our slots fully booked throughout the week. We genuinely believe STEM is the way forward for children, families and the nation as a whole. We know there is more to be done to keep the cultivation alive to build these trailblazers for the future and equip them with the required knowledge to solve real-life challenges\n, \u201csaid Mr EH Lim, Founder and CEO of 5T3M Edutainment Academy and Centre.\u00a0\n\n\nThe nine-day carnival \nwas focused mainly on creating an environment for children to \u2018play and learn\u2019 about \nrobotics, coding, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (A.IOT), sciences and entertainment tech \nthrough engaging activities. Some of the mini-challenges included were to empower children to complete these missions using simple problem-solving skills, develop their motor skills by piloting drones and experience technology via virtual reality (VR) and 3D printing. Through these activities, children were not only able to explore the multi-dimensional world but also \ndevelop and strengthen their cognitive skills.\n\n\n\n\nBeyond this, to provide better insight to parents who attended the STEM Avengers Carnival, 5T3M also invited guest speakers to share more on the evolving STEM sector in Malaysia. \n\n\nSome of the speakers include \nChui Ling\n, a celebrity entrepreneur, host, speaker and TV personality,\n Eleanor Cheah\n, a computational thinking specialist, master trainer, and educator, \nMohd Farid Mohamed\n, 3D Printing specialist, master trainer and chief technical expert at Cuberlab, and \nPaul Siew\n, a specialist in product and industrial design and founder of Formventor.\n\n\nIn Chui Ling\u2019s session, \n\u2018Does My Child Need STEM\u2019, she commented, \u201c\nUnderstanding STEM helps kids thrive in a tech-heavy environment. With the rise of the technical and digital age, kids need to have a basic appreciation and knowledge of STEM to succeed in an ever-changing world and to be solution-oriented, enabling them to float rather than sink in any situation\n.\u201d\n\n\nMeanwhile, Eleanor Cheah echoed similar sentiments, stating, \u201c\nIn a space like 5T3M, children are able to learn future skills to not only be future-ready but to also have transferable knowledge which can be used in their everyday life. For example, coding helps children problem-solve. Understanding computers and learning the basics of coding helps children to develop an appreciation of how things work. It also teaches them how software engineers use maths in order to solve problems in a logical and creative way\n.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nExperiencing a significant increase in walk-ins over the last few months, rising about 50% from month to month, 5T3M is in the midst of rapidly growing its presence in the local scene.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\n4 Reasons Why Some Parents Choose Not to Vaccinate Their Kids\n\n\n The success of the academy can be attributed to the researched and futuristic educational approach which emphasises individual development with modern technology for children. Creating a conducive learning environment, 5T3M hopes to carry forward this effective strategy by bringing in-home STEM experience with their eTutor programmes\u2019 home-based learning tools.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ways-new-dads-can-support-breastfeeding-mums", "title": "8 Ways new dads can support breastfeeding mums", "body": "New dads are usually as eager as anyone to begin their journey along the long winding path of fatherhood. While they may be eager to be the best dad they can be, a lot of dads get discouraged knowing that there\u2019s not much they can do to aid their wives while they nurse their newborns\u2026or is there?\n\n\nActually, there\u2019s quite a lot that new dads can do to help and support their breastfeeding partners. Of course, you won\u2019t be able to take the responsibility of nursing directly out of the hands of your wives, hubbies. But, there\u2019s still a lot of ways in which you can make the nursing period as comfortable, easy, and carefree for your partner as possible!\n\n\n\n\nCheck out this helpful list of ways you can support your partner as she nurses your children and learn how to be your wife\u2019s knight in shining armor when needs it most:\n\n\n1. Attend a breastfeeding class\n\n\nIf you attend a breastfeeding class with your partner, you\u2019ll be able to offer valuable information when needed, and help her feel more confident about addressing the situation as a whole. Knowledge is power, so if you\u00a0\nand\u00a0\nyour wife have been armed with helpful tips and tricks when it coms to breastfeeding, there\u2019s no doubt that you\u2019ll be of great help when it\u2019s time to start nursing your child. Just make sure that you take the course as serious, if not more, than your wife so you can help her as much as possible.\n\n\n2. Develop the skill of recognizing your newborn\u2019s hunger cues\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s source of nourishment may come from your wife, but that doesn\u2019t mean that the responsibility of recognizing when your baby is hungry relies solely on her. If you attended any breastfeeding classes, there\u2019s a strong chance they taught you or guided in the right direction of learning how to detect and anticipate your baby\u2019s hunger cues. Be observant and take note of the signs and indications of your baby\u2019s hunger. Help to make t easier to care for and nourish your child.\n\n\nFind out ways to take your parenting skills to the next level, dads! Click next to learn more!\n\n\n\n\n3. Cater to your wife\u2019s needs\n\n\nWhen it comes to breastfeeding and nurturing your child, it\u2019s important to know that you\u2019re the sidekick. As valuable as you may be, she runs the show and so you should do what you can to make sure she\u2019s happy, comfy, and has everything she needs to properly nourish your child. This means that while she\u2019s breastfeeding you should be giving her your full attention and be willing to be flexible when it comes to her needs. Address her problems, and cater to your wife\u2019s needs when she\u2019s breastfeeding. It\u2019s the least you can do.\n\n\n\n\n4. Keep the pump parts and bottles nice and clean\n\n\nFor the most part, it\u2019s the little things that go a long way. One way you can help your wife during the breastfeeding stage is to take some of the smaller responsibilities out of her hands. She\u2019ll be pumping quite often, and one less thing to worry about is keeping those pumping parts and bottles clean. It\u2019s a small gesture, but it\u2019s one less thing for her to focus on and she\u2019ll be appreciative of that. Guaranteed.\n\n\n5. Help out around the house\n\n\nAlong with those pump parts and bottles, you should strive to keep things around the house clean and in order. She\u2019ll have a lot on her mind, and she\u2019ll be genuinely exhausted all the time. Not to say that you won\u2019t either, but if you want to extend your helping hand out as far as possible, doing your fair share of cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. is a great way to say thank you for doing an awesome job nurturing your children.\n\n\nFind out ways to take your parenting skills to the next level, dads! Click next to learn more!\n\n\n\n\n6. Change the baby and burp him/her when needed\n\n\nYou and your partner may have a system in line for keeping diaper duty even. However, if you really want to be a big help and take your dad skills to the next level, you should go above and beyond your shift and help change the baby and maybe even burp them more than usual. Your wife gets to spend unique bonding time with your baby when they\u2019re nursing, so think of changing and burping your child as a way to make up for that mommy only time. It can be your own unique, albeit dirty, bonding time with your baby.\n\n\n\n\n7. Embrace skin-to-skin\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to simply stick with \u201cdirty work\u201d like diaper duty if your want to spend time with your baby. Another way for new dads to get some bonding time with their children is to adopt the skin-to-skin technique. The benefits of this technique are already pretty well documented, so there\u2019s really no excuse for new dads to not try it out ad get to know their baby a little bit better.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n8. Be a positive, encouraging breastfeeding coach\n\n\nIf you took the time to try out those breastfeeding courses with your wife, then you probably picked up some much needed information on the topic. So, with that knowledge in your arsenal, you should work to offer as much help as you can to your wife. But, being a good breastfeeding coach goes beyond that. A good breastfeeding coach will remain optimistic, and will encourage his wife every step of the way. You should always tell her how great of a job she\u2019s doing, and support her spiritually and physically as she breastfeeds your child.\n\n\n[H/T] \nMom.Me\n\n\nBe sure to check out \ntheAsianparent Community\n for more insightful stories, questions, and answers from parents and experts alike. If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below. \nLike us on Facebook\n and\n follow us on Google+\n to stay up-to-date on the latest from theAsianparent.com Malaysia!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/good-parent", "title": "7 Signs That You Are A Good Parent To Your Kids. Kudos Mom And Dad!", "body": "Who\u2019s a good parent? You are!\n\n\nModern parents these days hold themselves to significantly higher standards than when our parents were raising us. \nWe struggle to do the best we can, afraid that we\u2019re failing our kids.\u00a0Are you always worried about being a good parent to your kids? \n\n\nIt\u2019s just so tempting and easy to compare ourselves to friends, relatives, or even social-media-famous parents. We should stop seeing other parents as a measuring stick to our success. Instead we should look at our kids and how they\u2019re doing, physically, mentally, and emotionally, as our measure of whether we\u2019re being a good parent or not. \n\n\nIf you\u2019re parenting with the love and compassion that comes freely and unconditionally, then everything else follows.\u00a0 Good \nparenting skills\n are probably the best thing for out dear children right now.\n\n\nClinical psychologist \nNadene van der Linden\n says that there are seven signs we\u2019re doing alright as far as being a good parent is concerned.\n\n\n7 Signs That \u2014 Yes \u2014 You\u2019re Being A Good Parent\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s easy to know whether you\u2019re being a good parent or not. | File photo\n\n\n\n\n1. Your child shows you a range of emotions\n\n\nChildren can be volatile when they\u2019re discovering \nbig emotions\n. They may be difficult to handle sometimes, but your child\u2019s willingness to express anger, sadness, guilt, or fear in front of you is a good sign. It means they feel emotionally safe with you. There is no fear of being judged or scolded.\n\n\nParents should be worried when their children hide their feelings from them. This is often a sign of the child\u2019s lack of trust in you, and probably a deeper problem in your relationship with them. \n\n\nSo do not shut them down. Pay attention to them. Show them that you appreciate them and that they don\u2019t need to be afraid of expressing how they feel. Show them that they can trust you.\n\n\nYou can say \u201cI can see from how you\u2019re destroying your toys that you\u2019re very angry. And you\u2019re telling me this is because your sister won\u2019t let you play.\u201d It shows that you understand what they\u2019re going through, and that you can handle their emotions.\n\n\n2. Your child goes to you when they have a problem\n\n\nYou know you\u2019re being a good parent when your child comes to you for advice or comfort when they have a problem. This means you have built a strong bond between the two of you that\u2019s based on trust. You provided your child with a secure space that your child can go to when they\u2019re feeling vulnerable. \n\n\nThat\u2019s what homemaking is all about, after all. For them, you are \nhome\n.\n\n\nEncourage this by welcoming your child with open arms, whatever the circumstance, and listen to their problems. They may seem small or petty to you, but if you dismiss the small ones, then they won\u2019t go to you for the big ones.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Your child discusses thoughts and feelings with you without fearing judgment\n\n\nThis means you and your child have an accepting, open, and flexible relationship. \n\n\nSome parents unwittingly make the mistake of restricting communication between them and their children. \nThis can be by overreacting to their children\u2019s thoughts or feelings, or by telling their kids to shut up when kids criticise them.\n\n\nIf they say something like \u201cI don\u2019t like brushing my teeth,\u201d you don\u2019t need to scold them about it. Ask them why first and tell them nicely what would happen if they don\u2019t brush their teeth. Having healthy, decent discussions with your children helps build respect between the two of you.\n\n\n4. Your feedback is non-critical and non-labeling\n\n\nA good parent avoids labels like \u201cnaughty,\u201d \u201cugly,\u201d \u201cgreedy,\u201d \u201clazy,\u201d \u201cfat,\u201d or \u201cbad.\u201d Parents should also avoid labels or stereotypes by pointing out something as too \u201cgirly\u201d or \u201cboyish.\u201d\n\n\nGiving too much critical feedback boxes in your child, represses them, and puts pressure on them to be people you \nprefer\n instead of love. And when a child is repressed and pressured, they might go off and release that pressure later on in ugly ways \u2013 like an unexploded landmine.\n\n\nIf your child ruins the cake in the fridge, focus on the behaviour (\u201cYou did a bad thing\u201d), not the child (\u201cYou are a bad boy\u201d).\n\n\n5. You encourage your child to pursue interests and talents\n\n\nWhen children pursue their interests and practice their talents, they feel a sense of achievement. It gives them something to focus on, not because they were forced to do something, but because their interest resonates with what they want and who they are. \n\n\nEncouraging your child\u2019s interests and talents positively engages them through their teen years, up until their young adult years. It teaches them persistence and perseverance, and give them a greater sense of fulfilment. \n\n\nIt\u2019s not good to direct your child\u2019s interest to fulfil \nyour \nunrealised dreams and needs. Forcing them to excel at something they don\u2019t want can only lead to disaster, even when they appear to be doing well.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\n6. You create boundaries on behaviour to keep your child safe\n\n\nA good parent guides their child\u2019s behaviour by setting down healthy boundaries and limits. Without knowing their boundaries and limits, children grow up either entitled or unable to tell when people or walking all over them. \n\n\nTeach them that there are limits to what they can do to/with other people, and there are limits to what people can do to/with them. They can\u2019t just take their classmate\u2019s stuff. That\u2019s a boundary. And certainly, their classmates can\u2019t just take their stuff as well. That\u2019s a boundary, too.\n\n\nThese boundaries range from ethical and moral boundaries, to etiquette (respectful language), to routines (brushing their teeth).\u00a0\n\n\n7. You fix your mistakes\n\n\nThe willingness to acknowledge your mistake and fix it is a sign of a good parent. It tells your children that you value them more than your own ego. So when you do something that\u2019s out of line, whether you yell, overreact, or insult your child, fix it. \n\n\nTalk to your child, admit your mistakes, and tell them you want to make up for it. You can ask them what they\u2019d wish you had done instead, because it takes into account their wants and needs, instead of making it all about you.\n\n\nWhat Good Parenting Skills Is All About\n\n\nBeing a good parent is not about whether your child has a diet that befits an athlete or has high grades. It\u2019s about having a healthy relationship with them as young people, setting the stage for a closer, more secure relationship as they grow older. \n\n\nThis type of relationship creates an environment where your child can thrive and become a well-adjusted teenager and then an adult. Having a relationship based on\u00a0external factors like beauty, intelligence, or academic achievement is no match to a relationship based on love, respect, trust, and compassion.\n\n\nSo who\u2019s a good parent? You are.\n\n\nSource:\n\n\nMotherly\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hygiene-hypothesis", "title": "Here Are How Two Doctors Raise Their Child To Be Resilient", "body": "You would think in a household with two parents as doctors, it would be a highly sterile and clean environment. But not with Dr. Angel Ho and her husband.\n\n\nIn fact, the dynamic doctor duo believe that kids need to grow up in an environment that allows them to explore and become more resilient. They define resilience as the ability to overcome or bounce back from any obstacles.\n\n\nThe \nFive Pillars Of Resilience\n they adhere to include Adaptability, Resourcefulness, Perseverance, Self-Reliance and Daringness.\n\n\n\u201cMy husband and I are very busy. We work in the same hospital. But everything we learn as doctors is not applicable to parenting. We learn so much about illnesses only. Parenting is something we had to learn on the go,\u201d Dr. Angel explains.\n\n\nThe pair met in medical school. They got married and had their two boys. Dr. Angel\u2019s eldest son is almost four while her second is over a year old.\n\n\nBut years and years of medical school could not prepare them for the parenting journey ahead.\n\n\nToo clean is not always a good thing\n\n\n\u201cThere is this thing called the Hygiene Hypothesis. If you keep your kids in an environment that is too clean, they can develop allergies and are unable to develop their immune system,\u201d Dr. Angel says.\n\n\nChildren need to build robust immunity when they are young, as this allows them to explore the world. From their explorations and experiences, they\u2019ll learn about resilience in the long run.\n\n\n\u201cWe believe strong immunity allows our children to explore the outdoors. And what they ultimately gain are the basic lessons in how to be resilient,\u201d she elaborates.\n\n\nAs long as it\u2019s not dangerous, Dr. Angel and her husband raise their sons in this manner to ensure they are ready to face real-world experiences in the future.\n\n\n\n\nPreparing them to be ready for any situation\n\n\nOne of the reasons for readying her children to face any situation is because Dr. Angel herself grew up in a very protected environment. \u201cI am an only child and my mum was very protective. Even when I left for college, I couldn\u2019t even prepare myself a simple meal or operate a washing machine,\u201d she shares.\n\n\n\u201cSo in my house, my children do simple cooking, dishes, washing as long as we supervise them. You can do everything for them, but one day when you\u2019re not around anymore, then they\u2019re not prepared for the future,\u201d Dr. Angel says.\n\n\nResilience is important for children\u2019s growth and future because of its Five important Pillars \u2013 Adaptability, Resourcefulness, Perseverance, Self-reliance and Daringness.\n\n\nTwo of the most important qualities Dr. Angel believes children should have are Adaptability and Self-Reliance. \u201cThings are always changing. We raise our children to prepare them to be Adaptable and accept and embrace new things and use them to their advantage,\u201d she adds.\n\n\nFor instance, she will always try to expose her children to different environments to test their adaptability. Whether it is helping out in the kitchen or introducing them to a new playground, it tests a child\u2019s ability to integrate with their surroundings. Even when they face conflict, Dr. Angel doesn\u2019t immediately run to the rescue, she allows her sons to develop a sense of self-reliance to get out of a sticky situation. She only steps in to help if they are in danger.\n\n\n\n\nOne method of parenting she believes is effective in helping to develop self-reliance is explaining and reasoning with her children. Children who understand reasoning are able to trust their instincts in the future and be Self-reliant.\n\n\nFor instance, an important takeaway lesson Dr. Angel imparts is how she reasoned with her son not to play with the knives in the kitchen. \u201cRather than just saying don\u2019t touch or no, which will spark curiosity, we explain to them that knives are sharp and it could lead to them getting injured,\u201d she explains.\n\n\nThis is how they learn right from wrong and good from the bad. Many of these things need to be taught when they are young as it would be harder to grasp later on in life.\n\n\nThe same goes for letting her son make or choose his own breakfast. \u201cHe goes to the fridge to take whatever he wants and if he makes a mess, then we get him to clean it up. That is also a lesson in Self-reliance.\u201d\n\n\nTo date, Dr. Angel and her husband boast two healthy boys who are being raised to be Resilient with this parenting style.\n\n\n\n\nResilience is a crucial factor in determining future success. Both Dr Angel and her husband see resilience as an aptitude that can be grown and developed over time; as a mechanism for facing life\u2019s challenges by first providing a foundation in immunity.\n\n\nOne of the ways to develop said foundation is through a diet that takes into consideration the importance of prebiotics and probiotics \u2013 resilience against sickness and disease can offer your child a much-needed boost.\n\n\nSecondly, apart from choosing healthier foods and beverages, formulated milk powder for children like AptaGro\u2122\u2019s Step 3 and Step 4 are formulated with a patented combination of Prebiotics and Probiotic along with important nutrients to help to support physical and mental development so children are better prepared to make the most of life\u2019s opportunities.\n\n\nUltimately, the objective is to help our children absorb life\u2019s most important lessons \u2013 to Persevere in the face of difficulty; to be Daring with novel solutions when solving problems; to be Resourceful with available assets; to be Adaptable to changing situations, and to do it all independently with Self-Reliance.\n\n\nThese qualities can be best internalised when our children have a healthy body and mind, as a result of combining both immunity with specialised nutrition. As they mature into adulthood, they will be better equipped to overcome the obstacles that lead to success. This is Dr. Angel\u2019s ultimate goal and one that will secure her children\u2019s wellbeing.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/musical-instrument", "title": "Choose The Right Musical Instrument For Your Children", "body": "Children nowadays are really busier than adults, aren\u2019t they? I bet you\u2019ll agree with me about this, just by looking at the daunting learning schedule they have. However, there is one thing that most parents will still do for their children regardless of how busy the children are- enrolling them for talent classes, especially classes to learn musical instrument.\n\n\nWell, I think most of you will know better than me about what are the benefits that music can bring upon your young ones. Confidence, discipline, patience, social skills, and cognitive skills such as memory and brainpower, to name just a few, are some of the general benefits that music can bring upon your children.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nHowever, have you ever realized which music instrument that your children will enjoy the most? Is it really good for us to decide what the best instrument is for them to learn, solely based on the most popular instrument learnt by others?\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Baby genius? Listening to music in the womb\n\n\n\n\nPriscilla Dunstan, the author of , perceives that children will gravitate towards certain musical instruments based on their five major senses, namely sight (visual), hearing (auditory), touching (tactile), taste and smell. \u00a0These are the kinds of senses that children have to rely on in order for them to learn; however, there can only be a particular dominant sense they depend on when learning is concerned. So, let\u2019s find out the types of children\u2019s learning styles and suitable musical instruments for each:\n\n\nVisual Learning\n\n\nFind your children hard to understand what you teach without any illustration, image or flashcard? Always tell you about all their fancy imaginations based on what they observe? Can recall almost perfectly just after a glance? Well, most probably they are the visual learners who will only learn the best through visual aids.\n\n\nVisual children prefer order and perfection- and this will definitely save you from the hassles of tidying their room! (\nChuckle\n)\n\n\n\n\nCredit: pixabay.com\n\n\n\n\nSo, the piano will be the most ideal musical instrument for them. The thought of being able to dance their fingers on the keys along with rhythmic musical notes certainly will fascinate them. Besides, they will be glad to emulate the pianists as they play gracefully, composedly and orderly. Furthermore, being able to play the piano well will constantly put them in the limelight, especially among family members and friends. And this serves as a strong motivation for them to play the instrument well!\n\n\nAuditory Learning\n\n\nDo your children like to hum the rhythm of music, recall what they have heard, and able to use oral language effectively? If it is a positive answer, then your children will most probably have a soft spot for a string instrument. \u00a0Born with a better sensitivity towards sounds, they can easily grasp the ways to play with strings in order to make music note sharp of flat.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: needpix.com\n\n\n\n\nApart from that, they indulge themselves in the freedom of creating their own music- and string instruments do provide them such freedom. So, for auditory children, you should nurture their aptitude for music by giving them more freedom in their musical learning.\n\n\nTactile Learning\n\n\nCharacterized by learning through physical touch, tactile learners will more likely opt for the instruments which are physically demanding such as drum, trombones, cellos or others.\u00a0 They like to learn by manipulating objects and through hands-on experience.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: needpix.com\n\n\n\n\nBesides, they prefer to engage themselves in interactive group learning- which makes them inclined to conform to guidelines or regulations. Fuelled with the passion to be part of the performance with the audience, they have the potential to make a good band and orchestra members.\n\n\nTaste and smell Learning\n\n\nChildren who learn through taste and smell are branded as the \u201cimaginative wizards\u201d. They can easily sink in the ocean of imagination when they listen to the sounds especially from flute or harp. Therefore, music definitely makes the best channel for them to express their feelings and harness their sensitivity if they are taught with the right musical instrument.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nFor sure it\u2019s good that we cater the suitable musical instruments to their learning style and learning interest. However, while we are trying to find out the right instruments for them, it is advisable for us to expose them into a variety of music styles, for instance classical, Broadway, pop and soothing music style. Observe their expression attentively as sometimes children may display a strong liking for the specific instrument the first time they hear it.\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t have a tight budget, perhaps you can consider sending your young ones, especially toddlers or preschoolers, to kids\u2019 music centre such as Kindermusik. This helps them to foster a love for music, rhythm and self-expression, enabling them to appreciate music much better, before they delve into the specific musical niche. Alternatively, you may also consider renting instruments for your children to explore. They may change their mind several times before they commit themselves to just one instrument.\n\n\nOf course, you must still be ready to invest in small down payment and monthly payments. However, this investment is surely worthwhile if you view it in long term. You won\u2019t want to spend so much effort and money, only to find our children don\u2019t really enjoy the music course we find for them- and worse still, you still will repeat this over and over again as long your children still don\u2019t find a suitable one.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, give your children a platform to seek out their own musical expression, as sooner or later the instrument will finally answer to them!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/father-slips", "title": "Father slips and accidentally crushes his son", "body": "A sweet\u00a0moment between a father and his son quickly turned south after the father slips on his child accidentally.\n\n\nFather slips and crushed his child\n\n\nThe video shows a\u00a0father playing with his child inside a supermarket in China;\u00a0his son was swinging from his arms behind him, but then the father slips and falls on his child.\u00a0A woman\u00a0that was standing beside them immediately helped the father get back up, and then lifted the injured child and gave the boy \nback to his father.\n\n\nAccording to a report by Guangdong Television, the boy was immediately taken to the hospital, wherein he was pronounced dead.\n\n\nAccording to a paediatrician from Guangzhou, \u201cIn the video, the man\u2019s entire weight was on the upper body of the child, including the boy\u2019s head and neck. The child might have suffered a cervical fracture.\u201d\n\n\nThe doctor adds that people with no medical training should refrain from\u00a0moving anyone with a potential cervical injury.\n\n\nThe video has gone viral\n\n\nThe video of the child\u2019s death has gone viral in China, and has also been shared numerous\u00a0times worldwide.\n\n\nYou can watch the heartbreaking video below:\n\n\n\n\nPlaytime safety tips\n\n\nWhile accidents like these are unpredictable, you should never put yourself in a position wherein you might slip and fall on your child. In this case, just one slip meant the end of the child\u2019s life.\n\n\nThat\u2019s why, even during playtime, it\u2019s important to keep your child\u2019s safety a\n top priority.\n Here are some tips that you should always keep in mind when it comes to playtime.\n\n\n\n\nAlways keep an eye on your child\n \u2013 Keep your child close to you or within sight at all times.\n\n\nStore all of your child\u2019s toys in a safe place\n \u2013 Don\u2019t leave your child\u2019s toys lying around after playtime. Use a large container where you can store all of your child\u2019s toys so that you and your kid don\u2019t accidentally trip and fall.\n\n\nKeep your child\u2019s play area safe\n \u2013 Any sharp corners or hard edges can potentially injure a child, especially if they like running around. Use protective pads or foam protectors on these sharp edges.\n\n\nPlay games that are appropriate for your child\u2019s age\n \u2013 Some kids like it when \ntheir parents\n toss them around, but it can be potentially dangerous, even if you\u2019re being careful. Make sure to only play safe games with your child and don\u2019t do anything too risky.\n\n\n\n\nSources: \nstraitstimes.com\n, \ndailymail.co.uk\n, \nsheknows.com\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nFahami Impak Cacar Air Daripada Diari Doktor Pakar\nRaise them Resilient\nTips to harness the power of your parenting style to raise resilient children\nParenting\nWhy Soup Is The Easiest Solution to Get Families to Bond Together\nHealth\nEvery Parent\u2019s Worst Nightmare: When Children Fall Really Ill And We Can\u2019t Do Much\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-food-should-i-eat-to-conceive-a-baby-girl", "title": "What food should I eat to conceive a baby girl?", "body": "Whether you\u2019re a first-time mum or a mum of boys, then you have likely gotten to a point where you wondered what it\u2019d be like to have a baby girl. There are no easy tricks to choose your baby\u2019s gender outside of a laboratory. But some research is backing the possibility of influencing conception through certain lifestyle changes, like choosing specific food for conceiving a baby girl.\n\n\nFood for conceiving a baby girl: Is there an effective diet to influence my baby\u2019s gender?\n\n\n\n\nHow do you choose food for conceiving a baby girl? Make sure they\u2019re rich in calcium and magnesium!\n\n\n\n\nAccording to a \nstudy\n by Maastricht University in The Netherlands, a mum\u2019s diet plays a role in controlling conception. The researchers claim that food for conceiving a baby girl should be \nrich in calcium and magnesium\n.\n\n\nFoods rich in both these nutrients are yoghurt, tofu, spinach, broccoli, beans, almonds, cashews, and oatmeal.\n\n\nWhen it comes to food for conceiving a baby girl, researchers warn against eating too much salt and potassium. Their advice is to \navoid food like processed meats, bread, pastries, anchovies, bacon, salami, olives, shrimp, and potatoes.\n\n\nFood choices aren\u2019t the only determining factor!\n\n\nThe study clarifies that these types of nutritious food for conceiving a baby girl should be coupled with planned sex \u2014 or intercourse before and after ovulation \u2014 to get the desired results.\n\n\nThe study involved 172 participant couples and researchers followed 150 couples through treatment and pregnancy. But only 21 strictly followed the instructions. Of this number, 16 women conceived baby girls successfully.\n\n\nStill, the study\u2019s authors believe they are onto something!\n\n\nThis is not the first theory the supports how parents can influence their child\u2019s gender.\u00a0\nThe Shettles Method\n, which has been around since the 70s, claims that sex when ovulating will result in boys because \u201cmale sperms\u201d swim faster. However, sex before or after ovulation can result in conceiving a daughter because \u201cfemale sperm\u201d is more resilient and can outlast male sperm.\n\n\n\n\nFood to conceive a baby girl should be paired with timing sexual intercourse \u2014 before or after ovulation!\n\n\n\n\nSome also believe that an acidic diet results in more acidic cervical mucus. Because of this, \u201cfemale sperm\u201d can thrive or last longer.\n\n\nOthers claim having lots of sex can help increase the chances of conceiving girls. Why? Because it decreases sperm count. Some even advise men to take hot baths before sex because \u201cmale sperms\u201d don\u2019t like the heat.\n\n\nThough these theories need to be backed by further research, it\u2019s interesting to know that mums and dads can nudge nature along in their favour.\n\n\nIt\u2019s fascinating to imagine just how far science can take us in choosing our child\u2019s future gender, but we should not forget that what matters most is that babies are born healthy. Be sure to consult your doctor before attempting any recommended \u201ctricks\u201d to influence conception!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nTIME\n, \nLivestrong\n, \nReproductive Biomedicine Journal\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-most-dangerous-online-games-for-children-apps-and-smart-toys-you-must-avoid", "title": "6 Most Dangerous Online Games For Children, Apps And Smart Toys You MUST Avoid!", "body": "Remember when you were a kid and you would play games with your friends like hide and seek, tag, or climb trees, catch insects and just cycle around the neighbourhood?\n\n\nYour toys would mostly consist of stuffed animals, action figures, skipping ropes, footballs, hula-hoops and you also had a mini library of story books.\n\n\nModern technology has introduced a whole new world of interactive games and smart toys that can walk and talk, so the generation of kids nowadays are quite familiar with touch-screens and keyboards.\n\n\nIt\u2019s difficult to completely avoid exposing your little ones\u00a0\nto screen time\n, or to shield them from all these fancy new gadgets \u2014 and you must also admit that sometimes it is sort of a life-saver for you after a long day and you just need a few minutes to yourself!\n\n\nBut are all these online games, apps and smart toys for children and youths really all that innocent?\n\n\nHere\u2019s a list of the top six dangerous online games for children and toys you should definitely be crossing off the list and keeping far away from your precious kids!\n\n\n\n\nPaedophiles can easily communicate with your child via the Roblox game chat feature\n\n\n\n\n1. Roblox\n\n\nWhat is it?:\u00a0\nThis \nonline gaming platform\n is popular with kids, teens and even adults, which allows users to interact with one another in this virtual world, play games and also engage in role play.\n\n\nThe dangers to your child:\u00a0\nThe game\u2019s chat feature allows online predators such as paedophiles to communicate with your child and send him sexually explicit messages.\n\n\nWhen Iain Morrison decided to play this game which was popular with his two young sons, \nhe was shocked\n\u00a0to discover that there were adults who were complete strangers sending him messages online.\n\n\n\u201cThey said \u2018hi\u2019 so I said \u2018hi\u2019 and they asked if I was a boy or girl and my age so I said I was an eight-year-old boy. They asked me to follow them to their [virtual] house, then into the bedroom and asked me to lay down on top of them and then they started with the sexual movements.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThen, they said \u2018you look cute\u2019 and \u2018you look sexy\u2019. It was sickening reading all the comments pop up. My kids were completely oblivious as to what the words and stuff meant.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s full of f**king paedophiles if you ask me it\u2019s completely messed up its turned my guts, anyways it\u2019s deleted off their computers forever and I\u2019d highly recommend you check your kids to see if they have it and get rid of it\u201d, he warns other parents.\n\n\n\n\nThe \u201cMy Friend Cayla\u201d might be spying on your child\n\n\n\n\n2. My Friend Cayla\n\n\nWhat is it?:\u00a0\nThis smart toy looks like an innocent baby doll with pretty features, lovely hair, a sweet smile, and an equally adorable outfit.\n\n\nIt is so smart that it can even talk to your kid and ask her\u00a0personal questions.\n\n\nThe dangers to your child:\u00a0\nRegulators in Germany\n have classified the Cayla dolls which are equipped with built-in microphones as \u201chidden espionage devices\u201d and\u00a0are even urging parents to destroy this toy!\n\n\nThey caution parents that this doll will be able to steal your child\u2019s information and also any other details about you and your family that she might share\u00a0with\u00a0her toy.\n\n\nThe Electronic Privacy Information Center \nhas also stated\n that this smart toy \u201cviolates\u00a0privacy rules [by] recording conversations and transmitting audio files to a remote server without parental consent.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThe horrifying \u201cBlue Whale\u201d game encourages vulnerable youths to harm themselves and ultimately take their own lives\n\n\n\n\n3. Blue Whale\n\n\nWhat is it?:\u00a0\nThis social media game dares\u00a0its players to also participate in a series of tasks which are detrimental to their health and can also cause them great harm.\n\n\nThe dangers to your child:\u00a0\nAs each \u201clevel\u201d progresses, it gets increasingly dangerous.\n\n\nExamples of the \nvarious \u201ctasks\u201d\n assigned include:\n\n\n\n\nWaking up at 4.20am\n\n\nWatching horror movies all day long\n\n\nCutting yourself with knives or razors\n\n\nCarving words or symbols (such as a blue whale) onto your own body\n\n\n\n\nAt the highest and final level of the game, your child will be instructed to \ncommit suicide\n.\n\n\nSome \nteen deaths\n have already been linked to this disturbing online game when youths in Russia jumped to their deaths either from high-rise buildings or in front of oncoming trains.\n\n\nWhat are the other dangerous children\u2019s online games, apps and smart toys you should be wary of? Keep reading to find out!\n\n\n\n\nThe \u201cFire Fairy\u201d is a dangerous children\u2019s game which targets younger kids\n\n\n\n\n4. Fire Fairy\n\n\nWhat is it?:\u00a0\nThis online prank targets younger children and is modelled after the animated series, \nWinx Club\n.\n\n\nIt gives dangerous instructions to unsuspecting kids on how they can become a magical \u201cfire fairy\u201d.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\nThe dangers to your child:\u00a0\nYour little one \nwill be encouraged\n to secretly turn on the gas on the stove at\u00a0midnight when no one else is awake, and then go back to sleep.\n\n\nSome of the instructions say, \u201cThe magic gas will come to you, you will breathe it while sleeping and in the morning, when you wake up, say \u2018Thank you Alfeya, I\u2019ve become a fairy\u2019. And you will become a real fairy of fire.\u201d\n\n\nA five-year-old girl has \nalready fallen victim\n to this horrific game and suffered severe burns to her body when she thought she could be turned into a \u201cfire fairy\u201d as promised online.\n\n\n\n\nYour child\u2019s CloudPet can actually be hacked\n\n\n\n\n5. Cloud Pets\n\n\nWhat is it?:\u00a0\nThese innocent-looking smart toys which come as a cuddly elephant, bear, cat, rabbit, dog or unicorn can record audio messages via a mobile app and replay them for your child\u2019s entertainment.\n\n\nThe dangers to your child:\u00a0\nApplication security expert, \nTroy Hunt\n, reported that private information from the CloudPets database has been leaked and not only did it contain audio messages by its\u00a0users, but their profile pictures and privacy were also compromised.\n\n\nThe private messages sent between you and your child \ncan also be hacked\n, as well as your passwords and emails!\n\n\nParents should be wary of this smart toy because private information and your little one\u2019s pictures that fall in the wrong hands can be used \nin a negative way\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe \u201cLetter X\u201d is an online bullying game found on Snapchat\n\n\n\n\n6. The Letter X\n\n\nWhat is it?:\u00a0\nThe latest trend on the online app, \nSnapchat\n, is called \u201c\nThe Letter X\n\u201c, where users will target someone by coming up with hurtful insults about their physical appearance, weight or personality.\n\n\nThe dangers to your child:\u00a0\nThis cruel game is a form of \ncyber-bullying\n and can even lead youths to \ncommit suicide\n.\n\n\nWhen Rachaele Hambleton\u2019s 12-year-old daughter confided in her about this horrible new game, she wrote a personal message on social media and shared it with other parents:\n\n\n\u201cI just want to raise awareness because so many mums wouldn\u2019t know about this sort of thing. There\u2019s so much peer pressure out there. Bullying is just endless now because of mobile phones\u201d, she says.\n\n\nDo your kids play these dangerous online games, have these apps downloaded or own these smart toys? Is there anything else we should add to this list? Let us know by leaving your comments below!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-do-most-babies-prefer-their-mums-over-their-dads", "title": "Why do most babies prefer their mums over their dads?", "body": "A lot of fathers sometimes feel jealous of their wives when it comes to their newborn\u2019s attention. And sometimes dads feel left out or frustrated that their newborn won\u2019t spend more time with them. What\u2019s a dad to do?\n\n\nBut it\u2019s normal that babies prefer their mums.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s totally normal that babies prefer their mums over their dads\n\n\nFirst off, it\u2019s important to know that for newborns, it\u2019s normal for them to prefer their mum over their dad, this is because aside from spending 9 months inside their mother\u2019s tummy, newborns look to their mothers for their care and nutrition.\n\n\nBabies also tend to switch from one parent to another, since they\u2019re at the age where their brains are still developing, and they are still getting to know the world as well as the people around them.\n\n\nThat\u2019s why dads also need to spend time with their kids, so that their babies will become familiar with how they look, how they smell, and they\u2019ll slowly become more comfortable in their father\u2019s presence.\n\n\nWhat can dad do to be closer to their newborn?\n\n\nSome dads might feel bad or jealous that their child prefers to be with their mum rather than their dad. But it\u2019s important to know that it\u2019s not a competition between the parents. Both of you are equally loved by your child, it\u2019s just that dads need to make an extra effort to let their child be more comfortable around them.\n\n\nFor dads who want to get closer to their child, they should try to spend more quality time with your child, and make it a point to bond with them everyday. It also helps if they can handle the responsibility of putting their child to sleep, so that not only will their child be comfortable around them, their wife will also have time to rest after a long day of taking care of their newborn.\n\n\nLetting the child get used to their father taking care of them will help build an emotional connection, and will enable the child to understand that their dad is also someone who they can depend on, and someone who will keep them safe.\n\n\nFamiliarity is important for kids, especially at such a young age, since the bonds that they build while they\u2019re young will last until the rest of their lives. So in order to build a loving relationship with their child, it\u2019s always best to start early.\n\n\n*\nRepublished with permission from \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nnewparent.com\n,\u00a0\nparenting.com\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/aden-and-ren-rimba-learning-tower", "title": "#TAPReviews: Aden & Ren Rimba Learning Tower", "body": "\u201cMama, I want to help.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMama, Jedi do it.\u201d\n\n\nThose were his two favourite phrases when Jedi turned two.\n\n\nIt meant that I had to now relinquish control to him to do things on his own as he learned about independence and boundaries.\n\n\nBut certain tasks were challenging (and almost dangerous) to do on his own. He had learned that he needed to brush his teeth at the sink and I would have to balance him precariously on the edge of the sink while he brushes his own teeth.\n\n\nHe wanted to participate in making his breakfast too, but the kitchen island was too high for him.\n\n\nI had considered buying a learning tower for him for the longest time but our tiny apartment had little space for additional furniture. We knew it was time to upgrade to a bigger home and when we decided to take the leap, we moved into a landed home.\n\n\nSince then, we\u2019ve been using stools, chairs and other things to let Jedi stand on while doing his own things but they were not stable enough as he grew taller and heavier. Sometimes, he would fall over because of how light the stool was.\n\n\nAden and Ren Wooden Furniture: Rimba Learning Tower Review\n\n\nSo when we got the opportunity to try out Aden & Ren\u2019s Rimba Learning Tower, it was the perfect timing because we had more space,\u00a0 and Jedi\u2019s impatience with us in getting stools for him was growing.\n\n\n\n\nChildren can foster independence and be empowered to do more daily tasks when you give them the right tools.\n\n\n\n\nAden & Ren\u2019s high quality, hand assembled towers are very sturdy but still light enough to move around.\n\n\nWe decided to place the Rimba Learning Tower in the kitchen, so Jedi could prepare his breakfast on his own with the tower and also be close enough to a sink to brush his teeth.\n\n\nHere are a few things that both Jedi and myself have learned in the process of having a learning tower:\n\n\n1. He has become more observant and hands on with daily tasks.\n\n2. He looks forward to breakfast prep and brushing his teeth more.\n\n3. He uses the learning tower as more than just a stand. He also uses it to climb up and down like a mini jungle gym (he also has a Pikler triangle so he sees this as something similar). This shows me that he has an incredibly nimble mind, creative in problem solving and thinking out of the box. \n\n4. He gets very excited to doing mundane tasks that we view as chores and this enforces the belief that good habits are formed from young.\n\n\nOn my end, I\u2019ve learned to let go and allow him to be more independent to do the things he couldn\u2019t do before. It\u2019s a joy to watch my baby grow up and it\u2019s also very important that I give him the right tools to thrive.\n\n\nI\u2019m glad to have been given the opportunity to try out the Aden & Ren learning tower with Jedi because not only has it absolutely opened up his world to a whole new light, it\u2019s also given me peace to let go and let him fly.\n\n\nBonus is, it\u2019s also easy to clean and even with water splashing on it from the sink, it hasn\u2019t stained or deteriorated in the least.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nView this post on Instagram\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nA post shared by Aden & Ren (@adenandren)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCheck out Aden and Ren\u2019s \nwebsite\n to find out more about their learning tower and other great hand-crafted wooden pieces for kids.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/recommended-gynaes-in-malaysia", "title": "Best Gynaecologist (Male/Female Ob/Gyn Doctors) in Klang Valley and Kuala Lumpur Area", "body": "Just discovered you\u2019re pregnant via a home pregnancy test and wondering which gynaecologist to go to?\u00a0\n\n\nWe provide some information on when you should start seeing a gynae and where you can go if you\u2019re expecting a baby.\n\n\nWhat is a gynaecologist?\u00a0\n\n\nA gynaecologist specializes in female reproductive health, treating issues that are related to the female reproductive tract and organs. This includes the breast, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.\u00a0\n\n\nGynaecologists provide sexual and reproductive health servies by diagnosing and treating issues such as infertility, endometriosis, ovarian cycst, as well as reproductive cancers.\u00a0\n\n\nSome gynaes are also obstetricians, providing prenatal and postnatal care for pregnancy. They are sometimes referred to as Ob/Gyns.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen to visit a gynaecologist during pregnancy?\u00a0\n\n\nIt is recommended that you make an appointment with an Ob/Gyn within 8 weeks of your last period for your first prenatal visit. It\u2019s important to start with the best prenatal care, even if you\u2019ve been pregnant before.\u00a0\n\n\nYour Ob/Gyn will help you to:\n\n\n\n\nCalculate your due date\n\n\nDiscover any potential pregnancy risks\n\n\nSchedule the following prenatal care visits\n\n\nAdvise you on supplements and medications that you might need to take during the pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nRead other articles on pregnancy here\n.\u00a0\n\n\nOther reasons to see a gynaecologist\n\n\nBesides pregnancy related visits, women should also see an Ob/Gyn for the following reasons:\n\n\n\n\nBreast exams, especially if there is a family history of breast cancer\n\n\nIrregular menstruation or changes in blood flow during periods\n\n\nPelvic exams\n\n\nPap smear\n\n\nBirth control, especially if you\u2019re not ready to have a child\n\n\nIf there are changes in your vaginal discharge\n\n\nIf there is blood in your urine\n\n\nIf you experience painful sex\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFemale gynaecologist in the Klang Valley, KL and Selangor\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0\nMART PRODUCTION\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\nPantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Bangsar)\n\n\n\n\nDr Adilah Ahmat\n\n\nDr Aqmar Suraya Sulaiman\n\n\nDr Idora Mohamed\n\n\nDr Kim-Lei Wong\n\n\nDr Kiren Sidhu\n\n\nDr Premitha Damodaran\n\n\n\n\nPantai Hospital Cheras (Taman Cheras Makmur)\n\n\n\n\nDr Ho Choon Moy\n\n\nDr Ida Lilywaty Md Latar\n\n\nDr Lim Wan Teng\n\n\n\n\nThomson Hospital (Kota Damansara)\n\n\n\n\nDr Arifah Binti Mohd Amin @ Hamim\n\n\nDr Khairun Marina binti Bachok\n\n\nDr Nurhazinat Yunus\n\n\n\n\nParkCity Medical Centre (Desa ParkCity)\n\n\n\n\nDr Khong Su Yen\n\n\nDr Goh Huay Yee\n\n\nDr Vinodhini Bhaskaran\n\n\n\n\nPrince Court Medical Centre (Bukit Bintang)\n\n\n\n\nDr Seri Suniza Sufian\n\n\nDr Shilpa Nambiar\n\n\nDr Tan Ay Eeng\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr Maiza Tusimin\n\n\n\n\nSunway Medical Centre (Bandar Sunway)\n\n\n\n\nDr Chan Joe Mee\n\n\nDr Ainul Zahaniah Hj Abd Aziz\n\n\nDr Farah Leong Rahman\n\n\nDr Janani Sivanathan\n\n\nDr Lim Lei Jun\n\n\nDr Sharmina Kamal Binti Shamsul Kamal\n\n\nDr Tan Ee Ping\n\n\nDr Uma Mariappen\n\n\n\n\nGleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Kampung Berembang)\n\n\n\n\nDr. Adzlina Jaaffar\n\n\nDr. Jean Woo Lee See\n\n\nDatin Dr. Suhaiza Salleh\n\n\nDr. Teresa Chow\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital (Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley)\n\n\n\n\nDr Loo Suat Chin (Bukit Rimau)\n\n\nDr Norshida Brahim (Cheras)\n\n\nDr Khairiah Binti Seman (Klang)\n\n\nDr Bheena Vyshali (Petaling Jaya)\n\n\nDr Raja Juhaidah Raja Abdullah (Puchong)\n\n\n\n\nYou can browse through the \nlist of gynaecologists at Columbia Asia Hospital in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley\n here.\n\n\nSubang Jaya Medical Centre (Subang Jaya)\n\n\n\n\nDr Tang Boon Nee\n\n\nDr Noor Aini\n\n\n\n\nMale gynaecologist in the Klang Valley, KL and Selangor\n\n\nPantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Bangsar)\n\n\n\n\nDr Ahmad Zailani Hatta Mohd Dali\n\n\nDr Eeson Sinthamoney\n\n\nDr Idris Ahmad\n\n\nDr Ng Hock Oon\n\n\nDr Narayanan M.\n\n\nDr Michael Lim Chung Keat\n\n\nDr Tan Boon Khim\n\n\nDr Wong Wai Ping\n\n\n\n\nPantai Hospital Cheras (Taman Cheras Makmur)\n\n\n\n\nDr Eee Ching Woo\n\n\nDr Ho Woon Ping\n\n\nDr Lai Sing Foo\n\n\nDr M. Arasu Muthusamy\n\n\nDr Tan Chee Hoe\n\n\nDr Tan Cheng\n\n\nDr Tan Kock Kheng\n\n\n\n\nThompson Hospital (Kota Damansara)\n\n\n\n\nDr Aldrin Lie Tze Min\n\n\nDr Surinder Singh\n\n\nDr Thaneemalai Jeganathan\n\n\nDr Wai Kok Yau\n\n\nDr Yong Jee Kien\n\n\n\n\nParkCity Medical Centre (Desa ParkCity)\n\n\n\n\nDr Jeevaretanam A/L Soosaimuthu\n\n\nDr Jaspal Singh Sachdev\n\n\nDr Ng Kwee Boon\n\n\nDr Yong Chee Meng\n\n\n\n\nPrince Court Medical Centre (Bukit Bintang)\n\n\n\n\nDr Tan Niap Hong\n\n\nDr Paul Tay Yee Siang\n\n\nDr K. K. Iswaran\n\n\nDatuk Dr Abd. Aziz Yahya\n\n\n\n\nSunway Medical Centre (Bandar Sunway)\n\n\n\n\nDr Balasundram Govindasamy\n\n\nDr Chong Chin Kooi\n\n\nDr Jason Lim Meng Hock\n\n\nDr Kannappan Palaniappan\n\n\nDr Magendra Ramalingam\n\n\nDr Thangesweran Ayakannu\n\n\nDr Thow Sun Ta\n\n\nDr Wong Chin Yuan\n\n\n\n\nGleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Kampung Berembang)\n\n\n\n\nDatuk Dr. Abd Aziz Yahya\n\n\nDato\u2019 Dr. Alex Mathews\n\n\nDr. Andy Low Kok Kwan\n\n\nDr. Chung Chow Cheang\n\n\nDr. Edmund Lai Sing Foo\n\n\nDr. Jimmy Tang Sek Cheong\n\n\nDr. Michael Foong Chee Hong\n\n\nDr. Michael Samy\n\n\nDr. Ravi Chandran\n\n\nDr. T.P. Baskaran\n\n\nDr. Tan Lay Seng\n\n\nDr. Vijayan Padmanathan\n\n\nDr. Wong Kok Kien\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital (Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley)\n\n\n\n\nDr Rama Krishna Kumar Krishnamurthy (Bukit Rimau)\n\n\nDr Victor Chin (Cheras)\n\n\nDr Thiagarajan Chidambaram (Klang)\n\n\nDr Yip Khar Weng (Klang)\n\n\nDr Nicholas Lim (Petaling Jaya)\n\n\nDr Ng Soon Pheng (Puchong)\n\n\nDr Silvam Sellapan (Puchong)\n\n\nDr Low Wea Haw (Setapak)\n\n\nDr Mohd Suhaimi Hassan (Setapak)\n\n\n\n\nYou can browse through the \nlist of gynaecologists at Columbia Asia Hospital in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley\n here.\n\n\nSubang Jaya Medical Centre (Subang Jaya)\n\n\n\n\nDr Ang Chin Guan\n\n\nDr Fong Chee Kin\n\n\n\n\nDamai Service Hospital (Jalan Ipoh)\n\n\n\n\nDr Mahes Sittampalam\n\n\n\n\nAssunta Hospital (Petaling Jaya)\n\n\n\n\nDr Liew Fah Onn\n\n\nDr Jaswant Singh\n\n\nDr Kuharaj Balasubramaniam\n\n\nDr Ragu Shanmuganathan\n\n\n\n\nYou can browse through the \nlist of gynaecologists at Assunta Hospital in Petaling Jaya\n here.\n\n\nWhat to expect at the gynaecologist?\u00a0\n\n\nHeading to the gynaecologist can be a scary experience, especially if it\u2019s your first time. So here\u2019s what you can expect:\n\n\n\n\nExamination of the internal and external parts of your reproductive system.\n\n\nBreast examination for any lumps or cysts.\u00a0\n\n\nExamination of the vulva located outside of the vagina.\n\n\nInternal pelvic examination, usually with a speculum to view the cervix. Pelvic examination can be painful.\u00a0\n\n\nA pap smear may be performed during the pelvic examination.\n\n\n\n\nIf there are any issues, your doctor may then do further tests and discuss a treatment plan with you.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0\nMART PRODUCTION\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\n\n\nHow to find a good gynaecologist?\u00a0\n\n\nBecause you will most probably be discussing intimate details with your gynae, you\u2019ll want a gynae whom you can trust. Here are a few tips to help you find a good fit:\n\n\n\n\nThey\u2019re recommended by friends and family.\n\n\nThey have good reviews.\n\n\nThey\u2019re experienced with legit credentials.\n\n\nThey have a good bedside manner.\n\n\nYou\u2019re comfortable with them \u2013 it\u2019s ok to change doctors if you\u2019re not comfortable with the current one.\u00a0\n\n\nThey\u2019re located not too far from you.\u00a0\n\n\nThey\u2019re affiliated with hospitals that you trust.\n\n\n\n\nCommon gynaecological conditions\n\n\nThe following are several common gynaecological conditions that every woman should be aware of. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital in order to prevent further medical issues.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMenstrual issues \u2013 Irregular periods, heavy and painful bleeding, bleeding in between periods, bleeding after sex, endometirosis and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).\n\n\nMenopause \u2013 Hot flashes, mood changes, sleep disturbances or night sweats, reduced libido, dry vagina, postmenopausal bleeding and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).\n\n\nAbnormal smears \u2013 Colposcopy, and human papilloma virus (HPV).\n\n\nBladder issues \u2013 incontinence, problems passing urine and recurrent cystitis.\u00a0\n\n\nPregnancy issues \u2013 Pain and bleeding, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy.\n\n\nFibroids \u2013 noncancerous growths around and in the womb\n\n\nPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) \u2013 Characterized by polycystic ovaries, irregular or no periods and excess \u2018male\u2019 hormones.\n\n\nOvarian cysts\u00a0\n\n\nPelvic pain and pelvic prolapse\n\n\nIssues after childbirth \u2013 Pain in the vaginal area, incontinence, labial enlargement\n\n\nSexually transmitted infections (STIs) \u2013 HIV, genital herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, etc.\n\n\n\n\nCommon gynaecology procedures\n\n\nWhile ob/gyns treat treat many conditions and perform numerous procedures, here are some common, minimally invasive ones:\n\n\n\n\nPap smears.\n\n\nColposcopy to examine the cervix,\n\n\nEndometrial biopsy to take a sample of the uterus lining.\n\n\nHysterectomy to remove the uterus.\n\n\nFibroid removal to remove non-cancerous tumours present in the uterus.\n\n\nOvarian cyst removal via laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy.\n\n\nDiagnostic hysteroscopy to evaluate the endometrial cavity.\n\n\nUterine polyps removal via hysteroscopy polypectomy.\n\n\nPost-operative care, including the treatment of complications, if any.\n\n\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to visit your gynaecologist at least once a year.\u00a0\n\n\nRegular screening allows potential medical issues to be diagnosed and treated early, minimizing health risks. Yearly checkups could include a pap smear, mammography and blood pressure monitoring.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t visited a gynae before, make an appointment to see one as soon as possible.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more on pregnancy, \nlabour and delivery\n, \nparenting\n and women tips, check out \ntheAsianparent\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/survey-says-mums-sacrifice-their-own-nutrition-is-anyone-surprised", "title": "Survey says mums sacrifice their own nutrition. Is anyone surprised?", "body": "Being a mum in this day and age is difficult. We try so hard to be the best mums we can be, but it seldom seems to be enough. Many of us juggle work, childcare, housework and the \u201cinvisible workload\u201d \u2013 the little things that every mum does that goes unnoticed. We live in a world where raising your voice to your child is frowned upon, but not discipling them is spoiling them. In our world, being a stay at home mom is wasting your potential while going back to work means you\u2019re not present. You try to be certain of your parenting style, but everyone always has an opinion on what you\u2019re doing wrong.\n\n\nWith so much pressure around mums in this day and age, it is no wonder that they tend to neglect themselves in the process of trying to be the perfect mum for their little ones.\n\n\nIn fact, to take a closer look at mums\u2019 behaviours and habits, a survey was recently done to better understand mums in Singapore. The results provided many shocking and revelatory findings about how mums are sacrificing everything for their children, sometimes even compromising the quality of their diet.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHere are a few learnings from this survey:\n\n\nLesson #1: Mums sacrifice their own nutrition\n\n\nThe study reveals that \n67 percent of mums are simply too tired to pay attention to their own nutrition intake and mealtimes\n.\n\n\nMums, we can\u2019t even begin to tell you why this is so wrong. If you\u2019re not taking in the right nutrition for your body, how are you supposed to have enough energy to run around with the little ones?\n\n\nLesson #2: Mums sacrifice me-time\n\n\nMost of us know that self-care is essential for happiness. It has been proven to \u201creboot\u201d your brain, enhance your relationships and even make you more productive. Singaporean mums seem to have forgotten this:\n\n\n67% of them agreed that they have not had adequate sleep since they\u2019ve given birth. \n\n\n64% of them said they do not have time for self-care. \n\n\n57% are not able to spend time with their partner.\n\n\n52% of moms skip mealtimes.\n\n\nIn fact, the need for me-time is so desperate that \nthree out of five mums have hidden from their children just to enjoy their favourite snack in peace\n. It is a sad statistic, but also all too familiar.\n\n\n\n\nLesson #3: Mums sacrifice family time\n\n\nWe\u2019ve all heard of the famous line that goes, \u201cThe family that eats together, stays together.\u201d But \n73 percent\u00a0of mums do not sit\u00a0at the dining table for a full nutritious meal.\n\n\nWhy?\n you ask. Well, because \n32% of them eat whatever they can throughout the day to avoid \u201cwasting time\u201d on a sit-down meal\n.\n\n\nLesson #4: Nutrition for mums is often unhealthy\n\n\nAs we grow older, we\u2019re supposed to focus more on our health and start adopting healthier habits. For Singaporean mums however, quite the opposite has happened. 18% of mums admit to eating their child\u2019s leftovers. While you may be cooking healthy meals for your child, let us remind you that this isn\u2019t a good idea. Your diet should be balanced. As mums we abhor food waste, but don\u2019t treat your body as the garbage disposal.\n\n\n\n\nLesson #5: Mums deserve better\n\n\nWith all these sacrifices, do mums actually realise how much they are giving up? The overwhelming answer is yes.\u00a0 \n79% of mums yearn for a meal they can truly enjoy in peace.\n This just shows that mums indeed love being mothers, but they also miss the freedom of having time on their hands.\n\n\nAfter gaining insights from this survey, we just want to share with mums that to be an excellent mother, you first need to make sure that you\u00a0 take care of yourself.\n\n\nYour efforts do not go unseen. If we could write down what your child wants to tell you, it would be this: \nThank you, mom. Thank you for all the sacrifices you\u2019ve made to provide me with only the best in life. Thank you for putting my needs ahead of yours. Most of all, thank you for being the best mum I could ask for. You deserve nothing but the best, Mum!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/10-safe-and-natural-remedies-to-repel-cockroaches", "title": "10 safe and natural remedies to repel cockroaches", "body": "With the warm, moist environment that comes with living in the tropics, also comes an army of bugs \u2014 cockroaches included.\u00a0So we zap those pesky bugs with anything we can find, usually insecticides. We certainly don\u2019t want roaches crawling around our homes. But at the same time, do we really want to expose our kids to the poison of insecticides? Here are some clever ways to repel cockroaches naturally.\n\n\nRepel Cockroaches Naturally with Ingredients Found in Your Kitchen!\n\n\nThere are some ingredients in your kitchen that can be used to trap, repel, and kill those pesky critters at your home. All you need to do is to mix them up and place it where cockroaches usually hide.\n\n\n1. Essential Oils\n\n\nDid you know that cockroaches hate the smell of peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils? That is because it disrupts and masks the \nscent trails\n which cockroaches use to hunt for their food. Roaches die when they are exposed to higher concentrations of essential oils, particularly peppermint oil.\n\n\nUse essential oils to repel cockroaches naturally by putting a few drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball, and wiping down places where cockroaches usually hide or enter your home.\n\n\nYou can also make a spray by mixing 15 drops of peppermint oil and 10 ounces of water in a spray bottle. Mix thoroughly and spray in possible entry points and dark areas.\n\n\n\n\nPeppermint oil can be use as a home remedy to repel cockroaches naturally | Image source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n2. Borax\n\n\nBorax is an effective natural cleaner and a safer alternative to many conventional cleaners. It contains boric acid that when ingested by cockroaches, destroys the cellular lining of their guts.\u00a0\n\n\nTo kill roaches with borax, mix two tablespoons of borax and two cups of sugar in a litre of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. You may add two to three drops of peppermint oil in the mixture too. Mix thoroughly and spray in suspected areas. You can also use it to repel ants too!\n\n\n\n\nMix borax with sugar in a litre of water to make a borax solution spray. | Image source: YouTube\n\n\n\n\n3. Diatomaceous Earth\n\n\nThis is a non-toxic substance that can be use to kill and repel cockroaches naturally. When the roach comes in contact with this substance through ingestion, its body dries out, killing it eventually.\n\n\nTo use this effectively, mix diatomaceous earth with some sugar to attract cockroaches. Sprinkle a thin layer of it around the entryways of your home or anywhere you think roaches hide. Make sure you re-apply this remedy daily as it tends to absorb moisture from the atmosphere.\n\n\n\n\nDiatomaceous earth is a non-toxic substance that can be use as a natural insecticide. | Image source: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n4. Baking Soda\n\n\nBaking soda is a leavening agent used in baking cakes and can also be use as an effective home cleaning remedy.\n\n\nIt can also kill roaches. Just mix one part baking soda with one part of sugar. The sugar attracts the roaches and the baking soda kills them. Place the mixture in small bowls or jar lids or sprinkle it in corners and baseboards.\n\n\n\n\nMix baking soda with sugar and sprinkle in corners and dark areas. | Image source: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n5. Petroleum Jelly\n\n\nYou can make traps using petroleum jelly by adding sugar in the jelly and smearing it on pieces of cardboard.\n\n\nPlace these traps where roaches normally hide. They get attracted to the sugar and stuck to the petroleum jelly. But make sure to keep this cockroach trap out of children and pets\u2019 reach.\n\n\n\n\nSample of cockroach trap using petroleum jelly and sugar mixture | Image source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\n6. Catnip\n\n\nCatnip has been widely used as a natural insect repellent for centuries. It contains \nNepetalactone\n, an active chemical that repels insects without harming humans and pets. It is one of the most effective remedy to repel cockroaches naturally.\n\n\nTo use this, boil catnip leaves for 10 minutes and let it cool before transferring the mixture to a spray bottle. Spray it around the house.\n\n\n\n\nYou can plant catnip in your garden or buy catnip leaves in grocery stores. | Image source: Flickr\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n\n\n7. Neem\u00a0\n\n\nNeem is also known for its natural insect repellant properties aside from being used as a traditional medicine in India and other South Asian countries.\n\n\nSimilar to catnip, boil neem leaves for 10 minutes and let it cool. Use a spray bottle to spray the mixture in areas where roaches and insects roam.\n\n\n\n\nNeem trees are abundant in Southern Asian countries like India and Sri Lanka and are known for its medicinal properties. | Image source: Flickr\n\n\n\n\n8. Chrysanthemum Flowers\n\n\nChrysanthemum contains \nPyrethrins\n, a chemical compound that attacks the nervous system of insects when in direct contact.\n\n\nUse dried chrysanthemum flower heads to repel cockroaches naturally by crushing them into powder and mixing two tablespoons of the powder in a litre of hot water.\n\n\nPut a pinch of detergent powder into the mixture and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle and spray around possible infested areas.\n\n\n\n\nWho would have thought these lovely chrysanthemum flowers could be a natural cockroach repellent? | Image source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n9. Bay Leaf\n\n\nBay leaf enhances the flavour and aroma of our cooked dishes but cockroaches and other insects hate the smell. Crush some bay leaves and place in corners and dark areas.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe aroma of bay leaf smells unpleasant to cockroaches. | Image source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n10. Silica Gels\n\n\nSilica Gels or Desiccants are commonly seen as beads in a small paper packet that control the humidity of goods to avoid spoilage. They absorb moisture and dry out anything that comes in direct contact. When roaches come in contact with the substance, the gel dries out their body, killing them eventually.\n\n\nYou can use desiccants effectively by mixing the beads with sugar and sprinkling the mixture around the house, away from children and pets.\n\n\n\n\nDesiccants can be an effective cockroach killer too! | Image source: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nHow To Prevent Cockroaches from Coming Back\n\n\nRelying only on natural insecticides is not the solution to a cockroach infestation in your home. Roaches love warm, humid places where they can find food and breed. And prevention is key to ensure roaches stay away for good.\n\n\nWhen you see one or two roaches freely roaming in your home, you shouldn\u2019t take it lightly. It probably means there are many others running about in hidden corners of your home.\n\n\nCockroaches can transmit bacteria and spread diseases to your family. Here are tips to prevent them from coming back to your home:\n\n\n\n\nKeep your house clean.\n Clean the dishes straight away after meals and clean up spills and crumbs to limit food for cockroaches. Sweep the floor and mop it regularly to disrupt scent trails of food.\n\n\nTake out the trash regularly and keep the trash bins closed at all times.\n Cockroaches often lurk in places where they can find food, and our garbage is one of their favourite spots.\u00a0\n\n\nStore food in tightly-sealed containers.\n This will prevent cockroaches and other insects from contaminating your food.\n\n\nCover all the cracks and crevices around your house.\n You can use paint or cement to block entry points of insects to your house.\n\n\nCover your windows with mesh screens.\n Mesh screens keep the insects out while allowing fresh air to come inside your house.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nHome Remedy Nation\n, \nTips & Tricks\n, \nSciencing.com\n, \nwikiHow\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/good-poop-habits", "title": "6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Your Child\u2019s Poop Habits", "body": "New parents: you will relate to this. You will be completely obsessed with your child\u2019s poop habits. All the time.\n\n\nYou\u2019re going to know all about their ins and outs (literally). As much as we worry what goes in, we also worry about what comes out.\n\n\nSo as new parents, it\u2019s important to find a good paediatrician who can answer your concerns about your child\u2019s poop habits. But what questions should you be asking?\n\n\nGood Poop Habits: What Should They Be?\n\n\nWe ask a local paediatrician what are her six most commonly asked questions about child poop and these are the questions that parents should also be checking up with their paediatricians during their visits.\n\n\nDr Joann Rajah, from ABC Children Specialist Clinic, shares what parents most commonly ask her when it comes to poop.\n\n\n1. \u201cMy child\u2019s poop is green in colour. Is it normal?\u201d\n\n\nGreen poop in children is pretty common. One of the main reasons is that the poop passed through the intestines too fast, so much that bile (green pigment) cannot be fully absorbed by the body.\n\n\nThis would explain why green poop is frequently seen during episodes of diarrhea. The green poop could also be a result of intake, like green leafy vegetables or food colouring.\n\n\n2. \u201cMy child only poops once in 3 days. Shouldn\u2019t it be daily?\u201d\n\n\nBowel movements vary from child to child. Most children will either have 1-2 bowel movements in a day or once every 2-3 days. What is more important is the consistency of the poo. If your child only has bowel movements once in every 3 days but is passing soft stools with no discomfort or pain, then there is nothing to worry about.\n\n\n\n\n3. \u201cMy child poops daily but in tiny amount and pebble-like. Is it alright?\u201d\n\n\nAn ideal stool would be one with these characteristics \u2013 smooth, sausage-shaped with minimal cracks on the surface. Bristol 3-4 on the chart. Although a child may be passing poo daily, if the consistency of the poo is hard and pebble-like and the child feels discomfort or needs to strain, the child most likely has constipation and would require intervention.\n\n\n4. \u201cShould every child take prebiotic supplements?\u201d\n\n\nPrebiotics has some benefits to overall gut health in kids and can be found in foods such as asparagus, garlic, onion, wheat, honey, banana, barley, tomato, rye, soybean, cow\u2019s milk, peas, beans, and recently, seaweeds and microalgae\n1\n.\n\n\nSince a healthy gut microbiome ensures a better immune system, it is important to include such foods in a child\u2019s diet.\n\n\nHowever, every child responds to prebiotics differently, therefore it would be prudent to check with your child specialist before attempting to start prebiotic supplements for your child.\n\n\n5. \u201cMy child\u2019s passes smelly gas. Should I be concerned?\u201d\n\n\nPassing gas is a normal occurrence in both children and in adults. Gas is caused by swallowed air during eating or drinking or from diet high in fibre such as beans and cabbage. Drinking carbonated drinks can also lead to excessive gas production.\n\n\nSometimes, the gas may be very smelly as it is influenced by the diet that the child takes. There are certain diseases that can cause foul-smelling gas which include constipation, bowel infection (gastroenteritis), malabsorption like Celiac disease and lactose intolerance.\n\n\n\n\n6. \u201cWhat are examples of food to limit in order to maintain a healthy gut?\u201d\n\n\nSome examples of food to limit would be: \n\n\u2013 Highly processed foods\n\nProcessed food such as ready meals and processed meats tend to be high in sugar, artificial ingredients, refined carbohydrates and trans fats. This group of food not only disrupts the healthy gut microbiome but also contributes to obesity.\n\n\n\u2013 Fried food\n\nFried foods are often cooked in oils rich in saturated or trans fat which can irritate the lining of the stomach leading to bloatedness, stomach pain and diarrhea. \n\n\n\u2013 Food high in sugar\n\nThis includes drinking too much fruit juices or overindulging in desserts and sweet snacks like donuts, cupcakes etc. A diet high in sugar in early life has been linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. A high sugar diet also predisposes children to dental caries if they do not brush their teeth regularly.\n\n\n\n\nKeeping your child\u2019s gut healthy all the time\n\n\nWhat children need is a balanced diet and one that meets their nutritional intake everyday. Then, parents can worry less about their child\u2019s gut health.\n\n\nDumex Mamil\u00ae contains a Unique Prebiotics Mixture GOS/lcFOS (9:1), which helps to maintain good gut health, which supports good nutrients absorption for your child\u2019s overall growth\n23\n.\n\n\nMamil\u00ae is engineered with D-GestPro+\u2122, which is a combination of Unique Prebiotics Mixture GOS/lcFOS (9:1), Protein, Calcium and Vitamin D sourced from cow\u2019s milk as well as 96mg DHA* content.\n\n\nWith their health taken care of, parents can focus more on other aspects of their development.\n\n\nKeen to try out Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+? Visit Dumex Mamil\u2019s \nwebsite\n for more information.\n\n\n*Mamil Step 3 DHA content, based on 3 servings/day\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1 \nDavani-Davari, D., Negahdaripour, M., Karimzadeh, I., Seifan, M., Mohkam, M., Masoumi, S., . . . Ghasemi, Y. (2019, March 9). Prebiotics: Definition, Types, Sources, Mechanisms, and Clinical Applications. Retrieved October 21, 2020, from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6463098/\n\n\n2 \nSlavin J. Fiber and prebiotics: mechanisms and health benefits. Nutrients. 2013;5(4):1417-35.\n\n\n3\u00a0\nCoudray C, Demigne\u0301 C, Rayssiguier Y. Effects of Dietary Fibers on Magnesium Absorption in Animals and Humans. J Nutr. 2003;133(1):1-4\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-family-pediatrician-in-malaysia", "title": "Looking for the Right Pediatrician For Your Child? Book An Appointment Here Today!", "body": "As parents, we want the best for our children and will always put the child\u2019s health above everything else. This is why choosing the right family pediatrician is an important step to make.\n\n\nParents want the doctor to treat the child when he or she is sick but also manages every visit to the clinic from birth to school.\u00a0\nThe family pediatrician must be able to manage the physical, behavioural, and mental well-being of your children from birth to age 18. \n\n\nThe paediatrician is also trained to diagnose and treat a variety of childhood illnesses, from minor health problems to serious illnesses.\n\n\nThe chosen paediatrician will know your family well and parents should be comfortable with the best option for the child. In addition, they are better suited to manage child-related problems because they:\n\n\n\n\nHave specialized training in the physical, emotional, and behavioural needs of children.\n\n\nHas extensive experience in recognizing and treating childhood illnesses.\n\n\nOffers more specialized treatments.\n\n\n\n\nChoosing a Good Family Pediatrician\n\n\n\n\nHere are some tips for parents to choose the best family pediatrician for their child:\n\n\n\n\nQualifications and experience:\n Choose a doctor with good qualifications in inpatient care, professionalism, communication skills and proper medical knowledge specific to children.\n\n\nLocation:\n Children will be scheduled to see their paediatrician several times in the first year of life - usually, every 2 to 3 months. Choosing a doctor close to your home, workplace, or daycare is definitely easier and saves time.\n\n\nHours of operation:\n Ask for hours of operation and consider whether a doctor can be contacted at any time in the event of an emergency.\n\n\nRecommended by friends and family:\n Get paediatrician recommendations from family and close friends. But, if parents don\u2019t feel comfortable after a visit, this isn\u2019t the right paediatrician for you.\n\n\nEarly impressions:\u00a0 \nChoose a doctor you are comfortable with, as this encourages open communication. Notice how the paediatrician interacts with your child. Do they show genuine interest in your child? If your baby has a unique problem, does the doctor know about this problem?\n\n\n\n\nThe Best Family Pediatricians in Malaysia\n\n\nTo help parents, we list some paediatricians who have a well-known and good reputation in Malaysia. If parents are interested and meet the suitability of your location and family, you can try to do an early visit with them.\n\n\n#1\u00a0 Dr. Norharlina Bahar\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norharlina Bahar assesses and treats adult patients, children and adolescents with behavioural problems, problems, emotions or mental disorders.\n\n\n She is also involved in many researches and writing projects in the field and is often invited to give talks and consultations.\n\n\nSpecialization:\n\n\nChild & Adolescent Psychiatry, General Psychiatry\n\n\nQualifications and experience:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMD (SME)\n\n\nM.Med (Psychic) \u200b\u200b(SME),\n\n\nChild and Adolescent Psychiatry (VIC)\n\n\nFellow in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (MAL)\n\n\n\n\nLanguage:\n\n\n\n\nMalay\n\n\nEnglish\n\n\n\n\nLocation :\u00a0\n\n\n2D, Level 2, Prince Court Medical Center, 39 Jalan Kia Peng Kuala Lumpur 50450 Wilayah Persekutuan (Kuala Lumpur)\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nOperation hours:\n\n\n\n\nMonday 8.00 am-1.00 pm / 2.00 pm-5.00 pm\n\n\nWednesday 0800 - 1300 1400 - 1700\n\n\nFriday 0800 - 1300 1400 - 1700\n\n\nSaturday 0800 - 1300\n\n\n\n\n Dr. Norharlina Bahar\u00a0 \nClick for an appointment\n\n\n#2 Dr. Cham Weng Tarng\n\n\n\n\nCham Weng Tarng is a Pediatrician who completed his medical education from the University of Malaya in Malaysia and graduated with an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) degree.\u00a0\n\n\nSpecialization:\n\n\nPediatric Rheumatology, Pediatrics\n\n\nQualifications and experience:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMBBS (Malaya), MRCPCH (UK)\n\n\nFellowship Pediatric Rheumatology (Australia)\n\n\nCCFT (Malaysia)\n\n\n\n\nLanguage:\n\n\n\n\nMalay\n\n\nEnglish\n\n\n\n\nLocation :\u00a0\n\n\nB-2-3, 2nd Floor, Tower B, Sunway Medical Center, No. 5 Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Selangor, Malaysia.\n\n\nContact line:\n\n\n+603-7491 9191 (Ext. 16421/11472)\n\n\nOperation hours:\n\n\n\n\nMonday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.\n\n\nTuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.\n\n\nWednesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.\n\n\nThursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.\n\n\nFriday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.\n\n\nSaturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.\n\n\n\n\n Dr. Cham Weng Tarng \nClick for an appointment\n\n\n#3 Dr. Eni Juraida Binti Abdul Rahman\n\n\n\n\nSpecialization:\n\n\nPediatric Hematology & Oncology, Pediatrics\n\n\nQualifications and experience:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMBBCH (Alexandria)\n\n\nM.MED in Pediatrics (UKM)\n\n\n\n\nLanguage:\n\n\n\n\nMalay\n\n\nEnglish\n\n\n\n\nLocation :\u00a0\n\n\nC-1-3, 1st Floor, Tower C, Sunway Medical Center, No. 5 Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Selangor, Malaysia.\n\n\nContact line:\n\n\n+603-7491 9191 (Ext. 21629/21020)\n\n\nOperation hours:\n\n\n\n\nMonday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.\n\n\nSaturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.\n\n\n\n\n Dr. Eni Juraida Binti Abdul Rahman \nClick for an appointment\n\n\n#4 Dr. Zarin Ikmal Zan Bin Mohd Zain\n\n\n\n\nDr. Zarin Ikmal is an expert in Pediatric Medicine who practices at KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospitals. \n\n\nWith knowledge in consulting for infant and child medical problems for over 25 years, Dr. Zarin is often invited by TV and media programs that discuss medium to complex topics and answer parents \u2019questions. \n\n\nHe has published various articles on infant problems in local magazines and held numerous public forums and talks on infant and childhood illnesses.\n\n\nSpecialization:\n\n\nGeneral pediatric ambulatory and inpatient care, immunization, growth and development, pediatric cardiology care and echocardiogram.\n\n\nQualifications and experience:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMBBS (UM), MMed Paeds (UM),\n\n\nAM (Mal)\n\n\nFellowship Paed. Cardiology (RCH, Melbourne)\n\n\n\n\nLanguage:\n\n\n\n\nMalay\n\n\nEnglish\n\n\n\n\nLocation :\u00a0\n\n\nSuite No. 19, Level 5, KPJ Tawakkal KL Specialist Hospital\n\n\nContact line:\n\n\n\u00a003-4026 7777\n\n\n Dr. Zarin Ikmal Zan Bin Mohd Zain \nClick for an appointment\n\n\n#5 Dr. Ng Sui Yin\n\n\n\n\nNg Sui Yin is an expert in Pediatric Medicine. He is currently working at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The medical services provided by him include: Pediatric Epilepsy, Pediatric Neurological Problems, and other pediatric problems.\n\n\nSpecialization:\n\n\nPediatric Neurology\n\n\nQualifications and experience:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMBBS - University of Bristol\n\n\nMRCP - Royal College of Physicians of the UK\n\n\nMRCPCH - Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health\n\n\n\n\nLanguage:\n\n\n\n\nMalay\n\n\nEnglish\n\n\nMandarin\n\n\nCantonese\n\n\n\n\nLocation :\u00a0\n\n\nSuite 116, 1st Floor, Medical Consultation Suites Block, Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur\n\n\nContact line:\n\n\n03-4141 3238 03-4257 6998\n\n\n Dr. Ng Sui Yin \nClick for an appointment\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nRead more\n: \nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/spring-cleaning-tips", "title": "Spring Cleaning Tips: How To Clean Hard Wood Floors And Carpets", "body": "In many Asian homes, families are accustomed to spending time on the floor \u2013 whether it\u2019s children playing, sitting to watch television or even having meals together on a low table. Now that Chinese New Year is around the corner, it is also time for us to start our spring cleaning routine before the festive season. Here are some spring cleaning tips from Dyson for the upcoming festive season.\u00a0\n\n\nSpring Cleaning Tips: Start With This\n\n\nFirstly, there are these important questions to consider when spring cleaning or even just for daily cleaning of the house:\n\n\n\n\nAre you vacuuming properly before you mop?\n\n\nIs dry and wet cleaning really the best way to clean?\n\n\nDid you know that if dust isn\u2019t removed fully prior to wet cleaning, then it can be smeared across hard floors when the mop function is used, potentially leaving a dirtier rather than a cleaner floor?\n\n\nHow often should you be vacuuming for the best clean possible?\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Dyson, in summary, the best way for you to clean the house is to vacuum first, then mop.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWith mopping, you use disinfectant to clean. You are not trying to remove germs but rather you are trying to kill them. The combination of mopping to kill germs and suction to remove fine dust are two very different jobs. They need to work in unison to achieve that barefoot clean feel. You really must ensure you are vacuuming properly, with the most effective technology to try to remove all of that dust is removed before reaching for the mop,\u201d says Sharon Yap, Head of Technology Development at Dyson.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nTop tips to keep your hard floors dust free and clean\n\n\n\n\nVacuum daily. Vacuuming the high traffic areas in your home ensures that dust doesn\u2019t build up in any areas.\n\n\nUse the right brush head to avoid scratches. The Dyson V11 senses whether you are vacuuming on hard or soft surfaces and can adjust the suction accordingly*. The Dyson soft roller head (Fluffy) is specially made for hardwood floors and coated with antistatic carbon fibre filaments removes dirt and fine debris.\n\n\nUse the right accessories. While it may seem like an effort to change tools mid-vacuum, this will help you remove dust you can see, and dust you can\u2019t. Use a crevice tool to clean hard to reach places.\n\n\nAvoid mopping if you can still see visible dust on your floor.\n\n\nVacuum before mopping. It might seem like double the work, but it\u2019s important to try to remove all the dust in your home first. If the dust isn\u2019t removed fully prior to wet cleaning, then it can be smeared across hard floors when the mop function is used, potentially leaving a dirtier rather than a cleaner floor.\n\n\n\n\nFor more information on the Dyson Cyclone V11\u2122 Fluffy cord-free vacuum cleaner, visit their website \nhere\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-year-old-severely-injured-when-seat-belt-sliced-open-her-abdomen", "title": "6-year-old severely injured when seat belt sliced open her abdomen", "body": "Can you imagine how it\u00a0must feel if the very thing that was supposed to protect your child\u2019s life was the very thing that brought her harm?\n\n\nShe wasn\u2019t using a booster seat\n\n\nSamantha Martin, 6, was almost cut in two by a seat belt, of all things. According to her mother, Shelly Martin, they were going home from a fair and Shelly thought that her daughter was old enough not to use a booster seat while in the car. However,\u00a0Samantha didn\u2019t wear the shoulder strap and only used the waist strap of the seat belt; it was also placed too high since she wasn\u2019t using a booster seat.\n\n\nDisaster struck when their car suddenly went off the road and hit a tree. The resulting impact caused the waist strap to dig into Samantha\u2019s abdomen, causing horrific injuries. In addition, she also had a concussion and needed stitches on her forehead.\n\n\n\u201cShe would not have been this hurt in a booster\u201d\n\n\nHer injuries were so severe, and as Shelly described them,\u00a0\u201cHer intestines were out on scene on the left side.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cShe would not have been this hurt in a booster,\u201d Shelly adds. \u201cDon\u2019t think that just because your child is 7 or 8 years that they are too big\u2026 they aren\u2019t!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIf we can raise awareness and save another child then at least we can bring something good out of this,\u201d Shelly said.\n\n\nThankfully, Samantha has since recovered from her injuries after spending\u00a03 weeks in the hospital, 2 weeks of which were spent in the ICU.\n\n\nCar and booster\u00a0seats save children\u2019s lives\n\n\nSamantha\u2019s doctor referred to her injury as \u201cseat belt syndrome.\u201d It\u2019s a type of injury wherein the seat belt itself is the one that\u2019s causing the injury, and it\u2019s more common among children than adults.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto from: vimeo.com\n\n\n\n\nThis type of injury usually happens when the seat belt is worn incorrectly thereby causing more harm. That\u2019s why booster seats are necessary for children from 5 until 8 years of age and at least 4 feet, 9 inches tall.\n\n\nAdditionally, for newborns and children until age 2, you should use a rear-facing car seat in order to secure your child inside your vehicle. Once they are around 2 years old, they can start using a front-facing car seat.\n\n\nMake sure to follow all of the safety and installation instructions that come with your child\u2019s booster seat as improper use can also be a cause of injury. It\u2019s also important to teach your child basic safety tips such as buckling themselves in, and making sure that the buckles are secure.\n\n\nSources: \ncbsnews.com\n, \ngoodhousekeeping.com\n, \nbabycenter.com\n\n\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\n5 Simple Steps To Resilience: Prepping Your Child To Face The World\nAnak\nTop 3 Most Common Illnesses Kids Contract From Daycare\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Knowing Where Your Milk Comes From Is So Important\nFormula\n10 mistakes you make that will turn your kid into a monstrous brat\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mums-discuss-beauty-tips-help-boost-confidence-labour", "title": "6 mums discuss beauty tips that help boost confidence during labour", "body": "In case you missed it, New York makeup artist, Alaha Karimi recently posted photos of herself applying makeup in the labour room to her \nInstagram account\n. What a woman does to prep for giving birth is by no means any of my business, but others feel differently.\n\n\nIn fact, for every bit of positive feedback Alaha Karimi received, she got an equal amount of condemnation. Check out one of her posts and let us know what you think. Offensive? Or a mother being herself?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nA photo posted by @makeupbyalaha\n on \nMar 23, 2016 at 1:52pm PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy people feel the need to bash a woman for wanting to be as comfortable and confident as possible during childbirth is beyond me, especially when such an act is far from uncommon.\n\n\nTo defend Karimi\u2019s posts and her desire to be herself during labour, \nWomen\u2019s Health Magazine \ninterviewed six mothers who discussed some beauty regimens and techniques that helped them feel more at ease \nduring childbirth.\n\n\nHere\u2019s what these beauty enthusiast and mothers had to say:\n\n\n\u201cI am a makeup addict. It\u2019s my happy place and relaxes me. I started labouring at\u00a08 a.m. but knew it would take a while to go into active labor. I took a bath, did a face peel, painted my nails, and did my makeup. It relaxed me and took my mind off my contractions. I luckily had an unmedicated birth and the day after, when people came to visit, I once again had a full face of makeup on. I just wouldn\u2019t have felt comfortable without it.\u00a0My body was so unfamiliar\u00a0after birth, at least the face looking back was the one I created.\u201d\n\u2014Ashley, 41\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIt was a big deal to me to be able to wear my own clothes during labour and after birth. I found the hospital\u00a0gowns\u00a0uncomfortable, unflattering, and \nunfeminine.\n Even just bringing my own nightgown and\u00a0yoga\u00a0pants to wear afterward made me feel more confident greeting visitors.\u201d\n\u2014Sarah, 32\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI knew that having my body and my environment the way I wanted them would help me when I was in labour\u2014I wasn\u2019t interested in lying on my back, wearing a rough hospital gown and being told what to do\u2026and then feeling ugly and out of it for weeks postpartum. So I chose my medical providers carefully, bought special and comfortable clothes to labor in, and even made birth affirmation posters I could see during my last weeks of pregnancy. I also got gel nails and lash extensions done a few weeks before, as I knew I wouldn\u2019t have time after my son was born. I ended up giving birth totally naked in the tub\u00a0at the birth center I chose, and wouldn\u2019t change any of it for a second. I felt totally empowered in my birth and in what I did to prepare myself beauty-wise.\u201d\n\u2014Cristina, 36\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI took a shower and then dried my hair on my birth ball in between \ncontractions.\n I have really thin hair, and I hate the way it feels plastered to my head and how it falls into my face when it air dries. I knew it would bug me if I didn\u2019t. I just wanted to enjoy my baby instead of being annoyed\u00a0by my hair.\u201d\u00a0\n\u2014Megan, 30\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI had heard from a friend that a good way to pass the time leading up to your due date is scheduling a \u2018grown-up\u2019 activity every few days. Inevitably, you\u2019d have to miss one of the things because you\u2019d have your baby! So at 39 weeks, I scheduled a pedicure, a fancy dinner out, and a haircut over the course of a few days. I made it to the pedicure and went into labour in the middle of dinner out. And while I was in labour, to feel like myself, I felt that it was important to wear my own clothes. In the hospital and away from all of my own comforts, I at least wanted to look like myself. When it was almost time to push,\u00a0I had my husband\u00a0find my favourite teal tank top.\u201d\u00a0\n\u2014Rebecca, 37\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIt was really important for me to feel good about myself the closer I got to my due date. I did little things like getting my hair highlighted and getting a pedicure, simple things to\u00a0cheer me up/cheer me on\u00a0during labor and the days after. I also intentionally brought a cute robe, cute PJs, makeup, and some turquoise\u00a0earrings\u00a0to the hospital. I didn\u2019t use them until the next day, but they helped me feel more like myself again.\u201d\u00a0\n\u2014Kate, 40\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor these mums, being as comfortable and confident as possible during birth meant keeping up with their beauty routines. If it sounds harmless, it\u2019s because it is!\n\n\nMums, whatever it takes to boost your confidence and to be at ease during labour, by all means do it!\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nThis Quiz Will Help You Decide How Best To Protect Yourselves, The Kids And Your Parents Too\nMoney Parenting\nHow To Nurture Your Child\u2019s Knowledge About Money\nParenting\nParents, Let Us Inspire Kids To Dream Big And Change The World!\nAktiviti anak\n6 ways playtime can shape your child's learning!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-shares-my-wicked-mother-in-law-broke-my-marriage", "title": "Mum shares: \u201cMy wicked mother-in-law broke my marriage\u201d", "body": "Rita* met Raj* at a lecture hall when they were both studying at the National University of Singapore. They were medical students and were paired up for an assignment. With undeniable chemistry, they started dating soon after. After 6 years, Raj* proposed. Their wedding was magnificent and Rita says that marrying Raj was the best thing that had happened to her. But one deal-breaker was her relationship with her to-be mother-in-law. \u201cShe was a meddler, competitor, and so very toxic.\u201d\n\n\nSitting down with us, Rita pours her heart out on how the situation at home got so bad, her husband has walked out on her and her toddler.\n\n\nThis is her story\u2026\n\n\n\n\nI\u2019ve always had a fundamental dislike for my mother in-law, beginning well before getting hitched. It was basically a clash of personality, opinion, lifestyle, values\u2026 okay, the works. She was narcissistic, self-absorbed, overly-dramatic and she always used emotional blackmail not only on her own son, but on me as well.\n\n\nShe would guilt-trip, bully and act victimised- seriously, she\u2019s the typical monster-in-law you\u2019d see on a Bollywood TV serial. Coming from India, I did expect her to be a bit more traditional and conservative, but I thought I\u2019d adjust. After all I loved Raj to bits and would do anything to make a life with him. I only thought of the bright future we\u2019d have. The happy home that I\u2019d decorate with him, the children we would create and bring up together, the happy ever after. But boy, was I wrong.\n\n\nA mere one month into my marriage, my mother-in-law Gitu* would make decisions for me. On what I ate for lunch, where I shopped for new clothes (Indians leave their old clothes behind when getting married, and start a fresh wardrobe), and what time I went to bed! She was a total control freak! She would look at the clock and say,\u201dOkay, it\u2019s 10pm, kids time to turn in. Rita, my son needs his proper sleep. Stop keeping him up.\u201d\n\n\nHer snide remarks got to me, and sometimes I\u2019d want to say something back, but I always stopped myself. Being totally a people pleaser (often to my own detriment), I may have seemed weak to her, and that could be why she continued treating me this way.\n\n\nThe smallest thing I did would be picked on. I tried to cook dinner every night, knowing my husband like home-cooked meals as his lunches were always taken outside. Gitu would invade my space in the kitchen, and insult my methods of cooking, my \u2018boring and yucky\u2019 recipes, and she even once said to me, \u201cYour mother obviously was too busy working to teach you any household chores.\u201d That sent me flipping.\n\n\nI had ignored most of what she said to me, but that was outright rude and a major blow to my face- so I complained to Raj about it. He just dismissed it with a chuckle, telling me not to take her seriously. The first few months I did just that, but she kept testing my limit.\n\n\nI started keeping my distance \u2013 I\u2019d go to work, and when I was home, I\u2019d stay in my room till dinner time (she made us all eat at the dining table together). I felt cooped up, and after much persuasion, my husband agreed to move out and get our own flat. That was it for her \u2013 she blew her top when he broke the news.\n\n\nShe started yelling at me saying I was the poisonous snake that entered their house and was the reason her son was drifting away from her. She even took a butter knife to slit her wrist! I couldn\u2019t handle all the drama, so I told Raj I would go to my cousin\u2019s place that weekend till things cooled off. He was an adult and could make his own choices, couldn\u2019t he? If he wanted to move out, he should just move out. And she should be happy and supportive.\n\n\nThat weekend was calm for me, but terribly chaotic for Raj. His mum manipulated him to think that I was jealous of their closeness and I wanted to take her place. This made no sense to me- her cunning nature and the extent to how far she\u2019d go to convince him was beyond belief.\n\n\nI was raised to treat people with respect, but I\u2019d lost all respect for my mother in-law\u2019s behaviour and now, her as a person. She\u2019s not really a bad person, but maybe because of our differing views, it got to the point where I then felt a huge amount of stress and adrenaline when I saw her.\n\n\nWe moved out (with much difficulty, and a lot of voice-raising) two months later. Raj was unhappy, and I felt horrible seeing him that way. I wanted him to be excited to start a new chapter with me (I was pregnant then) and build our new home together.\n\n\nIt was our first home and first baby \u2013 and he was always in sulky or stressed-out mode. His mother stole our special moments from us, and I will never get them back. And for that, I will never forgive her.\n\n\nMy pregnancy went by with her not even calling me or visiting me once. She had kept to her word of \u2018\u2019never stepping into your house if you dare move out\u2019\u2019. I felt really bad seeing Raj not being himself- he wanted to be around his mum, and I felt guilty having taken that away from him. So, like a fool, I told him to reconcile with her somehow and to get her back into our lives. He did\u2026 and she ended up moving in with us!\n\n\nWhen Charles* was born, she didn\u2019t help me much (other than tell me what to do AGAIN), she belittled me in front of my guests, and undermined me in front of Raj and his friends, and even my relatives. My parents had passed away a few years back, so all my vented up frustration I had to keep to myself.\n\n\nThere were days she would take Charles into her room and not pass him to me for a feed or playtime- she said she would do it \u201cbecause I can do it better.\u201d\n\n\nAfter discussing boundaries with my husband and agreeing that he\u2019d discuss them with her, he failed to do it a couple of times\u2026 so I did. And I did it in a direct and assertive way (she doesn\u2019t understand subtlety). I told her off, expressing exactly how I felt being around her and her wicked ways. This was a big deal for me, and I was quietly proud of myself for standing up to her. But of course Raj got upset with me. He said he was supportive of me but just doesn\u2019t seem to follow-through when it comes to his family.\n\n\nOur son is now 2, and things have gotten worse. Gitu interferes in every parenting decision I make. Raj has been so stressed out with our conflict that he has basically given up on us. His mum has drilled it into his head that I am a bad mother to our son, I work too much and he can do so much better. It\u2019s unbelievable how evil my mother in law is and to what lengths she would go to get rid of me. I don\u2019t even know what her problem with me is. She never wants to trash things out when I\u2019ve asked her to.\n\n\nLast month, Raj broke down in front of me, telling me he couldn\u2019t do this anymore. He wanted out. He has decided to walk out on our marriage, and our little boy. I\u2019ve spoken to friends and family and they feel that if he is cowardly enough not to stand up for his family, then he isn\u2019t worth it.\n\n\nBut my heart belongs to him and I will fight for him, for us, for my son to grow up with a dad. Right now we are separated, and I am at a loss as to how to handle this. I know my mother in law cannot change and things cannot be sorted out, but I desperately want to be with my husband and son.\n\n\nOnly time will tell how this story ends. And I pray and hope that I have the strength to overcome this heartbreak, and that a miracle happens for us. Losing my husband over my mother in law is not something I had ever imagined. But that\u2019s life, isn\u2019t it?\n\n\n(Story as told to Pavin Chopra)\nPartner Stories\nPregnancy\n7 tips for busy pregnant mums to meet nutritional requirements \u2013 every pregnant mum\u2019s every day nutrition guide\nMoney Parenting\nA Quick Look At How Asian Parents Teach About Money\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nFormula\nAnak Susah Minum Susu? Ini Tips Daripada Pakar Untuk Pujuk Anak Minum Susu & Kepentingannya Pada Tumbesaran Mereka!\n\n\n*All names in this story have been changed to protect the identity of those involved\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMummies, any of you have advice for Rita? Please share!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/shopping-mall", "title": "Shop & Win RM1million Worth of Prizes at Sunway Malls", "body": "As our economy recovers and district borders reopen, we can finally shop physically at the shopping mall \u2013 within the safety guidelines of course \u2013 for some retail therapy. With the recent announcements, we can finally visit our favourite shopping mall and take a break from browsing the online platforms.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd if you shop at Sunway Malls, you can stand a chance to win vouchers and prizes worth over RM1million with their newly launched \u2018Ultimate Spin & Win\u2019 campaign.\u00a0\n\n\nSunway\n \nMalls is thanking customers for their support with exclusive prizes\n\u00a0\n\n\nIt has been a year since the world was struck with one of the most challenging times and with that, Sunway Malls intends to show their appreciation to those who continue to support their malls as their preferred lifestyle destination.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom March until April 2021, Sunway Malls is rewarding its loyal shoppers with their \u2018Ultimate Spin & Win\u2019 campaign, where shoppers can stand a chance to grab exclusive vouchers and prizes when spending a minimum of RM250.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAt Sunway Malls, we are here to serve the communities around us, even more so in trying times like this. Apart from providing a safe place to shop, our malls are also sanctuaries that deliver momentarily respite from the challenges arise from the pandemic.\n\n\n\u201cWe aspire and endeavour that this campaign apart from thanking our shoppers for their unwavering support; it is also an expression of solidarity with our retailers who are going through one of the most challenging times,\u201d said CEO of Sunway Malls & Theme Parks, HC Chan.\u00a0\n\n\nParticipate in Sunway Mall\u2019s Ultimate Spin & Win\n\n\n\n\nAll Sunway Malls will run the Spin & Win Campaign until 4 April. Except Sunway Giza which will only kickstart their campaign from 19 March onwards and Sunway Citrine Mall 20-21 March 2021).\n\n\nTo participate, you need to spend a minimum of RM250 in two receipts to take home prizes or voucher \u2013 these prizes will be selected based on the spinning wheel, which will land on a specific item from the participating outlets.\u00a0\n\n\nProducts you can win include items from Brooks, L\u2019Occitane, Oris, Origins, Samsonite, Yves Saint Laurent, Sulwhasoo, Tomei, Under Armour, Unilever, Watson\u2019s, City Chain, Aveda, Li-Ning, Ogawa, Sony Centre, Braun B\u00fcffel, Oppo, Nescafe Dolce Gusto and Realme, among others.\n\n\nThe best thing about this is that every shopper that spends RM250 will take home something special as you will win something with every spin. To top it off, you can spin more than once when you spend a little more!\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a quick rundown on how many spins you can get!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSunway Pyramid, Sunway Putra Mall, Sunway Carnival Mall, Sunway Big Box and Sunway Citrine Hub\n: Spend RM250 in two receipts for one spin, while if you spend between RM500 and 749.99 you are entitled for two spins. For those who spend RM750 and above, you are entitled for three spins.\u00a0\n\n\nSunway Velocity Mall:\n Spend RM250 a maximum of two receipts to be entitled to one spin, and collect 250 Sunway Pals points to be entitled for one additional spin.\u00a0\n\n\nSunway Giza Mall:\n Spend RM150 in a maximum of two receipts to be entitled to one spin. Those who spend between RM300 and RM449.99 are entitled for two spins, while spending more than RM450 gets you a total of three spins. Get an additional 1 spin when you collect Pals points!\n\n\n\n\nTo top it off, each shopper that participates in the Spin & Win contest will automatically qualify for the Lucky Draw that will see shoppers win incredible prizes from each shopping mall including TVs, smartphones, Playstation 5, smart watches, massage chairs, headphones, beauty products, Napure Agro-Air Comfort Queen Size Bed and LEGO sets.\n\n\nRemember, always stay safe while shopping\n\n\nWith the lifting of the recent MCO, more business sectors have been given the green light to reopen for customers to enjoy their offerings. However, make sure to stay safe when shopping as we are still fighting a pandemic \u2013 so, always practice the usual safety measures such as social distancing and hand-washing, while also abiding by the measures in place when visiting a shopping mall.\u00a0\n\n\nSunway Malls will continue to take stringent measures to ensure all seven malls are safe and secure for the patronage of all its shoppers. All common touchpoints and high-traffic areas are sanitised and disinfected regularly, with physical distancing measures put in place where necessary. This is to provide all shoppers with peace of mind that they can enjoy a safe shopping experience whenever they choose to visit any of the Sunway Malls nationwide.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nFor more information on the Sunway Malls Ultimate Spin & Win Campaign, visit \nwww.sunwaymalls.com/ultimate-spin-and-win\n .\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThe 6 pictures of children you should not post on social media\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/covid-kid-quiz", "title": "Restless Kids at Home? Teach Them About COVID-19 With This FREE Humorous Quiz", "body": "With schools closed and kids forced to stay at home, they may not fully understand the extent of the current COVID-19 situation. As more parents are seeking virtual classes to keep their children educated, apps are constantly adding features to accommodate this lifestyle change.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile there are various edutainment apps that focus on the daily subjects, Singapore edtech startup Yumcha Studios has launched a COVID-specific free multilingual quiz just for children in a bid to teach educate them on fighting coronavirus.\u00a0\n\n\nUsing humour to promote learning\n\n\nThe quiz, titled \u201c10 WAYS KIDS CAN FIGHT THE COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS\u201d, was created with a collaborative effort with teachers and educational organisations from different countries\u00a0 \u2013 it is available in English, Malay as well as Chinese, among other languages.\u00a0\n\n\nEach question features a Yumcha Studio character and uses adorable humour to ensure children keep engaged with the questions.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe really wanted to impress upon kids the importance of not just things like good hygiene practices and social distancing, but also values like rejecting bigotry.\n\n\n\u201cHumour just makes things more engaging and memorable\u201d, said Dr. Woo Yen Yen, CEO and co-founder of Yumcha Studios.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, all\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTake the Quiz\n\n\nParents can access the quiz on \ndimsumwarriors.com\n. Additionally, all Dim Sum Chums apps are free for download on iOS and Android!\n\n\nRead more\n\n\n\n\nJust Stay at Home! 6 Edutainment Apps & Services to Keep Your Kids Learning\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-mums-newborn-photo-accidentally-included-an-embarrassing-detail", "title": "This mum's newborn photo accidentally included an embarrassing detail", "body": "Let\u2019s face it, being a mother is one of the most exciting and memorable moments of a woman\u2019s life. And with the popularity of social media these days, a lot of moms are eager to share photos of their newborns as soon as possible.\n\n\nHowever, one mum forgot to double check the photo before she uploaded it, accidentally posting an embarrassing photo of herself!\n\n\nShe forgot to double check the photo\n\n\nAt first glance, you really won\u2019t notice that there\u2019s anything wrong. But if you look closely, you\u2019ll see the reason why the photo became viral online!\n\n\nLook closely at the photo below:\n\n\n\n\nSource: reddit.com\n\n\n\n\nSoon after uploading the photo, it quickly went viral after it was shared by the\u00a0\nBubs Warehouse International\n\u00a0Facebook page.\n\n\nMums shared their own experiences\n\n\nThe netizens who saw the photo found it funny, and some even shared their own similar experiences:\n\n\nAmanda Wickins wrote on a comment: \u201cHahahahahaha this happened to me with my son.\n\n\n\u201cMy mum did the picture of my son on the weighing table thingy all focused on him not realising and put it on Facebook without realising. Yep, I was in the photo.\u201d\n\n\nAnother mum,\u00a0Monique Louise, said that her partner Marty took a photo of their newborn, and sent it to his dad, not realizing that she was still being stitched up in the background.\n\n\nCarina Lawless, a netizen, commented, \u201cOMG\u2026 the poor woman\u2026 she would have been horrified!\u201d\n\n\nIndeed, it was a very embarrassing moment for the new mum! Regardless, it\u2019s just one of those funny stories that she can tell her kids someday!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nnews.com.au\n\n\nThis article is republished with permission from \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-foods-for-family", "title": "Fuss-Free Cooking: Learn How To Easily Prepare Yummy And Healthy Meals For Your Family", "body": "Healthy eating habits start at home. Eating home-cooked meals together as a family is known to have a lasting impact on children as they grow up, not only physically but also in terms of their behaviour and academic success. Now, we all know that good nutrition plays a major role in our family\u2019s health but getting them to maintain healthy eating can be quite a task! So what can we do to make this easier?\n\n\nMake Healthy Eating Enjoyable\n\n\nWhether you\u2019re just starting out on this healthy eating journey or looking for creative and simple ways to encourage your family to eat healthy, we\u2019ve rounded up some helpful tips that you can try, especially with your children in your daily routine.\n\n\n\n\nDisguise the healthy stuff\n\n\n\n\nAdd blended or finely chopped vegetables into your usual pasta sauces, stew or creamy soups. Your little ones won\u2019t notice the hidden veggies!\n\n\n\n\nOffer healthy snacks\n\n\n\n\nAlways have plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy beverages like milk, water and pure fruit juices in the house for snack time. You can also make your own yummy dips to take it up a notch!\n\n\n\n\nBe a good role model\n\n\n\n\nEat healthy foods together with your children. You can\u2019t expect them to enjoy fruits and veggies while you\u2019re chomping down that bag of chips, can you?\n\n\n\n\nShop, cook and eat together\n\n\n\n\nGet your children involved in your weekly grocery shopping and cook your family meals together. There\u2019s so much you can teach them about the food that they eat and what it takes to prepare food for the family, from A to Z. Cooking and eating more meals at home also means less junk and processed food for your growing children. Best of all, this can turn into a fun family routine too!\u00a0\n\n\nAs mentioned earlier, cooking healthy meals do not always require fancy ingredients and elaborate methods. What you need is the perfect 360 cooking tool that lets you cook just about any meal you\u2019re craving for, quickly and easily.\u00a0\n\n\nCook Like A Pro With The Panasonic Big Cubie Oven\n\n\n\n\nWorry no more about your busy schedules and limited meal ideas. It\u2019s time to take your cooking to the next level with the new Panasonic Big Cubie Oven! Now, get ready to cook quick, healthy and delicious meals at home, just like a pro.\u00a0\n\n\nSuperheated Steam Technology For Smarter Cooking\n\n\nPowered by Superheated Steam Technology, the new Panasonic Big Cubie Oven is an all-in-one smart oven that not only cooks to perfection, but also provides a quicker and healthier cooking process. Here\u2019s what the Superheated Steam does:\n\n\n\n\nIt ensures that your food is always \ndelicious\n and cooked \u201ccrispy on the outside, plump and juicy on the inside\u201d, making it perfect for roasting.\u00a0\n\n\nIt promotes \nhealthy\n cooking by removing excess oil and fat in every dish while still preserving nutrients and natural flavours.\n\n\nIt \nreduces cooking time\n by using high heat energy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nVersatile Cooking Possibilities\n\n\nThe Panasonic Big Cubie is created with enhanced steam function and convection heating technology that provide a wide range of cooking options \u2013 bake, grill, healthy steam, healthy fry, stew and fermentation, too.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are 30 pre-programmed menus for healthy, easy and delicious cooking, as well as 5 cleaning modes for thorough hygienic maintenance. Convenience at your fingertips!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHealthy Steam\n\n\n\n\nSuper easy steaming with three levels of temperature settings:\n\n\n120\u00b0C : ideal for all kinds of meat, vegetables and for reheating food.\n\n\n150\u00b0C: best steaming temperature for seafood dishes.\n\n\n190\u00b0C : ideal for all kinds of dishes with meat, poultry and seafood gratin.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nStew\n\n\n\n\nJust chuck all your fresh ingredients together and let the oven do the stewing.\n\n\n\n\nConvection, grill and healthy fry\n\n\n\n\nPrepare a big feast for your friends and family with the oven\u2019s 30L capacity. We especially love the idea of grilling without open fire!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFermentation\n\n\n\n\nMake your own pizza, yogurt and pastry! Let your dough rise and shine perfectly with the right temperature settings (30\u00b0C or 40\u00b0C).\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s Get Cooking!\n\n\nTo kick start your Panasonic Big Cubie Oven cooking adventure, check out these quick and easy recipes that will surely take your family on a delicious day to night gastronomic journey!\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nBreakfast:\u00a0\n\n\nPotato Baked Eggs\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCubie function: Convection, Steam Convection\n\n\nPreparation time: 20 mins\n\n\nCooking time: 57 mins\n\n\nServes: 2\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n2\n \nlarge russet potatoes, scrubbed clean\n\n\n80 g\n \nbutton mushrooms, sliced\n\n\n2 cloves\n \ngarlic, chopped\n\n\n20 g \n \nbutter\n\n\n2 pcs\n \nturkey slice, diced\n\n\n2\n \neggs\n\n\n1 tsp\n \nchopped chives\n\n\nsalt and pepper to taste\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nSlice off one third of the potatoes lengthwise. Bake the potato pieces on Convection (with preheat) mode at 200\u00b0C for 20 minutes.\n\n\nMeanwhile, place the mushrooms on an oven-proof bowl. Place the butter on top of the mushrooms, and the chopped garlic on the butter. Set aside.\u00a0\n\n\nSpread out the diced turkey slices on a small oven-proof dish. Set aside.\n\n\nWhen 20 minutes of baking is completed, immediately place the mushrooms and turkey slices on the baking tray alongside the potatoes. Continue to bake on Convection (without preheat) mode at 200\u00b0C for 20-25 minutes until potatoes are cooked.\n\n\nRemove the turkey slice bits from the baking tray. Set aside.\n\n\nScoop out the center of each of the two larger portions of potato, leaving about 1 cm of flesh on the skin.\n\n\nSeason the mushrooms with salt and pepper. Spoon \u00be of the mushrooms into the cavity of each potato. Carefully pour an egg into each cavity.\n\n\nReturn the tray of potatoes to the oven and bake on Steam Convection (with preheat) mode at 190\u00b0C for 10-12 minutes until the eggs are done as desired. Top the potatoes with remaining mushrooms. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Serve hot, topped with chives and turkey slice bits.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLunch:\n\n\nSesame Crusted Salmon\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCubie function: Healthy Fry\n\n\nPreparation time: 15 mins\n\n\nCooking time: 12 mins\n\n\nServes: 2\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n2 pcs \n \nsalmon fillet, approx. 150 g each\n\n\n2 tbsp\n \nblack sesame seed\n\n\n2 tbsp\n \nwhite sesame seed\n\n\n\u00bd \u2013 1 tbsp\n \nfish sauce\n\n\n1 tbsp \n \nhoney\n\n\n1 tbsp\n \nolive oil\n\n\n1\n \ngreen bird\u2019s eye chilli\n\n\n1 \n \nkaffir lime leaf, hard spine removed\n\n\na pinch of salt\n\n\na pinch of pepper\n\n\na little water\n\n\na handful sweet basil leaves\n\n\na handful coriander leaves\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nMake pesto by blending together coriander leaves, sweet basil leaves, kaffir lime leaf, green bird\u2019s eye chilli, olive oil, honey, fish sauce and water.\n\n\nRub salmon fillets with a pinch of salt and pepper.\n\n\nCoat the fillets with sesame seeds on the top and bottom (with skin) surfaces evenly.\n\n\nPlace salmon fillets with skin side down on a tray lined with parchment paper and cook on Healthy Fry for 12 minutes. Serve immediately with pesto and a side of salad.\n\n\n\n\nGarlic Prawns in Egg\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCubie function: Healthy Fry, Healthy Steam\n\n\nPreparation time: 15 mins\n\n\nCooking time: 23 mins\n\n\nServes: 4\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n4 cloves\n \ngarlic, chopped\n\n\n1 tbsp\n \noil\n\n\n4 stalks\n \nspring onion\n\n\n5\n \nmedium prawns, shelled with head and tail intact, de-veined\n\n\n\u00bc cup\n \nwater\n\n\n\u00bd tsp\n \nsalt\n\n\n\u00bd tsp\n \nsugar\n\n\n2\n \neggs, whisked and mixed with 3 tbsp water\n\n\n\u00bc tsp\n \nsesame oil\n\n\na pinch of white pepper\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nPlace garlic in a bowl and mix with the oil. Fry mode for 10 minutes. Set aside.\n\n\nPlace 3 stalks of spring onion on the base of a deep dish and arrange prawns on top.\n\n\nMix water with salt, sugar and pepper. Pour over prawns.\n\n\nSteam o Healthy Steam mode at 150\u00b0C for 4 minutes. Pour egg mixture over and continue for another 7-9 minutes until egg has set.\n\n\nDrizzle with sesame oil and garnish with the garlic and some chopped spring onion. Serve hot.\n\n\n\n\nTip: Anchovy or vegetable stock may be used in place of water.\n\n\nDinner:\n\n\nSlow Cooked Lamb Goulash\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCubie function: Grill, Stew\n\n\nPreparation time: 20 mins\n\n\nCooking time: 1 hour 50 mins\n\n\nServes: 3\n\n\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n350 g\n \nlamb cubes\n\n\n1\n \nyellow onion, quartered\n\n\n4 cloves\n \ngarlic\n\n\n\u00bd tsp\n \ndried marjoram\n\n\n1 \u00bd\n \npaprika\n\n\n\u00bd tbsp\n \nsugar\n\n\n\u00bd tsp\n \nsalt\n\n\n\u00bc\n \nblack pepper\n\n\n120 g\n \ncarrots, cut into chunks\n\n\n80 g\n \ncelery, cut into chunks\n\n\n1\n \nred capsicum, cut into chunks\n\n\n1\n \ntomato, cut into 8 pieces\n\n\n2 tbsp\n \nWorcestershire sauce\n\n\n120 ml\n \ntomato puree\n\n\n80 ml\n \nwater\n\n\n2 sprigs\n \nchervil, for garnish\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nMix together lamb, onion, garlic, marjoram, paprika, sugar, salt and pepper in a casserole pot. Cook using Grill mode for 20 minutes.\n\n\nAdd carrots, celery, red capsicum, tomato, Worcestershire sauce, tomato puree and water, stir well. Braise using Stew mode for 1 hour 30 minutes, stirring every 30 minutes. Garnish with chervil. Serve hot.\n\n\n\n\nTip: Serve with boiled potatoes, rice or bread.\n\n\nBegin Your Cooking Adventure Now!\n\n\n\n\nAre you all fired up to get your apron on? Let\u2019s feed those rumbling tummies at home with loads of yummy healthy foods!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGet your very own Panasonic Big Cubie Oven NU-SC300BMPQ now at RM2,799.00.\u00a0\n\n\nClick \nhere\n for info on Panasonic Online Store Malaysia; \nOr \nhere\n to find your nearest Panasonic retailers.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you wish to learn more about the amazing Panasonic Big Cubie Oven, click right \nhere\n!\n\n\nHappy cooking!\n\n\n*Special offer for early birds*\n\n\nGet a complimentary \nTh\nermocafe 2-tier lunch box as well as a limited edition Panasonic Big Cubie Cookbook* while stocks last!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/newborn-diaper-tips", "title": "5 VERY Important Tips when Choosing a Newborn Diaper", "body": "Congratulations! If you are reading this then you probably have just given birth or you are expecting your bundle of joy to be in your arms soon.\n\n\nBabies are at their most vulnerable during their newborn stage, so you will need to play close attention-to-detail when it comes to picking out their basic essentials such as diapers \u2013 their skin is very sensitive and their umbilical cords have yet to heal.\n\n\nThere are many types of disposable diapers. It can be confusing when it comes to understanding which features actually matter for your baby and is good for their skin\u2019s health.\n\n\nTo help you through this, we have compiled five of our top tips to keep in mind when choosing a newborn diaper for your little one.\n\n\n1.\n\u00a0 \nTape diapers protect the navel area\n\n\n\n\nTape diapers or pant diapers? We know, it can be overwhelming but disposable tape diapers are the ones you need now. As we mentioned, your baby\u2019s umbilical stump is still in the midst of healing, while some newborns\u2019 umbilical cords have yet to fall off.\n\n\nWith tape diapers, parents can easily adjust the diaper under their navel area to keep the umbilical stump uncovered for it to dry out and heal better. Also, newborns are not able to walk or sit yet, so tape diapers are easy to fasten as your baby will be lying down. Pant diapers are a no-no right now and are more suited during their toddler years where you can easily pull it up.\n\n\nPro tip:\n\n\nLook for a disposable tape \ndiaper with a U-cut shape \nto easily avoid the navel area.\n\n\n2.\n\u00a0 \nMaterial and softness is key for comfort\n\n\n\n\nWe know that our skin is the first line of defence from pathogens, irritants and allergens. This means that proper skincare can protect our body against infections or diseases. However, baby skin takes time to properly develop along with their immune system, which is why choosing the right diaper material is crucial to their health as it will be touching their delicate skin everyday. Material with fragrances or chlorine can potentially irritate their sensitive skin.\n\n\nBesides that, material softness matters too. Softer fibres are more gentle on their skin and you will want to look for non-irritating, allergen-free and soft fabric. Also, softness allows your baby to enjoy better comfort during their hours of diaper wear!\n\n\nPro tip:\n\n\nCheck the diaper material contents before buying. Look for a disposable diaper that is \nfree from EU26 Allergens \n\u2013 these are allergenic substances that can cause redness, irritation or rashes.\n\n\n3.\n\u00a0 \nBreathability prevents skin irritations\n\n\n\n\nBreathability is very important when it comes to protecting your baby\u2019s sensitive skin. A breathable diaper allows air to flow in or out of the diaper to prevent stuffiness and moisture from being trapped\n \n\u00a0\u2013 one of the most common causes of diaper rash is because of prolonged exposure to moisture of a wet diaper!\n\n\nMoreover, according to\n \nresearch\n, babies who wore breathable diapers experienced less skin irritation, such as diaper dermatitis, compared to infants who did not wear breathable diapers.\n\n\nBut, how does it work? Well, these diapers use breathable material for the back sheet or layer, which keeps liquid inside (to prevent leakages) but allows water vapours out with air flow to keep the skin dry.\n\n\nPro tip:\n\n\nLook for diaper brands with an embossed top sheet. This will allow more air space, as well as less contact between your baby\u2019s skin and the diaper.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n4.\n\u00a0 \nSpeedy absorption is key to dryness\n\n\n\n\nNewborn babies generally urinate between\n \n15 and 20 times per day\n. So, absorbency is a given with diapers. However, the rate of absorption is what you should pay attention to.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, a newborn\u2019s stool is usually soft and loose \u2013 they can have between one to two bowel movements and it can go up to even, five or 10 times per day! This means you will want diapers that are able to quickly absorb their loose stools to prevent any spillage, while keeping their skin dry to avoid irritation.\u00a0\n\n\nIn short, the faster the diaper is able to absorb your baby\u2019s waste, the less likely leakages are bound to happen and the better your baby\u2019s skin cleanliness will be.\n\n\nPro tip:\n\n\nOne feature to look out for in a diaper brand is a \u2018Stool Lock System\u2019. This is designed to help draw, lock, as well as secure any loose stools to keep your baby dry and clean. \n\n\n5. A wetness indicator makes parenting easier\n\n\n\n\nThe wetness indicator is your best tool. Juggling a newborn is far from easy and checking their diaper can be tiresome but we need to do it. We wouldn\u2019t want them to sit in their waste for long periods of time \u2013 it can put their skin health at risk.\n\n\nIt can be stressful having to check your baby\u2019s diaper often to see if he or she did their business but\u00a0 with a wetness indicator strip, your diaper will let you know it is time for a change. This strip runs at the bottom of the diaper from the front to back and will change colour upon contact with liquids!\n\n\nPro Tip:\n\n\nRead your diaper information sheet on how their indicator works \u2013 some brands may have different recommendations due to material types. There may be a suggested time to check diapers according to the indicator colour.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nFor ultimate comfort, try Skinature by Drypers\n\n\nHere is a disposable tape diaper that checks all the boxes \u2013 introducing the NEW Skinature by Drypers \nDerma Care Technology\u2122\n. This dermatologically tested diaper features a combination of soft and breathable materials with special care technology that ensure your baby\u2019s skin is kept dry, as well as clean.\n\n\nThe diaper, which ranges in newborn to XL sizes, is free of irritants and made especially to protect their delicate, sensitive skin. Here is a how Skinature by Drypers can cater to your newborn\u2019s needs.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\nIt is free from allergens: \nDeveloped with Derma-Care Technology, the diaper is free from EU26 allergens \u2013 26 common allergenic substances that can induce an allergy \u2013 all throughout the diaper\u2019s sheets to ensure it is safe, as well as gentle on your baby\u2019s sensitive skin. It is dermatologically tested, hypoallergenic as well as chlorine and fragrance free!\u00a0\n\n\nIt is made with premium softness and comfort: \nSkinature by Drypers uses softer tape and all of their materials are made from soft fibres. It is also designed with Pro-Skin Navel Care which is a special cut-out feature of a \nslight U-cut shape \nthat protects the navel area and supports the healing of your newborn\u2019s umbilical stump. The diaper\u2019s soft leg cuffs ensure your baby\u2019s comfort, while its waistband is six times more stretchable for your baby to comfortably fit into their diaper as they grow.\u00a0\n\n\nIt offers speedy absorption: \nSkinature by Drypers\u2019s newborn size includes a Stool Lock System\u2122 and has one of the best stool lock performance to keep your newborn\u2019s skin clean, as well as dry. Its core materials are specifically selected to ensure the diaper is able to quickly absorb and distribute liquid to prevent flow back, while maintaining a dry surface. It is recognised as a breathable diaper with 100 percent air space as the 3D-embossed top layer has deeper air pockets that doubles the space between the diaper and the baby\u2019s skin. Hence, less skin contact!\u00a0\n\n\nIt has a wetness indicator: \nSkinature by Drypers has a wetness indicator which turns from yellow to green once in contact with liquid. With this feature, it saves parents from the trouble of constantly checking their baby\u2019s diaper as the indicator will let you know when a diaper change is needed. Drypers recommends changing the diaper once 2/3 of the indicator turns green.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat we have learnt is that a baby\u2019s skin \u2013 no matter the age \u2013 requires delicate care and choosing a diaper is not a task to take for granted as he or she will be in contact with these materials every day. Simply choosing a diaper without properly assessing its features can put their skin health at risk.\u00a0\n\n\nSkinature by Drypers is a great choice as its features centre around providing the best care for your baby. It caters to their specific needs and gives you a peace-of-mind that their skin is truly protected.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, try out \nSkinature by Drypers\n today \u2013 your baby\u2019s skin will thank you!\u00a0\n\n\nGet your Skinature by Drypers \nhere\n today.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-places-to-visit-with-kids-malaysia", "title": "Cuti-Cuti Malaysia: Best Places To Visit With Kids In Malaysia", "body": "The annual school holidays are coming as we get closer to the end of the year, and with the interstate borders opening up, there are a lot of places to visit within Malaysia with your family. Let\u2019s go on a cuti-cuti Malaysia trip!\n\n\nWhile we can\u2019t travel overseas yet due to restrictions brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, here are some places in Malaysia worth visiting with your family!\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Malaysia with family\n\n\nMalaysia has many unique attractions, beaches, culture, destinations, and food you can try out with your family during the holidays. Each state has its own uniqueness and special treasures you can explore with your little ones. Let\u2019s get started!\n\n\nPlaces to visit in KL with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nNafis Abman\n from \nPexels\n\n\n\n\nIf your family loves city life, then visiting Kuala Lumpur will be one of the best options for you. Start your cuti-cuti Malaysia there where you can admire the stunning \nPetronas Twin Towers\n while exploring sleek modern stores.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can also take your kids to their base\u2019s evening light and water show and spend a few hours at the large playground and kids water park, which are both free and only a few meters away.\n\n\nThe \nPetrosains Museum\n and the \nKuala Lumpur Aquarium\n are also located nearby.\n\n\nAdditionally, your kids will also enjoy the following attractions in Kuala Lumpur:\n\n\n\n\nKuala Lumpur Bird Park\n: KL Bird Park is a must-see for all kids that love nature, with over 3,000 birds inside and a wide range of park attractions.\n\n\nZoo Negara:\n Malaysia\u2019s National Zoo, which spans 110 acres, offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to observe more than 5137 specimens representing 476 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Your kids can also visit Malaysia\u2019s famous giant pandas here!\u00a0\n\n\nFarm in the City\n: This small village styled petting zoo in Seri Kembangan, approximately 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur, is the ideal spot for kids to engage with animals including ponies, parrots and more.\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Penang with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nmotomoto sc\n from \nPexels\n\n\n\n\nPenang\u2019s old-world charm is evident, making it one of Malaysia\u2019s most popular tourist destinations. Here, you can take a stroll around Georgetown\u2019s streets and marvel at the grandeur of the historic homes, then embark on the quest for the city\u2019s rustic murals.\n\n\nThe finest of both worlds is found in this ideal combination of new and ancient. Of course, Penang would be incomplete without its world-famous street cuisine.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your family is filled with food lovers, Penang is the spot for you to eat your hearts out! You can choose from lip-smacking char kuey teow to spicy asam laksa, refreshing cendol, and more.\n\n\nPenang is also an amazing place to bring your kids to. There you can have a family picnic at the beaches located in \nBatu Ferringhi\n, or simply check into one of the beach front hotels. Additionally, there are also fun attractions that your children will adore all over this island; which are:\n\n\n\n\nUpside Down Museum\n: This attraction is a must go for kids as everything in this place from the sofa to the tables are hanging from the ceiling. This gives the illusion of things being upside down and will be a fun experience for your child.\n\n\nEscape Park\n: The theme park is home to the world\u2019s longest tube water slide, which holds the Guinness World Record. The one-of-a-kind slide, which reaches a height of 1,111 metres, will most definitely keep your kids busy and excited during your trip.\n\n\nDark Mansion Museum\n: Dark Mansion is one of the most popular attractions in the area since it is Malaysia\u2019s first and only 3D glow in the dark museum. Your kids will have a blast while interacting with the artwork as they transition from 2D to 3D.\n\n\n\n\nOther places worth mentioning that your kids would love are:\n\n\n\n\nWonderfood Museum\n\n\nThe Habitat Penang Hill\n\n\n3D Trick Art Museum\n\n\nThe TOP\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Ipoh with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nJuan Salamanca\n from \nPexels\n\n\n\n\nIpoh, formerly a tin mining town, is now a popular stopover for day tours on the route up north to Penang.\u00a0\n\n\nToday, this city attracts tourists seeking a quick getaway to see the natural hot springs, limestone caverns, outdoor activities and sample the famed Ipoh chicken rice.\u00a0\n\n\nThe \nLost World of Tambun\n is a must-see cuti-cuti Malaysia for families with little children, including activities like a petting zoo, amusement park, water park, adventure park, and hot springs to keep the little ones entertained.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can also visit the remains of \nKellie\u2019s Fortress\n, a half-finished castle erected by a Scottish landowner in 1915.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re an adventurous family, check out \nGua Tempurung\n for some cave exploration and \nGopeng White Water Rafting\n.\u00a0\n\n\nOther places you\u2019re kid would love are:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nD. R. Seenivasagam Recreational Park\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGunung Lang Recreational Park\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Melaka with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\n \nT RR\n on\n \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nChildren generally decide on family vacations, but Malacca offers something for everyone, allowing parents to relax and enjoy themselves as well.\u00a0\n\n\nThis busy seaside town offers history, culture, gastronomy, wildlife, and lots of indoor entertainment, making it ideal for a short Malaysia vacation.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nMelaka also has theme parks for those who seek adventures. There are a few attractions you can choose from \u2013 \nA\u2019Famosa Water Theme Park\n and \nA\u2019Famosa Safari Waterland\n.\n\n\nHere are some of the other attractions in Melaka that are kid-friendly:\n\n\n\n\nMamee Jonker House\n\n\nMaritime Museum of Melaka\n\n\nMelaka Wonderland\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Cameron Highlands with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\n \nSokmean Nou\n on\n \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nCameron Highlands, another popular highland getaway in Malaysia, is a great way to cool down from the city\u2019s heat. If you love cottages, you can stay in one of the Tudor-style cottages, eat some fresh strawberries from the farm, and have ice cream while enjoying views of flowering lavenders.\u00a0\n\n\nA cuti-cuti Malaysia trip to Cameron Highland isn\u2019t complete without a stop at the stunning \nBoh Tea Plantations\n. Here, you can enjoy a cup of tea or some delectable scones while seeing the spectacular sea of greens. It\u2019s a terrific family weekend place, with green scenery and cool temps.\n\n\nCameron Highlands is a strawberry lover\u2019s paradise. Your kids will have a great time picking out strawberries but you have to be willing to pay a fee to access this feature.\u00a0\n\n\nYou will be given a pair of scissors as well as a pail or tray in which to lay the strawberries, which will be weighed by the staff afterwards. Some farms include cafes where you may sample handmade jam, milkshakes, and delicious ice cream.\u00a0\n\n\nBig Red Strawberry Farm, Raju Hill Strawberry Farm, \nand\n S\u2019 Corner Central Market\n are some of the farms where you can do this activity with your children.\n\n\nOther kid-friendly attractions include:\n\n\n\n\nCameron Highlands Butterfly Farm\n\n\nHoliday Park 3D Museum\n\n\nEe Feng Gu Honey Bee Farm\n\n\nCactus Valley\n\n\nMossy Forest\n\n\nTime Tunnel Museum\n\n\nCameron Lavender\n\n\nBrinchang Night Market\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Langkawi with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\n \nalex zeng\n on\n \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nLangkawi has always been a favourite destination for cuti-cuti Malaysia, especially for Malaysian families looking for a tropical island break. As a result, kids of all ages will have a good time here.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may choose from various resorts, ranging from five-star to rustic, and leave the kids to enjoy the clean, safe beaches while you rest on the beach.\u00a0\n\n\nLangkawi\u2019s spectacular natural landscape \u2013 towering karst hills reflected in the waves of the Andaman Sea or the quiet green waters of the mangroves at \nKilim Geoforest Park \n\u2013 surpasses even the beautifully painted scenes of Art in Paradise.\n\n\nChildren will enjoy the \nButterfly Garden \nand the \nButterfly Farm\n. Both venues are close to each other and provide comparable experiences. The kids can witness a variety of butterflies buzzing about freely in the farm area when they visit the Butterfly Garden.\u00a0\n\n\nBunnies, ducks, turkeys, a scorpion and frog pond, reptile displays, and aquariums showcasing stick insects and beetles may all be found here, as well as a little zoo featuring bunnies, ducks, turkeys, a scorpion and frog pond, reptile exhibits, and aquariums displaying stick insects and beetles.\n\n\nOther places and activities that your kids will enjoy include:\n\n\n\n\nLangkawi SkyCab\n\n\nLangkawi Skybridge\n\n\nOreintal Village\n\n\nEagle Square\n\n\nLangkawi Underwater World\n\n\nLangkawi Wildlife Park\n\n\nCrocodile Adventure Land\n\n\nLangkawi Skytrex Adventure\n\n\nLangkawi Upside Down House\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Taiping with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nDanne\n from \nPexels\n\n\n\n\nTaiping has always been overlooked by tourists but is one of Malaysia\u2019s most beautiful places to visit with your kids. Here you can find the \nTaiping Lake Gardens\n, which was Malaysia\u2019s first park, opening in 1880.\n\n\nFor over 150 years, the park has been kept in superb condition since it first opened.\n\n\nAnother place that is perfect for children on your cuti-cuti Malaysia trip is the \nTaiping Zoo\n. Unlike other Southeast Asian zoos, the Taiping zoo also serves as a conservation and research centre.\n\n\nOur orange-haired ape cousins here are part of a massive effort to raise the population of their endangered species.\n\n\nStreams, ponds, and flowers mimic the animal\u2019s native environment. After nightfall, Taiping Zoo reopens, allowing visitors to see nocturnal creatures. This is the only zoo in Malaysia that provides a night safari.\n\n\nPerak has a number of museums, one of which is the \nTaiping Museum\n, located just outside of Taiping\u2019s Old Town. It is said to be Malaysia\u2019s earliest museum, dating back to the 19th century.\u00a0\n\n\nThere\u2019s a modest but well-done natural history area inside, complete with tiger and Asian elephant bones. It features skeletons or stuffed specimens of several of the region\u2019s natural animals in a kid-friendly manner. This place will be a great attraction to introduce the fauna and flora of Malaysia to your kids.\n\n\nOther places you can bring your kid in Taiping are as follows:\n\n\n\n\nAntong coffee\n\n\nSpritzer Park\n\n\nBurmese Pool\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Sabah with kids\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\n \nHaydn Golden\n on\n \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nSabah is another excellent place to visit for cuti-cuti Malaysia, especially if your kids love the outdoors. In Sabah, you can enjoy fun activities while admiring nature. You can visit the \nSepilok Rainforest Education Centre\n, which began as a learning centre for local students. It is now available to the public and is still kid-friendly.\u00a0\n\n\nThe massive canopy walkway is a wobble-free \u201cbridge\u201d that is safe for even little children.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the trees, orangutans and flying squirrels may be observed, while gardens with pepper, coffee, and vanilla plants explain where food comes from. This is an exciting journey that will captivate both adults and children.\n\n\nKota Kinabalu provides an amazing choice of one-of-a-kind activities for a Malaysia family holiday, including orangutan sanctuaries, white-water rafting, zip-lining, jungle hiking, river safaris, and animal parks.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile older kids will love the excitement of exploring the outdoors, families with younger children will appreciate the city\u2019s more sophisticated attractions. There are several things you can do when you visit Sabah, which are:\n\n\n\n\nTunku Abdul Rahman National Park\n\n\nManukan Island\n\n\nPoring Hot Springs\n\n\nSapi Island\n\n\nLok Kawi Wildlife Park\n\n\nKinabalu Park\n\n\n\n\nPlaces to visit in Johor with kids\n\n\nJohor has everything, whether it\u2019s caf\u00e9 hopping or shopping. With a thriving scene of hipster caf\u00e9s and delicious eateries, you\u2019ll undoubtedly experience a food coma. To burn some calories, start your cuti-cuti Malaysia to \nJohor Premium Outlet (JPO)\n and take advantage of fantastic offers on branded items. Then, it\u2019s time to go shopping until your heart\u2019s content!\n\n\nBesides that, hundreds of saltwater crocodiles of all ages and sizes may be seen from a safe distance at \nTeluk Sengat Crocodile Farm\u2019s\n covered boardwalk surrounding the lake. You may even hold newborn crocodiles and see crocodile feeding for an additional charge.\n\n\nIf your children are fascinated by animals, this may be a fun excursion to go where you can learn intriguing things about these terrifying beasts.\n\n\nMoreover, if your kids enjoy nature and lovely views, you won\u2019t want to miss hundreds of fireflies dancing about in their natural home, their glow lighting up the dark night.\u00a0\n\n\nTo do so, you must first take a boat at \nKota Tinggi Firefly Park\n, which will transport you and your family to calm seas where you may gaze at the magnificent scenery.\n\n\nHere are some other attractions in Johor that your kid might love:\n\n\n\n\nSri Tanjung Leisure Farm\n\n\nHutan Bandar Recreational Park\n\n\nFanpekka\n\n\n\n\nTheme parks for some family fun\n\n\nGoing to a theme park during the holiday season is something everyone loves to do. Here are a few places you can check out:\n\n\nSunway Lagoon\u00a0\n\n\nNo matter your age, you\u2019ll have a blast with your family at this vast theme park, which has more than 80 activities. The rides range from gentle for small children to intense for individuals who want their amusement parks wet and wild.\u00a0\n\n\nThis place offers you the best of both worlds as you can do both swimming and play games.\n\n\nYou can still get your fill of thrills at the \nSunway Lagoon Amusement Park\n, which offers an incredible selection of rides for people of all ages and preferences.\u00a0\n\n\nLost World of Tambun\n\n\nThe \nLost World of Tambun\n has been one of Perak\u2019s most successful theme parks over the years. This water and theme park, only 20 minutes outside of Ipoh city, has a resort hotel and a variety of stores and attractions.\n\n\nThe Lost World of Tambun also advertises itself as a hotel, and spa, ideal for the whole family to enjoy.\n\n\nLegoland\n\n\nIf your kids love building Lego, this amusement park will be a dream come true for them.\u00a0\n\n\nThe latest addition to Malaysia\u2019s expanding number of amusement parks, located at Johor, is wowing people from near and far with its magnificent displays and activities.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can also check out the \nLegoland\n Water Park or embark on an adventure in one of the park\u2019s mini-worlds.\n\n\nA Famosa Waterpark\n\n\nThe\n \nA Famosa Waterpark\n features a variety of engaging games, as well as a pool and water slides that will present you with some of the most exhilarating moments of your life.\n\n\nRelaxing on the white beaches here and enjoying some calm, blissful moments is ideal for individuals tired of water activities.\u00a0\n\n\nInner tube slides, family rafting, high-speed slides, body slides, and splashing are just a few of the activities available.\n\n\nEscape Park Penang\n\n\nEscape Park Penang\n is designed for people with limitless energy and a spirit of adventure. The activities are aimed to foster a love of outdoor activities while also providing opportunities for family connection.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen you\u2019ve had your fill of the adrenaline activities on offer, head back into the city and sample some of Penang\u2019s famed hawker booths.\n\n\nTips on travelling with kids\n\n\nHere are some tips on how to travel with kids:\n\n\n\n\nTake early flights if possible as these flights are less crowded, making it easier to manoeuvre around with kids.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re concerned that your child may become separated from you, write your name and phone number on their arm. That way, if they are discovered, you may be readily contacted.\n\n\nA light stroller is an excellent all-around choice. They\u2019re easy to transport and can be carried anywhere you go.\n\n\nDon\u2019t overpack. You can always purchase items like diapers or wet tissues anywhere you travel. Just pack the essentials, and you\u2019re good to go.\n\n\n\n\nHow to stay safe from Covid while travelling with kids\n\n\nEvery trip carries the danger of contracting or transmitting COVID-19. It will be wise to check and see if COVID-19 is spreading in your region and any of the areas you plan to visit before you go.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some other tips on keeping your kids safe from the coronavirus while travelling:\n\n\n\n\nAvoid congested areas, as well as restricted and enclosed environments with inadequate ventilation.\n\n\nFrequently wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand massage.\n\n\nClean and disinfect regularly touched surfaces such as phones, keys, doorknobs, and light switches regularly.\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re out in public, try to keep a physical gap of at least 1 metre between you and other people.\n\n\nWhen in public locations where COVID-19 is prevalent and physical separation is not practicable, use masks.\n\n\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nWith campaigns like cuti-cuti Malaysia, many see our country as a fun place for you and your family to visit. So, give these places a try when you come to Malaysia and see these beautiful places yourself!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nYour Children Are Getting Bored At Home? Try These 10 Fun Scientific Experiments For An Engaging Afternoon!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Forget Homework, Do These Things Instead!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Fun Kid Projects: Paperplate Animals\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/my-husband-had-sex-with-a-prostitute-what-should-i-do", "title": "\"My husband had sex with a prostitute.... what should I do?\"", "body": "It was a regular Sunday evening. The kids were at the park. My husband was supposed to reach in some time from an office trip to Europe. The kids had spent the afternoon guessing what gifts daddy would bring them from abroad and I had busied myself in the kitchen making my husband\u2019s favourite dishes.\n\n\nNothing seemed amiss, in fact, we were all excited that the man of the house was coming back after two months. Now we could go for movies on Saturdays again and also for late night ice cream jaunts during boring weeknights.\n\n\nHis hormones took over his emotions\u2026\n\n\nBut that night when my husband came he seemed quiet, aloof even nervous. I blamed it on jet lag. But he asked me to tell the kids to sleep early so that we could talk.\n\n\nSurprised, I ordered the kids to bed and followed him to the bedroom. Maybe he missed me too much; I blushed. But what followed next hit me like a ton of bricks.\n\n\n\n\nMy husband told me while on the trip he had sex \u2014 with a prostitute. It wasn\u2019t planned or intentional. He explained. His colleagues, some single, some married decided to let their hair down one night and went for a strip show. He tagged along thinking it as harmless fun.\n\n\nThe show was followed by a lap dance till the men began booking prostitutes for the night. He said he was too drunk to be thinking straight and had a sexy looking woman forcing him to come along. His hormones took over his emotions and he gave in. He promised me that it was the one and only time and it was weighing on him that\u2019s why he chose to confess.\n\n\nI had no words. I got up and went to the kitchen to cry silently. I stared at the dishes I had made\n.\n Maybe it was my fault. When I should have been trying to look sexy for him I was toiling in the kitchen.\n\n\nWhy should a woman always compromise?\n\n\nAfter a week of discomforting silence, I decided o tell him that maybe we should separate. He scoffed at the idea and said that it was just a physical slip and would never happen again.\n\n\nI cannot bring myself to sharing the bed with him again. I know I will constantly be thinking of his encounter. And what if, even worse, he too would be thinking about that sexy escort? He has pleaded guilty, has lost his cool that I am not able to get over it and has even tried to woo me with gifts.\n\n\nBut something between us has died. I acknowledge that he chose to tell me when he could have easily hidden it. I am happy (if such an emotion is possible) at his honesty but I am broken inside. My friends\u2019 say that I should forgive him but how can I be ever sure that it won\u2019t happen again?\n\n\nWhy should a woman always compromise? And why should this single emotionally uneventful night ruin my marriage? I am at the crossroads and lost on which path to take. My life has changed because my man could not control himself. Why should I suffer because someone else chose fun over loyalty?\n\n\n*\nRepublished with permission from \ntheIndusparent\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Bring Your Kids on Holiday\nPertandingan & promosi\nPromosi Kembali Ke Sekolah Tesco, Cepat Rebut Peluang Hebat, Beg Sekolah Serendah RM10\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nHias rumah\nUdara Di Dalam Rumah 2 Kali Ganda Lebih Tercemar Dari Udara Luar? Ini 5 Tips Dari Dr Amanda Untuk Anda Ubah Kualiti Pengudaraan!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/alternative-schooling", "title": "Can Alternative Schooling Foster Greater Resilience? One Mum Shares Her Story", "body": "Traditional systems that emphasise learning by memorisation, and characterised by strict homework routines and monthly report cards are certainly not for everyone. If you believe children are born with absorbent minds that are better served with self-directed learning that is both enjoyable and focused on addressing future challenges, then alternative schooling might be the answer.\n\n\nIn her home state of Terengganu, Helena Tan, a mum of three kids (aged seven, five and two and a half), decided to employ alternative schooling for her children, as she believed it would raise them to be more resilient. The five pillars of Resilience are Adaptability, Resourcefulness, Perseverance, Self-Reliance, and Daringness. Helena believes these pillars are important keys to success and will benefit her children throughout their lives.\n\n\n\u201cI want my children to learn at their own pace and discover their talents and strengths earlier in life so that they can ultimately be more resilient in the future,\u201d she explains.\n\n\n\u201cWhen I teach them, I teach based on their strengths which means both student and teacher are constantly reflecting on the lesson, so we can emphasize our good traits while being aware of our weaknesses. Ultimately, I don\u2019t want them to be too stressed but instead, enjoy their learning.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI can instill good values in them and control the content they learn. I can control the content according to their individual talents,\u201d she adds.\n\n\nBy taking charge of her children\u2019s education, Helena is able to implement the five pillars of Resilience in all of her teachings to her kids on a daily basis.\n\n\nFor instance, back in her hometown of Terengganu, the community for alternative schooling is small, so Helena ensures her children get to explore the world beyond their locality.\n\n\n\u201cWe travel a lot to Kuantan and KL to expose the kids to more activities,\u201d she adds. In fact, Helena is modelling Self-Reliance to her children by taking control of activities and excursions. This means her children get a front-row seat on learning to make their own decisions for individually and for their immediate family.\n\n\nThrough alternative schooling, Helena has also learned that her kids are surprisingly adaptable and can fit themselves into any foreign situation with ease under the right guidance. They are constantly interacting with new children and new adults who enter their circle, all the while learning to play along and sort out conflicts as they present themselves. Hence, Helena knows she is on the right track with her kids in building resilience, because they will have more experience when dealing with social and emotional conflicts later in life.\n\n\n\n\nHow can alternative schooling build a resilient child?\n\n\nApart from being able to let her children learn at their own pace with an alternative schooling syllabus, one of the main convictions Helena has for alternative schooling is being able to choose the subjects her children learn. With a fast-changing world we live in, technologies are transforming at lightning speed, so educators and pupils must keep pace by taking on the latest material in preparation to join the workforce for the future.\n\n\n\u201cWe are currently using a US curriculum but we are soon transitioning to another system which will be more robotics and coding based, as humans will interact with computers in even greater ways in the future. Though we don\u2019t expose the kids to much mobile usage or TV, we do believe that they should learn more about the digital world,\u201d Helena says, adding that even if her children decide to progress outside of computer science, coding helps a young mind learn problem-solving, organization, mathematics, story-telling, and designing.\n\n\nThe new system focuses on computer programming languages will allow Helena to slowly expose her children to technology so there is no over-stimulation from technological overload.\n\n\n\u201cThere are a lot of online programmes that promote self-learning. Kids, by nature, know what they want and if they are interested, will pursue learning more than we can teach them in a traditional syllabus,\u201d Helena continues, noting that as much as 60% of the learning is a hands-on process where children learn by doing.\n\n\nWith alternative schooling, the kids are exposed to a lot of experimentation and space to follow their passion. \u201cWith a syllabus that includes robotics and coding, the children are given more construction-based toys and learn more hands-on rather than through books alone,\u201d she adds.\n\n\nResilient children are those who don\u2019t have to rely on external sources to solve their problems but are able to weather through challenging situations on their own, practising Resourcefulness, Self-Reliance as well as Perseverance.\n\n\n\n\nNot without its challenges\n\n\nOf course, alternative schooling does come with its fair share of challenges. Though Helena admits, the challenges lean more towards the parents than the children.\n\n\nWhen parents give their children the opportunity to learn from an alternative syllabus, they can totally shape their learning experience. However, this requires a great amount of patience and commitment from the parent\u2019s end.\n\n\nAn important tip to note that Helena imparts with parents who want to try alternative schooling their children is this: \u201cYou need to know why you are offering a different system to your kids. You will want to give up many times. So, you need to remember the conviction why you want to give your kids an alternative system.\u201d\n\n\nWhat do you want to see in your children in the future? Do you want them to strive for academic excellence? Or do you want them to develop a strong and resilient character, a person who doesn\u2019t shy from challenges or obstacles and rises again from initial failure?\n\n\nHelena believes that raising her children through an alternative schooling system is raising them to be resilient. This means strongly inculcating the \nFive Pillars of Resilience\n, to enable her children to take on the uncertainties of the future, and to flourish under difficult circumstances.\n\n\n\u201cWe teach them the purpose of their life in this world and we build their confidence. We show them how to be responsible towards themselves for their future growth, and how their actions affect others,\u201d Helena concludes.\n\n\n*AptaGro\u2122 is not partial to any schooling system. This article aims to emphasize \u201cResilience\u201d as a crucial component for wholesome academic development. For parents who wish to home-school their children, please consult with the Education Ministry, in line with the Compulsory Education Act implemented in 2003.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/contagious-disease", "title": "Have You Heard Of This Contagious Disease That Affects Many Children?", "body": "Before our baby is even born, we tend to already become strongly protective over them. Mothers, especially, start watching their own food intake while pregnant. Overall, we just want to make sure our babies are safe.\n\n\nThe second they are born, we ensure that they go for all of their check-ups in a timely manner so that doctors can ensure that their development is on track and also meet the appropriate immunisation schedule. But parents, did you know that the National Immunisation Programme doesn\u2019t cover all the vaccines that our babies should receive?\n\n\nOne of the vaccines that we cannot get at government clinics or hospitals is the rotavirus vaccine.\n\n\nMost first time parents would not even have heard of this before. But this disease is one that \nis contagious and could potentially lead to death. In fact, 1 in 61 children may be hospitalised for rotavirus disease\n1\n, which can be preventable by getting the vaccine!\n\n\nIf that doesn\u2019t convince you, we\u2019re here to tell you why else we think you should include it in \nyour child\u2019s immunisation schedule.\n\n\nWhat Is Rotavirus?\n\n\n\n\nThe first thing you need to know is what rotavirus is. Rotavirus is a virus that causes \nintestinal problems resulting in diarrhoea, vomiting and fever too. The vomiting and fever \nwill come first, followed by the diarrhoea\n2\n.\n\n\nSometimes, it is hard for us parents to tell, especially if we\u2019re new parents, the difference \nbetween spit up or vomiting due to overfeeding versus vomiting because the baby is unwell.\n\n\nIf your baby is vomiting frequently and that vomiting is paired with a fever, it is an indication \nof something more serious than just a session of overfeeding. It could be gastrointestinal \nissues\n3\n, or rotavirus infection.\n\n\nParents may also find it hard to differentiate between newborn poop and diarrhoea.\n\n\nThe rule of thumb to follow here is that a fully breastfed newborn baby should pass a stool \nroughly after every feed up to 6 times a day, have a seedy or runny consistency and this is \nconsidered normal. If they are formula fed, they could pass a stool 1-8 times a day for the \nfirst week before the frequency reduces to 1 to 4 times a day afterwards, and have the \nconsistency of peanut butter. If your baby is passing stools more frequently than that and the \nstools are very watery, you can suspect diarrhoea\n4\n.\n\n\nIf you suspect that your baby is having diarrhoea and this comes after a bout of vomiting and \nfever, that is the sequence of symptoms of rotavirus\n5\n.\n\n\nHow can a baby contract rotavirus?\n\n\nA baby can get rotavirus from their poop. It is in their poop before symptoms start and can \nremain in their poop for another 10 days after the symptoms have lessened\n6\n.\n\n\nA caretaker, like a nanny or a parent, could potentially carry the virus when we are cleaning the \nbaby\u2019s dirty diaper and the virus will contaminate anything we touch after that. A baby could \ntouch these contaminated surfaces or objects, then as babies do, put their hands in their \nmouth, and the virus will infect them\n7\n.\n\n\nWhat to do if a baby has rotavirus?\n\n\n\n\nIf you suspect your baby has rotavirus, then the first thing you must do is bring your baby to a \ndoctor at a clinic or hospital.\n\n\nTypically, symptoms will show up after 2 days of contracting the virus. With the symptoms of \nvomiting or diarrhoea, your baby might also have a loss of appetite. At this age, since their \nonly nutritional intake comes from milk, this could lead to dehydration\n8\n.\n\n\nSo how to tell if your child is dehydrated? They could have fewer wet diapers, crying with no \ntears, overall fussiness and in more severe cases, sunken eyes too.\n\n\nIn complicated cases, like where dehydration is concerned for infants, it could even lead to \ndeath\n9\n.\n\n\nWhy is rotavirus so serious?\n\n\nBesides the fact that it could lead to death, rotavirus is a serious disease because it is not \ntreatable with any specific medication.\n\n\nNeither antibiotics nor antiviral drugs available right now can treat it. \n\n\nYes, that\u2019s right. There is nothing that can be done to kill the virus immediately.\n\n\nThe only thing doctors can do is let the virus run its course but treat the symptoms of the \ndisease. They can prescribe fever medication or rehydration fluids to prevent dehydration. \nBut the virus will need to work its way through a baby\u2019s fragile system over the course of an \nentire week\n10\n!\n\n\nOf course, you should not ever let it get to this point. In fact, prevention is better than cure. \nAnd the good news, as we\u2019ve said earlier, is that rotavirus is preventable!\n\n\n\n\nHow to prevent rotavirus?\n\n\nOne way for parents to protect their babies from rotavirus is to give them the rotavirus \nvaccination. Frequent handwashing or sanitising is helpful as it may lessen the likelihood of \nspreading or contracting rotavirus, but is not a guarantee.\n\n\nSo for ease of mind, parents should consider adding this vaccine to their immunisation \nschedule as soon as possible!\n\n\nIt is important for parents to talk to your paediatrician about the vaccine from as early as the \nfirst appointment all the way up to your baby\u2019s 6-week checkup.\n\n\nRotavirus vaccines can be found at many private hospitals or clinics. So all you need to do is \nfind a private hospital or clinic near you to make an appointment for the vaccine.\n\n\nParents, here is a bonus for you!\n\n\nRecently, the Malaysian government has also announced that parents can enjoy tax relief for \nvaccinations. According to Bernama, RM1,000 tax relief for vaccinations includes the \nrotavirus vaccine as well as a list of other vaccinations\n11\n.\n\n\nFor a list of hospitals or clinics that carry this vaccine, you may refer to this list here.\n\n\nMY-ROT-00113 Aug/2021\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHsu, V. P., Rahman, H. bin A., Wong, S. L., Ibrahim, L. H. J., Yusoff, A. F. H. J., Chan, L. G., \nParashar, U., Glass, R. I., & Bresee, J. (2005, September 1). Estimates of the Burden of Rotavirus Disease in Malaysia. OUP Academic. \nhttps://academic.oup.com/jid/article/192/Supplement_1/S80/2191980\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWebMD. (n.d.). What Is Rotavirus? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. WebMD. \nwww.webmd.com/children/guide/what-is-rotavirus\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGastrointestinal Problems. Gastrointestinal Problems \u2013 Health Encyclopedia \u2013 University of \nRochester Medical Center. (n.d.). \nwww.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=90&ContentID=P02216\n.\n\n\n\n\nDiarrhea (0-12 Months). Seattle Children\u2019s Hospital. (2021, March 11). \nhttps://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/diarrhea-0-12-months/#:~:text=Breastfed%20babies%20often%20pass%20more,stools%2C%20the%20baby%20has%20diarrhea\n\n\nWebMD. (n.d.). What Is Rotavirus? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. WebMD. \nwww.webmd.com/children/guide/what-is-rotavirus\n.\n\n\nWebMD. (n.d.). What Is Rotavirus? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. WebMD. \nwww.webmd.com/children/guide/what-is-rotavirus\n.\n\n\nWebMD. (n.d.). What Is Rotavirus? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. WebMD. \nwww.webmd.com/children/guide/what-is-rotavirus\n.\n\n\nWebMD. (n.d.). What Is Rotavirus? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. WebMD. \nwww.webmd.com/children/guide/what-is-rotavirus\n.\n\n\n\n\nLim, B. Y. (2016, May 24). Rotavirus Vaccine. PORTAL MyHEALTH. \nwww.myhealth.gov.my/en/rotavirus-vaccine/\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWebMD. (n.d.). What Is Rotavirus? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. WebMD. \nwww.webmd.com/children/guide/what-is-rotavirus\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBernama. (2020, December 16). Parliament: Tax exemptions for COVID-19 treatment, vaccine \u2013 MoF. BERNAMA. \nwww.bernama.com/en/general/news_covid-19.php?id=1912872\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-food", "title": "Why Choose Gerber Baby Food?", "body": "A long time ago back in 1927, a mum and dad were busy preparing their seven-month-old daughter\u2019s meal. As the mother\n\u2014\nDorothy Gerber\n\u2014\nwas straining peas for her \nlittle one\u2019s meal\n, she and her husband, Dan Gerber had a brilliant idea: why not start a baby food company? After all, they already had a canning factory. This is how Gerber, a\n \nbrand synonymous with high quality baby food\n, was born.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nToday, Gerber baby foods are a global household name. Mums and dads, here is why you should choose Gerber and trust them when it comes to your little one\u2019s nutrition.\n\n\nA commitment to quality\n\n\n\n\nWhen your child starts eating solids at around six months of age, it is natural for you to want to give your little one only the best in nutrition. After all, good nutrition is a significant contributor towards helping \nyour child develop properly and reach their full potential\n.\u00a0 But it\u2019s not just about the types of food you give your child.\u00a0\n\n\nOnly the best for baby\n\n\nAs discerning parents, you also want to know where the food comes from; who grows the vegetables, fruits, and grains that go into the food; and what quality control, safety and hygiene measure are in place to make sure your \nchild is getting the best quality, safest, and most nutritious food.\n Gerber understands exactly where you are coming from, because just like you, their top priority is also your baby\u2019s health and wellbeing.\u00a0\n\n\nFor decades, Gerber has been committed to their promise of feeding generations of babies the highest quality baby food. You can count on them for the highest quality because:\n\n\n\n\n100% of their products meet all U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) requirements.\n\n\nThere are five different stages of safety and quality checks from farm to spoon.\u00a0\n\n\nEvery baby food gets over 100 quality checks.\u00a0\n\n\nThey have over 90 years of experience growing the best quality produce.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nContinuous improvement\n\n\nOne way to maintain high standards consistently and continuously, is to engage in constant learning and research about, and quality testing of your product. This is why Gerber is always looking at new ways of growing, testing and making food that is healthy for babies. They\u00a0 regularly test their ingredients and finished foods are also randomly tested. Also, all their testing is conducted by in-house, ISO-accredited labs where international standards are followed for analytical reliability.\u00a0\n\n\nBut it\u2019s not just babies\u2019 health that Gerber cares for. They also make sure they look after the earth and environment with a unique model known as Clean Field Farming\n\u2122.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\nWhat is Clean Field Farming\n\u2122\n?\n\n\n\n\nThe practices followed under\n \nClean Field Farming\n\u2122\n ensure that Gerber\u2019s grains, fruits and vegetables are nutritious, safe, and healthy, even for the littlest bodies.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is achieved through careful seed and soil selection; sustainable care for the soil; ensuring that all fruits and vegetables grown will always be non-GMO; and the ability to trace all harvested crops to the farms and fields where they were grown. This is also why Gerber only partners with just a few selected farms that meet their strict Clean Field Farming\n\u2122 practices.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, Gerber farmers ensure that \nall fruits and vegetables are picked at just the right time, which eliminates the need for the addition of artificial flavours or colour. This means that all baby food is naturally sweet, delicious, and nutritious.\u00a0\n\n\nAs Gerber can trace 100% of their fruits and veggies not only to the farms where they were grown, but to the very fields, Gerber also makes sure they\u2019re protected from the elements and transported carefully to stay safe and wholesome on their journey from the farm to their kitchen\n.\u00a0\n\n\nCertified organic by the USDA\n\n\nGerber\u2019s strong commitment to quality is further reinforced by the fact that all their Gerber Organic baby foods are certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This means that everything cultivated by Gerber farmers is grown according to the strict organic regulations and standards set by the USDA, in addition to their Clean Field Farming\n\u2122 practices.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMums and dads, you know that no one looks into quality better than a parent. This is why you can rest assured that Gerber will never let you down on their promise of only the best for baby, when, over 90 years ago, their founders were parents just like you, with sky-high standards in quality.\n\n\n\u00a0It is the legacy of this foundation that holds strong today and and will continue to do so in the future for babies everywhere, including yours.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you want to learn more about Gerber baby food, including their farming methods, and safety and quality procedures, click\n here\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nWhy Your Child Should Have Breakfast\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-left-alone-in-a-locked-car", "title": "Toddler left alone in a locked car while parents go drinking", "body": "There was an outcry in the Philippines when a \nvideo recording\n of a child left alone in a locked car went viral on social media.\n\n\nAccording to \nAsia One\n, the crying toddler was found all alone and locked up inside a Toyota Fortuner in the parking lot of Metrowalk in Pasig, a commercial hub famous for bars and live bands. It was around 4am.\u00a0\n\n\nLuckily for the toddler, Jasper Pascual\u2019s car was parked right next to the Fortuner. Otherwise, he probably would not have heard the child crying.\n\n\nChild Left Alone in a Locked Car\n\n\n\n\nIn a \npost\n that went viral, Pascual wrote that he was about to go home when he heard what sounded like a child crying in the locked Fortuner.\n\n\nAt first, he wasn\u2019t sure if anyone else was inside the car as it was heavily tinted. But just as he was about to get into his own car, he heard the toddler hitting the car window as his cries got even louder.\n\n\nThroughout the entire video, the crying toddler can be seen peering outside the car\u2019s window. You can clearly hear the frustration in Pascual\u2019s voice as he struggled to think of a way to get the\u00a0child out. In the video, you can see him trying to widen the gap on the car window by prying it with his fingers.\n\n\nPascual was shocked beyond words that there was a child left alone in a locked car. The car\u2019s engine was off, there was no aircon and the child was suffocating.\n\n\n\n\n\u201c(Just) imagine! In the darkness of the parking area of Metrowalk. Would it cross your mind that there\u2019s a baby inside a car with no companion?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThis is saddening. Just think how long the child had been crying prior to Pascual\u2019s discovery. We shudder to think of other possibilities if Pascual did not hear or notice anything amiss that night.\n\n\n\n\nSecurity Guards Found the Toddler\u2019s Parents\n\n\n\n\nIn the end, Pascual managed to call the security guard to help look for the parents of the toddler.\n\n\nInstead of apologising and being grateful, the mother of the child had the cheek to scold the guard for calling them. We also understand that the mother even tried to justify her actions, saying the door wasn\u2019t locked and that she was only gone for \u201c10 minutes\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nIn his post, Pascual praised the guard for standing his ground.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cNo ma\u2019am, you\u2019re really in the wrong. We can have you apprehended because this is a child you left right there.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIt took another 10 more minutes before the father of the child showed up. Pascual stepped back and left the guard to handle the situation as he did not want a fight to happen. Even though Pascual did get pictures of the parents of the child left alone in a locked car, he has decided not to shame them publicly.\n\n\nHe ended his post with plea and word of caution to all parents:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMay this be a lesson to everyone, so it won\u2019t happen again. It is not good to have fun while neglecting your child. Let this be a lesson to you! If you have a child, then you should be responsible!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nUpdates from \nlocal reports\n say that the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) may take temporary custody of the child left alone in a locked car by the couple in Pasig City on Sunday.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHow can you continue to call yourself parents knowing that your baby is in the car? Did you not think it was possible for your baby to die? Can you imagine if a gang were to break into your car to steal your valuables. Did you not think that \nyour young child could have been sold\n?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nYou definitely said it for us Pascual.\u00a0Parents should \nnever\n leave \nchildren unattended\n in a car, even if the windows are open or the air conditioning is on.\n\n\nWe\u2019re sorry to be blunt here, but this is just lazy parenting at its worst.\u00a0It is NOT okay to put your child at risk for your own convenience.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nAsiaOne\n, \nPhilstar\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n#DudukDiRumah dan Bergembira bersama Kempen Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Mission Moo-Possible\nKewangan\nIbu Ayah Pasti Dah Sediakan Semua Keperluan Anak? Jom Semak Checklist Ini, No.5 WAJIB Ada\nFormula\nLife skills for children: Teach your kids these important life skills\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-keep-healthy-skin", "title": "How to Keep A Healthy Skin? These Are 5 Nutrients for Healthy, Glowing Skin", "body": "When you have skin irritations like breakouts or rashes, you may have tried various ointments or beauty treatments. But how to keep healthy skin and what if the root cause is actually your nutrition?\n\n\nNatural beauty starts from within\n, and therefore, it\u2019s not only important what you put on your skin, but also what you put into your body.\n\n\nHow To Keep Healthy Skin: Building a Foundation for Healthier Skin\n\n\n\n\nThere are definitely minerals and vitamins you can consume to improve your skin, but before we get to those, we have to establish how to keep healthy skin and how to build a good foundation for healthy, glowing skin.\n\n\n\n\nWater:\n Drink a lot of water. Water not only helps the body to flush out toxins, but it also helps to hydrate the skin from the inside out, giving you a fresh look.\u00a0\n\n\nProtein & Omega 3 Fatty Acids:\n Protein is the main building block of healthy skin, hair and nails. Therefore, getting high-quality protein (either from plant-based or animal sources) along with omega-3 fatty acids is crucial to help to protect and repair your skin.\u00a0\n\n\nStress Less & Sleep More:\n Stress only affects your mental state, it also affects your skin and can even aggravate certain skin conditions and rashes. Try to minimise stress and make sure you\u2019re getting at least seven hours of sleep per night.\u00a0\n\n\nA Healthy Microbiome:\n We\u2019ve known for a few years that there is a strong gut-skin relationship, meaning if your gut isn\u2019t healthy neither is your skin! You can enhance gut health by incorporating gut-friendly and fermented foods into your diet and restricting processed foods and sugars.\u00a0\n\n\nExercise:\n Movement not only helps to improve the metabolism, but it also helps increase circulation, blood flow and oxygen to skin cells.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5 Nutrients for Healthier Skin\n\n\n\n\nIf you have the basics covered, then we can look into vitamins and minerals your skin needs to perform at its best.\n\n\nAntioxidants\n\n\nSpending too much time in the sun, poor nutrition, and environmental factors are just a few causes of free radicals (aka \u201coxidants\u201d) in our bodies. These oxidants are \u201cdestroyers\u201d and can increase the signs of ageing. But antioxidants can help! The more antioxidants you have in your body, the less harm the oxidants are able to cause. Antioxidants are literally slowing down the ageing process, so load up on antioxidant-rich superfoods like olive oil, kiwi, berries and green tea.\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, you can supplement with antioxidant-rich superfoods like\u00a0\nPegaga\n. Pegaga is rich in amino and fatty acids, beta carotene and phytonutrients, all great nutrients for calming inflammation, improving skin repair and enhancing collagen production.\n\n\nVitamin A/Beta Carotene\u00a0\n\n\nThese nutrients can be found in vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes and also animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy. Vitamin A and beta carotene are your \u201cskin protectors.\u201d They not only protect you against UV damage and infection but also stimulate the production of new skin cells.\n\n\nVitamin C\n\n\nFound in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, broccoli and bell peppers, Vitamin C helps to produce collagen, which maintains the elasticity of the skin and makes it appear more youthful.\u00a0\n\n\nVitamin E\n\n\nVitamin E helps in protecting you against the sun while also ensuring your cells stay nicely hydrated and your skin moisturized. This is one of the most potent antioxidants and can be found in nuts, avocado and healthy oils like olive oil.\u00a0\n\n\nSelenium\n\n\nThis antioxidant-rich nutrient helps to protect against skin inflammation and pigmentation. Selenium also supports our immune system and fights infections.\u00a0\n\n\nKeep in mind, you don\u2019t need to run out and order all of the vitamins and minerals above to see results! Following a wholesome, nutritious diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats will help you get all of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. If you\u2019re concerned you\u2019re not getting enough of a certain nutrient, consult with your doctor.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4428712/\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.canyonranch.com/blog/beauty/the-skin-benefits-of-selenium/\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-nurture-your-childs-knowledge-about-money", "title": "How To Nurture Your Child\u2019s Knowledge About Money", "body": "When your children are young, you teach them so many things. You teach them to learn the alphabet, to read, to write, to count, to clean up after themselves and so much more. But there\u2019s one more thing I added to that list \u2014 teaching my 5-year-old about money. Yes, money. And it\u2019s easier than you\u2019d think.\n\n\nMy husband and I are \nNurturers\n, which is why we see money parenting as very important. In fact, Nurturers like us believe that it\u2019s the responsibility of parents, and that teaching children about money is something that should be done together, providing guidance and clear advice. (Want to find out your money parenting persona? Take the \nquiz here\n).\n\n\nWe seek to achieve that our children:\n\n\n\n\nacquire financial knowledge,\n\n\nlearn how to budget and save, and\n\n\nlearn the difference between a want and a need\n\n\n\n\nAnd we are very disciplined with our finances and have clear goals. This is something that we want to teach our children, so why not start early?\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nNurturing Knowledge Starts Early\n\n\n\n\nJim Brown, a financial expert for over 30 years, puts it quite simply \u2014 \u201cTeaching your children about money doesn\u2019t have to be complicated. You either put in the effort and time, or you don\u2019t\u201d\n[1]\n.\n\n\nI used to think that money was a big, complicated concept. Then I came to realise that just like everything else, when you break it down to a child\u2019s level, it really is quite simple.\n\n\nLike what Jayne A. Pearl, the author of \u2018Kids and Money: Giving Them the Savvy to Succeed Financially\u2019 says, when children are very young, it\u2019s really easy to work money concepts into their imaginary games\n[2]\n, like playing pretend store or restaurant. When I started doing this myself, I found there was so much I could teach my son on a daily basis. Trust me when I say they understand more than you\u2019d expect them to.\n\n\nAlso, it helps that children are curious about anything and everything. As a parent, you\u2019d definitely know what it\u2019s like being bombarded by their never-ending questions. This excitement is a huge advantage.\n\n\nWhen my husband and I began the money lessons, we started with simple games: imaginary play like tea parties, owning an ice-cream shop and even shopping at a supermarket. We noticed that our son caught on to the ideas rather quickly.\n\n\nWe enforced money lessons in savings by giving him a savings box and letting him deposit coins he\u2019d earned with good behaviour in it. And we also made it a point to bring him along when we ran errands.\n\n\nHe\u2019s since accompanied us to the bank, store, and even the ATM, because everyday experience is important for us as Nurturers \u2014 and of course this is always better when complemented with clear, consistent guidance from us parents. We had open discussions with him about money: the basics of how it works, how we earned money, and how we used it.\n\n\nOver time, he\u2019s started working with us to make grocery lists and to budget for simple things like our weekly supermarket trips, dinner outings or how much we would spend when we went on playdates. He\u2019s even begun to helpfully point out \nsuper saver\n deals when we were shopping \u2014 what he can read anyway.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy It\u2019s Important To Start Young \n\n\nNow, on to why it is important that you start your money parenting journey sooner rather than later.\n\n\nAccording to a 2013 Cambridge University Study, \u201cchildren are already able to grasp money concepts at age three, and by age seven, their money habits are already set.\u201d\n[3]\n\n\nThinking about it, teaching children about money is a lot like teaching them table manners, making them understand the importance of telling the truth, or saying \u201cplease\u201d and \u201cthank you\u201d. These are habits we strive to build in our child from young with active guidance as Nurturers, and money habits are no different.\n\n\nYou want your child to understand the importance of money, its worth, and the habits they should have when it comes to handling money. What better time to start this than when they are young, impressionable and absorb everything like a sponge?\n\n\nSo don\u2019t be intimidated by the idea of money. Just keep things simple and get on board your money parenting journey. Remember, teaching your 5-year old about money can really be easy and fun!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nLooking to further nurture your child\u2019s knowledge on money? Check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n\u00a0or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n[1]\n \nwww.cnbc.com/2019/07/19/how-this-finance-expert-teaches-his-kids-about-money.html\n\n\n[2]\n \nwww.parents.com/parenting/money/family-finances/teaching-kids-about-money-an-age-by-age-guide/\n\n\n[3]\n \nwww.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/corporate/adult-money-habits-are-set-by-the-age-of-seven-years-old-shows-new-study\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/singapore-dads-horror-as-entangled-seat-belt-almost-suffocates-daughter", "title": "Dad's Horror As Entangled Seat Belt Almost Suffocates Daughter!", "body": "This dad had a scary experience recently when his car\u2019s seat belt got entangled around his daughter\u2019s neck. The child started to turn blue. His post highlights the dangers of seat belt entanglement and how we can prevent such accidents in the future.\n\n\nScary encounter with seat belt entanglement\n\n\nAccording to Mothership, Singapore dad Emir was driving with his family to get some food for a party. While waiting for a parking lot, he noticed that his 7-year-old daughter was trying to call her older sister for help.\n\n\nTo his shock, the seat belt had got entangled on her neck.\n\n\nHe quickly stopped the car, and his wife went to the back seat to save the child.\n\n\nBut, the seat belt seemed to be stuck. Apparently,\u00a0the seat belt was set on the automatic locking retractor (ALR) mode. The ALR mode is a safety precaution that locks the shoulder belt in place, while tightening it to\u00a0avoid any slack. In this locking mode, the seat belt will only get tighter, until it is reset.\n\n\nBoth the father and mother were unable to remove the child\u2019s seat belt. And to their horror, she stopped crying and her face turned blue.\n\n\n\u201cHer face started (to) become blue, she then stopped crying, she passed urine and were having difficulty to breathe and we just couldn\u2019t do anything about it right in front of our eyes sitting on my wife\u2019s lap.\u201d\n\n\nIn utter panic, this dad ran to the nearby hawker stalls, asking for a knife to cut off the seat belt.\n\n\nA hawker finally lend his knife, and the child was rescued. Thankfully, she regained consciousness, and was rushed to KK Hospital.\n\n\nShe is now recovering well, but still has some marks on her face and neck.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: FACEBOOK/TAXI BABY Co.\n\n\n\n\nHow to avoid seat belt entanglement: Tips from TaxiBaby\n\n\nMeanwhile,\u00a0\nEllise Mawson\n, Singapore\u2019s only Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, has explained what really happened. She\u2019s also the founder of\u00a0\nTaxi Baby\n,\u00a0an online marketplace providing travel safety solutions to parents and families.\n\n\nShe has shared some important safety tips in a Facebook post.\n\n\n\u201cIn Mr Emir\u2019s case, his vehicle was equipped with switchable seat belt retractors \u2013 these behave like normal seat belts (only locking when jerked or when the vehicle\u2019s brakes are applied) most of the time, but when the belt is fully extended, it will switch into a permanent locking mode \u2013 specifically designed to firmly secure the seat belt around a child safety seat.\n\n\n\u201cIn this locking mode, the seat belt will only get tighter until the retractor is reset by feeding the belt all the way back in.\n\n\n\u201cHis daughter accidentally engaged this locking mode by moving around so much that she extended the seat belt to its full length. A booster seat could\u2019ve avoided the seat belt being positioned across her neck.\n\n\n\u201cAs parents, we pray that a day like this never comes, and it strikes fear in our hearts to know it could even be possible. As a certified Child Safety Technician and mother of two young children, it was heartbreaking to put myself in their shoes.\n\n\n\u201cHere are some tips you can follow to avoid such situations in the future:\n\n\n1. Don\u2019t leave your kids unattended in the car, even for short periods.\n\n\n2. By law, children below 1.35 m in height need to use a booster seat or car seat.\n\n\n3. Use your car seat until your child reaches the seat\u2019s height and weight limits. Don\u2019t graduate them to the next stage just because they\u2019ve reached the minimum age range for the next stage. Some car seats in Singapore allow children to use a 5-point harness (not the seat belt) until 30 kg.\n\n\n4. Booster seats help position the seat belt over the strongest parts of a child\u2019s body (ie. their collar bone, not their neck; their thighs not their stomach) and reduce the risk of them sliding down under the seat belt (known as submarining).\n\n\n5. When filling up at a petrol station, undo everyone\u2019s seat belt inside the vehicle in case you need to make a quick exit.\n\n\n6. Keep a small seat belt cutter tool on your car keys; these usually come as a small 2-in-1 tool with an emergency window break function.\n\n\n\u201cIf you have questions we can help with, please don\u2019t hesitate to contact us: +6590703351, \n[email\u00a0protected]\n. Together let\u2019s make our kids safer tomorrow than they were today.\u201d\n\n\n(Source: \nMothership,\n TaxiBaby\n)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\n5 Awesome Deals You MUST Check Out At The Tesco Baby Fair 2020\nHealth\nThe Latest Vaccination Schedule for Children, Parents MUST Know!\nKeibubapaan\nSoothing relief for muscle aches and pain\nKeibubapaan\nDibelenggu Masalah Kulit Kering dan Gatal? Sapukan Losyen Ini Untuk Kelegaan Serta Merta\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/phone-pictures", "title": "Camera noob? Take better photos with your smart phone with these pro tips", "body": "Smart phone\u2019s camera has evolved tremendously. Remember your old Nokia phone? Yeah, that guy. Back then, it gives you decent photos to enjoy but today\u2019s camera phone does miracle works.\n\n\nWith your mobile camera, you can now see your huge pores and your mobile phone, now can zoom in to see the moon.\n\n\nBut, sadly they can\u2019t zoom in to see one\u2019s heart. You have to figure that part out.\n\n\nThe reality is, although a huge number of people in this world owns a smartphone, not everyone knows how to maximize the full potential of their camera.\u00a0\n\n\nSome people are bad with the camera, no argument with that.\n\n\nBut nowadays, a mobile camera has everything that you need to take your photography skill to the next level.\n\n\nSo, we are excited to share with you guys some cool tips to help you capture great photos using your smartphone.\n\n\nDisclaimer: This blog entry can\u2019t turn you into a pro photographer but at the very least, you still can be a good photographer for your friend.\n\n\nWhat are friends for?\u00a0\n\n\nShoot using gridlines\n\n\nIf you have no idea, what that is, kindly proceed to your camera settings and find a \u2018grid\u2019. So, your camera app will have something that looks like this.\n\n\n\n\nThe camera grid is helpful to balance your shot. So you will not end up taking a photo that makes your friend looking fatter than she already is. That\u2019s the power of the grid.\n\n\nAccording to the rule of the third, your photo should be divided into three parts and balanced in both horizontally and vertically.\u00a0\n\n\nThe trick is when you take the photo, do you see the lines that appear on your screen?\n\n\n\n\nYou should take your photo according to the line where they intersect or along the line. Still don\u2019t get it? Okay, take a look at the photo below.\n\n\n\n\nSee how much difference it will make?\n\n\nShoot in natural light\n\n\n\n\nNatural light is a god-given gift to any photographer and you should take it to your full advantage. Have you tried taking a photo using your flash? They look unnatural and look overexposed.\n\n\nNatural light works best when you want to shoot a flat lay photo because your photo will look natural. Unless you own a photography studio then that\u2019s an entirely different matter.\n\n\nDon\u2019t zoom too much\n\n\nToo much zoom can cause your photo to look blur especially if you are shooting from a distance. Don\u2019t be too lazy, just trying to get closer to your subject.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBut if you are trying to take a photo of your crush from far, then it is forgivable.\n\n\nUse focus\n\n\nEvery mobile phone camera has its focus setting. Use that. How to go about it? Simple, all you have to do is to adjust its focus by tapping to your screen in which where you want the focus to be.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\n\n\nWhen you don\u2019t hit focus\n\n\nBecause, in general when you open your camera, the focus will be on the foreground of your frame, and not always, your background will have a subject to focus. Get it?\n\n\n\n\nExplore your camera mode and its effects\n\n\nYour camera has its fabulous mode and effects. You should give it a go. Don\u2019t take boring photos. Explore the effects and enjoy it!\n\n\n\n\nUse HDR mode when you want to shoot to not lose details in bright and dark areas.\n\n\n\n\nPlay with your filter a bit. This has dewy look to it. Making your unicorn looks demure.\n\n\n\n\nTry Monochrome\n\n\nGet a tripod\n\n\nIt sucks to be the one who has to stand in front to take a group selfie photo and have your face looking so big and up-close for everyone to see.\n\n\nDo yourself some favor, get a tripod.\u00a0\nPity yourself a bit.\n\u00a0Or if you are travelling alone, you should really consider this.\n\n\n\n\nSource from Google\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-survives-car-accident", "title": "The baby who survived the car crash in Brazil is a miracle", "body": "When headlines read \u201cbaby survives car accident\u201d, we can\u2019t help but think wow, what a\u00a0miracle that a baby so fragile is still alive! But when a Brazilian baby survives a horrific car crash after she was ripped from her own mother\u2019s womb by the force of the impact \u2013 we call that beating all the odds.\n\n\nBaby Survives Car Accident After Being Ripped Out of the Womb\n\n\nOn the day of the accident, the mum-to-be was\u00a0traveling in a truck southeast of Brazil. It is unclear what actually happened but at some point, the driver lost control over the vehicle. The truck overturned, and the baby\u2019s heavily pregnant mum was flung out of the vehicle before being crushed by planks of wood that came loose during the accident.\n\n\n\n\nAccording to local media, it was the force of the wood crashing down on the mother that tore the baby out of her stomach.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen paramedics arrived, they declared the woman dead at the scene. However, they were shocked to hear a newborn baby crying nearby, only a few metres from the woman.\n\n\nThe baby\u2019s \numbilical cord\n was severed during the crash, but other than that she was completely unharmed.\n\n\nFirst-Responder Hears Cries of a Newborn Baby\n\n\n\n\nWhen first-responder Elton Fernando Barbosa received the news, he was told it was a serious accident with one casualty. But nothing prepared him for what he was about to find.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen he arrived at the accident location, the first aid team was already tending to the injured truck driver. So he went looking for the mother-to-be who was crushed underneath the wood when he heard cries of a newborn baby. It caught him off guard because there was no mention of a third victim.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThe fetus was literally expelled by the impact on the mother, the impact was so great that this opened up the mother\u2019s belly and the child was ejected,\u201d said Barbosa to Brazil\u2019s\u00a0\nA Tribuna\n\u00a0newspaper.\n\n\n\u201cShe was perfect, healthy, without a scratch. We can say that, in those circumstances, it was really a \nmiracle\n that she survived.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cBy what I saw, I have no idea how she came out alive. I don\u2019t know how this child got out of there with her life.\u201d\n\n\nAn Emotional Moment\n\n\n\n\nBarbosa added that is really was an emotional moment at the scene. On the one hand, they had the death of the mother. But the flipside of this tragedy:\u00a0baby survives car accident. In the midst of the tragedy, they were able to save a life \u2013 the \nlife of the baby\n.\n\n\n\u201cThis event has marked my life. I don\u2019t think there has ever been an accident like this in the history of the motorway. We lost a life, but we were responsible for giving life to a girl.\u201d\n\n\nMetro\n later reported that the baby girl was taken to Pariquera-Acu hospital where she received treatment at the neonatal intensive care ward there.\n\n\nThe identity of the mother, who was \n39 weeks pregnant\n when she died, is still unknown. Authorities are trying to\u00a0locate the baby\u2019s relatives so that they can take her in.\u00a0However, if none are found, she would be then be handed over to an orphanage.\n\n\nThe truck driver told authorities that he had only given the pregnant woman a lift, but did not know her. He was released from the hospital without serious injuries but will be charged with manslaughter.\n\n\nFor now, the staff at\u00a0Pariquera-Acu hospital\u00a0has given the miracle baby the \nname\n Giovanna,\u00a0which means \u201cprotected by God\u201d. Weighing in at 6 pounds 8 ounces, she is a really calm baby and hardly cries, say the nurses.\n\n\nWe really hope they will find your family, little one. You\u2019re beautiful, and you really deserve a loving family.\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nHappiness And Success: Finding The Right Balance Between Hard Work And Enjoying Life\nKesihatan\nIni Jadual Vaksinasi Terkini Untuk Anak-Anak, Parents WAJIB Tahu!\nRaise them Resilient\n4 concrete steps to build resilience in children, according to science\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nThe Sun\n\n\nRead also:\u00a0\n\u201cMiracle\u201d baby survives being shot while still in the womb\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/later-age-pregnancy", "title": "What to Know About Conceiving After the Age of 35, According to a Doctor", "body": "We sit down with women\u2019s health expert Dr Michelle Chia of Dr Tan & Partners to get the down-low on conceiving a child after the age of 35.\n\n\nQ: Is it really harder to conceive after 35?\u00a0\n\n\nUnfortunately, the answer is yes. A woman\u2019s fertility declines as her age increases. This is due to the reduction in egg reserves as time passes by. The quality of eggs also decreases, as a woman gets older.\n\n\nThe peak of a woman\u2019s fertility would be in her twenties, with a slight decline once she hits 30 years old. The decline is more significant once a woman hits the age of 35 years old and above.\n\n\nWomen above the age of 40 will have an even harder time conceiving.\n\n\nQ: How can someone help increase fertility at a later age?\n\n\nWhile we cannot delay the process of ageing, the fertility of a woman can be affected by many lifestyle factors as well.\n\n\nModifying these lifestyle factors can help to optimize a woman\u2019s health and also her fertility even at a later age, to hopefully increase the chances of conceiving.\n\n\nSome tips include:\n\n\n\n\nStop smoking\n\n\nReduce your alcohol intake\n\n\nEat a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals\n\n\nReduce the consumption of fried and processed food\n\n\nExercise regularly\n\n\nReduce the amount of stress in your life\n\n\n\n\nQ: What if you\u2019re having trouble conceiving at/around 35? What are the options for women looking to conceive and carry?\u00a0\n\n\nOne important advice for women trying to conceive is to seek help early!\n\n\nTime is of the essence especially for women around 35 or older who are having difficulty conceiving.\n\n\nWomen 35 years old and above are recommended to go for a fertility check with their partners after actively trying unsuccessfully for 6 months.\n\n\nIf a woman has been diagnosed with fertility issues, then some of the options would include undergoing the appropriate fertility treatment to help them conceive.\n\n\nSome of these fertility treatments available include Intrauterine insemination (IUI) or In vitro fertilization (IVF).\n\n\nAge also plays an important factor for such fertility treatments as the success rates of these treatments reduce as a woman\u2019s age increases.\n\n\nQ: Is getting pregnant after 35 considered high-risk? What are the risks associated with a later age pregnancy?\n\n\nWomen aged 35 or older who get pregnant are referred to as \u201cadvanced maternal age\u201d. These pregnancies are generally higher risk compared to younger women who are pregnant.\n\n\nAn advanced maternal age pregnancy can be associated with several increased risks:\n\n\n\n\nAn increased risk of chromosomal abnormality especially Down\u2019s Syndrome\n\n\nA higher risk of miscarriage\n\n\nGestational diabetes\n\n\nPre-eclampsia or high blood pressure problems during pregnancy which may potentially lead to several other complications\n\n\nHigher risk of stillbirth\n\n\nHigher risk of preterm birth\n\n\nHigher chance of requiring a caesarean section\n\n\n\n\nWhat are some other things to keep in mind when trying to conceive?\n\n\nRemember that time is of the essence if you are planning to start a family!\n\n\nThe main advice would be to do a pre-conception screen or a fertility screen early on so that any abnormalities can be treated in a timely manner without unnecessary delay.\n\n\nA healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise will also go a long way in optimizing a woman\u2019s fertility chances at a later age and slowing down the decline of the quality of eggs.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/childrens-health", "title": "Keep Your Child\u2019s Health And Safety At Home In Tip Top Order During This Pandemic Season", "body": "We are now spending an unprecedented amount of time at home with our kids during this pandemic and one of the things that we need to look out for is our children\u2019s health and safety at home.\n\n\nThis means we need to look at whether our homes are a conducive space for children to carry out their online classes, as well as for parents to conduct their work from home. Even for those who still send their kids to daycare, they must ensure that their children\u2019s health and safety remains a priority at home.\n\n\nChildren\u2019s Health Are Parents Priority\n\n\nUnfortunately, many accidents do happen at home, despite our best efforts to avoid it. Sometimes, it may be due to the carelessness of caregivers but mostly, it can also be attributed to the curiosity that children have.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThat is why, every corner of the house has to be checked to ensure it is safe. For instance, toilet doors should always be closed, windows without grills should be kept locked and so on.\u00a0\n\n\nBut in making sure that children are kept safe from the commonly found \u201cdangers\u201d at home, do you know that they are still things that could unknowingly harm our children? Especially children\u2019s health!\n\n\nWhat are we talking about?\u00a0\n\n\nWe\u2019re talking about viruses and germs that settle in the home that also need to be kept at bay.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the things that can be done is to paint your children\u2019s room with the new anti-virus paint, Nippon Paint VirusGuard, it\u2019s the easiest way to maintain our children\u2019s health.\n\n\nHow To Ensure Children\u2019s Health & Safety At Home\n\n\n#1. Always lock the toilet door\u00a0\n\n\nBathrooms are the most common place at home where injuries are often reported among children. \u201cChildren can drown in just a few inches of water,\u201d says Maryland Pediatric Nurse\n, Meghann Wellard.\n\u00a0\n\n\nWellard added that babies and children love to play in the bathroom, in fact, they are very interested to open drawers in the bathroom where dangerous chemical products are usually kept.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to reports, in America alone, more than 90 children drown in their own homes every year. That is why, the act of locking the toilet door is something that is very important for parents who have small children. \n\n\n\n\nSpeaking of which, did you know that the most germs and viruses are found in the bathroom? So be careful parents, this is where they can potentially catch a virus, especially if they are playing close to the toilet bowl.\u00a0\n\n\n#2. Keep your baby\u2019s cot safe\u00a0\n\n\nSadly, 36 infant deaths were reported in 2011-2013 due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). To avoid this, Wellard warns parents to constantly monitor their baby\u2019s cot.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom the height of the baby\u2019s cot, to the object or fabrics in the baby\u2019s cot, all of these factors have to be considered for children to be kept safe. Avoid placing toys such as dolls, blankets or anything else that could make the baby suffocate.\u00a0\n\n\n#3. Keep your kids away from heavy cabinets (or bolt them to the wall)\n\n\nAt 6 months, babies are already learning to roll and scoot around the house, so if you have any dangerous objects lying around, these items must be kept in a high place or in a drawer that cannot be accessed by the child.\u00a0\n\n\nYou should also be wary of heavy cabinets that are not currently bolted to the walls, which could potentially fall on them. Ensure to keep these cabinets away from the child\u2019s play area.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best way to check your house for potential dangers is to lie down on your stomach and look for any objects that can be reached in that position.\u00a0\n\n\n#4. Cover all electrical sockets\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nNowadays, there are many types of electrical socket covers that you can purchase online \u2013 whether they\u2019re a box covering the whole socket or just a plastic cover to close up the holes. This is something you need to get as soon as a baby starts to crawl or move around on their own as they are very attracted to electrical sockets.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n#5. Hide small objects that can make a baby choke\u00a0\n\n\nEvery parent should ensure that there are no small objects lying around the house because babies will put them in their mouth and it could pose as a choking hazard. To prevent such situations from happening, keep all small objects away or in high places. This is especially for parents who have older children who play with toys that have small parts. Make sure that these toys are kept away from their little siblings!\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a good tip. If you want to know if an object is small enough to pose a risk, try fitting the object through an empty toilet roll. If the objects can pass through easily, it could pose as a hazard.\u00a0\n\n\n#6. Use safety gates for stairs\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThere is no doubt that children love to play on the stairs, around the stairs or even under the stairs, even if they are still crawling. So, safety gates are an essential necessity!\n\n\n#7. Ensure the windows are equipped with grills or locks\n\n\nAnother thing children are attracted to are windows. Many accidents have happened because children fall out of windows. So, it is important for you to keep your children safe by installing grills or locks on your windows. If possible, safety grills would be your best option, especially if you live in a flat or condominium.\u00a0\n\n\n#8. Safer indoor space for your child\u2019s health with Nippon Paint VirusGuard\n\n\nNow that our children are at home for most of the day, all the more we have to ensure they are safe from any area in the house that contains harmful chemicals or viruses.\u00a0\n\n\nNot many know this, but the walls at home are actually the largest part of the house that viruses can survive! It is also a surface that children often touch. So, it is important for parents to ensure the cleanliness of walls too! One of the ways is through painting the walls at home, especially in children\u2019s room, with Nippon Paint VirusGuard.\n\n\nNippon Paint VirusGuard is the first anti-virus paint produced and proven to be effective against human coronavirus (strain 229E), H1N1 and HFMD (hand, foot and mouth disease). It is a kids-friendly paint, that comes with low-odour, easy washability and low VOCs.\n\n\nWith its Silver Ion Technology, which is the world\u2019s oldest antimicrobial agent, it is able to inhibit growth and destroy micro-organisms such as virus, bacteria, fungi and fungus. Of course, it is also safe for children and pets!\n\n\nHow does it work?\n\n\nIts effects set in within 6 hours of the paint being applied. When virus and bacteria touch the wall surface that has been painted, the Silver Ion will act to destroy the cell membrane immediately.\u00a0\n\n\nIn just 6 hours, the viruses and bacteria will die.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is scientifically proven that the paint is 99.9% effective against viruses and bacteria.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd it will remain effective if the paint layer is well taken care of.\u00a0\n\n\nThough there are many paints claiming to have anti-bacterial formulas, this only combats the bacteria element but does not address viruses.\u00a0\n\n\nNippon Paint VirusGuard has been proven to be effective against both bacteria and viruses!\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t miss out!\n\n\nIn conjunction with the Chinese New Year, Nippon Paint is currently having \u2018ONG\u2019 VirusGuard Bundle Set that includes VirusGuard Paint, Interior & Painting Accessories. You may purchase it via Nippon Paint Online Store \nhere\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/down-syndrome-child", "title": "How Much Do You Know About Down Syndrome? Here\u2019s a Fact Sheet", "body": "Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder seen in about 1 in 800 births.\n\n\nBabies normally have 46 chromosomes, but people with Down Syndrome are born with an extra copy of chromosome 21.\n\n\nLet\u2019s learn more about the condition with some key facts.\n\n\n1. Types of Down Syndrome\n\n\nTrisomy 21\n\n\nThe most common type. It happens when there are 3 number 21 chromosomes in every cell of the body. About 95% of people diagnosed fall into this group.\n\n\nTranslocation\n\n\nThe second most common type, where a part of chromosome 21 breaks off and attaches to another chromosome. This happens in about 4% of cases.\n\n\nMosaic\n\n\nThe least common type, which occurs in about 1% of the population. Only some cells will have an extra copy of chromosome 21. People with this variant usually have fewer characteristics of Down syndrome.\n\n\n2. Characteristic Physical Features\n\n\nPeople with the condition typically have:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0Flattened face\n\n\nEyes that slant upwards\n\n\nSmall white spots on the iris\n\n\nProtruding tongue\n\n\nSmall ears\n\n\nA palmar crease (a single line across the palm of the hand)\n\n\nSmall hands and feet\n\n\nA short neck\n\n\nPoor muscle tone\n\n\nShort height relative to others\n\n\n\n\n3. Risks Factors\n\n\nThe chance of a having a baby with Down syndrome increases if:\n\n\n\n\nThe mother is 35 years or older when pregnant\n\n\nThe parents have another child with Down syndrome\n\n\nMom or dad has the translocation chromosome (which can cause the translocation type of Down syndrome)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Developmental Delays\n\n\nEvery person with Down syndrome is different; each having their own abilities and talents.\n\n\n\n\nAlthough children with the condition often meet age-related milestones, they may be slower at learning. They may also experience: \u2022 Delay in speech and language development\n\n\nCognitive impairment (ranging from mild to moderate)\n\n\nImpulsive behaviour\n\n\nShort attention spans\n\n\n\n\n5. Health Complications\n\n\nA lot of kids with Down syndrome don\u2019t suffer from any major birth defects, but show the common facial features. Still, some might have medical complications. Here are some of the more common ones:\n\n\n\n\nGastrointestinal abnormalities\n\n\nHeart defects\n\n\nSpinal issues\n\n\nSleep apnea (interruption of breathing as one sleeps)\n\n\nHearing loss\n\n\nPoor vision\n\n\n\n\n6. Screening and Testing\n\n\nIt is possible to screen for Down syndrome during pregnancy. It usually involves a blood test from the mother and an ultrasound scan that creates a picture of the baby.\n\n\nTesting is done after a positive screening test, to confirm a diagnosis for Down syndrome.\n\n\nThere are several tests that can be done, including amniocentesis (where a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed for testing) and chorionic villus sampling (involving a small sampling of cells from the placenta).\n\n\n\n\n7. Treatments\n\n\nThere is no cure for Down syndrome. It is a lifelong condition.\n\n\nHowever, there are many different treatments and therapy options that can highly benefit a child with Down syndrome\u2014enabling a better chance at independence and the reaching of one\u2019s potential. These include:\n\n\n\n\nSpeech-language therapy\n\n\nSpecial education\n\n\nEarly intervention programmes\n\n\nOccupational therapy\n\n\nBehavioural therapy\n\n\n\n\nIf you have a child with Down syndrome, remember to work with and seek advice from health and education professionals.\n\n\nFor more information on educational resources for children with special needs in Malaysia, click\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nHow Environment Influences Child Personality\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-deal-with-temper-tantrums", "title": "Is Your Child\u2019s Gut Health Causing Tantrums? Here Is What You Need To Know", "body": "Is your child having constant mood swings or outbursts and often without reason? Or maybe he or she lacks the motivation to play or participate in kids activities? Yes, these child tantrums may be common and expected but there is a surprising fact many parents should take note of \u2013 your child\u2019s gut germs could be to blame.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to research by the Ohio State University for Clinical and Translational Science\n1\n, the microbiome of a child\u2019s gut flora could influence their behaviour, particularly amongst boys. Researchers uncovered this after factoring in several aspects, including their diet.\u00a0\n\n\nNow, let\u2019s dive deeper into how to deal with temper tantrums in children by understanding the connection between gut flora and moods, plus what you can do to improve your child\u2019s overall digestive health.\u00a0\n\n\nThe link between child tantrums and gut flora\u00a0\n\n\nThe study by\n \nthe Ohio State University Center for Clinical and Translational Science further found that intestinal bacteria interacts with stress hormones\n2\n. From 77 stool samples, children who had a diverse range of gut bacteria were more positive, curious and sociable. In male children specifically, microbes such as \nRikenellaceae\n, \nRuminococcaceae\n\u00a0families, as well as\u00a0\nDialiste\nr and\u00a0\nParabacteroides\n\u00a0were associated with the development of extroverted personalities.\n\n\n\n\nScientists have found that imbalances within gut health can lead to anxiety, decreased energy levels and even, depression\n3\n. Likewise, other factors such as the quality of parent and child relationships were said to have influenced changes within their gut health\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, the gut produces mood-regulating chemicals. Roughly 90 per cent of serotonin\n5\n \u2013 a brain neurotransmitter \u2013 is made within the digestive system.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, will your child be happier with a healthier gut?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMost likely. One of the main and arguably the most crucial role of the gut for children is nutrient absorption as this is where large portions of nutrients reside. What does this mean for parents? Basically, regardless of the amount of healthy, nutrient-dense foods you feed your child, they may not be getting the full benefits if they have a weak gut.\u00a0\n\n\nFor the gut flora to properly absorb the key nutrients from their meals, the good bacteria (probiotics) within the gut must be nurtured and survived by components such as indigestible fibre known as prebiotics. These good bacteria support vital functions within the body including regulating bowel movements to ensure they are digesting the good nutrients while eliminating the waste.\u00a0\n\n\nMoreover, as established from the findings above, gut health is ultimately linked to the brain which can lead to negative behaviour if their intestinal health is not at its prime.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAnother perspective is how a leaky gut can cause severe discomfort such as constipation or diarrhoea and this will affect how your child reacts or acts throughout the day \u2013 we have all encountered a cranky child in distress.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the Mindd Foundation, doctors have found also that without such digestive problems, children are more interactive, less likely to become aggressive and happier\n6\n. Hence, if children are able to self-regulate, the better their overall health and mood will be!\u00a0\n\n\nThe role of prebiotics\n\n\nNow we can conclude that prebiotics is a gut\u2019s best friend \u2013 they \u201cserve\u201d and feed the good bacteria within the gut to help them survive. Prebiotics are carbs that are mostly made up of fibre that our bodies cannot digest, instead, they act as food for the good bacteria and help them grow.\n\n\nAlthough prebiotics work to serve, it is the key driver in concluding your child\u2019s overall wellbeing \u2013 it can influence your child\u2019s ability to digest nutrients, appetite and of course, regulate their mood.\u00a0\n\n\nPrebiotics are found in various fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These include our daily cooking ingredients such as onions and garlic.\u00a0\n\n\nHow can parents deal with child tantrums and improve their child\u2019s gut health?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAs children will be children, it can be difficult getting them to give in when you attempt to stuff them with th\nese prebiotic-rich foods.\u00a0\n\n\nLuckily, there are products in which prebiotics are added for the sole purpose of improving the gut health such as Mamil D-GestPro+.\u00a0\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+ is an affordable solution for parents who want to improve their child\u2019s gut health. It is a sucrose-free formula that contains a\u00a0prebiotic mix for children up to the ages of nine-years-old.\u00a0\n\n\nMamil\u00ae D-GestPro+\u2019s formulation contains:\n\n\n\n\nA unique prebiotic mixture:\n It is formulated with a unique Oligosaccharide mixture\u00a0GOS/IcFOS (9:1) that increases good bacteria and helps maintain a healthy gut flora.\u00a0\n\n\nMilk from grass-fed cows:\n It is sourced from cows that are predominantly grass fed, which means it is high in protein, calcium and vitamin D.\u00a0\n\n\nDHA*\n: This is a key component that is essential for your child\u2019s growth and brain development.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n*Mamil\u00ae Step 3 contains 96mg DHA content based 3 servings per day\n\n\nNeed more information on Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+?\n Visit \nDumex Mamil\u2019s website\n!\u00a0\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1\n\u00a0(2015, May 27). Toddler temperament could be influenced by different types of \u2026. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from \nhttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/05/150527091438.htm\n\n\n2\n\u00a0(2015, May 27). Toddler temperament could be influenced by different types of \u2026. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from \nhttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/05/150527091438.htm\n\n\n3 \n(n.d.). Children\u2019s Behavior Connected to Gut Health | Key \u2026. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from \nhttps://www.keycompounding.com/childrens-behavior-connected-gut-health/\n\n\n4\n\u00a0(2020, January 23). What your child\u2019s gut health says about their behavior. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from \nhttps://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2020/01/23/What-your-child-s-gut-health-says-about-their-behavior\n\n\n5\n\u00a0(2015, April 9). Microbes Help Produce Serotonin in Gut | www.caltech.edu. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from \nhttps://www.caltech.edu/about/news/microbes-help-produce-serotonin-gut-46495\n\n\n6 \n(n.d.). How Healthy Gut Flora can Impact Children\u2019s Behaviour. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from \nhttps://mindd.org/healthy-gut-flora-childrens-behaviour/\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to deal with tantrums\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/effect-of-abuse-on-a-childs-brain-these-images-will-shock-you-2", "title": "Effect of abuse on a child's brain: These images will shock you!", "body": "Look at the above image of 2 brains. They both belong to 3-year-old children. Why then, is the brain on the left much bigger than the one on the right?\n\n\nIf you see,\u00a0the image on the left also has fewer spots, and far fewer dark \u201cfuzzy\u201d areas.\n\n\nAccording to neurologists, the brain on the right lacks some of the most fundamental areas present in the brain on the left.\n\n\nThey interpret that this difference in brain structure means that the child on the right will grow up to be less intelligent, and less empathetic. He is also more likely to be drawn towards crime, and vice like drugs, when compared to the child on the left.\n\n\nApparently, he is also likely to develop mental and other serious health problems in the future.\n\n\nWhat had possibly happened to the child on the right?\u00a0Was it disease or physical injury, like an accident?\n\n\nThe truth will shock you.\n\n\nEffect of abuse on a child\u2019s brain\n\n\nThe images actually come from\u00a0\na paper\n\u00a0by Professor Bruce D Perry, Chief of Psychiatry at Texas Children\u2019s Hospital, and they reveal a deeply disturbing truth.\n\n\nAnd the truth is, the difference in brain size is largely due to the difference in ways the children were treated by their primary caregivers, that is, their mothers!\n\n\nThe child with the larger, and much more fully developed brain was loved and cared for by his mother, while the child with the smaller, shrivelled brain was neglected and abused.\n\n\n\n\nSource\n\n\n\n\nIn Professor Bruce Perry\u2019s words, \u201cThe CT scan on the left is an image from a healthy 3-year-old with an average head size. \u201c\n\n\n\u201cThe image on the right is from a 3-year-old child suffering from severe sensory-deprivation neglect. This child\u2019s brain is significantly smaller than average and has enlarged ventricles and cortical atrophy.\u201d\n\n\nMost of us know that the early childhood years are the most crucial, and that they can\u00a0profoundly impact the rest of a person\u2019s life. But we had no idea, they would even\u00a0affect the physical structure and size of your brain!\n\n\nEffect of abuse on a child\u2019s brain: The Mother\u2019s Role\n\n\nIt does look like, there is a lot of truth in the saying, \u201cHappy mums raise happy babies.\u201d\n\n\nAccording to Professor Allan Schore, of UCLA\n,, the growth of a baby\u2019s brain \u201cliterally requires positive interaction between mother and infant. The development of cerebral circuits depends on it.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n80 % of brain cells that a person will ever have, are manufactured during the first 2 years after birth.\n\n\nWhich mean that, if a baby is not treated properly in the first two years of life, the genes for various aspects of brain function, including intelligence, cannot function properly and may not even be formed!\n\n\nIt should come as no surprise that, the more severe the neglect is, the greater the damage is.\u00a0\n\n\nEffect of abuse on a child\u2019s brain: Some studies\n\n\nVarious studies have previously discovered the shocking link between brain development and abuse.\n\n\nA\u00a0\n2007 study\n\u00a0found that children who had suffered stress due to trauma (and had high levels of the stress hormone cortisol) were likely to experience a decrease in the size of the hippocampus, a brain region associated with emotions and memory processing.\n\n\nA study in 2015\n\u00a0which looked at the brains of 26 children, who had suffered severe neglect in Romania\u00a0 discovered they had significantly less developed white matter in at least four parts of their brains.\n\n\nBrain regions responsible for emotion were particularly affected, as were areas associated with maintaining attention, executive function, and sensory processing.\n\n\nAnd again, it seems to be a vicious cycle.\n\n\nParents who had been abused and neglected by their own parents, neglect their own children in a similar manner.\n\n\nTheir own children\u2019s brains then suffer from the same lack of development that harmed their own lives.\n\n\nHence these children too, were likely to do badly at school, end up jobless, and attracted to a world of drugs and crime.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\nEffect of abuse on a child\u2019s brain: \nEarly intervention is key\n\n\nThere is still some hope, however. Early intervention for instance, has proven to be very useful.\n\n\nIt consists of intervening early, and showing mothers who neglect their children how to treat them in a loving, caring way, which will lead their babies\u2019 brains to develop fully. Experts like nurses are usually entrusted with the task of visiting these mums regularly and instructing them.\n\n\nIt has been shown that children whose mothers had received these visits did much better, and grew up to be more emotionally stable and less inclined to a world of crime.\n\n\nIt is one of the reasons we have programmes like \nKidSTART in Singapore.\n\n\nKidSTART is a pilot programme for low-income and vulnerable young children, to enable them to have a good start in life.\u00a0It brings together the family, community, and pre-school to build a strong ecosystem of support for the child.\n\n\nClose to 400 families in Singapore have benefited in the last one year alone, and early results have been promising.\n\n\nAlso READ: Emotional abuse in kids, what causes them?\n\n\n(Source: \nTelegraph)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mitos-kelahiran-mati", "title": "Mitos Tentang Kelahiran Mati : Apa Yang Benar, Apa Yang Salah", "body": "Kelahiran mati adalah topik yang sukar untuk dibaca, namun kesedaran tentang isu ini membantu ibu bapa untuk lebih bersiap sedia. Di Asia, kelahiran mati masih lagi topik tabu untuk dibicarakan. Sebenarnya tiada siapa tahu kenapa ini terjadi atau bagaimana ia boleh terjadi. Artikel ini ditulis untuk mengubah mitos dan tabu tentang kelahiran mati, dan membantu orang ramai mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang isu ini.\n\n\nDengan berbicara tentang isu ini, mungkin artikel ini dapat membantu mengatasi kelahiran mati dan pada masa yang sama memberi sokongan kepada ibu-ibu yang bersedihan secara diam-diam.\n\n\n\n\nApa itu \nkelahiran mati\n?\n\nMari kita mulakan dengan, APA MAKSUDNYA KELAHIRAN MATI?\n\n\nMenurut Kathleen del Prado, seorang pakar sakit puan dan pakar kehamilan risiko tinggi di klinik swasta di Lucena City, Quezon, Filipina, kelahiran mati didefinisikan sebagai \u201cmelahirkan bayi berusia lebih lima bulan tanpa degup jantung. Keguguran pula \u2018kehilangan\u2019 kandungan bayi kurang daripada usia lima bulan atau janin kurang daripada berat 500 gram.\u201d\n\n\nKelahiran mati boleh berlaku pada trimester awal, trimester terakhir atau cukup bulan. Kelahiran mati trimester awal berlaku apabila janin meninggal pada usia kandungan antara 20 hingga 27 minggu, kelahiran mati trimester terakhir pula pada kandungan berusia antara 28 hingga 36 minggu manakala kelahiran mati cukup bulan berlaku pada kandungan berusia 37 minggu ke atas.\n\n\n\n\nLima Mitos Kelahiran Mati\n\n\nMitos pertama Kelahiran Mati: Kelahiran mati dan keguguran alah perkara yang sama\n\nTidak. Seperti yang kami ujarkan, ia sebenarnya jauh berbeza.\n\n\nKeguguran berlaku di dalam utero, manakala ketika kelahiran mati terjadi, anda masih perlu meneran bayi keluar namun bayi tersebut meninggal di dalam rahim sebelum atau selepas ibu mengalami sakit bersalin.\n\n\nMitos ke-2 Kelahiran Mati: Kelahiran mati berlaku kerana ibu hamil terlalu aktif\n\nSekali lagi, ini salah. Kelahiran mati disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor dan ia tidak ada kena mengena dengan aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh si ibu.\n\n\nMitos ke-3 Kelahiran Mati: Anda perlu tidur terlentang\n\nIni salah sekali. Tidur mengiring sebenarnya adalah cara yang terbaik untuk menghalang kelahiran mati. Ia juga salah satu cara tidur paling selesa yang anda boleh cuba selepas anda masuk ke trimester kedua.\n\n\nMitos ke-4 Kelahiran Mati: \u201cSelepas kandungan saya berusia 12 minggu dan saya melepasi tahap perkembangan anak tersebut, saya tidak akan berhadapan dengan keguguran atau kelahiran mati\u201d\n\nAgak perit untuk kami ujar perkara yang sebenar namun ini fakta yang salah sekali.\n\nKebiasaannya, wanita mengandung diberitahu untuk elak mengumumkan kehamilan mereka sehingga minggu ke 12. Ini bagi memastikan pembentukan bayi dalam kandungan \u2018terjamin\u2019.\n\n\nKami tidak mahu menakut-nakutkan anda dan tidak sesekali mahu merampas berita gembira ini, namun anda harus ingat kelahiran mati masih boleh terjadi. Apa yang anda harus lakukan adalah anda perlu kekal gaya hidup yang sihat dan berjaga-jaga dengan langkah anda agar kedua-dua ibu dan bayi selamat.\n\n\nMitos ke-5 Kelahiran Mati: Tiada rawatan untuk kelahiran mati\n\nYa, benar. Tiada \u2018rawatan\u2019 untuk isu ini, tetapi ada beberapa perkara yang anda boleh lakukan untuk menghalang ia terjadi.\n\n\nSalah satu cara yang paling senang ialah dengan mengira detik tendangan janin anda. Menurut doktor, masa yang terbaik untuk lakukan kiraan ini adalah selepas sahaja anda makan. Kebanyakan bayi amat aktif pada waktu ini.\n\n\nSelain itu, anda juga boleh cuba tidur mengiring ke kiri. Jika mampu, cuba jaga kesihatan anda sebaik mungkin dan kerapkan berjumpa dengan pakar sakit puan anda untuk awasi kehamilan anda.\n\n\n\n\nMitos ke-6 Kelahiran Mati: Salah wanita\n\nPasti si ibu atau ahli keluarganya telah lakukan sesuatu yang mengakibatkan ini terjadi.\n\nWahai ibu: ini 100% tidak benar dan bukan salah anda. Malangnya, perkara seperti ini akan terjadi walaupun kita cuba menjaga diri sebaik. Anda perlu ingat bahawa ini bukan salah anda.\n\n\nProject Sidekicks: Maklumat tentang kelahiran mati\n\nDi theAsianparent, kami hadir dengan fungsi Kick Counter dalam aplikasi kami yang mana anda boleh mengira detik tendangan janin. Si ibu harus mengawasi pergerakan bayi kerana penurunan pergerakan menjadi amaran bahawa ada sesuatu yang tidak kena.\n\n\nUntuk maklumat lanjut tentang kelahiran mati, layari \nProject Sidekicks.\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n.\n\n\nSumber: Artikel ini telah mendapat kebenaran dari \ntheAsianparent Philippines \nuntuk diterjemahkan.\n\n\nBaca juga:\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nAntara Mitos & Fakta Mengenai Kelahiran Mati & Keguguran Kandungan, Ini Penjelasan Pakar\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/im-afraid-to-discipline-my-kid", "title": "I\u2019m Afraid To Discipline My Kids, What If They Hate Me?", "body": "I often feel awful to discipline my kid, because discipline is often confused with punishment. This is why we are afraid to discipline our kids.\n\n\nWhat distinguishes the more harsh training that often passes for teaching in our society is positive discipline. Try to enforce rules while empathizing with the child\u2019s behaviour.\n\n\nEvery child presents discipline challenges at every age, here we show you how to handle them.\n\n\nWe spoke to a circle of parents to find out how they do it. This is what they had to say about disciplining their child.\n\n\n\n\nAs the mom of three kids, aged between 9 years to 13 months, Karen says-\n\n\n\u201cI believe that babies are much smarter than what we take them to be. I start with a grumpy look, and then a firm \u2018No\u2019 and after the final warning take the toys away.\u00a0 Again with my toddlers, a light swat on the hand, accompanied with a stern \u2018don\u2019t touch\u2019 work.\u00a0 If they abide they are rewarded by a loving snuggle and kiss.\u201d\n\n\nPat, a father of two kids says \u2013\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t think it is too early. If our kids try to touch anything electrical or the cupboards, we give them a smack on the hand not too hard though. If he is playing up over meal times we put him in his highchair and turn him around to face the wall for a minute. Later we always give him a hug and tell him why we did it and ask him to say sorry. He is learning.\u201d\n\n\nBelow we have answered the most common questions parents encounter while disciplining their kids:\n\n\nWhat is the right age to start discipline my kid?\n\n\nIf you treat your child as someone who cannot understand, they will always behave like one. The boundaries should really begin at birth.\n\n\nThere are no real age guidelines to enforce rules. Adjust rules according to your child\u2019s comprehension level. When a successful method doesn\u2019t seem to work anymore, step it up a notch.\n\n\nHow do I discipline my kid?\n\n\n\n\nSet a good example early on.\n\n\n\nWhen your child tries to tell you something, focus your attention and respond, just as you expect her to listen to you. Model whatever you want to teach your kid. A child gets your message more from observation than from communication.\n\n\n\nPunishment is destructive to your relationship with your child creating misbehaviour. The right way is to set limits and reinforce expectations, but in an empathic way that helps the child focus on improving her behaviour rather than getting angry.\n\n\nWhy do my kids disregard my warnings and threats?\n\n\n\nWe all make empty threats and warnings sometimes, especially in the heat of the moment, hoping to coerce better behaviour out of our kids. These seldom work as we give warnings with great consequences to grab maximum attention which we fail to abide by. So they learn to not pay much attention to those warnings at all.\n\n\n\nInstead, prepare your child beforehand. If you do not behave you may not go to \u2018Candyland\u2019 next Friday. These warnings are much easier to stand by.\n\n\nHow do I discipline my kid without being a hardliner in the process?\n\n\nDisciplining a child is like walking a tight rope. \u00a0On one side you don\u2019t want to be too liberal and raise a brat. On the other side there\u2019s the fear of over-control and raising daunted, sullen kids.\n\n\nDiscipline gives a child structure and rules without which they start to feel insecure. Practising positive discipline ensures that our little ones grow up to be respectful, caring, and well behaved.\n\n\nWhat should I do when my toddler enters the kitchen and touches electrical points?\n\n\n\n\n\nExplain to your child in your way that as a parent their safety and well-being is your priority and purpose. Speak to your child in simple words about the dangers in such places as you cannot always be there to protect them.\n\n\n\nSpecial care should be taken about safety issues. Get hold of home kid-friendly products. Special childproof switch guards, locks are available for appliances, use fencing around the kitchen area in order to keep them safe.\n\n\nReminding them about safety will surely make them understand.\n\n\nIs it okay to use time-outs with my toddler?\n\n\nThe time-out is one of the best-known discipline tactics, but it\u2019s also somewhat controversial.\n\n\nWhen we say \u2018Go to your room,\u2019 we\u2019re teaching them we\u2019re in control, though we really want them to learn to control themselves.\n\n\n\nTreat time-outs as nothing more than a brief cooling-off period for both of you.\u00a0 Less than a minute of time-out is long enough for a 2-year-old.\n\n\n\nWhat is the best discipline method?\n\n\nDiscipline has many forms, as a parent choose what\u2019s best. Whichever form of discipline you choose, just keep them consistent and moderate.\n\n\nBe consistent and unwavering about rules and chores. Always back it up with positive reinforcement and love.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nEverything we do as parents are to connect with our child and support him so he\u2019s open to our guidance.\n\n\nGood luck!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDear Parents, These Are 7 Signs Your Kids Need More Child Discipline\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-get-rid-of-period-cramps", "title": "How to Get Rid of Period Cramps & Stop Dreading Your Time of the Month", "body": "Few days before getting our period, \nwe\u2019ll start to feel bloated, emotional, constantly hungry, and irritated by every single thing in life\n. When it finally came, we\u2019ll be even more upset along with non-stop period pain.\u00a0 Is it even possible to have a pain-free period? Absolutely. So we start to search online on how to get rid of period cramps.\n\n\nTruth is, it takes little more than making lifestyle changes and using certain medications. Other times an underlying health disorder may be the cause of the agony, \nrequiring a trip to the gynaecologist\n.\n\n\nA recent study by a professor of reproductive health at University College London even had compared period pain to having a heart attack, claiming they need to be taken more seriously.\n\n\nSee. We\u2019re not making this up. Read more to know what actually causes period cramps and how to get rid of period cramps naturally!\n\n\nWhat Causes Period Cramps?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Health Xchange\n\n\n\n\nWhen you ovulate, levels of progesterone begin rising in your body, which slightly raises your body temperature. As you get ready to menstruate, your\n\u00a0progesterone levels drop\n as the endometrial tissue\u2014the tissue lining the uterus\u2014begins breaking down.\n\n\n\nHormonal shifts account for part of the agony. And if you seem to suffer from depression either right before or during your period, fluctuating hormones likely play a role.\n\n\n\nAdditionally, when your period starts, your uterus contracts to expel the unnecessary endometrial tissue. These contractions send pain signals through your\u00a0vagus nerve, the longest of 12 cranial nerves running from your abdomen all the way to your brain. This process results in the signature dull or sharp cramping many women experiences.\n\n\nHow to Get Rid of Period Cramps with Natural Remedies\n\n\nIf you have mild to moderate period pain (meaning you can still function, though not necessarily at your best), the following natural remedies can bring you considerable relief:\n\n\n1# Yoga for period pain relief\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Galxion\n\n\n\n\n\nYoga makes for the ideal exercise during your period if you don\u2019t feel up to jumping around in a Zumba class or putting in miles on a treadmill.\n\n\n\nBecause there\u2019s no impact, you can practice yoga even if you suffer degenerative joint conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, and indeed, the practice can alleviate pain from such conditions as well.\n\n\nCertain poses, such as Marjaiasana-Bitilasana, or cat-cow pose, activate the vagus nerve, bringing relief. Plus, the release of endorphins alleviates pain too.\n\n\n2# Essential oils for period cramps\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can use\u00a0essential oils in two ways: Suspend them in a carrier oil like coconut oil and massage them into the abdomen, or add them to a diffuser to inhale.\n\n\n\nCinnamon essential oil proves especially helpful to overweight and obese women with cramps. You can use cinnamon internally to balance blood sugar levels upset by insulin resistance, which can help balance other hormones. Other\n\u00a0oils to use\n include lavender, frankincense and clary sage.\n\n\n3# Acupuncture for cramps\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: HelloGiggles\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWestern scientists believe acupuncture works by stimulating certain nerves as the practitioner manipulates the needles. You\u2019d do well to seek out a certified practitioner and slate approximately 60 minutes for your first treatment.\n\n\n4# Menstrual cramp massage\n\n\nSome women\n\u00a0swear by menstrual massage\n for relief of both bloating and pain. Some practitioners gently manipulate the abdomen, while others use heat on the stomach and low back while manipulating acupressure points.\n\n\n5# Heat pad for cramps\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pillow Insider\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA hot water bottle or heating can be a menstruating woman\u2019s best friend. Research indicates that heat interrupts the pain signals travelling along the nerves to the brain.\n\n\nFoods to help period cramps\n\n\nEating a diet low in meat \u2014 hormones used in raising livestock may disrupt human hormones \u2014 and high in nuts and dark, leafy greens like kale can bring relief\n.\n\n\n\nNuts, seeds and deep greens\u00a0contain high levels of magnesium, a mineral known to moderate moods and relieve pain, which can be especially helpful if you get headaches with your period.\n\n\n\nSupplements to reduce period pain\n\n\nSome women find relief from taking magnesium supplements \u2014 but go easy, as they can make you poop \u2014 or fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids can help balance hormones naturally.\n\n\nAllopathic Therapies for Menstrual Discomfort\n\n\n\n\nIf you track your period, you can alleviate much menstrual pain before it starts.\n\n\n\nBegin taking an over-the-counter pain reliever approximately one to two days prior to the usual start of your period. This method will work more effectively than waiting until you\u2019re doubled over in agony.\n\n\n\nAdditionally, \nusing birth control pills can regulate and lighten your period, reducing cramps\n. If you\u2019re not trying to conceive, talk to your gynaecologist about your birth control options.\n\n\nDifferent pills contain varying levels of hormones, so you might need to experiment to find which option works best for you.\n\n\nWhen to See the Doctor\n\n\nIf your symptoms grow severe enough to warrant calling off work each month, it\u2019s time to call the doctor. You could suffer from endometriosis, which occurs when\u00a0endometrial tissue grows on other organs\u00a0outside of the uterus.\n\n\nDo you experience unusually heavy periods? You may suffer from uterine fibroids. \nThese growths can impact fertility, and seeking help can lead to identifying your treatment options.\n\n\nFinally, severe hormonal fluctuations may signify polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition where the levels of progesterone, estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone drive the ovary to release many eggs, many of which form fluid-filled sacs called cysts.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\n\n\n\nIf you experience stubborn weight gain that won\u2019t budge despite lifestyle changes, this condition could play a role.\n\n\n\nYes, You Can Find Period Pain Relief and Stop Dreading Your Cycle\n\n\nIf no underlying health condition exists, you can regulate your period naturally with lifestyle changes and medications.\n\n\nUnderlying health issues may require more aggressive treatment, but with proper care, yes, a pain-free period is possible!\n\n\nWe hope this article about how to get rid of period cramps would help you feel much better next time Aunt Flo starts to visit. When in doubt, do check with your medical practitioner for further examination.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nYour Menstrual Cycle Explained \u2013 Including How to Eat and Workout to Feel Empowered\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nA Women\u2019s Health Expert Answers Your Questions About Fertility Tracking\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Postpartum back pain\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/infectious-disease-chickenpox", "title": "\"My Child Is Healthy, How Did They Get Infected With Chickenpox?\"", "body": "It is a misconception that just because your child is generally healthy that they cannot get infected with a serious, contagious disease. When COVID-19 broke, parents everywhere were so worried for their children\u2019s health because they knew that the whole world would be susceptible to it.\u00a0\n\n\nSo why do we take any other contagious disease lightly? Especially when DOCUMENTED, protective measures have been in place for decades now\n1\n?\n\n\nAn example of a contagious disease is chickenpox\n2\n. Why do you think schools make announcements when there is an outbreak of chickenpox? They know that it will spread quickly among the kids\n3\n\u00a0and would put them at risk of potential complications arising from the disease\n1\n.\n\n\nDon\u2019t Take Contagious Diseases Lightly\n\n\nIt\u2019s such a pain to watch our kids suffer from chickenpox. We can only imagine the pain and discomfort that they must feel having to fight the infection with their developing immune systems.\n\n\nChickenpox usually lasts for 2 weeks, and starts with the classic symptoms of a fever, then a rash that turns into itchy blisters on the back, chest, face and eventually the whole body\n2\n.\n\n\nTypically, when day cares or schools warn parents of a chickenpox outbreak, it is because it spreads through the air (when an infected person coughs or sneezes) or when the virus is spread through the blister fluids that could be passed via touching\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd let\u2019s face it \u2013 children may not be able to follow proper hygiene and can touch people, surfaces or themselves often.\u00a0\n\n\nThey will likely scratch the blisters \u2013 which not only make it harder to curb the spread when they\u2019re interacting with other kids in school, but may also lead to secondary bacterial infection\n2,4\n.\n\n\nWhat Do We Mean By \u201cNot Taking It Lightly\u201d\n\n\n\n\nParents should start asking their doctors about the right age to get the varicella vaccine. Image for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nParents should know that there is no cure for chickenpox\n5\n, only treatment to address the symptoms. Hence, it is not something to take lightly.\n\n\nIt is not something we should just be blase about and say, \u201cOh, it\u2019s all right if my child gets chickenpox.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nBecause it\u2019s not all right for your child to get chickenpox when a vaccine-preventable disease may be prevented by getting immunized\n2\n!\n\n\nThe vaccine is given as a preventive measure to help prevent infection, reduce the risk of complications\n2\n.\n\n\nWhen Should My Child Get Chickenpox Vaccine?\n\n\nThe chickenpox (varicella) vaccine is currently not available in the National Immunisation Programme (NIP) by the Malaysian government, it is recommended as an additional vaccine\n6\n. However, it is easily found at most general practitioners clinics or paediatric clinics. Though the cost varies from clinic to clinic, parents must understand that the cost of these vaccines are worth it for the peace of mind.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter all, there is no monetary cost that outweighs our child\u2019s health and safety, right?\n\n\nSo we recommend that you ask your GP or paediatrician about the right age to get the immunisation.\n\n\nMY-VVX-00132 Sep/2022\n\n\nREFERENCES:\n\n\n\n\nGershon AA. Vaccination against varicella: What\u2019s the point?. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 2010;659.\u00a0\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. \u00a0 Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSchool and daycare exclusion policies for chickenpox: A rational approach. Paediatrics & child health.1999;4(4).\n\n\nWolfson LJ, Castillo ME, Giglio N, M\u00e9szner Z, Moln\u00e1r Z, V\u00e0zquez M, et al. The use of antibiotics in the treatment of pediatric varicella patients: Real-world evidence from the multi-country Marvel Study in Latin America & Europe \u2013 BMC public health. BioMed Central. 2019;19(826).\n\n\nHealth Service Executive. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www2.hse.ie/conditions/chickenpox/\n. Last Accessed 21 August 2022.\n\n\nImmunise4Life. 5 Additional Recommended Vaccines for Children. Available From: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/5-additional-vaccines-for-children/\n. Last Accessed 23 September 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/constipation-diet", "title": "Things To Eat & Things To Avoid If You Have Constipation", "body": "Having trouble pooping? You\u2019re not alone! Constipation is one of the most commonly reported digestive issues, with more than 10-15% of the world\u2019s population suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and up to 20% from chronic constipation.\u00a0\n\n\nConstipation is an uncomfortable, inconvenient, and frustrating problem that affects millions of people. While it\u2019s normal to have the occasional back up in the bathroom, especially when stressed or traveling, it\u2019s another thing to have it negatively impact your everyday life.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s not new news that having daily bowel movements is a good indicator of good health, but with today\u2019s fast-paced modern world, poor dietary choices, and high levels of stress and travel getting in the way we\u2019re starting to see that more people are experiencing troubles in the loo and thus more health issues.\n\n\nThe good news is that there are ways to prevent constipation and there are many natural constipation relief remedies available that can help relieve the discomfort if you are suffering. After years of battling digestive issues and IBS-C (Irritable Bowel Syndrome constipation), I\u2019ve experienced my fair share of needing quick relief and needing it fast.\n\n\nWhat is constipation?\n\n\nPoop is the body\u2019s natural way of getting rid of the leftover waste and toxins. After your body has absorbed the nutrients that it needs from the foods you\u2019ve eaten, it needs to get rid of them. If this doesn\u2019t happen, the toxins are reabsorbed back into the body and can lead to a plethora of other issues such as leaky gut, autoimmunities,\u00a0\nanxiety\n, fatigue, and other illness.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough it\u2019s normal to experience tummy troubles from time to time, if your regular isn\u2019t easy to pass first thing in the morning or you need stimulants such as coffee, you\u2019ll want to start looking for some solutions. Constipation is when a person has fewer than three bowel movements a week. Stools are usually hard, dry, or lumpy, and may be difficult or painful to pass as opposed to a healthy stool which is easy to pass and looks like a banana.\u00a0\n\n\nConstipation is usually caused from a combination of different factors, such as diet, level of activity throughout the day, and also stress levels. Keep in mind that constipation is the symptom not the cause and it\u2019s when you get to the root of the issue is when you start to figure out how to get things flowing again- pun intended.\u00a0\nNatural Home Pharmacy\n\u00a0(NHP) founded by Naturopath Amanda Teh can also help. Amanda guides us on how to make simple effective remedies using home ingredients to better your constipation and boost your immunity. Another great way to help ease your digestive discomfort is by the regular consumption of\u00a0\nPegaga by Purelyb\n which is known to aid digestion and encourage detoxification.\u00a0\n\n\nFoods to gut in\n\n\nHigh fiber foods:\u00a0\n\n\nYour gut loves fiber! To get things moving along, you need fiber and many different varieties of it. Focus on consuming high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables both raw and cooked, beans, nuts, ancient grains and seeds in your daily diet. The goal is to have half your plate made up of vegetables that are rich in color and textures. This helps to ensure you\u2019re getting a wide variety of fiber into your diet.\n\n\nFermented foods:\u00a0\n\n\nYour body is made up of a balance of healthy and unhealthy bacteria called\u00a0\nprobiotics\n. When the body is in balance, called homeostasis, everything runs as it should and energy levels and bowels are top notch. Due to modern living, this usually isn\u2019t the case which is why our gut needs a little assistance in maintaining balance. To ensure that your gut is healthy and happy, you want to make sure you\u2019re helping it out with consuming at least one serving of fermented foods a day to get in those probiotics.\n\n\nPineapple and Papaya:\u00a0\n\n\nThese foods are the tricks I tell my students to keep in their back pocket. They have natural digestive enzymes in them that help to move things along. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which is a protein that makes it easier to digest and has been shown to improve constipation and other symptoms of IBS. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which is said to have anti-inflammatory and digestive properties, which is found in the core and in the juice. If you\u2019re feeling bloated, trying to make a smoothie with one or both of these with some ginger.\n\n\nWater and warm liquids\u00a0\n\n\nFiber needs water to pass through the digestive system to form stool. Warm or room temperature liquids, especially when consumed first thing in the morning, help to wake-up digestion. When your bowels are backed up, you need hydration to loosen up the stool and get things moving. A tool I like to use when a flare-up occurs is \u201cwater therapy\u201d, which is drinking 50 oz of water first thing in the morning and waiting 1 hour before consuming any foods. This concept helps to flush out toxins and relieves symptoms such as migraines, inflammation, and chronic fatigue along with constipation.\n\n\nFoods to avoid\u00a0\n\n\nUnhealthy Fats\u00a0\n\n\nFried foods and fast food snacks like chips, cookies, chocolate, and ice cream are high in fat and low in fiber, a combination that can slow digestion. On top of this, these foods are also rich in salt, which lowers the water content in stools and furthers the backup. Snacking in large quantities of these foods often replaces the high-fiber foods in a person\u2019s diet such as fruits and vegetables.\n\n\nRefined Carbohydrates\u00a0\n\n\nRefined flour, carbohydrates, and processed grains, such as white bread, white rice, baked goods, and white pasta, have been stripped of the bran and germ parts of the grain. These components were the bits that made them nutrient dense in the past, but due to the desire for longer shelf-life they have been removed. Removing this lowers the fiber content of these foods, which is what creates the bulk in the stool to get things moving along. This is what results in back up, bloat, and constipation.\n\n\nRecipe to gut unstuck\n\n\nRecipe: Gold Juice: Beat the Bloat + Boost Immunity\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8 oz fresh-squeezed orange juice (about 5 oranges)\n\n\n2 celery stalks\n\n\n2 cups pineapple\n\n\n1 cucumber\n\n\n1 inch ginger\n\n\n1 inch turmeric\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCut ingredients into chunks and place into juicer. I recommend starting with the ginger and turmeric root so the juicier ingredients will flush them through completely.\n\n\nPour juice from juicer plus orange juice into a jar and enjoy!\n\n\nIf you do not own a juicer, you can also blend all ingredients and strain with a fine mesh strainer.\n\n\nWill last in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours in an airtight container, but tastiest and most nutritious when fresh.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/family-support-pregnancy", "title": "The importance of family and extended family support in pregnancy", "body": "Every pregnant woman is different but they all need a solid family support system to get them through these nine months, both emotionally and physically. As mums-to-be undergo major changes in their body such as \nmorning sickness\n, hormonal spikes and even pregnancy brain, there will be instances where family support in pregnancy is exactly what they need to tide through these experiences.\u00a0\n\n\nResearch\n finds that pregnant women with a supportive family experience improvements in child care, health and overall quality of life! So, future fathers, grandparents, uncle and aunts, here is how you can lend your support for that very special lady in your life to have a happy, as well as healthy pregnancy.\n\n\nMorning sickness\n\n\n\n\nProper family support in pregnancy can make a big difference to mum-to-be\u2019s wellbeing.\n\n\n\n\nA common sign of pregnancy is morning sickness. This usually starts in the fourth week of pregnancy when mummies will be vomiting day, night or both!\n\n\nBut, every pregnant woman experiences morning sickness differently \u2013 some mummies may be lucky enough to not suffer any morning sickness at all, while some may experience mild to severe nausea.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, \nstudies\n revealed that women with mild to moderate morning sickness are more prone to have an increase in appetite during early pregnancy. Conversely, increased severity of nausea could potentially be linked with sudden changes in diet, such as lack of vegetables or changes in tea, coffee, rice, cereals, fruit and drink intake.\n\n\nHow can you help? \n\n\n\n\nPay close attention to how her body reacts to certain foods:\n It is advisable to select meals high in protein and low in fat and are easy to digest. Try to avoid greasy, spicy or fatty foods. Here is an explainer on what \nfoods pregnant women should avoid for the health of their baby\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEncourage her to drink more water:\n Constant nausea will cause her to \ndehydrate and lose electrolytes\n, so make sure she\u2019s getting extra fluids. Salty foods may help to restore some of those lost electrolytes.\n\n\nServe her snacks:\n Prepare some snacks in the morning, such as crackers of plain biscuits. These not only help contain the nausea but will also prevent those pesky hunger pangs. You could also look into getting prenatal vitamins, but make sure to consult a doctor beforehand on which ones are safe.\u00a0\n\n\nHelp out with chores:\n Her body may be relatively weak and she may not have the strength to continue doing daily chores.\u00a0\n\n\nBe careful around smells:\n Certain smells may aggravate her nausea. Try to avoid bringing her near food or cooking during early pregnancy. Let her find what smells are okay with her and what aren\u2019t, and be sensitive to those preferences.\u00a0\n\n\nSeek professional advice:\n Consult her doctor or free up some time to attend her consultations. He/she may prescribe a specific type of diet if her morning sickness is severe.\n\n\n\n\nEmotional health\n\n\n\n\nFamily support in pregnancy can give a pregnant woman the emotional boost she needs.\n\n\n\n\nExpect a roller coaster of emotions. According to the \nAmerican Pregnancy Association\n, pregnant women will undoubtedly feel a shift in their emotions because of their hormone levels. The production of progesterone and oestrogen is soaring as her body preps itself to nurture the tiny life it is growing.\u00a0\n\n\nSome women may be become \nirritable due to the high levels of progesterone\n. Every woman is different. Some may be more sensitive to oestrogen changes and vice versa. These \nhormone changes\n affect the brain chemicals that regulate our moods, also known as neurotransmitters, which could be an explanation for the spontaneous mood swings.\u00a0 Additionally, stress and fatigue can also affect her mental health as she may also be feeling overwhelmed during her pregnancy, especially within the first three months.\u00a0\n\n\nNegative emotions, such as fear or anxiety, may creep up and this could be due to various factors including a previous miscarriage, questioning motherhood or even, body image issues.\n\n\nHow can you help?\n\n\n\n\nBe there for her to talk to:\n Ask her how is she feeling everyday and listen to her concerns or fears. Sometimes, listening or positive reassurance is the comfort she may be looking for.\u00a0\n\n\nBe patient:\n You may find yourself in the centre of her mood swings. It can be hard to understand. So, be patient and try to understand what irritated her to avoid repeating it.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t let it escalate:\n Mood swings can lead to fights, especially between spouses. However, try your best to refrain from raising your voice or having your own little mood swing. Instead, try talking her down and discuss it as a healthy conversation.\u00a0\n\n\nLet her rest:\n It is important she gets plenty of sleep. Take over any household chores to avoid any unnecessary stress on her \u2013 it can be the smallest of things, so be attentive to her daily routine.\u00a0\n\n\nPhysical activity:\n Encourage her to get active. Plan a physical activity such a taking a walk or even, pregnancy yoga. \nResearch\n uncovered showed that upper-body flexibility is associated with emotional regulation during pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nPregnancy brain\n\n\n\n\nAlso known as \u201cmummy brain\u201d, it is a playful term that comes up when mums are forgetful. Although many consider this to be an old wives tale, mummy brain is very real. The science behind is that, because progesterone and oestrogen production have spiked in preparation for pregnancy, these hormones will affect the neurons in the brain \u2013 which can cause poor memory.\n\n\nMeanwhile, \nresearch\n by University of Southern California psychologist J. Galen Buckwalter, uncovered that pregnant women were found to have reduced ability in retaining or learning new information. But, fret not, brain shrinkage is temporary \u2013 the grey matter in the brains will go back to normal after childbirth. Furthermore, other factors such as lack of sleep or poor emotional state could contribute to pregnancy brain.\n\n\nHow can you help?\n\n\n\n\nCreate a schedule:\n Make a schedule to list down all her doctor appointments and help her set up reminders on important dates or other events. You can stick this up on the wall so she will see it daily!\n\n\nWrite it down for her:\n Buy a notebook and create an easy template for her to jot down anything important as it comes \u2013 this could be events, dinner dates, family visits and such.\n\n\nMake sure she rests:\n Encourage her to get plenty of sleep and rest. Fatigue can potentially lead to brain fog.\n\n\nMake a nutritious meal:\n Cook up a delicious meal that is rich in protein. \nProtein\n is essential for growth and development while also require to repair parts of your body, including the brain.\n\n\n\n\nPhysical health\n\n\n\n\nHer body will go through certain transformations \u2013 a growing belly and weight gain of course, but some women also experience \nswollen ankles or bleeding gums\n!\u00a0 In the early months where oestrogen is increasing heavily, women may experience extra growth in hair, including places they may have not had hair growth before. But, as oestrogen levels fall, women can experience hair-fall during showers or hair brushing. Likewise, breast sizes will increase and stretch marks will be evident \u2013 it will be hard on her.\u00a0\n\n\nWith all of this, her body is prepping to accommodate the baby. However, lifestyle changes will also be required as now she will be feeding not only herself, but her baby too. Dietary changes are unavoidable to keep up her physical health and create a safe haven for her baby in her womb.\u00a0\n\n\nHow can you help?\n\n\n\n\nRecipes:\n Source for pregnancy-friendly recipes but be weary of the foods that may trigger her nausea.\u00a0\n\n\nKnow what she needs:\n Read up and study on what pregnant woman can or cannot take. Certain foods are not suitable for consumption and can have adverse affects on pregnancy. ideally, it is best to consult your doctor as well on the best type of diet suited for her.\u00a0\n\n\nNew clothes:\n With her growing size, she will no longer fit into her clothes. Hence, it is time for maternity wear \u2013 the mummies in her life can offer hand-me-downs!\n\n\n\n\nPreparing for birth\n\n\n\n\nBirth can be a scary thought, especially for first-time mothers \u2013 it is almost time to meet your precious baby and kickstart what you have learnt from all the parenting guides. Hence, the third trimester is crucial. Adopting healthy pregnancy practices can help her gain a peace-of-mind that her pregnancy is safe and sound \u2013 it is advisable to \nkick count \ndaily to identify red flags with changes in baby activity pattern, as well encouraging her to \nsleep on the side\n to ensure the health of her pregnancy.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nNevertheless, as the due date nears, this can trigger anxiety, fear and excitement all in one swirl. She may end up scrambling to prepare everything in advance, so she will need all the help she can get.\u00a0\n\n\nHow can you help?\n\n\n\n\nHelp pack her hospital bags:\n With mummy brain, fatigue and potential anxiousness related to the nearing due date, it\u2019s best you help her pack the hospital bag. Make a check list and go through every item with her.\n\n\nPrep with classes:\n Get searching for antenatal classes or any classes that can help prep for the baby\u2019s arrival. This will be especially useful for first time mothers.\n\n\nGo to her doctor\u2019s appointments:\n Go with her during her consultation and pay close attention to the doctor\u2019s orders. If you can\u2019t make it to all the consultations, prioritise the important ones such as the scans where you can understand first-hand on how the pregnancy is going.\n\n\nKeep up with good pregnancy habits:\n Draft out a \nkick counting schedule\n and prepare a comfortable spot for her to do this. Remind her daily an hour before her kick counting session. You can even sit with her and feel the kicks together. Also, remind her to sleep on her left side before bedtime.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLastly, just offer a helping hand\n\n\nIt is important to ask her if she needs help. Like we said, every pregnant women is different and their needs may differ. While pregnancy is a wonderful gift, it has its bad days where fatigue, stress and other factors can get the best of mummies \u2013 find out what she needs and how you can help.\n\n\nHere are some additional tips that she may need at times:\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n\n\nReassurance:\n In every situation, emotions, stress, fear and, even physical aspects can be overbearing. Make sure to give her reassurance or compliment that she is doing her best and send a positive message her way.\u00a0\n\n\nAffection:\n For spouses, cuddles and hugs are comforting. For families, don\u2019t be afraid to remind her you will be there for her. Any little showers of affection can make her entire day.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nLifestyle:\n Going through pregnancy is a huge lifestyle change from diet to daily habits. Encourage her to keep going, or do it with her! This way, there will be less temptation to fall out of line and it\u2019s always good to have support when going through these major changes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGiving her a support system to lean on is truly priceless and can mean a lot, even with the smallest of gestures.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/friso-gold-novas-signature-milk", "title": "Does Cattle Treatment & Breed Really Matter for Quality Formula Milk?", "body": "Parents, we all know milk plays a crucial role in a child\u2019s development \u2013 this is driven by the energy and protein content, as well as micronutrients present within milk\n. In terms of formula milk, while common choices are cow-milk based, there are variants that are soy-based and specialised formulas which cater to specific needs of children, such as allergies\n.\n\n\nHowever, as the more common choice would be cow-based milk, have you properly looked into the quality of milk used in the formula before making your purchase? Yes, we are talking about the actual cattle that brands source from to produce these formulations.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDid you know that different cow breeds and their diets affect the quality of milk produced? So, to better understand your formula milk\u2019s journey, we have taken a deep dive into understanding how dairy cow breeds, as well as their treatment affect the quality of the milk within our tins.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDifferent Dairy Cattle Breeds Produce Different Milk\n\n\nThere are different breeds of dairy cows which differ slightly in terms of nutritional content and milk production. Each of these breeds is also favoured for specific dairy products.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHolstein-Friesian: \nHailing from Holland and Friesland, this cattle breed remains one of the most sought after dairy qualities since 2000 years ago. They are known for their milk-producing abilities, which has a relatively low butterfat content\n. Their milk yield is between 7,200 and 9,000 kilograms, while on average they produce up to 25 litres of milk per day\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAyrshire:\n Ayrshire milk is not too rich but yet, has an adequate amount of fat, as well as non-fat solids such as protein. It is usually used in drinking milk. These breeds are known as a moderate butterfat breed, where top producing Ayshires can produce more than \n20,000 pounds of milk in their lactations\n.\n\n\nBrown Swiss\n: Brown Swiss cow milk is most ideal for cheese production due to the fat to protein ratio. This breed \ncan produce over 22,000 pounds of milk during one lactation\n.\n\n\nGuernsey:\n \nResearch has shown that 60% of Guernseys carry the Kappa Casein \u2018B\u2019 gene, which is a benefit in cheese-making as it provides a firmer curd. This breed is also known for their High Milk Flow\n.\n\n\nJersey: \nThe Jersey breed is known for their milk quality which is rich in protein, minerals and trace elements. Their bodies can also adapt to different climates, environments and management practices\n.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nProper Cattle Treatment Matters For Production of Quality Milk\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to research, cattle treatment and diet, among other factors, affect the milk cows produce \u2013 cows that are fed a consistent diet within an ideal environment will, in turn, affect the overall performance, as well as quality of their milk production\n.\u00a0\n\n\nCows that are farmed specifically to produce milk are treated with a nutritional diet including fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates to ensure quality milk production\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, environmental changes such as seasonal periods also affect milk production, such as summertime where there is a reduction in milk, fat and protein concentration due to the hot weather\n. During these times, farmers may reduce heat stress on cattle with spaces where they can get away from heat exposure such as holding areas, feed bunks and loafing areas\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCows Need Monitored and Balanced Nutrition\n\n\nLike humans, cows need balanced nutrition to ensure their nutritional needs are met and maintain their overall health. Their diet generally includes water, energy (carbohydrates, protein and fats), vitamins, as well as minerals\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWater is especially crucial for dairy cattle as it helps breakdown the food it consumes and transport the nutrients throughout its body, while helping chemical reactions occur and maintaining their body temperature\n.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Friso\u00ae Gold\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, energy is essential as cows require it for functions including producing milk, while carbohydrates and protein support functions such as digestion, absorption, plus metabolism. Protein, especially, helps supply amino acids, which are an essential component in milk production\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, at peak milk production, lactating cows might need between three to 10 times more protein and energy\n. Nevertheless, just like us, every cow has different needs and their feed values or amounts are specific according to factors such as their weight\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIn brief, cattle management by farmers is imperative as they would need close monitoring and customised feeds to ensure they maintain their health for quality milk production.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFriso\u00ae Gold with NOVAS\u2122 Signature Milk is sourced from Holstein-Friesian cows\n\n\nThe new Friso\u00ae Gold formulation uses NOVAS\u2122 Signature Milk is sourced from specially selected premium Holstein-Friesian Cows that are housed in their own farms in the Netherlands. These cows are regularly evaluated on their health and milk composition to ensure they are able to produce the highest quality of milk\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMoreover, they are fed a customised diet which includes naturally grown rye grass and maize to ensure each cow maintains optimal health in a bid for quality milk.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Friso\u00ae Gold\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, the farmers utilise neck sensors to monitor each cow\u2019s health throughout their daily activities including how many steps they have taken, how long they lie down and how much food they have consumed. With this, they are able to ensure the health of the cattle and produce the high quality NOVAS\u2122 Signature Milk, which consists of small molecules and soft\n \nstructure to ensure it is easy to digest for children.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFriso\u00ae Gold with NOVAS\u2122 Signature Milk goes through single processing to preserve the milk\u2019s nutrients\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to that, when looking for a formula milk brand, it is best to evaluate if the nutrients are well preserved. This is because a child\u2019s digestive health is very delicate, especially in their early years. Nutrients in their most natural state are much easier to digest, while being less likely to stress your child\u2019s stomach and cause constipation\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is why special technology such as Friso\u00ae Gold\u2019s LocNutri\u2122 Mild Heat Treatment Technology are used when processing their formula to retain as much nutrients as possible.\n\n\n\n\nFriso\u00ae Gold goes through single processing to preserve 90 per cent of nutrients by using mild heat treatment to maintain the natural structures as best as possible.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn total, there are over 50 essential nutrients in each Friso\u00ae Gold tin. These include DHA, AA and Omega-3 and Omega-6 to support fuel learning as well as mental growth, while calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals help your child\u2019s muscle and bone growth.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, the presence of GOS, Nucleotides and Bifidolactis supports a healthy gut flora to absorb key nutrients and promote a strong defense system.\u00a0\n\n\nNew upgraded Friso\u00ae Gold now contains no added sucrose or flavour, staying true to the brand\u2019s purpose of providing naturally nutritious formula milk for children\u2019s growth.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nParents can even experience Friso\u00ae Gold\u2019s full formula milk journey by scanning the TrackEasy QR code available at the bottom of their 900g tins. This state of the art application aims to provide parents peace of mind on the authenticity, safety and quality of Friso\u00ae Gold products.\n\n\nSo, if you are keen on trying out \nFriso\u00ae Gold with NOVAS\u2122 Signature Milk, \nvisit \nhere\n for more information.\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n(2011, September 1). The Importance of Milk and other Animal-Source Foods for \u2026. Retrieved January 5, 2021, from \nhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/156482651103200307\n\n\n\n\n(2016, May 11). Review of Infant Feeding: Key Features of Breast \u2026 \u2013 NCBI \u2013 NIH. Retrieved January 6, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4882692/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.). Holstein-Friesian | breed of cattle | Britannica. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://www.britannica.com/animal/Holstein-Friesian\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Animal Husbandry :: Home \u2013 TNAU Agritech Portal. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://agritech.tnau.ac.in/animal_husbandry/animhus_cattle.html\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Breeds \u2013 Ayrshire \u2013 The Cattle Site. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://www.thecattlesite.com/breeds/dairy/19/ayrshire/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(2016, September 15). History of dairy cow breeds: Brown Swiss \u2013 MSU Extension. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://www.canr.msu.edu/news/history_of_dairy_cow_breeds_brown_swiss\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.). Breeds \u2013 Guernsey \u2013 The Dairy Site. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://www.thedairysite.com/breeds/dairy/21/guernsey\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Breeds \u2013 Jersey \u2013 The Dairy Site. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://www.thedairysite.com/breeds/dairy/23/jersey\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(2020, January 24). Nutrition and feeding of dairy cattle \u2013 NCBI \u2013 NIH. Retrieved January 5, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7153313/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Holstein-Friesian | breed of cattle | Britannica. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://www.britannica.com/animal/Holstein-Friesian\n\n\n\n\n\u201cReducing Heat Stress for Dairy Cattle \u2013 The Cattle Site.\u201d 22 Sep. 1999, \nhttps://www.thecattlesite.com/articles/694/reducing-heat-stress-for-dairy-\n. Accessed 13 Jan. 2021\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). World of Dairy Cattle Nutrition \u2013 Holstein Foundation Workbook. Retrieved January 13, 2021, from \nhttps://www.holsteinfoundation.org/pdf_doc/workbooks/DairyCattleNutrition.pdf\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.). \nNOVAS\u2122 \nSignature Milk | Friso. Retrieved January 5, 2021, from \nhttps://www.friso.com.sg/campaign/novas-signature-milk\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.). Friso\n\u00ae\n Gold 3. Retrieved January 6, 2021, from \nhttps://www.frisogold.com.my/friso-gold/friso-gold-3\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-are-mums-tired-all-the-time", "title": "Why are mums tired all the time?", "body": "How often have you found yourself waking up after a good 7 hours of sleep yet feeling tired? Do you increasingly find yourself feeling fatigued at the very thought of starting your day, before it has even started proper? Are conversations with your fellow mum friends constantly revolving around exhaustion? Just why are mums always tired?\n\n\nEver heard of the invisible workload?\n\n\nSee, mums are always tired because we are never completely at rest. Even as we drift off to sleep, our mind is constantly in a stream of consciousness. Just when we are about to doze off\u2026\n\n\nOh I forgot that form that my son needed me to sign. Mental note \u2013 I\u2019ll attend to it in the morning.\n\n\nBaby is due for vaccination, maybe I should do it tomorrow, but wait, I need to make an appointment?\n\u00a0\n\n\nHubby\u2019s friends are coming over for dinner this Friday, I need to head to the supermarket.\n\n\nDid I take the laundry in? I didn\u2019t, I\u2019m too tired to see to it now, but what if it rains tonight?\n\n\nMy daughter has a spelling test in two days and there\u2019s this word that she just can\u2019t seem to get right.\n\n\nMums are always tired, I wonder why. Note \u2013 I need to bake sprinkle cupcakes for bub\u2019s class party.\n\n\nI\u2019m gaining weight; we have a dinner to attend next week. I don\u2019t think I can fit into my favourite dress. I\u2019m gaining weight, oh my god I am gaining weight! \n\n\nHow strange it is that mums are always tired\u2026I wonder why\n\n\nAnd then you finally doze off only to wake up in the middle of the night because anxiety caused by the impending to do list, strikes. Or you had a nightmare of your son\u2019s teacher punishing him for the form you forgot. And the rest of the night\u2019s sleep is of course history. And you wonder why mums are always tired?\n\n\nDo I even need to start on working mums?\n\n\nThis is the invisible workload that drags mums down the path of perpetual exhaustion. In addition to the million and one things that we do, there are a million and one other things that we \nneed\n to do and we constantly worry about these things.\n\n\n\n\nWhy are mums tired? Mums have a never-ending list of things to worry about!\n\n\n\n\nSome call it maternal instincts, others call it the invisible workload of a mum, and science calls it the mum brain. I call it micromanaging.\n\n\nIn becoming a mother, along with the joy and the smiles of our beautiful children, come the hefty workload and responsibility. But let me tell you this, bluntly and simply, that the reason mums are always tired is because we \nallow\n ourselves to be.\n\n\nYou see, for reasons not that difficult to comprehend, to put it at best, becoming a mother turns us a into a bit of a (a bit is a huge understatement!) micromanager. Or should I say it brings out the hidden control freak in us?\n\n\nYes, on one hand, you might argue that if we don\u2019t worry about all these things then \nwho\n will? Not to discredit the wonderful daddies out there, but let\u2019s face the fact \u2013 men and women are generally wired differently. There are exceptions but by and large, men function in a much simpler manner than us. And that\u2019s one reason mums are always tired and dads aren\u2019t!\n\n\nLet\u2019s take for example, bringing our children out. Hubby takes the child out to the movies and gives us some breathing space. But what do we do? We worry.\n\n\nDid he bring our boy\u2019s jacket? What if the cinema gets too cold? Will he remember to get him the booster seat?\n\n\nWill he give him popcorn? Popcorn is a lot of sugar; it\u2019s going to make him cough. Chocolates? I hope not. What are they going to have for lunch? Heaven forbid MacDonald\u2019s!\n\n\nWhy didn\u2019t I join them?\n\n\nI repeat \u2013 you wonder why mums are always tired? Even when given breathing space we worry ourselves to the point of mental exhaustion. We seem to think that when anyone else handles our child they won\u2019t do it as well as us, or they might do things differently from us.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nLikewise, when we leave our children with our parents, in-laws, or even the wonderful preschool teachers, we are always worried. Because we are convinced that no one will get it right. And this is a major reason mums are always tired.\n\n\n\n\nWe need to trust that dads can handle the baby just fine without us!\n\n\n\n\nYou see, for men, it\u2019s as simple as this \u2013 if they take the child out, they just make sure they have a good time and they don\u2019t overthink, overanalyse and worry themselves sick wondering if a bag of popcorn will leave a lifetime of detrimental effects on their precious child.\n\n\nAnd if we take the kids out, they rejoice with a can of beer and Netflix. They don\u2019t worry if we are doing it all right.\n\n\nSometimes we just have to let go. We have to trust that the other parties love and care for our children and will do their utmost best for them.\n\n\nWe need to understand that we cannot possibly do everything all the time. There are days when we just have to leave the laundry unfolded. There are days when the dishes will have to be in the sink because there\u2019s only so much that we can stretch ourselves.\n\n\nAnd there are times that we just need to vocalise our thoughts. Many mums are always tired and wishing fervently that their husbands or other family members would step forward to help. To set the record straight \u2013 they are not helping. The home is shared and so are the responsibilities that come with running a home.\n\n\n\n\nMums need to communicate their needs without arguing.\n\n\n\n\nSometimes men don\u2019t get it and we need to tell them. Don\u2019t assume that if they don\u2019t do the laundry or wash the dishes, they don\u2019t care or don\u2019t want to. Maybe it just doesn\u2019t occur to them and they need to be told. So don\u2019t hesitate to be clear and direct about what you want, or rather, \nneed\n from them.\n\n\nAnd above and beyond all of that, we need to disconnect ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind and wind down. However impossible this sounds, we must slot in some time before we end the day, or in brief intervals during the day, to allow ourselves to be \nus\n.\n\n\nWe need to not be the master chef, laundrywoman, teacher, sports coach, businesswoman, mumpreneur, or working mum all at once. We need to switch off and do things that define us, solely for who we are. That little bit of you and that little bit of me that belong only to us.\n\n\nEveryone has different outlets and find respite in their own ways. Whether its curling up in bed with a book, doing yoga, painting nails, sipping on piping hot chamomile tea or taking a yearly solo trip \u2013 we need to do something that does not involve us attending to the needs of anyone.\n\n\n\n\nNever underestimate the importance of setting aside time for yourself.\n\n\n\n\nSome need to do it more than others, or on a bigger scale, but whatever it is, this \u2018me\u2019 time is of cardinal importance for us to recharge and maintain our sanity. Otherwise we will spend our entire lives trying to understand why mums are always tired.\n\n\nRemember this mums, before this \u2018invisible workload\u2019 bogged you down, you were once full of exuberance and zest for life. You were you before you were a wife and a mother. And in being a wife and a mother, don\u2019t ever forget to be yourself. You owe that to yourself.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tesco-back-to-school", "title": "Back-to-school Shopping Season: A Parent\u2019s Checklist for Primary & Secondary School Students", "body": "As parents, a new school year can be bittersweet. It is a joyful occasion because your kid is growing up, but can also stressful because you have a ton of back-to-school shopping to prepare for.\n\n\nBut, here\u2019s a pro tip: just shop at Tesco for affordable back-to-school items all at once! Tesco is currently hosting great deals for a limited time with their \nTesco Back to School\n \n2020 \n(Kembali ke Sekolah 2020) \nfrom\n 7 December 2020 to 6 January 2021\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWith Tesco\u2019s Back to School campaign, parents have ample time to do their shopping while getting value for money. Plus, you can save the hassle of hopping from one shop to another just to get quality, yet affordable items.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition, Tesco is hosting a giveaway this year as part of the Back to School campaign where one Roly Eggy will be given for free when you spend \nRM50\n or more!\u00a0\n\n\nSo, to make shopping easier for the mums and dads out there, we have compiled a checklist of basic items for both primary and secondary school students. Just keep this checklist close when you shop and you probably won\u2019t miss a thing \u2013 you\u2019re welcome!\u00a0\n\n\nPrimary school students\n\n\nIf your first child is entering primary one know that it is okay to tear up \u2013 they grow up so fast! But, primary one marks an important milestone for parents which is the start of the back-to-school saga.\u00a0\n\n\nLuckily, certain parts of their uniform are salvable for a few years (depending on how fast your child sizes up), and certain stationaries plus other items, such as pencil cases are reusable.\u00a0\n\n\nPrimary back-to-school checklist\n\n\n\n\nSchool bag:\n Opt for a quality, durable bag to last them a few years. Get one with various compartments to separate their school supplies from textbooks and other items. \nAnother option you can get for your young kids are trolley school bags as it will not weigh down their posture or restrict their body movement.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUniform:\n This is applicable for all primary school levels. Buy at least three pairs for each child so their uniforms can be washed on alternate days. For children advancing in primary school, do an inventory check on which uniforms can be reused and which ones you need to replace.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMalay traditional uniform \n(baju melayu):\n \nMale Muslim\n \nschool students may need to wear this on Fridays. We recommend getting two pairs.\n\n\nSchool shoes:\n Every child differs. Specifically, for primary one students, take into account if they are able to tie their shoe laces, or are they more comfortable with Velcro? In addition, make sure you factor in wiggle room for their school socks.\u00a0\n\n\nSchool socks:\n We recommend getting at least three pairs so you can wash them on alternate days with their school uniforms.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSporty clothing:\n Buy at least two pairs of track pants and white t-shirts. The school may have their own school sporting t-shirts for physical education and sports events as well.\u00a0\n\n\nSinglets: \nWe suggest getting your child to wear this as inner clothing. As children are generally active, it provides a layer to prevent excessive body odour as they play about.\n\u00a0\n\n\nLunch bag and lunch containers:\n If you are planning to pack their lunch, make sure they have a dedicated bag to put their lunch containers in to avoid it from tumbling in their school bag. Opt for lunch containers with different compartments to separate the food dishes or items.\n\n\nWater bottle: \nTo keep them hydrated as they go about their day and especially during physical activities.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStationaries: \nPencil, sharpeners, erasers, coloured pencils, rulers and glue \u2013 these are the basics. They may need a sketchbook, paint and plastic scissors for art class.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPencil case: \nWe recommend buying two separate ones, one to keep their coloured pencils for easy storage that will last.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBook covers: \nThis is essential to protect their exercise books and textbooks \u2013 it avoids any possible rips and dirt on the book covers, while making sure they last the entire year.\n\n\n\n\nSecondary school students\n\n\nAs they grow into teens and young adults, their needs will differ \u2013 they may not want the same pencil case or even, keep using trolley bags.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, their stationaries may change all together with the subjects they take, and you will have to take account of other items such as heavier textbooks when back-to-school shopping.\u00a0\n\n\nSecondary back-to-school checklist\n\n\n\n\nSchool bag:\n Secondary school students will need a more durable, roomier bag. They will have to carry more textbooks (that can also be heavy!), exercise books and so forth. Find one with various compartments so they can easily locate their items during lessons. Look for straps that are padded to lessen the pain and weight on their shoulders.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nUniform:\n Buy at least three pairs so their uniforms can be washed on alternate days. Do an inventory check on which uniforms can be reused and which ones you need to replace.\u00a0\n\n\nBelt:\n This one is for the boys. It is not mandatory, but it can avoid any slumping trousers.\u00a0\n\n\nMalay traditional uniform \n(baju melayu):\n \nMale Muslim students may need to wear this on specific days. We recommend getting two pairs.\u00a0\n\n\nSchool shoes:\n Make sure to factor in wiggle room for socks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSchool socks:\n We recommend getting at least three pairs so you can wash them on alternate days with their school uniforms.\u00a0\n\n\nSporty clothing:\n Buy at least two pairs of track pants and white t-shirts. The school may have their own school t-shirt for physical activities as well.\n\n\nSinglets: \nAs students are generally active, it provides a layer to prevent excessive body odour as they go about their day.\n\n\nLunch bag and lunch containers:\n If you are planning to pack their lunch, make sure they have a dedicated bag to put their lunch containers in to avoid it from tumbling in their school bag. Opt for lunch containers with different compartments to separate the food dishes or items.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWater bottle: \nTo keep them hydrated as they go about their day and especially during physical activities.\n\n\nBasic stationaries: \nPencil, pen sharpeners, highlighters, erasers, coloured pencils, rulers and glue \u2013 these are the basics. They may need sketchbook, paint and scissors for art class. \n\n\nPencil case: \nLook for a large pencil case so they are able to keep all their stationaries together and have easy access to them with every lesson.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBook covers: \nThis is essential to protect their exercise and textbooks \u2013 it avoids any rips and dirt on the book covers, as well making sure they last the entire year.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHere are some quick tips to follow when shopping for back-to-school\n\n\nYou can head over to Tesco\u2019s physical stores, but you can also access Tesco\u2019s great back-to-school deals on their official store in Lazada. However, before you head out or checkout your cart, there are a few things you should be mindful of:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCheck your child\u2019s size:\n Before clicking the \u2018checkout\u2019 button when shopping online, make sure you have the right size by checking the product measurements. You could also have your child try on their old school clothes so you can gauge how much you need to size up.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCheck out Tesco\u2019s catalogue:\n To make it much easier to find what you\u2019re looking for, go through Tesco\u2019s Back to School campaign catalogue and list which items you want to purchase, according to your checklist.\n\n\nMake sure you shop at Tesco\u2019s official Lazada store:\n To avoid any disappointments in quality, packaging or delivery, shopping from Tesco\u2019s official store provides better peace-of-mind. At times, resellers or other sellers may provide counterfeit items that are not up to par with Tesco\u2019s actual quality.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFor more information on Tesco Back to School 2020 campaign, visit \nTesco\u2019s Facebook\n or \nofficial website\n. To start shopping online, you can view their official store on \nLazada\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHappy shopping!\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/visit-to-petting-zoo-leaves-toddler-dead-and-her-brother-fighting-for-his-life", "title": "Visit to petting zoo leaves toddler dead and her brother fighting for his life", "body": "It was supposed to be a fun family outing but because of an unforeseen twist, a Minessota family has been left devastated with one child dead, and another fighting for his life.\u00a0\n\n\nSiblings Kade (3) and Kallan (5) Maresh were at a petting zoo with their parents, having fun with the farm animals there.\u00a0\n\n\nBut not too long after the outing, both siblings became very ill with non-stop bloody diarrhea and vomiting, according to their parents in \na crowdfunding page\n.\n\n\nThey they were diagnosed to have been infected by a strain of E.coli. Both reportedly went into acute kidney failure with the infection resulting in a complication known as\u00a0hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).\u00a0\n\n\nHeartbreakingly, little Kade did not pull through. Her brother is currently critically ill. While the exact cause of the infection is yet to be understood, it is believed that the siblings may have contracted it via the animals at the petting zoo.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIt is absolutely heart breaking watching your babies in so much pain and being so helpless,\u201d say the children\u2019s family on the crowdfunding page.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLife support switched off\n\n\nThe kids\u2019 parents share that little Kallan\u2019s kidneys and neurological system were heavily damaged by toxins from the bacteria. She had to be put on a life support system, which, tragically, they had to switch off when they understood she would not pull through.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe were able to give Kallan a bath and put her favorite jammies [sic] on her,\u201d they wrote.\n\n\n\u201cWe got to hold her free of tubes and snuggle and kiss her. She is the most amazing little girl in the world. Our hearts are aching with the deepest sadness.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cOur sweet, sweet little girl lost the battle. \u2026 Kade is still fighting.\u201d\n\n\nKade battles on\u2026\n\n\nWhile the little boy\u2019s bloodwork is yet to show an improvement, the family remains hopeful that he will win the fight against the infection.\u00a0\n\n\nHe has had blood transfusions and is on dialysis.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cHe has a long road to recovery and we hope and pray the toxins stay away from his brain and heart and other organ systems.\u00a0He got a special visit from some of his closest friends and family today and it was so fun to see him smile and be so talkative,\u201d his parent wrote. \u201cWe have not got to see that in a long time.\u201d\n\n\nAccording to a report from \nThe Star Tribune\n, the animals at the petting zoo are no longer on display, in an\u00a0\u201cabundance of precaution\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow hygiene procedures should you take your child to a petting zoo\n\n\n\n\nSafety precautions at petting zoos\n\n\nWhile it quite rare that your child can contract HUS, as parents, it\u2019s always good to be vigilant about safety and hygiene.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some tips adapted from \nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n to keep in mind:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEveryone should wash their hands immediately after petting an animal or touching anything where the animal is sheltered.\u00a0\n\n\nHand-washing should happen when you leave animal areas, whether the animal was touched or not.\n\n\nIf running water and soap are not available, use hand sanitiser (remember to pack it) and wash your hands with running water and soap the moment they become available.\n\n\nKids under the age of 5 should always be under adult supervision in animal areas.\u00a0\n\n\nWatch your children closely to make sure they do not put their fingers, thumbs or objects in their mouths while in animal areas or near an animal.\u00a0\n\n\nToys, food, strollers, bottles, cups, lunchboxes and pacifiers should\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nbe taken into animal areas.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen you get home, disinfect the bottoms of shoes, as you or the kids may have inadvertently stepped on animal faeces or urine. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWe are theAsianparent extend our deepest sympathies to the Maresh family and are keeping little Kade in our thoughts and prayers.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nImported Maternal Milk: Where Is It From And Why That Matters\nGive Health A Shot\n4 Perkara Ibu Ayah Wajib Tahu Tentang Pemeriksaan Anak 12 Bulan\nKanak-Kanak\nIni 8 Perkara Penting Yang Perlu Diberi Perhatian Dalam Perkembangan Anak -Pakar\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nFacts Vs Myths About Formula Milk Every Parent Should Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/3-year-old-boy-accidentally-left-behind-by-parents-at-restaurant", "title": "3-year-old boy accidentally left behind by parents at restaurant", "body": "\u201cMy mummy and daddy have gone home,\u201d cried the little child. His parents had accidentally left him behind after their meal at a seafood restaurant.\u00a0\n\n\nApparently, the child had fallen asleep during the meal, and was overlooked when the huge family of 30 left the place.\n\n\nThe incident happened on Sunday, 26 August, in Melaka.\n\n\nLittle Child Forgotten by Parents at Restaurant\n\n\nThe boy was noticed by a restaurant patron, who handed him over to the owner,\u00a0Irsyad Hadi Zainal.\n\n\nIrsyad carried the little boy all around the restaurant, from table to table, looking for his parents.\n\n\nHe later told reporters,\u201cI have many customers, so I don\u2019t know which customer this child belongs to. After a while into the search, the boy tiredly slept off.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Twitter\n\n\n\n\nEven after two hours when no one came in search of the child, Irsyad decided to make a police report.\n\n\nJust then, he received a call from a man claiming to be the child\u2019s father.\n\n\nThe 39-year-old father finally showed up at around midnight.\n\n\n\u201cAs a precaution, I asked the man for his IC number before handing the toddler over to him,\u201d said Irsyad.\n\n\nThe incident soon went viral on Twitter with netizens criticising the parents for forgetting their child.\n\n\n\u201cEver since I started my business 18 years ago, this is the first time I have come across a situation like this. I didn\u2019t expect that this will gain so much attention after a customer made it viral on social media,\u201d says Irsyad.\n\n\nWe are so glad that this little child is safe now.\u00a0We all think we\u2019re not \u201cthat kind of a parent\u201d. And that, we\u2019d never forget our kids.\n\n\nIn this age of information overload and constant messaging however, the mind is constantly fatigued and stressed. Parents must realise that an overtaxed brain can fail you.\n\n\nA single moment of distraction, or not communicating enough with your spouse is all it takes for such mistakes to happen.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\n NST\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nTip keibubapaan\nAdakah Anak Anda Mendapat DHA Yang Mencukupi?\nKesihatan\nKebenaran Tentang Cacar Air: Mitos & Fakta\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Travelling Makes Kids More Resilient\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/apartment-fire-safety-checklist", "title": "Desperate mum sacrifices her life to save her children", "body": "A mother\u2019s love for her children knows no bounds and this was shown clearly in\u00a0\nfootage\n of a recent fire that broke out\u00a0in China.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIn the video recording, you can\u00a0clearly see the mum dangling her three-year-old toddler just outside the window along with her nine-year-old son, as billows of thick black smoke threaten to engulf them.\n\n\n\n\nA witness said that the mum began throwing blankets and quilts to the crowd below, screaming for help. The crowd quickly grabbed as many blankets and quilts as they could to quickly make a make-shift padded area to break the fall.\n\n\nWhen it was ready they urged the mum to drop her children down to safety.\n\n\n\u201cDrop them! Drop them!\u201d\n\n\nWith the raging fire behind them and nowhere to go, the desperate mum first got her nine-year-old son to jump down from the 5th floor apartment. Screams were heard and hearts raced, but the boys landed safely down below.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThen the mum picked up her three-year-old daughter, dangling her head first before letting go. More screams were heard as the toddler flipped onto her back and barely missed the air-conditioning compressor to land safely down below.\n\n\nThe mum must have mastered the last of her strength to haul her toddler over because right after letting her toddler go, she passed out on the windowsill.\n\n\n\n\nIt was reported that although the mum managed to save her children, she was unable to save herself. Her daughter suffered a broken leg and will need surgery while her son escaped unscathed. Both were taken to the hospital and are now in stable condition. Sadly, their mum was eventually declared dead by doctors.\n\n\nRIP brave mum, you fought a good fight and you will always be your children\u2019s guardian angel.\u00a0\n\n\nApartment Fire Safety Checklist, Especially If You Have Young Children\n\n\nThe three most important details in an apartment fire safety checklist are the three Ps:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrepare\n\u00a0\u2013 Reduce the risk of fires in your home by eliminating hazards.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPractice\n\u00a0\u2013 Practice a home fire evacuation plan and general fire safety practices.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevent\n\u2013 The Unthinkable.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrepare\n\n\n\n\nInstall a smoke alarm in your home.\n\n\nInstall a smoke alarm outside every sleeping area.\n\n\nReplace smoke alarms after 10 years and be sure to test your smoke alarms at least twice a year. You should also change the batteries every six months,\u00a0to ensure proper functioning.\n\n\nDon\u2019t overload electric outlets, extension cords or wall sockets.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t leave \nburning candles unattended\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHide all matches and lighters out of reach of young children.\u00a0\n\n\nHave a working fire extinguisher in your home and know how to use it.\n\n\nIf you own a clothes dryer, don\u2019t let the lint build-up.\n\n\nThrow away old electrical appliances.\n\n\n\n\nPractice\n\n\nBe sure to have a fire escape plan\u00a0that you and your kids can practice regularly. This should be available in every apartment fire safety checklist, but in the event that there isn\u2019t any, you and your family can create one of your own. Make sure your children know where all the escape routes are so that they too can navigate their way out of the place safely and quickly. Practice, practice, practice.\n\n\nTeach your children basic fire safety in the event of a fire:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInstruct them to use the Stop, Drop and Roll technique to put out the fire on their clothes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCrawl through rooms and hallways to avoid smoke inhalation.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTouch doors before opening. A hot door means the fire is right outside, and they should not open it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNever re-enter the building for any reason once safely outside.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevent\n\n\nIn a home \nfire\n, the two most dangerous things are heat and smoke. Inhaling hot air can burn the lungs, and smoke inhalation can cause lung damage and even asphyxiation. In most cases,\u00a0victims are three times more likely to die from asphyxiation than burns, and if there are poisonous gases present, this can also lead to death.\n\n\nAlways remember that heavy smoke and poisonous gases accumulate first near the ceiling so teach young children to crouch low or crawl through rooms and hallways to reduce the exposure.\n\n\nAlways hold your baby under your body with one arm if you\u2019re trying to get out. Your body will act as a shield should debris and things start falling on top of you. This also ensures that your infant is as low to the ground as possible to avoid smoke and gas inhalation.\nPartner Stories\nFormula\nAnak Susah Minum Susu? Ini Tips Daripada Pakar Untuk Pujuk Anak Minum Susu & Kepentingannya Pada Tumbesaran Mereka!\nKanak-Kanak\nAdakah Pertumbuhan Anak Anda Terbantut? Ini Yang Anda Perlu Tahu\nKehamilan\nWhy the third trimester of pregnancy is crucial\nRaise them Resilient\nThe Foundation Of Resilient Children: A Simple Guide To Understanding Pre- And Probiotics\n\n\nIf the fire has taken over all exit routes in your apartment fire safety checklist, stay where you are. Cover cracks and doors with a wet cloth to keep out the smoke and gas as much as possible.\n\n\nUse flashlights to alert rescue crews to your location, by having your children lying on the bed while pointing the flashlight towards the window. Firefighters are trained to look next to a child\u2019s bed first upon entering the room. Teach this to your child so that even if they are trapped alone, the chances of them being found would be much higher.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nNew Strait Times\n, \nSafety\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mamas-choice-sharing-is-caring", "title": "Good News For Mamas From Mama\u2019s Choice, Win RM3,000 Cash! Let\u2019s Find Out How", "body": "One of the top priorities for pregnant mothers and mothers with babies is, of course, mother and baby care products.\n\n\nWhat products are safe to use? What products are best for mum and baby? And what brands have products specifically formulated for mum and baby?\n\n\nSurely, these are the questions that cloud the minds of many mums, both new and experienced ones.\n\n\nFret not, Mama\u2019s Choice, a brand that offers various care products for babies and pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is now established in Malaysia! And this brand has something special to share with all mums.\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice offers products that are not only safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, but also guaranteed halal and contain only natural ingredients specifically for the safety of mothers and babies.\n\n\nThe brand has become the talk of the town and is well known in Singapore, Indonesia & Thailand, especially with their best-selling products such as the Stretch Mark Cream and Nipple Cream.\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice, The Safer Choice For All Mamas\n\n\n\n\nOne of the things that concern mothers is the safety of using a certain product, whether on themselves during pregnancy or their baby.\u00a0\n\n\nUnderstanding this dilemma, Mama\u2019s Choice has created a dedicated mother and baby care brand, that is formulated only with natural ingredients.\n\n\nIn addition to that, the brand is also FDA-approved, Halal-certified and dermatologically tested.\n\n\nThere are a number of mothers, especially the younger ones, who are not aware that certain products may have side effects on mothers and babies.\n\n\nSo for those who are not very familiar with these issues, it is always better to make a safe decision by only using products that have been proven to be safe.\n\n\nIngredients In Skin Care Products That Could Potentially Harm Pregnant Mothers\n\n\nThere are many ingredients that can be considered harmful to pregnant and lactating mothers. Among those that are often used in beauty and skincare products are as follows:\n\n\nParabens\u00a0\n\n\nParabens are often used in cosmetics and skincare. It derives from fruits and vegetables. However, excessive usage of parabens can harm pregnant mothers.\n\n\nStudies have found that pregnant mothers who consume the highest levels of parabens have a higher risk of giving birth to premature babies. This will result in the unborn baby having a lower birth weight and being relatively small in size.\n\n\nSLS\n\n\nSLS is often found in shampoos. The substance Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Natrium Lauryl Sulfate is often associated with birth defects in studies on animals. This differs from Sodium Laureth Sulfate, which sounds similar, but is actually proven safe to use.\n\n\nAlcohol\n\n\nIt is a well-known fact that alcohol consumption, either orally or via products can be very dangerous. Alcohol consumption in the first three months of pregnancy can cause the baby to have abnormal facial features. It can also affect the baby\u2019s growth and his central nervous system (e.g. low birth weight, behavioural problems). Although the usage of alcohol in products is minimal, it is still not recommended until the unborn baby reaches the third trimester.\n\n\nThe Best From Mama\u2019s Choice\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice products are not only guaranteed safe to use but are also of exceptional quality. Among the best-sellers are:\n\n\nStretch Mark Cream\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis is a very effective stretch mark cream. It has gotten rave reviews from many mothers.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is suitable for pregnant mothers. Just massage the cream on the tummy and other body parts with stretch marks.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nWith ingredients such as aloe vera extract, this cream is able to relieve itching while maintaining skin moisture. Its cooling effect after application also provides long-lasting freshness to the skin.\n\n\nAdditionally, one of the ingredients that play a major role in this Stretch Mark Cream is Lipobelle \u2122 Soyaglycone. It is one of the latest innovations in biochemistry! It derives from soybeans and treats your skin in a variety of ways.\n\n\nFirst of all, it increases collagen production in the skin, and helps heal and repair the parts of your skin that are affected by the stretch marks. Secondly, Lipobelle \u2122 Soyaglycone works to thicken up your skin by 12% thus protecting your skin from excessive stretching as the abdomen grows.\n\n\nLipobelle \u2122 Soyaglycone is specially created for the exact purpose of reducing wrinkles and increasing moisture. With this exclusive formula, you no longer need to worry about stretch marks throughout your pregnancy!\u00a0\n\n\nIntensive Nipple Cream\n\n\n\n\nFormulated only with food-grade ingredients to ensure utmost safety for mother and baby. This cream contains a moisturizing agent and is able to relieve abrasions on the nipples.\n\n\nMouthwash & Toothpaste\n\n\n\n\nDental and oral care is highly important during pregnancy, so it is worrying that not many mothers are aware of its importance and end up taking dental care lightly during pregnancy.\n\n\nThis mouthwash and toothpaste are created with a very gentle formulation. In fact, the toothpaste is even free from fluoride and other harmful chemicals, providing you with better dental and oral care throughout your pregnancy.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBesides these best-selling self-care products, Mama\u2019s Choice also offers slimming products that are created specifically for mothers to wear during postpartum, such as leggings, corsets, body shapers and \nbengkung\n. If you wish to try it for yourself, you can choose your desired products from \nMama\u2019s Choice\n official website, and its official stores on \nShopee\n and \nLazada\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWin RM3,000 Cash With The Sharing Is Caring Campaign!\n\n\n\n\nIn conjunction with its brand launch in Malaysia, Mama\u2019s Choice is kicking off a campaign called Sharing Is Caring, where customers stand a chance to win a cash prize of RM3,000 in just 5 easy steps!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRegister your email at the \nMama\u2019s Choice Sharing is Caring\n website and receive a RM10 voucher.\u00a0\n\n\nShare the link with your friends and they will receive RM10 each.\n\n\nReceive a reward of up to RM100 when your friends register through the link you shared with them.\u00a0\n\n\nTrack your reward at Mama\u2019s Choice Reward Tracker and \nTop 10 Mamas Leaderboard\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBecome the Top Mama by sharing RM10 with your friends, and bring home a cash prize of RM3,000!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCampaign period and eligibility\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe campaign officially began on 14 June 2021 and will end on 31 August 2021. During this period, participants who follow the rules and qualify for entry will have the chance to win the grand prize of RM3,000 cash, which will be announced after the end of the campaign.\n\n\nThe organiser has the right to extend or shorten the duration of the campaign at any time without notice to any party.\n\n\n\u00a0\nThis campaign is open to all Malaysian residents. Participants under the age of 18 on June 14, 2021 must obtain the consent of a parent or legal guardian to participate in this campaign.\n\n\nEach participant must guarantee that all information provided during registration for the campaign is true and valid. Any abuse of information may result in your disqualification and/or disqualification, denial, withdrawal or revocation of prizes won.\n\n\nThe Organizer reserves the absolute right to request more information about participants when there is any suspicion of fraudulent activity directly or indirectly in winning the grand prize.\n\n\nClick \nhere\n for more information and to register as a participant. Follow our social media pages on\n Facebook \ndan \nInstagram\n for more updates on the campaign.\u00a0\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice 50% storewide discount\n\n\n\n\nRedeem 30 points and you can enjoy a 50% discount from Mama\u2019s Choice. A minimum spend of RM150 and above is required. \nRedeem now!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHey Mama, Dental Care Is Important During Pregnancy \u2013 Try One Of These Pregnancy-Safe Toothpastes!\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a05 Best Pregnancy-safe Facial Moisturizers \u2013 Great For Mums With Dry Skin!\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nStill Have Bad Breath Even After Brushing Your Teeth? Here Are the 7 Best Mouthwashes in the Market\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/quality-early-education", "title": "This Can Make or Break Your Child\u2019s Future", "body": "A quality early education may turn out to be the best \ninvestment for your family\n, community and country.\n\n\nAll good things in life begin as early as possible and when it comes to education, a \nsolid foundation during their tender first years\n is paramount for the future success of a child. It is the key to better job opportunities in the future and is a starting point for a highly skilled workforce.\n\n\nHere\u2019s a fact: Little ones from a happy, \nsecure household\n usually turn out to be happier, well-adjusted youngsters and adults. Why is this important to us? Because it indicates a link between \nearly childhood experiences\n and how an individual perceives life, as in what is right, wrong, acceptable, unacceptable, etc., as he grows up to become an adult. Ultimately, this translates to an individual\u2019s capability to make a living, enjoy a better lifestyle and in many cases, help improve the lives of his family members as well.\n\n\nThe early formative years of children are where it all begins. We know by now that a child who is growing up in an\n unhappy or abusive household\n is very likely to reflect those unfortunate experiences in their later life, either mirroring them in their own lives or secluding themselves from others. For the ultimate good of our community and our country, these are what we want to see eradicated to extinction, through a better childhood environment and appropriate early education.\n\n\nThe Key to Successful Development in a Community\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nEducation, employment, income, as well as crime, are all interrelated, whether or not we realise it. Each of them shares one common denominator, and that is the quality of an individual\u2019s childhood experiences, particularly their early childhood education. Early childhood education is akin to a building\u2019s foundation \u2013 the stronger it is, the better it will be able to withstand the goings-on in and around it, to \nemerge better-adjusted, skilful and confident.\n\n\nDuring the delicate period of early childhood, a child\u2019s brain is at his most sensitive learning period, and anything taught or experienced within this certain timeframe, be it good or bad, is absorbed like a sponge and lasts a lifetime.\n\n\nAt this day and time, it has to be understood that a quality early education becomes even more crucial for the world is rapidly changing and evolving \u2013 just as we thought we have seen everything, \nnew technologies pop up\n making others that we\u2019re still in awe of, obsolete. It\u2019s just too easy to get left behind, even as adults, but it will be an absolute disaster to enter adulthood not having the proper set of skills and flexibilities to maneuver one\u2019s way around in the workforce as well as in social settings and in society itself.\n\n\nThe higher the quality of a child\u2019s \nearly education\n, the better the outcome throughout his schooling years as well as beyond. Likewise, poor quality of life, as well as education during this crucial time frame, may produce long-term consequences on a child\u2019s behaviour as well as achievements in his future.\n\n\nUnderstanding What Early Education Really Means to a Child\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s important that parents realise early childhood education can make or break a child\u2019s future. In order to \nattain a commendable workforce\n built on integrity and good stewardship in the future, a good early education is paramount and it\u2019s in the hands of parents to see to this.\n\n\nIt\u2019s easy to fall prey to the notion that our kids should have the same carefree childhood as we had back in the day.\n\n\nWe\u2019re not implying that little ones be drilled with academics in soldier-style settings, but rather, we need parents to understand that what young children need today in terms of early education is nowhere the same as what we needed during our simpler, less technology-driven times of the past.\n\n\nIn terms of an early start in their education, if \nchildren today \u2018miss the bus\u2019 so to speak\n, trying to catch the next one might prove difficult, for it will then be a matter of trying to catch up with others who are more advanced in their lessons and experiences.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\n\n\nQuality life skills, as well as working skills, accumulate over time \u2013 the earlier they start to accumulate, the better. Which is why you can never go wrong by investing in a child\u2019s early education, but how early are we talking about?\n\n\nResearch conducted by experts at two universities in the United States indicated that comprehensive early education programs offered to children from birth to age 5 years proved to deliver higher economic returns compared to preschool programs meant for 3- to 5-year-olds. The studies mentioned began in the early 1970s and had long-term follow follow-up to adulthood, about 35 years.\n\n\nWhat today\u2019s parents have to understand from this though, is that we are also living in a world of severe crisis when it comes to other \nelements that influence a child\u2019s potential\n for optimum development \u2013 including poor nutrition, exposure to inappropriate media material, intentional or unintentional parental neglect, etc.\n\n\nBlame it on the era we live in, but unless parents step up to provide their kids with the best in all the aforementioned areas, a good early education (by itself) may not take off the way it should. They all go hand-in-hand.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Right of Every Child and Every Family\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s no secret that fraud and crime still plague our country. What\u2019s interesting is, most offenders and troubled adults come from households where they are either\n neglected and/or lack a good education\n that could have helped them make the best of their lives.\n\n\nIf negative early experiences could leave such deep impacts on a person\u2019s life years or even decades down the road, imagine what positive, upbuilding experiences during the crucial formative years could have done for that same person as well as his community.\n\n\nOn the other hand, we also cannot escape the fact that countless families face more financial constraints than they care to declare, and the stress associated with having not enough funds to raise a family the way we want to can make parenting a challenge.\n\n\nStill, a solid foundation via early education is the only hope if a family were to rise above it all. It may be a burden now, but investing in the best early education program that they can afford for their children while ensuring that other areas of their kids\u2019 life are also appropriately supported, are the answers to our younger generation\u2019s success, for themselves, their families and inevitably, our community and country.\n\n\nWhile investing in a child\u2019s early education can prove to be a key for future success, it is still a part of the bigger picture. Even the best early \neducation program may not deliver the results we hope to see\n if a child goes home to a family that is too busy to see to his emotional and physiological needs. In cases like these, money may not be the issue, but rather the lack of time to spend with one\u2019s child.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nThe Therapeutic Side of Art | Helping Kids Cope with Stressful Times\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-child-proof", "title": "5 Ways To Make Your House Safer When You Have Kids", "body": "When you first become a parent, you go through the many motions of preparing your house for the baby. Many mummies experience the \u201cnesting\u201d period, where they have this uncontrollable need to ensure the home is ready to welcome the new member of the family.\n\n\nOnce the baby arrives, a new round of changes starts to happen. At 6 months, you start weaning your baby and starting them on solids. At 9 months, they learn to stand. At a year, they\u2019re already toddling around the house. This is when the real child-proofing has to happen.\n\n\nThat minimalist metal coffee table you love so much? The sharp edges now have to be covered with rubberised stoppers. The gorgeous vintage lamp you found on one of your pre-baby travels? It has to go now.\n\n\nBut child-proofing your home doesn\u2019t have to be all that expensive or painful. In fact, the experience can be quite empowering if you follow the right steps.\n\n\nHere\u2019s how to child-proof your home with 5 easy steps:\u00a0\n\n\n1. Keep your house properly segregated\n\n\nMost homes are already configured in a way that the rooms are very obviously segregated. However, with modern design, many parents might have opted to have a more open layout for their homes. \n\n\nWhile the open kitchen might have been a good idea when you did not have kids, introducing children to a household with no segregation between the kitchen and other rooms can be dangerous. \n\n\nThe kitchen and bathroom areas should be properly cordoned off. This can easily be done by installing baby gates and child-proof locks. Don\u2019t allow your kids into areas where there is open water or fire source.\n\n\n\n\n2. Use cordless appliances\n\n\nOne thing most parents are certainly guilty of is the use of electronics all over the house. This means there is plenty of exposed wiring all over the place \u2013 posing a great risk to our kids when they start to walk around on their own. \n\n\nIt is important that you don\u2019t leave your electronics lying around with wires tangled up or dangling everywhere. It is also crucial not to leave electrical sockets open. \n\n\nReduce the risk of home accidents by using appliances that are cordless or wireless, including using a cordless vacuum so you can clean your house with ease without worrying about your child tripping on a wire or suffering from strangulation. \n\n\nThe Panasonic 200W Power Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner MC-BJ980W147/R147 is perfect for parents who wish to keep the house safe AND clean at the same time. Its long battery life allows for usage of up to approximately 65 minutes. While vacuuming, parents also don\u2019t have to worry about children tripping over any cords, making cleaning less stressful!\n\n\nThe vacuum cleaner is charged similarly to a handphone, making it easy for parents to unplug and stow away safely when not in use.