{"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/%E5%8D%B5%E5%B7%A2%E7%99%8C-%E9%9A%BE%E7%BC%A0%E7%9A%84%E5%A6%87%E5%A5%B3%E6%9D%80%E6%89%8B-%E6%80%8E%E5%8F%91%E7%8E%B0%EF%BC%9F%E6%80%8E%E6%B2%BB%E7%96%97%EF%BC%9F", "title": "\u5375\u5de2\u764c | \u96be\u7f20\u7684\u5987\u5973\u6740\u624b \u600e\u53d1\u73b0\uff1f\u600e\u6cbb\u7597\uff1f", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u5375\u5de2\u764c | \u96be\u7f20\u7684\u5987\u5973\u6740\u624b \u600e\u53d1\u73b0\uff1f\u600e\u6cbb\u7597\uff1f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 29, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\u76f8\u6bd4\u66f4\u9ad8\u53d1\u7684\u4e73\u817a\u764c\uff0c\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u88ab\u5927\u5bb6\u8f83\u5c11\u5173\u6ce8\u3002\u53ef\u6015\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u65e9\u671f\u51e0\u4e4e\u6ca1\u6709\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u534a\u6570\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u60a3\u8005\u786e\u8bca\u65f6\u5df2\u5904\u4e8e\u665a\u671f\uff0112\u5e74\u751f\u5b58\u7387\u4ec520%\uff01\u6211\u56fd\u5973\u602755\u5c81\u4ee5\u540e\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u53d1\u75c5\u7387\u6700\u9ad8\uff0c\u5230\u5e95\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u5bf9\u6297\u8fd9\u4e2a\u96be\u7f20\u7684\u5987\u5973\u6740\u624b\uff1f\u00a0\n\n\u5375\u5de2\u662f\u8fde\u63a5\u5b50\u5bab\u4e24\u7aef\u7684\u5668\u5b98\uff0c\u5177\u6709\u50a8\u5b58\u5375\u5b50\u4f9b\u751f\u6b96\u548c\u4ea7\u751f\u5973\u6027\u6fc0\u7d20\u7684\u53cc\u91cd\u529f\u80fd\u3002\u5973\u6027\u6fc0\u7d20\u5728\u9752\u6625\u671f\u534f\u52a9\u4e73\u623f\u3001\u9634\u9053\u3001\u5b50\u5bab\u3001\u8f93\u5375\u7ba1\u548c\u8eab\u6750\u7684\u53d1\u80b2\uff0c\u5e76\u8c03\u8282\u6708\u7ecf\u5468\u671f\u3002\u5f53\u5375\u5de2\u7ec6\u80de\u53d1\u751f\u75c5\u53d8\uff0c\u5728\u5375\u5de2\u5404\u90e8\u4f4d\u957f\u51fa\u6076\u6027\u80bf\u7624\uff0c\u5c31\u88ab\u79f0\u4e3a\u2014\u2014\n\u5375\u5de2\u764c (Ovarian cancer)\u3002\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\u6839\u636e\u5927\u9a6c 2012\u5e74\u81f32016 \u5e74\u56fd\u5bb6\u764c\u75c7\u767b\u8bb0\uff08NCR\uff09\uff0c\u6076\u6027\u5375\u5de2\u80bf\u7624\u5728\u5973\u6027\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u764c\u75c7\u6392\u540d\u7b2c\u56db\uff0c\u5728\u603b\u4f53\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u764c\u75c7\u6392\u540d\u7b2c\u5341\u3002\u6839\u636e\u5927\u9a6c\u764c\u75c7\u6ce8\u518c\u5c40\uff0c\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u5360\u636e\u5973\u6027\u764c\u75c7\u6848\u4f8b\u7684 5%\u3002\u6839\u636e\u4e16\u754c\u536b\u751f\u7ec4\u7ec7\u7684\u6570\u636e\uff0c\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u57282021\u5e74\u5171\u8bb0\u5f55\u4e86 48,639 \u4f8b\u65b0\u7684\u764c\u75c7\u75c5\u4f8b\u3002\u9884\u8ba1\u5230 2040 \u5e74\uff0c\u53d1\u75c5\u7387\u5c06\u7ffb\u500d\u3002\u6bcf\u5e74\u5927\u7ea6\u6709 500 \u540d\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u5987\u5973\u88ab\u8bca\u65ad\u4e3a\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u4ee4\u4eba\u9707\u60ca\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u9a6c\u6765\u5929\u540e\u7ea7\u5973\u661f\u827e\u8482\u82ad\u8bfa\uff08Adibah Noor\uff09\u4e8e2022 \u5e74\u60ca\u4f20\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u672b\u671f\u901d\u4e16\uff0c\u7ec8\u751f\u672a\u5a5a\u65e0\u751f\u80b2\uff0c\u4eab\u5e74 51 \u5c81\uff0c\u4ee4\u4eba\u6df1\u611f\u60cb\u60dc\u3002\u6839\u636e\u9a6c\u6765\u5a92\u4f53\u62a5\u5bfc\uff0c\u5979\u65e9\u5728 50 \u5c81\u65f6\u53d1\u73b0\u81ea\u5df1\u60a3\u6709\u5375\u5de2\u764c\uff0c\u5e76\u5df2\u8fdb\u5165\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\uff0c\u4f46\u4e00\u76f4\u6ca1\u6709\u5bf9\u5916\u5ba3\u5e03\u6d88\u606f\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u5979\u7684\u79bb\u53bb\uff0c\u65e0\u7591\u7ed9\u5973\u6027\u5065\u5eb7\u6572\u54cd\u4e86\u8b66\u949f\uff01\u00a0\n\n\u5973\u6027\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u5bf9\u6297\u8fd9\u4e2a\u96be\u7f20\u7684\u5987\u5973\u6740\u624b\uff1f\n\n\n1. \u5375\u5de2\u764c\u7684\u53ef\u6015\u4e4b\u5904\uff1f\n\n\n\u4e0d\u5e78\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u7684\u5927\u591a\u6570\u75c7\u72b6\u5e76\u6ca1\u6709\u975e\u5e38\u660e\u663e\u3002\u8fd9\u7c7b\u7684\u5973\u6027\u60a3\u8005\u5728\u65e9\u671f\u7684\u65f6\u5019\u4e00\u822c\u65e0\u75c7\u72b6\u3002 \u4f46\u53ef\u6015\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u4e00\u65e6\u5973\u6027\u88ab\u8bca\u65ad\u51fa\u5375\u5de2\u764c\uff0c\u591a\u6570\u5df2\u7ecf\u662f\u665a\u671f\u4e86\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u4e0d\u540c\u4e8e\u5bab\u9888\u764c\u7684\u5bab\u9888\u62b9\u7247\u68c0\u67e5\uff08Pap smear\uff09\uff0c\u76ee\u524d\u6ca1\u6709\u7279\u5b9a\u7684\u7b5b\u67e5\u5de5\u5177\u6216\u6d4b\u8bd5\u6765\u67e5\u51fa\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u4e3a\u4ec0\u4e48\u533b\u751f\u7ecf\u5e38\u91cd\u590d\u529d\u544a\u5927\u5bb6\uff1a\u5f53\u8eab\u4f53\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u5f02\u5e38\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u6216\u67d0\u79cd\u75c7\u72b6\u6709\u6301\u7eed\u7ecf\u5e38\u51fa\u73b0\uff0c\u53ca\u65e9\u548c\u533b\u751f\u62a5\u544a\u662f\u975e\u5e38\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u3002\n\u00a0\n\n\n2. 50\u5c81\u5973\u6027\u5c5e\u4e8e\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u7684\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u7fa4\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\u6240\u6709\u5973\u6027\u90fd\u6709\u60a3\u4e0a\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u7684\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u65e0\u8bba\u4f60\u5904\u5728\u54ea\u4e00\u5e74\u9f84\u5c42\u7684\u9636\u6bb5\u3002\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u572855\u5c81\u81f364\u5c81\u4e4b\u95f4\u7684\u5973\u6027\u4e2d\uff0c\u5979\u4eec\u60a3\u764c\u98ce\u9669\u7684\u786e\u662f\u6700\u9ad8\u7684\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n3. \u786e\u8bca\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\uff0c\u610f\u5473\u7740\uff1f\n\n\n\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u4e00\u5171\u5206\u4e3a\u56db\u671f\uff0c\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\u7684\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u610f\u5473\u7740\u75be\u75c5\u5df2\u7ecf\u8fdc\u7aef\u6269\u6563\u5230\u809d\u810f\uff0c\u6216\u8f6c\u79fb\u5230\u8179\u8154\u5916\u90e8\u7684\u5668\u5b98\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\u3010\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u7684\u56db\u671f\u3011\n\n\n\u4e00\u671f\n\uff1a\u764c\u75c7\u9650\u5236\u4e8e\u4e00\u4e2a\u6216\u4e24\u4e2a\u5375\u5de2\uff1b\n\n\n\u4e8c\u671f\n\uff1a\u764c\u75c7\u5728\u4e00\u4e2a\u5375\u5de2\u6216\u4e24\u4e2a\u5375\u5de2\u4ee5\u5916\uff0c\u4e0d\u8fc7\u6ca1\u6709\u6269\u6563\u5230\u76c6\u9aa8\u4ee5\u5916\uff0c\u5982\uff1a\u5b50\u5bab\u3001\u80c6\u56ca\u3001\u5927\u80a0\uff1b\n\n\n\u4e09\u671f\n\uff1a\u4e00\u4e2a\u6216\u4e24\u4e2a\u5375\u5de2\u7684\u764c\u75c7\u6269\u6563\u5230\u76c6\u9aa8\u4ee5\u5916\u7684\u8179\u8154\uff08\u8fd8\u672a\u5230\u809d\u810f\uff09\u6216\u5230\u9644\u8fd1\u6dcb\u5df4\u7ed3\uff1b\n\n\n\u56db\u671f\n\uff1a\u764c\u75c7\u5df2\u6269\u6563\u5230\u8eab\u4f53\u5176\u4ed6\u90e8\u4f4d\uff0c\u5982\uff1a\u809d\u810f\u3001\u80ba\u548c\u8111\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n4. \u5375\u5de2\u764c\u4e3b\u8981\u5e38\u89c1\u53d1\u751f\u5728\u672a\u751f\u80b2\u5973\u6027\u8eab\u4e0a\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\u672a\u751f\u80b2\u4e0e\u7279\u5b9a\u7684\u751f\u6b96\u6076\u6027\u80bf\u7624\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u4e73\u817a\u764c\u3001\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u548c\u5b50\u5bab\u764c\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u589e\u52a0\u6709\u5173\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u6216\u4e0e\u5973\u6027\u6392\u5375\u6b21\u6570\u548c\u6fc0\u7d20\u6c34\u5e73\u6709\u5173\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n5. \u5b55\u5987\u662f\u5426\u66f4\u5bb9\u6613\u60a3\u5375\u5de2\u764c\uff1f\n\n\n\u6000\u5b55\u672c\u8eab\u4e0d\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u764c\u75c7\uff0c\u6000\u5b55\u5e76\u4e0d\u4f1a\u589e\u52a0\u60a3\u764c\u75c7\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n6. \u5375\u5de2\u764c\u53ef\u6cbb\u6108\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\u662f\u7684\uff0c\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u662f\u53ef\u4ee5\u6cbb\u6108\u7684\u3002\u5982\u679c\u75be\u75c5\u5728\u65e9\u671f\u88ab\u68c0\u6d4b\u53d1\u73b0\u5230\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u4ec5\u9650\u4e8e\u5375\u5de2\u90e8\u4f4d\uff0c\u76f8\u4fe1\u9ad8\u8fbe90%\u7684\u60a3\u8005\u53ef\u4ee5\u88ab\u6cbb\u6108\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\u6839\u636e\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u5927\u7ea620%\u7684\u665a\u671f\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u60a3\u8005\u5728\u6cbb\u7597\u540e\u80fd\u591f\u5b58\u6d3b12\u5e74\u4ee5\u4e0a\uff0c\u5e76\u6709\u6548\u5730\u88ab\u6cbb\u6108\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n7. \u5973\u6027\u5e94\u91c7\u53d6\u54ea\u4e9b\u9884\u9632\u65b9\u6cd5\uff1f\n\n\n\u60f3\u8981\u9884\u9632\u6216\u5927\u5927\u964d\u4f4e\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u98ce\u9669\u7684\u6709\u6548\u65b9\u6cd5\uff1a\u4e00\u5207\u59cb\u4e8e\u4f60\u8981\u5148\u4e86\u89e3\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u56e0\u7d20\u3002 Columbia Asia \u533b\u9662 \u2013 Bukit Rimau\u5206\u9662\u7684 \nDr Loo Suat Chin \u5987\u4ea7\u4e13\u79d1\u987e\u95ee\u533b\u751f\n\u4ecb\u7ecd\uff0c\u5176\u4e2d\u4e0d\u53ef\u53d8\u7684\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u56e0\u7d20\uff0c\u4e3b\u8981\u662f\n\u5e74\u9f84\n \u6216 \n\u5bb6\u65cf\u9057\u4f20\n\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u4ee5\u4e0b\u98ce\u9669\u56e0\u7d20\u5374\u662f\u53ef\u6539\u53d8\u7684\uff1a\u00a0\n\n\n\u25cf\u751f\u6d3b\u4e60\u60ef\u25cf\n\u00a0\n\n\u4fdd\u6301\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u4f53\u91cd\uff08BMI: 19\u81f325\uff09\n\n\n\u6212\u70df\n\n\n\u8003\u8651\u6bcd\u4e73\u5582\u517b\u5b9d\u5b9d\n\n\n\u65e5\u5e38\u751f\u6d3b\u589e\u6dfb\u66f4\u591a\u751f\u6d3b\u60c5\u8da3\n\n\n\u4fdd\u6301\u5065\u5eb7\u996e\u98df\uff08\u6444\u53d6\u5404\u79cd\u6c34\u679c\u3001\u852c\u83dc\u3001\u8c37\u7269\u548c\u8c46\u7c7b\uff0c\u51cf\u5c11\u7ea2\u8089\u548c\u52a0\u5de5\u8089\u98df\u54c1\u7684\u6444\u5165\uff09\n\n\n\u907f\u514d\u4f7f\u7528\u542b\u6709\u6ed1\u77f3\u7c89\u7684\u4e2a\u4eba\u62a4\u7406\u4ea7\u54c1\n\n\n\u836f\u7269\u9009\u62e9\n\n\n\u907f\u5b55\u63aa\u65bd\uff08\u53e3\u670d\u907f\u5b55\u836f/\u907f\u5b55\u6ce8\u5c04\n\n\n\n\n\u25cf\u624b\u672f\u6cbb\u7597\u25cf\n\u00a0\n\n\u8f93\u5375\u7ba1\u548c\u5375\u5de2\u5207\u9664\u672f\uff08\u5bf9\u4e8e\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u7684BRCA\u57fa\u56e0\u7a81\u53d8\u7684\u4eba\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u5e38\u89c4\u6cbb\u7597\uff09\n\n\n\u8f93\u5375\u7ba1\u7ed3\u624e\uff08Tubal ligation\uff09\n\n\n\u5b50\u5bab\u5207\u9664\u672f\uff08Hysterectomy\uff09\u3001\u8f93\u5375\u7ba1\u5375\u5de2\u5207\u9664\u672f\uff08Salpingo-oophorectomy\uff09\n\n\n\n\n\u25cf\u65e9\u671f\u68c0\u6d4b\u25cf\n\u00a0\n\n\u7ecf\u9634\u9053\u8d85\u58f0\u68c0\u67e5\uff08Transvaginal scan\uff09\n\n\nCA 125\uff08\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u80bf\u7624\u6807\u5fd7\u7269\uff09\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Loo Suat Chin\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MRCOG (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u5375\u5de2\u764c | \u96be\u7f20\u7684\u5987\u5973\u6740\u624b \u600e\u53d1\u73b0\uff1f\u600e\u6cbb\u7597\uff1f- \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7GoodHealth Magazine, March 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7GoodHealth Magazine\u300b, March 2023 Vol 131 issue\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/%E6%9E%95%E5%A4%B4%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E5%8D%B1%E5%AE%B3%E5%A9%B4%E5%84%BF", "title": "\u6795\u5934\u5982\u4f55\u5371\u5bb3\u5a74\u513f", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u6795\u5934\u5982\u4f55\u5371\u5bb3\u5a74\u513f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 22, 2020\n \n\n\u7236\u6bcd\u5e94\u4e0d\u5e94\u8be5\u8ba9\u5a74\u513f\u4f7f\u7528\u6795\u5934\uff1f\u66fe\u53d1\u751f\u81f4\u547d\u4e8b\u4ef6\uff0c\u6d89\u53ca\u56e0\u4f7f\u7528\u6795\u5934\u800c\u4f7f\u5934\u90e8\u62ac\u9ad8\u7684\u5a74\u513f\u3002 \u90a3\u4e48\uff0c\u8fd9\u79cd\u770b\u4f3c\u65e0\u5bb3\u7684\u5e8a\u4e0a\u7528\u54c1\u4e0e\u65b0\u751f\u5a74\u513f\u4e4b\u95f4\u6709\u4ec0\u4e48\u8054\u7cfb\u5462\uff1f Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\u7684\u513f\u79d1\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\uff0c\u6c88\u81f3\u6052\u533b\u751f\u4e3a\u5bb6\u957f\u4eec\u89e3\u7b54\u3002\n\n\u201c\u72b9\u8bb0\u5f97\u6211\u5728\u653f\u5e9c\u533b\u9662\u5de5\u4f5c\u7684\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u5728\u505a\u5de1\u623f\u65f6\uff0c\u6211\u4f1a\u770b\u5230\u4e0d\u5c11\u7236\u6bcd\u4f1a\u4e3a\u5b9d\u5b9d\u5728\u533b\u9662\u91cc\u51c6\u5907\u6795\u5934\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u662f\u5c11\u4e8e\u4e00\u5c81\u7684\u5b9d\u5b9d\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u4e9b\u662f\u65b0\u751f\u513f\u3002\u6211\u95ee\u4e86\u95ee\u6211\u7684\u533b\u751f\u4e0b\u5c5e\u4eec\uff0c\u4ed6\u4eec\u7684\u610f\u89c1\u662f\u4ec0\u4e48\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u90fd\u652f\u652f\u543e\u543e\u3002\u4e00\u4e2a\u770b\u4f3c\u7b80\u5355\u7684\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u4eec\u90fd\u4e0d\u6e05\u4e0d\u695a\uff0c\u66f4\u4f55\u51b5\u662f\u7236\u6bcd\u4e86\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u65f6\u5019\u53c8\u662f\u4eba\u4e91\u4ea6\u4e91\u3002\u4eca\u5929\u5c31\u8bb2\u8bb2\u8fd9\u4e2a\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u5e0c\u671b\u5927\u5bb6\u4ee5\u540e\u4e0d\u4f1a\u4eba\u4e91\u4ea6\u4e91\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5b9d\u5b9d\u9700\u8981\u7528\u6795\u5934\u5417\uff1f\n\n\u65b0\u751f\u5b9d\u5b9d\u662f\u4e0d\u9700\u8981\u6795\u5934\u7684\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4e3a\u4ec0\u4e48\u5b9d\u5b9d\u4e0d\u9700\u8981\u6795\u5934\uff1f \n\n\u56e0\u4e3a\u65b0\u751f\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7684\u810a\u690e\u9aa8\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u9760\u8fd1\u9888\u690e\u7684\u90e8\u4f4d\u662f\u76f4\u7684\uff0c\u5b9d\u5b9d\u5e73\u8eba\u7684\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u540e\u80cc\u548c\u540e\u8111\u52fa\u662f\u5728\u540c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5e73\u9762\u3002\n\n\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u7ed9\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7761\u6795\u5934\uff0c\u4f1a\u4f7f\u4ed6\u7684\u5934\u90e8\u9ad8\u8fc7\u8eab\u4f53\uff0c\u4ed6\u7684\u9888\u90e8\u4f1a\u5f62\u6210\u4e00\u4e2a\u5f2f\u66f2\uff0c\u4f7f\u5f97\u4ed6\u7684\u4e0b\u5df4\u66f4\u9760\u8fd1\u80f8\u53e3\uff0c\u8fdb\u800c\u9650\u5236\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7684\u547c\u5438\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u9020\u6210\u547c\u5438\u9053\u7d27\u95ed\uff0c\u8fd8\u4f1a\u6709\u5371\u9669\u3002\u5982\u6b64\u8fd8\u4f1a\u5f71\u54cd\u5b9d\u5b9d\u9aa8\u9abc\u3001\u810a\u690e\u7684\u751f\u957f\u53d1\u80b2\u3002\n\n\u5927\u91cf\u7684\u533b\u5b66\u7814\u7a76\u8868\u660e\uff0c\u6795\u5934\u662f\u9020\u6210\u5a74\u513f\u7a92\u606f\u731d\u6b7b\u7684\u91cd\u8981\u56e0\u7d20\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u533b\u5b66\u4e0a\u8bb2\u7684\u5a74\u513f\u731d\u6b7b\u7efc\u5408\u5f81 (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS)\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u90a3\u4e48\u4f55\u65f6\u9700\u8981\u6795\u5934\uff1f \n\n\u7f8e\u56fd\u513f\u79d1\u6743\u5a01\u673a\u6784\uff0c\u7f8e\u56fd\u513f\u79d1\u5b66\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u4e00\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u624d\u7ed9\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7528\u6795\u5934\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u53ef\u4ee5\u7684\u8bdd\u5ef6\u8fdf\u523018 \u4e2a\u6708\u66f4\u597d\u3002\n\n\u8fd9\u4e3b\u8981\u662f\u5173\u4e4e\u5230\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7684\u5b89\u5168\uff0c\u540c\u65f6\u964d\u4f4e\u5a74\u513f\u731d\u6b7b\u7efc\u5408\u5f81 (SIDS)\u7684\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u6709\u4e34\u5e8a\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\u6795\u5934\u3001\u6bef\u5b50\u6216\u8005\u6bdb\u7ed2\u7269\u90fd\u4f1a\u63d0\u9ad8SIDS \u7684\u673a\u7387\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u529f\u80fd\u6027\u6795\u5934\u6709\u7528\u5417\uff1f\u4f1a\u4e0d\u4f1a\u8ba9\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7684\u5934\u578b\u66f4\u6f02\u4eae\uff1f \n\n\u5e02\u9762\u4e0a\u6709\u8bb8\u591a\u5546\u5bb6\u6253\u7740\u201c\u8ba9\u5b9d\u5b9d\u5934\u578b\u66f4\u6f02\u4eae\u201d\u7684\u65d7\u53f7\u6765\u5ba3\u4f20\u4ed6\u4eec\u7684\u4ea7\u54c1\uff0c\u5176\u5b9e\u8fd9\u4e9b\u5177\u6709\u201c\u5b9a\u578b\u201d\u3001\u201c\u9632\u504f\u5934\u201d\u7684\u5a74\u513f\u6795\u5934\uff0c\u5e76\u4e0d\u80fd\u8ba9\u5b9d\u5b9d\u62e5\u6709\u66f4\u597d\u7684\u5934\u578b\uff0c\u53cd\u800c\u4f1a\u675f\u7f1a\u5b9d\u5b9d\uff0c\u50cf\u201c\u7d27\u7b8d\u5492\u201d\u4e00\u6837\u9650\u5236\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7684\u7761\u59ff\u3002\n\n\u5b9d\u5b9d\u7684\u5934\u58f3\u7f1d\u5927\u7ea6\u5230\u4e862\u5c81\u624d\u4f1a\u4e92\u76f8\u63a5\u5408\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u5b9d\u5b9d\u4e5f\u7528\u5f88\u591a\u65f6\u95f4\u6d3b\u52a8\uff0c\u559d\u5976\u7b49\u3002\u8fd9\u90fd\u4f1a\u8ba9\u5934\u9aa8\u5f88\u597d\u7684\u53d1\u80b2\u3002\n\n\u8fd9\u4e9b\u6240\u8c13\u7684\u201c\u8ba9\u5b9d\u5b9d\u5934\u578b\u66f4\u6f02\u4eae\u201d\u6795\u5934\u66f4\u53ef\u80fd\u9020\u6210\u5934\u578b\u6241\u5e73\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u5b9d\u5b9d\u5934\u90e8\u7684\u6d3b\u52a8\u7a7a\u95f4\u592a\u5c40\u9650\u4e86\u3002\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sam Zhi Heng\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (UM), M. Paeds (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrician\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/10-covid-19-prevention-tips-zh", "title": "\u65b0\u51a0\u9632\u63a710\u8d34\u58eb\uff0c\u5927\u9a6c\u6c11\u4f17\u52a1\u5fc5\u628a\u5065\u5eb7\u63d0\u9192\u8bb0\u5728\u5fc3", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u65b0\u51a0\u9632\u63a710\u8d34\u58eb\uff0c\u5927\u9a6c\u6c11\u4f17\u52a1\u5fc5\u628a\u5065\u5eb7\u63d0\u9192\u8bb0\u5728\u5fc3\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 23, 2021\n \n\n\u5f53\u524d\uff0c\u5927\u9a6c\u56fd\u5185\u7684 COVID-19 \u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\u75ab\u60c5\u6301\u7eed\u6269\u6563\u8513\u5ef6\uff0c\u5173\u4e8e\u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\u7684\u9884\u9632\uff0c\u7531\u5185\u79d1\u548c\u80be\u810f\u79d1\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u90d1\u71ca\u6743\u518d\u6b21\u68b3\u7406\u4e86\u75ab\u60c5\u9632\u63a710\u8d34\u58eb\uff0c\u4e3a\u5927\u5bb6\u8fdb\u884c\u89e3\u8bfb\u548c\u63d0\u9192\uff0c\u5e0c\u671b\u5927\u4f17\u53ef\u4ee5\u5c06\u8fd9\u4e9b\u5065\u5eb7\u63d0\u9192\u8bb0\u5728\u5fc3\u91cc\uff01\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201c\u4e00\u5f00\u59cb\u4eba\u4eec\u5bf9\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u8ba4\u77e5\u975e\u5e38\u5c11\uff0c\u76f4\u5230\u5982\u4eca\u5df2\u638c\u63e1\u4e86\u521d\u6b65\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u53ef\u60dc\u5bf9\u5176\u533b\u6cbb\u65b9\u5f0f\u548c\u75ab\u82d7\u8fd8\u5904\u5728\u7814\u7a76\u9636\u6bb5\u3002\u7531\u4e8e\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u5df2\u7ecf\u8bc1\u5b9e\u662f\u901a\u8fc7\u98de\u6cab\u4f20\u67d3\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u5927\u9a6c\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u8b66\u544a\u5927\u4f17\u9075\u5b88SOP\u9650\u5236\u4eba\u4e0e\u4eba\u7684\u63a5\u89e6\uff0c\u963b\u6b62\u75ab\u60c5\u8513\u5ef6\u3002\u4e5f\u5e0c\u671b\uff0c\u5728\u5ef6\u7f13\u75ab\u60c5\u7684\u540c\u65f6\uff0c\u533b\u6cbb\u65b9\u5f0f\u548c\u75ab\u82d7\u53ef\u4ee5\u53d6\u5f97\u7a81\u7834\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u65b0\u51a0\u75ab\u60c5\u7b80\u4ecb\uff1a \n\n\n\n\u5927\u9a6c\u4eba\u5df2\u77e5\u7684\u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\uff08COVID-19\uff09\u81ea 2019 \u5e74 12 \u6708\u5728\u4e2d\u56fd\u6b66\u6c49\u5f00\u59cb\u7206\u53d1\uff0c\u75ab\u60c5\u8fc5\u901f\u5728\u4e2d\u56fd\u5404\u5730\u6269\u6563\uff0c\u53ef\u662f\u7531\u4e8e\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u4f20\u64ad\u7387\u6781\u5f3a\uff0c\u5728\u77ed\u77ed\u7684\u56db\u4e2a\u6708\u91cc\uff0c\u75c5\u6bd2\u5df2\u7ecf\u4f20\u904d\u5168\u7403\u3002\u81f3\u4eca\uff0c\u5168\u7403\u5df2\u6709\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u4f8b 3420\u4e07\u5b97\uff0c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u6848\u4f8b\u9ad8\u8fbe 102\u4e07\u5b97\uff0c\u6b27\u7f8e\u6570\u56fd\u75ab\u60c5\u5c24\u5176\u4e25\u91cd\u3002\n\n\u4e2d\u56fd\u5728\u9632\u75ab\u5de5\u4f5c\u4e0a\u91c7\u53d6\u4e86\u679c\u65ad\u7684\u5c01\u57ce\u63aa\u65bd\uff0c\u9632\u75ab\u6548\u679c\u5728\u4e24\u4e2a\u6708\u540e\u975e\u5e38\u663e\u8457\uff0c\u5404\u56fd\u4e89\u76f8\u6548\u4eff\uff1b\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u653f\u5e9c\u4e5f\u57283\u670818\u65e5\u9881\u5e03\u4e86\u884c\u52a8\u7ba1\u5236\u4ee4\uff0c\u5168\u9a6c\u6c89\u6d78\u5728\u4e00\u80a1\u5168\u6c11\u4e00\u5fc3\uff0c\u5171\u540c\u6297\u75ab\u7684\u6c14\u6c1b\u4e2d\u3002\u524d\u7ebf\u5de5\u4f5c\u8005\uff0c\u594b\u529b\u7b51\u8d77\u4e86\u4e00\u9053\u9632\u75ab\u7ebf\uff1b\u4eba\u6c11\u4eec\u914d\u5408\u9075\u5b88\u5446\u5728\u5bb6\u91cc\u4e00\u8d77\u9632\u75ab\u3002\u6bcf\u5929\u770b\u7740\u8bfa\u5e0c\u5c71\u536b\u751f\u603b\u76d1\u62a5\u544a\u7684\u6b7b\u4ea1\u4eba\u6570\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u4e5f\u6ce8\u610f\u5230\u4e86\u591a\u6570\u6b7b\u4ea1\u6848\u4f8b\u90fd\u5c5e\u4e8e\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u65cf\u7fa4\uff0c\u54ea\u4e9b\u53c8\u662f\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u65cf\u7fa4\u5462\uff1f\u7f8e\u56fd\u75be\u75c5\u7ba1\u5236\u4e0e\u9884\u9632\u4e2d\u5fc3\u5df2\u5217\u51fa\u4e86\u4ee5\u4e0b\u51e0\u7ec4\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u65cf\u7fa4\uff1a\n\n\u00b7 65\u5c81\u6216\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u5e74\u957f\u8005\n\n\u00b7 \u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\n\n\u00b7 \u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u60a3\u8005\n\n\u00b7 \u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\n\n\u00b7 \u809d\u810f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\n\n\u00b7 \u5fc3\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\n\n\u00b7 \u54ee\u5598\u75c5\u6216\u547c\u5438\u75be\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\n\n\u00b7 \u957f\u671f\u4f7f\u7528\u63a7\u5236\u514d\u75ab\u529b\u5931\u8c03\u836f\u7269\u7684\u75c5\u4eba\n\n\u00b7 \u5176\u4ed6\u9020\u6210\u514d\u75ab\u529b\u4e0b\u964d\u7684\u75be\u75c5\u4f8b\u5982\u764c\u75c7\u60a3\u8005\u3001\u7231\u6ecb\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u6ce8\u610f\uff01 \n\n\n\n\u90d1\u71ca\u6743\u533b\u751f\uff1a\u4ee5\u4e0a\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u65cf\u7fa4\u5df2\u88ab\u8bc1\u5b9e\u611f\u67d3\u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\u5e76\u53d1\u75c7\u7684\u673a\u7387\u8f83\u9ad8\uff0c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7387\u4e5f\u6bd4\u666e\u901a\u60a3\u8005\u6765\u5f97\u4e25\u91cd\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u75ab\u60c5\u9632\u63a710\u8d34\u58eb \n\n\n\n\n\n\u5728\u533b\u751f\u7684\u89d2\u5ea6\u770b\u6765\uff1a\u201c\u9632\u8303\u6c38\u8fdc\u90fd\u80dc\u4e8e\u6cbb\u7597\u201d\uff0c\u4ee5\u4e0b\u670910\u6761\u9632\u63a7\u8d34\u58eb\u8ba9\u5927\u5bb6\u53c2\u8003\u53c2\u8003:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n1. \u5446\u5728\u5bb6\u91cc\uff0c\u51cf\u5c11\u5916\u51fa\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u5c3d\u53ef\u80fd\u8ba9\u8f83\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u5bb6\u5ead\u6210\u5458\u51fa\u5916\u8d2d\u4e70\u98df\u7269\u4e0e\u65e5\u7528\u54c1\u3002\u5982\u679c\u8feb\u4e0d\u5f97\u5df2\u9700\u8981\u5916\u51fa\u8d2d\u7269\uff0c\u5c3d\u91cf\u9884\u5148\u7f16\u6392\u597d\u8be6\u7ec6\u7684\u8d2d\u7269\u5355\uff0c\u4ee5\u4fbf\u51cf\u5c11\u5728\u5916\u9762\u9017\u7559\u7684\u8d2d\u7269\u65f6\u95f4\u3002\u4e5f\u5e94\u8be5\u5c3d\u91cf\u8d2d\u4e70\u8db3\u591f\u4e00\u661f\u671f\u7684\u7528\u91cf\uff0c\u8fd9\u6837\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u51cf\u5c11\u9700\u8981\u5916\u51fa\u7684\u673a\u4f1a\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n2. \u5e38\u6d17\u624b\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u9700\u65f6\u5e38\u4fdd\u6301\u624b\u7684\u536b\u751f\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u53cc\u624b\u662f\u6700\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u63a5\u89e6\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u98de\u6cab\u3002\u7814\u7a76\u4e5f\u663e\u793a\u4e86\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u7269\u4f53\u8868\u9762\u4e0a\u5b58\u6d3b\u6570\u5c0f\u65f6\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u6570\u5929\u3002\u53ef\u662f\uff0c\u53ea\u662f\u6234\u53e3\u7f69\uff0c\u5374\u65e0\u6cd5\u5b8c\u5168\u9632\u6b62\u8fd9\u4e9b\u6cbe\u5728\u624b\u4e0a\u7684\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\u6700\u5173\u952e\u7684\u662f\u2014\u2014\u201c\u52e4\u6d17\u624b\u201d\uff0c\u624d\u53ef\u4ee5\u628a\u8fd9\u4e9b\u6cbe\u5728\u624b\u4e0a\u7684\u75c5\u6bd2\u53bb\u9664\u3002\u4f8b\u5982\uff1a\u80a5\u7682\u6d17\u624b\u53ef\u4ee5\u8fbe\u5230\u975e\u5e38\u597d\u7684\u6e05\u9664\u624b\u4e0a\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u6548\u679c\u3002\u5982\u679c\u51fa\u95e8\u5728\u5916\uff0c\u65e0\u6cd5\u7b2c\u4e00\u65f6\u95f4\u627e\u5230\u80a5\u7682\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u4f7f\u7528\u542b\u9152\u7cbe\u7684\u6d17\u624b\u6db2\u6e05\u6d17\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u53cc\u624b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n3. \u4fdd\u6301\u793e\u4ea4\u8ddd\u79bb\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u65f6\u65f6\u523b\u523b\u8c28\u8bb0\u4eba\u4e0e\u4eba\u4e4b\u95f4\u4fdd\u6301\u4e00\u7c73\u7684\u8ddd\u79bb\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u5f53\u78b0\u5230\u53d1\u70e7\u54b3\u55fd\u4f24\u98ce\u7684\u75c5\u60a3\u3002\u4e00\u7c73\u7684\u8ddd\u79bb\u8db3\u4ee5\u9632\u6b62\u98de\u6cab\u7684\u4f20\u67d3\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n4. \u907f\u514d\u89e6\u78b0\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u53e3\u9f3b\u773c\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u5fc5\u987b\u65f6\u523b\u8c28\u8bb0\uff0c\u65f6\u523b\u63d0\u9192\u81ea\u5df1\u548c\u5bb6\u4eba\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u75c5\u6bd2\u53ef\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7\u53e3\u3001\u9f3b\u3001\u773c\u775b\u7684\u7ba1\u9053\u611f\u67d3\u6211\u4eec\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n5. \u4fdd\u6301\u5bb6\u5c45\u73af\u5883\u7684\u6574\u6d01\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u56e0\u4e3a\u75c5\u6bd2\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u73af\u5883\u4e2d\u751f\u5b58\u4e00\u6bb5\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u5fc5\u987b\u4fdd\u6301\u826f\u597d\u7684\u5bb6\u5c45\u73af\u5883\u536b\u751f\uff0c\u4ee5\u51cf\u4f4e\u4f20\u64ad\u673a\u4f1a\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n6. \u786e\u4fdd\u6709\u8db3\u591f\u7684\u836f\u7269\u50a8\u5907\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u5982\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u3001\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u60a3\u8005\u987b\u786e\u4fdd\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u836f\u7269\u5145\u8db3\u3002\u53ef\u4ee5\u5411\u81ea\u5df1\u590d\u8bca\u7684\u533b\u751f\u67e5\u8be2\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u8bca\u6240\u548c\u533b\u9662\u90fd\u5f00\u59cb\u8bbe\u7acb\u90ae\u5bc4\u836f\u7269\u670d\u52a1\u548c\u201cdrive through\u201d\u7684\u670d\u52a1\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u90fd\u53ef\u4ee5\u51cf\u5c11\u51fa\u5916\u7684\u673a\u7387\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n7. \u65f6\u523b\u548c\u533b\u751f\u4fdd\u6301\u8054\u7cfb\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u4e0e\u4f60\u957f\u671f\u590d\u8bca\u7684\u533b\u9662\u548c\u8bca\u6240\u7684\u533b\u751f\u6c9f\u901a\uff0c\u4ee5\u4e86\u89e3\u662f\u5426\u9002\u5408\u5ef6\u540e\u590d\u8bca\u7684\u9884\u7ea6\u65e5\u5b50\u3002\u5f88\u591a\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\u60a3\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u907f\u514d\u53bb\u8bca\u6240\u548c\u533b\u9662\u8fd9\u4e00\u7c7b\u7684\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u533a\uff0c\u62c5\u5fc3\u53d7\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u6709\u4e9b\u751a\u81f3\u4e0d\u53bb\u4f8b\u884c\u68c0\u67e5\u3002\u8fd9\u4e9b\u884c\u4e3a\u90fd\u662f\u4e0d\u5bf9\u7684\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u6709\u4e9b\u75be\u75c5\u975e\u5e38\u4e0d\u7a33\u5b9a\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u7b2c\u56db\u548c\u7b2c\u4e94\u671f\u7684\u80be\u810f\u8870\u7aed\u3001\u5fc3\u810f\u8870\u7aed\u7b49\u8f83\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u90fd\u9700\u8981\u5b9a\u671f\u7684\u68c0\u67e5\u548c\u62a4\u7406\u4ee5\u907f\u514d\u5e76\u53d1\u75c7\u3002\u5f80\u5f80\u8fd9\u4e9b\u5e76\u53d1\u75c7\u90fd\u5f88\u4e25\u91cd\uff0c\u4e5f\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u6b7b\u4ea1\u3002\u6240\u4ee5\u6700\u597d\u7684\u65b9\u5f0f\u8fd8\u662f\u548c\u60a8\u7684\u533b\u751f\u6c9f\u901a\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u75c5\u60c5\u7a33\u5b9a\u9002\u5408\u5ef6\u8fdf\u68c0\u67e5\u65e5\u5b50\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48\u5f53\u7136\u6700\u597d\u3002\u53ef\u662f\u5982\u679c\u533b\u751f\u89c9\u5f97\u9700\u8981\u5b9a\u671f\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u60a8\u5e94\u8be5\u505a\u597d\u9632\u8303\u63aa\u65bd\u53bb\u590d\u8bca\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n8. \u5728\u5bb6\u91cc\u89c2\u5bdf\u548c\u68c0\u6d4b\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u75be\u75c5\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u6709\u4e9b\u75be\u75c5\u4f8b\u5982\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u548c\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u5229\u7528\u5bb6\u91cc\u7684\u8840\u7cd6\u6d4b\u8bd5\u5668\u548c\u8840\u538b\u6d4b\u91cf\u5668\u6765\u89c2\u5bdf\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u8840\u538b\u548c\u8840\u7cd6\u3002\u4fdd\u6301\u826f\u597d\u7684\u8840\u538b\u548c\u8840\u7cd6\u6307\u6570\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u8ba9\u81ea\u5df1\u66f4\u5065\u5eb7\uff0c\u4ee5\u62b5\u6297\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n9. \u7ef4\u6301\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u4f5c\u606f\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u5728\u884c\u52a8\u7ba1\u5236\u4ee4\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u7ef4\u6301\u826f\u597d\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u4f5c\u606f\u3002\u996e\u98df\u9700\u5747\u8861\uff0c\u522b\u66b4\u996e\u66b4\u98df\u3002\u5982\u8840\u538b\u9ad8\u3001\u80be\u8870\u7aed\u60a3\u8005\u9700\u51cf\u5c11\u76d0\u5206\u6444\u53d6\uff1b\u80be\u8870\u7aed\uff0c\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u9700\u6ce8\u610f\u559d\u6c34\u7684\u5206\u91cf\uff0c\u4e0d\u5e94\u559d\u8d85\u8fc7\u533b\u751f\u5efa\u8bae\u7684\u5206\u91cf\uff1b\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u9700\u914c\u91cf\u6444\u53d6\u7cd6\u5206\u548c\u78b3\u6c34\u5316\u5408\u7269\u3002\u5927\u5bb6\u4e5f\u5e94\u8be5\u6709\u5145\u8db3\u7684\u7761\u7720\u4e0e\u4f11\u606f\u3002\u7a7a\u95f2\u65f6\uff0c\u5728\u5bb6\u91cc\u505a\u4e00\u4e9b\u7b80\u5355\u7684\u8fd0\u52a8\uff0c\u4fdd\u6301\u8eab\u5fc3\u5065\u5eb7\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n10. \u4e86\u89e3\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u5f81\u5146\uff0c\u53ca\u65f6\u6c42\u533b\u3002 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u4e00\u65e6\u51fa\u73b0\u53d1\u70e7\u3001\u5589\u5499\u75db\u3001\u54b3\u55fd\u3001\u547c\u5438\u56f0\u96be\u7684\u5f81\u5146\u65f6\uff0c\u53ef\u5411\u90bb\u8fd1\u7684\u8bca\u6240\u6216\u533b\u9662\u5c31\u533b\u3002\u8bb0\u5f97\u5411\u533b\u62a4\u4eba\u5458\u63d0\u9ad8\u76f8\u5173\u7684\u8d44\u6599\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\uff1a14\u5929\u4ee5\u5185\u63a5\u89e6\u7684\u4eba\uff0c\u662f\u5426\u63a5\u89e6\u8fc7\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u60a3\uff0c\u662f\u5426\u6709\u51fa\u56fd\u65c5\u6e38\uff0c\u81ea\u8eab\u7684\u75c5\u4f8b\u548c\u6b63\u5728\u670d\u7528\u7684\u836f\u7269\u7b49\u7b49\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u6162\u6027\u75c5\u4eba\u5982\u4f55\u6297\u75ab\uff1f \n\n\n\n\n\n\u4ee5\u4e0a10\u70b9\u53ea\u9488\u5bf9\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u65cf\u7fa4\u7684\u57fa\u672c\u9632\u63a7\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u8d34\u58eb\uff0c\u8fd8\u6709\u90e8\u5206\u7684\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u9700\u66f4\u52a0\u5c0f\u5fc3\u63d0\u9632\uff0c\u6bd4\u5982\u8bf4\u6d17\u80be\u75c5\u60a3\uff0c\u4ed6\u4eec\u8fd8\u662f\u9700\u8981\u6bcf\u661f\u671f\u53bb\u6d17\u80be\u4e2d\u5fc3\u8fdb\u884c\u4e09\u6b21\u8840\u6db2\u900f\u6790\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u4ed6\u4eec\u4e0d\u80fd\u53ea\u5446\u5728\u5bb6\u91cc\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u4ed6\u4eec\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u4e5f\u6bd4\u522b\u4eba\u9ad8\uff0c\u5fc5\u9700\u65f6\u65f6\u523b\u523b\u6ce8\u610f\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u5065\u5eb7\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u51fa\u73b0\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u5f81\u5146\uff0c\u5e94\u901a\u77e5\u6d17\u80be\u4e2d\u5fc3\uff0c\u4ee5\u4fbf\u6d17\u80be\u4e2d\u5fc3\u53ef\u4ee5\u51c6\u5907\u9694\u79bb\u3002\u4eb2\u621a\u670b\u53cb\u4e5f\u4e0d\u5e94\u8be5\u5230\u6d17\u80be\u4e2d\u5fc3\u63a2\u671b\u75c5\u4eba\uff0c\u9020\u6210\u4e0d\u5fc5\u8981\u7684\u62e5\u6324\u3002\u6d17\u80be\u75c5\u60a3\u4e5f\u5e94\u8be5\u6ce8\u610f\u996e\u98df\uff0c\u4e0d\u5e94\u559d\u8fc7\u91cf\u7684\u6c34\u548c\u5403\u542b\u76d0\u8f83\u9ad8\u7684\u98df\u7269\u3002\n\n\u54ee\u5598\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\uff0c\u4e5f\u9700\u591a\u52a0\u5c0f\u5fc3\u3002\u75c5\u60a3\u9700\u719f\u6089\u54ee\u5598\u884c\u52a8\u8ba1\u5212\uff08Asthmaaction plan\uff09\u3002\u57fa\u672c\u4e0a\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u4e9b\u54ee\u5598\u60a3\u8005\u5e94\u61c2\u7684\u6025\u6551\u987b\u77e5\u3002\u8fdc\u79bb\u80fd\u591f\u5f15\u53d1\u54ee\u5598\u7684\u8bf1\u53d1\u56e0\u7d20\u4f8b\u5982\u5730\u6bef\uff0c\u5ba0\u7269\u6bdb\u53d1\u548c\u5316\u5b66\u7269\u7b49\u3002\u5982\u679c\u54ee\u5598\u60a3\u8005\u5bf9\u6e05\u6d01\u7528\u54c1\u654f\u611f\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u8ba9\u5176\u4ed6\u5bb6\u5ead\u6210\u5458\u5e2e\u5fd9\u6253\u626b\u5bb6\u5c45\u3002\u81f3\u4e8e\u90a3\u4e9b\u957f\u671f\u670d\u7528\u6291\u5236\u514d\u75ab\u7cfb\u7edf\u836f\u7269\u7684\u75c5\u4eba\uff0c\u5982\u5668\u5b98\u79fb\u690d\u75c5\u4eba\u3001\u7ea2\u6591\u72fc\u75ae\u60a3\u8005\u90fd\u5e94\u7ee7\u7eed\u670d\u7528\u836f\u7269\uff0c\u4e0d\u53ef\u56e0\u62c5\u5fc3\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u800c\u64c5\u81ea\u505c\u6b62\u670d\u7528\u836f\u7269\u3002\n\n\u533b\u751f\u6709\u8bdd\u8bf4\uff1a\n\n\u5bf9\u6297\u75ab\u60c5\u662f\u4e00\u6761\u975e\u5e38\u6f2b\u957f\u7684\u9053\u8def\u3002\u5373\u4f7f\u6ca1\u6709\u884c\u52a8\u7ba1\u5236\u4ee4\u7684\u7ea6\u675f\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u90fd\u5fc5\u987b\u505a\u8db3\u9632\u8303\u63aa\u65bd\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u8c28\u8bb0\u7ef4\u6301\u81ea\u8eab\u7684\u826f\u597d\u536b\u751f\u4e60\u60ef\uff0c\u907f\u514d\u611f\u67d3\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\u75c5\u6bd2\u867d\u65e0\u60c5\uff0c\u552f\u56e2\u7ed3\u4e00\u5fc3\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5fc5\u80fd\u6218\u80dc\u5b83\uff01\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tee Shin Kuan\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBS (UM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u65b0\u51a0\u9632\u63a710\u8d34\u58eb\uff0c\u5927\u9a6c\u6c11\u4f17\u52a1\u5fc5\u628a\u5065\u5eb7\u63d0\u9192\u8bb0\u5728\u5fc3 - \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n and \nNephrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/10-important-blood-urine-tests", "title": "10 Important Blood/Urine Tests", "body": "\n\n\n\n10 Important Blood/Urine Tests\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 11, 2021\n \n\nHere are the 10 important blood and urine tests to take during \nhealth screening\n:\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. Full blood count\n\n\n\nThere are many components included in this full blood count.\n\nSome important to know are: Hemoglobin, Red blood cells, White blood cell and Platelets.\n\nThese tests may detect some abnormalities in body such as Anemia, Infection, Bone marrow problems or Cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Lipid profile\n\n\n\nThis test consists of Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL).\n\nIt is important to know our risk factor for heart disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Liver Function tests\n\n\n\nThis test also has many components such as Albumin, Globulin, Total Protein, Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT).\n\nAs its name suggests, this test is to know if our liver is functioning normally.\n\nSome conditions that can be noted included poor nutrition status, liver damage due to toxin, infections etc, heart disease, bile duct blockage, bone disease or alcoholic liver disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Renal Profile (Kidney function tests)\n\n\n\nThis includes Urea, Creatinine, Sodium and Potassium.\n\nIt is important to know if our kidney is filtering out metabolism waste from our body.\n\nSome conditions can cause abnormal renal profile readings such as dehydration, infection, heart disease, diabetes, drugs or toxins.\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. Fasting Blood Sugar and HbA1c\n\n\n\nThese tests are used for diagnosis and monitoring during treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.\n\nThese are also able to detect early abnormalities of blood sugar (Pre-diabetes state).\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. Cardiac Enzymes\n\n\n\nThis test is useful if there is a suspicious of heart disease.\n\nDepends on the symptoms, doctor will choose which cardiac enzyme that needs to be checked.\n\nThis test can diagnose a significant \u2018heart attack\u2019 which causing damage to heart muscle.\n\n\u00a0\n\n7. Thyroid Function Test\n\n\n\nThis test is important to diagnose thyroid diseases, such as Grave\u2019s disease (a common cause of hyperthyroidism), Hashimoto\u2019s disease (a cause of hypothyroidism).\n\nOther conditions are inflammation or infection of the thyroid gland.\n\n\u00a0\n\n8. Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR)\n\n\n\nESR will increase (high) if there is an inflammation in the body. However, it cannot specify which part of body that has an inflammation process. A very high ESR level (>100 mm/hr) can indicate severe illness or cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\n9. Viral test\n\n\n\nFew important viral tests are virus hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV.\n\nHepatitis B is important because it can cause prolonged/chronic infection in the liver which may cause liver damage and liver cancer. However, it can be prevented with vaccine of hepatitis B.\n\nHepatitis C also can cause prolonged liver infection and now there are very good antiviral to cure this disease.\n\nHIV disease if detect early can have better control and outcome of this disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\n10. Urine Full Examination and Microscopy Examination (UFEME)\n\n\n\nThis is a urine test that is very important to be done.\n\nIt can detect early \nkidney disease\n, urinary tract infection, stone in urinary tract or cancer.\n\nIn conclusion, not all the above blood tests need to be done at fasting state. Only fasting blood sugar and lipids profile need a minimal 8 hours fasting. Please book your health screening as soon as you can to get a better health outcome in case of diseases. We offer wide range of \nhealth screening packages\n across our hospitals in Malaysia which includes basic health tests, blood and urine tests and more. Please book your health screening as soon as you can to get a better health outcome in case of diseases.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sudarwin Tjanaka\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (Indonesia), MMed (Internal Medicine) (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n10 Important Blood/Urine Tests \u2013 Natural Health, Vol. 124, November/December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, Vol. 124, November/December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/10-important-blood-urine-tests-zh", "title": "\u8fd910\u79cd\u8840\u6db2\u68c0\u67e5\u5f88\u91cd\u8981\uff01\u7adf\u7136\u80fd\u67e5\u51fa\u8fd9\u4e48\u591a\u6bdb\u75c5\uff1f", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u8fd910\u79cd\u8840\u6db2\u68c0\u67e5\u5f88\u91cd\u8981\uff01\u7adf\u7136\u80fd\u67e5\u51fa\u8fd9\u4e48\u591a\u6bdb\u75c5\uff1f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 11, 2021\n \n\n\u6bcf\u4e00\u6b21\u505a\u8eab\u4f53\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u5c31\u662f\u201c\u62bd\u8840\u201d\u73af\u8282\uff0c\u6709\u65f6\u5019\u8fd8\u8981\u9a8c\u5c3f\u2026\u2026\u9010\u4e00\u6570\u51fa10\u79cd\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\u8840\u6db2\u4e0e\u5c3f\u6db2\u68c0\u67e5\u9879\u76ee\u6709\u54ea\u4e9b\uff1f\u901a\u8fc7\u8840\u6db2\u68c0\u67e5\u548c\u5c3f\u68c0\uff0c\u53c8\u80fd\u591f\u67e5\u51fa\u591a\u5c11\u6bdb\u75c5\uff1f\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. \u5168\u8840\u7ec6\u80de\u8ba1\u6570(Full blood count)\n\n\n\n\u987e\u540d\u601d\u4e49\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u7edf\u8ba1\u5355\u4f4d\u4f53\u79ef\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\u5404\u79cd\u8840\u7ec6\u80de\u7684\u6570\u91cf\uff0c\u53c8\u88ab\u79f0\u4e3a\u8840\u5e38\u89c4\u68c0\u67e5\u3002\u5168\u8840\u7ec6\u80de\u8ba1\u6570\u662f\u68c0\u67e5\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\u7ec4\u6210\u8840\u7ec6\u80de\u7684\u5404\u79cd\u6210\u5206\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\uff1a\u8840\u7ea2\u86cb\u767d(Hemoglobin)\u3001\u7ea2\u7ec6\u80de(Red blood cells)\u3001\u767d\u7ec6\u80de(White blood cell)\u548c\u8840\u5c0f\u677f(Platelets)\u3002\u533b\u751f\u53ef\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7\u8840\u5e38\u89c4\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u4e86\u89e3\u60a8\u7684\u8840\u6db2\u7ec6\u80de\u7684\u4fe1\u606f\uff0c\u4e00\u770b\u8fd9\u4e2a\u68c0\u67e5\u7ed3\u679c\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u89c2\u5bdf\u5230\u8eab\u4f53\u51fa\u73b0\u5f02\u5e38\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u5982\u6709\u65e0\u8d2b\u8840\u3001\u6709\u65e0\u611f\u67d3\u3001\u6709\u65e0\u9aa8\u9ad3\u6216\u662f\u764c\u75c7\u7b49\u7b49\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. \u8840\u8102\u68c0\u67e5(Lipid profile)\n\n\n\n\u4e3b\u8981\u662f\u770b\u4f60\u7684\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\u6240\u542b\u7684\u8102\u80aa\u91cf\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u6d4b\u91cf\u8840\u6e05\u4e2d\u7684\u603b\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3001\u7518\u6cb9\u4e09\u916f\u3001\u9ad8\u5bc6\u5ea6\u8102\u86cb\u767d(HDL)\u548c\u4f4e\u5bc6\u5ea6\u8102\u86cb\u767d(LDL)\u7684\u5404\u9879\u6307\u6570\u3002\u7136\u540e\u901a\u8fc7\u83b7\u5f97\u7684\u7ed3\u679c\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u624d\u53ef\u4ee5\u77e5\u6653\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u60a3\u6709\u5fc3\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u7684\u9ad8\u5371\u65cf\u7fa4\u3002\n\n*\u4e3a\u4e86\u786e\u4fdd\u6570\u636e\u7684\u51c6\u786e\u6027\uff0c\u901a\u5e38\u8981\u6c42\u8981\u6700\u5c118\u5c0f\u65f6\u7684\u7981\u98df(\u5305\u62ec\u4efb\u4f55\u98df\u7269\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u9664\u4e86\u6c34\u4ee5\u5916\u7684\u4efb\u4f55\u6db2\u4f53)\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. \u809d\u529f\u80fd\u68c0\u67e5(Liver Function tests)\n\n\n\n\u987e\u540d\u601d\u4e49\uff0c\u8fd9\u9879\u68c0\u67e5\u662f\u901a\u8fc7\u9a8c\u8840\u6d4b\u91cf\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\u7684\u9176\u548c\u86cb\u767d\u8d28\u6307\u6570\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u53ef\u4ee5\u6839\u636e\u7ed3\u679c\u6765\u8bca\u65ad\u809d\u810f\u662f\u5426\u6b63\u5e38\u8fd0\u4f5c\u3002\u76ee\u524d\u809d\u529f\u80fd\u5e38\u89c4\u68c0\u67e5\u9879\u76ee\u5305\u62ec\uff1a\u5982\u767d\u86cb\u767d\u3001\u7403\u86cb\u767d\u3001\u603b\u86cb\u767d\u3001\u95e8\u51ac\u6c28\u9178\u6c28\u57fa\u8f6c\u79fb\u9176(AST)\u3001\u4e19\u6c28\u9178\u6c28\u57fa\u8f6c\u79fb\u9176(ALT)\u3001\u78b1\u6027\u78f7\u9178\u9176(ALP)\u3001\u03b3-\u8c37\u6c28\u9170\u8f6c\u79fb\u9176(GGT)\u7b49\u7b49\u3002\u901a\u8fc7\u5404\u9879\u6307\u6807\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u53ef\u4ee5\u76d1\u6d4b\u662f\u5426\u6709\u809d\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u6216\u809d\u635f\u4f24\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\uff1a\u6709\u65e0\u8425\u517b\u4e0d\u826f\u3001\u53ef\u80fd\u6bd2\u7d20\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\u809d\u635f\u4f24\u3001\u6709\u65e0\u611f\u67d3\u3001\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\u3001\u80c6\u9053\u963b\u585e\u3001\u9aa8\u9abc\u75be\u75c5\u6216\u996e\u9152\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\u9152\u7cbe\u6027\u809d\u75c5\u7b49\u7b49\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. \u80be\u529f\u80fd\u68c0\u67e5(Renal Profile)\n\n\n\n\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u68c0\u67e5\u7684\u6307\u6807\u662f\u8840\u808c\u9150\u3001\u5c3f\u7d20\u6c2e\u3001\u94a0\u548c\u94be\u3002\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u662f\u8981\u8ba9\u533b\u751f\u8bca\u65ad\u662f\u5426\u5b58\u5728\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u786e\u4fdd\u80be\u810f\u662f\u5426\u6b63\u5e38\u8fd0\u4f5c\u6765\u8fc7\u6ee4\u4f53\u5185\u7684\u4ee3\u8c22\u5e9f\u7269\u3002\u4e3e\u4f8b\uff1a\u5f53\u4eba\u4f53\u51fa\u73b0\u8131\u6c34\u3001\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u60a3\u6709\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\u3001\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u670d\u7528\u836f\u7269\u3001\u6bd2\u7d20\u90fd\u4f1a\u5bf9\u80be\u810f\u9020\u6210\u635f\u5bb3\uff0c\u5747\u53ef\u5f71\u54cd\u80be\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u4e3b\u8981\u8868\u73b0\u4e3a\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u68c0\u67e5\u6307\u6807\u7684\u5f02\u5e38\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. \u7a7a\u8179\u8840\u7cd6(Fasting Blood Sugar)/HbA1c\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u4e2a\u68c0\u67e5\u80fd\u591f\u68c0\u6d4b\u8840\u7cd6\u7684\u65e9\u671f\u5f02\u5e38(\u524d\u671f\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u5f81\u5146)\uff0c\u6216\u4f5c\u4e3a\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u6cbb\u7597\u671f\u95f4\u7684\u8bca\u65ad\u548c\u76d1\u6d4b\u3002\u4e3a\u4e86\u786e\u4fdd\u6570\u636e\u7684\u51c6\u786e\u6027\uff0c\u901a\u5e38\u8981\u6c42\u8981\u6700\u5c118\u5c0f\u65f6\u7684\u7981\u98df(\u5305\u62ec\u4efb\u4f55\u98df\u7269\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u9664\u4e86\u6c34\u4ee5\u5916\u7684\u4efb\u4f55\u6db2\u4f53)\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. \u5fc3\u808c\u9176(Cardiac Enzymes)\n\n\n\n\u5982\u679c\u533b\u751f\u6000\u7591\u4f60\u60a3\u6709\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48\u8fd9\u4e2a\u68c0\u6d4b\u975e\u5e38\u91cd\u8981\u3002\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u6839\u636e\u75c5\u4eba\u7684\u4e34\u5e8a\u75c7\u72b6\u800c\u9009\u62e9\u8fdb\u884c\u54ea\u4e00\u7c7b\u578b\u7684\u5fc3\u808c\u9176\u68c0\u67e5\u3002\u6839\u636e\u6709\u5173\u68c0\u6d4b\u7ed3\u679c\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u53ef\u4ee5\u8bca\u65ad\u51fa\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u51fa\u73b0\u5fc3\u808c\u635f\u4f24\uff0c\u5982\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u201c\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\u53d1\u4f5c\u201d\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\u635f\u4f24\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n7. \u7532\u72b6\u817a\u529f\u80fd\u6d4b\u8bd5(Thyroid Function Test)\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u7ba1\u662f\u7532\u72b6\u817a\u529f\u80fd\u4ea2\u8fdb\u8fd8\u662f\u4f4e\u4e0b\uff0c\u7edf\u7edf\u90fd\u53ef\u4ece\u8840\u6db2\u68c0\u9a8c\u4e2d\u6d4b\u68c0\u51fa\u6765\uff0c\u8fd9\u662f\u533b\u751f\u8bca\u65ad\u7532\u72b6\u817a\u75be\u75c5\u5f88\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u6307\u6807\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u683c\u96f7\u592b\u6c0f\u75c5(\u7532\u72b6\u817a\u529f\u80fd\u4ea2\u8fdb\u7684\u5e38\u89c1\u56e0\u7d20)\u3001\u6865\u672c\u6c0f\u75c5(\u7532\u72b6\u817a\u529f\u80fd\u8870\u9000\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u539f\u56e0)\u3002\u5176\u4ed6\u60c5\u51b5\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u7532\u72b6\u817a\u53d1\u708e\u6216\u53d7\u5230\u611f\u67d3\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n8. \u7ea2\u7ec6\u80de\u6c89\u964d\u7387(ESR)\n\n\n\n\u7ea2\u7ec6\u80de\u6c89\u964d\u7387(Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR)\u7b80\u79f0\u8840\u6c89\uff0c\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u5f88\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\u8840\u6db2\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff0c\u4f30\u8ba1\u8eab\u4f53\u708e\u75c7\u7684\u6c34\u5e73\u3002\u5982\u679c\u8eab\u4f53\u6709\u708e\u75c7\uff0cESR\u6570\u636e\u4f1a\u589e\u52a0\u6216\u63d0\u9ad8\u3002\u867d\u7136\u5b83\u4e0d\u80fd\u8bf4\u660e\u8eab\u4f53\u7684\u54ea\u4e2a\u90e8\u4f4d\u6709\u708e\u75c7\u8fc7\u7a0b\u3002\u4f46\u662f\u4e00\u65e6\u51fa\u73b0\u975e\u5e38\u9ad8\u7684ESR\u6307\u6570(>100\u6beb\u7c73/\u5c0f\u65f6)\uff0c\u901a\u5e38\u4ee3\u8868\u7740\u4e25\u91cd\u75be\u75c5\u6216\u764c\u75c7\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n9. \u75c5\u6bd2\u68c0\u6d4b\n\n\n\n\u6bcf\u4e00\u5e74\u4f53\u68c0\u6700\u4e0d\u80fd\u7f3a\u5c11\u7684\u51e0\u9879\u81f3\u5173\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u75c5\u6bd2\u68c0\u6d4b\uff0c\u5982\uff1aB\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u6bd2\u3001C\u578b\u809d\u708e\u548cHIV\u827e\u6ecb\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\n\n- B\u578b\u75c5\u6bd2\u6027\u809d\u708e\uff1a\u56e0\u4e3a\u5b83\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u809d\u810f\u53d7\u5230\u6025\u6027/\u6162\u6027\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u4ece\u800c\u5bfc\u81f4\u809d\u635f\u4f24\u548c\u8bf1\u53d1\u809d\u764c\u3002\u53ca\u65e9\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u624d\u80fd\u5b89\u5168\u6709\u6548\u5730\u9884\u9632B\u809d\u7684\u611f\u67d3\u3002\u5982\u679c\u53d1\u73b0\u662f\u643a\u5e26\u8005\uff0c\u53ca\u65e9\u8fdb\u884c\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u8fd9\u6837\u624d\u80fd\u6709\u6548\u63a7\u5236\u75c5\u60c5\u7684\u53d1\u5c55\u3002\n\n- C\u578b\u809d\u708e\uff1a\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u957f\u671f\u6027\u7684\u809d\u810f\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u73b0\u5728\u6709\u5f88\u597d\u7684\u6297\u75c5\u6bd2\u836f\u7269\u53ef\u4ee5\u6cbb\u6108\u8fd9\u79cd\u75be\u75c5\u3002\n\n- HIV\u827e\u6ecb\u75c5\uff1a\u5982\u679c\u53ca\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u60a3\u6709HIV\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u66f4\u597d\u5730\u63a7\u5236\u548c\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n10. \u5c3f\u6db2\u68c0\u67e5\u548c\u663e\u5fae\u955c\u68c0\u67e5(UFEME)\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u9879\u975e\u5e38\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u5c3f\u68c0\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u53ef\u4ee5\u6839\u636e\u68c0\u6d4b\u6570\u636e\u6765\u8bca\u65ad\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u7684\u65e9\u671f\u80be\u75c5\u3001\u5c3f\u9053\u611f\u67d3\u3001\u5c3f\u9053\u7ed3\u77f3\u6216\u764c\u75c7\u7b49\u7b49\u5f81\u5146\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sudarwin Tjanaka\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (Indonesia), MMed (Internal Medicine) (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8fd910\u79cd\u8840\u6db2\u68c0\u67e5\u5f88\u91cd\u8981\uff01\u7adf\u7136\u80fd\u67e5\u51fa\u8fd9\u4e48\u591a\u6bdb\u75c5\uff1f- \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7 \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/10-khasiat-luar-biasa-minyak-zaitun-termasuk-turunkan-berat-badan", "title": "10 Khasiat Luar Biasa Minyak Zaitun, Termasuk Turunkan Berat Badan", "body": "\n\n\n\n10 Khasiat Luar Biasa Minyak Zaitun, Termasuk Turunkan Berat Badan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 11, 2020\n \nMINYAK\n zaitun adalah lemak yang diperoleh hasil daripada perahan buah zaitun \n(olea europaea)\n yang banyak terdapat di rantau Mediterranean seperti di Sepanyol, Turki, Itali, Tunisia dan Morocco. Jom baca selanjutnya dan sama-sama ambil tahu tentang penyakit autoimun ini.\n\nDisebabkan mengandungi khasiat yang tinggi, minyak zaitun telah digunakan secara meluas dalam bidang kecantikan, perubatan termasuk kulinari.\n\nPakar Pemakanan, Hospital Columbia Asia, Iskandar Puteri Johor, Yap Pau Lin berkata, minyak zaitun mengandungi lemak mono tidak tepu (MUFA) yang menyihatkan, di samping lemak tepu dan juga lemak poli tidak tepu (PUFA) termasuk omega 3 dan omega 6.\n\nIa juga terkandung bahan antioksida seperti hydroxytyrosol, oleocanthal, squalene dan beta karotin selain vitamin E tokoferol dan juga vitamin K.\n\nJusteru, kata Pau Lin, orang ramai perlu belajar mengenali sama ada minyak zaitun yang dibeli adalah asli atau berbentuk tiruan.\n\nJika memilih minyak zaitun yang diimport dari luar negara, pastikan dahulu ketulenan logo pengesahan produk tersebut. Antaranya tercatat:\n\nInternational Olive Council (IOC)\n\n\nCalifornia Olive Oil Council (COOC)\n\n\nCertified Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil\n\n\nAustralia Olive Oil Association (AOOA)\n\n\nProtected Destination of Origin-Europe\n\n\n\nUjar pakar itu lagi, harga yang mahal tidak semestinya memberi jaminan bahawa minyak zaitun itu berkualiti tinggi.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKatanya, umum perlu memahami bahawa harga sesuatu jenama itu kadang-kadang terlalu tinggi disebabkan pihak pengeluar mengambil kira cara pemprosesan minyak zaitun, kaedah ekstrak dan kos pengimportan.\n\nKata Pau Lin, secara keseluruhannya, minyak zaitun dibahagikan kepada lima jenis iaitu extra virgin, virgin olive, pure olive, extra light/light dan pomace (gred paling rendah).\n\n\u201cDaripada semua itu, extra virgin merupakan gred minyak zaitun yang paling tinggi dan mahal. Ia mengandungi kandungan antioksidan yang paling tinggi untuk melindungi sel-sel badan daripada dirosakkan. Namun, ia tidak sesuai untuk dimasak pada suhu lebih daripada 160 darjah selsius,\u201c ujarnya.\n\nPun demikian, Pau Lin memberitahu, pengambilan minyak zaitun asli yang telah diproses pada suhu tinggi atau terkandung bahan kimia tidak dicadangkan walaupun dijual pada harga yang melambung. Seperkara lagi, jangan keterlaluan menggunakan minyak zaitun kerana ia tetap mengandungi lemak.\n\n\nMINYAK zaitun adalah lemak yang diperoleh hasil daripada perahan buah zaitun.\n\n\n\n\n\nMenurut laman \nSehatQ\n, minyak zaitun sarat dengan pelbagai manfaat untuk kesihatan tubuh badan. Antaranya 10 manfaat paling signifikan adalah:\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. Melindungi organ jantung\n\nDiet Mediterranean lazimnya mencampurkan minyak zaitun dalam setiap hidangan bagi mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung.\n\nMinyak zaitun bertindak melindungi organ jantung dengan menurunkan tekanan darah, mencegah penggumpalan darah, melindungi dinding pembuluh darah, menurunkan radang dan menjaga kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh badan manusia.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Mengatasi penyakit Alzheimer dan diabetes\n\nMinyak zaitun mampu menghilangkan plak beta-amyloid yang dipercayai boleh memicu penyakit Alzheimer. Praktis dalam Diet Mediterranean juga dikatakan boleh mencegah diabetes tahap dua. Namun, kedua-duanya masih belum dibuktikan secara saintifik.\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Mencegah strok\n\nBerdasarkan penyelidikan, menikmati minyak zaitun dengan kerap dapat merendahkan risiko strok. Sekali lagi, ia masih memerlukan kajian lebih terperinci.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Menurunkan berat badan\n\nMinyak zaitun merupakan salah satu daftar makanan sihat yang boleh dikonsumsi untuk menjaga kesihatan dan menurunkan berat badan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. Memiliki kadar antiradang yang tinggi\n\nKandungan (antiradang) dalam minyak zaitun dikatakan menyamai ubat antiradang ibuprofren. Sumber semula jadi minyak itu dipercayai boleh meringankan radang sendi (rheumatoid arthritis).\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. Mencegah pankreatitis akut (keradangan pankreas)\n\nKeradangan pankreas atau pankreatitis akut mudah meragut nyawa manusia dengan mudah. Kandungan asam oleat dan \nhydroxytyrosol\n dalam minyak zaitun mampu menghindarkan sesiapa daripada penyakit itu.\n\n\u00a0\n\n7. Mengurangi risiko depresi (stres)\n\nDibandingkan dengan individu yang menggunakan lemak trans, mereka yang mengambil minyak zaitun akan mengalami masalah depresi yang lebih rendah iaitu sebanyak 48 peratus.\n\n\u00a0\n\n8. Bersifat antibakteria\n\nMinyak zaitun boleh membunuh bakteria H.pylori. Mereka yang menikmati 30 gram minyak zaitun extra virgin setiap hari, dapat merawat 10 hingga 40 peratus jangkitan H.pylori selama kira-kira dua minggu.\n\n\u00a0\n\n9. Tinggi antioksidan\n\nMinyak zaitun yang terkandung vitamin K dan E bantu cegah seseorang menghidap penyakit kronik kerana mempunyai antioksidan yang tinggi.\n\n\u00a0\n\n10. Mencegah penyakit radang usus besar (ulcerative colitis)\n\nKita boleh mencegah radang pada usus besar jika makan dua hingga tiga sudu minyak zaitun setiap hari.\n\nBerdasarkan perspektif Islam, minyak zaitun daripada buah zaitun memang terbukti hebat. Dalam al-Quran, buah itu disebut sebanyak tujuh kali bersama dengan buah lain iaitu kurma, delima, anggur dan buah tin. Kesemuanya memiliki \u2018kuasa\u2018 hebat untuk kesihatan.\n\nDiriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Umar RA, Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda: \n\u201cMinumlah minyak zaitun dan berminyak dengannya kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah dari pohon yang diberkati.\u201c\n (Hadis Riwayat Al-Baihaqi dan Ibnu Majah).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYap Pau Lin\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKhasiat Luar Biasa Minyak Zaitun \u2013 Sinar Harian, 1 November 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n10 Khasiat Luar Biasa Minyak Zaitun, Termasuk Turunkan Berat Badan - SinarPlus, 1 November 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n10 Khasiat Luar Biasa Minyak Zaitun, Termasuk Turunkan Berat Badan \u2013 Edisi Viral, 1 November 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 1 November 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/10-tips-manage-wounds-after-surgery", "title": "10 Tips to Manage Wounds After Surgery", "body": "\n\n\n\n10 Tips to Manage Wounds After Surgery\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 11, 2021\n \n\nAfter surgery, you will need to take care of the surgical incision as it heals. Your doctor used either stitches, staples, tissue glue, or tape strips to close the surgical incision. You will need to keep the area clean, change the dressing and watch for signs of infection. Doing so not only lowers the risk of infection, it can help you avoid pain/discomfort, and limits scarring.\n\nThe following are 10 tips on taking care of your surgical incisions:\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. Avoid friction and trauma to your incision.\n\n\n\nDo not wear tight clothing against the incision. It is best to avoid movements that affects the area surrounding your wound. That way, you'll lower your risk of pulling the wound apart.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Keep your incision covered with clean and dry dressings.\n\n\n\nChange the dressing according to your doctor's instructions.\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Showering is preferable to bathing.\n\n\n\nSoaking the wound will soften the scar tissue and can cause the wound to re-open. You can splash the wound but do not rub the wound area as this will cause pain and delay the healing process.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Some waterproof dressing can be left in place while you take a bath or shower.\n\n\n\nOther dressings that is not waterproof will need to be removed before having a bath or shower.\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. Do not use skin cleansers, alcohol, peroxide, iodine, or soaps with antibacterial chemicals.\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. Pat the wound dry gently with a clean towel after bathing or showering.\n\n\n\nYou may apply an antibacterial ointment to protect the incision from infection.\n\n\u00a0\n\n7. If the surgery was performed on your face, do not wear make-up over the scar until it has fully healed.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n8. Eat a balanced diet, high in protein, which keeps your skin strong and helps wounds heal.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n9. If you smoke, quit! Smoking is bad for blood flow and ultimately, skin healing.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n10. All wounds leave a scar.\n\n\n\nScars are sensitive to the sun and can get darkened. For the first 6 months after your operation, keep scars covered or apply sunscreen. Lotions and skin softeners are also helpful to soften scars. Some scars fade over time and some do not.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIf you are experiencing the following changes, you should consult to your doctor or a \ngeneral surgeon\n for further investigation.\n\n\u00a0\n\na wound that is more red, swollen or hot\n\n\na wound that has green or yellow discharge\n\n\na wound that smells bad\n\n\nbleeding that does not stop after applying pressure\n\n\npain that is getting worse\n\n\na feeling of hardness or fullness around the wound\n\n\nan incision that opens\n\n\na fever over 37.8\u00b0C\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kerwin Teoh\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\nMBBS (IMU), MRCS (Ireland), M. Med. Surgery (USM), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/10-tips-manage-wounds-after-surgery-zh", "title": "\u624b\u672f\u540e\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u7406\u4e00\u5b9a\u4e0d\u80fd\u61d2\uff01\u62a4\u7406\u9700\u8981\u6ce8\u610f\u54ea\u4e9b\u7ec6\u8282\uff1f", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u624b\u672f\u540e\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u7406\u4e00\u5b9a\u4e0d\u80fd\u61d2\uff01\u62a4\u7406\u9700\u8981\u6ce8\u610f\u54ea\u4e9b\u7ec6\u8282\uff1f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 11, 2021\n \n\n\u4e0d\u7ba1\u662f\u666e\u901a\u5916\u79d1\u624b\u672f\u3001\u6574\u5f62\u624b\u672f\u6216\u662f\u5256\u8179\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u672f\u540e\u7684\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u7406\u4e5f\u662f\u5341\u5206\u91cd\u8981\u3002\u5982\u672f\u540e\u6ca1\u6709\u505a\u597d\u62a4\u7406\uff0c\u5bb9\u6613\u5f15\u53d1\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u5f71\u54cd\u4f24\u53e3\u7684\u6108\u5408\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u51fa\u73b0\u75a4\u75d5\u589e\u751f\u3002\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u5c06\u7531\u666e\u5916\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u5728\u8fd9\u91cc\u79c1\u4eba\u63d0\u9192\u624b\u672f\u540e\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u7406\u768410\u9879\u6ce8\u610f\u7ec6\u8282\uff0c\u5e2e\u52a9\u5927\u5bb6\u5efa\u7acb\u79d1\u5b66\u7684\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u7406\u89c2\u5ff5\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u90fd\u53ea\u5173\u5fc3\u624b\u672f\u540e\u7684\u5404\u79cd\u8eab\u4f53\u6062\u590d\u95ee\u9898\u3002\u4e8b\u5b9e\u4e0a\uff0c\u4efb\u4f55\u624b\u672f\u6211\u4eec\u90fd\u8bf4\u4e03\u5206\u9760\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u4e09\u5206\u9760\u62a4\u7406\u3002\u597d\u7684\u672f\u540e\u62a4\u7406\uff0c\u5bf9\u672f\u540e\u6548\u679c\u6709\u7740\u5f88\u5927\u7684\u5f71\u54cd\u4f5c\u7528\u3002\u4f8b\u5982\u9884\u9632\u672f\u540e\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u4fdd\u6301\u4f24\u53e3\u6e05\u6d01\uff0c\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u9075\u7167\u533b\u5631\u5b9a\u65f6\u670d\u836f\u4ee5\u9884\u9632\u611f\u67d3\uff01\u8bf7\u7262\u8bb0\uff1a\u624b\u672f\u540e\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u7406\u4e00\u5b9a\u4e0d\u80fd\u61d2\uff01\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201c\u4e0d\u7ba1\u60a8\u7684\u533b\u751f\u4f7f\u7528\u7f1d\u7ebf\u3001\u8ba2\u4e66\u9489\u3001\u7ec4\u7ec7\u80f6\u6216\u80f6\u5e26\u6761\u6765\u95ed\u5408\u624b\u672f\u5207\u53e3\u3002\u8c28\u8bb0\uff01\u5728\u624b\u672f\u540e\uff0c\u624b\u672f\u5207\u53e3\u6108\u5408\u7684\u62a4\u7406\u4e00\u5b9a\u4e0d\u80fd\u5c11\u3002\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u4fdd\u6301\u4f24\u53e3\u90e8\u4f4d\u7684\u6e05\u6d01\uff0c\u6309\u7167\u533b\u5631\u5b9a\u65f6\u66f4\u6362\u6577\u6599\uff0c\u5e76\u6ce8\u610f\u53ef\u80fd\u51fa\u73b0\u7684\u611f\u67d3\u8ff9\u8c61\u3002\u8fd9\u6837\u505a\u4e0d\u4ec5\u53ef\u4ee5\u964d\u4f4e\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u8fd8\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u52a9\u60a8\u907f\u514d\u75bc\u75db/\u4e0d\u9002\uff0c\u5e76\u51cf\u5c11\u75a4\u75d5\u7684\u5f62\u6210\u3002\u201d \u2014\u2014\u5f20\u667a\u8bc4\u533b\u751f\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u672f\u540e\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u740610\u5927\u6ce8\u610f\u7ec6\u8282\n\n\n\n\u4ee5\u4e0b\u662f\u666e\u5916\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u79c1\u4eba\u63d0\u4f9b\u7684\u672f\u540e\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u740610\u5927\u6ce8\u610f\u7ec6\u8282\uff1a\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. \u907f\u514d\u4f24\u53e3\u6469\u64e6\u548c\u5916\u4f24\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u8981\u5728\u5207\u53e3\u5904\u7a7f\u7d27\u8eab\u8863\u670d\u3002\u4e00\u822c\u5efa\u8bae\u5728\u4f24\u53e3\u672a\u6108\u5408\u524d\uff0c\u6700\u597d\u907f\u514d\u8fdb\u884c\u4e00\u4e9b\u53ef\u80fd\u62c9\u626f\u4f24\u53e3\u8303\u56f4\u90e8\u4f4d\u7684\u8fd0\u52a8\u3002\u8fd9\u6837\u624d\u80fd\u964d\u4f4e\u4f24\u53e3\u88c2\u5f00\u6216\u88ab\u62c9\u626f\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. \u5b9a\u65f6\u66f4\u6362\u6577\u6599\n\n\n\n\u6839\u636e\u4f24\u53e3\u7c7b\u578b\u4e0d\u540c\uff0c\u6362\u836f\u7684\u65b9\u5f0f\u4e5f\u4e0d\u540c\uff0c\u5207\u8bb0\u4e0d\u8981\u5077\u61d2\uff01\u8bf7\u6839\u636e\u533b\u751f\u7684\u6307\u793a\u6765\u66f4\u6362\u6577\u6599\uff0c\u7528\u5e72\u51c0\u3001\u5e72\u71e5\u7684\u6577\u6599\u6577\u76d6\u5728\u60a8\u7684\u4f24\u53e3/\u5207\u53e3\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n3.\u5c3d\u91cf\u4e0d\u8981\u6d78\u6ce1\u4f24\u53e3\n\n\n\n\u6dcb\u6d74\u4f18\u4e8e\u6ce1\u6fa1\uff0c\u5c3d\u91cf\u4e0d\u8981\u6d78\u6ce1\u4f24\u53e3\uff0c\u8fd9\u6837\u505a\u4f1a\u8f6f\u5316\u75a4\u75d5\u7ec4\u7ec7\uff0c\u5e76\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u4f24\u53e3/\u5207\u53e3\u91cd\u65b0\u6253\u5f00\u3002\u6dcb\u6d74\u65f6\uff0c\u60a8\u53ef\u4ee5\u8f7b\u8f7b\u55b7\u6d12\u5728\u4f24\u53e3\u90e8\u4f4d\u8fdb\u884c\u6e05\u6d01\uff0c\u4f46\u4e0d\u8981\u6469\u64e6\u4f24\u53e3\u90e8\u4f4d\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u8fd9\u4f1a\u5f15\u8d77\u75bc\u75db\u5e76\u5ef6\u8fdf\u6108\u5408\u8fc7\u7a0b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. \u9009\u7528\u9632\u6c34\u6577\u6599\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u59a8\u9009\u7528\u4e00\u4e9b\u9632\u6c34\u6577\u6599\u5916\u5c42\uff0c\u6d17\u6fa1\u6216\u6dcb\u6d74\u65f6\u53ef\u4ee5\u8fdb\u884c\u66ff\u6362\uff0c\u80fd\u9632\u6b62\u6c34\u5206\u4fb5\u5165\uff0c\u8fd9\u6837\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u5b89\u5fc3\u6dcb\u6d74\u6216\u6d17\u6fa1\u3002\u5426\u5219\u5728\u6d17\u6fa1\u524d\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u53bb\u9664\u3001\u66f4\u63db\u4e0d\u9632\u6c34\u7684\u6577\u6599\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. \u6dcb\u6d74\u540e\uff0c\u5e94\u5c3d\u91cf\u4fdd\u6301\u4f24\u53e3\u5e72\u71e5\n\n\n\n\u5728\u91cd\u65b0\u6577\u4e0a\u6577\u6599\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u5c06\u5207\u53e3\u98ce\u5e72\u6216\u7528\u5e72\u51c0\u7684\u7eb1\u5e03\u57ab\u6216\u5e72\u51c0\u7684\u6d17\u6fa1\u5dfe\u8f7b\u8f7b\u62cd\u5e72\u4f24\u53e3\u3002\u4e0d\u8981\u5927\u529b\u64e6\u6d17\u6216\u6469\u64e6\u4f24\u53e3\u3002\u60a8\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u4f7f\u7528\u6297\u83cc\u836f\u818f\u6765\u4fdd\u62a4\u5207\u53e3\u514d\u53d7\u611f\u67d3\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. \u4e0d\u8981\u4f7f\u7528\u5316\u5b66\u7269\u54c1\n\n\n\n\u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\u5efa\u8bae\u4e0d\u8981\u4f7f\u7528\u542b\u6709\u523a\u6fc0\u6027\u7684\u76ae\u80a4\u6e05\u6d01\u5242\u3001\u9152\u7cbe\u3001\u8fc7\u6c27\u5316\u7269\u3001\u7898\u6216\u542b\u6709\u6297\u83cc\u5316\u5b66\u7269\u8d28\u7684\u80a5\u7682\u7b49\u7b49\u3002\u8fd9\u4e9b\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u635f\u574f\u4f24\u53e3\u7ec4\u7ec7\uff0c\u5e76\u51cf\u6162\u6108\u5408\u901f\u5ea6\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n7. \u4e0d\u8981\u6d82\u62b9\u5316\u5986\u54c1\n\n\n\n\u5982\u679c\u5728\u8138\u90e8\u52a8\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u907f\u514d\u5316\u5986\u54c1\u5bf9\u4e8e\u8138\u90e8\u4f24\u53e3\u7684\u523a\u6fc0\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u5efa\u8bae\u7b49\u4f24\u53e3\u5b8c\u5168\u6108\u5408\u4e4b\u540e\u65b9\u53ef\u8fdb\u884c\u65e5\u5e38\u5316\u5986\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n8. \u5747\u8861\u996e\u98df\n\n\n\n\u4e00\u822c\u5efa\u8bae\u9009\u62e9\u5747\u8861\u996e\u98df\uff0c\u9002\u5f53\u589e\u52a0\u9ad8\u86cb\u767d\u7684\u6444\u53d6\u91cf\uff0c\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u589e\u5f3a\u76ae\u80a4\u7684\u4f53\u5236\uff0c\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u4f24\u53e3\u7684\u6108\u5408\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n9. \u5982\u679c\u4f60\u5438\u70df\uff0c\u8bf7\u6212\u70df\uff01\n\n\n\n\u5438\u70df\u4e0d\u5229\u4e8e\u4f53\u5185\u7684\u8840\u6db2\u5faa\u73af\uff0c\u6700\u7ec8\u4e0d\u5229\u4e8e\u4f24\u53e3\u81ea\u884c\u6108\u5408\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n10. \u597d\u597d\u9632\u6652\n\n\n\n\u597d\u597d\u9632\u6652\u4e0d\u7ba1\u662f\u4f24\u53e3\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u624b\u672f\u5207\u53e3\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u5728\u76ae\u80a4\u4e0a\u7559\u4e0b\u4e00\u9053\u75a4\u75d5\u3002\u8fd9\u4e9b\u521a\u6108\u5408\u7684\u4f24\u53e3\u75a4\u75d5\u5f88\u5a07\u5ae9\uff0c\u5bf9\u9633\u5149\u5f88\u654f\u611f\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u88ab\u7d2b\u5916\u7ebf\u7167\u5c04\uff0c\u5f88\u5bb9\u6613\u53d1\u751f\u8272\u7d20\u6c89\u6dc0\uff0c\u75a4\u75d5\u8868\u5c42\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u53d8\u9ed1\u3002\u4e00\u822c\u6765\u8bf4\u624b\u672f\u540e\u7684\u99966\u4e2a\u6708\u4f24\u53e3\u8981\u8fdb\u884c\u9632\u6652\uff0c\u9996\u9009\u4ee5\u7269\u7406\u9632\u6652\uff0c\u7528\u8863\u7269\u6216\u80f6\u5e03\u8d34\u906e\u6321\u75a4\u75d5\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u7b49\u4f24\u53e3\u8f83\u4e3a\u7a33\u5b9a\u9009\u62e9\u6d82\u62b9\u9632\u6652\u971c\u7684\u5316\u5b66\u9632\u6652\u65b9\u5f0f\u3002\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u6709\u4e9b\u75a4\u75d5\u4f1a\u968f\u7740\u65f6\u95f4\u800c\u6e10\u6e10\u6d88\u5931\uff0c\u6709\u4e9b\u5219\u4e0d\u4f1a\uff1b\u9002\u5f53\u4f7f\u7528\u4e73\u6db2\u548c\u76ae\u80a4\u67d4\u8f6f\u5242\uff0c\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u6de1\u5316\u3001\u8f6f\u5316\u75a4\u75d5\u3002 \u00a0\n\n\u5982\u679c\u770b\u5230\u4f24\u53e3\u51fa\u73b0\u4ee5\u4e0b\u53d8\u5316\uff0c\u8bf7\u7acb\u5373\u54a8\u8be2\u60a8\u7684\u533b\u751f\uff1a\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4f24\u53e3\u66f4\u7ea2\u3001\u66f4\u80bf\u6216\u66f4\u70ed\n\n\n\u4f24\u53e3\u51fa\u73b0\u7eff\u8272\u6216\u9ec4\u8272\u5206\u6ccc\u7269\n\n\n\u4f24\u53e3\u4f34\u968f\u7740\u96be\u95fb\u7684\u6c14\u5473\n\n\n\u4f24\u53e3\u52a0\u538b\u540e\u6d41\u8840\u4e0d\u6b62\n\n\n\u75bc\u75db\u611f\u52a0\u5267\n\n\n\u4f24\u53e3\u5468\u56f4\u611f\u89c9\u786c\u786c\u6216\u9971\u80c0\u611f\n\n\n\u4f24\u53e3/\u5207\u53e3\u88c2\u5f00\n\n\n\u53d1\u70e7\u8d85\u8fc737.8\u00b0C\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kerwin Teoh\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\nMBBS (IMU), MRCS (Ireland), M. Med. Surgery (USM), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u624b\u672f\u540e\u4f24\u53e3\u62a4\u7406\u4e00\u5b9a\u4e0d\u80fd\u61d2\uff01\u62a4\u7406\u9700\u8981\u6ce8\u610f\u54ea\u4e9b\u7ec6\u8282\uff1f- \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/10-ways-keep-kidneys-healthy", "title": "10 Ways To Keep Kidneys Healthy", "body": "\n\n\n\n10 Ways To Keep Kidneys Healthy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 18, 2023\n \n \u00a0\n\nWhat is so important about kidneys that you must keep them healthy?\n\n\nKidneys regulate water\n for your body to work well. It must contain just the right amount of water. One of the vital jobs of the kidneys is to remove excess water from the body or to retain water when the body needs more.\nKidneys help to balance the body\u2019s minerals.\n Many substances in the blood and other body fluids must be kept at the correct level for the body to function correctly. For example, sodium (salt) and potassium are minerals that come from food, are essential for good health, and must be at certain normal levels. When the kidneys work correctly, extra minerals, such as sodium and potassium, leave your body in the urine. The kidneys also regulate other minerals, such as calcium and phosphate (necessary for bone strength, growth, and other functions).\nKidneys remove waste products from your body,\n like urea and creatinine. While meat is broken down into urea and other wastes, creatinine is a waste product of the muscles. As kidney function decreases, urea and creatinine in the blood increase. The creatinine level in the blood is a useful measure of kidney function and is measured by a simple blood test.\nKidneys produce hormones.\n Normal kidneys also make essential chemicals in your body called hormones. These hormones circulate in the bloodstream like \u201cmessengers\u201d and regulate blood pressure, red blood cell production, and the calcium balance in your body.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat advice or tips should a person follow to keep kidneys healthy?\n\n\nDrink Water\n\n\nProper hydration is vital to kidney health. When the body doesn\u2019t get enough water, the kidneys get dry, causing them to absorb toxins rather than expel them. Insufficient hydration causes water retention because the kidneys cannot remove the liquids they usually would. Doctors recommend drinking between six to eight glasses of water daily. However, remember that daily intake may need to be increased in conditions like hot weather or when performing strenuous physical activities.\n\n\nPut Down the Salt\n\n\nThis seasoning is at the top of the list of foods to avoid with kidney disease. Salt is added to processed foods, and many people pick up a fork when shaking salt onto every item on their plate. Keeping sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams daily is a great way to improve kidney health.\n\n\nExercise\n\n\nRunning a marathon or becoming a Crossfit champion isn\u2019t necessary to enhance kidney function. Simply taking an after-dinner walk is a sensible start to being more active. Look for ways to increase movement every day. As it becomes more natural to be mobile, consider trying more strenuous workouts. Riding a bike, swimming, dancing, and yoga are all wonderful for kidney health.\n\n\nQuit Smoking\n\n\nIt\u2019s impossible to overstate how crucial giving up tobacco is to promote healthier kidneys. Smoking impairs blood flow to all organs and may interfere with the efficacy of blood pressure medications. Kicking the habit may not be easy, but it is the healthiest choice for everyone.\n\n\nCut Back on Alcohol\n\n\nIt\u2019s best to refrain from alcohol except on special occasions. People who want to drink more often are advised to restrict intake to one drink a day for women and one to two drinks a day for men.\n\n\nSee Your Doctor\n\n\nRoutine medical appointments give your doctor a chance to perform potentially life-saving screenings. Pay attention to annual check-ups and be vigilant about additional appointments if your kidney disease risk factors are high.\n\n\nMonitor Sugar Intake\n\n\nPeople with diabetes are highly likely to develop kidney disease and are recommended to limit their consumption of sweets, sodas, and alcohol.\n\n\nKeep A Tab on Blood Pressure\n\n\nConsistently high blood pressure causes the kidneys to work overtime. Monitor blood pressure regularly, and stick to any recommended medications prescribed by a doctor.\n\n\nChoose a Healthy Diet\n\n\nSelect lean proteins and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables for most meals. Consuming green, leafy vegetables keeps body weight in check while providing critical nutrients that every system in the body requires for optimal functionality.\n\n\nLimit NSAIDs\n\n\nRegularly taking ibuprofen, naproxen, and similar over-the-counter pain relief remedies strain the kidneys. Ask a doctor about healthier alternatives for everyday pain management\n\n\nWhat are the signs of healthy kidneys?\n\n\nNo Changes in the Frequency of Urination\n\n\nOne of the early signs of kidney disease is having to urinate more often. This is because damaged kidneys can cause one to feel the urgent need to urinate, even if they just went. Therefore, if you have not been experiencing an increased frequency of having to urinate, especially at night, then you likely have healthy kidneys. Consistency is a good sign, so keep an eye out for changes to your daily urination habits.\n\n\nHealthy Urine\n\n\nHealthy urine is directly related to healthy kidneys. Healthy urine is based on color, consistency, and frequency. When kidney damage occurs, changes to the urine can include a consistent foamy or blood in the urine. Therefore, if you or a loved one starts experiencing these symptoms, it is crucial to seek a kidney specialist immediately. Again, consistency is critical, so make sure to stay aware of any changes in the color of your urine. The darker the color becomes, the more necessary it is to talk with your doctor about the possible reasons.\n\n\nProper Sleeping Patterns\n\n\nAnother sign of healthy kidneys is proper sleeping habits. Since kidneys can directly impact sleeping habits, one of the first things kidney damage affects is sleep quality. This is because healthy kidneys filter out toxins and impurities through the urine, and when they can longer do that, it can impact your sleep quality. In addition to lack of quality sleep, unhealthy kidneys have also been linked to other sleeping issues, like sleep apnea. Many reasons, like stress, anxiety, and other outside factors, can cause your sleep to be disrupted. Still, if you consistently have trouble sleeping for no logical reason, your kidneys could be to blame. Be sure to look at the other signs and see if a pattern is forming that points towards kidney disease.\n\n\nNo Signs of Puffiness or Swelling\n\n\nWhen your kidneys are not properly functioning, they can severely impact your look. Although you may not feel damage to your kidneys happening, you will notice that areas of your body will become puffy or swollen. Mainly, it would help if you looked out for puffiness in your eyes and swelling in your lower body. A malfunctioning kidney can leak protein into your urine and cause your body to retain more sodium.\n\n\nNo Muscle Cramping\n\n\nWhile occasional muscle cramping is common, frequent muscle cramping can be a sign of damaged kidneys. This is caused by electrolyte imbalances that lead to issues such as low calcium levels. Your kidneys play a vital role in keeping your body free from toxins; without it, you will feel the physical side effects. These side effects can be aesthetic, such as puffiness and swelling, or they can be internal, like muscle cramping. Ensuring you have a healthy kidney will make the rest of your body function properly and help you be productive and efficient.\n\n\nYour Skin is Clear and Healthy\n\n\nThe kidney function impacts a lot of other areas of the body. Those with kidney disease may have dry or itchy skin due to the inability of their blood to have the proper nutrition and minerals. If your skin is clear, then that is a good sign you have a healthy kidney.\n\n\nKey Renal Malaysia\u2019s statistics:\nMalaysia is the Second-Fastest Rising Kidney Failures Globally.\n\nMalaysia reported a 13 percent annual increase in treated kidney failure cases in the last decade, the second-highest rise in the incidence rate worldwide.\n\nAccording to the United States Renal Data System annual data report for 2018, the incidence rate of treated end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in Malaysia rose an average of 13.2 percent per year from 2003 to 2016, the second country in the list to record a high increase, after Thailand at 19.4 percent.\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMalaysia with highest Diabetes Mellitus related End Stage Renal Disease globally.\n\nThe most significant average yearly increase in diabetes related ESRD incidence rates from 2003 to 2016 also occurred in Malaysia and Jalisco, where incidence rates of treated ESRD due to diabetes increased an average of 9.5 and 7.8 patients per million general population (PMP) per year, respectively, over the 14 years.\n\nThe Malaysian Dialysis and Transplant Registry reported that \n8,431 new patients received dialysis in 2018\n; by the \nend of 2018, there were 44,136 patients on dialysis.\n End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients are \nestimated to reach 106,000 in 2040.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. T Kalaiselvam A/L Thevandran\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\nBSc (Medical Science)(UPM), MD (UPM), MRCP (UK), ISN - ANIO Nephropathology Certificate (USA), MSN Board Certified Nephrologist (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n10 Ways To Keep Kidneys Healthy \u2013 Natural Health, 18 January 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, 18 January 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nNephrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/15-risiko-kehamilan-wanita-obes-turut-jejaskan-bayi", "title": "15 Risiko Kehamilan Wanita Obes Turut Jejaskan Bayi", "body": "\n\n\n\n15 Risiko Kehamilan Wanita Obes Turut Jejaskan Bayi\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 16, 2018\n \n\nBerat badan memainkan peranan penting dalam kehamilan. Obesiti atau kegemukan akan mengundang pelbagai risiko yang tidak baik kepada diri dan kandungan.\n\nMenurut Dr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau, wanita obes yang merancang untuk hamil boleh berjumpa pakar sakit puan atau \nprimary care physician\n untuk mendapatkan nasihat yang tepat berkenaan berat badan optimum dan cara hidup sihat yang perlu diamalkan.\n\nKajian yang dibuat di Sweden mendapati penurunan berat badan sekurangnya 4.5kg boleh menurunkan risiko mendapat kencing manis semasa hamil sebanyak 40% pada kandungan yang seterusnya.\n\nBerat optimum yang perlu dicapai adalah BMI yang normal (BMI 18-24.9) BMI adalah berat dibahagi dengan ketinggian kuasa dua .\n\nBMI yang lebih daripada 25 adalah dalam kategori berat badan berlebihan dan BMI lebih daripada 30 ke atas adalah \u2018obes\u2019. Terdapat tiga kategori obesiti iaitu Kelas 1 (BMI 30-34.9), Kelas 2 (BMI 35-39.9) dan Kelas 3 atau \nmorbid obese \n(BMI lebih 40).\nPERSEDIAAN UNTUK HAMIL\n\nSelain mencapai berat badan optimum dan mengikuti saranan pakar, wanita obes yang ingin hamil juga perlu melakukan beberapa perkara sebelum kehamilan agar kesihatan ibu dan kandungan berada di tahap yang optimum.\n\nMengambil asid folik 5mg\n atau lebih setiap hari sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sebelum kehamilan dan diteruskan sehingga trimester pertama.\n\n\nMengambil Vitamin D\n sekurang-kurangnya 10microgram sehari sepanjang kehamilan dan diteruskan sehingga selepas kelahiran bayi dan sepanjang tempoh penyusuan susu ibu.\n\n\nMenurunkan berat badan.\n Wanita disarankan menurunkan sekurang-kurangnya 5-7% dari berat asal untuk memastikan proses kehamilan yang sihat dan kurang berisiko.\n\n\nBAHAYA OBESITI SEMASA HAMIL\n\nObesiti berbahaya kerana boleh mengundang pelbagai risiko buruk kepada kedua-dua ibu dan bayi. Justeru ia perlu dicegah bagi mengelakkan berlakunya komplikasi.\nRISIKO KEPADA IBU\n\n\nKeguguran secara berulang \n(recurrent miscarriages)\n\n\nDiabetes semasa mengandung \n(gestational diabetes)\n\n\nPraeklampsia iaitu tekanan darah tinggi semasa mengandung yang merbahaya dan boleh mengakibatkan sawan, strok dan kegagalan organ-organ lain.\n\n\nVenous thromboembolism\n iaitu darah beku pada salur darah yang bolehmengakibatkan kegagalan fungsi pernafasan dan membawa maut\n\n\nKelahiran secara induksi.\n\n\nKelahiran secara pembedahan \nCaesarean.\n\n\nKomplikasi bius.\n\n\nJangkitan pada luka pembedahan caesarean atau episiotomi.\n\n\nKesukaran memulakan penyusuan susu ibu.\n\n\nRISIKO KEPADA BAYI\n\n\nStillbirth \n atau bayi meninggal dalam kandungan.\n\n\nKecacatan kongenital seperti \nspina bifida \ndan jantung berlubang\n\n\nKelahiran secara pramatang.\n\n\nMacrosomia \niaitu bayi bersaiz besar.\n\n\nKematian neonatal.\n\n\nRisiko bayi menjadi kanak-kanak obes dan mendapat penyakit metabolik.\n\n\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rumau\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 16 November 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\n15 Risiko Kehamilan Wanita Obes Turut Jejaskan Bayi - Majalah Pa&Ma, 16 November 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/4-real-things-we-learned-breast-cancer-awareness-month", "title": "4 Real Things We Learned From Breast Cancer Awareness Month", "body": "\n\n\n\n4 Real Things We Learned From Breast Cancer Awareness Month\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 13, 2019\n \n\nOctober: the month of goblins and boobies. Not to say they go together, but shouldn\u2019t they be given equal attention? It\u2019s so discouraging to see that we have no problem stocking Halloween decorations into our carts but buying a pink ribbon in support of breast cancer seems to cost our lives. Come on, it\u2019s breast cancer awareness month. An illness that has taken away multiple lives of women \u2013 mothers, daughters, aunts and spouses. It knows no boundaries and it gives no mercy to no one. Did you know that about one in 19 women are Malaysia are at risk? That\u2019s quite a lot!\n\nDon\u2019t let it be a hankering when you lose your two globes. It won\u2019t take much time and effort to love them, just some attention monthly to make sure they\u2019re healthy and their normal selves. Starting with the breast self-examination, it\u2019s a small step you can take right? Now take off your clothes and let your juggies run lose. We\u2019re here to teach you how to check them correctly.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow to Self-Check Your Tits\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 1: Visual Examination\n\nStand in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. Observe your boobs to check whether there\u2019s a change in size, shape or colour. Next, raise your hands and look for the same changes.\nStep 2: Physical Examination\n\nUsing the pads of your three fingers, move in a pattern that covers the entire area and armpit. It can be done in a circular motion, up-down vertically in rows or a compass manner. And when you\u2019re done, pinch your nipples for any breast discharges.\n\nAs for the pressure:\nLight pressure:\n when you\u2019re feeling the skin and tissue just beneath\nMedium pressure:\n for the tissues in the middle of your breasts.\nFirm pressure:\n when you\u2019re reaching the deep tissues at the back, press hard and you should be able to feel down to your ribcage.\n\n\n\n\nMultiple Positions to Check:\n\n\nIn Front Of A Mirror\n\nLather your fingers with lotion to help your fingers glide more smoothly over the skin. After checking around the boobs, don\u2019t forget to raise your hands and examine the sides and armpits.\nWhen In the Shower\n\nMost girls prefer to do this in the shower when boobies are wet and slippery. The steps are the same as the other self-exam types and you can either do this sitting or standing.\nWhen Laying Down\n\nBreast tissues spread out evenly along the chest wall, which makes it easier to spot any lumps. When you\u2019re checking your right breast, put your hand behind your head and use your left hand to check your breast. As you\u2019re ready to check the other side, do the same but with opposite hands. In short: check your left side with your right hand and right side with your left hand! Got it?\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhen to Make a Visit to the Doctors:\n\n\n\nDimpling, puckering or bulging of the skin\n\nthe appearance of your skin is similar to the texture of an orange peel.\n\n\nit\u2019s often associated with inflammatory breast cancer.\n\n\n\nA nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple\n\nunless you\u2019re born with it, this is usually one of the symptoms.\n\n\ninstead of pointing outwards, the nipple is pulled the breast.\n\n\n\nNipple discharge\n\nmilky discharge is common when you\u2019re breastfeeding but this should turn the red light if you\u2019re not.\n\n\nThis can be in watery, milky, yellow fluid or blood form.\n\n\n\nChanges in size & shape of the breast\n\nIf you notice your breasts swelling at times other than your menstrual cycle, or if only one breast is swollen, consult your doctor!\n\n\nIn cases of normal swelling, both breasts remain symmetrical. It won\u2019t suddenly be larger or more swollen than the other.\n\n\n\nPeeling, scaling, or flaking skin\n\nDon\u2019t immediately scream breast cancer when you notice these symptoms. It can simply be a characteristic of atopic dermatitis, eczema, or other skin conditions.\n\n\nHave your doctor run a few tests to rule out these diseases.\n\n\n\nSkin rash on the breasts\n\nIn cases of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), skin rash or redness is an early symptom.\n\n\nIBC doesn\u2019t usually cause lumps, but your breasts may become swollen, warm and appear red.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat\u2019s Next?\n\nDon\u2019t panic if you felt a lump (but don\u2019t go without having it check out either just because we said so!). Pick up the phone to make an appointment with your gynaecologist or a breast specialist. They will most likely have you do an ultrasound or mammogram depending on your age.\n\nWhile you're anxiously waiting for the day of your appointment, heed advice from a professional instead of Googling your symptoms and thinking it to be cancerous. We've managed to sit down with Dr Kiran, a general surgeon who specializes in breast surgery from Columbia Asia Hospital Klang, to discuss about the most commonly asked questions about breast cancer.\nMost Commonly Asked Questions\n\n\nBreasts come in all shape and sizes. How do you know whether they\u2019re normal?\n\nBreasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. No two people have breasts that look exactly the same. It depends on our genetic influence, weight, age and other factors such as pregnancy and breast-feeding. We should be concerned if there is a sudden change in the size or shape of our breasts or even sudden change in the appearance of the nipple or skin overlying the breast.\nAt what age should girls start performing breast exams?\n\nOnce a girl hits puberty, she should be encouraged to perform breast self-examination (BSE) regularly. Although there is no evidence on the effectiveness of BSE and it does not have a meaningful impact on breast cancer survival rates, the practice of BSE has been seen to empower women and encourage them to take responsibility of their own health.\nHow often should you get a breast examination?\n\nBreast examination can be divided into 2 \u2013 breast self-examination (BSE) and clinical breast examination (CBE). BSE is usually performed by the woman herself. CBE, on the other hand, is an examination performed by health care providers. There are no specific guidelines recommending the frequency of breast examinations but women are encouraged to perform BSE monthly. There is insufficient evidence to support routine CBE in population-based screening. However, CBE plays an important role especially in women who fear mammograms or those who have limited access to mammography.\n\n* One should also remember that a negative examination does not exclude the presence of breast cancer.\nWhen is the best time to do it?\n\nThe best time to do a monthly BSE is about 3 to 5 days after our period starts as our breasts are not as tender or lumpy at this time. It should be performed at the same time every month so that it becomes a routine. For those who have undergone menopause, breast exam can be done on the same day every month.\nHow do I differentiate a breast gland from a lump?\n\nBreasts contain tissues of varying consistency - including fatty, glandular and connective tissue. Breast related symptoms, such as tenderness or lumpiness, changes with our menstrual cycle. It is difficult to differentiate breast lumps from lumpy glandular breast tissue especially during breast self-examination. If there is any suspicion, do consult your doctor for further examination/ investigation.\nDo all lumps translate to breast cancer?\n\nAlthough breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women, most breast lumps detected during breast self-examination (BSE) or clinical breast examination (CBE) are benign in nature (non-cancerous). In fact, more than 80% of them are benign. Cancerous breast lumps tend to feel hard and irregular shaped, while many benign breast lumps are smooth or rubbery to touch.\nDo breast implants raise your breast cancer risk?\n\nThere is a possible association between breast implants and the development of breast-implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), an uncommon cancer of the immune system. However, further research is required to understand better the relationship between this condition and breast implants. If you have breast implants, do visit your doctor for routine checkups and report any signs or symptoms promptly. If you are considering breast implants, discuss risks and benefits with your doctor.\nWhat can one do to lower the chances of getting breast cancer?\n\nIn terms of reducing the chances of developing breast cancer, we should address our risk factors. Risk factors simply mean factors that increase our chance of developing breast cancer; which can be divided into two types: non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors.\n\nNon-modifiable risk factors are factors that cannot be changed \u2013 it includes gender, family history of breast cancer and being a carrier of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation. Hitting puberty early (<12 years old) and menopause later in life (>55 years old) increases the risk of developing breast cancer.\n\nModifiable risks come down to lifestyle choices such as sedentary habits, alcohol consumption, smoking and even long term intake of exogenous hormones in the form of oral contraceptive pills or hormone replacement therapy. Not bearing children, full-term pregnancy after the age of 30 as well as no breastfeeding increases the risk further.\n\nNon-modifiable risks cannot be changed. However, the risk may be lowered for some patients; for example, prophylactic mastectomy can be performed to lower breast cancer risk in BRCA gene mutation carriers. In terms of modifiable risk factors, leading a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight will not only reduce the risk of breast cancer but also reduces the risk of recurrence in survivors.\nWhat are the things we keep doing that increases the risk of breast cancer?\n\nMost of us are aware that excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and leading a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of not only breast cancer but various other cancers. Hence, limiting the amount of alcohol consumption and cessation of smoking is important. Lead a healthy lifestyle, ladies!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kiran Kaur D/O Amer Singh\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\nBSc (Hons) (Biomedicine) (UPM), MD (UPM), M Surgery (UM), Special Interest In Breast Surgery\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n4 Real Things We Learned From Breast Cancer Awareness Month \u2013 CLEO, 25 October 2019\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/5-common-eye-diseases-adults", "title": "5 Common Eye Diseases In Adults", "body": "\n\n\n\n5 Common Eye Diseases In Adults\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 26, 2021\n \n\nAdults may be affected with many different types of eye problems. The more common ophthalmic problems are cataracts, dry eyes, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.\n\nIt is important to be aware of these conditions and to seek treatment early as timely intervention and preventive measures may help prevent loss of sight and the associated negative impact on quality of life that the visual impairment brings.\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. Cataract\n\nA cataract is a clouding of the eye\u2019s natural lens. Although it is common to have cataracts as we age, it is also more often seen in people who smoke, those who do not protect their eyes from the sun, diabetics and those with family history of cataracts. Trauma to the eyes and head may also cause cataracts.\n\nSymptoms:\n\nBlurry or dim vision\n\n\nGlare\n\n\nDifficulty in night vision\n\n\nSeeing halos around lights\n\n\nNeed for frequent changes in glasses\n\n\n\nAs the cataract worsens it severely affects the vision and surgery would be necessary to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a new one. Most cataract surgeries are daycare procedures performed under local anaesthesia. With modern techniques, the end results are usually excellent.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Dry Eyes\n\nTears function to lubricate our eyes and stops the surface from drying. Dry eyes occur if tears are not produced in the correct amounts or if it does not stay on the surface of the eye long enough. Dryness can range from mild afflictions to sometimes severe dryness that can damage the surface of the eyeball. Dry eye can affect anyone of any age but is more common as we get older. Dry eye is common in postmenopausal women and in people with systemic conditions such as certain types of arthritis.\n\nSymptoms:\n\nGrittiness or itchiness of the eyes\n\n\nPain and tearing in more severe cases\n\n\nIncreased sensitivity to light\n\n\nRedness\n\n\nDischarge or stringy mucous\n\n\nBlurring of vision\n\n\n\nThere is no cure for dry eyes, but its symptoms can be alleviated. Treatment include artificial tears, punctal plugs, warm compresses and newer therapies such as thermal pulsations and intense-pulsed light therapy.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Age related macular degeneration\n\nAge-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a condition affecting older people, and it involves the loss of the person\u2019s central field of vision. Globally, ARMD ranks third as a cause of blindness after cataract and glaucoma. Age is the biggest risk factor for developing ARMD. Family history, high blood pressure and smoking are other risk factors.\n\nSymptoms:\n\nMaybe asymptomatic in the early stages\n\n\nGradual or sudden blurring of vision\n\n\nVisual distortion especially straight lines\n\n\nDifficulty in recognising faces or central scotomas\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPeople with macular degenerations can be treated with supplements, photodynamic therapy and anti-angiogenic drug injections.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Glaucoma\n\nGlaucoma refers to a group of diseases that causes damage to the optic nerve with associated visual field loss. An elevated intraocular pressure is one of the primary risk factors for glaucoma. Advanced glaucoma leads to severe vision impairment and even blindness. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness. Risk factors for glaucoma include age, family history of glaucoma, chronic usage of steroid medications, diabetes, hypertension and short-sightedness.\n\nSymptoms:\n\nCalled the \u2018Silent thief of sight\u2019, most people with open angle glaucoma usually do not have any symptoms until the disease is at an advanced stage. The disease starts affecting the peripheral vision and then progresses gradually to involve the central vision.\n\n\nAcute angle closure causes sudden eye pain, blurring of vision, eye redness, haloes, headaches, nausea and vomiting.\n\n\n\nAlthough there are different types of medication that are used in the treatment of glaucoma, surgery maybe indicated in the cases which deteriorate despite optimal medical treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent worsening of the condition.\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. Diabetic Retinopathy\n\nDiabetic retinopathy is a specific complication of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic retinopathy develops with time and is associated with poor control of blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids. It causes abnormal changes in the retinal blood vessels causing leakages, swelling of the retina and bleeding.\n\nSymptoms:\n\nMaybe asymptomatic in the early stages\n\n\nBlurring of vision that maybe gradual or rapidly worsening\n\n\nFluctuation in visual acuity\n\n\nDistortion of central vision\n\n\nFloaters\n\n\nFlashes of light\n\n\n\nTreatment of diabetic retinopathy consists of strict control of blood sugars, laser photocoagulation, anti-vascular endothelial growth factors (anti-VEGF) injections and surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\nEYECARE TIP\n\n\nGet your eyes checked if you have any of the symptoms mentioned above it is important to consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.\n\n\nIf you have significant medical or family history such as diabetes or glaucoma, it is advisable to see an ophthalmologist at least yearly.\n\n\n\nStopping by and getting your eyes checked in eye screening booths in malls and events can also help to detect eye problems early.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Palanyraj Naicker\n\n\nConsultant Ophthalmologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nMBBS (India), M Ophthalmology (UM))\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n5 Common Eye Diseases In Adults \u2013 Natural Health\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOphthalmology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/6-cara-kawal-bacaan-gula-normal-buat-ibu-hamil-yang-gdm-bolehlah-cuba-makan-kuih", "title": "6 Cara Kawal Bacaan Gula Normal Buat Ibu Hamil Yang GDM, Bolehlah Cuba Makan Kuih Raya Nanti!", "body": "\n\n\n\n6 Cara Kawal Bacaan Gula Normal Buat Ibu Hamil Yang GDM, Bolehlah Cuba Makan Kuih Raya Nanti!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2021\n \n\nKencing manis semasa hamil atau \ngestational diabetes\n (GDM) sering dihidapi wanita hamil. Bila raya ni, mesti ada yang teringin makan kuih raya kan? Kami kongsikan cara anda kekalkan bacaan gula normal untuk elak GDM.\n\nKadangkala buntu juga bila bacaan gula dalam darah sentiasa tinggi sedangkan anda sudah berusaha mengawalnya.\n\nGlukosa atau glukos adalah bahan yang menjadi sumber tenaga bagi kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun jika tahap glukos dalam darah berlebihan, ia boleh memberi kesan buruk.\n\nTerutama kepada organ-organ dalam tubuh kita seperti merosakkan lapisan retina di bahagian mata sehingga boleh menyebabkan buta.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBacaan gula normal ibu hamil boleh dikawal dengan cara ini\n\n\n\nMenurut Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Seremban, Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah, tahap glukos yang tinggi semasa hamil pula akan menyebabkan pelbagai masalah di dalam janin misalnya, masalah jantung pada bayi dalam kandungan.\n\nJadi ini enam cara yang dikongsikan doktor ini mungkin boleh kekalkan bacaan gula normal buat ibu hamil terutama yang menghidap GDM.\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. Senaman Ringan\n\n\n\nTahap glukos dikawal oleh insulin. Insulin merupakan hormon yang dihasilkan oleh pankreas supaya tahap glukos terkawal dan tidak kekal tinggi serta pastikan bacaan gula normal ibu hamil.\n\nDalam kalangan wanita yang hamil pula, hormon-hormon yang dihasilkan ketika hamil akan berlawan dengan insulin. Ini menyebabkan paras glukos wanita hamil mudah meningkat naik.\n\nSetelah bayi dilahirkan dan uri dikeluarkan, tahap glukos akan kembali normal semula. Inilah yang dikenali sebagai \ngestational diabetes mellitues\n (GDM) atau masalah kencing manis ketika hamil.\n\nPesakit GDM selalunya mengamalkan pemakanan yang seimbang tetapi tidak melakukan senaman, tahap gula atau glukos selalunya akan kekal tinggi.\n\nSenaman yang dimaksudkan adalah senaman sederhana seperti berjalan kaki selama 30 hingga 45 minit setiap hari. Ramai yang bertanya, setelah melakukan kerja-kerja rumah, maka perlukah melakukan aktiviti berjalan kaki ini? Jawapannya adalah, ya!\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Elak simpan makanan ringan di rumah\n\nMisalnya, jika anda tidak dibenarkan minum minuman bergula, jangan beli atau simpan apa-apa minuman berkarbonat misalnya di rumah.\n\nSemua ahli keluarga yang lain termasuklah suami hendaklah bekerjasama dalam hal ini.\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Makan makanan berserat tinggi\n\n\n\nGanti beras, mi, mihun, pasta, roti biasa dengan bahan-bahan karbohidrat berserat tinggi. Beras putih boleh digantikan dengan beras perang.\n\nRoti putih boleh digantikan dengan roti \nwholemeal\n. Mihun dari beras merah ada dijual di pasaran. Pasta yang diperbuat dari \nwholemeal flour\n juga mudah didapati daripada pasaran.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Makan dalam kuantiti kecil tapi kerap\n\nWaktu makan utama iaitu sarapan, makan tengah hari dan makan malam dikekalkan tapi ambil snek antara waktu makan utama. Antara masa sarapan dan makan tengah hari ambil snek pagi. Di antara makan tengah hari dan makan malam pula ambil snek petang.\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. Amalkan diet disaran pakar pemakanan\n\nBagi sarapan, makan tengah hari dan malam; amalkan diet yang disarankan oleh pakar pemakanan anda. Hafal piramid makanan dan pastikan anda ikut.\n\nIa penting bagi memastikan anda makan ikut kuantiti yang sepatutnya. Hamil bukan bermakna anda perlu makan untuk dua orang, ia adalah tanggapan yang salah sama sekali.\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. Makan makanan yang anda suka tetapi pada kuantiti bersesuaian\n\nKegagalan diet yang disarankan oleh pakar pemakanan akan berlaku jika diet dan jenis makanan tidak menepati selera seseorang pesakit itu.\n\nJadi, makanan makanan yang anda suka. Misalnya, jika sarapan yang dicadangkan ialah sandwich telur tetapi anda tidak suka makan ini bolehlah tukar kepada sekeping capati atau secawan mihun goreng. Tapi pastikan kuantiti yang bersesuaian.\n\nPastikan makanan yang diambil adalah bersesuaian dengan kuantiti walaupun ia adalah makanan yang anda suka. Pastikan ia tidak berlebihan kerana ia mungkin boleh menganggu usaha untuk mengekalkan bacaan gula normal si ibu hamil.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n6 Cara Kawal Bacaan Gula Normal Buat Ibu Hamil Yang GDM, Bolehlah Cuba Makan Kuih Raya Nanti! \u2013 Oh! Semput, 10 Mei 2021 \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Oh! Semput, 10 Mei 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/6-effective-ways-to-prevent-bone-density-loss", "title": "6 Effective Ways To Prevent Bone Density Loss", "body": "\n\n\n\n6 Effective Ways To Prevent Bone Density Loss\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 19, 2018\n \n\nour bones may seem like hard and lifeless pieces of mass made up of collagen and calcium, but in truth, bones are living, growing tissues with blood supply and with an active metabolism. Just like how our skin cells go through a renewal process, our bones too go through a process called resorption, where old bone is broken down and new bone is formed. Bone density loss happens when more bone is broken down than is added to the skeleton.\n\nAge is one of the factors that determine the speed at which your bone breaks down and new bone is formed. Bone formation is most active during childhood and teenage years, and then most people reach peak bone density at around age 30. After that bone resorption gradually exceeds new bone formation, which explains why many women are faced with brittle bones as they age. However, a diagnosis of osteoporosis might indicate that you\u2019ve actually had low bone density all your life!\n\nAll is not lost. There are steps that you can take starting now to prevent bone density loss. Dr Sidik Che Kob, Consultant Orthopaedic, Trauma & Arthroscopy Sports Surgeon from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang, shares practical tips on how to strengthen your bones.\n1. Rethink your diet\n\nGet started on a calcium-rich diet that includes salmon, sardines, dark leafy greens, broccoli, almonds, dried figs, fortified tofu and soy milk. Taking calcium supplements with vitamin D may be beneficial too.\n2. Exercise, exercise, exercise\n\nTo boost bone strength, try exercises that compress the bone. For example, running, jogging, high-impact aerobics, repetitive stair-climbing, dancing and playing tennis.\n3. Go easy on the drinkss\n\nIf you consume more than 3 ounces of alcohol a day (that\u2019s roughly six drinks), you could experience more bone loss than those with minimal alcohol intake.\n4. Stop smoking already!\n\nSmoking increases the risk of osteoporosis because it reduces blood flow to the bones, slows down the production of bone-forming cells and impairs calcium absorption.\n5. Regularly check your bone density\n\nSee your physician about a bone density screening. A simple X-ray test called the DXA test, measures bone mineral density and helps determine risks of osteoporosis and fractures.\n6. Seek early treatment\n\nConsider osteoporosis treatments such as hormone therapy to increase waning estrogen levels. Low estrogen levels are linked to bone loss. This can cause hip and spine fractures.\nThis article first appeared in Women\u2019s Weekly, 28 March 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\n6 Effective Ways To Prevent Bone Density Loss \u2013 Women\u2019s Weekly, 28 March 2018\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/7-perkara-tentang-penyakit-autoimun", "title": "7 Perkara Tentang Penyakit Autoimun", "body": "\n\n\n\n7 Perkara Tentang Penyakit Autoimun\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 11, 2020\n \n\nTahukah anda, penyakit autoimun adalah penyakit di mana sistem imun tubuh seseorang menyerang sel atau tisunya sendiri.\n\nDengar macam pelik kan?\n\nTapi inilah yang terjadi kerana sistem imun badan gagal membezakan sel atau tisu badan dan menganggap sel tersebut adalah sel asing.\n\nDisebabkan kegagalan fungsi tersebut, maka sistem imun badan boleh menyerang pelbagai organ dan tisu dalam tubuh.\n\nKenapa pula sistem imun ni menyerang tubuh kita sendiri sedangkan ia patut melindungi kita?\n\nJom baca selanjutnya dan sama-sama ambil tahu tentang penyakit autoimun ini.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPenyakit Autoimun: Punca, Simptom, Rawatan & Komplikasi\n\n\n1. Apakah Penyakit Autoimun?\n\nDi Malaysia, mungkin penyakit autoimun ini masih belum diketahui ramai dan mungkin kurang kesedaran terhadap kewujudannya.\n\nSecara umumnya, penyakit autoimun ini adalah satu kondisi di mana badan manusia itu menghasilkan antibodi sendiri (sistem imun) yang menyerang sel-sel badan atau organ manusia itu sendiri.\n\nBagaimana ia boleh berlaku?\n\nJelas Pakar Perundingan Perubatan Hospital Columbia Asia Puchong, Dr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin; \n\u201cSepatutnya sistem keimunan dan antibodi kita ini adalah untuk menyerang penyakit seperti contohnya bakteria, fungus dan virus dari luar. Tetapi dalam kes penyakit autoimun ini, badan kita menghasilkan antibodi yang sama dan menyerang organ dalam diri sendiri. Ini kerana sistem imun badan tidak dapat membezakan sel atau tisu badan sendiri dan menganggapnya sebagai sel atau tisu asing.\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Simptom / Tanda Penyakit Autoimun\n\nMenurut Dr Muhammad lagi, simptom-simptom penyakit autoimun pada awalnya tidak spesifik dan tidak jelas.\n\nIa bermula dengan rasa rasa letih, lemah badan dan sakit otot, diikuti dengan demam yang berterusan hingga seinggu atau 2 minggu.\n\nIni diikuti dengan rasa sakit, bengkak, sukar untuk bergerak apabila bangun tidur dan keguguran rambut yang berlebihan.\n\nMenurut Portal MyHealth, tanda-tanda lain juga termasuk:\n\nSakit sendi, sakit otot atau kelemahan otot\n\n\nSusut berat badan\n\n\nRuam yang berulang, amat sensitif pada cahaya matahari, ruam berbentuk rama-rama pada hidung dan pipi\n\n\nSukar untuk memberikan perhatian atau tumpuan\n\n\nRasa letih, berat badan bertambah atau tidak tahan sejuk\n\n\nRambut gugur ataupun keputihan pada kulit\n\n\nKekeringna pada bahagian mata, mulut dan kulit\n\n\nKebas pada bahagian tangan dan kaki\n\n\nKerap mengalami keguguran\n\n\n3. Jenis-jenis Penyakit Autoimun\n\nMenurut sumber, terdapat lebih 80 jenis penyakit autoimun yang telah dikenalpasti oleh pakar.\n\nNamun, hanya beberapa penyakit sahaja yang mungkin kita familiar atau pernah dengar; contohnya Lupus, radang usus, psiorasis, artritis reumatoid, Diabetes Type 1, Multiple Sclerosis, dan Celiac Disease.\n\nBerikut dijelaskan serba-sedikit tentang penyakit autoimun yang popular.\n\n\u00a0\n\ni) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)\n\nSystemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) adalah penyakit autoimun yang paling dikenali.\n\nIa adalah sejenis penyakit kronik di mana tubuh badan pesakit menghasilkan protein darah dengan banyak.\n\nProtein darah yang dipanggil antibodi ini dengan sendirinya memberi tindak balas terhadap tisu seseorang.\n\nKesan dari penyakit ini amat berat kerana melibatkan banyak organ, manakala gejala-gejala yang timbul pula adalah tidak spesifik.\n\n\u00a0\n\nii) Psoriasis\n\nPsoriasis pula adalah penyakit autoimun yang menyerang kulit.\n\nPenyakit ini mempengaruhi sel kulit hingga sel kulit baru menjadi matang terlalu cepat padahal sel-sel yang sudah tua tidak gugur sehingga menyebabkan terjadi penimbunan sel-sel di permukaan kulit.\n\nPesakit yang mengalami psoriasis akan menunjukkan tanda pada kulit yang terinflamasi, mempunyai tompokan, atau bersisik terutamanya pada bahagian kulit kepala, lutut, punggung dan pergelangan tangan.\n\n\u00a0\n\niii) Penyakit Tiroid<\n\nPenyakit tiroid berpunca daripada sistem antibodi yang menyerang organ tiroid dan lebih banyak menyerang wanita.\n\nDua jenis tiroid ini adalah\n\nGrave\u2019s Disease\n \u2013 berlaku apabila hormon tiroid berlebihan manakala Hashimoto disease berlaku apabila hormon tiroid terlalu rendah.\n\n\nHashimoto Disease\n \u2013 kelenjar tiroid kurang aktif (hipotiroid) sehingga tidak menghasilkan cukup hormon tiroid\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\niv) Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)\n\nRheumatoid arthritis (RA) melibatkan masalah sistem muskuloskeletal di mana berlakunya keradangan pada sendi-sendi.\n\nPesakit RA akan mengalami sendi-sendi yang menjadi bengkak, sakit dan kaku yang biasanya lebih ketara pada waktu pagi.\n\nJika dibiarkan penyakit ini berterusan dan tidak dirawat, sendi-sendi boleh menjadi rosak dan hilang keupayaan.\n\nIa bukan penyakit keturunan dan selalunya lebih kerap dihidapi oleh kaum wanita berbanding lelaki dengan nisbah 3:1.\n\nWalaupun rheumatoid arthritis boleh bermula pada bila-bila masa, ia lebih kerap bermula dalam lingkungan umur 35 hingga 45 tahun.\n\n\u00a0\n\nv) Celiac Disease\n\nCeliac Disease ini mungkin kita biasa dengar berlaku pada kanak-kanak yang melibatkan gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan.\n\nIa adalah penyakit autoimun yang menyerang usus kecil sebagai respon dari intoleransi terhadap produk gluten iaitu bahan yang terdapat dalam gandum.\n\nPesakit Celiac akan mengalami gangguan penyerapan makanan sehingga pesakit tidak mendapatkan gizi yang cukup.\n\nGejala-gejala lain adalah seperti penurunan berat badan, ketidakselesaan perut, kembung, cirit dan Anemia.\n\n\u00a0\n\nvi) Multiple Sclerosis (MS)\n\nMenurut \nThe Malaysian Medical Gazette\n, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) ialah sejenis episod serangan terhadap saraf optik, saraf tunjang dan otak yang dipercayai berpunca oleh gangguan pada respon imun terhadap badan.\n\nPenghidap penyakit MS mungkin mengalami kelemahan, paraparesis (kelumpuhan separa pada anggota bawah), paresthesias (sensasi tidak normal, biasanya seperti dicucuk pin dan jarum), hilang penglihatan, diplopia (penglihatan berganda), terketar-ketar, terhuyung-hayang, atau hilang fungsi pundi kencing.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Punca\n\nSehingga kini punca penyakit autoimun masih belum diketahui punca sebenarnya yang tepat.\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, pakar mengatakan bahawa secara umumnya ia boleh disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor berikut:-\n\nSejarah keluarga yang mempunyai penyakit autoimun\n\n\nJantina dan status hormon (75% penyakit autoimun berlaku di kalangan wanita)\n\n\nJangkitan virus atau bakteria\n\n\nPendedahan kepada persekitaran dan bahan kimia toksik\n\n\nTekanan (stres) dan trauma\n\n\nTabiat merokok\n\n\nKekurangan nutrisi\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. Adakah Penyakit Autoimun Merbahaya?\n\nKesan penyakit autoimun pada tubuh boleh membuatkan pesakit berasa tidak dapat melakukan aktiviti harian.\n\nNamun ia juga bergantung pada tubuh badan masing-masing kerana setiap orang mempunyai tahap kesihatan yang berbeza.\n\nBagi sesetengah orang, kesakitan yang dialami mungkin pada tahap yang masih terkawal manakala tahap yang kronik boleh membawa maut.\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. Adakah Ia Boleh Dirawat?\n\nRawatan pesakit adalah bergantung kepada jenis dan gejala yang dialami.\n\nWalaupun belum ada rawatan yang betul-betul menjamin semua jenis penyakit autoimun boleh disembuhkan sepenuhnya, namun dengan diagnosis awal serta rutin rawatan, ia dapat membantu pesakit menguruskan simptom yang dialaminya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n7. Ia Menyerang Sesiapa Saja\n\nWalaupun kedengaran asing bagi sesetengah kita, namun penting untuk kita fahami bahawa ia boleh menyerang sesiapa saja, bahkan selebriti popular.\n\nAntara selebriti yang pernah dikhabarkan bertarung dengan penyakit ini ialah Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, dan Anita Baharom, iaitu salah seorang selebriti tanah air.\n\nPengiran Muda Abdul Azim, 38, Putera Sultan Brunei yang mangkat pada pagi 24 Oktober 2020 turut menghidap penyakit autoimun yang menyebabkan keradangan pada pembuluh darah hingga menyebabkan kegagalan organ dan menyebabkan jangkitan berterusan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPentingnya Kesedaran Awam\n\nSebagai orang awam, kesedaran penyakit ini adalah penting supaya seseorang tidak mengabaikan simptom-simptom yang berlaku dan segera melakukan pemeriksaan jika ada sesuatu yang mengganggu aktiviti harian anda.\n\nDengan membangkitkan kesedaran ramai tentang penyakit ini, semoga pesakit yang didiagnos juga sentiasa bersemangat dan mendapat sokongan daripada orang di sekeliling mereka.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nBachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Internal Medicine (UKM), CIMA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n7 Perkara Tentang Penyakit Autoimun (SLE / Lupus, Tiroid, Psoriaris) \u2013 Harian Post, 29 Oktober 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Post, 29 Oktober 2020.\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/70-and-still-running", "title": "70 and Still Running", "body": "\n\n\n\n70 and Still Running\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 27, 2016\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nElite senior marathoners may be giving their younger counterparts a run for their money. A new study published in American Journal of Physiology examines if their impressive fitness has anything to do with their muscles not ageing. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr Harjeet Singh, shares how older persons can continue to remain active without injuries.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/90-percent-of-covid-19-infected-children-are-infected-by-their-families-zh", "title": "90%\u67d3\u75ab\u5b69\u7ae5\u906d\u5bb6\u4eba\u4f20\u67d3 5\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u4e0d\u64c5\u8868\u8fbe \u8bca\u65ad\u6dfb\u96be\u5ea6", "body": "\n\n\n\n90%\u67d3\u75ab\u5b69\u7ae5\u906d\u5bb6\u4eba\u4f20\u67d3 5\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u4e0d\u64c5\u8868\u8fbe \u8bca\u65ad\u6dfb\u96be\u5ea6\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 24, 2021\n \n\u533b\u53e5\u8bdd\uff1a COVID-19\u7684\u611f\u67d3\u75c7\u72b6\u6709\u54b3\u55fd\u3001\u53d1\u70e7\u3001\u547c\u5438\u56f0\u96be\u3001\u8179\u6cfb\u3001\u808c\u8089\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u75b2\u52b3\u3001\u5455\u5410\u3001\u8179\u75db\u3001\u4f24\u98ce\u3001\u7ed3\u819c\u708e\u3001\u7ea2\u6591\u6216\u7ea2\u75b9\u7b49\uff0c\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u7fa4\u4f53\u5e76\u4e0d\u50cf\u5927\u4eba\u90a3\u6837\u61c2\u5f97\u7cbe\u51c6\u8868\u8fbe\u81ea\u5df1\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f5\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7684\u5c0f\u670b\u53cb\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e3a\u8bca\u65ad\u6dfb\u52a0\u4e86\u96be\u5ea6\u3002\n\n\n\n\u201cCOVID-19\u57282019\u5e74\u676a\u7206\u53d1\uff0c\u622a\u81f32021\u5e747\u670813\u65e5\u4e3a\u6b62\uff0c\u5168\u7403\u6709\u903e1\u4ebf8800\u4e07\u5b97\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u4f8b\uff0c\u9020\u6210\u8d85\u8fc7405\u4e07\u4eba\u6b7b\u4ea1\uff0c\u5168\u7403\u4fee\u6b63\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7387\u4e3a2.9%\u3002\u53bb\u5e7412\u6708\uff0c\u6211\u66fe\u5728\u793e\u4ea4\u5a92\u4f53\u4e0a\u5199\u8fc7\u4e00\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\uff0c\u5f53\u65f6\u7684\u5168\u7403\u786e\u8bca\u4eba\u6570\u67091400\u4e07\u4eba\uff0c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u4eba\u6570\u8d85\u8fc740\u4e07\u4eba\uff0c\u7136\u800c\u7ecf\u8fc77\u4e2a\u6708\u7684\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u786e\u8bca\u4eba\u6570\u548c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u6570\u5b57\u5448\u6025\u901f\u589e\u52a0\uff0c\u800cCOVID-19\u5728\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u7684\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7387\u66f4\u662f\u9ad8\u8fbe3%\uff0c\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u5f88\u53ef\u6015\u7684\u6570\u636e\u3002\n\nCOVID-19\u7684\u611f\u67d3\u75c7\u72b6\u6709\u54b3\u55fd\u3001\u53d1\u70e7\u3001\u547c\u5438\u56f0\u96be\u3001\u8179\u6cfb\u3001\u808c\u8089\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u75b2\u52b3\u3001\u5455\u5410\u3001\u8179\u75db\u3001\u4f24\u98ce\u3001\u7ed3\u819c\u708e\u548c\u7ea2\u6591\u6216\u7ea2\u75b9\u7b49\uff0c\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u7fa4\u4f53\u5e76\u4e0d\u50cf\u5927\u4eba\u90a3\u6837\u61c2\u5f97\u7cbe\u51c6\u5730\u8868\u8fbe\u81ea\u5df1\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f5\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7684\u5c0f\u670b\u53cb\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5c0f\u5b69\u4e0d\u8bf4 \u9760\u533b\u751f\u7ecf\u9a8c\u201c\u8bf4\u8bdd\u201d \n\n\n\n\n\n\u5982\u679c\u5c0f\u670b\u53cb\u611f\u67d3\u4e86COVID-19\uff0c\u9996\u5148\u56e0\u4e3a\u4ed6\u4eec\u4e0d\u4f1a\u8868\u8fbe\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u611f\u53d7\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u5728\u8bca\u65ad\u65b9\u9762\u4e5f\u4f1a\u6bd4\u8f83\u590d\u6742\u4e00\u4e9b\u3002\u5728\u4e34\u5e8a\u4e0a\uff0c\u8981\u9009\u62e9\u6bd4\u8f83\u6709\u7ecf\u9a8c\u7684\u533b\u751f\uff1b\u5176\u6b21\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u9700\u8981\u5bf9\u5b69\u5b50\u7684\u4e00\u4e9b\u8868\u73b0\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u6d3b\u8dc3\u7a0b\u5ea6\u3001\u6216\u4ece\u80c3\u53e3\u597d\u4e0d\u597d\u7b49\u6765\u4f5c\u51fa\u8bca\u65ad\uff0c\u4ee5\u786e\u5b9a\u5c0f\u670b\u53cb\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u9700\u8981\u5bf9COVID-19\u75c5\u6bd2\u8fdb\u884c\u7b5b\u68c0\u3002\n\n\u5728\u75c5\u6bd2\u5927\u6d41\u884c\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u90fd\u77e5\u9053\u611f\u67d3\u8005\u5728\u54b3\u55fd\u3001\u6253\u55b7\u568f\u3001\u8bf4\u8bdd\u3001\u5531\u6b4c\u6216\u6df1\u547c\u5438\u65f6\uff0c\u4f1a\u4ece\u53e3\u6216\u9f3b\u4e2d\u91ca\u653e\u51fa\u5fae\u5c0f\u7684\u6db2\u6001\u9897\u7c92\uff08small liquid particles\uff09\u3002\u6db2\u6001\u9897\u7c92\u4ece\u8f83\u5927\u7684\u547c\u5438\u6ef4\u6db2\uff08droplets\uff09\u5230\u8f83\u5c0f\u7684\u6c14\u6eb6\u80f6\uff08aerosols\uff09\uff0c\u6c14\u6eb6\u80f6\u53ef\u4ee5\u957f\u65f6\u95f4\u5728\u7a7a\u6c14\u4e2d\u751f\u5b58\u3002\n\n\u6211\u5e38\u5e38\u4f1a\u5728\u533b\u9662\u89c2\u5bdf\u4eba\u7fa4\uff0c\u53d1\u73b0\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u4f1a\u4e0d\u77e5\u89c9\u7684\u7528\u624b\u53bb\u89e6\u78b0\u53e3\u7f69\u770b\u770b\u6709\u6ca1\u6709\u592a\u677e\u6216\u592a\u7d27\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u8fd8\u4f1a\u5728\u4e0d\u6d17\u624b\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0b\uff0c\u7528\u624b\u89e6\u6478\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u773c\u775b\u3001\u9f3b\u5b50\u6216\u53e3\u90e8\uff0c\u63a5\u89e6\u88ab\u75c5\u6bd2\u6c61\u67d3\u7684\u8868\u9762\uff08fomite\uff09\uff0c\u7ed3\u679c\u56e0\u800c\u53d7\u5230\u611f\u67d3\u3002\n\n\u81f3\u4e8e\u7a7a\u6c14\u4f1a\u4e0d\u4f1a\u4f20\u64ad\u75c5\u6bd2\uff1f\u7b54\u6848\u662f\u4f1a\u7684\uff0c\u53ea\u8981\u5728\u5c01\u95ed\u7684\u7a7a\u95f4\u91cc\uff0c\u75c5\u6bd2\u5728\u7a7a\u6c14\u4e2d\u7684\u542b\u91cf\u4f1a\u53d8\u5f97\u5f88\u9ad8\uff0c\u63a5\u7740\u75c5\u6bd2\u5c31\u4f1a\u901a\u8fc7\u7a7a\u6c14\u4f20\u64ad\uff0c\u5c31\u6bd4\u5982\u5728\u5de5\u4f5c\u7a7a\u95f4\u611f\u67d3\u4e86\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u800c\u786e\u8bca\u8005\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u81ea\u5df1\u88ab\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u56de\u5230\u5bb6\u91cc\u548c\u5bb6\u4eba\u4e00\u8d77\u65f6\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u63d0\u9ad8\u4f20\u67d3\u7ed9\u5bb6\u4eba\u6216\u5c0f\u670b\u53cb\u7684\u51e0\u7387\uff0c\u8fd9\u5c31\u662f\u6211\u4eec\u6240\u8c13\u7684\u7a7a\u6c14\u4f20\u64ad\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u7236\u6bcd\u4e3a\u4e3b\u8981\u7167\u62a4\u8005\u987b\u81ea\u5f8b \n\n\n\n\n\n\u6211\u9700\u8981\u7279\u522b\u5f3a\u8c03\u4e00\u70b9\uff0c\u5f80\u5f80\u7236\u6bcd\u90fd\u662f\u5b69\u5b50\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u7167\u62a4\u8005\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u5bb6\u957f\u6ca1\u6709\u7167\u987e\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u536b\u751f\u548c\u5b89\u5168\uff0c\u90a3\u5c0f\u670b\u53cb\u88ab\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u4e5f\u4f1a\u5927\u5927\u589e\u52a0\uff0c\u65e0\u8bba\u662f\u5728\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u6216\u8005\u5168\u4e16\u754c\u7684\u6570\u636e\uff0c\u670990%\u7684\u67d3\u75ab\u5b69\u7ae5\u90fd\u662f\u7531\u5bb6\u4eba\u4f20\u67d3\u3002\n\n\u6839\u636e\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u7684\u6570\u636e\uff0c\u622a\u81f32021\u5e746\u6708\uff0c\u5df2\u7ecf\u67098\u4e072341\u540d18\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7684\u60a3\u8005\u786e\u8bca\uff0c\u800c\u5f53\u4e2d\u670933%\u662f\u4ecb\u4e8e13\u523018\u5c81\uff1b31%\u662f\u4ecb\u4e8e7\u5c81\u523012\u5c81\uff1b\u800c\u5c0f\u4e8e4\u5c81\u7684\u5219\u5360\u4e8624%\u3002\u622a\u81f3\u4eca\u5e746\u6708\uff0c\u5df2\u7ecf\u670915\u540d\u513f\u7ae5\u56e0\u4e3a\u611f\u67d3COVID-19\u4e0d\u5e78\u901d\u4e16\u3002\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u60a3\u4e0a\u91cd\u75c7\u548c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7684\u4eba\u6570\uff0c\u76f8\u8f83\u4e8e\u6210\u4eba\u7684\u6bd4\u4f8b\u662f\u6bd4\u8f83\u4f4e\u7684\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u57287\u6708\uff0c\u6709\u5f88\u591a\u533b\u751f\u90fd\u63a5\u5230\u513f\u7ae5\u8fdb\u5165\u91cd\u75c7\u548c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7684\u6d88\u606f\uff0c\u51e0\u4e4e\u6574\u4e2a\u513f\u7ae5\u75c5\u623f\u90fd\u662f\u9700\u8981\u63d2\u7ba1\u548c\u547c\u5438\u5668\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e00\u70b9\u662f\u5927\u5bb6\u4e0d\u5bb9\u5ffd\u89c6\u7684\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u86cb\u767d\u8d28\u5236\u9020\u6297\u4f53\u86cb\u767d\u91cd\u8981\u5143\u7d20 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u6ca1\u6709\u6700\u597d\u7684\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u5c31\u662f\u6700\u597d\u7684\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u6211\u60f3\u8bf7\u6240\u6709\u7684\u6210\u4eba\u90fd\u53bb\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u6ce8\u5c04\u75ab\u82d7\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u52a9\u81ea\u5df1\u548c\u5bb6\u4eba\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u633d\u6551\u548c\u4f60\u63a5\u89e6\u8fc7\u7684\u4eba\u7684\u751f\u547d\u3002 \u5728\u8fd9\u4e2a\u5927\u6d41\u884c\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u5bb6\u957f\u90fd\u4f1a\u95ee\u6211\uff0c\u8be5\u7ed9\u5b69\u5b50\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48\u4ee5\u589e\u5f3a\u5b69\u5b50\u7684\u514d\u75ab\u529b\uff0c\u5176\u5b9e\u5f88\u7b80\u5355\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u786e\u4fdd\u5b69\u5b50\u5728\u98df\u7269\u4e2d\uff0c\u6444\u53d6\u5747\u8861\u7684\u8425\u517b\uff0c\u7279\u522b\u662f\u8db3\u591f\u7684\u86cb\u767d\u8d28\u3002\u5176\u6b21\u662f\u5145\u8db3\u7684\u7761\u7720\u4ee5\u53ca\u9002\u91cf\u7684\u8fd0\u52a8\u3002\n\n\u86cb\u767d\u8d28\u4fc3\u8fdb\u8eab\u4f53\u5065\u5eb7\u6210\u957f\uff0c\u7ec4\u7ec7\u808c\u8089\u53ca\u5404\u4e2a\u91cd\u8981\u5668\u5b98\u7684\u57fa\u672c\u8981\u7d20\uff0c\u66f4\u662f\u5236\u9020\u6297\u4f53\u86cb\u767d\uff08antibody\uff09\u7684\u91cd\u8981\u5143\u7d20\uff0c\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u4e5f\u522b\u5ffd\u7565\u4e86\u5fae\u91cf\u5143\u7d20\u548c\u77ff\u7269\u8d28\u7279\u522b\u662f\u94c1\u3001\u7898\u3001\u53f6\u9178\u3001\u950c\u3001\u7ef4\u751f\u7d20A\u548cD\u3002\u7ef4\u751f\u7d20D\u5728\u514d\u75ab\u7cfb\u7edf\u4e2d\u626e\u6f14\u7740\u91cd\u8981\u5143\u7d20\uff0c\u4e3b\u8981\u6765\u6e90\u662f\u9002\u91cf\u7684\u9633\u5149\u7167\u5c04\u4ee5\u53ca\u4ece\u6d77\u9c7c\u3001\u9c7c\u809d\u6cb9\u3001\u9e21\u86cb\u548c\u5976\u5236\u54c1\u4e2d\u6444\u53d6\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5237\u5c4f\u8fdf\u7761\u5f71\u54cd\u514d\u75ab\u529b \n\n\n\n\n\n\u5145\u5206\u7684\u7761\u7720\u5bf9\u8eab\u4f53\u5065\u5eb7\u548c\u514d\u75ab\u529f\u80fd\u4e5f\u662f\u6781\u4e3a\u91cd\u8981\uff0c\u4f46\u7531\u4e8e\u75ab\u60c5\u7684\u5173\u7cfb\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u5bb6\u957f\u90fd\u653e\u4efb\u5b69\u5b50\u73a9\u624b\u673a\u6216\u770b\u7535\u89c6\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u5b69\u5b50\u8be5\u7761\u7684\u65f6\u5019\u4e0d\u80af\u7761\u3002\n\n\u6839\u636e\u7761\u7720\u57fa\u91d1\u4f1a\uff08sleep foundation\uff09\u7684\u5efa\u8bae\uff0c1\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7684\u5a74\u513f\u4e00\u5929\u5927\u6982\u9700\u898115\u4e2a\u5c0f\u65f6\u7684\u7761\u7720\u65f6\u95f4\uff1b\u800c1\u81f35\u5c81\u7684\u513f\u7ae5\u5219\u9700\u898112\u4e2a\u5c0f\u65f6\u7684\u7761\u7720\u65f6\u95f4\uff1b\u5230\u4e866\u523012\u5c81\u7684\u513f\u7ae5\u5219\u970010\u4e2a\u5c0f\u65f6\u7684\u7761\u7720\u65f6\u95f4\u3002\n\n\u4e16\u754c\u536b\u751f\u7ec4\u7ec7\uff08WHO\uff09\u4e5f\u5efa\u8bae5\u523017\u5c81\u7684\u513f\u7ae5\uff0c\u4e00\u5929\u5e94\u8be5\u8981\u670960\u5206\u949f\u505a\u4e2d\u7b49\u81f3\u5267\u70c8\u7684\u8fd0\u52a8\u3002\n\n\u5728\u75ab\u60c5\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u90fd\u89c9\u5f97\u8fde\u95e8\u90fd\u4e0d\u6562\u51fa\uff0c\u752d\u8bf4\u53bb\u5916\u9762\u505a\u8fd0\u52a8\uff0c\u6211\u7684\u5efa\u8bae\u662f\uff0c\u5728\u8bb8\u53ef\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0b\uff0c\u5728\u5bb6\u91cc\u505a\u505a\u8fd0\u52a8\u8ba9\u81ea\u5df1\u51fa\u8eab\u6c57\u4e5f\u597d\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8010\u5fc3\u5e73\u548c\u8bb2\u89e3 \u6d88\u9664\u5b69\u7ae5\u4e0d\u5b89 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u5728\u75ab\u60c5\u7b3c\u7f69\u4e0b\uff0c\u6709\u5f88\u591a\u5173\u4e8eCOVID-19\u7684\u4f20\u95fb\uff0c\u800c\u8eab\u4e3a\u7236\u6bcd\uff0c\u5230\u5e95\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u5411\u5b69\u5b50\u6b63\u786e\u5730\u8bb2\u89e3COVID-19\u5462\uff1f\u5176\u5b9e\u5b69\u5b50\u662f\u77e5\u9053\u5468\u56f4\u5728\u53d1\u751f\u7740\u4ec0\u4e48\u4e8b\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u5b69\u5b50\u4f1a\u5bdf\u89c9\u7236\u6bcd\u6bcf\u5929\u5446\u5728\u5bb6\u6ca1\u6709\u51fa\u53bb\u5de5\u4f5c\u3001\u4ed6\u4eec\u4e5f\u6ca1\u6709\u5f97\u51fa\u53bb\u5546\u573a\u6216\u516c\u56ed\u73a9\u7b49\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u8bb2\u89e3\u5bf9\u5b69\u5b50\u6765\u8bf4\u662f\u5f88\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u3002\n\n\u8ba9\u5b69\u5b50\u4e86\u89e3\u6211\u4eec\u73b0\u5728\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\uff0c\u8981\u77e5\u9053\u5b69\u5b50\u4e0d\u50cf\u6210\u4eba\u4e00\u6837\u4f1a\u8868\u8fbe\u81ea\u5df1\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u5c0f\u8fc77\u5c81\u7684\u5b69\u5b50\uff0c\u4ed6\u4eec\u4e0d\u4f1a\u544a\u8bc9\u5927\u4eba\u4ed6\u4eec\u7684\u7126\u8651\u4e0e\u4e0d\u5b89\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u8fd9\u4e2a\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u5bb6\u957f\u89e3\u8bf4\u65f6\u5c31\u8981\u6709\u8010\u5fc3\uff0c\u8bed\u8c03\u5e73\u548c\uff0c\u7528\u53e5\u7b80\u5355\u76f4\u767d\uff0c\u6d88\u9664\u4ed6\u4eec\u7684\u4e0d\u5b89\u53ca\u7126\u8651\u3002\n\n\u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\u6211\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u7236\u6bcd\u62ff\u4e00\u5f20\u56fe\u7247\uff0c\u7528\u6700\u6d45\u767d\u7684\u53e5\u5b50\u8ddf\u5b69\u5b50\u89e3\u91ca\u4ec0\u4e48\u662fCOVID-19\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u611f\u67d3\u4e86\u5b83\u4f1a\u5bf9\u6211\u4eec\u9020\u6210\u600e\u6837\u7684\u5f71\u54cd\u3002\n\n\u5f53\u7136\uff0c\u5728\u7236\u6bcd\u548c\u5b69\u5b50\u5bf9\u8bdd\u4e4b\u95f4\uff0c\u8eab\u4e3a\u7236\u6bcd\u4e5f\u8981\u786e\u5b9a\u5b69\u5b50\u6709\u5728\u542c\uff0c\u540c\u65f6\u4e5f\u8981\u8046\u542c\u5b69\u5b50\u7684\u8bdd\uff1b\u8fd8\u6709\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u5927\u4eba\u8ddf\u5927\u4eba\u4e4b\u95f4\u7684\u6c9f\u901a\uff0c\u8981\u5c3d\u91cf\u907f\u514d\u8d23\u5907\u548c\u5bfc\u81f4\u6c61\u540d\u5316\uff08stigmatization\uff09\u7684\u8bed\u8a00\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u4e0d\u8981\u5fd8\u8bb0\uff0c\u5b69\u5b50\u4e5f\u5728\u542c\u7740\u3002\u7236\u6bcd\u4e5f\u8981\u65f6\u5e38\u6ce8\u610f\u5b69\u5b50\u5728\u7535\u89c6\u4e0a\u53ca\u7f51\u7ad9\u4e0a\u770b\u5230\u548c\u542c\u5230\u7684\u5185\u5bb9\uff0c\u4e0d\u8981\u53ea\u987e\u7740\u5c45\u5bb6\u5de5\u4f5c\uff0c\u5728\u7236\u6bcd\u5c45\u5bb6\u5de5\u4f5c\u7684\u540c\u65f6\uff0c\u5b69\u5b50\u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u73a9\u7740\u624b\u673a\u6216\u8005\u770b\u7535\u89c6\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u4ee5\u7ed8\u672c\u53d6\u4ee3\u7535\u5b50\u4ea7\u54c1 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u7236\u6bcd\u5e94\u8be5\u5e2e\u52a9\u5b69\u5b50\u9002\u5e94\u65b0\u5e38\u6001\uff0c\u5173\u6ce8\u5b69\u7ae5\u7684\u8425\u517b\u3001\u7761\u7720\u548c\u8fd0\u52a8\u6216\u6237\u5916\u6d3b\u52a8\uff1b\u675c\u7edd\u7761\u524d\u7684\u5c4f\u5e55\u6d3b\u52a8\uff08electronic curfew\uff09\u3001\u51cf\u5c11\u5b69\u5b50\u5bf9\u7535\u5b50\u4ea7\u54c1\u7684\u63a5\u89e6\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f2\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7684\u5b69\u7ae5\uff0c\u7535\u5b50\u4ea7\u54c1\u4f1a\u5f71\u54cd\u4ed6\u4eec\u7684\u8bed\u8a00\u80fd\u529b\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u7528\u7ed8\u672c\u53d6\u4ee3\u7535\u5b50\u4ea7\u54c1\uff0c\u589e\u52a0\u4eb2\u5b50\u6d3b\u52a8\u3002\n\n\u7236\u6bcd\u5728\u6559\u5bfc\u5b69\u5b50\u7684\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u5f80\u5f80\u4f1a\u7528\u82db\u8d23\u7684\u8bed\u6c14\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u5c0f\u5b69\u5b50\u5e38\u5e38\u4e0d\u80af\u6d17\u624b\uff0c\u5176\u5b9e\u5e94\u8be5\u7528\u6e29\u67d4\u800c\u575a\u5b9a\u7684\u8bed\u6c14\uff0c\u544a\u8bc9\u5b69\u5b50\u5728\u65b0\u5e38\u6001\u4e0b\uff0c\u4e0d\u6d17\u624b\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u4ec0\u4e48\u6837\u7684\u540e\u679c\u3002\n\n\u540c\u6837\u7684\uff0c\u7531\u4e8e\u5b69\u5b50\u6ca1\u6709\u793e\u4ea4\u6d3b\u52a8\uff0c\u5c31\u8fde\u5b66\u6821\u6216\u5e7c\u513f\u56ed\u90fd\u4e0d\u53ef\u4ee5\u53bb\uff0c\u8fd9\u6bb5\u65f6\u95f4\u7236\u6bcd\u5e94\u8be5\u89c2\u5bdf\u5b69\u5b50\u662f\u5426\u51fa\u73b0\u538b\u529b\u60c5\u7eea\u6216\u884c\u4e3a\u53d8\u5316\u5f81\u5146\uff0c\u5982\u8fc7\u5ea6\u62c5\u5fc3\u6216\u60b2\u4f24\u3001\u4e0d\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u996e\u98df\u4e60\u60ef\u3001\u5931\u7720\u6216\u55dc\u7761\u3001\u96be\u96c6\u4e2d\u6ce8\u610f\u529b\u7b49\u3002\u5982\u679c\u5b69\u5b50\u51fa\u73b0\u8fd9\u4e9b\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u5c31\u8981\u597d\u597d\u5730\u8ddf\u5b69\u5b50\u6c9f\u901a\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sam Zhi Heng\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (UM), M. Paeds (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n90%\u67d3\u75ab\u5b69\u7ae5\u906d\u5bb6\u4eba\u4f20\u67d3 5\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u4e0d\u64c5\u8868\u8fbe \u8bca\u65ad\u6dfb\u96be\u5ea6 - \u533b\u8bc6\u529b, \u661f\u6d32\u7f51\n\n\n90%\u67d3\u75ab\u5b69\u7ae5\u906d\u5bb6\u4eba\u4f20\u67d3 5\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u4e0d\u64c5\u8868\u8fbe \u8bca\u65ad\u6dfb\u96be\u5ea6 - \u533b\u8bc6\u529b, \u661f\u6d32\u65e5\u62a5\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u57282021\u5e748\u670828\u65e5\u7684\u300a\u533b\u8bc6\u529b, \u661f\u6d32\u7f51\u300b\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrician\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/a-diet-for-healthy-blood", "title": "A Diet For Healthy Blood", "body": "\n\n\n\nA Diet For Healthy Blood\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 13, 2017\n \n\nThe lifespan of a normal blood cell is about 120 days. The red blood cell is completely replaced in four to six weeks while white plasma is replaced within 24 hours. Chief Medical Officer, Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya, Dr. Jonathan S. Nair, shares about the types of blood and its functions; as well as food that encourages a healthy blood production.