\n\n\n\n\n3. Keep the house dust-free\n\n\nMany allergens come about when the house is not kept in clean conditions. When you have a home that is dust-free, it can improve your entire household\u2019s well-being and health. \n\n\nYou can do this with frequent cleaning, made easier with a cordless vacuum that can reach even the hard-to-reach spots, like Panasonic\u2019s 200W Power Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner MC-BJ980W147/R147 which cleans at lightning speed and reaches even the smallest corners and edges. The cordless vacuum cleaner also comes with several attachments such as a mattress nozzle, crevice nozzle, dusting brush, and a vacuum hose.\n\n\n\n\nNot to mention, it has a House Dust Sensor (Mite Sensor) function, detecting even the smallest of particles. When dirt is detected, the vacuum will inform you through its lamp function. Red means dust is detected while blue means that the area is clean. \n\n\nIt is also lightweight so it can be carried from room to room with no hassle! If your rooms have different textures, such as tiling, wood flooring or carpet, the Panasonic 200W Power Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner runs seamlessly over each surface with its unique V-shaped brush.\n\n\n4. Switch to organic household products\n\n\n\n\nUse products that do not contain toxic or poisonous substances. Stay away from phthalates, ammonia, chlorine or sodium hydroxide.\n\n\n\n\nWhy are so many brands now switching their products to be made of organic ingredients? Many household products contain toxic or poisonous substances that are harmful to children. \n\n\nBut with new organic products in the market popping up, parents can ensure their households are clean and pest-free without worrying about their child\u2019s health.\n\n\n5. Ensure all furniture units are screwed down\n\n\nThis is a given for all households with toddlers. Toddlers who are still learning to walk will grasp onto furniture to maintain their balance. If your cupboard or shelving unit is not screwed down or to the wall, it could easily fall onto your child and harm them. \n\n\nIt is best to have all the furniture screwed down and minimise the risk of accidents happening at home. \n\n\nSo these are 5 easy tips on how to child-proof your home to make it safer for the kids. Got any more tips to add on? Let us know! \n\n\nLearn more about the Panasonic 200W Power Cordless Stick Vacuum \nhere\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-gifted-child-in-singapore-is-only-4-but-already-knows-the-periodic-table", "title": "This Gifted Child Is Only 4 But Already Knows The Periodic Table!", "body": "Little Ashton is just four, but he can already\u00a0name the elements of the periodic table while doing his Math addition sums! We ask Chaven Alex, mummy of this gifted child in Singapore, more about this little prodigy she has been raising.\n\n\nHow did she know that her child was gifted? Read all about it here!\n\n\nRead about this gifted child in Singapore!\n\n\nTo start off, mummy Chaven tells us that Ashton was a premature baby.\n\n\n\u201cHe was preterm at 33 weeks exactly but weighing almost 2.9 kg. He cried so so much, uncontrollably since he turned a month old. It didn\u2019t stop till he was a year old!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHe needed very little sleep and it was worrying. We sent him to the doctors repeatedly for checks. He was growing fine and very chubby. \u2018Nothing was wrong\u2019 with him. His refusal to sleep and daily need of having me to rock him in my arms made me loose 25 kgs in 6 months after his birth.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI was desperate, so was my husband. We had no help from family and I was obstinate and determined not to have a helper. I wanted to raise Ashton \u2018myself\u2019.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHis constant cries kept me home for a year\u201d, says Chaven, who left her job in the Luxury industry when she was 2 weeks pregnant with Ashton, as she had a threatened pregnancy with excessive bleeding.\n\n\n\u201cHe cried everywhere we went. His lack of sleep was worrying\u201d.\n\n\nThe family tried all sorts of remedies to help the baby cry less and sleep more. And then one day, things changed.\n\n\n\u201cAt 8 months old, we received a book from a friend. I put that aside as I thought Ashton was still too young. When he was 10 months old, I remember he was crying so bad, he kicked and the book dropped.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHe caught a glimpse of it and he went all quiet. I showed him the book and started reading. He looked all enthusiastic. My husband didn\u2019t believe me when I told him what had happened.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI then bought his first ABC book from Changi Airport. I showed it to him for 3 days and I found out he could recognise the alphabets. When I asked him, \u201cWhich was letter \u2018Z\u2019\u201d, he would flip the pages and point and I still have videos of those days.\u201d\n\n\nWas my baby gifted?\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI didn\u2019t know he was ahead of others his age. I had many friends in a support group but it\u2019s just not us to chat about such things or make comparisons for milestones. It was through a video I put up on my Facebook that friends commented that, at that age, babies wouldn\u2019t be able to recognise letters.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI brushed it aside thinking \u2018every child is different\u2019 and mine just happened to love Alphabets. He grew up to show an interest in numbers. He could Count 10-1 (backwards) before he turned 2.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAnd he could spell colours at the age of 2. He could also count/speak in simple Spanish, French, Japanese at age 2. More milestones followed. He did addition/subtraction, recognised planets including the 5 dwarf planets before he turned 3.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHe could read any book I showed him. As he got on with his learning and was outspoken, we had strangers coming up to us tell us he might be gifted. We also sent him to attend a preschool for 2 months when he was 2 years of age, but he couldn\u2019t sit when the teacher started the class.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI was desperate as he was inquisitive and I finally sent him to 2 psychologists for IQ Tests. He was proven Gifted with an IQ of about 160.\u201d\n\n\nSurprises me every day\n\n\nWe saw a video where he was naming the elements of the periodic table while doing his Math sums! Tell us more?\n\n\n\u201cYes I could see that he was getting bored at home as he has no school. My 100% time with him had to be shared with his baby sister.\u201d\n (Ashton\u2019s kid sister Ansley is just 1)\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI see a frustration in him which I hadn\u2019t experienced before, so I keep having to think of daily activities to keep him busy or stimulated.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cOne night, I just thought \u2013 since he loves numbers, why not try the Periodic Table of Elements which I was strong at. I asked him during bedtime and showed him the chart on my phone. He said he wanted to learn them but I brushed him off saying, \u201cOk, lets do this when you get older, this is challenging\u2019\u201d.\n\n\n\u201cHe went to bed, only to bug me the next day, wanting to learn. I drew the table (only half of it) and he was so happy!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI took a shortcut by printing the table from Google and taught him. He took 3 days to tell me elements from 1-50 and a week to learn all 118 elements when I randomly asked him the atomic numbers.\u201d\n\n\nHere is a video of the little genius at work:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHe has an amazing memory and the ability to empathise which is what I love most about him.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMannerism, respect and love is what I want him to understand from young. He has\u00a0 achieved it and I am very proud of him.\u201d\n\n\nNurturing a gifted child\n\n\nHow have you nurtured the gifted child in Ashton in terms of exposure to knowledge, activities and even nutrition?\n\n\n\u201cRaising Ashton was never easy\u201d, says mummy Chaven.\n\n\n\u201cEvery time I look back, It\u2019s hard not to get emotional. It is indeed tough. He has a highly inquisitive mind which needs stimulation almost every second.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cA lot of talking, everywhere we go. He learns. It doesn\u2019t and won\u2019t stop. For food, he eats very simple things. Mainly Organic vegetables, soup, porridge daily, and no he doesn\u2019t take sweets or any sort of snack since he was a young baby.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cPeople never believed us until they tried offering him or enticing him with delicious food and was rejected.\u201d\n\n\nChallenges of raising a gifted child in Singapore\n\n\nWhat are the challenges that a gifted child may face in Singapore especially when it comes to schooling? Does Ashton go to preschool?\n\n\n\u201cAshton isn\u2019t in school. It is tough. So tough to find him a suitable school or teacher I must say,\u201d reveals Chaven.\n\n\n\u201cI got to learn that the best preschools/brands don\u2019t necessarily bring out the best in a child. It\u2019s the teacher who needs to have loads of patience to handle a gifted child. As they might throw tantrums and get bored easily if they are forced to go through the normal stream or curriculum.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe were advised by doctors to send him to a true Montessori which means students in class are of different ages and are grouped according to their pace or abilities. It\u2019s impossible to find one in Singapore. I tried my best.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cSkipping grades seems like a \u2018taboo\u2019 to the local system. Gifted Education Programme (GEP) is only at Primary 4. And I don\u2019t know how I am going to survive another 6 yrs in Singapore without a school which can offer him more\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI am desperate to find a school which can accept him for who he is\u2026I have tried writing to the Minister of Education but I guess these gifted preschoolers are deemed minority or less significant.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cTo a tired mother who is trying to keep up in raising him happily, I am forced to think of options \u2013 like leaving Singapore. I sincerely hope and pray for a day that the Singapore educational system will pay more attention to young gifted children and help us in supporting a local true Montessori.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe definitely look forward to support and hope that Ashton can stay and be educated in Singapore.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nWhat are some other challenges you foresee for Ashton, in terms of behaviour, personality development and socialising with peers?\n\n\n\u201cHe doesn\u2019t have a problem socialising at all. He is taught to meet and greet people of all ages. To show respect and manners at all times to the young and elderly. He greets anyone and everyone.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThe only challenge I faced is, he needs to learn more and more, and I have limitations of my time and abilities. We need to find a good teacher or support from Government for gifted children.\u201d\n\n\nAdvice for other parents\n\n\nWhat advice do you have for parents, especially for those of gifted children?\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t think I can advice as every child is different. What seems great for my child does not apply to others\u201d, says Chaven\n\n\n\u201cFor gifted children, traits are obvious and parents need to spend more time in monitoring them, listening and providing what\u2019s best for them. More importantly, give them your TIME.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThey need constant attention from us. Ignoring our child\u2019s giftedness might indeed harm them or make them grow up unhappy or not feeling understood.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThis might make our child loose confidence in themselves or us, and deter the child to communicate with parents when they grow older.\u201d\n\n\nThank you so much Chaven, for sharing your blessed experience with us. Here\u2019s to more amazing discoveries and learning from little Ashton. Love, happiness and peace to this family!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-shower-malaysia", "title": "The Bun is in the Oven!", "body": "No we are not talking about opening up a new bakery in town! As a matter of fact, a new baby is coming soon! So for those who are expecting, keep on reading to know a few ways to celebrate your upcoming newborn.\n\n\nGender Reveal Party\n\n\n\n\nSo you have revealed your pregnancy to your family and close friends not a while ago and now it\u2019s time for a gender reveal party! There a lot of fun ways to reveal your baby\u2019s gender.\n\n\nIt is known that blue represents a boy while pink represents a girl so why not cut a cake with a blue or pink cream inside. Everyone will be excited to see the colour inside while you\u2019re cutting the cake and they will surely enjoy eating the cute cake afterwards. You can might as well pop a balloon filled with pink or blue-coloured confetti and surprise your guests!\n\n\nBaby Shower\n\n\n\n\nA best friend or a sister of yours is throwing you a baby shower? Lucky you! Babies need a lot of things when they arrive so just enjoy your baby shower and have fun with your relatives and friends during the day.\n\n\nHate being the centre of attention? Plan a small get-together like a brunch or hi-tea instead. A small and cosy baby shower would usually be made of of an all-girl guest list where they could share their labour tales and later everyone would go Oohs and Awws over cute baby things while you open up the baby gifts such as custom baby onesies\u00a0 from them. Of course, when all is getting too overwhelming, it is time slide into those loose and comfy graphic maternity t-shirts\u00a0 for a more relaxed feel while you spend time with your ladies.\n\n\nBaby Announcement\n\n\n\n\nAnnouncing the arrival of your little bundle of joy is so exciting! We know! Choose an appropriate time to announce your baby\u2019s arrival because although all of them can\u2019t wait to meet your little sunshine, they\u2019d understand that you are having your hands full with the baby.\n\n\nSo, invite those closest to you that would truly share the happiness with you. Want your baby announcement party be more interesting than usual? Wear\u00a0baby announcement t-shirts\u00a0 (your husband included) that have your baby\u2019s name, birth date and weight printed on them. So instead of answering the same questions over and over again, they can read those details on your\u00a0custom printed t-shirts! Cool, isn\u2019t it?\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nFor every occasion and celebration, be ready with some\u00a0tokens of appreciation\u00a0 for your guests to appreciate them coming to see you and your baby. Congratulations and enjoy all the wonderful moments of becoming a parent!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/back-to-breast-tips-for-breastfeeding-after-bottle-feeding", "title": "Back To Breast: Tips For Breastfeeding After Bottle Feeding", "body": "During breastfeeding, latching for the majority of newborn babies can be easy, but for a reluctant few it\u2019s a herculean task\u2014especially when they\u2019ve gotten used to bottle-feeding. For whatever reason, if you are a mum who wants to go back to the natural way of \nbreastfeeding after bottle-feeding \nand struggle at it\u2014we\u2019re here to help.\n\n\nYou might be wondering while looking at other breastfeeding mums, like you are missing something very important or maybe you want to give your baby the natural healthy feed. On the other hand, you might also be wondering what methods to use to get your baby back to breastfeeding after bottle feeding. If your little one is throwing tantrums during breastfeeding then you need to understand the possible reasons behind this struggle.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBelow mentioned could be the cause of why your baby is not breastfeeding-\n\n\n\n\nBaby is too sleepy\n\n\nInadequate flow of breast milk\n\n\nBaby is too lazy to suck\n\n\nLack of comfort or coordination between mum and baby\n\n\nFussy baby\n\n\nComfortable with the easy flow of the milk bottle\n\n\nMedical reason\n\n\nNursing strike\n\n\n\n\nAs a mum, you can analyse the issue and can further employ the following tried and tested methods to get your baby back to breast or improve breastfeeding-\n\n\n1. Try different nursing positions\n\n\nSome babies are comfortable in specific nursing positions and\n\nsome prefer one breast over the other. When resuming breastfeeding after bottle feed, try different \nnursing positions\n like cradle hold, cross-cradle or crossover hold, side-lying position and football hold.\n\n\n\n\nTry these different positions to find the best position for you and your baby during breastfeeding. | Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBy trying these positions, you will come to know in which position your baby is less fussy and comfortable while breastfeeding.\n\n\n2. Snuggle, cuddle and relax the baby\n\n\nBefore breaking the bond between the baby and the bottle, make your baby feel at ease by being present both physically and emotionally. Try cuddling, snuggling and playing with your baby, after all, babies love cosy cuddling sessions. Your baby will feel more comfortable with you and will bond while doing so. You can try feeding the baby after a few minutes of playtime and pampering.\n\n\nIf your little one is still not latching or interested, try giving a light \nmassage\n to soothe your baby.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: iStock\n\n\n\n\n3. Use breastfeeding supplementer\n\n\nThere are various breastfeeding artificial nipples and supplementers available in the market. You can place them on your breast and then feed the baby easily. These breastfeeding nipples or supplementers will give your baby the comfort of\n\nbottle nipple but the nutrition of your milk.\n\n\n4. Increase lactation or breast milk flow\n\n\nLow milk flow can irritate your baby and will make him/ her avoid the breast completely. Try different home remedies and \nfood items\n to naturally increase breast milk flow.\n\n\nYou can also discuss this with your gynaecologist or paediatrician and can take supplement powder or tablets to boost lactation.\n\n\n5. Skin-to-skin contact\n\n\nTry giving your baby more of skin-to-skin contact and warmth. While feeding strip your upper clothes till waist and have the baby wear only a nappy or diaper. This will bring more skin-to-skin contact and comfort for the baby.\n\n\nUse a blanket to cover yourself and baby if the weather is cold.\n\n\n6. Continue to offer your breast\n\n\nEven if your baby is continuously rejecting your breast and is constantly fussing for the bottle; keep on offering your breast first. Whenever your baby is hungry, first offer to breastfeed.\n\n\nTry offering both your breasts gradually to see which one the baby prefers. Do not give up, if the baby rejects them and does not latch. Keep trying gently!\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: iStock\n\n\n\n\n7. Minimise the distractions\n\n\nDim the lights, switch off all musical toys and minimise the distractions around the baby before breastfeeding. Take the baby in a separate room where distractions are less and cuddle the baby to feed.\n\n\nYou can slowly reduce bottle feed or can offer a combination of both breast and milk bottle as per your baby\u2019s need and comfort. The trick is to stay positive, relax and keep trying.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n14 tips on how to increase your breast milk supply\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/half-newborns-not-breastfed-within-the-first-hour-says-unicef", "title": "More than half of newborns not breastfed within the first hour, says UNICEF", "body": "Did you know that breastfeeding newborn babies within the first hour of birth is very crucial to\u00a0their health? As it turns, most mothers don\u2019t, because more than half of newborns aren\u2019t being feed during this time frame.\n\n\nMost of them are also unaware that delaying the start of breastfeeding increases the risk of death for these infants.\n\n\nAt least that\u2019s what UNICEF Senior Nutrition Adviser France B\u00e9gin\u00a0said in a \npress release\n. \n\n\n\u201cMaking babies wait too long for the first critical contact with their mother outside the womb decreases the newborn\u2019s chances of survival, limits milk supply and reduces the chances of exclusive breastfeeding.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nKredit: Genetic Literacy Project\n\n\n\n\nThe press release also states\u00a0that a delay of two to 23 hours increases death risk in the first 28 days of life by 40 percent. If the delay reaches 24 hours or more, the risk doubles. \n\n\nAccording to a \nForbes\n report, there are two primary reasons why this delay happens.\n\n\nFirst is the lack of skilled attendants during childbirth. The second is the preference for cow\u2019s milk, sugar water or infant formula to feed babies during the first three days of a baby\u2019s life.\n\n\nCalled \u201cFrom the First hour of Life,\u201d the UNICEF report says\u00a0that there is \u201cenormous potential for skilled birth attendants to better support women in initiating breastfeeding immediately after birth \u2013 to not take advantage of this is a missed opportunity.\u201d\n\n\nMeanwhile, feeding other liquids that isn\u2019t breast milk reduces a mother\u2019 milk, which then makes supply of breast milk harder to establish and maintain.\n\n\nWhat are the benefits of breastfeeding within the first hour? Read on!\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\n\n\n\n\nBreastfeeding within the first hour\n\n\nThere is\u00a0a cornucopia of benefits that breastfeeding within the first hour brings. According to a \nBetter Health article\n, here are some of them:\n\n\n\n\nIt makes the mother more confident that she can breastfeed.\n\n\nThe baby starts to receive the immunological effects of colostrum (the first breastmilk, which provides protection against infection and disease).\n\n\nThe baby\u2019s digestion and bowels are stimulated.\n\n\nSucking difficulties may be avoided if the baby feeds properly at this stage.\n\n\nThe bond between mother and child is established and enhanced\n\n\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below or check out\n\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0for more insightful parenting news and tips\n . \nLike us on Facebook\n\u00a0and \nfollow us on Google+\n to stay up-to-date on the latest from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent.com\n\u00a0Malaysia\n!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pediasure-growth", "title": "Do These Things to Increase Your Child\u2019s Height", "body": "When it comes to the question of stature, surveys and studies from around the world seem to agree; the taller a person stands, the easier life becomes. Researchers looking at the unfair advantage of height report that taller people earn more money and enjoy more attention from their peers, resulting in greater levels of happiness\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, stunting is prevalent among Malaysian children throughout various ethnicities and across different income levels. According to UNICEF\u2019s 2018 \u2018Children Without\u2019 study, the stunting rate was at 22 percent within Malaysia\u2019s urban poor \u2013 a rate worse than Ghana, Africa despite our country\u2019s Gross domestic Product (GDP) achievements\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, one in five Malaysian children are stunted and this could be detrimental to their health as they may be at increased risk for various chronic conditions later in life\n3\n. \nStunting has a long-term impact on a child\u2019s development within areas including academics, physical aspects and overall health\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAs parents, we train our children to surpass us by building their minds, securing their health, and implanting a never-say-die attitude no matter the obstacles. But the statistics also remind us to consider physical growth when sharpening our children\u2019s edges for success.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s what you can do to give your child a height premium.\u00a0\n\n\nSurprising nutritional facts\n\n\nPay close attention to the first five years of childhood \u2013 this window is critical in achieving your child\u2019s growth potential. Did you know that children achieve 60% of their final adult height in the first five years of life\n5\n? Plus, nutrition contributes as much as 80% towards helping children achieve their maximum height potential\n6\n.\n\n\n\n\nTop foods that can help your child grow taller\n\n\nAmong the best foods for strengthening bones, joints and muscles are protein rich beans like chickpeas, lentils, and peas. Not only are these beans packed with protein, but provide growing bodies with iron and Vitamin B that\u2019s required for growth, as well development. \n\n\nAlmonds are another important dietary addition. They add healthy fats, fibre and Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin that doubles as an antioxidant\n\n\nCheese, yoghurt, egg yolks and fermented foods like tempeh and natto (traditional Japanese fermented soy bean) are especially rich in Vitamin K\n2\n. This unique nutrient promotes bone density to support enhanced growth and helps maintain height.\n\n\nEggs are another awesome yet readily available power food. It is a good source of protein and provide Vitamin D to increase calcium absorption for sturdier musculo-skeletal health. Researchers from the American journal Pediatrics have also uncovered evidence that eggs have the potential to prevent stunting\n7\n. Not to mention, eggs are an easy-cook breakfast food for your kids start their day \u2013 have them scrambled or hard!\n\n\nSteam some sweet potatoes too, as they are a flexible and palatable food, rich in Vitamin A for bone health. Together with servings of yoghurt, sweet potatoes offer the body fibres that boost good gut bacteria for a better immune system.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat about milk?\u00a0 \n\n\nMilk is a key component for a healthy, balanced diet. Even more so for children who are picky eaters and might not take too quickly to a plate of steamed vegetables. For parents who are concerned on their child\u2019s growth patterns, PediaSure\u00ae is one such brand, which is a complete and balanced supplement, scientifically formulated to help kids catch-up on growth. With two glasses a day, parents will be able to note improvement in growth in as soon as eight weeks\n8\n.\n\n\nIn fact, PediaSure\u00ae encourages parents to measure the height and weight of their children against a growth chart at least once in six months to monitor children\u2019s growth progress. For any concerns on growth patterns, parents are encouraged to talk to their paediatricians.\n\n\nDid you know you can also predict if your child\u2019s growth is on track to achieving their potential adult height? You can do this by using \nheight-predictor\n.\n\n\nTo cater to finicky tastes buds, parents can opt between vanilla and chocolate flavours, or the newly introduced plain flavour (with 0% sucrose) for a complete and balanced nutritional supplement. Formulated with Arginine (to trigger the release of Growth Factors), Natural Vitamin K\n2\n that promotes calcium transfer into bones, and 25 key nutrients for longer bone growth\n9\n.\n\n\n\n\nHelpful exercises!\n\n\nDo lots of stretching exercises with your child. Before and after hitting the playground, do simple ones like the wall-stretch. Ask your child to align their back with a wall, then raise their hands and stretch out as much as possible. Perform this stretch both by standing on their feet and seated on the ground. Alternatively, get your child to do toe-touching exercises. These are great for elongating the spine and improving posture.\n\n\nEncourage your child to perform high-intensity workouts too! Running, climbing, swimming, and jumping activities are all great ways to stimulate growth hormones\n10\n in the body and help your child grow taller.\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to emphasise rest and sleep\n\n\nCombined with excellent nutrition and fun-filled activities, getting adequate sleep (most young children need an average of 10-13 hours of sleep a day) will go a long way to helping your child achieve their maximum height potential\n11\n. Lack of sleep actually suppresses growth hormones and even affects school performance. This means a noticeable effect on decision making, shortened attention span and the decreasing of memory power.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCleanliness is next to godliness\n\n\nOr so the saying goes. Good hygiene habits such as teaching children to frequently wash their hands also go a long way to reducing downtime caused by sickness. It\u2019s important to remember, when children fall sick, the nutrients meant for growth are redirected to battle against illness, thus becoming ineffective in contributing to their overall growth. This is also the reason PediaSure\u00ae has been designed to reduce sick days by up to 64% for more growth days\n12\n.\n\n\nFour steps to take your child to greater heights\n\n\nPediaSure\u00ae\u2019s Grow Right campaign, that emphasises the importance of nutrition, play, good hygiene practices and sleep, is a well-rounded strategy to boost peak growth in your child when their bodies are most pliable.\n\n\nTaking these four components into consideration when planning your child\u2019s every day schedule ensures not only growth in terms of height and weight, but also places them on a path to adulthood success. And that\u2019s the ultimate goal for any parent.\u00a0\n\n\nLearn more and request for a \nfree PediaSure sample\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGet the #1 child nutrition supplement recommended by experts for your child by PediaSure now\n!\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1\n\u201cTall vs short: Which is it better to be? \u2013 BBC Future.\u201d 28 Sep. 2015, \nhttps://www.bbc.com/future/article/20150928-tall-vs-small-which-is-it-better-to-be\n. Accessed 28 Jul. 2020.\n\n\n2\n \u201cChildren living in poverty: unseen, but among us \u2013 Unicef.\u201d 26 Feb. 2018, \nhttps://www.unicef.org/eap/press-releases/children-living-poverty-unseen-among-us\n. Accessed 28 Jul. 2020.\n\n\n3\nFull report of IMFeD Nationwide Growth Screening exercise among 225 participating private paediatric clinics between April \u2013 July 2018 among 20,748 children between 1-5 years old\n\n\n4\n \u201cChildhood Stunting: Context, Causes and Consequences.\u201d \nhttps://www.who.int/nutrition/events/2013_ChildhoodStunting_colloquium_14Oct_ConceptualFramework_colour.pdf?ua=1\n. Accessed 28 Jul. 2020.\n\n\n5\nWHO Growth Standard, 2007.\n\n\n6\nJelenkovic, A, et al. Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood, 2016.\n\n\n7\n \nhttps://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/140/1/e20163459\n \u2013 Lora L. Iannotti, Chessa K. Lutter, Christine P. Stewart, Carlos Andres Gallegos Riofr\u00edo, Carla Malo, Gregory Reinhart, Ana Palacios, Celia Karp, Melissa Chapnick, Katherine Cox and William F. Waters. Eggs In Early Complementary Feeding And Child Growth: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics\u00a0July 2017,\u00a0140\u00a0(1)\u00a0e20163459;\u00a0DOI: \ndoi.org/10.1542/peds.2016-3459\n\n\n8\nHuynh DTT et al. J Hum Nutr Diet (2015), 28, 623-635. Longitudinal growth and health outcomes in nutritionally at-risk children who received long-term nutritional intervention & Huynh DTT et al. Jr of Nutr Sci.2016;5(20). Impact of long-term use of oral nutritional supplement on nutritional adequacy, dietary diversity, food intake and growth of Filipino preschool children.Kenneth R. Ginsburg, The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. Available from \nhttps://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/119/1/182\n. Last accessed June 29, 2020.\n\n\n9\n Van Vught AJ et al. Dietary arginine and linear growth: The Copenhagen school child intervention study. Br J Nutr (2013), 109, 1031-1039.\n\n\n10\n \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2679385/\n\n\n11\nSteven Dowshen, MD. Can Lack of Sleep Stunt Your Growth? Available from \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/teens/sleep-growth.html#:~:text=A%20single%20night%20of%20no,is%20normally%20released%20during%20sleep\n. Last accessed June 29, 2020.\n\n\n12\nHuynh DTT et al. J Hum Nutr Diet (2015), 28, 623-635. Longitudinal growth and health outcomes in nutritionally at-risk children who received long-term nutritional intervention.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tea-for-nausea-during-pregnancy", "title": "How Drinking Tea Helps to Relieve Nausea During Pregnancy", "body": "A common symptom for many, if not all, pregnant women is nausea, where some will even continue to experience it until the end of their pregnancy.\n\n\n This, leading to the question of whether or not there is actually a safe and efficient way to soothe one's nausea! \nMany women have probably resorted to various methods to try to curb their nausea such as the use of aromatic oils, an abundance of rest or even changing their diets to no avail. \n\n\nThe last resort would probably be a trip to the doctors to seek professional counsel. \n\n\nHow Drinking Tea for Nausea Helps With Your Morning Sickness\n\n\n\n\nThe tradition of making and drinking tea spreads across multiple cultures and has been practised for thousands of years. \nA warm soothing cup of tea can help to relieve morning sickness and energize you. \n\n\nAlthough there are not that many studies on the benefits and risks of drinking herbal tea during pregnancy, some physicians recommend a limited intake often tea for nausea unless they are from more well-known brands. \n\n\nThey also suggest lighter teas such as mint or ginger.\n\n\nThe following are a few factors that you should consider before drinking tea for nausea while expecting:\n\n\n\n\nSome teas are not safe to consume while pregnant:\n\n\n\n\nThese include PMS teas, diet teas, cleansing and detoxifying teas, black and blue cohosh, dong quai, etc\n\n\n\n\nAvoid taking Herbal Laxative Teas\n\n\n\n\nThese are known to be harmful to pregnant women as they can cause contraction of the intestinal muscles. \n\n\nIn addition, these teas can cause increased urination or diarrhoea, both of which can lead to dehydration. It is recommended to only take these after you have both given birth and finished breastfeeding.\n\n\n5 Types of Herbal Tea for Nausea During Pregnancy\n\n\nTo aid you along your tea journey, we have listed down some types of teas that are safe to consume during pregnancy.\n\n\n#1 Ginger Tea\n\n\n\n\nGinger tea is known to aid digestion, soothe sore stomachs and can reduce nausea. It may also help to reduce a woman\u2019s morning sickness.\u00a0 \nGinger tea also assists the digestive tract by fighting indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea as well as colds. It is known to have strong antibacterial effects on the mouth and throat and aids in muscle recovery.\n\n\nTo make ginger tea, grate a small amount of peeled ginger into a pot of boiling water and let it simmer for 10-20 minutes, depending on how strong you would like your tea. Next, strain the ginger out and enjoy or add some honey, cinnamon or lemon for flavour.\n\n\nSUPER TEA INFUSION Instant Ginger Tea\n\n\n\n\nFragrant and homely\n\n\nMade with Asian herbs\n\n\nSpicy and aromatic drink with a sharp taste\n\n\nA soothing blend\n\n\n\n\n SUPER TEA INFUSION Instant Ginger Tea \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Chamomile Tea\n\n\n\n\nIn traditional medicine, chamomile has been used to relax digestive muscles and treat conditions such as nausea, vomiting, gas and digestive disorders. \nTaking chamomile extract is thought to be more effective than ginger in reducing nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy. \n\n\nHowever, pregnant women should exercise caution and consult their doctor before drinking chamomile tea as it may pose a risk to their pregnancy.\n\n\nTo make it, add 1 tablespoon (2g) of dried chamomile to 1 cup (240ml) of hot water and let it stew for 5-10 minutes.\n\n\nLipton Chamomile Gentle Herbal Infusion\n\n\n\n\nSoothing\n\n\nFragrant\n\n\nPairs well with honey\n\n\nCaffeine-free\n\n\n\n\n Lipton Chamomile Gentle Herbal Infusion \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Honey Lemon Tea\n\n\n\n\nHoney Lemon tea can fight nausea due to the citrusy aroma of lemon and the antibacterial properties of honey. The antibacterial properties of honey protect against infections that may cause nausea and its sweetness helps to balance out the sourness of the lemon.\n\n\nAdd 2 teaspoons (10ml) of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons (15ml) of honey to 1 cup (240ml) of hot water and stir well.\n\n\nDOORAEONE Honey Lemon Tea\n\n\n\n\nImproves skin tone\n\n\nExcellent source of Vitamin C\n\n\nDetoxifies the body\n\n\nFilled with 100% selected Wildflower Honey\u00a0\n\n\nCaffeine Free\n\n\n\n\n DOORAEONE Honey Lemon Tea \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Halba Tea\n\n\n\n\nAccording to herbalists, fennel seeds are an effective digestive aid. It is known to soothe the muscles of the gastrointestinal system as well as reduce gas, bloating and stomach cramps.\u00a0\n\n\nA study previously done on 80 women found that taking capsules with 30 mg of fennel before menstruation helped to reduce symptoms such as nausea and weakness.\n\n\nYou can make fennel tea by adding 1 teaspoon (2g) of dried fennel seeds to 1 cup (240 ml) of hot water, then letting it rest for 5-10 minutes before straining.\n\n\nTraditional Medicinals, Organic Mother\u2019s Milk Tea, Fennel & Fenugreek\n\n\n\n\nBoosts women\u2019s health\n\n\nPromotes healthy breastfeeding\n\n\nMade from organic materials\n\n\n\n\n Traditional Medicinals Organic Mother\u2019s Milk Tea Fennel & Fenugreek \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Mint Tea\n\n\n\n\nMint tea is actually one of the most popular teas used in treating stomach aches and nausea. Mint tea is often cited as a good solution for many common ailments associated with pregnancy. \n\n\nIt is specifically known to be a natural remedy for overcoming nausea and vomiting, as well as relieving heartburn.\n\n\nMint tea bags are readily available at most grocery stores and online platforms. Alternatively, you could also make it yourself by soaking 10-15 crushed mint leaves in 1 cup (240ml) of hot water for 10-15 minutes.\n\n\nAhmad Tea Peppermint & Lemon\n\n\n\n\n20 foil-coated sachets\n\n\nThe cooling mint is topped with a little lemon\n\n\nEach box includes 20 tea bags with hanging labels wrapped separately in foil to retain aroma and flavour\n\n\nCaffeine-free\n\n\n\n\n Ahmad Tea Peppermint & Lemon \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nWe hope this helps!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nNatural Remedies For Morning Sickness\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMorning sickness tummy-friendly food guide\n\n\nRead more:\n \n3 yummy, easy-to-create Chinese recipes for morning sickness\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-compression-socks-for-pregnancy", "title": "Worried About Swollen Feet During Pregnancy? Use Compression Socks Instead!", "body": "Throughout pregnancy, a woman will find that her body changes dramatically. These changes are a way to support the growth of the baby. Through this, many women complain of swollen feet, and an easy way to relieve the swelling is by wearing the best \ncompression socks\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe problem of swollen feet may seem daunting, but if it is not accompanied by high blood pressure, you need not worry too much.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if swelling persists to the point where varicose veins arise, it\u2019s time to start wearing compression socks, but be aware of these various characteristics, to help you choose the right pair!\n\n\nFeatures of High-Quality and Best Compression Socks\n\n\n\n\nWearing compression socks will help prevent the development of varicose veins, which are unpleasant and can be associated with symptoms such as pain, itching, burning or cramping.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are several types of compression socks to choose from, so here are some features to aid you in choosing the perfect pair:\n\n\n\n\nCompression rates:\n The most common compression socks are found at light compression levels (8-15 mmHg), moderate (15-20 mmHg), firm (20-30 mmHg), X-Firm (30-40 mmHg). Usually, pregnant women can only wear the moderate compression socks that are sold on the market, but you can always check with your doctor beforehand.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the size of one\u2019s foot, \ncompression socks should fit tightly\n yet not compromise comfort.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you experience swelling only at the ankle, knee-high socks will suffice\n. However, if the swelling extends to the top of the knee or higher, consider longer compression stockings or pantyhose.\n\n\nFabric:\n Thick fabric is much more durable than thinner fabric, and is ideal for post-surgery. Sports and casual compression socks are ideal for daily wear after surgery.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLastly, it is extremely important to choose socks that are easy to wear, and comfortable!\n\n\n6 Best Compression Socks\n\n\n#1 Miracle Copper Anti-Fatigue Compression Socks\n\n\n\n\nMiracle Copper Socks use copper fibre and has a mild compression rate (8-15 mmHg), serving to soothe swollen feet, improve blood circulation, reduce swelling and help relieve pain.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCompression rate\n: 8-15 mmHg\n\n\nSock length\n: Knee-high\n\n\nMaterial\n: 84% Nylon, 10% CuTEC Copper Nylon, 7% Lycra Spandex.\u00a0\n\n\nReduces swelling\n\n\nImproves blood circulation\n\n\nRevives tired feet\n\n\nControls odour\n\n\nRelieves pain\n\n\n\n\n Miracle Copper Anti-Fatigue Compression Socks \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 EBENE Bio-Ray Compression Socks\n\n\n\n\nThis product uses Bio-Ray Technology, designed to improve blood circulation and oxygen in veins, which helps reduce fatigue in the legs.\u00a0\n\n\nEBENE\u2019s socks come in free size and are suitable for those who have to stand or sit for long periods of time.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCompression rate\n: Moderate (15-20 mmHg)\n\n\nSock length\n: Knee-high\n\n\nMaterial\n: 80% Microfiber Nylon\n\n\nPromotes blood circulation and oxygen in veins\n\n\nRelieves pain and pressure on the feet\n\n\n\n\n EBENE Bio-Ray Compression Socks \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Findcool Medical Compression Pantyhose Open Toe\n\n\n\n\nThese pantyhose from Findcool are made of high-quality Nylon, making them extremely comfortable and sweat-absorbent. \n\n\nIt has toe openings and is of waist length to increase comfort levels for the wearer. They are also machine-washable!\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCompression rate\n: Firm (23-32 mmHg)\n\n\nSock Length:\n Waist level (pantyhose)\n\n\nMaterial\n: 80% Nylon and 20% Spandex\n\n\nComfortable and of good breathing space, flexible\n\n\nHelps support muscles and relieve tensions in the knee, calves and feet\n\n\nPromotes blood circulation, reduces fatigue and reduces venous diseases\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Findcool Medical Compression Pantyhose Open Toe \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Maternity Therapy Compression Socks\n\n\n\n\nIf you are searching for colourful socks, you are bound to love these ones! Its eye-catching patterns are accompanied by the amazing function of relieving foot pain.\u00a0\n\n\nThis product can also improve blood circulation, thus effectively reducing swelling in the legs of pregnant women.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCompression rate: \nFirm (20-30 mmHg)\n\n\nSock length: \nKnee-high\n\n\nMaterial\n: Nylon\n\n\nSoothes feet, reducing pain and swelling\n\n\nHelps reduce pain by increasing blood circulation\n\n\nCan be worn with all types of shoes\n\n\nComfortable design, suitable for long distances\n\n\n\n\n Maternity Therapy Compression Socks \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Mediortho Anti-Embolism\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMEDIORTHO Anti-Embolism Stockings (TED) are 18 mmHg compression stockings commonly used in the prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis in hospitalized patients, and for other use, as directed by physicians.\n\n\nThis product is clinically proven to reduce and prevent the formation of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCompression rate: \nModerate (18 mmHg)\n\n\nSock length: \nAbove the knee\n\n\nMaterial: \n80% Nylon, 20% Spandex\n\n\nSuitable for before and after surgery\n\n\nPrevents DVT\n\n\n\n\n Mediortho Anti-Embolism \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Copper Infused Zipper Compression Socks\n\n\n\n\nThe Copper Infused Zipper Compression Socks are made to stabilize and support muscles and joints, as well as reduce swelling, improve blood circulation, control odour and help relieve pain. \n\n\nThe zipper is easy to use, and the socks are soft with a comfortable amount of breathability. The product is made with nylon and spandex to ensure maximum comfort.\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCompression rate: \nModerate (15-20 mmHg)\n\n\nSock length: \nKnee-high\n\n\nMaterial:\n Nylon and Spandex\n\n\nReduces varicose vein problems, swelling, edema, lymphedema, superficial thrombophlebitis\n\n\nHelps refresh tired feet\n\n\nPromotes blood circulation\n\n\nDurable zip\n\n\nComfortable\n\n\n\n\n Copper Infused Zipper Compression Socks \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nFeeling Tired Lately? Here Are Some Food & Drinks To Increase Your Energy Quickly!\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lunar-new-year-celebration", "title": "Usher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall", "body": "Tong-tong-tong-chiang!\n\n\nChinese New Year is around the corner. The time of the year where auspicious greetings fill the air, homes are cleaned and decorated, debts are settled, and reunions with friends and family are held every day.\n\n\nFrom 7th January to 20th February 2022, head on over to Sunway Putra Mall to welcome the Year of the Tiger at the Main Concourse, Ground Floor where #100Blessings and larger-than-life \u798f \u2018F\u00fa Chinese character makes a festive environment to be in. The auspicious red lanterns are instantly captivating and adoring the main structure is a sight to behold.\n\n\nHere are 6 activities happening during the Lunar New Year at Sunway Putra Mall\n\n\n#1 Wonder-Fu Blessings Augmented Reality (AR)\n\n\nSunway Putra Mall is incorporating a digital element to this year\u2019s Chinese New Year celebration \n\u2013\n a special online to offline experience. Shoppers can scan a special QR code and customize a special Chinese New Year greeting to be shared with their family and friends and they will be rewarded with 300 Sunway Pals points at the Sunway Pals Booth, GF.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#2 Wonder-Fu Room\n\n\nDon\u2019t miss the chance to take incredible photos at the Wonder-Fu Room. The entire room and swing are wrapped with phrases of Chinese blessings, creating a chance for that perfect photo.\n\n\n#3 Festive Bazaar and Home & Living\n\n\nNo Lunar New Year celebration is worth celebrating without festive essentials! Make your way towards the Festive Bazaar at Main Concourse & East Wing, GF where an array of fashion apparels, snacks, cookies, hampers and more are available.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTake the chance to spruce up your home in time to receive visitors by visiting Home & Living Roadshow by Niki Cains Home at East Wing, Level 2.\n\n\nFill your mouth with Chinese delicacies at F&B outlets such as Zhia Kitchen, Go Noodle, Dolly Dim Sum, Simple Life, and more!\n\n\n# 4 Weekend Specials\n\n\nCatch all the performances during weekends and on Public Holidays until 13 February 2022. See if you can catch the God of Prosperity for extra blessings as he gives out attractive vouchers and gold coin chocolates.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAlso, catch the lion dance performances and 24 Season Drums performances. Kids can take part in the Kids Workshops at the Edutainment Hub, Level 4 with Chinese Calligraphy Workshop, Paper Cutting Art and more. Indeed a celebratory time for the whole family! Check out their Wonder-Fu Activities schedule \nhere\n!\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#5 Wonder-Fu Calligraphy Competition\n\n\nWhat is Chinese New Year without some calligraphy? Show off your calligraphy skills by joining the Wonder-Fu Calligraphy Competition on 22 January 2022, 2 pm \u2013 4 pm.\n\n\nIf you are 13 and above, register \nhere\n before 19 January 2022 and stand a chance to win prizes worth up to RM3,000!\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n#6 Wonder-Fu Redemptions\n\n\nWhen you shop and dine-in at Sunway Putra Mall, get rewarded! In the spirit of spreading Lunar New Year joy and happiness, we want to pour out #100Blessings on our Sunway Pals members.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTier 1 \u2013 Wonder-Fu Angpow Set\n\n\nSpend RM200/ RM100* in TWO (2) receipts to redeem.\u00a0\n\n\nTier 2 \u2013 Blooming Candy Box\n\n\nSpend RM350/ RM300* in TWO (2) receipts to redeem.\u00a0\n\n\nTier 3 \u2013 Blooming Gold Charm/ Pendant\n\n\nSpend RM1,800/ RM1,500* in FIVE (5) receipts to redeem.\u00a0\n\n\n*Exclusively for Sunway Pals members only.\n\n\nStay Safe This Chinese New Year!\n\n\nAs we create memories together this Lunar New Year, remember to always prioritize your safety. Sunway Putra Mall only allows fully vaccinated shoppers to enter. However, children of 17 years and below are allowed to enter the mall accompanied by their fully vaccinated parents.\n\n\nRemember to always follow the SOPs set by the government such as monitoring physical distancing, sanitizing hands regularly, and wearing face masks so that everyone can enjoy the #100Blessings together this Chinese New Year.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on #100Blessings at Sunway Putra Mall, visit the website at \nhttps://www.sunwayputramall.com/100-blessings\n, check out their \nFacebook page\n or call 03-2786 9300.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead m\nore:\n \n10 Fun Facts About Chinese New Year\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-spotting", "title": "All You Need To Know About Spotting During Pregnancy", "body": "There are a variety of reasons for spotting during pregnancy. Some of them are severe, while others aren\u2019t. Spotting can happen at any time during pregnancy and in fact, is typical in the first trimester. However, it does not always indicate a serious condition.\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s take a look at spotting, what causes it and the treatment available.\n\n\nWhat is spotting during pregnancy?\n\n\nSpotting refers to extremely mild vaginal bleeding that occurs during pregnancy or between cycles.\n\n\nLight and brown spotting is common, but severe spotting can be red.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Yan Krukov from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nWhat causes spotting?\n\n\nSpotting can be caused by various reasons and is related to how long you have been pregnant. Let\u2019s take a look at spotting in each trimester.\n\n\nSpotting during pregnancy 1st trimester\n\n\nThe American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists estimates \n15 to 20% of pregnant women suffer bleeding in the first trimester\n.\n\n\nAccording to research, \nspotting is most prevalent in the sixth and seventh weeks of pregnancy\n. However, it wasn\u2019t always an indication of a miscarriage, or that something isn\u2019t right.\n\n\nA variety of factors can cause spotting during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEctopic pregnancy\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilised egg attaches itself outside the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy can cause light to severe vaginal bleeding.\n\n\nIt is often accompanied by other symptoms like pelvic discomfort, fainting, rectal pressure and pain in the abdomen.\n\n\nA medical emergency might arise if an ectopic pregnancy is left untreated. Prompt treatment lowers your risk of ectopic pregnancy problems, enhances your odds of future healthy pregnancies, and lowers future health risks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImplantation bleeding\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImplantation bleeding may happen 6 to 12 days after conception. It\u2019s thought to be an indication that the embryo is settling into the uterine wall.\n\n\nNot everyone experiences this phenomenon, but it\u2019s generally one of the earliest signs of pregnancy for those who do.\n\n\nDepending on how long the blood has taken to leave the body, you may notice various hues. The colour of the implantation bleeding ranges from pale pink to dark brown.\n\n\nBecause it\u2019s simply mild spotting, it\u2019s not like your typical period. You won\u2019t need a tampon or a sanitary pad because you won\u2019t be bleeding enough.\u00a0\n\n\nImplantation bleeding can persist anywhere from a few hours to three days and will eventually stop on its own.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMiscarriage\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMiscarriages are most common during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Consult your doctor if you know you\u2019re pregnant and are experiencing brown or bright crimson blood with or without cramping.\n\n\nYou may also have the following symptoms after a miscarriage: weight loss, mild or extreme back pains, cramps, and vaginal discharge.\n\n\nHaving a miscarriage doesn\u2019t mean you\u2019ll have trouble getting pregnant again. It also doesn\u2019t inherently raise your chances of having another miscarriage.\u00a0\n\n\nSpotting during pregnancy second and third trimester\n\n\n\n\nIrritation of the cervix, commonly after intercourse or a cervical check, can produce light bleeding or spotting in the second trimester. This is a regular occurrence that typically does not warrant worry.\n\n\nAnother cause of bleeding in the second trimester is a cervical polyp. This is a cervical growth that is completely harmless. However, due to an increased number of blood vessels in the tissue around the cervix, you may have spotting.\n\n\nIf you have excessive vaginal bleeding, such as during a menstrual cycle, call your doctor immediately. Heavy bleeding in the second trimester might indicate a medical problem.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some examples of possible issues you might face:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPlacenta Previa\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen the placenta lies low in the uterus and partially or fully blocks the entrance of the birth canal, this syndrome develops.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\nIn the late third trimester, placenta previa is highly uncommon, occurring in just one out of every 200 pregnancies. However, a bleeding placenta previa, which might be painless, is a medical emergency that has to be treated right away.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPremature labour\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLate-pregnancy vaginal bleeding might be a sign that your body is preparing to give birth.\n\n\nThe mucus plug that covers the uterus entrance will pass out of the vagina a few days or weeks before labour begins, and it will generally contain small quantities of blood.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you start bleeding and experiencing signs of labour before the 37th week of pregnancy, see your doctor right away since you may be experiencing premature labour.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVasa Previa\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe growing baby\u2019s blood arteries in the umbilical cord or placenta straddle the entrance of the birth canal in this highly unusual disease.\u00a0\n\n\nVasa previa is very dangerous for the infant because the blood veins might burst apart, causing severe bleeding and oxygen deprivation.\n\n\nAbnormal foetal heart rate and heavy bleeding are other indications of vasa previa.\n\n\nHow long does spotting last in early pregnancy?\n\n\nAlthough only approximately a third of pregnant women have implantation bleeding after conception, it is a common pregnancy symptom.\n\n\nImplantation spotting usually lasts a few hours to a few days, although some women have reported implantation spotting lasting up to seven days.\n\n\nHow to stop spotting during pregnancy?\n\n\nYou should relax and call a gynaecologist because there are treatment options available for you. Do note that the source of your bleeding will determine your treatment.\u00a0\n\n\nThese treatments include:\n\n\n\n\nRest, relax or take time off work.\n\n\nDon\u2019t do any hard lifting and strenuous activity.\n\n\nAvoid having sex and douching during your pregnancy.\n\n\nDon\u2019t use tampons.\n\n\nDrink lots of water to avoid being dehydrated.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can also keep track of how many pads you\u2019ve used and whether the bleeding is becoming worse or better.\n\n\n\n\nCan constipation cause spotting during pregnancy?\n\n\nConstipation doesn\u2019t cause spotting during pregnancy. Many pregnant women have trouble going to the toilet because the enlarged uterus puts additional strain on the blood vessels in the lower belly. Constipation can be prevalent throughout pregnancy and after birth.\n\n\nBleeding with clots during pregnancy first trimester: is it normal?\n\n\nWomen can pass blood clots vaginally during pregnancy, which is a reasonable cause for anxiety. In addition, women may bleed during the first trimester of pregnancy due to implantation or miscarriage.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile not all occurrences of passing clots within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy indicate a loss, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is a cause for concern, so consult your gynaecologist if the problem persists.\n\n\nWhen should I seek professional help?\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nCall your doctor if you experience vaginal bleeding in any trimester since this might indicate a problem. While it\u2019s most probably nothing to worry about, it\u2019s always better to be safe than sorry. Your doctor may advise you to rest as much as possible and avoid strenuous exercise and travel.\n\n\nYou should also expect to have an ultrasound performed to determine the reason for your bleeding. Ultrasounds of the vaginal and abdominal regions are frequently combined as part of a comprehensive examination.\n\n\nFinal remarks\n\n\nSpotting during pregnancy can be a scary experience for anyone. Please contact your doctor\u2019s if you have any concerns. Being able to speak with your doctor about your symptoms may be highly reassuring throughout pregnancy.\n\n\nTo learn more about pregnancy, you can get more information \nhere\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nPregnancy Concerns: Spotting\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMum with placenta previa during pregnancy shares her trauma\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nSymptoms Of Successful Implantation: How To Know If You\u2019re Pregnant\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gap-years-stop-schooling", "title": "Teen stops schooling to follow K-pop idols", "body": "The 17-year-old who completed her O-level examination last year, told her mother that she wanted to take a break from her studies to concentrate on pursuing her favourite celebrities such as Korean boy band SHINee and K-pop icon Super Junior.\n\n\nThe girl\u2019s 50-year-old mother, who only wants to be known as Chen, said that her daughter works multiple jobs to support her K-pop passion. She works as a sales girl, administrative assistant and had also distributed brochures on the streets.\n\n\nChen said that her daughter has spent about S$3,000 (RM9,177) to follow her favourite pop stars. She buys their merchandise and collectables.\n\n\n\u201cShe would spend hundreds of dollars on specially-made posters of her idols,\u201d she said.\n\n\nChen said that she has tried to advise her daughter into thinking of her future, but it all fell on deaf ears.\n\n\nWhat are your thoughts on your teen taking a gap year before going to college/university? Share your thoughts and feelings in the comment section below.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nTeen stops schooling for a year to follow her pop idols\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-acne-patches-to-remove-acne-without-leaving-any-scars", "title": "Getting Unwanted Acne Is The Worst! Try These Acne Patches To Remove The Acne Without Leaving Any Scars", "body": "Do you have unwanted acne appearing on your face or even on other parts of your body? Here are some of the best acne patches we recommend to remove those acnes!\u00a0\n\n\nDuring pregnancy, the surge in hormones may cause many physical changes to occur in a woman\u2019s body. \nThese include weight gain, mood swings, and various skin problems such as dry or dull skin and even acne-prone skin. \nEven though everyone has to deal with growing acne, not all medications on the market are suitable for pregnant women with acne.\u00a0\n\n\nIn order to treat acne, many people use acne patches as it helps to shrink the acne and is an excellent alternative to using thick acne cream that will often cause the face to appear oily. What is the best acne patch product to treat acne?\n\n\nHow to Choose the Best Acne Patch\n\n\n\n\nAcne patches come in several types, and they are all used to treat different problems. Some examples include medicated acne patches to treat papules, nodular or cystic pustule acne, non-medicated acne patches to treat acne and whiteheads, and microneedle acne patches for nodular acne problems or deep cysts.\n\n\nHowever, not all acne patches are safe for you and your baby. Consuming large amounts of products containing retinol and retinoids, or benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid could potentially cause the newborn baby to have birth defects, and therefore should be avoided.\n\n\n If you are unsure about a product, consulting your doctor would be safest.\u00a0\n\n\nSince there are an array of acne patches on the market to choose from, along with so many considerations to think of, we have collated the 6 best acne patch products for you that are safe for you and your baby!\u00a0\n\n\n6 Best Acne Patch Products On The Market\n\n\nHere are some pregnancy-friendly acne products that will help get rid of existing acne, prevent the growth of new acne and remove dark spots so that acne is not a cause of concern for you during your pregnancy!\u00a0\n\n\n#1 BREYLEE Acne Pimple Patch\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nFormulated with hydrophilic colloid from Belgium, this ultra-thin, natural-looking acne patch is very comfortable on the skin. \n\n\nThis patch covers the entire surface of the acne, which prevents external pollutants from coming into contact with the acne, facilitating its healing. This affordable acne patch is also recommended to be used before makeup.\n\n\nFeatures we love:\n\n\n\n\n Comfortable\u00a0\n\n\n Made from natural ingredients such as tea tree extract\n\n\n Reduces inflammation, regulates oil secretion, soothes skin and accelerates wound healing\n\n\n Easy to use\n\n\n Suitable for various skin types\n\n\n\n\n BREYLEE Acne Pimple Patch \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Purito All-Care Recovery CiCa-Aid\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nLooking for a quick and easy way to remove your acne? The Purito All Care Recovery Cica-Aid is the right one for you!\u00a0\nIt is formulated with Asiaticoside, Madecassic Acid and Asiatic Acid which has been proven to soothe and extract inflamed stubborn acne. \n\n\nThis must-have product helps to reduce scarring and increase recovery time by creating a moist environment to remove the trapped sebum.\n\n\n It also acts as a waterproof barrier to protect the acne from external irritation.\u00a0\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Anti-inflammatory effect for natural coverage\n\n\n Quick acne care without scarring\n\n\n Made from high quality hydrocolloids\n\n\n CICA care\n\n\n\n\n Purito All-Care Recovery CiCa-Aid \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 WATSONS Acne Patch\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nReadily sold in many Watsons stores, these hydrocolloid patches effectively absorb secretions and protect the acne from dirt and other contaminants. \n\n\nWhen wearing the Watsons Acne Patch, you do not have to worry about your appearance, since it is very small and thin and therefore not easily visible on your skin.\u00a0\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Thickness of 0.04cm\n\n\n Waterproof\n\n\n Breathable\n\n\n Comfortable\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n WATSONS Acne Patch \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Mighty Patch Invisible \u2013 Hydrocolloid Acne Pimple Patch\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nThis acne patch covers blemishes with a thin and invisible hydrocolloid protector. It absorbs purulent pimples, speeds healing and prevents the growth of pimples, ensuring that there are no more red spots.\n\n\nAs a non-medicated patch that is not clearly visible during the application, you can even apply concealer on it!\n\n\nFeatures we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Thin and light\n\n\n 50% more absorbency than other brands\n\n\n Clear, matte, and tapered smoothly\n\n\n Easily blends with any skin color\n\n\n Comfortable\n\n\n Made with high quality medical grade hydrocolloid that gently removes the pus stuck in your whitehead\n\n\n Natural, non-irritating, and completely safe\n\n\n Prevents scarring and infection\n\n\n Comes with a stronger adhesive to ensure the patch stays\n\n\n\n\n Mighty Patch Invisible - Hydrocolloid Acne Pimple Patch \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 NEXCARE Acne Patch\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nNEXCARE Acne Patch is one of the most readily available products in the Malaysian market, especially in well-known pharmacies.\n\n\n It is safe to use on a variety of skin types and is a non-medicated product. \nIt is not only easy to use, as you only have to open the liner and apply it onto your dry skin, it also absorbs excess oil from the affected area.\u00a0\n\n\nFeatures we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Gentle but effective\n\n\n Prevents scarring\n\n\n Works while you sleep\n\n\n Transparent and breathable\n\n\n Suitable for various skin types\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n NEXCARE Acne Patch \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\u00a0\n\n\nCosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch is a hydrocolloid patch that prevents secondary infections during healing.\n\n\n It also provides intensive treatment for the smallest problem areas while protecting the skin from external contaminants.\n\n\nThese dermatologist-approved acne stickers are safe to use during pregnancy and lactation!\u00a0\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Reduces inflammation by absorbing the exudate of breakouts, while protecting the discharge from secondary infections.\n\n\n Shrinks pimples after a few hours without leaving a scar\u00a0\n\n\n Formulated with skin-friendly ingredients that can soothe irritated skin\n\n\n Hypoallergenic\n\n\n Tested by a dermatologist\n\n\n Free from cruelty,\n\n\n Free of parabens, sulfates and phthalates\n\n\n\n\n Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n5 Secret Steps To Getting Dewy Skin Like Koreans\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/choline-during-pregnancy", "title": "Choline: the often-overlooked crucial nutrient for pregnant mums", "body": "Pregnant mums often think that taking a prenatal supplement provides them with all the nutrients a growing baby needs. But that may not be the case when it comes to one critical nutrient: choline.\n\n\nPregnancy is a time when demand for choline is high. \nMost prenatal supplements contain a low amount of \ncholine,\n1\n leaving many pregnant women without enough of it. In fact, choline still remains important \nafter \npregnancy, during lactation \u2013 and even then, lactating mums might miss out of getting enough of this nutrient. This can have a critical effect on your health and your child\u2019s development.\n\n\nWhy is choline so important? And how can you get enough of this this essential nutrient during pregnancy and when breastfeeding? We\u2019ll tell you why here \u2013 and what you can do about it.\n\n\nWhat Is Choline?\n\n\nCholine\n is an essential nutrient which is grouped together with B-vitamins due to their similar functions.\n2\n Like folic acid, it protects growing babies against neural tube defects and supports brain development.\n3\n This influences lifelong memory and learning functions.\n\n\nYour liver can make small amounts of choline.\n3\n However, intake from food is necessary to meet your body\u2019s \u2013 and your developing baby\u2019s \u2013 demand for the nutrient.\n\n\n\n\nWhy You Need Choline During Pregnancy\n\n\n1. To replenish choline stores\n\n\nCholine demand is high during pregnancy because mums deliver a large amount of choline across the placenta to the foetus.\n\n\nThe placenta is unique as it is one of the few non-nervous tissues to store large amounts of choline as acetylcholine. Some experts believe that this is a reserve storage pool that ensures delivery of choline to the fetus. Incredibly, choline concentration in amniotic fluid is ten times greater than that in maternal blood.\n4\n\n\n2. For proper placental function\n\n\nDid you know that pregnant moms grow a whole new organ in pregnancy \u2013 the placenta \u2013 that is essential for a healthy pregnancy? Dietary choline is one crucial nutrient needed for proper placental development and function, a process known as placental angiogenesis. Specifically, higher \ndietary intake of choline\n may improve signaling mechanisms responsible for placental angiogenesis \u2013 ensuring that exchanges between mother and foetus are at their best.\n5\n\n\n3. To prevent preeclampsia\n\n\n\n\nCholine may also alleviate cases of preeclampsia\n, a condition in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure. If preeclampsia is not diagnosed or controlled, it could severely affect the health of both mummy and developing baby.\n6\n\n\n4. For DNA formation and stress regulation\n\n\nIn pregnant women, choline plays a critical role in two important fetal development areas. Higher maternal \ncholine intake alters gene methylation\n (a process that is crucial in forming DNA) and the expression of placental corticotropin-releasing hormone, a key regulator in stress response. This suggests that low levels of maternal choline intake may have an adverse effect on maternal and foetal responses to stress\n1\n.\n\n\n5. Vital role in foetal brain development\n\n\nYou may have heard of the brain building benefits of DHA in milk. Choline too plays an important role in foetal brain development \u2013 in fact, it works in synergy with DHA. \nStudies\n have found that these benefits are enhanced with combined choline and DHA supplements during normal pregnancy.\u00a0 Together, they help develop foetal hippocampal neurodevelopment (responsible for enhanced memory function and development) better than choline or DHA alone.\n7\n\n\nCholine Intake Beyond Pregnancy\n\n\nThe importance of choline continues post-pregnancy. Large amount of choline is transferred during lactation and this means that breastfeeding mums too need choline in their diet to replenish their body stores\n1\n.\n\n\nDo You Have Choline Deficiency?\n\n\nMums, now that you are aware of the high demand of choline during pregnancy and lactation, how much choline do you actually need?\n\n\nAs pregnant women are at greatest risk of choline inadequacy, with 90-95% consuming less than the recommended adequate intake (AI)\n8\n, the US Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women consume 450mg of choline per day. The demand for choline is even higher for breastfeeding moms at 550mg per day\n9\n.\n\n\nWhat could happen when you don\u2019t get enough choline? In cases of choline deficiency, fat accumulates in the liver and may lead to liver disease. This may show up as elevated ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and reduced VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) levels in the blood. A choline deficiency can also cause elevated levels of the amino acid homocysteine \u2013 linked to early development of heart disease\n10\n.\n\n\nSources of Choline\n\n\n\n\nIn a nutshell, pregnant and lactating mums need to bank more choline to ensure they have sufficient stores of this essential nutrient.\n\n\nHere are some examples of how much choline-rich food\n11\n you should eat to meet your AIs of this important nutrient:\n\n\n\n\nBOILED EGGS (1 boiled egg, 50g = 146.9mg choline)\n\n\n\n\nEggs have always been unbeatable when it comes to breakfast recipes. To fulfill your daily choline needs, take three eggs per day during pregnancy and four eggs per day if you are breastfeeding.\n\n\n\n\nBROCCOLI (1 bunch broccoli, 608g = 113.7mg choline)\n\n\n\n\nBroccoli is a great source of choline, and you can munch on this healthy vegetable during mealtimes or as a snack. To get the recommended choline levels, take four to five heads of broccoli if you are pregnant or lactating.\n\n\n\n\nTOFU (1 piece, 13g = 13.8mg choline)\n\n\n\n\nYes, that\u2019s right: You have to eat at least a plate of 33 pieces tofu to meet your daily dose of choline during pregnancy and 40 pieces tofu while breastfeeding.\n\n\nHowever, if you are unable to eat these foods in the recommended quantities, or you do not eat a diet containing milk, meat, eggs, or other choline-rich foods, then, you should consider a dietary supplement that is enriched with choline, to help meet your increased needs of this nutrient.\n\n\nReplenish Your Choline Needs\n\n\n\n\nEnfamama A+ is an everyday nutritional milk supplement scientifically formulated to support the increased nutritional needs of both mum and developing baby during pregnancy and lactation. Compared to other maternal & lactating milk supplements, Enfamama A+ contains the highest level of choline\n\u25b2\n.\n\n\nWhen it comes to replenishing your choline needs, only Enfamama A+ meets more than 100% of the required choline intake for pregnant and lactating mums\n.\n\n\nEnfamama A+ also helps provide these \nessential nutrients\n while supporting appropriate weight gain:\n\n\n\n\n100mg DHA in 2 servings/day to help meet expert recommended daily DHA intake\n\u2022\n\n\nHigh in folic acid that is essential for growth and division of cells\n\n\nCalcium aids in the development of strong bones and teeth\n\n\nIron is a factor in red blood cell formation\n\n\nPrebiotic (inulin) helps increase intestinal \nbifidobacteria\n and helps maintain a good intestinal environment\n\n\nLower in fat: 80-82%\n*\n less fat than full cream milk\n\n\n\n\nIncluding Enfamama A+ in your diet is a great way to help meet your choline requirements, plus you\u2019ll also be receiving a host of other nutritional benefits.\n\n\nFor more information about Enfamama A+, visit the\n \nEnfamama A+ website\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1\n Zeisel SH. 2013. Nutrition in pregnancy: the argument for including a source of choline. Int J Womens Health. 5:193-199\n\n\n2 \nBonetti F et al. 2017. Nutrition and functional foods for healthy aging. Academic Press:139-158\n\n\n3 \nWikipedia. 2018. Choline. Available on \nen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choline\n\n\n4\n Steven H Zeisel. 21 August 2006. Choline: Critical Role During Fetal Development and Dietary Requirements in Adults. Annual Review of Nutrition, Vol. 26:229-250. \nhttps://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.nutr.26.061505.111156\n, \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2441939/\n\n\n5 \nXinyin Jiang, Sara Jones, Benjamin Y. Andrew, Anita Ganti, Olga V. Malysheva, Natasa Giallourou, Patsy M. Brannon, Mark S. Roberson, Marie A. Caudill. 16 December 2013. Choline inadequacy impairs trophoblast function and vascularization in cultured human placental trophoblasts. Journal of Cellular Physiology.\n\n\n6\n Xinyin J et al. 2013. A higher maternal choline intake among third-trimester pregnant women lowers placental and circulating concentrations of the antiangiogenic factor fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFLT1). The FASEB Journal. \n27(3):1245-53. Doi \n10.1096/fj.12-221648 \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23195033\n\n\n7 \nRajarethnem et al. 2018. Combined Supplementation of Choline and Docosahexaenoic Acid during Pregnancy Enhances Neurodevelopment of Fetal Hippocampus. \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28210506\n\n\n8\n Chetham CL. 2014. Mechanisms and correlates of a healthy brain: A commentary in Monographs of the society for research in child development. 79(4):153-65\n\n\n9\n Institute of Medicine. Food and Nutrition Board. 1998. Dietary Reference Intakes: Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.\n\n\n10\n Sha w et al. 2010. Metabolomic profiling can predict which humans will develop liver dysfunction when deprived of dietary choline. FASEB J. 24(8): 2692-2975\n\n\n11\n U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2018. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Available on \nndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/\n\n\n\u2022\nFor adult pregnant and lactating females, the minimum intake for optimal adult health and for fetal and child development is 300mg/d EPA+DHA, of which at least 200mg should be DHA. FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acid in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no. 91. FAO:Rome.\n\n\n\u25b2\nCompared to other key maternal milk brands in the market as of Sept 2017. Enfamama A+ Choline levels: 560mg per 100g powder\n\n\n*80% (Chocolate) \u2013 82% (Vanilla) less fat than full cream milk\n\n\nMYS-01/11P16/18351\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/damaging-things-parent-child", "title": "5 Biggest Parenting Mistakes You Make That Will Destroy Your Relationship with Your Children", "body": "No parent is perfect. In some ways, parents can make mistakes that can hurt their children. However, there are some damaging things that parents do can cause long-term problems for children as well as damage a parent\u2019s relationship with their child.\n\n\n5 Damaging Things Parents Do That Affect Their Relationship with Their Child\n\n\nExposing them to distressing news at a young age\n\n\n\n\nNowadays, media thrives on sensationalism. Everywhere you look, you\u2019ll see distressing news about the wars that are going on, and different types of human tragedy.\n\n\nWhile kids should know the reality of the world, they should be exposed to these things only when they have enough understanding of what\u2019s really happening. It can frighten them and make them feel that the world is not a safe place to be.\n\n\nTry and avoid such conversations in front of your kids, and monitor their exposure to television, the internet, and media so you can limit their exposure to negativity while they\u2019re young.\n\n\nFighting with their spouse\n\n\nEven if you think that your child can\u2019t hear you argue with your spouse, chances are that they have some semblance of what\u2019s really going on as children are actually more perceptive than you might think. The best way to address issues with your spouse would be to do it calmly, and away from your children.\n\n\nYou can take a drive somewhere to sort things out calmly. Screaming and shouting won\u2019t do anyone any good. If your children see you fighting with your spouse often, they might think that it\u2019s normal and accepted behaviour, and they might behave that way when they have their own families.\n\n\nToo busy to have time for their children\n\n\n\n\nNowadays, parents have to juggle a lot of things to balance their family life as well as their work. Which is why most parents never realised that puting your work first somehow is damaging things with your children.\n\n\nHowever, work shouldn\u2019t be an excuse to not have time for your kids. Spending a few hours each day to just be with your kids is more important than finishing that proposal or nailing that deal you\u2019ve been working on for months.\n\n\nRemember, your kids won\u2019t be kids for long;\u00a0you don\u2019t want to miss anything during that stage of their lives.\n\n\nInsulting their children\n\n\nYou should never insult your children, regardless of how angry you are. Children hang on to each and every word that you tell them, and they\u2019ll take it with them until they grow up.\n\n\nIf you always tell your children that they\u2019re failures and they\u2019re bad people, they will grow up like that. Whenever you\u2019re disciplining your child, make sure to talk to them calmly and set expectations for their behaviour.\n\n\nAlways use positivity when disciplining your child. They\u2019ll thank you for it in the future.\n\n\nHitting or hurting their children physically\n\n\n\n\nThis is one thing that you should never do to your kids. Hurting them physically then you\u2019re teaching them that hitting is acceptable behaviour. You can be firm in disciplining your kids without resorting to hitting them.\n\n\nSet boundaries by being kind, gentle, respectful, and firm. Always be calm and understand that children don\u2019t always know the consequences of their actions.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMusic Makes Me Lose Control, Study Finds That Kids Who Like Hip-Hop Likely to Become Rebellious\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n7 Breathing Exercises For Children That Can Help Them De-Stress And Feel Relaxed\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nStudy Finds Children That Go To Daycare Are More Skilled Compared To Stay-At-Home Children\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/singapore-mum-warns-of-bouncy-castle-dangers-after-toddler-fractures-her-arm", "title": "Mum Warns Of Bouncy Castle Dangers After Toddler Fractures Her Arm", "body": "Just how safe are bouncy castles for little children? This mum\u2019s recent Facebook post highlights bouncy castle dangers, and what can go so terribly wrong.\n\n\nMum Warns Of Bouncy Castle Dangers\n\n\nMummy Joanna Shen had a harrowing experience at the recently concluded Art-zoo. For those who don\u2019t know, Art-zoo is the largest animal-themed inflatable playground in Singapore. This year, it was held at the \n[email\u00a0protected]\n Bay from 9 March -1 April 2018.\n\n\nJoanna writes that the incident happened on 23 March 2018, \u201cOn that fateful March 23rd Friday, I decided to bring my elder girl out for an evening of fun since the weekend had approached. Since my hubby was busy at work, I went along with my mum, sis and her boyfriend.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMum, my girl and I went in first as my sis and boyfriend wanted to grab some food at the food stations outside.\u201d\n\n\nAfter 10 minutes, mummy and daughter decided to try out the bouncy slide, \u201cWe came to the bouncy slide which was the only slide there. My daughter was filled with excitement to try that out and so we decided to join a short queue for it.\u201d\n\n\nJoanna stresses that there were no height restrictions or other rules mentioned.\n\n\n\u201cI was trying to look for any height restrictions at that time likewise with all other Theme Parks that placed that at all the different rides that is deemed to be only safe for children above 1.2 m. But there was NONE at #Artzoo.\u201d\n\n\nToddler gets badly hurt at bouncy slide\n\n\nApparently, the staff did not warn about risks posed to little children either.\n\n\n\u201cThe only thing he told me while I was carrying my Daughter was \u201cHave fun!\u201d. No other questions were asked.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThinking that it should be safe since #Artzoo seemed relaxed with the safety regulations, I decided to let my Daughter try it out. Since it is a \u201cbouncy\u201d slide, it should be a soft landing even if she were to fall right?? Boy, I was so wrong!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThis was one of the worst decision that I had ever made in my entire life! And a haunting one too!!\u201d\n\n\nWhen they reached the top of the slide though, they were informed that mummy and daughter had to slide separately.\n\n\n\u201cI let my Daughter go down the slide first. Halfway through, she tumbled and landed on her back and started to cry. I immediately rolled myself down the slide, carried her up and walked away as she was wailing uncontrollably saying \u201cPain pain.. no more slide..no more slide..\u201d!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI checked for injuries and to my horror, I felt her limp left arm dangling from the flesh from the upper arm!\u201d\n\n\nThe distraught mummy was in the brink of tears and ran immediately to call the staff to get an ambulance to go to hospital.\n\n\nHad to be rushed to hospital\n\n\nMummy Joanna was extremely disappointed by the lack of arrangements at the event in case of medical emergencies.\n\n\n\u201cTo my surprise, there was NO medic available and I was brought to a rest station and handed 2 packs of MELTED ice packs to put on my daughter\u2019s arm! One of the staff said he had called a GRAB to send us to SGH, the nearest hospital he mentioned.\u201d\n\n\nHowever SGH\u2019s A&E were unable to handle the case, as the child was below 3. They requested that the child be taken to KK hospital instead.\n\n\n\u201cI could not let my distressed Daughter wait further and asked for an ambulance to send us but they mentioned that it will require 30 min to get an ambulance. Again, we had to call for a taxi to rush to KKH.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: FACEBOOK / JOANNA SHEN\n\n\n\n\n\u201cKKH was prompt and immediately prioritised my Daughter for X-ray and cast before carrying out a surgery requiring GA (anaesthesia) the next morning.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWhich is why my Daughter ended up with 2 wires sticking out of her left arm to hold the bones together. And will have to continue to have the cast for more than a month! She was hospitalised for 3 days.\u201d\u2018\n\n\nDisappointed by handling of the incident\n\n\nJoanna is also disappointed that the event organisers made only feeble efforts for compensation.\n\n\n\u201cDuring the entire ordeal at the hospital, a staff claiming he is a manager for #Artzoo called and mentioned to me to keep my hospital bills and that they will settle it with their insurers BUT that was the last I heard from them about paying for my hospital bills.\u201d\nPartner Stories\nPertandingan & promosi\nPromosi Kembali Ke Sekolah Tesco, Cepat Rebut Peluang Hebat, Beg Sekolah Serendah RM10\nHealth\nEvery Parent\u2019s Worst Nightmare: When Children Fall Really Ill And We Can\u2019t Do Much\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n\u201cEidress Jarang Sangat Sakit Dan Cerdas!\u201d Ini Rupanya Tips Anzalna Amalkan Bagi Memastikan Anaknya Membesar Dengan Baik!\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\n\n\nShe is most hurt though, by the lack of safety precautions, which caused her little child to get badly hurt.\n\n\n\u201cWhile I do not require any compensation, is that how we should be treated when my Daughter had to suffer for her fall because there were no safety measures that was put in place??\u201d\n\n\n\u201cSure, accidents happen and as parents we have the responsibility to make sure our kids are safe BUT having NO medic, giving us MELTED ice packs, NO ambulance to standby during an event which is meant for kids to play?\u201d\n\n\nWe hope the little girl recovers soon, and is back to her happy, playful self.\n\n\ntheAsianparent reached out to Art-Zoo. Here is their response on the incident:\n\n\n\u201cWe are aware of the incident that has happened within the Art-Zoo premises, and have reached out directly to the family. The well-being of every visitor is important to us and our priority now is to see how best to assist, and we are resolving the matter privately with the family. Our current focus is on them at this moment.\u201d\n\n\nHere is Joanna\u2019s full post on Facebook:\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nutricia-aptagro-launch-malaysia", "title": "Nutricia AptaGro Is Finally Here In Malaysia! Here What Happened Over The Weekend That You Need To Know", "body": "Malaysian mums witnessed the launch of Nutricia AptaGro by Danone Dumex over the weekend. Hosted by local celebrity and mum of four, Daphne Iking, the crowd was ushered into the start of the event with quirky anecdotes about her kids.\n\n\n\n\nGuests were also treated to an educational video about the new growing up milk formula and testimonials from real mums.\n\n\n\n\nNutricia AptaGro was officially launched with a launch gambit, presented by Denis Phelps, Acting Country Manager of Danone Dumex Malaysia; Guillaume Lorcy, Marketing Director of Danone Dumex Malaysia; Normalis Mohd-Sharif, HR Director of Danone Dumex Malaysia; Frederic Lebas, Operations Director of Danone Dumex Malaysia; and Elspeth Hindle, Healthcare Nutrition Director of Danone Dumex Malaysia.\n\n\nTime for fun and games\n\n\n\n\nExcited families gathered to experience the introduction of the new growing up milk formula at Desa Park City on a bright and sunny Saturday morning.\n\n\nDuring the fun-filled morning, kids were invited to push their physical limits by trying out The Resilience Challenge.\n\n\n\n\nStarting with the Crane of Resourcefulness, the tots were given control over a pint-sized crane to dig into a sand pit. After which, they would be required to cross over the River of Perseverance, testing their ability to hold onto the mini Flying Fox the full distance.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe brave ones would go on to cross the Bridge of Daringness, before advancing to the Maze of Adaptability, where they would have to find their way out of.\n\n\n\n\nFinally, they would climb up the Hill of Self-Reliance, guided by rock climbing grips, then sliding down to the finish line!\n\n\nThe kids also got to sample the new AptaGro milk during the event, which was being handed out by friendly Danone Dumex staff.\n\n\n\n\nSporting looks of content after all the fun and games, as well as a nice big gulp of the milk, the kids were ready to go for another round of The Resilience Challenge.\n\n\nNutricia AptaGro\n\n\n\n\nAptaGro is Danone Dumex\u2019s most advanced growing up milk formula to date, with a vision for parents to raise resilient children.\n\n\nResilience is the most important key to success in raising future-ready children in this fast-moving world. Gone are the days where parents are overprotective over their kids and shelter them from the ways of the world.\n\n\n\u201cThe art of raising children now goes beyond providing them food and education. We need to expose them to the world so they can build resilience. And for this, their body needs to be ready,\u201d says Denis Phelps.\n\n\n\n\nFor this, parents must too have resilience, adds Daphne Iking in her opening speech.\n\n\nNutricia AptaGro contains ActiveDuoBio+ and other essential nutrients for children to enhance their physical and learning development.\n\n\nThe growing up milk formula is packed with an internationally-patented combination of prebiotics GOS/IcFOS (9:1) and probiotic B. \nbreve\n M-16V, boosting good bacteria in your child\u2019s body.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nThe advanced formula also has the highest DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) level*.\n\n\n*Compared to other growing up milk brands in the market as of Feb 2018. AptaGro contains 89.7mg/100g of DHA.\n\n\n\n\nIt is now available for online purchase on Lazada, as well as in Tesco, selected AEON, Cold Storage, Village Grocer, and Ben\u2019s stores. You can also find Nutricia AptaGro at selected Chinese medical halls and baby stores.\n\n\nFor more information about AptaGro, visit \nwww.aptagro.com.my\n and check out the official AptaGro Facebook page \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nDoes your toddler really need growing-up milk?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/leukaemia-in-children-mum-shares-important-warning-signs", "title": "Leukaemia in children: Mum shares important warning signs!", "body": "Never had the thought crossed this mummy\u2019s mind that her child may be suffering from cancer\u2026 he was, after all, a very healthy child, who rarely caught a cold. Never once had he taken antibiotics.\n\n\nMummy Mary Anne Loh recently posted on Facebook\n about the day that changed her life forever\u2026\n\n\nHow it first started\n\n\nMary writes about her son Ethan, \u201cEthan was a 100% breastfeed child, very healthy with almost zero to none sickness. No major fever, cough or flu whatsoever.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIf he catches flu or cough bugs, he could self recover in less then 3 days with no medication. So literally he never had any medication in his life until D-DAY (Diagnosis Day)\u201d\n\n\nThe troubles began in early 2015, and Mary elaborates on the first warning signs, \u201cIt all started early 2015, first major bout of flu & cough, followed with mild fever. 1st round it went off by itself in less then a week, no Dr visit as it wasn\u2019t bad.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAfter 2 weeks of break it came back, this round it stayed longer & was a tad worse then the 1st round, took Ethan to a paeds near home, Dr confirmed lungs was clear, was only given PROSPAN & it went off after.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cEthan was normal, still active & a monkey.\u201d\n\n\nSoon, other symptoms started to surface, \u201cAround mid Feb 3rd bout of flu & cough but no fever, it also went of in less then a week. Come March he started complaining pain under his armpit which I thought was from how I carry him sometimes. I keep a close eye, it came n went off in a few days.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cTowards 3rd week of March the underarm pain came back again, this round he refused to lift his arm. And again it went off by itself.\u201d\n\n\nA worried Mary consulted many paediatricians, \u201cFrom Jan to March I have taken him to paeds many times, for assurance although I was assured he was fine & partly growing pains.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cCome April, I notice a little weight loss but he was still active & eating although at times complain of stomach discomfort which we all thought was gas as he was passing out gas a lot.\u201d\n\n\nEach time she was assured that everything was alright, \u201cPaeds also assured nothing was \u201cwrong\u201d \u2026 honestly I can\u2019t really see anything significantly wrong either \u2026 From Jan to April we did travel back to Penang for CNY & he was active, we even did railway trip to Ipoh which he was fine too although a little tired then usual.\u201d\n\n\nEven blood tests failed to reveal the truth, \u201cCome May, leg pain started, he can\u2019t walk long & always wanted to be carried. Stomach discomfort has become more frequent, weight loss became more significant. And again paeds assured he was fine, blood test which was done at paeds didn\u2019t show anything either.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe had plans to go Disney on 23/5/15, however his leg pain has gotten from bad to worse on n off, some days he was ok & some days it was bad.\u201d\n\n\nAnd finally when Ethan\u2019s leg pain refused to go away, Mary made a decision, \u201cOn 19/5/15 after our morning day out at the park I made an appointment later afternoon to see a Pediatric Orthopedic Dr Yong Su Mei at Park City Medical Centre.\u201d\n\n\nDr. Yong suspected that something was wrong, \u201cXray was done & it was clear but our life saver Dr Yong was concerned about Ethan\u2019s bloated stomach & noted that he was a little on the pale side. She then suggested & insisted & referred us to Pediatrician Dr Liew Pei Sze.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cDr Liew attempted to \u201ctouch & feel\u201d Ethan\u2019s tummy (actually was the spleen & liver) She ordered for a complete blood count to be done (CBC) \u2026 while waiting for the nurse to prepare.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI started googling \u2026 I gauged Dr Yong & Dr Liew facial expression along with what I find on google \u2026 my world was on a stand still \u2026\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIt took \u201cforever\u201d for the blood result to be out, I called my close friend Ang SH, her precious angel battled leukemia before gaining his angel wings recently.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cSooHsia tried to calm me, what are the odds of 2 good friends with their sons having leukemia? At 6:38pm of 19/5/15 DrLiew broke the news; WBC was at 24 (normal is 7, a bit higher if infection) Dr Liew said this; and yes I remember each word like it was yesterday!\u201d\n\n\nThe doctor said, \u201c\u201dMommy Ethan, from the blood test, I am sorry to say the probability of leukemia, a form of blood cancer is very high. Ethan\u2019s platelet & hemoglobin is at a dangerous stage, we need him admitted & will transport him out by ambulance the next morning at 7am to SJMC.\u201d\u201d\n\n\n\u201c\u201dHe needs both blood & platelet transfusion. He will be referred to Dr Chan, a paediatric hematologist & oncologist, they will do a bone marrow aspiration to finalize the type & to find out more. I\u2019m so sorry Mommy Ethan, are you ok?\u201d\u201d\n\n\nMary will never forget that day, \u201cI was \u201cnever\u201d ok after that day, how can I? So you see, symptoms varies & some takes a long time to surface.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMost of Ethan\u2019s symptoms were very much associated with growing pains, most of the time they are actually.\u201d\n\n\nFinally, she has this message for all parents, \u201cI don\u2019t mean to give everyone a fright but awareness is REALLY VERY IMPORTANT!!! And if I had to talk about it daily for the rest of my life so be it, I will.\u201d\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nPHOTO: FACEBOOK / MARY ANNE LOH\n\n\n\n\nThank you, Mary for sharing this very important information, and creating awareness about the symptoms we so often overlook. It has been 2.5 years since Ethan started his treatment, and we are glad that he\u2019s recovering well\u2026\n\n\nLeukaemia in children\n\n\nLeukaemia is a\u00a0cancer of the white\u00a0blood cells. These abnormal and defective white cells crowd the bone marrow and flood the bloodstream.\n\n\nAs leukaemia progresses, the cancer interferes with the body\u2019s production of other types of blood cells, including red blood cells and platelets. This results in\u00a0anaemia\u00a0(low numbers of red cells) and bleeding problems, in addition to the increased risk of infection caused by white cell abnormalities.\n\n\nLeukaemia is the most common type of\u00a0cancer\u00a0in children and\u00a0teens.\n\n\nWith proper treatment though, most children with leukemia will be\u00a0free of the disease without it coming back.\n\n\nSymptoms of leukaemia in children include:\n\n\n\n\nFatigue\u00a0or pale\u00a0skin\u00a0\n\n\nAnaemia\n\n\nInfections and fever\n\n\nEasy bleeding or bruising, experiencing frequent\u00a0nosebleeds, or bleeding for an unusually long time after even a minor cut, because leukaemia destroys the bone marrow\u2019s ability to produce clot-forming platelets.\n\n\nExtreme\u00a0fatigue\u00a0or\u00a0weakness\n\n\nShortness of breath\n\n\nCoughing\n\n\nBone or\u00a0joint pain\n\n\nSwelling in the\u00a0abdomen, face, arms, underarms, sides of neck, or groin (swollen lymph nodes)\n\n\nSwelling above the collar bone\n\n\nLoss of appetite or\u00a0weight loss\n\n\nHeadaches,\u00a0seizures, balance problems, or abnormal\u00a0vision\n\n\nVomiting\n\n\nRashes\n\n\nGum problems\n\n\n\n\n(Source: \nWebMD\n, \nKidsHealth\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/preparing-for-a-newborn-baby", "title": "Preparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items", "body": "Congratulations! If you\u2019re reading this, your little bundle of joy is well on his or her way into being in your arms. You\u2019ve certainly got a lot to prepare for \u2013 from learning the dos and don\u2019ts of caring for a newborn to painting the nursery, it is truly an exciting time (and a little stressful too!) as you get ready for your little one\u2019s arrival.\n\n\nSo, we would like to remind you of three key things, along with our product recommendations, to get in the midst of your prep. And the best part? You can pay for these items with GrabPay or PayLater!\n\n\nWhat is GrabPay and PayLater by Grab?\n\n\n\n\nGrabPay: \nGrabPay is an e-wallet by Grab where you have the convenience of paying for items immediately, whether online or in-store. You earn GrabRewards for every transaction which you can redeem for discount vouchers, gift cards and more. You can even use GrabRewards to offset any future purchases.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPayLater by Grab: \nWith PayLater, you can save now and pay for purchases later! You can opt to pay your bill at the start of the next month, or in four instalments with no interest or upfront costs \u2013 just make sure your payments are on time and there will be no late fees too. Using PayLater helps minimise any potential long term irresponsible spending you may be tempted to because you can better manage your cash flow for immediate needs.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNow, you can afford and pay for your baby items easily. So, here are the three items to tick off your list.\u00a0\n\n\n1. First & Foremost: Don\u2019t Forget the Diapers\u00a0\n\n\nDiapers are one of the first things you need to pack in your hospital bag. From specialised fits for sensitive skin to tape diapers, there are many different diaper brands to consider.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBut bear in mind that newborn skin is different for every baby, and you\u2019ll have your favourites once you get in the groove of your newborn routine \u2013 so, don\u2019t buy in bulk just yet. However, make sure you look for one that is free of any harmful chemicals as your first baby diaper.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProduct recommendation: \nApplecrumby\u2122 Chlorine Free Premium Overnight Baby Tape Diapers (retails at RM49.80 for twin pack)\n \u2013 \npay with GrabPay Online or PayLater.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApplecrumby & Fish: Applecrumby\u2122 Chlorine Free Premium Overnight Baby Tape Diapers S23\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFeatures: \nThis diaper is\n \n100% chlorine-free with \nplant-derived pulp from Finland (SGS Certified), and has up to 12-hour dryness and protection with Japan Premium Absorb Technology. It is also fully certified to be free from Fragrances, Toxic Dye, Asbestos, DEHP, Phthalates, Heavy Metals Latex.\n\n\nSpecial Promotion: \nRM28 for a twin pack until 24 March 2022\n\n\n\n\n2. Of Course, a Baby Bed is Crucial\n\n\nThere are certain things you should look for when choosing a baby bed or crib. You\u2019ll want to find one that has minimal sharp edges to avoid your baby from hurting themselves, as well as features such as adjustable height so that you can lower it as your baby grows.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou\u2019ll want to get a sturdy crib as well, so quality is important too. Some cribs also have storage space underneath and can convert into other uses such as a play area, sofa and more.\n\n\n\n\nProduct recommendation:\n \nSweet Heart Paris WCT138 Pearl White Multi-Functional Baby Bed Rocking Cradle Wooden Infant Toddler Baby Cot with Parent Bed Height (RM599)\n \u2013 \npay with GrabPay Online or PayLater.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMotherhood: Sweet Heart Paris WCT138 Pearl White Multi-Functional Baby Bed Rocking Cradle Wooden Infant Toddler Baby Cot with Parent Bed Height\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFeatures: \nThis baby bed is polished smoothly with no burr formation to ensure your baby stays away from harm. Every bedpost in the bed\u2019s body is rounded and has no sharp edges to ensure the utmost safety for your baby. Also, this baby bed can be used from 0 to six years and converted into a cradle, desk, and a baby sofa. It is also extendable and can easily be joined with an adult-sized bed!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. Get Some Cute Clothes Too\n\n\nOne of the best parts about shopping for your baby is stocking up on adorable clothes! However, shopping for a newborn does not mean you have to stick to just buying a newborn size.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn fact, it is good to get a range so that you\u2019re prepared in advance (because you may not have time later!) when they outgrow their clothes \u2013 remember, babies, grow up way too fast. You can even organise your baby\u2019s clothes and label them according to age.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProduct recommendation for boys:\n \nPoney Boys 2 in 1 Set (RM79)\n\u00a0 \u2013 \npay with GrabPay in-store, online or PayLater.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPoney: Poney Boys 2 in 1 Set\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFeatures: \nPoney\u2019s baby boy set of printed top and the striped bottom is designed for babies aged from 0 to 24 months. This adorable and easy-to-wear set features a \u201clittle sailor\u201d with two orange buttons as a cute touch. The pants are created from a comfy, midweight French terry material and are designed with blue stripes, completed with a \u201cBaby Poney\u201d logo on top.\n\n\nProduct recommendation for girls:\n \nFloral Cupcakes Dress (RM65)\n \u2013 \npay with GrabPay Online or PayLater\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHermito Kids: Floral Cupcakes Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFeatures: \nMade of soft children-friendly fabric, this adorable dress features floral printed details, puff sleeves and multi-layered tiers.\n\n\n\n\nGet More with GrabPay & PayLater\n\n\nWhether you choose to shop in-store or online, you can get 15% OFF with Grab! Don\u2019t forget to check \nGrabPay Deals\n and \nPayLater Deals\n for amazing deals and discounts.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some special promotions:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPay now with GrabPay for in-store purchases: \nGet 15% off (up to RM18) when you spend a minimum of RM120. No promo code is required, just use GrabPay and automatically enjoy the deal.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPay now with GrabPay for online purchases:\n Get 15% off (up to RM30) when you spend a minimum of RM200. Just use the promo code GRABPAYBABY at the GrabPay checkout.\n\n\nPay next month or in four monthly instalments with PayLater by Grab for online purchases: \nGet 15% off (up to RM30) when you spend a minimum of RM200. Just use the promo code PAYLATERBABY at the Grab checkout.\n\n\n\n\nOh, and if you are planning to shop online, don\u2019t worry! All your transactions are secured and protected with Grab\u2019s multi-layered safety features, which includes a two-factor authentication (2FA) with Grab PIN and biometrics. So, rest assured, payment is completely safe and you can shop with peace of mind.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that, we would like to wish you happy shopping! \n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/early-signs-pregnancy", "title": "Early Signs Of Pregnancy: Are You Expecting?", "body": "You\u2019re planning to have a family and have been actively trying to conceive. Now you\u2019re wondering if the changes you\u2019re experiencing are actually early signs of pregnancy. \n\n\nWhile the only foolproof way to know for sure is by paying a visit to your doctor, some early signs may be clues that you\u2019ve got a bun in the oven.\u00a0\n\n\nHow early do pregnancy symptoms start?\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by RODNAE Productions from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nThis depends, with some women experiencing pregnancy signs as early as the first few days after conception. Others may develop signs in the second week or later on in the pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, most women do realize that they are pregnant in the first trimester itself. Nonetheless, some women may not recognize signs that they are pregnant because symptoms can be similar to those that they experience before the menstrual period.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly signs of pregnancy\n\n\nWhile home pregnancy tests and blood tests by your healthcare provider are better able to tell if you\u2019re expecting, these early signs of pregnancy can offer some clues that you\u2019re pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, do keep in mind that having these indicators doesn\u2019t necessarily mean that you are pregnant. Additionally, some expecting women might not experience any of these signs at all.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve just recently tried to conceive, you can read more on \nsymptoms of successful implantation\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly signs of pregnancy before missed period\n\n\nHere are some of the earliest signs of pregnancy that expectant mothers might feel.\n\n\nBreast changes\n\n\nBreast changes can occur as early as a few days after conception. Your breasts may feel tender and swollen, and you might notice your areolas darkening and increasing in diameter as your body prepares itself to start producing breast milk.\n\n\nThere may also be tiny bumps on your areolas called Montgomery\u2019s tubercles. While these bumps have always been there, they\u2019re now much more noticeable because they\u2019re starting to produce oils that work to lubricate your nipples during breastfeeding.\u00a0\n\n\nRaised basal body temperature\n\n\nThis sign is only noticeable if you\u2019ve been using a basal body thermometer to keep track of your morning temperature. You might see that your body temperature rises about 1 degree when you\u2019ve conceived. This increase in basal body temperature stays throughout your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nDo remember that there are other reasons why your body temperature can rise, so it\u2019s wise not to take this as a 100% foolproof symptom of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nFatigue\n\n\nFatigue is an early sign of pregnancy that most expectant mothers experience. Your body uses a big amount of energy to build the placenta and this can cause you to feel fatigued once you\u2019ve conceived.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re feeling fatigued, remember to rest up, eat well and stay hydrated. Many women usually feel their energy return in the second trimester.\u00a0\n\n\nSmell sensitivity\n\n\n\n\nYou might be pregnant if your nose is suddenly more sensitive to the smells around you. The heightened sense of smells can cause seemingly mild odors to become unappealing. Smell sensitivity might also contribute to morning sickness and nausea.\u00a0\n\n\nChanges in cervical mucus\n\n\nA good sign that you\u2019re pregnant is your cervical mucus becoming and staying creamy after your ovulation period. You will also most likely notice an increase in vaginal discharge that is thin and milky white as your pregnancy progresses.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly signs of pregnancy at 1 week\n\n\nIn addition to the above mentioned symptoms, implantation bleeding is one that occurs at the end of the first week of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nImplantation bleeding\n\n\nSome women experience light spotting, or \u2018implantation bleeding\u2019 around \n6 to 12 days after conception.\n Implantation bleeding is a sign that the embryo has implanted itself to the uterine wall. Menstrual-like cramps can sometimes accompany the light spotting.\u00a0\n\n\nImplantation bleeding occurs before your period is due and is usually light brown or medium pink in color. It also differs from your usual period in that it\u2019s not continuous, although it can last for a few days.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly signs of pregnancy at 2 weeks\n\n\nAt two weeks, the embryo would have implanted itself on your uterine wall. \nYour baby is in the beginning stages of growing in your uterus.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nFrequent urination\n\n\nYou may have an increased need to pee about two to three weeks after you conceive. This feeling is largely caused by the hCG hormone which is working to increase blood flow to your kidneys to help them get rid of your and your baby\u2019s waste.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides this, there is also increased pressure on your bladder due to your growing uterus. This results in less space for urine and thus, the \u2018need-to-go\u2019 feeling.\u00a0\n\n\nOther signs of pregnancy\n\n\nThese signs of pregnancy usually appear between 4 to 9 weeks. However, every pregnancy and every woman is different so some women may experience all of these symptoms while others may not notice them at all.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nMissed period\n\n\nA missed period is about one of the most common early pregnancy symptoms, especially if your periods are consistent every month.\u00a0\n\n\nBloating\n\n\nEarly pregnancy bloating is usually caused by increased levels of progesterone which play a role in slowing down the digestive process so that nutrients from the food you\u2019ve eaten have more time to enter your bloodstream to reach your baby.\n\n\nHowever, constipation often accompanies this symptom. If you do experience constipation, adding fiber to your diet can help.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by RODNAE Productions from Pexels\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHeartburn\n\n\nHeartburn usually makes its appearance only around the 8th week of pregnancy. It is caused by increased progesterone and relaxin which relaxes muscles tissues throughout your body. This then results in food travelling slowly through your digestive tract.\u00a0\n\n\nHeartburn can be quite uncomfortable so let your doctor know if you\u2019re experiencing this. There are medications that can help with this symptom.\u00a0\n\n\nMorning sickness/nausea\n\n\nMorning sickness usually starts around 6 weeks after conception, but some women do experience it earlier, right from the time they conceive. Although it\u2019s called morning sickness, it can occur any time of the day.\u00a0\n\n\nMorning sickness and nausea during pregnancy is caused by the increased levels of progesterone, estrogen as well as hCG.\u00a0\n\n\nFood aversions\n\n\nFood aversions can be caused by your extra-sensitive nose and may contribute to morning sickness or nausea. With this symptom, the thought, smell or sight of certain foods can make your stomach turn.\u00a0\n\n\nFood aversions can start as early as the second week and hopefully pass by the second trimester when your body has gotten used to the hormonal changes.\u00a0\n\n\nExcess saliva\n\n\nSome pregnant women experience a build-up of saliva, which is also known as \u2018ptyalism gravidarum\u2019. This pregnancy symptom usually starts during the first trimester and functions to protect your mouth, throat and teeth from stomach acid.\u00a0\n\n\nMood swings\n\n\nMood swings are common in expecting mothers due to the hormonal changes taking place in your body. You may feel the same type of PMS moodiness around 4 weeks into your pregnancy or earlier.\u00a0\n\n\nGetting enough rest, eating well can help with pregnancy mood swings. Also, give yours;f a break because your body is working hard to grow your little one!\n\n\nNasal congestion\n\n\nYou might have a stuffy or runny nose due to the increased hormone levels in your body. Additionally, increased blood production can also result in your nose\u2019s mucous membranes to swell and bleed easily.\u00a0\n\n\nDo all women get early pregnancy signs?\u00a0\n\n\nNo, not all women get early pregnancy signs. In fact, these can vary for each woman. Symptoms can also be different from one pregnancy to the next for the same woman. Some women may not feel any early signs of pregnancy while others experience all of them.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen to take a home pregnancy test?\u00a0\n\n\nWhile you may have early signs of pregnancy before your missed period, you will have to wait for about two weeks from the time you ovulate in order for a home pregnancy test to detect the pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nHome pregnancy tests measure the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels in your urine. This hormone is present in your urine about 6 to 12 days after your egg is fertilized, which is when the embryo is implanting itself in the uterus. \n\n\nHowever, hCG levels are usually not high enough to be detected by home pregnancy tests until your period is due.\u00a0\n\n\nHome pregnancy tests may also give false-negative results. Thus, the most accurate way to know for sure is to schedule an appointment with your obstetrician. You OB/GYN will conduct a blood test to confirm if you are indeed pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve noticed any of these signs and feel that you might be pregnant, schedule an appointment with your doctor to get confirmation. Check out our \nlist of recommended gynaecologists in Malaysia\n.\n\n\n Prenatal care is important to ensure that you and your baby stay healthy throughout the pregnancy. Your \nfirst visit to gynaecologist when pregnant\n will be an exciting experience. \n\n\nRead on \nwhat mums-to-be should expect at their first prenatal visit\n to help you prepare a series of questions to ask your gynae.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re wondering what happens as your pregnancy progresses, check out our article \u2018\nWhat Happens in Each Trimester of Pregnancy? Here It Is!\u2019\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWeird But True: Odd Pregnancy Cravings!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThe all-new list of best fertility foods for women and men\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to Get Rid of Period Cramps & Stop Dreading Your Time of the Month\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/to-water-birth-or-not-to-water-birth", "title": "To water birth or not to water birth?", "body": "The Malaysian Ministry of Health has recently banned the use of water birth for\u00a0expecting mothers in Malaysia, citing that there are no known benefits to the\u00a0practice and there are also no guidelines or specialised training for midwives or\u00a0obstetricians and gynecologists. Therefore it has directed all hospitals to stop the\u00a0use of birth pools for labour and birth until guidelines have been finalised.\n\n\nA water birth means that at least part of your labour, delivery, or both happen\u00a0while you are in a birth pool filled with warm water. It can take place in a\u00a0hospital, a birthing center, or at home. A doctor, \nnurse-midwife\n, or midwife helps\u00a0you through it.\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s an established option in advanced countries, there are still skeptics. A\u00a0major fear is the risk of the baby drowning in the water. Another is that water\u00a0may cause mother and baby to be more susceptible to infection.\n\n\nOther worries\u00a0that the baby is not being constantly monitored. Therefore, if something were to\u00a0go wrong, caregivers would be unable to help until it is too late.\n\n\nHowever, Dr Choong from Pantai Hospital, which has offered this birthing option\u00a0since 2009, states that the health of pregnant women would be vetted\u00a0beforehand and only those with normal, low risk pregnancies would be allowed\u00a0to use \nthis method.\n\n\nHe also stated that women who are using medications like the epidural would\u00a0not be allowed to give birth in water.\n\n\nOn the risk of a baby drowning during a water birth, Dr Choong said that the\u00a0percentage of babies drowning during such birth in countries using the method\u00a0such as the United States, Italy, Australia, New Zealand and United was small \u2014\u00a0at below one per cent.\n\n\nIn the event a mother should change her mind, she could request to give birth on\u00a0a bed on standby at the labour room. She can also get out of the tub to use the\u00a0bathroom or even have a drink of water.\n\n\nBased on current research and reported experiences the benefits of water birth\u00a0include:\n\n\n\n\nPain relief.\n\n\nRelaxation of aching muscles.\n\n\nBuoyancy helps women to feel lighter, reduces pressure.\n\n\nFreedom of movement so women can change positions as they see fit.\n\n\nHelps reduce stress hormones that increase pain.\n\n\nImmersion in water can help reduce anxiety related hypertension.\n\n\nReduced risk of episiotomy and tearing.\n\n\nEncourages relaxation of the pelvic floor.\n\n\nReduces inhibition and anxiety by creating a feeling of privacy allowing a\u00a0mother to better listen to her natural birthing instincts and work with her\u00a0body.\n\n\nEncourages a gentler arrival and transition for baby.\n\n\nBy facilitating movement, privacy, and emotional and physical relaxation.\u00a0it can reduce the length of labor.\n\n\nReduces the risk of interventions such as synthetic oxytocin.\u00a0Both experts and mothers claim that this is an alternative method for pregnant\u00a0women to deliver their babies in a way that is most comfortable for them.\n\n\n\n\nRegardless of where you decide to deliver, having a water birth means you\u00a0should ask questions about how the labor and delivery are done. Things to look\u00a0for:\n\n\n\n\nYou have experienced health care professionals to help you through the\u00a0labor and delivery.\n\n\nHigh standards are kept to ensure the tub is clean and well maintained.\n\n\nProper infection control measures are in place.\n\n\nYou and your baby are being properly monitored while in the tub.\n\n\nThere\u2019s a plan to get you out of the tub as soon your doctor, nurse, or\u00a0midwife says it\u2019s time.\n\n\nThe water temperature is well regulated, usually at 37 degrees Celsius.\n\n\nYou drink water during the birth to avoid dehydration.\n\n\n\n\nDue to an uproar over the ban, the Health Ministry is currently in talks to create\u00a0guidelines over the safety and training requirements needed for water birthing.\n\n\nNews source: \nThe Malaysian Times\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\n6 Perkara Ibu Bapa Mengatakan Tentang Kewangan - Dan Apa Yang Anak-Anak Pelajari Daripadanya\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAdakah Anda Membuat Pelaburan Yang Tepat? 4 Bidang Pelaburan Yang Perlu Diketahui Sebagai Ibu Bapa\nBayi\nKetahui 10 Masalah Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir & Cara Mengatasinya!\nBayi\nBayi Baru Lahir Boleh Duduk Dalam Baby Carrier Ke? Si Manja Asyik Nak Dukung Saja! Apa Kata Ibu Pakai Baby Carrier Ini\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sleeping-position-pregnancy", "title": "Breaking Down Safe Sleeping Positions Trimester by Trimester, to Avoid Stillbirth", "body": "Quality sleep is one of the key pillars to overall good health and is especially important during pregnancy. A pregnant woman who gets less than five hours of sleep a night, is at an increased risk for conditions such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, \naccording to experts\n. Seeing as how sleep is such an integral part of nourishing your body and contributing to your growing foetus\u2019 health, pregnant mums can take time to indulge in what must be a very welcome end to an exhausting day of growing a baby! However, do read up on safe sleeping positions during pregnancy, and what may be safe and what may not, as \nsome sleeping positions have been linked to low birth weight, and even stillbirth\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAs you approach the different hurdles brought forth by the three trimesters, one complaint probably stays the same throughout: Try as you might, you cannot seem to get comfortable enough to sleep! From frequent bathroom trips to the pressure (and sometimes pain) a growing bump puts on your body, let\u2019s look at the various reasons for your discomfort and examine safe sleeping positions during pregnancy throughout each of the three trimesters.\n\n\n\n\nAdequate sleep is important for a pregnant mother and her growing foetus. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSafe sleeping positions during pregnancy\n\n\nWhy is it difficult for me to get comfortable?\u00a0\n\n\nPregnancy brings a host of changes and these, in turn, tend to disrupt your sleep. There are various reasons that make it especially difficult for you to get to sleep during pregnancy, and here are a few of them:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYour growing abdomen and uterus\n\n\nMild to severe back pain\n\n\nHeartburn\n\n\nMorning sickness that seems to linger well into the rest of the day\n\n\nPregnancy-related insomnia\n\n\nShortness of breath\n\n\nFrequent trips to the bathroom to empty your bladder\n\n\nConditions such as Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), or pelvic girdle pain (PGP)\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHowever, regardless of what you are experiencing, it is important to try to get a good night\u2019s sleep.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to Dr. Grace Pien, an assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, \u201cresearch suggests that pregnant women who are not getting enough sleep \u2014 less than 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night \u2014 probably are at increased risk for things like\u00a0\ngestational diabetes\n, and potentially for things like\u00a0\npreeclampsia\n.\u201d\n\n\nWith sleep being such an integral part of your body\u2019s recovery process, let\u2019s examine the different sleeping positions that are safe for you throughout the three trimesters of your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nSafe sleeping positions during pregnancy: First trimester\n\n\nYou can take it easy in the first trimester. Despite the discomfort that may arise out of a myriad changes taking place in your body, the advice from experts is that any sleep position is fine during the first trimester of your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to Dr Sara Twogood, an ob-gyn at the University of Southern California, you would not have to change your sleeping position until you hit the second trimester.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cBefore 12 weeks, you can sleep any way you want. A lot of women have breast tenderness or sensitivity, so many aren\u2019t comfortable sleeping on their stomachs early on. But it\u2019s just discomfort\u2014it won\u2019t cause any harm,\u201d she notes.\n\n\nHowever, with all the increasing and compelling evidence about the risk of stillbirth associated with a supine sleeping position in your third trimester, it is always better if you could practise early so by the time you reach that part of your pregnancy you would have gotten accustomed to sleeping on your side, which is considered the best sleeping position for pregnant women, if you were always a back or stomach sleeper.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSome sleeping positions may not be safe after the first trimester. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSecond and third trimesters\u00a0\n\n\nAs you approach the second, and mostly the third trimester, the best (experts may argue that perhaps the only!) sleeping position would be the side-sleeping position.\u00a0\n\n\nIn particular, sleeping on your left side increases the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby, and takes the pressure of your liver and kidneys thereby enabling optimal functioning of your organs in order to flush out toxins and helping alleviate edema (swelling).\n\n\nTummy-sleepers have it a bit easier as they naturally find it very difficult to sleep on their stomachs as the pregnancy progresses and their baby bump grows bigger, prompting them to adopt a more comfortable and safe sleeping position instead.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if you have always slept supine prior to pregnancy, you should avoid sleeping on your back at this point in your pregnancy as your growing abdomen and uterus puts its entire weight and thus a lot of pressure on your intestines and major blood vessels (the aorta and vena cava), in this position.\u00a0\n\n\nSleeping in a supine position during the last two trimesters of pregnancy can:\n\n\n\n\nworsen backaches and aggravate hemorrhoids\n\n\nbring about problems in your respiratory system as it interferes with circulation. This can possibly causing hypotension (low blood pressure), which can make you lightheaded and dizzy\n\n\ninterfere with your digestive system and make digestion less efficient\u00a0\n\n\na decrease in circulation that may also reduce blood flow to the foetus, giving your baby less oxygen and nutrients. In some cases, a supine sleeping position has been linked to fatal stillbirth and a tragic end to your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSide-sleeping, and on the left side in particular, is considered the ideal sleeping position during the last two trimesters. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSleeping on your side, is the optimal position then for pregnant women in their second and third trimesters.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\nTo make this position easier you could \ntry out the following tips\n:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPlace a pillow under your belly so that your abdomen stays raised and your back and hips are adequately supported. You may use just about any extra pillow that you have lying around, a bolster pillow, or you may want to invest in a pregnancy pillow that works all throughout pregnancy and can sometimes aid you through breastfeeding as well.\n\n\n\u00a0Keep your legs and knees bent, and put a pillow between your legs. This helps to foster a more comfortable side-sleeping position by keeping your legs level, as many mums have discomfort while sleeping on the side as their top leg is almost always resting on their bottom leg, but keeping them level using a pillow gets rid of this issue and facilitates a smoother side-sleeping experience\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHowever, if sleeping on your side seems impossible, try propping your upper body with pillows, at a 45-degree angle so you do not lie completely flat, and sleep at an incline. This will take the compression off your major blood vessels and will also help alleviate symptoms of heartburn or shortness of breath during the night.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/103-beautiful-korean-baby-girl-names", "title": "103 Beautiful Korean Baby Girl Names You Will Absolutely Fall in Love With", "body": "Did you know that the \nmost popular baby girl names\n\u00a0over the last 100 years globally include the likes of Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth and Jessica? But for us living in Asia, these names \nmight\n come across as too\u00a0 Western. One of the best ways to help your baby girl stand out in a crowd and rule the world is to give her an uncommon name. So why not consider giving her one of our beautifully unique Korean girl names instead?\n\n\nWhy Korean? Well, unique Korean girl names often come with subtle nuances in their\u00a0meanings. Often, Korean names are made up of two Sino-Korean morphemes, like Chinese names, except in Korean, the first \u201cword\u201d is the surname, while the second is the individual name.\u00a0\n\n\nEach baby is given an individual name to reflect certain characteristics that the parents would like the child to have.\n\n\nUnique Korean Girl Names and Their Meanings\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\n\n\nMeaning\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. A-Yeong\n\n\nElegant, graceful, refined\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Ae-Cha\n\n\nA loving daughter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Aera\n\n\nLove, net for catching birds\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Ae-Ri\n\n\nGains, advantage, profit, merit\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Ah-In\n\n\nHumanness, benevolent\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. Ahnjong\n\n\nTranquility\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. Ara\n\n\nBe beautiful and good\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. Areum\n\n\nBeautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9. Bae\n\n\nInspiration\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10. Bada\n\n\nOcean\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11. Baram\n\n\nWind\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12. Bitna\n\n\nShining\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13. Bom\n\n\nSpringtime\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14. Bong-Cha\n\n\nThe ultimate girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n15. Byeol\n\n\nStar\n\n\n\n\n\n\n16. Chin-Sun\n\n\nThe one who seeks truth and goodness in everything\n\n\n\n\n\n\n17. Cho\n\n\nBeautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n18. Choon-Hee\n\n\nA girl born during spring\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19. Chul\n\n\nFirmness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n20. Chun-Ae\n\n\nRighteous love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n21. Chun Hei\n\n\nGrace and justice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n22. Chun Cha\n\n\nNoble daughter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n23. Chung-Cha\n\n\nA righteous and chaste girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24. Dae\n\n\nThe great one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n25. Doh\n\n\nAccomplished\n\n\n\n\n\n\n26. Eui\n\n\nRighteousness/purple\n\n\n\n\n\n\n27. Eun\n\n\nSilver\n\n\n\n\n\n\n28. Eun Ae\n\n\nGrace with love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29. Eun Jung\n\n\nGrace and affection\n\n\n\n\n\n\n30. Eun-Kyung\n\n\nA graceful gem\n\n\n\n\n\n\n31. Gi\n\n\nBrave one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n32. Goo\n\n\nSomeone to complete you\n\n\n\n\n\n\n33. Gyeong\n\n\nThe respected one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n34. Hae\n\n\nA girl who is like the ocean\n\n\n\n\n\n\n35. Ha-Neul\n\n\nSky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n36. Hae-Won\n\n\nGraceful and beautiful garden\n\n\n\n\n\n\n37. Hana\n\n\nFavourite\n\n\n\n\n\n\n38. Hea\n\n\nGraceful girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39. Hee-Young\n\n\nJoy and prosperity\n\n\n\n\n\n\n40. Hei Ryung\n\n\nGrace and brightness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n41. Hei-Ran\n\n\nGraceful orchid\n\n\n\n\n\n\n42. Ho-Sook\n\n\nA clear lake\n\n\n\n\n\n\n43. Hwa-Young\n\n\nA beautiful flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n44. Hyo\n\n\nFilial one\n\n\n\n\n\n\n45. Hyo-Sonn\n\n\nFilial and gentle\n\n\n\n\n\n\n46. Hyun\n\n\nBright and intelligent\n\n\n\n\n\n\n47. Hyun-Jae\n\n\nWise and respectful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n48. Hyun-Aw\n\n\nA woman who is loving and clear\n\n\n\n\n\n\n49. Hyun-Ok\n\n\nA wise and beautiful pearl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n50. Iseul\n\n\nFrom dew\n\n\n\n\n\n\n51. Jae\n\n\nRespect\n\n\n\n\n\n\n52. Jae-Hwa\n\n\nRespect and beauty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n53. Jee\n\n\nWisdom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n54. Jin Ae\n\n\nTruth, treasure and love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n55. Jin Kyong\n\n\nTruth, treasure and brightness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n56. Ki\n\n\nThe one who has arisen\n\n\n\n\n\n\n57. Kwan\n\n\nStrong girl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n58. Kyung Mi\n\n\nHonour and beauty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n59. Kyung Soon\n\n\nHonour and mildness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n60. Kyung-Hu\n\n\nGirl in the capital\n\n\n\n\n\n\n61. Mee\n\n\nBeautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n62. Mi Cha\n\n\nBeautiful daughter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n63. Mi Kyong\n\n\nBeauty and brightness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n64. Mi Sun\n\n\nBeauty and goodness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n65. Mi Young\n\n\nEverlasting beauty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n66. Mi-Hi\n\n\nBeauty and joy\n\n\n\n\n\n\n67. Mi-Ok\n\n\nBeautiful pearl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n68. Min\n\n\nSharp-minded, quick responding person\n\n\n\n\n\n\n69. Min Jee\n\n\nBrightness and wisdom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n70. Min Jung\n\n\nBright and noble\n\n\n\n\n\n\n71. Mishil\n\n\nA beautiful kingdom or dynasty\n\n\n\n\n\n\n72. Moon\n\n\nLearned, with a lot of knowledge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n73. Mun-Hee\n\n\nEducated and literate\n\n\n\n\n\n\n74. Myung Hee\n\n\nBright and pleasant\n\n\n\n\n\n\n75. Myung-Ok\n\n\nA bright pearl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n76. Nam Kyu\n\n\nSouthern\n\n\n\n\n\n\n77. Nari\n\n\nLily flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n78. Sang Hee\n\n\nBenevolent and pleasant\n\n\n\n\n\n\n79. Seung\n\n\nVictorious\n\n\n\n\n\n\n80. Seo-Yun\n\n\nFelicitous\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n81. So\n\n\nSmile\n\n\n\n\n\n\n82. So Young\n\n\nEternal, beautiful and prosperous\n\n\n\n\n\n\n83. Soo\n\n\nA charitable and noble person\n\n\n\n\n\n\n84. Soo Jin\n\n\nTreasure, excellence and truth\n\n\n\n\n\n\n85. Soo Min\n\n\nExcellence and cleverness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n86. Soo Yun\n\n\nA perfect lotus flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n87. Sook\n\n\nShe of pure nature\n\n\n\n\n\n\n88. Soon-Bok\n\n\nGentle and blessed\n\n\n\n\n\n\n89. Sun Hee\n\n\nPleasure and goodness\n\n\n\n\n\n\n90. Sun Jung\n\n\nGoodness and nobility\n\n\n\n\n\n\n91. Sung\n\n\nSuccessor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n92. Whan\n\n\nAlways growing\n\n\n\n\n\n\n93. Wook\n\n\nSunrise\n\n\n\n\n\n\n94. Woong\n\n\nGrand and magnificent\n\n\n\n\n\n\n95. Yon\n\n\nLotus blossom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n96. Yong\n\n\nPerpetual and brave\n\n\n\n\n\n\n97. Young Mi\n\n\nProsperity, eternal and beautiful\n\n\n\n\n\n\n98. Young-Il\n\n\nThe most prosperous of all\n\n\n\n\n\n\n99. Young-Soon\n\n\nMild and flowery\n\n\n\n\n\n\n100. Youra\n\n\nSilky\n\n\n\n\n\n\n101. Yun\n\n\nLotus flower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n102. Yun Hee\n\n\nLotus flower, pleasure\n\n\n\n\n\n\n103. Yun-Yeong\n\n\nBrave hero, forever\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSo there you have it: unique Korean girl names for your clever, gorgeous baby girl!\nPartner Stories\nPregnancy\n4 reasons why you need insurance now that you\u2019re pregnant\nTip keibubapaan\nWiggle Boks, Kotak Keperluan Bayi Yang WAJIB Dimiliki Semua Ibu Bapa Sibuk!\nKeibubapaan\nPentingnya Nutrien Awal Untuk Sistem Penghadaman Anak! Ini Cara Untuk Anak Anda Mendapat Nutrisi Secukupnya\nLifestyle\nRedeem Rewards & Exclusive Gifts at Sunway Pyramid\u2019s Blessed Christmas\n\n\nTell us \u2013 what\u2019s your favourite on our list of\u00a0unique Korean girl names? Do you have any to add to it? Please share with us in a comment.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nWant to Give Birth in Malaysia? This is The True Cost of Delivery According to Malaysian Mums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nNewborn Baby Vomiting: Is It Normal or Should I Start to Worry?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nWeird But True: Odd Pregnancy Cravings!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/married-mans-cheating-post-on-dating-app-gets-trolled", "title": "Married man's cheating post on dating app gets trolled", "body": "Nobody likes a cheater, especially when they are on the receiving end. It is hurtful and the feeling of betrayal is not something you will easily forget. After all, once a cheater, always a cheater, right? But does karma exist for cheaters?\u00a0In this\u00a0story, yes, it does.\n\n\nRecently a woman named Linda came across a posting on Tinder by a man who called himself P.\n\n\nSo on Mr P\u2019s listing, it read \u201cMarried, home alone tonight looking for someone to call in, share a bottle of wine, beer and more\u2026.. sorry there\u2019s no head shot, too risky but will send one if you are interested\u00a0calling over. I\u2019m in North Dublin area.\u201d\n\n\nFirst of all \u201cinterested calling over\u201d is just bad English and secondly, married and looking to get lucky all in one line? Seriously? However, that wasn\u2019t what caught Linda\u2019s eye or why her post on \nTwitter\n received so many comments.\n\n\n\nMy mate came across this tinder profile tonight. Extra Douchebag points for the Moses basket in the background \npic.twitter.com/iZ9u255Ksl\n\n\u2014 Linda (@Dizzydub1) \nJuly 27, 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt was the crib\n\n\n\n\nPerhaps after this, married men would:\n\n\n\n\nthink twice about cheating\n\n\ngive more thought about where they\u2019re taking a selfie for a dating app\n\n\nand \nif you\u2019re planning on taking someone else to bed other than your wife\n, can you please not include a picture of a crib in the background of your profile picture?\n\n\n\n\nDoes karma exist for cheaters?\n\n\nApparently so, because the wannabe cheating-dad was completely annihilated as people began trolling the post, starting with Linda when she said this:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMy mate came across this tinder profile tonight. Extra Douchebag points for the Moses basket in the background.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThen other netizen\u00a0comments came pouring in:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHis partner is bound to recognise her dress hanging up in the background\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHe\u2019s obviously as thick as he is sleazy .. who in their right mind would invite a random into their marital home ?!?!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWith her baby. Her very small moses basket sized baby!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWell if it is good luck. Wifey probably has friends and family who would recognise the moses basket and dress and will tell your missus. So far 10,000 people have clicked into your photo. It\u2019s been shared over 2000 times on Facebook. You deserve everything you get!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nWhy do married men cheat?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIs it because they are seeking more \nsex\n or attention?\n\n\nWhether or not this man\u2019s wife still has a small baby, or if her libido is still low for the time being, we do not know. I\u2019m sure plenty of men would argue that they would feel unloved if their wives turn them down for sex too often.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\n5 Smart & Educational Gifts for Kids\nBayi\nBilakah Waktu Yang Sesuai Untuk Ibu Perkenalkan Lampin Jenis Seluar Kepada Si Manja?\nKehamilan\nLearning starts in the womb: How to encourage your little one\u2019s early learning\nRaise them Resilient\nCan Alternative Schooling Foster Greater Resilience? One Mum Shares Her Story\n\n\nStill, \ncheating\n doesn\u2019t make it right. We\u2019re talking about betraying a trust that you two built together. Is it worth it?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn fact, \na study\n was done in 2015 that surveyed over 47,000 internet users around the world. They found that at least\u00a030 percent of the Tinder users are married, and about 12 percent are in a relationship.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIt is not right, but unfortunately\u2026 it happens a lot.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nYahoo\n, \nVery Well Mind\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-stroller-bag-in-malaysia", "title": "4 Best Stroller Bags to Use When Travelling With Small Children", "body": "Sometimes when taking a child out with a stroller can be exhausting, especially since we have to carry all these excess items. Indeed, the stroller has a special section for storing items, but when used more efficiently, it can be convenient!\n\n\nThe stroller bag, diaper bag or \u2018stroller organizer\u2019 is basically a special bag designed to store all the necessities when parents want to spend quality time with the child outside of the house. These bags come in a variety of sizes and designs that can fit into strollers.\n\n\nIn fact, parents no longer have to stop in the middle of the road to fumble around the items in your backpack. It's all in this special bag in your stroller!\n\n\nChoosing the Best Stroller Bag\n\n\n\n\nYou may be wondering, why a stroller bag?\n\n\n\n\nEasy access:\n Usually this bag is used to fill items such as cloth diapers, handkerchiefs, child's favourite toys or whatever necessities.\n\n\nNo need for a bag:\n Stroller bag have more than enough storage space for your's and your little one's essentials. Be sure to choose a size that suits your needs!\n\n\n\n\nThe Best Stroller Bags On The Market: They Make Life Easier For Parents Who Are Always On-The-Go With Their Kids!\n\n\nHere are the few factors that you should focus on when choosing a stroller bag!\n\n\n\n\nSize:\n Take into account the quantity of items that you bring when out with your children. Do you pack light-- with just small accessories or do are you extra-prepared with items like additional sets of clothes and milk bottles?\n\n\nType:\n Do you prefer a velcro closure or prefer a snap and clip?\n\n\nThe number of pockets:\n Do you prefer to compartmentalise your items or have a big pouch to dump your essentials in?\n\n\nOther special features include \nvarious fabrics and patterns\n to use while on the go.\n\n\n\n\n4 Best Stroller Bags Available in Malaysia\n\n\n#1 Mama's Choice 2 in 1 Stroller Bag\n\n\n\n\nThe Mama's Choice 2 in 1 Stroller Bag not only has a neat design, but also has a variety of functions with lots of space. The bag compartment can hold up to 2 bottles of milk, and there\u2019s also a special pocket for easy pulling out tissues. The material of this bag is durable and will not be damaged easily.\n\n\nWhat We Love\n\n\n\n\nFeatures 5 spacious compartments\n\n\nEasily accessible tissue storage area\n\n\nStylish design & durable material\n\n\nCan be used as a sling bag\n\n\n\n\n Mama's Choice 2 in 1 Stroller Bag \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#2 Diono Buggy Buddy\n\n\n\n\nThe Diono Buggy Buddy is the perfect stroller bag, helping to take care of the needs of parents and toddlers while on the go. This product is designed with 2 insulated beverage holders to keep drinks and snacks cool along with a zipped net pocket to protect valuables.\n\n\nWith an easy-to-attach feature to stroller handles with hook and loop fasteners, the Buggy Buddy is designed to be compatible with many different strollers, from ultra-compact strollers to full-size travel systems. \n\n\nAdditionally, the material is designed using a rip-resistant fabric that is high quality and easy to clean. It can be cleaned if an unwanted spill occurs.\n\n\nWhat We Love\n\n\n\n\n2 insulated beverage holders help keep drinks cool while on the move \n\n\nZipped mesh pockets for valuables\n\n\nSuitable universal sizes from ultra-compact strollers to full-size travel systems\n\n\nStrong rip-resistant fabric for extra durability\n\n\nThe perfect travel-size, designed with your daily needs in mind\n\n\n\n\n Diono Buggy Buddy \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#3 Skip Hop Grab & Go Stroller Organizer\n\n\n\n\nThe Skip Hop Grab & Go stroller bag is designed to be easily attached to any type of stroller, even umbrella strollers. The small and sleek design is perfect for a trip to the grocery store or a walk in the park, with enough space to store necessities.\n\n\nThe main compartment is divided into three sections: two insulated beverage holders and a large central compartment for snacks, toys, tissues, and more. The open pockets provide easy access to items in hand instantly, while zipped pockets are great for storing valuables and keys.\n\n\nWhat We Love\n\n\n\n\nThe bag is connected to the stroller using clips\n\n\nThe whole organiser is soft and will fold nicely with the stroller\n\n\nMade of a durable material\n\n\nThe large middle compartment offers plenty of space\n\n\nDetachable wristlets\n\n\nCompartments for smaller items such as credit cards, money, exchanges, telephones, etc.\n\n\nIt is easy to attach and release\n\n\n\n\n Skip Hop Grab & Go Stroller Organizer \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#4 3 Sprouts Stroller Organizer\n\n\n\n\nThe 3 Sprouts Stroller Organizer keeps all your necessities organised and easily accessible while out and about with your little one. \n\n\nThis stroller bag can easily be wiped down completely and it also has two insulated beverage holders, perfect for cups or bottles. \n\n\nThere even is a \ndiscreet back pocket with a velcro cover that offers a safe place for a cell phone or keys. The main cargo area has lots of space for items like shoes, sun hats or even your kids' favourite snacks.\n\n\nWhat We Love\n\n\n\n\nCan be attached to most strollers with velcro straps\n\n\nTwo insulated beverage holders\u00a0\n\n\nA pocket for your phone, keys and wallet\n\n\nCute and fashionable design\n\n\nDoes not interfere with the folding of the stroller\n\n\nMade of easy-wipe polyester\n\n\nThe organiser is attached to the handle of the stroller\n\n\n\n\n 3 Sprouts Stroller Organizer \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nLooking for The Best Hip Seat Carrier to Wear Your Baby Around? Here Are Our Top Picks!\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/recommended-vaccines-for-children", "title": "Did You Know About 5 Additional Recommended Vaccines?", "body": "Parents want the best for their children and their child growing up healthy is always a priority. However, infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death in children\n1\n. This is because children are at risk of danger of infections in their young age as their immune system or resistance to infection is still weak\n2\n.\n\n\nInfectious diseases such as smallpox have been eradicated\n3\n, while others drastically reduced through vaccinations over more than 50 years. Unfortunately, in 2020, there was a significant drop in childhood vaccinations worldwide, due to lockdowns and movement restriction orders around the globe\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is important that parents understand the seriousness of vaccine preventable diseases and how childhood vaccinations help children stay well and healthy for themselves, families and the community.\n\n\nNational Immunisation Programme\n\n\nMalaysia has long provided free immunisation services to its children to prevent major childhood diseases. The National Immunisation Programme (NIP) was introduced in the early 1950\u2019s followed by the Expanded Programme for Immunization (EPI).\n\n\n Malaysia currently provides immusation against 13 major diseases that affect children\n5\n. Through this programme, infants and children are given vaccines to help strengthen their immune systems by stimulating defence cells, thereby protecting them from the possibility of life-threatening complications\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nNational Immunization Schedule\n5\n\n\nTable adapted from Info Sihat, Ministry of Health Malaysia 2021\n\n\nIn addition to the 13 major diseases that have been listed in the National Immunisation Programme, medical experts recommend that parents take extra precautions against five other diseases that are life threatening and dangerous for children. \n\n\ntheAsianparent interviewed an expert from Ara Damansara Medical Centre Dr Rakhee Yadav, Consultant Paediatrician & Head of Department of Paediatrics to get more information on these additional recommended vaccinations to protect infants and children.*\n\n\nAdditional Recommended Vaccines\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to Dr Rahkee, currently, there are five diseases that commonly affect children however they are not included in the National Immunisation Programme. She explains\n6\n:\u00a0\n\n\n1. Rotavirus\n\n\nThe virus presents in the intestines of those infected and causes severe diarrhoea and vomiting\n7\n. In Malaysia, about 22% to 50% of cases of diarrhoea in children are caused by Rotavirus\n8\n. The disease is highly contagious and almost all children are infected before or at the age of 5 years\n7\n.\n\n\n2. Varicella\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nThe disease is also better known by its English name \u2013 Chickenpox. The infection will cause a rash, blistering of the skin and uncomfortable itching. The disease is highly contagious as it is spread through contact and respiratory fluids. The vaccine against Varicella Zoster virus will help prevent people from getting the disease and more serious complications\n9,10,11\n.\n\n\n3. Influenza\n\n\nInfluenza (flu) differs from the common cold in that it can cause severe infections of the respiratory tract including the throat, nose and lungs. In addition, the symptoms include fever, sore throat, muscle pain and fatigue\n12\n. Failure to get treatment for the effects of the influenza virus can put the child at greater health risk such as pneumonia, lung diseases and heart problems\n13\n.\n\n\n4. Hepatitis A\n\n\nHepatitis A is caused by the Hepatitis A virus, spreads through water or food contaminated with faeces containing the Hepatitis A virus. The disease can lead to complications such as abdominal pain, liver failure and jaundice\n14\n.\n\n\n5. Meningococcal\n\n\nA type of bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. The disease mostly occurs in children and adolescents but 5 to 10 percent of those infected do not show symptoms of the disease. Without proper treatment, among the complications that can occur are nervous system problems such as paralysis, deafness and can cause death\n15\n.\n\n\nAre all of these five additional recommended vaccines necessary for your child?\u00a0\n\n\nDoctor Rahkee stressed that all of the diseases mentioned have no specific treatment. Therefore, one of the preferred defences against these diseases is prevention through vaccines. She added that the diseases are easily transmitted in childcare centres and schools. Because of that, the Ministry of Health Malaysia recommends these five additional vaccines for infants and children.*\n\n\nDespite the vaccines being available in private clinics or hospitals only, the government has ensured each vaccine is made available in Malaysia. These vaccines have gone through stringent and thorough scientific assessment before releasing it to the public.\n\n\nIn her opinion, the Ministry of Health Malaysia through the National Immunisation Programme has provided comprehensive protection to the community and Malaysians in measures to prevent diseases. So, it is the responsibility of parents to give these recommended additional vaccines to their children to maximise protection for their children.\n\n\n*This information is provided as a professional service by MSD. The views expressed in the publication reflects the experience and opinions of the authors.\n\n\nWhen and where should I get these five additional recommended vaccines?\n6\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage adapted from Immunise4Life\n\n\n\n\nAdditional vaccines are available at private clinics and hospitals. This Additional Vaccines Schedule is provided as a guideline for you to make the choice whether your child should complete all of these supplemental vaccines or not. For further consultation on the suitability of any vaccine for your child as well as ways to prevent dangerous diseases, please consult a paediatrician.\n\n\nLet us take care of the health of our children and those around us. Prevention is always better than cure.\n\n\nMY-ROT-00253 Jun/2022\n\n\nREFERENCE:\n\n\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). Children: Improving survival and well-being. Available from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/children-reducing-mortality\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Immunisation: Facts and Myths. Available from: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/imunisasi-fakta-dan-kemusykilan/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nAndre FE, Booy R, Bock HL, Clemens J, Datta SK, John TJ, Lee BW, Lolekha S, Prltola H, Ruff TA, Santosham M, Schmitt HJ. Vaccination greatly reduces disease, disability, death and inequity worldwide. Bull World Health Organ [Internet]. 2008;86(2).\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 pandemic leads to major backsliding on childhood vaccinations, new WHO, UNICEF data shows. \nAvailable from: \nhttps://www.who.int/news/item/15-07-2021-covid-19-pandemic-leads-to-major-backsliding-on-childhood-vaccinations-new-who-unicef-data-shows\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nInfo Sihat. Jadual Imunisasi Kebangsaan 2021. \nhttps://www.infosihat.gov.my/penerbitan-multimedia/garis-panduan/item/jadual-imunisasi-kebangsaan-terkini.html\n. Last accessed 18 July 2022.\n\n\nImmunise4Life. 5 Additional Recommended Vaccines for Children. Available from:\u00a0 \nhttps://immunise4life.my/5-additional-vaccines-for-children/\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nChildren\u2019s Hospital of Philadelphia. A Look at Each Vaccine: Rotavirus Vaccine. Available from: \nhttps://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-details/rotavirus-vaccine\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Rotavirus Vaccine. Available from: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/rotavirus-vaccine/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). About Chickenpox. Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/index.html\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chickenpox Transmission. Available from:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/transmission.html\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chickenpox Prevention and Treatment. Available from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/prevention-treatment.html\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Key Facts About Influenza (Flu). Available from:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/keyfacts.htm\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nRothberg MB, Haessler SD, Brown RB. Complications of Viral Influenza. The American Journal of Medicine [Internet]. 2008:121(4).\u00a0\n\n\nMyHealth. Jangkitan Virus Hepatitis A. Available from:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/jangkitan-virus-hepatitis-a/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Penyakit Meningitis (Meningococcal). Available from: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/penyakit-meningitis/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/fiancee-dies-on-wedding-day", "title": "Man left shattered after fiancee dies from cancer moments before their wedding", "body": "It was meant to be the happiest day of Yang Feng\u2019s life. He had just changed into his three-piece suit, and finished distributing the wedding candy.\n\n\nAnd it was now time to exchange wedding vows.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nIn a cruel twist of fate, however, his fiancee died from cancer, moments before their wedding.\n\n\n\u201cThe wedding can\u2019t be held anymore.\u00a0Please leave, all of you,\u201d said a heartbroken\u00a0Yang, as he tried to hold back tears.\n\n\nHe knew she had cancer\n\n\nTwo years ago, 27-year-old Yang Feng met 32-year-old Xiao Hui quite by chance.\n\n\nHe was working as a deliveryman then, and she was hitchhiking. The two got talking, and at the very onset,\u00a0Xiao Hui revealed that she was suffering from chronic myeloid leukaemia, or cancer of the white blood cells, since the age of 24.\n\n\nWhat started off as sympathy, soon blossomed into love.\n\n\nYang told\u00a0\u00a0\nChina Youth Daily\n,\n \u201cI found her pitiful at first, but as we interacted more, I wanted to take care of her all her life, and I started to pursue her.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nHe knew that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nEven while they were dating, Yang would spend about 3,000 yuan (S$600) to 4,000 yuan of his 5,000-yuan salary on her treatment.\n\n\nThings took a turn for the worse when\u00a0Xiao\u2019s condition deteriorated on 10 Aug, and she had to be warded in hospital in Henan province, China. A determined Yang decided to wed her in her hospital room.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nFiancee dies on wedding day\n\n\nHeartbreakingly, the bride-to-be died on 12 Aug 2018, moments before the couple could exchange their wedding vows.\n\n\n\u201cIf only I had gotten to know her earlier,\u201d said a devastated Yang.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nThe tragic love story has won the hearts of netizens in China.\n\n\nOne of them commented, \u201cMaybe this is true love \u2013 not expecting to grow old together, but just being with each other until the final moment.\u201d\n\n\nAnother netizen wrote, \u201cIf there is an afterlife, I wish you will meet again and never be separated.\u201d\n\n\nWe hope so too.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nWeibo\n, \nChina News\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nPertandingan & promosi\nTunai Impian Anak Anda dengan Hadiah Biasiswa Pendidikan INI\nHealth\n\"My Child Is Healthy, How Did They Get Infected With Chickenpox?\"\nTip keibubapaan\nTips untuk Menjagakan Kulit Bayi Anda. Ibu Ayah, Cuba Tips Ini! No.3 MESTI Buat\nPertandingan & promosi\nIbu-ibu, dapatkan Baucar RM15 Shopee Anda Sempena \"Mom\u2019s Day Off\" - Super Brand Day! 19-21 April 2021\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cost-of-breastfeeding", "title": "The Cost Of Breastfeeding: Stop Saying It's Free!", "body": "Before I became a mother, the cost of breastfeeding is not something I ever thought about. Even after I got pregnant, most of my thoughts surrounding breastfeeding were mostly that it was convenient, free and of course, beneficial to my little one.\u00a0\n\n\nOh, how naive I was back then.\n\n\nFirstly, breastfeeding is NOT free. Not for a direct latching (DL) mum and most definitely not for an exclusively pumping (EP) mum.\n\n\nBut, some might argue, you don\u2019t have to buy formula milk, which can cost you hundreds of dollars a month! (For reference, if we buy one tin of formula per week at RM50, that will set you back roughly RM200 per month.)\n\n\nHowever, what they are forgetting is that breastfeeding mothers have a lot of other things to spend on.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe Cost of Breastfeeding\n\n\nSo let\u2019s talk about the cost of breastfeeding.\u00a0\n\n\nI spend 40 minutes pumping each time. I pump 6 times a day. That\u2019s 240 minutes or 4 hours in a day spent pumping.\n\n\nI yield an average of 7oz per pump during the day and 14oz per pump at night. Producing a total of about 56oz a day.\n\n\nIf I get paid an hourly salary of say, RM28, and I spend 4 hours pumping per day, that costs about RM112 of my time. Dividing that by the number of ounces I produce, 1oz of my milk = RM2.\n\n\nTo date, I\u2019ve donated 640 bags of an average of 6oz per bag. Which roughly amounts to RM7,680.\n\n\nThat\u2019s just the cost of manpower.\n\n\nLet\u2019s look at the actual cost (money coming out of my pocket) I spend per month on breastfeeding.\n\n\nOne-time costs\n\n\nHere are the one-time costs I had to bear:\n\n\nI bought a breast pump for RM900. I bought a secondary breast pump, which is the \nPumpables Milk Genie Plus\n (for travel and work) for RM500. I bought a UV steriliser for RM315.81. I bought 6 nursing bras for RM138. I bought some nursing clothes for RM200.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nItem\n\n\nCost\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump (hospital-grade)\n\n\nRM900\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump (portable)\n\n\nRM500\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUV steriliser\n\n\nRM315.81\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNursing bras\n\n\nRM138\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNursing clothes\n\n\nRM200\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal cost\n\n\nRM2,053.81\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMonthly costs\n\n\nI use about 5 breast milk storage bags per day. One box of 20 bags is RM10. That\u2019s RM0.50 per bag at RM2.50 per day. If I use 150 bags per month, I spend RM75 on storage bags per month.\u00a0\n\n\nI buy a new set of breast pump parts and milk bottles (for my baby to drink out of) every 3 months as per the suggested guidelines. The flanges cost RM30.11 each side, the duck valves are RM13 each side, the backflow protector costs RM24 each. A set of two milk bottles cost RM41.90 (and I buy two sets so I can wash them on rotation). It costs me RM21.60 to buy a set of storage bottles (I need them to pump the milk into) and I get two sets.\n\n\nI also need to get a new handsfree pumping set every 6 months (for work and travel), which adds another RM122.55 to the bill. I spend RM10 on 100 labels to label the milk (which means I have to buy about 2 boxes every 3 months). And since I use a single pumping style, I need to get a milk collector to collect milk leakage from my other side while I pump, which costs RM39.90 each side on sale (shipping not included).\u00a0\n\n\nOh, let\u2019s not forget milk boosters, which let\u2019s just say averages out to about RM50 per month.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nItem\n\n\nCost\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast milk storage bags\n\n\nRM75 per month\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump flanges\n\n\nRM60.22 every 3 months (RM20 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump duck valves\n\n\nRM26 every 3 months (RM8.60 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump backflow protectors\n\n\nRM48 every 3 months (RM16 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMilk bottles\n\n\nRM83.80 every 3 months (RM27.90 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStorage bottles\n\n\nRM43.20 every 3 months (RM14.40 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSticker labels\n\n\nRM20 every 3 months (RM6.60 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHandsfree set\n\n\nRM122.55 every 6 months (RM20.40 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSilicone Breast Pump Milk Collector\n\n\nRM79.80 every 3 months (RM26.60 per month)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast milk boosters\n\n\nRM50 per month\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal cost per month\n\n\nRM265.50\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSo my actual out-of-pocket spend for breastfeeding every month comes up to RM265.50. Taking into account my one-time-costs divided by the number of months I have been breastfeeding so far (6 months), it comes up to RM342.30.\n\n\nAlso taking into account the number of hours I spend breastfeeding per month (4 x 30) multiplied by my average hourly wage of RM28, that brings it to RM3,360.\n\n\nNot to mention, you have to consider the cost of electricity (charging the pump, turning on the lights in the middle of the night to pump, using the UV steriliser, storing the breast milk in the fridge and freezer) and water (washing the pumps and bottles).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nItem\n\n\nAmount\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMonthly costs\n\n\nRM265.50\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOne-time-costs averaged out per month\n\n\nRM342.30\n\n\n\n\n\n\nManpower cost\n\n\nRM3,360\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEstimated cost of electricity and water per month\n\n\nRM30\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTotal cost of breastfeeding per month\n\n\nRM3,997.80\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConclusion: Breastfeeding is NOT free\n\n\nLooking at these numbers, it is clear that breastmilk and breastfeeding are certainly NOT free.\u00a0\n\n\nMuch of the argument surrounding breastfeeding is that it is often undervalued by society and from my calculations, you can see just how undervalued it is.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nMany women are calling for husbands to pay them for their time spent breastfeeding. I am inclined to agree that time equals money and our time spent pumping for our little ones is worth a lot of money. I suppose that is why breast milk is often referred to as liquid gold.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/getting-preschoolers-to-wear-mask", "title": "Getting Preschoolers to Wear Masks", "body": "It might be a little trickier to get younger, preschool-aged children to wear masks. Here are a few tips and tricks that might help with that.\n\n\nAppeal to their interests\n\n\nGive your children a reason to be excited about wearing masks. Is your preschooler a fan of Frozen or Boss Baby? Do they have a favourite colour or pattern that they would enjoy wearing?\n\n\nThere are plenty of cute, comfortable masks \u2013\u00a0especially in online shops \u2013 to get your child interested.\n\n\nThis can also be an opportunity for you to create options for your child so that they feel like they have control over the mask-wearing. For example, when you\u2019re helping them get ready, you can ask which mask they prefer to wear that day.\n\n\n\n\nGet comfortable masks\n\n\nYour preschooler is going to have to wear their mask for hours on end in school and outdoors. Children at that age won\u2019t put up with discomfort for long so it\u2019s crucial that the masks they wear aren\u2019t bothersome.\n\n\nPay attention to how your children react to their masks. Is the mask too tight or too loose? Do they complain that it gets warm/sweaty? Is it not breathable enough? Do the straps hurt their ears?\n\n\nBesides sourcing for comfortable masks, you can also look for mask accessories like:\n\n\n\n\nAdjustable straps\n\n\nExtenders or ties that go around the head and take the pressure off the ears\n\n\nFace shields (this can be used depending on the rules of the school or public space)\n\n\n\n\nPractice wearing masks\n\n\n\n\nHelp your children get used to the feeling of wearing a mask for long periods of time by starting off small. For example, you can take them out on short walks or grocery runs with their masks on.\n\n\nEventually, when they\u2019re required to wear their masks for hours in school, they will already be familiar with what\u2019s expected of them.\n\n\nThis will also be the time to teach them the proper and safe way to wear masks and point out common mistakes.\n\n\nVaccination efforts are in full swing all over the world, but we shouldn\u2019t feel too safe or complacent just yet. Wearing masks is still one of our most important safeguards against spreading infection.\n\n\nKeep up with your child\u2019s health even when in school\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA smart\u00a0\nschool management system\n\u00a0is designed to make your life easier. It is the nervous system for your institution around which other technologies are incorporated.\n\n\nThrough such a system, you can keep tabs on your child\u2019s health every day and communicate with their teacher easily.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nIt is, in fact, a master plan to regulate administrative operations in a consolidated, integrated, efficient and smooth way to increase the productivity of your school.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nLittleLives\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gas-during-pregnancy", "title": "Gas During Pregnancy: What You Should Know and How To Get Rid Of It?", "body": "You\u2019re pregnant and you notice that you\u2019re passing more gas than you usually would, and at times, it\u2019s painful. Gas and bloating during pregnancy is not uncommon and can be caused by your hormones as well as the food that you eat. Here are some things you can do to help relieve gas during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat causes gas during pregnancy?\u00a0\n\n\nGas pain during pregnancy can be mild to severe. Some women experience severe pain in their abdomen, chest, back and even experience intestinal cramps.\u00a0\n\n\nThe \nmain cause of gas during pregnancy is increased levels of progesterone\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPressure onto the abdominal cavity from your growing uterus can also cause digestion to slow down and cause gas to build up. The food that you eat and the prenatal vitamins that you\u2019re on can also contribute to gas and constipation.\n\n\nGas during pregnancy first trimester\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nYour body undergoes incredible hormonal changes during the first trimester. Both progesterone and estrogen levels increase to prepare your body to support the growing fetus.\u00a0\n\n\nProgesterone causes your muscles to relax, including your intestinal muscles. When this occurs, digestion slows down significantly which leads to gas. Increased estrogen levels cause your body to retain and preserve water and gas.\u00a0\n\n\nGas during pregnancy second and third trimester\n\n\nDuring the second and third trimesters, the position of the uterus shifts in order to accommodate the fetus that is growing. Your uterus expands and the additional pressure to the surrounding organs results in digestive issues. This can lead to constipation, excess gas and uncomfortable bloating.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to relieve gas during pregnancy?\n\n\nWhile the changes in your body during pregnancy can be rather uncomfortable, they are important to ensure that your baby grows and develops well.\u00a0\n\n\nFollowing lifestyle and dietary changes can help to alleviate discomfort caused by gas and bloating.\u00a0\n\n\n1# Drink lots of fluids\n\n\nDrinking plenty of water will help to keep things moving through your digestive tract. This will help in preventing gas and bloating due to constipation. You should be taking about eight to 10 glasses of water or fluids every day.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are taking fruit juices, be aware of how much sugar they contain. Try cranberry, pineapple, orange and grape juice as they are low in gas promoting sugars.\u00a0\n\n\n2# Exercise\n\n\nIn addition to keeping your body fit, exercising can also help to speed up digestion and lower the chance of constipation. Try adding a 30-minute walk or some low impact exercise to your daily routine.\n\n\n Check with your doctor before starting, if you\u2019re not usually active, or if you have any concerns with regards to your exercise regimen.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \ncottonbro\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\n\n\nFor exercises that you can do when you\u2019re pregnant, read \u2018\nPregnancy Exercises: 5 Easy Workouts for Every Trimester\n\u2019.\n\n\n3# Check your diet\n\n\nCertain types of food can cause gassiness and bloat. An elimination diet to remove food triggers from your diet may help to decrease gas and bloating.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, do remember to continue on a healthy and balanced diet to ensure that you and your baby are getting adequate nutrition. Avoid restrictive diets and only remove foods that are causing gas.\u00a0\n\n\nFoods that can cause gas\n\u00a0\n\n\nSome common foods that cause gas are:\n\n\n\n\nBeans\n\n\nWhole grains\n\n\nCertain vegetables that contain raffinose such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, cabbage and cauliflower\u00a0\n\n\nFructose from vegetables and fruits such as leeks, artichokes, onions, dried fruit, pears, apples, canned tomatoes, fruit juice.\u00a0\n\n\nCarbonated drinks\n\n\nWheat, corn and potatoes\n\n\nDairy products\u00a0\n\n\nHigh-fat foods\n\n\nFried foods\n\n\n\n\n4# Fill up on high fibre foods\n\n\nFibre works to bring water into your intestines and this helps to soften stool, making it easier for you to pass and thus, reducing gas and constipation problems. Try having 25 to 30g of high fibre foods in your diet.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nAnia Rude\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\n\n\nPrunes, bananas, and figs are fruits that contain a lot of fibre. Fibre supplements are another option to consider but do check with your doctor to ensure that it is safe for your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\n5# Take your time when you eat\n\n\nEating quickly can cause you to take in air with each bite. The air then settles in your stomach and can cause gas bubbles. Taking your time to eat, chewing your food properly and eating smaller meals can help.\n\n\n6# Probiotics\n\n\nGood bacteria from foods that contain probiotics such as yoghurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and sourdough bread can help to fight gas and constipation in addition to keeping your gut healthy. If you\u2019re considering a prebiotic supplement, check with your doctor before purchasing it.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\n7# Relax\u00a0\n\n\nStress, anxiety and worry can be a factor in indigestion and cause gas to build up. Additionally, it\u2019s not healthy for your pregnancy. Try to eliminate stress factors and engage in relaxation techniques such as meditation, and deep breathing. Let your doctor know if you\u2019re having a hard time with stress and anxiety.\u00a0\n\n\n8# Dress comfortably\n\n\nTight pants and belts can press on your intestines and make you feel even more uncomfortable. Try wearing clothes that do not put pressure on your abdominal area.\u00a0\n\n\n9# Massage your abdomen\n\n\nAn abdominal massage can help to ease gas and constipation. Start by rubbing your tummy gently in a circular motion from your right hip bone.\u00a0\n\n\nMove above to your right ribs, right across your ribcage and then lower to your left hip, followed by your belly button. Do this for about 10 minutes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nAnia Rude\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\n\n\nPositions to relieve gas during pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nSquat\n \u2013 Try squatting down several times. To do this, bend your knees with your butt pushed back, just like how you would sit on a chair. It works because the squat is a natural position for pushing and repeating it a few times will help you get rid of gas.\u00a0\n\n\nChild\u2019s pose\n \u2013 Doing this can help trapped gas move through your digestive tract. Begin on all fours and then move your hands forward slowly. Lower your chest to the floor as close as possible. Make sure that the position of your butt is higher than your belly. Hold the position for a while.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhile these positions can help to relieve gas, be sure to take to new positions slowly. Stop immediately if you feel that something is not right.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen to call a doctor?\u00a0\n\n\nWhile having some gas and bloating is common when you\u2019re pregnant, it\u2019s wise to call the doctor or head to the emergency room if you experience any of the following:\n\n\n\n\nThe gas is getting worse and pain is increasing\n\n\nThe constipation is getting worse\n\n\nYou experience extreme nausea or vomiting\n\n\nThere is blood in your stool\n\n\nYou think the pain is from contractions\n\n\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nGas can be uncomfortable and painful but most of the time it\u2019s nothing to worry about. Eating well and drinking plenty of water can help to alleviate gas symptoms.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on what to expect when you\u2019re expecting, check out this article \u2018\nWhat Happens In Each Trimester of Pregnancy? Here It is!\n\u2019\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \nEarly Signs Of Pregnancy: Are You Expecting?\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n103 beautiful Korean baby girl names you will absolutely fall in love with\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHow to Minimize Stretch Marks Appearance \u2013 6 Easy Tips You Can Try Today!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/good-eyesight-eye-health-care", "title": "Hope in Sight - Natural Eye Health Care", "body": "Anyone can say that among the 5 senses that we have, sight is the most precious one. Have you ever wondered how good eyesight works?\u00a0\n\n\nOur eye is unique yet complex. It has a front-most transparent layer called a cornea and an internal transparent lens which works together to focus the image that we see, acting like a camera. \n\n\nThe amount of light that enters the eye is controlled by a pupil which acts as an aperture. The light is then captured as an image on the retina. \n\n\nThe retina is a layer of nerve tissue that lines the inner back of the eyeball and contains millions of cells that perceive light, colour and fine details. The image will then be sent to the brain for interpretation via the optic nerve. \n\n\nThe eye has internal active muscles which help in focussing image while external muscles control the movement of the eye enabling us to look around. So it isn\u2019t just an ordinary camera.\n\n\n80 per cent of all learning comes through the eyes. The eyes can focus on 50 different objects every second and differentiate about 10 million different colours.\u00a0 \n\n\nIn fact, it has a resolution of 576 megapixels, which is about 48 times better than the iPhone. When both eyes work together we enjoy three-dimension vision.\u00a0\n\n\nYou need a good pair of eyes to enjoy everything that you see.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHealthy and balanced diets are the keywords to maintain good eyesight. Antioxidants, particularly beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk and progression of cataracts. \n\n\nOmega 3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration and help in dry eyes. Vitamin A is an essential vitamin for the retina, vitamin E is a potent antioxidant and Vitamin C is a precursor for collagen synthesis of the cornea. \n\n\nHere is the source where to get them.\n\n\n1)\nBeta carotene\n \u2013 carrot, pumpkin, sweet potatoes\n\n\n2) \nLutein and zeaxanthin\n \u2013 green leafy/ colourful vegetables \neg: kale and spinach, orange bell pepper\n\n\n3) \nOmega 3\n \u2013 Salmon, mackerel, sardine, tuna, tofu, walnuts, chia seeds\n\n\n4) \nVitamin A\n \u2013 carrots, sweet potatoes\n\n\n5) \nVitamin C\n \u2013 orange, mango, strawberries\n\n\n6) \nVitamin E\n \u2013 nuts, seeds, avocado, green leafy vegetables, salmon\n\n\nWith the digital revolution, computers and electronic gadgets continuously played a major role in our life. Working-age groups in particular are exposed to prolonged use of computers.\n\n\n\n\n Although no specific evidence showed that long term use of computers can damage our eyes, there is a collective of symptoms observed called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Computer vision syndrome describes a group of eye and vision-related problems due to prolonged computer, tablet and cell phone use.\n\n\n It was postulated that when someone is working at a computer, repetitive eye movement to focus, refocus, shift and chase the images while coordinating with the fingers in order to send multiple images to the brain. \n\n\nThese rapid movements need effort from eye muscles and the contrast from the screen will add the effort. The eyes can become dry easily due to staring at the screen.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCommon symptoms include eye strain and headaches. Others are transient blurring of vision, dry eyes, red eyes, eye irritation and neck pain. Those with underlying vision problems and who work long periods on the digital screen are more susceptible.\n\n\n Fortunately, the symptoms are reversed if one has sufficient break.\u00a0 If the problem is not addressed and ignored it can affect a person\u2019s well-being and work performance.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThe crucial way to protect your eye is to get your eyes checked and make sure your glasses prescription is up to date, especially for children. If you need to view the screen for a long hour you can consider special lens coatings.\n\n\n\n\nAvoid too much glare from your computer and its surroundings or use a screen glare filter. To reduce the eye and neck strain, position your screen 15-20 degrees below your eye level, about 60 cm away from your seat.\u00a0 \n\n\nFrequent blinking is important to keep your eyes moist. Keep artificial tears eye drops handy and drops them regularly to your eyes. \n\n\nRule 20-20-20 is easy to remember. Simply look 20 feet away for 20 secs for every 20 minutes of screen use. Wearing 99% UV protection sunglasses and quit smoking have been shown to reduce the risk of cataract progression and macular degeneration.\n\n\nFor outdoor workers, particularly welders, a pair of protective glasses must be worn to avoid injury.\u00a0\n\n\nSimilar to other systemic diseases, the risk of having eye disease comes with age. Get your eyes checked at 45 years old and regularly thereafter. If you are a diabetic patient or if you are at risk of having glaucoma check earlier.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by Dr. Helen Tan Chen Chen, Cataract & Refractive Surgeon M.D.(USM), M.OPHTHAL(UM), Am(Mal)\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nKeep your eyes healthy with the 20-20-20 rule\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n6 Alarming Eye Problems in Kids with Long-term Effects Parents Should Know About\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nCan my child\u2019s astigmatism go away?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/teething-guide", "title": "Teething 101: A Complete Guide - Here's What Parents Need to Know!", "body": "When your child starts teething, it can be very frustrating to see them in discomfort. However, it\u2019s all part of growing up and your baby is getting ready for solid food.\u00a0\n In this article, we\u2019ll look at what teething is, how long it lasts and how you can soothe your baby. Your complete teething guide is here!\n\n\nWhat is teething?\n\n\nThe process through which an infant\u2019s teeth erupt, or emerge through the gums, is known as teething. Teething is often referred to as \u201ctooth cutting.\u201d\n\n\nWhen does teething start?\n\n\n\n\nTeething usually begins between the ages of 4 to 7 months, although some babies start much later. There\u2019s no need to be concerned if your kid\u2019s teeth appear on a different schedule as every infant is different.\n\n\nEarly teething\n\n\nSome babies start teething early, and it\u2019s typically nothing to be concerned about. However, if your child begins to exhibit indications of teething around the age of two or three months, they may be ahead of the curve in this area.\n\n\nHow long does teething last?\n\n\nTeething in babies usually lasts until the child is 25 to 33 months old. However, teething doesn\u2019t technically end until a child\u2019s permanent molars appear. The first set of molars emerges at the age of six or seven, while the second set develops around the age of twelve or thirteen.\n\n\nSigns of teething in babies\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nAikomo Opeyemi\n on \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nSome babies teeth without any problems while other fuss due to discomfort. Here are some symptoms that might indicate that your baby\u2019s teeth is growing:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn increase in drooling\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExcessive drooling is an indication of teething. Drooling due to teething can begin as early as 10 weeks of age in some newborns and persist throughout the teething period.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen a baby is teething, it\u2019s typical for them to slobber all over their shirt. However, do note that drooling excessively can also create a rash around your baby\u2019s neck, chin, and mouth. So, try to keep their skin dry and always change your infant\u2019s clothes if it becomes soaked with drool.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBiting\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn increased desire to bite is one of the earliest indications of teething. Counterpressure can be used to reduce the pressure that a soon-to-erupt tooth produces.\u00a0\n\n\nCounterpressure is putting force or pressure that acts in the opposite direction of another opposing force or pressure.\u00a0\n\n\nTo break it down, by giving something for your child to bite down, like a teething toy, you are actively putting pressure on the growing tooth, soothing the process for your child.\n\n\nTeething babies will instinctively seek items to bite down on to obtain counterpressure and ease their discomfort.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGetting irritated and crying\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA significant change in your baby\u2019s temperament is one of the most prevalent indicators of teething. Even the happiest infant might become fussy and unsettled during this time.\u00a0\n\n\nYour child may cry more frequently as well. This mood shift is usually more noticeable in the weeks immediately up to the eruption of their first tooth, and it gradually improves with successive teeth.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEar pulling\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTeething infants may tug on their ears or rub their cheeks. This is because the neural pathways in the ears, mouth, and cheeks are all connected.\u00a0\n\n\nTeething discomfort can be felt in the cheeks and ears as well as in the jaws. These feelings are particularly strong in babies who are cutting their first molars.\u00a0\n\n\nBecause this symptom can also be a sign of an ear infection, you should see your paediatric specialist if the problem persists for more than a few days.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChange in eating and sleeping habits\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBecause sucking can be unpleasant to teething gums, a teething child may struggle to breastfeed or drink from a bottle. In addition, if they\u2019re older, they may avoid solid meals that they formerly enjoyed.\u00a0\n\n\nTeething pain might make it difficult to sleep. Even babies who previously slept through the night may become more awake during the night due to teething.\n\n\nTeething relief\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Matt Walsh on Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nFear not if your baby is teething! The following are some ways that can help soothe your baby:\n\n\nMassage the gums\n\n\nGently touch the gums with a clean finger to massage them. This can help with the itchiness, pain or discomfort your baby is experiencing. If your baby\u2019s teeth haven\u2019t come in yet, you can let him chew on your finger.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nDip your fingers in cold water and massage your baby\u2019s gums before each meal if you\u2019re breastfeeding. This may prevent them from biting your breast when you\u2019re feeding.\n\n\nTeething rings or toys\n\n\n\n\nTeething rings are meant to offer counterpressure to a baby\u2019s gums, reducing the unpleasant pressure from the growing tooth. Keep a clean supply of these rings on hand in the house and in the diaper bag to calm your baby at home and on the road.\u00a0\n\n\nEven better are products that may be frozen since the cold numbs their painful gums and gives further comfort.\n\n\nTeething gels\n\n\nParents are advised to try non-medical teething solutions first, such as a teething ring.\n\n\nIf you decide to use a gel, make sure it\u2019s a teething gel made specifically for youngsters under the age of six.\n\n\nChildren should not use general oral pain relief gels. Teething gels are only available from pharmacies and include a moderate local anaesthetic. For further information, consult your doctor.\n\n\nTeething tablets\n\n\nTeething pills have been available since the early 1900s and are available online and in certain drug shops.\n\n\nThey\u2019re tiny white pellets composed of homoeopathic components that dissolve quickly in your baby\u2019s mouth or can be put in with their milk or water. But, again, check with your baby\u2019s doctor before giving them to your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nAre teething gels or tablets safe for my child?\n\n\nParents and caregivers \nshould avoid using benzocaine products on children under the age of two\n, according to the Food and Drug Administration.\u00a0\n\n\nThese medications pose severe health hazards and offer little to no assistance in treating oral discomforts, such as sore gums in teething infants.\n\n\nAfter lab testing revealed inconsistent levels of belladonna, a poisonous chemical, in certain homoeopathic teething pills, the FDA advises \nparents not to use and dispose of homoeopathic teething tablets\n.\n\n\nHow to care for my baby\u2019s new tooth?\n\n\n\n\nLong-term dental health depends on how well you care for and clean your baby\u2019s teeth. Although the initial set of teeth will fall out, dental decay accelerates the process, causing gaps before the permanent teeth are ready to emerge.\u00a0\n\n\nEven before your baby\u2019s first tooth appears, you should start caring for their teeth daily. Using a clean, moist washcloth or gauze, wipe your baby\u2019s gums every day, or gently brush them with a soft, infant-sized toothbrush and water.\n\n\nOnce your child is old enough to spit out toothpaste, which is generally around the age of three, it\u2019s fine to use it.\u00a0\n\n\nChoose one that contains fluoride and give smaller children only a pea-sized quantity or less. Because an excess of fluoride can be hazardous to children, don\u2019t let your child swallow the toothpaste or consume it straight from the tube.\n\n\nBrush your baby\u2019s teeth at least twice a day, especially after meals. This is even more important when all of their teeth have come in.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s also critical to instil the habit of flossing in children at a young age. When two teeth start to contact, it\u2019s a good time to start flossing. For help to floss those small teeth, consult your dentist.\n\n\nConcluding remarks\n\n\nTeething is a normal part of growing up, so don\u2019t be anxious when your kid starts doing so. Just follow the steps explained above and you can help your child get through this journey smoothly.\u00a0\n\n\nA little advice would be to have a dental checkup schedule for your child regularly. This can promote proper tooth development and prevent dental issues later in life. Learning to become a parent for the first time can be challenging. \n\n\nHere are some \ntips that can help you.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nTeeth grinding \u2013 why it happens and what you can do about it\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMum freaks out when her 2-month-old grows a sharp tooth overnight\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBrushing baby teeth: When to start and best ways to do it\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/contactless-sensing-system", "title": "Neteera, the Global Leader in Contact-free Vital Signs Monitoring, Launches Contactless Vital Signs Sensing System for COVID-19 Early Screening & Home Care", "body": "As the world grapples with the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, the spotlight has been thrown on the interface between those afflicted by the virus, and the infrastructure delivering essential treatment to those in urgent need.\n\n\nIt is precisely at this now overloaded juncture that \nJerusalem\n-based startup Neteera has been toiling for the past five years. Neteera developed a tiny microsensor that\u00a0senses vital signs such as heart and breathing rate at a distance and through clothing, without physical connection to the person monitored.\n\n\nIn response to the current COVID-19 crisis, Neteera today announced that it has accelerated the production schedule of its first-generation commercial platform, the \nNeteera Contactless Vitals \nseries\n (NCV)\n, in two distinct configurations:\n\n\n\n\nNeteera-1.0 Contactless Screening:\n Integrated with thermal camera, quickly detects elevated heart rate, breathing rate and temperature, established symptoms of COVID-19. Serves for first-line screening at hospitals, mass transportation, the workplace or any needed location.\n\n\nNeteera-1.2 Contactless Vitals Sensor\n: Continuous contactless monitoring of vital signs at the patient\u2019s location \u2013 whether in the hospital, outpatient care facility or home. Neteera\u2019s sensor raises the flag on those in need of urgent attention and reduces risk of COVID-19 transmission and healthcare associated infections (HAIs).\n\n\n\n\nThese platforms are at the focus of current collaboration by Neteera with governmental and corporate healthcare bodies in \nIsrael\n and abroad.\n\n\nIsaac Litman Founder and CEO of Neteera said: \u201cUrgent needs require urgent responses and we call on additional industry players to join forces with Neteera in this initiative. The rapid deployment of vastly enhanced screening technologies will allow all of us to keep safe when we return to the workplace and will provide the opportunity for better patient care in the hospital and at home.\u201d\n\n\nABOUT NETEERA TECHNOLOGIES\n\n\nNeteera\n, the global leader in remote and contactless vital signs monitoring solutions, is a \nJerusalem\n-based tech company. Neteera\u2019s combination of a proprietary high-resolution radar on chip and patented software enables first-time continuous monitoring of human vital signs remotely and without contact. This increases patients\u2019 comfort level, provides valuable real-time physiological data and reduces healthcare associated infections (HAIs) by minimising physical contact between patients and healthcare personnel.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/waldorf-education-a-comprehensive-guide-for-parents", "title": "Waldorf Education: A comprehensive guide for parents", "body": "Like parenting styles, there are many education \u201cstyles\u201d too, to choose from. One learning system you might want to know more about is Waldorf Education, which focuses on the holistic education of a child. In this article, we introduce this pedagogy to you, as well as discuss Waldorf Education pros and cons, and more.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is Waldorf education?\n\n\nHistory\n\n\nBefore discussing Waldorf education pros and cons, here\u2019s a bit of history first.\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf schools were founded by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian educator. Steiner designed his own educational system as he was against the traditional German educational system at the start of the 20th century.\n\n\nBack then, the German education system revolved around teachers and prioritised teaching students reading, writing, maths, German history, and religion. Furthermore, only a few students were exclusively granted further education after\u00a0\nVolksschule, \nor 8-year elementary school.\n\n\nSteiner firmly disagreed with this method of teaching. Instead, he wanted to create an educational system that could nurture a child on a holistic level.\n\n\nSteiner purposely steered clear of focussing on intellect only. He built his school taking into account the acceptance of all children, co-education between boys and girls, and to last for 12 years.\n\n\nIn addition, he also suggested for teachers to remain the highest authority in schools. This practice has continued since the first Waldorf school opened in 1919.\n\n\nDefinition\n\n\nWaldorf schools offers age-appropriate education that is based on experiential learning. It is also coupled with meticulous attention to academic quality and is designed based on human development to provide a growing child what they need.\n\n\nUnlike traditional education, Waldorf schools combine all forms of subjects from preschool level to High school, to better the student\u2019s learning experience. Ultimately, Waldorf education seeks to nurture an attitude of lifelong learning in all students, thereby giving them the ability to mature and master\u00a0their unique abilities.\n\n\n\n\nIn Waldorf schools, art subjects such as music, dance and writing aren\u2019t memorised and evaluated by testing.\n\n\nRather, they are experienced, helping Waldorf students develop their\u00a0intellect, emotional intelligence, physical and spiritual qualities so that they grow up to become helpful, confident adults that are able to navigate through the world.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: One of the pros is that it fosters enthusiasm in the arts, not just focussing on science, math or the humanities. | Image Source: Stock Photos\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf teachers are committed to instill a burning passion for each student. By doing so, external rewards \u2013 such as academic rankings from competitive exams and testing- aren\u2019t needed. Instead, the reward is better inspired learning and and individual drive to learn more.\n\n\nWaldorf education also instills independence in each individual while being open to everyone. It sustains liberty in education while also acting on administration on its own in all Waldorf schools.\n\u00a0\n\n\nCharacteristics of Waldorf education\n\n\nDifferent Waldorf schools may offer different teaching programmes based on location, local culture, group size, student age-range and their own unique teaching methods. Still, all Waldorf schools fundamentally share the following characteristics:\n\n\nIn terms of educational structure\n\n\n\n\nA committed and continued loving attention in embracing every student\n\n\nOpportunities for students to play on their own. Uncomplicated play material is provided and is the\u00a0critical activity for young children.\n\n\nExperiential learning, which gives kids the freedom to internalise and comprehend their experiences.\n\n\nAn understanding that young kids understand new things in three ways: mimicking others, stimulating a variety of senses and moving.\u00a0Young kids instinctively want to investigate\u00a0the surrounding physical and social environment on their own. Waldorf school\u00a0environments provide structure, security, the opportunity to act despite risks, and confront challenges.\n\n\nPrioritising realistic rather than virtual experience, which helps the child have a healthy understanding of and connection to the world.\u00a0\n\n\nRegular routines throughout each day, week and year. A regular rhythm provides a sense of security and teaches students how everything in life is connected. Of course, seasonal events and festivals are also celebrated according to local culture.\n\n\nWaldorf teachers put a heavy emphasis on creating a collaborative community built on healthy relationships between parents, teachers\u00a0and students.\n\n\n\n\nIn terms of educational subjects\n\n\n\n\nProvision of art-themed recreation like playing music, painting, and telling stories, which allows the child to develop their imaginative and creative capabilities.\u00a0\n\n\nPractical skills such as how to cook, bake, tend to a garden, handwork and other domestic actions, which offer the space to unleash and develop hidden potential. This form of education emphasises on how life carries on, and not on learning objectives.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: The benefits of Waldorf Education\n\n\nThe benefits of Waldorf education have been clearly established among the Waldorf education pros and cons. Professors who have educated Waldorf students in a variety of subjects and institutions have stated that Waldorf students are different as they:\n\n\n\n\nare able to make connections between information. Waldorf graduates can absorb information well, rather than rote memorisation of facts\n\n\nadopt flexibility, creativity in their approach and aren\u2019t hesitant to take intellectual risks;\n\n\nbecome leaders who uphold strong moral standards. Waldorf graduates\u00a0are proactive and\u00a0keen to realise their goals.\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to the holistic academic program Waldorf schools provide, it also has these seven benefits in early childhood education.\n\n\n1. Putting a heavy emphasis on speaking and listening early on\n\n\nWaldorf schools emphasise speaking and listening while the child is under seven years old. The kindergarten curriculum is centred around stories like folktales or fairy tales that are read aloud. Teacher are\u00a0\u2018storytellers\u2019 .\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf teachers are also very meticulous, ensuring that they speak clearly and enunciate properly. After all, immersing oneself into literature is the foundation of becoming literate. Becoming familiar with speaking and listening will also support the child when they learn writing and spelling later on.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Continuous repetition to aid brain development\n\n\nThe same stories are told again at regular times within the span of several weeks. This way, children are able to remember the stories and songs covered in class as second nature.\n\n\nModern research on the brain has verified that repeating action supports a child\u2019s brain while it\u2019s developing. The massive amount of links between neural pathways in the brain are enhanced via repetitive experience.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Writing is made fun\n\n\nIt is only in primary one that children begin to learn the alphabet \u2013 but not through dull, black and white worksheets. Rather, the alphabet is taught in a creative pictorial method.\n\n\nEvery alphabetical letter is depicted as a\u00a0picture portraying something from the stories they had to learn. For instance, kids may draw the letter \u201cM\u201d in the form of two mountains side by side.\u00a0\n\n\nLearning alphabets pictorially aids the child in understanding how the letters are related to the real world instead of immediately understanding the abstract forms. Pictorial alphabets provide a good stepping stone before the child learns about abstract concepts as an adult.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nOnce students have mastered the alphabet, they will copy text which the teachers have written in their lesson books.\n\n\nUnlike dull, school-issued books, these lesson books are beautified by Waldorf students on their own.\u00a0\u00a0The initial few sentences and stories will stem from whatever the child experiences, and they first learn reading by understanding the text they\u2019ve composed in their books.\n\n\nA lesson might go like this: teachers note down a verse which the children are familiar with. After quickly identifying the sounds and words that make up the verse, kids will begin to \u2018read\u2019 the text as they record it within their\u00a0lesson books.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: children don\u2019t need extra hand-holding from their teachers when they learn how to write. | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n4. Allows the child to learn reading skills without forcing them to\n\n\nWaldorf education extends reading from Primary two till Primary three. That\u2019s because reading doesn\u2019t come instantly to every child. It requires additional skills which children learn at their own pace.\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf education acknowledges that the most important aspect of teaching children to read is to give them time and support. By cultivating a positive relationship with talking and scribbling letters, coupled with the required skills and tools, Waldorf education allows a child to master reading on their own.\n\n\n5. Providing books to enhance vocabulary\n\n\nChildren who are comfortable with reading will be provided with age-appropriate, quality literature to fuel their passion for reading.\n\n\n6. Doesn\u2019t risk forcing pupils to read books too early\n\n\nIt\u2019s well known from research that forcing children to learn academics too early on has many negative consequences. Pressurising kids to read early usually damages their\u00a0self-confidence and interest in reading up on books. \u00a0\n\n\nInstead, research has shown that early childhood schools should prioritise age-appropriate activities like playing, exploring and socializing. Kids shouldn\u2019t have too much pressure, as evidenced from the Finnish education system, which starts kindergarten at age six,\u00a0centers on play and socialization, doesn\u2019t include reading or writing, and has a maximum of four hours for school hours.\n\n\n7. Teaches kids pronunciation without Phonics\n\n\nAs we all know, English words are often not pronounced in the same way as they are spelled, and vice versa. It would take some time to fully learn such a language as it needs key skills that kids only learn later on.\n\n\nReaders who are still beginners need two key skills:\n\n\n\n\nto decode words. That is, isolating sounds making up a word and then combining them together.\n\n\nword recognition. Kids need to identify words and link them to their unique pronunciation \u2013 which requires time to master.\n\n\n\n\nThe Waldorf method is unique in setting up the fundamental basics for reading during Kindergarten. As students aren\u2019t pressurised to master reading and writing quickly, Waldorf students are able to pick up the pace naturally.\n\n\nThey eventually\u00a0start reading according to or beyond government-set levels, with better comprehension.\n\n\nMost significantly, kids who have mastered reading have a sustained passion for reading which carry on well as they enter adulthood.\u00a0\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: The other things you should be aware about\u00a0\n\n\nWhen talking about Waldorf education pros and cons, there is one \u2018con\u2019 that usually comes to the forefront.\n\n\nIn addition to being an educator, Steiner was also a formulator of anthroposophy. Anthroposophy is a philosophy that stems from the idea that humans are able to communicate with spiritual worlds with their intelligence.\n\n\nWhile Steiner hasn\u2019t completely passed down his anthroposophy teachings to Waldorf schools, they can still be contaminated with them. That leads to a few issues, such as:\n\n\nInadequate Vaccination\n\n\nAccording to a guideline published by Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship (SWSF), an organisation representing all Waldorf schools, it was mandatory for Waldorf schools to show that:\n\n\n\n\n\u201can anthroposophical impulse lies at the heart of planning for the school\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nAnthroposophy\u2019s beliefs are rooted from reincarnation. That could lead to a few odd rules, but some have more devastating consequences than others. For instance, Steiner believed that sicknesses affecting us today have a \u201csource\u201d in our previous lives. By handling these \u201csource\u201d problems, one could gain \u201creinforced power\u201d and boosted \u201ckarma\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nSuch beliefs inevitably conflict with vaccination. Waldorf schools don\u2019t have strict regulations on vaccination.\n\n\nInstead, parents are supposed to select their own jabs. Sadly, Waldorf school students aren\u2019t likely to get vaccines, with a Health Protection Agency once citing it as \u201cunvaccinated populations\u201d for measles.\n\n\n\n\nWaldorf education pros and cons: A lack of vaccination is one of the main complaints against Waldorf schools. | Image Source: Stock Photos\n\n\n\n\nIssues with bullying\n\n\nThe Department for Education (DfE) once noted that people did complain about bullying in Waldorf Schools. While bullying isn\u2019t a common problem, it can possibly happen due belief in anthroposophy.\n\n\nRacist teachings\n\n\nIn modern eyes, Steiner would have been accused of racism. He believed that different races of people had different types of lives, and that they should reside to a fixed\u00a0\ngeographical location\n.\n\n\nAlthough the SWSF claims that none Steiner\u2019s racist teachings \u201coccur in his educational writings\u201d, it could still taint certain Steiner schools.\n\n\nFor instance, during one diversity training day in a Waldorf school, four Caucasian teachers filled in all the boxes in identifying their ethnic background. The reason, apparently, was that they had ascended above the other races.\u00a0\n\n\nThe above issues are the usual reasons for complaints against Waldorf schools. Much of Steiner\u2019s findings also point out to racism being threaded through anthroposophy and the Waldorf educational method. \n\n\nOther complaints also argue that anthroposophical beliefs aren\u2019t taught, Waldorf students are remain unprotected. They are indirectly exposed to anthroposophical values and ideas of spirituality, which could also affect their upbringing.\n\n\nParents we hope that this article on Waldorf education pros and cons has benefitted you on choosing a good school for your little one. Read on more articles about non-traditional education, such as \nProgressive education\n or \nthe Montessori method\n!\n\n\nReferences: \nBritannica\n\u00a0(\nWaldorf school\n, \nAnthroposophy\n),\u00a0\nIASWECE\n, \nWaldorf Education.org\n,\u00a0\nBBC News\n, \nNelsonWaldorf.org\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/viral-outbreak", "title": "5 Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy and Happy During a Viral Outbreak", "body": "\n\nPrevention is, indeed, better than cure.\n\n\nIt\u2019s official, the flu bug has hit Malaysia.\n\n\nThe influenza outbreak in Malaysia has spread across the country and instilled fear amongst citizens, especially parents with little kids. Schools are being forced to close temporarily and flu shots are running low on stock. Fret not,\u00a0Kiddy123\u00a0has complied a guide on how to combat the flu like a boss.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Practice Good Hygiene\n\n\nVirus droplets from a sick person\u2019s sneeze or cough can land on many surfaces. It\u2019s important to keep surfaces that your family encounters clean. Disinfect doorknobs and remotes regularly and don\u2019t share personal items such as toothbrushes, glasses and utensils, especially with someone already down with the flu. Parents should always clean and disinfect your children\u2019s toys. It\u2019s important to keep a clean space to fight off those pesky viruses!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Keep Clean Hands\n\n\nViral infections like the influenza are easily contractable if you come into contact with a contaminated object or person. To avoid it, wash your hands regularly \u2013 scrub, under warm to hot water for about 20 seconds with soap, and rinse. If water is unavailable, use a hand sanitizer that contains 60%+ alcohol. Remember to also avoid touching the nose, eye and mouth area to reduce infection.\n\n\nWhen sending your kids to school, pack a travel-sized hand sanitiser, which can easily be purchased at your local drugstore. Schools should also be mindful and take initiative to install\u00a0hand sanitizer dispensers around the school compound for a cleaner and safer environment, especially during flu season.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Visit the Doctor\n\n\nIt\u2019s always best to consult your doctor when you or your family member feels unwell. Communicate with your local general practitioner and inform them about any symptoms that you may be having and if you need to come in for an exam. It\u2019s very important to stay calm and don\u2019t panic if you or your child shows symptoms of having the virus. Call your doctor, they know better.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Staying Away\n\n\nCoughing and sneezing both release virus into the air and increases the risk of infection. Always remember to keep a distance from people who appear to have symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. If you or your child feels unwell, remember to always put on a face mask to prevent the spreading of infection to those around you.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Practice Good Cough and Sneezing Etiquette\n\n\n\n\nIf you or your little one happens to catch the flu, it\u2019s very important to practice good cough and sneezing etiquette. Protect others from germs by sneezing and coughing into a handkerchief, or even better a disposable tissue. Avoid sneezing or coughing directly onto your hands as this will spread germs when you or your child comes into contact with other people. Try keeping a packet of tissues on your child at all times and educate them the importance of practicing good cough and sneezing etiquette. However, if a cough or sneeze sneaks up on you without warning, it\u2019s okay to sneeze into your bent elbow.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/natal-teeth-baby-born-with-teeth", "title": "Baby Born With Teeth: Causes, Risk, Treatment, and Removal", "body": "What you need to know about natal teeth!\n\n\nTeething is frequently a part of a baby\u2019s growth during the first year of life. The first teeth typically sprout in newborns between the ages of 4 and 7 months. The first teeth to pierce the gums are the central incisors, which are located on the bottom front.\n\n\nAlthough most newborns don\u2019t get their first teeth until several months after birth, some babies are born with one or more teeth. They\u2019re known as natal teeth. A baby gets its first tooth at 1 out of every 2,000 births.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is Natal Teeth\n\n\nCauses of Natal Teeth\n\n\nTypes of Natal Teeth\n\n\nNatal Teeth vs Neonatal Teeth\n\n\nNatal Teeth Superstition\n\n\nRisks and Complications\n\n\nTreatment\n\n\nRemoval Upon Birth\n\n\nNatal Teeth Management\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNatal Teeth\n\n\nThe teeth that a newborn possesses at birth are known as natal teeth. The teeth\u2019s roots may not be fully grown and may be weak.\n\n\nNot many teeth are present at birth. The neonatal teeth, which emerge in the mouth of the newborn within the first month of life, are different from these teeth.\n\n\nMost natal teeth are just typical primary teeth that erupt quite early. However, a sizable portion is not.\n\n\nA full set of twenty primary teeth includes these, however, occasionally children erupt with more than twenty. These extra teeth are known as supernumerary teeth. Less than 10% of a person\u2019s natal teeth are extra teeth.\n\n\nA pediatric dentist can determine whether a baby tooth is extra by using dental X-rays.\n\n\nBaby Born With Teeth: Natal Teeth Causes\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Jonathan Borba\n\n\n\n\nNo known cause for newborn teeth exists. They might, however, be more prevalent in children who have particular health conditions that limit growth.\n\n\nIt can be mysterious, but certain situations can increase the likelihood that a baby will have teeth. Infants who have a cleft lip or palate may have these teeth. Babies who are born with anomalies in the dentin (the calcified tissues that help teeth grow) may also have natal teeth.\n\n\nIt may be the result of underlying medical issues. They include the following syndromes:\n\n\n\n\nSotos syndrome,\n\n\nEllis-van Creveld syndrome (chondroectodermal dysplasia),\n\n\nHallermann-Streiff syndrome (oculomandibulofacial syndrome with hypotrichosis), and\n\n\nJadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome (congenital pachyonychia)\n\n\n\n\nThe most common medical issue is cleft lip and palate.\n\n\nOne study found that 30 per cent of infants with bilateral cleft lip and palate and 5 per cent of infants with unilateral cleft lip and palate had natal or neonatal teeth, respectively. \n\n\nAnother study found that natal or neonatal teeth were present in 2 per cent of newborns with unilateral cleft lip and palate and 11% of infants with bilateral cleft lip and palate.\n\n\nTypes of Natal Teeth\n\n\nAlthough some infants do have teeth, the situation isn\u2019t always clear-cut. There are four different types of natal teeth. Your baby\u2019s condition can be determined by your doctor if:\n\n\n\n\nA few root systems with fully developed, albeit loose, crowns connected.\n\n\nTeeth that are fully rootless and are loose\n\n\nTeeth that have just started to emerge from the gums\n\n\nSigns that the gums are ready for teeth to cut through them\n\n\n\n\nMost cases of babies born with teeth only involve one tooth. Having several teeth from birth is even less common. The lower front teeth are the ones that are used the most, followed by the upper ones. Less than 1% of infants who have natal teeth have molars at birth.\n\n\nNatal Teeth vs Neonatal Teeth\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nIn contrast to natal teeth, which are present at birth, neonatal teeth appear within the first 30 days of a baby\u2019s life. Due to the similarities in the issues that natal and neonatal teeth present, they are frequently examined and treated jointly. Both natal and neonatal teeth are covered by the information that follows.\n\n\nNatal Teeth Superstition\n\n\nBabies born with teeth have long been associated with a variety of legends and superstitions.\n\n\n For instance, while the Chinese saw the presence of teeth during birth as a bad omen, the Malaysians thought it was a sign of good fortune. Its existence was considered to guarantee English global conquest.\n\n\nNatal Teeth: Risks and Complications\n\n\nIn addition to a few medical conditions, there are a few risk factors that could increase a baby\u2019s likelihood of being born with teeth. Approximately 15 per cent of newborns with teeth have close relatives who were also born with teeth. They include siblings and parents.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\nWhile data on the connection between gender and natal teeth is contradictory, it seems that girls are more likely than boys to be born with teeth.\n\n\n\n\nMalnutrition during pregnancy could also be another risk factor.\n\n\nThere are a few potential problems with a baby having teeth during birth, including the possibility that the newborn will accidentally swallow the tooth, feeding issues, and tongue injuries.\n\n\nAccording to Dr Greg Grillo of Express Dentist, complications are rare. If they are sharp, the baby\u2019s tongue might feel pain. If they are particularly slack, there is a chance that they could come loose from the gums and impede the airway.\n\n\nDr Margaret Madonian, a pediatric and special needs dentist, claims that problems with breastfeeding are common with a baby born with teeth. \n\n\nShe underlines that breastfeeding mothers and their babies might both suffer from teething during pregnancy. Premature or neonatal tooth emergence can damage \nbreastfeeding mothers\u2019 nipples\n and make it difficult for newborns to effectively nurse.\n\n\nIf one of these issues is being caused by a tooth, Dr Madonian suggests speaking with a pediatric dentist. The procedures could include smoothing or glueing the teeth if they are sufficiently solid and causing feeding issues, or they could involve extracting the natal teeth if they are at risk of aspiration.\n\n\nNeonatal Teeth Treatment\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Isaac Taylor\n\n\n\n\nNormally, untreated natal teeth are not removed. Your doctor may suggest having your child\u2019s loose, rootless teeth surgically removed if they are present at birth. These baby teeth throughout pregnancy can improve your baby\u2019s chances of developing:\n\n\n\n\nSwallowing the dislodged tooth unintentionally could result in choking\n\n\nFeeding problems\n\n\nTongue abrasions\n\n\nMother\u2019s injuries experienced during nursing\n\n\n\n\nBaby Teeth Upon Birth Removal\n\n\nA loose tooth will be examined with an X-ray to see whether a robust root structure is present. Removal might be necessary if such a structure doesn\u2019t exist.\n\n\nThe course of treatment will be influenced by your child\u2019s symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how bad the issue is.\n\n\nIn other instances, baby teeth may be loose because the roots haven\u2019t fully formed. After that, the teeth could be pulled out. As a result, there is less chance that your youngster will unintentionally have a tooth in his or her airways. It might even be necessary to extract the teeth if they are causing damage to your child\u2019s tongue.\n\n\nNatal Teeth Management\n\n\nNatal teeth that are not removed may require additional care and supervision. In teeth with defective enamel at birth, cavities are more likely to form. A pediatric dentist can teach you how to brush your child\u2019s teeth correctly and can also help you keep an eye out for tooth rot.\n\n\nNatal teeth and neonatal teeth\n can be mysterious, but certain situations can increase the likelihood that a baby will have teeth. If your baby is born with teeth, it is important to speak with a pediatric dentist to ensure that there are no complications.\n\n\nThis article was written by Margaux Dolores and republished with permission from theAsianparent \nPhilippines\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\n\n\n\n\nConsultant360. (February, 2015). Natal Teeth. \nwww.consultant360.com/articles/natal-teeth\n\n\nVery Well Family. (February 22, 2022). Can Babies Be Born With Teeth? What to Know About Natal Teeth. \nwww.verywellfamily.com/can-a-baby-be-born-with-teeth-yes-they-re-natal-teeth-5219318\n\n\nHealthline. (March 10, 2016). Why Some Babies Are Born with Teeth. \nwww.healthline.com/health/parenting/baby-born-with-teeth\n\n\nStanford Childrens. (n.d.). Natal Teeth. \nwww.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=natal-teeth-90-P01862\n\n\nHurst Pediatric Dentistry. (March 4, 2021). Can Babies Be Born with Teeth?. \nhurstpediatricdentistry.com/2021/03/04/can-babies-be-born-with-teeth/\n\n\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nBabies and Pets: Can They Co-Exist?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nSudden Infant Death Syndrome: SIDS Causes, Risk Factors and Tips for Prevention\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n15 Parenting Tips to Improve Your Parenting Skills TODAY!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dont-want-your-child-to-be-a-slow-learner-avoid-doing-these-10-things", "title": "Don't want your child to be a slow learner? Avoid doing these 10 things", "body": "It\u2019s natural for parents to want to make sure their child has every advantage when it comes to education. This doesn\u2019t only mean putting them in good schools, but guiding them to be the best learners they can be to secure a bright future.\n\n\nAre there times when you worry that your child is a bit slow on the uptake?\n\n\nThere are actually things that appear to be helpful that can hinder your child\u2019s \nintellectual development.\n If you want your child to learn more quickly, stop doing these 10 things.\n\n\n1.\u00a0Doing everything for them\n\n\nNo parent wants to see their kid have a hard time. But allowing them to struggle is sometimes necessary. For instance, opening a sealed jar for them after they\u2019ve only tried to open it once, or finishing a particularly challenging homework exercise for them. These little things can deprive them of a learning opportunities.\n\n\n2. Buying them anything they want\n\n\nYou work hard to provide for them, but it\u2019s important to teach them the difference between wants and needs. Not buying everything they want, even if you have the means to, provides them with something more valuable: the chance to learn not to base happiness on material things and that their parents\u2019 love should not only be associated with being showered with presents.\n\n\n3. Providing too many options\n\n\nThough everything at this generation\u2019s fingertips, having too many options can cause them to become overwhelmed and indecisive. For instance, you\u2019re at a toy store and you instruct them to pick out one toy they want. Having all the choices can cause them to become withdrawn and you might end up choosing for them. Make it easier by offering a few choices\u2013within a certain budget, for instance\u2013but still allowing them to \nmake the decision.\n\n\n4.\u00a0Making decisions for them\n\n\nIf you are always in a rush and are in the habit of deciding for your child, take a step back and think if this would deprive them of lessons worth learning.\n\n\nIt can be as simple as ordering for them at a restaurant when they\u2019re taking too long. Be patient and let them verbalize what they want. This builds their decision-making skills as well as their communication skills.\n\n\n5. Allowing them to be lazy readers\n\n\nNot nurturing a love for reading and learning can be harmful to their development. Reading will be a huge part of their academic lives and it will become more difficult if they grow up without a good reading habit. They don\u2019t have to be voracious readers; they just have to be willing enough to sit quietly and finish a short story or a few chapters without reaching for the nearest gadget or remote control.\n\n\nMake reading fun by easing them into it. Don\u2019t pressure them. You can try having a side-by-side reading time to make it a fun bonding experience\n for the family.\n\n\n6. Allowing them to skip chores\n\n\nLearning isn\u2019t just nurtured by reading and going to school, it\u2019s also fostered through activities that require diligence and patience. Chores build a child\u2019s self-esteem and sense of helpfulness. Don\u2019t neglect the power of training them to pick up after themselves or to help out at home.\n\n\n7. Allowing too much screen time\n\n\nIt no longer needs to be said that kids who spend most of their time in front of TV and gadgets tend to be more passive and anti-social. Once they shift from digital to actual books, they can tend to feel bored and disinterested, keeping them from learning how to focus on lessons that are mere words on a page, as opposed to the vibrant visuals they\u2019ve gotten used to.\n\n\n8. Keeping them from joining sports or activities\n\n\nIntelligence can also be nurtured through socio-emotional ways. Allowing your child to engage in sports or other activities that require interaction or teamwork helps build their self-confidence as well as their communication and collaboration skills.\n\n\nThese can also teach them how to relate to other human beings and how to adapt and treat them with kindness and consideration, as well as the skills needed to establish friendships.\n\n\n9.\u00a0Not setting fair boundaries\n\n\nIt doesn\u2019t need to be stressed that limits and rules are essential to raising disciplined kids. But it\u2019s also important to remember that these boundaries also help kids feel a sense of stability and security.\n\n\nSetting fair and realistic boundaries helps them grow into more intelligent and responsible adults. Yes, they may defy these rules from time to time, but this only makes it all the more important.\n\n\n10.\u00a0Letting them win all the time\n\n\nAllowing them to experience failure can provide even more lasting lessons than winning ever can. It may be a struggle to let them win just to see them happy and to avoid the drama that comes with a child\u2019s frustration, but teaching them how to work hard and fight fair makes winning sweeter.\n\n\nIn sports, for instance, stopping them from playing just because you\u2019re scared they\u2019ll lose can keep them from learning to strive and to fight, even at the risk of failing.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nFailure is a part of life, so it\u2019s best to equip them with the emotional and mental skills to cope with it at a young age. It\u2019s important to acknowledge their effort and to remind them that it\u2019s all a part of the learning process and that win or fail, you\u2019ll be rooting for them all the way.\n\n\nsources: \nBabyGaga.com\n, \nTime.com\n, \nParenting Science\n\n\nThis article is republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gift-ideas-for-brother", "title": "Great Gift and Present Ideas for Your Brother", "body": "\u201cEh, give me some ideas. I don\u2019t know what to buy for my brother.\u201d\n\u00a0How many times has that happened to you? Countless, I\u2019m sure. Some may say buying gifts for women is hard but I beg to differ. It may be difficult finding the perfect gift for your brother but it isn\u2019t impossible. Stick around to see what gift and present ideas I\u2019ve got that are sure to satisfy even the pickiest men in your life.\n\n\nGift idea for the true gamer\n\n\nThere\u2019s a reason why this one is at the top of the list. I\u2019m positive that many of you (boys and girls) know what Steam is. (It\u2019s an online gaming distribution platform.) Steam\u2019s popularity has been growing without an end in sight these days. So that\u2019s why I think a gift card is an amazing gift idea (personally, I wouldn\u2019t mind getting one myself). But if you think your brother might prefer something offline and physical, why not try table-top\u00a0\ngames\n?\n\n\n\n\nImage credit\u00a0eclubstore.com\n\n\n\n\nGift idea for the movie buff\n\n\nGreat for date nights, lazy days and Sunday mornings, iflix\u2019s RM8 a month subscription will be sure to fill your brother\u2019s schedule. \nMovies and TV shows\n\u00a0are great for spending time with family and friends and it\u2019s so easy for you to offer your sibling that luxury at a reasonable cost. But you might say \u201cWhy iflix when we have Netflix in our region?\u201d It\u2019s really just what you prefer. Have a read\u00a0\nhere\n\u00a0over on Stuff.tv so you can be the judge.\n\n\n\n\nImage credit iflix.com\n\n\n\n\nGift idea for the stylish wanderer\n\n\nIs your brother the practical type? Is he always \non the go\n? If he is then that\u2019s why getting him a messenger bag will suit him very well. It comes in numerous styles and colours, so even if he\u2019s the picky type you will still be able to find one that will fit his fancy.\n\n\n\n\nImage credit zalora.com.my\n\n\nGift idea for the modern man\n\n\nThe Forgetful Gentleman : Thirty Ways to Turn Good Intentions into Action\n. Here\u2019s a\u00a0\nbook\u00a0\nthat will teach your brother all he needs to know about how to tie a necktie correctly, order a proper drink, and rock a suit like a boss. In other words, it will turn him into a more politically correct version of Barney Stinson. You can find\u00a0it in\u00a0local book stores like\u00a0\nKinokuniya\n.\n\n\n\n\nImage credit malaysia.kinokuniya.com\n\n\nGift idea for the guy with a sweet tooth\n\n\nOne of the best ways to unwind is to stuff your face with \nice-cream\n\u00a0at home, in bed. Some may say it\u2019s a girl thing but guys are allowed to indulge in a pint (or quart, if they\u2019re feeling adventurous) of their favourite ice-cream especially after a long week of work.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nImage credit\u00a0baskinrobbins.com.my\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dumped-for-being-overweight-singapore-mum-lost-40-kg-in-8-months", "title": "Dumped For Being Overweight, This Mum Lost 40 kg In 8 Months!", "body": "Her husband called her \u2018fat\u2019 and \u2018ugly\u2019, and complained that she didn\u2019t work.\u00a0She was eventually dumped for being overweight.\n\n\nSingapore mum Ms He Ting Luan, however, used the pain as motivation for weight loss.\n\n\nHer weight loss journey, from a hefty 95 kg to 53 kg now, is nothing short of inspiring!\n\n\nSingapore Mum Dumped For Being Overweight\n\n\n\n\nMs. He told \nLianhe Wanbao\n\u00a0that before pregnancy, she weighed only 60 kg. She piled on the pounds during pregnancy, and found it difficult to get rid of the flab after delivery.\n\n\nAt one point of time, she weighed 95 kg.\n\n\nShe has been quoted as saying, \u201cAt that time, my son was, unfortunately, diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease, and needed to be warded in the ICU.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cEvery day, I spent around 16 hours looking after him.\u00a0I didn\u2019t even have time to look in the mirror, much less lose weight.\u201d\n\n\nShe was also jobless as she had quit her job as deputy CEO at a bank to look after her sick mother.\u00a0\n\n\nFar from being understanding however, her husband taunted her for being \u2018fat\u2019, \u2018jobless\u2019 and \u2018ugly\u2019. He eventually \nleft her for another woman\n, who he later married.\n\n\nMotivation for weight loss\n\n\nHer husband\u2019s betrayal and the hurt of rejection was mummy He\u2019s biggest motivation. She went back to work, and is now\u00a0CEO at an investment firm.\u00a0\n\n\nShe also started working out in the gym during her\u00a0one-hour lunch breaks. Ms. He says that she prefers\u00a0Muay Thai and weightlifting for weight loss, and does not believe in dieting.\n\n\nShe managed to lose 40 kg in 8 months!\n\n\nThis single mummy\u2019s journey doesn\u2019t end here though. She now wants to take part in\u00a0the Mrs Singapore Pageant to encourage other mothers. She hopes that they can get inspired from her experience\n\n\nMs. He says, \u201cWinning the contest will be an affirmation of my hard work and tenacity in the face of ordeal.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cBy using myself as a successful example, I hope to encourage other mothers with low self-esteem to rediscover their confidence, and let their children be proud of them.\u201d\n\n\n(Source: \nLianhe Wanbao\n, \nStomp\n)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stop-telling-your-sons-these-10-things-raising-boys-the-right-way", "title": "Stop telling your sons these 10 things: raising boys the right way", "body": "Women empowerment, the #metoo movement, fighting gender discrimination \u2013 the world is changing. A large part of this change depends on you, mums, and how you raise your boys. If you want your son to grow up well-rounded, respectful, and kind to everyone, then you should stop telling your sons these 10 things!\n\n\n10 Things to Stop Telling Your Sons\n\n\n\n\nIf you care about your child\u2019s development, then you need to stop telling your sons these things!\n\n\n\n\n1. \u201cAct tough\u201d\n\n\nA lot of people think of men as tough, and women, emotional. That\u2019s why you often see dads telling their sons to \u201csuck it up\u201d or \u201cact tough.\u201d\n\n\nHowever, the truth couldn\u2019t be any more different. It\u2019s totally normal for some men to be sensitive, while some women are tough. People are just inherently different, and it has nothing to do with gender whatsoever.\n\n\n2. \u201cYou\u2019re acting like a girl\u201d\n\n\nWhat does it mean to \u201cact like a girl?\u201d If you think really hard about it, young boys and girls essentially have the same traits, habits, and interests.\n\n\nTelling your son that he\u2019s \u201cacting like a girl\u201d is also usually said as an insult. But there\u2019s nothing wrong with being a girl.\n\n\nAs parents, it\u2019s important to teach equality to children at a very young age, and not make their children think that one gender is superior to the other.\n\n\n3. \u201cYou need to be more manly\u201d\n\n\nWhat does being \u201ca man\u201d mean? For the most part, it means that boys should grow up to fit the stereotype of a traditional man.\n\n\nBut these days, there\u2019s really no such thing. Men come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique personalities. Instead, teach your son to embrace himself and to be proud of who he is.\n\n\n4. \u201cYou have to be big and strong\u201d\n\n\nAgain, this one plays to the stereotype of the \u201cbig and strong\u201d man. Honestly, not all men are big and strong \u2013 that depends on their genes mostly. Parents should be proud of their sons no matter what, and not force them to adhere to an outdated stereotype of what men should be.\n\n\n5. \u201cThat\u2019s not something for boys\u201d\n\n\nYou usually hear this when little boys start playing with \u201cgirl\u201d toys. But what is wrong with young boys playing with dolls? Or cooking sets for that matter?\n\n\nToys are toys, and kids love to play. It doesn\u2019t matter if they\u2019re playing with action figures, or dolls, what matters is that kids are having fun and they\u2019re learning.\n\n\nThe same goes for clothes, or colours. Who ever said that boys can\u2019t wear pink, or the so-called \u201cfeminine\u201d colours? If a little boy wants to wear a pink shirt, then who are we to stop them from doing so?\n\n\n6. \u201cDo you want people to think you\u2019re a girl?\u201d\n\n\nThis is another thing that some parents tell their sons. And if you\u2019re one of those parents, then please, stop telling your sons this phrase.\n\n\nThere is nothing wrong with being a girl, and parents should steer clear of outdated notions of gender norms.\n\n\nAcceptance and understanding are what kids need, not judgment from their parents.\n\n\n7. \u201cBoys don\u2019t cry\u201d\n\n\nIt\u2019s totally fine for boys to cry. If a young boy feels sad, then it\u2019s okay for them to express their feelings by crying. This is normal.\n\n\nValidating a child\u2019s feelings is important, and crying is a way for them to be in touch with their emotions. And parents should always validate their child\u2019s feelings.\n\n\n8. \u201cThis will turn you into a man\u201d\n\n\nThe only thing that turns boys into men is the natural process of growing up. There\u2019s no prescribed behaviour that makes a boy into a man. Saying this phrase would only make kids feel bad about themselves if they don\u2019t live up to what a \u201cman\u201d should be.\n\n\n9. \u201cBoys will be boys\u201d\n\n\nTelling kids that \u201cboys will be boys\u201d is basically teaching young men to not be responsible for their actions.\n\n\nIf a boy does something wrong, don\u2019t let it pass because \u201cboys will be boys.\u201d It only creates a culture that allows men to do whatever they want, without any repercussions or responsibility.\u00a0\n\n\n10. \u201cAre you a girl?\u201d\n\n\nStop telling your sons this phrase. This makes it seem that being a girl is a bad thing, when in reality it\u2019s not.\n\n\nNot only does this degrade your son, but it also degrades women in general. Calling someone a girl should never ever be an insult.\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\n\n\nSource: \nPsychology Today\n\n\nREAD:\u00a0\nTo the parents of boys: Here\u2019s why emotional support is so important\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bring-baby-home", "title": "How Do I Transport Baby Home From The Hospital?", "body": "You have planned for months to get ready for your precious bundle to arrive and the moment has finally come to bring baby home! Here are 5 important tips to transport baby correctly in the car.\n\n\n#1 NEVER carry baby in your arms even on short journeys!\n\n\nEven a slight jerk or sudden stop could result in baby being dropped or worse still thrown out of the car in a crash. That is why an infant car seat is a must have on your list of things to buy.\n\n\n#2 If using an infant car seat carrier, practice installing in the car before baby\u2019s due date.\n\u00a0\nBring it along to the maternity ward before being discharged.\n\n\nWith this type of car seat, baby is buckled in before installing in the car. You can take your time to secure baby in the car seat, as the first time handling a tiny baby can be a daunting experience.\n\n\nHere\u2019s the step-by-step guide:\n\n\n\n\nMake sure shoulder harness is at the lowest position.\n\n\nLoosen the harness straps and drape over the sides of the car seat to prevent them twisting.\n\n\nRemove blanket or swaddle. Place baby in the seat, making sure baby\u2019s back is fully supported with no gap in between. (Refer to Pic A)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPic A\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPull harness straps over baby\u2019s shoulders and place close to baby\u2019s neck. Make sure straps are not twisted.\n\n\nBring buckle up between baby\u2019s legs. Fit the buckle tongues together then place in the buckle to lock. (Refer to Pic B)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPic B\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCheck that the hip straps (some models may not have these) are not caught in the padding inserts. Pull up on the shoulder straps to take up the slack around the hips (Refer to Pic D), then pull the middle strap to tighten the harness (Refer to Pic C).\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPic C\n\n\n\n\nPic D\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMake sure that straps are close to baby\u2019s neck. The shoulder pads should be on the shoulder and chest, under baby\u2019s chin. If the pads are behind baby\u2019s shoulders, adjust them further down the chest to get a better fit. (Refer to Pic E)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPic E\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCheck if straps are snug enough by placing 2 fingers under the strap at baby\u2019s collarbone. If you can twist your fingers up then you need to tighten the straps again. (Refer to Pic F)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPic F\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSwaddle baby by tucking the blanket or nappy firmly around baby AFTER baby is securely buckled in. (Refer to Pic G)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPic G\n\n\n\n\n#\n3 If you are using a convertible car seat, install it in the car at least a week before baby\u2019s due date.\n\n\n\n\nCheck that the shoulder harness is at the lowest position. The distance between the lowest harness slot or position and the point where baby sits, should not be more than 21cm. If the harness height is too high, the car seat is not suitable for newborns. Check this before buying if you have not purchased your seat yet!\n\n\nThe harness should sit at baby\u2019s shoulder level or slightly below.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJoshua, 22 days old perfectly buckled in Joie i-Snug.\n\n\n\n\nJoshua, 22 days old so comfy in Joie Tilt.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJoshua, 22 days old a perfect fit in Joie Every Stage.\n\n\n\n\n#4 IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL CAR SEATS FOR BABIES MUST BE INSTALLED REAR FACING!\n\n\n\n\nAlways refer to instruction manual before installing the car seat, as every seat model may install differently even if they all look similar. Look for instruction videos by the car seat brand if reading is not your thing!\n\n\nCar seats with vehicle seat belt or isofix installations are just as safe provided they are compatible with vehicle and are fitted correctly.\n\n\nThe left rear seat position in the vehicle is usually the most ideal position to install the car seat, to have safer access to baby when putting in or getting out of the car.\n\n\n\n\n#5 NEVER take baby out of the car seat while the car is in motion.\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf you need to attend to baby, pull over to a safe spot before unbuckling.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\n\nIf the journey home is more than 45 minutes, plan a stop en-route to take baby out for a couple of minutes to check on breathing and positioning. It would be a good time to have a quick feed for baby as well.\n\n\nAfter feed, burp baby and check diaper before buckling in again.\n\n\nRemember to securely buckle baby up each time and only swaddle after buckling! Swaddling helps to calm baby down. If baby fusses, pat gently on baby\u2019s chest. You will find that the gentle vibrations of the moving car will also help soothe baby. When out of the car, you can also gently rock baby as the infant carrier doubles up as a rocker too!\n\n\nDo not leave newborn baby in the infant carrier for more than 45 minutes at a time. So if baby is asleep when you reach home, do transfer baby to crib to continue napping safely!\n\n\n\n\nMany thanks to baby Joshua for modelling so professionally during our photo session. Joshua is 22 days old in these photos and weighed in at 3.52kg and measured 50cm at birth.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nJoie Baby Malaysia\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/raw-food-diet-plan", "title": "Raw Food: Is It for Everyone?", "body": "Have you heard of the raw food diet? While people have followed similar programs since time immemorial out of necessity, proponents of this eating plan claim it will supercharge your energy and offer a host of health benefits.\n\n\nIs such a meal plan for everyone? Are there any precautions you need to take on such a diet?\n\n\nDiscover more about whether going raw is for you.\u00a0\n\n\nDifferent Types of Raw Food Diets\n\n\n\n\nEmbracing a raw food diet means eating foods as close to their natural form as possible. Adherents of this plan only heat food to\u00a0\na maximum temperature of 116 degrees\n\u00a0using a dehydrator.\n\n\nProponents of the regimen do blend and chop their meals, but they don\u2019t use additives. The reduction in salt and sugar, as well as potentially cancer-causing preparation techniques such as cured lunch meats, accounts for many of the health claims.\n\n\nRaw vegan:\n If you embrace this diet, you eschew animal products entirely. Many vegans eliminate these substances from their lifestyle \u2014 you won\u2019t even catch them wearing a leather jacket.\n\n\nRaw vegetarian:\n Some raw vegetarians eat eggs or dairy. Others may consume fish (pescatarians).\n\n\nRaw omnivorous:\n\u00a0These folks don\u2019t limit their diets to non-animal products, and they may face health risks on a raw plan from undercooked meat.\n\n\nPotential Benefits of Raw Food Diets\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThe raw food diet offers a flurry of potential benefits. If any of the following concerns you, you might consider giving a variation of the menu a go!\n\n\n1. Improved Heart Health\u00a0\n\n\nMultiple studies indicate that\u00a0\na diet high in fruits and vegetables\n decreases your risk of coronary heart disease. You may reap cardiovascular benefits if you embrace this diet, particularly if you opt for a vegan or vegetarian plan.\n\n\nYou\u2019ll not only increase your consumption of phytonutrients from colourful veggies, but you\u2019ll also boost your whole grain intake.\n\n\nA diet rich in whole grains may lower cholesterol levels, further reducing your chances of a heart attack.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Healthy Weight Loss\n\n\nAre you trying to shed excess pounds? You may do so on the raw food diet. You won\u2019t down any greasy pepperoni pizza on such a plan, and the reduction in high-calorie fats can help you drop unwanted weight.\n\n\nAdditionally, eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains provides you with a ton of filling fibre. Although your body cannot digest this substance, it creates a feeling of fullness in your gut that keeps you from reaching for snacks.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Decreased Cancer Risk\n\n\nNumerous studies have shown that eating a diet based primarily around plant sources like vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains\u00a0can reduce your risk\u00a0of developing cancer.\n\n\nGenerally speaking, it\u2019s recommended that you get five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day.\n\n\n4. Control Over Type 2 Diabetes\n\n\nResearch indicates that adopting a vegan or vegetarian form of this diet may help you manage Type 2 diabetes. One meta-analysis found that\u00a0\nvegetarians had 27% lower odds of having diabetes\n\u00a0than omnivores. The chemical changes your body undergoes can also help in weight loss efforts.\n\n\nSometimes, you develop insulin resistance from too much-refined sugar and bleached flour in your diet, but the right meal plan can help reset this function.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Increased Energy Levels\n\n\nAdherents to raw food swear that their energy levels skyrocket. This effect may occur due to increased consumption of phytonutrients, the vitamins and minerals that give plants their vivid hues.\n\n\nSome of these have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that minimize the symptoms of chronic diseases. When you feel better, you naturally have more spring in your step.\u00a0\n\n\nPrecautions to Follow on Such a Meal Plan\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEven though the diet offers potential benefits, it isn\u2019t for everyone. Consider the following before embarking on your journey.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Nutritional Deficiencies\n\n\nUnfortunately, you can\u2019t get\u00a0\nall the nutrients your body needs\n entirely from plants \u2014 despite claims to the contrary.\n\n\nThis doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t embrace a vegan diet but talk to your physician about potential supplements to prevent deficiencies.\u00a0\n\n\n2. People with Health Conditions\u00a0\n\n\nSome people with specific health conditions, such as migraines or autoimmune diseases, can find uncooked foods problematic.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nIf you\u2019re in the middle of a Crohn\u2019s flare-up, raw food could potentially increase your body\u2019s inflammatory response. If you find your symptoms worsen, consider modifying your plan.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Warnings if You Eat Animal Products\u00a0\n\n\nRaw and undercooked meats\u00a0can contain harmful bacteria\u00a0that cause gastrointestinal upset. If you choose to consume meat on this diet, you risk contracting these infections.\u00a0\n\n\nGetting Started with Raw Food\n\n\nIf you want to give the raw food diet a try, the best place to start is your local farmers market. There, you\u2019ll find the freshest organic produce that\u2019s chock-full of the highest level of nutrients.\n\n\nPlants begin to lose their nutritional value shortly after harvest, so the sooner foods move from the farm to your table, the healthier you\u2019ll feel.\n\n\nIs Raw Food for You?\n\n\nOnly you can decide if this diet will work for you. You can try the plan for a limited period and modify it to suit your lifestyle. If you reap health benefits, you may choose to stay the course!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Eat THIS fruit if you want to conceive a baby boy!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nKetogenic Diet \u2014 Here\u2019s What This Obesity Trainer Really Thinks About It\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n4 Vegan Recipes To Support Your Body At Each Phase Of Your Menstrual Cycle\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/women-fertility-tracking", "title": "A Women\u2019s Health Expert Answers Your Questions About Fertility Tracking", "body": "We sit down with women\u2019s health expert, Dr Michelle Chia of Dr Tan & Partners, to answer your questions about fertility tracking!\n\n\nWhy should I track my fertility? What are the benefits of tracking?\u00a0\n\n\nBeing aware of when your fertile or infertile periods are can be extremely useful for a woman. Whether you\u2019re trying to use this method of menstrual period counting as a form of birth control (albeit an unreliable method) or if you\u2019re trying to conceive. Tracking your fertility and having regular intercourse at the right time can increase your chances of conceiving.\n\n\nHow can I track my most fertile days?\u00a0\n\n\nTracking of your fertile period will depend on how well you know your menstrual cycle and how regular your menstrual periods are. Tracking is only reliable if you have a regular menstrual period.\n\n\nMost women track their fertile periods via downloaded apps online or by counting the days on their calendars.\n\n\nWhat are the stages of fertility throughout the month?\n\n\nA normal menstrual cycle is an average of 28 to 35 days (for the majority of women). Your period usually lasts for an average of 5-7 days. After which your body will prepare to release an egg for ovulation.\n\n\nOvulation can occur anytime between day 12 to day 16 of the menstrual cycle for most people, or sometimes even later for women with longer cycles. You are most fertile during your ovulation.\u00a0\n\n\nHow can I tell if I\u2019m ovulating?\n\n\nMost women rely on ovulation kits to check if they are ovulating to time their intercourse when they try to conceive.\n\n\nThese ovulation kits test for the presence of the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. LH usually undergoes a surge in levels just before ovulation and hence this is one of the indicators of when a woman is ovulating.\n\n\nOther methods used by women to predict ovulation will be through checking of their basal body temperature or by checking the consistency of the cervical mucus. These are however more subjective and prone to inaccuracies.\n\n\nWhat is basal body temperature?\u00a0\n\n\nSome women choose to track their body temperature daily every morning before they get out of bed. This is known as your basal body temperature, which is the baseline temperature that your body is usually at.\n\n\nDuring ovulation, it is believed that your body temperature will be raised higher than the basal body temperature. This is due to the body\u2019s response to the hormonal changes that occur during ovulation.\n\n\nHence women who track their basal body temperature will be aware of their fertile periods when they notice a change or increase in their body temperatures.\n\n\nCan my cervical mucus help to identify my fertile days?\u00a0\n\n\nWhen your body is preparing for ovulation or going through ovulation, it may produce a whitish sticky cervical mucus that you may observe on your underwear. If you notice this mucus around the timing of your mid-cycle, then you may be ovulating soon and this will be your \u201cfertile period.\u201d\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maternal-milk-origins", "title": "Imported Maternal Milk: Where Is It From And Why That Matters", "body": "Pregnancy is a journey that is undoubtedly tough on a woman\u2019s body. She goes through so many changes that are physically taxing, which is why many women turn to supplement their diets with maternal milk while pregnant to obtain the additional nutrients needed.\n\n\nBut with so many options of maternal milk in the supermarkets, how do you know which one to choose? Many brands are imported but did you realise it is important to know and understand where your maternal milk is imported from? What we want to highlight here are maternal milk origins.\n\n\nHow often do you check where the maternal milk is made? Often, when checking labels, we look at the ingredients list, the nutrients contained in the milk and also the expiry date. But we miss one of the most important elements of the label \u2014 where it is manufactured.\n\n\nYou might be wondering, why is it so important to know where it is made?\n\n\nMore often than not, we think all imported formulated milk powder comes from European countries or Australia and New Zealand. But this is a common misconception.\n\n\nIn fact, most maternal milk brands are manufactured in Thailand, Singapore or other Southeast Asian countries.\n\n\n\n\nDo you know your maternal milk origins? Does it come from Southeast Asia?\n\n\n\n\nMaternal milk origins: Why knowing where your maternal milk formula comes from is so crucial\n\n\nIs maternal milk manufactured in Southeast Asia the same as if it was fully imported? Which is better?\n\n\nThe fact is, no, it is not the same when a milk product is manufactured in Southeast Asia versus being fully imported from Europe or other countries with large dairy farming.\n\n\nHere is the main difference: single versus double manufacturing process.\n\n\nMost milk products made in Southeast Asia go through a double manufacturing process while products that come directly from a European country, like Holland (or other countries with large dairy farming) only go through a single manufacturing process.\n\n\nWhat does this mean?\n\n\nA double manufacturing process means that the milk is typically sourced from a Western country. The cows are reared overseas, the milk is extracted from the farm and then transported to a factory to be made into powder. The powder is then shipped over to Southeast Asia for brands to include their own ingredients.\n\n\nHowever, when this happens, the milk powder goes through multiple heat treatments and it is possible that natural nutrients are lost during this process.\n\n\n\n\nMaternal milk origins can tell you whether the milk has been processed multiple times or only once.\n\n\n\n\nWhy a single manufacturing process is better\n\n\nA single manufacturing process means that milk is extracted from cows in the original country, converted into powder using a mild heat treatment and then directly packaged and exported to be sold here in Malaysia.\n\n\nThis means that the brand that owns the farm is able to control the environment in which the cows are reared to ensure a thriving atmosphere. Then when the milk is transported, it is done so at the right temperature.\n\n\nBefore the milk is converted into powder, it is carefully tested for the right colour and scent to ensure that it is of the highest quality.\n\n\nNot only that, when a single manufacturing process is carried out, it is easier to preserve the natural nutrients of the milk to give expecting mummies exactly what they need for their pregnancy journey.\n\n\n\n\nThe next time you\u2019re shopping for maternal milk in the supermarket, be sure to check the source of your formulated milk powder brand.\n\n\n\n\nChoose a milk brand that you can trust\n\n\nUltimately, when shopping around for a maternal milk brand, it is important to include maternal milk origins as a factor for your decision-making in order to find a milk brand that you can trust. Choose a milk brand that preserves natural nutrients from grass to glass with a single manufacturing process straight from the very farms and cows owned.\n\n\nIt is not just about additional fortified nutrients, but the source and journey of how these nutrients are packed that will ensure natural goodness in every glass. After all, mummies only want the best for the child growing inside them.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/3-week-old-baby-sleeps-exactly-like-he-did-in-his-mothers-tummy", "title": "3-week-old baby sleeps exactly like he did in his mother's tummy!", "body": "At three weeks old, little Michael Steppling is all ready to keep the worldly stress off himself. The proof? His signature sleeping position that he used even before he was born. There are many benefits of ultrasound during pregnancy. But none are as cute as this. Michael\u2019s mum was totally bemused by this fun fact that was revealed about her little love.\n\n\nBenefits of ultrasound during pregnancy: What this mum found out\n\n\nSarah Kelleher Steppling, Michael\u2019s mum, is from South Carolina. When she was slightly over 38 weeks pregnant, her mother and grandmother encouraged her to get an ultrasound done. But Sarah wasn\u2019t quite sure. Her first ultrasound had produced a distorted image, and that\u2019s why she wasn\u2019t keen on getting it done another time. But both her mother and grandmother wanted to have the baby\u2019s photo for themselves.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen Sarah finally agreed, she was overjoyed by the benefits of ultrasound during pregnancy. She not only got to know her baby\u2019s status in terms of growth and development but also found out that her little one was so comfortable in her tummy. His adorable face and relaxed disposition, with his arms beside his head, literally melted her heart.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBenefits of ultrasound during pregnancy | Image: screencapped from \nYahoo Lifestyle\n\n\n\n\nBut for Sarah, the cutest thing she got from the ultrasound was after her baby boy came into this world. That\u2019s when she realized that Michael slept in exactly the same pose that he had taken when in the womb \u2014 with both his arms beside his head.\u00a0\n\n\nShe says: \u201cFrom day one, this kid knew how to relax.\u00a0He always slept with his hands up like that. If you were to go through my phone right now, you\u2019d find probably about a million and a half images of him sleeping in that exact same position. One day, I thought to go back and look at his ultrasound pictures. I saw that one and was like, \u2018OMG! He sleeps just like that now!'\u201d\n\n\nAn overwhelming response to cuteness personified, Michael Steppling, on the internet\n\n\nSarah shared Michael\u2019s picture from the ultrasound just three weeks before he was born along with his picture when he was three weeks old. And the internet can\u2019t get enough of him.\n\n\n\n\nMicheal Steppling suffered from jaundice | Image: screencapped from \nYahoo Lifestyle\n\n\n\n\nSarah shares: \u201cThe reaction online has been overwhelmingly positive!\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nShe\u2019s all the more touched as many parents reached out to her with support and advice seeing the blue light that Michael slept with in the picture. Sarah says:\u00a0\n\u201cHe had unexplained hemolytic anaemia and severe prolonged jaundice for the first month of his life, which is why he\u2019s resting on that blue light in the picture.\u201d\n\n\nBoth Sarah and her husband Ross Steppling are creative and musical, so Sarah feels that perhaps Michael may pick that up from his parents one day. But right now she\u2019s eagerly looking forward to hearing him say \u201cmommy\u201d for the first time.\n\n\nWhat are the benefits of ultrasound during pregnancy?\n\n\n\n\nMicheal Steppling suffered jaundice | Image: screencapped from \nYahoo Lifestyle\n\n\n\n\nUltrasound uses high-frequency sound waves that help in producing an image of the baby. Doctors usually advise getting an ultrasound or sonogram to check baby\u2019s development and be warned about any potential problems.\u00a0\n\n\nUltrasounds may be done in the first trimester for various reasons\n\n\n\n\nConfirming the pregnancy\n\n\nChecking the heartbeat of your baby\n\n\nFinding out the gestational age of your baby and the due date\n\n\nChecking for multiple pregnancies\n\n\nExamining your organs like the placenta, uterus, ovaries and cervix\n\n\nDiagnosing complications like ectopic pregnancy where the foetus does not attach to the uterus\n\n\nChecking for miscarriages\n\n\nLooking for abnormal growth in the foetus\n\n\n\n\nDuring the second and third trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound is done for many reasons\n\n\n\n\nMonitoring the growth and position of your baby\n\n\nDetermining the sex of your little one\n\n\nConfirming multiple pregnancies\n\n\nLooking at your placenta to check for problems\n\n\nChecking for characteristics of\u00a0Down syndrome around 13th and 14th week of your pregnancy\n\n\nChecking for congenital abnormalities or birth defects\n\n\nExamining the foetus for structural abnormalities or blood flow problems\n\n\nMonitoring the levels of amniotic fluid\n\n\nDetermining if your baby is getting enough oxygen\n\n\nDiagnosing problems with the ovaries or uterus, such as pregnancy tumours\n\n\nMeasuring the length of the cervix\n\n\nGuiding for other tests\n\n\nConfirming an intrauterine death\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nYahoo Lifestyle\n, \nReddit\n, \nHealthline\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-complete-delivery-bag-pack-list", "title": "The complete delivery bag pack list", "body": "Going into labour can be a stressful time and you don\u2019t want to realise that you\u2019ve forgotten to bring along something important. Here is a list of things you will need when in the hospital before and after labour:\n\n\nDocuments\n\n\n\n\nYour gynae\u2019s letter\n\n\nHospital admission form\n\n\nNRIC of husband and wife\n\n\nReceipts of your outpatient visits to gynae (to claim Medisave)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOriginal Marriage certificate to register name of baby. \n\n*You can either register your baby\u2019s name at the hospital or at Immigration and Custom Authority(ICA). Birth should be registered within 14 days from the date of birth, including Sundays and public holidays. If registration is done after 42 days, a letter of explanation stating the reason for late registration must be submitted for the Registrar/Registrar General\u2019s approval. After approval has been given, the birth will be registered and the birth certificate will be issued. Such cases can only be registered at ICA.Visit the \nICA\u2019s website\n for more information on how to register your baby.\n\n\n\n\nYour birth plan\n\n\n\n\nFor Mummy\n\n\n\n\n2-3 pairs of warm socks (your feet may feel cold during labour)\n\n\nEye mask (if you have trouble sleeping with lights on)\n\n\nNoise cancelling headsets\n\n\n1 extra pack of pads (maternity or heavy flow)\n\n\n4-5 sets disposable underwear\n\n\nTwo nursing bras and nursing pads\n\n\nOne presentable robe (for you to look presentable to your visitors or when checking on your baby in the nursery)\n\n\nMassage oil (recommended in most childbirth classes)\n\n\nTwo sets of nightgown (one that opens in the front if you are planning on breastfeeding)\n\n\nOne set of clothing for happy trip home (preferably something loose and comfy)\n\n\nCosmetics (totally optional!)\n\n\nLip balm (your lips get pretty dry during delivery and nothing more annoying than cracked lips)\n\n\nToothbrush, toothpaste, hair care product, body wash\n\n\nSpectacles (instead of contacts)\n\n\nSlippers / Flip flop\n\n\nHair ties\n\n\nBreast pump to help stimulate milk production\n\n\nNursing pillow to make positioning of babies easier especially if you have a c-section.\n\n\nComfortable clothes to go home in\n\n\n\n\nFor Dad\n\n\n\n\nSnacks or sandwich (especially for long labours)\n\n\nCoins for the hospital vending machine!\n\n\nBooks or CD\u2019s to help Mum relax.\n\n\nCamera or camcorder. Make sure your camera is fully charged.\n\n\nHandphone and charger (to spread the happy news!)\n\n\nBaby car seat for trip home. (compulsory in Singapore)\n\n\nToothpaste or tooth brush (to quickly freshen up)\n\n\nPainkillers (if you have a headache or any other body aches)\n\n\nGlasses instead of contact lens (you don\u2019t know how long labour will last)\n\n\nYour own pillow, so you can be comfortable sitting for long hours in a hospital chair\n\n\nChange of clothes\n\n\nA push present for your wife! (it\u2019s common to give your wife a gift post delivery)\n\n\nIdeas for baby names\n\n\n\n\nFor Baby\n\n\n\n\nNewborn clothing (1 set for going home as hospitals will provide clothing only during the stay. Please pre-wash them before hand)\n\n\nOne Receiving blanket (for going home)\n\n\nExtra diapers (hospitals will provide one pack of diapers, but you can bring yours if you like)\n\n\nOne set of anti scratch mittens (for going home)\n\n\nBaby wipes\u00a0or cotton balls to clean your baby.\n\n\nBaby towel: Give it to the nurses as soon as you move into your maternity home so that it can be used right after his first bath.\n\n\nToiletries: Try to avoid synthetic soap for the baby\u2019s first wash. Look for organic baby soap or avoid it completely.\n\n\nCans or bottles of infant formula if you intend to bottle-feed so your baby can start with the brand you prefer as soon as possible.\n\n\n\u00a0Good-luck charm: Take the good luck charm that you would wish to for your baby. It may be a religious charm or anything you consider lucky \u2013 maybe, a picture of your mom when she was expecting you!\n\n\n\n\nFor Siblings\n\n\nIf siblings are going to be present before or after the baby\u2019s arrives, here are some helpful things to have available for them:\n\n\n\n\nFavorite books, toys, drawing paper, crayons or markers to keep them entertained\n\n\nSnacks\n\n\n\n\nTIP: Put older siblings in charge if taking photos of their newborn little sister or brother so they will feel involved in the birth too.\n\n\nNow you\u2019re ready to have a safe delivery. Remember, every pregnant woman\u2019s needs are different get advice from your gynae on what to pack too!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-growth-spurts", "title": "Baby Growth Spurts: Timeline, Signs, and Tips", "body": "Are you noticing changes in your baby\u2019s eating,\n sleeping\n, and mood patterns? It seems that your little one is growing and changing rapidly! Infants\u2019 growth appears to be exceptionally fast during their first year of life and sometimes, everything looks as though you\u2019re on a roller coaster ride.\n\n\nWhat can you read in this article?\n\n\n\n\nWhat is a baby growth spurt?\n\n\nWhen do baby growth spurts happen?\n\n\nBaby growth spurt signs\n\n\nHow to deal with baby\u2019s growth spurt?\n\n\nBaby growth spurt and leaps\n\n\n\n\nJust when you feel like you\u2019re having a regular feeding and sleeping routine with you\nr baby, your newborn can sometimes suddenly change course.\n\n\nHe clamours for food most of the time and acts as if he\u2019s insatiable even when he\u2019s done. He becomes so irritable and an insomniac at times.\n\n\nThen just as quickly, everything seems to be back to normal. Did someone give you a heads up regarding these changes? Are you up for this roller-coaster ride to baby growth spurts?\n\n\nWhat happens during a baby\u2019s growth spurt? When does this happen? And how will you know if your child is experiencing its signs? Read more to know everything about baby growth spurt and be equipped in dealin\ng with these changes.\n\n\nBaby growth spurt\n\n\nLet\u2019s begin by knowing what a growth spurt really means.\n\n\nGrowth spurts is a time during which a baby experiences short bursts of a rapid increase in height and weight. \nBabies tend to gain triple their birth weight\n and increase an average of 10 inches (\n25 centimetres) in height.\n\n\nBefore infants undergo a growth spurt, it is noticeable that they are slowly gaining weight and eventually, this shoots up growth spurt.\n\n\nDuring this short period of time of intense and rapid growth, it is noticeable that your baby really did outgrow all his newborn outfits over the night. You are not imagining things, moms and dads! It is normal during this phase.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhen do baby growth spurts happen?\n\n\nThese developmental leaps, or baby growth spurts, occur with relative frequency according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. For instance, most young babies experience growth spurts every few weeks, or months.\n\n\nBut take note that every child is different. \nClare Bush, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Columbia University Medical Center\n says that it is impossible to say if or when these growth spurts will occur. \n\n\nBaby growth spurts may happen any time during his or her first year. Even so, some experts believe that baby growth spurts are more likely to occur at certain points such as:\n\n\n\n\n \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \n1 to 3 weeks\n\n\n \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \n6 to 8 weeks\n\n\n \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \n3 months\n\n\n \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \n6 months\n\n\n \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \n9 months\n\n\n\n\nBaby growth spurt signs\n\n\nHere are the most common signs of a baby growth spurt:\n\n\n1. Your baby is hungry more often\n\n\n\u201cEverything is revved up in the first year of life. The metabolism is quick, the frequency of needing feeds is quick,\u201d says \nDr. Joshua May\n, a pediatric endocrinologist at Los Angeles Medical Center at Kaiser Permanente.\n\n\n\u201cThose calories are going toward growth, whether it be building reserves of fat cells or building muscle or\u2014with the help of hormones\u2014actually physically changing the structure of bones.\u201d\n\n\nDuring your baby\u2019s growth spurt, you might notice that he\u2019s turning into an insatiable creature\u2014wanting to be fed around the clock. He may show signs of increased hunger by appearing restless, crying a lot, sucking on his hands, or sticking out his tongue.\n\n\nFor breastfed infants, this could mean nursing him more often, up to 18 times in 24 hours. For babies who are formula-fed, he might ask for another bottle after finishing one. \n\n\nFrom nursing him eight times a day, he may now go for 12 to 14 times a day. Older babies will also want to be nursed more and increase their intake of solid foods if the\ny are eating such.\n\n\n\n\nImage from Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n2. Your baby\u2019s sleeping pattern change\n\n\nSleep has an important role in the \nproduction of growth hormones. Before and during baby growth spurt, you will notice that he sleeps more than usual.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a sign that your baby channels his energy into growing. Although some parents claim that their \nbabies wake up more often at night,\n wake up earlier, or have a shorter nap time. This may be due to the fact that infants are hungrier more often during this period and are waking up clamouring for food.\n\u00a0\n\n\nThese changes might wear you out especially when your child sleeps less but cheer up! Baby growth spurt typically lasts for a few days. Your baby\u2019s sleeping pattern will be back to normal.\n\n\n3. Your baby becomes unusually cranky\n\n\n\n\nYou\n may find your little one clingier and more restless than usual. Your baby wants to be held most of the time and cries, getting cranky when you put\u00a0him down.\n\n\nSometimes, you might find him unsettled and fussy when normally he\u2019s calm and relaxed. There\u2019s no clear cause for these changes in your baby\u2019s behaviour.\n\n\nWe can only assume that this might be due to their changing sleeping pattern, increased hunger, or growing pains. Dr. Joshua May explained that tendons and muscles are being stretched in the body and that might be associated with some pain.\n\n\nHow to deal with baby growth spurts\n\n\nSo now you think that your child might be going through a baby growth spurt\u2014now what?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFeed your baby whenever he\u2019s hungry\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDuring this phase in your baby\u2019s growth, make \nsure that he\u2019s getting enough nourishment to support his overall development. Nurse your newborn more often if he\u2019s breastfed.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nFrequent feedings will help you stimulate more milk supply\n. If your child is formula-fed, give him an extra ounce or two of formula to his bottles. It\u2019s also fine to give him an extra bottle if he wants more.\n\n\nSoothing your baby with food most of the time might lead to overfeeding. Avoid this possibility by looking for hunger cues before giving another bottle or offering your breast. \n\n\nSee if your child likes to root around for a breast or bottle. If he is turning his head away from the bottle or breast, take it as if he\u2019s done and full.\n\n\n\n\nImage from Pexels\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHelp your newborn sleep\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKeep the lights low and still try your best to build a routine before bedtime. These things can help you establish a good sleeping environment for your child. \n\n\nIf you notice that he seems to nap more during the daytime and you\u2019re worried if he can still get enough rest during nighttime, you can wake him up and play with him.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nComfort your baby when he\u2019s fussy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBabies tend to demand more attention during this time of growth. It is inevitable to spend more time and attention to soothe your baby.\n\n\nDr. Ian M. Paul recommends alternating soothing methods during bedtime. You may do other things to get your baby to settle down aside from feeding him. \n\n\nTry re-swaddling your child, changing his diaper, singing to him, or putting on white noise. You may also talk to your child, cuddle him, or do other things that have a calming effect on him.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTake care of yourself\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYour baby will be needing more of your time and attention at this phase. Surely, you\u2019ll be feeding your child more frequently too. That\u2019s why you should really take good care of yourself. \n\n\nEat healthy foods, drink lots of water, and get enough rest if possible. If handling your baby becomes more challenging, ask for help from your partner or a friend.\n\n\nBaby growth spurt and leaps\n\n\nGrowth isn\u2019t just about having an increase in height and weight. Keep in mind that this is also connected to your baby\u2019s development.\u00a0 Aside from being unusually fussy and cranky, these behavioural changes might also indicate that a developmental leap is coming.\n\n\nIt can happen during baby\u2019s growth spurt or at a different time. So if your little one appears to be unsettled and fussy, get ready to witness a new skill unveiling before your eyes! \n\n\nMaybe sooner or later, you will see him rolling over or crawling in the bed. Maybe you\u2019re about to see your child being able to clap or grasp a toy while on a growth spurt. Now, your baby has mastered new tricks!\n\n\nAt one point in your baby\u2019s growth spurt, a physical enlargement occurs on his brain along with the rest of his body, causing his skull to also grow and fuse in turn. It explains why by the age of one, the baby\u2019s \u201csoft spot\u201d or fontanelle is closed or nearly closed according to Dr. May.\n\n\nIs it still a growth spurt or could it be something else?\n\n\nLike teething, baby\u2019s growth spurt might be confused with other issues. If you are observing baby growth spurt signs in your newborn but these signs go on beyond a few days to a week, this might be an indication that there are other conditions involved. Your baby might be feeling unwell so consult with your paediatrician right away.\n\u00a0\n\n\nEvery parent desires to see their little one grow and develop. The growth spurt is a normal and natural part of every infant\u2019s first year of life. This won\u2019t always be easy but they are lucky to have parents who will stick to them, love them, and celebrate with them through the changes and challenges.\n\n\nHow about you? What challenges did you encounter during your baby\u2019s growth spurt? Do you have tips you would like to share? We\u2019d love to know! Go and share it in the comment section!\n\n\nThis article is republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Philippines\n.\n\n\n\n\nHealthline\n, \nClevelandClinic\n, \nWebMD\n, \nTempo.co\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n\u00a0Home Remedies for Flu: 5 Foods That Will Boost Your Child\u2019s Immunity\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/causes-of-back-aches", "title": "6 Causes of Body Aches and Pains. Here\u2019s How To Treat Them!", "body": "Your health and energy before and after marriage are completely different. In fact after giving birth, your body reacts to pain differently too. Which is why some of the common causes of body aches include pregnancy and labour.\n\n\nBody aches such as back pain and joint pain are often associated with parenting mainly because having a child requires a lot of physical effort.\n\n\nYou\u2019ll be surprised by various lifting activities you have to do with your little one. From being a nursing mother to waking up in the middle of the night to calm down your crying baby.\n\n\nThere are many other causes that contribute to these body aches and pains. However there are 3 main types of body and joint pains that parents commonly experience. Here are the common causes and how to deal with them effectively!\n\n\nCommon causes of body aches experienced by parents\n\n\nStudies show that engaging in tasks involving awkward positions such as carrying your child, can increase the risk of developing back pain. According to Anna Ribaudo, \nphysical therapist from NYC Hospital\n, there are six causes of back aches experienced by parents and ways to overcome them.\u00a0\n\n\nBreastfeeding\n\n\nMothers who breastfeed their babies are more likely to get back pain due to uncomfortable body position. What you need to do is to choose a seating with back support, and position your baby on a pillow in your lap, so you don\u2019t have to lean forward when breastfeeding. Before a breastfeeding session, you can try to massage your shoulder and move your shoulders clockwise. This helps to activate your muscles and support the back of your body.\n\n\nLifting your child from the crib\n\n\nIt mostly affects your waist. All you have to do is stand, keep your feet hip-width apart lightly, and pull your child towards you. Then bend with your knees as your lift your child to your arms.\n\n\nPut your child in a high chair\n\n\nIt seems trivial but this movement gives a major impact to your spine. First of all, remove the tray on the chair, then gently put her on it. Avoid shimmy her in a narrow space between the seat and tray.\n\n\nLifting your child off the floor\n\n\nDon\u2019t bend over! Parents tend to make this mistake over and over. Instead squat down and level yourself to your child before picking him up off the floor. Try to get up as slowly as you can. Bonus point, it\u2019s a great light exercise for your back.\n\n\nBuckling your child into the car seat\n\n\nYour actions that involve bending can eventually affect your spine. Do avoid installing the carseat from outside. Practice fitting it in while you are in the car. Sit down next to the carseat with your child in your lap, then lift your child up and place him on the seat as usual. This step involves only the body being slightly rotated. It takes a longer time, however it protects your body from getting back pain in the long run.\n\n\nUse a stroller\n\n\nWhenever possible, pick up your child from the stroller by using a squatting position. When pushing the stroller, try to stand tall. Research shows that when you constantly slouch, it throws off your spine alignment. This causes your muscles and ligaments to strain in keeping you balanced.\n\n\nTypes of back aches\n\n\n\n\nSprain\n\n\nIt is a ligament injury that is often caused by a sudden twist or fall. A strain is an injury to your muscle or tendon that results from prolonged repetitive movements. The pain will stay in your back, but it does not interfere with your body movement, yet it feels intense whenever you start doing the heavy work.\n\n\nSlipped disc\n\n\nCommonly known as hernia, bulging or ruptured disc, they are all the same. It happens when your body lifts a load or you fall, suddenly. This results in the displacement of nucleus pulposus from the center of the disc. \u201cThis can cause the body limbs to become numb/weak especially from your lower back to your bottom. If this happens to your neck, your shoulder and arms will be numb. When you try to look back, it will only make things worse,\u201d said Peter G. Whang, MD., Associate Professor of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation of Yale School of Medicine. For some people, the symptoms mimic back sprain or sciatica, in which case the doctor may recommend an MRI scan for an accurate diagnosis.\u00a0\n\n\nSciatica\n\n\nCommonly happen to moms in their third trimester of pregnancy, sciatica occurs when a slipped disc pressed directly on the sciatica nerve. It too can cause the loosening of ligaments. The pain level however is different to each individual, sometimes it can just cause a mild ache, on the other hand it can lead to severe pain. Sometimes it stays only on one side of the body from your lower back to your bottom and legs.\n\n\nHow to feel better\n\n\n\n\nNo matter how you hurt yourself, the road to recovery is the same. If the pain is getting worse, seek your doctor\u2019s advice immediately. For recurring pain, you can try these home remedies:\n\n\nApply ice or heat pack\n\n\nFor a mild back pain and body ache, you can try to treat it at home yourself. Apply an ice pack on the body or heat pack to relieve the pain. It\u2019s a great therapy to relieve muscle tense.\n\n\nLie down\n\n\nBed rest helps to bounce back your body. Most doctors will recommend curling up in bed for a period of time in order to heal spine injury or sciatica. If your back hurts, take a break and lie down. The pain will eventually go away without any invasive treatment.\n\n\nUse Perozin cream\n\n\nA home remedy is not complete with using cream that helps with the pain in your muscles and joints. \n\n\nWhen applied the cream has a cooling effect, which makes the skin feels cooler and it eases the pain quickly.\n\n\n\n\nApply the cream on your lap and massage the painful area once to three times a day. For best results, apply the cream before and after a hot bath. It gives a lasting relief effect and you can play and carry your child again!\n\n\nDisclaimer: Only for external use, keep away from children.\n\n\nIf you would like to know more about Perozin cream, click \nhere\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-ways-you-damage-your-relationship-with-your-child-without-even-knowing-it-2", "title": "5 Ways You Damage Your Relationship with Your Child Without Even Knowing It", "body": "No parent is perfect. We\u2019re all bound to make mistakes when interacting with our children, but most of us do try to make our bond with our children as strong as possible. However, some things we do that may seem harmless or normal can actually be hurting our relationship with our kids. Here are some ways you damage your relationship with your child, as compiled from \nFamilyShare\n and \nQuora\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1. Constant criticism\n\n\nWe all want our children to become better, but constantly pointing out what they\u2019re doing wrong can lead your child to believe that you\u2019re disappointed in them. And not only that, criticism can also hurt their self-esteem.\n\n\nThough it\u2019s important to correct your child\u2019s behavior, you should focus on teaching, not criticism. Teach your child what to do instead and focus on what they\u2019re doing right. Try your best to maintain a 4:1 positive-negative feedback.\n\n\n2. Overprotectiveness\n\n\nIt\u2019s a dangerous world out there, and parents do need to take the necessary precautions. However, plenty of well-meaning parents end up going overboard. Their kids end up living in a bubble, totally sheltered from the real world. Thus, they don\u2019t learn to stand up on their own two feet, nor do they learn self-confidence.\n\n\n3. Always prioritizing other things\u00a0\n\n\nThere will always be something else that needs to be done\u2014housework, your job, errands\u2026 the list goes on and on. If you don\u2019t make time for your child and always put other things first, that can hurt your relationship.\n\n\nPut your phone down, turn off the television, and spend quality time with your child regularly\u2014one-on-one, if possible.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Dreamstime\n\n\n\n\n4. Not listening when your child is talking\n\n\nLet\u2019s face it, not everything your child has to say would be especially interesting to you, but that doesn\u2019t mean that you should only pretend to be listening. Kids can pick up on a lot more than you think.\n\n\nIf you really have your hands full, ask your child if he can wait until later, when you can give him your full attention. Discussing different topics that your child is interested in is a great way to strengthen your relationship and make them feel comfortable communicating with you in the future.\n\n\n5. Lashing out at\u00a0your child\n\n\nIt\u2019s normal to get angry from time to time, but taking it out on your kids is an extremely unhealthy way to deal with your feelings. Raising your voice, name-calling, and so forth gives your child a bad example on dealing with anger, and also fosters fear, instead of love.\n\n\nIf you ever lose control and act out in anger, apologise to your child right away and tell them what you should have done instead.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/follow-me-donate-hand-sanitisers-to-schools", "title": "Follow Me Aims To Create A Safer Environment For Students By Donating Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitisers To Schools", "body": "With 2022 fast approaching, Malaysians are all excited to welcome the new year with renewed hope. Whether it\u2019s for business or for leisure, everybody is busy planning for the year ahead while adjusting to new norms.\n\n\n In the midst of all this, schools are also preparing for a new school year with in-person classes. Recognising the need for better hand hygiene in schools, FOLLOW ME is taking the initiative to supply primary and secondary schools with their Anti-Bacterial hand sanitisers to keep students, teachers and staff safe.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWith this endeavour, FOLLOW ME aims to donate more than 120 bottles of 150ml Anti-Bacterial hand sanitisers to each participating school with the objectives of highlighting the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and helping students, teachers and parents curb the spread of COVID-19. \n\n\nThe hand sanitisers will be distributed to all primary and secondary schools who register through this Google Forms: \nhttps://forms.gle/NxnLDaXWR3kVCsnD9\n.\n\n\nIn accordance with the latest government-mandated standard operating procedures (SOPs), schools are installing temperature monitors and re-arranging classroom settings to comply with social distancing measures.\n\n\n The guidelines also emphasize the necessity of providing sufficient hand sanitisers in every classroom, because hands are often considered a \u201cgerm hotspot\u201d where bacteria or viruses could easily spread through contact. \n\n\nThus, V is joining the effort to ensure that every school is a safe and comfortable learning environment by donating hand sanitisers early in the new school year.\n\n\n\u201cFOLLOW ME has always been committed to providing safe and reliable personal hygiene products to Malaysians. As COVID-19 continues to make an increasing impact on the lives of more and more Malaysians every day, we hope to play our part in helping everyone stay safe,\u201d says Patrick Ee, General Manager of Tohtonku Malaysia & Singapore.\n\n\n\u201cWe hope that we are able to encourage and support our educational institutions to open their doors to students and to have students return to schools with ease of mind through this contribution of hand sanitisers.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nAs part of the registration process, each school will need to provide FOLLOW ME with a school representative\u2019s contact details and the necessary school information via the Google Form. \n\n\nUpon confirmation of the school\u2019s and representative\u2019s details, the FOLLOW ME team will arrange for the hand sanitisers to be delivered as efficiently as possible. \n\n\nIn addition, FOLLOW ME invites and welcomes members of the public to inform school administrations to participate in this initiative and to receive complimentary hand sanitisers. \n\n\nThere are more than 9,000 primary and secondary schools all across Malaysia, and FOLLOW ME is aiming to provide hand sanitisers to as many of these schools as possible. Therefore, FOLLOW ME urges all interested schools to register by the deadline of 13 February 2022.\n\n\nLearn and explore more about FOLLOW ME\u2019s products and ranges by visiting\u00a0 \nwww.followme.com.my\n. For the latest updates and promotions, please check out FOLLOW ME\u2019s\u00a0 Facebook page at \nwww.facebook.com/followmemalaysia\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBelajar Cara Mengurus Wang: Panduan Untuk Ibu Bapa Asia\nKeibubapaan\nResilience: How Your Parenting Style Can Help Nurture Your Child\u2019s Resilience\nTip keibubapaan\nIni Rupanya Cara Untuk Ajar & Latih Anak-Anak Makan Secara Sihat, Mudah Sahaja!\nKids\n\"Demam\" Avengers: Endgame Masih Belum Habis & Kini Cuti Sekolah, Apa Lagi Aktiviti Menarik Yang Anda Boleh Buat Bersama Anak?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/immunisations-child-miss-vaccine", "title": "Did Your Child Miss A Vaccine? Here\u2019s What You Need To Know", "body": "During the two-year Movement Control Order, it is possible that many parents had to postpone bringing their children to get immunisations according to the National Immunisation Schedule. This did not only happen in Malaysia, as according to the latest data from a joint study by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, as many as 23 million children worldwide have missed basic immunisation appointments in 2020, the highest number since 2009 and an increase of 3.7 million cases compared to 2019\n1\n.\n\n\nThe study also found that from this total, it is possible that up to 17 million children did not even get a single dose of vaccine in 2020\n1\n. \nThe situation is alarming and the WHO warns that this could lead to serious health problems.\n\n\nWHO Director-General said that as the world is focusing on the Covid-19 vaccine, other immunisations have been left behind, putting children at high risk of serious but vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles, polio and meningitis\n1\n.\n\n\n\n\nImage adapted from Info Sihat, December 2020\n\n\n\n\nThe Importance of Completing Children\u2019s Immunisations According to Schedule\n\n\nChildren should get their immunisations on time because:\n\n\n\n\nIt helps reduce the risk of serious illnesses\n3\n\n\n\n\nCompleting immunisations according to schedule helps protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases, for example, measles, hepatitis, polio, tuberculosis and diphtheria. Through complete immunisation as well, the risk of facing serious complications due to a disease can be reduced. For example, measles usually results in complications such as diarrhoea, pneumonia, encephalitis and ear infection\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIt protects your family members and community\n3\n\n\n\n\nWhen we get sick or infected with a virus, we easily spread the virus to people around us. Chickenpox, for example, is highly contagious and easily spreads through droplets from an infected person. It can cause serious complications to adults and can even be life-threatening to newborn babies\n5\n. \n\n\nIn addition, pregnant women who are exposed to the chickenpox virus are also at high risk of getting pneumonia, with her baby facing a slight risk of birth defects, known as congenital varicella syndrome\n6\n.\n\n\nCompleting immunisations on schedule is one way to protect your family and community, especially those who are unable to receive immunisations for specific reasons. You play an important role in ensuring that diseases that have been eradicated do not resurface and threaten our community today.\n\n\n\n\nIt can help to provide optimal protection\n7,8\n\n\n\n\nImmunisations are given over a set period of time to ensure that the body produces effective protection. The immunisation schedule is set based on how a child\u2019s immune system responds to the vaccine at different ages. The total vaccine dosage and duration of protection of each vaccine vary according to the particular type of vaccine.\n\n\nWhat Happens When You Miss An Immunisation Appointment?\n\n\nWe interviewed a paediatrician, Dr. Ng Yi-Ki to provide you with a better understanding on this matter as well as the safety of getting immunised without following the given schedule.\n\n\n\u201cYou will notice that most of the primary vaccinations are done before a baby turns a year old and boosters are given in their second year of life. This is because their immune system has not had the chance to fully develop yet, making them most vulnerable to infections. So, when we miss an immunisation appointment, we are inevitably putting them at (high) risk of contracting dangerous diseases that can be potentially life-threatening.\u201d \u2013 Dr Ng Yi-Ki.\u00a0\n\n\nDr Ng Yi-Ki also added that the childhood vaccination schedule in Malaysia is designed to offer a complete, optimal and well-tolerated protection possible.\n\n\n \u201cIt is important that our baby receives all the required doses according to schedule in order to be fully protected. Opting for an alternative immunisation regime without first discussing with your doctor can jeopardise the child\u2019s protection against vaccine-preventable diseases,\u201d advised Dr Ng Yi-Ki.*\n\n\nWhat You Should Do To Catch Up On Your Child\u2019s Missed Immunisation\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry if your child has missed a few of their immunisation appointments. If you want to get a new appointment, here\u2019s what you need to do\n8\n:\n\n\n\n\nContact your regular paediatrician to get a new appointment.\u00a0\n\n\nBring along your child\u2019s immunisation records. The doctor will advise you accordingly regarding the missed immunisations.\u00a0\n\n\nEnsure that your child is ready to receive the immunisation on the day of the appointment.\u00a0\n\n\nGet the next appointment date, if there are more immunisations to catch up on.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nKeep the immunisation records for any future references.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProtect Yourself, Your Family and Your Community\u00a0\n\n\nThere is no doubt that vaccines play an important role in developing immunity against certain diseases.\n\n\nHowever, there are still basic practices that we have to apply in our everyday lives in order to help protect ourselves from any kind of infections, for example, maintaining good personal hygiene such as washing hands frequently, wearing a face mask and avoiding crowded spaces when we are unwell, leading a healthy lifestyle, eating well and ensuring that the environment we live in is always kept clean and hygienic.\u00a0\n\n\nBefore we end this article, here\u2019s Dr. Ng Yi-Ki\u2019s final advice for all parents out there:\n\n\n\u201cAs parents, we want to do everything possible to help protect our children from harm. While we can only take physical precautions to protect them against some diseases like common viral coughs and colds and Hand-Foot-Mouth disease, we have vaccinations which are historically and scientifically proven to help protect them against more dangerous and potentially debilitating and life-threatening conditions. Completing their vaccinations on time is paramount. Let\u2019s not skip or delay them.\u201d*\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nIf you have questions about ways to prevent diseases in children, immediately seek advice from the doctor. Always make a decision after getting thorough information because what you decide for your child will also have a huge impact on your family and community.\n\n\n*This information is provided as a professional service by MSD. The views expressed in the publication reflects the experience and opinions of the authors.\n\n\nMY-VVX-00117 Jun/2022\n\n\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nUnicef. COVID-19 pandemic leads to major backsliding on childhood vaccinations, new WHO, UNICEF data shows. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/press-releases/covid-19-pandemic-leads-major-backsliding-childhood-vaccinations-new-who-unicef-data\n. Last Accessed: 8 Jun 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nInfo Sihat. Jadual Imunisasi Kebangsaan Terkini. Available From: \nhttps://www.infosihat.gov.my/penerbitan-multimedia/garis-panduan/item/jadual-imunisasi-kebangsaan-terkini.html\n. Last Accessed: 8 Jun 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nUnicef. 7 consequences and risks of not getting your child routinely vaccinated. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/indonesia/stories/7-consequences-and-risks-not-getting-your-child-routinely-vaccinated\n. Last Accessed: 8 Jun 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Measles \u2013 Symptoms and causes. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857\n. Last Accessed: 8 Jun 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vaccine (Shot) for Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/diseases/varicella.html\n. Last Accessed: 12 Jul 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chickenpox (Varicella) For Healthcare Professionals. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/hcp/index.html\n. Last Accessed: 8 Jun 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMyHealth. Immunisation: Facts and Myths. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/imunisasi-fakta-dan-kemusykilan/\n. Last Accessed: 8 Jun 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nUCLA Health. How to catch up on your child\u2019s missed vaccinations. Available From: \nhttps://connect.uclahealth.org/2021/05/20/how-to-catch-up-on-your-childs-missed-vaccinations/\n. Last Accessed: 8 Jun 2022.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lymphatic-drainage-massage", "title": "What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Should You Be Getting It?", "body": "The world of wellness is trending and everything health related is more popular than ever, including lymphatic drainage. Initially developed in the 1930s by the Danish physicians Emil and Estrid Vodder, it was mainly for the treatment of lymphedema \u2013 a condition caused by the buildup of lymph in the soft tissue of the body. If you\u2019re curious as to what exactly lymph is and why you should drain it then continue reading:\n\n\nLymph is a naturally occurring fluid that transports nutrients, white blood cells, and oxygen throughout the body. During its journey through the body, it collects toxins which are then released through the lymph nodes. If you\u2019re hospital prone, a doctor would definitely have inspected your lymph nodes before as the lymph system is part of the immune system meaning it fights infections.\n\n\nFun fact: you have around twice as many lymph vessels in your body as compared to blood vessels! A not so fun fact: your blood vessels are pumped around by your heart but unfortunately, the lymph system doesn\u2019t have a pump or anything equivalent to a pump.\n\n\nSo, to maintain a healthy flow of lymph, and in turn a healthy immune system, lymphatic drainage is recommended. Also known as manual lymph drainage, the therapeutic massage treatment revolves around gentle, rhythmic strokes applied onto specific areas of the body. Note that as the treatment is to detox, some may feel exhausted after a lymphatic drainage whereas others may feel rejuvenated.\u00a0\n\n\nRegardless of how you feel after, just remember that lymphatic drainage is known for these benefits:\n\n\n\n\nFights infections and speeds up the recovery period from infections\n\n\n\nReduces water retention\n\n\n\nReduces swelling and even prevents swelling post injury or surgery\n\n\n\nBoosts weight loss by improving the metabolic rate\u00a0\n\n\n\nPost-exercise recovery\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re intrigued by lymphatic drainage but can\u2019t decide if you need a treatment, then read through these symptoms:\n\n\n\n\nFrequent infections, like allergies or colds\n\n\n\nPuffy eyes, face, or limbs\n\n\n\nSwollen glands, breasts, or any type of bloating\n\n\n\nConstipation, indigestion or diarrhoea\n\n\n\nMuscle or joint soreness\n\n\n\n\nEven if the symptoms don\u2019t resonate and you\u2019re just curious as to how it would compare to other types of massages then visit these locations:\n\n\nIn Malaysia\n\n\nOzmosis Health & Day Spa\u00a0\nin Bangsar\u00a0\n\n\nBe Urban Wellness\n\u00a0in Damansara Heights\u00a0\n\n\nHammam Spas\n\u00a0in various locations\n\n\nIn Singapore\n\n\nLifeSpa\n\u00a0in various locations\u00a0\n\n\nHeal Spa\u00a0\nin various locations\u00a0\n\n\nHealing Touch Spa\u00a0\nin various locations\n\n\nIn Hong Kong\n\n\nThe Oriental Spa\n\u00a0in Central\n\n\nAyana Spa\n\u00a0in Central\n\n\nPlateau Spa\n\u00a0in Wan Chai\n\n\nLymphatic drainage is not recommended in these cases:\n\n\n\n\nCongestive heart failure\n\n\n\nInflammation or infection of the lymphatic vessels\n\n\n\nIncreased risk of blood clotting\n\n\n\nSkin infection\n\n\n\nPost-surgery lymphedema marked by localized swelling\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, you can boost the functioning of your lymphatic system and detox naturally by:\n\n\n\n\nStaying hydrated and drinking plenty of water to literally flush out the toxins\n\n\n\nStaying active physically as movement exerts positive pressure on the lymphatic vessels\u00a0\n\n\n\nMaintaining a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables, like pegaga\u00a0\n\n\n\nReducing your intake of processed food\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nPertandingan & promosi\nTunai Impian Anak Anda dengan Hadiah Biasiswa Pendidikan INI\nTip keibubapaan\nWiggle Boks, Kotak Keperluan Bayi Yang WAJIB Dimiliki Semua Ibu Bapa Sibuk!\nAges & Stages\nMarkings On The Wall: Why Measuring Your Child's Height Is So Important\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Balik Kampung? Ini 5 Barang Wajib Ada Untuk Si Manja Anda\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maid-in-singapore-jailed-for-hurting-baby-with-a-knife", "title": "Maid jailed for hurting baby with a knife!", "body": "Do the maid horror stories never end? In the most recent case of maid abuse, a married Filipino maid was arrested for horrendously physically abusing her employer\u2019s nine-month-old baby.\u00a0\n\n\nMaid Horror Stories: She Tortured a Baby with a KNIFE\n\n\nAccording to \nChannel NewsAsia\n, the Filipino maid \u2013\u00a0Leslie Ann Belmonte Dieza, 36, \u2013 arrived in Singapore in 2016.\u00a0\n\n\nShe is reportedly married to a man who also works in Singapore. However, they had a rough relationship as Dieza was apparently involved in an affair with another man \u2013 Raymond.\u00a0\n\n\nOn April 11, 2018, Dieza was at her Australian employer\u2019s condominium unit, looking after the baby who was around one year old. However, during this time, Dieza got into an argument with her lover, Raymond, on a video call.\u00a0\n\n\nIn her fury, the woman decided to record herself abusing the small baby. She wanted to show this to Raymond as proof of what she was capable of when angry, say reports.\u00a0\n\n\nThe events that occurred next are as horrifying as they are heartbreaking.\u00a0\n\n\nReportedly, the baby was on the bed getting ready for a nap. It was then that Dieza put her mobile phone on the bed, with the camera aimed at the baby, and started to record.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the 1 minute 34 second long video, the woman is seen holding down the baby\u2019s face into the mattress, smothering him with a pillow, and then shaking him. She also lifted the child by his hair, throwing his back down against a pillow.\u00a0\n\n\nThe baby boy screamed in pain through it all.\u00a0\n\n\nBut this was not all.\u00a0\n\n\nLater on the same day, Dieza was in the kitchen with the baby when she decided to record herself abusing him again \u2013 this time, with a knife.\u00a0\n\n\nShe grabbed his arm and used the flat side of the knife to hit him on the buttocks. Again, the baby was howling in pain through the 35 second-long video.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLover and Husband Get Video Clips\n\n\nAfter recording, Dieza sent the two videos to Raymond. Disturbed at what he saw, Raymond asked his sister to get in touch with the maid\u2019s husband. The videos were sent to the husband, who later called the police, saying he thought his wife was not fit to look after a baby.\u00a0\n\n\nHe said: \u201cMy wife Leslie Ann is working here as a domestic helper. She is taking care of a kid. With her state of mind, she is not in the right capacity to take care of a kid. I am worried for the safety of the kid and also worried of losing my job here because of her.\u201d\n\n\nDieza was arrested that same night, and the baby was taken to hospital for a check. He had a cut on one foot and two old wounds on his back.\u00a0\n\n\nChannel NewsAsia\n reports that \u201cDistrict Judge Jasvender Kaur sentenced Dieza to nine months\u2019 jail for two charges of ill-treating a child.\u201d\n\n\nFair Punishment?\u00a0\n\n\nIs nine months jail punishment enough for a woman who tortured a baby with a knife? This aside, the latest episode in a series of maid horror stories only highlights the intense need for careful screening of all domestic workers for mental health issues.\u00a0\n\n\nYes, the government screens these workers. But you, as employers, also need to look out for red flags in your maid\u2019s behaviour too.\u00a0\n\n\nTo learn more about these warning signs, please read this article: \u201c\n8 warning signs it\u2019s time to let your helper go.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nPerkembangan kanak-kanak\nGive your child so much more for his overall growth and development\nLifestyle\n3 Easy Indoor Activities to Keep The Kids Entertained\nKesihatan\nApa Itu Cacar Air & Kenapa Kita Perlu Melindungi Anak Daripadanya?\nAktiviti anak\n8 awesome ideas to keep your child busy\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nChannel NewsAsia\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-pink-stuff-cleaning-products", "title": "TAP Reviews: The Pink Stuff Cleaning Products", "body": "Every millennial parent (and non-parent) obsessively (but sometimes secretly) watches cleaning and organising videos online. You can try to deny it, but if it\u2019s a really good cleaning video, there\u2019s just something so addictive about it that we can\u2019t help but to stop and watch the whole thing just to see how satisfyingly clean the end result is. I will be the first to admit that I definitely follow a lot of cleaning accounts online, across all my social media platforms. One of the most popular videos that always pops out is The Pink Stuff.\u00a0\n\n\nSo having piqued my curiosity to an almost unhealthy level, I added the products to my cart on Shopee and received The Pink Stuff\u2019s The Miracle Cleaning Paste within days to try out. A little background: I just moved out of my apartment into a rented landed house that was unoccupied for the past 5 years. So some of the things in the kitchen needed a really good scrub.\u00a0\n\n\nHaving used The Pink Stuff Miracle Cleaning Paste on some old pots and pans and even the exterior of my landlord\u2019s fridge, I was pretty satisfied with the results and when the opportunity arose to review a whole range of their other products, I jumped at it.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Pink Stuff Cleaning Products Review:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Miracle Cleaning Paste (RM25.99) \u2013 This product is AMAZING in getting out old stains on crockery, utensils, tiles, glass and various other stainless steel products. However, the older or more \u201cgunky\u201d the stains are, the harder they are to clean out. The Miracle Cleaning Paste contains some really tiny abrasive materials, so I really would not recommend using it on ceramic induction cookers or other surfaces that might scratch easily. It is also highly recommended that you wear gloves when you using this product so you don\u2019t damage your own skin. With newer stains, simply applying a thin layer of paste over the stain and using the rough side of a dishwashing sponge to scrub gently, then wiping it off with a cloth, should yield very good results. But with really old grime like on gas stove tops, this might require a lot more scrubbing and quite a lot of The Miracle Cleaning Paste to get the dirt out.\n\n\n\nThe Miracle Multi-Purpose Cleaner (RM20.22) \u2013 I have used this spray on just about everything at this point. I\u2019ve used it to clean my kitchen counter tops, my bathroom mirror, my oily kitchen backsplash, my car dashboard and even spritzed a little on my nylon pants when I accidentally got make up on it. And it has worked on all, producing incredibly clean results and a nice fruity scent afterward that isn\u2019t too overpowering.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe Miracle Bathroom Foam Cleaner (RM23.99) \u2013 Remember earlier when I mentioned that I had moved into an uninhabited home? Well, besides the kitchen that had stubborn stains that took me hours of cleaning to get out, the bathrooms were in a dire state too. The shower glass doors were so water-stained and there were too many unidentified stains surrounding the sink that I was a little put off by them. Thankfully, just a few spritzes of the foam cleaner and a quick wipedown of the surfaces with a microfibre cloth made the bathroom fresh and clean again.\n\n\n\nThe Miracle Laundry Bio Liquid (RM29.99) \u2013 We used this liquid detergent to wash our clothes and one of the main indicators of success I was looking for with this trial was whether it would get the smelly odour of my gym clothes out. Having tried so many brands to find one that could remove the odour completely, the Bio liquid did quite a good job at that. Since the smell was mostly gone, I\u2019d say this liquid detergent was about 99% successful in removing that stubborn odour.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe Miracle Laundry Sensitive Non Bio Liquid (RM29.99) \u2013 Having a toddler with eczema at home means I am always very cautious about the types of laundry detergent I use to wash his clothes. I tried this laundry detergent to see if it would be suitable for him and thankfully, it was great for him! The clothes also smelled really great and it got every single spaghetti sauce stain out with just one wash.\n\n\n\nThe Miracle Laundry Oxi Powder Stain Remover (Whites \u2013 RM26.09) \u2013 If it is one rule I\u2019ve stuck with almost all of my life, it is to avoid wearing white. I am a klutz and I tend to spill food on my clothes all the time. And when I wear white, it seems like Murphy\u2019s Law will strike all the more. So I almost never wear white because once it\u2019s stained, I can\u2019t get the stain out. I did not use it on my own clothes this time, but with my husband\u2019s white work shirt. I think many guys would probably face this same issue where the stains would likely appear around the armpit region and also the neck collar region. So I popped a scoop of this into the washing machine with his white shirts and to my pleasant surprise, the shirts came out a lot newer looking than before! I might start wearing white more often now with this miracle stain removing agent at home!\n\n\n\nThe Miracle Laundry Oxi Powder Stain Remover (Colours \u2013 RM26.09) \u2013 In a household where I am also always getting my toddler\u2019s sticky hands wiping down on all of my clothes, I am glad to have this stain remover handy for my laundry loads because I always have stains on my clothes. But since my clothes are usually darker coloured, I can kind of get away with the stains sometimes. But there was once my toddler decided that he would eat cheese sticks and then proceed to wipe his orangey hands all over my favourite black t-shirt and denim shorts\u2026 I was pretty horrified because you can\u2019t hide a bright orange stain on a black t-shirt or denim! So I quickly popped it into the washing machine with a scoop of this and by the time the short 30-minute wash cycle was over, I was hanging up stain-free clothes. I have also tried this on period-stained bedsheets and it cleaned it out very nicely.\n\n\n\n\nSo all in all, my experience with the entire range of The Pink Stuff\u2019s miracle products has been a good one. I do believe that the hype that these products have created is valid, considering how effective the products are in getting out all kinds of stains in general and they are also very gently scented so it is not overpowering to sensitive noses either.\u00a0\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nIf you want to try out this range of products too, visit The Pink Stuff Official Store Malaysia on \nShopee\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/man-arrested-for-molesting-a-girl-at-a-carnival-after-a-video-of-the-lewd-act-goes-viral", "title": "Man arrested for molesting a girl at a carnival after a video of the lewd act goes viral", "body": "A man in Kedah, Malaysia was caught on video molesting a young girl.\u00a0In the Malaysian viral video, the seven-year-old girl sits on the man\u2019s lap as he kisses and fondles her chest and puts a hand up her skirt.\n\n\nThe video has been widely shared and child\u2019s right advocates have requested social media users to stop sharing it, as in the original video, the girl\u2019s face was not obscured to protect her identity.\n\n\nMalaysian viral video leads to the arrest of child predator\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Facebook\n\n\n\n\nThe man allegedly asked the girl\u2019s mum if he could bring the child out for some food, reports Channel News Asia. Because he was a family friend, the mum obliged. The girl was brought back home two hours later.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter stumbling across the video, the horrified mum recognised her own little girl. Furious, she reported the crime to the police. She then confronted the man, who reportedly apologised and tried to escape.\n\n\nAuthorities caught up with him and he was arrested on the afternoon of 22 January.\n\n\nThe Malaysian viral video sheds light on child sex abuse red flags all mums and dads should always remember!\n\n\n\n\nImage source: File photo\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s heartbreaking to think that, in some cases, family friends or even our own relatives can\u2019t be trusted with our kids, as proven by the Malaysian viral video. Just two weeks before the incident, a \nMalaysian man was caught trying to rape his three-year-old niece\n.\n\n\nIn fact, \nstatistics\n show that a family member or friend is more likely to sexually abuse a child, rather than a complete stranger.\u00a0\n\n\nAs such, it always pays to be extremely cautious of who you leave your children alone with, even if your child is old enough to speak for themselves.\n\n\nAbuse disempowers, and with the added stigma of sexual abuse, it is not always easy for victims to speak up about it.\n\n\nMums and dads, don\u2019t ever forget to watch out for these \nwarning signs\n\u00a0in a family friend or relative, regardless of their gender:\n\n\n1. A sexual abuser will make every effort to get your child alone\n\n\nTo \u201cgroom\u201d a child, a predator must first \u201cgain their trust.\u201d Beware of any relative or family friend who insists on spending time alone with your kid, even if it\u2019s just for just an hour or two.\u00a0\n\n\n2. They often question your parenting ability\n\n\nTo assert their place in a child\u2019s life, a sexual predator will often undermine your authority.\n\n\nThis is their own way of pushing you out of your child\u2019s life, to make them feel more \u201clikeable\u201d in the eyes of the child.\n\n\n3. They shower kids with lavish gifts\n\n\nBeing giving isn\u2019t necessarily a telltale sign. This act becomes suspicious when a normally stingy relative or family friend suddenly buys your kid unreasonably expensive gifts.\n\n\nOf course, you don\u2019t have to confront them because of this. They could just be feeling extra generous. But it\u2019s important not to allow your kids to be alone with them, just to be safe.\n\n\n4. They are extremely affectionate, insisting on kissing and touching your child\u00a0\n\n\nYes, some relatives and family friends are just \u201cshowy\u201d when it comes to affection. But a potential predator encroaches upon your child\u2019s personal space.\n\n\nThey get \u201ctoo close for comfort,\u201d as they say. Observe how they look at your kid. Take note of every stray glance when they think no one\u2019s looking. Trust your gut.\n\n\n5. They take your kid without permission\n\n\nEven if they just took them to a nearby park, it doesn\u2019t matter. They led your kid out of their home without asking if they\u2019re allowed to do so. This should already arouse suspicion.\u00a0\n\n\nRemember: Sexual abusers strategically place themselves in the life of a child he or she is targeting in a way that seems safe and normal.\n\n\nA predator often wants to isolate a child after they have gained the trust of their family to carry out their horrific plans.\n\n\nThough these signs don\u2019t always confirm someone is a sexual predator, it always helps to be extra careful, especially if your child is still too young to speak up.\n\n\nTrust your gut, mums and dads, because your instincts are often correct.\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nChild Lures Prevention\n, \nCNN\n, \nChannel News Asia\n\n\nPartner Stories\nHealth\nEverything You Need To Know About Immunisation For Your Child In Malaysia\nKanak-Kanak\n4 Kesilapan Ibu-ibu Mesti Elak Supaya Kanak-kanak Tidak Terbantut\nKesihatan\nZespri Green Kiwifruit \u2013 a much needed fibre boost for your child!\nKeibubapaan\nDibelenggu Masalah Kulit Kering dan Gatal? Sapukan Losyen Ini Untuk Kelegaan Serta Merta\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/growing-up-milk-powder", "title": "Does your toddler really need growing-up milk?", "body": "As parents, you want only the best nutrition for your little one\u2019s development. Breast milk is a vital source of nutrition as soon as a baby is born. And even once your baby stops breastfeeding, milk continues to be an essential part of their diet throughout the toddler and school age years. While some parents switch to fresh cow\u2019s milk after their child turns one year or stops nursing, others prefer to buy growing up milk powder.\u00a0\n\n\nBut is growing up milk really essential for your toddler?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nGrowing up milk powder: Yes or no?\u00a0\n\n\nGrowing up milk powder, designed for kids aged one to three, is \nfortified with vitamins and minerals\n. It also usually has higher levels of iron than other formula milk powders.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are many toddler milk brands in the market, most of which promise only the best nutrients for growth and development. But is this milk option the best for your toddler? What do the experts say?\u00a0\n\n\nThe World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that mums continue to breastfeed until their babies reach the age of two or older while introducing other nutritious foods. They maintainthat breast milk is still the best source of nourishment in a growing child\u2019s \u201cprogressively diversified diet.\u201d\n\n\nThey also believe \u201cfollow-up formula is unsuitable when used as a breast-milk replacement from six months of age onwards.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThough \nnot always a required addition\n to a child\u2019s diet, growing up milk powder can \n\u201ccompensate for nutritional deficiencies\u201d\n that can occur when transitioning babies to certain solid foods.\u00a0\n\n\nSome paediatricians will even recommend certain types of growing up milk powder if a child, say, \nhas to gain weight\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy do some think growing up milk powder is unnecessary?\n\n\nSome parents believe fresh cow\u2019s milk is more nutritious because it contains less sugar than many toddler formula milks. Some types of growing up milk powder may contain up to\u00a0\n7.9 grams of sugar per 100 ml\n, while full fat cow\u2019s milk only contains 4.7 grams.\u00a0But many growing up milk powder manufacturers have since \naddressed these concerns\n, making sure their sugar content is significantly lessened.\n\n\nThey have also made efforts to provide key nutrients: vitamin D, vitamin A, iodine, iron, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. These can help compensate for certain nutrition deficiencies in children.\u00a0\n\n\nEither way, it\u2019s always good to consult your paediatrician when choosing the best milk for your fast-developing little one. And if possible, breastfeed for as long as you can, as your breast milk will change to accommodate your growing child\u2019s changing nutritional needs.\u00a0\n\n\nDo you think growing up milk is good for your little one? Let us know in the comments below.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n \nNational Center for Biotechnology Information\n,\n The Guardian\n,\n\u00a0\nWorld Health Organisation (WHO),\n\u00a0\nTimes Live\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/open-ended-toys", "title": "Open-Ended Toys That Will Make Your Child Put Down the Tablet", "body": "\n\nHow much is too much screen time for children? Well, there\u2019s no one right answer, especially during this ongoing pandemic. You may still want to set limits to the amount of time they spend on their tablets or computers, but they don\u2019t need to be too rigid. You can mix up your child\u2019s screen time routine with other offline options. Open-ended toys are great alternatives, and they are every bit as exciting as the tablet.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat are open-ended toys?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOpen-ended toys are toys that can be played in many different ways. They don\u2019t dictate how the child should play.\n\n\nThe same toy could be given to five different children, and each would play with the toy in a different way depending on their imagination, developmental ability and personal interests.\n\n\nFor example, pretend food, wooden building blocks and action figurines. And the same toy can be played with by children of different ages, whether it\u2019s a toddler, a preschooler or beyond. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBenefits of open-ended toys\n\n\nOpen-ended toys are amazing for children\u2019s development. They benefit children in a number of ways, namely:\n\n\n\n\nCreativity and imagination\n\n\n\n\nSince open-ended toys don\u2019t come with a fix set of rules on how to play with them, children are allowed to fully unleash their creativity to its fullest. They are free to express their imaginations and make their own decisions on how they play.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nSocial-emotional development\n\n\n\n\nOpen-ended toys create fantastic opportunities for children to learn courteous social behaviour and how to consider their friends\u2019 emotions during playtime. For instance, children learn how to work with others to create a make-believe scenario with their dolls. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nBecome open to learn new concepts\n\n\n\n\nPlaying with open-ended toys can help children become inquisitive learners. If, for example, they bring their animal figurines to play at the park, it might stimulate their interest to learn about the birds that fly past or the types of flowers they see there.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTypes of open-ended toys for all ages\n\n\nHere are some great open-ended toys and resources to choose from (sorted into different categories of play):\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nSensory play\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Pop fidget\n\n\n\u2013 Kinetic sand\n\n\n\u2013 Cloud dough\n\n\n\u2013 Playdough\n\n\n\u2013 Slime\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Dish soap\n\n\n\u2013 Fabric (e.g. felt, silk, muslin)\n\n\n\u2013 Pantry items (e.g. rice, pasta, beans, food dye)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nConstruction play\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Lego\n\n\n\u2013 Duplo\n\n\n\u2013 Magnetic tiles\n\n\n\u2013 Mobilo\n\n\n\u2013 Wooden blocks\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\u2013 Jenga blocks\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Trainset\n\n\n\u2013 GRIMM\u2019s blocks\n\n\n\u2013 Gluckskafer slats\n\n\n\u2013 Bristle blocks\n\n\n\u2013 Rainbow blocks\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nPretend play\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Costumes\n\n\n\u2013 Fabrics\n\n\n\u2013 Dolls\n\n\n\u2013 Doll house\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Puppets\n\n\n\u2013 Cardboard\n\n\n\u2013 Pretend food and dinnerware\n\n\n\u2013 Toy cash register\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4.\u00a0\nFine motor play\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Scoops and spoons\n\n\n\u2013 Playdough\n\n\n\u2013 Tweezers\n\n\n\u2013 Threading activities\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Gardening\n\n\n\u2013 Getting dressed with buttons and zippers\n\n\n\u2013 Perler beads\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nSmall world play\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Toy vehicles\n\n\n\u2013 Animal figurines\n\n\n\u2013 Dolls\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Miniature furniture\n\n\n\u2013 Felt playmats\n\n\n\u2013 Natural objects (e.g. shells, pebbles)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nCognitive play\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Puzzles\n\n\n\u2013 Matching games\n\n\n\u2013 Logic games (e.g. Chocolate Fix, Kanoodle, ColorKu)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 MathLink cubes\n\n\n\u2013 Dominoes\n\n\n\u2013 Rainbow Pebbles (a sorting and classifying activity set)\n\n\n\u2013 Magnetic counting chips\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHow to choose the right toys\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n7 Things to remember before buying toys for your children\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nEngage Your Kids With Child Brain Development Activities. Here\u2019s How.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sleep-tips-mothers", "title": "10 Great Sleep Tips for Working Moms", "body": "Being a working mom requires a delicate balance of parenting skills, professional expertise, and sleep. While the first two ingredients are down to you, mostly, the third item on that list \u2013 sleep \u2013 can be a little out of reach at times, due to a number of circumstances.\n\n\nNo two people\u2019s experience of being a working mom are exactly the same, and there will be a myriad of factors affecting the quality of sleep that you get. These ten tips, however, can contribute to a better night\u2019s sleep in the right circumstances.\n\n\nSwitch off screens at least an hour before bedtime\n\n\nScreen time just before we try to get to sleep has a detrimental impact on us achieving our ambition. The screen over stimulates our eyes and our brains, and from there it takes a considerable amount of time for us to arrive at a suitable level of relaxation to sleep. Just switch off those screens with plenty of time to spare before you go to sleep, and enjoy another activity such as reading before you shut your eyes.\u00a0\n\n\nDevelop a bedtime routine\n\n\nWe take care in creating a regular bedtime routine for the kids as this helps in getting them to sleep at a particular time every night, but what about ourselves? Just because we are older it doesn\u2019t mean that we don\u2019t benefit from routines too, so employ regular rituals which get you in the mid-frame for a good night\u2019s rest.\n\n\nWhose turn?\n\n\nIf you have really young children who you know will wake up in the middle of the night, take it in turns with your partner to take responsibility to wake up. The biggest mistake you can make is to both be woken night after night. One bad night\u2019s sleep will affect you, but not too detrimentally. A couple of bad night\u2019s sleep in a row will really start to make an impact, so have a system whereby at least one of you is getting a proper night\u2019s sleep every night.\n\n\nLimit stimulants before bed\n\n\nCaffeine isn\u2019t recommended in the couple of hours leading up to going to bed. In fact, many people don\u2019t consume coffee any time after lunch. Plus, drinking liquids near bedtime will result in you needing to get up in the middle of the night.\n\n\nIf you wake, don\u2019t stress\n\n\nWaking up in the middle of the night, even if it\u2019s by your own accord, is no reason to get stressed. Lying there and looking at the clock, calculating how many minutes you have until you get up is a detrimental activity too. Accept that you have woken, and try reading to relax your mind. Don\u2019t get stressed.\n\n\nGo to bed early enough\n\n\nSeven hours is the minimum amount of sleep recommended to fully rest our bodies and minds. Make sure that you go to bed early enough to guarantee that amount.\n\n\nGet suitable bedding\n\n\nFind a mattress, pillow and duvet that maximises your level of comfort. Often, it\u2019s a case of trial and error, but don\u2019t just accept what you have, and seek alternatives.\n\n\nSet the temperature just right\n\n\nDifferent people prefer different temperature levels in the room at night. This may be a cause of some debate with your partner too, who may prefer having a window open. Finding a compromise in such situations is important, and although it\u2019s not recommended over longer periods, sleeping in separate rooms from time to time may help with your quality of sleep, allowing you to set the temperature as you please.\n\n\nMake sure you get enough exercise\n\n\nA tired mind but a body that hasn\u2019t received the same levels of stimulation and workout is not a conducive condition to a good night\u2019s sleep. Make sure that you take enough exercise during the day to balance out your tiredness evenly by night-time.\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry\n\n\nLaying down to go to sleep with a mind that is full of worries will not bring on sleep. Although saying \u2018don\u2019t worry\u2019 is easier said than done, try to help yourself by doing yoga or Pilates, meditating, listening to some soft music, reading or any other number of activities which contribute to a healthier state of mind.\n\n\nAdding up these factors as necessary should see you start improving the quality of your sleep, as well as the quality. Obviously, with small people in the house, things can get a little unpredictable at night, but help yourself by adding this healthy rituals into your bedtime routine.