\nNewspaper:\n\n\u00a0\n\nBe in Diet Tentukan Darah Sihat - KOSMO!, Issue 5 July 2017\n\n\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nDiet Tentukan Darah Sihat - KOSMO!, Issue 5 July 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/a-mindful-ramadan", "title": "A Mindful Ramadan", "body": "\n\n\n\nA Mindful Ramadan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 01, 2018\n \nHEAR IT FROM THE EXPERTS TIPS TO HAVE A HEALTHY AND BALANCED RAMADAN\n\nThe Holy Month of Ramadan is a special time in Islam for reflection, spirituality and togetherness. Ramadan truly breaks borders and get the heart of all the Muslims around the world closer together. The holiest month of Ramadan is observed wit fasting, charity and offering prayers.\n\nThe holy month of Ramadan is now here and you have already changed your lifestyle. Fasting during the long hot and humid days can be easier with a little awareness.\n\nFasting for a whole day during a hot day may lead you to feel weak, lazy and dizzy in the absence of proper care. Many people face this during the last few days of Ramadan. A little awareness in your Ramadan diet will keep you healthy and energetic. We have shared in this edition of Make A Difference Magazine some useful tips to for you to use in Ramadan.\n\nMake sure that you sleep for a good number of hours during Ramadan. This will compensate your lack of a complete diet. Avoid high-sugar diet and food that are too oily. Wholesome healthy foods for both the meals; Suhoor and Iftaar will serve you as a boost of energy. A healthy body will help you a lot in maintaining your emotional and spiritual health. Hence, never skip your breakfast before sunrise as it is very important to stay fit.\n\nOn behalf of Columbia Asia Group of Hospitals, we wish you a Ramadan Mubarak!\n\n\u00a0\n\nMake A Difference e-Magazine \u2013 Issue 1, Ramadan edition\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/abdominoplasty", "title": "Abdominoplasty", "body": "\n\n\n\nAbdominoplasty\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 21, 2012\n \n\nAn abdominoplasty (also know as a Tummy Tuck) is a popular form of cosmetic surgery for people wishing to regain a flatter abdomen.\n\nAbdominoplasty is designed to flatten the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. It is an excellent procedure to correct excess abdominal skin and repair muscle laxity following childbirth, prior surgery, or as a result of significant fluctuations in weight.\nHow is abdominoplasty performed?\n\nA full abdominoplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. The procedure takes 3 to 6 hours, depending on the individual patient.\n\nThe doctor will make a horizontal incision in the area immediately above the pubic bone. The length and shape of the incision will be determined by the degree of correction necessary. Excess skin is removed and the weakened abdominal muscles are sutured together resulting in a smooth, tight abdominal wall. If necessary, liposuction may be used to achieve the desired correction. A small incision around the navel will be necessary to re-position the belly button.\nWho is a good candidate for an abdominoplasty?\n\nYou may be considered a good candidate for an abdominoplasty if you are physically healthy and your weight is stable. Patients considering abdominoplasty should have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of their surgery.\nRecovery\n\nAfter your surgery, the doctor will apply a dressing to your incision. You will wear a removable compression garment in order to minimize swelling while supporting your abdomen as you recover for the first few weeks. The doctor may also place a temporary drain tube under the skin to drain any excess fluids that would otherwise collect around your incision. Typically patients can return to work after about one to two weeks. However, strenuous activity must be avoided for four to six weeks. After this time, you should be standing tall and confident with your new slimmer profile. Your scars will take approximately three to twelve months to fade and flatten.\nDr. A. ANANDA DORAI\n\nConsultant Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/about-ovarian-cancer", "title": "About Ovarian Cancer", "body": "\n\n\n\nAbout Ovarian Cancer\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 30, 2020\n \n\nIn 2018, a woman in Connecticut had undergone a removal of a tumor from her ovary that weighed 60kg! The symptom she had was merely a rapid increase in body weight over a few months. Luckily, the tumor was not malignant. She survived the operation and did not need any further treatment after the surgery.\n\nHowever, had the growth been malignant, it would have proven how discreet its progression had been; in reference to the silent killer \u2013 the ovarian cancer.\n\nThis type of cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women in Peninsular Malaysia. According to the Malaysian National Cancer Registry 2012-2016, ovarian cancer makes up 5.5% of female cancer cases with a 1.6% lifetime risk in the general population.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIntroduction of Ovarian cancer\n\nOvaries are the female reproductive organs that produce eggs as well as female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Ovarian cancer is the cancer arising from different types of cell within the ovaries.\n\nThe majority of ovarian tumors or growth are benign (not cancerous) especially in the reproductive age group. For malignant/cancerous ovarian tumors, a germ cell tumor is more common in those younger than 30 years old, and epithelial ovarian cancer is more common in women above 40 years old.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFactors determining risks\n\nEvidently, the risk factors of ovarian cancer are related to two major categories, namely ovulation and family history.\n\nStudies have shown that the early onset of menses, late menopause, first childbirth at age 35 and older, the use of androgen or fertility drugs as well as obesity with a body mass index of at least 30 kg/m2, increase the risks of ovarian cancer. Furthermore, postmenopausal women using estrogen monotherapy for at least five to 10 years have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer.\n\nWomen younger than 25 years old at pregnancy and first childbirth and are breastfeeding, carried a 30 to 60 per cent lower risk. Additionally, women who have been taking Oral Contraceptive Pills for more than five years have a significantly lower risk of ovarian cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe link to colorectal cancer\n\nAbout 15 per cent of ovarian cancers are genetically related. If a first-degree relative (parent, sibling or child) develops ovarian cancer before age 50, the risk increases six to 10-fold. If two or more close relatives are affected, the lifetime risk rises by 40 per cent. Those with a family history of colorectal cancer has a higher risk of ovarian cancer. This familial risk is associated with gene mutation.\n\nAs for other cancers, the risk of ovarian cancer increases with age. It is most prevalent in the eighth decade of life. Risk also increases among those with a personal history of breast cancer.\nVigilance is prevention\n\nThere is no sure way to prevent ovarian cancer but be on the lookout for possible symptoms as well as genetic counselling for those with a family history of cancers may help. Maintaining a healthy body weight and a well-balanced diet as well as leading a healthy lifestyle, can decrease the risk. To date, there are no reliable screening tests for ovarian cancer for the general population.\n\nLike many cancers, ovarian cancer may not produce symptoms in the early stages. However, at an advanced stage, the common symptoms include abdominal bloating or a feeling of pressure or abdominal/pelvic pain, early satiety, unexplained weight gain/loss or abnormal vaginal bleeding.\n\n\u00a0\n\nProcedures of diagnose\n\nAs for the diagnosis, most ovarian cancers are diagnosed in its advanced stage. Even in more advanced cancers, symptoms and signs are vague and nonspecific. To come to a diagnosis, the following can be expected:\n\n\u00a0\n\nA pelvic examination; the first step in evaluating a patient with a known or suspected diagnosis of ovarian cancer.\n\n\nUltrasound; this uses sound waves to create an image of internal organs, including the ovaries, uterus and cervix.\n\n\nComputerized Tomography (CT) scan; this helps diagnose ovarian, fallopian tube or peritoneal cancer.\n\n\nMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI); to ddetect tumors or recurrences in other areas of the body, such as the head.\n\n\nPositron emission tomography (PET) scan; this is an imaging test that helps reveal how your tissues and organs are functioning. A PET scan uses a radioactive drug (tracer) to show this activity. This scan can sometimes detect a disease before it shows up on other imaging tests.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe fight against ovarian cancer\n\nCancer treatment is particularly challenging because most cases are detected at an advanced stage due to absence of symptoms in earlier stages.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe mainstay of treatment is surgery; to locate and remove visible signs of cancer in a process called debulking surgery.\n\n\nChemotherapy; to deliver high doses of chemotherapy drug combinations to the tumors, while reducing damage to the rest of your body.\n\n\nRadiotherapy; to deliver of high dose radiation to kill the cancer cells.\n\n\nTargeted therapy; to block the enzyme poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) from identifying damaged DNA inside cancer cells. PARP inhibitors may stop cancer cells from repairing themselves.\n\n\n\nIn conclusion, get to and stay at a healthy weight, practise regular physical activities and consume a healthy well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Knowing yourself, your family history and your risks, will go a long way in curtailing the incidence of ovarian cancer.\n\nFor further details, seek professional medical advice.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Khairiah Binti Seman\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\nMBBS (Australia), MMed (Obs & Gyn)(USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe Silent Killer: Ovarian Cancer - Natural Health, 8 June 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Silent Killer: Ovarian Cancer - Natural Health, 8 June 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, 28 July 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrician & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/absence-influenza-vaccine", "title": "In the Absence of the Influenza Vaccine", "body": "\n\n\n\nIn the Absence of the Influenza Vaccine\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 07, 2020\n \n\nIt\u2019s the flu season and odds are you already know someone who has tested positive for either Influenza A or B. Chances are you yourself have already contracted it. For most of us, it simply means some time off work or school to rest and recuperate, and then life goes back to normal. But, Influenza can be very serious and even deadly, if you have an underlying health condition such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease. It is a highly contagious illness that spreads mainly by droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people standing nearby and possibly infect them. Symptoms of Influenza are similar to the common cold, only more severe. Symptoms include high fever, body aches and pains, a bad cough, runny nose and sore throat. Some may even experience vomiting or diarrhoea and extreme fatigue which may last for several weeks.\n\nThe single most effective way to prevent influenza is to get vaccinated annually. However, in addition to vaccination, or should the influenza vaccine not be accessible to you, what are the other things you can do to protect yourself?\n\n\u00a0\n\nAvoid the germs:\n\nIt\u2019s not hard to catch the flu. A sick person just has to sneeze or cough within two meters distance from you and you are likely to catch it. You can also get the flu germs from touching contaminated surfaces. For example, when you touch a table in a restaurant that a person infected with Influenza was dining at before you. The flu germs can also be found on surfaces such as dining tables, cashier counters, doorknobs and even the handrail belt of an escalator. Germs can linger on these surfaces for up to eight hours. When you touch one of these surfaces and then touch your face, nose or mouth, you are transferring the virus into your body. So, practising good hygiene habits is a step towards building a barrier between you and the flu germs. Certain steps include:-\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWashing your hands regularly with warm water and soap, especially after shaking hands or touching a seemingly germ-covered surface.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlternatively, it\u2019s strongly recommended to keep hand sanitizer with you when you are going out in public places where you may not have access to a sink to wash your hands.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAdditionally, carry disinfectant wipes with you to clean surfaces such as your table at a restaurant before you touch it.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nResist the urge to touch your face, mouth and nose before washing your hands.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nAvoid crowded areas:\n\nWhen the flu season comes around, it\u2019s best to refrain from going to public areas that are very crowded. This includes shopping malls, cinemas and indoor playgrounds. However, if you have to be in a crowd, do wear a mask to protect yourself, such as when you are on a bus or on a train commuter to and from work.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAvoid sharing:\n\nAlthough sharing is caring and a great way to bond with family and friends, it\u2019s also the fastest way to spread germs through saliva. If you are sharing a main dish, use a serving spoon. Don\u2019t share your utensils, plates and glasses with others, and ensure all used dishes and utensils are washed with hot water and soap.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMaintain your immune system:\n\nWhen your immune system is strong, you are less susceptible to infections. So, to boost your immune system, eat a well-balanced diet rich in vitamin C and Zinc. Maintain an active lifestyle with a regular exercise routine and get enough sleep.\n\nIf you\u2019ve been unfortunate to catch the flu bug, a combination of natural remedies and medication may be helpful to manage your symptoms at home. Over-the-counter medication such as anti-histamines, lozenges and cough syrup can help relieve your symptoms. Pain relief medication can help manage headaches and body pain. Certain natural remedies, although may not cure you, will help to soothe your symptoms.\n\n\u00a0\n\nStay hydrated:\n\nIt\u2019s always important to drink plenty of water on a daily basis. It is even more important to stay hydrated when you are ill with the flu. Water helps to keep the mucous membranes in our nose, mouth and throat moist and this helps the body to get rid of any built up mucous or phlegm. Additionally, when you are experiencing a high fever, such as when you are ill with Influenza, you are losing water from the surface of your skin. Also, if you are experiencing diarrhoea, that is further fluid loss. A poor appetite also means that you are not eating or drinking enough. It\u2019s important to stay hydrated during an illness. Examples of fluids you can consume to stay hydrated are:\n\n\u00a0\n\nPlain water\n\n\nCoconut water\n\n\nSports drinks\n\n\nFresh juices\n\n\nBroth\n\n\nSoups\n\n\nWater-rich fruits such as watermelon, oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapes\n\n\n\nTo ensure you are drinking enough fluids, it\u2019s important to keep an eye on your urine output. You will know if you are well-hydrated if you have to pass urine regularly and the colour of your urine is clear to a pale yellow.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDrink warm chicken broth:\n\nThe classic old wives\u2019 cure for the common cold is chicken broth. Its beneficial effects are numerous. Firstly, it aids in hydration, which is a key factor to recovery, and secondly, the steam from the hot broth helps to loosen and relieve nasal and throat congestion. Thirdly, chicken broth, rich in protein and nutrients, also helps to boost the immune system.\n\n\u00a0\n\nOther natural remedies:\n\nA warm water and salt gargle can help soothe the throat and clear excessive secretions. Breathing in steam from a pot of hot water can relieve congestion in the nose, throat and sinuses. As the flu virus survives longer in dry air, using a humidifier to add humidity in your home may help reduce the flu virus circulating in the air. It is a known fact that certain spices have anti-oxidant and bactericidal effect, such as turmeric, garlic, and cloves. Star anise which is the star-shaped spice, is one of the principal active ingredients in Oseltamivir, the anti-viral drug used to treat Influenza. Therefore, a herbal/spiced drink may help you fight off the flu virus, such as a green tea infused with star anise. Pure honey can be added to soothe the throat.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFoods to consume:\n\nBoth Zinc and Vitamin C help to shorten the length of illness and relieve symptoms by boosting the immune system. Therefore, consuming foods rich in vitamin C and Zinc is helpful. Foods that are high in Zinc include red meat, lentils, chickpeas, beans, nuts, dairy and eggs. Examples of Vitamin C rich food include citrus fruits, avocados, papaya, cantaloupe, broccoli, cauliflower and capsicum. Garlic also has anti-viral properties, so eating a meal rich in garlic can help support the immune system and combat infection. Ginger may help nausea that accompanies the flu and reduces the frequency of vomiting. It can either be added to a soup or a herbal drink. Oatmeal is another good option when ill with the flu. It is a great source of fiber, which keeps the stomach full and also has pre-biotic fiber which promotes a healthy gut.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFoods to avoid:\n\nCertain foods can slow down the recovery from the flu. Avoid alcohol as it dehydrates the body and weakens the immune system. Processed food can be high in salt, which can dehydrate the body and greasy food can slow down digestion. Dairy products can be hard to digest when you are ill with the flu and should be avoided until flu symptoms resolve. Also avoid food with rough edges such as crackers and crisps as they can scratch the throat and worsen soreness that you may experience.\n\nMost people who have Influenza have a mild illness and may not need to see a doctor. However, do see a doctor if :\n\n\u00a0\n\nYou are over the age of 65 years old or younger than 12 months old\n\n\nYou are pregnant or recently delivered a baby in the last 2 weeks\n\n\nYou have an underlying chronic medical condition such as Diabetes, Kidney, Lung or Liver Disease\n\n\nYou have a high Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 40\n\n\nYou are not able to eat or drink anything\n\n\nYou are having difficulty breathing\n\n\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harpreet Kaur A/P Harnam Singh\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau\nMBBS (IMU), MRCP (UK), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIn the Absence of the Influenza Vaccine \u2013 Natural Health, Issue March 2020\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, Issue March 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/active-healthy-injury-free-press-clipping", "title": "Active, healthy, injury-free [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nActive, healthy, injury-free [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 28, 2013\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nNew Sunday Times,\n\n28 April 2013\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/acute-kidney-injury", "title": "Acute Kidney Injury", "body": "\n\n\n\nAcute Kidney Injury\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 29, 2013\n \n\nAcute kidney injury (formerly known as acute renal failure) is defined as a syndrome arising from a rapid fall in GFR over hours to days. The criteria used is either urine output or serum creatinine.AKI may be staged from stage 1 to stage 3.Such staging is more for epidemiology than of any clinical significance.\n\nClassification- AKI may be classified as prerenal ARF, ATN (acute tubular necrosis),intrinsic renal disease, post renal or obstructive uropathy.\n\nPrerenal ARF is due to reduced renal perfusion causing a reduced GFR.It is important to understand that hypoperfusion is not equivalent to volume depletion. It is the effective arterial blood volume(EABV) that matters.EABV may be considered as analogous to BP which is a product of cardiac output and total peripheral vascular resistance.Thereforehypovolaemia indeed will lower the EABV.Causes of hypovolaemia are haemorrhage, severe vomiting, diarrhoea, burns, salt loosing nephritis and diureticoverusage.Reduced peripheral resistance which results from vasodilation causing an increased vascular capacitance as occurs in septic shock, anaphylaxis and hepatorenalsyndrome will cause a drop in EABV and renal hypoperfusion.Cardiac failure will cause a reduction in cardiac output and drop in systemic BP which compromises renal perfusion.\n\nIntrinsic renal disease are caused by:-\n\nGlomerulonephritis\n\n\nInterstitial nephritis usually drug induced\n\n\nvasculitis like SLE, polyarterits nodosa, wegenersgranulomatosis\n\n\n\nATN and prerenal ARF are just on opposite ends of a continuum of renal damage. All that causes prerenal ARF may cause ATN. Postrenal ARF or obstructive uropathy may occur from bladder outlet obstruction like prostrate hypertrophy or bilateral ureteric obstruction from renal calculi or malignant infiltration. Clinical approach to AKI. It is important to recognise the at risk groups of patients who are:-\n\nElderly patients\n\n\nDM with established diabetic nephropathy\n\n\nPatients on ARB, ACEI, NSAID.\n\n\nHypovolaemia\n\n\nMultiple myeloma\n\n\nPatients undergoing surgeries especially hepatobiliary, cardiac and vascular surgery like repair of abdominal aneurysm.\n\n\n\nHistory taking must include drug history like NSAID, alternative or herbal medication, history of pre-existing renal disease like diabetic nephropathy. All medications that patient is on must be noted. Clinical evaluation of fluid status is important. Never miss a distended bladder. The most discerning indicator of hypovolaemia is a postural drop of 20 mmHg systolic pressure. One must not be rigid over the 20 mm figure. I have seen a patient who presented with typical complain of giddiness on getting up from bed. His postural drop was only 10 mm Hg.In this context, I am sure the 10 mm Hg is significant. Incidentally he was started on lasix 40 mg daily,micardis 40mg daily and coralan 5 mg daily about a month by his cardiologist. Blood must be sent for renal profile, full blood count, LFT, calcium, phosphate, uric acid andUFEME.Collagen screening and vasculitic screen like anti DsDNA, ANCA Ab,Anti GBM are not routine and only done on suspicion like active urinary sediments of proteinuria, haematuria and casts. During our undergraduate days, we were taught that analysing the urine for sodium concentration, osmolarity,urine/plasma creatinine ratio will determine if it is prerenal ARF or ATN.I personally never bother, because it does not assist in management. Attempt to do so will most likely result in conflicting figures. Because in reality, there is never a 100%prerenal ARF or a 100% ATN.Most are in between. Retrospectively if renal function returns after correction of hypovolaemia, it is prerenal ARF, if not it is established ATN.\n\nA renal and bladder ultrasound is certainly advised as it is easily available and easy to do. It helps to rule out obstruction (Acute obstruction may not give hydronephrosis).A small and echogenic kidney indicate underlying chronic renal failure. Normal kidneys mean nothing.\n\nI would put in a CBD to monitor strict I/O chart. The most important initial management is to correct hypovolaemia.For patients who are difficult to clinically judge volume status like elderly patients, haemodynamically unstable with hypotension and those whom I anticipate will need dialysis, I would promptly insert a triple lumened internal jugular catheter under ultrasound guidance. Boluses of fluid, 200 ml of N/SALINE would be a good choice is given. After every infusion, CVP is checked and patient clinically assessed. Once euvolaemia is achieved, a bolus of IV frusemide 80 mg is given to promote diuresis.Return of diuresis do not always mean recovery, it may just convert anoliguric ARF to a nonoliguric ARF which is much easier to handle. Fluid maintainanceamounts to urine output daily plus 500 ml insensible loss daily. Meanwhile all nephrotoxic drugs like ACEI, ARB, NSAID and aminoglycosides are omitted. If after rehydration, BP remains low as in cardiac failure or SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndroms) from sepsis or pancreatitis etc, inotropic support is required. Such cases carry a high mortality as it indicates multiorgan failure.\n\nWhen to refer to a nephrologist-\n\nWhen the need for dialysis is imminent like severe acidosis PH<7.0, pulmonary oedema, hyperkalaemia, severe uraemia which is left to the discretion of the attending doctor to decide.\n\n\nSuspicion of an underlying glomerulonephritis or vasculitis like active urinary sediments. Prompt treatment with steroids and immunosuppressive agent may abort a catastrophic rapidly progressive or crescenteric glomerulonephrits with irreversible loss of kidney function.\n\n\nDr. Ng Butt Chin\n\nConsultant Physician\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/alkaline-water-beneficial-or-bogus", "title": "Alkaline Water : Beneficial or Bogus?", "body": "\n\n\n\nAlkaline Water : Beneficial or Bogus?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 01, 2016\n \n\nWhat is Alkaline Water and who benefits from drinking it? Let Dr Sivah Sandrasakre, Chief Medical Officer, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras with other experts weigh in on this.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHER WORLD Magazine, Issue June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/all-about-varicose-veins-press-clipping", "title": "All about Varicose Veins [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nAll about Varicose Veins [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 14, 2014\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\n14 May 2014\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\n14 May 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ambil-ikut-keperluan", "title": "Ambil Ikut Keperluan", "body": "\n\n\n\nAmbil Ikut Keperluan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 18, 2019\n \n\nKesibukan menguruskan keperluan anak dan kerjaya membuatkan ramai wanita memilih bijirin segera sebagai sarapan ringkas di rumah sebelum keluar menempuh kesesakan trafik untuk ke pejabat setiap hari.\nBerbeza dengan nasi lemak, roti canai dan pelbagai sajian berat yang popular dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia, bijirin segera mendapat tempat di hati ramai ibu berikutan dianggap lebih sihat dan berkhasiat.\n\nMungkin kerana pengaruh iklan di televisyen, radio, akhbar dan majalah, ramai di antara kita beranggapan bijirin segera mampu menepati keperluan diet harian bagi setiap individu.\nIroninya bijirin segera bukanlah pilihan sajian terbaik untuk orang dewasa, apalagi mereka yang banyak menghabiskan masa menghadap komputer atau bermesyuarat sepanjang hari.\n\nKata pakar pemakanan, Siti Sarah Mohd Juzup, ada pelbagai jenis bijirin segera di pasaran kini yang boleh dipilih mengikut keperluan diet, berdasarkan label produk.\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, kita perlu tahu kebanyakan bijirin segera memang ditambah gula untuk membekalkan tenaga segera. Jadi, kalau kita perlukan tenaga segera, bijirin jenis ini adalah pilihan sesuai,\u201d katanya.\n\nJelas Siti Sarah, kebanyakan bijirin segera kini dihasilkan mengikut keperluan dua kelompok berbeza iaitu kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa.\n\n\u201cBijirin kanak-kanak ditambah gula kerana mereka aktif. Bagaimanapun, pengambilan bijirin untuk golongan ini masih tertakluk kepada saiz hidangan yang dicadangkan.\n\n\u201cUntuk orang dewasa, kita boleh lihat pelbagai jenama baharu dan lama di pasaran dengan resipi berbeza bagi memenuhi keperluan setiap individu.\n\n\u201cJadi, bandingkan produk A, B atau C dan pilih produk bijirin yang paling sedikit kandungan gula. Pertimbangkan juga isi kandungan produk sama ada mengandungi bijirin penuh atau bijirin segera yang siap diproses.\n\n\u201cIni kerana bijirin yang bagus dan sihat sepatutnya mengandungi tiga komponen utama iaitu endosperma, bran serta germa. Di dalam tiga komponen inilah terkandungnya vitamin, mineral dan serat diperlukan tubuh,\u201d katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMasih Boleh Nikmati Bijirin Segera\n\nMenurut Siti Sarah, walaupun bijirin segera mengandungi lebih gula, ia masih boleh dinikmati orang dewasa bersama susu sebagaimana kanak-kanak.\n\n\u201cApa yang penting, kekalkan gaya hidup aktif. Kemudian, pastikan jumlah yang diambil setiap kali mengikut kadar atau saiz hidangan dicadangkan pengeluar produk. Ini biasanya tertulis pada kotak.\n\n\u201cCuma pengguna yang tidak peka dengan label pada bungkusan makanan. Ramai yang suka tuang bijirin segera dalam mangkuk mengikut selera sendiri. Mereka tidak sukat, apalagi timbang.\n\n\u201cSelepas habis semangkuk dan masih lapar, mereka tuang sekali lagi dan sambung makan. Sebenarnya, ada sukatan dan tidak boleh lebih. Kalau diambil berlebihan, ia akan memudaratkan kesihatan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\n\n\nMenjelaskan mengenai kaedah pengambilan bijirin, kata Siti Sarah, ia boleh dipelbagaikan mengikut tahap keperluan nutrisi, selera dan cita rasa rakyat Malaysia.\n\n\u201cKita di sini mungkin jarang makan bijirin. Tetapi, tidak ada masalah jika hendak bersarapan dengan bijirin ringkas. Selain susu, pastikan ada buah-buahan dan sayuran.\n\n\u201cUntuk hidangan tengah hari, kita boleh tukar kepada nasi beras perang untuk mendapatkan khasiat bijirin penuh. Bagi yang tidak biasa dengan rasanya, mereka boleh campurkan sedikit beras perang dalam sajian nasi putih sebagai permulaan.\n\n\u201cLetak jagung dalam nasi juga tiada masalah. Itu cara mudah untuk menambah bijirin dalam sajian. Selebihnya, ikut cadangan diet suku-suku-separuh. Suku bahagian nasi (karbohidrat), suku lagi protein dan separuh adalah sayur-sayuran serta buah-buahan,\u201d katanya.\nManfaat Bijirin Penuh\n\nDengan pelbagai serat, mineral dan nutrien yang terkandung dalam bijirin penuh, pastinya ia memberi pelbagai manfaat untuk kesihatan. Antaranya:\n\nMembantu melawan kanser\n\n\nMengurangkan tahap kolesterol\n\n\nMenurunkan paras gula dalam darah\n\n\nMengurangkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular\n\n\nMengurangkan risiko penambahan berat badan berlebihan\n\n\nMenggalakkan kesihatan usus\n\n\nTip Penting\n\n\nPeriksa label makanan bagi memastikan bijirin penuh adalah ramuan utama dalam sumber yang anda pilih.\n\n\nBerhati-hati dengan label mengelirukan pada makanan seperti multi-grain (pelbagai bijirin), 100 peratus gandum, organik, bijirin sebenar dan sebagainya.\n\n- Bagi yang dilabel pelbagai bijirin, ia mungkin mengandungi gabungan gandum, sekoi, barli, flaks dan tidak semestinya bijirin penuh.\t\n\n- 100 peratus gandum pula mengandungi gandum sahaja dan tidak semestinya bijirin penuh.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSiti Sarah\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAmbil Ikut Keperluan \u2013 Harian Metro, 4 Oktober 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 4 Oktober 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/anaemia", "title": "Anaemia", "body": "\n\n\n\nAnaemia\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 20, 2013\n \n\nAnaemia is referred to as a condition where the blood level is not enough. Generally, it means the red blood cell content is low. Patients with anaemia will experience lethargy, malaise, reduced effort tolerance and breathlessness. Sometimes it presents with atypical complaints resembling coronary heart disease. I have seen a patient admitted for diagnosis of acute coronary heart disease, found to be severely anaemic and recovers completely after correction of anaemia.\n\nThe major cause of anaemia is iron deficiency. Other less common are folate and vitamin B12 deficiency. Haemolytic anaemia occurs when there is increased lysis or destruction of red blood cells. This may occur as a primary disorder or secondary to SLE (systemic lupus erythematosis), drug induced or enzyme disorder like G6PD deficiency. Anaemia may also result from bone marrow infiltration like leukaemia and suppression by drugs like chemotherapy for cancer. Hereditary causes are haemoglobinopathy like thalassaemia and sickle cell anaemia. Very often, anaemia is diagnosed incidentally when patient comes for a medical check-up.\n\nMedical history to be obtained from an anaemic patient are menorrhagia or excessive blood loss during menses, any bleeding haemorrhoids, any passage of black tarry stool indicating blood in stool. History of analgesic abuse is relevant as it can cause erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer. Chronic alcoholics may get folate deficiency anaemia. Clinical examination of an anaemic patient includes a digital examination of the rectum to look for melaenic stool (black tarry).\n\nPreliminary blood tests to be done are full blood count, peripheral blood film, iron studies, blood level of folate and vitamin B12.Once the cause is determined, further test may be needed. It is important not to attribute iron deficiency to dietary insufficiency. Living standard in Malaysia is such that there is hardly any malnourishment except perhaps among the orang asli children who have worm infestation. The main cause of iron deficiency is blood loss like excessive loss in menses, bleeding haemorrhoids and chronic loss from the gastrointestinal tract like peptic ulcer, stomach cancer and colonic cancer. Thus an OGDS (oral gastroduodenoscope) and colonoscopy are warranted. The underlying cause will be dealt with accordingly like surgery for cancer and medication for ulcers.Iron deficiency is easily corrected by oral iron supplements. Blind treatment without determining the cause is unacceptable standard of practice.\n\nVitamin B12 deficiency occurs when patient develops an antibody which destroys the intrinsic factor which is required for vitamin B12 absorption. This is known as pernicious anaemia. Other causes of vitB12 deficiency are bacterial infection of the intestines where the bacteria utilises all the vitB12 and disease of the terminal ileum (that part of the small bowel where absorption takes place. Treatment of pernicious anaemia is monthly injection of vitB12 for life.\n\nOther rare causes of anaemia need more extensive investigation which may include bone marrow study and is best handled by a haematologist.\nDr. Ng Butt Chin\n\nConsultant Physician\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/anaesthesia-it-safe", "title": "Anaesthesia \u2013 Is it safe?", "body": "\n\n\n\nAnaesthesia \u2013 Is it safe?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 18, 2011\n \n\nTraditionally Anaesthesia meant General Anaesthesia. Not too long ago, this was the only available option for patients going for an operation. The patients used to be paralysed and then a tube will be put in for breathing. The machine will be doing the breathing for the patient. Patient will be unconscious and unaware. The gases used back then can cause injury to the liver that patients are usually advised not to have General Anaesthesia more than once in 3 months.\n\nThings have changed. The gases that are used nowadays do not cause liver injury. In fact they are very short acting that patient can wake within minutes of finishing operation. Drugs that we use to paralyse also has evolved that they have become shorter acting in nature with minimal residual effects. All this translates to a shorter recovery time and safer anaesthesia practice. Short procedures can be done as Day Care whereby you come fasting in the morning, have the operation done and go home the same day. Columbia Asia strongly believes in this concept and reducing cost by reducing length of stay (LOS).\n\nNowadays we are moving towards less paralysing and allowing more patients to breathe spontaneously during operation. We facilitate this by using new device for airway such as Laryngeal Mask Airway. This will also cause less sore throat to the patients post operation.\n\nSome operations involving lower half of body can be done under regional anaesthesia, for example Caesarean Section, Operations for Urinary problems and any operations involving lower limbs. Regional Anaesthesia can be either a Spinal, Epidural or combined.\n\nEpidural is also used widely now to relieve pain during labor. It is safe with no side effects to the baby. All this means anaesthetist must now must communicate the best suited anaesthesia for the type of patient and type of operation so maximal satisfaction can be achieved with least side effect or residual effects. We also have to gear towards getting you home as quickly as possible.\n\nAll in a day\u2019s work!\nDr. Mohamed Asri B Kader Ibrahim\n\nConsultant Anaesthetist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/andropause", "title": "Andropause", "body": "\n\n\n\nAndropause\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 16, 2020\n\n\n1.\tWhat is andropause?\n\nAndropause is a condition caused by a decrease in the male hormone known as testosterone.\n\n2.\tWhat causes it?\n\nIt is often affiliated with a decreased level of testosterone or hypogonadism; a diminished functional activity of the gonads, involving the testes/ovaries, that may result in diminished production of sex hormones.\n\n3.\tWho usually experiences andropause? \n\nMale menopause or andropause usually affects males in their 50s.\n\n4.\tWhat are its effects/symptoms?\n\nIts effects are quite similar to females who are going through their menopausal period. A male who is undergoing andropause will lose his erectile function as it naturally becomes weaker with a decrease in muscle mass index. This results in sexual deprivation as it lowers the sex drive. He will also experience mood swings and gain excess fat usually around the belly area and chest.\n\n5.\tIs andropause curable? If so, what are the treatment options? \n\nNaturally, everyone will have to go through the process despite having led a healthy lifestyle and following health regiments by the book. However, you may prolong andropause (depending on each man\u2019s individual body and hormone level) by opting for testosterone replacement. A striking difference can be seen among males in European countries who take up replacement therapy, usually to keep the sex drive going, compared to Malaysian males who seem to be more accepting of themselves going through andropause when the time comes. This could also be due to a lack of awareness of the replacement treatment, or they just don\u2019t care and accept their condition as is!\n\n6.\tHow is the replacement therapy carried out? \n\nAt Columbia Asia Hospital-Cheras, the treatment is carried out via injection usually once in every three months.\n\n7.\tDoes this therapy cause any side effects? \n\nAbout 10 to 15 years ago, the public was so afraid of taking the injection since it may cause prostate cancer as prostate cancer is associated with an increased level of testosterone. However, recent studies have shown that if one takes the injections and monitors their prostate-specific antigen level on a regular basis, the risk of one having prostate cancer is less 0.5 per cent.\n\n8.\tWhat can you do to avoid andropause?\n\nIt a normal process and bound to happen to every male. But as mentioned above, you can prolong it from happening early by taking the replacement therapy. I would also strongly advise any man aged 50 and above with andropause symptoms to check on their testosterone level and seek treatment if need be.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Thana Balan V. Sivaratnam\n\n\nConsultant Urologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras \nMBBS (India), MS (General Surgery) (UKM), FRCS (Urology)(Glasgow), Fellowship in Urology (MY)\n\n\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\nMale \"Menopause\" \u2013 New Straits Times, 23 July 2020\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Times, 23 July 2020\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nUrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/anesthesia-what-is-it-all-about", "title": "Anesthesia? What is it all about?", "body": "\n\n\n\nAnesthesia? What is it all about?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 06, 2016\n \nPhotocredit: playtech.ro\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat is anesthesia?\nPhotocredit: musc.libguides.com\n\nAnesthesia is a way to control pain during a surgery or procedure by using medicine called anesthetics.\n\nAnesthesia is used to:\n\nRelax you.\n\n\nBlock pain.\n\n\nMake you sleepy or forgetful.\n\n\nMake you unconscious for your surgery.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nBrief history of Anesthesia\nPhotocredit: iheartliterati.wordpress.com\n\nAnesthesia dates back to the mid-1800s. Before the discovery of anesthesia over a century ago, few surgeries could be performed. Even a condition, which by current standards is easily treated, was usually fatal.\n\nIn 1842, Dr. Crawford Long of Georgia used ether to perform the first painless surgery. Dr. Horace Wells demonstrated painless dentistry under nitrous oxide in 1844. In 1846, Dr. William Morton of Massachusetts General Hospital achieved anesthesia with ether.\n\nAfter World War II ended in 1945, major developments in the field of anesthesiology opened new avenues of medical and surgical care that were previously unthinkable.\n\n\nWhat are the types of anesthesia?\n\n\u00a0\n\nLOCAL ANESTHESIA\nPhotocredit: biologywriteup.blogspot.com\nLocal anesthesia\n numbs a small part of the body for minor procedures. For example, you may get a shot of medicine directly into the surgical area to block pain. You may stay awake during the procedure.\nREGIONAL ANESTHESIA\nPhotocredit: en.wikipedia.org\nRegional anesthesia\n blocks pain to a larger part of your body. You may also get medicine to help you relax or sleep.\nEPIDURAL AND SPINAL ANESTHESIA\nPhotocredit : en.wikipedia.org\n\nThis is a shot of anesthetic near the spinal cord and the nerves that connect to it. It blocks pain from an entire region of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, or legs.\nGENERAL ANESTHESIA\nPhotocredit : healthydietbase.com\n\nGeneral anesthesia affects your brain and the rest of your body. You may get some anesthetics through a vein (intravenously) and you may breathe in some anesthetics. With general anesthesia, you're unconscious and you don't feel pain during the surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat determines the type of anesthesia used?\n\nThe type of anesthesia used depends on several things:\n\nYour general health status.\n This includes other surgeries you have had and the health problems you have. Tell your Anesthetist if you or any family members have had a serious reaction to anesthetics or other medicines.\n\n\nThe type of surgery.\n For example, you may need general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety during certain types of surgery.\n\n\nThe results of tests,\n such as blood tests or an electrocardiogram (ECG).\n\nYour doctor may prefer one type of anesthesia over another for your surgery. In some cases, your doctor may let you choose which type to have. Sometimes, such as in an emergency, you don't get to choose.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat are the risks and complications of anesthesia?\n\nAll anesthesias have some risk, depending on patient\u2019s pre-existing medical condition. For example:\n\nGeneral anesthesia may induce cardiovascular related problems, sore throat, or vomiting can occur.\n\n\nWith high doses of local anesthesia, the anesthetic can go into the rest of the body and affect your brain or heart.\n\n\nAfter spinal anesthesia some people get headaches.\n\n\n\nYour risk depends on the type of anesthesia you get, your age, your health, and how you respond to the medicines used. Some health problems, such as heart or lung disease, increase your chances of problems from anesthesia. Taking certain medicines, smoking, drinking alcohol, and using illegal drugs can also increase your chance of problems.\n\nYour Anesthetist will talk with you about the best type for you and will review risks, benefits, and other choices.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow can you prepare for anesthesia?\n\nYour Anesthetist will let you know what to do the night before and the day of the procedure. Here are some tips to help you prepare:\n\nKnow when to stop eating and drinking.\n If you take any medicines regularly, ask your doctor or nurse about changes to your medicine routine for the day before or the day of your surgery.\n\n\nTry to stay calm.\n Many people are nervous before they have anesthesia and surgery. Mental relaxation methods, such as guided imagery or meditation, can help you relax. And some medicines can help you relax.\n\n\nPlan ahead for going home.\n Ask a friend or a family member to drive you home. Don't plan to drive yourself.\n\n\n\nIf your child is having surgery or a procedure, you can help him or her prepare. Let your child know what to expect. Be honest if he or she might feel pain. Be sure to tell your child that you will be close by.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat happens while you're under anesthesia and when you recover?\n\nBefore and during surgery, an anesthesia specialist will take charge of your comfort and safety. He or she will give you the anesthesia and closely monitor you. This means he or she will check your blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, and other vital body functions throughout the surgery. During surgery, the anesthesia specialist also will continue to give anesthesia to keep you free of pain.\n\nHow quickly the anesthesia wears off depends on the anesthetics and other medicines used and on your response to the medicines.\n\nAfter surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room. A nurse will check your vital signs and any bandages and ask about how much pain you have. If you are in pain, don't be afraid to say so.\n\nSome effects of anesthesia may last for many hours after surgery.\n\nYou may have some numbness or less feeling in part of your body if you had local or regional anesthesia.\n\n\nYour muscle control and coordination may be affected.\n\n\nYou may have nausea and vomiting. Most of the time, this can be treated and doesn't last long.\n\n\nYou may feel cold and may shiver when you first wake up.\n\n\n\nFor minor surgeries, you may go home the same day. If surgery is more complicated, you may have to move to a hospital room to continue your recovery. If you stay in the hospital, your doctor or nurse will visit you to check on your recovery and answer any questions you have.\n\n\nDr Anand Chandrasegaran\n\nConsultant Anesthesiologist\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Taiping\nNewspaper:\n\n\u00a0\n\nHurts so good: An overview of the wonderful world of anaesthesia \u2013 New Straits Times Online, 18 October 2016\n\n\nMedical Anesthesia \u2013 New Straits Times, 18 October 2016\n\n\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nNew Straits Times Online, 18 October 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ankle-sprain", "title": "Ankle Sprain", "body": "\n\n\n\nAnkle Sprain\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 25, 2011\n \n\nWhat do roller skating, ice skating, futsal and even high heel use have in common? No takers?\n\nWell, these are all common causes of outer ankle sprain!!\n\nAnkle ligament injury is common. Almost 25000 people experience it daily! Many of us have found this fact out the more painful way.\n\nThese injuries often occur due to a combination of causes,; from poor footwear, poor foot dynamics to plain bad luck. It happens when the foot twists, rolls or turns beyond its normal limits. The ligaments are effective restraints but with excessive force this may partially or totally tear. Often, an awkwardly placed foot when running, stepping up or down, or even a simple task as getting out of bed may cause an ankle sprain. The injury also occurs during stepping on irregular surfaces especially when this happens unexpectedly, as seen when stepping into a hole. Some athletic events such as basketball and netball involve close body jumps where there is always a risk of planting your foot awkwardly and injuring the ankle.\n\nThe foot usually rolls inwards \u2013 inversion which is the more common form of ankle sprain seen.\nHow do you know that you have a sprain?\n\nFirstly the abnormal movement has to be one than can cause a sprain. The most common one would be that of a plantar flexed foot being awkwardly planted with a subsequent movement of the foot.\n\nIf you find you ankle swelling up especially the part over the outer part, congratulations you\u2019ve probably sprained it or worse. Movements are usually painful.\nWhen to worry?\n\nMost mild ankle sprains don\u2019t require an immediate trip to the doctor. Please worry (don\u2019t panic) if:\n\nThe pain is poorly controlled by the RICE Protocol ( please see RICE and Use of Cold and Hot in Injury) and over the counter medications.\n\n\nYou are unable to comfortably walk for more than 4 steps or you experience severe pain when pressing over the medial or lateral malleolus, the bony bulges on each side of the ankle \u2013 this requires an radiograph to rule out a fracture.\n\n\nYou cannot move the injured ankle comfortably.\n\n\nThe foot or ankle is misshapen beyond normal swelling.\n\n\nYou experience loss of feeling in the foot or toes.\n\n\nYou are not fairly improved by a few days.\n\n\nWhy worry?\n\nMost ankle sprains can be treated conservatively but this has to be done right from the word go. The more severe sprains may require the use of a specific ankle brace which allows the injured ligament to heal in its best possible position. It is also necessary to rule out the more serious injury too. This will often require the input of your Orthopedic or Sports Surgeon. Most Important of all\u2026\u2026.. Take home message numero uno\u2026\u2026.\n\nPlease visit your Orthopedic Surgeon if you are unsure about the severity of your injury.\nDr. Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/anxiety-bane-mums-be%E2%80%99s-wellbeing", "title": "Anxiety: Bane of Mums-to-be\u2019s Wellbeing", "body": "\n\n\n\nAnxiety: Bane of Mums-to-be\u2019s Wellbeing\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 30, 2023\n \n\nMost women look forward to being pregnant, but carrying a baby in the womb can also bring about various emotions, including anxiety.\n\nIn this sense, there are differences between anxiety attacks and panic attacks, according to Vera Pillai, a clinical psychologist for Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bintulu and Miri.\n\n\u201cFirstly, while both are what we refer to as anxiety in general, anxiety attack is not an official diagnosis; rather, it\u2019s a colloquial term used to describe a gradual build-up of anxious thoughts that become intense over time,\u201d she tells thesundaypost in Miri.\n\nShe says in an anxiety attack, one would feel tensed, agitated and restless, and also find it difficult to concentrate and sleep. This usually lasts for days, which is a longer duration than panic attacks.\n\n\u201cPanic attack is usually unpredictable, involving a sudden feeling of intense fear and dread. It comes with shortness of breath, heart palpitation, dizziness, chest tightness or sweating.\n\n\u201cFor reference, I will use the term \u2018anxiety\u2019 to include general anxiety, antenatal anxiety, postnatal anxiety, anxiety attacks and panic attacks,\u201d she adds.\nIs antenatal anxiety normal?\n\nAccording to Vera, anxiety affects one out of four pregnant women in Malaysia, indicating that this condition is quite common among mothers-to-be.\n\n\u201cTo be responsible for a new life and ensure that the baby\u2019s growth is safe, well and healthy, it\u2019s not an easy task.\n\n\u201cFactoring in with a family history of depression or anxiety, intimate partner victimisation, substance abuse, complications during pregnancy, past miscarriages, disharmony in family relationship \u2013 any of these can easily overturn the joy and excitement of approaching labour, and replace it with endless worrying.\n\n\u201cSo, if you\u2019re experiencing anxiety as a pregnant woman, know this \u2013 you are not alone,\u201d she assures.\nHow anxiety affects labour\n\nVera says with the mind being at one with the body, anxiety will bring about changes to a pregnant woman\u2019s body, which may harm the foetus.\n\nBlood flow to the foetus is reduced when the mother is experiencing high anxiety. This can lead to a low birth weight and premature labour, says the psychologist.\n\n\u201cFor some, it may increase the labour length, and the need for epidural analgesia. It will also release less oxytocin, a crucial hormone to stimulate uterine contractions in labour and childbirth.\u201d\n\nMoreover, Vera says during pregnancy, the baby is exposed to the mother\u2019s experiences such as sounds, breath and food.\n\n\u201cThis also includes the mother\u2019s feelings. Feelings of anxiety can increase particular hormones in the mother that can influence the baby\u2019s development of the brain and the body.\u201d\n\nSeeking professional help\n\nWorrying over one\u2019s new motherhood phase in life is normal, says Vera.\n\n\u201cEmotion-filled anxiety serves to prepare us for what may come, especially when the mind knows that we are about to experience many new changes.\n\n\u201cHowever, if mothers-to-be start to feel like they are losing control, do seek psychotherapy treatment from clinical psychologists to help learn ways to control your feelings and thoughts.\n\n\u201cI have yet to come across anyone who regrets seeking help for their mental health.\n\n\u201cOn the contrary, many patients look back and regret not getting themselves treated sooner.\n\n\u201cThe intensity of worry very likely increases as pregnant women approach their labour.\n\n\u201cIt takes time to address the root of our worries; thus. it is best to get psychotherapy treatment once anxiety is detected.\u201d\n\nAnxiety medication during pregnancy\n\nFor many women, taking anti-anxiety medication during pregnancy may not be an option, says Vera, adding that there is still little information about the safety of such medication for the baby.\n\n\u201cThus, it is important for pregnant women to talk to their psychiatrist before medicines are prescribed.\n\n\u201cFortunately, they can opt for other options during pregnancy such as psychotherapy treatment like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This addresses unhelpful thoughts, heavy emotions, and provides anxiety management strategies.\nWays to cope\n\nLearn relaxation skills, Vera advocates.\n\nExercises such as diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, grounding and mindfulness can help ease the mind from many worries, and can also help calm the body, she adds.\n\n\u201cGet enough sleep. Find out what works best for your sleep such as a pregnancy pillow, a quiet room, or a calming bed routine.\n\n\u201cConsider putting your thoughts and emotions on paper by setting aside 15 minutes at the end of the day to write. Setting this time would help your brain understand that it has a specific time to think about these concerns, so you won\u2019t catch yourself worrying throughout the day.\u201d\n\nPregnant women can also consider psychotherapy, says Vera, adding that they can identify and learn ways to manage their thoughts and their worries about their pregnancy or anticipated motherhood.\n\nA partner\u2019s help during labour\n\nPartners should stay calm and encourage the mother-to-be to take deep breaths. As best as their can, remain calm and provide gestures of care such as holding hands or a gentle grip on the hands, to help her feel calm.\n\nThe partner can also offer assurances by telling the mother-to-be affirmative words such as \u2018I am here with you\u2019, \u2018you\u2019re doing well\u2019, or \u2018I\u2019m so proud of you\u2019, to remind her of the support for each other, and that she is not alone.\n\n\u201cGive her time; don\u2019t rush to calm her down by saying something like, \u2018just stop it\u2019.\n\n\u201cShe needs time to calm down while the partner offer assurances,\u201d says Vera.\n\nWhat NOT to say to an anxious mother\n\n\u201cAvoid problem-solving. You can try and offer solutions once the mother is calm. In moments of anxiety attacks or panic attacks, emotions are intense where it is hard for our minds to make rational decisions.\n\n\u201cAvoid asking \u2018what\u2019s wrong\u2019 or \u2018what\u2019s happening\u2019. Rather, focus on calming her emotions.\n\n\u201cAvoid judgmental comments. A mother goes through a lot of changes in her body. She goes through a lot of worries, even if it is not her first pregnancy or childbirth,\u201d says Vera.\n\nShe also reminds people surrounding an expecting mother to stay away from comments like \u2018you\u2019re thinking too much\u2019, \u2018you\u2019re overreacting\u2019, \u2018X has it worse than you\u2019, \u2018yot again\u2019.\n\n\u201cRather, remind her of your support for her.\u201d\n\nBonding difficulties between mum, baby\n\n\u201cYes. Postnatal anxiety (anxiety after birth), when severe, can often bring about response of strong avoidance of the fear trigger \u2013 in this case, the new baby.\n\n\u201cIt is important for newborn babies to bond with their mothers,\u201d stresses Vera.\n\nFor such cases, the psychologist highly recommends mothers to seek psychotherapy services to address the root of their fears and help ease their relationship with their newborn babies.\n\nHaving their partner\u2019s support in seeking for professional help is essential to help mothers in their anxiety treatment and recovery process.\n\n\u201cThe partner can offer support and be a listening ear to understand her thoughts and feelings.\n\n\u201cAs some mothers are also overwhelmed with household chores, offer to take turns handling some chores. The partner can slowly be involved in handling the baby such as being with the mother during feeding sessions, or helping to bathe the baby.\n\nVera says she has seen quite a few cases of mothers refusing to leave the hospital or their homes after giving birth.\n\n\u201cLeaving the hospital means becoming independent when it comes to caring for the baby.\n\n\u201cLeaving the home means exposing the baby to the outside world, risking diseases. These reasons could be signs of postnatal anxiety or depression.\u201d\n\nIn view of this, Vera advises mothers going through such situation to consult a clinical psychologist to further understand and at the same time, gain the appropriate treatment via therapy as well as familial support.\n\n\u201cThat would be the key to overcoming fears of being a mother,\u201d she stresses further.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMs. Vera Pillai\n\n\nClinical Psychologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Miri\nM.Clin.Psy (CP1-0315)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAnxiety: Bane of mums-to-be\u2019s wellbeing - The Borneo Post, 4 June 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Borneo Post, 4 June 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/are-your-gadgets-making-you-sick", "title": "Are Your Gadgets Making You Sick?", "body": "\n\n\n\nAre Your Gadgets Making You Sick?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 27, 2017\n \n\nEver wondered how gadgets affect our health? Do you own a smartphone, TV, laptop, or tablet? Chances are, you spend more time on your gadgets than you do on sleep. According to an Ofcom study, in a day, the average adult spends 8 hours and 41 minutes on their gadgets, compared to 8 hours and 21 minutes on sleep. This proves that most of us spend half of our waking hours staring at a screen, rather than engaging in healthy activities that benefit our bodies. While personal devices have undoubtedly improved our lives, over reliance and addiction comes with negative health consequences.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAre Your Gadgets Making You Sick? \u2013 Her World, Issue March 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ask-doctor-kidney-diseases", "title": "Ask the Doctor: Kidney Diseases", "body": "\n\n\n\nAsk the Doctor: Kidney Diseases\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 06, 2020\n \nIn conjunction with World Kidney Day on March 12, this month we will be exploring the topic of kidney health. To explain more about the kidney disease situation in Malaysia, we speak to Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang Consultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist, Dr. T Kalaiselvam A/L Thevandran. \n\n\u00a0\n\n1. People talk about heart health, eye health, bone health but rarely speak of kidney health. In your opinion, what is the best way to increase more awareness about kidney health among the public?\n\n\u201cIn my opinion, we should exercise specific measures to raise awareness of kidney health. These measures should highlight the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) burden and encourage the general public, more so the government, to invest in taking action for better prevention and early detection.\n\n\u201cCurrently, one in three people in our world population, which is an estimated 850 million people, is at an increased risk of CKD. In fact, although an estimated figure, 10 per cent of people worldwide have CKD. Estimates suggest nine out of 10 are unaware of their condition.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. What is the number one kidney disease that Malaysians should be concerned about, and why?\n\n\u201cThat would definitely be Diabetes Mellitus. In Malaysia, our local data in 2016 reveals that diabetes mellitus is the most common primary renal disease amounting up to 65 per cent of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) cases.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. As Malaysians, how do our lifestyle and culture affect our kidney health?\n\n\u201cLet\u2019s look at the numbers. Data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS, 2011) shows a four-time increase in Diabetes Mellitus cases from 8.3 to 31.2 per cent since 1996. Meanwhile, according to the Malaysian Society of Nephrology, its 2017 registry showed that the number of dialysis patients had doubled. Subsequently, the rate of renal transplantation decreased per 1000 dialysis patients from 2007 till 2016.\n\n\u201cThis data implies that our lifestyle and culture affect kidney health. Healthy lifestyles comprising a healthy diet and exercises, as well as avoiding nephrotoxins such as traditional or dietary supplements and painkillers, is crucial to prevent kidney diseases. With Malaysia\u2019s Ministry of Finance imposing sugar tax as of July last year, this will eventually lead to Malaysians consuming less sugar. However, more needs to be done to increase awareness of kidney health and promote kidney transplants in our country.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Does gender, race, age or pregnancy have anything to do with the prevalence of certain types of kidney diseases? How so?\n\n\n\n\u201cYes. Gender, race, age and pregnancy are related to kidney diseases. Regarding gender, women are more likely to develop CKD compared to men. According to a study by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, the average prevalence of CKD in women is 14 per cent as opposed to 12 per cent in men. This is likely due to women\u2019s longer life expectancy.\n\n\u201cIn contrast, males are more likely to develop ESRD compared to women. The Malaysian Society of Nephrology Renal Registry 2015 reports 56 per cent of males against 44 per cent of females, were new dialysis patients. The fact is, kidney function declines faster in men than women, possibly owing to the unhealthier lifestyles of men and the damaging effects of testosterone. Women\u2019s estrogens have a protective effect on the kidneys.\n\n\u201cRelating to race, generally, colored skin including Asians, are at an increased risk of getting kidney diseases. African Americans are three times more likely to get CKD while Hispanics are 1.5 times more likely to have kidney failure compared to Caucasian Americans. Researchers do not fully understand why minorities are at a higher risk of getting kidney diseases. However, minorities have a much higher rate of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart diseases, all of which increase the risk of kidney diseases. Minimal access to healthcare may also play a role.\n\n\u201cSadly, kidney diseases can develop at any time and any age, but those over the age of 60 are more likely to develop kidney diseases. As people age, so do their kidneys. Many people don't realize that as we age, we lose kidney function. According to recent estimates from researchers at Johns Hopkins University, more than 50 percent of seniors over the age of 75 are believed to have a kidney disease. Kidney diseases have also been found to be more prevalent in those over the age of 60 when compared to the rest of the general population.\n\n\u201cMoving on, it would not be wrong to say that a woman with kidney disease face a significant dilemma in her pregnancy that affects her kidney health. Pregnancy can occur at all CKD stages and in kidney transplant recipients too. Pregnant women with CKD are at a higher risk of complications such as preeclampsia, restricted growth of the fetus, early delivery and the worsening of the CKD. If you are worried about this, do consult a nephrologist during pre-pregnancy as it is vital to assess the timing of pregnancy and check-ups regarding clinical matters, investigations and medications. Equally important is the continuous multidisciplinary care from both nephrologist and obstetrician. This is important throughout the duration of the pregnancy.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. What are the tell-tale signs of unhealthy kidneys and at which point should we be worried and seek medical help?\n\n\u201cWhat we all should know is that kidney disease is a silent disease. Did you know that early CKD has no symptoms even? You can lose up to 90 per cent of your kidney functions without even knowing it. So we need to arm ourselves with knowledge about the early warning signs, namely frothy urine, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, poor appetite, muscle cramps, swollen feet or ankles, puffiness around the eyes in the morning, dry and scaly skin as well as frequent urination, especially late at night.\n\n\u201cSymptoms that are more severe could signal kidney failure. These would be nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, changes in urine output, fluid retention, anemia which is a decrease in red blood cells, decreased sex drive, sudden rise in potassium levels or hyperkalemia and inflammation of the pericardium which is the fluid-filled sac that covers the heart. You should consult medical help as early as possible if ever you experience the symptoms above.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. T Kalaiselvam A/L Thevandran\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\nBSc (Medical Science)(UPM), MD (UPM), MRCP (UK), ISN - ANIO Nephropathology Certificate (USA), MSN Broad Certified Nephrologist (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n or \nNephrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/autism-what-you-need-know", "title": "Autism -- What You Need To Know", "body": "\n\n\n\nAutism -- What You Need To Know\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 02, 2020\n \nDr Sharifah Aida Alhabshi is a pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya with a special interest in child-learning difficulties and child psychology. In conjunction with World Autism Day, we speak to her about the basics of Autism Spectrum Disorder.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow would you describe autism?\n\nAutism,\u00a0also termed\u00a0ASD for A utism Spectrum Disorder , is a condition whereby there is a breakdown in communication regardless of mediums, namely words, facial expressions or gestures. While a non- autistic child can receive, process and understand information, the autistic child struggles to understand simple concepts. This is because the brain of an autistic child experiences delays when processing information. Clearly, ASD is a delicate and complex condition. Not only is it challenging for the autistic child to understand others but it is just as challenging for others to understand the child.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAt the onset, what are signs that indicate an autistic child or infant?\n\nEarly signs include displaying reluctance to make eye contact, non-responsive when someone calls his or her name, inability to share focus with another individual, lacking skills in pretend/imitation play and struggling with non-verbal communication. Other signs can include hyperactivity, impulsiveness and aggressiveness. However, many new parents tend to think that these behaviours are the norm among young children and thus, would not consider it to be any cause for concern.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow early can autism be diagnosed in children?\n\nSigns of autism can be seen when the child is as young as 12 to 16 months. Healthcare experts who are trained in this field will recognize the signs even earlier. However, for parents who are not aware of the subject of ASD, they will not recognize these signs. They will only suspect something is amiss when their child does start speaking when other toddlers have started speaking. This usually happens when the child is around three-years old and older which explains why most autistic children go undiagnosed until after the age of three.\n\nWhat are some of the behaviors and characteristics that the autistic child displays?\n\nAutism comes in many degrees. On one spectrum, some autistic children are not able to make themselves comprehensible to others and will need constant monitoring and care. On the other spectrum, some autistic children are able to care for themselves and grow into adults who are self-reliant to the point of gaining employment.\n\nAlthough the brain is slow in responding to information, the senses are heightened more than the average person\u2019s. They may have skills that develop unevenly. For example, they could have trouble communicating but be unusually good at memorizing dialogues or painting.\n\nAlso because of these same heightened senses, sounds that are normal to us like the whirring of a fan for instance, may be processed as a piercing scream to the autistic child. How do we react when we hear a piercing scream? We may become distressed, confused, curious and defensive. For the autistic child, all that is manifested into tantrums and meltdowns. On the other hand, there are also autistic children whose character is overly friendly that they can just randomly hug a stranger.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIn general, what are the basics of caring for a child who has ASD?\n\nSet routines. Autistic children seem to be at ease when there are routines set in place. Don\u2019t make sudden changes to their routines especially dietary changes as this can affect them physically and mentally.\n\nAlso, identify signals that are tuned in to his or her emotions. What are the triggers that cause him or her to react differently? What upsets them and what calms them down? When you have established these signals, you will create a nurturing environment for your child. A strong network of support is very important.\n\n*If you suspect your child may be autistic, seek professional advice immediately. Early detection and intervention can result in better outcomes for you and your child.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Sharifah Aida Alhabshi\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMBChB(UK), M.Med(Pediatric)(UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAutism: What you need to know? - BabyTalk\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in BabyTalk Malaysia.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrician\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/avoiding-injuries-weekend-warriors", "title": "Avoiding Injuries for 'Weekend Warriors'", "body": "\n\n\n\nAvoiding Injuries for 'Weekend Warriors'\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 12, 2012\n \n\nInjuries can occur from inadequate preparation of muscles and tendons of our body for occasional strenuous activities - the so-called 'weekend warriors'. These injuries can be so disabling that they can either disturb normal weekday activities or completely disrupt them. Worse still, the sufferer may end up admitted to a hospital due to the injury. This will subsequently affect his or her sports activities, productivity and, if prolonged, quality of life.\nFutsal is one the common games that may inflict injuries especially among weekend warriors.\n\nSo, what are the common injuries among these unfortunate 'I-wanna-be-active-but-with-little-time-for-it' individuals?\n\nTendinitis\n - which means inflammation of tendons (the structure which connects muscles to bones). The areas which are prone to this conditions are the heel, elbow, shoulder and knee regions.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSprain\n - where tissues (such as the muscles or ligaments) are bruised but not torn - most commonly affects the ankle but they may also involve the knee, shoulder and back.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nLigaments tears\n - the knee and ankles are most commonly affected by this injury. Complete ligament tears will result in instability in the joints affected, hence will commonly result in permanent pain and instability (sensation that the affected joint 'gives way' during activities) unless they are treated, most commonly through reconstructive surgery where the torn ligament will be replaced by a 'substitute' ligament. Tears may also involve the tendons (e.g. the Achilles tendon at the back of the heel) and meniscus (the 'impact absorption tissue' in the knee).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCartilage injury\n - cartilage is the lubricating surface in our joints that functions to provide a smooth and congruent movement during activities. Injury to the cartilage can occur during a fall, during an awkward landing from jumping maneuvers, and also from direct hit to the joint (e.g. from a violent tackle during a soccer game). Again, the knees and ankles are the most commonly affected areas. Cartilage injuries are difficult, cumbersome and also expensive to treat, with relatively poor results (compared to other types of injuries) and subsequent sequelae of joint damage and disabling pain.\n\n\n\nHow do we (as weekend warriors) avoid getting these injuries?\n\nDo a proper warm up and stretching routines before starting any strenuous exercises. These two routines are invaluable in avoiding unexpected injuries. Warm ups increases the heart rate gradually and thus will lead to steady increase in blood supply to the muscles. Stretching will prepare the muscles for fast, alternating contraction and relaxation that usually occurs during exercises and thus minimizes the risk of muscle sprain and tears.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIncrease the frequency of exercises that include weekdays\n as well. As the activities get more frequent and evenly spaced, the body can withstand more strenuous activities with minimal risk of injuries.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAvoid high-risk sports\n such as contact sports, high-impact sports (where jumping is done repeatedly), and also pivoting sports where sudden change in directions are needed such as soccer, futsal, basketball and racket games. Swimming and static cycling are two examples of low-risk activities that can be done safely and at the same time allows us to maintain fitness as well as strength.\n\n\nIn situations where high-risk sports cannot be avoided, frequent muscle toning and strengthening exercises will help in avoiding injuries. Strong and well-toned surrounding muscles will ensure a more stable joint and thus minimize risk of injuries to that particular joint.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor runners, good shoes with proper arch support and soft heels will help to reduce the impact on the joints of the lower limbs and also protect the ankles from abnormal loading that frequently causes ligament sprains.\n\n\nDr. Mohd Nizlan Mohd Nasir\n\nConsultant Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/awas-bakteria-dalam-peti-sejuk", "title": "Awas Bakteria Dalam Peti Sejuk", "body": "\n\n\n\nAwas Bakteria Dalam Peti Sejuk\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 20, 2020\n \n\nAda beranggapan peti sejuk adalah tempat penyimpanan makanan paling selamat dan tidak mendatangkan bahaya terhadap kesihatan pengguna.\n\nLebih-lebih lagi apabila ada yang menyangka makanan yang disimpan dalam peti sejuk tidak akan basi sama sekali.\n\nHakikat itu tidak benar kerana peti sejuk juga boleh menjadi \u2018lubuk\u2019 pembiakan bakteria sekaligus merosakkan makanan dan berpotensi menjadi punca jangkitan kuman kepada pengguna.\n\nPegawai Perubatan Columbia Asia Hospital - Cheras, Dr S Malar Santhi berkata, kuman masih boleh membiak di dalam peti sejuk tetapi suhu yang rendah dapat memperlahankan proses pembiakan pelbagai bakteria, sekaligus melambatkan makanan menjadi basi.\n\nBeliau berkata, terdapat dua jenis kuman yang membiak di dalam peti sejuk. Pertama ialah bersifat patogen iaitu agen penyebab jangkitan penyakit kepada manusia.\n\n\u201cContoh bakteria ini ialah Salmonella yang selalunya ada pada telur dan susu.\n\n\u201cBakteria \u2018Clostridium perfringes\u2019 pula terdapat pada lasagna dan lauk pauk serta \u2018Campylobacter\u2019 (daging, ayam dan ikan).\n\n\u201cKedua adalah kuman seperti Pseudomonas dan kulat seperti Aspergilus yang menyebabkan bau serta rasa makanan berubah, namun ia tidak menyebabkan jangkitan atau penyakit. Kuman seperti ini dikenali sebagai bakteria pembusuk.\n\n\u201cLazimnya, walaupun termakan makanan yang berubah bau dan rasa, ia tidak akan menyebabkan penyakit, tetapi memberi rasa tidak enak atau kurang bersih, \u201dkatanya.\n\nKatanya, dua risiko penyakit boleh berlaku kepada pengguna disebabkan bakteria dalam peti sejuk ialah keracunan makanan dan jangkitan pada usus.\n\nMenyentuh jangkitan bakteria dalam peti sejuk boleh membawa maut atau tidak, Dr S Malar berkata, perkara itu boleh terjadi sekiranya makanan yang disimpan dalam peti sejuk tercemar dengan jangkitan bakteria merbahaya seperti E Coli dan Toxoplasmosis.\n\n\u201cPusat Kawalan Penyakit di Amerika Syarikat mengganggarkan lebih kurang 48 juta orang mendapat jangkitan berpunca daripada makanan dan hampir 3,000 meninggal dunia setiap tahun.\n\n\u201cDianggarkan hampir 20 peratus jangkitan itu berkaitan dengan makanan daripada peti sejuk, sama ada di rumah pengguna, pusat komersial, restoran atau pasaraya, \u201dkatanya.\n\nDr S Malar berkata, ramai tidak mengetahui bahawa ada beberapa jenis makanan yang sebenarnya menggalakkan pembiakan bakteria apabila disimpan dalam peti sejuk.\n\n\u201cContohnya daging lembu, kambing, ayam dan ikan. Air daripada bahan mentah sebegini, jika mengalir serta terkena pada sayur atau buah, boleh menyebabkan pembiakan bakteria menerusi jangkitan silang, terutamanya apabila dimakan mentah atau separa masak.\n\n\u201cOleh itu, bahan ini perlu disimpan menggunakan kaedah penyimpanan yang betul bagi mengelakkannya menjadi agen pencemar kepada makan lain yang terdapat dalam peti sejuk, \u201dkatanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nKatanya, pengguna juga perlu mengetahui cara penggunaan peti sejuk yang betul dan selamat.\n\n\u201cPastikan suhu peti sejuk kurang daripada empat hingga lima darjah celcius.\n\n\u201cBahagian sejuk beku untuk makanan basah, suhu disarankan ialah serendah negatif 18 darjah celcius atau paling kurang sifar darjah celsius, \u201dkatanya.\n\nSelain itu katanya, masyarakat perlu mengamalkan kaedah penjagaan peti sejuk yang betul supaya tidak memberi kesan terhadap kesihatan.\n\n\u201cLangkah pertama ialah kurangkan tindakan membuka dan tutup peti sejuk kerana boleh menyebabkan suhu menjadi tidak stabil.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSeterusnya memastikan suhu dalam peti sejuk dikekalkan pada julat yang stabil, bukannya kerap menukar suhu menaik atau menurun.\n\n\u201cTutup bekas makanan walaupun di dalam peti sejuk. Bekas makanan yang terbuka, memudahkan pembiakan bakteria kerana suhu lebih tidak stabil.\n\n\u201cLangkah terakhir ialah meletak makanan basah seperti ikan, ayam dan daging dalam bekas bertutup atau plastik. Ini kerana air daripada makanan ini boleh mencemarkan makanan lain, \u201dkatanya.\n\nKajian \u2018The Use and Performance of Household Refrigerators\u2019 mendedahkan 65 peratus pengguna dari negara maju seperti Sweden tidak mengetahui etika dan suhu peti sejuk yang sesuai digunakan. Katanya lagi, peti sejuk perlu diselenggara bagi menggelakkan kerosakan yang boleh menjejaskan kestabilan suhu.\n\n\u201cPeti sejuk adalah peralatan elektrik yang penting di rumah dan pengguna kena tahu etika dan cara penggunaan selamat untuk mengelakkan penyakit berkaitan peti sejuk, \u201dkatanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nADDITIONAL INFO\n\n\u00a0\n\nDefinisi peti sejuk\n\n\nPembeku \u2013 Membekukan barangan yang disimpan dalam ruang kabinetnya.\n\n\nBukan pembeku \u2013 Peti sejuk yang ada di rumah dan peti sejuk kaca yang digunakan khusus untuk menyimpan pelbagai mimnunman dalam tin, kotak dan botol.\n\n\nCara menjaga peti sejuk\n\n\nMembersih peti sejuk \u2013 Tutup suis plug, keluarkan semua barang dalam peti sejuk sebelum dicuci.\n\n\nMenjaga penyejat \u2013 Jangan cungkil timbunan air di bahagian penyejat menggunakan objek tajam seperti pisau atau gunting kerana dikuatiri menyebabkan kebocoran di bahagian berkenaan (penyejat).\n\n\nKedudukan peti sejuk \u2013 Pastikan kedudukannya tidak terlalu rapat dengan dinding untuk pelepasan haba yang baik.\n\n\nMenyimpan makanan \u2013 Pastikan makanan dan minuman yang panas serta suam berada berada pada suhu bilik sebelum disimpan dalam peti sejuk.\n\n\nKepentingan menyimpan makanan dalam peti sejuk dengan cara betul\n\n\nMemastikan makanan tahan lebih lama.\n\n\nMemastikan makanan dalam keadaan selamat hingga dimakan.\n\n\nMengekalkan rupa dan rasa makanan.\n\n\nMengekalkan keenakan makanan.\n\n\nMengekalkan kandungan nutrient\n\n\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Malar Santhi A/P Santherasegapan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nM.D (CSMU), IES (London), MBA (Hons, UTM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAwas Bakteria Dalam Peti Sejuk \u2013 Harian Metro, 9 Ogos 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAwas bahaya bakteria dalam peti sejuk - My KMU NeT, 23 Ogos 2020. \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 9 Ogos 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/awas-penyakit-jantung-koronari", "title": "Awas Penyakit Jantung Koronari Membunuh Secara Senyap... Ketahui Tanda-Tanda Dan Cara Mencegahnya", "body": "\n\n\n\nAwas Penyakit Jantung Koronari Membunuh Secara Senyap... Ketahui Tanda-Tanda Dan Cara Mencegahnya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 14, 2020\n \n\nPENYAKIT jantung dianggap sebagai 'pembunuh senyap' tidak mengira latar belakang mangsanya.\n\nSeperti semua sedia maklum, jantung adalah organ penting untuk badan yang mana ia berfungsi untuk mengepam darah yang membawa oksigen dan nutrien kepada semua organ dan anggota badan.\n\nMenurut Pakar Perunding Kardiologi & Perubatan Dalaman, Penyakit Jantung Koronari Columbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau, Dr Benjamin Leo, penyakit jantung koronari berlaku akibat gangguan bekalan oksigen pada otot jantung.\n\nJelasnya, hal ini selalunya disebabkan kerosakan pada dinding saluran darah atau pengumpulan kolesterol pada dindingnya yang menyebabkan saluran darah menjadi sempit atau tersumbat.\n\n\"Apabila bekalan oksigen kepada otot jantung terjejas, ia akan kurang berfungsi dan menimbulkan perasaan atau simptom sakit jantung (angina).\n\n\"Jika tidak segera dirawat dan dibiarkan berterusan, otot jantung akan rosak dan mengakibatkan serangan jantung,\" kongsinya kepada mStar.\n\nTambah Dr Benjamin, penyakit jantung merupakan punca kematian paling tinggi di Malaysia iaitu sebanyak 13.9 peratus pada 2017.\n\n\"Kadar kematian ini meningkat 54 peratus berbanding 2007.\n\n\"Setiap hari di Malaysia, 37 pesakit meninggal dunia akibat penyakit jantung,\" ujarnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSimpton Atau Tanda-Tanda Sakit/Serangan Jantung.\n\n\nSakit dada yang mengencang atau menekan.\n\n\nSakit dada yang bertambah teruk ketika bekerja atau melakukan aktiviti.\n\n\nSakit dada yang berkurangan dan hilang ketika rehat. Sakit yang merebak ke bahagian rahang, leher atau lengan (selalunya lengan kiri).\n\n\nSakit ini boleh timbul di dalam beberapa minit sahaja.\n\n\nSakit ini boleh disertai dengan kesesakan nafas, rasa loya, berpeluh dingin atau pengsan.\n\n\nPesakit yang lebih berumur, yang mengidap penyakit kencing manis (diabetis) atau wanita kadang kadang tidak mengalami simptom kesakitan tetapi mengalami sesak nafas, mual, pengsan dan keletihan yang melebih.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nFaktor-Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koronari\n\nFaktor-faktor risiko penyakit jantung koronari boleh dibahagikan kepada dua:\n\n(i) Faktor-faktor yang boleh diubah seperti:\n\nMerokok\n\n\nObesiti\n\n\nKurang bersenam\n\n\nTekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi)\n\n\nKadar kolesterol dan lemak yang tinggi (hiperlipidaemia) Kencing manis\n\n\n\n(ii) Faktor-faktor yang tidak boleh diubah seperti:\n\nUmur (risiko sakit jantung meningkat dengan umur)\n\n\nSejarah sakit jantung dalam keluarga terdekat\n\n\nJantina (risiko serangan jantung lebih pada jantina lelaki)\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLangkah-Langkah Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung\n\n\nJangan Merokok\n\n\nAsap rokok mengandungi lebih 4000 jenis bahan kimia beracun antaranya nikotin, karbon monoksida dan tar.\n\n\nNikotin boleh merosakkan saluran darah dan mengganggu pengaliran darah.\n\n\nNikotin juga akan mengecutkan saluran darah serta mengurangan bekalan oksigen ke jantung dan seluruh badan.\n\n\nNikotin meningkatkan kadar denyutan jantung.\n\n\nKarbon monoksida akan mengurangkan bekalan ke jantung dan seluruh badan.\n\n\nSajian dan diet\n\n\nPilih lebih banyak bijirin dan kekacang.\n\n\nMakan lebih sayur sayuran dan buah buahan.\n\n\nPilih makanan yang rendah lemak dan kolesterol.\n\n\nPilih makanan yang sederhana kandungan gula dan garam.\n\n\nBersenam\n\n\nBersenam sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali seminggu.\n\n\nLakukan aktiviti fisikal seperti berjalan, berjoging, berenang, berbasikal, senamrobik dan bersukan.\n\n\nKawal berat badan untuk mencapai Indeks Jisim Badan yang betul.\n\n\nRawatan\n\n\nDapatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan secara berkala.\n\n\nDisyorkan untuk dapatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan secara berjadual sekiranya anda berumur 35 tahun ke atas.\n\n\nBagi mereka yang berumur di bawah 35 tahun tetapi berisiko tinggi, adalah dinasihatkan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan saringan kesihatan.\n\n\nDapatkan pemeriksaan saringan untuk indeks jisim badan (Body Mass Index), glukos dan kolesterol darah, tekanan darah dan komposisi lemak badan.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Benjamin Leo Cheang Leng\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Interventional Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Cardiology (Korea & Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAwas Penyakit Jantung Koronari Membunuh Secara Senyap \u2013 mStar, 24 Disember 2019\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh mStar, 24 Disember 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n or \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/awasi-lelehan-yang-luar-biasa", "title": "Awasi Lelehan Yang Luar Biasa", "body": "\n\n\n\nAwasi Lelehan Yang Luar Biasa\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 25, 2019\n \n\nMASALAH keputihan ketika hamil antara keluhan yang sering dialami si ibu, namun perlukah masalah ini dikhuatiri?\n\nTahap peningkatan estrogen badan semasa hamil meningkatkan aliran darah ke kawasan pelvik dan merangsang membran mukus namun lelehan faraj yang tidak disenangi wanita ini tidak dicipta sia-sia kerana ia ada fungsinya yang tersendiri.\n\nIa bertindak sebagai pembersih semula jadi vagina, membantu mencegah jangkitan dengan membuang bakteria seterusnya menjaganya sentiasa berada pada paras pH yang normal dan membuang sel mati.\n\nHampir semua wanita mengalami lelehan faraj yang lebih daripada biasa semasa kehamilan. Ini berlaku disebabkan semasa kehamilan, serviks (leher rahim) dan dinding vagina menjadi semakin lembut dan lelehan meningkat untuk membantu mencegah jangkitan dari faraj ke rahim. Apabila melahirkan anak, biasanya masalah ini hilang sendiri.\n\nPakar Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Setapak, Dr Herbert Low berkata, meskipun masalah lelehan faraj ketika hamil kebanyakannya tidak perlu dikhuatiri dan sebahagian daripada perkara normal kehamilan, tetapi amat penting untuk si ibu memberitahu doktor jika lelehan itu menimbulkan ketidakselesaan.\n\nKatanya, lelehan faraj dikatakan normal semasa hamil jika ia jernih atau berwarna putih tanpa menyebabkan rasa gatal atau tidak selesa.\n\nSebaliknya jika lelehan terlalu banyak hingga memerlukan ibu hamil menukar pad atau pelapik seluar dalam dengan kerap, gatal, berbau kurang menyenangkan atau bertukar warna, ia perlu diambil perhatian kerana mungkin itu tanda jangkitan.\n\n\u201cJika lelehan vagina disebabkan jangkitan, risiko kelahiran pramatang serta air ketuban pecah lebih awal daripada sepatutnya.\n\n\u201cOleh itu, sentiasa dapatkan nasihat perubatan di fasiliti kesihatan sekiranya anda mendapati lelehan vagina yang tidak normal. Jangkitan biasanya boleh dirawat oleh doktor dengan pemberian ubatan.\n\n\u201cKebiasaannya, lelehan faraj yang tidak normal adalah disebabkan perubahan pada flora di bahagian itu. Flora faraj normal biasanya didominasi pelbagai spesis pembersihan semula jadi laktobasilus yang juga dikenali sebagai bakteria baik.\n\n\u201cKewujudannya bertujuan sebagai perlindungan terakhir untuk mengelakkan berlakunya masalah jangkitan pada bahagian sulit dengan menghasilkan hidrogen peroksida dan asid laktik untuk menghalang pembiakan yis dan bakteria yang tidak diperlukan,\u201d katanya.\nBeberapa panduan boleh diikuti\n\n\nSentiasa memastikan bahagian faraj dalam keadaan bersih dan kering.\n\n\nElakkan penggunaan pembersih faraj yang mengganggu kestabilan pH atau menyebabkan kegatalan.\n\n\nGunakan pelapik seluar dalam pada saat yang diperlukan saja. Elakkan juga pemakaian seluar dalam yang ketat dan diperbuat daripada satin.\n\n\nJangan guna sebarang produk wangian seperti bedak atau ubat sembur pada bahagian faraj.\n\n\nElakkan pengambilan ubat secara berterusan tanpa nasihat doktor.\n\n\nKurangkan pengambilan makanan yang tinggi kandungan gulanya.\n\n\nAmalkan gaya hidup sihat\n\n\nElakkan kehadiran benda asing di dalam faraj seperti kondom yang tertinggal selepas aktiviti seks.\n\n\nBasuh bahagian sulit dengan air bersih dan buang air kecil selepas aktiviti seks.\n\n\nBerjumpa pegawai perubatan dengan segera dan jalani pemeriksaan vagina jika ada tanda yang dinyatakan di atas.\n\n\nGejala keputihan\n\n\nKeputihan atau lelehan lendir yang keluar daripada faraj wanita ada pelbagai sifatnya dan berbeza di antara wanita.\n\n\nBiasanya berwarna jernih atau kelabu keputihan.\n\n\nJika keputihan tidak berubah warna kekuningan atau kehijauan bermakna tiada jangkitan.\n\n\nPangkal uterus juga mengeluarkan lendir dengan tujuan mencantumkan benih lelaki (sperma) dan perempuan (ovum) dalam proses persenyawaan.\n\n\nLendir dikeluarkan menghasilkan tenaga dan makanan kepada sperma bagi tempoh persenyawaan berlaku.\n\n\nJika anda aktif dalam melakukan hubungan kelamin, perlu jalani ujian lumuran pap dan pemeriksaan pelvis.\n\n\nKeputihan atau lendir faraj berubah akibat perubahan hormon dan perubahan mental, jangkitan, ubatan dan penyakit dalaman. Wanita mempunyai kitaran haid yang dipengaruhi hormon.\n\n\nKeputihan dianggap bermasalah seandainya ia keluar terlalu banyak, berbau busuk, hanyir dan menyebabkan bahagian sulit berasa gatal atau radang.\n\n\nPenyakit lain dikaitkan dengan jangkitan\n\n\nKulat candidiasis (keputihan seperti kepingan susu basi)\n\n\nKuman tricomonas (lelehan keputihan atau tidak berwarna cair, banyak, berbuih)\n\n\nBakteria vaginosis (lelehan berbuih, berbau hanyir).\n\n\nKuman chlamydia (jarang menyebabkan lelehan).\n\n\nKuman gardneralla (lelehan cair berbau busuk)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Herbert Low Wea Haw\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAwasi Lelehan Yang Luar Biasa - Harian Metro, 25 March 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAwasi Lelehan Yang Luar Biasa - Harian Metro, 25 March 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 25 March 2019\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ayam-masak-jintan", "title": "Ayam Masak Jintan", "body": "\n\n\n\nAyam Masak Jintan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 17, 2015\n \n\nA confinement diet is when traditional dishes are served to postnatal mothers for at least 30 to 40 days from the time she gives birth (depending on respective ethnic customs). A confinement diet aims to help the mother regain strength after delivery and to speed up her recovery process.\n\nWe interview Chef Faziludin Ibrahim bin Zainadin from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong for more information on confinement diets in the hospital. Chef Ibrahim joined Columbia Asia Hospital-Puchong in September 2009. He has 10 years\u2019 experience in dietary services. He has worked in various hotels and restaurants before venturing into the healthcare industry.\nQ: Is there any confinement food for mothers after childbirth at Columbia Asia hospital?\n\nA:\n Yes, there is a confinement menu at Columbia Asia Hospital-Puchong. In this menu, ingredients include ginger and cumin that are traditionally believed to be good for the mother\u2019s post-natal wellbeing.\nQ: What will be the dish that you can recommend for lactating mothers?\n\nA: \nI would like to recommend chicken with fennel seeds (ayam masak jintan). This dish is suitable for all mothers, regardless of their ethnic customs.\nQ: Can you suggest how to lessen the fat content in traditional confinement dishes?\n\nA:\n First, use ayam kampong (free-range chicken) and remove all the skin. Use only the lean chicken parts like the breast. This will reduce the total fat content in the dish. Cooking utensils also matter. Use a non-stick pan which require very little cooking oil, yet is able to retain the moisture in the chicken meat.\nQ: Snakehead fish (ikan haruan) is a type of fish with a strong fishy smell. How can we reduce this smell?\n\nA:\n We can wash the fish in clean water with added salt, dried tamarind pieces (assam keping) and banana leaf. After that, soak the fish in plain yogurt for 20 minutes. Lastly, wash away all the yogurt from the fish.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRECIPE\n\n\nChicken with Fennel Seeds (Ayam Masak Jintan Manis)\n\n\n\n\nServes 1\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\n200g chicken\n\n\n200ml *fish stock\n\n\n1 tablespoon cumin powder\n\n\n1 tablespoon anise seed powder\n\n\n1 small shallot, chopped\n\n\n1 tablespoon ginger, chopped\n\n\n\u00bd tablespoon turmeric\n\n\n1 piece dried tamarind piece (asam gelugor/keping)\n\n\n2 tablespoons black pepper\n\n\n2 tablespoons vegetable cooking oil\n\n\nSalt\n\n\nPreparation for Fish Stock:\n\nClean and then boil a whole fish (e.g. snakehead fish/ikan haruan) in 500ml water with ginger. Boil until the water decreases to 200ml.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\nHeat the oil in a sauce pan. Saut\u00e9 the shallots and ginger. Add the cumin powder, anise seed powder and black pepper until ingredients become turn brownish.\n\n\nAdd in chicken and turmeric. Mix well with all ingredients.\n\n\nAdd in the fish stock and boil the chicken until well-cooked.\n\n\nSeason with salt and add in the dried tamarind piece.\n\n\nIt is ready to be served!\n\n\nNutrient Content (per serving):\n\n\u00a0\n\nCalorie (kcal) - \n599\n\nProtein (g) - \n50\n\nFat (g) - \n36\n\nCarbohydrates (g) - \n22\n\nSodium (mg) - \n263\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDietitian\u2019s Note:\n\n\nFennel seeds are rich in vitamin C. Studies shown that it may increase milk supply. However, if the baby is allergic to plants in Apiaceae family e.g. carrots, the mothers should avoid consuming fennel excessively because of the possibility of a cross-allergenicity.\n\n\nA balanced diet with adequate nutrition is important especially for lactating mothers. Every woman\u2019s body and their labouring process is different. Therefore, mothers are not encouraged to consume herbs and traditional supplements excessively. If the mother decides to omit certain foods due to a food taboo, it is recommended for her to replace that with other foods in the same nutrient category.\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nChef Faziludin Ibrahim bin Zainadin\n\nKitchen Coordinator\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\n\nNutrients content reviewed by:\nKong Woan Fei\n\nDietitian\nColumbia Asia\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bahana-tekanan-perasaan", "title": "Bahana Tekanan Perasaan", "body": "\n\n\n\nBahana Tekanan Perasaan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 01, 2020\n \n\nKEMARAHAN membuak secara tidak berkala (intermittent explosive disorder) atau tekanan perasaan boleh berlaku jika tidak memberikan perhatian awal dalam mengawal pengurusan marah dan kurang keyakinan diri dengan sempurna.\n\nLebih membimbangkan ialah ia boleh mendorong individu bertindak agresif hingga membunuh, meskipun berpunca daripada perkara kecil seperti ejek-mengejek.\n\nJika ia berlaku (membunuh), kemungkinan besar si pelaku menghidap masalah mental seperti penyakit bipolar membabitkan perubahan mood atau perasaan secara melampau dan bertindak agresif.\n\nPegawai Perubatan Hospital Columbia Asia Dr S Malar Santhi berkata, ada kemungkinan individu atau remaja yang mempunyai kecenderungan tingkah laku bertindak agresif ini, boleh dikenal pasti oleh orang terdekat seperti keluarga atau guru.\n\nMenurutnya, satu daripada gejala yang boleh dikenal pasti dengan mudah ialah masalah kemarahan yang tidak normal.\n\n\"Sama ada individu ini mengalami kemarahan melampau dalam satu tempoh hingga tidak sedar tindakan yang dilakukannya.\n\n\"Biasanya individu ini mengatakan dia tidak dapat mengawal kemarahan dan tindakannya, seterusnya menyesali perbuatan yang dilakukan.\nEJEK-MENGEJEK boleh mendorong individu bertindak agresif.\n\n\"Atau pun individu terbabit mengalami kemarahan melampau kerana kerap dibandingkan dengan rakan sebaya. Golongan ini (ada masalah kemarahan) mempunyai kecenderungan bertindak agresif sehingga membunuh,\" katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, selain itu, remaja yang mempunyai masalah keyakinan diri sentiasa menjauhkan diri daripada rakan sebaya, tidak ceria, tidak aktif dan sebagainya juga berkemungkinan mempunyai masalah kemurungan atau tekanan perasaan.\n\n\"Mereka juga boleh dikategorikan sebagai golongan yang mungkin boleh bertindak lebih agresif jika diejek atau diprovokosi\n\n\"Kajian Persatuan Psikologi Amerika (APA) mendapati remaja yang mempunyai masalah keluarga seperti ibu bapa sering bertengkar, bercerai atau masalah kewangan, mempunyai kecenderungan tinggi bertindak ganas dan agresif.\n\n\"Mereka perlu diberi tumpuan serta perhatian daripada awal sebelum masalah mental bermula,\" katanya.\n\nDr S Malar berkata, selain itu, penagih dadah atau individu ketagihan alkohol juga cenderung bertindak sedemikian.\nTINDAKAN agresif seperti membunuh dirasakan penyelesaian masalah.\n\nMereka perlu dirujuk ke pusat rehabilitasi dan rawatan ketagihan seawal mungkin bagi mengelakkan kejadian tidak diingini berlaku.\n\nKatanya, media elektronik atau media sosial yang memaparkan keganasan boleh memberi pengaruh besar terhadap sikap dan tingkah laku individu atau remaja.\n\n\"Walaupun mereka tidak bertindak segera selepas menonton aksi itu, tetapi mereka menyimpannya dalam ingatan.\n\n\"Apabila ada situasi yang mencetuskan kemarahan, mereka menggunakan keganasan sebagai penyelesaian masalah.\n\n\"Tambahan pula, remaja lebih cenderung meniru dan melakukan perkara yang dilihat berbanding mendengar nasihat,\" katanya.\n\nSelain itu, beliau berkata, kurang kesedaran nilai moral dan harmoni juga antara sebab utama remaja bertindak sedemikian.\nIBU bapa perlu mewujudkan hubungan akrab bersama anak-anak.\n\n\"Sekitar 1980-an hingga awal 2000, nilai moral serta harmoni sangat diterapkan dalam diri remaja melalui aktiviti badan beruniform seperti Pandu Puteri, Pengakap dan sebagainya.\n\n\"Namun sejak kebelakangan ini, penerapan nilai murni sukar dilaksanakan, impak daripada pengaruh media sosial tanpa sempadan,\" katanya.\n\nMenurut Dr S Malar, peranan institusi kekeluargaan sangat penting untuk menghalang remaja bertindak ganas atau agresif sehingga boleh membunuh.\n\n\"Saya pasti remaja yang berfikiran waras tidak akan terfikir untuk membunuh, terutama rakan sendiri.\n\n\"Ahli keluarga perlu memainkan peranan dalam membina keyakinan diri anak-anak sejak kecil.\n\n\"Elakkan anak-anak daripada diejek dan dicemuh rakan-rakan,\" katanya.\nIBU perlu menjadi pendengar setia masalah anak.\n\nJelasnya, ibu bapa perlu diberikan pendedahan mengenai perlindungan undang-undang seperti Sekysen 233 (1)(b) Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 (Akta 588) yang mana memalukan orang lain dengan mengejek atau memberi komen terhadap bentuk dan saiz badan individu adalah kesalahan jenayah.\n\n\"Individu terbabit boleh didenda tidak lebih RM50,000 atau penjara tidak lebih setahun atau kedua-duanya, jika sabit kesalahan.\n\n\"Ibu bapa perlu cakna dengan undang-undang ini dan ia perlu diterapkan kepada anak-anak. Jangan terima serta tahan ejekan kerana ia boleh mengganggu kesihatan minda jangka panjang,\" katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, ibu bapa perlu menjadi rakan baik kepada anak sendiri.\n\nSentiasa dampingi mereka kerana mudah untuk mengesan sebarang perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku anak remaja.\n\n\"Ibu bapa jadi pendengar yang baik, tanya perasaan dan emosi anak-anak. Bincang masalah mereka secara matang serta didik cara untuk menangani masalah dihadapi.\n\n\"Perkara paling penting ialah ibu bapa perlu elak bertengkar di depan anak-anak. Sikap ibu bapa yang bercakap kasar atau nada tinggi di hadapan anak, boleh memberi impak negatif terhadap minda mereka,\" katanya.\n\nDi samping itu, katanya, institusi keluarga perlu memastikan tiada tindakan agresif fizikal berlaku dalam keluarga.\n\nIbu bapa atau ahli keluarga yang bertindak ganas seperti memukul di hadapan anak-anak juga boleh memberi kesan tidak baik kepada mereka.\n\nMengenai rawatan yang diberikan kepada remaja bertindak agresif, ia bergantung kepada tahap masalah yang dikesan dan kesihatan individu secara menyeluruh.\n\n\"Mereka wajar dirujuk kepada pakar kesihatan keluarga atau pakar psikologi untuk mengenal pasti masalah, ujian pengesahan seperti ujian darah, air kencing, imbasan dan diagnosis.\n\n\"Jika dikesan ada masalah mental, maka doktor yang merawat akan berbincang mengenai jenis dan bentuk rawatan seperti terapi, kaunseling, senaman dan ubat jika perlu,\" katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Malar Santhi A/P Santherasegapan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nM.D (CSMU), IES (London), MBA (Hons, UTM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBahana Tekanan Perasaan - Harian Metro, 22 November 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 22 November 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPsychiatry\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bahu-tersangkut-masa-bersalin-boleh-buat-bayi-cedera-otak-kurang-oksigen", "title": "Bahu Tersangkut Masa Bersalin Boleh Buat Bayi Cedera & Otak Kurang Oksigen", "body": "\n\n\n\nBahu Tersangkut Masa Bersalin Boleh Buat Bayi Cedera & Otak Kurang Oksigen\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 05, 2019\n \n\nBahu bayi tersangkut ketika kelahiran (shoulder dystocia) adalah antara masalah kecemasan yang boleh berlaku ketika proses kelahiran. Bayi patah tulang bahu, cedera saraf dan kurang oksigen antara risikonya.\n\nMenurut Dr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau, bahu bayi tersangkut ketika kelahiran ia adalah keadaan di mana kepala bayi yang telah lahir tetapi bahunya tersangkut pada tulang pubis ibu.\n\nSekiranya berlaku, doktor perlu melakukan langkah kecemasan tambahan\n (additional manouvres)\n untuk membantu melepaskan bahu bayi yang tersangkut pada tulang pubis tersebut.\nRISIKO BAHU TERSANGKUT KEPADA BAYI\n\nKebanyakan masa bahu bayi boleh dilepaskan tanpa sebarang masalah tetapi dalam beberapa kes bahu tersangkut ini kadangkala boleh menyebabkan masalah kepada bayi seperti;\n\nPatah tulang bahu.\n\n\nKecederaan pada saraf.\n\n\nKekurangan oksigen \n(birth asphyxia)\n.\n\n\n\nMasalah ini boleh berlaku dalam 1 dalam 150 kelahiran (0.7%) dan lebih kerap berlaku pada ibu-ibu yang menghidap penyakit kencing manis semasa mengandung. Hakikatnya ia sangat sukar diramal.\n7 KEADAAN MENINGKATKAN TERJADINYA BAHU BAYI TERSANGKUT SEMASA PROSES KELAHIRAN\n\nOleh sebab ia sukar diramal ketika hamil, ibu-ibu yang perlu memahami siapa yang berisiko tinggi untuk mengalami bahu bayi tersendat ketika kelahiran. Dengan ini perlu mengambil langkah awal serta persediaan mental dan fizikal.\n\nSejarah\n bahu bayi tersendat ketika kelahiran sebelumnya.\n\n\nIbu yang menghidap\n kencing manis.\n\n\nBayi yang besar\n dan ibu menghidap kencing manis.\n\n\nIndeks jisim tubuh \n(BMI) ibu lebih dari 30\n.\n\n\nKelahiran secara paksa \n(indius).\n\n\nProses bersalin yang sangat lama.\n\n\nKelahiran menggunakan\n \nventouse \natau forseps.\n\n\nDALAM KECEMASAN, LANGKAH-LANGKAH INI AKAN DILAKUKAN\n\nBagi kes kecemasan di mana ia terjadi tanpa jangkaan atau dikenali sebagai \nobstetric emergency\n, pakar sakit puan dan bidan yang bertugas akan memberikan rawatan segera. Sekiranya berlaku bahu bayi tersendat semasa proses kelahiran, \nred alert\n \nakan dimulakan untuk mendapat bantuan dari pasukan perubatan.\nIbu akan diminta berhenti meneran\n untuk mengelakkan kecederaan lebih teruk pada bayi.\n#1.\n Doktor akan menyuruh\n ibu membengkokkan paha dan lutut ke arah perut ibu\n bagi menambah ruang vagina supaya bahu bayi boleh dilepaskan dari tulang pubis ibu. Ini dipanggil \nMc Roberts manouvre.\n#2.\n Sekiranya \nmanouvre \npertama gagal, langkah seterusnya ialah \ndoktor pakar akan menekan pada bahagian abdomen ibu \n iaitu pada atas tulang pubis bertujuan untuk menolak dan melepaskan bahu bayi yang tersangkut.\n#3.\n Andai \nmanouvre \nkedua gagal, doktor akan\n memasukkan tangan dalam vagina dan cuba menolak bahu bayi\n dan cuba melepaskan bahu bayi yang tersangkut. \nGuntingan episiotomi akan dilakukan\n sekiranya belum dibuat \nuntuk memudahkan manouvre tersebut diatas.\n#4.\n Akhir sekali sekiranya semua gagal \nibu mungkin akan disuruh menelangkupkan badan (o\nn all four hands and legs\n) kerana ini juga boleh membantu melepaskan bahu bayi.\nIBU KENCING MANIS PASTIKAN GULA TERKAWAL\n\nMasalah bahu bayi tersangkut ini sukar dielakkan kerana sukar diramal. Cara yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengelakkannya ialah dengan adalah ambil langkah berjaga-jaga jika ibu mempunyai risiko terutamanya ibu yang menghidap kencing manis. \nBersalin secara induksi boleh mengelakkan masalah ini.\n\nElakkan sama sekali kehamilan yang terlebih tempoh bagi ibu yang mempunyai kencing manis. \nDoktor selalunya akan mencadangkan bersalin melalui pembedahan \ncaesarean\n jika berat bayi melebihi berat normal iaitu 4kg\n. Walau bagaimana pun risiko bahu tersangkut masih boleh berlaku pada bayi yang mempunyai berat kurang dari 4kg lebih-lebih lagi jika ibu menghidap diabetes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBahu Tersangkut Masa Bersalin Boleh Buat Bayi Cedera & Otak Kurang Oksigen \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 5 March 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 5 March 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/baked-tilapia-banana-leaves", "title": "Baked Tilapia in Banana Leaves", "body": "\n\n\n\nBaked Tilapia in Banana Leaves\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 16, 2015\n \n\nMalaysia is a multi-ethnic country. In Sarawak has more than 40 sub-ethnic groups with its own distinct language, culture and lifestyle. Melanau group (one of the Sarawak sub-ethnic group) has their unique traditional foods e.g. umai (raw fish salad). Traditionally, Melanau consume more fish compared with other sub-ethnic. This is because Malanau ancestors lived near the river and sea.\n\nOur cook from Columbia Asia Hospital - Bintulu, Almelli would like to share one of her Melanau dish \u2013 Baked Tilapia in Banana Leaves. Traditionally, the dish shall be prepared by cooking fish in a bamboo and stuffed with water (Sarawak people called Pansoh). Almelli had simplified the cooking method to lets the beginner easier to handle this special dish.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRECIPE\n\n\nBaked Tilapia in Banana Leaves\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nServes 2\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\u00a0\n\nTilapia fish fillet 500gm (or ikan keli, ikan patin and ikan sultan)\n\n\nBanana leaves, cleaned 3-4 pieces\n\n\nMarinate / Sauce:\n \u00a0\n\nShallot, raw 15gm\n\n\nGarlic, raw 15gm\n\n\n\u00adGinger, 20gm\n\n\n\u00adCoriander, ground 2 tablespoons\n\n\n\u00adLocal basil leaves, fresh 50gm\n\n\n\u00adFish sauce 3 tablespoons\n\n\n\u00adCoconut milk, fresh 100ml\n\n\n\u00adKaffir lime leaves 2-4 pieces\n\n\n\u00adHot pepper (chili padi) 10gm\n\n\n\u00adLime juice, fresh 1 tablespoon\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\n\u00adBlend all ingredients for marinate/sauce\n\n\nSoak and marinate the fish fillet about 1 hour in deep bowl\n\n\nWrap the fish with banana leaves\n\n\nBake the fish on baking tray for 15 minutes\n\n\nHeat the remaining sauce in thick pot without oil. Serve together with the baked fish and rice\n\n\nNutrient Content (per serving):\n\n\nCalorie (kcal) - \n663\n\nProtein (g) - \n50\n\nFat (g) - \n10\n\nCarbohydrates (g) - \n19\n\nSodium (mg) - \n4494\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHealthy Eating Tips:\n\n\nReplace fish sauce with sugar to balance sour and spicy flavor\n\n\nReplace coconut milk with low fat milk\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nAlmelli Binti Anthony Abet\n\nChef\u00a0\nMohd Sharil\u00a0\n\nKitchen Coordinator & Caf\u00e9 Team\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bintulu\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/balancing-act", "title": "Balancing Act", "body": "\n\n\n\nBalancing Act\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 01, 2016\n \n\nWe're often told to keep up with healthy habits like drinking eight glasses of water, running to stay fit, and sleeping at least nine hours a day. Dr. Sivah Sandrasakre, Chief Medical Officer of Columbia Asia Hospital - Cheras, says on too much of a good thing can actually be bad for your health.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHER WORLD Magazine, Issue Apr 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/basics-autoimmune-arthritis", "title": "The Basics of Autoimmune Arthritis", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Basics of Autoimmune Arthritis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 19, 2020\n \nWhat is autoimmune arthritis?\n\nAutoimmune arthritis denotes various types of arthritis or inflammation of the joints caused by a person's immune system that attacks his/her own joints. This leads to an inflammation that can cause pain, stiffness and mobility problems as well as the destruction of the joints.\n\nThere are a few diseases categorised under autoimmune arthritis. The most common example is rheumatoid arthritis. Now, samples of less common types include psoriatic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWho is at a high risk of developing autoimmune arthritis?\n\nWomen aged 55 and below with a smoking history are especially at high risk.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat\u2019s the difference between normal arthritis and autoimmune arthritis?\n\nWe seldom use the term \u2018normal arthritis\u2019. It probably means arthritis related to other diseases. The common type is Osteoarthritis due to degenerative causes such as the ageing process or via injuries as well as gout due to a high content of uric acid.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow do you diagnosis autoimmune arthritis?\n\nTo diagnose autoimmune arthritis, we need to perform a detailed investigation of one\u2019s health history and carry out a physical examination to look for signs of arthritis and other clues. Of course, there is also a blood investigation, specifically inflammatory markers, and followed by an antibody test like rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody or extractable nuclear antigen.\nHow do you treat autoimmune arthritis?\n\nThe treatment usually consists of four groups of medications:-\n\nNSAIDs\n\nNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve pain and reduce inflammation but only temporarily.\n\n\nSteroids\n\nCorticosteroid medications reduces inflammation and pain and slows down joint damage. Its function is similar to a pain killer but probably with less short-term side effects.\n\n\nDisease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)\n\nThese drugs can slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and save the joints and other tissues from permanent damage.\n\n\nBiological agents\n\n\n\nThese drugs can target parts of the immune system that trigger inflammation causing joint and tissue damage. However, these types of drugs also increases the risk of infections, hence we reserve these drug for patients who fail conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs or have very aggressive RA.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPlease describe dietary habits suitable for autoimmune arthritis patients\n\nThere has been no specific diets recommended for autoimmune arthritis patients as the cause is unknown. Nevertheless, we should consume a healthy diet which consist of 2/3 plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables and whole grains in order to have a healthy body to fight against this disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPrevention tips for autoimmune arthritis\n\nUnfortunately, as the cause of the disease is unknown, we can't prevent autoimmune arthritis. We can only treat and suppress it when it occurs. The advice is to seek for doctors\u2019 advice if you encounter any form of joint pain. The key point is to diagnose early and treat early, in order to prevent joint damage.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kuan Woon Pang\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Rheumatologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau\nMD (Canada), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe Basics of Autoimmune Arthritis - Natural Health, 8 June 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Basics of Autoimmune Arthritis - Natural Health, 8 June 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, 28 July 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n & \nRheumatology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/basketball-malaysians", "title": "Basketball for Malaysians?", "body": "\n\n\n\nBasketball for Malaysians?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 26, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: \nspaldingequipment.com\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nConsultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Harjeet Singh returns for his monthly show on sports medicine and orthopaedics. This time, we find out why basketball never really took off in Malaysia and if it has anything to do with our height. Also, does your height actually affect your overall health and fitness?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-1-bike-sharing", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #1: Bike Sharing", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #1: Bike Sharing\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 21, 2018\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWith the rise in bike-sharing services and the opening of more bike lanes in Klang Valley, more people can cycle to nearby locations without much hassle. But does one size fit all? Professional cyclists will tell you that you need the right bike setup for your physique, so, does the bike sharing model create healthier commuters, or will it create future injuries? Consultant orthopaedic surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh lends his medical opinion on the subject while athlete and indoor cycling instructor Kannan Murugasan shares his experience as an avid cyclist.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-10-treatment-or-training", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #10: Treatment or Training?", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #10: Treatment or Training?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 20, 2019\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nCan conventional exercise equipment be used for medical rehabilitation? Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh and Technogym\u2019s Lester Francis share how innovation has advanced medical rehab.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-11-training-athlete", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #11: Training like an Athlete", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #11: Training like an Athlete\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 30, 2019\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWhat does it take to be an athlete? What happens inside our body when we undergo an extreme regimen? Dr Harjeet Singh is joined by sports therapist, Jorg Teichmann to discuss training like an athlete.\n\nProduced by: Kelly Anissa\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-12-stem-cells-cartilage-repair", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #12: Stem Cells for Cartilage Repair", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #12: Stem Cells for Cartilage Repair\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 26, 2019\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nDamage and degeneration of the cartilage can cause excruciating pain and diminish your quality of life, especially when it occurs in the knee. But stem cell therapy research and trials have shown that stem cells are able to help with cartilage regeneration. To help us find out more about the research that is being done here in Malaysia are Dr Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, and Dato\u2019 Dr Badrul Akmal Hisham Md Yusoff, senior lecturer and head of arthroscopy and sports trauma unit at UKM.\n\nProduced by: Lim Sue Ann\n\nPresented by: Tee Shiao Eek\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-2-pilates-and-pregnancy", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #2: Pilates and Pregnancy", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #2: Pilates and Pregnancy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 21, 2018\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nA pregnant woman is often given great care and protection. She is often told she can\u2019t do this, that or the other. But what can she actually do when it comes to her health and fitness?\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-3-tennis-elbow", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #3: Tennis Elbow", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #3: Tennis Elbow\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 24, 2018\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nRoger Federer is 36 years old and still dominates the world rankings in tennis, but he\u2019s an anomaly in the tennis world. Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray, Rafael Nadal and Garbi\u00f1e Muguruza who all used to occupy the top spots in the sport are facing a series of troubling injuries and mid-match retirements. Is the long tennis season to blame as the injuries continue to mount? Or could it be technology\u2019s fault?\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-4-football-fever", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #4: Football Fever", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #4: Football Fever\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 06, 2018\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nThe 2018 FIFA World Cup will kick off on June 14th. The month-long tournament is the most prestigious football event and the most widely viewed sporting event in the world. A sports medicine specialist and a football coach square off on their idea of a complete footballer.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-5-life-after-being-national-athlete", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #5: Life After Being A National Athlete", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #5: Life After Being A National Athlete\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 12, 2018\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nBeing a professional athlete is something that many people aspire towards. It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice to play at the highest level of any sport, but it can be quite rewarding. However, after the glitz and glamour, what\u2019s life like upon retirement? Former national hockey player I Vikneswaran joins Dr Harjeet Singh for his monthly sports medicine segment to share his experience.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-6-role-team-doctor", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #6: The Role of The Team Doctor", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #6: The Role of The Team Doctor\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2018\n \nPhoto credit: \nsportsoracle.com\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nEvery month, Dr Harjeet Singh explores injury management and prevention in sports and exercise. The Asian Games in Indonesia just ended and Malaysia retained its 14th placing in the medals tally, with 7 gold, 13 silver and 16 bronze medals. We praise our athletes, and their coaches, and the sports ministry for a job well done but let\u2019s turn our attention to the unsung heroes in their scrubs: The physicians. For a behind-the-scene perspective, we speak to Malaysia\u2019s team doctor at the recent Asian Games, Consultant Sports Physician Dr Kamaljeet Singh.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-7-medical-implications-wearable-tech", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #7: Medical Implications of Wearable Tech", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #7: Medical Implications of Wearable Tech\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 31, 2018\n \nPhoto credit: \nnutraingredients.com\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nFitness trackers, smartwatches, and other wearable technology are the number one fitness trend for 2019, according to an annual survey of health and fitness professionals published in the November issue of American College of Sports Medicine\u2019s Health & Fitness Journal. This month, Dr Harjeet Singh examines how this trend will affect the future of sports science and orthopaedic practice.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-8-ringside-medicine", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #8: Ringside Medicine", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #8: Ringside Medicine\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 28, 2018\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nCombat sports such as boxing, karate and taekwondo are the only types of sports that require athletes to strike their opponents to win the match. With more people dabbling in mixed martial arts, find out what is the physician's role in fighting sports when athletes often end matches with injuries from these direct strikes.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-fit-malaysians-9-new-year-new-start", "title": "Be Fit Malaysians #9: New Year New Start", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe Fit Malaysians #9: New Year New Start\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 23, 2019\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nGet fit, stay healthy. That's probably one of the most common New Year's Resolutions. After almost a month into the new year, consultant orthopaedic surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh answers some of the most pressing questions about exercise and sports, and your fears and expectations.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/be-in-the-know", "title": "Be In The Know", "body": "\n\n\n\nBe In The Know\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 17, 2017\n \n\nArticle credit : \nwww.nst.com.my/\n\nHealth screening is a way to detect risks for early intervention, writes \nKasmiah Mustapha\n\nPrevention is better than cure. And one of the steps for prevention is medical screening. According to the NHS UK, screening is a way of finding out those at higher risk for a health problem so that early treatment can be offered or information given, to help them make informed decisions.\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital Puchong\u2019s chief medical officer Dr. Thiyagu Rajagobal explains the importance of medical screening.\nWHY SHOULD PEOPLE GO FOR MEDICAL SCREENING?\n\nMedical screening is the first step in prevention of diseases for doctors and patients.\n\nIt aims to identify the possible presence of a disease when there are no signs and symptoms. It is a preliminary test to look for possible diseases the person could face in the future.\n\nThrough medical screening, we can detect the risk of these diseases early. It helps if the person knows about his health so he can take the necessary steps to reduce the risks. With early detection and treatment, a person can avoid severe or life-long symptoms.\nWHAT KIND OF SCREENINGs ARE NECESSARY?\n\nThere are various types of medical screening depending on age, gender, family history and risk factors.\n\nFrom age 19 to 39, we recommend the basic screening which includes a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, full blood count, lipid profile, liver function test, renal function test and urine test.\n\nHowever, if these people are obese or have a family history of diseases such as diabetes or hypertension, we suggest they choose a comprehensive screening package because they have a higher risk of developing diseases before the age of 30 or 40.\n\nThose aged 40 and above should opt for a comprehensive package that includes tumour marker, mammogram, prostate specific antigen (PSA), pap smear, upper abdomen ultrasound and breast ultrasound.\n\nHowever, the tumour marker screening need not be routinely done but preferably conducted on the advice of doctors depending on the patient\u2019s risk factors. A high reading does not mean one has cancer, while a normal reading does not exclude cancer.\n\nPSA is the only tumour marker that is fairly specific and is usually done for those above 50 years.