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/autism-awareness", "title": "It's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!", "body": "April is Autism Awareness Month \u2013 a month to celebrate, educate and generate awareness of the many spectrums, realities, as well as signs or symptoms of autism.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that, this marks an important month in our yearly calendars as autism is estimated to occur in one out of 68 newborns, according to the \nNational Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM)\n \u2013 this is why education surrounding the many sides of autism is imperative.\u00a0\n\n\nBecause of this, Sunway Putra Mall is hosting an autism awareness program under their Autsome Initiative throughout April. The mall is also the first Autism Friendly Mall in Malaysia who provides privileges and facilities for their Autsome members. This year\u2019s theme, \u2018\nKindness Begins With Me\n\u201d, will see various activities and events including a donation-driven bazaar with artworks, cookies and handmade products for sale by autistic entrepreneurs, as well as fun and educational sessions.\n\n\n\n\nSo, make some room on your schedule \u2013\u00a0 here are four activities happening during the mall\u2019s Autsome Program that you and your family can show your support at.\u00a0\n\n\n1# View expressions at \u2018Art & I\u2019\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s a known fact that art is a therapeutic form of expression for those with autism \u2013 their feelings or experiences are captured through their works, which can give better insight into their thoughts or realities. With that, there will be various artworks by autistic artists on display at the Art & I Gallery throughout the month of April.\u00a0\n\n\nThe gallery is happening the whole month of April from 11am to 9pm at the Creative Hub on Level 4 in Sunway Putra Mall.\u00a0\n\n\n2# Autsome Bazaar\u00a0\n\n\nThere\u2019s an Autsome Bazaar, Level 4 that is happening from 2 \u2013 4 April where handmade products and merchandises made by autistic entrepreneurs and friends that are available for sale. This includes paintings by DanieaArt, Lukman Hakim, handmade accessories and many more. Respectively, 10% of the sales proceeds and will be channeled to NASOM\u2019s education fund towards the end of the campaign.\n\n\nFor parents who are concerned about their child\u2019s milestone and development, the mall\u2019s initiative partner will also be hosting a FREE autism screening and consultation for toddlers age 16 \u2013 30 months during the 3 days\u2019 event. It is best to identify or screen your children during their early years so you can understand how to nurture their individualistic traits as they grow up.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThe free screening will be held from 2 to 4 April 2021 at Level 4 in Sunway Putra Mall. Appointment slots will be from 11am to 8pm.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can book an appointment through these methods:\n\n\n\n\nOnline registration: \nRegister at this link \u2013 \nAutism Screen Registration\n\n\nContact\n: RSVP at this \nWhatsapp link\n or contact 012 \u2013 2852007\n\n\n\n\n\u00a03# \nGo the extra mile by donating for a cause\n\n\nThe bazaar also aims to raise funds for the NASOM\u2019s Education Fund. \nSo, let\u2019s join hands to support the cause by donating a minimum of RM5! Guess what, you will also receive a handwoven coin pouch sewn by NASOM\u2019s students themselves as a token. Donation is only applicable at the mall\u2019s Concierge Counter located on Ground Floor, happening from 1 to 18 April 2021.\u00a0\n\n\nAnother way to donate is to shop at the Autsome Bazaar from 2 to 4 April 2021 on Level 4 in Sunway Putra Mall. Here, you can support local autistic entrepreneurs, where 10% of proceeds will be donated to NASOM. The bazaar will be going on from 11am to 8pm.\u00a0\n\n\n4# Educate yourself more with \u2018Austome Talks\n\u2019\n on Facebook Live\n\n\n\n\nA major part of autism awareness is education. This is for the public to understand the disorder through all spectrums such as social interaction, communication and behaviour. To learn more, Sunway Putra Malls is organising several talks with experts that focuses on children, as well as empowering those with autism. These talks will be held as Facebook Live sessions, which you can join on the \nSunway Putra Mall Facebook page\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHere is the schedule for Sunway Putra\u2019s Autsome Talks:\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWeek 1 \u2013 3 April, 11am:\n \n\u2018Getting to know Autism in Children\u2019\n with Dr Cindy Chan Su Huay (Consultant Developmental Paediatrician, Sunway Medical Centre)\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWeek 2 \u2013 10 April, 11am\n:\n \u2018School Readiness Skills: Preparing Children for Pre-school Mainstream Education\u2019\n with Chalene Samuel (Director of Autism Behavioral Centre) and Desiree Kaur (Project Haans for Autism Awareness)\u00a0\n\n\nWeek 3 \u2013 17 April, 11am: \n\u2018Interest vs Skills: What is Important\u2019\n with Grace Liew of NASOM and Mohd Adli Yahya (Founder of Autism Caf\u00e9 Project)\u00a0\n\n\nWeek 4 \u2013 24 April, 11am:\n \n\u2018Empowering Individuals with Autism\u2019\n with Dr Chee Ann Abdul Ghani\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5# Immerse into a musical experience at \u2018Move to the Beat\u2019\n\n\nThe mall will host fun sessions with \u2018Move to the Beat\u2019 which will feature a drum circle, where you can create simple rhythmic parts on tunes, drums and other musical instruments with a group of people \u2013 this will be happening on 10 April and 17 April 2021. Meanwhile, there will also be a Yoga Dance session on 24 April 2021. Moms and dads, don\u2019t worry, the sessions will be held with strict SOP guidelines for everyone\u2019s safety. Remember to put your face mask on at all times!\n\n\n\n\nBoth events will be happening from 4pm to 5pm on their respective dates at the Auditorium, MOX Co-Making Space on Level 4 of Sunway Putra Mall. You can lookout for the registration details on Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s website \nhere\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\nWith that, we do hope you show your support to a truly important cause!\n\n\n\u00a0\nFor more information on \n\u201cAutsome\u201d\n, follow Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s official Facebook page at (facebook.com/sunwayputramall), Instagram (@Sunwayputramall), visit website at \nhttps://www.sunwayputramall.com/autsome/\n or call 03-2786 9333\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n 5 Early Signs Of Autism In Toddlers\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/men-with-curvy-wives-are-happier-says-study", "title": "Men with curvy wives are happier, says study", "body": "Though a\u00a0previous study\u00a0has found that\u00a0women with handsome husbands are more at risk for disordered eating, there is some good news. It seems that men with curvy wives have a lot to be happy about.\n\n\nA new study, conducted by\u00a0\nUNAM\u2019s Department of Psychology\n, claims that men who chose to be in relationships with curvy women were found to be 10 times happier than those with partners who were skinny.\n\n\nBased on their findings, researchers believe that men with curvy wives or full-figured girlfriends solved problems easier because curvy women had better survival skills and can easily adapt to life\u2019s changes. As a result, their partners had a higher chance of living longer.\n\n\nThe study also concluded that a bigger body type makes reproduction and childbirth easier.\u00a0These women also had a more positive outlook and smiled more often.\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to note that these findings were based on a limited pool of candidates, and should in no way be taken as gospel truth.\n\n\nThough the finding of this study are heartening, it\u2019s important to remember that true, lasting love knows no size!\n\n\nHere are some tips on how husbands can inspire body positivity in their wives\n\n\n1. Express your concerns with sensitivity\n\n\nHave a talk with your wife and remind her why you find her desirable. Be open to her issues with negating her constantly. Hear her out and reassure when needed.\n\n\n2. Avoid \u2018toxic influences\u2019\n\n\nSteer clear of dieting, people who keep criticizing her weight, or being too conscious about your own weight. Be sensitive enough not to criticise other people\u2019s appearance or your own in front of her.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Exercise for the right reasons\n\n\n\n\n\n\nValue your health, and don\u2019t work out to simply look good. Whether you\u2019re looking to gain or lose a few pounds, make sure you\u2019re not driven by aesthetic reasons, but by your overall well-being.\n\n\n4. Reassure her with patience\n\n\nCompliment her, but don\u2019t discount her feelings. Her insecurities are valid, so honor that by listening genuinely and patiently reassuring her that you love her no matter what and you want her to be happy!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\u00a0\nYour Tango\n,\u00a0\nNuevo Diario\n,\u00a0\nYahoo,\n\u00a0\nThe Good Men Project\n\n\nThis article is republished with permission from \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKanak-Kanak\nAnak Sering Nampak Letih, Ada Kemungkinan Kerana Anemia, Ketahui Simptom & Cara Mengatasinya!\nTip keibubapaan\nSayangi Diri Anda! Ini 5 Tips Penjagaan Diri Untuk Ibu-ibu Yang Sibuk Bekerja & Menguruskan Keluarga\nKesihatan\nBukan Sakit Perut Biasa, Kenapa Ramai Ibu Ayah Tidak Tahu Tentang Rotavirus?\nKeibubapaan\nAktiviti Cuti Sekolah Yang Paling Menarik Untuk Anak Anda\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/babys-fever-dos-and-donts-all-parents-must-know-2", "title": "Baby's fever: Do's and don'ts all parents must know", "body": "You know the signs, mums \u2014 hot, flushed little bodies, restlessness and over-bright eyes. Your little one\u2019s temperature has risen and now, you are worried about your baby\u2019s fever.\n\n\nA baby\u2019s fever is a cause for concern for mums around the world. This article provides you with information about this rather common occurrence in your little one, including how you can manage the fever at home without medication and when you should be worried.\n\n\nWhat is fever?\n\n\nA human body\u2019s regular temperature is around\u00a036-37C (98-100F).\u00a0Normal body temperature \nvaries\n from person to person. It may also be influenced by activities such as exercise, sleeping, eating and even the time of day. For example, your body temperature generally peaks at around 6pm and is at its lowest around 3am.\n\n\nAccording to Dr Ratna Sridjaja\n\u00a0of SBCC Baby and Child Clinic, Gleneagles Hospital Singapore, \u201cfever occurs when the body\u2019s internal \u2018thermostat\u2019 raises the body temperature above its normal level.\u201d\n\n\nShe explains that this thermostat is located in the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating the body\u2019s temperature and keeping it within the normal range.\n\n\nWhen your little one is ill or has an infection, sometimes, the hypothalamus will increase the body\u2019s temperature in response. Dr Sridjaja says that \u201cresearchers believe that turning up the heat is the body\u2019s way of fighting the germs that cause infections and making the body less comfortable for them.\u201d\n\n\nSo, when your child\u2019s\u00a0body temperature rises, it means his immune system is healthy and working hard to fight an infection or illness. And while it your baby\u2019s fever certainly is a worry, do remember that a \nmild fever\n\u00a0(around 37.5-37.7C) in a baby over the age of 6 months is usually no cause for concern and means that his immune system is working just fine.\n\n\nRemember:\u00a0\nfever itself is\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nan illness; it is a sign of illness/infection.\n\n\n\n\nA digital thermometer is the safest option when taking your baby\u2019s temperature rectally.\n\n\n\n\nHow to take your baby\u2019s temperature\n\n\nThe medical experts at \nWebMD\n\u00a0describe a few ways to take a baby\u2019s temperature: rectally (via the rectum); orally (mouth); axillary (armpit); and forehead. You should only use a digital thermometer to take a child\u2019s temperature as mercury thermometers carry the risk of mercury poisoning if they break.\n\n\nThe most accurate temperature reading for babies under the age of one year old can be obtained by using a rectal thermometer.\n\n\nHere\u2019s how you can take your baby\u2019s rectal temperature using a digital thermometer, according to WebMD:\n\n\n\u201cFirst make sure the thermometer is clean. Wash it with soap and water or wipe it off with rubbing alcohol. Lay your baby on the belly or on the back with legs bent toward the chest.\n\n\n\u201cApply a little bit of petroleum jelly around the thermometer bulb and gently insert it about 1 inch into the rectal opening. Hold the digital thermometer in place for about two minutes until you hear the \u2018beep.\u2019 Then gently remove the thermometer and read the temperature.\u201d\n\n\nBe sure to clearly label the rectal thermometer so it\u2019s not subsequently used in your baby\u2019s mouth.\u00a0\n\n\nFor children over the age of one year of age, paediatrician \nDr. Cara Barone\n\u00a0recommends using either an ear thermometer or an oral digital thermometer.\n\n\nAccording to Dr Sridjaja, these are the temperatures that indicate a baby\u2019s fever, depending on the type of thermometer you use:\n\n\n\n\n38 C ( 100.4 F ) measured rectally ( in the bottom )\n\n\n37.5 C ( 99.5 F ) measured orally ( in the mouth )\n\n\n37 C ( 99 F ) measured an axillary position ( under the arm )\n\n\n\n\nCommon causes of fever\n\n\n*\nThe information in this section is adapted from \nSeattle Children\u2019s Hospital\n.\n\n\nAlmost always, a fever is caused by an infection, with viruses causing 10 times more infections than bacteria.\n\n\nThe following are some of the most common causes of your baby\u2019s fever:\n\n\n\n\nViral Infections: \nColds, the flu and other common viral infections are the most common causes of fever in babies. In fact, little ones \u2014 especially if they are in daycare \u2014 may have seven to 11 viral illnesses accompanied with fever per year. Often, fever might be the only symptom you notice in the first 24 hours, followed later by other symptoms such as a runny nose and/or cough.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBacterial Infections: \nThese infections are the second most common causes of fever in babies. Look out for bladder infections in girls especially if she has no other symptom other than fever. Unexplained fever is also a symptom of common bacterial infections like strep throat.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSinus Infection: \nA sinus infection is a complication of a cold, with a symptom being the return of fever a few days after your child\u2019s temperature returns to normal (along with sinus pain).\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVaccine Fever: \nMany babies develop fever after most vaccines, usually within the first 12 hours. It may last for two to three. This is normal and harmless and means the vaccine is working. However, if your baby\u2019s vaccine-related fever worries you, do see a doctor without delay.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOverheating: \nLow grade fever can occur if your child is over-heated. This could be either via overdressing or high environmental temperature. His temperature will return to the normal range once he is moved to a cooler place or the unnecessary layers of clothing are removed. Rest and drinking extra fluids also help in re-establishing a normal temperature.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEven a slight fever in your newborn baby is a cause for worry \u2013 do not wait to show him or her to a doctor.\n\n\n\n\nWhen to be worried about baby\u2019s fever\n\n\nNewborn fever\n\n\nIf your baby \nunder the age of three months old\n develops a temperature over 38C (100.4F), you will need to show him to a doctor without delay, says Dr. Barone. It is also a cause for concern if your baby\u2019s temperature drops to less than 35.5C (96F).\n\n\nWorrying symptoms to look out for\n\n\nDr Sridjaja advises that you should see a doctor if \nyour baby over three months of age has a fever under 39C\n,\n but also\n:\n\n\n\n\nrefuses, or seems too sick to drink enough liquids\n\n\nhas persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea\n\n\nshows signs of dehydration, such as being less alert/active than usual, crying without tears or urinating less than usual\n\n\nfeels pain when urinating\n\n\nis suffering from a medical condition such as cancer, kidney or heart disease\n\n\nhas fever for more than 72 hours\n\n\nalso has a rash\n\n\n\n\nSeek\u00a0\nimmediate medical attention, \nadvises Dr Sridjaja,\u00a0if your baby\n over three months of age has a fever over 39C, along with any of the following symptoms\n:\n\n\n\n\nInconsolable crying and extreme irritability\n\n\nLethargy and difficulty walking\n\n\nRash or purple spots that look like bruises on the skin ( that were not there before the child got sick)\n\n\nStiff neck\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\nBlue lips, tongue or nails\n\n\nSeizure\n\n\nInfant\u2019s soft spot on the head that bulges out or sunken inwards\n\n\nDifficulty breathing\n\n\nLearning forward and drooling\n\n\n\n\nIMPORTANT INFORMATION: How to manage your baby\u2019s fever \u2013 The Do\u2019s and Don\u2019ts\n\n\nWhile fever is a sign of a healthy immune system, it\u2019s still important to know ways of managing your child\u2019s fever, because if it goes too high (over 40-41C) there may be a risk of your little one developing a \nfebrile fit\n.\n\n\nHere are some do\u2019s and don\u2019ts of managing your baby\u2019s fever:\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\ngive paracetamol or ibuprofen based on the package recommendations according to your baby\u2019s weight and age. A syringe is the best way to ensure you are giving your little one the correct dosage. Avoid household teaspoons to measure out the medication, as you run the risk of overdosing or not giving enough of it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\ngive ibuprofen until you are sure your child\u2019s fever is not caused by the dengue virus. \nThis is because\n\u00a0dengue affects the platelets, which are responsible for blood clotting, increasing the likelihood of internal bleeding. Ibuprofen (and aspirin too) has a similar blood-thinning effect, and can aggravate, instead of helping to control the condition.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\ngive aspirin (unless advised by a doctor) due to its association with the potentially fatal \nReye\u2019s Syndrome\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA syringe is the best way of accurately measuring medication for children.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\nkeep your child well hydrated as fever causes little ones to lose fluids faster. If he is under six months of age, breastfeed him more often. Your breastmilk also contains powerful antibodies that will help him fight the infection more efficiently.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\ngive fever medications (i.e. panadol, ibuprofen) to a baby under two months of age says Dr. Sridjaja, unless advised to do so by a paediatrician.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\nuse a lukewarm compress to help bring your child\u2019s fever down. Apply it under his armpits, on his forehead and on either side of his groin.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\nimmerse your child in cold/icy water. Instead, fill your tub with just a few inches of tepid water and using a washcloth, dribble the water over your little one\u2019s body to help bring his temperature down. Never leave your child unattended in the tub.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\nuse rubbing alcohol as a way of lowering your child\u2019s temperature.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\nover-medicate on fever medication. Read the label carefully for the recommended interval between dosages and stick to it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo NOT\u00a0\n\u201cstarve a fever\u201d. Let your child eat what he likes, especially if he is already eating solids. This will give him much-needed energy to help him fight the infection. Don\u2019t worry too much if he refuses solids, as long as he is drinking enough fluids and his urine output is normal.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\ndress your child in light, cotton clothing and use a light blanket too. Overdressing and using too much bedding can raise his core temperature even more.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo\u00a0\nencourage your child to rest. Running around can raise his temperature.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo not\u00a0\nsend your child to daycare or school while he has fever. Once your little one has been fever-free for 24 hours, he can go back.\n\n\n\n\nParents, if you are in doubt about what to do when it comes to your baby\u2019s health \u2014 fever or otherwise \u2014 please consult your little one\u2019s paediatrician without delay.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nWe hope you found this article helpful. Please share your thoughts on the topic of fever in baby\u2019s by leaving a comment below.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/normal-baby-movement", "title": "Baby's Movements Through Pregnancy: What's Normal & What's Not?", "body": "The excitement of feeling your baby move is a heart-warming milestone all mothers look forward to. However, your baby\u2019s activity can also be a crucial indicator of how well he or she is doing. Although every \npregnancy\n is different, there are common ways to evaluate baby movements in relation to what is normal and what you should be concerned about.\n\n\nHow does it feel?\n\n\nFetal movements or \u2018kicks\u2019, are often painless and is also known as \u2018quickening\u2019 within the early weeks. The feeling itself is often described as \u201cfluttering\u201d which is similar to the nervous warmth we know as \u201cbutterflies\u201d.\n\n\nAt times, it is a seemingly subtle movement that you may not even feel or can be mistaken as a tickle, gas bubbles or a hunger pang. Don\u2019t be alarmed if their kicks get a little aggressive because as your baby grows stronger throughout your pregnancy, you may experience hard kicks that can cause discomfort or mild pain.\n\n\nWhen do I start feeling baby kicks?\n\n\nBaby movements can be felt as early as 14 weeks into your pregnancy. First-time mothers may only start feeling baby movements between 18 and 24 weeks when they become more prominent. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThere are various \nfactors that influence\n when you feel your baby\u2019s first kicks. Here are some common ones: \n\n\n\n\nExperience:\n Second-time mothers may feel their kicks much earlier than their first pregnancy as they are already aware of how it feels. New mothers may perceive early baby movements as other body issues such as gas and only realise these kicks once they become more distinctive.\n\n\nPlacenta position:\n Your placenta position is usually determined during your 20-week scan. Women with an \nanterior placenta\n may find it trickier to feel baby movements. An anterior placenta is when your placenta is between your baby and your stomach \u2013 it is attached to the front wall of your uterus, which provides extra cushioning for your baby and you may not feel his or her early wriggles. So, focus on your sides and lower down as this is where you are likely to feel movement.\n\n\nSize:\n Weight can play a part in feeling your baby kicks. Mothers who have a higher body mass index may take longer to feel as their abdominal wall is thicker.\n\n\n\n\nWhat are normal baby movements during your pregnancy trimesters? \n\n\nAs your pregnancy progresses, your baby\u2019s activity will become stronger. In the first trimester, your baby is too small and you may not realise their movements. Thus, your second trimester is normally when your start feeling all the wonderful flutters. Afternoon and evenings are recognised as peak periods of when your baby is most active.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are a few common feelings you may experience throughout your pregnancy:\n\n\n\n\nFirst trimester (Weeks 1 \u2013 12):\n As we mentioned, you may experience little to less baby movement. A scan during your later weeks may show that your baby has been active but you were unable to feel their precious kicks because of their teeny size.\u00a0 Fret not, you will start feeling these kicks in your later trimesters.\n\n\nSecond trimester ( Weeks 13 \u2013 26):\n As your morning sickness lessens, you bump will grow and you will start to feel their kicks. Nevertheless, your baby is still small in size and although his or her activity may not be as strong as your later weeks, you may feel a fluttering sensation that can start as early as 14 weeks. During the later weeks, you may start experiencing discomfort as your baby\u2019s muscles grow stronger and their movements are much more energetic.\n\n\nThird trimester (weeks 27 \u2013 40):\n As your baby develops and grows, his or her space gets a little less roomier which means you will undoubtedly feel their movements. Your baby has more energy and you may experience slightly harder kicks that can cause a bit of pain or discomfort. Some babies may even do a full somersault, twitch or hiccup! Don\u2019t be anxious, such activity can act as an indicator that your baby is developing well.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow often should your baby kick?\n Generally, normal and healthy baby activity is defined as \n10 or more movements in the span of two hours\n. But, bear in mind that babies have sleep cycles where they can be absent in terms of their movements \u2013 these sleep cycles can range between 20 and 40 minutes, but at times can prolong up to 90 minutes.\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s movement will usually \nincrease up until 32 weeks of pregnancy\n and then their activity pattern should be consistent, while the type of movement may change as you near your due date. Eventually, you will come to understand your baby\u2019s unique movement pattern quite well.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat\u2019s not normal: decreased baby movements\n\n\nDecreased activity or a big change in your baby\u2019s regular movement pattern may be a \nsign that your baby is unwell\n. There are various factors that can contribute to experiencing decreased fetal movements \u2013 it can be sleep cycles, or generic issues such as obesity that can affect your ability to feel the kicks.\n\n\nStill, there could be serious underlying issues when there is sudden inactivity or a change in your baby\u2019s activity pattern. Issues such as \nlack of amniotic fluid\n could be among the factors that makes it more difficult for your baby to move about. Certain drugs or medication such as pain relief or sedatives can also \naffect your baby\u2019s circulation and movements\n. Additionally, alcohol or smoking can also have adverse effects on your baby\u2019s pattern of movement.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the \nAustralian Family Physician,\n it can also be attributed to time where women may be too busy to feel the movements. Meanwhile, is it found that women feel fewer movements when standing or sitting. It is advised that mothers should lie on their left side and concentrate on feeling 10 or more kicks within a span of two hours.\n\n\nIf you feel less or little kicks within this time period, it is best to contact your doctor as this can be a sign that your baby could be unwell. Your doctor may check your baby\u2019s heart rate with a non-stress test which measures the baby\u2019s heart rate against their movements.\n\n\n\n\nMonitor your baby\u2019s movements: count your kicks\n\n\nCounting your kicks and understanding your baby\u2019s movement pattern is crucial for mothers to know if there is a sudden decrease in kicks, inactivity or a change in pattern.\n\n\nThis is especially important during your third trimester where you should be keeping track of your baby\u2019s daily movement. Mothers who track their movements during their pregnancy can detect any possible utero distresses and prevent the risks such as stillbirth. An easy way you can do this is by feeling how long it takes to feel 10 movements, whether a kick, flutter or roll.\n\n\nA total of \n10 movements in the span of two hours is normal\n, however, do not panic immediately if you do not feel 10 movements \u2013 you baby could be in his or her sleep cycle. You can try eating a snack, drinking juice, or walking around for a few minutes before lying down on your side to feel any movement.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can also track your baby\u2019s kicks with a kick counter or a chart. Some clinics or hospitals may provide you with one as well. Tracking these kicks will let you understand the time pattern of when your baby is most active, their sleep cycles and how long it takes for your baby to finish 10 movements. Any twist, kick or turn is counted as one movement.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your baby has not moved a total of 10 times within the span of two hours, \ndo not be afraid to contact your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/annoying-children-behaviour", "title": "Annoying Children Behaviours: Is It Normal?", "body": "\n\nWhen your child is always misbehaving, shouting at the top of his/her lungs, throwing tantrums, running around like a maniac and downright defiant, it\u2019s frustrating. It\u2019s natural to perceive those as naughty children behaviour and blame yourself for bad parenting, but child development experts say that\u2019s just part of growing up.\n\n\nMost children below the age of 4 years do not have enough impulse control to resist doing something they are told not to do. They are constantly doing things and observing the results of those actions, like pushing buttons on the remote control to turn the TV on and off or mushing food to see how it feels.\n\n\nIt\u2019s actually a sign that they\u2019re exploring and learning. \u00a0Read on to better understand what children behaviour actually mean and how you can deal with them.\n\n\nChildren Behaviour and How to Deal With Them\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nAsking the same question over and over again\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYoung children may repeatedly ask \u201cWhat\u2019s that?\u201d to the same item. If you answer, \u201cKitchen towel,\u201d they will most likely ask over and over again.\n\n\nWhat it means:\u00a0\nChildren are innately curious and inquisitive, that\u2019s why they tend to repeat questions. It\u2019s not that they weren\u2019t listening the first time round; they are working on their speech and intellectual development.\n\n\nTheir brains are processing new knowledge while working on other areas of development, so it makes sense to need a little extra time to let everything sink in.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat to do:\u00a0\nTry to engage more with your child\u2019s question instead, not less. If you elaborate your answer, \u201cIt\u2019s a kitchen towel. It\u2019s used to clean the countertop when I make a mess as I cook. Can you say kitchen towel?\u201d it helps them understand better and retain their new knowledge.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nThrowing tantrums\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren cry, scream, whine, kick or get aggressive as part of a tantrum. They are all equally common in boys and girls and can continue to happen up to early school-age children.\n\n\nWhat it means:\u00a0\u00a0\nThis is because young children haven\u2019t learned appropriate words or ways to express and manage their feelings yet. Tantrums are usually how they show that they are upset, frustrated, tired, hungry, uncomfortable. \u00a0\n\n\nWhat to do:\u00a0\nSome ideas that may help prevent tantrums from happening include: tuning in to your child\u2019s feelings; reducing stress to avoid overstimulating children; identifying tantrum triggers; talking to your child about emotions.\n\n\nIf tantrums still happen, no matter what you do, here are some tips to handle tantrums when they happen: be calm in your approach; acknowledge your child\u2019s feelings; provide comfort to the child if needed; distract your child with a different activity; if the tantrum is happening to get attention from you, it\u2019s best to ignore it and wait it out. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat\u2019s the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown? Check it out\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nActing defiant and doesn\u2019t want to listen to you\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn the morning, when you are rushing to get everybody ready and out of the house so that both you and your child can be on time for school and work, but they have different plans. They do not want to change into their uniforms, they want to continue being in bed and they throw their breakfast onto the floor. Whatever you say, it\u2019s just a \u201cNo!\u201d\n\n\nWhat it means:\u00a0\nChildren are beginning to realise that they do have some control over their environment, and it\u2019s part of the journey to becoming more independent.\n\n\nWhat to do:\u00a0\nBe clear about the rules and what kind of behaviour you expect out of your child. Look for triggers and avoid situations in which your child may be more likely to exhibit defiance. For example, if your child tends to be cranky when s/he is too busy, try not to arrange too many extracurricular activities for him/her.\u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nIt is normal for children to be defiant sometimes. But if the child is defiant almost all the time, with persistent patterns of anger and vindictiveness, he or she may have an oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Find out more about it \nin this article\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nseek professional consultation\n\u00a0as soon as possible.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\n\u00a08 Ways To Guide Your Child Into Responsible Behaviour\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Using Psychology to Shape Behaviour: Punish, Reward or Remove?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nCan You Tell the Difference Between a Tantrum and a Meltdown? | Ask an Expert\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vaccines-for-children", "title": "4 Reasons Why Some Parents Choose Not to Vaccinate Their Kids", "body": "Malaysians are very lucky to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world that provide vaccines to children under the Malaysian National Immunization Program (NIP). In fact, the services and expertise provided by healthcare workers are also of high quality.\n\n\nParents only need to bring their children to the clinic or hospital to get vaccinated.\u00a0\n\n\nImmunization is one of the ways which can help protect your children from contracting dangerous diseases. So that\u2019s why as a parent, you are advised to consult your doctor about it.\n\n\nBenefits of Immunization\n\n\nVaccines contain a weak or inactive part of certain organisms (antigens) that trigger an immune response in the body. Newer vaccines contain a blueprint for producing antigens.\n\n\nRegardless of whether the vaccine consists of the antigen itself or a plan of action so that the body will produce the antigen, this weak version will not cause disease in people receiving the vaccine, but it will push their immune system to react as much as possible and will have a reaction similar when it is first exposed to the actual pathogen\n1\n.\n\n\nWhy Do Parents Need to Vaccinate Their Children During the Early Days?\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nIt is common knowledge that every individual\u2019s immune system is unique, so it is every parent\u2019s responsibility to help protect their children from the very beginning.\n\n\nVaccines for babies are important because babies have weak immune systems\n2\n. By giving vaccines to babies according to a set schedule, you can protect your baby from deadly diseases such as\n3\n:\n\n\n\n\nTuberculosis (TB) \u2013 Can cause serious infections such as pneumonia, meningitis and can continue to spread to other organs.\u00a0\n\n\nDiphtheria \u2013 Toxins released by bacteria may lead to blocked airways\n4\n.\n\n\nPertussis (whooping cough) \u2013 Can cause whooping cough and lack of oxygen to the brain\n5\n.\n\n\nTetanus \u2013 Bacterial poisoning that causes cramps in the muscles of the body and affects the ability to open the jaw (braces).\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) \u2013 This bacterium can cause infections of the lungs (pneumonia), respiratory tract and meningitis.\n\n\nHepatitis B \u2013 This virus can cause severe damage to the liver and increases the risk of the individual getting liver cancer in the future.\n\n\nPolio \u2013 This virus can cause paralysis and even death.\n\n\nMeasles \u2013 This virus can cause fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, infections of the brain (encephalitis) and lungs (pneumonia)\n6\n.\n\n\nMumps \u2013 This virus can cause viral meningitis and infection of testicles (orchitis)\n7\n.\n\n\nRubella \u2013 The rubella virus can spread among humans, pregnant women, especially during the first three months of pregnancy and can cause miscarriage, fetal death, stillbirth or birth defects (congenital rubella syndrome)\n8\n.\n\n\nPneumococcus \u2013 This bacteria can cause severe diseases like meningitis or milder infections like sinusitis or ear infections.\n\n\nRotavirus \u2013 This virus can cause severe diarrhoea and dehydration.\n\n\nHuman Papillomavirus \u2013 This virus can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.\n\n\nVaricella (Chickenpox) \u2013 This virus can cause a blister-like rash and fever, which can also cause shingles later as adults if the virus reactivates\n9\n.\n\n\nInfluenza\u00a0 \u2013 This virus can cause epidemics of flu diseases or flu season\n10\n\n\nMeningococcal \u2013 This bacteria can cause deadly infections of the lining of the brain, spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream\n11\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHepatitis A \u2013 This virus can cause short-term infection of the liver\n12\n.\n\n\n\n\nNevertheless, there are still a handful of groups in society (parents) who choose not to vaccinate their children.\n\n\nThere are several reasons and factors why some parents have decided so. Let\u2019s find out some of the common concerns and beliefs of those who do not wish to vaccinate their children.\n\n\n4 Reasons Why Some Parents Don\u2019t Get Their Children Vaccinated\n\n\n#1: Childhood Vaccines Contain Contaminant\n\n\nSpeaking of contents, these vaccines are in fact formulated with water and parts of certain bacteria or viruses.\n\n\nThere are also a number of other additives such as mercury and aluminium that are intended to preserve and help increase its effectiveness\n13\n.\n\n\nBut, don\u2019t worry. These additives do not accumulate in the child\u2019s body and the amount is actually very small.\n\n\nHonestly, the sugar and salt content in the food that your children consume daily is actually more worth your worries compared to this.\u00a0\n\n\n#2: Child Vaccines Are Not Halal Because Some Ingredients Derived From Pigs\n\n\nThe rule of law in any religion shouldn\u2019t be blindly taken from casual coffee shop discussions or social sites. These laws should be guided and verified by the religious council.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Mufti of the Federal Territories, SS Datuk Dr Zulkifli bin Mohamad Al-Bakri has answered this particular question through the Federal Territories Mufti\u2019s Office\u2019s official website.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to him, vaccines are a necessity in society. Some vaccines contain prohibited contents or are \nnajis \n(impure) originally but have been treated with chemicals that change the name and characteristics of it through the process of \nistihalah\n (the process of changing to the permissible) and have beneficial effects\n14\n. Hence making the vaccine halal to be used.\u00a0\n\n\n#3: \u201cMy Child Is Healthy, Why Should I Vaccinate My Child?\u201d\n\n\nVaccines help to prevent diseases\n2\n. Treatment is the action that you take after contracting an illness.\n\n\nWhy is disease prevention important?\n\n\nSome diseases are very difficult to treat. For example, treatment for TB is often lengthy and not always successful. There are also diseases that are difficult to diagnose until complications occur, such as hepatitis B\n3\n.\n\n\nTherefore, prevention is one of the best ways to deal with this disease. In fact, it also helps save you a lot of money. You won\u2019t need to be warded and spend on medications and other treatment costs\n3\n.\n\n\n#4: Child Vaccines Are A Parent\u2019s Right\n\n\nYou have your rights as parents, and so do your children and all other people around you. Everyone has the right to be free from diseases. If more than 95% of the population is vaccinated, the probability of infection is very low\n15\n.\n\n\nThere are people that cannot take vaccines due to certain health problems such as a weakened immune system. These high-risk groups of people can be protected if more people take the vaccine\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Benefits and Importance of Vaccines That Parents Need to Know\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nAccording to a WHO report, vaccination has greatly reduced the implications of infectious diseases\n16\n.\n\n\nHowever, there is no doubt that vaccine safety is getting more public attention compared to its effectiveness.\u00a0\n\n\nModern research and technology have aided researchers with the development of less reactogenic vaccines, such as acellular pertussis vaccine and rabies vaccine produced in cell culture\n16\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), immunisation shots are one of the important ways to help protect a baby\u2019s health. Immunisation can help prevent more than a dozen serious diseases. Failure to vaccinate may mean putting children at risk for serious and sometimes fatal illnesses\n17\n.\n\n\nBabies are particularly vulnerable to infections, which is why it is so important to protect them with immunizations. Immunizations help prevent the spread of disease and help protect infants and children from dangerous complications\n17\n.\n\n\nThe CDC also provides a list of diseases that can be prevented with vaccines, for example, chickenpox, rotavirus, pneumococcal, Pertussis, measles and many more\n18\n.\n\n\nVaccines Can Control Complications\n16\n\n\nA vaccine is effective in helping protect an individual if it is given prior to exposure. It works by imitating an infection which helps teach our immune system how to fight off future infections\n19\n.\n\n\nPresently, post-marketing studies have confirmed the high effectiveness of infant vaccination against Hib infection in Germany and pertussis in Sweden.\n\n\nHepatitis A vaccine has been shown to be effective against symptomatic disease and asymptomatic infection.\n\n\nSo parents, do think about what\u2019s best for your children\u2019s health and safety, okay?\n\n\nIn conclusion, parents are responsible for the health and well-being of their children, and this includes good nutrition, good hygiene practices and getting them vaccinated against dangerous diseases.\n\n\nWe hope this article is helpful to all parents out there.\u00a0\n\n\nMY-ROT-00221 Jul/2022\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). \nHow do vaccines work. Available From \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/how-do-vaccines-work?adgroupsurvey={adgroupsurvey}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmuiTBhDoARIsAPiv6L-HjGLP56i_UwYdxde45nP-FBppShlTPd7LH5LUydJwNdYd5cHDC20aAjOzEALw_wcB\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Immunisation: Facts and Myths. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/immunisation-facts-myths/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nUNICEF. Vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Available From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/parenting/health/vaccines-and-diseases-they-prevent\n. Last Accessed 01 June 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Diphtheria. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diphtheria/symptoms-causes/syc-20351897\n. Last Accessed 10 June 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services (NHS). Whooping cough. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/whooping-cough\n. Last Accessed 10 June 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Measles\n. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857\n. \nLast accessed 09 June 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services (NHS). Mumps \u2013 Complications.\n Available From: \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/mumps/complications/\n.\u00a0 \nLast accessed 09 June 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). Rubella.\n Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rubella\n. \nLast accessed 09 June 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMyHEALTH. Chickenpox. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. Last Accessed 01 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n. Types of Influenza Viruses. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/types.htm\n. Last Accessed 17 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).\n Meningococcal Disease. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/index.html\n. Last Accessed 17 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n. What is Hepatitis A. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm#overview\n. Last Accessed 17 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).\n \nWhat\u2019s in Vaccines? Available From:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nMufti of Federal Territory Office. Bayan Linnas Series 59: Vaccine: According to Fiqh and Maqasid Syariah. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://muftiwp.gov.my/en/perkhidmatan/artikel-soal-jawab/1163-bayan-linnas-series-59-vaccine-according-to-fiqh-and-maqasid-syariah\n. \nLast Accessed 15 Jun 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO. \nCoronavirus disease (COVID-19): Herd immunity, lockdowns and COVID-19. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/herd-immunity-lockdowns-and-covid-19\n.\u00a0 Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nAndre FE, Booy R, Bock HL, Clemens J, Datta SK, John TJ, Lee BW, Lolekha S, Prltola H, Ruff TA, Santosham M, Schmitt HJ. Vaccination greatly reduces disease, disability, death and inequity worldwide. Bull World Health Organ [Internet]. 2008;86(2).\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).\n Answers to Your Most Common Questions about Childhood Vaccines. \nAvailable From:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/FAQs.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fvaccines%2Fparents%2Fparent-questions.html\n. \nLast Accessed 19 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n. Vaccines by Disease. \nAvailable From: \u00a0 \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/vaccines-diseases.html\n. Last Accessed 10 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n. Understanding How Vaccines Work\n. \nAvailable from: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/conversations/understanding-vacc-work.html\n. \nLast Accessed 01 June 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pillars-of-resilience", "title": "Mums: We Want Resilient Children", "body": "As the world evolves, the importance of instilling key values within our children grows. A resilient system is among the key factors that can unlock your child\u2019s gateway to success in this ever-changing landscape \u2013 it is a lifelong trait that gives them the power to overcome challenges and grow with opportunities.\n\n\n\n\nThere are five pillars of resilience, which are traits of Perseverance, Daringness, Self-reliance, Adaptability and Resourcefulness.\n\n\n\n\nPerseverance: To keep trying despite failures \u2013 turning a weakness into a strength. To not give up and achieve something as a result of persistence.\n\n\nDaringness: The bravery and courage to try something new, as well as to experiment with the unknown.\n\n\nSelf-reliance: Making their own decisions and being independent while staying connected to family, as well as friends.\n\n\nAdaptability: The ability to respond suitably and quickly, while thriving in challenging environments. The capacity to respond when something changes suddenly.\n\n\nResourcefulness: Finding quick and clever solutions, while thriving in challenging environments.\n\n\n\n\nFurthermore, it was revealed that 90 percent of mothers want to raise their child to be more resilient, with emphasis on values of Self-reliance, Daringness and Perseverance.\n\n\nHowever, children are not born resilient, instead, the characteristics of resilience are developed through positive parenting methods that provide a supportive and healthy environment.\n\n\nToday, relying on smartness is no longer enough, while being overprotective with methods such as helicopter parenting could negatively affect your child\u2019s abilities.\n\n\nThus, raising your kids independently allows them to be self-sufficient \u2013 they are able to explore their own personalities, as well as adapt to situations and face challenges.\n\n\n\n\nNutrition is at the heart of a child\u2019s mental and physical development, but sourcing for a great nutritional composition to nurture your little ones can be a struggle. Three out of four mums stated that immunity was their biggest concern.\n\n\nResults further uncovered that 91 percent are seeking out milk brands that support immunity and 92 percent want nutrients that foster cognitive functions. Cognitive functions relate to mental abilities such as reasoning, thinking, problem-solving as well as learning.\n\n\n\u201cGrowing up milk\u201d, which is a formula for toddlers and kids, is among the best sources of nutrition for them.\n\n\nTherefore, choosing the best growing up milk for your child is pertinent in your journey to raising them resilient while ensuring that they get all the essential nutrients that they need, including pre- and probiotics and the highest level of DHA.\n\n\nGive your child the right choice. Get a \nsample\n today.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/marriage-celebration", "title": "Celebrate Your Marriage Before, During, and After in the Best Way Possible", "body": "Although getting married to the love of your life is a celebration by itself, it wouldn\u2019t hurt to participate in some festivities as a way of further celebrating your joyous union. Below, we\u2019ve prepared some fun and interesting ideas you can incorporate into your celebration so as to make it an event to remember.\n\n\n\n\nBefore the Wedding\n\n\nTypically, before the wedding occurs, close friends of the bride and groom will organise separate bachelor or bachelorette parties for them. During such parties, anything can happen. They can be as wild as you want them to be with loud music and flexible dancers or as tame as high tea at a classy caf\u00e9.\n\n\nSince your friends were kind enough to organise a wonderful \u2018surprise\u2019 event for you (not really a surprise since you probably knew all about it but you get what we mean right), surprise them in return with a kind gesture such as gifting them with their own custom-printed bachelor party t-shirts or\u00a0bachelorette party t-shirts. Besides that, other small gifts such as thank you chocolates can also be given.\n\n\nDuring the Wedding\n\n\n\n\nAs we said before, the wedding itself is a party for that is where individuals from all corners of your life come together to celebrate your special day. So make sure that this long-awaited day is special not just for you but also for them by ensuring that your wedding ceremony is perfected with all the necessary furnishings such as delicious food, entertainment for all ages as well as appreciative gifts for your guests. Nonetheless, all this depends on your budget.\n\n\nIf your budget is tight, don\u2019t splurge unnecessarily as that will put you in a tough predicament in the future. Instead, find budget-friendly options by looking around at what\u2019s available in the market. Compact yet useful gifts such as custom-made keychains for one are a good option to get as lovely wedding party favour gifts. As for your close friends and family members, you can perhaps get them personalised wedding t-shirts.\n\n\nAfter the Wedding\n\n\n\n\nYou\u2019re finally married, congratulations! You celebrated your union before the wedding and on the day itself, how about after the wedding? Just because you\u2019re already married it doesn\u2019t mean that the party is over and done with. If you play your cards right, every day is a party and is worth celebrating. So shower your better half daily with love and gifts such as a\u00a0just married t-shirt.\n\n\nNow, we know that you must be thinking that it\u2019d be too expensive to get them a gift every single day. However, your gift doesn\u2019t need to be of the expensive kind. It can even be as simple as their favourite bar of chocolate or a hand-written love note. What\u2019s important is that through your gift they\u2019ll be able to feel the depth of your love for them.\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBelajar Cara Mengurus Wang: Panduan Untuk Ibu Bapa Asia\nKesihatan\nIbu dan Ayah, Tahukah Anda Mengapa Anak-Anak Perlu Duduk Di Rumah Jika Mereka Terjangkit Penyakit Rotavirus?\nKeibubapaan\nIs Your Child Allergic to Milk or Lactose Intolerant? Here is the Difference Parents Should Know About\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-i-got-my-child-to-stop-using-diapers-completely-in-just-1-week", "title": "How I got my child to stop using diapers completely in just 1 week!", "body": "Diapers are part and parcel of a baby\u2019s life and are extremely convenient in the first couple of years \u2013 but they can very quickly become a pain for parents as they try to get their toddler to kick the diaper habit. As a mother of a recently turned three year old, I truly empathise with all mums who are at this life stage. I am proud to share that I just completed 1 year without using any diapers for my little girl! While it was crazy difficult, within a week my precious princess was potty trained. Here\u2019s how I got my child to stop using diapers.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is the right age to stop using diapers?\n\n\nBefore I get into how I managed to ditch the diapers in one week, the first question we should address is \u201cWhat is the right age to stop using diapers?\u201d\n\n\nI am sure that like me, you too must have asked around and have been at the receiving end of a confusing medley of answers.\n\n\nWhile some believe that it is essential to start early, say just after the baby can sit or maybe even before that depending on the society in which the baby is growing. Others feel that it should not be done until the baby can understand and is ready for the change.\n\n\nGenerally speaking in Singapore, most mums start potty training around 2 years of age. That is also around when I started.\u00a0\n\n\nIs your baby ready for potty training?\n\n\nNow while I started at 2, your child might not be ready to stop using diapers, even at age 2. Instead of sticking to a number, it is more important to check if your child is showing signs of being ready for the potty.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0Ask yourself the following questions:\n\n\n\n\nCan your child understand and follow simple directions?\n\n\nDoes your child tell you and/or complain when they are wet or dirty?\n\n\nHave they expressed curiosity and interest in using the toilet and wearing underwear?\n\n\nCan your child pull their pants up and down with little or no help?\n\n\nDoes your child stay dry for at least 3 to 4 hours throughout the day?\n\n\n\n\nIf the answer is yes, it\u2019s time to convince your child that they are ready too and they can now stop using diapers!\n\n\nYes, you read right!\n\n\nDon\u2019t attempt to potty train your child until you have spoken to your kid. From my experience trying to force your 2-year-old to do something is going to absolutely back fire and their rebellious nature will make it 100x more challenging to potty train.\u00a0\n\n\nOne trick is to keep educating your child about the need to use the toilet for all their elimination needs and make it sound as if it were a grown up thing to do. In our home, we started reading our daughter \npotty training\n \nbooks\n about 1 month before we even broached the subject with her.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to choose the right potty\n\n\nThe next important thing to do is to buy the right type of potty. I advice you to take your child on the potty training shopping trip so they feel involved in the process.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are two main types of potties: a\u00a0\nstand-alone potty\n\u00a0and a\u00a0\nseat reducer \n(which go on a traditional toilet seat and reduce the ring to a comfortable, kid-friendly size).\n\n\nSome go for seat reducers as it is cheaper than a stand-alone potty and take up less floor space. It also helps your child gets used to the regular potty, which prevents another transition from stand-alone potty to adult potty, and there is even less mess to clean after use. Plus, seat reducers can be a good fit for copy cat kids.\u00a0\n\n\nOther parents swear by stand-alone potties. They prefer stand alone potties as it\u2019s kid-size, so your child can get on and off by himself, and during extended periods of trying to go, your toddler won\u2019t be monopolizing the toilet (this is especially important to consider if you only have 1 bathroom at home).\n\n\nWhen looking for a stand-alone potty, consider three important features: safety, fit and simplicity\n\n\nIf your toddler\u2019s bum barely covers the inside rim, she\u2019ll probably feel uncomfortable while using the potty. The right size seat will let your child\u2019s bottom rest comfortably on the seat, with her feet firmly on the floor. Do also look for pottys with handles, as they will help your child balance a little better.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re potty training a boy, it\u2019s best to select a seat with a splash guard to reduce clean up hassles. Choose one that is high enough to help keep the pee in the potty but isn\u2019t so tall that it will be tricky for your little one to sit down on the potty by himself.\n\n\nThe potty should also be simple enough to use and easy to clean up.\u00a0Check online product reviews to see how many steps are required to empty and clean the pot. Some are a simple one- or two-step process; others require that you disassemble half the potty \u2014 every single time.\n\n\nFor us we chose a stand alone potty for our daughter.\u00a0\n\n\nGet rid of all diapers!\n\n\nOnce you have bought the potty \u2013 the best thing is to make your home diaper free. I know it is difficult to get rid of the \u201csecurity blanket\u201d but the best way to stop your child from using diapers is to throw away all the diapers at home.\n\n\nIt may result in many accidents and tears for a few days, which may cause more work for you but in the long run, your child would have learnt not to use the diapers.\n\n\nThis means you should also not be using training pants or night diapers. You don\u2019t want to confuse your child. Straight away switch to kids underpants or panties.\u00a0\n\n\nDo\u2019s and Don\u2019ts\u00a0\n\n\nPotty Training Do\u2019s\n\n\n1. Watch for tell-tale signs that you child needs to visit the potty. Some common signs include shuffling feet, or fiddling. The best case scenario is if your child is able to alert you before she has an accident.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Dress her in comfortable loose clothes. The last thing you want is to struggle with removing her clothes. Shy away from overalls unless your child is adept at removing them and putting them back on.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\n\n\n3. Praise your child after every successful trip to the potty. Experts say that parental praise is actually one of the tried and true methods to ensure successful and pain-free potty training.\n\n\n4. Let her play or read when sitting on the potty. It\u2019s a good idea to have a special toy just for the potty.\n\n\n5. Give your tot a little more control during potty training. This will help the training to go faster and smoother.\n\n\nPotty Training Don\u2019ts\n\n\n1. Force her to potty train upon reaching a certain age. Just because your eldest learned proper potty training at the age of two does not mean your toddler is expected to also follow suit.\n\n\n2. Listen to scolding relatives. Many mums feel unwelcome pressure from their relatives to get their child out of diapers and end up passing on the tension to their own child. If someone remarks, \u201cIsn\u2019t she a little too old for diaper?\u201d Just simply reply that \u201cshe\u2019s still wearing them, so obviously not!\u201d\n\n\n3. End up engaging in power struggles with your child. This can easily increase stress levels and prolong the process in the long run.\n\n\n4. Use nick names. Some parents believe that giving certain body parts \u2018cutesy names\u2019 will help their child. However, this is not the case. Approach potty training in a logical and a matter of fact attitude.\n\n\n5. Resort to punishing your child when accidents occur. It is not your kid\u2019s fault and punishments will only cause problems to arise and may traumatise your child.\n\n\n6. Criticise her over the simple potty training process. Criticisms and reprimands will only make the training process take longer than necessary and won\u2019t help your child\u2019s confidence levels.\n\n\nPatience, my young Padawan\u00a0\n\n\nOnce you start on the process of potty training, do try to be as patient as possible. Understand that this is a time-consuming process, with many accidents and regressions that can often be frustrating. And sometimes your kid may oppose the idea to stop using diapers.\n\n\nWhen these happen it is important that you stay calm and try to understand your child\u2019s plight.\u00a0\n\n\nGently remind your child that pee and poop should go in the potty and not on the floor or the underwear. It is important to establish consistency during the training. But you also need to remember that this is not an easy phase for your kid either.\n\n\nPotty training is a great challenge and an important milestone in your child\u2019s learning process. Your patience and reassuring presence will greatly help him hurdle this phase easier and with the confidence that you are always there to love him potty trained or not.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-children-learn-better-and-faster", "title": "Healthy Kids Learn Better and Faster. Follow These Tips To Keep Your Child Healthy", "body": "How often do you hear parents sighing about how fast their \nchildren are growing\n? Yup, SO OFTEN. Children seem to grow by the minute, don\u2019t they? They pick up new words, phrases and skills really quickly during toddlerhood because this is when they develop and learn the most. \nThis is precisely why your growing child\u2019s health should be your top priority. Studies have shown that healthy children are better learners.\n\n\n If your \nchild often falls sick and has to miss many important school days\n, she will eventually fall behind her peers. Children learn through play and have so much to explore in their formative years, so if you want your child to continue developing and learning well, start instilling healthy habits in your child from now.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n5 Tips To Keep Your Child Healthy\n\n\nChildren are the happiest when they are strong and healthy because they get to\n play and learn\n whenever, wherever! So let\u2019s try to minimize their sick days, shall we? Follow these simple tips to keep your child healthy:\n\n\n1# Practise good sleep habits\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAccording to \nexperts,\n sleep-deprived children are not only more susceptible to germs and viruses, but also experience more behavioural and academic problems. Explain to your child about the importance of sleep \u2013 it is when our body restores and repairs itself in order to continue functioning well the next day.\n\n\nTry setting a \nregular bedtime routine\n, for example, bath-bedtime story-bed \u2013 this helps your child to feel ready for sleep. Other than that, you can also help your child to sleep better by having a \u201cwind down time\u201d together before bedtime by reading books or listening to soothing music, and for older children, keep daytime naps short. \n\n\nOh, and \nstay away from chocolates and candies\n at night, too!\n\n\n2# Practise good hygiene\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nNo matter how many times you have said it to your child, keep reminding them over and over again because practising good hygiene is THE best protection against\n viruses, germs and all sorts of infections\n.\n\n\nHand washing is proven to be the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs, so mummy, keep a bar of gentle hand soap and sanitiser in your child\u2019s school backpack and again, don\u2019t stop nagging them about handwashing.\n\n\n3# Balance indoor and outdoor playtime\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhile it is safer to stay indoors as much as possible due to the current pandemic, you should still try to let your kids enjoy the outdoors for a couple of hours daily, with strict supervision, of course. \n\n\nStaying in doesn\u2019t mean you have to make your\n child read all day\n, in fact, there are many fun things that they can learn from spending time with you, for example, helping you cook in the kitchen, assisting you with various chores (but make it fun, turn chores into fun games and challenges!) and so on. \n\n\nThis keeps them moving and teaches them a thing or two about responsibility. When it\u2019s time to play outside, let them release their energy \u2013 run, jump, climb and ride \u2013 it\u2019s an effortless way to make them work their muscles so they can be strong and healthy!\u00a0\n\n\n4# Drink enough water\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAnother reminder that never gets old! Water keeps us hydrated, flushes out toxins in our body, maintains our body temperature, gives us energy, boosts brain function and the list goes on! Get a cool water bottle for your child to encourage her to drink enough water every day. Keep cool and stay hydrated!\n\n\n5# Provide a balanced and nutritious diet\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nGrowing children need adequate nutrients daily to achieve healthy growth. \nIntroduce a variety of foods\n to your child to expose her to different tastes and textures. \n\n\nProviding a balanced diet to your child from an early age is important to ensure she gets adequate vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are essential for growth and brain development. A good diet also supports a child\u2019s ability to learn.\u00a0\n\n\nNutrients That Support Your Child To Learn Better\n\n\nWatching your little one\u2019s progress day by day makes you want to do more for your child, doesn\u2019t it? So why not further support your child\u2019s learning abilities by providing her with the proper nutrients that have been proven to strengthen the body\u2019s defence system and support overall brain development?\n\n\nIntroducing \nSimilac Gain Plus\n\u00ae\n Gold\n \nwith\n 2\u2019-FL + Nucleotides & Eye-Q\n\u00ae\n Nutrition System!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is 2\u2019-FL?\n\n\n\n\na scientifically-developed formulation that supports your child\u2019s body defense and fast learning.\n\n\na prebiotic that is able to \u201ctrick\u201d bacteria, reducing chances of them binding to the body.\u00b9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2\u2019-FL & NUCLEOTIDES FOR A STRONGER BODY\n\n\n\n\nNow that you\u2019ve strengthened your child\u2019s body defense, complement it with the \nEYE-Q\n\u00ae\n \nNUTRITION SYSTEM \nto nourish her brain development!\n\n\nEYE-Q\n\u00ae\n \nNUTRITION SYSTEM \nis a unique blend of Lutein, Natural Vitamin E & DHA that is beneficial for overall brain development to support fast learning.\u00a0\n\n\nMany mums have tried and believe that \nSimilac Gain Plus\n\u00ae\n Gold \nhas helped their children to stay strong and healthy as well as learn faster. Check out what they have to say about it in this video\n:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWant to see your child continue thriving and making the most of her childhood? Keep her well and healthy with all the tips we shared above and \nhelp strengthen her body defense and brain development\n with \n2\u2019-FL, Nucleotides & Eye-Q\n\u00ae\n Nutrition System \nin \nSimilac Gain Plus\n\u00ae\n Gold \nbecause \nSTRONG KIDS LEARN FASTER, FAST LEARNERS LEVEL UP EVERYDAY\n!\n\n\nClick\n to try\u00a0 \nSimilac Gain Plus\n\u00ae\n Gold \ntoday!\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nBode L et.al. Glycobiology 2012;22(9):1147-62.\n\n\nGoehring KC, et al. J Nutr. 2016 Dec; 146(12):2559-2566. Epub 2016.\n\n\nPickering LK, et al. Pediatrics. 1998; 101(2):242-249\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/netflix-kid-movies", "title": "Weekend Movie Night? Here are 9 Kid-friendly Movies to Watch on Netflix", "body": "As we are cooped up in our homes for the weekends because of the Movement Control Order (MCO), you may find an increase in TV time with your kids \u2013 movie nights are the norm for most families during this time, especially on weekends.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, while Netflix\u2019s extensive library of movies and series is a godsend, picking a kid-friendly movie is probably a struggle we have all faced. So, here are our top seven picks for kid-friendly movies, that you may have not watched yet and is enjoyable for the entire family.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Hugo\n\n\n\n\nBased on the book titled \u201cThe Invention of Hugo Cabret\u201d, the story follows a young orphaned boy who lives on a railway. He befriends a young girl and reveals his secret plan of finishing an automaton his late father had dreamt of. They embark on a journey to find a key that could unlock his plan.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse\n\n\n\n\nWith various Spiderman movies popping out almost yearly, it can be hard to keep up. This animated version follows spider-teen Mile Morales who is visited by his alternate-world counterparts with a mission to prevent the collapse of the universe after the portal opened. With a heart-warming message that anyone can be a hero, this might just be the movie your kids need right now.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Richie Rich\n\n\n\n\nA classic movie from the 90s, this one is definitely for the parents too! The story follows the world\u2019s richest kid, who has been aptly named \u201cRichie Rich\u201d, and his plan to take down a top executive looking to ruin his father\u2019s company. Expect scenes featuring rollercoasters in home, cunning, yet adorable tactics from this nostalgic movie!\u00a0\n\n\n4. Bolt\n\n\n\n\nThe story follows Bolt, a celebrity canine who stars in a show as a super-dog. He believes his powers are real and embarks on an adventure to find his owner, only to find himself lost in the streets of the Big Apple. Full of laughable and comedic moments. the movie also feature light-hearted scenes which tug at your heartstrings.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Free Willy\n\n\n\n\nAnother classic to revisit, Free Willy tells the story of a street kid named Jesse who befriends a killer whale. Jesse then takes the tasks of protecting his whale friend\u00a0 to free it from its exploitative owners who want to kill the animal.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Pachamama\n\n\n\n\nPachamama is a goddess worshipped by the indigenous people of the Andes. This movie tells the tale of a 10-year-old boy who dreams of becoming his village\u2019s shaman. However, the boy finds himself with his bestfriend and a talking llama to find a ceremonial golden statue after a villainous Incan overload steals it.\n\n\n7. The Rugrats Movie\n\n\n\n\nRugrats will always remain a Nickelodeon kid-tv show legend, with the smart and practical Tommy and his friends falling into the cutest adventures. In the movie, a disgruntled Tommy wants to return his baby brother Dil to the hospital only to find himself lost in the woods with his baby friends. This heart-warming tale showcases the importance of sibling-hood and the bond of friendship.\u00a0\n\n\n8. Where the Wild Things Are\n\n\n\n\nThis follows a young boy named Max, who feels misunderstood and runs away from home in a wolf costume. He finds himself in an imaginary forest where mysterious wild creatures crown him as their ruler. Max promises to do good in his new kingdom, but quickly finds that ruling is not as easy as it may seem.\u00a0\n\n\n10. Ramona and Beezus\n\n\n\n\nA tale between two sisters, the story follows Ramona and her sister Beezus, who now have to cope with changes after their dad loses his job. Ramona is a grade-school student with a big imagination and begins to dream up plans to save up money to keep their home.\u00a0\n\n\nSet Netflix parental controls for your kids\n\n\nLet\u2019s admit that the TV can be considered as co-parent during this crucial stay-at-home time \u2013 it keeps your kids occupied and you in peace (even just for a while). However, to ensure that they are using the platform safely, Netflix has updated its parental control based on user feedback and this is what you can do:\n\n\nParents can now:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPIN protect individual profiles\n to prevent kids using them\n\n\nTailor their kids Netflix experience by \nfiltering out titles that are not appropriate for their age.\n We\u2019ve built these filters using country ratings so they are more intuitive\n\n\nRemove individual series or films by title.\n When this filter is used, the blocked title(s) won\u2019t show up anywhere in that profile.\n\n\nEasily review each profile\u2019s setting using the\n \u201cProfile and Parental Controls\u201d hub \nwithin account settings;\n\n\n\nSee what their kids have been watching \nwithin the profile created for them; and\n\n\nTurn off auto play of episodes\n in kids profiles.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWith that being said, happy watching!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/anantara-desaru-coast", "title": "#TAPReviews: Anantara Desaru Coast Resort And Villas", "body": "Nestled in the quiet town of Penawar is Desaru Coast, a popular tourist destination from the 70s and 80s that has been recently revived by a slew of luxury properties.\n\n\nOne of the globally renowned hotel brands that have opened its doors to the public is the well-known Anantara Desaru Coast Resorts and Villas.\n\n\n\n\nAnantara Desaru Coast Resort and Villas is filled with the natural beauty of local flora and fauna.\n\n\n\n\nJust a short hour\u2019s drive away from the JB-Singapore border and about a 4-hour drive away from Kuala Lumpur, it\u2019s a destination that families have been flocking to post-pandemic.\n\n\nWe recently stayed at the Anantara property for three days and enjoyed the various activities around the property.\n\n\nAnantara Desaru Coast Resort And Villas: A Destination For The Whole Family\n\n\nIt\u2019s tucked away in an exclusive cove of Desaru Coast, so you have a small stretch of private beach to enjoy with the family. With a huge pool for hotel guests to enjoy, the kids will want to spend most of their stay here. We recommend going in the early mornings after breakfast to enjoy the pool as the weather is great and there is plenty of time the rest of the day to check out the other features in the resort.\n\n\n\n\nBook the 2-bedroom villa which comes with a small dipping pool that the kids will absolutely enjoy.\n\n\n\n\nWe got to stay at their 2-bedroom villa which has a small dipping pool and a huge verandah that we also spent a lot of time in. We requested for a baby crib since our tot is only 2 years old and still sleeps in a crib.\n\n\n\n\nAnantara Desaru Coast Resort and Villas is a very family-friendly destination, so they will provide a crib upon request.\n\n\n\n\nThe villa itself was stunning, with a bedroom downstairs facing the pool and a perfect place to watch the sunrise from. There\u2019s a large living room and dining area where you can lounge and play with the kids.\n\n\nThe upstairs bedroom is a massive loft with a bathtub in its expansive bathroom and even a mini walk-in closet.\n\n\nThey also have a kids and teens clubs which the kids can go to for short guided activities like painting rocks, playing board games, video games, rock climbing and more. We dropped Jedi off here for a couple of hours and he enjoyed his time with the other kids around his age here. You can opt to leave your kids here if they are aged 3 and above, and there are 2 on-site aides to keep them entertained.\n\n\n\n\nBicycles are scattered around the property for guests to use.\n\n\n\n\nBicycles are scattered property-wide for those who want to enjoy a leisurely ride around the compound. Alternatively, we also saw many people who brought their own bicycles or decided to put on their running shoes for a jog around the place. It\u2019s easy to clock in a 3km ride or run around the place over one loop.\n\n\nAnd if you\u2019re anything like me, I enjoyed spending time at their gym, which was equipped enough for a quick workout every evening after my child went to bed.\n\n\nThough most of the resorts are tucked away in a quieter part of the small town, you\u2019re only 10 minutes away from the nearest row of shops. Not to mention, there is also Grab if you need something urgently.\u00a0\n\n\nBut one thing you don\u2019t have to worry about on the property is food options.\n\n\nFamily Friendly Food At Anantara Desaru Coast Resort And Villas\n\n\nSea.Fire.Salt. is their beachside casual dining restaurant with delicious grilled meats and seafood. This is where we got to taste some of their best a la carte grilled dishes and sides. It\u2019s a romantic experience for couples and also suitable for families to have your meals at. We recommend coming here for dinner because you get to watch the stunning sunsets from here. Be sure to make a reservation so you\u2019ll be guaranteed a table.\n\n\n\n\nThe sunsets from Sea.Fire.Salt are beautiful.\n\n\n\n\nIf not, Turmeric is the other restaurant you can head to for buffet dinners (a la carte also available) for a more localised taste with Thai influence. We spent most of our lunches here tasting parts of their a la carte menu, which was absolutely delicious and the very fussy toddler enjoyed every one of his meals here. This is also where breakfast is served.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n\n\nThere are many food options that are family-friendly at the Turmeric Restaurant.\n\n\n\n\nThe breakfast spread is huge and they offer dishes for both kids and adults (a little bonus for the kiddies is that they have vitagen at the breakfast buffet!). We loved the atmosphere of this poolside restaurant, which was often bustling in the evenings with diners.\u00a0\n\n\nWe capped off our last day at Anantara Desaru by unwinding at the spa \u2013 and this is something I would recommend all parents to set aside time for. If you plan your spa appointments right, you can drop the kids off at the kids or teens clubs so you can enjoy a couple of hours of relaxation with your spouse.\n\n\nIt was our first visit to Anantara Desaru, but we are sure it won\u2019t be our last. It was definitely the best in-property experiences we\u2019ve had since lockdown was lifted as a family.\n\n\n\n\nGo on a nature walk with their guides to find out more about the flora and fauna here.\n\n\n\n\nBe sure to ask the concierge for the wide range of activities that the resort has planned out for families too \u2013 from a nature walk where you can learn about the flora and fauna on the property to mangrove cruising to a Johor Bahru foodie tour to an immersive cooking class that the whole family can enjoy, there\u2019s just so much to do here.\n\n\nFor more information about Anantara Desaru Coast Resort and Villas, visit their website \nhere\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/five-best-tv-mums-growing-up-tcs-phua-chu-kang", "title": "TV Moms You Love! Here Are 5 Of The Best Mom Characters on TV", "body": "Haven\u2019t we all grown up watching these mom characters on tv thinking, wow would we one day be like them? Any TV moms on your mind?\n\n\nTV Moms: Mom characters on tv \u2013 Margaret Phua\n\n\n\n\nBefore you do a double take, keep in mind that we titled this article \u201cFavorite TV Moms\u201d, not \u201cBest TV Moms\u201d. So yup, we aren\u2019t contesting the fact that Margaret Phua was one of the most suffocating TV moms of all time.\n\n\nThat being said, the vain, spunky, vegetarian and slightly \u201catas\u201d mum was also arguably the funniest mum to have graced local TV.\n\n\nMom characters on tv \u2013 Lynette Scavo from Desperate Housewives\n\n\n\n\nThough she is no where as close as beautiful as the other mums on desperate housewives, Lynette is the one mum who has earned our respect season after season.\n\n\nWhile her tactics may not be approved by all (like impersonating a girl online when interacting with one of her teenage sons to find out if he has been using drugs,) Lynette is without a dount one of the strongest, most rational and loving mothers we have ever seen.\n\n\n Growing up \u2013 The original Mrs Tay\n\n\n\n\nMrs Tay definitely deserves some sort of prize for being the most patient, understanding mom characters on tv and wife on the planet.\n\n\nWith her perfect diction, loving ways, she cared deeply about the well-being of her children, didn\u2019t judge her children\u2019s bad decisions that didn\u2019t really matter, and knew far more than her sweet smile let on.\n\n\nThe Simpsons \u2013 Marge Simpsons\n\n\n\n\nTrying to maintain some sort of order in the ungrateful Simpson household, Marge Simpson provides a grounding voice in the midst of her hectic family of five\u2019s crazy antics. She is one of my favourite mom characters on tv!\n\n\nMalcolm in the middle \u2013 Lois Wilkerson\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n\n\nMothers\n parent in different ways, but when you have the crop of five children that luck had bestowed on Lois, the only tactic that works is fear!\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n6 Reasons why your kid shouldn\u2019t watch Peppa Pig, according to parents\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/breast-exam-self-examination", "title": "Feel Yourself Up \u2014 Your Step-by-Step Guide To Breast Self-Examination", "body": "According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer globally, and \u2018early detection to improve survival remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control\u2019. In light of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month and with this statement in mind, make sure you carry out regular self-examinations and annual mammograms.\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nBreast Cancer: What You Eat Really Matters\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/happy-birthday-mom-super-brand-day-special", "title": "A Celebration For All Moms - Super Brand Day Special!", "body": "Yes, you have come a long way since you heard your little one\u2019s first cry. From understanding your child\u2019s cries to handling tantrums in toddlerhood and so on, you\u2019ve overcome a great deal of challenges and life changes. Watching your child reaching different milestones as they grow up is a beautifully rewarding experience every parent can relate to, a mom especially. Now, have you ever realised that your child\u2019s milestones are also YOUR milestones?\n\n\nWell, they are! Your little one couldn\u2019t have done it without your love, patience, time and attention. Every milestone reflects your own personal growth. Just compare your patience before and after you\u2019ve become a mom, or how independent and responsible you\u2019ve become the moment you have your child\u2019s life and future in your hands. Do you see it now?\n\n\nMotherhood isn\u2019t always rainbows and butterflies. Certainly, there are days when you feel defeated and beyond exhausted, but there\u2019s nothing those tiny hugs and kisses can\u2019t fix, agree? Your journey as a mom is a big deal and should be celebrated every once in a while. Treat yourself to something simple and sweet, for example, celebrating your child\u2019s birthday as your birth-day too!\n\n\nHappy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Super Brand Day\n\n\nYup, why not celebrate your birth-day as a mom from now on? Can\u2019t go wrong with a double celebration, can you? Double the fun, double the cake and double the memories! To kick off this fantastic idea, here\u2019s a special celebration for all moms out there with the \nHappy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Super Brand Day \ncampaign.\n\n\n\u201cWe want all moms to know that they are loved and valued. This special celebration is our humble way of giving back to you, for all that you are and everything that you do. Happy Birthday, Mom!\u201d\n\n\nIt\u2019s so easy to join the \nHappy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Giveaway* \ncampaign. Just follow these simple steps:\n\n\n\n\nVisit the \nHappy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Giveaway*\n \nhere\n.\n\n\nSubmit a photo telling us about your motherhood journey.\n\n\n\n\nThe FIRST 500 valid entries will receive a giveaway voucher via the email address provided.\n\n\n\n\n*Terms & Conditions applied.\n\n\n*Voucher redemption from 24 Feb \u2013 26 Mar 2021\n\n\n*Limited to the first 500 submissions only.\n\n\n*Applicable to Maternal Milk/Adult Milk/Growing Up Milk/Formula Dietary Food for children aged 1 year old and above only. While stocks last.\n\n\n*Vouchers to be used on either \nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae\n, \nNANKID\u00ae\n, \nLACTOGROW\u00ae\n, or \nCERELAC\u00ae\n official stores.\n\n\n\n\nMore Offers Await on Happy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Super Brand Day!\n\n\nBesides being an early bird for the \nHappy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Super Brand Day\n campaign, you can also grab a bunch of other irresistible offers exclusively. With gifts and vouchers totaling RM700,000!\n\n\nGet your wishlist ready and set your reminders now!\n\n\n24 Feb : 12am-2am \u2013 Kick Start Promos\n\n\nGIFT BOX (limited quantity)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFREE gift box for mom & kids worth RM139.80 with minimum spend of RM700 \n\nFor spend on products in the campaign.\n\n\n\n\nVOUCHERS (limited quantity)\n\n\n\n\nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae Official Store\n: 20% off with minimum spend of RM600 (max RM250)\n\n\nNANKID\u00ae Official Store\n: 20% off with minimum spend of RM600 (max RM500)\n\n\nLACTOGROW\u00ae Official Store\n: 20% off with minimum spend of RM400 (max RM500)\n\n\n\n\nGIFT BOX (Loreal Paris + Skiphop) (limited quantity)\n\n\nWorth RM139.80 with minimum spend of RM700 \n\n\nFor \nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae\n, \nNANKID\u00ae\n, and \nLACTOGROW\u00ae\n official stores purchases only.\n\n\nGift with Purchase\n\n\n\n\nCERELAC\u00ae Official Store\n 20% off with minimum spend of RM120 (max RM25) & get Free Bo Bear towel with a minimum spend of RM60 (100 units).\n\n\n\n\n24 Feb : 12pm-2pm \u2013 Lunch Surprises (limited quantities)\n\n\n\n\nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae Official Store\n: 18% min spend RM600 (max RM150)\n\n\nNANKID\u00ae Official Store\n: 18% off with a min spend RM600 (max RM300)\n\n\nLACTOGROW\u00ae Official Store\n: 18% min spend RM400 (max RM200)\n\n\nCERELAC\u00ae Official Store\n 20% min spend RM120 (max RM25)\n\nBUY 2 Free 1 Bundle. \n\n1) CERELAC\u00ae INFANT CEREALS WITH MILK OATS + WHEAT + PRUNES 250G (8 MONTHS+)\n\n2) CERELAC\u00ae INFANT CEREALS WITH MILK WHEAT + HONEY + DATES 250G (8 MONTHS+)\n\n3) CERELAC\u00ae INFANT CEREALS WITH MILK RICE AND MIXED VEGETABLES 250G (6 MONTHS+)\n\n\n\n\n24 Feb : All-Day Vouchers (limited quantities)\n\n\n\n\nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae Official Store\n: 15% min spend RM300 (max RM50)\n\n\nNANKID\u00ae Official Store\n: 15% min spend RM350 (max RM60)\n\n\nLACTOGROW\u00ae Official Store\n: 15% min spend RM250 (max RM40)\n\n\nCERELAC\u00ae Official Store\n 15% min spend RM80 (max RM15)\n\n\n\n\n24 Feb: All-Day Promos (limited quantities)\n\n\nGift box (Loreal Paris + Skiphop) \n\n\nWorth RM140 min spend RM700\n\n\nFor \nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae\n, \nNANKID\u00ae\n, and \nLACTOGROW\u00ae\n \nofficial stores \npurc\nhases only.\n\n\n24 Feb: Odd hour 2pm-6pm\n\n\n\n\nS-26 GOLD\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae Official Store\n min spend RM600: 38 units (Skiphop bag worth 319)\n\n\nNANKID\u00ae Official Store\n min spend RM700: 40 units (Easel worth RM499)\n\n\nLACTOGROW\u00ae Official Store\n min spend RM400: 33 units (Thermos lunch set worth RM205)\n\n\n\n\nSPECIAL OFFER for Standard Chartered cardholders:\n\n\n\n\nGet another RM20 off with a minimum spend of RM300 (limited collectable vouchers).\n\n\n\n\nCelebrate Good Times, Come On!\n\n\nIt\u2019s time you make your motherhood journey more meaningful. Celebrate your wins, no matter big or small because every single one counts. Share this great news with your fellow mom-friends, too! We\u2019re ready to make your day, so wait no more, send your entry for the\n Happy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Super Brand Day\n campaign today!\n\n\nGet ready to shop at \nHappy \u201cBirthday\u201d Moms \u2013 Super Brand Day\n on 24 February 2021.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/heart-failure-in-babies", "title": "Heart failure in babies: Heartbroken Singapore dad shares his grief", "body": "Eight days after her first birthday, little Ho Yuan En Jovelynn\u2019s infant care teachers found out that her lips had suddenly turned purple and she was very lethargic.\n\n\nHer worried parents took her to KK Hospital, where she was diagnosed with heart failure.\n\n\nSadly, baby Jovelynn passed away on 17 February 2018, on the second day of Chinese New Year. She was only 20 months old.\n\n\nHer heartbroken father, Jason Ho, shares his grief with theAsianparent. He hopes there were will be more facilities to treat heart failure in babies in Singapore.\n\n\n\u201cSingapore is so advanced but nothing can be done to save my daughter\u201d, says Jason\u2026\n\n\nHeart failure in babies: Singapore dad shares his grief\n\n\n\n\nYou might have read about Jason before. He and his wife had \nmet with an accident while going to visit their critically ill baby in hospital\u2026\n\n\nJason works as Sales Executive, and his wife Cindy Lim works as Clinic Assistant. The couple are also parents to\u00a0Ho Yuan Kai Jovan,10, and Ho Yuan Le Javier, 4.\n\n\nJason tells us that family history was the cause of Jovelynn\u2019s illness, \u201cI myself am a heart transplant patient. I suffered heart failure when I was 15 years old. My mother is also a heart failure patient.\u201d\n\n\nDoctors at KK Hospital had diagnosed Jovelynn with cardiomyopathy.\u00a0\n\n\nThe heart disease had impaired the baby girl\u2019s growth and development.\n\n\nSays Jason, \u201cShe was learning to walk, jump, crawl and talk, but after she started on medication she had no strength to do all that.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cFor the first 6 months, she was on medication but when her doctor resigned from KKH there was a month without a specialist. That was when her condition turned from bad to worse.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cShe was in and out of hospital for 8 months. Then later, when her condition worsened, she had to be warded in NUH paediatric ICU for 2 months.\u201d\n\n\nDealing with the loss of a child\u2026\n\n\n\n\nAs parents, we cannot imagine what Jason and his wife would have gone through\u2026\n\n\nJason shares, \u201cWe can accept that she is no more, but my heart still aches in sadness. Whenever I see her pictures, I still cry.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMy wife also misses her badly\u2026when anyone mentions her name or she sees her pictures or videos she will cry badly\u2026\u201d\n\n\n\u201cJovelynn\u2019s elder brother, who is 10 years old, understands what happened. He also has this condition (although in a mild form) and is on medication. My younger son does not understand much as he is still quite young.\u201d\n\n\nJason also talks about his regrets, \u201cWe regret that we couldn\u2019t do much for her, take her overseas, or even bring her out to see the stars or lights. My little girl loved the lights a lot, and she loved to go out.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe also regret not taking more family photos with her. We wanted to take 1 last family photo but we couldn\u2019t.\u201d\n\n\nThere are some valuable life lessons that only death can teach us\u2026\n\n\nAnd Jason has this advice for all parents, \u201cLove your children more, they are God\u2019s gifts.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI always wanted a girl. When I first found out that my third child was a girl, I was super happy. But happiness won\u2019t last, you never know what will happen tomorrow\u2026\u201d\n\n\n\u201cSo please treasure the time you have with your children.\u201d\n\n\nHeart failure in babies in Singapore\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThis father remains disappointed that he was unable to save his own daughter, \u201cIn Singapore there is no heart transplant program for children.\u201d\n\n\nIt is true that Singapore does not have a paediatric heart transplant programme. Malaysia, China, India, Japan and Thailand are among the many countries in the region where paediatric heart transplants have been performed.\n\n\nAccording to Associate Professor Quek Swee Chye of NUH, in Singapore, the main barrier to starting a paediatric heart transplant programme is the lack of donor hearts.\n\n\nDr. Chye has been quoted as\n telling Channel NewsAsia\n earlier, \u201cFor kids, there are different ages and sizes from newborns, infants, to toddlers, children, adolescents. You have to have a heart that is of fairly similar size. That\u2019s a major difficulty compared to the adult population.\u201d\n\n\nCountries where\u00a0paediatric heart transplants have been performed usually have a larger population and a bigger donor pool.\n\n\nAlso, children are not covered under Singapore\u2019s Human Organ Transplant Act, which allows doctors to recover the kidneys, liver, heart and corneas from the bodies of all Singaporean citizens and permanent residents of sound mind if they die for any reason, unless they opt out.\n\n\nWe hope that Singapore can one day\u00a0develop a paediatric heart transplant programme, so that babies like\u00a0Jovelynn have a better chance of survival.\n\n\nDaddy Jason\u2019s words are heart-wrenching, \u201cIf I could, I would give up my heart and give to her\u2026\u201d \ud83d\ude41\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dangerous-flu-symptoms-how-to-identify-these-in-your-kid", "title": "Dangerous flu symptoms: How to identify these in your kid", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe U.S. is currently facing its worst ever influenza (flu) outbreak. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 53 children have \nreportedly\n lost their lives.\u00a0While this health crisis has happened far away from us in Singapore, we should not be complacent, because flu outbreaks of varying strains can strike any time. And parents must be aware of dangerous flu symptoms in their kids.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhen a flu outbreak hits, the most vulnerable sections of any community are children and the elderly. This is because their immune systems are weak in comparison to older kids or younger adults.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBecause of this, parents must know how to be prepared if their child gets the flu. Most importantly, they should know when to rush their kid to the doctor before the illness can become potentially fatal.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, it can be difficult to identify the kind of flu a child might be suffering from. That\u2019s because there are three major strains of flu, each with its own symptoms and dangers.\u00a0\n\n\nDangerous flu symptoms depend on the strain\n\n\nEven experts agree that it can be difficult for parents to identify which flu strain has attacked their child.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cEvery once in a while, even among healthy children, this influenza strain and others can make a person very, very sick, really fast. It\u2019s deceptive,\u201d Dr William Schaffner, infectious disease specialist, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, U.S., told \nThe New York Times\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTypically, flu \u2014 which is a communicable respiratory disease\u00a0\u2014 comes from three types of flu viruses.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAs per \nWebMD\n, these include type A, B and C.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nType A\n. This type of virus mostly affects birds and animals. Also, type A flu virus is spread by those already affected and may be always present on the surfaces that they touch. This is a constantly changing virus and epidemics are often due to this particular strain.\u00a0\n\n\nType B\n.\u00a0This causes the flu in most adults and children. Persons affected by type B flu virus\u00a0may be seen sniffling, and coughing. They may have body aches and high fevers. All of these are dangerous flu symptoms and may indicate that the affected needs immediate medical attention. \u00a0\n\n\nType C\n. This is a milder strain of flu. You may not notice the same dangerous flu symptoms if a person is affected by the type C flu virus. This strain is not implicated in epidemics.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMany parents often confuse the dangerous flu symptoms with those of regular cold and cough. So let\u2019s quickly understand the differences between the two so you can identify if your child has influenza or is suffering from cold and cough.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nDifferences between symptoms of flu and cold\n\n\nAs per the CDC, the primary difference between flu and common cold is that they are caused by \ndifferent\n viruses.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cBecause these two types of illnesses have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIn general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms are more common and intense. Colds are usually milder than the flu.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cPeople with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. \nColds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalisations\n,\u201d the \napex agency explains\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Centres for Disease Control and Prevention lists the common difference between the symptoms of flu and common cold. | Image courtesy: \nCDC\n\n\n\n\nWhat you must know is if your child has a common cold, it will not be accompanied by a serious medical condition.\n\n\nHowever, in the case of flu, \nif \nsymptoms are ignored and your child\u2019s health is not carefully monitored, the outcome could very well be fatal.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n7 dangerous flu symptoms you must watch out for\n\n\nSome dangerous flu symptoms can often give away information that your child\u2019s condition is rapidly taking a turn for the worst. So it is crucial for every parent to monitor their children closely, especially if they are below the age of five.\n\n\nKeep an eye out for these dangerous flu symptoms in children:\n\n\n\n\nYour child is breathing fast or has trouble breathing at all.\u00a0\n\n\nHis skin has taken on a bluish hue.\n\n\nHe refuses to drink liquids, even water.\u00a0\n\n\nHe remains inactive and barely speaks with anybody.\u00a0\n\n\nYour baby or toddler is irritable and doesn\u2019t want to be held for comfort.\u00a0\n\n\nSymptoms of flu (coughing, sneezing, aches) go down, but fever remains constant and surges in some cases.\u00a0\n\n\nThe fever is accompanied by a rash.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you spot any of these, know that they are dangerous flu symptoms and can lead to other fatal medical problems such as pneumonia and secondary bacterial infections.\u00a0\n\n\nThe New York Times\n warns, \u201cChildren with chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, heart conditions or seizures are also at increased risk for developing influenza-related complications, and the illness can exacerbate their underlying medical problems.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTherefore, parents must always be on the lookout for these symptoms and seek prompt medical support. You must pay even closer attention to babies and toddlers and ensure that all children are getting enough liquids through the day.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the case of flu, the symptoms can turn fatal within a matter of 48 hours. So we suggest you pay very close attention to your children if you suspect they have the flu.\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nCDC\n, \nThe New York Times\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/big-hips-equal-easier-births", "title": "Do Big Hips Equal Easier Births?", "body": "Back in the day, mothers would assess their daughter-in-law\u2019s \u201cpotential\u201d by how wide her hips were. It was believed that the size of the hips are an indication of fertility and also how easy it would be to bear and deliver children with small\u00a0women often believed to have more difficulty during labour.\n\n\nDespite the fact that small women with small\u00a0hips have been birthing\u00a0children since well before we were all born, the myth still persists that big hips = easier births. Many modern women opt for elective Caesareans because they believe their hips are just too small to allow a baby through.\n\n\nEven modern doctors guided by modern technology like the ultrasound,\u00a0are known to make remarks that a woman\u2019s hips are too narrow, or a heavier baby would automatically need a Caesarean. But ultrasounds are not 100% accurate, and personally, I know of a few women who have pushed out babies 4-4.5kg in weight. Amazing, but they did it!\n\n\nSo it may not come as a surprise that pelvic size is only one of many factors that contribute to a successful vaginal birth. Yes it is true that an optimal \npelvic formation\n\u00a0has a round opening with round buttocks, and\u00a0a less optimal pelvic formation\u00a0has an oval opening with smaller buttocks.\n\n\nBut it does not mean that only women with the optimal pelvic formation can deliver normally.\u00a0The hormone relaxin is produced during pregnancy, helping to\u00a0loosen up the pelvis, making it a\u00a0dynamic, flexible passageway. A\u00a0baby\u2019s head is also a flexible structure with joints that can be molded or compressed with the plates of the skull overlapping while it makes its way through the birth canal.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more important is eating healthy and staying active. There is a noticeable association between how well a woman is nourished and how easy the birth is. Back then, many women suffered from nutritional deficiencies and illnesses like polio or rickets can cause pelvic anomalies, leading to risky births and high mortality rates. It was not the size of their hips per se, but the fact that their bone structures were compromised by illness.\n\n\nWe\u2019ve come a long way since then and standards of living have risen. Many diseases have been eradicated and most of us have some working knowledge on what foods to eat for a balanced diet. We know that pregnancy is a time to \nprepare and nourish\n our bodies and our babies.\n\n\nWe also know that exercise can help keep us flexible, strong and limber to prepare for labour. Exercises like Kegels and squats are especially good to strengthen the pelvic floor and open the pelvis up.\n\n\nSo if you\u2019re hoping for a vaginal delivery, don\u2019t worry about things you can\u2019t change, like your pelvis size, and start focusing on things that you can, like your diet and fitness!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKanak-Kanak\nDuduk Di Rumah Menyebabkan Masalah Lebih Mendalam Seperti Screen Time Berlebihan & Diet Tak Teratur\nKesihatan\nThis Quiz Will Help You Decide How Best To Protect Yourselves, The Kids And Your Parents Too\nLifestyle\nMCO Baby On The Way? Here's How To Prepare For Your Little One\nTake The Quiz\nWhat Is Your Money Parenting Style?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-suffers-30-seizures-a-day-as-parents-seek-help-3", "title": "Baby suffers 30 seizures a day, as parents seek help", "body": "As much as it pains people to see babies having seizures back to back, one often wonders what on earth could possibly cause seizures in babies after birth?\u00a0But this is what three-month-old baby Kimberly has to go through\u00a0\nup to 30 times per day\n!\n\n\nWhen baby Kimberly\u2019s first seizure lasted 30 minutes only two days after she was born in Indonesia, this made her parents worry. Tests were carried out and she even went through an MRI. Even though her seizures were controlled with medication, they refused to go away completely.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSeizures in Babies After Birth:\u00a0Hemimegalencephaly\n\n\n\n\nDoctors diagnose Kimberly with a rare neurological condition called Hemimegalencephaly, which can cause seizures in babies after birth.\n\n\n\n\nUnable to stop the seizures and with no experts in Indonesia to handle her condition, Kimberly was brought to Singapore\u2019s KK Women\u2019s and Children\u2019s Hospital to seek treatment. An MRI scan conducted at KK Hospital later confirmed that she has Hemimegalencephaly.\n\n\nHemimegalencephaly is a rare neurological condition in which one side of the brain is abnormally larger than the other. The enlarged brain tissue was responsible for the frequent seizures and needed to be removed via surgery.\u00a0\n\n\nThis would leave Kimberly with no control over the other side of her\u00a0body and only\u00a0her left brain to manage all bodily functions.\n\n\nTaking into consideration how young Kimberly is and her rare condition, doctors are unsure what the outcome will be. But her parents vow to give her a fighting chance of survival because Kimberly is a miracle baby, one they had waited 10 years for. They do not want to lose her.\n\n\nTo date, Kimberly\u2019s medical fees are more than SGD70,000, excluding surgery fees. Estimated bills might go up to SGD150,000 due to possible multiple surgeries, according to\u00a0\nGiveAsia\n.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Are Seizures?\n\n\n\n\nSeizures in babies after birth can recur many times in a day.\n\n\n\n\nSeizures occur when cells in the brain experience abnormal electrical activity, temporarily disrupting the brain\u2019s normal electrical signals. In simple terms, the brain short circuits,\u00a0\nsays Adam Hartman, M.D\n., assistant professor of Neurology and Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Children\u2019s Center.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\nNational Neuroscience Institute\n,\u00a0the occurrence of seizures could be due to:\n\n\n\n\nBrain injury\n\n\nInfection in the brain\n\n\nBrain Tumour\n\n\nStroke\n\n\nGenetic susceptibility\n\n\n\n\nWhile one can clearly tell when an adult has seizures, this is not the case for babies who show far more subtle signs. In fact, it is very easy to miss it, and parents who have never seen seizures in babies after birth, might not even notice anything wrong.\u00a0\n\n\nAs hard as it is to watch, here\u2019s a video showing how subtle seizures in babies after birth can be:\n\n\nVideo of Back-to-Back Seizures in Babies After Birth\n\n\n\n\nSeizures in Babies After Birth: Different Types and Signs to Look Out For\n\n\n\n\nFebrile seizures\n \u2013\n\u00a0Baby\u2019s eyes are rolled with limbs that either stiffen or twitch and jerk. These seizures, are usually triggered by very high fevers.\n\n\nFocal seizures \u2013\n\u00a0Signs include sweating, \nvomiting\n, turning pale, and spasms or rigidity in one muscle group, for example, the fingers, arms, or legs. Your baby might also show signs of gagging, lip smacking, screaming, crying, and loss of consciousness.\n\n\nAbsence (petit mal) seizures \u2013\n\u00a0Parents may notice baby staring into space or daydreaming. Your baby might also blink rapidly or look like he or she is chewing something. The seizures typically last less than 30 seconds and recur several times a day.\n\n\nAtonic (drop attack) seizures \u2013 \nYour baby will suddenly go limp and unresponsive due to\u00a0the sudden loss of muscle tone. For example, your baby\u2019s head might drop suddenly, while\u00a0\ncrawling\n\u00a0on the floor.\n\n\nTonic seizures \u2013 \nStiffening of various parts or the entire body.\n\n\nMyoclonic seizures \u2013\u00a0\nCluster seizures that happen several days in a row which involve jerky movements in the baby\u2019s neck, shoulders, or upper arms.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Should Parents Do If They See Seizures in Babies After Birth?\n\n\n\n\nAs crazy as this sounds, take a video of your baby having a seizure because showing the video to your paediatrician later will help him make better judgements.\n\n\nIt is also crucial that parents note these important details below:\n\n\n\n\nHow long did the seizure last?\n\n\nWhere did the seizure start? Was it focal (on the arms, legs, eyes) or was it spread out on different parts of the body?\n\n\nWhat was the seizure like? (Was there staring, jerking, or stiffening?)\n\n\nWhat was the last thing your baby was doing before the seizure? (For example, waking up, or eating.)\n\n\n\n\nAlso do not forget to take safety precautions when the baby is undergoing a seizure.\n\n\n\n\nRoll your baby to the side to prevent them \nchoking\n on their vomit.\n\n\nDo not try to stop the seizures, and don\u2019t put anything in their mouth.\n\n\nIf your baby seizes for more than fiveminutes, turns blue or has trouble breathing, call for help immediately\n\n\nAlso seek medical help immediately if your baby is unresponsive for 30 minutes following a seizure.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWatching your baby stiffen and going limp during a seizure can be a frightening experience for a parent t0 watch \u2014 and to have to watch it happen 30 times in a day. Do spare a thought for the parents who are giving their miracle baby a fighting chance to survive. You too \ncan contribute.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nGiveAsia\n, \nNUH\n, \nParents\n, \nWebMD\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mindful-guide", "title": "The Mindful Guide To Self-Quarantine - Part 1", "body": "Crazy times at full speed! We know, this is all quite unreal. We feel the effects and we certainly feel the panic and anxiety. But there\u2019s a difference between feeling it from others and allowing ourselves to let it overtake us. Most of us regardless of age, race, geographic location or profession are in self quarantine. The exception are the front-liners, emergency relief providers and those helping with basic supplies. And those are our true heroes. But for the rest of you who are working from home, we have a guide for you.\n\n\nSocial distancing and self-quarantine is at the tips of everyone\u2019s tongue but how do we make sure we\u2019re doing it properly \u2013 safely, mindfully and healthily? So even though you\u2019re home in your own fort, here are some key rules and guidelines to put into place for yourself and your family.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEstablish a routine\n\u00a0\u2013 the last thing you want to do is act like everyday is a Sunday. Don\u2019t lay in your sweatpants on the couch, binge on junk food and have Netflix marathons. This tricks your mind into hyper-relaxation which is great for a Sunday, but not for every single day. You\u2019ll want a dedicated timetable that allows you to get your tasks done and on time.\n\n\n\nSelf monitor & preventative mindset\n\u00a0\u2013 you can start by washing hands properly (20 seconds at least), not touching your face, taking your temperature daily in the mornings and disinfecting surfaces that are high-touch. if you don\u2019t feel 100%, please start by staying away from family members/those in your home. This means avoid common items (utensils, knobs, handles, cupboards) which are shared by others. If you sneeze or cough, use a tissue to cover your mouth and throw that tissue away immediately. Make sure you wash your hands after every sneeze too. It\u2019s important to make sure surfaces in your space are clean from blood, bodily fluids and that these spaces are well ventilated with natural air or air conditioners. Continue to monitor your symptoms closely, and if you don\u2019t see visible improvement, contact your health care provider immediately.\u00a0\n\n\n\nBasic hygiene\n\u00a0\u2013 even though you may not be exposing yourself to the outside world and may already be washing your hands often there are other equally important parts to hygiene. These include flossing, brushing your teeth, showering at least once a day, doing the dishes after each meal (you\u2019re home after all) and cleaning your space in the mornings. Showering in the morning also wakes you up and refreshes your mind, energising you for a more productive day!\n\n\n\nCook real meals\n\u00a0\u2013 yup, it\u2019s so tempting to open that tin of tuna and boil up some instant noodles but now more than ever, we need something that feels nourishing and grounding and cooking can do just that. There\u2019s also the nutritional element of what you\u2019re providing to your body. This is especially not a time to slack on nutrition in the name of convenience as our bodies need to be stronger to fight diseases and viruses out there. Also, don\u2019t forget to include herbs that help with immunity \u2013 such as\u00a0\ntumeric & turmeric leaf, pegaga & elderberry.\n\u00a0If you\u2019re looking to test the waters with a simple healthy recipe that does wonders for immunity, start\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n\nExercise\n\u00a0\u2013 gyms and yoga studios around your city have closed but there are plenty of other ways to access those happiness-spiking endorphins. Firstly, put on a great\u00a0\nplaylist\n. Then get yourself moving \u2013 freestyle, dance and yoga \u2013 whatever takes your fancy. If you prefer someone guiding you through the process, there are a ton of free classes that are being held free on Instagram Live or IGTV during COVID-19. You can also choose from these\u00a0\nat-home workout classes\u00a0\nwe love.\u00a0\n\n\n\nDedicate a work space\n\u00a0\u2013 if you\u2019re working from your bed and the couch and on the floor, chances are you\u2019re going to feel pretty lethargic soon, or might even feel like your back and legs don\u2019t quite like this set up. If possible, set a designated space in your home \u2013 perhaps an uncluttered corner where you can set up a standing or sitting desk and a back supporting chair. Ideally this space will receive natural sunlight (or be bright enough to work in) and give you the quiet you need to concentrate. If you can have some background music playing and also get a candle burning, there\u2019s nothing like it!\n\n\n\nGet some face time\n\u00a0\u2013 self-isolation does not mean isolating from the world. Pick up that phone and call friends and family you haven\u2019t spoken to in awhile. If you can video chat with them, even better. We still need to emotionally connect during self-isolation and we still certainly need human interaction too, even if it may be via screens. Some great video tools out there include\u00a0\nZoom\n,\u00a0\nGoogle Hangouts,\n\u00a0&\u00a0\nSkype\n\u00a0 and we love\u00a0\nHouse Party\u00a0\nfor social calls!\u00a0\n\n\n\nStay calm\n\u00a0\u2013 granted probably easier said than done, but this is paramount. We\u2019ve said it before \u2013 panic weakens the immune system so please be careful. We know you\u2019re bombarded with perhaps children at home and new responsibilities with this schedule and set up, but as much as possible, limit your exposure to the news and stay calm \u2013 your immune system will thank you for it. Some ways to help with this period are these mindful tools like\n\u00a0EFT\n,\u00a0\nHo\u2019oponopono\n\u00a0and guided meditation videos like\u00a0\nthis\n. There are also great apps that help you cultivate a meditation practice such as\u00a0\nHeadspace\n,\u00a0\nCalm\n\u00a0&\u00a0\nInsight Timer\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\nLearn something new\n\u00a0\u2013 take this opportunity, a time that\u2019s free from commute and outside runs to learn something new from the comforts of your home. Whether it\u2019s a skill like photography, how to make a new dish, or take the chance to educate yourself on the power of herbs, there are tons of opportunities available. Check out our very own\u00a0\nNatural Home Pharmacy\n\u00a0\u2013 an easy to follow video program created by Naturopath\u00a0\nAmanda Teh\n on how you can heal your body from common illnesses with delicious natural remedies you can make with ingredients in your very own kitchen! It\u2019s all online & will completely transform your life!\n\n\n\n\nThese are just a few basic guidelines to ease you and your indoor schedule. Stay tuned for our next article The Mindful Guide To Self-Quarantine \u2013 Part 2, where we\u2019ll be talking about how to maximize your work from home set up, the importance of human connection and a few other important things during this\u00a0 COVID-19 time.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-development-growing-optimally", "title": "Is Your Child Growing Optimally? Here\u2019s What You Need to Know", "body": "A growing up child can be hard to keep track of, especially with the many milestones they are bound to cover in their early years \u2013\u00a0 watching them grow into their own personalities is a truly heartwarming journey.\n\n\nHowever, as parents, it is natural to worry about their development and it can be hard to keep up \u2013 they just grow up too fast! Mummies and daddies \u2013 especially first-time parents \u2013 will undoubtedly be flooded with questions and concerns when it comes to their child\u2019s growth. But what exactly constitutes \u2018normal\u2019 growth? Here is what you should know.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are 3 key indicators to optimal child development and growth\n\n\nIn truth,\u00a0 development in children is a tricky subject. This is because most of the findings that indicate if a child is growing optimally or may be suffering from poor growth are based on statistics and information gathered by professionals from children themselves\u00b9\n.\n\n\nHowever, as with every milestone, every child is different in their developments. Of course, there are indicators on whether your child is growing optimally versus children that may be considered \u201cnot growing well\u201d which could be a cause for concern. If you spot signs of underdevelopment (as we will discuss later), you should consult your paediatrician as well.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSo, to understand if your child is growing normally, there are a few things you should take note of.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHeight\n\n\n\n\nGenerally, a child\u2019s height increases by 30 per cent within their early years, and more than 50 per cent later on \u2013 this would typically be around 25 centimetres early on and double their height within their fifth year\u00b2\n. It is also said that children grow at least three and a half inches (roughly nine centimetres) in their second, as well as a third year\u00b3\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIn terms of growth percentiles, there are several references that doctors or parents may refer to, but the common one would be World Health Organisation\u2019s (WHO) growth percentiles, which is taken as a worldwide standard\n4\n. Percentiles are measurements that indicate a child\u2019s growth pattern \u2013 these charts appear as lines in curved patterns and doctors use them to reference a child\u2019s height, as well as weight by plotting it on the chart\n5\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if your child is growing below the normal percentiles, it could be due to various factors including genetics, delayed growth\n6\n and the most important factor \u2013 nutrition. In fact, a global analysis of 65 million children showed that their height was directly affected by their overall health and the quality of their diet\n7\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWeight\n\n\n\n\nChildren generally gain about 2.2 kilograms after their second year, while this weight gain remains more or less consistent every year, until the age of five\n8\n. However, there is a misconception that thin children are \u2018underweight\u2019 but this may not be the case, as they may be naturally slender with a well-balanced diet and a lot of physical activity\n9\n. Nevertheless, as we have mentioned, it is best to consult your paediatrician to see if there is an actual cause for concern.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTherefore, regular height and weight measurement on the growth chart are very important to monitor if your child\u2019s development is on track. \nTry out this convenient and easy-to-use growth tracker \nhere\n to ensure your child\u2019s physical growth is at an optimal rate.\n\n\n\n\nDiet\n\n\n\n\nMany factors \u2013 if not all \u2013 of a child\u2019s development always circles back to nutrition for the very fact that it is a key competent in supporting and maintaining their growth. The same study that focused on 65 million children, which reported data gathered between the year 1985 and 2019, concluded that nutrition, as well as the quality of food, remain a key factor in a child\u2019s health. This has led to a further verdict that lack of quality food can lead to stunted growth and affect their well-being throughout their life\n10\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBesides physical growth, poor nutrition within their diet also causes issues with a child\u2019s intellectual development, as a child with an improper diet can hamper their learning abilities, and cause them to become sick often simply because their body\u2019s nutritional needs are not met\n11\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIn summary, nutrition is absolutely crucial for a child\u2019s development\n\n\nAt this point, you have probably realised that nutrition is the main factor that aids their height, weight and overall development \u2013 but then again, it is no secret either. Nutrition has always played a fundamental role in determining and supporting their growth progression. Good health is attributed to adequate nutritional intake, while lack of nutrition could lead to delayed growth\n12\n. Meanwhile, nutrition also serves as the foundation of their well-being in their future.\n13\n\n\nOf course, growth in children is not exclusive to just weight gain- studies have concluded that nutritious food provides them with the ability to grow properly overall\n14\n. Think of it this way: feeding your underweight child with food in a bid to get them to gain weight could go awry if their diet is not well-balanced or with the right nutritious components because although they gain weight, it may not correlate healthily with their height\n15\n.\n\n\n\n\nFret not, as long as you instil healthy eating habits in your child, as well as ensure they get adequate nutrition, you\u2019re on the right track. But make sure these good practices start young and are maintained throughout their life.\u00a0\n\n\nSupport your child\u2019s nutrition with Milnutri\u2122 SURE, the new Catch-Up Growth formula for your child\u2019s growth\n\n\nThankfully, these days, there are many products readily available to ease the burden of parents because as many of us know, it can be quite an obstacle to get your growing up child to finish all of their fruits and \nvegetables\n. For picky eaters and children who are undernourished, food intake from main meals sometimes might not be sufficient to support their nutritional needs.\n\n\nTo supplement your child\u2019s daily diet, we\u2019re introducing Milnutri Sure that provides children with adequate nutrition. Milnutri\u2122 Sure is specially formulated to support your child\u2019s \u2018catch-up growth\u2019 as it is a formula dietary food that helps provides complete and balanced nutrition to aid your child\u2019s overall growth and development.\n\n\n\n\nIt is specially formulated with 100% of the Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysia (2017) with selected nutrients*** that contribute to a child\u2019s growth and development. It also contains IcFOS and inulin, which are prebiotics that supports a good intestinal environment for your child. This is crucial for your child\u2019s body to be able to absorb nutrients properly and support crucial bodily functions \u2013 the bodily functions include warding off infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as supporting brain health.\n\n\nMeanwhile, Milnutri Sure also contains these key nutritional components:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLysine:\n This is an essential amino acid that needs to be provided in daily diets of children.\n\n\nCalcium and Vitamin D, Arginine:\n Calcium supports strong bones and teeth, while Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Meanwhile, Arginine is an amino acid required by synthesis of protein.\u00a0\n\n\nHighest DHA 88mg/100g** & OMEGA 3,6,9\n: These are found abundantly in the brain\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo top it off, Milnutri Sure tastes great and has zero sucrose* to encourage healthy eating. \n\u00a0\nWith a balanced diet and Milnutri Sure (an energy-dense formula at 1kcal/ml) as a supplement, you can notice visible growth in 4 weeks\n^#\n!\n\n\nThe best part is that you can r\nequest for a free sample now\n and try it out first. If you are ready to give Milnutri\u2122 Sure a try, you can check out Milnutri\u2122 Sure\u2019s \nwebsite\n or \nFacebook page\n for more information.\u00a0\n\n\n*** Selected nutrients according to age group, based on Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) for Malaysia 2017:\n\n\n1 \u2013 3 years: \u2265 100% RNI for vitamin E, K, B2, C and iodine;\n\n\n4 \u2013 6 years: \u2265 100% RNI for protein, Vitamin E, K, B2, C and iodine; and\n\n\n7 \u2013 9 years: \u2265 100% RNI for vitamin E, K, B2, C and\u00a0 iodine.\n\n\n** Milnutri Sure DHA (88mg/100gm) content is based on other Formula Dietary Food for children aged 1-10 in similar Recommended Consumer Price within range of RM90-115/kg basis as of May 2021.\n\n\n* No sucrose were added during production nor detected in final product.\n\n\n^ \nBody weight improvement of 0.5kg in children aged 3 to 6 years with weight for height z- score between -1 to -3 in 28 days. Reference: Devaera, Yoga, et al. \u201cComparing Compliance and Efficacy of Isocaloric Oral Nutritional Supplementation Using 1.5 kcal/mL or 1 kcal/mL Sip Feeds in Mildly to Moderately Malnourished Indonesian Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial.\u201d\u00a0Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition\u00a021.4 (2018): 315-320.\n\n\n#\nFollow recommended intake per day (2 glasses for 1-3 years old, 3 glasses for 4- 6 years old, 4 glasses for \u2265 7 years old) and used as supplement on top of a normal dietary intake of children.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Growth and Development \u2013 Clinical Methods \u2013 NCBI Bookshelf. Retrieved April 10, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK335/\n\n\n(n.d.). Physical Growth of Infants and Children \u2013 Children\u2019s Health Issues \u2026. Retrieved April 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.msdmanuals.com/home/children-s-health-issues/growth-and-development/physical-growth-of-infants-and-children\n\n\n(n.d.). Growth Problems | Boston Children\u2019s Hospital. Retrieved April 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/g/growth-problems\n\n\n\u201cWhen Your Child Is Not Growing Well | The Star.\u201d 13 Dec. 2020, \nhttps://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/health/2020/12/13/when-your-child-is-not-growing-well\n. Accessed 26 Apr. 2021.\n\n\n(n.d.). Growth Charts (for Parents) \u2013 Nemours KidsHealth. Retrieved April 26, 2021, from \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/parents/growth-charts.html\n\n\n(n.d.). Delayed Growth: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis \u2013 Healthline. Retrieved April 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/delayed-growth-symptom\n\n\n(2020, November 5). Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 \u2026 \u2013 ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 11, 2021, from \nhttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201105183840.htm\n\n\n(\n2020, January 1). Normal growth and development: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from \nhttps://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002456.htm\n\n\n(2018, July 26). How to know if your kid is underweight \u2013 Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ajc.com/lifestyles/parenting/child-underweight-when-you-should-and-shouldn-worry/hKRJAbxuDANpcIFYDxDfrI/\n\n\n(2020, November 5). Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 \u2026 \u2013 ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from \nhttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201105183840.htm\n\n\n\u00a0(2020, January 1). Normal growth and development: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from \nhttps://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002456.htm\n\n\n(n.d.). Nutrition and Growth \u2013 NCBI \u2013 NIH. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3005655/\n\n\n(2020, November 6). Poor Nutrition in Childhood Likely Behind a Global Height Gap \u2026. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from \nhttps://www.courthousenews.com/poor-nutrition-in-childhood-likely-behind-a-global-height-gap/\n\n\n(2020, November 6). Poor Nutrition in Childhood Likely Behind a Global Height Gap \u2026. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from \nhttps://www.courthousenews.com/poor-nutrition-in-childhood-likely-behind-a-global-height-gap/\n\n\n(2020, November 6). Poor Nutrition in Childhood Likely Behind a Global Height Gap \u2026. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from \nhttps://www.courthousenews.com/poor-nutrition-in-childhood-likely-behind-a-global-height-gap/\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWant to help your kids grow taller? Feed them these foods!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n4 Easy Exercises To Help Your Kids Grow (Much) Taller\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nToxic chemicals found in kid\u2019s clothes!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/talents-in-children", "title": "How You Can Nurture Your Kids' Natural Talents Without Pressuring Them", "body": "Watching your kids twirl to a simple dance, tap to a beat and running their curious\u00a0fingers across musical instruments would make you wonder what talents each child would hone.\n\n\nSome parents take it easy and let talents flourish on their own, others choose to nurture them from a very young age. Why else are average Malaysian parents pushing kids to learn one extra language, pick up one musical instrument and master one sport activity on top of the extra tuition classes?\n\n\nOf course, not every child with or without talents will end up a child prodigy and play the piano like a pro, but there is always that small chance when kids are encouraged on the right path.\n\n\nUseful Skills Gained\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThere are many skills that a child may develop from different activities.\n\n\n\n\nSports:\n physical fitness, motor skills, social skills and leadership skills.\n\n\nMusic:\n\u00a0focus and fine motor skills.\n\n\nDance\n: focus, physical fitness, motor skills, posture and poise.\n\n\nSpeech and Drama:\n build confidence, language and self-esteem.\n\n\n\n\nI do think that children who balance studies with extra-curricular activities are more well rounded. They seem to have better social skills and have higher self-esteem. Giving children exposure to a variety of learning experiences really enriches their abilities.\n\n\nIt Starts With The Parents\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIf you already have a strong interest in certain activities, chances are your kids may emulate what you enjoy. But giving your children the opportunity and exposure to trying a variety of things could really help pinpoint something they would enjoy for themselves. If you give them a choice, most kids will find something they actually enjoy.\n\n\nDo not force your children to do what YOU think is most ideal for them.\n You can steer them that way, but if they show no interest, be open to trying something else.\n\n\nParents need to make conscious effort and time to let your children\u00a0experience new things. If left to themselves, many children are happy to spend the whole day in front of the television watching cartoon and not gain anything.\n\n\nIf not you, then who? Busy parents forget how important it is to kids to have their parents actively involved in what they do.\n\n\nSure, the fun factor is important, but your involvement is important too.\n\n\nHow to Encourage Without Pressuring?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Active for Life\n\n\n\n\nParents need to respect that each child learns differently.\u00a0Of course, it is possible that some kids are just inherently more talented\u00a0than others. Some kids naturally have many interests, others take their time to pick and choose.\n\n\nIt is common to see Malaysian parents spending money enrolling their children on this and that, sometimes with high hopes. But do bear in mind that not all children are able to handle so many things at once. At best, most children have the capacity to handle two extra-curricular activities besides school.\n\n\nSo do keep an eye on them, because we\u2019re all about nurturing, not forcing. Start slow and work up to a pace they can manage. Heavy schedules too soon can end up being overwhelming and could kill the interest and talents completely.\n\n\nKeep encouraging them and teach them not to be disheartened if they cannot master something right away. Teach them perseverance and not giving up, does have its fruits. Be their moral support while trying not to hover too much (I know, we mums always do that).\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nAfter all, as parents, we only want the best for our children.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n15 Ways To Label You As Parents Who Are Too Strict\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to Be a Good Parent, Here an Advice from Specilist\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n7 Signs That You Are A Good Parent To Your Kids. Kudos Mom And Dad!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-year-old-girl-allegedly-molested-by-father-on-train-in-full-view-of-public-2", "title": "5-Year-Old girl allegedly molested by father on train in full view of public", "body": "A video of a 5-year-old girl allegedly being molested by her father on a train has sparked much outrage. More so, because police have stopped investigating the matter, saying the father\u2019s actions were not illegal.\n\n\nLittle girl allegedly molested by father on train\n\n\nThe \nwidely-shared video\n, captured by a female passenger on a train in Jiangxi province, south China, shows a man fondling a little girl.\n\n\nHe is seen lifting her shirt, caressing and rubbing her back, and kissing her neck and face repeatedly.\n\n\nIf we look closely, we can also see him sliding his hand into the child\u2019s pants.\n\n\nThe little girl is heard saying, \u201cDaddy, I\u2019m in pain. Stop touching my bottom.\u201d \n\n\nHis wife and mother-in-law were apparently sitting next to him during the train journey, but both were too busy with their phones to notice and react.\n\n\nThe witness who took the video sent it to a local newspaper and complained about the incident to police.\n\n\n\n\nAuthorities started investigating the issue only after the video went viral. Police later released a \nstatement via Weibo\n that the man (referred to by his surname Zhou) and girl in the video were father and daughter.\n\n\nHowever, according to the po\u200cli\u200cce \u200cinvestigation, the man\u2019s actions, \u201cdoes not constitute molestation and could not be deemed illegal. We sincerely thank citizens for their concern.\u2019\n\n\nThe statement sparked anger and disappointment among netizens.\n\n\n\u201cAn adult man lifts up a child\u2019s clothes on public transport, kissing and licking the girl. If this doesn\u2019t count as molesting, what does?\u201d asked a netizen.\n\n\n\n\nWang Zhenyu, a lawyer at Beijing-based Yipai Law Firm, has been quoted as saying, \u201cThe police may have concluded that because it was a father and daughter, the act did not constitute molestation. If that\u2019s so, it\u2019s illogical. Fathers can molest or even rape their daughters.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHowever, they might mean that, while investigating, they found because they are father and daughter, the action did not involve sexual desire.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIntra-familial Sexual abuse\n\n\nThis case is disturbing mainly because the little girl had no idea that she was being sexually abused. She trusted her father completely.\n\n\nThe sad truth is that most child sex abuse cases are committed by acquaintances or relatives of the victims. In case of abuse within families, the victim might also find it harder to disclose the truth because she:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIs unaware that it is abuse\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbuse does not always have to be painful, so the victim may have been gently coerced into the act.\n\n\nAnd in the disturbing scenario that the abuse has been happening for a long time, ever since the victim was young, she may even have been led to believe that the abuse was part of normal interaction and love between family members.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cEnjoyed it\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe abuser may confuse the victim with questions like, \u201cHow can you say that you were abused when you enjoyed it?\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nAgain, the lack of pain may be misleading, and the pleasure, too shameful to reveal.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHas been promised \u201crewards\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe abuser may have promised to give the victim \u201crewards\u201d or \u201cgifts\u201d if she kept their \u201cspecial relationship\u201d a secret.\n\n\nLittle children are often vulnerable to fall for such promises. The child herself is confused about what has happened, and whether it was right or wrong.\n\n\nShe might feel \u201cspecial\u201d and comforted by all the attention and the gifts.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFears the abuser\n\n\n\n\nIt may be love and loyalty towards her relative and the fact that the revelation would get him into trouble. The victim may also have been\u00a0told that no-one would believe her if she revealed the truth.\n\n\nOr she may even have been threatened by the abuser, with dire consequences.\n\n\n\n\nIs worried about her parent(s)\n\n\n\n\nMany victims worry that the painful revelation would be too much for their parent(s) to handle.\n\n\nAlso, the assumption that things that happen within a family should be kept \u201cprivate\u201d often deters victims from disclosing the truth.\n\n\nProtecting children from sexual abuse\n\n\nEvery parent must take steps to educate and protect their child from sex abuse. Here are some pointers:\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nKuatkan Sistem Imun Anak Dengan Laktoferin\nKesihatan\nDetik-detik Peralihan Sepanjang Kanak-kanak Membesar: Masihkah Anda Ingat Semua Ini?\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nPerkembangan & Umur Anak\nMums, are you encouraging your little ones to be creative?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKnow your child\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShow interest in her\u00a0day-to-day lives. Ask her\u00a0what she\u00a0did during the day and what games she\u00a0played after school. Know who your child is spending time with, including other children and adults.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTalk about body parts\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTeach your children about private parts from a young age. Use proper names for each body part. It eliminates a lot of confusion. Feeling comfortable using these words and knowing what they mean can help a child talk clearly if something bad\u00a0has happened.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExplain the meaning of private parts\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTell your child why only some parts are called \u201cprivate\u201d. It is because they are not for everyone to see. Only mummy and daddy, and maybe a doctor in the presence of a parent is allowed to look at them. Not even friends or relatives they know well.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExplain \u201cgood touch\u201d and \u201cbad touch\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBe clear. Explain that no one should touch their private parts and that they should not\u00a0touch any one\u2019s private parts as well. Also, no one should be allowed to take pictures of private parts.\n\n\nNever force your child to gives hugs and kisses to relatives, friends or other acquaintances.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo \u201cprivate\u201d secrets\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMost paedophiles\u00a0will tell the child to keep the abuse a secret \u2013 either lovingly or using a threatening tone. Explain to your child that no matter what happens, she should confide in you. That she will never get in trouble for telling you the truth, even if it was about her parent.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTeach her to say \u201cNo\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf she feels something \u201cbad\u201d happening, she must learn to say \u201cNo!\u201d and try to leave the area immediately.\n\n\nTell your child that if an adult \u2014 including family members \u2014 asks her to do something that makes her uncomfortable, it\u2019s okay to not obey that adult.\u00a0Even if it\u2019s someone she knows very well.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChoose caregivers carefully\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s a babysitter or a maid, be diligent about screening caregivers for your child.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiscuss the news\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIncidents of sexual violence are frequently covered by the news and portrayed in television shows. Discuss them proactively with your child, ask questions like, \u201cWhat would you do?\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKnow the warning signs\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMore than the physical symptoms, emotional or behavioural signs are more common. Watch out for:\n\n\n\n\nChanges in behaviour, such as an increase in angry outbursts, withdrawal, etc\n\n\nIncreased anxiety and depression\n\n\nSleeping issues such as nightmares\n\n\nUnexplained bruises, cuts, welts or marks on the bodies\n\n\nShowing anxiety about being alone with a particular person\n\n\nDisplaying age-inappropriate behaviour, or sexual knowledge/language\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(Source:\n NextShark\n, \nCCTV\n, \nWeibo,\n \nSCMP\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/women-have-affairs", "title": "7 reasons why women have affairs: An insight from the expert", "body": "Did you know, about 50% of all cheating spouses are the wives? Yes, Singaporean women have affairs! And the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate!\n\n\n10 years ago, only a maximum of 3 out of 10 cheating partners were the women. 20 to 30 years ago, you would hardly hear that Singaporean women have affairs.\n\n\nGone are the days when women were meek and docile. Welcome to the 21\nst\n century. Women of today know what they want, and aren\u2019t afraid to get what they want.\n\n\nBut why do Singaporean women have affairs? Is it simply because they can?\n\n\nLet\u2019s find out what the expert has to say. We approached Leonardo Talpo.\n\n\nLeondardo specialises in marriage counselling. With 15 years of counselling experience, a Social Science Master Degree in Counselling and being a certified NLP Master Practitioner, he\u2019s got a lot to share!\n\n\n1.The dreaded mobile phone\n\n\n\u201cHe loved his mobile phone more than me. He stopped hugging me, caressing me or making me a priority for him.\u201d Sounds familiar? The mobile phone seems to play a huge part in why Singaporean women have affairs, says Leonardo.\n\n\nMany women complain of their husbands continuously using What\u2019s App even after office hours. Their husbands are busy replying to \u2018work related\u2019 messages until late in the evening, or even at night.\n\n\n\u201cAt a certain point, I didn\u2019t care anymore. I was just so sad everyday. Until I met this guy\u2026\u201d\n\n\nThis is something that Leonardo frequently hears from his clients.\n\n\n2.All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl\n\n\nSee, even when talking to your bosses, if it\u2019s always going to be like ticking a checklist of what\u2019s done and not done, you\u2019re going to loathe the sight of your boss eventually. \nRight\n?\n\n\nMarriage is not a job that needs to be done! Conversations should not revolve around what the kids did and when you need to buy milk and eggs. This is another reason Singaporean women have affairs.\n\n\n\u201cHe didn\u2019t talk about \nus\n anymore. He didn\u2019t share his life anymore. All we do is speak about children and the logistics of the house\u201d. These are the common complaints from Leonardo\u2019s clients.\n\n\n\n\nCouples need to have real conversations that have nothing to do with kids and household logistics!\n\n\n\n\nLeonardo states that many of the women are helpless. They have tried unsuccessfully to get their husbands to \ndiscuss\n the issues at hand. They have tried to get them to talk about ways to spice up the marriage. But to no avail.\n\n\nAnd here\u2019s the worst part. Indifference. Stonewalling. Singaporean women have affairs after many failed attempts at working things out with their husbands.\n\n\nSome of them have even tried \nscreaming\n at their husbands in a desperate attempt to provoke a reaction.\n\n\n\u201cI would have preferred him \nslapping\n me instead of his lost-face, powerless body language and cold-shoulders.\u201d\n\n\nAnd when all of this fails, one day out of the blue, they meet a guy\u2026\n\n\nYou know the rest of the story.\n\n\n3.Not the ONE for me\n\n\nYou might not have expected this but it is true. Some Singaporean women have affairs because in spite of a voice inside telling them to say \nno\n when their man proposed, they went ahead.\nPartner Stories\nAnak\nKeep Your Child\u2019s Health And Safety At Home In Tip Top Order During This Pandemic Season\nParenting\n10 Things Mummies Do To Have Calm And Happy Babies\nKeibubapaan\nPentingnya Nutrien Awal Untuk Sistem Penghadaman Anak! Ini Cara Untuk Anak Anda Mendapat Nutrisi Secukupnya\nParenting\nThe Magic of Oats: Here's How You Can Soothe Dry, Itchy Skin for Mum & Baby\n\n\n\u201cI knew from the beginning he was not the man I was looking for. But I didn\u2019t listen to it. He was nice after all.\u201d Leonardo has heard this one too many a time.\n\n\nAnd what happens? Distance leads to more distance. The couple grows apart over time. Yes, this can happen to anyone but it\u2019s more likely to happen when you didn\u2019t even start with a strong force drawing you to your man.\u00a0\n\n\nEventually, conversation becomes a rarity. The husband and wife spend their time doing their own things. Some even sleep in separate rooms.\n\n\n\n\nSingaporean women have affairs when they feel that they no longer share anything in common with their partners.\n\n\n\n\nThe kids? Well, they are with the helper mostly.\n\n\n\u201cI was so bored until by coincidence one day I met this guy\u2026\u201d\n\n\nA bored heart gets lonely. A lonely heart is often a wondering heart. Need we say more?\n\n\n4.Too good may not be that good\n\n\nSome people fall head over heels in love and get married because they can\u2019t wait to spend their lives with that special someone. Others get married because they feel it\u2019s a necessary phase of life that has to begin.\n\n\n\u201cI was getting old, already well into my 30s. I had to find someone to marry. Family pressure.\u201d\n\n\nAnother major reason for Singaporean women to have affairs is that they married someone who seemed to fit the bill.\n\n\nHe\u2019s a nice guy. Everyone is happy with my choice. He\u2019s decent. He takes care of the family. He has a stable job. He drives a nice car. He\u2019s a good father. He\u2019s perfect.\n\n\nBut maybe he\u2019s too perfect. Maybe I need to disagree. Maybe I need some drama. Maybe I just need to feel something because right now I don\u2019t feel anything.\n\n\nLife goes on. He smiles, she smiles, they smile when everyone is around. Everything looks perfect from afar.\n\n\nLittle does he know that for a couple of years now, his wife has been with this guy\u2026\n\n\nSometimes the truth does hurt.\n\n\n5.Please put on the pants!\n\n\nNow listen, not all women are control-freaks. Not all women like making all the decisions. Sometimes, all a woman wants is for the man to be the one wearing the pants in the house.\n\n\nLeonardo comes across clients who complain about their husband\u2019s lack of opinion. If the wife doesn\u2019t make the call then \nnothing gets done\n! The husband almost never wants to have a say in running the houeshold.\n\n\n\n\nSingaporean women sometimes have affairs because they are tired of having to make all the decisions in the relationship!\n\n\n\n\nAnything and whatever may not be the best way to run the family.\n\n\n\u201cSometimes I felt as if I was dealing with a son and not with a husband. For the sake of the family\u2019s harmony, I kept doing what I had to do.\u201d\n\n\nHaving to bear the weight of the family on her frail shoulders is not every woman\u2019s cup of tea. Many women find themselves frustrated, angry and eventually lonely.\n\n\nAnd then along comes a man who is strong, assertive and sensitive all at once. The marriage is history after that.\n\n\n\n\n6.An eye for an eye and the marriage goes blind\n\n\n\n\nThis one is a no brainer. He cheated on me. And he justified his cheating by saying I didn\u2019t care, I was too busy, I was too angry, I was too tired, I was too bossy.\n\n\nWell yes, I was busy caring for the kids while you were busy ogling at other women. I didn\u2019t seem to care because if I didn\u2019t care about the groceries that needed stocking than who would?\n\n\nI was tired staying up all night nursing a baby and caring for a sick kid. Meanwhile, you were up all night checking out 21-year-old girls on Instagram.\n\n\nYes I was angry because instead of sharing the responsibility of raising a family with me, you were sharing someone else\u2019s bed!\n\n\nSome men lack involvement in the family for no apparent reason. Some men lack involvement in the family because they are involved elsewhere.\n\n\nAnd when the woman finds out, her whole world collapses. Because more often than not, a woman\u2019s entire world is her family.\n\n\n\n\nCheating husbands are a huge reason Singaporean women have affairs\n\n\n\n\nSingaporean women have affairs because of their husband\u2019s infidelity. They want to teach them a lesson and make them feel the same pain.\n\n\nAt times, these wives ensure that their husbands know about the affair. Leonardo adds that often they regret this as the aftermath leaves them at a loss of what to do.\n\n\n7.Paradigm Shifts\n\n\nWomen have always had affairs, but why do Singaporean women have affairs more commonly now?\n\n\nWomen\u2019s roles have changed. Women\u2019s place in society has changed. Women are no longer martyrs. Education, exposure and the media have all played their part to evoke a greater sense of individualism in women.\n\n\nWomen are stronger, more assertive and financially independent. They are able to stand on their own feet.\n\n\nHaving said that, the core of a woman\u2019s heart \u2013 the longing for love, acceptance and belonging, remains. And if they don\u2019t find this in their marriage, they aren\u2019t afraid to find it elsewhere.\n\n\nIt\u2019s not to say that they actively go on a hunt for it. But when opportunity arises, why not? Women of this generation do not always feel a need to \nsettle\n. If they aren\u2019t happy, they make a change.\n\n\nSocial media and electronic devices have also increasingly shifted men\u2019s attention. Tech junkies by nature, men love to spend time with their devices. And when attractive women seem to appear everywhere, it isn\u2019t all that difficult for their eyes, \nand hearts\n to wonder.\n\n\nEven if you take infidelity out of the equation, a man\u2019s disconnect is a recipe for disaster in a marriage. Above and beyond all that a man provides, \na\n \nwoman needs emotional presence. \n\n\n\n\nNo woman wants a husband who chooses his devices over her!\n\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s common?\n\n\nFrom his experience as a marriage counsellor, and of course being married himself, Leonardo notices these similar patterns in most Singaporean women who have affairs.\n\n\n\n\nLack of excitement in the bedroom. Monotony and the same old boring sex life is a no go.\n\n\nWomen are ambitious creatures. They like moving forward and they want to move forward \nwith\n their partners. Remember, still waters breed pestilence.\n\n\nEmotional immaturity. Those bawdy jokes and a callous attitude towards life may have been attractive to girls. But when they become women, they want a man who is wise and mature to lead the family with.\n\n\nI\u2019m sure you\u2019ve heard this enough. The inability to communicate effectively spells trouble in a marriage.\n\n\n\n\nWomen feel deprived of passion and intimacy due to these factors. That causes them to feel vulnerable and in need of a medicine.\n\n\nLeonardo stated that as surprising as this sounds, many clients do say that they feel like they will \ndie \nif nothing is done.\n\n\nAlmost all of his stories end with a client saying,\n\n\n\u201cAnd one day, almost by chance I met this guy\u2026\u201d\n\n\nA married woman meets a married man, a divorced man or a single man with painful past love stories. Common ground is established.\n\n\nLeonardo describes it as such:\n\n\nIt\u2019s like throwing petrol in the fire. The connection will start rapidly. The sense of being understood, being acknowledged and feeling important again makes intimacy explode. \n\n\nSuddenly, the boredom fades away. Her senses are fully ignited once again. Her world seems more colourful, more beautiful. The cycle of romance creeps in. \n\n\nFinally, the princess finds her prince charming. A woman needs to feel more emotionally connected to be satisfied sexually. Now that that\u2019s going well, the sex life is all charged up, albeit with a different man.\n\n\nSo here we are, in a new situation that seems ideal. \n\n\nWhat does the expert have to say?\n\n\nHere are some words of wisdom from the man who has seen it all.\n\n\nLeonardo defines an affair as nothing more than an \nillusion\n of finding joy and love again. And because it is an illusion, he cautions that it\u2019s better not to start it.\n\n\nOf course, he expects you to rebut him with this common question:\n\n\nWhat do you mean, are you saying I need to live an unhappy life until I die?\n\n\nNo. You most definitely don\u2019t. You have better choices. He presents two such choices to you.\n\n\n1.Time is of essence\n\n\nIf you are unhappy in your marriage, don\u2019t wait until you can\u2019t take it anymore. If you need to shake the boat, do it now!\n\n\n\n\nSeek help before it\u2019s too late!\n\n\n\n\nAfraid that your husband will leave you if you do? Well, if you don\u2019t do anything about your marriage, it\u2019s headed that way anyway.\n\n\nAnd if you can\u2019t sort your marriage out by yourselves, \nask for help\n. There is no shame in asking for help. Seek counselling, seek therapy, do something. There is a lot at stake and an entire family is involved.\n\n\nYou may not be equipped with the right knowledge and skills to save your marriage so go looking for it if you must.\n\n\n2.Divorce if you must\n\n\nIf you are 100% sure that you no longer care about your marriage and if you aren\u2019t willing to work with your husband to re-design you marriage, then make your decision. Inform him and file for divorce.\n\n\nOnce you\u2019ve done that, you will have a more clear and objective mind when looking for a partner. This way, you avoid falling into a rebound relationship.\n\n\nYou will also feel more dignity in your new relationship. You will know that you are honest to yourself, your husband and your family. If you are confused, unsure of what to do or scared, once again, seek help!\n\n\nOn a concluding note, Leonardo wishes to stress to you that marriage is not just a feeling, it is a work in progress. As time goes by, the world, society, and people around you change. You and your husband are changing, evolving and growing individually.\n\n\nYour relationship must grow as well!\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\nhttps://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/adultery-its-not-just-the-men\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-dental-floss-for-perfect-smile", "title": "Best Dental Floss to Use for Perfect, Shiny and Bright Smile", "body": "Dental floss is a thin filamentous string used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas that cannot be reached by a toothbrush. So, if you're looking for the best dental floss in the market, look no further. We have the complete guide right here.\n\n\nWater floss actually helps to remove food particles from teeth and reduce bleeding and gum disease - but is generally not considered a substitute for toothbrushes and floss.\n\n\nGenerally, flossing does not remove layers and plaque on teeth but can help reduce bacteria even below the gum line.\n\n\nThe American Dental Association claims that up to 80% of the plaque can be removed with this method, and flossing can provide certain benefits to individuals with orthodontic appliances.\n\n\nChoosing The Suitable And Best Dental Floss For You\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf your teeth are close, consider a thinner option.\n Therefore, the smaller the thread, the easier it is to get into a tight space.\n\n\nIf you have a large gap between the teeth, choose a thicker floss.\n Look for a thicker type such as woven yarn, which consists of several strands woven together. Another good option is dental tape, which is a flat nylon tape available in waxed and non -waxed types.\n\n\nIf you want to persuade kids to use floss, consider the flavoured type\n. Let the child choose a flavoured option that makes them excited (or at least a little more prepared) to try the floss.\n\n\n\n\nLike other products, finding the right dental floss for oral care needs may require some trial and error.\n\n\nThere are so many types of floss and flossing products to choose from but no matter what product you choose, the most important thing is to floss every day!\n\n\n5 Best Dental Floss On The Market For Cleaner Teeth\n\n\n#1 Platypus Orthodontic Flosser\n\n\n\n\nDental floss from Platypus is the only flosser with an innovative structure that fits under the archwire, between the teeth, to the gums, and can even be used while wearing braces. \n\n\nThe tip of this floss spatula is suitable for the bottom of the curved wire where it allows you to floss as usual between the teeth. \n\n\nTeeth cleaning can be done all over the mouth in less than 2 minutes!\n\n\nWhat is interesting?\n\n\n\n\nSuitable use for braces with fast and effective.\n\n\nFits easily under curved wires and between brackets.\n\n\nAngled to aim and clean orthodontic equipment.\n\n\nIt is important to prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.\n\n\nThe softer bristles gently clean the enamel gingiva while providing greater access around the bracket & behind the wire.\n\n\n\n\n Platypus Orthodontic Flosser \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Deep Clean Floss\n\n\n\n\nOral-B Glide Pro-Heath Comfort Plus Floss is very gentle and not rough on the gums while being effective in dealing with plaque. \n\n\nIt can pass through the space between the close teeth, with a refreshing mint flavour. \nSo every time after cleansing, you will feel a comfortable cool effect and maximum level of cleansing!\n\n\nWhat is interesting?\n\n\n\n\nEffectively removes tough plaque between teeth and just below the gum line.\n\n\nThe smooth, break-resistant texture is easier in tight spaces compared to regular yarns.\n\n\nGliding is up to 50% easier in tight places to clean teeth in hard-to-reach areas.\n\n\nThe taste of mint is cool and refreshing\n\n\nCombines comfort with the power of cleansing to remove plaque effectively.\n\n\nSofter on the gums.\n\n\n\n\n Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Deep Clean Floss \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Colgate Portable Water Flosser Rechargeable\n\n\n\n\nThe Colgate Water Flosser is a portable flossing tool designed to remove plaque between teeth & along the gum line. It comes with a very fine stream of water to clean between the teeth. \n\n\nThe device has 3 adjustable pressure modes (Soft, Normal, Pulse), according to individual preferences. \n\n\nIt is suitable to carry anywhere, because this product is equipped with an adjustable water tank, filling up to 140ml.\n\n\nWhat is interesting?\n\n\n\n\nDesigned to remove plaque between teeth & along the gum line\n\n\nOnly 50 seconds for cleaning\n\n\nEquipped with 3 Pressure Modes (Soft, Normal, Pulse)\n\n\nWaterproof (IPX7)\n\n\nEasy flossing that gives a clean feel\n\n\nEasy cleaning around braces and dental work\n\n\nGentle on the gums\n\n\n\n\n Colgate Portable Water Flosser Rechargeable \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Verona Peppermint Floss Pick\n\n\n\n\nVerona dental floss acts to clean the gaps of the teeth and gums from food waste that can damage the teeth while providing freshness to the mouth. \n\n\nThis mint-flavoured floss is an option as it cleans effectively with the use of polyester yarn. At an affordable price, you will love it!\n\n\nWhat's interesting:\n\n\n\n\nEffective cleaning\n\n\nWorks to remove food waste and plaque\n\n\nStay fresh\n\n\nMint flavor\n\n\nThe yarn is made of polyester\n\n\nThe handle is ABS (Food Grade) material\n\n\n\n\n Verona Peppermint Floss Pick \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Panasonic EW1211\n\n\n\n\nThe Panasonic EW1211 is a simple complement to an oral hygiene regime. Get rid of leftover food from inaccessible areas by simply brushing your teeth. \n\n\nThis product has a refillable tank with a three-tiered water jet intensity with gentle cleaning of the space between the teeth due to the double pump for air and water!\n\n\nWhat is interesting?\n\n\n\n\nEffective dental care with 2 water jet barrels\n\n\nTriple advanced oral care\n\n\nEasy-to-grip design\n\n\nWireless\n\n\n130ml tank\n\n\n\n\n Panasonic EW1211 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nStill Have Bad Breath Even After Brushing Your Teeth? Here Are the 7 Best Mouthwashes in the Market\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/man-left-shattered-after-fiancee-dies-from-cancer-moments-before-their-wedding", "title": "Man left shattered after fiancee dies from cancer moments before their wedding", "body": "It was meant to be the happiest day of Yang Feng\u2019s life. He had just changed into his three-piece suit, and finished distributing the wedding candy.\n\n\nAnd it was now time to exchange wedding vows.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nIn a cruel twist of fate, however, his fiancee died from cancer, moments before their wedding.\n\n\n\u201cThe wedding can\u2019t be held anymore.\u00a0Please leave, all of you,\u201d said a heartbroken\u00a0Yang, as he tried to hold back tears.\n\n\nHe knew she had cancer\n\n\nTwo years ago, 27-year-old Yang Feng met 32-year-old Xiao Hui quite by chance.\n\n\nHe was working as a deliveryman then, and she was hitchhiking. The two got talking, and at the very onset,\u00a0Xiao Hui revealed that she was suffering from chronic myeloid leukaemia, or cancer of the white blood cells, since the age of 24.\n\n\nWhat started off as sympathy, soon blossomed into love.\n\n\nYang told\u00a0\u00a0\nChina Youth Daily\n,\n \u201cI found her pitiful at first, but as we interacted more, I wanted to take care of her all her life, and I started to pursue her.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nHe knew that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nEven while they were dating, Yang would spend about 3,000 yuan (S$600) to 4,000 yuan of his 5,000-yuan salary on her treatment.\n\n\nThings took a turn for the worse when\u00a0Xiao\u2019s condition deteriorated on 10 Aug, and she had to be warded in hospital in Henan province, China. A determined Yang decided to wed her in her hospital room.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nFiancee dies on wedding day\n\n\nHeartbreakingly, the bride-to-be died on 12 Aug 2018, moments before the couple could exchange their wedding vows.\n\n\n\u201cIf only I had gotten to know her earlier,\u201d said a devastated Yang.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nCCTV/WEIBO\n\n\n\n\nThe tragic love story has won the hearts of netizens in China.\n\n\nOne of them commented, \u201cMaybe this is true love \u2013 not expecting to grow old together, but just being with each other until the final moment.\u201d\n\n\nAnother netizen wrote, \u201cIf there is an afterlife, I wish you will meet again and never be separated.\u201d\n\n\nWe hope so too.\n\n\nHere is a moving video about the story:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nWeibo\n, \nChina News\n\n\nPartner Stories\nHealth\n4 Things Every Parent Should Know About Their Child's 12-Month Checkup\nRaise them Resilient\n12 signs you may be a helicopter parent\nKanak-Kanak\n7 simple facts about poop every parent should know\n#PendidikanKewangan\nApakah Gaya Pendidikan Kewangan (Money Parenting) Anda?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mid-autumn-festival", "title": "Light Up Your Celebration for Mid-Autumn Festival at Sunway Putra Mall", "body": "Mid-Autumn Festival is a special celebration in the Chinese lunar calendar. It is known as the Mooncake Festival or Lantern Festival where families come together and enjoy each other\u2019s companionship.\u00a0\n\n\nA great way to celebrate the festival is by getting your child involved and teaching them about new cultures and acquaint them with different traditions. Check out some of the activities that are organized by Sunway Putra Mall happening from now till 3 October.\n\n\nLet\u2019s Be A Part of Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s The Delight of Lantern Lights Celebration\n\n\nHere\u2019s a quick look at what\u2019s in store for you at Sunway Putra Mall.\n\n\nDIY Jelly Mooncake Kit \n\n\n\n\nBring out your child\u2019s creative side by redeeming the DIY Jelly Mooncake Kit from the mall\u2019s Concierge Counter, Ground Floor from now till 3 October 2021, while stocks last. Here\u2019s how you can redeem it\n\n\n\n\nStep 1: Register as an\n Autsome\n or \nPutra Junior Club member \nvia their online registration\n\n\nStep 2: Proceed to Concierge Counter, Ground Floor and flash your registration details.\n\n\nStep 3: Redeem the DIY Jelly Mooncake Kit\n\n\nStep 4: Get ready to create your Jelly Mooncakes with your kids at home. Tune in the tutorial via Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s \nFacebook\n or \nInstagram\n page. hyperlink)\n\n\n\n\nTerms and conditions apply. For more information, check out the details \nhere\n.\n\n\nYou can also check out the video on how to make the Jelly Mooncake from the comfort of your house right \nhere\n.\n\n\nColouring Contest \n\n\n\n\nThis fun colouring contest will be your children\u2019s favourite activity this Mid-Autumn Festival. The best part of it all is that the best 3 artworks will stand a chance to WIN attractive prizes worth up to RM300 sponsored by Good2U! Few more days before the closure of the contest, don\u2019t miss out this chance.\n\n\nHere\u2019s how you get started, download the colouring sheet \nhere \nor collect the colouring sheet from their Concierge Counter, GF. Once your children have completed their masterpiece, send a picture of it to Sunway Putra Mall via their Facebook Messenger latest by 30 September!\n\n\nWish Upon A Lantern \n\n\n\n\nGrant the wishes of 50 elderly folks from \nPertubuhan Kebajikan Orang Tua dan Kanak-Kanak Shan Ai, Tai Kuk Wah Si Buddhist Temple and Rumah Love & Care \nthis Mid-Autumn by purchasing gifts from their wishlist. This is the mall\u2019s initiative together with Touching Lives Club, a non-profit organization and shoppers are invited to be part of it too.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s how to donate\n\n\n\n\nStep 1: Browse the wishes at the Tunnel of Lanterns on the Ground Floor (GF)\n\n\nStep 2: Snap a photo of the wish and show it to the Customer Care personnel.\n\n\nStep 3: Purchase the gifts at any outlet.\n\n\nStep 4: Return the gifts to the Customer Care Personnel by 30 Sept.\n\n\nGifts will be delivered on 1 October 2021 to the respective homes.\n\n\n\n\nInsta-Worthy Spot @ Main Concourse\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the mall\u2019s Concourse displays a garden arch that is perfect for some Insta-worthy pictures! Peony flowers and lighted colourful lanterns complete the decoration that encaptures the festive spirit into a beautiful floral haven.\n\n\nRemember, Always Stay Safe & Prioritize Your SOP\n\n\n\n\nBeginning from 15 September onwards, Sunway Putra Mall will only allow fully vaccinated shoppers to enter the mall. However, children of 17 years and below are allowed to enter the mall accompanied by their fully vaccinated parents. There are other exemptions allowed, you can find more \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you plan to visit the mall or other public premises, remember to always practise the safety measures such as monitoring physical distancing, sanitizing and wearing masks.\n\n\nWhile visiting the mall, do abide by the measures in place that have been set by the mall and their respective stores. Sunway Putra Mall will also continue to take stringent measures to ensure the mall is safe and secure for the patronage of its shoppers.\n\n\nAll common touchpoints and high-traffic areas are sanitised and disinfected regularly. This is to provide all shoppers with peace of mind while they enjoy a safe shopping experience.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on the Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s The Delight of Lantern Lights, visit \nwww.sunwayputramall.com/the-delight-of-lantern-lights\n\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat Parenting REALLY Looks Like\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nAsian VS Western Parenting, The Difference Between Two Parenting Styles\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to deal with your child\u2019s slow eating habit\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/wearing-a-mask-after-vaccination", "title": "Why It Is Important to Wear Your Mask, Even After You Have Been Vaccinated?", "body": "Why it is important for you to be wearing a mask, even after you have been vaccinated?\n\n\nThe vaccine is not an automatic off switch for the pandemic. Masks and \nsocial distancing\n will need to continue into the foreseeable future. Few reasons to explain why you still need to be wearing mask despite been vaccinated:\n\n\n1# Vaccine itself takes time to fully function\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nWe won\u2019t reach the 70% to 95% effectiveness rate until a few weeks after our second shot of the vaccine (and a few weeks after we get our single shot of vaccine if yours is a single-dose- vaccination). \n\n\n\n\nThe vaccine takes time for the immune system to make the antibodies that block viral infections.\n\n\n\n\n2# No vaccine provides 100% protection\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nAlthough the vaccines are incredibly effective, according to the studies, they only offer 70% to 95% protection. And it\u2019s tough to know who the one not responding to the vaccine. \n\n\n\n\nIf you are the one that does not gain enough antibody level, you will still be at risk for COVID-19 especially if you do not wear a mask!\n\n\n\n\n3# How about those who are contraindicated for vaccination?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nWe still need to protect those who can\u2019t be vaccinated. Our MOH had recommended that if you\u2019ve had a severe allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in the vaccine, you shouldn\u2019t get it. \n\n\nAnd those who are pregnant (without high risk) or those who are an inactive phase of autoimmune disease (especially those who are on biologic or high dose steroid treatment), etc are also not recommended for vaccination.\n\n\n4# It takes time for us to achieve herd immunity\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, getting vaccinated does not instantly mean we can go back to how life was before. \n\n\n\n\nIn order for us to reach herd immunity, 70% to 80% of the population will need to be vaccinated. However, not easy for any country to achieve an ideal held immunity in a short duration. \n\n\n\n\nMost countries have faced several obstacles, some predictable, some not, when running the vaccination campaign. \n\n\nFirst, of all, vaccine supply is limited and uncertain. Many hospitals are already overwhelming with COVID-19 caseloads. Moreover, not everyone wants the shot. \n\n\nAll these issues could lead to difficulty in building a good held immunity. More efforts are required to overcome these issues.\n\n\n5# Those who have been vaccinated might be asymptomatic spreaders\n\n\nThe vaccines prevent illness, but experts are not sure if the vaccines also prevent virus transmission.\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by \nDr Chieng Jin Yu, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology of Pantai Hospital Ampang (PHA)\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nSimple Methods to Prevent the Spread of Germs and Diseases\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-valentines-day-my-message-to-my-wife-isnt-i-love-you", "title": "This Valentine\u2019s day, my message to my wife isn\u2019t \u2018I love you\u2019", "body": "Two months shy of twenty years. That\u2019s how long I\u2019ve known you. It feels like yesterday. To my surprise, it\u2019s been almost twenty years since I watched you climb onto that bus that would take us to that writer\u2019s workshop where we fell in love (so hard and fast that I\u2019m still slightly concussed). So this V-Day is a landmark of sorts, like this whole year. It\u2019s special. But on this giant kilometre marker of a year, the one thing I want to say to you isn\u2019t \u201cI love you.\u201d\n\n\nYou know that already. It\u2019s not that it doesn\u2019t need to be said, because it does. It begs to be said. It is as necessary as breathing. And we say it, every day, when we wake up or pass each other in the hall. We say it from across the dinner table as the children compete for your attention, in goodbye kisses, in our secret sequence of hand squeezes, in a look.\n\n\nThat\u2019s one of the great things about you. You say \u201cI love you\u201d all the time. And thanks to you, I\u2019ve learned to say it all the time too (as do our children, who often say it out of the blue, for no reason). So the words will be said, and they will be as important as the first time, as always. \n\n\n\n\nAn answer will come to \u201cI love you,\u201d but it will be almost inconsequential. Because the reality is here, tangible and solid. It would be enough for you to answer, like Han Solo before he gets frozen in carbonite, \u201cI know.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nWhat I want to say is something that I don\u2019t say nearly enough, and those words are: \n\n\nThank you\n\n\n\n\nValentines Day messages to wife from a loving husband.\n\n\n\n\nIn a CNN documentary, \nAmanpour\u2019s Love & Sex\n, I learned that the Japanese don\u2019t say \u201cI love you.\u201d They find it \u201ccorny,\u201d and instead they say \u201cArigato.\u201d It means more, they believe. While I find this peculiar and depressing, I have to admit that they have a point.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI love you\u201d looks forward, promising the sun and the moon. \u201cThank you\u201d acknowledges the love you have received. And over the past twenty years, I have been fortunate to have received so much.\n\n\nThank you for sticking around during the hard times, when magazine publishing died and we found ourselves out of work, through those painful years I spent in advertising, and the nightmare years when the angry toddler drove us to the very edge. It wasn\u2019t easy, I know.\n\n\n\n\nThank you for being an incredible mum to our boys. I see what you do for them \u2013 the late night laundry, early morning lunchbox prep, the extra TLC when they\u2019re sick. You do so much for them. They don\u2019t know how lucky they are to have you. Take a break sometimes. They are beautiful and healthy and happy. And you are doing an amazing job.\n\n\n\n\nThank you for putting up with me, my depressive moody streak, and my temper. I\u2019m not easy to live with. But you\u2019re still around, in spite of me, because of me.\n\n\n\n\nThank you for being my partner in ill-advised ventures. The world doesn\u2019t get it, but we said we were going to be writers, and goddamn it, we did it. We\u2019re still doing it. Thank you for keeping all of your promises.\n\n\n\n\nThe sweetest Valentines Day messages to wife from her husband.\n\n\n\n\nThank you for being you, kind and forgiving, and easy to make laugh. \n\n\n\n\nThank you for being brilliant and a joy to talk to. \n\n\nThank you for growing more beautiful by the day. \n\n\n\n\nThank you for the adventures to distant lands and those that are near in our books and in our minds. And thank you for the wild days, for colour, and for laughter.\n\n\n\n\nThank you for Netflix-and-chill evenings spent watching Monty Don and his gardens. Thank you for stolen morning minutes spent sitting with me over coffee. Those moments mean the world to me.\n\n\n\n\nThank you for the best 20 years of my life. They\u2019ve scarcely been enough.\n\n\n\n\nWhat are your Valentine\u2019s day messages for wife this year? And ladies, what do you really want for Valentine\u2019s Day?\n\n\n\n\nRead also:\u00a0\nAn open letter to the dad who feels guilty for working too much\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nBukan Sakit Perut Biasa, Kenapa Ramai Ibu Ayah Tidak Tahu Tentang Rotavirus?\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nParenting\nDoes Your Growing Up Child Have A Sensitive Tummy? Here\u2019s What You Should Know\nFormula\n10 mistakes you make that will turn your kid into a monstrous brat\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/are-pacifiers-really-good-for-your-baby", "title": "Are Pacifiers Good For Your Baby?", "body": "If you are one of those parents who want to \ncomfort their babies\n and are thinking of offering them pacifiers, here are a few facts that you should know about them which may help you to decide:\n\n\nThese products come in different sizes and shapes with consumer standards legislating that \npacifiers \nfor babies be manufactured from non-toxic materials for \nbaby\u2019s safety\n.\n\n\nBenefits of a \npacifier\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n1) It satisfies the baby\u2019s need for sucking\n\n\nNon-nutritive sucking is a normal infant reflex, as babies are born with a need to suck, and the frequency varies from baby to baby. \nBabies tend to suck when they are bored, tired or in need of comfort\n. A pacifier may just satisfy the baby\u2019s urge to suck.\n\n\n2) Helps the baby to fall asleep\n\n\nBabies enjoy the self-comforting feeling of sucking as they doze off to sleep. The pleasurable stimulation of sucking helps babies cope better with the distractions of a huge confusing world.\n\n\n3) Reduces risk of overfeeding for bottle-fed babies\n\n\nThe urge to suck is often misunderstood as a sign of hunger. You may be overfeeding your already full baby. So, try offering a pacifier if the baby still wants to suck even if he/she has been fed adequately.\n\n\n4) It is easier to control the use of a pacifier than to stop thumb sucking\n\n\nYou can make your baby stop the use of a pacifier by simply throwing it away when the need arises. However, thumb-sucking becomes a habit that may be difficult to break because, well, thumbs are always available to them!\n\n\nProblems associated with pacifiers\n\n\n\n\nCredit: MindChamps\n\n\n\n\n1) They may inhibit growth\n\n\nSucking activity requires energy, and their overuse may result in \npoor weight gain\n and poor feeding, especially among frail babies.\n\n\n2) Greater risk of ear infections\n\n\nPacifiers are a source of middle ear infections. Prolonged and continuous sucking may change the pressure within the middle ear chamber.\n\n\n3) Too much use may lead to delayed speech\n\n\nIt would be difficult for the baby to talk while having a pacifier in the mouth. Infants can get addicted to them and their use after a year can interfere with their normal \nspeech and babbling\n.\n\n\n4) Inappropriate and prolonged use may lead to dental problems\n\n\nThe use of pacifiers can lead to many dental problems such as protruding and crooked teeth, and can even alter the shape of the mouth. Pacifiers dipped in corn syrup, honey or glucose can lead to teeth decay among infants.\n\n\nHere are some \nDo\u2019s and Don\u2019ts to follow while using a pacifier\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n1) You should sterilize it by boiling in water for about 5 minutes.\n\n2) It\u2019s a good idea to have similar back up pacifiers in case they get lost or fall off on the floor or street, just when you need them.\n\n3) Getting spares will also allow time for their cleaning which should be done by washing them with warm, soapy water.\n\n4) It\u2019s a good idea to discontinue their use well before the child reaches five years of age.\n\n5) Never try to force a baby to use it. If the baby doesn\u2019t accept it, try other ways of calming.\n\n6) Choose a pacifier according to the age of the infant. The one-piece model with a soft nipple is the most suitable of the lot.\n\n7) Do not tie the pacifier with a ribbon or string longer than 6 inches as this is a choking hazard.\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nMum freaks out when her 2-month-old grows a sharp tooth overnight\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-sunscreen-for-pregnancy", "title": "What Kind of Sunscreen Is Best for Pregnant Women? We Have The Answer Right Here!", "body": "During pregnancy, some women will experience significant skin changes, particularly becoming more sensitive and at times at risk of developing blackheads on the facial skin. \n\n\nThis can cause a loss of self-confidence and a sense of inferiority, so the average woman will start buying the best sunscreen for combination skin especially to protect the skin in addition to overcoming the problem.\n\n\nThere are many sunscreen products on the market, choosing the right one will leave you confused at the array of options right? Especially since taking into consideration if the ingredients in a product are safe for use with the fetus in your womb.\n\n\nWhat to Look for When Choosing the Best Sunscreen for Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nBefore buying a sunscreen product, make sure you consider the following factors:\n\n\n\n\nCheck the contents\n \u2013 Check the label and make sure the sunscreen does not contain harmful chemicals such as alcohol and parabens. For pregnant women, you can buy a type of sunscreen that is light and non-sticky\n\n\nAvoid spray-type products\n as they are more easily absorbed by the body and could potentially be harmful to pregnant women. Use only safer types of rubs such as creams, liquids, and lotions.\n\n\nChoose the right SPF\n for everyday use, SPF20-30 with PA++ is enough to protect your skin daily.\n\n\n\n\n6 Best Sunscreen for Pregnancy in\n\u00a0the Market\n\n\nTo help you, we list some of best sunscreen for pregnancy for everyday use.\n\n\n#1 Mama\u2019s Choice Daily Protection Face Moisturizer\n\n\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice products are our top choice because they are a great moisturizer with multiple functions, combined into just one product!\n\n\nActing as a moisturizer and sunscreen can moisturize and brighter a mother\u2019s skin that looks dry and dull.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nHydrates and moisturizes, makes skin bright and glowing\n\n\nSPF 20 PA++ as well as UVA / UVB protection, that protects the skin from the sun\n\n\nHydrates the skin and early signs of aging\n\n\nParaben-Free\n\n\nArtificial Fragrance-Free\n\n\nAlcohol-Free\n\n\n\n\n Mama\u2019s Choice Daily Protection Face Moisturizer \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 CeraVe Hydrating Sunscreen\n\n\n\n\nCeraVe Hydrating Sunscreen Sheer Tint lotion is formulated with a dermatologist. It provides a broad spectrum of protection with their 100% mineral filter sunscreen that instantly leaves your skin with a healthy glow without whitening it.\n\n\nThis non-greasy formula provides all-day hydration with three essential ceramides that help restore the skin\u2019s natural barrier and lock moisture in.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nUniversal colour for all skin tones that instantly leaves skin with a healthy glow and balances the white colour commonly associated with mineral sunscreens\n\n\nA 100% mineral filter-based sunscreen, also known as a physical sunscreen, reflects UVA/ UVB rays to help protect the screen.\n\n\nFormulated with three essential ceramides (1, 3, 6-II) that help restore the skin\u2019s natural barrier and lock moisture in.\n\n\nParaben-free, Fragrance-free, and Chemical Filter-free\n\n\nCan be worn alone or under makeup as a coloured primer with SPF 30.\n\n\n\n\n Cerave Hydrating Sunscreen \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch\n\n\n\n\nNeutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen SPF50 + PA +++ with Helioplex provides broad-balanced and broad-spectrum sun protection that is effective against skin-ageing UVA and UVB rays.\n\n\nThis product combines Dry-Touch technology for an ultralight and non-glossy finish. This lightweight sunscreen has a light fresh scent and is gentle enough for sensitive skin.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nProvides superior balanced broad-spectrum protection against UVA skin ageing and UVB rays.\n\n\nVery light texture\n\n\nHelioplex technology ensures that sunlight protection is lasting and effective by blocking UVA and UVB rays that irritate the skin\n\n\nNot comedogenic\n\n\nOil-free\n\n\nPABA-free\n\n\nWaterproof (tp to 80 minutes)\n\n\n\n\n Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Babyganics Sunscreen Lotion\n\n\n\n\nNot only is it suitable for pregnant mothers, this product is also specially formulated for children. Babyganics Sunscreen Lotion with SPF50+ formula provides broad-spectrum UVA/ UVB protection and glides on smoothly with a simple swipe.\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry, this product contains no toxic and harmful substances at all!\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nMade without oxybenzone and octinoxate\n\n\nFormulated without: PABA, phthalates, parabens, fragrances, or nanoparticles\n\n\nCompiled with: Octisalate, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide\n\n\nFormulated with NeoNourish Seed Oil Blend, which is a mixture of tomato oil, sunflower, cranberry, black cumin, and raspberry seeds\n\n\nVery suitable for high exposure areas and targeted protection\n\n\nBroad Spectrum SPF 50 \u2013 UVA + UVB protection\n\n\nWaterproof (80 minutes)\n\n\nDoes not irritate the eyes and is not allergenic\n\n\n\n\n Babyganics Sunscreen Lotion \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Earth Mama Baby Mineral Sunscreen\n\n\n\n\nThe sunscreen product from Earth Mama is one of the best sunscreens for combination skin, it is skin-friendly and lightweight for soft baby skin, with organic shea butter and organic calendula.\n\n\nIn addition, it contains organic red raspberry seed oil (which has the highest natural SPF value in the plant world) and organic pomegranate seed oil to enhance UV protection.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nNot a chemical sunscreen\n\n\nNo artificial fragrances\n\n\nTested by paediatricians and dermatologists\n\n\nRated ONE in the EWG Inner Skin Cosmetics Database, the lowest hazard rating a product can achieve\n\n\nBroad Spectrum UVA / UVB Protection\n\n\nWaterproof (40 mins)\n\n\nNSF / ANSI 305 Certified by Oregon Tilth (contains Organic Shea Butter & Organic Calendula)\n\n\n\n\nEarth Mama Baby Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF 40\n\n\n Earth Mama Baby Mineral Sunscreen \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#6 Kiehl\u2019s Ultra Light Daily UV Defense Aqua Gel\n\n\n\n\nThis aqua gel sunscreen from Kiehl\u2019s comes with SPF 50 PA++++ and pollution protection. This comedogenic product provides high protection with a light and refreshing texture.\n\n\nTested in moist conditions, this water-light sunscreen for oily skin hydrates and protects the skin from UV damage, leaving it smooth and protected.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nProvides high SPF protection to help protect skin from environmental invaders including UVA and UVB rays, pollutants, and free radicals.\n\n\nIt helps to reduce the appearance of pores and protect from the signs of premature ageing\n\n\nAbsorbs quickly into the skin with a refreshing watery light texture\n\n\nFormulated with advanced UVA and UVB technology along with pollution protection\n\n\nTried and tested in a humid environment\u00a0\n\n\nDermatologist tested for safety\n\n\nNon-comedogenic, fragrance-free\n\n\n\n\n Kiehl\u2019s Ultra Light Daily UV Defense Aqua Gel \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nAll in all, searching for the best sunscreen for pregnancy might take some time. It truly depends on your skin type but we hope this article will give you some idea on what to look out for.\n\n\nHope it helps!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nSafe Itching Creams for Pregnant Women\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mental-health-pregnancy", "title": "Mental Health During Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know", "body": "Pregnancy can be an emotionally daunting time. Don\u2019t be surprised if you feel an imbalance in mental health during pregnancy making you feel enthusiastic and happy one day, and exhausted and dejected the next. In fact, stress and anxiety are even more common if it\u2019s your first pregnancy, or you\u2019ve previously suffered a mental illness, and/or if you are about to have a rainbow baby.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the \nWorld Health Organisation (WHO)\n, about 10 percent of all pregnant women worldwide \n\u201cand 13 percent of women who have just given birth experience a mental disorder, primarily depression.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nThis, on top of the fact that\n pregnancy itself can be a challenge. From fluctuating hormones to physical changes, to tests and scans, there is a lot happening in these nine months. If you\u2019ve suffered a previous mental disorder, chances of a pregnancy becoming a gruelling task more than an enjoyable experience are even higher.\u00a0\n\n\nUnfortunately, many women suffer unnecessarily and ignore their mental health during pregnancy as they continue to focus only on the growing baby. But an untreated mental disorder at this point can often lead to serious consequences on your wellbeing as well as that of your baby\u2019s. \n\n\nThe good news is that there are many practical treatments to balance mental health during pregnancy and after birth, especially once you are properly diagnosed.\u00a0\n\n\nBut for that to work you\u2019ll need to understand what you\u2019re going through. There are five types of common mental health issues that affect most expecting mums globally. \n\n\nMental Health During Pregnancy: 5 Common Emotional Disorders\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDid you know that \nabout 25 percent of cases of postpartum depression actually begin during pregnancy? | \nImage courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nMany women who suffer from conditions of mental health during pregnancy may sail through these nine months easily. While those who may have never had any issue might suddenly develop them during their pregnancy. The fact that each pregnancy is different makes it difficult to generalise. \n\n\nHowever, there are some common mental health conditions you should watch out.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n1) Depression\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDepression during pregnancy can often go unnoticed. Unfortunately, it is more common than you think. According to a \nstudy\n published in the British Journal of Psychiatry and funded by the National Institute for Health Research, about 25 percent of cases of postpartum depression actually begin during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nIt was also observed that depression rating was highest during the eight month of the pregnancy. While it is difficult to clearly identify depression, if you notice the following symptoms, you must urgently visit a doctor.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFeeling down and miserable for the better part of the day or most days of a week.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nConstantly feeling irritable, anxious, or angry.\u00a0\n\n\nLack of interest in activities you normally enjoyed\u00a0\n\n\nUnable to sleep properly or sleeping more than usual\u00a0\n\n\nConstant or increased crying, mostly for no apparent reason\n\n\nConsiderably reduced appetite or overeating\u00a0\n\n\nExcessive tiredness or fatigue\u00a0\n\n\nLack of concentration\n\n\nFeeling disconnected with your baby and preoccupation with sad thoughts\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nDisinterested in your partner and/or unable to connect\u00a0\n\n\nConstantly feeling that you are a \u2018bad mother\u2019\u00a0\n\n\nIncreased thoughts of harming your body\u00a0\n\n\nSuicidal thoughts\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you notice any of these symptoms, you must alert your family members and visit your doctor. This may help you identify the primary cause of depression during pregnancy. It could be because you either have a history of depression within your family, or have somebody around you who is going through it. \n\n\nIf it\u2019s an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel burdened by unrealistic expectations of motherhood. \n\n\nOr, you could be facing difficulties in your marriage or relationship and may not have adequate social support.\n\n\n\n\nEither way, once you are properly diagnosed\u2013and know that this feeling is not due to lack of nutrition any medical illness that mimics depression such as iron deficiency, \nthyroid\n, or \nanaemia\n\u2013you may be given a tailor made treatment.\u00a0\n\n\n2) Anxiety\u00a0\n\n\nAnother common mental health issue during pregnancy is anxiety. Based on your symptoms, anxiety may further be divided into the following:\n\n\n\n\nA generalised anxiety disorder\u00a0\n\n\nObsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)\u00a0\n\n\nPost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)\n\n\nAgoraphobia (fear of places)\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nA panic disorder\n\n\n\n\nMany women have symptoms based on these types of anxiety disorders before pregnancy. While some women develop symptoms during their pregnancy. If you notice the following signs, chances are you suffer from some type of anxiety.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nStress or worry and feel \u2018on edge\u2019 most of the time\n\n\nDifficulty staying calm and have muscular tension\u00a0\n\n\nHave difficulty in sleeping\n\n\nOften have recurring worrying thoughts\n\n\nActual physical panic attacks (lack of breathing or constant moving of a body part)\u00a0\n\n\nDizziness and shortness of breath\n\n\n\n\nMost of us are commonly predisposed to \nstress\n, either genetically or due to our work or in personal relationships. But when anxiety is due to pregnancy, it can often give you an anxious temperament and make you worry most of you waking hours.\u00a0 You may worry about your own health, your baby\u2019s health, and societal pressures.\u00a0\n\n\nWomen who are victims or survivors of sexual assault may also experience some for of anxiety during pregnancy. Unfortunately, for such women, anxiety can be common even after birth and well into the later years of parenthood.\u00a0\n\n\nOn the other hand, women who have always had some form of anxiety, can experience more of it during pregnancy. Especially since they are put out of their comfort zones and into new territory. \n\n\nSome women even feel dizziness, shortness of breath, hot flashes, increased heart rate during the later part of pregnancy, which can be mistaken for panic attacks or can lead to one. It is crucial to visit a doctor and seek proper treatment.\u00a0\n\n\nThese may include therapeutic treatments, Ayurveda, and even some mindfulness exercises. In severe cases, you may be given medication by your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\n3) Bi-polar disorder\u00a0\n\n\nThis is a \nform of depression\n where one may experience extreme types of emotions\u2013 high (mania), lows (depression), and hypomania (change of mood, not as severe as mania).\n\n\nAlthough it\u2019s important to point that it is an uncommon form of mental disorder and may likely be genetic, the depressive symptoms here are similar to actual depression.\u00a0\n\n\nSo in case you are suffering from a bi-polar disorder during pregnancy, you may experience the following symptoms.\n\n\n\n\nYou have \nan excessively happy mood\u00a0\n\n\nMay sometimes have an irritable mood rather than a happy mood\n\n\nYou may have lots of energy and move frantically\u00a0\n\n\nFind yourself speaking very quickly, almost trying to keep up with your thoughts\n\n\nLack of sleep and excessive energy\u00a0\n\n\nYou may feel overly confident in your talent, looks, and abilities\u00a0\n\n\nYou want to engage in dangerous activities to feel exhilarated.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMay notice increased libido\u00a0\n\n\nYou may behave rashly and out of character\u00a0\n\n\nThere could be an increased alcohol and drug use\n\n\nIn extreme cases, one may experience psychotic symptoms and even a loss of touch with reality.\n\n\n\n\nWomen who are diagnosed with a bi-polar disorder before pregnancy, it\u2019s a good idea to plan your pregnancy with the help of a doctor. That\u2019s because some medications that are often taken for this order cannot be consumed during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nSo it\u2019s best to always consult your doctor beforehand as these symptoms can make pregnancy a challenging experience.\u00a0 If you previously had this disorder, you are likely to experience a relapse during the first month after delivery. So be honest and transparent with your GP.\u00a0 \n\n\n4) \nSchizophrenia\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhile schizophrenia during pregnancy is quite uncommon, it can occur due to a family history. Women who suffer from this particular mental disorder may typically experience two types of symptoms: hallucinations and delusions.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\nSymptoms of the former force one to think that they are seeing things that may seem real, but are not. It may seem that your eyes, ears, and other senses are playing a game with your mind. \n\n\nThis is as interesting as it is unnerving.\u00a0 On the other hand, symptoms of the latter may force one to feel that they are being manipulated or controlled or have belief about things that may be untrue.\u00a0\n\n\nSome of the other symptoms of this mental disorder, include the following:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSocial withdrawal because of paranoia\n\n\nDifficulty in mankind regular decisions\u00a0\n\n\nFeeling of uncertainty\u00a0\n\n\nDifficulty in organising normal daily tasks\n\n\nJumbled speech\n\n\nReversal of sleep cycle, where you sleep during the day and stay awake during the night\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you notice any of these symptoms, it\u2019s best to urgently visit your doctor. You may not be put under medication due to pregnancy or during breastfeeding, but this may be weighed against your condition.\u00a0 \n\n\n5) Eating disorders (and lack of nutrition) \n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you already have an eating disorder, you may need extra monitoring to ensure good health of your baby and yourself. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nSome of the common issues of mental health during pregnancy are often attributed to lack of proper nutrition, and eating disorders. Women who suffer from eating disorders during their teenage years, often carry them during their pregnancy too. \n\n\nThese could include \nanorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and a generic lack of nutrition.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIn case of the former, you may fear weight gain during pregnancy and end up limiting food intake. While in the case of bulimia nervosa, you may resolve to nervous eating and then purging. Finally, you may not exactly get the right kind of nutrition your body needs to sustain a healthy pregnancy. \n\n\nEither due to economic reasons or because you are addicted to harmful substances such as drugs, smoking, or drinking. All of these can lead to stillbirth or miscarriage.\u00a0\n\n\nWomen with such eating disorders are often at a higher risk during pregnancy. That\u2019s because of the following reasons:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAt this stage, your body may divert any nutrition you get to your baby. All this, at your expense.\n\n\nWomen who often purge food or have active symptoms of bulimia nervosa are at an increased \nrisk of miscarriage\n.\n\n\nWhile women who often limit food intake and have active symptoms of anorexia nervosa have an increased of small babies with smaller heads. They can even give birth to \nlow-weight premature babies\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSuch women are also more prone to anaemia.\n\n\nLack of nutrition would mean longer time to recover from \ncaesarean\n, \nepisiotomy\n, or tearing.\n\n\n\n\nIt goes without saying that during pregnancy, it\u2019s important to keep your eating disorder in check. It can be challenging because you cannot control your weight and it may be distressing for women with eating disorders.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you already have an eating disorder, you may need extra monitoring to ensure good health of your baby and yourself. Consult with a dietician and your GP to create a proper food chart and try to stick with it. It is also common for women to experience a relapse after delivery and you may have unrealistic weight loss goals.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSpeak with your GP and your midwife about the best way to stay fit and healthy pre and post delivery. Remember, if you are breastfeeding, eating restrictions can have serious effect on your \nbreastmilk\n and the health of your baby. After birth, if you find yourself purging and limiting food, its tine to visit your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nHow To Improve Mental Health During Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nFind somebody who you can talk to freely, this can be a easier journey. Whether its your partner, your parent or your friend. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nIn addition to visiting your doctor, there are also some practical ways to look out for your mental health during pregnancy.\n\n\nThese can help you sail through your pregnancy, irrespective of whether or not you suffer from the aforementioned mental health issues.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTalk it out\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBeing a mother can be lonely sometimes. However, if you find somebody who you can talk to freely, this can be a easier journey. Whether its your partner, your parent or your friend, share your daily experiences with them.\n\n\nIf it is a fellow expecting mum, its even better as you are going through the motions \u2013 both emotional and physical together and have a lot in common.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat\u2019s important is that you do not keep your emotions, challenges and even achievements bottled up. You can even enrol in various pregnancy classes and and use that as a platform to share your fears and worries.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n2. Make a wellness plan\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are quite the planner, its a good idea to already start talking about a wellbeing plan even before your pregnancy. A wellbeing plan could include a list of activities you need to do during your pregnancy, to stay sane. But also as an outlet to share your feelings.\n\n\nYou can even enrol in \nantenatal classes\n and connect more deeply with your baby.\n\n\nYou can share details of this plan with your family and friends and most importantly with your partner, who is also going this journey with you.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Exercise and meditate\u00a0\n\n\nKeeping your mind, body, and soul active and nourished is crucial for not only your wellbeing, but also of your baby. Post permission from your GP, include physical activities such as swimming, walking, or running into your daily routine.\n\n\nGive your mind a much-needed break from work or routine life, by meditating and practicing deep-breathing exercises.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n4. Treat yourself\u00a0\n\n\nPregnancy can often take all the attention away from you and onto your baby. So its time to being the focus back onto the most important person in this journey- you! Treat yourself to massages or manicures, fancy dinners with your partner, some fun and safe activities, and even \ntravel\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s your time, and you must enjoy it.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n5. Ask for support\u00a0\n\n\nFinally, if you see yourself struggling, don\u2019t be afraid to ask for support. Whether that means from your family or friends or even from your \nmidwife\n. Consider counselling if it comes to it. And try complimentary therapies such as \nacupuncture\n, \nyoga\n, or even shiatsu.\u00a0\n\n\nYes, these nine months can be a rollercoaster of emotions. You may feel that things are out of control, but trust yourself and know that mental health during pregnancy should be at the top of your \u2018to-do list.\u2019 Talk to close family and friends and be mindful and forgiving towards yourself.\n\n\nAfter all, with a positive attitude, and focus on positive mental health during pregnancy, this can be the most joyful experience of your life.\n\n\nSource: \nThe Womens\n, \nKidsHealth\n, \nHarvard Health\n, \nTommys\n\n\nAlso read: Nationwide Study Reveals OCD is Among Top Mental Health Disorders\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-boost-your-fertility-the-traditional-way", "title": "Boost Fertility the Traditional Way", "body": "While the road to \nbecoming a parent can be challenging,\n know you\u2019re not alone in those challenges. And the good news is \u2013 there are a few natural ways to boost your fertility.\n\n\nLet\u2019s look at common causes of infertility and how to boost fertility naturally.\n\n\nCommon causes of infertility\n\n\nThe common causes of infertility include:\n\n\n1. Poor semen quality in men\n\n\n\n\nThere are a few herbs that can help to\n increase sperm count,\n motility and boost healthy sperm production such as American Ginseng, Peruvian Maca, Saw Palmetto, Tribulus, Horny Goat Weed, Astragalus, Yohimbe, Goji Berry and Schisandra Berry.\n\n\n2. A lack of regular ovulation\n\n\n\n\nThis may be\n due to hormonal imbalance\n such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), being underweight, or due to a lack of eggs.\n\n\n\n\nPCOS\n\u00a0happens due to\u00a0\ninsulin resistance\n. Few tests or measurements that can be done to assess the PCOS status are FSH: LH ratio, fasting insulin, fasting glucose, glucose tolerance test, HbA1c and waist-to-hip ratio.\n\n\nLow thyroid hormones or suboptimal thyroid hormones\n can also be another factor that causes insulin resistance and hence PCOS.\u00a0 It is imperative to check the thyroid hormones as well.\u00a0 Food that can support the thyroid are foods rich in iodine (seaweed, sea birds nest (Eucheuma cottonii), fish (cod & tuna) and shrimps), selenium (Brazil nuts, beans and legumes such as peas and lentils), magnesium, (Avocados, nuts especially almond, cashew & Brazil nuts, seeds such as pumpkin seeds, flax seeds & chia seeds, and legumes \u2013 lentils, peas & soybeans), zinc (red meat such as beef, mutton & lamb, shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds and eggs) and iron (liver, & other inerts red meat, spinach, shellfish, legumes and seeds).\n\n\nObesity\n is another factor that contributes to insulin resistance and hence PCOS.\u00a0 Therefore, exercise is important for weight management as well as controlling diet by choosing\u00a0\n\u201clow glycemic index\u201d food\n.\u00a0 Some examples of low-glycemic food are healthy fats like avocados and nuts, fibrous non-starchy plants like kale, broccoli and cauliflower, low-sugar fruits like berries, and high-quality protein from meat and fish. Examples of high-glycemic foods are white sugar and refined flours, bread, white rice, noodles, junk food, crackers, cakes, cookies and even non-fat sweetened yogurt.\n\n\nUnderweight, over-exercising and under-eating\n can backfire.\u00a0 Exercising too much or not eating enough calories to support the exercise routine will cause period to stop and subsequent anovulation.\n\n\nHerbs which can help \nincrease ovulation,\n balance and regulate estrogen & progesterone hormones are Ashwagandha, Dong Guai, Red Clover, Wild Yam, Vitex, Black cohosh and Motherwort.\n\n\n\n\n3. Abnormalities in the female reproductive tract\n\n\nSuch as scarred or blocked fallopian tubes. \nSexually transmitted infections\n (STIs) including chlamydia, can affect fertility by causing damage to the reproductive tract. Red clover is believed to help in correcting fallopian tube scarring due to its anti-inflammatory properties.\n\n\n4. Endometriosis\n\n\nThis is a condition where tissue that behaves like the lining of the womb (the endometrium) is found outside the womb. One of the reasons for endometriosis is PCOS itself.\n\n\n5. Cigarette smoking & excessive alcohol consumption\n\n\n\n\nBoth are strongly linked with reduced semen quality in men.\u00a0 For women, there are links between high alcohol consumption and reduced conception rates.\n\n\n6. Environmental toxins\n\n\n\n\nSuch as exposure to heavy metals, industrial chemicals like (BPA, phthalates, PEGs & fragrances), pesticides, preservatives like parabens and other toxins have been shown to affect fertility.\u00a0 Hence, it is essential to consume organic food (poultry and vegetables) if possible and stay away from chemical-laden detergents & household products (instead try using baking soda & vinegar), cosmetics, personal care products and toiletries.\n\n\nWe also need to regularly\u00a0\ndetoxify\n our body through having regular bowel habits, eating sufficient fiber, drinking enough water (minimum of 2litres per day), and sweating (through exercise), in order to fully help the body eliminate toxins.\u00a0 Examples of food that can help with detoxification are:\n\n\n\n\nSulphur-containing food\n (onions, broccoli, and garlic, enhance excretion of heavy metals like cadmium),\n\n\nChlorella\n (which is type of algae that has many nutritional benefits and may enhance the elimination of toxins like heavy metals, according to animal studies)\n\n\nCilantro\n (which enhances excretion of certain toxins, such as heavy metals like lead, and chemicals, including phthalates and insecticides).\n\n\n\n\nEating sulfur-rich foods like eggs, broccoli, and garlic helps enhance the function of\u00a0\nglutathione\n, a major antioxidant produced by our body which is involved in detoxification.\n\n\nBy having a\u00a0\ngood gut health\n; with the correct balance of the gut microbiome; will also enhance the process of detoxification through consuming food containing\u00a0\nprebiotics\n\u00a0(chicory root, dandelion green, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, onions, leeks & asparagus) and\u00a0\nprobiotics\n\u00a0(yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi & tempeh).\n\n\n7. Insufficient sleep which leads to stress\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis can reduce testosterone levels, sex drive and in severe cases sperm production in men. In women, stress can also cause a loss of sex drive and may also affect ovulation.\n\n\nTherefore,\u00a0\nsufficient (between 7 -9 hours) and good quality of sleep\n\u00a0are important to support the adrenals, thyroid and all other hormonal health.\u00a0 Regular practice of\u00a0\nstress management\n\u00a0through yoga, meditation, exercise, spa treatment and listening to music are encouraged.\n\n\n8. Nutrients & minerals deficiency\n\n\nNot consuming enough nutrients and minerals can have a major impact on how your body functions, including its ability to regulate hormonal function that \naffects your ability to conceive\n and carry a pregnancy.\n\n\nThus, the choices of food on your platter for each meal should include macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to ensure adequate nutrients & minerals consumption each day.\u00a0 It is also important to take note to avoid \ninflammatory trigger foods\n\u00a0such as white flour, white sugar, GMO soy, high fructose corn syrup, gluten and highly processed food.\n\n\nWhere to start?\n\n\n\n\nFinding the root causes of infertility often able to reverse frustrations and reverse fertility.\n\n\nFor those who have been struggling and do not know where to start, it is advisable to look for a Functional Medicine doctor to aid you in understanding the root causes of fertility and to maximise the chances of conception.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nDo You Have A Retroverted Uterus? Check These Signs To Find Out\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/good-gut-health-recipes", "title": "Quick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health", "body": "Working mums, we know how busy you are. You\u2019ve got your full-time job to juggle with your household chores, ensuring your marriage stays afloat and a very needy child. Every day you feel like you\u2019re doing sprints but also training for a marathon. How exhausting, right?\n\n\nSo, we get it. It can be tempting to get ready-made or frozen meals for our kids sometimes\u2026 it\u2019s easier, of course\u2026 but so many of us WANT to prepare healthy, fresh meals for our kids.\n\n\nSo we asked 10 busy working mums what their favourite healthy go-to-meals are to prepare for their kids to ensure their child\u2019s gut health is still well taken care of.\n\n\nGood Gut Health Recipes \u2013 Breakfast Ideas\n\n\n\n\n1. Mama J\u2019s Loaded Overnight Oatmeal (prep time: 5 minutes)\n\n\nMama J: I love this because I can prepare it the night before and then just take it out half an hour before serving the kids in the mornings. Saves me cooking time in the morning!\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\u2153 cup of rolled oats\n\n1 tbsp of chia seeds\n\n\u00bc tsp of ground cinnamon\n\n\u00bd mashed banana\n\n1 tbsp peanut butter (substitute with other nut butters if child is allergic to peanuts)\n\n\u00bd cup of Dumex Mamil milk\n\n\nSteps:\n\nCombine all the dry ingredients into a jar. \n\nAdd the banana, peanut butter and half the milk. \n\nStir well and let it sit. \n\nAdd in the rest of the milk. \n\nRefrigerate overnight (or for at least 4 hours).\n\nRemove and enjoy!\n\n\nBonus tip: Oats are rich in fibre that is good for the digestive system!\n\n\n\n\n2. Mama B\u2019s Fruity Yogurt Parfait (prep time: 5 minutes)\n\n\nMama B: My kids hated yogurt until I created this parfait. Now this is one of their favourite breakfast foods and we make it together in the mornings.\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\u00bd cup of yogurt\n\n\u00bc cup of fresh fruits (mangoes or berries)\n\n1 tbsp of chia seeds\n\n\u00bc cup of smashed up animal crackers\n\n\u00bc cup of Dumex Mamil milk\n\n\nSteps:\n\nLayer a thick layer of yogurt in a jar.\n\nPut a layer of fruit. \n\nPut another layer of yogurt. \n\nSprinkle the chia seeds on top. \n\nAdd the smashed up animal crackers.\n\nPour the milk in and stir all ingredients right before serving.\n\n\nBonus tip: Chia seeds are great for filling up the tummy and making you feel full for a longer period.\n\n\n\n\n3. Mama S\u2019s Cheesy Scrambled Eggs (prep and cook time: 5 minutes)\n\n\nMama S: I use Jamie Oliver\u2019s technique to cook my scrambled eggs and the kids LOVE it (and hubby, too!).\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n2 medium or large sized eggs\n\n\u00bc cup of grated mozzarella cheese\n\n\u00bc cup of Dumex Mamil milk\n\nA sliver of butter\n\n\nSteps:\n\nHeat a pan on the stove to medium heat. \n\nAdd in the butter and let melt. \n\nScramble the eggs, milk and cheese together and pour the mixture onto the pan. \n\nCook on heat for 20 seconds and remove from heat for 10 seconds. Repeat process until well cooked.\n\n\nBonus tip: Adding in the milk makes the scrambled eggs so much creamier and tastier too! You can also make it a more balanced meal by adding in spinach or other leafy greens, amping up their nutritional intake.\n\n\nGood Gut Health Recipes \u2013 Lunch or Dinner Ideas\n\n\n\n\n4. Mama T\u2019s Chicken Porridge (prep and cook time: 10 minutes)\n\n\nMama T: Sometimes, I cook a big pot so that it can be eaten for both lunch and dinner.\n\n\nIngredients: \n\n1 cup of rice\n\n2 cups of water\n\n1 cube of chicken stock \n\n1 chicken fillet, cut into small pieces\n\n1 carrot, cut up into small pieces\n\n\u00bd ginger, sliced\n\n2 cloves of garlic\n\n\u00bc cup of Dumex Mamil\n\n\nSteps: \n\nBoil the rice, water, ginger, garlic and chicken stock together. \n\nAdd in the chicken fillet and carrot and cook for 10 minutes. \n\nSeason with salt and pepper (for the adults) once served. \n\nAdd in the milk for a creamier texture.\n\n\nBonus tip: Children need plenty of protein for their growth and development. So you can try other types of meats with the porridge, including turkey or fish. Throw in some pumpkin or sweet potatoes to sweeten the dish too.\n\n\n\n\n5. Mama D\u2019s Fish Noodle Soup (prep and cook time: 10 minutes)\n\n\nMama D: This is an easy favourite for the whole family and perfect to comfort the tummies.\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n150g of sliced fish (Dory or cod or mackerel)\n\n\u00bd ginger, sliced\n\n3 cups of water\n\n1 small tomato (cut into 6 pieces)\n\n\u00bd cup of Chinese lettuce\n\nSesame oil (to taste)\n\nLight soy sauce (to taste)\n\n1 cube of fish stock\n\n1 packet of mihun\n\n\u00bc cup of Dumex Mamil milk\n\n\nSteps: \n\nBring the water, fish stock and ginger to a boil. \n\nAdd in the fish and tomato. \n\nAdd in the sesame oil and light soy sauce to taste. \n\nAdd in the mihun and cook for 2 minutes (or until the noodles have softened). \n\nPour the milk last and serve.\n\n\nBonus tip: Cod fish is particularly high in DHA.\n\n\n\n\n6. Mama Z\u2019s Macaroni and 3 Cheese (prep and cook time: 10 minutes)\n\n\nIngredients: \n\n4 tbsp of butter\n\n2 cup of Dumex Mamil milk\n\n\u00bd cup of cheddar (shredded)\n\n\u00bc cup of mozzarella cheese\n\n\u00bc cup of parmesan cheese (grated/powdered)\n\n\u00bd cup of heavy cream\n\n1 cup of panko bread crumbs\n\n1 packet of macaroni\n\n\nSteps: \n\nBoil the macaroni until soft and set aside. \n\nIn another pan, melt the butter. \n\nAdd in the milk to the butter and let it simmer. \n\nAdd in the cheeses and let it melt. Stir often. \n\nAdd in the heavy cream and bread crumbs towards the end. \n\nAdd in the macaroni and mix well.\n\n\nBonus tip: You can play around with different types of cheeses. Cheddar, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese are good probiotic sources.\n\n\n\n\n7. Mama C\u2019s Soba in Miso Soup with Milk (cook and prep time: 10 minutes)\n\n\nMama C: It\u2019s so easy, I can even make this when we travel!\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\u00bd chicken breast\n\n2 tbsp of butter\n\n3 tbsp of miso paste\n\n2 cups of baby spinach leaves\n\n\u00bd big yellow onion\n\n4 baby potatoes (cut into small cubes)\n\n\u00bd tofu block (cut into cubes)\n\n1 packet of soba noodles\n\n1 cup of water\n\n1 cup of Dumex Mamil milk\n\n\nSteps: \n\nMelt butter on medium heat in a pan. \n\nAdd in the chicken breast and cook well. \n\nAdd in the onions and potatoes, cook till soft. \n\nPour in water and mix miso paste until well blended. \n\nAdd in tofu cubes and baby spinach. \n\nAdd in the soba noodles and cook till soft. \n\nPour the milk in right before serving.\n\n\nBonus tip: Soba noodles are lower in carbohydrates and the miso paste has plenty of probiotics!\n\n\n\n\n8. Mama M\u2019s MEGA Meatballs (cook and prep time: 10 minutes)\n\n\nMama M: These meatballs are low calorie and keto-friendly (for parents who might be on the keto diet!)\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n1 packet of minced beef\n\nDried oregano\n\nDried parsley\n\nDried rosemary\n\nDried thyme \n\nSalt to taste\n\nPepper to taste\n\n2 large eggs\n\nGrated parmesan cheese\n\n2 tbsp of olive oil\n\n\nSteps: \n\nIn a large bowl combine all ingredients and mixed it with your hands.\n\nRoll the raw mixture into little balls.\n\nDrizzle some olive oil into a pan on medium heat. \n\nPut the meatballs in and cook till browned.\n\n\nOptional:\n\nMake a tomato paste sauce using tomato puree and add in some Dumex Mamil milk to make it extra creamy!\n\nCan be eaten with pasta or rice or mashed potatoes.\n\n\nBonus tip: Parmesan cheese contains probiotics so feel free to be generous with the cheese!\n\n\n\n\n9. Mama E\u2019s Hainanese Chicken Rice\n\n\nIngredients: \n\n1 bunch of pandan leaves\n\n1 cup of rice\n\n3 cups of water\n\n\u00bd ginger, sliced\n\n4 cloves of garlic, minced \n\n1 chicken breast \n\nSesame oil to taste\n\nSalt and pepper to taste\n\nLight soy sauce\n\n\nSteps: \n\nPut the rice, water, pandan leaves, ginger and garlic into a rice cooker and let cook. \n\nOn a medium heated pan, drizzle some oil and cook chicken breast through. \n\nSlice chicken breast once cooked and drizzle with light soy sauce and sesame oil.\n\n\nBonus tip: Serve with a side of Dumex Mamil milk and a plate of leafy greens to make it a balanced meal!\n\n\n\n\n10. Mama H\u2019s Cottage Pie (prep time: 10 minutes, cook time: 1 hour)\n\n\nMama H: Cook a big enough portion, your kids can bring to school the next day.\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n1 packet minced beef\n\n2 carrots, chopped\n\n1 big yellow onion, chopped \n\n2 stalks of celery\n\n6 cloves of garlic\n\n\u00bc cup of tomato puree\n\n\u00bd cup of beef stock\n\n4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce\n\n2 bay leaves\n\n5 russet potatoes\n\n4 tbsp of butter\n\n\u00bd cup of grated cheese\n\n1 cup of Dumex Mamil milk\n\n\nSteps:\n\n\nFor the filling\n\nHeat up some olive oil over medium heat.\n\nStir in the beef till brown.\n\nThrow in the carrots, celery, garlic and onion, cook till brown.\n\nAdd in the tomato puree, beef stock, Worcestershire sauce and bay leaves. \n\nLeave to simmer for 10 minutes.\n\n\nFor the potato topping\n\nBoil a pot of water and put the potatoes in.\n\nBoil until potatoes are soft.\n\nDrain the water and mashed the potatoes.\n\nAdd butter and the milk until creamy.\n\n\nOverall\n\nPreheat the oven to 200 C. \n\nIn an oven-safe dish, pour the beef mixture into an even layer.\n\nAdd in the mashed potatoes in an even layer on top of the beef. \n\nSprinkle the grated cheese on top.\n\nBake for 30 minutes.\n\nTake it out and let sit for 15 minutes before serving.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-urine-pregnancy-tests-in-malaysia", "title": "Ready to Start Your Own Family? Try Our Top 5 Picks for Best Pregnancy Tests", "body": "Finding out that they are expecting is like a dream come true for married couples, as many begin to look forward to having children in the near future after \nbecoming\n husband and wife.\n\n\nNumerous women may suspect that they are pregnant due to changes in their bodies. \nHowever\n, \nthey should not base their assumptions on such symptoms alone to confirm whether they are pregnant.\n\n\nThis is as these abnormalities may be due to hormonal changes that are not related to pregnancy. Thus, it is best to take the test before you confirm your suspicions.\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s take a look at the top pregnancy test and their benefits together!\n\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s a urine pregnancy test?\n\n\nA urine pregnancy test (UPT) or pregnancy detector is the best \nway\n to find out if a woman is pregnant. \nUPTs accurately determine whether one is pregnant by\n detecting the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) present in the urine, where HCG is only present in pregnant ladies.\n\n\nThere are \nthree\n types of urine pregnancy tests on the market today - cassette, strip and digital. We have chosen to focus on the following factors to help us in \ndetermining\n which urine pregnancy test to use:\n\n\n\n\nCredibility\n: \nWe prefer to use UPTs recognised and recommended by credible parties, such as gynaecologists\n.\n\n\nEfficiency\n: Different UPTs have \ndifferent sensitivity levels\n, where some can detect the pregnancy before your first missed period.\n\n\nCost\n: We consider which products are the most value for money as some UPT kits include 1-2 tests.\n\n\n\n\nHow do pregnancy tests work?\u00a0\n\n\nYour body will start to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) when you conceive. This hormone is measured when you take a pregnancy test. hCG can be detected in the urine or blood.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, because this hormone takes time to build up in your body, very early pregnancy tests may be negative. Your body will produce more hCG each day throughout early pregnancy.\n\n\nThe level of hCG in your urine or blood is detected by pregnancy tests. A piece of reactive paper detects hCG in a urine test. A plus sign, multiple vertical lines, or even the phrase \"pregnancy\" might appear as a result.\u00a0\n\n\nA positive result will appear in a variety of ways depending on the test. To find out what a positive result looks like, read the guidelines that came with the test.\n\n\nWhen do pregnancy tests work best?\n\n\nPregnancy tests work best in the mornings since the maximum concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the pregnancy hormone, is seen in early-morning pee.\n\n\nThe good news is that in early pregnancy, hCG practically doubles every two days. That implies that during the fourth or fifth week of pregnancy, your hCG levels are usually high enough to show a positive result whether you use first-morning pee or not.\u00a0\n\n\nEven if the test is performed later in the day, the longer it has been since your missed period, the easier it is to detect pregnancy.\n\n\nOn the other hand, there are techniques to assure a more accurate test later in the day if your schedule or circumstances prevent you from testing in the morning.\n\n\nIf you don't use the toilet for at least 4 hours, you can get first-morning urine for a pregnancy test.\n\n\nDrinking more liquids than usual is not a good idea. Overhydrating is a typical blunder since many people believe that drinking more will result in more pee. However, doing so will dilute your urine, making it more challenging to detect pregnant hormones.\n\n\n5 Best Urine Pregnancy Test Kit in Malaysia\n\n\nWe\u2019ve collated and summarised information about a few brands to aid you in your search for which UPT to use.\n\n\n#1 Dip \u2018n\u2019 Tell Pregnancy Test 2s\n\n\n\n\nThe Dip \u2018n\u2019 Tell brand is quite well known and easily available in the Malaysian market.\n\n\nThe company actually manufactures 2 different types of test kits, one for women with regular menstruation periods and the other for women with irregular periods. The two can be differentiated through their differently coloured packaging.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nProven effectiveness of 99.9%\n\n\nSuitable for those with either regular or irregular menstruation\n\n\nCan be used before your missed period\n\n\nResults are available in a timely manner, after a 1 minute wait\n\n\nEach kit comes with 2 tests\n\n\n\n\n Dip \u2018n\u2019 Tell Pregnancy Test 2s \nby\n \nDip \u2018n\u2019 Tell\nBuy From Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#2 Disclosure Urine Pregnancy Test\n\n\n\n\nWhile cheaper than most brands, the Disclosure test is also certified and readily available at trusted pharmacies.\n\n\nTo use it, you must collect your urine in a clean and dry container then use the dropper provided to dispense 3-4 drops of urine into the test card. Results will be displayed after 1 minute.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCassette Type\n\n\nAffordable\n\n\nEasy to use\n\n\nEach kit comes with 1 test\n\n\n\n\n Disclosure Urine Pregnancy Test \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Kit\n\n\n\n\nThis kit is the most specialised one so far. It is able to track the gestational age of the foetus and let you know how far along you are. \n\n\nIts wider tip makes it easier to use and its unique Floodguard technology helps to prevent excess urine from entering the device and causing errors.\n\n\nThese 2 advantages make the test more expensive as compared to the others.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nDigital Type\n\n\nAble to test up to 5 days before your missed period\n\n\nMore sensitive - able to detect lower level of HCG\u00a0\n\n\nClear \u2018Pregnant\u2019 and \u2018Not Pregnant\u2019 display of results\n\n\nEasy to use\n\n\nEach kit comes with 1 test\n\n\n\n\n Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Kit \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Clearblue Plus\n\n\n\n\nClearblue products are known to be reliable and are guaranteed effective. With its award-winning design, the stick-type test is especially easy to use. You just need to dip the absorber in urine and wait a few seconds for results to be displayed.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nProven effectiveness of 99.9%\n\n\nEasy to read (+) or (-) results\n\n\nAccurate results after only a 1 minute wait\n\n\nHas a larger and clearer display\n\n\nEasy to use\n\n\n\n\n Clearblue Plus \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Guardian One Step Pregnancy Test 2s\n\n\n\n\nGuardian is one of the leading pharmacies in Malaysia with many branches located island-wide. Thus this kit is readily available and convenient to get at a very affordable price.\n\n\nThis cassette type test comes with a plastic handle which improves grip and boosts ease of usage. Results will take 5 minutes to be displayed.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nCassette Type\n\n\nPaper cups for urine collection are provided\n\n\nAffordability\n\n\nEase of availability\n\n\nCan be used after you have missed your period\n\n\nEasy to use\n\n\nEach kit comes with 2 test\n\n\n\n\n Guardian One Step Pregnancy Test 2s \nby\n \nGuardian\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\nPregnancy test effectiveness\n\n\nWhen used appropriately, store-bought pregnancy tests are extremely accurate. In fact, they're equally as reliable as a urine pregnancy test from a doctor's office. When you take a pregnancy test after you've missed your period, it's the most accurate.\n\n\nHowever, accuracy can decrease if you use an expired pregnancy test or if you don't use it correctly. So make sure to check the expiration date on the packaging and read the instructions carefully before using your pregnancy test.\n\n\nCauses of false positive pregnancy test\n\n\nHere are some examples of why you may get a false positive pregnancy test:\n\n\n\n\nEvaporation line\n: This might be misinterpreted for a positive if the pregnancy test instructions are not followed exactly. When hCG is discovered, many tests display two lines, one line when hCG isn't detected, or a plus or minus sign. Sometimes a faintly coloured second line shows in the line testing. This might be an evaporation line or a sign of early pregnancy.\n\n\nUser error: \nPregnancy tests, like other consumer items, have an expiration date and are occasionally used incorrectly. A false-positive result might occur when a test is used improperly or when an outdated one is used.\n\n\nChemical pregnancy: \nThis is a miscarriage that occurs before the fifth week of pregnancy and occurs when an embryo implants in your uterus but never takes hold. You may not even realise you're pregnant since the miscarriage occurs so early. The embryo, on the other hand, generates hCG, which might result in a false-positive pregnancy test.\n\n\n\n\nPregnancy blood test\n\n\nA blood test can also be used to detect pregnancy. A little sample of blood is drawn and tested at a hospital or healthcare provider's office for this sort of pregnancy test.\u00a0\n\n\nThis blood test will establish whether or not the pregnancy hormone is present in your body, and also how much of it is present.\n\n\nBecause they can detect very low amounts of hCG, these blood tests are somewhat more sensitive than urine tests.\u00a0\n\n\nThis implies that they can give a more precise response very early in the pregnancy, between nine and twelve days after fertilisation.\n\u00a0\n\n\nFinal remarks\n\n\nIt\u2019s understandable that you\u2019ll feel anxious when taking a pregnancy test. However, give your body some time to produce adequate levels of hCG to obtain a more accurate result. You can try out one of the recommended pregnancy tests and find which works best for you.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n Fertility Tools to Help Predict Your Most Fertile Times\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-speed-up-c-section-scar", "title": "What to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing", "body": "As a new mum, your ultimate goal is for your little angel to arrive in the world safely. As long as they are healthy and happy, that\u2019s all we ask for. So, if the doctor delivering your baby recommends Caesarean-section surgery, we shouldn\u2019t go against the doctor\u2019s advice.\n\n\nMany mums often fear going through a c-section surgery because it results in a c-section scar.\u00a0\n\n\nBut according to Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (PPUKM), Professor Dr Nur Azurah Abdul Ghani, the rate of mothers giving birth by surgery nationwide is at 30 per cent in every hospital\n1\n.\n\n\nThe procedure is common and life-saving for both mother and baby. So that means 30 per cent of mums giving birth now will end up with a c-section scar.\n\n\nNaturally, we will do anything to ensure our c-section scar heals well, leaving only a faint line above the pubic hairline that can be easily covered by underwear.\n\n\nHowever, if mums do not know how to care for their scars properly, it might end up forming keloids or cause other complications.\u00a0\n\n\nSo we\u2019re here to give you some useful tips in c-section scar care.\n\n\nWhat Is a Caesarean Section?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBefore we dive into how to heal your c-section scar, one myth that we need to bust is that caesarean surgery is easier than vaginal surgery. Many view this as an \u201ceasy\u201d way out.\u00a0\n\n\nCaesarean section surgery is major abdominal surgery. It is a surgical delivery of a baby that involves one incision in the mother\u2019s abdomen and another in the uterus\n2\n.\n\n\nReasons for a caesarean delivery including:\n\n\n\n\nThe baby has developmental conditions that could risk her life\n\n\nThe baby\u2019s head is too big for vaginal delivery\n\n\nBreech birth \u2013 baby\u2019s feet out first instead of the head\n\n\nMother with health conditions such as high blood pressure\u00a0\n\n\nPlacenta previa\u00a0\n\n\nBaby has lower oxygen level due to infection or lung problems\n\n\nUmbilical cord prolapse\n\n\nTransverse labour position\n\n\nStalled labour\n\n\nOther complication advised by the medical practitioners\n\n\n\n\nAs with any surgery, that means there will be a longer recovery period ahead for mums.\n\n\nWhat to Expect After Caesarean Delivery\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDepending on how well your surgery went, some doctors will advise you to stay in the hospital for the next two or three days. In fact, many guides suggest that women who went through caesarean delivery will need between four to six weeks to recover.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, some studies have discovered that 60 per cent of women have some pain at the incision site 24 weeks after delivery\n3\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\nThat means mums have to really take care of their bodies after going through a c-section surgery.\n\n\nImmediately after surgery\n\n\nAfter your delivery, you will be moved to a post-operative area where you will remain under observation.\u00a0\n\n\nHere the hospital staff and medical practitioner monitors everything from bleeding, blood pressure and your body temperature. You will remain on an IV where this allows for an adjusted level of painkillers to be delivered into your bloodstream while the anaesthesia wears off\n4\n.\n\n\nThe first 24 hours\n\n\nJust like normal delivery, new mothers will start to learn how to breastfeed, change the diapers, burp their babies as well as adjust to their new life in parenthood.\u00a0\n\n\nThe nurses might massage your uterus to encourage it to contract and shrink to normal size.\n\n\nYou will also be encouraged to start moving slowly as it will help to speed up your C-section healing and to reduce the risk of getting a blood clot.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the first 24 hours, it is also common to feel pain around the incision area. The medical practitioner will keep a close eye on your incision, making sure there is no sign of infection.\n\n\nTwo days after surgery\n5\n\n\nOther than walking, you are also allowed to take a shower as doing so helps to reduce the risk of infection.\u00a0\n\n\nYour bandage will be removed about 24 hours after surgery. However, do not scrub your incision. Just let the water run over it. Once you\u2019re done, dry the area by gently patting it with a towel.\n\n\nYou will still have to wear a pad for bleeding. The discharge is called lochia, which is a combination of leftover blood, mucus and uterine tissue. You are also encouraged to start eating solid foods.\n\n\nThe first week\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThe risk of infection will be at its peak during this time. You are advised to keep a lookout for haemorrhage as it is most likely to occur during this time.\u00a0\n\n\nYour wound will feel sore for the next one or two weeks as the surrounding muscles are still weak\n6\n.\n\n\nSlow and steady wins the race here as the journey of healing is a long one. Doctors will give you advice like not to exercise or do any heavy lifting during this time and it is very important to listen to your doctor\u2019s advice.\u00a0\n\n\nIn some cases, you might have to go back to the doctor to check on the wound within the first week but in most cases, the doctor will use dissolvable stitches which will disappear on its own, reducing the need for you to leave the house to see them for a follow-up.\n\n\nThe second week\n\n\nYou will be asked to see your doctor once again to examine the incision. At this point, if the incision starts to show excessive swelling, redness, infection or you are running a fever higher than 38 celsius, you must immediately call your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nKeep in mind that you might still look like you\u2019re pregnant at this stage, although your uterus is slowly shrinking back to its original size. A\nt this stage, your caesar wound would have become dried and closed, thus you can begin to care for your scar.\n\n\nWeek 4 to 6\n\n\nListen to your body and do not compare your recovery journey with anyone else. You will notice that you have started to move swiftly at that point and your bleeding might stop completely.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you still feel tired or slow, take your time and rest as much as you can. By the end of week six, you will be fully recovered and you can even start to have intercourse with your spouse.\n\n\nYour incision should be perfectly healed at this point, and you can finally resume your normal activities. \n\n\nHow to Speed Up C-Section Scar Healing\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAs ready as you are to run the world again, taking care of yourself after childbirth should be one of your top priorities (alongside the growth of your baby, of course).\u00a0\n\n\nSo here are some useful tips you can use to speed up the healing of your c-section:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKeep the wound clean and wear loose tops and pants that do not chafe your stomach.\n\n\nAvoid carrying, holding and lifting heavy items \u2013 except for your baby. When nursing, place the baby on a pillow over your incision to protect the area\n\n\nWalk every day to prevent blood clots and constipation.\n\n\nDrink enough water and eat a well-balanced diet.\n\n\nKeep your incision area dry and clean.\n\n\nUse scar reduction products to lighten, soften and flatten the c-section scar.\n\n\n\n\nImportant C-Section Scar Healing Tip\n\n\nMummies, you must remember that there is little you can do to make the scar disappear completely. But there are things you can do to make the scar healing process better.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the things that we have mentioned, using scar reduction products, can certainly help in lightening and flattening the c-section scar.\n\n\nDermatix Ultra\u24c7 is an Asian Parent recommendation product clinically proven for c-section scar healing. It is a gentle, \ngel-based formulation with unique CPX silicone technology and vitamin C ester to lighten, soften and flatten surgical scars.\n\n\n\n\nCPX, which stands for Cyclopentasiloxane, plays the role of improving the appearance of the c-section scar, leaving the skin with a smooth silky feel upon application. Meanwhile, Vitamin C Ester helps to enhance the lightening of the scars (similarly to how Vitamin C products for our face also helps to lighten acne scars). This unique Vitamin C ester is also pH neutral, which means it does not cause irritation to the skin, unlike conventional Vitamin C in acidic format.\n\n\nThe combination of these two key ingredients makes it ideal to use on hypertrophic scars and keloids.\n\n\nIdeally, you should start scar treatment with Dermatix Ultra\n\u24c7\n as early as 10-14 days after c-section surgery or once the surgical wound has dried and closed, to achieve the most optimal results.\n\n\nDermatix Ultra\n\u24c7\n also supports your body\u2019s natural recovery process by protecting your scar and regulating collagen production to minimise scar formation. It has an over 85 per cent success rate in softening and diminishing hypertrophic and keloid scars\n7,8\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe best part about it is that it is suitable for daily use. For best results, apply Dermatix Ultra twice daily for \n2-3 months for normal scars; 6 months or more for deeper and longer scars such as surgical scars, or until you experience the full benefit of scar treatment.\n\u00a0\n\n\nSo take good care of your c-section scar. Avoid applying products that have not been recommended, and treat your c-section scar healing process with tender loving care by purchasing your tube of Dermatix Ultra \nhere \ntoday!\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(September 2, 2020).\u00a0 Bersalin secara pembedahan. Retrieved June 30, 2021,\u00a0 from \nwww.hmetro.com.my/WM/2020/09/616327/bersalin-secara-pembedahan\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d). C-Section (Cesarean Section). Retrieved 30 June, 2021, from \nwww.healthline.com/health/c-section\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Cesarean section. Retrieved 30 June, 2021, from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK115312/\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d). C-Section (Cesarean Section). Retrieved 30 June, 2021, from \nwww.healthline.com/health/c-section\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). C-Section Recovery Timeline: A Six-Week Guide for New Parents. Retrieved 30 June, 2021, from \nwww.parents.com/pregnancy/giving-birth/cesarean/your-c-section-recovery-timeline-and-tips/\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Recovering at home after a c-section. Retrieved 30 June 2021, from \nwww.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/giving-birth/caesarean-section/recovering-home-after-c-section\n\n\nFulton JE. Silicone gel sheeting for the prevention and management of evolving hypertrophic and keloid scars. Dermatol Surg 1995;21:947-951\n\n\nMercer NSG. Silicone gel in the treatment of keloid scars. Br J Plastic Surg. 1989;42:83-87\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHelpful Breastfeeding Basic Tips for the New Mum Within the First 6 Months\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nThis mum\u2019s amazing 32 kg weight loss transformation will stun you!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Lochia \u2013 postpartum bleeding\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hari-raya-gift-ideas", "title": "Top 5 Hari Raya Gift Ideas in Malaysia to Impress your Loved Ones", "body": "Are you fully prepared for Hari Raya? If not, it is time to speed up the process and start checking off items on your to-do list. Start with gift ideas for your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues because the list of people is long and time is slipping out of your hands. Now, there is no need to start panicking, as we have curated a list of the top 5 Hari Raya gift ideas in Malaysia for your near and dear ones.\n\n\n These items from different brands will leave the recipients in awe, not to forget the gratitude and love they will have for you due to the effort you put in remembering them on such an auspicious day.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, why wait? Let\u2019s dive into the incredible and exciting presents ideal for people of all age groups, be it children or the elders. These ideas will indeed lead to a memorable end to the soul searching and arduous fasting month.\u00a0\n\n\nRaya Matching Family Outfits\n\n\n\n\nFestivals mean good food and company, but more importantly good outfits. Actually, on point and smashing outfits! While your friends and relatives are planning on colourful dresses, you can take a different route and match with your fam-bam. \nGet matching colours, styles, designs or everything to be that chic Malaysian family on Hari Raya. \n\n\nNot to forget the amount of Instagram worthy pictures and boomerangs you can get clicked. Head over to Gene Martino to get your matching attires for everyone in the family to rock this Hari Raya in style. For More Range, Check Here: \nGene Martino\n\n\nHealthy Hari Raya Hampers\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAs the saying (as old as time) goes, \u2018health is wealth\u2019 this Hari Raya, you must follow it through. With so many gift ideas floating around the marketplace, a healthy hamper will make for a meaningful present. Whether you need to send your best wishes to your grandparents or friends, the exotic and fruitful Hari Raya hampers by FNP\u2019s midst will make them smile wide. \n\n\nThese hampers are filled with numerous edibles, fruits, dry fruits and beverages that will not only keep them cool during the intense heat but refreshed too. So, what do you say? Do you want to dump the mainstream ones and opt for something healthy? For More Range, Check Here: \nFNP\n\n\nHari Raya Cookies\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf the mere sight of cookies brings a crazy dose of happiness and excitement to you, imagine what giving a box of delectable cookies will do to the recipient? Get ready to explore the yummiest and most tempting cookies in multiple flavours, be it chocolate, macadamia, cranberry, butter or coffee. \n\n\nEveryone from little kids to adults loves to binge on cookies because there is no wrong time to do it. Even so, there is no wrong occasion to gift a special Hari Raya box of Malaysia\u2019s wonderful Jenny Bakery cookies to your near and dear ones. For More Range, Check Here:\n \nJenny\u2019s Bakery\n\n\nRamadan Platter\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf things could be laid out on a platter for you; life would have been so much easier. Though life has other plans for you, you can always give a platter filled with delectable goodies to someone else. Let your friends, colleagues or family members indulge their taste buds by diving into the extensive range of edibles provided on this extraordinary Ramadan platter by Suri. \n\n\nFrom dates, nuts, dried fruits, chocolates to cookies, this platter is a have-it-all that will make every foodie\u2019s dream come true. So, why the wait? Grab this aesthetic wooden platter with two colour tones to amp up your loved ones\u2019 game. For More Range, Check Here:\n \nSURI Ramadan Platter\n\n\nPrayer Mats\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn lieu of the above gift ideas, the last one is a mix of necessity and style. Praying mats are an absolute must, but it does not mean that you have to use the old and faded ones. This Hari Raya, hop onto The Prayer Mat site to get their trendy and elegant mats for your dear ones. \n\n\nWith vibrant colours like sky blue and red and intricate designs like calligraphy and Medina rose, you can opt for any of them. It will indeed be a Hari Raya gift like no other, for you to send comfort, fashion and essentials, all in one. For More Range, Check Here: \nThe Prayer Mat\n\n\nIt is time to roll up your sleeves, pull your socks and gear up for a serious Hari Raya shopping spree. With an account of all the fantastic above-mentioned gift ideas, which brand\u2019s product will you buy first and for whom? Whoever it may be, make sure the present is in accordance with their tastes and preferences or something they have wanted for a long time.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\nFesyen\nIbu-Ibu Gila Shopping? Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Berbelanja Seisi Keluarga, Satu Tempat Saja Sudah Memadai!\nAktiviti anak\nTop 3 tips to make the most of your child\u2019s screen time\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tiktok-kid-safety-features", "title": "Household Gone TikTok Crazy? Keep Your Kids Safe With These 9 Steps!", "body": "With everyone under the same roof constantly and TikToks going viral, it is understandable if your kids (or you!) have given into the trend. It is, undoubtedly, a fun way to keep sane during the MCO!\n\n\nAlthough it can be risky when it comes to kids on social media platforms, with responsible use, it can present an opportunity to bond with your child or teen on their level, as well as educate them how to use the platform safely. Thankfully, social media apps are also taking responsibility to ensure a safe environment for users \u2013\u00a0 TikTok actually alerts users who have been on the app for more than two hours to avoid excessive digital consumption, especially for children.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSo, here are nine ways you can keep yourself and your children safe while using TikTok.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Age Gate\n\n\nThis is a feature that only allows users who are 13 years and above to create an account, this feature prevents under-aged children from using the platform.\u00a0 Hence, content served for younger users are made age-appropriate to give parents a peace-of-mind when allowing their kids to engage on the app.\n\n\n\n\n2. Screen Time Management\u00a0\n\n\nAs mentioned, TikTok provides alerts for excessive consumption. With the screen time management, parents can limit their kids\u2019 time spent on the application to 40, 60, 90, 120 minutes per day. Any further usage beyond the set limit would require users to re-enter their passwords.\u00a0\n\n\nTip! \nCreate an account using your own email, to ensure your kids are not able to re-enter the password themselves.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Restricted mode\n\n\nWith this mode, minors on the app are subjected through machine-learning that filters out content that may not be age-appropriate. This account setting is optional and exists so that users, such as parents, can take control of the content they watch or receive. Additionally, your kids cannot change the settings unless they have the account details, as this mode can only be reverted by entering a password.\n\n\n4. In-app suicide prevention \n\n\nThe risks of social media can sometimes be extreme and it is great that apps like TikTok have features that address this. The suicide prevention feature can redirect users to an in-app suicide resource page that offer tips and hotlines for help.\n\n\n5. Risk warning tag\u00a0\n\n\nThese tags are to warn or notify viewers that a video may not be desirable for general consumption. These include videos\u00a0 that contain dangerous and risky activities, such as extreme sports.\u00a0\n\n\nTip! \nAlways monitor your kids when on the app and review the content with risk warning tags to ensure they are not played.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Comment filter feature\n\n\nThis is a great feature to ensure your kids are not exposed to offensive language or comments. This feature allows the user to self-define up to 30 keywords from the comments in English and the user\u2019s local language.\u00a0 This list can be altered at any given point. This means parents can filter certain words they want to hide from their comment section to continuously ensure a safe experience.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n7. Parental control \n\n\nThis is made up of \nScreen Time Management\n and\n Restricted Mode\n. Parents are encouraged to set a password for these features together to limit their children\u2019s time spent on TikTok. With this, your kids would only be able to use the app when a parent or guardian is able to monitor their TikTok activity.\n\n\n\n\n8. In-app reporting \n\n\nThis function allows users to report inappropriate content or behaviour on TikTok to be reviewed and taken action upon. Parents can use this tool to report any content that may not be kid-friendly or can be potentially harmful.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a09. \nPrivacy settings \n\n\nThese settings are imperative. It is advisable to properly vet your privacy settings on accounts used by your kids. Users are able to:\n\n\n\n\nDecide who is allowed to follow them\n\n\nDecide who is allowed to send comments\n\n\nDecide who is allowed to react to their videos\n\n\nDecide who is allowed to take part in a duet\n\n\nDecide who can send them messages\n\n\nAvoid undesirable content to be downloaded\n\n\nCreate and edit a block list\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, here are some ways to use social media properly that can ultimately strengthen family bonds, especially during these trying times!\n\n\n\n\nAchieving mutual understanding and strengthening bonds:\n Parents can learn a lot about their children through their social media profiles. Social posts often provide snapshots of a person\u2019s personality, offering insights into their likes, dislikes and current sentiments. Parents can use this as a viewfinder into their child\u2019s life to better understand them and also spark conversations to address concealed issues.\n\n\nCreating indelible memories:\n With the ability to share content and tag loved ones, families can maintain a digital scrapbook of their favourite family moments, hangouts and activities. Additionally, social media apps are increasingly boasting interactive capabilities. On TikTok, functions like filters and challenges allow families to create wholesome and fun content together.\n\n\nReducing physical distances:\n Social media is also a means to bridge physical distances \u2013 even if family members are separated due to work or studies, they can still communicate and interact via social media, which possess more vibrant features than regular messaging apps. The host of tools available, including stickers, filters and music, add a whole new dimension to expression, and allow for more authentic communication than just a text message.\n\n\nSetting a good example and exploring similar passions:\n Shared interests on social media can serve as conversation starters, empowering family members to bond over passions and hobbies. For example, there are various dance challenges on TikTok that is great for families to participate in!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSource: TikTok\u00a0 / \nImage source: ABC News and Instagram\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/rosacea-in-kids", "title": "Rosacea In Kids & What To Do", "body": "Rosacea is a skin condition where the skin becomes red and flushed, sometimes with the appearance of tiny blood vessels in the cheek. According to a report, rosacea affects less than 5% of the world\u2019s population. Interestingly, the majority of the population who are affected are light-skinned.\n\n\nHowever, it also occurs in other skin complexions too. Although common it adults, children may be affected too. Most of the time, cases among children go unnoticed as it is often mistaken with other skin conditions that are more common with kids such as eczema, due to its similar symptoms. Rosacea can be present in tiny infants all the way up to adolescents. Rosacea may come and go but if left untreated can lead to further conditions. The stages of rosacea includes the blushing skin, development of the acne-like rashes as well as ocular rosacea. Ocular rosacea is a condition which rosacea affects the eyes making it red and irritated.\n\n\nHow do you know if your child has rosacea?\n\n\nParents might confuse rosacea with other skin problems or sometimes miss it completely. This is because for some children, rosacea may be present simply as blush on their skin. Please monitor your child especially if you notice a consistent flushing on their skin because it could be an early sign of rosacea. This could lead to a permanent redness on the face.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some signs and symptoms you might want to look at to see if your child has developed rosacea:\n\n\n\n\nConsistent flushing or redness on the face, mostly at the cheek and forehead area\n\n\nRedness in the eyes\n\n\nSwollen eyelids\n\n\n\n\nUntil this very day, doctors and scientists still have no clear clue to what makes rosacea flare up in some children, but suspect genetic factor play a role. A kid with rosacea may have symptoms that flare up when they are stressed, angry, anxious or embarrassed. Environmental conditions such as wind, cold, humidity or heat may also exacerbate the symptoms. Other than that, spicy foods such as curry, chili, peppers and other spices and hot foods and beverages may contribute to the symptoms. Also aggravating are irritants like soap, cleanser, and sunscreen.\n\n\nSo..is there anything that you can do?\n\n\nWhile there are no significant treatments for rosacea, you surely can reduce the signs and symptoms of it. If you feel your child may have the symptoms mentioned above, here are several things you can do to manage it:\n\n\n\n\nTake your child to the dermatologist for a check-up\n\n\nBe mindful of the factors that may trigger a flare up \u2013 could it be food or drinks, environmental, temperatures or contact with irritants like soap or detergent?\u00a0\n\n\nAlways apply sunscreen whenever your child goes out to play; pick a sunscreen that is light, won\u2019t clog pores and is gentle on the skin \u2013 preferably one that is natural and for children\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHere are natural remedies that help:\n\n\n\n\nGreen tea \u2013 Green tea is high in antioxidants and rich in anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce flare ups. You can either prepare the green tea for your child to drink (make sure it\u2019s not too hot) or apply it on the affected skin\n\n\nAloe vera \u2013 Aloe vera is very moisturising and reduces redness while soothing it\n\n\nKelulut Honey\n \u2013 Kelulut is very anti-inflammatory, and will help to moisturize and soothe out scarring if the area has been itched and inflamed\n\n\nWell Balanced Diet \u2013 Incorporate fresh foods with variety into your child\u2019s diet. Choose foods high in vitamins and antioxidants as well as fiber. This may help to strengthen your child\u2019s immune system and reduce the frequency of rosacea\n\n\n\n\nThe key is to control the condition from progressing \u2013 your child\u2019s skin can be better with continuous management \u2013 so start early!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/importance-sleeping-on-the-side", "title": "Stillbirth: Why is Sleeping on the Side So Important in Pregnancy?", "body": "Sleep is a basic aspect of life and an everyday activity that we carry out without much thought \u2013 but not if you\u2019re pregnant. During the months your body is making another life (and several months afterwards for entirely different reasons), sleep can be yet another chore as well, especially since there is now a preferred position that doctors tell us to sleep in. Pregnant mamas have probably heard that it is best for them to sleep on their side. However, despite all that we have heard about sleeping on the side pregnancy benefits and the risks involved, this is more often easier said than done, especially for mamas who have been sleeping on their backs and tummies their whole lives prior to the pregnancy!\n\n\nSo is this truly something we need to pay heed to? Why is it so important to sleep on our sides during pregnancy?\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSleeping on the side pregnancy benefit: reduced risk of stillbirth. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSleeping on the side pregnancy\u00a0\n\n\nSOS \u2013 Sleep on side: Save our souls\n\n\nSleep on side literally shortens up to SOS, which is also a popular acronym for Save Our Souls.\n\n\nAnd indeed sleeping on your side during pregnancy might just save your baby\u2019s soul and reduce the risk of pregnancy loss, as there have been confirmed links between stillbirth, and going to sleep in a supine position (on your back) in late pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the largest study of maternal sleep position and \nrisk of stillbirth\n published in \nBJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, \nwomen who suffered a stillbirth after 28 weeks gestation were 2.3 times more likely to have slept on their backs than on their sides, the night before the stillbirth occurred.\u00a0\n\n\nThe study took into account 291 pregnancies that ended in stillbirth and 735 women who had a live birth, and confirmed findings from earlier studies that pregnant women who go to sleep on their back after 28 weeks of pregnancy are more likely to have a stillbirth.\u00a0\n\n\nIn another study, \npublished in the journal PLOS One,\u00a0\na supine (sleep on back) sleeping position was associated with a 3.7 times higher risk of stillbirth.\n\n\nDespite not knowing for certain why the risk of stillbirth is increased in going to sleep in a supine position, researchers have several theories.\n\n\nAs the fetus grows, a woman lying on her back in her third trimester has the combined weight of the baby and her uterus (womb), pushing down on her and putting pressure on the main blood vessels that supply the uterus, leading to a potential restriction in blood flow/oxygen to the baby.\n\n\nOther reasons could include pre-existing conditions such as \nsleep apnea\n (a condition in which breathing repeatedly starts and stops at night), and asthma, wherein in both cases she may already have trouble delivering the optimal amount of oxygen to her body and/or baby. In the event of such conditions being coupled with reduced blood flow that comes from supine sleeping, the effects could be multiplied and could result in tragedy.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best night-time advice for pregnant women is to sleep on their side every time they go to sleep in the third trimester, including:\n\n\n\n\ninitially going to sleep at night \u2013 the position you went to sleep in is the one held longest during the night; start off with going to sleep on your side\n\n\nreturning to sleep after any night awakenings\n\n\nany naps taken during the day\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPregnant women who go to sleep on their backs are at an increased risk of suffering a stillbirth. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSleeping on the side pregnancy \u2013 avoid low birth-weight in infants\n\n\nFurther studies have also\u00a0found links between low birth weight and sleeping on your back\n during the third trimester.\n\n\nThe position you fall asleep in is often the position you stay in for the majority of the night and research suggests that lying on your back in late pregnancy can compress blood flow around your body, lowering supplies of oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus. This may have an impact on the growth of the fetus in the womb and can result in low birth-weight in infants, leading to health problems or complications before or after they are born.\n\n\nAccording to the main author of the study, Dr. Ngaire Anderson, \u201cthis reduction in birth weight with back sleeping could partly explain the relationship we have seen between back sleeping and elevated risk of stillbirth\u201d.\n\n\nFacing left: the right thing to do?\u00a0\n\n\nTaking all this into consideration, the best sleep position during pregnancy is SOS (sleep on side) \u2013 more specifically your left side, as this position is optimum to increase the flow in the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby.\n\n\nAlthough doctors have generally recommended sleeping on your left side during pregnancy, \na recent study suggests that either side is fine.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSOS (Sleep on side) is the best sleep position during pregnancy. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, sleeping on the left side is still often referred to as the ideal scenario during pregnancy.\n\n\nThis boils down to the fact that a left-side sleeping position allows for optimal blood flow from the inferior vena cava (IVC), which is a large vein that runs parallel to your spine on the right side. This vein is responsible for carrying blood to your heart and also to your baby.\n\n\nAdditionally, sleeping on your left side eases the pressure off your liver and your kidneys, enabling them to function properly, which will in turn help with edema (swelling) in your hands, ankles, and feet.\n\n\nIt should be stated that in the result of the findings above, there was a very slight risk of compression issues with the IVC when you sleep on the right. However, if your pregnancy is going fine thus far and you are having trouble sleeping on your left side, rolling over to the right to get some sleep and avoid outcomes that could result out of sleep deprivation far outweighs the slight risk of IVC compression when lying on your right flank.\u00a0\n\n\nIt may be easier said than done what with sudden cramps waking you up ever so often and having to visit the bathroom to empty your bladder many times a night, but ample sleep is very essential during pregnancy.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\nAccording to Dr. Grace Pien, an assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, \u201cresearch suggests that pregnant women who are not getting enough sleep \u2014 less than 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night \u2014 probably are at increased risk for things like\u00a0\ngestational diabetes\n, and potentially for things like\u00a0\npreeclampsia\n.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t think there\u2019s clear evidence that sleeping on your right is worse than sleeping on your left,\u201d Pien further noted. \u201cIf there\u2019s a reason somebody is sleeping on their right because they\u2019re more uncomfortable sleeping on their left, I don\u2019t think there\u2019s a reason not to do it.\u201d\n\n\nTo all the pregnant mums out there, happy side-snoozing and we hope you enjoy all the sleep you can get \u2013 you\u2019re going to need it!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/can-vaginal-birth-caesarean", "title": "Can I have a vaginal birth after caesarean?", "body": "\n\nAn obstetrician and gynaecologist with more than 13 years of experience, Dr. Chee Jing Jye is often asked this question by expectant mothers. Her current practice at The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Centre includes all areas of general obstetrics and gynaecology. She sub-specialises in Maternal Fetal Medicine with expertise in areas such as First Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome and high-risk pregnancy.\n\n\nOne mother in particular, AZ, went to see Dr. Chee recently with high hopes of being able to have a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC).\n\n\nAZ is four months pregnant with her second child, just 18 months after having an emergency C-section with her first born daughter. AZ longs for the experience of holding her baby in her arms immediately after delivery. This was something she felt she had missed out on after giving birth to her daughter, having been under general anaesthesia for her C-section.\n\n\n\u0093It really depends\u0085\u0094\n\n\nGenerally, there are a few factors to consider before deciding to go for a vaginal delivery after caesarean birth. VBAC may not be suitable for women who had to go through a caesarean birth due to a contracted pelvis. There may be a risk of uterine rupture if they chose to give birth vaginally. Uterine rupture can lead to life-threatening complications for both mother and baby, and may result in the need for surgical removal of the womb (hysterectomy).\n\n\nAZ was asked whether she had any complications with her first C-section. The fact that it was an emergency surgery meant that there were some issues with the birth of her daughter. Women who have had a straightforward procedure and are not experiencing any complications in their current pregnancy are more suitable for a VBAC.\n\n\nDr. Chee examined AZ\u2019\u0092s scar to see what type of incision had been made. She would also need to have a look at the uterus to determine how it had been cut. If the uterus had a vertical incision, there would be a higher risk of uterine rupture.\n\n\nWeigh the\u00a0options\n\n\nAZ\u2019\u0092s current pregnancy will need to be monitored for a low-lying placenta or the baby lying in an unusual position nearing\u00a0delivery. She would also need to be aware of any medical issues such as high blood pressure and\u00a0heart problems.\n\n\nAZ looked doubtful but Dr. Chee reassured her that it is only for the safety of mother and baby that any recommendations against VBAC be made. In fact, based on her previous caesarean delivery that went on without any major complications, there is a 60-70% chance that she would have a successful vaginal delivery.\n\n\nDr. Chee\u00a0also explained to AZ the\u00a0several advantages of having a vaginal birth. AZ would be at a lower risk of infection and bleeding, and would normally recover faster with a shorter hospital stay.\n\n\nIn addition, a vaginal birth after caesarean does not bring any adverse side effects on\u00a0the baby and is much less expensive than a C-section.\nPartner Stories\nPertandingan & promosi\nTesco Malaysia Lancar Program 'Kembali Teguh' Bagi Membantu Murid-Murid Kembali Ke Sekolah\nKids\n\"Demam\" Avengers: Endgame Masih Belum Habis & Kini Cuti Sekolah, Apa Lagi Aktiviti Menarik Yang Anda Boleh Buat Bersama Anak?\nTip keibubapaan\nAdakah Anak Anda Mendapat DHA Yang Mencukupi?\nParenting\nMalaysian Mum Shares A Secret On Why Her Kid Falls Sick Infrequently\n\n\nTrial vaginal birth\n\n\nAfter weighing the situation with her gynaecologist, AZ\u0092s plan was to opt for a trial vaginal delivery procedure when she is due next year. Her baby will be monitored closely in the labour ward. If labour does not go smoothly or there are signs of fetal distress, then an emergency C-section will be performed.\n\n\nLike us on Facebook\n or \nfollow us on Google+\n to stay up to date on the latest from theAsianparent.com!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/poor-growth-in-kids", "title": "My Child Is Not Gaining Weight - What Should I Do?", "body": "We are not here to judge nor are we here to speculate. So parents, if your child is experiencing poor growth as diagnosed by their paediatrician and you\u2019ve landed on this article, we\u2019re here to offer you some advice.\n\n\nPoor growth is hard to predict sometimes, especially if a child is born without any obvious causes that are usually linked to them. But guess what? Poor growth, or developmental delays, is actually rather common in childhood \u2014 occurring in 10%\u201315% of preschool children\n1\n.\n\n\nIt usually starts off slowly, when we notice signs like slow growth in height. If that has nothing to do with genetics, then it might be something to be concerned about.\n\n\nOr perhaps it was flagged during a routine checkup or when preschool teachers or childcare professionals raise concerns.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for ways to overcome developmental delays in kids, here are some things you can try.\n\n\nHow to overcome developmental delays in kids\n\n\n1. Never miss a visit to the paediatrician\n\n\n\n\nBesides sending the kids to the paediatricians when they have a cold or when it is time for a routine vaccine, you should also make it a point to go to the paediatrician for half-a-year checkups to keep an eye on their weight and height progression.\n\n\nIf you suspect your child is experiencing a developmental delay, this becomes even more important. You should take your child to the doctor as soon as you feel something is off.\n\n\nRequest for a full-body examination beyond just the weight, height and head circumference measurements that all clinics will practice.\n\n\nIn a full body examination, the doctor will also check body proportion to see if there is an asymmetry between left and right. The doctor will also check if the child\u2019s limbs and trunk are in proportion.\n\n\nDoctors may conduct a neurological examination to check for abnormalities of muscle tone and strength (particularly in boys, to screen for muscular dystrophy). They will also check the skin for hyper- or hypopigmentation, which could suggest underlying conditions\n2\n.\n\n\nIf doctors are concerned about a child\u2019s developmental progress, they might request for you to make more frequent visits. Be sure not to miss out on all of these appointments.\n\n\n2. Follow the doctor or dietitian\u2019s take-home advice\n\n\nAfter the visit to the paediatrician\u2019s, the paediatrician or dietitian will be giving you advice to follow at home on how to overcome developmental delays in kids.\n\n\nFor instance, if your child is not gaining enough weight according to their age or if they have recently lost weight, the doctor might recommend supplementing their diets with formula milk or a nutritionally complete supplement.\n\n\nThey will also recommend watching your child\u2019s diet and giving them fresh, whole foods with a balance in their protein, carbohydrate and fats intake.\n\n\nIt can be a lot of effort to have to think up nutritional meals for your child every day, but the effort is surely worth it when you see their growth rise substantially the next time you weigh them or measure their height.\n\n\n3. Go beyond home-based stimulation\n\n\n\n\nBesides what you do at home, there are other ways to help stimulate your child\u2019s development.\n\n\nIf your child is developing slowly physically, sending them for swimming classes or going to fun gymboree activities can really open them up to new experiences while stimulating their growth. Physical exercises can improve your child\u2019s muscle and bone growth, while also keeping them healthy mentally. Aerobic exercises will also help to keep their hearts healthy\n3\n.\n\n\nWhen children are kept active during the day, you also tire them out sufficiently so they can get deep sleep at night.\n\n\nSleep is equally important in a child\u2019s development. In fact, studies have shown that the most fundamental requirements for healthy growth and development in young children include loving support and protection by parents and caretakers, adequate nutrition, and adequate sleep\n4\n.\n\n\nIf going for extracurricular activities is beyond your reach, then the most basic thing you can do for your child is just changing their environment from time to time. It could be that you introduce them to a daycare or a nursery with educational activities. Or it could be as simple as taking them to the zoo, bird park or aquarium once in a while.\n\n\nEarly intervention can make a big difference in a child\u2019s development. So if you suspect your child is experiencing developmental delays, then you should take these steps to overcome them as soon as possible.\n\n\nComplete your child\u2019s nutrition with ASCENDA\u2122\n\n\n\n\nASCENDA\u2122 from WYETH Nutrition is a new nutritionally complete supplement which aims at providing kids with an energy and nutrient dense formula to support holistic growth.\n\n\nASCENDA\u2122 is formulated with BUILD & LEARN\u2122 System, a scientific blend of important nutrients such as high-quality protein, DHA and Sphingomyelin to help support body growth and learning. It is specifically designed to support the increase of height and weight with no added sucrose.\n\n\nTo support your child\u2019s holistic growth and development, request a free sample \nhere\n.\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1 \nChoo, Y., MD, Agarwal, P., MD, MMed, Choon, H., MMed, FCFP, & Yeleswarapu, S. P., MBBS, FRCPCH. (2019, March). Developmental delay: Identification and management at primary care level. Retrieved October 23, 2020, from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6441684/\n\n\n2 \nMeschino, W. (2003, January). The child with developmental delay: An approach to etiology. Retrieved October 23, 2020, from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2791071/\n\n\n3 \nSarah Sleziak Johnson, M. (2018, October 03). Physical activity is important for a child\u2019s growing body. Retrieved October 23, 2020, from \nwww.canr.msu.edu/news/physical_activity_is_important_for_a_childs_growing_body\n\n\n4 \nDahl, R. (2007, September). Sleep and the developing brain. Retrieved October 23, 2020, from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1978403/\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/influenza", "title": "11 things you should know about INFLUENZA", "body": "\n\n Influenza is an infection of the respiratory system (nose, throat and lungs) caused by the influenza virus or sometimes better known as the flu virus. Although many of us misused the term \u2018flu\u2019 to describe the common cold caused by a milder virus.\n\n\n Influenza can be a deadly infection and usually manifests in a more serious condition which requires hospitalisation instead of just outpatient treatment.\n\n\n Common symptoms of influenza \u2013 high fever, chills, body ache, lethargy, cough, runny and blocked nose, breathing difficulty, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache and sore throat.\n\n\n The virus is spread via human to human transmission \u2013 in cough droplets and saliva when talking or sneezing. One may also get infected after touching the mouth and nose with hands that were in contact with doorknobs, wall and other surfaces (usually in the public area) contaminated with the virus.\n\n\n Infection is spread faster in amongst children who are in contact with many other kids in kindergartens and schools.\n\n\n You can spread the infection to other people within the one week of your infection. It is important to practice hand hygiene and avoid contact with other people.\n\n\n The infection has a higher chance to cause severe complications in young children, pregnant women and the elderly.\n\n\n Influenza infection can cause death and severe complications. It can cause severe lung inflammation, brain inflammation, severe ear infections and sinusitis.\n\n\n Influenza symptoms can be almost similar from other viral fever, so it cannot be determined only by physical examination. A rapid test such as nose swab test can be done or further evaluation by specific laboratory tests will be done\n\n\n Treatment \u2013 You should go see a doctor if you have the symptoms possibly due to influenza. Antivirus may be given especially to the high-risk groups to prevent complication and to shorten the duration of infection by about 2 days.\n\n\n Prevention is better than cure. We are encouraged to get a yearly vaccine against Influenza. It is commonly available in family and paediatric clinics.\n\n\n\n\nReference: www.cdc.gov\n\n\nWritten by Dr Foo Chee Hoe\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nDoktorBudak.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\nHow Should You Treat Your Children?\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0di\u00a0\niOS\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nAndroid\n\u00a0sekarang!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-discrimination-the-untold-truth", "title": "Pregnancy Discrimination: The Untold Truth", "body": "Ten years ago, I lost my job due to my pregnancy.\n\n\nI was looking forward to joining my new company in a few months\u2019 time when I discovered I was pregnant. I decided to inform the HR personnel in advance, instead of turning up pregnant on my 1st day at work.\n\n\nFrom then on, everything went downhill\u2026\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nI was accused of lying about my pregnancy during the job interview.\n\n\nI was told that my productivity will be low, especially a month before my delivery date.\n\n\nI was informed that my 2 months maternity leave would be a critical period for the company, and I cannot be \u2018away\u2019.\n\n\nI was told that upon returning from my maternity leave, I may not be able to fully concentrate on work due to my newborn.\n\n\nEventually, I received this text message \u2014 \u201cSorry to inform you that our Management has decided not to proceed with the offer.\u201d I was in shock. This is not an \u201coffer\u201d at all, it was a contract \u2013 signed by both parties. Clearly, something is amiss here!\n\n\nIn the end, I made the decision to file a complaint to the Industrial Relations office. Through mediation, I was eventually offered RM10,000 by the company, which I had declined. My case could not be heard at the Industrial Court, and I subsequently filed a Civil Suit filed at the Magistrate Court.\n\n\n\n\nBut there is no legal protection on pregnancy discrimination in the Employment Act 1955 for the private sector. This protection is only made available for the public sector, as outlined in our Constitution Article 8(2). The only thing I hung on to was that Malaysia is a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). That wasn\u2019t enough for me to win my case in court. I had lost my legal battle.\n\n\nI had then decided to reach out to the Women\u2019s Aid Organisation (WAO) and together, our journey towards public affairs, advocacy and lobbying efforts for change began.\n\n\nFast forward to 10 years later, am so pleased that the Parliament has, on Mar 21, approved the amendments to the Employment Act 1955 to prohibit job termination during pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nFor many years, we have also advocated more rights for parents at the workplace, and today, this has become a reality \u2013 from 60 to 98 days of maternity leave (in line with International Labour Organisation, ILO), from 0 to 7 days of paternity leave and the right to request for flexible working hours, subject to the employer\u2019s discretion. This is a win for my social battle.\n\n\nAccording to the \u201cVoices of Malaysian Women on Discrimination & Harassment in the Workplace\u201d survey, undertaken in 2020 by the Women\u2019s Aid Organisation (WAO) in collaboration with research agency Vase.ai, more than half of Malaysian women (56%) have experienced at least one form of gender discrimination in the workplace. This situation is real, and the actual statistics may even be higher. After all, it is an \u2018untold truth\u2019.\n\n\nKNOW YOUR RIGHTS.\n\n\nAND STAND UP FOR THEM.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re faced with pregnancy discrimination or unfair dismissal at the workplace, you may reach out to the Department of Industrial Relations (Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan Malaysia) at 03-8886 5460 or \n[email\u00a0protected]\n For more information, visit their website at www.jpp.mohr.gov.my\n\n\n\n\nThis article is written by Tan May Lee for theAsianparent Malaysia. She\u2019s a Partner & Executive Director of Perspective Strategies & Former EXCO of Women\u2019s Aid Organisation (WAO).\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThe Importance Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy & Why You SHOULD Take It\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nUnderstand the Changes in Your Body During the First Trimester\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Gynaecologist \u2013 Male/Female Ob/Gyn doctors in the Klang Valley/KL\n\n\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nFriso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Is Malaysia\u2019s First Smart Packaging For Milk\nPerkembangan kanak-kanak\nMums, could you be giving your child too much without knowing it?\nLifestyle\nCalling all Hot Wheels fans to Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays\nKehamilan\nWhy the third trimester of pregnancy is crucial\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-ways-relieve-labour-pain", "title": "6 Ways To Relieve Labour Pain", "body": "We know that there are a variety of pain relief options available during labour like the epidural and gas, but raising your comfort level can actually help you deal with pain and labour without drugs.\n\n\nHere are 6 ways to relieve labour pain:\n\n\nFind a Soothing Environment\n\n\nYour birth\u00a0setting must feel safe to you. You should have space to walk and bathe, as well as a variety of furniture and devices to enhance movement and pain relief: low lighting, music to your liking, birth ball, low stool, \nsquatting bar\n and soft bed. It should give you the freedom to try a variety of positions.\n\n\nChoose Your Birth Support Team\u00a0Carefully\n\n\nHaving knowledgeable, supportive and caring midwives, doctors, nurses, partners, loved ones\u00a0in your\u00a0birth team can make all the difference. When you\u2019re treated with respect and patience, you will feel less stress. Inhibitions decrease, and you can more easily trust yourself to find your best coping mechanism.\n\n\nLearn About Labour\n\n\nFear is in the unknown, so knowing\u00a0what lies ahead can help you prepare. Find out everything you can about labor from books, magazines, Web sites, videos, classes, a hospital tour and discussions with your health-care provider, family and friends.\u00a0Discuss your birth plan with your doctor ahead of time. If you feel like they are dismissive of your fears or ideas, you still have the time to find another team.\n\n\nPractice Rhythmic Breathing\n\n\nBreathe fully in a slow rhythm \nduring contractions.\n Release tension with each exhalation and try moaning. Try imagining you\u2019re blowing up a balloon. Also try taking quick breaths, about one every 2 to 3 seconds (20 to 30 per minute). Practice with a partner, so if\u00a0you lose your rhythm, they can help you regain it with eye contact, rhythmic hand or head movements, or by talking you through contractions.\n\n\nTake a Warm Shower or Bath\n\n\nA warm bath or shower is very soothing, especially if you can sit on a stool and direct the stream of water\u00a0onto your abdomen or back. Bathing in warm water can relax you, and it may even help to speed up labor.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nLight Up Your Celebration for Mid-Autumn Festival at Sunway Putra Mall\nTip keibubapaan\n5 Kriteria Penting Pemilihan Produk Penjagaan Kulit Bayi Supaya Kekal Lembap Sepanjang Hari\nParenting\nDoes Your Growing Up Child Have A Sensitive Tummy? Here\u2019s What You Should Know\nKesihatan\nZespri Green Kiwifruit \u2013 a much needed fibre boost for your child!\n\n\nKeep Moving\n\n\nThis really makes a world of difference in labour. Move around as much as you can. Some mothers I know walked right up until it was time to push. Walk, lean, sway, rock and squat. Some positions will be more comfortable than others and only by moving can you find them.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/music-workout", "title": "Tunes You Should Be Listening To While You Workout To Boost Your Mood", "body": "We all know that putting on a song that has some sweet nostalgia value sends us down memory lane, and that a really unique upbeat piece of music helps to improve our mood. It\u2019s not rocket science. But the benefits of music go beyond making us feel better, especially when we combine music and workouts together.\n\n\nA recent study conducted at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia confirms that listening to music while you exercise affects how much you enjoy your workout, your actual performance and even the amount of oxygen use.\u00a0\n\n\nSo now that we know just how beneficial music is when combined with physical activity, the next question is this \u2013 what kind of music should we actually be listening to? Well, simply put \u2013 it depends on your goal. Let us explain.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re aiming for endurance or workouts that take a bit of time to complete such as distance running or a long yoga class, we suggest finding tunes that have a slower-tempo as this can help you maintain a slower heart rate, so you can endure the whole length as well as distance. Conversely, if you are on a high intensity workout plan that\u2019s on the shorter end time frame wise, such as HIIT, boxing or spinning, we suggest music that is fast \u2013 this will keep you moving and your heart pumping.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article would not be complete without our trusty suggestions of playlists we love. Here are a few we use for a variety of workouts that match duration and beats per music.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nLifestyle\nParents, Here\u2019s How To Effectively Support Your Child\u2019s Dreams\nKids\nOne mum\u2019s journey to find a solution to her child\u2019s eczema\n\n\n\n\nFun Run 150-165 BMP\n for long distance running\n\n\nI Love My \u201890s Hip-Hop\u00a0\nfor a 60 minute yoga session\n\n\nLow-Fi-Chill Lofi\n for a 90 minute yoga session\n\n\nRun \u2018N\u2019 Bass 170-175 BPM\n\u00a0for a sprinting session\n\n\n\n\nDo you have a playlist you like to use for your workouts?\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-shares-why-you-should-never-go-down-a-slide-with-your-child", "title": "Mum shares why you should never go down a slide with your child", "body": "When kids play in the playground, getting hurt with small scratches and bumps sometimes is normal. But breaking a limb? Now that\u2019s serious. However, there is one piece of playground equipment that can cause serious injuries such as broken limbs in children, as one mum found out a few years ago. Now, she makes it a point to share one picture every year, to raise awareness among parents on how to avoid this same injury in their own kids.\u00a0\n\n\nPlayground Injury: The One Tip You Should Always Remember\n\n\nHeather Clare, a mum of three, shared a post on Facebook recently telling the story of how she could have easily prevented her daughter\u2019s playground injury.\n\n\nShe wrote that she was in the playground with Meadow, who was 12 months at the time.\n\n\nHeather then decided to take her daughter to the slide and rode down it with her daughter. What she didn\u2019t know was that when they went down, it caused her daughter\u2019s leg to break.\n\n\n\u201cThis picture is the moment her leg was breaking. She\u2019s still smiling\u2026 because it was happening at this exact moment,\u201d she writes.\n\n\n\n\nThis photo captured the exact moment when her daughter\u2019s leg broke.\n\n\n\n\nShe later took her daughter to the ER, where the doctor informed her that her daughter\u2019s injury is surprisingly common among children \u2013 and that it mainly happens whenever an adult rides down the slide with a young child.\n\n\n\u201cI share this picture every year in hopes that the pain Meadow felt and the guilt that I still feel will save other babies and parents from the same. Don\u2019t ever go down a slide with a baby on your lap. There is no SAFE way to go down a slide with your little [one],\u201d Heather wrote.\n\n\nPlayground Safety Tips\n\n\nHere are some important \nplayground safety tips\n that mums and dads should always remember:\n\n\n\n\nAlways keep an eye on your kids, and never let them out of your sight.\n\n\nDon\u2019t go down the slide with your child, as this can cause leg injuries.\n\n\nMake sure that the equipment is safe, and that there are no sharp bits sticking out or any rusty surfaces.\n\n\nDress your child appropriately. Make sure that their clothes can\u2019t get snagged on the playground equipment.\n\n\nTeach your child to not push or shove other children in the playground.\n\n\nIf your child is still young, it would be best to not let them play with the bigger kids just yet, as some kids can play pretty rough.\n\n\nWhen playing on the swing, make sure your child holds on tight and avoids standing on the seat.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nHealth\n6 Causes of Body Aches and Pains. Here\u2019s How To Treat Them!\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n#PendidikanKewangan\nDua Matlamat Dalam Satu! Pendidikan Kewangan Melalui Permainan\nKesihatan\nPregnant or breastfeeding? What you eat matters\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nFacebook\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-safe-hair-dye", "title": "Want to Color Your Hair While Pregnant? You Can Use These 5 Types of Safe Dyes", "body": "Pregnant women are often very limited in their use of beauty products, even in the aspect of hair dye. The truth is finding the right pregnancy-safe hair dye is not that hard! Here are some of our top picks.\n\n\nSome women may wonder, is it okay to dye one\u2019s hair during pregnancy? Is it harmful to the baby\u2019s health? \n\n\nTruth be told, pregnant women are not encouraged to apply any products that contain chemicals, let alone hair dye. This is due to how most products contain harmful chemicals that seep through the skin and can harm the fetus.\u00a0\n\n\nFortunately, there are now organic hair dye products designed to be safe for pregnant women\u2019s usage, not containing harmful chemicals and processed using much more natural ingredients.\u00a0\nHowever, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor before colouring your hair.\u00a0\n\n\nChoosing Safe Hair Dye During Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nWhen buying hair colouring products, research and read the label before purchasing is extremely important, so here are some things to note:\n\n\n\n\nMake sure the contents of the product are natural and free of harmful substances, including alcohol, ammonia etc.\u00a0\n\n\nMake sure the ingredients used are natural.\u00a0\n\n\nSeek the opinion of a physician before testing out any new products.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOur Top Pick for Pregnancy-safe Hair Dye!\n\n\n#1 Naturtint Permanent Hair Color\n\n\n\n\nNaturtint\u2019s hair colouring products are free from harmful ingredients and made from safe natural plant ingredients.\n\n\n\u00a0\nNaturtint contains 1% or less of p-phenylenediamine or PPD, which is an amazingly small amount for a permanent hair dye that provides good coverage. \n\n\nHowever, do note that although this amount is extremely little, do avoid using this product if you are allergic to PPD!\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nFree from ammonia, parabens, artificial fragrances, resorcinol, heavy metals, sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate.\n\n\nEnriched plant ingredients such as Oleic Acid (from Olives) and Meadowfoam Seed Oil to nourish and moisturize hair to add softness and shine.\u00a0\n\n\nCoverage up to 100% for long-term results.\n\n\n32 different colours that can be mixed.\n\n\nVegan and free from animal cruelty.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Naturtint Permanent Hair Color \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Herbatint Permanent Haircolor Gel\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProviding you with a natural and even hair colour, this permanent ammonia-free dye is made with organic herbal extracts, and can provide 100% coverage for natural tones, with bright colours.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nClinically and dermatologically tested on sensitive skin.\u00a0\n\n\nMade with gluten-free ingredients.\n\n\nEco-friendly, gentle formula made without ammonia, resorcinol, parabens and alcohol.\u00a0\n\n\nFights animal testing.\n\n\nConsistent and odourless formula.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Herbatint Permanent Haircolor Gel\u00a0 \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Indus Valley Bio Organic Henna Hair Color\n\n\n\n\nFor those who love using henna, the Indus Valley Henna hair dye is a good option for you! It is a 100% organic henna that gives a natural-looking colour and is absolutely safe and halal.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\n100% organic henna.\u00a0\n\n\nPesticide-free, no fertilizers or chemicals.\n\n\nHigh-quality fine microfine powder.\n\n\nSuitable for hypoallergenic people.\u00a0\n\n\nA natural substitute for chemical dyes.\n\n\nHalal-certified by KKM.\n\n\n\n\n Indus Valley Bio Organic Henna Hair Color \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Organic Henna Paste Original by Hennaline\n\n\n\n\nThis product from Hennaline beautifies the hair and treats the scalp and promotes hair growth. \nA non-preservative mixture, this product can maintain hair colour for up to 6 months.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n100% natural ingredients\n\n\nContains amla oil, coconut oil, afghan morocco oil and tropical essential oils.\u00a0\n\n\nPremium henna powder\n\n\nHalal\n\n\n\n\n Hennaline Organic Henna Paste \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Wella Color Touch\n\n\n\n\nColour Touch is a semi-permanent hair dye for women who like changing hair colours often, due to its ammonia-free colour content. \n\n\nIt is suitable for use only during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we like:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNo ammonia\n\n\nHair root regrowth\n\n\nBright semi-permanent colour\n\n\nHigh lustre\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Wella Color Touch \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMaternity Bras That Make Breastfeeding A Comfortable Process\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/start-your-day-with-free-breakfast-this-october", "title": "Start your day with FREE breakfast this October", "body": "Fitting breakfast into hectic mornings\n\n\nWhether you are trying to get that extra 15 minutes snooze time, dressing for an important meeting or helping your kids get ready for school, mornings are one of the most hectic times of the day for most people, especially parents! Not every mum or dad has the time to prepare and cook breakfast, let alone enjoy a proper meal with the family before heading out to join the morning traffic or commuter jam!\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget the most important meal of the day\n\n\nBreakfast is the pick-me-up that the body needs after 8 to 12 hours fasting (and sleeping). It fuels the body and brain by providing nutrients we need for the day ahead. That is why a nutritious breakfast is important to give us a strong start to the day.\u00a0\n\n\nResearch has proven that children and adolescents who habitually consume breakfast are more likely to have better micro and macro-nutrient intake, less likely to be overweight or obese, and more likely to have higher physical activity levels\u00b9.\n\n\nOn the contrary, studies show that people who skip breakfast were 1.34 times more likely to be overweight than breakfast eaters\n\u00b2\n.\n\u00a0Breakfast fills you up and helps you to avoid overeating or snacking later in the day.\n\n\n\n\nDespite all the benefits of eating breakfast, the fact is that many just can\u2019t find the time to whip up a meal in the morning. Worryingly, breakfast is not only sacrificed by busy adults \u2013 a Malaysian study cited that 1 in 4 Malaysian children between the ages of 6 and 17 skipped breakfast at least 3 days per week\n\u00b2\n because they didn\u2019t have time to prepare or eat their breakfast. This is a concern! \n\n\nMake sure it\u2019s nutritious\n\n\nConvenience is important in this day-and-age. Picking up a ready-made meal without having to prepare it is an appealing solution for many. But for some, pre-packed food like nasi lemak, sandwiches or burgers often do not provide the sufficient nutrients which our bodies need for breakfast. They often fall short in protein, vitamin D, calcium or energy.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is why it\u2019s important to pair a glass of milk with your breakfast. It is fast and easy and requires less preparation. On top of that, it helps to fulfill the nutrients our bodies need for a strong start to the day.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCalcium in milk helps children develop strong bones and teeth\n\u00b3\n, and it helps maintain healthy bone mass\n\u00b3\n\u00a0for adults to lead an active lifestyle. Besides calcium, milk also provides other essential nutrients, like protein.\n\n\nProtein in milk serves as the building blocks of our muscles, bones, hair, fand nails\n4\n, and it also plays a major role in various biological processes, including the formation, regulation, repair, and protection of our body.\n\n\nBesides that, each glass of 250ml of Dutch Lady PureFarm or +Protein milk also contains other essential nutrients such as vitamin D, A and B2. So, drinking a glass of milk at breakfast is the easiest way to boost your nutritional intake in the morning.\n\n\nGrab your FREE breakfast\n\n\nDutch Lady Malaysia is collaborating with Kellogg\u2019s to give out 50,000 sets of FREE milk and cereal breakfasts at 10 LRT stations from 21 October to 31 October, from 6 to 11am. It is the perfect breakfast for the on-the-go traveller, especially if you use the LRT to commute! It is quick, easy and nutritious, and a great way to start the day.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFor more information on dates and locations (LRT stations) to get your free breakfast, visit Dutch Lady Malaysia\u2019s Facebook page at \nwww.facebook.com/spread.the.goodness.of.milk\n or their website \nhttps://www.dutchlady.com.my/events.php\n.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nAdolphus, K., Lawton, C. L., Champ, C. L., & Dye, L. (2016). The Effects of Breakfast and Breakfast Composition on Cognition in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review.\u00a0Advances in Nutrition,\u00a07(3). doi:10.3945/an.115.010256\n\n\nMyBreakfastStudy of School Children: Findings, Implications & Solutions, Symposium Abstracts, 3 December 2015, Nutrition Society of Malaysia. (2)\n\n\nMOH (2010). Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (as at December 2010). Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya\u00a0\n\n\nRole of dairy protein for developing countries, 2017. Jan Steijns.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/babymoon-ideas", "title": "Going On a Babymoon? Here Are a Few Things To Keep In Mind", "body": "Can hubby and I go on a babymoon anytime soon?\n\n\nYou\u2019d love one last romantic break with your partner before the little one arrives. This quick get-a-way is becoming widely known as the \u2018babymoon.\u2019 Travel agencies have coined the phrase to inspire expecting mummies to live it up one last time before becoming a mother, full-time.\n\n\nMade popular by celebrities proudly sporting their very preggy bellies on exotic beaches, a babymoon is so much more than a lavish marketing ploy. It will be the one final trip you take with your partner; to spend precious time reconnecting before your little one makes an appearance.\n\n\nThe months leading up to your pregnancy can be stressful, and many expecting mums are preoccupied with turning their home into a family sanctuary while still juggling the demands of daily life. A babymoon will afford you and your partner a welcome break from the stresses of everyday life.\n\n\nRemember to plan it well. You won\u2019t be interested in recapturing the spark in your relationship if you\u2019re cooped up in a hotel room, too exhausted to move, and too sick to do anything about it. Timing and location is everything.\n\n\nWhen To Go On a Babymoon\n\n\n\n\nThe first trimester is out, thanks to \nmorning sickness\n and fatigue. And you\u2019ll hardly want to prance around in a bikini \u2013 the healthy pregnancy glow is still a few weeks off, so for now, you\u2019ll just feel bloated.\n\n\nTravelling during your third trimester can also be tricky, as no mum wants to go into premature labour mid-holiday.\u00a0\n\n\n\nExperts from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology believe that the safest time to travel is from 18 to 24 weeks. So the best time to go on your babymoon will be during the second trimester. During this time, you have enough energy and the pregnancy hormones will work in your (and your partner\u2019s) favour, leaving you looking and feeling fabulous.\n\n\n\nMoreover, consider just taking a quick getaway, instead of a month-long trip. You wouldn\u2019t want to be away from your trusted doctor for that long. And you don\u2019t want the stress of connecting flights and heavy suitcases. It doesn\u2019t matter if you are indulging in a two-week getaway or a short weekend break. It\u2019ll be just what the doctor ordered.\n\n\nOut of Babymoon Ideas? Here\u2019s Where To Go\u00a0\n\n\nMany women have started to imagine how their babymoon ideas will be as soon as they found out they are pregnant.\n\n\nThe location is up to you but there are a few things to keep in mind. Stick to a couple of hours of travelling time to reach your destination. You\u2019ll feel much more comfortable with a short trip. Far away or remote areas may be too unsafe or unsanitary for you and your precious bump.\n\n\nYour babymoon destination should also feature temperate weather conditions and decent facilities, should any complications arise.\n\n\nCheck Restrictions\n\n\nYou may have a few days of vacation, but remember that you will still be travelling in the midst of a pandemic. So be on the lookout for travel advisories. Choose a location where the rates of local transmission (not just of COVID-19, but any disease) are low.\u00a0\n\n\nMoreover, if you\u2019re travelling by plane or by sea, check their travel restrictions. Most airlines allow pregnant women to fly as long as they\u2019re not past their 36th week. Cruise lines have restrictions as well.\u00a0\n\n\nTake the stress out of travel arrangements\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThe point of your trip is to relax and unwind, not to add more trouble to your already frazzled nerves. If you are flying, best book a direct flight to avoid tedious hours in the airport lounge. Book an aisle seat in advance, as it will greatly ease your frequent trips to the restroom.\n\n\nMost reputable travel agents now offer a babymoon service, where all your arrangements, from accommodation to tailor-made excursions are taken care of.\n\n\nOther Things to Remember When Going On a Babymoon\n\n\nConsider the cuisine\n\n\nBefore you pack your bags to some exotic location, spend some time looking up the local restaurants in the area. You might feel fabulous in your second trimester, but there are still foods that will make you cringe and should be avoided. You\u2019ll want a selection of tummy-friendly foods and enough options to satisfy your pregnancy cravings.\n\n\nMake sure to pack your \nprenatal vitamins\n and some allergy and prescription medicines, if you have them. Also, wherever you go, don\u2019t forget to drink enough water (just make sure that their water is safe to drink).\n\n\nPlan your activities ahead\n\n\nIt\u2019s not a secret that there are limitations to what pregnant women are allowed to do. So when planning your babymoon, it\u2019s best to take that into consideration. You have babymoon ideas already planned out in your head, but your body might disagree with them.\n\n\nYou can still head to the beach but beware of the risks of taking a bath in the sea. Extreme watersports need to be put on hold for now, but you can enjoy a quiet walk or a foot massage by the beach.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKeep your doctor in the loop\n\n\nTravelling entails a new set of challenges when you\u2019re pregnant. Before relaxation, the most important thing is your safety. Make sure you speak with your doctor before getting started on your babymoon ideas or booking your trip. Tell him about your plans and check if you are in the best condition to travel. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, don\u2019t be too disappointed if your doctor wants to keep you close to home.\n\n\nMoreover, if you\u2019re planning to travel overseas, ask your doctor about any necessary vaccines. Don\u2019t forget to put your \nOB-GYN\n\u2018s number on speed dial, and make sure your partner or companion has it on his phone too.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile researching about your destination, do take note if they have access to quality medical facilities near the area (just in case), and jot down the contact info for nearby hospitals to keep on hand as you travel.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re dreaming about going on a cruise, make sure there will be a health care provider on board, as some smaller ships (fewer than 100 passengers) don\u2019t have medical personnel on staff.\n\n\nMost importantly, don\u2019t let your babymoon ideas put pressure on you and your partner. Remember your honeymoon? It\u2019s all about taking time out and relaxing together rather than cramming as much adventure in as possible.\n\n\nSpending some quality time with your loved one before you are both shocked into parenthood by sleepless nights and dirty nappies! Your most memorable moments will come in the quiet times you spend with your partner, be it cuddled up on the sofa watching a movie, or strolling the beaches of some tropical paradise.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from theAsianparent\u00a0\nSingapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nIs Your Due Date Nearing? Here is How to Prepare for Your Baby & Labour\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nIs Home Birth For You?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWant to Give Birth in Malaysia? This is The True Cost of Delivery According to Malaysian Mums\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/weight-loss", "title": "6 Reasons You\u2019re Not Losing Weight", "body": "You might be putting in all the effort \u2013 working out and eating right \u2013 and yet somehow your weight stays the same, or worse it looks like you\u2019ve actually put on some weight! What could be happening? Why isn\u2019t all that hard work paying off? Well don\u2019t worry. We\u2019ve got you! There can be quite a few reasons people don\u2019t lose weight even if they\u2019re working out and eating right. Check out the list below, does any of it resonate with you?\n\n\nStress\n\n\nOur body\u2019s relationship to stress is an interesting one. On its own, stress does not actually make you gain weight. However low-grade, everyday stress will cause the body to store fat. Let us explain; stress produces\u00a0\ncortisol\n\u00a0\u2013 the fight or flight hormone that catabolises muscles, worsens insulin resistance, and promotes the storage of fat. In the past, this was necessary in life or death situations \u2013 for instance if we had to get away from dangerous animals. However, these incidences while intense, were also infrequent. But fast forward to our world today, where we suffer from daily low-grade stress like going through traffic jams, over exercising, worrying about work, kids, nagging bosses, etc. This means your body is constantly in a fight or flight state. And what does that mean? Your body is constantly producing cortisol which means your body starts storing fat because it thinks it needs it in the future. So if you\u2019re working out too much, perhaps it\u2019s time to swap some of your workouts with a relaxing yoga class (and by that we don\u2019t mean a hard rocking ashtanga class, but more a calmer yin yoga class, coupled with meditation), take some nature walks and figure out ways to cut out the stress from your life. Not just for weight loss, but also for all the other benefits a stress-free life brings.\n\n\nYou\u2019re adding muscle weight\n\n\nPeople sometimes forget that hitting the gym has a tendency of making people gain muscles \u2013 unless of course all you\u2019re doing is vigorous cardio. But if you\u2019re mixing it up and balancing weight/resistance training, cardio, and good clean eating, chances are you are also gaining extra muscles and better bone density. The scale might say one thing, but it\u2019s not telling you the whole story. It\u2019s not taking into account that you\u2019re putting on good muscle and stronger bone weight while losing fat, making your body look and feel more trim and lean. It\u2019s best to focus on how you\u2019re feeling on the whole and how you fit in clothes, than just what it says on the scales. For a better record of your progress, it\u2019s probably better to get a body fat percentage test.\n\n\nYou\u2019re not eating as healthy as you think\n\n\nMaybe you buy all your food from health food stores, or from the organic aisle of the supermarket, but if it still consists of mostly diet sodas, low-fat anything, and a whole bunch of \u2018organic\u2019 chips, sweets and / or chocolates and gluten free bread, pasta etc, then you\u2019re still just feeding an addiction and consuming empty calories. It might ease your guilt a little because you\u2019re buying it from a \u2018healthy store\u2019 but let\u2019s get real, these things aren\u2019t real food. Our advice is to stick to real food. Vegetables, fruits, poultry, fish, meats \u2013 real, tangible foods.\n\n\nYou\u2019re eating too little\n\n\nThe simple rule to weight loss is: Eat less calories + Move more = Weight loss. However it isn\u2019t always that simple \u2013 our bodies are complicated. It is an intelligent, living, breathing, adapting entity that will shift and change to what it perceives as \u2018being starved\u2019 when you lower your caloric intake too much. So while you might think that eating less will mean you lose weight quicker, it can and will work against you. Your body will respond to your eating less food as you being starved and accommodate that by lowering its energy expenditure, so that you don\u2019t starve as quickly. In order to combat this, try cycling your caloric intake by eating less one day and more another. Or if you feel your weight loss is already stalled, try\u00a0\nrefeeding\n\u00a0to kickstart it.\n\n\nYou\u2019re not getting enough sleep\n\n\nRemember cortisol from the entry above on stress? Our good ol\u2019 fat storing friend? Well guess what, chronic sleep deprivation can also cause the release of cortisol which as we know will them prompt your body to store fat instead of burning it! Another reason you want to get your seven to eight hours of shut eye is because the biggest spike in\u00a0\nfat burning actually occurs in deep sleep\n! So if you\u2019re not getting\u00a0\ngood sleep\n, you\u2019re missing out on the prime fat burning opportunity here.\n\n\nYou still fear fat\n\n\nWe\u2019ve been told for so long now that fat is the enemy and it\u2019s hard go against the grain and start eating fat, especially since the mass media, doctors, \u2018experts\u2019, friends, and family all seem convinced that fat will kill you. But there\u2019s enough research out now exonerating dietary fat as the cause of heart disease, and all the other diseases fat is supposedly responsible for and yet, there\u2019s still a voice deep down that thinks, \u201cThat stuff will kill you\u201d.\n\n\nBut here\u2019s the thing, if you don\u2019t get over that fear and continue to eat a low-carb, low-fat and overall low-energy diet, all you\u2019ll get for your efforts is being stuck and stalled. Good fats, like avocado, coconut oil, nuts, full fat yoghurt, butter, etc will not only supply you with much needed energy on your low-carb diet, but also helps you lose weight! Don\u2019t take our word for it, read\u00a0\nGood Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes\n\u00a0who will set you straight on the truth about fat.\n\n\nLooking to lose weight the healthy way?\u00a0\n\n\nWeight loss can be an uphill battle. Fret not, we are here to support you in your journey. Say goodbye to crash diets and yo-yo weight gain. We provide you with helpful tips and recommended foods and beverages to help you lose weight the healthy and sustainable way. Find out\u00a0\n6 other possible reasons hindering your weight loss\n,\u00a0\ntop 10 habits to help you lose weight\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nhow to get yourself out of the weight loss plateau\n.\n\n\nReferences:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nNeuropeptide Y acts directly in the periphery on fat tissue and mediates stress-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome\n\n\nChanges in the basal metabolic rate of a normal woman induced by short-term and long-term alterations of energy intake\n\n\nExtended Or shortened sleep duration linked to weight gain\n\n\nGrowth hormone secretion during sleep\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\n PurelyB.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-overnight-diapers", "title": "Are you ready to try the 10-hour diaper challenge?", "body": "\u201cThere aren\u2019t enough hours in a day.\u201d That\u2019s a phrase almost all new mums tend to say. Not only do we have a million things to do \u2013 breastfeeding, burping your baby, changing diapers \u2013 we also lack sleep! This is a pretty stressful scenario, but one that is faced by every mum out there.\n\n\nBut what if you were given an extra 10 hours every day? Wouldn\u2019t that be blissful? What would you do with those 10 extra hours? You could exercise, read a book, pamper yourself with some me-time and a whole lot more.\n\n\nBetter yet\u2026 What if those extra 10 hours were given to you at night? Imagine how much more rest you could be getting!\n\n\n\n\nWhat Mums Want\n\n\nGetting those 10 hours of joy is not a fantasy\n. The answer is simple, actually. The secret is in keeping your baby dry. Now, with PetPet\u2019s new range of diapers, your fantasy can become a reality.\n\n\nPetPet spoke to real parents and asked them what they were looking for when purchasing diapers for their little ones. Here\u2019s what they said: They wanted diapers with no leakage, that were long-lasting and kept their baby dry for longer periods of time.\n\n\nAnother of the major pain points of parents was that they spent too much time changing their baby\u2019s diapers because of all the issues mentioned!\n\n\nAfter thorough research and development, PetPet created diapers that address all of these issues.\n\n\nThe Secret Behind 10 Hours of Joy\n\n\nThe new range of \nPetPet\n diapers utilises non-woven fabric and absorbent material processing and moulding techniques that ahead of everything else in the industry. It contains a superior \u201cFast Dry\u201d technology together with the 360\u00b0 AirThru system that provides\u00a0 a quick drying mechanism that keeps babies comfortable and happy for up to 10 hours a day.\n\n\nWhat does this all mean? Parents can now say goodbye to frequent changing. They can rest easy knowing that their little ones will be happy and smiling not only throughout the daytime, but as they sleep blissfully in their cribs at night. Best of all, no more leaks!\n\n\nThis means you can add valuable time to live your life!\n\n\nAdding 10 Hours of Joy to Your Life\n\n\n\n\nNow, with 10 hours of uninterrupted diaper comfort, mummies will find more time on their hands to enjoy life a little more. Here\u2019s what you can look forward to:\n\n\n1. Extended Play Time with Baby\n\n\nBabies like to be comfortable, especially during playtime. The last thing you want is a grumpy baby when you\u2019re enjoying playtime with them. With 10 hours of joy, mums can now have extended play time with their little ones and cherish every moment of it.\n\n\n2. More Restful Nights\n\n\nWhen your little one doesn\u2019t wake up in the middle of the night for a diaper change, that means a chance to grab some extra Z\u2019s. And for new mums, there\u2019s no gift better than rest. Your little bub will also be getting better rest, resulting in a happier baby throughout the day!\n\n\n3. A Happy, Smiling Baby All Day Long!\n\n\nWe\u2019ve all heard those cranky cries of babies when it\u2019s time for a diaper change. The sticky, wet feeling sure upsets those little ones. Now with PetPet\u2019s Fast Dry technology, your baby will never be cranky from a wet diaper. Instead, he will be happy and smiling all day long.\n\n\n\n\n4. More Savings\n\n\n\n\nWhile regular diapers usually require a change every four to six hours, PetPet\u2019s new and improved diapers can last you up to 10 hours! When you\u2019re changing diapers less often and using fewer diapers in a day, you are definitely saving some money too. Mums know that one of the things we spend on the most is diapers, so it\u2019s great that we can save on this now!\n\n\n5. Less Stress for Mum\n\n\nWe\u2019ve all heard of \u201chappy wife, happy life\u201d but there\u2019s also \u201chappy baby, happy mummy\u201d. When baby is happy and mummy is well-rested, mum is definitely less stressed and more calm. When you are calmer, you are able to cherish each and every one of those moments you have with your little one!\n\n\n\n\nMums, are you ready to take the 10 hours of joy challenge? Try the new, revolutionary \nPetPet\n diapers and share your experience with us.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/6-month-old-baby-dies-after-family-feeds-him-honey-botulism-in-babies", "title": "6-Month-Old baby dies after family feeds him honey: Botulism in babies", "body": "We have heard of it for a long time now, \u201cDo not give honey to babies younger than one.\u201d Doing so poses the grave risk of botulism in babies.\n\n\nBut how much do we really know about this\u00a0rare but potentially fatal illness?\n\n\nA little baby, just six months old, died after his family fed him honey. They were unaware that babies should not be fed honey.\n\n\nBotulism in Babies: Baby\u2019s Death Highlights Grave Dangers\n\n\nAccording to \nThe Japan Times\n, a six-month-old boy in Adachi Ward, Tokyo, died of infant botulism after his family fed him honey.\n\n\nThey had been giving him honey mixed in juice twice a day for about a month.\n\n\nA member of the family was quoted as saying, \u201cWe were mixing the honey into store-bought juice and feeding it to our baby because we thought it was good for his body.\u201d\n\n\nSadly, the baby had to be rushed to hospital after\u00a0going into convulsions and suffering respiratory failure. Tests found out that\u00a0he had ingested honey contaminated with toxin-producing bacteria known as\u00a0Clostridium botulinum\n,\u00a0\na clear case of\u00a0botulism poisoning.\n\n\nThe child died a month later. It\u00a0was the first death caused by infant botulism in Japan since 1986.\n\n\nWhat Is Botulism in Babies?\n\n\nInfant botulism is an illness that can happen when a baby ingests bacteria that produce a toxin inside the body.\n\n\nIt is caused by exposure to Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum) spores. Bacteria from the spores can grow and multiply in a baby\u2019s intestines, producing a dangerous toxin.\n\n\nThe condition can occur in infants up to 12 months of age, because young babies have\u00a0immature digestive systems.\n\n\n\n\nSigns and Symptoms of Botulism in Babies\n\n\nSymptoms of botulism begin between three to 30 days after an infant ingests the spores.\n\n\nThough infant botulism can be treated, it is important to get medical care as soon as possible. Take your baby to the doctor right away if you spot any of these warning signs.\n\n\nConstipation is often the first sign of botulism that parents notice. It is typically accompanied by floppy movements, weakness, and difficulty in sucking or feeding.\n\n\nOther symptoms of botulism in babies can include:\n\n\n\n\nFlat facial expression\n\n\nPoor feeding (weak sucking)\n\n\nWeak cry\n\n\nDecreased movement\n\n\nTrouble swallowing with excessive drooling\n\n\nMuscle weakness\n\n\nBreathing problems\n\n\n\n\nPreventing Botulism in Babies\n\n\nOne important way to reduce the risk of botulism in babies is to not give infants honey or any processed food containing honey before their first birthday.\u00a0\n\n\nHoney is a proven source of the bacteria\u00a0\nClostridium botulinum.\u00a0\nThese bacteria are harmless to older kids and adults because their digestive systems are more mature.\n\n\nIt is best to pressure-cook home-canned foods to reduce the risk of contamination with C. botulinum spores. Boil home-canned foods for 10 minutes before serving them.\n\n\nAlso, Clostridium botulinum spores are everywhere in the environment. They\u2019re in dust and dirt, and even in the air. Avoid infant exposure to potentially contaminated soil or dust. Exposure to contaminated soil occurs most often near construction and agricultural sites or other areas where soil is disturbed.\n\n\nSource: \nThe Japan Times, \nMayo Clinic\n, \nKidsHealth\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/binge-eating", "title": "Binge Eating: Possible Causes, How You Can Avoid It & What To Do If You Cave In", "body": "Binge eating is a term describing eating more than we need and feeling very full after. The reasons we overeat include stress, distraction or just because the food was just too good\u2026 which could be the case this upcoming festive season!\n\n\nBut, it can also be a symptom of an eating disorder where binging and purging becomes part of daily life. This is a clinically diagnosed eating disorder, which will not be the focus of this article as it\u2019s within the realm of professional medical care. So back to the to the occasional binge. What are possible causes, how can you avoid it and what can you do if you couldn\u2019t prevent it?\n\n\nPossible causes of binge eating\n\n\nFrom my personal experience, I can tell you that I binged when I felt stressed or was distracted\u2014or both. I remember downing a 300g chocolate bar as a teenager after school when I felt down, and feeling exhausted while I was interning and eating till my stomach hurt while watching TV. In both cases I couldn\u2019t believe how uncomfortable and guilty I felt after.\n\n\nOther causes of binge eating include extreme restrictions, e.g. when on a strict diet and craving certain, which you then can\u2019t stop eating when you finally get it. Low self esteem, loneliness and not feeling good about yourself can make you turn to food for comfort.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat can you do avoid binge eating?\n\n\nReflect:\n\n\nThere\u2019s always a trigger or an initial feeling before you begin to binge eat. Stop and try and figure out what the trigger is and reflect on what makes you want to binge. Try writing a diary and record the situations that instigated the bingeing, and note down how you feel before you start eating to narrow down the trigger.\n\n\nBrainstorming:\n\n\nOnce you know which situations instigate bingeing, brainstorm about ways to avoid and prevent this. For example if you\u2019re a social binger who tends to overeat when out with friends, make a rule for yourself that you will only eat when not speaking. Whenever you speak, put your cutlery aside. If work stress is the culprit, think of something constructive to do before going home like going to the gym, meeting a friend or even getting a foot massage.\n\n\nGet rid of your favourite binge foods:\n\n\nThere will be specific types of food (usually junk food high in sugar and fat) you binge on like chips, nuts, cookies, cake, popcorn, chocolate, ice cream or French fries. Don\u2019t buy them and don\u2019t keep them in your house. This is a very important step to follow \u2013 out of reach, out of mind.\n\n\nDeprivation can lead to bingeing:\n\n\nBinge eating is often a reaction to deprivation. We believe we must be thin to be attractive resulting in constant dieting for many of us. We then become defined by whether we are on a diet or not. Then if you eat a cookie, the diet cycle is broken and you end up eating the entire packet. The truth is it\u2019s perfectly fine to have one cookie! Instead of dieting or not dieting, find long term solutions to eat healthily, stay fit and gives you the freedom to eat your favourite (even junk) food occasionally.\n\n\nChange your relationship with food:\n\n\nThere\u2019s immense stress associated with food for many people. Focus on being more connected to your body, understand what it need and when you actually feel hungry. Only eat when you are really hungry, and stop when the hunger subsides. Learn to distinguish between \u2018stomach hungry\u2019 (growling tummy) and \u2018mouth hungry\u2019 (when you just want to eat something without having physical signs of hunger). Look at food as nourishment and trust that your body will tell you what it needs and when. This process can take a while, so you need to ask yourself if you\u2019re really hungry, concentrate on the food you eat and be mindful of how full you are.\n\n\nEat regularly:\n\n\nMany of us binge when we don\u2019t eat during the day and end up being overly hungry by the end of the day. Have a regular eating schedule and don\u2019t wait too long to eat.\u00a0\nHave a healthy smoothie, nuts or dried fruit if it\u2019s too long between meals\n.\n\n\nLong Term Solutions To Prevent Binge Eating\n\n\nLong term solutions take time to implement. These simple tips will ease you along and make the process easier.\n\n\n\n\nIf you have the urge to binge, distract and delay yourself for as long as you can. A change of scene helps, e.g. leave the house and go for a quick walk\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re bingeing, know that you can stop anytime. It\u2019s not a black or white situation \u2013 the earlier you stop, the better it is for your health.\n\n\nForgive yourself and accept that you\u2019re on a journey and yes, you binge and know how bad it it. But, you are learning from the experience and remember how you uncomfortable you felt after bingeing when you feel the urge.\n\n\n\n\nFor myself it was a combination of many of the above. During my bingeing period, I reflected on the causes and began to satisfy this need with something else besides food. What really helped me the most was to move away from the notion of restricting myself, having chocolate if I wanted and not to eat everything at once. Practising mindful eating and feeling how my body responded really helped. Learning to love my body and flaws, accepting who I am, focusing on nourishing this amazing \u2018machine\u2019 and understanding what it needs was my key to success.\n\n\nIt doesn\u2019t happen overnight\u2014take one step at the time. Transformation happens in stages and every important journey starts with the first step. Be patient and kind to yourself!\n\n\nResource:\u00a0\nhttps://www.helpguide.org/articles/eating-disorders/binge-eating-disorder.htm\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/giving-birth", "title": "Is Your Due Date Nearing? Here is How to Prepare for Your Baby & Labour", "body": "It\u2019s that time of pregnancy where you start feeling anxious about when the baby will finally be here. Everyone is asking \u201cis the baby here yet?\u201d, \u201ccan you feel the labour setting it?\u201d or are re-checking with you again and again about your \u201cEDD\u201d.\n\n\nLikewise, you start feeling so settled in the pregnancy and wish that it would last a little while longer. \nAfter all, it\u2019s beginning to get a little comfy (you\u2019ve gotten used to the aches) and you can feel the reassurance of the baby moving around certain times of the day, plus daddy-to-be is showering all the love and attention on you.\n\n\nThere are certain tell-tale signs of labour setting in that are hard to ignore. So here is how you can prepare for the baby and notice the signs of labour from the 35th week onwards.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nQuick tips on preparing for the baby\n\n\n\n\nPack your bags and the baby\u2019s bags separately. When the baby is born, its ideal to hand over the bag to the nurse so that they can decide what the baby needs to wear. The hospital maintains a certain temperature level.\u00a0 Hence, remember to pack sweaters, socks, cap and mittens.\n\n\nYou may need to check with your organisation on what all documents you need to submit to the hospital for medical claims.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nPrepare a template for announcing if it\u2019s a boy or a girl. All the daddy needs to do then is to put a pic and the date of birth (you can include weight and height as well, if you wish).\u00a0\n\n\nOrganise your home in such a way that when you return from the hospital, you know exactly where your things are. Some of the things that we may forget are:\n\n\n\n\nBaby mattress, cover sheets and blanket. If you intend for the baby to co-sleep with you, getting a net bedding is also a good idea as using mosquito repellants around the baby is not good for the baby and sometimes leads to congestion.\n\n\nAlways have spare diapers ready. You may be surprised with the number of diapers that you will be pulling out in the first two to three weeks. Hence always keep a pack of 48 extra diapers in newborn size handy. If you are planning to keep the baby on cloth nappies through the day, the first month may see you may use around 20 to30 cloth nappies a day. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t leave items like towels, toiletries etc for the last minute. Check with your friends what products they used in the first month and get those. Of course, no need to go overboard and stock up on everything. In the first 10 days, you may need to only sponge bath the baby hence keep soft muslin cloths handy.\n\n\nIt\u2019s best to avoid using wet-wipes on your newborn baby. The extensive use of diapers and wet wipes are too harsh for the baby\u2019s soft skin. Hence keep a stash of cotton handy, so that every time you need to clean the private area, you dip the cotton in lukewarm water and squeeze the excess water from it before applying it on the baby.\n\n\nStop listening to unwanted advice from people who are negative.\u00a0 While people giving advice may mean well, what works for another may not work for you.\u00a0\n\n\nIn case shopping for the baby is not allowed beforehand (according to some traditions), you can build an Amazon wish-list which you can order as soon as you come back from the hospital.\u00a0\n\n\nThe first few days (or weeks) can be tough as your body will need to recover from childbirth. Arrange for the needed help beforehand if needed. For example, in Asian cultures, a \u2018confinement lady\u2019 can help to prepare meals and take care of the baby while the mother rests during the first month after delivery.\u00a0\n\n\nConsider preparing and freezing some meals before you\u2019re expected to be in the hospital. They can be a lifesaver when you\u2019re too tired to cook or just don\u2019t have the time to do so once you\u2019re back home.