\nWHAT ARE THE DISEASES THAT CAN BE DETECTED THROUGH MEDICAL SCREENING?\n\nConditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, infection, autoimmune diseases, liver and kidney disease. It is also used to detect certain types of cancer.\nWHEN SHOULD SOMEONE GET A MEDICAL SCREENING?\n\nIt depends on age, gender and risk factors. But the best way is to have it done once a year. Regular screening helps to detect conditions that may develop after the last screening. As such, it is important for you to go for regular screening tests at the recommended frequency.\nHOW EFFECTIVE IS MEDICAL SCREENING IN PREVENTING DISEASES?\n\nThe test is valid but the indicators may not be 100 per cent accurate. In certain cases it can be over-diagnosed or misdiagnosed.\n\nFor example, if a result is false positive it means the person does not have signs and symptoms of the disease but the indicator shows there is a disease present. Similarly, in a false negative the person has the signs and symptoms but the results are normal.\nWHAT HAPPENS IF THE RESULTS ARE POSITIVE FOR A DISEASE?\n\nIt is important to note that the result is not a confirmed diagnosis just because the indicator is positive. Further tests are needed before a person can be diagnosed with the disease.\n\nFor example, if we detect a person\u2019s blood sugar to be high, we are not going to diagnose him as diabetic. We will look into other external factors such as if he had fasted well or taken food before the blood test or had a heavy meal the night before.\n\nWe will also look at his urine test to see if glucose is present. We will then ask the patient to monitor his condition for one week, eat well and exercise and come back for further tests.\n\nWe also need to consider the signs and symptoms and family history. That is how we decide whether the patient needs to go for further treatment or be referred to a specialist to confirm the diagnosis.\nIS THERE A POSSIBILITY THAT WITH FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS, THE RESULT WILL NOT BE VALID ANYMORE?\n\nWhen a person goes for a medical screening, he or she must be free from infection or disease. If, for example, he or she had an infection a week prior to the screening we may still see some changes in the blood even though the person has recovered at the time of screening. But that does not mean the person has a disease.\n\nThe test is valid at the point of time it is taken but it may not be conclusive and we need to do a thorough investigation and other specific tests.\n\nThere may be changes in the results after a week or two. That is the reason we do not start medication immediately after screening but ask the patient to monitor his condition, eat right and exercise.\nARE PEOPLE AWARE OF MEDICAL SCREENING?\n\nI think they are aware of the need to do it but they may not want to do it. The excuse is they don\u2019t have time but they can schedule the test to suit them.\n\nThey can log on to a hospital\u2019s website, select a test and set an appointment. The test may take up a day or even half a day. Others think they are healthy and do not need medical screening. But medical screening is done when they are no signs or symptoms. If you are already diagnosed with a disease, there is no point for medical screening.\n\nYou may have mild symptoms that could be related to some condition and a medical screening can help answer this. You may be putting on weight without reason or feeling tired.\n\nThese could be part of ageing but it could also be due to some diseases. It is better to have it ruled out rather than ignored.\nWHAT THE READINGS MEAN\n\nWHILE medical screening is not a confirmed diagnosis, the results are an indicator of a person\u2019s risk. It is not easy to understand the results if you are not a health expert or a doctor. Below is a guideline on what the numbers mean:\nBLOOD ANALYSIS\nThe result of medical screening is not a confirmed diagnosis.\n1. Fasting Blood Glucose\n\nPurpose: To detect diabetes\n\nResult: Normal range for blood glucose is between 3.9 and 5.5 mmol/L. If the reading is above this level, it is a suspected diabetes case.\n2. Renal function test\n\nPurpose: To detect kidney failure\n\nResult: Based on creatinine and urea readings.Urea range should be between 2.8 and 8.1 mmol/L and creatinine between 44 and 80 mol/L. If both readings are higher than the range, it indicates kidney failure.\n3. Liver function test\n\nPurpose : To screen for liver infection or liver disorders.\n\nResult: The series of tests measure the levels of certain enzymes and protein in the blood. Levels that are higher or lower than normal can indicate liver problem.\n4. Lipid profile\n\nPurpose: To detect blood cholesterol level.\n\nResult: For LDL (bad cholesterol), level should be less than 4 mmol/L. For HDL (good cholesterol), the level must be more than 1 mmol/L. Medication must be considered for high blood cholesterol level.\n5. Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)\n\nPurpose : To detect syphilis, a sexually-transmitted disease\n\nResult : A positive result may mean the person has syphilis. However, further tests are needed to confirm.\n6. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)\n\nPurpose : To detect inflammation in the body.\n\nResult: The normal range is 0 to 22 mm/hr for men and 0 to 29 mm/hr for women. Abnormal range may indicate inflammatory diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis.\nUrine Feme\n\nPurpose: To detect kidney failure and diabetes\n\nResult: If there is glucose, protein and blood present in the urine, it may suggest diabetes or kidney disease.\nTumour Markers\n\nTumour markers, through a blood test, are useful to diagnose cancer and are done to monitor response to treatment once cancer is detected.\n\nThere is a high chance of false positive and false negative. Further tests are required to confirm diagnosis. These include:\n\nCarcino-embryonic Antigen (CEA): to screen for colon/rectal cancer\n\n\nProstate Specific Antigen (PSA): to screen for prostate cancer\n\n\nCA 125: to screen for ovarian cancer\n\n\nCA 153: to screen for breast cancer\n\n\nAlpha Feto-Protein (AFP): to screen for liver and germcell cancer\n\n\n\u201cWe can detect the risk of these diseases early. It helps if the person knows about his health so he can take the necessary steps to reduce the risks.\u201d Dr. Thiyagu Rajagobal\nNewspaper:\n\n\u00a0\n\nBe in The Know \u2013 New Straits Times, 17 January 2017\n\n\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nBe in The Know \u2013 New Straits Times, 17 January 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/berpada-pada-makan-di-rumah-terbuka-aidilfitri", "title": "Berpada-pada Makan di Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri", "body": "\n\n\n\nBerpada-pada Makan di Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 17, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nKUNJUNG-MENGUNJUNG ke rumah sanak-saudara, teman atau menghadiri rumah terbuka pada Aidilfitri ini perkara wajib lazim dilakukan, dan pastinya akan dihidangkan dengan aneka juadah.\n\n\nJusteru, dalam keterujaan menyambut raya, sama ada tuan rumah atau tetamu perlu merancang jenis juadah yang diambil dengan kuantiti dan menu sihat bagi mengelak pelbagai masalah kesihatan.\n\n\nMenurut Pakar Diet Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak, Siti Sarah Mohd Juzup, sebagai tuan rumah, perancangan menu perlu dilakukan dengan teliti supaya tetamu dapat menikmati hidangan juadah yang seimbang.\n\n\nSebagai tetamu pula, pemilihan makanan perlu diambil secara bijak dan teratur agar tidak melebihi keperluan diet seharian.\n\n\nKetika hari raya, perlu merancang berapa rumah terbuka yang ingin kunjungi dalam sehari. Dengan ini, kita dapat merancang berapa kalori yang terkumpul melalui hidangan di setiap rumah dikunjungi.\n\n\n\"Sekiranya berkunjung ke rumah terbuka pada waktu tengah hari, kita sepatutnya menikmati hidangan juadah mengikut kalori untuk makan tengah hari.\n\n\n\"Di rumah terbuka yang berikutnya, pastikan kuantiti makanan diambil kurang daripada rumah pertama dan begitulah seterusnya,\" katanya.\n\n\nTuan rumah perlu prihatin\n\n\nBeliau berkata, sebagai tuan rumah seharusnya menyediakan hidangan seimbang kepada tetamu, iaitu berasaskan lima kumpulan makanan iaitu karbohidrat, protein, sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan dan lemak.\n\n\nSediakan minuman rendah kalori seperti minuman air kosong. Pastikan air kosong sentiasa dihidangkan supaya tetamu boleh membuat pilihan.\n\n\nTuan rumah boleh juga mengasingkan susu dan gula untuk minuman seperti teh atau kopi.\n\n\nElakkan hidang minuman berkarbonat dan minuman manis.\n\n\nTetamu bijak buat pilihan menu\n\n\nSebagai tetamu, pilihlah makanan rendah kalori seperti buah-buahan sebelum mengambil makanan yang lain.\n\n\nHadkan juga pengambilan makanan berlemak atau bersantan dan hanya ambil kuantiti sedikit sekiranya tiada pilihan seperti satu atau dua sudu makan.\n\n\nHadkan pengambilan makanan manis yang dihidangkan seperti dodol, wajik dan kek.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKuantiti berpada-pada\n\n\nKawal pengambilan makanan dengan menggunakan pinggan yang kecil. Cara ini mengelakkan pengambilan makanan yang banyak.\n\n\nSelain itu, makanan perlu diambil dengan kuantiti yang sedikit. Sebagai contoh untuk hidangan satu rumah, makan sebiji ketupat bersama seketul sahaja rendang ayam dan satu sudu makan kuah serta sayur.\n\n\n\"Bagi kuih raya pula, cukup sekadar satu atau dua biji kuih di setiap rumah dikunjungi. Pemilihan kuih raya perlu yang rendah kalori dan rendah gula.\n\n\n\"Elakkan pengambilan makanan secara berulang-ulang. Jangan lupa, makan secara perlahan supaya menikmati makanan yang diambil.\n\n\nPerkara utama mesti diingat ketika ke rumah terbuka ialah elakkan kekenyangan terlampau supaya kalori diet seharian tidak lari daripada jumlah biasa,\" katanya.\n\n\nPemilihan jenis air minuman perlu dititikberatkan. Meminum air kosong boleh mengurangkan kalori seharian, selain elak minuman berkarbonat atau minuman manis.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTip untuk elakkan makan berlebihan di rumah terbuka:\n\n\nAmalkan konsep suku suku separuh semasa mengunjungi rumah terbuka.\n\n\nLebihkan pengambilan makanan yang tinggi kandungan serat untuk merasa kenyang lebih lama.\n\n\nBerhenti makan sebelum kenyang\n\n\nKunyah makanan secara perlahan supaya dapat menikmati juadah sepenuhnya\n\n\nAmalkan waktu makan teratur meskipun jemputan rumah terbuka tidak mengikut waktu\n\n\nBanyak minum air kosong elak ambil makanan berlebihan\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSiti Sarah Binti Mohd Juzup\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBerpada-pada Makan di Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri \u2013 Berita Harian Online, 8 Mei 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian Online, 8 Mei 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDietetics & Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bersenam-tinggikan-kaki-pakai-stoking-khas-boleh-elak-ibu-hamil-kejang-kaki", "title": "Bersenam, Tinggikan Kaki & Pakai Stoking Khas Boleh Elak Ibu Hamil Kejang Kaki", "body": "\n\n\n\nBersenam, Tinggikan Kaki & Pakai Stoking Khas Boleh Elak Ibu Hamil Kejang Kaki\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 17, 2019\n \n\nKekejangan pada bahagian kaki dan betis yang biasa dialami di akhir trimester kehamilan meresahkan ibu. Ia sangat menyakitkan!\nPUNCA KEKEJANGAN KAKI\n\nSememangnya rasa kejang di kaki memang sering terjadi kepada wanita hamil terutamanya pada trimester akhir. Saat perut sedang membesar ke tahap maksimum, kekejangan ini memburukkan lagi keadaan. Ramai yang menganggap ia berpunca daripada kekurangan kalsium, benarkan?\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Seremban, bahagian rahim yang semakin membesar menyebabkan saluran darah tertekan. \nKeadaan ni menyebabkan darah sukar untuk mengalir ke atas (dari kaki ke jantung). Pengaliran darah yang semakin sukar ini menyebabkan kaki terasa kejang.\n5 TIP REDAKAN KEKEJANGAN KAKI BAGI IBU HAMIL\n\nSuplemen kalsium sering digunakan untuk merawat kekejangan kaki tetapi ia tidak banyak membantu. Sebaliknya, ibu akan dinasihatkan untuk:\n\nBersenam \nseperti berjalan kaki (bukan berlari atau joging) untuk mengaktifkan pengaliran darah dari kaki ke jantung.\n\n\nMeletakkan kaki di atas kerusi lain \nketika duduk berehat.\n\n\nMemakai stoking khas (pressure graded stockings)\n yang boleh dibeli di farmasi.\n\n\nMeminta bantuan suami \nmengurut kaki untuk melancarkan pengaliran darah.\n\n\nRendam kaki di dalam air suam\n atau tuam kaki dengan tuala suam. Ia dapat membantu pengaliran darah di kaki.\n\n\nPERKARA PERLU DIKETAHUI TENTANG SUPLEMEN KALSIUM\n\nSuplemen kalsium penting untuk \npembentukan tulang dan gigi bayi.\n Jika anda tidak mengambil suplemen kalsium secukupnya,\n bayi akan \u201cmencuri\u201d kalsium daripada ibunya. Ini menyebabkan tulang anda mengalami kehausan kalsium.\n\nIbu juga perlu terus mengambil suplemen kalsium sewaktu berpantang dan ketika menyusukan bayi kelak. Vitamin D pula penting untuk memastikan pil kalsium yang dimakan boleh diserap ke dalam badan.\n\nWanita yang \nkekurangan kalsium akan mendapat risiko osteoporosis di masa hadapan.\n Wanita hamil dan menyusukan anak memerlukan 1000 \u2013 1200mg kalsium sehari. Tetapi jangan makan kalsium berlebihan kerana ia boleh menyebabkan masalah sembelit dan batu karang.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBersenam, Tinggikan Kaki & Pakai Stoking Khas Boleh Elak Ibu Hamil Kejang Kaki \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 17 Februari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 17 Februari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/beware-weekend-warriors-press-clipping", "title": "Beware, weekend warriors! [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nBeware, weekend warriors! [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 08, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nStar Special,\n\n8 April 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bfm-health-and-living-live-2016-our-love-affair-with-food", "title": "BFM Health & Living Live 2016 - Our Love Affair with Food", "body": "\n\n\n\nBFM Health & Living Live 2016 - Our Love Affair with Food\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 27, 2016\n \n\nThis is an edited recording of the panel discussion that was held at the BFM Health & Living Live 2016 on April 2nd. In Part 4 of 6, presenter/producer Ezra Zaid spoke to Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh, Consultant Dietitian Indra Balaratnam and Personal Trainer Noel Chelliah about our love affair with food. This affair has led to us be the most obese nation in South-East Asia. It has to stop.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/birth-plan", "title": "Birth Plan", "body": "\n\n\n\nBirth Plan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 05, 2015\n \nPhotocredit: \nwww.babble.com\n\nWhen it comes to where and how a woman gives birth, it\u2019s now as much about what the soon-to-be mother wants and what a doctor can provide.\n\nCrucially, it\u2019s also about writing it all down to ensure that everybody understands what needs to happen, and a birth goes as smoothly as possible. This is the birth plan.\n\nDr. Norshida Brahim, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist from Columbia Asia Hospital - Cheras, explains the importance of coming up with a birth plan and how to write a good one.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bleeding-your-bottom", "title": "Bleeding From Your Bottom", "body": "\n\n\n\nBleeding From Your Bottom\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2020\n \nEnlarged haemorrhoids can become so unpleasant, especially if left untreated, that the person suffering from them has to use a special pillow to sit down anywhere.\n\nIf you don\u2019t want to increase your risk of getting piles, refrain from using your electronic gadget in the toilet.\n\nYou can be king of the throne, but make sure you don\u2019t overstay your \u201cvisit\u201d, because prolonged use of smartphones while on the toilet seat is a contributor to haemorrhoids, also known as piles.\n\nThis \u201cToilet Newspaper Syndrome\u201d is described as long hours of sitting on the toilet seat because the individual is engrossed with reading materials.\n\n\u201cPeople have this habit of reading seated on the toilet and this should be avoided.\n\n\u201cMake sure there are no reading materials or gadgets in the toilet.\n\n\u201cJust go in, do your stuff and come out. Retrain your toilet habits to prevent haemorrhoids, \u201d says consultant general and colorectal surgeon Datuk Dr Meheshinder Singh.\n\nHaemorrhoids are the displacement of cushions of blood vessels under the anal wall lining.\n\nWhen the walls of these vessels are stretched, they become irritated, inflamed and start bulging.\n\nThen the haemorrhoidal cushions, which are a natural part of the body\u2019s anatomy that aids bowel movement, either swells inside (internal haemorrhoids) or outside (external haemorrhoids).\n\nInternal haemorrhoids don\u2019t cause any pain and usually don\u2019t require treatment unless they start to bleed, while external haemorrhoids are painful and cause discomfort and bleeding.\n\nHaemorrhoids can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum due to excessive straining during bowel movements, sitting for long periods of time on the toilet, being sedentary, having chronic diarrhoea or constipation, obesity, pregnancy, having anal intercourse, eating a low-fibre or high-spice diet, regular heavy lifting, family history and ageing.\n\nAlthough haemorrhoids can be unpleasant and painful, they can be easily treated in the early stages.\n\nUnfortunately, the majority of patients are too embarrassed to consult a doctor.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhy so shy ?\n\nAs with most healthcare issues in Malaysia, we often wait until we reach a dire situation before seeking medical intervention.\n\nBy then, extreme measures have to be taken to remedy the situation.\n\nDr Meheshinder says, \u201cPatients delay treatment because they are embarrassed, as nobody likes showing their backsides; they also relate it to surgery or they fear incontinence.\n\n\u201cSo they seek treatment elsewhere and are misdiagnosed, which is sad.\n\n\u201cThey might have had the symptoms for years and when I examine them, they have stage 4 colorectal cancer.\n\n\u201cPiles don\u2019t turn cancerous, but they may coexist with cancer, hence if you have bleeding, it is important to go for a rectal examination with a clinician to make sure you\u2019re not missing out anything.\n\n\u201cPatients above 45 should perform a colonoscopy to rule out the risk of malignancy.\n\n\u201cI\u2019m paranoid about this because a lot of times, I\u2019ll catch a polyp or a tumour.\u201d\n\nThe ageing process is also a risk factor as the ligaments in the area tend to disintegrate.\n\nThus, the mechanism that holds them in place weakens and prolapses, causing the patient to strain while defecating.\n\n\u201cEven if you have a little thread sitting in your anal canal, you will feel uneasy; that\u2019s how sensitive the area is.\n\n\u201cWith internal haemorrhoids, we can solve the problem in the clinic by using rubber band ligation, \u201d he says.\n\nRubber band ligation is a procedure in which the haemorrhoid is tied off at its base with rubber bands, cutting off the blood flow to the haemorrhoid.\n\nThe choice of procedure depends on the symptoms and severity of the problem, but usually, a conservative approach is taken, i.e. dietary changes, drinking adequate water, eating fibre, etc.\n\nIf all these have been addressed and no improvement is seen, then drugs are prescribed.\n\n\u201cIf things still don\u2019t work, then we advocate something more invasive, such as surgical modalities.\n\n\u201cThere are so many techniques out there to address the issue of pain, but despite the procedures, the incidences of recurrence are still there if no lifestyle modifications are made.\n\n\u201cIf it is not bothering you, there is no need for surgery.\n\n\u201cWhen you overdo things, that\u2019s when you run into problems, \u201d points out Dr Meheshinder.\n\nHe was speaking at the Don\u2019t Sit On It Lah roundtable session organised by French-based pharmaceutical company Servier Malaysia recently.\n\nAlso at the session was consultant general and vascular surgeon Datuk Dr Ho Teik Kok, who adds, \u201cMost of the time, patients suffer from constipation, and when they strain, the pressure is transmitted downwards to the legs and veins, and can lead to chronic venous disease (CVD).\u201d\n\nConstipation, which can lead to piles, can also lead to CVD, which includes varicose veins.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPressure on the veins\n\nThose with occupations involving a lot of standing, such as hawkers, teachers, chefs, factory workers, those in the food and beverage, and retail service, cabin crew, nurses and those who wear heels for long durations, are at risk of developing CVD.\n\nPregnant women are the subset of patients at risk of developing both haemorrhoids and CVD.\n\nAccording to the 2019 Chorus (Chronic Venous And Haemorrhoidal Diseases Evaluation And Scientific Research) Study published in the Wiley Online Library, more than 50% of patients seeking help for piles also have CVD.\n\n\u201cMost patients are unaware of CVD (they only know of varicose veins) and how it can progress to more severe stages leading to leg ulcers.\n\n\u201cThey often present at very late stages, \u201d says Dr Ho.\n\nIn both haemorrhoids and CVD, there is increased pressure in the veins that could be caused by various factors, such as damage to the valves \u2013 these send blood back to the heart in one direction and prevent backward flow.\n\nHe explains: \u201cWhen the veins get distended due to prolonged standing etc, it leads to reflux where blood is not able to go back to the heart.\n\n\u201cThe blood then pools back to the leg and increases pressure, leaving more white cells in the blood.\n\n\u201cThis damages the valves and causes the white cells to go out through the skin. That\u2019s when the skin starts to darken.\n\n\u201cInitially, just the veins are visible (spider veins, varicose veins).\n\n\"There may also be pain or cramps in the leg, especially in the evening. This gets better in the morning as the fluids are drained while sleeping.\n\n\u201cWhen it gets worse, patients start getting venous eczema, itchiness and skin ulcers.\n\n\u201cA minor knock can cause bleeding because of the high pressure in the veins.\u201d\n\nTreatment for CVD also depends on its stage.\n\nOral drugs are effective in relieving pain and swelling.\n\nFactors to work on include losing weight, not wearing tight clothing, especially in the tummy/thigh areas, wearing proper shoes (avoid high heels) and wearing compression stockings.\n\nDr Ho says, \u201cIf it\u2019s more serious, when there are ulcers, patients need surgical intervention or injections.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nNo urge to poo\n\nThree years ago, freelance writer Yvonne Lee Shu Yee, 47, embarked on a guided tour to Japan, and for seven days, she didn\u2019t poo!\n\nShe had always suffered from constipation due to prolonged sitting to teach music, but never sought medical advice, preferring to get solutions from the pharmacy.\n\n\u201cI always read in the toilet whenever I tried to pass motion. It was a struggle so I would always strain and bleed.\n\n\u201cI was \u2018successful\u2019 once every four or five days, \u201d she recalls.\n\nBut in Japan, Lee just didn\u2019t have the urge, despite feasting on all sorts of Japanese delights.\n\n\u201cOn the return flight, I wanted to poo, but I couldn\u2019t, so when I arrived home, I bombed seven days worth of sushi!\n\n\u201cFrom all that straining and bleeding, I nearly collapsed and my husband rushed me to the clinic.\u201d\n\nShe eventually saw a surgeon and was diagnosed with Grade 4 haemorrhoids. Surgery was the only option.\n\nToday, Lee has learnt her lesson and has made numerous lifestyle modifications.\n\nOne thing for sure is no more reading in the toilet!\n\nOn how often one should have a bowel movement, Dr Meheshinder says, \u201cIf your pattern has been like that, e.g. five days once all the time, I wouldn\u2019t worry about it, but if the pattern changes, then seek advice.\u201d\n\nAdds pharmacist Datin Mariani Ahmad Nizaruddin, \u201cA lot of clients don\u2019t really present all their symptoms to us. They don\u2019t tell until we ask.\n\n\u201cThey prefer anything topical instead of drugs. Often, they like to use enemas, which can complicate matters.\n\n\u201cPharmacists are trained to understand the patient\u2019s complaint and medical history before providing the right advice or encouraging them to see a doctor.\n\n\u201cIt would be ideal to have a system sharing these medical information between patients, pharmacists and doctors, \u201d she says.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDato' Dr. Ho Teik Kok\n\n\nConsultant General & Vascular Surgeon (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (UM), MRCS ( Edinburgh), MRCS (England), Intercollegiate FRCS General & Vascular Surgery (UK), Certificate of Completion of Training (UK), PhD in Vascular Surgery (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBleeding When You're On The Toilet? It Might Be Haemorrhoids \u2013 The Star Online, 18 December 2019\n\n\nBleeding From Your Bottom \u2013 The Star, 15 December 2019\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star Online, 18 December 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bloodless-surgery-dr-shanker-sathappan-bfm-podcast", "title": "Bloodless Surgery, Dr Shanker Sathappan [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nBloodless Surgery, Dr Shanker Sathappan [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 16, 2011\n \n\nFind out about bloodless surgery - what it entails, procedures and under what circumstances should one opt for it - as Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon Dr Shanker Sathappan explains.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/boba-danger", "title": "Boba Danger", "body": "\n\n\n\nBoba Danger\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 16, 2019\n \nBubble Teas Are a Food Fad That May Prove to Be Dangerous to Our Health, Due to Their High Sugar Content.\n\nBUBBLE tea has been in the news lately, not only for the long queues of patient customers lining up for a cup of their favourite brew, but also because of the high sugar content found in these beverages.\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak Consultant Internal Medicine Physician, Dr. Tan Wee Yong and Columbia Asia\u2019s Dietician, Kong Woan Fei share their thoughts on this latest food craze.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCan bubble tea make you gain weight?\nDr Tan: I would say, yes. The main culprit is the sugar contained in the drink. On average, a cup of bubble tea contains 20 teaspoons of sugar. For a normal healthy adult, it is recommended to take no more than eight teaspoons of sugar a day.\n\nWoan Fei: Bubble tea can definitely make you gain weight as it adds on to your extra daily calorie intake. One cup of bubble tea can contain at least 370 calories. The boba alone is 150 calories.\n\n\nCan it cause diabetes?\nWoan Fei: Drinking bubble tea will not cause diabetes directly. However, its sugar content can post a high risk of not only diabetes but also low immunity, accelerated ageing and tooth decay.\n\n\nIs less sugar or no sugar bubble tea better for health?\nDr Tan: If you do request for less sugar, it will reduce the harm but not necessarily make it harm-free. We have to remember that in our daily intake, we also consume other products that contain lots of hidden sugar.\n\nWoan Fei: When you hear brown sugar and fresh milk, you think \u2018healthier ingredients\u2019 but you must ask yourself, how much brown sugar is used? And what about the other ingredients, specifically boba? Of course, requesting for less sugar or no sugar is better but you still cannot categorize this as a harmless drink in view of the other ingredients.\n\n\nDoes bubble tea have any nutritional value at all?\nWoan Fei: We term sugar as an \u2018empty calorie' food. It means it only contains calories but is empty in all other nutritional value. There is no nutritional value from drinking a high- sugar beverage. I don\u2019t encourage consuming milk from bubble tea either because milk with sugar is not the same as pure milk.\n\n\nIs it acceptable for young children or the elderly to drink bubble teas?\nDr Tan: I do not think bubble teas are suitable for young children and the elderly. Bubble teas contain certain colourings and food additives. This can cause children to become hyperactive. For the elderly, their digestive system is slower and less active so food additives can cause them indigestion. The tapioca balls or boba or pearls in the bubble teas are hard to digest for elderly people.\n\nWoan Fei: Did you know that one cup of brown sugar bubble tea contains three times more sugar than a can of soft drink? We\u2019re talking about 20 teaspoonfuls of sugar in one cup of bubble tea. Children\u2019s sugar intake should not be more than five teaspoonfuls a day. They should not be offered high-sugar beverages as this poses a risk of childhood obesity. Sugar will make them full and stop them from taking nutritious food that is essential for their development. Bubble teas are also not suitable for the elderly especially those with a background of chronic diseases. Besides, when you age, your metabolism slows down. Sugar slows down your metabolism even more, making you feel tired and sluggish.\n\n\nIn your opinion, do you think the bubble tea craze will blow over quickly or is it here to stay?\nDr Tan: I think this bubble tea craze is a fad. Even its packaging is designed like a cool fashion accessory that make Instagram-worthy pictures. Obviously, the main target is the \u2018hip and cool\u2019 youngsters. As we are in a fast-moving digital age, attention for this kind of product depletes very fast. Who knows by next year, there will be another new product sweeping over the country?\n\nWoan Fei: In my opinion, it will blow over quickly due to its prices and almost similar taste albeit different brands. Recently I tried one just to know why people are crazy about it. And it is basically just fresh milk plus brown sugar plus brown sugar pearls. That\u2019s it. Having said that, I must add that we are only human so we do have favourites when it comes to certain food or drinks, but as much as you like them, overdoing its consumption can only being harm. The lesson here is to take everything in moderation, bubble tea included!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tan Wee Yong\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMD (UKM), RCP (UK), MMed (Internal Medicine) (Singapore), Fellowship in Neurology (Malaysia) (Australia), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBoba Danger - The Star, 11 August 20199\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 11 August 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/boleh-menyusu-jika-tak-mudarat-press-clipping", "title": "Boleh menyusu jika tak mudarat [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nBoleh menyusu jika tak mudarat [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 12, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nHarian Metro,\n\n12 December 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bone-health-myths-and-facts-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Bone Health Myths and Facts - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nBone Health Myths and Facts - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 06, 2011\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nHow much calcium is enough or too much? When do you know you need supplements? Is osteoperosis strictly a female problem?\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh takes a good hard look at the myths and facts of bone health and sets the facts straight.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bongkar-penemuan-menakutkan", "title": "Bongkar Penemuan Menakutkan", "body": "\n\n\n\nBongkar Penemuan Menakutkan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 16, 2021\n \n\nBANYAK negara di Asia termasuk Malaysia tidak melakukan bedah siasat terhadap mayat pesakit Covid-19 yang meninggal dunia akibat jangkitan virus berkenaan.\n\nIni disebabkan kekangan prinsip agama, budaya dan menghormati perasaan keluarga mangsa.\n\nSebaliknya, berbeza di negara Barat yang kebanyakannya menjalankan proses terbabit, antaranya Jerman.\n\nPegawai Perubatan Columbia Asia Hospital, Dr S Malar Santhi berkata, di Jerman terdapat satu peruntukan undang-undang untuk prosedur bedah siasat iaitu Seksyen 25 (4), Akta Perlindungan Jangkitan Jerman atau Akta Perlindungan Penyakit Berjangkit Jerman.\n\nMenurutnya, akta ini mewajibkan bedah siasat dilakukan terhadap individu yang meninggal dunia akibat penyakit berjangkit supaya penambahbaikan perkhidmatan kesihatan dapat diberikan kepada penduduk Jerman.\n\n\"Oleh itu, individu yang meninggal dunia akibat jangkitan Covid-19 tidak terkecuali melalui prosedur berkenaan.\n\n\"Walaupun data ini disimpan hanya untuk penggunaan perubatan klinikal, tetapi daripada kelulusan masyarakat yang beretika, maka data itu boleh dikumpulkan.\nIMBASAN CT paru-paru pesakit Covid-19 selepas meninggal dunia.\n\n\"Ia supaya bidang perubatan dapat ditambah baik melalui apa dipelajari daripada prosedur bedah siasat itu,\" katanya yang berkongsi secara maya hasil kajian klinikal bedah siasat ke atas mayat pesakit Covid-19 di Jerman.\n\nPerkongsian ini turut membongkar penemuan menakutkan hasil bedah siasat ke atas 12 mayat pesakit Covid-19 negara terbabit.\n\nBeliau berkata, prosedur bedah siasat ini dilakukan oleh sekumpulan pakar perubatan di Jabatan Undang-Undang Pusat Perubatan Universiti Hamburg-Eppendorf Jerman.\n\n\"Semua pesakit disahkan positif Covid-19 sebelum meninggal dunia melalui ujian RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2, sama ada di hidung, mulut, tekak atau cecair badan yang lain seperti kahak daripada paru-paru dan sebagainya.\n\n\"Semua mayat pesakit Covid-19 ini berusia antara 53 hingga 87 tahun dengan 75 peratus daripada mereka adalah lelaki dan selebihnya wanita,\" katanya.\n\nDr S Malar berkata, berdasarkan hasil ujian bedah siasat mendapati dua daripada 12 pesakit meninggal dunia di luar hospital selepas bantuan pernafasan kecemasan (CPR) gagal dan ketika menerima rawatan di wad biasa hospital, masing-masing lima orang.\n\n\"Semua 12 pesakit ini mempunyai penyakit komorbid seperti penyakit jantung, asma, kencing manis, obesiti dan lain-lain.\n\n\"Sepuluh daripada 12 mayat ini melalui satu prosedur khas bedah siasat iaitu ujian imbasan tomografi berkomputer (imbasan CT) yang menyeluruh ke atas tubuh selepas meninggal dunia.\n\n\"Prosedur khas ini menggunakan teknologi pengimbas 'Multi Detector Philips Brillion 60 Slice'. Ujian imbasan CT itu dilakukan di kepala hingga ke separuh paha dengan perincian satu milimeter (mm).\n\n\"Ia membolehkan setiap satu mm sel dapat dikesan, diimbas dan dikaji untuk melihat sebarang perubahan yang terjadi selepas dijangkiti virus Covid-19,\"katanya.\n\nSelain itu, katanya, mayat turut melalui proses yang tisu daripada organ penting seperti jantung, paru-paru, hati, buah pinggang, limpa, pankreas, otak diambil dan dihantar ke makmal untuk ujian histopatologi.\n\n\"Ia bertujuan membolehkan pakar melihat sebarang perubahan dan bentuk tisu organ di bawah mikroskop.\n\n\"Prosedur seterusnya ialah ujian virologi iaitu mengambil sampel darah di jantung, paru-paru, hati, salur di kaki (saphenous vein) dan kemudian (sampel darah) dihantar ke makmal untuk melihat berapa banyak kandungan virus serta kepekatan virus pada organ berkenaan.\n\n\"Organ lain yang turut dikaji dalam bedah siasat itu ialah prostat, testis, ovari, usus kecil, salur karotid, tekak dan otot. Ini untuk melihat sama ada terdapat virus di organ berkenaan atau sebaliknya,\" katanya.\n\nMenurut Dr S Malar, bedah siasat ujian imbasan CT menunjukkan paru-paru pesakit Covid-19 dalam keadaan sangat padat kerana mengandungi banyak virus dan sel darah putih (limfoist) yang melawan virus berada pada permukaan serta di dalam paru-paru.\n\n\"Ini menunjukkan satu 'peperangan' di antara virus dan 'tentera' daripada sistem imun badan berlaku pada permukaan paru-paru.\n\n\"Tujuh daripada 12 mayat yang melalui kajian klinikal bedah siasat ini ada darah beku pada kaki.\n\n\"Terdapat juga darah beku di saluran pernafasan dan saluran darah paru-paru (pulmonary embolism) yang ditemui pada empat daripada 12 mayat itu,\" katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, hasil bedah siasat ke atas enam daripada sembilan mayat lelaki pula menunjukkan adanya darah beku di kelenjar prostat yang boleh menjejaskan kesuburan.\nKES jangkitan Covid-19 semakin meningkat di seluruh dunia.\n \n\n\"Enam daripada 12 mayat pesakit didapati mengalami keradangan di tekak (tekak menjadi kemerahan) dan terlalu banyak sel darah putih iaitu limfosit, penyebab keradangan (faringitis kronik).\n\n\"Sel darah putih dijumpai dekat jantung seorang daripada 12 pesakit yang menunjukkan keradangan turut berlaku di organ ini.\n\n\"Terdapat banyak virus (viremia) dijumpai pada organ enam daripada 12 mayat pesakit,\" katanya.\n\nKatanya, sementara itu, lima daripada 12 mayat pesakit didapati mempunyai tahap kepekatan virus yang tinggi (\nhigh viral RNA titus\n) di hati, buah pinggang dan juga jantung.\n\n\"Malah, doktor menjumpai virus Covid-19 di otak dan salur darah kaki empat daripada 12 pesakit.\n\n\"Semua penemuan ini adalah hasil pemeriksaan seperti ujian darah dan histopatologi, bukannya menggunakan mata kasar,\" katanya.\n\nJelas Dr S Malar, hasil ujian bedah siasat terhadap semua mayat pesakit ini, turut menunjukkan tahap kepekatan virus Covid-19 di paru-paru mereka begitu tinggi.\n\nBeliau berkata, inilah penyebab utama kematian pesakit Covid-19.\n\n\"Apabila virus Covid-19 memenuhi paru-paru menyebabkan organ ini bertukar menjadi kemerahan dan beratnya bertambah sehingga maksimum 3.42 kilogram (kg).\n\n\"Sedangkan berat paru-paru normal bagi lelaki ialah kira-kira 840 gram (gm), manakala wanita pula 630 gm.\n\n\"Berat paru-paru mayat pesakit Covid-19 meningkat lebih empat kali ganda, menunjukkan sel dan virus sangat tinggi di dalam organ ini,\" katanya.\nPESAKIT Covid-19 diberikan bantuan oksigen kerana sukar bernafas.\n \n\nDr S Malar berkata, melalui ujian histopatologi pula mendapati terdapat kerosakan tisu di paru-paru, banyak saluran darah kecil di permukaan organ itu pecah, selain virus dan limfosid.\n\n\"Penemuan lain ke atas tujuh daripada 12 mayat pesakit pula mendapati, sebenarnya pesakit mengalami gejala tromboembolisme iaitu ada darah beku yang menyebabkan saluran darah pecah.\n\n\"Tiga daripada 12 mayat pula menunjukkan saluran berhampiran paru-paru pecah disebabkan oleh darah beku pada saluran ini.\n\n\"Lapan daripada 12 mayat pula didapati paru-parunya hancur dan rosak disebabkan keradangan yang teruk,\" katanya.\n\nKatanya, kesimpulan daripada ujian klinikal bedah siasat itu menunjukkan punca utama kematian disebabkan jangkitan Covid-19 tertumpu di paru-paru kerana berlaku keradangan sangat teruk dan darah beku di organ ini.\n\nDi samping itu, organ lain yang terkesan adalah jantung, kelenjar prostat, buah pinggang, hati dan otak.\n\n\"Kena ingat, 80 peratus pesakit Covid-19 mengalami jangkitan ringan.\n\n\"Sebanyak 15 hingga 20 peratus akan menjadi kritikal, tetapi selamat. Empat peratus masuk ICU dan bertarung nyawa. Sementara, satu peratus meninggal dunia,\" katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Malar Santhi A/P Santherasegapan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nM.D (CSMU), IES (London), MBA (Hons, UTM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBongkar Penemuan Menakutkan \u2013 Harian Metro, 1 Ogos 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 1 Ogos 2021.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/breakfast-grille-columbia-asia-bfm-podcast", "title": "Breakfast Grille, Columbia Asia [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nBreakfast Grille, Columbia Asia [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 27, 2009\n \n\nA Healthy Business - Richard Evans, Chairman, Columbia Asia Group of Companies.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/breaking-down-influenza", "title": "Breaking down the Influenza", "body": "\n\n\n\nBreaking down the Influenza\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 27, 2020\n \n\nInfluenza, also known as 'the flu' is one of the most common infectious diseases that is highly contagious due to airborne transmission. Classically, this infection occurs as seasonal epidemics whereby incidences are usually higher in certain regions. Generally, in the Northern hemisphere it occurs in early fall, peaks in mid-February and ends in late spring in the following year. However, in tropical areas such as Malaysia, it occurs throughout the year.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVirus Travels Wide\n\nWhenever an infected person coughs or sneezes, the virus spreads through airborne droplets that can travel up to six feet. Apart from being airborne, it can also spread by direct contact (touch), as the virus can survive up to 48 hours on surfaces.\n\nThere are actually four types of influenza that exist but the types that are most commonly causing epidemics are Type A and B. On top of that, Influenza A has further sub-types or strains whilst influenza B has none.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTelltale Signs\n\nAn influenza infection manifests itself via an acute febrile illness with variable degrees of associated systemic symptoms. Mainly, it involves the nose and throat, possibly spreading to the lungs, causing acute respiratory illness.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe mildest form of outcome would be mild fatigue while extreme cases result in respiratory failure and death. The presenting signs and symptoms of Influenza infection overlaps with other upper respiratory infections. Even a dengue patient can display similar symptoms especially in the early stages of the disease.\n\nCommon systemic symptoms observed in influenza infection includes:\n\nFever - often high grade ?Sore throat\n\n\nHeadache - frontal or retro orbital\n\n\nBody weakness and fatigue\n\n\nSevere aches and pains in joints and muscles (especially the back and around the eyes)\n\n\nNasal discharge\n\n\nCough - often dry\n\n\nRed and/or watery eyes\n\n\nVomiting and diarrhea - especially in children\n\n\n\nMost patients will recover between three to four days, but malaise and lethargy can sometime last up to two weeks.\n\n\u00a0\n\nInfluenza And The Common Cold\n\nApart from the clinical symptoms, flu is also known to cause significant morbidity and mortality. For instance, contributing to human suffering and loss of workdays. Certain groups of people have a higher risk of complications from the flu such as the elderly (above 65), young children (below five), pregnant women and people with chronic medical conditions as well as weakened immune systems.\n\nSome of us might confuse between the term common cold and flu. The common cold is usually a mild infection caused by respiratory viruses other than influenza. Symptoms are usually milder with low grade fever associated with runny or stuffy nose without body ache or weakness. In addition to that cold doesn't require specific treatments with anti-viral medication. It is also not known to cause any severe complications.\n\nNormally, an infected person wil exhibit influenza symptoms two days after exposure but theoretically this can range from one to four days. It is possible that the exposure can come from an infected person who is well and asymptomatic since the airborne transmission usually starts a day before the patient develops any symptoms.\n\n\u00a0\n\nConfirming Diagnosis\n\nTo diagnose any disease, doctors normally will do a thorough check of the patient's medical history and carry out a full physical examination. This is to ascertain the possible diseases that the person may have. Similarly, in influenza infection, the same steps are done. If it strongly suggests an influenza infection, the next step is to do a confirmatory test. The test will be performed by taking samples from the nose or throat and checking for the presence of either Influenza A or B. Additionally, a patient who is suspected of having infection in the lungs, a chest radiograph (CXR) will be performed.\n\nThe most potent weapon to combat the influenza infection is by preventing the disease itself and the mainstay of prevention remains to be influenza vaccination. Vaccine will become effective after 10 to 14 days of its administration. Thus, exposure within those periods might still risk infection. It is suggested to vaccinate yearly as the vaccine components change in order to keep up with the evolving strains of the virus.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nWomen And Children\n\nIn children, influenza vaccination is recommended from the age of six months and above, especially children with medical conditions that increase risks of severe complications. This includes preterm babies, and those with chronic diseases of the lung or heart. If a household has a child below six months, other family members should vaccinate to reduce the risk of influenza infection.\n\nVaccination is also safe for pregnant women regardless of trimester In fact, it is recommended as their newborns too will be protected against influenza in the first few months of life.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHelp is Here\n\nGenerally, viral illnesses are self-limiting which means it will resolve on its own. However, antiviral usage is sometimes indicated in patients who have been diagnosed with influenza either clinically or via lab testing. It will reduce the duration and severity of the influenza infection.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFor maximum effectiveness, the anti-viral treatment should start during the first 48 hours of symptoms and administered twice daily for five days. Antibiotics are not required for a viral infection such as Influenza unless the treating doctor is suspecting a secondary infection by bacteria.\n\nOther than anti-viral treatments, below are measures to expedite recovery:\n\nBed rest\n\n\nDrink enough fluids to avoid dehydration.\n\n\nAvoid physical exertion.\n\n\nTake fever-reducing medicine such as Paracetamol\n\n\nPractice cough etiquette when you sneeze or cough by covering your mouth with a tissue. Throw the tissue immediately to prevent transmission.\n\n\n\nDuring the flu season, vaccines and anti-viral medications can be limited. When there is a surge in the number of flu cases in our vicinity, it is imperative that we take the following measures to reduce risks of infection:-\n\nWash hands often and/or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.\n\n\nAvoid meeting people who have the flu. Avoid crowds.\n\n\nWear a facial mask in public areas.\n\n\nAvoid sharing others' personal equipment such as towels and utensils.\n\n\nEnsure air circulation is good at home and work.\n\n\nClean exposed surfaces such as tabletops, regularly.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong\nBachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Internal Medicine (UKM), CIMA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBreaking Down the Influenza \u2013 Health & Wellness, 1 February 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Health & Wellness, 1 February 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/breast-health-tips", "title": "Breast Health Tips", "body": "\n\n\n\nBreast Health Tips\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 19, 2017\n \n\nBreast health tips as suggested by Her World magazine in its January issue, on things to do monthly in 2017. October is breast cancer awareness month and what better way to celebrate than by taking care of your bosom.\nNewspaper:\n\n\u00a0\n\nBreast Health Tips \u2013 Her World Magazine, Issue January 2017\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bromhidrosis-excessive-sweating-strong-odour-press-clipping", "title": "Bromhidrosis - Excessive Sweating, Strong Odour [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nBromhidrosis - Excessive Sweating, Strong Odour [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 01, 2014\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\nApril 2014\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\nApril 2014\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\nApril 2014\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\nApril 2014\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\nApril 2014\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\nApril 2014\n\n\nNatural Health,\n\nApril 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/buah-pinggang-boleh-rosak", "title": "Buah Pinggang Boleh Rosak", "body": "\n\n\n\nBuah Pinggang Boleh Rosak\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 04, 2020\n \n\nAngkara tamak, segelintir pengusaha kilang makanan tergamak menjalankan operasi dalam premis kotor.\n\nLebih menjijikkan, ada yang menggunakan air daripada tandas untuk mencuci serta memproses makanan.\n\nDi sebalik bungkusan makanan yang bersih dijual di pasaran, ada yang sebenarnya dihasilkan oleh kilang kotor selain pengendali makanan tidak diberi suntikan tifoid. Bagaimanakah hak pengguna?\n\nIkuti wawancara bersama Pegawai Perubatan Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr. Malar Santhi dan wartawan Nor Asyikin Mat Hayin bagi mengupas isu ini.\n\n\u00a0\n\nJenis-jenis kuman dalam makanan tercemar dan risiko pada manusia. Klasiflkasikan jenis dan mudaratnya?\n\nPenggunaan air paip tandas dalam memproses makanan bukan sahaja mendedahkan kepada risiko jangkitan, malah boleh menyebabkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan lain.\n\nIni kerana makanan boleh rosak disebabkan tindak balas pelbagai jenis kuman seperti bakteria E Coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Clostridium Perfringes, Staphyloccocus dan banyak lagi.\n\nKesan daripada kuman, bakteria dan virus ini boleh menyebabkan demam serta cirit-birit iaitu gejala keracunan makanan.\n\nKeracunan makanan yang teruk boleh menyebabkan kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang seterusnya mengakibatkan kematian.\n\nApa yang agak membimbangkan ialah risiko komplikasi kesihatan seperti jangkitan kulat sama ada pada kulit dan paru-paru.\n\nIni kerana, pili air dan sistem paip tandas lebih mudah ditumbuhi kulat berbanding paip di kawasan lain.\n\nAir tandas atau \nseewage water\n\u00a0 biasanya tinggi kandungan campuran bahan kimia seperti ammonia dan nitrogen.\n\nSelain itu, air paip dari tandas juga berkemungkinan mengandungi bahan logam berat yang boleh mengancam kesihatan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPekerja pula warga asing tanpa suntikan vaksin kepialu (tifoid). Bagaimana tanpa suntikan ini boleh memudaratkan orang ramai?\n\nSuntikan vaksin tifoid bertujuan mengelakkan pengendali makanan daripada menjadi pembawa jangkitan tifoid, sekali gus mencegah penularan kepada orang awam melalui makanan atau minuman.\n\nOleh itu, semua pengendali makanan sama ada tempatan atau warga asing diwajibkan mengambil suntikan vaksin berkenaan.\n\nSecara tidak langsung, pengendali atau pengusaha makanan yang mengambil suntikan ini boleh dianggap sebagai golongan yang mementingkan kebersihan dan kualiti makanan.\n\nBagi pengendali makanan yang tidak mengambil suntikan itu. kita bukan sahaja bimbang tahap kebersihan dan status jangkitan tifoidnya.\n\nKita juga khuatir dengan tahap kesihatan keseluruhannya termasuk kesihatan mental, kebersihan badan dan sebagainya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSumber air tandas untuk hasilkan roti dan mi. Penduduk sekitar Kuala Lumpur makan roti serta mi tandas. Kesan kesihatan jangka pendek dan juga tidak memperbaharui lesen kesihatan?\n\n\n\n\nKesan jangka pendek boleh dialami ramai penduduk di kawasan sekitar kilang roti dan mi terbabit.\n\nAntara gejala yang mereka hidap ialah ketidakselesaan perut, masalah pencernaan, alahan cirit-birit, muntah dan demam.\n\nSekiranya jangkitan ini menjadi kritikal, ia boleh menyebabkan komplikasi seperti kerosakan buah pinggang dan kegagalan organ dalaman yang lain.\n\nIni secara tidak langsung meningkatkan kos perubatan dalam tempoh jangka panjang.\n\nUmum mengetahui bahawa roti adalah makanan disukai ramai daripada kanak-kanak hingga golongan dewasa.\n\nSekiranya pengguna terbeli roti yang dihasilkan kilang roti kotor, maka kesihatan mereka bakal terancam.\n\nPengendali makanan yang tidak mengambil suntikan vaksin tifoid boleh menjangkiti pengguna dan menjadi pembawa penyakit demam kepialu.\n\nIndividu yang dijangkiti kuman tifoid boleh menjangkiti orang lain melalui najisnya sekiranya tidak mencuci tangan dengan betul selepas membuang air besar.\n\nApabila mereka mengendalikan makanan tanpa memakai sarung tangan, kuman ini boleh \u2018berpindah\u2019 pada makanan.\n\n\nKeracunan makanan yang teruk boleh mengakibatkan kematian\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nBagaimana mahu memastikan bekalan makanan dari kilang baik untuk kesihatan pengguna?\n\nPihak berkuasa perlu lebih agresif dan tegas dalam melaksanakan pemantauan berkala secara kerap. Ini kerana kita tidak boleh mengharapkan semua pengusaha dan peniaga bersikap jujur terhadap pengguna.\n\nDi samping itu, perlu ada pemantauan secara mengejut di premis kilang atau kedai.\n\nPihak berkuasa perlu menetapkan peraturan ketat untuk pengeluaran dan memperbaharui lesen perniagaan bagi pengusaha serta peniaga.\n\nMaksudnya, jika pengendali makanan tidak mengambil suntikan tifoid, maka lesen premis perniagaan tidak layak dikeluarkan.\n\nPemborong, peruncit dan sebagainya juga wajar dikenakan tindakan supaya tidak menyalahkan pengeluar sahaja, Pemborong dan peruncit perlu bertanggungjawab memastikan produk dijual di premis mereka berlesen serta betul.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPandangan Dr, bagaimana dengan kesedaran orang ramai mengenai kepentingan penyediaan makanan bersih dan berkualiti. Contoh, ada yang merokok sambil memasak burger?\n\nKesedaran orang ramai mengenai kepentingan penyediaan makanan bersih dan berkualiti pada tahap sederhana serta perlu diperkasakan lagi.\n\n\u2018Budaya\u2019 merokok sambil memasak burger juga sudah menjadi perkara biasa yang sukar diubah.\n\nNamun, saya berpendapat, kita jangan berputus asa dan terus mendidik masyarakat.\n\nSementara itu. pihak berkuasa perlu tegas dan mengenakan syarat yang ketat sebelum lesen perniagaan dikeluarkan.\n\nPada masa yang sama, meletakkan syarat wajib, contoh, individu perlu mengambil kursus mengendalikan makanan terlebih dahulu sebelum lesen perniagaan diluluskan.\n\nProgram sebegini boleh dianjurkan oleh kerajaan atau pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO).\n\n\u00a0\n\nUlasan mengenai industri makanan Malaysia berkualiti atau sebaliknya. Bagaimana mahu memastikan kelestariannya?\n\nPendapat peribadi saya ialah, kualiti industri makanan di Malaysia agak baik dan permintaan juga tinggi.\n\nMalah Malaysia yang digelar syurga makanan turut menjadi destinasi kunjungan pelancong luar.\n\nSaya pernah pergi ke beberapa lokasi 'makanan tepi jalan' di Malaysia dan mendapati ramai peniaga mengikut peraturan ditetapkan, seperti memakai topi, menggunakan sarung tangan dan sebagainya.\n\nCuma disebabkan ada satu atau dua pengusaha yang tidak mengikut peraturan (premis kotor), menyebabkan pengusaha lain mendapat tempiasnya.\n\nHakikatnya, peniaga tidak beretika sebegini wujud hampir dalam semua industri dan juga wujud hampir di semua negara.\nFoto Kredit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Malar Santhi A/P Santherasegapan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nM.D (CSMU), IES (London), MBA (Hons, UTM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBuah Pinggang Boleh Rosak \u2013 Harian Metro, 27 September 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 27 September 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/buasir-pada-bulan-puasa", "title": "Buasir Pada Bulan Puasa", "body": "\n\n\n\nBuasir Pada Bulan Puasa\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2021\n \n\nPejam celik, sudah tiga minggu kita menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadan. Mungkin ada sebahagian dari anda yang meraih manfaat untuk tubuh badan disebabkan berpuasa. Contohnya anda mungkin mengalami penurunan berat badan yang ketara atau perubahan fizikal yang positif!\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, sekiranya diet anda kurang air atau pengambilan serat tidak mencukupi, anda mungkin akan mengalami sembelit.\n\nAda juga antara kita yang mengalami tanda-tanda buasir seperti sakit di bahagian dubur, kegatalan, pembengkakan atau najis berdarah. Selalunya tanda-tanda ini datang selepas seseorang itu mengalami masalah sembelit yang berpanjangan.\n\nMungkin ramai yang tidak mahu berjumpa doktor disebabkan pandemik COVID-19 yang berlaku sekarang atau mungkin juga ada yang segan untuk berkongsi hal masalah buasir dengan doktor kerana ianya suatu masalah di tempat sulit.\n\nSaya kongsikan di sini tips untuk mengelakkan buasir di bulan puasa. Saya harap perkongsian saya ini mampu membantu anda menangani masalah buasir sekiranya anda belum berjumpa doktor.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPertama sekali, apa itu buasir?\n\n\n\nBuasir adalah pembengkakan salur darah pada lapisan kusyen di bahagian anus dan rektum usus. Lapisan kusyen ini biasanya bertindak membantu proses perkumuhan iaitu proses buang air besar.\n\nBuasir mula terjadi apabila kita ada masalah sembelit. Sembelit akan membuat kita duduk lama di mangkuk tandas sambal meneran. Ini akan meningkatkan tekanan kepada dinding kusyen yang disebutkan tadi, lantas menyebabkan pembengkakan.\n\nPesakit biasanya akan mengalami masalah pendarahan, kegatalan, pengeluaran mukus atau lendir. Jika masalah ini berterusan, maka akan terjadi pembengkakan pada dubur. Pesakit akan berasa sakit di kawasan tersebut.\n\n\u00a0\n\nLima Tip Tangani Buasir\n\n\u00a0\n\nLebihkan serat\n\n\n\nSebelum anda berjumpa doktor, saya cadangkan anda mengubah gaya hidup anda supaya lebih sihat. Banyakkan memakan makanan berserat tinggi. Sebaik-baiknya badan kita memerlukan kira kira 20 hingga 30g serat sehari. Banyakkan juga minum air kosong iaitu enam hingga lapan sehari atau lebih dari 1.8 liter sehari. Elakkan duduk lama di mangkuk tandas serta banyakkan bersenam kerana ia boleh membantu melancarkan pergerakan usus.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHati-hati bila beraktiviti atau bersukan\n\n\n\nElakkan aktiviti yang boleh meningkat risiko buasir seperti duduk terlalu lama apabila memancing atau bekerja di depan komputer. Contoh aktiviti sukan yang boleh mengakibatkan peningkatan tekanan pada dubur ialah angkat berat, mengayuh basikal dan mendaki.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKurangkan Masa di Tandas\n\n\n\nElakkan duduk di mangkuk tandas sambil membuang air besar lebih dari lima minit. Meneran atau duduk terlalu lama di mangkuk tandas akan meningkatkan tekanan (\npressure\n) pada dubur yang boleh menyebabkan pembengkakan buasir.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBanyakkan Minum Air\n\n\n\nMinumlah air sebanyak enam hingga lapan gelas sehari. Amalkan meminum satu gelas air ketika berbuka, setelah solat Maghrib, selepas Isyak, selepas solat Tarawih, sebelum tidur dan ketika bersahur.\n\nAnda juga boleh dapatkan ubat pelawas seperti laktulos atau fiber tambahan yang didapati di farmasi atau pasar raya \n(over-the-counter)\n. Sekiranya usaha ini tidak berjaya atau masalah berterusan selepas seminggu, saya cadangkan anda membuat temu janji bersama doktor anda untuk pemeriksaan lanjut.\n\nKebiasaannya doktor akan melakukan pemeriksaan pada dubur anda untuk memastikan penyebab masalah anda. Selain buasir, penyakit seperti \nanal fissure\n (luka pada anus), \nabsess\n (nanah), kanser dan \nrectal prolapse\n juga boleh berlaku.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Abang Mohammad Affendi Bin Abang Yusop\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bintulu\nMD (UNIMAS), MS (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBuasir Pada Bulan Puasa \u2013 Getaran, 8 Mei 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Getaran, 8 Mei 2021. \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/buat-6-perkara-ini-kalau-doktor-suruh-kawal-kencing-manis-semasa-hamil", "title": "Buat 6 Perkara Ini Kalau Doktor Suruh Kawal Kencing Manis Semasa Hamil", "body": "\n\n\n\nBuat 6 Perkara Ini Kalau Doktor Suruh Kawal Kencing Manis Semasa Hamil\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 15, 2019\n \n\nKencing manis semasa hamil atau \ngestational diabetes (GDM\n) sering dihidapi wanita hamil. Kadangkala buntu juga bila bacaan gula dalam darah sentiasa tinggi sedangkan anda sudah berusaha mengawalnya.\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Seremban, glukosa atau glukos adalah bahan yang menjadi sumber tenaga bagi kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun jika tahap glukos dalam darah berlebihan, ia boleh memberi kesan buruk kepada organ-organ dalam tubuh kita seperti merosakkan lapisan retina di bahagian mata sehingga boleh menyebabkan buta. \nTahap glukos yang tinggi semasa hamil pula akan menyebabkan pelbagai masalah di dalam janin misalnya, masalah jantung pada bayi dalam kandungan.\nPERLU SENAMAN SEDERHANA\n\nTahap glukos dikawal oleh insulin. Insulin merupakan hormon yang dihasilkan oleh pankreas supaya tahap glukos terkawal dan tidak kekal tinggi.\n Di kalangan wanita yang hamil pula, hormon-hormon yang dihasilkan ketika hamil akan berlawan dengan insulin. Ini menyebabkan paras glukos wanita hamil mudah meningkat naik.\n Setelah bayi dilahirkan dan uri dikeluarkan, tahap glukos akan kembali normal semula.\n\nInilah yang dikenali sebagai \ngestational diabetes mellitues (GDM) \natau masalah kencing manis ketika hamil.\n Pesakit GDM selalunya mengamalkan pemakanan yang seimbang tetapi tidak melakukan senaman, tahap gula atau glukos selalunya akan kekal tinggi.\n\nSenaman yang dimaksudkan adalah \nsenaman sederhana seperti berjalan kaki selama 30 hingga 45 minit setiap hari\n. Ramai yang bertanya, setelah melakukan kerja-kerja rumah, maka perlukah melakukan aktiviti berjalan kaki ini? Jawapannya adalah, ya!\n5 TIP KAWAL SELERA\n\nSoalan-soalan yang juga sering ditanya ialah bagaimana caranya untuk mengawal pemakanan ketika mengalami gestational diabetes ini? Bagaimana cara untuk mengekang selera?\n\nTerdapat pelbagai tips yang boleh dicuba tetapi langkah yang pertama adalah untuk berjumpa dengan pakar pemakanan di hospital. Setelah mendapat taklimat tentang diet/pemakanan daripada beliau, anda bolehlah mencuba tip di bawah.\n\nJangan simpan makanan yang tidak boleh dimakan di dalam rumah.\n Misalnya, jika anda tidak dibenarkan minum minuman bergula, jangan beli atau simpan apa-apa minuman berkarbonat misalnya di rumah. Semua ahli keluarga yang lain termasuklah suami hendaklah bekerjasama dalam hal ini.\n\n\nGanti beras/mi/mihun/pasta/roti biasa dengan bahan-bahan karbohidrat berserat tinggi (\ncomplex carbohydrates)\n. Beras putih boleh digantikan dengan beras perang. Roti putih boleh digantikan dengan roti \n\u201cgrain bread\u201d \natau\n \u201cwholemeal\u201d\n. Mihun dari beras merah ada dijual di pasaran. Pasta yang diperbuat dari wholemeal flour juga mudah didapati daripada pasaran.\n\n\nMakan dalam kuantiti kecil tapi kerap.\n Waktu makan utama iaitu sarapan, makan tengah hari dan makan malam dikekalkan tapi ambil snek antara waktu makan utama. Antara masa sarapan dan makan tengah hari ambil \nsnek pagi.\n Di antara makan tengah hari dan makan malam pula ambil\n snek petang.\n\n\nBagi sarapan, makan tengah hari dan malam; \namalkan diet yang disarankan oleh pakar pemakanan anda.\n\n\nKegagalan diet yang disarankan oleh pakar pemakanan akan berlaku jika diet dan jenis makanan tidak menepati selera seseorang pesakit itu. Justeru Dr Norintan mencadangkan supaya \nmakan makanan yang anda suka\n. Misalnya, jika sarapan yang dicadangkan ialah sandwic telur tetapi anda tidak suka makan ini bolehlah tukar kepada sekeping capati atau secawan mihun goreng. Tapi pastikan kuantiti yang bersesuaian.\n\n\n\nDr Norintan merayu kepada semua wanita yang mempunyai tahap glukos yang tinggi dan \nwanita yang mengalami kencing manis supaya tidak hamil sebelum tahap glukos & selera dapat dikawal.\n Katanya, \ntahap glukos yang tinggi dan tidak terkawal boleh menyebabkan masalah jantung di dalam janin yang di kandung.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBuat 6 Perkara Ini Kalau Doktor Suruh Kawal Kencing Manis Semasa Hamil - Majalah Pa&Ma, 15 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 15 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \n Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bukan-sekadar-deman-biasa-press-clipping", "title": "Bukan sekadar deman biasa [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nBukan sekadar deman biasa [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2013\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nMetro Ahad,\n\n2 Jun 2013\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/bukan-wanita-berkahwin-sahaja-hadapi-risiko-peranakan-jatuh-jaga-berat-badan-elak", "title": "Bukan Wanita Berkahwin Sahaja Hadapi Risiko Peranakan Jatuh... Jaga Berat Badan, Elak Sembelit", "body": "\n\n\n\nBukan Wanita Berkahwin Sahaja Hadapi Risiko Peranakan Jatuh... Jaga Berat Badan, Elak Sembelit\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 24, 2020\n \n\nORGAN peranakan wanita terdiri dari rahim, pundi kencing dan usus besar yang disokong oleh ligamen serta otot yang dikenali sebagai otot pelvis.\n\nKejadian rahim jatuh berlaku apabila otot pelvis menjadi lemah disebabkan keregangan berlebihan.\n\nTerdapat pelbagai jenis kejatuhan rahim dan umumnya ia bergantung kepada organ yang terlibat.\n Menurut Pakar Obstetrik & Ginekologi Hospital Columbia Asia Iskandar Puteri, Dr Salmi Daraup, tiga bahagian utama yang kerap berlaku.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPeranakan jatuh hanya boleh diketahui selepas menjalani rawatan kesihatan seperti pap smear.\n\n\n\n\n\"Bahagian atas yang paling biasa berlaku. Sekiranya ia membabitkan bahagian atas faraj, rahim akan jatuh ke bahagian faraj dan rahim turun sedikit, biasanya ini tidak mendatangkan sebarang gejala (asymptomatic) dan hanya dapat dikesan semasa rutin membuat pap smear.\n\n\"Rahim yang jatuh sehingga ke pangkal rahim boleh dilihat di muka pintu faraj. Pada ketika ini pesakit mungkin mengalami simptom seperti kerap buang air kecil. Akhir sekali, keseluruhan rahim jatuh terkeluar daripada faraj iaitu procidentia. Selalunya pesakit akan berasa sesuatu terkeluar dari celah alat sulitnya.\n\n\"Manakala bahagian hadapan melibatkan pundi kencing (cystocele) atau pundi dan salur kencing (cystourethrocele) jatuh ke dalam faraj dan ketiga adalah bahagian belakang faraj yang melibatkan sebahagian daripada usus kecil yang jatuh di antara faraj dan bahagian akhir usus besar (rektum) yang dikenali sebagai rectocele,\" kongsinya kepada mStar.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPunca peranakan jatuh\n\nAntara sebab yang menyebabkan peranakan jatuh ialah kehamilan dan kaedah bersalin yang memerlukan bantuan seperti forceps.\n\nSelain dari itu, berat badan berlebihan serta faktor usia lanjut juga merupakan salah satu sebab terutamanya selepas menopaus.\n\nLain-lain sebab termasuk sembelit, batuk berterusan atau sering mengangkat sesuatu yang berat di mana keadaan ini boleh menyebabkan kelemahan pada otot pelvis dan ligamen.\nMerokok juga antara faktor kemungkinan boleh menyebabkan peranakan jatuh.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTanda-tanda peranakan jatuh\n\nAnda mungkin tidak mempunyai gejala sama sekali dan hanya mengetahui bahawa anda mengalami peranakan jatuh selepas pemeriksaan kesihatan seperti 'pap smear' oleh pakar perubatan.\n\nKesukaran mengawal kencing, kerap kencing atau kencing tidak puas sekiranya melibatkan pundi kencing.\n\nSuatu lagi gejala peranakan jatuh ialah sembelit serta rasa tidak puas buang air besar sehingga kadangkala terpaksa memasukkan jari untuk mengeluarkan najis jika melibatkan usus besar.\n\nJika melibatkan rahim, wanita akan merasa tidak selesa seolah-olah ada sesuatu yang terkeluar dari alat sulit.\n\nDalam keadaan procidentia ini, keseluruhan rahim berada di luar faraj, boleh menyebabkan luka, pendarahan dan jangkitan kuman.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKaedah pencegahan dan rawatan\n\nSecara amnya, pencegahan dan rawatan individu bergantung kepada pelbagai faktor seperti usia, simptom, jenis peranakan jatuh, perancangan reproduktif dan seksual, tahap kesihatan serta kesannya kepada kehidupan pesakit dalam jangka masa panjang.\n\nSalah satu cara pencegahan ialah mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat seperti berhenti merokok, diet, bersenam dan mengelakkan sembelit serta aktiviti yang boleh menjadikan keadaan lebih teruk seperti mengangkat berat.\nSenaman Kegel boleh menguatkan otor-otot pelvis yang lemah.\n\n\n\nSenaman Kegel juga dapat menguatkan semula otot-otot pelvis yang lemah.\n\nUntuk pesakit yang tidak sesuai menjalani pembedahan seperti wanita muda yang masih mahu hamil dan melahirkan anak atau wanita berusia yang tidak sihat untuk menjalani pembedahan, pesari faraj iaitu alat berupa gelang yang terdapat dalam beberapa saiz boleh digunakan untuk mengekang rahim daripada jatuh.\n\nAlat ini hendaklah diganti setiap tiga bulan dan hendaklah dimasukkan oleh pakar perubatan.\n\nPembedahan untuk peranakan jatuh adalah pilihan terakhir sekiranya rawatan lain tidak berjaya untuk menyokong organ pelvis sebagai bantuan meredakan gejala ini.\n\nTerdapat beberapa jenis pembedahan untuk masalah ini yang selalunya bergantung kepada betapa seriusnya penyakit dan gejala wanita tersebut.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Salmi Daraup\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\nMBBS (IIUM), Doctor of OBS & GYN (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBukan Wanita Berkahwin Sahaja Hadapi Risiko Peranakan Jatuh... Jaga Berat Badan, Elak Sembelit - mStar, 4 Julai 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh mStar, 4 Julai 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/butter-cream-chicken", "title": "Butter Cream Chicken", "body": "\n\n\n\nButter Cream Chicken\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 18, 2016\n \n\nColumbia Asia Extended Care Hospital \u2013 Shah Alam (CAHEC-SA)provides rehabilitation services to patients who require long-term nursing care. To achieve good ratings in satisfying inpatient meals, preparing the meals is a challenging task for Kitchen Executive, Al Malek, and his Food Service team. Encik Malek joined the hospital in 2013. Previously he was working in the hotel industry for more than 15 years.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nQ: What is the biggest challenge in preparing inpatient meals in CAHEC-SA?\n\nMalek: \nThe biggest challenge is to satisfy the special demands of long-stay patients without compromising their diet requirements. Long-stay patients want their hospital food to taste like home-cooked food. Occasionally they will bring their own ingredients from home for us to cook for them. But before that, we will always check with respective doctors about the patients\u2019 diet requirements before giving in to their demands.\nQ: Why did you choose to share your \u2018butter cream chicken\u2019 recipe with us?\n\nMalek: \n\u2018Butter Cream Chicken\u2019 is a delicious and easy recipe to prepare. I adjusted this particular recipe to come up with a healthier version.\nQ: Any special cooking instructions to prepare the dish?\n\nMalek:\n The sauce is the most important part of the dish. For healthier cooking, the chicken can be baked or grilled without any flour. Just marinate the chicken with salt and coarse pepper before you cook it. For those who prefer \u2018crunchy\u2019 fried chicken, you need to coat the chicken with bread crumbs before deep or shallow frying.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nRECIPE\n\n\nButter Cream chicken \nIngredients\nChicken\n\n\n2 pieces Boneless chicken breast (approximate 250gram)\n\n\n2 tablespoons Rice flour\n\n\n2 tablespoons Tapioca flour\n\n\nSalt, to taste\n\n\nPepper, to taste\n\n\nCooking oil (for pan-fry)\n\n\nSauce\n\n\n2 Eye bird chili, chopped (optional)\n\n\n1 stem Curry leaf\n\n\n3 cloves Garlic, chopped\n\n\n1 tablespoon Cooking oil\n\n\n2 tablespoons Soft margarine/unsalted butter\n\n\n1 cup Low fat milk\n\n\n1 tablespoon Wheat flour\n\n\nSalt, to taste\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\nMix rice flour, tapioca flour, salt and pepper. Coat chicken with the mixture and pan fry till fragrant. Keep aside.\n\n\nHeat cooking oil with margarine/butter. Add eye bird chili, curry leaf and garlic. Saut\u00e9 till fragrant. Add wheat flour and stir well. Add low fat milk and season with salt.\n\n\nNutrient Content:\n\n\nCalorie (kcal) - \n541\n\nProtein (gm) - \n33\n\nFat (gm) - \n35\n\nCarbohydrates (gm) - \n22\n\nSodium (mg) - \n275\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nAl Malek Idris\n\nKitchen Executive\nColumbia Asia Extended Care - Shah Alam\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ca-website-health-library-your-meals-been-hacked-banana-leaf-rice", "title": "Your Meal's Been Hacked - Banana Leaf Rice", "body": "\n\n\n\nYour Meal's Been Hacked - Banana Leaf Rice\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 15, 2016\n \n\nWe hate to break it to you, but relying on food stalls and eating out all the time in Malaysia might not be the smartest move when it comes to your health. Try out this healthier alternative to Malaysia\u2019s most popular dish \u2013 Banana Leaf Rice, specially prepared by Chef Mohd. Naim Suhaimi from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau and walk away a healthier, fitter man.\n\n\u00a0\n\nYour Meal's Been Hacked - Banana Leaf Rice \u2013 Men\u2019s Health , May 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/caesar-mengandung-balik-rahim-ibu-terkoyak", "title": "Tak Sampai 6 Bulan Lepas Caesar Mengandung Balik Rahim Ibu Terkoyak Boleh Berlaku", "body": "\n\n\n\nTak Sampai 6 Bulan Lepas Caesar Mengandung Balik Rahim Ibu Terkoyak Boleh Berlaku\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 16, 2019\n \n\nHamil lagi selepas bersalin ceaserean sebelum tempoh dua tahun seperti disarankan? Mama jangan panik, baca dulu apa yang dikatakan doktor ini.\n\nLazimnya bagi ibu yang bersalin secara pembedahan caesarean, doktor akan menyarankan waktu selamat untuk hamil semula ialah selepas dua tahun. Tapi bagaimana kalau anda hamil lagi sebelum waktu itu\u2026.?\n\n\u00a0\n\nMinimum Enam Bulan\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan, Hospital Columbia Asia Seremban, ibu tidak perlu panik kerana terdapat kajian yang menunjukkan jarak minimum untuk hamil selepas kelahiran adalah enam bulan sahaja. Sebagai contoh, sekiranya ibu hamil setelah anak pertama berusia sepuluh bulan, risiko dinding rahim terkoyak adalah amat rendah.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRisiko Uterine Rupture\n\nMasalah dinding rahim terkoyak ini dinamakan sebagai uterine rupture selalunya berlaku sewaktu kontraksi ketika hendak bersalin. Ia dilaporkan berlaku kurang dari 1% bagi ibu yang mempunyai satu pembedahan caesarean sebelumnya.\n\nPercubaan untuk bersalin secara normal selepas adanya pembedahan caesarean dikenali sebagai TOS atau (Trial of Scar). Bersalin secara normal melalui faraj selepas adanya pembedahan caesarean dikenali pula sebagai VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section).\n\n\n\n\nMasih Berpeluang Bersalin Normal\n\nJika wanita ingin melalui pembedahan caesarean bagi kandungan kedua, ini dikenali sebagai Elective Repeat Cesaerean Section ( ERCS). Bagi pesakit yang pernah mengalami pembedahan caesarean dan inginkan VBAC bagi kandungan keduanya, doktor hendaklah memberitahu bahawa VBAC lebih selamat daripada ERCS.\n\nIni bererti, pesakit yang berjaya melalui TOS tanpa berlakunya dinding rahim terkoyak dan bersalin melalui VBAC, mereka tidak banyak mengalami masalah. Jika ada 10 orang wanita yang melalui TOS, lapan daripadanya akan berjaya bersalin secara normal.\n\nAmat penting bagi ibu untuk memahami bahawa dinding rahim terkoyak berisiko kepada wanita yang melalui proses TOS. Walau pun ibu terbabit dipantau di hospital yang mempunyai perkhidmatan doktor pakar perbidanan dan pakar bius, serta perkhidmatan tabung darah, hal ini boleh berlaku!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nKesan Dinding Rahim Terkoyak\n\n\nTumpah darah dari rahim ibu sehingga ibu \nmemerlukan transfusi darah.\n\n\nIbu melahirkan bayi secara \nemergency caesarean section.\n\n\nAnak yang dilahirkan boleh mengalami \nmasalah kekurangan darah dan oksigen\n sehingga boleh menyebabkan kecacatan otak dan maut.\n\n\nRahim yang mengalami koyak kadang kala tidak dapat diselamatkan dan perlu dibuang.\n\n\nKesan sampingan bius penuh ketika menjalankan caesarean secara kecemasan juga tinggi. Doktor bius akan memberi penerangan sebelum ibu dibedah.\n\n\nKehilangan darah yang banyak\n boleh berisiko menyebabkan masalah DIVC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) di mana darah terus menerus mengalir keluar dari badan kerana darah tidak dapat membeku. Keadaan ini boleh menyebabkan maut.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Norintan menasihatkan agar ibu yang hamil semula dalam jarak kurang dari enam bulan segera merujuk kepada pakar sakit puan & perbidanan supaya rekod pembedahan yang pertama boleh diperiksa atau disemak sebelum ibu boleh melalui TOS. Risiko dinding rahim terkoyak amat tinggi (jika ia berlaku).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTak Sampai 6 Bulan Lepas Caesar Mengandung Balik Rahim Ibu Terkoyak Boleh Berlaku, 12 Julai 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 12 Julai 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/can-exercise-after-meal-cause-appendicitis-zh", "title": "\u996d\u540e\u8fd0\u52a8, \u4f1a\u5f97\u9611\u5c3e\u708e? ", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u996d\u540e\u8fd0\u52a8, \u4f1a\u5f97\u9611\u5c3e\u708e? \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 14, 2022\n \n\n\u7236\u6bcd\u4ece\u5c0f\u5c31\u4f1a\u8b66\u544a\u4f60\uff1a\u521a\u5403\u9971\u996d\u4e0d\u80fd\u8dd1\u8df3\uff0c\u5426\u5219\u4f1a\u5f97\u76f2\u80a0\u708e\uff01\u8981\u53bb\u533b\u9662\u5272\u9611\u5c3e\uff01\u76f4\u5230\u957f\u5927\u540e\u624d\u53d1\u73b0\u201c\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\u201d\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u7236\u6bcd\u4fd7\u79f0\u7684\u76f2\u80a0\u708e\uff0c\u548c\u996d\u540e\u5267\u70c8\u8fd0\u52a8\u6ca1\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u5173\u7cfb\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u5927\u90e8\u4efd\u4eba\u4fd7\u79f0\u7684\u201c\u76f2\u80a0\u708e\u201d\uff0c\u5176\u5b9e\u6307\u7684\u5c31\u662f\u9611\u5c3e\u708e(Appendicitis)\uff0c\u4e0d\u8fc7\u5927\u90e8\u5206\u4eba\u5206\u4e0d\u6e05\u695a\u76f2\u80a0\u53ca\u9611\u5c3e\u5206\u522b\u5c5e\u4e8e\u4e24\u4e2a\u4e0d\u540c\u90e8\u4f4d\uff0c\u6b63\u786e\u7684\u53d1\u75c5\u4f4d\u7f6e\u662f\u5728\u9611\u5c3e\uff0c\u53ea\u662f\u5927\u591a\u6570\u6c11\u4f17\u4e60\u60ef\u4ee5\u76f2\u80a0\u708e\u6765\u79f0\u547c\u3002\u9611\u5c3e\u662f\u4e00\u6bb5\u7ec6\u957f\u5f2f\u66f2\u7684\u76f2\u7ba1\uff0c\u4f4d\u4e8e\u5c0f\u80a0\u4e0e\u5927\u80a0\u8fde\u63a5\u5904\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e\uff0c\u6839\u90e8\u8fde\u4e8e\u76f2\u80a0\u7684\u540e\u5185\u4fa7\u58c1\uff08\u5982\u4e0b\u56fe\uff09\uff0c\u5927\u5c0f\u56e0\u4eba\u800c\u5f02\u3002\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u9611\u5c3e\u4e3a\u4ec0\u4e48\u7231\u53d1\u708e\uff1f\n\n\n\u9611\u5c3e\u53d1\u708e\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u7caa\u77f3\u6389\u8fdb\u9611\u5c3e\u6d1e\u91cc\u3002\uff08\u5c0f\u7f16\u63d0\u9192\uff1a\u6240\u8c13\u7caa\u77f3\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u7531\u4e8e\u98df\u7269\u6b8b\u6e23\u5728\u80a0\u9053\u505c\u7559\u592a\u4e45\uff0c\u6c34\u5206\u88ab\u5438\u5e72\uff0c\u53d8\u6210\u5e72\u71e5\u3001\u575a\u786c\u7684\u7caa\u5757\u3002\u800c\u5f53\u5b83\u4eec\u6389\u8fdb\u9611\u5c3e\u65f6\uff0c\u9611\u5c3e\u7684\u6076\u68a6\u5c31\u6765\u4e34\u4e86\u3002\uff09\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u996d\u540e\u8fd0\u52a8\u662f\u8bf1\u53d1\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\u7684\u539f\u56e0\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\u4e0d\u662f\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u996d\u540e\u591a\u4e45\u53ef\u4ee5\u8fd0\u52a8\uff1f\n\n\n\u65e2\u7136\u996d\u540e\u8fd0\u52a8\u4e0d\u4f1a\u8bf1\u53d1\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u5e76\u6ca1\u6709\u9650\u5236\u996d\u540e\u591a\u4e45\u624d\u53ef\u4ee5\u8fd0\u52a8\u3002\n\n\n \u00a0\n\n\u5982\u4f55\u5224\u65ad\u81ea\u5df1\u60a3\u4e86\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\uff1f\n\n\n\u5982\u679c\u51fa\u73b0\u660e\u663e\u7684\u53f3\u4e0b\u8179\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u4f60\u5c31\u8981\u8b66\u60d5\u81ea\u5df1\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u60a3\u4e86\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\uff0c\u5c3d\u5feb\u5230\u533b\u9662\u53bb\u770b\u533b\u751f\u505a\u68c0\u67e5\u3002\u4e34\u5e8a\u75c7\u72b6\u4e00\u822c\u662f\u53f3\u4e0b\u8179\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u591a\u534a\u4f34\u968f\u7740\u98df\u6b32\u4e0d\u632f\u3001\u53d1\u70e7\u7b49\u75c7\u72b6\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u9611\u5c3e\u75db\u662f\u4ec0\u4e48\u611f\u89c9\uff1f\n\n\n\u8fd9\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u5185\u810f\u75db\uff0c\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u9690\u9690\u4f5c\u75db\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u5148\u4ece\u4e2d\u4e0a\u8179\u75db\u5f00\u59cb\uff0c\u6162\u6162\u8f6c\u79fb\u5230\u53f3\u4e0b\u8179\u75db\u3002\u901a\u5e38\u4e0d\u662f\u5267\u70c8\u75db\u611f\uff0c\u4f46\u5982\u679c\u9611\u5c3e\u5145\u6ee1\u8113\u6db2\uff0c\u75db\u611f\u5c31\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u6301\u7eed\u6027\u5267\u70c8\u75bc\u75db\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\u6613\u60a3\u4eba\u7fa4\u6709\u54ea\u4e9b\uff1f\n\n\n\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\u53ef\u53d1\u751f\u5728\u4efb\u4f55\u5e74\u9f84\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\u7684\u9ad8\u53d1\u5e74\u9f84\u6bb5\u662f10\uff5e30\u5c81\u3002\u901a\u5e38\u57282\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u5a74\u5e7c\u513f\uff0c\u621670\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u5e74\u957f\u8005\u5219\u6bd4\u8f83\u5c11\u89c1\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\u662f\u6025\u8bca\u5417\uff1f\u4f1a\u81f4\u547d\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u5f88\u666e\u904d\u7684\u8179\u90e8\u6025\u8bca\u60c5\u51b5\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u5b83\u4e00\u65e6\u4e25\u91cd\u65f6\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u5728 6 \u5c0f\u65f6\u5185\u51fa\u73b0\u9611\u5c3e\u5316\u8113\u7a7f\u5b54\uff0c\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u9611\u5c3e\u4e2d\u7684\u8113\u6027\u7269\u8d28\u6269\u6563\u8fdb\u5165\u5230\u8179\u8154\u4e2d\uff0c\u66f4\u4e25\u91cd\u8005\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u8d25\u8840\u75c7\uff0c\u6700\u540e\u5bfc\u81f4\u6b7b\u4ea1\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Chan Chong Jin\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (UM), FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCSI (Ireland), MS (General Surgery)(UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u996d\u540e\u8fd0\u52a8\uff0c\u4f1a\u5f97\u9611\u5c3e\u708e\uff1f\u771f\u76f8\u662f\u8fd9\u6837\u2026\u2026 - \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstretics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/can-what-you-eat-cause-cancer", "title": "Can What You Eat Cause Cancer?", "body": "\n\n\n\nCan What You Eat Cause Cancer?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 22, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nThe word \"cancer\" strikes fear in all of us. When we hear of a loved one or friend being diagnosed with the disease, we often wonder about their diet and whether there's a link.\n\nWhile the reality is that cancer can affect anyone, there are many who believe certain foods cause cancer or increase the risk of getting the disease. While some of these beliefs may be true, others are not backed by science. \u00a0\n\nInstant Noodles\n\nAmong the most vilified foods are instant noodles, a staple in many Malaysian households. But does consuming instant noodles on a regular basis raise one's cancer risk?\n\nColumbia Asia dietitian Kong Woan Fei says there are more than 20 types of food additives in a bowl of instant noodles to make it chewy, cook quickly, and be flavourful. This does not yet include the chemical flavour enhancers, colourants and seasoning agents that come with instant noodles.\u00a0\n\nKong explains that although epidemiological evidence in humans is still lacking in terms of linking these food additives as carcinogenic, it is certainly not worth consuming so many chemicals for the sake of convenience. \u00a0\n\nSoy-Based Products\n\nSoy products have also been frequently associated with an increased risk of reproductive cancers in females.\n\nKong says, in fact, soy is recommended for cancer prevention.\n\nPhytoestrogen chemicals (isoflavones, saponins, phytates, phytosterols and protease inhibitors) that are found in soy can decrease the risk of breast, colon, prostate and endometrial cancers.\u00a0\n\nBBQ Food\n\nOily foods that have been cooked at high temperatures through methods such as roasting or grilling will produce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), explains Kong.\n\n\"Many factors will affect PAH levels in food such as cooking methods, smoking temperature, fat content in the food or the cooking surface, but PAH is carcinogenic and can cause cancer.\"\n\nLong term exposure in large amounts brings great risks to consumers, she says, but adds that we can reduce these risks by preventing food from having direct exposure to the source of fire.\n\nThis includes wrapping food in aluminium foil first, lowering the heat or removing fatty layers of food before cooking.\nFast Food\n\nVegetables that contain asparagine (an amino acid), like potatoes, when cooked at high temperatures, will produce acrylamide. French fries are one of the major food sources of acrylamide, says Kong.\n\nAcrylamide has been found to be carcinogenic in animal studies.\n\nHowever, there is no consistent evidence in humans that links acrylamide with cancer risks.\n\n\"A good step is to shorten your cooking time to avoid browning. This will also reduce the acrylamide level in some foods.\"\n\nCurrently, acrylamide has not been found in food that has been cooked below 120\u00b0C . Further studies are needed to confirm the exact cooking temperature at which acrylamide will be present in food.\nDiet and Cancer Prevention\n\nTHE general advice is to have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (at least 400g of a variety of non-starchy vegetables and fruits)\n\nKong says the beneficial effects are not due to any single type of fruit or vegetable, so variety is important.\u00a0\u00a0\n\nMany studies have investigated the role of whole grains in preventing specific cancers, such as gastrointestinal cancer.\n\n\"The protective role against cancer offered by whole grains is not clearly understood. Still, it is advisable to include whole grains in your daily meals,\" says Kong.\n\nThe Malaysia Dietary Guideline recommends choosing at least half of your grain intake from whole grains.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKong Woan Fei\n\n\nDietitian\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCan What You Eat Cause Cancer? - New Straits Times, 16 March 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Times, 16 March 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \n Dietetics and Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/cancer-screening-guide", "title": "Cancer Screening Guide", "body": "\n\n\n\nCancer Screening Guide\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 03, 2021\n \nWhich Cancer Screening?\n\nMonitoring the state of your health is necessary especially if you fall into the criteria that put you at risk of cancer. Furthermore, there are cancers that display no symptoms. These silent killers can only be detected if you get yourself screened regularly.\n\nIsn\u2019t a basic health screening enough?\n\nWhile screenings are encouraged, it can sometimes be confusing to decide which type of screening to get, as there are plenty on offer. Some are packaged with tests you don\u2019t need or missing the ones that you do need. For example, apart from checking blood sugar, cholesterol, bone density and the likes, a basic package may also include tumour markers at the most, but tumor markers alone are not enough to diagnose cancer. In fact, tumor markers can also show up in non-cancerous environments. Hence, you will need more specific screenings to detect cancer especially if you are at a high risk of getting a particular type of cancer.\n\n\nEvidently, screenings can detect cancer growth at its earliest stage when the malignancy is minor and has not yet metastasized to other parts of the body. At this stage, there is a high possibility of you surviving cancer. However, there is no one-size-fits-all cancer screening. The screening you need very much depends on several factors comprising age, gender, family history and lifestyle. Read on for an idea of what to look for when deciding on a cancer screening package.\n\n\n\n\n\nMost common cancer among females below 40\n\nAt below 40 years old, it is more the women who need to be vigilant because cancers such as cervical cancer happens mostly in this age group. In fact, it is the third most common cancer in Malaysia among females. The good news is, it is the easiest gynaecological cancer to prevent with regular Pap smears and HPV vaccinations.\n\n\n\u201cIt is recommended for every woman to be vaccinated before they are sexually active. From that point on, Pap smear screening is recommended consecutively for two years and then every three years depending on the Pap smear results,\u201d says Dr Manohari Ghandi Kijassingam, a medical officer at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau. She says that in Malaysia, the Human Papillomavirus or HPV immunisation programme has already been implemented as a modality for primary prevention. However, cervical screening programmes should be continued as HPV vaccination is expected to prevent only 71 per cent of cervical cancer.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAt its early stage, the five-year survival rate for people with cervical cancer is 92 per cent. Once it has spread to the surrounding tissues, the five-year survival rate drastically decreases to 14 per cent.\n\n\n\n\n\nAfter 40 cancer concerns\n\nFor women above 40, breast screenings will have to be an annual affair. This is especially vital if you have a family history of breast cancer. In fact, some women with a strong family history of breast cancer sign up for breast screenings at a much earlier age.\n\n\n\u201cMammography is the most common screening test for breast cancer. Also, magnetic resonance imaging or better known as MRI, may be used to screen women who are at a high risk of getting breast cancer,\u201d says Dr Manohari. She adds that in 2012, the Malaysia\u2019s Ministry of Health implemented a nationwide mammogram screening for high-risk women through primary health care facilities. \u201cWhether a woman should be screened for breast cancer and which screening test to be done, depends on their personal background such as age, lifestyle and family history.\u201d\n\n\nWhen a patient\u2019s breast cancer is detected at its earliest stage with no signs that it has spread outside the breast, it can be treated with curative intent.\nAt this stage, the five-year survival rate is at a 100 per cent advantage. As for non-detected breast cancer cases, the five-year survival rate falls to below 22 per cent.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMen, ageing and prostate cancer risks\n\nThe older men get, the higher the risk of prostate cancer. Thus, if you are male, you would need to be extra vigilant as you enter your 50s. Speak with a doctor to find out if you are in the high-risk group. Be upfront and share your family history. If you are high risk, you may need to get a prostate cancer screening yearly and as early as 40 years old. Otherwise, you only need to be re-tested every two to three years.\n\n\nWhen prostate cancer is detected early, patients may have a five-year survival rate of an assuring 100 per cent. Once the cancer has spread beyond its localised area, this rate will drop to 30 per cent.\n\nScreening for colorectal cancer\n\nColorectal cancer has become the second most common cancer among the Malaysian population after cancer of the breast and the most common cancer among males (MNCR Report 2007-2011). Tests are used to screen for different types of colorectal cancer when a person does not have symptoms. It should be done every five to 10 years, depending on your risks. \u201cStudies show that some screening tests for colorectal cancer help find cancer at an early stage and may decrease the number of deaths from the disease,\u201d says Dr Manohari. \u201cAmong the types of tests used to screen for colorectal cancer are fecal occult blood test, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.\u201d\n\n\nThe five-year survival rate among patients with localised early stage colorectal cancer is 90 per cent but if undetected and untreated, this number drops to 14 per cent.\n\nLung cancer tests even after quitting cigarettes \n\nA lung cancer screening should also be considered after 40 years of age, even if you have quit smoking. Lung cancer is overall the third commonest cancer in Malaysia and the most common cause of cancer deaths accounting for 19.8 per cent of all medically certified cancer-related mortality in this country. \u201cCigarette smoking is a major aetiological risk factor. Some 92 per cent of Malaysian male lung cancer patients have a significant smoking history,\u201d says Dr Manohari.\n\n\nScreening with chest X-rays and/or sputum cytology do not decrease the risk of dying from lung cancer. Screening tests for lung cancer are still being studied in clinical trials. If you are at risk of lung cancer, you should be tested every year.\n\n\nThe five-year survival rate of lung cancer that is detected early is 56 per cent but when the cancer has spread to other organs, the five-year survival rate is only five per cent.\n\nBefore cancer happens\n\nTo know if you are at risk of any cancer types, please see a qualified medical practitioner. Given that cancers are survivable if found early, it makes perfect sense to get yourself screened regularly. It may save your life.\n\n\n\u201cIn the meantime, keep up with the regular exercises, an intake of balanced meals, a healthy diet and good lifestyle choices so you can ensure great overall health,\u201d stresses Dr Manohari. \u201cA healthy lifestyle can decrease the overall susceptibility of the development of cancer.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Manohari A/P Gandhi Kijassingam\n\n\nMedical Offer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/cancer-screening-what-you-need-know-you-start", "title": "Cancer Screening - What You Need to Know Before You Start", "body": "\n\n\n\nCancer Screening - What You Need to Know Before You Start\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 06, 2015\n \n\nCancer is a leading cause of concern for us as we plan our futures. It is now almost a household word, most of us having in some way or other been affected by this dreaded disease. The fear is not misplaced.\n\nCancer is the leading cause of death in a number of developed countries with populations similar to ours including Singapore and Hong Kong. In Malaysia, since 2012, the ministry of health has noted that cancer is the second commonest cause of death in private hospitals, responsible for a quarter of total deaths per year. Cancer treatment outcomes in Malaysia are not great, largely due to the late presentation of the disease. And yet, in developed countries like Singapore, the United States and Europe, cancer cure rates are improving yearly. The difference is diagnosis at an earlier stage. The Japanese for example, have struggled with stomach cancer for decades, but treatment outcomes are extremely good as the tumors are diagnosed early following nationwide endoscopic screening.\n\nCancer prevention is the best way to reduce the threat of cancer. There are several modifiable risk factors which when addressed, can sharply decrease the likelihood of getting cancer. Chief among these are smoking and obesity. Efforts to educate and spur those at risk to action are on-going. These must be emphasized and inculcated into the way we think. A healthy life style is not an event, it is a habit. Nevertheless, despite our best efforts, there remain a large number of us who will be affected by this disease on account of \"unmodifiable\" (read genetic) factors.\n\nClearly the key to successful outcomes with cancer is early diagnosis. The problem with cancer is that in most cases, in early stages of the disease, one is not sick. There are no symptoms. The only way to detect these tumors early is to perform screening tests before the symptoms develop while one is apparently healthy.\n\nCancer screening tests are misunderstood. Except in a few types of cancer, you cannot screen for cancer using a blood test alone. This simply does not work. For example, the carcino embryonic antigen (CEA) often used to screen for colon cancer is not accurate enough to detect early colorectal cancer. This means that a negative result does not mean that you do not have the disease. Clearly, if you are concerned about having cancer, you need better accuracy.\n\nThe truth is better tests are available, there are many tests but the best test for you will depend on your risk for developing cancer. Risk assessment for developing cancer is based on a number of factors. Different cancers have different predispositions. Cancer is a genetic disease in the sense that gene mutations are the primary triggers. However, the mutations are just as likely to be somatic rather than germ line, which means you do not pass this risk down to your kids. Rather the effect of your environment has instigated the disease in you.\n\nAs such, start cancer screening with a visit with a consultant experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This usually will comprise a detailed interview regarding lifestyle and family history. A suitable screening test can then be discussed. This may involve specific tests which need to be performed by trained professionals. This is currently the only way to get the desired outcome in the treatment of a disease as inevitable as cancer. The aim after all, is to provide peace of mind so that you may confidently plan your future without anxiety.\nCancer screening explained:\n\nThe process of screening for cancer comprises 3 steps:\n\n\u00a0\n\nConsultation, Physical Examination and preliminary tests.\n\nThe purpose of this is to bring you face to face with information you need before screening for cancer. This is because screening is not a straight forward exercise. There are caveats you must understand and accept before proceeding. We are estimating and evaluating risks that may have a serious effect on your health. A complete consultation allows your doctor to determine if you do indeed require formal cancer screening and it may be reassuring to you to find out that you really do not.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRisk assessment and Screening protocol\n\nRisk factors for developing cancer are identified from large epidemiological studies. More often than not, they are based on populations different from ours. For example, the risk assessment tool available on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website for risk of breast cancer is based on Caucasian patients and cannot be directly applied to a typical Malaysian population.\nSource: \nhttp://breast-cancer.ca/images/survivalstageschart.jpg\n\nChart Showing Improved Cancer Survival When Diagnosed at An Earlier Stage\n\nAnother contentious issue in risk assessment for cancer is that the risk is often relative. A smoker is often quoted to be 23 times more likely than a non-smoker to develop lung cancer. This sounds like a large number but the actual risk of a non-smoker is about 50 per 100 000 person-years. For a smoker? About 1200 per 100 000 person-years. The risk per year is still small but increases in time.\n\nFor these reasons, it is vital to have your risk assessed and explained to you by a professional before you embark on screening.\n\nA variety of screening tests for the most common cancers have been identified. Each test comes with a degree of accuracy which has to be balanced with the degree of cost and risks. The aim is always to identify cancer while it is small and treatable which, if you did already have the disease, would lead to the best possible outcome.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRisk reduction advice and action\n\nProfessional advice regarding risk reduction is sometimes considered a no brainer - telling you to stop smoking to cut down your chances of dying of lung cancer is hardly rocket science. However you may want to know how to quit smoking, you may want to know that you have pharmacological options that have been proven to help you quit smoking. You may also want to know 10-15 percent of non-smoking persons diagnosed with lung cancer report exposure to second -hand smoke.\n\nSometimes, risk reduction may involve serious, drastic measures. A recent example is surgical removal of breasts followed by surgical breast reconstruction as in the case of Angelina Jolie, the well-known celebrity. Clearly this was decision that was made using the best available information in order to prevent what was almost a definite diagnosis of breast cancer in the future. Drastic, yes but the most effective way to prevent an almost certain threat to life.\nSource: \nhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/resources/sbreastcancerimage2010_tcm77-280705.png\n\nChart Showing Mortality from Breast Cancer Dropping by Half After Breast Screening Commenced in UK\n\n\nWhat about a full body scan?\n\nScreening aims to reduce your chances of dying of cancer. However, it is impossible to screen for all possible sites of the disease. Today we have the means to look inside the human body entirely. We even have the means to look for the biological activity of cancer cells which is by itself like a fourth dimension in cancer diagnosis. This technology is known as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and it involves using radioactive molecules which are metabolized by cancer cells differently compared to normal cells. When combined with Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning, the end result is as close to a whole body scan for finding cancer as can be. Unfortunately the technology is not yet perfect in that there is a risk of identifying lesions which mimic cancer but really are not. This may lead to unnecessary invasive procedures to clarify matters. Furthermore, the radioisotopes used in this procedure are prohibitively expensive. It is therefore unlikely that PET scans can be used for routine cancer screening at this time.\n\nScreening for cancer needs to be individualized. A systematic effort to identify your risk of developing cancer, with specific tests focused on these risks will achieve the desired effect, which either an early diagnosis and hence, a better chance of cure or, quite simply, peace of mind.\n\nFor example, A 50 year old lady who smokes 1 packet of cigarettes a day for the last 20 years. She has a sibling who had breast cancer which was diagnosed at the age of 34. She is otherwise well. Her preliminary blood tests detected a blood hemoglobin level of 10.5 g%. No other abnormalities were detected.\n\nThis patient's present clinical condition and living environment puts her at risk for a number of common cancers. She is at risk of developing lung cancer, breast cancer and there is a chance that she may already have colonic cancer. It would be wise if she underwent a low dose CT Chest, Mammography and had a stool test for occult bleeding. These tests have a very high chance of detecting cancer (a positive stool for occult blood will require a colonoscopy to detect the underlying colorectal cancer). Similar tests done yearly will decrease her chances of dying from cancer related illness. This is not to say that these tests are completely foolproof as there is a small chance one can be affected in between testing or tests may be incorrectly interpreted, one may also be inflicted by a kind of cancer that these tests are not designed to diagnose. However, the chances of missing a cancer with these tests are much less than they would be with other kinds of tests. This is described as these tests having a high sensitivity for the kind of cancer tested for. With a regular follow up, it is likely that early symptoms of any cancer will be recognized sooner.\n\nSome tests used for screening have risks of their own. For example, use of CT scans for screening comes with a small risk of developing cancer on account of radiation exposure. With modern multi-slice scanners this risk is decreasing. However, each of us will have to be convinced of the benefit of these tests in the long run as these are stacked against such risks.\n\nRisk reduction advice for our patient would start with advice on the various methods available to assist one to stop smoking. This can include behavioral changes and nicotine replacement. Detailed genetic counselling and testing for mutations that are known to be associated with cancer is another option that can discussed. These tests are available but require professional interpretation. Our patient should be advised to keep her weight in a healthy range and would do well to take a diet rich in vegetables and fruits while avoiding red meats.\n\nIn another example, Mr. Y is a 42 year old man with no certain evidence of cancer in the family. However he suspects 2 of his elder brothers had bowel cancer as they had passed away due to abdominal symptoms before 40. Mr. Y has a good appetite and is overweight.\n\nInternational guidelines are clear that if there is a history of colorectal cancer in one's immediate family, then you are at increased risk for the disease. However, in Mr. Y's case a doctor will have decide on the likelihood of his suspicion. If it seems very likely, then Mr. Y should undergo colonoscopy - an invasive procedure whereby a fiber-optic endoscope is passed along the length of the colon through the anus. This procedure will detect and can confirm any cancerous or 'precancerous' tumors in the colon with certainty. Another option could be a less invasive fecal occult blood test and sigmoidoscopy which may be the right option if the family history is in doubt.\nSource: \nhttp://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/365322/file-678283347-png/colon-cancer-stage...\n\nIllustration Explains the Evolution of Colorectal Cancer and Better Survival with Earlier Detection\n\nAs such it is clear that cancer screening in this case is not straight forward and to obtain the best result, an experienced clinical decision must be made so that early cancer is diagnosed without unnecessary added risks to Mr. Y.\n\nRisk reduction for Mr. Y would emphasize on his increased risk for developing bowel cancer. Modifiable risk factors like obesity should be addressed- a suitable weight loss program can be suggested. A dietician may be able to help outline a diet which may help decrease the risk of cancer and lead to weight loss. If the colonoscopy shows evidence of precancerous tumors such as adenomas, endoscopic removal of these lesions may prevent cancer. Moreover, the option of starting aspirin, a cost effective, well known drug which has been shown to reduce cancer risks, can be discussed.\n\nFor Mr. Y, a proper cancer screening may be the difference between a life cut short by a unrelenting disease and a life lived to the fullest, complete and without regret.\n\nReferences\n\nNational Comprehensive Cancer Network Clinical Oncology Guidelines (NCCN GuidelinesR)\nhttp://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/f_guidelines.asp\n accessed May 20,2015\n\n\nHealth facts : Ministry of Health Malaysia Virtual Library\nhttp://vlib.moh.gov.my/cms/content.jsp?id=com.tms.cms.section.Section_35...\n accessed May 20, 2015\n\n\nHaritharan Thamutaram\n\nConsultant General and Hepatobiliary Surgeon\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n\n\u00a0\n\nCancer Screening : What You Need to Know Before you Start \u2013 The Star, 28 June 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/cant-walk-because-severe-knee-pain", "title": "\u819d\u76d6\u5267\u70c8\u75bc\u75db\u8d70\u4e0d\u52a8\u600e\u4e48\u529e?", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u819d\u76d6\u5267\u70c8\u75bc\u75db\u8d70\u4e0d\u52a8\u600e\u4e48\u529e?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 03, 2020\n \n\n\u00a0\n\n\u819d\u76d6\u5267\u70c8\u75bc\u75db\u8d70\u4e0d\u52a8\u600e\u4e48\u529e?\u522b\u6015\uff0cColumbia Asia Hospital \u66ff\u4f60\u91cd\u65b0\u6362\u4e2a\u65b0\u7684\u819d\u76d6!\u8ba9\u4f60\u6062\u590d\u81ea\u7531\u8f7b\u677e\u884c\u8d70\n\n\n\n\u4f60\u4eec\u662f\u5426\u7ecf\u5e38\u542c\u89c1\u8001\u4eba\u5bb6\u62b1\u6028\u81ea\u5df1\u819d\u76d6\u4e0d\u597d\uff0c\u4e0a\u4e0b\u697c\u4e0d\u65b9\u4fbf\uff0c\u8fde\u8e72\u4e0b\u6361\u4e2a\u4e1c\u897f\u90fd\u75db\u4e0d\u6b32\u751f?\u6211\u4eec\u4e5f\u5076\u5c14\u4f1a\u542c\u89c1\u5e74\u8f7b\u4eba\u62b1\u6028\u56e0\u8fd0\u52a8\u8fc7\u5ea6\u7b49\u539f\u56e0\u5bfc\u81f4\u819d\u5173\u8282\u75bc\u75db\u7684\u56f0\u6270\u3002\n\n\u819d\u5173\u8282\u4f5c\u4e3a\u4eba\u4f53\u4e2d\u6700\u5927\u3001\u4f7f\u7528\u7387\u6700\u9ad8\u7684\u5173\u8282\u4e4b\u4e00\uff0c\u51fa\u73b0\u6545\u969c\u7684\u6982\u7387\u4e5f\u662f\u975e\u5e38\u9ad8\u7684\u3002\u5927\u7ea6\u6709 25%\u7684\u6210\u5e74\u4eba\u7ecf\u5386\u8fc7\u4e00\u6b21\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u819d\u75db\u3002\n\n\u9891\u7e41\u7684\u4e0a\u4e0b\u697c\u3001\u722c\u5c71\u548c\u53c2\u52a0\u7ade\u6280\u4f53\u80b2\u5982\u6ed1\u96ea\u3001\u6253\u7bee\u7403\u7b49\u4f1a\u589e\u52a0\u819d\u5173\u8282\u78e8\u635f\u7b49\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u5728\u808c\u8089\u4e0d\u591f\u5f3a\u52b2\u3001\u67d4\u97e7\u7684\u65f6\u5019\u3002\u957f\u65f6\u95f4\u7684\u8d1f\u91cd\u884c\u8d70(\u5305\u62ec\u8d85\u91cd\u548c\u80a5\u80d6)\uff0c\u4f1a\u52a0\u901f\u5173\u8282\u8f6f\u9aa8\u7684\u635f\u4f24\u3002\n\n\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u5148\u524d\u66fe\u7ecf\u53d7\u4f24\u7684\u5173\u8282\uff0c\u518d\u6b21\u635f\u4f24\u7684\u6982\u7387\u4e5f\u4f1a\u589e\u52a0\u3002\n\n\u522b\u62c5\u5fc3!\u819d\u76d6\u75bc\u75db\u5e76\u4e0d\u662f\u7edd\u75c7!Columbia Asia Hospital \u5c06\u63d0\u4f9b\u7cbe\u5bc6\u7684\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u5e2e\u4f60\u8131\u79bb\u819d\u76d6\u75db\u695a\uff0c\u81ea\u7531\u81ea\u5728\u8d70\u5929\u4e0b!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u819d\u76d6\u75bc\u75db\u5c31\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u8fdb\u884c\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\u5417?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u7684\u533b\u751f\u5efa\u8bae\uff0c\u5018\u82e5\u51fa\u73b0\uff0c\u6301\u7eed\u6027\u7684\u819d\u76d6\u75bc\u75db\u5c31\u5e94\u53ca\u65f6\u5c31\u533b\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u6839\u636e\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u819d\u76d6\u53d7\u635f\u60c5\u51b5\u63d0\u4f9b\u4e0d\u4e00\u6837\u7684\u533b\u7597\u65b9\u5f0f\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u819d\u76d6\u53d7\u635f\u8fd8\u4e0d\u592a\u4e25\u91cd\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u4ee5\u6253\u9488\u6216\u5403\u836f\u7684\u65b9\u5f0f\u7f13\u89e3\u75bc\u75db\u3002\u82e5\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u819d\u76d6\u5df2\u7ecf\u4ea7\u751f\u5267\u70c8\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u5219\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u8fdb\u884c\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u4ee5\u89e3\u51b3\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u75bc\u75db\u95ee\u9898\u548c\u6062\u590d\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u884c\u52a8\u80fd\u529b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4ec0\u4e48\u662f\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u662f\u7531\u4e09\u4e2a\u90e8\u5206\u4e3b\u6210\uff0c\u5373\u80a1\u9aa8\uff0c\u80eb\u9aa8\u548c\u9acc\u9aa8\u7ec4\u6210\u3002\u80a1\u9aa8\u90e8\u5206\u662f\u7531\u91d1\u5c5e\u6784\u6210\uff0c\u8986\u76d6\u4e8e\u5927\u817f\u9aa8\u4e0a;\u80eb\u9aa8\u90e8\u5206\u662f\u7531\u91d1\u5c5e\u548c\u5851\u80f6\u6240\u6784\u6210\u7684\uff0c\u8986\u76d6\u4e8e\u80eb\u9aa8\u4e0a\u7aef;\u800c\u9acc\u9aa8\u90e8\u5206\u5219\u7531\u5851\u80f6\u6240\u7ec4\u6210\uff0c\u8986\u76d6\u4e8e\u9acc\u9aa8\u3002\u5982\u6b64\uff0c\u4e09\u4e2a\u90e8\u5206\u53d6\u4ee3\u539f\u6765\u635f\u574f\u7684\u5173\u8282\u8868\u9762\uff0c\u4fbf\u53ef\u53d1\u6325\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u8ba9\u75c5\u4eba\u53ef\u4ee5\u81ea\u7531\u7684\u884c\u8d70\u6d3b\u52a8\u3002\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u53ef\u4ee5\u4f7f\u7528 15 \u5e74\uff0c\u5176\u8017\u635f\u7a0b\u5ea6\u56e0\u4eba\u800c\u5f02\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u8fdb\u884c?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\u662f\u4ee5\u4eba\u5de5\u7ec4\u4ef6\u53d6\u4ee3\u75c5\u8b8a\u7684\u819d\u95dc\u7bc0\uff0c\u89e3\u6c7a\u75bc\u75db\u53ca\u884c\u52d5\u53d7\u9650\u7684\u75c7\u72c0\u3002\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u95dc\u7bc0\u7d44\u4ef6\uff0c\u5373\u662f\u70ba\u95dc\u7bc0\u7684\u5f4e\u66f2\u6216\u62c9\u4f38\u52d5\u4f5c\u800c\u7522\u751f\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\u6062\u590d\u671f\u957f\u5417?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u6062\u590d\u671f\u4e00\u822c\u5e94\u4eba\u800c\u5f02\uff0c\u60a3\u8005\u5c06\u4f1a\u5728\u624b\u672f\u4f11\u517b\u4e24\u4e2a\u661f\u671f\u540e\u5f00\u59cb\u4f7f\u7528\u62d0\u6756\u8fdb\u884c\u590d\u5065\uff0c\u91cd\u65b0\u5b66\u4e60\u4f7f\u7528\u65b0\u7684\u819d\u76d6\u884c\u8d70\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4eba\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u6709\u819d\u76d6\u65b9\u9762\u7684\u70e6\u607c\uff0c \u8bf7\u8ba9 Columbia Asia Hospital \u5e2e\u52a9\u4f60\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u6240\u63d0\u4f9b\u7684\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u5c06\u4f1a\u7531\u4e13\u4e1a\u53c8\u4eb2\u5207\u53cb\u5584\u7684 Dr. Hazli \u8d1f\u8d23\u8fdb\u884c\u3002\u533b\u751f\u5728\u8fdb\u884c\u68c0\u67e5\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u4e0e\u60a3\u8005\u8fdb\u884c\u8be6\u7ec6\u7684\u8bb2\u89e3\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u4e86\u89e3\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u75c5\u60c5\uff0c\u786e\u4fdd\u60a3\u8005\u4e86\u89e3\u6574\u4e2a\u7597\u7a0b!\n\n\u88ab\u819d\u76d6\u75bc\u75db\u95ee\u9898\u641e\u5f97\u75db\u4e0d\u6b32\u751f\u7684\u4f60\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u5c3d\u65e9\u5230 Columbia Asia Hospital \u8fdb\u884c\u7cbe\u5bc6\u7684\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u5728\u786e\u8ba4\u75c5\u60c5\u540e\u544a\u77e5\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u9700\u8981\u8fdb\u884c\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u76d6\u624b\u672f\u3002\u522b\u518d\u62b1\u6028\u72b9\u8c6b\u4e86\uff0c\u65e9\u65e5\u7ed3\u675f\u819d\u76d6\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u53ca\u65e9\u6cbb\u7597\u6362\u4f60\u5f80\u540e\u7684\u884c\u52a8\u81ea\u7531!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Gunaseelan A/L Ponnusamy\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMD (Indonesia), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest in Spine Surgery (Korea) & Pain Intervention (India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Hazli Sufian Bin Sulaiman\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest Arthroplasty (Germany)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u819d\u76d6\u5267\u70c8\u75bc\u75db\u8d70\u4e0d\u52a8\u600e\u4e48\u529e?\u522b\u6015\uff0cColumbia Asia Hospital \u66ff\u4f60\u91cd\u65b0\u6362\u4e2a\u65b0\u7684\u819d\u76d6!\u8ba9\u4f60\u6062\u590d\u81ea\u7531\u8f7b\u677e\u884c\u8d70\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728 2020 \u5e74 9 \u6708 28 \u65e5\u7684\u201dJOHOR NOW \u5c31\u5728\u67d4\u4f5b\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/carbohydrates-myths", "title": "Carbohydrates Myths", "body": "\n\n\n\nCarbohydrates Myths\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 29, 2014\n \nMyth 1: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes\nFACT:\n Diabetes is a common chronic disorder due to insulin resistance and/or insulin deficiency as well as increased hepatic glucose output. Type I diabetes caused by genetic and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease. Risk factors for Type II diabetes includes family history (immediate family member or relatives diagnosed with diabetes), aging ( more than 35 years old), high blood sugar (during an illness or pregnancy), overweight (with BMI more than 25kg/m-2 ) and physically inactive.\n\nThe American Diabetes Association recommends public to limit sugar sweetened beverages to help prevent diabetes. A diet high in calories from any source (e.g. sugar sweetener beverages) contribute to weight gain and being overweight does increase risk for developing type II diabetes.\nMyth 2: Carbohydrates are bad for diabetes\nFACT:\n Carbohydrate is part of healthy and balanced diet. Total carbohydrates percentage of 45%-60% of total energy is recommended. Every diabetes patient shall be advised on carbohydrate recommendation individually. Consuming carbohydrates within recommended serving size will not raise glucose level. At least 130g carbohydrates per day should be provided to ensure adequate intake of nutrients and to prevent ketosis.\nMyth 3: Diabetes diet need to give up dessert and all the foods with simple sugar.\nFACT:\n It is not necessary to give up all favourite dessert and simple sugar intake if the sugar count as part of total carbohydrates allowance. The key is to have small portion and on special occasion only. Modification of recipes is suggested e.g. to reduce sugar used, to replace sugar with sweetener or to add healthy ingredients like wholegrain.\n\nBy practising portion control and combined with exercise, it shall be safe to include sweets as part of carbohydrates counting.\n\nExample for carbohydrates exchange for sugars:\n\nHoney: 1 tablespoon level\n\n\nKaya: 3 tablespoons level\n\n\nSweets: 1-2 pieces\n\n\nBrown sugar: 3 \u00bd teaspoons level\n\n\nWhite sugar: 3 teaspoons level\n\n\nRose syrup: 3 \u00bd teaspoons level\n\n\nCondensed milk: 2 tablespoons level\n\n\nCocoa/malt based powder: 1 \u00bd tablespoons level\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nMyth 4: Diabetes diet need to cut down rice intake totally\nFACT:\n Carbohydrates counting is more important than type of carbohydrates. It is not necessary to cut down rice totally and replace with other starchy e.g. sandwiches because both contain carbohydrates.\n\nExample for 1 serving size of carbohydrate (CHO):\n\nCooked rice, 1 bowl: 48g CHO\n\n\nChapatti, 1 piece: 47g CHO\n\n\nBread (white/wholemeal), 1 slice: 15g CHO\n\n\nBiscuits (unsweetened), 2 pieces: 14g CHO\n\n\nPotato, 1 medium: 16g CHO\n\n\nDhal (raw), \u00bd cup: 64g CHO\n\n\nLow fat milk, 1 cup: 12g CHO\n\n\nSkim milk powder, 4 tablespoons: 16g CHO\n\n\nMyth 5: Diabetes diet need to cut down fruit intake\nFACT:\n Fruits contain carbohydrates as well, so it needs to be count as part of carbohydrates intake.\n\nExample of fruit serving size:\n\nApple/orange, 1 medium: 9g CHO (<1 serving of CHO)\n\n\nBanana, 1 small: 9g CHO (<1 serving of CHO)\n\n\nStar fruit, 1 medium: 11g CHO (1 serving of CHO)\n\n\nGrapes, 8 small: 12g CHO (1 serving of CHO)\n\n\nGuava, \u00bd fruit: 11g CHO (1 serving of CHO)\n\n\nWatermelon/papaya, 1 slice: 11g CHO (1 serving CHO)\n\n\nMango, 1 small: 11g CHO (1 serving CHO)\n\n\nMedical Nutrition Therapy Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus\n\nClinical Practice Guideline for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2009\n\nAmerican Diabetes Association\nPhoto from: Freedigitalphotos.net\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/career-or-family-which-options", "title": "Career or Family\u2026Which Options?", "body": "\n\n\n\nCareer or Family\u2026Which Options?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 10, 2015\n \n\nBeware ladies! There comes a point, in every childless woman\u2019s life, when the larger world becomes very interested in your womb. Friends, family and mother-in-laws included inquire about your womb, asking why it is not being utilized, when it will be, or will it ever work? This is especially so in Malaysian community as we practice extended family system.\n\nToday, forty-something mothers are more likely to be first-timers, and their numbers are rising. In the UK Office for National Statistics figures show that pregnancy rates for over forties have more than doubled in the past 24 years, with 14 conceptions per 1,000 women aged over 40 compared with six per 1,000 in 1990. The average age for a British woman to have her first child is 30, and 35 for university-educated women.\n\nThe trend in Malaysia is fast catching up with the UK statistics. Women made up of more than 50% of university graduates. Women above 38 years old made up about 15% of total antenatal clinic attendees.\n\nIt is a known fact that the older you are the less likely of you getting pregnant. A woman is born with her full supply of eggs but these naturally decline each month. Women do not make any new eggs like men producing new sperms forever.\n\nA woman\u2019s eggs are exactly as old as she is, so essentially as women age, so does your supply of eggs. So the quality of your eggs when you reach your 30\u2019s and 40\u2019s is significantly lower than it is in your 20s.This fact is not only true in natural cycle but also in IVF cycle.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn IVF, the process relies on the extraction of a large number of eggs from the ovaries. Younger women\u2019s ovaries respond better to the drugs used to extract the eggs, and younger women\u2019s eggs are more likely to be normal. As a result younger women\u2019s IVF success rates are indeed much higher, 42 percent of those younger than 35 will give birth to a live baby after one IVF cycle, versus 27 percent for those ages 35 to 40. Many studies have confirmed how IVF success declines with age.\n\nSo how long can you wait to have a baby? For a career woman, there are always fundamental conflict between career ambitions and the hope for having a family. Do consider your fertility when making a decision about your career. However on the plus side, research indicates that \u201colder\u201d mothers usually have more solid marriages, command higher salaries and live longer than women who have their children in their twenties. These women almost invariably report that choosing to delay motherhood was the best choice they have made.\n\nThere need not be any right or wrong answer but you have to make a decision anyhow. There are only 3 options in making a decision. The first is to go for family with the risk of losing your higher career. The second is to go for career with the risk of losing the chance of having a family.\n\nIf you are focused on building your career but you know you want children someday, consider the third option. As you race up the career ladder pause for a moment to consider your fertility and give yourself the best chance of having it all hence balancing between your family and career.\n\nBefore making any decisions, you need to consider some facts on fertility. You must know your health status in relation to fertility.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo increase your chance of being pregnant in future, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes exercising regularly which will prevent you developing illness such as diabetes or thyroid problems at later stage when you decide to get pregnant. These diseases may impact on your future fertility.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nQuitting drinking and smoking\n at early stage is very important choice you have to make. Smoking ages your eggs by around 10 years. So in your 20s you have the eggs of a 30 year old and by the time you are 30, you will have the eggs of a 40 year old. Research shows that cigarette smoking is responsible for approximately 13% of infertility worldwide and on average smokers requires twice the number of IVF cycles before they conceive.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nExcessive alcohol intake disrupts the functioning of and damages the egg. It also impairs the body\u2019s ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals. So if you don\u2019t stop taking alcohol, it will affect the quality of your eggs in future.\n\nOne of the most common causes of infertility is polycystic ovary syndrome. Those women with polycystic ovaries tend to be obese, having irregular period and excessive male hormones. Their ovaries will not usually ovulate leading to infertility. If you think you have polycystic ovaries, it is for your best interest to see your doctor before making any decision to delay pregnancy.\n\nYour doctor may request you to do some basic test including blood test and ultrasound of your ovaries to confirm the diagnosis. Those with polycystic ovaries need help to get pregnant and sometimes delaying your pregnancy later may have serious impact on your future fertility especially if you do not reduce your weight.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWomen with previous abdominal surgeries such as appendicectomy and bowel surgery need to inform their doctors. These operations can cause severe pelvic peritoneal adhesions leading to blockage of their fallopian tubes. Your doctor may request you to do an x-ray called HSG, to confirm the status of your fallopian tube. If your tube is confirmed blocked, the best alternative for pregnancy is to go through IVF treatment. Obviously this will have an impact on your decision to delay pregnancy as the success rate of IVF declined with age.\n\nWomen with gynaecological problem such as fibroid, ovarian cyst and endometriosis may also consider not to delay their pregnancy.\n\nWomen with uterine fibroid, usually presented with heavy and painful period. If the fibroid is found on the inside of their womb, it may cause difficulty to get pregnant and sometimes can cause recurrent implantation failure or miscarriage. Your doctor will advise you for surgery to remove your fibroid.\n\nWomen with endometriosis or cyst will usually have difficulty to ovulate and their fallopian tube may be blocked due to pelvic adhesions. These women may need long term treatment and follow up.\n\nWomen who are healthy may consider freezing their eggs if they do not want to \u201cfreeze\u201d their career. This process involves the women undergoing ovarian stimulation just like IVF to produce eggs. Once enough eggs are available from the process, they are being frozen for future use. The advantage with this method is that the eggs frozen from younger women are better quality than the eggs produce when they decided to get pregnant at later stage. The main disadvantage with this method is that the eggs may not survive the freezing process. The women will then miss the opportunity to get pregnant when she decides so.\n\nWomen must also be made aware of the risk of pregnancy at older age. The risks include premature labor, hypertension, diabetes, small baby, premature labor, miscarriage and higher risk of chromosomal anomalies like Down\u2019s syndrome.\n\nWomen must understand the risk of delaying pregnancy before deciding between career or family. Men do not have a biological clock. If the women decide to start their fertility clock later, they must make sure they are fit and healthy. They must also consult their fertility expert.\nDr Suhaimi Hassan\n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Setapak\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/caring-for-your-health-after-miscarriage", "title": "Caring For Your Health After A Miscarriage", "body": "\n\n\n\nCaring For Your Health After A Miscarriage\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 09, 2021\n \nOften, the utterance of the word \u2018miscarriage\u2019 is enough to make any mummy-to-be shudder. It is a most unfortunate and painful experience for any parent. And, it is more common than we think. If this has happened to any of you, don\u2019t suffer in silence. Many have questions that may go unasked, yet it is most important for a woman to recover and take utmost care of her health after a miscarriage. Motherhood Story asks these questions for you and have an expert guide us through.\n\n\nDr Low Wea Haw, MBBS (West Indies) M. Obs & Gyn (UM)\n,\u00a0\na\u00a0Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Setapak, helps us get through this difficult event by shedding some light on the topic of miscarriage, and how we can care for ourselves to have healthy and successful pregnancies going forward.\n\n\nWhen is a pregnant woman most susceptible to a miscarriage?\n\n\nMiscarriage can happen any time before the 22\nnd\n week of pregnancy. However, it is most common to occur before 12 weeks of pregnancy.\n\n\nWhat are some of the common triggers or reasons?\n\n\nMiscarriage is common during pregnancy, and it may occur in about 10-20% of pregnancies.\n\u00a0\n\n\nThere are some contributing risk factors to early pregnancy loss, such as:\n\n\nMaternal age \u2013 the risk is increased as maternal age advances\n\u00a0\n\n\nDiabetes Mellitus\n\u00a0\n\n\nInfection/viral infection with fever higher than 38\u00b0C\n\u00a0\n\n\nLeading an unhealthy lifestyle, for example, smoking or binge alcohol intake\n\u00a0\n\n\nMultiple pregnancies\n\n\nBeing underweight or overweight\n\n\nA patient with recurrent miscarriages (3 or more losses) will need further investigation and examination for its cause.\n\n\nHow is a miscarriage treated?\n\u00a0\n\n\nMiscarriage is treated according to the type of miscarriage, either it is missed, incomplete or complete miscarriage.\n\n\nA missed miscarriage (the pregnancy/foetus is no longer alive) can be treated\n\u00a0\n\n\nConservatively (waiting for spontaneous abortion in 1-2 weeks) if patient\u2019s condition\n\u00a0\n(including emotion) is stable\n\n\nSurgical or medical removal/abortion if patient\u2019s condition is not stable, for example bleeding or having abdominal pain\n\n\nAn incomplete miscarriage requires surgical removal.\n\n\nA complete miscarriage can be treated conservatively.\n\n\nWhat can one expect of the recovery period?\n\n\nRecovery period takes 1-2 weeks\u2019 time. A patient could also be emotionally depressed during this period of time. Bleeding could last for 5 -7 days or there could be a risk of infection in the case of an incomplete miscarriage.\n\n\nWhat happens to our body system after a miscarriage?\n\n\nOur body system will undergo a process of hormonal changes from pregnancy state to non-pregnancy state, as if we go through a delivery.\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor term delivery, the recovery will take 4-6 weeks, and a miscarriage may take 1-2 weeks. Some might experience breast tenderness/engorgement especially for those miscarriage that occurs after 16 weeks of pregnancy.\n\n\nWhat care should we take after going through a miscarriage?\n\n\nFamily support and understanding from the husband (Tender Loving Care) to reduce the stress that we need to go through. A well balanced diet, good hygiene care, and well hydration will help in the recovery.\n\n\nWhat are the implications and precautions to take for future pregnancies?\n\n\nNot all miscarriage is preventable. However, you can improve the chance of a healthy pregnancy by:\n\n\nRegular exercise\n\n\nA well balanced diet\n\u00a0\n\n\nReduce weight to normal range if overweight\n\u00a0\n\n\nEarly and regular antenatal check-up\n\u00a0\n\n\nReduce risk of infection by regular hand wash, avoid crowded area, and avoid contact with people who are sick\n\n\nConsume folic acid pre-pregnancy, preferably 3 months prior to conceiving\n\u00a0\n\n\nLimit caffeine intake. Studies showed that drinking more than two caffeinated beverages a day increases the risk of miscarriage\n\u00a0\n\n\nAvoid known miscarriage risks such as smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug usage\n\u00a0\n\n\nWhen will it be a safe time to try to get pregnant again?\n\n\nUsually we will say after the 1\nst\n normal menses (post-miscarriage). However, that depends on whether the couple is ready for the next pregnancy, and should try to avoid pregnancy until you and your partner are prepared to cope with the anxiety of another pregnancy and possibly, another loss.\n\n\nWhat is the risk of having a miscarriage again in future pregnancies?\n\n\nThe risk of miscarriage in subsequent pregnancy:\n\u00a0\n\n\nOne previous miscarriage \u2013 risk at 20%\n\u00a0\n\n\nTwo previous miscarriages \u2013 risk at 25-30%\n\n\nThree previous miscarriages \u2013 risk at 40-45%\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nIs there any support group for women who suffer miscarriages?\n\n\nPregnancy loss support group\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nChild bereavement support Malaysia may provide appropriate emotional support.\n\n\nHaving a sympathetic doctor will provide you with medical information as well as the support you require. Your doctor will also be able to reassure you, and lay your anxiety and fear about future pregnancies.\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Low Wea Haw\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMBBS (West Indies), M Obs & Gyn (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCaring For Your Health After A Miscarriage \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 3 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 3 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/carpal-tunnel-syndrome", "title": "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome", "body": "\n\n\n\nCarpal Tunnel Syndrome\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 16, 2018\n \n\nCarpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a type of compressive neuropathy of upper limb. It is one of the common condition seen at orthopaedic clinics. Common presentations of pain, numbness and tingling sensation over hand can be due to carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition is caused when one of our main nerves to the hand, the median nerve is compressed at the level of our wrist.