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhen to start preparing for baby?\n\n\nThere is no right or wrong time to prepare for the arrival of your newborn. Some parents are super excited and head to the stores the minute they know they are expecting. Others wait till they are nearer to their due date.\u00a0\n\n\nA good time to start preparing would be in your second trimester. During this time, the morning sickness would hopefully have passed. You may also have more energy during this time, compared to the first and third trimester. Additionally, you will also be able to know your baby\u2019s gender by the second trimester.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may have also heard of the \u2018nesting instinct\u2019 during pregnancy. Many women get a burst of energy during the final weeks of the third trimester. Make the most of it if you\u2019re inspired to clean and organize your house in anticipation of your baby\u2019s arrival. However, do stay sensible and remember not to climb, lift heavy objects or overreach. Your safety is even more important than baby preparations.\u00a0\n\n\nPreparing for baby checklist\n\n\nHere\u2019s everything you need on hand for your newborn\n\n\nFeeding\n\n\n\n\nBottle & Nipple\n\n\nNipple brush\n\n\nBibs\n\n\nBurp cloths\n\n\nFormula\n\n\nThermal bottle carrier\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re breastfeeding:\n\n\n\n\nBreast pump\n\n\nMilk storage containers\n\n\nNursing bras\u00a0\n\n\nBreast pads\n\n\nNursing pillar\n\n\nLotion for sore nipples\n\n\n\n\nDiapering\n\n\n\n\nChanging pad\n\n\nBaby ointment or creams to prevent diaper rash\n\n\nDisposable wipes\n\n\nWashcloths\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re using cloth diapers:\n\n\n\n\n4 to 5 dozen cloth diapers\n\n\nWaterproof covers\n\n\nNappy liners\n\n\nSafety pins, velcro or snaps to secure diaper on baby\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re using disposable diapers:\n\n\n\n\nNewborn size diapers\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nClothing\n\n\n\n\n8 onesies or undershirts\n\n\n8 one-piece stretchy sleepers\n\n\n5 pairs pants\n\n\n8 pairs socks or booties\n\n\n5 pairs mittens\n\n\n2 jackets or cardigans\u00a0\n\n\n1 or 2 outfits for dressing up (this is optional)\n\n\nLaundry detergent for babies\n\n\n\n\nBathtime\n\n\n\n\n1 infant tub\n\n\nWashcloths (separate from those you use on baby\u2019s bottom)\n\n\nBaby soap\u00a0\n\n\nSoft baby towels\n\n\nSort bristled baby hair brush\n\n\n\n\nBedtime\n\n\nIf you are co-sleeping:\n\n\n\n\nEnsure that you are using a firm mattress\n\n\nWaterproof pads\u00a0\n\n\nLight comforter\n\n\nSleep sack\n\n\n\n\nIf baby is sleeping in a crib:\n\n\n\n\nSafety approved crib and mattress\n\n\nWaterproof mattress covers\n\n\nFitted crib sheets\n\n\nLight blankets that fit the crib\n\n\nSleep sack\n\n\n\n\nOther baby necessities\n\n\n\n\nInfant car safety seat\n\n\nBaby thermometer\n\n\nMedicine spoon\n\n\nBaby nail clipper/scissors\n\n\nBaby monitor\n\n\n\n\nSigns that your body is getting ready for labour\n\n\nAll that anxiety and no sign of the baby showing up? Well, there are a few signs that indicate the onset of labour:\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\n\n\nYou may feel a cramp type of pain in the abdomen. The kinds you feel at the start of periods. This may be accompanied by back pain as well.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may suddenly feel lighter on the tummy. It\u2019s actually called \u201clightening\u201d. The heaviness of the baby\u2019s weight goes away and you start feeling more comfortable, or as if the baby has gone higher or dropped lower. Whichever way it is, it does make the mummy more comfortable to move around.\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, water-breaking is the most obvious sign.\n\n\nBloody vaginal discharge or the mucus plug breaking loose.\n\n\nFew days of diarrhoea or nausea for no apparent reason.\n\n\nNestling instinct. One may feel like confining themselves indoors all of a sudden, and getting things huddled together for comfort.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPreparing your body for labour\n\n\n\n\nWhile a woman\u2019s body naturally prepares for labour as the delivery time approaches, following some quick tips mentioned below might equip you for an easier birth:\n\n\nRest and \nrelax\n as much as you can\n\n\nEat right all through your pregnancy, which will naturally aid your body to undergo the required changes.\n\n\nGetting regular and light \nexercises\n all through the pregnancy is recommended in most cases (unless bed rest is specifically prescribed by your doctor).Yoga is a great option.\u00a0\n\n\nFill your hospital paperwork even before its time to arrive to smoothen the process.\n\n\nPack your hospital bag well in advance (details provided in section above).\n\n\nHave your family and friends lined up to offer support and a helping hand when needed.\u00a0\n\n\nStock up all the supplies you\u2019ll need post birth.\n\n\nStay positive. Meditate and practice breathing \nexercises\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAsk as many questions as you want to. Your doctor will offer you thorough guidance all through.\u00a0\n\n\nUnderstand different labour positions. Take guidance from your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nAccept that child birth- either through natural labour or \ncesarean\n delivery are both normal and decided by the medical team considering the circumstantial requirements.\u00a0\n\n\nSeek emotional support if you need to. \n\n\n\n\nAll the best!\n\n\nThis article was contributed by our partner \nLittle Mister Trouble\n and has been published with permission.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/natural-disinfectant", "title": "Get Rid of Bacteria with These 3 Natural Homemade Disinfectants and Sanitizers", "body": "Just when it seems that the threat of Covid-19 is dying down, it suddenly surges up again with more than 100 recorded cases of it in Malaysia. That\u2019s why it\u2019s important to take preventive measures for yourself, your loved ones, your home, and even your purchases. Even going to the shopping mall doesn\u2019t seem as fun an activity as before due to all the precautions one needs to take and keep in mind in order to carry out the simplest of tasks such as shopping for household items. So,\u00a0\nprevent the spread of germs and viruses\n\u00a0by taking necessary precautions such as disinfecting your purchases by using any one of the natural disinfectants listed below.\n\n\n1. White Vinegar\n\n\n\n\nNot just a powerful cleaner that cleans dishes and rusty tools, white vinegar is also a great disinfectant that helps to kill viruses and bacteria. However, since it isn\u2019t a registered disinfectant like alcohol and bleach solutions, it is unable to get rid of certain germs such as staphylococcus. Yet, that doesn\u2019t mean it isn\u2019t an effective household disinfectant for your home. It just means that you\u2019ll need to use other disinfectants alongside it to keep your home germ and bacteria-free.\n\n\n2. Essential Oils\n\n\n\n\nUnlike white vinegar which has a slightly off-putting smell to it (that goes away when dry), essential oils are anything but smelly. In addition to smelling good, they are also beneficial in many ways so it\u2019s unsurprising that they\u2019re great at combating bacteria too. Various types of essential oils can be used as disinfectants such as tea tree, lemongrass, thyme, and lavender. Nevertheless, similar to white vinegar, it might not be strong enough to kill all types of germs and bacteria. Therefore, don\u2019t just rely on it alone and instead also find other ways to disinfect and sanitize your belongings.\n\n\n3. Lemon\n\n\n\n\nAn easy to obtain and cheap to purchase natural sanitizer is the humble lemon. Its citric acid doesn\u2019t just work well on alkaline stains but it also helps to combat bacteria. Though slightly less effective than white vinegar, it is still a viable sanitizer option for your home and belongings. Just make sure to also apply other disinfectant methods when you clean your home for a germ-free environment.\n\n\nThese three natural sanitizers cum disinfectants are wonderful items to keep around your home for they\u2019ll help you to keep the germ count to a manageable level. What\u2019s more, they\u2019re not difficult to obtain as you can purchase them from malls, supermarkets, and online stores. So whenever you purchase from any shop, take the extra measure and sanitize as well as disinfect them with any of the natural options provided.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nLifestyle\nMake Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/durian-generation", "title": "Have you heard of the Durian Generation? Here\u2019s how not to raise a brat", "body": "You\u2019ve heard of apathetic Gen X-ers and entitled Millennials, but what exactly is the \u201cDurian Generation\u201d of youngsters? And what are their unpleasant traits? More importantly, how do you raise your child not to fall into that prickly category and be branded as a spoiled brat?\n\n\nWhat Is the Durian Generation?\n\n\nThe name \u201cDurian Generation\u201d started across the straits for a new generation of youngsters in Singapore ? This (not so affectionate) label refers to kids who are \nobnoxious, self-entitled\n, yet soft on the inside and unable to fend for themselves. Because of these traits, they rely on their sharp and thorny exterior \u2013 their parents \u2013 to protect them.\n\n\nSound familiar? This term could very well describe many children in Malaysia. And hey, we love the durian too.\n\n\nOf course, the old-fashioned name for this is simply to call the children brats who are spoiled rotten by their overprotective parents.But what makes this Durian Generation different from your garden variety brat? And how do you as a parent avoid raising your child to become one?\n\n\n\n\nThe Durian Generation of youngsters are obnoxious and soft on the inside with their overprotective parents serving as thorny exteriors.\n\n\n\n\nSpoiled and Entitled\n\n\nIt is a part of a young child\u2019s development\n1\n to assert their independence by saying \u201cno\u201d, and it is also normal for them to whine or grumble sometimes \u2013 because adults do it too!\n\n\nToddlers (between the age of one and three years old) are also prone to temper tantrums, which is all part of normal development.\n2\n\n\nBut if your child is constantly whining to get what he wants, is rude to you and other adults, acts bossy, has a horrible outburst when you won\u2019t give him that new toy he\u2019s been eyeing, then you may have a spoiled child on your hands.\n\n\nAnother warning sign that your child might be a brat is if he is way past the toddler years yet continues to act like one by kicking, screaming, biting other children and not using age-appropriate ways of communicating his thoughts or feelings.\n\n\nParents of the Durian Generation will often treat their children as if they are much younger than they actually are. They will be quick to come to their rescue instead of allowing them to resolve problems on their own, similar to the way helicopter parents do everything for their little ones.\n\n\nThey might even think that their child\u2019s negative behaviour \u2013 such as being rude to adults, being aggressive towards other children, acting bossy and demanding \u2013 is actually \u201ccute\u201d. And they will just sit back and smile as their little one continues with his unpleasant display \u2013 a classic display of \npermissive parenting\n.\n\n\n\n\nParents have to learn to say \u201cno\u201d to their child and not give in to their every demand.\n\n\n\n\nHow Parents Spoil Their Kids\n\n\nThere is a difference between showing your affection to your child and being a permissive parent, overindulging them by giving in to their every whim.\n\n\nYou might be spoiling your child if you:\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t set age-appropriate boundaries\n\n\nEasily give in and let him have his way instead of enforcing limits\n\n\nLet him regularly interrupt and take over adult conversations\n\n\nConstantly buy toys and other treats just to pacify him and avoid tantrums\n\n\nAllow him to set the rules\n\n\nDo not correct him when he is rude or aggressive towards others\n\n\nMake excuses for his misbehaviour and blame others instead\n\n\n\n\nOf course some parents think that their child can do no wrong and feel defensive if someone points out their flaws. But it is not healthy nor is it helpful if a child\u2019s parents constantly shield him from the real world and allow him to get his way all the time.\n\n\nA spoiled child has never had the chance to handle disappointment at an early age. Lessons that they should learn as toddlers, such as delaying gratification and acting within limits, are behaviours they will carry into adulthood.\n\n\nAre You a Durian Generation Parent?\n\n\nSo what exactly is the difference between raising a spoiled child and raising a brat from the Durian Generation?\n\n\nParents who act as their children\u2019s \u201cthorny husks\u201d are so protective of their children to the point of molly-coddling them, allowing them to get away with atrocious behaviour towards others, or deflecting responsibility for their poor choices.\n\n\n\n\nYour child needs to learn to admit his mistakes and face the consequences of his actions.\n\n\n\n\nOne example is the\u00a0\ncase\n of a 10-year-old boy who was admitted into the hospital when some dry ice he had purchased from a local ice-cream seller exploded in his hands after an experiment gone wrong.\n\n\nAlthough it was an unfortunate incident, some netizens disagreed with the statement of the boy\u2019s father when he said he was not angry with his son and his friends for their mischievous behaviour. Instead, he blamed the ice cream vendor for selling the dry ice to a child in the first place.\n\n\nSome may feel that the ice cream vendor was partly to blame. But is it right for the father of the boy not to see that his son also played a part in this accident? What will the child learn from this incident? That the reason he was injured was due to the fault of someone else and not his own poor judgement?\n\n\nParents of the Durian Generation are quick to defend their child and blame others for everything. Instead of allowing the child to accept responsibility for his own actions, they face the consequences themselves.\n\n\n\n\nParents might overcompensate for their absence so allow their kids to get away with bad behaviour.\n\n\n\n\nWhy Do Parents Spoil Their Kids?\n\n\nIn a recent poll\n3\n conducted among 250 parents, 95% of them regret spending too much time working during their children\u2019s early years.\n\n\nSo it is possible that some parents may feel the need to compensate for their absence by overindulging their child. When they do get to spend some time together, they allow him to get away with anything, so as to avoid \u201cruining\u201d what little time they have together.\n\n\nSome parents also might make the mistake of offering their child too much help.\n4\n They are quick to jump in to fix his problems instead of encouraging him to do things for himself as an authoritative parent might do. This spoils the child because he will rely on his parents for everything and be unable to do things on his own.\n\n\nThere are also parents who want to give their child everything they never had growing up. So they somehow end up replacing quality time, physical contact, and bonding activities with materialist things instead. Or they don\u2019t want their child to feel \u201cleft out\u201d\n5\n \u00a0if they don\u2019t have the latest toy or gadget that everyone else does.\n\n\nThen there are those who always brush off their child\u2019s misbehaviour with the excuse that, \u201cHe is just a child.\u201d That is fine for a two-year-old who is asserting his own independence, but not for a 10-year-old who should know better.\n\n\n\n\nParents need to set age-appropriate boundaries for their children.\n\n\n\n\nHow to Stop Spoiling Your Child\n\n\nIf parents don\u2019t set age-appropriate boundaries for their children \u2013 even as toddlers \u2013 they will never learn what their limits are.\n\n\nHere\u2019s what you can do as a parent to nip the problem in the bud:\n\n\n1. Set age-appropriate boundaries\n\n\nDepending on your child\u2019s age, there should be some rules established so that he will know when not to cross the line.\n\n\nFor toddlers, it is better to stick to three or four non-negotiable rules such as: no hitting, no biting other people, clean up your toys after you play, etc. It might be overwhelming if there are too many rules.\n\n\n2. Be consistent\n\n\nThere\u2019s no point setting rules if you are not consistently applying them. So if you\u2019ve told your child that there will be consequences to their behaviour, but you allow them to continue with what they are doing, they will never learn to take you seriously nor respect the boundaries. This is an important part of being an authoritative parent.\n\n\n3. Talk openly\n\n\nIf your child is old enough to understand, it\u2019s a good idea to sit them down and talk openly about their behaviour. If they did something you did not approve of, you should pull them aside and tell them immediately.\n\n\nIt also helps to let them know beforehand what is expected of them, for example if you are bringing them to the library, you should gently remind them to be quiet, not to run around or play catch, and not to tear out pages of the books there.\n\n\n4. Let them make mistakes and face disappointment\n\n\nIf parents are quick to swoop in and rescue their child from making any mistakes, then it may just set them up for failure\n6\n later on in life.\n\n\nYou might think that coddling your child is helping his self-esteem. But by shielding him from disappointments in life and over-praising him for every tiny achievement, you will reduce his desire to put in any effort. It also affects his ability to self-regulate because he won\u2019t be given the chance to challenge himself.\n\n\n\n\nRaise your child to be respectful to others and responsible for her own actions.\n\n\n\n\nThere is nothing wrong with coming to your child\u2019s defence or showering him with gifts. But you will actually be doing more harm than good if you hand him the world on a silver platter.\n\n\nThe effects of parenting styles on child development are many and far-reaching. You can make a difference in your child\u2019s behaviour. Let\u2019s turn the Durian Generation into sweet and respectful children on the inside, who are strong and tough enough on the outside to face challenges, and fend for themselves. They will realise that sometimes life just isn\u2019t fair, but that\u2019s ok.\n\n\nTo learn more about how to raise resilient children, visit \nwww.aptagro.com.my\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are views on this new Durian Generation of youngsters? Are parents really at fault for raising spoiled children? Leave your comments below!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n\n\n1\n \nwww.webmd.com/parenting/news/20070723/your-toddler-says-no-its-healthy\n\n\n2\u00a0\nwww.webmd.com/parenting/guide/spoiled-child\n\n\n3\u00a0\n\n\n4\n \nwww.empoweringparents.com/are-you-doing-too-much-for-your-child.php\n\n\n5\n \nwww.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2188742/How-modern-parents-childrens-demands-buy-latest-toys-gadgets.html\n\n\n6\n \nwww.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-brain-work/201203/has-coddling-entire-generation-children-set-them-fo\n\n\nALSO READ:\n\n\n10 mistakes you make that will turn your kid into a monstrous brat\n\n\nParenting styles Malaysian mums and dads can learn from\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/manscaping-tips-for-husband", "title": "Manscaping tips: How should your hubby groom 'down there'?", "body": "Truth is, men are not exactly keen on the idea of shaving and waxing their pube area, or any part of their body for that matter. For most men, getting rid of hair on the back, arms, legs, and chest is unusual and \u201cnot the norm.\u201d\n\n\nThe fact that Asian men are generally not too hairy all over may be the reason why it\u2019s not a common concern for both the men and the women they are with. \n\n\nShaving and waxing that thatch of hair from \ndown there\n is almost always unheard of \u2014 or unwanted. \nWhat for? \nthe men would ask. A\nnd \nwhy?\n\n\nWell, there are many benefits to this grooming habit. The \u201cmodern men\u201d have chosen the path to manscaping for simple, but practical and logical reasons: hygiene and sensuality, and the fact that your genitals can look more attractive and positively huge (by about half an inch, actually).\n\n\nWhat Are the Best Manscaping Tips for My Husband?\n\n\n\n\nNornelie Paniza, registered nurse and licensed laser technician in an international dental and skin care clinic, says men from the Middle East especially, are very particular when it comes to personal hygiene. \n\n\n\u201cThey grow very thick hair all over their body, and so they opt to go for laser hair removal to get rid of unwanted hair in areas of the body that gets too sweaty,\u201d Paniza explains. Summer could be the worst time, because it is thick hair in the pubic area that causes an unpleasant smell. And this is the case for men in any part of the world. \n\n\nShaving or waxing that thick, dense forest down south has become part of good male hygiene. Those who have money go for laser hair removal. \n\n\nThere is nothing \nemasculating\n with trimming and manscaping. Body builders and athletes have been doing this for decades now because it is a known scientific fact that hair follicles trap sweat, which contributes to foul odour, Paniza adds.\n\n\nWho wouldn\u2019t want a clean, shaven, hair-free, odour-free pubic area and a smooth scrotum?\n\n\nGetting Down to Business\n\n\nIt may sound like a hard sell when you try to convince your husband or partner to try it, but it is going to be worth your while. Once he says yes, the next step is ushering him into the clean, shaven world of manscaping. \n\n\nSo you need to know how to do it \u2014 and help him do it. It is sensitive terrain you are treading, so proceed with caution.\n\n\nYour Step-by-Step Guide: \n\n\nShaving\n\n\n1. Select the the best sharp razor.\n\n\nSome prefer an electric razor or body groomer that works best on \u201cthick bushes.\u201d Look for a multi-functional neck that can shave every nook and cranny, with ease. \n\n\nRemember: You are working on a very sensitive area.\n It is best not to go cheap here \u2014 quality is imperative. While you\u2019re at it, get a pair of sharp small scissors and mild shaving cream (Nivea, Colgate or Neutrogena are popular picks). The hypoallergenic kind is recommended for sensitive skin.\n\n\n2. Take a warm shower and wash the pubic area with soap and water before shaving. \u00a0\n\n\nWarm water will help open up your pores, thus helping you shave more easily. Showering makes the hair softer and easier to trim and shave. \n\n\n3. Snip and trim with the scissors if you are dealing with a first-timer, and the pubes are bushy and long.\n \n\n\nGet rid of as much hair as possible for easier and more effective shaving. \n\n\n\n\nCaution:\n\u00a0First, make sure you have steady hands when snipping. You don\u2019t want to hurt \nanyone\n with those blades; and secondly, use trimming scissors for the sole purpose of trimming your pubes, and \nnothing else\n. \n\n\nYou don\u2019t want bacteria to spread where it shouldn\u2019t. Some use a dedicated trimmer, which is for the more \u201cexperienced\u201d shaver. But trimmers are not used on the scrotum, as this area is extra-sensitive. Take another short shower just to wash off the extra hair from all the snipping.\n\n\n4. Dry off and slather a handful of shaving cream or shaving gel all around the genitals and scrotum.\n \n\n\nYour husband will need a hand mirror, for when he can do this by himself and without your help.\n\n\n5. Start shaving, stroking downwards from the head of the penis, then around it, ever so gently\n. \n\n\nGet rid of the hair in the groin and the rest of the genital region. Shave in the direction of hair growth, not against the grain. Look which way your hair is pointing toward and shave smooth, even strokes that same way.\n\n\n6. Now, there is an important decision to be made here.\n \n\n\nDo you shave all of it? Or just about half-an-inch? Whether you want to be totally or partially shaven, make sure it is what you truly want. This will be your guide on how \u201cfar and deep\u201d you should go, and when to stop.\n\n\n7. Now go under, stroking down into the hairline around the testicles.\n \n\n\nPay special attention to your testicles, carefully shaving them with a smooth upward motion. Don\u2019t forget to rinse and shake your razor after every stroke to remove the tiny bits of hair that cling to the blades. The scrotum and shaft are significantly prone to nicka and cuts because of the folds, so be extra careful.\n\n\n8. Get back in the shower and rinse and dry the area carefully.\n \n\n\n9. Medical experts advise using an antiseptic after shaving.\n \n\n\nSome use after-shave balms, post-shave elixir, and shave tonic (which can be used before and after shaving). Look in the market for one that suits you. Look for a disinfectant that is also soothing.\n\n\n10. Don\u2019t forget to moisturise the skin.\n \n\n\nSome men do not mind patting the area with baby powder for a more refreshing feeling. This also prevents itching, which is normal, especially for first-timers. Some apply aloe vera for calming sensitive skin. Avoid using strong- or -over-scented lotion or powder. \n\n\nJust massage the moisturiser in circular strokes around the shaved area.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nKesihatan\nBukan Sakit Perut Biasa, Kenapa Ramai Ibu Ayah Tidak Tahu Tentang Rotavirus?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nImported Maternal Milk: Where Is It From And Why That Matters\nAges & Stages\nIs Your Child\u2019s Growth Stunted? Here\u2019s What You Should Know\n\n\nThe first few shaves will be a tad uncomfortable, naturally. When hair starts growing back, it may become itchy and \u201couchy\u201d too, especially for the woman, during intercourse. \n\n\nOver-the-counter Cortisone cream does the trick, says Paniza. It soothes irritation effectively.\n\n\nWe hope these tips have helped enlighten you and your hubby about proper grooming habits! Would you like to add more tips to help other couples? Let us know in the comments below!\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \ntheAsianParent Philippines\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-loss-stillbirth", "title": "Stillbirth: Surviving the Emotional Aftermath", "body": "Shock, anger, sadness, grief and guilt are a few of the many \nemotions\n that can overwhelm you when faced with the devastating loss of a baby to stillbirth. If you are going through this now, or have had a stillborn baby in the past, our hearts are with you.\n\n\nWhile Singapore\u2019s \nstillbirth rate\n is comparatively low within worldwide trends, there is still much to learn about stillbirth, including the emotional toll it can take on a woman. The emotional aftermath of having a stillborn baby can often be misunderstood due to social factors such as cultural or religious beliefs, but in truth, it is nothing you can prepare for.\n\n\nA study conducted by the \nStillbirth Collaborative Research Network\n found that women who have suffered a perinatal loss were at higher risk of experiencing depressive symptoms.\n\n\nHowever, the road to emotional recovery is not impossible and it will take time. Here are ways you can cope with this difficult loss.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nLet yourself grieve\n\n\nGoing through a stillbirth is extremely personal. Pregnant women develop a strong emotional connection with their baby from the early stages of pregnancy, so it will undoubtedly affect you \u2013 the future you imagined has suddenly turned dark, while everything you had prepared in anticipation of his/her arrival is now the centre of these intense emotions.\n\n\nYou might find yourself frightened with the power of these feelings and it can be difficult for others to understand. Many will have their opinions on what you should be doing, but everyone deals with grief differently and you have every right to grieve your own way.\n\n\nDealing with guilt\n\n\nWas there anything you could have done? What went wrong? Questions will plague you and guilt will follow. It is natural to want to blame someone, or yourself. But, your stillborn baby is not anyone\u2019s fault \u2013 pregnancy complications, placental problems and many other factors beyond your control could have led to this.\n\n\nAlthough the feeling of guilt can linger, one way to cope with this is talking to your doctor to help you make sense of what happened. While there may not be definite answers, at least you have some closure that can help put certain thoughts to rest. In some cases, your doctor may perform several tests to evaluate your health and you can also decide if you want an autopsy done.\n\n\n\n\nExpress your feelings\n\n\nThe thought of going home to a nursery you had carefully built and planned is difficult. You may feel as though you lost your entire world and it is understandable if you do not want to see the crib, clothes or diapers you had prepared. So, do not be afraid of telling family members to take it away before you arrive home.\n\n\nYou do not have to go through this alone and at times, expressing your feelings, especially to your spouse may help. Emotions can overtake you but remember, your spouse is coping with the loss too. He may not grieve the same as you but he deserves the same patience you need.\n\n\nLend support to one another, listen and most importantly, respect each other\u2019s feelings. Nonetheless, expressing your feelings does not necessarily mean talking it out loud. You can express yourself through time alone and with activities such as daily journaling to let out your emotions or by reading a book.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHonour your stillborn baby\n\n\nGive yourself time. The emotional trauma can be unbearable and at times, you just want to forget it ever happened. However, the gravity of the experience is not one that can be easily forgotten nor will it make the pain disappear. Instead, focus on gaining closure and honouring your stillborn baby, not only as a loss, but as a person.\u00a0\n\n\nPlan a funeral, lay your baby to rest and say your goodbyes but never forget. Naming your baby is a good way to cope and can be the outlet you need to be able to speak about your loss when you are ready.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGet a support system\n\n\nIt\u2019s easy to push people away and choose to be alone. There are moments where you do not want to speak about it, be reminded or hear the slightest of words from anyone. But, keep in mind that your family also lost a chance to show your baby their love and they may be grieving as well.\n\n\nThe support of your loved ones is priceless and the love of a family can bring you up in ways you cannot comprehend in the moment. It does not mean you have to sit and talk about it out loud, but accept their helping hand. Let them help you with your household chores, cook your meals or show their love in the way they know how. It is okay to have help.\n\n\nNevertheless, seeking help in other ways is not something to be ashamed of. Joining a support group, online or offline, with women who have gone through the same experience of stillbirth can be helpful in expressing yourself to those who truly understand the pain. \n\n\nResearching or reading stories from other women who have coped with this immense loss can help guide you and make this journey less lonelier. You are never alone. They have felt what you feel and it may just be what you need. If your sadness is overwhelming than usual and your emotional state has led you to feel unsafe with your thoughts, you may want to consider seeking professional help.\n\n\nTake care of yourself\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget that the physical aspects of suffering a stillbirth can take a toll on your body \u2013 breastmilk may still be produced and your breasts may feel tender. While it can be mentally distressing, you will need to take care of yourself. It is also common to experience stomach cramps as your womb contracts to its normal size.\n\n\nWe know physical pain is incomparable to the negative swirl of emotions but keep in mind that your body also needs to recover. Taking care of your physical health can also help you cope better with your current mental state. Keep a close eye on your health, eat nutrition-rich foods, drink plenty of water and rest.\n\n\n\n\nThe future\n\n\nThe future might be a blurry state of mind now, but eventually you may want to try again. Do not let anyone pressure you into this situation, it is your body and the choice is yours. Grief may sneak up on you now and then but this is normal \u2013 you are only human. Only you will know when your physical and emotional state is ready for another journey.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nProduk bayi\nPerkara yang penting untuk penjagaan kulit si manja\nMoney Parenting\nMoney Lessons For Children That Will Last A Lifetime\nParenting\n5 VERY Important Tips when Choosing a Newborn Diaper\nHealth\nEverything You Need To Know About Immunisation For Your Child In Malaysia\n\n\nHowever, when you feel the time is right, speak to your doctor and have a discussion on how to go about another pregnancy. Just communicate your fears and be open-minded to advice \u2013 there is always hope.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/friso-milk-survey", "title": "This is What Malaysian Mums Expect From Maternal and Formulated Milk Powder for Children", "body": "With the advancement of technology, the new generation of parents are becoming increasingly cautious about their purchases and expect clarity, as well as accountability from brands they would like to buy.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIt was found that Malaysian parents echoed the same sentiments following a survey conducted by theAsianparent and Friso Gold. In a bid to identify the motivating factors for their purchases, mums revealed their concerns and expectations on sourcing the best formulated milk powder for children, as well as the right pregnancy milk formula.\u00a0\n\n\nHere is what they had to say.\n\n\nPackaging information\n\n\n\n\nThe desire for increased transparency was driven by worrying issues, including previous product recalls and safety breaches, that shed light on health concerns in relation to food products.\n\n\nMothers now feel that packaging information is insufficient and are looking for declarations on quality check processes as a form of reassurance that the product is truly safe for them, as well as their child.\n\n\nThese include transparency on how quality checks are conducted during food production, as well as during food sourcing and the types of quality control implementations.\n\n\n\u00a0\nMums want more information\n\n\n\n\nMums share various concerns when it comes to finalising their buying decisions \u2013 they now want to track the information to have proper insight on types of quality control, product authenticity and quality check process before they make up their minds.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are two factors that they take into account when it comes to quality checks \u2013 the food source and how it is processed during production. Every country has its own complex regulations when it comes to quality management as the risks of improper checks can have severe implications on mums and children.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy they want to trace information\n\n\n\n\nMajority of the participants emphasised that transparency and the ability to trace such crucial information are factors that provide them with the confidence they need in a brand \u2013 91 percent of mums stated they want their qualms comforted by knowing the product has undergone the relevant checks and is safe for consumption.\n\n\nFollowing that, they want to be able to track information to ensure the product on hand is genuine with quality assurance.\n\n\nHow they trust a product\n\n\n\n\nToday, brand transparency matters more than ever \u2013 customers want to know everything about the products they buy and about the companies who produce the items too. This is especially crucial for mothers in particular when it comes to choosing a brand to supplement their womb and children.\n\n\nFor mums, trust is won through good quality products of brands that are able to be forthcoming about their processes. Brands that can show their formulation is made from reliable food sources and have adhered to proper quality controls offer mothers the assurance they yearn for.\u00a0\n\n\nWith that being said, choose your brand wisely. The next time you consider a brand, opt for one that allows you to trace the product journey from farm-to-trolley, so that you can walk away from the store with a peace of mind.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/preschool-covid-malaysia", "title": "Covid-19 Consequences: How Preschools Are Hit by a Pandemic", "body": "Coronavirus\u00a0\nisn\u2019t just making people sick. It is disrupting industries and personal lives. The field of early childhood education\u2014a symbol of joy, safety, and growth\u2014is not exempt from this.\n\n\nThis article attempts to shine some light on the realities faced by Malaysian preschools as a result of the outbreak, with input from local early childhood institutions.\n\n\nA Sudden Online Shift\n\n\n\n\nThe Movement Control Order (MCO) hit us all like a ton of bricks. Its announcement from the government came two days before it was implemented. Preschools had to react quickly and decide how (and if) learning would continue, since kids weren\u2019t able to go to physical classes.\n\n\nThe decision for most was to switch to online learning.\n\n\nTeachers are now planning for and carrying out virtual classes, via platforms like Zoom. This allows a medium for preschools to continue with instruction while maintaining positive rapport between teacher and students.\n\n\nThis, however, isn\u2019t too straightforward. Curriculums for preschools include lots of hands on learning and face-to-face interaction. This means that parental involvement is often needed for lessons.\n\n\nLittle Acorns At Play\n, Kota Damansara, is one of many preschools sending learning materials\u2014accompanied by teaching instructions\u2014to parents. To keep tabs on student progress, parents would send teachers videos or pictures of their kids carrying out activities.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe encourage a lot of bonding sessions and family time hence our materials are not taxing. We try to make it interesting both ways (teaching and learning)\u201d\n\n\n\n\nMs. Kalvinder, Founder of\u00a0\nLittle Acorns at Play\n\n\n\n\nPreschools understand that parents stuck at home with their kids might find it challenging to take on the role of teacher, while juggling with their own jobs. This is why many preschools are also sharing online learning resources such as YouTube video links and independent activity ideas to help ease parents\u2019 burdens.\n\n\nBusiness Takes a Beating\n\n\n\n\nPreschools are a business. And just like most other businesses, the pandemic has bruised it. Since kids aren\u2019t allowed to go to school, parents are requesting for a reduction in monthly fees.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cBig Apple Kindergarten\n, for example, is reducing the April fee for parents.\u201d\n\n\nMr. Kingsley Ting, CEO of\u00a0\nBig Apple Kindergarten\n\n\n\u201cIt is a heavy burden for principals to sustain business because rentals and expenses still have to be paid. Some parents are not actually willing to support online teaching, even though a discount has been given during this MCO. The premise rentals for some schools can be very high and fees are hefty for schools that have large, well-equipped environments.\u201d\n\n\nMs. Heng, Founder of\u00a0\nH\u2019Apples Kindergarten\n\n\n\n\nInfant and daycare centres are especially suffering because they are i) unable to provide online teaching (as babies are too young), and ii) can\u2019t carry out daycare services.\n\n\nParents are asking for refunds, and these centres have to submit, despite the financial blow.\u00a0\n\n\nTeacher salary is another big expense that schools have to maintain.\u00a0\n\n\nMs. Mei Ling, the principal and founder of\u00a0\nRise N Shine Childcare Centre\n, shares,\u00a0\u201cWe try to keep the teachers\u2019 pay the same, as we are well aware that most of our teachers are either a mother or single lady staying away from home. Cutting their pay would just worsen their burden,\u201d she says.\n\n\nPreschools during this MCO are finding that parents do not fully understand their struggles, while parents do not understand why they have to pay for full fees when their kids aren\u2019t going to school.\n\n\nMany during this MCO are also losing jobs or receiving pay cuts, and surely there are parents who have been afflicted.\n\n\nPerhaps the best solution is to seek for better understanding of all parties, and to work together in coming up with a viable agreement. Parents and principals are encouraged to talk openly to one another and find a way forward.\n\n\nAfter all, this ultimately benefits the children and their education.\n\n\nTo aid Malaysians during the MCO, the government recently announced salary subsidies for SMEs under Pakej PRIHATIN PKS Tambahan. The allocation applies to local staff who are earning below Rm4,000. This might alleviate the financial strain for some preschools.\n\n\nAs for Islamic kindergartens in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan, a three-month fee waiver will be granted to parents, as decided by The Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP). Lasting from April until June, this exemption will amount to a financial impact of almost RM1milion.\n\n\nPreschools are hoping for more assistance during this time from the government. Ms. Kalvinder suggests, \u201cPerhaps there could be a way for them to subsidize education for the private sectors as well, so it\u2019s not a burden to both parents and operators.\u201d\n\n\nKeeping Kids Safe\n\n\n\n\nThe MCO is carried out to keep as many citizens safe and healthy as possible. But once the order is lifted, parents may still be concerned sending their children back to school. Preschools are therefore planning to put in additional safety measures once authorities give the green light.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe will still be doing their usual sanitizing and screening each morning, but will limit parents from coming into the school compound. Parents that have been travelling will not be allowed to send their kids to school.\u201d\n\n\nMs. Mei Ling, Founder of\u00a0\nRise N Shine Childcare Centre\n\n\n\n\nDoing What\u2019s Possible\n\n\nNo one knows for sure when schools will reopen. In case of extended school closures, preschools are trying their best to continue with online learning. Once kids are allowed to attend school, replacement classes may be offered by some establishments.\n\n\nFor parents worried about the progress of their kids, Ms. Kalvinder offers her two cents: \u201cIn my opinion, not all learning is done in the classroom. I believe reading, writing and spelling are not all that is needed for one to prosper. With an excellent IQ one needs EQ as well. Hence this is the time for parents to expand this part, as the first step begins from home. \u201c\n\n\nShe suggests that parents use this period to let kids\u00a0\nexplore their interests\n. It could be gardening, cooking, painting, or just engaging in open play. This helps children to freely express their creativity, while allowing them comfort and confidence building.\n\n\nIn times like these, we can all just do our parts and try to adjust to \u2018the new normal,\u2019 as Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin says.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nCOVID-19\nCOVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important\nEducation\nThrough The Lens of Star Students\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/resilience-nutrition", "title": "Raising a Resilient Child: 5 Ways Nutrition Contributes to a Resilient Mind and Body", "body": "Being resilient is the ability to bounce back from difficulties such as stress, trauma, anxiety and failure. This ensures our children grow up with the desire to explore and experience the world because they are confident in their ability to cope with life\u2019s ups and downs. This ability to accept failure as well as success, happiness and disappointment, will allow our children to make the most of future opportunities. It is not something we\u2019re born with, but a characteristic that children can learn to nurture, build and develop.\u00a0\n\n\nThe first step towards \nbuilding resilience\n is to develop a strong body. This comes from proper nutrition, along with\n\u00a0other nutrients and functional ingredients such as\u00a0\npre\nbiotics\u00a0\nand probiotics to enhance immunity. This establishes a solid foundation upon which physical and mental resilience can be built.\n\u00a0\n\n\nTo complement our research on this topic, we spoke to Ms. Michelle Low, Consultant Dietitian at Pantai Hospital about the relation between nutrition and a healthy immune system.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to Ms. Michelle Low, good nutrition is vital in strengthening your child\u2019s immune system. The immune system is complex and requires adequate nutrition to shield the body from infectious illnesses and other health problems.\u00a0\n\n\nHow Probiotics and Prebiotics Can Benefit Children\n\n\nProbiotics\n1\n\n\n\n\nProbiotics are living microorganisms, or \u201clive bacteria\u201d that are good for the digestive system.\u00a0\n\n\nThey help with digestion by reducing symptoms of certain digestive disorders, boost immune system functions and even improve some mental health conditions.\n\n\nThey can be found as supplements or naturally in some foods, like yogurt and tempeh.\u00a0\n\n\nConsuming probiotics helps your child\u2019s body to produce more good bacteria so they can prevent the bad ones from colonising the gut!\n\n\n\n\nPrebiotics\n2\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPrebiotics is a dietary fibre that cannot be digested by the human body. It only serves as the food for the good bacteria in the gut.\u00a0\n\n\nPrebiotics are also found in foods like bananas, onions, garlic, asparagus and whole wheat as well as in fibre supplements.\u00a0\n\n\nFood manufacturers have started adding prebiotics into various food products such as ice cream, baby formula, cereals and yogurt under the name \u201cchicory root extract\u201d, \u201cinulin\u201d or \u201cprebiotic fibre\u201d.\n3 \n\u00a0\n\n\nA recent study also shows that prebiotics help the body to absorb calcium, which is an essential nutrient to build strong bones in growing children.\n4\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBesides the powerful combination of prebiotics and probiotics, your child can also strengthen his or her immune system by consuming a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVitamin A\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSti\nmulates skin growth and repairs damaged skin cells. Also contributes to eye health, plus the formation and maintenance of teeth, bones, soft tissue, white blood cells and the immune system\n.\n5\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVitamin C\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProtects against immune system deficiencies by stimulating the production and activity of antibodies.\n6\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVitamin E\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA powerful antioxidant that neutralises free radicals and helps to boost the immune system.\n7\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIron\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAssists our red blood cells to transport oxygen to the whole body. It also contributes to the production of energy for our body.\n8\n\n\nWhile your child can certainly benefit from all these vitamins and minerals, there is yet another fun and easy way for children to naturally boost their immunity. We have the dirt on this, literally.\u00a0\n\n\nGet Messy, Get Dirty, Get Healthy!\n\n\nAre you guilty of over-sterilising the environment your child is living in? If you are, perhaps it\u2019s time to take a step back and just let your child explore the outdoors \u2013 dirt, germs and all.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Professor Gilbert, a germ expert and the director of the Microbiome Centre at the University of Chicago, outdoor microbes are actually helpful in establishing a solid immune system in young people\n9\n. He advised parents to let their young children explore the great outdoors because exposure to germs will naturally strengthen the child\u2019s immune system hence making them stronger. In fact, an environment that is too clean and sterile can cause children to develop a hyper-sensitised immune system that makes them more susceptible to allergies and asthma.\u00a0\n\n\nHealth benefits aside, letting your child experience the world in a free, self-directed and active environment also teaches them about resilience as they grow.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, you should always be aware of the environmental factors that may affect your children as they experience the world. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the air could still weaken your child\u2019s immune system. This is why a nutritious diet is vital for growing children. It strengthens your child\u2019s immune system to ensure it is capable of fighting against various infections, thus allowing them to freely experience the world.\u00a0\n\n\nTo find out more about this, we talked to two amazing mums about their children\u2019s daily diet and what they do to boost their children\u2019s immunity.\u00a0\n\n\nMrs. Nur Aida, Mum of 2 children\n\n\nMrs. Nur Aida swears by the 5-A-Day concept to boost her children\u2019s immune system. If you\u2019re not familiar with 5-A-Day, it is a campaign by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that recommends the intake of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables (combined) a day. She also keeps her children active and healthy by allocating ample outdoor play time.\n\n\nMrs. Pamela Jansen, Mum of 3 children\n\n\nMrs. Pamela Jansen believes in the benefits of prebiotics and probiotics alongside daily servings of healthy meals to build her children\u2019s immune system and protect them from illnesses.\n\n\nIncorporating a healthy diet for children can be tricky as healthy foods generally tend to be bland and unattractive. But fret not! We\u2019ve compiled a few healthy kid-friendly meal ideas for you.\u00a0\n\n\nDelicious Pre- and Probiotic Food And Meal Ideas For Children\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlmonds\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBenefits:\u00a0\n\n\nRecent studies have shown that almonds are able to increase levels of good bacteria in the gut thanks to their high fibre content. It\u2019s also worth pointing out that almonds are highly fair in fat, so aim to eat them in moderation.\u00a0\n\n\nMeal Ideas:\n\n\nMaple Almond Breakfast Smoothie\n\n\nGet the recipe here: \nhttps://www.superhealthykids.com/recipes/quick-breakfast-smoothie-maple-almond-crush/\n\n\nCinnamon Almonds\n\n\nGet the recipe here: \nhttps://www.superhealthykids.com/recipes/going-nuts-over-nuts/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLow-Sugar or Sugar-free Yogurt\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBenefits:\n\n\nYogurts are loaded with probiotics that stimulate the immune system.\u00a0\n\n\nMeal Ideas:\n\n\nAdd natural vanilla extract or a drizzle of honey into plain yogurt for extra yumminess.\n\n\nHealthy Instant Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt\n\n\nGet the recipe here: \nhttps://www.superhealthykids.com/recipes/healthy-instant-strawberry-banana-frozen-yogurt/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBlueberries\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBenefits:\n\n\nBlueberries contribute two kinds of probiotics, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Both have the ability to counter gut inflammation by enhancing the gut microbial profile.\n\n\nMeal Ideas:\n\n\nTriple Berry Baked Oatmeal\n\n\nGet the recipe here: \nhttps://happyhealthymama.com/triple-berry-baked-oatmeal.html\n\n\nBlueberry Graham Pancakes\n\n\nGet the recipe here: \nhttps://www.superhealthykids.com/recipes/blueberry-pancakes-graham/\n\n\nLooks yummy, right? We can\u2019t wait to try these out ourselves!\n\n\nResilient Children Equals A Successful Adult!\n\n\nEvery child deserves a successful life. As children grow, it is our main role as parents to provide them with the support they need to stay healthy, resilient and successful all the way into adulthood.\n\n\nSo let\u2019s begin at the basics. Teach your child about living a healthy and well-balanced life through good nutrition, an active lifestyle and a positive mindset. Start providing your child with nutritious foods at an early age, especially foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics, because with a healthy body, your child is prepared to step out into the world, resilient to the challenges of growing up.\u00a0\n\n\nWith 40 years of pioneering research,\u00a0\nAptaGro\n\u2122\n\u00a0\nfrom the No.1 company* in formula milk for children in Europe**\n\u00a0is formulated with a combination of\u00a0\nprebiotics & probiotic\n\u00a0and additional important nutrients that support their bodies and learning development. This way they can build their resilience by experiencing the world.\u00a0\n\u00a0\nReferences\n\n\n1 \nBrown, Mary J. (2016, August 23). 8 Health Benefits Of Probiotics. Retrieved from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/8-health-benefits-of-probiotics\n\n\n2\n Westphalen, D. (2018, October 29). What Is The Difference Between Prebiotics And Probiotics?. Retrieved from \nwww.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323490.php\n\n\n3 \nFreuman, Tamara D. (2015, May 5). What Is Inulin (Chicory Root Fibre)?. Retrieved from \nhealth.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/2015/05/05/what-is-inulin-chicory-root-fiber\n\n\n4 \nMcCabe, L., Britton, Robert, A., & Narayanan Parameswaran. (2016, December 1). Prebiotic And Probiotic Regulation Of Bone Health: Role Of The Intestine And Its Microbiome. Retrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4623939/\n\n\n5 \nBradford, A. (2015, August 25). Vitamin A: Sources And Benefits. Retrieved from \nwww.livescience.com/51975-vitamin-a.html\n\n\n6 \nCarr, AC., & Maggini, S. (2017, November 3). Vitamin C And Immune Function. Retrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29099763\n\n\n7 \nZurich, Peter R. (2015, April 9). Can Vitamin E Rescue Your Immune Cells?. Retrieved from \nwww.futurity.org/vitamin-e-immune-cells-894482/\n\n\n8 \nNairz, M., Haschka, D., Demetz, E., & Weiss, G. (2014, July 16). Iron At The Interface Of Immunity And Infection. Retrieved from \nwww.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2014.00152/full\n\n\n9\n Timmins, B. (2017, July 17). Scientist Reveals Why Its Important To Let Your Kids Be Exposed To Germs. Retrieved from \nwww.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/why-its-important-to-expose-kids-to-germs-scientist-explains-jack-gilbert-children-babies-immune-a7845031.html\n\n\n*Danone Dumex is part of Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition\u00a0\n\n\n**Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition calculation based in part on information reported by Nielsen through its Scan Track, MarketTrack and Retail Index Services for the Children nutrition milk formula for children aged between 12 and 36 months segment (client defined) in the Children nutrition milk formula category (client defined) for the 52-week period December 2017, for the total grocery channel in Belgium, Czech, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Switzerland. (Copyright \u00a9 2017 The Nielsen Company.)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cough-remedy", "title": "A Natural And Effective Cough Remedy - Steamed Orange With Salt", "body": "Like most of you, we find ourselves at home and want to make sure the health of ourselves and our family is not compromised during these times. As many of you know, we\u2019ve been proponents of natural herbs, ingredients and DIYs for a long time now, and today is no different.\u00a0\n\n\nWe\u2019d like to take our love for simple powerful ingredients and DIY \u2013 to the next level! At this level, we turn what\u2019s available in our homes that\u2019s natural and safe into remedies, concoctions and tonics that really help you with common ailments like the cough, flu, constipation, as well as help to boost immunity. Because although antibiotics could be used as a fast cure option, there\u2019s more damage than good done in the long term.\u00a0\n\n\nToday, we\u2019ll be sharing with you PurelyB\u2019s Co-Founder Stephanie\u2019s very own cough remedy \u2013 Steamed Orange With Salt. It\u2019s proven to work like a charm\u00a0 \u2013 putting her and her family to sleep through the night, where they wake up feeling less congested (the citrus worked like an expectorant), their throats eased up and within 2-3 days they were back to good shape. The best thing is arguably the taste \u2013 for both parents and the kids.\u00a0\n\n\nSo what are some common ailments & health related concerns you have now? Is it immunity? Or an eternally running cold? Instead of quick-fixing them, how about looking at the natural route to see if there is a safe alternative for you \u2013 that\u2019s currently sitting in your kitchen. Now that we\u2019re all home anyway, let\u2019s give it a try with this Steamed Orange\n\n\n\n\nRecipe: Steamed Orange With Salt\n\n\nIngredients:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1 orange per person\n\n\nHimalayan salt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSoak the orange in salt water for 20 minutes.\n\n\nSlice the top of the orange (about 2 cm from the top) to resemble a cap or cover.\n\n\nPoke a fork through to make multiple holes in the top of the orange.\n\n\nSprinkle about \u00bd to 1 teaspoon of salt over and allow it to dissolve and seep into the orange.\n\n\nCover the orange with its top. Put the orange into an empty bowl.\n\n\nPlace it in a steamer for 15 to 20 minutes.\n\n\nServe warm \u2013 peel the orange (the skin will come off easily), eat the flesh and drink the juice that collects in the bowl.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWho would have known that a juicy vitamin-C filled orange could actually turn into something that helps with cough right? We have a ton other remedies that you can whip up straight from the comforts of your kitchen and home. So if you\u2019d like to find out more remedies you can easily whip up \u2013 for immunity,\u00a0 fevers, the flu, constipation, etc. check out\u00a0\nNatural Home Pharmacy\n\u00a0\u2013 it\u2019s an online program created by leading Naturopath Amanda Teh that\u2019s got 30 simple videos that shares 30 remedies for you to put together \u2013 to transform your health in a safe and natural way.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/covid-19-fatigue", "title": "COVID-19 Fatigue Is A Real Issue, Here Are Things You Need to Know on Your Journey to Recovery", "body": "COVID-19 has infected almost half a billion people worldwide with just over 6 million deaths.\u00a0 Fortunately, most COVID-19 patients survive especially following complete vaccination. However, some may suffer from what is known as long COVID or post-acute sequelae of SARS-COV2 infection (PASC) whereby fatigue is a predominant symptom affecting as many as 87%.\n\n\nCOVID fatigue may also refer to a person\u2019s emotional reaction to the ongoing pandemic.\u00a0 This could range from anger, exhaustion, frustration, and, feeling fed-up.\u00a0 This is due to the pervasive nature of the pandemic on our daily activities, be it restrictions or changes to our lifestyle.\u00a0 However, in this article, we will be reviewing COVID fatigue as part of the long COVID syndrome.\n\n\nHow long does it take to recover from COVID-19 and what is long COVID-19?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nRecovery from COVID-19 illness depends on multiple factors such as age, presence of existing medical conditions including diabetes and heart disease, the severity of COVID-19 illness especially those requiring hospitalization or intensive care, and complications of COVID-19.\n\n\nThose with mild diseases usually recover in 2 weeks but those with severe illnesses may take months.\u00a0 Symptoms persisting beyond 2 months are called long COVID.\n\n\nLong COVID may follow asymptomatic, mild or severe illness.\u00a0 It covers a broad range of symptoms from physical to neuropsychological.\u00a0 Some common physical symptoms include cough, breathlessness, chest pain, fatigue, body and joint aches and pains, loss of smell and taste, and difficulty sleeping.\u00a0 Cognitive and psychological symptoms include poor memory and concentration, also known as brain fog, as well as anxiety and depression.\n\n\nThe symptoms of long COVID are debilitating.\u00a0 They affect a person\u2019s functional ability, not just going to back to school or work but also simple tasks such as self-care.\n\n\nWhat is COVID-19 fatigue and what are the symptoms?\n\n\nCOVID-19 fatigue is characterised by extreme tiredness, weakness and exhaustion which are not relieved by rest or sleep. Fatigue following viral illnesses has been well described even before COVID-19 such as in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nCOVID-19 fatigue symptoms are divided into two \u2013 physical and neuropsychological.\u00a0 Physical symptoms include feeling sleepy and tired, exhaustion after simple activities, performing simple tasks poorly or difficulty in multi-tasking, and, performing tasks automatically without thinking.\u00a0 Neuropsychological symptoms include poor memory and concentration, feeling irritable and frustrated, and, being less communicative.\n\n\nHow do I manage COVID-19 fatigue?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nFollowing COVID-19 infection, adequate rest and good sleep hygiene are important to combat fatigue.\u00a0 Strategies to manage fatigue formulated by occupational therapists to manage other chronic illnesses have been adopted in COVID-19 fatigue management.\u00a0 They are called the 3-Ps \u2013 pace, plan, and priorities.\n\n\nPace means to break down an activity into smaller tasks with breaks in between to recharge.\u00a0 The idea is to avoid exhaustion which will take longer to recover. The plan is to spread different activities throughout the day or week, plus the option to obtain help from family or friends where possible.\u00a0 And finally, to prioritise \u2013 what needs to be done today, and what can be postponed.\n\n\nRelaxation techniques such as mindful meditation and yoga have also been adopted to manage COVID-19 fatigue but their efficacy is unknown.\n\n\nWhen should I see a doctor for COVID-19 fatigue?\n\n\nA doctor\u2019s assessment is warranted when despite the above strategies, the symptoms persist, or are progressively worsening, and affecting the quality of life.\u00a0 A formal evaluation is important because serious complications of COVID-19 can manifest as fatigue.\n\n\nYour doctor will begin with a series of questions regarding symptoms and functional status, and physical examination followed by relevant investigations such as chest imaging, lung function testing, and ECG.\u00a0 They would also assess for other factors that can worsen fatigue such as medications, deconditioning, muscle weakness, pain, sleep disturbance, mood disorders, endocrine disease, and cardiopulmonary disease.\n\n\nHow is COVID-19 fatigue managed?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nThe principle of COVID-19 fatigue management is to gradually build up a tolerance and eventually resume activities as tolerated.\u00a0 These activities include self-care such as bathing, dressing, walking, stair-climbing, housekeeping, and finally returning to school or work.\u00a0 Your doctor will formulate an individual plan, or you may work with physiotherapy and occupational therapy to achieve these goals.\n\n\nA person may start at a different level depending on the severity of their fatigue and escalate as tolerated.\u00a0 Therapy normally begins with breathing exercises, gentle stretching, and light muscle strengthening before aerobic activities.\n\n\nIf a person is unable to progress, they may be enrolled on a formal rehabilitation program. Those with specific cardiac or pulmonary complications of COVID-19 will benefit from formal cardiac or pulmonary rehabilitation.\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nCOVID-19 is a new illness, and we are learning more and more each day regarding its recovery process including long COVID.\u00a0 So far, research has shown that long COVID tends to be less severe in vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals. \n\n\nAs with any illness, prevention of COVID-19 infection and therefore long COVID is important.\u00a0 Strategies such as masking, social distancing and practising hand hygiene remain paramount even with widespread vaccination.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThis article is written by \nDr Liza Ahmad Fisal, \nInternal Medicine at Pantai Hospital Cheras (PHC).\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\u00a0website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0Home Remedies for Flu: 5 Foods That Will Boost Your Child\u2019s Immunity\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nThe Importance Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy & Why You SHOULD Take It\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nUnderstanding Down Syndrome: What Causes It and Can We Check During Pregnancy?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/food-nutrition-child", "title": "How Nutrition Can Fuel Optimal Growth in Children", "body": "Parents should consistently track their children\u2019s growth \u2014 and with good reason. This development can be an important indicator of how their overall health is shaping up. But children\u2019s growth isn\u2019t always steady. There will likely be periods of rapid growth and times when growth slows or even plateaus.\n\n\nSo, whether you\u2019re tracking your child\u2019s height on a wall or carefully jotting down measurements in a journal, how can you tell if their growth is on track, especially with regard to slow or stunted growth?\n\n\nAccording to Dr Nina Mazera Mohd Said, Medical Director of Abbott Nutrition Malaysia, there are several key indicators of healthy growth in children. And the best way to make sure your child is hitting those is by providing good nutrition.\n\n\nWhat Constitutes Healthy Growth? \n\n\nWhen a child is slow to grow or is experiencing a growth plateau, it\u2019s easy to get discouraged by the numbers. However, when your pediatrician sizes up your child\u2019s height and weight, they are looking for a consistent trend \u2014 not a magic number. For instance, if your child has always been in the 25th percentile on the growth chart, there\u2019s no cause for concern as long as they stay on that curve. However, a sudden drop to the 10th percentile could be a red flag. Consistent increases in height and weight are some of the most important indicators of healthy growth.\n\n\n\n\nWhen a child is behind in growth early on, changes in weight are often the first clue. Chronic undernutrition can affect a child\u2019s height and lead to stunted growth.\u00a0\n\n\n How Can Nutrition Affect Children\u2019s Growth and Development?\n\n\nSlowed growth can have far-reaching effects, such as impacting a child\u2019s activity levels, performance in school, and may even increase their risk for chronic diseases later in life\n1\n. If you\u2019re worried your child\u2019s growth may be falling behind, schedule a visit with your pediatrician to get an expert opinion.\n\n\nNutrition is a primary factor that can affect growth and development, especially in the first five years of a child\u2019s life. By the age of 5, children will achieve 60% of their adult height\n2\n. With nutrition contributing 80% of a child\u2019s height potential, starting children early on a nutritious diet with a sufficient amount of calories is crucial to set them up for optimal growth\n3\n. The remaining 20% of a child\u2019s height potential is determined by genetics\n3\n.\n\n\nAre Some Nutrients More Beneficial in a Growing Child\u2019s Diet?\n\n\nAccording to a WHO study, children from different ethnic backgrounds grow at very similar rates when they receive sufficient nutrition and a supportive environment\n4\n. Good nutrition can go a long way in supporting your child\u2019s growth, but knowing where to start can be tough.\n\n\n\n\nParents can begin by taking a closer look at how their child is eating, especially if they suspect they\u2019re lagging in growth. Have there been changes in their diet? If your child is eating poorly because they are picky eaters or have limited appetites, it is quite likely that they aren\u2019t getting all the nutrition they need. Adding a complete and balanced oral nutrition supplement like PediaSure\u00ae can be key to overcome this.\n\n\nWhen choosing a nutrition supplement, look for one that provides quality calories as well as nutrients that are proven to support growth, such as:\n\n\n\u2022\n High quality protein that includes arginine to support longer bone growth\n5\n. Turn to meats, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt and beans.\n\n\n\u2022\n Calcium and vitamins D and K2 to help build strong bones\n6\n. Find calcium in dairy foods, vitamin D in fish, egg yolks and orange juice and vitamin K2 in fermented foods, cheese and eggs.\n\n\nFor busy parents, putting nutritious meals on the table isn\u2019t always easy. But Dr Nina emphasises that nutrition remains a key factor in supporting a child\u2019s optimal growth and learning potential and should not be neglected.\n\n\n\u201cIt is crucial that parents recognise the importance of providing the right nutrition to help their children achieve their maximum growth potential,\u201d she explains. \u201cEnsure their diets are filled with nutrient-dense foods and consider adding in an oral nutrition supplement, if needed.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIf you find that your child is ravenous by lunchtime, snacks can be a great way to ensure they\u2019re getting all the nutrients they need. There are many tasty and nutritious snacks you can add to your child\u2019s diet, but be sure to consult your child\u2019s doctor or dietitian at your nearest IMFeD clinic before making significant changes to their diet. They can help you pinpoint the exact areas of nutrition where your child may be falling short, so you can help set them on the right track to optimal growth and development.\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1\nWorld Health Organization. Stunted growth and development. Available from \nwww.who.int/nutrition/childhood_stunting_framework_leaflet_en.pdf?ua=1\n. Last accessed November 21, 2019. \n\n\n2\nWorld Health Organization. Growth Standards. Available from \nwww.who.int/childgrowth/standards/Technical_report.pdf?ua=1\n. Last accessed November 21, 2019. \n\n\n3\nJelenkovic A et al. Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts. Sci. Rep. 6, 28496; doi : 10.1038/srep28496. \n\n\n4\nWHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group 2006. Assessment of differences in linear growth among populations. \u00a0\n\n\n5\nVan Vught AJ et al. Dietary arginine and linear growth: The Copenhagen school child intervention study. Br J Nutr (2013), 109, 1031-1039. \n\n\n6\nVan Summeren MJ et al. Vitamin K status is associated with childhood bone mineral content. Br J Nutr (2008), 100, 852-858.\n\n\nThis article was written by Abbott Nutrition Malaysia\n\u00a0and has been published with permission\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vaccinated-adults-vs-unvaccinated-children", "title": "Vaccinated Adults vs. Unvaccinated Children: What Parents Should Know", "body": "COVID-19 infections in Malaysia\n are at the highest daily average reported since the pandemic began. The current numbers showed that children and babies are increasingly vulnerable to the virus, contrary to what earlier studies suggested. Over 40k children and babies in Malaysia are infected with COVID-19 to date\u00a0\n(1)\n.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nAs more and more doses of vaccines are being administered to Malaysian adults and older teens by the day, this leaves \nchildren, who do not yet qualify for a vaccine, susceptible to infection\n. Here is what parents may want to know so that children can be protected from the virus before vaccines become available to them.\n\n\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nWhen will COVID-19 vaccines be available to children under 12?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Dermatology Physician Group\n\n\n\n\nCurrently, biopharmaceutical companies are undertaking clinical trials to test the \nsafety and efficacy of coronavirus vaccines\n for children under 12. The results are expected to be available in September or October this year (including approximately 1 month for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to give it the green light).\n\n\nIt will then depend on the Malaysian government to announce when and what vaccines will be available to children. \u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, remember to make sure that children\u2019s other routine vaccinations such as measles and influenza are continuing as normal.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nShould children get vaccinated (when they are eligible to)?\n\n\nYes.\n Children who are infected can transmit the virus to others.\n Parents should consider the COVID-19 vaccine for their children to protect against potential harm to the child and others, including family and friends.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nWould side effects be the same in children getting vaccines?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: The Conversation\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Pfizer, yes. Similar side effects like pain on the arm, tiredness, achy muscles, headache and fever are possible in children. However, they are usually temporary and should clear up within 48 hours.\n\n\n4.\u00a0\nWith adults being vaccinated, do children (who are not vaccinated) still need to wear face masks?\n\n\n\n\nYes. Health experts advise children to continue \nwearing face masks\n when out in public and at schools even as more adults are getting vaccinated. But it is not recommended for children younger than 2 years to wear masks. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nCan vaccinated family friends or grandparents interact with unvaccinated children?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: The Conversation\n\n\n\n\nThe U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that unvaccinated \nchildren should still wear face masks\n in most settings, especially when indoors around people who do not live in the same household.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nWhat are safe activities for unvaccinated children? \u00a0\n\n\nRight now, everyone should stay at home as much as possible. But unvaccinated children can enjoy \noutdoor activities that allow plenty of space between them and others\n. Spending time cycling in the neighbourhood or walking in a park pose a lower risk of spreading the virus than public indoor activities do.\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n1. Ismail Sabri: 48,261 children infected with COVID-19 in Malaysia so far.\n\n\nhttps://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2021/05/693098/ismail-sabri-48261-children-infected-covid-19-malaysia-so-far\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nWhy It Is Important to Wear Your Mask, Even After You Have Been Vaccinated?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/gynaecologist-kl-klang-selangor", "title": "Best Gynaecologist (Male/Female Ob/Gyn Doctors) in Klang Valley and Kuala Lumpur Area", "body": "Just discovered you\u2019re pregnant via a home pregnancy test and wondering which gynaecologist to go to?\u00a0\n\n\nWe provide some information on when you should start seeing a gynae and where you can go if you\u2019re expecting a baby.\n\n\nWhat is a gynaecologist?\u00a0\n\n\nA gynaecologist specializes in female reproductive health, treating issues that are related to the female reproductive tract and organs. This includes the breast, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.\u00a0\n\n\nGynaecologists provide sexual and reproductive health servies by diagnosing and treating issues such as infertility, endometriosis, ovarian cycst, as well as reproductive cancers.\u00a0\n\n\nSome gynaes are also obstetricians, providing prenatal and postnatal care for pregnancy. They are sometimes referred to as Ob/Gyns.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen to visit a gynaecologist during pregnancy?\u00a0\n\n\nIt is recommended that you make an appointment with an Ob/Gyn within 8 weeks of your last period for your first prenatal visit. It\u2019s important to start with the best prenatal care, even if you\u2019ve been pregnant before.\u00a0\n\n\nYour Ob/Gyn will help you to:\n\n\n\n\nCalculate your due date\n\n\nDiscover any potential pregnancy risks\n\n\nSchedule the following prenatal care visits\n\n\nAdvise you on supplements and medications that you might need to take during the pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nRead other articles on pregnancy here\n.\u00a0\n\n\nOther reasons to see a gynaecologist\n\n\nBesides pregnancy related visits, women should also see an Ob/Gyn for the following reasons:\n\n\n\n\nBreast exams, especially if there is a family history of breast cancer\n\n\nIrregular menstruation or changes in blood flow during periods\n\n\nPelvic exams\n\n\nPap smear\n\n\nBirth control, especially if you\u2019re not ready to have a child\n\n\nIf there are changes in your vaginal discharge\n\n\nIf there is blood in your urine\n\n\nIf you experience painful sex\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFemale gynaecologist in the Klang Valley, KL and Selangor\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0\nMART PRODUCTION\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\nPantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Bangsar)\n\n\n\n\nDr Adilah Ahmat\n\n\nDr Aqmar Suraya Sulaiman\n\n\nDr Idora Mohamed\n\n\nDr Kim-Lei Wong\n\n\nDr Kiren Sidhu\n\n\nDr Premitha Damodaran\n\n\n\n\nPantai Hospital Cheras (Taman Cheras Makmur)\n\n\n\n\nDr Ho Choon Moy\n\n\nDr Ida Lilywaty Md Latar\n\n\nDr Lim Wan Teng\n\n\n\n\nThomson Hospital (Kota Damansara)\n\n\n\n\nDr Arifah Binti Mohd Amin @ Hamim\n\n\nDr Khairun Marina binti Bachok\n\n\nDr Nurhazinat Yunus\n\n\n\n\nParkCity Medical Centre (Desa ParkCity)\n\n\n\n\nDr Khong Su Yen\n\n\nDr Goh Huay Yee\n\n\nDr Vinodhini Bhaskaran\n\n\n\n\nPrince Court Medical Centre (Bukit Bintang)\n\n\n\n\nDr Seri Suniza Sufian\n\n\nDr Shilpa Nambiar\n\n\nDr Tan Ay Eeng\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr Maiza Tusimin\n\n\n\n\nSunway Medical Centre (Bandar Sunway)\n\n\n\n\nDr Chan Joe Mee\n\n\nDr Ainul Zahaniah Hj Abd Aziz\n\n\nDr Farah Leong Rahman\n\n\nDr Janani Sivanathan\n\n\nDr Lim Lei Jun\n\n\nDr Sharmina Kamal Binti Shamsul Kamal\n\n\nDr Tan Ee Ping\n\n\nDr Uma Mariappen\n\n\n\n\nGleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Kampung Berembang)\n\n\n\n\nDr. Adzlina Jaaffar\n\n\nDr. Jean Woo Lee See\n\n\nDatin Dr. Suhaiza Salleh\n\n\nDr. Teresa Chow\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital (Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley)\n\n\n\n\nDr Loo Suat Chin (Bukit Rimau)\n\n\nDr Norshida Brahim (Cheras)\n\n\nDr Khairiah Binti Seman (Klang)\n\n\nDr Bheena Vyshali (Petaling Jaya)\n\n\nDr Raja Juhaidah Raja Abdullah (Puchong)\n\n\n\n\nYou can browse through the \nlist of gynaecologists at Columbia Asia Hospital in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley\n here.\n\n\nSubang Jaya Medical Centre (Subang Jaya)\n\n\n\n\nDr Tang Boon Nee\n\n\nDr Noor Aini\n\n\n\n\nMale gynaecologist in the Klang Valley, KL and Selangor\n\n\nPantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Bangsar)\n\n\n\n\nDr Ahmad Zailani Hatta Mohd Dali\n\n\nDr Eeson Sinthamoney\n\n\nDr Idris Ahmad\n\n\nDr Ng Hock Oon\n\n\nDr Narayanan M.\n\n\nDr Michael Lim Chung Keat\n\n\nDr Tan Boon Khim\n\n\nDr Wong Wai Ping\n\n\n\n\nPantai Hospital Cheras (Taman Cheras Makmur)\n\n\n\n\nDr Eee Ching Woo\n\n\nDr Ho Woon Ping\n\n\nDr Lai Sing Foo\n\n\nDr M. Arasu Muthusamy\n\n\nDr Tan Chee Hoe\n\n\nDr Tan Cheng\n\n\nDr Tan Kock Kheng\n\n\n\n\nThompson Hospital (Kota Damansara)\n\n\n\n\nDr Aldrin Lie Tze Min\n\n\nDr Surinder Singh\n\n\nDr Thaneemalai Jeganathan\n\n\nDr Wai Kok Yau\n\n\nDr Yong Jee Kien\n\n\n\n\nParkCity Medical Centre (Desa ParkCity)\n\n\n\n\nDr Jeevaretanam A/L Soosaimuthu\n\n\nDr Jaspal Singh Sachdev\n\n\nDr Ng Kwee Boon\n\n\nDr Yong Chee Meng\n\n\n\n\nPrince Court Medical Centre (Bukit Bintang)\n\n\n\n\nDr Tan Niap Hong\n\n\nDr Paul Tay Yee Siang\n\n\nDr K. K. Iswaran\n\n\nDatuk Dr Abd. Aziz Yahya\n\n\n\n\nSunway Medical Centre (Bandar Sunway)\n\n\n\n\nDr Balasundram Govindasamy\n\n\nDr Chong Chin Kooi\n\n\nDr Jason Lim Meng Hock\n\n\nDr Kannappan Palaniappan\n\n\nDr Magendra Ramalingam\n\n\nDr Thangesweran Ayakannu\n\n\nDr Thow Sun Ta\n\n\nDr Wong Chin Yuan\n\n\n\n\nGleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Kampung Berembang)\n\n\n\n\nDatuk Dr. Abd Aziz Yahya\n\n\nDato\u2019 Dr. Alex Mathews\n\n\nDr. Andy Low Kok Kwan\n\n\nDr. Chung Chow Cheang\n\n\nDr. Edmund Lai Sing Foo\n\n\nDr. Jimmy Tang Sek Cheong\n\n\nDr. Michael Foong Chee Hong\n\n\nDr. Michael Samy\n\n\nDr. Ravi Chandran\n\n\nDr. T.P. Baskaran\n\n\nDr. Tan Lay Seng\n\n\nDr. Vijayan Padmanathan\n\n\nDr. Wong Kok Kien\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital (Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley)\n\n\n\n\nDr Rama Krishna Kumar Krishnamurthy (Bukit Rimau)\n\n\nDr Victor Chin (Cheras)\n\n\nDr Thiagarajan Chidambaram (Klang)\n\n\nDr Yip Khar Weng (Klang)\n\n\nDr Nicholas Lim (Petaling Jaya)\n\n\nDr Ng Soon Pheng (Puchong)\n\n\nDr Silvam Sellapan (Puchong)\n\n\nDr Low Wea Haw (Setapak)\n\n\nDr Mohd Suhaimi Hassan (Setapak)\n\n\n\n\nYou can browse through the \nlist of gynaecologists at Columbia Asia Hospital in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley\n here.\n\n\nSubang Jaya Medical Centre (Subang Jaya)\n\n\n\n\nDr Ang Chin Guan\n\n\nDr Fong Chee Kin\n\n\n\n\nDamai Service Hospital (Jalan Ipoh)\n\n\n\n\nDr Mahes Sittampalam\n\n\n\n\nAssunta Hospital (Petaling Jaya)\n\n\n\n\nDr Liew Fah Onn\n\n\nDr Jaswant Singh\n\n\nDr Kuharaj Balasubramaniam\n\n\nDr Ragu Shanmuganathan\n\n\n\n\nYou can browse through the \nlist of gynaecologists at Assunta Hospital in Petaling Jaya\n here.\n\n\nWhat to expect at the gynaecologist?\u00a0\n\n\nHeading to the gynaecologist can be a scary experience, especially if it\u2019s your first time. So here\u2019s what you can expect:\n\n\n\n\nExamination of the internal and external parts of your reproductive system.\n\n\nBreast examination for any lumps or cysts.\u00a0\n\n\nExamination of the vulva located outside of the vagina.\n\n\nInternal pelvic examination, usually with a speculum to view the cervix. Pelvic examination can be painful.\u00a0\n\n\nA pap smear may be performed during the pelvic examination.\n\n\n\n\nIf there are any issues, your doctor may then do further tests and discuss a treatment plan with you.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0\nMART PRODUCTION\n\u00a0from\u00a0\nPexels\n\n\n\n\nHow to find a good gynaecologist?\u00a0\n\n\nBecause you will most probably be discussing intimate details with your gynae, you\u2019ll want a gynae whom you can trust. Here are a few tips to help you find a good fit:\n\n\n\n\nThey\u2019re recommended by friends and family.\n\n\nThey have good reviews.\n\n\nThey\u2019re experienced with legit credentials.\n\n\nThey have a good bedside manner.\n\n\nYou\u2019re comfortable with them \u2013 it\u2019s ok to change doctors if you\u2019re not comfortable with the current one.\u00a0\n\n\nThey\u2019re located not too far from you.\u00a0\n\n\nThey\u2019re affiliated with hospitals that you trust.\n\n\n\n\nCommon gynaecological conditions\n\n\nThe following are several common gynaecological conditions that every woman should be aware of. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital in order to prevent further medical issues.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMenstrual issues \u2013 Irregular periods, heavy and painful bleeding, bleeding in between periods, bleeding after sex, endometirosis and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).\n\n\nMenopause \u2013 Hot flashes, mood changes, sleep disturbances or night sweats, reduced libido, dry vagina, postmenopausal bleeding and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).\n\n\nAbnormal smears \u2013 Colposcopy, and human papilloma virus (HPV).\n\n\nBladder issues \u2013 incontinence, problems passing urine and recurrent cystitis.\u00a0\n\n\nPregnancy issues \u2013 Pain and bleeding, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy.\n\n\nFibroids \u2013 noncancerous growths around and in the womb\n\n\nPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) \u2013 Characterized by polycystic ovaries, irregular or no periods and excess \u2018male\u2019 hormones.\n\n\nOvarian cysts\u00a0\n\n\nPelvic pain and pelvic prolapse\n\n\nIssues after childbirth \u2013 Pain in the vaginal area, incontinence, labial enlargement\n\n\nSexually transmitted infections (STIs) \u2013 HIV, genital herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, etc.\n\n\n\n\nCommon gynaecology procedures\n\n\nWhile ob/gyns treat treat many conditions and perform numerous procedures, here are some common, minimally invasive ones:\n\n\n\n\nPap smears.\n\n\nColposcopy to examine the cervix,\n\n\nEndometrial biopsy to take a sample of the uterus lining.\n\n\nHysterectomy to remove the uterus.\n\n\nFibroid removal to remove non-cancerous tumours present in the uterus.\n\n\nOvarian cyst removal via laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy.\n\n\nDiagnostic hysteroscopy to evaluate the endometrial cavity.\n\n\nUterine polyps removal via hysteroscopy polypectomy.\n\n\nPost-operative care, including the treatment of complications, if any.\n\n\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to visit your gynaecologist at least once a year.\u00a0\n\n\nRegular screening allows potential medical issues to be diagnosed and treated early, minimizing health risks. Yearly checkups could include a pap smear, mammography and blood pressure monitoring.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t visited a gynae before, make an appointment to see one as soon as possible.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more on pregnancy, \nlabour and delivery\n, \nparenting\n and women tips, check out \ntheAsianparent\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/a2-milk-protein", "title": "Mums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You", "body": "Mummies, we all know that as your child grows up, their bodies need a lot more nutrients such as essential vitamins and minerals to support their development. Because of this, you may be looking for the right growing up milk to introduce into their diet.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, if you are scouting around for growing up milk,\u00a0 there is one thing you should also look out A2 milk protein \u2013 this may sound familiar as some imported cow milk brands that you see in the supermarket dairy aisle feature \u201cA2 Milk Proteins\u201d or \u201cA2 Beta-Casein Protein\u201d labels which you may have shrugged off.\u00a0\n\n\nBut when it comes to your growing up child\u2019s milk, be mindful of this because not all milk proteins are created equal!\u00a0 So, here\u2019s what you need to know.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is A2 milk protein?\u00a0\n\n\nProteins in cow milk are known as Beta-Casein and it accounts for approximately 82% of the proteins in cow\u2019s milk\n1\n\u00a0\u2013 there are two types of Beta-Casein proteins in milk known as A1 and A2 milk proteins.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, there was a time \u2013 centuries ago \u2013 where all cows only produced A2 milk proteins, making A2 milk protein the most original and all-natural form of milk protein.\u00a0\n\n\nIt was only after a single genetic mutation in dairy cow herds that later created the additional A1 milk protein\n2\n. Most cow\u2019s milk, which we know as \u2018regular\u2019 milk, contains both A1 and A2 milk.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThese A1 and A2 milk protein are also referred to as A1 Beta-Casein and A2 Beta-Casein. Nevertheless, A2 milk protein is a popular choice for children because it is considered the most original and all-natural form of milk, as well as being easier to digest.\n\n\nWhy is A2 milk protein* easier for kids to digest?\n\n\nA1 and A2 milk proteins are digested in the body differently because of its structure. Emerging science has shown that consuming A2 milk with only pure A2 milk protein lessens digestive discomfort which include a heavy stomach, bloating, abdominal pain and flatulence \u2013 in fact, some of\u00a0 these problems are eased in just five days after consuming A2 milk with all-natural milk protein, compared to drinking regular milk\n3\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, should you switch your child\u2019s growing up milk to a milk formula with A2 protein*?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWe now know that A2 milk \nis\n contain the all-natural and original A2 milk protein which provides more benefits for your child, especially as a great source of natural nutrition while also being easy to digest \u2013 a great factor to consider for your kids.\n\n\nMoreover, if your child has been troubled with stomachaches from drinking regular cow milk or regular growing up milk, a switch to a growing up milk formula with A2 protein* could helps-\u00a0 Research has uncovered that it may be because they are intolerant to milk that contains A1 milk protein\n4\n, and not milk altogether.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, it\u2019s worth giving it a try if you want an all-natural and easy-to-digest source of milk for your growing up child.\u00a0\n\n\nEnfagrow AII MindPro is the FIRST & ONLY** children formula milk in Malaysia with all-natural A2 milk protein*\n\n\nIf you are keen on making the switch or trying out a growing up milk with A2 milk protein,\n\u00a0try Enfagrow All MindPro. Sourced from New Zealand A2 cows***, Enfagrow AII MindPro is the first and only* children formula milk with all-natural A2 milk protein* in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAll A2 cows, including the New Zealand A2 cows that are nurtured for the Enfagrow All MindPro formulation, undergo DNA-testing to ensure that they only produce milk with \nA2 Beta-Casein Protein. T\nhis A2 milk protein is collected, tested, and then processed in a separated milk channel\n5\n.\n\n\nApart from the naturally easy-to-digest A2 milk protein* to help ease your child\u2019s digestive issues, Enfagrow AII MindPro also contains Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) and a global expert-recommended amount of DHA\n# \n\u2013 these two components support brain cell connections that positively affect your child\u2019s cognitive development\n6,7\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, Enfagrow All MindPro has no added sugar\n\u2666\n. An additional bonus is that, you can return your Enfagrow All MindPro for a full refund if you are not happy or satisfied with the product. That\u2019s right, the Enfagrow All MindPro comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee\n****\n which is valid from now until 31 July 2021!\n\n\n\n\nIf you are ready to try the new Enfagrow All MindPro, keep in mind that when you change up your child\u2019s growing up milk, your child\u2019s stomach may be unsettled as their body adapts to the new formulation. So, our tip is to give it time. With that, \nfind out more about Enfagrow All MindPro today and start your journey with A2 milk protein!\n\n\n*\n Referred to A2 Beta Casein Protein from A2 skimmed milk\n\n\n** Compared to key growing up milk brands as of Mar\u201921\n\n\n***More than 90% of A2 milk is sourced from New Zealand.\u00a0\n\n\n****Terms and Conditions apply\n\n\n# \nFAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2-4 years old. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91. FAO: Rome \u200b\n\n\n\u2666 S\nugar refers to sucrose based on Regulation 118 under Malaysia Food Regulation 1985\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1. (n.d.). Is A2 Milk the Game-Changer for Dairy Intolerance? \u2013 Today\u2019s \u2026. Retrieved June 23, 2021, from \nhttps://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/1017p26.shtml\n\n\n2. \n\u00a0(n.d.). Milk proteins and human health: A1/A2 milk hypothesis \u2013 NCBI \u2013 NIH. Retrieved June 23, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3475924/\n\n\n3. \n\u00a0(n.d.). Effects of Conventional Milk Versus Milk Containing Only \u2026 \u2013 PubMed. Retrieved June 30, 2021, from \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31305326/\n\n\n4. \n(n.d.). A2 milk: Benefits, vs. A1 milk, side effects, alternatives, and more. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from \nhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318577\n\n\n5. \n(n.d.). How Is A2 Milk Produced & Made Into Children Formula? | Enfagrow \u2026. Retrieved June 23, 2021, from \nhttps://www.enfagrow.com.my/articles/how-a2-milk-produced-made-children-formula\n\n\n6. \n(n.d.). Role of cholesterol and sphingolipids in brain \u2026 \u2013 PubMed. Retrieved July 21, 2021, from \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30683111/\n\n\n7. \n(n.d.). Nutrients | Free Full-Text | The Relationship of Docosahexaenoic \u2026. Retrieved July 21, 2021, from \nhttps://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/5/7/2777\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \n10 Sure-Fire Ways to Handle Sibling Rivalry\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nWant to Create Quality Time With Your Kids? Here Are 5 Ideas for You to Try!\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nIs your kid too shy around people? Improve their social skills with these tips!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-to-do-if-your-child-swallows-a-button-battery", "title": "What to do if your child swallows a button battery?", "body": "If a child swallow battery , what would you do?\n\n\nWhat should you do if your child has swallowed a battery, especially the button battery type? Of course it\u2019s natural to panic, knowing the devastating effects these can have on your child\u2019s body. While you might make your child gag or rush them to hospital, a new study is suggesting a simple method that can potentially save lives.\n\n\nIf Your Child Has Swallowed a Battery, Try Giving Them Honey*\n\n\n\n\nIf your child has swallowed a battery, eating honey can prevent any serious injuries.\n\n\n\n\n*\nPlease note that honey is NOT recommended for babies under the age of one, due to the risk of \nbotulism\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to a team of ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists from the Nationwide Children\u2019s Hospital in Philadelphia, USA, eating honey after swallowing a battery can reduce the risk of serious injuries in children.\n\n\nThey add that serious damage can occur within \njust two hours of eating a battery\n, so it\u2019s a good idea to act quickly during this time frame.\u00a0\n\n\nBatteries \u2014 especially button batteries \u2014 pose a serious threat to children since they can be mistaken for candies or sweets. Curious kids can swallow loose batteries which can cause serious damage because of the chemicals inside.\n\n\nThat\u2019s because\u00a0when kids eat batteries, their saliva starts a chemical reaction which creates caustic chemicals. These chemicals are strong enough to dissolve the tissues in a child\u2019s throat.\n\n\nSymptoms of battery swallowing include sore throat, cough, fever, trouble swallowing etc. Those symptoms can also escalate to much more serious complications such as\u00a0esophageal perforation, vocal cord paralysis, or erosion of the airway or blood vessels. The longer the battery stays inside the child, the greater the risk.\n\n\nThe researchers were trying to look for a means to prevent these serious injuries, and stumbled upon honey as the best substance to use.\n\n\nThey also tested fruit juices such as lemon juice, which were also effective; however kids didn\u2019t like the taste of it. Honey was easier to give to kids and had a protective effect.\n\n\nAccording to them, if your child swallows a battery, giving a teaspoon of honey every 5-10 minutes is crucial. This should be done right up until they can be taken to the hospital.\n\n\nHoney has the ability to \u201ccreate a protective barrier between the tissue and the battery, as well as neutralize harsh alkaline levels\u201d and this is exactly how it can save your child, if they swallow a battery.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Are Other Ways that Parents Can Keep Their Kids Safe?\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some important reminders when it comes to keeping your \nchild safe from swallowing a battery\n:\n\n\n\n\nKeep any and all batteries away from your child\u2019s reach.\n Place them in a secure container that your child can\u2019t open.\n\n\nThrow out any old batteries.\n Old batteries should not be kept at home since the chemicals they contain can pose a health risk. Make sure to take them to the proper waste disposal facility.\n\n\nMake sure that all the toys they have which contain batteries are secure.\n If the covers are loose, make sure to place tape over them to prevent the batteries from falling out.\n\n\nIf your child has swallowed a battery, \nmake sure to take them to a hospital ASAP\n. In the meantime, feed them a teaspoon of honey every 5-10 minutes to prevent serious injury.\n\n\nHere are some important numbers that you can call should your child accidentally swallow a battery:\n\n\n\nNon-Emergency Ambulance\n\u00a01777\n\n\nAme\n\u00a06247 7080\n\n\nBlesswell\u00a0\n6273 0147\n\n\nEcon\u00a0\n6382 8888\n\n\nER\u00a0\n6222 2995\n\n\nGreen Crescent\n\u00a06788 8911\n\n\nHeng Gref\n\u00a06788 8911\n\n\nCivic Ambulance\n\u00a06333 3000\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t induce vomiting.\u00a0\nThe best thing to do would be to take your child to a hospital right away. Vomiting can cause further injury, so it would be best to avoid doing so.\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\neurekalert.org\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/free-mask-malaysia", "title": "New Normal: Sterilisation Devices for Households Debut in Malaysia, Claim Your Free Masks from Razer Pay", "body": "2020 has been a tough year for the world \u2013 we\u2019re now living a new normal which includes wearing face masks everyday, queuing up in shopping lines, getting our temperature checked everywhere we go, among other safety precautions.\u00a0\n\n\nBut, as the world readjusts, brands are realigning their efforts to make sure families meet the new norms. So, here are two of the latest debuts and initiative that cater to the new norms.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Korea\u2019s Dr Clo brings sterilisation devices to Malaysia\n\n\nThe all-in-one\n sterilisation devices, which are mini sticks, \nis carcinogen-free and contains non-toxic material, while acting as a potent formula as well as a preventive measure against viruses, bacteria as well as pathogens. Additionally, it is harmless to infants, the sick and the elderly \u2013 the product is also commonly used in nursing homes and aged care facilities.\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Clo\u2019s debut in Malaysia comes at the right time, where there is a greater consciousness of the need to sterilise, disinfect and deodorise air in living spaces within homes, as well as in private vehicles.\n Dr Clo has is now available on the shelves of selected pharmacies and via e-commerce platforms.\n\n\n\n\nT\nhese multi-purpose patented portable sterilisation sticks are customised for use in various aspects of modern lifestyles. It is the only liquid-based Chlorine Dioxide product in the world certified by the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) \u2013 Chlorine Dioxide is a key agent to sterilise, sanitise and disinfect viruses, as well as pathogens in a matter of seconds.\n\n\nDr Clo Sterilisation Device comes in four labels:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHousehold:\n Suitable for any area of the home such as closets or beds, as well as office spaces\n\n\nAutomobile:\n Sanitises the car and other forms of transportation\u00a0\n\n\nRefrigerator:\n Keeps bacteria away from food\u00a0\n\n\nBathroom:\n Deodorises unpleasant odours from sinks and toilets \n\n\n\n\nHow to use the Dr Clo Sterilisation Device:\n\n\n\n\nHold the ends of the Sterilisation Device with your hands and bend it once (you can hear a snap sound) to trigger the chemicals of the capsule inside. The indicator on the side will turn yellow within 12-24 hours once it has been activated.\u00a0\n\n\nPlace it in your desired location by hanging or using the suction holder provided. Each of the labelled devices have different content created for its specific location.\n\n\nThe sterilisation effect \nlasts up to 50 days\n and the yellow indicator will turn white to show that the Dr Clo device needs to be replaced.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe product has also been widely tested in both Korea and Japan and is registered as a safe product for use in the general living spaces. Check out their \nFacebook page\n for more information.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Free masks via RazerPay app\n\n\nIn collaboration with Berjaya Group, Razer Fintech will be distributing free masks in 7-Eleven stores as part of the #RazerForLife initiative. These free masks are claimable by verified RazerPay app users. Every month, the initiative will provide five free surgical masks to every verified RazerPay user in Malaysia aged 18 and above. Users can claim their free masks from July until November 2020.\u00a0\n\n\nHere is how users can claim their free masks:\n\n\n\n\nDownload the Razer Pay app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store and verify your account\u00a0\n\n\nOnce verified, you will receive \none free mask coupon each month for the next 5 months. These coupons are listed under the \n\u201cRazer For Life\u201d \nmini-app\u00a0\n\n\nClaim your mask at a 7-Eleven store with your coupon each month in the \u201cRazer For Life\u201d \nmini-app\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, from 1 July to 31 December, consumers who conduct at least one transaction of RM10 or more via RazerPay can redeem in-app redemption coupons, which include free face masks.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThe COVID-19 situation has made it apparent that both public and private sectors need to come together to address the challenges facing us as a society, and Razer Fintech is proud to step forward and in support of the government initiatives, play our part in any way possible,\u201d said Min-Liang Tan, Co-founder and CEO of Razer Inc.\n\n\nCheck out the app \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nSafety precautions to take:\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough our government has implemented the Recovery Moment Control Order (RMCO) and the economy is in the midst of reopening in stages, families are now free to travel interstate and weekends are now no longer restricted to the confines of your home.\n\n\nHowever, what we cannot ignore is the fact that coronavirus still exists and ensuring you and your family adhere to the new norm helps the nation in avoiding any further spread of this outbreak.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHere are some \nkey\n pieces of advice, besides wearing a mask, from the World Health Organisation (WHO) to remember when going out:\n\n\n\n\nWash your hands regularly:\n Wash your hands thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand rub or with soap and water. This will kill viruses that are on your hands.\n\n\n\u00a0Social distancing:\n Maintain at least one metre between yourself and others. When someone coughs, sneezes or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nose of mouth which may contain the virus. If you stand too close, you may breathe in those droplets.\u00a0\n\n\nAvoid crowds:\n In crowds, you may be in close contact with people and it will be difficult to maintain your distance.\u00a0\n\n\nAvoid touching your face:\n Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. This is because hands pick up viruses and you can transfers these viruses to your eyes, nose or mouth which allows the bacteria to enter your body.\u00a0\n\n\nStay home if you are sick:\n If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, please seek medical attention. If you have minor symptoms such as a cough, headache or mild fever, stay home until you recover. If you need to leave the house, wear a mask.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDiabetes In The Time Of COVID-19\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mco-pregnancy", "title": "MCO Baby On The Way? Here's How To Prepare For Your Little One", "body": "If you got pregnant during the Movement Control Order (MCO), don\u2019t worry, you\u2019re not the only one! In fact, pregnancies have boomed in many countries during the various quarantines.\n\n\nThat means there are many babies on the way! And if you\u2019re one of the families preparing for a new addition to the household, amidst this crazy COVID mess, there is quite a lot to prepare for.\n\n\nFirstly, the economic situation is not looking good right now. The moratorium is about to end and many people are practicing austerity measures to make sure that they have enough savings to tide them over through these tough times.\n\n\nSecondly, the new normal means that there are a lot of processes to follow. Wearing a mask, frequent hand washing and sanitising is all part of the new norm that we will have to practice for the unforeseeable future.\n\n\nSo, while it is exciting that your baby is on the way, it is also important to make sure you\u2019re prepared to welcome them into this new world.\n\n\nHere\u2019s how you can prepare for your MCO pregnancy baby:\n\n\nMCO Pregnancy Tip #1: Familiarise yourself with the SOPs\n\n\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s clinic check-ups or hospital delivery standard operating procedures (SOP), you should familiarise yourself with all of them. So that, when the time comes for delivery, you won\u2019t be scrambling to figure out the right SOP. If you\u2019re not sure, ask the clinic or hospital you\u2019re delivering at ahead of time, or post up a question in a mummy community group on social media as they are always helpful.\n\n\nMCO Pregnancy Tip #2: Get the right accessories for the family\n\n\n\n\nMake sure to always have a good supply of masks for yourself and your family throughout this period and also ensure you have a face shield ready for your newborn.\n\n\nWe don\u2019t recommend using masks for kids under 3 as it may be hard for them to breathe. It is always better to train the baby from young to wear a face shield as it might be harder for them to adapt when they\u2019re older.\n\n\nMCO Pregnancy Tip #3: Keep the visitors to a minimum\n\n\n\n\nIt is the BEST time to deliver your baby right now during this new normal period because you don\u2019t have to worry about making excuses when you reject visitors.\n\n\nYou can spend your confinement month (or two) fully recovering from the birth of your baby and not have to worry about entertaining guests.\n\n\nBetter still if you check yourself into a confinement centre or a hospital that restricts visitors. This will allow for more privacy and safety for your newborn.\n\n\nMCO Pregnancy Tip #4: Start buying your baby necessities early (and online!)\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t feel comfortable making a trip down to baby stores at this time, it\u2019s good to move your shopping online or to buy from a one-stop shop.\n\n\nParents should be buying from a reputable source to get the best baby necessities at a discounted price at this time to save as much as they can.\n\n\nFor parents preparing for their bub, or even those who want to stock up, the best savings usually happen during baby fairs.\n\n\nThe Tesco Baby Fair is happening from 24th September to 7th October with attractive deals for their Tesco Fred & Flo product range, Tesco baby apparel, groceries and baby related items like toys and houseware (like bottles and vacuum flasks).\n\n\nHere are the top 10 picks from the Tesco Baby Fair to buy:\n\n\n1. Tesco Fred & Flo liquid cleanser \u2013 RM7.99 per 600ml packet\n\n\n\n\nAlways handy to have around is liquid cleanser as we use it often for washing children\u2019s bottles and toys.\n\n\n2. Tesco Fred & Flo concentrated anti-bacterial liquid wash \u2013 RM7.99 per unit\n\n\n\n\nAt a time like this, it\u2019s important to keep our children as protected as possible. Anti-bacterial wash can help to give that extra layer of protection they need.\n\n\n3. Tesco Fred & Flo moisturising baby wipes 2 x 80s \u2013 RM8.99 per pack\n\nTesco Fred & Flo moisturising baby wipes (refill pack) \u2013 2 x 150s \u2013 RM9.99 per pack\n\n\n\nOne of the things parents really need a lot of when they have babies is wet wipes. When you\u2019re buying in bulk, the savings for this can be massive.\n\n\n4. Tesco Fred & Flo diapers \u2013 RM26.99 per pack (for size M81, L69, XL56 and XXL46)\n\n\n\nOf course, another item that is popular among parents to stock up is diapers. Stock up on your child\u2019s Fred & Flo diapers during the Tesco Baby Fair to ensure savings in the long run.\n\n\n5. Pet Pet Diapers \u2013 RM27.90 per pack (from size S-XL)\n\n\n\nIf you are using the Pet Pet brand of diapers, it is also going to be on sale during this period and you won\u2019t want ot miss it! The price reduction is from RM34.50 to RM27.90. That\u2019s a lot of savings!\n\n\n6. Dutch Lady Milk Powder \u2013 RM18.99 per (NP: RM23.45)\n\n\n\n\nMilk powder is another necessity parents will spend a lot on monthly. Any savings on this can help ease the burden on household expenses.\n\n\n7. Enfagrow A+ milk powder \u2013 from RM99.99 to RM125.99 per unit\n\n\n\nPurchase 2 units to enjoy RM20 off during the Tesco Baby Fair.\n\n\n8. PediaSure 1.6kg \u2013 RM138.99 per unit\n\n\n\nBuy 2 tins of PediaSure to enjoy RM10 off during the baby fair.\n\n\n9. Similac Gold Gain 1.8kg \u2013 RM112.99 \u2013 RM119.99 per tin\n\n\n\n\nBuy 2 to enjoy RM10 off during the Tesco Baby Fair.\n\n\n10. Anmum Essential Step 3/4 Asli 1.5kg \u2013 RM82.90 per unit\n\n\n\n\nBuy 2 tins of Anmum Essential Step 3 or 4 to enjoy RM20 off during the baby fair.\n\n\nStart putting all your baby necessities in \nyour cart\n. See you mummies at the Tesco Baby Fair this September!\n\n\nYou can also shop online at \nLazada\n and \nShopee\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/instax-mini-link-review", "title": "4 Instant Print Decorating Ideas That Are Fun For The Whole Family", "body": "The festive season is here and that means jingle bells are in the air! Every parent is out there shopping for gifts for the kids but also for themselves. And not to mention, the Christmas decorations are going up.\u00a0\n\n\nThis year, we got a Fujifilm Instax Mini Link printer to review and we got really inspired to use the Instax print outs to decorate the house \u2014 not just for Christmas but also all year long!\n\n\nBefore we get into the ideas, here\u2019s a quick review of the Fujifilm Instax Mini Link printer. The printer comes in four very sleek colours, including white, pink, denim and beige gold. We got our hands on a white unit and a couple of Instax film packets, which were the blue marble and macaron packets.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo get started, you have to download the Instax Mini Link app on your smartphone and the setup is very quick and easy. Just long press the Instax power button (which is just the middle button on the machine) and pair it on your smartphone. Then load up your printer with a film packet and you\u2019re good to go!\n\n\nFrom there, you can quickly upload your photos in the app and add in fun text and frames or even create a collage to print! Once you\u2019re done with the design, just click print and within a couple of seconds, you\u2019ll see your print out come out and the instant film will develop over the next minute or so.\n\n\nI love the fact that you can now use your smartphone photos to print out using instant film rather than only getting photos directly from the Instax camera. This means MORE SELFIE print outs with better angles! But also that we can customised the instant film with fun frames too.\u00a0\n\n\nIt makes for good gifts to others but also for home decoration! Here are some instant print decorating ideas for the home.\n\n\nHere are our 4 instant print decorating ideas for parents\n\n\n\n\n1. Pasting it in frames\n\n\nTo elevate the instant film as a decorative piece in the home, you can frame it up in quirky frames all around the house. In fact, there are frames that are specifically designed for Instax print outs that you can purchase from Lazada or Shopee!\u00a0\n\n\n2. Pasting it directly on the walls as a collage\n\n\nIf you prefer not to use frames, then Instax print outs are ready to be displayed as is by just pasting it directly onto the walls in a collage manner. You can choose the more colourful Instax film packets to make it stand out!\n\n\n3. Putting it up on the fridge\n\n\nNothing spells out love more than family photos on the fridge. Get some cute magnets from your family holidays to hold these instant print outs in place and look at it every time you open the fridge. It will surely put a smile on your face!\n\n\n\n\n4. Using it as Christmas decor by stringing it up\n\n\nUndoubtedly, you can up your Christmas tree decor game by customising your \u201cornaments\u201d by stringing up your instant print outs. You can either punch a hole in the photo and hang it up with some twine, or get tiny clips to clip them to the fairy lights on the tree to complete your Christmas decor for the year!\n\n\nSo which is your favourite home decoration idea for these instant print outs?\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nTo get your Fujifilm Instax Mini Link, you can visit their \nShopee\n or \nLazada\n store.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/father-bungee-jumps-with-toddler-reckless-or-not", "title": "Father bungee jumps with toddler: Reckless or not?", "body": "An Instagram video of a young father indulging in a high-risk sport with a two-year-old toddler in his arms has sparked outrage among parents.\u00a0\n\n\nIn the video, Malaysian reality television star Redha Rozlan is seen jumping off a 200ft-high bridge in Kuala Kuba Bharu. But he is not alone. Rozlan is with his two-year-old daughter Mecca Mikaela.\n\n\nThe two then fall backwards into the gorge that is estimated to be a minimum 200 feet above ground.\u00a0\nWhile in the video Mecca doesn\u2019t struggle or pull back as her father takes the plunge, commenters claim that she looked petrified.\n\n\nFather bungee jumping risks daughter\u2019s life?\n\n\nIn fact, soon after Rozlan shared this video on Instagram, his comments section was flooded with backlash from angry parents.\n\n\nMany claimed that he forced the two-year-old to perform a dangerous stunt. Others pointed to some very real bungee jumping risks.\u00a0However, Rozlan was not affected.\n\n\n\u201cMecca was wearing complete safety harness and gear\u201d\n\n\nIn his response to the backlash, he argued that his daughter was wearing protective gear and even insisted on being a part of the stunt. He clarified the same in his Instagram post. \u201cMecca (was) wearing complete safety harness and gear,\u201d he wrote. His complete post said:\u00a0\n\n\n\nChill guys\n\n1. Mecca yang request untuk buat ropeswing. Tiada adegan paksa memaksa Untuk ini\n\n2.mecca sangat enjoy dengan fisrt jump dan request for the second jump. Tapi bapaknya yang cuak\n\n3.mecca wearing complete safety harness and gear\n\n4.\n@rentas_adventures\n\u00a0adalah certified ropeswing organiser.\u00a0\n\n5. Dont try with your kids if your kids not ready for this.\n\n6. Watch enjoy , chill guys and please pergi try sendiri at least once\n\n\n\nRozlan did however stress that kids should be prepared. \u201cDon\u2019t try with your kids if your kids not ready for this,\u201d he wrote.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Instagram\n\n\n\n\nNo bungee jumping risks \u2014 \u201cWe adhere to safety requirements\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nEven with his clarification, many parents raised vital questions about bungee jumping risks. Some even noted that even though Rozlan claimed that his daughter was well-protected, she did not wear a helmet.\u00a0\n\n\nThe bungee jump operators claim she was protected nonetheless.\n\n\nMohd Shafiq Azmi, operator at Rentas Adventures, the group that organised the jump, told the \nMirror\n, \u201cThe equipment is inspected by our staff before someone does the jump, which is from a height of 197 feet.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cI understand that safety is a concern as this activity is the first of its kind in Malaysia. We adhere to safety requirements especially in the equipment used such as the safety ropes by engaging qualified services providers,\u201d he noted.\u00a0\n\n\nEven with all these clarifications and explanations child\u2019s rights activists are insisting that Rozlan\u2019s act was reckless and lacked judgement.\u00a0\n\n\nThe parents were risking their daughter\u2019s life, say experts\u00a0\n\n\nChild rights lawyer Goh Siu Lin was quoted by a leading \ndaily\n as saying that the child\u2019s parents \u201clacked proper parental judgement.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cRope spring jump is an extreme sport and dangerous, and there is a high likelihood of the motions in such an activity causing physical injury to her. I have never heard of any child of that age being allowed to participate in such an extreme sports,\u201d she said.\n\n\nHuman rights lawyer Andrew Khoo also concurred. He shared that safety requirements were \u201cclearly breached.\u201d\n\n\nThe daily reported that \u201cAccording to the lawyer, the parents, as well as any parties involved in having the child participate in such dangerous activities, can be prosecuted for allegedly \u2018putting the child in a dangerous situation that may cause physical or emotional injury to them.'\u201d\n\n\nWhile it remains to be seen whether Rozlan and the operators will be prosecuted, one thing is clear \u2014 children should be kept away from extreme sports.\u00a0\n\n\nSafety measures for extreme sports\u00a0\n\n\nEven if their kids want to try something new, parents must keep some key safety factors in mind.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGather information\n. Parents must gather all information about the sport including its dangers and consequences, then share the same information with their kids.\u00a0\n\n\nSpeak to the operators\n. They should also discuss the same with operators and check the safety regulations before letting the kids attempt anything extreme.\n\n\nYour own safety gear\n. If you feel that the sport is too extreme, you can provide your kids with your own safety gear and instructions. Share the same with the operators as well.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nAre they prepared?\n Ask them if they are mentally prepared and excited about the sport they are about to attempt. Maybe they are doing it under peer pressure. If so, you can counsel your kids to guide them in the proper direction.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nMirror\n, \nnews.com.au\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nMasalah Anemia Atau Kekurangan Darah Merah Boleh Terjadi Disebabkan Pelbagai Punca\nParenting\nWhat You Need to Know about Heavy Metal in Baby Food: Here Are the Facts\nTip keibubapaan\nBaby Signing Basics\nKids\nWhy we should be concerned about parabens in baby products\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/children-sensitive-tummy", "title": "Does Your Growing Up Child Have A Sensitive Tummy? Here\u2019s What You Should Know", "body": "Every mum has been through the pain of seeing their child suffer from a series of tummy problems. No matter how many children you have, it puzzles you each time a tummy problem happens because the symptoms and causes vary from one child to another. If your child \naged 1 year old and above\n is known to have a sensitive tummy, what do you have to do about their diet and what can you do to help your child ease their tummy troubles?\n\n\nFirst, let\u2019s see if your child has any of these symptoms.\n\n\nCommon Sensitive Tummy Symptoms\n\n\n\n\nDiarrhea\n\n\nCramping\n\n\nBloating\n\n\nIntestinal Gas\n\n\nNausea\n\n\nVomiting\n\n\nConstipation\n\n\nHeartburn\n\n\n\n\nYounger children may not be able to tell you verbally if they\u2019re experiencing some kind of tummy trouble, in fact, they may not even understand the pain they are enduring. So pay attention if they\u2019re unusually fussy or grumpy, having trouble sleeping, squirming and constantly touching their stomachs (due to tensed up muscles) or making faces that show pain.\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve ticked off one or more of the symptoms above, let\u2019s find out what could actually be triggering your \nchild\u2019s\n sensitive tummy.\n\n\nCommon Causes of Tummy Pain\n\n\nTummy pain is very common in children and adults and the causes can be just about anything, really. Here are some of the most common causes:\n\n\n\n\nWind and indigestion\n\n\nInfections: food poisoning, gastroenteritis, pneumonia or urinary tract infection\n\n\nFood intolerances and/or allergies\n\n\nConstipation\n\n\nAppendicitis\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAmong the causes above, indigestion, food intolerance and constipation are usually the reasons behind tummy troubles in children. Oftentimes, parents would pinpoint their children\u2019s diet before anything else. For the little ones, the first thing that comes to mind is the milk that they drink.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nIf your child often gets an upset stomach after consuming a glass of milk, milkshake or an ice cream, you might wonder if lactose \nsensitivity \nis the issue here. According to \nthis\n article by \nKadakkal Radhakrishnan, MD\n, Paediatric Gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, here are the symptoms of lactose \nsensitivity\n:\n\n\n\n\nLoose stools and gas after consuming dairy products\n\n\nWatery diarrhea with gas\n\n\nStomach bloating, gas and nausea\n\n\nSkin rash and frequent colds\n\n\nGeneralized abdominal pain and cramping\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nNote:\n\n\nMilk allergy is often confused with lactose sensitivity\n.\n They may share the same symptoms but their conditions are different.\u00a0\n\n\nMilk allergy \u2013 a serious immune system reaction to milk and products containing milk\u00b9.\n\n\nLactose sensitivity \u2013 a digestive issue where the body is unable to digest lactose, a type of sugar commonly found in milk and dairy products\u00b2.\n\n\nLactose \u2013 Yay OR Nay For Sensitive Tummies?\n\n\nDairy plays an important role in children\u2019s daily diet. Milk and other dairy products such as cheeses and yoghurt contain nutrients that are essential for their growth, and this includes lactose.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are the benefits of lactose?\n\n\n\n\nLactose gives us energy. When digested, it is broken into simpler sugars, galactose and glucose \u2013 the body\u2019s energy generators\u00b3.\n\n\nLactose enhances the absorption of calcium and magnesium \u2013 nutrients for strong bones and teeth\u00b3\u207b\u2075.\n\n\nLactose enhances immunity and promotes better growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system due its prebiotic properties\u00b3\u2032\u2075.\n\n\n\n\nBefore you make drastic changes to your child\u2019s diet, do note that every tummy is different. Children who tolerate lactose well naturally digest the lactose they consume with the aid of the lactase enzymes. Lactase breaks lactose into simpler components for our body to absorb and use\u00b3.\n\n\n Those with lactose sensitivity have insufficient lactase enzymes, so the lactose remains in the digestive system, where it is fermented by bacteria. Not everyone with lactose sensitivity will experience symptoms such as gassiness, bloating, watery stools and cramps, as it all depends on the amount of lactose the body can tolerate\u00b3.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Milk Formulated For Sensitive Tummies\n\n\nWhether your child is severely or just slightly sensitive to lactose, it is vital that you start gradually making changes to their diet according to their unique individual needs. Rule out food and drinks that trigger their sensitive tummies and stick to the ones that they can still tolerate well.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if you still wish for your growing up child to enjoy the nutritional benefits of milk and other dairy products, here\u2019s what you can do:\n\n\n\n\nSwitch to growing up milk that is \nlower in lactose\n\n\n\n\nYour child may still be able to tolerate a certain amount of lactose, depending on their tolerance level\u2075. Lactose should be taken in small amounts at a time. Follow the recommended amount of up to 24g of lactose/day\u2076.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChoose milk that is formulated with \nPartially Hydrolysed Protein (PHP)\n\n\n\n\nPHP is a regular protein that is hydrolysed into amino acids and peptides and is absorbed well by sensitive tummies\u2077. To put it simply, it is a regular protein that is broken down into smaller sizes, making it easier to digest and absorb. The nutrient value between regular protein and partially hydrolysed protein is the same.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPHP is good for intestinal health and supports the immune system too. It is great for kids with sensitive tummies as they can still fulfil their protein needs and maintain good health with a stronger immune system.\u2078\u00a0\n\n\nTry Enfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease (1-3 years)\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n \u2666 FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2-4 years old\n\n\n\u25b2 Compared to previous formulation. Enfagrow A+ provides 105mg DHA in 3 servings a day\n\n\n\u02c4 Manninen AH, Protein hydrolysates in sports nutrition, Nutrition & Metabolism 2009 ; 6(1):38.\n\n\n\u25aa Compared to Enfagrow A+ Formulation.\n\n\n* Sugar refers to sucrose based on Regulation 118 under Malaysia Food Regulation 1985\n\n\nScientifically designed for sensitive tummies\n\n\nEnfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease \n(1-3 years) is designed for children with delicate tummies and provides balanced nutrition for your little one\u2019s happy growth. It \ncontains partially hydrolyzed protein\n that helps children with sensitive tummies to have better digestion and absorption of key nutrients.\n\n\nIt\n is also now added with MFGM that supports brain development\n9\n and enhanced with 105mg DHA in 3 servings per day to help meet expert-recommended daily DHA intake*, so you can be sure that your child\u2019s daily DHA needs are always on track.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nYour child needs optimum nutrition to experience well-rounded growth and development.\n Give your child\u2019s sensitive tummy growing-up milk specially formulated with Partially Hydrolysed Protein that is easy to digest and with lower levels of lactose**.\n \nSay goodbye to upset tummies and hello to more smiles and happier milk time with \nEnfagrow A+ MindPro Gentlease\n. Try it today!\n\n\n*FAO/WHO recommended daily DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2 years old and above. FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91. FAO: Rome.\n\n\n**Compared to Enfagrow A+ formulation\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/milk-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20375101\n\n\nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/lactose-intolerance/#:~:text=Lactose%20intolerance%20is%20a%20common,in%20milk%20and%20dairy%20products\n.\n\n\nSchaafsma G. Lactose and lactose derivatives as bioactive ingredients in human nutrition. International Dairy Journal. 2008;18(5):458-65.\n\n\nZamberlin \u0160, Antunac N, Havranek J, Samar\u017eija D. Mineral elements in milk and dairy products. Mljekarstvo/Dairy. 2012;62(2).\n\n\nLukito W, Malik SG, Surono IS, Wahlqvist ML. From \u2018lactose intolerance \u2018to\u2019 lactose nutrition\u2019. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2015;24:S1.\n\n\nWahlqvist ML. Lactose nutrition in lactase nonpersisters. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2015;24(S1):s21-5\n\n\nManninen AH, Protein hydrolysates in sports nutrition, Nutrition & Metabolism 2009 ; 6(1):38\n\n\nhttps://www.enfagrow.com.my/articles/ease-protein-digestion-issue-partially-hydrolyzed-protein\n\u00a0\n\n\nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189118/\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nA Gut Expert\u2019s Guide To Bloat & Digestion\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-is-a-blighted-ovum-causes-symptoms-and-treatment", "title": "What is a blighted ovum: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment", "body": "What is a blighted ovum?\n\n\nA blighted ovum happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. Cells develop to form the pregnancy sac, but not the embryo itself.\n\n\nIn normal cases, when a woman becomes pregnant, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. At about five to six weeks of pregnancy, an embryo should be present, together with the gestational sac. With a blighted ovum, though, the pregnancy sac forms and grows, but the embryo does not develop. That\u2019s why a blighted ovum is also called an anembryonic pregnancy.\n\n\nA blighted ovum occurs early on, within the first trimester, even before the woman may have realised she is pregnant. It will cause a miscarriage usually at 7-12 weeks of pregnancy. The body realises that the pregnancy is not developing properly and starts to shed blood and tissue from the uterus.\n\n\nPregnancy hormones are still produced in case of a blighted ovum, so it can show as a positive pregnancy test early on.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: WIKIPEDIA\n\n\n\n\nCauses of blighted ovum\n\n\nIn a normal pregnancy, the egg starts dividing within hours after being fertilized.\u00a0\n\n\nAround 10 days later, the cells will have formed an embryo, which will implant itself in the uterus. Then the placenta begins to develop and hormone levels begin to surge.\u00a0\n\n\nWith a blighted ovum, the cells never divide to the point of forming an embryo, or the embryo stops growing very shortly after it implants in the uterus.\n\n\nStudies have revealed t\nhat a blighted ovum pregnancy usually happens because of abnormal chromosomes in the foetus. This can be caused by abnormal cell division, or poor quality of sperm or egg. The body terminates the pregnancy because the foetus will not develop into a healthy baby.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is important to understand that it was not your fault and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it from happening. For most women, a blighted ovum occurs only once. If you have repeated blighted ovum pregnancies, talk to your doctor about a chromosomal analysis of your embryos.\n\n\n\n\nSigns of blighted ovum\n\n\nIn many cases, a blighted ovum can occur very early in pregnancy before most women even know that they are pregnant.\n\n\nA blighted ovum may have the same early symptoms associated with pregnancy, such as:\n\n\n\n\nA positive pregnancy test\n\n\nBreast tenderness\n\n\nNausea and vomiting\n\n\nA missed period\n\n\nAn ultrasound showing an amniotic sac but no embryo\n\n\n\n\nAs the pregnancy ends, symptoms may include those of miscarriage. These can include:\n\n\n\n\nVaginal spotting or bleeding\n\n\nAbdominal cramping\n\n\nDisappearance of breast soreness\n\n\nA period that is heavier than usual.\n\n\nBlood clots or grayish tissue passing from the vagina\n\n\n\n\nDiagnosis and treatment\n\n\nA blighted ovum is usually detected on the first ultrasound given during a prenatal appointment. Sometimes, there may have been bleeding at the start of the pregnancy and an ultrasound is used to investigate.\n\n\nIt will show the placenta and empty embryonic sac. In some cases, a transvaginal ultrasound, in which a wand is inserted directly into the vagina, may be used to confirm a blighted ovum if the results of a standard abdominal ultrasound are inconclusive.\n\n\n\n\nIn case of a blighted ovum, your doctor may suggest these treatment options:\n\n\n\n\nWaiting for miscarriage symptoms to occur naturally\n\n\nTaking medication to bring on a miscarriage\n\n\nHaving a D and C (dilation and curettage) surgical procedure to remove the placental tissues from the uterus\n\n\n\n\nYour doctor will discuss the options with you. You will want to discuss the side effects and the standard risks associated with any type of medication or surgical procedure, including a D and C.\n\n\nYou might choose to allow a natural miscarriage to happen. Once this starts, it can take days to weeks for the bleeding to finish. If the bleeding is getting heavier, if you are in pain or you feel unwell, see your doctor.\u00a0\n\n\nYour doctor also needs to monitor the process to ensure that all the tissue in the uterus has been appropriately expelled. If tissue remains in the uterus after the miscarriage, a D&C may still be required. If the tissue is not removed, an infection can occur and lead to a potentially serious complication called a septic miscarriage.\n\n\nA D&C will also be helpful if you want a pathologist to examine tissues to confirm the reason for the miscarriage.\n\n\nRisk factors\n\n\nExperts estimate that a third of early pregnancy loss, those before 8 weeks gestation, are due to blighted ovum.\u00a0\n\n\nSome risk factors include:\n\n\n\n\nChromosomal abnormalities\n\n\nHistory of miscarriage\n\n\nBeing older than 35\n\n\nObesity\n\n\nInfections such as toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, or syphilis\n\n\nUterine abnormalities\u00a0\n\n\nLuteal phase defect\n\n\nSmoking\n\n\nAbuse of alcohol or drugs\n\n\nDiabetes and Thyroid diseases\n\n\nExposure to toxins (for example, pesticides) and ionizing radiation\n\n\n\n\nHow to cope with a blighted ovum\n\n\nLoss of a pregnancy can be very hard. It is natural to feel upset, sad or even guilty. In case of a blighted ovum, remember that it wasn\u2019t your fault, and there was no way that you could have prevented it.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nTalking to family members, friends, a counsellor, or your doctor may help you cope with your loss.\n\n\n\n\nHere are some things you need to take note of after a blighted ovum:\n\n\n\n\nYou will probably have vaginal bleeding, similar to a heavy period, for up to a week. Use pads instead of tampons. You may use tampons during your next period, which should start in 3 to 6 weeks.\n\n\nYou may have cramps for several days after the miscarriage. Over-the-counter pain medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help. Inform your doctor if you have any severe pain.\n\n\nMonitor your temperature in the evening for the next five days after the miscarriage. Call your doctor if you have a temperature above 100\u00b0F.\n\n\nYour doctor may want you to collect tissue that you might pass. Use a clear container for it and take it to your doctor as soon as you can.\n\n\nDo not have sex until the bleeding stops.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is also recommended that you avoid heavy exercise until the bleeding stops.\n\n\nIf you plan to get pregnant again, check with your doctor. Most doctors suggest waiting until you have had at least one normal period before you try to get pregnant. \nIf you do not want to get pregnant, ask your doctor about birth control.\n\n\nEat a balanced diet that is high in iron and vitamin C. You may be low in iron because of blood loss. Talk to your doctor about whether you need to take iron pills or a multivitamin.\n\n\n\n\nCan I get pregnant after a blighted ovum pregnancy?\n\n\nHaving a blighted ovum in pregnancy won\u2019t affect your chances of conceiving and having a successful pregnancy in the future. In a\n study of women with early miscarriages\n, including blighted ovums, around 80% went on to give birth to a healthy baby within five years.\n\n\nWill I have another blighted ovum pregnancy?\n\n\nA blighted ovum is usually a one-time occurrence. However, in the rare case of repeated incidents of blighted ovum, your doctor may recommend testing to identify possible causes.\u00a0\n\n\nPrevention tips\n\n\nUnfortunately, in most cases, a blighted ovum cannot be prevented. In case of multiple early pregnancy losses, do talk to your doctor about possible genetic causes, and if any tests are required.\n\n\nMost doctors recommend that couples wait at least 1-3 regular menstrual cycles before trying to conceive again after any type of miscarriage, so that your body has time to recuperate fully and is ready to support pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring this time, focus on healthy lifestyle habits for your body and mental health, such as:\n\n\n\n\nEating well\n\n\nSleeping well and keeping stress at bay\n\n\nExercising\n\n\nTaking a daily prenatal supplement that contains folate\n\n\n\n\n(Source: \nAmerican Pregnancy Association\n, \nWebMD\n, \nVeryWellFamily\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/instant-noodles-send-thousands-of-kids-to-the-er", "title": "Instant noodles send thousands of kids to the ER", "body": "Are instant soups healthy? What about instant noodles? Both these items are definitely not in the list of healthy foods you should give your child. But even more shocking than their lack of nutrients is the fact that these foods are responsible for sending thousands of kids to ER every year.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n20% of childhood scald burns caused by microwaving instant noodles, says study\n\n\n\n\nRecently, \na new study\n conducted by scientists has revealed that 20% of childhood scald burns were caused by microwaving instant noodles and soup.\n\n\nUnlike normal burns, scald burns come from exposure to hot liquids or steam. Some cases of scald burns may need hospitalization or surgery.\n\n\nThe study estimates that instant soups cause nearly 10,000 scald burns in kids residing in the America. Furthermore, their findings showed that four- to seven-year-olds were likelier to be hurt, with the chest area of the body being the site of injury in 40% of cases.\u00a0\n\n\nDr Courtney Allen, is a paediatric emergency medicine fellow at Emory University in Atlanta. She suspects that parents see food coming out of a microwave as much safer than on a stove. However, the study has shown that young children eating microwave-heated instant soups do need to be overseen by an adult.\n\n\nDr Michael Cooper is\u00a0the director of Staten Island University Hospital\u2019s burn center in New York Cit. He says that the study\u2019s results confirm what happens in reality.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe do see instant soup and noodle burns with kids in this age group,\u201d he said.\n\n\nThankfully, these kids could return home after treatment in the emergency room. They weren\u2019t hospitalised and needed less than 14 days to recover.\n\n\n\u201cThese burns are painful, but most appear to be superficial,\u201d he explained.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAre instant soups healthy? No, and they\u2019re not safe for kids to handle either. Always supervise your kids if they are heating instant soups using a microwave oven. | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow do these burns happen?\n\n\nMost of the time, according to Cooper, the parent pre-heats the instant soup and hands it over to the child in the same container. Often the child will knock over the cup, and its boiling hot contents over themselves.\u00a0\n\n\nOverall, the study shows that parents, grandparents and other people supervising children should be educated that these burns can happen. Authors have also suggested thinking of ways of preventing these burns, such as modifications in instant soup packaging, too.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides this injury risk they pose to kids, instant soups and noodles fare poorly on the nutrition front too.\u00a0\n\n\nAre Instant soups healthy? Not really, says science\n\n\nAccording to nutritionist Ms Swati Kapoor, instant vegetable soups are very different to their natural counterparts. Namely, they:\n\n\n\n\ncontain less than half of the nutrients you can find in natural soups because nutrients can\u2019t be stored over long periods of time.\u00a0\n\n\nare loaded with preservatives. Although preservatives can prolong the shelf life of instant soups, they do negate the antioxidant properties from the vegetables used to make the soup. \n\n\nare made from ingredients with sub-par quality. Much of the soup consists of starch, sugar and sodium. \n\n\nhardly have any vegetables at all, aside from\u00a0the already depleted nutrients. \n\n\n\n\nIn particular there are three important ingredients in instant soups that aren\u2019t good for your health:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAre instant soups healthy? Not really, says nutritionists. Eating in moderation is fine, but don\u2019t feed your kids instant or powdered soups everyday, parents. | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n1. Corn flour\n\n\nInstant soups often contain a lot of corn flour so that it becomes thick. Corn flour isn\u2019t good for your body because it increases\u00a0blood sugar levels, and also causes weight to rise and fall \u2013 or the \u201cyo-yo effect\u201d. The yo-yo effect isn\u2019t healthy: it can lead to diseases like fatty liver, diabetes, heart conditions, \nand many more\n.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Salt\n\n\nInstant soups also have a lot of salt. The excessive salt isn\u2019t good for people who already have high blood pressure. Too much salt is also bad for kids.\u00a0\n\n\nHaving too much salt may bring about a lot of other conditions other than hypertension and a heart attack, such as\u00a0osteoporosis, asthma, kidney diseases and rarely, stomach cancer.\n\n\n3. Preservatives\n\n\nInstant soups also contain a lot of preservatives which are bad for health.\u00a0\n\n\nFurthermore, the nutrients that come with instant soups are in powder form. Once these powdered nutrients receive heat, they lose their nutritional value.\n\n\n\n\nInstant noodles, similar to soups, also have many limitations when it comes to health and nutrients. Parents, this doesn\u2019t mean you should ban these foods from your child\u2019s diet altogether if it\u2019s a favourite. Rather, you should exercise caution that burns don\u2019t happen, and not let kids eat these foods too often.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nWWLP\n, \nPracto\n, \nAAP\n, \nWebMD,\u00a0\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHealthline\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pumpables-milk-genie-plus-review", "title": "#tApReviews: Pumpables Milk Genie Plus Review", "body": "If you\u2019re looking to buy a breast pump and you\u2019re considering the Pumpables Genie Plus, we\u2019re here to tell you everything about it that we absolutely love. This is the Pumpables Milk Genie Plus review every mum needs to read.\n\n\nBut before we go into it, here\u2019s a little background: I started off using an Eynsham Symphony pump, which is slightly bigger compared to the Pumpables Genie Plus.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nI spent about the same amount on both pumps, but the difference in functionality is worlds apart.\n\n\n\n\nThis proved to be unsuitable for me due to the wrong breast shield size and since this brand is pretty much unheard of, no one could tell me if there were other compatible flanges I could use. Not only that, for the same price, I got a pump that didn\u2019t have a screen and had only basic functionality.\n\n\nThen I bought myself a Spectra S1 pump. It worked well for me as a hospital-grade pump. But as it was time for me to go back to work, bringing the bulky pump to work with me was not an ideal situation. As an EP mum, it was crucial for me to have two working pumps anyway.\n\n\nEnter Pumpables Milk Genie Plus. Whenever I would see other mums posting in Facebook groups about the best portable pump, this pump kept popping up.\u00a0\n\n\nPumpables Milk Genie Plus Review\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice\n\n\nRM599 (get RM100 off by applying downloading our app and redeeming a special discount code)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSuction Power\n\n\nUp to 300mmHg\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWeight\n\n\n220mg\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCategory\n\n\nPortable\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTLDR: It\u2019s light, effective in clearing breasts and relatively quiet.\n\n\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\u00a0\n\n\n1. It is small and light.\u00a0\n\n\nWhether you\u2019re travelling or using it as your work pump, it\u2019s perfect because it fits into ANY bag. It\u2019s so light that it doesn\u2019t add much weight to the bag, considering it is only 220gm (that is roughly the weight of a smartphone with a case).\u00a0\n\n\n2. The suction power is efficient in clearing.\u00a0\n\n\nMy usual pump time with a Spectra S1 Plus at home on single-pumping is 15 minutes each side to clear. I expected a smaller pump like the Genie Plus to take longer, but to my pleasant surprise, my pump time remained the same and my yield remained the same.\u00a0\n\n\n3. It is relatively quiet.\u00a0\n\n\nCompared to the Spectra S1 Plus, the Genie Plus produces almost the same volume. In my opinion, the Genie Plus is only slightly louder. But one huge plus point is that it is easy to find a place to hide the small machine so you can be more discreet when pumping if the noise bothers you, like your pocket or on a seat (to cushion the noise).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n4. It comes with three breast shield sizes.\u00a0\n\n\nI cannot stress enough how important this is. One of the most painful parts of my pumping journey was finding the right flange size for my nipples. I started off with Spectra\u2019s standard 28mm, moving up to 30mm and then 32mm, after being ill-advised by shop assistants. Later on, I moved down to a 24mm flange and found that it was the most comfortable.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, after four months, I had actually found my perfect size \u2013 21mm, and this was because I had the option of trying this size out when it came with the Genie Plus. Since then, I could say bye-bye to endless cracked nipples and uncomfortable pumping sessions.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your size doesn\u2019t fall within this range, additional shield sizes from 15mm to 30mm are also available for purchase separately.\n\n\n5. Battery life is great.\n\n\nThe breast pump boasts a battery life of up to 2.5 hours. Currently, after having used the pump for about two weeks, the battery life seems to be great. Considering I only pump once a day for half an hour at work, the battery life lasts me all week!\u00a0\n\n\n6. It is compatible with many brands.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides being compatible with Spectra parts, it is also compatible with YouCup and Freemie parts. Of course, experienced mums would know that this means you can also buy Maymom parts.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Memory settings\n\n\nYou can save the settings according to your preferences. This is particularly useful if you\u2019re working and you get distracted from your pump session (as I always do!) as the pump will help you effectively clear your breasts in the way you\u2019re used to without you having to stop what you\u2019re doing to change the settings.\n\n\nThe other side of things:\n\n\nThe only downside to it is that it is only available for sale online.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nThe only hesitation I had in buying this pump from the get-go was that I could not see, hear or feel the pump at baby fairs as I had been accustomed to. But once I got past that hesitation by reading so many of the reviews on it, I clicked on order and the rest is history. Delivery is very quick, with the pump arriving 2-3 days after the order had been placed. They also use Ninjavan as their delivery service, which updates you on the delivery by text.\u00a0\n\n\nGet your Pumpables Milk Genie Plus \nhere\n and don\u2019t forget to download our app to get a discount voucher for the breast pump.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pain-relief-methods-drug-free-labour", "title": "10 pain relief methods for a drug free labour", "body": null} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kid-activity-list", "title": "Connect with Your Children: 4 Fun Activities You Can Do at Home to Encourage Learning", "body": "With the ever-changing landscape of working and learning environments, families are finding themselves with more time at home \u2013 a valuable time that offers opportunities to bond with your kids.\n\n\nLiving in a digital world, it\u2019s easy to keep them occupied with screen time especially during peak working hours, but it\u2019s crucial to spend some time offline with your little ones.\n\n\nThrough daily activities together, you can positively build your child\u2019s self-esteem, strengthen family bonds, encourage communication and of course, fuel their knowledge.\u00a0 However, the type of kid activity you choose plays a part in strengthening those factors during these bonding sessions.\n\n\nTactile learning through experience\n\n\nHP\u2019s New Asian Learning Experience Study (NALE) revealed 92.7 percent of Malaysian parents value experiential learning as an opportunity to nurture their child\u2019s creative and critical thinking.\u00a0\n\n\nThe study found that 83 percent of these parents believed bonding with their children through learning activities is a great way to develop interpersonal skills \u2013 printed materials, such as worksheets, were the most effective format for learning and writing new words.\n\n\nWith hands-on activities that promote tactile education, children are able to build their physical, cognitive and language skills. This is also especially important for their childhood development, which includes growth from a social and emotional standpoint.\n\n\n\u00a0\nSo, choose activities that encourage them to explore their senses such as drawing, writing and expressing actions or emotions.\n\n\n\u00a0\nHere are four fun activities you can try at home.\n\n\n1.\n\u00a0 \nStory time\n\n\n\n\nStories can fuel their imagination and can be a precious opportunity to bond with your child.\n\n\n\n\nStories are much-loved by children, it drives their brain development and imagination. Through storylines, children can be taught a valuable lesson, as well as pick up language, communication and social skills.\n\n\n\u00a0Here are some ideas:\n\n\n\n\nDaily reading:\n Help your kid build their literacy skills by allocating a period of time daily to read to them. Use sounds or acting to associate words to keep the session engaging and ask questions in between to ensure they understand the plot. You can also discuss the moral of the story or encourage them to have their own alternate endings or get them to do a book review! Here is a \nfree printable book review template.\n\u00a0\n\n\nCreate their own story:\n Write an opening storyline or a topic and let them continue their own adventure. You can even print out a picture or a character (here is a \nfree\n \nrobot\n and \nsuperhero\n printable!) and let them build a story around this. This allows them to explore their own creativity in story-telling skills and writing. Parents then can read the story together and ask questions on points in their story, or offer a different perspective to showcase the various ways a story can develop.\n\n\n\n\n2.\n\u00a0 \nA scavenger hunt\n\n\n\n\nEngage your kids with a fun-filled day of finding clues.\n\n\n\n\nA fun time for the entire family, a scavenger hunt is an easy way to educate your kids. Parents can customise this and use themes to challenge their kids. You can also have additional rules, such as allowing one hint which they have to use wisely. One of the easiest rewards when completing the treasure hunt can be their favourite snack! Larger families can even split into teams.\n\n\n\u00a0Here are some ideas:\n\n\n\n\nThings around the house:\n This can teach them about items around the house. Clues can include where a certain chore or action is done daily such as \u201cwhere dinner is made\u201d to lead to the kitchen. Additionally, you can challenge them with uncommon items such as a painting in the house through an imaginative description, or which country a certain souvenir is from.\n\n\nAlphabets:\n Create a worksheet with all alphabets and add columns to each letter. Ask your kids to find something that begins with every alphabet and write it down.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a03. DIY study charts\n\n\n\n\nSpend quality time with your kids through interactive worksheets and activities.\n\n\n\n\nRather than using pre-made study charts, get your child to make their own \u2013 this lets them learn as they create! You can hang up their masterpieces in their rooms or around the house to encourage them to continuously learn.\n\n\nHere are some ideas:\n\n\n\n\nMath charts:\n This can be an addition, subtraction or a multiplication table. Just create and print a template with the equation numbers and leave the answers blank. Get them to decorate the entire chart with funky lettering, colouring and more!\n\n\nAlphabet charts:\n Create boxes for every letter and ask them to fill in an animal that starts with each letter. You can even print out animal illustrations for them to colour and match with the correct alphabet.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nPrint & Play with HP:\n Suitable for kids aged between two and 12, HP offers free various printable worksheets and crafts activities for your little ones! These include colouring, puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dots, drawing, paper crafts and more. You can feed your kids with snippets of information or help them count as they go along with the worksheets. Get your printables\n \nhere\n!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a04. \nJoin HP\u2019s Little Makers & stand a chance to win up to RM30,000 worth of merchandise!\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s a chance to have fun and win exclusive HP merchandise! HP\u2019s Little Makers contest offers four fun printable challenges for your kids to do.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0These are the four challenges:\n\n\n\n\nPaper Building Blocks\n:\n Let your child explore their creativity and decorate the individual strips before cutting them out to form paper blocks. Your child will have to arrange them according to the instructions and make sure their building is not collapsible!\n\n\nMake Your Own Brain\n:\n Educate your kids on how the brain functions! Just print out the template and get them to colour each section to form a paper hat that labels brain parts.\n\n\nLayers of the Earth:\n Explain the structure of the earth to your kids as this template forms a pinwheel that labels each layer.\n\n\nBuilding 3-D Shapes\n:\n Teach your kids how 2-D shapes can become 3-D! They can decorate these cubes and pyramids as they play along.\n\n\n\n\nOnce your kids have completed the four challenges, get them to pose with their paper creations and post the photo up on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #HPMY, #HPLittleMakers and #ReinventingLearning.\n\n\n\u00a0\nYou can also upload them on the Little Makers site if you can\u2019t post on social media! Start your challenges now and visit\n \nHP Little Maker\u2019s official website\n.\n\n\nReinvent learning with HP\n\n\nIn a bid to inspire students and evolve the educational landscape, HP aims to equip young children and students alike with adequate information, technology, as well as learning experiences that can offer insight into future workplaces.\n\n\nWith that, HP\u2019s Reinvent Learning narrative addresses these concerns with focus on the importance of tactile learning, especially print-based education.\u00a0\n\n\nPrinted materials are considered a powerful tool to strengthen the relationship between a parent and child \u2013 it encourages active participation from both sides, compared to digital platforms or video-based learning.\n\n\nAccording to HP\u2019s NALE study, young Malaysian parents viewed printed materials as an effective tool to nurture their child\u2019s comprehension skills and vocabulary, especially when supplemented with digital platforms that facilitate creative and critical thinking.\n\n\nMoreover, children who used both tablets and printed worksheets were more engaged \u2013 it was found that 12 percent spent longer time on their tasks without signs of distraction or boredom and were more likely to ask questions.\n\n\nPrint with HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4729\n\n\nWith a library of printable worksheets online and e-learning projects or homework, a printer is an important tool to support your child\u2019s educational needs at home.\n\n\nThe HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4729 is great for this \u2013 it can handle large print jobs with ultra-high-yield Original HP ink cartridges for less. Furthermore, it has wireless connection that can be linked to smartphones or tablets for on-the-spot printing.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your child uses a tablet, they are able to print their worksheets right away and efficiently \u2013 it is also designed for sharper lines, graphics, text and can produce high-quality prints for photos.\n\n\n\n\nIts features include:\n\n\n\n\nAble to print up to 1,500 pages with black ink\n\n\nWireless printing with the HP Smart app for users to link to their smartphones or tablet \u2013 users can print from anywhere with the remote printing setup\n\n\nLow-cost ink cartridge\n\n\nSupports borderless printing\n\n\n\n\nFor more information, visit\n \nHP\u2019s official website\n, or check out their\n \nHP Malaysia\u2019s Facebook\n and Instagram @HP_Malaysia.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/deal-with-childs-slow-eating-habit", "title": "How to deal with your child's slow eating habit", "body": "\n\nIf your child is a slow eater, he could easily take several hours to finish a meal.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s almost dinner time\u2026 and your heart starts to sink as you call your 3-year-old child to the table.\n\n\nWhy? Because you know he\u2019s going to take a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of perhaps 2 hours (or longer!) to finish his meal.\n\n\nIntroducing the \u2018slow eater\u2019 \u2014 the child who takes forever to eat! According to experts, a child\u2019s slow eating habit is a form of picky eating which,\u00a0if not addressed, could pose a problem for the child\u2019s overall nutrition intake.\n\n\nFor example, if your child takes a few hours to eat her lunch, the meal may not be completed or she may not be hungry enough by dinner time. And so the slow-eating cycle continues.\n\n\nYour child\u2019s slow eating habit could also result in a strained parent-child relationship as a result of the stress (for both of you) involved during\u00a0mealtimes.\n\n\nSome kids actually don\u2019t have an issue with the food placed before them or with eating \u2014 they just eat really slowly.\n\n\nBut whatever the reason, watching your child take hours to eat a meal you painstakingly prepared can be extremely frustrating.\n\n\n\n\nWatching your child eat \u2013 noodle by noodle \u2013 for over an hour can be very frustrating for parents.\n\n\n\n\nThe characteristics of a slow eater include:\n\n\n\u2013 Taking more than 30-45 minutes to finish a meal;\n\n\n\u2013 Leaving his meal mostly untouched even after 30-45 minutes of \u2018eating\u2019;\n\n\n\u2013 Playing with food;\n\n\n\u2013 Holding food in the mouth for a long time without chewing;\n\n\n\u2013 Chewing food without swallowing for a long time;\n\n\n\u2013 Needing constant reminders to chew and swallow;\n\n\n\u2013 Needing to drink water or juice with each mouthful of food.\n\n\n\n\nTry not to lose your temper with your slow eater as it could only aggravate the problem.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s very easy to get annoyed and/or angry with your slow-eating child and lose your temper with him. However, experts say that there may be reasons for your child\u2019s slow eating habit.\n\n\nThese include:\n\n\n\u2013 They get easily distracted;\n\n\n\u2013 They like experimenting with their food;\nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\n\n\n\u2013 They are too full from snacking throughout the day;\n\n\n\u2013 They are exercising independence in eating.\n\n\nAlso, most children will go through a phase of slow eating, especially when they come to an age where they find playing much more interesting than eating.\n\n\nSlow eating could also occur when your child\u2019s rate of growth starts to taper and slow down, which is usually when he is around 2 years old.\n\n\nWhatever the reason for your child\u2019s slow eating habit, don\u2019t be disheartened.\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\nKarin G. Reiter\n, who is a medical nutritionist, certified fitness instructor and lifestyle coach, t\nhe more we fret and fuss about our kids eating habits, promise and punish them with foods, the more we will get upset\u2026 and the less results we will see as parents.\n\n\nSo, with this in mind, we share with\u00a0you ways to\u00a0help your child eat faster, as well as tips to keep in mind that will help you and your child get through this phase.\n\n\n1. Be realistic\n\n\nPlan enough time for your kid\u2019s meal and be realistic about how long it takes a child to eat.\n\n\nSure, we\u2019ve all watched in amazement and awe certain kids wolfing down a meal in 10 minutes.\u00a0But 30-45 minutes is actually a reasonable amount of time for a young child to finish his meal.\n\n\nIf you find yourself rushing your child to eat any faster than this, adjusting your expectations may help both of you to relax, which in turn, will make mealtimes less stressful.\n\n\n\n\nIf your child is snacking on calorie-dense foods such as sweets and chocolates through the day, she might be too full to eat her main meals in a reasonable amount of time.\n\n\n\n\n2. Minimise snacks\n\n\nMost kids love snacking and, if they had their way, would graze on tiny portions of food all day. But constant snacking could actually ruin your child\u2019s appetite for his larger meals, and make him eat these meals at a snail\u2019s pace.\n\n\nSo keep the snacks to once a day and try to ensure that the snack is not too filling \u2014 in this regard, fruit is ideal (and healthier too!).\n\n\nAlso, try to set a fixed feeding schedule with 3 main meals, set 3-4 hours apart.\n\n\n3. Spend time with your child aside from meals.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile some kids are slow eaters by nature, others may purposely take their time to eat in order to get attention from you. So do try and set aside time outside of\u00a0mealtime to interact with your child.\n\n\n4. Set a time limit\n\n\nSet a reasonable time limit for your child to eat (30-45 minutes) and once this time is up, as difficult as it might be to do,\u00a0\u00a0remove his\u00a0plate and calmly tell your child that mealtime is over.\n\n\nIf your child can tell the time, tell him before the meals starts how much time he has. If he can\u2019t tell the time yet, try using an egg timer.\n\n\nYou could also set a clock or phone alarm, having it go off 5 or 10 minutes before the expected meal completion time so he knows he needs to finish up fast.\n\n\n5. Discuss the issue with your child\n\n\nDo talk to your child about the issue of slow eating, but at a time other than mealtime when your temper may flare, especially if he\u2019s taking extra-long to eat on that particular day!\n\n\nTalk to your child calmly about the need to put away food after a certain time to keep it fresh, as well as the need to move on to other activities other than eating.\n\n\nTry to explain to your child that if he eats faster, he has all the more time to engage in fun activities that he likes.\n\n\n\n\nCut out all distractions such as TV and phone use during mealtimes and try to\u00a0eat together as a family.\n\n\n\n\n6. Cut out distractions\n\n\nTurn off the TV and ban mobile phone use and other gadgets during mealtimes.\n\n\nYoung kids are very\u00a0easily distracted by technology and if you have the TV on during mealtimes, this may actually be contributing to your child\u2019s slow eating behaviour \u2014 by moving his attention off his meal.\n\n\n7. Be mindful of serving portion size\n\n\nSeeing a plate piled sky-high with food can\u00a0be overwhelming even for a fast eater. So do be mindful of your child\u2019s food portion size and keep it age appropriate, making it more achievable for him to complete the meal.\n\n\n8. Use positive reinforcement\n\n\nWhen\u00a0your child does complete a meal within the allotted time, be generous with your praise and encourage him to keep at it. There\u2019s nothing more a young kid likes than to see you pleased with him and be told he\u2019s doing a good job!\n\n\n9. Be creative with food\n\n\nTry and make mealtimes fun and interesting for your slow eater. There are some really creative things you could do with your kid\u2019s meal to make it more interesting.\n\n\nFor example, with basic cookie cutter shapes, you could make heart-shaped pancakes or eggs. Sandwiches could be cut into interesting shapes and veggies arranged into colourful patterns.\n\n\n\n\nBy being creative with your child\u2019s food, you might be able to encourage him to eat faster.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKarin Reiter shares these tips that might also help your child get excited by food:\n\n\n\u2013 Cut veggies and fruits into stars and shapes.\n\n\n\u2013 Serve your children\u2019s food in plates that have their favorite animated creatures on them.\n\n\n\u2013 Give veggies funny names: powder broccoli, silly billy green beans, x-ray carrots.\n\n\n\u2013 Have your kids participate in food preparation.\n\n\nParents, as stressful as it may be dealing with your slow eater (and I know because I have one at home myself!), things will get better with patience and perseverance.\n\n\nMore often than not, your child\u2019s slow eating habit is just a phase and really nothing to be worried about.\n\n\nBut sometimes, according to medical experts, kids\u00a0may eat slowly due to other reasons, such as food allergies, reflux, oral motor developmental delays or sensory issues.\n\n\nIf your child\u2019s slow eating habit is really worrying you and you think it may be compromising his physical/mental development, do consult your child\u2019s doctor for assessment and advice.\n\n\nDo you have a slow eater at home? Share with us your tips on helping him/her eat faster by leaving a comment.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences\n\n\nhttps://pickyeating.com.sg/sloweater\n\n\nhttps://everydaylife.globalpost.com/encourage-children-very-slow-eaters-eat-faster-19710.html\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-battles-with-cancer", "title": "5-year-old boy with liver cancer apologises to mum before dying", "body": "Watching a loved one suffer from disease and pain is one of the most excruciating things a person can experience, and child battles with cancer experiences are soul-crushing. Here, we share a heart-wrenching story of a little boy and his fight with cancer.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFor three years, Charlie Proctor fought against his rare cancer hard. \u201cNow, it\u2019s time to fly, I am so, so proud of you. You fought this so hard,\u201d his mum, Amber Schofield says. | Photo: FACEBOOK/ Charlie\u2019s Chapter\n\n\n\n\nChild battles with cancer: Hepatoblastoma, a rare liver cancer\n\n\nHailing from Church, U.K, Charlie Proctor had been\u00a0battling Hepatoblastoma, a rare cancer that starts in the liver, since February 2016, according to The Straits Times, as reported by British news outlets.\n\n\nThe 5-year-old had previously undergone a successful surgery at Birmingham Children\u2019s Hospital in the U.K, and his cancer went into \nremission\n.\n\n\nBut unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse and Charlie\u2019s cancer returned.\u00a0\n\n\nAs such, his parents,\u00a0Amber Schofield and Ben Proctor, took to Facebook in a last-ditch effort to raise\u00a0\u00a3855,580 (S$1.53 million). This was so that they could pay for a life-saving treatment in the United States.\u00a0\n\n\nThey had reached almost half of the target amount,\u00a0\nraising\n\u00a0$611,600.\u00a0Among the donors reportedly was US pop star Pink, who contributed \u00a310,000.\n\n\nHowever by then, they were presented with the fact that Charlie\u2019s cancer had \u201cbecome incurable\u201d and \u201cwas too sick for treatment\u201d. The treatment would have included a liver transplant, according to CTV news.\n\n\nChild battles with cancer apologises to mum before he died\n\n\nWeighing 9\u201911 lb at birth, Charlie was \u201cthe cuddliest baby ever!\u201d according to his mummy Amber. But after the deadly cancer struck, Charlie\u2019s condition deteriorated.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHis AFP is that high now that the machine can no longer read them. His liver function are the same apart from his Bilirubin, which has doubled causing Charlie\u2019s skin colour to be yellow,\u201d according to Amber. | Photo: FACEBOOK/ Charlie\u2019s Chapter\n\n\n\n\nAlong the way, Amber commented many times that her boy \u201cno longer looks like Charlie.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHe\u2019s so thin, I can see and feel every bone in his tiny body, his sunken face, his rolling eyes.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t know what to do anymore\u201d are the main words the little boy said to\u00a0Schofield. \u201cHe\u2019s sad, he\u2019s tired, he\u2019s fed up and depressed.\u201d\n\n\nAfter nearly three years after being diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma, Charlie took his final breath on Nov 9 2018, last Friday. And\u00a0in the most heartbreaking way possible.\n\n\n\u201cLast night at 23:14 my best friend, my world, Charlie, took his final breath. He fell asleep peacefully cuddled in my arms with daddy\u2019s arms wrapped around us,\u201d said Amber.\n\n\nHours prior to his death, Amber shared a Facebook post quoting Charlie\u2019s words.\n\n\n\u201cMummy, I\u2019m so sorry for this,\u201d Charlie said in \u201cthe most quiet, panting voice\u201d.\n\n\nApparently, he had been\u00a0very agitated that day as he\u00a0kept shifting positions. He had wanted to \u201clay down, sit up, lay in bed, then on the beanbag, then on the sofa, then back upstairs and so on\u2026,\u201d she said.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAmber thanked Charlie for not only showing her what \u201clove really means\u201d but because he gave her the chance to be a mum.\u00a0\n\n\nA \u201cbest friend\u201d and \u201cbiggest inspiration,\u201d is what Charlie will always be to her.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChild battles with cancer: \u201cI miss just having a chat, a cuddle that doesn\u2019t cause pain. I miss squeezing him and kissing him all over,\u201d said Schofield. | Photo: FACEBOOK/ Charlie\u2019s Chapter\n\n\n\n\nRead Charlie\u2019s and his family\u2019s story in their Facebook post below:\n\n\n\n\nQuestions you may have if your child battles with cancer\n\n\nBelow are some suggestions as to what may go through your mind if your child has cancer. But always talk with your child\u2019s health care team for a better understanding and how to deal with your child\u2019s diagnosis.\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nWho should tell my child?\n\n\nThe child usually learns of their diagnosis from the doctor at the same time you learn of it. However, if you decide to reveal it to your child, you could get some advice from the doctor or nurse on how to answer his/her questions.\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nApa Itu Cacar Air & Kenapa Kita Perlu Melindungi Anak Daripadanya?\nFesyen\nKulit Menawan dan Menjadi Seorang Ibu: Bolehkah Kecapi Kulit Mulus Selepas Bergelar Ibu?\nPercutian\nAktiviti Luar Yang Mesra Keluarga di Hong Kong\nKesihatan\nFahami Impak Cacar Air Daripada Diari Doktor Pakar\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nWhen should my child be told?\n\n\nLet your child know of this as soon as possible as it could help build trust between the both of you.\u00a0You could let them into the news bit by bit.\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nWhat should I tell my child?\n\n\nWhat you share with your child depends on his age and how much they can understand.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProvide clear, simple information, no matter their age. It has to make sense to them\n\n\nLet them know what to expect using ideas and words that they understand\n\n\nExplain to them how the treatment will make them feel and when something will hurt\n\n\nShow them that strong medicine and treatments have helped other children\n\n\n\n\n4.\u00a0How much should I tell my child?\n\n\nGive them an understanding of the basic facts about the illness, treatment and what to expect. You don\u2019t have to dwell on the details or letting them know too much in advance.\u00a0\n\n\nThe key is to start with small amounts of information that they can understand. Try not to let their imagination run wild\u00a0\u2014 especially when it comes to unanswered questions they might have.\u00a0\n\n\nAnswer their questions honestly and always communicate with each other. It can help greatly. Never be untruthful to them.\u00a0\n\n\n5.\u00a0How might my child react?\n\n\nSome could worry, others get upset or become quiet, afraid, or defiant. It depends on each child. Some express their feelings in words, others in actions.\u00a0Expect that some days will be rough, and others will be easier. Tell your child, and find ways to show her, that you will always be there for her.\n\n\n6.\u00a0What can I do to help my child cope?\n\n\nMums and dads, children take cues from their parents, whether or not you notice them. Being calm and hopeful help. Show them love. You can listen to them speak their mind, some feel better after talking. You can let them engage in activities such as drawing, writing, playing games or listening to music.\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nThe Straits Times\n,\u00a0\nNational Cancer Institute\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/get-creative-with-samsung-eco-packaging", "title": "Discover How You Can Make Changes For A Meaningful Impact On Our Environment When You Purchase Samsung TV", "body": "Samsung is innovating for a better world, where technology exists together with people and for the planet. Through commitments that re-energize our environmental progress to innovations tailored to your unique lifestyle, Samsung is envisioning a future where sustainability anchors innovation and products are customized and connected for every experience.\n\n\nIn Samsung, we want our fans to purchase from a brand that shares similar fundamentals and values as they do, and with our SolarCell Remote Control and Eco-Packaging, we believe we can provide our customers with a new experience that considers the environment as an important way to express themselves.\n\n\nWhen consumers buy a Samsung product, we want them to feel confident that they\u2019re not only experiencing our cutting-edge technology and eco-innovation advances, but we\u2019re also making it easy for them to repair, refurbish and recycle their products as well.\u00a0\n\n\nGet Creative With Samsung Eco-Packaging And Save The Environment\n\n\n\n\nIn 2020, Samsung Electronics introduced eco-friendly packaging across its Lifestyle TV product portfolio in an effort to reduce the environmental footprint which has won the CES 2020 Innovation Awards for its concept for promoting the efficient use of resources.\n\n\nSamsung Eco-Packaging is a box specifically designed to be repurposed and recycled. It is made from eco-friendly corrugated cardboard where buyers can upcycle or turn the cardboard into magazine racks, build cat houses, and even shelves and furniture to store household items and electronic devices, including the remote control. This year, our eco-packaging uses 90% less ink than before by minimizing text and graphics plus eliminating all staples. With these efforts, we can decrease the amount of waste and make it easier for recycling centres to process.\n\n\n\n\nThe Eco-Packaging are applied to The Serif, The Frame and The Sero and it will be included in a wider range of home appliances in future as part of Samsung\u2019s commitment to eliminate all single-use plastics in mobile packaging by 2025.\n\n\nReducing Disposable Battery Waste With Samsung\u2019s Solar Cell Remote Control\n\n\n\n\nEvery year, around 15 billion batteries are used worldwide \u2013 but only 2% of these end up being recycled. In order to find a way to help mitigate this growing environmental issue, Samsung Electronics has developed the innovative solar cell-powered remote control for its TV products, which is now 88% more efficient than 2020 models.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAs part of Samsung\u2019s efforts towards creating eco-conscious products and services across all areas of its business operations, the Samsung TV\u2019s solar cell-powered remote control is powered by lighting instead of conventional disposable batteries and can be recharged using sunlight, indoor lighting or USB.\n\n\nWatch to learn more about the \nsustainable \u2013 yet high-performing \u2013 Samsung\u2019s SolarCell Remote video \nhere\n.\n\n\nSamsung new owner can get their hands on the SolarCell Remote Control when they purchase product ranges from Neo QLED, QLED, Crystal UHD, The Frame, The Serif and The Sero in Malaysia.\n\n\nSamsung Electronics strives to incorporate environmental sustainability into everything we do. Our products are thoughtfully designed to minimize the impact on the environment during their entire lifecycle \u2013 from planning and manufacturing to consumption and recycling.\n\n\nTo explore more about Samsung\u2019s responsible recycling programs and innovative sustainability efforts, please visit \nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/explore/sustainability/\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\n5 Healthy Tips to Guard Your Child Against Illnesses\nKeibubapaan\nAktiviti Cuti Sekolah Yang Paling Menarik Untuk Anak Anda\nMoney Parenting\nTwo Goals In One! Money Parenting Through Fun\nParenting\nStarting Your Child on Solids: Is Organic Baby Food Better?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-little-known-health-risk-of-giving-children-bubble-tea-2", "title": "The little-known health risk of giving children bubble tea", "body": "Can kids drink tea? There are many debatable answers and reasons as to why kids should or shouldn\u2019t drink tea. Still, especially in Asia, tea is popular among children, and even more popular is bubble tea made so tempting with those chewy little pearls made of tapioca.\n\n\nHowever, one mum recently learned in a very scary manner of a little-known risk of this type of tea, particularly related to the tapioca pearls.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCan Kids Drink Tea? Just be Careful of Bubble Tea\n\n\nTaiwanese milk tea (or bubble tea as it\u2019s popularly known) is loved for its sweet taste and unusual texture given by the addition of \u201cblack peals\u201d, or tiny tapioca balls.\n\n\nHowever, when giving bubble tea to little ones (even though this might only be an occasional treat), please remember this cautionary story about\u00a0eight-year-old Xiao Lin from China.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Happened?\u00a0\n\n\nXiao Lin endured pneumonia, fever and coughing for over six months. His mum, Linlin, didn\u2019t think too much of it and gave him medicine. The medicine helped to soothe his symptoms for a while, but they soon returned.\n\n\nHowever, Xiao Lin\u2019s coughing took a turn for the worse, and was coupled with high fever. But strangely, he did not show any classic flu symptoms such as a runny nose. Concerned about the condition of her child, Linlin took him to the local hospital for a thorough medical checkup.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter running some tests, doctors found out that Xiao Lin had suffered multiple attacks of pneumonia in the past six months, which was highly unusual.\n\n\nThey deduced that there was probably a foreign object inside him that led to these symptoms. Only after inserting a probe into his lungs were they able to confirm their diagnosis.\n\n\n\n\nXiao Lin\u2019s lunch endoscopy showed a foreign object blocking his air passages. | Image Source: \nYouTube\n\n\n\n\nXiao Lin\u2019s endoscopy showed a black tapioca pearl \u2013 a common bubble tea topping \u2013 stuck in his right lung. Soon after this discovery, the doctors took the eight-year-old to the operating room, where they surgically extracted the tapioca pearl.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Aftermath\n\n\nSurprisingly, the pearl looked brand new even after six months \u2013 it had not broken down at all!\n\n\nThe doctor in charge explains that as the lungs do not secrete digestive juices, their main mechanism of defense from a foreign object is to wrap it with secretions. This meant that over time, the black pearl was set to only grow larger, potentially becoming a life-threatening hazard.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe pearl looked brand new even though it had been in Xiao Lin\u2019s Lungs for six months. | Image Source: \nfeedytube.tv\n\n\n\n\nFurthermore, the main danger was related to the fact that the cause of the boy\u2019s illness was so hard to detect. The good news is that\u00a0Xiaolin is recovering from his ordeal.\n\n\nWhat We Can Learn from this Incident\n\n\nLooking back, Xiao Lin\u2019s mum speculates that her son took a sip of the bubble tea when she took her eyes off it. However, he accidentally sucked in and choked on a tapioca pearl, which eventually lodged in his trachea.\u00a0\n\n\nXiao Lin\u2019s disturbing experience is a warning to all parents to be mindful of even innocent-looking objects children are exposed to \u2013 even certain kinds of food and drinks.\u00a0\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent we\u2019ve also collated a few tips to help prevent such incident from occurring again.\u00a0\n\n\nPreventive Measures to Take with Food and Drink:\n\n\nInfants and Toddlers\n\n\n\n\nCut food appropriately:\n\n\n\nDice, shred, or cut up carrots, celery and green beans.\u00a0\n\n\nShred, dice or cut up carrots, celery, green beans, meats and cheeses.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDont\u2019 feed them high risk choking hazards like:\n\n\n\nsmall, hard foods like\u00a0\nhard candies, cough drops, nuts,\n\u00a0and\u00a0\npopcorn\n\n\nsoft, sticky foods like\u00a0\nchewing gum, marshmallows, jelly,\n\u00a0or\u00a0\ngummy candies\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNever leave a small child unattended while eating \nand always supervise them. This pearl incident was the result of negligence.\n\n\nEducate caregivers.\n\u00a0In a situation where your child is left in the care of someone else, teach them about choking hazards and precautions to take to prevent choking. Identify emergency resources and contacts.\n\n\nSeat your children while they eat\n and stop them from chatting, laughing, or playing while their mouth is still full of food or drinks.\u00a0\n\n\nNever feed them huge balls of peanut butter\n. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on bread, instead.\n\n\nCut high risk items like grapes, cherries or melon balls into quarters \nbefore feeding them to your child, remembering to de-seed it first.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor young children, grapes are a common choking hazard that can kill. | Image Source: Stock photos\n\n\n\n\nOlder Children\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOccasionally monitor\n your children in case anything happens.\u00a0\n\n\nTeach them to alert you if they feel unsafe.\n Tell them about safety risks and to let you know immediately if something bad has happened or if they feel uncomfortable.\n\n\nRemember that age does not matter.\n\u00a0It doesn\u2019t matter if your child can already chew his/her food properly. Grapes and tapioca pearls are the perfect size to block a child\u2019s windpipe. Once the grape is stuck, the airway will be blocked completely. Continue cutting food for them if necessary and don\u2019t forget to educate their caregivers as well.\u00a0\n\n\nContinue avoiding the choking hazards above, and \ndiscourage your child from multitasking\n \u2014 when he\u2019s eating, he shouldn\u2019t be distracted from his meal.\n\n\nDon\u2019t give older children latex balloons to play with\n.\u00a0Children often breathe in latex balloons while trying to blow them. They can even choke on the torn latex pieces. Unlike other things, latex is smooth and can twist itself to the shape of a child\u2019s throat, suffocating them. First Aid is of no help as the air that pushes through the lungs can completely block the throat.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Can I Do if My Child Is Already Choking?\n\n\n\n\nFirst, see if the object can be coughed out. Encourage your little one to cough so that the object is spat out.\n\n\nWhen that doesn\u2019t work, you can try to slap it out. So, help your child to bend forward. Then between their shoulder blades, give five sharp back blows using the heel of your hand. After five blows, check their mouth. If you can find anything there, ask your child to spit it out.\u00a0\n\n\nNow, if you\u2019ve tried both coughing it out and slapping it out, you can try to squeeze it out. For this, try giving not more than five abdominal thrusts to your little one. Here\u2019s how you do it according to the American Red Cross:\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Stand or kneel behind the child and wrap your arms around his or her waist.\n\n\n\u2013 Locate the navel with one or two fingers of one hand.\n\n\n\u2013 Make a fist with the other hand and place the thumb side against the middle of the child\u2019s abdomen, just above the navel and well below the lower tip of the breastbone.\n\n\n\u2013 Grab your fist with your other hand and give quick, upward thrusts into the abdomen.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf none of the above works, call an ambulance. Continue your efforts to get the object out until the ambulance arrives.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWatch this video for a better understanding on how save a choking baby.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nJadikan Waktu Duduk Di Rumah Lebih Bermakna Bersama Si Manja Dengan Menyertai Friso\u00ae\ufe0f Gold Mombassador 2021!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child\u2019s Gut Health Causing Tantrums? Here Is What You Need To Know\nParenting\nParents, Let Us Inspire Kids To Dream Big And Change The World!\nChild\nConnect with Your Children: 4 Fun Activities You Can Do at Home to Encourage Learning\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nMargaret R. Hurd\n, \nfeedytube.tv\n, \nNationwide Children\u2019s\n, \nWebMD\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/15-ways-to-label-you-as-parents-who-are-too-strict", "title": "15 Ways To Label You As Parents Who Are Too Strict", "body": "\n\nThere are some parents who are too strict when it comes to \ndisciplining a child\n, without them actually knowing it. Despite most people thinking that strict parenting results in better-behaved kids, there\u2019s a difference between being firm and overly strict. With the latter, parents may face the risk of causing low self-esteem and behavioural problems in children.\n\n\nBelow are 15 signs that show parents who are too strict with their kids.\n\n\n1. Too Many Rules\n\n\nToo many rules are never a good sign. There is no way to keep track or enforce them all! Instead, set fewer rules and focus on the important ones. Be consistent in reinforcing and reminding. Following through on the rules is very important.\n\n\n2. Threats that Don\u2019t Work in Your Favour\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSave the drama and dish out threats you can actually carry out. What\u2019s the point in threatening to throw them out of the house, when saying that will only make you go back on your own words? Empty threats will only encourage them to misbehave so think carefully before you open your mouth.\n\n\n3. Overstepping Parental Boundaries\n\n\nThere is a fine line between parental control that is just enough and control that is too much. Sure, parents can and should set rules about how a child behaves in school and at home, especially when it comes to safety issues.\n\n\nHowever, parents might need to take a step back when allowing kids to make a choice based on their preference.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo not be so quick to say no. Instead, discuss and weigh both sides with your child before deciding what to do.\n\n\n4. Emotional Blackmail\n\n\nParental love should always be \nunconditional\n even when setting expectations and boundaries.\n\n\nDo not threaten them using love as a lever, e.g. \u201cYou do this because you don\u2019t love me.\u201d Instead, tell them, \u201cI will always love you, but I expect you to behave in this way.\u201d\n\n\n5. Not Watching What You Say\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBe careful of what you say because no matter the tone, what you say can still leave emotional scars. Calm yourself down and think things over before confronting your\u00a0child.\n\n\nChoose your words wisely so that you do not accidentally say things you do not mean in the heat of the moment. The goal is to correct and guide a learning child, not hurt them.\n\n\n6. Parents Who Are Too Strict Give Orders But Do Not Guide\n\n\nWhen asking your child to accomplish a difficult task, don\u2019t just order them to do it. Children need to know that parents have their back no matter what happens.\n\n\nSo don\u2019t leave them to fend for themselves without chipping in to offer help and provide some one-on-one nurturing.\n\n\n7. Constantly Cracking the \u201cWhip\u201d\n\n\nAre you always the one cracking the whip to get things done? Are you always the bad cop, nag, monitor, or reminder-parent?\n\n\nIf that is the highlight of parenting for you, you might be one of those parents who are too strict.\n\n\n8. Broken Communication\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDoes your child even \nconfide\n in you anymore? You might applaud yourself for getting the kids to do your bidding. But what\u2019s the point if they won\u2019t open up or talk to you?\n\n\n9. Your Children Don\u2019t Bring Their Friends Over\n\n\nDid you recently put your child in his place in front of his friends? Or are you one of those parents who are too strict and love asking probing questions when your child is cornered?\n\n\nWell then, it\u2019s no wonder they don\u2019t bring their friends over!\n\n\n10. You Don\u2019t Let Your Child Explain\n\n\nDo give them the opportunity to voice their opinion. It is OK if you don\u2019t agree with them, but you should always hear them out and allow them to speak up.\n\n\n11. You\u2019re All Work and No Play\n\n\nAll kids need \ndowntime\n and time away from work \u2014 just like adults. Sure, now is the best time to learn everything because children are like sponges.\n\n\nBut the key thing is to encourage learning, not enforce it at every turn. There is a time to play and a time to learn.\n\n\n12. You\u2019re the Only One Doing It\n\n\nAre you the only parent who\u2019s not allowing your children to go online even with parental supervision? Then you might fall into the category of parents who are too strict. It\u2019s impossible to avoid exposing your child to technology.\n\n\nYou\u2019ve just got to do it the right, sensible way. By banning all things technological, you\u2019re just encouraging your child to go behind your back.\n\n\n13. You Say NO to Everything\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDo not just say NO without giving valid reasons. Explain your concerns about why you are forbidding something. Parents who are too strict usually are not open to negotiations or compromise.\n\n\n14. The Rules Are the Rules\n\n\nYes, there must be \nrules\n in place that are clear and consistent so that children know what is expected of them.\n\n\nBut do give a little leeway depending on the situation. And do weigh your options before bending the rules a little.\n\n\n15. Authoritarian Vs Authoritative\n\n\nNote there is a difference. Authoritative parents set clear expectations. However, it is done with warmth and with the child in mind.\n\n\nAuthoritarian parents, on the other hand, are controlling, demanding and not responsive. Parents who are too strict always give either-or options \u2014 it\u2019s my way or the highway \u2014 and relies on \npunishment\n to demand obedience or teach a lesson.\n\n\nAre you a firm believer of \nstrict parenting\n and what are your thoughts with regards to its side effects? Or are you more relaxed with your rules? Do share your insights with us, we would love to hear from you.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Strict parents turn children into effective liars, study claims\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nRespect vs. obedience: why parents need respect more than obedience from kids\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Asian VS Western Parenting, The Difference Between Two Parenting Styles\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/critical-congenital-heart-disease-screening-in-infants", "title": "Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening In Infants, Why This Matters", "body": "Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening is an important topic. Parents must be aware of it.\n\n\nDid you know that 1 in 100 babies are born with critical congenital heart disease (CCHD)? All pregnant women must have a CCHD screening during their prenatal care.\u00a0\n\n\nThe good thing is, that a simple ultrasound screening test can detect most CCHDs. This article will teach you more about Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening and why it is so important.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease?\n\n\nWhat Are the Signs and Symptoms of CCHD?\n\n\nWhat Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening?\n\n\nHow Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening in Newborns Done?\n\n\nWhy Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening in Newborns Important?\n\n\nWhat Are the Risks of Not Screening for CCHD in Newborns?\n\n\nIf Diagnosed with Critical Congenital Heart Disease, What Should Parents Do Next?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease?\n\n\nCritical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) is a type of heart defect present at birth. These defects can cause serious health problems and may need surgery to correct. CCHD can affect any part of the heart, but the most common type is a hole in the heart. Newborns with CCHD often have other health problems, such as lung or \nkidney problems.\u00a0\n\n\nCCHD is usually diagnosed before birth. But is sometimes diagnosed after delivery if the baby has symptoms. Treatment for CCHD depends on the type of defect. There is no cure for CCHD, but many babies with this condition live long and healthy lives.\n\n\n\n\nWhat Are the Signs and Symptoms of CCHD?\n\n\nCritical Congenital Heart Disease is a severe illness. It affects the heart and lungs and can be life-threatening if not treated. The most common symptom of Critical Congenital Heart Disease is shortness of breath. Other symptoms include:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreathing Difficulty\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreathing difficulty is a common symptom of critical congenital heart disease. A child with this disorder may experience difficulty breathing. This happens especially when doing something as simple as walking or running.\u00a0\n\n\nThe heart and lungs are not working together as they should, so they can\u2019t provide enough oxygen to keep up with your child\u2019s physical activity.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRapid Breathing\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe most common symptom of critical congenital heart disease is \nrapid breathing\n. The baby\u2019s breathing will be faster than average, and you may notice that your baby has a fever. Fluid buildup in the lungs can cause this. If this happens, your doctor will want to start treatment right away.\n\n\nA heart defect characterises this condition. That affects how blood flows to and from the lungs, creating an imbalance in oxygen supply and demand. The body will automatically increase your breathing rate to compensate for this imbalance.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChest Pain\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChest pain is a common symptom of critical congenital heart disease. It\u2019s a sharp, stabbing pain or dull ache. It may also feel like someone is squeezing the chest or performing CPR. And it can radiate through the upper back or neck. Physical activity and coughing can cause chest pains. But it\u2019s also possible to experience it while resting.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFainting Spells\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLow blood pressure often causes fainting spells caused by poor circulation. Or a rapid heartbeat that\u2019s pumping too much blood at once.\u00a0\n\n\nIt can happen in children with critical congenital heart disease because their hearts cannot pump enough blood through their bodies.\n\n\n\n\nDistressed Baby\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFatigue or Exhaustion\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOne of the most common symptoms of congenital heart disease is fatigue, which can occur due to many factors. The first factor is that the heart will have to work harder than usual to pump blood throughout your body.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso, you may notice that your child is tired when doing any physical activity. Because their body is working harder than it would. It\u2019s usually to compensate for the lack of oxygen-rich blood flow.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBluish Colour of the Skin\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis symptom can occur when there is a problem with the heart\u2019s ability to pump blood. It can happen if there is too much fluid in the body. Or an obstruction in one of the blood vessels. When this happens, blood does not move as it should through the body. It causes blood to pool in some areas and not flow properly through others.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLow Blood Pressure\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you think your child may have critical congenital heart disease, the first thing to look for is low blood pressure. This symptom can be difficult to notice. Because it\u2019s so common in newborns and infants. But if your baby has a lower than normal blood pressure, bring this up with your paediatrician.\n\n\nBabies with low blood pressure can have trouble getting enough oxygen. This can cause anaemia (low red blood cell count) and an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).\n\n\nWhat Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening?\n\n\n\n\nCCHD screening is a way to identify babies who may have a \nheart defect\n. The screening includes measuring the baby\u2019s oxygen saturation levels with a pulse oximeter. If the oxygen saturation levels are low, it may show a heart defect.\n\n\n CCHD screening is crucial because it can help identify babies needing further testing and treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects can improve affected babies\u2019 outcomes.\n\n\nHow Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening in Newborns Done?\n\n\nCritical Congenital Heart Disease screening is typically done using Pulse Oximetry. A soft, painless sensor is placed on your baby\u2019s right hand and/or foot. The sensor sends a beam of light through the skin to measure how much oxygen is in the blood.\u00a0\n\n\nLow oxygen levels can be a sign of CCHD. The normal values for CCHD screening are as follows:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPulse oximetry reading \u226595% and no cyanosis visible.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nInitial test results that are abnormal need a repeat test or a diagnostic evaluation.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nWhy Is Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening in Newborns Important?\n\n\nNewborn screenings are important. Because they can help identify babies with certain health conditions. One of the conditions screened for is Critical Congenital Heart Disease.\u00a0\n\n\nCCHD can be severe and even life-threatening, so it\u2019s essential to catch it early. Babies with CCHD often need treatment immediately. And the earlier they get treatment, the better their chances of a healthy recovery.\u00a0\n\n\nOften, CCHD is curable if caught early enough. That\u2019s why newborn screenings are so important \u2013 they can save lives.\n\n\nParents must be aware of CCHD testing and make sure their babies undergo the test as early as possible. Don\u2019t hesitate to discuss this with your child\u2019s paediatrician.\n\n\nWhat Are the Risks of Not Screening for CCHD in Newborns?\n\n\n\n\nImage Source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThere are several risks associated with not screening for CCHD in newborns. \n\n\nFirst, undetected CCHD can lead to serious health problems. Including heart failure and death. \nSecond, CCHD can be challenging to diagnose later in life. When symptoms may be less noticeable. \nThird, treatment for CCHD may be more complex and expensive. If the condition is not detected early.\n\n\nIf CCHD goes undetected and untreated, it can lead to severe complications, including:\n\n\n\n\nHeart failure\n\n\nBrain damage\n\n\nDeath\n\n\n\n\nIf Diagnosed with Critical Congenital Heart Disease, What Should Parents Do Next?\n\n\nIf your child is diagnosed with CCHD, it\u2019s important to take action to protect their health. CCHD can be a serious condition, and it\u2019s important to get treatment as soon as possible.\n\n\nThere are many options available for treatment, and the sooner you start, the better. \nThe first step is to talk to your doctor about your child\u2019s results. Your doctor will be able to provide you with more information about the condition. And help you create a plan for treatment.\n\n\nAlso, it is important to educate yourself about CCHD and its symptoms. This way, you can recognise if your child\u2019s condition worsens. You\u2019ll be able to take the necessary action.\n\n\nFinally, stay in close communication with your child\u2019s medical team. They will be able to provide you with the most up-to-date information. And support you through this difficult time.\n\n\nWith early diagnosis and treatment, your child can lead a healthy and happy life.\n\n\nSource:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (January 24, 2022). Critical Congenital Heart Defects. \nwww.cdc.gov/ncbddd/heartdefects/cchd-facts.html#:~:text=Newborn%20screening%20for%20critical%20CHDs%20involves%20a%20simple%20bedside%20test,placed%20on%20the%20baby\u2019s%20skin\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNational Library of Medicine. (July 2016). Critical congenital heart disease screening. \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4922210/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWorld Heart Federation. (n.d.). Newborn Screening for Critical Congenital Heart Disease in a Low-Resource Setting; Research Protocol and Preliminary Results of the Tanzania Pulse Oximetry Study. \nglobalheartjournal.com/articles/10.5334/gh.1110/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \u00a0\nWhat Are Apgar Scores And What Does My Baby\u2019s Score Mean?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nIs It Wrong That I Give My Baby Cough Syrup As A Sedative While We\u2019re Travelling On A Plane?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nTeething 101: A Complete Guide \u2013 Here\u2019s What Parents Need to Know!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-instant-porridge-best-in-malaysia", "title": "6 Delicious Instant Porridge Choices for Babies, Perfect For Busy Moms", "body": "Once babies turn 6 months old, they can be given food other than milk such as baby rice porridge, fruits and vegetables. Mothers can even choose to purchase baby instant porridge in stores that can help to save time and energy.\n\n\nAlthough it is without a doubt that home-cooked food trumps store-bought goods, baby instant porridge today are very well packaged, nutritious and of high quality. \n\n\nFor parents that do not have time to prepare snacks for their children, this would definitely be a good alternative for you as baby instant porridge is extremely easy to prepare.\n\n\nGuide to Choosing Baby Instant Porridge\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Super Healthy Kids\n\n\n\n\nWhen choosing a suitable baby instant porridge for your young ones, you should consider things such as shape, texture, taste and safety. In addition, it would also be good to note the following:\n\n\n\n\nPackaging\n: Fast food for babies are available in different packages, where some can be packed in plastic, paper or in bottle form. Parents should choose the one that is most convenient for them.\n\n\nIngredients\n: It is important to make sure the ingredients in the porridge are appropriate for the baby while considering its age. This is as not all foods are suitable for babies under 1 year old. Fortunately, the food packages usually have a written allowable age. (e.g: Suitable for babies over 6 months old)\n\n\n\n\n6 Delicious Baby Rice Porridge Products In The Market\n\n\nIt is perfectly okay to give your child instant baby food as long as you choose carefully. Here are some of our favourites that we recommend:\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Natufoodies Organic Japonica & Quinoa Rice Porridge Sweet Potato & Pumpkin\n\n\n\n\nBaby rice porridge from Natufoodies comes with good prebiotic content for children. Prebiotics are important for generating healthy bacteria and boosting a kid\u2019s immune resistance.\n\n\nProduct Information:\n\n\n\n\nIngredients: Organic Japonica Rice, Organic Sweet Potato Powder, Organic Quinoa, Organic Pumpkin Powder, Fructooligosaccharides (Prebiotic sauce)\n\n\nHalal\n\n\nNo artificial flavour or colour\n\n\nNo added salt\n\n\nGluten-Free\n\n\nNo milk, eggs or nuts\n\n\nSuitable for vegetarians\n\n\nMade from premium organic rice with prebiotics\n\n\n200 gm\n\n\n\n\n Natufoodies Organic Japonica & Quinoa Rice Porridge Sweet Potato & Pumpkin \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Baby Natura Organic Brown Rice Porridge 6m\n\n\n\n\nThis product is suitable for health-conscious parents who have babies that are allergic to foods with additives, dyes, artificial flavours, etc. \n\n\nBaby Natura Organic Brown Rice Porridge can help parents make a variety of different foods for babies as it comes in a variety of interesting and delicious flavours.\n\n\nProduct Information:\n\n\n\n\nAvailable in a variety of natural flavours: Banana, Carrot, Pumpkin, Quinoa, Oats, Sweet Potatoes\n\n\nOrganically processed with ingredients grown on local organic farms\n\n\nNo cow\u2019s milk\n\n\nNo beans or soy\n\n\nNo eggs\n\n\nGluten-Free\n\n\nNo chemicals\n\n\nNo artificial colouring or flavouring\n\n\nNo added preservatives\n\n\nNo added sugar or salt\n\n\n\n\n Baby Natura Organic Brown Rice Porridge 6m \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Heinz First Steps Porridge\n\n\n\n\nStart your little one\u2019s day with a lovely breakfast prepared with First Steps Porridge that comes in 8 interesting flavours. \n\n\nThis porridge is not only tasty but contains 12 key vitamins and minerals. It also includes small chunks that are perfect for babies that are just learning to chew.\n\n\nProduct Information:\n\n\n\n\nVarious flavours: Oat, Banana, Oat & Banana, Oat & Apple, Blueberry, Fruit, Oat & Peach, Fruit & Yoghurt\n\n\nContains vitamins and minerals\n\n\nEasy to prepare (just mix with hot water)\n\n\nContains a useful spoon inside\n\n\nNo artificial flavours, colours or preservatives\n\n\nLow salt content\n\n\nSmall lumps\n\n\n240 g/ pack\n\n\n\n\n Heinz First Steps Porridge \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Izzly Kitchen Homemade Baby Food \u2013 Baby Porridge\n\n\n\n\nThis homemade product from Malaysia is made from natural ingredients and can be prepared immediately by adding hot water.\n\n\n Parents can even add in some extra natural flavour from the same manufacturer as well. This product is extremely portable and ideal for travel.\n\n\nProduct Information:\n\n\n\n\nTravel-friendly packaging\n\n\nEasy to prepare (just mix with hot water)\n\n\nSuitable for babies from the age of 6 months\n\n\nSuitable to be mixed with anise/ chicken/ fruit/ vegetable powder\n\n\nMade from white & brown rice only\n\n\nNo added sugar, salt, preservatives or dyes\n\n\nGuaranteed quality\n\n\nCertified Halal\n\n\n\n\n Izzly Kitchen Homemade Baby Food - Baby Porridge \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 NBH Baby Food\n\n\n\n\nBaby Rice Porridge from NBH is a Mulsim product that is guaranteed to be halal. It is also very easy to prepare as you just need to add hot water. \n\n\nIt comes in a plastic barrel container that is easily portable and good for travel as well.\n\n\nProduct Information:\n\n\n\n\nAvailable in a variety of flavours: Baby\u2019s first cereal (plain white porridge), Carrot, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin & Sweet Corn, Brown Rice with Banana & Pear, Apples & Dates, Pitaya & Dates, Mangoes with Apples & Vanilla, Baby\u2019s first Oat, Roasted Chicken\n\n\nNo Soy\n\n\nNo Dairy\n\n\nNO Preservatives\n\n\nNo Added Sugar\n\n\nEasy to serve\n\n\nMade from 100% fresh fruits and vegetables\n\n\n100% Halal (produced by Malaysian Muslims)\n\n\nNo artificial colouring of flavouring\n\n\nNo salt or sweeteners\n\n\n\n\n Nbh Baby Food Homemade - \nRM16.20\nby\n \nNBH\n5\n/5\nshop now\n\n\n#6 Heinz Glass Jar Baby Food\n\n\n\n\nThis product is also popular as it does not require any preparation, you just need to open the lid and grab a spoon! \n\n\nNot only is it rich in vitamin C, but is also made up of a pureed food base and comes in a variety of delicious flavours.\n\n\nProduct Information:\n\n\n\n\nAvailable in a variety of flavours\n\n\nAvailable in an easily portable bottle for travel\n\n\n110 g\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Heinz Glass Jar Baby Food \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nWe hope that this article will be useful in helping new parents pick the most suitable instant porridge for their baby!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nStudy: How children prefer to eat based on gender and age\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sound-bath-kl", "title": "What Is Sound Bath & Why You Should Try It", "body": "If you\u2019re new to the concept then know this, you\u2019re not actually bathing. Instead of a literal interpretation, think along the lines of a figurative interpretation \u2013 only your senses will be bathing in an immersive experience of sound.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re hesitating to grasp the idea of a sound bath, learn more about it\u2019s benefits to understand why you need a sound bath!\n\n\nSound Healing Around The World\n\n\nRegardless of when or where in the world, every culture utilises sound as a tool for healing, physically and meta-physically. In Malaysia and Indonesia, there\u2019s the gamelan or similar variations of the gong. In Tibet and Nepal, it\u2019s the infamous Himalayan singing bowl. In fact, the earliest bowl dates back 3,000 years ago to the Bronze Age. If you\u2019re thinking it\u2019s just in Asia, think again!\n\n\nIn Ancient Greece, it was believed that music could cure mental disorders whereas in Ancient Egypt, chanting was believed to restore balance to the energy system. Even South America had shamans drumming and chanting as to re-balance the body, mind, and soul. In Australia, the didgeridoo was used to cure anything and everything, from muscle tears to broken bones.\u00a0\n\n\nYears of Research\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, science in the prehistoric times was not like science now but research into sound healing is not new. In the 1980s, the musician Johannes Heimrath conducted many workshops using gongs and through these workshops, discovered that gongs could especially help to relieve headaches and neck pain. The bioenergetician Fabian Maman also discovered in the early 80s how vibrations can actually transform the human cell structure; his study lasted 18 months. More recently, the US National Institute of Health corroborated Mamans study by finding how certain forms of sound therapy can prompt damaged DNA strands to self-repair.\u00a0\n\n\nJust think about it \u2013 humans are made of more than 60% water and sound travels more than four times faster through water, as compared to air. A relevant fun fact: bones are a good conductor of sound. Again, this means sound travels directly into your being. Some benefits of this happening would be: alleviates anxiety, alleviates insomnia, stimulates different brain-waves (alpha, theta, gamma etc.), and triggers the release of endorphins (natural painkillers), serotonin, and melatonin.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat To Expect During A Sound Bath\n\n\nTypically, a certified sound healer will play not just one but several soothing sounds. This depends entirely on the studio you visit, though, but you should expect any of these instruments: Asian gongs, Western gongs, Himalayan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, wind chimes, chakra chimes, hang drums, and more.\u00a0\n\n\nThe best part? All you need to do is just lie there with your eyes closed, embracing total relaxation. However, note that if you plan to attend a sound bath as to cure yourself of something, attend at least thrice for optimum results.\u00a0\n\n\nLocations\n\n\nIf you\u2019re now curious or just want a new experience, here is a list of studios nearby you:\n\n\nStudios in KL\n\n\nOhanaJo Studio\n\nMoon & Soul\nPartner Stories\nKeibubapaan\nBaki Tali Pusat Bayi Ada 5 Masalah Ini? Parents, Ini Yang Anda Perlu Lakukan Untuk Bayi Anda\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nTips untuk Ibu Sibuk: 5 Cara Mudah untuk Sediakan Sarapan Berkhasiat\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nPregnancy\nStaying Healthy For Your Developing Child: 6 Nutritional Diet Hacks for Busy Mummies\n\n\nStudios in SG\n\n\nThe Singing Bowl Gallery\n\nSpace2B\n\nHouse of Ascend\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\n PurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/14-tips-on-how-to-increase-your-breast-milk-supply", "title": "14 tips on how to increase your breast milk supply", "body": "Breast milk is the best milk for babies. This is why I definitely plan to breastfeed my third baby after child birth. However, I have this concern that I might not be able to provide enough milk for my baby due to low breast milk supply.\n\n\nFrom my past experience in breastfeeding my first two children, I was only able to breastfeed each of them for one month because it seemed that my baby was not getting enough milk. So I turned to formula milk.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Get enough rest\n\n\n\n\nI know that this sounds like mission impossible but it is vital that you take care of yourself as you breastfeed your baby. The best way to accomplish this is to get enough rest because tiredness affects breast milk supply. When your baby sleeps, you should sleep too.\u00a0Ignore non-crucial chores and prioritise sleep. Being well rested will allow you to focus on your breastfeeding journey.\n\n\n2. Nurse often\n\n\n\n\nThe first few weeks after giving birth is a crucial time to establish milk supply. During this time, frequent, thorough emptying of the breasts sets and controls the level of milk production. It is encouraged to breastfeed your baby every two hours. Your baby\u2019s sucking stimulates hormones to produce breast milk. The more your baby demands milk, the more your supply will increase to keep up.\n\n\n3. Express milk in between feedings\n\n\n\n\nAs not all babies require hourly feedings, or some mums experience difficulties with latching, the use of breast pump is highly recommended. Breast pumps work by mimicking the sucking motion that infants do when feeding, which typically results in an improved supply of breast milk. Do pump between 8-10 times a day including through the night.\n\n\nPurchase an effective breast pump\u00a0for this purpose. Store your expressed excess milk in the fridge or freezer and it can be bottle fed to your baby when you are at work or out of the house.\n\n\n4. Massage your breasts gently as you nurse (breast compression)\n\n\n\n\nAnother way to stimulate breast milk production is by massaging your breast gently when you are both breastfeeding and also when not feeding. Massaging your breast while nursing\u00a0can help hindmilk let down more efficiently. In the first 3-6 weeks, babies will often fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk is slow, even if they haven\u2019t gotten enough to eat. Breast compression helps to continue the flow of milk once the baby starts falling asleep at the breast, so the baby gets more hindmilk.\n\n\n5.\u00a0Avoid pacifiers, bottles or formula supplements\n\n\n\n\nIf possible, all of baby\u2019s sucking needs should be met at the breast.\u00a0\u00a0If you use a pacifier, make sure that it isn\u2019t used as a supplement for nutritive sucking. Babies who are full of formula will nurse less often. If you need to supplement with formula, try to pump after feedings to give your breasts extra stimulation.\n\n\n6. Eat a balanced diet with extra calories a day\n\n\n\n\nAll breastfeeding mothers should make sure she eats the right amount of food.\u00a0\nThe right diet\n\u00a0should include foods rich in carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. If you are hungry, get a fruit instead of junk or fast food.\n\n\nYou should also eat more than what you usually eat because breastfeeding requires an extra 500 calories daily. A breastfeeding mother should not yet think of going through a weight loss program or getting on a restricted diet for it may affect breast milk production and leave her feeling drained of energy.\n\n\n7.\u00a0Create a breastfeeding diet menu\n\n\n\n\nBesides maintaining a balanced diet, there are some traditional food and herbs that are believed to increase breast milk supply. These are called\u00a0galactagogue.\n\n\nHerbs such as Fenugreek (Methi) are used by Indian mums across the globe to help\u00a0 increase breast milk production.\u00a0It is easily available from health food stores in the form of tablets. Some women do well on just one tablet three times a day, while others need to take more.\n\n\nFenugreek is also available as a form of tea or you could mix the powder with milk for drinking. Indian mums also rely a lot on tumeric powder and turi leaves, which can both be bought at Teka market.\n\n\nChinese herbs Dang Gui and dates are designed to nourish the body, clear blockages and in the process, improve your milk supply.\n\n\nFilipina mums swear by malunggay, a popular plant grown in the Philippines. You can find it in speciality Filipino stores in Singapore. In a study of actual pregnant/nursing women conducted in Ospital ng Makati, it was found that those who took malunggay supplements before and continued after giving birth showed earlier onset of milk and a greater volume of it.\n\n\nApparently, though only proper and frequent feeding can really stimulate milk production and maintain supply, malunggay as a galactagogue facilitates the process for a new mother.\n\n\nFor other mums, their go-to dish is oats. Although there are no scientific studies that indicate that eating a serving of oatmeal a day can increase breast milk supply, there is no harm in consuming this super food. Oats are easy to prepare, a good source of iron and great for slowly releasing energy to the body.\n\n\nSome popular Asian dishes and ingredients to increase breast milk include:\n\n\nGreen papaya and fish head soup\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nPig trotter soup\n\n\nBlack bean chicken soup\n\n\nFish maw soup\n\n\nRed bean soup\n\n\nLentil soup\n\n\nBrown sugar and sesame soup\n\n\nRice porridge\n\n\nFrog legs porridge (\u201ctian ji\u201d porridge)\n\n\nRed date longan tea\n\n\nChicken essence\n\n\nMeals containing seafood (the 5 lowest mercury seafood are shrimps, canned tuna, salmon, pollock and catfish)\n\n\nAbalone\n\n\nGreen vegetables like spinach, kale, wheat grass, collards\n\n\nOther vegetables like carrots, asparagus, bitter gourd, potatoes, radish, garlic, artichokes and raw papaya\n\n\nTapioca pearls\n\n\nChick peas (chana dahl or hummus)\n\n\nJapanese seaweed\n\n\nChia seeds\n\n\nNuts like almonds, walnuts and dried figs\n\n\nDates\n\n\nDurian\n\n\nLactation cookies (ensure it consists one of these ingredients ; rolled oats, brewers yeast, flaxseeds or fenugreek)\n\n\n8. Drink plenty of fluids\n\n\n\n\nFluids does not necessarily mean water. It can be juice, milk or soup.\u00a0 Drinking lots of fluids will help you replace the fluids lost in breastfeeding. Breastfeeding mums should be drinking at least 2 liters of fluids daily. Some mothers may need to drink more water each day when breastfeeding is well established.\n\n\nAccording to the\u00a0\nSingapore Health Promotion board\n, \u201c88% of breast milk is water. Breast milk volume increases from as little as 50 ml on the first day, to as much as 750 ml a day, when breastfeeding is well established. So, the most critical nutrient needed for the production of ample breastmilk to meet a suckling baby s demand, is water.\n\n\nMany mums in Singapore swear by drinking milo, coconut milk, soya milk, alfafa drink, barley green drink and red date tea to increase milk supply.\n\n\nThere are some cultures who believe\u00a0\nthat drinking beer also helps to increase their milk supply\n. While beer has malt which can increase milk production, alcohol may also cause slow letdown for some mothers. The bitter taste of beer may also turn off some babies. So do proceed with caution.\n\n\n9. Foods to avoid (Milk killers)\n\n\n\n\nA number of mums on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent breastfeeding mums group\n, lists the following as milk killers for them \u2013 Chives, cabbage, pig\u2019s liver, fruits like tamarind, guava, watermelon, mangosteens, san cha herbs like mint, sage, rosemary, thyme, spearmint, peppermint and parsley. Chinese herbs like dong guai mei/dong guai tail/American Ginseng is also known to be a milk killer.\n\n\nThe Singapore Health Promotion Board also suggests staying away from strong flavours in food such as garlic and onion, which are also known to cross into breastmilk. Some babies, sensitive to the changes in breastmilk flavour, may decrease intake.\n\n\n10. Continue to take prenatal vitamins\n\n\nIt is also important that you get the necessary nutrients your body needs as you nurse your baby. One way to do this is to continue to take multivitamins or the prenatal vitamins you took while you were pregnant. When nursing, you need 1,000 mg of calcium a day. Unless you\u2019re an avid dairy eater, it can be hard to get that much calcium from food, so your prenatal vitamins can help in that area.\n\n\n11. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine\n\n\n\n\nThese are substances you should avoid while breastfeeding because the toxins can get to your milk and to your baby\u2019s body. Remember that whatever you take also goes to your baby.\n\n\nAlcohol is best avoided as it does pass through to the breast milk and can affect baby\u2019s alertness and ability to suckle.\n\n\nCaffeine may trigger restlessness in the baby, so it is advised to keep it to less than 200 mg daily.\n\n\nMothers who smoke produce less breastmilk than who don\u2019t smoke. It has also been reported that nicotine has direct effect on babies, including causing vomiting, diarrhea, an increased pulse rate and restlessness.\n\n\n12. Avoid or lessen exposure to stress factors\n\n\nResearch indicates that extreme stress can decrease breast milk production. So keep away from stressors or to at least lower your exposure to them. If it is the household chores that cause you stress, then hire a maid whether part-time or full-time. Have a baby sitter come once in a while. Find some time to relax. Assign tasks to your husband or to another family member.\u00a0\n\n\n13.\u00a0\u00a0Placenta encapsulation\n\n\n\n\nThe custom of consuming the placenta \u00a0is centuries old and practised most often in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is believed that eating your placenta has all sorts of benefits, including reducing postpartum depression and increasing milk supply. However, there is no scientific evidence that ingesting your placenta has any health benefits, but there may be a placebo effect.\n\n\n14. Ask a breastfeeding lactation consultant\n\n\n\n\nIf you have followed some or all of these steps and nothing seems to work, then consult a lactation consultant on other ways to increase breast milk supply. They can also help identify latching or other problems.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-safe-lipstick", "title": "Best Pregnancy Safe Lipstick for Expecting Mums", "body": "Did you know that not all lipsticks are safe for use during pregnancy?\n\u00a0If you're a huge fan of lipsticks, getting yourself a pregnancy safe lipstick should be your priority!\n\n\nIt is essential for you to know that not all beauty and make-up products are safe for both you and your baby.\n\n\nEven products that you use daily may not be ideal for use during pregnancy as many lipstick brands contain toxic dyes, heavy metals and harmful preservatives which could be harmful to the baby.\n\n\nTherefore, it is of paramount importance for mothers to choose the best and safest lipsticks for everyday use. Here are several verifiable lipsticks that you can choose from.\n\n\nHow to Choose the Best Pregnancy Safe Lipstick\n\n\n\n\nThe increased or decreased hormone levels during pregnancy, after childbirth or even during breastfeeding, require time to return to normal levels. \n\n\nThis means that mothers not only need to eat healthily, they also need to be conscious of the beauty products they use during pregnancy and when breastfeeding.\n\n\nWhen buying lipsticks during pregnancy, you should ensure that they do not contain artificial colours, artificial fragrances and toxic and unsafe substances such as alcohol, lead and so on. \n\n\nAdditionally, you should also choose a comfortable lipstick that moisturises your lips and check that they have natural ingredients that are compatible with your lips.\u00a0\n\n\n5 Best Lipsticks Soon-To-Be-Mums Must Try\n\n\n#1 ECCO BELLA Maternity Lipstick\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nFormulated with 100% natural ingredients, it is an organic lipstick that is not only very safe but also stylish enough for those who want to look good.\n\n\nIt is one of the best lipsticks that contain natural organic ingredients. Ecco Bella lipsticks are formulated for sensitive and hypoallergenic skin and have been clinically tested to give the best performance.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Made from natural vegetable waxes, oils and mineral pigments that glide finely for a stain-resistant lip colour\n\n\n Moisturizes the lips\n\n\n Gluten-free, fragrance-free, paraben-free and FD&C dye-free natural colour\n\n\n Paraben-free, lead-free, gluten-free and fragrance-free\n\n\n\n\n ECCO BELLA Maternity Lipstick \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Jane Iredale Lip Fixation\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nThe Jane Iredale Lip Fixation has two ends to provide two distinct looks for different occasions. \nIt also contains natural avocado oil which is safer, especially for pregnant women.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Lipstick formula with 2 ends\n\n\n One end is a lip colour that contains long-lasting pigments\n\n\n Another end is high-shine sheer gloss\n\n\n Formulated with ginger root extract to plump up the lips\n\n\n Blended with avocado oil for hydration\n\n\n Gives a shiny, captivating lip look\n\n\n\n\n Jane Iredale Lip-Fixation \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Sora Organic Butter Matte Lipstick\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nSora Organic Butter Matte Lipstick comes in 9 beautiful colours that are pigmented and feel smooth like butter when applied to the lips!\u00a0\n\n\nThe versatile formula of Sora lipstick allows it to moisturise your lips while giving you a beautiful look all at once. On top of that, the packaging is environmentally friendly and recyclable!\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n 100% natural\n\n\n Neat packaging\n\n\n Comes in natural colours of the seeds, flowers, roots and fruits\n\n\n Moisturises and heals chapped dry lips\n\n\n Feels comfortable on the lips\n\n\n Can be used on its own or under a lipstick\n\n\n Approved by MOH\n\n\n\n\n Sora Organic Butter Matte Lipstick \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Monae Beauty Lip Tint\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\u00a0\n\n\nBlooming Lip Velvet comes in 4 soft and elegant colours for you to choose from. Formulated with Organic Chia Seed Oil, this product not only gives you a beautiful lip finish but also healthy lips! \n\n\nNot only is it comfortable to wear, but it can also blend the lip at the lip line so that your lips look full and thick.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Moisturizes lips immediately\n\n\n Soft look\n\n\n Blurs lines and smoothes lips (blends well to conceal lip lines)\n\n\n Organic chia seed oil helps moisturize the lips while giving them a smooth velvety look\n\n\n Does not stain food, cups, or masks\n\n\n Long-lasting\n\n\n\n\n Monae Beauty Lip Tint \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Kaydean Organic Cupuacu Moisturizing Lipstick\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s Good:\n\n\nKaydean Organic Cupuacu Moisturizing Lipstick is a pregnancy safe lipstick made with organic ingredients and does not contain any toxic ingredients that are often used in cosmetics. \n\n\nIt is also a locally produced product and suits those with sensitive lips!\u00a0\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Free of petroleum materials such as paraffin wax and microcrystalline waxes\n\n\n Fragrance and perfume-free\n\n\n No synthetic colours\n\n\n No preservatives, silicones and parabens\n\n\n Suitable for sensitive lips\n\n\n\n\n Kaydean Organic Cupuacu Moisturizing Lipstick \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \nBest Skincare Products for Pregnant Women That Are Safe & Effective\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/toddler-dandruff-symptoms-remedies", "title": "Toddler Dandruff: Symptoms and Remedies", "body": "The haircare advertisements and products lining the shelves would make one believe that dandruff is a very adult issue. But, in actuality, many kids face this problem. Often, newborns, toddlers and young children seem to suffer from this. There are different ways to attend to newborn dandruff and toddler dandruff. Here, we will discuss how to identify, fight and prevent flare-ups of dandruff in toddlers and kids.\n\n\nWhat is Dandruff and How to Identify it?\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDandruff is actually a \nbuild-up of dead skin cells\n. Shedding some dead cells is a normal procedure for the skin. But when you see them as white or yellow flakes or patches, there is a problem. There is no singular reason for this build-up.\n\n\nIf your toddler or child has dandruff, you will notice the following symptoms:\n\n\n\n\nLots of itching and irritation.\n\n\nRed rashes around the ears, forehead, particularly the hairline, eyebrow and the scalp.\n\n\nOily yellow and white patches on the usual areas mentioned above. They may also turn up on the skin above and below the nose, chest, underarms and groin.\n\n\nSkin dryness.\n\n\nAlopecia or temporary hair loss.\n\n\n\n\nYou may see flakes on hair, scalp and on your child\u2019s clothing. You will find your kid scratching a lot too.\n\n\nHome Remedies for Toddler Dandruff\n\n\nFor years some \nhome remedies\n have remained popular. They are easily available, safe on the baby skin and quite effective for a mild problem.\n\n\nOils\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSome oils are more effective with a massage on the scalp.\n\n\n\n\nTea tree oil:\n Shampoos with tea tree oil are good to fight dandruff. Tea tree oil can help dandruff-related rashes too.\n\n\nCoconut oil:\n Virgin coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Massaging with coconut oil is safe on the skin too.\n\n\nOlive oil:\n Massaging and leaving olive oil overnight on the scalp has proven a good remedy for dandruff.\n\n\nLemongrass oil:\n You can apply this along with a carrier oil on the scalp and leave for some time before washing off.\n\n\n\n\nKitchen products\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSome easily available kitchen ingredients are good at relieving the issue.\n\n\n\n\nLemon juice:\n Diluted with water, this is a great product to fight dandruff. Just be careful of any itching scratches that may sting.\n\n\nHoly basil/Papaya and Yoghurt:\n Here the acidity comes from the yoghurt to act on dandruff.\n\n\nEgg, Honey and Yoghurt:\n Along with fighting dandruff, this paste will nourish the scalp too.\n\n\nGinger:\n Some shampoos with ginger extract seem to reduce the problem drastically.\n\n\nBaking soda:\n The exfoliating property of baking soda paste will soak oil, remove flakes and fight fungal growth. Apply a few minutes before washing.\n\n\n\n\nOther natural products\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSome natural extracts are known for their medicinal properties. They are good for scalp and haircare too.\n\n\n\n\nAloe vera:\n The pulp acts as a mild cleanser and is effective in clearing away dandruff. It may need repeated use initially.\n\n\nNeem leaf:\n Boiled and cooled neem leaf water has anti-infection properties. This makes it a great choice to combat dandruff.\n\n\n\n\nMild baby shampoos and medicated shampoos, along with some do\u2019s and don\u2019ts, are enough to clear off your child\u2019s dandruff. If these remedies don\u2019t work or if the affliction is severe, you need to visit your dermatologist or paediatrician. Rush to the expert if there are pus formations or bleeding.\n\n\nYour doctor may recommend one of the following, in severe cases.\n\n\n\n\nAntifungal cream\n\n\nSteroid cream\n\n\nShampoo with salicylic acid\n\n\nShampoo with ketoconazole\n\n\nShampoo containing tar\n\n\nShampoo containing sulphur\n\n\nShampoo with selenium sulphide\n\n\nShampoo with zinc pyrithione\n\n\n\n\nHow to Treat Toddler Dandruff\n\n\nThere are some points you must keep in mind when you start the treatment of dandruff for your toddler. This age is neither too docile to handle nor wise enough to understand the issue. Your consistent approach will matter a lot. Here are some dos and don\u2019ts you have to remember.\n\n\nTo shampoo or not to shampoo\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSome parents have reported that reducing bathing has reduced scalp irritation. Yet dermatologists recommend frequent washing of scalp and hair. You may ask your doctor for advice. In general, if your toddler is an outgoing child, there may be dust and grime stuck to the hair and scalp. Cleaning off is a wise option.\n\n\nBrush before as well as during washing\n\n\nUse a soft-bristled brush to loosen the flakes before washing. Apply the shampoo and lather up using the soft brush. The chunks of skin build-up will start coming off.\n\n\nTake care of hydration\n\n\nIf your toddler is not a great drinker, lure them with juices and flavoured water. Hydration will play an important role in this treatment.\n\n\nProper nutrition, avoiding allergies\n\n\nLeafy vegetables and a balanced diet will take care of the health of hair and scalp. Limit intake of food with yeast and fungi including cheese and bread.\n\n\nRight hair care products\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\n\n\nUse mild, medicated shampoos and products recommended by the dermatologist. Don\u2019t experiment with any harmful or fancy products.\n\n\nCauses of Toddler Dandruff\n\n\n\n\nImage: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThe experts cite \nvarious causes\n for dandruff. It differs according to individual conditions.\n\n\n\n\nGenetic disposition\n\n\nOily skin\n\n\nSeasonal changes\n\n\nAllergic reactions\n\n\nFungal infection \u2013 Malassezia\n\n\nSeborrhoea dermatitis\n\n\nEczema and Psoriasis\n\n\nPoor hygiene\n\n\n\n\nHeredity, hygiene and skin conditions can all contribute to this condition. Using shampoos and treatment processes for some time will reduce the problem. Use according to individual need \u2013 twice a week or alternate days or maybe once a month. If there are related problems along with dandruff such as diarrhoea, inform your doctor about it.\n\n\nRemember, dandruff is not some disease and it doesn\u2019t cure completely. You can only keep the symptoms under control. With proper care, the problem won\u2019t even get noticed.\n\n\nThis article was first published on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent\n, and was\u00a0\nrepublished\n\u00a0with permission on theAsianparent Malaysia.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nWoman Almost Dies From Bacterial Infection After Eating Watermelon Left in Fridge Overnight\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/its-all-about-contraception", "title": "It\u2019s All About Contraception", "body": "Choosing the type of contraception can be overwhelming as there are many options available in the practice.\u00a0\n\n\nPills, injections or implants are hormonal contraception.\n\n\nHormonal contraception works by thickening up the fluid at the neck of the womb (prevent sperm and egg meeting), making the inner lining of the womb thinner, and by preventing ovulation. The hormones in contraception are very similar to women\u2019s natural hormones, but the levels are steady.\u00a0\n\n\nHormonal methods either use low levels of two hormones (estrogen and progesterone) or just one (progesterone).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nAfter giving birth and if you are breastfeeding, it is best to avoid combined hormonal contraception because estrogen dries up breast milk. Choose progesterone-only hormone or non-hormonal contraception.\n\n\nIf you are a well-organized person and less likely to forget then you may choose the progestogen-only pill. You have to take daily without break for 28 days. \n\n\n\n\nProgestogen-only pill will only be efficient if taken at about the same time every day with forgiving 12-hour or 3-hour window depending on the brand use. It has 91% efficacy in preventing pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: NetDoctor\n\n\n\n\nContraceptive injections or depot (progesterone only hormonal) need to be taken every 2 or 3 months.\n\n\n\n\n If you wish to have a baby in the near future, injections might not be a suitable option as there can be a delay in fertility return for about 1 year after the injection wears off. Injections are about 97% efficient in preventing pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nProgesterone only hormonal contraception gives a lighter and less painful period every month but is associated with irregular bleeding or no period in many users. \n\n\nIt can also be associated with temporary side effects at first, such as headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, mood swings and decrease sexual drives. Progesterone only hormone reduces the risk of womb cancer.\u00a0\n\n\nMost women don\u2019t put on weight when on hormonal contraception. However, weight gain is fairly likely (3kg in 2 years) for women who choose contraceptive injections.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Best Health Magazine\n\n\n\n\nThe progesterone-only hormonal implant can last about 3 years, is very convenient and extremely efficient in preventing pregnancy by about 99%. However, its side effect of irregular bleeding (for 1 in 5 women) can be a nuisance and troublesome for some women.\u00a0\n\n\nIf irregular and unpredictable bleeding are unacceptable side effects to you, then progestogen-only pills, injections and implant are not suitable methods for you. Choose non-hormonal contraception instead such as copper coil and barrier method.\n\n\n\n\nOnce you have stop breastfeeding, then you may consider combined hormonal contraception pills which give you regular and predictable monthly bleeding. (For women who are over 35 years old and smoking, obese or have certain medical conditions; combined hormonal contraception are to be best avoided due to extremely rare complication of blood clots in legs or lungs about 2 in 10000 users.)\n\n\n\n\nBarrier contraception (male and female condom) is the only type of contraception that can both prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted infections with correct and consistent usage.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: cottonbro/Pexels\n\n\n\n\nHowever, some couples may find that using condoms interrupts sex and reduce pleasure. The condom needs some skill-knowing how to stop condoms from breaking and slipping off. If a condom breaks or comes off, emergency contraception (morning after pill or copper coil) might be needed.\n\n\n\n\nFor average typical users, condoms are about 79% effective (21 out of 100 people can have unplanned pregnancy).\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Medical News Today\n\n\n\n\nCopper coil (non-hormonal) can last up to 5 to 10 years, depending on the type. It is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. It does not contain the hormone, thus does not have any effect on the regularity of menstrual cycle. Women do have monthly periods but the menstrual flow tend to be prolonged, heavy and more painful.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\n\n\nHaving the copper coil fitted in your womb can be painful for some women. It can come out (1 in 20 women) for first 3 months of insertion. Sexually transmitted infection needs to be check before putting in.\n\n\n\n\n It can be associated with rare risks of intrauterine device migrate through the wall of the womb (fewer than 1 in 1000 women) and pregnancy outside the womb (ectopic pregnancy). For women who have a previous history of ectopic pregnancy is best to avoid the intrauterine device.\n\n\nThere are many options of contraception with added benefits that may be suitable for you depending on what criteria is important to you. However, some are associated with extremely rare risks which are better be avoided in certain specified women. \n\n\nPlease consult your doctor for risk assessment before deciding on which method is right for you. Nevertheless, for healthy women, all methods of contraception are safer to be taken than going through pregnancy and childbirth.\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by Dr Haslinda Binti Mohd Daud, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G), Pantai Hospital Ampang\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nCan you have sex with an IUD in? Does it feel good?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/screen-time-teens", "title": "Get Off Your Phone! Teens & Screen Time Guidelines", "body": "Today\u2019s parents fight a seemingly losing battle against how much time their teens spend on mobile phones, tablets and laptops.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cGet off your phone\u201d, \u201cno devices at the dinner table\u201d, \u201care you still online? go to sleep!\u201d, \u201cstop looking at your phone and look at me\u201d, \u201care you doing your homework or on YouTube?\u201d \u2013 sound familiar?\u00a0\n\n\nScreen time can be defined as anything from watching TV and gaming to streaming, being on social media platforms and using multimedia messaging apps. All the statements above are repeated daily, usually to no avail. Teens feel like their parents are nagging, old-fashioned, don\u2019t get them or just plain annoying. And parents are exasperated, angry, disappointed and feel disrespected. Smart phones have drastically changed the way we communicate, work, socialise, get information and are entertained. Technology rapidly evolves and the young (and easily influenced) are at the forefront of this.\u00a0\n\n\nThe numbers don\u2019t lie\n\n\nIn 2019, just over 50% of children under the age of 11 owned a smartphone in the United States, and this figure increases to almost 70% for 12-year-olds. Ownership no longer belongs to a certain social demographic as manufacturers and telecommunication companies offer such a wide range of models and packages catering to every budget. Remember when a phone was to simply make a call? There are some children who don\u2019t even know we used to have to dial numbers on a rotary phone!\n\n\nAccording to Statista, a leading resource for market and consumer statistics, there are over three billion smartphone users globally and increasing rapidly. This makes it a necessity rather than a luxury and children of all ages take up a large chunk of this figure.\u00a0\n\n\nScreen time versus general wellbeing\n\n\nParents usually say the same things when trying to get their children (especially teens) off the phone \u2013 bad for your eyesight, makes you lazy, fries your brain cells, incites anti-social behaviour. These comments are usually met with rolled eyes, sighs or rebellion. The fact is that today\u2019s teen spends less time reading books, going outside, being adventurous and imaginative and interacting with family and friends.\u00a0\n\n\nA study published last year by the Oxford Internet Institute (research and teaching department within the Social Sciences faculty) stated that there\u2019s limited evidence linking the general wellbeing of adolescents and screen time. Then there are other studies that have found lower grades can be linked to playing too many computer games; and watching too much TV or being on the computer for hours can cause mild depression.\u00a0\n\n\nAll these studies are correct but what parents are worried about is the breakdown of communication and what their children are reading / watching on which platform. If adults find it so hard to not check their Facebook / Instagram / email / texts constantly, how can we expect them to? There are ways of dealing with this issue and screaming, \u201cget off your phone now!\u201d, while you check your own is not one of them.\u00a0\n\n\nExplain why too much screen time is detrimental:\n\u00a0Have a conversation \u2013 don\u2019t give a lecture or an order. Give practical advice and examples like explain how mealtimes should be quality time spent with family not staring at a screen. Also talk about online bullying, the negative effects of social media and how it can affect mental, emotional and mental health.\n\n\nEnforce the no devices an hour before bed rule: This is harder to do when the children are teens but again, explaining that a good night\u2019s sleep is important and looking at a screen keeps them up and interrupts sleep patterns.\n\n\nSpend time with the family:\n\u00a0Create a family routine of conversation, going for a walk, playing board games or just hanging out together. In the beginning, children will complain but stick to the routine and they will soon (hopefully) enjoy this valuable time.\u00a0\n\n\nSet a good example:\n\u00a0It\u2019s hard to control your child\u2019s screen time if you\u2019re always online so curb your device habits too so they see that you\u2019re also trying.\u00a0\n\n\nDevice-free areas and situations:\n\u00a0There should be no devices at meal times, social gatherings (photo taking exempted), bedtime, when doing homework / revising, when exercising and when talking to someone.\u00a0\n\n\nDevices are addictive \u2013 that\u2019s the cold, hard truth. The earlier parents can control the situation and instil good habits, the better. Otherwise, all you\u2019ll be doing is shouting and threatening, and we all know how well children react to that!\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/home-remedies-for-flu", "title": "Home Remedies for Flu: 5 Foods That Will Boost Your Child\u2019s Immunity", "body": "It\u2019s no surprise that your child can be fussy and clingy when he or she isn\u2019t feeling well. Here are some natural ways to help make the flu go away.\u00a0\n\n\nChildren who are having the flu may lose their appetites. Even their favourite foods may be unappealing to them. Blocked, itchy noses and sore throats make the situation even worse.\u00a0\n\n\nNonetheless, there is nothing unusual about this. It\u2019s all part and parcel of having the flu. You\u2019ll find that their appetites will soon return to normal when they are well. Most importantly, ensure that they stay hydrated and if they are hungry, provide them with healthy, nutritious options that will help them get better, faster.\u00a0\n\n\nBest natural home remedies for flu\n\n\nThese natural home remedies for flu will boost your immune system and help your body fight off the cold.\u00a0\n\n\nHoney\n\n\nHoney is a natural antibiotic that can work wonders for cough, runny nose and sore throat. In fact, research shows that \nhoney can be as effective as certain cough suppressants\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAll you need to do is mix a spoonful of honey with warm water and have your child drink it before bedtime. And because it tastes good, you\u2019ll find that your child will be much more willing to take it compared to flu medications.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, honey is not suitable for children below one year of age as it can cause infant botulism, a serious type of food poisoning, although this is rare. Nonetheless, it\u2019s better to be safe than sorry.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nArwin Neil Baichoo\n on \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nChicken soup\n\n\nOne of the popular home remedies for flu is the ultimate comfort food, chicken soup. It can help with the flu and colds by:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHelping to clear nasal congestion.\n\n\nThinning mucus so that you will be better able to cough it up and thus, providing relief from blocked noses and phlegm.\u00a0\n\n\nProviding your body with the energy it needs to fight off the cold\n\n\nProvides your body with the nutrients it needs. This is especially true if you add healthy ingredients such as vegetables into the soup.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBesides chicken soup, you can also opt to give your child other types of soups and broth.\u00a0\n\n\nFruit rich in Vitamin C\n\n\nFruits that are rich in vitamin C can help your child to help fight off the flu. This is because vitamin C helps boost immunity and thus, strengthens your body\u2019s defence system.\n\n\nFruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C include:\n\n\n\n\nCitrus fruits such as oranges\n\n\nStrawberries\n\n\nBroccoli\n\n\nTomatoes\n\n\nPapaya\n\n\nKiwi\n\n\nPumpkin\n\n\nSweet potatoes\n\n\n\n\nIf your child is not keen on eating fruits or vegetables, opt for juices or fruit smoothies.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nAnton Darius\n on \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nLean meat\n\n\nLean meat contains vitamin B12, selenium and zinc, all of which are powerful immune boosters that will help your child\u2019s body fight off bacteria and viruses. Eating lean red meat is also a fast way to increase iron levels.\u00a0\n\n\nGarlic\n\n\nStudies show that \ngarlic can help reduce the risk of becoming sick\n and for those who are already sick, reduce how long you stay sick. Additionally, it can also help reduce cold and flu symptoms.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is full of antioxidants that will help you fight off the virus and stave off the flu. Nonetheless, children may not like the taste or smell of garlic. As such, you might have to find creative ways to include it in meals. Try using it in soup or adding it into vegetable dishes.\u00a0\n\n\nOther ways to cure the flu quickly\n\n\nOther tips to help cure the flu fast include:\n\n\n\n\nA few drops of saline can help clear blocked nasal passages, making it easier to breathe. You can do this for your child three times a day.\u00a0\n\n\nDrinking an adequate amount of water will help with blocked noses and phlegm.\u00a0\n\n\nIf your child has trouble sleeping due to blocked nasal passages, prop her head up so that it\u2019s easier to breathe.\n\n\nUse a humidifier\n\n\nEncourage your child to eat even though he or she might not have an appetite.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOld fashioned flu remedies\n\n\nBesides the above-mentioned tips, here are some old fashioned flu remedies that are said to be able to help:\n\n\n\n\nTake oregano oil, which is supposed to have antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.\u00a0\n\n\nGargle with salt water to ease a sore throat.\n\n\nGinger root can help with upset stomachs, although most children will not like the taste.\u00a0\n\n\nInhale eucalyptus to help break up mucus.\u00a0\n\n\nHoney lemon cinnamon tea can help soothe your throat and clear blocked nasal passages.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHowever, do consult with your doctor before using any of these remedies for your child. You want to make sure that they are safe and appropriate for young children.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen to see a doctor?\u00a0\n\n\nMost children will get better once the cold has run its course. You\u2019ll find your child returning to his or her usual active self within the week. However, bring your child to the doctor if your child has difficulty breathing or has a fever. It\u2019s always better to be safe than sorry.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a \nlist of pediatricians\n if you ever find that you need to head to the doctor\u2019s office with your child.\u00a0\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nGetting the flu is all part and parcel of life. While you can take steps to prevent it, there are times when your child will fall sick. Even the healthiest of kids can get sick sometimes. Hence, just be prepared \u2013 give your child healthy food, vitamin C and if needed, head to the doctor for some medication. Your little one will be all recovered in a week or so.\u00a0\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nFor more on parenting and raising healthy kids, head over to \ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/postpartum-anxiety", "title": "My Experience with Postpartum Anxiety", "body": "I am a mother of two. I started having anxiety and panic attacks after giving birth to my first child. In fact I still do. The first few times that I had the episodes I thought they were asthma attacks. Then I learned what a panic attack is, the meaning of having anxiety, and that I never had asthma attacks \u2013 they were panic attacks.\n\n\nWhere It All Began\n\n\n\n\nI remember it was a few days after I gave birth when I was in my confinement period. I felt tightness in my chest and non-stop palpitations. I went to a clinic and the doctor said that my lungs were fine, I was not having an asthma episode, and that the tightness I was feeling in my chest was because of the corset or \u2018bengkung\u2019 I was wearing. I went home and couldn\u2019t sleep overthinking things \u2013 that the chest tightness and palpitations are signs that something was wrong with me internally and that I was going to die.\n\n\n\nPostpartum anxiety is no joke. It makes you over think stuff which always leads to thinking about death, and you\u2019re suddenly crying and sobbing. In worse cases you can become deliriously delusional.\n\n\n\nIf you feel this happening to you, or see someone having anxiety, please seek help. Talk to someone about what you\u2019re going through and seek for comfort. It will only harm you and your newborn child if you don\u2019t.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n5 Postpartum depression symptoms you should know\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nPostpartum anxiety doesn\u2019t only happen to new mothers, it can happen to dads too. I know someone whom upon the arrival of his first child, had a series of panic attacks at night while he was sleeping. This happens when you\u2019re unknowingly nervous when a big change in your life is about to happen and a wave of thoughts come crashing at you. In this case, the transition to parenthood. And men being men, always keep these thoughts and emotions to themselves and this results to anxiety.\n\n\nSharing from experience, whenever you feel palpitations, chest tightness or any other anxiety symptoms that you feel are coming, before it escalates to physically hurt you, stop your mind from over thinking.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: healthline.com\n\n\n\n\nDistract yourself and think about something else that is calming to you. Think about your baby\u2019s face or the ocean, or the sky, or move your eyes to your left and right while counting to 30. And deep breaths.\n\n\nNew parents, know that anxiety is very normal. And that you are not alone. So talk to other new parents about this. We often find comfort when we know that there are other people going through the same thing that we are. InshaAllah all will be fine.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/diabetes-covid", "title": "Diabetes In The Time Of COVID-19", "body": "Let\u2019s talk about diabetes and start with the basics. What is it? Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose or blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose is our main source of energy and comes from the foods we consume. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas helps glucose from food transport into your cells and then used for energy.\n\n\nThere are two major types of diabetes \u2013 type diabetes 1 and type diabetes 2. People with type 1 diabetes don\u2019t produce insulin. People with type 2 diabetes don\u2019t respond to insulin as well as they should and also don\u2019t make enough insulin. Regardless of which type of diabetes, they both can lead to high blood sugar levels. So before we go any further, here\u2019s a chance to explore some\u00a0myths and facts about diabetes\u00a0\u2013 for you or anyone dealing with the disease.\u00a0\n\n\nAs you can imagine, food is a huge part in dealing with maintaining and also living your best life with diabetes. The disease is not always easy, but should not be crippling and should not drastically reduce the quality of your life. Besides the obvious sugar management, here are\u00a0\nfive diet tips\n\u00a0you should be following. It\u2019s important to remember that most food that\u2019s prepared outside or pre-cooked is\u00a0loaded with stuff we wouldn\u2019t put in\u00a0if we were making it ourselves. This is why it\u2019s extremely important to read labels and understand what goes into food we buy, before we consume it.\u00a0\n\n\nNow that we\u2019re faced with coronavirus or COVID-19, it\u2019s important to understand facts pertaining to those who have diabetes. And one of the facts to note is this \u2013 people who have lung issues, heart diseases and diabetes could be at a higher risk for serious complications than those who do not have\u00a0 these ailments. People with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are more susceptible to DKA \u2013 a life-threatening issue that can cause the blood to become too acidic; this happens when blood sugar levels are significantly too high, making it harder to avoid sepsis and septic shock. So during a time like COVID-19, it\u2019s important to follow precautions strictly, such as washing your hands, avoiding close contact with people especially those who are coughing or sneezing and wear protective masks and gloves when you\u2019re outside. At this stage, self-quarantine is very important \u2013 for yourself, and for those in your community. It\u2019s also wise to make sure you have access to a doctor who may be able to help you and insurance company. And if you do feel sick (even with common symptoms like a flu or body aches) we suggest reaching out to your doctor immediately.\n\n\nWe wish you all a safe and low-key time. Remember it\u2019s ALWAYS\u00a0 better to be safe than sorry.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/storage-methods-of-fruits-and-vegetables", "title": "Incorrect storage of fruits in the fridge can make your kids very sick", "body": "Leaving your cut fruits and vegetables overnight in the fridge\u00a0\n\u2014\n does that sound familiar to you, mummies and daddies?\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHowever, because your little ones are exceptionally vulnerable to germs, you might want to think twice about doing this. It\u2019s important to exercise caution about\u00a0\nstorage methods of fruits and vegetables, even in the fridge.\u00a0\n\n\nTake that from Zhang, who unfortunately suffered from a severe case of stomach pain \n\u2014 \nor so he thought.\n\n\nMan eats overnight watermelon, loses a portion of his small intestines\n\n\n\n\nZhang, very sick in hospital. Image source: \nApple TV\n screengrab\n\n\n\n\nAccording to \nApply Daily\n, a seventy-year-old man who lives in Xiangxiang city, Hunan, China, consumed a watermelon on the evening of 25 July 2018. The watermelon was kept overnight in the fridge.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat seemed like a harmless snack led to a searing pain in his stomach two hours later. Zhang only visited the local hospital the next morning.\u00a0\n\n\nHe was referred to Changsha Hospital for further treatment on 28 July 2018 where a laparotomy was performed on him. \n\n\nZhang was later diagnosed with \nnecrotising enterocolitis\n (NEC), a medical condition where a portion of the bowel rots and dies. \n\n\nDoctors had to remove\u00a0\n70cm of his small intestines which had already started necrotising, after which they reconstructed it. \n\n\nThey also believe that the cause of this frightening incident was due to a bacterial infection he got from consuming the watermelon. Doctors have reminded everyone not to assume that just because you keep food in the fridge, that it\u2019s safe to consume later.\u00a0\n\n\nMums and dads, do you know what the scariest part of this incident is?\u00a0\nNecrotising enterocolitis\n\u00a0is a severe condition that often affects babies, especially preemies.\n If it can be triggered by the improper storage of watermelon in the fridge, then, we really need to think twice about our own food storage methods.\u00a0\n\n\nIn Zhang\u2019s case, could he have stored the melon near raw meat? Was it half-eaten already, therefore contaminated with his saliva? Did he wash his hands before handling it? How about using recycled cling film to wrap it? Did he cut it on a dirty surface? Maybe it was contaminated even before he bought it. We don\u2019t know for sure. But what we do know is that it\u2019s crucial that food is stored properly to protect your family\u2019s health.\u00a0\n\n\nHealth Risks of Improper S\ntorage Methods of Fruits and Vegetables\n\n\nWrapping food in cling film and popping it in the fridge is just not enough.\u00a0\nWe need to take more care when it comes to the proper \nstorage methods of fruits and vegetables\n\u00a0and food handling. \n\n\nHere\u2019s what can happen when you don\u2019t store food in the fridge properly: \n\n\n\n\nFoodborne illnesses (or commonly called food poisoning)\n\n\nBacterial growth/cross contamination\n\n\nOther consequences (for those running professional food businesses, even one case of food poisoning may put your reputation in jeopardy)\n\n\n\n\nFoodborne illnesses may be severe and fatal, especially in young children, pregnant women or the elderly.\u00a0\nFood poisoning\n is the worst consequence that can come from improper food handling, leading to death in severe cases. \n\n\nWhat causes foodborne illnesses? And who is affected?\n\n\nHarmful bacteria and viruses (such as salmonella and E.coli) cause the majority of foodborne illnesses. \n\n\nAnyone is at risk, but certain groups are more susceptible to developing foodborne illnesses than others. \n\n\nThey include: \n\n\n\n\nInfants and young children\n\n\nPregnant women and their fetuses\n\n\nOlder adults \n\n\nPeople with weak immune systems\n\n\n\n\nYoung children are at high risk of contracting foodborne illnesses because their immune systems are still developing. As compared to adults, their systems are not as effective in fighting off bacteria and viruses. Also, pregnant women have compromised immune systems, so they need to be extra careful too.\u00a0\n\n\nCommon food poisoning symptoms may include:\n\n\n\n\nStomach cramps \n\n\nNausea\n\n\nVomiting\n\n\nDiarrhea or bloody diarrhea\n\n\nFever\n\n\nChills\n\n\n\n\nTips to Keep Your Food Safe for Kids\n\n\n\n\nDo not dismiss basic hygiene practices such as \nwashing your hands \nproperly\n before handling any kind of food.\n\n\nStore fresh fruits (except bananas) and vegetables in the refrigerator.\n\n\nStore fruits and vegetables in \nseparate compartments.\n \nWhen fruits ripen, they can cause green vegetables to turn yellow.\n\n\nKeep fresh produce \nseparate\n from raw meat, poultry, and seafood products.\n\n\nEnsure that your fridge is cold enough, typically \nbetween 0\u00baC and 4\u00baC.\n\u00a0This increases shelf life and decreases bacterial growth.\n\n\nProtect your food from \npathogens\n\u00a0.Always READ the label for storage instructions.\n\n\nStore cut fruits and vegetables in \nsealed plastic bags or clean and properly-covered containers\n in the refrigerator. This helps to prevent cross-contamination.\n\n\nStore hardy root vegetables (e.g potatoes, but discard them if they\u2019re green) and fresh fruits that need ripening, at \nroom temperature.\n\n\nAlways ensure you have \nclean hands\n when handling fruits or vegetables for raw consumption (e.g. salads or garnishes). Ensure that anyone else in your home who handles food (e.g. your helper), follows the same rule.\u00a0\n\n\nUse \nseparate chopping boards\n and utensils when handling other kinds of raw foods such as meat products.\n\n\n\n\nThat\u2019s not all mummies and daddies, food safety starts from the moment you \nchoose \nto make a purchase.\n\n\nTo avoid any form of contamination from pre-cut fruits and vegetables, such as\u00a0cut watermelon or salad mixes, do ensure that they are closely wrapped and refrigerated.\n\n\nSafe S\ntorage Methods of Fruits and Vegetables\n\n\n\n\nDo not refrigerate tomatoes. You should refrigerate only sliced or bruised tomatoes.\n\n\nAvocados do not require refrigeration.\n\n\nStore apples at room temperature, away from other produce. They give off\u00a0ethylene gas, causing other fruits to ripen faster.\n\n\nRemember to refrigerate your melons after slicing \n\u2014 \nmelons continue to ripen if not refrigerated. Otherwise, they do not require refrigeration.\n\n\nHot peppers will dry well without refrigeration \n\u2014 \ncrush them for some pepper-flake goodness. If storing them long-term, freezing them is the way to go.\n\n\nTree fruits like peaches, apricots, plums, and pears do not necessarily need refrigeration. If kept in the fridge, they will ripen more slowly.\n\n\nYou should not refrigerate mangoes until they are ripe. Store them at room temperature between 18-22\u00b0C, away from the sun until then.\n\n\n\n\nPro tip:\n\u00a0If your mangoes are not ripe enough, place a few of them in a paper bag to quicken the ripening process. \n\n\nAccording to researcher\u00a0\nDanielle Goodspeed\n, different \nstorage methods of fruits and vegetables\n may even boost the health benefits of our produce. \n\n\nConsider this\u2026\n\n\nUltimately, mindfulness is key. You can make better decisions to help keep you and your family safe. After all, when your kids are happy and healthy, you mummies and daddies will be too!\n\n\nPerhaps now, you will think twice before tossing that half-eaten fruit into the refrigerator only to consume it another day.\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nFood Standards Agency,\n\u00a0\nApple Daily,\n\u00a0\nElsevier\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dyson-technology-tips-hari-raya", "title": "Dyson Tips on How to Prepare and Clean for Hari Raya", "body": "With Hari Raya just around the corner, many families would soon get busy preparing their homes for gatherings, while others are preparing to \nbalik kampung \nwhich may be a long drive home for some.\n\n\nWhether it is getting your car ready for the journey, spring cleaning homes for the celebration or even getting style-ready to meet friends and families again, there is plenty to be done! While it can be difficult to know where to start, here is a Dyson guide to creating a clean space and hair tips for the upcoming celebrations.\n\n\nFrom using cord-free vacuums for a deep clean to ensuring cleaner air quality, there is a Dyson technology for every occasion. A full list of Ramadan featured deals is \nhere\n.\n\n\nFreshen up your car interiors for that long \nbalik kampung \njourney\n\n\n\n\nCar interiors can get dirty quickly. As well as looking unsightly, leaving cars uncleaned can impact our well-being as dust, allergens and mould can thrive in the right conditions. Cleaning the inside of your car is actually an easy process with the lightweight and powerful \nDyson Digital Slim\u2122 Fluffy Extra \ncordless vacuum and the right attachments.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBefore starting to vacuum, open all the car doors for ventilation, prepare a rubbish or recycling bag for waste disposal, and remove any loose items of rubbish. Finally, remove floor mats from the footwells and place them somewhere clean and dry.\n\n\nStart with the seats and use the \nLight Pipe Crevice \ntool \nto illuminate dark and tight spaces and vacuum \nalong the seams of seats, as close to the stitching as \npossible. Pay special attention to the seam where the \nback meets the seat bottom as a surprising amount of \ndirt and debris can gather here, such as forgotten \ncrumbs and invisible dirt. Repeat this process with the \nside pockets in the car doors.\n\n\nNext, click in the \nMini-motorised tool \nand slowly \nvacuum the upholstery on the seats, removing any \nloose debris as well as invisible dust and allergens \nthat can gather in soft furnishings. Use the \u2018Boost\u2019 \nmode on your vacuum for extra power.\n\n\nUse your \nCombination tool \nwith the soft \nnylon bristles extended to remove dust and \ndirt from the car body. Gently vacuum the \ndashboard and between the vents. Use a damp \ncloth to gently remove any marks or stains on the dashboard, leaving it to dry thoroughly.\n\n\nFinally, move your attention to the flooring and floor mats, and use the \nMini-motorised tool \nto tackle any areas of stubborn dirt, as the stiff nylon bristles will help to scrub off dried dirt.\n\n\n\n\nDeep clean your carpets and hard floors\n\n\n\n\nFibres in carpets and rugs can hide fine dust and dirt, as well as harbour microscopic life \u2013 such as dust mites, mould and allergens. Likewise, your hard floors could accumulate fine dust that is difficult to see with your naked eye. Even if your hard floors and carpet do not look visibly dirty, remember to vacuum them before your friends and family gather this Hari Raya.\n\n\nHere are some tips on how to clean your carpets and vacuums efficiently with the right attachments:\n\n\n\n\nWhile it may seem like an effort to change tools mid-vacuum, this will help you remove dust you can see, and dust you can\u2019t. Use a Reach Under tool to clean hard to reach places around the edge of the carpet, or the Direct Drive Cleaner head to remove dust buried in thick pile rugs.\n\n\nVacuum slowly. Vacuuming slowly gives the airflow and brush bar more time to \u201cagitate\u201d the dust and dirt between the carpet fibres and remove them entirely. It also means you\u2019re more likely to capture invisible allergens hidden deep in the carpet pile.\n\n\nGo over the same spot \u2013 but not too often. More passes over an area will give the machine the best chance of cleaning the carpet well, but any more than two or three times gives minimal increase, according to our research in the laboratory.\n\n\nA vacuum-like the powerful, intelligent and compact Dyson V12 Detect Slim Total Clean can provide assurance of a deep clean for hard floors and carpets, as laser dust detection reveals dust particles invisible to the eye, with a precisely-angled green laser integrated into a Fluffy cleaner head, along with Acoustic Dust Sensing technology \u2013 so you don\u2019t miss a thing.\n\n\n\n\nThe \nDyson Digital Slim\u2122 Fluffy Extra \nis priced at a special offer of RM2,299, while the \nDyson V12 Detect \nSlim\u2122 Total Clean \nis priced at RM3,599. Both cord-free vacuums are exclusively available from \nwww.dyson.my \nand Dyson Demo Stores nationwide.\n\n\nPurify your indoor air quality at home\n\n\n\n\nWhether you are cooking a feast or inviting friends and relatives over for gatherings, we cannot neglect our indoor air quality.\n\n\nCertified asthma and allergy friendly by Allergy Standards Limited, the \nDyson \n\u00a0\nPurifier Cool\u2122 Formaldehyde \ncaptures viruses, allergens and dust, and destroys formaldehyde continuously, all while projecting purified air across the room.\n\n\nDyson Purifier Cool\u2122 Formaldehyde air purifiers not only sense formaldehyde with their intelligent solid-state sensor, but they also destroy it, using Dyson\u2019s Selective Catalytic Oxidisation (SCO) filter. Some formaldehyde sensors are gel-based, so can dry out over time, causing the precision and performance of the sensor to deteriorate. Dyson\u2019s formaldehyde sensor is solid-state, and so doesn\u2019t dry out, lasting the lifetime of the machine.\n\n\nEquipped with sophisticated air quality sensors tested against POLAR test standards, the purifier features a fully-sealed filtration system, combined with an activated carbon filter to remove gases and a Glass HEPA filter that captures 99.95% of microscopic allergens and pollutants as small as 0.1\u00a0 microns, including allergens, bacteria, pollen and mould. Additionally, users can receive real-time live indoor air quality reports on an LCD display and the Dyson Link app.\n\n\nThe Dyson Purifier Cool\u2122 Formaldehyde is priced at RM3,199 and is exclusively available from \nwww.dyson.my \nand Dyson Demo Stores nationwide.\n\n\nStyle your hair\n\n\n\n\nEngineered to care for the scalp with fast drying\n\u00a0unlike any other, the \nDyson Supersonic\u2122 hairdryer \nuses high-speed airflow to dry \nhair fast without extreme heat to \npreserve the natural shine. This is \nideal for hijab-wearers and those \nseeking to style their hair in the \nshortest time possible.\n\n\nLightweight and comfortable to \nhold, Dyson engineers harnessed \nthe design of the Dyson digital \nmotor V9 \u2013 a small, yet powerful \nmotor that sits and spins in the \nhandle at 110,000rpm \u2013 to deliver \n41 litres of powerful airflow, \nalong with an on-board intelligent heat control system that keeps the temperature below 150\u00b0C to prevent heat damage.\n\n\nHijab-wearers with sensitive scalps can now use the Gentle air attachment to dry their scalps prior to donning the headscarf, while other users can utilize magnetic hair attachments like the new Flyaway attachment to tame unruly hair frizz and flyaways.\n\n\n\n\nSuitable for long, medium and short hair \nlengths, the versatile Dyson Airwrap\u2122 \nmulti-styler, our most awarded styling \ntool is now radically redesigned, bringing \nnew and re-engineered attachments \npowered by enhanced Coanda airflow.\n\n\nFully customisable to deliver a range of \nstyles for different hair types, the styling \ntool features next-generation styling \nbarrels with a rotating cool tip, for \nachieving curls and waves faster, \nalongside an all-new dual purpose Coanda \nsmoothing dryer that hides flyaways in a \nsingle pass, while transforming into a \npowerful dryer \u2013 all with no extreme heat.\n\n\nThe \nDyson Supersonic \u2122 hairdryer\n \nis priced at RM2,099 and the \nDyson Airwrap\u2122 multi-styler\n \nis priced at RM2,699, available direct from \nwww.dyson.my \nand Dyson Demo Stores nationwide.\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nMoney Lessons For Children That Will Last A Lifetime\nLifestyle\nA Celebration For All Moms - Super Brand Day Special!\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKanak-Kanak\nAdakah Pertumbuhan Anak Anda Terbantut? Ini Yang Anda Perlu Tahu\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dine-your-way-pavilion-kuala-lumpur", "title": "Dine Your Way Around the World at Pavilion KL", "body": "Feast on flavours and cuisines from around the world in one exciting destination at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia\u2019s premier shopping destination. From now to 24 July 2022, Pavilion Feast invites you to discover hidden culinary gems and adventure through signature dishes, endless variety and exciting promotions.\n\n\nHere are our favourite picks for a Pavilion Feast filled with appreciation and wonderment for food in all its glory!\n\n\nCaf\u00e9 Hops\n\n\n\n\nJourney from coffee to cocoa beans for an alternative flavour profile at Harriston Chocolatier Caf\u00e9. Bursting with decadence, chocolate bombs are available in three sumptuous flavours \u2013 Classic Rich Milk Chocolate Bomb, Cookies & Cream White Chocolate Bomb and Dark Cacao Tea Chocolate Bomb.\n\n\nSavour the visual delight of melting chocolate as you pour a cup of hot milk over them, followed by a delicious explosion of flavour. In conjunction with Pavilion Feast, enjoy RM5 off these with a minimum purchase of RM50 & above.\n\n\n\n\nGet your caffeine fix with the \u2018Dirty\u2019 at Artelier Coffee X Kitchen. This aromatic concoction is a delicious combination of ristretto \u2013 a concentrated espresso coffee, and cold milk, so while a \u2018Dirty\u2019 and \u2018Latte\u2019 share the same ingredients, they are prepared differently, offering a new experience to the art of coffee drinking. If you love your coffee rich, we recommend you get a \u2018Dirty\u2019!\n\n\nChase away Monday blues with the Hot & Cold Rose Latte at The Loaf, blending the sweetness of rose syrup with their signature cold coffee and hot foam milk. Make Mondays special with this pick-me-up and a perfect view of Jalan Bukit Bintang.\n\n\nLocations:\n Harriston Chocolatier Caf\u00e9, Level 3, Fashion Avenue; Artelier Coffee X Kitchen, Level 2, and The Loaf, Levels 3 & 4\n\n\nWorld of Hotpots\n\n\n\n\nSpice up your day with these mouth-numbing mala hotpots from all over China. From Shu Guo Yin Xiang Hot Pot and Haidilao Hot Pot that offer the Szechuan style, to Yuan Lao Si Hotpot that offers the Chongqing style, savour the intricate regional differences as you dip your favourite fresh meats, dumplings and vegetables in these bright spicy broths, accompanied by a personalized dipping sauce.\n\n\nLocations:\n Shu Guo Yin Xiang Hot Pot, Level 6; Yuan Lao Si Hotpot, Level 4, and Haidilao Hot Pot, Level 10, Elite. These restaurants are non-halal.\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy hotpot, Japanese style at Suki-Ya. Choose from four tasty soup bases including Shabu-shabu (konbu broth), Sukiyaki (sweetened soy-sauce broth), Miso Soup (fermented soybean broth) and Kimuchi (kimchi and spicy miso).\n\n\nIf you love your hotpot with seafood, check out Grand Imperial Seafood Hotpot & BBQ for a variety of offerings such as king sea prawn, homemade squid ink cuttlefish ball and fresh giant grouper fish fillet, to name a few.\n\n\nLocations:\n Suki-Ya, Level 6, Tokyo Street, and Grand Imperial Seafood Hotpot & BBQ, Level 9, Elite.\n\n\nSweets of the World\n\n\n\n\nIndulge in one of the most famous Chinese desserts \u2013 egg tarts. We love these golden egg tarts from Nam Heong Vintage baked freshly at 2:30 pm daily. They\u2019re flaky on the outside, unctuous and creamy inside, and utterly irresistible.\n\n\nFor an east meets west dessert, try the Traditional Apple Jalousie topped with Musang King Durian Gelato from Ocean Twe12ve. Baked into a light and fluffy crust, this crispy puff pastry dome is a luxurious and Instagrammable dessert to light up your social media game!\n\n\n\n\nFor exotic desserts, look no further than the Turkish Pistachio Baklava at Al Halabi, thin, sweet phyllo pastry stuffed with pistachios and soaked in honey. Sheer perfection when paired with a punchy Turkish coffee to deliver a strong boost of energy.\n\n\nAt Kakiyuki, dive into a refreshing bowl of fresh watermelon balls, cloud-like rose espuma, red fruits and pistachios. This ever-so-refreshing icy treat is dairy and caffeine-free, made with real fresh fruits with no artificial flavouring and concentrates. It\u2019s a healthier dessert option that\u2019s also perfect to beat the hot weather!\n\n\nLiving up to its name, Nyonya Colors offer a variety of colourful Malaysian sweets. These bite-sized flavour bombs deliver explosions of sweetness and delight. Made from pandan glutinous rice dough, filled with gula melaka (coconut palm sugar) and covered with fresh shredded coconut, Ondeh-ondeh is one of their signature kuih.\n\n\nLocations:\n Nam Heong Vintage, Level 7, Elite; OCEAN TWE12VE, Level 3, Connection; Al Halabi Gourmet Restaurant, Level 7, Dining Loft; Kakiyuki, Level 5, and Nyonya Colors, Level 1.\n\n\nBest of Asia\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nMoney Parenting\n6 Things Parents Say About Money \u2014 And What Your Children Learn from Them\nKeibubapaan\nJom Ibu Bapa Mula Menabung Untuk Pendidikan Anak Sekarang Dan Berpeluang Menang RM151 Ribu Ringgit!\nFormula\nAnak Susah Minum Susu? Ini Tips Daripada Pakar Untuk Pujuk Anak Minum Susu & Kepentingannya Pada Tumbesaran Mereka!\n\n\nIf you\u2019re a fan of Thai food, satisfy your cravings with Phad Thai Goong Sod (Thai Style Fried Rice Noodle with Prawns) at Para Thai. Thin, flat rice noodles are stir-fried in a sweet, savoury and sour sauce, tossed with bean sprouts and covered with crushed peanuts and chili flakes.\n\n\nIndulge in the taste of Bangkok at newly-opened, Michelin-awarded restaurant Baan Phadthai, where their Phadthai Jumbo Mud Crab is made with a secret 18-ingredient sauce.\n\n\n\n\nAnnyeong Oppa and Unnie\n! K-Experience by KyoChon serves exclusive Korean favourites dishes, accompanied with alcoholic drinks like soju, beer and exclusive cocktails. We recommend coming with a group of friends to try the crunchy Soy Ginger Fried Chicken and chug down on some cold refreshing Somaek, a beer cocktail made with soju and beer.\n\n\nChoose from more than 15 unique flavours of clams and mussels at Two Sons Bistro, where you will discover a blend of Western and Asian cuisine in a warm and rustic environment. Dip into rich and flavourful signature sauces, with garlic bread, mini mantao buns or French fries!\n\n\nBarbeque Nation pioneered the concept of \u201cover the table barbeque\u201d and \u201call you can eat\u201d, and is one of the leading casual dining chains in India. Feast on their all-you-can-eat main course buffet and a selection of desserts they have to offer for you and your family.\n\n\nLocations:\n Para Thai, Level 1; K-Experience by KyoChon, Level 3, Connection; Two Sons Bistro, Level 6, and Barbeque Nation, Level 9, Elite.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/reduced-baby-movement", "title": "Stillbirth: When to Worry, and When Not to Worry, if Your Baby is Moving Less", "body": "It has been a few weeks since your baby first started kicking and you know what it feels like to have your baby kick up a storm in your pregnant belly! \nCounting kicks is a daily practice\n and you are now aware of regular patterns with regard to your baby\u2019s movement and have now established a sense of what is considered \u201cnormal\u201d and \u201cusual\u201d when it comes to your baby. However, you suddenly noticed reduced baby movement.\u00a0\n\n\nShould you worry? Not necessarily\u2014or at least, not always.\u00a0\n\n\nAt theAsianparent, we have compiled a list of times that could be potentially threatening to your baby\u2019s life and the times when you can relax and not worry.\u00a0\n\n\nFirst, here are a few instances you don\u2019t have to worry as long as you are recording at least 10 movements within an hour.\n\n\n\n\nShould you worry if you find your baby is kicking less? Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nReduced baby movement: Times you should NOT worry\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nDelayed movement\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSome babies start \nmoving as early as 16 weeks,\n while others take their own sweet time and reward you with a few kicks only after the 24th mark of your pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nAs long as your regular check-ups show that everything is fine with baby, this is not a cause for concern. However, do alert your doctor if you have not felt any movement even after the 24th week of your pregnancy.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0Mum has not had anything to eat in some time\u00a0\n\n\nYou may sometimes note that your baby is inactive if you have not had anything to eat or drink in a while. When a mum is hungry, the foetus has no resources to feed on.\u00a0\n\n\nThe first thing a doctor will usually tell a pregnant mother if she is concerned about her baby\u2019s movement is to have something sweet to drink, like orange or apple juice, as the nutritional content in those foods, in particular, sugar will give mum and baby a pick-me-up. You should generally start feeling your baby move within thirty minutes of eating something.\n\n\nHowever, do make sure this is not a common occurrence, as you should be getting enough nutrients for your body to sustain both yourself and your growing baby. Nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy are often dangerous so make sure you have an adequate intake of necessary nutrients for yourself and your baby. If you have been classified as high risk due to nutritional deficiencies, you should take reduced movement as a sign that something is potentially very wrong, and seek immediate medical help.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEnsure you are getting adequate nutrition for your baby and yourself. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nReduced baby movement: Reduced space in the womb\n\n\nAs your baby grows in your womb, things are definitely going to get a bit stuffy in there! While your baby\u2019s movements may be restricted, this does not mean he/she will stop moving. You will notice a change in the type of movements \u2013 rolls and stretches instead of sharp kicks and jabs. All those movements count as \u201ckicks\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nMonitor your baby\u2019s movements carefully and count their kicks so you have recorded data to provide the doctor if you feel something is not right, and you want to get it checked out.\u00a0\n\n\nReduced baby movement: Mum\u2019s stress levels\u00a0\n\n\nYour baby will usually mirror your moods, and pick up strongly on your emotions. \nA pregnant mother\u2019s prenatal stress levels could easily affect her baby.\n While a certain amount of stress is inevitable, mothers should pay attention to stressors in their lives and avoid getting stressed as much as possible. While this is not always something within your control, your baby is in sync with your moods and you might notice periods of inactivity when you are particularly stressed.\u00a0\n\n\nBaby loves to sleep!\n\n\nAnother common reason when you would find periods of inactivity is when your baby is having his/her \u201cdown-time\u201d. A regular sleep-cycle lasts around 20 minutes, where babies will be less active as they would be resting, and therefore will kick less, move less and sometimes even not at all for a brief period of time. As long as you counting your kicks, and your baby matches regular patterns noted previously, you can relax mama, all is well!\u00a0\n\n\nIn a few cases, some babies actually enjoy sleeping quite a bit more than others! If you have a sleepy baby, you will find that they kick even less in utero. And if you are lucky, your baby will even continue sleeping more after he/she is out, providing you with some much-needed time on your hands!\u00a0\n\n\nReduced baby movement: Times you SHOULD worry\n\n\nNo kicking accompanied with bleeding\n\n\nIf you experience periods of no movement, accompanied by bleeding (even if it is mild), seek immediate medical help, in order to prevent further complications and avoid fatal outcomes that could even result in a tragic stillbirth.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThis could be a sign that a placental abruption \u2013 a condition where the placenta partially or completely separates from the uterus before the baby\u2019s birth \u2013 is taking place. This is a serious condition that deprives the baby of oxygen and nutrients.\u00a0\n\n\nPlacental abruption during pregnancy may also lead to severe bleeding which is risky to both mum and baby. The condition occurs in 1 in every 150 pregnancies, after the 20th week.\n\n\nSeek immediate help if you experience any vaginal bleeding, cramping or frequent contractions. You may also have back tenderness and uterine pain which could cause you to go into labour prematurely.\n\n\n\n\nReduced fetal movement is sometimes a cause for concern and needs to be monitored closely by your doctor. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nReduced movement accompanied by dizziness\u00a0\n\n\nAnother instance you definitely should be worried about and contact your doctor or hospital immediately is if you experience decreased fetal movement accompanied by feeling lightheaded, dizzy, and weak.\u00a0\n\n\nThese are common symptoms of a condition called Fetal hypoxia when the fetus is deprived of oxygen inside the womb and could lead to many complications for mum and baby.\u00a0\n\n\nYour doctor will need to monitor you and will keep a close eye on the baby and mother\u2019s oxygen levels. You will also be closely observed until delivery as this is a potentially fatal condition to your baby if appropriate medical help is not given in time.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReduced movement with a change in baby\u2019s sleep patterns\u00a0\n\n\nYou will be aware of your baby\u2019s active phases and sleep patterns if you monitor kicks regularly. If however, you notice any changes in your baby\u2019s patterns and movements and you are concerned about it, especially if you have not felt any movement for a long period of time (over 2 hours), a visit to the doctor would be the best course of action to set your mind at ease.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nAt the end of the day, you should always trust your intuition; that prickly spider-sense that tells you something if something is not right. More often than not, your mummy-sense will prove to be right, and \nas always it is better to be safe than sorry\n.\n\n\nYou are not being a bother or nuisance to your ob-gyn and any questions, concerns, and problems you have, especially if they seem to be recurrent, must be ideally taken to your doctor at the earliest time possible in order to facilitate a pregnancy with minimal complications and the safe delivery of your child.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/8-month-old-permanently-disabled-after-swallowing-battery", "title": "8-month-old permanently disabled after swallowing battery", "body": "According to a report on \nNew Zealand crowd-funding site, Givealittle,\n eight-month-old Devon Hacche\u00a0has been in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Auckland\u2019s Starship Children\u2019s Hospital since\u00a0December 2014, four days after he swallowed a large\u00a0lithium-ion battery.\n\n\n\n\nBaby swallowed battery: Devon, after undergoing rounds of treatments and operations at the hospital.\n\n\n\n\nAmanda Hacche, Devon\u2019s mum, shared that she found her youngest son having symptoms of a runny nose\u00a0and mild wheezing. Upon bringing Devon to the doctor, his condition was diagnosed as bronchiolitis, a\u00a0common illness of the respiratory tract caused by an infection that affects tiny airways.\n\n\nHowever, when Devon\u2019s condition got worst, Hacche immediately took him to Tauranga Hospital the next day where an X-ray showed the battery lodged in his oesophagus.\n\n\n\u201cIt turns out this is one of the most damaging and dangerous things that my beautiful boy could have ever ingested as they react with the saliva/gastric fluids and cause an electro-chemical reaction, which causes deep and extremely fast corrosion burns into soft human tissue,\u201d Hacche\u00a0wrote.\n\n\nHacche has\u00a0two other children, aged five and 15.\n\n\nRounds of intensive treatments\n\n\n\n\nCaution: This lithium-ion battery poses a serious choking hazard for young kids.\n\n\n\n\nThe battery was successfully removed that day, and further tests were carried out. These revealed that the presence of the battery in Devon caused severe burns that stretched 10cm down his\u00a0oesophagus and left a 5cm hole. His trachea was also burnt, while the nerves that control his vocal chords were badly damaged.\n\n\nSince that fateful December, Devon had undergove five surgeries to remove and repair the burnt tissues. According to the \nNZ Herald\n, this includes an eight-hour operation where the little boy\u2019s\u00a0heart and lungs were stopped and he was kept alive with the help of a cardiac bypass machine.\n\n\nWhat doctors say\n\n\nEarly reports suggest that Devon will need to be monitored closely in the hospital in the next eight months, followed by years of treatment.\n\n\n\u201cDevon may never breathe independently again and he will remain without a voice. He cannot make sounds without vocal cord function,\u201d Hacche\u00a0said.\n\n\nDevon\u2019s family has set up a \nGivealittle page\n for friends and relatives to donate and also follow his progress.\n\n\nBeware of small items\n\n\n\n\nDevon, before the tragic incident\n\n\n\n\nAs we all know, extremely small items such as button batteries pose a risk of choking and injury in kids under five years old. Thus, it is important that parents and caregivers exercise extreme caution when it comes to handling and storing small items in their homes.\n\n\nHere are some\u00a0things to take note of when faced with this situation:\n\n\n\n\nAlways check your kids\u2019 toys and devices to ensure that the battery slot is locked in and secure\n\n\nKeep all coin-sized items away from small children\n\n\nThrow away old batteries immediately \u2013 do not leave them lying around\n\n\nIf you suspect that your child has swallowed a small item, call 999 and go to the A&E immediately\n\n\n\n\nMums, please share this story with all your friends and let them know the dangers of choking and severe injury in kids after ingesting small items such as batteries.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\nhttps://www.kidspot.com.au/warnings-after-another-battery-swallowing-tragedy/\n\n\nPartner Stories\nPendidikan\nKetahui Rahsia Kejayaan Pelajar Cemerlang!\nPertandingan & promosi\nTawaran Sah Hanya Pada 11.11 Sahaja! Beli Friso Gold & Bawa Pulang Hadiah Edisi Terhad & Peluang Untuk Memenangi Baucar Pelancongan ke Belanda!\nRaise them Resilient\nParenting styles: What can Malaysian parents learn from the Japanese?\nLifestyle\nA Celebration For All Moms - Super Brand Day Special!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/securing-financial-independence-through-good-work-ethics-and-savings", "title": "Securing Financial Independence Through Good Work Ethics And Savings", "body": "Facilitators appreciate the \nvalue of money\n and advocate for a good work ethic and \nfinancial\n independence. The importance of saving and the avoidance of debt are central to their views on money management.\n\n\nWorking for their money is also absolutely necessary and worthwhile. These are the values they want to pass onto their child.\n\n\nFacilitators are most likely to say, \u201c\nThere is no substitute for real-life experience, but parents should provide some guidance so their child knows what to do when it comes to money matters\n\u201d.\n\n\nHow They Teach About Money Matters\n\n\nFacilitators believe that a certain discipline is required to save money because having debt makes them feel very uncomfortable. This is why most Facilitators set up a savings account for their child as soon as they are born to reduce the likelihood of them falling into debt.\n\n\n\n\nThis is an important step for them as it indicates a commitment to teaching their child how to save from the very start so that they can rapidly feel the security and satisfaction of having money in the bank.\n\n\nFacilitators believe that everyone has to work hard to achieve \nfinancial\n independence and that their children should adopt this same work ethic. They therefore actively encourage their child to take a part-time job, so they will earn money, and more importantly learn the value of money through their own experiences.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis combination of guiding the child to save, and encouraging the child to learn and earn, is what facilitation is all about. Facilitators, therefore, hope that their way of money parenting will enable their child to be set up for success in their future life when it comes to \nfinancial\n matters.\n\n\nWhen it comes to money parenting, Facilitators believe both parents have a role to play. However, some households prefer the mother to lead (28%), while 11% prefer the father.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Goals\n\n\nAvoiding debt and being financially self-sufficient are the main goals they have for their child. Safety and security are very important to Facilitators and therefore central to both their own personal goals and the objectives they set themselves for money parenting.\n\n\nFor Facilitators, this includes having a secure home to provide a solid \nfinancial\n base for the family, and for their child. Life Insurance is also a very important element to provide security for the entire family. Savings accounts for everyone too is an important element in achieving not only real \nfinancial\n independence, but also the emotional satisfaction that it brings.\n\n\nFacilitators believe that if they can deliver these three elements of security, their child will be free to experiment and learn on their own and eventually learn to use money responsibly, build savings, and be financially self-sufficient.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Success\n\n\nHowever, most Facilitator parents are not sure if they have done a good job of money parenting \u2014 none in fact expressed confidence that they had done a good job with their child in the Asia Money Parenting survey. They are the most likely to say, \u201c\nI did the best I could, but I\u2019m not sure how good a job I have done\n\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nThis is partly because achievement of the goal of enabling their child to be self-sufficient, with the right money management values, is something that will only be revealed over time.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHow Well They Know Money\n\n\nMost Facilitators were never taught about investments and \nfinancial\n instruments. This is why they don\u2019t feel that they can or should try to teach anything more than the basics to their child: earn, save, budget, stay out of debt.\n\n\nHowever, Facilitator parents are more likely to consult family or the internet for information.\n\n\n\n\nWould Facilitators like to have better \nfinancial\n knowledge? Yes, almost half (47%) say they would.\n\n\nBut even if they did know a lot more about money management, their approach to money parenting would not change. Learning the basic values that underpin financial security is far more important for a child than teaching them about \ninvestments\n like funds, stocks, bonds, and the like. They believe that if they stick to teaching the basics, all will be well.\n\n\nIf you are a Facilitator who is curious about investing, you can have an Eastpring Unit Trust Consultant get in touch with you to discuss your \ninvestment\n plans.\n\n\nStill unsure of your Money Parenting style? Check out our \nquiz here\n to find out more!\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/skin-care-during-pregnancy", "title": "How To Take Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy", "body": "During pregnancy, some women experience not only hormone changes that affect their mood, but changes in certain parts of the body. Some women experience better skin conditions, while others suffer from breakouts. But ultimately, every mum should know how to start a proper skin care during pregnancy routine.\n\n\nMost women will instinctively stop using perfume, deodorant and other beauty products, knowing it might harm the baby. But don\u2019t forget, the stuff you put on your skin also gets absorbed into your body and is transferred to the baby.\u00a0\n\n\nFirst, mums need to understand the 4 phases of skin care during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\n4 Phases of Skin Care During Pregnancy\n\n\nEvery phase of pregnancy comes with different challenges, and this is especially true when it comes to your skin.\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Pre-Pregnancy\n\n\nFor women who stop taking contraceptive pills, your body might be shocked by the sudden change. This might result in acne because of skin\u2019s reaction to try to \u2018reconnect\u2019 with the natural hormone cycle.\n\n\nTo help restore balance, women are recommended a combination of gentle and soothing skin care to reduce inflammation and lymph mass, which can aid in the detoxification process of your body.\n\n\n#2 First Trimester\n\n\nThe first trimester can be very challenging for some women! Women can be very tired. They experience mood swings and the hormonal changes will be very apparent.\n\n\nIf you notice that your skin is no longer responding to the usual face care products, the best way is to leave the usual routine and try something new. However, take note of all the potentially harmful substances going onto your skin. Some products with a too many chemically-based ingredients can affect the skin and the baby.\n\n\n#3 Second Trimester\n\n\n\nAt this point, some pregnant women may have brown spots on the face called melasma. Exposure to sunlight can make things worse, so be sure to wear sunscreen.\n\n\nYou may also experience fatigue at this point, which can appear in the form of swollen eyes and black circles. Increase the intake of vitamin C that you can take by eating fruits, and be sure to practice breathing techniques that help you get a good night\u2019s sleep.\n\n\n# 4 Third Trimester\n\n\nAt this time, the skin can be worsen especially when pregnant women do not have time to look after it, especially when more focus is being given to other purposes.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are some effective ingredients for keeping the skin well known, such as azelaic acid and niacinamide. Both have bright, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects.\n\n\nBut if you are still worried and do not want to change into regular skin care products, you can try more organic products to keep your skin healthy during pregnancy. Of course, with no side effects!\n\n\nNatugee: The Safe, Natural Product For Pregnant Women\n\n\n\n\nNatugee\u2019s entire existence is around the fact that its products are natural and contain products that are safe for pregnancy.\n\n\nNatugee boasts 100% organic skin care products, from its content to the material used with:\n\n\n\n\nNo artificial colouring\n\n\nNo parabens\n\n\nNo SLS / SLE\n\n\nNo testing on animals\n\n\nNo artificial fragrances\n\n\n\n\nWith Natugee, women can still get beautiful and radiant skin knowing whatever they are putting on their skin will not affect their unborn baby. Not only does it make women more confident throughout pregnancy, but it can also be used during breastfeeding so your baby\u2019s feed is unaffected.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nWant to try out one of their products? Click on this \nlink\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/father-killed-his-2-month-old-daughter-because-she-woke-him-up", "title": "Father killed his 2-month-old daughter because she woke him up", "body": "Most parents would agree that taking care of a newborn can be frustrating at times, since the constant crying and waking up in the middle of the night really does take its toll. Sadly, one father wasn\u2019t able to control his frustration, and it had a disastrous result. This\u00a0father killed his 2-month-old daughter.\n\n\nHe \u201clost his temper\u201d\n\n\nJohn Burrill, 31, father of 2-month-old Daisy-Mae Burrill has been found guilty of murder after he \u201clost his temper\u201d and killed his baby daughter.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto from: youtube.com / GotTalent News\n\n\n\n\nHe claimed that he threw Daisy-Mae onto a sofa and then ran upstairs with the baby because of \u201cfrustration at her continuous crying.\u201d\n\n\nHowever, his statements don\u2019t add up since Daisy-Mae had suffered from a fractured skull as well as brain damage which suggests that she wasn\u2019t thrown, but \u201cviolently assaulted.\u201d\n\n\nAshlee Cox, Burrill\u2019s\u00a0partner and the mother of Daisy-Mae described Burill\u00a0as \u201cmoody\u201d when he got up to feed their 2-month-old. He then heard him trying to \u201cshush\u201d their baby downstairs and then the crying stopped.\n\n\nShe initially thought that Daisy-Mae stopped crying because he fed\u00a0her, but instead it was because he had assaulted their child.\n\n\n\u201cIt will never bring her back\u201d\n\n\nAshlee shared that Burill went to her, holding Daisy-Mae who was already limp and had blue lips. She added that she could clearly see that he was stoned and he even told her that he had a joint of marijuana.\n\n\nAshlee immediately called the paramedics who then tried to resuscitate Daisy-Mae. She was then taken to a hospital where she died 3 days later when they decided to turn off her life support.\n\n\nDuring his trial, Burrill admitted to manslaughter, but has denied murder.\n\n\nAshlee adds,\u201dAlthough justice has been served it will never bring her back.\u201d\n\n\nRelax, take a chill pill\n\n\nLet\u2019s face it, it\u2019s not the easiest thing in the world to take care of a newborn baby.\u00a0A constantly crying baby will surely get on your nerves, and it\u2019s totally normal to feel frustrated about it. What\u2019s not okay however is to lose your temper and hurt or scream at your baby. That\u2019s why it\u2019s very important to know how to keep calm if you\u2019re getting too stressed out.\n\n\nHere are some helpful tips that you should keep in mind:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClose your eyes, take a deep breath and just relax\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe first thing that you should do would be to try and calm yourself down. Take a few seconds to breathe in and breathe out and try to relax.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTry singing to your baby\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSometimes all that your baby needs is to hear your voice. Try singing or telling a story to your baby, it doesn\u2019t really matter if they understand it or not, what matters is that they hear your soothing voice.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAsk someone else to take care of your baby for a few moments\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can hand your baby off to your partner, or to your parents if you\u2019re living with them. Ask them to take care of your baby for a few moments while you get some alone time to relax, close your eyes and rest, or take a quick power nap.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGet a babysitter\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn some cases, it\u2019s better if you can hire a babysitter or a nanny to help you take care of your newborn. Better yet, you can ask a close friend or relative to stay in your home and take care of your baby.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLet them cry it out\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSometimes babies just want to cry. If you really can\u2019t stop your baby from crying, you can always lay them down in their crib and let them cry it out. Take this time to step back and calm yourself down so that if your baby still won\u2019t stop crying, you won\u2019t lose your cool.\n\n\nSources: \nthesun.co.uk\n, \nin.news.yahoo.com\n, \nbbc.com\n, \nintobaby.com\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nSpread Christmas Cheers, Joy and Happiness with Sunway Putra Mall\u2019s Christmas Guardian!\nKesihatan\nPrebiotics, an answer to your child\u2019s constipation woes!\nHealth\nThe Latest Vaccination Schedule for Children, Parents MUST Know!\nKesihatan\nIbu dan Ayah, Tahukah Anda Mengapa Anak-Anak Perlu Duduk Di Rumah Jika Mereka Terjangkit Penyakit Rotavirus?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-baby-car-seat-for-newborn-toddlers-in-malaysia", "title": "8 Best Baby Car Seats For Newborn & Toddlers In Malaysia", "body": "A baby car seat is one of the few baby items which are not only a necessity but are mandatory, in Malaysia, with the Malaysian government making it mandatory for children right from birth, to when they are 135cm in height.\u00a0\n\n\nFor parents\u2019 knowledge, babies and children not only need different car seats, but installation is also different as well. For babies, it is best to sit facing back until they are 2 years old, while children can sit front-facing with the correct harness.\u00a0\n\n\nFact is, there are many good baby car seats on the market, but which one really complies with the safety requirements for children, without compromising their comfort?\n\n\nHow to choose the best baby car seat?\n\n\n\n\nThere may be some parents who are still confused about the various features of a car seat and may face trouble choosing their preferred car seat. This choice should not be taken lightly as it concerns the safety of the child.\u00a0\n\n\nTo help parents make an informed choice, these are some important features that should be taken into consideration when choosing a car seat:\n\n\n\n\nSafety\n: Choose a car seat certified by MIROS\n\n\nEasy to care for\n: The car seat should be made of a material that is easy to clean while being comfortable for the baby.\n\n\nSuitable for your car:\n Not all baby car seats are suitable for all types of vehicles. Some cars do not have the Isofix facility available!\n\n\n\n\n8 Best Baby Car Seats for Newborns & Toddlers in Malaysia\n\n\nSince you already have some information on how to choose the perfect car seat, here are some child car seats from brands that are trusted by many!\n\n\n#1 Maxi-Cosi Magellan Max\n\n\n\n\nMaxi-Cosi provides great protection for your child while allowing for high comfort levels. Parents do not have to worry about swapping car seats as the child grows older, as this product can be used for a long period of time.\n\n\nLooking at the price, you know that its quality is guaranteed alongside its vehicle-safe capabilities!\n\n\nSecurity:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDesigned with European engineering, exceeding all federal standards, including FMVSS 213.\n\n\nThe patented Air Protect is designed for seat heads to reduce bumpiness, instead of providing soft cushioning.\u00a0\n\n\nSpring-assist EZ Out harness system keeps the strap in place, not clumping behind the child\u2019s back.\u00a0\n\n\nCan be used on an aeroplane, making it perfect for families who love to travel.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFunction:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAble to change between five modes to suit children between newborn age to 10 years.\u00a0\n\n\nHas a variety of easily adjustable features with 7 positions.\u00a0\n\n\n14 variations of adjustable heights, with a safety belt.\u00a0\n\n\nHideaway harness, allowing the car seat to be converted into a booster as the child gets older.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEasy to care for:\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFabrics are easy to remove and clean with machine wash.\u00a0\n\n\n2 easily washable cup holders.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Maxi-Cosi Magellan Max \nBuy from Shopee\n\n\n#2 JOIE Every Stage Car Seat\n\n\n\n\nThe JOIE Every Stage Car Seat is an excellent investment as it can be used by a child from birth up to when they are 7 years old!\n\n\nThis means that it can be repositioned to face backwards, forwards, and can be converted into a booster seat. It also has excellent safety features to keep your child safe while in the car. However, cleaning may be a hassle, due to its fabric.\u00a0\n\n\nSecurity:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe Surround Safety Guard panel adds a layer of side impact protection, while the steel-reinforced frame absorbs energy during impact.\u00a0\n\n\nSide impact protection provides extra safety for the head, body and hips.\u00a0\n\n\nGrow Together Multi-height headrest and harness system can be adjusted simultaneously, without requiring seat belt reconnection.\u00a0\n\n\nReinforced steel inner seat covers enhance structural integrity.\n\n\n5 point harness for child safety.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFunction:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nJOIE Every Stage can be worn at any age, from newborn to 7 years old.\u00a0\n\n\nCan be placed in various positions according to the child\u2019s age.\u00a0\n\n\nHas a seat with soft padding to ensure comfort of the child.\u00a0\n\n\n5 safety harnesses can be adjusted with just one pull.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n JOIE Every Stage Car Seat \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#3 GRACO Extend2Fit\n\n\n\n\nSecurity:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe front, sides and back have been tested and proven to be safe from any impact.\n\n\n5 point harness ensures safety of the child in any untoward incidents.\u00a0\n\n\nSteel frame is guaranteed to remain sturdy for a long period of time.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFunction:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHeadrest is adjustable into 10 different positions\n\n\n6 adjustable positions for reclining the chair to suit the child\u2019s age\u00a0\n\n\nSafety belts that can be opened quickly and easily by parents\n\n\n\n\nEasy to care for:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2 easy-to-clean cup holders.\n\n\nPads and canopy are easy to clean.\n\n\n\n\n GRACO Extend2Fit \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#4 Doona Infant Car Seat Stroller\n\n\n\n\nDoona\u2019s products are full of practicality, style, and functionality. The Doona Infant Car Seat Stroller is multipurpose, serving not only as a car seat but as a stroller for babies as well. This is a great investment, serving as a 2-in-1 product!\u00a0\n\n\nSecurity:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGained 5-star recognition on hundreds of collision tests in high-speed vehicles.\u00a0\n\n\nAnti-rebound provides additional protection for children.\u00a0\n\n\n5 point harness to ensure child safety.\n\n\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nCan be changed from a car seat to a stroller in seconds.\u00a0\n\n\nTUV and FFA approved, able to be used on aeroplanes.\n\n\n\n\nEasy to care for:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTextiles are easy to wash.\u00a0\n\n\nThe materials used are baby-safe and are highly breathable.\n\n\n\n\n Doona Infant Car Seat Stroller \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#5 Britax Baby-Safe Size\n\n\n\n\nThis car seat is extremely durable and long-lasting, as well as easy to install and comfortable!\n\n\nSecurity:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPatented lie-flat technology that allows newborns to lie down comfortably and safely.\u00a0\n\n\nSICT Superior Side Impact Protection keeps the child safe even when met with high impact.\n\n\n5 point harness to ensure child safety.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFunction:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCan be used up to 15 months old.\n\n\nCan be changed to a baby carrier.\n\n\nFeatures a sunscreen canopy with SPF 50 to protect your child from sunlight and wind.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEasy to care for:\n\n\n\n\nEasily removable and washable seat cover.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Britax Baby-Safe Size \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#7 Koopers Lavolta\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKoopers Lavolta not only looks stylish but is also affordable. This product can be used for newborns up to 6 years olds depending on the baby\u2019s weight.\n\n\nThe height of the harness can additionally be manually changed according to the baby\u2019s comfort. It, however, does not have ISOFIX.\n\n\nSecurity:\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n5 point harness to ensure child safety.\n\n\nExtra support for body and head.\n\n\nBuild-in-lock inside to ensure secure belt installation.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nThe position of the car seat can be changed according to the child\u2019s age, to be facing either forwards or backwards.\u00a0\n\n\nSoft fabric with air mesh material that ensures breathability.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEasy to care for:\n\n\n\n\nThe seat cover is easily removable and washable.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Koopers Lavolta\u00a0 \nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#8 Sweet Cherry Convertible Baby Car Seat\n\n\n\n\nSweet Cherry is a well-known and trusted brand in Malaysia, and Sweet Cherry Convertible is equipped with a safety system comprising of a soft pad, ensuring the little one is well-protected while in a vehicle.\u00a0\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\n\n\nCompliance with ECE R44/04 safety search.\n\n\n5 point harness to ensure child safety.\u00a0\n\n\nSoft padding for baby\u2019s comfort.\n\n\n\n\nFunction:\n\n\n\n\nCan be used for newborns up to 18kg.\n\n\nCan be repositioned for children weighing 9-18kg.\u00a0\n\n\n3 adjustable seats with headrests that can be adjusted according to the child\u2019s comfort.\u00a0\n\n\nRemovable seat padding to fit the growing child.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEasy to care for:\n\n\n\n\nChair seat is easily removable for cleaning.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Sweet Cherry Convertible Baby Car Seat \nBuy at Lazada\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\n7 Best Milk Bags on the Market, Useful and Stylish for Moms Who are Always On The Go!\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/worlds-smallest-premature-baby", "title": "World's smallest baby was the size of an apple. Here is how she survived", "body": "Baby Saybie, born weighing just 245g, is believed to be the world\u2019s smallest premature baby. This little one, who was born in December 2018, and weighed only as much as a large apple, is finally going home, after spending the last 5 months in hospital.\n\n\nShe now weighs 2.54kg.\n\n\nWorld\u2019s smallest premature baby was size of apple at birth\n\n\nSaybie\u2019s mother had given birth to her by emergency C-section, after she was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure.\n\n\nWhen Saybie was born, just 23 weeks and three days into her mum\u2019s pregnancy, doctors told her parents that she had just hours to live.\n\n\nHer mother, who has chosen to remain anonymous, has described the birth as\u00a0the \u201cscariest day of my life\u201d.\n\n\n\u201cI kept telling them, \u2018She\u2019s not going to survive. She\u2019s \u2013 I\u2019m only 23 weeks [pregnant]\u2019,\u201d she said in a video for \nSharp HealthCare\n.\n\n\n\u201cDoctors told my husband that we had about an hour with her and that she was going to pass away.\u201d\n\n\n\u2018But that hour turned into two hours, which turned into a day, which turned into a week.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: SCREENSHOT YOUTUBE VIDEO\n\n\n\n\nAfter being stabilised by the life support team st Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns in San Diego, California, baby Saybie was immediately transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit.\n\n\nHer survival has amazed experts, who have called it a miracle.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: SCREENSHOT YOUTUBE VIDEO\n\n\n\n\nBaby Saybie was apparently so small at birth, she could fit in the palm of the hands of her care team.\n\n\nShe is considered to be a micro preemie, because she was born before 28 weeks\u2019 gestation. Amazingly, she did not suffer from serious complications after birth, like brain bleeds, and heart and lung issues.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: SCREENSHOT YOUTUBE VIDEO\n\n\n\n\nHere is the video of this little baby\u2019s amazing journey:\n\n\n\n\n(Source: \nBBC,\n CNN\n)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\nHere Are How Two Doctors Raise Their Child To Be Resilient\nTip keibubapaan\nTepuk Ria Untuk Perut Lebih Lembut Dengan Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk!\nMoney Parenting\nA Quick Look At How Asian Parents Teach About Money\nHealth\nQuestions For The Paediatrician, #4 Is A MUST!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sleep-positions-pregnancy", "title": "Stillbirth: Popular Questions on Safe Sleep During Pregnancy, Answered", "body": "Pregnancy is wondrous time, full of excitement and a bit of nervousness, and also many questions. One of the questions many pregnant women have is related to sleep positions during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you may have heard that certain sleep positions during pregnancy are recommended over others to ensure a safe pregnancy.\n\n\nCertain sleep positions during pregnancy (during the last trimester) may even be linked to \nstillbirth.\n Let\u2019s get a better understanding about safe sleep positions in pregnancy and which ones you should try to avoid. We also answer some of the most common questions related to safe sleep during pregnancy, so that you can have peace of mind.\u00a0\n\n\nBut first:\n\n\nWhy should you avoid sleeping on your back during late pregnancy?\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to research\n, sleeping on your back during the \nthird trimester (after 28 weeks of pregnancy) \ni\nncreases your risk of stillbirth. \n\n\nThe advice to all pregnant women is to always go to slee\np on your side, regardless of the episode of sleep you intend to have: going to sleep at night, returning to sleep after any night awakenings, \nand any\n naps taken during the day. \n\n\nH\nowever, mums, don\u2019t be alarmed at this word of caution. Your risk of stillbirth is low, with 1 in 200 babies being stillborn in uncomplicated pregnancies, with going to\n sleep on your side f\nurther lowering that risk.\n\n\nBut what do you do if you went to sleep in a side position, but woke up in the middle of the night and found that you have been sleeping on your back? Does this affect your baby in any way? What about a partner who is prone to tossing and turning in his sleep; would your baby be affected if a blow lands on your tummy perhaps?\u00a0\n\n\nWe at theAsianparent have curated a list of answers to popular questions that we get on our community platform all the time, regarding safe sleep during pregnancy, in order to help you lessen your risk of stillbirth.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSide sleeping positions during pregnancy lowers your risk of stillbirth. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSleep positions during pregnancy: Your questions answered\n\n\nW\nhat do I do if I constantly find myself \nwaking up on \nmy \nback during the night?\n\n\nYou did your research, bought a few \nsleeping \naids and practised safe measures to make sure you sleep on your side. But despite all that, you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and you find yourself on your back. \n\n\nShould you worry?\n\n\nShort answer, no. \n\n\nAccording to research published in the medical journal The Lancet\n, the position you go to sleep in is the one that\u2019s held the longest during your sleep, and if you went to sleep on your side it is likely that you have not been sleeping supine long enough to harm your baby.\n\n\nFurther, a large pregnancy bump\n \nis more likely to wake you up if you are on your back. Many women report to being either woken up with a kick from their babies, or an uncomfortable sensation \neven in deep sleep\n. \nThese responses were recorded in a question asked on theAsianParent community, about waking up in the middle of the night to find that you have rolled onto your back.\u00a0\n\n\nT\nhe golden rule here is to always go to sleep on your side. If you still find yourself waking up in the middle of the night on your back, do not fret; simply roll back on your side and carry on sleeping! \n\n\nP\nlease refer to our article on tips to ensure you are sleeping on your side, at least for the most part of the night, which can be found here.\n\n\nHow much sleep do I really need when I am pregnant?\n\n\nWith heavy uteruses, frequent trips to the loo and cramps in your legs, buttocks (ouch!) and other areas that you never thought were possible to cramp up, quality sleep during pregnancy can be as evasive.\n\n\nAnd with all the advice around that we should be getting as much sleep as possible, from \u201csleeping for two\u201d to \u201cenjoying it when you can\u201d we often find ourselves contemplating how much easier that is said than done.\n\n\n\n\nHowever, we need to endeavour to get in our daily snoozes. According to Dr Kathy Lee, a professor of nursing at the University of California San Francisco who carried out an \nimportant study on how sleep affects late pregnancy and delivery and labour outcomes\n, it is important that \n\u201c\nmothers-to-be spend at least 8 hours in bed each night so they can get at least 7 hours of sleep.\u201d\n\n\nBased on the study, \nfirst-time mothers who got less than 6 hours of sleep at night were 4.5 times more likely to have a C-section and their average length of labour was 10 hours or longer compared with first-time mothers who slept 7 hours or more.\n\n\nLee noted that a pregnant woman needed the extra rest and that \u201c\nthey can\u2019t keep going on the same amount of sleep they got before becoming pregnant.\u201d\n\n\nFurther, another expert on the matter \u2013 Dr. Grace Pien, an assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine \u2013\u00a0 notes that \u201cpregnant women who are not getting enough sleep, less than 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night, probably are at increased risk for things like \ngestational diabetes\n, and potentially for things like\u00a0\npreeclampsia\n.\u201d\n\n\nHere a few tips you can practice to ensure that you get enough sleep during p\nregnancy:\n\n\n\n\nGo to bed earlier than usual\n\n\n Try to slot in a daytime nap, and \nrest as much as you can during the day\n\n\nGo for a stroll in the late afternoon or early evening\n\n\nYou should already be limiting your intake of caffeine during pregnancy, but try to avoid tea and coffee before bedtime, in particular\u00a0\n\n\nCreate a mood for relaxation before bedtime, by taking a long bath, reading, listening to soothing music, watching TV or perhaps getting a family member to give you a backrub\n\n\nAvoid nighttime cramps that can interfere with your sleep by stretching your calf muscles, being active during the day and drinking plenty of fluids. Try to incorporate foods high in magnesium such as whole-grain bread and pasta, beans, nuts, seeds and dried fruit, into your diet as low levels of magnesium is often a marker for leg cramps. You may talk to your gynaecologist about taking a magnesium supplement as well.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBut what if I am sleeping too much?\n\n\nWhile many of us are being reminded to sleep all we can during pregnancy, is there any such thing as getting excessive rest? And will this be potentially problematic to you and your baby?\u00a0\n\n\nIn a \nstudy that was published in the medical journal \nBirth\n, research suggests that\u00a0excessive, undisturbed sleep may pose a problem as well and may be linked to late stillbirth. Too much sleep (more than 10 hours a night at a stretch) can also increase your risk for developing preeclampsia, making you twice as likely to have it.\n\n\nAccording to Louise O\u2019Brien, research associate professor in the neurology sleep disorders center and in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan, one of the authors of the study, \u201cthere\u2019s been a lot of public attention paid to sleep deprivation and its impact on health, but not as much to lengthy \u2014 perhaps too much \u2014 sleep, especially when it comes to pregnancy.\u201d\n\n\nThe findings of the study reported that nearly 30 percent of those who had stillbirths had long sessions of sleep in the last month of pregnancy compared with only 16 percent of women with live-born babies.\n\n\nO\u2019Brien further noted that one of the significant reasons for this could be a change in sleeping patterns during pregnancy, as opposed to when a woman is not pregnant.\n\n\n\u201cGiven that a similar proportion of women in the stillbirth and live-birth group were long sleepers before pregnancy, but during pregnancy the stillbirth group had a significant increase in the proportion of women having long sleep, it would appear that it could be the change in sleep duration during pregnancy that is important,\u201d she noted. \u201cBeing a lifelong long sleeper versus a pregnancy-associated long sleeper could be the difference.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWomen often worry when they wake up several times during the night when they are pregnant, but it may be protective in this case,\u201d she noted.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\nAccording to O\u2019Brien, blood pressure reaches its lowest point during sleep but surges upon awakening, leading to temporary spikes in levels. \u201cThese short-lived rises in blood pressure may prevent extended periods of low blood pressure, which has been linked to fetal growth problems, preterm birth and stillbirth\u201d, she noted.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you feel that you may be sleeping for extended periods of time, for more than 9 hours in a row, it would be best to set periodic alarms to try and shake up your sleep pattern to avoid the potential dangers of stillbirth.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nShould you be concerned if your partner flails his limbs during sleep and it lands on your pregnant belly? Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nI\u2019m afraid my sleeping partner will land his arms or legs on my pregnant belly accidentally: Sleep positions during pregnancy and other questions\n\n\nWhile this can be scary and painful to you, it is extremely unlikely to hurt the baby as your foetus is protected within many other facets such as bones, muscles, Fascia (strong connective tissue that holds muscles together), in addition to the uterus with its thick and strong muscles.\n\n\nAny blunt force delivered accidentally in sleep to your belly has to pass through all these insulating layers to reach the baby where he/she is further protected by the amniotic fluid that acts as a buffer of sorts.\n\n\nWhile bad falls onto the abdomen or buttocks, car accidents or severe trauma can cause the placenta to be dislodged from the uterus in a condition called an abruption, a sleepy arm or leg to the belly by accident is not likely to cause any harm.\u00a0\n\n\nTry sleeping with a pillow lodged in between your partner or a toddler who co-sleeps with you, if this is something that is bothering you.\n\n\nWhat if I roll out of bed in my sleep?\u00a0\n\n\nWhile your baby is deep-set in your womb and protected within a heavily cushioned environment, a fall does have the potential of causing harm to you and the foetus you are carrying.\u00a0\n\n\nVisit your gynaecologist, and watch out for the following signs that could signal a potential problem:\n\n\n\n\nAny vaginal bleeding, or fluid leakage\u00a0\n\n\nUterine contractions or labour pains\n\n\nSevere abdominal pain\n\n\nFeeling lightheaded or experiencing dizziness\n\n\nShortness of breath\n\n\nA decrease in your baby\u2019s movements\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCreating a \u201cwall\u201d or a fort at the edge of the bed may help in preventing any falls during sleep. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nReduce your risk of falling out of bed during pregnancy, particularly if this has happened to you previously, by positioning your bed against a wall and taking the side adjacent to the wall, or by trying to create a \u201cbarrier\u201d at the edge of the bed with a pregnancy pillow or common bolster pillow.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat other questions do you have regarding safe sleep during pregnancy? Do let us know in the comments below if we have left out any concerns on the matter that you may be worried about.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/answering-kids-toughest-questions", "title": "23 Tough Questions That Leave Parents Stumped - And How To Answer Them", "body": "Does it seem like your child has a question about everything? Kids are wonderfully curious by nature and they get more curious in time\u2014which is why they can express their thoughts and ask you everything: from the meaning of life to whether Santa is real. In fact, researchers found that children can ask up to 73 questions daily! No wonder parents have a hard time\u00a0answering kids toughest questions!\n\n\n\n\nImage source | Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nA study\n\u00a0among 1,500 parents found that children ask their parents questions from as early as 6am. And it didn\u2019t stop until the moment they fell asleep around 8pm! Results further stated that fathers were subjected to more questions than mothers, who fielded 413 questions on a weekly basis.\n\n\nNearly half (46%) of parents felt their children learned to ask these questions from other kids. But while this may sound exhausting\u2014and it is, according to 1/3 of the surveyed parents\u2014four in ten parents also said that their children\u2019s questions indicated innate curiosity about the world and sparked pride.\n\n\nRemember the moment your newborn came into the world? In the following months, you cherish all of their cooing and moments of innocent bliss.\n\n\nBut your kids grow so quickly into smart, beautiful, athletic little people! And while many of us wish we can savour that time again of their early childhood, we can\u2019t help but just allow them to understand the world and develop their ability to ask hard questions\u2014even thought it might catch us off guard!\n\n\n23 unexpected times when parents find it hard answering kids toughest questions\n\n\nYour children look up to their parents as the supers of the world. Mummy, you\u2019re Wonder Woman to your little one! And daddy is the strongest dad in the whole universe. But every parent will have to face these difficult questions at some point of their parenthood.\n\n\nAs your child grows up and learns more about the world, it\u2019s natural he will wonder about these things, or at least hear about it from other kids. Some of the toughest questions many parents have to answer include:\n\n\n\n\nHow are babies made?\n\n\nWhy do people die?\n\n\nHow big is the world?\n\n\nWhy does mummy and daddy fight?\n\n\nWhy can\u2019t I play all day?\n\n\nWhy do I have to go to school?\n\n\nWhy is the other kid\u2019s skin colour different than mine?\n\n\nWhat is God?\n\n\nIs Santa Clause Real?\n\n\nWhy can\u2019t I stay up as late as you?\n\n\nWhy is the sky blue?\n\n\nWhere does water come from?\n\n\nWhy is the sea salty?\n\n\nWhy do we have a leap year?\n\n\nHow do birds fly?\n\n\nWhat is time?\n\n\nWhat does \u201cwe can\u2019t afford it\u201d mean?\n\n\nWhen you die who will I live with?\n\n\nWhat is a prime number?\n\n\nHow big is the world?\n\n\nWhat makes thunder?\n\n\nWhy are people mean to each other?\n\n\nWhat are black holes?\n\n\n\n\nHow do you go about\n\u00a0\nanswering kids toughest questions?\n\n\n\n\nImage source | Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve already been asked any one of these questions, then you\u2019ll know how mind-boggling it can be to come up with an answer on the spot! After all, your kids don\u2019t need a reason and will often ask these types of questions out of the blue.\n\n\nThis can lead you being caught like a deer in headlights. But don\u2019t worry, there are ways to approach this to show your little one unconditional love and still give a satisfactory answer (for now!)