\nAnatomy of Carpal Tunnel\n\nCarpal tunnel is a passage or a tunnel at the level of our wrist. It is surrounded by the wrist bones at the base, and a strong tissue called transverse carpal ligament as its roof. Few structures pass through this carpal tunnel, which includes tendons which move our fingers and the median nerve. If the space or size of carpal tunnel is compromised, this will cause compression of the median nerve.\nImage Credit: \u201cMedical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014\u201d. WikiJournal of Medicine\n\n\nWhat Are The Symptoms of CTS\n\nCommon presentation is numbness and tingling sensation over the hand especially over the thumb, index, middle and ring finger. Initially, the numbness may present occasionally, but the frequency of numbness may worsen as it progresses.\n\nSymptoms may be worse at night during sleep. This is because we tend to keep our wrist bent during sleep. Symptoms of numbness or tingling sensation can be aggravated when doing things which need us to flex our wrist, for example when holding a book or newspaper or even during driving. A lot of times, some relief is felt by shaking hands.\n\nIf left untreated, the symptoms may progress to muscle weakness where clumsiness is felt at hand. We may drop things frequently due to the weakness. In more severe cases, muscle wasting can be seen at the base of the thumb.\nSymptoms of CTS\n\n\nFeeling of numbness or \u201cpins and needles\u201d in the fingers and gets worse at night\n\n\nHand weakness\n\n\nSwollen feeling in the fingers\n\n\nDiffculty in gripping objects with the hand\n\n\nBurning/tingling of the thumb, index and middle fingers\n\n\nDiffculty making a fist\n\n\nHow is CTS Diagnosed\n\nThe doctor will ask you a series of questions about your symptoms and the progression. During the evaluation, the doctor will examine to confirm the diagnosis as well as assess the severity of it. Assessment of the sensation of the hand will be done as well as testing the motor power of the thumb and fingers.\n\nFollowing doctor\u2019s examination, a few investigations can be done to confirm the diagnosis further. The most common investigation done is nerve conduction study which measures the signals conducted by the median nerve over the forearm and hand. This can determine the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome. Other less commonly done investigations include electromyogram, x-ray and MRI.\nWhat Are The Treatment Options?\n\nIt is important to start treatment early as the carpal tunnel syndrome worsens over time if left untreated. Initial treatment comprises of nonsurgical treatment. If early diagnosis is made and early treatment started, nonsurgical treatment generally gives good results.\nActivity Modification\n\nActivities and work that aggravates the symptoms need to be identified and modified. In general, an activity which keeps the wrist in the same position for a prolonged time, or activities which keep the wrist in exion/bend may worsen the symptoms. Use of computers/ laptops, power tools are among the common job activities that may worsen the symptoms Modification of the use of these tools as well as frequent rest or wrist exercises in between will benefit.\nBraces\n\nBraces are usually used for a couple of weeks depending on the severity and the rate of recovery. The braces are worn to keep the wrist in a neutral position or a more relaxed position for the wrist. Braces can be worn at any time especially important to wear it at night. In some cases, by wearing even during day at work will be useful.\nMedication\n\nMedication such as NSAIDs are often prescribed by the doctor. The medication reduces pain as well as it may relieve some of the symptoms of numbness by reducing the in ammation at the carpal tunnel.\nInjection\n\nInjection into the carpal tunnel is another method of nonsurgical treatment. Doctors usually inject a small dose of steroids. This may relieve the painful symptoms, but the effects are temporary.\nSurgery\n\nSurgery is normally recommended for patients with late presentation or for patients who did not improve with nonsurgical treatment. The surgery is known as carpal tunnel release. The purpose of the surgery is to relieve the compression of the median nerve, and this is done by cutting the transverse carpal ligament which forms the roof of the carpal tunnel.\n\nThere are two common surgical techniques for carpal tunnel surgery, the open carpal tunnel release, and endoscopic carpal tunnel release.\n\nThe surgery can be done as an outpatient or as a daycare procedure. It can be performed with general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia.\n\nIn open carpal tunnel release, a small incision is made over the palm. The ligament is cut under direct visualisation before the wound is closed.\n\nIn an endoscopic release, two smaller incisions are made. Visualising with the use of endoscope/camera the ligament is cut by a special knife.\n\nIn both methods, the outcomes are the same. You should discuss with your surgeon on the bene ts and risk of each technique.\nOutcomes\n\nThe results of carpal tunnel release are generally good. Most patients recover well from their symptoms. In cases where surgery is done late, where there is permanent damage to the median nerve, the symptoms may not be relieved completely.\n\nIn rare occasions, recurrence of symptoms may occur which may require additional treatment or surgery.\n\nEarly detection and treatment are important. When treatment is started at early stages, the outcomes are good, and most symptoms are relieved.\nDr. Ramesh Naidu Applanaidu\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nThis article first appeared in InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 24, Jan - Mar 2018.\u200b\u200b\u200b\n\n\u00a0\n\nCarpal Tunnel Syndrome - InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 24, Jan \u2013 Mar 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/cast-care-overview-patients-cast", "title": "CAST CARE OVERVIEW - For patients on a cast", "body": "\n\n\n\nCAST CARE OVERVIEW - For patients on a cast\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 07, 2011\n \n\nYou have been fitted with a cast or splint to protect your bone and reduce pain as you heal. It is important to take care of your cast or splint.\nCAST CARE INSTRUCTIONS\n\n\u00a0\n\nMild swelling of the injured area is common during the first few days. Swelling may make your cast feel tight initially. To reduce swelling, keep the cast above the level of your heart for 24 to 48 hours. This can be accomplished by resting it on pillows. Also, gently move your fingers or toes frequently.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTake your pain medicine as instructed. This allows for reduction of pain and also reduces the swelling.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDo not get the cast or splint wet. To bathe with a cast, cover the cast with a plastic bag and tape the opening shut. Even when covered with plastic, you should not place the cast in water or allow water to run over the area.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf the cast becomes wet, you can dry it with a hair dryer on the cool setting. Do not use the warm or hot setting because this can burn the skin.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKeep the cast clean and avoid getting dirt or sand inside the cast. Do not apply powder or lotion on or near the cast. Cover the cast when eating.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDo not place anything inside the cast, even for itchy areas. Sticking items inside the cast can injure the skin and lead to infection. Using a hair dryer on the cool setting may help soothe itching.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDo not pull the padding out from inside your cast.\n\n\nWHEN TO SEEK HELP\n\n\u00a0\n\nIf there are sore areas or a foul odor from the cast, cracks or breaks in the cast, or the cast feels too tight.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYou develop swelling that causes pain or makes it so you cannot move your fingers or toes.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYou develop tingling or numbness in the arm or fingers or toes.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYour fingers or toes are blue or cold.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYou develop severe pain in or near the casted arm or leg.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYour cast becomes soaking wet.\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/celiac-disease-and-gluten-free-nutrition-eating-habits", "title": "Celiac Disease and Gluten Free Nutrition & Eating habits", "body": "\n\n\n\nCeliac Disease and Gluten Free Nutrition & Eating habits\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 20, 2015\n \n\nCeliac disease is a lifelong inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract that affects the small intestine. It is a heredity disease where T-cell-mediated immune response towards gluten is ingested by genetically predisposed people.\n\nWhen people with celiac disease digest gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye and barley), their body will start to attack the small intestine because of its immune response.\n\nIt leads to damage on the villi that line the small intestine that promotes nutrient absorption and eventually leads to malabsorption of nutrients. Celiac disease can develop at any age after people start eating foods or medicines that contain gluten.\nSigns and symptoms:\n\n\nFrequent, foul-smelling stools that are pale and foamy\n\n\nDiarrhoea\n\n\nIrritability and distended abdomen\n\n\nEasy fatigue\n\n\nPallor and anaemia\n\n\nWeight loss\n\n\nVomiting\n\n\n\nCeliac disease can lead to serious health complications if left untreated including dermatitis herpetiformis, osteoporosis, short stature and other autoimmune disorders.\nTreatment:\n\nThe only treatment is lifelong adherence to a strict gluten-free diet. Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye and barley. Gluten acts as glue to hold food together.\nGluten-Free Diet:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAvoid gluten from wheat, rye, barley, brewer's yeast and triticale.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFoods that often not tolerated: cream soups, ice cream, malted, oatmeal, cereals, cakes, cookies, breads, baked goods, wheat starch, spaghetti, macaroni and other pasta.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCheck food labels for thickening agents, flour thickeners, sauces, salad dressings, roux, food colouring, drugs and medications, vitamins and supplements. A product can be labelled as gluten-free if it does not contain wheat, rye, barley or their crossbred hybrids OR if it contains a gluten-containing grain or an ingredient derived from a gluten-containing grain that has been processed to less than 20 part per million (ppm) of gluten.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nChoose naturally gluten-free grains and flours: corn, rice, tapioca, arrowroot, cassava, soy, potato, beans, sorghum, quinoa, millet and buckwheat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nChoose gluten-free products: gluten-free breads, gluten-free sauce etc.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPrevent cross-contamination with foods containing gluten during preparation. Separate utensils and equipment for both gluten-free and gluten containing foods is suggested. Wheat flour can stay airborne for many hours and may contaminate exposed preparation surfaces and uncovered gluten-free products.\n\n\n\n\nWhen symptoms exists:\n\nStart with low fibre diet because of flattening of the mucosa villi. Fibre intake can increase gradually as tolerated.\n\nDairy products should be avoided because risks of secondary lactase deficiency. Dairy products may reintroduced gradually after 3-6 months on diet treatment.\nDietary Supplement:\n\n\nMCT (medium-chain triglycerides)\n\n\nWater soluble vitamin (A, D, E and K) and B-complex vitamins\n\n\nIron>/li>\n\n\nCalcium\n\n\n\nReference from:\n\nMOH, 2012\n\n\nCeliac Organization, US\n\n\n\nPhotocredit:\n\n\u00adwomenshealthmag.com \u00ad\n\n\nsafereating.co.uk \u00ad\n\n\nsgihealth.com \u00ad\n\n\ncrpud.net \u00ad\n\n\nnownhow.com\n\n\ntherootofhealth.com \u00ad\n\n\nrosannadavisonnutrition.com\n\n\nglutenfreeeasily.com \u00ad\n\n\nudisglutenfree.co.uk\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/cervical-cancer-and-its-prevention", "title": "Cervical Cancer and its Prevention", "body": "\n\n\n\nCervical Cancer and its Prevention\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 08, 2011\n \nWhat is cervical cancer?\n\nThe cervix is the lower part of your uterus (womb). The cancer of this part of uterus is called cervical cancer. Cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer) is a serious but preventable disease. It is the third most common cancer among Malaysian Women.\nWhat causes cervical cancer?\n\nSince most of the all cervical cancers are caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), any woman who has sex can get cervical cancer. Most women who\u2019ve had sex have been exposed to HPV at some time in their life. Usually, your body\u2019s immune system fights off the infection, and HPV goes away on its own. The women at highest risk for cervical cancer are women in whom infection with one of the high-risk types persists for years. Other risk factors for cervical cancer include smoking, multiple sexual partners and HIV infection.\nHPV infection and how is it related with Cervical cancer?\n\nHPV is a family of very common viruses that can cause cervical cancers, plus a variety of other problems like common warts, genital warts and plantar warts. HPV also causes cancers of the vulva, vagina, anus, and cancers of the head and neck. Women and men become infected with HPV types that cause cervical cancer through skin to skin especially during sexual contact and sexual inter course not necessarily has to happen. Most women will be exposed to HPV during their lifetime.\n\nThe most common cancer-causing types of the virus are 16 and 18. This is important to know because these two types alone cause about 70% of all cervical cancer. The cervical cancer vaccine protects against these two types 100% of the time.\n\nAn HPV infection rarely leads to cervical cancer. In most women, the cells in the cervix return to normal after the body\u2019s immune system destroys the HPV infection. However, in some women, the HPV infection remains and causes changes in the body\u2019s cells. If these abnormal cells are not found and treated, they may become cancer. Normally this progress can take from 10-20 years.\nDo I have HPV infection?\n\nIn most cases, you won\u2019t have any symptoms of an HPV infection. The only way to know if you have an HPV infection is to have a direct test for the virus which is performed right from the Pap test container or by using an additional swab at the time of the Pap test. The only way to tell if a high-risk HPV infection has caused the cells in your cervix to change is to have a Pap test. Signs of an HPV infection may appear weeks, months or years after the first infection, which is why it is important to have regular tests.\nHow to treat HPV?\n\nCurrently, there is no treatment for the virus. There are treatments for the cervical changes that HPV can cause. If your Pap and HPV tests show that cells in your cervix have changed, you should discuss treatment options with your doctor.\n\nGirls and women age 9-45 can protect themselves from HPV and cervical changes related to HPV by getting the cervical cancer vaccine. There are two types of vaccines in the market. One is quadrivalent vaccine which consist of HPV strains of 16, 18, 11 & 6, this vaccine protects against the most common HPV that cause cervical cancer, genital warts and recent studies shows that it has protection against ano-genital cancers. The other vaccine is a bivalent vaccine with HPV strains of 16 & 18 which protects against cervical cancer. The quadrivalent is called Gardasil and is recommended from the age 9-26 years. The bivalent vaccine is called Cervarix and is recommended from the age 9-45 years.\nWhat is a Pap test?\n\nScreening tests can find changes in cervical cells before cancer develops. Changes in cervical cells before cancer develops are called dysplasia. Removing cells that have dysplasia can prevent cervical cancer. If left untreated, dysplasia can lead to cervical cancer. Screening tests can help prevent cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can be cured if it\u2019s found at an early stage.\nWhat should I do before a Pap test?\n\nDon\u2019t take the tests if you\u2019re having your menstrual period.\n\nDon\u2019t douche for 2 days before the tests.\n\nDon\u2019t have sexual intercourse for 2 days before the test.\n\nDon\u2019t use tampons or birth control foams, jellies, or other vaginal creams or vaginal medicines for 2 days before the test.\nWhen I should commence Pap test and till how long?\n\nAfter 3 years of commencement of sexual activity every 1 or 2 years once and 3 yearly if 3 subsequent Pap test are normal. Once menopause you can do every 3 yearly and stop once 3 subsequent Pap test are normal with negative HPV DNA test.\nWhat is the difference between Pap test and HPV vaccination?\n\nThese are two different prevention methods advocated for cervical cancer. HPV vaccination is called primary prevention whereby we are eliminating the most common risk factor that is HPV infection. So when there is no HPV infection then there are no cervical cell changes.\n\nPap test is to detect cervical cell changes at earliest stage as possible and do the necessary treatment. This is called secondary prevention.\n\nHowever taking HPV vaccination does not give 100% protection against cervical cancer. We still recommend continuing Pap test at least biannually.\nConclusion and take away message\n\nThe single most important thing that a woman can do is to participate in a regular screening program. All women who are screened experience a dramatic reduction in the risk of cervical cancer compared to women who do not get tested. Make you appointment today!\n\nMost cervical cancer is preventable. Early vaccination plus detection of abnormal cell changes with a Pap test are important. Cervical cancer is rare, and almost always prevented through regular screening and treatment of pre-cancerous changes.\n\nAt least 75% of women will have HPV at some point, but very few will develop cervical cancer. Most HPV infections are temporary and will go away on their own. An HPV infection that does not go away over a period of years might lead to cervical cancer.\n\nThe new screening options including liquid-based Pap tests and the test for high-risk HPV are important developments for women and their physicians. The HPV vaccine will prevent many Pap test abnormalities and most cervical cancer.\n\nIf you are a girl or woman between 9-45 years of age, you should be vaccinated against HPV. Remember, just because you have had the vaccine does not mean you should stop having Pap tests. Early vaccination and regular screening provides your best protection against cervical cancer.\nReference:\n\n\nCancer Institute, \nwww.cancer.gov\n\n\nSaslow D,Castle PE et al ;American Cancer Society Guideline for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Use to Prevent Cervical Cancer and Its Precursors :CA Cancer J Clin 2007; 57:7-28 doi: 10.3322/canjclin.57.1.7 \u00a9 2007 American Cancer Society\n\n\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC);\nhttp://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/\n\n\nDr. RAMA KRSIHNA KUMAR\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/cervical-myeloradiculopathy", "title": "Cervical Myeloradiculopathy", "body": "\n\n\n\nCervical Myeloradiculopathy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 15, 2017\n \n\nArticle credit : InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 20, Jan \u2013 Mar 2017\n\nCervical myeloradiculopathy is the dysfunction of the cervical spinal cord (myelopathy) and nerve root (radiculopathy).\nWHAT CAUSES THE DYSFUNCTION? \n\nThe dysfunction is usually due to compression of the spinal cord and nerve root. Compression can arise from facet osteophytes (overgrowth of bone), disc herniation (slip disc), ossification of posterior longitudinal ligaments (degenerative deposition of bone within ligaments). On rare occasion, the compression can be caused by tumours, infection and fractures of the vertebrae.\nWHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF SYMPTOMS OF CERVICAL MYELORADICULOPATHY?\n\nPatients with cervical myeloradiculopathy may complain of:\n\nHeaviness in the legs or arms (myelopathy);\n\n\nInability to walk for long (myelopathy);\n\n\nDifficulties in writing, buttoning or holding utensils/chopsticks (myelopathy);\n\n\nIntermittent shooting pain to the arms and legs (radiculopathy); or\n\n\nUrinary and bowel disturbance (myelopathy).\n\n\nHOW DO WE DIAGNOSE CERVICAL MYELORADICULOPATHY?\n\nThe doctor would take a thorough history and do a physical examination. Common findings during a physical examination would be:\n\nHyper reflexia;\n\n\nClonus;\n\n\nBabinski reflex positive;\n\n\nHoffman sign positive (flicking of the middle finger causes the thumb and index finger to flex); and\n\n\nInverse radial reflex positive (this reflex is demonstrated by tappingthe brachioradialis tendon; diminished reflex is noted along with a reflex contraction of the finger flexors.\n\n\nHOW DO WE CONFIRM THE DIAGNOSIS OF CERVICAL MYELORADICULOPATHY?\n\nThe patient would be asked to do a cervical spine radiograph, and occasionally flexion and extension radiographs will be done to look for instability. Usually, a more detailed MRI scan would be done to determine the cause of the compression to the nerve root or spinal cord. An MRI would assist the surgeon in determining the best method to treat the condition.\nHOW DO WE TREAT CERVICAL MYELORADICULOPATHY?\n\nMyelopathy is a progressive condition. Unfortunately, this condition does not improve without decompressive surgery. The surgical procedure would relieve the compression on the spinal cord, and the surgeon may stabilise the spine with implants. However, radiculopathy does respond well to physiotherapy and analgesia. There is a small number of patient that may require surgery for radiculopathy.\nWHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE MY PATIENTS TO PREVENT NECK INJURIES?\n\nSeven common tips to \nprevent neck injuries\n are:\n\nKeep finding the best pillow (if it\u2019s not comfortable it\u2019s not the best fit);\n\n\nSleep on your back, if it\u2019s not possible, sleep on your side and ensure your head and body are in\n\n\nalignment;\n\n\nKeep your computer at eye level;\n\n\nPerform neck stretching exercises;\n\n\nStop looking on your phone for long periods of time (resulting in\n\n\ntext neck);\n\n\nMaintain a good posture; and\n\n\nCarry weight evenly.\n\n\nDr. Manmohan Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n\n\u00a0\n\nCervical Myeloradiculopathy - InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 20, Jan \u2013 Mar 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/chain-of-survival", "title": "Chain of Survival", "body": "\n\n\n\nChain of Survival\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 26, 2018\n \n\nWould you know what to do if a loved one collapsed in front of you and showed no sign of life? If you find yourself in such a situation, it could mean the person\u2019s heart has stopped beating and that he/she could be experiencing what doctors call sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). If you think that\u2019s bad news, that\u2019s only the half of it. Before you can fully absorb what\u2019s happening, you have to spring into action because you have only four minutes to save the person\u2019s life by performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).\n\nAlmost everyone has heard of CPR. You would have heard it being discussed in school or probably seen someone perform the procedure on crime shows on TV. But the question is, do you know what it takes to save someone\u2019s life with CPR?\n\nIn most SCA cases, proper application of this simple but vital skill could be the difference between life and death. Statistics indicate that about 80 per cent of SCA cases occur either at home or public spaces. In such a scenario, the person nearest to the victim is likely to be a relative, friend or passer-by with no medical expertise. But if the person present at the scene is able to perform CPR on the victim promptly, the latter\u2019s chance of survival is significantly increased. Indeed, learning how to effectively administer CPR means you could one day save the life of a loved one.\nPosition hands over sternum and begin chest compressions while the second-aider sets up the AED machine. It\u2019s always good to have someone on standby to take over chest compressions after two minutes.\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital Malaysia consultant emergency physician and regional emergency services coordinator Dr Terence Leslie de Silva said SCA is a condition when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. There are many causes of cardiac arrest, ranging from existing heart arrhythmia to being hit in the chest with a baseball. Regardless of the underlying condition, without CPR, most people experiencing SCA won\u2019t survive, and with every minute CPR is delayed, the survival rate declines.\n\n\u201cCPR only works when the heart suddenly stops beating, most often because of a cardiac condition or heart attack. The heart\u2019s function is to pump blood into vital organs such as the brain and kidneys, and in the case of a cardiac arrest, CPR is urgently needed to restore blood flow from the heart to the vital organs,\u201d he continued.\n\nBy doing CPR, he added, the victim\u2019s heartbeat is stimulated, restoring blood flow and oxygenation to the body\u2019s system until medical professionals arrive at the scene. \u201cChest compressions force the heart to continue pumping, essentially serving as the electrical signal that keeps the heart beating.\u201d\nDe Silva says time is of the essence when treating a cardiac arrest victim. \u2014 Photo from Columbia Asia\n\n\n\nDe Silva stressed that time is of the essence when treating a cardiac arrest victim. \u201cOnce the heart stops beating, the blood circulation stops and if not treated within four minutes, it will cause irreversible damage to the victim\u2019s brain cells shortly after oxygen deprivation.\u201d\n\nApart from that, de Silva said CPR helps to prolong any abnormal rhythm there is in the victim\u2019s heart. \u201cMost times, when people have a heart attack or SCA, the heart starts to brillate instead of beating in proper rhythm.\u201d\n\nHe also pointed out that it\u2019s because of this brillation that the Automatic External De brillator (AED) machine comes in handy when dealing with SCA cases.\n\n\u201cIn many developed countries around the world, you can easily nd AED devices in airports, offices, shopping malls and public places all within a distance of four minutes,\u201d he added.\n\nDe Silva explained that the AED machine is a life-saving equipment that goes hand in hand with CPR; it is used to jumpstart the heart in the event of SCA. \u201cThese portable shock devices automatically detect the abnormal heart rhythm and treat it through de brillation.\u201d\n\nEach machince is equipped with straightforward audio and visual commands, making it easy for any by stander to use.\n\nBecause SCA can occur to anyone at any time, de Silva said it is crucial for everyone to know how to correctly perform CPR.\n\nIn the past, some people were reluctant to perform CPR on a SCA victim because it involved mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, he noted. But the guideline for performing CPR changed in 2010, allowing those uncomfortable or who have not received proper training to attempt hands-only CPR until qualified paramedics arrive at the scene.\n\nThe sequence of basic life support as explained by de Silva\n1. Danger\n\nIf someone appears to be unconscious, survey the area first and check for possible risks to the victim and yourself. Although it is best to begin CPR as quickly as possible, the first-aider needs to ensure that he will be safe while performing the procedure.\n2. Response\n\nOnce you have approached the victim, determine if CPR is necessary by assessing the person\u2019s responses. Ask loudly if the person is okay or gently shake the person to examine responsiveness. If there is no response, check for signs of life by assessing the victim\u2019s pulse.\n\nPlace your finger two finger breadths away (either to the left or right) from the person\u2019s Adam\u2019s apple to feel the pulse. If there\u2019s no pulse, call 999 and you\u2019ll be directed to the medical emergency call centre where a doctor or paramedic will take you through the sequence of CPR while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Meantime, ask if anyone in the area can provide you with an AED machine.\n3. Circulation\n\nBegin chest compressions. Place the heel of your dominant hand over sternum (the hard bone of the chest) \u2013 the midpoint between the epigastric region and the base of the neck \u2013 and put the other hand on top of the dominant hand. Keep arms straight and push the chest down about two inches deep. Try to do at least 120 compressions in two minutes.\n\nBear in mind that chest compression is a tiring procedure. Therefore, it\u2019s good to have someone on standby to take over after two minutes.\n\nOnce the AED has arrived, stop the chest compressions, switch on the device and attach the pads on the patient\u2019s chest.\n\nThe basic life support procedure also includes \u201cAirway\u201d and \u201cBreathing\u201d techniques which de Silva said are best left to qualified paramedics.\nThis article first appeared in Malay Mail, 22 March 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nChain of Survival \u2013 Malay Mail, 22 March 2018\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/chef-fauziah-bt-pakwan-chiks-qa-session-complimented-heart-healthy-recipe", "title": "Chef Fauziah bt Pakwan Chik's Q&A session complimented by a Heart Healthy recipe", "body": "\n\n\n\nChef Fauziah bt Pakwan Chik's Q&A session complimented by a Heart Healthy recipe\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 08, 2014\n \nChef Fauziah bt Pakwan Chik\n\nHead Chef from Columbia Asia Hospital- Setapak\n\nChef Fauziah has been working in the food industry for more than 13 years, with experiences in hospital environment for 4 years. Chef Fauziah shares with us her experiences in a brief Q&A session.\nQuestion:\n What will you highlight as the biggest challenge(s) in enhancing inpatient meals in hospital?\nAnswer:\n There are great opportunities working in a hospital setting. However, with every job that we take, there are challenges. Some of the biggest challenges that I have faced while serving in this sector include:\n\nFirstly, it was a common public mindset in judging hospital food does not taste good. These comments often apply in the therapeutic diet. Actually, we prepare food based on the type of diet requested and to change the mindset of people will need hard work and time.\n\n\nSecondly, challenges in creating interesting and attractive menu, modifying and improvising it according to the type of diet requested.\n\n\nThirdly, challenges in ensuring food quality are up to standard. The food needs to be presentable, fresh and ensuring the food is at the right temperature before it is served to patients.\n\n\n\nHowever, I am thankful for cooperation that I\u2019ve received from the kitchen team, service staff and a Dietitian that has helped me along in this area.\nQuestion:\n What will be the special dish that you would like to recommend?\nAnswer:\n I will recommend a Mexican dish, called Grilled Fish Fajitas. This menu is high in nutrient content and fiber and uses fresh ingredients. It\u2019s so simple and easy to prepare without consuming too much time.\nQuestion:\n Any special cooking instructions to prepare the dish?\nAnswer:\n This menu is simple. All you need to do is to marinate the fish, and grill it for about 5 - 6 minutes, shredding some fresh vegetables and preparing Guacamole and / or Tomato Salsa. It will take only about 10-15 minutes in total for preparation. The unique thing about this menu is the marinated fish, which requires little cooking oil. It also consist lots of vegetables for our fiber needs. Herewith, I will include a recipe for you to try at home.\nQuestion:\n Can Diabetic patients enjoy this dish?\nAnswer:\n Yes. For Diabetic patients can limit the quantity of tortillas or substitute with whole grain flour tortillas. In addition, they can also add more variety of vegetables to get the maximum nutrient and fiber from this meal.\nRECIPE\n\n\nGrilled Fish Fajitas\nIngredients\n\n\nTortilla skin, 8 inch \u2013 1 piece\n\n\nFilling:\n \u00a0\n\nDory fish, cut in finger strip \u2013 100g\n\n\nCajun spices \u2013 3gm\n\n\nPaprika, powder \u2013 2gm\n\n\nBlack pepper, crushed \u2013 2gm\n\n\nLemon juice \u2013 1 wedge cut\n\n\nOlive oil \u2013 2ml\n\n\nGreen and red capsicum, julienne \u2013 10gm\n\n\nIceberg lettuce, julienne \u2013 5gm\n\n\nReduced fat cheddar cheese, shredded \u2013 5gm\n\n\nGuacamole:\n \u00a0\n\nAvocado, mashed \u2013 15gm\n\n\nGarlic, minced \u2013 2gm\n\n\nLemon juice \u2013 2 wedges cut\n\n\nSalt \u2013 2gm\n\n\nTomato salsa:\n \u00a0\n\nTomato, seedless, diced \u2013 20gm\n\n\nCoriander, chopped \u2013 1gm\n\n\nOnion, diced \u2013 5gm\n\n\nMethod of Cooking:\n\n\nFor Filling\n\nMarinate the fish with Cajun spice, paprika powder, black pepper and lemon juice. Place in chiller for 2 to 3 hours. Grill the fish with olive oil until golden brown.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor Guacamole\n\nMix the avocado (mashed) with garlic, lemon juice and salt\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFor Tomato Salsa\n\nMix tomatoes, coriander and onion together\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSpread Guacamole on tortilla skin. Put all other ingredients on top of the tortilla skin (as per attached photo). Roll up the tortilla skin to enclose the filling.\n\n\nNutrient Content ( 1 serving )\n\nCalories : 366kcal\n\nProtein : 26gm\n\nFat : 13g (where 4gm of saturated fat)\n\nCarbohydrates : 36gm\n\nFiber : 5g (~ 25% from *RNI Malaysia)\n*Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI)\nDietician\u2019s comment: The chef choose fat free yogurt or reduced fat cheddar cheese in order to control total amount of fat. Using avocado and olive oil can increase the good fats (the monounsaturated kind).\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/chicken-roulade-with-roasted-pumpkin-and-potatoes", "title": "Chicken Roulade with Roasted Pumpkin and Potatoes", "body": "\n\n\n\nChicken Roulade with Roasted Pumpkin and Potatoes\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 02, 2017\n \n\nEnjoying what you eat is one of life\u2019s pleasures. Having diabetes should never hold you back from enjoying the foods you love or trying new foods. Diabetic patients can eat fine-dining food as well. All you have to do is to make your food healthier without losing out on taste. Try out these top tips for healthy eating.\n1. Choose the right types of sugar\n\nSugar comes mainly from grains, fruits, beans, milk and vegetables. The natural sources are better choices because they are packed with important nutrients and fiber that might help you control blood sugar better. Remember, the key is to watch how much you eat at a time because even it is natural sugar, it would raise your blood sugar level.\n2. Less salt\n\nAlways go for fresh and less processed ingredients. Processed foods are often very high in salt content. Try to eat more home-cooked meals as you can control the amount of salt in the recipe by reducing it to half or eliminating it completely and add other flavorings such as herbs and spices. Learn to enjoy real food and real flavors.\n3. Switch to good fats and eat a healthy amount\n\nSay yes to lean and white meat. Trim off all animal fat and skin before cooking because they can make your cholesterol high. Always choose low-fat or fat-free milk and dairy products. Anything flavored or sweetened such as chocolate milk is a big no.\n\nChef Mohd Izzat from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras would like to present a simple western dish that can be enjoyed by diabetic patients. Let\u2019s get to know Chef Mohd Izzat a little better.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ: Can you share with us your previous working experience before joining CAH-Cheras?\nChef Mohd Izzat:\n I was in the hotel industry for almost 15 years. I used to work in different hotels and restaurants and my last position was Western Sous Chef for banquets in Pullman Hotel.\nQ: Why did you choose to join the hospital industry?\nChef Mohd Izzat:\n I decided to join the hospital industry because I wanted to gain more knowledge and improve my skills in preparing healthy foods.\nQ: What dish will you be introducing to us today and why did you choose this dish?\nChef Mohd Izzat:\n Chicken Roulade with Roasted Potatoes and Pumpkin. I chose this dish because it is a healthy and complete meal for diabetic patients. It just takes around 30 minutes to prepare because the cooking method only involves steaming and searing on a hot plate. To maintain the freshness and crispiness of the salad, soak the salad in ice water for a few minutes.\n\n\nRecipe\nChicken Roulade with Roasted Potatoes and Pumpkin\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nServes 1\n\n\nIngredients:\nChicken Roulade\n\n\n100g Skinless, boneless chicken breast\n\n\n5ml Egg whites\n\n\n4g Green capsicum (cut julienne)\n\n\n4g Red capsicum (cut julienne)\n\n\nSalt, to taste\n\n\nPepper, to taste\n\n\nMushroom sauce\n\n\n5g Shitake mushroom\n\n\n20ml Homemade chicken stock\n\n\n3g Onion\n\n\n2g Garlic\n\n\n5ml Corn oil\n\n\nSalt, to taste\n\n\nPepper, to taste\n\n\nMesclun Salad\n\n\nLolo Rosa salad\n\n\nButterhead salad\n\n\nFrisee salad\n\n\nAsparagus\n\n\nRoasted potatoes and pumpkin\n\n\n30g Pumpkin\n\n\n1 medium size Potato\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\nMince the chicken and mix it with the egg whites. Season with salt and pepper.\n\n\nLay the minced chicken flat on a plastic wrap. Place the capsicums in the middle of the minced chicken which has been flattened lengthwise.\n\n\nRoll up the flattened mince chicken. Use the plastic wrap to help you tighten the roll, and tuck in the ends to hold in the filling.\n\n\nSteam in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the plastic wrap.\n\n\nAdd \u00bd tsp. of corn oil to the pan and heat on medium-high. When the pan is hot, add the chicken roulade to the pan and cook till brown. Cook until the roulades are cooked through, about 6 minutes.\n\n\nWhen the chicken roulades are cooked, remove from the pan onto a plate, cover with aluminum foil to keep them warm.\n\n\nPreheat oven to 180oC. Cut potatoes and pumpkin into wedges, roughly 2 inches wide and place them onto the tray. Roast for about 10 \u2013 15 minutes.\n\n\nSaut\u00e9 onion and garlic in \u00bd tsp. hot corn oil over medium heat for 1 minute or until they turn golden brown. Add chicken stock and shitake mushrooms and cook 2 minutes or until thick. Spoon sauce over chicken and serve immediately.\n\n\nNutrient Content (per serving):\n\n\nEnergy (kcal) - \n307\n\nCarbohydrates (g) - \n31\n\nProtein (g) - \n22\n\nFat (g) - \n11\n\nSodium (mg) - \n481\n\nDietary Fiber (g) - \n2\n\n\nNutrition Tips:\n\n\nChoose healthy ingredients. Use white meat instead of red or dark meat and lean meat instead of fatty meat. Trim off all animal fat and skin before cooking.\n\n\nCook using healthy methods. Steam instead of deep-frying.\n\n\nUse a non-stick pan when browning the meat.\n\n\nControl salt usage. When preparing home-cooked foods, you can reduce salt in the recipe by half or eliminate it completely and add other flavorings such as herbs and spices or garlic to compensate the taste.\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nChef Muhammad Izzat Bin Ishak \nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n\nNutrition information by:\nKong Woan Fei\n\nNor Alifah Binti Mokhtar, Food Service Coordinator\nColumbia Asia Hospital\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/child-friendly-worm-infections", "title": "Child Friendly : Worm Infections", "body": "\n\n\n\nChild Friendly : Worm Infections\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 21, 2018\n \nDear Doctor,\n\nIS de-worming still necessary for children these days? I remember being given deworming medicine as a child growing up in the seventies but I\u2019m not sure whether it\u2019s a requirement for children today. What would be the signs that a child is in need of de-worming?\n\nFaridah Ibrahim, Petaling Jaya\n\n\n\nWORM infections are very common and spread easily. They often don\u2019t have symptoms and are often under-reported. There are different types of worm infections. Pinworms are a common kind that affect young children. Hookworms, roundworms and whipworm infections are also common. Children get worms when they come into contact with infected soil in playgrounds or during outdoor play. When they put their hands into their mouth such as for thumb sucking, the worms or eggs will go into their intestine. Touching pets or their excrement infected with worms is another common way to get worm infestation.\n\nVery often, a worm infestation does not show symptoms or the symptoms may be so slight and gradual that they are overlooked. It is one of the leading causes of stomach ache in children. Depending on the type of worm infection and the severity of the infections, a child with worms may have some common signs or symptoms, like a sore tummy, weight loss, loss of appetite, irritability, nausea or vomiting, itching or pain around the anus. Very rarely if there are many worms, there can be blockage of the intestines.\n\nIf left untreated, they can become severs, as the worms can lead to intestinal bleeding. This can then lead to malnutrition, weight loss and complications like anaemia. Infected children then become more vulnerable to illness, as their immune systems are damaged. If the condition persists, the worm infection can also harm the infected child\u2019s physical and intellectual development, delaying growth and affecting cognitive function, especially if it results in anaemia and malnutrition.\n\nThe treatment of worm infection is quite simple and often involves a course of anti-parasitic medicine. Don\u2019t buy over-the-counter medicines or herbal remedies, as some anti-worm medicines may be unsuitable for children less than 2 years old. You may also be tempted to try alternative medicines like herbal remedies but there isn\u2019t any evidence proving their effectiveness. It is best to obtain professional advice from your physician.\n\nThe World Health Organisation recommends that preschool children receive regular deworming treatments every six months after they turn one.\n\nHere are a few things you can do to keep your child safe from worm infections:\n\nAlways ensure that your child plays in a clean, dry area.\n\n\nKeep your toilet clean.\n\n\nIf your child is old enough, teach him to wash hands after going to the toilet every time.\n\n\nAlways drink boil or filtered water.\n\n\nWash fruit and vegetables thoroughly in clean water.\n\n\nCook meat and fish thoroughly till there are no raw bits.\n\n\nYou can always speak to your doctor for more information and the required treatment.\n\n\n\nAnswers provided by Dr Lim Kok Chong, Consultant Pediatrician, Columbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau.\nPublished in New Straits Times, 19 September 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nChild Friendly : Worm Infections\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/childhood-obesity-part-1-has-it-becomes-epidemic", "title": "Childhood Obesity Part 1 \u2013 Has it becomes an Epidemic?", "body": "\n\n\n\nChildhood Obesity Part 1 \u2013 Has it becomes an Epidemic?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 21, 2012\n \n\nThe world-wide prevalence of obesity in childhood varies from 2.6-3.6% in Finland, 15% in the UK, 10.8% in the United States, 11.2-12.5% in Navajo Indian school children, 7.56 in Indian children, 16.1% in Singapore school children, 14.3% in Thailand, and about 7.8% in a local Malaysian study of school children in a rural area.\n\nObesity among children is literally an epidemic! Unless we get kids moving and teach them to enjoy healthy foods, the outlook for their long-term health is bleak. But we can change things.\nWhat are the consequences?\n\nChildren who are overweight tend to grow up into adults who are overweight. They therefore have a higher risk of developing serious health problems in later life, including heart attack, stroke, type-2 diabetes, bowel cancer, sleep apnea and high blood pressure. The risk of health problems increases the more overweight a person becomes.\n\nBeing overweight as a child can also cause psychological distress. Teasing about their appearance affects children\u2019s confidence and self-esteem and can lead to isolation and depression leading on to poor school performance.\nWhy are more children overweight?\n\nVery few children become overweight because of an underlying medical problem i.e. either hormonal or neurological.\n\nChildren are more likely to be overweight if their parents are obese. If one parent is obese, there is a 50 percent chance that the children will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, the children have an 80 percent chance of being obese. But genetic factors are thought to be less significant than the fact that families tend to share eating and activity habits.\n\nIn other words, most children put on excess weight because their lifestyles include an unhealthy diet and a lack of physical activity.\n\nIt is certainly easier than ever before for children to become overweight. High- calorie foods, such as fast food and confectionery, are abundant, relatively cheap and heavily promoted specifically at children.\n\nExercise is no longer a regular part of everyone\u2019s day \u2013 some children never walk or cycle to school, or play any kind of sport. And it is not unusual for children to spend hours in front of a television or computer.\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel\n\nConsultant Paediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/childhood-obesity-part-2-what-ideal-weight", "title": "Childhood Obesity Part 2 \u2013 what is the ideal weight?", "body": "\n\n\n\nChildhood Obesity Part 2 \u2013 what is the ideal weight?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 22, 2012\n \nMaintaining a healthy weight\n\nWhat is a healthy weight for a child?\n\nParents may find it difficult to tell whether their child has temporary \"puppy fat\" or is genuinely overweight. In adults, a simple formula (the body mass index or BMI) is used to work out whether a person is the right weight for their height.\n\nHowever, BMI alone is not an appropriate measure for children - it has to be used alongside charts that take into account the child\u2019s rate of growth, sex and age - and is best interpreted with the help of your GP, health visitor, practice nurse or dietician (See Charts Attached).\n\nObesity is defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity is present when total body weight is more than 25 percent fat in boys and more than 32 percent fat in girls.\n\nA trained technician may obtain skinfold measures relatively easily in either a school or clinical setting. The triceps alone, triceps and subscapular, triceps and calf, and calf alone have been used with children and adolescents. Example, when the triceps and calf are used, a sum of skinfolds of 10-25mm is considered optimal for boys, and 16-30mm is optimal for girls.\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel\n\nConsultant Paediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/childhood-obesity-part-3-should-i-ask-my-child-go-nutrition-eating-habits", "title": "Childhood Obesity Part 3 \u2013 should I ask my child to go on a Nutrition & Eating habits?", "body": "\n\n\n\nChildhood Obesity Part 3 \u2013 should I ask my child to go on a Nutrition & Eating habits?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 23, 2012\n \nMaintaining a healthy weight\n\nExpert advice is that most children who are overweight should not be encouraged to actually lose weight. Instead they are encouraged to maintain their weight, so they gradually \"grow into it\" as they get taller. Children should never be put on a weight-loss diet without medical advice as this can affect their growth. Unregulated dieting \u2013 particularly in teenage girls \u2013 is thought to lead to the development of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. No drug treatment has been proven effective in the treatment of weight problems in children. The good news is that all the evidence shows that it is much easier to change a child\u2019s eating and exercise habits than it is to alter an adult\u2019s.\nPhysical activity\n\nDoctors recommend a gradual increase in physical activity, such as brisk walking, to at least an hour a day. Encourage walking to places such as school and the shops, rather than always jumping in the car. Suggest going to the park for a kick around with a football, or a game of rounders, cricket or frisbee. Visit a local leisure centre to investigate sports and team activities to get involved in. Make exercise into a treat by taking special trips to an adventure play park or an ice skating rink, for example. Involve the whole family in bike rides, swimming and in-line skating. When it is safe to do so, teach your child to ride a bike.\nReducing physical inactivity\n\n\"Physical inactivity\" includes pastimes such as watching TV or playing computer games. These should be reduced to no more than two hours a day or an average of 14 hours a week. Encourage children to be selective about what they watch, concentrate only on the programs they really enjoy.\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel\n\nConsultant Paediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/childhood-obesity-part-4-he-loves-mc-what-should-i-do", "title": "Childhood Obesity Part 4 \u2013 he loves Mc.., what should I do?", "body": "\n\n\n\nChildhood Obesity Part 4 \u2013 he loves Mc.., what should I do?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 24, 2012\n \nA healthy well-balanced diet\n\nParents concerned about their child\u2019s weight should encourage a variety of fresh, nutritious foods in his or her diet.\n\nStarchy foods, which are rich in \"complex carbohydrates\", are bulky relative to the amount of calories they contain. This makes them filling and nutritious. Sources such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and chapatti should provide half the energy in a child\u2019s diet.\n\nInstead of high-fat foods like chocolate, biscuits, cakes and crisps, try healthier alternatives such as fresh fruit, crusty bread or crackers.\n\nTry to grill or bake foods instead of frying. Burgers, fish fingers and sausages are just as tasty when grilled, but have a lower fat content. Oven chips are lower in fat than fried chips.\n\nAvoid fizzy drinks that are high in sugar. One can of soda contains 9 teaspoons of sugar. Substitute them with fresh juices diluted with water or sugar-free alternatives.\n\nA healthy breakfast of a low-sugar cereal (eg whole meal wheat biscuits) with milk, plus a piece of fruit is a good start to the day.\n\nInstead of sweets, offer dried fruit or tinned fruit in natural juice. Frozen yoghurt is an alternative to ice cream. Bagels are an alternative to doughnuts.\nChanges to eating habits\n\n\nTry to set a good example with your own eating habits.\n\n\nProvide meals and healthy snacks at regular times to prevent \"grazing\" throughout the day.\n\n\nDon\u2019t allow your children to eat while watching TV or doing homework.\n\n\nMake mealtimes a happy occasion by eating as a family\n\n\nEncourage children to \"listen to their tummies\" and eat when they are hungry rather than out of habit.\n\n\nTeach children to chew food more slowly and savour the food. They will feel fuller more quickly and be less likely to overeat at mealtimes.\n\n\nDo not keep lots of high-fat, high-sugar snack foods in the house.\n\n\nDo not make outings for fast foods part of the weekly routine.\n\n\nTry to get children involved in preparing food as this will make them more aware of what they are eating.\n\n\n\nDo not use food to comfort a child \u2013 give attention, listening and hugs instead.\n\nAvoid using food as a reward as this can reinforce the idea of food as a source of comfort. Instead of having a fast-food meal to celebrate a good school report, for example, buy a gift, go to the cinema, or have a friend to stay overnight.\n\nWhen children who need to improve their eating habits are old enough, it may help them to keep a food diary, recording what and when they eat. It\u2019s important to be aware of snacking \"danger times\" and find strategies to divert attention away from food, or towards a healthier option.\n\nStudies show that breastfeeding a baby, even if only for a short period of time, may reduce the risk of obesity in later life.\n\nParents who enjoy a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables set a good example for their children. As children grow older they tend to stick to the eating pattern that has been established at home.\n\nEncourage physical activity as soon as they are able to walk steadily.\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel\n\nConsultant Paediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/children-and-posture", "title": "Children and Posture", "body": "\n\n\n\nChildren and Posture\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 17, 2020\n\n\n\n\nPostural problems among children are on the rise. Picture: Designed by Racool_studio / Freepik.\n\n\n\n\n\nPostural problems among children are on the rise but can sometimes result from parents interfering with natural milestones in infancy writes Dharvin Chalong Pillay\n\n\nWHY does my child stand with his knees fully extended?\n\n\nWhy does my kid walk like a duck? My 2-year-old still walks on her toes. My boy falls frequently when he plays.\n\n\nThese are the few common questions and remarks I receive from parents.\n\n\nMany parents are becoming more aware of their children's physical conditions. Postural deviations include conditions such as flat feet, hyperextended knees, excessive lumbar lordosis or thoracic kyphosis.\n\n\nPostural deviation is a common problem and on the rise among children these days.\n\n\nWhile parents may only notice these conditions in children from the age of two onwards, the source of these problems can be traced back to infancy.\n\n\nEvery infant goes through phases of gross motor milestones from the age of 0-3 months onwards.\n\n\nA normal sequence starts from infants lifting their heads during tummy time to rolling from back to chest and chest to back, crawling on the belly followed by full crawling, sitting with support, sitting independently, standing with support, walking with support and finally walking independently and running and playing. It is during these phases of the child's development where the motor connection between muscles and joints integrate to form the necessary support and stability for posture.\n\n\nUnfortunately, many parents tend to interfere with this natural process.\n\n\n\nPostural problems among children are on the rise. Picture: Designed by Racool_studio / Freepik.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe natural phase of an infant's gross motor development is fundamental to prepare his physical body structure for the environment.\n\n\nFor example, if the infant does not experience the crawling phase completely, the possibility of a weak hip joint and under-developed muscular structure may occur.\n\n\nMany parents cannot wait for their child to walk these days so they disrupt the development of natural milestones by getting their child to stand too soon or walk on his toes too early when the infant's muscles and joints have not fully developed the necessary strength and stability it needs.\n\n\nSome parents place their children in baby walkers even before the child is ready to stand independently.\n\n\nIn the UK the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has already supported a ban on baby walkers because they disrupt the ability of children to develop their motor milestones completely.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nEARLY RISK\n\nIf the foundation of your child's motor development is disrupted from the beginning, it will lead to a higher chance of postural deviations in the future.\n\n\nOur body weight transfers through the hip-knee-ankle and our feet are the point of contact with the ground. The ankle joints are the weight bearing structure closest to the ground followed by the knee and hip. Hence, if our hip joint-muscles are not strong and stable, the weight transferred to the knee and ankle will be more than what the joint can tolerate, causing changes from ground up such as flat feet, knock knees and postural deviations throughout the body structure.\n\n\nThe modern sedentary lifestyle followed by high incidences of obesity and overweight are the primary contributing factors for increased postural deviations in children these days.\n\n\nExcessive television and screen time, motorised transportation, fast food and lack of regular physical activity are the major contributors to poor physical conditions in our children, leading to an anatomical or biomechanical modification of the spine thus further leading to postural deviations of the body.\n\n\nSo, what is the solution? Play.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSince postural deviation is caused by muscular imbalance, the only solution to your child's condition is physical activity that retrains and strengthens the joint-muscular structures. Children are encouraged to play and be physically active to retrain their motor milestone phases through games and physical activity that challenges their bodies to redevelop and reintegrate its neural pathways so that muscles and joints regain their strength and stability.\n\n\nFor example, you may get your child to participate in activities that require him to crawl in order to retrain hip structures.\n\n\nPlaying on soft, uneven and different surfaces will also challenge the child's body to train the necessary sense of proprioception and develop stability for the body.\n\n\n\n\nCrawling, climbing, squatting, running, jumping and hopping during outdoor play on grass and sandy areas are some of the best options to allow the child to experience various stimuli that will train him in balance, strength and agility.\n\n\nActivities such as swimming (freestyle) weekly will also be great to train the posterior chain muscles that are responsible for keeping our bodies in an upright position.\n\n\nMany parents invest in supportive devices such as foot arch support and back braces for their children in the hope that it will correct or even cure their child's postural deviation.\n\n\nThe reality is these devices will not work on your child's condition without exercise. The rule of thumb for muscles in the human body is \"use it or lose it\".\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDharvin A/L Chalong Pillay\n\n\nPhysiotherapy Manager\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\nChildren and Posture \u2013 New Straits Times, 6 July 2020\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Times, 6 July 2020.\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/children-and-sports-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Children and Sports - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nChildren and Sports - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 25, 2011\n \n\nWhether you're dreaming of moulding your child into the next sport superstar or just want to keep them healthy and fit, find out about the do's and don'ts of sport participation and fitness training for children, from Dr. Harjeet Singh, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nDr Harjeet will also advise on ways to optimise the benefits of sport for children, while reducing the risks.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/choosing-your-embryos", "title": "Choosing Your Embryos", "body": "\n\n\n\nChoosing Your Embryos\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 11, 2015\n \n\nIt is important in IVF to know how your embryos look like before you are able to choose them before transfer. By choosing the right one, it will increase your chance to get pregnant and reduce your risk of multiple pregnancies.\nOnly up to 60% of the embryos will reach day 5 stage (blastocyst).\n\nAn IVF cycle should result in the retrieval of mature eggs. The eggs will be allowed to settle for a few hours, then within the afternoon, it will fertilise with the sperm by either in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intra cytoplasmic sperms insemination (ICSI). However, only up to 60% of the embryos will reach day 5 stage (blastocyst). The low rate of embryo development has 2 main causes i.e. a less than optimal culture environment in the lab dish and the inherent \"weakness\" of human embryos itself.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDAY 1 EMBRYO (24 HOURS)\n\nAfter 24 hours, the embryo will still be a single cell with two-Pro-Nuclei (2PN). Only 80% to 90% of the fertilized eggs will turn into 2PN stage. Embryos are rarely transferred at this point because you cannot tell which embryos within the group will be the most likely to continue to grow properly.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDAY 2 EMBRYO (48 HOURS)\n\nAfter 48 hours, the embryo should be 3 to 4 cells stage and the embryos can be transferred at this stage. However, if you have multiple embryos, your doctor would recommend you to let the embryos go to day 3. By allowing the embryos to go to day 3, only the healthy embryos will survive to day 3. Hence it might improve your chances of getting pregnant by the process of natural selection.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDAY 3 EMBRYOS (72 HOURS)\n\nOn day 3 the embryos should be between 6 to 8 cells. More than this range the embryos may be growing too fast, using up the energy stored by the eggs and therefore more likely burn out before they get the chance to implant. Slower than this range, the concern is that the embryos would not continue to divide at all.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDAY 5 EMBRYOS (BLASTOCYST)\n\nThe goal of in vitro fertilization and embryo culture is to provide high quality embryos which are capable of continued development and result in live births. However, under standard IVF culture conditions, only upto 60% of human embryos progress to the blastocyst stage after 5 days of culture. Sometimes your doctor may allow the embryos to go to day 6, which is called hatching blastocyst and never beyond day 6.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHATCHING BLASTOCYST ON DAY 6\n\nBlastocyst transfer is ideal with highest pregnancy rate compared to day 2 or day 3 embryos. By giving an extra 2 days, it will result in better natural selections of the embryos. Furthermore, the blastocyst stage embryos should ideally be in the uterine cavity compared to day 2 or day 3 embryos which should be within the fallopian tube rather than the uterine cavity. The uterine lining is more receptive to the arriving embryo on day 5, which is similar to natural pregnancy.\n\n\n\n\n\nHowever this may not be a fair comparison. Perhaps pregnancy rates would have been just as good transferring 3 embryos on day 3 versus 2 embryos on day 5? It is a fact that the more embryos you put in the higher is the success rate but the risk of multiple pregnancies are also higher.\nAge should be taken into consideration when deciding day of transfer.\n\nDoctors and laboratory staff will cite many factors when comparing day 2/3 transfer to day 5 (blastocyst) transfer. Age should be taken into consideration when deciding day of transfer. If you are more than 40 years old, it should always be a day 2/3 transfer. Also if you have few embryos, your doctor would also recommend day 2/3 transfers. When you have few embryos in your cohort, the risk of the embryos dying before you reach day 5 is high, resulting in no transfers at all. Culture media, where the embryos are kept, also play a part in the success rate. Poor culture media will result in death of the embryos.\n\nGrading of the embryos are not only done based on the number of cells in an embryo. The other factor your embryologist would check would be the percentage of fragmentation of the dividing cells. As cells divide, they leave fragments behind and too many fragments suggest that cells may not be dividing properly. Higher fragmentations will result in poor quality embryos.\n\n...the debate goes on. Good people can disagree. My advice would be to accept the day that your particular laboratory favours as long as you understand the process of your embryos growing in the laboratory. In this way, you will be maximizing your chances.\nDr. Suhaimi Hassan \n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/clean-your-act", "title": "Clean Up Your Act", "body": "\n\n\n\nClean Up Your Act\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 01, 2016\n \n\nUnlike the phrase \"getting down and dirty\", having sex shouldn't be unclean in any way. Read on for tips on how to make sure your next steamy session in fully enjoyable. Dr Haslina Sarkawi, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Columbia Asia Hospital - Bintulu shares on sexual hygiene.