\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to be an astronomer or have encyclopedic knowledge. After all, it\u2019s impossible to know the actual answers to all of these questions! But you can continue to stimulate your child\u2019s curiosity and satisfy his thirst for knowledge by answering factually and not trying to pull the wool over his eyes. It\u2019s also worth noting that there is usually an underlying motive that goes beyond simply being inquisitive. Sometimes your little one is worried about the implications being separated from his parents or letting them down.\n\n\nSo what can you do when \nanswering kids toughest questions\n?\n\n\nDon\u2019t be silent!\n\n\nThe first thing you can do is to expect to be interrogated by your children! While we\u2019re not suggesting you constantly remain on edge, just bear in mind your little one can ask one of the above questions at any point! And if you\u2019re aware of the possibility, it takes away some of the uncertainty and anxiety.\n\n\nIf your child springs forth with his question, explore with him what he means and have a discussion. Avoid keeping quiet as you try and figure out the perfect answer. By staying silent, it implies your little one asked a bad question. Instead, treat these questions as opportunities to understand what\u2019s going on in your child\u2019s active mind. You will land at a satisfactory conclusion through a process of deduction. And hey, he\u2019ll probably be reminding you he knows everything before too long!\n\n\nEducate yourself\n\n\nWhile you can\u2019t possibly know everything about anything, it\u2019s useful to stay clued up around common topics. This can include tough subjects like sex, relationships, death, gender identity, and war amongst many other things!\u00a0\n\n\nTo be better prepared, start reading books on these topics and look through resources to have a better understanding. You\u2019ll be more prepared to answer and know how to answer with simpler explanations. It also gives you an opportunity to make sure he gets a factually correct answer, which isn\u2019t guaranteed if he asks from a different source like his friends at school.\n\n\nReassure your child he is loved\n\n\n\n\nImage source | Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nIt can be scary when your little one starts asking questions about mortality. However, it\u2019s more likely that your child is concerned about your safety and if anything will happen to his parents. The morbid questions have probably gotten him worried as he considers the possibilities of natural disasters affecting his family.\n\n\nHaving an absolutely correct answer can be tough, as the sad reality is that death comes to us all. And in the event of things like natural disasters, these can be out of our control. Communicate your love for your child and tell him that he will always be loved and taken care of.\u00a0\n\n\nExplain your family values\n\n\nIt can be frustrating for both you and your child when he questions the family\u2019s financial status and fiscal values. \u201cWhy does Timmy get that toy?\u201d or \u201cWhy do I never get to buy X?\u201d This is expected since kids get bored with things very quickly. While their attention span on any one activity \nlasts up to 15 minutes,\n\u00a0your kids still look for something new and exciting to stimulate their minds.\n\n\nThis can be a good opportunity for you to reaffirm your family values. You can explain that you choose to spend your time and money on things that are important to you.\u00a0Minimise responses that raise insecurities, like \u201cwe don\u2019t have enough money\u201d. General answers can seed doubt into your child\u2019s mind about whether the family is financially secure. While he won\u2019t know the ins and outs of the situation, he will carry this doubt with him in future situations and remain anxious.\n\n\nKeep calm and keep talking\n\n\nYour child might ask you a question that can shock you. It could be the nature of the question, like sex, violence, drugs, or alcohol. He might even swear without knowing what it means. Remember to keep calm when you respond. If the topic is too raw for you, ask your partner to chat with your child or compromise and explain that it\u2019s a topic for discussion another time.\n\n\nUse visual and educational aids\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage source | Shutterstock\nPartner Stories\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nAges & Stages\nMums, Here is Something About Milk Proteins That Will Surprise You\n\n\n\n\nIf time and space allow, use toys or drawing to explain big and complex ideas. Using familiar items help a child\u2019s understanding when discussing difficult ideas. It also\u00a0stimulates his imagination and gets the creative juices flowing.\n\n\nChildren\u2019s questions are seemingly endless, fueled by an insatiable curiosity. Many parents can be left scratching their heads and just outright tired of the apparent interrogation! But know that your child loves learning and most of all, loves you! Many of the questions are also there because they care about you, and it\u2019s his way of seeking reassurance. Follow these tips to be better prepared the next time your child asks you about the meaning of life, or something similar!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\u00a0\nThe Independent\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/potty-toilet-for-toddlers", "title": "Easiest Trick to Teach Your Child to Start Potty Training? All They Need Is A Cute Potty Toilet To Begin Their Journey!", "body": "There may be some parents who do not know, but one of the good potty training tips is to provide a comfortable potty toilet for children. This plays an important role even if it is just a beautiful pattern to attract the attention of the little one.\n\n\nBefore buying a potty chair, it is important that you consider the personality, development of the child and also how comfortable they are with the potty toilet before choosing a small seat or chair to try.\n\n\n Some children may need a seat with a handle to grip while others may just want to use a small seat with their favourite cartoon character on it.\n\n\nChoosing The Right Potty Toilet for Your Child\n\n\n\n\nThere are two types of potty trainers: a potty toilet that looks like an adult and child-sized toilet while the second type is a small seat located in a regular toilet. \n\n\nDepending on the child, they may move from a phase one seat to a phase two-seat in a few months, or it may take longer.\n\n\nHowever, take note of the following features before buying a potty chair. Here are some potty training tips that some parents may overlook:\n\n\n\n\nShould you pick a design to fit the size of the child, or according to the child's personality? If he is more interested in a particular cartoon character, maybe this is more helpful for the child to use the toilet.\n\n\nSafety such as handles on the side of the toilet to prevent children from falling or stairs that are easy to use.\n\n\nEase of cleaning and storing when not in use.\n\n\n\n\n5 Best Potty Toilets To Train Children To Use The Toilet\n\n\n#1 BabyBjorn Potty Chair\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThe Babybjorn potty chair is a well-designed potty with soft contours, a high backrest and comfortable armrests. Children can sit back, relax and take the time they need. \n\n\nThis chair will stay on the floor, even if the child moves! It is also easy to take out, empty, rinse or wipe clean. \n\n\nThis toilet seat is designed in Sweden and made in the US and is available in some attractive colours!\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\nShape:\n\n\n\n\nComfortable toilet seat with backrest and armrests\n\n\nSturdy design with rubber band underneath\n\n\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\n\n\nHigh splashguard prevents spillage\n\n\nPVC -free and BPA -free plastic\n\n\n\n\nConvenience:\n\n\n\n\nEasy to empty and clean\n\n\n\n\n BabyBjorn Potty Chair \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nFisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty makes the little workout process easy for moms and fun for kids!\n\n\nWhile the baby is using the potty, the sound of the music builds the confidence of the potty training while the lights and the fun \u201ctwirling water\" action gives credit to the success of the potty training.\n\n\nHolding on to the toilet helps children feel safe. There are splash protectors for the boys and an easy-to-remove bowl for easy cleaning.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\nShape:\n\n\n\n\nRemovable toilet seat for use on regular toilet seats (Not recommended for use on padded toilet seats)\n\n\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\n\n\nThe handle on the small ring helps the children feel safe\n\n\n\n\nConvenience:\n\n\n\n\nDisposal bowl for easy cleaning\n\n\nIncludes splash protectors for boys\n\n\n\n\n Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Summer Infant My Size Potty\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThe Summer My Size Potty features the look and feel of an adult toilet to ensure a comfortable and confident transition to the real thing. \n\n\nThe toilet handle has a watering sound to reward and encourage the toddler as well as a used cleaning dispenser can promote good hygiene habits.\n\n\nThe product also has a realistic flush sound to give appreciation to a job well done and motivate your child!\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\nShape:\n\n\n\n\nA realistic design that looks and feels like an adult toilet, ensuring a comfortable and confident transition to the real thing.\n\n\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\n\n\nEasy to use by children and makes small exercises without clutter.\n\n\nThe built -in wipe compartment also promotes healthy habits.\n\n\n\n\nConvenience:\n\n\n\n\nHaving a flip-up lid and an easy-to-remove and clean bowl makes it easy to empty and clean.\n\n\nIntegrated spark controller for boys.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Summer Infant My Size Potty \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Thomas & Friends Thomas Railroad Rewards Potty\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nThomas helps keep the little drills on track with fun train sounds and songs to give credit to each success! The toilet bowl is easily removed for easy cleaning, and there is a splash guard attached for the boys.\n\n\nWhen the child is ready to move to the toilet, a small toilet seat can be removed for use on most toilet seats, and the seat turns into a sturdy stair seat. \n\n\nThe built-in potty mat is also small in size to help children feel safe in the large toilet, making the transition easier.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\nShape:\n\n\n\n\nGrowing up with children from toilet seats to small rings & stools\n\n\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\n\n\nBuilt-in splashguard for boys\n\n\nThe small mat fits the toilet seat. (Not recommended for use on upholstered seats)\n\n\n\n\nConvenience:\n\n\n\n\nEasy to remove for easy cleaning\n\n\n\n\n Thomas & Friends Thomas Railroad Rewards Potty \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Nuby My Real Potty Training Toilet\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product great?\n\n\nNuby My Real Potty Training Toilet is the best solution for your baby's toilet training needs. With so many great features including the sound of toilet flushing like real life, while pressing the flush button, a child must be excited to use it. \n\n\nIt has a back tank that locks in place and fits full-size tissues and even has an anti-slip rubber pad so the little one won\u2019t slip during the training session.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\nShape:\n\n\n\n\nA realistic exercise toilet that looks and feels like an adult version\n\n\nThe sound of flushing the toilet is like a regular toilet.\n\n\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\n\n\nIntegrated splash protector for boys and girls in place and anti-slip rubber base to stop toilet seat from slipping\n\n\nThe rear tank is locked in place and fits full -sized baby wet wipes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nConvenience:\n\n\n\n\nToilet seat covers open and close\u00a0\n\n\nThe toilet seat is removable for very easy cleaning\n\n\nSplash protectors for boys and girls.\n\n\n\n\n Nuby My Real Potty Training Toilet \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \n8 Best Baby Car Seats For Newborn & Toddlers In Malaysia\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bipolar-disorder-in-children", "title": "Could Your Child Have Bipolar Disorder? Here Are 6 Red Flags", "body": "\n\nBipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental illness involving extreme mood swings.\n\n\nChildren (though not as commonly as adults) can be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Sometimes it is hard to tell this disorder apart from other conditions, such as \nADHD\n or an anxiety disorder, as their symptoms can overlap. If you suspect that your child may have a \nmental illness,\n be sure to get a formal assessment from a mental health professional.\n\n\nLet\u2019s now look at some signs that a child could have bipolar disorder.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Exaggerated sense of well-being\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nIndividuals with bipolar disorder experience something called manic episodes. During the episodes, your child could have unusually high self-esteem and confidence. She could also feel intense joy, one that seems unreasonable under normal circumstances.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nDoes Your Child Have Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Periods of severe hopelessness\n\n\nOther than manic episodes, your child may also experience depressive episodes. Deep sadness, irritability and tiredness are features of this phase. This period can last for days or weeks, and can affect how much (or how little) your child wants to eat.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Overly high and extremely low\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nHaving bipolar disorder means one can go from periods of immense happiness, to phases of severe dejection. In between, there could be \u2018normal\u2019 periods. It is also possible for your child to have a mixed mood episode, where a child is exhibiting features of both manic and depressive states.\n\n\n\n\n4. Difficulty controlling anger\n\n\nIf your child has periods of angry outbursts that last a few days, it may be a warning sign. It\u2019s important to differentiate between normal anger, that can come once in a while, from sustained irritability or rage.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Heightened energy\n\n\nDuring mania, kids may exhibit abnormally high energy, where they talk rapidly and change subjects quickly. Children in the midst of this phase may also have problems with sleeping or show very little need for it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. Challenges with focus at school\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nBipolar disorder can hamper one\u2019s ability to focus. Kids who have this condition could be having issues with studying or paying attention at school.\n\n\n\n\nThis lack of focus can be highly frustrating for your child, as he or she may want to concentrate but finds it too difficult to do so.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you notice these symptoms in your child, be sure to seek help from a qualified expert. There is no cure for bipolar disorder, but there are treatments to help keep the damaging symptoms under control.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\nThe AsianParent Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n 5 Early Signs Of Autism In Toddlers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pampering-session-pavilion-kl", "title": "Top Beauty Fixes at Pavilion KL\u2019s Beauty Hall to Relax and Unwind", "body": "Don\u2019t let stress and your daily hustle get in the way of a much-needed pampering session. After all, everyone deserves some quiet relaxation after a long, frantic day.\n\n\nWhether you want to indulge in luxurious beauty treatments, perfectly manicured nails, relaxing massages, or detoxification treatments, you can find the best \u201cme time\u201d treatments at Pavilion KL\u2019s Beauty Hall precinct.\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Add acupuncture to your self-care routine\n\n\n\n\nWhere does acupuncture fit your self-care routine? Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine used to balance the body\u2019s flow of energy, known as chi, by placing tiny needles into the skin at specific points. Stimulating these points activates your natural healing response, resulting in a wealth of positive health benefits.\u00a0\n\n\nEveryone is welcome to pop in for acupuncture treatment for relief after a stressful day, fatigue, a headache or migraine, acute pain, and more. The qualified professionals at \n1TCM\n can accurately predict discomfort and pain in your body, making the craft perfect for anyone attempting to heal stress-induced muscle aches.\u00a0\n\n\nLocation: \n1TCM Acupuncture, Level 7, Beauty Hall, Pavilion KL\n\n\n#2 You glow, girl!\n\n\nWhile we\u2019re firm (no pun intended) believers of gracefully ageing as opposed to anti-ageing, we are all for treatments that help us to maintain that youthful glow!\u00a0\n\n\nBring a little luxury to your grooming routine with \nAsterSpring\n\u2019s volumising facial, featuring energy-firming therapy. We love that results are immediate, erasing visible fine lines and wrinkles with potent freeze-dried marine collagen sheets. You will walk out looking energised and well-rested with fresh, plump and hydrated skin with less visible eye bags.\n\n\nLocation:\n AsterSpring, Level 7, Beauty Hall\n\n\n#3 Itchy, oily scalp? Time to detox\n\n\n\n\nIf your scalp feels dry and itchy or your hair hasn\u2019t been looking its best lately, it might be time to consider a scalp detox. \nTuesde\n\u2019s Signature Scalp Enzyme Treatment is a detox that deep cleanses your scalp to free the follicles of debris and rebalances the skin\u2019s pH to create a better environment for healthy hair.\n\n\nSimilar to occasionally exfoliating the skin on your face, you should also do the same for the skin on your head (aka your scalp) to promote healthy locks!\u00a0\n\n\nLocation: \nTuesde, Level 7, Beauty Hall\n\n\n#4 The next generation of beauty\n\n\nA new beauty trend is rising that harnesses the power of science \u2014 cellular beauty. The idea behind cellular beauty is to support the cellular processes that occur within skin cells so that the skin can function optimally. It takes around 28 days for your skin to renew or regenerate, however, this process slows down as you age, which can cause wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.\u00a0\n\n\nThe \nSwiss Perfection\n RS-28 Cellular line is designed to provide an intensive repair of deep skin damage and offers optimal skin solutions to help defy ageing. If you are looking for a skincare routine that helps prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, this is one for you!\n\n\nLocation:\n Swiss Perfection Boutique Spa, Level 7, Beauty Hall\n\n\n#5 Flush those toxins away!\n\n\n\n\nMayfair\n\u2019s Lymphatic Detoxification treatment would likely serve you well if you\u2019re feeling tired or your body is fighting to get back on track. A quick biology fact: the lymphatic system acts as a toxin recycling station where the toxin is filtered from the lymph nodes to the blood. When the lymphatic system works well, we feel healthy and have a strong defence against illness. So this may just be the perk-up you need!\u00a0\n\n\nLocation:\n Mayfair Plus, Level 7, Beauty Hall\n\n\n#6 Unwanted hairs no more\n\n\nConstantly having to shave, tweeze, wax, or use hair removal creams on unwanted facial hair can be tiresome. If you\u2019re looking for a more permanent solution, laser hair removal may be an option to consider. \nLuminous\n\u2019 Laser for Permanent Hair Reduction removes unwanted hair and can also help with other issues like ingrown hairs and hyperpigmentation.\n\n\nLocation: \nLuminous Integrative Medicine Clinic, Level 7, Beauty Hall\n\n\n#7 Soak your worries away\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy a spa-like soak at home with \nDr. Hauschka\n\u2019s Sage Purifying Bath Essence. A couple drops of this relaxing bath essence in your bath will help you relax and leave you with soft and hydrated skin. Continue to moisturise your skin with Moor Lavender Calming Body Oil that tones the skin while imparting a sense of deep relaxation and comfort at the end of a long day.\u00a0\n\n\nLocation: \nDr. Hauschka, Level 7, Beauty Hall\n\n\n#8 Nailed it!\n\n\nGetting your nails done can be a great way to unplug from the world and be in the moment. It is tough to be elsewhere when your nails are being worked on. You can barely even be on your phone, lest the tips get smudged. It encourages you to be in the now. Getting your nails done is a time just for you to sit and be and watch the paint dry.\nPartner Stories\nKehamilan\nMengapakah ibu-ibu mengandung dan menyusu memerlukan suplementasi DHA?\nLifestyle\n3 Easy Indoor Activities to Keep The Kids Entertained\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nFormula\nAn open letter to the mummy of the little girl who hurt herself at the playground...\n\n\nWhether you want to go for the classic buffed nails, the Glazed Donut Nails (also known as Hailey Bieber Nails), the Classic French, or even the Textured Nails, Manicure \nBMIC Nails \nis the place to get your digits done! They also provide manicure and pedicure services for kids \u2013 perfect for a mother-daughter girls\u2019 day out.\n\n\nLocation: \nBMIC Nails, Level 7, Beauty Hall, Pavilion KL\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/parents-horrified-after-suicide-messages-found-hidden-in-youtube-kids-videos", "title": "Parents horrified after suicide messages found hidden in YouTube Kids videos", "body": "Parents have been left horrified after some \ncartoons\n\u00a0allegedly uploaded on YouTube Kids were found edited with clips encouraging kids to harm themselves. Understandably, the question they are now asking is, \u201cIs YouTube safe for my child?\u201d\n\n\nIt is not known who exactly uploaded the disturbing videos. In one clip found on a children\u2019s video game, a man suddenly appears on the screen and gives kids instructions on how to commit suicide.\n\n\n\u201cRemember, kids. Sideways for attention. Longways for results,\u201d he says, holding what looks like an imaginary blade to the inside of his arm.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe disturbing clip was spliced with a children\u2019s cartoon \u201cSplatoon\u201d on YouTube Kids\n\n\n\n\n\u201cIs YouTube safe for my child?\u201d Parents worried after hidden suicide messages exposed\n\n\nDr Free Hess, a paediatrician and mum in the US, reported the video to YouTube and got the platform to take it down. She also wrote about it on her blog, \nPediMom.\n\n\nThe clip was apparently found spliced into several videos of the popular Nintendo game Splatoon on YouTube and YouTube Kids.\n\n\nDr Hess, who regularly blogs on child cyber safety, writes,\u00a0\u201cExposure to videos, photos, and other self-harm and suicidal promoting content is a huge problem that our children are facing today.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe have to start doing something NOW and we should start by educating ourselves, educating our children, and speaking up when we see something that is dangerous for our children.\u201d\n\n\nShe also alerts parents to the fact that, the edited Splatoon videos are not the only dark and potentially dangerous content on social media platforms, especially on YouTube Kids. She has also found videos of children attempting suicide and other disturbing content on the app.\n\n\nYouTube responds to disturbing content\n\n\nConcerned about the kind of content our kids are getting exposed to, we reached out to YouTube Kids.\n\n\nTu Nguyen, a spokesman for YouTube Kids, said in a written statement to theAsianparent, \u201cWe work to make the videos in YouTube Kids as family-friendly as possible and take feedback very seriously.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe appreciate people drawing problematic content to our attention, and make it possible for anyone to flag a video. Flagged videos are manually reviewed 24/7 and any videos that don\u2019t belong in the app are removed.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe\u2019ve also been investing in new controls for parents including the ability to hand pick videos and channels in the app. We are making constant improvements to our systems and recognize there\u2019s more work to do.\u201d\n\n\nAs a reminder, she also advises that, \u201cUsers of the YouTube Kids app can also decide to have \u2018Search on or Search off\u2019. When you turn search on, your child can access millions more YouTube Kids videos beyond the home screen. This allows them to search for new content on their own. When you turn search off you restrict your child\u2019s experience to a more limited set of videos.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nHow does suicide content affect young minds?\n\n\nSome children may just ignore the content of the video and move on, but others may get nightmares or even get strangely drawn to it.\n\n\n\n\nOn 13 Feb 2019, mummy\u00a0Meridy Leeper shared a grim picture on what goes on in a 7-year-old\u2019s head after watching disturbing content online.\n\n\nShe wrote on Facebook, \u201cKids youtube, roblox, fortnight\u2026 no matter how much you think you are monitoring your child.. notifications to what your child is watching. It doesn\u2019t matter.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMy 7 year old child was taught how to attempt suicide by kids youtube and these games. She has expressed that she doesn\u2019t feel neglected or unloved. Instead, she was constantly told to \u2018go kill yourself\u2019 by other gamers, by kids youtube. Shown HOW to.\u201d\n\n\nThe little child suffered from a severe anxiety attack, and her mum thought she had got over it, until she saw a picture the girl had drawn in school.\n\n\nThe worried mum shares, \u201cI NEVER thought I would find myself helping my SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD through an anxiety attack. PLEASE, keep your children away from these things.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019m just so glad my child was able to express her feelings before she actually tried to harm herself. I never thought something as \u2018innocent\u2019 as kids youtube would have these subliminal messages.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAgain, I\u2019m only sharing our experience in the hopes to prevent another child going through this.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nSafety tips for parents on how to prevent self-harm in kids\n\n\nIn 2017, online media reported a very dangerous trend that was prevalent among teens \u2013 \nthe Blue Whale challenge.\n\n\nThe Blue Whale game allegedly assigned players tasks to complete over 50 days. These tasks start off tame with challenges like watching horror shows, but progress to dangerous orders such as self-harming.\n\n\nAt the highest and final level of the game, the child will be instructed to commit suicide.\n\n\nAgain, in 2018, reports emerged that a 16-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl had died in Barbosa, Colombia, after \nplaying the Momo suicide challenge\n. They had played the game, which\u00a0\u201cinvited young people to hurt themselves\u201d, on WhatsApp.\n\n\nViral content about self-harm or suicide is worrying. As parents, we want to make sure that our children are not negatively influenced by social media.\u00a0\nHere are some safety tips\n:\n\n\n1. Know the warning signs\n\n\nWatch out for these signs of distress and emotional turmoil:\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow Can I Improve My Child\u2019s Nutrient Absorption?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nDoes Cattle Treatment & Breed Really Matter for Quality Formula Milk?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nFirst Trimester\nCholine: the often-overlooked crucial nutrient for pregnant mums\n\n\n\n\nD\nisplaying out-of character behaviour\n\n\nI\nnjuries that are unexplained\n\n\nS\nudden changes in appearance, interests or habits\n\n\nT\nemperamental changes\n\n\nR\nebellious/aggressive behaviour\n\n\nE\nxtended absence/deliberate social withdrawal\n\n\nS\ntruggling to pay attention/increased lethargy\n\n\nS\nending/posting moody or morbid messages (including expressions of death)\n\n\n\n\n2. Empathise with your child\n\n\nIf you notice that your child is behaving differently, start off by asking these questions, \u201cI noticed that you\u2026. Is there anything you would like to share?\u201d or \u201cIs there something troubling you?\u201d\n\n\nBe willing to listen. Take your child\u2019s comments seriously. Refrain from trivialising their thoughts or telling them that they should not feel negative about something.\n\n\nEmpathise with your child and show that you are genuinely trying to understand what\u2019s going on in their minds. Don\u2019t judge her or her thoughts. Be caring and kind.\n\n\n\n\n3. Be aware of what your child is watching and reading\n\n\nThe best way to get your child to share what she has seen or read is to be more of a friend, and less of a parent. She should know that you mean only well for her, and you are ready to support her all the way.\n\n\nTry to have open discussions with your children about movies, videos and news, in a non-judgemental way.\u00a0You can talk about which characters she liked or disliked, and why she felt that way.\n\n\nIt might also help to friend your teen on Facebook, or follow them on Instagram, just to know the kind of posts they are liking and sharing.\n\n\n4. Encourage a healthy lifestyle and a wide range of coping strategies\n\n\nEncourage your child to develop a sleeping routine to help them get a good night\u2019s sleep. Let her know that there are many ways to cope with stress, such as confiding in others, sports, art, and\u00a0practising relaxation and deep breathing.\n\n\nProper nutrition can also help with sleep, general health and well being. A well-balanced diet helps the body and brain to function well.\n\n\n5. Encourage your child to be a positive influence\n\n\nTeach your child to distinguish between real and fake news, and discourage her from forwarding unverified messages.\n\n\nEncourage your child to be a voice of hope and a pillar of support for her peers instead.\u00a0\n\n\n(Source: \nCNN\n, \nWashington Post)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/breastfeeding-and-beauty-treatments-a-comprehensive-safety-guide", "title": "Breastfeeding and beauty treatments: A comprehensive safety guide", "body": "When you are pregnant, you are extra-cautious about what you eat, drink and apply on your skin and hair in order to keep your developing baby safe and sound. There\u2019s also plenty of information related to what you should avoid and what is safe to use while you are pregnant\n\n\nBut after you have your baby, what is less common is information on how to keep your breastmilk safe for your little one \u2014 especially in relation to breastfeeding and beauty treatments.\n\n\nNursing mums need to know what treatments and products are safe to use or not. This is because minute quantities of what they apply on their skin and hair (similar to food and drink) are absorbed into their bloodstream, also potentially entering their breastmilk in the process.\n\n\nThis article is a guide* on what is and is not safe to use in terms of beauty products and treatments, when you are nursing your baby.\n\n\n\n\nWhat beauty products and treatments are safe/ unsafe to use when you are breastfeeding?\n\n\n\n\n1. Acne medications\n\n\nWith a huge selection of over-the-counter (OTC) topical acne remedies available, deciding what is safe to use while breastfeeding might be challenging.\n\n\nLuckily, most OTC acne remedies use similar ingredients, so the best course of action is to select a product with ingredients that have no or a minimal effect on breastmilk, and therefore on your baby.\n\n\nHere are four of the most commonly used main ingredients in OTC topical acne treatments, according to \nDr. James Abbey\n of the Infant Risk Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Do keep in mind that research on the link between these ingredients and breastfeeding is not extensive.\n\n\nBenzoyl peroxide\n\n\nThis anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial medication is commonly found in many acne treatments, and is \u201can effective treatment for mild forms of comodonal acne\n\u00a0\n(forming white-heads and black-heads). It also complements prescription antibiotics for use in more severe forms of acne.\u201d\n\n\nWhile there is a lack of good studies on the effects of this medication on breastfeeding women, Dr. Abbey explains that \u201cmost tissues in the body contain enzymes that break down peroxide compounds and any of this medication that is absorbed would be rapidly destroyed.\u201d\n\n\nBecause of this, topical benzoyl peroxide can considered to be the \nsafest option\n for treating acne among breastfeeding mums.\n\n\nSalicylic acid (0.5 to 2%)\n\n\nWhile there are limited studies on the link between this medication and breastfeeding, research has shown that up to 25% of the drug can be absorbed into the bloodstream.\n\n\nAlso, studies show that other similar drugs can cross over to breastmilk.\n\n\nFor these reasons, if\u00a0you are breastfeeding and are looking for an acne treatment,\n it\u2019s best to stay away from anything that contains salicylic acid\n.\n\n\n\n\nSome ingredients in popular acne treatments may be harmful to use during breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\nLactic acid and glycolic acid\n\n\nThese are added to acne medication to help peel away skin and as a solution to scarring. According to Dr. Abbey, both drugs can be absorbed via the skin, as much as 50%. But he also points out that both lactic and glycolic acid are naturally present in babies, so it\u2019s okay to use products that contain these ingredients while breastfeeding.\n\n\nProducts with these substances in them are often sold as skin peeling kits.\n\n\nTee tree oil\n\n\nThis all-natural essential oil is valued for its antomicrobial properties, and is extracted from the leaves of an Australian shrub known as\u00a0\nMelaleuca alternifolia. \n\n\nNo proper \nstudies\n exist that evaluate how safe it is for breastfeeding mothers to use products that contact tea tree oil. However, \u201csome case studies have been published describing tea tree oil toxicity in toddlers who ingested a significant quantity.\u201d\n\n\n2. Nail care\n\n\nAgain, there isn\u2019t much out there in terms of research on the safety aspects of getting a manicure or pedicure done while breastfeeding. However, the general consensus among both \nexperienced mums\n and \nprofessionals\n alike is that it\u2019s okay to get either done while nursing.\n\n\nTo be on the safe side though, look for/ request for nail polish that is free from chemicals such as formaldehyde, camphor, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), toluene, and formaldehyde resin \u2014 \nwhich have\n toxic properties and may be absorbed into your bloodstream in minimal quantities.\n\n\nAlso keep in mind that there is no research on the effect of newer types of nailpolishes such as Gelish or acrylics. If you are getting these done, ensure that that the room is well ventilated so that you don\u2019t inhale any chemical fumes.\n\n\n\n\nIt is generally considered safe to use various hair treatments while breastfeeding, including colouring.\n\n\n\n\n3. Hair treatments\n\n\nAre you worried that dyeing, perming or relaxing your hair (or any other hair treatment) will have a bad effect on your breastfeeding baby? Well according to \nLa Leche League International\n\u00a0(LLLI) there\u2019s no need to fret.\n\n\nThey say that \u201cno evidence exists that the nursing mother\u2019s use of hair-care products, such as hair dyes and permanents, has any effect on her breastfeeding baby.\u201d\n\n\nLLLI does point out that some chemicals found in hair-care products may be absorbed through the skin. But they also says that if your scalp is healthy with no wounds or abrasions, less of the product will be absorbed.\n\n\nMeanwhile, the Australia Breastfeeding Association quotes the\u00a0\nOrganization of Teratology Information Specialists\n\u00a0as saying \u201cit is highly unlikely that a significant amount of the chemicals used [in hair treatments] would enter the breastmilk because very little enters the mother\u2019s bloodstream.\u201d\n\n\n4. Skin lightening/ bleaching\n\n\nA common ingredient found in many skin bleaching products is hydroquininone. According to Kelly Bonyata (\nkellymom.com\n),\n the absorption of this drug\n via the skin when applied topically is minimal.\n\n\nTherefore, breastfeeding is assumed to be safe if a mum chooses to have skin whitening/ bleaching treatment.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n5. Hair removal\n\n\nIf you choose to do hair removal at home using a depilatory cream, information from the\n Australian Breastfeeding Association \nsays that this is perfectly safe, as the ingredients are poorly absorbed into the skin and \u201ctherefore are very unlikely to end up in breastmilk.\u201d\n\n\nThey also say, \u201cthere is no evidence that electrolysis or laser hair removal would affect breastfeeding or your breastfed baby.\u201d\n\n\n6. Tattoos\n\n\nGetting a tattoo can increase your chance of infection, especially Hepatitis B/ C or HIV which you can contract if the equipment is not cleaned or sterilised properly.\n\n\nThe \nAustralian Breastfeeding Association\n also cautions that bacterial infections can also be transmitted during tattooing \u201cmainly as a result of contamination of the pigment used\u201d.\n\n\nWhile the risk of getting such as infection is low if you choose to get your tattoo at a reputable parlour, it is still poses a health risk that a breastfeeding mum should consider carefully before getting a tattoo done.\n\n\n\n\nAre you thinking about getting Botox fillers? If you are breastfeeding, it\u2019s better for your baby to not get this treatment done.\n\n\n\n\n7. Facial cosmetic injections\n\n\nDermatalogic surgeon Dr. Ronald Sheldon \nadvises against\n getting facial cosmetic fillers such as Botox while breastfeeding.\n\n\nHe says that procedures like microdermabrasion, V-beam laser or Fraxel Restore treatments while beastfeeding are safe.\n\n\n8. Creams and lotions\n\n\nSkin creams and lotions in general (including those containing alpha hydroxy acids) \nare considered\n to be safe to use when breastfeeding. However, it is best to avoid using these around the nipple area.\n\n\nIt is also \nadvisable\n to \navoid using products with retinoids\n \u2014 popularly used to get rid of wrinkles \u2014 while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, oral retinoids have been shown to cause birth defects.\n\n\nRetinoids are also listed as\u00a0Retin-A, differin, tazorac, retinol or retinyl, so check the list of ingredients on that face cream carefully before purchasing it, if your are breastfeeding.\n\n\n\n\nBefore you try out that new moisturiser, check the list of ingredients carefully if you are still breastfeeding your baby.\n\n\n\n\nMore ingredients to avoid in beauty products\n\n\nBreastfeeding mums, when looking for beauty products such as lotions and creams, \nprofessionals\n advise that you should carefully check the list of ingredients and avoid buying products with the following additives:\n\n\n\n\nPetroleum:\u00a0\nPetroleum-based ingredients can irritate baby\u2019s tender skin. Look out for the following names that indicate petroleum has been used in the product:\u00a0propylene glycol, mineral oil, paraffin, petrolatum and isopropyl alcohol.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFormaldehyde:\u00a0\nThis is used often in skin-care products as a preservative. It may cause serious allergies and allergicic reactions in your breastfeeding baby, if he is exposed to it. Look out for the following technical terms that formaldehyde \u2018hides\u2019 behind:\u00a0hydroxymethylglycinate, DMDM-hydantoin and methenesmine.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nParabens:\u00a0\nThese are commonly used in many skin-care products and are absorbed into the skin. Over time, they can accumulate in the body, \u201ccreating abnormal amounts of chemical buildup that can affect the endocrine system of a baby who is sensitive to the substance,\u201d according to \nLiveStrong\n. \u00a0Look out for terms in the list of ingredients that use \u2018paraben\u2019 as a suffix, e.g. isopropylparaben or methylparaben.\n\n\n\n\n*Please note this article is a guide only. For any health concerns related to you or your baby (including those related to breastfeeding and beauty treatments), seek professional medical help or advise without delay.\u00a0\n\n\nAlways get beauty treatments done at reputed places, and if you are not sure if a treatment you are interested in getting is safe or not, check with the beauty technician first.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences\n\n\nLa Leche League International\n\n\nAustralian Breastfeeding Association\n\n\nkellymom.com\n\n\nLiveStrong\n\n\nFeatured image from \nPinterest\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/trying-to-conceive-these-9-tips-can-help", "title": "Trying to Conceive? These 9 Tips Can Help", "body": "When you make the decision to try for a child, becoming pregnant can be stressful. Improve your fertility through a few lifestyle changes, either picking up or dropping certain habits.\n\n\nGenetics and luck may play a part. But you might not realise there are a lot of other factors within your control that are hampering your chances of conceiving. Here are 9 things you should keep in check to maximise your chances of getting pregnant!\n\n\n1. Kick that smoking habit to the curb\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nI\u2019m sure by now you understand the life-threatening detriments of smoking, so I won\u2019t harangue you for long about how this nasty habit can lead to severe health issues later in life. Instead, I\u2019ll focus on how smoking can directly affect your odds of conceiving a child.\n\n\nQuitting this habit is wildly \nbeneficial for both women and men\n! In women, smoking can reduce how receptive your uterus is to the egg. And in men, smoking can reduce sperm count and damage DNA. Furthermore, the fact that women who smoke go through menopause (on average) two years sooner than women who don\u2019t, is a clear indication of how smoking damages the reproductive system.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n2. Nix caffeine and alcohol consumption\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBoth of these beverages should be avoided for maximum fertility. In a study by \nThe Fertility Society of Australia\n, researchers found that \u201cWomen who consumed less than one cup of coffee were twice as likely to become pregnant, per cycle, as moderate coffee drinkers and the risk of not becoming pregnant increased with higher consumption.\u201d\n\n\nWhile this same research concedes that there still remains little evidence that alcohol consumption is detrimental to women attempting to conceive, experts have found that alcohol consumption can yield poor fertility in men. According to the study, \u201cIn men [alcohol consumption] can cause impotence, reduce libido and affect sperm quality.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n3. Learn to destress\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nStress can be the root of a multitude of health-related issues. Though there aren\u2019t any clear, direct links between stress and infertility, research is being done to draw a relation between the two. Many doctors believe that stress, specifically trying too hard to conceive, is \naccountable for nearly 1/3 of all infertility problems.\u00a0\n\n\nAllen Morgan, MD\n, director of Shore Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Lakewood, N.J. says that while doctors don;t know too much about the relation between the two at the moment.; however, \u201cWhat [experts] do know now is that when stress-reduction techniques are employed, something happens in some women that allows them to get pregnant when they couldn\u2019t get pregnant before.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n4. Start taking multivitamins and supplements\n\n\nOkay, so taking a multivitamin is hardly an \u201corganic\u201d solution to infertility. But taking a one-a-day type of multivitamin or a prenatal supplement can lend a hand in boosting your overall fertility. Supplements with \nfolate/folic acid will do wonders for your chances of conception\n, mums!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n5. Keep your weight in check\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nIn a \nstudy\n published in the British Medical Journal that found that very lean women and very obese women (BMI >38) had lower conception rates.\u00a0So, the key is to instill healthy eating and exercise habits that you maintain over the course of your pregnancy.\n\n\nThe best way to know what a healthy weight is for you, is to calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index). If you\u2019re curious about your BMI\n click here\n to visit the Australian Government\u2019s BMI calculator and healthy weight information page.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n6. Eat as if you\u2019re pregnant: clean and healthy\n\n\nIf you\u2019re going to create a hospitable living environment for a child, you might as well start eating like you\u2019re already pregnant. To do this you can eat foods that are rich in whole grains. Not to mention an increase in your daily intake of fruits and vegetables. You should also try to find foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are components in all cell membranes. One food rich in these fats, for those who are fans of seafood, is salmon. If you want to improve your intake of omega-3s, the \nMediterranean Diet\n is a great way to do so.\n\n\nAlso, ensure you\u2019re getting enough nutrients in your diet! Eating enough protein, iron, zinc, and having a higher intake of vitamins regulates menstrual cycles, as well as lower the risk of miscarriage.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n7. Watch what you eat\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nAlthough it might be convenient and cheaper to pick up fruits and vegetables from your nearest grocer, they might have higher levels of pesticides. These chemicals \ndecrease male fertility\n which in turn affects your chance of becoming pregnant. It\u2019s a good idea to switch over to organic produce to lower the risk of pesticides.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n8. Track your cycle\n\n\n\n\nImage source: iStock\n\n\n\n\nHaving sex within a day of ovulating increases your chance of conception. It usually happens 2 weeks or 14 days after the first or last day of your period.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nKnowing your menstrual cycle will help you know when\u2019s the best time to have sex.\n\n\nYou can download an app to help you figure out your cycle if you\u2019re not sure. Alternatively, you could track your \nBasal Body Temperature\n (BBT) with a thermometer.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n9. Choose your lubricants wisely\n\n\nYou can\u2019t get pregnant without getting intimate. However, when you\u2019re having sex to have a baby, it can feel more like a burden than pleasurable. You might not be in the mood for it but feel the need to have sex because it\u2019s during the fertile window. Many couples use \nlubricants\n to help them. However, not all lubricants are sperm-friendly. Choose one that is labelled \u201cfertility-friendly\u201d so you don\u2019t lower your man\u2019s sperm count.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nNow you know which products might be lowering your chances of conceiving, improve your fertility and make a few lifestyle changes. We can\u2019t wait to hear your good news!\n\n\nThis article was republished. with permission from theAsianparent Singapore.\n\n\nREAD: 10 Scientifically proven ways to improve your child\u2019s memory\n\n\nBe sure to check out \ntheAsianparent Community\n for more insightful stories, questions, and answers from parents and experts alike. If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-rice-cooker-in-malaysia", "title": "Want to Eat Homemade Bubur Lambuk? Make One on Your Own Using A Rice Cooker!", "body": "Bubur lambuk is a popular dish during the fasting month in Malaysia. How lambuk porridge is usually made is through gotong-royong in the mosque to be distributed to the congregation as food for breaking fast.\n\n\nBut now you don't have to wait for the fasting month to enjoy this dish, with the shared lambuk porridge recipe, you can make it anytime! Easy actually, even kids love it!\n\n\nLambuk porridge recipe\n\n\n[caption id=\"attachment_442968\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"650\"]\n Credit: Tatler Malaysia[/caption]\n\n\nAccording to Nur Haziqah's sharing on her Facebook page, she has uploaded several ways to make easy lambuk porridge at home using only an electric pot. \n\n\nYou can cook lambuk porridge in large quantities and stored in a closed container, then placed in the refrigerator . If you do not feel like eating white rice, you can just heat the ready-cooked porridge at any time.\u00a0\n\n\nThe good thing about this lambuk porridge is that all the necessary nutrients are complete in one porridge. Both in terms of meat and vegetables are all ready in one serving.\u00a0 \nUsually lambuk porridge uses beef, but if you do not like to use meat, you can change it according to whatever your taste buds.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are also people who make lambuk porridge with tau fish! Yes, don't be surprised, it tastes pretty good. Even when mixed with fried onions it is delicious!\n\n\nIngredients you need:\n\n\n\n\n1 1/2 pots of rice- wash, soak for 15 minutes and drain.\n\n\nThe meat is cut into small pieces, washed and drained.\n\n\nAdabi brand soup seasoning 1 pack.\n\n\nSoup leaves sliced \u200b\u200bsmall\n\n\n1 slice of carrot cut into cubes\n\n\n1 seed potato diced\n\n\n4 cloves garlic\n\n\n5 onion cloves\n\n\n2 inches of ginger\n\n\n1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder\n\n\n100 ml coconut milk\n\n\n2 liters of water\n\n\nfried onions\n\n\nSugar and salt\n\n\n\n\nHow to make bubur lambuk:\n\n\n\n\nGrind ginger, garlic and onion with a little water until smooth. Heat oil and saut\u00e9 the ground ingredients until fragrant.\n\n\nThen, add 1 packet of soup seasoning and stir.\n\n\nAdd the meat and stir in 1 minute. Then, add the rice, stirring until smooth.\n\n\nTransfer the rice inside rice cooker. Add water, potatoes , carrots. Cook until it becomes fluffy.\n\n\nNext, add coconut milk, sugar, salt, black pepper powder, soup leaves and fried onions. Stir well and cook again until the rice is crushed.\n\n\nReady to serve. Good luck!\n\n\n\n\nBest Rice Cooker Range with Prices Below RM100\n\n\nDo you need an electric cooker or rice cooker at an affordable price? We at theAsianparent Malaysia have prepared some of the best options for moms to easily cook at home. Among them:\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Midea Rice Cooker MG-GP18B 1.8L\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKeep Warm Function\n\n\nCooking automatically\n\n\nEasy to use and can choose to keep food warm\n\n\nCompact design\n\n\n1.8 L/ 10 cups/ 10 people\n\n\n1 year warranty by Midea Malaysia\n\n\n\n\n Midea Rice Cooker MG-GP18B 1.8L \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#2 ELBA 1.8L Rice Cooker ERC-1866 / ERC-1866T\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSize 1.8 Liters\n\n\nHas a power of 700W\n\n\nThe inner pot is removable\n\n\nWarranty for 1 year\n\n\nConventional pot type\n\n\n\n\n ELBA 1.8L Rice Cooker ERC-1866 / ERC-1866T \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#3 Russell Taylors 1.8L ERC-18\n\n\n\n\n\n\nERC-18 (Steam Rack Included)\n\n\nSize 1.8 Liters\n\n\nQuick and easy cooking period\n\n\n1 year warranty\n\n\nSteamers are provided along\n\n\nBeautiful and exclusive design\n\n\n\n\n Russell Taylors 1.8L ERC-18 \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#4 Panasonic SR-E18A 1.8L\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA brand that is trusted by many\n\n\nIt is high quality, strong and durable\n\n\nUser friendly\n\n\nSuitable for medium-sized families\n\n\nCheap and affordable price\n\n\n\n\n Panasonic SR-E18A 1.8L \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\n#5 KHIND Rice Cooker 2.8L RC928\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnough for 14 family members\n\n\n14 cups of rice\n\n\nSave electricity with Smart Switch\n\n\nSmart Switch allows the user to choose whether to stay hot or not automatically while cooking\n\n\nNo wastage of rice if choosing without staying warm (keep warm)\n\n\n\n\n KHIND Rice Cooker 2.8L RC928 \nBuy From Lazada\n\n\nThe benefits of porridge\n\n\n[caption id=\"attachment_442983\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"670\"]\n Credit: Instant Pot Recipe by Amy + Jack[/caption]\n\n\nPorridge is a food that helps the digestive system be good for the stomach, in addition to being a healthy eating practice. \nA serving of porridge taken at breakfast contains carbohydrates that help provide energy throughout the day. \n\n\nRice-based porridge, even with coconut milk, can replace main dishes such as rice. \nIt is not only nutritious, energizes, increases appetite, but also balances nutritional tastes such as sweet and spicy. \nIn addition to its health benefits, porridge is also popular during the fasting month because of its easy preparation, thus saving time.\n\n\nIn Malaysia, besides lambuk porridge, rice-based porridge can be mixed with other main ingredients such as marrow, meat, chicken, shrimp, fish and crab. \n\n\nCoconut milk-based porridge can be combined with grains, beans, rice, vegetables, pumpkin, potatoes and sweet potatoes. \n\n\nFor the community, they always eat porridge with chicken soup, while the Chinese are also usually eating porridge with side dishes such as horseradish sauce, anchovies, youtiao and so on. In fact, it is usually eaten at breakfast.\u00a0\n\n\nSo what are you waiting for, let's prepare this dish for the whole family. For kids who choose to eat, trust me they will love it!\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \n18 fabulous and easy to make rice cooker meals (desserts included)\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sensitive-skin-detergent", "title": "Sensitive Skin? Here Are 5 Laundry Tips & Tricks to Avoid Irritation", "body": "Having red, itchy and dry skin? When it comes to having sensitive skin, there can be various triggers and one of them includes the way you do your laundry. This is especially crucial for mummies with sensitive skin babies and children because younger skin is even more vulnerable to irritation\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is because clothes have contact with our skin constantly, and if you don\u2019t use the right methods to avoid depositing allergens and irritants when doing laundry, it can cause those pesky flare-ups.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, here are five laundry tips for those with sensitive skin.\u00a0\n\n\nTip 1: Know How Much Soap to Use\n\u00a0\n\n\nCertain laundry detergents may contain harmful chemicals that cause rashes, and even, contact dermatitis which shows up as a red, itchy rash that can be widespread or focused on body parts such as our armpits\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nUsing too much soap when doing laundry could be a key culprit in causing this as it traps the detergent in the fabric, allowing these irritants to come into direct contact with the skin\n3\n. What this means is that detergent residue may be left on the clothes as your machine may not fully rinse off the excess detergent, therefore causing skin irritation when wearing these clothes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nSo, check the recommended usage instructions on your detergent to ensure you are using just the right amount.\u00a0\n\n\nTip 2: Do an Extra Rinse Cycle\n\u00a0\n\n\nNow, we know that using too much soap can leave residue, but even when using the right amount, it is best to do an extra rinse cycle to be extra careful.\u00a0\n\n\nDoing this can get rid of any possible lingering soap residues. This prevents any possible irritation that you or your children can suffer from because of trapped detergent within your clothes.\u00a0\n\n\nTip 3: Wash New Clothes Before Wear\n\u00a0\n\n\nNew clothes are absolutely not clean. It is extremely important to wash new clothes before you or your kids wear them because they may contain any chemicals\n4\n, dyes\n5\n, allergens or bacteria\n6\n. These chemicals will leak more on the skin because of sweat too.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nIn fact, allergic contact dermatitis from clothes is usually because of dispersed dyes that are present in brand-new, unwashed clothing\n7\n. Plus, before you took these new clothes home, they would have been tested by other shoppers as well, and that itself can leave more bacteria and even insects (such as lice!) on the clothing\n8\n.\u00a0\n\n\nTip 4: Don\u2019t Overload Your Washing Machine\n\n\nAs much as we want to quicken the laundry process by filling our washing machine to the brim, we shouldn\u2019t. It is best to follow your manufacturer\u2019s guidelines when it comes to loading in your machine, as overloading it will make washing clothes ineffective.\n\n\nPlus, overloading your washing machine may leave residual detergent on the clothing, and we\u2019ve already explained how harmful that can be to the skin.\u00a0\n\n\nThe 5th, Final & Best Tip: We Recommend Using the New TOP Gentle Care\n\n\nWe know detergent contains harmful chemicals and they are the main cause of your laundry irritating sensitive skin. Thankfully, there are specialised detergents that are made for sensitive skin such as TOP Gentle Care.\n\n\n\n\nTOP Gentle Care is dermatologically tested \nand formulated to\n clean well with its 3X Stain Busting Action and protects clothes with Fibre Care Tech. Moreover, it is a liquid detergent and is less risky than powdered detergent as there is less chance that it will leave detergent residue after your wash cycle.\n\n\nHere are some other things that we love about TOP Gentle Care when it comes to laundry for sensitive skin:\n\n\n\n\nIt contains the revolutionary TOP Advanced Micro-Clean Tech with Lion Japan\u2019s Anti-Microbial Tech that \neffectively removes 99.9% of viruses (Covid-19 virus, Influenza A & HFMD virus) and bacteria*.\u00a0\n\n\nIt does deep cleaning by penetrating into each fibre core to dislodge invisible and visible stains like dirt, sebum and sweat while preventing them from redepositing onto your laundry.\n\n\nClothes will also smell fresher for longer, and remain hygienically clean, making it suitable for the entire family \u2013 especially with the anti-malodour that prevents bad odours when drying clothes indoors.\u00a0\n\n\nIt has Anti-Mite Dust, which removes 99.9% of mite dust that can cause allergies.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTOP Gentle Care comes highly recommended by us because it effectively cleanses \u2013 while protecting the skin. Now we have given you tips, and a product recommendation for you to protect your family\u2019s sensitive skin, it is time to put these to the test and keep your family\u2019s skin safe.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFor more information on TOP Gentle Care, visit \nwww.topdetergent.com.my/gentlecare\n now.\u00a0\n\n\n*Tested by an independent lab in Japan.\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.). Irritated skin on your child? It can be your detergent \u2013 Blue Net \u2026. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from \nhttps://bluenethospitals.com/blog/pediatrics-and-neonatology/irritated-skin-on-your-child-it-can-be-your-detergent/2020-05-11\n\n\n(n.d.). Rashes from Detergent: Could Your Laundry Soap Be Causing. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/rashes-from-detergent\n\n\n(2019, June 15). Signs You\u2019re Allergic to Laundry Detergent \u2014 Skin Reaction \u2013 Allure. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from \nhttps://www.allure.com/story/laundry-detergent-allergy-skin-reaction\n\n\n\u00a0(2015, May 20). New clothes should be washed because chemicals can cause \u2026. Retrieved February 21, 2022, from \nhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3090175/Doctor-s-orders-wash-new-clothes-Chemicals-used-garments-wrinkle-free-look-shops-cause-allergic-reactions.html\n\n\n\u00a0(2015, May 20). New clothes should be washed because chemicals can cause \u2026. Retrieved February 21, 2022, from \nhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3090175/Doctor-s-orders-wash-new-clothes-Chemicals-used-garments-wrinkle-free-look-shops-cause-allergic-reactions.html\n\n\n(2020, September 21). This Is Why You Should Wash Your New Clothes Before You Wear \u2026. Retrieved February 21, 2022, from \nhttps://www.india.com/lifestyle/this-is-why-you-should-wash-your-new-clothes-before-you-wear-them-read-on-4147700/\n\n\n(2019, July 23). Why You Should Always Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from \nhttps://time.com/5631818/wash-new-clothes/\n\n\n\u00a0(2015, May 20). New clothes should be washed because chemicals can cause \u2026. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from \nhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3090175/Doctor-s-orders-wash-new-clothes-Chemicals-used-garments-wrinkle-free-look-shops-cause-allergic-reactions.html\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-art-therapy-helps-kids-cope-with-stressful-times", "title": "The Therapeutic Side of Art | Helping Kids Cope with Stressful Times", "body": "\n\nKids can experience emotional and mental hardship, just like adults during difficult times. With children, unmanaged stress and anxiety can negatively affect\u00a0their development\u2014if they\u00a0don\u2019t discover ways to cope.\n\n\nThis is why activities like art, that encourage emotional growth and expression, are important.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nArt as Therapeutic Aid\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nArt therapy is the application of visual arts for a therapeutic purpose. There are professionals who are licensed art therapists, using art as a way to achieve socioemotional and developmental targets, for example.\n\n\nBut you don\u2019t\u00a0\nhave\n\u00a0to see a therapist to get therapeutic benefits from art. Your kid can experience some healing and nurturing advantages at home too.\n\n\nHere are 5 areas in which your child can grow, through art therapy:\n\n\n1. Self-regulation\n\n\nSelf-regulation is the ability to manage one\u2019s feelings. It\u2019s an important life skill that everyone needs.\n\n\nArt develops this skill as it can be used to express or release one\u2019s emotions, in a non-destructive way. Creative activities allow for an immersive experience where the maker gets absorbed into a state of \u2018flow\u2019\u2014also known as \u2018being in the zone\u2019\u2019.\n\n\nThis is why you often see young children, wide-eyed and intensely focused while drawing, colouring or sculpting.\n\n\nThis full involvement in the present moment also teaches children to take time to explore their feelings, instead of immediately reacting to something.\n\n\nOnce the MCO is over, try checking out these art jamming\u00a0\nvenues\n\u00a0or art classes in\u00a0\nEduwis Elite\n\u00a0with your kid.\n\n\n2. Resilience\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nSometimes kids go through hard times. Although this is an expected part of life, what really matters is how they react to these challenges.\n\n\nDo they remain dispirited for long, or do they bounce back quickly, with determination to keep doing their best?\n\n\nChildren who engage in art can build resilience that pours onto other parts of life. Finishing an art project and developing art-related skills give children the experience of seeing themselves push through difficult things, and coming out of it with something positive.\n\n\n3. Self-awareness\n\n\nArt sharpens your child\u2019s ability to recognize her emotions, correctly identify her strengths and understand her limitations.\n\n\nIt does this through the process of shining a light on her life experiences and inner world.\n\n\nTo help this process, you can ask your kid questions that prompt self-discovery. Here are a few examples:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhat did you feel when you were drawing?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWhat do you realize about your art?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWhat would you name this drawing you made?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWhat is happening in this part of the picture?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nBesides questions, parents can also give children ideas on what to \u2018explore\u2019 while still leaving a lot of room for expression and creativity.\n\n\n\u00a0Examples of prompts:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhy don\u2019t you draw how you feel when you\u2019re angry?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cLet\u2019s paint ourselves as superheroes\u201d\n\n\n\u201cDraw something that makes you really happy!\u201d\n\n\n\n\n4. Communication\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMaking art is a form of non-verbal communication.\n\n\nSince children often find it harder than adults to express their feelings and thoughts in a way that is fluid or coherent, they could try using art to \u2018speak\u2019.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nThere may be instances when drawing a picture is easier and safer than describing something with words. This is especially true if a child has gone through or witnessed a stressful or traumatic event.\n\n\nHave gentle and encouraging talks with your child about her art pieces if possible. This may help you understand her better.\n\n\n5. Self-esteem\n\n\nWhen children have high self-esteem, they see themselves as being valuable. They also tend to have a brighter general outlook.\n\n\nResearch\n\u00a0suggests that kids who frequently participate in art activities like painting and drawing are more likely to have higher self-esteem than those who don\u2019t. This happens even without parental involvement.\n\n\nBut, how does art therapy foster self-esteem in our little ones?\n\n\nBelow are several possible ways, related to the other points we\u2019ve mentioned:\n\n\n\n\nDevelops a skill or creative output that they can be proud of\n\n\nProvides emotional release and fun, allowing for a more relaxed attitude\n\n\nOpens up doors for sharing an interest with others, thus building more social bonds\n\n\nGives kids an insight into their inner worlds, allowing them to appreciate their uniqueness\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nRight Brain, Left Brain, Whole Brain Training: What Does My Child Need?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0Using Psychology to Shape Behaviour: Punish, Reward or Remove?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nA School Principal\u2019s Guide to Manage Stress\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-and-baby-die-after-drunk-doctor-performs-c-section", "title": "Mum and baby die after drunk doctor performs C-section", "body": "In a shocking\n C-section death\n, a 22-year-old mother-to-be and her newborn have died, allegedly because the doctor who performed the operation was drunk.\u00a0\n\n\nC-section death of mum and baby allegedly caused by drunk doctor\n\n\nIn India, pregnant mum Kamini Chachi was admitted to a government hospital in Gujarat on Monday 26 November. She was in labour at the time, say news reports.\u00a0\n\n\nA senior doctor named Paresh Lakhani \u2014 who had been working at that hospital for 15 years \u2014 performed a Caesarian section on the young mum. But the baby died at birth and Kamini was bleeding heavily. Her family reportedly decided to move her to a private hospital. However, she died on the way.\n\n\nHer relatives allegedly accused Lakhani of being drunk when he performed the operation, resulting in the mum and her baby\u2019s c-section death. They informed the police that they believed the doctor was intoxicated. And indeed, a breathalyser test conducted by police confirmed the doctor was drunk.\n\n\nBotad Superintendent of Police Harshad Mehta told\u00a0\nIndia Today\n,\u00a0\u201cThe police found that the doctor was drunk while on duty. He was first booked under the Prohibition Act and was arrested. His blood sample was sent for testing.\u201d\n\n\nMeanwhile, a postmortem on both mother and baby has been requested to find out if their deaths were caused by medical negligence or other factors.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cAs per Supreme Court guidelines, only a committee headed by a civil surgeon can determine negligence charges. If the report is positive, we will book him,\u201d added Mr Mehta.\u00a0\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent, we offer our condolences to the family of the mum and baby. We also hope that due justice is served.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nC-sections are generally quite safe. Still, it\u2019s good to know the risks. Image: File photo\n\n\n\n\nC-section risks and accidents: How common are they?\u00a0\n\n\nYou might be an expecting mum reading this who is planning for a caesarian section. Naturally, news of this c-section death will make you very anxious.\u00a0\n\n\nThere\u2019s no need to fret because a c-section is one of the most common surgeries performed around the world, every single day. Still, like with any surgery, it\u2019s good to be informed of some of the potential risks of this procedure.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1. Breathing problems in babies\n\n\nMore common in scheduled c-sections, issues like rapid breathing can arise when a baby\u2019s lungs aren\u2019t fully developed.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Inflammation and infection of the uterus\n\n\nAlso known as endometritis, inflammation and infection of the uterus results in high fever, uterine pain, and\u00a0\nfoul-smelling vaginal discharge.\n\n\n3. Severe bleeding\u00a0\n\n\nDuring a c-section delivery, mums are more likely to lose a lot of blood compared to a vaginal birth.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Adverse reactions to anaesthesia\n\n\nThough rare, some mums experience adverse reactions to common types of anaesthesia like a spinal block or epidural-spinal anaesthesia.\n\n\n5. Blood clots\n\n\nFollowing a c-section, clots can develop in the veins of the legs or pelvic organs.\u00a0\n\n\nThese clots become dangerous and life-threatening when they travel to the lungs, otherwise known as a pulmonary embolism.\n\n\nThis is the reason why doctors encourage walking and ambulation after surgery.\n\n\n6. Wound infection\n\n\nC-section wound infections usually occur on the incision site or inside the uterus.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Surgical injuries\n\n\nAside from cuts and nicks on the baby\u2019s skin, there is also a risk of damaging nearby organs like the urinary bladder.\u00a0\n\n\nOn top of all of this, c-sections can make future pregnancies riskier. After a c-section, a mum is more likely to encounter placental problems and uterine rupture.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAt the same time, mums, remember that c-sections safely deliver millions of babies around the world, every day.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nDoes Cattle Treatment & Breed Really Matter for Quality Formula Milk?\nLifestyle\nUsher in the Lunar New Year at With Celebrations at Sunway Putra Mall\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Balik Kampung? Ini 5 Barang Wajib Ada Untuk Si Manja Anda\n\n\nSources:\u00a0\nChannel NewsAsia\n, \nBBC\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/boost-child-immune-system", "title": "Boosting Their Immune System: 5 Ways To Keep Your Growing Up Child Fit and Strong", "body": "When you become a parent, you want to give the world to your \ngrowing up\n \nchild and you\u2019ll find yourself with mountains of emotions that you never had before. Keeping your child happy, safe and healthy from any illness quickly becomes paramoun\nt. As they get older and become more socialised and interactive with the outside world, our children will eventually fall prey to cough, cold or other infectious diseases. Hence building and to boost immune system becomes the main key.\u00a0\n\n\nImmunity plays a huge role in keeping your child above 1 year old healthy, and when they have strong immune systems, they are able to explore the world even further and learn many wonderful life skills and experiences.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy Strong Immune System Matters?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Stock\n\n\n\n\nImmune system\n1\n is the body\u2019s defence against infection. It attacks the germs to keep us healthy. When your child has a good immune system, basically it means that they have a strong foundation against viruses and germs. They will feel more in control to explore the world and experience new things without the fear of getting ill. Therefore it is vital to boost immune system for children as much as possible.\u00a0\n\n\nResearch had shown that the more \nmental stimulation\n2\n a child gets around the age of four, the more developed the parts of their brains dedicated to language and cognition will be in decades to come. Hence, letting the children play and explore the world around them becomes an important part of their development.\n\n\nPlaying is a part of these experiences give your child the opportunity to explore, observe, experiment and solve problems that will be useful for their future. However, the only way from them to experience such life is by making sure that their immune system is strong enough to handle any hurdles.\n\n\nHelp Your Child Boost Immune System: Here Is How!\n\n\nAdapting regular practice to help boost your child\u2019s immune system is an excellent way to ensure their health. These small changes will be beneficial for them in the long run, so it\u2019s time to take proactive steps in strengthening their immunities.\n\n\n1# Offer them varieties of snack\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nA well-balanced diet has always been an important part of boosting a good immune system. In fact, this healthy diet helps your body to fight infection and repair injury to cells, plus protect their bodies against infection and illness.\n\n\nIf your children love their fruits and greens, you are definitely the luckiest mother in the world! But if they don\u2019t, don\u2019t punish them for it. Instead, offer them different kind of treats that they might enjoy. Yoghurt, for example, is rich in probiotic aka good bacteria. These good bacteria fight any diseases in your guts and help to reduce risk of colds, ear infections and sore throat.\n\n\n2# Insist on regular sleeping habits\n\n\nFor children, they might find it hard to go to sleep because the world is endless with fun plays and activities. As difficult as it might come, parents must insist on regular sleeping habits as getting enough rest helps to heal the body from daily stress.\n\n\nA study has found that the \nlack of sleep\n3\n causes your immune system to weaken and eventually making you more likely to get sick. Sleeping also helps to boost your \nimmune memory\n4\n as the interaction of immune system components during sleep reinforces the immune system\u2019s ability to remember and recognise dangerous antigens.\n\n\nLong hours of sleeping alone won\u2019t be as effective as it should, unless you turn it into a quality deep sleep. Make sure that your child\u2019s room is pitch black to avoid any disturbance during their sleep, and put away all the gadgets or any bright light toys an hour before sleep so their mind will be more at ease and less stimulated.\n\n\n3# Stress-free life\n\n\nA body of research suggests that there is a link between \nimmune system and stress\n5\n. When your child is stressed out, their body\u2019s immune system\u2019s ability to fight off antigens is reduced, making them more susceptible to illness and infection. It has also shown that stress causes the effectiveness of natural infection fighting cells. So parents, if you noticed any psychological changes in your child, get them treated immediately.\n\n\nListen to their problems without any judgement and instead of trying to justify their emotions and reasoning, let them know that their voice is heard loud and clear. You also need to learn how to help reduce their \nstress and anxiety\n6\n \nas it is vital for them to have some down time here and then.\n\n\n4# Working out as family\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBoost your children\u2019s immune system by working out together preferably outdoors. In fact, physical activity actually helps to \nflush bacteria out\n7\n of lungs and airways simultaneously reduce the risk of you catching an illness. This is because exercise causes a change in your antibodies and white blood cells and these white blood cells help to fight disease.\n\n\nSo, instead of letting your child play alone, try new activities together that everyone can enjoy. Cycling, playing badminton or football, perhaps even doing yoga together will help to strengthen your relationship with your child. Moreover, exercise promotes endorphins to make you and your child feel better overall.\n\n\n5# Teach them good hygiene practices\n\n\nIt gets pretty tricky at first since children tend to put their hands anywhere to go however, parents must teach them good hygiene. Make sure that your child washes their hands with after touching unknown surfaces or use hand sanitiser whenever possible.\u00a0\n\n\nCarry disposable wipes to clean surfaces before your children can reach to it also helps to reduce germs exposure. Whenever possible, teach them to avoid using the same utensils as others or wipe their utensils before using them.\u00a0\n\n\nTrack Your Child\u2019s Development Using Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App\n\n\n\n\nEvery child goes through different stages of development and growth. Hence, keeping track of their development and progress is a crucial step in making sure everything goes smoothly. Other than going to your doctor\u2019s appointments for regular checkups, tracking your child\u2019s development can help your doctor to understand them better.\n\n\nAs parents, your understanding of your child\u2019s growth and development is the utmost importance to your doctor in case a problem arises. Which is why tracking their progress will come in handy. These days, there are easy ways to track their progress digitally such as using Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App.\n\n\nW\nith the app, you can track your child above 1-year-old sleeping habits, poop tracker, growth tracker and milestones. The apps also cater to your child\u2019s development through features such as personalised guidance, educational articles and tips and videos for better understanding.\n\n\n\n\nThe apps also enable you to view all of their exclusive offers and deals. \nWhen you\n join Enfamama A+ Club, you will receive gifts and vouchers worth more than RM700 + 63% off* promo code to purchase Enfagrow A+ Step 3 and Step 4 600g pack from Shopee.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are you waiting for? Learn more about Enfamam\na\n A+ Club Mobile App\n here\n and downlo\na\nd it today.\n\n\n*Terms & Conditions apply. While stock last.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1 \nkidshealth.org/en/parents/immune.html\n\n\n2 \nwww.theguardian.com/science/2012/oct/14/childhood-stimulation-key-brain-development\n\n\n3 \njournals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/physrev.00010.2018\n\n\n4 \nhealthysleep.med.harvard.edu/healthy/matters/benefits-of-sleep/learning-memory\n\n\n5 \nwww.apa.org/research/action/immune\n\n\n6 \nwww.umms.org/coronavirus/what-to-know/managing-medical-conditions/healthy-habits/stress-management\n\n\n7 \nmedlineplus.gov/ency/article/007165.htm\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/most-popular-baby-names-2020-31-names-for-baby-boys-and-girls", "title": "Most Popular Baby Names 2020: 31 Names for Baby Boys and Girls", "body": "Are you having a baby next year and are unsure about names? We are here to help with our list of most popular baby names 2020.\u00a0\n\n\nThese are going to be the most popular baby names in 2020, according to our predictions! And whether you are having a little boy or girl, our list has you covered!\n\n\nMost popular baby girl names 2020\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAda\n \u2013\u00a0Short form of ADELAIDE, this name was borne by Augusta Ada King (1815-1852), the Countess of Lovelace (known as Ada Lovelace), a daughter of Lord Byron\n\n\nAmara\n \u2013\u00a0Means \u201cgrace\u201d in Igbo\n\n\nAmelia\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Latinised form of the Germanic name Amala, meaning \u201cwork\u201d\n\n\nArabella\n \u2013\u00a0Medieval Scottish name, long been associated with the Latin word \u201corabilis\u201d, meaning beautiful/ graceful/ lovable\n\n\nArya\n \u2013\u00a0From an old Indo-Iranian root meaning \u201cAryan, noble\u201d\n\n\nAurora\n \u2013\u00a0Means \u201cdawn\u201d in Latin. Aurora was the Roman goddess of the morning\n\n\nAva\n\u00a0\u2013 From the name Eve, which means in Hebrew,\u00a0\u201cto breathe\u201d or \u201cto live\u201d\n\n\nCharlotte\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0French feminine diminutive of CHARLES, meaning \u201c\u201dpetite\u201d\n\n\nEllie\n \u2013\u00a0Diminutive of ELEANOR, ELLEN; meaning light/torch/bright\n\n\nEmma\n \u2013 Means \u201cwhole\u201d or \u201cuniversal\u201d\n\n\nHarper\n\u00a0\u2013 Derived from a surname of\u00a0a person who plays the harp or who made harps\n\n\nHazel\n \u2013\u00a0From the English word hazel for the tree or the light brown colour\n\n\nIsabella\n\u00a0\u2013 Derived from the name Elizabeth, meaning \u201cmy God is an oath\u201d\n\n\nIsla\n \u2013\u00a0From the name of the island of Islay, which lies off of the west coast of Scotland\n\n\nKennedy\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From an irish surname, an Anglicized form of \u00d3 Cinn\u00e9idigh meaning \u201cdescendant of CENN\u00c9TIG\u201d\n\n\nLucy\n \u2013\u00a0English form of LUCIA and feminine form of LUCIUS, derived from the Latin word for \u201clight\u201d\n\n\nLuna\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Means \u201cthe moon\u201d in Latin\n\n\nMaeve\n \u2013\u00a0Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Medb meaning \u201cintoxicating\u201d\n\n\nMila\n \u2013\u00a0Originally a diminutive of Slavic names containing the element \u2018milu\u2019; meaning: \u201cgracious, dear\u201d\n\n\nNatalie\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From the Late Latin name Natalia, which means \u201cChristmas Day\u201d\n\n\nNora\n \u2013\u00a0Short form of HONORA or ELEANOR; meaning \u201chonour\u201d\n\n\nOlivia\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Latin word oliva meaning \u201colive\u201d\n\n\nPenelope\n \u2013\u00a0Possibly derived from Greek \u03c0\u03b7\u03bd\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c8 (penelops), \u201ca type of duck\u201d\n\n\nRylie\n\u00a0\u2013 An English surname it is derived from a place name meaning \u201crye clearing\u201d in Old English\n\n\nSadie\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Diminutive of SARAH, meaning \u201cprincess\u201d\n\n\nSavannah\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From the English word for the large grassy plain\n\n\nScarlett\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From a surname which denoted a person who sold or made clothes made of scarlet\n\n\nStella\n \u2013\u00a0Means \u201cstar\u201d in Latin\n\n\nThea\n \u2013\u00a0Short form of DOROTHEA or THEODORA; meaning \u201c\u201dgift of god\u201d\n\n\nViolet\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From the English word violet for the purple flower\n\n\nZoe\n \u2013\u00a0Means \u201clife\u201d in Greek\n\n\n\n\nMost popular baby boy names 2020\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAsher\n \u2013\u00a0Meaning \u201chappy, blessed\u201d in Hebrew\n\n\nAtticus\n \u2013\u00a0From a Roman name meaning \u201cfrom Attica\u201d in Latin\n\n\nBrandon\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning \u201chill covered with broom\u201d in Old English\n\n\nCaleb\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Most likely related to Hebrew \u05db\u05bc\u05b6\u05dc\u05b6\u05d1 (kelev) meaning \u201cdog\u201d\n\n\nCorin\n\u00a0\u2013 Derived from French name QUIRINUS, the Sabine word\u00a0\nquiris\n\u00a0meaning \u201cspear\u201d\n\n\nDeclan\n \u2013\u00a0Anglicized form of Irish Deagl\u00e1n, which is of unknown meaning\n\n\nDylan\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From the Welsh elements dy meaning \u201cgreat\u201d and llanw meaning \u201ctide, flow\u201d\n\n\nElijah\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From the Hebrew name \u05d0\u05b1\u05dc\u05b4\u05d9\u05bc\u05b8\u05d4\u05d5\u05bc (\u2018Eliyyahu) meaning \u201cmy God is YAHWEH\u201d\n\n\nEverett\n\u00a0\u2013 From \u00a0a name derived from the Old English name Eoforheard; meaning \u201cbrave as a wild boar\u201d\n\n\nEzra\n \u2013\u00a0Meaning \u201chelp\u201d in Hebrew\n\n\nFelix\n \u2013\u00a0From a Roman cognomen meaning \u201clucky, successful\u201d in Latin\n\n\nFinn\n \u2013\u00a0From Irish fionn (older Irish finn) meaning \u201cfair\u201d or \u201cwhite\u201d\n\n\nGrayson\n \u2013\u00a0From an English surname meaning \u201cson of the steward\u201d\n\n\nHunter\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From an occupational English surname for a hunter\n\n\nIsaac\n\u00a0\u2013 From the Hebrew name \u05d9\u05b4\u05e6\u05b0\u05d7\u05b8\u05e7 (Yitzchaq) meaning \u201che will laugh, he will rejoice\u201d\n\n\nJack\n\u00a0\u2013 A slang word for \u201cman\u201d\n\n\nJasper\n\u00a0\u2013 Meaning \u201ctreasurer\u201d in Persian\n\n\nJoseph\n\u00a0\u2013 From the Hebrew name \u05d9\u05d5\u05b9\u05e1\u05b5\u05e3 (Yosef) meaning \u201che will add\u201d\n\n\nKai\n \u2013\u00a0Meaning \u201csea\u201d in Hawaiian\n\n\nLeo\n \u2013 Meaning \u201clion\u201d in Latin\n\n\nLevi\n \u2013\u00a0Possibly meaning \u201cjoined, attached\u201d in Hebrew\n\n\nLiam\n \u2013 Short form of William, which was\u00a0composed of the elements wil \u201cwill, desire\u201d and helm \u201chelmet, protection\u201d\n\n\nLogan\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0From a surname which was originally derived from a Scottish place name meaning \u201clittle hollow\u201d in Scottish Gaelic\n\n\nLucas\n\u00a0\u2013 Derived from Luke, which meant \u201cfrom Lucania\u201d, a southern part of Italy\n\n\nNoah\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Derived from the Hebrew name \u05e0\u05b9\u05d7\u05b7 (Noach) meaning \u201crest, comfort\u201d\n\n\nOliver\n\u00a0\u2013 Meaning \u201colive tree\u201d\n\n\nReuben\n\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Meaning \u201cbehold, a son\u201d in Hebrew\n\n\nSebastian\n \u2013\u00a0From the Latin name Sebastianus which meant \u201cfrom Sebaste\u201d\n\n\nSilas\n \u2013 Derived from Silvanus, a Roman name derived from Latin silva \u201cwood, forest\u201d\n\n\nTheodore\n \u2013\u00a0Meaning \u201cgift of god\u201d in Greek\n\n\nXavier\n \u2013\u00a0Derived from the Basque place name Etxeberria meaning \u201cthe new house\u201d\n\n\n\n\nClearly the popular names of the \nlast few years\n (like Emma and Liam) have become mainstays in the list. A few oldies but goodies have made it back in the list (like Victoria and Charlotte \u2013 must be the royal English influence!). \n\n\nTips on choosing a baby name\n\n\nChoosing baby names can be hard. You may have no idea what to name your child, or you may have a long list of names that you love. Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect name for your little one.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAvoid trends\n. Trends come and go, but your children will have their names for life (unless they choose to change it). Ask yourself if the name you are choosing for your baby will sound ridiculous in 10 years time. Or if it will tempt other children to make fun of it in school.\u00a0\n\n\nCheck the initials\n. You might want to ensure that your baby\u2019s initials doesn\u2019t spell something odd, or worse, rude. For example, Charlotte Olivia White.\u00a0\n\n\nContemplate possible nicknames\n. Think about the potential nicknames that other people may give your child.\u00a0\n\n\nConsider sibling names\n. It may be strange to have one child with a very common name and another with a very unique name. You may want to consider giving your kids names that go well together. After all, it\u2019s likely that you\u2019ll be saying the same breath very often.\u00a0\n\n\nCheck the meanings\n. This is an important step so it safeguards you from choosing a name with a meaning that is horrifying to you.\u00a0\n\n\nContemplate its uniqueness\n. Unique names can be fun. However, names that are too unique can make it hard for your child to grow up with. Ask yourself if it is too hard to spell or pronounce. After all, you surely don\u2019t want your little one to have to continuously teach others how to say their name.\u00a0\n\n\nDecide on the spelling\n. Some parents decide to go with unconventional spelling for a common name to make it unique. However, gossly misspelled names can make it incredibly difficult for your child to spell, pronounce and explain.\u00a0\n\n\nHave a look at your family tree\n. If you don\u2019t seem to be able to find the \u2018perfect\u2019 name, why not look at you or your partner\u2019s family tree for inspiration? Choosing a name that has a strong significance can be really special for your families.\u00a0\n\n\nSay it aloud.\n Saying the chosen name for your baby out loud can help you decide if you want to go with it. Does it flow well together? Or is it a mouthful to say?\u00a0\n\n\nEnjoy the process\n. Don\u2019t stress out too much if you can\u2019t seem to decide on a baby name. Some parents only find the \u2018perfect\u2019 name when their baby is born. If you make a mistake and regret the name you picked for your baby, don\u2019t worry! You can use a nickname or if you want, legally change it, although this does require a large amount of paperwork and some fees.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSo? What do you think? Do you think these will be the most popular baby names for 2020? Let us know in the comments.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\nTip keibubapaan\nMusim Membeli Belah Kembali-Ke-Sekolah: Senarai Semak untuk Pelajar Sekolah Rendah & Menengah\nKesihatan\nFahami Impak Cacar Air Daripada Diari Doktor Pakar\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n6 Sikap Ibu Yang Mengganggu Perkembangan Nutrisi Si Manja, Jangan Terlalu Tegas!\n\n\nIf you love unique names, check out this list of \n103 beautiful Korean baby girl names\n that you will fall in love with. \n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/childproofing-your-home", "title": "9 household items that can put your children in grave danger", "body": "We watch our kids like hawks when we go out to ensure their safety. But did you know your own home can house risks to your child\u2019s safety? Now before you get alarmed, remember that being aware of what these risks are is the most important step to preventing accidents. So, without further ado, here are nine common household items that should make your list when childproofing your home.\n\n\n9 Household Items to Watch Out for When Childproofing Your Home\n\n\n\n\n1. Bathtubs\n\n\n\n\nWhether the water is in a bathtub, a wading pool, or even a really large aquarium, young children are especially at risk because they\u00a0\ncan drown\n\u00a0in less than two inches (six cm) of water.\u00a0To prevent accidents, NEVER leave your baby unattended in a bathtub, even for a few seconds. If you have a pool, pond, or even an aquarium, ensure your child cannot fall into it.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Electrical Sockets\n\n\n\n\nWhen childproofing your home, start covering all your electrical sockets just before your little one starts crawling and cruising. This is to prevent those curious little ones from sticking their tiny fingers in. Make sure the covers are on tight so that it cannot be pried open easily and double check that you do not miss any of the lower sockets that are within reach.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Drawers\n\n\n\n\nSome kids are born natural climbers.\u00a0Remember a toddler\u2019s near-fatal accident when \nthe drawer\n toppled over? Or the one where the child\u2019s\u00a0\ntwin brother managed to save his brother from under the fallen drawers\n? When childproofing your home, always secure shelves and drawers to the wall so that they do not fall over and cause unwanted accidents.\n\n\nThe same goes for flat-screen TVs that should be securely attached to your wall.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Window blind cords\n\n\n\n\nAccording to a\u00a0\nstudy published in the journal\u00a0\nPediatrics\n, 17,000 children under six years old suffered window blind-related injuries or death from 1990 to 2015. Most of the children were found entangled or \nstrangled by the cords\n.\n\n\nIf you have blinds or curtains installed at home, be sure to knot the cords higher up so that your little ones cannot reach them.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Hot Kettle\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe kitchen is probably the most dangerous place for any child to be left alone in. Kettles, knives and washing detergents are easily found in kitchens, on stoves and in cabinets.\n\n\nBe sure to have safety gates installed to deter your little ones from entering the kitchen, as well as safety locks on drawers and cabinets. Always make sure hot kettles and any other hot pans and dishes are kept out of reach.\n\n\nIf something is cooking on the fire, double-check that the handle is turned away from the front of your stove, so your little one cannot grab it.\u00a0\n\n\n6. Sharp Edges of Furniture\n\n\n\n\nFalling and knocking into things are part and parcel of growing up. But you can reduce the chances of major injury by putting guards on the sharp corners of your furniture. They might look a little ugly for a while but hey, at least your bubs will be safe.\n\n\n7. Medicine\n\n\n\n\nAlways, always keep all medications locked in a cabinet that is out of your children\u2019s reach. Swallowing medication that is not meant for children has been known to cause \nfatal accidents\n.\n\n\n8. Glasses\n\n\n\n\nDo not let your children use glasses or glass cups until they are ready. Glass can break very easily and young children can hurt themselves because they lack the capacity to understand the danger. So store away the glasses and give them plastic cups instead.\n\n\n9. Small Objects\n\n\n\n\nAny small things lying around the house are potential choking hazards especially during the phase when babies put everything into their mouths. Keep such items stored away and always make sure to cut fruits into bite-size portions to reduce the chance of choking.\n\n\nNever underestimate the importance of childproofing your home. Your little one\u2019s safety should always be top priority.\n\n\nMums and dads, it\u2019s not enough for just you to be aware of these safety tips. Please remember to share this information with your maids, nannies or any other caregivers of your little ones.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Ways Mums Affect Their Child\u2019s Nutrition Without Knowing It\nMoney Parenting\nTwo Goals In One! Money Parenting Through Fun\nKesihatan\nSeorang Doktor Yang Juga Seorang Ibu Menyarankan Ibu Bapa Semua Untuk Ambil Tahu Tentang Vaksin\nMoney Parenting\nUnderstanding How To Handle Money Through Real Life Experiences\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/family-bonding", "title": "Why Soup Is The Easiest Solution to Get Families to Bond Together", "body": "For many parents, in between jobs, children, after-work social life, forgetting about family mealtime is common. Although these days, while being in lockdown, more and more parents are realizing the importance of family bonding and sharing time and meals together at the dinner place.\n\n\nHere in Malaysia, we always bond over food. Often you hear people greet each other with \u201cHi, how are you? Have you eaten?\u201d. In fact, many will catch up with one another over a meal. Most children too, if you asked them, will say they are more likely to talk to their parents over meals.\n\n\nEveryone leaves behind their work, house chores and games with no gadgets or distractions in sight, just to sit down and relax, laugh, tell stories with each other as a family.\n\n\nFamily Dinner Means Better Family Bonding\n\n\n\n\nLooking at every family drama on television, family dinner is often for an occasion with rice, \nlauk-pauk\n, soup and few discussions about how hard school was. Although it is cliche, the familiar scene highlights an important part of being a family, the togetherness and the meals that brought them together.\n\n\nParents with busy schedules will often find themselves looking for the perfect time to strengthen family bonds, and eating together provides just the perfect platform. Younger children will feel a sense of security while older children will feel a sense of belonging in the family.\n\n\nResearch examining 5,000 teenagers has shown that when children eat with their parents regularly, they are more likely to be \nemotionally strong and have better mental health\n. Teens who ate regular family meals were also more likely to be adjusted have good manners and communication skills\n1\n.\n\n\nThe Most Versatile Meal: Soup!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nOften forgotten or toss to the side, you can never deny the versatility of soup. Whether the weather is cold out, or sunny bright, you\u2019d be happy to savour a bowl of soup with wondrous flavour.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to its marvellous taste, soup has also long been lauded for its health benefits. In just about every culture from an early age, if we get sick, we were often told to eat chicken soup to feel better. \n\n\nIn fact, this has been hailed as a remedy dating back to the 12th century when Moshe ben Maimonides, an Egyptian Jewish physician and philosopher praised its health benefits\n2\n.\n\n\nSoup is often eaten as a side dish or a meal on its own. These days, with many recipes to try, you can even make a savoury dish out of soup! That warm bowl of goodness serves perfectly as a little pick-me-up. When we feel too tired to cook, coming down with a cold or simply in the middle of a busy day, we can always rely on tasty soup to make our stomach happy.\n\n\n\n\nIn Asian dishes, soups are prepared beyond your regular chicken and cream. We incorporate many spices that are passed down from one generation to another. Our soups are hearty as we want to convey the feeling of fullness to people that eat our cooking.\n\n\nAs a mom myself, I enjoy preparing soup as it is the easiest and healthy meal to prepare for my son. He might be a picky eater, but he won\u2019t know that I have added nutritious vegetables and spices to it! All he knows is that the meal is warm, yummy and makes him happy!\n\n\nSoup is also an easy meal for children to help prepare, all they need to do is put everything in the bowl while stirring gently! Allowing children in the kitchen create a great opportunity for parents to bond with them.\n\n\nIn addition, children that help out in the kitchen hone their basic math skills in measuring and reading when they are asked to check out the recipe.\n\n\n Many know children are notoriously picky eaters, however, letting them help you cook to get them to open up to a new palate. Encourage them to try the new ingredients you\u2019re working with and share their benefits.\n\n\n\n\nMy personal favourite when it comes to soup is the leftovers! Soups always come in a big batch, once you\u2019re done with your meal, you can freeze them and cook them again for the next day.\u00a0\n\n\nIf I make chicken soup the night before, for the next day, all I need to do is thaw it in the pot, add in some pasta and more seasoning and garnish with some cheese and voila, here comes a new meal!\n\n\nGo Down Memory Lane With Campbell\u2019s Soup\n\n\nMaking a meal together with your child does not have to be complicated. What matters most is the food tastes good and memories are built for eternity.\u00a0\n\n\nGet ready to create #countlesspossibilities in your own kitchen with Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soups. We even prepared\u00a0 a simple recipe for you to try yourself:\n\n\n15 Minute Chicken & Rice Dinner\n\n\n\n\nPreparation time:\n 5 min\n\n\nCooking time:\n 15 min\n\n\nServing size:\n 4 people\n\n\nIngredients:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1 1/4 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast\n (4 small or 2 large cut in half lengthwise for thinner pieces)\n\n\n1 tablespoon vegetable oil\n\n\n1 can (10 1/2 ounces) Campbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup\u00a0\n\n\n1 1/2 cups water\n\n\n1/4 teaspoon paprika\n\n\n2 cups uncooked instant white rice\n (for creamier rice, decrease to 1 1/2 cups)\n\n\n2 cups fresh or frozen broccoli florets (about 6 ounces)\n\n\n\n\nMethods:\n\n\n\n\nSeason the chicken with salt and pepper.\n\n\nHeat the oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat.\n\n\nAdd the chicken and cook for 6 minutes or until browned on both sides \n(to prevent sticking- make sure the skillet and oil are hot before adding the chicken)\n.\n\n\nRemove the chicken from the skillet.\n\n\nStir the soup, water and paprika in the skillet and heat to a boil.\n\n\nStir in the rice and broccoli.\n\n\nReduce the heat to low. Return the chicken to the skillet.\n\n\nSprinkle the chicken with additional paprika.\n\n\nCover and cook for 5 minutes or until the chicken is done and the rice is tender.\n\n\nSeason to taste before serving.\n\n\n\n\nYou can also view more recipes to start exploring #countlesspossibilities on \nCampbell\u2019s Soup Malaysia\u2019s Youtube channel\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThere you go, mums! We\u2019re pretty sure these yummy and easy recipes will save you from another episode of \u201cmenu burnout\u201d.\n\n\n\n\nChoose convenience and enjoy more quality time with your loved ones. Get your favourite Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup flavours, heat up your pots and pans and enjoy a delicious gastronomic journey with #CampbellsMY Condensed Soup because #OneCampbellsCountlessPossibilities!\u00a0\n\n\nFor more recipe ideas, exciting contests and product info, follow \nCampbell\u2019s Soup Malaysia on Facebook\n now.\u00a0\n\n\nReady to stock up your pantry with Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup? Buy now at your nearest convenience store.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n(August 2004) Eisenberg M., Olson R., Neumar-Sztainer D., Correlations Between Family Meals and Psychosocial Well-being Among Adolescents from \njamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/485781\n\n\n(n.d.) Dr Harold Gunatillke, Healing Powers of Chicken Soup from \nwww.doctorharold.com/articles/soup.html\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Running Out of Food Recipes? Check out these 12 Easy Ideas on YouTube!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/buy-a-car-for-your-teen", "title": "Bring on the Budget: Buying a Car for Your Teen", "body": "As a parent, one of the challenging milestones is when your child reaches 17 years old and passes the driving test.\n\n\nWhile they\u2019re anxiously waiting to get their hands on their very first vehicle, you\u2019re trying to figure out how to provide them with a car that works well, is safe, and will not break your bank in the long run.\n\n\nHere are four tips to help guide you and your teen as you choose the best car, while enabling the parent and child bonding to grow in the process!\n\n\nTo Buy a New or Used Car?\n\n\nThe first question any parent might ask themselves in the quest to buy a car for their child will most likely be, \u201cShould I buy a new or a used car?\u201d. This guide to help you identify which option works best for you.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Budget\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to set a budget that you\u2019re comfortable with; this will make the car selection process smoother. With a set budget, you can easily shortlist the cars within your target spending and in line with your child\u2019s needs or preferences.\n\n\nIn addition to that, a budget will help set a proper down payment for the car you\u2019re planning on buying. It may also help you financially by providing some breathing room for future instalments.\n\n\nSetting up a budget is easy. Here are some guidelines that you can use to set your spending limit:\n\n\n\n\nIncrease your deposit:\u00a0\nWhen buying a used car, a larger deposit equals to lower monthly payment. Putting down at least 20 per cent of the total car price into your down payment will significantly lower your monthly payments in the future.\n\n\nLimit your monthly car expenditure:\n You should be able to live comfortably and meet your lifestyle needs after deducting your debt which includes the monthly repayment amount for the car. The 50/30/20 budget method is a good rule to follow where your needs (which include car payments, utilities, loans) are 50 per cent of your monthly income, while 30 per cent should be your wants (shopping, dining) and 20 per cent goes into your savings.\n\n\nShorten your loan term:\n\u00a0Extending your loan term to nine years might seem like a great deal, but when you consider the cumulated interest, you end up paying more than you should. It\u2019s best to go for a shorter loan term of five or seven years if your budget allows it\n\n\n\n\n2. Financing\n\n\nOnce you have a budget, it is time to work out the financial aspect of owning a car. For this, it is better to have a thorough discussion with your child so that they can be prepared on what to expect as a car owner.\n\n\nFor comparison, we will be looking at the financing option for two similar models \u2013 the brand-new Proton Saga 1.3L Premium AT and a used 2020 Proton Saga Premium 1.3L.\n\n\nLet\u2019s say you have RM10,000 that you can fork out for the down payment and a monthly budget of RM500 for the monthly instalment. The brand-new Proton Saga costs RM39,800.00. With a down payment of RM10,000 and a five-year loan with a 3.5 per cent interest rate, you will end up with a monthly instalment of RM583.58, as calculated \nhere\n.\n\n\nMeanwhile, the used 2020 Proton Saga Premium 1.3L can cost as low as RM35,200 at Carsome. with a down payment of RM9,973 plus a five-year loan, you will end up with a monthly instalment of only RM494.\n\n\n\n\nSo, it is RM583.58 vs RM494, which means you are paying 15 per cent less! Both amounts may seem affordable, but if you\u2019re going to hand over this responsibility to your child once they become a working adult, this surely needs some consideration between the both of you.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Maintenance\n\n\nAfter considering your ability to finance the car for your child, the next most important thing to look at would be the maintenance aspect.\n\n\nIf you are going with a new car, it is advisable to service the car only at an authorized service centre with proper workmanship to keep its warranty valid.\n\n\nBut on the flip side, these authorized service centres limit your choices when it comes to maintaining the car. Bear in mind that maintenance at authorized service centres might be costly, especially if you continue beyond your warranty period.\n\n\n\n\nMeanwhile, if you go for used cars, you are free to choose which workshop to send it for service, if the car has passed its warranty period. This works great if you already have a trusted workshop that you\u2019ve been visiting, even more so if the workshop is close to home and it fits right in your monthly maintenance budget!\n\n\nTo top it off, you don\u2019t have to worry about calling any authorized centres if the car has a sudden breakdown. You can pull up mobile applications on your smartphone and have certified professionals coming to look at the car in just a few taps, anytime you want!\u00a0\n\n\n4. Safety\n\n\nWhen it comes to buying a car for your child, safety would be a major concern for parents. Needless to say, brand new cars are equipped with the latest systems and measures to ensure the well-being of its passengers, but it comes with a price.\n\n\nFor example, let\u2019s look at the brand-new Proton Saga 1.3L Premium AT. At the price of RM39,800.00, it offers twin front SRS airbags, Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) with Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD), Electronic Stability Control (ESC) with Traction Control System, Brake Assist, Hill Hold Assist, Front and Rear Parking Sensors, as well as a reverse parking camera, all covered under the Proton warranty.\n\n\nAnd then we have the used 2020 Proton Saga Premium 1.3L, a similar car with similar safety specifications that goes for only RM35,200 at Carsome. That\u2019s a saving of more than RM4,000.\u00a0\n\n\nDealership or Online?\n\n\nNow that you\u2019ve decided on which car you\u2019re going to buy for your child, it\u2019s time to decide on which route to choose.\n\n\nLooking for a Dealership\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve chosen to buy a new car, you might prefer to go to a dealership to proceed with the purchase. It is helpful if you can find a dealership that meets all your needs.\n\n\nBut what happens when your needs are not met? You might end up with less than exemplary service, and if they do not have available units, you probably have to wait a few months or even a year to get the car you have planned on buying.\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nAlso, you might have to spend a lot of effort (and petrol money) to settle the deal with a physical dealership that satisfies your requirements.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBuying a Car Online\n\n\nAlternatively,\n \nonline platforms offer a convenient and trusted solution to browse for cars conveniently.\n\n\nSome platforms even offer you the feature to make a booking for a home test drive. All you have to do is submit your details, and they will send the car right to your doorstep. With only a few clicks, you can find all the cars you want in the comfort of your home.\u00a0Online platforms have made it easier to pay for your purchase as well, as various payment methods are now supported.\n\n\nHowever, a major concern when it comes to buying a car online is that you might not be able to physically inspect, and interact with the car you\u2019ve chosen. Some platforms offer you a detailed report with clear images (some even come with a 360-degree view) of the car you have selected, to offer you that peace of mind.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re still unsure and would like to research further, check out \nCarsome\n. With a huge inventory of quality used cars, it won\u2019t be difficult to find one that suits your teenager.\n\n\n\n\nDecisions, Decisions\u2026\n\n\nOwning a car is a major step forward in the life of a young adult. As a parent, you need to talk to your child first before gracing them with a car to ensure they are ready to accept such a responsibility.\u00a0\n\n\nOnce they understand the reality of owning a car, they could prepare themselves mentally and physically to become a proper car owner, and you would have one less thing to worry about in the future\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article was inspired by \u201c\nBring on the Budget: Buying a Car for Your Teen\n\u201d on Carsome.my\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHow to Encourage Character Building for Children in Positive Manner\n\n\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nutrient-absorption-2", "title": "The Importance Of Nutrient Absorption For Growing Kids", "body": "Parents, if you\u2019re reading this article, it means that you are curious to find out more about nutrient absorption and its role in your child\u2019s development.\n\n\nPerhaps you have found that your child is not growing well or you are concerned about their physical development.\n\n\nNutrient absorption does play a role in your child\u2019s overall development but most parents may not know what it is.\n\n\nWe are here to break it down for you.\n\n\nNutrient Absorption: What Is It?\n\n\n\n\nA quick Google search will take you to a lot of scientific articles or journals that are packed with medical terms that most laymen would not understand off the bat.\n\n\nSomething so important to our children\u2019s health should not be too hard to understand.\n\n\nNutrient absorption, simply put, is the main function of our small intestine.\n\n\nSo we know the human body has a large and a small intestine. The large intestine is used to absorb water and salts from the material that has not been digested as food, and get rid of the remaining wasted products.\n\n\nThe small intestine carries out most of the digestive process, absorbing almost all the nutrients obtained from food consumed\n1\n.\n\n\nSome of the nutrients absorbed by the small intestine include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, iron, vitamins, and water\n2\n.\n\n\nBut did you know what if yours, or your child\u2019s body is lacking certain nutrients, the absorption of other nutrients may not be as effective.\n\n\nComplementary Nutrients: Eating Right For The Whole Family\n\n\n\n\nWhat is now known as food synergy, nutritionists are advising people to eat foods that complement each other in nutritional value for better nutrient absorption.\n\n\nNutrients never stand alone. In fact, they have relationships with each other that we need to understand in order to enhance our nutrient absorption.\n\n\nThere are some key nutrients that are crucial in a child\u2019s development, such as vitamin C, iron, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, protein, to name a few.\n\n\nSo as parents, it\u2019s pertinent to know what we are feeding our kids and how the nutrients complement each other.\n\n\nFor example, if you are feeding your child plenty of vitamin C in their diet, they are more likely to absorb iron effectively. To put it into real meals, if you\u2019re eating a lot of dark leafy vegetables, which are rich in vitamin C, the body is able to absorb more iron from fish or lean meats.\n\n\nWhen the two foods are paired together, it makes for good food synergy.\n\n\nAnother example is Vitamin D and calcium, wherein vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which are all key nutrients for strong bones\n3\n.\n\n\nVitamin B12 and folate are another two top nutrients that are talked about in child development. Folate is dependent on vitamin B12 to be absorbed, stored and metabolised\n4\n.\n\n\nWe commonly feed our kids meat, eggs, milk, and other foods of animal origin, which are rich in vitamin B12, while natural sources of folate include leafy green vegetables, beans, and legumes.\n\n\nKeeping Nutrient Absorption In Mind\n\n\n\n\nSince milk is a staple in our children\u2019s diet, it is also important to ensure the focus is on nutrient absorption when choosing our child\u2019s milk.\n\n\nDumex Mamil\u00ae has a Unique Prebiotics Mixture GOS/lcFOS (9:1) to maintain a good intestinal environment, which supports good nutrient absorption for your child\u2019s overall growth and health\n56\n.\n\n\nIt is engineered with D-GestPro+\u2122, which is a combination of Unique Prebiotics Mixture GOS/lcFOS (9:1), Protein, Calcium and Vitamin D sourced from cow\u2019s milk as well as a 96mg DHA* content.\n\n\nWith all the nutrients in place to complement each other, you can be sure that your child\u2019s nutrient absorption is on the right track.\n\n\nKeen to try out Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+? Visit Dumex Mamil\u2019s \nwebsite\n for more information.\n\n\n*Mamil Step 3 DHA content, based on 3 servings/day\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1 \nCollins, J. T. (2020, August 10). Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Small Intestine. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459366/\n\n\n2 \nLibretexts. (2020, August 14). 22.13A: Absorption in the Small Intestine. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from \nmed.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Book:_Anatomy_and_Physiology_(Boundless)/22:_Digestive_System/22.13:_Absorption/22.13A:_Absorption_in_the_Small_Intestine\n\n\n3 \nHarvard Health. (2009, July). Nutrition\u2019s dynamic duos. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from \nwww.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/Nutritions-dynamic-duos\n\n\n4 \nHarvard Health. (2009, July). Nutrition\u2019s dynamic duos. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from \nwww.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/Nutritions-dynamic-duos\n\n\n5 \nSlavin J. Fiber and prebiotics: mechanisms and health benefits. Nutrients. 2013;5(4):1417-35.\n\n\n6 \nCoudray C, Demigne\u0301 C, Rayssiguier Y. Effects of Dietary Fibers on Magnesium Absorption in Animals and Humans. J Nutr. 2003;133(1):1-4\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/montigo-colgate", "title": "Say Goodbye To Coffee Stains With Montigo x Colgate", "body": "Montigo, Malaysia\u2019s first thermoregulated drinkware brand has recently announced an exciting collaboration with the well-known international oral care brand, Colgate. Thanks to this partnership, lucky coffee lovers will be able to bring home a box of Colgate\u2019s Optic White toothpaste when they purchase Montigo products, specifically the Knight\u2019s Tumbler or Sense Coffee Cup.\n\n\n\n\nA new yet established brand, Montigo was created with the sole purpose of offering drinkware that\u2019s made to be with you every step of the way \u2013 during your daily activities, at your most passionate, or at your best or worst. In conjunction with International Coffee Day, Montigo, together with Colgate, aims to help those currently combating the problem of stained teeth by providing free Colgate Optic White toothpaste to lucky customers.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe aim to provide drinkware that keeps you hydrated throughout the day while catering to the evolving needs of Say Goodbye To Coffee Stains With Montigo x Colgate Montigo celebrates International Coffee Day with a special collaboration with Colgate your lifestyle. Coffee is the most popular drink in the world after water, but many coffee lovers are shocked to discover their favourite morning cuppa stains their teeth. Thanks to our friends at Colgate, we\u2019re able to provide added value to our customers so that they don\u2019t have to give up their cuppa joe to protect their teeth\u201d, explained Marcus Lim, Brand Manager of Montigo.\n\n\n\n\nFrom 15th October, Montigo will offer exclusive deals on their coffee collections including:\n\n\n\n\nBuy any two Sense Cup and receive 15% OFF\n\n\nBuy any two Knight\u2019s Tumbler and receive 15% OFF\n\n\nBuy Knight\u2019s Tumbler and Sense Cup together and receive 15% OFF\n\n\n\n\nFind out more about the Montigo Coffee Month campaign at shopmontigo.com or visit their offline pop-up booths across these shopping malls in the Klang Valley: Starling Mall, Paradigm Mall, KL East Mall, Central i-City.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nTAP Reviews: Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App\nGaya Hidup\nPenjagaan Oral Yang Baik Dapat Mengurangkan Mabuk Hamil, Ini Cara Penjagaan\n#PendidikanKewangan\nMengapa Pendidikan Kewangan Penting\nHealth\nEvery Parent\u2019s Worst Nightmare: When Children Fall Really Ill And We Can\u2019t Do Much\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/babies-and-pets", "title": "Babies and Pets: Can They Co-Exist?", "body": "Can babies and pets co-exist? Read this mum\u2019s answers to frequently asked questions about babies and pets living in the same home.\n\n\nFur Mum Is Pregnant\n\n\nWhen my husband and I adopted a female Siamese cat in the \nfirst trimester of my pregnancy\n, we received so much flak from other people for bringing home a potential baby hazard.\n\n\nThere were warnings of how the cat fur would give my child asthma, breathing problems, rashes, allergies, and a whole slew of other health problems. And until today, the queries have not stopped.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re curious whether your pet and baby can co-exist harmoniously, this article should address your concerns.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable of Contents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWill My Pet Hurt My Baby?\n\n\nWill the Animal Hair Give My Baby Allergies?\n\n\nHow Do I Prepare My Pet for the Baby?\n\n\nPets and Babies Living in Harmony\n\n\nMaking Sure Your Baby Is Safe Around Pets\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWill My Pet Hurt My Baby?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUnless your pet is the aggressive sort and exhibits signs of violence, or is fiercely protective about his territory, there is nothing to worry about! Most dogs are good with children while most cats are very docile by nature, so there is no reason why your pet would attack your baby.\n\n\nEven in the event that your unknowing toddler agitates your pet by handling it roughly, it is not common that your pet would attack in response. Most of them would simply walk away from the offending tiny person.\n\n\nWill the Animal Hair Give My Baby Allergies?\n\n\nTheoretically, animal hair is not much of an allergen \u2013 it is the stuff that gets trapped in the fur that causes allergic reactions. So keeping your pet clean will reduce the chances of allergic reactions.\n\n\n\nHowever, it is essential to note that parents with any form of allergy would have higher chances of genetically passing on the tendency of having allergies that may or may not be similar to the parent.\n\n\n\nThere has also been scientific proof that early exposure to pets in a baby\u2019s life may reduce the chances of the child developing allergy-related symptoms like \nasthma\n.\n\n\nIt seems as though it may possible for newborns to get accustomed to fur (and the allergen particles that may be found in tit) and avoid forming any allergies in the first place.\n\n\nWill my pet be jealous of the new baby? \n\n\nUnless your pet is usually the type who doesn\u2019t care much about how many hugs she gets a day, most pets will come to feel neglected after the baby arrives. They may be moody, have reduced appetite, and may even go through stages of withdrawal from human contact.\n\n\nThus, even if we might be overwhelmed by the demands of a new baby, it would be important to dedicate some one-on-one time to our pet daily. In other words, our pets should be given the same treatment that we would give to any existing older children in the house.\n\n\nHow Do I Prepare My Pet for the Baby?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re one of those pet owners who believe that your dog or cat can understand human language, share the news of your pregnancy with them as you would to an older child.\n\n\n\nPets often play the role of an older sibling \u2013 playing with and watching over the newborn when mum\u2019s not watching \u2013 and preparing them for a new member in the family is crucial.\n\n\n\nIt would be advisable to set up the baby\u2019s room earlier so that your pet can get used to the changes in the house. If you would prefer your pet to stay off the baby\u2019s crib or even out of the baby\u2019s room, this would be a suitable time to start training your pet about the new boundaries.\n\n\nAlthough it may sound far-fetched for some, it would be a good idea to expose your pet to babies before you\u2019re actually due. Animals have a much sharper sense of hearing than us, and the piercing cries of a newborn may prove too much for their sensitive ears.\n\n\nUltimately, getting them used to the sights and sounds of a newborn will prepare them better for what\u2019s to come.\n\n\nPets and Babies Living in Harmony\n\n\nI know many success stories of parents who raise their offspring in the presence of pets and none have any horror stories to tell. In fact, most pets take well to the \nintroduction of a new family member\n and even go on to form meaningful human-animal relationships.\n\n\nIt\u2019s most likely that your pet will eventually become your child\u2019s best playmate, and the relationship will cultivate your child\u2019s love for animals.\n\n\nMy baby (who is no longer truly a baby anymore) loves to play with our pet cat and even invites her into bed to nap with him. He has not suffered any pet-related ailments and now at 20 months, I believe he probably will not start having problems with animal fur.\n\n\nSo if you were to come up to me and ask me if babies and pets can co-exist, my answer would definitely be \u2018yes\u2019!\n\n\n\n\nMaking Sure Your Baby Is Safe Around Pets\n\n\nBaby\u2019s safety is our top priority, especially when pets are around. We all know how unpredictable animals are, and how our baby\u2019s movements affect the animals.\n\n\n\nWe need to never lose our eyes when babies and pets are playing together. Always make sure that you will supervise all of their interactions, and know the behaviour of your pets so you can avoid any possible harm to the pets and babies.\n\n\n\nThere are a lot of risks when owning a pet, however, we cannot deny the fact that pets promote a healthy lifestyle and can improve\u00a0one\u2019s or your child\u2019s social and emotional development.\u00a0 But, how can we reduce any risks and ensure the safety of babies and pets from each other?\u00a0\n\n\nHere are the things that you need to know for babies and pets safety.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nBaby Safety Measures Around Dogs\n\n\n\n\nDogs are very aggressive, so \nNEVER let your baby or child alone with dogs\n no matter how well you know the dog.\n\n\nCheck your child\u2019s every action\n to prevent scratches or movements that can harm your dogs, because they might lead to dog bites.\n\n\nEven if dogs are well-trained, they can still attack you for no reason, so ensure that they know how to gently interact with your babies.\n\n\nCheck your animal\u2019s mood\n, so you\u2019ll know when they will not snap at your baby or injure your child.\n\n\nMake sure that you will \nnot let your baby or child play with dogs if they are eating, sleeping, or just woken up from sleep\n.\n\n\nBabies do not understand dangers and dogs are likely to be confused. \nIf your dog is signalling any stress, move your baby away from the dog.\n\n\nNot only you will prioritise your baby\u2019s safety, but you also need to check and \nbring your dogs to the vet\n, so you\u2019ll know if your dog carries any diseases or viruses. In that way, it will not only help your dog\u2019s health but also your child\u2019s and you of course.\n\n\nEven if there\u2019s a baby around, check as well if there are any changes on your dog\u2019s skin or if there\u2019s any skin irritation.\n\n\nKeep clean around dogs and make sure that the feeding equipment of your dogs is clean.\n Your dogs should be well-groomed and be up to date with their vaccinations.\n\n\n\n\nBabies and Cats\n\n\n\n\nUnlike dogs, cats are very gentle and easy to take care of and play with. You can approach cats easily if they sense that you will not do harm.\n\n\nHowever, the cat is still an animal. They are unpredictable too, and you can provoke them to scratch and bite for no reason. So here are the things you can avoid to ensure the safety of your cats and babies to each other.\n\n\n\n\nDo not approach or let your baby near your cat, if cats are eating, sleeping, or peeing.\n\n\nCats are scared of sudden movements and shouting. So if your baby or child tends to do a lot of motions, move them away from your cat to avoid sudden reactions from your cat too.\n\n\nRead your child\u2019s and cat\u2019s body language.\n\n\nIf you want your baby to play with the cat, \nmake sure that your baby is a bit far from your cat\u2019s tail, so you can avoid scratches from cats\n. This scares them and may lose patience.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nKeep your cat clean and well-groomed\n, so it cannot contact any diseases that might compromise its health and your baby\u2019s.\n\n\nBring your cat to the vet\n for advice, to know more about its safety and health around children.\n\n\nKeep your cats away from environments that can lead them to have diseases and carry viruses.\n\n\n\n\nHere are the things that a parent and a pet owner need to remember when petting a dog or cat and having a baby around, so it will not be harder for you, to prioritize their safety and can create an amazing relationship for the cats, dogs, and babies.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAgain, if you\u2019re asking if dogs and cats are a danger to babies, always remember that pets are pets, and are very unpredictable.\n\n\n\nThere are a lot of risks your child can get if you will be owning a pet, specifically, dogs and cats. Most problems that parents are worried about are the diseases, allergies, and viruses it might carry that can be passed on to your child, and affect its \nstill-developing immune system\n.\n\n\nFret not, parents! Because as long as you are avoiding the risk of infections by cleaning up, removing uneaten foods, keeping away your pet from your child\u2019s toys and nursery, and can manage to be a responsible pet owner, it will not cause any problems.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nSudden Infant Death Syndrome: SIDS Causes, Risk Factors and Tips for Prevention\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Identifying Children With High IQ: An Age-By-Age Guide For Parents\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Can My Child Grow Double Eyelids?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/financial-hacks", "title": "6 Financial Hacks That will Help You Save More Money", "body": "We are still in the recovery period of the Movement Control Order (MCO) and we are grateful for the fact that the worst is about to come to an end.\n\n\nThe outbreak has started to subside but the aftermath of it has hit some of us pretty badly in terms of mentally and financially. Loss of jobs, source of income, and many unforeseen circumstances are some of the repercussions vis a vis Covid-19.\n\n\nIn these crucial moments, the things that can truly save us are the ways we manage our financial situation and what we can implement to better our condition.\n\n\nWe are no expert in both economy and finance, but we figure these 6 financial hacks should be able to help you kick start your financial saving goal today.\n\n\n1.\u00a0Delayed gratification\n\n\n\n\nHave you experienced a situation in which you have planned everything perfectly for your monthly budget, keeping track of your daily expenses only to find that by the end of the month, a budget leakage destroys your entire budget plan?\n\n\nHow could things go sideways when you have planned your monthly budget? What could be amiss?\n\n\nIt\u2019s time to check on your spending habits.\n\n\nDid you buy something out of impulses?\n\nDid you treat yourself with expensive treats weekly?\n\n\nIf your answer is yes to one of them, you might have instant gratification, a situation in which you succumb to the temptation to fulfill your desire without delay.\n\n\nThere is nothing wrong with getting what you want but when your financial state is in a dire state because of it, then we suggest making a quick change in your spending habits.\n\n\nDelay your needs, don\u2019t fall prey to the temptation, and separate between your wants and needs which will bring us to point number 2.\n\n\n2.\u00a0Embrace the power of add to cart\n\n\n\n\nCourtesy of Google\n\n\nIt is easy to succumb to the temptation in which all you want to do is to spend that extra money on shopping. Going on full-scale shopping leisure can be extremely tempting but you have to put a stop to it.\n\n\nIt\u2019s hard to curb our shopaholic side but you can help to keep your finances in check by adding your items to the shopping cart.\n\n\nBy adding to cart, not only you have the power to curb your desire from spending your money at one go, but ultimately it will protect you from any\n\n\nimpulse purchases. It would probably something that you might regret later on. So that you can stop having a pity party with yourself thinking\n\n\n\u2018\nWhy did I buy that in the first place?\u2019\n\u2018\n\n\n3.\u00a0Build up your emergency saving\n\n\n\n\nEmergency savings should be your top priority. Experts recommend saving up for 6 months worth of emergency savings.\u00a0\n\n\nYour emergency saving is meant for the future goal that can sustain you in the future in the case of bad tidings. Hey, we can\u2019t predict the future, so it is best to be prepared for it.\n\n\nThink of your emergency saving, as your back up plan in case you run into any unfortunate circumstances like losing a job, family, or car emergency or medical situation that requires a huge sum of money.\n\n\nUnder no circumstances, you are to touch your saving unless the situation calls for it. It is what emergency saving is for.\n\n\n4.\u00a0Go with cash or cashless?\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nSome people prefer a good old fashioned way to purchase by using cash. The trick is to draw a significant amount of cash based on their budget. It certainly helps to keep your finance in check and limit your spending on unnecessary things.\u00a0\n\n\nOn the other hand, some people do enjoy being a part of a cashless society. You no longer have to pay cash and you don\u2019t have to carry them in your wallet.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are using direct debit, chances are that you might overspend and not being conscious about how you spend.\n\n\nNot a fan of having to tap your card or key in your ATM card pin? Use your phone instead and utilize e-wallet apps like Boost, Touch n Go, Grab Pay, and more in which you will get instant rebates for your purchases.\n\n\nCashless society doesn\u2019t sound so bad, right?\n\n\n5. Get extra income\n\n\n\n\nShould you save money or earn more money?\n\n\nWe say why not both?\n\n\nLiving frugally can only support your financial situation for a while like canceling subscription of your Netflix account or eat cheap meals. But a side hustle that pays well, man that can go a long way and would be able to make a significant impact on your financial situation.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can have a part-time job, look for a better job, or get a raise.\n\n\nThere are tons of part-time jobs that you can do so that you no need to rely solely on your saving.\n\n\nIf you lost your job, touch wood, at least you have something to back you up financially.\n\n\n6.\u00a0Read more financial tips and articles\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are striving on a path of financial freedom in the future, you have to be prepared for it by equipping yourself with knowledge of finance.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are tons of finance websites like RinggitohRinggit, RinggitPlus, and many more that highlight lots of financial tips and investments if you live in Malaysia.\n\n\nYou can also check out any personal finance channels from Youtube as their videos will guide you on how to save money efficiently and how to invest better.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter all, knowledge is power.\n\n\nTo more financial freedom in the future.\n\n\nWant to save up more when you buy your gifts? Check out\u00a0\nPrintcious\u00a0\nfor more\u00a0\ncustom made products\n\u00a0with great price today.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPrintcious.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/children-short-stature", "title": "Is My Child Too Short?", "body": "No parent wants to suspect their child of having a medical condition or health disorder, but catching a condition early could mean the difference between optimum treatment and outcome, and not being able to do anything effective to help the child. \nThis is especially so when it comes to short stature or stunting.\n\n\nAccording to the 2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey, over one in five (21.8%) Malaysian children below the age of five years is considered stunted, making this a fairly common condition. \n\n\nAs height is a measurement that varies naturally within a population, it may be difficult for parents to tell whether their child is naturally short or is not actually growing well. \nIn view of this, there are three things parents can keep in mind when considering their child\u2019s growth.\n\n\nFirst is the child\u2019s expected height based on their sex and age. \nThis can be measured against standardised growth charts, which come in the form of percentiles or standard deviations. \nIf your child\u2019s height falls below the third percentile for age or is more than two standard deviations below the norm on the appropriate growth chart, then they can be considered short.\n\n\nSuch growth charts are available online from reputable organisations like the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as from your child\u2019s paediatrician and in your child\u2019s school report once they start attending primary school.\n\n\n\n\nThe second factor is the child\u2019s genetic height potential. \nHow tall your child can grow is dependent on the associated genes he or she inherits from both you and your partner. \nTherefore, if you and your partner are both naturally short, it shouldn\u2019t be a surprise if your child is also short. \nHowever, if both of you are tall and your child is short, then it might be a sign that something is preventing your child from achieving his or her full height potential.\n\n\nThird is the child\u2019s growth velocity, i.e. how fast is he or she growing? \nIf your child is growing at a normal rate, then starts to slow down, it is definitely a cause for concern. \nThis can be observed by tracking their growth on the appropriate sex- and age-based growth charts. \nYour child\u2019s growth should be fairly steady, i.e. more or less on the same percentile or standard deviation, throughout their childhood and adolescent years. \nGrowth faltering to a lower percentile is a sign of slowing down in growth rate and should be investigated.\n\n\nCauses and types of short stature\n\n\nThere are many potential causes of short stature, but they can generally be grouped into three categories.\n\n\nThe first \u2013 and most common \u2013 is normal variant short stature. \n\n\nThose within this category are generally short by nature. \nIt could be due to either their genetic potential, i.e. their parents are naturally short, or some unknown reason, i.e. idiopathic. Children in this group are usually otherwise healthy \u2013 just shorter than the norm.\n\n\nThose who are \u201clate bloomers\u201d or \u201clate developers\u201d also fall within this normal variant short stature. Known medically as having a constitutional delay in growth and puberty, such children typically grow steadily, but slowly (usually below the third percentile, according to the growth charts). They achieve puberty much later than their peers,\u00a0 however, they will continue to grow even after their peers have completed their growth, hence will catch up in height with their peers.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe second category comprises intrinsic or primary short stature, i.e. being born with the cause of your short stature.\n\n\nA common reason for this is syndromic disorders, which are typically a result of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. In such cases, short stature is usually one out of a number of symptoms resulting from the main disorder. \nExamples of such disorders include Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Noonan syndrome and achondroplasia, among others.\n\n\nAn intrauterine infection \u2013 where the mother catches an infection during pregnancy that also affects the foetus \u2013 can also cause the baby to be small. Such infections can usually be recognized and diagnosed at birth, allowing the baby to receive appropriate treatment.\n\n\nAlso in this category are babies who are considered small for their gestational age. \nThis can be due to factors concerning the mother (e.g. having chronic conditions like high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease), the baby (e.g. being a twin or having a birth defect) or the placenta (e.g. decreased blood flow to the placenta, placenta previa or placenta abruption).\n\n\nWhile most children in this group tend to catch up in growth after birth, about 15% don\u2019t and will remain small throughout their lives if not diagnosed and treated early enough.\n\n\nThe final category covers secondary causes of short stature. \nThere are multiple causes within this category, but one of the most common in Malaysia is that of nutritional deficiency including protein calorie malnutrition, iron and vitamin D deficiency.\n\n\nVitamin D deficiency is common among children as many children tend to spend most of their time indoors nowadays, resulting in a lack of exposure to sunlight. \nThe sun\u2019s ultraviolet B (UVB) ray is a critical component in the production of vitamin D in our body. Vitamin D is, in turn, vital for the absorption of calcium to build and maintain our bones. In vitamin D deficiency, the bones are soft and bowed especially in the weight-bearing lower limbs resulting in short stature.\n\n\nOther secondary causes of short stature include systemic disorders like gut problems, heart disease or a weak immune system, as well as hormone deficiencies, like growth hormone deficiency.\n\n\nAct fast\n\n\n\n\nIt is important that parents bring their child to see the appropriate specialist \u2013 a paediatric endocrinologist, or at least, a general paediatrician \u2013 if they have any doubts in their mind about their child\u2019s growth.\n\n\nDo not be complacent and hope your child will catch up in height later.\u00a0 Delaying diagnosis shortens the window period for remedy as the bones continue to mature with time.\u00a0 Once fully mature, nothing more can be done to help them to grow any taller.\u00a0\n\n\n Besides this,\u00a0 if your child has an underlying medical condition that is hindering his/her growth, delaying diagnosis and treatment may lead to the prolongation of poor quality of life and the emergence of complications.\u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nPertandingan & promosi\nThe Tale of the Frog Prince comes to Malaysia. Win free tickets here!\nParenting\nReal Mum Review: Skinature By Drypers\nFesyen\nBentuk Badan Berubah Selepas Bersalin? Ini Tips Berkesan Untuk Siluet Badan Lebih Menawan!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Ways Mums Affect Their Child\u2019s Nutrition Without Knowing It\n\n\nHence, if you notice that your child does not seem to be growing as he/she should be, seek help from a paediatric endocrinologist.\u00a0 Do not delay. You may make a significant difference in your child\u2019s future.\u00a0\n\n\nAs the regular measurement of your child\u2019s growth is important, parents can play an active role in monitoring their child\u2019s height. Convenient digital tools such as the Growth Journey\nTM\n mobile app endorsed by the Malaysian Paediatric Association can help parents chart their child\u2019s growth as well as get serial measurements to ensure growth is on track.\u00a0\n\n\nThe article is written by\n Dr Wu Loo Ling, \nSenior Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Endocrinologist of \nSubang Jaya Medical Centre.\n\n\nThis is the personal opinion of the writer or organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of theAsianparent.\n\n\n\nHere at theAsianparent Malaysia, it\u2019s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn\u2019t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Malaysia is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\u00a0\nwebsite\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nWhy Does My Child Only Root For The Bad Guy When Watching TV?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n7 Breathing Exercises For Children That Can Help Them De-Stress And Feel Relaxed\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a010 Sure-Fire Ways to Handle Sibling Rivalry\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lego-bricks", "title": "How Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination", "body": "Play is one of the most important aspects of a child\u2019s life because through games of patty-cake, playing house or building LEGO\n\u00ae\n bricks, children learn to think creatively and develop social skills.\u00a0\n\n\nLEGO\n\u00ae\n\u00a0bricks are the perfect foundation for children to express their thoughts. They can build, unbuild, and rebuild to create worlds beyond their wildest imagination. \n\n\nInspiration can come from anywhere, and they are given free rein to rebuild based on a whole new set of ideas. The possibilities are endless!\u00a0\n\n\nParents are attracted to the idea that brick building offers an open-ended, valuable play and learning experience in every setting. This offers children the freedom to explore, discover and construct their budding minds.\n\n\nBenefits of Tapping into A Child\u2019s Imagination\n\n\n\n\nCourtesy of The LEGO Group 2021\n\n\n\n\nCharlotte Reznik, PhD, a child educational psychologist, associate clinical professor of psychology at UCLA and author of The Power of Your Child\u2019s Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success stated a few benefits from tapping into your child\u2019s imagination\n1\n.\n\n\nThese include:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStrengthens bond between parent and child\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren learn best from their parents. By playing with them, you can encourage spontaneous creative conversations in your daily life which will eventually lead to imaginative thinking.\n\n\nThey encounter new experiences through brick building and from there it leads to countless opportunities for discussion. Take this opportunity to play easy word association with your child and collaborate with them in storytelling.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImproves fine motor skills\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDid you know that children need the same muscles and skills when learning to write? Children that play with LEGO\n\u00ae\n bricks can connect them with a precision that eventually helps to strengthen their fine motor skills while improving their hand-eye coordination.\n\n\nYounger children can build muscles and control by picking up the pieces and putting them together.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProvides relief from boredom\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWith LEGO\n\u00ae\n bricks, children are free to explore their ideas as they embark on a voyage of self-discovery in their imaginative world. Besides that, the bricks are designed in a manner that introduces characters, adventures and storytelling.\n\n\nWith a bit of encouragement, your child can invest their time in building a LEGO\u00ae world that enhances their cognitive abilities and skills from a young age.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCoaches mathematics\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAs the bricks come in many shapes, sizes and colours, this offers ample opportunity for children to practise their mathematical skills. Through brick playing, children will learn about measurements, numbers, symmetry, balance, estimation, and be exposed to quantities.\n\n\nThis encourages them to come up with new ideas through exploration, to problem-solve.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTeaches children to be persistent\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren are notoriously stubborn \u2013 they do what they want when they want to do it. Building LEGO\n\u00ae\n bricks however requires planning skills. While the building process may seem frustrating at first, it also makes children curious as they want to see the end product.\n\n\nRepeated playing with LEGO\n\u00ae\n bricks can help children develop perseverance and overcome their frustration, knowing that their soon-to-be masterpieces will be built, the way that they want them to be built.\n\n\nHow Can Parents Help Boost Creativity With LEGO\n\u00ae \nBricks For Fun Learning?\n\n\n\n\nCourtesy of The LEGO Group 2021\n\n\n\n\nFor children, the sky\u2019s the limit! As parents, you can encourage your child to inject more creativity into brick building by:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProviding all the tools needed in the process\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUsing LEGO\n\u00ae\n bricks as the foundation, tap into your child\u2019s imagination by providing them with different types of bricks that can form extensions from the same brick building.\n\n\nYour child\u2019s masterpiece could be a mega tower, and all you need to do is provide some tiny details to enhance the environment, say, some trees or cars to build up their imagination.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCommunicating the right way\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to boost your child\u2019s communication skills, you need to ask them what they want to build from the beginning. Help them brainstorm some ideas without giving them a definite conclusion.\n\n\nThis way, they are able to set their minds on the loose and eventually encourage and train their thought processes.\n\n\nTamar Chansky, PhD, author and child psychologist stated that parents can foster creativity by not using praises about products\n2\n. With that in mind, instead of saying \u201cGreat job buddy!\u201d, you need to ask questions about the process. Use terms like \u201cyour ideas are creative\u201d or \u201cwhat made you choose this colour?\u201d.\u00a0\n\n\nYour participation and encouragement will boost their confidence and creative set skills without interfering too much, letting your child\u2019s imagination run on its own!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSetting a playdate\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSome children are shy and are still trying to develop their social skills. Being in constant lockdown, some children (especially with two parents in a one-child household) find it hard to interact with other children. When forced to mingle, they will find the situation extremely stressful.\u00a0\n\n\nSince LEGO\n\u00ae\n\u00a0bricks are well-known toys among children, it acts as a common tool that all children will be able to recognise during playdates. \n\n\nAs such, this common thread will not only help your child come out of their shell, it can also help to foster new friendships while the children trade play ideas.\n\n\nTo celebrate children as the masters of creative problem solving and show what can be achieved when they creatively overcome challenges by building and rebuilding with LEGO\n\u00ae\n bricks, the LEGO\n\u00ae\n Group has launched its global Rebuild the World campaign in Malaysia for the first time.\u00a0\n\n\nThe campaign aims to echo this by partnering local early learning and parenting coaches alongside parents to share their experiences as well as tips for parents through weekly Instagram Live sessions in October 2021 with details as below:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMalaysia\n\n\n\n\n16 October 2021, 4pm\n \u2013 Parents can look forward to hearing more about how they can encourage creativity in children through play from actress-parent Diana Danielle and paediatrician Dr Ng Yi-Ki\u2019s (@dryikis_crib) on Diana\u2019s Instagram page (@dianadanielleb).\u00a0\n\n\n23 October 2021, 4pm\n \u2013 To learn how children can foster self-expression through play, parents can also tune in to parent influencer Mia Chai and entrepreneur, Lisa Ong\u2019s (@lovelisa_13) sharing session on Mia\u2019s Instagram page (@miamnmmm).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSingapore\n\n\n\n\n2 October 2021, 11am\n \u2013 Additionally, they can also tune in to the Instagram page of Singapore-based entrepreneur-parent Cheryl Wee (@weecheryl) to understand more about how they can discover a child\u2019s passion through play.\u00a0\n\n\n9 October 2021, 3pm\n \u2013 Singapore-based actress-parent Joanne Peh (@joannepeh) will also be sharing on her Instagram page on raising creative problem-solvers through play.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n(August 3, 2009) Reznick, C. \nThe Power of Your Child\u2019s Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success\n. Retrieved from \nwww.amazon.com/Power-Your-Childs-Imagination-Transform/dp/0399535071\n\n\n(September 2, 2008). Chansky, T. \nFreeing Your Child from Negative Thinking: Powerful, Practical Strategies to Build a Lifetime of Resilience, Flexibility, and Happiness. \nRetrieved from \nwww.amazon.com/dp/0738211850?tag=psychologytod-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow You Can Nurture Your Kids\u2019 Natural Talents Without Pressuring Them\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sensory-processing-disorder", "title": "Does Your Child Have Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?", "body": "\n\n\n\n\n\nSensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a neurological condition that affects how a child perceives and responds to sensory information. This could show up in many different ways. For example, a child with Sensory Processing Disorder may find activities like tooth-brushing or being hugged extremely uncomfortable.\n\n\nKids with SPD can either be over-responsive or under-responsive to stimuli. An over-responsive child could find \u201cnormal\u201d sounds overwhelming\u2014while an under-responsive child may not react to pain, extreme heat, or cold.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSPD is a common disorder, but it isn\u2019t very well understood. Some health professionals think it should not exist as a separate disorder, rather as a symptom of other conditions such as autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. Others believe it should be considered an official medical diagnosis.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCauses of Sensory Processing Disorder\n\n\nThe precise cause of Sensory Processing Disorder is not yet known. Some studies have suggested that this condition is genetic, meaning that it could run in families. There are doctors who believe there\u2019s a connection between autism and SPD.\n\n\nSymptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder\n\n\nSensory Processing Disorder can affect only one sense, like touch or sight, or it can affect multiple senses. Kids with this disorder can be oversensitive or under-sensitive to sensory input or experience a mixture of the two.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\u00a0\u00a0\n5 early signs of autism in toddlers\n\n\n\n\nSigns of an over-responsive child:\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFinds lights too bright\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFinds sounds too loud\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFinds certain textures (e.g., clothes) too uncomfortable\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFinds certain foods to be repulsive\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAppears clumsy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHas poor balance\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAvoids crowds or being too physically close to others\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSeems to be bothered by background sounds others don\u2019t hear\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExtreme response to sudden sounds or touch from others\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSigns of an under-responsive child:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRestless\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConstantly touching things, even when inappropriate\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRegularly chews on things\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnjoys spinning, running, jumping\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDoes not seem to understand personal space\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAccidentally harms others while playing, as if unaware of his/her own strength\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVery high tolerance for pain\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren are more likely to have SPD than adults, although adults are more able to hide their symptoms from other people.\n\n\n\n\nTreatment for Sensory Processing Disorder\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nThere are a few different therapies available for children who have Sensory Processing Disorder:\n\n\n1. Sensory integration therapy (SI)\n\n\nSensory integration therapy is a form of occupational therapy. It uses play activities to teach kids coping skills which help them deal with everyday stimuli.\n\n\n2. Occupational therapy\n\n\nKids who have SPD may need help with their physical movements, as they could be clumsy or lack balance. Occupational therapy can develop kids\u2019 fine and gross motor skills, such as walking up or downstairs and handling utensils\n\n\n3. Sensory diet\n\n\nA sensory diet is not a food diet! It is a series of physical activities that kids with SPD can do at home, to help them with their sensory processing issues. An occupational therapist can help plan a sensory diet for a child, based on his or her individual needs.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-art-of-giving-holiday-season", "title": "5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season", "body": "Watching your children opening up their holiday gifts can be a nerve-wracking experience to some parents. What if the child hates what is given and starts to throw tantrums? Ask any parents in this world, they would say that they want to raise children who not only appreciate gifts that are given to them, but also know the art of giving to others well.\n\n\nHowever, the spirit of generosity does not always come naturally to children. They would want what others have, and they are certainly not afraid to let their parents know that fact.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to a clinical child psychologist and Deakin University Professor, Jennifer McIntosh, when it comes to nurturing generosity and empathy, it is vital children are shown \u2018the roots of empathy\u2019 from a very early age\n1\n.\n\n\nTeaching your children about the art of giving is an amazing way to encourage empathy and show compassion to others. The act of kindness to others also boosts their physical health, happiness, and sense of well-being.\u00a0\n\n\nChildren will feel a sense of purpose and that promotes positive self-esteem. Indirectly, this also helps to increase children\u2019s self-confidence and promote positive behaviours.\n\n\nHow to Teach Your Child the Art of Giving\n\n\n\n\nTeaching your child to show generosity and kindness is not a one-time act, it should be an ongoing process. Persistence and patience are the main keys.\n\n\nHere are a few tips on how to teach your children the art of giving from within.\n\n\nLead by example\n\n\nChildren listen to their parents and often emulate their parents\u2019 actions and words more than you realized. Remember \u2013 you can\u2019t teach your child to be gracious if you are not modelling the same behaviour.\u00a0\n\n\nWork together with your child on how to help the less fortunate. Carry out the art of giving in front of your child so they can observe and learn from you. The lesson here is for them to have more empathy towards others.\n\n\nMake it joyous\n\n\nTeaching our children the act of kindness and giving back should not be yet another task they need to tick off! Instead, get your child involved in the process of buying gifts.\n\n\nAsk them what presents they want to give to others, where to buy them and how to wrap them. Getting them involved in the process makes them excited to do more good deeds in the future!\n\n\nMake giving gifts a family tradition\n\n\n\n\nWe are used to giving other presents only when it\u2019s their birthday or for holiday seasons. Why not treat gift-giving as part of your family tradition that can be passed down from one generation to another?\n\n\nYou can teach your children to give gifts to others just because it makes them feel happy, not just for special occasions. That way, your child will learn how to appreciate others.\n\n\nPractice makes perfect\n\n\nSometimes as parents, we need to learn how to lower our expectations. Children might not be able to apprehend the meaning and the art of giving quickly, however with proper guidance, you will lead them in the right direction.\n\n\nMost importantly, you should never give up on teaching empathy and continue to do so until your child shows positive change on their own. Remember, gift-giving does not only mean physical presents, you can also teach your child to give out to charity or the simplest \u2018donation\u2019 of all time, a smile.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to praise them\n\n\nAfter your child gives away things to others, you must show your appreciation towards their gesture. Children are most likely to give more in the future when they feel that their actions are seen verbally.\n\n\nThe more positive the children feel towards the change they are making, the more likely they will be encouraged to take part in the future!\n\n\nBut Where to Get the Best Gifts? \n\n\n\n\nWith the holiday season coming up, we are most likely scrambling to find the best gifts for our family and friends. Here are some Christmas gifts ideas that you and your family can purchase for others:\n\n\nBook collections\n\n\nWhen you know a bookworm, getting them a set of book collections would be a dream come true! You can never go wrong when picking up someone\u2019s next read. Just make sure you know what genre they like the most.\n\n\nWhere to shop?: Popular Bookstore\n\n\nTabletop football\n\n\nNothing screams family fun time other than a wooden tabletop football. Get this fantastic gift for your child and gather around for a family bonding session after the Christmas dinner.\u00a0\n\n\nWhere to shop?: Toys R Us\n\n\nReed diffuser sticks\n\n\n\n\nWhen looking for a fail-proof gift, reed diffuser sticks with brilliant scents are always a great choice. If you\u2019re feeling festive, opt for one with hints of Christmas such as pine or plum. Plus, with the right packaging, it would be perfect as house decor!\u00a0\n\n\nWhere to shop?: Maison Berger Paris\n\n\nFestive hamper\n\n\nWhen all else fails, getting your loved ones a hamper with all the sweet treats is an excellent fallback. We especially love cookies and popcorns that are Christmas-themed (think macadamia red velvet cookies, choco mint, butter caramel popcorn, cocoa melt popcorn, and many more!), perfect to be enjoyed by everyone of all ages.\u00a0\n\n\nWhere to shop?: Eureka & Famous Amos\n\n\nYour Ultimate Christmas Shopping Destination\n\n\n\n\nWe personally think the best place to find the perfect Christmas gifts should be under the same roof!\u00a0\n\n\nSo come celebrate the magical Christmas season with Sunway Velocity Mall. In light of coming together to celebrate this festive season, Sunway Velocity Mall ushers in \u2018Together for Good\u2019 to spread joy and happiness.\u00a0\n\n\nWith the theme that personifies the community rebuilding and reuniting again for a common goal, Sunway Velocity Mall has everything for everyone!\n\n\nWant to create a magical experience for your children? Just bring your children over to the Main Atrium to light up the giant Christmas tree and experience the beautiful lights yourself! What\u2019s more, you can also teach your children the art of giving by donating to charities at the Concierge counter, Ground Floor.\u00a0\n\n\nReceive a token of appreciation upon your donation as any small amount helps the good cause!\n\n\n\n\nPlus, get your child to take insta-worthy photos at Sunway Velocity Mall\u2019s Christmas Stations and upload the image on Facebook or Instagram and tag @sunwayvelocitymall & hashtag #SVMChristmas2021 #SunwayForGood.\n\n\n For every photo uploaded and tagged, Sunway Velocity Mall will be a step closer to donating more essentials to the needy.\n\n\n\n\nSunway Velocity Mall is bringing in a fun engaging digital experience for all shoppers with a Christmas Guardians Augmented Reality (AR) that features five (5) interactive games.\n\n\nWhat the shoppers are required to do is to complete all 5 AR games that can be found in Sunway Velocity Mall\u2019s Christmas Stations around the mall such as Main Atrium, in front of Popular, Sushi Zanmai, and L5 Commune. And you will get to redeem mystery gifts such as Sunway Lagoon Annual Pass worth RM689, cash vouchers, and many more!\n\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more you can also spend and redeem exclusive merchandise from Sunway Velocity Mall here. All you need to do is spend RM300 & RM600 to redeem exclusive gifts and vouchers (limited stock only!).\n\n\nKeep Your Distance & Stay Safe\n\n\nIf you are planning to visit the mall or other public premises, remember to always practice the safety measures such as monitoring physical distance, sanitizing, and wearing masks. While visiting the mall, do abide by the measures in place that have been set by the mall and their respective stores.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information, please visit the Sunway Velocity Mall\u2019s \nwebsite\n or check out their \nFacebook page\n for live and latest updates!\n\n\nReference:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n(Nov 28, 2018) First Five Years. \nTeaching children the joy of generosity. \nRetrieved from \nwww.firstfiveyears.org.au/child-development/teaching-children-the-joy-of-giving\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n9 Things To Say To Your Kids Every Day\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-and-child-tracker-app-review", "title": "TAP Reviews: Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App", "body": "As a mum, we\u2019re guessing you probably have more than one pregnancy and child tracker app mobile application downloaded to track your child\u2019s development, or give you helpful advice when tackling your obsession with your growing up child\u2019s poop \u2013 so on, and so forth.\u00a0\n\n\nBut these mobile applications can take a bulk of your phone storage and you might not have enough left to store all your child\u2019s adorable pictures you take. So, what if we told you we found an app that has all the features mums love, packed into one?\u00a0\n\n\nWell, we recently tried the Enfamama A+ Club Mobile app and we love it.\u00a0 Just read on for our honest review and why we think you should probably give it a go too.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is the Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App?\u00a0\n\n\nThe app positions itself as the \u201cperfect app for mums\u201d where you can track your pregnancy journey, as well as your growing up child\u2019s milestones. The app offers personalised guidance according to the details you input which include your pregnancy stage, or if you have a child aged one and above.\u00a0\n\n\nSome of the key features of the app include:\n\n\n\n\neducational content resources;\n\n\npregnancy tracker;\u00a0\n\n\nmommy checklist;\n\n\nchild poop tracker;\n\n\nchild milestone tracker;\n\n\nchild sleep tracker; and\n\n\na growth tracker.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSo, is it really useful?\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s our review of the Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App\n\n\nWhen you first download the app, you\u2019ll have to sign up. A bonus point is that you can even sign up by connecting it to your Facebook \u2013 our preferred method because it is just faster to register that way.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter that, the app requires you to answer simple questions including if you are pregnant, as well as if you have a child aged one and above. Once you\u2019re done, voila! You\u2019re logged into the app.\n\n\n\n\nAt first glance, the homepage dashboard is extremely easy on the eyes \u2013 it is not busy, plus it\u2019s quite user-friendly and easy to navigate. There is even a quick access feature under the \u201cActions\u201d section which you\u2019ll get to if you scroll down a bit further. Here, you can navigate to your trackers and search up any topics of interest quickly.\n\n\nTracking your pregnancy & child\n\n\nOf course, the main feature of the pregnancy and child tracker app that mums value most are the trackers. So, let\u2019s talk about that first.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen it comes to tracking your fetus or growing up child, the app will alter according to what you want to track. For example, if you are expecting and already have a toddler at the same time, you should have revealed these details when signing up.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, your pregnancy has its own trackers, while your toddler\u2019s trackers are separate from this on the app \u2013 you cannot access both of these trackers at once. So, you can easily switch between your fetus and child at the area below your name under \u201cYour little one is\u201d. Once you have selected which you would like to track, the app will refresh and you can click on \u201cChild & me\u201d on the bottom right corner to access the trackers.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, what trackers are there? Here what you\u2019ll see if you are tracking your pregnancy:\u00a0\n\n\n1# Mommy Checklist\n\n\n\n\nAs a first-time mum, this pregnancy and child tracker app is an especially helpful (and a super smart) feature to upkeep your well-being during your pregnancy. We know mental health is extremely important during a pregnancy journey because a happy mummy is a happy child, so they say. This feature acts as a checklist that caters to your stage of pregnancy. It lists a simple to-do checklist, which you can tick off every action once you have done it. It covers your mental health, as well as your communication, motor and social activities. It gives you simple tasks that you should be doing according to your pregnancy stage from reminding you to take a nap to make sure you avoid hot showers! \n\n\n2# Pregnancy Weight Tracker\n\n\n\n\nGaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy helps you monitor the growth of your developing fetus, but how much should you be gaining? Well, that\u2019s what this pregnancy and child tracker app is for. Here, you can input your weight before pregnancy, your current weight, height and which week of pregnancy you are in. Then, the app will automatically calculate whether your weight gain is normal or not. It will also share what is the ideal weight gain and provide important facts about your fetus\u2019 development, as well as what supplements you should be taking \u2013 a very useful add-on for pregnant mothers to keep track of their growth.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd here\u2019s what you\u2019ll see if you are tracking your growing up child:\n\n\n1# Poop tracker\n\n\nWe all know our child\u2019s poop is a glaring indicator of their digestive health, which is why we\u2019re often obsessed with their poop colour and texture. Well, instead of googling every time, this feature gives you the information you\u2019re looking for right away. It has \u201cpoop records\u201d which will detail the date, time and feeding type (i.e solids, etc). You then have to choose the colour and texture that best resembles their poop at the time. The app will then auto-analyse to provide a possible cause of the poop colour, as well as if this is normal or if you should visit your doctor. Plus, with this poop log, you can provide more information for your doctor to make a more accurate diagnosis.\u00a0\n\n\n2# Sleeping tracker\n\n\nIt is no secret that sleep is important, especially for children which is why it is always advised to track their sleeping pattern. This feature makes it easy to do that. It is especially great because it has a timer that you can just press to start when your child falls asleep! When your\n \nchild is awake just press pause and it will automatically log in their sleep pattern. But you can also log in their sleep manually if you forget to start the timer.\u00a0\n\n\n3# Milestone tracker\n\n\nThere are many developmental milestones for your child aged one and above, where you might not catch each one. With this tracker, it lists all the milestones your\u00a0 growing up child should be experiencing at their age or stage. You can tick it off every time your child reaches a new milestone and this way, you\u2019ll know your child is developing well.\u00a0\n\n\n4# Growth tracker\n\n\n\n\nTo know if your child\u2019s \u2013 who is aged one and above \u2013 height, weight, head circumference and body mass index is developing at the ideal and usual rate, this growth tracker will calculate these details for you. Once you place in the details, it will calculate whether your child is developing normally, as well as above or below average. It also gives tips on how to nurture your child development too.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe app\u2019s content bank is a goldmine\n\n\nBesides the useful trackers, the app also offers a multitude of educational content.\u00a0\n\n\nAs a mummy, we spend a lot of time researching about our child \u2013 the what-to-dos, the how-tos and more. To make it easier, the Enfamama A+ Club Mobile App readily provides you with all the content you probably need and it is sorted out according to your pregnancy stage, as well as your child\u2019s one-year-old and above age, as well as stage. To top it off, there is video content too.\u00a0\n\n\nWe particularly love their pregnancy articles as it details what you should expect at every stage of pregnancy \u2013 a lifesaver for first-time mothers!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, it also provides educational resources for common issues such as how to soothe a crying toddler at night, digestion issues, lactose intolerance, as well as useful information on your one-year-old and above child\u2019s overall development. Yup, it is all at your fingertips in one app \u2013 no more scouring Google endlessly!\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a Bonus! You can also request for free Enfamama A+ samples\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSince it is an Enfamama A+ Club app, it also ties in all their maternal and growing up products. So, pregnant mums can actually request for free samples which we think is a great way to save money as you can try out products before splurging. To top it off, mums with a growing up child aged one and above can request for a voucher (at only RM20!) to redeem a 600g Enfagrow A+ MindPro trial pack!\n\n\nMeanwhile, there are app-exclusive promotions so you can get more for your money\u2019s worth and you can shop their maternal and growing up milk products directly on the app \u2013 the products are also categorised according to children\u2019s ages and stages too.\u00a0\n\n\nOur final verdict? It\u2019s mummy must-have!\u00a0\n\n\nIf we managed to convince you, you can head over \nEnfamama A+ Club Mobile app\n for more information.\u00a0\n\n\nPlus, if you sign up and download the app, you can enjoy club benefits that are worth up to RM700!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBoosting Their Immune System: 5 Ways To Keep Your Growing Up Child Fit and Strong\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-washing-hands-is-crucial-and-how-to-choose-the-correct-hand-wash", "title": "Why Washing Hands Is Crucial and How to Choose the Correct Hand Wash", "body": "Personal hygiene is important. We all know this but in today\u2019s fast-paced lives, it is easy to forget the basics. However, in the past year and a half, the \nCOVID-19 pandemic\n has reminded us all about \nthe importance of personal hygiene \n\u2013 \nwashing hands\n being among the most fundamental ones.\n\n\nFrom the \nWorld Health Organisation\n to leading \nscientists and doctors\n all over the world, everyone has been emphasising on the importance of washing hands and the correct way to do so.\n\n\nThe importance of washing hands for general health and well-being\n\n\n\n\nNow, pandemic or no pandemic, for general health and well-being in day-to-day life, maintaining hygiene is crucial and \nhandwashing is a key element\n to help get rid of germs and prevents diseases. However, we cannot ignore the fact that amidst the COVID-19 crisis, the \nimportance of hand hygiene\n has become even more important.\n\n\nHandwashing becomes even more pertinent in households with children as they are curious and tend to touch practically everything that comes in their way- soil, floor, doors, handles, toys and books to name a few. Plus, their \nimmunity systems\n are not as developed and this makes them more vulnerable to infections and diseases.\n\n\nDid you know that according to \nstudies\n it is estimated that washing hands with soap has the potential to reduce diarrheal diseases by 42 to 47 percent?\n\n\nThis is where a good, reliable hand wash or soap comes into play. Even the \nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention\n recommends using soap and water to wash hands properly to prevent the spread of pathogens like viruses and bacteria that carry deadly diseases.\n\n\nChoosing the correct hand wash for your child and your family\n\n\n\n\nNow that we have established the \nimportance of handwashing\n for your family\u2019s health and well-being, the next question is which hand wash to go for? Today, there is no dearth of handwash brand and choices in the market.\n\n\nAdditionally, there is an excessive influx of information online as well as offline. This can easily overwhelm us as consumers making it difficult to choose the correct hand wash. I can say this with confidence because as a\n new mom that too in the age of a pandemic,\n this is a struggle I go through myself on an everyday basis.\n\n\nI believe for any family; the right kind of hand wash would not only help kill germs but would also be kid-safe so we don\u2019t have to buy multiple products or worry about the side effects of harsh chemicals on our children.\n\n\nPlus, it needs to be gentle on our skin because we need to wash our hands repeatedly, especially in homes with young children.\n\n\nLet me introduce you to Kirei Kirei- Japan\u2019s No.1 Hand Wash. Lion\u2019s Kirei Kirei is an anti-bacterial foaming hand wash that kills 99.9% of germs, and is dermatologically tested.\n\n\nSafe to use for the entire family, this foaming hand wash is formulated with 100% cleansing ingredients derived from plants, and is proven gentle on the skin.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhy choose Kirei Kirei as your family hand wash?\n\n\n\n\nWhile there are numerous brands in the market selling hand wash and foams, Kirei Kirei has managed to establish a niche for itself not only in Japan but across the region. Launched in Japan in 1997, Kirei Kirei has built a reputation in the past two and a half decades.\n\n\nToday, the brand is present in seven different countries holding the No.1 Hand Wash position in Japan, Korea, Singapore and Thailand and is all set to enter Malaysia aiming to help young kids and their parents stay clean, safe and healthy.\n\n\nHere\u2019s why Kirei Kirei is the hand wash for you and your family:\n\n\n\n\nRemoves 99.9% Germs: \nKirei Kirei formulated with Isopropyl Methylphenol (IPMP) that is effective in removing a wide range of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi, and thus provides superior protection against germs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRich, creamy and fine foam for effective cleaning:\n The bottle of this handwash is specially designed so it instantly dispenses an ample amount of rich, creamy foam that is very fine making cleaning more effective than ordinary liquid hand wash. The very fine foam easily removes dirt even without rubbing.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12x more volume than ordinary liquid handwash: \nEasy and thorough cleaning for younger kids. The foam makes it easier to spread thoroughly all over hands to the fingertips, more effectively cleaning a bigger surface area \u2013 useful for young kids.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA sustainable choice: \nWhat makes Kirei Kirei stand out among ordinary handwash brands are its uniquely designed bottles that avoid spillage and reduce wastage furthering the cause of sustainability. The foam is easy to rinse off, hence uses less water. This means you can get more hand washes per package with foam-based hand wash and help the environment by saving water as well as packaging and transportation carbon footprint. Furthermore, they offer refill packs encouraging users to cultivate the habit of refilling to help reduce wastage for a greener, cleaner planet.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMake hand washing fun for your kids: \nKirei Kirei literally means \u201cClean Clean\u201d in Japanese. This is a popular phrase used by moms to encourage good hand hygiene among kids in Japan. The foaming hand wash comes in a cute packaging with fun characters and vibrant colours making the hand washing routine a fun activity for kids and a bonding opportunity for families.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA trusted brand as Japan\u2019s No.1 Hand Wash: \nKirei Kirei has been Japan\u2019s No.1 hand wash for almost two decades and is widely popular across the region. It is a trusted brand in over seven nations. This gives mothers assurance and a peace of mind that it is a good quality product.\n\n\n\n\nKirei Kirei is a foaming hand wash that not only provides maximum protection against germs but it also makes a mundane everyday task fun for kids and for the family. This foaming hand wash is the best choice for you and your family.\n\n\nLearn more about Kirei Kirei Malaysia \nhere\n\u00a0 and follow them on \nFacebook\n to get more updates. Check out the Kirei Kirei Shopee Mall \nhere\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nSimple Methods to Prevent the Spread of Germs and Diseases\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-nipple-cream-in-malaysia", "title": "Suffering From Nipple Blisters? Try These Mum-Approved Nipple Creams", "body": "During pregnancy, a woman\u2019s nipples become slightly larger and more sensitive to prepare for breastfeeding. And as she begins breastfeeding her baby, she may experience \nnipple or milk blisters,\n especially when her baby suckles for too long or too hard. This is when a good nipple cream comes in handy, so mum can continue breastfeeding comfortably.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough a nipple cream is generally used during breastfeeding, some pregnant mums actually start applying it during pregnancy as an early preparation.\u00a0\n\n\nAs both mum and baby are new to breastfeeding\n, they are bound to encounter difficulties such as getting the right posture, in the early days. Using a good nipple cream not only helps make learning breastfeeding more bearable for mum but also soothes her with the much-needed comfort before, during and after breastfeeding.\u00a0\n\n\nChoosing The Right Nipple Cream During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\nTo help you \nminimise the risk of nipple sores and/or blisters\n during pregnancy and breastfeeding, we have shortlisted 7 of the best nipple creams that are available at your nearest physical stores and online. These nipple creams are chosen based on the criteria below:\n\n\n\n\nQuality ingredients\n\n\n\n\nAll ingredients in the cream must be safe for mom and baby.\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture\n\n\n\n\nComfort is key when breastfeeding, so you have to ensure that the nipple cream applies smoothly and is not too thick or sticky. Pure lanolin cream has a thick texture and provides all-day protection, while blended lanolin is lighter but may need to be applied a few times a day.\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDepending on the ingredients, certain nipple creams may have a slight smell and taste. Most babies are not bothered by this but those who are more sensitive to smells and tastes may react by rejecting your breasts.\n\n\n7 Best Nipple Creams For Pregnancy and Breastfeeding\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Mama\u2019s Choice Intensive Nipple Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nUnlike other products that use lanolin as its main ingredient, Mama\u2019s Choice uses 100% natural ingredients, is free from harmful chemicals and best of all, is also safe if swallowed.\u00a0\n\n\nThis product has also gone through many rounds of lab tests, so you can be sure of its quality and that it is perfectly safe for mum and baby. Experience a soothing sensation with Mama\u2019s Choice intensive nipple cream that not only treats cracked and sore nipples but also conditions dry skin and improves skin elasticity.\n\n\nMama\u2019s Choice nipple cream is also Halal-certified, so it is suitable for Muslim mummies.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\nQuality ingredients:\n\n\n\n\nLanolin helps condition dry skin\n\n\nDate palm is known as an antioxidant with anti-ageing benefits. It soothes and hydrates cracked and sore nipples\n\n\nA hydrating edible oil that functions as a natural emollient to hydrate dry and tight skin\n\n\nShea butter from the shea tree is anti-inflammatory and protects the skin to stay soft and smooth\u00a0\n\n\nVitamin E to moisturise and strengthen the skin barrier function\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture:\n\n\n\n\nSoft and light, easy to apply on the skin\n\n\nHypoallergenic and dermatologically tested to be suitable for all skin types\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste:\n\n\n\n\nNone \u2013 so baby can enjoy a fuss-free nursing session with mummy\n\n\n\n\n Mama's Choice Intensive Nipple Cream \ndari\n \nMama's Choice\nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#2 Medela Purelan \u2013 Lanolin Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nPurelan Lanolin Cream is made of 100% lanolin. What makes this product stand out is the fact that it is not tested on animals. We approve! Purelan is also effective in treating any dry skin problems such as cracked lips, rough elbows and knees as well as cracked heels.\n\n\nIt is also 100% natural and perfectly safe for babies, so there is no need to wipe it off before you breastfeed your little one.\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\nQuality ingredients:\n\n\n\n\n100% lanolin and free from preservatives\n\n\nHypoallergenic and suitable for mums and babies with sensitive skin\n\n\nSafe if swallowed so there is no need to wipe off before breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture:\n\n\n\n\nIt has a thick texture that sinks into the skin and doesn\u2019t leave a sticky residue\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste:\n\n\n\n\nNone, so it is baby-friendly\n\n\n\n\n Medela Purelan Nipple Cream (7g) - \nRM72.00\n5\n/5\nshop now\n\n\n#3 Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Nipple Cream\n\n\n\n\nSONY DSC\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nLansinoh HPA Lanolin Nipple Cream is the number one nipple cream that is recommended by mothers and doctors in the USA and clinically proven to be safe for mum and baby.\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\nQuality ingredients:\n\n\n\n\n100% natural lanolin, free from preservatives, parabens, smell and taste\n\n\nHypoallergenic and suitable for mums and babies with sensitive skin\n\n\nSafe if swallowed so there is no need to wipe off before breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture:\n\n\n\n\nThick, yet easy to apply\n\n\nIt may leave a stain but can be easily removed with a laundry detergent\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste:\n\n\n\n\nNone, so it is baby-friendly\n\n\n\n\n Lansinoh Nipple Cream - \nRM24.50\nPilihan editor\ndari\n \nLansinoh\n5\n/5\nshop now\n\n\n#4 Pigeon Nipple Care Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nPigeon is a well-known brand and a trusted manufacturer of breastfeeding and baby care products. Lanolin acts as a great moisturising agent that is able to penetrate deep into the skin to nourish it from the inside. It can be used from the third trimester to overcome sore nipples, combat dryness and maintain healthy skin.\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\nQuality ingredients:\n\n\n\n\n100% natural lanolin\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHypoallergenic\n and suitable for mums and babies with sensitive skin\n\n\nSafe if swallowed\n so there is no need to wipe off before breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture:\n\n\n\n\nThick and non-greasy\n. Helps treat dry and cracked skin as it keeps the skin\u2019s moisture intact\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste:\n\n\n\n\nNone\n\n\n\n\n PIGEON Nipple Care Cream (50g) - \nRM49.00\n5\n/5\nshop now\n\n\n#5 Ardo Lanolin Nipple Repair Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nArdo is a top-grade nipple cream that is made in Switzerland. It is highly popular in Europe and has long been a go-to repair cream for mums with dry and sensitive skin. This nipple cream keeps the skin\u2019s moisture intact and is also recommended by medical professionals.\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\nQuality ingredients:\n\n\n\n\nNo additives or preservatives\n and safe if swallowed\n\n\nMade of \n100% natural lanolin\n via a special extraction and purification process\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture:\n\n\n\n\nVery light and non-greasy\n\u00a0\n\n\nNo need to rinse your hands after application as it doesn\u2019t leave a sticky residue\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste:\n\n\n\n\nNone, hence it is a \nhypoallergenic\n product\n\n\n\n\n Ardo Lanolin Nipple Repair Cream - \nRM35.90\ndari\n \nArdo\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Lazada\n\n\n#6 Organic Nipple Butter Breastfeeding Cream by Earth Mama\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nThis nipple butter is loved by many mums around the world. It is made of 100% natural beeswax, so we highly recommend it. It is a trusted product that is also widely used in pediatric wards around the world.\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\nQuality ingredients:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOrganic beeswax\n that softens the skin without being greasy\n\n\nLanolin-free\n\n\nOrganic Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Seed Butter, Organic Shea (Butyrospermum\u00a0 Parkii) Butter and Organic Mango (Mangifera Indica) Seed Butter that soften skin and protect against dryness\n\n\nNON-GMO\n \u2013 safe for baby\n\n\nClinically-tested\n to ensure it does not irritate mummy\u2019s skin\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture:\n\n\n\n\nVery light and non-greasy\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo need to rinse your hands\n after application as it doesn\u2019t leave a sticky residue\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste:\n\n\n\n\nNone, hence it is a \nhypoallergenic\n product\n\n\n\n\n Organic Nipple Butter Breastfeeding Cream by Earth Mama - \nRM72.10\ndari\n \nEarth Mama\nBeli di Shopee\nBeli di Babydash\n\n\n#7 Philips Avent Moisturising Nipple Cream\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this great?\n\n\nPhilips Avent Moisturising Nipple Cream is a blend of lanolin, coconut oil and aloe vera. It is one of the best creams in the market to hydrate and soften dry and cracked skin. Partner this with your Philips Avent Breast Pump for a smooth breastfeeding journey!\n\n\nWhat we love about it:\n\n\nQuality ingredients:\n\n\n\n\nCoconut oil \nto soothe the skin after breastfeeding\n\n\nAloe vera \nto soften and hydrate the skin \n\n\nNatural lanolin \nto keep skin moisturised and supple\n\n\n\n\nFeel and texture:\n\n\n\n\nLight and soft \nfor easy application\n\n\n\n\nSmell and taste\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlthough it is fragrance-free, there is a slight natural smell to it, which might irritate some babies\n\n\n\n\n Philips Avent Moisturising Nipple Cream \ndari\n \nPhilips\nBeli di Shopee\n\n\nWe hope these nipple creams will help you throughout your breastfeeding journey. \n\n\nHappy trying!\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHelpful Breastfeeding Basic Tips for the New Mum Within the First 6 Months\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-natural-remedies-for-cough-and-cold-during-pregnancy-2", "title": "5 natural remedies for cough and cold during pregnancy", "body": "That tickle at the back of your throat is the first sign of an unwelcome intruder into your body and is enough to throw you into a frenzy of pill-stocking at the local pharmacy under normal circumstances.\u00a0\nBut now that you have a little bub cozying up in your oven. Whether you are in your first trimester or ready to pop, perhaps you want to go \nau naturel\n in ridding yourself of this pesky cold?\n\n\nBelow are some holistic time-tested remedies that you should definitely try to bring some relief without fear of potential nasty side effects.\n\n\nNatural Remedies for Cough and Cold During Pregnancy\n\n\n1.\u00a0Garlic\n\n\n\n\nRaw or cooked garlic is a great natural rermedy \u2013 just remember to gargle afterwards!\n\n\n\n\nGarlic is a great bacteria-fighting \nsuperfood\n. If you can eat it raw, atta girl! Otherwise, peel four to five cloves of garlic, lightly crush, and then saut\u00e9e it before adding\u00a0it to your favourite dish.\n\n\nAlternatively, you can juice four cloves of garlic, two tomatoes, and a lemon to make a delicious antibacterial and antiviral drink. If juices are not your thing, take the same ingredients, puree them and voila! You have a lovely tomato soup. Add a dash or salt, pepper and even light cream and you are good to go.\n\n\n2.\u00a0Herb Teas\n\n\nHerb infusions \nare readily available at your nearest supermarket. Choose from ginger, chamomile, and lemon flavours.\n\n\nGinger has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine from time immemorial to unclog the respiratory system and get rid of \u201cwind\u201d which is believed to be the culprit of aches and pains.\n\n\nChamomile is great for its general antiviral and anti-bacterial properties. Besides, when you breathe in the soothing aroma of your chamomile tea, is there anything more calming?\n\n\nLemon has got huge amounts of vitamin C which boosts the immune system \u2013 great for pregnant women whose immune systems are naturally lowered during this period. Lemon strengthens the body to enable it to fight its battles.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTake a deep breath and relax with our healthy recommendations to fight the bug.\n\n\n\n\n3. Honey Ginger Lemon Mix\n\n\nBut maybe the last thing you want to do is run out to the supermarket when you are just about ready to fall on your face.\n\n\nFret not, make your own power-drink with readily available ingredients.\n\n\n\n\nTake a tablespoon of freshly grated fresh ginger and place in a bowl of boiling hot water.\n\n\nAllow it to stand for about five minutes.\n\n\nStrain the water into a cup of warm water.\n\n\nAdd a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and another tablespoon of honey.\n\n\nMix together and taste. Add more honey to sweeten as preferred.\n\n\n\n\nGinger is used widely in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for getting rid of\u00a0excessive toxin and helps the body to\u00a0recover properly, according to Ivy, a TCM practitioner from\u00a0The Learning Corner.\u00a0Honey has great anti-bacterial properties and this power-packed drink is yummy!\n\n\n4. Apple Cider Vinegar\n\n\n\n\nHighly recommended \u2013 take apple cider vinegar by itself or add it into food.\n\n\n\n\nMany nutritionists swear by \napple cider vinegar\n and with good reason. It\u2019s great for preventing coughs and colds when taken in the right amounts and also helps push the nasties out when you do fall sick.\n\n\nOn the one hand, when your body gets sick, your body turns alkaline. Apple cider vinegar helps neutralise illness so your body becomes inhospitable to the viruses. On the other hand, it thins your mucus down so it is easier for you to expel it and you breathe easier.\n\n\nMoreover, it contains vital minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon and fluorine that are essential in regulating bodily functions.\n\n\nIf you cannot abide its sour taste, take it in your salad or mix it with maple syrup or honey.\n\n\n5. Berries\n\n\n\n\nYummy and healthy!\n\n\n\n\nWhile our tropical climate might mean that berries are not always available, when they are, load up on them. They can be used as powerful natural remedies against cough and colds.\n\n\nAll \nberries\n are full of antioxidants, but the one to surpass them all in healing properties is the blueberry. Antioxidants are integral in ridding your body of toxins that could be the cause of your sniffles and irritated throat. Either juice them into a shake or perhaps mix a handful into your favourite brand of natural yoghurt. While they may not be as soothing as a hot drink, they do their job in fighting the virus.\n\n\nCoughs and colds plague the average individual about once or twice a year, and with a weakened immune system during pregnancy, it seems as if this is inevitable. You don\u2019t want to introduce potentially harmful chemicals to your little bub, but you are worried that a prolonged infection would affect his growth. These home remedies will doubtless allow you a more well-rested sleep and hopefully tide you over through this down period quicker.\n\n\n(Remember, do take these foods in moderate amounts! Seek a doctor\u2019s advice if in doubt or if your body develops a reaction to any of these remedies. These should not be taken as a complete substitute to medicine for serious cases of cough and cold.)\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nWhat other home remedies do you fall back on when the cold season comes around? Leave a comment below and tell us!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/indoor-family-activities", "title": "3 Easy Indoor Activities to Keep The Kids Entertained", "body": "Katie Hurley, a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist and author of \nThe Happy Kid Handbook\n, said playing provides both tension relief and a safe space to tackle difficult topics. Children use their endless imagination to play and utilise different kinds of manipulatives such as dolls, building bricks, colouring books, and more to express their emotions. Playing also helps children \ndevelop cognitively,\n physically, socially and emotionally. This is especially helpful with the new normal as kids are more focused on learning indoors.\u00a0\nHowever, when you are stuck inside, it\u2019s easy to run out of ideas to entertain your children. The key here is to create something quick and easy for at home family activities. Here are some ideas that will help your children learn without limits. Read on, we might have a surprise for you too!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBake and Decorate\n\n\nGetting your kids to help you in the kitchen will create a huge mess, that\u2019s for sure, but it is also a fun and creative way to spend time with them. Letting your children help out in the kitchen gives them a positive experience with food.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to children\u2019s cookbook author, \nAnnabel Karmel\n, children will start developing math skills without realising, as they weigh and measure ingredients. All the hard work put into rolling dough, using cookie cutters or even putting sprinkles on top of their cupcakes also help to refine their motor skills, strength and control.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBaking also increases your child\u2019s language development as reading the recipes will help them expand their vocabulary. Get them to predict what will go in next during each baking step to make things interactive and fun!\n\n\nBy the end of the day, your children will not only learn something new and channel their energy to a new activity, but also get to bond with you and enjoy all those free desserts! It\u2019s definitely a \nwin-win\n situation.\n\n\nJigsaw Puzzle Time\n\n\nThis is the perfect time to bring out all your favourite board games and jigsaw puzzles that you have left on the shelves to collect dust! A jigsaw puzzle is one of many excellent at home family activities as any member of the family can participate and try to fit in new pieces whenever possible. Besides, studies show that puzzles\n improve cooperation and collaboration skills\n.\n\n\nBuilding puzzles is also believed to help strengthen visual acuity, improve short-term memory, develop problem-solving skills, and increase fine motor skills. Some children might find building puzzles therapeutic, as doing something that \nengagingly occupies their mind \nbrings them a sense of calm and serenity.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nTo encourage your children to continue playing jigsaw puzzles, you can always purchase designs that they prefer \u2013 anything from their favourite cartoon characters to beautiful views from around the World. Better yet, you can always find something your children like, and print it out to make your own puzzle.\n\n\nBring the World Indoors\n\n\nIf you can\u2019t go out into the big world, why not bring the world to you! Animals fascinate children, so take this chance to re-create your own miniature zoo as one of your at home family activities and release your inner George of the Jungle. With HP Deskjet Plus Ink Advantage All-In-One printer, you can print all kinds of cut-and-fold animals that children of all ages can try for themselves. Bright colours are most attractive to children, so do not forget to print out the animal\u2019s habitats and backgrounds too, to make it more realistic.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFamily-Friendly Printer For Learning & Work Needs\n\n\nWith the\n \nHP Deskjet Plus Ink Advantage All-In-One Printer, you get to print all your necessities while enjoying better print quality and faster printing speeds. Printing your children\u2019s worksheet and creative learning activities can be done with just a push of a button.\u00a0\n\n\nThe HP DeskJet Plus Ink Advantage All-In-One printer is also the perfect home printer for the modern family, with a stylish and clean design that will fit right in with your home decor. Mobile Fax\u00a0is available for the HP DeskJet Plus Ink Advantage All-In-One 6475 Printer to meet your work-from-home needs as well.\n\n\n\n\nThis HP DeskJet printer also has the best in class HP Smart App that makes printing easy and convenient. You can set it up easily and it can connect to multiple devices from anywhere around your home. That means you can use either your work laptop, home computer, or smartphone to print all your items easily. Getting your children\u2019s print-out activities will be less messy too, as the Smart Tasks in the app enables you to organise your documents 50% faster.\n\n\nThe printer is also made from up to 20% recycled material, as HP is committed to reduce plastic pollution. Teaching your children about sustainability without leaving your house is another way for them to keep on learning despite the pandemic restricting their outdoor activities.\u00a0\n\n\nStand a Chance to Win HP Deskjet Plus Ink Advantage All-In-One printer!\n\n\nWant to win a HP Deskjet Plus Ink Advantage All-In-One 6075 printer? All you have to do is follow these simple steps:\n\n\nStep 1: Download any \nHP Print & Play\n materials to recreate your favourite outdoor park.\n\n\nStep 2: Snap a photo of yourself and your kid with your recreated outdoor park.\n\n\nStep 3: Head to HP\u2019s \nBring The World Indoors\n page to submit your creation and tell them all about it.\n\n\nHurry, the contest ends on 13 November 2020 by 11.59pm!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/10-activities-that-will-boost-your-preschoolers-fine-motor-skills-in-no-time", "title": "10 Activities That Will Boost Your Preschooler's Fine Motor Skills in No Time", "body": "Fine motor skills\n are what your preschooler uses to move the smaller muscles in his hands and fingers.\u00a0\n\n\nYour little one needs these\u00a0for activities that require hand-eye coordination such as\u00a0writing, playing with small objects, and for taking care of his daily needs through dressing and feeding himself.\n\n\nMastering control of his body and movements boosts your child\u2019s confidence in himself, his actions, and in the world around him. It sets a good foundation for healthy cognitive, social, and emotional development.\n\n\nAlso, refining motor movements help your child become independent in caring for himself. It also builds on his natural curiosity about everyday activities.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBuilding Fine Motor Skills\n\n\nThe preschool period is a critical time in building and refining motor skills. Once this window has passed, it becomes more challenging to gain these skills. That\u2019s why it\u2019s important to keep track of your preschooler\u2019s physical development milestones.\n\n\nTo help him develop these, provide your child\u00a0plenty of freedom and opportunities to practise and repeat different types of movements through\u00a0fine motor activities for preschoolers.\n\n\n1. Scooping Rice\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nTwo small bowls, uncooked rice, and a spoon.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nPlace the bowls side by side, and fill one with uncooked rice. Give your child a spoon then ask him to scoop\u00a0the rice grains into the empty bowl.\n\n\nCreate a challenge by using:\n\n\n\n\nDifferent grains\u2013barley, lentils, or anything else you have available\n\n\nDifferent sized bowls\n\n\nA smaller spoon to really work on his coordination\n\n\n\n\nFor an advanced challenge, have him move\u00a0cotton balls using chopsticks.\n\n\n2. Threading Pasta\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nA handful of penne, sticky tape, and a piece of string.\n\n\nOptional items: paper towels, hand sanitizer, resealable bags, and food\n colouring\n.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nTape one end of the string to a flat surface. Then,\u00a0have him thread the pasta through the free end.\n\n\n(\nTip:\u00a0\nWrap some tape around the free end of the string to\u00a0make the threading process smoother for little hands.)\n\n\nOnce he\u2019s done, help him tie the two ends of the string together. Ta-dah!\n\n\nFor a creative challenge, have your little one put the pasta into a sealable bag before threading. Squirt in some hand \nsanitizer and some\u00a0food\n colouring. Seal the bag and have him shake the pasta around until they become coated in colour.\n\n\nSpread the pasta onto paper towels\u00a0to dry. Once dry, your child can start threading!\n\n\n\n\n3. Cardboard\u00a0Cutting\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nUsed cereal or snack boxes and a pair of scissors.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nCut rectangular strips of cardboard, long enough for your child to hold comfortably. Give him child-sized scissors and have him cut the strips in any way he wants.\n\n\nTo really get those little finger muscles working, draw lines on the cardboards for him to cut along. Have him save the cuttings for a future art project.\n\n\nFor a more advanced activity, draw\u00a0different shapes on the cardboard and have your child cut them.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Pouring\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nA child-sized jug, water, a small tray, cups, and a permanent marker.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nYour child is often eager to do everyday tasks for himself. Tap into this by placing the jug of water and a cup on a tray. Have your little one pour himself a drink.\n\n\nTo step it up, mark a line on the cup so he knows until\u00a0where he should pour. You may also use several cups.\n\n\nFire up his imagination while he pours by pretending he\u2019s in a\u00a0party!\n\n\n5. Opening and Closing Containers\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nUsed plastic jars and boxes or bottles.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nBy having a variety of containers to remove and return, you\u2019ll give your child\u00a0plenty of opportunities to practise and refine his skills.\n\n\nFor a fun extension, mix up the lids and have him match them to the right container. Or add a little scent inside to stimulate his senses!\n\n\n6. Setting the Table\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nA sheet of paper, a pen (for drawing an outline of a proper table setting); and your child\u2019s plate, cup, and eating utensils.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nMake mealtimes more interactive by inviting your little one to set his own place at the table. To get him started, use a sheet of paper with an\u00a0outline of where his plate, cup, and eating utensils are placed.\n\n\nEncourage him to match his items to the outline.\n\n\nOnce he gets\u00a0the hang of it, test out his skills by having him set the table on his own!\n\n\n\n\n7. Sorting Cutlery\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nSeveral forks and spoons.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nKeep children\u2019s interest in tableware by jumbling up the cutlery in a pile. Have your child place the forks and spoons into separate piles. When he\u2019s\u00a0done this, have him put the newly separated piles back in the drawers.\n\n\n8. Pegging\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nSome child-sized clothes pegs and a cardboard box.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nPrepare your preschooler for doing laundry with this activity. Grab a handful of pegs and begin by pegging around the edges of your box.\n\n\nHave your little one open and close the pegs to his heart\u2019s content. His fingers will get a good workout while he builds concentration, too!\n\n\n9. Buttoning a Shirt\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nYour child\u2019s shirts/blouses that have buttons.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nLay the clothes flat on a table. Show your child how to do and undo buttons. Ask him to do the same.\n\n\nToo easy? Give his little muscles a challenge by having clothes that have different sized buttons.\n\n\n10. Folding Clothes\n\n\nMaterials needed:\n\n\nA few of your child\u2019s clothes.\n\n\nWhat to do:\n\n\nHe\u2019s buttoned his clothes, and now its time to put them away! Lay out the tops on a table and show your little one how it\u2019s done. Then, its his turn to fold his clothes and put them away. That\u2019s laundry sorted for the day!\n\n\nThese simple fine motor activities for preschoolers are\u00a0fun and engaging for young children.\u00a0Best of all, you don\u2019t need any fancy items\u2013just a few things from around the house!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nSingle Sided Deafness And Why You Should Know About It!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-parents-must-know-about-the-momo-suicide-challenge", "title": "What parents must know about the Momo suicide challenge", "body": "Parents, you might have heard about the \nBlue Whale challenge\n already. This is a dangerous \u201cgame\u201d that presents various \u201cdares\u201d to kids. And if they fail, they are goaded to take their own life. In other words, it\u2019s a suicide challenge.\n\n\nNow, another similar challenge has reared its ugly head. Known as the Momo Challenge, this one uses\u00a0a common, innocent messaging app \u2013 Whatsapp \u2013 to target children. We urge you to look out for it, learn more about it, \nand\n learn how to protect your children from it. Here\u2019s a clearer explanation of the risks of the Momo Challenge.\n\n\nThe Risks of Momo Challenge\n\n\nThe Momo Suicide Challenge is a game which has roots in Japan. Essentially, it all started with Facebook group members daring themselves to contact an unknown number. Nowadays, the suicide game is popular on both Facebook and Whatsapp.\u00a0\n\n\nThe anonymous person with the unknown number, who is commonly known as \u201cMomo\u201d, will instruct you to engage in odd activities, like waking up at night or overcoming a fear.\n\n\nChildren are then told to film themselves doing these activities and send it to Momo.\u00a0If the challenge is successful, Momo will encourage you to partake in even more dangerous activities that involve harm \u2013 eventually leading to suicide.\n\n\nMore often than not, Momo won\u2019t just message you normally. Momo\u2019s messages may be filled with violent or scary content, and Momo will even call participants and intimidate them. Refusing to do the challenge will make Momo threaten to visit you and curse you.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s very to easy to see why children feel so pressured in this hideous challenge.\n\n\nThe bulging eyes, wide grin and warped features of Momo make it easy to believe that she\u2019s real. Factor in the fact that children may have some difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy \u2013 together with peer pressure \u2013 and you have a disaster waiting to happen.\u00a0\n\n\nInterestingly, Momo herself isn\u2019t real. Momo is actually a sculpture named \u201cMother Bird\u201d by Midori Hayashi, a Japanese Artist (see below). It was an artwork exhibited in Tokyo\u2019s horror Art Vanilla Gallery, and it was never intended to be used in a dangerous game on social media.\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u300c\u9055\u548c\u611f\u300d\u306f\u3082\u3046\u5c11\u3057\u4ed5\u4e8b\u3057\u3068\u3044\u305f\u307b\u3046\u304c\u3044\u3044\u3068\u601d\u3046\u3002\u5c71\u4e0b\u3055\u3093\u64ae\u5f71w \u30f4\u30a1\u30cb\u30e9\u753b\u5eca\u306b\u3066\n\nA post shared by \n Tinkerbell Asuka\n (@tinkerbellasuka) on \nAug 20, 2016 at 3:45am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo Joke\n\n\nThis is no joke, parents. The Momo Challenge is a a very serious cyber threat with real consequences. Recently, a 12-year-old girl in Buenos Aires has reportedly taken her own life in her home in Argentina. Apparently, she recorded her last moments before committing suicide. Police suspected that she heeded Momo\u2019s instructions and participated in the game.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy does it work?\n\n\nThe game mainly works due to a few reasons:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSocial Media Apps like Facebook and Whatsapp are easily accessible today\n. Any unsuspecting child can just download it and be pressured into playing, thinking that there is no danger.\u00a0\n\n\nChildren\u2019s brains are still developing\n. Children are still unable to differentiate fact from fiction. Don\u2019t forget there\u2019s also peer pressure. Both of these factors can make a creepy face and frightening messages become reality, leading to tragedies.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor children, scary things that seem implausible to adults, such as curses, are real to them. |Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhatsapp uses encrypted technology and anyone can use it\n with just a phone number. This means\u00a0that parents and police find it hard to trace messages coming from an account and are unable to keep an eye out for possible cyberbullying behaviour. \n\n\n\n\nHow can I protect my children from this cruel game?\n\n\n\n\nWhile not giving your child a smartphone or Whatsapp account may be easy, it may not be practical in our techno-centric world. Here are some sensible, easy tips to help protect your children.\n\n\n\n\nMonitor and supervise your child\u2019s online activity\n. You can ask your child for their phone and check through their Whatsapp activity briefly.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEducate your children about the dangers. \nLet your child know that suicide won\u2019t benefit anyone, and that it will only hurts their loved ones. Listening to Momo\u2019s instructions won\u2019t do anyone good: It will just cause people to get hurt.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEducate your children about the dangers of this suicide game so that they know what to do if they encounter it. | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBe open with your kids, and encourage them to be a positive influence\n. If your child is old enough to understand clear risks, talk to them openly about this game. Tell them \nwhy\n they should\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nparticipate in it. Also,\u00a0encourage them to be a pillar of support for their peers!\u00a0\n\n\nDelay giving them a smartphone.\n \nYoung children shouldn\u2019t be given a smartphone\n. For older kids, any normal phone that can make outgoing calls is more than enough.\n\n\nBe a good role model by limiting your own smartphone use, especially when your children are around. \nStart with simple habits like keeping the phone at home when going to dinner and leaving it off before bed (yes, even if you have to buy an alarm clock!).\u00a0\n\n\nSet clear rules at home for using the smartphone\n, such as a no-phone schedule (during meals, before bedtime) and limiting when your children have access to phones. If your younger kids use Whatsapp, make sure it\u2019s only on the phone you or your partner uses.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTackling the Issue of Suicide with Your Child:\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nShare your own experiences.\n\u00a0We\u2019ve all gone through a lot of scary experiences. Share your own struggles and the lessons you\u2019ve learnt from them, and how everything turned out okay in the end.\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nDon\u2019t freak out\n. We all get panicky when it comes to suicide. However, your child will trust you more if you approach this in a calm manner.\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nGet on social media.\n\u00a0Friend your child on Facebook, and Whatsapp. Let them know that you can always talk to them on the phone wherever they are.\n\n\nBut what if my children are already playing the Momo Challenge?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore, issued an\u00a0\nadvisory\n\u00a0on the trend of suicide games via its online publication \nSchoolbag\n.\n\n\nHere\u2019s a breakdown of the safety tips they gave:\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\n5 Ways To Make Your House Safer When You Have Kids\nAnak\nDoctor And Mum Pleads With Parents To Learn More About These Vaccines\nKesihatan\nJangan Meremehkan Penyakit Rotavirus!\nPertandingan & promosi\nRebut 10 Tawaran Terhebat Di Tesco Baby Fair 2020\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKnow the warning signs.\n\u00a0Keep an eye on your children for signs of distress, like out-of-character behaviour, aggressiveness, social withdrawal, anxiety, or fear.\n\n\nTalk about your child\u2019s feelings.\n\u00a0Talk to your child with a smile. You have to make them feel safe confiding in you. Ask them calmly what the problem is and if you can help.\u00a0\n\n\nStand by their side in this challenge.\n Assure him or her that \u201cMomo\u201d doesn\u2019t exist, and that it\u2019s okay to refuse instructions or go against peer pressure. If your child is too scared, say that you\u2019ll stand by their side no matter what happens.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTalk about what your child is watching or playing.\n\u00a0You can talk about which characters your teen liked or disliked, and why he or she felt this way.\n\n\nDon\u2019t be afraid to ask your child direct questions if they\u2019ve done anything dangerous or had a scary experience. \nOpen up a healthy discussion with questions like \u201cHave you ever been scared by someone recently?\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLastly, don\u2019t forget that if worse comes to worst, you can always block or delete unknown phone numbers from your child\u2019s phone. Remember to file a police report and to also consult a paeditrician or a psychologist if your child had a traumatic experience.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReferences: \nYahoo News\n, \nABC News\n, \nStraits Times\n, \nUnscrambled\n, \nSimplemost\n, \ntinkerbellasuka\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/7-things-that-can-predict-divorce-according-to-science", "title": "7 Things that can predict divorce, according to science", "body": "No one can really know whether or not a couple will get divorced. But you\u2019ll be surprised that scientists have actually discovered seven reasons for divorce, that can be predicted early on.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to note that these things don\u2019t necessarily mean that couples who fit these descriptions are going to get divorced. It\u2019s still up to married couples to be the ones to keep their relationship strong and their marriage intact.\n\n\nSo, without further ado, here are\u00a0seven reasons for divorce, as predicted by science.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKnowing about these 7 things that can predict divorce can help couples keep their marriage intact.\n\n\n\n\n7 reasons for divorce\n\n\n1. If you get married in your teens or after 32\n\n\nIdeally, couples should get married when both of them are ready to be committed to each other for the rest of their lives.\n\n\nHowever, researchers have discovered that couples who got married in their teens or in their mid-30s or older were more likely to get divorced.\n\n\nFor teens, it has more to do with the fact that most couples tend to be more immature or find it hard to deal with new responsibilities.\n\n\nAdditionally, researcher \nNicholas Wolfinger\n found that after age 32, the odds of divorce increase by 5% each year. He adds, \u201cFor almost everyone, the late twenties seems to be the best time to tie the knot.\u201d\n\n\n2. If your husband doesn\u2019t work full time\n\n\nSurprisingly, this has nothing to do with finances, but more about the division of work in a couple.\n\n\nThe theory behind this is that the stereotype of the \u201cmale breadwinner\u201d is still very much alive, so if the husband doesn\u2019t work full time or doesn\u2019t work at all, then it can affect marital stability which can be a probable cause of divorce.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n3. Not finishing high school\n\n\nIt might seem unfair that couples who don\u2019t finish school are more prone to divorce, but that\u2019s what researchers have discovered.\n\n\nThe fact that there\u2019s a higher rate of divorce among couples who didn\u2019t spend a lot of time in school might have something to do with the fact that a lower educational attainment can mean a lower income, and thus can cause financial problems.\n\n\n4. Having contempt towards your spouse\n\n\nContempt\n towards your\u00a0spouse means that you see them not as equals, but as someone who\u2019s beneath you. Obviously, that\u2019s not a good thing to have in a marriage.\n\n\nAnd according to\u00a0John Gottman, a psychologist at the University of Washington and the founder of the Gottman Institute, it\u2019s one of the \u201cfour horsemen of the apocalypse\u201d when it comes to relationships which include:\n\n\n\n\nCriticism\n \u2013 This is when you directly make a negative comment about your partner\u2019s character.\u00a0\n\n\nDefensiveness\n \u2013 This is when you constantly play the victim whenever you have an argument.\n\n\nStonewalling\n \u2013 Completely blocking off conversation in the relationship.\n\n\n\n\n5. Having too much affection as newlyweds\n\n\nIt\u2019s surprising but too much affection can actually become a big problem in your marriage.\n\n\nThat\u2019s because it\u2019s hard to constantly maintain a high level of affection in a marriage, so when couples who are overly affectionate suddenly experience a drastic drop in their affection then the couple might feel a loss in romance or love for one another.\n\n\n6. Shutting off when you have conflict\n\n\nIt\u2019s normal for people to try to withdraw from conflict. However, completely shutting yourself off or ignoring your spouse whenever you have conflict isn\u2019t healthy behavior.\n\n\nThis type of severe withdrawal behavior makes it difficult for couples to discuss their own problems and thus makes it hard for them to communicate and solve their marital problems.\n\n\nIt also takes a toll on your spouse, since if they\u2019re constantly faced with silence whenever you have conflict, it can cause them to be unhappy in the relationship.\n\n\n7. Always putting your relationship in a negative light\n\n\nMarriage is something that all mums and dads should be proud of, and always putting your relationship in a negative light isn\u2019t going to improve your marriage.\n\n\nConstantly being negative about your marriage means that it\u2019s hard for you to see the positive things that are happening in your relationship. Focusing on the negative aspects also magnifies them in your mind and can make things much worse.\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nKebenaran Tentang Cacar Air: Mitos & Fakta\nMoney Parenting\nA Quick Look At How Asian Parents Teach About Money\nKesihatan\nAnak-Anak Menderita Kerana Ciri Birit: Guna Cara Ini Untuk Melindungi Si Manja\n#PendidikanKewangan\n[Iklan] Persediaan Pendidikan Masa Hadapan Anak: 3 Kesalahan Utama Ibu Bapa Sering Lakukan\n\n\nHaving a positive mindset and constantly working on improving your marriage are important things to remember if you want to \nprevent divorce\n.\n\n\nSources:\u00a0\n\n\nAmerican Sociological Review\n\n\nInstitute for Family Studies\n\n\nEconomic Enquiry\n\n\nBureau of Labor Statistics\n\n\nInterpersonal Relations and Group Processes\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/caffeine-free-energy-boosters", "title": "Bye Bye, Caffeine! 5 Caffeine-Free Energy Boosters", "body": "Do you rely on a caffeine-based pick-me-up to get through your morning, mid-day slump, or moments of fatigue? Yes, caffeine can provide you with an almost instant burst of energy and can increase mental focus.\n\n\nHowever, that surge of energy is due to the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline being released. As you may know, these effects are short-lived and may lead to feeling more tired than you were before. In fact, too much caffeine can bring about anxiety, insomnia, and heart palpitations \u2013 just to name a few side effects.\n\n\nThe good news? There are many natural solutions available. Here 5 caffeine-free energy boosters for when you\u2019d like to cut down on your caffeine intake without suffering from energy slumps.\n\n\n5 Caffeine-Free Energy Boosters You Must Try Today\n\n\n1# Gotu Kola (Pegaga)\n\n\n\n\nUsed for centuries around Asia, Pegaga is among the most powerful herbs known for healing. As Pegaga is an adaptogenic herb it can benefit you in various ways, based on what your body needs the most help with.\n\n\nIf that\u2019s mental clarity then know that Pegaga activates the release of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) which improves mental cognition and memory while simultaneously encouraging new brain cells to form.\u00a0\n\n\nPegaga by PurelyB is a healing blend of traditional Asian superfoods, composed of some of nature\u2019s most powerful herbs and fruits: Pegaga (Gotu Kola), turmeric leaf, papaya leaf, and green apples and dates.\n\n\nThis powerful blend of herbs and fruits has proven health benefits such as enhanced brain function and memory, improved digestive and detoxification, strengthened immunity, skin repair and anti-ageing properties.\n\n\n2# Red Dates\n\n\n\n\nRed Dates, commonly referred to as Jujube, is loved by Koreans for its various health benefits. In fact, many Koreans claim it\u2019s the (not so) secret to feeling and looking young.\n\n\nThat claim probably has to do with how Red Dates are packed with vitamins and minerals that can boost your energy.\n\n\nIronically, it can help you sleep better, too, so it\u2019s a double-edged sword ready to cut through any energy lows you may be experiencing.\n\n\n3# Ginseng\n\n\n\n\nStudies have found that ginseng reduces fatigue in athletes so if it can help them, it can definitely help you! Ginseng has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine and recently,\u00a0traditional remedies have been on the rise.\n\n\nUnsurprising considering how ginseng, for example, is known for improving mental performance, promoting health, and prolonging life as well.\n\n\nNote: ginseng is not suitable for kids under 12 and is recommended to be ingested during the day as too much of it can disrupt sleep.\n\n\n4# Astragalus\n\n\n\n\nAnother traditional remedy,\u00a0astragalus is a sweet, warming herb that is an excellent remedy for when your energy levels start depleting.\n\n\nResearch has shown that besides boosting metabolism and energy, it can repair and heal the immune system, too.\n\n\nNote: Although it\u2019s safe for use, you should not take astragalus if you have an infection or high fever because it may strengthen the virus.\n\n\n5# Maca\n\n\n\n\nMaca, a root belonging to the radish family, is native to the high Andes of Peru. Like Pegaga, it\u2019s an adaptogen.\n\n\nMaca enhances energy and endurance as it can regulate hormones and aid tissue functions. The darker coloured maca roots are packed with natural iodine and in general, maca contains 55 phytochemicals that are known to have vitality-enhancing effects in the body.\n\n\nTypically it\u2019s sold in powder form so is a great addition to any smoothie.\n\n\nBonus Tips: Try Peppermint\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nLuckily, peppermint is something that is easy to come by despite offering a whole range of benefits. It\u2019s known for increasing mental alertness while relaxing your muscles at the same time.\n\n\nSimply sniffing peppermint essential oil will give you that much-needed lift! Peppermint essential oil is even effective in relieving headaches, especially those caused by muscle tension.\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t entered the world of essential oils yet, then you can stick to peppermint tea for similar benefits.\n\n\nA Gentle Reminder\n\n\nAlthough fatigue is not a disease, it can have a negative impact on the quality of your life and may even result in physical and/or psychological illnesses.\n\n\nIf you suffer from chronic fatigue, do see a healthcare practitioner.\n\n\nWe hope the article about caffeine-free energy boosters would be helpful to you!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nIs Gratitude the Key to Happiness?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/friso-gold-trackeasy", "title": "Why Knowing Where Your Milk Comes From Is So Important", "body": "Mums, we\u2019re often known to take charge, right? We take charge of our child\u2019s schedules, their diets and not to mention, all of the household chores.\n\n\nThis includes shopping for the family and buying essentials. But before we go out and buy our weekly necessities for the family, we always do our research.\n\n\nOne of the things that we spend most time researching would be the choice of formulated milk powder for children to be assured that we are making the best choice for kids. In the process, do we always succumb to the different fortified nutrients bombarded our way. Highest in something, most in something else?\n\n\nA recent study done* shows that Malaysian mums are looking more into the quality control going into the milk manufacturing process as well as where their milk is coming from.\n\n\nIn fact, the study also indicated that there is a rising global concern when it comes to food source transparency. Due to incidents in the past, parents worry about milk authenticity and safety. There is demand from parents for brands to educate the public more about the milk authenticity, safety and quality.\n\n\n\n\nSource: Friso Gold\n\n\n\n\nEvery parent needs to be reassured that the product they are purchasing is authentic, safe and of good quality. They want to know that the milk their children are consuming comes from a reputable source while maintaining a high level of nutritional value.\n\n\nMilk Source & Manufacturing Process: Important Contributing Factors to Product Quality\n\n\nThe fact is, many parents assume that all popular milk brands are imported from Western countries. However, this is not always the case. Often, milk goes through a double manufacturing process in countries such as Thailand or Singapore, rather than a single manufacturing process from a single origin.\n\n\nDouble manufacturing processes can potentially compromise the quality of nutrients due to the double heat treatment that nutrients are exposed to.\n\n\nThat is why, Friso Gold\u00ae, 100% produced and packed in the Netherlands, believes that good quality milk is best achieved from grass to glass, through a single manufacturing process coupled with LocNutri\u2122 Technology\u2019s mild heat treatment. Natural nutrients are preserved so that it\u2019s easy to digest and promotes stronger inside. With over 11,000 farms in the Netherlands, Friso Gold\u00ae has the advantage of taking the best of nature and making it better with science through a single manufacturing process.\n\n\n\n\nSource: Friso Gold\n\n\n\n\nReassurance with TrackEasy Milk Traceability System\n\n\nFriso Gold\u00ae has taken a step ahead by enabling parents to trace the full journey of its milk from source via the TrackEasy Milk Traceability system available in the form of a QR code at the bottom of their tins.\n\n\nThe Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Milk Traceability System is the first and only in the industry, with smart packaging innovation to help parents track the full journey of the milk from its source to deliver the best nutrition to their children.\n\n\nThis way, parents are able to see exactly where their milk is coming from, where it goes for its manufacturing process, before it is packaged and exported to Malaysia.\n\n\n\n\nSource: Friso Gold\n\n\n\n\nTo learn more about the Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Milk Traceability System, join in the official virtual launch of Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Milk Traceability System on 20 June, 10pm via Friso Gold\u00ae Malaysia\u2019s \nYouTube\n and \nFacebook\n. Save the date now and we\u2019ll see you there!\n\n\nMeanwhile, you can also learn more about Friso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy \nhere\n. Friso Gold\u00ae milk products are available on \nShopee\n at and \nLazada\n.\n\n\nOr get your FREE sample \nhere\n today.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/overcome-childbirth-fears", "title": "What to do If You're Afraid of Giving Birth and How to Overcome Childbirth Fears", "body": "Giving birth is one of the most significant life-changing experiences that you will ever go through in your life, so it is no surprise that many mums-to-be are apprehensive about having their first baby. When most of us think about childbirth, the word \u201cpain\u201d is one of the first to come to mind, especially if this is your first time.\n\n\nNot surprising considering that most women are only ever exposed to over-dramatised, complications-filled labours on movies and T.V. shows. When you do think about it, has there ever been a complication-free labour scene portrayed in the media?\n\n\nWe don\u2019t think so.\n\n\nWhile it is completely normal to feel a little fearful as you near the end of your pregnancy, intense fear of the delivery can actually complicate the process itself.\n\n\nA study conducted in the U.K. found that women who suffer from fear of childbirth during pregnancy have an increased rate of emergency Caesarean sections or, worst, complicated vaginal deliveries involving vacuums or other instruments.\n\n\nThe feeling of giving birth\n\n\n\n\nMum-to-be Carol Neo recently posted a question on theAsianparent Facebook Fanpage asking;\n\n\n\u201cThinking what is the feeling of giving birth as I will be giving birth soon nearer to my delivery date?\u201d\n\n\nCarol\u2019s question might come across as innocuous to most, but other mums who have gone through what she\u2019s about to go through will know that it is a question loaded with trepidation and hope.\n\n\nMak Ct wrote \u201cSome got backache, some feel like going toilet [to] do big business, some says [it\u2019s] like period cramp. Some say real labour; you would not be able to stand the cramp and sleep through it [sic] So depending on your body pain relief.\u201d\n\n\nWhile others, like Lay La, came with a story that sent chills down our spine; \u201cBe prepared for the contraction pain. It\u2019s like you\u2019re being tasered from your back every 2 mins. Giving birth is easy, like pushing a big poop; the difficult part is going thru the contractions and waiting for your cervix to open.\u201d\n\n\nOther mums, on the other hand were quite unanimous in their advice to new mums to \u201crelax and think positive.\u201d Though the advice is sound, it is easier said than done.\n\n\n8 Common fear when it comes to childbirth fears\n\n\nWe understand that fear of childbirth could be intense, especially if this is the first time you\u2019re undergoing one.\n\n\nHere\u2019s our endeavour to list out the top eight biggest fears when it comes to childbirth and tips on how you could overcome them.\n\n\n1) Fear of pain during childbirth\n\n\n\n\nEvery woman who is about to give birth for the first time will worry about this because it\u2019s hard to imagine that the process will be pain-free. Taking childbirth classes, such as Lamaze, might help soothe your worries and prepare you for labour.\n\n\nAlso, there is no shame in opting for pain suppressants such as an Epidural. Whatever people tell you, taking a pain suppressant during labour will not make you a less fantastic mum.\n\n\n2) Fear of being in labour for too long\n\n\nEveryone has heard the horror stories about someone being in labour for days, but in reality, the average delivery lasts 18 hours. It is comforting to know that doctors rarely let the process go past 20 hours.\n\n\nIf your labour stalls, your doctor can do things to augment the process, such as giving you Pitocin to make your uterus contract or allowing you to continue your labour in a hot tub.\n\n\n3) \u00a0Fear of becoming paralysed by an epidural injection gone wrong\n\n\nThe risk of permanent paralysis, as well as death or a heart attack, from an epidural, falls in a range of one in 20,000 to one in 1,000,000.\n\n\nAnaesthetists are highly-trained doctors who perform epidurals every day.\u00a0Try to have some faith in modern medicine and the people trained in them.\u00a0\n\n\n4) Fear of losing control\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s a fear of pooping on the delivery table or fear of cursing uncontrollably, the possibility of not having total control over bodily functions can be completely horrifying.\n\n\nHowever, labour and delivery nurses, obstetricians and midwives have seen and heard it all, so you don\u2019t have to worry about shocking them.\n\n\nIf you are concerned about losing bowel control, you can always opt for an enema in the early hours of labour.\n\n\n5) \u00a0Fear of vaginal tearing\n\n\nIt is a widespread concern among mothers-to-be, and rightly so, because tears in the perineum (the area between your vagina and anus) are common, especially in first-time births.\n\n\n\nMost perineal tears are superficial, and only 4 per cent of women suffer serious tears.\n\n\n\nFortunately, you can do things at home before giving birth that can help prevent tearing, such as doing Kegel exercises to make the perineal muscles stronger and massaging your perineum to increase blood flow and the elasticity of the muscles.\n\n\n6) Fear of accidentally having the baby anywhere but the hospital\n\n\nThis seems to be one incident that only happens in the movies and television, but it is possible. In less than one per cent of births, a pregnant woman suddenly feels the urge to push without labour symptoms or contractions.\n\n\nHowever, it can happen, especially if you have had previous quick labour.\n\n\nSuppose you do find yourself in this situation. The American College of Nurse-Midwives document, A Guide to Emergency Preparedness for Childbirth, gives step-by-step instructions on what to do in an emergency.\n\n\n7) Fear of the umbilical cord strangling the baby\n\n\n\n\nThe cord \ncan\n and may end up around your baby\u2019s neck during delivery, but it is important to remember that he or she is not breathing through his or her mouth yet. You are still living for your baby.\n\n\nEven if the cord gets stretched, some mechanisms allow them to continue working properly. If your baby is born with his or her cord around the neck, all the doctor needs to do is untangle it after birth before cutting it.\n\n\n8) Fear of dying during childbirth\n\n\nThis fear goes through the mind of every mom-to-be because, although the risk is low (13.3 deaths per 100,000 live births in the U.S. in 2006), it\u2019s still a remote possibility, especially if you have a caesarean section.\n\n\nHowever, taking childbirth classes, as well as taking a tour of the labour and delivery department of your hospital and talking to your obstetricians, may ease your mind. Dying is a risk that comes with every childbirth, but it is a risk that we are willing to take.\n\n\nWe hope that this article has helped quell your fears of childbirth and we wish you, the best of luck.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nWeird But True: Odd Pregnancy Cravings!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThe Importance Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy & Why You SHOULD Take It\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Do You Have A Retroverted Uterus? Check These Signs To Find Out\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/types-of-parenting-styles", "title": "Tips to harness the power of your parenting style to raise resilient children", "body": "There are as many types of parenting styles as there are parents. Each style is a combination of chosen strategies for raising kids. While the amount of discipline, nurture, communication and expectation parents practice varies dramatically, the end goal is the same: to raise strong, independent and \nresilient\n children who are able to face life\u2019s challenges as they grow up. More so, in an ever-changing world.\n\n\nWhat Is Resilience and Why Is It Important?\n\n\nResilience has been defined as the ability to recover from life\u2019s obstacles and challenges, overcoming disadvantages to succeed, and withstand stress to function well in the tasks of life\n1 2\n \u2013 all admirable traits that we would be proud to see our children display.\n\n\nHowever, children are not born resilient. Their relationships, their nutrition, and their environment all play a role in building resilience. According to Harvard\u2019s Center on the Developing Child, \u201cThe active ingredients in building resilience are supportive relationships with parents, coaches, teachers, caregivers, and other adults in the community.\u201d\n3\n\n\nResilient children show traits such as Daringness, Resourcefulness, Self-Reliance, Adaptability and Perseverance. But each of these traits must be nurtured \u2013 by teachers, caregivers, and you \u2013 to raise a resilient child.\n\n\nIn short, your parenting style makes a difference.\n\n\nWhy Types of Parenting Styles Matter\n\n\nMuch of what we know about types of parenting styles is based on the research of Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist. She classified parents on their demands to their children (either authoritarian or authoritative) and their responsiveness (either permissive or neglectful). Then she observed how this affected the children\u2019s behaviour.\n\n\nSince this pioneering research in 1967, there have been a host of new learnings, and a slew of trendy parenting styles \u2013 good or bad. Helicopter parenting is perhaps the latest trend that has gained infamy. But there have also been tiger mums with exceedingly high demands of their children, panda dads who are rich in affection, and even the so-called \u201cdurian generation\u201d.\n\n\nBelow you\u2019ll find types of parenting styles \u2013 from Baumrind to today\u2019s latest trends \u2013 and no matter what type of parent you are, here are a few tips on how you can raise your child resilient. Which parenting style best describes you?\n\n\nAuthoritarian Parenting\n\n\n\n\n\nDo you make rules around the house, and your child must obey those rules without question? \n\n\nDoes your child follow everything you say without question?\n\n\n\nAn authoritarian parent is the boss of the house. When authoritarian parents set ground rules, their children must obey. And if they cross the line, they will be punished.\n\n\nThese children grow up in fear, worried that they may make others angry or make a mistake. When problems occur, they may become depressed. They become fearful when dropped into a new situation.\n\n\nHow to raise a resilient child:\n\n\nWhile of course you need to enforce discipline and set rules, you also need to communicate with your children why you are doing so. Instead of flat-out punishing them when they are disobedient, explain the reasons why you punish your children. Teach them to be aware of consequences (e.g. how screaming in the train will bother other commuters, or how pushing a sibling will hurt them). \n\n\nHave age-appropriate chats with your children. Tell them your expectations and goals, but give them the freedom to express themselves. In essence, be nurturing while having reasonable disciplinary rules in place. Over time, they will learn how to become agile and \nadaptable\n, positively changing their own behaviour, and achieving their goals.\n\n\nAuthoritative Parenting\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen you make rules around the house, do you explain to your children why you do so? \n\n\nDo you encourage your children to think for themselves, but don\u2019t give in to them and discipline your kids when necessary? \n\n\nDo you feel it\u2019s important to teach and guide your children?\n\n\n\n\nAuthoritarian and authoritative parenting are two sides to the same coin, but there is a world of difference between them. While authoritarian parents enact rules that children must obey without asking \u201cWhy?\u201d, \u00a0authoritative parents exact positive discipline strategies, but communicate why they do so.\n4\n And more importantly, they lead by example. They respect their children, and raise their children to be respectful of others. These parents nip behaviour problems in the bud.\n\n\nHow to raise a resilient child:\n\n\nChildren raised by authoritative parents are more likely to become more responsible adults, being \nself-reliant, \nindependent and comfortable in making decisions on their own. They are respectful, empathic, and kind towards their parents, peers and others.\n\n\nThere are no hard or right rules to parenting. Every parent knows there is a time to enforce strict discipline and a time to be gentle. What is becoming increasingly clear is that parents need to work towards the goal of raising their children to be resilient \nso that they can be ready and embrace challenges that they will face in the future\n.\n\n\nPermissive Parenting\n\n\n\n\nFeel like your children are more like friends? \n\n\nDo you give your children the freedom to do whatever they want to do? \n\n\nWhen your child is misbehaving, do you bribe them with toys, food or the iPad?\n\n\n\nThe permissive parent is the complete opposite of a helicopter parent. Super relaxed and chill, the permissive parent loves and indulges their kids.\n5\n However, these parents don\u2019t enforce discipline, avoid confrontations and really just feel that kids will be kids. \n\n\nResearch has found that children growing up under permissive parents grow up with no ambition or low achievement. They often don\u2019t know how to make decisions, have poor time-management and could be prone to delinquency.\n\n\nHow to raise a resilient child:\n\n\nIf you feel that you might be a permissive parent, it\u2019s time to get a little bit stricter around the house. Understand that your children will be upset when faced with something that is ultimately good for them. Household rules should be put in place and enforced. Parents need to\u00a0follow through: there must be consequences for breaking the rules.\n6\n\n\nWhen you do so, your children will develop self-discipline \u2013 knowing that certain choices in life will have their own consequences. Too much of something (such as freedom) can be a bad thing. Age-appropriate freedom is key to helping them learn and consider their decisions. When children become independent and brave enough to make their own decisions and understand the consequences of their actions, they will eventually become self-reliant.\n\n\nNeglectful Parenting/Uninvolved Parenting\n\n\n\n\nDo you rarely ask your child what\u2019s going in his life? \n\n\nNot sure what he\u2019s doing right now? \n\n\nNever go for family activities together?\n\n\n\nPractising uninvolved parenting\n7\n is a complete 180-degrees to helicopter parenting. While your child is left to his or her own devices to face the struggles of life, these children become more emotionally withdrawn. Without their family support, children of uninvolved or neglectful parents are more likely to perform poorly in life. Either they suffer from anxiety or stress issues because they have nobody to turn to, or they become more naughty and less trusting of others. \n\n\nOftentimes, uninvolved parents grew up in a family that practised the same kind of parenting. Other times, they are too caught up with providing for the family that they unintentionally neglect their child.\n\n\nHow to raise a resilient child:\n\n\n\n\nParents need to be there in their children\u2019s lives, guiding them with support, trust, discipline and love. That is how their children will grow up to become resilient and confident.\n\n\nCommunicate with your children often so they have the confidence that you will have their back when they forge ahead to face life\u2019s challenges.\u00a0 It may seem like leaving your child alone, free to do what he pleases, will make him daring, but the opposite is true. When your child knows that you are there for him, he will become \ndaring\n\u00a0and confident enough to explore the world around him head first.\n\n\nHelicopter Parents/Lawnmower Parents\n\n\n\n\n\nDo you bring over homework your kids forgot? \n\n\nBlame teachers for your children\u2019s failing grades? \n\n\nDo you handle their problems at school?\n\n\n\nLawnmower parents take helicopter parenting to the extreme. Lawnmower parents \u201cliterally\u201d bulldoze through all of their children\u2019s problems so their kids don\u2019t face any challenges.\n8\n Because of this, children become unable to tackle life\u2019s challenges on their own, and end up with a lack of confidence, and no motivation. They may even find it hard to communicate with others.\n\n\nAnother similar term for this type of parenting is \u201ccurling parents\u201d. Like participants in the winter sport, curling parents sweep away all obstacles in their children\u2019s lives.\n\n\nHow to raise a resilient child: \n\n\n\n\nHow much help is too much help? While that can be tricky to answer, keep in mind that children should be given the chance to handle challenging situations on their own. \n\n\nWith that in mind, trust your children.\u00a0Expose them to the world and experiences so that they can learn to do things out of their comfort zone, learn to be \nresourceful,\n\u00a0finding out the best way to tackle their own problems.\n\n\nSubmarine Parenting\n\n\n\n\nDo you let your children make their own decisions? \n\n\nHave you signed up your kids to activities and events with other children of their age? \n\n\nDo you keep watch your child playing in the playground without worrying he or she might fall?\n\n\n\nLike a submarine hiding in deep waters, a submarine parent keeps tabs on their child from a distance without playing an active role unless the situation calls for it.\n9\n It\u2019s nurturing your child without being too involved like a helicopter parent.\n\n\nHow to raise a resilient child:\n\n\nSubmarine parents let their children make their own decisions and give them a chance to believe in themselves, while still being available for guidance if needed. These children learn to be resilient, knowing how to bounce back from mistakes without the need to run back to their parents whenever a problem crops up. They will learn how to \npersevere\n, not giving up and knocking down challenge after challenge that comes their way.\n\n\nYes, Your Parenting Style Can Help Your Child Become Resilient\n\n\n\n\nAs parents, you need to learn how to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. These can be times when you see your children experiencing hardship, when they get a nasty knock in a soccer game, or when they try to accomplish difficult tasks that may be beyond their current skills, like reading a book for older kids.\u00a0for older kids. You need to know when to catch them, push them, or let them go.\n\n\nThere isn\u2019t a \u201cbest\u201d parenting style. It\u2019s more important to be flexible in your parenting approach \u2014 set rules but also show love to your children and communicate with them as often as possible. Step back and give them the space to face life\u2019s challenges but let them know that you are around to guide them (not fight their battles). That way, they will develop the necessary skills \u2013 daringness, perseverance, self-reliance, resourcefulness and adaptability \u2013 and ultimately become resilient.\n\n\nFinally, your parenting style also includes how you provide the right nutrition, support and care. Your children also need important nutrients to help them grow strong and ready to face the world, providing them with everything they need to learn resilience one step at a time.\n\n\nTo learn more about how to raise a resilient child, visit \nwww.aptagro.com.my\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1\u00a0\nMasten AS, Best KM, Garmezy N. Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity. Development and Psychopathology 1990;2(4):425-444.\n\n\n2\u00a0\nMasten AS, Gewirtz AH. Vulnerability and resilience in early child development. In: McCartney K, Phillips DA, eds. Handbook of early childhood development. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishing. In press.\n\n\n3\n\u00a0\nhttps://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-resilience-series/\n\n\n4\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.verywellfamily.com/are-you-an-authoritative-parent-why-this-is-the-best-approach-3964005\n\n\n5\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-permissive-parenting-2794957\n\n\n6\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.kidsinthehouse.com/teenager/parenting-teens/consequences-and-discipline/how-discipline-affects-resilience\n\n\n7\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-uninvolved-parenting-2794958\n\n\n8\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2018/09/19/meet-lawnmower-parent-new-helicopter-parents-types-parents-tiger-attachment/1347358002/\n\n\n9\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.priyashah.com/submarine-parenting/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/7-scientifically-proven-ways-to-reduce-belly-fat", "title": "7 Scientifically Proven Ways To Reduce Belly Fat. Let's Get Fit!", "body": "Let\u2019s be real. As much as we love and embrace our curves, stubborn belly fat can be both annoying and embarrassing. Notoriously, it ruins our look, making our once-flattering dress look like we will tear it if we breathe. But there is something that stubborn belly fat does which is way worse. This \u201cwhite fat\u201d has the ability of seeping into our internal organs and sets us up for serious health problems. If you want to learn how to reduce belly fat, you\u2019ve come to the right place.\n\n\nHow To Reduce Belly Fat\n\n\nIn order to understand how to reduce belly fat, you first need to understand fat and how it affects your body.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are two types of belly fat: visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.\n\n\nWhile belly fat is not visible, it is more dangerous than subcutaneous fat, which is characterised by dimple-like skin. Both are stored in the body in different ways \u2014 and harm the body in their own way as well.\n\n\nLet\u2019s take an in-depth look at the two.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Visceral fat\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis is also called active fat and is generally stored in our abdominal cavity. It settles deep and near vital organs like the stomach, liver and intestines.\n\n\nVisceral fat can be quite dangerous to the body because it can lead to serious health complications.\n\n\n\n\nIt increases insulin resistance, even if you\u2019ve never had diabetes. \nResearch\n\u00a0published in \nPubMed\n suggests that this may be because visceral fat secretes\u00a0retinol-binding protein, which leads to insulin resistance.\u00a0\n\n\nIt also increases the risk of a heart attack, \nbreast cancer\n, \ntype 2 diabetes\n, colorectal cancer and even \nAlzheimer\u2019s disease\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe good news is with a balanced diet and exercises such as cardio, you can get rid of this type of fat.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Subcutaneous fat\n\n\nThis type of fat lies directly under the skin. You may have noticed it as dimples on your skin, especially in areas such as the thighs, arms and of course, the belly.\n\n\nSubcutaneous fat actually acts as a shield for the body and helps to maintain the internal temperature.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of its most famous forms is cellulite. It is this cellulite that creates the dimpled appearance. And, although it doesn\u2019t really cause any health complications, it can be unsightly for some.\n\n\nIncidentally, it is also found in some skinny body structures. It becomes more noticeable as people get older and their skin gets thinner.\u00a0\n\n\nThis type of fat, however, is far more difficult to burn off. It requires resistance training and sometimes even weight training so that the loose skin can become tight.\u00a0\n\n\nHow To Reduce Belly Fat: 7 scientifically proven methods that work\n\n\nIn your fat-loss efforts, it is possible to create a fat loss programme that targets both visceral and subcutaneous fats. So not only do you have to begin with a structured exercise regime, you will also have to concentrate on your diet.\n\n\nLuckily, there are scientifically proven methods than can help you prepare your customised fat loss plan. Let\u2019s take a look at them.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n1. Don\u2019t stop moving\u00a0\n\n\nWhen you first chart out a fat loss programme, exercise and physical activity should be your priority. Begin by concentrating on losing visceral fat. You can get rid of it by engaging in activities that pump up your heart rate.\n\n\nYou can vaporise your calories by running, walking, jogging, cycling and even swimming. The idea is to pump up your heartbeat and keep it in motion. This is the best way to lose visceral fat.\n\n\n\n\nIf you are wondering how to reduce belly fat, begin with heart-pumping cardio exercises like running, jogging or even brisk walking. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nIn fact, you don\u2019t even have to push yourself to engage in cardio exercises for hours at a stretch. Simple exercises like brisk walking can reduce risk of medical complications caused by visceral fat.\n\n\nA recent \nstudy\n by Duke Health (University of Duke, U.S.) proves that \u201cWalking briskly on a regular basis may be more effective than vigorous jogging for improving glucose control in individuals with pre-diabetes.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nSo opt for low-intensity exercises to lose visceral fat.\n\n\nDr. William Kraus, M.D.\n, lead author and professor of medicine, Division of Cardiology,\u00a0Duke University School of Medicine, explains, \u201cHigh-intensity exercise tends to burn glucose more than fat, while moderate-intensity exercise tends to burn fat more than glucose.\u201d\n\n\n2. Include yoga in your daily exercise routine\u00a0\n\n\nIf you already perform a few \nyoga asanas\n, you are on the right track. However, if you haven\u2019t started yet, now is the time.\n\n\nA 2012 \nstudy\n published in the \nJournal of The North American Menopause Society\n\u00a0proves that women who tried a 16-week yoga programme saw a significant reduction of their visceral fat.\n\n\n\n\nYoga is the next best solution to the inevitable question of \u201chow to reduce belly fat\u201d and it actually works. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nThe study noted, \u201cBody weight, percentage of body fat, lean body mass, body mass index, waist circumference, and visceral fat area had significantly decreased.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nIf you cannot perform the\n\u00a0sun salutation\n or the downward dog at first, don\u2019t worry. You can also begin with relaxing and stretching exercises. The idea should be to relax your body and bring down the cortisol level. A \nstudy\n by the Yale University has proved that stress levels increase cortisol and lead to accumulation of fat in the belly.\n\n\n\u201cNon-overweight women who are vulnerable to the effects of stress are more likely to have excess abdominal fat, and have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol,\u201d the Yale University study suggests.\n\n\n3. Try to get 8 to 9 hours of sleep\u00a0\n\n\nSleeping\n is as important as exercising, especially when it comes to losing belly fat. If you do not get your seven to eight hour of sleep, or as much as your body needs, it can cause accumulation of fat around your organs.\u00a0\n\n\nA \nstudy\n by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, U.S. proved that there was \u201ca clear association between averaging five hours or less of sleep each night and large increases in visceral fat, or fat around the organs.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn case you are wondering how to reduce belly fat without too much physical activity, catching up on your sleep is the answer. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nSo getting some shut eye is as important as hitting the gym.\u00a0However, there is a catch.\u00a0\n\n\nThe study also proved that excessive sleeping can lead to the accumulation of fat. \u201cThe researchers found that getting more than eight hours of sleep on average per night has a similar \u2013 though less pronounced \u2013 affect,\u201d the researchers noted.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cBoth may be detrimental and, in general, people should aim for six to eight hours of sleep each night,\u201d shared\u00a0Kristen G. Hairston, M.D., M.P.H., an assistant professor of\u00a0endocrinology and metabolism at the university\u00a0and lead author on the study.\u00a0\n\n\nSo if you have been wondering how to reduce belly fat without too much physical activity, catching up on your sleep is the answer\n\n\n4. Eat your proteins\u00a0\n\n\nProteins are crucial to build up muscles. But did you know that they are also great to reduce that stubborn belly fat?\n\n\nThat\u2019s because your body begins to resist insulin as you grow older but a \nhigh protein diet\n protects your body against insulin resistance. So it not only reduces the chances of diabetes but, also helps reduce fat.\n\n\n\n\nA diet high in protein has considerable beneficial effects on satiety and weight control. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nA \nstudy\n published in the \nNutrition and Metabolism \njournal proves that, \u201cSome of the potential mechanisms that account for weight loss associated with high-protein diets involve increased secretion of satiety hormones (GIP, GLP-1), reduced orexigenic hormone secretion (ghrelin), the increased thermic effect of food and protein-induced alterations in gluconeogenesis to improve glucose homeostasis.\u201d\n\n\nIn other words, a high protein diet can help considerably to lose fat. But at the same time, you need to be aware of the side effects of consuming too much protein, such as increased acid load to the kidneys or high fat content of animal proteins. As long as you are aware of these risks, it is possible to formulate a protein-rich, balanced diet for yourself.\u00a0\n\n\nInclude lean meat, seafood, beans, low-fat dairy, eggs as well as nuts and seeds in your daily diet if you want to see that belly fat go down.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Add polysaturates to your food\n\n\nYou may already know that saturated fat (found in sausage, bacon, butter, suet, lard, coconut oil and palm oil) packs more visceral fat. But you may not know that polysaturated fat doesn\u2019t add more visceral fat, but adds muscle fat instead.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is proved by a Swedish \nstudy\n conducted by the Lund University. The researchers wanted to check the impact of saturated and polysaturated fats on the body. They found that polysaturated fats \u201cimproved carbohydrate metabolism in the body.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAdd polysaturated fats to your diet because they improve carbohydrate metabolism in the body and reduce belly fat. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nYou can find polysaturated fat in\u00a0oily fish such as a mackerel, herring and salmon, as well as in algae, nuts and oils made from rapeseed, sunflower seeds and corn.\n\n\nSo whenever you prepare festive dishes or ones that require you to add oil, opt for these oils. In addition, make it a point to eat oily fish as well as nuts.\u00a0\n\n\n6. And a spoonful of vinegar too\u2026\n\n\nA Japanese \nstudy\n published in \nPubMed\n proves that vinegar can actually help you lose visceral fat faster than you would expect.\n\n\nIn their report, the experts concluded that \u201cBody weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups. Daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTry to include vinegar in your daily diet in order to reduce stubborn belly fat. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nPamela Peeke, professor of medicine at the University of Maryland and author of\u00a0\nFight Fat After 40\n told \nPrevention\n,\u00a0\u201cOne theory is that the acetic acid in the vinegar produces proteins that burn up fat.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, since vinegar is quite acidic and cannot be taken directly, diluting it is a good idea. Better yet, flavoured vinegars such as apple cider vinegar and grape vinegar can also work. You can include them in your salads as well as your meals. But we advise you to speak with your doctor before trying this.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Stock up your green tea cabinets\u00a0\n\n\nEverybody says this and most people do it, and that\u2019s because it actually works! Yes ladies. Believe it or not, green tea works to reduce stubborn belly fat.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you exercise moderately and eat healthy, an addition of catechin-rich green tea can drastically reduce visceral fat.\n\n\nIn fact, a \nstudy\n published in the \nJournal of Functional Foods\n, proved that \u201cVisceral fat, body weight and fat were reduced significantly in catechin group.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCatechin-rich green tea can solve the problem of \u201chow to reduce belly fat\u201d as well. | Image courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\n\u201cDaily consumption of tea containing 690 mg catechins for 12 wk reduced body fat, which suggests that the ingestion of catechins might be useful in the prevention and improvement of lifestyle-related diseases, mainly obesity,\u201d the researchers noted.\n\n\nCatechins are antioxidant compounds and are associated with a variety of health benefits including weight loss, cardiovascular health and reduced risk of cancer.\u00a0\n\n\nSo if you were wondering how to reduce belly fat, we hope these seven scientifically proven methods will become a part of your fat loss programme. Because according to science, they actually work!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nPrevention\n, \nWebMD\n, \nNCBI\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/husband-always-on-phone-to-the-husband-who-cant-put-his-phone-down-to-talk-to-his-wife", "title": "Husband always on phone: To the husband who can\u2019t put his phone down to talk to his wife", "body": "One minute. All it took was one minute, maybe even less, to miss the precious moment your wife and child just shared. Your little boy just learned to use a straw! I saw it all. Your lovely wife making sipping motions with her lips, your boy trying it and not getting it right away, the split-second surprise of cold soda getting into his mouth, and finally, their glee at the discovery of this new skill.\n\n\nI, a complete stranger, clapped right along with them from across the room, as your eyes stayed glued to your phone.\n\n\nI\u2019m not judging. It could be an important message for work or it could be a new level that you\u2019re about to unlock on Clash of Clans. Whichever the case, I\u2019m not going to raise my eyebrow at you, but I\u2019m sad for you.\n\n\nHow many milestones have you missed? How many times has your son looked to you for approval or affirmation, only to be unseen? How many times has your wife had to repeat her question because you weren\u2019t paying attention? How many times has the dinner lovingly prepared for you gone cold?\n\n\nAll these missed moments are chipping away at your family\u2019s happiness.\n\n\nI don\u2019t know you, but I want you to know that your relationship with your phone is already hurting your relationship with your family.\n\n\nI want you to know, because your wife and your little boy need you to put that phone down for one minute. Look at them. Talk to them. Hug them. Share a smile.\n\n\nWhen your wife asks you for me-time instead of screen-time, it\u2019s not nagging or a guilt-trip \u2013 it\u2019s a cry for help. Heed it, because she needs you back.\n\n\nYour Facebook feed can wait. Instead of catching up on everyone else\u2019s adventures, make memories of your own.\n\n\nYour Fantasy draft can wait. You\u2019ll lose a round, but you\u2019ll win admiration from your son.\n\n\nEven your boss\u2019s email can wait. Isn\u2019t all the work you\u2019re doing for your family, anyway?\n\n\nBecause if you keep letting your family wait, guess what you\u2019re missing?\n\n\nOne lifetime. The one chance we get on Earth to be with the ones we love. The one chance you get at being husband and dad.\n\n\nEvery now and then, detach yourself from the virtual world and be present in this one, where your wife and son are sipping cold sodas and learning new songs everyday.\n\n\n*This article was first published on \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nIni Cara Untuk Terap Tabiat Wang Sihat Dalam Anak Remaja Anda\nPerkembangan & Umur Anak\nWant to boost your child\u2019s immune system? Here are 5 expert tips for you\nHidangan\nBayi Juga Perlukan Snek! Ini Antara Yang Ibu Ayah Boleh Cuba, Jangan Risau Ia Dijamin HALAL & Cukup Lazat!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nAdakah Anak Anda Alah Pada Susu Atau Intoleransi Laktosa? Ini Perbezaan Yang Ibu Bapa Patut Tahu\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nurturing-money-values-understanding-the-difference-between-a-want-and-a-need", "title": "Nurturing Money Values: Understanding The Difference Between A Want And A Need", "body": "Nurturers believe that \nteaching a child about money\n is a very important responsibility of being a parent. In fact, no other parent persona values the importance of money parenting more highly.\n\n\n\n\nNurturers are convinced that providing guidance and clear advice is vital and that it is important to teach their child proper values relating to money, like understanding the difference between a want and a need.\n\n\nImportance Of Money Parenting\n\n\nHow They Teach About Money Matters\n\n\nNurturers are very disciplined with their own finances and have clear financial goals. They plan carefully, stick to a budget, and exercise great control over their spending. Nurturers pride themselves on their frugality and self-control.\n\n\nThey try to instil this same discipline and financial philosophy in their child. One way they do this is by providing their child with a money box to encourage savings. Nurturers are more likely to do this than other parent personas across Asia.\n\n\n\n\nNurturers actively guide their child\u2019s spending habits to impart their own strong financial discipline and knowledge. They are happy to let their child learn through everyday experiences, but they are adamant that clear guidance is important if they are to learn how to save, budget, and grow money correctly.\n\n\nNurturers work as a team, because they believe that is what parenting is all about.\n\n\nThey believe that consistent, clear guidance is only possible if parents liaise closely and ensure they provide the same quality advice to their child. Nurturers are the most likely to say, \u201c\nParental teamwork is the most important part of teaching a child about money management\n\u201d.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Goals\n\n\nNurturers do whatever they can to ensure that their child develops a sophisticated knowledge of money management and learns how to grow money. They strive to give the child the best possible start in life.\n\n\nTo help them, Nurturers maximise their child\u2019s income and build a family \u2018nest egg\u2019. Nurturers are more likely than most other parents to own an investment property, stocks for their child, and have a Life Insurance policy \u2014 in addition to their own home, savings accounts, mutual funds and bonds.\n\n\nYes, Nurturers are financially savvy, and they want their child to be the same!\n\n\nThe children of Nurturers are also more likely to get money from many other sources: parents, family, and from investments made for them by their parents.\n\n\nMaybe this is why the children of Nurturers are a little \nless likely\n to earn money by doing a part-time job compared to other children.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTheir Money Parenting Success\n\n\nAfter all this effort, do Nurturers think that they have done a good job of money parenting? Has their child learned and benefitted in the way that they had hoped?\n\n\nHalf of Nurturers think that they have done a good job. The other half think that they have done the best they could, but are not sure if it was good enough.\n\n\nMost Nurturers believe their child already saves most of their money and spends a little, so they feel satisfied that their money parenting efforts are already paying off.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHow Well They Know Money\n\n\nParents who are Nurturers believe they have the financial knowledge and skills to be effective teachers. They rate their own financial skills much more highly than most parents.\n\n\n\n\nThey are therefore not overly interested in gaining more financial knowledge, but they do want more reassurance about their money parenting teaching techniques.\n\n\nNurturers really want to know what the most successful techniques are to teach a child money management.\n\n\nThey want to know what other parents are doing, and they would like TV programmes or apps that can assist their child and improve their knowledge and money handling skills. They also want to know if there are enrichment programmes for their child or workshops that they can all attend.\n\n\nMoney parenting is a serious matter for Nurturers.\n\n\nIf you are a Nurturer who is curious about how other parents are money parenting, check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\u00a0\n\n\nStill unsure of your Money Parenting style? Check out our \nquiz here\n to find out more!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/decreased-baby-movement", "title": "Stillbirth: What Should I Do if My Baby is Kicking Less?", "body": "There are perhaps very few experiences that are comparable with the joys of experiencing your baby kick and move within your tummy! From the very moment of conception, it is something every pregnant mother years to feel and is among one of the more memorable aspects of pregnancy. However, paying attention to your baby\u2019s kicks and counting them, particularly in your third trimester, further acts as a life-saving practice that has been linked to \nlowered risks of experiencing stillbirth\n and a tragic end to the pregnancy you worked so hard to sustain. Keeping a daily record of your baby\u2019s kicks helps you form patterns and alerts you when you may experience decreased fetal movement third trimester.\u00a0\n\n\nExperts recommend that pregnant mothers start\u00a0counting kicks\n in the 28th week of their pregnancy, or at 26 weeks if you are high risk or pregnant with multiples.\n\n\nDespite a pregnancy progressing along smoothly and without much complication, even normal pregnancies can sometimes turn problematic, and usually active babies can also experience distress. This can sometimes happen quickly and without other warning signs except for decreased activity in the womb.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPregnant mums should always pay attention to decreased fetal movement third trimester. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDecreased fetal movement third trimester\n\n\nHow often should my baby move?\n\n\nFetal \u2018kicks\u2019 refer to any baby movement in the womb. The type of movements may change as the pregnancy progresses, and can feel like anything from a flutter, to a kick, swish, roll, jab and sometimes even punch!\u00a0\n\n\nWhile every baby is different and there is no set number of \u201cnormal\u201d movements you should be experiencing, maintaining a daily record of kicks gives you an idea of usual patterns and alerts you to any decreased fetal movement that you may experience in the third trimester. In general, in the last trimester of your pregnancy, you should (on average) feel around 10 movements from your baby within an hour.\u00a0\n\n\nYou should generally feel your baby move more and experience regular kicking anywhere from 18 \u2013 24 weeks. Your baby\u2019s movements are usually regulated after 32 weeks, and will stay roughly the same until delivery.\u00a0Contrary to popular belief, it is not true that\u00a0babies move less towards the end of pregnancy, and you should experience movement until labour and throughout the delivery as well.\u00a0\n\n\nFeeling your baby move within your tummy is a sign that everything is going smoothly and that he/she is well. Any changes in usual movement patterns often indicate warning signs that a baby is unwell, and may sometimes mean that the fetus is in distress. Observing your baby\u2019s movements is important as this can lead to getting help at the right time and may save your baby\u2019s life.\u00a0\n\n\nDecreased fetal movement third trimester:\u00a0What should I do if baby\u2019s movements reduce?\n\n\nWhile every pregnancy is different and unique, most pregnant mums note that they first become aware of their baby\u2019s movements between weeks 16 \u2013 24 of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if you haven\u2019t felt movement within your womb by 24 weeks of pregnancy, you should contact your healthcare provider who will check your baby\u2019s heartbeat and perform an ultrasound to check on the baby\u2019s wellness.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDoctors will usually perform an ultrasound to check on your baby\u2019s wellbeing. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nDecreased fetal movement third trimester: Between weeks 24 and 28\n\n\nBetween your 24th to the 28th week of your pregnancy, \nanything out of the ordinary with regard to your baby\u2019s movements\n should be reported to your doctor, and you should preferably see you on the same day if possible.\u00a0\n\n\nAny decreased fetal movement experienced at the point in your pregnancy requires your\u00a0baby\u2019s heartbeat to be checked, as well as a full routine check-up that should include:\n\n\n\n\nMeasuring your bump to check the size of your baby\u00a0\n\n\nChecking your blood pressure\n\n\nPerforming tests on your urine to check for protein content\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou will also usually have an ultrasound scan performed, especially if your baby is smaller than expected.\u00a0\n\n\nExperiencing decreased movements could mean that your baby is unwell, but most women who have reported an episode of decreased movements usually progress along with a\u00a0straightforward pregnancy and healthy baby. It is imperative though that you receive medical help to ensure the safety of your baby.\n\n\nOver 28 weeks of pregnancy\n\n\nAny episodes of decreased activity after 28 weeks of pregnancy should be reported immediately, and you must visit a doctor as soon as possible. Do not wait a day to see if the situation is resolved and is back to normal, or even delay a few hours in reporting decreased fetal movement as this can be injurious to the safety of your baby. Your doctor will want to be notified immediately of any changes you are experiencing.\u00a0\n\n\nYou will usually be sent to the maternity unit to have some tests performed that may include:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nReport on baby\u2019s movements\u00a0\n\n\nAn\u00a0antenatal check-up, including checking your baby\u2019s heartbeat and measuring the size of your bump.\n\n\nMonitoring of your\u00a0baby\u2019s heart rate using a cardiotocography machine (CTG), usually for at least 20 minutes.\n\n\nAn ultrasound scan\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou should not be discharged until your baby\u2019s movements have been regulated and you note usual patterns in your baby\u2019s kicks.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s heart rate will be monitored to check for any irregularities and warning signs that something may be wrong. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nWhat should I do if my baby\u2019s movements reduce again upon being discharged?\u00a0\n\n\nAfter an episode of medical monitoring for an episode of decreased movement, you will be discharged when everything goes back to normal again. You will however need to keep a careful eye on your baby\u2019s movements and report any decrease or change immediately, regardless of how often that happens.\u00a0\n\n\nIt must be emphasised here that you need to report any and all change immediately to your healthcare providers without any fear of being a \u201cnuisance\u201d or a \u201cbother\u201d to hospital staff.\u00a0\n\n\nDo not try to take matters into your own hand and engage in the use of devices such as a home doppler, hand-held monitors, or phone apps to check on your baby at home. It does not mean that your baby is well even if you detect a heartbeat. You will need to be monitored by a cardiotocography machine or a medical professional who can interpret the baby\u2019s heartbeat, and any treatment that could save your baby needs to be\u00a0done when the baby has a heartbeat.\n\n\nDo not try to make your baby move. If you think your baby\u2019s movements have slowed down, stopped or changed contact your hospital or maternity unit immediately.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bonding-activities-for-parent-and-child", "title": "The 3-minute rule to create stronger bonds with kids according to a psychologist", "body": "When you think of bonding activities for parents and kids, you automatically think of many hours of playtime or meals together with your little ones. Indeed, creating that bond between parent and child is so important at many levels: love, security, communication are just a few of the connections that are established.\u00a0\n\n\nAnd as important as things like play and mealtimes together are, psychologists say that bonding between kids and their parents can also happen in as little as three minutes. Have you heard of the 3-minute rule, mums and dads?\u00a0\n\n\nThe \u20183-minute\u2019 Rule, according to a psychologist\n\n\nAs parents, we\u2019re constantly \u201cbusy\u201d, whether it is with taking care of our kids or working. Usually both\u2026 and some more.\u00a0\n\n\nIf we\u2019re working, that leaves us with even less precious time to spend with our kids.\u00a0When we do get to finally spend time with them, are we fully present? Is there anything we\u2019re missing out on?\n\n\nThere could be indeed something \u2014 and it could be the most \nimportant\n part of your day.\n\n\nAccording to Psychologist\u00a0Nataliya Sirotich, head of the Center of Work with Children and Youth, there is a precious 3-minute ritual that not many parents perform with their child.\u00a0\n\n\nThe rule of 3 minutes says that when you return home, you focus fully on your child for at least 3 minutes. And you have to do this without fail, every day.\n\n\nIt is a\u00a0simple yet effective way that helps to improve family relations.\u00a0By following this rule, Sirotich says that a child learns to be totally secure with parents. The child\u2019s trust could even be carried on till they become teenagers.\u00a0\n\n\nMums and dads, this may also be applicable if you have gone out of the house on chores like a department store.\u00a0\n\n\nBonding Activities For Parent And Child: How To Manage These 3 Minutes Correctly?\n\n\nIt\u2019s not simply just sharing that 3 minutes with your child. There are some important things to note, of course.\n\n\n1. Position yourself at the same eye level\n\n\nAs\u00a0you spend those 3 minutes in the presence of your child, ensure that you are at the same eye level as him or her.\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s sitting on a sofa or on the floor with your child standing or sitting down beside you, maintaining that same eye level is crucial.\n\n\n\n\nBonding activities for parent and child: a reminder to be at eye level with them. |\u00a0 Source: File photo\n\n\n\n\n2. Observe the 3-minute rule when picking your child up from school\u00a0\n\n\nThis is especially important when you\u2019re fetching your little one from the\u00a0kindergarten. It\u2019s been a while since you\u2019ve seen them so why not just simply spend 3 minutes: hug them and\u00a0gently ask them to share more about their day in school and what they did.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t downplay the importance of small talk here because a child can feel as though they are not being heard if you don\u2019t focus on them. The interactions you have with them are extremely important to them.\n\n\nYour eager little ones can\u2019t help but feel excited to share whatever that is going on in their minds when they see you, according to\u00a0Sirotich. You are his/ her greatest friend!\n\n\nProtip:\u00a0\nFollow up on what they tell you by asking specific questions about it.\u00a0Never shrug them off.\u00a0\n\n\n3. What you should never do\n\n\nYou should never ignore fully focussing these 3 minutes on your child after a period of not being with them. When you don\u2019t dedicate time to your child, they might stop placing importance on their own daily experiences.\n\n\nIt could come off to them as though you are disinterested and in the future, they could even grow up thinking that they should keep things to themselves.\n\n\n3. Of course, don\u2019t to take it literally\n\n\nThe \u20183-minute\u2019 rule simply means taking the extra effort to \nspend at least 3 minutes\n\u00a0fully focused on\u00a0 your child, so that they can tell you the most important things the moment they see you.\n\n\n\n\nCredits: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nBonding Activities For Parent and Child To Create Better Bond of Understanding\u00a0\n\n\nThere are other things you can do to create a better bond with your child, according to \nPsychologists\n.\n\n\n1. Engage in mutual interests with your child\n\n\nThe key here is letting them know that you are interested in spending time together with them and partaking in activities together. It could be as simple as playing a game, cooking or some DIY projects!\n\n\nDuring this time, focus on them and being with them. Everything else can wait.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Letting your child know that they can always talk and confide in you\n\n\nMums and dads, it\u2019s important to practice active listening when speaking with your child.\n\n\nBesides just taking in what they have to say, your child needs to know that you have understood them perfectly. How will that benefit you in the long term?\u00a0\n\n\nThey will grow up understanding your role as a figure of authority and a loving place for support. You can also be sure that they can count on you anytime if they have anything to say or reveal. What\u2019s more, you can expect that this behaviour will most likely carry on in teen life.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\n\n\n3. Be genuine, do away with the fake excitement\n\n\nSometimes, you might not identify with whatever your child may be expressing to you.\n\n\nIn your attempt to respond to your kid appropriately, the key is to always come from a genuine place. Kids are way smarter than you think. And some are able to catch on when you are faking it.\n\n\nProtip:\n Revisit the conversation that they both of you have, as it reinforces in your child that you have indeed listened and took in what he or she said.\n\n\nConsequences Of Ignoring Your Child\n\n\nIt doesn\u2019t mean that if you don\u2019t practice the 3 minute rule, you are ignoring your child. But not observing this 3 minute rule could manifest in other ways as your child grows older.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCultivating a closed nature\u00a0\u2014 they could withdraw into their own shell\n\n\nYou\u2019re seen to be not with them in times of need and when they get older, they will find less reason to speak with you.\n\n\nThey could be reluctant or see no need to share important details of their lives with you.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe effects of paying extra attention to the little details are long-lasting. The key is always consistency and showing that you\u2019re with your kids every step of the way.\n\n\nSource: \nZeptha\n,\u00a0\nAmerican Psychological Association\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-help-a-child-focus", "title": "4 Tips to Improve Your Child\u2019s Attention Span and Focus", "body": "\n\nDo you sometimes feel that when it comes to getting your child to do homework, you wished you could close all doors and windows and make a room small and still enough for your child to sit still, focus and get all of his or her homework done without being distracted? Have you been getting complaints from your child\u2019s teacher about his or her inability to pay attention in class?\n\n\nThis is quite a common scenario in every household; no matter the age of your child, children from the age of preschool level to university level have trouble focusing. With the added distractions of modern technology, even adults complain of getting distracted easily.\n\n\n4 Techniques How to Help a Child Focus\n\n\nSo how do you get your child to focus long enough for him or her to complete their schoolwork? Here are some things you can do to help your child focus better.\n\n\n#1. Time and Location\n\n\n\n\nWhile sitting on a bed may be a comfortable place to do homework, you will most definitely find your child asleep in the next few minutes.\n\n\nThe same goes for homework in front of the TV. Sitting in a distracting place will not help a child pay attention to the task at hand. Create a conducive environment, away from distractions for your child to work or study.\n\n\nStudies have shown that having a clutter-free workspace with a comfortable chair and good lighting helps children focus better. For young children especially, make sure that the amount of time he or she spends doing homework, extra work or study is realistic.\n\n\nExpecting a 6-year-old to sit and do Math problems for an hour is pushing it a bit too much. Make study time little pockets of time. Let your child achieve a task in 20 minutes and then have a five to ten-minute break.\n\n\nThis way, you will have fewer complaints from your child and at the same time get him or her to complete what needs to be done.\n\n\n#2. How to help a child focus: One Task at a Time\n\n\n\n\nA child is not yet able to multi-task as some adults do. When you expect your child to face multiple tasks, he or she will tend to shut down even before getting started. Kids are not able to manage their executive functions when faced with a row of things to do, all at the same time.\n\n\nInstead of giving your child a list of things to be done, how to help a child focus is by try working with him or her on a task at one time. For example, instead of asking your preschool child to complete the tracing of A to F, get him or her to finish A first before going on to B and C.\n\n\nThis way, your child\u2019s brain absorbs one thing at a time and retains it better too.\n\n\n#3. How to help a child focus: Rewards and Recognition\n\n\n\n\nEveryone needs motivation. Adults find better bonus makes them work harder at work. A better commission makes us push for more sales. Kids too need constant motivation. For younger children of preschool age, setting up a rewards chart almost always work wonders. Include plenty of details in the reward system.\n\n\nEvery time your child completes homework within a stipulated time, he or she should be able to add a sticker to the chart. You can add on things like mealtimes, extra activity time, bedtime and anything else that require your child to focus for a certain period of time. Be careful not to forget the rewards though, as children can get very upset if they don\u2019t get anything after doing so much!\n\n\nI usually tell my kids that each sticker is worth 50 cents or a dollar, and when they collect a minimum of 20 stickers, they can redeem them for money and treat themselves to whatever they like. Try to encourage them from a young age to spend a percentage of their rewards on the less fortunate.\n\n\nYou get to kill two birds with one stone this way; teaching your child empathy from a young age in this way goes a long way in creating the personality of a child.\n\n\n#4. Be Patient\n\n\n\n\nIt cannot be easy accomplishing a task when you are dealing with a fidgety and distracted child. Your patience level will be tested, sometimes in ways, you can\u2019t imagine.\n\n\nHowever, if you allow yourself to lose your temper easily, your child will be even more distracted. He or she may think it is alright for them to get angry too. Yelling or worse still, spanking your child will not get you anywhere.\n\n\nGather all the patience you have, try to look for creative ways to make your child interested in doing his or her work and study and above all, breathe.\u00a0\n\n\nThere will be times when you feel like blowing your top off, but this wouldn\u2019t work, for the more you\u2019re angry, the more your child will shut you out, or worse, hates studying.\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to remember that children who struggle with their attention span don\u2019t usually do it on purpose. They need help, so give them your full support, attention, encouragement, but never your impatience.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to Exercise the Left and Right Side of the Brain | Brain Training\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nStudy: The brain food that will make your kids smarter\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow can you help your child concentrate better in school?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/parents-are-addicted", "title": "What happens to children whose parents are addicted to smartphones", "body": "In today\u2019s generation, it\u2019s hard for both children and adults to look away from their smartphones.\n\n\nResearchers have heavily documented the negative effects of digital addiction to young people.\u00a0\nOther than\u00a0\nphysical repercussions\n such as joint aches and pains, vision problems, too much screen time can also give rise to aggression. Loss of social skills in kids is also common.\n\n\n\u201cIf your teens would prefer gaming indoors, alone, as opposed to going out to the movies, meeting friends for burgers or any of the other ways that teens build camaraderie, you may have a problem,\u201d connectivity expert Holland Haiis says in her book \nConsciously Connecting: A Simple Process to Reconnect in a Disconnected World\n.\n\n\nHowever, she also said that technological addiction isn\u2019t exclusive to young people: it can affect people of all ages.\n\n\nIn fact, smartphone addicted parents can even be more harmful to children.\n\n\nWhen parents are addicted to smartphones\n\n\nAccording to a study, parents who are on their phone while attending to their children make them feel neglected. Not only that, children may even feel that they\u2019re in competition against the device.\n\n\nChild development specialist Dr. Jenny Radesky of Boston Medical Center conducted the study after she noticed parents ignoring their kids in favour of a mobile device.\n\n\n\u201cUpon completing her research, Radesky concludes that kids who have parents eaten up by their phones are more likely to be attention-seekers,\u201d said a \nParent Herald\n report. \u201cAnd these kids\u2019 life get screwed up later in life.\u201d\n\n\nEchoing Dr. Redesky\u2019s findings, Catherine Steiner-Adair, author of \nBig Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age\n, she said that such parents are also more irritable. They tend to snap at their children when distracted from their devices.\n\n\nAs a result, these children increase efforts to get their parents\u2019 attention, becoming more silly and rowdy. They also\u00a0get irritated easily as well.\n\n\nParents need to be particularly careful not to succumb to addiction during children\u2019s first seven years of life. This period is crucial to children\u2019s development.\n\n\n\u201cWhat a parent gives to the child during this period should be of utmost consideration,\u201d Parent Herald says. \u201cLove is the ultimate ingredient and for some kids, it is expressed by uninterrupted time for them.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKehamilan\n8 produk kehamilan anda harus miliki dari Maternity Exchange!\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Balik Kampung? Ini 5 Barang Wajib Ada Untuk Si Manja Anda\nTip keibubapaan\nTips Penjagaan Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir Dengan Betul, Ibu Kali Pertama Wajib Tahu 5 Perkara Ini\nAnak\nTop 3 Most Common Illnesses Kids Contract From Daycare\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ramadan-iftar-sahur", "title": "Going Ramadan Shopping? Here Are 9 Things You Need In Your List", "body": "Ramadan is a month that\u2019s meant to refresh the body, mind and soul. Choosing the right food for your Iftar or Sahur keeps you energetic, hydrated, and much happier during the day and throughout the month.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, in our hunger we usually end up eating lots of fried foods or highly processed foods, which can not only have you put on a few extra kilos during the month , but also often will leave you bloated, thirsty, cranky and feeling unhealthy throughout the day.\u00a0In order to prepare for a happier Ramadan month, we\u2019ve put together a healthy shopping guide that helps you shop and plan your meal. So, here\u2019s our selection of the top 10 food items to have in your shopping list. Happy Ramadan!\n\n\nDates\n\n\nDates are an integral part of this month; luckily for us, the dates found in the Middle East are among the best. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals, energy, sugar, and fibre. It\u2019s customary to break fast with a date and it is advised to eat them at sahur. Dates might be tiny in size but pack a punch as it is able to keep you satiated for longer than you would expect and they\u2019re also a good option for satisfying your sweet tooth. Among the many varieties of dates, Ajwa \u2013 dubbed as \u201cdates from paradise\u201d \u2013 found mostly in Saudi Arabia, is good for protection against heart ailments and an excellent option for both sahur and breaking your fast.\n\n\nBarley\n\n\nBarley is a very affordable heart-friendly ancient grain and has almost the identical components of oats. This means that it is not only high in fibre, but also rich in folate, B6 and potassium. Minerals like phosphate, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc benefits bone structure and strength. Get creative with this grain and consume it as a drink, in soups and stews and as a salad ingredient.\n\n\nSoy and soy products\n\n\nVegans rejoice\n! Where most plants lack one or two essential amino acids, this is the only plant source, which is a complete protein as it contains all 9 essential amino acids. It\u2019s low in saturated fat and helps lower cholesterol level by increasing HDL levels. Consume fermented soy products like tempeh and natto to boost micro gut flora.\n\n\nThe only debate when it comes to soy is the potential effect from the phytoestrogen, which mimics the structure and function of the female hormone, oestrogen that it contains. Feminisation and the effect on female fertility make us wary of consuming too much soy. However, studies have proven that the effect is subtle and only occurs when high amounts are eaten.\n\n\nHummus\n\n\nThis simple dip is made out of chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice and salt, but for some added \u2018omph\u2019 it can also be mixed with avocado, sweet potato, garlic etc. You can buy it ready-made in supermarkets but make sure you read the label to see what\u2019s inside. Alternatively, you can make your own; we have an awesome healthy\n\u00a0Hummus recipe here\n. This savoury dip is delicious and irresistible, and is easy to eat; it goes well with your wholemeal bread, vegetable sticks etc. It is packed with plant protein and good fat and dense with nutrients to help you to get through your Ramadan period easily.\n\n\nLeafy greens\n\n\nJust because it\u2019s Ramadan, doesn\u2019t mean that you stop eating your greens. They\u2019re packed with vitamins, minerals and plenty of fibre. Leafy greens are also very refreshing and calming for your stomach after a long day of fasting. Be creative so you don\u2019t feel like eating a salad is a chore.\n\n\nRoot vegetables\n\n\nRoots are some of the most nutrient-dense vegetables in the world. While each root contains its own set of health benefits, they share many of the same characteristics. Yams, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, yuca, kohlrabi, onions, garlic, celery root (or celeriac), horseradish, daikon, turmeric, jicama, Jerusalem artichokes, radishes, and ginger are all considered roots.\n\n\nBecause root vegetables grow underground, they absorb a great amount of nutrients from the soil. They are packed with a high concentration of antioxidants, Vitamins C, B, A, and iron, helping to cleanse your system. They are also filled with slow-burning carbohydrates and fibre, which make you feel full, and help regulate your blood sugar and digestive system. It is great to use root vegetables for soup. Warm soup is something nice to break fast with; it warms the digestive system, and makes you feel grounded and settled.\n\n\nDeep sea fish\n\n\nFish is among the healthiest foods you can eat. It\u2019s filled with good fats and protein, and has been shown to fight heart disease, boost brain health, and more. Especially deep sea fish such as salmon, trout, cod and sardines that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent for the brain, the heart and various other parts of the body.\n\n\nHigh fibre fruits\n\n\nFruits are a universal healthy food, it is high in fibre and enzyme, it keeps you hydrated, helps in digestion, prevents constipation and it is also very refreshing for your body. But be careful with the selection as some fruits are high in fructose, and may not be a good thing if overly consumed during Ramadan. So go for low fructose and high fibre fruits such as: apples, pears, pineapples, green guavas, berries, papayas, dragon fruits, watermelons, and coconuts. Avoid high sugar fruits such as mangos, grapes, lychees, and durians.\n\n\nNuts and seeds\n\n\nNuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and peanuts all contain a host of healthful nutrients. Just a handful packs a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals and fats, all of which work together to affect your heart, your brain and your waistline. Just one ounce a day can diminish inflammation and provide satiating fibre, protein and immune-boosting minerals.\n\n\nConsume a variety of nuts and seeds, as it gives you different flavours that can satisfy your taste buds. The good thing about nuts and seeds is you can use them in many ways; add texture to smoothies or pureed soups, or add ground flaxseeds directly to your meal, or soak other nuts and seeds until they soften and blend it with your food. Or make your own flavoured nuts and seeds for snacks by adding spices. Alternatively, use nuts and seeds as a topping for casseroles, hot or cold cereals, soups, salads or in wraps or sandwiches.\n\nWe hope that this list will help you have a healthy and energised Ramadan.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/family-vacations-destination", "title": "City Lights and Coastal Breeze Destinations Appeal to Malaysian Families in 2023\u00a0", "body": "\u00a0Asian metropolises brimming with entertainment for all ages are the most coveted destinations for Malaysian families seeking adventures abroad this year, with Thai cities Hat Yai and Bangkok leading the pack, followed by Singapore, Tokyo, and Taipei.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAccording to search data from digital travel platform Agoda for travel in 2023, seven of the ten most searched international destinations for families were for populous urban cities. Tropical beach paradises are also on the minds of travelers, with Phuket (#6), Bali (#7) and Krabi (#8) placing among the top searched family destinations.\u00a0\n\n\nMeanwhile, domestic cult favorites with time-tested delights are once again the choice picks for Malaysians looking to create family memories locally, with Kuala Lumpur (#1), Penang (#2) and Malacca (#3) retaining their luster as the best city escapes. The appeal of fresh-air diversions like Cameron Highlands (#5) and Genting Highlands (#10) are also noticeably enticing for family holiday-goers within Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cMalaysians value family time, and travel offers fantastic opportunities for families to strengthen their bonds while indulging in new food, sights, and sounds,\u201d said Cleland Robertson, Country Director Malaysia and Brunei at Agoda. \u201cPlanning vacations with large groups of varying ages and budgets can be a challenge. Which is why at Agoda, we have done our best to make the booking journey as seamless as possible with accommodations, flight, and activities all at the click of a button.\u201d\n\n\nWhen families travel together, there is no one-size-fits-all for the type of place to stay. Some families are looking for Agoda Homes which offer kitchens or extra living space to cater for family groups, while others prefer a hotel with kids\u2019 clubs, babysitting or family friendly adjoining rooms. Agoda\u2019s hassle-free booking experience caters to all \u2013 helping all family travelers find the ideal hotel or homestay for their trip.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n#DudukDiRumah dan Bergembira bersama Kempen Friso\u00ae Gold x Lazada 11.11 Mission Moo-Possible\nHealth\nIs Your Little One Getting Vaccinated Soon? Tips On What You Should Do Before & After Each Jab\n#PendidikanKewangan\nCan Financial Management Be Easy? 5 Things You Should Be Doing As A Parent\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nPilihan Utama Ibu-Ibu Di Australia, 5 Sebab Anak Anda Perlu Beralih Kepada Susu Organik Kanak-Kanak Dari Bellamy\u2019s Organic EQUISPIRE\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/carsome-launch-women-take-the-wheel-initiative", "title": "CARSOME Launches its \u2018Women Take the Wheel\u2019 Initiative to Improve the Car Ownership Experience for Women", "body": "In conjunction with International Women\u2019s Day, Southeast Asia\u2019s largest integrated car e-commerce platform, CARSOME, has announced its \nWomen Take the Wheel\n initiative to be rolled out in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand in line with the company\u2019s commitment to be more inclusive across all its touchpoints with society.\n\n\nAccording to CARSOME data, the number of female car buyers has risen by more than 308% in 2022 compared to the previous year. In response to feedback\n from its female customers on their needs and challenges when purchasing pre-owned cars, the \nWomen Take The Wheel\n initiative aims to empower female car buyers with a differentiated experience and offerings, taking into consideration their request to be educated and guided especially in the technical and process-related aspects of car buying during the early stages.\n\n\nCARSOME Group President & Chief Financial Officer, Juliet Zhu said: \u201cWe\u2019ve heard the feedback of our female customers and recognize the challenges they face throughout their car ownership journey. In addition to providing trust, transparency and choice through our digitized car buying and selling experience, \u2018Women Take the Wheel\u2019 is our way of supporting women in making informed and confident decisions.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThis is just the beginning, and we are excited to work with our women customers to bring more benefits in the months ahead. It is also indicative of our long-term dedication towards driving a more inclusive environment for more balanced representation in the automotive industry. We hope what we have built today will become a baseline tomorrow to continue advocating for women.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nAs part of the \nWomen Take the Wheel\n initiative, CARSOME will be piloting an elevated customer experience in Malaysia for women with 11 customer specialists at selected Inspection and Experience Centers including PJ Automall, Kepong, Kelana Jaya, Puchong, Klang, Seremban, Melaka, Skudai, Ipoh and Bayan Lepas.\u00a0 \n\n\nThese consultants will support and guide female customers to provide them with a seamless experience right from the test drive to car ownership, after which customers will be able to access convenient after sales support through CARSOME\u2019s digital touchpoints.\u00a0\n\n\nThe program also kicked-off with a 30-day money-back guarantee for female customers, first of such offering in the industry and free 1 month life insurance from Fi Life, one of CARSOME\u2019s partners in the \nWomen Take the Wheel \ninitiative. This will be applicable during the campaign period from 8 \u2013 31 March 2023.\u00a0\n\n\nParents will also be able to benefit from a Children\u2019s Corner, which is being piloted at PJ Automall. Based on the reception and feedback, CARSOME will continue to refine and enhance these initiatives aimed at providing a friendlier experience for customers.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAt the launch of the \nWomen Take The Wheel\n initiative, Juliet sat down with digital entrepreneurs Malek Ali, Founder of BFM and Fi Life; Sherry Sheriff, Co-founder of Wahine Capital; as well as Vanessa Gomes, Senior Writer at Digital Edge for a fireside chat titled \u2018Elevating the Women Consumer Experience\u2019. \n\n\nAs the digital revolution sweeping across Asia changes how people access and navigate significant life decisions such as investment, insurance and automotive purchases, the discussion was focused on how businesses can better anticipate the needs of women and cater to them more meaningfully.\u00a0\n\n\nFemale customers hoping to take advantage of these offers can head over to the CARSOME Autofair 2023 from 17 to 19 March 2023 at CARSOME PJ Automall. All CARSOME Certified cars booked during the Autofair will be eligible for discounts of up to RM8,000, two-years\u2019 worth of warranty and many other free gifts.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\nSenarai Semak Wajib Tanya Apabila Ke Pakar Pediatrik, #4 Tu Penting!\nParenting\nDoes Your Growing Up Child Have A Sensitive Tummy? Here\u2019s What You Should Know\n#PendidikanKewangan\nKebebasan Kewangan Terjamin Melalui Etika Kerja Yang Baik dan Simpanan\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/baby-born-after-parents-die-shows-wonders-of-a-grandparents-love", "title": "Baby born after parents die shows wonders of a grandparent's love", "body": "It might seem impossible to think that a baby born after parents die could survive. But a baby boy in China has, thanks to surrogacy, as well as the unwavering devotion of his grandparents.\n\n\nBaby born after parents die is the fulfillment of a long-held dream\n\n\nWhen\u00a0Shen Jie and Liu Xi of Jiangsu, China were still alive, they always dreamed of having a child. So they had several embryos frozen with the intent of going through the process of in vitro fertilisation (IVF).\n\n\nBut sadly in 2013, the young couple died in a car crash. After their untimely demise, their parents decided not to let their children\u2019s dream of being a mum and dad die with them.\u00a0\n\n\nThey also saw the embryos as a way to preserve their family line. And so began a legal battle to gain the rights over the embryos.\n\n\n\u201c[The embryos] are the only carriers of the two families\u2019 bloodlines, and they carry the memories of their parents and can provide emotional consolation to them\u201d\n\n\n\n\nBaby born after parents die in car crash four years ago just turned 100 days old! | Screenshot: \nBBC News\n\n\n\n\nEventually, the parents were given custody of the embryos, considering that\u00a0\u201cthe embryos left by Shen and Liu are the only carriers of the two families\u2019 bloodlines, and they carry the memories of their parents and can provide emotional consolation to them.\u201d\n\n\nIn 2014, they started to work on a way to get the untransplanted embryos after learning that it could only be transferred from hospital to hospital.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, surrogacy is not legal in China. So they had to find other alternatives. Two years later, they found an agency in Laos where commercial surrogacy is legal. After they sifted through 20 candidates over the course of a few years, they chose one surrogate mother.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBaby born after parents die is now happily in the care of his four loving grandparents | Screenshot: \nBBC News\n\n\n\n\nOn the 9th of December 2017, the surrogate mum gave birth in China. Since she was of Laotian citizenship, the grandparents had to prove that the baby was their grandson through blood and DNA tests.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nAfter years of waiting and fighting, they finally became grandparents.\u00a0They named the baby boy Tiantian, which means sweetness, hoping that his arrival would bring joy to both their families after the bitter fate their children suffered.\u00a0\n\n\nSources:\n \nThe Straits Times\n, \nBBC News\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/i-caught-my-son-masturbating-for-the-first-time", "title": "\"I caught my son masturbating for the first time\"", "body": "Jamie* is a single mum of sons Leon* (aged 10) and Marcus* (aged 7). They live in a cosy apartment in Siglap, and the boys have their own rooms. Jamie works as a nurse and does late night shifts from time to time. Her boys are looked after by their domestic helper, who lives with them.\n\n\n\u201cBeing a mother of 2 boys, I thought I had seen it all. Like Ray Romano said\u2026 Having children is like living in a frat house \u2013 nobody sleeps, everything\u2019s broken, and there\u2019s a lot of throwing up. This pretty much sums up my life. I can safely say I\u2019ve been winging it so far, but when I got to this conundrum, I was stumped as to what to do.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI never prepared myself for this situation. And I should have been.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDefinitely not a moment a mum would like to put down in her memory book, but here is how the story goes\u2026\n\n\nI got home around midnight on a Saturday night after a long day at the hospital- the hall lights were off, and the boys\u2019 bedroom doors were shut. I usually check in on them, no matter what time I get home, just to hug them goodnight. This was a routine, and tonight, like every other night, I walked into Leon\u2019s room first, to say goodnight.\n\n\nAs I entered, I noticed that the night lamp was switched on. There, in the dim-lit room, I saw him rubbing himself. I could see everything! I was so stunned, I didn\u2019t know how to react. I froze for a few seconds, just staring down at him, and he freaked out, started yelling for me to leave the room, and took his blanket as cover. \n\n\nI dashed out, and found myself feeling a mix of emotions. I was furious, disgusted, yet concerned. Telling myself to calm down and let him have his space to \u2018recover\u2019 from that encounter, I went into my room, took a shower and spent all that time trying to think of how I was going to approach him to talk about it. We had to talk about it \u2013 there was no way we could pretend it didn\u2019t happen.\n\n\nI kept thinking, \u201cBut he\u2019s only 10. Is this normal? Where did he learn how to do it from? Does Marcus also do it? What should I do?\u201d\n\n\nA few minutes later, I knocked on his door (regretting not having done that earlier), and entered his room. He was snuggled in a corner in his bed, looking all flushed and worried. I felt sorry for him \u2013 I didn\u2019t want him to feel victimised. This incident called for an awkward conversation \u2013 and it was happening then. I had to do it.\n\n\nI sat down next to him, held his hand, and told him, \u201cIt\u2019s okay. But we need to talk about this. I know it\u2019s a natural thing that boys do, but I was not aware that you were already doing it. Tell me how you feel about it and we can sort this out together.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMum, this is so embarrassing, please don\u2019t tell Marcus\u201d. I assured him that nobody will have to know about this- this was between him and me. He sat up, looking shy and didn\u2019t have eye contact with me. I didn\u2019t push for it because I too felt uncomfortable.\n\n\n\u201cSorry mummy, I felt this weird feeling and I just started stroking it. It felt normal. I have been doing it in the shower a few times now. Is it wrong? During sex education in school we covered this and I know what it means. But is it too early for me to be doing it?\u201d\n\n\nI explained to him that it was a natural process and he had nothing to be ashamed of. I took the opportunity to reassure him that these changes are meant to be, and were part of growing up. I made him understand that masturbation is private but not shameful. Of course, I was secretly thankful that his teachers had already had that talk with the kids \u2013 it made this conversation so much easier to have!\n\n\nIt also made me feel good to know that the school was raising a generation that recognises \nmasturbation\n as a natural part of human sexuality.\n\n\nHe felt better after a while, and by me showing that I was not there to judge him or reprimand him, made him feel more at ease. I did not want to scold him for it, because he wasn\u2019t doing anything wrong. Yes, it was an unfortunate circumstance that I had to walk in on him, but it was not a \u2018bad deed\u2019.\n\n\nWe then moved on to chat about what the other boys in school have shared with him about them experimenting with their own bodies, and it was interesting to know that kids at this tender age were very confident about themselves and fully aware on how their bodies work. I actually felt safe hearing the things he was telling me. \n\n\nNow I know that I have a whole other conversation to have with his younger brother soon!\n\n\n\n\nHow to talk to your kids about masturbation\n\n\nMasturbation. Testicle. Vagina. Why beat around the bush? These are real words to include in sex education and are essential to what makes us human. And parents, there\u2019s no comfortable or easy way around it. \n\n\nHave an honest and effective conversation with your kids when you deem fit \u2013 this conversation has to happen sooner or later. Let your child know that as he gets older, he might want to explore his genitals more and enjoy the sensations of touching more, and explain that is normal. \n\n\nAnother, more creative way, is to give him a good, readable kids\u2019 book on puberty and sexual development. Before buying, look it over yourself to make sure you like its approach. Place it in your child\u2019s room, where he can look at in private, and casually tell him that you\u2019ve left it there for him to look at, only if he wants to. Offer to talk to him about any questions he may have later. \n\n\nIt\u2019s also important to let your son (more specifically in this case) know well before puberty that wet dreams are a normal part of growing up. Reassure him that he can\u2019t control it, and that ejaculation is just a physical sign that he\u2019s growing into manhood.\n\n\nThe key is to show your child that you are there for them at this stage of their life, which can be a scary period for them. Your child may feel guilty about this unless you reassure him/her that it\u2019s not only normal but healthy to have sexual feelings, and that everyone masturbates, though they may not talk about it.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n*All names in this story have been changed to protect the identity of those involved\n\n\n(Story as told to Pavin Chopra)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMummies and daddies, have you had this talk with your child yet? Share with us how you tackled it.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-importance-folic-acid", "title": "The Importance Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy & Why You SHOULD Take It", "body": "Folic acid is necessary for everyone, but it is especially vital during pregnancy since it helps to avoid congenital disabilities. This article will discuss this acid, why it\u2019s vital for pregnant women, and more.\n\n\nWhat is folic acid?\n\n\nFolic acid is a synthetic version of the B vitamin folate.\u00a0 Supplementing folic acid and consuming foods fortified with folic acids, such as some morning cereals, are two ways to obtain folic acid into one\u2019s diet.\u00a0\n\n\nFolate aids in the formation of red blood cells and the development of your baby\u2019s neural tube into their brain and spinal cord.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nThe importance of folic acid for pregnant women\n\n\nThere are a few reasons why folic acid is vital for those who are expecting. Firstly, folate aids the body in the production of healthy new red blood cells.\u00a0\n\n\nThe oxygen-carrying red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body. Folate deficiency anaemia can occur if the body does not have enough folate in its diet to produce enough of these cells. This can result in tiredness, weakness, and a pale complexion.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re pregnant, your baby\u2019s neural tube may not shut properly if you don\u2019t get enough folic acid in your body. Neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly are major health concerns that affect life quality and lifespan.\u00a0\n\n\nSpina bifida is a condition in which the spinal cord or vertebrae do not fully mature. In contrast, anencephaly is a condition in which critical regions of the brain don\u2019t fully grow.\n\n\nAnencephaly babies do not generally live long, and those with spina bifida may be handicapped for the rest of their lives. So, these are frightening issues.\u00a0\n\n\nThe good news is that taking enough \nfolic acid can reduce the risk of neural tube abnormalities\n in your baby by up to 50%.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), taking enough f\nolic acid can lower your chance of having a kid with a neural tube defect\n by as much as 70% if you\u2019ve already had a baby with one.\n\n\nMoreover, folic acid may help to lower the risk of other pregnancy issues, including preterm labour and problems with the development of the baby.\n\n\nHow much folic acid should you take?\n\n\n\n\nBefore you get pregnant and until you\u2019re 12 weeks pregnant, you should take a dosage of 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day. If you didn\u2019t take folic acid before being pregnant, you should begin as soon as you learn you\u2019re expecting.\n\n\nYour baby\u2019s spine will have grown by the time you reach 12 weeks pregnant, so you may stop taking folic acid. You can, however, continue to take supplements after 12 weeks if you choose, and it will not endanger your baby.\n\n\nConsume folate-rich green leafy vegetables, as well as folic acid-fortified morning cereals and fat spreads.\n\n\nIt\u2019s challenging to acquire enough folate from diet alone to ensure a safe pregnancy, which is why a folic acid supplement is essential.\n\n\nOn the other hand, \nbreastfeeding mothers\n should aim for about 500 mcg each day.\n\n\nWhat form is folic acid available?\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Damir Mijailovic from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nHere are a few ways you can get folic acid:\n\n\nFood\n\n\nSome food manufacturers must add folic acid into enriched grain products such as breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, and rice. For example, some fortified breakfast cereals provide 100% of the daily required quantity.\n\n\nThis is intended to benefit women who do not take a supplement and do not intend to become pregnant.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s a list of foods that are rich in folic acid:\n\n\n\n\nAvocado\u00a0\n\n\nDark green vegetables like broccoli or spinach\u00a0\n\n\nCitrus fruit or juice\n\n\nTomato juice\n\n\nBananas\u00a0\n\n\nMilk\u00a0\n\n\nPeanuts\u00a0\n\n\nEggs\u00a0\n\n\nDried peas or nuts\n\n\nCorn masa (can be found in tacos)\n\n\nLentils\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSupplements\u00a0\n\n\nFolic acid can also be taken as a vitamin or supplement. These tablets are widely available in pharmacies.\u00a0\n\n\nSurprisingly, research reveals that \nfolic acid from supplements is absorbed far better by the body than folate found naturally\n in specific meals. Furthermore, foods can lose folate during storage or be damaged by cooking.\n\n\nFolic acid in pregnancy- when to stop taking it?\n\n\nIt\u2019s suggested that you take folic acid until you\u2019re 12 weeks pregnant if you\u2019re pregnant or trying for a baby. This lowers the chances of issues with the baby\u2019s development during the first few weeks of pregnancy.\n\n\nCan you take folic acid tablets before pregnancy?\n\n\nYes, you can. The CDC recommends \nwomen of reproductive age consume 400mcg of folic acid daily\n. This is to ensure you have enough folic acid to help prevent some birth abnormalities. In fact, folic acid should be part of your diet if you\u2019re planning on getting pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nCan you take folic acid to get pregnant?\n\n\nFolic acid won\u2019t help you in getting pregnant. Nevertheless, it is very essential in helping you achieve good development in the neural tube. Hence, folate will be helpful for women who are of reproductive age.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\n\n\nConclusion\u00a0\n\n\nRemember that although folic acid is highly beneficial, it has been known to cause nausea, loss of appetite, wind, and bloating in some people. \n\n\nHowever, these side effects are often minor and short-lived. So do consult your doctor before you start taking any new supplements!\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on all things related to pregnancy, click \nhere\n!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nTake Care of Your Health and Equip Yourself With Vitamins For Pregnancy!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n Best Prenatal Vitamins For Pregnant Women\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nPregnancy Questions: Can I Eat Deli Meat?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chickenpox-rashes", "title": "How To Tell If Rashes Are More Than Just A Harmless Rash: Signs To Look Out For In Kids", "body": "When a child gets rashes randomly, it can be really frustrating to figure out where it is coming from.\u00a0\n\n\nSince their skin can be quite sensitive, they could be getting rashes from the changing of laundry detergent, or the material from their new clothes they just grew into.\u00a0\n\n\nWe would investigate and try to eliminate these reasons from the list of why they might be sporting rashes.\u00a0\n\n\nBut if you have done everything you can to try and identify the root cause of their rashes and you\u2019re still unable to determine it, one of the things that it might be, is the start of chickenpox\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to tell if your child\u2019s rashes is chickenpox\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nChickenpox is a common disease that affects children. The virus that causes chickenpox is known as varicella virus, the same virus that causes shingles. It is a contagious disease and can spread from person to person\n1\n.\n\n\nA person infected with this virus can experience fever and rash with blisters. It can spread through\n1\n:\n\n\n\n\nAir when a person with chickenpox coughs or sneezes.\n\n\nBy touching the fluid that comes out of the blister.\n\n\n\n\nSo if your child has recently been to the playground and in contact with other kids who might be carrying the virus, they might have caught the varicella virus. To determine if it might be chickenpox, parents should look out for these symptoms\n1\n:\n\n\n\n\nFever, feeling unwell and tired, five days before the rash appears.\n\n\nSmall red spots that itch on the whole body. Usually the rash starts on the chest and back, then spreads to the face, head, both arms and legs.\n\n\nWithin 24 hours, the rashes will look like water blisters (blisters), then burst, dry out and become crusty (4 -5 days).\n\n\nNew spots will continue to appear for five days and take two weeks to disappear.\n\n\n\n\nUsually, chickenpox infection results in lifelong immunity. However, the virus may hide and recur as shingles in adults and sometimes in children\n1\n.\n\n\nWhat should parents do if their child is infected with chickenpox?\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nIf your child is experiencing symptoms, you should take your child to the doctor. Because children tend to scratch their blisters, they are at risk of complications arising from chickenpox such as a skin bacterial infection, which might require an antibiotic course\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are some ways that parents can help relieve their child\u2019s discomfort. But we highly recommend getting a proper treatment plan from a doctor and do not administer any medication to your child without a doctor\u2019s prescription.\n\n\nOther than that, there are other things you can do:\n\n\n#1. Make sure your child doesn\u2019t scratch!\n\n\nScratching the rash can worsen the skin infection if your child has already caught the bacterial infection and it would leave scars\n2\n. Try these tips to soothe your child\u2019s itchy skin:\n\n\n\n\nCold oatmeal bath (you can buy it at your local pharmacy). Dab or pat (do not rub) your skin dry.\n\n\nApply calamine lotion on itchy spots.\n\n\nTry antihistamines, such as \ndiphenhydramine\n, to reduce itching\n2\n.\n\n\nWear loose cotton clothing to avoid skin irritation\n3\n.\n\n\nCut their nails so they are not able to scratch and collect bacteria under the nails.\n\n\nPut gloves or mittens on them if possible\n2\n.\n\n\n\n\n#2. Stay in a cool area as much as possible\n\n\nHeat and sweat might further agitate your child\u2019s rash. Try to keep them in a cool area, turn on the fan so there is sufficient air circulation. And use a cool, damp cloth to dab on very itchy areas to soothe their skin and make sure to dry it properly later so it doesn\u2019t become a breeding ground for more bacteria to grow\n3,4\n.\n\n\n#3. Give them plenty of fluids\n\n\nDo make sure your child gets plenty of fluids to prevent them from becoming dehydrated\n3\n.\n\n\nTry to give them water over sugary drinks, especially if they already have chickenpox rashes near the mouth. Avoid giving them acidic or salty foods that can make their mouth sore\n3\n.\n\n\nWays to help prevent infection, and/or to stop the infection from getting worse\n\n\nOf course, we hope for our children never to have to suffer through chickenpox. And thankfully, there is a way we can try to avoid them getting chickenpox, one of which is to get them vaccinated\n4\n.\n\n\nThe varicella vaccine is given as a preventive measure to put children at less risk of contracting the disease, spreading it to others or developing complications as a result of having chickenpox\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nImmunisation activities have been introduced in Malaysia from as early as 1868. At that time, there was only immunisation to prevent smallpox\n5\n. But today, we have a relatively comprehensive immunisation schedule that is given to Malaysian children under the National Immunisation Programme (NIP)\n6\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThough the varicella vaccine is not currently part of the NIP, it is actually readily available at most general practitioners\u2019 clinics, private hospitals and at your paediatrician\u2019s clinics too\n7\n.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is highly recommended that you speak to your doctor or paediatrician at your next visit to ask them about the varicella vaccine for your children.\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nBesides that, parents should always ensure that the toys of children are disinfected regularly. Frequently touched surfaces should always be wiped down and disinfected to prevent the disease from spreading too\n8\n.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to practice these good hygiene habits as well as speak to your family doctor about preventive measures you can take.\u00a0\n\n\nMY-VVX-00114 Aug/2022\n\n\nREFERENCE\n\n\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. Last Accessed 20 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chickenpox/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351287\n. \nLast Accessed\n 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nNational Health Service Scotland. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/chickenpox#treating-chickenpox\n. \nLast Accessed\n 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nNational Health Service. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/chickenpox/\n. \nLast Accessed\n 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nSulaiman FI, Ariffin K. Penggunaan Vaksin Era Kolonial Di Selangor. Asian Journal of Environment, History and Heritage [Internet]. 2021:5(1).\n\n\nImmunise4Life. The Malaysian National Immunisation Programme (NIP). Available From: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/the-malaysian-national-immunisation-programme-nip/\n.\n Last Accessed 19 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nImmunise4Life. 5 Additional Recommended Vaccines for Children. Available From: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/5-additional-vaccines-for-children/\n. \nLast Accessed\n 13 September 2022.\n\n\nCentre for Health Protection. Department of Health \u2013 The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/24/15.html\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/orgasm-during-labour", "title": "Is having an orgasm during labour possible?", "body": "\n\nMost women who have given birth will laugh at the idea of having an orgasm during labour. I\u2019ve gone through it twice, both completely natural, and I can honestly say that there was not a moment of pleasure until I held my baby at the end. Like most mums, I can\u0092t even imagine anything so painful ever causing an orgasm. However, there is proof that suggests some women are granted the big \u0093O.\u0094\n\n\nIs an orgasm during labour possible?\n\n\nDuring delivery, the baby passes through the vaginal walls, possibly pressing on the G-spot and brushing the clitoris. After the baby enters the vaginal cavity, it rubs all the areas that are pleasurable at other times. Labour is a completely different context, though. Having been through the pain of labour, it is very hard to see how a woman could have an orgasm.\u00a0There is so much intense pain at that time that one would think an orgasm would be the last thing that would happen.\n\n\nIn 2009, a documentary entitled, \u201c\u0093Orgasmic Birth: The Best Kept Secret,\u201d\u0094 threw the idea of having an orgasm during labour into the news. Before then, it had only been lightly discussed here and there by mostly nonbelievers. After the documentary was aired, women around the world came forward, admitting that they had experienced one of these rare orgasms\u00a0but were\u00a0too embarrassed or shy to say anything before.\n\n\nFind out the benefits of having an orgasm during labour\u00a0on the next page\u2026\n\n\n\n\nWhat do the studies say?\n\n\nStudies are showing that this rare phenomenon of having an orgasm during labour might not be so rare at all. In a survey, midwives reported seeing orgasms approximately 3% of the time. While this may seem a low percentage, it does not take into account the orgasms not noticed or possibly even stifled by embarrassed women.\n\n\nIn another study conducted by psychologist Thierry Postel of Blainville-sur-Mer, France, it showed that out of 206,000 births, 1,536 women either told someone they felt orgasmic sensations or they demonstrated feeling pleasure during the birth. Suddenly, having an orgasm during labour\u00a0doesn\u2019t seem so far-fetched, does it?\n\n\nWhat are the\u00a0benefits of having\u00a0an orgasm during labour?\n\n\nThe benefits to feeling pleasure during labour are that it could drastically reduce the pain. Receiving vaginal stimulation of any kind blocks the release of a pain transmitter, so basically the pleasure overrides the pain.\n\n\nWhile the thought of pain relief, in any form, may be a nice idea for some women, the reality is that most women are not going to be comfortable mixing sexuality with childbirth. We are all aware that this is how the baby got in there in the first place, but the two worlds are hard to combine. That being said, if an orgasm during labour wants to surprise me, I\u2019\u0092ll take that over the pain any day.\n\n\nMake sure you \nlike us on Facebook\n and \nfollow us on Google+\n to stay up-to-date on the latest from theAsianparent.com!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nThe 5 Money Parenting Styles: Which One Do You Follow?\nPregnancy\n4 reasons why you need insurance now that you\u2019re pregnant\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nTip keibubapaan\nTips untuk Menjagakan Kulit Bayi Anda. Ibu Ayah, Cuba Tips Ini! No.3 MESTI Buat\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sunscreen-spf", "title": "The Lowdown on SPF Sunscreens - Plus 5 Natural Options to Try!", "body": "If you\u2019re one of those beach bunnies or sunshine enthusiasts, you\u2019ll need a way to protect your skin from the sun\u2019s harsh rays. In fact, your\u00a0risk of developing melanoma doubles\u00a0if you\u2019ve had more than five sunburns in your life, which is why doctors recommend using a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 each and every day.\n\n\nWhat Is SPF & How Does it Work?\n\n\nEvery sunscreen you purchase, whether it uses artificial or natural ingredients, will have an SPF rating prominently displayed on the label. It stands for sun protection factor, which measures how well the sunscreen will protect your skin from UVB rays \u2014 the radiation that causes sunburns. It\u2019s based on how long it takes for your skin to burn naturally.\n\n\nIf you burn after 10 minutes, an SPF 15 sunscreen will protect you for 150 minutes before your skin would start turning red, multiplying that 10 minutes by a factor of 15. SPF 15 sunscreen blocks 93% of the radiation that causes sunburns. If you go up to SPF 30, it blocks 97%, so there\u2019s just a 4% difference between SPF 15 and 30.\n\n\nSunscreen & Artificial Ingredients\n\n\nMost readily available sunscreens are packed full of artificial ingredients like oxybenzone and avobenzone. While they are effective at blocking UVB rays, a recent study found that these chemicals can soak into the skin and be absorbed in the bloodstream. These chemicals can reach dangerous or even toxic levels after a single day of use.\n\n\n5 Natural Sunscreen Alternatives\n\n\nIt seems like a bit of a catch-22 \u2014 you need to protect yourself from the sun to prevent skin cancer, but most of the sunscreen brands you\u2019ll find at your local drugstore contain these chemicals that can become toxic very quickly. With that in mind, here are some alternatives \u2014 natural mineral sunscreens \u2014 that can protect your skin without all the artificial ingredients.\n\n\n1. Badger Clear Zinc Sunscreen SPF 30\n\n\nWhen you think of zinc sunscreens, you probably picture lifeguards with a thick white paste smeared over their noses, but that\u2019s not the case anymore.\u00a0Badger Clear Zinc Sunscreen uses uncoated clear zinc oxide to provide the maximum protection without those white smears. It\u2019s a little harder to rub in, thanks to the beeswax included in its ingredients, but it\u2019s water-resistant for 40 minutes, making it perfect for trips to the beach.\n\n\n2. Juice Beauty Sport Organic Sunscreen SPF 30\n\n\nJuice Beauty combines 20% zinc oxide with aloe, coconut and jojoba oils to create a water-resistant sunscreen that has no harsh chemicals and moisturises your skin. It\u2019s water-resistant for 80 minutes, making it comparable to most chemical sunscreens.\n\n\n3. Nurture My Body Unscented Organic Sunscreen SPF 32\n\n\nEveryone\u2019s skin is created differently, and some people don\u2019t react well to fragrances or essential oils \u2014 even natural ones. Finding a sunscreen without some sort of scent can be challenging and expensive. Nurture My Body\u2019s Unscented Organic Sunscreen uses 25% non-nano zinc oxide and other non-irritating ingredients, making it ideal for anyone with sensitive skin. However, it does have a white tint due to the zinc oxide.\n\n\n4. All Good Zinc Oxide Sport Sunscreen SPF 30\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for a sunscreen that gives you plenty of protection without feeling gross and greasy, then\u00a0All Good Zinc Oxide Sport Sunscreen is a great option. Its formula, which includes green tea, buriti oil and rose hips, can allegedly help to repair damaged skin while protecting you from harsh UV rays while you\u2019re enjoying your summer activities.\n\n\n5. Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Sunscreen SPF 50\n\n\nAdults aren\u2019t the only ones who need protection from the sun.\u00a0Aveeno Baby\u2019s Continuous Protection Sunscreen\u00a0is designed for babies and children with sensitive skin. Like the other mineral sunscreens on our list, its active ingredient is zinc oxide. It also contains oats, like many other Aveeno products, which helps to soothe sensitive skin.\nPartner Stories\nBayi\nBayi Baru Lahir Boleh Duduk Dalam Baby Carrier Ke? Si Manja Asyik Nak Dukung Saja! Apa Kata Ibu Pakai Baby Carrier Ini\nRaise them Resilient\nCan Alternative Schooling Foster Greater Resilience? One Mum Shares Her Story\nParenting\nDoes Your Growing Up Child Have A Sensitive Tummy? Here\u2019s What You Should Know\nLifestyle\nRedeem Rewards & Exclusive Gifts at Sunway Pyramid\u2019s Blessed Christmas\n\n\nChoose Your Sunscreen Wisely and Reapply Often\n\n\nThis is just a small sample of the natural sunscreens available on the market today. Regardless of which one you choose, remember to follow the instructions and reapply often. It won\u2019t do you a whole lot of good if you only put it on once in the morning and spend the entire day outdoors. Set an alarm as a reminder if you\u2019re worried about forgetting \u2014 and take all the steps necessary to protect your skin from the sun\u2019s harsh rays.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/12-month-checkup", "title": "4 Things Every Parent Should Know About Their Child's 12-Month Checkup", "body": "Going to the hospital or clinic for your child\u2019s 12-month checkup is exciting, isn\u2019t it? Your child\u2019s growth and development are indeed your number one priority, especially for all you first-time parents out there, so this is a huge milestone for you too!\n\n\nNothing beats this feeling!\n\n\nBut before that, there is also a lot for you as parents, to know and learn regarding your baby\u2019s monthly development. This is important to prevent you from worrying should your child be a bit behind in hitting developmental milestones such as walking and so on.\u00a0\n\n\nBabies only require 12 months to grow into active toddler\n1\n. In fact, during this 12 -month transformation period, they will go through an extraordinary phase. From sleeping all day to being very active toddlers.\n\n\nChild Development: 0 \u2013 3 Months\n\n\nIt should be noted that at this stage, babies develop physically and mentally to prepare for the outside world. They may begin to do things such as\n2\n:\n\n\n#1: Newborn physical development\n\n\n\n\nDuring tummy time, the child holds his head up\n\n\nAble to move both arms and both legs\n\n\nCan briefly open his hands\n\n\n\n\n#2: Cognitive development\n\n\n\n\nFollow and watches movements as you move\n\n\nAble to look at a toy for several seconds\n\n\n\n\n#3: Emotional development\n\n\n\n\nBeing calm and smile in response to a voice or sound or when being picked up\n\n\nAble to look at your face\n\n\nSeems happy to see you when you walk up to him\n\n\nReacts when you talk or smile at him\n\n\n\n\n#4: Language or communication development\n\n\n\n\nAble to make other sounds than crying\n\n\nHave reactions to loud noises\n\n\n\n\nChild Development: 4 \u2013 6 Months\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nDuring this period, your baby will probably learn more and even manipulate the world around him. Babies will also begin to master the use of hands and explore their vocal abilities.\n\n\nThat\u2019s why some of them tend to \u2018vocalise\u2019 a lot at this stage. It\u2019s almost like they\u2019re training to become professional singers!\n\n\nDuring these 4 to 6 months, your baby will probably\n3,4\n:\n\n\n\n\nRoll from tummy to back\n\n\nBabble or chatter, that sounds a lot like real conversations\n\n\nLaugh or giggle\n\n\nReach for and pick up objects, manipulate toys and other items by hand\n\n\nHave great head control when holding him\n\n\n\n\nChild Development: 7 \u2013 9 Months\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nThis is the second phase of the first year when your baby becomes more active.\n\n\nAt the age of 7 to 9 months, after learning that they can move around by rolling, your baby will then begin to learn how to move back and forth.\n\n\nThat\u2019s not all, during this phase your baby can also\n5\n:\n\n\n\n\nStart sitting up without support\n\n\nRespond to familiar words that sound like their names. He will start saying \u2018Mama\u2019 and \u2018Dada\u2019\n\n\nEnjoy clapping activities or games such as \npeek-a-boo\n\n\n\n\nChild Development: 10-12 Months\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nDo take note that the last developmental stage of a baby\u2019s first year is considered a transitional phase. In fact, during this period they will learn to do things like\n6\n:\n\n\n\n\nStart feeding themselves. Toddlers at this stage of development will begin to master the movement of the pincer grasp \u2013 where they can hold small objects such as biscuits between their thumbs and forefingers\n\n\nWalk around the house using their feet by holding on to furniture\n\n\nSay 1 or 2 words. \u2018Mama\u2019 and \u2018Dada\u2019 are the most common nicknames for parents. Your child may also stop at his track at the word \u201cNo\u201d and look at you.\n\n\n\n\nIn any case, parents are reminded to always be sensitive of your baby\u2019s growth and pay attention if he is not reaching the level of development as he should. Most importantly, always trust your instincts.\n\n\nIf you are unsure of anything regarding your baby\u2019s growth or well-being, please bring him to see a paediatrician immediately. Don\u2019t wait too long, okay?\n\n\nChild Examination After 12 Months\n\n\nNew parents out there should be aware that their new monthly routine is to bring their baby for checkups with a doctor or specialist at the hospital. It starts from the first month until the 12th month.\n\n\nYour child has now turned a year old, so instead of just coming in and listening to what the doctor has to say, why don\u2019t you prepare yourself with these 4 important questions to ask the doctor?\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\n#1: Vaccines\n\n\nAsk your doctor if he or she can give you something to ease your child\u2019s pain after a vaccine injection.\n\n\nThis is because at a 12-month examination, there are vaccine injections that are offered according to Malaysia\u2019s Child Immunisation Schedule, for example Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine\n7\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are also additional vaccines that are recommended by the Ministry of Health which are taken at 12-month old as well, for example\n8\n:\n\n\n\n\nVaricella (chickenpox)\n\n\nInfluenza (flu)\n\n\nMeningococcal\n\n\nHepatitis A (HepA)\n\n\n\n\nThese are a few of the many vaccines available for your child, do check with your doctor about the other vaccines offered for more information.\n\n\nBefore you decide on getting any vaccine injections, let us share some useful information on why mums and dads are advised to get their children immunised.\n\n\nVaccines for babies are important because babies have weak immune systems\n9\n.\n\n\nBy giving vaccines to babies according to a set schedule, you can help protect your baby from dangerous diseases such as\n10\n:\n\n\n\n\nTuberculosis (TB) \u2013 Can cause serious infections such as pneumonia, meningitis and can continue to spread to other organs.\u00a0\n\n\nDiphtheria \u2013 Toxins released by bacteria may lead to blocked airways\n11\n.\n\n\nPertussis (whooping cough) \u2013 Can cause whooping cough and lack of oxygen to the brain\n12\n.\n\n\nTetanus \u2013 Bacterial poisoning that causes cramps in the muscles of the body and affects the ability to open the jaw (braces).\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) \u2013 This bacterium can cause infections of the lungs (pneumonia), respiratory tract and meningitis.\n\n\nHepatitis B \u2013 This virus can cause severe damage to the liver and increases the risk of the individual getting liver cancer in the future.\n\n\nPolio \u2013 This virus can cause paralysis and even death.\n\n\nMeasles \u2013 This virus can cause fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, infections of the brain (encephalitis) and lungs (pneumonia)\n13\n.\n\n\nMumps \u2013 This virus can cause viral meningitis and infection of testicles (orchitis)\n14\n.\n\n\nRubella \u2013 The rubella virus can spread among humans, pregnant women, especially during the first three months of pregnancy and can cause miscarriage, fetal death, stillbirth or birth defects (congenital rubella syndrome)\n15\n.\n\n\nPneumococcus \u2013 This bacteria can cause severe lung infections and meningitis.\n\n\nRotavirus \u2013 This virus can cause severe diarrhoea and dehydration.\n\n\nHuman Papillomavirus \u2013 This virus can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.\n\n\nVaricella (Chickenpox) \u2013 This virus can cause a blister like rash and fever, which can also cause shingles later as adults if the virus reactivates\n16\n.\n\n\nInfluenza\u00a0 \u2013 This virus can cause epidemics of flu diseases or flu season\n17\n.\n\n\nMeningococcal \u2013 This bacteria can cause deadly infections of the lining of the brain, spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream\n18\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHepatitis A \u2013 This virus can cause short term infection of the liver\n19\n.\n\n\n\n\n#2: Growing Up Little Ones\n\n\nSurely you want to keep track of your child\u2019s growth. The 12-month growth chart is an interesting way to track your child\u2019s growth progress.\n\n\nFor boys at 12 months old, doctors will observe a weight of around 7.8 kg to 11.8 kg, and a height of 71.3 cm to 80.2 cm.\u00a0\n\n\nGirls are slightly smaller than boys, so doctors will usually observe a weight of around 7.1 kg to 11.3 kg and a height, 69.2 cm to 78.9 cm at 12 months old.\u00a0\n\n\nHead girth is also measured to ensure a child\u2019s head size is within a healthy range.\n\n\nHere is the baby development chart for your own reference:\n\n\nBaby boy development chart\n20,21,22\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMonth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLength (cm)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWeight (kg)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHead Circumference (cm)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n46.3 \u2013 53.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.5 \u2013 4.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n32.1 \u2013 36.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n51.1 \u2013 58.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.4 \u2013 5.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n35.1 \u2013 39.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n54.7 \u2013 62.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4.4 \u2013 7.0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n36.9 \u2013 41.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n57.6 \u2013 65.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.1 \u2013 7.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n38.3 \u2013 42.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n60.0 \u2013 67.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.6 \u2013 8.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39.4 \u2013 43.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n61.9 \u2013 69.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.1 \u2013 9.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n40.3 \u2013 44.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n63.6 \u2013 71.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.4 \u2013 9.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n41.0 \u2013 45.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n65.1 \u2013 73.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.7 \u2013 10.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n41.7 \u2013 46.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n66.5 \u2013 74.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7.0 \u2013 10.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n42.2 \u2013 46.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n67.7 \u2013 76.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7.2 \u2013 10.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n42.6 \u2013 47.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10\n\n\n\n\n\n\n69.0 \u2013 77.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7.5 \u2013 11.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n43.0 \u2013 47.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11\n\n\n\n\n\n\n70.2 \u2013 78.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7.7 \u2013 11.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n43.4 \u2013 48.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12\n\n\n\n\n\n\n71.3 \u2013 80.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7.8 \u2013 11.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n43.6 \u2013 48.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable adapted from World Health Organization\n\n\nBaby girl development chart\n23,24,25\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMonth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLength (cm)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWeight (kg)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHead Circumference (cm)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n45.6 \u2013 52.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.4 \u2013 4.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n31.7 \u2013 36.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n50.0 \u2013 57.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.2 \u2013 5.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n34.3 \u2013 38.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n53.2 \u2013 60.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4.0 \u2013 6.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n36.0 \u2013 40.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n55.8 \u2013 63.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4.6 \u2013 7.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n37.2 \u2013 41.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n58.0 \u2013 66.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.1 \u2013 8.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n38.2 \u2013 43.0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n59.9 \u2013 68.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.5 \u2013 8.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39.0 \u2013 43.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n61.5 \u2013 70.0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.8 \u2013 9.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39.7 \u2013 44.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n62.9 \u2013 71.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.1 \u2013 9.6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n40.4 \u2013 45.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n64.3 \u2013 73.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.3 \u2013 10.0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n40.9 \u2013 45.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n65.6 \u2013 74.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.6 \u2013 10.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n41.3 \u2013 46.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10\n\n\n\n\n\n\n66.8 \u2013 76.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6.8 \u2013 10.7\n\n\n\n\n\n\n41.7 \u2013 46.8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11\n\n\n\n\n\n\n68.0 \u2013 77.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7.0 \u2013 11.0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n42.0 \u2013 47.1\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12\n\n\n\n\n\n\n69.2 \u2013 78.9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7.1 \u2013 11.3\n\n\n\n\n\n\n42.3 \u2013 47.5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable adapted from World Health Organization\n\n\nThe doctor will also examine the child\u2019s other limbs to make sure that everything is normal and healthy.\u00a0\n\n\n#3: Development Check\n\n\nAnother thing that the doctor will assess is your child\u2019s development. However, remember that each baby is unique and grows at his own pace. So don\u2019t fret too much about this. In general, a 12-month-old child should already be able to\n26\n:\n\n\n\n\nTake a few steps or even walking\n\n\nFeed themselves food\u00a0\n\n\nPutting things into containers and taking them out\n\n\nBabbling words like \u2018mama\u2019 and \u2018papa\u2019\n\n\nShaking their head no\n\n\nAble to wave goodbye\n\n\nPick up things with their fingers\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\n#4: Prepare to See a Doctor\n\n\nProvide all necessary information to the doctor. For example, bring along your child\u2019s vaccination records. Also, be sure that you\u2019re prepared to talk about your child\u2019s health problems, if any.\n\n\nIf your child goes to a daycare centre or nursery, get all the information you need to know from the teacher/guardian first, perhaps regarding their developments or problems while at the centre. This way, should there be any issues with your child, you can discuss it together with the doctor during your visit.\u00a0\n\n\nList down the questions you would like to ask the doctor so that you have everything you need to know in order. You may also include tips on how to help increase the child\u2019s weight or what to do if your child falls and hurts his head, for example.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s always a good thing to be prepared, don\u2019t you think?\n\n\nTry these tips and don\u2019t forget to share your experience with us!\u00a0\n\n\nMY-ROT-00219 Jun/2022\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nStanford Children\u2019s Health. The Growing Child: 1-Year-Olds. Available From:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=the-growing-child-1-year-olds-90-P02260\n. Last Accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Important Milestones: Your Baby By Two Months. Available From:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-2mo.html\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Important Milestones: Your Baby By Four Months. Available From:\u00a0 \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-4mo.html\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Important Milestones: Your Baby By Six Months. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-6mo.html\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Important Milestones: Your Baby By Nine Months. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-9mo.html\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Important Milestones: Your Baby By Twelve Months. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-1yr.html\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nImmunise4Life. The Malaysian National Immunisation Programme (NIP). Available From: \nhttps://immunise4life.my/the-malaysian-national-immunisation-programme-nip/\n.\u00a0 Last Accessed 21 Jun 2022.\n\n\nImmunise4Life. 5 Additional Recommended Vaccines for Children. Available From:\u00a0 \nhttps://immunise4life.my/5-additional-vaccines-for-children/\n. Last Accessed 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\nMyHealth. Immunisation: Facts and Myths. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/immunisation-facts-myths/\n. Last Accessed 02 Jun 2022.\n\n\nUNICEF. Vaccines and the diseases they prevent. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.unicef.org/parenting/health/vaccines-and-diseases-they-prevent\n. Last Accessed 12 May 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Diphtheria. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diphtheria/symptoms-causes/syc-20351897\n. Last Accessed 10 June 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services (NHS). Whooping cough. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/whooping-cough\n. Last Accessed 10 June 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Measles\n. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857\n. \nLast accessed 09 June 2022.\n\n\nNational Health Services (NHS). Mumps \u2013 Complications.\n Available From: \nhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/mumps/complications/\n.\u00a0 \nLast accessed 09 June 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO). Rubella.\n Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rubella\n. \nLast accessed 09 June 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nMyHEALTH. Chickenpox. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. Last Accessed 01 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n. Types of Influenza Viruses. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/types.htm\n. Last Accessed 17 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).\n Meningococcal Disease. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/index.html\n. Last Accessed 17 June 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)\n. What is Hepatitis A. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm#overview\n. Last Accessed 17 June 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Simplified field tables. Length-for-age Boys Birth to 2 years (percentiles). \nAvailable From: \nhttps://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/child-growth/child-growth-standards/indicators/length-height-for-age/sft_lhfa_boys_p_0_2.pdf?sfvrsn=5dc03c62_16\n. Last accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Simplified field tables. Weight-for-age Boys Birth to 2 years (percentiles). \nAvailable From: \nhttps://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/child-growth/child-growth-standards/indicators/weight-for-age/sft-wfa-boys-p-0-5.pdf?sfvrsn=5e38c11_16\n. Last accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Simplified field tables. Head circumference-for-age Boys Birth to 2 years (percentiles). \nAvailable From: \nhttps://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/child-growth/child-growth-standards/indicators/head-circumference-for-age/sft_hcfa_boys_p_0_5.pdf?sfvrsn=f99eee22_7\n. Last accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Simplified field tables. Length-for-age Girls Birth to 2 years (percentiles). \nAvailable From: \nhttps://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/child-growth/child-growth-standards/indicators/length-height-for-age/sft_lhfa_girls_p_0_2.pdf?sfvrsn=96f22dfb_11\n. Last accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Simplified field tables. Weight-for-age Girls Birth to 2 years (percentiles). \nAvailable From: \nhttps://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/child-growth/child-growth-standards/indicators/weight-for-age/sft-wfa-girls-p-0-5.pdf?sfvrsn=b0026de7_18\n. Last accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Simplified field tables. Head circumference-for-age Girls Birth to 2 years (percentiles). \nAvailable From: \nhttps://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/child-growth/child-growth-standards/indicators/head-circumference-for-age/sft_hcfa_girls_p_0_5.pdf?sfvrsn=3a42b3da_16\n. Last accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Infant development: Milestones from 10 to 12 months. \nAvailable From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/infant-development/art-20047380\n. Last accessed 15 June 2022.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-freaks-out-when-her-2-month-old-grows-a-sharp-tooth-overnight", "title": "Mum freaks out when her 2-month-old grows a sharp tooth overnight", "body": "Imagine waking up one morning to find that your baby, barely two and a half months old, sprouted a tooth overnight! Not only a tooth \u2013 but a fang! Baby teeth growth isn\u2019t supposed to happen till they\u2019re about six months, so imagine this mum\u2019s absolute HORROR to find her baby had grown a fang overnight.\u00a0\n\n\nBaby teeth growth overnight: 11-week-old sprouts fang\n\n\n\n\nSource: Facebook/Tara O\u2019Byrne\n\n\n\n\nAccording to an article in the \nIrish Mirror\n, Tara O\u2019Byrne, mum of Oscar O\u2019Bryne was left shocked after discovering her 11-week-old baby grew a sharp fang tooth overnight.\n\n\nShe told the Irish Mirror that she had gone in to check on him around 7am. \u201cI usually give him a soother and he goes back asleep for an hour, but he kept crying.\u201d\n\n\nSo, she decided to take him out. It was only after she changed him and was getting ready to feed him that she found the sharp tooth growing out of his mouth. It had grown overnight!\n\n\nImmediately, Tara rushed Oscar to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. Here, seemingly unprofessional doctors spent more time debating what it was than actually treating her son.\n\n\nFrustrated, she took him to the nearby Temple Street Hospital instead, where they were put in touch with a dentist.\n\n\nDentist removed baby teeth growth\n\n\n\n\nSource: Facebook/Tara O\u2019Byrne\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe got an appointment and brought him in. I had to hold him and hold his arms down while she took the tooth out.\n\n\nBut something went wrong during the procedure and the suction caused the tooth to go up the baby\u2019s nose. \u201cI had to wind him to get it out, but he was okay,\u201d Tara shared.\n\n\n\u201cThere were dentists coming in to take pictures of the tooth and everything. We took it home to show Oscar when he gets older.\n\n\n\u201cWe were terrified at first but now we\u2019re seeing the funny side. Me and my husband were laughing about it, it\u2019s mad \u2013 especially at this time of the year!\u201d\n\n\nTalk about an early Halloween trick!\n\n\nWhat is a normal baby teeth growth rate like?\n\n\n\n\nBaby teeth growth only begins after six months. | Source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nWhile Tara\u2019s baby\u2019s tooth growth is super rare and out of the ordinary, baby teeth growth normally begin only at 6 months of age.\u00a0\n\n\nUsually, the first two teeth to grow are the two bottom front teeth, followed by the top four front teeth. All 20 teeth (10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower jaw) should be out by the time the child is two and half to three years old.\n\n\nBaby teeth growth facts:\n\n\n\n\nGenerally, for every 6 months of life, approximately 4 teeth will grow out.\n\n\nGirls normally have teeth before boys do at the same age.\n\n\nLower teeth will normally grow before upper teeth.\n\n\nTeeth in both jaws usually erupt in pairs \u2014 one on the right and one on the left.\n\n\nPrimary teeth or baby teeth, are smaller and whiter than permanent teeth.\n\n\nBy the time a child is 2 to 3 years of age, all primary teeth should have erupted.\n\n\nChildren start losing their primary teeth around the age of six or seven.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is the normal baby teeth growth chart. | Source: WebMD\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/family-holiday-destination", "title": "5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast", "body": "Known for its tranquil and scenic beaches, fishing villages and plenty of nature-based activities, Desaru Coast has always been a hidden gem in Malaysia, making it an ideal family holiday destination for relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city.\n\n\nLocated along the east coast of Johor, Desaru Coast has recently grown in popularity with the introduction of its resort areas which makes it a true paradise for a perfect family holiday.\n\n\nWith open spaces across 3,900 acres along a 17-kilometre of unspoiled beaches, it\u2019s no surprise why Desaru Coast is the top family holiday destination and here are five reasons why you and your family should join in all the fun.\n\n\nSplashing Good Time\n\n\nOne of the biggest attractions for families here is the \nAdventure Waterpark\n \nDesaru Coast\n. As one of the biggest waterparks in the world, it sprawled over 25 acres featuring a mix of 20 wet and dry rides, slide and attractions.\n\n\nThe waterpark is set against the backdrop of Kampung-themed surroundings, making it a unique experience for everyone.\n\n\n\n\nSeeking for thrills? Try the Riptide ride that will sweep you away at the steepest angles and fastest speeds giving you an unparalleled feeling of weightlessness. For families with younger children, you can head over to the Kids Ahoy with three age-appropriate play areas with water play equipment and a combined total of 13 different water slides designed just for your little ones.\n\n\nThe Kids Club\n\n\nBeing on a family holiday does not mean your kids can\u2019t hang out with children their age. Desaru Coast offers plenty of enriching space for your little explorers to embark on an exciting adventure filled with imagination and creativity.\n\n\nRoxity Kids Club\n\u2122\n at Hard Rock \nHotel Desaru Coast\n, for example, offers your children a chance to hang with the Roxtars, colourful, music-inspired characters with the coolest crew to keep them entertained. With extensive programmes such as learning how to play the drum to playing dress-up, and plenty more to choose from.\n\n\nPrivate Beach All-Day!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nImagine a white sandy beach, clear blue sky and beautiful calm water. Doesn\u2019t this sound like a relaxing invitation\n to \nyou and your family? Desaru Coast offers a 17-kilometre stretch of beaches with plenty of space from the crowds, for privacy perfect for you and your kids.\n\n\nWhile you will be busy working on your tan with the sea breeze gently blowing against you, your children can enjoy a casual deep as the calm and shallow seawater sets as the best setting for them. \n\n\nYour toddler, on the other hand, gets to enjoy her time playing with the sands. Not only does playing with wet sand heighten her \ndevelopment of fine motor skills\n, but it also helps with her hands and eye coordination.\n\n\nRelax & Rejuvenate\n\n\nA holiday is not complete with a much-needed pampering session. While your children are away enjoying themselves at the kid\u2019s club, parents can destress by signing up at the spa.\n\n\nHard Rock Hotel \nDesaru Coast \noffers\n Rock Spa\n\u00ae \nwith a musical twist on traditional head-to-toe treatments, \nHeavenly Spa by Westin\n\u2122\n, offers a selection of holistic treatments to invigorate body and spirit, while \nAnantara Spa\n at Anantara Desaru Coast Resort & Villas lets you discover your private ritual for full serenity.\n\n\nTake It Up A Notch\n\n\nDesaru Coast also offers other attractions within the Desaru Coast area including Desaru Coast Riverside, golfing at \nT\nhe E\nls\n Club\n Desaru Coast\n, hiking at Belungkor Hill, guided mangrove ride, and plenty more!\n\n\nComplete your holiday with \na \nfew memorabilia purchase\ns\n at \nThe Rock Shop\n\u00ae\n, which is Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast\u2019s merchandise outlet\n that \nsells limited-edition souvenirs including tees, jackets, collectable pins and more.\n\n\nThe hotel also has \nRoxtars Toys & Sweets\n\u2122\n \nwhich sells children\u2019s plushies, and other exciting toys, as well as colourful sweet treats. Or treat yourself at \nT\nhe Seafarer\u2019s Gift Shop at Adventure Waterpark Desaru Coast, which offers waterpark essentials such as wetsuits and other apparel.\n\n\nDesaru Coast is only a four-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur via North-South Expressway as it is located at the eastern tip of Peni\nn\nsular Malaysia. It is also accessible via flight \u2013 just one hour journey to Senai International Airport and another hour shuttle to Desaru Coast.\n\n\nWhat are you waiting for? \nVisit \ndesarucoast.com\n for more information and to book your perfect family holiday destination today!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Reasons Why You Should Bring Your Kids on Holiday\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/breastfeeding-animals-by-humans-the-milk-of-human-kindness", "title": "Breastfeeding animals by humans: The milk of human kindness?", "body": "Breastfeeding animals by humans \u2013 could it be more common than you imagined?\u00a0\n\n\nDid you have to look twice at the picture below? I certainly did. It shows a Thai woman \nbreastfeeding\n a tiny puppy while her child looks on.\n\n\nThe story behind this photo \u2014 which has gone viral \u2014 is that the stray pup was orphaned after its mum was killed in a car accident. So the woman in the picture decided to breastfeed the little orphan canine.\n\n\nNot surprisingly, her gesture and kindness has been applauded and admired by touched netizens in Thailand and other Asian countries.\n\n\n\n\nBreastfeeding animals by humans: This Thai woman took it upon herself to nourish a stray orphaned puppy.\n\n\n\n\nBreastfeeding animals by humans: Not just in Asia\n\n\nWe hear of mothers \nbreastfeeding\n baby animals in other parts of the world too \u2013 like the two Swedish women who raised kittens like babies, with one of them even letting the kitten suckle at her breast.\n\n\nBut in contrast to the Thai woman, these two wannabe cat mums had not stepped in to help out a forsaken animal.\n\n\nInstead, \nreports say\n that the pair had pushed the two cats around in strollers, spoon-fed the felines who were strapped in high chairs and had also let the kittens suck on pacifiers!\n\n\nThe cats were taken by Swedish animal protection officers and the women were been banned from owning pets again.\n\n\nBreastfeeding animals by humans: Is it safe?\n\n\nIt\u2019s often true kindness that leads a human to nurse another\u2019s baby \u2014 especially if it belongs to another species. But where should the line be drawn?\n\n\nIn the case of the Thai woman, she was clearly acting out of compassion for the pup, who would have probably starved to death if not for her intervention. This wasn\u2019t the case with the Swedes who seemed to be merely satisfying their own particular brand of fetish.\n\n\nAlso breastfeeding a baby animals may come with health risks to both the human and animal.\n\n\nVeterinary experts say\n that breastfeeding a human baby and animal baby concurrently is probably not a good idea because of the risk of certain \nzoonotic diseases\n being passed on to the former.\n\n\nAlso, human breastmilk may not be the ideal for of nourishment for baby animals, unless short-term and in an emergency situation.\n\n\nWhat are your thoughts about breastfeeding animals by humans? Yay or nay? Vote in the poll below.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTake Our Poll\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-psychology-behaviour", "title": "Using Psychology to Shape Behaviour: Punish, Reward or Remove?", "body": "It\u2019s 8pm and your son has school tomorrow. In your hand are colouring worksheets\u2014his homework, that he refuses to do. You call his name and ask him to colour, he ignores you. You keep trying, but it\u2019s useless. He sits motionlessly on the sofa, transfixed by Paw Patrol on the TV.\n\n\nYour frustration is starting to show.\n\n\nGah. Parenting is hard work. But fret not, behavioural challenges can be overcome. It doesn\u2019t matter if kids are typically developing or have special needs; psychology offers ways to shape our child\u2019s habits. Behavioural psychology, in particular, is frequently employed in special needs education.\n\n\nOperant Conditioning\n\n\nIn the early 1900s, a psychologist named B.F. Skinner studied rats and how their actions change when a response (like food pellets or a mild electric current) is introduced. From this emerged the concept of Operant Conditioning.\n\n\nOperant conditioning suggests that a particular behaviour can be strengthened or decreased based upon what happens after the behaviour takes place. And guess what? It applies to humans too.\n\n\nLet\u2019s explore the 2 major responses that shape behaviour:\n\n\n1) Reinforcement\n\n\nReinforcement\u00a0\nstrengthens\n\u00a0a behaviour. There are two types of reinforcements\u2014positive and negative. These two terms don\u2019t actually mean \u2018good\u2019 or \u2018bad\u2019. They are just words to express the presence or \u2018taking away\u2019 of something.\n\n\nLet\u2019s use the scenario we introduced at the beginning, where your son refuses to do his homework.\n\n\nWhat do you do?\n\n\na) Using Positive Reinforcement\n\n\nYou could try using Paw Patrol (or anything your child likes) as a reward. Say to your child, \u201cIf you finish your colouring, you can watch 10 minutes of Paw Patrol.\u201d Then you actually have to let your child watch Paw Patrol, as you promised.\n\n\nAs time goes by, parents can make it harder to earn a reward.\n\n\nAnother thing you could do is offer lots of praise to your child for doing homework. \u201cGreat job, Aidan! That was a very responsible thing to do,\u201d you could express if you see your son getting on with his colouring without prompts. Throw in a high five. Children love praise and encouragement.\n\n\n\n\nb) Using Negative Reinforcement\n\n\nThis method involves taking away something your child doesn\u2019t like, if he does his homework. For example, you could create a rule: if he doesn\u2019t do his homework, he will have to give you 20 cents from his allowance. To avoid the aversive stimulus (that is giving away his money), your child would probably choose to do homework instead.\n\n\n2) Punishment\n\n\n\n\nPunishment has the opposite effect of reinforcement. It Is meant to\u00a0\nweaken\n\u00a0a behaviour. But like reinforcement, it is divided into \u2018negative\u2019 and \u2018positive\u2019. Let\u2019s try a different illustration:\n\n\nYour daughter pinches you hard when you try to wash her hair. She does this all the time and it gets so unrelenting that you often stop trying.\n\n\nSo how can punishment be used to lessen (and eventually rid of) this habit of hers?\n\n\na) Using Positive Punishment\n\n\nYou could impose \u2018time out\u2019. If she pinches you, tell her she has to sit alone in a corner and not do anything for 5 minutes. This is of course dependent on whether your child finds \u2018time out\u2019 undesirable. If your child actually enjoys sitting alone in a corner, this probably won\u2019t work.\n\n\n\n\nb) Using Negative Punishment\n\n\nNegative punishment means removing something your child enjoys. But wait, how is this different from positive reinforcement, where your child doesn\u2019t get to watch Paw Patrol without first completing homework?\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nRemember, here you want to lessen the occurrence of a negative behaviour (that is the pinching). In reinforcement, you wanted to increase a desirable behaviour.\n\n\nNegative punishment would result in something like lessening the amount of time your daughter usually gets to play with her favourite toy, if she pinches you.\n\n\nSomething to Ponder\n\n\nThis article is only a brief introduction to techniques under behavioural psychology\u2014also known as Behaviourism. There are other learning theories that offer different perspectives and methods.\n\n\nOf the methods mentioned, positive reinforcement is seen as the most effective one. Punishment, on the other hand, is considered problematic by some as it does not tell the child what to do. It only focuses on what not to do. Moreover, it can cause resentment and fear in a child.\n\n\nAs with most teaching approaches, not all methods work the same with all kids. Try to understand your child and speak to a teacher or therapist if you need help.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/physical-spiritual-health", "title": "7 Ways To Take Control Of Your Physical & Spiritual Health", "body": "Health and happiness are something we should all aim to achieve at one point in our lives. However, there are multiple ways that can help you be happy and healthy, both physically and spiritually, and sometimes, not all of them are equally effective and beneficial to one\u2019s well-being. So, if you are feeling like you need to take control of your mental, physical, and spiritual health, here are some useful tips and tricks that will help you make that happen.\n\n\n1. If you\u2019re feeling lost, start with therapy\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Ani Kolleshi\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nWe live in quite unstable times, so it\u2019s no surprise if you currently feel anxious and depressed. Therefore, before you start doing anything else, it\u2019s advisable to\u00a0\nconsult a mental health professional\n\u00a0who\u2019ll be able to give you a few useful pieces of advice. Talking to a therapist doesn\u2019t have to be a long-term commitment, but it will definitely do you good to talk to someone who knows how to listen and understand your issues.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Also, don\u2019t forget your regular health checkup\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Ani Kolleshi\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nIf you suspect that something might be wrong, then it\u2019s crucial to visit your GP and have a regular health checkup, just to make sure that everything\u2019s fine. Now, it\u2019s perfectly understandable if you feel a bit anxious regarding the checkup, but remember that it\u2019s better to go early and take care of a health issue before it gets too late. This is especially important for\u00a0\nwomen who are going through menopause\n\u00a0since it often requires additional medical attention. Also, asking someone you love to accompany you can be of great help, as you\u2019ll feel supported and cared for.\n\n\n3. Adopt a few positive habits\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Christina Moroz\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nSelf-care should be your biggest priority if you\u2019re looking to improve your way of living. Luckily, there are so many to choose from:\u00a0\ndoing yoga\u00a0\nin the morning,\u00a0\nmeditation\n, walking or exercising at least twice a week, just to name a few. It\u2019s totally up to you to decide which ones work for you best, just be consistent and patient because results won\u2019t be there overnight. Aside from that, you can also spend less time on social media, because it\u2019s been well-known that spending a lot of time online can have a negative impact on your self-confidence.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Be mindful of what you eat\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Tanaphong Toochinda\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nFor some women (and men), eating is a way of celebrating and enjoying life. Still, eating when you\u2019re bored, lonely, or sad can be quite damaging to your gut. Comfort snacks are great, but instead of candy bars and fast food, you can also eat fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This is important because unhealthy microbes in the intestines can be the leading cause of\u00a0\nmenopause weight gain\n, so consuming probiotics can be a great way to restore your gut health and feel better in the long run. Aside from that, probiotics can reduce symptoms of some digestive disorders as well as help boost your immune system in general. Also, avoid eating late at night, and if possible, try eating breakfast every morning so you will have energy until lunchtime.\n\n\n5. Practice gratitude and mindfulness\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Jasmin Chew\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nAs mentioned before, focusing on your spiritual health can seriously improve your quality of life. Now, if you\u2019re not religious, you can still be spiritual by practising gratitude and living a mindful lifestyle. Meditating in the morning is a great way to start your day and get your thoughts in order. Additionally, being patient and learning to enjoy boredom will help you feel better and more present in your day-to-day life.\n\n\n6. Make sure you sleep well\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0Vladislav Muslakov\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nGetting a\u00a0\ngood night\u2019s sleep\u00a0\nis crucial if you want to live a healthy and happy life. Experts recommend at least 7 hours of sleep every night, so if you have trouble dozing off, it\u2019s essential to find a way that will help you rest so you\u2019ll be able to feel fresh during the day. So, having a comfortable bed and staying away from screened devices is a sure way to sleep better, thus, in case you need a distraction in bed, it\u2019s more advisable to read a book than to spend time on your phone.\n\n\n7. Stay away from unhealthy things\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by\u00a0S\u2019well\u00a0on\u00a0Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nSometimes, we all need to be a bit bad in order to feel better, however, indulging in unhealthy stuff on a regular basis isn\u2019t a way to be healthy. Smoking, drinking, and eating greasy food might feel great, but it\u2019s recommended to do so in moderation in order to preserve\u00a0\nyour own well-being\n. So, next time you feel tempted to order a large pizza, take a second to examine yourself and see if there are any healthier substitutes available. That way, you\u2019ll learn how to practice self-discipline which, in return, will make you feel proud and accomplished.\n\n\nFinal thoughts\n\n\nLiving how to grow requires honesty and control and these tips will surely be of great help. Therefore, learn how to take care of your physical and mental health, and don\u2019t forget to be grateful for everything that you own already. Finally, eating well, exercising, and taking care of your body is a good path towards a prosperous and happy life.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKeibubapaan\nRaikan Hari Ibu dengan Bloom and Grow\nKesihatan\nKetahui 6 Punca Sakit Badan dan Jenis Sakit Badan Yang Biasa Dialami. Ini Cara Merawatnya!\nPercutian\nMaksimumkan Masa Percutian Anda ke Hong Kong: Tip Penduduk Tempatan Untuk Destinasi Paling Trendy, Restoran Menarik & Banyak Lagi!\nKesihatan\nBintik-Bintik Merah Di Badan Anak: Cacar Air Atau Penyakit Tangan, Kaki dan Mulut?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/to-my-partner-who-cheated-on-me-while-i-was-pregnant", "title": "To my partner who cheated on me while I was pregnant", "body": "Seven years.\n\n\nFor seven whole years, we\u2019ve lived together, tried to build a life together. You wanted to try to have a baby, to have our own family already. I wasn\u2019t ready, but you wanted a child so I agreed. Little did I know that, at seven months along, just a few months before I was to bring our baby out into the world, you would find another.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s worse, you got this other woman pregnant. What did you expect to gain from confessing? Do you expect me to forgive you in an instant? I love you, but it\u2019s just too much. The shock of your confession wasn\u2019t even the worst part. That the other woman knew full well that you were still in a committed relationship truly hurt. What if she were in my place? Would she want the man she planned to grow old with to find another woman and get her pregnant?\n\n\n\n\nShe even has the nerve to harass me, as if she has more right to you than me, who\u2019s been by your side all these years. I put my life on hold to give you what you want, children, a family.\n\n\nThere are no words to describe the pain I feel. But I don\u2019t even care about myself now. All I care about is that the stress of all of this doesn\u2019t affect my baby. I trusted you. I didn\u2019t think for a second that you would betray me. I was unaware that you were cheating for a year.\n\n\nI choose to stay with you and you chose me. But this doesn\u2019t erase all the heartbreak I feel. I ask the Lord why this had to happen, when I\u2019ve accepted and prepared myself for motherhood. My mind and my heart are in constant conflict. It\u2019s hard for me to see you each day. I don\u2019t know if I can ever trust you again. When I look at you, all I see are your lies.\n\n\nI hope I can find a way to heal, if not for me than for the sake of our baby.\n\n\nThis was shared in confidence by one of our loyal readers. Her identity has been kept anonymous upon her request.\n\n\n*\nRepublished with permission from \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Your Child\u2019s Poop Habits\n#PendidikanKewangan\nMemahami Cara Menguruskan Wang Melalui Pengalaman Hidup Sebenar\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mean-mum-or-cool-mum", "title": "12 Ways to Be a Mean Mum and WHY Mean Mums Don't Have Bad Kids", "body": "One of these days, your child will call you a mean mum for not letting them do what they want. You might be taken aback by this. And when another person sees how well you\u2019ve disciplined your child, you\u2019ll get praise. Confused yet?\n\n\nTake it as a compliment.\n\n\nYou\u2019ve heard about spoiled children before, and it scares you. But you know that it isn\u2019t their fault. It\u2019s usually the parents\u2019 fault. So when you catch yourself \nnot \nspoiling your kids and being called a mean mum, don\u2019t worry! That just means you haven\u2019t given up yet.\n\n\nSo come on ladies, be a \u201cmean mum.\u201d It\u2019s easy to see through tantrums and fits thrown by children. All you need is a firm but gentle hand \u2013 it\u2019s all about tough love, emphasis on love.)\n\n\n\n\n12 mean mum ways\n\n\n1. Telling your kids to go to bed\n \n\n\nHave you ever told your children how going for days without sleep can seriously mess them up? You should. And they shouldn\u2019t be mad about it. Because everyone needs sleep. And if they can\u2019t sleep, \nyou \ncan\u2019t sleep. It\u2019s a win-win.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Not giving your kids dessert everyday\n\n\nThe best sweets are often the ones you rarely eat. You get to savour the moment! That\u2019s what makes the sweet a \u201ctreat.\u201d \n\n\nAnd kids should learn that too much sugar can rot their teeth faster than they can say \u201chigh fructose corn syrup.\u201d Would they like to have black ugly teeth for the rest of their lives? Do they want to go to the dentist all the time? We didn\u2019t think so! So yeah, they have you to thank, mean mum!\n\n\n3. Making them pay for their own stuff\n\n\nIf you want something, you have to get it yourself. That\u2019s how life works. So teach your kids the value of paying for your own stuff. Tell them how amazing it is to have full control over what you buy. Plus, they\u2019ll learn how to spend wisely and appreciate what they buy more. \n\n\n4. Not manipulating the world to your kid\u2019s advantage\n\n\nYour children will definitely experience a time when not everything will be handed to them on a silver platter. One day they\u2019ll learn that they\u2019re not exceptions to the rule. \n\n\nSo please stop manipulating the world so your kids always get what they want. You\u2019re not preparing your children for the future, you\u2019re setting them up to fail miserably.\n\n\n\n\n5. Making them do hard things\n\n\nDon\u2019t just immediately help them when they have difficulty doing things. Let them struggle. And when they do overcome the obstacle, they empower themselves.\n\n\n6. Giving them a watch or an alarm clock\n\n\nYour child should learn how to value and manage their time. If they can\u2019t, they\u2019ll just end up being late to everything and not being able to do the things they want. A watch can also boost their confidence. It helps them feel responsible and grown up.\n\n\n7. Not buying them the best and the latest\n\n\nYou aren\u2019t doing your child any favors when you spoil them. So be a mean mum and teach them that\u00a0 they can\u2019t have it all.\n\n\n They should know that having the best and the latest things isn\u2019t the most important thing in life. Give them a lesson about the true value of things. And teach them gratitude and satisfaction for the things they already have.\n\n\n8. Let them feel loss and failure\n\n\nIf your kid breaks something they own, you don\u2019t need to replace it. So just don\u2019t do it. They need to learn a valuable lesson in taking better care of their stuff. \nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nIn fact, \nlet them fail\n all the time. Experiencing failure makes them realise that they have to work for something to get it, and that not everything will be given to them. It teaches them responsibility and accountability.\n\n\n9. Controlling their media consumption\n\n\nWe\u2019ve said it again and again, \nchildren\u2019s media consumption\n should be regulated. And just because other parents let their kids go crazy on gadgets doesn\u2019t mean you should, too. Put your foot down when it becomes an unhealthy obsession, or when the media they consume is inappropriate.\n\n\nStand up for decent parenting and let the rest follow.\n\n\n\n\n10. Getting them to apologize\n\n\nIf your child can\u2019t recognize when something\u2019s wrong and own up to it, how are they going to be well-balanced adults in the future? How will they be able to have healthy long-term relationships? \n\n\nIf your kid does something wrong, make them realize what they did wrong and make them face the consequences. You can\u2019t just ignore rudeness, bullying, and dishonesty. You have to nip it in the bud.\n\n\n11. Making them mind their manners\n\n\nChildren should learn to mind their manners at an early age or rude behaviour will turn into habit. Courtesy and politeness should be practiced, not just by your children, but by you as well. Good manners will take them far.\n\n\n12. Making them work for free\n\n\nTeach them the value of volunteer work, whether it\u2019s cleaning the house or helping their grandparents with something. It teaches them about generosity and compassion. \n\n\nMaking them work for free in the service of others, even just their family, teaches them empathy. It teaches them to put themselves in other people\u2019s shoes and realise that other people have needs, too. They learn that people have their own problems, and these are often greater than their own.\n\n\nBeing a mean mum can be good sometimes\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry about your children calling you a mean mum when you know you\u2019ve done the right thing. In fact, you should probably treat yourself for teaching your kids better behaviour. \n\n\nAnd even if your kids call you a mean mum to your face, please let them know that you love them. They will change, and they will realise that what you\u2019ve done for them will help them grow into better human beings.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/recipes-to-increase-breast-milk", "title": "Recipes to increase breast milk: This mum bakes and sells lactation cookies!", "body": "It\u2019s hard to believe that this mummy of 3, Joanna Goy, was totally clueless about breastfeeding when she had her first baby 5 years ago.\n\n\nToday, Joanna makes her own lactation cookies and runs \nSingapore Lactation Bakes (SLB)\n,\u00a0\nwhich specialises in the creation of lactation cookies and muffins.\n\n\nWe ask Joanna, a former banker, how she found her true calling. \nShe also reveals a secret recipe to increase breast milk supply!\n\n\nRecipes to increase breast milk: Mum bakes lactation cookies\n\n\nTo start with, tell us a little bit about your breastfeeding journey?\n \n\n\n(\nJoanna is mummy to 3 beautiful girls, Jolinda (5), Jophia (2) and Jorissa (4 months old)\n)\n\n\nJoanna reveals, \n\u201c\nWhen Jolinda was born, I was totally clueless about breastfeeding. I thought it was something that came naturally so I didn\u2019t prepare myself for it at all.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIt did not occur to me that I had to read or learn about breastfeeding, as I thought it was going to be a breeze and natural. But I was wrong.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI didn\u2019t have enough milk, and almost went into depression. Returning to work meant more stress and pressure.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI did not try any breast milk booster with Jolinda as I had no idea there were even supplements to increase breast milk.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThat first breastfeeding journey only lasted for 9 months.\u201d\n\n\n2 years later, I was blessed with Jophia. This time, I joined a mummy support group \u2013 there was a lot of support emotionally as well as a lot of advice, and that really made a difference.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThis is when I got to know about milk boosters and started doing more research about them.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cGeared with more knowledge, I am now doing much better at breastfeeding Jorissa, and am supporting a group of breastfeeding mums too!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nHow did you stumble upon the idea of lactation cookies?\u00a0\n\n\nSays Joanna, \u201cI came to know about lactation cookies from my mummy friends. They were trying lactation cookies and were recommending them to each other.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cInitially, I was skeptical, as it sounded too good to be true.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAlso, to my shock, I found that lactation cookies are costly. So I decided to try baking them myself. At first, to be honest, I did not see an immediate increase in my milk supply. But a few days later, I noticed my milk supply had increased.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAs I continued baking and eating more of the lactation cookies, the amount of milk that I was able to produce gradually increased as well.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cEventually, I had so much surplus milk, I could even give my daughters a milk bath! I was so happy and relieved that my children were finally able to enjoy the benefits of breast milk!\u201d\n\n\n How did you end up starting Singapore Lactation Bakes (SLB)?\n\n\nJoanna tells us, \u201cAfter my experience with Jolinda, I knew what it felt like to have a low supply and feel unsupported. I felt deeply about this and I really hoped no other mum would have to go though what I went through, so I offered the cookies to my own circle of friends.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThey loved them and soon word spread, bringing me to the blessed place I am now.\u201d\u00a0And that is how \nSingapore Lactation Bakes\n(SLB) was born.\n\n\n\u201cWe are also blessed with the opening of our own store recently! It is located at 183 Jalan Pelikat #B1-105 s(537643), we are a team of four at the moment.\u201d\n\n\nYou mentioned that you were a banker before\u2026what made you quit or change lane?\n\n\nJoanna says, \u201cAs SLB progressed, I got the opportunity to talk to a lot of different mums who had various problems with breastfeeding. I really wanted to help them more.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI couldn\u2019t do that while holding on to two jobs so I chose to quit mine and focus on helping the mums. I\u00a0also took breastfeeding courses to gear myself with more knowledge to help more mummies.\u201d\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\n\n\n Were there any hiccups to starting and running this business?\n \n\n\n\u201cI think I\u2019ve been blessed in this area as everything has been smooth so far.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI think the biggest challenge is keeping up with with the variety of bakes (both what we have now as well as with developing new flavours/products) while balancing taste and effectiveness.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe have seen an increase in demand over the years as hospitals have begun advocating breastfeeding in the recent years\u201d,\u00a0Joanna reveals.\n\n\nCookies and muffins go for $6.50, cookies cups are $16.90 and teas are $\n9.90.\n\n\n What feedback have you received from mummies? Has it helped them boost breast milk supply?\n\n\nJoanna informs us, \u201cThe reviews have been quite good. Though it might not work for everyone, the majority of mummies have reported that our bakes have worked for them.We are working relentlessly to improve our bakes in terms of their variety, taste and effectiveness.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIt\u2019s usually a gradual increase in the amount of milk they pump, not necessarily just a specific pump or latch timing.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAs our slogan says, \u201cEat. Breastfeed. Repeat\u201d.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe encourage mummies to eat the bakes, breastfeed and then repeat. The boosters will not increase milk permanently. They will increase milk supply temporarily either by having fuller breasts or more let down.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMummies are encouraged to pump the milk out. They need to pump or latch when they experience let down, to stimulate their body to make more milk. Our bodies work by demand and supply. More milk drawn will result in more milk produced.\u201d\n\n\nAs a mumpreneur, how do you manage running SLB and looking after kids?\n\n\nJoanna admits, \u201cThis has been a real challenge. That is why SLB\u2019s working hours are from 9 am \u2013 5 pm. We drop our kids off at school in the morning and pick them up afterwards and try to spend as much time as we can, when we are with them.\u201d\n\n\nFrom your experience and knowledge, which food works well as breast milk\u00a0boosters and which don\u2019t?\n\n\nJoanna says, \u201cWe have a list of 68 boosters for customers to take a look at and try.\u201d\n\n\n Ultimately, it really depends on how their bodies work and react to the different foods.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: SINGAPORE LACTATION BAKES\n\n\n\n\nFor myself, conventional boosters do not work. My boosters are miso (yes, Japanese miso) and peppermint (Yes! Peppermint! It\u2019s a known milk killer but it really worked very well for my milk supply). I have a weird body!\n\n\nJoanna also shares a breast milk booster recipe with us, that apparently works very well. Thank you, Joanna! \ud83d\ude42\n\n\nLactation carrot cake\n\n\nCARROT CAKE\n\n\n\n\n2 cups plain flour \n\n\n1 tsp cinnamon \n\n\n1 tsp baking powder \n\n\n1 tsp bicarbonate of soda \n\n\n1/2 tsp salt \n\n\n1.5 cups ground walnuts/pecans \n\n\n4 large eggs \n\n\n1.5 cups caster sugar \n\n\n300ml sunflower oil \n\n\n3 cups of grated carrots \n\n\n\n\nCREAM CHEESE ICING \n\n\n\n\n150g unsalted butter, \n\n\nsoftened 240g f cream cheese\n\n\n 840g icing sugar, sifted \n\n\n\n\nMETHOD\n\n\n\n\nWhisk together sugar, eggs and oil until thick.\n\n\n Add finely grated carrots and fold them into the mixture.\n\n\n Add flour, baking soda, baking powder, flax seed and cinnamon and mix gently.\n\n\nFold in walnuts.\n\n\n Grease and line a 7\u201d tin.\n\n\n Pour mixture into the tin and place in the oven at 175 \u00b0C for 25-27 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.\n\n\nLeave to cool.\n\n\n\n\nFor cream cheese icing, in a large bowl, \n\n\n\n\nBeat butter till pale and fluffy.\n\n\nAdd the cream cheese.\n\n\nAdd icing sugar.\n\n\nAdd in the powdered sugar and vanilla until it\u2019s smooth and creamy.\n\n\nDecorate as desired.\n\n\n\n\nLastly, any advice to new mums on breastfeeding and breast milk?\n\n\nJoanna has this to say, \u201cYou are not alone! When you feel like giving up, just tell yourself \u2013 just one more day!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cFinding a support group or meeting up with a Lactation consultant will help you identify the problem and rectify it too. Just don\u2019t give up!\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/balanced-diet-affect-my-child-mentally", "title": "Does a Balanced Diet Affect My Child Mentally?", "body": "The early years of a child are one of the most important stages of life because it is vital for \ncognitive, physical and behavioural growth\n. As a parent, you would obviously want the best for your child, and giving them a nutritious, well-balanced diet is of utmost importance. Many parents might think that a \nnutritious meal\n is only important for their child\u2019s physical development, but do you know that a well-balanced diet is also crucial to your child\u2019s \nmental and emotional growth\n? Yes, that glass of milk does not only strengthen your child\u2019s bones, but it also assists in nerve stimulations and regulates your child\u2019s blood pressure!\n\n\nBrain development can be highly affected by the quality and adequacy of your child\u2019s diet. Even during pregnancy and early life, poor nutrition can lower \nIQ scores and even lead to learning disorders,\n according to Dr. Reynaldo Martorell, a renowned International Nutrition professor at Emory University.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nAttentional issues, as well as behavioural and societal issues, could also occur. Providing adequate energy, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are necessary to provide enough nutrition for brain development, while also allowing for your child\u2019s body to grow and mature healthily.\n\n\nStudies have shown that iron deficiency, even in children, can lead to a decrease in the transmission of dopamine, a naturally produced chemical that sends signals to the brain to initiate movements.\n\n\nDopamine deficiency is closely related to Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder or more commonly known as ADHD. ADHD may cause your child to be inattentive, hyperactive, and/or impulsive. Some of the best sources of iron include tofu, \nred meat\n, and lentils (yes, that\u00a0\ndhal\n\u00a0curry that goes with your\u00a0\nroti canai\n!). The best way to make sure your child has enough iron in his diet is to ensure he eats according to a balanced diet.\n\n\nOther than how a well-balanced diet can affect your child\u2019s learning behaviours, surprisingly a good diet can also affect your child\u2019s societal behaviours. With participation in family meals, your child will start to mimic eating choices, behaviour and patterns of family members. For example, when a family member shares about his or her day it will show your child how important \ncommunication is within family members\n in order to form a strong family bond. \u00a0\n\n\nAdded to that, in the first two years of your child\u2019s life, if your child does not receive adequate nutrition, it is more likely that your child will show signs of becoming withdrawn, being less active and staying away or shying away from interaction.\n\n\nKey Factors for Meal Planning\n\n\nNow that we have learnt how a balanced diet can have positive effects on your child, it is super important to consider these 3 things when planning a meal for your child:\n\n\n1# \nBalance\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nA balanced diet means incorporating all the food groups (carbohydrates, greens, protein, and fat) from the Malaysian Food Pyramid into each and every single meal.\n Parents should make an effort to prepare meals containing more foods from the lower part of the food pyramid\n and fewer foods from the higher parts of the food pyramid.\n\n\n2# \nModeration\n\u00a0\n\n\nToo much or too little can be unhealthy for you and your child, especially when it comes to food and nutrients. As parents, you might think that forcing your child to scoff down bowls of kale salad and cutting down on the carbohydrates would be a good idea, but in fact, it is not.\n\n\nPractising portion planning is essentially necessary to ensure that your child eats according to the recommended serving size for each food group in the food pyramid. Parents can practice the \nsuku-suku-separuh\n\u00a0(quarter-quarter-half) rule propagated by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.\n\n\nFor a properly balanced plate, one\u00a0\nsuku\n\u00a0(quarter) should consist of protein and another quarter should consist of carbohydrates such as rice, noodles or grains while the rest of the plate should be filled with vegetables and fruits.\n\n\n3# \nVariation\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nEating a varied, well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each food group daily, in recommended amounts. It is super important to choose a variety of foods within each food group because different foods provide different types and amounts of key nutrients important for your child\u2019s growth and wellbeing, both mentally and physically.\n\n\nAdded to that, kids get bored really easily, so preparing \ndifferent variations of a meal\n each time will make it more interesting, so that your child would not get bored and refuse to eat.\n\n\nFinally, child nutrition is not just about keeping your child\u2019s tummy full. It is about planning a balanced meal that is as nutritious and fun as possible for them, because in the long run, the meal you crafted determines how your child grows and develops.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Warning Signs of Mental Illness in Kids\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/back-to-school-shopping", "title": "The clueless mum\u2019s guide to back-to-school shopping", "body": "Going back-to-school shopping with children during holiday season? Oh dear. The packed shopping malls, long queues and endless store-hopping with overstimulated little ones right, left and center can be a nightmare for any parent. And shopping for school supplies is serious business. You can\u2019t miss anything or else, you\u2019ll have to plan for another outing (eeep!). So wouldn\u2019t it be nice to have just one place where you can do your back-to-school shopping, ever so happily? Oh wait, there is such a place indeed.\n\n\nMums and dads, welcome to Tesco.\n\n\n\n\nTesco truly understands every parent\u2019s dilemma about back-to-school shopping. They feel you and they\u2019re happy to be your one-stop destination for all sorts of back-to-school needs!\n\n\n\u00a0\nMust-Buy Back-to-School Items\n\n\n\u00a0\nWe promised you a complete shopping guide, so here you go:\n\n\n1. Wearables\n\n\nIt\u2019s always a good idea to purchase a size larger, as school children often go through growth\u00a0 spurts. Remember to get at least two sets of uniforms, or as many as you need for your laundry rotation.\n\n\na. School uniform\n\n\n\n\nGet up to 30% off on AP and AP Plus uniforms. Collared white shirt as low as RM8.33\n\n\nMovern Belt (flat price RM5)\n\n\n\n\nb.School shoes\n\n\n\n\nFabric and Croc Primary School Shoes RM12.90/pair (flat price RM5)\n\n\n70% off on selected ASADI shoes\n\n\n\n\nc. School socks\n\n\n\n\nChildren\u2019s 3-in-1 School Socks (flat price RM5)\n\n\n\n\n2. School bags\n\n\nChildren nowadays are hunched over due to the weight of their school bags.\n\n\nGet a trolley bag or a non-woven bag to go with their backpack to distribute the load on your child\u2019s back.\n\n\n\n\nInter-Polo Trolley School Bag RM49.90/unit\n\n\nWe Bare Bears\n non-woven bag RM3.50/ unit\n\n\n\n\n3. Stationery\n\n\n\n\nTesco 3-in-1 Arch Files RM5.90 per set\n\n\nTesco ball pen 0.7 Blue/Black/Assorted 4s TBP-318R RM1.10/set\n\n\nFaber-Castell Stationery Set RM15.00/set\n\n\nEva Pencil Case Assorted Designs RM29.80/unit\n\n\n286 X-Shock 2B Pencil Box 12s RM9.45/pack or BUY 2 for RM8\n\n\n\n\n4. Accessories\n\n\n\u2013 Water tumbler\n\n\n\u2013 Hair bands, hair clips etc.\n\n\n\u2013 Food containers and lunch boxes\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t these jaw-dropping prices make you just want to drop everything and dash to Tesco right now?\n\n\nSmart Shopping Tips\n\n\nNow that you\u2019ve got your shopping list ready, it\u2019s time to prep yourself and the children for a fun shopping trip! Here are some tips for you to avoid overspending and unwanted drama at the mall:\n\n\n\n\nStick to your shopping list\n\n\n\n\nNo matter what your heart tells you, check off all mandatory items first before you spend on extra ones.\n\n\n\n\nPrep your children in advance\n\n\n\n\nLet your children know that this is strictly a back-to-school shopping trip. Give them their own shopping lists, so at the same time, you can also teach them about financial responsibility.\n\n\n\n\nGo for quality\n\n\n\n\nSome items may be pricier than others, so be sure to get the best value for your money. It\u2019s okay to spend a little more on good quality school attire as they\u2019ll most likely last longer.\n\n\n\n\nAvoid rush hour crowds\n\n\n\n\nWe recommend weekday mornings, when most people are at work, or Sunday mornings because #lazySunday.\n\n\n\n\nGrab discounts and special deals\n\n\n\n\nTesco is currently offering big discounts on selected back-to-school items, including uniforms! Need we say more?\n\n\nHassle-Free Shopping for the Whole Family\n\n\nYou\u2019ll surely have an enjoyable shopping experience at Tesco with your family as it offers a wide range of good quality products at affordable prices. Also, Tesco has literally everything else you need to shop in comfort! If you feel like taking a break from shopping, there are many places to refuel with yummy snacks or even delicious meals. There are also baby rooms and prayer rooms for your convenience.\n\n\nIt\u2019s time to get back-to-school shopping done in style! Let\u2019s shop smart, enjoy hassle-free shopping and grab amazing back-to-school deals at Tesco today!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/50-diy-3-ingredient-baby-food-recipes-that-are-super-fast-nutritious", "title": "50 DIY 3-Ingredient Baby Food Recipes That Are Super-Fast & Nutritious", "body": "\n\n\n\n\n\nSurprisingly, baby food isn\u2019t hard to make. But it\u00a0\ncan\n\u00a0be hard to think of new and interesting combinations to keep a little one from getting bored (and, let\u2019s face it, to keep\u00a0\nmom and dad\n\u00a0from getting bored). Once parents figure out their baby likes a certain dish, it\u2019s all too easy to fall into a rut \u2014 especially if they\u2019ve had a bowl or two of freshly pur\u00e9ed produce dumped on the floor. But there are literally an infinite number of super nutritious, surprisingly delicious combinations of homemade baby food involving just three simple ingredients that anyone can try, and all of them are seriously simple to prepare.\n\n\n\n\nParents don\u2019t need to be an experienced chef by any means to make any of the following combos; all they need to know how to do is chop, steam, and pur\u00e9e \u2026 and, okay, occasionally peel. Some of the ingredients used in these recipes don\u2019t even need to be cooked before they\u2019re blended!\n\n\nMore from CafeMom:\u00a0\n10 Superfoods Parents Should Be Feeding Their Babies\n\n\nIn fact, the term \u201crecipe\u201d might even be too formal for these mixes. The moms who created them simply mixed three nutritious foods their baby loves with flavors that work well together. There are no hard-and-fast rules about proportions; parents can feel free to adjust to suit their baby\u2019s individual tastes. Just be sure to check with the doctor before introducing any new food, as some items are better for beginning eaters than others, and some babies might have allergic tendencies or special dietary needs.\u00a0\n\n\nAbove all, be creative and remember to have fun\n\n\n1. Strawberry, Apple & Parsnip\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: sagespoonfuls/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA gorgeous shade of pink, this sweet pur\u00e9e is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, and it couldn\u2019t be easier to make. Just\u00a0\nsteam the apples and parsnips, and blend everything together\n.\n\n\n\n\n2. Pumpkin, Peach & Apple\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: maisymoogoo/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNot just for pies and spiced latt\u00e9s,\u00a0\npumpkin is high in the antioxidant beta carotene\n. If parents don\u2019t want to bother steaming it before pur\u00e9eing it with peaches and cooked apple, they can always used packaged pumpkin as a shortcut.\n\n\n3. Apple, Pear & Plum\n\n\n\n\nSource: maisymoogoo/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0A \ngood source of vitamins C and A\n, plums don\u2019t necessarily have to be steamed before they\u2019re pur\u00e9ed (as long as they\u2019re ripe enough), but it\u2019s a good idea to peel them first!\n\n\n\n\n4. Squash, Apple & Carrot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: webconsultas_healthcare/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnother\u00a0\ngreat source of vitamin A\n (as well as potassium and fiber), butternut squash has a mild, sweet flavor that babies tend to dig, and it mixes well with just about anything. Try roasting the squash and carrots before pur\u00e9eing them. It gives them more flavor than steaming would\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Beet, Mango & Cauliflower\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: mommy.mojo/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA bonafide superfood,\u00a0\nbeets are loaded with potentially cancer-fighting antioxidants\n, plus potassium and folate \u2014\u00a0\nand\n they make the (also super nutritious) mango and cauliflower such a pretty color! (PSA: Don\u2019t freak out if the little one\u2019s pee turns temporarily pink. It\u2019s a beet thing!)\n\n\n6. Strawberry, Peach & Blueberry\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: soylinduh/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLike beets,\u00a0\nberries are considered a serious superfood\n because they pack so many vitamins and antioxidants into such tiny, delicious packages (plus fiber!). And they couldn\u2019t be easier to prepare: Just wash, trim, and toss in a blender. Peaches can be used raw if they\u2019re ripe, but peel off the fuzz first.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. Sweet Potato, Parsnip & Apple\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: vegan_minimalist_bhakti/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOne of the\u00a0\nhighest sources of vitamin A\n, sweet potatoes are also rich in B vitamins and carotenoids \u2014 and babies almost always gobble them right up (especially mixed with apple and parsnip!).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. Salmon, Sweet Potato & Apricot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: food.for.babies/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor those who don\u2019t think of salmon as a baby food, think again: This fish is an excellent way to add omega-3 fatty acids to a little one\u2019s diet. These healthy fats are\u00a0\nsuper important for brain development\n. Plus, because it\u2019s got a milder flavor than some other seafood, salmon blends appetizingly with favorites like sweet potato and apricot.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9. Broccoli, Apple & Pear\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: cheriekustermann/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s a reason parents have been telling kids to finish their broccoli since the dawn of time: The veggie contains literally every vitamin we can think of, plus\u00a0\nfiber, folate, zinc, selenium, and even calcium\n. Plus, when steamed and pur\u00e9ed with apples and pears, it barely even tastes like broccoli anymore!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1o. Pea, Sweet Potato & Star Pasta\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: babyfinedining/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPeas are an ideal finger food for veterans to solids, but they\u2019re also perfect for the earlier, mushy meals stage, too.\u00a0\nHigh in iron and phytonutrients\n, frozen or canned peas are perfectly acceptable substitutions for fresh ones, and they make a fabulous chunky (but not too chunky) entr\u00e9e when mixed with sweet potato and tiny pasta.\n\n\n11. Peach, Broccoli & Chicken\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\nSource: babyfinedining/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s the thing about baby food pur\u00e9es: Sometimes a mix of foods that sounds totally bizarre can end up tasting great to little ones, and this is a perfect example.\u00a0\nPeaches add vitamin C\n\u00a0and a sweet tanginess, while\u00a0\nchicken\n\u00a0is high in easily digestible protein.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12. Cranberry, Pear & Cinnamon\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: tinytastebudz/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNot just for Thanksgiving,\u00a0\ncranberries bring manganese and vitamin K\n\u00a0to a baby\u2019s table (and they\u2019re great for maintaining urinary tract health, too). Unlike other berries, however, they definitely need to be\u00a0\ncooked before eating\n, and they\u2019re a bit too tart to serve without a sweeter fruit like pear \u2014 and a dash of cinnamon!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13. Chicken, Spinach & Oatmeal\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: dumpydiapersblog/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPopeye was on to something for sure, because\u00a0\nspinach is all kinds of good for a kid\n\u00a0(it\u2019s got antioxidants, iron, fiber, vitamins \u2026 the works). Steam and blend it with with chicken and oatmeal for about as complete a meal as we can get: meat, veg, and grains!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14. Melon, Nectarine & Raspberry\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: recetat_e_teutes/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor those who\u2019ve never given much thought to cantaloupe (apart from the fact that it shows up in every fruit salad ever), maybe they should:\u00a0Just one cup of the melon contains\u00a0\n100 percent of the daily recommended values of vitamins A and C\n for adults. Ripe cantaloupe mashes easily, too, and the nectarine and raspberries make this taste like summer in pur\u00e9e form.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n15. Carrot, Squash & Yogurt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: tee125tan/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat, carrot-flavored yogurt doesn\u2019t sound good? Luckily, babies are free of preconceived notions that yogurt is supposed to taste like berries \u2014 so they\u2019ll love the combo of\u00a0\nprotein- and calcium-filled whole milk yogurt\n and vibrantly colored vitamin-heavy carrots and squash.\n\n\n16. Banana, Nectarine & Cherry\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: recetat_e_teutes/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOkay, here\u2019s the truth about giving a baby cherries: They\u2019re mildly annoying to prepare (all those pits, ugh), but if parents can get past that part, there are lots of benefits:\u00a0\nHigh in antioxidants\n\u00a0(which give them their dark, red color), cherries also have potassium, fiber, and even iron. (When we mix them with nectarines and bananas, we don\u2019t have to remove\u00a0\nquite\n\u00a0as many pits as we would if it was all cherry.)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n17. Avocado, Blueberry & Banana\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: cherubbabyaustralia/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nParents are gonna be spreading this crazy delicious mix of avocado, blueberry, and banana on their own toast after they try it. Avocado is super high in those all-important\u00a0\nbrain-building omega-3 fatty acids\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n18. Strawberry, Avocado & Banana\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: jenilujones/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpeaking of avocado, this incredibly nutritious fruit (yup,\u00a0\nit\u2019s a fruit, not a vegetable\n) makes for a fabulously creamy delight when mixed with strawberry and banana.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19. Chickpeas, Blueberries & Lemon\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: jenliujones/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSome doctors advise waiting until babies are 6 to 8 months old before introducing chickpeas. But when baby\u2019s ready, they\u2019re a good choice because the legumes are loaded with\u00a0\nzinc, manganese, folate, and fiber\n. A squirt of lemon brightens up this pur\u00e9e (and adds vitamin C!)\n\n\n20. Potato, Carrot & Apple\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: littleolivewonders/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThink of this as a more nutritious, baby-friendlier version of mashed potatoes (without all the butter, cream, and salt that make mashed potatoes potentially problematic). Steam \u2019em all up together and blend!\n\n\n\n\n21. Avocado, Banana & Kiwi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: littleolivewonders/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOranges get all the glory, but\u00a0\nkiwis actually contain five times the vitamin C\n, and they\u2019re one of the few foods rich in vitamin B6 (which boosts the immune system). If baby can tolerate chunkier pur\u00e9es, Mom can even just mash these with a fork (but stick with a blender if chewing is still a challenge).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n22. Baby Tomato, Red Lentil & Carrot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: littleolivewonders/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhile some lentils require soaking overnight,\u00a0\nred lentils are a great choice for babies\nbecause they cook quickly (and digest easily). Plus they\u2019re filled with protein, folate, iron, zinc, and manganese. And while pediatricians sometimes advise against giving tomatoes to babies under 10 months, they\u2019re a highly nutritious addition at the right time thanks to their levels of\u00a0\nlycopene and vitamin C\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n23. Broccoli, Squash & Lentil\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: mybabykangaroo/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlmost like a soup in pur\u00e9e form, the ingredients in this mix have just about every nutritional base covered \u2014 from fiber to protein to vitamins to iron.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n24. Kefir, Blueberry & Raspberry\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: kefiremothernature/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn excellent source of probiotics (which have been shown to help treat\u00a0\neczema and digestive problems\n, among other ailments), kefir is similar to yogurt, so naturally it works well with blueberries and raspberries!\n\n\n25. Purple Sweet Potato, Banana & Apple\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: foodmeetsfit/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPurple food is hard to come by (well, naturally), but\u00a0\npurple sweet potatoes\n have more in their favor than just their unique color. They\u2019ve also got all the nutrition of a regular sweet potato, and they contain anthocyanins, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.\n\n\n26. Sweet Potato, Carrot & Banana\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: jaclynreale/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThree baby-food faves make a surprisingly harmonious trio. Sweet potato, carrot, and banana create a mix as vibrant in color (and taste) as they come.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n27. Apple, Carrot & Quinoa\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: babyfood.recipe/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSure, quinoa is trendy \u2014 but it\u2019s trendy for a reason. This ancient \u201cgrain\u201d (which is actually a seed) is higher in protein and fiber than most grains, and it\u2019s also\u00a0\nhigh in iron and folate\n. Blend it with apple and carrot for a powerful breakfast bowl.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n28. Apple, Sweet Potato & Pea\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: 1st_tyme_mom/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhile some parents prefer to keep their baby\u2019s veggies and fruits separate because they\u2019re afraid their little ones won\u2019t develop a taste for anything but sweet stuff, others find that mixing produce is an effective way to slowly introduce veggies to reluctant eaters. For those interested in trying it, this combo is sure to be a hit!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29. Blueberry, Banana & Pear\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: megamomm/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCan\u2019t find any blueberries in season? Frozen ones can always be used in a pinch for pur\u00e9es (just thaw them first, or else it\u2019ll become a smoothie consistency). Pears generally need a quick steam, unless parents get their hands on one that\u2019s super ripe and juicy (yum!)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n30. Zucchini, Pear & Broccoli\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: 1st_tyme_mom/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt might not have kale\u2019s reputation when it comes to nutritional value, but don\u2019t underestimate the humble zucchini: This form of squash is no slouch when it comes to\u00a0vitamins A and C, as well as folate and potassium. For babies 7 months and up, feel free to leave the skins on when steaming and serving.\n\n\n31. Zucchini, Apple & Peas\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: myhungrytoddler/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nZucchini and apple can sometimes have watery textures when pur\u00e9ed, but here, peas add texture. (Parents who want to go really crazy and add a fourth ingredient can try a tiny bit of mint, as pictured here.)\n\n\n32. Peas, Banana & Asparagus\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: babyfoodart/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nParents might want to wait until baby hits the 10-month mark before introducing asparagus, as it has a tendency to make tummies a little gassy. But after that, it\u2019s a good source of\u00a0\niron, calcium, and vitamin A\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n33. Butternut Squash, Carrot & Cinnamon\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: flourandpaper/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCinnamon does more than just make purees delicious \u2014 it\u2019s also been shown to have\u00a0\nantifungal and antibacterial properties\n, and to help regulate blood sugar. Add a sprinkle to this fall veggie pur\u00e9e!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n34. Green Beans, Apple & Banana\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: piinkyysmoove/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSome say it\u2019s best to start with\u00a0\nfrozen green beans\n\u00a0for baby food because fresh ones have a grainer texture after being pur\u00e9ed; either way, these veggies have lots of vitamin A and fiber. And the banana and apple will help the beans go down!\n\n\n\n\n35. Fig, Banana & Dragon Fruit\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: rachelherkman/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWho says baby food has to be boring? Dragon fruit (and even figs) might not always be available (or affordable), but there are lots of reasons to serve them if possible: Besides being high in vitamin C (like most fruits), dragon fruit also has\u00a0\ncalcium and lycopene\n; figs are high in\u00a0\npotassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n36. Apple, Spinach & Blueberry\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: earmstrong86/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn apple a day (turned into sauce) might just convince a kid to eat whatever\u2019s mixed in with it \u2014 and that includes spinach. The addition of blueberries makes the greens even more appealing!\n\n\n37. Quinoa, Carrot & Rosemary\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: nataliemarierowe/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAn ideal way to expand baby\u2019s taste buds, adding\u00a0\nrosemary\n\u00a0to this mixture will contribute more than just flavor: The herb is known to have\u00a0antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic properties (so basically, anti\u2013everything bad).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n38. Blueberry, Pear & Quinoa\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: treasuresnz/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nParents are definitely going to be tempted to steal a few bites of this pur\u00e9e, which is heartier than it might seem thanks to the quinoa.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39. Plaintains, Sweet Potato & Mango\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: happytummiescookbook/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSimilar to bananas but not as sweet,\u00a0\nplantains need to be cooked\n before eating (in this case, steamed) and have a similar nutritional profile to a potato, except with more vitamins and minerals.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n40. Papaya, Mango & Banana\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: happytummiescookbook/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis tropical treat is great for baby\u2019s digestive tract, as vitamin C\u2013rich\u00a0\npapaya\n\u00a0contains the enzyme\u00a0\npapain\n, which aids in digestion. If it\u2019s ripe enough, all parents need to do is mash it up with a fork (same goes for the mango and banana, but be careful about getting the stringy bits out of the mango!).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n41. Kiwi, Apple & Peach\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: happytummiescookbook/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPeaches are more than just amazingly yummy, they\u2019re also\u00a0\nhigh in beta carotene and potassium\n. Baby will love this mix of tart and sweet!\n\n\n\n\n42. Blueberry, Oat & Flaxseed\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: kannywalsh/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhether parents grind their own flaxseeds or sprinkle pre-ground flax meal into baby\u2019s cereal, the nutritional pros are major:\u00a0\nessential fatty acids, fiber, magnesium, B vitamins\n, and much more. (Plus it tends to just disappear into the texture of the oatmeal!)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n43. Mango, Banana & Nectarine\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: angelicthreadsbaby_/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFun fact: Peaches and\u00a0\nnectarines\n are apparently the same fruit, except for the fuzz thing (at least nutritionally speaking). If they\u2019re out of season, steam up the frozen kind (baby will never know the difference).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n44. Acorn Squash, Apple & Spinach\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: betterbabymeals/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVery close nutritionally to butternut squash,\u00a0\nacorn squash\n is slightly more watery in texture and a little less sweet, but it\u2019s got the same pleasant, mild quality babies seem to like.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n45. Mango, Avocado & Banana\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: angelicthreadsbaby_/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBasically a cross between an island-inspired smoothie and a bowl of pudding, this baby food blend is loaded with both vitamins and healthy fats \u2026 and parents are going to want it all for themselves.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n46. Blackberry, Kale & Blueberry\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: angelicthreadsbaby_/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKale is the most super of all the superfoods\n, with more calcium per weight than cow\u2019s milk and high amounts of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as magnesium, folate, and more. Wait until baby is around 7 or 8 months to try it for the first time, and choose organic kale if possible, carefully washing before steaming.\n\n\n47. Mango, Quinoa & Prune\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: angelicthreadsbaby_/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere will likely come a time in baby\u2019s life when prunes are a thing that need to happen (especially because constipation is a common occurrence after the introduction of solid food). Luckily,\u00a0prune pur\u00e9e is easy to make and mixes well with other stuff, like mango and quinoa \u2014 and it\u2019s also high in iron, potassium, and vitamin K.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n48. Sweet Potato, Apple & Cranberry\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: melissasabra/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s like all the best parts of Thanksgiving dinner in one pur\u00e9e (without all the bad stuff, like saturated fat and refined sugar). Even better, baby will love it all year round.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n49. Butternut Squash, Banana & Apricot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: zoe_ellen_tio/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSort of like tiny peaches with a little tanginess, apricots are way more nutrient-dense for their size than one might think: Just three of them\u00a0contain about\u00a0\n30 percent of the USRDA for vitamin A\n, and they\u2019re high in vitamin C and lycopene, too.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n50. Mango, Coconut Milk & Chia Seed\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: sophieslaterwellness/Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInteresting thing about\u00a0\ncoconut\n: The FDA classifies it as a tree nut, but it\u2019s actually a fruit in the cherry family \u2014 meaning if a child is allergic to nuts, that doesn\u2019t necessarily mean he\u2019ll be allergic to coconut. (Of course, there\u2019s always a chance of allergy to anything, so always talk to the doctor about any concerns.) Assuming baby\u2019s in the clear, coconut milk is high in niacin, iron, and copper (though it shouldn\u2019t be used as a replacement for breast milk or formula).\u00a0\nChia seeds\n, meanwhile, are high in protein, fiber, and omega-3s (and unlike flaxseeds, they can be consumed whole and are easily digested).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis article was first published on \nCafeMom\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/talking-to-teens", "title": "5 Sure Ways To Get Your Teen To Talk To You", "body": "My son and I have always had a uniquely close relationship, and we spoke about anything and everything under the sun. Nothing was off-limits.\n\n\nBut when he reached 14, I noticed a drastic change in this closeness that we once shared. I wasn\u2019t clear about what was happening. He began to spend more and more time in his room, talking with his friends, being by himself, going out with his friends and so on. I had read enough to understand that boys that age needed their privacy and space, and that\u2019s exactly what I gave him.\n\n\nLittle did I know that this also meant him pulling away from me. I mean, I knew that there would be some distancing, but I also thought that the closeness and openness that we once had were enough of a foundation that it would even carry throughout his teenage years. Well, I was wrong, sort of.\n\n\nI found myself longing for him just to spend a bit of time talking to me.\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s a weird feeling no longer being the centre of his life anymore. But it\u2019s something he needed to grow into, and I needed to get used to. It did hurt initially when I realised that he no longer wanted to share everything with me, but I guess that\u2019s also what needing privacy means\u2014privacy from certain parts of his life.\n\n\nI was once the centre of his life, and so was he mine, and he still is. I was desperate for him to open up, talk and spend time together, a deep need to connect, but at the same time, he was desperate to go the other way.\n\n\nEven if he needed his space, privacy and had a life of his own where I was no longer a part of, I didn\u2019t lose faith.\n\n\nHe\u2019ll be 17 soon, and though I\u2019m still trying to manage through this whole teenage thing, I think I\u2019ve figured a few ways that have kept the communication going between my son and me.\n\n\nTalking to Teens: How This Mom Gets Her Son to Open Up to Her\n\n\n1 \u2013 Talking To Teens By Listen More, Talk Less\n\n\n\n\nBecause conversations are few and far between, it was only natural that on those rare occasions that he\u2019d join me, even for a brief moment whether in the kitchen, on the sofa or whilst I was working, I would drop everything and pay full attention to him.\n\n\nI\u2019m never quick to offer advice because I found out earlier on that it\u2019s not normally what he wants. Normally he just wants to share his opinion on something, and if he wants to know my opinion on the same, I will offer it.\n\n\nMost times, though, he just wants to share stuff about his friends, what happened in school and his thoughts about all the things that are wrong in the world.\n\n\nHe just wants someone to listen.\n\n\nWhat I have learned through just listening and not being in a constant need to give advice is that I\u2019ve been able to know him better as a person and where his journey might be taking him.\n\n\nIt is truly remarkable how much you can learn from a person just by listening.\n\n\n2 \u2013 Talking To Teens By Making The Most of Car Rides\n\n\nI LIVE for car rides with my son.\n\n\nFor some reason, we always have interesting conversations, even if it\u2019s a 10-minute drive. Although, I must admit that sometimes, I think of all the questions to ask or topics to discuss for when we\u2019re in the car because I feel it\u2019s the best time where he actually opens up when asked.\n\n\nSometimes, he himself comes up with the most random and deepest questions about life that leaves me struggling for an answer! I don\u2019t pretend to know it all, and he knows that.\n\n\nBut it really gives me an insight into what goes on in that beautiful mind of his. It\u2019s weirdly comforting to some extent.\n\n\nThe best part of our car rides? On some occasions, when we reach home and the car\u2019s in park, he still wants to sit in the car and talk. I love that.\n\n\n3 \u2013 Don\u2019t Criticize or Judge When Talking to Teens\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nI had made a terrible mistake once or twice for passing judgements and/or criticizing his opinions or choices that he would make. But, of course, that would just end up in disagreements or him clamming up and retreating to his room. So I vowed to never again.\n\n\nI realised quickly that it\u2019s okay that his thoughts and opinions differ from mine. I would encourage it, and I would respect his opinions. After all, we\u2019re all entitled to our own opinions. That includes teenagers.\n\n\nDuring this time, he\u2019s also started making his own decisions, and I\u2019ve given him some freedom to do so fully believing that it\u2019ll promote the independence that he needs. Sometimes, he makes the wrong ones, but I\u2019m always supportive, and I stay away from criticizing especially if it goes against what I would have decided in the first place.\n\n\nAs a parent, standing by and letting him find his own solutions to problems has given me more anxiety than needed. And as much as I\u2019ve wanted to go in, help him solve all his troubles and give him a shortcut to everything, I had to learn to let go and let him do it on his own. I do attempt to guide him, without him realising I\u2019m guiding him, and I definitely stay away from being controlling.\n\n\nAfter all, making mistakes is an important part of the whole learning process, right?\n\n\nHe will have to learn to take criticism eventually, but maybe not right now when he\u2019s dealing with a whole host of things.\n\n\n4 \u2013 Schedule in One On One Time When Talking to Teens\n\n\nMaking it a point to schedule one-on-one time works wonders. But I must say that ample warning needs to be given to him just in case he has something else to do or his schedule just doesn\u2019t allow for it.\n\n\nI always make sure it involves something he likes. So I always schedule a lunch or dinner at his favourite places \u2013 maybe twice or three times a month. It might not seem much, but it works without him feeling too burdened by it.\n\n\nBeing in a different environment, outside of the home, and enjoying a good meal together always opens up communication channels between us.\n\n\n5 \u2013 Have Patience When Talking to Teens\n\n\n\n\nThe loneliness can be unbearable, especially when your child drastically switches from this talkative, outgoing, noisy, you are their universe person to being a completely silent, secretive person, burying themselves in their rooms most of the time.\n\n\nAs much as we want to get them out of there and get them out of the funk that we think they\u2019re in, don\u2019t. You see, as much as we\u2019re struggling to find our way around these teen years, they are too, with much more intensity than what we are going through.\n\n\nThe only thing to do is to back off, stop hovering and give them some space. Space to navigate what they are going through, space for them to discover who they are and try different versions of themselves, space to let them feel the emotions they are feeling, space to figure things out on their own.\n\n\nBe patient, and it will be rewarding.\n\n\nI did my fair share of hovering when my son started hiding out in his room. I was met with annoyance in his face every time I asked him to come out to watch a movie or do something with me. It hurt. After a couple of those, I stopped. I needed to understand where he was coming from and what it meant to him to have some space and time to be on his own. It wasn\u2019t easy and still isn\u2019t.\n\n\nI gave it some time, and by \u2018some\u2019, I mean a LOT. Eventually, I came to terms with having to trust the process. He sits with me every now and then, and we talk. One thing for sure, I savour every moment.\n\n\nWhat I know for sure is that my son will never be the same 4-year old or 8-year old or 12-year old. He is him at 17 years old, and I am so very proud of him. He still has a long way to go in discovering himself (at 48, I\u2019m still discovering myself!), and I\u2019ll be standing by him every step of the way.\n\n\nNavigating teenagers requires a skill set of its own \u2013 intelligence-gathering through undercover ops in stealth mode.\n\n\nAnd just like them, we will figure it out.\n\n\nThis article is written by Azlin Amin.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a010 Sure-Fire Ways to Handle Sibling Rivalry\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n\u00a0Malaysian teens give parents advice\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Every parent\u2019s worst nightmare\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/this-little-girl-died-in-kindergarten-and-her-heartbroken-father-seeks-justice", "title": "This little girl died in kindergarten and her heartbroken father seeks justice", "body": "We cannot imagine what these parents went through\u2026sending their little princess to school one morning, not realising that that was the last time they would see her alive\u2026\n\n\nLittle girl died in kindergarten\n\n\nThis incident happened in China, and is too tragic for words.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the Mirror, 6-year-old Guo Jintong, a student at Huadian Experimental Kindergarten, was punished, because her teacher thought that she talked too much during her school\u2019s morning stretches and aerobics. Her teacher Ju Chunwei, allegedly used glue and tape to seal the girl\u2019s mouth shut.\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: WEIBO\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhile her mouth was gagged, it is said that little Jintong continued to jump with the rest of her class. However, teachers soon noticed that she was twitching and took her to the nurse. The nurse, realising that something was terribly wrong, called the ambulance.\u00a0\n\n\nThe girl was taken to hospital, but doctors failed to resuscitate her. She had been suffocated to death. A young life was lost forever.\n\n\nThe teacher has since been suspended, and officials are investigating the incident.\n\n\nHeartbroken father seeks justice for daughter\n\n\nAnd now, her daddy seeks justice for the cruelty meted out to his daughter. He has shared his plight on Weibo, and accused the teacher of murdering his little one.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPHOTO: WEIBO, ASIAWIRE\n\n\n\n\nThis distraught father has stated\u00a0that local authorities have been trying to cover up the news, and that no one had offered him a convincing explanation for the tragedy. He has also claimed that by the time the ambulance had arrived, his daughter had already been dead for 30 minutes.\n\n\n\n\nIt is heartbreaking to see videos of the dad and mum, holding vigil, and sitting outside the kindergarten\u2019s gate waiting for an answer from the school.\n\n\nOur prayers lie with the sweet princess\u2026we hope that justice gets served soon.\nPartner Stories\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nKanak-Kanak\n4 Kesilapan Ibu-ibu Mesti Elak Supaya Kanak-kanak Tidak Terbantut\nProduk bayi\nInfant safe products for your home\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nWhy Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids\n\n\n\n\n(Source: \nMirror\n, \nWeibo\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/symptoms-of-successful-implantation-how-to-know-if-youre-pregnant", "title": "Symptoms Of Successful Implantation: How To Know If You're Pregnant", "body": "When you\u2019re trying to get pregnant, you are hyper-aware of all possible signs that indicate the good news. However, success can come quite sneakily, as the symptoms of successful implantation \u2013 hints of an early pregnancy \u2013 could be easily overlooked.\n\n\nHere, we discuss the symptoms of successful implantation which you should be aware of. But first\u2026\n\n\nWhat is implantation?\n\n\nThe first step of pregnancy happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg in the fallopian tubes. After that, the cells divide, increasing in number.\n\n\nThen the fertilised egg goes to the uterus, where it grows until it\u2019s mature enough and becomes a blastocyst.\n\n\nThe blastocyst then burrows and embeds itself into the uterine tissue: and this is known as \nimplantation.\n\n\nIn fact, implantation happens quite close to when you would normally get your period. So it\u2019s easy to confuse the symptoms of successful implantation with regular pre-menstrual signs.\n\n\nWorry not, mums-to-be: we\u2019re here to clarify things, from symptoms of successful implantation, and how to differentiate these from regular period signs.\n\n\n\n\nThis is a blastocyst. The process of a blastocyst burying into your uterine lining, where it will grow into your baby, is known as implantation.\n\n\n\n\nSymptoms of successful implantation\n\n\nGenerally, the symptoms of successful implantation are as follows:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCramps:\u00a0\nWhile the blastocyst implants itself, you might sense some cramps or discomfort (again, you might also not suffer during implantation as every woman is different). These cramps happen as the blastocyst digs into the uterine wall. Unlike pre-period cramps, these are milder and will last only a day or two at the most. These cramps will occur along with, or just before implantation bleeding.\n\n\nSpotting: \nImplantation bleeding, otherwise known as spotting, is another early sign of pregnancy. You\u2019ll experience this around 10 to 14 days\u00a0following conception \u2013 which is around when you get your period.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow can I differentiate between implantation bleeding, or spotting and my periods?\n\n\nImplantation bleeding is different to menstrual bleeding in a few ways because it clearly:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nhas a different colour.\n\u00a0 Menstrual blood is usually a dark red. Implantation bleeding, on the other hand, is usually pale pink to rust-brown.\n\n\ndoesn\u2019t clot.\n\u00a0 Unlike menstrual bleeding, implantation bleeding definitely doesn\u2019t come with any clots.\n\n\nis much shorter than usual menstruation.\n\u00a0Normal menstruation lasts between three to seven days.Implantation bleeding takes much less time, and can last from a few hours to three whole days.\n\n\nisn\u2019t as heavy as menstruation.\n\u00a0 Menstruation tends to make sanitary pads and tampons full, but implantation bleeding isn\u2019t as intense. The word bleeding itself is a misnomer because implantation \u201cbleeding\u201d is usually a slight pinkish or brownish discharge that you might see when you wipe. At worst, it might barely stain a pantyliner.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImplantation symptoms are also very early signs of pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nOther symptoms of successful implantation\n\n\nImplantation is, in other words, a confirmation of your pregnancy. The cramps and spotting are symptoms of successful implantation, but also early signs of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some other early signs of pregnancy that you might experience:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDelayed period.\u00a0\nIf your period consistently happens every month and suddenly realise that it\u2019s happening behind schedule, it could mean that you\u2019re\u00a0pregnant.\n\n\nSensitive breasts.\n\u00a0You might notices that your breasts appear swollen or feel sore. This is an early sign of pregnancy and occurs because of changes in hormone secretion.\u00a0\n\n\nBecoming moody.\u00a0\nShould you feel emotional compared to your normal self, it could be a sign of early pregnancy. These fluctuations in emotion are caused by hormonal adjustments.\u00a0\n\n\nAvoiding certain foods. \nPregnancy comes with increased sensitivity to\u00a0certain tastes or smells, and is particularly strong\u00a0when it comes to food.\n\n\nFeeling bloated. \nAlthough becoming bloated usually happens before your menstrual period,\u00a0it could also be a pregnancy signs caused by hormonal alterations.\n\n\nBlocked Noses. \nAs your hormones change, it could lead to swollen\u00a0mucous membranes within\u00a0 the nose. Nose bleeds can also occur, too.\u00a0\n\n\nBecoming constipated. \nChanges to your hormone may also delay your digestive system\u2019s usual pace, leading to indigestion.\n\n\n\n\nDo visit your medical professional if you have any concerns about your period or to receive further guidance on what else to do if you are indeed pregnant.\n\n\nReferences: \nAmericanPregnancy.org\n, \nHealthline\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kelahiran-mati-2", "title": "Lahir Mati: Bagaimana Satu Persekitaran Yang Baik Serta Sistem Sokongan Yang Kuat Dapat Membantu Pasangan", "body": "Dia menyangka yang dia telah pun membuat semuanya dengan betul. Dia telah mengikut nasihat doktor, makan makanan yang sihat, tidak pernah ketinggalan pemeriksaan kandungan setiap bulan dan sentiasa merujuk kepada sumber-sumber kehamilan dan keibubapaan di internet. Namun, apakan daya, dia tetap mengalami kelahiran mati.\u00a0\n\n\nTahun demi tahun, ramai pasangan yang hamil melalui pengalaman pahit kelahiran mati ini, walaubagaimanapun, kerap kalinya pakar perubatan tidak dapat menjelaskan punca sebenar yang menyebabkan kehilangan si kecil yang dikandung.\u00a0\n\n\nMalah topik kelahiran mati ini masih lagi menjadi topik yang sering dielakkan dan tidak cukup kesedaran mengenainya. Keadaan ini membuatkan pasangan yang kehilangan bayi ini \u2018lost\u2019 dan tidak mendapat sokongan yang diperlukan.\u00a0\n\n\nPasti ada puncanya\n\n\nDalam temubual theAsianparent bersama kaunselor dan pakar psikiatri Silvia Wetherell, dia menekankan bagaimana wanita sering berdepan dengan sikap menyalahkan diri sendiri akibat kelahiran mati. \u201cMenyalahkan diri sendiri itu boleh bertukar menjadi malu, dan bila mana ada malu maka dia akan berdiam diri.\u201d\n\n\nPakar kesihatan \nmaternal\n menjelaskan bagaimana menyalahkan itu satu benda yang tidak bernas. Minda akan melakukan penyalahan ini untuk berada dalam kawalan emosi. Walaupun ia akan membawa kepada rasa malu dan menyalahkan diri sendiri.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cPasti ada puncanya,\u201d adalah bagaimana ibu bapa yang sedang bersedih akan berasa ia lebih rasional. \u201cDan sekiranya doktor tidak memberitahu saya apa yang sebenarnya terjadi, mereka hanya akan berkata benda seperti terjadi, kami tak tahu.\u201d\n\n\nMemberi Pilhan kepada Wanita\n\n\n\n\nMenurut Silvia, wanita yang mengalami kelahiran mati akan melalui proses bersalin secara normal yang amat menyakitkan kerana akan di \u2018induce\u2019. Ia adalah satu pengalaman yang tiada siapa pun sedia.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cJadi bukan saja mereka ini bersedih yang mereka akan melahirkan bayi yang sudah tidak bernyawa. Mereka sebenarnya dalam kesakitan yang teramat sekali. Mereka tidak mempunyai sokongan yang sama seperti orang yang melahirkan anak yang hidup.\u201d\n\n\nAda klien yang mengalami pengalaman di mana bayi yang dilahirkan tidak bernyawa itu terus diletakkan atas dulang dan dilayan seperti \u2018barang\u2019 dan bukan bayi.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cSituasi ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku. Kita boleh berkomunikasi, dan jururawat sepatutnya melayan bayi yang tidak bernyawa ini sama seperti bayi sihat, dipegang dengan lembut, dibalut dengan selimut, sehinggalah tiba waktunya ia dibawa pergi.\u00a0\n\n\nKepentingan Sistem Sokongan Dalam Membuat Orang \u2018Bercakap\u2019\n\n\nSikap dan mentaliti masyarakat untuk bercakap mengenai topik sensitif ini adalah berlainan di setiap negara, bergantung kepada sesuatu budaya itu. Ada antaranya yang lebih bersifat terbuka, namun kebanyakan di negara Asia Tenggara masih menganggap topik ini adalah tabu.\u00a0\n\n\nMasih ada persepsi yang menyatakan bercakap mengenai kelahiran mati ini akan menyebabkan stres kepada ibu bapa dan ada budaya yang percaya ia membawa nasib malang kepada keluarga.\u00a0\n\n\nRamai pasangan merasakan tragedi ini sukar betul untuk dilupakan dan adalah dilagakkan untuk berjumpa dengan pakar psikiatri. Ya, itu adalah normal. Memang hospital menyediakan sesi kaunseling untuk ibu bapa yang mengalami kelahiran mati ini. Biar orang luar membantu anda sekiranya sukar untuk anda bantu diri sendiri. Percayalah mereka di luar sana ingin bantu anda sebanyak yang anda inginkan bantuan mereka.\u00a0\n\n\nMenangis Adalah Proses Penting Ketika Bersedih\n\n\n\n\nTiada kata yang boleh diluahkan lagi, hanya air mata menjadi penawarnya. Lepaskan apa yang terpendam dengan menangis sepuasnya. Anda boleh melayani perasaan pada satu-satu masa. \n\n\nMemang ia normal. Sedang makan tiba-tiba mengalir saja air mata tanpa diduga, sedang mandi pun menangis teresak-esak dan waktu ingin tidur mengalir air mata di sisi sederas-derasnya. TAK MENGAPA, menangislah. \n\n\nMalah setiap kali anda rasakan anda sudah menangis terlalu banyak secara automatik anda beringat sendiri. Cepat-cepat berzikir dan berdoa moga dikuatkan hati untuk menempuh dugaan ini. Percayalah selepas menangis memang anda akan berasa lega.\u00a0\n\n\nBapa Pun Bersedih Juga\n\n\nDari segi \u2018bonding\u2019 antara bapa dan bayi semasa dalam kandungan mungkin tidak begitu kuat berbanding ibu. Namun mereka juga akan merasa kehilangan yang teruk apabila mengalami lahir mati ini.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cApabila kehilangan berlaku ada dua benda yang terjadi kepada si ayah,\u201d kata Silvia. \u201cMereka rasakan kehilangan bayi tersayang, kemudian apabila melihat pasangannya yang lebih terasa impaknya dengan kesakitannya lagi, mereka akan berasa tidak berdaya.\u201d\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nJadi si ayah akan terus mengubah emosi mereka dan perlu menjadi kuat untuk pasangan mereka. Sedangkan mereka berdua selayaknya bersedih, bukan siapa yang lagi patut bersedih.\u00a0\n\n\nPercakapan Yang Membantu Pasangan kehilangan \u2013 Jangan Takut Untuk Bercakap Tentang Bayi\n\n\n\n\nSetiap orang adalah unik, ini termasuklah cara pasangan menghadapi kesedihan yang dialami.\u00a0\n\n\nDari segi bagaimana keluarga dan rakan-rakan boleh membantu, Silvia menyatakan bahawa \u201cjangan pernah takut untuk menyebut mengenai bayi, jangan takut untuk bercakap mengenai apa yang berlaku. Wanita akan rasa sangat menghargai orang yang bersikap sensitif mengenai ini.\u00a0\n\n\nJangan katakan \u201cOh, saya ingat awak dah melupakannya, ingat awak dah okay,\u201d tetapi katakan sebegini \u201cApa yang awak rasakan sekarang? Masih memikirkan tentang apa yang berlaku? Awak boleh ceritakan kepada saya.\u201d\n\n\nJangan Terus Mengelakkan Perbualan\n\n\nDalam pengalamannya dengan pasangan yang kehilangan bayi, kebanyakan mereka tidak mahu bercakap mengenai titik hitam itu.\u00a0\n\n\nDalam kita respek privasi pasangan itu, namun pada masa yang sama jangan terus elakkan perbualan mengenai kehilangan itu.\u00a0\n\n\nPendekatan itu amat penting, sentiasa rangsang pasangan yang sedih bersedih dengan sesuatu yang mereka suka, dari situ mereka akan cuba bersikap terbuka.\u00a0\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\nThe Asianparent Malaysia\n\n\nSumber: Artikel ini telah mendapat kebenaran daripada theAsianparent Singapura untuk diterjemahkan.\n\n\nBaca juga:\n\n\n\n\nKelahiran Mati: Bagaimana Untuk Menghadapinya & Perlukah Diceritakan Kepada Rakan-Rakan\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/your-wife-needs-you-an-open-letter-to-all-dads", "title": "\u201cYour wife needs you\u201d: An open letter to all dads", "body": "Dear Dads,\n\n\nIf your wife is a stay-at-home mum, it\u2019s likely that she\u2019s tired \u2013 all the time. It\u2019s likely that looking after your beautiful cherubs day in, day out, is the most difficult and challenging role she\u2019s ever taken on.\n\n\nShe really doesn\u2019t get to take a break, even in the nights, where she\u2019s on-call to nurse and soothe your little baby. She\u2019s taken on the multiple roles of full-time carer, nurse, cook, taxi-driver, protector, kisser of boo-boos and destroyer of fears.\n\n\nYet, despite these many roles, she may be struggling with finding her core identity, wanting to return to paid work, but immediately cancelling that thought due to the guilt of not being with the kids.\n\n\nShe probably even envies you at times \u2013 you get to dress up, meet other people and have adult conversations, while she doesn\u2019t get to take a shower until 2pm and her linguistic skills these days are limited to toddler talk and babbling.\n\n\nHer brain sometimes feels numb. Staying at home is certainly no vacation\n\n\nIf your wife is a working mum, trust me, she\u2019s no less exhausted. Her day certainly doesn\u2019t end when she gets home after work. In fact, that\u2019s when a whole new job begins and she makes up for the time she was away from the kids.\n\n\nAnd while she holds a top position at work, you can be sure that she too sometimes struggles with her identity.\n\n\nShe needs to find that perfect balance of career and raising your kids \u2013 and this is not at all easy. It involves emotions \u2013 guilt and sadness included \u2013 and those \u201cwhat ifs\u201d may haunt her for the rest of her life, even though she may never tell you this.\n\n\nWhether she is a stay-at-home or working mum, your wife needs you. So Much. \n\n\nShe needs affirmation through those times of self-doubt. \n\n\nWhen you find her crying because she\u2019s just yelled at your toddler for purposely up-ending his food, and now he\u2019s crying too, and she feels like the worst mum in the world \u2013 please re-assure her that this is not the case, that sometimes children can be a parent\u2019s kryptonite.\n\n\nWhen she\u2019s crying and feeling like a rotten mother because that unexpected meeting at work made her late to your child\u2019s first dance recital, tell her that what matters is that she got there anyway, battling bosses and traffic.\n\n\nShe\u2019s not a rotten mother; she is in fact, the best mum ever.\n\n\nNo one in this world can be a better mother to your children. You know this, and sometimes, she needs to be reminded that she knows this too.\n\n\nShe needs understanding\n\n\nWhen you come home and talk to her about your day and you notice her attention is not quite with you\u2026 you\u2019re probably right, it isn\u2019t. Her mind\u2019s eye is watching your flu-struck little girl who is finally sleeping. Please understand that she\u2019s not ignoring you in moments like this.\n\n\nWhen you reach out for her in the night and she softly murmurs \u201cI\u2019m tired\u201d, please understand that she actually is tired.\n\n\nThis is not just regular tired either \u2013 it\u2019s an exhaustion that\u2019s bone-crushing and demands that she sleeps as soon as she gets the chance. She still loves you unconditionally and desires you, but right now, at this moment, her body is demanding sleep.\n\n\n\n\nYour wife is beautiful even though there are any days she hardly feels like this\u2026\n\n\n\n\nShe needs you to listen to her\n\n\nYou may be the only adult company she gets for the day.\n\n\nShe\u2019s been bursting to tell you about what your little ones did all day \u2013 everything really, from the moment they made her melt with love with their sweet kisses and hugs, to the moment she wanted to die with embarrassment when your son threw a mega tantrum at the supermarket.\n\n\nIf she needs to vent her frustrations, if she needs to express the myriad emotions she feels through her long day \u2013 please understand, and please listen.\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nWhat You Need to Know about Heavy Metal in Baby Food: Here Are the Facts\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\n#PendidikanKewangan\nKebebasan Kewangan Terjamin Melalui Etika Kerja Yang Baik dan Simpanan\nPerkembangan & Umur Anak\nMums, are you encouraging your little ones to be creative?\n\n\nAnd in those times when she is in a dark place, not able to even get out of bed to go to your crying child, hear her unspoken plea for help. Talk to her, listen to her and get her the help she needs.\n\n\nShe needs you to love her. \n\n\nShe needs to know you love her more than anything right now. Your wife is beautiful in your eyes \u2013 she always has been and always will be.\n\n\nBut she doesn\u2019t feel beautiful on many days. She doesn\u2019t see the soft curves that you love. She sees fat and flab. She can\u2019t bear to look at her belly which is criss-crossed with stretch marks and she gets ever so frustrated about her inability to lose those three kilos that you don\u2019t even notice.\n\n\nShe is anxious that her assumed unattractiveness is making your eyes wander. She is insecure about your new (child-less) colleague with the firm, taut tummy; that you will find her so much more attractive than she is.\n\n\nPlease don\u2019t brush off her anxieties, because to her they are real, even though to you, they are ridiculous.\n\n\nPlease reassure her in these moments of self-doubt that she is, and has always been, the only one for you. That you love her even more now, if that is even possible, as the mother of your children.\n\n\nTell her she is beautiful, because she is.\n\n\nWho else glows like that when they see you cuddling or playing with the kids? When you spot her in that unguarded moment gazing at your sleeping child with a beautiful smile lighting up her face and a love-light shining in her eyes?\n\n\nHave you even seen anyone so beautiful? I thought not.\n\n\nYour wife needs you more than ever before\u2026 please don\u2019t forget this.\n\n\nShare your thoughts on this open letter by leaving a comment below.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/twistshake-style-guide-for-insta-mums", "title": "The Ultimate Chinese New Year Style Guide For Insta-Mums", "body": "With Chinese New Year around the corner, this means plenty of mummies out there are preparing for the upcoming reunion dinners with friends and family alike. If you fit the description we just made, you would know how important it is to be ready not only in terms of looks for the family pictures but also in terms of what you need to prepare for your baby too!\n\n\nOur recent \nTwistshake Livestream\n with mummy influencers Elecher Lee and Baby Akiyo revealed some key products they recommend that match their babies not only in terms of style but also in terms of how functional it is too.\n\n\nFor the Mama who loves pink on her daughter\n\n\nBaby Akiyo loves dressing her 6-month-old daughter up in pink and has come up with a pink outfit for her daughter this Chinese New Year. If you\u2019re the same, here\u2019s her recommended Twistshake products:\n\n\n\n\nBaby Akiyo with a pink Twistshake Anti-Colic Bottle (left), Twistshake Long Sleeve Bib together with the Click-Mat Mini+Plate (right)\n\n\n\n\nTwistshake Anti-Colic 180ml Bottle\n \u2013 Pink\n\n\nTo ensure your baby has a pleasant eating experience, it\u2019s good to have the Twistshake Anti-Colic Bottle as it prevents colic thanks to its unique TwistFlow anti-colic system, which features an air valve and mixer net. All this prevents unnecessary air from reaching your baby\u2019s sensitive stomach, all in a well-designed bottle!\n\n\nTwistshake Long Sleeve Bib\n \u2013 Watermelon\n\n\nNot only will it look stylish during the reunion dinner, but you also don\u2019t have to worry about changing your baby\u2019s clothes should they get a little too excited and spill food all over themselves. Your baby\u2019s outfits stay safe and dry throughout the dinner!\n\n\nClick-Mat Mini + Plate\n & \nCutlery se\nt \u2013 Pink\n\n\nSpeaking of spilling, you can prevent any further mess with the Click-Mat Mini + Plate that stays stuck on the table as it comes with a special suction cup. Pair it with the cutlery, and your baby\u2019s set to eat at the dining table with the rest of the family in style!\n\n\nFor the Mama who loves to mix and match\n\n\n\n\nElecher Lee with her son using the blue Twistshake Anti-Colic bottle along with the Click-Mat Mini + Plate\n\n\n\n\nElecher Lee loves dressing her 2-year-old son in a variety of colours, so for Chinese New Year she plans to dress him in white so he matches every colour he\u2019s paired with! If you feel the same way, here\u2019s her recommended Twistshake products:\n\n\nTwistshake Anti-Colic 330ml Bottle\n \u2013\u00a0 Blue\n\n\nIf your child is a little older, they can use the 330ml Anti-Colic Bottle. They can get the same smooth drinking that prevents air from reaching their stomach while also being in the amount they need at that age!\n\n\nTwistshake Hot or Cold Bottle\n \u2013 White\n\n\nIt\u2019s good to have the Hot or Cold Bottle ready when traveling to or attending the many reunions ahead in case you need to make milk on the go! The Twistshake Hot or Cold Bottle keeps your baby\u2019s drink warm or cold for up to 10 hours, and its slim design makes it easy to carry around.\n\n\nSqueeze Bags\n\n\nIf you\u2019re planning to travel a lot, preparing some snacks for your baby is key to placating them. Be prepared with these colourful range of Squeeze Bags that you can fill with your baby\u2019s favourite and nutritious smoothies or purees! These squeeze bags are refillable and dishwasher safe, and you can bring them around easily wherever you go.\n\n\nTake Reunion Dinners to the next level with these products\n\n\n\n\nGet ready to take on Reunion Dinners with these range of Twistshake products: Straw Cup, Pacifiers, Diaper Bag, Insulated Food Container\n\n\n\n\nLooking for other items that are both practical and stylish for you and your baby? Here are some other recommendations to look out for:\n\n\nStraw Cup 360ml Bottle\n\n\nThe Twistshake no-spill Straw Cup comes with a smart silicone seal between the straw and lid that prevents spills and unnecessary messes at home or even when you are out and about. Perfect for keeping your reunion dinners free from extra spills and messes!\n\n\nInsulated Food Container\n\n\nThis innovative stainless-steel food container comes with a folding spoon and a handle included, the container keeps contents hot or cold for up to 10 hours! So if your baby is unable to eat the same food as the rest of your family, you can prepare much earlier and your baby can eat anytime with no fuss!\n\n\nDiaper Bag\n\n\nThis practical and stylish changing bag comes equipped with both open and zipped compartments for easy access and convenient storage of nappies, baby bottles and snacks. Changing mat included!\n\n\nTwistshake Pacifiers 0-6m\n\n\nWith all that travelling and going around during Chinese New year, your baby might be feeling more fussy than usual. You can calm your baby with Twistshake\u2019s safe and stylish pacifier!\n\n\n Its rounded shield is specially adapted for infants\u2019 mouths and the orthodontic shape of the silicone pacifier ensures the healthy development of your baby\u2019s teeth. Plus, it looks great for Chinese New Year photo shoots too!\n\n\nWatch our latest Twistshake Livestream\n\n\nFor more tips and tricks on our range of Twistshake items for Chinese New year, be sure to watch our\n live stream with Elecher Lee and Baby Akiyo\n!\n\n\nFor those celebrating, we wish you a safe, Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year for you and your family!\n\n\nTwistshake is currently available at selected retailers in Malaysia such as Butik Tateh, Happikiddo , Mothercare, and \nmore\n. You can also check out e-commerce sites such as \nShopee\n and \nLazada\n and follow Twistshake on \nFacebook\n & \nInstagram\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMusic Makes Me Lose Control, Study Finds That Kids Who Like Hip-Hop Likely to Become Rebellious\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nEveryday Activities That Fuel Your Child\u2019s Brain Development, Here\u2019s How!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 ways you damage your relationship with your child without even knowing it\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nPengalaman Adalah Guru Terbaik, Cuba Tanya Pada Freestyler\nPercutian\nAktiviti Luar Yang Mesra Keluarga di Hong Kong\nHealth\nRed Spots On Your Child's Body: How To Tell The Difference Between Chickenpox Or Hand Foot Mouth Disease\nKeibubapaan\nThe importance of family togetherness and how to create it\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/talking-to-toddlers", "title": "How to Talk to Toddlers", "body": "Parents are the very first teachers any child will ever have, especially when it comes to learning about new languages or social skills. One of the most endearing moments of your baby\u2019s life will be when he or she says their very first word; usually between the ages of 12 and 18 months old.\n\n\nBy the time he or she is 2 years old, most toddlers would have already developed a vocabulary range of one hundred words, thereby making it easier to prepare them for a successful classroom experience during preschool at age 3.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy do Parents Need to Talk to Their Toddlers?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Kathryn Thorson Gruhn, certified American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) practitioner and author of\u00a0\nMy Baby Compass\n, as many as one in five children (20%) under the ages of 5 are experiencing a delay in language development.\n\n\nAn even more worrying statistic is that only 50% of these cases are detected before the child begins their schooling years. As such, it is important to diagnose and correct speech impairment issues earlier on in your child\u2019s life so he or she can adapt better in preschool life.\n\n\n\nRead more: 5 Early Signs Of Autism In Toddlers\n\n\n\nThe problem is that while children tend to be much more open-minded and absorb more information faster than grownups, communicating with toddlers and younger children pose a different set of challenges as well.\n\n\nUnlike how you would educate teenagers or adults, helping a toddler develop a good set of language skills requires a combination of facial expressions and body language for proper communication.\u00a0\n\n\nExercises You Can Practise at Home\n\n\nMake it a habit to have your toddler point out things he or she is interested in and give the object a name. Your toddler will then copy the words and sounds you make, provided that you do so diligently and consistently. If you\u2019re not in the mood for talking, have your toddler become the speaker instead.\n\n\nTo do so, all you need to do is ask open questions, such as how their day was, what they like, what they learned and who they met. It is important that you pay rapt attention during your child\u2019s speech, just as how you would like them to pay attention to you when you\u2019re talking as well.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nNever laugh or make fun of a child when he or she makes a mistake, but encourage them to continue speaking, even if they come across a word they are unfamiliar with or if their grammar is incorrect.\u00a0 Toddlers who are just beginning to form sentences may take awhile to fully express things they would like to tell you.\n\n\nBe patient and encourage them to take their time to sort out the things they want to say. Never rush your child or speak for them, else they may become shy and unwilling to speak up. A good time to have an open dialogue with your toddler could be when he or she is having her bath, or just before bedtime as there are less distractions then. \u00a0Maintain eye level by bending down to their level so they will feel the connection.\n\n\nReading books or listening to audio books are also great ways of helping your child expand their vocabulary, and it also allows you to participate in your child\u2019s latest imaginary adventures and discovery.\n\n\nIf your toddler has taken up drawing as a hobby, encourage them to tell you about their latest creation as well. Your toddlers should also be encouraged to express their latest hurts and worries on bad days, such as when they fall down or get into a fight.\n\n\nA healthy approach to having your child acknowledge the tragedy would be to listen with a sympathetic ear. Besides allowing your child to better express themselves in a healthy manner (as opposed to crying or displaying a fit of temper), the act of having your child share their secrets with you is also a rewarding, bonding experience for the both of you. Always be ready to be your child\u2019s confidant, even if he or she is still a toddler.\n\n\nTalking to Talkative Toddlers\u00a0\n\n\nSome toddlers are natural social butterflies, and are always ready to share their latest adventures and discoveries with the adults. If your toddler demands your attention during an inconvenient moment, it\u2019s never a good idea to turn your child down.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nInstead, simply delay the conversation to a later time. Tell your toddler something along the lines of, \u201cHoney, that\u2019s great. I\u2019ll be with you in a minute.\u201d Toddlers are short on patience, so it is best to quickly get back to them before they forget what they were trying to say!\n\n\nBy the time your toddler reaches the age of three, he or she will begin the onslaught of endless questions about the sky, stars and everything else you\u2019ve never given deep thought to in a while.\n\n\nThe tricky part is that while it is tempting to ignore your child\u2019s queries, you need to answer as patiently as you can to encourage your child to nurture a sense of healthy curiosity. The silver lining to this problem though is that your children will eventually figure out that you don\u2019t have all the answers to life\u2019s questions.\n\n\nThe one and only time when you should ignore a talkative toddler is when he or she is throwing a tantrum or is whining incessantly. The habit of rushing in to placate a noisy toddler will only further encourage them to whine even more! Instead, only reply with positive attention when your toddler decides to speak in a civilized, polite manner.\n\n\nTalking to Quiet Toddlers\n\n\nHaving a toddler who\u2019s noisy with his or her friends but quiet at home is quite common as well. This behaviour could be because the parent is perceived to be a serious adult, far removed from childish understanding.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, your child could simply prefer to confide in other children instead of adults, which is quite similar to how most teenagers would prefer to communicate with their peers instead of grownups.\n\n\nTo get your toddler to open up, you need to gently prompt him or her for answers. Try to use as many open-ended questions as possible to get your toddler to elaborate further about their day or a particular situation.\n\n\nFor instance, instead of asking \u201cdid you have your breakfast today?\u201d say \u201cwhat did you have for breakfast today?\u201d. Children are naturally tuned to the mood of their parents, so do try to be as attentive as possible to encourage further interaction.\n\n\nSome toddlers fall into a habit of using gestures instead of words, either because they can\u2019t find the right words to express their emotions or because they are currently in a state of distress. If your child seems to be experiencing the latter, have them settle down and prompt them with open questions until they relieve all their worries and burdens unto you.\n\n\nOn the whole, teaching your toddler the art of conversation will most certainly by a decade long process (if not longer!). However, with proper communication comes good discipline, closer relations and a happier childhood \u2013 which makes the effort alone worth it.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-best-sex-positions-for-after-a-c-section-and-5-to-avoid", "title": "5 best sex positions for after a C-section and 5 to avoid", "body": "The thought of \nsex after birth\n for most women is daunting, and perhaps the last thing on their minds. Regardless of method of delivery, there are many issues to tackle: body image, physical exhaustion, leaking breasts and sheer lack of libido. However, c-section mums have something else to worry about: pain during sex after c-section.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter all, they\u2019ve gone through major surgery, right? But at some point of course, sex will resume and when it does, you should know what the best pain-free sex positions are for c-section mums, as well as those you should avoid. And we\u2019ve got you covered!\u00a0\n\n\nHow long should you wait before sex after a c-section?\u00a0\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s best to always check with your doctor about the best time to resume sex after a c-section, six weeks is the generally accepted time frame.\u00a0\n\n\nA \n2013 study\n of over 1,500 women found that 53 percent of them had attempted to resume sex with their partners after six weeks. Having said this, every woman is different and their post- c-section recovery time will also differ.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, when you\u00a0\nare\u00a0\nready, the following positions are best to ease back into your sex life without pain.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow to minimise pain during sex after c-section? With the correct positions!\n\n\n\n\nThe best positions for no pain during sex after c-section\n\n\n*A note to husbands: Be gentle with your wife! Remember, as excited as you probably are by your stunning, sexy partner, her core and tummy area are still very tender. You should avoid putting your weight on her or flipping her over on her tummy at any point.\u00a0\n\n\n1. X marks the spot\n\n\nIn this position, the woman lies on her back and and crosses her legs up in the air.\u00a0The man then has to get up before penetrating her where the \u201c\nX marks the spot\n\u201d. Sex-perts suggest that the lying partner should be on an elevated base that is higher than a regular bed.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0Crossing the legs like this leaves little space to penetrate making the area tighter and more pleasurable. Plus, your husband\u2019s body weight is nowhere near your tender stomach and core area.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Sit up and look at me\n\n\nAny kind of husband-on-top position should be avoided at least until your scar heals well. But if you miss that eye-to-eye contact these positions give, then having sex while sitting is a good alternative. He will still be close to your torso, but not pressing down hard, making it a great position for no pain during sex after c-section.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Spooning\n\n\nThis is probably the best and most gentle position to ease back into sex after your c-section. Here, you nestle into your husband and he enters you from behind. There\u2019s absolutely no pressure on your core or tummy. It\u2019s beautifully intimate and your husband\u2019s hand are also free to roam where they will.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Reverse cowgirl\n\n\nMums, you are totally in control in this position where you ride your man, but just backwards. You set the rules for speed and depth of penetration, making this position perfect for easing back to sex after your c-section.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Standing doggy\n\n\nThe traditional doggy style can be a bit tough on a c-section mum\u2019s tender scar and core area. But in this one, you stand near your bed or a piece of furniture and hold on to it, while your partner enters from behind. You can tell him to slow down if he gets too carried away, risking pushing your stomach area onto the item you\u2019re holding on to.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAvoid sex positions where there\u2019s any pressure at all on your stomach area\n\n\n\n\n5 Sex positions to avoid after a c-section\n\n\nSome positions might cause pain during sex after a c-section, so avoid these until your scar is completely healed.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Missionary\u00a0\n\n\nThe traditional man-on-top position should be avoided as there\u2019s way too much pressure on your stomach, c-section scar and core area.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Cowgirl\n\n\nUnlike the reverse cowgirl where mums have more control, the tradition cowgirl position has your pelvis grinding down stronger and harder, putting pressure on your stomach area. Best avoided until you are well healed.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Standing up sex\n\n\nAgain, there\u2019s too much pressure on your torso and tummy area in this position. Turn around instead and try the standing doggy position described above!\u00a0\n\n\n4. Doggy style\n\n\nThe traditional doggy position puts way too much pressure on your core and pelvic area. Give it a miss for some time.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Tight squeeze (on your tummy)\n\n\nTry this one only when your scar is fully healed! While it gives your hubby a \u201ctight squeeze\u201d, due to you lying down on your tummy with your legs tightly held together, there\u2019s far too much pressure on your stomach area.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso read: \nC-section recovery and care\n\n\nReferences: \nOb-gyn Women\u2019s Centre\n, \nWomen\u2019s Health\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tantrum-child", "title": "Can You Tell the Difference Between a Tantrum and a Meltdown? | Ask an Expert", "body": "Sometimes people use the terms \u2018meltdown\u2019 and \u2018tantrum\u2019 interchangeably. But they\u2019re two different things. It\u2019s important to know the differences, so that you can use the right tactics with your child.\n\n\nFor this article, we\u2019ve enlisted the help of experienced special educational needs teacher, Sangeetha Selvanathan, who has plenty of real-world knowledge in the topic and expert tips to offer.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s a Tantrum?\n\n\nA tantrum is an outburst when a child is trying to get something they want, but not necessarily need. \u201cChildren who have tantrums have control over their behaviour as these outbursts are intentional. They are aware of their actions,\u201d explains Sangeetha.\n\n\nTantrums are a result of a learned behaviour. \u201cWhen a child displays undesirable behaviour (such as kicking or crying) and is rewarded with something the child wants, the child will typically repeat the behaviour,\u201d she adds.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s a Meltdown?\n\n\nA meltdown is a loss of behavioural control when a child is feeling overwhelmed.\n\n\n\u201cIf a child is experiencing sensory overload, it can be very hard for the child to process what\u2019s happening around her or inside her. The child is likely unaware of the outburst, resulting in a genuine difficulty for the child to control her behaviour,\u201d Sangeetha says.\n\n\nPhysiological factors that cause meltdowns can be divided into two categories:\n\n\ni)\n\u00a0\nExternal factors,\u00a0\nsuch as\n\u00a0\nwhen a child is in a crowded or noisy place for too long, or when the child is exhausted after a field trip\n\n\nii) Internal factors\n, which includes things like headaches, hunger, or lack of sleep\n\n\nChildren with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), autism, ADHD, or learning difficulties, may experience more meltdowns than tantrums.\n\n\n\u201cChildren with IDDs often have sensory processing difficulties. A child who is hypersensitive when processing the sense of sound may feel overwhelmed in movie theatres, or at a crowded mall. What may seem like the optimal volume to us, may sound amplified to them,\u201d she illustrates.\n\n\nThe Difference Between the Two\n\n\n\n\nMeltdowns and tantrums may look really similar from the outside, but are very different\u00a0\ninternal experiences\u00a0\nfor the child. The two require separate approaches.\n\n\n\u201cThe main difference I tell parents is the antecedent (what happened prior)\n\u00a0\nto the behaviour. Try and think about when and how it all started. Was it because the child wanted a certain reward? Did it happen out of the blue? The latter would probably be a meltdown,\u201d Sangeetha says.\n\n\nHere are red flags to look out for:\n\n\nIf It\u2019s a Tantrum\n\n\n\n\nChild almost instantly stops the outburst when he receives what he wants\n\n\nChild is able to point to what he wants, as he is aware of his actions and surroundings\n\n\nChild may engage in behaviours that will harm others (e.g., throwing toys at parent)\n\n\nEscalates if child sees his \u2018favourite family member\u2019, because he knows it\u2019s likely the person will \u2018give in\u2019\n\n\n\n\nIf It\u2019s a Meltdown\n\n\n\n\nChild will not respond positively to things/actions they usually like\n\n\nMinimal eye contact with parent or teacher\n\n\nChild may engage in self-harming behaviour\n\n\nTends to be more intense and longer lasting\n\n\n\n\nStrategies for Handling Tantrums\n\n\nNext time you see a tantrum, try these tips:\n\n\n\n\nStay calm\n\n\nIgnore the behaviour, don\u2019t give in\n\n\nTalk in a calm voice and walk away, but always keep an eye on him\n\n\nGive the child clear boundaries that teaches about actions and consequences\n\n\nUse simple, short sentences to make your point clear\n\n\nBe consistent in how you respond\n\n\n\n\nFor tantrums, Sangeetha uses a simple but effective strategy called the\u00a0\n\u2018First, Then\u2019 rule.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cFor example, I say \u2018first, sit quietly with friends, then we can go to the park.\u2019 The \u2018First\u2019 is a behaviour you want your child to implement, \u2018Then\u2019 is a reward that your child has preference in. It teaches them cause and effect.\n\n\n\u201cFor younger children, I tend to use pictures and visuals to reiterate this rule. If a child is taken to a place where you anticipate that he will likely have a tantrum, then talking to your child about \u2018First, Then\u2019 in the car, or at home before leaving is great!\u201d Sangeetha points out.\n\n\n\n\nImage: \u2018First, Then\u2019 rule visuals Sangeetha uses with her students\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\n\n\nImportant point:\n\n\nIf the behaviour management style varies with different people and settings, then the child will get confused. Make sure you educate those who spend a lot of time with your child on how to best approach the tantrum.\n\n\nStrategies for Handling Meltdowns\n\n\nIf your child is having a meltdown, try these steps:\n\n\n\n\nStay calm\n\n\nTry to move the child to a quiet, safer place\n\n\nTry to think of factors that caused the meltdown\n\n\nTalk to your child in a calm voice, assuring you are there to help\n\n\nUse simple words in short sentences\n\n\nPut on earphones for your child if it\u2019s too noisy\n\n\nGive your child a tight hug and rock him if it is attributed to a processing disorder\n\n\nIf all else fails, sit with your child and let it pass\n\n\n\n\nWith an understanding of your child\u2019s triggers, paired with intervention, the frequency of meltdowns should reduce over time.\n\n\nGetting Professional Help\n\n\nIf your child experiences meltdowns often, it is advisable to get her assessed from an\u00a0\noccupational therapist\n\u00a0with sensory integration experience.\n\n\nKeep in mind that children with limited speech and language may experience outbursts more frequently, as they find it difficult to communicate their needs or wants. Find a speech and language pathologist, if this is the case.\n\n\n\u201cIf you have financial constraints, seek a General Practitioner. If your child really needs professional help, he will be referred to a professional from a government hospital. The waiting list is longer, but it is definitely worth the wait. With all challenges, early detection is key,\u201d Sangeetha suggests.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/car-seat-donation-malaysia", "title": "Save the children! Donate your preloved car seats & nominate your friend for a FREE seat", "body": "Parents, by now you should know that child car seats are a must-have by law since January this year. Sadly, car seats are not cheap as the most basic child safety seats can go over RM200 \u2013 a price point that hurts the wallets of parents with more than one child.\n\n\nAlthough the government has taken this into account, even exempting larger families, the safety of our children should not be compromised because of this. This is why we are hosting a car seat donation drive in collaboration with \nKedai BLESS\n.\n\n\nIf you have a car seat to give away, you can donate it to Kedai BLESS and recipients of these free car seats will be nominated by a friend.\n\n\nHelp protect our kids\n\n\nCar collisions cause passengers to jerk around and children that are not properly secured can be catapulted against the surfaces of the car, or even flung out the window.\n\n\nRecently, a two year-old toddler landed on PLUS highway after he was flung out the window in a car collision as he sat on his mother\u2019s lap. Luckily, he survived. However, this is a common way that children are being \u201csecured\u201d.\n\n\nLast year, Malaysia was listed with the third highest fatality rate from road traffic accidents within Asia, while 1,559 child deaths of those under 10-years-old were recorded due to road accidents between 2007 and 2017.\n\n\n\n\nNever take road safety for granted, always secure your children.\n\n\n\n\nShockingly, the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety disclosed that only 30% of the population use child car seats. So, how are the rest of 70% being secured? These are the two common and potentially fatal ways:\n\n\n\n\nSitting on laps: \nEven for a quick trip, simply holding a child in your arm is never safe. This could cause them to be exposed to the harsh force of airbags during a collision, which in turn, can cause fractures. Furthermore, human reaction to a collision would cause your grip to loosen and leave them hitting the hard car surfaces.\n\n\nUsing a seatbelt:\n While seatbelts are appropriate for adults, children below 135cm are not subject to the same safety aspect as their bodies are smaller. Hence, seatbelts are not properly positioned or fastened in place.\n\n\n\n\nYour kids are vulnerable\n\n\nThe bodies of children are not capable like us \u2013 a baby\u2019s skeleton mostly consist of soft cartilage that has yet to develop into bones, while their organs have not formed proper protection. Additionally, their smaller sizes allow them to be easily flung around and the slightest of bumps could cause severe injury.\n\n\nIt is reported that proper child safety with car seats reduces the risk of death by 71% in infants, and 54% for those between one and four-years-old. Booster seats could also reduce the risk of injury for children between 8 and 12-years-old by 19%, compared to securing them with a seatbelt.\n\n\nThere are \nvarious types of car seats\n made for infants, toddlers and young children. They are designed to help reduce the impact on children in collision, while securing their strongest body parts and reducing the force.\n\n\nDonate your car seats or nominate your friend for a FREE car seat!\n\n\nEvery donated car seat will be given to a family in need and this is where we need you \u2013 you can \u00a0donate your car seats at any Kedai BLESS locations.\n\n\nWho receives the car seats?\n\u00a0 A deserving friend. Here is what you need to do:\n\n\n\n\nDownload theAsianParent app on Playstore or on the App Store.\n\n\nUpload a post on the app about why your friend deserves to receive a car seat. Include a picture of their family.\n\n\nMake sure you use the hashtag #tApMYcares, so we can find your posts!\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0Kedai BLESS locations\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSo, let\u2019s work together and protect Malaysia\u2019s kids!\n\n\nFor more information from the theAsianparent Malaysia, you can download our #1 parenting app in Southeast Asia.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/diarrhoea-vs-rotavirus", "title": "Parents, Do You Know Why You Should Keep Your Child At Home If They Have Diarrhoea?", "body": "Babies go through a lot of diapers on a daily basis \u2013 usually 5-10 by the end of the first week. And many of these diapers are poop-filled\n1\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThough this might sound really gross, new parents (or parents-to-be), if you don\u2019t already know this, you need to keep a log of your child\u2019s soiled diapers everyday, preferably for the first year of their life, because it is actually a strong indicator of their health\n2\n.\n\n\nAnd when maternity leave is up or when you have no choice but to include more caretakers into the mix of helping to care for your baby, it is also important to stress to them how vital it is that they update the log as seriously as possible.\u00a0\n\n\nWhether these caretakers are your parents (or in-laws) who are helping out or the day care you choose to send your baby to, you will be entrusting them with the reports on your child\u2019s poop diapers throughout the day so you can keep track of your baby\u2019s output and health.\u00a0\n\n\nSo what happens when you notice that your baby is experiencing diarrhoea? When their stools are more frequent, watery and they seem to fuss to no end?\u00a0\n\n\nFirstly, we need to stress how dangerous diarrhoea is for babies. Parents should never take diarrhoea lightly when it comes to babies.\u00a0\n\n\nDiarrhoea can be fatal to a child, especially if they become dehydrated and are not given immediate treatment\n3\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBut if they\u2019re on a liquid diet for the first 6 months, why would they even get diarrhoea?\u00a0\nGood question. New parents (and parents-to-be), pay attention.\u00a0\nOne of the possible reasons why your babies might get diarrhoea is from being infected by a virus, like rotavirus\n4\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe rotavirus infection is a common gastrointestinal disease that can occur in infants and young children. This virus causes diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain\n4\n.\n\n\nSo if your child has recently contracted the disease, here\u2019s what you need to know and do before sending them back to day care or to their grandparents/caretakers.\n\n\nBut wait\u2026 How did they even get rotavirus?!\n\n\n\n\nRotavirus can be present in baby poop \u2013 and can spread easily when the virus lands on surfaces or is passed from hands to mouth(4). Image for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nIf your baby hardly goes out except to see their grandparents or to day care, you might be wondering \u2013 where did they even get this virus?\u00a0\n\n\nWell, rotavirus is usually found in poop, and when a caretaker cleans up a baby\u2019s poop and doesn\u2019t clean their hands properly, the virus could potentially be spread onto surfaces, onto the baby\u2019s hands (which might then be put into their mouths inadvertently) or when prepping their milk, could contaminate their milk\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nScary, isn\u2019t it?\u00a0\n\n\nAnd parents wouldn\u2019t even know that their child has rotavirus until symptoms start showing up 2 days later\n4\n.\n\n\nIt usually starts with fever and vomiting, as well as stomach pain (though we really wouldn\u2019t be able to tell!). Then diarrhoea starts and this can go on for 3-7 days! And this could lead to dehydration\n4\n.\n\n\nIn Malaysia (2005), 50% of hospitalisation cases among children involving diarrhoea is caused by rotavirus\n5\n. So this is something parents really need to be wary of.\n\n\nWhy should we keep our children home when they have rotavirus?\n\n\n\n\nBabies should stay at home and not go to daycare or their caretakers if they are infected with rotavirus. Image for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nSince the incubation period for rotavirus is up to 48 hours, children can easily spread the virus to others during this time\n4\n. Just like how when we know we are carrying the COVID-19 virus and we stay home so we don\u2019t spread it to others, parents ought to keep their kids home when they have rotavirus.\n\n\nSince the symptoms of rotavirus will start showing up after 2 days and can last up to ten days, you should consider your child contagious for about twelve days\n4\n\u00a0and keep them home for that long.\n\n\nThough each day care would have its own guidelines for when to send a child to the centre after falling sick, generally, children should be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning to school after being infected with any diseases\n6\n.\n\n\nOne of the many ways to help keep your child safe is to stay at home as long as they are experiencing symptoms of illness or discomfort. When returning to the care centre, make sure they know why your child was absent and provide special instructions for rehydration if necessary.\u00a0\n\n\nWe wouldn\u2019t want our children catching serious, contagious diseases from other kids at day care centres, so we should be as civic-minded to keep our kids at home when they are sick too!\n\n\nIf your child is infected with rotavirus, what else can you do?\n\n\n\n\nKeep your baby hydrated as much as possible if they have diarrhoea. Image for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, currently, there are no medications that can treat this disease. If your child has been infected with rotavirus and you take them to see a doctor or hospitalise them, the goal of the treatment is to only help reduce symptoms and prevent dehydration\n7\n.\n\n\nWhat you could do is to:\n\n\n\n\nGive your child plenty of formula or breast milk or water and oral rehydration fluids if they are older\n7\n.\n\n\nDo not give your child soda, juice or dairy products\n7\n.\n\n\nGive your child solid food if they can already eat \u2013 but bland food is recommended\n7\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf your child requires hospitalisation, treatments may include\n7\n:\n\n\n\n\nIntravenous (IV) fluids to prevent dehydration.\n\n\nA lab analysis of your child\u2019s stools.\n\n\n\n\nGood news: Rotavirus infection is preventable\n\n\n\n\nAsk your paediatrician about preventive measures to help protect your child against rotavirus. Image for representation purpose only\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to give yourself peace of mind, speak to your paediatrician about preventive measures including vaccination\n8\n.\u00a0\n\n\nParents are responsible for the health and well-being of their children including maintaining good hygiene, ensuring sufficient nutrition and vaccinating them against dangerous diseases. Do consult with your family doctor or paediatrician to ask them about the vaccine before your child even turns 6 weeks old to stay ahead of the protection plan\n8\n!\n\n\nAnd don\u2019t forget to always maintain good hygiene and make sure children wash their hands often after touching surfaces or playing outside!\n\n\nMY-ROT-00271 Sep/2022\n\n\nREFERENCES:\n\n\n\n\nMyHealth.Alberta.ca. Bowel Movements in Babies. Available From: \nhttps://myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/Pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=abo3062&lang=en-ca#abo3063\n.\u00a0 Last Accessed 14 September 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nJohns\n \nHopkins Children\u2019s Center. Stool color overview. Available From: \nhttps://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/johns-hopkins-childrens-center/what-we-treat/specialties/gastroenterology-hepatology-nutrition/stool-color-overview.html\n. \nLast Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nWorld Health Organization.\n \nDiarrhoeal disease. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/diarrhoeal-disease\n. Last Accessed 21 August 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Rotavirus. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rotavirus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351300\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nHsu VP, Abdul Rahman H, Wong SL, Ibrahim LHJ, Yusoff AFHJ, Chan LG, et al. Estimates of the burden of rotavirus disease in Malaysia. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2005;192(s1).\u00a0\n\n\nCleveland Clinic. Rotavirus. Available From: \nhttps://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/8275-rotavirus\n. Last Accessed 14 September 2022.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMayo Clinic. Rotavirus. Available From: \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rotavirus/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351306\n. Last Accessed 22 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Rotavirus vaccine. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/rotavirus-vaccine\n. Last Accessed 21 August 2022.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vitamin-d-benefit", "title": "Why Vitamin D Is Important to Babies?", "body": "Taking the right amount of Vitamin D is extremely important for everyone and more so for babies.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s a great way to tap into the power of nature and explore natural surroundings. While baby skin is extremely sensitive and can burn easily, yet there is no better way to consume Vitamin D than direct sun exposure (newborns should take indirect sunlight to even bring down jaundice).\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nPaediatricians prescribe taking in at least 400 IU of Vit D daily through supplements like Sunsips/Vitanova/Uprise etc., which is \na must given our lifestyle of minimal sun exposure, but nothing beats the power of the sun. Countries with ample sunshine and a nature-driven lifestyle don\u2019t experience vitamin D related deficiencies.\n\n\nWhy is Vitamin D required for babies?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Unsplash\n\n\n\n\nVitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, can be produced in the body with mild sun exposure or consumed in food or supplements. It has multiple roles in the body, like maintain the health of bones and teeth, and supporting the \nhealth of the immune system\n, brain and nervous system.\n\n\nVit D is required to absorb Calcium & phosphorus in the body, which are needed to build and maintain bones. The l\nack of it leads to lactose intolerance even to mother\u2019s milk, meanwhile, the i\nnsufficient amount of Vitamin D can lead to rickets (brittle bones).\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHow much Vitamin D is required?\n\n\nDirect exposure to the sun is required for 10 minutes each day for fair skin and slightly longer for wheatish skin.\u00a0 The skin\n\u00a0should be directly exposed to the sun. It cannot permeate clothes and glass windows.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to keep the baby safe in the sun?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: babyhintsandtips.com\n\n\n\n\nBabies should not get direct sunlight in their eyes since their eyes are very sensitive. You can try to turn the baby away from the sun so that their lower half gets maximum sun exposure. E\nnsure baby is well hydrated to be able to sit in the sun for these 10mins.\u00a0\nBest time for sun-bathing is between 9:30-11:30 am.\n\n\nThis article was contributed by our partner\u00a0\nLittle Mister Trouble\n\u00a0and has been published with permission.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-food-tips-to-live-by", "title": "Healthy Food Tips To Live By, It's Super Easy You Won't Even Believe It!", "body": "My motto is: \nLife is hard, food should be easy! \nSo, there you go healthy food.\n\n\nBut there\u2019s so much confusing information out there coupled with a dizzying number of food choices at grocery stores and restaurants that knowing what, when and how much to eat has become a puzzle for many. Ready for some life-changing tips? Read on.\n\n\nHealthy food to improve your overall health\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s a no-brainer that eating healthy food can improve our overall health and keep both chronic and common diseases at bay. But healthy eating comes with a host of other benefits such as:\n\n\n\n\nEnhanced mood \u2014 Eating lots of refined carbs can make you grumpy and no-fun-at-all!\n\n\nRadiant and healthy-looking hair, skin and nails. And let\u2019s not forget a lovelier smile.\n\n\nImproved energy levels to help you go through your day in tip-top shape.\n\n\nFewer migraines\n\n\nBetter sleep\n\n\nProtection against PMS \u2014 Yes ladies, \nhealthy eating\n can be one way to smother your inner \u2018serial-killer/weepy\u2019 self during \u2018that time of the month\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nHealthy Eating Tips\n\n\n1. Listen to your inner-self\n\n\n\n\nI\u2019m sure you\u2019re wondering what this has to do with food but hear me out.\n\n\nMany of us eat in a rush, in front of the TV or while reading the paper. In other words, the brain is focusing on something other than the food one is eating. Not only does that deprive you of feeling content with your meal but it also puts the satiety bell on snooze\u2026 That\u2019s usually followed by mindless eating later on.\n\n\nTake the time to eat \u2014 away from distractions \u2014 and enjoy every bite.\n\n\n2. Forget black and white diet rules\n\n\nFirst, because there is no such thing as a diet rule. Wait! I\u2019m not saying \u2018Ready? Get set! Run to the kitchen and grab the ice-cream tub!\u2019 Although, you could do so if you wanted to.\n\n\nThe trick here is that if you don\u2019t place diet restrictions on yourself, you\u2019ll be less likely to experience nagging food cravings.\n\n\nSo what do you do instead? Splurge with a purpose \u2014 you love doughnuts but \u2018can\u2019t-live-without\u2019 dark chocolate? Then have the chocolate instead of the doughnuts.\n\n\nAnd tune in while indulging \u2014 eat slowly, enjoy your treat and stop when you\u2019re satisfied. Don\u2019t stuff yourself: trust me, that chocolate bar is \nnot \nthe last one on Earth.\n\n\n3. Create balance\n\n\nYou had a really greasy beef burger for lunch?\n\n\nOpt for healthier meals for the next few days \u2014 lots of veggies (steamed, baked, grilled, saut\u00e9ed but not fried), some lean protein (skinless chicken or turkey, grilled fish, meats trimmed of any visible fat) and \nsome\n whole grains (brown or wild rice, wholemeal bread or pasta, oats, quinoa and so on).\n\n\n4. Drink up!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nWe often confuse thirst signals with hunger so next time you feel hungry, down a tall glass of cool \nwater\n \nand go do something else before opening the fridge. Chances are you\u2019ll completely forget about that \u2018hunger\u2019 pang.\n\n\nI won\u2019t tell you how many glasses you have to drink \u2014 that depends on your body type. Just make sure your urine is clear or pale yellow and odourless.\n\n\n5. Enjoy breakfast \ndaily\n\n\nWhatever your reason may be for skipping breakfast, it\u2019s just not worth it. That\u2019s because skipping the most important meal of the day is the best way to:\n\n\n\n\nPut on weight. Or should I say extra body flab?\n\n\nLack of concentration at work or school.\n\n\nFeel lethargic at 10 a.m. and become the \u2018run-away from\u2019 type of person at 4 p.m.\n\n\nGorge on unhealthy choices the rest of the day.\n\n\nIncrease your risks of chronic diseases.\n\n\n\n\n6. Exercise as often as you can\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels\n\n\n\n\nI\u2019m not saying you should hit the gym daily but when you have time, take the stairs instead of lifts; park your car a little further away \u2014 do anything you can to be active daily.\n\n\nExercise will significantly boost all the health benefits that come with healthy eating.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a010 Cancer-causing foods you probably eat every day\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a07 Signs your husband fantasizes about another woman\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a09 Signs of infertility in men and women all couples should know\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/newborn-baby-vomiting-is-it-normal", "title": "Newborn Baby Vomiting: Is It Normal or Should I Start to Worry?", "body": "Part of being a parent is to constantly worry about your baby\u2019s health and safety, so with every little sniffle, you might be on alert and wonder if she\u2019s possibly \ncaught a bug\n. But what if my newborn baby vomiting and spitting up constantly?\n\n\nIs it a cause for concern and should you rush her to the emergency room to get checked out?\n\n\nNewborn baby vomiting vs spitting up\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019ve been out drinking or clubbing all night before with your friends back in the day, you\u2019ll probably know vomit when you see it!\n\n\nSo what exactly is the difference between a newborn baby vomiting and just spitting up?\u00a0\n\n\nSpitting up is just the easy flow of stomach contents out of the mouth, usually followed after a burp, and is common for infants below the age of one year.\n\n\nWhereas vomiting is a more forceful throwing up of stomach contents.\n\n\nThis is when the abdominal muscles and diaphragm contract vigorously while the stomach is relaxed, which is a reflex action.\n\n\nWhat is the cause of newborn baby vomiting?\n\n\nDuring your bub\u2019s first few months, she might spit up or vomit after each feeding because the\n\u00a0valve where her oesophagus connects to her stomach is not mature enough yet to fully function properly. \n\n\nThat particular valve will start to mature when your little one is about four or five months and should be fine by the time she turns one year old.\n\n\nOther possible causes of newborn baby vomiting also include:\n\n\n\n\nCar sickness\n\n\nIndigestion\n\n\nExcessive crying\n\n\nCoughing\n\n\nHaving a cold\n\n\nEar infection\n\n\nFood allergy\n\n\nUrine infection\n\n\n\n\nIf your bub is spitting up or vomiting more than five times a day, or is always coughing after each feed, the doctor might advise you to add a special \nmilk-thickening agent\n to her\n\u00a0milk. \n\n\nThe doctor might also prescribe an \ninfant antacid\n, that can be mixed right into your baby\u2019s milk, which should\u00a0\nhelp to neutralise the acid in your bub\u2019s tummy.\n\n\nHelpful tips for newborn baby vomiting\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to decrease the frequency of your newborn baby vomiting or spitting up, here are a few simple steps you can take:\n\n\nStep 1 \u2013\n\u00a0After feeding your baby, keep her upright for about 30 minutes\u00a0so that gravity can help to keep things down.\n\n\nStep 2 \u2013\n\u00a0There shouldn\u2019t be any pressure on your baby\u2019s stomach after a feeding, so avoid strapping her into a car seat or laying on her tummy for about 30 minutes.\n\n\nStep 3 \u2013\n The \nNational University Hospital of Singapore\n (NUH) recommends that you gently burp your baby after every feed and sometimes even during feeds so that the air will be released.\n\n\nStep 4 \u2013\n Hold off on any active play right after feedings and don\u2019t get your baby too excited or worked up.\n\n\nWhen to worry?\n\n\nAlthough it\u2019s normal for newborn babies to vomit,\u00a0\naccording to NUH\n, if your little one shows any of the following signs, you should immediately bring her to see a doctor:\n\n\n\n\nSunken eyes\n\n\nLess than five wet diapers in a day\n\n\nDry skin, mouth, and tongue\n\n\nSunken fontanelle (the soft spot on her\u00a0head)\n\n\nNot willing to drink\n\n\nVomitting non-stop\u00a0for more than four to six hours\n\n\n\u00a0Diarrhea more than six times in one day\n\n\nFast breathing\n\n\nCool or greyish skin\n\n\nThe vomit is green\n\n\nBlood in the vomit or diarrhea\n\n\nFever of over 39\u00b0C for more than 12 hours\n\n\n\n\nGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)\n\n\n\n\nDr Chua Mei Chien\n, a Senior Consultant at KKH\u2019s Department of Neonatology says that parents should not worry too much if their baby spits up a little or has effortless regurgitation.\n\n\n\u201cIf the baby is otherwise well, with good weight gain and normal feeding and sleep patterns, there is no cause for concern,\u201d she says.\n\n\nHowever, she advises parents that if your newborn baby\u2019s vomiting and spitting-up is also accompanied by refusing to feed, irritability and inconsolable crying during or immediately after feeds, frequent arching of the back and poor weight gain, these are signs that she may have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).\n\n\nBabies with GERD may experience the following symptoms:\n\n\n\n\nDiscomfort and pain\n\n\nBreathing problems of any kind (gagging, choking, coughing, or wheezing)\n\n\nPneumonia due to inhalation of the stomach contents into the lungs\n\n\nPoor growth, because they are deprived from getting enough nutrients\n\n\n\n\nIf you notice that your baby has any of these symptoms, you should bring her to see a paediatrician who will determine whether she really does suffer from GERD.\n\n\nBy your little one\u2019s first birthday, she should have stopped having spit-ups and not vomit after meals anymore, so don\u2019t worry every time she does the Merlion.\n\n\nHowever, you should always just trust your parental instinct and bring her in to get checked out if you have any worries or concerns.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nHelp! My Baby Is Vomiting Green, Should I Be Worried?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nKid vomits on designer bag while on flight; mum asked to pay up\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nBaby suffers 30 seizures a day, as parents seek help\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nutrition-plan-for-kids", "title": "6 Ways Mums Affect Their Child\u2019s Nutrition Without Knowing It", "body": "Whether you\u2019re a new mum or a mum of multiple children, here\u2019s something we can all relate to: the desire to provide the best nutrition for our babies. Now we all know breast milk has the ideal mix of vitamins, protein and fat, but not all mothers have the opportunity to breastfeed. In this article we consider several alternatives, as well as the influence of parenting style on feeding and nutrition.\u00a0\n\n\nAs you\u2019re well aware, every mum\u2019s definition of \u201cbest\u201d can differ. Some mums are tiger mums, who think that the best for their children means putting them through rigid discipline that includes an equally uncompromising take on nutrition. Other mums are more relaxed, taking the laid back approach to raising their kids that allows little ones more leeway during meal times.\u00a0\n\n\nEither way, the mission is still the same \u2013 they want to set their kids up for success.\n\n\nBut as always, we as parents should reflect and adjust our style from time to time, to avoid\u00a0 inadvertently affecting our kids.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHere are 6 ways mums affect their children\u2019s nutrition without knowing it:\n\n\n1. Being too controlling\n\n\nNo sugar! No salt! No eating out! Some mummies can be a little extreme with controlling their child\u2019s diets. But this can result in a child not getting the proper nutrition they need. While some mummies want to make sure their child is getting Tailored Nutrition, it has to be done in a balanced manner. You can ensure they are getting the right nutrients by introducing the correct milk for their needs.\n\n\n2. Letting go a little too much\n\n\nWhen it comes to weaning, parents need to guide their children in the right direction and not let go too much. Some parents look at the start of weaning as \u201cindependence day\u201d. And yes, while it is a day to celebrate, if your child isn\u2019t getting the right nutrients, his or her growth can be hindered.\n\n\nTo ensure your child is getting the proper Winning Weaning nutrients, you should give them some guidance on what to eat, if they are self-led weaning babies. If not, be sure that the pureed food they are given has the right amount of nutrients, supplemented by the right kind of milk.\n\n\n3. Not taking the time to understand a child\u2019s needs\n\n\nMany parents are guilty of this. Just because our child is eating what we eat, it doesn\u2019t necessarily mean that is what their little bodies need. If you want your child to be an All Rounder, you have to choose the right type of nutrition for their needs as they grow up, including the best type of milk for their development.\n\n\n\n\n4. Giving the child too much independence\n\n\nYour child might be super smart at their age, but it doesn\u2019t mean that they should be given full independence to choose their diet plans. Some parents allow their kids to raid the fridge and let them eat whatever they find once they are old enough. However, it is important to keep your little Brainy Genius at bay, by ensuring they are receiving the right kind of nutrients through their diet and milk.\n\n\n5. Only feeding the child one food group type\n\n\nIf you\u2019re a kiasu parent, you might relate to this. Fish makes a kid smarter! Calcium makes a kids bones stronger! And of course, you want your kids to have Strong Bones, but it doesn\u2019t mean you should only focus on one food group at a time. Your child should have a good mix of nutrition to keep their bones AND other body parts strong.\n\n\n6. Forgetting important nutritional factors\n\n\nA common problem many kids face is digestive issues. As their little bodies acclimatise to changing diets when they grow up, it is extra important to ensure their Gutsy Guts are well taken care of. If you\u2019re unsure how to do so, just add some fibre into their diets and make sure the milk they are drinking is appropriate for their health.\n\n\n\n\nDid you know that Nestle\u2019s wide range of formula milk brands speaks to all kinds of children\u2019s needs no matter your parenting style?\n\n\n\n\nFind the right milk brand for your child\u2019s nutritional needs:\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re raising a child who needs Tailored Nutrition, your best bet is the NANKID OPTIPRO\u00ae HA 3. This brand of milk is scientifically formulated with Nestl\u00e9\u2019s Most Advanced Protein to put worried mums at ease, as it is less allergenic compared to regular cow\u2019s milk protein.\n\n\n\n\nA second option is the S-26\u00ae PE GOLD\u00ae that\u2019s loaded with 7 key nutrients that may be missing in picky eaters such as Zinc, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin A, C, D & E.\n\n\n\n\nFor Winning Weaning kids, CERELAC\u00ae, is made with the goodness of baby-grade grains and packed with important nutrients like protein, DHA, iron, calcium, vitamin C and probiotics!\n\n\n\n\nAll Rounders will benefit from NANKID OPTIPRO\u00ae, a formulation without added sucrose, but with all the essential nutrients for your child\u2019s optimal growth and development.\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, S-26\u00ae PROGRESS\u00ae and S-26\u00ae PROMISE\u00ae with Nutrissentials\u00ae now has an improved blend of nutrients to better support your child\u2019s growth and development in establishing a strong foundation for learning.\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re raising a Brainy Genius, then you can consider the S-26\u00ae Progress GOLD\u00ae for your growing child. It is fortified with DHA, AA, Choline and Taurine to help your child\u2019s mental development.\n\n\n\n\nWant to continue building Strong Bones for your child? Nestl\u00e9\u2019s LACTOKID\u00ae has more calcium in comparison to other brands of a similar price range, to keep your little active one strong and healthy.\n\n\n\n\nFinally, not to forget the Gutsy Guts. Aiding your child\u2019s digestion, Nestl\u00e9\u2019s LACTOGROW\u00ae contains probiotic cultures L. reuteri, high calcium, DHA, and Happy Nutri\u2122 to keep their tummies happy all the time.\n\n\nSo what kind of child are you raising based on your parenting style? Take \nthis quiz\n now to find out. \n\n\nAnd stand a chance to get vouchers to buy the right formula for your kids for up to 20% off by visiting this link \nhttps://www.funwithnutrients.com\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/women-are-coldhearted-asian-husbands-find-true-love-with-sex-dolls", "title": "\"Women are coldhearted\": Asian husbands find true love with sex dolls", "body": "When life gets in the way for you and your spouse, the spark can easily go out of your marriage.\u00a0Sometimes the issue is sex after childbirth \u2014 for ladies, having a baby often lowers our sex drive, as our body heals and we wear ourselves out taking care of our newborn.\u00a0\n\n\nGiven patience and effort on both sides, it\u2019s always possible to fan the love in your marriage back to life. So what happens when your husband decides \u2018communication\u2019 and \u2018understanding\u2019 are too much bother for him \u2014 and brings home a sex doll?\n\n\nThis humiliation is what Japanese mum Riho Ozaki had to face when her husband, Masayuki, bought a silicone sex doll. The life-size doll, named Mayu, shares his bed, goes on dates with him, and is dressed in sexy lingerie when he fancies.\n\n\n\n\nImage Credit: Behrouz Mehri/AFP\n\n\n\n\n\u201cJapanese women are cold-hearted\u201d\n\n\nAccording to Masayuki, their marriage fizzled out after the birth of their daughter, now teenage. \u201cAfter my wife gave birth we stopped having sex and I felt a deep sense of loneliness,\u201d he \ntells\n AFP in an interview. \u00a0\n\n\nRather than attempting to reach out to his wife or considering her struggles, he claims that she is the selfish one. \u201cJapanese women are cold-hearted,\u201d he says.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThey\u2019re very selfish. Men want someone to listen to them without grumbling when they get home from work.\u201d\n\n\nSo when the husband saw the sex doll Mayu in the showroom, she became the pliant, passive woman of his dreams. \u201cIt was love at first sight,\u201d he says.\n\n\n\n\nImage Credit: Behrouz Mehri/AFP\n\n\n\n\nUnderstandably, his wife Riho was \u201cfurious\u201d when he brought this silicone \u2018woman\u2019 home. But she has become resigned to Masayuki\u2019s indifference to her feelings. \u201cThese days she puts up with it, reluctantly,\u201d her husband shrugs.\n\n\nDespite her inner anguish, this mum continues to be a dutiful housewife. \u201cI just get on with the housework,\u201d she sniffs. \u201cI make the dinner, I clean, I do the washing. I choose sleep over sex.\u201d\n\n\nAnd what about the couple\u2019s daughter? \u201cWhen my daughter realised it wasn\u2019t a giant Barbie doll, she freaked out and said it was gross,\u201d Masayuki admits. But he appears undeterred, adding, \u201cBut now she\u2019s old enough to share Mayu\u2019s clothes.\u201d\n\n\nRemovable heads\n\n\nMasayuki takes his silicon lover on dates in a wheelchair. They pose for pictures, go to love hotels, and take long baths together\u00a0\u2014 all the romantic things a husband and wife might do.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage Credit: Behrouz Mehri/AFP\n\n\n\n\nAnother married father of two,\u00a062-year-old Senji Nakajima, takes his sex doll out for couple activities like surfing and picnicking. And of course, he takes her to bed.\n\n\n\n\nImage Credit: Behrouz Mehri/AFP\n\n\n\n\nImage Credit: Behrouz Mehri/AFP\n\n\n\n\nMayu and her counterparts in the sex doll market today boast genitals, adjustable fingers, and ultra-lifelike skin. \u201cThey look incredibly real now and it feels like you\u2019re touching human skin,\u201d claims Hideo Tsuchiya, managing director of doll maker Orient Industry.\n\n\nThe US$6,000 dolls also come with removable heads\u00a0\u2014 you know, in case husbands prefer to enjoy time with their silicon girlfriend without being reminded of their pesky humanness.\n\n\nAround 2,000 lifelike sex dolls are sold each year in Japan. In Singapore, one distributor \nsays\n that he had 20 customers within half a year of starting up his business.\n\n\n\u201cThey complain a lot less than women\u201d\n\n\nBut no matter how lifelike these sex dolls become \u2014 no matter how human-soft their skin is or how realistic they look\u00a0\u2014 there\u2019s surely something irreplaceable about a real woman.\n\n\nSo why do these husbands leave their wives for these passive figurines? Nakajima, for example, became estranged from his wife after she banned his sex doll Saori from the family home.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\n5 Healthy Tips to Guard Your Child Against Illnesses\nAktiviti anak\n6 ways playtime can shape your child's learning!\nAktiviti anak\n8 awesome ideas to keep your child busy\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nApa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Tentang Logam Berat Dalam Makanan Bayi: Ini Fakta\n\n\nThe answer, at least from a woman\u2019s perspective, seems to be good old-fashioned misogynism. Here\u2019s how some of these men explain it.\n\n\n\u201cIn the future I think more and more guys will choose relationships with dolls\u201d, says Yoshitaka Hyodo, who has an understanding girlfriend. \u201cIt\u2019s less stress and they complain a lot less than women.\u201d\n\n\nNakajima adds, \u201cHuman beings are so demanding\u2026 I\u2019ll never date a real woman again\u00a0\u2014 they\u2019re heartless.\u201d\n\n\nIt seems that what these men want is a perfectly tame, compliant spouse. A wife who never gripes about her tiredness, even after a long day of caring for his children. A wife who never makes demands although she\u2019s an individual with her own emotions and desires. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThough these husbands may accuse their wives of being tiresome and heartless, their actions hardly reflect their own sensitivity to her feelings. Difficult though marriage might be, it may be more worth fighting for than a forever with an eternally docile, fantasized being.\u00a0\n\n\nMums, what\u2019s your perspective? How would you feel if your husband brought home a sex doll? Share your thoughts in the comments below!\n\n\n(Source: \nChannelNews Asia\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/world-cup-wags-the-amazing-women-behind-the-top-footballers", "title": "Meet the The Amazing Women (Wives and Girlfriends) Behind Soccer Stars!", "body": "The 2018 soccer World Cup is on\u2026 but it\u2019s not just the players who are getting all the attention! Avid football fans are also talking about these World Cup wives and girlfriends who support their partners both on and off the field!\n\n\nNot only are they gorgeous, they\u2019re also amazing and talented in their own right. Read on to learn more about the World Cup wives and girlfriends supporting your favourite footballers!\n\n\nCheck Out These Amazing World Cup Wives and Girlfriends!\n\n\n1. Izabel Goulart\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMatchday \ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf7\u26bd\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9b Sending all my support to the boys in St Petersburg! Dia de jogo \ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf7\u26bd\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9b Vai Brasil!!! Na torcida pela nossa sele\u00e7\u00e3o hoje em campo em St Petersburg!!! #worldcup #copadomundo #aguentacoracao\n\nA post shared by \n Izabel Goulart\n (@izabelgoulart) on \nJun 22, 2018 at 4:08am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIzabel Goulart is a former Victoria\u2019s Secret model, as well as the girlfriend of goalkeeper\u00a0Kevin Trapp who plays for\u00a0Paris Saint-Germain. She was also the face of Armani Exchange back in 2008.\n\n\n2. Polly Parsons\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ud83d\udc9a\n\nA post shared by \n Mrs Vermaelen\n (@pollyroseparsons) on \nDec 28, 2017 at 4:37am PST\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPolly Parsons is the wife of\u00a0Belgian centre-back Thomas Vermaelen who plays his club football with Barcelona. She\u2019s a television presenter, a lingerie model, and a mother to two sons with Thomas. The couple got\u00a0married back in 2017.\n\n\n3. Shakira\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThank you Amsterdam! You were on \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25! Shak\n\nA post shared by \n Shakira\n (@shakira) on \nJun 9, 2018 at 3:21pm PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWorld-famous singer Shakira is married to 31-year-old\u00a0Gerard Pique, who plays as Spain\u2019s (and FC Barcelona\u2019s) centre-back. Aside from being a world-renowned singer and performer, she also won the Grammy award for the\u00a0Best Latin Pop Album back in 2017.\n\n\n4. Charlotte Pirroni\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMa moiti\u00e9 \ud83d\udc95 @flotov \ud83d\udcf8 @salimb06\n\nA post shared by \n C H A R L O T T E\n (@charlottepirroni) on \nJun 15, 2018 at 9:02am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCharlotte Pirroni was the second runner-up in Miss France 2015, and was also\u00a0Miss Cote-d\u2019Azur in 2014. She is the girlfriend of\u00a0France winger, Florian Thauvin.\n\n\n5. Ruby Mae\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd81Goodluck to my Love in Russia\ud83e\udd81\u2764\ufe0f\n\nA post shared by @\n rubymae3223\n on \nJun 12, 2018 at 5:51am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRuby Mae is a lingerie model, and has also represented Dolce & Gabbana as well as Chanel in her modeling career. She is the girlfriend of\u00a0English midfielder Dele Alli.\n\n\n6. Annie Kilner\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEverything\ud83d\udc99\n\nA post shared by \n Annie Kilner\n (@annievioletkilner) on \nJul 17, 2017 at 3:24am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnne Kilner is the girlfriend of\u00a0Manchester City defender Kyle Walker. The couple have been dating since 2011, and have three kids,\u00a0Roman, six, Riaan, two, and Reign, who is nine months old.\u00a0\n\n\n7. Carol Cabrino\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nQuando o papai tem folga \u00e9 S\u00d3 ALEGRIAAAAAAAA!! Ela tem um amor por esse papi, indescrit\u00edvel! \ud83d\ude0d\u2665\ufe0f Amo demais.. Dupla da minha VIDA!! Falta s\u00f3 a Chanelzinha \ud83d\udc36\n\nA post shared by \n Carol Cabrino\n (@carolcabrino) on \nJun 23, 2018 at 11:01am PDT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCarol Cabrino is a singer and television personality. She is married to Brazil and Paris Saint-Germain centre-back Marquinhos, and they tied the knot\u00a0back in 2017. The couple have one child.\n\n\n8.\u00a0Georgina Rodr\u00edguez\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n View this post on Instagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLos quiero\u2026 Tarde de patitos. Que descans\u00e9is\u2026\ud83c\udf19\u2728\u2764\ufe0f\n\nA post shared by \n Georgina Rodr\u00edguez\n (@georginagio) on \nJan 31, 2018 at 11:36am PST\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGeorgina Rodr\u00edguez is the girlfriend of Cristiano Ronaldo, as well as the mother to their baby girl Alana Martina. She is a model who initially studied dance before switching careers. She came from a humble background, and is now engaged to one of the top\u00a0athletes in the world!\n\n\nThe couple met in the VIP section of a Dolce & Gabbana event, and have been dating ever since! She\u2019s also taking care of Ronaldo\u2019s three other children.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nStraits Times\n\n\nPhotos\u00a0screencapped from: Instagram\n\n\nREAD:\n\u00a0\n#relationshipgoals \u2013 Our favourite celebrity couples who are keeping it real!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sweet-treats", "title": "Help Your Child Eat Less Sugar Now", "body": "One thing all kids can agree on is that the sweetness of sugar is quite possibly the best kind of flavour in the whole world. To the taste buds of kids below the ages of 12 years old, sugar is best eaten when it is bitten, chewed, sucked, licked and even swallowed whole.While most of us have had some resemblance of a childhood consisting of wholesome homemade food and the occasional sweet treats from the ice-cream truck only on Sundays, our children have ready access to sugary, over-processed food at almost every minute of every day.\n\n\nTo prove this hypothesis, all one has to do is take a good long look at the kids at playgrounds, shopping malls, preschools and kindergartens. An American study has also supported the fact by stating that as many as 1 in 4 children between the ages of 2 to 5 years old are considered overweight or obese!\n\n\nIn other words, gone are the days where there was only one really large kid in school. Sadly, kids who are considered \u201cfat\u201d also tend to be at higher risk of being bullied or singled out during team events.\n\n\nHow Did This Happen?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: freepik.com\n\n\n\n\nAccording to American research, most children are obese at the tender age of 2 simply due to the overload of sugar consumption. While parents may opt for sugar-free diets at home, your child may still be consuming high amounts of sugar contained in packet foods and drinks from external sources, such as the school canteen or at restaurants.\n\n\nSadly, while the American Heart Association recommends that children of preschooling age only consume 3 teaspoons of sugar per day, a recent survey shows that preschoolers actually consume up to a maximum of 12 teaspoons of sugar on an average daily basis; which is four times the recommended intake for preschoolers. \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nOut of Sight, Out of Mind\n\n\nSupermodel and mother to four children, Heidi Klum, attributed her dramatic weight loss after pregnancy to a complete overhaul of her meal plan. So instead of forcing your child into hateful exercises or diet regimes, make a commitment to clear out your pantry of sugar-laden food. This may include doughnuts, biscuits with cream, cake, sugared cereal, chocolates and candy.\n\n\nIf your toddler can\u2019t eat sugar at home, then as their role model, you shouldn\u2019t be having any sweetened food as well. By removing these unhealthy products, you will also be removing the temptation for your child, who will not have the option of begging, throwing a tantrum or stealing sweet treats from the kitchen when you\u2019re not looking.\n\n\nDo note that your child will probably perform a dramatic hissy fit when he or she realizes that their favourite food is no longer available to them, but if you stay firm long enough, they will eventually move on.\n\n\nKeep It Healthy and Pretty\n\n\nAt the same time, you would also want to encourage your child to eat healthily and regularly as well, so do stock your kitchen with wholesome alternatives such as fruit, wholegrain crackers, raisins, cheese sticks, trail mix and air-popped popcorn (for children over the age of three). Raw honey, peanut butter and natural yoghurt are also good alternatives to flavouring boring adult snacks as well!\n\n\nParents may also consider packing adorable\n\u00a0bento\n\u00a0boxes for their kids as well.\u00a0\nBento\n, is the Japanese word for lunch box, and has become a popular phenomenon in Japan as it effectively encourages school children to eat healthier food, such as vegetables and beans.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: digjapan.travel\n\n\n\n\nChildren like to feed themselves, so always make sure that all healthy snacks are easily available to them. For instance, always have some cut fruit available in the kitchen so they can grab-and-go the moment they feel like having a snack. Alternatively, you may also designate a snack shelf just for the kids or leave the food out on the kitchen counter where it\u2019s easily seen by all family members.\n\n\nAlways Read the Fine Print\n\n\nAt a glance, it seems as though almost every product available in supermarket aisles are either low-fat, sugar-free or fortified with extra vitamins and minerals. The sad, cold truth though is that these are but marketing words used to confuse the customer. The tricky thing about processed sugar is that it hides in literally every food product, even those which do not taste sweet, such as salad dressing, ketchup, peanut butter and barbecue sauce.\n\n\nThe good news is that all food manufacturers are legally obliged to list their ingredients on the Nutrition Facts label printed unto every product sold. So all you really need to do before deciding on a purchase is to turn the product around and read the sugar content.\n\n\nGenerally, you would want to steer away from food that contains fructose corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, maltose, cane syrup or anything with more than 10g of regular sugar. At the same time, you might also want to consider avoiding the 3-in-1 instant packets as well, as those packet drinks tend to contain an extra 10g of sugar per satchet.\n\n\nHave You Been Drinking?\n\n\nThe only two drinks kids can drink large amounts of is water and low-fat milk. Other drinks, including soda water, coffee (with sugar), tea (with sugar), chocolate and sports/energy drinks will only contribute to child obesity. Statistically, a 16-ounce soda drink can actually contain a minimum of 27 teaspoons of added sugar!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: pxfuel.com\n\n\n\n\nA study in Paediatrics also concluded that children who drank sugary drinks regularly had a 60% increase of risk in becoming obese later on. Sadly, a whopping 44% of children between 18 to 24 months old, as well as 70% of children between the ages of 2 to 5 years old regularly drink sugar-laden drinks on a daily basis.\n\n\nWhile TV advertisements would have you believe that drinking freshly peeled and packaged fruit juice is convenient, delicious and healthy at the same time, these marketers have also neglected to mention the highly concentrated amount of sugar added into the commercial drink.\n\n\nA better alternative would be to prepare pure fruit juice at home for your children, although you should also limit the serving to four to six ounces only as fruits also contain natural sugar.\n\n\nWe Live to Eat, Not Eat to Live\n\n\nJust like everything else that\u2019s good in life, all good things must come in moderation. As no childhood is really complete without the occasional birthday cake, festival candy or random sweet treat, it would be a good idea to set some ground rules when it comes to dessert indulgence.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nFor example, children may not have any dessert until they finish their vegetables, or children are only allowed to buy one type of candy during the trip to the supermarket.\n\n\nA big bonus to setting ground rules when it comes to dessert is that it will eventually teach your child discipline, patience and will significantly reduce the number of tantrums revolving dessert.\n\n\nWhen In Doubt, Seek Help\n\n\nThe biggest challenge with controlling your child\u2019s diet is making sure that he or she adheres to the plan even when they\u2019re out of your sight! A good method of ensuring that your child is fed well with all the right foods is to enlist the help of fellow moms.\n\n\nFor example, you could take turns feeding your group of children or help your toddlers learn from one another as you go through this new period of breaking the sugar habit. Children are natural copy cats, so they tend to want to improve themselves when they see that other children are also not allowed sweet treats in the afternoon.\n\n\nAt the same time, you may also want to seek help from the grandparents of your children, who are the likeliest suspects when it comes to spoiling your children. Have a talk with your parents about the necessity of keeping your child\u2019s sugar intake to a minimum for a better quality of life, so you won\u2019t have to worry about your kids breaking all sugar-rules every time they visit grandma and grandpa.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app \ntheAsianparent\n kami! Download\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0di\u00a0\niOS\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nAndroid\n\u00a0sekarang!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-do-you-know-if-your-child-has-worms", "title": "How do you know if your child has worms?", "body": "Kids and worms: the very thought of this makes us want to writhe in horror. However, living in a tropical country, the possibility of kids having intestinal worms is very real. Worms are a type of\u00a0\nparasite and the most\n\u00a0common worms affecting families with children in Singapore are pinworms or threadworms. The symptoms of intestinal worms in children can vary from one child to another.\u00a0\n\n\nHow Do Children Contract Worms?\n\n\n\n\nPinworms can easily be transmitted from one person to another by accidentally putting faecal matter into the mouth.\n\n\nThe cycle starts with female pinworms laying their eggs around the child\u2019s anus at night. This then causes children to scratch due to intense itching which transmits the eggs onto their hands and fingernails.\n\n\nThe contamination continues when their little hands come in contact with clothing, bedding, surfaces, toilet seats, toys and even food.\n\n\nIt is extremely easy for the infestation to spread to other children or other members of the family because pinworm eggs can survive up to three weeks, according to \nWebMD\n.\n\n\nAs a result, eggs that end up in the mouth and smaller intestines will mature into female worms that lay eggs around the anus all over again. In the end, this life cycle repeats and contaminated children continue re-infecting themselves and others.\u00a0\n\n\nOther parasitic worms like hookworms, roundworms and whipworms, can spread via contact with soil contaminated by faeces of pets and even humans. However, this happens more commonly in poorly sanitised places.\n\n\nYou can also be infected if you eat or drink something that contains tapeworm eggs or larvae, like raw or under-cooked beef or pork.\n\n\nSymptoms of Intestinal Worms in Children\n\n\n\n\nSymptoms of intestinal worms in children can range from nothing to severe itching around the anus at night.\n\n\nBut below are other symptoms children may face aside from an itchy bottom:\n\n\n\n\nGeneral irritability and behavioural changes\n\n\nTrouble sleeping, or restless sleep, sometimes resulting in bed-wetting\n\n\nSudden lack of appetite\n\n\nTummy aches and a change of stools\n\n\nIn girls, there may be redness and itching around the \nvagina\n.\n\n\nIn more serious cases, children may even show signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.\n\n\nIf your child has other worm infestations, look out for blood in the stools, anaemia as well as wheezing and dry cough.\n\n\n\n\nIt is a good practice to check your child\u2019s bottom every once in a while with a torch, two to three hours into their sleep. You might see thin, white,\u00a0moving, thread-like worms that measure\u00a0roughly five to 15mm long.\n\n\nYou will be unable to see pinworm eggs with the naked eye.\n\n\nYour doctor might suggest a \u201ctape test\u201d which involves placing a piece of sticky clear tape on your child\u2019s anus. The tape will be able to collect the pinworm eggs if the child is already showing symptoms of intestinal worms in children.\n\n\nTreatment and Prevention\n\n\n\n\nMedicine to kill the pinworms, as well as medication for inflammation (if any), will be prescribed by your doctor. The whole family and anyone else who has been in close contact with your child will also need to be treated.\n\n\nDeworming medication will cause those infected to poop out all the dead worms.\u00a0\n\n\nThen round two is repeated two weeks later to eliminate any leftover worms, and to ensure that all symptoms of intestinal worms in children are gone. Depending on the situation, your doctor might request another tape test just to be sure.\n\n\nDo not underestimate the importance of \nregular hand washing\n, especially after using the toilet and before meals.\n\n\nKids should be discouraged from\u00a0\nnail biting\n. Wash food, fruits and vegetables before eating. Wash contaminated bedding and underwear in a hot wash, especially a few days following the de-worming treatment. Remember also to regularly de-worm your pets.\n\n\nSource: \nWebMD\n, \nRaising Children\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/skin-irritation-in-newborn", "title": "Skin Irritation Makes My Baby Cries A Lot - Here\u2019s What I Did to Help Him", "body": "When you discover tiny red bumps on your baby\u2019s behind while changing his diaper, you\u2019re bound to be a little freaked. Don\u2019t worry mommy \u2013 skin irritation is in fact a pretty common sight, that almost all babies will get one at some point.\n\n\nThe problem can be easily solved and avoided with proper care and prevention. We have created a guide for new moms and dads to understand their child\u2019s skin even better! But before we begin, you need to know what causes diaper rash and the common symptoms.\n\n\nWhat Is Skin Irritation in Babies?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSkin irritation or more commonly known as the nappy rash is a rash of the skin in the nappy area. It is caused by a breakdown of the skin surface in contact with pee or poop for a long time. Because of this, it causes redness and irritation and often makes your baby feel uncomfortable and itchy all day.\n1\n\n\nAccording to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is an estimation as many as 25 per cent of infants and toddlers have a diaper rash at any given time.\n2\n\n\nThere are several symptoms of nappy rash that all parents must be aware of. Those include:\n\n\n\n\nMild rashes just have areas of pink and dry skin\n\n\nSevere rashes have areas of red skin, wherein some areas the skin may become raw or even bleed\n\n\nPink rashes that are not painful, but raw ones are which eventually lead to crying and poor sleep\n3\n\n\nPimple, spots or blisters\n\n\nHot, sore-looking skin\n\n\nA very fussy baby\n\n\n\n\nCommon Causes of Skin Irritation\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBefore looking ways into managing nappy rash, it is important for parents to understand the cause of this problem. This is because different causes may require different treatments.\n\n\n1# Dirty diapers\n\n\nThis is a no-brainer, but many new parents are unaware that it is normal to change a newborn baby\u2019s diaper up to 8 times per day. The leading cause of diaper rash is dirty diapers, so when a diaper is soiled, the urine and faeces rub against the baby\u2019s skin. This leads to irritation and eventually bacteria infections if not treated properly.\u00a0\n\n\n2# Allergy & sensitivities\n\n\nParents must remember that a baby\u2019s skin can be extremely sensitive to certain ingredients found in soaps, lotions and wipes. When their bum is not properly cleaned, it can cause contact dermatitis and rashes. Rashes that are caused by allergy can also appear on different parts of the body.\n\n\n3# Yeast infection\n\n\nIt is a bright and tender rash that usually starts in the creases between the abdomen and thighs. In some cases, a strain of yeast called candida lives on the surface of your baby\u2019s skin and overgrown around your baby\u2019s diaper area. This overgrowth often happens in warm, moist and soften places with higher skin pH.\n4\n\n\n4# Change in diet\n\n\nMost mothers try to take proper care of their diet by eating healthily. However, a breastfed baby\u2019s stool can change in consistency based on what their mom eats. Acidic food, for example, can trigger skin irritation because it can change the pH level of the urine. Once the baby starts to eat solids and is exposed to more foods, you may also notice the same happening to them.\n\n\n5# Chafing\n\n\nAnother mistake parents often make is to purchase the wrong diaper size. Diapers are meant to fit snugly into the baby\u2019s body. It is vital to ensure that the diapers stay on to prevent unwanted leaking. When a diaper is too tight, it can chafe your baby\u2019s skin and causes skin irritation. When parents face this problem, the best solution is to purchase diapers in a bigger size.\n\n\nHow Long Does It Take for Skin Irritation to Heal?\n\n\nDepends \u2013 some nappy rashes get better after a couple of days, but some might take up to a longer time (as long as seven days!).\n\n\nDo call your doctor for further inspection if the rash does not get better, worsen, is infected with pus or spread beyond the diaper area. Some rashes can also be associated with diarrhoea and hide other illnesses.\n\n\nHow to Prevent Recurrent Nappy Rash in the Future\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nTo keep your baby healthy and happy (for the sake of your mental health too!), it is best to take preventative measures in approaching diaper rash. For new parents, don\u2019t fret \u2013 follow these easy steps and you can see an immediate improvement in no time!\n\n\n\n\nChange diapers more often\n \u2013 the main focus here is to prevent skin contact with stool, as little as possible.\n\n\nAvoid using diaper wipes alone to cleanse the skin\n, instead rinse your baby with warm water especially when cleaning their stool.\n\n\nBe sure to clean everything off the skin folds\n. For baby boys, cleaning the scrotum might be a challenge, however, it is advisable to not pull the skin to avoid injury.\n\n\nLet your baby \ndiaper-free for a few minutes\n before putting on a new one. Best to do this practice AFTER the baby peed, or use a protective mat.\n\n\nOnce you\u2019ve cleaned your baby, be sure to keep their tush dry by \nusing a towel or let it air-dry\n. Use ointment only when necessary.\n\n\nIf your baby is too prone to diaper rash,\n use a barrier cream as a form of prevention\n.\u00a0\n\n\nUse unscented baby soaps and detergents.\n Over-scented ingredients in these products (although promoted as child friendly) are one of the causes of irritation.\n\n\nWash your hands before and after changing the diapers\n in order to prevent rashes from spreading in different parts of their body.\n\n\nMake sure the diaper fits properly\n. Caregivers should always check the correct size of your child\u2019s diaper.\u00a0\n\n\nExperiment with different diapers\n. Some diapers sometimes are so efficient at trapping moisture, they accidentally trigger more rashes. It is advisable to choose a diaper designed specifically for sensitive skin.\n\n\n\n\nDiaper for One, Diaper for All\n\n\n\n\nUnderstanding the needs for the baby has always been a priority to Drypers especially with their specially designed diaper, Skinature by Drypers.\u00a0\n\n\nThe super-premium diaper designed with \nDerma-Care Technology\n\u2122\n is a combination of soft and breathable material with special care technology keeping the baby\u2019s skin dry. That means, it is gentle for ALL skin types, even sensitive ones that are prone to EU26 Allergens.\n\n\nEU26 Allergens are the 26 most-known allergenic substances in Europe and commonly defined as substances that induce an allergy including redness, skin irritation or rash!\u00a0\n\n\nThe best part about Skinature by Drypers is that it is also \nhypoallergenic, chlorine-free and fragrance-free\n, making it safe and gentle on baby\u2019s sensitive skin. No allergens, only pure goodness!\n\n\nThe Skinature By Drypers has \n100% more airspace that allows more breathability and less stuffiness\n as well as speedy absorption to keep babies clean and dry. These factors alone would help to reduce skin irritation on your baby, and keep them comfortable all day.\n\n\nNew parents will love this feature the most \u2013 it has a wetness indicator that turns from yellow to green, so you will know when to change the diaper without opening it to check! That way, not only you get to keep your baby dry and clean all the time, you won\u2019t have to worry much on when would be the perfect time to change them.\n\n\nThis premium diaper range comes in different sizes, from Newborn to XL. With its premium softness and 6x more stretchable waistband, this allows your baby to grow physically unhindered with ultimate comfort assured!\n\n\n\n\nSign up with \nDrypers Baby Club\n today to get helpful parenting tips and other exciting benefits too. Have a rewarding parenthood journey with Drypers Baby Club now!\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.nidirect.gov.uk/conditions/nappy-rash\n\n\npediatriccare.solutions.aap.org/chapter.aspx?sectionid=135768798&bookid=1626\n\n\nhttps://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/diaper-rash/\n\n\nwww.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=90&ContentID=P01888\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mother-and-boyfriend-tortured-son-to-death-because-they-thought-he-was-gay", "title": "Mother and boyfriend tortured son to death because they thought he was gay", "body": "Contrary to what people think, gender confusion in children is actually more common than you think. When parents start having suspicions that their child might be gay, even this realisation could hit home like a tonne of bricks. While some families can accept their child being gay, not all parents feel the same way about their child\u2019s sexuality.\n\n\nRecently a mother was sentenced to life in prison while her boyfriend was sentenced to\u00a0the death penalty when they were convicted of \ntorturing the woman\u2019s son to death because they believed he was gay.\u00a0\n\n\nIt was the mum who called 911 to report that her son wasn\u2019t breathing, but she told deputies it was because he had fallen and hit his head on a dresser. However, the coroner later found out that the actual cause of death was blunt-force trauma and neglect.\n\n\nIt was later discovered that Gabriel Fernandez of Palmdale was repeatedly beaten, starved, tied up, locked in a cabinet, shot with a BB gun and once had his teeth knocked out with a bat.\u00a0The boy also had a fractured skull, broken ribs and burns across his body.\n\n\nHe was only eight years old.\n\n\n\n\nGender Confusion in Children: What Should I Do?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1.\u00a0DON\u2019T\u00a0stereotype gender roles\n\n\nJust because boys play with dolls, it doesn\u2019t necessarily mean they are gay. So what was it that led you to believe that your child might be gay? Many parents feel strongly about gender confusion in children, which is why they tend to stereotype gender roles. Still, parents should not jump to conclusions based on the toys that children play with. Their choice in toys is, by no means, any indication of their sexuality.\n\n\n2. DON\u2019T weird out on your child\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNobody likes to be treated differently when the cause is something they can barely understand, let alone control.\u00a0Even if you think your child is gay, it still doesn\u2019t change the fact that they are your children. It is important to remain supportive. Do not make rash judgements or reject them. Instead, always be there for them to guide them, especially when they need your help the most.\u00a0\n\n\n3. DON\u2019T force them to see a\u00a0counsellor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSexual orientation is not a simple matter or something that can be fixed with a visit to the doctor or counsellor. This will only make your child think that they are a mistake. If your child opens up and feels more comfortable talking to a counsellor, then by all means. But do not imply that there is something wrong with them and that they should go see a counsellor or shrink to set them right.\n\n\n4. DON\u2019T behave like it\u2019s the end of the world\n\n\nThere is no need to start calling everyone in the family and pouring your heart out. This will only create more strain between you and your child. Even if it is difficult, don\u2019t sever the relationship. Always remain calm, open and non-judgemental. Be the one they can run to when they need to pour out their feelings. Be the\u00a0parents they can depend on regardless if they are gay or not.\n\n\n5.\u00a0DON\u2019T ask them if they are gay\n\n\nEven if your suspicion is strong, wait for them to be ready to confide in you. Do not be tactless and ask them straight out. Be sensitive about their feelings and try to understand how difficult it must be for them. Until then, continue to be patient and supportive without being too judgmental. They will surely tell you when they are done battling their own confusion and are finally ready to come out.\n\n\nHow to Determine Gender Confusion in Children\n\n\nAccording to Dr Greene, there are some factors to look out for when trying to determine gender confusion in children:\n\n\n\n\nIs your child still confused about their own sex by their third birthday?\n\n\nDoes your child consistently say that he or she prefers to be the opposite sex?\n\n\nDo you always hear your child speaking ill of or denying his or her own sexual anatomy?\n\n\n\n\nIf your child displays these traits, there is a possibility that he or she might be facing gender confusion. Still, there is no reason to believe that gender confusion in children is a bad thing. And it certainly doesn\u2019t give anybody the right to belittle or beat these children into obedience.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\n5 Reasons Why You Should Book a Family Holiday to Desaru Coast\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nMoney Parenting\nWhy Money Parenting Matters\n#PendidikanKewangan\nIni Cara Untuk Terap Tabiat Wang Sihat Dalam Anak Remaja Anda\n\n\nOur hearts go out to the little boy who was tortured and beaten to death just because they thought he might be gay. We cannot begin to imagine the nightmare he had to endure. May his soul rest in peace.\n\n\n\n\nSource: \nSCMP\n, \nDr. Greene\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/vaccine-preventable-disease", "title": "Give Health A Shot Campaign: Bridging the Awareness With Vaccine Preventable Disease Education for Families", "body": "With most people now back to their old routines and life gaining some semblance of normality, there is an increased risk of exposure to old common infectious diseases, including chickenpox and rotavirus, especially for school children.\n\n\nGive Health A Shot is a community effort by Merck Sharp & Dohme Sdn Bhd (MSD). The project aims to increase the awareness of vaccine preventable diseases such as chickenpox and rotavirus in children through a comprehensive content hub, with emphasis on the importance of prevention.\n\n\nYoung children can be exposed to chickenpox and the rotavirus in their daily life and prevention plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthier lifestyle for families and communities.\n\n\nThis campaign is coming at an opportune time in re-educating parents about the preventive measures that can be taken about diseases such as chickenpox and rotavirus.\n\n\nThe World Health Organization (WHO) published a news release in July 2022 announcing the largest sustained decline in childhood vaccinations in 30 years, with lockdowns contributing to this drop, limiting parents\u2019 access to immunisation services. The World Health Organization (WHO) views vaccines as a critical tool in the prevention and control of infectious diseases\n1\n.\n\n\nIn a media statement, former Malaysia\u2019s Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali said the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decline in the number of immunisations at health clinics as parents were worried about the spread of COVID-19\n2\n. He was quoted saying, \u201cAll parents and guardians are advised to check their children\u2019s immunisation records, if they have missed any, get a new appointment at the health clinic.\u201d\n\n\nMSD\u2019s awareness campaign echoes the Ministry of Health\u2019s reminder for children to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases with the aim to educate and encourage parents in Malaysia to take preventative steps in fighting against chickenpox and rotavirus.\n\n\nRotavirus is a prevalent virus and highly contagious disease which spreads easily among infants and young children. The virus can cause severe diarrhoea and vomiting that can lead to severe dehydration among infants and young children. Additionally, it also causes fever and stomach pain. Almost every child worldwide is exposed to rotavirus by the age of five. In Malaysia, between 22% and 50% of the cases of all diarrhoea in children are caused by rotavirus\n3\n.\n\n\nA World Health Organization 2021 position paper on rotavirus stated that the virus was the leading cause of severe, dehydrating diarrhoea in children under the age of five, which resulted in an estimated more than 500,000 childhood deaths and over 2 million hospitalisations worldwide in 2000. Those statistics demonstrated the need for effective interventions early in life to reduce the global burden of severe rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE)\n4\n.\n\n\nIn 2010, the WHO recommended the use of rotavirus vaccines as part of a comprehensive strategy to control diarrhoeal diseases, together with other prevention and treatment efforts\n5\n. According to consultant paediatrician Dato\u2019 Dr Musa Mohd Nordin, \u201cThe Malaysian Paediatric Association has been advocating for the rotavirus vaccine to be included in the national immunisation programme (NIP) for a while now.\u201d\n\n\nChickenpox, on the other hand, is caused by the varicella-zoster virus which also causes shingles later in life. Its symptoms include fever and a blister-like rash\n6\n and chickenpox can easily spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes or when an individual comes in contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person\n7\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEven though chickenpox is usually mild, there are possible complications that can arise for example infection of the skin, bloodstream, pneumonia or inflammation of the brain\n7\n. Preventive action is important as it minimises risk and helps reduce mortality\n8\n. Vaccine-preventable diseases are still a threat and preventive measures such as good hygiene practices and appropriate vaccination play a role in maintaining public health by keeping children protected and helps provide protection for not just one child but other children as well\n8\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\nThe Give Health A Shot Campaign is now live at \nhttps://my.theasianparent.com/category/kesihatan-bm/vaksinasi/give-health-a-shot-bm\n where parents and the general public will have access to a wide range of resources and information around vaccine-preventable diseases, stories from other parents and educational videos too.\n\n\nThe campaign hopes to reach out to over a million parents in Malaysia to inform, educate and ignite a sense of urgency in them to take action to help protect their children through the different preventive measures.\n\n\n\u201cWe have a responsibility to ensure parents have access to reliable and relevant information about vaccine-preventable diseases at their fingertips,\u201d says Pang Lai Li, Managing Director, MSD Singapore & Malaysia. \u201cWe are seeing a worrying trend of parents skipping vaccinations because they are afraid to bring their children out to healthcare facilities with the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and the presence of other diseases like hand, foot and mouth or monkeypox.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe hope that through the Give Health A Shot campaign and content hub that is made readily available to parents, that they will seriously take into consideration their child\u2019s health and safety with protective measures including good hygiene practices and appropriate vaccination,\u201d added Lai Li.\n\n\nCheck out the Give Health A Shot Campaign website and speak to your doctor regarding any concerns you may have, Including protection for your children in time for the new school year!\n\n\nAbout \nMSD\n\n\nFor over 130 years, MSD has been inventing for life, bringing forward medicines and vaccines for many of the world\u2019s most challenging diseases in pursuit of our mission to save and improve lives. MSD is a trade name of Merck & Co., Inc., with headquarters in Kenilworth, N.J., U.S.A. We demonstrate our commitment to patients and population health by increasing access to health care through far-reaching policies, programs and partnerships.\n\n\nToday, MSD continues to be at the forefront of research to prevent and treat diseases that threaten people and animals \u2014 including cancer, infectious diseases such as HIV and Ebola, and emerging animal diseases \u2013 as we aspire to be the premier research-intensive biopharmaceutical company in the world. For more information, visit \nwww.msd-malaysia.com\n and connect with us on \nTwitter\n, \nLinkedIn\n and \nYouTube\n.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Covid-19 pandemic fuels largest continued backslide in vaccinations in three decades. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news/item/15-07-2022-covid-19-pandemic-fuels-largest-continued-backslide-in-vaccinations-in-three-decades\n. Last Accessed: 24 Aug 2022.\n\n\nNew Straits Times. MOH to Trace Babies, children who missed immunisation during MCO \u2013 Noor Azmi. Available From: \nhttps://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/06/805602/moh-trace-babies-children-who-missed-immunisation-during-mco-noor-azmi\n. Last Accessed: 24 Aug 2022.\n\n\nPORTAL MyHEALTH. Rotavirus vaccine. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/rotavirus-vaccine/\n. Last Accessed: 24 Aug 2022.\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Rotavirus vaccines: Who position paper \u2013 july 2021 \u2013 Vaccins antirotavirus : Note de Synth\u00e8se de l\u2019OMS \u2013 juillet 2021. Weekly Epidemiological Record [Internet]. 2021;28(16).\n\n\nWorld Health Organization. Global use of rotavirus vaccines recommended. Available From: \nhttps://www.who.int/news/item/11-12-2010-global-use-of-rotavirus-vaccines-recommended\n. Last Accessed: 23 Aug 2022.\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. About chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/about/index.html#:~:text=Chickenpox%20is%20a%20highly%20contagious,250%20and%20500%20itchy%20blisters\n. Last Accessed: 23 Aug 2022.\n\n\nPortal MyHealth. Chickenpox. Available From: \nhttps://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/chickenpox/\n. Last Accessed: 23 Aug 2022.\n\n\nRodrigues CMC & Plotkin SA Impact of Vaccines; Health, Economic and Social Perspectives. Frontiers in microbiology [Internet], 2020:11(1526).\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-tell-if-sperm-is-healthy", "title": "Here's how to know if your partner's sperm is healthy just by LOOKING at it", "body": "Trying to conceive\n can be one of the most challenging times for a couple. Safe to say, having healthy sperm or \nstrong sperm\n improves the chances of getting pregnant. But sometimes, this topic might be hard to broach with your husband. It can be a sensitive issue to bring up. So how can you tell if your husband\u2019s sperm is healthy just by looking at it? We have some tips on how to tell if sperm is healthy.\n\n\nHow to tell if sperm is healthy just by looking at it\n\n\n\n\nHow to tell if sperm is healthy by looking at its colouring. | Source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nYour husband\u2019s semen says a lot about his sperm health, naturally. The colour of the semen is the best self-help indication of its health. The first thing you need to check is the colour of the sperm and it will tell you a lot about its health:\n\n\nCloudy white or grey\n\n\nNormal semen is usually cloudy white or grey, with a jelly-like consistency. If this is the colour of your husband\u2019s sperm, then great! Stick to a healthy lifestyle like the tips above for higher levels of sperm count and quality.\n\n\nPink, red, brown or orange\n\n\nThis might possibly be hematopsermia, or blood in the semen. In some cases, it could be because of vigorous sex or masturbation, which should resolve on its own in a few days. In the worse case scenario, it could be because of blood pressure, STDs like herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhoea, prostate infection. If you are having pains on or around your crotch area, do see a doctor as soon as possible.\n\n\nBlack\n\n\nMost of the time, black semen is caused by old blood. But it could be caused by injuries to your spinal cord. Do consult your doctor if you have not done so, as it could be a more serious issue.\n\n\nYellow or green\n\n\nYellow or green semen on the other hand is usually linked to leftover urine mixed with semen, which is most commonly the cause of the odd colouring. But in other cases, it could be a sign of a medical problem like a urinary tract infection, prostate infection or an STD. If your husband is in pain after ejaculating, then it\u2019s time to see the doctor.\n\n\nHow to tell if sperm is healthy: Practice healthy habits\n\n\n\n\nHow to tell if sperm is healthy? Start with healthy habits. | Source: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nHealthy sperm is not all about the \nfertility\n or virility of your husband. Sure, age plays a part in how healthy a sperm is, but did you know that men can produce sperm until they\u2019re 80? The health of the sperm starts to decline as a man passes his 40th birthday and motility (the ability to move towards an egg) slows down between 20 to 80.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, there are some practices that can be encouraged for men to produce healthy sperm.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Keep it cool down below\n\n\nSperm only produces in cool temperature \u2013 so when it\u2019s summer on the testicles, you can expect trouble in paradise. Your man should avoid overheating the crotch area. So sauna sessions and hot baths should be kept at a minimum. Get rid of your husband\u2019s tighty whities and opt for loose boxer shorts as the go-to undergarment so the sperm factory keeps on churning.\n\n\n2. Eat well\n\n\nA healthy and well-balanced diet containing all the major food groups not only gives you the energy you need to get through your day, but is also key to assembling a \nhealthy army of sperm\n. Food with folates like green vegetables, potatoes and legumes help increase sperm count, while Vitamin D, through cereal and fatty fish ensures sperm\u2019s optimum shape and mobility. Fatty fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which is known to improve sperm structure and number.\n\n\n3. Lose the belly and stay active\n\n\nIt\u2019s not just enough to eat well, you need to encourage your husbands to get off the couch and get to the gym. \nStudies\n\u00a0show that \nphysically active\n men have higher testosterone levels, which leads to better sperm. Exercise can also help libido, so there\u2019s that!\n\n\n4. Stop smoking\n\n\nPlenty of studies show that \nsmoking lowers sperm count\n, decreased sperm mobility and poor sperm shape. It\u2019s also linked to increased miscarriage rates as well. If your husband quits smoking now, you will be able to see improvements in just three months \u2013 the same time it takes for sperm calls to reach maturity.\n\n\n5. Relax, take it easy\n\n\nIt\u2019s not just important for the body to be healthy, the mind needs to be in tip top shape as well. \nStress\n is known to decrease sexual function or worse, shut down the sperm factory altogether. It\u2019s important to keep your husband relaxed if you\u2019re hoping to get healthy sperm!\n\n\nSources: \nNCBI\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/singapore-mum-recommends-this-magic-home-remedy-for-babys-cough", "title": "Mum Recommends THIS Magic Home Remedy For Baby's Cough!", "body": "It always breaks parents\u2019 hearts to hear their babies cough, especially those stubborn, phlegmy coughs that keep them up at night.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are a dozen cough medicines available in drug stores that claim to be safe and effective, but experts are now of the opinion that, kids under 6 shouldn\u2019t use over-the-counter cold and cough medicine because of potentially dangerous side effects.\u00a0\n\n\nMany mummies these days are opting for simple and safe home remedies instead. Singapore mum Dorcas recently shared the magic cure she stumbled upon, for her baby\u2019s cough. Read on!\n\n\nMum\u2019s home remedy for baby\u2019s cough\n\n\nMummy Dorcas tells, \u201cI believe a lot of mummies are struggling when our babies are suffering from common illness like cough and flu. My baby had been suffered from flu and cough with a lot of phlegm for more than a week.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI fed her Zyrtec and used Illadin and Sterimar everyday to cure her sickness but there was no improvement at all even after 1 week. I was really worried that she might eventually end up having bronchitis if the cough persisted for too long. I tried applying essential oils too, without success.\u201d\n\n\nAnd that\u2019s when Hope walked in, in the form of a colleague.\n\n\nDorcas recalls, \u201cOne day, I was telling my colleague that my gal was coughing badly with phlegm, without any sign of recovery. That\u2019s when he shared a home remedy that was really effective for babies\u2019 cough \u2013 steam apple, onion, garlic (AGO)!\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI decided to give it a try. After the first day of feeding her the essence of steamed AGO, she had recovered by 80%! 2 days later she was almost fully cured.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nDorcas recommends that all mummies give this remedy a try. \nMeanwhile, here\u2019s her magic recipe:\n\n\n1. Take one apple (she used red apple), one big red onion and 4-5 small pieces of garlic\n\n2. Steam for 20 minutes\n\n3. Pour out the water and feed. She tells us that\u00a0she just gave the steamed juice extracted out from the AGO, and did not mash or puree the mixture.\n\n4. She also recommends giving this AGO remedy to the baby just once a day.\n\n\nDorcas also tells us that the AGO remedy tasted rather sweet, and her baby didn\u2019t create a fuss when she was fed it.\u00a0\n\n\nWe also ask her if other mummies felt the same way after trying out the remedy, Dorcas informs us, \u201cYes, a lot mummies are trying it out. Some say it works! Some say it doesn\u2019t maybe because their baby only drank a few sips and stopped. Many are planning to try out.\u201d\n\n\nWell mummies, do let us know if Dorcas\u2019 magic AGO remedy for cough works for your baby!\n\n\nPlease do remember however, that every child is different; if you have any concerns, do consult your paediatrician before trying out home remedies.\n\n\nMeanwhile, here are some things to remember when children have cough:\n\n\n\n\nOffer plenty of warm liquids:\n Warm liquids can thin mucus, and ease congestion.\n\n\nHoney is magic:\u00a0\nStudies\n have shown that, honey is effective in soothing congestion and sore throat in toddlers.\n\n\n\n\nAvoid giving honey to children younger than 1 year old as it could cause infant botulism, a potentially fatal kind of food poisoning.\n\n\n\n\nMore Vitamin C foods:\n\u00a0Feed your child foods high in vitamin C, like kiwi, grapefruit, papaya, bell peppers or sweet potatoes. If solid foods are too irritating for your little one\u2019s throat, try juices or a fruit smoothie.\n\n\nAvoid these foods:\n Experts recommend eliminating refined sugar and dairy from your child\u2019s diet when he\u2019s congested as they could increase mucus production and compound congestion.\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/father-of-four-dies-after-receiving-serious-injuries-from-exploding-mobile-phone", "title": "Father of four dies after receiving serious injuries from exploding mobile phone", "body": "In some sad news, an exploding mobile phone resulted in the death of Cradle group (Malaysia) CEO\u00a0Nazrin Hassan. A piece of shrapnel from the phone reportedly caused his untimely demise. While the incident is heartbreaking, it serves as a reminder to all of us about mobile phone safety.\u00a0\n\n\nExploding Mobile Phone Causes Dad of Four\u2019s Tragic Death\n\n\n\n\nNazrin Hassan has been known as a staunch supporter of startups in Malaysia.\n\n\n\n\nNazrin Hassan, the CEO of Cradle, a company which provides funding for tech startups, died because of an exploding mobile phone on June 14.\n\n\n\u201cThe post-mortem report concluded the cause of death as being complication of blast injuries attributable to an exploding handphone that was being charged next to him,\u201d Cradle\u2019s management shared.\n\n\nA family friend had shared that Nazrin complained of a migraine and went to bed after taking medication.\u00a0\n\n\nHis mobile phone was charging beside him \nwhen the phone overheated and exploded\n. The explosion allegedly caused blunt trauma to his head, which led to his death.\n\n\nThe explosion also set fire to the mattress he was lying on. However, he had already died by that time \naccording to his brother-in-law\n.\n\n\nHe Leaves Behind His Kids and His Wife\n\n\nNazrin has been integral in the development of startups and companies in his native country of Malaysia.\n\n\nHe started the Cradle Investment Program (CIP) as a means of providing assistance to up-and-coming entrepreneurs. Nazrin was also known in Malaysia as the \u201cgodfather of startups.\u201d\n\n\nNazrin is survived by his wife,\u00a0Samirah Muzaffar, their young son, three stepsons, and a son from a previous marriage.\n\n\nMobile Phone Dos and Don\u2019ts!\n\n\nThese days, mobile phones make our lives much more convenient. Our mobile phones allow us to quickly get in touch with one another, and the various apps allow us to basically do everything we need to, with just one touch.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, it\u2019s important to know that cellphones can also cause harm. That\u2019s why parents should be aware of the dangers and risks that smartphones can pose.\n\n\nHere are some important things to keep in mind:\n\n\n\n\nStop overcharging your phones.\n Not only does overcharging cause your battery to deteriorate, it can also cause your phone to overheat. Overheated phones have the potential to \nexplode and cause serious injury\n. Leaving it plugged in can also increase the risk of fire in your house.\n\n\nAvoid buying cheap phones or used mobile phones.\n That\u2019s because cheap phones are made with substandard materials, and have the potential to heat up or explode simply from use or from charging. The same goes for used phones, since you\u2019re not sure if those phones have been damaged before.\n\n\nTeach your children to use their mobile phones responsibly\n. Like everything, mobile phones have a time and place, and being glued to their phones won\u2019t do your kids any good!\n\n\nNever use your mobile phone while driving.\n Driving and using your phone can cause accidents, so you should never do it!\n\n\nBe clear about your children\u2019s phone usage.\n Make sure that they\u2019re using their phones to call and text, and for schoolwork.\n\n\nLimit their time on their phones.\n Don\u2019t let your child have their phones beside them 24/7. Set aside a time where you keep their phones so that they can \u201cdisconnect\u201d and not be constantly glued to their gadgets.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThe Star Online\n\n\nPhoto screencapped from: YouTube\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAlarming Facts About Your Child\u2019s Formula Milk Powder\nLifestyle\n5 Ways To Make Your House Safer When You Have Kids\nKesihatan\nIbu dan Ayah, Tahukah Anda Mengapa Anak-Anak Perlu Duduk Di Rumah Jika Mereka Terjangkit Penyakit Rotavirus?\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/autistic-child-hitting-others", "title": "\"My Son Isn't A Threat To Others\", Says Father Of Autistic Boy Who Got Kicked And Pushed At Indoor Playground", "body": "Recently, it was reported that a \ndad of 2 had kicked and pushed a 5-year-old boy at an indoor playground in Yishun.\n\n\nThe mother of the boy had lodged a police report.\u00a0A police spokesman has told Stomp that the man\u00a0in the video has been identified, adding:\n\n\n\u201cHe is now assisting the police with investigations.\u201d\n\n\nThe video of the incident had gone viral. While, many agreed that the man had no right to hit the child, others opined that the boy kept provoking the man. And that, he shouldn\u2019t have been left unsupervised in the play area.\n\n\nThe incident had happened in\u00a0Sunshine Childhood Playland in NorthPoint City on April 9, 2018.\n\n\nNow, the father of the boy, Mr. Luo, has clarified that his autistic son had only wanted to play with the man and his family.\n\n\n\u00a0\u201cHe isn\u2019t a threat to them.\u201d\n\n\nMr Luo, told\u00a0\nShin Min Daily News\n\u00a0that he had not expected so much criticism from the public. He hopes that people can be more tolerant towards children with special needs.\n\n\nMr. Luo said that the boy was his fourth child. He was diagnosed with autism as a toddler, when the family realised he was not responding when they called out to him.\n\n\nAutistic child hitting others was just due to reflexes\n\n\nMr. Luo also said that his son was a playful child and that, he had been teaching him to behave in public for the last few years.\n\n\n\u201cAlthough he is autistic, it does not mean that he doesn\u2019t like to interact with others. He\u2019s actually a good kid and loves to play with other children.\n\n\n\u201cHe isn\u2019t a threat to them.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nRegarding the incident, he said, \u201cMy son was going to hug him(the man) to gain his affirmation, so he could play with his kids. I can comprehend my child\u2019s action but not everyone is the same. \u201c\n\n\n\u201cFor those who misunderstand, they may view it as an attack.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAs for the parts where my son hit the man, it is just due to his reflexes kicking in after getting pushed.\u201d\n\n\nApparently when his wife confronted the man after the incident, he had denied hitting him.\u00a0\n\n\nThe child was unaware that he had got bullied, and did not complain either.\n\n\nMr. Luo said, \u201cThroughout the whole incident, my son did not know that he was being bullied, and never complained to my wife at all.\u201d\n\n\nBut he complained of pain and the fierce playground uncle at night. That was when the family realised that something was wrong.\n\n\n\u201cIt was only that night when he was taking a bath at home, that he told my wife that his abdomen and area around his groin were hurting.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cHe told her that the \u2018uncle\u2019 at the playground was very fierce, and we all realised that something was wrong.\n\n\n\u201cWe got in contact with the people running the playground to try and understand the situation.\u201d\n\n\nThe boy is fine now, and the matter is being looked into by the police.\n\n\n(Source: \nStomp\n)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\n5 Sebab Kenapa Para Ibu Bertukar Kepada Lampin Pakai Buang Offspring\nPendidikan\nKetahui Rahsia Kejayaan Pelajar Cemerlang!\nPertandingan & promosi\nThe Tale of the Frog Prince comes to Malaysia. Win free tickets here!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nApa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Tentang Logam Berat Dalam Makanan Bayi: Ini Fakta\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/education-grant-in-malaysia", "title": "Parents, Here\u2019s How To Effectively Support Your Child\u2019s Dreams", "body": "When we become parents and look into the eyes of our child, we don\u2019t just see a child. We see hopes and dreams. We see a lifetime of potential. We see the future.\u00a0\n\n\nWe see our children achieving greatness and making an impact in the world. Whether they have dreams of becoming a doctor, a scientist, an artist or a gardener, we want to be there for them every step of the way to show our support.\n\n\nAs parents, we try our best to guide our children in the right direction, no matter their dreams. Sometimes, though, these dreams can only remain dreams if we don\u2019t turn them into plans.\n\n\nFor most parents, what we do is start building up a nest egg of savings for their future from an early age as part of turning those dreams into plans. We want to ensure that they have the resources they need to succeed.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nAbbott Malaysia wants to add on to that nest egg with their #DreamstoPlans campaign, which is offering four mums an education grant of RM30,000 each, amounting to a total of RM120,000.\n\n\nRM30,000 can go a really long way, especially if you end up saving that money and compounding the interest to let it grow into a huge fund for your child\u2019s college education in the future!\n\n\nI\nn fact, by the time they reach college-going age, even if you don\u2019t add onto that principal, the savings amount will almost double.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEducation Grant In Malaysia: From Dreams To Plans\n\n\nAbbott believes every child should reach potential growth and with that, they are introducing their year-end campaign aimed at turning dreams into plans.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you want to stand a chance to be one of the four lucky winners of this education grant, all you have to do is follow these simple steps:\n\n\n\n\nPurchase any of these products (Similac Gain Plus\u00ae or Similac Gain Kid\u00ae Gold/ Similac Intelli-Pro\u00ae Step 3 or Similac Intelli-Pro\u00ae Step 4/ Pediasure\u00ae).\n\n\nScan the QR code and submit your proof of purchase.\u00a0\n\n\nStand a chance to win!\n\n\n\n\nBesides that, Abbott is also giving out freebies with every purchase of their products from now until the end of the year.\u00a0\n\n\nWant to know more about this? Visit their website at \nabbottnutrition.com.my/dreamstoplans\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/secret-recipe-and-nita-cosmetics", "title": "Secret Recipe and NITA Cosmetics Unveil Delectable Beauty Collections", "body": "Calling all beauty-lovers with a sweet tooth as Malaysia\u2019s leading lifestyle cake and caf\u00e9 brand, Secret Recipe, collaborated with local beauty brand, NITA Cosmetics, to launch a limited edition delicious line of lipstick and blusher that are a feast for the senses.\n\n\nThe collaboration brings together two homegrown favourites that are fun and innovative, making them the perfect match. Over the past years, Secret Recipe has earned a loyal following of foodies and cake lovers enticed by the brand\u2019s uncompromised quality of food and vibrant concepts. \n\n\nNITA Cosmetics on the other hand has made a splash in the beauty industry for its upbeat vibes and inclusive shade variety. Together, both brands created a collection that is sure to delight beauty and foodie enthusiasts alike.\n\n\n\n\nThere are two special edition collections introduced \u2013 the Classic Cake Collection and the Signature Cake Collection \u2013 which each feature three tantalising makeup offerings of two liquid lipsticks and a liquid blusher. Inspired by some of Secret Recipe\u2019s most delectable cakes, the shades available evoke the indulgence of biting into a freshly baked cake.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom the zesty freshness of a creamy cheesecake to rich chocolate decadence, the variety of flavours will satisfy any sweet tooth. These mouthwatering collections also come in retro-inspired packaging, housed in pink triangular-shaped cake boxes featuring lively illustrations.\n\n\nIt is not just the names that are inspired by cake. As the formulas of the products themselves have been created to keep you looking exquisite all day long, the liquid lipsticks are based on NITA Cosmetics\u2019 trademark lightweight, waterproof, and hydrating formula that easily glides on to leave a luscious and long-lasting pop of colour. The liquid blusher meanwhile, was created to be versatile and can be layered on for a more intense look or applied lightly for a natural-looking flush.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cAs a local brand, we are all into supporting local businesses and it was exciting to work with NITA Cosmetics. We referenced our best-selling products from our Classic and Signature Cake collections and turned them into NITA\u2019s lipstick and blusher sets. We look forward to seeing the success of this collaboration, as NITA has been a great brand to work with,\u201d said Evelyn Lee, Head of Marketing of Secret Recipe, during the launch of the makeup line.\n\n\nThe launch event also saw a special makeup demonstration by the owner of the homegrown beauty brand, Aznita Azman, which offered the audience a chance to glean new skills and tips to keep their looks fresh throughout the day. \u201cSecret Recipe has won the hearts and minds of many Malaysians. We are honoured to have the opportunity to name our latest collection after Secret Recipe\u2019s cakes, inspired by the colours and scents of the delectables,\u201d said Aznita Azman, Founder of NITA Cosmetics.\n\n\nThe Classic Cake Collection reinvents three of Secret Recipe\u2019s most popular desserts into wearable makeup formulas. The set includes the Chocolate Indulgence mini-matte scented liquid lipstick that comes with an appealing chocolate aroma; the pink-hued Chocolate Cheese Berries mini-matte liquid lipstick; and the Cr\u00e8me Brulee Cheese mini gleam blusher, poised to leave you with a glazed flush on your cheeks.\n\n\n\n\nTaking a cue from Secret Recipe\u2019s hallmark cakes, the Signature Cake Collection translates the Decadent Tiramisu, Chocolate Odyssey, and Burnt Cheesecake flavours into a tiramisu-scented mini-matte lipstick; a cocoa-brown mini-matte lipstick, and a juicy peach-coloured mini gleam blusher.\n\n\nThe limited edition Secret Recipe X NITA Cosmetics collections are available at NITA Cosmetics\u2019 online store, and retail at RM59.00 each. Whether you are a fan of desserts, or makeup, or just looking to add a little more whimsy to your beauty routine, don\u2019t miss out on this opportunity to indulge in a guilt-free treat for your lips and cheeks!\u00a0\n\n\nTo snag your wearable treats before they run out, grab them at \nnitacosmetics.com/nita-x-secret-recipe\n or visit \nsecretrecipe.com.my/promotion/secret-recipe-x-nita-cosmetics\n for more information.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nTips Penjagaan Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir Dengan Betul, Ibu Kali Pertama Wajib Tahu 5 Perkara Ini\nKeibubapaan\n6 Places in Malaysia that don\u2019t have but should have emergency buttons for mums!\nParenting\n5 VERY Important Tips when Choosing a Newborn Diaper\nKesihatan\n5 Healthy Tips to Guard Your Child Against Illnesses\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-with-placenta-previa-during-pregnancy-shares-her-trauma-2", "title": "This mum with placenta previa during pregnancy shares her trauma", "body": "Mummy Siti Yunos first reached out to theAsianparent with a message, \u201cI am a mummy going through placenta previa, and due to deliver in September. It\u2019s not a common situation in Malaysia. I would like to share my story after my delivery\u2026\u201d\n\n\nWhen she sent this message to us, she was actually admitted in hospital\u2026\n\n\nAlmost a month later, on 22 August, Siti delivered a baby boy, Muhamad Adil. Here is the story of this Singapore mum with placenta previa\u2026\n\n\nMum with placenta previa\n\n\nThis was actually Siti\u2019s third pregnancy. She tells us, \n\u201cBoth my other deliveries were C-section. I got to know recently that, if you have 2 C-sections in a row, there is a higher chance of having placenta previa, so I wanted to create awareness of this condition.\u201d\n\n\nThe placenta is an organ that develops inside your uterus during pregnancy, providing oxygen and nutrition to, and removing wastes from your baby. The placenta connects to your baby through the umbilical cord. In most pregnancies, the placenta attaches at the top or side of the uterus.\n\n\nPlacenta previa\u00a0happens when the placenta is lying unusually low in the uterus, and partly or completely covers the\u00a0cervix, which is the opening of the uterus.\n\n\nIn a normal vaginal delivery,\u00a0the baby passes from the uterus into the cervix and through the birth canal.\n\n\nIn\u00a0placenta previa, as your cervix opens during labour, it can cause\u00a0blood\u00a0vessels that connect the placenta to the uterus to tear. This can lead to bleeding and put both you and your baby at risk.\u00a0Placenta previa can cause severe bleeding during pregnancy and delivery.\n\n\nSiti tells us, \u201cI had many bleeding episodes in the first trimester, but even then my condition wasn\u2019t detected, in spite of the scans done.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the Mayoclinic, \u201cBright red vaginal bleeding without pain, during the second half of pregnancy is the main sign of placenta previa.\u201d Some women also have\u00a0contractions\u00a0with the bleeding.\n\n\nRisk factors for placenta previa\n\n\nPlacenta previa is seen to be more common among women who:\n\n\n\n\nHad placenta previa in a previous pregnancy.\n\n\nHad C-sections before. (The more c-sections you\u2019ve had, the higher the risk.)\n\n\nHave had other types of surgery done on their uterus\n\n\nAre carrying more than one foetus\n\n\nAre age 35 or older\n\n\nSmoke\n\n\nUse cocaine\n\n\n\n\nSiti\u2019s condition was confirmed only at 20 weeks, when she did the mid-pregnancy ultrasound scan, \u201cThe worst part was, upon getting the diagnosis, the doctor who helped to deliver my 2nd child refused to undertake this delivery, because this is a very serious condition, and happens only in 1 in 200 women.\u201d\n\n\nSiti was found to have complete previa, which means that, the placenta was completely covering the cervix. She reveals, \u201cSo at 20 weeks,\u00a0I went in search of a gynaecologist specialising in high risk pregnancies.\u201d\n\n\nFrom June onwards, Siti, who works as hospitality admin, had to take hospitalisation leave, as she had difficulty in walking, \u201cIn July, when I was 30 weeks pregnant, I was hospitalised in Mount Elizabeth due to heavy bleeding.\u201d\n\n\nAfter 2 weeks, she felt that the bleeding had stopped and so insisted on going home. But she was wrong.\n\n\nDelivery complications\n\n\nShe says, \u201cAt 32 weeks, I bled again. I ended up calling an ambulance at 1 am, and rushing to KK Hospital (KKH).\u201d\n\n\nShe delivered her baby finally on 22 August, at 34 weeks, through C-section. She informs us, \u201cIt was considered as one of the big surgeries of the day. The C-section delivery was planned, and surgeons from Tan Tock Seng Hospital were also involved. A High Risk team from KKH was present. \u201c\n\n\nSiti also had placenta accreta. Mums who have placenta previa are also more likely to have a placenta that\u2019s implanted too deeply into the uterus, and doesn\u2019t separate easily at delivery. This is called\u00a0\nplacenta accreta.\n\n\n\n\nPlacenta accreta is a high risk condition that can cause massive bleeding, and the need for multiple blood transfusions at delivery.\u00a0It can be life threatening and may require a hysterectomy to control the bleeding.\n\n\nSays Siti, \u201cI had to do angiogram ballooning to prevent too much bleeding. I also needed a hysterectomy done, to save my life so that I wouldn\u2019t bleed to death.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI was lucky i didn\u2019t need bladder repair as well, as the placenta was also invading the bladder.\u201d\n\n\nSiti tells us that though the doctors had planned for 4-5 bags of blood for transfusion, she ended up needing around 7!\n\n\n\u201cI got admitted at 8 am, and the surgery ended at 3:30 pm. I had to be kept in ICU for one day.\u201d\n\n\nPartner Stories\nHealth\nHow To Tell If Rashes Are More Than Just A Harmless Rash: Signs To Look Out For In Kids\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Your Child\u2019s Poop Habits\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Ways Mums Affect Their Child\u2019s Nutrition Without Knowing It\nHome\nIt\u2019s Crucial Now To Keep Your House Virus Free! Here Are 5 Sanitation Solutions For You\n\n\nLittle Adil, who weighed around 2.07 kg, was thankfully fine, and taken to Special Care Nursery.\n\n\nHopefully, it\u2019s the end of Siti\u2019s ordeal and so far this mummy of 3 has been recovering well. Her muscles are still weak due to the continuous bed rest though, and\u00a0currently, a physiotherapist is helping her regain the ability to walk normally.\n\n\nAdvice to other mums \n\n\nWe asked Siti, what advice she wanted to give other mums who are going through a similar condition, and this is what she says:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn case of multiple C- section deliveries, do make sure to check for placenta previa.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead up a lot about it. It is easy to take it lightly and dismiss it as just another condition, but the reality is that it is an extremely risky condition.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShe tells us, \u201cI don\u2019t want to scare other mums but fact is, I almost lost my life\u2026too many things were going on\u2026\u201d\n\n\n\n\nCheck for support groups online, like the \nPlacenta previa support group on Facebook\n. I was lucky that KKH offered me motivational support too.\n\n\n\n\nThank you so much, Siti for sharing your story with us. We hope you regain you health soon. Here\u2019s wishing this beautiful family peace, love and happiness!\n\n\n(Source: \nMayoClinic\n, \nWebMD\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/why-do-kids-root-for-the-bad-guys-instead-of-the-good-guys-in-the-movies", "title": "Why Does My Child Only Root For The Bad Guy When Watching TV?", "body": "Help! Why is my child rooting for villains?\n\n\nHave you often wondered why your child seems to love rooting for villains or the \u201cbad guys\u201d in movies? You might still remember when you were watching \nTransformers\n with your son, and instead of rooting for Optimus Prime, you heard him shouting \u201cMegatron! Megatron!\u201d\n\n\nOr you might still recall your daughter smiling with glee when the Wicked Witch finally got Princess Aurora in \nSleeping Beauty\n.\n\n\nAre you somehow worried about why your child prefers the bad guys over the good ones? Are you afraid that your child might have the tendencies to become violent?\n\n\nIs rooting for villains normal?\n\n\n\n\n\nIt is quite natural for little kids to root for the bad guys instead of the good ones especially during fight scenes. They do this not because they want to provoke you or to tell you that they would rather choose the bad over the good. It\u2019s just that they are not fully aware that hurting people is bad.\n\n\n\nThey just know that what the villains are doing is somehow similar to the strong emotions that continue to build up inside of them. When they watch the villains fight, they are somehow glad that what they feel inside can actually be expressed just the way the villains are doing it in the movies.\n\n\nChildren are often clueless as to what actions really mean. They have practically no idea that actions can either be good or bad. What they are aware of, are the strong emotions inside of them that they can\u2019t seem to control.\n\n\nSo when they see Orochimaru trying to beat Naruto in a fight, their emotions start to build up and they unconsciously feel happy that someone is actually doing what they only feel inside of themselves.\n\n\nWhy are children related to villains?\n\n\n\n\nMore often than not, these villains look totally different from the rest of the characters in the movie. Villains look ugly and scary, and are often loners or live isolated from the other characters of the movie.\n\n\nSo aside from the fact that children see their strong emotions expressed through the villains, they also see their personalities in the villains themselves.\n\n\n\nChildren who are loners or rejected by others will have a tendency to identify themselves with these villains. They often feel happy that there is actually someone who is just like themselves \u2013 alone and rejected.\n\n\n\nVillains, even though they are rejected by many, often possess superhuman powers, intelligence and strength. Researchers say that this is very appealing to kids. Those who have very strong personalities, tend to end up rooting for villains.\n\n\nThey like that these characters have the courage to say no to the rules and live any way they please while utilizing their superhuman abilities.\n\n\nThey end up rooting for villains because they are brave to face those who reject them and tell them to their face that they don\u2019t care about what anybody thinks.\n\n\nWhen kids end up\u00a0rooting for\u00a0villains and imitating them\n\n\n\n\nHowever, it might start off with kids just rooting for villains. But later it can be frightening when your children start to imitate the villains and begin to act on their strong emotions.\n\n\nYou definitely don\u2019t want them hurting their siblings, especially those who are younger and definitely powerless to run away from their \u201cattackers.\u201d This can be a perfect time to educate your villain-loving kids on the realities of good and bad.\n\n\n\nYou have to make them aware that good actions are desirable while bad actions are not acceptable \u2014 under any circumstances! Tell them that a villain\u2019s actions are definitely bad no matter what the motive may be.\n\n\n\nIt would take some time for your kids to really understand that some actions are good while some are deemed bad and unacceptable.\n\n\nSo be patient as there will still be many instances when they will try to hurt their siblings or friends while pretending to be one of those bad guys in the movies. Just point out to them that in all movies it\u2019s always the good guys who win in the end.\n\n\nVillains are always losers.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMusic Makes Me Lose Control, Study Finds That Kids Who Like Hip-Hop Likely to Become Rebellious\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/natugee-review", "title": "Natugee Review: Why Going Natural Is So Important For Mums", "body": "Flawless and soft skin even without makeup is every woman\u2019s dream. As a woman, I personally suffer from various skin problems such as dry and acne-prone skin. I often worry about the condition of my skin and it\u2019s something I spent years trying to find a solution for.\u00a0\n\n\nRecently, I was given the opportunity to use two products from Natugee, a locally-made natural skincare line. I got to try out their Deep Cleansing Lotion and Happy Skin Mask. At first, I wasn\u2019t sure what to expect.\u00a0\n\n\nHow different can natural skincare possibly be? But like everything touted to be natural \u2013 I knew it wouldn\u2019t hurt to give it a try.\u00a0\n\n\nI have to admit \u2013 the combination of the two products showed almost \u201cinstant\u201d results (after one week of usage with no dietary or lifestyle changes). I was also happy to have had an in-depth explanation of the products so I knew what was going to be putting on my skin.\u00a0\n\n\nThe first thing I noticed was just after two days of using the Deep Cleansing Lotion and Happy Skin Mask from Natugee, was a slight but notable change in my acne scars. But more importantly, my skin was absolutely glowing and radiant!\n\n\n\n\nI wasn\u2019t the only one who noticed the change \u2013 my own partner even said that my face looks healthier and brighter than before! Who says men don\u2019t take notice of such things?\u00a0\n\n\nNatugee review: What goes into Natugee products?\n\n\nAs mentioned, Natugee products are made of natural ingredients and are not laced with harmful chemicals and preservatives. This is both a good and bad thing. The good thing about it is that you know you are giving your skin the freshest, best product to use. I liken this to eating freshly cooked food everyday, rather than frozen meals.\u00a0\n\n\nWe all know how much healthier fresh is compared to preserved.\u00a0\n\n\nNatugee Review: Happy Skin Mask\n\n\nThe Happy Skin Mask is an interesting product because unlike other ready made paste masks, this comes in a powder form. The powder gives off a green tea-like odour and works as a 2-in-1 mask and scrub. Because the powder particles are very fine, a little goes a long way. All you have to do is scoop up a small amount of water, mix a little water in and it will be sufficient to spread it all over the face.\n\n\nHere are how to use Happy Skin Mask:\n\n\n\n\nMix powder with a little water\n\n\nPut it all over the face and wait for 2 to 5 minutes to dry\n\n\nWhen rinsing your face with water, rub it gently to make it as a scrub\n\n\nRinse again with water until clean\n\n\n\n\nNatugee Review: Deep Cleansing Lotion\n\n\nNatugee\u2019s Deep Cleansing Lotion has a refreshing and pleasant scent. The liquid is milky and has a smooth texture. After applying it, the skin feels cool, light, clean and not dry! We believe this product of Natugee\u2019s is versatile and speaks to consumers with any kind of skin texture.\n\n\nHere is how to use Deep Cleansing Lotion:\n\n\n\n\nRinse your face first with water\n\n\nPut a little of Deep Cleansing Lotion on your hands and rub gently into your face\n\n\nThen rinse with water until clean.\n\n\n\n\nOverall, our experience with Natugee was that we found the products easy to use and adaptable to any skin tone.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can find Natugee products from their \nwebsite\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to look out for their promotions. The RM60 Happy Skin Mask (25gm) is now RM57 and you can get a free trial of the Deep Cleansing Lotion (15ml) by clicking this link: \nhttps://store.natugee.com/deep-cleansing-lotion-order?utm_source=ap-my\n\n\nIf not, look out for the Natugee giveaway happening right now on theAsianparent App. \nDownload it here\n. \n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hamil-34-minggu", "title": "Proses Melahirkan Bayi Yang Sudah Tiada, Bagaimana & Masihkah Perlu Berpantang?", "body": "Sebaik mendapat berita bayi tidak lagi bernyawa saat telah pun hamil 34 minggu, peritnya untuk ditelan. Hanya Tuhan saja yang tahu bagaimana perasaan ibu waktu itu.\u00a0\n\n\nMengikut pengalaman kakak ipar yang pernah mengalami peristiwa pahit ini 3 tahun yang lepas, dia seakan tidak percaya, dunia seakan terhenti tiba-tiba saat dikhabarkan oleh doktor mengenai berita buruk itu.\n\n\nWaktu itu dia telah pun hamil 34 minggu, hanya beberapa minggu saja lagi untuk dia berjumpa dengan ahli syurga itu. Namun impiannya tidak kesampaian.\u00a0\n\n\nHari yang sama dia telah pun merancang untuk membeli segala kelengkapan bayi, sebaik selesai pemeriksaan kehamilannya. Malangya kita hanya mampu merancang, kerana Dialah penentu segala.\n\n\nMelahirkan bayi yang sudah tiada\n\n\n\n\nDalam pada akur dan redha, rasa kecewa, sedih, marah dan takut hadir bersilih ganti saat menanti waktu kelahiran bayinya yang telah dijemput ilahi.\u00a0\n\n\nBayi yang meninggal dalam kandungan tetap harus dilahirkan, baik secara normal, induksi mahupun pembedahan. Ia perlulah dilakukan dengan secepat mungkin, bimbang jika ditunda sehingga saat ia boleh dilahirkan secara normal, emosi ibu lebih terganggu dan menjejaskan kesihatan ibu akibat jangkitan.\u00a0\n\n\nMalah apabila telah hamil 34 minggu, sememangnya bayi boleh dilahirkan secara normal, sama seperti proses bersalin biasa.\u00a0\n\n\nWaktu ini, mahu tidak mahu, ibu perlu punyai tenaga untuk meneran setelah di induksi. Sekiranya pangkal rahim masih belum terbuka, doktor akan memberikan ubat ke dalam vagina ibu bagi merangsang pembukaan pangkal rahim. Ibu juga akan diberikan hormon oksitoksin untuk merangsang kontraksi rahim.\u00a0\n\n\nBagi kaedah kelahiran menerusi induksi ini, ia perlu dilakukan dengan teliti bagi mengelak komplikasi rahim yang masih belum bersedia untuk proses kelahiran.\n\n\nSelepas melakukan induksi doktor akan memeriksa pintu rahim bagi memastikan ia terbuka mengikut tempoh yang sepatutnya. Ada individu mengambil masa beberapa jam malah ada sehingga 24 jam. Sekiranya selepas induksi rahim masih berada dalam keadaan sama ia boleh mengakibatkan rahim koyak dan memudaratkan ibu.\n\n\nDalam beberapa kes, ibu mungkin akan disarankan untuk mengeluarkan bayi yang sudah tiada melalui operasi caesar. Ini mungkin berlaku sekiranya keadaan bayi di dalam perut adalah songsang, posisi uri yang merbahaya untuk bersalin normal ataupun bayi terlalu besar. Ia bertujuan bagi mengelakkan komplikasi sekiranya bersalin normal, kesan sampingan yang mungkin berlaku adalah pendarahan yang banyak.\u00a0\n\n\nSelain bersalin normal dan pembedahan caesar, proses pengeluaran bayi lahir mati juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara \nDilation and Curettage (\nD&C). Ini dilakukan sekiranya kehamilan ibu masih dalam trimester kedua. Prosedur ini memiliki komplikasi yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan prosedur induksi supaya dapat melahirkan normal.\n\n\n\n\nApakah proses melahirkan bayi lahir mati tetap sakit?\n\n\nProsedur melahirkan bayi lahir mati tidak jauh bezanya dengan prosedur melahirkan bayi yang masih hidup. Setelah ibu melahirkan bayi dengan prosedur melahirkan normal, anda masih akan mengalami kontraksi dengan tingkat sakit yang sama. Anda juga akan merasakan sakit yang sama pada tubuh. Pendarahan pada vagina, cramp rahim, dan nyeri perineum juga mungkin akan dirasakan setelah bersalin.\n\n\nUntuk menghilangkan rasa sakit, seperti bersalin normal atau caesar doktor mungkin akan memberikan ubat. Anda memiliki pilihan yang lebih banyak untuk dapat menghilangkan rasa sakit setelah melahirkan, ini karena anda tidak perlu risau akan risiko terhadap bayi.\u00a0\n\n\nAdakah ibu mengalami lahir mati ini perlu berpantang?\n\n\nMemandangkan proses melahirkan bayi hidup atau mati tiada bezanya, lantas proses penjagaan selepas bersalin pada si ibu tetap sama. Perlulah menjaga kesihatan diri dengan baik, elakkan luka perineum atau luka caesar dijangkiti agar anda tidak demam ketika berpantang.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCumanya pantang dari segi pemakanan mungkin sedikit longgar memandangkan anda tidak perlu menyusu bayi. Dan perlu diingat anda tetap akan menghasilkan susu walaupun tiada bayi. Jadi, perlulah mengambil ubat untuk menghentikan susu. Namun jika berminat untuk menderma susu, anda bolehlah pam dan menghasilkan stok, ikut yang mana anda selesa.\u00a0\n\n\nWalau bagaimanapun penjagaan mental dan fizikal ibu pada waktu ini amatlah penting, jadi sekiranya anda inginkan teman untuk berbicara atau meminta pertolongan sentiasalah bercakap dengan pasangan atau keluarga terdekat serta rakan-rakan. Tiada ibu yang patut melalui proses ini keseorangan.\u00a0\n\n\nSumber: \n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\nBaca juga:\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nTips Penjagaan Kulit Bayi Baru Lahir Dengan Betul, Ibu Kali Pertama Wajib Tahu 5 Perkara Ini\nMoney Parenting\nHere\u2019s How To Facilitate Good Money Habits In Your Teen\nKanak-Kanak\nTips Untuk Membesarkan Anak Dengan Sihat & Ceria, Ibu Ayah Wajib Ambil Tahu 5 Perkara Ini\nPertandingan & promosi\nThe Tale of the Frog Prince comes to Malaysia. Win free tickets here!\n\n\n\n\nKelahiran Mati: Bagaimana Untuk Menghadapinya & Perlukah Diceritakan Kepada Rakan-Rakan\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/singapore-dad-shares-the-heartbreak-of-losing-his-baby-to-kawasaki-disease", "title": "Dad shares the heartbreak of losing his baby to Kawasaki disease", "body": "Little Aiden was just 7 months old when he came down with fever.\n\n\n\u201cHis fever was persistent and his mood was erratic. The initial symptoms were rash, and swollen lymph nodes\u201d, recalls his father, Jeremy Chew.\n\n\n\u201cHe was given fever medicine and it was treated as a normal fever\u00a0by his paediatrician in Mount Alvernia Hospital.\u201d\n\n\nIt was May 2015, and nobody suspected the baby of having Kawasaki disease.\n\n\n\u201cIf only Aiden was treated earlier and given the right treatment\u2026\u201d, says Jeremy wistfully.\n\n\nA heartbreaking story of Kawasaki disease in babies\n\n\nAiden\u2019s condition soon deteriorated and he had to get admitted to the hospital.\n\n\n\u201cThe A&E doctor from Mt Alvernia then suggested that Aiden might be suffering from Kawasaki Disease (KD). We had no idea about the illness.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHis paediatrician tried to treat it, but the standard IVIG treatment was unable to bring down Aiden\u2019s fever. The irresponsible doctor then told us that he was not capable of treating Aiden anymore as his speciality was actually something else.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cSo he requested us to send Aiden to KK Hospital for further treatment.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIn KKH, Aiden was treated with immediate care as the Doctors there know about KD and the importance of early treatment.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nHowever, the delay in getting the right treatment proved costly.\n\n\n\u201cAiden was found to have massive heart aneurysms and was required to have injections daily to prevent the clotting of blood in the aneurysms, that would trigger a heart attack.\u201d\n\n\nUnfortunately,\u00a0on\u00a025 June 2015, Aiden suffered a massive heart attack.\n\n\nFought till his last breath\n\n\n\u00a0\u201cAiden was placed under a heart support machine called Centrimag\u00a0which was the first for a baby in Singapore\u201d, reveals Jeremy.\n\n\n\u201cWe were totally devastated by this outcome as we knew it was hard for us to have heart replacement as in Singapore, organ transplant is only compulsory for adults and not for children.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u201cAn organ transplant would have helped but we knew it was very rare plus it was not practised in Singapore.\u201d\n\n\nAiden passed away in November 2015, after 6 months of battling the illness.\n\n\n\u201cAiden passed away on Nov 25, though we had already got the Ministry\u2019s approval for another heart support machine, called the Berlin Heart. But due to infections and complications in one of the small surgeries, he couldn\u2019t survive.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAiden fought till his last breath, but left us.\u201d\n\n\nCreating awareness for Kawasaki disease in Singapore\n\n\nToday, daddy Jeremy devotes his time and energy to creating awareness for Kawasaki disease and organ transplant in Singapore. Mummy Marie\u00a0works as an HR recruiter. They have 2 other kids, Adele, 2, and 5-month-old Alden.\n\n\n\u201cThe key reason why we are promoting Kawasaki disease (KD) and organ transplant awareness is due to the fact that the faster KD is identified and treated, the better the outcome will be\u201d, Jeremy tells us.\n\n\n\u201cIn the KD Community that a group of mothers has created, they want to promote KD awareness as some of their children also suffered due to inexperience or late diagnosis of this illness.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cAs for Organ Transplant, it is my personal view that\u00a0as Singapore is very small, there is no organ transplant policy for children and if you are willing to donate your kids organs, it is also a very tough path to go.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIn Aiden\u2019s case we actually requested the Organ Transplant team to request to donate Aiden\u2019s organs such as the corneas or other parts of the body that are not affected by the heart attack or KD. However, in the end. the team told us that it was impossible to donate due to the fact that Aiden was not brain dead.\u201d\n\n\nAdvice for other parents\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nLooking back, are there any regrets? If you could, would you have changed anything?\n\n\n\u201cThere are many ifs and definitely many regrets\u2026\u201d, says Jeremy.\n\n\n\u201cWe were first-time parents at that time, and assumed that all paediatricians would be equally competent. If we could change anything, we would have appointed our current PD who we researched about carefully and was recommended by many friends.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThe difference lies in the devotion and care of the doctor.\u201d\n\n\n\u2018If Aiden was treated earlier and given the right treatment, his heart might not have been impacted that much. Lastly parents\u2019 gut feeling is always important, and if you don\u2019t feel comfortable, you should always seek more advice from the doctor. \u201c\n\n\nWhat advice would you give other parents in Singapore whose children are going through a medical crisis?\n\n\n\u201cIn Aiden\u2019s case, we had communicated to many parties including the Ministry and the PM, as well as many medical professionals.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cI would say that help is always available, so do not feel desperate. You can always seek help from the hospital or the government as long your request is valid. Always seek second opinion if you are uncomfortable. Trust your parental instinct in terms of seeking treatment.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cStay strong as you will require the strength to support your kid\u2019s journey.\u201d\n\n\nThank you, Jeremy, for sharing your story with us. It is really admirable how this dad drew strength from his grief to create more awareness about this illness, and help many others.\n\n\nParents, do note that, the symptoms of Kawasaki disease include:\n\n\n\n\nA high fever (as high as 39-40 \u00b0C) lasting at least five days\n\n\nRed eyes\n\n\nA body rash, especially on the\u00a0stomach, chest, and genitals\n\n\nSore irritated throat\n\n\nSwollen, red, cracked lips\n\n\nSwollen tongue with a white coating and big red bumps (called \u201cstrawberry tongue\u201d)\n\n\nBCG scar may be prominent\n\n\nSwollen, red feet and hands\n\n\nSwollen lymph nodes in the neck\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the\u00a0\nKawasaki Disease (KD) Support Group Singapore\n\u00a0, there are over 200 cases of KD in Singapore every year.\u00a0Treatment of Kawasaki disease should begin within 10 days after a fever starts, to avoid cardiovascular complications.\u00a0\n\n\nIf parents or medical professionals recognise the symptoms early, children with Kawasaki disease can fully recover within a few days.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maid-had-sex-with-neighbours", "title": "\"My maid had sex with my neighbours in my bed\"", "body": "How would you feel if you found out that your domestic helper had been having sex with your neighbours in your bed?\n\n\nThis nightmare became a reality for Esther (not her real name) when she found out her FDW of a few months had been secretly sleeping with her neighbour and his son-in-law, in the bed she shared with her husband.\n\n\nEsther was devastated when she found out that Jean (not her real name) \u2013 who was highly recommended by her sister-in-law and who Esther and her husband trusted immensely \u00a0\u2013 had invited men into their home and bedroom in their absence.\n\n\n\u201cJean was left on her own for most of the day but my husband and I never questioned what she got up to. As long as the house was clean and there was food on the table when we returned home, we were happy,\u201d she said.\n\n\n\n\nEsther trusted her maid but her trust was betrayed.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWe gave her the freedom to use her mobile phone whenever she needed to and even let her access the internet on our computer,\u201d she added.\n\n\nRELATED:\n\u00a0\nMaid woes: I think my maid is stealing from me\n\n\nBeing able to trust our FDWs is crucial. After all, they look after what is precious to us, such as our homes and our kids. But the million dollar question is, how much should you trust your domestic helpers and how much freedom should you give them?\n\n\n\n\nEsther said: \u201cI\u2019ve not hired another domestic helper since \u2013 I\u2019m scarred by the scandal. Should I hire a maid in future, I will monitor her closely. I won\u2019t leave her alone at home for long stretches of time, that\u2019s for sure.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nInviting a stranger to live with you is a big decision. And this is exactly what happens when people employ live-in domestic helpers. Having a live-in helper can be uncomfortable if you haven\u2019t established some level of trust and understanding.\n\n\nWhen employers don\u2019t fully trust their helpers, they are forced to resort to measures such as restricting or banning mobile phone use; having strict rules about her appearance such as short hair and no makeup; banning the maid from mingling with other maids during work days, and so on. As a result, neither the maid or the employer is happy.\n\n\n\n\nHow much freedom is too much? How do you enforce a moral code of conduct?\n\n\n\n\nHow much freedom is too much for a domestic helper? How do we allow this freedom, and still keep them in check?\u00a0And w\nhere do we draw the line?\n\n\nIn Esther\u2019s case, she fully trusted her domestic helper, without ever questioning what she was up to during the day. Jean definitely took advantage of the freedom given to her by Esther.\n\n\nBut is Esther partly to be blamed for what happened? Should she have monitored Jean\u2019s movements more closely? And should she have laid down some ground rules at the beginning of Jean\u2019s contract?\n\n\nIt\u2019s not easy handling a live-in helper, especially if it\u2019s the first time you have ever employed one. Remember that a respectful relationship works both ways. If you want her to respect your rules, make sure you respect her rights to privacy and rest. It definitely helps to lay down some basic rules. \u00a0Some rules our readers suggested are:\n\n\n\n\nLay down some rules right at the beginning of your maid\u2019s employment with you. These could be related to mobile phone and Internet use (eg. she can use her mobile phone at fixed times like after 9pm when her work is done); how you\u2019d prefer her to dress when she is working etc.\n\n\nMake it clear to your helper what the consequences will be if she breaks your trust (e.g. she gets 1/2/3 chances; or you will not tolerate any breach of trust and immediately send her back to the agency).\n\n\nAvoid keeping money or jewellery lying around. This is unnecessary temptation, especially if your helper is new.\n\n\nIf you are not at home, always keep cupboards or drawers where you keep your valuables, locked, or keep your valuables in a safe. Similarly, lock your bedroom door when you are away from home.\n\n\nBe very clear about whether you allow her to bring her friends to your house, even when you are not there. Avoid leaving a new maid home alone for long stretches without checking in on her regularly.\n\n\nAsk her to be honest with you \u2013 if she is not happy or uncomfortable with anything, she should feel comfortable enough to approach you with her problem.\n\n\nMake it very clear about who, if anyone, is allowed into your house in your absence.\n\n\nGive her a copy of your rules, ideally in a language she is comfortable with.\n\n\n\n\nOnce you lay down your ground/house rules, do make it a point to stick by them and also go through them occasionally with your helper to refresh her memory about your expectations. A working relationship built on trust and mutual respect will ensure that both you and your helper are happy.\n\n\nDo share your opinion on Esther\u2019s story. Has anything similar ever happened to you? Let us know by leaving a comment.\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nApa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Tentang Logam Berat Dalam Makanan Bayi: Ini Fakta\n#PendidikanKewangan\nJom Lihat Bagaimana Ibu Bapa Asia Mengajar Anak-Anak Tentang Wang\nKesihatan\nPencegahan 101: Panduan Ringkas Dalam Melindungi Bayi Anda Terhadap Rotavirus\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/tips-for-sleeping-on-your-side-to-avoid-stillbirth", "title": "Tips for Sleeping on Your Side to Avoid Stillbirth", "body": "Pregnant women are exposed to a world of advice (sometimes welcome and sometimes unsolicited!) from the moment they test positive for their pregnancy. And among the advice that filters through as sound medical directive rather than old wives tales, is that related to sleeping on side during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\n\nAccording to the largest study of maternal sleep position and risk of stillbirth\n published in \nBJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology\n, women who suffered a \nstillbirth\n after 28 weeks gestation were 2.3 times more likely to have slept on their backs than on their sides, the night before the stillbirth occurred. \n\n\nSleeping on side during pregnancy, and in particular sleeping on your left, has been reported to help ease the pressure off your liver and kidneys. This allows them to function better thereby flushing out waste products and fluids from your body, and reducing edema (swelling) of your ankles, feet, and hands in the process.\u00a0\n\n\nAlthough we now learn that sleeping on either side is fine\n, there are reasons that you might choose to sleep on your left. It is still often regarded as the perfect scenario as it also allows for optimal blood flow from the inferior vena cava (IVC), which is a large vein that runs parallel to your spine on the right side, and which is responsible for carrying blood to your heart and also to your baby.\n\n\n\n\nSleeping on your left side during pregnancy is often regarded as the ideal scenario. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSleeping on side during pregnancy\n\n\nTips to make sleeping on side during pregnancy work for you\n\n\nSo we have read the research and we now know that sleeping on side during pregnancy is \nthe safest form of sleep\n, but what if you have always been a supine sleeper or a tummy-sleeper? What if you dislike sleeping on your side and find it difficult to get comfortable and drift off to sleep in such a position?\u00a0\n\n\nHere are our top tips to help you fall asleep on your side and stay that way for the majority of your sleep episode \u2013 regardless of whether it is your daily seven hours of sleep at night, a daytime nap, or even going back to sleep after any night-time awakenings.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSleeping on side during pregnancy: Pregnancy pillows\u00a0\n\n\nPillows could be your new best friend and perhaps even replace your partner by having more access to you and the one you reach for more to get comfortable and cuddle up to sleep, during pregnancy!\u00a0\n\n\nAlways have a few extra pillows in bed with you. This can be just about any extra pillow that you have lying around, a bolster pillow, or you may want to invest in a pregnancy pillow that works all throughout pregnancy and can sometimes aid you through breastfeeding as well.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPillows are great aids to side-sleeping during pregnancy. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nPregnancy pillows come in all shapes and sizes. There are extra-long pillows that contour to the shape of your body and come in giant U or C shapes; these wrap around your entire body to help with side sleeping so you can position the pillow so that it runs along your back, and then hug the front while simultaneously slipping it between your knees. There are also wedge pillows that you can slip under your tummy for a bit of extra support and to keep yourself from rolling onto you back, or under your knees to help ease the pressure off your legs. There are even ones that are specifically shaped with a divided centre and fortress-walls to make sure you remain in a side position throughout your snoozing.\u00a0\n\n\nHere are a few links on popular e-commerce sites linked up to pregnancy support pillows, to help you chose one that is best for you if you do decide to invest in one:\n\n\nhttps://www.lazada.sg/pregnancypillows\n\n\nhttps://www.amazon.sg/pregnancypillows\n\n\nhttps://shopee.sg/pregnancypillows\n\n\nhttps://www.qoo10.sg/pregnancypillows\n\n\nEither avail the use of such pillows or even use any extra ones that you may already have in your homes, to place around your belly and in between your legs so that your abdomen stays raised and your back and hips are adequately supported. \n\n\nWedging a pillow in between your legs helps to foster a more comfortable side-sleeping position by\u00a0keeping your legs level. Pregnant mums usually report issues with discomfort and even pain while sleeping on the side, in which cases their top leg is almost always dipping down on to your bottom leg, but keeping them level using a pillow gets rid of this issue and facilitates a smoother side-sleeping experience.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may also use an extra pillow to\u00a0prop up the head of the bed a few inches, which can also help to ease breathing and help prevent any backflow of stomach acid from reflux, reducing heartburn.\n\n\nHowever, if you simply cannot get used to \nsleeping on your side\n, try using pillows to prop your upper body at a 45-degree angle so you do not lie completely flat, and sleep with bent knees to take the pressure off your back. This will also take the compression off your IVC.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCultivate a good day-time routine to help you sleep better at night. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nCultivate healthy habits during the day to foster quality night-time sleep\n\n\n\n\nExercise every day (but please check with your doctor first), for staying active can help in fostering better sleep quality. Try to take a 30-minute walk or a pregnancy exercise class (there are short pregnancy workout videos on YouTube for free as well), at your own pace. However, make sure your exercise is performed earlier on in the day and avoid any activity that brings your heart rate up, within 4 hours of bedtime as this can be stimulating enough to keep you up.\n\n\nTry to stick to a relaxing nighttime routine. A warm bath and/or a massage, some relaxing tunes, deep-breathing exercises, and even a pregnancy yoga video are all good ways to relax before bed.\n\n\nStretching, especially performing leg stretches and concentrating on your calves and other areas that you usually cramp up in, can prevent nighttime cramps from springing sudden surprises on you.\n\n\nDespite pregnant mums needing extra fluids, try to limit drinks later on in the day. Stop drinking within 2 to 3 hours of bedtime so you won\u2019t have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Caffeine should be avoided as much as possible during pregnancy but in particular closer to bedtime as it can keep you up, as well as act as a diuretic that makes you have to use the bathroom more.\n\n\nMake one last trip to the bathroom before you turn out the light to sleep.\n\n\nTry to maintain a cooler temperature in your room, as you are bound to feel warmer while being pregnant.\n\n\nTake daytime naps. Be sure to apply the same rules on sleeping on side during pregnancy while you take a day-time nap as well.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMost importantly, relax. Try to apply the tips above to ensure you remain on your side, and if you\u2019re especially concerned about your sleeping position, you may even ask your partner to check on you from time to time and help nudge you into a better position.\n\n\nAs long as you go to sleep on your side, it does not matter as much if you wake up in the middle of the night and find that you are in a supine position, as research indicates that the position you went to sleep in is held the longest during sleep. Simply roll back on your sleep and carry on sweet-snoozing mama!\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chinese-new-year-lego", "title": "LEGO's Chinese New Year Sets Make Us Proud To Be Asian", "body": "We don\u2019t know about you, but growing up, there were very few toys that actually represented our Asian heritage. Most toys, like toys and cars and the like, mostly carried a lot of Western messaging and brands. Since many of the brands originated from Western countries, this should come as no surprise.\u00a0\n\n\nBut recently, we are seeing a lot more Asian representation in toys and most recently, we see an iconic brand, LEGO, take on an Asian twist with their Chinese New Year \nLEGO sets.\u00a0\n\n\nCelebrating classic Chinese culture and legends with the LEGO\u00ae and LEGO\u00ae DUPLO sets is something that we never thought we would experience but it\u2019s so wonderful that our children can now enjoy it. It is a great way to preserve our heritage through the generations.\u00a0\n\n\nSo if you\u2019re keen to get your child to learn more about their Chinese culture from a young age with these age-appropriate toys, here is what we recommend you get:\n\n\nChinese New Year LEGO Sets To Check Out\n\n\n1. LEGO\u00ae Story of Nian\n (suitable for kids 8+)\n\n\n\n\nThis set is inspired by the Chinese legend where a mythical beast \nNian\n comes around to attack villagers every Spring, and is only driven away by the colour red, fire, and loud noise. \n\n\nVillagers back then would also stay up late to keep a watch for \nNian\n during the eve of Chinese New Year. It was said that the story started the festival traditions of lighting firecrackers, Chinese New Year Eve\u2019s vigil (\u5b88\u5c81 \nshou sui\n), and the practice of wearing red for luck. It is also especially apt as we look to usher in 2021 with optimism and good luck after a challenging year. \n\n\nThe set features a brick-built Chinese residence with traditional decorations including buildable fireworks, firecrackers, hanging lanterns and Chinese couplet, a snowy scene that is brought to life with a posable \nNian\n creature, a snowman figure and six minifigures including grandpa, grandma, three children and a person in an ox costume to mark the Year of the Ox in 2021. \n\n\nChildren will thus be able to learn the story about \nNian\n and the various traditions that stemmed from the folklore in a fun way with LEGO bricks.\n\n\n2. LEGO\u00ae Spring Lantern Festival (suitable for kids 8+)\n\n\n\n\nThis set recreates the magical atmosphere of the festival which marks the end of the lunar new year celebrations. It features a brick-built Chinese garden with moon gates, pavilion, bridge, pond with frog and koi fish figures, bamboo trees, a special ox lantern illuminated by a LEGO light brick as well as other must-have items during the festival like a rabbit lantern and a \nTang Yuan\n rice ball. For a modern take, it even comes with features such as buildable bubble tea, mobile phone and selfie stick.\u00a0\n\n\nTo inspire children to learn more about Chinese traditions when building, illustrations are added to the building instructions of the two sets, which will tell the legendary stories of \nNian\n and The Lantern Festival. This is the first time this kind of feature appears in the LEGO Chinese Traditional Festival theme.\n\n\n3. LEGO\u00ae DUPLO Town Happy Childhood Moments (suitable for kids 2+)\n\n\n\n\n This DUPLO set introduces pre-schoolers to two exciting events with its two alternative building designs \u2013 the Chinese New Year celebrations as well as the first day at kindergarten. The children can play out Chinese New Year family traditions, including exchanging their red packets and eating dumplings, or choose to role-play and prepare for the daily routines of kindergarten. \n\n\nA stand-out, feature-packed gift that lets pre-schoolers play and learn about the fun details of some of the big occasions in their lives, this is also the first LEGO DUPLO set that is customised for Chinese pre-school families.\n\n\nAll three sets are currently available in Malaysia at authorised sellers such as Toys\u201dR\u201dUs and Box of Bricks\n.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom 15 January 2021 till 21 February 2021, families can also visit the Mid Valley Megamall at Kuala Lumpur and The Mall, Mid Valley Southkey for a one-of-a-kind festive playground, named Moove Academy. \n\n\nOver at Mid Valley Megamall Kuala Lumpur, shoppers can put their strength and agility to the test. From navigating the LEGO Year of the Ox in a gyro-sphere before escaping the maze board, to spinning a wheel and mastering yoga poses, there is so much to enjoy this Chinese New Year.\u00a0\n\n\nOther activities include checking out the dioramas by the Synergy LEGO User Group in Malaysia who have recreated scenes of Chinese New Year and LEGO themes such as LEGO City, LEGO Friends and LEGO Ninjago around the mall as well as photo opportunities with the LEGO CNY decorations at East Atrium, South and North Void areas of Mid Valley Megamall Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nFestive promotions await all shoppers too.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\n\n\n15 \u2013 17 January 2021:\n As part of the first weekend special deal, every purchase of the LEGO Story of Nian (80106) and LEGO Spring Lantern Festival (80107) at the event in a single receipt will entitle shoppers to a Lunar New Year Prosperity bag that comes with LEGO red packets, a RM18 voucher, as well as limited-edition LEGO LNY Lantern, LEGO LNY Pagoda and LEGO Year of the Ox builds. This is limited to one redemption per person per receipt, while stocks last.\u00a0\n\n\n15 January \u2013 21 February 2021:\n Shoppers who purchase LEGO playsets worth RM238 and above (excluding LEGO sets 80105, 80106, 80107) at the event will receive a limited-edition LEGO Year of the Ox. Those who have purchased LEGO playsets worth RM68 and above will receive a set of LEGO red packets. Purchases of LEGO City, LEGO Friends, LEGO DOTS and LEGO DUPLO playsets worth RM138 and above will also entitle shoppers to participate in a lucky dip for LEGO mystery gifts and stand a chance to win limited-edition LEGO Zodiac sets from previous years.\u00a0\n\n\n18 January \u2013 21 February 2021:\n Shoppers who have purchased the LEGO Story of Nian (80106) and LEGO Spring Lantern Festival (80107) will receive a limited-edition LEGO LNY Lantern and LEGO LNY Pagoda as gifts with purchase, while stocks last.\n\n\n\n\nVisit the \nLEGO Malaysia website\n and \nLEGO Malaysia Facebook page\n for more information on the Chinese New Year LEGO sets, the LEGO\u00ae Chinese New Year Event, as well as the latest offerings and promotions.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/study-how-children-prefer-to-eat-based-on-gender-and-age", "title": "Study: How children prefer to eat based on gender and age", "body": "If you hate mealtimes with your picky eater, then this article will bring you hope. A new study suggests that presenting their meals in certain ways could affect whether a child will eat the meal or not. What\u2019s more, presentation style should differ between boys and girls for more success. Here\u2019s what the study reveals and some more tips on how to get a child to eat when they refuse.\n\n\n\n\nCould the way you present the food better encourage your picky eater to eat? Science thinks so.\n\n\n\n\nFood Presentation Can Help Your Child Eat His Veggies, Says Study\n\n\nA new study, which was published in the \nJournal of Sensory Studies,\n\u00a0shares some interesting results in relation to picky eating habits among kids: Apparently, little boys and girls of different ages have different inclinations to meals based on how they\u2019re arranged.\n\n\nThe study was conducted to analyse if kids favoured their meals organised in a specific way, and if the child\u2019s gender or age affected their choices.\n\n\nAnnemarie Olsen, the author of the study, knows that children tend to like their meals arranged in a specific manner and order.\u00a0However, this knowledge was only based on stories from parents.\n\n\nShe admits that \u201cwe do not have much evidence-based knowledge about how children sort and eat their food.\u201d Knowing whether children\u2019s preferences are scientifically backed can be \u201cvery relevant when\u2026 we want our children to eat more vegetables \u2013 or eat their food in general,\u201d says Olsen.\u00a0\n\n\nHow the Study Was Conducted\n\n\nFor their study, scientists recruited 100 school children who were between seven and eight years old, and 12 to 14 years old.\u00a0The researchers then tasked them to order pictures of six different meals presented differently based on their liking. The meals were presented in three ways:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\ningredients arranged independently such that they didn\u2019t reach one another\u00a0\n\n\na meal consisting of isolated ingredients and ingredients which were well-combined\n\n\nall of the ingredients stirred into a smooth mixture\n\n\n\n\nBy ordering the photos based on how they liked the food being presented, scientists were able to distinguish which forms of food arrangement the children favoured most, and which they favoured least.\u00a0\n\n\nHow to Get a Child to Eat When They Refuse\n\n\n\n\nOne of the key methods to help kids in eating their fruits and veggies is to organise them in small servings.\n\n\nMaking the food easily accessible so they can reach for it also helps.\n\n\nThe study suggests that there\u2019s another key player. How the food is actually presented can influence whether the children eat or not.\n\n\n\u201cAt the same time, it would be nice to know whether there are big gains to be made just by arranging food on the plate in a certain way,\u201d added Olsen.\u00a0\n\n\nThe results of the study showed that:\n\n\n\n\nGirls between 7-8 years old favoured the food presented separately.\n\n\nBoys who were 7-8 years old weren\u2019t affected by how their meals were presented.\u00a0\n\n\nOlder children aged 12 \u2013 14 years old liked their food presented in two styles:\n\n\n\nall the ingredients mixed together\n\n\nor delivered as a combination of ingredients on their own with food that\u2019s stirred together.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Olsen, these results suggest that when it comes to seven- and eight-year olds, parents should arrange their food separately on the plate.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThe child can mix the food when the various elements of the food are separated on the plate, while the reverse is not possible,\u201d explains Annemarie.\u00a0\n\n\n\nPresenting food mixed together will make it less likely for your child to try it out. | Image source: stock photo\n\n\n\n\nOther Tips on How to Get a Child to Eat When They Refuse\n\n\nIn our \nprevious article\n, we discuss five tips to on how to get a child to eat when they refuse:\n\n\n\n\nBe creative with your food presentation\n. Cutting food into different shapes and letting your child be familiar with different food textures by allowing her to touch her food will help. Making the food look tastier than it actually is makes it easier to convince your kid to eat it.\n\n\nMix what they don\u2019t like in other foods\n. For instance you can play with textures, colours and mix flavours. Combine veggies in the patties or meatballs that he might like. Also, if your child doesn\u2019t like a certain dish, just think of different ways to serve and cook the same foods.\n\n\nInvolve them in the process.\n Growing your own food and cooking it on your own definitely brings about some level of satisfaction. Try involving your toddler in growing his own leafy vegetables. That way, he will be more appreciative and willing to take in vegetables that he grew himself.\u201d\n\n\nBe patient and don\u2019t pressure them.\n\u00a0 Expose the kids to different varieties of foods without pressuring them too much. Consider serving a new type of food along with some other food that you know that your child likes to see if she\u2019ll eat it \u2013 just don\u2019t force the child to eat food.\u00a0\n\n\nTalk to your child about other good aspects of food\n \u2013 other than its flavour. Encourage your child by talking about a food\u2019s colour, shape, aroma and texture \u2014 not whether it tastes good.\u00a0Focusing less on the taste will make kids think that the food really doesn\u2019t taste that bad!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\nEconomic Times\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/symptoms-of-ovulation", "title": "5 Ways To Know If You Are Ovulating, Time To Have Intercourse!", "body": "Technically and scientifically speaking, you will only get pregnant successfully if and when you have sex during the female \u2018fertile\u2019 period, which is when you are ovulating. That is why it\u2019s important to know what are symptoms of ovulation.\n\n\nSymptoms of ovulation: What is \u2018ovulation period\u2019?\n\n\nEach month between 15 to 20 eggs mature inside your ovaries. The ripest egg is released and swept into one of your fallopian tubes \u2013 your fallopian tubes connect your ovaries to your uterus (womb).\n\n\nOnce there, this egg then waits to be fertilised (waiting for mister right sperm, you could say). So in essence, ovulation is the term used to describe\u00a0\nthe period where one or more eggs are released from one of your ovaries.\n\n\nWhen is the best time to have sex if I am trying to conceive?\n\n\nWhile sperm can live for up to 2 to 6 days, an egg is only around for 12 to 24 hours. So based on this, each woman will have a fertile window that only lasts up to 6 days \u2013 and that too depends on each woman\u2019s individual cycle.\n\n\nHowever, timing intercourse to fall in the six days leading up to and including ovulation day is your best bet for the highest chance of conception.\n\n\n\n\nSo the statistic goes like this: If you have sex five days before you ovulate, the probability of pregnancy is about 10%; The probability of pregnancy rises steadily until the two days before and including the day of ovulation.\n\n\n\n\nAs soon as the\n \u2018fertile window\u2019\n ends, the chance of getting pregnant declines rapidly. In fact in as little as 12 \u2013 24 hours after you ovulate, you will no longer be able to get pregnant during that cycle. However, if you\u2019ve had sex three days before your ovulation period, then the chances for getting pregnant are around 27% \u2013 33%.\u00a0\n\n\nSo based on this info, it is really important to find out what is symptoms of ovulation, and where your ovulation period lies if you want to get pregnant.\n\n\nMyth: All women ovulate in the middle of their menstruation cycle\n\n\nThe general belief is that women ovulate mid-cycle, but this belief is \nrather misleading\n. It really depends on each woman\u2019s cycle.\n\n\nSome women have 28 day cycles, some 26, some 30 day cycles and more. In fact, each month can also vary slightly due to hormonal changes that are affected by diet and stress levels as well.\n\n\nTypically women ovulate 2 weeks or 14 days before their next period \u2013 not mid cycle. So if you have a 28 day cycle, then you\u2019ll ovulate on day 14, but if you have a 35 day cycle, you would ovulate around day 21, not day 17 (Note: Day 1 is the first day of your period).\n\n\nThis of course makes it harder for women who have irregular periods to trace their ovulation period thus making it harder for them to pinpoint the optimal period for intercourse.\n\n\n\n\nWhat are symptoms of ovulation?\n\n\nUnfortunately, while most women experience some symptoms during their premenstrual period (hello PMS!), most women don\u2019t during the ovulation period.\n\n\nOnly a very small percentage may get sensitive and tender in the lower abdomen, some may get a sore back, or even experience some change in their discharge. There are some cases where women get a little extra \u2018frisky\u2019 during this time too, but that is completely subjective.\n\n\nThese changes are not significant enough for a woman to track down the big day easily, but luckily there are other accurate methods that can help us to work out the day.\n\n\n1. Check your pee with an Ovulation Predictor kit\n\n\nProbably one of the easiest and fastest methods you could use is an Ovulation Predictor Kit. You can get a kit from your local pharmacy and do the ovulation test at home.\n\n\nOvulation predictor kits are able to pinpoint your date of ovulation 12-24 hours in advance by looking at your levels of luteinizing hormone, or LH, which is the last of the hormones to hit its peak before ovulation actually occurs.\n\n\nAll you have to do is pee on the stick and wait for the indicator to tell you the result. If the result is positive, that means you are going to ovulate within the next 12-24 hours.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Good: Straight forward, no messing around, accurate, convenient.\n\nThe Bad: Expensive \u2013 only for one time use, and you\u2019ll need to use it a few times a month.\n\n\n2. Keeping track with a Calendar\n\n\nIf you\u2019re good at remembering to keep track of days, then counting through your calendar can be useful to predict your ovulation day. The menstrual cycle begins from the first day of one period (day one) to the first day of the next period \u2013 that would count as a full cycle. And your own cycle may vary slightly from month to month.\n\n\nBut generally, the ovulation period is 2 weeks before your next period. By keeping a menstrual calendar for a few months you\u2019ll get an idea of what\u2019s normal for you.\n\n\nSo based on the above calculation,\n\n\n\n\nIf your cycle is 28 days, your ovulation day may fall on day 14, and the best time for intercourse may be on days 12, 13 and 14.\n\n\nIf your cycle is 35 days, your ovulation day may fall on day 21, and the best time for intercourse may be on days 19, 20 and 21.\n\n\nIf your cycle is 21 days, your ovulation day may fall on day 7, and the best time for intercourse may be on days 5, 6 and 7.\n\n\n\n\nThe Good: Economical, convenient.\n\nThe Bad: May not be accurate as menstrual cycle may vary from month to month. May not be a good method for those who have irregular periods. You will need to be diligent in keeping track.\n\n\nYou may use the\u00a0\novulation calculator provided by some websites\n\u00a0too, if you don\u2019t want to count manually.\n\n\n\n\n3. Basal body temperature (BBT)\n\n\nBBT is the baseline reading you get first thing in the morning, after at least three to five hours of sleep and before you get out of bed, talk or even sit up. To measure this accurately you\u2019ll need a special basal body temperature thermometer. Your BBT rises about half a degree Celsius after ovulation has occurred which is what you wanna look out for when you\u2019re\u00a0\ncharting your temperature\n\u00a0so you can work out your own pattern of ovulation. The way it works is that just before ovulation, your BBT will reach its lowest point and then rise immediately and dramatically (about a half a degree) as soon as ovulation occurs. It\u2019s not enough to track your BBT for just a month, you\u2019ll need to track it for at least three months in order to help you to see a pattern to your cycles, enabling you to predict when ovulation will occur in future months \u2014 and when to hop into bed accordingly.\n\n\nThe Good: Economical, you will spend time listening to your body more.\n\nThe Bad: Be prepared to be very patient as you require at least three months in order to get an accurate reading of your ovulation day. May not be an easy method for those who have irregular periods every month.\n\n\n4. Cervical mucus test\n\n\nThis is for those who don\u2019t mind keeping an eye on the changes to their mucus (and knickers). Around the time of ovulation, you may notice your vagina\u2019s mucus is clear, slick and slippery \u2013 like the consistency of egg whites. This is a good sign of when ovulation is happening. The change in hormones causes the mucus to change, making it more slippery and wet because this is better for intercourse and for the sperm, causing you to increase your chances of conception.\nPartner Stories\nHealth\nAre You In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy? Here are 5 Important Things Moms Should Do!\nKeibubapaan\nDibelenggu Masalah Kulit Kering dan Gatal? Sapukan Losyen Ini Untuk Kelegaan Serta Merta\nParenting\nHealthy Kids Learn Better and Faster. Follow These Tips To Keep Your Child Healthy\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\nChanges in mucus during ovulation:\n\n\n\n\nClear to transparent\n\n\nQuantity increase\n\n\nSlippery, wet also egg-white like texture, where it can pull up to 10cm long\n\n\n\n\nThe Good: Economical, teaches you to understand the changes in your body, for most women it is quite easy to notice these changes.\u00a0\n\nThe Bad: Need to be patient and observant, best to use this method in conjunction with one or more other methods to ensure the best results.\n\n\n5. Saliva test via Lipstick\u00a0Microscope Analyser\n\n\nIf you\u2019re not into peeing on a stick, then\u00a0\nthe saliva test\n\u00a0might be your next best bet. This little gadget will look at your saliva under a lipstick-like microscope, and analyse the levels of estrogen in your body through your saliva \u2013 which is pretty cool if you think about it.\n\n\nIf you are ovulating, the microscopic pattern will reveal a fern plant pattern on the windowpane. I used it myself and I love that I can bring it anywhere, plus it is very exciting to get a good \u2018fern\u2019.\n\n\nThe Good: Handy, light, reusable, cheaper than the ovulation predictor kit.\n\nThe Bad: Not all women get a good \u2018fern\u2019, it is very hormone dependent, and some women do not have hormone levels that can be detected. Need to strictly follow the instructions in order to get accurate results.\n\n\nI hope that the tips above will help you figure out your ovulation day to increase your chances of getting pregnant. However in order to get pregnant, there are other things that you will need to take into consideration, after all, everyone is different. So seek professional advice if you need further support. And remember, don\u2019t stress, just relax and enjoy the journey!\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://infertility.about.com/od/tryingtoconceive101/a/ovulationsigns.htm\n\n\nhttps://www.whattoexpect.com/preconception/fertility/five-ways-to-tell-you-are-ovulating.aspx\n\n\nhttps://yourfertility.org.au/for-women/timing-and-conception\n\n\nhttps://www.babycenter.com/0_when-to-have-sex-if-you-want-to-get-pregnant_1809.bc\n\n\nhttps://americanpregnancy.org/getting-pregnant/understanding-ovulation/\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lg-puricare", "title": "#TAPReviews: LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier", "body": "Masks have become a part of our daily lives \u2013 I don\u2019t remember the last time I went out without wearing a mask. I\u2019ve even made it a point to wear a mask when I go for a walk (you can never be too careful with the Delta variant going around, right?). As soon as I leave my home, my mask is on until I come home. So when I got the chance to try out the LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier for review, I was looking forward to trying it.\n\n\n#TAPReviews: LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier\n\n\nPriced from RM749 (available for pre-order at leading electronic appliance stores), this is the most high-tech \u201cmask\u201d available in the market. At first glance, you might be wondering if it is heavy. That was my very first thought. But as I took it out of the box, I was surprised at just how light it is. In fact, it only weighs 94 grams, making it about double the weight of my glasses.\u00a0\n\n\nI made sure to read the manual cover to cover to set up the LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier properly.\u00a0\n\n\nIt was really easy to \u201cconfigure\u201d and the settings are very straightforward. To turn the device on, all you have to do is long press the power button.\u00a0\n\n\nThen, because there is a built-in microphone in the mask so people can hear you easily when you speak, all you have to do is press the power button once to activate or deactivate it.\u00a0\n\n\nTo power off, just long press the power button again. That\u2019s all there is to it.\u00a0\n\n\nSetting up the LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier\n\n\n\n\nThere are three easy parts to the LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier, the actual \u201cmask\u201d, the face guard and inner covers. The inner cover is very similar to our reusable mask PM2.5 filters.\u00a0\n\n\nYou just need to put an inner cover, then layer the faceguard on top of it, which will clip on magnetically so you don\u2019t have to figure it out. It\u2019s all very straightforward and user-friendly.\u00a0\n\n\nThen wear it and adjust the straps according to your fit.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat I like about it is that it\u2019s a very intuitive product and the \u201clearning curve\u201d to use the product is very basic, so anyone can figure out how to use it with just one use.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter I put it on and turned it on, I felt a gush of circulating wind and that was the air purifier fan kickstarting. I enjoyed this very much considering our tropical heat here in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\nI tried using the product both indoors and outdoors. The great thing about this product is that it tracks your breathing patterns so that air circulation can meet your needs.\n\n\nUltimately, my verdict is that I would rather use this product indoors than outdoors. Firstly, if I ever need to sit in an office or go to the mall for many hours, this mask is far more comfortable than the usual cloth or disposable masks. It offers more air circulation and it is very easy to breathe in it for long periods of time.\u00a0\n\n\nEach charge can last for about 8 hours, making it convenient for long usage.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy I would prefer not to use it while outdoors is because I sweat rather excessively and while the sweat on my forehead is not able to seep into the mask itself, the sweat that generates on my upper lip tends to make me feel uncomfortable because there is nowhere for the moisture to escape.\u00a0\n\n\nThis would be perfect for the outdoors if we lived in a more temperate climate.\u00a0\n\n\nMaintaining the product\n\n\nCleaning and maintaining the product is also really easy to do. I wore make-up while wearing the mask for the first few wears, leaving the face guard quite dirty after each use.\u00a0\n\n\nI just took the magnetic, silicone face guard off the mask and rinsed it with water, dried it with a towel and it was ready for use instantly.\u00a0\n\n\nFor every charge, it only takes about 1-2 hours for the mask to be fully charged.\u00a0\n\n\nMicrophone function\n\n\n\n\nOne of my favourite things about this mask, aside from the cooling \u201cfan\u201d circulating air inside, is the microphone, of course. The VoiceON\u2122 function makes it very easy for people to hear me when I speak. Though a few have commented when I forget to turn off my mic, I sound like Darth Vader.\u00a0\n\n\n(Considering I named my son Jedi, I don\u2019t mind being Darth Vader at all.)\n\n\nJokes aside, why this is convenient is also because I am also able to easily pick up calls and speak into my phone with the microphone function. Interestingly, the LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier is also built with bluetooth functionality, which will ultimately allow for the wearer to pair it with their smartphones using an app. Bluetooth connectivity lets you track your breathing and also reminds you if your product requires maintenance.\n\n\nHowever, the app is still in progress and has yet to be released so I am not able to give any comment on it so far. The app is due to be released in Q4 of 2021.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nOverall, my thoughts on the product are that it is definitely a cool wearable air purifier and certainly very relevant for use in times like these. Breathing is made much easier with it on and when I walk past \u201csmelly\u201d areas, the smell does not seep in as much as with other masks.\u00a0\n\n\nPre-order your LG PuriCare\u2122 Wearable Air Purifier by finding an LG authorised dealer \nhere\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/unsung-hero", "title": "Unsung Hero", "body": "\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/reusable-fabric-masks", "title": "Sunway Mall Launches Reusable Antibacterial Fabric Masks, Here is How You Can Redeem Yours", "body": "The \u2018new normal\u2019 takes a lot of getting used to \u2013 face masks have become compulsory and those who do not comply are subject to heavy fines.\u00a0\nHowever, these precautions are absolutely necessary for the public safety and most importantly, ourselves as well as our families.\n\n\nFollowing this, Sunway Malls have launched their \u2018Mask-On\u2019 campaign, which will introduce four special edition reusable fabric face masks that have been certified by reputable inspection corporations to ensure its effectiveness.\u00a0\n\n\nSunway Malls \u2018Mask-On\u2019 Campaign\n\n\nTo ensure the safety of their customers, Sunway Malls recently launched their eco-friendly fabric masks in a bid to reduce wastage and protect people from the spread of germs. \n\n\nThese reusable protective face masks are made with 99.94 percent Antibacterial Effectiveness antimicrobial fabric. Furthermore, its outer\n layer is made with propriety washable knitted fabric, while the inner layer features soft-style cotton that absorbs heat emitted from the body, adding to the breathability of the mask.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cProviding our shoppers with peace of mind and safety while shopping is our top priority as we want them to feel secure with us. We hope the \u2018Mask-On\u2019 campaign will be a fun way for everyone to practice safe measures whilst ensuring that we all do our part to protect ourselves and others.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIt will also be a unique way for our shoppers to find out more about the stories behind Sunway Malls\u2019 one-of-a-kind architectural designs while wearing the masks,\u201d said Sunway Malls Chief Operating Officer, Kevin Tan.\u00a0\n\n\nStay safe in style with four designs\u00a0\n\n\nThese eco-friendly masks will feature a special edition print inspired by the different architectural styles of Sunway Malls. The styles take inspiration from these four malls:\n\n\n\n\nSunway Pyramid \u2013 The Egyptian Pyramid:\u00a0\nTaking inspiration from Sunway Pyramid\u2019s notable structure, the Egyptian Pyramid symbolises intellect, strength, stability, peace and passion. The Egyptian motive echoes throughout the mall with hieroglyphics decorating facades and numerous Pharaonic statuaries. Sunway Pyramid is now a main component of Sunway City, including a theme park, 5-Star hotel, world class exhibition centre, an integrated health specialist centre and award-winning campuses.\n\n\nSunway Putra \u2013 The Sun-Drop Diamond: \nPart of an integrated development comprising a mall, hotel and office tower, Sunway Putra is situated within the Diamond Triangle in our capital city of Kuala Lumpur. The mall\u2019s eye-catching architecture is inspired by South Africa\u2019s Sun-Drop Diamond and the overall shape and main colours of the gem are reflected on the building\u2019s fa\u00e7ade and interior. This can now be seen on the Sun-Drop Diamond limited edition mask, which symbolises rejuvenation, promotes hope, renewal and prosperity.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSunway Velocity \u2013 The Renaissance Globe: \nBorn out of Sunway\u2019s ambitions for the Cheras community, Sunway Velocity\u2019s design concept borrows from the Renaissance Globe, which marks the transition from the middle ages to the modern era \u2013 aligning with the urban regeneration Sunway wants to achieve. As the only spherical retail development in Malaysia, Sunway Velocity\u2019s fa\u00e7ade of glass roofs and fa\u00e7ades welcome a flow of natural light, provides acoustic improvements and its themed floors form a world within worlds for endless exploration. The design on this mask signifies a clear worldview, aspiration and ambition to bring about an urban renaissance for Cheras.\n\n\nSunway Carnival/Big Box/Citrine \u2013 The Astute Cube: \nLast but certainly not the least is the mask inspired Sunway Carnival, Sunway Big Box and Sunway Citrine. The Astute Cube epitomises the many facets of life where positivity prevails and is inspired by the juxtaposition of different size cubes that adorn the fa\u00e7ade of Sunway Carnival Mall, as well as the large format stores at Sunway Big Box and Sunway Citrine which offers close to 100 retail, F&B and entertainment stores.\n\n\n\n\nHow to redeem your reusable mask\u00a0\n\n\nTo redeem a mask, you will need to spend a minimum amount at the participating malls during a certain time period. However, the spending limit will vary between malls. \n\n\nCheck out the breakdown below to understand how you can get your special edition mask.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAtita Haris & fmaily wearing Sunway Malls masks\n\n\n\n\nHere are the participating outlets:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSunway Pyramid (14 to 31 August 2020)\n: Spend RM250 in a minimum of two receipts to redeem a face mask and a mask holder, with a maximum of two mask set redemptions a day, per customer. Huawei customers only need to spend a minimum of RM200 in two receipts to redeem the same deal.\n\n\nSunway Velocity Mall (27 August to 9 september 2020)\n: Spend RM200 in two receipts \n(RM150 for Sunway Pals or Sunway Velocity Mall mobile app users or VeloKiddie members)\n to redeem an adult face mask and holder. Kids\u2019 mask redemption are available for VeloKiddie members only. A maximum of three redemptions a day per customer are allowed.\n\n\nSunway Putra Mall (14 August\u00a0 to 31 August 2020)\n: Spend RM150 in a one receipt to redeem a face mask and a mask holder. New Putra Junior Club or Autsome Members will only need to spend RM100 in a receipt to redeem a kid\u2019s face mask and a holder.\n\n\nSunway Carnival Mall (14 to 31 August 2020)\n: Spend RM250 in a minimum of twi receipts to redeem a face mask and a mask holder.\n\n\nSunway Big Box Retail Park (14 to 31 August 2020)\n: Spend RM200 in four receipts to redeem a face mask and a mask holder. A maximum of two NSK receipts are accepted per redemption.\n\n\nSunway Ctrine (30 to 31 August 2020)\n: Spend RM200 in two receipts to redeem a face mask and a mask holder.\n\n\n\n\nHere are some extra fabric mask tips\n\n\nHowever, with fabric masks you will need to have extra care to ensure your mask stays clean throughout all your uses. Here are some helpful tips on\u00a0 fabric mask usage:\u00a0\n\n\n#1 Tip:\n Use a hand sanitiser before wearing or removing your fabric mask on-the-go. Hand sanitisers are readily available at retail outlets in the mall such as L\u2019occitane or AEON Wellness. \n\n\n#2 Tip:\n Use a drop of Claire\u2019s Essential Oil on your fabric mask for a calming scent all day long, and treat your lips and skin with a soothing balm. \n\n\n#3 Tip:\n At the end of your day, hand wash your mask daily with warm water and a few drops of Guardian\u2019s antiseptic liquid to banish germs.\u00a0\n\n\nShop safe at Sunway Malls\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNana Mahazan & family staying protected with Sunway Mall fabric masks.\n\n\n\n\nIn line with its \u2018Your Safe Space, Our Safe Space\u2019 initiative, Sunway Malls has put in place 82 safety and hygiene measures including the installation of 4,000 CCTV cameras, 12 units of high accuracy thermal cameras and 30 cameras equipped with facial recognition to encourage physical distancing.\n\n\nFor peace of mind, all family-friendly amenities and frequent touchpoints in the mall such as the kid\u2019s toilet, baby rooms, baby strollers, wheelchairs, playgrounds and play areas are disinfected every 45 minutes and coated with Nano Coating Technology to effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria.\n\n\nCare ambassadors and physical distancing officers are stationed within all malls to ensure that customers observe physical distancing, safety and hygiene guidelines.\n\n\nFor more information on the \u2018Mask-On\u2019 Campaign and to get more tips and tricks on how to stay protected in style with your fabric mask, visit \nwww.sunwaymalls.com/mask-on\n or Sunway Malls\u2019 individual social media pages.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nKita Support Kita (15 Oct \u2013 14 Nov)\nLifestyle\nMoms, Get Rewarded RM15 Shopee Voucher For \u201cMom\u2019s Day Off\u201d Super Brand Day! 19-21 April 2021\nLifestyle\nThis Exclusive Mum-Club Gives The Best Vouchers, Freebies and Offers. Be A Member Today!\nLifestyle\nParents, Here\u2019s How To Effectively Support Your Child\u2019s Dreams\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/teach-kids-method", "title": "Try This If You\u2019re Struggling to Teach Your Kid", "body": "Imagine you want your child to use the word \u2018please\u2019 when he wants something. Or you want him to practice writing his numbers. But telling him just isn\u2019t cutting it.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re having a hard time getting your kid to do a specific task or act socially appropriate, try using a method that\u2019s popular among teachers and therapists:\u00a0\na token economy\n.\n\n\nWhat a Token Economy is\n\n\nA token economy is a behavioural modification system.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a way to get your kids learning, or build interest in something he doesn\u2019t normally enjoy. The system uses the concept of \u2018positive reinforcement\u2019 to shape desirable behaviours. Basically, when your child follows a certain expectation (such as eating his carrots), you will give him a \u2018token\u2019.\n\n\nWhen the child has a certain number of tokens, he can exchange it for something he wants, like a cookie.\n\n\nWhen to Use It\n\n\nA token economy is typically used once your child is a bit more capable or familiar with a new skill, but hasn\u2019t mastered it yet. Or if your child knows how to do something, but\u00a0\ndoesn\u2019t\n\u00a0like doing it.\n\n\nIf your child is still in the beginning stages of picking something up, a reward is usually given directly\u2014without the use of tokens.\n\n\nRewarding effort immediately is more motivating in the early stages (when tasks are especially hard and it becomes easy to feel dejected or intimidated).\n\n\nWhy It\u2019s Helpful\n\n\n\n\nYoung children are concrete thinkers, so using a token economy with tangible tokens and rewards can help them see what they are working for, thus helping them stay on task.\n\n\nA token economy also teaches your child the two following things:\n\n\n1. What a correct response is\n\n\nFor kids struggling with understanding a task (for example, \u2018point at the triangle\u2019), you can use the giving of a token to show when an action is correct. If he gets a token when he points at the triangle, he will associate that behaviour to the instruction given.\n\n\nBe sure to repeat the activity a few times though, so he truly understands.\n\n\n2. Delayed gratification\n\n\nTokens are secondary reinforcers, which means that the actual reward isn\u2019t given to the child right away. This teaches kids patience, focus and adaptability.\n\n\nSteps to Implement it\n\n\nTry these steps if it\u2019s your first time:\n\n\n1. Create a Token Board\n\n\nFor your board, you need some sort of flat surface (e.g., tiny whiteboard). You need to then create clear places for tokens to be attached or placed onto the board.\n\n\nCheck out this token board I made, using Velcro, magnets and a clipboard (the photograph in the middle represents the reward, e.g., \u2018play time with mom\u2019):\n\n\n\n\nGet your child involved in its creation by picking out a theme and decorating it too. This will get them feeling like they have ownership over the process \u2013and makes it more fun!\n\n\nTokens can be made of tiny toys, stickers or laminated paper smileys. Whatever makes it more attractive for your child.\n\n\n2. Choose the Reward\n\n\nAsk your child what he wants for the task and agree on it together, if possible. Have pictures of rewards your child typically likes at hand (such as \u2018rest\u2019, \u2018candy\u2019, or \u2018video\u2019).\n\n\nIf your child is non-verbal, get him to point at one he wants.\n\n\nPlace a picture of the reward (or a symbol representing it) on the token board, so your child knows exactly what he\u2019ll be working for.\n\n\n3. Decide the Reward Cost\n\n\nFor very young children, try using less tokens and then gradually making it harder to earn tokens.\n\n\nDo explain to your child before you use the token economy how many tokens are needed for a specific prize.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nAges & Stages\n5 Ways to Help Boost Your Child\u2019s Learning Potential\n\n\n4. Keep the Tokens in a Safe Place\n\n\nThe tokens should be with you. If your child carries out the intended behaviour, then only do you give him a token. The child can then place the token on the board.\n\n\nWays to Approach it\n\n\n\n\nBelow are some suggestions for using a token economy:\n\n\n1. Reward Small Steps\n\n\nFor children with special needs, try rewarding small steps and not just the final outcome of a task. Rewarding small steps helps with confidence building and motivation.\n\n\n2. Use Prompts\n\n\nIf a child struggles to stay on task, use prompting (verbally, gesturally or physically) and remind them that they\u2019ll get a token if they carry out the behaviour.\n\n\n3. Remove Tokens if Child Misbehaves\n\n\nIf your child starts throwing a tantrum, you could warn him that a token will be removed from his board.\n\n\n4. Keep Consistency in Different Settings\n\n\nYou might confuse your child if the same strategy isn\u2019t used in other settings, like with teachers or different family members. Discuss behaviour strategies with other key people in your child\u2019s life.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mental-stress-among-children-due-to-covid-19", "title": "How Parents and Caregivers Can Help Kids Manage with Increased Stressors with Covid-19", "body": "The current Covid 19 pandemic has left almost of all us adults and children alike in some form of either physical or mental stress. Physical stress perhaps easier to be detected albeit at times difficulty in treatment associated with poor outcome.\n\n\nMental stress on the other end perhaps is the one often ignored, not easily detected, or diagnosed and most likely uncertain outcome.\n\n\nStress to the Children\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nTo ease discussion, I would recommend we divide the stress into two-part, one is physical stress and another mental stress.\n\n\nPhysical stress means the Covid 19 illness effecting our physical health. Of course, it has been widely discussed but not much attention given to how parents can prevent if not minimize the illness.\n\n\nWe would agree that prevention of your children from getting the infection is tedious but of utmost importance. Tedious does not mean difficult, but it\u2019s just something responsible parents would do to keep their children safe and sound. These measures are strongly advocated.\n\n\n\n\nGet yourself vaccinated to promote herd immunity, as of now vaccines for Covid 19 are only given to the youngest age of 12 years (in other parts of the world). So, if you are vaccinated you are reducing the risk of getting the severe form of this infection and you would passively transfer the immunity to your child. Any Covid 19 vaccines are good and should be taken if available. Just a gentle reminder Prevention is best, better than treatment.\n\n\nEnough said on the ways we can protect ourselves from getting infected. The bottom line is good hygiene, Avoid the crowd AND practice all the simple measures to avoid ourselves from getting any infection, not just Covid19.\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n\n\nParents may inquire about any vitamins or medication to help reduce the risk of this infection if not preventing it. Steps 1 and 2 Must be prioritized before embarking on this. Medical research has shown taking Vitamin C at least 2000 mg a day and vitamin D at least 500 mg a day may help. The oral form of both vitamins is sufficient and easily available. Parents ask would it be alright to prescribe to children, but lacking evidence-based data to support efficacy in children does not mean these measures is not effective for children.\n\n\nSince our children below 12 years old elsewhere and 18 years old back home might not receive the Covid 19 vaccine, parents are strongly advised to give their children all available vaccines particularly those preventing respiratory infections. Medical data support that the probable reason adults fare worse in Covid 19 infection could BE attributed to not vaccinated against other illness. Get to your doctors (or your children Pediatrician) to ask more about these.\n\n\n\n\nMental Stress to the children is a topic most doctors (myself included) would rather avoid but we will in our best interest advise parents if asked. The majority of parents would say that their children feel confined or constrained due to the \u201cstay home\u201d order.\n\n\nIn my opinion, it\u2019s all that we want to think of what it is. Do we really need to go to the mall or eat in a restaurant or go on a beach vacation for family bonding? We could not do these in the comfort of our home?\n\n\nI would agree many of us (If not most) has cultivated the idea of \ne-ternak\n environment is of great importance for normal, quality, family time. How have we missed the good old time of getting our children involved in house activities like cooking, gardening, reading, playing board games and of course watching movies at home?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nAll our children need their parents\u2019 devotion, attention and love and we don\u2019t need to give them these only by going on a beach vacation, eating in fancy places and etc. It is just that during this pandemic going out is statistically proven to increase chances of getting the infection.\n\n\n\nEating fancy food can be purchased online to be enjoyed at home. Older children undergoing online education may feel stressful but we can tell and show them methods of stress reduction like getting involved in their school work as our parents did.\n\n\n\nPerhaps these are easier methods to be practised. However a point (or two) for all of us to ponder, \u201cwould the pandemic has a long term effect on the child mental development particularly as I have been frequently asked, like increase risk of autism spectrum disorders?\u201d, my answer would be your guess is good as mine.\n\n\nWe are not sure at least for now if in the next few months or years these cases would see a rise. Matter of fact to date no full-proof statistics or medical-based evidence can pinpoint the exact cause of this disorder.\n\n\nDoctors and other health personal are also affected during this trying time. We would in our best interest and capacity to ease the physical and mental burden of parents and children. Let\u2019s play our part in hasting the pandemic demise.\n\n\n\n\nThe article is written by Dr. Khairul Zaman Omar, Paediatrics (Haemato Oncology) of Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhich should be your priority: your spouse or your kids?\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/food-poisoning", "title": "7 Natural Remedies For Food Poisoning", "body": "If hunching over a porcelain bowl purging is not how you\u2019d like to spend the rest of your day, why not raid your pantry for some all-natural items that will eliminate those nasty pathogens in your body.\n\n\nNote: For extremely severe cases of food poisoning, it is strongly recommended that you seek medical attention immediately.\n\n\n1. Apple Cider Vinegar\n\n\nApple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is akin to a miracle potion of sorts, and ACV helps with the body\u2019s elimination channels to\u00a0\nrid it of harmful wastes and toxins\n. Often prescribed as a home remedy for indigestion issues, ACV\u2019s antimicrobial properties are so potent that the organic acids in vinegar (especially the acetic acid) actually pass into cell membranes to kill bacteria. A\u00a0\nstudy\n\u00a0also found acetic acid to be extremely lethal against E.coli strains, while lemon juice, or a combination of lemon juice and vinegar, battle salmonella well.\n\n\nCombine two tablespoons of ACV with warm water and drink. Go for the raw, organic and unfiltered type that has the \u2018mother\u2019, or strands of protein and other helpful enzymes, still intact.\n\n\n2. Rehydrate!\n\n\nFood poisoning poses the risk of dehydration, due to the purging experienced during diarrhoea and vomiting. Mild dehydration is common and can be fixed by increasing your intake of fluids. However, severe dehydration may prove fatal, as the body has an insufficient volume of water to sustain normal physical functions and regulatory activities.\n\n\nReplenish by drinking more fluids. Consume fresh, clean water as well as electrolyte-rich drinks. Instead of going for sports drinks saturated with chemical sugars, give an easy yet natural recipe like\u00a0\nswitchel\n\u00a0a go. Another solution is to create your\u00a0\nown Oral Rehydration Salts\n\u00a0from a litre of water, two teaspoons of lemon juice, \u00bd teaspoon of salt and six teaspoons of sugar. A more flavourful option is to have chicken soup.\n\n\n3. Activated Charcoal\n\n\n\n\nActivated charcoal may sound peculiar as a prescribed remedy, but it is often administered to those with food poisoning. Activated charcoal works its magic by adsorping (and no, it\u2019s not a typo!) the harmful bacterial. Adsorption is technically the property of a substance to\u00a0\nattract and hold something to its surface\n. It\u2019s a fast process that neutralises foreign invaders, and activated charcoal is an effective adsorbent that prevents the toxins from being absorbed into the body, hence stopping food poisoning from progressing. Activated charcoal\u00a0\ndoes not irritate the mucous membranes\n\u00a0of the gastrointestinal system. However, it is only able to retrieve the substances that are still in the stomach or intestines, not those already absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.\n\n\n4. Pegaga By PurelyB Herbal Blend\n\n\nThis traditional Asian superfood has been used for generations for its natural effectiveness especially pertaining to gut health. Our blend of pegaga known as\u00a0\nPegaga by PurleyB\n\u00a0is known to nourish the intestines with it\u2019s high fibre, antioxidants, etc. so consuming pegaga when your tummy needs it most is a good idea. The other ingredients present in addition to pegaga (gotu kola) are\u00a0\nturmeric, papaya leaf, habbatus sauda, green apples & dates.\n\n\n\n\n5. Honey\n\n\nA sweet yet sensational\u00a0\nnatural remedy\n\u00a0for virtually anything, honey\u2019s antifungal antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory activities has made it an invaluable staple in both the kitchen and our day to day lives. Manuka honey is known to be an\u00a0\nextremely powerful variant\n\u00a0of honey that is able to inhibit the growth of the bacterial strains causing the food poisoning. Add in to your tea, or dilute a spoonful in water for a sweet, energising yet soothing drink. Honey can be combined with several of the other natural remedies listed here for a one-two punch!\n\n\n6. Lemon Juice\n\n\nLemon juice is another versatile natural remedy that is often used due to its immunity boosting, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The acidity of pure, undiluted lemon juice increases the acidity of the stomach, killing the microorganisms and toxins, such as E.coli, that are in the gastrointestinal tract. Add it to your tea, or drink a tablespoonful of pure lemon juice once every 4-5 hours to help cleanse and soothe your stomach.\n\n\n7. Basil\n\n\n\n\nBasil is another extremely powerful natural home remedy to curing acute stomach infections caused by tainted foods. Basil juice helps to stop vomiting instantly, and adding a teaspoon of honey, a fellow antibacterial and antifungal agent, provides quick relief.\u00a0\nAnother alternative\n\u00a0would be to mix chopped or crushed basil leaves and sea salt to three tablespoons of yoghurt with a pinch of black pepper. Consume this three times a day until the symptoms of food poisoning stop.\n\n\nSources:\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nhttps://www.homeremedyshop.com/13-home-remedies-for-food-poisoning/\n\u00a0\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nhttps://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/food-poisoning\n\u00a0\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nhttps://www.prevention.com/mind-body/natural-remedies/how-treat-food-poisoning-naturally\n\u00a0\n\n\n4.\u00a0\nhttps://ijrpb.com/current%20issues/1/v1_is3/ijrpb%201(3)%207%20page%20314-323.pdf\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/your-husband-has-5-basic-needs-are-you-satisfying-them", "title": "Your husband has 5 basic needs \u2013 are you satisfying them?", "body": "According to Maslow\u2019s hierarchy of needs, in order to be a self-actualised person, one must first satisfy the one\u2019s basic needs and work one\u2019s way up, starting with physiological needs, safety needs, need for belonging and love, and need for esteem, respectively. Did your husband has 5 basic needs?\n\n\nThe same principle applies to marriage.\n\n\nIf you want to be a self-actualised union, you must satisfy each other\u2019s most basic needs; and your husband has these five basic needs that all wives has to be aware of.\n\n\n\u201cHaving the desire to fulfill your husband\u2019s needs is in no way submitting yourself to an inferior role as a wife,\u201d said Becky Squire of Family Share. \u201cIf you truly love\n your spouse\n, then you want to make him happy, and these five things generally make men happy \u2014 simple as that.\u201d\n\n\n1. Recreational companionship\n\n\n\u201cMy husband and I are a classic example of a couple with hardly anything in common, especially when it comes to hobbies,\u201d Becky admitted. \u201cWe enjoy doing our own things\u2014which can be good in a marriage.\u201d\n\n\nThat doesn\u2019t mean, however, that you shouldn\u2019t pay attention to your\n husband\u2019s interests\n. Every once in a while, show some genuine interest in his hobbies.\n\n\n\u201cHe may even return the favor and spend the day doing what you want to do!\u201d\n\n\n2. Sexual fulfillment\n\n\n\u201cOne thing my husband and I have learned is to never treat intimacy like a game\u2014to never withhold it as punishment,\u201d Becky said. \u201cDoing so only intensifies feelings of negativity and resentment. Intimacy brings couples together better than anything, and if it\u2019s important to your husband, it needs to be \nimportant to you.\u201d\n\n\n3. Admiration\n\n\n\u201cMy husband works 8-10 hours a day, then spends his evenings going to school or doing homework,\u201d shares Becky. \u201cYou may not physically see how much your husband does for your family every day, which can make his efforts easier to forget\u2014out of sight, out of mind.\u201d\n\n\nDo not only tell him how much you appreciate and love what he does for you and your family\u2014show it, even through little things such dedicating some alone time just for the two of you, brewing his morning coffee, getting ready his work clothes for the following day.\n\n\n4. Domestic support\n\n\nThis involves creating for the two of you healthy, peaceful, well-managed home situation.\n\n\n\u201cYou and your husband may share household chores and other home responsibilities equally, or your husband may need you to handle these responsibilities more often if he is busy handling others.\n\n\n\u201cAgain, in a healthy relationship, your husband should be doing his part. If this is the case, fulfill hubby\u2019s needs by cooking meals, washing dishes, keeping your home clean, etc.\u201d\n\n\n5. An attractive spouse\n\n\nPeople often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that beauty is subjective, and that one\u2019s physical appearance shouldn\u2019t be the focal point of any relationship.\n\n\nAlthough there are a lot of truth behind these tenets, it also won\u2019t hurt to pamper yourself once in a while and try to look good your your significant other.\n\n\n\u201cAs a mother of four, I know how easy it is to stay in my pajamas all day, how luxurious it is to wait and shower when I actually have five minutes of privacy,\u201d said Becky. \u201cSome days are like that, and that\u2019s OK, but don\u2019t let this type of thing become a habit.\u201d\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them\u00a0with us!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nKanak-Kanak\nAnak Sering Nampak Letih, Ada Kemungkinan Kerana Anemia, Ketahui Simptom & Cara Mengatasinya!\nTip keibubapaan\nAdakah Anak Anda Mendapat DHA Yang Mencukupi?\nKeibubapaan\nIs Your Child Allergic to Milk or Lactose Intolerant? Here is the Difference Parents Should Know About\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/12-ways-to-be-a-mean-mum", "title": "12 Ways to be a mean mum", "body": "One of these days, your child will call you a mean mum for not letting them do what they want. You might be taken aback by this. And when another person sees how well you\u2019ve disciplined your child, you\u2019ll get praise. Confused yet?\n\n\nTake it as a compliment.\n\n\nYou\u2019ve heard about spoiled children before, and it scares you. But you know that it isn\u2019t their fault. It\u2019s usually the parents\u2019 fault. So when you catch yourself \nnot \nspoiling your kids and being called a mean mum, don\u2019t worry! That just means you haven\u2019t given up yet.\n\n\nSo come on ladies, be a \u201cmean mum.\u201d It\u2019s easy to see through tantrums and fits thrown by children. All you need is a firm but gentle hand \u2013 it\u2019s all about tough love, emphasis on love.)\n\n\n\n\n12 mean mum ways\n\n\n1. Telling your kids to go to bed \n\n\nHave you ever told your children how going for days without sleep can seriously mess them up? You should. And they shouldn\u2019t be mad about it. Because everyone needs sleep. And if they can\u2019t sleep, \nyou \ncan\u2019t sleep. It\u2019s a win-win.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Not giving your kids dessert everyday\n\n\nThe best sweets are often the ones you rarely eat. You get to savour the moment! That\u2019s what makes the sweet a \u201ctreat.\u201d \n\n\nAnd kids should learn that too much sugar can rot their teeth faster than they can say \u201chigh fructose corn syrup.\u201d Would they like to have black ugly teeth for the rest of their lives? Do they want to go to the dentist all the time? We didn\u2019t think so! So yeah, they have you to thank, mean mum!\n\n\n3. Making them pay for their own stuff\n\n\nIf you want something, you have to get it yourself. That\u2019s how life works. So teach your kids the value of paying for your own stuff. Tell them how amazing it is to have full control over what you buy. Plus, they\u2019ll learn how to spend wisely and appreciate what they buy more. \n\n\n4. Not manipulating the world to your kid\u2019s advantage\n\n\nYour children will definitely experience a time when not everything will be handed to them on a silver platter. One day they\u2019ll learn that they\u2019re not exceptions to the rule. \n\n\nSo please stop manipulating the world so your kids always get what they want. You\u2019re not preparing your children for the future, you\u2019re setting them up to fail miserably.\n\n\n\n\n5. Making them do hard things\n\n\nDon\u2019t just immediately help them when they have difficulty doing things. Let them struggle. And when they do overcome the obstacle, they empower themselves.\n\n\n6. Giving them a watch or an alarm clock\n\n\nYour child should learn how to value and manage their time. If they can\u2019t, they\u2019ll just end up being late to everything and not being able to do the things they want. A watch can also boost their confidence. It helps them feel responsible and grown up.\n\n\n7. Not buying them the best and the latest\n\n\nYou aren\u2019t doing your child any favors when you spoil them. So be a mean mum and teach them that\u00a0 they can\u2019t have it all.\n\n\n They should know that having the best and the latest things isn\u2019t the most important thing in life. Give them a lesson about the true value of things. And teach them gratitude and satisfaction for the things they already have.\n\n\n8. Let them feel loss and failure\n\n\nIf your kid breaks something they own, you don\u2019t need to replace it. So just don\u2019t do it. They need to learn a valuable lesson in taking better care of their stuff. \n\n\nIn fact, \nlet them fail\n all the time. Experiencing failure makes them realise that they have to work for something to get it, and that not everything will be given to them. It teaches them responsibility and accountability.\n\n\n9. Controlling their media consumption\n\n\nWe\u2019ve said it again and again, \nchildren\u2019s media consumption\n should be regulated. And just because other parents let their kids go crazy on gadgets doesn\u2019t mean you should, too. Put your foot down when it becomes an unhealthy obsession, or when the media they consume is inappropriate.\n\n\nStand up for decent parenting and let the rest follow.\n\n\n\n\n10. Getting them to apologize\n\n\nIf your child can\u2019t recognize when something\u2019s wrong and own up to it, how are they going to be well-balanced adults in the future? How will they be able to have healthy long-term relationships? \n\n\nIf your kid does something wrong, make them realize what they did wrong and make them face the consequences. You can\u2019t just ignore rudeness, bullying, and dishonesty. You have to nip it in the bud.\n\n\n11. Making them mind their manners\n\n\nChildren should learn to mind their manners at an early age or rude behaviour will turn into habit. Courtesy and politeness should be practiced, not just by your children, but by you as well. Good manners will take them far.\n\n\n12. Making them work for free\n\n\nTeach them the value of volunteer work, whether it\u2019s cleaning the house or helping their grandparents with something. It teaches them about generosity and compassion. \n\n\nMaking them work for free in the service of others, even just their family, teaches them empathy. It teaches them to put themselves in other people\u2019s shoes and realise that other people have needs, too. They learn that people have their own problems, and these are often greater than their own.\n\n\nBeing a mean mum can be good sometimes\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry about your children calling you a mean mum when you know you\u2019ve done the right thing. In fact, you should probably treat yourself for teaching your kids better behaviour. \nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nAnd even if your kids call you a mean mum to your face, please let them know that you love them. They will change, and they will realise that what you\u2019ve done for them will help them grow into better human beings.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/childbearing-fertility-pursuit-of-5cs", "title": "Fertility and the Pursuit of 5Cs", "body": "Husband: Errr\u2026Darling, we\u2019ve all the 5Cs, but I feel we have another C missing!\n\n\nWife: Let\u2019s go through the directory and make an appointment with a doctor\u2026\n\n\nConventionally, society chooses the five Cs of life, namely, Cash, Car, Credit Card, Condominium and Country Club membership. If you have those 5Cs, you are most likely to be considered as successful and in a prestigious status.\n\n\n However, it is time for us to redefine success and to look into an equally important C, which is \u2013 Child.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThe proportion of woman who delays childbearing beyond the age of 35 years has greatly increased in recent decades. \n\n\nAdditional factors include women are now more independent, change in lifestyle and the search for freedom. Occasionally, they are still waiting for Mr Right.\n\n\nThe consequences of advancing maternal age are not only relevant to the risk of natural and medical assisted conception, but also for the outcome of pregnancy.\n\n\n In a woman, there are 1\u20132 million oocytes at the time of birth, about 250,000 oocytes at menarche, 25,000 oocytes at 37 years of age, and only a few hundred or thousand at the end of their reproductive life. \n\n\nA substantial amount of eggs are lost before puberty and at every menstrual cycle. The progressive loss of eggs is a normal process, and the loss of eggs is accelerated after the age of 35. The decrease in fertility with female ageing is mainly due to a decrease in the quantity and quality of eggs.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: News Medical\n\n\n\n\nDue to the ageing process, the quality of eggs is affected whereby there is an increased risk of genetic abnormalities called aneuploidy. Aneuploidy refers to an abnormal number of chromosomes in the fertilized egg, resulting in a condition such as Down Syndrome. \n\n\n\n\nThus, as women age, they become less likely to conceive easily, more likely to have miscarriages and also higher risk of having children born with chromosomal problems. Not to mention, complications associated with pregnancy in ageing mothers.\n\n\n\n\nFibroids, Endometriosis, Endometrial Polyps and Ovarian cysts are acquired gynaecological diseases, which are more common when women age and in women who have not given birth before. These diseases might affect your chance to conceive in future.\n\n\nThe Advancement of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has allowed and helped many couples to fulfil their dreams to conceive. \n\n\nART is used to treat infertility, which could be due to various reasons. Types of Assisted Reproductive Treatment include Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), in In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF/ TEST TUBE BABY), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS), among others. \n\n\nA suitable treatment plan is chosen based on the cause(s) of infertility and the couple\u2019s preference after thorough counselling with a gynaecologist or fertility specialist.\n\n\nThanks to advancements in women healthcare and fertility services, women who choose to delay pregnancy for whether medical or social reasons, can opt for oocytes cryopreservation (eggs freezing). It is a procedure to preserve a woman\u2019s eggs for later use. \n\n\nEgg freezing enables women to protect the current health of their eggs and increase the chances of conception through IVF in the future.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\n Can you imagine: You are 40 years old when you opt to have a baby, you can use the eggs which you have preserved earlier to have a better success rate in IVF.\n\n\nEggs freezing may be the way out but there is some decrease in the overall success rate in IVF as age increases because we cannot deny our body from physiological and physical changes in ageing. Nevertheless, the eggs freezing outcome is much better than those individuals without eggs freezing.\n\n\nFor a relatively healthy woman, it is crucial to have scheduled health checks with your gynaecologist because early diagnosis and prompt treatment can reduce the impact of gynaecological diseases on your fertility journey.\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nThe conventional 5Cs should be changed to 6Cs, with a child(ren) in the picture. A child should not be a hinder for you to pursue the 5Cs. Starting a family and gaining economic stability should go hand in hand.\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by \nDr Tan Chee Hoe\n, \nObstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G)\n of \nPantai Hospital Cheras (PHC)\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nWhy It Is Important to Wear Your Mask, Even After You Have Been Vaccinated?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n\u00a0Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccine\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nHow Parents and Caregivers Can Help Kids Manage with Increased Stressors with Covid-19\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-do-we-joyfully-tidy-with-kids", "title": "How Do We Joyfully Tidy with Kids?", "body": "As certified KonMari Consultants, one of the most frequently asked questions we hear is: \nHow do we make our kids, spouses, loved ones tidy up?\n\n\nThe answer? \nLook inward first\n.\n\n\nWe can\u2019t force anyone to do anything and expect them to do it joyfully. Lead by example and they will naturally be influenced by experiencing what a calming well-organized environment can do for our wellbeing. Tidying may not be the kind of \u2018self-care\u2019 promoted on social media, but transforming your space into a sanctuary is absolutely a form of self-care! Take a quick look around you right now, is your environment supporting who you are and who you are becoming?\n\n\nIf you have read Marie Kondo\u2019s books or watched the Netflix show, you\u2019ll know that there are basic steps to following the method: making a firm commitment right at the start to see it through, keeping only what sparks joy, and tidying by category rather than room. This last one might sound counter-intuitive, but it creates a clear mental inventory of everything we own in a particular category which helps us make more mindful and intentional purchases in the long run.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nShirota Yuri\n on \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nTidying with kids requires turning it from a chore into a fun activity\u2026\n\n\n\u201c\nKids, it\u2019s time for a scavenger hunt! Let\u2019s find ALL the legos in the house and bring them to your bedroom.\u201d \nThe same approach can be used for cuddly toys, coloring pencils, or just about anything else!\n\n\n\u201cHey gang! Let\u2019s organize the bookshelf, who wants to make a rainbow?\u201d\n\u00a0 Alternatively you can arrange by theme or even book size, there\u2019s no hard rules \u2013 see what sparks joy in your household!\n\n\n\u201cGirls, I\u2019d love for you to show me what your most favorite things are, and what things we can bless other children with\u201d \nInvolving the kids in the donation process is a great way to teach gratitude and generosity.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by \nVanessa Bucceri\n on \nUnsplash\n\n\n\n\nThere are many wonderful consultants out there who specialise in working with families and have amazing strategies to make it fun. KonMari\u2019ing with kids is also a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and spend quality time. Not only is learning what sparks joy a journey of self-discovery for them, it also helps us parents develop a deeper appreciation for our children\u2019s passions and preferences.\n\n\nMy 7 and 5 year old daughters have been KonMari\u2019ing since they were 2 years old and instilling this practise in them has paid dividends. They have gained more confidence by having their voices heard and decisions respected during the tidying process, have learned to hold gratitude for their living space and belongings, and become more discerning in terms of what toys, books, games and clothes truly spark joy for them.\n\n\nOnce the foundations have been laid by completing the initial \u201c\nTidying Festival\n\u201d (and the kids have been included as active participants in the process) regular maintenance through \u201cJoy Checking\u201d is quick and easy. We do a family joycheck every three months as the girls physically and mentally outgrow their stuff so quickly at this age!\n\n\nLike tidying and decluttering, Joy Checking with kids can be fun and empowering. Ask them to share why they love a particular item, or don\u2019t enjoy it anymore. What, or who, do their favorite items remind them of?\u00a0 As a parent, the hardest part is to reserve judgement and not project our own views on what should or shouldn\u2019t spark joy for our children. We learn to hold space for their opinions, and acknowledge that those opinions and preferences change over time, just like ours.\u00a0\n\n\nFollowing the Tidying Festival, it\u2019s important to create a system that ensures all your children\u2019s prized possessions have a \u201chome\u201d. This makes future tidying, finding items and maintaining order much easier.\n\n\n\n\n(Before & After Slider) Photo by Erica Knecht / \nThat Wild Road\n\n\n\n\nIn recent years there has been increased interest in the neuroscience behind decluttering. One \nPrinceton University\n study found that physical clutter competes for our mental attention, resulting in decreased performance and increased anxiety. Add to the mix a child\u2019s growing brain which already makes focus, impulse control and emotional reactivity a challenge and there should be no question as to the benefits of decluttering for your whole family!\n\n\nTidying with kids may seem daunting at first, but it\u2019s well worth persevering. The Konmari Method offers a tried and tested framework to help you get started, and once you find the strategies that work best for you and yours, that home sanctuary will be just around the corner!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWritten by:\n Rebecca Jo-Rushdy\n\n\nThe Tokyo-HK-NYC transplant is Malaysia\u2019s first KonMari certified consultant and founder of \nSpark Joy & Flow\n \u2013 professionally and passionately dedicated to creating space for joy in people\u2019s lives. Rebecca is also a mother of two daughters and a few dozen house plants.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nParents, Here Are 10 Ways To Get Your Kids Doing Chores At Home!\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/my-husband-is-a-sex-addict-and-i-only-just-found-out", "title": "\u201cMy husband is a sex addict and I only just found out!\"", "body": "Sex addiction: A compulsion that hurts partners in a way no other addiction can.\u00a0\nThis is a story of sad revelation \u2013 how a Singaporean woman\u2019s\u00a0life took a completely different turn upon discovery that her husband of 2 years was a sex addict.\n\n\nMy Marriage Problem Starts With A Sex Addict\n\n\n\u201cHis sex addiction (to put it bluntly) was like playing emotional ping pong.\u201d\n\n\nEunice (not her real name), a 37-year-old HR executive and second wife to 38-year-old Daryl*, shares with us her story of what it\u2019s like to live with a highly sex-crazy man.\n\n\nI met Daryl at a company event. He was an engineer in the same company\u00a0I was working for,\u00a0which meant that I\u00a0was well aware of\u00a0his recent divorce. But that didn\u2019t stop me from being attracted to him, and then accepting his invite to our first date.\u00a0One thing led to another and we tied the knot a year later.\n\n\nI never got to know why Daryl\u2019s first \nmarriage failed\n. He was not a very outspoken person and hardly shared emotions or details about his past. I\u2019m also never one to bring up uncomfortable things, and to be honest, everything was\u00a0going so well that I didn\u2019t think it mattered at that point.\n\n\nIt was only after about a year into our marriage that things started to get unusual\u2026in the bedroom. Sex was frequent, but felt very mechanical and intimacy always felt slightly out of reach.\n\n\nDaryl kept asking me to \nwatch porn with him\n, and I did it a few times, then realised that the moves and positions we tried were a mere imitation of what we had just watched. I couldn\u2019t help but think that he was imagining the porn star as the one he was making love too. His sudden escalation in intensity and vigorous movements in bed (not forgetting the loud grunts) which were all so unusual, only led to me thinking that it wasn\u2019t me he was having sex with.\n\n\nIt started to worry me even more\u00a0when Daryl got mad at me and aggressive at times, saying\u00a0that I wasn\u2019t giving him enough sex. He would throw a fit\u00a0and sometimes our fights would end up in him walking out of the house, returning only the next morning.\u00a0He wouldn\u2019t pick up my calls and ignored all my texts.\n\n\nHis work trips to Bangkok began then, and would be as often as twice a month. In my mind, I know where my head went when I thought of him being away for nights in a city that is known for accessible sex. But I knew that my husband would never resort to paying for sex. Boy, was I wrong.\n\n\nDaryl then revealed to me that he had made frequent visits to strip clubs whenever he was \u2018working\u2019 in Bangkok. He cockily announced that there was this one time that he tried to kiss one of the girls in the club. This sent me into a tailspin. And rightfully so.\n\n\nI went beserk, and sought advice from our mutual friends. This was the time that his closets buddies revealed to me the reason for the failure of his first marriage \u2013 his ex-wife had found emails that led to telling her that he was cheating on her.\n\n\nI felt stupid because I took too long to find out the truth and also because I didn\u2019t find it necessary to probe about his failed marriage. Was I not enough? Were we not sexually compatible? I was hurt beyond words.\n\n\nOf course, I put on my FBI cap and started doing something I never thought I\u2019d have to do- I looked through his phone. To my horror, I found explicit sexts to a couple of random women he had met on nights out.\n\n\nThey were mutually fantasising about having sex at the park\u00a0and planning their next rendezvous. In one of the texts, one of the women had suggested that I was an inadequate wife\u00a0for him. He hadn\u2019t disagreed. Instead he went on to describe the curve of her breasts, and how much he loved fondling them. Imagine the pain that engulfed me at that moment.\n\n\nThat also brought me to think about what he used to tell me \u2013\u00a0\u201cSometimes,\u201d he said, \u201csex is just sex.\u201d This, I suppose, could have been interpreted as a handy rationalisation from someone who\u2019d been having lots of it, with other women. Had I been so stupid and blind in his love? How could I miss the signs?\n\n\nDaryl, upon confrontation that evening confessed\u00a0 that he was addicted to sex. I found it ridiculous at first\u2026 addicted to sex? is he really a sex addict? Was this just a way to get out of the trouble he was in? Was this the reply after cheat gave their partners?\n\n\nI am now even more poised to leave him than ever before, but I do still love him slightly. Despite this flaws, despite this major setback in our marriage. I don\u2019t even know if I can forgive him for cheating on me\u2026 but he dismisses it as a \u2018medical problem\u2019.\n\n\nYes, this issue started way before he met me, but it does affect me. I\u2019ve now put him in the \u2018addict\u2019 box but how do I lump him together with all the other stories I\u2019ve heard about other sex addicts?\u00a0Just thinking about that makes my heart sink and my body shudder.\n\n\nA series of\u00a0bad thoughts play in my mind all day.\u00a0Is there hope for recovery for sex addicts? Is this all a lie or a manipulating game? Trust is definitely an issue now with us- how do I know this will not happen again?\n\n\nIs sex a medical condition or a lame excuse to be a jerk? I\u2019m tired of this ping pong game, and would like to put my racquet down now.\n\n\n\n\n(Story as told to Pavin Chopra)\n\n\nSex addiction is a state characterised by compulsive participation or engagement in sexual activity,\u00a0despite negative consequences. In most cases, the sex addict (SA) refuses to accept that they\u2019re addicted, almost always resulting in compulsive behaviour which can damage the relationship they have with their loved ones. In worst cases, the SA can even result to cheating.\nPartner Stories\nRumah\nPenting Memastikan Rumah Bebas Virus! Ini 5 Cara Sanitasi Seluruh Rumah Agar Bebas Virus\nProduk bayi\nTahukah anda udara kotor di rumah boleh mendatangkan penyakit kepada keluarga?\nGive Health A Shot\nApa Bintik-Bintik Di Badan Itu? Ini Simptom Cacar Air Yang Sering Disalah Baca Oleh Ibu Bapa\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAdakah Anda Membuat Pelaburan Yang Tepat? 4 Bidang Pelaburan Yang Perlu Diketahui Sebagai Ibu Bapa\n\n\nTelltale signs that your man is a sex addict\n\n\n\n\nAn unhealthy love of pornography (mostly enjoyed in secret).\n\n\nMany sex addicts will still masturbate even after sex.\n\n\nThey\u2019re extremely confident sexually, and sometimes slightly aggressive.\n\n\nHe\u2019ll become secretive about his phone and maybe even sneak off for late night booty calls.\n\n\nHe\u2019ll become extremely uptight and angry if you withhold sex from him when he demands it.\n\n\n\n\nIf you know anyone who has such an addiction, or is engaged in a marriage problem such as this, click \nhere\n\u00a0for help.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/school-malaysia", "title": "How to Prepare Your Child for Transition to Year 1 From Kindergarten", "body": "Do you have a 6-year-old who is currently in kindergarten? Then you probably know what\u2019s coming soon\u2014primary school!\n\n\nThe days of small classes, loads of teacher attention and patient hand-holding might soon be a thing of the past for your child. Don\u2019t fret though, primary school is an important and exciting step towards independence and a brighter future.\n\n\nSince schools are currently closed due to coronavirus, parents are getting more involved in their kids\u2019 education, and naturally, their preparation for Year 1. Kindergartens normally play a role in prepping 6-year-olds for that next stage (with parental involvement), but now we\u2019ll just have to do the best we can from home.\n\n\nLet\u2019s go through 4 things you can do to make your child\u2019s transition to primary school as smooth as possible:\n\n\n1. Talk About the Change That Will Happen\n\n\n\n\nCall up the primary school your child will join (or is interested in joining) and arrange a visit with your child, if possible. During the visit you could show your child the school buildings, facilities and point out teachers and students.\n\n\nThis should give your child a clearer idea of what school will be like, so his first day in Year 1 won\u2019t be too much of a shock.\n\n\nIf your school of choice isn\u2019t open for visits, show your child photographs of the school. Try getting these images through school websites, social media, or brochures.\n\n\nSabrina Malar, a school headmistress, says it\u2019s important that parents begin preparing children mentally by telling them how school life is different to preschool. Explain to your child that he will be in a new place, see new faces, and that there will be changes in his daily routine (including the longer school hours).\n\n\nPossible separation anxiety during the transition is also something that parents should be aware of. Although it\u2019s normal for young children to experience this when entering Year 1, your child will feel more secure if he knows what to anticipate.\n\n\n2. Work on Independent Living Skills\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSince it (transitioning to Year 1) involves rapid and unanticipated change, kids will find it difficult to manage themselves in school because they have been getting help most of the time in kindergarten,\u201d says primary school teacher, Azureen Syed.\n\n\nPrimary school typically involves a lot more rule-following and discipline than in kindergarten life. Kids will not only have to get accustomed to this, but will have to learn other new habits, such as going to the toilet on their own (yup, some kids in Year 1 still want to be accompanied to the toilet) and handling cash to buy things (like in the cafeteria or bookshop).\n\n\n3. Check That Your Child Has Reached Basic Academic Expectations\n\n\n\n\nDid you know many kids enter Year 1 not knowing how to write? Writing is a basic skill expected of students. If your child is falling behind on academic standards, he might struggle once school starts, as there is much less one-to-one assistance. This is especially true for classes with big numbers of children.\n\n\nSome schools might offer remedial classes, but it\u2019s always a good idea to be prepared with all the necessary prerequisite skills like reading, writing and counting for Year 1.\n\n\n4. Teach Healthy Social and Emotional Skills\n\n\n\n\nOther than academic abilities, social and emotional skills are also highly important. When facing a new environment, kids will have to build fresh relationships, communicate their needs or wants, and practice self-regulation.\n\n\nTeach your children how to ask for help, give them tips on how to make friends, and go through some coping strategies (like breathing techniques or asking to take a break) for when they are afraid or frustrated.\n\n\nSabrina adds, \u201cTeach children it\u2019s ok to make mistakes as mistakes are our best teacher. Encourage them to keep trying. Do not focus on grades only but ensure children are understanding concepts and how to apply them in daily life.\u201d\n\n\nAt the end of the day, try not to worry too much about your child\u2019s transition, as most schools do have an orientation period for those who join Year 1. These periods can go up to a whole month\n\n\nAs Agnes Yeoh, a kindergarten teacher and owner says, \u201cJust be there emotionally. We cannot replicate what a teacher does at school but we can create our own learning journey.\u201d\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/understand-the-best-method-to-protect-our-family", "title": "Understand The Best Method To Protect Our Family", "body": "\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/chinese-new-year-campaign-lego-group", "title": "The LEGO\u00ae Group Unveils New Video Celebrating the Importance of Family & Keeping Traditions Alive", "body": "Ahead of the Chinese New Year, The LEGO\u00ae Group has unveiled a heartwarming video to celebrate and keep the cultural heritage behind the festive occasion alive, while reminding viewers the importance of spending quality time with families and loved ones.\n\n\nProduced in collaboration with Malaysia TV show host and YouTube creator, \nDanny Ah Boy\n,\n the \nvideo\n titled \u201cAbundant Joy\u201d spotlights some of the traditions behind the Chinese New Year celebrations that have been passed on from generation to generation.\n\n\nThrough the eyes of the protagonist, Danny, on a visit back home for the festivities, the video takes viewers through a nostalgic journey as he reflects on his father\u2019s quest to continue the legacy of Chinese culture through his calligraphy work, as well as the importance of family ties despite the physical distance. \n\n\nThe video also sees Danny and his family giving the gift of play during Chinese New Year as they build the new 80108 LEGO\u00ae Lunar New Year Traditions set together while learning about the customs and practices.\n\n\n\n\nRohan Mathur, Marketing Director of LEGO Southeast Asia, said, \u201cAs families near and far celebrate the festive season, we hope that this video will inspire people to relook at the heritage practices that bind us together, give the gift of play to each other, and rise to new heights in this new chapter in their lives.\u201d\n\n\nThe video was introduced as part of The LEGO\u00ae Group\u2019s Chinese New Year campaign, which also features the launch of two new Chinese Traditional Festival LEGO\u00ae sets, \n80108 LEGO\u00ae Lunar New Year Traditions\n and \n80109 LEGO\u00ae Lunar New Year Ice Festival\n, as well as the \n31129 LEGO\u00ae Majestic Tiger\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n80108 LEGO\u00ae Lunar New Year Traditions (RM 299.90) \ncelebrates six different activities of the festive occasion with six brick-built scenes packed with authentic details. These include Spring Festival Shopping, making auspicious decorations, visiting family and exchanging red packets. Each module corresponds to a set of Chinese New Year pictures to help children learn Chinese customs through play.\n\n\n\n\n80109 LEGO\u00ae Lunar New Year Ice Festival (RM 449.90) \nshows the joyful scene of a Spring Festival Ice Skating Park where children celebrate the Chinese New Year with various winter activities in a beautiful ice and snow scene, such as skating on the lake, playing hockey, sledding with penguins and taking photos in a pavilion. As an added surprise, a tiger minifigure is also included in the set to mark the Year of the Tiger in 2022.\n\n\n\n\nTo celebrate the Year of the Tiger, the 3-in-1 \n31129 LEGO\u00ae Majestic Tiger (RM 219.90) \noffers versatile play experiences for families. It can be rebuilt into a cute red panda that sleeps in trees and munches on bamboo, a koi fish swimming through lakes, or can be left up to one\u2019s imagination to create a new animal. Family members can enjoy building together, making for a fun, intergenerational role-playing activity during house visits.\n\n\nFamilies can also tune in to a special Chinese New Year edition of \nLEGO\u00ae Playdate\n, a YouTube Live series that aims to bring fun and joy with quality content that ignites imagination and creativity. Learn how to create new year accessories to complete the outfit with LEGO\u00ae DOTS, enjoy multiple product giveaways, and participate in contests.\n\n\nWatch the latest video by The LEGO Group for the Chinese New Year on \nThe LEGO Group YouTube Channel\n, \nDanny Ah Boy\u2019s YouTube channel\n \nand \nThe LEGO Group Facebook page\n. For more information, please visit the \nLEGO Malaysia website\n and \nLEGO Malaysia Facebook page\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nMalaysian Mum Shares A Secret On Why Her Kid Falls Sick Infrequently\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\n\u201cEidress Jarang Sangat Sakit Dan Cerdas!\u201d Ini Rupanya Tips Anzalna Amalkan Bagi Memastikan Anaknya Membesar Dengan Baik!\nHealth\nHow To Tell If Rashes Are More Than Just A Harmless Rash: Signs To Look Out For In Kids\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/keto-diet", "title": "Ketogenic Diet \u2014 Here\u2019s What This Obesity Trainer Really Thinks About It", "body": "The Ketogenic or Keto diet has become quite a trend recently and is popular for weight (specifically fat) loss. But, what does actually entail and should you be on it?\n\n\nKeto stands for ketogenic and describes the process when ketones (type of chemical) are produced from stored fat when no other form of energy is available in your body. In order to achieve this state, you have to deprive your body of glucose (sugar) and eat just enough protein to maintain lean mass, as protein can also be converted to glucose. To put it simply, this is a low-carb diet with a little protein and high amounts of fat.\n\n\nBy depriving your body of glucose by abstaining from all carbs including fruit and vegetables, it first uses what is stored in the liver, then the muscles to break down amino acids to produce glucose. After a few days, the body begins using fat as fuel, which shifts to the liver where ketones are produced as an alternate source of energy. This diet has been prescribed for certain medical conditions like diabetes and to help reduce epileptic seizures. But does this mean it\u2019s safe for you?\n\n\n\n\nThe obvious benefits are that it does lead to weight loss and improves issues related to being overweight as you feel fuller and less hungry; but there are challenges involved. As with all restricted diets, it\u2019s difficult to maintain. To achieve ketosis, carbs are very restricted and this is difficult for many of us, and leads to side-effects like moodiness and brain fog.\n\n\nDepending on what you eat, digestive issues like constipation can arise due to having less fibre. If you go on this diet long term, nutrient deficiencies can also be a problem; and \u2018bad\u2019 cholesterol due to consuming more saturated animals fats will increase.\n\n\nQuite a few organs are involved in the process and have work hard to shift to this alternate energy source. Our body can use this as a last resort backup for a short period of time to survive, not as a main energy supply. This means that our liver and kidneys could suffer over time.\n\n\n\n\nThere have been limited studies conducted, but it\u2019s highly recommended to consult a dietitian / nutritionist before starting to get advice on how to ensure you get the necessary nutrients, whether it\u2019s safe for your specific health requirements and for how long you should practise it.\n\n\nReference\n:\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nhttps://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-weight/diet-reviews/ketogenic-diet/\nhttps://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/should-you-try-the-keto-diet\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/water-births-need-know-planning-one", "title": "Water births \u2013 what you need to know about planning one", "body": "\n\nAre you planning for a water birth?\n\n\n\n\nIf you have decided that a water birth sounds like the right thing for you, read on for more information about what goes into planning for a water birth.\n\n\nThe first step is to discuss the option of giving birth in water with your doula or doctor, and decide whether you want to have a water birth in hospital or in the comfort of your own home.\n\n\nSelected hospitals may have birthing rooms with tubs and even inflatable birth pools you can use. However some expecting mummies prefer to birthing in the familiar surroundings of home.\n\n\nSteps in planning a water birth\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s a checklist of things to consider if you are planning for a water birth.\n\n\n\n\nOnce you have established if you are having a waterbirth in a hospital or at home, you need to ensure that you have all the equipments needed. For waterbirths at home, you need to ensure that the floor of your house can actually support the width of what will be a decent size paddling pool. What is to become the birthing room should also be spacious enough to allow free movement for the midwife and all her equipment.\n\n\nThe tub should be deep enough to sit comfortably with the water level reaching your armpits. Do a test run beforehand to find out how long it takes to fill up the pool with water and also to get everything set up for the birth. Make sure all the pool accessories like the pump, filters and heater is working properly. Also make sure that you can get in and out of the tub with ease.\n\n\nAn often overlooked step in planning a water birth is experimenting with different labour positions. Try sitting, kneeling and lying down, and feel what is most comfortable to you.\n\n\nDecide on your obstetrician, a registered midwife and your doula. If you are giving birth outside the hospital, it is essential to have an experienced physician and registered midwife to deliver the baby and monitor you closely, just in case of complications. A doula is responsible for taking great care of the mummy.\n\n\n\n\nOnce you have everything planned and ready, don\u2019t forget about a few essential items that will see you through your water birth.\n\n\nItems you will need for a water birth\n\n\n\n\nFind out what you\u2019ll need to prepare to welcome your bundle of joy into the world.\n\n\n\n\nEven if the birth tub is an essential part of the process, it is not the only item that you\u2019ll need to get. When you are planning a water birth, you need to have all your bases covered to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible. Some of the additional items you may need include:\nPartner Stories\n#PendidikanKewangan\nPengajaran Tentang Kewangan Yang Anak-Anak Akan Ingat Sampai Bila-bila\nKehamilan\nWhy the third trimester of pregnancy is crucial\nFormula\nAn open letter to the mummy of the little girl who hurt herself at the playground...\nRaise them Resilient\nHow Environment Influences Child Personality\n\n\n\n\nA couple of clean old towels\n\n\nA clean bucket to place the placenta\n\n\nBin liners \u2013 The tub is actually lined before it is filled with water\n\n\nA fishing net to filter and remove debris\n\n\nA thermometer to check the water temperature. Your midwife will have to monitor this.\n\n\nA TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)\u00a0machine\n\n\nMaternity pads\n\n\nA warm robe for when you get out of the tub\n\n\nAdapters to fit your taps\n\n\nLight snack and drinks which will keep your glucose and energy levels up as you prepare for birth\n\n\nA birth ball is optional, but will be a useful distraction between contractions.\n\n\nAll the essentials your baby will need once he greets the world. Think clothing, pre-warmed towels, a diaper and immediate access to a clean washing up bowl.\n\n\nYour midwife should also have and underwater Doppler to monitor your baby\u2019s heartbeat.\n\n\n\n\nDo note that this list is just a guide, and is not a comprehensive list of things you need for a water birth. It is absolutely essential to discuss your ideas with your Doula. When it comes to planning a water birth, they offer invaluable advice and pointers and will ensure that you receive the one-on-one care you\u2019ll need. A woman in labour cannot be left unattended even if there are no complications. Planning ahead can only go towards ensuring a better birthing experience for you.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/7-year-old-girl-gang-raped-on-roblox-highlights-need-for-increased-parental-scrutiny", "title": "7-year-old girl 'gang-raped' on Roblox highlights need for increased parental scrutiny", "body": "A US mum has taken to Facebook demanding answers after her child\u2019s avatar was\u00a0gang raped\u00a0on popular online game creation platform, Roblox.\n\n\nAccording to mum Amber Petersen, her seven-year-old daughter was playing the game on her tablet at home. She explained that they decided to allow their daughter to play the game \nafter adjusting the settings to maximum security.\n\n\nRoblox\n has security settings that allow parents to block outside conversations and invitations. There are also 24-hour moderators who block any potentially inappropriate content, so they thought it would be alright.\n\n\nIf you are new to the game, Roblox is not just a shoot-everything-in-sight kind of game.\u00a0There are actually many different segments and genres within the popular online game.\n\n\nAmber\u2019s daughter was playing an age-appropriate game apparently designed especially for children. Nothing prepared Amber for what she was about to see when her\u00a0daughter came over to ask her what was happening on the screen.\n\n\nGang Raped on Roblox\n\n\n\n\nScreenshots from\u00a0\nAmber Peterson\n\n\n\n\nTraumatised and feeling violated on so many levels, the mum shared screenshots, which showed two male avatars attacking her daughter\u2019s female character \u2013 one from behind and one under her.\n\n\n\n\nScreenshots from\u00a0\nAmber Peterson\n\n\n\n\nImagine the mum\u2019s horror seeing her innocent seven-year-old daughter getting virtually gang raped on Roblox while another avatar watched. For all we know, it could have been another child!\n\n\nThink for a second about the side effects of introducing sex to a child at that age. The mental trauma?\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe screenshots she shared in\u00a0\nFacebook\n, clearly showed a representation of the male genitalia, but we\u2019re blurring it here to save parents from disgust.\n\n\nAnd just as quickly, the two perpetrators left the game after it was over.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nScreenshots from\u00a0\nAmber Peterson\n\n\n\n\nExtremely upset, Amber posted this message on Facebook: \u201cParents/Caregivers\u2026 not only do I urge you to delete this app. I hope you will take another \nlook at all of your devices and their security settings\n.\u201d\n\n\nHow Can They Allow a Child to be Gang Raped on Roblox?\n\n\nDespite countless occasions \nof sexual abuse involving children\n\u00a0on Roblox, we\u2019re shocked to find that it is still around!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhen asked about the incident, a spokesperson\u00a0said that they have banned the players who have violated its community policies and rules of conduct. They also emphasised that they have\u00a0zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour and are working to ensure a safe platform for all users.\n\n\nHowever, with\u00a064 million players per month, suffice to say, Roblox is here to stay. So it is up to us parents to make a stand and stop our children from playing this game.\u00a0\n\n\nYes, it is addictive. Yes, you can build anything on Roblox. Children can create their own games and also join in games created by others. There\u2019s even role-playing, dressing up and meeting other people in virtual space. We can see why Roblox is so popular among children.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, if despite maximum security settings, a child can still be gang raped in Roblox in a child-appropriate game, then I\u2019m sorry: It is not safe.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nBBC\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nProduk bayi\nInfant safe products for your home\nParenting\nBack-to-school Shopping Season: A Parent\u2019s Checklist for Primary & Secondary School Students\nRaise them Resilient\nParenting styles: What can Malaysian parents learn from the Japanese?\nKeibubapaan\nDibelenggu Masalah Kulit Kering dan Gatal? Sapukan Losyen Ini Untuk Kelegaan Serta Merta\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ramadan-delights", "title": "Experience the Best of Malaysian Ramadan Cuisine: Marriott Bonvoy Chefs Unveil Their Signature Dishes", "body": "As Ramadan approaches, Malaysians are eagerly preparing to celebrate with loved ones by sharing delicious food. In order to help whet your appetite and ensure you can savour the best dishes of the upcoming festive season, we\u2019ve convinced the top chefs at Marriott Bonvoy Hotels & Resorts in Malaysia to share their signature dishes!\n\n\nKlang Valley\u2019s Finest Ramadan Delights\n\n\nLe M\u00e9ridien Kuala Lumpur\n\n\n\n\nChef Budiman shares his favourite Ramadan picks\n\n\n\n\nWith 150 traditional and modern dishes to try at Latest Recipe @ Le M\u00e9ridien Kuala Lumpur\u2019s Ramadan buffet, it\u2019s a challenge to sample everything \u2013 but these are Chef Budiman\u2019s top picks you simply can\u2019t afford to miss!\n\n\nBeef marinated with Asian spices and slowly braised in a tandoori oven for nine hours, the \nSignature Daging Tempayan\n is absolutely a must-try dish. Served with traditional Biskut Lutut and a wide variety of freshly baked bread, it\u2019s a show-stopper of a meal! \n\n\nAnother dish to order is the \nRacikan Ayam\n, which is cooked in a sous vide machine at 63 degrees Celsius, and topped with chicken and free range eggs. It\u2019s also created using the same sauce as the Daging Tempayan, and it makes for a great meal to dip your bread into and devour.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n(from left) Signature Daging Tempayan, Racikan Ayam, Mee Lob Dang Tam, Laksa Lemak Kuning Ikan Tongkol\n\n\n\n\nSeafood lovers can\u2019t miss the \nMee Lob Dang Tam\n, a fusion-style noodle dish with lobster, prawns, and crab, served hot with prawn bisque and garnished with dried chilli paste, hard-boiled eggs, lime powder, and curry powder. \n\n\nIf that\u2019s not enough, the \nLaksa Lemak Kuning Ikan Tongkol\n \u2013 a traditional dish made with local tuna \u2013 is the chef\u2019s personal favourite, made just like \nnenek\n (grandmother) makes it! This favourite is served with yellow curry fish broth and tuna flakes, pounded with chilli paste and local green herbs, paired with your choice of noodles.\n\n\nSheraton Petaling Jaya Hotel\n\n\n\n\n(From left) Ayam Masak Lemak Rebung Tok Mizi, Sup Merah Temasik Bengkulu, and Gulai Daging dan Nangka Ala Canggung\n\n\n\n\nExperience the best of Malay cuisine during Ramadan at Sheraton Petaling Jaya Hotel with two thematic buffets \u2013 Sajian Warisan at Feast, and Iftar Nusantara at the Grand Ballroom.\n\n\nEnjoy a diverse selection of traditional flavours curated by Sous Chef Firdaus, featuring his heirloom recipes, such as \nSup Merah Temasik Bengkulu\n \u2013 a spicy and tangy soup made with bone marrow, oxtail, beef lung, beef tongue, beef tendon, and mutton, and \nAyam Masak Lemak Rebung Tok Mizi\n, a family favourite of Chef Firdaus made with chicken, coconut milk, turmeric, chilies, and bamboo shoots. \n\n\nBe sure to also get a taste of the savoury Malay curry of \nGulai Daging dan Nangka Ala Canggung\n, made with tender beef cubes and jackfruit, inspired by Chef Firdaus\u2019 traditional Malaysian heritage.\n\n\nFour Points by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown\n\n\n\n\nSous Chef Meor with his signature dish Ketam Bunga Masak Lemak Nenas Cili Api\n\n\n\n\nSeafood lovers should run, not walk, to Four Points by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown and savour the signature \nKetam Bunga Masak Lemak Nenas Cili Api\n dish by Sous Chef Meor Muhammad Syahir Meor Sahaid. \n\n\n\n\nThis dish is a reflection of Chef Meor\u2019s childhood and Minang heritage, tapping into his love for spicy food and seafood. Growing up without the luxury of eating seafood often, he aims to cook with the freshest seafood to create hearty and flavourful dishes that ensure the ingredients shine through with every bite. \n\n\nHis signature crab dish features high-quality Josapine pineapples cooked using traditional Nyonya techniques and inspired by Chinatown, creating a rich and flavourful dish that tells a wonderful culinary story.\n\n\nFlavours of East Malaysia\n\n\nLe M\u00e9ridien Kota Kinabalu\n\n\n\n\nLemongrass and Honey Roasted Mutton\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis Ramadan, check out Executive Chef Abraham bin Lingkorn, assisted by Sous Chef Kelvin Kilin and Sous Chef Gari Gidioen, for an epic buffet spread that reflects their combined experience, with a unique fusion of Eastern and Western Malaysian cuisines.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n(from left) Northern Style Herbs and Spices Meat Bone Soup and Prawn Curry\n\n\n\n\nHighlights include a unique \nLemongrass and Honey Roasted Mutton\n, a creative approach to the traditional Kambing Golek. Other signatures include their \nNorthern Style Herbs and Spices Meat Bone Soup,\n which is a take on the Minang delicacy; \nSpicy-Sour Oxtail with Torch Ginger\n; \nPrawn Curry \ncooked with bird\u2019s eye chilli and coconut milk; \nClay-Pot Grilled Chicken\n; \nThree-Flavoured Fish\n; and \nBeef Cooked with Bambangan (Wild Mangoes),\n which is a dish unique to East Malaysia.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nParenting\nWhat You Need to Know about Heavy Metal in Baby Food: Here Are the Facts\nKeibubapaan\nEratkan jalinan kekeluargaan bersama\n\n\nKota Kinabalu Marriott Hotel\n\n\n\n\nJunior Sous Chef Wilson introduces his Borneon spin on Roti Canai named, Eyes of Borneo\n\n\n\n\nKota Kinabalu Marriott Hotel is offering a \u2018Taste of Borneo\u2019 dinner buffet, where Junior Sous Chef Wilson brings hometown flavours to traditional dishes. Try his version of the timeless Malaysian classic Roti Canai with a Borneon twist \u2013 the aptly named \nEyes of Borneo\n \u2013 that features a runny yolk to add depth and flavour to the iconic dish. \n\n\nDiners can also check out 10 stalls and live cooking displays while being served a gastronomic spread of home cooked, traditional specialties amidst a panoramic backdrop of the South China Sea.\u00a0\n\n\nFairfield by Marriott Bintulu Paragon\n\n\n\n\nHead Chef Justin and Sous Chef Muna will delight taste buds with their Ramadan spread\n\n\n\n\nDelight in a myriad of local Malay and Sarawakian cuisine at KAVA this Ramadan, prepared by Head Chef Justin and Sous Chef Muna. Don\u2019t miss their Signature Grilled Fish with Sambal and Stink Bean (\nIkan Bakar Sambal Petai),\n where the fish is marinated with a sweet, sour and spicy sauce and wrapped in banana leaves before it is grilled, creating a moist and flavourful dish with the distinct herby and smoky aroma.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n(from left) Ikan Bakar Sambal Petai, Te\u2019ong Udang Ikan, and Kuih Takir Berlemak\n\n\n\n\nAnother must-try is the traditional native dish of the Melanau people in Sarawak \u2013 \nTe\u2019ong Udang Ikan\n \u2013 also known as Suman Lemantak. The dish consists of prawns and fish cooked with grated coconut, spices and sago flour before it is wrapped with the \ndaun nipah\n (palas leaf) and grilled on hot charcoal. This popular dish is prepared during special occasions in Sarawak, so make sure to try this limited-time signature dish this Ramadan!\n\n\nTop off your \niftar\n with Sarawak\u2019s traditional \nKuih Takir Berlemak,\n which is made of \ngula apong\n (palm sugar), rice flour and coconut milk. This concoction is poured into small bowls made from banana leaves, which are then steamed to create a soft, creamy and sweet dessert.\n\n\nDesaru Coast Delights\n\n\nThe Westin Desaru\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nExecutive Chef Jaffery with the incredible spread featuring local favourites and Mediterranean-inspired cuisine\n\n\n\n\nEmbark on a mouth-watering food journey and indulge in nostalgic local favourites and Mediterranean-inspired dishes at The Westin Desaru\u2019s Seasonal Tastes Restaurant. The buffet features Middle Eastern delights, including \nhot and cold \nmeze\n (appetisers) and main courses such as \nLamb Moussaka\n and \nChicken Shish Tawook\n. Make sure to also try the freshly carved \nMarinated Harissa Whole Lamb\n at the outdoor carvery stall!\n\n\nMalaysian options are also abundant, with popular Malaysian favourites like \nLemang\n, \nSatay, Daging Rendang Minang\n, \nAyam Masak Ponteh\n, \nLaksa Johor\n and more! And not forgetting the dessert spread that offers a wide variety of sweet treats, including \nBaklavas\n and \nTurkish Ice Cream\n.\u00a0\n\n\nFour Points by Sheraton Desaru\n\n\n\n\nChef Yati Zainol (right) and Sous Chef Zulkifli Sulong pictured with delicious Ramadan favourites\n\n\n\n\nIn collaboration with celebrity chef Yati Zainol (\n@yatiekitchen\n), The Mesh Restaurant at Four Points by Sheraton Desaru offers a delectable spread of traditional local favourites this Ramadan. Savour Chef Yati\u2019s signature dishes featuring \nSambal Tempoyak with Ikan Goreng Garing\n, \nVaruval Chicken\n, \nDaging Dendeng\n, and \nPais Tempoyak Cili Padi Ikan Siakap Bakar\n. \n\n\n\n\nDiners will also be able to meet Chef Yati in person and catch her live cooking session on 1 and 8 April 2023. Inquire more to find out about early bird discounts, card promotions and group discounts.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-confesses-i-was-attracted-to-another-man", "title": "Mum confesses: \"I was attracted to another man\"", "body": "When it comes to matters of the heart, it\u2019s not always as clear as black and white. A lot of what happens remains in the elusive grey area. Here is one such story of a mum.\n\n\nUntil today, I don\u2019t know if what I did was right. It doesn\u2019t seem explicitly wrong, but it seems to have crossed the line of what\u2019s acceptable. \n\n\nBen is my colleague, I\u2019ve known him from the day I first started work. I was already married to Kevin then.\n\n\nAbout three years into my job, I started getting close to Ben. I cannot for the life of me remember how and when it started. \nWhat started as breakfast eventually led to us having breakfast, lunch and random coffee sessions between our otherwise busy days. \n\n\nWe talked. A lot. We talked about everything under the sun. Politics, feminism, economics, sex, sports, you name it. I was fascinated by Ben\u2019s intellect. He seemed so knowledgeable.\n\n\nI loved how Ben challenged my opinions and ignited the spark of knowledge in me. I never realised how 15-minute-breakfast breaks became hour-long sessions. I never realised how even when Ben and I were surrounded by other colleagues, we were lost in our own world of conversation. \n\n\nSomewhere along the way, the conversations became more personal. Ben told me many things about himself. Over time, I knew everything about Ben \u2013 his food preferences, his special way of holding a fork and so on. And Ben knew all my little idiosyncrasies. \n\n\nI never realised when we started completing each other\u2019s sentences. I never realised when I started knowing what Ben was doing at any time of the day. I never realised when we progressed from communicating in the office to sending each other messages over Whatsapp.\n\n\nI never realised when Ben\u2019s messages were the last thing I saw before I fell asleep and the first thing I saw when I woke up.\n\n\nKevin? He was there. We had a daughter who was mostly taken care of by his parents. We lived together albeit in our own worlds.\n\n\nWe did fight every now and then but I wouldn\u2019t exactly describe our marriage as turbulent. He spent most of his time watching tv or using his handphone. I spent most of my time trying to get him to spend time with me. \n\n\nProbably the only thing that was still going strong was our sex life. Sometimes I felt like we were housemates, or friends with benefits. I felt as if we were merely using each other to fulfil our needs. \n\n\nOur conversations, were never deep and exciting. It was a lot of him talking about himself, his job and his accomplishments. It was a lot of him telling me that there was a pile of laundry that I had yet to fold. \n\n\nNot that I was losing it for him though. I loved him, more than anything in the world. But it takes two to tango and while I had no doubts that he loved me, he made close to no effort to showing me his love.\n\n\nAnd there was Ben. Ben would notice when I was wearing a new dress, when I did my eyebrows, when I trimmed my hair \u2013 none of which Kevin ever noticed.\n\n\nI started spending time with Ben outside the office. We would go for dinner or drinks occasionally. It started with us going out as a group. But everyone ceased to exist, for we were always lost in our own world filled with us teasing each other and making inside jokes.\n\n\nI never realised when group outings became just him and me. \n\n\nThere were subtle signs that things were heading elsewhere. Like how comfortably his arm would be around my chair and how I was always seated next to him. And how we turned up as a pair for every party or dinner that our common friends invited us to.\n\n\nKevin was never free to accompany me. Kevin never noticed that my attention was elsewhere. Maybe I was out of his hair and that was all he ever wanted. Maybe he was too busy working. Or maybe, just maybe, he trusted me too much to even think my attention was with another man.\n\n\nThen one night everything hit me so hard. Kevin told me he had to co-host a company dinner and dance with a female colleague.\n\n\n\u201cI know how angry this will make you but I\u2019m telling you because I love you and I don\u2019t want to hide anything from you. But I promise you that you\u2019re the best thing that ever happened to me, and you have nothing to worry about.\u201d\n\n\nJust the thought of it made me so angry and jealous. I sulked about it for the next two days. Then suddenly I woke up.\u00a0\nTears of guilt and anger streamed down my face. I was mad at myself.\n\n\nIt hit me hard that the reason Kevin was in the dark about all the time I had been spending with Ben was because he never checked on me. Not because he didn\u2019t care, but because he trusted me. \n\n\nAnd what had I been doing? Spending all my time with another man. It struck me that if Kevin had done the same, I would be nothing short of devastated. I was ashamed of myself. I decided to set things right.\n\n\nI started avoiding outings with Ben. Even in the office, I avoided eating alone with him.\u00a0\nEventually, Ben got the message. Maybe my distance made him realise that we had gotten too close. \nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child Having Trouble Digesting? Here are 10 Foods to Improve Their Gut Health\nHealth\nChildhood Vaccinations Saw A Significant Drop in 2020(1), Now Doctors Are Pleading With Families To Return To Them\nFesyen\nBentuk Badan Berubah Selepas Bersalin? Ini Tips Berkesan Untuk Siluet Badan Lebih Menawan!\n\n\nBen and I are still friends today. We do go out at times, but only in the company of other friends. We don\u2019t text each other unnecessarily. I think it was a silent and mutual understanding.\n\n\nI came clean with Kevin. It almost tore our marriage apart but he found it within himself to forgive me.\n\n\nI am sharing this story to tell you that cheating isn\u2019t always what we think it is. It\u2019s not only about wine and candlelight dinners. It doesn\u2019t always involve sex.\n\n\nMy relationship with Ben was purely platonic. It was innocent and there was absolutely nothing physical about it. However, that deep emotional and intellectual connection that we shared \u2013 it\u2019s more dangerous than anything else. It could have torn my family apart.\n\n\nEven it if didn\u2019t, it\u2019s not right. Even if no one knows, I know, deep within me, that it isn\u2019t acceptable. In a marriage, there is no place for this much of interaction with someone of the opposite sex.\n\n\nIt\u2019s easy for me to justify my actions by blaming Kevin. Yes, Kevin isn\u2019t perfect. Marriages are never perfect. But filling the void with another man\u2019s presence is not the right solution. \n\n\nI\u2019ve learnt to accept Kevin\u2019s flaws. I\u2019ve worked on understanding him better and managing my expectations. I thought about it long and hard and decided that although he was withdrawn, he was a good person and I loved him with all my heart.\n\n\nAfter working around his flaws, I find that our relationship has improved tremendously. So maybe while I was busy keeping track of all that he didn\u2019t do, I overlooked what I could do better. \n\n\nI am currently expecting our second child. He still spends most of his time watching tv and with his phone. I still spend most of my time trying to get his attention. \n\n\nBut I lay my head on his chest as he watches tv. While I listen to the rhythm of his heart beating, somehow he puts his phone away, or switches off the television, runs his fingers through my hair and reminds my of why I fell head over heels for him in the first place.\n\n\nI wish to remind women who are in a similar situation that it\u2019s easy for sparks to fly with someone outside the home. Marriages can get stagnant and boring at times and it\u2019s the couple\u2019s responsibility to change that.\u00a0\n\n\nSomeone who doesn\u2019t smell your morning breath, who sees you only when you dress up, who doesn\u2019t have to pay the bills and co-parent with you, will always seem a little more exciting. Don\u2019t confuse these fleeting thrills with the stability of marriage. It\u2019s never worth it.\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of\n\u00a0letting your heart go astray, try with every bit of what you have to save your marriage. Most of the time it\u2019s well worth the effort.\n\n\n\n\n** Names have been changed to protect the identity of the mum in this story.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you are in a similar situation and feel like you need counselling, please click this link:\n\n\n7 reasons Singaporean women have affairs: An insight from the expert\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/woman-becomes-pregnant-twice-in-10-days-because-of-a-rare-medical-phenomenon-2", "title": "Woman becomes pregnant twice in 10 days because of a rare medical phenomenon", "body": "In 2006, Kate Hill was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition that prevented her from ovulating,\u00a0\nBBC\n reports. After hormone treatments, Kate and her husband Peter were delighted to find out that she was pregnant. 10 days later, they found out that she had conceived again!\n\n\nKate initially conceived twins, but one baby didn\u2019t develop. Almost two weeks later, while pregnant, she became pregnant again. Even though Kate was pregnant, she had ovulated again, causing her to become pregnant one more time.\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: donnierayjones/Flickr\n\n\n\n\nWhat makes the Hills\u2019 case even more exceptional is the fact that they only had unprotected sex once. \u201cMy husband and I only had intercourse one time,\u201d Kate said in an interview with \nToday Tonight\n. \u201cHis sperm stayed alive for 10 days to fertilise the second egg released.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cHole in one, maybe,\u201d Peter quips.\n\n\nHer doctor had to Google it. \u201cI\u2019ve never ever seen it before,\u201d Dr. Brad Armstrong said. \u201c[Her condition was] so rare that I could not find any literature in the medical review websites at all.\u201d\n\n\nThe twins, named Olivia and Charlotte, arrived 2 days before Kate\u2019s planned C-section date. The Hills are now planning their daughters\u2019 first birthday party.\n\n\nWhat is superfetation?\n\n\nThis phenomenon is called superfetation. Superfetation occurs when an already-pregnant woman ovulates weeks into her pregnancy. The second egg gets fertilised, causing the pregnant to be pregnant with twins.\n\n\nSuperfetation is very rare because it isn\u2019t supposed to happen. \u201cPregnancy hormones usually shut down a woman\u2019s system, making it impossible for her to ovulate during her pregnancy,\u201d obstetrician Connie Hedmark explains to \nBabyCenter\n. \u201cThis is why superfetation is so remarkable.\u201d\u00a0\n(This is totally different from superfecundation, which is when two eggs are released simultaneously and fertilized at separate times.)\n\n\n\n\nPhoto: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Pregnancy Corner, only around 10 cases of superfetation have been documented in medical literature, and experts are suspicious even of some of these. But many experts also say that superfetation may be more common than we think, as some cases may be mistaken for ordinary twin pregnancies.\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nBe sure to check out \ntheAsianparent Community\n for more insightful stories, questions, and answers from parents and experts alike. If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/fight-the-haze-with-traditional-chinese-medicine", "title": "Fight the haze with Traditional Chinese Medicine", "body": "\n\nThe haze in Malaysia is getting worse, find out how Traditional Chinese Medication can help fight off the effects of the haze here\n\n\n\n\nMalaysian air is no longer healthy, with the\u00a0Air Pollutant Index (API) creeping up to the \u201cvery unhealthy\u201d levels and \u201chazardous\u201d levels in Muar and Ledang districts. It is likely that the haze will be hanging around for the next couple of days.\n\n\nAt the current rate the haze situation is escalating, these nasty pollutants are seeping into our body and irritating our skin. Therefore, it is important that we keep our bodies safe and prevent further health risks with the help of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).\n\n\nRELATED: \nDo you really need the N95 mask?\n\n\nHealth risks involved\n\n\n1.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Eye inflammation (or Conjunctivitis).\n\n\n2.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Nasal irritation; you may experience sneezing, excess mucous production such as a runny nose and difficulty breathing.\n\n\n3.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Throat irritation; you may experience dry or sore throat and coughing.\n\n\n4.\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Lung tissue inflammation; you may experience asthmatic problems and difficulty breathing.\n\n\nOn top of that, people who are suffering from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, lung disease, sinusitis and skin allergy, just to name a few, may be worsened by the haze pollutants.\n\n\nFight the haze with Traditional Chinese Medicine\n\n\nMypaper that Malaysians should take Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to boost their health. These herbal brews, soups and teas may help to alleviate some of your breathing discomfort in times of Malaysia\u2019s poor air quality. After all, prevention is better than cure!\n\n\nTCM is widely known for its qualities for strengthening health \u2013 therefore making these medicinal brews and cooling teas highly recommended by TCM physicians to prepare Malaysians for the next few days of haze.\n\n\nMs Tjoe Yan Yin told Mypaper, \u201cThe haze is very drying for the lungs; there are certain soups and drinks that can help to moisturize and nourish them.\u201d\n\n\nPhysician\u2019s recommendation\n\n\nMypaper suggests the following brews to fight the haze:\n\n\n\u00a0For overall heatiness:\n\n\n1. Green bean soup \u2013 Helps to clear the respiratory system, and remove heatiness.\n\n\n2. Chrysanthemum \u2013 The ingredient can be boiled in water to make tea, which clears heatiness.\n\n\n3. Liquorice root \u2013 This ingredient can be boiled together with honeysuckle flower so as to reduce heatiness.\n\n\n4. Watermelon juice \u2013 This drink reduces heatiness from the body.\n\n\nWatch this video to find out how to brew Chrysanthemum tea:\n\n\n\n\nFor lungs, clearing respiratory system: \n\n\n1. Chinese pear with lean pork and almond soup \u2013 This soup nourishes the lungs.\n\n\n2. White fungus \u2013 Boil this ingredient with almond and gingko nuts. This dessert dish nourishes the lungs.\n\n\n3. Raw-liquorice \u2013 Make a tea for lung infections by boiling the ingredient in warm water.\n\n\n4. Green bean soup \u2013 Helps to clear the respiratory system, and remove heatiness.\n\n\n5. Snakegourd fruit \u2013 This ingredient dissolves phlegm, and can be eaten alone, or boiled as soup.\n\n\n6. Lily bulbs with snow fungus\u2013 Make the drink by first boiling the snow fungus for two hours, and then adding lily bulbs and rock sugar. This drink clears heatiness and nourishes the lungs.\n\n\nFor cough and throat inflammation:\n\n\n1. Raw liquorice \u2013 Boil the ingredient in water. The drink alleviates cough, soothes throat and reduces inflammation.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nHowever, if you are suffering from chronic illnesses, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking these herbal remedies.\n\n\nAdditional tips to fight the haze\n\n\n1. Stay indoors! Try to switch on the air-conditioning and close all doors and windows.\n\n\n2. However, if you have to go outside, \nwear a mask\n.\n\n\n3. Drink lots of water. The haze makes the air very dry.\n\n\n4. If you wear contact lenses, remove them if your eyes start to become irritated or inflamed.\n\n\n5. Take green food supplements such as chlorella to reduce harmful effects of toxins.\n\n\n6. Use an air purifier to cleanse the air at home or in the office.\n\n\n7. Parents, make sure that you keep your children at home. \nMake sure that your kids do not run or jump around too much\n because the more they heave when they are breathless, the more pollutants get into their lungs!\n\n\n8. Lastly, if you are feeling extreme discomfort from the haze, do not hesitate to consult your doctor immediately.\n\n\nRELATED: \nN95 masks not suitable for children and pregnant women\n\n\nRELATED: \nHow haze the affects pregnant women and other FAQ\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAre you experiencing health issues from the Malaysian haze? Share your experiences in the comment section below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sex-positions-in-bed-to-get-pregnant-2", "title": "How to get pregnant with pictures: 15 hot tips & sex positions to get pregnant", "body": "Wondering about the best\u00a0sex positions in bed to get \npregnant?\n\n\nThe dispute over whether certain positions can help you get pregnant has been ongoing for centuries. Some proven, some not. The position you need to use really depends on you and your body. Some women have a hard time getting pregnant while others have baby dust sprinkled all over them.\n\n\n8 sex positions in bed to get pregnant:\u00a0\n\n\nAre you trying to get pregnant for the first time or again? Try these for sure!\n\n\n1. Missionary style \u2013 Aka Guy on top\n\n\n\n\nMissionary style = man on top. This is arguably the ultimate sex position in bed to get pregnant.\n\n\nWhy? With the woman on her back, and vagina tilted downwards, the sperm have an easier time getting to where it needs to go. Let\u2019s not forget that the missionary position allows for a deeper penetration.\n\n\nTo increase your chances of conception, the woman should remain horizontal for 20-30 mins after her partner ejaculates, with her pelvis tilted slightly upwards.\n\n\n2. Lying side by side \u2013 Aka spooning\n\n\n\n\nThe spooning position allows for the man\u2019s penis to reach further into you, allowing the semen to be closer to your uterus. Which in turn will give them a better chance to reach your eggs. One of the best sex positions to get pregnant.\n\n\n\n\n3. Hands and knees \u2013 Aka Doggy style\n\n\n\n\nDoggy style is a great way to get deeper penetration and deposit the sperm closer to your cervix. Just remember to lie down for at least 15 minutes after ejaculation. Gravity is what helps the sperm to get to its destination.\n\n\nThese ideas work good for women who have a hard time getting pregnant. Now for women who find it pretty easy to get pregnant, you may want to try and concentrate on some of the theories that can determine if you have a girl or boy baby.\n\n\n4. Woman On Top \u2013 Aka cowgirl style\n\n\n\n\nWhile you may be working against gravity here, experts say it does not matter. The \u201cwoman on top\u201d position is generally the most pleasurable position for a woman and that\u2019s the most important thing!\n\n\nThe position can also help you conceive a baby girl. XX chromosomes will live longer in vaginal climates than the XY chromosomes. Therefore they do not have to be placed closer to the cervix.\n\n\n5. Using A Chair As A Prop \u2013 The Hot Seat\n\n\n\n\nSitting on top of your man in a chair is a great way to get his penis deeper inside you and many women find that having an orgasm is achieved easier this way.\n\n\nJust remember to not to dismount right after your man orgasms. Even though the sperm may not spill out completely, just be cautious.\u00a0\n\n\n6. In Between His Legs\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\n10 Things Mummies Do To Have Calm And Happy Babies\nKanak-Kanak\nTake our quiz and test your knowledge of what to look out for in your child\u2019s poop!\nKesihatan\n4 Sebab Kenapa Ada Ibu Bapa Sengaja Pilih Untuk Tidak Beri Anak Vaksin\n#PendidikanKewangan\nDua Matlamat Dalam Satu! Pendidikan Kewangan Melalui Permainan\n\n\nHere\u2019s another position that has proven success. The woman\u2019s pelvis should be on the edge of the bed with the man in between her legs and he enters that way. This will allow for the man to go deeper into the vaginal area and place the sperm closer to your cervix.\n\n\nYou can also stay in that position afterwards for a few minutes to help the sperm on it\u2019s way.\n\n\n7. Standing Up With The Man Behind You\n\n\n\n\nStanding up with the man behind you is another pleasurable position that can help produce a girl.\n\n\n8. Getting floored\n\n\n\n\nNow if you\u2019re flexible enough, the position with you on the floor, legs up in the air and your man between your legs is a great position to make a boy.\n\n\nThe XY chromosomes need to be placed deeper because they do not survive as long as the XX ones do.\n\n\n9. Avoid Bath Tub And Shower Positions\n\n\nBath tub and shower positions should be avoided if you are trying to get pregnant. Any of these will wash the semen out before it has a chance to connect.\n\n\n10. Conception tip \u2013 Raise your hips\n\n\nAfter intercourse, experts recommend that you place a pillow under your hips to allow for your cervix and uterus to be aligned better. This gives the semen a straighter shot for fertilizing an egg. They recommend staying there for at least 20-30 minutes.\n\n\n11. Conception tip \u2013 female orgasms\n\n\nWhile the female \norgasm\n is not essential to get pregnant, some believe that uterine contractions from an orgasm may actually help the sperm move deeper toward the fallopian tubes, in order to fertilise your egg.\n\n\n12. Conception tip \u2013 don\u2019t overdo it!\n\n\nOverdoing it may result in you losing the enjoyment and spontaneity of lovemaking. It is also better to have sex every alternate day so his sperm count can recover and recharge.\n\n\n13. Conception tip \u2013 Boy or girl?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIn general, sex positions in bed to get pregnant that will allow the sperm to be deposited shallower in the vagina will help to produce baby girls while positions that provide deeper penetration will aid in conceiving a baby boy. Girl (XX) chromosomes live and last longer that boy (XY) chromosomes.\n\n\n14. Conception tip \u2013 Timing\n\n\nTo increase your chances of conception, ideally have sex one or two days before you expect ovulation to occur, and then again on the day of ovulation.\n\n\n15. Take time in between\n\n\nA man\u2019s sperm count will decrease each time he has sex. So go easy on the frequency. Spread it out \u2014 have a day in between to allow for a better sperm count.\n\n\nTell us what you think of these sex positions in bed to get pregnant!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kids-cope-with-stressful-times", "title": "The Therapeutic Side of Art | Helping Kids Cope with Stressful Times", "body": "Kids can experience emotional and mental hardship, just like adults during difficult times. With children, unmanaged stress and anxiety can negatively affect\u00a0their development\u2014if they\u00a0don\u2019t discover ways to cope.\n\n\nThis is why activities like art, that encourage emotional growth and expression, are important.\n\n\nArt as Therapeutic Aid\n\n\n\n\nArt therapy is the application of visual arts for a therapeutic purpose. There are professionals who are licensed art therapists, using art as a way to achieve socioemotional and developmental targets, for example.\n\n\nBut you don\u2019t\u00a0\nhave\n\u00a0to see a therapist to get therapeutic benefits from art. Your kid can experience some healing and nurturing advantages at home too.\n\n\nHere are 5 areas in which your child can grow, through art:\n\n\n1. Self-regulation\n\n\nSelf-regulation is the ability to manage one\u2019s feelings. It\u2019s an important life skill that everyone needs.\n\n\nArt develops this skill as it can be used to express or release one\u2019s emotions, in a non-destructive way. Creative activities allow for an immersive experience where the maker gets absorbed into a state of \u2018flow\u2019\u2014also known as \u2018being in the zone\u2019\u2019.\n\n\nThis is why you often see young children, wide-eyed and intensely focused while drawing, colouring or sculpting.\n\n\nThis full involvement in the present moment also teaches children to take time to explore their feelings, instead of immediately reacting to something.\n\n\nOnce the MCO is over, try checking out these art jamming\u00a0\nvenues\n\u00a0or art classes in\u00a0\nEduwis Elite\n\u00a0with your kid.\n\n\n2. Resilience\n\n\nSometimes kids go through hard times. Although this is an expected part of life, what really matters is how they react to these challenges.\n\n\nDo they remain dispirited for long, or do they bounce back quickly, with determination to keep doing their best?\n\n\nChildren who engage in art can build resilience that pours onto other parts of life. Finishing an art project and developing art-related skills give children the experience of seeing themselves push through difficult things, and coming out of it with something positive.\n\n\n3. Self-awareness\n\n\nArt sharpens your child\u2019s ability to recognize her emotions, correctly identify her strengths and understand her limitations.\n\n\nIt does this through the process of shining a light on her life experiences and inner world.\n\n\nTo help this process, you can ask your kid questions that prompt self-discovery. Here are a few examples:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhat did you feel when you were drawing?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWhat do you realize about your art?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWhat would you name this drawing you made?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWhat is happening in this part of the picture?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nBesides questions, parents can also give children ideas on what to \u2018explore\u2019 while still leaving a lot of room for expression and creativity.\n\n\n\u00a0Examples of prompts:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhy don\u2019t you draw how you feel when you\u2019re angry?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cLet\u2019s paint ourselves as superheroes\u201d\n\n\n\u201cDraw something that makes you really happy!\u201d\n\n\n\n\n4. Communication\n\n\n\n\nMaking art is a form of non-verbal communication.\n\n\nSince children often find it harder than adults to express their feelings and thoughts in a way that is fluid or coherent, they could try using art to \u2018speak\u2019.\n\n\nThere may be instances when drawing a picture is easier and safer than describing something with words. This is especially true if a child has gone through or witnessed a stressful or traumatic event.\n\n\nHave gentle and encouraging talks with your child about her art pieces if possible. This may help you understand her better.\n\n\n5. Self-esteem\n\n\nWhen children have high self-esteem, they see themselves as being valuable. They also tend to have a brighter general outlook.\n\n\nResearch\n\u00a0suggests that kids who frequently participate in art activities like painting and drawing are more likely to have higher self-esteem than those who don\u2019t. This happens even without parental involvement.\n\n\nBut, how does art foster self-esteem in our little ones?\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nBelow are several possible ways, related to the other points we\u2019ve mentioned:\n\n\n\n\nDevelops a skill or creative output that they can be proud of\n\n\nProvides emotional release and fun, allowing for a more relaxed attitude\n\n\nOpens up doors for sharing an interest with others, thus building more social bonds\n\n\nGives kids an insight into their inner worlds, allowing them to appreciate their uniqueness\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-ageing", "title": "Maintaining Strong Immunity for Positive Ageing", "body": "The worldwide population is now living longer, thanks to modern medicine and better living conditions. However, some people may have fear of ageing due to the misconception that growing older will make you unproductive and have health issues.\u00a0\n\n\nBut, having a positive ageing experience is not as elusive as people think. After all, age is not the sole factor of a person\u2019s ability to achieve their dreams or prevent individuals from being independent.\n\n\n This can be achieved by simply breaking out of the usual stereotypes of ageing and taking charge of our own lives, especially our health.\u00a0\n\n\nThe role of nutrition in healthy ageing\n\n\n\n\nDespite the belief that there is a growing risk of illnesses due to old age, studies show that the negative ageing qualities are usually caused by lifestyle and other factors that are avoidable and modifiable.\n\n\nHealthy eating is important as nutrient deficiencies become increasingly common among the elderly. According to the Institute for Public Health, 30.8% of Malaysian adults aged 60 and above are malnourished.\n1\n\n\nAgeing, nutrition and immune health are closely related. As our age advances, the immune functions declines making older adults at a higher risk of infections.\n2\n\n\nMany different types of nutrients are necessary for healthy immune functions and deficiency in any of the nutrients will lead to compromised immune functions.\n3\n\n\nSuccessful Ageing, More Than Just Maintaining Good Health\n\n\nResearch shows that it is not the age of an individual that determine how \u2018old\u2019 one would feel; nor is it an indication of a person\u2019s wellbeing, albeit it does offer certain guidance on what to expect. Positive ageing experiences are linked to the activities that one does, as well as the physical and social environment they are exposed to.\n4\n\n\nJoy, personal contentment, and a sense of independence are also essential attributes to the wellbeing that contributes to ageing positively in the older population.\n5\n\n\nHence, immersing oneself in environments with good support systems is crucial to improve the long stretches of \u201csuccessful ageing\u201d.\n6\n\n\nAn example of an individual experiencing successful ageing is 69-year-old Albinus Gimbang, who is a former medical assistant with the Malaysian Red Crescent Society who still provides first aid training to Keningau folks in Sabah to this day.\n\n\n The passion and determination of individuals like him go beyond the familiar stereotypes or societal expectations of the senior population \u2013 and to complement the positive ageing experience, strengthening immunity is key.\n\n\nFeed your immune system with good nutrition for a healthier ageing process\n\n\n\n\nThere is strong evidence that indicates wholesome nutritional intervention can optimise the immune and inflammatory responses in older adults. This will prompt further developed protection from infectious and chronic illnesses. \n\n\nBalanced nutrition among older adults has not only proven to correlate with increased physical and emotional scores but also life fulfilment.\n7\n\n\nOlder adults who have activated their immunity by including nutritious milk in their daily nutrition have a higher likelihood in experiencing positive ageing and are more confident with their health status. \n\n\nOn this front, incorporating nutritional milk like PROVITAL Immuna Plus in our diet is a convenient way to boost up our immunity. You get the essential nutrients of yeast beta-glucan, selenium and vitamin C for immunity and mobility all in a glass of this nutritional milk.\u00a0\n\n\nMany studies have shown that yeast beta-glucan is effective in supporting the immune system. Beta-glucan from different sources provides different health functions, while yeast beta-glucan is the type of beta-glucan that supports the immune system. \n\n\nA study by Talbott et al. showed that 9 out of 10 adults reported no cold and sore throat symptoms after 12 weeks supplemented with 250mg yeast beta-glucan per day compared to 7 out of 10 adults in the placebo group.\n8\n \n\n\nSuch conditions are common signs of a weaker immune system and yeast beta-glucan\u2019s ability to activate the body\u2019s immune cells to react more rapidly when detecting a pathogen, help to support and strengthen the immune system.\n9\n\n\nBegin taking charge of your health status\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA good nutritional status is important to maintain optimum immune health. Do not take health for granted, it is a privilege denied to many.\n\n\n Older adults who have activated their immunity by including nutritious milk in their daily nutrition have a higher likelihood in experiencing positive ageing and are more confident with their health status.\n\n\nReferences:\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\n\n\nNational Health and Morbidity Survey 2018: Elderly Health.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nSimon AK et.al.\u00a0 Biological Sciences, 2015.\u00a0\n\n\nAlam et al. Nutrition and Healthy Aging 2019\n\n\nThe experience of ageing is a complex one that is only loosely associated with number of years lived. Retrieved from: \nwww.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/research/policycommission/healthy-ageing/1-The-experience-of-ageing-is-complex-updated.pdf\n\u00a0\n\n\nPerspectives of Older Adults on Aging Well: A Focus Group Study. Retrieved from: \nhttps://www.hindawi.com/journals/jar/2018/9858252/\n\u00a0\n\n\nHealthy ageing: Evidence that improvement is possible at every age. Retrieved from: \nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878764916300699\n\u00a0\n\n\nHealthy ageing: the natural consequences of good nutrition\u2014a conference report. Retrieved from: \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5984649/\n\u00a0\n\n\nTalbott SM et. Al. 2012. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol 31, No 4\n\n\nE. De Marco Castro et al. Mol Nutr Food Res 2021.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nStudy: Motherhood ages you by 11 years\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/benefits-of-grounding-yourself", "title": "The Surprising Benefits of Grounding Yourself\u2014And How", "body": "When was the last time you connected with nature\u2014like, really connected and not just admired from a distance?\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re based in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, or in the heart of any city, then your answer may surprise you, as the hustle and bustle of city life can be unknowingly consuming. Luckily, a simple practice such as \u201cgrounding\u201d can ensure that you remain connected with nature, with some added health benefits\u2014regardless of your housing situation!\n\n\nWhat Is Grounding\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nGrounding, simultaneously known as earthing, is a practice that you have likely participated in\u2014it just means to be in direct physical contact with the Earth.\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s as simple as walking barefoot on grass or lying on the sand, the term grounding actually extends to swimming in the ocean, a river, or a lake.\n\n\nHow to Practice Grounding\n\n\nIn this article, the focus is specific to walking barefoot on grass. Even if you live in a condominium, there is bound to be a patch of greenery nearby that you can use to your advantage!\n\n\nWalking barefoot on grass is also the most effective form of grounding, as the sole of the foot has more nerve endings than any other area of the body. Why does this matter?\n\n\nBasically, the surface of the earth is charged with negative electrical frequencies, commonly referred to as free electrons, which can remove the presence of excess disease-inducing free radicals\u2014caused by chronic stress of city life\u2014within the human body as the free electrons bind with the free radicals.\n\n\nThis simple, yet beneficial practice is thought to be so effective that a trainer for Tour De France athletes recommended and implemented it as part of his training module!\n\n\nSo what\u2019s the science behind his unconventional approach of using grounding for optimal performance\n\n\nThe Science Behind Grounding\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\nAs of 2017, more than 20 scientific studies have been conducted on grounding, peer-reviewed, and then published within the medical literature. Based on a myriad of data, the most common benefit of grounding is the reduction of inflammation within the body.\n\n\nIt may sound unimpressive, but it\u2019s actually rather groundbreaking! Why? Well, here is a list of well-known health problems caused by inflammation within the body:\n\n\n\n\nAllergies\u00a0\n\n\nDiabetes (Type 1 & 2)\n\n\nMultiple Sclerosis\u00a0\n\n\nCardiovascular Disease (e.g.: Heart Disease)\n\n\nCancer\n\n\nAlzheimers\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn short, not grounding may be a major cause of inflammation within the body\u2014but reversing the side effects of inflammation in the body has never been easier!\n\n\nOf course, as with any change in lifestyle, grounding has to be practised for a prolonged period for maximum benefits, although many people report instantaneous improvements after connecting with the free electrons of the Earth.\n\n\nOther benefits of grounding include\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Pexels\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImproves sleep\n\n\nSupports and balances bodily functions\n\n\nAccelerates recovery, particularly for athletes\n\n\nReduces chronic pain, particularly menstrual pain and headaches\n\n\n\n\nSo, a gentle reminder to end with, in the words of Dr Gaetan Chevalier: \u201c\u2026 We need grounding just as we need air and we need sunshine.\u201d\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.earthingmovie.com/\n\n\n\n\nhttps://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/715d48_21c8d4aad9844f1fab8f0a713bdf2bb2.pdf\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \nWhat it Means to Be an Empath?\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a07 Ways To Take Control Of Your Physical & Spiritual Health\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nThese health problems may be linked to your blood type\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/stunting-in-malaysian", "title": "Ambitions To Grow Taller and Healthier for Your Children", "body": "Do you know that height is one of the critical growth indicators amongst children? That\u2019s right, your children\u2019s height can tell you a lot of things, one of them is the state of their health. \n\n\nThe study of heights has a long-standing in genetics, which only determines 20%\u00b9 of the children\u2019s height. \n\n\nHowever, parents should not discount the fact that the environmental factors \u2014 such as proper nutrition and exercise, can play a pivotal role to ensure children can grow taller and healthier, especially during their critical development period.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Ministry of Health Malaysia has launched awareness campaigns to prevent help stunting amongst Malaysian children. \n\n\nThe campaigns promote the importance of proper nutrition, as well as the effects of stunting on children. Be it health, education, and productivity; the stunting phenomenon can consequently harm Malaysia\u2019s social and economic development.\u00a0\n\n\nStunting in Malaysian: The Case Study\n\n\n\n\nCredit: todaysparents.com\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019, the r\nate of stunting in Malaysian has increased as the study found that\n 1 in 5 Malaysian children under the age of five is stunted\n2\n; the stunting prevalence in Thailand and Ghana is at 10.5% and 18.8%\n3\n respectively, which is a stark contrast to the condition of stunting in Malaysia, which is at 21.9%.\u00a0\n\n\nStunting is worse in lower-income households; however, it is still broadly prevalent across all income levels in Malaysia. \n\n\nThe prevalence of stunting in families with income higher than RM6,000 is 15.1%\n, which is considerably higher than the\n 6.9% benchmark of upper-middle-income countries\n4\n.\n\n\nConclusively, Malaysia has a stunting problem, and parents should take the necessary steps to help their children to be able to grow taller and healthier.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nIdentifying children with high IQ: An age-by-age guide for parents\n\n\n\n\nAside from genetics, nutrition plays a vital role in assisting children\u2019s growth and development, as balanced and sufficient nutrition can influence one\u2019s height a lot. As parents, it is crucial to keep tabs on the required nutrients to ensure your children can grow optimally. \n\n\nComplete Nutrients Is The Key\n\n\n\n\nCredit: uws.edu\n\n\n\n\nSome of the key nutrients are the \n9 Essential Amino Acids (9 EAAs)\n, which consist of taurine, L-isoleucine, L-leucine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, L-threonine, L-tryptophan, and L-valine; and they are the building blocks in protein for bones and muscle growth\n5\n. \n\n\nAdditionally, these essential amino acids cannot be produced naturally by our body; hence, we need to get them from dietary sources. \n\n\nApart from the 9 Essential Amino Acids, \nDocosahexaenoic acid (DHA)\n \u2014\u00a0an omega-3 fatty acid that can be found naturally in oily fish and some seaweed, is also crucial for your children\u2019s brain and eye development\n6\n.\u00a0\n\n\nEnsuring your children get the required \nmacromineral\n \u2014\u00a0calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, and \nmicromineral\n \u2014\u00a0iron, zinc, iodine, selenium and copper, is necessary as well\n7\n. \n\n\nAlongside these minerals, your children should also consume sufficient amounts of \nVitamins\n \u2014\u00a0fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamin A, D3, E, and K) and water-soluble vitamins (Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, and folic acid), to ensure proper body functions and development, especially during the early childhood period\n8\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBased on the findings by the South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (SEANUTS), the study revealed that\n 1 out of 2 Malaysian children did not achieve the Recommended Nutrients Intakes (RNI)\n for Calcium and Vitamin D\n9\n. \n\n\nAn easy way to address sufficient nutritional intake is through dairy consumption, as the study found that \nthe percentage of stunted and underweight children who consume dairy daily is lower compared to the children who did not drink milk every day\n10\n. \n\n\nThough there may be a large variety of milk that are currently available in the market, it\u2019s best to choose nutrient-dense milk to ensure your children get the much-needed nutrients for optimum growth.\u00a0\n\n\nEncourage Healthy Lifestyle\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nGrowing taller and healthier is not just about what the child eats; an \nactive lifestyle\n is important too. Sedentary lifestyle amongst children has been an alarming concern in Malaysia, especially with the rising use of mobile devices. \nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nAccording to Active Healthy Kids 2016 report card, on a scale of A for excellent to F for failing, \nMalaysia scored D for overall physical activity, active transportation and sedentary behaviour\n11\n. Keeping your children active will not just start a good habit but will also help prevent sedentary-lifestyle-related health risks.\u00a0\n\n\nUltimately, the best way to be sure if your children are growing on track is to\n measure their height consistently\n. Tracking their growth progress will help parents to identify problems before they become permanent. \n\n\nTry to make it into a fun activity for you and your children; this will encourage them to aim high for their wellness sake. As parents, we should help our children reach for their ambitions to grow taller and healthier through proper nutrition, active lifestyle and growth measuring.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article was written by Dr Azam Mohd Nor\n\u00a0and has been published with permission\u00a0\n\n\nReferences:\u00a0\n\n\n\u00b9 Jelenkovic, A. et al. Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts. Sci. Rep. 6, 28496; doi: 10. 1038/srep28496 (2016)\n\n\n2 \nNational Morbidity Survey 2019 \nhttps://www.iku.gov.my/nhms-2019\n\n\n3\n The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World \nwww.fao.org/3/ca5162en/ca5162en.pdf\n\n\n\n\n4\n Stunting in Malaysia:\u00a0 Costs, Causes & Courses for Action \nhttps://jci.edu.my/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/JCI-JSC-WP-2019-01-Stunting-in-Malaysia.pdf\n\n\n5 \nAmino acids: metabolism, functions, and nutrition \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19301095/\n\u00a0\n\n\n6 \nThe Relationship of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) with Learning and Behavior in Healthy Children: A Review \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3738999/\n\u00a0\n\n\n7 \nMinerals \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/kids/minerals.html\n\n\n8 \nVitamins \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/kids/vitamin.html\n\n\n9\n Nutritional status and dietary intakes of children aged 6 months to 12 years: findings of the Nutrition Survey of Malaysian Children (SEANUTS Malaysia) \nhttps://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/05bb/4de1e68096ef84fcac60083a57b5ad6867cb.pdf?_ga=2.115456070.1595186782.1606355175-1976471054.1606355175\n\n\n10\n \nThe Consumption of Dairy and Its Association with Nutritional Status in the South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (SEANUTS)\n \nwww.researchgate.net/publication/325749202_The_Consumption_of_Dairy_and_Its_Association_with_Nutritional_Status_in_the_South_East_Asian_Nutrition_Surveys_SEANUTS\n\n\n11 \nA\nctive Healthy Kids 2016 report card \nhttps://activehealthykids.org.my/content/MAHK%20Short%20Form%202016%20-%20English%20version.pdf\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/punca-kelahiran-mati", "title": "Covid-19 Punca Kelahiran Mati Meningkat, Ibu Hamil Berisiko Tinggi Jika Dijangkiti!", "body": "Jika janin tidak bernyawa sebelum usia kandungan mencapai 20 minggu, biasanya ia dipanggil sebagai keguguran. Manakala jika bayi meninggal pada usia kehamilan melebihi 20 minggu, ia dikenali punca kelahiran mati atau \nstillbirth.\n\n\nBanyak orang menganggap bahawa keguguran adalah melibatkan kematian bayi sebelum ia dilahirkan ke dunia, namun hakikatnya ia berbeza.\u00a0\n\n\n\nBaca juga:\n Due Date Sudah Dekat, Ini Prosedur Bersalin Khusus Bagi Ibu Yang Disyaki Covid-19\n\n\n\n\nPunca kelahiran mati dan kaitannya dengan risiko pandemik Covid-19\n\n\n\n\ncredit to sources\n\n\n\n\nKematian janin dalam kandungan atau lahir mati adalah mimpi buruk dan sukar untuk diterima oleh kebanyakan ibu. Mana tidaknya kegembiraan dan harapan untuk memiliki cahaya mata hilang dalam sekelip mata.\n\n\nSebenarnya kejadian bayi lahir mati disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor seperti keadaan kesihatan ibu, janin dan plasenta.\u00a0\n\n\nManakala menurut Organisasi Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) dan UNICEF, telah mencatat hampir 2 juta bayi meninggal di dalam kandungan atau kelahiran mati. Mereka mengatakan bahawa pandemik Covid-19 telah menambah jumlah kes sebanyak 200,00 kematian.\n\n\n\u201dSetiap 16 saat, seorang ibu dari sesuatu tempat berdepan dengan tragedi stillbirth,\u201d jelas Direktor Eksekutif UNICEF, Henrietta Fore. Dia mengatakan bahawa sebahagian besar punca kelahiran mati dapat dicegah melalui proses pemantauan yang teliti, rawatan antenatal terbaik dan bidan yang mahir.\n\n\nHasil beberapa kajain terbesar melaporkan peningkatan angka lahir mati diterbitkan dalam \nJurnal The Lancet.\n Penelitian ini berdasarkan data 20,000 ibu mengandung yang melahirkan anak di 9 buah hospital di negara Nepal.\n\n\nMereka mendapati berlaku peningkatan\n kelahiran mati\n dari 14 kes kepada 21 kes daripada 1,000 kelahiran ketika pandemik Covid-19 akhir bulan Mei tahun lalu.\n\n\nKadar kelahiran mati mencatatkan peningkatan di beberapa buah negara\n\n\n\n\ncredit to sources\n\n\n\n\nPaling membimbangkan, kenaikan kes ini terjadi dalam tempoh empat minggu pertama \nlockdown,\n di mana seluruh masyarakat perlu duduk di rumah dan hanya ketua keluarga sahaja keluar membeli barangan keperluan atau ubat-ubatan.\n\n\n\u201dNepal merupakan negara yang mencapai kemajuan dalam 20 tahun terakhir bagi bidang kesihatan wanita dan bayi, namun beberapa bulan ini telah menunjukkan peningkatan kes kematian,\u201d jelas ketua kajian dari Universiti Uppsala, Ashish KC.\n\n\nManakala kumpulan doktor di negara India turut melaporkan berlakunya peningkatan kadar kelahiran mati serta penurunan rawatan kehamilan kecemasan sebanyak dua pertiga. Ini menunjukkan bahawa lebih banyak \nkelahiran bayi\n telah berlaku di luar hospital, di rumah atau kemudahan lain.\n\n\nTrend yang sama juga berlaku di hospital United Kingdom. Hospital University of London, para petugas kesihatan mendapati kadar kelahiran mati turut mengalami peningkatan sebanyak empat kali ganda antara bulan Oktober 2019 dan Jun 2020 dari 2.38 hingga 9.31 bagi setiap 1,000 kelahiran.\n\n\nPandemik Coronavirus telah memberikan tekanan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia di dunia terutamanya bidang kesihatan. Selain itu kes kematian disebabkan oleh penyakit jantung dan kencing manis turut mengalami peningkatan.\n\n\nIbu mengandung yang dijangkiti Covid-19 berisiko berdepan komplikasi serius\n\n\nWanita hamil yang dijangkiti Covid-19 dan dimasukkan ke hospital kerana berisiko berupaya mengalami komplikasi yang lebih serius. Menurut Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit (CDC), kelahiran bayi pramatang serta risiko besar yang lain iaitu anda dalam kandungan mati sebelum bersalin.\n\n\nKajian terdahulu menunjukkan risiko kelahiran\n bayi pramatang\n lebih tinggi dan kajian di Britain turut mencatatkan peningkatan kes kelahiran mati ketika wabak.\n\n\n\n\ncredit to sources\n\n\n\n\nBagaimanapun beberapa pakar mengeluarkan amaran bahawa penelitian ini hanya dijalan terhadap sebilangan kecil pesakit, termasuklah ramai dimasukkan ke hospital kerana Covid-19, sekaligus memungkinkan ia tidak mewakili kesemua ibu hamil yang dijangkiti.\n\n\nKajian mendapati bahawa ramai ibu mengandung yang dijangkiti virus ini tidak mengalami sebarang gejala, namun ada juga antara mereka memiliki gejala.\n\n\nKetika mengandung, rata-rata wanita akan mengalami perubahan fisiologi yang dapat meningkatkan bahaya. Organ paru-paru mungkin terkesan akibat rahim yang mengembang dan sistem kardiovaskular terpaksa bekerja keras.\n\n\nCoronavirus turut meningkatkan risiko darah beku dan memberi kesan terhadap plasenta yang membekalkan makanan kepada janin dalam kandungan.\n\n\nMeskipun pakar menegaskan perlu lebih banyak penyelidikan untuk menjelaskan perkaara ini secara lanjut, mereka menggesa wanita hamil agar sentiasa berhati-hati, memakai pelitup muka dan menjaga penjarakan sosial agar dapat mengurangkan risiko jangkitan.\n\n\nSumber: \nNypost,\n \nBerita Harian\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia\n\n\n\nBaca juga: \nElakkan Posisi Tidur Terlentang, Ia Mendatangkan Risiko Kematian Bayi Dalam Kandungan!\n\n\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/heavy-bleeding-post-delivery", "title": "This Mum Died Before She Could Even Hold Her Baby!", "body": "A mother, known as Azian, died in Seberang Jaya Hospital, Penang, Malaysia, after giving birth to her beautiful daughter \u2013 due to excessive bleeding.\n\n\n\n\nHer beautiful daughter.\n\n\n\n\nAccording to\u00a0\nPenang Kini\n, the l\nate Azian died after suffering from a postpartum haemorrhage. By sharing this story, I hope we (especially being children of our own mothers) could all appreciate and give more respect to this superhuman we call \u201cmothers\u201d as they have fought a long and hard journey just to deliver us on Earth and because of that, we owe it all to them.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nI am deeply saddened by the loss that you and your family have encountered. May Mr Nashif (husband) and his beautiful children stay strong during these tough times. My condolences.\n\n\nWhat is postpartum haemorrhage?\n\n\nAccording to \nDr Muhammad Izzat Abdul Razak\n, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, heavy bleeding after delivery or postpartum haemorrhage is excessive bleeding\u00a0that occurs before, during or after giving birth.\n\n\nUsually, bleeding \ndoes occur during and after giving birth\n. This happens because of cervical lacerations and deep tears in vagina or perineum.\n\n\nThere are 2 types postpartum haemorrhage:\n\n\n\n\nPrimary postpartum haemorrhage \u2013 \noccurred within the first 24 hours after delivery (Usually while you still in hospital)\n\n\nSecondary postpartum haemorrhage \u2013 \noccurred between 24 hours up to 6 weeks after delivery. (Usually when you\u2019re already at home)\n\n\n\n\nHowever, a major postpartum haemorrhage might happen when blood loss is up to 500 ml for normal delivery and 1 litre for caesarian operation.\n\n\nWhy does this terrible experience happen?\n\n\nPregnant women are susceptible to this experience if they don\u2019t get much attention from the medical team. This might lead to extreme fatigue after giving birth too. \n\n\nThere are some reasons that might cause this terrible experience, such as:\n\n\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Retained placenta or membranes left behind in your womb,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Uterine atony,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Large injury or wound in the cervix, vagina or perineum,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Pregnant at age 40 or above,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Bleeding before giving birth (antepartum haemorrhage),\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Have low-lying placenta,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Giving birth via caesarian,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Induction of labour,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Injury during assisted birth \u2013 such as forceps or vacuums,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Big baby with more than 4kg,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Bleeding before (from previous delivery),\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Anemia,\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Give birth more than 5 times\n\n\n\n\nBe aware of these symptoms\n\n\nThe complication of postpartum haemorrhage might call for a removal of your uterus or it could cost your life! Till 2005, data collection has concluded that almost 14% of deaths after delivery were caused by postpartum haemorrhage.\n\n\nMost women who experience this\u00a0tragic incident are unaware and oblivious to\u00a0the symptoms, which can be fatal.\n\n\n\n\nSeek immediate medical help and attention if you have any of these symptoms, especially after 24 hours of delivery:\n\n\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0A drop in blood pressure\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0A rise in pulse rate\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Feeling dizzy, headache and want to faint\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Shivering and sweating\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Heavy bleeding\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Heavy bleeding with blood in form of lumps\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0The need to frequently change your maternal pad (every hour)\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Stench and smell from bleeding (due to infection)\n\n\n \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Extremely tired\n\n\n\n\nAdvice from doctors\n\n\nWhat would the doctors do to reduce the risk of postpartum haemorrhage during giving birth? Usually, your medical team will seek action right away if you start to bleed excessively. \n\n\nThey will give you an injection that contains Syntocinon (oxytocin) to reduce the blood loss. During your dosage, your doctor will start massaging your uterus to help it contract.\n\n\nHowever, doctors have advised all women to constantly undergo antenatal checkups. If your family history suggests a connection to postpartum haemorrhage, you are advised to deliver your baby in a hospital that is fully equipped with a blood bank.\n\n\nIn fact, seek immediate medical attention if you have any symptoms of heavy bleeding. Do not give birth without a doctor! Start eating foods that contain high iron such as shellfish, liver, green vegetables and pink guava.\n\n\nI hope everything goes well on you!\n\n\nShare this article to educate all women out there about this risk of \u201cheavy bleeding after delivery\u201d. Hopefully all you pregnant mummies\u00a0are getting stronger by the day. \u00a0And please take care of your health!\n\n\nPhoto Credit: Penang Kini\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\n\n\nSources: \nPenang Kini\n, \nBaby Center\n, \nPost Partum Hemorrhage\n, and \nThe Malaysian Medical Gazette\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/helping-children-who-are-slow-learners-excel", "title": "Effective Ways to Help & Motivate Slow Learners to Excel in Studies Without Shaming Them", "body": "Personally, I despise the term slow learner. To label children as anything at all is deplorable, but to label them as \u2018slow\u2019 is demeaning and degrading\u2013not to mention telling them they are not as good as others.\n\n\nBut nevertheless, there are children who do need extra help and who do need specialised teaching to allow them to learn and grow. Does this make them slow learners? Maybe, but remember, if you tell someone they are something long enough and loud enough they will become just that.\n\n\nSometimes parents just ask themselves how to motivate slow learners and how to encourage their children to be better. We have just the answers for you.\n\n\nTelltale signs that your child might need extra motivation\n\n\n\n\nOne of the most difficult tasks of parents and educators is to determine if their child is a slow learner because they cannot keep up with others or because they choose not to keep up with others.\n\n\nA child who is labeled a \u2018slow learner\u2019 is one who:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReaches normal infant and toddler milestones later than the average child on a consistent basis\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0These milestones include crawling, walking, speech and vocabulary and motor skills such as clapping, hopping, skipping, recognising eyes, ears, etc.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHas trouble concentrating\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAll children have limited attention spans. but those who have trouble concentrating for more than two or three minutes at a time and are unable to recall what they did in that time and/or repeat what they did without instruction or prompting later on, will likely be in need of specialised attention and be labeled \u2018slow learners\u2019.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStruggle with the simplest of concepts and has difficulty retaining what they learn.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is a true indicator of a child with a learning disability. But rather than focusing on the disability, focus on finding how to work with the disability to make it less of an issue.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe child is socially immature or reclusive.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren who are labelled \u2018slow learners\u2019 will a) notice the fact that they are \u2018slow\u2019 or learning at a different pace or b) be singled out by the teacher and/or their peers as being \u2018slow\u2019.\n\n\nThis is embarrassing, humiliating and demeaning to a child. Their self-esteem and confidence levels suffer tremendously and they withdraw in an effort to shield themselves from the pain\u2013holding it inside themselves.\n\n\nA parent\u2019s responsibility on how to motivate slow learners\n\n\n\n\nIf your child is labelled a \u2018slow learner\u2019, then slow things down for them. Give them the grace and time they need and deserve to reach their potential. Provide for them the environment and tools necessary to excel.\n\n\nThink about it, if your child was a gifted musician, wouldn\u2019t you do whatever you could to make sure they were able to develop that talent to the fullest? No child deserves any less of a chance.\n\n\nWhat you can do to help your child\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProvide a quiet work/study area\n. Distractions are detrimental.\n\n\nKeep assignments and homework sessions short.\n Again, it\u2019s the attention span thing.\n\n\nBe accessible.\n Help your child. Help doesn\u2019t mean do the work for them, but help them work through the assignment giving clues, having them repeat the process or concept with similar questions and problems, etc.\n\n\nAsk questions\n such as \u2018what does that word mean?\u2019 \u2018do you see how that works?\u2019 \u2018why did you choose that answer?\u2019.\n\n\nRead\n to your child.\n\n\nBe patient\n and consistent.\n\n\nDo not allow them to give up\n on their work or themselves. If necessary, take a break, but always come back to the task and see it through to completion.\n\n\nDon\u2019t be overprotective.\n Labelling your child as a \u2018slow learner\u2019 only makes them feel slower. Don\u2019t ever tell them they can\u2019t accomplish something. Instead, help them find a way to get it done\u2013in their own time.\n\n\nBe their advocate.\n Stay connected with their teachers and make sure your child doesn\u2019t fall through the cracks of the system.\n\n\n\n\nEvery child has potential. Every child also needs their parents to always be there by their side. It is up to us to learn how to motivate slow learners. It is also up to us to always encourage them and never let them give up.\n\n\nNot every child will be a doctor, nuclear scientist or college professor. But who cares! If they were, we\u2019d be hungry, naked and wouldn\u2019t have a cell phone to chat on, now would we?\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nImportance Of Day Care Center Exposure For Children\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Prevent misbehaviour in children: 3 Things to give your child\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0The best age to give your child a smartphone, according to Bill Gates\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/massage", "title": "Why You Should Get Regular Massages If You Workout", "body": "Did you know, getting massaged regularly helps to boost your performance, workouts and results? According to Kimberly Dawn Neuman, fitness instructor at Equinox gyms in New York City, \u201cyou don\u2019t need to destroy your body to have the body you want. Taking care of it and being kind (to yourself) has its own benefits.\u201d Massage is one way to do just that.\n\n\nBody Massage to Help with Your Fitness\n\n\nIf we\u2019ve piqued your interest and you\u2019re now wondering about how workout and massage correlated, we\u2019re here to break down this interesting relationship for you. So, how does getting regular massages actually help with your fitness?\n\n\nHere Are Four Major Ways Massage Helps Your Body\u00a0\n\n\n1. Post-workout recovery\n\n\nTherapeutic massages help loosen your muscles after an intense workout, which allows repair to be easier. It encourages blood and oxygen to flow which assist with recovery and pliability.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: pixabay\n\n\n\n\n2. Pain of sore muscles\n\n\nWhen your muscles ache from an intense workout, massaging and stretching helps flush out the toxins, ease the knots, get the blood flowing. Not to mention that \u201csweet pain\u201d of pressure and release. In fact, studies have also shown that massages help reduce inflammation and assist with the rebuilding of new cells.\n\n\n\n\nCredit: needpix.com\n\n\n\n\n3. Performance & flexibility\n\n\nRegular exercise especially if rigorous strains your muscles, ligaments and tendons and also tightens the fibers under your skin. Massaging your body can help loosen up these fibers so that once you\u2019re back at your workout, your muscles can do what they\u2019re supposed to without much effort because they\u2019ve had a good chance at replenishing. Without massaging and with regular workouts and age, our muscles get stiff. Massaging however is a way to provide lubrication so that you can reverse some of that flexibility. It is a nice counterbalance.\n\n\n4. Helps you feel better \u2013 mentally\n\n\nEspecially if your workout is rigorous \u2013 HIIT, CrossFit, intense strength training, running, etc. \u2013 you\u2019ll need to balance that out with moments of happy hormones or endorphins. Intense workouts release cortisol as a result of the stress, while massages help to counter this by helping with the release of endorphins.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: pxfuel.com\n\n\n\n\nSo instead of pushing your body to the brink like a drill sergeant would take the self-care approach by mixing up the intensity and routines. The combination between gentle and intense will not only be appreciated by your body and mind but will also be better received by it. You\u2019ll see better, more sustainable results and quicker!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cortisol-conscious-fitness", "title": "What Is Cortisol-Conscious Fitness?", "body": "A micromanaging boss. Traffic jams. Too many bills and too little paycheck. More people today live with unhealthy levels of stress that can lead to all sorts of unpleasant consequences to both their physical and mental well-being. Multiple studies have confirmed the positive effects of regular exercise on anxiety levels, but not all workouts equally reduce tension levels.\u00a0Some people feel invigorated by a challenging workout while others stumble from their workout class, utterly drained. Why? It has to do with the stress hormone cortisol. Now, a new exercise phenomenon known as cortisol-conscious fitness unites mind and body in innovative ways to promote more substantial stress-busting benefits.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat Is Cortisol?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: shape.com\n\n\n\n\nCortisol is one of the two hormones responsible for the stress response in human beings. While adrenaline controls the immediate fight-or-flight response you feel when you see a bear, for instance, cortisol takes over during the long term.\u00a0\n\n\nAs your levels of adrenaline drop, your hypothalamus signals your sympathetic nervous system to keep the gas pedal to the metal. It\u00a0\nreleases hormones to the adrenal glands\n\u00a0that tell them to step up cortisol production. Your body remains revved up and on high alert.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nYoga Postures To Help You Calm Down\n\n\n\n\nLong, vigorous workouts can aggravate your body and prompt it to release cortisol to maintain the intensity level. Over the short term, stress hormones reduce appetite and digestive processes, which benefit you if you\u2019re running a marathon. However, cortisol has a much longer arc than adrenaline. It remains in the body to help you recover from the traumatic event.\u00a0\n\n\nThe problem arises when you already have chronically high levels of this hormone in your blood due to continual stressors like your job or finances. When you do, it\u2019s like leaving a car running on idle perpetually. Your body signals you to eat more to recover, frustrating your weight loss efforts. Worse, you can develop issues like high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes. If you already have chronic stress, the elevated cortisol levels from intense or lengthy workouts can make matters worse, not better.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMarrying Cortisol-Consciousness with Fitness\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nExperts have long recommended exercise as a means of controlling stress. Should people now feel concerned about too much of a beneficial thing? You don\u2019t have to hang up your tennis shoes. The right workout program will ease tension and\u00a0\nserve as preventive care\n\u00a0for weight management, blood pressure control and more.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, you may want to dial back the intensity level or the duration of your workout to minimize cortisol production. For example, if you subscribe\u00a0\nto many popular fitness apps\n, you\u2019ll notice they feature multiple exercise sessions in 30-minute increments or less. Some, like DailyBurn, possess mini-workouts as short as five minutes. While many gym-goers still anticipate a 60-minute class, several venues have begun experimenting with more concise class formats, too.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, you\u2019ll find classes that lower your intensity levels or that incorporate more of an interval training protocol. Many instructors will include\n\u00a0breathwork\n\u00a0as part of the cooldown to help bring your hormones back into balance. For example, practicing two-to-one breathing, where you\n\u00a0exhale twice as long as you inhale\n, activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This reaction tells the body to halt the flow of cortisol.\n\n\nOf course, you could always go with the original cortisol conscious fitness \u2014\u00a0 \nyoga.\n\u00a0Recently, researchers discovered that individuals with periodontal disease who adopted the practice had better oral health than those who did not. They also\n\u00a0had lower serum cortisol levels\n\u00a0than those who did not engage in this form of mind-body fitness. If managing your hormonal levels can impact your dental health, imagine what benefits you could see in other areas of the body.\u00a0\n\n\nGetting Started with Cortisol-Conscious Fitness\n\n\n\n\nCredit: healthline.com\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to incorporate cortisol-consciousness into your fitness regimen, skip the overly demanding workouts or those that last longer than an hour, at least on days when you feel considerably stressed already. Add more mind-body practices to your routine and reap the benefits.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \nPregnancy Exercise: 5 Easy workouts for every trimester\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/dengue-season-in-malaysia", "title": "COVID Hotspots vs Dengue Hotspots: Both Are Equally Important", "body": "When COVID-19 hit, everyone started panicking about the virus. Until today, it is one of the biggest concerns parents have. Even more so because our little ones are not encouraged to wear masks (due to possible breathing obstruction and the inability to communicate to us if they are having difficulty breathing, which might lead to them touching their faces more too).\n\n\nWe are staying home more often and many of us are trying to cut down on electricity bills by reducing the use of air-conditioning at home.\n\n\nThis means that we leave the windows open quite often with the fan on and as the rainy season is upon us, it also means that there are more mosquitoes spawning. If you don\u2019t have a mosquito net installed at home, this can be risky to your little one.\n\n\nDengue season in Malaysia is usually around the rainy season. As such, on top of everything else parents have to worry about, they also have to take dengue season into consideration.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDengue Season In Malaysia: Keeping Track Of The Hotspots\n\n\nThere is so much focus on the COVID-19 hotspots, but we must not forget the dengue hotspots too.\u00a0\n\n\nThere are quite a few hotspots for mosquitoes to breed that we might not be aware of \u2013 many of them in the vicinity of our homes or our daily hangout areas.\u00a0\n\n\nSo here are some dengue hotspots you might not know about and should avoid during dengue season in Malaysia: \n\n\n1. Construction sites\n\n\nIf you live near a construction site, there are higher chances of contracting dengue because it is one of the TOP spots for dengue mosquitoes to breed.\u00a0\n\n\nSo if you live nearby one, you may have to take extra preventive measures like installing mosquito nets at home or buying mosquito repellent devices to keep your kids safe.\n\n\nBesides that, we also recommend staying away from these areas and avoid taking walks around construction sites during the dengue season in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Your garden\n\n\nThis should not come as a surprise since the garden is often exposed to the rain and water might collect in an empty flower pot or container somewhere.\u00a0\n\n\nMake sure your garden is completely clear of such items that could collect water and make sure your drain is unclogged so it cannot accumulate stagnant water for mosquitoes to breed.\u00a0\n\n\nBesides that, did you know that tree holes or bamboo can also be a breeding ground for mosquitoes? If you have bamboo trees in your garden or any trees with holes, clear them out and maintain them well to prevent breeding grounds from popping up.\n\n\n\n\n3. Roof guttering\n\n\nSometimes the culprit is right above us and we can\u2019t see it\u2026 because it\u2019s in the roof! If you live in a landed property and you have roof guttering, be sure to get cleaners to come over to have it cleaned as often as possible.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is a spot we often forget and we might wonder where the mosquitoes are coming from. Since most of our bedrooms are also covered by the roof awnings, it can be very easy access for mosquitoes to enter the home.\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t already have mosquito netting, it is also worth investing in them if your house is often infested with mosquitoes.\n\n\n\n\n4. Discarded toys\n\n\nOur kids LOVE to go out to play and no matter how many times we pick up after them, there is always a stray toy here and there.\u00a0\n\n\nIt could be a basket hanging at the front of their bicycle or a sandcastle mold that they\u2019ve left outside the house, whatever the toy is, it is a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes if you\u2019re not careful. \n\n\n5. Pet water dishes\n\n\nIf you have a pet at home, you will likely have a water bowl for them to drink out of. This is also a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes.\u00a0\n\n\nWe recommend switching to a drinking bottle or one of those really cool drinking fountains with running water instead.\u00a0\n\n\nProtecting Your Child From Mosquitoes\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, you can do as much as you can to avoid having those hotspots around your home to protect your little ones from harm. But sometimes, we go out with our kids and we cannot avoid such places.\u00a0\n\n\nWouldn\u2019t it be better if you could ensure mosquitoes are being repelled from your child? Many parents opt for mosquito repellent stickers, but our children have fast hands that tend to peel those off when we\u2019re not looking. Before we know it, we turn around and the stickers are gone.\u00a0\n\n\nMosquito repellent spray is often irritating on the nose and the eyes, if it comes into contact. And younger kids tend to touch it and put their hands into their mouths afterward \u2013 definitely not the safest option! So what else is there to try?\n\n\n\n\nMamyPoko has come up with an innovative solution to this problem by integrating the mosquito repellent feature into their latest diapers!\n\n\nThe MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect diaper will ease your worries about mosquitoes because it is the world\u2019s first anti-mosquito diaper. With its Japanese patented technology, this premium diaper is made with lemongrass extract in microcapsules at the tapes.\n\n\nSo all parents have to do is put on the diaper, and when you stick on the tape, just rub to activate the microcapsules to release the lemongrass extract. This is particularly genius because the tape never comes into contact with the child\u2019s skin!\n\n\n\n\nThis diaper has been tested and proven to keep mosquitoes away from the little one. What a perfect invention for Malaysian mums who constantly worry about mosquitoes attacking their little ones.\n\n\nOf course, this product was made with baby in mind, so it is 100% safe for them. It is deet free and alcohol free. Whether you want to keep the mosquitoes away during your child\u2019s playtime or naptime, this diaper will protect them for hours.\u00a0\n\n\nWith\u00a0MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect, you can enjoy all the same benefits of MamyPoko Extra Dry with powerful absorbency up to 12 hours, and other features such as Speed Airwave to keep baby\u2019s bottom extra dry and 360\u2019 Airflow for preventing stuffy discomfort. All these, and with additional protection against mosquitoes, your baby can enjoy long hours of quality sleep through the night!\n\n\nPurchase a packet of MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect diapers now on Shopee or Lazada or find out more about the product \nhere\n.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/excessive-heavy-metals-found-in-etude-house-and-aritaum-makeup", "title": "Excessive heavy metals found in Etude House and Aritaum makeup", "body": "Thanks to their anti-ageing, skin lifting and colour control products, masstige makeup companies Etude House and Aritaum quickly became trusted names in the South East Asian mummy market, including Singapore. But all that seems to have changed.\n\n\nAs it turns out, Korean cosmetic giant AmorePacific Group (owners of Etude House and Aritaum) were forced to apologise to all its customers on Tuesday (March 20) after\u00a0\nnews\n about heavy metals in makeup produced by them made headlines.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe apologise for the incident, we should have put all our focus on quality assurance. We will do our best to prevent similar cases from happening again,\u201d the company said in a \nstatement\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAmorePacific \u2014 the owners of Laneige and Sulhwasoo \u2014 also added that they have begun withdrawing the six products.\u00a0\n\n\nThese are from AmorePacific\u2019s brands: a concealer and an eyebrow pencil from Etude House and four concealers from Aritaum.\n\n\nHere is the (unofficial) list of affected products,\u00a0\nas posted on Reddit\n:\n\n\n1. Etude House\n\n\n\n\nAC Clean Up Mild Concealer,\u00a0\nItem code: AAH(2021. 01. 08)\n\n\nDrawing Eyebrow Duo #3 Greybrown\n, Item code: GLG (2020. 12. 17)\n\n\n\n\n2. Aritaum\n\n\n\n\nFull Cover Stick Concealer #1 Light Beige,\n\u00a0Item codes:\u00a0AAH (2021. 01. 12),\u00a0BAH (2021. 01. 30), CBH (2021. 02. 11)\n\n\nFull Cover Stick Concealer #2 Natural Beige,\n\u00a0Item codes:\n\u00a0\nELG (2020. 12. 17)\n\n\nFull Cover Cream Concealer #1,\u00a0\nItem codes: GLG (2020. 12. 14),\u00a0AAH (2021. 01. 30)\n\n\nFull Cover Cream Concealer #2,\u00a0\nItem code: AAH (2021. 01. 14)\n\n\n\n\nThe company also shared that since each country has its own safety regulations, they will thoroughly inspect the products and recall when needed.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cSafety regulations differ from country to country. But we will issue recalls in any country that demands it,\u201d the company spokesperson told \nThe Investor\n, adding that they are also offering refunds.\n\n\nEtude House Singapore also wrote to \ntheasianparent\n with additional information about their refunds.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cCustomers holding affected products may visit our stores to exchange for a different product of the same amount or lower or receive a full refund,\u201d an official spokesperson clarified.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile\u00a0\nEtude House\n\u00a0products are being sold in Singapore, Aritaum products are not.\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on Etude House products in Singapore, please contact them \nhere\n, or via their \nofficial Facebook page\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMFDS finds heavy metals in makeup by Etude House\n\n\nOn March 19, the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) shared that it found traces of the heavy metal antimony in the products made by the company\u2019s local ODM cosmetics maker \u2014 Hwasung Cosmetic.\u00a0\n\n\nThis was voluntary reporting on Amore Pacific\u2019s end, who wanted to make sure that MFDS was also in the know.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nAntimony\n is a silvery, hard and brittle heavy metal that is used to make semi-conductors as it lends strength to a product. However, it is extremely dangerous and can lead to eye irritation as well as gastrointestinal problems.\u00a0\n\n\nNaturally, given these medical complications, MFDS allowed companies to use only\u00a010\u338d/g of antimony in their finished products. However, as \nThe Korean Herald\n reported, their products exceeded the permissible limit of 10 micrograms per gram.\u00a0\n\n\nAmorePacific group added heavy metals in makeup and toothpaste too!\n\n\nThis is not the first time AmorePacific has been in trouble regarding use of heavy metals in their products. Apart from heavy metals in makeup, they were also found guilty of toxic elements in their toothpaste.\n\n\nIn 2016, the Korean giant recalled 11 toothpaste products after MFDS found traces of toxic chemicals in them.\u00a0\n\n\nIt remains to be seen how soon the company will relaunch its quality checked products. But if you have been using these products, we suggest that for now you take a little \u201cnatural\u201d break with these simple tricks.\u00a0\n\n\n3 tips to naturally make your skin look flawless\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n1. Exfoliate\u00a0\n\n\nAs mentioned in our previous \narticle\n, exfoliating daily can prevent clogged pores and promote cell turnover, which helps with anti-aging and achieving a youthful look.\n\n\nBut instead of a chemical products, try a mixture of a half-cup of white or brown sugar and a tablespoon of olive or grapeseed oil.\n\n\nApply this paste to your face in a circular motion. This concoction will remove dead skin cells and unclog your pores. If you don\u2019t have any of these, you can even rub a lemon on your face. It has alpha hydroxy acid and removes dead skin cells while brightening your skin tone.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Moisturise\u00a0\n\n\nMoisturising your face will help you to look and feel younger. You will have softer, more elastic skin, and it will keep your skin hydrated. But why go for a machine-made product when you have so many naturally available products at home?\u00a0\n\n\nYou can use organic honey, coconut oil, buttermilk, olive oil, shea butter, cucumbers and even avocados as your natural moisturisers.\n\n\nIf your skin is dry or combination, oil-based products will work well. If you have oily skin, try water-based natural products like cucumber and avocado. Apply them for an hour on your face before you go off to sleep, and you will see visible difference in your skin the next morning.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Protect\u00a0\n\n\nAfter you have exfoliated and moisturised your skin, the natural products will leave it feeling soft and supple. But you don\u2019t want to go out just yet with that flawless skin, lest you want your skin to get pigmented.\u00a0\n\n\nSo the next best step is to protect it with some homemade sunscreen. Here\u2019s a recipe courtesy of\u00a0\nWellness Mama\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAlmond or olive oil \u2013 1/2 cup\n\n\nCoconut oil \u2013 1/4 cup\n\n\nBeeswax \u2013 1/4 cup\n\n\nZinc oxide \u2013 2 tbsp\n\n\nRed raspberry seed oil \u2013 1 tbsp\n\n\nCarrot seed oil \u2013 1tbsp\n\n\nShea butter \u2013 2 tbsp\n\n\nEssential oil of your choice\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo prepare the sunscreen, combine all the ingredients together except zinc oxide and put them in a jar. Next, boil some water in a pan and place the loose capped jar on top so all the ingredients melt. Do not place them on direct heat.\u00a0\n\n\nNow, add zinc oxide and mix well. Let the mixture cool and use it when needed.\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nYonhap News\n, \nAsia One\n, \nYahoo\n,\n The Investor\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTake The Quiz\nWhat Is Your Money Parenting Style?\nKeibubapaan\nBaki Tali Pusat Bayi Ada 5 Masalah Ini? Parents, Ini Yang Anda Perlu Lakukan Untuk Bayi Anda\nTip keibubapaan\nChamps & NASOM Bekerjasama Untuk Meningkatkan Kesedaran Tentang Autisme\nPertandingan & promosi\nTawaran Sah Hanya Pada 11.11 Sahaja! Beli Friso Gold & Bawa Pulang Hadiah Edisi Terhad & Peluang Untuk Memenangi Baucar Pelancongan ke Belanda!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/natural-energy-booster-food-and-drinks", "title": "Feeling Tired Lately? Here Are Some Food & Drinks To Increase Your Energy Quickly!", "body": "When we reach a certain age, we will need extra energy to go through normal days, especially for parents who take care of their children. In addition to taking supplements, there is some natural energy booster that can actually help you, so there is no urging need to lie down and take a break after doing a simple task.\n\n\nSome daily foods actually play a big role in providing energy, which is why we are often advised to eat a balanced diet since time immemorial. \nThe fact is the type and quality of food you eat play an important role in determining our energy levels, especially during the day.\n\n\nThere are some foods that contain nutrients that can help increase energy levels and keep alertness and focus throughout the day. You just have to be smart and choose the ones that fit your needs.\n\n\nHow to Add Energy with Natural Energy Booster\n\n\nNatural foods that work to add energy should have important nutrients such as protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, and some other nutrients. Some can also be eaten as a snack, so make sure it does not contain too much sugar!\n\n\nIn addition to nutrition, there are several things you can do to get daily energy, especially preparations for the coming day, such as:\n\n\n\n\nIncreasing your magnesium intake\n\n\nWalking a lot\n\n\nTake a nap or power nap\n\n\nDo not skip breakfast/ lunch/ dinner\n\n\nAvoid stress\n\n\nDrink plenty of plain water\n\n\nEat more grains and less sugar\n\n\nEat a snack\n\n\n\n\n8 Best Natural Energy Foods and Drinks\n\n\nHere are some great foods to add energy to your daily activities:\n\n\n#1 Bananas\n\n\n\n\nBananas are an energy-boosting food that is not only easy to find but also tastes good! The yellow fruit when ripe is a good source of complex carbohydrates, potassium, and vitamin B6, and can help increase energy levels. \nThis is a good snack if you want to take it for leisure too!\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nContains many great nutrients\n\n\nMakes blood sugar levels moderate after meals and reduces appetite by slowing stomach emptying\n\n\nStretching the stomach\n\n\nLowers the risk of heart disease\n\n\nA good source of antioxidants\n\n\n\n\n Bananas \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\n#2 Sweet Potato\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf you go to the supermarket, you must have seen a stall selling sweet potatoes. If you have not tried it yet, you should know that sweet potatoes are not only nutritious and filling but taste very good! \n\n\nThese sweet potatoes come in a variety of sizes and colours - including orange, white, and purple, and are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre.\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nHighly nutritious\n\n\nGood for intestinal health\n\n\nSupports good eyesight\n\n\nIncreases brain capacity\n\n\nCan be eaten in a variety of ways - fried, mashed, made into fries, baked, and more!\n\n\n\n\n Sweet Potato \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\n#3 Eggs\n\n\n\n\nEggs are one of the raw materials that must be in our home kitchen, right? Did you know, eggs are one of the best sources of energy? \n\n\nEggs contain several vitamins and minerals that are an important part of a healthy diet. Most interestingly, eggs are a good that is readily available and inexpensive.\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nEasy to set up and cook\n\n\nReduces the risk of heart diseases\n\n\nEgg yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for eyesight\n\n\nHigh-quality source of protein\n\n\nReduces the risk of stroke\n\n\n\n\n Eggs \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\n#4 Fatty Fish\n\n\n\n\nTasty and easy to prepare, eating fish once or twice a week is actually enough to get its benefits. \nFatty fish like salmon and tuna are good sources of protein, fatty acids, and B vitamins, making them delicious foods to include on your family menu.\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nContains nutrients essential for brain development\n\n\nA good source of vitamin D\n\n\nMay reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases\n\n\nPreserves long-term vision\n\n\nBetter quality sleep\n\n\n\n\n Fatty Fish \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\n#5 Brown Rice\n\n\n\n\nBrown rice is a very nutritious food and has a low glycemic index. Compared to white rice, it is less processed and retains more nutritional value in the form of fibre, vitamins, and minerals.\n\n\nIt can help regulate blood sugar levels and increase stable energy levels throughout the day.\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nAble to control weight\n\n\nRich in sources of phenols and flavonoids, two types of antioxidants that help reduce cell damage and reduce the risk of premature ageing\n\n\nImproves heart health\n\n\nReduce the risk of diabetes\n\n\n\n\n Brown Rice \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\n#6 Dark Chocolate\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDark chocolate has a higher cocoa content than regular chocolate or milk. The antioxidants in cocoa have been shown to have many health benefits, such as increasing blood flow throughout your body. \n\n\nDark chocolate also contains stimulant compounds, such as theobromine and caffeine, which have been shown to boost energy and mood.\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nA good source of antioxidants\n\n\nLowers the risk of heart disease\n\n\nIncreases brain capacity\n\n\nProtects skin from sunlight\n\n\n\n\n Dark Chocolate \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\n#7 Quinoa\n\n\n\n\nQuinoa is high in protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fibre as well as many vitamins and minerals.\n\n\nAlthough this superfood is high in carbohydrates, it has a low glycemic index, which indicates that its carbohydrates are absorbed slowly and can provide a constant release of energy. \n\n\nIn addition, quinoa is rich in manganese, magnesium, and folate.\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nPlant-based\n\n\nHigh in fiber\n\n\nSources of antioxidants\n\n\nA good source of iron\n\n\nContains plant compounds of quercetin and kaempferol, can protect against various chronic conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes, several typers of cancer including skin and liver.\n\n\n\n\n Quinoa \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\n#8 Coffee\n\n\n\n\nCoffee is rich in caffeine which can quickly flow from the bloodstream to the brain and inhibit the activity of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that calms the central nervous system. \n\n\nThis makes the production of epinephrine - a hormone that stimulates the body and brain increase and makes drinkers feel alert and more focused. \n\n\nIt is one of the most popular forms of energy drinks, but please do not get addicted to it!\n\n\nWhy is it good?\n\n\n\n\nIncrease focus\n\n\nGives energy\n\n\nReduce the risk of diabetes\n\n\nContains antioxidants and other active ingredients that can reduce internal inflammation and protect against disease\n\n\n\n\n Coffee \nBuy From Tesco\n\n\nHopefully, this article will be useful to you!\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more\n: \nNine ways to beat the heat\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/harry-potter-wizarding-world", "title": "12 Wizarding World Titles Hold HBO Go Spellbound As Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore Opens In Theatres", "body": "Expecto Patronum! Hogwarts\u2019 wizards, witches and magical creatures are taking over\u00a0\nHBO GO\n\u00a0and Cartoon Network (Astro Ch 615) this April. Building even greater buzz around the theatrical release of\u00a0Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore\u00a0in cinemas on April 14,\u00a0\nWizarding World\n titles will enchant fans young and old on the streaming platform and kids\u2019 channel.\n\n\nRelive all 12\u00a0Fantastic Beasts\u00a0and\u00a0Harry\u00a0Potter\u00a0titles\u00a0on demand with\u00a0\nHBO GO\n\u00a0now.\n\n\nIn addition, the\u00a0Harry\u00a0Potter\u00a0Movie Marathon runs from April 8 \u2013 23, 8pm daily on Cartoon Network (Astro Ch 615).\u00a0Here are some of the\u00a0\nWizarding World\n\u2019s\u00a0hit\u00a0shows that have captivated fans globally:\n\n\nFantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald\u00a0\n(2018)\n\n\n\n\nIn the second\u00a0Fantastic Beasts\u00a0film, the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) is captured by MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America). But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escapes to gather followers, most unsuspecting of his true agenda: to raise pure-blood wizards up to rule over all non-magical beings.\n\n\nTo thwart Grindelwald\u2019s plans, Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) enlists his former student Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne), who agrees to help, unaware of the dangers ahead. Lines are drawn as love and loyalty are tested, even among friends and family, in an increasingly divided wizarding world.\n\n\nStars an ensemble cast that includes Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Ezra Miller, Jude Law, Johnny Depp, Zo\u00eb Kravitz, Callum Turner, Claudia Kim, William Nadylam, Kevin Guthrie, Carmen Ejogo, and Poppy Corby-Tuech.\n\n\nFantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them\u00a0\n(2016)\n\n\nIn the first\u00a0Fantastic Beasts\u00a0movie, Academy Award\u00ae winner Eddie Redmayne stars as Newt Scamander, the wizarding world\u2019s preeminent magizoologist.\n\n\nIn 1926, Scamander has just completed a global excursion to find and document an array of magical creatures. Arriving in New York for a brief stopover, he might have come and gone without incident\u2026 were it not for a No-Maj (American for Muggle) named Jacob, a misplaced magical case, and the escape of some of Newt\u2019s fantastic beasts, which could spell trouble for both the wizarding and No-Maj worlds.\n\n\nAlso stars Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Ezra Miller, Samantha Morton, Jon Voight, Carmen Ejogo and Colin Farrell.\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a020th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts\n\n\n\n\nFans are invited on a magical first-person journey through the beloved film franchise as it reunites Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, and other esteemed cast members and filmmakers across all eight\u00a0Harry\u00a0Potter\u00a0films for the first time to celebrate the anniversary of the franchise\u2019s first film,\u00a0Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\u2019s Stone.\n\n\nAlumni in the memorable tribute also include Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Ralph Fiennes, Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, Tom Felton, James Phelps, Oliver Phelps, Mark Williams, Bonnie Wright, Alfred Enoch, Ian Hart, Toby Jones, Matthew Lewis, Evanna Lynch, producer David Heyman and filmmakers Chris Columbus, Alfonso Cuar\u00f3n, Mike Newell and David Yates.\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses\n\n\nHosted by Academy Award\u00ae-winning actress Dame Helen Mirren,\u00a0\nHarry\u00a0Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses\n\u00a0celebrates the 20th anniversary of the film and continues the\u00a0Wizarding World\u00a0spirit showcasing ultimate fan glory on a never-before-seen scale.\n\n\nFeaturing hundreds of trivia questions and special guest surprises, this unforgettable event of a lifetime will unveil which fans know the vast, intricately detailed universe like the back of their hand as they compete to take home the title of House Cup Champion.\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and The Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2\u00a0\n(2011)\n\n\n\n\nHaving grossed more than US$381 million at the worldwide box-office,\u00a0Harry\u00a0Potter\u2019s final adventure concludes with the climactic final battle against the Dark Lord Voldemort. Making their final stand upon the ramparts of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,\u00a0Harry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and his friends Ron and Hermione face their greatest foe and make the ultimate sacrifice on the landmark journey that spanned a decade.\n\n\nLaced with visual magic and haunting storytelling, the film franchise is brought to its triumphant close with long-time screenwriter Steve Kloves, acclaimed director David Yates and its award-winning cast including Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph Fiennes, Michael Gambon, the late John Hurt, Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, David Thewlis and Julie Walters.\n\n\nStream and download all 12\u00a0\nWizarding World\n\u00a0movies and series now on\u00a0\nHBO GO\n. The\u00a0Harry\u00a0Potter\u00a0Movie Marathon airs from April 8 \u2013 23, daily at 8pm on Cartoon Network (Astro Ch 615).\u00a0\n\n\nSubscribe to\u00a0\nHBO GO\n\u00a0online\u00a0at\u00a0\nhttps://www.hbogoasia.my/\n\u00a0or the mobile app\u00a0via the\u00a0\nApp Store\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nPlay Store\n\u00a0for\u00a0as low as RM23.30/month. You can also access\u00a0\nHBO GO\n\u00a0via Astro. HBO GO is also available on Android TV, Apple TV, LG TV and Samsung Smart TV \u2013 and comes with AirPlay and Google Cast functionality.\n\n\nAppendix\n\n\nComplete list of\u00a0Wizarding World\u00a0titles streaming on\u00a0\nHBO GO\n:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWizarding World Titles\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses (2021)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a020th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts (2021)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2 (2011)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 1 (2010)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Goblet of Fire (2005)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHarry\u00a0Potter\u00a0and the Sorcerer\u2019s Stone (2001)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHarry Potter Movie Marathon airing Apr 8 \u2013 23, daily from 8pm on Cartoon Network.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nKanak-Kanak\nIni 8 Perkara Penting Yang Perlu Diberi Perhatian Dalam Perkembangan Anak -Pakar\nKanak-Kanak\nJangan Abaikan Tumbesaran Anak Yang Lebih Besar, Mereka Juga Perlukan Nutrisi Yang Cukup!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nDoes Cattle Treatment & Breed Really Matter for Quality Formula Milk?\n#PendidikanKewangan\nCan Financial Management Be Easy? 5 Things You Should Be Doing As A Parent\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-6-pictures-of-children-you-should-not-post-on-social-media", "title": "The 6 pictures of children you should not post on social media", "body": "We are so proud of our kids and the sweet things they do, and social media makes it so much easier to show the whole world just how wonderful and beautiful our little ones are.\n\n\nBut while it\u2019s true that your little one looks totally adorable in that new dress, or frolicking on the beach in Bali in her little polka dotted two-piece swimsuit, it\u2019s best to keep certain moments, and pictures private.\n\n\nBy doing this, you\u2019re sparing your child of potential future embarrassment should she find out you posted \u2018that\u2019 photo of her in the bathtub on Facebook.\n\n\nBut more importantly, you\u2019re protecting her from the very real and very frightening danger of online predators.\n\n\nTo give you some context, a horrifying 2012 report by\u00a0\nWND\u2019s Chelsea Schilling\nrevealed a group of Facebook users who promoted and shared child pornography using their own Facebook accounts and other Facebook groups.\n\n\nIn 2016, this same danger is still very real.\n\n\nSo take note mums and dads. Here are 6 types of pictures of children* you should not be posting on social media.\n\n\n*Please note that the images used in this gallery are from a subscription-based image bank, and are used to highlight each point raised in the gallery. This means the childrens\u2019 parents have\u00a0\napproved\n\u00a0the use of these images by those who have subscribed to this image bank.\n\n\n**Images in this gallery were updated on 29/07/2016 in keeping with highlighting the key message of this article and after taking our readers\u2019 comments into consideration.\n\n\n1. Other people\u2019s children\n\n\n\n\nBefore you post and tag those lovely pictures of your child\u2019s birthday party or school outing on Facebook, be sure to check with the parents of other kids who might be in the photos if they are okay with this.\n\n\nWhile you might be fine with posting your own kids\u2019 pictures, other parents may not be so comfortable with images of their own kids being shared. So asking for their permission prior to doing this revolves around common sense and courtesy.\n\n\n2. Where your children go to school\n\n\n\n\nYes, we entrust our kids to the safety of their school/preschool every day. But remember that during school time, you are not physically present to keep a watchful eye on your little one.\n\n\nWhile kidnapping from schools is rare, it does happen. So, avoid sharing pictures of your kids at their school or in their uniform. If you must, ensure that no identifying features are visible, and the location of the school is hidden.\n\n\n3. Bath-time/shower-time\n\n\n\n\nBath-time involves nudity or semi-nudity of your child.\n\n\nAnd while in your eyes that picture of your chubby toddler splashing in the water is totally cute and extremely innocent, just remember that an online predator or Paedophile will not think the same.\n\n\n4. Any photo your kid probably won\u2019t like going public\n\n\n\n\nYes they are our children, but they are also entitled to their privacy both as young tots, and when they are older.\n\n\nSo, the next time you contemplate sharing that picture of your toddler who has just started to use the potty, or was caught red-handed doing something mischievous \u2013 think again. Would your child \u2018like\u2019 such a picture? Probably not.\n\n\nPlus, \u2018\nchild-shaming\n\u2019 pictures can have both short and long term consequences on kids. Shaming in this way breaches parent-child trust and may cause anxiety and depression later in life.\n\n\n5. Seemingly \u2018unsafe\u2019 photos of you and your kids\n\n\n\n\nThe online community has its fair share of both lovers and haters, especially so when it comes to all things related to parenting.\n\n\nSo, to spare yourself of judgement from others, think twice before posting that picture of you in the car with your little one on your lap holding the steering wheel, or that snap of your baby up in the air before you catch him.\n\n\nOthers don\u2019t know the immediate circumstances surrounding a picture and will be hasty to comment and judge, leaving you feeling like a terrible parent.\n\n\n6. Holiday locations\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\n\n\nWe\u2019re all guilty of this one (myself included). But by posting snaps of your family holiday and also revealing the location of your vacation, you\u2019re exposing your family to danger.\n\n\nFirstly, unscrupulous people back in your own country will know you are away and may use this knowledge to break in to your home during your absence. Secondly, online predators in your holiday destination may pick up on this information, which places your child in a dangerous situation.\n\n\nWhile this does sound extreme, it\u2019s still better to be safe than sorry, right parents?\n\n\nCan you think of any other type of photo of children that parents should avoid sharing on social media platforms? Let us know in a comment below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/delivery-room-survival-tips", "title": "Delivery Room Survival Tips, Get To Know What Need To Be Done!", "body": "There are so many things that can happen while in the delivery room. Why not make yourself ready for any possibilities?\n\n\nSeuk Kim is a delivery room expert. He and his wife, Anna, have had three children in the past five years. In fact, their first child was born on the morning of August 9, 2008, missing the lucky 8-8-08 date by just a few hours.\n\n\nDelivery Room Survival: Getting Ready\n\n\ntheAsianparent Malaysia spoke with Seuk and Anna about their delivery room experiences and they offered several tips for survival. Both say that planning ahead, anticipating, and fulfilling mom\u2019s needs are the keys to having a successful and positive delivery room experience.\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s part of our conversation:\n\n\nMom and dad should talk about the birthing process ahead of time\n \u2013 A lot of problems can be avoided if mom and dad talk about them ahead of time. Things that might seem trivial before the baby is born can become significant in the delivery room if you haven\u2019t talked about them in advance. Some things to consider:\n\n\n\n\nWhat does mom want dad to do during delivery? Hold her hand?\u00a0 Stay by her head and count her breaths? Or watch the delivery from down below? Who\u2019s going to cut the umbilical cord? Do you want an innie or an outie belly button?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnticipate mom\u2019s needs. She\u2019s going to be uncomfortable and in pain. Do what you can to help. Hold her hand, rub her feet, massage her legs, rub her neck, and make sure she has what she needs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s likely that mom will go hours without eating. Before you start munching ask mom if it\u2019s ok to eat in the room. The smell of food might make her nauseous (or envious). Don\u2019t be surprised if she asks you to either eat in the hall or the cafeteria.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDad should also bring an overnight bag to the hospital just in case.\n\n\n\n\nThe secret word is \u201cyes\u201d\n \u2013 When mom and dad arrive at the hospital, dad should put mom and her needs first. It\u2019s possible (maybe even probable) that mom will be scared, and uncomfortable waiting for the baby to arrive. Dad should be empathetic; hold mom\u2019s hand; massage her; get her water, ice chips or popsicles to stay hydrated; and be her advocate with the medical staff. The most important thing is to be with her (both physically and emotionally). The birth of your child is the end of one journey and the beginning of another. Savor the moment.\n\n\nLet me entertain you\n \u2013 It\u2019s likely that you and mom will spend several hours waiting for something to happen. Seuk and Anna were in labor the first night of Beijing Olympics and spent hours watching the opening ceremonies on TV. In addition to watching TV, Seuk suggests bringing books, magazines, an iPad or Kindle, or cards to keep busy.\n\n\nThe communicator\n \u2013 Devise a system to update family members on the status of labor or delivery. Mom and dad probably won\u2019t have the time (or energy) to talk to everyone who calls so come up with a way to communicate with friends and family. Create a group text list or post to Facebook or Twitter to provide updates.\n\n\nThe photographer\n \u2013 Dad is going to wear a lot of hats in the delivery room: husband, coach, father, advocate, and photographer in chief. It\u2019s important to talk with mom ahead of time and ask what pictures she wants to you to take and which ones she would prefer that you avoid.\n\n\nBe the doorman\n \u2013 After mom has given birth, and she and the baby have settled into their room, people will want to visit and say hello.\u00a0 Mom and dad should talk with close friends and family ahead of time and make their visitation wishes known. Dad may have to be the enforcer if people start to show up in droves. Mom and dad will be tired and the first few hours after delivery are important for the family to begin the bonding process.\u00a0 There will be plenty of time for visiting in the coming days and weeks.\n\n\nSeuk also says that during the \nbirthing process\n dads can feel ignored.\n\n\n\u201cI think it\u2019s important to take into consideration your own needs. There are plenty of nurses, doctors and other people who will cater to mom and baby\u2019s every need, but the dad usually gets neglected. Not many people are going to ask you how you feel and if you need anything, so you have to make sure that you\u2019re taking care of yourself.\u201d\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Balik Kampung? Ini 5 Barang Wajib Ada Untuk Si Manja Anda\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nGalakkan Anak-Anak \u2018Sayang\u2019 dan \u2018Rindu\u2019 Pada Bulan Ramadan, Ini Caranya\nTip keibubapaan\nTepuk Ria Untuk Perut Lebih Lembut Dengan Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk!\nTip keibubapaan\n5 Sebab Kenapa Para Ibu Bertukar Kepada Lampin Pakai Buang Offspring\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/epidural-needle-left-in-her-spine", "title": "Broken epidural needle found in mum's spine 14 years later", "body": "When Amy Bright gave birth to her youngest son in 2003, it never crossed her mind that she would end up with an epidural needle left in her spine.\n\n\nBut two months after her \nC-section\n, Bright began experiencing severe back pain. Later, over the years she also suffered nerve damage and it was difficult for her to use her left leg and foot. At first, doctors thought it was sciatica.\n\n\nAccording to \nMayo Clinic\n, sciatica it is\u00a0a type of pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, usually affecting only one side of the body.\n\n\nHowever, the truth was finally revealed after a CT scan showed\n a portion of a broken needle sticking out of her spine\n. \nThe last time she had an epidural was during her delivery more than a decade ago.\n\n\nEpidural Needle Left in Her Spine for 14 Years\n\n\n\n\nAmy Bright\u2019s CT Scans showing the epidural needle left in her spine | Image courtesy of Sean B. Cronin, Esq\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Bright and her attorney Sean Cronin, a large part of a spinal needle had broken off and was embedded in Bright\u2019s lower back. The needle measuring three centimetres long is lodged in Bright\u2019s spine, with the majority part of it directly \u201cburied into the bone.\u201d\n\n\nBright was extremely upset and scared when she spoke with \nPeople\n:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cEvery time I move and walk and bend and twist and sleep, that needle moves inside my spine. For 14 years, I\u2019ve been creating scar tissue in my spine from this needle moving. I\u2019m angry.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nFor 14 years she endured the back pain. Doctors prescribed her\u00a0\npainkillers\n, muscle relaxants and other medications to help with the pain.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cIt has gotten to the point where it just burns constantly. I\u2019m very scared\u00a0of\u00a0my future. [My leg] is getting weaker. I\u2019m probably going to be in a wheelchair. It\u2019s scary because I don\u2019t know.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nIt is too late to remove the needle now as doctors and experts tell Bright she might risk getting paralyzed.\n\u00a0\n\n\nMalpractice and Fraud\n\n\n\n\nAmy Bright, the mum with an epidural needle left in her spine | Image courtesy of Sean B. Cronin\n\n\n\n\nBright and her attorney are insisting that the whole matter was not disclosed. There was no way the doctors couldn\u2019t have known that the needle had broken and part of it was in Bright\u2019s body.\n\n\nAccording to Cronin, the needles\u00a0are about 9 or 10 centimetres long and have a tip on the end. It is the job of the anaesthesiologist to inspect that they retract the whole needle.\n\n\n\u201cThey knew this was in her, according to our experts, because so much of the needle was missing. And the safety tip is still in her.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThey have filed an official complaint against the hospital and have plans to file a lawsuit in the coming months.\n\n\nWhen contacted by \nPeople\n, Naval Hospital Jacksonville declined to comment on the matter.\n\n\nPlanning for the Future\n\n\nWith no chance of removing the\u00a0epidural needle left in her spine, the future is uncertain for Bright. The mum of six says that she hardly brings this matter up at home anymore because it makes her husband upset.\n\n\nUnfortunately for Bright, she continues to feel the effects of having the\u00a0epidural needle left in her spine especially in her legs. She is trying to make arrangements for physical therapy sessions. She feels paranoid and scared.\u00a0\n\n\nBecause of the epidural needle left in her spine, Bright\u2019s condition may continue to deteriorate. She may need to resort to therapy and \nmedication\n for the rest of her life.\n\n\n\n\nIn conclusion, she told \nPeople\n, \u201cI\u2019m trying to prepare for my future and the help and support I\u2019m going to need.\u201d\n\n\nWe dearly hope that justice will prevail and that she ends up getting the support she needs.\n\n\nRisks of Administering Epidural Anaesthesia\n\n\n\n\nEpidurals may cause your blood pressure to suddenly\u00a0drop. Nurses will continue checking your blood pressure to ensure adequate blood flow to your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may experience a severe headache caused by\u00a0leakage of \nspinal fluid\n.\n\n\nAfter your epidural is placed, lying in one position can sometimes cause\u00a0\nlabour to slow down\n or stop.\n\n\nThere are side effects such as shivering, a ringing of the ears, backache, soreness where the needle is\u00a0inserted,\u00a0\nnausea\n, or difficulty urinating.\n\n\nYou might find pushing\u00a0more difficult and additional medications or interventions may be needed, such as \nforceps\n or\u00a0\ncesarean\n.\u00a0\n\n\nYou might be numb for a few hours after the birth and require assistance.\n\n\nIn rare instances, permanent nerve damage\u00a0may result in the area where the catheter was inserted.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSources: \nPeople\n, \nMayo Clinic\n,\n \nAmerican Pregnancy Association\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nIngin Bantu Menyokong Proses Pembelajaran & Ingatan Anak? Ini Rupanya Cara Mudah Ibu Boleh Cuba!\nPregnancy\nTips for a Healthy Pregnancy\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums\nKesihatan\nBukan Sakit Perut Biasa, Kenapa Ramai Ibu Ayah Tidak Tahu Tentang Rotavirus?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-hp-printer-for-home-use", "title": "#ReinventLearning with the HP 3775 All-In-One Printer and the kids", "body": "Lately, I\u2019ve taken the chance to spend some quality time with the kids. With never-ending work duties, I\u2019m not always at home; hence when I do have the chance, I am always on the lookout for \nparent-child bonding moments.\n Usually we spend time together building with blocks, or catching educational shows on TV, but this time around, we did something totally different!\n\n\n\n\n#ReinventLearning with the best HP printer for home use\n\n\nGetting good educational materials online is a breeze, but getting it in printed form can be a hassle. I\u2019m also very much aware that spending too much time staring at \u00a0a monitor, iPad or smartphone screen isn\u2019t good for the eyesight. So when I found out about the \nHP 3775 All-In-One Printer\n, I thought to myself, this is IT!\n\n\nHere are three ways this clever printer made a difference to my kids\u2019 learning and our bonding time.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nHP 3775 All-In-One Printer with Wi-Fi capabilities\n\n\n1. Always Participate in Children\u2019s Learning Moments\n\n\nWe cannot always be there at home, our children\u2019s kindergarten, or school. So I try to give them things to do when I am not around. During the recent holidays, I took the chance to print out some very cool learning materials, direct from my smartphone via Wi-Fi to the HP 3775 All-In-One Printer.\n\n\nEven when I am physically not present, my mind is at ease knowing my kids are having fun, and learning while they\u2019re at it.\n\n\n2. Easy to Set up and Operate\n\n\nThe \nHP 3775 All-In-One Printer\n is\n such a breeze to set up. At a press of a button,\n we could literally print anything from the internet \u2013 in this case, some English learning materials.\n\n\n\n\nPrint A+ quality wirelessly anytime and help your child shine!\n\n\n\n\n3. Change How We Think About Learning\n\n\n#ReinventLearning with HP. \nWhat an apt phrase, \n\u201cReinvent Learning\u201d is. I first heard about this effort from HP through their Little Makers programme\n, and it was an eye opener.\n\n\nThe kids were in awe when they saw how the printer \u201cmagically\u201d churned out what was previously on my iPhone screen, and transformed it into real-life, colourful content! With this printer, we could get creative, download and print anything and everything!\n\n\n\n\n#ReinventLearning with HP\n\n\n\n\nHP Little Makers Challenges\n\n\nNow that you\u2019ve seen how I utilised the HP 3700 series to expand on my kids\u2019 creativity and learning, let me share with you \nHP Little Makers Challenges\n.\n\n\nThis fun and educational programme provides \u00a0challenges for children to put their heads together and make amazing creations. And when you join the HP Little Makers Challenge from Jan 14, 2019 onwards, you also get a chance to win cool prizes!\n\n\n\n\nTap, Select, Create & Win\n\n\n\n\nTry out all eight of the challenges for a chance to win some awesome prizes. In each challenge, an \nHP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3700 with Original HP Ink cartridge \nis up for grabs.\n\n\nHow to Participate:\n\n\n\n\nDownload the challenges from \nHP Malaysia by clicking on the Download Challenge button.\n\n\nFollow the instructions and be as creative as you can!\n\n\nUpload the completed challenge on your social media account(s).*\n\n\nUse the following hashtags in your entry: #HPMY #HPDeskJet #HPLittleMakers.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to tag @hp_asia if the post is on Instagram AND/OR @HP_Malaysia if it is on Facebook.\n\n\nIn order to win the bi-weekly prizes, participants will need to answer the open-ended question of the week.\n\n\n\n\nCheck out \nHP Little Makers Challenges\n by clicking on the link here.\u00a0\nhp.com/my/littlemakers\n\n\n\n\nThe Best HP Printer for Home Use\n\n\nIf you\u2019re one of those people who are ALWAYS connected to a \u00a0laptop\n, don\u2019t worry, there\u2019s always the USB cable. After downloading a simple piece of software, you can get started with printing, scanning and copying files immediately!\n\n\nWith this compact yet powerful inkjet printer, you get great value for money. The printer\u2019s affordable print, scan and copy functions will definitely help your kids to shine in school.\n\n\n\n\nPrinting in progress\n\n\n\n\nThis is definitely\n a different learning approach for my children. \nThey are so used to going through textbooks, so with this freedom of literally printing out whatever they fancy, it has reinvented the way they learn! I\u2019m excited, are you?\nPartner Stories\nKids\nHere\u2019s How You Can Help Strengthen Your Child\u2019s Immunity for a Smarter Future!\nAges & Stages\nHow to Teach Your Child Good Eating Habits - So They Can Reach Their Optimal Growth!\nAges & Stages\nHow Building with LEGO\u00ae bricks Can Boost Your Child's Creativity & Imagination\nKids\nGrowing up in KidZania Kuala Lumpur: a safe space for your child to learn\n\n\nThis is so useful for busy parents like myself, and I even get to print learning materials for my children even though I\u2019m not at home via the\n HP Smart App! Magical!\n\n\n\n\nThumbs up!\n\n\nIf you have a child, and wish to expand his creativity, this little bundle of joy encourages them to embark on a journey of discovery. Best of all, it gives them a chance to spend quality learning moments with you and the family! I\u2019m so glad I did this, as the quality time spent with both kids was indeed priceless!\n\n\nCheck out the video I did of our experience with the wonderful \nHP 3775 All-In-One Printer \nbelow.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hugging-and-kissing-your-baby-can-make-him-smarter-study-2", "title": "Hugging and kissing your baby can make him smarter: Study", "body": "If you love holding your baby endlessly, here is more reason you should continue. It\u2019s the doctor\u2019s orders after all!\n\n\nA \nstudy\n from The University of British Columbia proves that the constant contact between infants and their caregivers can affect them on a molecular level.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nWhen you hold your baby for a long time, you are actually changing their DNA. Yes, you read that right!\u00a0\n\n\nThe study reveals that babies with less physical contact can end up distressed. In fact, lack of touch changes their molecular profile. And as a result, they remain biologically underdeveloped.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHolding your baby: Scientists say do it!\n\n\nTo work on this data, scientists studied 94 babies for four years.\u00a0\n\n\nParents in the study were instructed to keep a journal about their baby\u2019s behaviour. They noted their baby\u2019s eating habits, sleeping patterns and even their crying. They also revealed exactly how often they physically consoled their baby.\u00a0\n\n\nAfter four years, the scientists checked the babies\u2019 DNAs by swabbing their cheeks. This helped them examine \u201ca biochemical modification called DNA methylation.\u201d These are molecules that keep a track of maturation of active genes.\u00a0\n\n\nAs expected, the results were astounding!\n\n\nYes! Holding your baby can help them grow faster\n\n\nKids who received less physical contact by their parents had a lower\u00a0\u201cepigenetic age.\u201d This means that their molecular maturation was slow. The team also found that babies who were not held that often faced negative health implications at a cellular level.\u00a0\n\n\nSarah Moore, lead author and a postdoctoral fellow on the case explained, \u201cIf further research confirms this initial finding, it will underscore the importance of providing physical contact, especially for distressed infants.\u201d\n\n\nThis study published in the November issue of\u00a0\nDevelopment and Psychopathology\n, has come as a sweet reminder that holding your baby has more benefits that you think.\n\n\nAlthough there are \nstudies\n that have proved that human touch can help babies grow and develop faster, this is the first to prove it on a molecular level. Naturally, this is great news for parents who love to cuddle and hold their babies.\u00a0\n\n\nBut just in case you needed a reminder, here\u2019s why hugging your child is the best gift you can give him.\u00a0\n\n\n5 scientific reasons you should hug your babies more often\n\n\nIn case you needed more scientific evidence to hug your babies, these are for you!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTouch makes them smarter.\n\u00a0A recent \nstudy\n by the\u00a0Nationwide\u00a0Children\u2019s\u00a0Hospital in Ohio, US, proves that babies who receive physical touch show \u201cstronger brain response.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHugging helps them grow.\n\u00a0A \nstudy\n by the University of California proves that hugs release the hormones oxytocin. This hormone in turn pushes several other growth hormones such as\u00a0insulin growth factor-I (IGF-1) and nerve growth factor (NGF).\n\n\nIt keeps them healthy.\n\u00a0A 2013 \nstudy\n reveals that hugs make babies stronger. The oxytocin released by hugs lowers\u00a0plasma levels of thyroid hormones as well as the level of cortisol.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nCuddling stops temper tantrums\n: Hugs can also help you \ncontrol temper tantrums\n because they are emotional outbursts that kids cannot regulate. So hugging a child when he is throwing a tantrum releases oxytocin, reduces stress and calms him.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nIt makes them more resilient.\n\u00a0A \nstudy\n reveals that when a child is exposed to excessive stress, it can compromise his immune system and lower his memory power. So hugging your kids keeps their emotions elevated. That in turn helps them regulate their brains and makes them more resilient.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIncidentally, this research has not come as a shock to us parents. After all, we love cuddling our babies. We can always use one more reason to keep the hugs coming. So snuggle up!\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\nNews source: \nThe University of British Columbia\n, \nScience Daily\n\n\nAlso read: Parents\u2019 love: How it affects your child\u2019s happiness and future\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/quick-and-easy-recipes-for-busy-mums", "title": "Quick and Easy Mealtime Solutions For Busy Mums", "body": "It has been a long time since we had the luxury of eating out whenever and wherever, without having to worry about putting our health at risk. For more than a year now, most of us have been staying in, trying hard to normalise our new routine \u2013 the kids\u2019 online classes, working from home, juggling domestic duties and so on.\u00a0\n\n\nAs we are getting used to our new lifestyle, many of us have found new hobbies and newfound skills in areas such as home decor, gardening and the most popular of all, cooking! Cooking can indeed be therapeutic for some, even more so at this point in time.\u00a0\n\n\nWe talked to a few of our mum-friends to find out how they are holding up right now with managing a full house 24/7, especially in the kitchen department, and here\u2019s what some of them have to say:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI\u2019ve always loved cooking for my family, but sometimes my WFH hours can get dragged a bit longer than usual. I\u2019ve been trying to simplify my cooking so I don\u2019t get too tired at the end of the day\u201d \n\u2013 Ida, mum of 3.\n\n\n\u201cMy kids\u2019 online schooling timetable is pretty hectic. They have short breaks in between, so I always have to prepare a quick snack for them to keep them energised\u201d\n \u2013 Fazlun, mum of 2.\n\n\n\u201cNow that we\u2019re home most of the time, I\u2019m trying to expand my menu options for the family. I appreciate smart cooking hacks so I can still manage my other work as usual\u201d \u2013 \nNadiah, mum of 2.\u00a0\n\n\nBased on our chats with fellow mums and what we\u2019ve been observing on social media these days, when it comes to preparing meals, there is a high demand for tips and tricks to cook delicious and nourishing meals, THE QUICK AND EASY WAY. This is probably because honestly, staying home doesn\u2019t necessarily mean we have more time on our hands. In fact, many have agreed that it has actually taught us a lot about work-life balance \u2013 how to manage our time wisely and finding out what works best for our family.\u00a0\n\n\nNow, if you\u2019re looking for convenience, simplicity and yumminess in your daily cooking routine, we\u2019ve got you covered. And trust us, even mums who are ninjas in the kitchen would appreciate these tips and tricks! Let us (re)introduce to you, the OG, the one and only\u2026\u00a0\n\n\nCampbell\u2019s Condensed Soup!\n\n\nYes, you read it right! Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup is what you need in your kitchen pantry to ease your burden in the kitchen, whether you\u2019re pressed for time or dealing with \u201cmenu burnout\u201d. We\u2019ll show you how this classic condensed soup can turn your regular lunch or dinner spread into a restaurant-style menu in just minutes!\u00a0\n\n\nMake Simple, Nourishing Meals With Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup\n\n\nCampbell\u2019s Condensed Soup\n is the most popular soup brand in the world, loved by many mums not only for its delicious taste, but how it also makes cooking so convenient, especially for busy mums. With Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup, you can prepare a hearty bowl of creamy mushroom, chicken or tomato soup in just a blink of an eye! Just warm it up, and serve with your favourite side dishes\u2026ahh, so simple, yet so satisfying! Soups make a great breakfast and snack for the kids, too.\n\n\nHere are 7 delicious flavours of Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup that are loved by mums around the world:\n\n\nWhy we love Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup:\n\n\n\n\nIt offers a variety of delicious flavours\n\n\nIt is convenient, quick and easy to prepare\n\n\nGreat to enjoy as it is, any time of the day!\n\n\nCan be transformed into countless wholesome and nourishing meals (recipes below!)\u00a0\n\n\nAffordable and easily available\n\n\n\n\nCooking and serving suggestions:\n\n\nAdd 1 can of milk or water to 1 can of soup. You can either heat to simmer in the microwave (using a microwave-safe container) or in a pot on the stove.\u00a0\n\n\nServe with buttered toast, garlic bread or cream crackers, or read along for some interesting recipes made with Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soups!\n\n\nExplore #countlesspossibilities With Campbell\u2019s Soup\n\n\nNow, get ready to create #countlesspossibilities in the kitchen with the very same can of Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup! From pies to pastas and noodles to rice dishes, everything is made easier and faster when you have a can (or two) of Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup in your pantry.\u00a0\n\n\nCheck out these delicious recipes made with Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup:\n\n\nCreamy Fish with Mushrooms\n\n\n\n\nPreparation time:\n 10 mins\u00a0\n\n\nCooking time:\n 10 mins\n\n\nServing size:\n 4 persons\u00a0\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 Can (300g)\n \nCampbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup, mixed with \u00bd can water\n\n\n\u00a0\nCooking oil\n\n\n250g \n \nFish fillet\u00a0\n\n\n1 \n \nOnion, chopped\u00a0\n\n\n120g \n \nShitake mushroom, sliced\n\n\n\n\nFor fish marinade\n\n\n\n\n\u00bd tsp \n \nMixed herbs\n\n\n\u00bd tsp \n \nGrated garlic\u00a0\n\n\nSalt and pepper\n\n\n\n\nGarnishing (optional)\n\n\n\n\nParsley, chopped\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\n Marinate fish for 20 minutes.\u00a0\n\n\n Heat up oil in a frying pan and cook fish for 5 minutes or till browned. Set aside.\u00a0\n\n\n In the same pan, saut\u00e9 onions and mushrooms until browned. Pour in Campbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup. Stir well and simmer for 3 minutes.\n\n\n Place fish into the sauce and simmer for 2 minutes. Garnish with parsley and serve warm.\n\n\n\n\nChef tip:\n \nPaprika can be added in to give a touch of smoky flavour.\n\n\nBraised Beef with Cabbage\n\n\n\n\nPreparation time:\n 10 mins\u00a0\n\n\nCooking time:\n 20 mins\n\n\nServing size:\n 4 persons\u00a0\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 Can (310g)\n \nCampbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Tomato Soup\n\n\nCooking oil\n\n\n350g \n \nBeef tenderloin, thinly sliced\u00a0\n\n\n150g \n \nCabbage, shredded\n\n\n2 pcs \n \nStar anise\n\n\n1-inch Cinnamon\n\n\nSalt and Pepper\n\n\n\n\nFor beef marinade\n\n\n\n\n1 tsp \n \nGarlic, minced\n\n\n\u00bc tsp \n \nCinnamon powder\n\n\nSalt and Pepper\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\n Marinate beef for 20 minutes in the fridge. Set aside.\n\n\n Heat up oil in a pot and stir fry beef till browned. Add in cabbage and stir fry for 5-6 minutes.\n\n\n In the same pot, pour in Campbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Tomato Soup, star anise and cinnamon.\u00a0\n\n\n Simmer for 8-10 minutes or till beef is tendered. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm.\n\n\n\n\nChef tip:\n Beef can be replaced by chicken or chicken sausage for the non-beef option.\u00a0\n\n\nOregano Grilled Chicken\n\n\n\n\nPreparation time:\n 10 mins\u00a0\n\n\nCooking time:\n 20 mins\n\n\nServing size:\n 4 persons\u00a0\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 Can (305g)\n \nCampbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Creamy Chicken Mushroom Soup, mixed with \u00bd can water\n\n\nCooking oil\n\n\n2 (500g)\n \nBoneless chicken chops, skin on\u00a0\n\n\n200g \n \nBrown button mushroom, sliced\n\n\n\u00bc tsp\n \nDried oregano\n\n\nSalt and pepper\n\n\n\n\nGarnishing (optional)\n\n\n\n\nChive\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\n Marinate chicken with salt and pepper for 20 minutes in the fridge. Set aside.\n\n\n Heat up oil in a frying pan. Place the chicken skin side down and pan fry for 8-10 minutes. Then, flip the chicken over and continue cooking until browned. Set aside.\n\n\n In the same pan add in mushroom and stir fry for 1 minute. Pour in Campbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Creamy Chicken Mushroom Soup and stir well.\u00a0\n\n\n Add in oregano and chicken. Simmer for 8-10 minutes. Garnish and serve warm.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChef tip:\n Serve with roasted vegetables as a wholesome meal\n\n\nBeef with Vegetables Delight\n\n\n\n\nPreparation time:\n 15 mins\u00a0\n\n\nCooking time:\n 15 mins\n\n\nServing size:\n 4 persons\u00a0\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n1 Can (305g)\n \nCampbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Mushroom Potage, mixed with 1 can water\n\n\nCooking oil\n\n\n180g \n \nBeef tenderloin, thinly sliced\u00a0\n\n\n70g \n \nCarrot, diced\n\n\n50g \n \nPotato, diced\n\n\n40g \n \nCelery, diced\n\n\nSalt and pepper\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\n Heat up cooking oil in a pot and stir fry beef till browned. Set aside.\n\n\n Using the same pot, stir fry carrot and potato for 1-2 minutes.\n\n\n Pour in Campbell\u2019s\u00ae Condensed Mushroom Potage, beef and celery. Simmer for 5-10 minutes or till beef is tendered. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm.\n\n\n\n\nChef tip:\n \nServe with pita bread, rice and pasta.\u00a0\n\n\nSpiced Rice\n\n\n\n\nPreparation time:\n 10 mins\u00a0\n\n\nCooking time:\n 15 mins\n\n\nServing size:\n 4 persons\u00a0\n\n\nIngredients:\n\n\n\n\n2 tbsp\u00a0 Cooking oil\n\n\n1 \nBig onion, sliced\u00a0\n\n\n1 Cinnamon stick, 2-3cm in length\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n2 Chicken whole legs, halved\n\n\n2 tbsp Kurma powder, mixed with a bit of water until become paste\n\n\n1\u215b cup Basmathi rice, washed\n\n\n300g Campbell\u2019s Cream of Chicken Condensed Soup, mixed with 1 Can of water\n\n\n\n\nGarnishing\n\n\n\n\nCoriander leaves\u00a0\n\n\nA handful of roasted cashew nuts\n\n\n\n\nMethod:\n\n\n\n\nHeat up oil in a frying pan, saut\u00e9 onion and cinnamon stick until fragrant. Add in chicken and cook until brown on both sides. Then, add kurma powder and cook for 1 minute.\u00a0\n\n\nIn a rice cooker, pour in the rice, saut\u00e9ed ingredients with chicken and followed by Campbell\u2019s Cream of Chicken Condensed Soup. Stir well and let it cook.\u00a0\n\n\nGarnish with chopped coriander leaves and cashew nuts before serve.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChef tip:\n Black and golden raisins can be added in to make it more flavourful.\n\n\nYou can view more cooking tutorials to start exploring #countlesspossibilities on \nCampbell\u2019s Soup Malaysia\u2019s Youtube channel\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThere you go, mums! We\u2019re pretty sure these yummy and easy recipes will save you from another episode of \u201cmenu burnout\u201d. \n\n\nHere\u2019s an idea \u2013 why not have a family cooking lesson with daddy and the kids? Teach them how to create easy and tasty meals with Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup, so once in a while, they can treat mummy to a delicious home cooked meal, too!\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nChoose convenience and enjoy more quality time with your loved ones. Get your favourite Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup flavours, heat up your pots and pans and enjoy a delicious gastronomic journey with #CampbellsMY Condensed Soup because #OneCampbellsCountlessPossibilities!\u00a0\n\n\nFor more recipe ideas, exciting contests and product info, follow \nCampbell\u2019s Soup Malaysia on Facebook\n now.\u00a0\n\n\nReady to stock up your pantry with Campbell\u2019s Condensed Soup? Buy now at your nearest convenience store. \n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n5 Healthy Kid Friendly Recipes For Your Little Ones, They Will Definitely Want More!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWholesome Broccoli Cutlet Recipe\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/barbie-you-can-be-a-champion-for-change", "title": "Barbie\u00ae You Can Be A Champion for Change Southeast Asia: Little Dreamers, Big Dreams", "body": "It was the opportunity of a lifetime for five little girls across Southeast Asia when they were chosen as the winners of the first Barbie\n\u00ae\n You Can Be A Champion for Change Competition. Not only did they win exclusive mentorships with Princess Zatashah, Butet Manurung, Maria Poonlertlarp, Rebekah Lin, and Chesca Garcia Kramer, but also a hands-on experience with local NGOs to learn how to bring their winning ideas to life.\n\n\nLittle dreamers aged 5-12 years old from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand were invited to submit their ideas for how they dream to change the world and make it a better place. The top entries from each country were invited to participate in the live Virtual Presentation round where they met with mentors and judges who provided advice and encouragement to the young hopefuls.\n\n\n\u201cWith more than 200 careers, Barbie\n\u00ae\n aims to take on aspirational and culturally relevant roles. This year, we encourage little girls across the region to be changemakers, to instil confidence and to provide an avenue for them to share their ideas and experience it at an early age on how they can contribute and play a role in bringing positive change in the world,\u201d said Dwanty Eka Putri, Brand Manager Dolls Category, Mattel Southeast Asia.\n\n\n\n\nIn the end, it was Cutlass-Skydd C. Sule, 5; from the Philippines, Emma Syakira Jasmine, 6, from Indonesia; Thereese Elvia Fabian, 8, representing Singapore; Chloe Lim Ke Qing, 9, from Malaysia; and Taksaorn Suwannachart, 10, from Thailand whose ideas and charisma shone through. The five aspiring changemakers truly embraced the spirit of Barbie\n\u00ae\n You Can Be A Champion for Change with their creative ideas and passion to make a difference.\n\n\nCutlass presented her desire to provide support and resources for farmers, inspired by her grandmother who is a farmer. Emma showed the judges how to make a simple water filter so more people can have access to clean water. Thereese shared her passion to make education more accessible to underprivileged kids. Chloe delivered a rousing speech about the urgency of addressing climate change. Taksaorn, who goes by the nickname Proud, shared about her idea to reduce waste by transforming trash into treasure and making jewellery from single-use items.\n\n\nThe mentorships were held over a weekend, with each mentor tackling a new aspect of being a changemaker. Butet Manurung brought forth her personal experiences to teach the girls about facing challenges and creative problem solving.\n\n\n\n\nPrincess Zatashah inspired them as she spoke about changing the world with kindness. Chesca Garcia Kramer encouraged them to be courageous to be themselves and not shy away from speaking up about their beliefs. Maria Poonlertlarp showed them how they can begin to get others interested in their cause by using their influence for good. Rebekah Lin rounded out the mentorships with a session dedicated to the importance of creating a strong community.\n\n\n\u201cWe always have to value every contribution that kids make, no matter how small,\u201d said founder of Sokola Rimba and Barbie\n\u00ae\n Role Model 2022, Butet Manurung. \u201cEvery kid has a talent, and it\u2019s up to us to nurture it. Everyone has the potential to be a changemaker with the right support system. I hope more organisations will join Barbie\n\u00ae\n in running initiatives like this to change the world for good.\u201d\n\n\nThe experience culminated in hands-on experiences with local organisations that will be able to teach the winners how to bring their ideas to life. Cutlass spoke with farmers from the Boboy Farmers Association and, with Team Barbie Philippines, pledged \n\u20b1\n50,000 for their equipment.\n\n\n\n\nThereese met with her mentor, Rebekah, and committee members from the Cheng San Community Club. Chloe brought along her schoolmates to work with the team at Free Tree Society to learn more about conservation.\n\n\nProud met with representatives of the sustainable clothing and accessories brand, Freitag. Barbie\n\u00ae\n has selected partner organisations based on each winner\u2019s idea to ensure a unique and relevant experience for each little changemaker. \u00a0The team is currently in the process of securing Emma an experience that will teach her more about making clean water more accessible.\n\n\nTo find out more about Barbie\n\u00ae\n, check out her Facebook [\nOfficialBarbieSEA\n], Instagram [\n@barbie\n], and YouTube channel [\n@barbie\n].\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nThis Exclusive Mum-Club Gives The Best Vouchers, Freebies and Offers. Be A Member Today!\nPerkembangan & Umur Anak\nPermainan bantu perkembangan anak dari umur bayi hingga kanak-kanak- Dr. Debora Weber\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\nRaise them Resilient\nCan Alternative Schooling Foster Greater Resilience? One Mum Shares Her Story\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/mum-injected-with-skin-cleanser-instead-of-epidural-left-paralysed-2", "title": "Mum injected with skin-cleanser instead of epidural left paralysed", "body": "Grace Wang\n, a victim of an epidural gone bad will never know what it is like to run free with her son Alex.\n\n\nAn anaesthetist mistakenly injected chlorhexidine, a skin-cleansing fluid, instead of administering an\u00a0\nepidural\n during a routine injection of spinal anaesthesia. The hospital has admitted fault and Grace\u2019s case is the only one of its kind ever recorded.\n\n\nNot only did the 33-year-old mother from Sydney suffer\u00a0massive nerve damage, she also had to endure\u00a0two brain surgeries and ended up paralysed from the waist down.\n\n\nEpidural Gone Bad: Mum Left with Life-Long Injuries\n\n\n\n\nPicture credit: Now To Love\n\n\n\n\nWhat was meant to be a joyous occasion being first-time parents, turned in to a nightmare. Grace and Jason never saw it coming. Grace recounts the sadness in her\u00a0heart because she couldn\u2019t even physically hold her own son when he was born.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhen all those nurses hold Alex, when they kiss and hug him, I feel really sad because I really hope I can also hold him just like the others do because our Alex is so cute,\u201d she says.\n\n\n\n\nAccording to \nThe Sydney Morning Herald\n,\u00a0both clear liquids were placed in separate dishes on a sterile table in the delivery room and\u00a0were mistakenly switched because they were\u00a0un-labelled.\u00a0\n\n\nGrace told \nSBS Mandarin News\n in an exclusive interview that she still feels the after-effects of the epidural gone bad till this day. Even while sitting in her wheelchair, she still feels very stiff and as though all the nerves in her body are constantly in pain.\n\n\nThere are days when she still cannot accept the tragedy that befell her. She has to accept that she will be unable to care for her own son. Her husband Jason not only has to take over that role, he also has to care for her. This is difficult because they are on their own in Australia with no other family members who can help.\n\n\nOur hearts go out to this family, and we hope they get the help they need and so deserve.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPicture credit: Grace Wang \u2013 Epidural Tragedy \u2013 Updates and Help Facebook account\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWatch the interview here:\n\n\n\n\nAn Epidural Gone Bad May Cause These Complications:\n\n\n1. Drop in Blood Pressure\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEvery time your blood pressure drops, it can also affect the blood flow to your baby. According to the\u00a0\nAmerican Pregnancy Association\n, mums will have to be treated with IV fluids, oxygen, and possibly medications, if this happens.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Inadvertent Dural Puncture or a \u2018Wet Tap\u2019\n\n\nThis occurs when the epidural needle accidentally punctures the membrane that covers your spinal cord. As a result, your spinal fluid leaks out. The result is intense headaches say the\u00a0\nAmerican Society of Anaesthesiologists\n. The mum will need to do a \u201cblood patch\u201d to treat the problem. This involves injecting your own blood into the hole to seal it off.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Infections\n\n\nDespite the very real risk, an infection is highly unlikely because the needles used are always sterile. Your back would also be cleaned with antiseptics. The risk is not high, but whenever there\u2019s an opening in the body, it could potentially allow \nbacteria\n to enter and grow. Also, the spine is directly wired to your brain. As rare as it may be, an epidural gone bad could mean an infection to your spinal cord, which then can be a risk to your life.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Fevers\n\n\nEpidurals used for more than six hours can lead to fever. In such cases, mum and baby would have to run some tests and be given an \nantibiotic\n treatment.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Nerve Damage\n\n\nAs scary as this sounds, this injury is only temporary and only lasts a couple weeks. Side effects of nerve damage that last a long time are very rare.\u00a0\n\n\nOther not so scary side effects of an epidural gone bad include shivering, itching, or feeling nauseous. Some women get a mild fever or even a\u00a0headache after an epidural. However, these side effects are usually temporary.\n\n\nAccording to \nSingHealth\n\u00a0\napproximately\u00a0\n40-45% patients opt for epidural pain relief during labour \nwhich translates to an annual number of more than 5000 people in KKH.\n\n\nWhile epidurals are safe for both baby and mum when administered correctly and by a trained anaesthetist, there still is the possibility of human error. Are you considering pain relief the next time you go into labour? What will you opt for? Let us know in the comment box below.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource:\n \nSBS News\n, \nSingHealth\n, \nWebMD\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTip keibubapaan\nNak Mendidik Ibu Milenium Perlu Buat 7 Perkara Ini. Barulah Anak Jadi Hebat!\nGive Health A Shot\nSi Manja Bakal Mendapat Vaksin Tidak Lama Lagi? Ini Tip Yang Anda Perlu Cuba Sebelum & Selepas Suntikan\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\n6 Ways Mums Affect Their Child\u2019s Nutrition Without Knowing It\nKeibubapaan\nMahu Minda Anak Lebih Tajam & Cekap? Ada Cara Mudah Untuk Kembangkan Otak Anak Hari Ini!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/yay-kids-clothes-review", "title": "#TAPReviews: YAY Kids Stretchable Rompers", "body": "Every parent of a boy will know this \u2014 dressing them up can be a pain! They will wriggle and struggle and scream and writhe so you will find it really hard to get them dressed! Especially when they hit the 1-year mark and they start walking, it can be quite the challenge getting them into their rompers with zips and snaps.\u00a0\n\n\nIn fact, I gave up on snaps pretty much a month after my son was born. Though a genius invention it might have been in the past, I believe we have plenty of other options to pursue in today\u2019s day and age.\u00a0\n\n\nOne such option is the \nYAY Kids\n stretchable rompers!\n\n\nWhen I first chanced upon these rompers on \nInstagram\n, I found the designs to be what drew me in. The loud patterns and quirky cutting is what attracted me at first.\u00a0\n\n\nBut later I learned that on top of being a really cute romper, it is also one with a pretty unique selling point \u2014 these rompers don\u2019t come with any zips or snaps at all!\u00a0\n\n\nAll you have to do is stretch the neck part of the romper open, fit your child\u2019s body in, slip their arms through the holes and that\u2019s it!\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, being a discerning boy mum, I already had many questions at the back of my mind about it.\n\n\nTrying it out, here\u2019s what I like most about the YAY Kids rompers.\u00a0\n\n\nYAY Kids Rompers Review\n\n\n\n\n1. No zips and snaps\n\n\nYes, this is one of my favourite things about this romper. The fact that it has no zips and snaps that overcomplicate dressing a toddler up!\n\n\n2. The stretchy material\n\n\nSurprisingly, the stretchy material bounces right back into place no matter how many times I stretched it to fit my son into his clothes. It is also really cooling at the same time, which is perfect for our tropical weather.\u00a0\n\n\nIt\u2019s also very comfortable for a toddler because at this age, they will be running around, climbing, occasionally still crawling and this material is flexible enough for them to do all of this with ease.\n\n\n3. Great quality\n\n\nBesides the stretchable fabric, it\u2019s important that clothes like these are durable because we tend to wash our kids\u2019 clothes very often. As we know, at this stage, children often spill food or drinks on their clothes. My son easily goes through 3 outfits a day because of this and all of his clothes have to be able to withstand the constant washing (in the washing machine) and the dryer too.\u00a0\n\n\nUnlike some other clothes that I\u2019ve tried for my son, the stains on YAY Kids clothes come off really easily and even after 10 washes, the colours are still as vibrant as before.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n4. Unique designs\n\n\nI also love that the YAY Kids rompers come in such cute designs that you won\u2019t be able to find elsewhere in the market. You know when a child is wearing a YAY Kids\u2019 romper because of the design but also the cutting.\u00a0\n\n\nCheck out YAY Kids Store \nhere\n or follow them on \nInstagram\n.\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/a-heartfelt-plea-to-dads-heres-why-you-shouldnt-let-your-wife-take-that-selfie", "title": "A heartfelt plea to dads: Here's why you shouldn't let your wife take that selfie", "body": "A recent \narticle\n caught my eye about the sad reason why mums often take selfies of themselves and their kids.\n\n\nIn it, the author talks about a friend whose mother passed away. This friend was looking for photographs of himself and his mother, but he could not find any, except for one really old picture of himself as a \ntoddler with her.\n\n\nJust one photo during her lifetime as his mother.\n\n\nThese days, we have smartphones equipped with cameras and for many mums, taking selfies with their little ones is the only way they\u2019ll ever get a picture of themselves with their children. So, they document their lives as mothers by themselves because technology lets them do this and others don\u2019t have the time to snap these precious moments for them.\n\n\nBut it shouldn\u2019t always be this way. As your wife\u2019s soul mate, her significant other, this plea is for you.\n\n\nSo.\n\n\nDear dads,\n\n\nPlease don\u2019t misunderstand me \u2013 you are a much-contributing partner in this beautiful and sometimes tiring dance of parenthood along with your wife, and I truly \nacknowledge this.\n\n\nBut let\u2019s be honest. Your wife contributes a significant amount of her time, effort and love to raising and nurturing your beautiful children.\u00a0I know, and you know she wouldn\u2019t have it any other way. At the same time, being a mum sometimes can feel like a thankless job.\n\n\nLet me tell you something, though. Even though there are days your wife seems to have had enough of it all, she repents the moment she sees your children innocently asleep, or when they say the most genuine \u2018sorry\u2019 in the world to her.\n\n\nSnap this moment for her and capture the softness in her face and the tenderness in her eyes as she melts. She can\u2019t take a selfie because her hands are gently stroking the hair and face of your child.\n\n\nWhen the kids are finally in bed and she\u2019s done for the day, exhausted, curled up on the sofa and sipping a hot cup of tea, take her picture. She can\u2019t take a selfie because her hands are wrapped around the warmth of her cup.\n\n\nYour child\u2019s first day of preschool has come and you take picture after picture of your little one in her oversized uniform, looking like a big girl but still such a baby.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to take a picture of your wife too to forge memories of this landmark day. Snap that moment of pure pride on her face that shines through the sadness and add it to the vignette of motherhood memories \nbeing created.\n\n\nShe can\u2019t take a selfie because her hands are busy wiping away her tears of joy and sadness at your baby girl\u2019s first steps into the \u2018real world.\u2019\n\n\nDon\u2019t hesitate to photograph your wife because her hair is messy, her face is bare and she is still in her PJs. She might brush you away when you take out your phone or camera, but take that candid snap anyway.\n\n\nShe \nwon\u2019t\n\u00a0take a selfie because she thinks she doesn\u2019t look beautiful and only tired. But you know better than this. You see her beauty, right? Capture that moment. And one day, when the kids have left the nest and you are older, wiser, she\u2019ll wonder at her beauty too as she revisits the moment.\n\n\nMothers are an integral part of their children\u2019s life, but too often, their moments of motherhood are only captured as thoughts and memories that might fade, and her constant presence is rendered invisible by Time.\n\n\nHelp preserve these memories \u2013 the good and the not-so-good. Snap that picture and make the memory of her Motherhood moments immortal.\n\n\nBecause she can\u2019t always take that selfie.\n\n\nShare your thoughts on this article in a comment below.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nRaise them Resilient\nCan Alternative Schooling Foster Greater Resilience? One Mum Shares Her Story\nKanak-Kanak\nStart your day strong with protein from milk\n#PendidikanKewangan\nAdakah Penting untuk Ajar Keseimbangan antara Menyimpan dan Berbelanja?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nFriso Gold\u00ae TrackEasy Is Malaysia\u2019s First Smart Packaging For Milk\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-baby-laundry-detergent", "title": "Top 5 Best Baby Laundry Detergent Brands That Are Safe For Your Baby's Skin", "body": "Cleaning baby clothes is an often overlooked task but it is no less important in comparison to other parental duties. It could be daunting and difficult, especially if you just had your first baby. Baby laundry detergent removes dirt and protects your baby from bacterial infections. You would want to pick out the best baby laundry detergent brand, making sure that it\u2019s free of any harmful chemicals that can be damaging to the baby\u2019s skin.\n\n\nWhich Baby Laundry Detergent Should I Buy?\n\n\n\n\nIt really depends on your child\u2019s skin, whether it is sensitive or not. Most parents prefer to buy baby laundry detergent that is free from fragrance and contains ingredients that do not irritate the skin. \n\n\nYou can try out hypoallergenic laundry soap, to find one that is suitable and comfortable for your child.\n\n\nWhile some parents believe that special laundry detergent is kinda unnecessary and pricey, some laundry detergents contain chemicals that are not good for children\u2019s skin. \n\n\nMany parents recommend buying liquid laundry detergent over powder ones because it has been said to be more effective in getting rid of stains. \n\n\nWe have narrowed down the 7 best laundry soaps for baby clothes and you can purchase them by simply clicking below!\n\n\n7 Best Baby Laundry Detergent In The Market\n\n\n#1 PUREEN A-B-D Liquid Detergent (4.8L)-RM36.90\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe \nPUREEN A-B-D Liquid Detergent is a\nble to kill germs on clothes. This is especially important for baby clothes because a lot of pesky germs do get stuck on bibs, jumpers, etc.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNo musty smell\u00a0\n\n\nHighly effective enzymes remove stubborn dirt\n\n\nEffectively cleanses clothes\n\n\nGentle on fabrics\n\n\nLow foam formula that prevents the washing machine from overflowing\n\n\n\n\n PUREEN A-B-D Liquid Detergent \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#2 Sleek Baby Laundry Detergent Value Pack 1200ml+450ml \u2013 RM13.90\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIt is an option for those who enjoy natural, organic products.\n\n\n\n\nBaby clothes cleanser specially formulated with natural plant extracts that do not leave soap marks \n\n\nPrevents clothes from smelling musty with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial formula\n\n\n\n\n Sleek Baby Laundry Detergent Value Pack 1200ml+450ml \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#3 Sabun Basuh Baju Organik Halal Sheer Organic Liquid Laundry Detergent 1.0kg \u2013 RM15.90\n\n\n\n\nThe \nHalal Organic Laundry Soap Sheer Organic Liquid Laundry Detergent is f\nree from any animal fat content, it is certified Halal by JAKIM and has proven safe to use for Muslim consumers.\n\n\n\n\nNon-toxic components\n\n\nSafe and gentle for children\u2019s clothing\n\n\nIts natural ingredients makes it suitable even for those with sensitive skin\n\n\nKeeps the washing machine clean\n\n\nFormulated with 0 chemicals\n\n\n\n\n Sabun Basuh Baju Organik Halal Sheer Organic Liquid Laundry Detergent \nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#4 BUDS Baby Safe Laundry Detergent (1L) \u2013 RM43.90\n\n\n\n\nIt is s\npecially formulated to get rid of all dirt while being s\nafe for your baby\u2019s skin.\n\n\n\n\nMade with natural ingredients, eg. aloe vera extract\n\n\nContains organic essential oils\n\n\nHarmless, no optical brighteners, enzymes or dyes\n\n\nNatural plant-based ingredients\n\n\n\n\n BUDS Baby Safe Laundry Detergent (1L) \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#5 K -Mom Natural Sensible Baby Laundry Detergent 1.7L \u2013 RM48.50\n\n\n\n\nThe K -Mom Natural Sensible Baby Laundry Detergent is suitable for all types of washing machines. Its n\neutral formula is suitable for a variety of washing methods from hand washing, to the top and front load washers.\n\n\n It can even be used for fine wool fabrics or fine fabrics.\n\n\n\n\nUSDA certified organic extract\n\n\nContains organic ingredients such as aloe vera, lavender, Centella Asiatica, green tea etc. \n\n\nProtects baby\u2019s skin\n\n\nFree from chemicals\n\n\n\n\n K -Mom Natural Sensible Baby Laundry Detergent 1.7L \nBuy at Shopee\nBuy at Lazada\n\n\n#6 Pigeon Baby Laundry Detergent 600ml \u2013 RM41.50\n\n\n\n\nIt uses special technology to e\nffectively removes poop stains and milk stains. Having passed safety tests (Detergent residue test, Dermatological Test, Allergy test), it is a safe detergent for baby clothes.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAnti-bacterial\n\n\nDoes not cause irritation\n\n\nFormula inspired by Japanese detergents\n\n\nParaben-free\n\n\n\n\n Pigeon Baby Laundry Detergent \nBuy at Lazada\nBuy at Shopee\n\n\n#7 Anakku Baby Laundry Detergent 2000ml \u2013 RM24.99\n\n\n \n\n\nIt is l\nighter than normal liquid cleaners. Being s\npecially formulated with a natural soap for effective cleansing power, it is filled and formulated with enzymes that remove stubborn dirt.\n\n\n\n\nContains organic aloe vera that soothes the skin for handwashing users.\n\n\nUser friendly\n\n\n\n\n Anakku Baby Laundry Detergent 2000ml \nBuy at Lazada\nBuy at Shopee\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThe Best Education Savings Plan For Your Children\u2019s Future \u2013 It All Begins Here!\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/workout-during-pregnancy", "title": "Should I Workout During My Pregnancy? Yay Or Nay?", "body": "Workout During Pregnancy: Pregnancy Number 1\n\n\nMy first child was conceived with a little help from a fertility doctor. We were lucky that it didn\u2019t take me long to get pregnant. When it was confirmed, our doctor advised me to slow down on the exercise front and not do anything too vigorous.\n\n\nBy this, he obviously meant capoeira and suggested that it would be best if I stopped jogging too. However, he allowed me to continue \u201clight\u201d weight training and swimming (thank goodness). This is pretty normal advice for people with non-complicated pregnancies in the first trimester.\n\n\n\n\nOnce the first trimester was over and I got the all clear from the doctor, I was back in full swing at the gym; my happy place. My weekly exercise schedule comprised of five sessions \u2013 3 days of weights, 1 of yoga and 1 of swimming.\n\n\nMy husband did not allow me to continue with capoeira training, which is fair enough as it\u2019s a contact sport, which is definitely not advisable during pregnancy. I did, however, get to participate on a few special and safe occasions.\n\n\nSo what happened when, a little unexpectedly, baby No. 2 came along 20 months later?\n\n\nBy this time I was doing Crossfit and my fitness level had progressed tremendously. I was strong and I was even more determined to (somewhat) maintain all these gains. I was prepared to continue with Crossfit, knowing that my body was capable of doing so.\n\n\nI also took up yoga again, as yoga in general is a great form of exercise, but during pregnancy I would say it\u2019s essential. My last Crossfit workout was at 37 weeks, whilst my last yoga session was a few days before delivery at 40+ weeks.\n\n\n\n\nSo you may ask, why all this exercise during pregnancy?\n\n\nBecause I felt great; both physically and mentally. I experienced no discomfort whatsoever throughout either of my pregnancies, and I genuinely loved being pregnant. As my \nbody went through the changes\n, the one constant was my exercise.\n\n\nI focused on what my body could do at each stage and continually surprised myself. I received so much encouragement, which is always good for the soul. I also received lots of stares, to which I became immune, as I know for many it is strange to see a pregnant woman exercising more vigorously than one who isn\u2019t.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/poor-indoor-air-quality", "title": "Children's Health: Invisible Risk of Indoor Air Pollution", "body": "Home is a safe and comfortable place \u2013 the walls, doors, and windows of a house are essential for comfort, whether to let in the breeze or keep out the heat, offering essential protection. Even so, indoor environments can be just as dangerous as the outdoors due to poor indoor air quality.\n\n\nA study on indoor air quality (IAQ) has indicated that exposure to poor IAQ and increasing levels of indoor air pollutants were associated with respiratory symptoms, particularly wheezing, among toddlers in Malaysia\n1\n.\n\n\nPhilips Domestic Appliances has recently released a white paper that has been independently reviewed by an expert panel of academicians and clinicians in disciplines relating to air pollution and respiratory health, establishing the need for healthcare providers to be more aware of indoor air pollution and its detrimental impact to healthy living.\n\n\nThe white paper has revealed that there is a lack of awareness on the impact of air pollutants among healthcare professionals (HCPs) as well as the public, particularly in areas where the air pollution is not tangible\n2\n.\n\n\nChildren are at particular risk of health issues due to poor IAQ when they are younger and their bodies are still developing. Children breathe in more air, eat more food and drink more liquid in proportion to their body weight than adults resulting in a greater exposure to pollutants.\n\n\nThe adverse effects of poor IAQ extends beyond health and can have repercussions on child education and their ability to learn. Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, sinus congestion, coughing, sneezing, dizziness, nausea as well as irritation of the eye, nose, throat, and skin.\n\n\nProfessor Wojciech Feleszko, Associate Professor of Paediatric Pneumonology and Allergy at the Medical University of Warsaw, has expressed, \u201cNeonates, premature infants and young children are highly exposed and highly vulnerable to the toxic and long-term effects of environmental pollution\u201d.\n\n\nThere are many sources of indoor air pollution in the home environment. Air pollution inside homes consists of a complex mixture of agents penetrating from outdoor air \u2013 through doors, windows and gaps which are major contributors to poor indoor air quality.\n\n\nOther than that, household air pollution borne from the use of solid fuels in stoves for cooking or heating is a critical concern and contributes to a high burden of disease in that environment. It is estimated that indoor air can kill more children globally than outdoor air pollution, especially in regions such as Africa and Asia\n3\n.\n\n\nDue to the fact that children and the elderly spend most of their time indoors, there is no doubt that these groups are exposed to this environmental risk.\n\n\nWhere source control is not possible, other strategies to improve indoor air quality are required to combat indoor air pollution and improve air quality in homes and at schools.\n\n\nPhilips Domestic Appliances\u2019 Clean Air white paper has concluded that reviews and studies conducted so far suggest that in almost all cases, air purification systems do reduce indoor pollution concentrations significantly\n2\n.\n\n\nSupporting the suggestion, Professor Wojciech Feleszko said, \u201cAir purifiers can improve indoor air quality and supplement asthma treatment to help allergy and asthma patients keep their symptoms under control\u201d. However, there is a vast difference between the quality of different devices on the market in terms of its technology, operation, energy usage and maintenance requirements.\n\n\n\n\nAs time spent indoors increases in modern society, the impact of indoor environmental quality on comfort, health, and productivity of occupants also increases. It\u2019s clear that the air quality will affect children\u2019s development and ability to thrive to maximize their growth potential.\n\n\nHence, an early effective measure is crucial \u2013 controlling air pollution levels in your home is an essential part of that equation.\u00a0\n\n\nBy Philips Domestic Appliances \n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n\n\nIndoor Particulate Matters, Microbial Count Assessments, and Wheezing Symptoms among Toddlers in Urban Day Care Centers in the District of Seremban, Malaysia \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6997519/\n\n\nClean Air white paper, Philips Domestic Appliances 2022\n\n\n3 Clean the air for children, UNICEF\u00a0\nhttps://www.unicef.org/reports/clean-air-children\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nPartner Stories\nPregnancy\n7 tips for busy pregnant mums to meet nutritional requirements \u2013 every pregnant mum\u2019s every day nutrition guide\nKesihatan\nPregnant or breastfeeding? What you eat matters\nKesihatan\nPencegahan 101: Panduan Ringkas Dalam Melindungi Bayi Anda Terhadap Rotavirus\nKehamilan\nMengapakah ibu-ibu mengandung dan menyusu memerlukan suplementasi DHA?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/4-reasons-your-kids-should-watch-tayo-the-little-bus", "title": "4 Reasons your kids should watch Tayo The Little Bus", "body": "Has your kid adopted an adorable British accent, but a cheeky attitude because of \nPeppa Pig\n? Well, you might want to introduce them to other types of animation, like the hit Korean cartoon \nTayo: The Little Bus\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBoth shows are recommended for kids aged three and up, according to \nCommon Sense Media\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThough some parents find the popular cartoon \nPeppa Pig\n entertaining and educational, there are others who are concerned about problematic aspects of the show, like the snarky way Peppa speaks to her parents.\n\n\nThough quite mischievous in his own way, Tayo remains playful, friendly, and open to learning from mistakes.\n\n\nHere are some reasons to introduce your child to this Korean cartoon!\n\n\nThe Korean cartoon \nTayo\n directly promotes positive behaviour\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Google\n\n\n\n\nIn her own roundabout way, Peppa Pig conveys a good message, like finding humour in little things or staying true to yourself.\n\n\nBut some parents think her positive side is overpowered by how she can be rude and bratty, specifically in the way she talks to adults. For instance, she constantly fat-shames or ridicules Daddy Pig.\n\n\nMeanwhile,\u00a0Tayo is remains respectful even when asserting his independence, and he\u2019s continuously open to learning. Even if he makes mistakes, like when he kept a rescued puppy secret from his caretaker Hana, he is often motivated by kindness.\n\n\nTayo\u00a0\nprioritises safety!\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Tayo The Little Bus website\n\n\n\n\nTayo and his bus friends follow road rules and practice safety at all times.\u00a0The Korean cartoon constantly incorporates traffic rules into their storyline. This emphasises the importance of respecting authority and staying safe at all times.\n\n\nMeanwhile \nPeppa Pig\n was criticised by parents\n after depicting characters not wearing seat belts in the car and forgetting helmets while biking.\n\n\nThough the animators eventually made the appropriate changes, they were sending a subtle, problematic message throughout the first two seasons. One mum even complained that her toddler refused to wear her seatbelt \u201cbecause Peppa didn\u2019t.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe were very naive when we started making \nPeppa\n,\u201d co-founder Mark Baker said, reports BBC. \u201cIf we could turn the clock back, we would.\u201d\n\n\nTayo\n\u00a0handles realistic life situations maturely\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Tayo The Little Bus website\n\n\n\n\nSetting aside the fact that the star is a talking bus, this Korean cartoon strives to depict reality as much as possible.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWhile it focuses more on life skills and less on 123 and ABC basics, my two-year-old boy and I both like it. My son fell in love with the wheels on the bus song and of course loved Tayo\n,\u201d \nwrites a mum and educator in a \nreview of \nTayo\n on Common Sense media\n.\n\n\nFor instance, when Tayo breaks a promise, he tries his best to make up for it. He is not quick to complain when things don\u2019t go his way, and he always tries his best to solve problems.\n\n\nAside from responding positively to setbacks, Tayo sets a good example on how not to be a spoilsport. We think Peppa Pig, who constantly whines when she doesn\u2019t get her way, could learn a thing or two from Tayo.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s more, some organisations believe that \nPeppa Pig\n\u00a0\npromotes unrealistic expectations\n. For instance, Dr. Brown Bear, who cares for their every medical concern, is at their beck and call.\n\n\nTayo\n emphasises the importance of kindness and friendship\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Tayo The Little Bus website\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t like you anymore! You\u2019re not my best friend,\u201d says Peppa. This has become a common catchphrase throughout the show. Remember that time she \nslammed the phone down on Suzie sheep\n for knowing how to whistle, while she couldn\u2019t? Though subtle, the message kids take away could be that it\u2019s okay to be mean to your friends.\n\n\nPeppa Pig can also be quite the bully to her younger sibling George Pig, and often excludes him from games.\n\n\nTayo, on the ther hand, openly offers to babysit young buses to help them find their way. He also helps friends\u00a0Rogi, Lani and Gani become more \u201cmature buses,\u201d while learning from them at the same time.\n\n\nTayo is a helpful friend. Take, for instance,\n the episode where he comes to the rescue\n of a luxury car named Shine. Though Shine embarrasses himself, Tayo goes out of his way to come to his aid and they end up becoming good friends.\n\n\nAre there good lessons from \nPeppa Pig\n?\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Youtube\n\n\n\n\nThough it\u2019s not entirely recommended by parents, there are still good aspects of \nPeppa Pig\n.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nTake, for instance, the character Mrs. Rabbit, who serves as an inspiration to be hardworking. Mummy Pig is also a good role model, as she maintains her composure and patiently teaches her daughter Peppa what\u2019s right from wrong.\n\n\nThe Pig family also constantly strives to look on the bright side, using humour to see the best in life, even at the end of a difficult day.\u00a0\n\n\nRegardless of how you feel about these two shows, this much is true: it is the flawed characters that can teach us the best lessons. But it\u2019s important for parents to communicate with their kids to know if the lessons they take away are good ones.\n\n\nWhether you\u2019re a \nTayo\n or \nPeppa\n household, make sure you always take time to talk to your little one about each and every episode they watch.\n\n\nThough TV shows can truly influence behaviour, the lessons parents impart are the most powerful of all!\n\n\nWhich of these two shows do you prefer, mums and dads? We\u2019d love to hear from you in the comments below!\n\n\nSources: \nDisney\n, \nCommon Sense Media,\n\u00a0\nBritish Medical Journal,\n\u00a0\nBBC News\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/amazing-en-caul-twin-home-birth", "title": "Amazing En Caul Twin Home Birth!", "body": "\n\nAward-winning photographer Robin Baker of \nBirth Blessings Photography\n\u00a0captured an amazing and rare occurrence \u2013 the\u00a0en caul home birth of twins.\n\n\nEn-caul births are super rare in that they only happen in 1 out of 80,000 births. En-caul means that babies are\u00a0born still fully inside the amniotic sac, with these babies commonly known as \u201ccaulbearers.\u201d\n\n\nEn-caul births are not to be confused with births that involve the amniotic sac covering a part of the baby\u2019s body\u2014these are called \u201ccaul births.\u201d There are two ways caul births can present: more often than not, the caul (or sac) will cover the baby\u2019s head and face in such a way that it almost looks like the child is wearing a helmet, but sometimes it can extend down to the baby\u2019s torso. En-caul births happen more infrequently and tend to be seen in \npremature births.\n\n\nThe birth took place at home, which was the family\u2019s plan all along. The couple are experienced home-birthers having delivered their first child at home. Baker states that this\u00a0twin birth was also an unassisted affair \u2014 the entire labor went so quickly that the OB-GYN and his team didn\u2019t actually arrive until after the babies were born.\n\n\nAccording to \nBuzzfeed\n, they had no idea the baby boy would be born en-caul until he\u00a0was crowning. The mother punctured and peeled back the amniotic sac and the father caught the twins in his hands. The first baby, a girl, had thirty minutes of bonding time with her parents before the second baby was born.\n\n\nCheck out this fascinating of another en-caul baby to get a better idea of what it means (and looks like!)\n\n\nhttps://www.facebook.com/jasmine.perez.148553/videos/10208643045544749/\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nParents, Let Us Inspire Kids To Dream Big And Change The World!\nAktiviti anak\nVictory is your child's to claim at the Spartan Kids Challenge!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nLooking For A Convenient Way To Prepare Meals For Your Family? Fill Your Pantry With Campbell\u2019s Soup\nAges & Stages\nMarkings On The Wall: Why Measuring Your Child's Height Is So Important\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-burp-your-baby-the-right-way-a-helpful-guide", "title": "How to burp your baby the right way: A helpful guide", "body": "As your baby hungrily gulps down breast milk or formula, they\u2019re also swallowing a lot of air. Since your newborn spends most of their time lying down, that air sits in their oesophagus and results in a gassy, cranky baby and spit up. \nBurping\n helps your baby get rid of the air and keeps them comfortable.\n\n\nWhen to burp your baby\n\n\nIf you\u2019re breastfeeding, burp your baby when you\u2019re switching breasts and at the end of the feed. If your baby is on formula, stop halfway through to burp your baby and then once again at the end of the feed.\n\n\nIf your baby looks uncomfortable while you\u2019re feeding them or stops feeding and fusses, they might need to be burped more often.\n\n\nIf after a few weeks, your baby isn\u2019t spitting up and cries when you interrupt the feed, then it\u2019s okay to just burp them at the end. Crying will just make them take in more air.\n\n\nYou only need to burp your baby until they\u2019re around 2\u20133 months old. As your baby spends more time upright, they\u2019ll be able to burp on their own.\n\n\nHelpful hint #1: Try not to feed your baby when they\u2019re overexcited or wait till your baby is too hungry. They\u2019re more likely to swallow air in those situations.\n\n\n\n\n3 wind-expelling burping positions\n\n\nSome burping positions work better for some babies, so try them out and see what works best for your baby.\n\n\n1. The classic over-the-shoulder\n\n\nHold your baby upright against your chest, with their head resting on your shoulder. Support their bottom with one hand and gently but firmly rub their back rhythmically.\n\n\n2. The belly flop\n\n\nPlace your baby on their belly across your lap, with their belly on one leg and their head on the other, turned to one side. This puts gentle pressure on their belly. Throw in a gentle back rub for added encouragement.\n\n\n3. The seated lean\n\n\nSit your baby face forward on your lap. Support them with your palm on their chest and your fingers under their chin. Be careful not to place pressure on your baby\u2019s throat. Lean your baby forward and gently rub their back.\n\n\nHelpful hint #2: Burping more often than not results in spit up, so remember to always put a towel or burp cloth over yourself or your baby, depending on the burping position, before burping.\n\n\nNo burp? No problem\n\n\nIf your baby doesn\u2019t burp after a few minutes and appears to be comfortable, they might not need to burp. If they seem uncomfortable or fussy, try another position or hand them off to Dad. Fathers are often the better burpers, so let him have a go.\n\n\nHelpful hint #3: Pulling your baby\u2019s knees up to their chest is another good way to work out gas in their tummy. A gentle tummy massage helps too.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/fox-family-films", "title": "Family Movie Night? Here Are 4 Family Films Premiering on Fox to Watch Out For!", "body": "Family movie nights are a tradition in some households and are great for bonding with your kids. However, movie nights can also serve as a lesson, depending on which movie you tune into and what the message is.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen kids are able to watch others experience a certain emotion or issue, they are more likely to relate the content or form critical thinking skills. However, they might now catch on as fast as us which is why it is important to ask them if they understand the storyline as the movie goes along.\u00a0Parents can also highlight the positive scenes or offer a different standpoint during a certain scenario.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, without further ado, here are some new premieres on Fox \u2013\u00a0 on Astro channel 414 and unifi TV channel 403 \u2013 that you can schedule to watch with your family.\u00a0\n\n\n1. The Angel in the Clock\n\n\n\n\nThe movie follows a girl names Amelia, who is diagnosed with leukaemia and set off on a journey to stop time. During her quest, she meets Malachi, an angel who lives in her cuckoo clock. From here the two take off to a world of clock-castles that guard earth as Amelia dives into the importance of living in the present and how to appreciate time.\u00a0\n\n\n2. Beyond Beyond\n\n\n\n\nWhile his father is away gathering provisions for their ship, young, sea-faring hare Johan the rabbit receives a call about his long lost mother, so he decides to go on an adventure to find her. The story revolvses around aiming for the impossible, through the eyes of a rabbit boy who has yet to understand the real world. During his journey, he discover more about life itself.\u00a0\n\n\nSunday, April 19 @ 8pm on FOX Family Movies (Astro channel 414 / unifi TV channel 403)\n\n\n3. Driven to Dance\n\n\n\n\nA young ballet dancer prepares for the biggest audition of her life for a renowned ballet company. She must convince herself and her mother \u2013 who wants her to go for a more practical career \u2013 that she has what it takes to make it in the world of dance.\n\n\nPremieres Friday, April 24 @ 8pm on FOX Family Movies (Astro channel 414 / unifi TV channel 403)\n\n\n4. Zathura: A Space Adventure\n\n\n\n\nTwo young brothers find themselves transported into the depths of space while playing an old board game, which develop magical powers for their entire family. Here, they encounter robots, angry aliens and other interstellar obstacles as\u00a0 they try their best to find their way back to Earth.\n\n\nSunday, April 26 @ 8pm on FOX Family Movies (Astro channel 414 / unifi TV channel 403)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead More:\n\n\n\n\nWeekend Movie Night? Here are 9 Kid-friendly Movies to Watch on Netflix\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor more information from the theAsianparent Malaysia, you can download our #1 parenting app in Southeast Asia.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\n You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on theAsianparent Malaysia website.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\nIt's Autism Awareness Month! Here\u2019s How You Can Be Part of It!\nLifestyle\n3 Easy Indoor Activities to Keep The Kids Entertained\nLifestyle\nCalling all Hot Wheels fans to Sunway Putra Mall this school holidays\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-choose-maternal-milk", "title": "Why Mums Need Maternal Milk and Its Influence On Foetal Growth", "body": "Mummies become mummies the second they find out they are pregnant. Because it is during this time that their motherly instincts may start to kick in and they already want to give their best to the foetus growing inside their wombs.\n\n\nOne of the first things doctors will suggest is that mummies start taking prenatal vitamins, like folic acid. Another thing mummies-to-be will look out for is maternal milk. New mummies may need some help with how to choose maternal milk.\n\n\n\n\nIs maternal milk necessary? If so, how to choose maternal milk can be important for mummies-to-be.\n\n\n\n\nFirstly, why maternal milk?\n\n\nMaternal milk is typically chock-full of important nutrients for pregnant and lactating mummies. One of the key ingredients is folic acid, which is crucial in helping with the growth and development of the foetus.\n\n\nDuring the first trimester, some mummies also experience morning sickness and have trouble keeping food down. Maternal milk is a great way to supplement their nutritional intake during this period.\n\n\nThere are also other factors to consider to ensure the pregnancy is a smooth-sailing one. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:\n\n\n1. How much weight is a healthy amount to gain?\n\n\nOf course, every pregnancy is different. Some mums gain only 5-7kg while others may even gain up to 20kg throughout their pregnancies. So, what is a healthy amount to gain?\n\n\nThe general rule of thumb is that if you are overweight to begin with, your weight gain should be less than that of a person with a normal BMI. A woman who is an average weight to begin with can gain anywhere between 10-15kg, while an overweight woman should aim to only gain 5-7kg.\n\n\nThe idea of \u201ceating for two\u201d is usually what gets mummies into excessive weight gain, but the fact is, you don\u2019t have to stuff yourself with extra food at every meal. Drinking maternal milk can help you meet both your calorie and nutritional intake if you are worried about that.\n\n\n2. What are the major food groups important for pregnancy?\n\n\nIf you were on any sort of diet before pregnancy, you will have to stop once you are pregnant as your body will need to meet all the nutritional requirements for optimal foetal development.\n\n\nThis means you will have to look at eating food from the five important food groups, namely fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, dairy, protein and fat. Maternal milk is a good, easily accessible source of dairy that you need during your pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nPregnant mummies are recommended to drink two glasses of maternal milk a day.\n\n\n\n\n3. Are you getting the right nutrients for good foetal development?\n\n\nFolic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D \u2013 these are just some nutrients that the body needs for good foetal development. Maternal milk typically contains all of these nutrients that a mummy needs plus added magnesium that helps with bone development and tissue formation.\n\n\n4. Are you drinking enough fluids throughout the day?\n\n\nAs ironic as it sounds, the less fluid intake a pregnant mummy gets, the more she will suffer from water retention. When you keep yourself sufficiently hydrated, your chances of water retention reduces.\n\n\nTwo glasses of maternal milk daily will not only provide the essential nutrients required but also supplement fluid requirements during pregnancy.\n\n\n5. How does consuming maternal milk affect your foetus?\n\n\nMultiple studies have been conducted with the same findings that there is a direct correlation between the consumption of maternal milk during pregnancy and birth outcomes in a positive manner.\n\n\nInstead of buying multiple bottles of vitamins and supplements to ensure you are receiving the nutrients you need for pregnancy, maternal milk is an all-in-one option.\n\n\nIt is important to note that besides being an unnecessary expense, an excessive intake of these supplements can cause toxic effects or interfere with the absorption of other nutrients, according to the World Health Organization.\n\n\nFor many, maternal milk is a good choice as it is easily accessible and affordable to ensure pregnant mums are getting the essential nutrients recommended by Malaysia\u2019s latest RNI (Recommended Nutrition Intake 2017).\n\n\n\n\nHow to choose maternal milk while you are at the supermarket? Check the labels first.\n\n\n\n\nHow to choose maternal milk\n\n\nSo, once you\u2019ve decided to start drinking maternal milk, then begs the question: \u201cHow to choose maternal milk?\u201d\n\n\nYou are walking down the supermarket aisle and you come across so many brands available.\n\n\nAre they all the same? Don\u2019t they all come from Europe or some Western country, anyways?\n\n\nWrong.\n\n\nThey are not all the same and no, not all powdered milk comes from Western countries. In fact, once you start studying labels more carefully, you will find that many milk brands are actually manufactured in Thailand, Singapore or Malaysia.\n\n\nWhat does this mean? Is milk made in Asia good or bad? To help mummies make more informed decisions, let\u2019s understand what this truly means.\n\n\nMost maternal milk manufactured in Southeast Asia is sourced from a farm that they do not own \u2013 most likely a farm in Europe, Australia or New Zealand. This means that the cows are reared in farms overseas and the milk extracted from these cows are processed into powder before coming to Southeast Asia.\n\n\nThe various brands then reprocess the powdered milk using their own formulation (which is unique to each brand), putting the powdered milk through multiple heat treatments that could compromise the nutrient qualities. This is what is known as a double manufacturing process.\n\n\nFrom grass to glass\n\n\n\n\nHow to choose maternal milk: A good indicator is knowing whether the milk is produced using a single or double manufacturing process.\n\n\n\n\nFrisomum Gold is 100% made and imported from Holland and uses a single manufacturing process, with full control over the entire journey of milk production known as \u201cgrass to glass\u201d.\n\n\nThis means that all the steps in the milk production process are fully done in Holland itself. From the rearing of cows in the farm to the milk extraction process to the conversion to powder and finally, packaging, Frisomum Gold is in control.\n\n\nWhy is this important?\n\n\nFirst of all, it cuts down on the need to rely on third-party providers. Even from the time the cow is reared for milk production, Frisomum Gold is able to monitor the cows daily, ensure the cows are fed a balanced and nutritious diet as well as grow in a healthy and stress-free environment.\n\n\nThe milk also goes through a rigorous checking process to ensure it meets the highest standards, ensuring the milk is of the right colour and scent.\n\n\nNext, it also means that when the milk is extracted and transported to be processed, it is done so in ideal conditions. The milk is transported fresh under 4 degrees Celsius and is gently processed using mild heat treatment to ensure all the nutrients are properly preserved.\n\n\nFinally, the milk powder is then packaged neatly into cans with a unique protection lid to guarantee freshness, thus completing the grass to glass journey and making it the only maternal milk in the market to be 100% imported from Holland.\n\n\nSo the next time you\u2019re walking down that supermarket aisle wondering how to choose maternal milk for yourself, check where the milk is manufactured, now that you understand the full benefits of grass to glass.\n\n\nTo read up on more information on Frisomum, visit their website \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/the-moment-postnatal-care-5-pillars-green-sop", "title": "Thriving Postpartum and Beyond with Green SOP", "body": "In collaboration with Perfect Fit, exclusively for The Moment Postnatal Care Bangsar, we take a notch higher for mothers\u2019 holistic recovery within the 28 days of Green Sanctuary while preserving The Moment Postnatal Care legacy in Traditional Chinese Medicine practices.\n\n\nUnlike other postpartum, throughout the 28 days of Green Sanctuary in The Moment, mothers and fathers can rest assured of the dedication and commitment of our Perfect Fit\u2019s 5 pillars of Green SOP quality standardisation.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cIf it takes 21 days to build a new habit, imagine what 28 days of Green Sanctuary can do to mothers\u2019 golden period of holistic recovery,\u201d\n Argustin & Renee, Managing Partners of Perfect Fit stated.\n\n\n5 Pillars of Green SOP quality standardisation\n\n\nPerfect Fit pioneered the understudy of the Postpartum industry for two years and had carefully crafted the `5 pillars of Green SOP\u2019 quality standardisation to ensure all the postpartum and confinement centres champion and uphold their quality of excellence,\n\n\nGreen Dining\n\n\n\n\nExcellence in food preparation\n\n\nCreating the healthiest, SAFEST and most nutritious food to ensure the highest quality of breastmilk production\n\n\n\n\nGreen Beauty\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nExcellence in restoration & rejuvenation for mommies & babies\n\n\n\u20189 out of 10 babies are free from common skin rashes & allergies issues\u2019\n\n\n\n\nGreen Living\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExcellence in creating a SAFE environment\n\n\nA clean, hygiene, baby-friendly and chemical-free environment for mommies & babies\u2019 golden period recovery\n\n\n\n\nGreen Edu\n\n\n\n\nExcellence in Signature Education\n\n\nBy the mothers, for the mothers! To make motherhood an enjoyable journey for the next 28 days\n\n\n\n\nGreen Aware\n\n\n\n\nExcellence in PerfectFit Mommies community\n\n\nA parenthood community of parental resilience, social connections and concrete support of healthy living #perfectfitmommies\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cIt was an instant \u2018Aha-moment\u2019 for me when I heard about the Green SOP. I knew it was exactly what The Moment needed most. While most postpartum focus on packages, I am all in about total experiences and services. I am totally invested in Green SOP and appreciate the support system given by Perfect Fit,\u201d\n said Daniel, Director of The Moment Postnatal Care.\n\n\nPerfect Fit\u2019s Green SOP quality standardisation is here to stay and to grow with the Postpartum Industry. We are here to give a helping hand to parents embarking on their journey into parenthood with excellent quality holistic care. Parents embracing and practising Green Healthy Living Environment have a greater start in life for their beloved spouses and little ones.\n\n\nKickstart your motherhood journey with Perfect Fit\u2019s Green Sanctuary in The Moment Postnatal. Visit www.perfectfitmommies.com for more. Lets get connected with us at +6(012) \u2013 411 1338.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nDoes Cattle Treatment & Breed Really Matter for Quality Formula Milk?\nPregnancy\nStaying Healthy For Your Developing Child: 6 Nutritional Diet Hacks for Busy Mummies\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nMoney Parenting\nMoney Lessons From Our Parents \u2013 And How They Shaped Our Money Parenting Style\n\n\nAbout Perfect Fit\u00a0\n\n\nPerfect Fit is a purpose-driven setup \u2013 specialised in collaborating with all qualified postpartum and confinement centres of different tiers in Malaysia. Our signature \u20185 pillars of Green SOP quality standardisation\u2019 assisted many postpartum businesses to navigate and cushion through endemic business threats by scaling their business exponentially while upholding and amplifying the quality of excellence offered in their centre.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/guide-to-manage-stress", "title": "A School Principal\u2019s Guide to Manage Stress", "body": "\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCOVID-19 has amplified stress that has always been there for principals, not to mention teachers. While we can\u2019t control the uncertainties happening around us, we can control how we respond to them. Especially as the principal \u2013 the leader of the school \u2013 it is vital to be able to manage stress, so you won\u2019t mitigate the impact on your teachers.\n\n\n5 Steps to Manage Stress\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe key is to build self-regulation skills. Here are 5 practical strategies that can help break the stress cycle:\n\n\n1.\u00a0RECOGNISE\u00a0the stressors\n\n\nOutbursts and breakdowns usually reflect cumulative stressors from multiple domains of your life that led up to them.\n\n\nFor instance, anxious about students\u2019 year-end performance results, thinking about your team\u2019s professional development, concerned about a family issue, or even worried about being late for an appointment, could all lead to an overstressed mind.\n\n\nRecognising what\u2019s causing the stress allows you to make a conscious effort to address them.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2.\u00a0REDUCE\u00a0the stressors\n\n\n\n\nCredit: TulsaKids Magazine\n\n\n\n\nObviously, it\u2019s not realistic to completely eliminate all stress from your life.\n\n\nThe goal is to reduce the stressors that you can control so that you will have more headspace and energy to cope with other stressors. In fact, a little bit of stress can tune up the brain and improve work performance.\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0REFRAME\u00a0your behaviour and mindset\n\n\nIt\u2019s useful to learn how to see situations from different perspectives. For example, when you see a child misbehave, it is most likely you will respond in a punitive manner.\n\n\nHowever, if you learn to read the signs that the child\u2019s \u201cbad\u201d behaviour\u00a0\ncould stem from an undiagnosed learning disability\n, you will see a child who needs help rather than an oppositional child. The lesson here is: \u201cSee a situation differently and you will see a different situation.\u201d\n\n\nWhen bombarded by stressors, try to take a moment and ask \u201cwhy and why now?\u201d.\n\n\nThis can help pull you away from strong reactions and put you in a state where you can think, reason and plan instead. Adopt a growth mindset where you see challenges as possibilities for change and improvement. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4.\u00a0REFLECT\u00a0on your actions and thoughts\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Stacker\n\n\n\n\nFinding time for a mindful break to reflect on your experiences, actions and feelings can bring you closer to a state of calm where you can refocus. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5.\u00a0RESTORE\u00a0energy\n\n\nWhen you feel like you are running on an empty tank, take a break and recharge with activities that energise your mind and body.\n\n\nEven small ways like gratitude breathing exercises or cuddling with your pet can reignite energy to help you successfully engage with life again.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis effective framework of practices can also be applied to teachers and parents to nurture happier children.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nResource:\u00a0\nDr. Stuart Shanker\u2019s theory of self-regulation\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\n\u00a08 Ways To Guide Your Child Into Responsible Behaviour\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0Using Psychology to Shape Behaviour: Punish, Reward or Remove?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nCan You Tell the Difference Between a Tantrum and a Meltdown? | Ask an Expert\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/risks-to-your-baby-if-you-have-blood-type-o-2", "title": "Risks to your baby if you have Blood Type O", "body": "Mums, are you pregnant and have blood type O? If \u201cyes\u201d, you definitely should be aware of O\u00a0positive blood type and pregnancy problems \u2014 such as\u00a0 hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice) \u2014\n\u00a0\nthat could affect your baby.\u00a0\n\n\nRecently, one Indonesian mum \u2014 Dorinda Dewanti \u2014 learned about\u00a0O\u00a0positive blood type and pregnancy problems the hard way.\n\n\nAt first, Ms Dewanti did not know that O\u00a0positive blood type and pregnancy problems can arise from different maternal and fetus blood types. Dori\u2019s blood type was O, whereas her son, Lantang\u2019s blood type was B positive.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cInitially, I thought that increased billirubin levels in babies was a normal occurrence. However, after a bit of research, I realised that different blood groups between the mother and baby can cause O-blood type pregnancy problems, such as increased billirubin levels in children. This leads to yellow jaundice in newborns. My son suffered from hyperbillirubinemia until he was 14* and had to undergo light therapy for a few days,\u201d Dori told theAsianparent Indonesia.\n\n\nFortunately, after several days of light therapy sessions at the hospital, Lantang\u2019s condition began to improve.\n\n\nO\u00a0positive blood type and pregnancy problems: What exactly are these issues?\u00a0\n\n\nIt is well known that blood type O is usually incompatible with other blood types. This is exactly what happens when a woman with blood type O is pregnant.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring pregnancy, mothers with blood type O reject other blood groups. This may lead to antigenic reactions with a fetus whose blood type is not O, which results in an increase in levels of bilirubin in infants. This, in turns, lead to jaundice in newborns.\n\n\nAs written in Unair News\n by Dr. Toto Wisnu Hendrarto, a specialist paediatric doctor, Chairman of the Indonesian Paediatric Society (Work Coordination Unit II), one of the causes of raised billirubin levels in infants is the different blood types between infants and their mothers.\n\n\nAs it turns out, women who have blood type O have a high risk of giving birth to infants with acute-level hyperbilirubinemia.\n\n\n\n\nO\u00a0positive blood type and pregnancy problems: Babies who have a different blood type to the pregnant mum\u2019s O-blood type can lead to problems such as jaundice. Source: File Photos\n\n\n\n\n\n\nO Positive Blood Type And Pregnancy Problems: An Overview of Hyperbilirubinemia\n\n\nAccording to Dr Toto, during pregnancy, the maternal blood transfers nutrients and oxygen to the baby via the umbilical cord.\n\n\nIf there is a difference in the blood types between the mother and the fetus, the mother\u2019s blood will form antibodies to neutralise the baby\u2019s blood type, resulting in an antigenic reaction. This condition then destroys the fetal red blood cells.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWithout the right treatment,\u00a0 jaundice in newborns can cause severe complications, the worst being disrupting the brain\u2019s nervous system permanently.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt is for this reason that Dr. Toto recommends that every pregnant woman should be aware of their blood type prior to pregnancy. \n\n\nIn fact, knowing the blood type is a critical step to prevent potential risks. \u201cOnce we know that the mother is blood type O, then doctors will be more vigilant about the potential dangers in the future,\u201d says Dr Toto.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMythbusting: The Do\u2019s & Dont\u2019s of Newborn Jaundice\n\n\nWhat NOT to Do:\n\n\nHere are some common \u2018treatments\u2019 are ineffective, according to\u00a0\nNUH\u00a0Singapore\n (even if your mum tells you otherwise):\n\n\n\n\nGiving water or glucose feeds:\n\u00a0this will\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\nnot lower the jaundice, and could even be harmful to your baby\u2019s health.\n\n\nExposure to sunlight:\n\u00a0\u00a0Sunlight does not effectively reduce jaundice, according to NUH. In fact exposing your newborn\u2019s delicate skin to sunlight could cause sunburn and dehydration.\n\n\n\n\nWhat to Do Instead\n\n\n1. Tips to manage jaundice in newborns due to differences in blood type\u00a0\n\n\nIf a mother with blood type O carries and gives birth to a baby with a different blood type:\n\n\n\n\nPlease undergo further examination and do\u00a0\nNOT rush the child back hom\ne from the hospital. This is because the jaundice in an infant whose blood type differs with a maternal blood type O usually presents itself around or\u00a0\nafter the third day of birth\n.\n\n\n\n\n2. C\nonsult a doctor IMMEDIATELY if your baby:\n\n\n\n\ndevelops jaundice during the first two days since birth\n\n\nsuffers from jaundice that spreads quickly towards the lower tummy and legs,\n\n\nshows signs of jaundice that still persists after day 14 of life.\n\n\nhas difficulties feeding on your breast, does not pass adequate amount of stool and urine, and appears more jaundiced.\n\n\nhas stools that turn cream-beige or chalky-white OR has dark (tea-coloured) urine, and with persistent jaundice after day 14 of life.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMums, is your blood type O while your child carries a different blood type? Share your experience with us in the comments below!\n\n\n\n\nRe-published with permission from theAsianparent Indonesia. Translated and edited by Kevin Wijaya Oey and further edited by Nalika Unatenne.\n\n\nReferences: \nNUH\n,\u00a0\nUniair news\n\n\n\n\nAlso read: \nNewborn jaundice and breastfeeding: What you need to know\n\n\n*The number 14 here indicates the severity of the disease, measured in 5mg/dL. Normally infants with an initial onset of Jaundice have 5mg/dL of bilirubin, so 14 is severe enough to warrant phototherapy.\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/empath-traits", "title": "What it Means to Be an Empath?", "body": "Has anyone ever told you that you\u2019re a good listener? In fact, do your family and friends often seek advice from you because of this? If your answer is yes then you just might be an empath.\n\n\nIf your answer is no, that answer might change after learning more about the traits of an empath!\n\n\nEmpath Traits\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nSome other traits of an empath would be:\n\n\n\n\nYou feel easily overwhelmed in and by public places \u2013 for example, everything is fine and dandy but suddenly you enter a crowded elevator and you feel your mood instantly drop\n\n\nYou feel sensitive to the emotional and physical pain of others \u2013 for example, you are watching a movie and an on-screen character is suddenly injured so you flinch as if the pain is yours\n\n\nYou feel the need for time alone \u2013 for example if you have not had time for just yourself you can feel that you are just not you, that something is somehow off\n\n\n\n\nThere are many, many more traits of an empath but fundamentally, being an empath means being able to intuitively understand and connect with others by sensing the emotions of others.\n\n\nNaturally, this can be unnerving if you are not aware of the fact that you are an empath \u2013 for instance, the elevator example may have you feeling like you\u2019re crazy when you are really just highly aware of the emotions around you!\n\n\nOf course, not every empath internalises the emotions of others but many do. Regardless of what type of an empath you are, there is more you should know.\n\n\nEmpath Definition and Needs\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Ike louie Natividad from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nDr Judith Orloff authored The Empaths Survival Guide and is the Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA in\u00a0 the United States. As the leading expert in all things empath related, Orloff understands how empaths are constantly picking up on the experiences of those around them. This can be not only emotionally exhausting but also physically draining.\n\n\nOrloff believes that when overstimulated, empaths may experience chronic fatigue, panic attacks, depression, and food, drug, or sex binges. If you feel that you are an empath and can relate to any of the aforementioned symptoms then remember to:\n\n\n\n\nIdentify the problem\n \u2013 did you ever feel drained after meeting with someone? If yes, then spend more time with people that energize you instead of drain you emotionally and energetically; remember, if you cannot take care of yourself, then how can you take care of others?\n\n\nSet boundaries\n \u2013 of course, if the person you thought of is a best friend then just set time limits, conversational boundaries, or any other type of boundary related to your relationship with that person; sometimes hanging out for two hours is fine but three to four hours may be too much so take notice of this\n\n\nIdentify your feelings\n \u2013 if you start feeling negatively then take a moment to recognise if what you are feeling is really you or if what you are feeling is you absorbing the emotions of others\n\n\nAllow time for quiet\n \u2013 taking mini-breaks throughout your day to breathe fresh air or to stretch the body. This may help more than you think, especially as these mini-breaks provide interludes from excessive stimulation\n\n\n\n\nRemember that every person is different and thus, experiences being an empath differently; this means your symptoms when overstimulated may differ and so you may need to tackle overstimulation in a way that works best for you.\n\n\nLogically Speaking\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Sarah Chai from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nThat aside, if you are more of a \u2018head over heart\u2019 type of person then know that in 1759, the author Adam Smith detailed the phenomenon in his book The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Besides empaths being referenced literally centuries ago, modern-day science also has an opinion on the phenomenon.\n\n\nBasically, very active mirror neurons equate to high levels of empathy. Imagine you are conversing with a person and during this conversation, you notice subtle changes in expression, body language, or tone of voice \u2013 that is your mirror neurons reading non-emotional and emotional cues then using said cues to feel what the other person is feeling.\n\n\nNot every brain is wired to sense what is brewing underneath the surface but the brains of empaths definitely are!\n\n\nTaking it even further, the journal NeuroImage published a study that found how empaths have more grey matter in certain regions of their brains. This could explain why empaths are more sensitive to the emotions of others and especially to their own emotions.\n\n\nIf you are still not sold and need a definite answer to if you are an empath then\u00a0\nclick this link\u00a0\nfor a quiz curated by Dr Judith Orloff.\n\n\nReferences:\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053811915004206\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more:\n 7 Ways To Take Control Of Your Physical & Spiritual Health\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nThese health problems may be linked to your blood type\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/ocd-mental-illness", "title": "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Kids\u2014 Signs to Watch Out For", "body": "Few conditions are as \u2018well known\u2019 in popular culture as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At least when it comes to how frequently the term is thrown around in daily speak. People may use OCD to describe someone who is concerned about cleanliness and being organised. This, however, is \nnot\u00a0\ncorrect.\n\n\nOCD is an actual mental illness which can be diagnosed by a mental health professional.\n\n\nIt can happen to anyone\u2014kids or adults.\n\n\nWhat Is OCD?\n\n\nOCD is an anxiety disorder in which a person has unwanted thoughts and compulsive behaviours.\n\n\nRepetitive thoughts, images, and sensations are called\u00a0\nobsessions\n\u00a0in those with OCD. They can keep popping up in a person\u2019s mind so often that it overwhelms them.\n\n\nWhen a person has obsessive thoughts, he or she feels urged to carry out repetitive behaviours\u2014known as \ncompulsions\n.\n\n\nThese obsessions and compulsions become a cycle that keeps going.\n\n\nIt is important to remember that not all repetitive behaviours or habits are considered compulsions. Some behaviours, like double checking if the door is locked, are normal.\n\n\nThe question is how excessive the double checking can get.\n\n\nFor those who have the condition, they generally spend at least an hour a day preoccupied with their obsessions and compulsions. This means that the disorder can interfere greatly with daily life, bringing about a lot of stress and worry.\n\n\nHow Do Kids with OCD Behave?\n\n\n\n\nKids from as young as preschool age can be diagnosed with OCD. Here are some common obsessions and compulsions seen in those with the condition:\n\n\nExamples of obsessions\n\n\n\n\nWorries about contamination, disease or dying\n\n\nWorries about losing control and hurting self or others\n\n\nFear of accidentally blurting out \u2018bad things\u2019\n\n\nDisturbing unwanted thoughts of a sexual nature\n\n\nHaving a need for \u2018perfection\u2019 and wanting things \u2018just right\u2019\n\n\nObsession with morality or right and wrong\n\n\nPreoccupation with superstition, like lucky numbers\n\n\n\n\nExamples of compulsions\n\n\n\n\nWashing hands excessively\n\n\nCleaning things excessively\n\n\nChecking things over and over (like if lights have been turned off)\n\n\nRepeating a routine activity excessively (such as opening and closing a door)\n\n\nFrequently apologising\n\n\nRepeating something a specific number of times (because it is considered a \u2018good\u2019 number)\n\n\nHoarding items\n\n\nAsking the same questions repeatedly\n\n\n\n\nWhy Does OCD Happen?\n\n\nThe exact cause for OCD is not known. There have been imaging studies conducted on people with OCD, that show differences in certain parts of the brain. However, the connection between these differences and the disorder is still not apparent.\n\n\nNevertheless, there are some known risk factors, such as:\n\n\n\n\nHaving an immediate family member with OCD\n\n\nExperiencing stressful or traumatic events\n\n\nHaving other mental health problems such as anxiety disorders or depression\n\n\n\n\nWhat Are the Treatments For OCD?\n\n\n\n\nIf you are concerned about whether your child has OCD, do bring him or her to a mental health expert for diagnosis and further advice.\n\n\nHere are a few treatment options a professional may suggest:\n\n\n1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)\n\n\nA type of CBT called\u00a0\nexposure and response prevention (ERP)\n\u00a0is frequently used for OCD sufferers. In ERP, a mental health professional will guide your child through the process of facing his or her fears without surrendering to compulsions.\n\n\n2. Family therapy\n\n\nCBT can affect family life and relations. This therapy allows for better communication, understanding and handling of the CBT diagnosis within families.\n\n\n3. Medicine\n\n\nIf your therapist thinks your child may benefit from medication, he or she can be referred to a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist may prescribe antidepressant drugs to help with symptom relief.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/workplace-support-pregnant-employees", "title": "How To Support Pregnant Employees: What Workplaces Must Know", "body": "Finding out that you are pregnant can be quite exciting. But if you spot the pink line in the middle of your appraisal period, there\u2019s probably more on your mind than just joy. The silver lining though is to work for a company that knows how to support pregnant employees. In that case you will probably sail through the nine months, stress-free. And perhaps later when you are ready to rejoin the workforce.\u00a0\n\n\nUnfortunately that is still a far-fetched reality for many women.\n\u00a0\n\n\nEven though half of the global workforce today is represented by women, pregnancy discrimination continues to be an issue across the globe. \nStudies\n have also proved that not just in SouthEast Asia, but companies in the West also shy away from hiring pregnant women. Expecting women are also denied opportunities such as promotions.\u00a0\n\n\nThis often forces women to leave their jobs after the child is born.\u00a0\n\n\nSo what can organisations do to help retain a talented workforce that by virtue of biology is forced out? The answer seems quite straightforward: learn how to support pregnant employees. And some companies do try to help. Independent \nresearch\n proves that this is also happening.\u00a0\n\n\nBut broadly speaking, there are a few things that most companies can do by first learning how to support pregnant employees, and second, creating an environment of gender-equal growth. \n\n\n\n\nHow To Support Pregnant Employees: What Workplaces Can Do To Make The Process Simple\n\n\n\n\nAs a company that knows how to support pregnant employees, your human resource executives should be as hands-on as possible. | \nImage courtesy: Pixabay\n\n\n\n\nHere are some ways.\n\n\n1) Setting up an easy benefits process\u00a0\n\n\nInstead of opaque paperwork and technical jargon that can stress out your pregnant employees, opt for an easy-to-read benefits process. How about just a \u2018I am pregnant?\u2019 page with list of simple instructions on how to initiate a conversation on the topic on your internal website?\u00a0\n\n\nThe first step should of course include booking time with somebody in human resources. They should take the pregnant employee through the process of what they need to do. This discussion should cover all aspects: from maternity benefits, to maternity leave, to pay and promotion, as well as clauses for rejoining the workplace.\u00a0\n\n\nThat\u2019s not all though.\u00a0\n\n\nAs a company that knows how to support pregnant employees, your human resource executives should be as hands-on as possible. Disseminating information in a simple way and reaching out often.\u00a0 \n\n\n2) Creating a support network\n\u00a0\n\n\nA good way to make sure that your pregnant employees feel comfortable and valued is to create support networks. Whether that is within the human resource team or somebody in the employee\u2019s internal department. \n\n\n\n\nEmployees can also benefit from support from existing employees who may be parents themselves. Of course this initiative is more beneficial if taken by the expecting employees. It\u2019s also a good idea to start parenting platforms or channels within your official groups. This will help further enable the expecting employees to privately ask questions. \n\n\n\n\nSome companies even have parenting forums and organise days where parents can bring their kids or share experiences on parenting with each other. The idea should be to create parenting communities where parents-to-be and existing parents can share experiences and seek support as needed.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe breastfeeding room in the office \nshould be welcoming and comfortable, one that promotes relaxation. | \nImage courtesy: Pexels\n\n\n\n\n3) Setting up a mother\u2019s room and normalising breastfeeding in office\u00a0\n\n\nMore and more workplaces are now open to the idea of establishing mother\u2019s rooms and \nbreastfeeding rooms\n. This allows for new mothers to conveniently and safely \u2018express\u2019 milk without having to worry about who is watching them. \n\n\n\n\nAs a company the first step would be to identify the area that can be designated as the pumping room. Ideally it should be located near the cafeteria area and should be clean and spacious enough for the new mother to sit comfortably. \n\n\nIt should also have basic amenities such as a table, a task chair with casters, a sink and even a refrigerator to \nstore breastmilk\n. \n\n\n\n\nAlso make sure that you have electrical fittings for the pump and microwave to sterilise the equipment. As far as the look and feel of the room is concerned, it should be welcoming and comfortable, one that promotes relaxation. \n\n\n\n\nYou can also add wi-fi and adjustable light so if the mother wants to work as well, she has the facility in place.\u00a0\n\n\nFinally, show the new room properly to the new mum and even to new employees to tell them about how you are supporting them. \nAnd, normalise pumping at office by talking more openly about it.\u00a0\n\n\n4) Educating employees on the \u2018are you pregnant\u2019 question\n\n\nImagine if somebody walked up to a female colleague and asked her if she was pregnant in the middle of a corporate meeting break. That is not only inappropriate, it is also seemingly unnecessary for a place where work is the primary priority.\u00a0\n\n\nIt immediately places unwanted attention on the female employee who is probably waiting for a better occasion to make the announcement herself. \n\n\n\n\nHowever, there are ways to make sure no such questions are popped.\u00a0\n\n\nThe first step is to educate employees at the onset that pregnancy is not treated as a negative health condition in the company. It is a normal part of life for most and it shouldn\u2019t be looked at otherwise. There is also no reason for anybody other than the expecting employee to \u2018out\u2019 her status, unless requested. \n\n\n\n\nSet up policies for employees to check up on their colleagues\u2019 \nhealth during pregnancy\n more privately to make sure the latter is comfortable.\n\n\n5) Providing encouragement and mental support\n\u00a0\n\n\nPregnancy can be a stressful time. Hormones are often fluctuating and the expecting mother can go through an array of emotional ups and downs. Sometimes \nphysical symptoms\n make it difficult to sit through an hour-long meeting. \n\n\n\n\nEither way, as a company you should be open and willing to provide both mental and physical support. If you have a medico onboard, inform them about your employees condition and encourage regular communication.\u00a0\n\n\nOn the other hand, ask your human resource team to check up on the employee from time to time to ensure that she is able to manage the workload. Offer help, where needed.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCheck your government policies to ease the process and inform the employee accordingly.| \nImage courtesy: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\n6) Talking about the next step\u00a0\n\n\nHow to support pregnant employees may not be a manual, but you can make this journey easy for your employee by talking about the current and future plans. As part of your pregnancy policy, you may have guidelines on \ndelivery\n, recovery, and/or timeline to rejoin the workforce. \n\n\n\n\nBe open and share these honestly with her. Most countries have a government sanctioned \nmaternity leave\n policy in place, and adhere to those regulations. If your employee is unaware, tell them about it as well.\u00a0\n\n\nThe employee may also have been issued work restrictions during pregnancy, perhaps by her doctor. If that\u2019s the case, discuss her personal plans on coming back or transitioning to a new department, if that\u2019s possible. You should also inform her of any \ncr\u00e8che\u00a0facilities\n that you may have put in place.\u00a0\n\n\n7) Easing the return to workplace process\u00a0\n\n\nYou must have a return to workplace policy in place. If so, inform your employee about the same well before she goes on parental leave. For instance, the \nMinistry of Manpower in Singapore\n allows for \u201c16 weeks of Government-Paid Maternity Leave or 12 weeks of maternity leave.\u201d\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nCheck your government policies to ease the process and inform the employee accordingly.\n\n\nFinally, make sure to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere in the workplace. If you notice an expecting employee, know that the smallest of positive feedback can go a long way.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nWhat to Expect After A C-Section And Speed Up Scar Healing\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nHow to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\n\n\nSource: \nMinistry of Manpower (SG)\n\u00a0\n\n\nAlso read: An open letter to the mother returning from maternity leave\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/socar-malaysia", "title": "#TAPReviews: SOCAR Is A Hassle-Free Solution To Meet Your Family Car Needs", "body": "One of the most important things as use as parents is our car. We need it to pick our kids up from school, to go and buy groceries for the whole family and not to mention, road trips with the family! We recently got the chance to do a SOCAR review to try out the service and here\u2019s what we found.\n\n\nWhile most families have a car of their own, thinking of getting a second car is always on our minds because of the need. But how often does that need arise? Enough for us to justify having two cars we have to maintain and pay for every month? Hence, SOCAR meets that gap for parents when we need a second car for special occasions.\u00a0\n\n\nFor my own family, the need for the second car comes up when my husband has to go out of town for work or when he has meetings that he needs the car for and I still need a car to get around town in KL. So we decided to give this SOCAR service a try to see if was as convenient as promised.\n\n\n\n\nBooking the car was easy \u2013 all we had to do was download the app, input our details as well as run our NRIC through the system for verification. All in all, the process did not take too long and was relatively easy. Then it was time for us to choose a car.\u00a0\n\n\nThe SOCAR platform has many cars to choose from \u2013 from the very functional Perodua Axia to the more luxury options like BMWs or Mini Coopers.\u00a0\n\n\nFor us parents, the cars that usually come to mind would be MPVs or SUVs. Thankfully, SOCAR had a wide selection of those including Honda HR-Vs and Mazda CX-5s.\u00a0\n\n\nWe decided to book a Honda HR-V and one of the cool features that SOCAR has, if you are not able to get to a location where the SOCAR is parked, is to pay a small fee to get the car delivered to you instead.\u00a0\n\n\nThis is very convenient for parents who are not able to go out to collect the car.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, that\u2019s what we did. We booked for the car to be delivered as well as picked up from our apartment building so there would be no hassle of trying to return the car.\u00a0\n\n\nAt the stipulated time, the car was downstairs from my apartment building and all I had to do was turn on the bluetooth on my phone, open up the SOCAR app and it was as easy as that! The car was unlocked and ready to be driven.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHowever, before the car is driven, renters are requested to take a picture of the car from different angles and upload the images onto the app. Make sure the road tax is also valid before hitting the road.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom there, the car is yours to use. When we \u201creturned\u201d the car, we simply parked the car back at the lot it was left in within the apartment premises, then we locked the car and went home.\n\n\nAt the \u201cexpiry\u201d time of the car lease, we received a notification saying that the car had been successfully returned.\u00a0\n\n\nThe experience was easy and convenient. We also liked that there were many options of cars available for us to choose from, which varies from parent to parent and their present needs. The pricing is also reasonable as you only pay for what you use.\n\n\nIf you are considering to get a second car that you aren\u2019t sure will be fully utilised, we would encourage you to try out SOCAR first to lessen the financial burden on your household expenses.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/cough-syrup-every-parents-best-friend", "title": "Is It Wrong That I Give My Baby Cough Syrup As A Sedative While We're Travelling On A Plane?", "body": "Now we are not drug pushers (that kind of excitement is beyond us sensible people) but ever so often the thought of slipping some sort of a sedative e.g. cough syrup to our little tyke does creep in doesn\u2019t it? After all, what is wrong with inducing sleep in our little one? Especially when everyone around us in the plane would applaud us for it.\n\n\nOver the past two years, 1,500 babies and toddlers have wound up in emergency rooms after having a bad reaction to cold medicines, according to the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. We, at \n TheAsianParent \n, were wondering if any parent has ever intentionally fed cough syrup to his/her child just to get the child to quieten down. We searched and found a mother (no easy feat!) who agreed to share her story (after debating to what extent her identity should be withheld) of giving her little angel some cough syrup to endure a long flight.\n\n\nWhile travelling with my 1-year-old, I gave her cough syrup to mellow her out\n\n\n\n\nKredit: newyorker.com\n\n\n\n\n*Donna Choo lived the desirable single life: jetting off to faraway places in the name of business, had a spending account and a boyfriend who thought the world of her. Finally, settling down into the bliss of marriage, Donna had a baby girl, Isabelle (now 4), after\u00a0being married for a year. \u201cAs my husband is based in Europe every six months, Izzie and I fly constantly to visit him,\u201d says Donna. Traveling constantly on flight 3 years ago would have meant tugging along a one-year-old baby for a flight that would have lasted hours. How did Donna cope?\n\n\n\u201cCough syrup\u201d she replies sheepishly. \u201cI mean at first I was totally against giving my child anything as such. But she was such an active little baby and even more as a toddler. So I thought to myself, do I want a screaming child and a plane full of people who hate me for it or a drowsy, peaceful child and fellow passengers who would probably appreciate my action?\u201d Donna started feeding her child with half a tablespoon of cough syrup which would knock little Izzie out for most of the duration of the flight.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n Did her husband know and did he agreed with it?\n\n\n\n\nKredit: adweek.com\n\n\n\n\n\u201cHe didn\u2019t know and still doesn\u2019t. It\u2019s not like I was giving her drugs! I mean firstly I was alone on the flight, trying to appease a fidgety, screaming child. Secondly, I had to smile apologetically at all these people in the flight whom I didn\u2019t even know nor ever would see again. I mean it sounds like I took the easy way out but really when you are a first time mother, travelling alone for such long hours, you just turn to the first safe method you can to get your little one to settle down!\u201d muses Donna.\n\n\nHowever, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in the United States, issued a public advisory warning to parents and caregivers against giving children under the age of 2 over-the-counter cold medicine and cough syrup because of the possibility of \u201cserious and potentially life-threatening\u201d side effects.\n\n\n\n\nBaca juga:\n \n\u00a0Traveling with your little one\n\n\n\n\nThe advisory cited decongestants, expectorants, antihistamines or cough suppressants. Although the side effects are rare, they are serious, the FDA said. They can include death, convulsions, rapid heart rates, and decreased levels of consciousness. Hence, you are probably wondering how Donna reacted to this.\n\n\n\u201cI was shocked of course. I mean I did exactly that \u2013 started feeding her when she was less that 2. But sometimes I feel God is with me. Isabelle was and still is an active child who enjoys watching Hannah Montana, playing with her dolls, experimenting with paint and singing songs with words she has made up! She is like any four-year-old and I mean it was not a constant thing I did religiously at night or something! It was just perhaps once every month or so\u201d assures Donna.\n\n\n And for the inevitable question \u2013 Does she still feed Isabelle cough syrup when they travel?\n\n\n\n\n\u201cNo, because she has grown accustomed to the taste. Haha. But seriously, being a four-year-old she knows better than to run around screaming. It was only for about two years. Also, it\u2019s universally accepted. I\u2019m sure many parents are still guiltily doing it, even those who are pretending to be shocked while reading this!\u201d smiles Donna.\nPartner Stories\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\n\n\n Names have been changed to protect the identity of those mentioned in the above article\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n: \n7 Things To Do When Traveling With Baby\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/berjaya-sompo-launches-bantuan-car-seat-campaign", "title": "Berjaya Sompo Launches \"Bantuan Car Seat\" Campaign With theAsianparent Malaysia & Crolla", "body": "Many families have lost their source of income during the COVID-19 pandemic and to ease their burden, Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad (\u201cBerjaya Sompo\u201d)\u00a0\nlaunched the \n\u201cBantuan Car Seat\u201d \ncampaign where 30 child safety seats be given away to 30 families in need.\n\n\nThis Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) campaign is a collaboration with theAsianparent Malaysia and Crolla, aiming to raise awareness on the importance of having a child safety seat and the correct method of installing a child safety seat. \n\n\nBantuan Car Seat Campaign\n\n\n\n\nThe campaign will span for 3 months from October 1 to December 30, 2021. It will begin with a Facebook Live session that will be hosted by our platform with official partner Crolla to hold a demonstration on proper safety seat installation techniques.\n\n\nDuring the session, Berjaya Sompo will be giving away three Ultima Care V3 policies to those who participated in the question-and-answer session aiming to raise awareness on the importance of child safety seats and its installation techniques.\n\n\nThe giveaway would see eligible families receiving the Crolla Alpha child safety seat worth RM499 each. The child car seat is suitable for children from birth up to 25kg, or seven years old. \n\n\nThe Crolla Alpha is also approved by the European Safety Standards ECE R44/04.\n\n\nHow to Enter?\n\n\nIf you are interested to join the campaign, you can submit your\n applications at theAsianparent Malaysia app. \n\n\nAlong with your details, you are required to provide a write-up detailing why you need the child safety seat.\n\n\n Qualifying criteria include:\n\n\n\n\nHousehold income of RM4,000 and below.\n\n\nOwning a car.\n\n\nHaving at least one child below seven years old.\n\n\n\n\nIf you are interested or know any families who need this child car seat, you can join this campaign \nhere\n.\n\n\nMr Tan Sek Kee, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Berjaya Sompo said, \u201cBerjaya Sompo is an organisation built on the foundation blocks of ethics, integrity and professionalism, committed to fulfilling the expectations of our stakeholders and contributing to the Malaysian economy and society. Hence, Berjaya Sompo \n\u201cBantuan Car Seat\u201d\n campaign is very dear to our hearts as we seek to make a difference in the lives of those in need.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cWe are aware that there are people who have suffered a loss of income during this COVID-19 pandemic, and we would like to help ease their burden by providing them with a child safety seat to keep their children safe,\u201d Mr Tan added.\n\n\nWhy Should Children Use A Child Safety Seat When They Are in a Car?\n\n\n\n\nResearch published by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) Evaluation noted that children transported in private vehicles are the leading group of casualties among children aged 1 to 4 years old (43.8%).\n\n\n The research further reported that a correctly installed child seat helps reduce the risk of death by 71% for infants and by 54% for children ages 1 to 4 and reducing the need for hospitalisation by 69% for children ages four and below.\n\n\nTips for Getting Your Child Feels Comfortable in Safety Seats\n\n\n\n\nCultivating a child\u2019s habit of sitting in a safety seat can be a bit challenging at first. However, there are some tips you can try to get the child used to sit without them making a huge fuss.\n\n\n1# Teach them young\n\n\nIf possible, to ensure that children get used to sitting in car seats, they should be trained from an early age.\n\n\nWhenever you and your family want to go out, don\u2019t teach your child to sit on your lap. Instead, teach them to sit on their own safety seats so that their safety is always guaranteed.\n\n\n2# Make them feel comfortable\n\n\nLike adults, children also want to sit in a soft and comfortable seat especially if they need to sit for a long time in the car.\n\n\nMake sure you install it the right way and back it up according to the child\u2019s comfort. You can also add extra pads or blankets for extra height as well.\n\n\n3# Give words of praise and encouragement\n\n\nParents need to encourage your child whenever they are sitting in their car seat. Give words of praise like \u201cWow, how nice of you to sit in this car seat. You\u2019re smart!\u201d\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nIf they still don\u2019t like to sit down, it\u2019s okay. Let them sit on the regular car seat for a while then persuade them to come back.\n\n\nNever use harsh words that can scare them or try to force them when they refused, as this can create a sense of resentment towards the car seat.\n\n\nGood luck!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nMum shares importance of car seat safety on long drives\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/in-love-with-other-women", "title": "14 Reasons why he's in love with other women", "body": "Sometimes, even the seemingly strongest of marriages can suffer from a moment of infidelity. And it only takes one to haunt your relationship for a long time. You\u00a0 may find yourself asking why your husband is in love with other women. You may wonder whether it\u2019s your fault.\n\n\nThe answer to that second question is easy: it\u2019s not. \n\n\nThere is one caveat though: it\u2019s not, unless you\u2019ve talked it through. In some cases, there are underlying problems in your relationship that culminated in your husband being in love with other women. \n\n\nYour husband will have his reasons, and there\u2019s going to be a lot of them. So let\u2019s walk you through some of the possible reasons why he\u2019s in love with other women.\n\n\n\n\nImage source: dreamstime\n\n\n\n\nReasons why your husband is in love with other women\n\n\n1. He wants a(nother) friend\n\n\nWe can\u2019t fill a person\u2019s every need, nor can we find everything all in one person. Sometimes, a man will look for something he\u2019s missing in another woman, especially if he has trouble communicating this concern with his wife.\n\n\nHe may want to find someone who is more emotionally or sexually intimate, someone who listens and understands, or someone with no inhibitions.\u00a0\n\n\n2. He\u2019s immature\n\n\nHe needs something carefree and spontaneous, untethered from the daily grind of everyday life. Marriage brings that into the fore because it is often associated with obligation and responsibility.\n\n\nYour husband may be like this because of a shortage of experience in committed relationships. It could also stem from his not fully understanding the consequences of his actions (just like a child would do something without thinking of how other people could get hurt).\n\n\nHe might think that the commitment to monogamy is something that he can just take on or off depending on his whims.\n\n\n3. Issues occurring at the same time\n\n\nHis being in love with other women may have coincided with an ongoing issue, like addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling) which affects his decision-making process.\n\n\nThese issues can also lead to regrettable sexual decisions.\n\n\nHe may also have a sexual addiction that he\u2019s trying to satisfy as a way to numb himself or avoid life.\u00a0\n\n\n4. He\u2019s insecure\n\n\nHe may feel that he\u2019s not good-looking enough, not rich enough, not smart enough, not strong enough, too old, or too young. It\u2019s that feeling of lacking something that\u2019s hard to fulfill.\n\n\nIt may be a\u00a0\nmid-life crisis\n\u00a0(an astonishing amount of male infidelity is linked to this). He needs to boost his ego by seeking validation from other women than his spouse.\u00a0\n\n\n5. It\u2019s Over, Version 1\n\n\nHe wants to end his current relationship, but instead of telling the other person he\u2019s unhappy, he just cheats.\n\n\n6. It\u2019s Over, Version 2\n\n\nHe wants to end his current relationship, but he needs to be sure he\u2019s got a backup relationship for when the current one ends.\n\n\n7. Lack of social support from friends\n\n\nHe may have undervalued his supportive friendships and now expects all his social and emotional needs to be satisfied entirely by his partner. When the partner fails to satisfy his needs, he looks elsewhere.\n\n\n8. Confusion between infatuation and commitment\n\n\nHe probably misunderstands the difference between infatuation and long-term love. The romantic intensity of infatuation is a neurochemical rush of early romance (in technical terms, \nlimerence\n) which he probably mistook for love.\n\n\nHe also may have failed to understand that healthy, long-term relationships consist of limerence or infatuation being replaced over time with a less intense but ultimately more meaningful form of connection.\n\n\n9. Child abuse\n\n\nHe may be reacting, reenacting, or responding to unresolved childhood traumas. These could be neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, or sexual abuse.\n\n\nIn such cases, childhood trauma creates attachment or intimacy issues that makes him unable or unwilling to fully commit to one person. It\u2019s also a way for him to relieve or soothe these old traumas.\n\n\n\n\nImage source: istock\n\n\n\n\n10. He\u2019s selfish\n\n\nAs is often the case, it could be that his primary consideration is for himself alone. Because of this, he won\u2019t find it hard to lie and keep secrets without remorse or regret. It\u2019s all about getting what he wants.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBoost Your Child\u2019s Nutrient Absorption With These 6 Smart Ways\nKesihatan\nRawatan Cirit Birit Di Rumah Mengikut Usia Anak, Ini Yang Ibu Bapa Perlu Tahu\nPercutian\nAktiviti Luar Yang Mesra Keluarga di Hong Kong\nBayi\nBilakah Waktu Yang Sesuai Untuk Ibu Perkenalkan Lampin Jenis Seluar Kepada Si Manja?\n\n\n11. He feels he is special\n\n\nHe could feel that he is terminally unique and thus deserving of special circumstances. He thinks that normal rules don\u2019t apply to him. This is a manifestation of his egocentrism.\u00a0\n\n\n12. He is impulsive\n\n\nHe may have never thought of cheating before. It just happened because he saw the opportunity and seized it without thinking of the consequences.\u00a0\n\n\n13. Unmet (and often unrealistic) expectations\n\n\nHe felt that his spouse should meet his every want and need, 24/7, 365 days a year.\n\n\nWhen he thinks this, he fails to understand that he and his wife are two separate persons with agency, their own lives, feelings, and thoughts. Once this need is not fulfilled, he will seek it elsewhere.\n\n\n14. He\u2019s angry or he wants revenge\n\n\nIt could a way for him to get revenge on his partner. When he\u2019s angry, he wants to hurt his partner as painfully as he can. So he won\u2019t even try to hide it. He wants the spouse to know. It\u2019s all to inflict maximum emotional damage.\n\n\nBeing in love with other women\n\n\nWe can\u2019t stop infidelity from happening when it happens. These \u201csextracurricular activities\u201d are often symptoms of a deeper problem and must be addressed to avoid any other negative effects that can destroy your marriage or family.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/signs-of-developmental-delays", "title": "Why Parents Should Focus So Much On Early Growth In Their Kids", "body": "In this day and age of social media, we are always bombarded with so much information online. We see our peers having kids and we watch them post their progress online. Sometimes, we can\u2019t help but to compare our kids with others (even if we don\u2019t want to admit it!).\n\n\nYou might see some of your friends\u2019 kids outgrowing their clothes and shoes at a rapid pace, while your child is in the same clothes they were wearing at the beginning of the year.\n\n\nOr perhaps you can relate to this: your paediatrician has yet again told you that your child\u2019s progress is slow and they need to catch up. What that means is that your child\u2019s weight and height are not on track.\n\n\nIt can be heartbreaking to hear that your child is experiencing poor growth and parents will start thinking of next steps.\n\n\n\u201cWhat should we do?\u201d \u201cWhat can we do to make sure our child\u2019s physical development improves?\u201d\n\n\nFirstly, let\u2019s take a look at the long term effects physical developmental delays or poor growth can have on children.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat are physical developmental delays?\u00a0\n\n\nPhysical growth is crucial in a child\u2019s development, often measured by their weight, height and head circumference.\n\n\nThough poor weight gain is a common problem in children\n1\n, it can be overlooked by parents because we see our kids every day.\n\n\nIt is usually when we visit the paediatrician that they will inform us if our child is not growing on track for their age. Doctors will look at your child\u2019s historical data to determine if they are developing well or stagnating or failing to thrive.\n\n\nAccording to paediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Kadakkal Radhakrishnan, toddlers can sometimes lose weight as they become more active, however the child can still continue to progress at a normal rate for their age\n2\n.\n\n\nIt is when there\u2019s a significant drop in weight within a single measurement, that they should be taken to a doctor and re-measured to determine if that drop warrants further action.\n\n\nWhy does this happen?\n\n\nChildren may not be gaining weight or growing physically for many reasons. It could be that they are not consuming enough calories or that the nutrition in their food is not adequate.\n\n\nSometimes, when this is the case, a doctor might recommend adding on supplements or formula milk to make up for the gap.\n\n\nWhat happens if this problem is not addressed early?\n\n\nIt is absolutely critical that parents address poor physical development as early as possible to avoid long-term effects.\n\n\nOne of the outcomes is that the child will continue to be shorter and lighter than their peers in later life\n3\n.\n\n\nStudies conducted have shown that children who fail to thrive may have a lower IQ than their peers in the long run as well as face learning difficulties and behavioural problems. The difference is approximately 3 IQ points on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children\n4\n.\n\n\nThankfully, parents can stay ahead of this by spotting the signs of physical development delays early on.\n\n\nDevelopmental milestones in children ages 2-5\n\n\nDevelopmental delays are defined as an ongoing major delay in the process of development. This means they are not hitting their developmental milestones at the age that they\u2019re supposed to\n5\n.\n\n\nThese are some of the developmental milestones for children at 2 years old\n6\n:\n\n\nSocial and Emotional\n\n\n\n\nKnows how to copy your actions or actions of other kids\n\n\nShows more independence in doing daily activities\n\n\nShows defiance\n\n\nIs able to interact with other kids\n\n\n\n\nLanguage\n\n\n\n\nPoints to things and names them\n\n\nKnows the names of family members (eg. mama, papa, aunty)\n\n\nSays 2 to 4 word sentences\n\n\nFollows one or two step instructions\n\n\nRepeats words as they hear it\n\n\n\n\nCognitive\n\n\n\n\nSorts shapes and colours in toys\n\n\nIs able to play hide and seek\n\n\nBuilds blocks\n\n\n\n\nPhysical Development\n\n\n\n\nCan kick and throw a ball\n\n\nCan run\n\n\nCan stand on tiptoe\n\n\nCan climb up furniture unassisted\n\n\nCan hold a pencil and scribble\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThese are developmental milestones for children at 3 years old:\n\n\nSocial and Emotional\n\n\n\n\nKnows how to take turns in games\n\n\nExpresses concern for others\n\n\nShows a wide range of emotions\n\n\nIs able to separate from parents\n\n\n\n\nLanguage\n\n\n\n\nIs able to say their own name, age and gender\n\n\nAble to name common items around the house\n\n\nCan carry a conversation of 2-3 sentences at a time\n\n\nCan name friends and other people outside the nuclear family\n\n\n\n\nCognitive\n\n\n\n\nCan draw a circle with a pencil\n\n\nIs able to do simple puzzles\n\n\nCan open doors and unscrew lids\n\n\nUnderstands numbers\n\n\n\n\nPhysical\n\n\n\n\nCan climb well\n\n\nCan cycle on a tricycle\n\n\nCan walk up and down stairs unassisted\n\n\nRuns easily\n\n\n\n\nThese are developmental milestones for children at 4-5 years old:\n\n\nSocial and Emotional\n\n\n\n\nUnderstands and obeys rules\n\n\nExpresses anger more verbally rather than physically\n\n\nUnderstands rules in games\n\n\nIs more independent in general\n\n\n\n\nLanguage\n\n\n\n\nSpeaks with more complex sentences and vocabulary\n\n\nCorrectly names at least 4-5 colours and shapes\n\n\n\n\nCognitive\n\n\n\n\nUnderstands the concept of time well (eg. morning is time for breakfast)\n\n\nFollows three-part commands or more\n\n\nHas a longer attention span\n\n\n\n\nPhysical\n\n\n\n\nIs able to hop and skip\n\n\nIs able to stand on one foot for 9 seconds or longer\n\n\nIs able to properly use a fork and spoon\n\n\nIs able to brush his or her own teeth\n\n\nIs able to walk backwards easily\n\n\n\n\nSigns of developmental delays: When to worry?\n\n\nIf your child has no pre-existing conditions, there should be no reason why they are not hitting their developmental milestones at the appropriate times.\n\n\nOther general signs of developmental delays can include floppy limbs, stiff arms and legs, limited mobility, inability to sit upright, no control over voluntary or involuntary reflexes, inability to speak or form noises or adapt to certain routines.\n\n\nIf your child is experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms or if they are not hitting their developmental milestones on time, then you need to worry.\n\n\nThe first thing to do is to visit a doctor. The sooner you can diagnose it and address it, the better than chances are for recovery.\n\n\nKeep them on track with their physical development\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSometimes, if a child is lagging behind their peers in weight and height or falling behind on one or two milestones, it could just be that they need to catch up on their sleep or nutrition.\n\n\nNutrition is easily addressed by making sure they have the right balance in their daily intake.\n\n\nASCENDA\u2122 from WYETH Nutrition is a new nutritionally complete supplement which aims at providing kids with an energy and nutrient-dense formula to support holistic growth.\n\n\nASCENDA\u2122 is formulated with BUILD & LEARN\u2122 System, a scientific blend of important nutrients such as high-quality protein, DHA and Sphingomyelin to help support body growth and learning. It is specifically designed to support the increase of height and weight with no added sucrose.\n\n\nTo support your child\u2019s holistic growth and development, request for a free sample \nhere\n.\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1 \nChildren\u2019s Health Team. (2020, October 05). 10 Possible Reasons Why Your Child Isn\u2019t Growing. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from \nhealth.clevelandclinic.org/10-possible-reasons-why-your-child-is-not-growing/\n\n\n2 \nChildren\u2019s Health Team. (2020, October 05). 10 Possible Reasons Why Your Child Isn\u2019t Growing. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from \nhttps://health.clevelandclinic.org/10-possible-reasons-why-your-child-is-not-growing/\n\n\n3 \nRudolf, M., & Logan, S. (2005, September 01). What is the long term outcome for children who fail to thrive? A systematic review. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from \nadc.bmj.com/content/90/9/925\n\n\n4 \nRudolf, M., & Logan, S. (2005, September 01). What is the long term outcome for children who fail to thrive? A systematic review. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from \nadc.bmj.com/content/90/9/925\n\n\n5 \nBoyse, K. (2010, February). University of Michigan Health System. Retrieved October 21, 2020, from \nwww.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/devdel.htm\n\n\n6 \nImportant Milestones: Your Baby By Two Years. (2020, June 09). Retrieved October 21, 2020, from \nwww.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-2yr.html\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/organic-tampons-pads", "title": "The Problem With Regular Tampons And Pads And Why You Should Go Organic", "body": "Our Health\n\n\nMost pads and tampons are made from cotton (either regular or organic) and make contact with our most intimate parts, sometimes for 12 or more hours a day \u2013 every single month.\n\n\nMost pads and tampons are made from cotton (either regular or organic) and make contact with our most intimate parts, sometimes for 12 or more hours a day \u2013 every single month. Inorganic cotton can contain nasty toxins such as dioxins, which are by-products of the chlorine bleaching process used to make cotton and wood pulp look white and clean. This is extremely dangerous considering\u00a0\ndioxins are known to cause cancer\n. Aside from dioxins, sanitary products also contain pesticides, chlorine, rayon and fragrances which could irritate our bodies. In addition to putting our internal systems at risk when we give our bodies a direct exposure to such chemicals, these products also harmfully affects our environment.\n\n\nFarming And The Environment\n\n\nA second main reason regular tampons and pads are not\u00a0 great is because it negatively impacts our environment \u2013 the process of farming, manufacturing and production works against our environment. As opposed to natural or organic agriculture, regular farming does not prioritise ecology, health, fairness and care. The production and growing of regular cotton also requires for harmful pesticides, insecticides and herbicides, which bleed into waterways and soil.\u00a0 In fact, 16% of the world\u2019s insecticides are used in cotton farming, resulting in unnecessary harm for the birds and bees. It has been proven that a major decline in wildlife including species of birds, bees, butterflies as well as other pollinators are a result of such farming practices. Organic cotton farming on the other hand works to ensure that both farms and farmers are protected \u2013 from the impacts of the dangerous chemicals used as well as from the practices and processes.\n\n\nPlastic Pollution\n\n\nPlastic is a worldwide epidemic. Conventional products these days are loaded with unnecessary plastic and the same goes for a pack of pads and tampons. An average package contains the same amount of plastic as four carrier bags, which is completely unnecessary \u2013 four plastic bags are not essential to carry a pack of pads! Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down into small microplastics, which then usually end up in the environment and sea animals. Organic pads and tampons however use materials and packaging that is totally compostable and will disappear over months naturally!\n\n\nPricepoint\n\n\nOrganic sanitary products will definitely be more expensive than the conventional range, but contrary to popular belief, the difference is just slightly higher! You can expect to pay a 20%-30% increase; in the grand scheme of things, the extra few coins you pay to protect your body, the environment, wildlife, farmers and future generations is worth it and so well deserved.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/brain-food", "title": "Study: The brain food that will make your kids smarter", "body": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re just about to jot down your weekly grocery list, you might want to lessen the meat and add more of this amazing brain food!\n\n\nA \nnew study\n, published in the Scientific Reports journal, claims that kids who eat fish at least once a week have a higher IQ.\u00a0\n\n\nObserving over 500 children in China, the study\u2019s researchers found that fish not only boosted children\u2019s IQ, but also\u00a0\nhelped them sleep better\n. Based on interviews with the kids\u2019 parents, they noted how kids aged 9 to\u00a011 experienced less sleep issues.\n\n\nThese kids also boasted higher IQ scores by the time they reached the age of 12. Those who\u00a0reported that they \u201calways\u201d ate fish scored 4.80 points higher than those who only ate fish \u201csometimes.\u201d\n\n\nFish has long been touted as a \u201cbrain food,\u201d but this study further cements this claim.\n\n\nHowever, it\u2019s also worth noting that \nother factors come into play\n when it comes to a child\u2019s IQ. This includes parenting styles, home environment, school activities, and overall diet.\n\n\nThough further research is needed to back the brain boosting benefits of fish, it\u2019s encouraging to know that mums and dads have the power to boost their kid\u2019s intelligence.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFish is truly one delicious \u201cbrain food\u201d the family can enjoy! (Image source: File photo)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBrain food for kids: Guidelines for parents\n\n\nFish is a good source of protein and \u201chealthy\u201d fat.\n\n\nWhen choosing fish for kids, keep in mind that, though some are high in good ol\u2019 omega-3s, others can have a high mercury content, which can cause brain and nerve damage in young kids.\n\n\nThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns against\n feeding young kids shark, swordfish, and tilefish, as these types of predatory fish may have a high mercury content.\n\n\nExamples of fish that are \nlow in mercury\n are: canned light tuna, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, salmon, cod, and catfish.\n\n\nBrain food fish recipes to try!\n\n\n\u201cIntroducing the taste early makes it more palatable,\u201d Jennifer Pinot-Martin, one of the study\u2019s researchers \ntells TLC\n. \u201cIt really has to be a concerted effort.\u201d\n\n\nOnce your baby is six months old, they can be started on solids. This includes mashed fish. But you must first make sure that they don\u2019t have any allergies to certain fish. Also, check the fish very carefully for bones as these can pose a chocking hazard.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImage source: File photo\n\n\n\n\nSalmon eggy fried rice\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nThis is no doubt a comfort food for adults and kids alike. Not only is it easy to whip up for dinner, it\u2019s super delicious, too. You can find the \nfull recipe here\n!\u00a0\n\n\nFish cake fingers\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nNot only is this recipe delicious, you can make preparing it a bonding experience. It\u2019s just perfect for parents and kids. You can find the full recipe \nhere\n.\n\n\nEasy fish pie\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nThis potato-fish pie is buttery \nand\n cheesy. Best of all it can keep for more than one meal time! Find out how to whip this up \nhere\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHoisin mackerel pancakes\n\n\n\n\nImage source: Pinterest\n\n\n\n\nThis sweet and savoury assemble-it-yourself dish is a treat for kids and kids at heart. You can find the full recipe \nhere\n.\n\n\nChub and atlantic mackerel are low in mercury, while king mackerel has a high mercury content.\n\n\nDo you have any go-to fish recipes for the whole family? Share them with us below!\n\n\nsources: \nForbes.com\n, \nTLC.com,\n\u00a0\nNature.com,\n\u00a0\nLivestrong.com,\n\u00a0\nBBC Good Food\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/best-anti-colic-bottles-for-babies", "title": "#tApReviews: Growing Up With MAM Bottles", "body": "If you\u2019ve been following TAP reviews, you would know that we\u2019re a big fan of MAM bottles and pacifiers. I personally found out about MAM when I was pregnant and I was looking for a brand of bottles and pacifiers for my son. There are so many in the market that it can be quite confusing, but I was specifically looking for one that would be the best anti-colic bottles for babies.\n\n\nThat is how I landed on MAM as all their bottles are anti-colic bottles for babies. So from the day my son was born till now (he is 20+ months), he has been using MAM anti-colic bottles for babies and beyond.\u00a0\n\n\nTAPReviews: Best Anti-Colic Bottles For Babies by MAM\n\n\n\n\nMy son Jedi has always been bottle-fed because I was unsuccessful in latching, but I continued to express breastmilk and I had feared from the start that he would get colic. I heard about the nightmares parents had to face when their kids were plagued with colic. So it was one of the things I prioritised in ensuring my son would never get colic.\u00a0\n\n\nOne of the steps in doing so was finding anti-colic bottles. The MAM bottles have a patented vented base that ensures babies can drink at their own pace.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Easy Start Anti-Colic bottles come with a valve at the base of the bottle that prevents the formation of air bubbles and stops the milk liquid from foaming. This creates a smooth drinking flow and prevents the baby from swallowing any excess air.\n\n\nI personally noticed this when feeding Jedi and he never got any colic. That was a huge relief for me.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAs he\u2019s grown from an infant to a toddler, we have continued to use MAM bottles because we are confident that this bottle is suitable for him. He had also grown really fond of the cute designs on the bottles and looked forward to his milk times.\n\n\nBut what we\u2019ve realised is that recently, there is a new material for the MAM bottles! The new premium PPSU material is made with the highest performing thermoplastic which ultimately leads to better durability overall. Not to mention, with our obsession of sterilising, it is good to note that the heat tolerance from PPSU is better than the usual PP and PES materials!\n\n\nNot only does it withstand exposure to heat better, but it also has a better capability to absorb impact, which is actually perfect because babies and toddlers are really not known for taking good care of their bottles anyway!\n\n\nOn top of that, PPSU plastic does not absorb odour nor colour, and is naturally BPA free. So this means that we can use the same bottles for a longer period, despite the heavy washing, sterilising and also throwing around by a toddler.\u00a0\n\n\nFind out more about the MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic PPSU bottles on their website \nhere\n.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/covid-children-talk", "title": "Coping with Coronavirus | How to Talk to Your Child", "body": "The virus is new and there is more news of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) each day, with 18 new infections as we type, bringing the national tally to 117 cases to date. By now, even young children, who might only be 5 or 6 years of age, would have heard about the coronavirus either from social chatter at the school playground or snippets of things they hear from adults. So, what should you tell your child about the coronavirus, and how to talk about it in an age-appropriate way?\n\n\nFirst things first, keep calm and make sure you are not panicking when talking about the topic.\n\n\nEmpower Your Child with Age-Appropriate Facts About Coronavirus\n\n\nDon\u2019t fuel the flame by providing excessive information that can cause unnecessary alarm. The following infocomic is a great one to explain to young children. \u00a0\n\n\nWhat is Coronavirus?\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the Symptoms?\n\n\n\n\nHow is it Spread?\n\n\n\n\nHow to Keep Safe?\n\n\n\n\nIf you, as the parent, are unsure about the coronavirus, head over to the World Health Organization website for\u00a0\naccurate advice\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nvirus myth busters\n.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-do-laundry", "title": "Make Laundry Day Easier\u2026. EVERY DAY!", "body": "Let\u2019s be honest. Most of us dread doing the laundry because there\u2019s just so much to do from separating, soaking, sanitising, loading, unloading, and drying to folding and ironing. Don\u2019t we all wish laundry day was a tad bit easier to face?\u00a0\n\n\nFurthermore, living in the endemic phase right now requires us to be more vigilant about our personal hygiene in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones protected from any other potential infections and illnesses. So, it is more important than ever that we do the best we can in maintaining a safe and hygienic environment, especially at home. One way to practise this is by doing our laundry thoroughly and hygienically.\u00a0\n\n\nBefore you start thinking \n\u201cAh, not another step in my laundry routine!\u201d\u2026\n\n\nDid you know that there is a specific washing machine that can SIMPLIFY your laundry routine? A washing machine that works EFFECTIVELY, EFFORTLESSLY and EASILY. Yes, so easily that you\u2019ll want to do your laundry daily. We repeat, DAILY!\n\n\nWash Your Laundry Blues Away With The All New SHARP Pro-Flex Washing Machine\n\n\n\n\nThe First and Only 4-in-1 Multi-Function Front Load Washer\n\n\n\n\nWe\u2019re all familiar with the Wash, Spin and Dry features, but it\u2019s \nSHARP Pro-Flex\u2019s Dry AirWash with Plasmacluster Ions\n feature that makes this washing machine a must-have for every household!\n\n\nWhy we love SHARP Pro-Flex\u2019s Dry AirWash with Plasmacluster Ions:\n\n\n\n\nSHARP\u2019s patented Plasmacluster Ion Technology effectively suppresses bacteria and odour from fabrics.\n\n\nThe Plasmacluster Ion Technology, combined with the waterless Dry AirWash feature cleans your laundry better and removes bacteria that can\u2019t be removed with water. It also helps maintain the cleanliness of the machine drum.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s effortless, waterless and cleans in 10 minutes!\n\n\nPerfect for soft toys and other fabric items that are difficult to wash with water.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSHARP Pro-Flex Dry AirWash feature keeps your little one\u2019s bunnies and teddies clean so they can safely hug them tight every night.\n\n\n\n\nBenefits of Plasmacluster Ions Technology:\n\n\n\n\nAnti-Bacterial & Anti-Odour\n\n\n\n\nSuppresses harmful bacteria and unpleasant odour that lingers on fabrics.\n\n\n\n\nAnti-Allergy\n\n\n\n\nEliminate allergens such as pollens, animal dander or dust mites to prevent allergy attacks.\n\n\n\n\nAnti-Static\n\n\n\n\nSafely dampens anti-static buildup in your laundry.\n\n\n\n\nAnti-Mould\n\n\n\n\nEliminates mould buildup that could damage your clothes.\n\n\nMore Reasons To Love SHARP Pro-Flex\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAward-Winning Design\n\n\n\n\nSHARP Pro-Flex won the F1 Design Award 2021 for its simple and beautiful ergonomic design. Its control panel is ergonomically tinted at 18\u00b0.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nUser-Friendly\n\n\n\n\nYou\u2019ll love how easy it is to use this washing machine with its easy push detergent, guided controls, knobless interface and scent program.\n\n\n\n\nRemoves 99.9% Allergens\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIts steam function effectively penetrates deep into the fabric to wash away dirt, stains and allergens.\n\n\n\n\nSuperior Washing Performance\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t stress, choose your preferred presets! Whatever your need may be, choose from the various laundry presets to easily clean, dewater, dry and airwash.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n47% Energy-Saving\n\n\n\n\nThe state-of-the-art J-Tech Inverter helps you save on energy bills while ensuring a quieter washing experience.\u00a0\n\n\nWhen you start making your daily chores, such as doing the laundry easier and more efficient, you\u2019re able to enjoy more quality time with your family and not to mention, your well-deserved \u201cme time\u201d as well.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLiving in the new norm takes getting used to but hygienically speaking, products such as the SHARP Pro-Flex does make a difference in the way you maintain yours and your family\u2019s health and hygiene as well as overall well-being.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t you think the sleek SHARP Pro-Flex makes a great addition to your home? We\u2019ve fallen in love (and can\u2019t wait to enjoy better laundry days ahead!). Have you?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf you wish to get a better look and more info on the SHARP Pro-Flex 4-in-1 Front Load Washer, visit the official website \nhere.\n\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a05 Ways To Organise Baby\u2019s Clothes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a05 Tips to having successful morning routines for working mums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nLet Your Children Be Bored\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-pelvic-pain", "title": "Sleeping on Your Side When You Have Pelvic Girdle Pain", "body": "With all the research presented to us with regard to adopting a side-sleeping position as opposed to sleeping on your back or your tummy, it is safe to assume that all pregnant mums will be snoozing on their sides. But some women suffer from chronic pelvic pain during pregnancy \u2013 Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or pelvic girdle pain (PGP) \u2013 making it very difficult to get comfortable, and to sleep on their sides in particular.\n\n\nSleeping on your side can be life-saving and can lower your risks of experiencing a stillbirth. \nAccording to research,\n women who suffered a stillbirth after 28 weeks gestation were 2.3 times more likely to have slept on their backs than on their sides, the night before the stillbirth occurred.\u00a0\n\n\nWith such compelling evidence to support \nsleeping on your side during pregnancy,\n what can be done to help mothers who are afflicted with pelvic girdle pain? What exactly is this condition and how can you alleviate your pain and make sleeping on your side through the night an easier task?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSymphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), or pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is an uncomfortable condition affecting some pregnant women. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nPelvic pain during pregnancy\n\n\nSymphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), or pelvic girdle pain (PGP)\n\n\nSPD is an uncomfortable pregnancy condition that affects 1 in 300 pregnancies. Pregnancy comes with a host of uncomfortable aches and pains, and pelvic pain that involves your symphysis pubis joint, which is located in front of the pubic bone, is a common complaint.\n\n\nPrior to delivery, your ligaments are supposed to stretch and relax. This is your body\u2019s response in conjunction with getting ready for the birth of your child.\n\n\nSPD occurs when the ligaments that normally keep your pelvic bone aligned during pregnancy, relaxes and stretches well before your due date, leading to making the pelvic joint, that is the symphysis pubis, unstable. The painful condition causes pain in your pelvis, a sensation that the two sides of your pubic bone are sliding up and down against each other, as well as a few other uncomfortable symptoms that we will read about.\u00a0\n\n\nIt is estimated that up to 60% of women experience pain\n in their symphysis pubis while pregnant, according to Dr. Sheila Hill, an Ob-Gyn in the hospitalist division of Texas Children\u2019s Pavilion for Women. In its most severe form, SPD can lead to an actual separation of the pubic bone, with women experiencing extremely painful pelvic and hip pain in this case. However, Dr. Hill notes that pubic bone separation is uncommon, occurring in less than 1 percent of pregnancies.\n\n\nPelvic pain during pregnancy \u2013 Symptoms of SPD\n\n\n\n\nSPD is a debilitating condition that affects around 60% of pregnant women. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSPD pain is characterized as a focused pain on the pubic and groin area, but in some cases it radiates to the upper thighs and perineum.\u00a0\n\n\nThe most common symptoms are difficulty when walking, and a wrenching pain that feels like your pelvis is tearing apart.\u00a0\n\n\nYou may also suffer from the following:\n\n\n\n\nBack and/or hip pain, and pain at the back of your pelvis or hip\u00a0\n\n\nPain together with a grinding or clicking sensation in your pubic area\n\n\nPain directed at your inner thighs or between your legs\n\n\nPain that worsens when you part your legs, walking, perform weight-bearing activities,\u00a0take the stairs or move around in bed\n\n\nPain that worsens at nighttime and disrupts your sleep. The pain sometimes makes going to the bathroom in between sleep, extremely painful\n\n\n\n\nThe condition can occur at any time during your pregnancy or after giving birth, and you may notice it for the first time during the second trimester of your pregnancy.\n\n\nTips to make side-sleeping easier when you have SPD\n\n\nThere are a few steps you can take to ensure sleeping on your side is a little easier if you suffer from SPD.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSleep with a pillow in between your knees. This will help keep your pelvis aligned and will take the stretch off your hip and pelvic muscles when lying on your side by slightly elevating your top leg. A regular extra pillow may be used for this purpose, or you may want to invest in a specialized pregnancy pillow, a body pillow or leg spacer.\n\n\nProp a pillow under your belly when sleeping to list your stomach and take pressure off your low back and improve your spinal and pelvic alignment\n\n\nSwap your regular cotton nightwear with silk or satin pajamas as you can slide around in bed, rather than having to pick yourself up to turn over\n\n\nWear a belly band, or a pregnancy support band to support the pelvic bones and help maintain correct alignment, thereby reducing pain\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSleeping with a pillow in between your knees will help alleviate SPD. Photo: iStock\n\n\n\n\nHowever, if none of this works and you are very uncomfortable sleeping on your side, trying sleeping at an incline, or even in a recliner chair or on the couch propped up with pillows.\n\n\nTalk to your doctor about safe pain relief medication if your pain is too severe. Pregnancy is a long journey that can sometimes be made difficult by conditions such as these. We hope you hang in there mamas, and that our tips help you.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBecoming a Parent For the First Time\nPreparing for a Newborn? Don\u2019t Forget to Shop For These 3 Items\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-improve-gut-health-foods-healthy-habits", "title": "How To Improve Your Gut Health (Foods & Healthy Habits)", "body": "Just as the leaves shed their winter layers, your entire digestive tract sheds its lining every 3-4 days, making way for fresh cells to surface. Due to the gut\u2019s cleansing function, it\u2019s essential to focus some of that spring cleaning energy on ensuring you\u2019re proving your gut health exactly what it needs, so it can ensure you have exactly what you need this Spring.\n\n\nThe main purposes of our digestive systems are to ingest food and break it down with enzymes, to move food around our body and digest it further to facilitate absorption, and to enable the secretion of waste. This goes beyond just foods you\u2019re eating, but gut-friendly habits too!\n\n\nThe following simple practices will help boost your gut health this spring.\n\n\nSpring Cleaning For Your Gut Health\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n1. Eat seasonally\n\n\n\n\nAs the seasons change, we also see a shift in seasonal foods. From warm porridge to refreshing smoothies, ensure you\u2019re eating a wide variety of\u00a0\nplant foods\n, replenish with dietary fiber.\n\n\nSome top foods that are a good refresher for the gut are colorful vegetables and fruits, whole grains, starchy veggies, and healthy sources of fats!\n\n\n2. Drink water with pink salt\n\n\n\n\nBy now, we know that we should be drinking more water to keep ourselves healthy. For this spring though, take it up a notch by adding pink Himalayan salt to your water.\n\n\nDrinking a mixture of real sea salt and water causes the body to push waste through the GI tract, release toxins and improve digestion. The salt helps your body soak up the water, and allows it to be used more efficiently while also replenishing your body with trace minerals that are essential for a spring fresh feeling.\n\n\n3. Move for your microbiome\n\n\n\n\nSpring is here and it is time for some more\u00a0\nmovement\n\u00a0to get that energy up, but also to enrich those gut bugs! Studies have found that exercise promotes the growth of bacteria that produce the fatty acid, butyrate.\n\n\nButyrate can promote repair of the gut lining and reduce inflammation, which can spruce up your energy and keep you feeling light and energized this season.\n\n\n4. Hum to help your gut\n\n\n\n\nHumming helps to stimulate your vagus nerve, which runs from your brain to your gut. It is the longest of all the cranial nerves and plays a crucial role in nerve supply to your heart, lungs, and digestive tract.\n\n\nDue to the \ngut-brain connection,\n\u00a0when you hum or sing, you naturally activate the vagus nerve which stimulates digestion.\n\n\n5. Get out in nature to boost your microbial diversity\n\n\n\n\nPeople seem to know instinctively that spending time in nature is a good thing, especially in the warmer months. This benefits your gut health because it helps to diversify your microbiome.\n\n\nGetting into nature naturally increases your microbial diversity, because being outside gives you exposure to all sorts of microbes that can benefit your microbiome.\n\n\n6. Sleep\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIntestinal health has a close connection with healthy brain function. While you\u2019re sleeping, the body goes into a \u201cclean sweep\u201d thanks to the liver and gut working together to naturally detoxify the body.\n\n\nOn top of this, sleep deprivation can put our appetite out of balance because it decreases the level of a hormone called leptin, which is responsible for our feelings of satiety. While also increasing the level of ghrelin, a hormone in charge of hunger.\n\n\nThese imbalances can lead to consequences for the well-being of our gut and its ecosystem. Therefore, clean sweep sleep is extremely important.\n\n\nEnsuring you\u2019re getting quality sleep allows the body to detox any excess toxins, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.\nPartner Stories\nUncategorized\nFamily Fun Guaranteed: Experience the Best with Club Med Premium All-Inclusive\nLifestyle\nAwesome Ziploc\u24c7 Bag Hacks - Storage, Gifting, Crafts and More\nLifestyle\nBuilding a Better Home: 7 Best Household Items You Need to Invest In\nTAP Recommends\nStop Nagging Your Partner About Housework. Just Get A Robot\n\n\nLiving healthy is all about your habits\u00a0\n\n\nIf we want to live a healthy life this spring, it goes beyond just the food that you\u2019re putting into your body. It\u2019s about the healthy habits that you practice. Simple daily practices help keep your gut at optimal functioning power.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nBoost Fertility the Traditional Way\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\n3 Ancient Herbs to Strengthen Your Immunity\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more\n:\u00a0\n7 Herbs to Naturally Boost Your Immune System\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/suction-cup-birth", "title": "Suction cup birth by inexperienced staff leaves newborn with head injuries", "body": "During labour, if the mum is too exhausted, doctors may advise a \nsuction cup birth\n. Mostly, a suction cup birth will go seamlessly without any mishaps. But for new parents Jessica Henderson and Darren Carr, their son Kayden\u2019s suction cup birth was a complete disaster.\u00a0\n\n\nSuction cup birth went wrong\n\n\nJessica, who gave birth to her little love at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, was in labour for 27 hours. The hospital staff chose to go for a suction cup birth. But unfortunately the inexperienced staff was unable to handle the situation properly and that has left the newborn with head injuries.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSuction cup birth injuries | Image: Screencapped from \nMirror\n\n\n\n\nMummy Jessica shares:\u00a0\u201cThe girl was pulling the suction cup when I wasn\u2019t having contractions. It felt like they were ripping it out of me, it was so bad. She pulled it that hard the suction cup popped off. There was blood everywhere.\u201d\n\n\nThe couple also shared that the hospital staff didn\u2019t seem to know how to use a suction cup. They also went through the instructions about how to use a suction cup right in front of the couple before they used it. Inappropriate use of the suction cup and forceps seems to have led to this horrible incident.\n\n\nJessica and Darren also shared that the staff put a hat on their just-born and tried to cover the head injuries. The new parents found out about the injuries hours after they had left the hospital. They are afraid that the incident has left a permanent scar on their baby\u2019s head.\u00a0\n\n\nThe couple is now considering legal action against the hospital.\n\n\nHospital authorities apologise to the couple\n\n\n\n\nJessica and Darren, Kayden\u2019s parents |Image: Screencapped from \nMirror\n\n\n\n\nThe hospital authorities expressed their apology to the couple for their traumatic experience. Dr Alan Cook, who is the NHS Tayside medical director, mentioned in his statement:\u00a0\u201cThe head of midwifery and I have both met with Ms Henderson to apologise for her experience, for the distress this has caused and to discuss her concerns further. We will now undertake a full review of this incident. The findings and lessons learned will be shared with the baby\u2019s parents and any recommendations to amend future care will be implemented.\u201d\n\n\nWhat is suction cup birth?\n\n\nA suction cup birth is a type of assisted birth wherein forceps or ventouse suction cup is used to facilitate the delivery. The ventouse and forceps are considered as safe equipment. Also, these are used only when essential. Here are a few points that you should know about a suction cup birth.\n\n\nWhen is suction cup used?\n\n\nThe doctors may use a suction cup if:\n\n\n\n\nThe heart beat rate of your baby is a cause of concern.\n\n\nYour baby is in an awkward position.\n\n\nYou may be too exhausted.\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the risks involved in a suction cup birth?\n\n\n\n\nBaby Kayden was left with head injuries |\u00a0Image: Screencapped from \nMirror\n\n\n\n\nUsing a ventouse or forceps is not uncommon, but even then it involves certain risks to both mum and baby. Your doctor should discuss that with you. Here\u2019s a list of what may need to be taken care of when going for a suction cup birth.\n\n\n\n\nVaginal tearing or episiotomy that can be repaired with stitches. The stitches are dissolvable.\u00a0\n\n\nVaginal tearing of a third or fourth degree involves the wall or muscle of the anus or rectum. This is as common as one in 100 in vaginal deliveries, four in 100 in ventouse deliveries and eight to 12 in 100 in forceps deliveries.\u00a0\n\n\nThere\u2019s a high risk of blood clotting in case of instrumental deliveries such as these. The clotting can happen especially in the legs and pelvis. Lots of walking and/or wearing anti-clot stockings can be helpful. Follow your doctor\u2019s advice about this. They may also suggest heparin injections in some cases.\n\n\nUrinary incontinence occurs in 30 out of 100 women after childbirth. But this happens a lot more in case of instrumental deliveries. This can be treated with the help of physiotherapy and exercises related to the pelvic region.\u00a0\n\n\nAnal incontinence may happen but the exact percentage of the same in case of instrumental deliveries is unclear. One study estimates it to be anywhere between 13 and 27 percent.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the risks to your baby?\n\n\n\n\nSuction cup birth can lead to jaundice in rare cases. |\u00a0Image: Screencapped from \nMirror\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChignon \u2013 The ventouse cup could leave a mark on your baby\u2019s head. But that should disappear in 48 hours in normal circumstances.\u00a0\n\n\nCephalohaematoma \u2013 This is a bruise on your baby\u2019s head. But this disappears with time too. However, it might lead to a slight increase in jaundice in the initial stages of the baby\u2019s life. But there are rarely any other issues.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMarks of the forceps also disappear within 48 hours in normal circumstances.\n\n\nThere could be small cuts on your baby\u2019s scalp and face. But these also heal very soon.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nMirror\n, \nNHS UK\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nAnak\nKeep Your Child\u2019s Health And Safety At Home In Tip Top Order During This Pandemic Season\nGive Health A Shot\nApa Bintik-Bintik Di Badan Itu? Ini Simptom Cacar Air Yang Sering Disalah Baca Oleh Ibu Bapa\nKesihatan\nDetik-detik Peralihan Sepanjang Kanak-kanak Membesar: Masihkah Anda Ingat Semua Ini?\nKanak-Kanak\nIbu Bapa Ingin Anak Memiliki Tinggi Ideal? Ini Caranya..\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/1-or-2-centimetres-dilated-what-exactly-does-it-mean-2", "title": "1 or 2 centimetres dilated - what exactly does it mean?", "body": "As you reach your ninth month of pregnancy in your final trimester, your doctor\u00a0will give you an internal exam to check\u00a0your cervix for any early signs of labour (e.g. if you\u2019re dilated) and during this check-up she will also see if your \nbaby\u2019s head is engaged\n.\n\n\nAfter\u00a0confirming whether your cervix has dilated (opened up) and effaced (thinned out) and if it has started\u00a0to soften and move to the front of the vagina, she\u00a0might be able to\u00a0give you an estimate date as to\u00a0when you can expect to deliver.\n\n\nBut how dilated do you have to be and what does it mean if you are 1cm dilated?\n\n\nCervix dilation\n\n\nIf you touch the tip of your nose, that is pretty similar to how your cervix feels before labour.\n\n\nNormally it will also be slightly firm and closed, so as to protect your growing baby from the outside world.\n\n\nBut as your body prepares for labour, y\nour cervix will get very soft, \nstart to dilate and\u00a0\nalso thins out (otherwise known as cervical effacement).\n\n\nSo before your baby can make her grand debut, your cervix must be completely dilated and thinned out.\n\n\nCervical effacement\n\n\nNot only does your cervix have to be open all the way, but it also needs to thin out completely for your baby to be born.\n\n\nAs your labour progresses, your hard and long cervix will gradually thin out over time.\n\n\nCervical effacement is measured in percentage, so when your cervix is 100% effaced, that\u2019s when it is thin enough (paper thin, in fact!) for your bub to easily pass through.\n\n\n\n\nBe patient, because your cervix can be dilated for weeks before you even go into labour\n\n\n\n\nIs it a sign that you\u2019re going into labour?\n\n\nYou might think that being at least 1cm dilated means that you\u2019ll be giving birth some time soon, but this is not usually the case.\n\n\nCervix dilation does not indicate when exactly you will go into labour or how fast your\n\u00a0labour will be \u2014 in fact,\n\u00a0you can even be dilated by a few centimetres for a few weeks before going into labour!\n\n\nHowever, even if your cervix is still completely closed, you could possibly go into labour the very same day, because every woman\u2019s body is different and each pregnancy is unique.\n\n\n\n\nWhen your cervix is 10cm dilated, it is the same size as a bagel!\n\n\n\n\n1cm to 10cm dilated\n\n\nWhen you go into labour, your cervix will stretch from 0cm to be fully dilated at 10cm.\n\n\nA vaginal exam will determine your cervix dilation and is measured by how many finger widths can fit into the opening of your cervix.\n\n\nIf the tip of one finger can fit, this means that your cervix is 1cm dilated; if two finger tips can fit, that means it is 2cm.\n\n\nAfter which, the distance the two fingers can stretch apart will indicate further cervix dilation.\n\n\nBut what exactly happens at 1cm, all the way up to 10cm?\n\n\n1cm dilated\n\n\nYour cervix is the size of a single Cheerio and you can have your \nhospital bag\n on standby because your body is getting ready to give birth.\n\n\n4cm dilated\n\n\nBy now, your cervix is about the same size as a Ritz cracker \u2014 but i\nf this is your first pregnancy, it might take you a little longer to\u00a0go through the early stages of labour.\n\n\n7cm dilated\n\n\nWould you believe that your cervix is now around the same diameter as a soda can?\n\n\n\u201c\nActive labour\n\u201d would have started by now, causing your cervix to dilate faster, so your contractions will be stronger, longer, more regular and painful!\n\n\n10cm dilated\n\n\nOnce you are 10cm dilated, your cervix is considered fully open and is the same size as a bagel!\nPartner Stories\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nGaya Hidup\nTips untuk Tingkatkan Sistem Pertahanan Badan Sekeluarga. Ambillah Susu - Sumber Protein Berkualiti Tinggi!\nKeibubapaan\nBaki Tali Pusat Bayi Ada 5 Masalah Ini? Parents, Ini Yang Anda Perlu Lakukan Untuk Bayi Anda\nKehamilan\n8 produk kehamilan anda harus miliki dari Maternity Exchange!\n\n\nYou might even be told to prepare yourself to start pushing as soon as your cervix has completely effaced.\n\n\n\n\nSome women suggest that it helps to visualise your cervix opening up like a flower in bloom\n\n\n\n\nHow to get your cervix dilated\n\n\nAlthough it\u2019s probably best to just let your body do it\u2019s own thing naturally, there are a few steps you can take to encourage your cervix to dilate a bit faster:\n\n\nPositive visualisation\n\n\nIt\u2019s good to stay calm, think positively and visualise your cervix opening up as you repeat the following affirming message to yourself:\n\n\n\u201cMy cervix is opening, like a flower. \nMy pelvis is flexible and open.\u00a0\nMy muscles are warm, heavy, and totally relaxed.\u201d\n\n\nWarm shower\n\n\nBy taking a nice warm shower, it will help your tense muscles to relax and can ease tension as your body prepares itself for labour.\n\n\nYou can also choose to soak for a while in a warm bath, but just make sure that someone is there to help you get in and out of the tub.\n\n\nGentle massage\n\n\nAsk your partner to give you a gentle massage, as this is another way to help you relax, which is beneficial to the whole process of cervical dilation.\n\n\nYou can sit down or lie on your side in a comfortable position and play some soft music in the background to further add to the relaxing mood.\n\n\nHave sex\n\n\nSince your partner is already giving you massage anyway, you might want to try having sexual intercourse, as the\u00a0\nhormones found in semen (prostaglandins) can actually help your cervix to dilate and efface!\n\n\nAfter you have an orgasm or stimulate your nipples, your body will release \noxytocin\n, which is another hormone that helps to encourage cervical dilation.\n\n\nLong, slow strides\n\n\nGoing up and down some stairs by taking long and slow strides can also help with cervix dilation.\n\n\nBy walking wider and slower than normal, this causes your cervix to stretch and eventually dilate.\n\n\nEmpty your bladder\n\n\nA full bladder could inhibit contractions so there will be less pressure on your cervix, which in turn will result in a slower dilation.\n\n\nSo although it\u2019s good to stay hydrated, remember to urinate regularly to help speed things along!\n\n\nLight exercise\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to go to a Zumba class or have an intense workout in an attempt to jiggle your baby out \u2014 by walking around as much as you can, your bub will gradually move down into your birth canal, thanks to all your body movement and gravity.\n\n\nThe pressure from your little one\u2019s\n\u00a0head pressing down on your cervix may also help with dilation and effacement, which can also trigger contractions that further encourage dilation.\u00a0\n\n\nTake it easy\n\n\nDon\u2019t let the numbers worry you and try not to get too hung up over how dilated you are.\n\n\nThere is a possibility that even if y\nou are having a lot of contractions, you may not even be dilated yet \u2014 or although you may not be having that many contractions yet, your cervix could already be dilating!\n\n\nJust let your body do it\u2019s own thing and try to stay as calm and relaxed as you can to prepare yourself for delivery that\u2019s probably just around the corner.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDo you have any other tips for mums anxiously waiting for their labour to start? Let us know by commenting below.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/things-men-drive-women-insane", "title": "12 Things men do that drive women insane", "body": "Men and women speak in different languages, that\u2019s why most often than not, one fails to understand the other, which, as all couples know, can only mean trouble.\n\n\nFor women, however, there are things that men do that simply drive them crazy, especially when they do it because they think it\u2019s cool or okay.\n\n\nAaron Anderson lists down 12 of these things in his \nFamily Share article\n.\n\n\n1. Mansplaining\n\n\n\u201cYes, you\u2019re a guy, but that doesn\u2019t mean you know everything,\u201d says Aaron. \u201cExplaining something to her like you\u2019re teaching a child just annoys her and doesn\u2019t make you look as smart as you think it does.\u201d\n\n\n2. \u201cHoney, where is the \u2026 \u201c\n\n\nIt\u2019s perfectly okay to ask your wife where certain things are located around the house, but never expect her to go get it for you. Husbands should be able to do it on their own.\n\n\n\n\n3. \u201cWhat did the kids do today?\u201d\n\n\n\u201cIf you want to know what the kids did today, ask them,\u201d says Aaron. \u201cBe a dad. Don\u2019t be vicarious dad through your wife.\u201d\n\n\n4. \u201cWill you remind me to \u2026 \u201c\n\n\nYour wife isn\u2019t your personal assistant. Husbands should be able to be responsible enough to set alarms for themselves and function on their own.\n\n\n5. Turning on the TV and tuning out\n\n\nWives hate it when all of a sudden their husbands tune them out once the television is on. Wives want to have a conversation with their husbands, not with a brick wall. The television won\u2019t leave you; it will still be there tomorrow, and the next day, and the days after that.\n\n\n\n\n6. Begging for sex\n\n\nJust because you\u2019re in the mood for sex doesn\u2019t mean that your wife is, too. There\u2019s no point begging for it night after night, and worse, forcing it, when she\u2019s simply doesn\u2019t feel like doing it. Acting all petulant and immature about it also won\u2019t help.\n\n\n7. Not cleaning up after yourself\n\n\nBeing a man doesn\u2019t mean you get a free pass at being a slob. Clean up after yourself like the grown man that you are. Your wife isn\u2019t a maid.\n\n\n8. Talking to her about sports\n\n\n\u201cThat\u2019s great if your team won,\u201d says Aaron, \u201cand she wants to be a part of your life by hearing you talk about it. But that doesn\u2019t mean she wants to hear all the statistics and other details of the game. She doesn\u2019t want to be treated like one of the guys.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n9. Not doing what you say you\u2019re going to\n\n\nIf you promised to pick up groceries on your way home and forget about it, it will only frustrate your wife because her carefully planned day will suddenly be derailed. It also communicates that your wife can\u2019t rely on you.\n\n\n10. Not making dinner\n\n\nNot everyone is blessed with culinary abilities, but that is not an excuse to always expect your wife to prepare meals for you.\n\n\n\u201cYou\u2019re an adult, you should know how to make a dinner for your family,\u201d Aaron says. \u201cAnd ordering out doesn\u2019t count.\u201d\n\n\n11. Checking out other girls in front of her\n\n\nYou may think she doesn\u2019t see you doing it, but believe it when we say that nothing gets past a woman\u2019s eyes. It\u2019s okay to look at girls and appreciate their beauty. After all, women can look at a guy and think he\u2019s cute, too. But checking out girls in front of your wife is just wrong.\n\n\n\n\n12. Not saying \u201cI love you.\u201d\n\n\nThis may seem simplistic, but women especially are craving to hear these three words. \u201cYes, you\u2019re married to her and work your hands to the bone to provide for her and your family, but she also likes to hear that you love her,\u201d says Aaron.\n\n\nIf you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below or check out\n\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Community\n\u00a0for more insightful parenting news and tips\n . \nLike us on Facebook\n\u00a0and \nfollow us on Google+\n to stay up-to-date on the latest from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent.com\n\u00a0Malaysia\n!\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/symptoms-of-coronavirus-child-positive-covid19", "title": "What To Do If Your Child Has COVID-19?", "body": "\n\nMany have raised concerns about the new coronavirus variants affecting more and more children, as we prepare for the reopening of schools in October. Parents worry and wonder what to do if their child contracts COVID-19. Dr Chuah Soo Lin, the paediatrician from University Malaya Medical Centre, tells us what we need to know.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the symptoms of coronavirus?\n\n\nCoronavirus can cause a range of symptoms 2-14 days after exposure, including:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWho should get tested?\n\n\n\n\nChildren who have symptoms of COVID-19.\n\n\nChildren who have had close contact (within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or over a 24-hour period) with a person who is tested positive for COVID-19.\n\n\nChildren who have taken part in high-risk activities like being in crowded or poorly ventilated indoor settings.\n\n\nChildren who have been asked to get tested by their healthcare provider or state health department.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the types of coronavirus tests?\n\n\nThere are two main types of tests for coronavirus: one that looks for a current infection and another that tests for a past infection.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTypes of COVID-19 tests\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTests for CURRENT infection\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTest for PAST infection\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNucleic acid test\n\n\n(RT-PCR test)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAntigen test\n\n\n(Rapid test)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSerology test\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSample type:\n\n\n\n\nNasal swab\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSample type:\n\n\n\n\nNasal Swab\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSample type:\n\n\n\n\nBlood\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTest time:\n\n\n\n\n1-2 days\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTest time:\n\n\n\n\n15-20 minutes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTest time:\n\n\n\n\n1-2 days\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTest detects:\n\n\n\n\nViral genetic material\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTest detects:\n\n\n\n\nViral proteins\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTest detects:\n\n\n\n\nAntibodies\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApplication:\n\n\n\n\nThe preferred diagnostic test for clinical settings\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApplication:\n\n\n\n\nUseful for mass screening in non-laboratory settings\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApplication:\n\n\n\n\n\u2013 Limited use for clinical testing\n\n\n\u2013 Can be used for community surveillance and informing public health response\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to prepare your child for COVID-19 swabs?\n\n\nHere are some useful tips for parents on how to prepare your child for the COVID-19 test to make it less stressful:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage: Nationwide children\u2019s\n\n\n\n\nWhat to do while waiting for the COVID-19 test result?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhile waiting for the test result, take these 2 keys steps to prevent further spreading of the coronavirus:\n\n\n\n\nStay home and monitor your child\u2019s health. If possible, stay away from others, especially older adults who are at higher risk of getting very sick from the coronavirus. And continue to look out for the symptoms of COVID-19, since symptoms may appear any time between 2-14 days after exposure.\n\n\nThink about the people and places that your child has been around recently. This is important information that healthcare workers will ask from you if your child tests positive for COVID-19.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat if your child is tested positive for COVID-19?\n\n\nIf your child is infected with COVID-19, stay in home isolation for 10 days; stay in a specific \u201csick room\u201d until it\u2019s safe for him or her to be around others. Home isolation is suitable for individuals (2 years old and above) who are tested positive with COVID-19 Category 1 (asymptomatic) or Category 2 (mild symptoms).\n\n\nMost COVID-19 positive patients get better at home with fever-reducing medicine, and plenty of rest and fluids. Those with severe symptoms will require treatment in the hospital.\n\n\nFor parents caring for a child with COVID-19 at home, follow this general guide to protect yourself and others:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImage: UCrest\n\n\n\n\nDownload the iMedic app\u00a0to track and assess your COVID-19 symptoms. The app also helps people with other chronic conditions track daily health metrics and connect with doctors for consultations with ease, at home.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSource: UCrest Medic Talk webinar (COVID-19 and Children) \u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n 5 Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy and Happy During a Viral Outbreak\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/singaporean-mum-breastfeeding-in-public-shamed-by-three-young-women", "title": "Mum breastfeeding in public shamed by three young women", "body": "Yvonne is a Singaporean mum of gorgeous 20 month old twin girls who she is \ncontinuing to breastfeed\n.\n\n\nRecently, she was having breakfast at Toast Box at MBS and her little girls needed their morning milk. So like any breastfeeding mum would do, she proceeded to nurse them.\n\n\nWhile the little girls were feeding, three young women \u2014 probably in their late teens to early 20s \u2014 \u00a0who were sitting near Yvonne started to point at her and whisper.\n\n\nThen, Yvonne tells us, one of them walked up to her and said, \u201cCan\u00a0you stop it? It\u2019s very gross. What you are doing makes me feel like throwing up!\u201d\n\n\nWhen Yvonne suggested the girl change her seat, she replied,\u00a0\u201cIt\u2019s not just me. The whole restaurant can see you and everyone is grossed out. Can\u2019t you go to the toilet?\u201d\n\n\nIn response, Yvonne told the young woman that she could have her meal in the toilet if she didn\u2019t want to see her little girls breastfeeding, to which the girl complained to a staff member, and told him to chase Yvonne and her babies away.\n\n\nThe staff member just looked at Yvonne, nodded at her and walked away. By this time, Yvonne\u2019s husband had returned with her meal and her little girls had stopped nursing.\n\n\nBut throughout their time there, Yvonne says the three young women would not stop talking about how \u201cgross\u201d and \u201crevolting\u201d they thought she was.\n\n\n\n\nBreastfeeding is completely natural and normal, and certainly not \u201cgross\u201d!\n\n\n\n\nWhat are we teaching the next generation about breastfeeding?\n\n\nFirst, it needs to be made very clear that breastfeeding in public in Singapore is\u00a0\nnot\u00a0\na public offence\n. Breastfeeding mothers have the right to nurse their babies when and where they need to.\n\n\nAlso, not all nursing mums are comfortable using nursing rooms, and not all babies like being underneath a blanket or nursing cover, while feeding.\n\n\nAnd let\u2019s also keep in mind that Yvonne needed to breastfeed not one, but two hungry little ones \u2014 no mean feat for sure.\n\n\nSome day, perhaps those three young women will become mums, and find themselves in a situation where they need to nurse a hungry child in public.\n\n\nThen, perhaps, they may have a flashback to the day they shamed a mother who was minding her own business while quietly breastfeeding her babies.\n\n\nBut until that day comes, the biggest questions arising from this incident that we need to ask ourselves are, \u201cwhat are we teaching children about the biological function of women\u2019s bodies?\u201d, and \u201cwhy is breastfeeding in public still so stigmatised?\u201d\n\n\nAfter all, the girls were in their late teens to early 20s. \u00a0So one would imagine they would have had some formal education about aspects of the female body\u2019s biological function such as pregnancy and childbirth \u2014 and connected to this, the role of female breasts in child-rearing.\n\n\nShould we blame their school for perhaps not emphasising the critical role breasts play in nurturing babies?\n\n\nShould we blame their parents, who maybe, one day, reacted in the same way when they saw a mother nursing in public, in front of their daughters? Should we also blame them for not teaching their daughters manners?\n\n\nOr should we blame the media and the pornography industry for their huge role in the sexualisation of breasts, and along with it, breastfeeding?\n\n\nPerhaps we should blame them all.\n\n\nBehind all the discouragement and negative vibes breastfeeding mothers still seem to be getting when they nurse in public,\u00a0\ngovernments\n, \nresearchers\n, and\u00a0\nhealth institutes\n around the world continue to study and promote the stellar benefits of breastfeeding for both mums and their little ones.\n\n\nWith all this authoritative backing behind why breastfeeding is so important, surely nursing in public shouldn\u2019t be the issue that it is today, for some?\n\n\nBut it is.\u00a0Isn\u2019t it time for change?\n\n\n\n\nAshley Kaidel breastfeeding in public, and staring down her \u2018shamer\u2019\n\n\n\n\nShaming happens everywhere\n\n\nYvonne is not the only breastfeeding mum who has been publicly shamed in recent times. It happens, very frequently, in other countries too.\n\n\nWe read about \nAshley Kaidel\n, the young mum who was publicly shamed by an older woman for nursing her baby in public.\n\n\nThe most recent breastfeeding shaming incident overseas involved an \nAustralian mum\n, who was asked to leave the food court of a shopping mall for breastfeeding her baby there.\n\n\nAlong with Yvonne\u2019s story, these other incidents are just two among thousands of instances where mums have been shamed for feeding their babies in public.\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nAnd while it is saddening and disheartening to read about such incidents, at the same time, a spark of hope glimmers in the support that people have started to show to the mums involved.\n\n\nSupport and awareness are there, but is it enough?\n\n\nYvonne tells us she got plenty of support and messages of encouragement from her friends when she told them about her experience.\n\n\nAnd let\u2019s not forget the Toast Box staff member who silently supported Yvonne with a nod and by not acknowledging the girls\u2019 complaint.\n\n\nWhen Ashley Kaidel was given disapproving looks by an older woman for nursing her baby in a cafe, she glared the woman down. And after she made the incident public on social media, it went viral, and messages of support poured in for her, too.\n\n\nThe same goes for the Australian mum, who had dozens of other breastfeeding mums rally to her support in a mass latch-on in the same food court that she was asked to leave.\n\n\nSo awareness is being created to de-stigmatise and normalise breastfeeding in public, and support is present for mums nursing in public.\n\n\nBut it\u2019s still not enough, which is why those three young women felt entitled and confident enough to shame a breastfeeding mother in public, calling her \u2018gross\u2019 and \u2018disgusting\u2019 \u2014 to her face \u2014 and continuing with their insults right through their stay at the restaurant.\n\n\n\n\nLet your children see and learn that breastfeeding a baby is completely normal and natural\n\n\n\n\nAs parents, we have a huge role in bringing up our children to be responsible, caring citizens some day.\n\n\nSo teach your sons and daughters about respect for others and good manners.\n\n\nDon\u2019t be shy to talk to them about the biological function of the human body. Talk to them about the important role of breasts in providing nutrition to babies, and when they are old enough, make them aware of how wrong it is to sexualise the human body \u2014 male or female.\n\n\nIf you have a toddler or pre-schooler, and are nursing an newborn, let them see you breastfeeding, and answer their curious questions truthfully.\n\n\nThe normalisation of breastfeeding begins with you.\n\n\nAnd Yvonne has a message for those who may not understand why sometimes, a mother\u2019s got to do what a mother\u2019s got to do \u2014 like nursing in public:\n\n\n\u201cBreastfeeding is an act of nature, but it is not easy. There are many naysayers but a mother is only trying her best. Breastfeeding mums who nurse in public are not exhibitionists, but are just mothers trying to feed their kids and/or comfort them. \n\n\n\u201cPeople tsk and stare when little babies/toddlers scream or make a din, but they need to understand that at this age the kids do not have a switch that can be turned off at a whim. The mother is only doing what she knows will make it easier and more comfortable for the child.\u201d\n\n\n*theAsianparent obtained Yvonne\u2019s permission to share both her story and the beautiful photograph of her tandem nursing her twins.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s what Yvonne says about the image: \u201cSo here\u2019s me tandem nursing my twins in the skypark, just because.\u201d\n\n\nMore strength to you, Yvonne!\n\n\nHow would you have reacted if you were shamed for nursing your baby in public? What are your thoughts on how we can better educate our youth on topics like breastfeeding? Let us know \u2014 leave a comment below.\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-is-your-money-parenting-style", "title": "What Is Your Money Parenting Style?", "body": "Go-getter\n or \nFacilitator\n? \nFreestyler\n or \nNurturer\n? Perhaps you are a \nBalancer\n?\n\n\nKnowing your money parenting persona goes a long way in identifying the skills and knowledge needed to suit your style.\n\n\nAnswer all questions within \nthis quiz\n to uncover your unique persona.\n\n\nCurious about how other parents are money parenting? Check out our \n#MoneyParenting site\n\u00a0or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest content.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/11-best-ways-on-how-to-avoid-premature-labour-naturally", "title": "11 Best ways on how to avoid premature labour naturally", "body": "Mummies, when you\u2019re pregnant, you already have a whole laundry list of things to worry about. So one of the last things you want to think about is premature labour. But it is essential to know how to prevent premature labour naturally so that a healthy baby can be born at full term. \n\n\nThis ensures less complications for both mother and baby during the delivery process and \npostpartum\n. \n\n\nThe term premature labour is when a woman delivers her baby before 37 weeks of gestational age. It is considered as full term when someone reaches week 37 during pregnancy where the baby is fully developed and able to thrive outside the mother\u2019s womb. Premature labour occurs when regular contractions result in the opening of the cervix between week 20 and week 37 of pregnancy. \n\n\nHowever, sometimes women do have premature labour due to many different reasons and it often results in premature birth. Here are 11 best ways on how prevent premature labour naturally so that you can reach the goal of having a healthy baby and mother.\n\n\n\n\nThese are 11 useful tips on how to prevent premature labour naturally. | Source: Pixabay\nPartner Stories\nLifestyle\n3 Easy Indoor Activities to Keep The Kids Entertained\n#PendidikanKewangan\nBolehkah Pengurusan Kewangan Menjadi Mudah? 5 Perkara Yang Anda Harus Lakukan Sebagai Ibu Bapa\nKeibubapaan\nResilient Location Quiz: Where To Bring Your Kids To Build Resilience\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nImported Maternal Milk: Where Is It From And Why That Matters\n\n\n\n\n11 Tips on how to prevent premature labour naturally\n\n\n\n\nSpeak to your doctor.\n If you\u2019ve had a history of premature labour before, it is always best to tell your doctor because the risks are higher. Your doctor will be able to monitor you closely to make sure that you are given the best care. \n\n\nDrink more water.\n Many often neglect the fact to drink more water during pregnancy. Dehydration can cause contractions that could lead to premature labour. Always stay hydrated. \n\n\nTake your supplements. \nIt is crucial for you to take good quality vitamins while you\u2019re pregnant to support the pregnancy so that you\u2019re getting all the nutrients you need. Nutrient deficiency can cause chemical imbalance in the body, leading to premature labour. \n\n\nWatch your diet.\n The food you eat have direct impact on your body and baby. Unhealthy and imbalance diets could lead to pregnancy related conditions such as gestational diabetes that could cause premature labour. Increase probiotic bacteria (the \u201cgood\u201d bacteria in your gut) by taking foods like natural yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir. These are excellent sources of probiotics which can reduce the colonisation of bad bacteria in the vagina. \n\n\nGo for a walk.\n One of the best exercises you could do is walking. It keeps your heart pumping at a healthy rate and also improves blood circulation. \n\n\nDo prenatal yoga.\n These classes are taught by experienced instructors who can help improve your flexibility and it is great for your blood circulation too.\n\n\nEmpty your bladder.\n Holding urine puts pressure on your abdomen that could inflame your bladder, lead to bacteria infection, and affects the uterus. It is always a good idea to use the bathroom often.\n\n\nAvoid lying on your back.\n It is advised to lie on your left side while you sleep as it improves blood circulation. Lying on your back puts pressure on your spine and stretches the uterus. \n\n\nTake warm baths.\n Warm baths at around 36 degree Celsius immediately calms the body and relaxes your muscles. This is a really great way to calm your uterus in the evenings when you\u2019re feeling tension. \n\n\nTreat yourself.\n Go for a pregnancy massage or a day in a spa. It is good for the body and the mind to relax as it takes away stress. \n\n\nListen to your body.\n Don\u2019t do strenuous \u00a0activities that puts pressure on your abdomen and causes you great fatigue. Make sure you have adequate rest and allow your body to adjust during pregnancy. \n\n\n\n\nSource: WHO\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maid-falls-from-window-gets-severely-injured", "title": "Maid Falls From Window, Gets Severely Injured", "body": "An Indonesian maid got severely injured after she slipped and fell from a block at Simei, Singapore.\n\n\nThe incident happened on April 26, at Block 233, Simei Street 4, at around 11:25 am.\n\n\nMaid Falls From Window\n\n\nAccording to Stomp, the maid had been cleaning the window, with one foot on the ledge and the other foot perched precariously on a \nbamboo pole.\n\n\nUnfortunately, the bamboo pole gave way, and she fell.\n\n\nStill, a man on the second floor managed to grab hold of her by her hair. The maid\u2019s shirt had slipped off her body by then. The man was however unable to hold on for long, and the maid eventually fell.\n\n\nHer fall was broken by an elderly man on the first floor.\n\n\nWitnesses informed the SCDF and the maid was rushed to Changi \nGeneral Hospital.\n\n\nWe hope that she recovers soon.\u00a0\n\n\nHere is the video of the incident:\n\n\n\n\nMaid falls from window: Safety rules and regulations for maids\n\n\nThere have been many cases of maids tragically falling to deaths after being involved in unsafe acts like cleaning the exterior of windows without adequate safety precautions.\n\n\nSince 2012, MOM has tightened the rules and regulations for maid safety:\n\n\n\n\nForeign maids here are not allowed to clean window exteriors unless enhanced and safe work conditions are in place:\n\n\n\n\n1.The employer, or an adult representative, must be around to supervise the maid while she cleans the interior of the window.\n\n\n2. Also, window grilles have to be installed and locked while the windows are being cleaned.\n\n\nThe rules apply to all homes, except for windows that are at the\u00a0\nground level or along common corridors\n.\n\n\n\n\nMany maids do not come from high-rise environments and may not be used to the urban living environment. They are therefore likely to be unaware of the risks in a high-rise domestic setting.\n\n\n\n\nFor example, if maids are required to hang laundry outside the window using bamboo poles, employers should ensure their maids do not stand on an elevated platform or tip toe while handling the poles, and do not overload the pole with too\n many clothes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEmployers should refer to the FDW Employer Handy Guidebook to familiarise themselves with the safety Dos and Don\u2019ts.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn addition, they can refer to safety tips at MOM\u2019s website at\u00a0\nwww.mom.gov.sg/statistics-publications/others/publications/Pages/workpass-fdw.aspx\n\u00a0or email mo\n[email\u00a0protected]\n if they have queries on maid safety issues.\n\n\n\n\nFailure to comply constitutes a breach of the Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work Passes) Regulations, which fall under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act.\n\n\n\n\nEmployers who fail to comply may be prosecuted and permanently barred from hiring a maid.\n\n\n\n\nMembers of the public should notify MOM if they see maids working in unsafe conditions. They can call 6438 5122 or email \n[email\u00a0protected]\n to seek help from MOM.\n\n\n\n\n(Source: \nStomp\n)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nMoney Parenting\nTwo Goals In One! Money Parenting Through Fun\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child Having Trouble Digesting? Here are 10 Foods to Improve Their Gut Health\nRumah\nPenting Memastikan Rumah Bebas Virus! Ini 5 Cara Sanitasi Seluruh Rumah Agar Bebas Virus\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/breast-cancer-food", "title": "Breast Cancer: What You Eat Really Matters", "body": "Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women accounting for one third of all cases, and is perhaps the single most important medical concern for women today. In Malaysia, approximately one in 20 women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime.\u00a0\n\n\nEarly detection is key and the five-year survival rate of Stage 1 breast cancer patients is up to 98%. Self-examination and medical screening are important for early detection and the age group most at risk in Malaysia are women between 40 and 49. It is advisable for women above the age of 35 to have annual screenings. \n\n\nBreast cancer is a complex disease and isn\u2019t just about having a lump in your breast. \u00a0There are many factors to take into consideration, which in turn decides what treatment is necessary.\n\n\nCan a plant-based diet help?\n\n\nWhat we consume has a far-reaching effect on our health and how an illness runs its course. An article published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology in 2015 estimated that changing eating and exercise habits could prevent 25-30% of breast cancer cases. A large cohort study (91,000 people) also showed that a plant-based diet was associated with a 15% reduction in breast cancer risk.\n\n\nPlant foods can fight cancer in a number of ways. Firstly; fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes provide phytonutrients, which are high in antioxidants and help combat free radical damage to our cells. A plant-based diet provides excellent nutrition and improves overall wellbeing, keeps energy levels up, boosts the immune system and provides nutrients needed for repair and maintenance.\n\n\nPlant-based food to help beat breast cancer\n\n\nFollowing a plant-based diet after being diagnosed is not about suddenly turning vegan. It\u2019s about consuming certain food more and avoiding others. In general, breast cancer can be classified as estrogen receptor-positive (ER-positive) or estrogen receptor-negative (ER-negative). ER-negative breast cancers are typically more aggressive and harder to treat and make up 80% of breast cancer cases. Recent research by the University of Alabama at Birmingham identified certain foods (sulforaphane and polyphenols compounds found in plants) that may be able to transform ER-negative breast cancers into a more treatable disease.\n\n\nThese are the types of plant-based foods containing the specific compounds:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKeep your wellness in check with a balanced diet.\n\n\n\n\nBroccoli sprouts and cruciferous vegetables like kale, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, bok choy, watercress, brussels sprouts\n\n\nThis group of vegetables contains sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which is one of the key compounds needed to help fight cancer. Sulforaphane has an anti-inflammatory effect, can eliminate breast cancer causing chemicals and inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells. To boost your intake of the anti-cancer compound, lightly steaming these vegetables is the best way to gain the bioactive nutrients.\n\n\nGreen tea\n\n\nGreen tea is packed with polyphenols and catechins\u2014a class of antioxidants with immense health benefits. A small study conducted by the National Institute of Health\u2019s (NIH) National Cancer Institute found that Japanese women who drank at least one cup of green tea daily had less urinary estrogen \u2013 too much estrogen is linked to breast cancer. To reap the benefits, be sure to get tea from Japan and brew your own home. It takes 20 bottles of store-bought bottled tea to get the same amount of polyphenol as a single home-brewed cup.\n\n\nPomegranate juice\n\n\nPomegranates are rich in polyphenols compounds, and have a high level of antioxidants. These help protect cells, and have the potential to be a preventive tool for certain cancers including breast cancer.\n\n\nBerries (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants)\n\n\nBerries have many health benefits including a high amount of polyphenols and vitamin C. There is some evidence that berries may help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Once cup of berries daily is recommended.\n\n\nPlums and peaches\n\n\nSome studies suggest that plums and peaches may help prevent breast cancer cells from forming, as the polyphone compounds help to protect and maintain the health of the cells.\n\n\nCarotenoids found in dark orange/red plant such as carrots, tomatoes, cantaloupes, apricots, sweet potato.\n\n\nThese foods are typically high in Vitamin A, lutein, beta carotene and lycopene, all of which can be effective against free radicals and help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Beta-carotene found in carrots may actually inhibit ER-negative and ER-positive tumour development.\n\n\nFlaxseed\n\n\nFlaxseed is the greatest source of mammalian lignans \u2013 phytoestrogens found in flax \u2013 which appears to bind with estrogen and lower circulating levels of estrogen. This action may act as a protective mechanisms against breast cancer. Studies show that consumption of 5 to 10 g \u00a0of flax for seven weeks significantly decreased levels of estrone and estradiol.\n\n\nMushrooms\n\n\nEating a serving of fungi a day might help protect you from breast cancer. Researchers found that Chinese women who consumed just 10 grams (which is equal to a 1-3 small mushrooms) or more of fresh mushrooms daily were about two-thirds less likely to develop breast cancer than non-mushroom eaters. High mushroom intake has also been associated with a lower risk of breast cancers among premenopausal women. While studies haven\u2019t nailed a cause-and-effect relationship between mushrooms and breast health, you\u2019ll still be doing your body a favour by adding immune-boosting vitamin-D-rich mushrooms to a meal.\n\n\nWhat to avoid\n\n\nSoy\n\n\nSoy is the cause of controversial debate when it comes to breast cancer. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which mimic estrogen in the body. Many suggest that consuming soy-based food may increase estrogen levels, therefore increasing the risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer and other hormone imbalance related disorders. However, some studies also suggest that isoflavone found in soy helps lower the risk of breast cancer in Asian countries, but the evidence was insignificant for women in Western countries.As the data is conflicting, more studies need to be done to fully understand the effect of phytoestrogen. If you are concerned, it\u2019s best to avoid soy phytoestrogen in supplement form, limit your daily soy intake and avoid GMO soy. You can consume traditional fermented soy products like miso and tempeh in moderation.\n\n\nRefined vegetable oil\n\n\nMany vegetable cooking oils like canola and sunflower are RBD (refined, bleached , deodorised), and extracted using chemical solvents. The fat in these oils is rancid and oxidised during the process. When we consume these oils, it releases more free radicals that damage our cells. This causes inflammation and weakens our immune system increasing the cancer risk.\n\n\nSugar\u2014including sweet snacks, cake, biscuits\n\n\nFood with a high sugar content are usually very processed, low in nutrients and dietary fiber. These foods also appear to increase insulin, and serum insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels, which can stimulate cancer cell growth.There are also many studies showing how an increase in insulin levels has a significant impact on our body and increases the risk of breast cancer. Sugar also encourages obesity, which increases the risk of developing breast cancer especially in post-menopausal women.\n\n\n\n\nSugary treats can spike insulin levels.\n\n\n\n\nAnimal fat\n\n\nFat affects the levels of hormones in our bodies. A diet comprising high levels of saturated fat increases hormone production, which is linked to breast cancer. Although healthy fats are important, animal products such as red meat, cheese, eggs and cow\u2019s milk contain high amounts of saturated fat.\n\n\nAlcohol\n\n\nRegular consumption of alcohol may increase the risk for breast cancer . Consuming as little as 3-6 drinks/week is associated with increased breast cancer risk, and women who have at least 2 drinks daily on average have a 51% \u00a0risk of breast cancer compared to those who never consume alcohol. \n\nNote: If you\u2019re concerned about any risks, talk to a doctor or dietitian about what kind of food to eat. Food is only part of the big picture. Exercise and a positive attitude are equally important.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nVaksinasi\nPenyakit Biasa Dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak & Vaksinasi-Vaksinasi Penting Untuk Melindungi Daripadanya\nKesihatan\nROTAVIRUS: Punca Utama Cirit-birit pada Kanak-kanak\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nPurelyB\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/nutrient-absorption", "title": "I Saw Improvement In My Child\u2019s Behaviour After Doing This", "body": "I am a mother of three kids and when my first child was born, it was quite scary. As a first time mother, I didn\u2019t know what to do.\n\n\nOf course, I learned a lot along the way and got plenty of advice from friends and family. But their advice could only take me so far. When it came to choosing formula milk, one of the most common pieces of advice I got was to try and see which brand would suit my daughter.\n\n\nI had tried so many growing up milk brands with her \u2013 including an organic growing up milk brand and also soy-based growing up milk but she rejected all of them. She would leave a lot of milk leftover and the wastage also broke my heart a little. I was such a young mother back then and I really was at such a loss.\n\n\nOn top of that, she also had really bad constipation problems and I would see her face turn red from trying to \npass a hard stool\n. It chipped away at my heart every time I saw her suffer that way.\n\n\nI saw her behaviour change from bad to worse. She would be more ill-tempered from not being able to sleep well because of tummy upsets. Most days, she would just cry incessantly to no end.\n\n\nI could not figure it out! I looked up \u201csleep regression\u201d, \u201c\ntoddler tantrums\n\u201d and other possible milestones my daughter could be going through. But each article said that the phase would pass.\n\n\nMy daughter\u2019s \nangsty phase\n never seemed to end.\n\n\nI was almost at wit\u2019s end when I decided to seek out my paediatrician. She advised that my daughter\u2019s constipation was what was contributing to her poor behaviour and advised us to try Dumex Mamil.\n\n\nSo I decided to go with the paediatrician\u2019s recommendation.\n\n\nI tasted the milk myself and was pleased to find that the milk wasn\u2019t sweet at all. That was one of the main reasons why I chose this brand.\n\n\nOver time, I saw her mood change because of the overall better gut health she was experiencing when previously, she was often moody and cranky because of constipation. \nI also could see her growth and development also improved. \n\n\nI decided to read up more on what makes Dumex Mamil stand out from the rest and how it helped my daughter.\n\n\nNutrient absorption helps overall growth\n\n\n\n\nWhat I discovered is that Dumex Mamil with D-GestPro+ is formulated with a unique blend of prebiotics GOS/IcFOS (9:1), DHA and other nutrients which can help in maintaining a good intestinal environment.\n\n\nPrebiotics are important in increasing the good bacteria in the gut to promote gut health, which in turn, also helps with nutrient absorption.\n\n\nAfter reading up on this, I recognised that Dumex Mamil was actually helping to improve my child\u2019s gut health through nutrient absorption, allowing her to experience healthy growth and development.\n\n\nWith my daughter\u2019s better gut health and overall mood, I saw her become more excited to go to school, enjoy her meals and also try out new activities.\n\n\nThis gave me the confidence as a mother that I was doing the right thing for my daughter.\n\n\nChoosing Dumex Mamil for over ten years \n\n\nWhen my second child turned one, I also introduced Dumex Mamil to him from the very beginning and the difference in raising him and my daughter was stark.\n\n\nHe proved to be an easy child from the start \u2013 with great bowel movements and easy-going nature. He never fussed and was always ready to try new food. His development was always ahead of the curve and I was confident in his ability to take on new challenges at any given time.\n\n\nNow, it is also time for me to start my third child on growing up milk and since this brand has not failed me in the past decade (and more!) of using it, I know it will be my first choice for her too.\n\n\nNeed more information on Mamil\u00ae D-GestPro+?\n Visit \nDumex Mamil\u2019s website\n!\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/maternal-milk-for-pregnant-women", "title": "Milk for Pregnant Mothers is Important For A Healthy Baby, This is One You Can Try!", "body": "Being a pregnant woman, the well-being of the baby in the womb is a priority and the mother certainly wants the baby to grow up healthy in the womb with enough weight, healthy, and strong. In this article, we will share a list of recommended maternal milk in Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\nIn addition to maternal health factors, good nutrition and milk intake for pregnant mothers also play an important role during pregnancy. Not only do babies need to drink milk, but even pregnant mothers should also practice milk intake throughout pregnancy.\n\n\nRaising a baby is not easy. Getting enough nutrients is critical to your baby\u2019s growth and health throughout pregnancy. Milk is a rich source of all kinds of essential nutrients you need during pregnancy.\n\n\nWhy Should Pregnant Women Start Drinking Maternal Milk Early On?\n\n\n\n\nThere are various opinions when it comes to including milk and other dairy products in your diet during pregnancy, but maternal milk can be very beneficial for you when you are expecting.\n\u00a0\nIt can channel a host of nutrients you need for healthy baby growth. \n\n\nAmong the important reasons for pregnant women to consume milk during pregnancy include:\n\n\n\n\nNutrient-rich milk\n\n\n\n\nIt is an important source of calcium and vitamin D for women during pregnancy. According to a study, getting enough Vitamin D during pregnancy can reduce the risk for a baby to have allergies in the future.\n\n\nIn addition, pregnant women also need between 1000mg to 1300mg of calcium every day to nourish their body and the growth of the baby's body.\n\n\n Milk intake during pregnancy can meet some of your calcium needs. You can take calcium supplements recommended by your doctor and practice drinking milk daily to achieve the required calcium requirements.\n\n\n\n\nBaby growth\n\n\n\n\nDrinking milk during pregnancy can also promote growth effects on the fetus and it can help the baby to grow tall.\n\n\n Babies may also have high levels of insulin in their blood during late adolescence which can lower the risk for type 2 diabetes.\n\n\n\n\nHigh in protein, amino acids, and fatty acids\n\n\n\n\nAll of which are essential for the growth of a baby's nervous system. Rich in calcium and iron, can help in the formation and growth of baby bones and deliver oxygen to the baby. \n\n\nMilk also has all the essential vitamins A, B, and D needed for intrauterine fetal development.\n\n\n\n\nMilk acts as an antacid\n\n\n\n\nIt is also an effective antacid that can relieve heartburn and other gastric diseases, which are a common problem during pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\nContains iodine\n\n\n\n\nMilk contains iodine which has been shown to improve fetal brain development and increase children's IQ levels.\n\n\n\n\nLow risk of disease\n\n\n\n\nMilk intake during pregnancy is also associated with a low risk of getting diseases such as multiple sclerosis (abnormal hardening of body tissues), neonatal rickets, and osteoporosis.\n\n\nBut you should know that excessive intake of milk during pregnancy can lead to bloating and indigestion. \nSo pregnant women must consume milk or any dairy product in moderation. Consuming three glasses of milk daily during pregnancy can channel you all the essential nutrients.\n\n\nHow to Select the Best Maternal Milk\n\n\nSome good brands of maternity milk are a favorite of mothers in Malaysia. But it is not only the brand of milk that needs to be considered, mothers should also check some of these factors carefully before making a purchase:\n\n\n\n\nNutrient Content\n - Make sure milk contains folate which is essential for baby cell development and prevention of birth defects, calcium for baby\u2019s strong bones and teeth as well as mother, and iron for red blood cell formation needed during pregnancy.\n\n\nTaste \n- Many pregnant women are sensitive to smell and taste. Therefore it is important to choose milk that mothers can drink without causing vomiting.\n\n\nPrices\n - There are many different types of pregnancy milk but everyone's budget is different. Don't worry, there is milk that fits the budget but still meets the need for good breast milk!\n\n\n\n\nSome mothers can\u2019t 'swallow' milk, but the fact is that mothers need to keep trying as well. The good news is moms can make the choice of milk they like according to their tastes and not necessarily with natural flavours. \n\n\nSo, of course, it is not a problem for pregnant women to drink milk.\n\n\nOur Top 10 Picks for Best Maternal Milk in Malaysia\n\n\n#1 Anmum Materna\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nAnmum is not only a well-known brand among mothers but also Anmum Materna products are specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of mothers and unborn babies. \n\n\nThis milk for pregnant mothers does not contain sugar, is low in fat, and complete with DHA, folic acid, calcium, prebiotics, and vitamin D.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nAnmum Materna with Mind-Q Connect contains essential nutrients to support the mother and the growth of the baby in the womb.\n\n\n2 glasses of regular milk every day only meets 55.2% of the needs while drinking 2 glasses of Anmum Materna every day provides 100% * of the mother's calcium needs.\n\n\nContains Probiotics DR10 & Inulin a kind of good bacteria, helps maintain a good intestinal environment.\n\n\nContains Nuelipids, a complex milk lipid rich in GA\u00ae, Phospholipids, and Proteins.\n\n\nIron is a red blood cell formation factor that supports the 50% increase in blood volume that occurs during pregnancy.\n\n\nAvailable in natural and chocolate flavors.\n\n\n\n\n Anmum Materna \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#2 Enfamama A+\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nEnfamama A + is scientifically formulated to support the nutritional needs of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in Malaysia. This product fulfils the necessary equipment for the baby in the womb while providing a delicious taste for the mother. \n\n\nIn addition, Enfamama A+ can be continued even after giving birth because it is also formulated specifically for breastfeeding mothers.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nSuitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding\n\n\nContains calcium for the development of the baby's bones and mother's teeth\n\n\nIron content for the construction of red blood cells to prevent low hemoglobin problems\n\n\nContains prebiotics\n\n\nComes in chocolate and vanilla flavours\n\n\n\n\n Enfamama A+ \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#3 Wyeth Promama\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nThe next option is PROMAMA from the Wyeth brand which is easily purchased at any nearby store. If mothers are looking for milk the new PROMAMA is milk formulated to support women during pregnancy and breastfeeding to meet additional nutritional needs.\n\n\nPROMAMA can also support healthy weight gain for the baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nContains essential nutrients such as DHA (66.3mg / 100g), Calcium, Vitamin D, Prebiotics (Oligofructose), and Zinc\n\n\nRich in choline, to help support baby's cognitive development\n\n\nAlso contains Folic Acid and Iron which are essential during this critical stage\n\n\nA2 \u03b2-Casein milk that is derived from specially selected cows and Sphingomyelin is a type of phospholipid derived from Whey Protein\n\n\nNo added sucrose\n\n\nLow fat\n\n\n\n\n Wyeth Promama \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#4 Frisomum Gold\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nFrisomum Gold is a great pregnant breast milk because it contains prebiotics and probiotics that help support your intestinal health and prevent constipation. \n\n\nThis product is formulated with the essential nutrients DualCare + \u2122 to support physiological changes during pregnancy, and provide a good foundation for your growing toddler.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nThe low glycemic index (GI) could help a mother to avoid being overweight during pregnancy.\n\n\nVitamin B12 content Essential for red blood cell production\n\n\nContains calcium to help normal bone growth and development.\n\n\nIodine, important for the production of thyroid hormones\n\n\nHave folic acid which must be taken by pregnant women.\n\n\nMany moms think Frisomum Gold has a delicious Honey Vanilla flavor!\n\n\n\n\n Frisomum Gold \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#5 Similac Gold Mom\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nIf moms are looking for low-fat supplements for pregnant and breastfeeding moms, Similac Mom is one of the best options. \n\n\nThis halal product is formulated with the Eye-Q Nutrition System, Natural Vitamin E, and Lutein to prevent the oxidation of DHA, which is very important for the growth and development of the baby before birth.\n\n\nOh yes, this milk is also good to take while breastfeeding tau baby but at the same time can help mothers lose weight due to low sugar content!\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\n2 servings of Similac Mom a day meet the recommended nutrient intake for calcium & folic acid.\n\n\nContains Natural Vitamin E and Lutein to support brain development. This is to support faster learning starting from the womb.\n\n\nContains 23 vitamins & minerals to help meet nutritional needs according to age.\n\n\nLow GI so this milk will not gain excessive weight.\n\n\nDelicious taste!\n\n\n\n\n Similac Gold Mom \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#6 Nestl\u00e9 MOM & ME\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nIt is specially designed and this great pregnant breast milk is formulated with a delicious taste full of essential nutrients and BL BIFIDUS (Bifidobacterium cream) for mother and baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. \n\n\nJust add two glasses of MOM & ME into your daily diet to ensure both mother and baby are supplied with the necessary nutrients.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nMOM & ME contains 20 vitamins and minerals\n\n\nContains folic acid which maintains fetal growth and plays a role in the formation of red blood cells\n\n\n54% high in calcium to help build the baby's bones and teeth and provide enough calcium for the mother\n\n\nIron that supports the formation of new red blood cells for pregnant women and babies\n\n\nContains vitamin A which is good for skin health and eye function\n\n\nHigh in vitamin C for better absorption of iron from your food\n\n\nContains BL BIFIDUS, which is another type of bacteria that is good for the body\n\n\nIt also contains 87.6 mg of DHA for daily MOM & ME intake which is an important component for the brain\n\n\nProvides energy and protein to meet the growing demand for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and supports the growth of your child.\n\n\nIt tastes better\n\n\n\n\n Nestl\u00e9 MOM & ME \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#7 MOMMA Pregolact Vanilla Bliss\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nMOMMA Pregolact is a milk-based product that acts as a milk booster formulated for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. It provides adequate nutrition for both mother and child.\n\n\nMOMMA Pregolact with Activ-4 Plus Contains essential natural nutrients such as DHA, calcium, folic acid, vitamins, and minerals without creamer, no added sugar, and low in fat making Pregolact the best choice for pregnant women and mothers.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nActs as a milk booster to increase breast milk\n\n\nIncreases the consistency of breast milk production and makes it concentrated\n\n\nGood for baby's brain development\n\n\nBoosts the baby's immune system\n\n\nReduces the risk of jaundice for infants\n\n\nGives excess energy to the mother\n\n\nSofter skin for mother and baby\n\n\nHelp reduce stress on the mother\n\n\nFormulated with selected natural ingredients including goat's milk, Omega 3, olives, blackseed, saffron, pomegranate, honey, inulin (prebiotics), raisins, figs, dates, and vanilla\n\n\n\n\n MOMMA Pregolact Vanilla Bliss \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#8 Nutura Mums Nutritional Blended Milk Formula\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nNutura Mums can be said to be a good pregnant mother's milk of choice for many pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. \n\n\nThis is because Nutura Mums is formula milk that is rich in nutrients for the health and growth of the baby from the womb again.\n\n\nWhat do we like?\n\n\n\n\nSialic acid helps the cognitive development of babies and boosts the immune systems of mothers and babies\n\n\nContains Iron which helps increase blood volume and prevent anaemia for mothers\n\n\nFolate and Vitamin B12 help cell division in the early stages of pregnancy and reduce the risk of neural tube defects\n\n\nEnriched with dietary fibre, FOS and GOS, supports healthy gastrointestinal function, while relieving the phenomenon of constipation during pregnancy\n\n\nNo sucrose supplements help control weight\n\n\nProvides additional nutrients before and during pregnancy as well as during the breastfeeding period while controlling the ideal weight of the mother\n\n\nNutura Mums Nutritional Blended Milk Formula\n\n\n\n\n Nutura Mums Nutritional Blended Milk Formula \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#9 Karihome Mama Goat Milk\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nKarihome Mama Goat Milk contains complete nutrients for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers such as folate, calcium, and DHA.\n\n\n It is a premium goat milk brand formula that is wholly produced and imported from New Zealand. \nGoat\u2019s milk is gentle to the stomach, of which goat\u2019s milk protein is 1/3 of the normal size of cow\u2019s milk.\n\n\nIt is formulated under a moderate healing process to preserve the natural benefits of goat\u2019s milk.\n\n\nRich in vitamins A, E, and zinc that help provide moisture and healthy skin. Even goat's milk is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MUFA/MCT) which are easy to digest and low in calories. \n\n\nGoat\u2019s milk has also been shown to reduce the production of inflammatory cells which can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and arterial congestion. Karihome Mama Goat Milk is rich in 8 key nutrients.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nGoat's milk protein is easier to digest than cow's milk, and it cleanses and maintains healthy digestion.\n\n\nFolate is a key nutrient for fetal growth. It is important for the development of the brain and nervous system\n\n\nCholine stimulates brain development\n\n\nDHA, aids in the mental formation of the fetus, also increases the DHA content in breast milk for breastfeeding mothers\n\n\nCalcium, the key nutrient for healthy bone growth for the fetus, also as a supplement for lost calcium for mothers prevents osteoporosis\n\n\nIron, a key component for blood cell formation, is also a food supplement for energy for the mother\n\n\nZinc helps in the optimal growth of the fetus, also improves the appetite of mothers\n\n\nMultivitamins, which stimulate the brain and eye growth, provide antioxidant, anti-aging content for mothers\n\n\nKarihome Mama Goat Milk\n\n\n\n\n Karihome Mama Goat Milk \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\n#10 BELLAMY\u2019S Organic Pregnancy Formula\n\n\n\n\nWhy is this product good?\n\n\nOne of the good maternity milk, it is very good in supporting the health of pregnant women, pre, during, and after pregnancy. It contains 16 vitamins and minerals that the body needs.\n\n\nWhat we like:\n\n\n\n\nContains DHA, GOS (galacto-oligosaccharides) & FOS (Fructo-oligosaccharides)\n\n\nFolic acid to reduce the risk of fetal neural tube defects\n\n\nCoupled with the need for iron for normal neurological growth for the fetus\n\n\nIt also contains Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and D for immune health\n\n\nIt is also enriched with vitamin C and Magnesium to help reduce fatigue\n\n\nHigh calcium content\n\n\nNo added colors and flavors\n\n\nNo added Sucrose, Glucose, or Maltodextrin\n\n\nContains Iodine\n\n\nBELLAMY'S Organic Pregnancy Formula\n\n\n\n\n BELLAMY\u2019S Organic Pregnancy Formula \nBuy From Shopee\n\n\nPrice Comparison\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProducts\n\n\n\n\n\n\nContent Weight (g)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMarket Price\n\n\n (RM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmmum Materna\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n650\n\n\n\n\n\n\n36\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnfamama A+\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n900\n\n\n\n\n\n\n59.90\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWyeth Promama\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n600\n\n\n\n\n\n\n32.90\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrisomum Gold\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n900\n\n\n\n\n\n\n48.86\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSimilac Mom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n900\n\n\n\n\n\n\n36.80\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNestl\u00e9 MOM & ME\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n350\n\n\n\n\n\n\n59.99\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMOMMA Pregolact Vanilla Bliss\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n420\n\n\n\n\n\n\n90\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNutura Mums Nutritional Blended Milk Formula\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n900\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39.50\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKarihome Mama Goat Milk\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n400\n\n\n\n\n\n\n53.80\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBellamy\u2019s Organic Pregnancy Formula\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n900\n\n\n\n\n\n\n96.50\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTips For Pregnant Women With Lactose Intolerance Problems\n\n\nFor many women, the ability to digest lactose improves during pregnancy, especially at the end of the pregnancy process. As a result, even if you are usually lactose intolerant, you may be able to consume maternal milk or any other dairy product without feeling any discomfort.\n\n\nPregnant mothers don\u2019t need to take maternal milk alone to have a healthy baby, but you need to make sure you get enough calcium.\n\n\nIf you have lactose intolerance during pregnancy or do not like maternal milk or other dairy products, you may want to consider these tips:\n\n\n\n\nChoose foods high in calcium such as body, broccoli, edamame, beans, pinto beans, tofu, spinach, and calcium-fortified foods and beverages. If you take almond milk, choose one that contains calcium supplements.\n\n\nTake a calcium supplement.\n\n\nMany people with lactose intolerance can usually drink a small amount of milk, such as half a cup, with a serving of food and have minimal or no symptoms at all.\n\n\nTry lactose-free or lactose-reducing products, including milk, cheese, and yogurt\n\n\nYou can also try Lactaid, which is an over-the-counter type of lactase that allows you to digest lactose (and can consume any dairy product!).\n\n\nVitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, especially during the second half of pregnancy. Vitamin D is usually included in prenatal vitamins, along with calcium.\n\n\n\n\nIf you are concerned about how much calcium you can get through these tips for pregnant women who suffer from lactose intolerance, you should consult your healthcare doctor.\n\n\nHopefully, this article about maternal milk will be useful!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat Kind of Sunscreen Is Best for Pregnant Women? We Have The Answer Right Here!\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/brain-training", "title": "Right Brain, Left Brain, Whole Brain Training: What Does My Child Need?", "body": "There are two sides of the brain that process information differently. The right side tackles memory and creativity, while the left handles language, logic and reasoning. No doubt, it\u2019s vital that both sides, i.e. the whole brain, are well developed in order for children to do well in all areas of learning. To optimise children\u2019s brains for learning, many brain training programmes utilise memory games and logic puzzles to train their cognitive functions.\n\n\nWith repeated practice, children will be able to pay attention better, learn faster and retain information for much longer. These improved functions will then translate into a positive impact on learning, as well as refined real-life skills.\n\n\nBrain training (neurofeedback therapy) is also particularly useful for children with special needs, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, cerebral palsy, and learning and behaviour disorders.\n\n\nThis therapy uses video games to change undesirable brainwave activities into more normal, organized activity. Many therapists have observed an improvement in their client\u2019s social skills, communication, speech and ability to focus by using neurofeedback therapy training.\n\n\nBrain Training Programmes for Children in Malaysia\n\n\nHere is a list of centres that offer brain training programmes for children:\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nBrainCarve\n\n\n\n\nBrainCarve is a unique whole brain development programme focusing on left and right brain stimulation through fun learning activities and games.\n\n\nIt is a six-in-one programme that combines Abacus, Magic Fingers, Memory Techniques, Thinking Techniques, Verdic Maths and Win in 60 Seconds to work towards overall brain development.\n\n\nThese techniques are all intended to improve the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Creativity Quotient (CQ) of children between the age 3 to 16 years.\n\n\nThe programme leverages on fun learning approaches to bring out the best in children, enhancing their observation, listening, language, mathematical, manipulative and self-help skills, as well as social and emotional development. \u201cA smart brain is not god gifted. It is a result of good training in the initial stages of life.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nStudy: The brain food that will make your kids smarter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. You&Me Right Brain Learning Specialist\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat sets You & Me Right Brain Learning\u00a0apart from other learning centres is its early learning programme which utilises age-specific right brain training; one that taps into the imaginative and visual power of the right brain.\n\n\nYou&Me Right Brain Learning Specialist is a big believer that every child is born with unlimited potentials; so, when the right side of the brain of a child is stimulated adequately; the child is thus able to maximise their individual potentials.\n\n\nThe goal of the You & Me Right Brain Learning Programme is to enable the full, balanced functioning of both sides of a child\u2019s brain by nurturing their often-neglected right brain. The key to developing intelligence for a child is to foster growth and balance in both left and right brains. The curriculum is built upon scientific findings of all things brain development.\n\n\nAs the outer layer of the brain develops from right to left, this gives a window of time (usually between 0 to 6 years old) during which a child is learning primarily with the right brain. At the centre, teachers guide children using uniquely absorbent method and techniques to take optimum advantage and maximise their \u201cprime time\u201d learning experience.\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nDitoso Right Brain Development Center\n\n\n\n\nDitoso Right Brain Development Center offers a right brain development programme for children up to 6 years of age. It uses play-based activities designed to enhance student\u2019s observation, memory, imagination, fine motor skills and oculomotor (eyes training) skills. These activities boost confidence and lay the foundation for better learning. \u00a0\n\n\n4. Melody Kindyland\n\n\n\n\nMelody Kindyland includes the Ditoso Right Brain Development programme as a compulsory component for their 3-year-olds and as an enrichment option for the 4- to 6-year-olds.\n\n\nThey believe this can help unleash children\u2019s full potential.\n\n\nUnder this programme, children will be engaged in activities that stimulate their audio memory (promotes children\u2019s concentration in their listening), oculomotor skills (train the eyes to accurately shift from one target to the next which is important in reading and sports), imagination (cultivates creativity), linking memory (strengthen ability to recall images and create a story), fine motor skills (refine ability to use small muscles which helps writing), and more. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n5.\u00a0\nApple King Special Education Centre (Special Needs Children)\n\n\n\n\nApple King Special Education Centre integrates neurofeedback training into their intervention programmes to ensure the most effective outcomes for children with special needs. During therapy sessions, a computer programme similar to a video game is used to process children\u2019s brain signals.\n\n\nThe programme will then use sound or visual signals to retrain their brainwave activity towards more controlled patterns.\n\n\nOver repeated training and when used together with other forms of therapy, children will be able to notice a remarkable improvement in their disorders within a much shorter time frame (every case varies).\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nHappyLand Psychology & Therapy Centre (Special Needs Children)\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nHappyLand Psychology & Therapy Centre also provides neurofeedback therapy to retrain the brain to alleviate symptoms of various mental and neurological health disorders, such as ongoing developmental delays, behaviour issues and post-traumatic stress disorders.\n\n\nThe therapy involves placing sensors on the child\u2019s scalp and these sensors are attached to an electroencephalographic (EEG) machine which monitors his/her brainwaves.\n\n\nOver time, the treatment can help the child develop new brainwave patterns and improve speech, behaviour and other undesirable characteristics of the disorder.\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow Babies Benefit From Sensory Experiences\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-education-savings-plan", "title": "The Best Education Savings Plan For Your Children's Future - It All Begins Here!", "body": "Have you ensured that you have enough savings for your child\u2019s future? If you are still finding methods to achieve that, take a look at our child education savings plan below!\n\n\nDear parents, it\u2019s never too early to start thinking about savings plans for your kid\u2019s college. Even if he/she is still young, the best time to start saving for their future is now! \n\n\nIt is up to you to do the research and consider your financial situation. Find out what might provide the most benefits while offering more options for their future.\n\n\nHow to Plan Your Child Education Savings Plan\n\n\n\n\nHere is a checklist of how to plan for your child\u2019s future:\n\n\n\n\n Define Your Time Horizon:\n Count the years until graduation and after graduation.\n\n\n Estimate the Cost of Education\n: Determine the cost of paying for your child\u2019s education which depends on a variety of factors.\n\n\n Value of Your Existing Assets and Liabilities\n: Avoid entering into investments made for other financial purposes, such as planning for retirement funds, when planning for your child\u2019s education.\n\n\n Know the Amount to Save Now\n: After knowing the estimated cost of education, determine how much to save now or the monthly contribution needed to achieve this goal.\n\n\n Start Immediately\n: If you save and invest early, you will have a longer time period to reach your goals.\n\n\n\n\n4 Best Education Savings Plans in Malaysia\n\n\nParents, you can start saving for your child\u2019s college by opening a college fund. The process is not easy, but with dedication, hard work, and careful planning, it is possible to save enough so that your child can get through college without being in debt!\n\n\nHere are some education savings plans in Malaysia that you can consider:\n\n\n#1 A-Eduachieve 2 (AIA)\n\n\n\n\nA-EduAchieve 2 is a unique plan that combines elements of savings, protection and investment to help you raise the money you want to set aside for your child\u2019s education.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Freedom to increase or decrease the amount you wish to set aside as savings which will be discussed on a case-by-case basis\n\n\n On the child\u2019s 18th birthday, the company will increase its education savings fund with a bonus payment of up to 15 times your regular monthly premium.\n\n\n Death and maturity benefits for parents where your child's education fund is not affected if the parent dies/becomes disabled.\n\n\n Additional protection if you stay with the company for a longer time\n\n\n Can choose how money is invested by changing funds anytime you want, at no cost.\n\n\n Have the option to convert it to another investment-linked basic plan for your child, without further underwriting once the plan ends.\n\n\n\n\n A-Eduachieve 2 (AIA) \nClick Here\n\n\n\u00a0\n#2 Allianz Eduplus (Allianz)\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAllianz EduPlus is an educational savings plan that is the stepping stone for your child to reach their goals in life. \n\n\nIn addition to helping your child build a sizable education fund for their higher education, this plan also provides full coverage that protects their future financially.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\nThe flexible premium payment period of 6 years, 10 years or throughout the term of the policy\n\n\n Educational benefits are guaranteed to be paid starting from when your child enters college or university at the age of 17.\n\n\n Eligible for education tax relief\n\n\n Enjoy uninterrupted coverage with a conditional no-delay guarantee feature\n\n\n Maturity benefits paid in a lump sum at maturity\n\n\n\n\n Allianz Eduplus (Allianz) \nClick Here\n\n\n\u00a0\n#3 Elite Kids Saver (Alliance Bank)\n\n\n\n\nOur next option for your child education savings plan is a savings plan from Alliance Bank. Start saving today with Elite Kids Saver to prepare for your child\u2019s future. \n\n\nAdditionally, your child will be provided with the assurance that their education is accounted for as you save.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Gain access to funds through College Startup Benefits\n\n\nThe direct and easy application process\n\n\n Income Tax Relief\n\n\n Short Premium Payment Period: No Interval Guarantee\n\n\n Conversion Options\n\n\n Insurance coverage\n\n\n Guaranteed Maturity Benefits.\n\n\n Minimum Crediting Interest Rate at 0%.\n\n\n\n\n Elite Kids Saver (Alliance Bank) \nClick Here\n\n\n#4 Premier Education Savers (Maybank)\n\n\n\n\nPremier Education Savers is eligible for children between the ages of 1 and 17. The plan offers the flexibility to meet your child\u2019s educational needs, with education funds payable from the account when your child reaches age 25. \n\n\nDuring this period, parents are also allowed to make partial and automatic withdrawals from your account.\n\n\nFeatures we like:\n\n\n\n\n Lifetime Investment-Linked Plans that allow you to choose to invest in a variety of funds.\n\n\n A high allocation rate starting from 70% of the premium allows you to get more returns on your investment.\n\n\n You or your child will be insured for Death and Total and Permanent Disability.\n\n\n Choose coverage benefits from as low as 55 times to a maximum of 100 times your annual premium.\n\n\n Convenient premium auto-debit from Maybank Current/Savings account\n\n\n Flexible payment options: annual, biennial, quarterly or monthly\n\n\n Lifetime investment option: upon reaching the age of 25, your child can choose to take over ownership of the policy and continue saving (the plan will expire at the age of 100).\n\n\n\n\n Premier Education Savers (Maybank) \nClick Here\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWaldorf Education: A comprehensive guide for parents\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/special-needs-children", "title": "Preparing Special Needs Children For An Employable Future", "body": "All children, with or without special needs, should be encouraged to learn skills that allow for a more fulfilling life.\n\n\nWith the passing tide of time, kids turn into adults. This typically involves the next stage of life: joining the workforce. Though earning money is an obvious motivation behind working, being employed also leads to independence, confidence building, opportunities for social interaction and satisfaction that comes from contributing to society.\n\n\nSpecial needs children, just like any other young person, can be helped to develop skills for life after school. It may just require some extra attention and persistence.\n\n\nLet\u2019s explore a few important pre-vocational and vocational skills that children can develop for a better chance at gaining employment.\n\n\n\n\nPre-Vocational Skills\n\n\n\n\nPre-vocational skills equip children for entry into any kind of work. This type of learning usually comes before vocational or job-specific training. Below are some examples:\n\n\n1# \nAbility to Follow Steps\n\n\nA lot of work depends on remembering things and applying it in real life. We all have to learn new things. However, some things we take for granted can appear as real challenges for those with special needs. For example, tying shoelaces. The trick here is to help your child get used to digesting skills in a more manageable way\u2014using a method called task analysis. This process involves breaking down a skill into tiny, clear steps and is often used in special education.\n\n\n2# \nTime Management\n\n\nIn working life, tasks may pile up and priorities need to be set. Your child would do well with an understanding of what to tackle first, and how much time is roughly required to complete a task. Show your child how you plan your own chores, and guide your child through the art of scheduling by using materials like visual timetables.\n\n\n3# \nPersonal Hygiene\n\n\nKnowing how to keep one\u2019s self clean and smelling pleasant cannot be understated \u2013 especially if one is working with others. Children from a young age should have the chance to practice daily routines of self-care until it becomes second nature. Remember to explain why having good hygiene is essential to your kids, remind them to groom when they forget, and to cheer on any initiative to keep clean!\n\n\n4# \nHealthy Attitude\n\n\nA pleasant mindset and a willingness to do new things will make working much easier on your child. As a parent, you may help your child develop a more flexible approach to life by exposing him or her (slowly and in stages) to new activities. Don\u2019t forget to give plenty of encouragement and praise when your child shows adaptability and positive thinking.\n\n\nVocational Skills\n\n\n\n\nVocational skills aid your child in getting a particular type of job \u2013 and then thrive in it. Examples are as follows:\n\n\n1# \nInterview and Job Search Skills\n\n\nBefore getting work, one needs to find it. This involves knowing how to prepare a resume and where to send it to.\n\n\nThose about to enter the workforce can be shown where to look for jobs (think dedicated job portals, government agencies or social media). Once the job seeker has sent out applications, interview invitations might start coming in. This is a whole other area that individuals can plan for. For instance, students may learn about typical questions asked during an interview and how to best answer those questions.\n\n\n2# \nSocial and Communication Skills\n\n\nCompanies need employees who are able to communicate clearly, listen well and be pleasant around others. Thankfully, people skills are teachable skills. As parents of children with special needs, we may show our children how to act appropriately with others through the use of social stories, demonstrating through our own actions, and gently correcting their undesirable behaviour when it is observed.\n\n\nOnce your child grows up and finds a line of work to go into, there may be specific communication skills that he or she can learn. For example, in an administrative setting, your child may need to know how to effectively communicate through email. If in the food and beverage industry, your child may need to know how to pleasantly greet people, take orders, and perhaps engage in small talk.\n\n\nHelping Each Other\n\n\n\n\nCredit: \nFreepik\n\n\n\n\nIn Malaysia there are social enterprises, government initiatives and non-government organisations that offer vocational training and job placements for those with special needs. For example, Malaysian Care has a programme called Bridge2Work that readies youths with learning difficulties for employment.\n\n\nThere are also companies in the private sector, such as Uniqlo and AEON Group, that practice inclusive hiring. Remember, you aren\u2019t alone. Do help your child by enabling appropriate education and by connecting with the community around you.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow to Talk to Toddlers\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/oppositional-defiant-disorder", "title": "Hostile, Defiant and Explosive\u2014Could Your Child Have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)?", "body": "Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a childhood behaviour disorder. It is characterised by lots of temper tantrums and hostility towards others\u2014including parents, teachers, peers and authority figures.\n\n\nODD can significantly impair a child\u2019s daily life and interpersonal relationships.\n\n\nLet\u2019s draw the curtains back and learn more about this condition.\n\n\nHow Common Is ODD?\n\n\n\n\nIt is reported that about 10.2% of kids develop oppositional defiant disorder.\n\n\nODD in young children is thought to affect boys more than girls. In older children, however, it is believed to affect both sexes almost equally.\n\n\nKids with ODD are typically diagnosed around early primary school age, though symptoms usually show during the preschool years.\n\n\nWhat Are the Symptoms of ODD?\n\n\nODD symptoms can be seen through behaviours, which are divided into three categories:\n\n\n1. Angry and Irritable Mood\n\n\n\n\nLoses temper easily\n\n\nEasily annoyed by others\n\n\nFrequently angry and resentful\n\n\n\n\n2. Argumentative and Defiant Behaviour\n\n\n\n\nArgues frequently with adults or authority figures\n\n\nOften refuses to follow rules or comply with requests\n\n\nOften annoys others on purpose\n\n\nOften blames other people for his/her own misbehaviour\n\n\n\n\n3. Vindictiveness\n\n\n\n\nOften spiteful or revenge-seeking\n\n\nSays hateful or vicious things when upset\n\n\n\n\nDo keep in mind that it\u2019s normal and healthy for typically developing children to show some of these oppositional behaviours. With ODD, however, the symptoms are much more frequent, persistent and intense.\n\n\nODD-related behaviours can also manifest very differently between boys and girls.\n\n\nBoys tend to show more overt and stereotypical behaviours, such as fighting. For girls, they tend to display more covert behaviours, like theft or rumour spreading.\n\n\nWhat Causes ODD?\n\n\n\n\nThe cause of ODD is not fully known or understood. Still, there are some possible factors:\n\n\n1. Biology\n\n\nAlthough researchers aren\u2019t sure if ODD is genetic, there is a tendency for ODD to run in families. Some studies have also suggested that injuries to or defects in the brain could result in behaviour disorders.\n\n\n2. Environment\n\n\nThere is a belief that ODD can be caused by parenting issues, such as inconsistent discipline, neglect or abuse.\n\n\nWhat Are the Risk Factors for ODD?\n Children who have mental health issues like mood disorders, conduct disorder, or ADHD are more likely to develop ODD.\n\n\nDisharmony in the family, or living with a parent who has a mental health condition may also put a child at risk.\n\n\nHow Is ODD Diagnosed?\n\n\n\n\nKids with ODD probably don\u2019t recognise that they have a problem. However, if you notice that your child has symptoms of ODD, do take him or her to a qualified child psychologist or psychiatrist. They will be able to diagnose your child.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nRemember that the earlier you seek help, the better the chances of preventing bigger or more serious problems. \nHow Is ODD Treated?\n A mental health expert can advise you on the best treatment for ODD. Treatments typically involve therapy that focuses on helping the child build problem-solving, social or emotional skills.\n\n\nFamily therapy is another option to explore, as it works to better communications between family members.\n\n\nAs mentioned earlier, some children with ODD may have other mental health issues. This means that treatment could include addressing those conditions (like ADHD) with medicine. \nCan ODD Be Prevented?\n There is no sure way to prevent ODD. But there are a number of things you can try as a parent, to decrease the likelihood of problematic behaviours.\n\n\nHere are some ideas:\n\n\n\n\nTeaching your kids socioemotional skills \u2022 Helping them with schoolwork \u2022 Learning effective parenting techniques such as how to provide healthy discipline for kids\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nHow to Teach Kids to Embrace Peers with Special Needs\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/huggies-dry-pants-review", "title": "#TAPreview: Huggies Dry Pants with Huggies Dry Xpert Channel Technology", "body": "I will be the first to admit that I am always worried about trying new diaper brands for my son because he has SUPER sensitive skin. I have tried every diaper under the sun (yes, even those organic ones) and there are only a few brands that he can \ntahan\n.\n\n\nSo when we had the opportunity to try the Huggies Dry Pants with Huggies Dry Xpert Channel technology, I was a bit apprehensive at first. But since he turned one, he has been so active and I wanted to let him try pants diapers to see if the would be more comfortable in them (as I noticed he started tearing off his tape diapers).\u00a0\n\n\nHuggies Dry Pants: A New Mum\u2019s Review\n\n\n\n\nI decided to try the new Huggies Dry Pants when the second CMCO started because I could really monitor his skin\u2019s reaction to the diaper closely.\u00a0\n\n\nHe goes through about 4-5 diapers a day typically, because he would cry as soon as his diaper is full. The first thing I noticed with him wearing these diapers was that we dropped the usage down to only 3 diapers per day!\n\n\nWhen taking off the diaper, I also noticed that he didn\u2019t have that damp feeling on his skin. His clothes were also dry.\u00a0\n\n\nTo date, we have not experienced any leakages either.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMy son is about 10kg now and he is wearing size M and it still fits perfectly, despite his little rotund belly. The diaper doesn\u2019t leave any marks and he seems to be super comfortable in them, crawling and toddling around the house all day.\u00a0\n\n\nI noticed that he also tugged less at the diaper and does not attempt to remove them.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring poonami sessions, I was also impressed to find that the diaper held up well. Not a single leak was recorded and yes, it really does absorb everything well.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWe did the absorbency test with the test kit that they sent over and we could see that the new Huggies Dry Pants with Huggies Dry Xpert Channel technology does absorb the wetness quickly. Testing it in real life with the baby, the outcome proved to be the same.\n\n\nThe only thing I felt like could be improved with this diaper is the method of removal and disposal.\u00a0\n\n\nWith tape diapers, I am used to taping up the diaper into a neat little ball before throwing it into my diaper bin. If the Huggies Dry Pants came with a tape to neatly seal off for disposal, it would be a lot more convenient.\u00a0\n\n\nThere is another method that has gone viral online, which is to tear off the sides of the diaper, then roll up the pants diaper into a ball and use both sides to tie together for neat disposal. This is definitely possible and easy if the diaper isn\u2019t soiled with number two!\n\n\n\n\nOverall, I have to say I am quite impressed with this diaper. Though it is the first pants diaper we have tried, we will continue to use it because it did not cause any allergic reactions (no nappy cream needed!), the absorbency was great and we ended up using fewer diapers than before.\u00a0\n\n\nBaby was also very comfortable moving around in it and did not demand for his diapers to be changed as frequently as before.\n\n\nGet your Huggies Dry Pants sample \nhere\n today.\n\n\nPartner Stories\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/what-happens-to-children-whose-parents-are-addicted-to-smartphones", "title": "What happens to children whose parents are addicted to smartphones", "body": "In today\u2019s generation, it\u2019s hard for both children and adults to look away from their smartphones.\n\n\nResearchers have heavily documented the negative effects of digital addiction to young people.\u00a0\nOther than\u00a0\nphysical repercussions\n such as joint aches and pains, vision problems, too much screen time can also give rise to aggression. Loss of social skills in kids is also common.\n\n\n\u201cIf your teens would prefer gaming indoors, alone, as opposed to going out to the movies, meeting friends for burgers or any of the other ways that teens build camaraderie, you may have a problem,\u201d connectivity expert Holland Haiis says in her book \nConsciously Connecting: A Simple Process to Reconnect in a Disconnected World\n.\n\n\nHowever, she also said that technological addiction isn\u2019t exclusive to young people: it can affect people of all ages.\n\n\nIn fact, smartphone addicted parents can even be more harmful to children.\n\n\nWhen parents are addicted to smartphones\n\n\nAccording to a study, parents who are on their phone while attending to their children make them feel neglected. Not only that, children may even feel that they\u2019re in competition against the device.\n\n\nChild development specialist Dr. Jenny Radesky of Boston Medical Center conducted the study after she noticed parents ignoring their kids in favour of a mobile device.\n\n\n\u201cUpon completing her research, Radesky concludes that kids who have parents eaten up by their phones are more likely to be attention-seekers,\u201d said a \nParent Herald\n report. \u201cAnd these kids\u2019 life get screwed up later in life.\u201d\n\n\nEchoing Dr. Redesky\u2019s findings, Catherine Steiner-Adair, author of \nBig Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age\n, she said that such parents are also more irritable. They tend to snap at their children when distracted from their devices.\n\n\nAs a result, these children increase efforts to get their parents\u2019 attention, becoming more silly and rowdy. They also\u00a0get irritated easily as well.\n\n\nParents need to be particularly careful not to succumb to addiction during children\u2019s first seven years of life. This period is crucial to children\u2019s development.\n\n\n\u201cWhat a parent gives to the child during this period should be of utmost consideration,\u201d Parent Herald says. \u201cLove is the ultimate ingredient and for some kids, it is expressed by uninterrupted time for them.\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\n5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Children About Giving Back During the Holiday Season\nParenting\nMum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind\nParenting\nWhat Is PHP and Why My Child Should Take It?\n\n\nRepublished with permission from: \ntheAsianparent Philippines\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/how-to-create-home-literacy", "title": "Creating a Literate Home", "body": "\n\nCreating a \u2018literate home\u2019 for your preschool child does not require a lot of expensive materials, but the most important \u2018material\u2019 that is needed is constant parent involvement.\n\n\nAs your young pre-schooler continues to build her skills for reading, she not only needs support from her preschool but also from home. Having a wide variety of books around is important.\n\n\nBesides that, there are several inexpensive ways to help your child develop reading skills and habits at home.\n\n\n#1 \u2013 Children\u2019s Books\n\n\n\n\nThe most appropriate types of books for young children are storybooks with characters that stand out, nursery rhymes, alphabet books and informational books. With low attention spans, short stories are ideal.\n\n\nLook for great bargains at book sales or visit the library often. Always take your child with you so she can pick her own books and thus develop a love for reading.\n\n\n#2 \u2013 Alphabet Cards\n\n\nOne of the best ways of helping your child to read at home is by using alphabet cards. This Montessori reading method is not only easy to relate to, it is also practical and gives children plenty of confidence.\n\n\nThese letters are easily available in book shops and all you need to do is spend a few minutes each day going through the sounds of every letter. Once your child is familiar with these, start blending a consonant with a vowel and learn to blend sounds. Very soon your child will be able to read words!\n\n\n#3 \u2013 Writing Materials\n\n\n\n\nReading and writing go hand in hand. Writing for young children is very different as they are still developing the small muscles in their hands. They are more comfortable using crayons, thick markers and paintbrushes.\n\n\nLet your child paint letters while she sounds them. Let her use an easel to draw letters while she sounds them. These fun methods work well as they hold the child\u2019s interest.\n\n\n#4 \u2013 Crafts\n\n\nThere are many craft activities available over the internet that are related to alphabets and reading. These activities pique the interest of young children without making reading look like a boring chore.\n\n\nLook up an activity every week that your child can do with you. You both will get to read and spend some fun quality time together.\n\n\n#5 \u2013 Bookshelf\n\n\nOrganize a bookshelf and reading corner with your child in her room. When she has a special place to sit in to read, she will be motivated to spend some quiet time reading here every day. Join her the first few days. You both can sit quietly reading your own books in the reading corner.\n\n\nThis is habit-forming and my children still remember how we started off reading this way. Now, they go to their reading corners every day to read, spend some \u2018me\u2019 time and de-stress.\n\n\n#6 \u2013 Read Aloud\n\n\n\n\nTill your child is comfortable and confident enough to read on her own, continue your read-aloud sessions in your daily routine. Whether you do this at bedtime or any other time, this is one routine that always remains in children\u2019s minds and parents\u2019 hearts.\n\n\nThis should be a time you both look forward to every day. When you read to your child, point out the words in the book so your child can learn to recognise words.\n\n\n#7 \u2013 Listen\n\n\nWhen your child begins to read on her own, encourage her to read aloud to you. They may read aloud by memory or by actually reading, but having an audience is always good for confidence.\n\n\n#8 \u2013 Role Model\n\n\nUnfortunately, when it comes to parenting, the best way to teach your child to do something is by doing it yourself.\n\n\nIf you look around you, you will see that parents who read will have children who read. Introduce to them the world of reading and show them how wonderful it is by reading yourself.\n\n\nWhen you have finished your book, talk to your child about your book, about the story and about why you enjoyed it.\n\n\nReading is one habit every person should cultivate. They say that books are your best friend and someone who always has something to read is never bored and lonely.\n\n\nHappy parenting!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer: You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nWhat\u2019s Next? Educational Trends After COVID-19\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nCultivate Good Eating Habits From Young\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\nStuck at Home: How to Keep Kids Engaged\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/supplements-for-kids", "title": "Mum Shares A Trick On How She Feeds Her Child Supplements And It Will BLOW Your Mind", "body": "I\u2019m a mom to a wonderful and active baby boy. My motherly instinct kicked in almost immediately after the doctor handed him to me after childbirth. When my little angel turned one, that\u2019s when I started introducing supplements to him. But toddlers are crafty little creatures that are kind of hard to fool. So when it was time to introduce supplements to him, I had to get down to his level and figure out how to do it sneakily.\u00a0\n\n\nBut before I reveal my little secret, I wanted to share why I even started him on supplements.\u00a0\n\n\nWhy are supplements for kids so important?\n\n\n1. There is a diet shift when they become toddlers\n\n\nANY parent will be able to relate to this \u2013 they were once angels who would eat anything you give them. Then suddenly, they learn the word NO and that their hands can throw food on the floor. And thus begins your headache of trying to raise a toddler and give them the right nutrition they need (while cleaning up the mess!).\u00a0\n\n\nWhether it\u2019s just fussy eating or playfulness or just not being able to give them a well-balanced diet, there is no harm in admitting that we need some help.\n\n\nWhile I tried my best to feed my child everything that he needs daily, I do admit that growing children will need additional help in addressing their development.\n\n\nAnd where we can get this help through supplements for kids. Some children tend to be very picky with their meals and a simple way to ensure certain nutrient needs are met through the intake of supplements.\u00a0\n\n\n2. The lack of exercise/going out\n\n\nThe pandemic has affected everyone, particularly children. Because of the fear for their safety, we try not to bring the kids out often to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.\n\n\nGoing outdoors can help to support a child\u2019s development. When your child is outside, he would have more space and freedom for movements such as running, jumping and kicking. These physical activities are good for their health, fitness and physical development.\n\n\nSpending time outdoors would help children increase their immunity level\n1\n. Moreover, with small amount of sunlight exposure, that can help to boost vitamin D levels in your child\n2\n.\n\n\nAs some of us are now mostly in Phase 3 and Phase 4 of Movement Control, parents nowadays can bring their children out to the great outdoors for fresh air.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, parents are still worried about their children\u2019s safety and health, especially since they have not been vaccinated. The lack of being outdoor and the lack of exercise for children can cause their immune systems to be weaker.\n\n\nThis is where supplements come in handy! It helps to boost immunity and that is why giving our children additional nutrients through supplements come in handy during these hard times.\n\n\nHow supplements for kids can help\n\n\nSupplements are often packed with nutrients that kids need for their development. We don\u2019t need to figure out how much of a certain kind of food we need to \u201cforce-feed\u201d our kids for them to meet their nutritional needs.\u00a0\n\n\nSupplements help to do that.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, what is my trick to feed my child supplements?\n\n\n\n\nI trick my son into taking his supplement by making a HUGE deal out of it. I make it so that it\u2019s precious \u201ctreats\u201d that he gets only once a day. I tell him that he\u2019s getting a treat and he KNOWS that it is time for him to get his multivitamins for the day. (I also make sure he says please and thank you!)\n\n\nAnd if he asks for more, I tell him that he only gets more the next day. When the next day rolls around, he looks forward to taking it.\u00a0\n\n\nDo I feel guilty for tricking him? Not really. He needs it for his development and it is one of the easiest methods to get him to take his supplements with no resistance.\n\n\nGerber supplement range\n\n\n\n\nNow, the thing about the trick is that you better make sure the supplements are enticing, to begin with! Children love bright colours and cute shapes, and Gerber\u2019s supplements have all of those. My kid can\u2019t help but eat one once he saw the supplements.\n\n\nGerber\u2019s supplement range includes these yummy supplements that your kids will love:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGerber GrowMighty Complete Multivitamins\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThese multivitamins are specially designed for young children 2 years and older to support healthy growth and development.\u00a0\n\n\nThe most common nutrient deficiencies among school children are calcium, fibre, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin E. It has been reported that the 2 most common deficiencies seen in generally healthy children are Iron and Vitamin D deficiencies\n3\n.\n\n\nGerber GrowMighty Complete Multivitamins contain a scientific blend of 15 essential nutrients including Vitamin C, D3, E, B-vitamins and Choline that benefit your child\u2019s growth and development.\n\n\nThe best part about it is that it is free of gluten, artificial flavours and synthetic colours, no peanut, dairy or gelatin ingredients!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGerber Lil\u2019 Brainies Multivitamins & Omega Tri-Blend & DHA\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGerber Lil Brainies Multivitamins are specially designed for young children 2 years and older to support their brain development and memory*.\u00a0\n\n\nBacked by the Feeding Infants & Toddlers (FITS) research^ on diet and the nutritional needs of children, Gerber Lil Brainies multivitamins have essential nutrients to help children get what they need.\n\n\nIt contains DHA, Omega 3-6-9 and Choline for brain development and memory* and vitamins D, E and Choline.\n\n\n*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease\u00a0\n\n\n^Based on Feeding Infants & Toddlers Study (FITS), 2016. FITS is one of the most notable research efforts by Gerber which is an ongoing initiative for the past 17 years to understand young children\u2019s diet and related behaviours.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGerber Good Start Grow Toddler Probiotic 1+\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGerber\u00ae Good Start\u00ae Grow Toddler Probiotic contains \nL. reuteri\n\u00a0 (DSM 17938) that naturally colonizes the digestive tract and promotes good bacteria. Daily use of \nL. reuteri \ncan support digestive health and the immune system. It also helps with tummy issues that commonly occur during the toddler years.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGerber Good Start Grow Kids Probiotic 3+\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis probiotic contains\n \nL. reuteri\n \n(DSM 17938) that naturally colonizes the digestive tract and promotes good bacteria. With daily use of \nL. reuteri\n, it can support digestive health and the immune system. It also helps with occasional digestive discomfort or upset stomach\n#\n, support overall digestive function\n#\n and support the immune system\n#\n.\n\u00a0\n\n\n#\nThese statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease\u00a0\n\n\nAdditional things parents can do\n\n\nOn top of feeding your kids supplements, you can also look out for product variety when buying food for your kids. This can help your child meet their nutritional needs.\u00a0\n\n\nSo if you have a fussy eater on your hands, don\u2019t forget to introduce them to some supplements for kids as well as try expanding their palates.\u00a0\n\n\nFind out more about the Gerber supplement range \nhere\n or purchase them from the Gerber US\u00a0\n\n\nOfficial store, \nLazada\n or \nShopee\n.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n(2015, August 25). Ming Kuo. \nHow Might Contact With Nature Promote Human Health? Promising Mechanisms And A Possible Central Pathway\n. Retrieved from \nwww.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01093/full\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.) Nair R., Maseeh A., \nVitamin D: The \u201csunshine\u201d vitamin\n. Retrieved from \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3356951/\n\n\n\n\n(n.d.) Suskind, D. \nNutritional deficiencies during normal growth\n. Retrieved from \npubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19931062/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nIdentifying Children With High IQ: An Age-By-Age Guide For Parents\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nSmart ways to discipline your child at every age\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n10 Sure-Fire Ways to Handle Sibling Rivalry\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/meals-for-diabetics", "title": "Malaysian Food to Eat and Avoid for Diabetics", "body": "The\u00a0\nNational Health Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2019\n\u00a0revealed an alarming statistic: 1 in 5 Malaysian adults, aged 18 and above, have diabetes. That means 3.9 million Malaysians are now diabetic. The prevalence of diabetes by age group shows that it is much more common among those aged 50 and above.\n\n\n\nDiabetes\u00a0is a type of chronic disease where the pancreas produces insufficient insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.\n\n\n\nInsulin is an important hormone that regulates the body\u2019s blood sugar levels and it is responsible for converting blood glucose into energy our body needs. Any interruption to how the body produces or uses insulin can lead to significant health problems over time, including lasting damage to the body\u2019s regulatory systems.\n\n\nThere are two categories of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is when your body does not produce insulin. It is usually diagnosed in children, teenagers and young adults. Type 2 diabetes is when your body is unable to utilise insulin properly. It is also the most common form of diabetes and is mainly diagnosed in adults.\n\n\nGiven Malaysia\u2019s reputation as a food haven, both locally and internationally, it can be difficult to resist eating your favourite foods. However, if you or your loved one is diabetic, putting food over your health can have a detrimental effect on your health in the long term. It is very important that you monitor your health at all times to prevent unwanted medical complications.\n\n\nFood & Diabetes\n\n\n\n\nA\u00a0\nrecent new article\n\u00a0mentioned that a majority of Malaysians do not actually fully understand diabetes and its associated health complications.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201c\nMore than half (52%) of respondents revealed that they do not know that diabetes cannot be cured, while 51% think that diabetes is not difficult to manage. What\u2019s more startling is that about 1 in 3 respondents (37%) with diabetes do not know what the abnormal blood sugar level readings are.\n\u201d\n\n\nOf particular note is the assumption Malaysians have that a high-calorie diet, among other factors, is one of the leading reasons that cause diabetes.\n\n\nAs mentioned earlier, a lack of insulin will cause a rise in your blood glucose level, leading to hyperglycemia. Glucose comes from foods that we eat and come in varying quantities. Even when we are fasting, the liver produces glucose to maintain optimal levels within our bodies. When this process is disrupted, hyperglycemia is one of many health complications that will manifest, causing undesirable effects on our bodies.\n\n\nTo manage the complications of diabetes, doctors usually recommend patients adhere to a well-balanced and nutritious diet. It will take into account the required calorie intake, having regular meal times in a day, and eating food in moderation. Regular physical activity is also highly recommended to help you lose weight, reduce your blood glucose, and even boost your sensitivity to insulin.\n\n\nThis does not mean you have to permanently abstain from enjoying your favourite foods. You can still do so, but you should limit portion sizes or the frequency of eating them.\n\n\nGenerally, you may be asked to monitor your\u00a0\ncarbohydrate intake\n\u00a0when you eat. Carbohydrates have the most profound impact on your blood glucose levels, as they are broken down into glucose for the body to use. Some food and drink can raise your blood glucose quickly, while some others do not; fruit juice, for example, can raise your blood glucose faster than if you had a whole fruit instead.\n\n\nIt is absolutely essential to keep track of your diabetes at all times. In doing so, you are taking charge of your overall well being, and the feeling of success at managing your diabetes can be a rewarding experience. However, if you feel frustrated by your condition or have lost any interest in regulating your blood glucose, you may be going through\u00a0\ndiabetes burnout\n. Be sure to take care of your physical and mental health; seek help from family, friends or licensed medical professionals if you feel burned out.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSource: The Star Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nWhat is a Balanced Diet?\n\n\nYou may have seen a picture of the food pyramid before. It provides a clear picture of the ideal servings you should have in a day. While its suggestions apply to everyone, this is especially important for diabetics.\n\n\nA balanced diet for diabetics usually consists of foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, such as:\n\n\n\n\nWhole grains\n\n\nFruits; vegetables\n\n\nMilk and dairy products\n\n\nProtein-rich foods, such as fish and lean meats\n\n\nRegular glasses of water\n\n\n\n\n\nYou should reduce the number of fats, oils, sugars and salts, as well as keep track of your daily calorie intake.\n\n\n\nRegular meal intervals and portion control help out with managing what you should have on a daily basis. With regular meals, you will reduce unnecessary food intake that can drive up your calorie and/or blood glucose count. It also helps you to regulate your appetite and help with managing your weight.\n\n\nDo you find yourself eating in excess when served with more food on your plate? Portion control becomes important to control the amount of food you consume; this includes refraining from having seconds or extra snacks if you do not have a meal schedule set. This will help you to further manage your blood glucose as well.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSource: Four Arrows Regional Health Authority\n\n\n\n\nIn the case of the Malaysian Healthy Plate recommendation, you should have one-quarter of the plate for carbohydrates (e.g. rice, bread), one-quarter with proteins (e.g. fish, meat, tofu), and half of the plate for vegetables. A serving of fruit should be no larger than a cup, or the size of a small rice bowl.\n\n\nEvery individual is different, and your loved one has care needs that are unique. Engaging a caregiver for your loved one with diabetes not only encourages better care; it also helps build strong emotional support for your loved one.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTo give your loved one the best care he/she deserves, we provide a\n\u00a0free care consultation\n\u00a0for you and your loved one, to ensure that they get a Care Professional that best suits their needs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFood to Avoid\n\n\nYou will need to reduce your intake of the following Malaysian foods if you want to start taking charge of your overall health. Note that you do not have to completely abstain from them. You can still eat them, but have smaller quantities or on a less regular schedule. Take heed of the BMV rule: be\u00a0\nBalanced\n, practise\u00a0\nModeration\n, and choose\u00a0\nVariety\n\n\nKuih-muih\n\n\n\n\nOccasionally, one of your colleagues at the office will bring back small bags full of assorted\u00a0\nkuih-muih\u00a0\nfrom the nearby roadside stall, from\n\u00a0onde onde\n\u00a0to\u00a0\nkuih keria\n\u00a0and a few other favourites. Because of their small sizes, you may indulge in more than a few pieces.\n\n\nIf you are diabetic,\u00a0\nkuih-muih\u00a0\n(in all its varieties) is going to be one snack that you will have to abstain from. Most sellers tend to make them using a lot of sugar and other sweeteners. Given the simple carb content that is easily broken down into glucose, this will not do any favours to your blood glucose level.\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nKeropok\n\n\nThe same applies to\u00a0\nkeropok lekor\n\u00a0and other fried goodies, such as\u00a0\ngoreng pisang\n, which are usually served together with\u00a0\nkuih-muih\n. The process of making\u00a0\nkeropok\u00a0\ntends to involve a significant amount of oil to deep fry them into their familiar crispy or crunchy texture. This snack is also not recommended for diabetics.\n\n\nTeh tarik\n\n\nEssentially tea mixed with sugar and condensed milk, this is a staple drink at any\u00a0\nmamak\u00a0\nrestaurant. While it is a delicious beverage, it is also high on the calorie and sugar count to get the sweetness that Malaysians love.\n\n\nRoti canai\n\n\nAnother staple dish at the\u00a0\nmamak\n,\u00a0\nroti canai\u00a0\nalso contains a lot of oil to make it delicious. Having it with the various types of curry, which are also rich in oil, sugar and salt, can easily make it an unhealthy dish to have.\n\n\nWhite rice\n\n\nIt may be surprising, but white rice has a high glycemic index that can raise your blood glucose levels significantly. A study found that people who ate a lot of white rice have a\u00a0\n27 per cent higher risk of diabetes\n\u00a0type 2. Moreover, white rice is not rich in nutrients like fibre or magnesium, unlike brown or whole grain rice.\n\n\nCandy\n\n\nThis should be something to avoid in the long term. A lot of commercial sweets contain a high sugar content, and sometimes the exact type of sugar is not explicitly stated in the nutrition guide of the product. Consider sweets that use sugar substitutes, or artificial sweeteners that have no extra carbs or calories, if you wish to satisfy your sweet tooth.\n\n\nSweetened coffee\n\n\nCoffee is actually beneficial to health since they contain polyphenols that have antioxidant properties that are good for you. However, coffee served at restaurants and cafes tend to have a high ratio of sugar or sweetener to reduce the bitterness of the drink. These additives will only exacerbate your blood glucose and may even adversely affect your body\u2019s sensitivity to insulin.\n\n\nWhat You Should Have\n\n\nConsider the following alternatives for healthy and delicious meals.\n\n\nFruits\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by Magda Ehlers from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nAs per the food pyramid, 2 servings of fruit are a much better alternative than fruit juice. Fruits are a much healthier sweet snack to have in place of sweets or even fruit juice.\n\n\nHave more whole fruits as snacks instead of junk food to stave off the hunger pangs after meals. Make sure you keep track of your fruit consumption so that it is in line with your daily calorie/carb count.\n\n\nBrown/whole grain rice\n\n\nBrown rice\u00a0and whole-grain rice are healthier alternatives to white rice. White rice is mainly derived from the starchy endosperm that contains no nutrient value. In contrast, the whole grain contains the nutrient-rich germ and bran layers of the grain, which contain all the nutritional value that white rice lacks. The nutritional benefits of eating brown/whole grain rice make for an excellent replacement to white rice.\n\n\nOne cup of brown rice contains a good amount of required nutrients, including magnesium, fibre, proteins, zinc and other minerals and vitamins.\n\n\nBasmati rice\u00a0is also another type of rice you can switch to. It is fragrant and just as nutritious as brown rice, as well as having a lower glycemic index than white rice.\n\n\nWhole grain bread\n\n\nSimilar factors apply to whole grain bread. Coarsely ground grains found in whole-grain bread (and even in oats) take longer to digest, so there is a slower release of nutrients into the body. White bread tends to contain mostly starch and little else in nutritional content.\n\n\nCapati\u00a0\nis also an example of a type of whole grain meal. It is a better alternative to\u00a0\nroti canai\n, and you can still enjoy it with your favourite curry dips.\n\n\nVegetables\n\n\nThis is undoubtedly an important part of healthy eating. Greens are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals; they are also a good source of fibre, which helps regulate your blood glucose while keeping you feeling full for longer. Make vegetables a daily staple and go with the suggested portions.\n\n\nPlain yoghurt\n\n\nWhile there are fruit-flavoured yoghurts, they are usually made from non/low-fat milk that is high on carbs and sugar. Choose plain, whole milk yoghurt instead, and add small fruit slices into your yoghurt for a healthier and equally delicious dessert.\n\n\nUnsweetened tea\n\n\n\n\nPhoto by John Diez from Pexels\n\n\n\n\nTea has many beneficial properties that make it good for your health; tea is an antioxidant, as well as being able to reduce the risk of cancer.\n\n\n\u00a0\nVarious studies\n\u00a0have shown that tea is very effective at reducing the risk of diabetes. If you plan to have tea, it is best to have it unsweetened. Most teas served at coffee shops tend to overload with sugar or other sweeteners, so have a smaller serving or ask for no sugar at all.\n\n\nIf you would like to learn more about keeping your diabetes in check, we spoke to pharmacist\u00a0\nGina Koay\n\u00a0on how medications and dietary habits can help with diabetes management.\n\n\nLooking for someone to care for your loved ones?\n\n\nHomage provides caregiving services for your loved ones at every stage. Our trained care professionals are able to provide \ncompanionship, nursing care, night caregiving, home therapy and more\n, to keep your loved ones active and engaged.\n\n\nProvide the best care to your loved one today!\u00a0 Fill up the form below for a free consultation with our Care Advisory team.\n\n\nFill out the details below and our Care Advisors can get back to you with the care information you need.\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\nAstraZeneca. (2021). \nThe First-ever Malaysian Diabetes Index Survey Uncovers Awareness Gaps on Diabetes Amongst Malaysians\n. Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.astrazeneca.com/country-sites/malaysia/press-relaeses/the-first-ever-malaysian-diabetes-index-survey-uncovers-awareness.html\n\n\nBalaratnam, I. (2020). \nHow to manage diabetes on a Malaysian diet\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.thevibes.com/articles/lifestyles/5118/how-to-beat-seemingly-uncontrollable-diabetes\n\n\nBeyond Sugar. (n.d.). \nWhat is diabetes?\n Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.beyondsugar.my/en/home/what-is-diabetes.html\n\n\nBeyond Sugar. (n.d.). \nWhat is the treatment of diabetes?\n Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.beyondsugar.my/en/home/treatment-of-diabetes.html\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). \nCarb Counting\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/eat-well/diabetes-and-carbohydrates.html\n\u00a0\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). \nDiabetes Meal Planning\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/eat-well/meal-plan-method.html\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). \nEating Out\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/eat-well/eating-out.html\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). \nWhat is Diabetes? \nRetrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/diabetes.html\n\n\nChee, W. (2015). Living well with diabetes. \nThe Star\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/health/2015/04/12/living-well-with-diabetes\n\n\nDansinger, M. (2020). \nThe Truth About Sweets and Diabetes\n. Retrieved 21 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.webmd.com/diabetes/results-sweet-truth-about-diabetes\n\n\nDiabetes.co.uk. (2019). \nCoffee and diabetes\n. Retrieved 21 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.diabetes.co.uk/food/coffee-and-diabetes.html\n\n\nDiabetes.co.uk. (2019). \nDiabetes burnout\n. Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.diabetes.co.uk/emotions/diabetes-burnout.html\n\n\nDiabetes.co.uk. (2019). \nPortion control\n. Retrieved 20 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.diabetes.co.uk/portion-control.html\n\n\nHarvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. (n.d.). \nCarbohydrates and Blood Sugar\n. Retrieved 20 August 2021 from \n\u00a0\nhttps://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/carbohydrates-and-blood-sugar/\n\n\nInstitute of Public Health. (2020). \nNational Health & Morbidity Survey 2019\n. Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://iku.gov.my/images/IKU/Document/REPORT/NHMS2019/NHMS2019Infographic.pdf\n\n\nKhan, N. (2020). \n11 Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Diabetes\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-to-avoid-with-diabetes\n\n\nMalaysian Diabetes Educators Society. (2020). \nDiabetes Education Manual 2020 \n(2nd ed.). Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www2.moh.gov.my/index.php/database_stores/attach_download/554/79\n\n\nMalaysian Dietitians\u2019 Association. (n.d.). \nMedical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus \n(2nd ed.). Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://storage.unitedwebnetwork.com/files/290/ffd91b7e5fda998c42f71222a7659794.pdf\n\n\nMcGrane, K. (2019). \nCan People with Diabetes Eat Brown Rice?\n Retrieved 20 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/brown-rice-for-diabetes\n\n\nMeng, J.-M., Cao, S.-Y., Wei, X.-L., Gan, R.-Y., Wang, Y.-F., Cai, S.-X., Xu, X.-Y., Zhang, P.-Z., & Li, H.-B. (2019). Effects and mechanisms of tea for the prevention and management of diabetes mellitus and diabetic complications: An updated review. \nAntioxidants\n, \n8\n(6), 170\u2013194.\n \nhttps://doi.org/10.3390/antiox8060170\n\n\nMIMS. (n.d.). \nDiabetes Mellitus\n. Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://specialty.mims.com/diabetes%20mellitus/patient%20education?channel=endocrinology\n\n\nMurugesan, M. (2020). World Diabetes Day: Changing the way we live. \nNew Straits Times\n. Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.nst.com.my/lifestyle/heal/2020/11/640972/world-diabetes-day-changing-way-we-live\n\n\nNall, R. (2021). \nDiabetes and Sweets\n. Retrieved 21 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/type-2-diabetes/dessert\n\n\nNational Diabetes Institute. (2009). \nDietary Management\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.diabetesmalaysia.com.my/article.php?aid=8\n\n\nNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2017). \nContinuous Glucose Monitoring\n.\u00a0 Retrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/managing-diabetes/continuous-glucose-monitoring\n\n\nNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2016). \nDiabetes Diet, Eating, & Physical Activity\n. Retrieved 17 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/diet-eating-physical-activity\n\n\nNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2016). \nManaging Diabetes\n. Retrieved 18 August 2021 from \n\u00a0\nhttps://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/managing-diabetes\n\n\nNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2016). \nWhat is Diabetes? \nRetrieved 18 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/what-is-diabetes\n\n\nTan, M. Y., & Magarey, J. (2008). Self-care practices of Malaysian adults with diabetes and sub-optimal glycaemic control. \nPatient Education and Counseling\n, \n72\n(2), 252\u2013267.\n \nhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2008.03.017\n\n\n Time. (2012). \nStudy: Does Eating White Rice Raise Your Risk of Diabetes?\n Retrieved 20 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://healthland.time.com/2012/03/16/study-does-eating-white-rice-raise-your-risk-of-diabetes/#ixzz1pZUyr85o\n\n\nWedMD. (2020). \nHealth benefits of basmati rice\n. Retrieved 21 August 2021 from\n \nhttps://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-basmati-rice\n\n\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nHomage\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHow To Start Eating Healthy This Year\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHealthy Food Tips To Live By, It\u2019s Super Easy You Won\u2019t Even Believe It!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nA Guide To Which Foods Improve (and Hinder) Sperm Production\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/air-fryer-shopping", "title": "Should You Buy an Air Fryer? Here are 5 Affordable Brands Under RM300", "body": "The air fryer is no stranger to the market, the hype began a couple years ago with many gravitating towards the magic of getting\u00a0 food cooked without oil - in one pot nonetheless!\n\n\nWith the current stay-at-home situation, you may find yourself browsing e-commerce platforms to find cooking appliances that will make your time in the kitchen easier. If this is the case, you probably have come across air fryers, or even have one added to your shopping cart. So, is an air fryer worth it?\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some quick facts about the air fryer:\n\n\n\n\nHow exactly does an air fryer work? \nAs the name suggests - it cooks food with air! Instead of using excessive amounts of oil, the basic technology of an air fryer uses hot air that circulates quickly to cook the food and get that crisp brown coating, while any excessive fat is drained out into the bottom tray. It works similar to a convection oven which, instead, uses a fan to distribute hot air.\u00a0\n\n\nDoes food taste the same as normal fried food? \nIronically, the air fryer does not actually deep fry food.\u00a0 When food is traditionally deep-fried in oil, the heat transfers extremely quickly and it cooks the food fast to get the crispy layer and juiciness we love. However, this does not mean food made with the air fryer is not delicious - it really depends on what you're cooking.\u00a0 You can still get that crispy texture, don't worry. We've read reviews that say air-fried french fries taste the same as deep-fried ones!\n\n\nDoes it use zero oil? \nThere is no one-size-fits-all situation when it comes to food. So, some foods can be cooked completely without oil, while some are better with a few teaspoons of oil. Some air fryers recommend zero oil for a healthier meal.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are the benefits? \nThe main selling point of an air fryer is it offers healthier food because you use less oil than you normally would when cooking - this means less calories, less fat.\u00a0\n\n\nWhich foods are best to cook in an air fryer? \nFrozen food such as french fries, fish fingers and nuggets are great for an air fryer. Other than that, any foods you usually fry, grill, roast or bake can be cooked with an air fryer.\u00a0\n\n\nAre all air fryers the same? \nNo. While most use the same basic technology, different brands offer different features which can include temperature control, timers and inclusion of other cooking methods.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSo, should you buy an air fryer?\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are looking for an easier way out when it comes to cooking, an air fryer will definitely be your best kitchen friend - all you have to do is stick your food into the basket, set your timer, choose your temperature and leave it be. It's great to own, especially if you have children and want to fry up some snacks without the hassle (and a ton of oil!).\n\n\nAdditionally, it cooks food much faster than the traditional methods such as grilling or baking in an oven - you can have you food ready in a matter of 15 minutes! So, we say yes, go for it.\n\n\nHere are 6 affordable ones we found:\n\n\n1. Morgan 2.8L Air Fryer - RM191.00 \nBuy Now\n2. Trio Air Healthy Fryer 2.6L - RM199 \nBuy Now\n3. New Khind Digital Air Fryer - RM199 \nBuy Now\n4. Pensonic 3.5L Air Fryer - RM249.00 \nBuy Now\n5. Russell Taylors Air Fryer - RM299.99 \nBuy Now\n\n\nWith that, happy cooking!\u00a0\n\n\n*Please note the current prices are subject to sales and promotions\u00a0\n\n"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/5-steps-to-discipline-without-hurting-your-child", "title": "5 steps to discipline WITHOUT hurting your child", "body": "We have all been there with a challenging child. A child whom you love, but seems to know exactly what to do to push your buttons. If you want to change your relationship with your child, stop having assumptions or judging their behaviour.\n\n\nInstead, what you need to believe is that when anyone (big or little) acts out, its root cause stems from some form of fear or insecurity. And when insecurity or fear has begun, adrenaline (the fight or flight hormone) is already starting to course through the person\u2019s system.\n\n\nWith some people, they react fast \u2014 they fight, they raise their voice, they scream. With others, they withdraw \u2014 they hide, they sulk, they become quiet, hesitant or moody. Based on each person\u2019s character, values, role models, they will react differently when feeling fearful or insecure.\n\n\n For those who like to fight, it is important to them that they seem to be winning. For those who might be a little more introverted or naturally quiet, they will retreat into their own world. Neither is particularly a good outcome. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat do you do when your child is acting out?\n\n\nWhat you have to believe is that how you choose to respond (not react) will have a world of difference. Please remember, every verbal and non-verbal cue makes a difference. For example, your child (or colleague or friend) says or does something really dumb. You react in one of these two ways: \n\n\n\n\nYou say, \u201cWhat did you just say? Do you really think that or believe that?\u201d On an extreme, you could add, \u201cWhat a dumb comment!\u201d or \u201cHow could you be so stupid?\u201d or \u201cWhy on earth would you do that?\u201d \u00a0\n\n\nYou may hold your tongue and not comment, but you may unexpectedly roll your eyes in disbelief. Remember, your child can see you and can catch these \u201cmini\u201d or \u201cmicro\u201d expressions. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBoth reactions result in the child feeling judged, inadequate or stupid. Repeated over time, this erodes trust. In its place, variations of these feelings will start to take root: I feel stupid/silly/un-supported/angry/defensive/withdrawn \u2026 \u00a0Is this what you really want for your child? \n\n\nSo where do you start? \u00a0\n\n\nYou start by having a conversation and stating ground rules. The most important one is having a family discussion to\u00a0explain that no one is going to scold or punish anyone again. Make it clear that just because you are taking away scolding and punishments, it doesn\u2019t mean that the child can get away scot free when he has done something wrong.\n \u00a0\n\n\nYou are merely \nreplacing the old system with a new one.\u00a0\nWhat is the new system based on?\n\n\n\n\n5 steps to discipline\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nFive key steps. \u00a0The new five step system adopted by the whole family is based on \n\n\n\n\n100% staying calm + centred \n\n\n100% understanding + empathy\n\n\n100% accountability + apology\n\n\n100% commitment to learn + adapt\n\n\n100% solutions orientation to improve the situation\n\n\n\n\nSo let\u2019s put this into place using this example.\n\n\nJohn comes back from school and slams the door shut, throws his bag on the floor. \u00a0He looks grumpy and dashes up to his room. \u00a0\n\n\nMum: \u00a0\nHow many times do I need to tell you not to slam the door and not to dump your bag in the living room? You know where these should go!\n\n\nJohn: \u00a0\nMum, you\u2019re such a nag! \nHe slams his room door shut. \u00a0\n\n\nMum: \nHow dare you talk to me like that? Apologise now. \n\n\nJohn: \nNo! I don\u2019t want to talk to you \u2026 \n\n\nMum: \u00a0\nI am getting your dad to talk to you when he comes home from work \u2026\n\n\nOKAY \u2013 we can all see how this clich\u00e9d scenario will turn out \u2026\n\n\nWhat\u2019s the alternative? \u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nMum\n: \u00a0John, I have asked you to shut the door gently and to keep your things in your bedroom. You didn\u2019t do that today. \u00a0\nKEY: \u00a0Ask this in a genuinely concerned way, or do it with a cheeky smile and add,\n \u201cDid you forget? \u263a Were you just tired and in a rush to get to your computer games?\u201d. \n\n\nJohn: \nUhhh kinda.\n\u00a0(Sometimes I like to stun the child with kindness, so they get caught off guard! Why? This starts to switch off the adrenaline response linked to fear, nervousness, anger etc.)\n\n\nMum: \nI can understand that you were in a rush to start playing after a long day of school. Of course you\u2019re tired and want to do something fun. I understand.\n \nIt happens. Could you help me bring the bag up in the next 10 minutes? What do you say for forgetting today? \n\n\nJohn: \nUhhh I am sorry mum, I forgot cause I was in a rush. \n\n\nMum: \nAnd I know you will remember to close the door gently tomorrow. Thanks! (and when he comes down, give him a big smile and a hug if you can).\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nAlternative: \n\n\nMum: \nI\nt\u2019s okay, we all forget something sometimes, but I know you\u2019ll remember it tomorrow. I\u2019ll bring it up to you today, but it\u2019s your to-do tomorrow, and to close the door gently, okay? And ask with a warm smile, \nPromise?\n\n\nJohn: \nUhhh okay mum. I promise. \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nAnd deliver the bag with a kiss or a light hug. Add, \u2018Love you\u2019 as you leave.\n\n\n\n\nIn this example, the PARENT is being the role model of\n\n\n#1. 100% calm + centred\n\u00a0\n\n\nTo show that he/she is pretty chilled out about small things. If you can\u2019t be calm immediately, go ahead and do something fun to distract yourself first. You calm yourself down fully before you address what just happened. Remember, you are the role model for change. \n\n\nIf you are starting from a place where traditionally there are fights and arguments, please add: after\u00a0dropping off the bag:\n\n\nMum: \u00a0\nI told you I wasn\u2019t going to lose my temper or nag you anymore. So I have kept my promise to\u00a0stay calm and asked to understand what happened. You\u2019ve kept calm too. Good job. Keep it up. \n\n\nThis is really important because you want to take the adrenaline effect and \u201clearned reaction and counter-reactions\u201d from each away. You are showing more respect for each other. \n\n\n#2. 100% empathy + understanding\n\u00a0 \n\n\nOn why the child forgot. This is important too as you are recognising that your child isn\u2019t perfect (no one is) and was just being a child who wanted to rush to play his games. Guide him gently and firmly to being a responsible adult by first showing that you see life from his side, building trust and respect from him on how you handle the situation. Once you get this from him, it will be easier for him to do what you want him to. \n\n\nAnd who knows? Perhaps the child had a bad day at school and was teased or bullied, or did badly in a test. If so, the forgetfulness, the need to rush up and the slamming of the door is understandable (but not acceptable). But by building trust and showing respect, genuine concern, you child is much more likely to open up to you on what happened or how he is feeling.\n\n\n#3. 100% accountability + apology\n\u00a0\n\n\nOn still putting the responsibility back to the child, and getting a commitment from them to do this the next day. Remember to praise the child for each time he/she gets it right. Getting him to \u00a0say \u201cI am sorry\u201d is also very important.\n\n\n#4. 100% adaptability + learning\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nAgain, being flexible on what happened and encouraging them towards change. In the example, mum takes time to ask John what caused him to forget. Was he tired, was he in a rush? If this is the case, how do we help him remember? Read #5.\n\n\n#5. \u00a0100% solutions orientation to improve the solution\n\n\nThe mum can ask: \u00a0\nJohn, what can we do to help you remember? It\u2019s probably going to be good to help your sister and dad too. Can you help me come up with ideas? \u00a0\n\n\nHere is a simple one that you could devise: Perhaps you can put a temporary sign for 2 months on the front door that says: \nTHANK YOU FOR CLOSING THE DOOR GENTLY\n with a happy face or positive picture. On entering the house in the hallway, a sign that says, \u201c\nALL BAGS IN THE BEDROOM\n\u201d \u00a0and to continue with the role-modelling, you can add at the bottom (\nHouse rule for big and little people!)\n. And be consistent, have mum and dad do this too. \n\n\nOver time, when you practice these five steps, you will naturally find yourself staying more calm, more centred and more solutions oriented to any challenge that you face. \u00a0You become a terrific role model for your kids too on handling any form of challenge.\n\n\nTo browse through more articles written by our team of wonderful contributors, \nclick here\n.\u00a0\nLike us on Facebook\n\u00a0and\n\u00a0to stay up-to-date on the latest from \nsg.theAsianparent.com\n!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/sunway-velocity-mall", "title": "Kita Support Kita (15 Oct \u2013 14 Nov)", "body": "As the economy slowly builds up, Sunway Velocity Mall would like to welcome shoppers back into the mall with door-busting deals and a lively indoor and outdoor market known as Kita Support Kita. Shoppers can stand a chance to redeem instant rebates up to RM55,000 from your favourite outlets in the mall! \n\n\nSome of the outlets include TGV Cinemas, Clarins, Timberland, Levis, Dockers, Carlo Rino and many more! Check out the monthly schedule and also the promotions offered by each outlet plus, how you can redeem the instant rebate up to RM55,000!\n\n\n\n\nBut that\u2019s not all! We will be having an indoor and outdoor market to support local businesses from 15 October to 14 November 2021! \n\n\nCheck out the variety of booths from fashion, accessories to arts and crafts and snacks available at Main Atrium, Ground Floor, and delicious food and beverages at Nanjing Street, Level 1. \n\n\nAside from that, you can also find various photo opt areas inside the mall and at Nanjing Street to upgrade your Instagram feed! Join our FUJIFILM photo contest when you post your aesthetic pictures taken at Sunway Velocity Mall on your Instagram and tag us @sunwayvelocitymall and @fujifilmmy to win Instax camera from FUJIFILM!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe fun does not end there! You can also redeem exclusive prizes in the mall when you shop with us! Shoppers get to redeem RM10 F&B e-cash vouchers* and a metal straw* when they spend RM300 (RM200 for Sunway Velocity Mobile App User) in 3 receipts* in the mall. \n\n\nDon\u2019t miss out on the opportunity to redeem exclusive PLUGMY merchandise too! Sunway Velocity Mall collaborated with PLUGMY to design exclusive patches where shoppers get to customize their own t-shirt with the weekly-released patches!\n\n\n Shoppers can redeem the exclusive PlugMy tee*, PlugMy patch*, and Caring Care Packet* when they spend RM600 (RM500 for Sunway Velocity Mall App User) in 5 receipts* in the mall!\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBest Places In Malaysia For A Family Staycation\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/caning-your-child", "title": "Is It OK To Rotan The Kids?", "body": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIs caning\u00a0\n(rotan)\n\u00a0acceptable? Or necessary, even? For the Millennials, your knee-jerk answer to that question is probably an indignant, \u201cNo.\u201d\n\n\nBelieve it or not, the implementation of physical coercion by parents on their children was commonplace in our society back then.\n\n\nThe crux of the matter is that, \u201cIs it OK to\u00a0\nrotan\n\u00a0the kids?\u201d This article reveals if caning still has a place in modern-day parenting.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Case for Rotan\n\n\n\n\nWe live in a time where coercive methods of discipline, such as caning, are being questioned and the scales have tipped towards \u201csofter\u201d parenting approaches.\n\n\nBack in the day, the adoption of these types of disciplinary tactics had raised nary an eyebrow.\n\n\nThe Baby Boomers (born 1946\u20131964) and Gen X (born 1965\u20131980) used to discipline their kids by repeated caning on the legs or locking the child up in a room. Such tactics are frowned upon in today\u2019s world\u2014especially by the Millennials.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffects of Caning\n\n\nAccording to Dr. Jennifer Kiing, a senior consultant in the child development unit of the National University Hospital (NUH):\n\n\nCaning is used to instil fear in a child, thereby prompting obedience. However, constant fear of the cane can tip a child into anxiety and depression.\n\n\nWhen a child is caned, his stress level elevates. Prolonged stress\u2014especially through frequent caning or other physical punishment\u2014can have lasting psychological effects on the child.\n\n\nTo a certain extent, physical punishment in childhood can also be linked to depression in adulthood.\n\n\n\nChronic stress is known to exacerbate numerous health problems, especially mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression. Apart from that, educating your children through physical punishment for infractions will lead the children into thinking that physical aggression is condoned.\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s shocking is that most parents are unaware of these adverse long-term effects on their children.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDisciplining or An Outright Abuse?\n\n\n\n\nNow, is it really OK to cane a child in the name of discipline? Whatever your answer may be, be sure that if caning is to be involved, it would be carried out while you are calm and composed, so it wouldn\u2019t cross the territory of abuse.\n\n\nThat being said, the methods of disciplining the kids vary from family to family. I\u2019ve come to learn that some Millennials are, in fact, very much OK with caning their children so long as it is done softly and with the intention of educating them.\n\n\nBe careful not to do it on impulse, for that would easily go down the slippery slope of abuse!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNon-Violent Discipline for the Kids\n\n\n\n\nThat being said, this article may contain biased opinions.\u00a0\nDifferent strokes for different folks, they say\n. While most of the older generations and some Millennials condone the act of caning their kids, I believe that we should always try to opt for non-violent discipline approaches whenever possible.\n\n\nAs violence begets violence, non-punitive discipline should be heavily considered to replace coercive measures, such as caning and flogging.\n\n\nNon-punitive discipline\u2014otherwise known as an empathic or positive discipline\u2014is all about providing loving, gentle guidance in child-rearing.\n\n\nDisciplining your child can be an emotional process and it can be very difficult to not \u201cover discipline\u201d him. The majority of child abuse cases have been correlated to child discipline issues.\n\n\nAs Dr. Kiing had said, though all parents only want the best for their children, sometimes, our emotions do get the better of us.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\nRead more: \n5 steps to discipline WITHOUT hurting your child\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nSmart ways to discipline your child at every age\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nI\u2019m Afraid To Discipline My Kids, What If They Hate Me?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/signs-and-symptoms-of-lactose-intolerance-in-children", "title": "Discover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children", "body": "Dear mummies,\n\n\nDo your children complain of stomach discomfort every time they drink milk or eat ice cream? While stomach discomfort is common among children and may be dismissed as regular stomach pain, it could also be a symptom of \n1\nlactose intolerance\n. This is a digestive disorder where the body has difficulty breaking down lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products.\n\n\nChildren with milk lactose intolerance may experience discomfort every time they consume dairy milk. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to recognize the symptoms and signs early on to help their children manage their condition. By doing so, you can help your children avoid foods that may trigger their symptoms and maintain a healthy diet.\n\n\nWhat is lactose intolerance?\n\n\n\n\nTo help your child\u2019s condition better, it\u2019s crucial for you to have an understanding of what lactose intolerance is. Lactose is a type of sugar present in milk and milk-derived products. The body generates an enzyme known as lactase to digest lactose. When there is an insufficient amount of this enzyme, children can develop lactose intolerance.\n\n\nWhen lactose is not digested, it remains in the gut and is eventually broken down by bacteria, leading to \n2\nstomach cramps\n, diarrhea, bloating, and gas in children. Lactose intolerance is not a serious health problem. Both children and even adults can experience lactose intolerance. However, the experience can be unpleasant depending on the symptoms faced by individuals which can range from mild discomfort to severe ones.\u00a0\n\n\nSigns that your kids have lactose intolerance\n\n\n\n\nIt is worth noting that some individuals may have erroneously attributed symptoms of \n3\nmilk allergy\n to lactose intolerance. That is why it is important for parents to familiarize themselves with the \n4\ncommon symptoms that children with lactose intolerance\n may display.\u00a0\n\n\nBy identifying these indicators, you can work together with your child to devise effective strategies for coping with this condition. These symptoms typically manifest within 30 minutes to two hours of the child consuming dairy products such as milk. According to \n5\nStanfordChildrens.org\n, these common symptoms include:\n\n\n\n\nNausea\n\n\nDiarrhea\n\n\nVomiting\n\n\nStomach cramps\n\n\nBloating\n\n\nGas\n\n\nAbdominal pain\n\n\nLoose stools\n\n\n\n\nHow can parents assist their child in managing lactose intolerance?\n\n\nDespite the challenges of managing lactose intolerance in a child, parents have a significant role to play in alleviating their child\u2019s symptoms and ensuring a nutritious and well-rounded diet. \n\n\nWhile lactose intolerance may be mistaken as a common issue, it can cause discomfort and interfere with a child\u2019s overall health if left unaddressed. As a parent, there are several ways you can support your child in managing their lactose intolerance. \n\n\nHere are some helpful tips to consider:\n\n\n#1. Start slow and small\n\n\nWhen a child shows symptoms of lactose intolerance, it is not uncommon for parents to restrict or eliminate dairy products from their child\u2019s diet. However, with the help of a healthcare provider and a registered dietitian, parents can create a personalized plan that incorporates appropriate amounts of dairy or alternative sources of calcium and vitamin D.\n\n\nIf you plan to reintroduce dairy products into your child\u2019s diet, it is advised to \n6\nstart slowly\n and increase the amount gradually to determine their tolerance level.\u00a0\n\n\n#2. Identify food with lactose\n\n\nWhile lactose is primarily present in milk and dairy products, there are several foods that may contain hidden sources of lactose. Identifying these foods early on can help parents prevent their child from consuming them, especially if they experience severe symptoms.\n\n\nBaked goods such as cookies, cakes, and breads, among others, may contain milk or dairy products. Additionally, processed foods like frozen meals or soups may contain lactose as a flavor enhancer. You can also help educate your child about foods that they need to avoid so that they can make an informed decision before consuming any foods.\n\n\n#3. Check the food label before purchasing\n\n\n\n\nAs a parent, you can learn more about the sources of lactose in food products and read the labels carefully before purchasing any item. This can help you to identify and avoid products that contain lactose or other dairy ingredients.\u00a0\n\n\n#4. Introduce lactose free alternatives\n\n\nIf you completely eliminate all sources of dairy from your child\u2019s diet, they may not be getting the proper amount of calcium that their body needs for optimal health. While it\u2019s important to manage symptoms of lactose intolerance or dairy allergy, it\u2019s also important to ensure that your child is receiving enough calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth, muscle function, and overall health.\n\n\nAlways choose lactose-free or low-lactose alternatives as a part of your child\u2019s balanced and healthy diet. By making informed choices, parents can help their child maintain a healthy and balanced diet while managing their lactose intolerance effectively.\n\n\n#5. Introduce easy to digest milk formula to combat milk intolerance\n\n\n\n\nIf your child experiences indigestion or has milk intolerance, consider introducing \nSimilac Total Comfort\n into their diet \nwhich is formulated to support sensitive tummies and cognition\n. This formula consists of pre-digested whey protein and is 98% lactose-free to reduce tummy sensitivity and aid easier digestion.\n\n\nAdditionally, it contains 2\u2019-FL, which supports the body\u2019s defense system and reduces allergy risk\n7\n. \nWith your child protected from tummy troubles, it\u2019s time to nourish their brain development. Similac Total Comfort contains an Eye Q Nutrition System \nwhich has nutrients such as DHA, Lutein and Natural Vitamin E for fast learning.\n\n\nNotably, Similac Total Comfort is scientifically proven to \ngive your child \nfast and sustained gut \nrelief\n8\n.\n By choosing Similac Total Comfort, you can help ensure that your child\u2019s nutritional needs are being met while also providing a solution that is easy to digest and supports their overall \ngrowth\n and development.\n\n\nDo consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns \nbefore making changes to your child\u2019s diet.\n\n\nGive your child the nutrition they deserve with \nSimilac Total Comfort\n and get a free sample NOW!\n\n\nPurchase \nSimilac Total Comfort on \nShopee\n or \nLazada\n TODAY!\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1\nMayo Clinic (March 05, 2022). \nLactose Intolerance. \nhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lactose-intolerance/symptoms-causes/syc-20374232\n\n\n2\nRaisingchildren.net.au (Reviewed 2021). \nStomach ache. \nraisingchildren.net.au/guides/a-z-health-reference/stomach-ache#:~:text=Stomach%20pain%20in%20children%20is,\u2019butterflies\u2019%20in%20the%20tummy\n.\n\n\n3\nCleveland Clinic. \nMilk allergy. \nhttps://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/11315-milk-allergy\n. \nAccessed 2/27/2023\u00a0\n\n\n4\nDoctorNDTV (2018). \nIs Your Child Lactose Intolerant? Watch Out For These Signs And Symptoms \nhttps://www.ndtv.com/health/lactose-intolerance-in-infants-5-signs-and-symptoms-1880181\n\n\n5\nStanford medicine children\u2019s health. \nLactose Intolerance in Children. \nwww.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=lactose-i\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Rochester Medical Center Rochester. \nLactose Intolerance in Children. \nhttps://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=90&contentid=p02003\n. Accessed 2/27/202\n\n\n7\nBode L Glycobiology. 2012.\n\n\n8\nReverri E.J. et al, 2018. Nutrients, 10,1346.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/shopping-for-baby", "title": "Spend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby", "body": "Preparing a shopping list for your little one is indeed exciting, but how many times have you gone back and forth on your list due to budget constraints? And the list becomes longer if you have bigger kids as well. We know how taxing (and disappointing) it can be, so we\u2019ve compiled some useful tips on how you can manage your spending wisely when shopping for your kids\u2019 essentials.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHow To Spend Wisely When Shopping For Kids\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEssentials first, extras later\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is easier said than done, because hello\u2026how adorable are those limited edition baby sneakers, right? Yup, we truly feel your dilemma there, however spending on expensive, non-essential baby items, especially in the first year is only going to break your bank account. Focus on essential items such as a breast pump set, diapers, beddings, a good car seat, basic baby wear, baby toiletries and other daily necessities. This applies for your bigger kids too, just hold back on the impulsive purchases and save them for special occasions.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBuy exact and larger sizes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2026of everything! Babies grow really fast, so be sure to include larger sizes on top of your baby\u2019s current size e.g. for diapers, onesies and other baby clothes, and socks. This will help you avoid wastage and be all prepared when your baby suddenly goes up a size one morning!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFind out about Baby and Kids Fairs, promotions and sales\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is every parent\u2019s mission! These days, the best way to get updates is by following your favourite brands and stores on social media. Shopping with mega savings and special deals will help keep your monthly budget on track, so always keep yourself up-to-date with the latest info!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpread out your purchases\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStart window shopping early and take notes on the best deals and prices that fit your budget. Then start buying little by little every month or so. This way, you can still manage your monthly spendings, and carefully pick and organise your baby\u2019s and/or kids\u2019 essential items.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPay the smart way \u2013 say hello to GrabPay and PayLater by Grab!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis, moms and dads, is every shopper\u2019s dream come true. With \nGrabPay\n and \nPayLater by Grab\n, you can now get your baby wish list checked, YET still spend within your budget! FLEXIBILITY is what they\u2019re all about!\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s how they work:\n\n\nPay now with\n \nGrabPay\n \u2013 GrabPay is an e-wallet that allows you to make payments instantaneously for online and in-store purchases.\u00a0\n\n\nPay next month with \nPayLater by Grab\n \n\u2013 need to buy something urgently, but don\u2019t have the budget now? No problem, just opt for \nPayLater by Grab \nwhere you can \ntrack your monthly spend and pay for it all in one bill next month.\u00a0\n\n\nPay in 4 monthly instalments with \nPayLater by Grab\n \u2013 now you can make a big purchase, without hurting your wallet! This instalment plan allows you to make a large bill smaller at checkout, just pay only 1/4 of the total bill today. The next 3 payments will be deducted automatically from your GrabPay e-wallet.\u00a0\n\n\nYou earn GrabRewards for all three payment methods, which are redeemable for various discount vouchers, gift cards and more.\u00a0 It\u2019s a win-win situation, where the more you shop, the more rewards you earn!!\n\n\nThe great thing about \nGrabPay\n and \nPayLater by Grab\n is that no matter which payment method you choose, there are \nNO INTEREST, NO FEES AND NO HIDDEN CHARGES\n! Yup, you pay nothing more than the exact amount of your purchase(s).\n\n\nHowever, remember to \nrepay on time\n to continue enjoying \nZERO INTEREST, ZERO UPFRONT COSTS AND ZERO FEES\n for your purchase(s).\u00a0\n\n\nGrab These Special Deals!\n\n\nFrom 15th March \u2013 15th April 2022, you can enjoy amazing deals by paying with any of the methods above. Take note of the special deals below to enjoy a rewarding shopping spree!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[In-store]\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPay now with\n \nGrabPay\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy 15% OFF (up to RM18) with a min. spend of RM120\n\n\nNo promo code needed, just use GrabPay and you\u2019ll automatically enjoy the deal!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[Online]\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPay now with \nGrabPay\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy 15% OFF (up to RM30) with a min. spend of RM200\n\n\nUse promo code GRABPAYBABY at the GrabPay checkout\n\n\n\n\nPay next month or in 4 monthly instalments with \nPayLater by Grab\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEnjoy 15% OFF (up to RM30) with a min. spend of RM200\n\n\nUse promo code PAYLATERBABY at the Grab checkout\n\n\n\n\nTime To Shop & Earn GrabRewards!\n\n\nGrab has partnered with a long list of reputable baby and children brands to offer you a hassle-free shopping experience. To kick start your shopping spree with the special deals above, we\u2019ve compiled some of the most popular parent-approved brands that we think you will love, too!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTop-quality chlorine-free diapers, baby detergents and baby toiletries from \nApplecrumby & Fish\n \u2013 Available online only. Pay with GrabPay or PayLater by Grab. Remember to use the promo codes above!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHigh-quality and beautifully designed kids clothing and accessories from \nHemito\n. \nAvailable online only. Pay with GrabPay or PayLater by Grab. Remember to use the promo codes above!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nParents love \nManjaku Baby Mall\n for being the one-stop centre for all things baby and kids! Shop in-store with GrabPay\n.\n\n\n\n\nFashionable baby and kids clothing and accessories from \nPONEY\n. Shop in-store and pay with GrabPay, or online with GrabPay or PayLater by Grab. Remember to use the promo codes above!\u00a0\n\n\nKeen to know more about Grab\u2019s exclusive deals? Check out all the things that you can enjoy when you pay with \nGrabPay\n and \nPayLater by Grab\n.\n\n\nShop Securely With GrabPay And PayLater By Grab\n\n\nIf you\u2019re worried about your security when shopping online or with your e-wallet, fret not. Customers\u2019 safety is Grab\u2019s number one priority so you can be sure that all transactions are secured and protected, thanks to Grab\u2019s multi-layered safety features, which includes a two-factor authentication (2FA) with Grab PIN and biometrics.\n\n\nOkay, enough reading, now get ready for some shopping!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/healthy-childhood-playing-in-the-rain", "title": "Boost Your Child\u2019s Immunity So You Don\u2019t Have to Worry About Them Playing Outside in the Rain", "body": "We\u2019ve all heard it before \u2013 children learn through play, and even better when they\u2019re playing outside. Being outdoors not only enhances a growing child\u2019s curiosity and imagination, but also naturally helps them to build their immune system. 90% of a child\u2019s brain development happens before the age of 5, and even simple illnesses may impact their learning abilities during this golden period. \nAlthough most parents are happy to let their children enjoy the outdoors to create healthy childhood memory, playing outside in the rain however, is generally frowned upon, for the common perception that being exposed to rainy or cold weather will cause them to catch a cold or flu. Now, is this merely a myth, or a fact indeed?\n\n\nYes, it\u2019s true that we often experience the common colds or flu during the colder months. However, medical professionals have not found any evidence to prove that being exposed to colder temperatures is the cause of the common cold or flu. Other things like VIRUSES are the culprits behind the common cold and flu\u00b9. \n\n\nThis is why a strong immune system is important, so children can fight back against the virus(es) that they may have encountered. With a strong immunity, children can enjoy playing and exploring anywhere, anytime!\n\n\nSo, shall we stop singing \u201cRain, rain go away, come again another day?\u201d We think so! It\u2019s perfectly okay to let your children play outside in the rain once in a while, except during stormy weather that comes with thunder, lightning and strong winds. Rain or cold weather correlates with colds, but definitely does not cause colds.\u00a0\n\n\nThe Key To A Happy and Healthy Childhood \u2013 A Strong Immune System!\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nYup! With a strong immune system, your growing children are all set to experience the true wonders of healthy childhood, no matter the weather. So if water play (think beaches, pools, waterfalls and rivers) makes your children\u2019s day, now you can add rain into the list, and they\u2019ll have even more happier days ahead!\u00a0\n\n\nGetting excited, aren\u2019t we? Hang on, before you add that cute raincoat, rain boots and umbrella into your shopping cart, let\u2019s start off by following these simple steps to help your little ones boost their immune system.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExercise\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nGive your children enough play time outside, even if it\u2019s just under the porch or anywhere outdoors (supervised with proper physical distancing, of course!). It\u2019s great if they get to be outside every day, otherwise, a few days a week is sufficient. Let them run, observe bugs, get close to plants & nature, play catch, ride bikes, skate, etc. The more they move, the stronger they get.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSleep well\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGetting enough sleep is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. Children especially, need adequate sleep as it allows their body to rest and recuperate to get ready for the next day. Experts believe that most children below 12 need approximately 10 hours of sleep per night\u00b2. When children get little sleep, it may impact their growth and immune system.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEat a balanced diet and drink milk\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nA strong immune system begins with proper nutrition. Studies show that neural connections in the brain are actively formed in the early years\u00b3. It is during this period too that parents are most concerned about their growing children\u2019s nutritional intake.\u00a0 The easiest way to go about this is to simply follow the Malaysian Dietary Guideline for Children and Adolescents. Here are some basic pointers:\n\n\n\n\nInclude 5 main food groups, including dairy in your daily diet\u2074.\n\n\n2-3 servings of dairy in a day is recommended, and this includes growing up milk\u2074.\n\n\nGrowing up milk for children is also recommended for children with poor diet or picky eating habits, as it is fortified with various nutrients that meet the nutritional requirement for children according to their age group\u2074.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s a tip: When choosing\u00a0 growing up milk for your children, look for one that contains Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) and \nDocosahexaenoic Acid\n \n(\nDHA). New to these terms? Don\u2019t worry, we\u2019ll break them down for you.\n\n\nMFGM QUICK FACTS\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is MFGM?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMFGM is a complex combination of lipids and proteins\u2075, a membrane surrounding lipid droplets in milk\u2076 that is found abundantly in the human brain\u2077.\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the benefits of MFGM?\u00a0\n\n\nSupports IMMUNITY : According to a study involving the consumption of MFGM enriched milk by young children, MFGM was found to have a protective effect against gastrointestinal infections, producing a significant decrease in days of fever symptoms\u2078.\n\n\nSupports BRAIN CELL CONNECTIONS: Studies show that MFGM helps brain cells to connect, hence regulating mental abilities, emotions and mood\u2079.\n\n\nMFGM works synergistically with DHA to support IQ (mental) and EQ (emotional) development in children\u2078\u1808\u00b9\u2070.\n\n\n\n\nDHA QUICK FACTS\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat is DHA?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDHA is an omega-3 fatty acid. It is a primary structural component of the human brain.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhere can DHA be found?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDHA can be obtained directly from cold-water, fatty fish such as salmon, or can also be produced by algae\u00b9\u00b9.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat are the benefits of DHA?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIncorporating DHA into your children\u2019s diet helps in their mental development\u00b9\u2070.\n\n\nDHA is also a key nutrient that aids in the development of intellectual, motor, emotional/social and communication skills\u00b9\u00b2.\n\n\nClick \nhere\n for more detailed information on the benefits of MFGM and DHA.\n\n\n\n\nRain or Shine, Get Out and Play!\n\n\n\n\nhttps://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2008/01/Enfa-15s-2-1-1.mp4\n\n\nAnd now you know it! Give your growing child the best start in life with a happy and healthy childhood. And when it comes to food and nutrition, don\u2019t forget to boost their immunity and sharpen their minds with the ideal combo of MFGM and DHA. Here\u2019s to happy and healthy childhood days ahead! Fewer Sick Days, Sharper Minds.\u00a0\n\n\nNow let\u2019s get ready for playtime!\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\n1.Understanding the Basics of the Common Cold: \nhttps://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/cold-guide/understanding-common-cold-basics#1\n\n\n2. What Sleep Is And Why All Kids Need It: \nhttps://kidshealth.org/en/kids/not-tired.html\n\n\n3. Brain Architecture: \nhttps://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/brain-architecture\n\n\n4. Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents: \nhttps://nutrition.moh.gov.my/wp-content/uploads/penerbitan/buku/MDG_Children_adolescent_2014.pdf9d765c1b95f.pdf\n\n\n5. Kuchta-Noctor AM et al. Journal Nutrition and Cancer. 2016; 68(7)\n\n\n6. V.L Spitsberg. Bovine Milk Fat Globule Membrane as a Potential Nutraceutical: \nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030205729064, 19 Oct. 2020.\n\n\n7. Svennerholm L et al. Journal of Lipid Research. 1968;9:570-579\n\n\n8. Veereman-Wauters G et al. Milk fat globule membrane (INPULSE) enriched formula milk decreases febrile episodes and may improve behavioral regulation in young children. Nutrition. 2012;28:749-752: \nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0899900711003741?via%3Dihub\n\u00a0\n\n\n9. Banjari I et al. Brain food: how nutrition alters our mood and behavior. Hrana u zdravlju i bolesti, znanstveno-stru\u010dni \u010dasopis za nutricionizam i dijetetiku, 2014; 3(1),13-21: \nhttps://hrcak.srce.hr/file/186517\n\n\n10. Montgomery, P. et al. Low Blood Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids in UK Children Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance and Behavior: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the DOLAB Study. 2013. PLoS ONE 8(6), \nhttps://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0066697\n\n\n11. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) \nhttps://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-864/docosahexaenoic-acid-dha\n\n\n12. Kuratko CN, Barrett EC, Nelson EB, Salem N Jr. The relationship of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with learning and behavior in healthy children: a review. Nutrients 2013;5:2777-810C: \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3738999/\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/childrens-books", "title": "10 Books That Teach Kids About Inclusion and Special Needs", "body": "How do we teach our kids about diversity and acceptance of people who have special needs? What do we do when children ask questions about the new kid in school who seems \u2018different\u2019 to other kids?\n\n\nBelow are 10 books that you could read to your child, in order to help them understand more about special needs, while encouraging kindness and inclusion.\n\n\nAll the books suggested are suitable for kids aged 3 and above.\n\n\n1. Why Are You Looking At Me?: I Just Have Down Syndrome\n\n\nby Lisa Tompkins\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nThis book tells the story of a little girl named Lynn, who has Down Syndrome. Lynn talks about how she may look different, but she does all the normal things that other kids do too. She wonders why other people stare at her.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a wonderful book for young learners to understand that we\u2019re much more similar than we are different.\n\n\n2. Just Because\u00a0by Rebecca Elliott\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nJust Because\n\u00a0shares the story of a young boy\u2019s older sister, Clemmie, who is his best friend. Through his voice, the reader learns that she can\u2019t walk, talk or move around much. It is a book about disabilities and sibling friendship, written in a sensitive and touching way for young readers.\n\n\n3. Emmanuel\u2019s Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah\n\n\nby Laurie Ann Thompson\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nThis picture book tells the true story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a boy who lives in Ghana, West Africa. Emmanuel was born with one deformed leg, and was often cast aside by others. Despite this, his mother encouraged him to go for his dreams.\n\n\nEmmanuel ended up cycling nearly 400 miles across Ghana with his one leg, showing us that disability is not inability.\n\n\n4. Don\u2019t Call Me Special: A First Look at Disability\u00a0by Pat Thomas\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nWritten by a trained psychotherapist and parent, this illustrated book helps children understand more about different kinds of physical disabilities. It looks at and explores the questions kids might have about the topic, in a way that is easy to understand.\n\n\nDon\u2019t Call Me Special\n\u00a0includes advice on how to share the book with kids, for teachers and parents.\n\n\n5. We\u2019re All Wonders\u00a0by R.J. Palacio\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nA story that centres around a child named Auggie, who was born with no facial features except one eye. Auggie is mocked by his peers for looking unusual.\n\n\nWe\u2019re All Wonders\n\u00a0is a charmingly illustrated book for young readers that touches on diversity and the issue of bullying. It teaches children to choose kindness.\n\n\nIf you\u2019d like more ideas on how to teach kids to embrace peers with special needs,\u00a0\nread this article\n.\n\n\n6. Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You\u00a0by Sonia Sotomayor\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nA beautiful picture book about diversity and differences in abilities, written by an American Supreme Court justice. Using her own experience of growing up with diabetes, the author cleverly explains special challenges of varying kids in a child-friendly way.\n\n\nThe author encourages readers to ask questions if they are curious about other kids.\n\n\n7. Our Friend Mikayla\u00a0by Kimberley Resh (editor)\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nA lovely book written and illustrated by the real-life friends and classmates of Mikayla, a young girl with a disability.\u00a0\nOur Friend Mikayla\n\u00a0is celebrated for how it shows and inspires understanding, friendship and full inclusion.\n\n\n8. The Deaf Musicians\u00a0by Pete Seeger and Paul DuBois Jacobs\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nKids and adults will love this story that shines the light on a man named Lee, a jazzman who has lost his hearing. He eventually goes to a school to learn sign language and starts a band with other deaf musicians, where they perform night after night for people in the subway.\n\n\n9. The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin\u00a0by Julia Finley Mosca\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nDr. Temple Grandin is an actual famous scientist (look her up!) who was diagnosed with autism as a child. This book tells her true story with fascinating illustrations for young readers.\n\n\n10. A Boy and a Jaguar\u00a0by Alan Rabinowitz\n\n\n\n\n(Image: Amazon.com)\n\n\nA real-life story about a boy named Alan who has a severe stutter\u2014except when he is talking to animals at the zoo. Alan Rabinowitz, the little boy in the story, grew up to be a respected wildlife conservationist and a voice for endangered animals.\n\n\nWondering about other educational books you could read to your child? Check out our\u00a0\nlist of books on sex education\n\u00a0for kids.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123.\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/power-pumping-an-alternative-way-to-increase-milk-supply-infographic", "title": "Power pumping: An alternative way to increase milk supply (Infographic)", "body": "Benefits of breast milk for babies\n are unprecedented. But what happens if the mother\u2019s breast milk supply cannot keep up with her baby\u2019s demand? Is this the best time to switch to infant formulas? Mummies, do not give up on your dwindling breast milk supply. Arm yourself with a \nhigh-quality breast pump\n and start power pumping your way to an increased milk source.\n\n\nBreast pump use\n\n\nBreastfeeding mothers are encouraged to consistently feed their babies hourly. This is to ensure that their breasts are \ncontinuously stimulated to be able to produce large volumes of milk\n each time.\n\n\nBut because not all babies require hourly feedings and not all mums have high milk supply, the use of breast pump is highly recommended. Breast pumps work by mimicking the sucking motion that infants do when feeding. This typically results to an improved supply of breast milk.\n\n\nWhat is power pumping?\n\n\n\n\nEven with the aid of a breast pump, some mummies still find themselves frazzled just to keep up with their babies\u2019 demand for milk. It seems that breast pumps didn\u2019t make a difference in increasing the volume of milk that they produce each feeding. This is where power pumping is applied.\n\n\nPower pumping, also known as cluster pumping, is a tried and tested method performed by a lot of exclusively breastfeeding mothers to increase their supply of nutritious breast milk. In a nutshell, power pumping is like regular breast pumping but even more frequent.\n\n\n\n\nIf the original pump isn\u2019t working for you, then try power pumping\n\n\n\n\nHow power pumping works?\n\n\nThe objective of power pumping is to \nrepeatedly pump the breasts to improve milk supply\n. The continuous emptying of the breasts gives a signal to the body that it should produce more breast milk in half the time.\n\n\nPower pumping is actually done on and off in a span of an hour in one day. Mummies need to pump continuously for 20 minutes, rest for the next ten, pump again for 10 minutes, rest for another 10 minutes and pump for 10 minutes before stopping.\n\n\nBest power pumping results\n\n\nIn order for power pumping to be effective, it should be done \nonce a day until breast milk supply matches the baby\u2019s feeding demands\n. It is important to note that regular breast pumping sessions should be continued in order to see results.\n\n\nPower pumping for breast milk is highly effective when paired with a lot of rest and a healthy diet. This is why relaxing after a tasty meal is the best time to power pump. However, it can also be done at any time that the mother feels most relaxed. Research show that breast milk production is often hindered by stress, panic and anxiety.\n\n\nResults can be experienced as swiftly as two days. But for some mothers, it could take as long as a week. If you find that you are not producing any milk during the sessions, \u201cdry pumping,\u201d that\u2019s okay \u2013 because an empty breast, especially when stimulated tells your body to make more milk fast! So don\u2019t give up, mummies! Just keep power pumping your way to more breast milk.\n\n\nHandy power pumping tips\n\n\n\n\nDouble power pumping empties your breast faster and increases prolactin in your body more than single pumping. Double pump for faster results\n\n\nSet up your breast pump somewhere you will walk past often like your kitchen or living room.\n\n\nKeep track of your schedule by\u00a0having a clock handy or use an alarm. If watching an alarm is too stressful for you, you can watching a favourite TV program, pumping during the commercials and resting during the show or listen to music, pumping during two songs and resting during the next two\n\n\nTry to view the time as an opportunity to wind down rather than another task that must be completed.\n\n\nPower pumping is not meant to replace your normal pumping routine; it\u2019s designed to enhance your milk supply within an established routine.\n\n\n\n\nHave you ever tried power pumping? How did it change your breast feeding routine? Tell us about your experience. We\u2019d love to hear from you.\n\n\nNeed Help? Don\u2019t fret!\n\n\nWhen in doubt, please refer to a lactation consultant, who can offer you more personalised advice according to you and your baby\u2019s situation.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\ntheAsianparent also has a \nMalaysia Breastfeeding Mums Support Group\n\u00a0that you can join for mum-to-mum advice.\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/newborn-baby-boy-circumcision", "title": "Newborn Baby Boy Circumcision: What It is, Aftercare and More", "body": "If you have made the decision to circumcise* your little boy, you might feel a little nervous thinking about both the procedure and looking after your baby, post-circumcision. This article provides you with information about newborn baby boy circumcision.\u00a0\n\n\nWe will tell you everything- what happens during the procedure, why it is done, aftercare and more.\n\n\nWhat is newborn baby boy circumcision?\n\n\nThe foreskin is a piece of skin that covers the tip of the penis \u2014 all males have this when they are born.\n\n\nCircumcision is the \nsurgical removal\n of the foreskin, in order to expose the tip of the penis, or the glans penis. It usually done within two or three days after birth, although some parents choose to wait until their son is older.\n\n\nAccording to \nDr Gerald Tan\n, circumcision \u201cis perhaps the most common surgical procedure performed worldwide, with about 1/3 of the world\u2019s male population being circumcised.\u201d\n\n\nWhy is newborn baby boy circumcision done?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the World Health Organisation (WHO), circumcision occurs at a wide range of ages, with neonatal and child male circumcision being commonly practiced in many countries.\n\n\nThe WHO points out that there are several advantages of circumcising males at a younger versus older age, including a lower risk of complications, faster healing and a lower cost.\n\n\nMeanwhile, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says \u201cthe health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks, but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision.\u201d\n\n\nThe reasons\n\n\nSometimes, circumcision is done for \nreligious and/or cultural reasons\n, for example, among Muslims and Jews who have circumcised their boys for centuries.\n\n\nOther times, this procedure is done for \nhygienic or medical reasons\n.\n\n\nSmegma is a thick, white discharge that contains dead cells, and can accumulate under the foreskin of uncircumcised boys. If it is not cleaned properly and regularly, the collection of smegma can lead to odour, and more seriously, an infection.\n\n\nIf this kind of infection recurs in an uncircumcised boy, a doctor may recommend that you get your son circumcised to prevent future infections.\n\n\nHowever, do keep in mind that the build-up of smegma can be avoided through good hygiene practices, which you can teach your son when he is older.\n\n\nSome parents may also choose to circumcise their little boy so he does not look different from his father, or other boys in the family \u2014 although others prefer to wait until their son is older so he can decide for himself.\n\n\nUltimately, circumcising a newborn baby boy is purely an elective procedure, where you decide if your son should be circumcised or not.\n\n\nHowever, it is recommended by professional medical bodies like the AAP that you discuss the pros and cons of circumcision with a doctor while you are still pregnant, and then make an informed decision.\n\n\nYou may also discuss with your doctor\n the type of circumcision procedure he/she will use\n, as there are several types.\n\n\n\n\nThis diagram illustrates the Plastibell technique of circumcision, where a plastic ring is left over the penis, after the procedure. This ring falls off on its own within a week or so.\n\n\n\n\nHow is a baby boy circumcised?\n\n\nA newborn must be in a stable health condition for circumcision to take place. Usually, the procedure is done when your baby is just a few days old.\n\n\nHere are the steps a doctor will generally follow for newborn baby boy circumcision, according to WebMD:\n\n\n\n\nThe doctor will place the baby on a special, firm table. Velcro straps may be wrapped around his legs and arms to keep him very still.\n\n\nThe doctor will clean his penis and foreskin.\n\n\nOften, the surgical area is numbed with a local anesthetic while your baby is still awake. If your baby is one month or older, general anesthesia may be required.**\n\n\nA sterile circumcision clamp is placed over the head of the penis following which, the foreskin is removed using a sterile scalpel or scissors.\n\n\nFinally, antiseptic ointment and gauze are put over the cut to stop it from rubbing against your baby\u2019s diaper.\n\n\nSometimes, a special plastic ring is placed over the penis after the procedure. This helps keep the foreskin separated while it\u2019s healing.\n\n\n\n\nThe procedure is quick and painless when local anesthesia is used.\n\n\nYou may notice your baby\u2019s groin area, scrotum and penis look reddish brown after the procedure \u2014 this is because of the liquid used to clean the skin pre-surgery.\n\n\nDoctors may monitor your baby for around two to four hours post-surgery. Following which, you can take your baby home.\n\n\nSome doctors may choose to use the \nPlastibell technique\n, which leaves a plastic ring around the baby\u2019s penis after the procedure.\n\n\n**\nDo talk to your doctor in advance about anesthesia options for your baby boy.\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nBaby\nPremature Babies: What You Should Look Out for and What to Do?\nChild\nParents, Here\u2019s How You Can Help Your Children with Asthma!\n\n\nHow to look after your baby boy\u2019s penis after circumcision\n\n\nYou will notice that the tip of your baby\u2019s penis may look raw or even yellowish for up to 10 days post-surgery. This is quite normal.\n\n\nIf there is a plastic ring instead of a bandage on your baby\u2019s penis, this will drop off on its own in five to eight days.\n\n\nHere are some tips on caring for your baby\u2019s penis until it heals:\n\n\n\n\nWash your baby\u2019s penis with warm water every day (avoid soap). Follow it up by changing his diaper often so that the area is clean.\n\n\nIf you notice slight bleeding, please don\u2019t panic. Just apply gentle pressure to the area with a clean cloth of bandage for around 5-10 minutes.\n\n\nIf gauze was used, it should come off when your baby urinates. Ask your doctor about whether you should replace with clean gauze once it comes off, or just leave the gauze off altogether.\n\n\nUse warm water to soak the gauze, if you need to gently loosen it from your baby\u2019s penis.\n\n\nDab some Vaseline (petroleum jelly) on the circumcised area to stop it from sticking to the diaper.\n\n\nFasten the diaper loosely so there is minimum pressure on the penis, allowing it to heal.\n\n\nYou\u2019ll notice a thin, yellow film form over the circumcision site. This is normal and will go away in a few days. Do \nnot \ntry to peel off this film.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOne of the signs that your baby probably needs immediate medical attention is a shrill, high-pitched cry\n\n\n\n\nWhen you should call a doctor\n\n\nIt is rare to hear of complications related to a circumcision. But there are risks with every surgery, however minor it is. So it is best to prepare yourself for the worst, nevertheless.\n\n\nThe AAP says the most common complications are minor bleeding and local infection. Your child\u2019s paediatrician can treat both.\n\n\nHere are the instances when you should call your baby\u2019s doctor immediately:\n\n\n\n\nYour newborn has a fever of 38\u00baC or higher.\n\n\nThe baby has not passed urine within 12 hours following the operation.\n\n\nYou notice signs of infection on the penis, or around the circumcision site, such as severe swelling or redness; thick, yellow discharge; or a red streak down the shaft of your baby\u2019s penis.\n\n\nIf the ring placed over the circumcision site has not fallen off on its own within eight day.\n\n\nYou notice more bleeding than the doctor told you to expect. Generally, a patch of blood on your baby\u2019s diaper or circumcision dressing larger than the size of a S$1 coin is cause for concern.\n\n\nBaby is refusing to feed, has a high-pitched cry or is unusually fussy or cranky.\n\n\n\n\nIf you are unsure about anything related to your newborn baby boy circumcision and the healing process, call your doctor.\n\n\nThe pros and cons of newborn baby boy circumcision\n\n\nResearch points out some medical benefits to newborn baby boy circumcision, according to the AAP.\n\n\nIf you circumcise your newborn, it reduces the risk for the following conditions:\n\n\n\n\nPhimosis, a condition in uncircumcised males where the foreskin cannot be pulled back at all\n\n\nSexually transmitted diseases\n\n\nForeskin infections\n\n\nUrinary tract infections\n\n\nPenile cancer\n\n\n\n\nSome parents choose not to circumcise their boys. Here are some of their reasons:\n\n\n\n\nSurgical risks.\n\u00a0Like any surgery, circumcision comes with risks, even though complications are very few and usually minor. Talk to your doctor while you are still pregnant about these potential risks. This way, you have time to make an informed decision.\n\n\nDamage to the penis.\u00a0\nAlthough rare, the medic may not be able to cut enough foreskin, or cut it too short.\n\n\nFear of pain.\n\u00a0Concerned that their baby will be in pain, some parents opt not to choose circumcision.\n\n\nNo protection of the tip of the penis.\n\u00a0When the foreskin is not there to protect it, this may irritate the tip of the penis. If this happens, it may affect the urinary opening, potentially leading to urination problems.\n\n\n\n\n*Always seek the advice of your own doctor in connection with any health procedure. Especially one that you are considering carrying out on your child.\n\n\n\n\nSingHealth\n,\u00a0\nWebMD\n,\u00a0\nWorld Health Organisation\n,\u00a0\nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \u00a0\nList of Child Specialist Clinics (Paediatrician) in KL and Selangor\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\u00a0\n \nBaby Growth Spurts: Timeline, Signs, and Tips\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0How smart will your baby be? Science says their poop has the answer!\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/can-my-child-grow-double-eyelids", "title": "Can my child grow double eyelids?", "body": "In Asia \u2014 where much emphasis is put on beauty and appearance \u2014 it is not out of the ordinary to be concerned with our eyelids.\n\n\nChances are many of us grew up talking about whether we had double eyelids or single eyelids, or how we can make our single eyelids double, or if our baby is born with single eyelids is there a possibility that they will eventually become double eyelids?\n\n\n\n\nIt is not a secret that many of us Asians grew up discussing our eyelids\n\n\n\n\nThis is why double-eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty has become a very common trend among young Asian girls.\n\n\nIn countries like Japan and Korea, where blepharoplasty is very popular, and in Asia in general, some women believe that having a double eyelid can make you more beautiful. Of course, this is highly subjective!\n\n\nCan My Child Grow Double Eyelids?\n\n\nThe double/single eyelid subject is sometimes a controversial one with opponents saying that this is a trend created in an attempt to follow western standards of beauty.\n\n\nHowever,\u00a0Dr. Edward Kwak,\u00a0a\n\u00a0\n\u00a0New York-based cosmetic surgeon, states that most patients who opt for the surgery are not aspiring to be like their\u00a0Caucasian\u00a0counterparts but like many Asians who naturally have\u00a0an eyelid fold. Many high school graduates believe that this procedure \u2018improves their job prospects\u2019 as double eyelids provide a more energetic appearance.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA before and after of a blepharoplasty. Photo source: Wikipedia\n\n\n\n\nMany mums are concerned about this subject, too, and wonder if their babies who have single eyelids will eventually grow double eyelids. Babies do change as they grow and almost all newborns have slightly swollen eyes when they emerge from the womb, giving an appearance of a single eyelid.\n\n\nWhen your baby is around two months old, his features start getting more prominent and you will know if your baby will have single or double eyelids.\n\n\n\u201cGenerally, most children are born with the single or double eyelids that they will keep throughout their lives. A few, however, may develop double eyelids as they grow up because the relationship of muscle attachment to the eyelid and the fat under the eyelid skin changes,\u201d Shares Dr Gerard Nah Medical Director of W Eye Clinic, in Singapore.\n\n\nHowever there is actually an easier way to determine what your baby\u2019s eyes will probably look like \u2014 look at your own and your spouse\u2019s eyes! If both of you have single eyelids then chances are that your baby will have them too. If you and your spouse have different-looking eyelids, your child could have either single or double ones!\n\n\n\n\nIf you and your spouse have single eyelids, chances are your child will have them too. Your child\u2019s appearance is mainly determined by genetics.\n\n\n\n\nSome mums have also given their opinion on this subject on a public forum and here are some of their comments:\n\n\n\u201cit all depends on the gene pool\u2026 i have one double lid and one mono lid but most of the time my mono lid becomes a double lid and if i cry and rub my eyes it becomes a caucasion looking double lid for a day lol but my mother has double lids and my dad has monolids so it basically in the genes\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMy hubby has huge eyes with double eyelids, i have tiny eyes with single eyelids & our son has huge eyes with single eyelids..\u00a0actually i think our son looks very adorable with single eyelids & i kinda hope he stays that way\u201d\n\n\n\u201csince both of u hv double eyelids, ur children shld hv double eyelids too. unless 1 of your 4 parents hv single eyelid\u201d\n\n\n\u201cmy boy has very obvious double eyelids since birth and they are still there! dont worry mummy! no matter how she changes, she will still be your darling!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nWhatever your baby looks like, to you they are the single most beautiful thing on the face of this earth!!\n\n\n\n\nThe last mum\u2019s comment sums it up quite accurately \u2014 whatever your baby looks like, single eyelided or double eyelided, he or she will be the most beautiful thing you\u2019ve ever set your eyes on!\n\n\nIf we tell our children how naturally beautiful they are, they will grow to be comfortable with the features they were born with and be happy with the way they look.\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nQuick Meals For Busy Mums To Promote Good Gut Health\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nGalakkan Anak-Anak \u2018Sayang\u2019 dan \u2018Rindu\u2019 Pada Bulan Ramadan, Ini Caranya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nMums, Here's Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy Stretch Marks\nHealth\n6 Causes of Body Aches and Pains. Here\u2019s How To Treat Them!\n\n\nWhat is your opinion on this topic? We would love to hear from you, so do leave us a comment below.\n\n\nSources:\u00a0\nidobaby.com\n \nforums.soompi.com\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/teacher-scolding-student", "title": "Mum supports teacher who scolded her daughter", "body": "Working as a teacher has to be one of the toughest jobs in the world. What makes it harder is when some parents think they can teach their own child better. Or don\u2019t take it well when a teacher disciplines their child. Nowadays, a teacher scolding student would often more than not attract harsh criticism from parents.\n\n\nHowever, one Singaporean mum whose child got \u201cscolded\u201d by her teacher, was able to see the other side of the story and look at things from the teacher\u2019s perspective.\u00a0\n\n\nMum uploads heartwarming post about teacher scolding student\n\n\nChildcare in Singapore is a Facebook group whose mem\nbers are\u00a0parents of kids aged one to six.\u00a0\n\n\nThis online community of parents does many things. One of them is reviewing\u00a0child care centres, kindergartens and other institutions within the group.\n\n\nIt\u2019s only to be expected that some posts are accompanied with a rant or complaint about a \u201cbad\u201d teacher scolding student.\n\n\nHowever, one mum \u2014 Jacklyn Kong \u2014 recently uploaded a different kind of post. Her daughter had been pulled up by her teacher. But instead of going on a rant, Jacklyn explained why she fully supported the teacher\u2019s actions.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTeacher scolding student: Ms Kong\u2019s daughter was told off sternly by her child care teacher. {Image Illustration purposes only). | Image Source: Stock Photo\n\n\n\n\nAt first, the teacher was telling off the girl\u2026\n\n\nJacklyn had accompanied both her daughters to a new childcare centre. One day, as she was bringing both their respective classrooms, the younger sister began crying.\n\n\nShe then handed her daughter over to the teacher, telling her that she\u2019d return after taking her older daughter to class.\n\n\nHowever, when she came back, her younger daughter was still crying. The teacher was now scolding her. Instead of intervening, Jacklyn chose to watch the scenario unfold.\n\n\nBefore long, the teacher noticed her presence, and\u00a0Jacklyn entered her class. The teacher then began saying how sorry she was for telling off her daughter. Apparently, Jacklyn\u2019s daughter had spat on her classmate when he was comforting her.\n\n\nThe teacher\u00a0 nervously explained what happened, as she waited for\u00a0Jacklyn\u2019s response.\n\n\n\u2026but, she didn\u2019t fault the teacher\n\n\nHowever,\u00a0Jacklyn didn\u2019t criticise the teacher for her actions, instead supporting her decision. She says that if her child was wrong, the teacher had no need to apologise for disciplining her.\n\n\nUpon hearing this, the teacher cried \u201ctears of relief\u201d.\n\n\nHowever, looking back, Jacklyn asks this question:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWhat have we as a society done, such that Teachers have to be afraid to do their jobs?\u201d\n\n\n\n\nRaising a child is everyone\u2019s responsibility\n\n\nJacklyn\u2019s perspective might have been influenced by the fact that she\u2019s a secondary school teacher herself.\u00a0\n\n\nShe explains that she, too, encountered parents who only think teachers should teach \u2014 and yet fault teachers if the child misbehaves at home.\n\n\nThat is why she highlights the significance of bringing up a child as a society, instead of viewing it\n as\u00a0\na\n \nparent\u2019s responsibility alone.\n\n\nShe then deduces that parents who truly love their kids should not stop other members of society from teaching children how to grow up and become better people.\n\n\nJacklyn\u00a0then says that teachers shouldn\u2019t be fearful of disciplining children so that they grow up behaving better. She also says that parents should support teachers who dedicate their lives in educating the children of today.\n\n\nHere\u2019s her full \nFacebook post\n:\n\n\n\n\nAn under-valued profession\n\n\nIt takes a lot of resources and people to raise a child, and it is our responsibility people who have more experience than a child \u2014 such as their teachers \u2014 guide them on the right path.\n\n\nA teacher disciplining your child shouldn\u2019t always be taken as a personal attack. Part of their role is to help mentor your kids become better adults.\u00a0\n\n\nOf course, there\u2019s a fine line between emotional abuse and disciplining children. A teacher physically disciplining students over trivial matters should raise a parent\u2019s concern. However, a teacher pulling up a student in order to teach what\u2019s right should not be met with a parent\u2019s complaints.\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nAfter all, teachers are there to do what we might not always have the time for as parents: to educate our kids on what life is about and help the next generation of people build a better society.\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s take the time to appreciate teachers\u2019 commitment to our children.\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/child-in-new-normal", "title": "6 Ways to Prepare Your Growing Up Child for The New Normal", "body": "The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the world lives, play and interact with each\u00a0 other. It has forced upon societies, distancing requirement and consciousness like never\u00a0 before. As such, the changes we need to quickly adapt to, be it physical, mental or emotional,\u00a0 becomes even more real with the impending reopening of schools, kindergartens, preschools\u00a0 and nurseries for children above 1 year old. This fast approaching milestone has triggered a\u00a0 rise in parental concern on keeping their children healthy and safe.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThe utmost priority is in protecting our own health and that of our loved ones. Therefore,\u00a0 taking the necessary precautions can keep your family protected and healthy during this uncertain time has become the main priority for most. Here are some of the precautionary\u00a0 measures that parents can practice and teach their children, so they will be as prepared as\u00a0 possible! \n\n\n1. Communication is key \n1\n,\n2\n\n\n\n\nStart a conversation with your child. It is difficult for children to comprehend the\u00a0 situation i.e. why they cannot play with their friends at the public playground, go\u00a0 swimming, or sit together at breaktime, and it is tempting to try to want to shield\u00a0 children from frightening things.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, being open and honest with your child and presenting them the facts in a\u00a0 neutral manner will aid their comprehension of the new normal. Acknowledge and\u00a0 address their fears and worries as well as reassure them that the adults around them\u00a0 will take care of them and that doctors are working hard to find out how best to help.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Wash your hands and wear a mask\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends washing your hands regularly\u00a0 with soap and water to reduce the spread of germs\n3\n. Encourage your child to sing\u00a0 the \u2018Happy Birthday\u2019 song twice while lathering and scrubbing both their hands with\u00a0 soap for approximately 15-20 seconds\n4\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAlternatively, you can pack an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if there is no water readily\u00a0 available. However, it is important to monitor the usage and application of hand\u00a0 sanitiser of your child. Always follow the instructions on the product label\n3,4\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWHO recommends children who are in general good health can wear a non-medical\u00a0 or fabric mask, however children aged 5 years and under should not be required to\u00a0 wear masks [5].\u00a0\n\n\nChildren also learn quickly and will mimic adult behaviour. It is worthwhile explaining\u00a0 the benefits of handwashing and wearing a mask to your child. So, practice what you\u00a0 preach and be consistent!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n3. Avoid bringing your children to crowded areas unnecessarily and stay home where possible\n6\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nChildren may not be used to being cooped at home for long hours. especially if they\u00a0 are used to playing outdoors or going to the park. It is acceptable to bring them to a\u00a0 less crowded park or any open spaces with few people around.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhilst home, keep them occupied with a mixture of activities, such as pretend play, arts and craft and reading picture books.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBalanced the day with the use technology to allow your kids to connect with their\u00a0 friends and family through virtual video calls.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n4. Boost your child\u2019s immunity through:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nStay hydrated with plenty of water and have adequate sleep.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nNourish your child\u2019s body from within by ensuring they continue eating a balanced\u00a0 and nutritious daily diet which incorporates immunity nourishing nutrients.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhere do I find immunity-nourishing nutrients?\u00a0\n\n\nMilk \ncontinues to be recognised as one of the main sources of immunity boosting nutrients\u00a0 by parents. It is a good source of energy, contains high quality protein, calcium and vitamin D\u00a0 to support optimal growth, bone health and immunity [7]. Naturally present in milk, there is\u00a0 a nutrient dense component called \nMilk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) \nand it also a\u00a0 component found in our brain. However, most of MFGM components are lost during\u00a0 commercial dairy processing. Recent advances in technology has allowed for MFGM to be\u00a0 added in concentrated form into growing up milk formulas, making this a \nmajor breakthrough \nin children nutrition.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nWhy is MFGM important for my child?\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nA key component in a child\u2019s overall health is having the \nright nutrition \nto build their child\u2019s\u00a0 immune health, which in turn will support their physical and mental development. 70-80% of\u00a0 the immune cells are found in the gut where immunity can be further supported by specific\u00a0 nutrients. MFGM helps build your child\u2019s immunity and development through its dual\u00a0 function in \nactivating and modulating \nthe function of immune cells and developing your\u00a0 child\u2019s emotional and behavioral regulation at the same time\n8\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHow does MFGM work?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n MFGM \nactivates and modulates \nthe immune system to defend against bacteria and\u00a0 viruses. Consumption of MFGM enriched milk by young children was shown to have\u00a0 \nprotective effect \nagainst gastrointestinal infections, producing a significant decrease in\u00a0 days of fever symptoms.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n In addition, MFGM helps brain cells to connect which leads to improved mental\u00a0 development, particularly \nemotional and behavioral regulation \nwhich is a core quality in \nemotional intelligence (EQ) \nin young children. Preschool children who consumed milk\u00a0 formula that is enriched with MFGM for 4 months were evaluated by their parents and\u00a0 were found to have better behavioural and emotional regulation compared to children who\u00a0 drank standard formula\n8\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n MFGM \nworks synergistically \nwith other key ingredients such as DHA, prebiotic dietary\u00a0 fibre like PDX-GOS and Yeast Beta-Glucan to support the dual role in protecting your\u00a0 child\u2019s immunity and supporting mental development. Research has shown that enriched\u00a0 milk with DHA, PDX-GOS and Yeast Beta-Glucan has led to fewer episodes and shorter\u00a0 duration of acute respiratory illnesses and less antibiotic use\n9\n.\n\n\n\n\nNow more than ever, it is important for children to have a strong immune system. Build and\u00a0 strengthen your child\u2019s immunity within with the right nutrients like MFGM Complex, DHA,\u00a0 PDX/GOS & Yeast Beta Glucan, for a strong immunity is the start of building a smarter\u00a0 tomorrow.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nDisclaimer: The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and\u00a0 it should not be construed as personal medical advice, nor for medical diagnosis or treatment.\u00a0 At all times, please ensure you seek the advice of your healthcare professional when you\u00a0 require medical advice and do so immediately in cases where there is an emergency.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article was republished with permission from Enfagrow A+.\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\n1.COVID-19 Parenting \u2013 Talking about COVID-19. Retrieved from: \nwww.who.int/publications/m/item/covid-19-parenting-talking-about-covid-19\n \n\n\n2. #HealthyAtHome. (n.d.). WHO | World Health Organization. Retrieved from: \nwww.who.int/campaigns/connecting-the-world-to-combat\u00a0\ncoronavirus/healthyathome/healthyathome\u2014healthy-parenting\n\n\n3. Hand Hygiene: Why, How & When. Retrieved from: \nwww.who.int/gpsc/5may/Hand_Hygiene_Why_How_and_When_Brochure.pdf\n\n\n4.Reduce the spread of new coronavirus: Wash your hands. Retrieved from: \nwww.munsonhealthcare.org/blog/reduce-the-spread-of-coronavirus-wash-your\n hands\n\n\n5.Q&A: Children and masks related to COVID-19. Retrieved from:\u00a0\nwww.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-children-and-masks-related-to-covid\n 19\n \n\n\n6. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public. Retrieved from: \nwww.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public\n\n\n7. National Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition. Malaysian Dietary Guidelines\u00a0 for Children and Adolescents 2013. Retrieved from: \nnutrition.moh.gov.my/wp\n content/uploads/penerbitan/buku/MDG_Children_adolescent_2014.pdf.\n\n\n8. Veereman-Wauters G et al. Milk fat globule membrane (INPULSE) enriched formula milk\u00a0 decreases febrile episodes and may improve behavioral regulation in young children.\u00a0 Nutrition. 2012;28:749-752. Retrieved from: \nwww.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0899900711003741?via%3Dihu\n \nb\n \n\n\n9. Li F, Jin X, Liu B, Zhuang W, Scalabrin D. Follow-up Formula consumption in 3- to 4-Year Olds and Respiratory Infections: An RCT. Pediatrics 2014;133:e1533-1540. Retrieved from:\u00a0 \nwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24843061\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/c-section-scar-treatment", "title": "How to Improve the Appearance of a C-Section Scar Quickly", "body": "Congratulations, you are now a mother! Whether or not you opted in for a c-section or it was an emergency surgery, you have done a wonderful job of bringing your baby into the world.\u00a0 But as any mother who has gone through a c-section surgery would know, the recovery period is a long journey and one that often comes with a lot of pain. When it comes to c-section scar treatment, it is one of the most important things for mums to do during this recovery phase.\n\n\nFirstly mummies, just remember, you have just gone through major life-altering surgery and unlike other surgeries, this one also resulted in you becoming a parent.\u00a0\n\n\nYou should view having the c-section scar as a badge of honour and a testament to your bravery. So many women are also on this same journey that you are.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile many mummies have gone through a c-section, what you need to know is that not all c-section incisions are the same.\n\n\nTypes of C-Section Incisions\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nDuring your surgery, your doctor makes two incisions. The first is through the skin of your lower abdomen, about an inch above your pubic hair while the second is into the uterus, where your doctor will then reach in to deliver the baby\n1\n.\n\n\nThe incision of your abdomen will be either:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHorizontal\n: A low-transverse incision that is used in most caesarean surgery. It is done across the lowest part of the uterus because it bleeds less and is also less likely to split if you choose to have a vaginal birth in the future.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVertical: \nThe incision is down in the middle of the uterus and is only done by doctors for an emergency delivery. It is slightly more painful and requires a longer time to heal.\n\n\n\n\nWhich one did your doctor do for you?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTypes of C-Section Closures\n\n\nNo matter which direction your doctor decided to make the cut, the closure will play a big role in how the scar heals.\u00a0\n\n\nDuring the Cesarean surgery, you will receive two incisions \u2013 one in your abdomen and another on your uterus.\u00a0\n\n\nThe incision on your uterus is always closed with dissolvable stitches. These stitches are made from materials that the body can break down, so they will dissolve gradually as the incision heals\n2\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, the incision on your abdomen will be closed with these three ways. They are:\n\n\n\n\nStaples\n \u2013 It\u2019s the most popular choice because it\u2019s the easiest and quickest option.\n\n\nStitches\n \u2013 This method takes more time, but some research suggests that women who chose stitches may be significantly less likely to develop wound complications\n3\n.\u00a0\n\n\nGlue\n \u2013 Surgical glue seals the skin and is then topped with a transparent dressing. Some experts stated that glue heals faster and leaves the least visible scar. However, the doctor can only use the glue method depending on how the c-section went.\n\n\n\n\nThe C-section Scar\n\n\nOnce the wound closes and the skin heals, that is when the scar starts to form. \nHypertrophic or raised scars developed in 41% of women 12 weeks post caesarean delivery\n4\n.\n Therefore this is the critical period to treat scars so that they can heal optimally.\n\n\n\u00a0\nThese scars are known as:\n\n\n\n\nKeloid\n \u2013 A keloid scar occurs when scar tissue extends beyond the original boundaries of the wound, resulting in lumps of scar tissue around the incision\n5\n.\n\n\nHypertrophic scar\n \u2013 The scar is thicker, firmer and more raised than a normal scar. It stays within the borders of its original incision line, unlike a keloid\n6\n.\n\n\n\n\nC-Section Scar Treatment\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nSurgical wounds can take months to heal, however, the earlier you begin to manage your c-section scar, the faster and better it will recover.\u00a0\n\n\nDespite having to adjust to a new and very busy schedule, there are no shortcuts to reducing the visibility of your scar. Healing takes time and effort.\n\n\nHere is what you \nSHOULD NOT\n do, to begin with:\n\n\n\n\nPut toothpaste on the scar\n\n\n\n\nSome ingredients in toothpaste include fluoride, glycerol, sorbitol, calcium carbonate and sodium lauryl sulfate. \n\n\nThese ingredients can be harsh on the skin and even induce irritation and burning sensation. Some people applied it over their acne to shrink its size.\n7\n\n\nBut this method must never be used as c-section scar treatment. In fact, doing so might make your incision heal slower than you expect it to be!\n\n\n\n\nUsing citrus fruit like oranges\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCitrus fruit is a popular ingredient in skincare as it contains high levels of antioxidants. However, it is not the best c-section scar treatment because fruit juice can be highly acidic which can burn and irritate the skin. \n\n\nOn the other hand, never use citrus oil undiluted on your skin because they are highly active oils with astringent properties and photosensitivity that activates under direct sunlight. \n\n\nThis may cause chemical burns on your skin\n8\n. It is important to instead look for a product that contains the same ingredients without all the harmful side effects.\n\n\n\n\nRubbing alcohol\n\n\n\n\nIt is commonly used for a number of skin-related purposes such as fighting acne, cleaning wounds, etc. In this instance, you absolutely do not want to rub alcohol on your c-section scar. \n\n\nRubbing alcohol is a harsh substance that can damage and burn skin while removing the skin\u2019s natural oils that contribute to the skin\u2019s pH balance\n9\n.\n\n\nTry This Instead\n\n\nThe best way to reduce c-section scar is by using scar reduction products, that can certainly help in lightening and flattening the c-section scar. \n\n\nSilicone gel is the first-line therapy recommended by experts worldwide for the management of scars\n10\n.\n\n\n\n\nAt the Asianparent, we recommend Dermatix Ultra\u24c7, a clinically proven scar formulation to lighten, soften and flatten c-section scars.\u00a0 \n\n\nIt is a gentle, non-oily \ngel-based formulation with unique CPX silicone technology and vitamin C ester to help improve the appearance of surgical scars.\n\n\nCPX, a unique silicone technology aids in scar improvement by maintaining skin\u2019s optimal hydration, while Vitamin C Ester helps to enhance the lightening of the scar (similarly to how Vitamin C products for our face also helps to lighten acne scars).\u00a0\n\n\nThe combination of these two key ingredients makes it ideal to use on hypertrophic scars and keloids.\u00a0\n\n\nIdeally, you should start scar treatment with Dermatix Ultra\n\u24c7\n as early as 10-14 days after c-section surgery or once the surgical wound has dried and closed, to achieve the most optimal results.\n\n\nDermatix Ultra\n\u24c7\n also supports your body\u2019s natural recovery process by protecting your scar and regulating collagen production to minimise scar formation. It has an over 85 per cent success rate in softening and diminishing hypertrophic and keloid scars\n11,12\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe best part about it is that it is suitable for daily use. For best results, apply Dermatix Ultra twice daily for \n2-3 months for normal scars; 6 months or more for deeper and longer scars such as surgical scars, or until you experience the full benefit of scar treatment.\n\u00a0\n\n\nSo take good care of your c-section scar. Avoid applying products that have not been recommended, and treat your c-section scar healing process with tender loving care by purchasing your tube of Dermatix Ultra \nhere \ntoday!\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.) \nC-Section Scars: Care Basics During and After Healing, Retrieved on 2nd July 2021, from \nwww.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/c-section-scars\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.) \nC-Section Scars: What to Expect During and After Healing. Retrieved on 2nd July 2021, from \nwww.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/c-section-scar\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.) \nC-Section Scars: What to Expect During and After Healing. Retrieved on 2nd July 2021, from \nwww.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/c-section-scar\n\n\n(n.d.) Brown BC, et al. The Hidden Cost of Skin Scars: Quality of Life after Skin Scarring. J Plast Recontr Aesthet Surg 2008;61:1049-58\n\n\n(n.d.) \nC-Section Scars: What to Expect During and After Healing. Retrieved on 2nd July 2021, from \nwww.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/c-section-scar\n\n\n(n.d.) \nC-Section Scars: What to Expect During and After Healing. Retrieved on 2nd July 2021, from \nwww.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/c-section-scar\n\n\n(n.d.) What\u2019s in your toothpaste? A look at 5 common ingredients. Retrieved on 5 July 2021, from \nwww.deltadentalins.com/oral_health/whats-in-your-toothpaste.html\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d.) \n6 Rules for Using Citrus on Skin. Retrieved on 5 July 2021, from \nwww.100percentpure.com/blogs/feed/6-rules-for-using-citrus-on-skin\n\n\n\u00a0(n.d) Isopropyl Alcohol (Surecomfort). Retrieved on 5 July 2021, from \nwww.everydayhealth.com/drugs/isopropyl-alcohol-topical\n\n\n\u00a0\nKim S, et al. Update on scar management: guidelines for treating Asian patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 2013; 132(6): 1580-9\n\n\nFulton JE. Silicone gel sheeting for the prevention and management of evolving hypertrophic and keloid scars. Dermatol Surg 1995;21:947-951\n\n\nMercer NSG. Silicone gel in the treatment of keloid scars. Br J Plastic Surg. 1989;42:83-87\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nThings That Give Expecting Malaysian Mummies A Headache\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nCommon Malaysian Foods To Avoid When Breastfeeding\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nC-Section Birth Images That Help Normalise Birth\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/postpartum-depression-in-men", "title": "Dad\u2019s Not Okay\u2014Postpartum Depression in Men", "body": "Postpartum depression (PPD) (also known as prenatal depression) is a mood disorder usually associated with mothers after childbirth. It is characterised by symptoms such as pervasive sadness and a sense of disconnect from the baby.\n\n\nAlthough PPD is talked about more in regards to women, about 4 to 25% of men are affected by the disorder as well.\n\n\nThere is need for greater awareness regarding this serious mental health issue; a problem that impacts both father and family.\n\n\nSigns to look out for\n\n\nPPD is different from the \u2018baby blues\u2019 which manifests in anxiety, trouble sleeping and feeling overwhelmed after labour. The baby blues are normal, as childbirth brings about a flux of hormonal change and shifts in parents\u2019 daily routine.\n\n\nPPD is not normal.\n\n\nWhile symptoms of baby blues can last up to about 2 weeks, PPD\u2019s effects go on for much longer. For some, it continues for months, and for others\u2014years.\n\n\n\n\nHere are some signs and symptoms to look out for:\n\n\n\n\nSevere mood swings\n\n\nHeightened irritability\n\n\nWithdrawal from friends and family\n\n\nProblems bonding with the baby\n\n\nInsomnia or excessive sleep\n\n\nFeelings of shame or worthlessness\n\n\nThoughts of harming yourself or the baby\n\n\nSevere anxiety\n\n\n\n\nWhat causes it?\n\n\nIt might surprise you to know that fathers also go through hormonal change after pregnancy.\n\n\nNew dads experience a dip in testosterone, which can lead to chronic fatigue and irritability.\n\n\nThis factor\u2014along with other lifestyle adjustments associated with having a new baby\u2014could possibly contribute to the triggering of PPD in men.\n\n\nIn addition, men with partners who are already suffering from postpartum depression are much more likely to get it themselves. One\u00a0\nstudy\n\u00a0suggests that dads are 2.5 times more likely to get it if their partners have symptoms too.\n\n\nHere are some other risk factors that may up a man\u2019s chance of having PPD:\n\n\n\n\nBeing a young father\n\n\nMarital or relationship issues\n\n\nFinancial difficulty\n\n\nA history of anxiety or depression\n\n\nAn unplanned pregnancy\n\n\nLack of social and emotional support\n\n\nFeelings of exclusion from mother-child bond\n\n\n\n\nWhy it\u2019s important to get help\n\n\nPPD isn\u2019t a walk in the park.\n\n\nIt\u2019s highly difficult for the sufferer and its effects seep into all areas of life. If it isn\u2019t managed, the severity of symptoms may escalate.\n\n\nWhile PPD is a disorder that an individual can be diagnosed with, everyone around the sufferer can feel its negative effects. Particularly, children and partners \u2013 those who have to live with and are close to the affected party.\n\n\n\n\nChildren need their fathers to be emotionally present and engaging in order to develop healthily. Mothers need their partners\u2019 support to raise a child. As PPD casts its shadow upon new dads, the entire family unit might struggle to cope with daily life.\n\n\nHow to get help\n\n\nTalk to someone you trust, a mental health professional, or medical care provider if you are displaying symptoms.\n\n\nIf someone you love might have it, try talking to him and help him seek professional treatment.\n\n\nFor those expecting a child, you may wish to look into confinement centres around Malaysia, such as\u00a0\nMommy Mansion\n\u00a0in Klang. They offer a safe place and support to both mothers and fathers post-childbirth. This might make transition into postpartum life easier.\n\n\nAt home, you can start small by making sure you take breaks in your day to rest, and finding time to connect with people you care about.\n\n\n\n\nHaving PPD is not an indication of being a poor or weak dad, nor is it something you have to resign to. It isn\u2019t your \u2018fault\u2019.\n\n\nSelf-care is important and there is no shame in asking for help and acknowledging your struggles\u2014that\u2019s how we get better.\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nKiddy123\n.\n\n\nRead more:\n\n\n\n\nFathers raising daughters: 10 tips all dads should know\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/hospital-bag-checklist", "title": "Hospital bag checklist on what to pack: New mum guide", "body": "My friend, Debby is excited\u00a0about\u00a0the birth of her first baby a month from now. Since she knew I already had 3 pregnancies and childbirth experiences, she had lots of questions for me about the hospital bag checklist.\n\n\nBasically, this is what a mum-to-be needs to bring to hospital when her labour begins.\n\n\nHospital bag checklist: Basic tips\n\n\nHave your hospital bag checklist ready in advance.\u00a0Prepare your hospital bag \nat least TWO weeks\n before your expected date of delivery (EDD). This is because there are instances when labour may occur before the 36\nth\n week of pregnancy.\n\n\nYou should be packed (according to your hospital bag checklist) and ready so that whenever labour starts you are prepared.\n\n\nPrepare at least two bags \u2013\u00a0one for labour \u00a0and the other, after your delivery when you are in the hospital room.\n\n\nThis postpartum bag should include items for your baby and husband, and can be brought to the hospital by your husband after you have given birth.\n\n\nSo what goes into the labour bag and what essential things do you need while you are in the hospital?\n\n\n\n\nBe prepared for the birth of your little one by having a comprehensive hospital bag checklist ready.\n\n\n\n\nHospital Bag Checklist: Here\u2019s what to include\n\n\nHere\u2019s a list of things to include in your \nlabour bag, based on a comprehensive hospital bag checklist:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDocuments\n such as your doctor\u2019s admission orders, prenatal record book, health insurance papers and others that you need to take care of financial concerns.\n\n\nA copy of your \nbirth plan\n should be prepared ahead of time to inform your health care providers about your preferences in childbirth.\n\n\nRelaxation items \nthat will help you relax while you are on labour\u00a0such as a radio, CD player, mp3 player or iPod to play relaxing music.\n\n\nCamera or Video Camera\n, charger or extra batteries to capture those moments especially during and after childbirth.\n\n\nSocks and sweater\n to keep you warm in case you feel cold while in the labour room.\n\n\nSnacks\n to give you energy while on labour and after childbirth when you need to regain your strength. You may wish to prepare your own as food in the hospital cafeteria may be expensive or they do not have what you wish to eat.\n\n\n\n\nHere\u2019s a list of things you need in your\u00a0\npostpartum hospital bag checklist:\n\n\nFor you:\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMobile phone\n and charger to enable you to call important people and let them know that the baby has arrived.\n\n\nFavorite \npillow\n from home so you can\u00a0sleep\u00a0comfortably.\n\n\nLip balm\n to soothe dry and chapped lips.\n\n\nNursing bra and breast pads\n\u00a0for breastfeeding your baby.\n\n\nBathrobe\n that you can slip into when you take a shower or just wanted to get out of your room.\n\n\nNight dress\n in case you don\u2019t like the robe the hospital provides.\n\n\nUnderwear\n to keep you feeling fresh (if you have a C-section); the hospital generally supplies the maternity underwear if you gave birth the natural way.\n\n\nSanitary napkins or maternity pads\n for the blood discharge after childbirth.\n\n\nSlippers\n to use when you want to walk around or outside your room.\n\n\nToiletries\n such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, cleanser, etc for daily hygiene\n\n\nTowel\n to use after shower.\n\n\nHairbrush, Toothbrush\n and other accessories\n\n\nGoing-home attire\n to use when you are ready to be discharged from the hospital.\n\n\nCosmetics \nsuch as powder and lipstick and other stuff to make you look good when meeting friends who visit you and the baby or when you go home.\n\n\nChange of clothes\n for your husband\n\n\nLaptop\n which you can use to download pictures if you can\u2019t wait to update friends of your childbirth but this can be optional.\n\n\n\n\nFor baby:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nReceiving blankets\n to wrap around your baby to keep him or her warm.\n\n\nBaby clothes\n such as shirts, pajamas, mittens, bib, cap, socks or booties. Make sure you bring enough for the number of days of your stay in the hospital.\n\n\nDiapers \nfor your newborn.\n\n\nBaby wipes\n to clean your baby.\n\n\nBaby bath or baby wash \nfor your baby\u2019s first bath by the hospital nurse.\n\n\nBaby\u2019s towel\n to be used right after his or her first bath.\n\n\nFeeding bottles and formula milk \ncan be used whenever your breast milk won\u2019t come out yet but this is optional.\n\n\nBaby Book or Journal\n to record your baby\u2019s information.\n\n\nCar seat\n which you need to bring your baby home.\n\n\n\n\nGood luck with the baby and the delivery!\n\n\nCopyright (c) \n123RF Stock Photos\n\n\n\u00a0\nPartner Stories\nHealth\nQuestions For The Paediatrician, #4 Is A MUST!\nPenyusuan & Pemakanan\nMelangkaui Norma: Adakah Rangsangan Penyusuan Bayi Hanya Boleh Dilakukan Secara Semula Jadi?\nBaby\nWhat Is the New Standard of Gentle?\nKeibubapaan\nPenjagaan Kulit Bayi: Tip Untuk Ibu Baharu\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/berhenti-merokok-2", "title": "Henti Merokok Demi Kesihatan Kandungan! Ini Antara Bantuan Yang Anda Boleh Dapati", "body": "Selepas penat bekerja dan menguruskan rumah seharian, anda mungkin sudah terbiasa dengan memberi ganjaran kepada diri anda sepuntung rokok. Dan tahu-tahu dari sepuntung rokok terus habis sekotak. Jadi bagaimana boleh berhenti merokok?\n\n\nApabila mengetahui bahawa anda sedang mengandung, tabiat buruk itu harus dihentikan serta merta jika anda ingin mengalami kehamilan yang sihat. Dan sekiranya anda tidak mampu untuk disiplin\u00a0 berhenti merokok dengan sendiri, jangan risau ada talian bantuan yang anda boleh minta pertolongan.\u00a0\n\n\nMerokok telah mengakibatkan lebih 90% kanser paru-paru dan ia juga menjadi punca kepada 14 jenis kanser lain. Kesan kepada perokok kedua yang tidak merokok juga kepada keluarga mereka adalah lebih teruk. Ia memudaratkan lebih-lebih lagi kepada kanak-kanak.\n\n\n\n\nMalah ibu yang sedang hamil juga berisiko untuk melahirkan anak \npramatang\n, kehamilan\n ektopik\n juga keguguran. Disebabkan itu pasangan yang merancang untuk membina keluarga akan bersungguh-sungguh untuk berhenti merokok.\u00a0\n\n\nWalaupun ketagihan sudah berkurangan namun ia merupakan satu tabiat kronik yang memang sukar untuk dibuang begitu sahaja. Jadi untuk keluarga yang ingin membina gaya hidup yang lebih sihat untuk keluarganya di masa hadapan, anda tidak terlewat untuk mendapatkan pertolongan.\n\n\n Sekiranya anda sudah nekad untuk berhenti demi keluarga tersayang ini antara talian sokongan dan program untuk berhenti merokok di Malaysia yang anda boleh sertai.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKhidmat \nInfoline\n Berhenti Merokok\u00a0\n\n\nBeroperasi setiap hari bekerja dari Isnin hingga Jumaat dari jam 8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang. Talian \n03-8883 4400\n menjadi saluran kepada perokok dan ahli keluarga untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan tips berhenti merokok yang boleh dilakukan oleh perokok dengan sokongan ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan.\n\n\nSkop Perkhidmatan \nInfoline\n Berhenti Merokok adalah mengendalikan panggilan masuk dan pesanan suara \n(voicemail);\n\n\n\n\nDaripada orang awam yang ingin mengetahui tentang khidmat yang ditawarkan oleh KKM.\n\n\nMenerangkan tentang Khidmat Berhenti Merokok (KBM) yang disediakan di klinik kesihatan dan hospital di seluruh negara.\n\n\nMemberikan tips kepada pemanggil yang ingin berhenti merokok.\n\n\nMengesyorkan klinik kesihatan dan hospital yang paling hampir dengan tempat tinggal pemanggil. Contoh: Jika pemanggil tinggal di Puchong, pengendali boleh mengesyorkan pemanggil untuk mengunjungi Hospital Serdang atau Hospital Putrajaya untuk khidmat ini.\n\n\nMenghantar kit berhenti merokok (risalah dan panduan berhenti merokok) kepada pemanggil jika diminta.\n\n\n\n\nSetiap panggilan yang diterima akan melalui proses yang telah diprogramkan seperti berikut :\n\n\n\n\nPanggilan masuk.\n\n\nPanggilan dijawab oleh petugas. Jika petugas sedang menjawab panggilan lain, panggilan itu akan dihantar ke sistem pesanan suara yang memaklumkan talian sedang sibuk.\n\n\nDalam tempoh 8 saat, panggilan akan dijawab sekiranya petugas telah menamatkan panggilan pertamanya.\n\n\nSekiranya panggilan tersebut tidak dijawab dalam masa 8 saat, panggilan akan dihalakan ke sistem pesanan suara di mana pemanggil boleh memilih untuk meninggalkan pesanan.\n\n\nSemua panggilan di luar waktu bekerja (8 pagi \u2013 5 petang) akan terus dihalakan ke sistem pesanan suara.\n\n\n\n\nPemanggil boleh memilih untuk meninggalkan pesanan di mana petugas akan menghubunginya semula dalam tempoh 24 jam masa bekerja. Sekiranya panggilan dibuat pada hari cuti am atau hari cuti umum, petugas akan menghubungi semula pada hari bekerja berikutnya.\n\n\n\n\nMQuit USM Tobacco Quitline\n\n\nUniversiti Sains Malaysia (USM) menggunakan kepakarannya dalam bidang kawalan tembakau dan asap rokok dengan kerjasama Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) menerusi penyediaan talian \u2018MQuit USM Tobacco Quitline\u2019 bagi membantu perokok di seluruh negara untuk berhenti daripada tabiat buruk itu.\n\n\nTalian ini membolehkan perokok mendapatkan bimbingan dan sokongan moral melalui telefon secara berkala semasa dalam proses henti tabiat merokok.\n\n\nIa dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama Akademi Farmasi Malaysia dan sebuah syarikat pengeluaran produk henti merokok menerusi Memorandum Persetujuan yang ditandatangani pada 1 Julai 2016 dengan matlamat menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada perokok untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan tip berhenti merokok.\n\n\nMereka yang mendaftar ditawarkan perkhidmatan berhenti secara bersemuka di Klinik Berhenti Merokok di seluruh negara yang dikendalikan pengamal perubatan.\n\n\nPerokok boleh mendapatkan khidmat nasihat lebih lanjut menerusi telefon yang dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh USM ini selain mendapatkan sokongan bimbingan di kedai farmasi, klinik dan hospital swasta berdaftar dengan program berkenaan.\n\n\nKelebihan menggunakan perkhidmatan talian ini adalah masa fleksibel, sesi kaunseling dibuat dengan lebih telus dan tertutup, menjimatkan masa selain boleh mendaftar walaupun sudah atau sedang mendapatkan rawatan di klinik.\n\n\nHubungi talian 04-6535999 pada waktu pejabat setiap hari bekerja dan selepas waktu itu, semua panggilan akan direkodkan ke dalam sistem pesanan suara dan pemanggil akan dihubungi semula.\n\n\nUntuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai tahap kesihatan anda dan bantuan berhenti merokok klik di sini \nMalaysia Council For Tobacco Control (MCTC).\n\n\nPeringatan: Anda tidak dibenarkan menyiar artikel ini di mana-mana laman web atau status Facebook yang lain, tanpa pemberian kredit dan pautan yang tepat lagi berfungsi pada artikel asal di laman\u00a0\nThe AsianParent Malaysia\n\n\nSumber: \nHarian Metro\n, \nMyHealth\n\n\nBaca juga:\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nTip keibubapaan\nPencemaran Udara Di Dalam Rumah Lebih Berisiko Menyebabkan Kelahiran Bayi Pramatang, Ini Apa Yang Anda Patut Lakukan!\nKehamilan\nParut Czer Buat Ramai Ibu Hilang Keyakinan, Ini Cara Mudah Untuk Mengatasinya\nMenjadi ibu bapa\nIbu-Ibu, Ini Cara Untuk Kembali Yakin Dengan Diri Sendiri Selepas Pembedahan C-Section! Tiada Lagi Parut Ketara\nKehamilan\nPentingnya Ambil Susu Ibu Mengandung Sepanjang Tempoh Kehamilan, Baik Untuk Ibu & Janin\n\n\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/when-to-stop-extracurricular-activities-for-kids", "title": "When to stop extracurricular activities for kids?", "body": "\u201cMy daughter is in 2nd grade and already so busy. She goes to school in the morning and comes back in the afternoon. Once she has napped for a while, she gets ready for the piano class and then dance class. Twice a week she also attends sports practice in school. I feel extracurricular activities for kids are essential.\u201d\n\n\nHow often do you hear about busy schedules of small kids from parents around you? Chances are, even your own child may be participating in a variety of extracurricular activities for kids, to sharpen their intellect or improve their personality.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nExtracurricular activities for kids. Image: File Image\n\n\n\n\nIn many households it\u2019s a common scenario that children keep shuttling between activity classes after school and on weekends. But what happens when your child refuses to take part in these activities? Have you ever wondered about when to stop your child from going for more activities?\n\n\nExtracurricular activities for kids: Push them too hard and they will crack under pressure!\n\n\nPsychologist Justin Coulson shares that nowadays parents want to provide their kids with opportunities to learn. They encourage their kids to excel and settle only for the best. But at the same time, you also need to keep in mind that pushing your child too hard can make them crack under the pressure.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAvoid pushing them too much. Image: File Image\n\n\n\n\nHe further shares that parents contact him and say that their child is not keen on participating in after school activities. They feel that the child lacks resilience. Most importantly, they ask Dr Coulson about how to help their child keep at it.\u00a0\n\n\nDr Coulson says, \u201cThe easy response is, \nif it matters more to you than your child, then you probably need to stop.\n It\u2019s not across the board but certainly there is increased expectation on kids today than there was 20 or 30 years ago.We just want our kids to have every advantage and opportunity so they can have wonderful lives \u2014 but it\u2019s not always going to be to their advantage.\u201d\n\n\nHere is what Dr Coulson advises parents\n\n\n1. Allow your kids to quit when they want to stop\n\n\n\n\nGive them the freedom to quit. Image: File Image\n\n\n\n\nDr Coulson says that making your little girl practice that one dance step till the time she gets it right is not going to help her enjoy that activity. Instead parents need to help their child find out what is it that they love and then provide opportunities for them to take it up. But he also understands that when kids don\u2019t know what they want to do or give up on activities midway, it can be difficult for parents.\n\n\n2. They are not totally immune to everything that comes their way\n\n\n\n\nRespect their choices. Image: File Image\n\n\n\n\nCiting an example from his own life, Dr Coulson shares that one of his kids found an interest in cycling. The family arranged for a bike for her. But four weeks later when she had actually practiced with other kids for a while, she realised that she was not in the same league as others. They explained to her about persistence, practice and training and she continued for some more time. But eight or ten weeks later she just said that she didn\u2019t like it.\n\n\nThe child later on found what she loved but according to Dr Coulson, even when kids find something that\u2019s interesting for them, parents should resist pushing them to perform.\u00a0\n\n\nHe says: \u201cLet\u2019s tap into their strengths and into their loves and give them opportunities to do things that are going to enlarge their childhood and their experience of joy in childhood.\u201d\n\n\nSource: \nABC News\n, \nABC Radio Perth\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/importance-of-day-care-center-exposure-for-children", "title": "Importance Of Day Care Center Exposure For Children", "body": "Sending children to daycare is not a decision parents make lightly. Are you a \nmum currently\u00a0\nfeeling anxious because you\u2019re thinking about sending your little one to a daycare center? We\u2019re here to tell you not to be so worried. Here\u2019s what you should know about the importance of day care center exposure for your little one\u2019s development.\u00a0\n\n\nImportance Of Day Care Center Exposure And Activities\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nFirst things first, Mummy. While daycare for kids can have lots of benefits for \nyou\n, in your heart, your baby always comes first, and so you feel guilty. But daycare can be marvellous for your little one, and we\u2019re not just saying this to make you feel better. \n\n\nHere are a few ways sending your child to daycare can help \nthem.\n\u00a0This is linked to the importance of day care center \u201ceducation\u201d for little ones.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Helps in managing their emotions and behaviour better\n\n\nA recent study published in the journal \nJAMA Psychiatry\n states that children in daycare are less prone to emotional problems, \nseparation anxiety\n and social withdrawal symptoms. They are better behaved in these ways, compared to kids staying with their parents or caregivers all day.\u00a0\n\n\nSocialisation helps your child to learn how to share, solve problems and be team players. Dr Francine Lederer works as a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles. She shares that when kids are under the influence of teachers with a \ngood educational\n background, they learn how to solve conflicts. \n\n\nLearning how to control emotions can be especially useful to your kids as they approach those famous tantrum years.\n\n\n2. Boosts their communication skills and language development\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nAccording to Psychology Today, a huge benefit of high-quality daycare exposure on your child, is better \ndevelopment of speech and vocabulary\n.\u00a0\n\n\nHara Marano, writing for Psychology Today, explains that this effect is likely due to early exposure to adult conversation.\u00a0\n\n\nOther experts also add to this, saying \u201cchildren who hear more words on a consistent basis during their first three years have a more expansive vocabulary as they age and develop.\u201d\n\n\nBut mums and dads, this is where the importance of day care center selection comes into play. If q\nuality words are constantly and consistently used\n by daycare workers, then there\u2019s no doubt this learning will rub off on your little one.\u00a0Importance of day care center\n\n\n3. Helps in their personal growth and development\n\n\nDaycare centres that provide quality programmes related to appropriately handling \nbehavioural issues\n, giving ample learning and providing socialisation opportunities, stimulation and love, help your child\u2019s personal growth.\n\n\nDr Lederer shares that kids sent to daycare at an early age have\n higher intellectual\n abilities. This happens mainly because at daycare kids get more opportunities to observe, engage in parallel play and socialise. \u00a0\n\n\n3. Helps in improving physical health later on\n\n\nA study published in the journal \nJAMA Pediatrics\n states that children in large daycare centres below the age of 2 and \u00bd years suffered more respiratory and\n ear infections\n. But by the time these kids went on to elementary school, they fell sick less often as compared to kids who stayed at home. \n\n\nThat\u2019s not all, Mum! Here\u2019s how sending your child to daycare can help you\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Whether you\u2019re a working mum or a stay-at-home mum, sending your child to a daycare helps you get organised in your own life. \n\n\n If you want, you can start working again, thanks to daycare. That means more \nfinancial independence\n for yourself and better support for your family. What\u2019s more, working can help you find your own identity.\n\n\n If you can manage your schedule well, you can get free time for yourself. So no more putting off that parlour appointment or the romantic lunch date you\u2019ve been dying to go on with your husband!\n\n\n\n\nSo mums, if daycare for your child is something you\u2019ve been thinking of, but just cannot commit to because of mum-guilt, stop. Daycare is good for both you and your child!\n\n\nSource: \nJAMA\u00a0Psychiatry\n, \nLivestrong\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Singapore\n.\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nJust Stay at Home! 6 Edutainment Apps & Services to Keep Your Kids Learning\n\n\n\n\nPartner Stories\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nThese 3 Things Could be Killing Your Child\u2019s Gut Health\nHealth\nThe Latest Vaccination Schedule for Children, Parents MUST Know!\nMoney Parenting\nHere\u2019s How To Facilitate Good Money Habits In Your Teen\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nIs Your Child Having Trouble Digesting? Here are 10 Foods to Improve Their Gut Health\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/covid-19-vaccines-side-effects", "title": "COVID-19 Vaccines Progress", "body": "With more people receiving their COVID-19 vaccines, some might noticed that the vaccines cause very mild side effects. It is a normal sign that your body is building protection.\n\n\nDr Chieng Jin Yu, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology of Pantai Hospital Ampang (PHA) here to answer some questions that might linger in our mind.\n\n\n1# Why do the COVID-19 vaccines cause side effects?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nLike all medicines, vaccines may cause side effects in some people. Why do the vaccines sometimes cause these unpleasant effects, and should we concern about it? It might be counterintuitive, but side effects are a sign the vaccine is \u2018working\u2019.\u00a0\n\n\nEverybody is different. Therefore, the exact same vaccine can leave one person feeling sick and another person feeling perfectly fine.\u00a0\n\n\nMost side effects are mild and last no more than a couple of days and you will recover without any problems. \nIn the clinical trials, side effects were reported in every 1/10 to 1/100 people. These include:\n\n\n\n\npain or swelling or redness at the injection site\n\n\nfeeling tired\u00a0\n\n\nheadache\n\n\nmuscle pain\n\n\njoint pain\n\n\nfever\n\n\nchills\n\n\nnausea\n\n\nvomiting\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0Uncommon side effects were reported in every 1/100 to 1/1,000 people. These include:\n\n\n\n\nswollen lymph nodes \n(typically manifests as a lump in your armpit or above your collarbone)\u00a0\n\n\nfeeling unwell\n\n\ninsomnia\n\n\nBell\u2019s palsy or temporary one-sided facial drooping\n\n\n\n\nSerious allergic reactions are very rare\n (\naround two to five per million\n)\n, and they usually show within half an hour after you\u2019ve had your shot. That\u2019s why people are typically monitored for at least 15 minutes after the shot. These include:\n\n\n\n\nShortness of breath\n\n\nSevere anaphylaxis or angioedema\n\n\n\n\n2# How is the first dose different than the second?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Shutterstock\n\n\n\n\nSide effects can be a sign that our immune system able to detect and destroy the virus. It could be much common or stronger among youngers if compared with the elders. \n\n\nAnd, in vaccines that require two shots, side effects could much common or worse after the second dose, because the T-cells remember the previous encounter with the spike protein. \n\n\nWithout hesitation, the recipient\u2019s immune system quickly responds to destroy it. But this also means a better immune response after the second shot.\n\n\nThis could be the same in those who have previous COVID 19 infections.\u00a0\n\n\n3# Should I be concerned about long term side effects?\n\n\nCOVID19\u00a0vaccines clinical trials only started in middle of year 2020, it\u2019s not yet clear if these vaccines will have long-term side effects. However, vaccines are reported rarely cause long-term side effects according to recent available data.\n\n\n4# Should I still get vaccinated even though side effects are common?\n\n\n\n\nCredit: The Star\n\n\n\n\nFirst at all, I would like to emphasize that the serious side effects are extreme rare. You are encouraged to go for vaccination. A\u00a0COVID -19\u00a0vaccine can:\n\n\n\n\nPrevent you from getting\u00a0COVID19\u00a0or from becoming seriously ill or dying due to\u00a0COVID-19\n\n\nPrevent you from spreading the\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0virus to your relatives or friends.\n\n\n\n\nThe risk of serious side effects of the vaccine itself especially blood clots is still much lower than the dangers of COVID-19 which can cause blood clots itself. And we know that COVID- 19 can lead to long term complications.\n\n\nWe can have muscle aches after exercise. Are you going to stop exercise?\n\n\nWe can have road traffic accidents if we are driving a car or taking a bus on a road. Are you going to stay at home, and not go to the road forever?\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\n\n\nThere are just many aspects of our lives where we need to be willing to make the trade-off of some degree of discomfort for a longer-term gain. \nThe risks from the vaccine were much smaller than the risks of COVID-19 infection. \nLet us take our vaccine and be safe!\n\n\n\n\nSource:\u00a0\nThis article is written by \nDr Chieng Jin Yu, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology of Pantai Hospital Ampang (PHA)\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n\u00a0\nWhy It Is Important to Wear Your Mask, Even After You Have Been Vaccinated?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \n\u00a0Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccine\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more: \nHow Parents and Caregivers Can Help Kids Manage with Increased Stressors with Covid-19\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/immune-system-prebiotics-probiotics", "title": "Secure Your Child\u2019s Immunity Now, Starting With Probiotics and Prebiotics", "body": "Do you see a vision of your children accomplishing great things? That\n\u00a0one day they\u2019ll\u00a0\nlive an amazing life, blessing everyone that crosses their path, and constantly surrounded by love and gratitude? To unlock this achievement, there are several conditions parents must realise.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe first prerequisite is a child whose body is strong enough to reject illness. Because with a healthy body comes a vibrant mind \u2013 one that constantly inquisitive and always learning new lessons. And the greatest teacher of all is life itself. Going out into the world gives your\u00a0\nchildren\n a chance to discover purpose, passion, and progression. All of which come in equal measure with disappointment, frustration and trauma\ni\n.\u202f\n\n\nHow do you get your child in the right frame of mind to negotiate life\u2019s chal\nlenges? This is where you need to understand the importance\u00a0\nof the immune system.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nUnderstanding\u00a0\nThe\n\u00a0Immune System\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is it?\u00a0\n\n\nThe immune system is the body\u2019s defensive network against harmful substances like viruses, bacteria and other toxins. It is made up of different organs, cells and proteins, and is known as the body\u2019s most complex system.\u202f\n\u00a0\n\n\nHow does it work?\n\n\nPathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites or germs) can infect the body and cause illnesses. Antigens are parts of the pathogen that warn the immune system when the body is being attacked. \n\n\nWhen this happens, the immune system responds by getting white-blood cells to produce antibodies and other mechanisms to get rid of the infection. The antibodies would then remain in the body so should the immune system gets another attack from the same antigen, they could easily fight it off\ni\ni\n.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe symptoms we get during an infection such as headaches, fever and rashes are signs that our immune system is working to fight the infection.\u202f\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhen does a child\u2019s immune system start to mature?\u00a0\n\n\nA\u00a0\nchild\n\u2019s immune system\u00a0\nbegins\n to mature\u00a0\nduring the early years of childhood\n. \nThey\n\u00a0produce their own antibodies each time they\u2019re exposed to germs and viruses.\u202f\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are the signs of a weak immune system?\u00a0\n\n\nWe usually don\u2019t take notice of our immune system until something\n\u00a0goes wrong. The list below is\n only a crude guide, but some signs of a weakened immune system may include:\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBowel movement problems \u2013 either\u00a0\ndiarrhoea\n\u00a0that lasts for more than two to four weeks, or constipation\n\u00a0\n\n\nEye discomfort \u2013 dry, pain, blurry vision, redness, stringy discharge or a sandy feeling in your eyes\n\u00a0\n\n\nFatigue\n\u00a0\n\n\nMild fever\n\u00a0\n\n\nHeadache\n\u00a0\n\n\nRash\n\u00a0\n\n\nJoints ache\n\u00a0\n\n\nRepeated infectio\nn\n \n\u00a0\n\n\nSun sensitivity\n\u00a0\n\n\nUnexplained weight loss\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhite patches of skin on body\n\u00a0\n\n\nYellowing of skin and eyes\u202f\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe Immune System and Mental Health\u00a0\n\n\nThink of our immune system as a th\nermostat. Low temperatures mean\n\u00a0the body is doing just fine. But if infection sets in, that thermostat turns up the heat. Due to any number of reasons (such as an improper diet, stressful living conditions, or even a lack of parental affection) some people have thermostats that fluctuate more than others. While clinical studies are not conclusive, scientists have discovered individuals with immune systems that are constantly being stressed, to be at a higher risk of developing depression and psychosis.\u202f\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhile we are only beginning to understand the complicated relationship between mental and physical health, researchers have found tons of evidence that an enhanced immune system contributes to positive emotions\ni\ni\ni\n.\u202f\n\n\n\n\nHealthy Body, Strong Mind, Better Future\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nNow we know mental health is a crucial part of any child\u2019s overall makeup. A great way to support your child\u2019s healthy growth is by providing wholesome and healthy foods from day one. Eating well affects children\u2019s overall health and helps them perform well in their daily activities too.\n\u00a0\n\n\nHere are some of our top picks for kid-friendly immune-boosting foods:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProbiotic foods such as yogurt, tempeh, miso, sourdough bread \nand cottage cheese with live cultures\n\u00a0\n\n\nPrebiotic fruits such as bananas, watermelon and custard apple\n \n\u00a0\n\n\nSalmon and tuna for Omega 3 fatty acids\n\u00a0\n\n\nOats and barley for soluble fibre\n\u00a0\n\n\nBroccoli, oranges, carrots and strawberries for a good dose of vitamin C\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nA child with a physically healthy body and a strong mind is more likely to ace through childhood with flying colours. Growing up active with lots of play and exploration provides your child with a variety of experiences that are essential for their developing personalities. With a happy and invigorating childhood, your \nchild\n\u00a0is most likely to mature into adulthood with a resilience that few can match.\n\u00a0\n\n\nSupplementary Formula Packed\u00a0With\u00a0Pre- and Probiotics\u202f\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re considering a milk formula that specifically aims to boost pre- and probiotics in young child\nren,\u00a0\nAptaGro\u2122\n\u00a0is one such option.\u00a0\nAs the no. 1 company\n*\n\u00a0in formula milk for children in Europe\n**\n,\u00a0\nAptaGro\u2122\n\u2019s\n\u00a0\nphilosophy is based on a simple but crucial principle: children must be exposed to the world to help build their resilience. \n\n\nDriven by the objective of building resilient children,\u00a0\nAptaGro\u2122\n\u00a0has a track record of over 40 years of pioneering research. This has\u00a0\nled\n\u00a0to formula milk containing a patented combination of prebiotics and probiotics. On top of this, there are many important nutrients that help support children\u2019s bodies and their learning\u00a0\ndevelopment,\n\u00a0so you can let them build their resilience by experiencing the world.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\u00a0\n\n\ni\n. Simon, A. K., Hollander, G. A., & Mcmichael, A. (2015). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1821), 20143085.\u00a0doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.3085\u00a0\n\n\ni\ni\n. Kids and the Immune System \u2013 CHOC Children\u2019s.\u201d \nhttps://www.choc.org/health-topics/kids-immune-system/\n. Accessed 4 Dec. 2019.\u00a0\n\n\ni\ni\ni\n. Immune\u00a0system and mental health are connected.\u201d 15 Aug. 2019,\u00a0\nhttps://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-08-immune-mental-health.html\n. Accessed 4 Dec. 2019.\u00a0\n\n\n*Danone Dumex is part of Danone\u00a0Nutricia\u00a0Early Life Nutrition\u00a0\n\n\n**Danone\u00a0Nutricia\u00a0Early Life Nutrition calculation based in part on information reported by Nielsen through its Scan Track,\u00a0MarketTrack\u00a0and Retail Index Services for the Children nutrition milk formula for children aged between 12 and 36 months segment (client defined) in the Children nutrition milk formula category (client defined) for the 52-week period December 2017, for the total grocery channel in Belgium, Czech, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Switzerland. (Copyright \u00a9 2017 The Nielsen Company.)\u00a0\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/milk-supply", "title": "Foods and Breast Milk-Boosting Recipes", "body": "When it comes to breastfeeding, one topic of concern is low milk supply which leads mothers to search for tips on\u00a0how to boost their supply.\n\n\nThere are certain foods that have been known to help. These foods are called galactagogues, which have milk-enhancing ingredients. Although the milk-boosting effects haven\u2019t been scientifically proven for all, several mothers swear that these foods help boost milk supply.\n\n\nThis summary gives you an overview of some foods that have been used for generations to increase milk supply naturally. We\u2019ve also included a few delicious breast milk boosting recipes at the end. Most of the recipes only take 5 to 10 minutes to prepare \u2013 ideal for your busy schedule!\n\n\nLet\u2019s start.\n\n\nFoods To Boost Breast Milk Supply\n\n\n1# Oatmeal\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Freepik\n\n\n\n\nAccording to informal reports, oatmeal is one of the top foods for boosting the milk supply. It is also a great source of nutrients that are important for breastfeeding mums and babies.\n\n\n2# Chickpeas\n\n\nWomen have been eating chickpeas to boost breast milk supply since ancient Egyptian times. They contain plant estrogens, which may be responsible for their use as a galactagogue. Whether they have that effect on you, chickpeas are healthy, nutritious food high in protein.\n\n\n3# Dark leafy greens\n\n\nFull of nutrients, like calcium. Dark leafy greens also contain phytoestrogens that may have a positive effect on breast milk supply.\n\n\n4# Nuts and seeds\n\n\nNuts can give your milk production a boost. Packed with healthy fats and antioxidants,\u00a0 cashew, almonds, and pistachios are all great alternatives.\n\n\n5# Papaya\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Any Lane/Pexels\n\n\n\n\nGreen or unripe papaya increases the production of oxytocin, which can boost breastmilk production. Papaya leaves also contain quercetin, which can activate the hormone prolactin and help boost breastmilk supply.\n\n\n6# Brewer\u2019s yeast\n\n\nNaturally rich in B vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Widely recognised as traditional food, Brewer\u2019s yeast can help boost your energy levels and breast milk production, promote metabolism, and help in weight loss.\n\n\n7# Fennel\n\n\nSome small studies suggest that fennel may increase levels of prolactin, the main hormone responsible for stimulating milk production, and it might increase milk volume and infant weight gain.\n\n\n8# Fenugreek\n\n\nSmaller studies have shown that Fenugreek has contributed to\u00a0boosting milk supply significantly. Researchers aren\u2019t quite sure why it works. It could be due to the phytoestrogens (plant chemicals similar to estrogen) that fenugreek contains.\n\n\n9# Moringa\n\n\nPartner Stories\nAges & Stages\nDiscover the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance in Children\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nAchieve Better Lactation Results with Philips Avent Breast Pumps\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nBreaking Norms: Should Breastfeeding Stimulation Only Be Done Naturally?\nBreastfeeding & Nutrition\nHow to Raise Healthy & Happy Children, 5 Easy Tips All Parents Must Know\n\n\nCredit: Discover Magazine\n\n\n\n\nNative to Asia and Africa, the moringa tree (often called \u2018The Miracle Tree\u2019) has been praised for its medicinal properties. It has been used to improve nutrition in infants and breastfeeding mothers for generations.\n\n\n10# Nettle\n\n\nWhile there are many species of nettle, stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is one of the most well-known. It has been used to stimulate milk production and increase the supply of breast milk for generations. It is also believed to help treat a variety of health problems.\n\n\n11# Pegaga\n\n\nConsisting of nature\u2019s most powerful healing herbs used for centuries in Asia, boosting breastmilk supply & quality is\u00a0one of the many health benefits of our star product Pegaga. This scientifically proven blend of 100% natural, plant-based superfoods has been used for centuries in Asia for its extraordinary health benefits.\n\n\n12# Blessed thistle\n\n\n\n\nCredit: Verywell Family\n\n\n\n\nPeople\u00a0use the flowering plant\u2019s leaves, blossoms, and stems\u00a0to increase breast milk supply as well as to improve indigestion.\n\n\n13# Ginger\n\n\nGinger is believed to help mothers heal from childbirth, and to stimulate milk production. While there\u2019s evidence that supports this, more research is needed to determine if and how effective ginger is in boosting milk supply.\n\n\n14# Lecithin\n\n\nA natural emulsifier. It is good for your brain, promotes fat burning, helps ease lactation, and seems to help some mothers prevent the blockage of milk ducts.\n\n\nBreast Milk-Boosting Recipes\n\n\n\n\nHere are some easy recipes to include in your diet. If they don\u2019t directly increase your supply, they will benefit you in other ways with their high nutritional content.\n\n\nRecipe: Milk Booster Smoothie\n\n\nHere\u2019s a smoothie that you can start your day with or have any time of the day. It contains almond milk, like almonds, in particular, which seem to be the most beneficial for boosting milk supply out of all the nuts. You can also substitute with other non-dairy milk.\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\n\n\n1.5 cups almond milk\n\n\n1 banana\n\n\n\u00bd cup oats\n\n\n1 tbsp nut butter\n\n\n1 tbsp flaxseeds (ground)\n\n\n*optional to add 1 tbsp cocoa powder if you want a chocolatey drink\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\nSimply add all ingredients to a blender and blend till smooth. If the consistency is too thick, add more milk or water\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOat & Ginger Cookies\n\n\nThese cookies are delicious and comforting to have around. Not only you\u2019ll love them, so will anyone else in your house. And don\u2019t worry, they are perfectly safe to be eaten by those that aren\u2019t breastfeeding!\n\n\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\n\n\n1 cup all-purpose flour\n\n\n2 tsp baking soda\n\n\n\u00bd tsp salt\n\n\n1 cup brown sugar\n\n\n\u00bd cup softened butter\n\n\n1 tsp vanilla extract\n\n\n2 large eggs\n\n\n3 cups oats\n\n\n\u00bd cup crystallized ginger\n\n\n2 tbsp brewers yeast\n\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\n\n\nPreheat oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper.\n\n\nIn a bowl, combine flour, baking soda, salt, and brewer\u2019s yeast.\n\n\nUsing a mixer, beat brown sugar and butter until creamy. Add in the vanilla extract and eggs one at a time. Once all mixed, add in the flour mixture. Switch off the mixer once all ingredients are well combined.\n\n\nUsing a spoon, fold in the oats and ginger.\n\n\nTake a heaped teaspoon of the mixture and place it on the baking tray. Keep the cookies about 2 inches apart.\n\n\nBake for about 10-12 minutes or until the tops are golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing from the tray.\n\n\nKeep the cookies in an airtight container.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHerbal Tea\n\n\nIt\u2019s best to minimize the caffeine whilst breastfeeding, and although this tea may not give you that caffeine buzz, it just may give you that milk boosts you are looking for.\n\n\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00bd tsp fenugreek\n\n\n\u00bd tsp fennel\n\n\n1-inch grated ginger\n\n\n*optional honey\n\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\n\n\nBreak dried chillies and remove seeds. Soak in hot water for 30 minutes until softened. Drain and set aside.\n\n\nBlend together softened dried chilies, red chilies, and shallots in a food processor until fine.\n\n\nHeat oil over medium heat in a saucepan. Add in chili paste, season with salt and coconut sugar. Stir for 10-15 minutes until sugar has dissolved and sauce has thickened.\n\n\nSpoon out fried chili sauce and set aside.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnergy & Breakfast Milk Boosting Breakfast\n\n\nOnly natural ingredients are used in this breakfast, topped with Brewer\u2019s yeast, lecithin, and flaxseed powder which are great as lactation boosting foods.\n\n\nAt the same time, they give you a sense of satiety, and also give your energy levels a quick boost. As an extra plus, flaxseed powder is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for skin and brain development.\n\n\n\n\nIngredients A\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1 cup non-dairy milk (Options: Soybeans, Oats, Rice or Almond Milk)\n\n\n1.5 cups oats soak in the milk for about 5 minutes to soften\n\n\n1 medium banana\n\n\n1 tsp Brewer\u2019s yeast\n\n\n2 tsp lecithin\n\n\n1 tsp flaxseed powder\n\n\n\n\nIngredients B\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00bd cup flaxseed powder\n\n\n2 types of fruit (such as banana, mango, blueberries)\n\n\nMixed nuts and seeds (such as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds)\n\n\nChia seeds (as much as needed)\n\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\n\n\nMix all the ingredients (A) in a blender.\n\n\nPour the paste-like mixture into a bowl.\n\n\nFinally, add your favorite ingredients (B) to add texture.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA well-balanced diet will support the health of both you and your baby\u00a0\n\n\nChoosing what you consume wisely will not only help in the production of good quality breast milk but also in maintaining the health of breastfeeding mums.\n\n\nWhilst these foods may help your supply, ensure that you drink plenty of water, eat a well-balanced diet, get enough sleep, and the more your baby latches on, the more milk you will supply. If you are still having trouble, seek help from a lactation specialist.\u00a0\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n.\n\n\nCredit image: Savoring Today\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a014 tips on how to increase your breast milk supply\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a0Power pumping: An alternative way to increase milk supply (Infographic)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n\u00a05 Common breast pumping mistakes that could be affecting your milk supply\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bonding-with-newborn-for-moms", "title": "Mommies, Here's How You Bond With Your Newborn", "body": "It was a wondrous moment! I looked in awe at my baby the very first moment she came out of my womb and into this world.\n\n\nThe terrible pain that I experienced from labour was incomparable to the overflowing joy I felt when I saw my baby.\n\n\nTears welled up in my eyes as she was placed in my abdomen. I felt the strong urge to nurture and care for my baby. How happy I was!\n\n\nI can never forget the time when I gave birth to my first baby. Yes, it was painful but the joy of knowing that life had formed in my womb was overwhelming. And the attachment I felt for my baby deepened.\n\n\nI cannot explain it but it is the kind of closeness that is more than what I felt for my parents, my siblings, my friends or my husband. Probably this is what they call the special bond between mother and child.\n\n\nHowever, I believe that this special bond, between mother and child, takes time to form and strengthen. So, Moms, how to bond with newborn you ask? Here are the answers.\n\n\nHow to Bond with Newborn During Pregnancy\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nBonding actually starts while the unborn baby is still in the mother\u2019s tummy. The changes that are taking place in the mother\u2019s body indicate that another life is growing inside.\n\n\nSo as these changes are taking place, how to bond with newborn is by talking to him or her. Your baby can already hear and recognize your voice even at four months old.\n\n\nAnd as the baby grows, he or she will respond to your voice when you talk to him or her.\n\n\nHow to Bond with Newborn After Birth\n\n\n\n\nCredit: UNICEF\n\n\n\n\nMother and child bonding which starts in the womb can continue right after the baby is born in the hospital. Arrange for your doctor and the attendants for your baby to be placed on your abdomen and chest before routine procedures are done.\n\n\nIf it is possible and if you are not too exhausted, breastfeed your baby right after birth. But if it\u2019s not possible, try to make sure that your baby stays with you throughout your stay in the hospital.\n\n\nWhen you go home from the hospital, bond with your baby through these activities:\n\n\n\n\nHave constant physical contact with your baby\n\n\n\n\nHolding and carrying your baby makes him or her feel comforted since it is the earliest way of communication for him or her. Likewise, touching your baby\u2019s skin is said to have a therapeutic value on your baby.\n\n\nBreastfeeding is also a form of physical contact which strengthens the bond you have with your baby. Massaging your baby at least once a day is another form of physical contact and can also be beneficial to your baby\u2019s health.\n\n\n\n\nLook into your baby\u2019s eyes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nYour baby can communicate and connect with you through eye-to-eye contact. Keep your baby close within a distance of 8 to 10 inches so he or she can see you. When you talk to her, look at those beautiful eyes and you will learn how your baby responds to you.\n\n\n\n\nTalk to your baby\n\n\n\n\nIf your baby can already recognize your voice even while he or she was inside your womb, then the more he or she will recognize your voice outside of it. Aside from that, babies love to listen to voices. So speak constantly to your baby.\n\n\nTalk to him or her when doing something such as taking a bath, changing diapers, and a lot more. You can even read stories or sing songs to him or her. In this way, your baby can learn sounds to help in his or her language skills development.\n\n\nBonding can take even with the slightest actions \u2013 a little cuddle, a tickle.\u00a0 Don\u2019t fret if you don\u2019t feel any bond. It takes time so keep with the hugging and interaction!\nPartner Stories\nTips for Parents\nAsthma and How it Affects Us Emotionally, What to Do Then?\nParenting\nLooking for Fun Family Bonding Activities? Why Not Combine the Power of Play and Creative Problem-Solving with LEGO bricks?\nBaby Products\nWhat Triggers Eczema? Here Are Some Common Causes & What Parents Can Do to Help Your Child\nParenting\nSpend Wisely When Shopping For Your Baby\n\n\nIf you have more suggestions on how to bond with newborn, don\u2019t forget to drop your comments on our social media platforms!\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nHere\u2019s how to get your child to bond with daddy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nGreat songs to share with your baby\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \n7 Attachment Parenting Tools\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/kidnapping-attempt", "title": "Woman allegedly tried to kidnap boy at Toys 'R' Us Shop!", "body": "Police are investigating an alleged kidnapping attempt incident apparently happened at Toys \u2018R\u2019 Us.\n\n\nChildcare centre warns about alleged kidnapping attempt\u00a0\n\n\nYou might have already seen this letter from Josiah childcare centre circulating on social media and WhatsApp.\n\n\n\n\nSOURCE: WHATSAPP FORWARD\n\n\n\n\nThe letter is dated 21 November, and is signed by the Vice Principal of the centre.\u00a0\n\n\nIt says, \u201cThere was an incident that took place at Toys \u2018R\u2019 Us store this evening involving a Josiah child and a suspicious person.\u201d\n\n\nApparently, after school that day, the child (who is in K1), and his father had gone to Toys \u2018R\u2019 Us. There, a lady in her mid-40s, who had short length hair (and seemed to be local), approached them and claimed that the boy was her son.\n\n\nShe ran away when she realised that the child\u2019s father was near him.\n\n\nShe returned again, and tried to lure the child using toys. The boy\u2019s father confronted her and asked her to stay away.\n\n\nThe child\u2019s parents have lodged a police report, and requested Toys \u2018R\u2019 Us for video footage of the lady, so that the mall can be alerted about her.\n\n\nThe letter also warns parents to be extra-cautious this festive season as the malls are going to be really crowded.\n\n\n\u201cIt is important to always have your child in sight, and reiterate to children about stranger danger.\u201d\n\n\nAccording to The Straits Times, police are now investigating the case, and the boy\u2019s parents and the childcare centre are assisting them.\n\n\nPolice have assured that that they treat such incidents seriously. They have urged members of the public not to speculate or spread unsubstantiated information which may generate unnecessary public alarm.\n\n\nTeaching Children About Stranger Danger\n\n\nHere are some tips to empower our children against stranger danger:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTeach children the difference between \u2018good\u2019 strangers and \u2018bad\u2019 strangers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0This is the trickiest part.\u00a0Unfortunately, \u2018bad\u2019 people may not \u2018look\u2019 evil; nothing like the villains you see in the movies and cartoons.\n\n\nPeople with bad intentions can pretend to be nice and friendly as well. So do advise your kids never to walk off or get into houses and vehicles with people they don\u2019t know.\n\n\nAlso, teach your kids\u00a0about \u2018safe\u2019 strangers.\n\u00a0\nThese are the people the child can approach for help, in times of crisis. They include policemen and perhaps, mummies with kids?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDo not respond to strangers\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf strangers ask questions, it is best to ignore them and walk away. Inform a trusted adult as soon as possible.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren should avoid secluded places when going to or coming back from school\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThey should also be alert and vigilant at all times.\n\n\nA confident attitude will put off many criminals who mostly prey on confused, lost or distracted children. Body language is a good indicator of a\u00a0child\u2019s personality, and inattentive people usually make easy targets.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t fall for some common tricks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTrick #1:\n\u00a0\nThe stranger may pretend to be from the Police.\n\n\nThe child should ask\u00a0for the Police Officer\u2019s Warrant Card to verify his identity before obeying his instructions.\n\n\nTrick #2:\n\u00a0\nThe stranger may ask for the child\u2019s help\n\n\nThe stranger\u00a0could ask for directions, or pretend to need help with carrying his groceries. Children should be suspicious of any stranger who asks for their help.\u00a0\n\n\nTruth is, when adults really need help, they usually turn to other adults and not kids.\nPartner Stories\nKesihatan\n4 Sebab Kenapa Ada Ibu Bapa Sengaja Pilih Untuk Tidak Beri Anak Vaksin\nTip keibubapaan\nKeselamatan & Kesihatan Anak Memang Sama Penting, Ini Caranya Untuk Tingkatkan Keselamatan & Kesihatan Anak Sepanjang Duduk Di Rumah\nTip keibubapaan\nSayangi Diri Anda! Ini 5 Tips Penjagaan Diri Untuk Ibu-ibu Yang Sibuk Bekerja & Menguruskan Keluarga\nTip keibubapaan\nMahu Anak Cepat Tangkap Bila Belajar, Kena Pastikan Anak Sentiasa Sihat, Ini Caranya!\n\n\nTrick #3: The stranger tries to bribes the child with gifts and promises\n\n\nIt could be a\u00a0\npromise to buy ice cream\n. Or it could be toys (like in this case) or other gifts.\n\n\nA person with dubious intentions usually resorts to such methods to convince the child that he is a friend and a\u00a0good person. His/her hidden agenda might be to persuade the child to go somewhere alone with him.\n\n\nTrick #4:\u00a0\u201cYour mummy is in hospital, come with me\u201d\n\n\nOne of the most commonly cooked up stories is about an emergency at home. An imposter-abductor might claim that one of the parents has met with an accident and the child needs to go to the hospital with him.\n\n\nOr it could be \u201cyour mummy sent me to pick you up.\u201d Small children should be taught to never believe such lies.\n\n\nSome parents teach their kids an \u201cemergency password\u201d, which they can use in case they really need to pass a message to their children.\n\n\nSo if a stranger accosts them with such stories, the kids can ask for the \u201cpassword\u201d. If the person does not know it, the child should get away from him as soon as possible.\n\n\n(Source:\n The Straits Times\n, \nChannel NewsAsia\n)\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/screen-addiction-6-year-old-boy-suffers-facial-seizures-2", "title": "6-Year-Old Boy Suffers Facial Seizures After Excessive Screen Time", "body": "Everywhere we go, we often see this familiar sight among young families: children bent over their\u00a0tablets and phones. Absorbed and cut-off, these children are very much lost in their own digital world. But sadly, this phenomenon is becoming a disease. Even young children are starting to show gaming addiction signs.\n\n\nA six-year-old Filipino boy has recently developed persistent facial seizures after playing\n video games for almost nine hours a day\n. While most of us would find nine hours of video games truly excessive, this\u00a0is the norm for John Nathan Lising \u2013 who was suddenly hit with uncontrollable facial tics on 23 July 2018.\n\n\nHis parents rushed him to the nearest hospital, but according to CT scan results, John\u2019s brain is surprisingly healthy.\n\n\n\n\nThere was no real way to medically prove that John\u2019s facial seizures\u00a0are linked to gaming addiction signs, however, doctors did advise his parents to stow away all gadgets and keep them away from their son.\u00a0\n\n\nDoctors also mentioned that the symptoms were similar to a disorder named \u201cFocal Seizure\u201d, which affects only one half of the brain. Currently, they are unable to properly diagnose John\u2019s actual condition due to lack of evidence. But it would be wise for us parents to heed the doctor\u2019s initial advice: reduce the amount of screen time even if our children are not showing gaming addiction signs.\n\n\nVideo of Six-Year-Old Boy Having Facial Seizures\n\n\n\n\nHow to Spot Gaming Addiction Signs\n\n\nA couple of red flags that parents should note when looking for gaming addiction signs include:\n\n\n\n\nunsuccessful control\n \u2013 when it becomes hard for the child to stop using screen media\n\n\nloss of interest in everything else\n \u2013 when screen time is all that motivates your child\n\n\nlack of social interaction/disengagement\n\u00a0\u2013 when your child is preoccupied to the point where it interferes with family activities\n\n\nwithdrawal\n \u2013 when they become irritable when you cut down on their gaming or screen time\n\n\ntolerance\n \u2013 playing for increasing amounts of time\n\n\nlying\n \u2013 to conceal gaming or sneak in extra screen time\n\n\n\n\nPreventing Gaming and Screen Addiction in Children\n\n\nBe firm with the boundaries you\u2019ve set. And be prepared to be unpopular. While other parents lug gadgets, power banks and earphones, you need to start bringing colour pencils, books, small portable toys, and stickers.\n\n\n\n\nFind out what is the recommended limit for screen time per age group and stick to those limits.\u00a0This\u00a0includes the use of TV, computers and mobile devices. Here are new guidelines from the \nAmerican Academy of Pediatrics\n.\n\n\nMake the effort to go offline yourself and spend time doing fun physical activities\u00a0with your children.\n\n\nNo TVs and electronic gadgets in your child\u2019s bedroom. Set certain places as \u201ctech-free\u201d zones.\n\n\nSet \u201ctech-free\u201d times during meals, homework time and bedtime.\u00a0\n\n\nStart early by teaching your children about the importance of moderation. Praise them when they follow your set boundaries.\n\n\nKeep logs and monitor your child\u2019s screen time.\n\n\n\n\nEven if there is no medical proof to link gaming addiction signs to\u00a0facial seizures, \nWebMD\n says that stress and\u00a0\nsleep deprivation\n seem to play a role in both the occurrence and severity of motor tics.\n\n\nJust imagine if your child spends hours and hours staring at the screen. Think about how this can affect their stress levels due to \noverexposure of blue light in the eyes\n and also strain in the \nneck\n.\n\n\nThere is no actual way to measure stress levels in a person. So stow away your gadgets and focus on physically bonding with your children. They might protest now, but soon they will find that spending quality time with their own folks can be pretty fun too.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSource: \nEdgar Lising\n, \nWebMD\n, \nWorld of Buzz\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/balance-hormones-naturally", "title": "10 Simple Tips to Balance Your Hormones Naturally\u2014And Why It\u2019s Important to Keep Them in Check", "body": "Feeling a little \u201coff\u201d lately? Your hormones could be to blame. While most people think hormones are those pesky, naturally-occurring chemicals that cause mood swings, they actually go far beyond that.\n\n\nHormones are a complex system, but it\u2019s important to know they are responsible for many functions throughout the body\u2014metabolism, sleep, skin health, mental health, sex drive and more. And when they\u2019re out of whack, that can mean major consequences for your health, including weight gain, low libido, hair thinning, depression, anxiety and leaky gut, along with a host of other conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism and diabetes.\n\n\nHere are 10 ways you can naturally balance your hormones through simple dietary and lifestyle changes.\n\n\n10 Simple Tips to Keep Your Hormones Balanced Naturally\n\n\nTry Adaptogenic Herbs\n\n\nYou\u2019ve likely herb of\u00a0\nadaptogenic herbs\n\u00a0by now. Used for centuries in herbal medicine, adaptogens are a unique group of healing herbs that help protect and defend the body against ailments or disease, specifically those related to stress. This class of herbs provides strength, energy, stamina, endurance, and can also improve mental clarity in additional to hormone support. Here are a few we recommend:\n\n\n\n\nAshwagandha\n \u2013 most commonly used to help fight and reduce stress and anxiety within the body.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLicorice\n \u2013 a natural adrenal restorative agent, licorice also helps to protect the gut and help with inflammation.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPegaga (Gotu Kola)\n \u2013 touted as the \u201cmiracle elixir of life,\u201d\u00a0Pegaga (Gotu Kola)\u00a0is another adaptogen known to help ease stress and anxiety, amongst many other\u00a0health benefits. It is also said to aid in the stimulation of the pituitary and thyroid glands.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemember, it\u2019s always important to check with your healthcare provider before starting a new regimen to see which additions are right for you.\n\n\nSupplement with Supplements\n\n\nWhile it\u2019s ideal to get all our nutrients from the foods we eat, our water intake and the sun, it\u2019s not always realistic. Which is where supplements come in! Here are a few supplements that are beneficial to the hormone balancing process: \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMagnesium\n\u00a0\u2013 sometimes referred to as the \u201cmaster\u201d mineral, Magnesium helps with hundreds of functions within the human body. It has also been shown to reduce the symptoms of PMS.\n\n\n\nVitamin D\n\u00a0\u2013 this nutrient is especially helpful for fertility. Research shows women dealing with infertility are often deficient in vitamin D3.\n\n\n\nB-Complex\n\u00a0\u2013 an especially important supplement that helps counteract the overproduction of estrogen (which is the leading cause of hormonal dysfunction) by increasing progesterone in the body.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProbiotics\n \u2013 essential for maintaining healthy gut bacteria, which in return helps to manage many hormonal conditions, including the metabolization of estrogen.\n\n\n\n\nRemember, it\u2019s always important to check with your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement regimen to see which additions are right for you.\n\n\nDon\u2019t Fear the Fats\n\n\nEating a variety of foods that provide quality, healthy fats (Omega-3s) is essential to keeping your hormones balanced. Studies show incorporating medium and long-chain fatty acids into your diet helps to balance the hormones that moderate appetite while also stimulating the healthy digestion of fat and protein. Some healthy fats to start incorporating into your diet include avocados, coconut oil, grass-fed butter and meats, and wild-caught fatty fish, such as salmon.\n\n\nAdequate Protein at Every Meal\n\n\nSimilar to healthy fats, protein helps to regulate the release of hormones related to appetite control and hunger. Research even shows that a protein-rich meal decreases the \u201chunger hormone\u201d called ghrelin. Not to mention, protein provides you with the essential amino acids your body needs \u2013 but can\u2019t produce on its own \u2013 to maintain muscle and bone health.\u00a0\n\n\nAvoid Sugar & Refined Carbs\n\n\nA constant barrage of sugar and refined carbs wrecks havoc on your body. When you consume sugar and simple carbohydrates on a consistent basis, your body\u2019s working overtime to balance your blood sugar, overproducing insulin to help. With time, this excess of insulin can result in your body become insulin resistant, which can play a large part in hormonal imbalances in the body. Instead, replace your simple carbs (white bread, pasta, crackers) with a balance of complex carbohydrates (whole grains, beans, legumes, starchy vegetables), protein, fiber and healthy fats.\n\n\nLoad Up on Cruciferous Veggies\n\n\nNot only do these vegetables \u2013 broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower \u2013 serve as a great source of fiber and keep you feeling full longer, they also help to bind to excess estrogen in the gut and flush it all out.\n\n\nPrioritise Sleep\n\n\nThis is a non-negotiable! Your body needs at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night to adequately rebalance and replenish your hormones. One of the most beneficial hormones (HGH, the human growth hormone or sometimes referred to as the \u201cmagic youth hormone\u201d) is released during your stage-3 sleep, so it ultra important to get good shuteye every night. Having trouble winding down at night? There are a few things that help, like limiting caffeine intake, avoiding exercise late in the evening, keeping a consistent bedtime, or even meditating before bed.\n\n\nGet Your Exercise On\n\n\nMuch like sleep, regular physical activity is important to maintaining hormonal health. Exercise benefits your body in many ways, but in terms of hormones, it helps balance insulin as well as muscle-maintaining hormones like testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone. However, it\u2019s important to note that if you suffer from a hormone imbalance already, prolonged intense exercise may not be for you. Gyms around the world are starting to address this issue with a new form of interval training called LISS, or low-intensity interval training.\n\n\nManage Your Stress\n\n\nNo one likes\u00a0stress. Especially not your hormones! Cortisol and adrenaline, the two major hormones affected by stress, can do quite a number on your body when elevated. Over time, consistent, increased levels of cortisol are linked with excessive calorie intake, obesity and increased belly fat. And consistent increased adrenaline can lead to high blood pressure and anxiety. Try to be more mindful about\u00a0how you handle stress, and dedicate time each day to\u00a0stress-reducing activities like exercise, meditation or yoga.\n\n\nTurn Your Beauty Routine Green\n\n\nIf you haven\u2019t already made the switch to a green beauty routine, now is the time! Not only are you doing good for the planet, ditching those nasty chemicals, like parabens, found in many cosmetics, shampoos and personal care products means one less thing to throw off your hormones.\n\n\nSwitch to Glass Containers\n\n\nIf possible, ditch the BPA-containing plastics. Studies show the BPA found in many plastic containers and bottles can mimic estrogen, thus throwing off your hormones. Make the switch to\u00a0glass\u00a0instead, especially if you\u2019re planning on reheating leftovers!\n\n\nThis article has been republished with permission from \nPurelyB\n\n\nPartner Stories\nChild\nSick Children Can Be A Handful, But Not With These Tips!\nChild\nParents, Be in the Know With RSV Knowledge To Protect Your Babies\nUncategorized\nChildren Are Suffering From Diarrhoea: Here\u2019s What You Can Do To Help Protect Your Child\nHealth\nDo Not Take the Rotavirus Disease Lightly!\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/bugaboo-donkey-5", "title": "Sibling Bonding and Double the Fun with Bugaboo Donkey 5", "body": "Bugaboo, the Dutch parental company that creates ingenious solutions for modern parents, launches the Bugaboo Donkey 5. The Donkey 5 is the future-ready stroller designed to meet the needs of growing families who want to stay connected wherever they go with one or two kids.\n\n\nIn just three clicks, the Donkey 5 can go from mono to a duo or twin configuration, allowing siblings to be side-by-side from birth to toddler. Both configurations feature an adjustable full-coverage canopy for protection from sun and wind with Bugaboo\u2019s signature peek-a-boo and breezy window for ventilation while enjoying the best views.\n\n\nWhether they\u2019re twins exploring the world together or toddlers just learning to interact with their newborn sibling, the Donkey5 allows them to connect and have double the fun together!\n\n\nThe Bugaboo Donkey5 Stroller is available nationwide in new exciting colours at Baby Parenting, Bebehaus, Happikiddo and Mothercare Malaysia. For more information, please visit bugaboo.com.\n\n\nGrows with your family\n\n\n\n\nFuture-proof \u2013 Featuring three unique configurations, the Bugaboo Donkey 5 is ready from the very first stroll to the very first step. It\u2019s the ideal future-proof stroller for growing families.\n\n\nUltimate versatility \u2013 The Bugaboo Donkey 5 is designed to accommodate your growing family, whether your little pilot is flying solo or with their wingman.\n\n\nAdventure for two \u2013 Go from mono to duo mode in only three clicks, so your little explorers can chart new paths together as they discover life side by side.\n\n\nMaximum connection \u2013 The reversible seat lets your siblings face each other, face you or face the world. This promotes maximum connection at every age and stage.\n\n\n\n\nBuilt for bonding\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShared experiences \u2013 The Bugaboo Donkey 5\u2019s duo and twin modes are all about shared experiences. Your siblings can ride side by side from day one, sharing experiences and toys and funny faces.\n\n\nThree configurations \u2013 With three different configurations, the seats can be arranged to face you, face each other or face the world.\n\n\nCloser than ever before \u2013 The higher seating position on the Donkey 5 brings your baby closer than ever before. They\u2019ll always be nearby, and they can listen to your voice everywhere they go\n\n\nFollow the science \u2013 Connection isn\u2019t just about having fun, it\u2019s also about personal growth. Early interaction is critical for a child\u2019s development, improving their self-esteem and giving them confidence.\n\n\n\n\nStyled by you\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGet creative \u2013 With the Bugaboo Donkey 5, you can choose from a sea of accessories and sleek colours that are guaranteed to turn heads\n\n\nColour your adventures \u2013 Choose from seven different trendsetting colours to match your stroller to your style. From vibrant tonals to muted neutrals, we have a colour for every adventure\n\n\nAccessorize your look \u2013 The Bugaboo Donkey 5 offers trendy accessories for every season and reason. Choose from newborn essentials like footmuffs and inlays or on-the-go musts like the changing clutch and click-on cupholder.\n\n\n\n\nKey Features\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOne hand, that\u2019s it \u2013 All you need is one hand to start exploring. Whether you\u2019re heading over curbs or handing out snacks on the go, you can steer with a single hand while the other rummages through a bag or waves to your little mischief-makers.\n\n\nFits through standard doorways \u2013 Don\u2019t let the side-by-side design fool you. The Bugaboo Donkey 5 easily fits through standard doorways, letting you confidently navigate tight hallways, crowded sidewalks or the obstacle course of grocery stores.\n\n\nStore it with ease \u2013 When you\u2019re back home between your adventures, the stroller folds down into one self-standing piece for easy storage.\n\n\nAlways in kissing distance \u2013 We\u2019ve designed the Bugaboo Donkey 5 with a higher seat and bassinet so your children have a bird\u2019s eye view of the world as you push them around on their comfy perches.\n\n\nQuick-click harness \u2013 The Bugaboo Donkey 5 comes with a new quick-click harness with extra soft shoulder pads, making it one of the safest seats in town. Strap it closed in seconds and you and your little co-pilot are clear for takeoff.\n\n\nStorage galore \u2013 The Bugaboo Donkey 5 comes with 20 kg of storage so you can bring all the snacks and toys you\u2019ll need for family adventures.\n\n\nLuxurious fabrics \u2013 The Bugaboo Donkey 5\u2019s fabrics are nearly as soft as your baby\u2019s own skin. They\u2019re also water repellent so you\u2019ll never have to worry about surprise spills or accidental splashes while making mischief in the rain.\n\n\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on\u00a0\ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\nStories Rakan Kongsi\nRaise them Resilient\nYour Child\u2019s Future Hangs On A Resilient Immune System!\nRaise them Resilient\nRaising a Resilient Child: 5 Ways Nutrition Contributes to a Resilient Mind and Body\nParenting\nWhy Choose Gerber Baby Food?\nRaise them Resilient\nCan Alternative Schooling Foster Greater Resilience? One Mum Shares Her Story\nAda isu keibubapaan yang buat anda risau? Jom baca artikel atau tanya dan dapat terus jawapan dalam app theAsianparent kami! Download \n theAsianparent Community\n di \niOS\n dan \nAndroid\n sekarang!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/oatmeal-skincare-soothe-dry-itchy-skin", "title": "The Magic of Oats: Here's How You Can Soothe Dry, Itchy Skin for Mum & Baby", "body": "There are many causes for dry, itchy skin \u2013 it might be due to a skin condition, irritation, or an allergic reaction.\u00a0\nBut if you have been researching for a remedy, you will come across a common solution \u2013 oatmeal.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nIn fact, oats have been used as a topical treatment for various skin conditions including rashes, burns, eczema and more for centuries\n.\u00a0\n\n\nOats have two main benefits to the skin\n\n\nBesides ending up in our breakfast bowls, oats actually have properties that are beneficial to the skin, which are:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSkin-soothing qualities: \nOats have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to treat skin conditions including dermatitis, as well as acne\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMoisturising and repairing skin goodness:\n Oats offer deep moisturisation, while protecting and\u00a0 strengthening the skin\u2019s barrier, which is essential in soothing dry, itchy skin\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo top it off, oats as a topical skin treatment works for all ages, including baby skin.\u00a0\n\n\nSo, where is the magic in oats?\n\n\nOats, which are also known as Avena Sativa, are a type of cereal grain made from the Poaceae grass plant family \u2013 the seeds within this oat grass are what essentially ends up being sold commercially for consumption\n.\u00a0\n\n\nTo benefit the skin, oats must be in a colloidal form which is essentially finely ground oats or oat powder \u2013 this is known as colloidal oatmeal.\u00a0\n\n\nThere have been numerous studies that highlight the benefits of colloidal oatmeal as a skincare treatment. A study carried out on women using a colloidal oatmeal skin protectant lotion revealed significant clinical improvement in skin dryness, moisturisation and overall strengthened their skin\u2019s barrier\n. There has also been clinical research where colloidal oatmeal has eased serious hand eczema in adults\n.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCredit: iStock\n\n\n\n\nThis is because oatmeal has various types of phenols that exercise the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the grain\n. However, the exact science behind the action that provides colloidal oatmeal benefits is still not entirely known\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBut what we do know is that avenanthramides (AVA) are the principal phenolic compound that exists in oats and exhibits antioxidant activity in various cell types, while also being responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects\n.\u00a0\n\n\nAVAs have an antioxidant activity that is 10 to 30 times greater than other phenolic antioxidants\n. Besides that, oats have various other mechanisms such as antifungal, pre-biotics, barrier repair properties and beneficial effects on the skin pH\n \u2013 a perfect concoction to soothe dry, itchy skin types.\u00a0\n\n\nAdditionally, colloidal oats are considered as a multifunctional and natural emollient of lipids and fatty acids, which can soften dry skin, while also having additional properties of:\n\n\n\n\npolysaccharides to retain hydration;\n\n\nenzymes to breakdown dead skin;\n\n\nVitamin E to support skin health;\n\n\nproteins to support elasticity and firmness;\n\n\nand saponins that are soothing, as well as inhibit antioxidant properties\n. \n\n\n\n\nSoothing baby skin with oats\n\n\nStudies around oats as skin treatment generally involve adults because testing on babies is not widely practised because of their vulnerable skin barrier. However, colloidal oatmeal works for babies too as it is a known natural remedy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nParticularly, oatmeal baths are especially great to soothe baby skin suffering from diaper rash, dry skin, dandruff, cradle cap, heat rash, skin redness, as well as allergic reactions\n.\u00a0\n\n\nDrawing an oatmeal bath is beneficial as it soaks your baby\u2019s skin with all goodness from the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal. To draw an oatmeal bath, just fill the tub with warm water and add oatmeal powder. You can mix it together by hand before putting your baby in the bath. Let your baby play with the oatmeal to soak in the goodness. Just rinse off as you would following that.\u00a0\n\n\nThese oatmeal baths are also great for adults too. However, it is advisable to consult your paediatrician before trying this out in case your baby is allergic to oats.\u00a0\n\n\nUse oat-based skincare for easy treatment of dry, itchy skin\n\n\nNevertheless, dry, itchy skin requires day-to-day care to soothe, moisturise and strengthen the skin\u2019s barrier. The best way to do this is to invest in an oat-based product that you can easily use daily or to soothe any itchy flare-ups.\u00a0\n\n\nOats have always been incorporated in various skin care products including creams, lotions, shaving gels, body wash and more since centuries ago \u2013\u00a0 in the 1940s and 1950s, colloidal oatmeal was made commercially available in powder form and mixed with emollient oils\n.\u00a0\n\n\nFurthermore, the United States Food and Drug Administration department (FDA) has also approved it as an over-the-counter skin protectant drug\n.\u00a0\n\n\nThese days, oat-based products are available in our neighbourhood pharmacies, or if you can\u2019t find it there, just shop online. One well-known brand that you can look into is Aveeno\n\u2192\n, which offers dry and itchy skin-specific solutions that are great for both adults, as well as babies.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n is clinically proven to soothe dry, itchy skin\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n, a dermatologist-recommended brand, has long used oats in many of their products to provide an easy solution for those with dry, itchy skin. In fact, Aveeno\u2019s name is even derived from the scientific name of oats, Avena Sativa!\u00a0\n\n\nThis reputable skincare brand has partnered with scientists and published 70 years of clinical evidence that supports the benefits of oats, as well as other natural ingredients. Recently, the brand has been focused on advancing the scientific understanding of the microbiome throughout the human body in a bid to create better products that truly benefit the skin.\n\n\nAveeno\u2019s skincare range is made for sensitive skin, with their baby product formulations often containing natural Colloidal Oats. Meanwhile, Aveeno\u2019s oat-based skincare range for adults is formulated with their exclusive Prebiotic Oat formula and Colloidal Oatmeal, which is clinically proven to strengthen the microbiome (the skin\u2019s natural protective shield), while supporting healthier looking skin. The formulation also helps with optimising the skin\u2019s PH balance to reduce any moisture loss.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHere are some Aveeno\n\u2192\n products we recommend for those with dry, itchy skin:\u00a0\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n skin care for mums:\n\n\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n Skin Relief Body Wash:\n This fragrance-free formula gently cleanses to remove dirt, oil and bacteria, while moisturising to help soothe, soften as well as relieve dry skin. It also has emollients to replenish moisture for softer and smoother skin.\u00a0\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n Skin Relief 24HR Moisturizing Lotion: \nThis magic lotion is a lifesaver for mums with itchy, dry skin as it is clinically proven to soothe the itchiness away and help heal dry skin in just one day. It is fragrance-free and steroid-free, while infused with Aveeno\u2019s Prebiotic Triple Oat Complex and Natural Shea Butter. It also moisturises for up to 24 hours!\u00a0\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n Daily Moisturizing Body Wash:\n This daily wash helps replenish the skin\u2019s natural moisture long after your shower. It is formulated with Collodial Oatmeal, along with a blend of natural oils and emollients. It is also hypoallergenic which is great for sensitive skin.\u00a0\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n Daily Moisturizing Lotion:\n This miracle product is clinically proven to improve the health of dry skin in just one day, with significant improvement seen in just two weeks. Formulated with Colloidal Oatmeal and rich emollients, it is able to protect dry skin for up to 24 hours. It is gentle for everyday use and is also fragrance-free, non-greasy and non-comedogenic.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n skin care for baby:\n\n\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n Baby Soothing Relief Moisturizing Cream:\n This is also a paediatrician-recommended product that is formulated to soothe dry, itchy skin and is clinically proven to provide comfort for up to 24 hours. It also helps prevent chafed, chapped or cracked skin as it is made with a natural Colloidal Oatmeal complex. It is also hypoallergenic, steroid-free, fragrance-free, dye-free, paraben-free, and phthalate-free.\u00a0\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n Baby Wash & Shampoo:\n This is perfect to use daily for babies with sensitive skin as it contains natural Oat Extract that soothes and nourishes the skin. It gives a rich lather and leaves the skin with a light fragrance. This wash is also hypoallergenic, as well as tear- and soap-free.\u00a0\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n Baby Daily Moisture Lotion:\n Gentle enough for daily use, this lotion is formulated with natural Colloidal Oatmeal and dimethicone to help prevent and temporarily protect chafed or cracked skin. It is also hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, dye-free, paraben-free, and phthalate-free.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAveeno\n\u2192\n believes that nature is the secret to human health, which is evident in their product formulations. From the products above, each is carefully formulated and clinically tested to nourish the gentle needs of sensitive skin.\n\n\nIf you are looking to try these Aveeno\n\u2192\n products, you can browse and shop for it online on Guardian \nhere\n. Remember, daily care is key!\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nReference:\n\n\n1 \n\u00a0(n.d.). Anti-inflammatory activities of colloidal oatmeal (Avena sativa \u2026. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from \nhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25607907\n\n\n2 \n\u00a0(n.d.). Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology \u2026. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from \nhttps://ijdvl.com/oatmeal-in-dermatology-a-brief-review/\n\n\n3 (n.d.). New Learnings on the Clinical Benefits of Colloidal Oatmeal in \u2026. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://www.the-dermatologist.com/content/new-learnings-clinical-benefits-colloidal-oatmeal-atopic-dermatitis-1\n\n\n4 \n\u00a0(n.d.). Oats | The Nutrition Source | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from \nhttps://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/oats/\n\n\n5 \n\u00a0(n.d.). Article \u2013 JDDonline \u2013 Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://jddonline.com/articles/dermatology/S1545961616P0684X\n\n\n6 \n\u00a0(2020, March 25). The Efficacy of Colloidal Oatmeal Cream 1% as Add-on Therapy in \u2026. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7103792/\n\n\n7 \n(n.d.). Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology \u2026. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from \nhttps://ijdvl.com/oatmeal-in-dermatology-a-brief-review/\n\n\n8 \n\u00a0(n.d.). Article \u2013 JDDonline \u2013 Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from \nhttps://jddonline.com/articles/dermatology/S1545961616P0684X\n\n\n9 \n(n.d.). Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology \u2026. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from \nhttps://ijdvl.com/oatmeal-in-dermatology-a-brief-review/\n\n\n10 \n(2013, June 25). Nutritional advantages of oats and opportunities for its \u2026 \u2013 NCBI \u2013 NIH. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4325078/\n\n\n11 \n(2020, November 16). Colloidal Oatmeal Part I: Clinical Efficacy in the Treatment of Atopic \u2026. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://jddonline.com/colloidal-oatmeal-part-i-clinical-efficacy-in-the-treatment-of-atopic-dermatitis\n\n\n12 \n\u00a0(n.d.). New Learnings on the Clinical Benefits of Colloidal Oatmeal in \u2026. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://www.the-dermatologist.com/content/new-learnings-clinical-benefits-colloidal-oatmeal-atopic-dermatitis-1\n\n\n13 \n(2020, September 17). Oatmeal Baths for Babies: How to, Benefits, and More \u2013 Healthline. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://www.healthline.com/health/baby/oatmeal-bath-for-babies\n\n\n14 (n.d.). COLLOIDAL OATMEAL: HISTORY, CHEMISTRY AND \u2026 \u2013 Wsimg.com. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://nebula.wsimg.com/97eb5904fd1c312d4c580a740da0bf16?AccessKeyId=424EC4B3280015FB20E8&disposition=0\n\n\n15 \n(n.d.). New Learnings on the Clinical Benefits of Colloidal Oatmeal in \u2026. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from \nhttps://www.the-dermatologist.com/content/new-learnings-clinical-benefits-colloidal-oatmeal-atopic-dermatitis-1\n\n\nDisclaimer:\u00a0You are not allowed to share this article on any other website or on Facebook without providing proper credit and the original article link on \ntheAsianparent Malaysia website\n.\n\n\n\n\nRead more:\n \nBaby massage: why it\u2019s good for baby and how you should proceed\n\n\n\n\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"} {"url": "https://my.theasianparent.com/lego-friends-party-legoland", "title": "LEGOLAND\u00ae Malaysia Resort Celebrates Friendships With An Unforgettable LEGO\u00ae Friends Party", "body": "From 22 February to 9 April, the new generation of LEGO\u00ae Friends are throwing a party at LEGOLAND\u00ae Malaysia Resort. This next generation of LEGO Friends characters and activities are designed to celebrate diverse friendships in the modern world.\n\n\n\u201cChildren today face a host of modern challenges, passions, obstacles, and differences while trying to understand the world around them and create new lasting friendships. With the introduction of LEGO Friends at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort, we hope to give parents and kids more tools to navigate friendships and their emotions as they grow and learn about the world around them,\u201d said CS Lim, Divisional Director at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe know that friendships aren\u2019t always easy, especially with the upcoming school year. We want to help children be better friends to themselves and others. At the LEGO Friends Party, we have curated activities that will encourage emotional and social development through play to help them better understand their individuality and diversity,\u201d CS added.\u00a0\n\n\nGetting To Know The New Generation of LEGO Friends\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDuring the LEGO Friends Party, guests can get acquainted with each of the eight new characters through activities based on their passions and diverse interests such as:\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBuilding their own adorable LEGO animals with\n Autumn\u2019s Build-An-Animal\n activity. Guests can also learn how they can play a part in saving the planet with \nAutumn\u2019s Save the Planet\n activity.\n\n\nMusic heads should flock to Paisley\u2019s Booth to test their rhythm skills by playing catchy songs during the \nPlay-A-Tune\n activity!\n\n\nNova\u2019s Speed Building Challenge\n will test your building skills as Nova looks for the fastest builder at the resort.\n\n\nGuests who express themselves best through art can showcase their individuality through art at \nLiann\u2019s Fun with Art \nbooth\n.\n\n\nFashionistas get the perfect opportunity to dress up and strike their best pose at \nOlly\u2019s Photo Studio\n.\n\n\nJoining Chef Leo in making a delicious LEGO\u00ae pizza at \nLeo\u2019s Pizza Making Class!\n\n\nBookworms and movie lovers shouldn\u2019t miss taking a photo with Aliya\u2019s giant book and watching the new LEGO Friends show at \nAliya\u2019s Movie Projection\n!\n\n\nBrand-new in-park shows featuring the new generation of LEGO Friends such as \nZac\u2019s BMX Stunt Show, Zac\u2019s Groovy Party,\n \nPaisley\u2019s Retro Flashback,\n \nLeo\u2019s Football Freestyle, Aliya\u2019s School Dance,\n and more!\n\n\n\n\nLook Forward to More LEGO Friends at LEGOLAND\u00ae Hotel\n\n\n\n\nFans can also look forward to experiencing the brand-new LEGO Friends-themed room at LEGOLAND Hotel that will be launched in April 2023. The brand new refurbished themed room will join the current exciting line-up of PIRATE, KINGDOM, ADVENTURE and LEGO NINJAGO\u00ae themed rooms.\u00a0\n\n\nFor more information on LEGO Friends Party, head over to the official website at \nhttps://www.legoland.com.my/explore/shows-entertainment/lego-friends-party\n or LEGOLAND social media pages on \nFacebook\n and \nInstagram\n.\u00a0\n\n\nLEGO Friends Party Promotions From LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLEGO\n\u00ae\n Friends Set Retail Deals\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom today until 9\nth\n April, customers can enjoy 20% off LEGO Friends Sets at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort\u2019s retail stores.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEarly Bird Day Ticket Offer\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom today until 15\nth\n March, guests that book their 1-Day Single Park, 1-Day Double Park, or 1-Day Triple Park tickets at least 3 days before their trip are eligible for a 20% discount on their tickets.\u00a0\n\n\nPromotion is applicable to Malaysian guests only.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(*Retail promotions are exclusively available at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort\u2019s retail outlet. Ticket promotions are exclusively available on the official LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort website. Terms and conditions apply)\n\n\nLEGO Friends Party Show Guide at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPartner Stories\nHealthy Meal Tips\nFood Delivery from Sunway Pyramid: Just \u2018Order & Collect\u2019 Your Family Meals from Multiple Retailers in ONE DELIVERY!\nHome\nIt\u2019s Crucial Now To Keep Your House Virus Free! Here Are 5 Sanitation Solutions For You\nTip keibubapaan\nTanya Pakar: Bagaimana Untuk Memilih Sabun Pencuci Tangan untuk Anak-Anak dan Amalan Mencuci Tangan Yang Betul\nRaise them Resilient\nRaising a Resilient Child: 5 Ways Nutrition Contributes to a Resilient Mind and Body\nGot a parenting concern? Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Download \n theAsianparent Community\n on \niOS\n or \nAndroid\n now!"}