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFemale Magazine, June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/colonscopy", "title": "\u7ed9\u5927\u80a0\u7167\u955c", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u7ed9\u5927\u80a0\u7167\u955c\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 28, 2019\n \n\u7ed9\u5927\u80a0\u7167\u955c\n\n\u5927\u80a0\u72b9\u5982\u4eba\u7c7b\u4f53\u5167\u7684\u4e0b\u6c34\u9053\uff0c\u5f2f\u66f2\u4e14\u51f9\u51f8\u4e0d\u5e73\u3002\u6bcf\u5929\u5e2e\u4f60\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u6e05\u8d70\u810f\u7269\u548c\u6bd2\u7d20\uff0c\u4f60\u66fe\u5426\u5173\u5fc3\u8fc7\u5b83\uff1f\u7528\u4e86\u51e0\u5341\u5e74\u7684\u80a0\u9053\uff0c\u662f\u65f6\u5019\u597d\u597d\u505a\u4e2a\u68c0\u67e5\u4e86\uff01\n\n3\u6708\u662f\u56fd\u9645\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u9192\u89c9\u6708\uff0c\u4eca\u5e74\u7684\u4e3b\u9898\u4e3a\u300cDon't Assume\u300d\uff0c\u6253\u8457\u300c\u5225\u4ee5\u4e3a\u4f60\u5e74\u8f7b\u5c31\u4e0d\u4f1a\u60a3\u4e0a\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u300d\u7684\u53e3\u865f\u3002\u7f8e\u56fd\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u6297\u764c\u534f\u4f1a\u8d70\u8bbf\u8857\u5934\uff0c\u53d1\u73b0\u8bb8\u591a\u4eba\u5bf9\u300c\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u300d\u7684\u77ad\u89e3\u4e26\u4e0d\u6df1\u3002\u660e\u660e\u662f\u4e09\u5927\u764c\u75c7\u4e4b\u4e00\uff0c\u4e3a\u4f55\u5927\u773e\u5bf9\u6b64\u7684\u9192\u89c9\u90a3\u4e48\u4f4e\uff1f\n\n\u6797\u5c0f\u59d0\u624d\u4e09\u5341\u4f59\u5c81\uff0c\u5728\u6392\u4fbf\u65f6\u7a81\u7136\u6d41\u51fa\u9c9c\u8840\uff0c\u5979\u8bef\u4ee5\u4e3a\u662f\u6708\u4e8b\u6765\u6f6e\u4e26\u4e0d\u52a0\u7406\u4f1a\u3002\u4e0b\u8179\u6709\u4e9b\u80bf\u80c0\uff0c\u5979\u4e5f\u653e\u4efb\u4e0d\u7ba1\uff0c\u4ee5\u4e3a\u53ea\u662f\u81ea\u5df1\u53d8\u80d6\u4e86\u3002\u4e00\u6b21\u7a81\u53d1\u6027\u7684\u8179\u90e8\u75bc\u75db\u7d27\u6025\u5165\u9662\uff0c\u624d\u53d1\u73b0\u81ea\u5df1\u60a3\u4e0a\u7b2c\u4e09\u671f\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u3002\n\n\u809a\u5b50\u80bf\u80c0\u3001\u6392\u4fbf\u51fa\u8840\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u51fa\u73b0\u8be5\u75c7\u72b6\u65f6\u90fd\u4ee5\u4e3a\u53ea\u662f\u5355\u7eaf\u7684\u80c3\u80c0\u98ce\u6216\u4fbf\u79d8\u6240\u81f4\u3002\u6839\u636e\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u7edf\u8ba1\uff0c\u56fd\u5167\u5e38\u89c1\u76843\u79cd\u764c\u75c7\u5305\u62ec\u4e73\u764c\uff0817.7%\uff09\u3001\u5927\u80a0\u764c\uff0813.2%\uff09\u53ca\u80ba\u764c\uff0813.2%\uff09\u3002\u7537\u6027\u5f53\u4e2d\uff0c\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u662f\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\u764c\u75c7\u3002\n\n\u4eba\u4f53\u5927\u80a0\u5168\u957f\u7ea61.5\u516c\u5c3a\uff0c\u7531\u76f2\u80a0\u3001\u7ed3\u80a0\u548c\u76f4\u80a0\u7ec4\u6210\u3002\u7ed3\u80a0\u53ef\u7ec6\u5206\u4e3a\u5347\u7ed3\u80a0\u3001\u6a2a\u7ed3\u80a0\u3001\u964d\u7ed3\u80a0\u3001\u4e59\u72b6\u7ed3\u80a0\u3001\u76f4\u80a0\u3002\u5927\u80a0\u764c\uff08Colorectal Cancer\uff09\u5219\u662f\u6307\u7ed3\u80a0\u6216\u76f4\u80a0\u7684\u764c\u75c7\u3002Columbia Asia\u5916\u79d1\u53ca\u7ed3\u80a0\u624b\u672f\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u6307\uff1a\u300c\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u5728\u534e\u88d4\u5f53\u4e2d\u6700\u4e3a\u666e\u904d\uff0c\u6bcf10\u4e07\u4eba\u5f53\u4e2d\u5c31\u670928\u540d\u60a3\u8005\u3002\u300d\u81f3\u65bc\u5370\u88d4\u53ca\u5deb\u88d4\uff0c\u5206\u5225\u4e3a10\u4e07\u4eba\u4e2d\u670914\u53ca11\u4eba\u60a3\u4e0a\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u3002\u597d\u53d1\u5e74\u9f84\u4e3a50\u5c81\u6216\u4ee5\u4e0a\uff0c\u7537\u6027\u5c45\u591a\u3002\n\u996e\u98df\u4e60\u60ef\u6210\u5173\u952e\n\n\u300c\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u867d\u662f\u5927\u9a6c\u5e38\u89c1\u764c\u75c7\u4e4b\u4e00\uff0c\u4f46\u78ba\u8bca\u65f6\u901a\u5e38\u5df2\u7ecf\u662f\u672b\u671f\uff0c\u8fd9\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u6211\u56fd\u6ca1\u6709\u628a\u5927\u80a0\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\u5217\u5165\u8eab\u4f53\u68c0\u67e5\u8ba1\u5212\u4e2d\uff0c\u6c11\u773e\u5bf9\u65bc\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u7684\u9192\u89c9\u610f\u8bc6\u8f83\u4f4e\u3002\u300d\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u65e5\u672c\u662f\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u7f79\u60a3\u7387\u6700\u4f4e\u7684\u56fd\u5bb6\uff0c\u76f8\u4fe1\u8fd9\u5173\u4e4e\u4ed6\u4eec\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u53ca\u996e\u98df\u4e60\u60ef\u3002\u5927\u9a6c\u4eba\u559c\u7231\u714e\u70b8\u7206\u7092\u7684\u70f9\u8c03\u65b9\u5f0f\uff0c\u6216\u591a\u6216\u5c11\u4e5f\u6709\u6240\u5f71\u54cd\u3002\n\n\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u53ef\u5206\u4e3a4\u671f\uff1a\u7b2c\u4e00\u671f\u662f\u5927\u80a0\u80a0\u58c1\u4e0a\u957f\u606f\u8089\uff0c\u6f14\u5316\u6210\u80bf\u7624\u5bfc\u81f4\u764c\u75c7\u3002\u7b2c\u4e8c\u671f\u662f\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u4fb5\u5165\u80a0\u58c1\uff0c\u7b2c\u4e09\u671f\u5219\u662f\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u6269\u6563\u81f3\u6dcb\u5df4\u7cfb\u7edf\u3002\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u662f\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u6269\u6563\u5230\u5176\u4ed6\u5668\u5b98\uff0c\u5982\uff1a\u809d\u81df\u3001\u80ba\u90e8\u3001\u8179\u8154\u819c\u7b49\u7b49\u3002\u300c\u4e00\u822c\u521d\u671f\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u75c5\u60a3\u82e5\u53ca\u65e9\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u6cbb\u7652\u7387\u53ca\u5b58\u6d3b\u7387\u9ad8\u8fbe90%\u3002\u7b2c\u4e8c\u548c\u7b2c\u4e09\u671f\u75c5\u60a3\u7684\u6cbb\u7652\u7387\u5206\u5225\u662f80%\u53ca50%\uff0c\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u7684\u6cbb\u7652\u7387\u5219\u5c11\u65bc5%\u3002\u300d\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u8865\u5145\uff1a\u300c\u5728\u7b2c\u4e09\u53ca\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u9020\u6210\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u7684\u539f\u56e0\u6709\u57fa\u56e0\u7a81\u53d8\u548c\u5bb6\u65cf\u9057\u4f20\u75c5\u53f2\uff1b\u4f46\u6709\u9ad8\u8fbe75%\u60a3\u764c\u539f\u56e0\u4e0d\u660e\u3002\u300d\n\n\u7f79\u60a3\u764c\u75c7\u7684\u5371\u9669\u56e0\u7d20\u53ef\u80fd\u4e0e\u751f\u6d3b\u4e60\u60ef\u6709\u5173\uff0c\u5176\u4e2d\u5305\u542b\uff1a\u6444\u53d6\u8fc7\u591a\u7684\u7ea2\u8089\u53ca\u52a0\u5de5\u8089\u54c1\u3001\u62bd\u70df\u996e\u9152\u3001\u7f3a\u4e4f\u8fd0\u52a8\u3001\u80a5\u80d6\u3001\u71ac\u591c\u7b49\u7b49\u3002\u96a8\u8457\u5e74\u9f84\u589e\u957f\u4e5f\u63d0\u9ad8\u4e86\u7f79\u60a3\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u3002\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u6216\u53ef\u80fd\u5e26\u7ed9\u60a3\u8005\u8179\u90e8\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u80bf\u80c0\u7684\u8baf\u865f\uff0c\u6392\u4fbf\u51fa\u8840\u7b49\u8f83\u4e3a\u660e\u663e\u7684\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u4f46\u7edd\u5927\u90e8\u5206\u4eba\u90fd\u4f1a\u5ffd\u89c6\u8fd9\u4e9b\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u6709\u4e9b\u75c5\u60a3\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u5b8c\u5168\u6ca1\u6709\u51fa\u73b0\u4efb\u4f55\u5f02\u5e38\u3002\n\n\u5176\u5b9e\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u300c\u8868\u9762\u75be\u75c5\u300d\uff0c\u5373\u662f\u505a\u7b80\u5355\u7684\u68c0\u67e5\u4fbf\u53ef\u68c0\u9a8c\u51fa\u6765\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd9\u9879\u68c0\u9a8c\u5728\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u4e26\u4e0d\u666e\u904d\u3002\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u5efa\u8bae50\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u4eba\u58eb\u5e94\u5b9a\u671f\u505a\u5927\u80a0\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u53ef\u900f\u8fc7\u5927\u80a0\u5167\u7aa5\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\u3001\u8840\u6db2\u68c0\u6d4b\u3001\u7caa\u4fbf\u7b5b\u68c0\u6216\u7535\u8111\u65ad\u5c42\u626b\u7784\u8fdb\u884c\u5927\u80a0\u68c0\u9a8c\u3002\u5176\u4e2d\uff0c\u7caa\u4fbf\u7b5b\u68c0\u8fd9\u975e\u4fb5\u5165\u6027\u7684\u68c0\u67e5\u6700\u4e3a\u5bb9\u6613\uff0c\u51c6\u78ba\u6027\u8fbe60%\u3002\n\u5bb6\u65cf\u75c5\u53f2\u4eba\u58eb\u3000\u5118\u65e9\u68c0\u9a8c\u5927\u80a0\n\n\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u51e150\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u4eba\u58eb\u90fd\u5efa\u8bae\u8fdb\u884c\u5927\u80a0\u68c0\u6d4b\u3002\u5bb6\u65cf\u91cc\u4e00\u7b49\u4eb2\u5c5e\u5173\u4fc2\u5f53\u4e2d\u66fe\u6709\u4eba\u60a3\u4e0a\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u8005\uff0c\u66f4\u5e94\u5118\u65e9\u68c0\u9a8c\u3002\u300c\u5047\u8bbe\u4f60\u7684\u4eb2\u4eba\u572840\u5c81\u65f6\u60a3\u4e0a\u5927\u80a0\u764c\uff0c\u90a3\u4f60\u672c\u8eab\u5e94\u8be5\u5728\u4ed6\u78ba\u8bca\u60a3\u75c5\u5e74\u9f84\u7684\u524d5\u523010\u5e74\u8fdb\u884c\u68c0\u6d4b\uff0c\u537330\u5c81\u5c31\u8981\u8fdb\u884c\u5927\u80a0\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u800c\u975e\u7b49\u523050\u5c81\u540e\u624d\u68c0\u9a8c\u3002\u300d\n\n\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u9003\u907f\u7167\u5927\u80a0\u955c\uff0c\u6709\u8005\u542c\u8bf4\u90a3\u662f\u82e6\u4e0d\u582a\u8a00\u7684\u7ecf\u9a8c\uff0c\u6709\u4e9b\u4eba\u5219\u89c9\u5f97\u5f88\u5c37\u5c2c\u7f9e\u803b\u3002\u6bd5\u7adf\u4e00\u6761\u7ba1\u5b50\u4ece\u809b\u95e8\u76f4\u901a\u80a0\u5b50\uff0c\u8fd9\u611f\u89c9\u4e0d\u662f\u6bcf\u4e2a\u4eba\u90fd\u80fd\u591f\u627f\u53d7\u7684\u3002\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u73b0\u5728\u7684\u533b\u7597\u6280\u672f\u548c\u4eea\u5668\u90fd\u76f8\u5f53\u53d1\u8fbe\uff0c\u75c5\u60a3\u65e0\u9700\u8fc7\u65bc\u62c5\u5fc3\u3002\u300c\u5728\u8fdb\u884c\u5927\u80a0\u5167\u7aa5\u955c\u68c0\u6d4b\u524d\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u7ed9\u4e88\u75c5\u4eba\u6ce8\u5c04\u6b62\u75db\u548c\u808c\u8089\u653e\u9b06\u5242\uff0c\u75c5\u4eba\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u65f6\u523b\u53cd\u5e94\u7ed9\u533b\u751f\u77e5\u9053\u81ea\u8eab\u7684\u611f\u89c9\uff0c\u671f\u95f4\u53ef\u4ee5\u6539\u53d8\u59ff\u52bf\u8c03\u6574\u3002\u300d\n\n\u300c\u6709\u8bb8\u591a\u75c5\u60a3\u8fc7\u5ea6\u62c5\u5fc3\u800c\u5ef6\u8fdf\u505a\u5927\u80a0\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u5230\u6700\u540e\u78ba\u8bca\u65f6\u5df2\u7ecf\u662f\u7b2c\u4e09\u6216\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\u764c\u75c7\u3002\u73b0\u5b9e\u8003\u91cf\u4e0a\uff0c\u533b\u836f\u8d39\u4f1a\u5927\u5927\u5730\u63d0\u9ad8\uff1b\u53e6\u4e00\u65b9\u9762\u5219\u662f\uff0c\u5c31\u7b97\u6709\u518d\u591a\u7684\u94b1\uff0c\u6cbb\u7652\u7387\u4e5f\u964d\u4f4e\u4e86\u3002\u300d\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u6307\uff1a\u300c\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u51e0\u4e4e\u90fd\u662f\u80a0\u58c1\u4e0a\u7684\u606f\u8089\u5f00\u59cb\u6f14\u5316\u6210\u80bf\u7624\u800c\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\uff0c\u82e5\u5728\u5927\u80a0\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\u65f6\u53d1\u73b0\u761c\u8089\uff0c\u53ef\u63d0\u65e9\u5207\u9664\u3002\u300d\u5927\u80a0\u72b9\u5982\u4e00\u4e2a\u4e0b\u6c34\u9053\uff0c\u4eba\u4eec\u7528\u4e86\u51e0\u5341\u5e74\uff0c\u7406\u5e94\u7ed9\u81ea\u5df1\u505a\u4e2a\u5b8c\u5584\u7684\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u5c3d\u91cf\u907f\u514d\u60a3\u4e0a\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u7684\u4efb\u4f55\u53ef\u80fd\u6027\u3002\n\u5207\u9664\u606f\u8089\u53bb\u75c5\u7076\n\n\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u5766\u8a00\uff1a\u300c\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u521d\u671f\u662f\u5f88\u5bb9\u6613\u6cbb\u7652\u7684\uff0c\u53ea\u8981\u5207\u9664\u606f\u8089\u4e26\u8c03\u7406\u597d\u751f\u6d3b\u4f5c\u606f\u5373\u53ef\u3002\u300d\u300c\u4f46\u82e5\u5df2\u7ecf\u8fdb\u5165\u7b2c\u4e09\u671f\u6216\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\u5927\u80a0\u764c\uff0c\u5219\u9700\u901a\u8fc7\u624b\u672f\u5207\u9664\u80bf\u7624\u6216\u60a3\u764c\u90e8\u4f4d\uff0c\u8fdb\u884c\u5316\u7597\u6216\u7535\u7597\u3002\u8fd9\u4e00\u5207\u7684\u6cbb\u7597\u65b9\u6848\u9700\u7531\u4e13\u4e1a\u533b\u7597\u56e2\u961f\u6765\u5236\u5b9a\u3002\u300d\n\n\u5728\u6cbb\u7597\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u75c5\u60a3\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u9762\u4e34\u4e00\u4e9b\u751f\u7406\u4e0a\u7684\u53d8\u5316\u3002\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u8bf4\uff1a\u300c\u82e5\u662f\u53d1\u75c5\u90e8\u4f4d\u5728\u76f4\u80a0\uff08\u9760\u8fd1\u809b\u95e8\u90e8\u4f4d\uff09\uff0c\u8fdb\u884c\u624b\u672f\u5207\u9664\u8be5\u90e8\u4f4d\u540e\u6216\u53ef\u80fd\u9700\u8981\u4f9d\u9760\u7ed3\u80a0\u9020\u53e3\uff08Ostomy Bag\uff09\u6536\u96c6\u6392\u6cc4\u7269\u3002\u300d\u6297\u764c\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u75c5\u60a3\u7684\u751f\u5fc3\u7406\u4e0d\u514d\u4f1a\u53d7\u5230\u5f71\u54cd\uff0c\u4f46\u6768\u5143\u8ce1\u5f3a\u8c03\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u60a3\u8005\u5e94\u5118\u65e9\u63a5\u53d7\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\u75c5\u60a3\u548c\u5bb6\u5c5e\u9700\u4e0e\u533b\u7597\u56e2\u961f\u914d\u5408\uff0c\u652f\u6301\u53ca\u534f\u52a9\u75c5\u60a3\u6297\u75c5\u3002\n\u3010\u81f4\u75c5\u56e0\u7d20\u3011\n\n\u900f\u8fc7\u7b2c\u4e09\u53ca\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u7edd\u5927\u90e8\u5206\u60a3\u8005\u60a3\u4e0a\u764c\u75c7\u7684\u76f4\u63a5\u56e0\u7d20\u4e0d\u660e\uff1a\n\n5%\u57fa\u56e0\u75c5\u53d8\n\n20%\u5bb6\u65cf\u75c5\u53f2\n\n75%\u4e0d\u660e\u539f\u56e0\n\n\u6444\u53d6\u8fc7\u591a\u7ea2\u8089/\u52a0\u5de5\u98df\u54c1\n\n\n\u62bd\u70df\u996e\u9152\n\n\n\u7f3a\u4e4f\u8fd0\u52a8\n\n\n\u80a5\u80d6\n\n\n\u71ac\u591c\u7b49\u4e0d\u826f\u751f\u6d3b\u4e60\u60ef\n\n\n\u5927\u9a6c\u534a\u5c9b5\u5927\u5e38\u89c1\u764c\u75c7\n\n\u7537\u6027\uff1a\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u3001\u80ba\u764c\u3001\u9f3b\u54bd\u764c\u3001\u524d\u5217\u817a\u764c\u3001\u809d\u764c\n\n\u5973\u6027\uff1a\u4e73\u764c\u3001\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u3001\u80ba\u764c\u3001\u5b50\u5bab\u9888\u764c\u3001\u9f3b\u54bd\u764c\n\u3010\u5e38\u89c1\u75c7\u72b6\u3011\n\n\u8bb8\u591a\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u75c5\u60a3\u65e0\u660e\u663e\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u68c0\u6d4b\u62a5\u544a\u51fa\u6765\u65f6\u4e3a\u65f6\u5df2\u665a\u3002\u4f46\u82e5\u672c\u8eab\u6216\u8eab\u8fb9\u7684\u4eba\u5f00\u59cb\u51fa\u73b0\u4e00\u4e0b\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u5118\u65e9\u505a\u5927\u80a0\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u4ee5\u7b56\u5b89\u5168\u3002\u8d8a\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u764c\u75c7\uff0c\u6cbb\u7652\u7387\u53ef\u5927\u5e45\u5ea6\u63d0\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u8179\u90e8\u65f6\u5e38\u7ede\u75db\n\n\n\u809a\u5b50\u80c0\u98ce\n\n\n\u6392\u4fbf\u51fa\u8840\uff08\u8840\u8272\u4e3a\u9c9c\u7ea2\uff09\n\n\n\u6392\u4fbf\u4e60\u60ef\u6539\u53d8\n\n\n\u80c3\u53e3\u53d8\u5dee\n\n\n\u4f53\u91cd\u4e0b\u964d\n\n\n\u80a0\u9053\u963b\u585e\uff0c\u65e0\u6cd5\u6392\u4fbf\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Yong Yuen Geng\n\n\nConsultant General & Colorectal Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nColonscopy \u7ed9\u5927\u80a0\u7167\u955c - Oriental Daily, 28 March 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nColonscopy \u7ed9\u5927\u80a0\u7167\u955c - Oriental Daily, 28 March 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/colorectal-cancer", "title": "Colorectal cancer", "body": "\n\n\n\nColorectal cancer\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 01, 2012\n \n\nColorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Peninsular Malaysia, the first among male and second among female. Worldwide, the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing and it is still one of the leading health problems.\n\nThe exact cause of colorectal cancer is unknown, although some are hereditary in origin(inherited). However, it is widely accepted that it originates from the progression of some non-cancerous growth called adenomatous polyp which later on become cancerous over a period of a few years. Therefore, early detection and removal of these polyps can potentially prevent the development of colorectal cancer.\n\nSome of the common symptoms of colorectal cancer are changed in bowel habit, sensation of incomplete bowel motion, weight loss and passing blood in the stools. However, one should not have a misconception that passing blood in stools is only due to piles because piles, being so common, can coexist with other more serious conditions like cancers, inflammatory bowel disease and ischemic bowel which require further assessment and investigations.\n\nThe benefit of screening for colorectal cancer is very strong and clear as it fulfills many criteria of a good screening i.e. colorectal cancer is one of the commonest cancers, it potentially improves the outcome of the disease if colorectal cancers are detected earlier, it is highly sensitive and the screening modalities are generally acceptable.\n\nThere are several ways of screening for colorectal cancers. These include stool occult blood tests, radio-imaging (x-rays) and colonoscopy. However, colonoscopy remains to be the final common pathway for all positive screening tests, i.e. if the screening test by a method other than colonoscopy turns out to be positive, the patient would be advised for colonoscopy and biopsy for confirmation of diagnosis. Colonoscopy detects and also removes adenomatous polyps at the same time and potentially stops the progression of polyps into cancers.\n\nOnce a diagnosis of colorectal cancer is made, the disease is usually further investigated for staging of the cancer. The mainstay of treatment is surgery and it may be combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy depends on the stage and site of the colorectal cancer.\n\nThe good news about colorectal cancer is that it is potentially curable if detected early and potentially preventable if the adenomatous polyps are removed.\nDr. Yong Yuen Geng\n\nConsultant General and Colorectal Surgeon Columbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/columbia-asia-small-new-big-bfm-podcast", "title": "Columbia Asia: Small Is The New Big [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia: Small Is The New Big [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 25, 2012\n \n\nKelvin Tan the CEO of Southeast Asia for the Columbia Asia Group discusses its unique business proposition, bringing fast and efficient service and value-for-money treatment to residential areas in Malaysia.\n\nHe talks about how their hospitals are relatively smaller in comparison to other private hospitals and how this makes them run more efficiently and helps keep costs down. Columbia Asia's patients stay and average of only two days in their hospitals, due to advances in medical technology and non-invasive treatment. And with 10 medical facilities thoughout Malaysia already, Columbia Asia is bullish on expanding as Kelvin talks about their expansion plans.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/common-facts-about-cervical-cancer-unleashed-what-every-woman-should-know-about", "title": "Common facts about cervical cancer unleashed: What every woman should know about cervical screening and cervical cancer", "body": "\n\n\n\nCommon facts about cervical cancer unleashed: What every woman should know about cervical screening and cervical cancer\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 26, 2011\n \nWhat are the common facts about cervical cancer\n\nCervical cancer is the second most common female cancer worldwide, (after breast cancer) and the second most common cause of cancer deaths amongst Malaysian women and in the Asia Pacific region. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women over 15 years of age. One woman in the world dies of cervical cancer every 2 minutes. About 500,000 women globally are diagnosed with cervical cancer with an average of 270,000 deaths a year.\nWhat causes cervical cancer\n\nAlmost all (99%) cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). HPV is spread mainly through sexual contact. There are over 100 identified types of HPV most of which are harmless and exhibit no symptoms. There are 15 cancer-causing types which can lead to cervical cancer; HPV 16 and 18 together cause more than 70% of all cervical cancers in Asia Pacific and worldwide. Cancer-causing HPV types 16, 18, 45 and 31 together account for over 80% of cervical cancer cases in Asia Pacific.\nWho is at risk of cervical cancer\n\nSexually active women are at risk of being affected by cervical cancer or more commonly by the early stages of the disease i.e. cervical pre-cancer. Women at increased risk of developing cervical pre-cancer or cancer include women having several sexual partners, young women (less than 25 years of age and have had sexual intercourse at an early age of 16 years or less) or women having a male partner who has had several different sex partners.\nHow can pap smears reduce the risk of cervical cancer\n\nEighty percent of cervical cancer presents at an advanced stage when the cancer may be incurable. Hence, regular cervical screening by routine cervical or pap smear examinations allows cervical cancer and pre-cancer to be detected at an early stage when immediate treatments are more effective. Effective cervical cancer screening programmes in some countries, such as, in the United Kingdom, have dramatically reduced the incidence and death from cervical cancer.\nWhat is a pap smear test and cervical cancer screening\n\nCervical cancer screening involves routine Pap smear tests aimed at women with no symptoms. It is currently recommended that every woman who has had sexual intercourse have regular Pap smear tests so that problems can be detected at an early stage and thus treated before they become a serious condition like cervical cancer.\n\nThe pap smear test is a simple painless test in which cells from the cervix and vagina are examined for any abnormalities that can lead to cancer. Fortunately, some early changes in the cervix can be seen long before cancer develops. Once these changes are treated, cancer can be prevented. It is important that the pap smear examination or test is done by a properly trained and experienced medical personnel as accurate visualisation of the cervix and an appropriate sample must be taken for assessment. Nowadays, there are many screening centres in Malaysia that offer pap smear tests and other screening tests but these test are unfortunately carried out at times by untrained or non-medical personnel and this can be detrimental to the woman.\n\nColposcopy is one way a gynaecologist can look at the cervix through a special magnifying device that allows the gynaecologist to find problems on the cervix that cannot be seen by the naked eye alone. It is a relatively painless procedure in which the cervix is examined under magnification after a mild vinegar-like solution (acetic acid) is applied to the cervix. Biopsies of abnormal areas are taken for further evaluation and treatment can be performed based on these results.\nHow do cervical cancer vaccines protect against cervical cancer\n\nCurrently, there are 2 vaccines available to prevent cervical cancer. Cervical cancer vaccine helps prevent but does not treat these diseases. However, it is not a substitute for routine Pap smears for cervical cancer screening. It is estimated that in the absence of vaccination, the vast majority of sexually active people will become infected by HPV virus in their lifetime. Many people who have HPV may not show any signs or symptoms, hence they may transmit the virus unknowingly.\n\nCervarix\u00ae cervical cancer vaccine provides nearly 100% protection against HPV types 16 and 18 associated pre-cancerous lesions. Cervarix\u00ae induces a stronger and more sustained immune response than the other vaccine. Cervarix with AS04 adjuvant system provides cross protection against infection of HPV 45 & 31, which are the third and fourth most common types found in cervical cancer globally. The primary vaccination course consists of three doses, given at 0, 1 and 6 months. Most importantly, it is not a substitute for routine Pap smears for cervical cancer screening.\n\nGardasil\u00ae the other vaccine available is a vaccine that helps protect against HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 which are associated with cervical cancer, precancerous changes of the cervix and vulva, and genital warts. Children and adolescents aged 9 years and above can receive Gardasil\u00ae. The vaccine works best when given to persons with no prior HPV contact although possible benefits can be derived in persons who may have had previous HPV exposure. It is given as an injection and a complete course consists of 3 doses where the 2nd and 3rd doses are administered 2 months and 6 months after the 1st dose respectively.\n\nThese vaccines help prevent but does not treat these diseases. Again, it is not a substitute for routine Pap smears for cervical cancer screening.\nDr. Sharad Ratna\n\nGeneral Obstetrician and Gynaecologist\n\nVisiting Consultant Columbia Asia Hospitals\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/common-foot-conditions-in-kids", "title": "Common Foot Conditions in Kids", "body": "\n\n\n\nCommon Foot Conditions in Kids\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 04, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nChildren experience different kinds of foot problems similar to adults. These conditions show different characteristics where some may occur more frequently in children due to their active lifestyles and developing bodies.\n\n\nFor this episode of AskMeDoctor! we have Dr. Paisal Hussin, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong, who is also a father of three to help us explore more about this topic.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ1: What are the most common foot problems in children?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Paisal Hussin\n: The most common problems that often come stepping into our clinic are flat feet, viral warts and also ingrown toenails of big toes.\n\n\nIn fact, ingrown toenails occur in kids more compared in adults because of certain causes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ2: Do children also get warts and ingrown nails like us, adults?\n\n\nDr. Paisal Hussin\n: Yes, as I\u2019ve mentioned to you, these two conditions are actually one of the common foot problems. It can affect any age group.\n\n\nSo, we do also find that these problems also happen in children. There are a lot of reasons why it happens.\n\n\nIngrown toenails usually, happens because of some kinds of habits. When kids usually wear very tight shoes, the improper nail clipping; cut too short, not straight and crossed.\n\n\nOr in kids, they usually have a kind of trauma to their big toe because of hitting, and stubbing.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ3: Do foot conditions like flat feet cause serious health problems later?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Paisal Hussin\n: Flat feet is actually a condition where the feet; the entire foot is touching the ground when you wear it bare.\n\n\nIt\u2019s common in paediatric age groups, in children. This is because, at that time, their bones are not fully developed yet. Their ligaments are still flexible.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nStudies have shown that about 40% of children at the age of 3-6 got a flat foot. But, this flat foot, the curve, the arch of the foot will start to develop after the age of six. Most children will have that kind of arch by the age of six.\n\n\nBut there are cases where children develop flat feet after the age of 6\u2014maybe about 20% of them. But most of them, even the group of that 20%, rarely will cause any serious problem.\n\n\nSo, it\u2019s quite common at an earlier age; they do have a flat foot but eventually, their body would develop the arch which is needed, later on.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ4: What are the causes of these foot conditions and problems?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nViral Wart\n\n\nDr. Paisal Hussin\n: Viral wart is caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). It\u2019s a type of virus that is very common. It can grow anywhere in the parts of our body.\n\n\nIt happens through cuts or any abrasion/breakage on the skin and then starts to form viral warts. Kids are very active, that they easily got cuts here and there.\n\n\nWhen they go off without shoes, walking and running around; these are some of the factors that make them more susceptible to getting this kind of thing.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nIngrown Toenails\n\n\nAnd then for the ingrown toenails; it is a condition where your nails are poking the skin side to the nails or at the end of the nails. It just happens because of lots of other things. The most common ones are:\n\n\nWhen people wear very tight shoes\n\n\nImproper nail cutting\n\n\nWe try to get a very nice nail cutting, so you follow the oblique kind of cutting. That\u2019s something you shouldn\u2019t do. You should cut it straight, across.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nFlat Feet\n\n\nFlat feet, it is something more towards development. I would say most children will get it because of the ligaments and bones issues. They are quite flexible. The one that we worry about is the rigid part.\n\n\nNot the flexible one. But usually, they happen in elderly times. It\u2019s not happening in the young age group.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ5: What are the treatments for these foot conditions and problems?\n\n\nDr. Paisal Hussin:\n\n\nFlat Feet\n\n\nIt is basically something that you shouldn\u2019t worry about. But sometimes your kids will complain about having pain. But what you can do is give medicine to ease the pain. Always start with something that is topical. Topical anti-inflammatory cream while you are massaging your child\u2019s calf or foot. You can also ask them to stretch the ankle, knee and foot. Basically, it will stimulate the muscles that will make the muscles relax and the pain gets better.\n\n\nViral Warts\n\n\nTart with a topical bleaching agent, maybe a weak acid, like drops, the most common one that we use is salicylic acid. We drop it every day until the warts peel off. Sometimes, it\u2019s not that easy, where they got multiple. If the warts get infected, you might need help from a dermatologist to freeze the warts. The dermatologist will use liquid nitrogen to freeze.\n\n\nIngrown nails\n\n\nFor this one, we should start with prevention by properly cutting your kid\u2019s nails and using a proper non-tight footwear. You can look for signs of infection such as redness at the side of the nails (and most of the time, it will affect the big toe).\n\n\nThis indicates that the ingrown nails are getting serious and your kid may need to see a doctor. You can also see the changes in colour redness, swelling and when you palpate the toe, your kid is having pain. And then, in some cases, the pus will start coming out, which is very smelly and does not have a very nice odour.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Paisal Hussin\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (UM), M Orthopedic Surgery (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCommon Foot Conditions in Kids \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 28 March 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 28 March 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/common-kids-foot-problems", "title": "Common Kids Foot Problems", "body": "\n\n\n\nCommon Kids Foot Problems\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 19, 2023\n \n \u00a0\n\nFlat feet\n\n\nAlso known medically as pes planar, or pes planovalgus.\n\n\nAppearance \u2013 a low or no arching on the middle aspect of the foot.\n\n\nMost common foot condition seen in growing children \u2013 reported to be as high as 77.9%\n\n\n2 main types: rigid type and flexible type \u2013 depending on whether the medial arch reconstitutes with toe walking and big toe extension.\n\n\nFlexible type (more common) \u2013 usually harmless, self-limiting and resolves over time.\n\n\nSymptoms \u2013 usually asymptomatic \u2013 noticed by parents when child standing, or children might complaint of mid foot pain or rarely, shin pain.\n\n\nTreatment \u2013 mainly observation. If symptomatic with foot pain, they might require extra biomechanical foot support, bracing and physical therapy to help correct the alignment while the child is growing.\n\n\nIn the more severe one, further assessment e.g., Xray and computer tomography (CT) scan will be helpful to rule out rigid flat foot.\n\n\nRigid flat foot (less common) \u2013 usually cause by tarsal coalition (abnormal connection of two or more bones at the back of the foot \u2013 tarsal bone).\n\n\n\nSurgery might be required in the rigid flat foot, or flexible flat foot that doesn\u2019t respond to conservative management with symptoms disruption normal daily activity.\n \u00a0\n\nIn toeing / out toeing\n\nIn normal circumstances, our toe points outwards 5-10 degree when we walk.\n\nWhen the toes point inward, it is known as in-toeing.\n\n\nWhen the toes point outward excessively, it is known as out-toeing.\n\n\nIn/out-toeing is another common foot condition seen in children.\n\n\nIt is caused by an abnormal rotational profile in the lower limb. The abnormality could arise in the hip joint, calf, or more distally at the feet.\n\n\nUsually require further assessment by an orthopedic surgeon to determine the cause of the abnormal toeing gait.\n\n\nSymptoms \u2013 mostly asymptomatic, other than the abnormal gait observed by the parents during walking. More severe forms might present with frequent falling, especially when the child starts engaging with more vigorous physical activity, eg running.\n\n\nInvestigation \u2013 Xray of the lower limb, including hip, knee and foot. CT scan is important to measure rotational profile of the lower limb.\n\n\nManagement \u2013 targeted towards the underlying cause. However, they are mainly conservative with observation and parental education.\n\n\nSimple lifestyle modification, prevent the child from sitting in \u201cW\u201d position, which could worsen in-toeing.\n\n\nStretching and physical therapy\n\n\n\nSurgical operation is rarely required, only in the patients that has exhausted conservative management, with a persistent or progressing deformity that is symptomatic and affecting their daily functioning.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nHeel pain\n\n\nAlso known as Sever\u2019s disease, or calcaneal apophysitis.\n\n\nCommonly seen in children between age 7-14, especially in children that are active in sports, e.g. running and jumping sports.\n\n\nIt happens because of inflammation at the junction between the heel cord (Archilles tendon) and the heel bone (calcaneum), caused by repetitive stress or microtrauma on this growing area.\n\n\nPresentation:\n\nPain at the heel\n\n\nToe walking or a limping gait\n\n\nRedness, swelling and tenderness over the heel region\n\n\nPain exaggerated after an exercise or physical activity\n\n\n\n\nManagement is mainly supportive, with stretching of heel cord, or ice compression after sport activity. Children can also use heel padding to ease their heel pain. Activity modification, eg stopping sports for a short period of time, is sometime required in the more severe cases. Anti-inflammatory medication is helpful to control acute symptoms.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a self-limiting condition that gets resolved after skeletal maturity and closure of the physis (growing part in a bone).\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nIngrown toenails\n\n\nKnown medically as onychocryptosis. In Malay it\u2019s known as Cagu.\n\n\nIt\u2019s a condition where the corner of the nail is grown into the skin.\n\n\nMight be associated with secondary infection.\n\n\nIncidence has been reported to be around 2.5 \u2013 5%\n\n\nAlmost exclusively affecting the big toe. Ingrown toenail of the lesser toes is less common.\n\n\nPresent as pain, redness, swelling of the toe, and in more severe cases, pus discharge if secondary infection sets in .\n\n\nCauses:\n\nCutting the nail too short, or with rounded edge\n\n\nTight socks\n\n\nImproper shoe wear\n\n\nTrauma\n\n\n\n\nNon infected ingrown toenail can be managed with conservative measures \u2013 correcting nail trimming technique, comfortable footwear with more room for the toes.\n\n\nnfected toenails may require surgical intervention to remove half or the whole offending nail, to clean the infected tissue and ablate the side of the nail plate to avoid recurrent.\n\n\nAntibiotic is also usually needed in infected ingrown toenail.\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nImportance of early detection and treatment of foot problems:\n\n\nAlthough most foot problems in children are self-limiting, without proper monitoring and timely intervention, they can progress into permanent deformity later when these children grown into adulthood. This could lead to an abnormal walking gait due to the abnormal foot and lower limb biomechanics.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat to pay attention to:\n\n\nNew onset pain and swelling involving the foot.\n\n\nAbnormal walking pattern (gait), e.g., limping, walking tip toe, refusing to walk (in younger age group like toddlers).\n\n\nAbnormal lower limb altitude.\n\n\nAsymmetrical wear pattern of the child\u2019s shoe.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Low Weng Kong\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMD (USM), M Orthopedic Surgery (UM), Fellowship in Advanced Musculoskeletal Trauma (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCommon Kids Foot Problems \u2013 Baby Talk, 19 January 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in BabyTalk, 19 January 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nOrthopedics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/complementary-alternative-medicine-sports-injuries", "title": "Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Sports Injuries", "body": "\n\n\n\nComplementary & Alternative Medicine for Sports Injuries\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 12, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.bfm.my\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nOver the past 10 years, the sports medicine community has increased the use of non-operative treatment for musculoskeletal injuries. We explore Massage, Relaxation Techniques, Injectables & Acupuncture as a complementary approach to sports injuries.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/contact-and-collision-injuries", "title": "Contact and Collision Injuries", "body": "\n\n\n\nContact and Collision Injuries\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 25, 2015\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nThere are many ways sports and physical injuries can happen \u2013 including overuse and poor technique \u2013 but perhaps none is more graphic that injuries caused from impact and contact trauma. The most common are head, neck, shoulder and knee injuries. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr Harjeet Singh, walks us through what we need to know about these injuries.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/corporate-wellness", "title": "Corporate Wellness", "body": "\n\n\n\nCorporate Wellness\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 24, 2018\n \nEMPLOYEE HEALTH - CARING FOR OUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE\n\nThe prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), especially cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, is on the rise in Malaysia. Modifiable risk factors such as sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and excess body weight are having a large effect on the risk of NCDs. A 2012 study in the journal Population Health Management found that employees who consume unhealthy diets were 66 percent more likely to experience a loss in productivity than their counterparts who regularly consumed fruits, vegetables and whole grains.\n\nThe majority of the world population is in the working-age group. This group spends most of their waking hours at workplaces. Achieving healthy eating habits and reaching physical activity goals are virtually impossible. Worksites, which are communities with their own social networks and infrastructure, can provide opportunity to deliver messages that encourages healthy eating behaviours.\n\nWell-designed worksite-based health programmes have shown positive impacts on employee health. Environmental changes that support low-cost, healthy food choices, places for physical activity and group-based health education classes have been demonstrated as components of successful worksite interventions.\n\nTopics being covered in this issues :\n\nTips on How Employees Can Eat Healthy Foods and be Active at Work\n\n\nFit to Function\n\n\nMenangani Stres Di Tempat Kerja Dengan Yoga\n\n\nExercise at The Workplace\n\n\nHealthy Meal Preps\n\n\nA Healthy Workplace\n\n\nWeight Management Programmes at Workplace\n\n\n7 Healthy Habits That Make Your Workplace Awesome!\n\n\nCorporate Wellness\n\n\nReconnecting You To An Active Life\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nMake A Difference e-Magazine \u2013 Issue 4, Corporate Wellness edition\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/couples-difficulty-conceive", "title": "Couples with difficulty to conceive", "body": "\n\n\n\nCouples with difficulty to conceive\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 05, 2011\n \n\nDoctor, is it true that subfertility is more common nowadays?\n\nThis question is commonly posed to me during my consultation with couples seeking treatment for fertility. The figure quoted for prevalence of this problem is 1 in every 7 married couple. However, there is no local data available (at least that I can recall). Doctors are seeing more subfertility cases because\n\n\u00a0\n\nBetter access to fertility treatment,\n\n\nIncreased patient awareness,\n\n\nCouple delaying childbirth and\n\n\nHigher prevalence of lifestyle disease.\n\n\nWhen to seek treatment?\n\nThe probability of pregnancy for a healthy couple is 30% per month. This is known as fecundity rate. This low figure is just to show that men are poor reproducer. Despite this low pregnancy rate, most couple with regular unprotected sexual intercourse (2-3 times a week), should be able to conceive within a year. Fertility is influenced by age, duration of subfertility, presence of poor sperm count and past history of pregnancy. It is important for couple to seek treatment after 1 year of trying to conceive but sooner if they have the following problem.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWomen aged more than 35years.\n\n\nIrregular menstrual cycle.\n\n\nPrevious history of Endometriosis, pelvic infection.\n\n\nPoor sperm count.\n\n\nDifficulty to conceive- seek treatment early!!\nDr. Ng Soon Pheng\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Puchong\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/covid-19-kuman-tak-akan-merebak-selagi-tangan-kita-tak-sentuh-muka", "title": "Covid-19: Kuman Tak Akan Merebak Selagi Tangan Kita Tak Sentuh Muka", "body": "\n\n\n\nCovid-19: Kuman Tak Akan Merebak Selagi Tangan Kita Tak Sentuh Muka\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2021\n \n\nSEJAK kebelakangan ini, kita dapat melihat wabak pandemik Covid-19 kian kembali mengganas dan sangat menakutkan lebih-lebih lagi dengan kemunculan varian-varian baharu.\n\nSetiap hari kes positif yang dicatatkan sangat membimbangkan. Sudah beberapa hari menjangkau angka empat digit.\n\nBuktinya, semalam sahaja, Malaysia telah mencatat 6,976 kes. Hari ini tak tahu lagi berapa jumlah kesnya.\n\nJika diamati, data-data tersebut sangat menggusarkan semua orang dan tidak mustahil akan meningkat saban hari.\n\nPun demikian, apa yang pasti pematuhan kepada prosedur operasi standard yang disarankan seperti memakai pelitup muka dan menjaga jarak mampu memutuskan rantaiannya.\n\nNamun, ada aspek penting yang perlu diberi perhatian terutamanya ketika berada di kawasan sesak dan memerlukan anda memakai pelitup muka.\n\nBaru-baru ini, doktor di Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital Columbia Asia Cheras, Dr Malar Santhi Santherasegapan melalui Facebooknya memberi saranan kepada orang ramai agar tidak menyentuh kawasan muka kerana ia boleh menjadi laluan kepada penularan virus Covid-19.\n\nBagi mengelakkan hal itu, beliau turut menggesa orang ramai agar sama sekali tidak memandang mudah aspek kebersihan tangan terutamanya selepas mendapatkan barangan keperluan asas di pasar raya atau kedai-kedai lain.\n\n\u201cIngat, jangan sesekali menyentuh muka atau betulkan pelitup muka selepas menyentuh barang-barang yang dibeli di pasar raya tersebut.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cIa kerana kuman yang terdapat pada tangan itu sangat mudah merebak di kawasan berkenaan,\u201d jelasnya.\n\n\n\nPada masa sama, Dr Malar turut memberitahu kuman wabak pandemik itu yang berada pada tangan tidak akan memberi penyakit selagi ia tidak mendekati mana-mana laluan termasuk pada permukaan muka.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u201cAda sesetengah orang, mereka sangat takut untuk duduk di atas kerusi atau bimbang menyentuh meja.\n\n\u201cSebenarnya, jika terkena dekat belakang badan mahupun bahu sekalipun, ia (kuman) masih kekal di situ. Lama-kelamaan ia akan mati,\u201d beritahunya lagi.\n\nOleh itu, pesan Dr Malar, selagi tidak mencuci tangan dengan bersih atau menggunakan cecair pembasmi kuman, jangan sesekali menyentuh permukaan muka masing-masing. Bahaya!\n\n\u201cSebab itu saya juga memang tidak akan sentuh muka saya selagi tidak cuci tangan.\"\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cJadi, sangat penting informasi ini untuk disebarkan kepada orang ramai,\u201d tambah beliau lagi.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nNamun, jika kebarangkalian untuk menyentuh permukaan muka itu masih tinggi, nasihat Dr Malar, pakailah pelindung muka (\nface shield\n).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cIngat, pastikan tangan dibasuh dengan bersih terlebih dahulu sebelum menyentuh permukaan muka tau!,\u201d katanya menerusi satu sesi live tersebut.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Malar Santhi A/P Santherasegapan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nM.D (CSMU), IES (London), MBA (Hons, UTM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCovid-19: Kuman Tak Akan Merebak Selagi Tangan Kita Tak Sentuh Muka \u2013 SinarPlus, 24 Mei 2021 \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 24 Mei 2021.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/covid-19-vaccines-for-children-zh", "title": "\u513f\u7ae5\u51a0\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\u63a5\u79cd", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u51a0\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\u63a5\u79cd\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 21, 2022\n \n\nColumbia Asia\uff08\u6c11\u90fd\u9c81\uff09\u533b\u9662\u513f\u79d1\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8ba4\u4e3a\uff0c\u8ba9\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u662f\u6709\u5fc5\u8981\u7684\uff0c\u591a\u6570\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u51a0\u75c5\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u4f8b\u90fd\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u75ab\u82d7\u4fdd\u62a4\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nOmicron \u201c\u6e29\u548c\u201d \u6216\u75ab\u82d7\u4e4b\u529f\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u5c3d\u7ba1\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u8ba4\u4e3a\uff0c\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u6bd4\u8f83 \u201c\u6e29\u548c\u201d \u4e0d\u90a3\u4e48\u81f4\u547d\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd9\u672a\u5fc5\u662f\u5176\u7279\u6027\uff0c\u5f88\u5927\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u4e0e\u6211\u56fd\u9ad8\u75ab\u82d7\u63a5\u79cd\u7387\u6709\u5173\uff0c\u8ba9\u6211\u4eec\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u4fdd\u62a4\u529b\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u4ee5\u6211\u56fd\u60c5\u51b5\u4e3a\u4f8b\uff0c\u56e0\u611f\u67d3\u51a0\u75c5\u8fdb\u4eba\u7b2c\u4e09\u7ec4\u522b\u81f3\u7b2c\u4e94\u7ec4\u522b\u5165\u9662\u6cbb\u7597\u75c5\u4f8b\u4e2d\uff0c\u670974%\u75c5\u4f8b\u662f\u672a\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u53ca\u65bd\u6253\u52a0\u5f3a\u9488\u3002\u8fd9\u4e5f\u663e\u793a\u591a\u6570\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u75c5\u4f8b\uff0c\u90fd\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u75ab\u82d7\u4fdd\u62a4\u3002\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u6628\u65e5\u63a5\u53d7\u661f\u6d32\u65e5\u62a5\u8138\u4e66\u76f4\u64ad\u8bbf\u95ee\u65f6\u8bf4\uff0c\u8bb8\u591a\u5bb6\u957f\u5bf9\u5b69\u5b50\u9700\u8981\u63a5\u79cd\u51a0\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\u90fd\u6709\u6240\u987e\u8651\uff0c\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u4e0d\u7ba1\u662f\u8f89\u745e\u6216\u79d1\u5174\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u90fd\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u4fdd\u62a4\u529b\uff0c\u53ea\u662f\u53d6\u51b3\u4e8e\u5bb6\u957f\u5bf9\u54ea\u4e00\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u8f83\u6709\u4fe1\u5fc3\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u6280\u672f\u670920\u5e74\u5386\u53f2 \u2022 \u8f89\u745e\u964d\u67d3\u75c5\u6f5c\u5728\u98ce\u9669\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u89e3\u91ca\uff0c\u8f89\u745e\u662f\u5c5e\u4e8e\u4fe1\u4f7f\u6838\u7cd6\u6838\u9178\uff08mRNA\uff09\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u867d\u7136\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u6307\u8fd9\u662f\u65b0\u6280\u672f\u53ca\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u5176\u5b9e\u5b83\u5e76\u4e0d\u50cf\u5927\u5bb6\u60f3\u7684\u90a3\u4e48\u65b0\uff0c\u6b64\u6280\u672f\u5df2\u6709\u7ea620\u5e74\u5386\u53f2\u3002\u5728\u7f8e\u56fd\u5386\u53f2\u4e0a\u6700\u4e25\u683c\u7684\u5b89\u5168\u68c0\u6d4b\u8ba1\u5212\u4e0b\uff0c\u7f8e\u56fd\u5df1\u6709\u6570\u4ebf\u4eba\u63a5\u79cdmRNA\u75ab\u82d7\u3002\n\n\u201c\u8d8a\u6765\u8d8a\u591a\u8bc1\u636e\u8868\u660e\uff0c\u51a0\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\u63a5\u79cd\u597d\u5904\u8d85\u8fc7\u4e86\u5df2\u77e5\u548c\u6f5c\u5728\u98ce\u9669\u3002\u201d\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u4fe1\u4f7f\u6838\u7cd6\u6838\u9178\u75ab\u82d7\u7684\u4f18\u52bf\u662f\uff0c\u63a5\u79cd\u540e\u6ca1\u6709\u611f\u67d3\u8be5\u75c5\u7684\u6f5c\u5728\u98ce\u9669\u3001\u9ad8\u6548\u3001\u53ef\u4ee5\u5feb\u901f\u88ab\u8eab\u4f53\u4f7f\u7528\uff0c\u4ea7\u751f\u4fdd\u62a4\u4f5c\u7528\u3002\u540c\u65f6\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u66f4\u5bb9\u6613\u4e14\u5feb\u901f\u5927\u91cf\u5728\u5b9e\u9a8c\u5ba4\u751f\u4ea7\uff0c\u800c\u4e0d\u662f\u5728\u5375\u5b50\u6216\u5176\u4ed6\u54fa\u4e73\u52a8\u7269\u7ec6\u80de\u4e2d\u57f9\u80b2\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u4fe1\u4f7f\u6838\u7cd6\u6838\u9178\u75ab\u82d7\u7684\u7f3a\u70b9\u662f\u5bb9\u6613\u964d\u89e3\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u5fc5\u987b\u5305\u88f9\u5728\u7eb3\u7c73\u8102\u80aa\u7c92\u5b50\u4e2d\uff08Nano fat particles\uff09\uff0c\u53ca\u5fc5\u987b\u5728\u975e\u5e38\u4f4e\u7684\u6e29\u5ea6\u4e0b\u5b58\u50a8\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5927\u89c4\u6a21\u63a5\u79cd\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0e\u79d1\u5174\u5b89\u5168\u6027\u6709\u4fdd\u8bc1\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u4e5f\u8bf4\uff0c\u79d1\u5174\u75ab\u82d7\u5c5e\u706d\u6d3b\u6027\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u662f3\u67083\u65e5\u5728\u7b2c370\u6b21\u836f\u7269\u7ba1\u5236\u5c40\u4f1a\u8bae\u4e0a\uff0c\u6709\u6761\u4ef6\u6279\u51c6\u7528\u624b5\u81f311\u5c81\u513f\u7ae5\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u89e3\u91ca\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u662f\u6839\u636e\u667a\u5229\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u5bf9\u75ab\u82d7\u6709\u6548\u6027\u8bc4\u4f30\u4f5c\u4e3a\u53c2\u8003\u6570\u636e\u3002\u6839\u636e\u667a\u5229\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u5bf9200\u4e07\u540d6\u5c81\u81f316\u5c81\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u79d1\u5174\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u6240\u53d1\u5e03\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u51a0\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\u6709\u6548\u6027\u8bc4\u4f30\u7ed3\u679c\uff0c\u57286\u81f311\u5c81\u513f\u7ae5\u65b9\u9762\uff0c\u6709\u75c7\u72b6\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u4fdd\u62a4\u6548\u679c\u4e3a76%\uff0c\u5bf9\u4f4f\u9662\u75c5\u4f8b\u7684\u4fdd\u62a4\u6548\u679c\u4e3a87.6%\u3002\n\n\u201c\u5728\u7ed3\u5408\u667a\u5229\u7684\u7814\u7a76\u7ed3\u679c\u548c\u5728\u513f\u7ae5\u4eba\u7fa4\u4e2d\u6570\u4ebf\u5242\u6b21\u7684\u5927\u89c4\u6a21\u63a5\u79cd\uff0c\u786e\u8ba4\u4e86\u4e2d\u56fd\u79d1\u5174\u51a0\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\u7684\u5b89\u5168\u6027\u3002\u201d\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u5168\u4e16\u754c\u4f7f\u7528\u6700\u591a\u7684\u5371\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\u662f\u963f\u65af\u5229\u5eb7\uff08AZ\uff09\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u5171\u6709181\u4e2a\u56fd\u5bb6\u4f7f\u7528\uff0c\u968f\u540e\u662f\u8f89\u745e\uff0c\u5171\u6709154\u4e2a\u56fd\u5bb6\u4f7f\u7528\uff0c\u800c\u79d1\u5174\u75ab\u82d7\u5219\u670947\u4e2a\u56fd\u5bb6\u5728\u4f7f\u7528\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u6ca1\u6709\u63a5\u79cd\uff0c\u60a3\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u51e0\u7387\u9ad8\n\n\n\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u6ca1\u6709\u63a5\u79cd\u5371\u75c5\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u786e\u8bca\u51a0\u75c5\u540e\u5f15\u53d1\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u7684\u51e0\u7387\uff0c\u6bd4\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u540e\u51fa\u73b0\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u51e0\u7387\u6765\u5f97\u66f4\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u5bf9\u4e8e\u8bb8\u591a\u5bb6\u957f\u62c5\u5fc3\u63a5\u79cd\u540e\u51fa\u73b0\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\uff0c\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u89e3\u91ca\u8bf4\uff0c\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u4e0d\u662f\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u540e\u624d\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u7684\u72b6\u51b5\u3002\n\n\u201c\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u662f\u5e38\u89c1\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u75c7\u5feb\u662f\u80f8\u53e3\u75db\u3001\u5598\u53ca\u7d2f\uff0c\u8fd9\u901a\u5e38\u53d1\u751f\u5728\u9752\u5c11\u5e74\u65f6\u671f\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u611f\u67d3\u6d41\u611f\u4e5f\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u3002\u6839\u636e\u62a5\u544a\uff0c\u6d41\u611f\u9020\u6210\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u7684\u5df4\u4ed9\u7387\u9ad8\u8fbe10%\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u6bcf100\u4e07\u5242\u4ec51\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u75c5\u4f8b\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u6839\u636e\u65b0\u52a0\u5761\u9488\u5bf9\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u53d1\u751f\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u5728\u6bcf100\u4e07\u5242\u75ab\u82d7\u63a5\u79cd\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u4e00\u5b97\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u75c5\u4f8b\u3002\u4f46\u82e5\u662f\u786e\u8bca\u51a0\u75c5\uff0c\u5728\u6bcf100\u4e07\u540d\u786e\u8bca\u8005\u4e2d\uff0c\u5c31\u6709450\u4eba\u4f1a\u6709\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u3002\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6570\u636e\u4e00\u76ee\u4e86\u7136\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u770b\u5230\u90a3\u4e00\u4e2a\u60c5\u51b5\u6bd4\u8f83\u4e25\u91cd\uff0c\u5373\u6ca1\u6709\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u786e\u8bca\u5f15\u53d1\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u7684\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u662f\u76f8\u5bf9\u6bd4\u63a5\u79cd\u540e\u51fa\u73b0\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u6765\u5f97\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u75c5\u4f8b\u53ef\u4ee5\u5feb\u901f\u5eb7\u590d\uff0c\u53ea\u662f\u9700\u8981\u4f11\u606f\u53ca\u4e00\u4e9b\u836f\u7269\u7684\u5e2e\u52a9\u4e0b\u5c31\u53ef\u5eb7\u590d\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u53c2\u4e0e\u8f89\u745e\u4e34\u5e8a\u8bd5\u9a8c\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u4efb\u4f55\u75ab\u82d7\u5728\u63a5\u79cd\u524d\u90fd\u4f1a\u8fdb\u884c\u4e34\u5e8a\u7814\u7a76\uff0c\u5f53\u4e00\u4e2a\u75be\u75c5\u4e25\u91cd\u81f3\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u6b7b\u4ea1\u53ca\u4f20\u67d3\u901f\u5ea6\u5feb\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u9020\u6210\u4e25\u91cd\u5e76\u53d1\u75c7\u53ca\u540e\u9057\u75c7\uff0c\u5c31\u5fc5\u987b\u5f00\u59cb\u7814\u53d1\u75ab\u82d7\u53ca\u9700\u8981\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u7406\u89e3\u8bb8\u591a\u7236\u6bcd\u5bf9\u5b69\u5b50\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u611f\u5230\u62c5\u5fc3\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u4e0d\u8ba9\u5b69\u5b50\u63a5\u79cd\u53ca\u4fdd\u6301\u89c2\u671b\u6001\u5ea6\u3002\n\n\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u7f8e\u56fd\u8f89\u745e\u75ab\u82d7\u5728\u4e34\u5e8a\u6b66\u9a8c\u8fc7\u7a0b\uff0c\u83b7\u5f97\u8d85\u8fc72000\u540d5\u81f311\u5c81\u513f\u7ae5\u53c2\u4e0e\uff0c\u4e00\u90e8\u5206\u63a5\u79cd\u8f89\u745e\u75ab\u82d7\u53ca\u4e00\u90e8\u5206\u8fdb\u884c\u751f\u7406\u76d0\u6c34\u8bd5\u9a8c\u3002\u8bd5\u9a8c\u53d1\u73b0\u75ab\u82d7\u529f\u6548\u4e3a90.7%\uff0c\u4fdd\u62a4\u529f\u6548\u4e3b\u8981\u662f\u4f4f\u9662\u7387\u3002\u8fd9\u4e5f\u520a\u767b\u5728\u6700\u5177\u6743\u5a01\u7684\u82f1\u683c\u5170\u533b\u5b66\u6742\u5fd7\u5185\u3002\n\n\u6839\u636e\u8f89\u745e\u8bd5\u9a8c\u663e\u793a\uff0c12\u5c81\u81f315\u5c81\u4fdd\u62a4\u529b\u662f100%\uff0c\u53ca16\u5c81\u81f364\u5c81\u4fdd\u62a4\u529b\u662f90.6%\uff0c\u76f8\u5bf9\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u75ab\u82d7\u4fdd\u62a4\u529b\u8fd8\u662f\u5f88\u9ad8\u3002\u7814\u7a76\u6240\u53d1\u73b0\u7684\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\uff0c\u7b2c\u4e00\u5242\u4e3b\u8981\u662f\u5c40\u90e8\u75bc\u75db\uff0870%\uff09\u3001\u4e25\u91cd\u75b2\u52b3\uff080.9%\uff09\u3001\u5934\u75db\uff080.3%\uff09\u53ca \u53d1\u51b7\uff080.1%\uff09\uff1b\u7b2c\u4e8c\u5242\u5219\u662f\u53d1\uff088.3%\uff09\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\u4e00\u822c\u4e3a\u8f7b\u5ea6\u6216\u4e2d\u5ea6\uff0c\u5e76\u53ef\u572824\u5c0f\u65f6\u81f348\u5c0f\u65f6\u5185\u6d88\u9000\uff0c\u4e5f\u65e0\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u3001\u5fc3\u5305\u708e\u53ca\u8fc7\u654f\u53cd\u5e94\u3002\u5982\u4eca\uff0c\u7f8e\u56fd\u5df1\u6709\u8d85\u8fc71\u4ebf\u4eba\u63a5\u79cd\u8f89\u745e\u75ab\u82d7\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u786e\u8bca\u500d\u589e4\u51685\u500d \u2022 \u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u5371\u5bb3\u66f4\u5927\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5bf9\u513f\u7ae5\u800c\u8a00\uff0c\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u53d8\u5f02\u6bd2\u682a\u6bd4\u5fb7\u5c14\u5854\uff08Delta\uff09\u6bd2\u682a\u66f4\u5177\u5371\u5bb3\u6027\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u4e3a\u4f55\u6211\u56fd\u513f\u7ae5\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u4f8b\u6bd4\u8fc7\u53bb1\u4e2a\u6708\u500d\u589e4\u81f35\u500d\uff01\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u6839\u636e\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u513f\u7ae5\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u4f8b\u57281\u4e2a\u6708\u524d\u53ea\u67093000\u81f34000\u5b97\u75c5\u4f8b\uff0c\u4f46\u5982\u4eca\u5374\u66b4\u589e4\u81f35\u500d\u3002\u5176\u4e2d\uff0c0\u81f34\u5c81\u513f\u7ae5\u4e00\u4e2a\u6708\u524d\u75c5\u4f8b\u662f1476\u5b97\uff0c\u672c\u661f\u671f\u75c5\u4f8b\u8fbe\u52301\u4e07\u96f684\u5b97\uff1b5\u5c81\u81f311\u5c81\u513f\u7ae5\u4e00\u4e2a\u6708\u524d\u75c5\u4f8b\u662f3374\u5b97\uff0c\u672c\u661f\u671f\u75c5\u4f8b\u8fbe\u52301\u4e075712\u5b97\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u4ece\u6570\u636e\u4e0a\u6765\u770b\u53ef\u4ee5\u53d1\u73b0\uff0c\u500d\u589e\u975e\u5e38\u8fc5\u901f\uff0c\u4e5f\u8bf4\u660e\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u5bf9\u513f\u7ae5\u6765\u8bf4\u66f4\u4e25\u91cd\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u4f4f\u9662\u7387\u589e4\u81f35\u500d\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u8fd9\u79cd\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0d\u4ec5\u53d1\u751f\u5728\u6211\u56fd\uff0c\u7f8e\u56fd\u6570\u636e\u4e5f\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u4f4f\u9662\u7387\u6bd4\u5fb7\u5c14\u5854\u589e\u52a04\u81f35\u500d\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u6839\u636e\u7f8e\u56fd\u6570\u636e\u7edf\u8ba1\uff0c\u5728\u5fb7\u5c14\u5854\u75c5\u6bd2\u4e0b\uff0c\u6bcf10\u4e07\u4eba\u67091.8\u4eba\u4f4f\u9662\uff0c\u800c\u5728\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u4f4f\u9662\u7387\u5728\u6bcf\n\n10\u4e07\u540d\u513f\u7ae5\u4e2d\uff0c\u67097.1\u4eba\u4f4f\u9662\u3002\u663e\u7136\uff0c\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u53d8\u5f02\u5df2\u6210\u4e3a\u5168\u7403\u6700\u666e\u904d\u7684\u6d41\u884c\u6bd2\u682a\uff0c\u4f20\u64ad\u80fd\u529b\u8f83\u5176\u4ed6\u53d8\u5f02\u6bd2\u682a\u5f3a\u3002\n\n\u301d\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u53d8\u5f02\u6bd2\u682a\u6765\u88ad\u524d\uff0c95%\u513f\u7ae5\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u4f8b\u5c5e\u8f7b\u5ea6\u6216\u4e2d\u5ea6\u3002\u4e3b\u8981\u56e0\u7d20\u662f\u513f\u7ae5\u4e00\u822c\u90fd\u6bd4\u8f83\u5bb9\u6613\u611f\u67d3\u4f24\u98ce\u611f\u5192\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u5b63\u8282\u6027\u4f24\u98ce\u53ca\u611f\u5192\u4f1a\u5e26\u7ed9\u4ed6\u4eec\u4e00\u5b9a\u514d\u75ab\u529b\u548c\u4fdd\u62a4\u529b\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u5e94\u5bf9\u51a0\u75c5\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u75ab\u82d7\u4ecd\u6709\u4fdd\u62a4\u6548\u679c\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u7684\u547c\u5438\u7cfb\u7edf\u8fd8\u6ca1\u6709\u5b8c\u5168\u53d1\u80b2\uff0c\u5982\u9f3b\u7aa6\u53ca\u6c14\u9053\uff0c\u53ca\u513f\u7ae5\u8f83\u5c11\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\u3002\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u662f\u76f8\u5bf9\u6027\u7684\u4fdd\u62a4\u7fa4\u4f53\uff0c\u5728\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u682a\u672a\u53d8\u5f02\u524d\u8f83\u96be\u5165\u4fb5\u513f\u7ae5\u8eab\u4f53\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u4e3a\u4f55\u513f\u7ae5\u75c5\u4f8b\u5728\u8fd9\u4e4b\u524d\u8f83\u4e0d\u4e25\u91cd\u3002\n\n\u5c3d\u7ba1\u5982\u6b64\uff0c\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u6bd2\u682a\u5bf9\u73b0\u6709\u75ab\u82d7\u5e76\u672a\u5b8c\u5168\u51fa\u73b0\u514d\u75ab\u9003\u9038\uff0c\u73b0\u6709\u75ab\u82d7\u4ecd\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u4fdd\u62a4\u6548\u754c\u3002 \u867d\u7136\u5176\u9884\u9632\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u80fd\u529b\u6709\u6240\u4e0b\u964d\uff0c\u4f46\u4ecd\u672b\u53d1\u73b0\u91cd\u75c7\u7387\u548c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7387\u4e0a\u5347\uff0c\u53ca\u4e0d\u5f71\u54cd\u4e3b\u6d41\u68c0\u6d4b\u8bd5\u5242\u7684\u68c0\u6d4b\u654f\u611f\u6027\u3002\n\n\u201c\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u4f4f\u9662\u7387\u53d8\u9ad8\uff0c\u4f46\u91cd\u75c7\u53ca\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7387\u4ecd\u4fdd\u6301\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u4eba\u4eec\u5bf9\u6570\u636e\u5df2\u9ebb\u6728\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u4e24\u5e74\u524d\u75ab\u60c5\u7206\u53d1\u540e\uff0c\u6bcf\u4e2a\u4eba\u90fd\u8ba4\u4e3a\u75ab\u60c5\u975e\u5e38\u4e25\u91cd\uff0c\u4eba\u5fc3\u60f6\u60f6\uff0c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7387\u9ad8\u53ca\u4f20\u64ad\u5f88\u5feb\u3002\u7ecf\u8fc7\u4e24\u5e74\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u4eba\u4eec\u5bf9\u6570\u636e\u5df2\u611f\u9ebb\u6728\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u5927\u9a6c\u786e\u8bca\u6570\u636e\u5e73\u5747\u6bcf\u65e5\u57282\u4e07\u81f33\u4e07\u5b97\uff0c\u7d2f\u8ba1\u75c5\u4f8b\u8d85\u8fc7300\u4e07\u5b97\uff0c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u75c5\u4f8b\u8d85\u8fc73\u4e073000\u5b97\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u6b7b\u4ea1\u7387\u4ecd\u4fdd\u6301\u57280.9%\u81f31%\u95f4\u3002\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u4ed6\u63d0\u9192\u4eba\u4eec\uff0c\u51a0\u75c5\u4ecd\u662f\u975e\u5e38\u4e25\u91cd\u7ea6\u75be\u75c5\u3002\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u5f15\u8ff0\u65e5\u672c\u91c7\u7528\u8d85\u7ea7\u7535\u8111\u8ba1\u7b97\u4f20\u64ad\u7387\u53d1\u73b0\uff0c\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u662f\u5fb7\u5c14\u5854\u75c5\u6bd2\u76841.5\u500d\u3002\u5373\u4f7f\u7ef4\u63012\u516c\u5c3a\u7684\u793e\u4ea4\u8ddd\u79bb\uff0c\u53ea\u8981\u4e0d\u6234\u53e3\u7f69\u4ea4\u8c0815\u5206\u949f\uff0c\u611f\u67d3\u5fb7\u5c14\u5854\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u4e3a40%\uff0c\u800c\u611f\u67d3\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u9ad8\u8fbe60%\u3002\n\n\u201c\u5c3d\u7ba1\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u957f\u6307\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u6bcf100\u4e07\u4eba\u53e3\u4e2d\uff0c\u53ea\u6709600\u81f3700\u4eba\u786e\u8bca\uff0c\u76f8\u8f83\u90bb\u56fd\u6bcf100\u4e07\u4eba\u53e3\u6709\u8d85\u8fc72000\u4eba\u786e\u8bca\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u75ab\u60c5\u8fd8\u4e0d\u7b97\u4e25\u91cd\u3002\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u75ab\u60c5\u867d\u770b\u4f3c\u4e0d\u4e25\u91cd\uff0c\u4f46\u6211\u4eec\u90fd\u77e5\u9053\uff0c\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u786e\u8bca\u540e\u5e76\u6ca1\u6709\u5448\u62a5\uff0c\u5426\u5219\u6570\u636e\u5c06\u8fdc\u8fdc\u6bd4\u73b0\u5728\u6570\u636e\u66f4\u9ad8\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u65b0\u75c5\u6bd2\u682a\u6bd4\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u66f4\u5371\u9669\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u65e5\u672c\u5b9e\u9a8c\u5ba4\u7684\u65b0\u5b9e\u9a8c\u8868\u660e\uff0c\u65b0\u53d1\u73b0\u7684BA.2\u53ef\u80fd\u6bd4\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u6bd2\u682a\u66f4\u5371\u9669\uff0c\u5177\u6709\u5bfc\u81f4\u4e25\u91cd\u75be\u75c5\u7684\u7279\u6027\uff0c\u57fa\u672c\u4f20\u67d3\u6570\u662f\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u539f\u59cb\u6bd2\u682a\u76841.4\u500d\uff0c\u4f20\u64ad\u91cf\u6bd4\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u9ad830%.\n\n\u201c\u6839\u636e\u4e16\u754c\u536b\u751f\u7ec4\u7ec7\uff0cBA.2\u6bd2\u682a\u5df2\u572874\u4e2a\u56fd\u5bb6\u548c\u7f8e\u56fd47\u4e2a\u5dde\u88ab\u53d1\u73b0\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u4e0d\u4f1a\u662f\u51a0\u75c5\u6700\u7ec8\u53d8\u5f02\u682a\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n1\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u66f4\u8981\u5c0f\u5fc3 \u2022 \u513f\u7ae5\u6709\u75c7\u72b6\u6216\u9700\u5165\u9662\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u786e\u8bca\u51a0\u75c5\u540e\uff0c\u5373\u4f7f\u662f\u5c5e\u4e8e\u7b2c2\u7ec4\u522b\u7684\u8f7b\u5fae\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u51fa\u73b0\u53d1\u70e7\u53ca\u611f\u5192\u7b49\uff0c\u4e5f\u9700\u9ad8\u5ea6\u6ce8\u610f\u6216\u9700\u5165\u9662\u89c2\u5bdf\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u5c0f\u4e8e6\u4e2a\u6708\u62161\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7684\u513f\u7ae5\u66f4\u8981\u5c0f\u5fc3\u3002\n\n\u201c\u82e5\u513f\u7ae5\u786e\u8bca\u540e\uff0c\u6301\u7eed\u9ad8\u70e738.5\u5ea6\u3001\u65e0\u6cd5\u8fdb\u98df\u6216\u8131\u6c34\u3001\u6301\u7eed\u5455\u5410\u53ca\u8179\u6c61\u3001\u55dc\u7761\u3001\u5f88\u7d2f\u3001\u4e0d\u6d3b\u8dc3\u53ca\u51fa\u73b0\u766b\u75eb\uff0c\u5c31\u5fc5\u987b\u5165\u9662\u89c2\u5bdf\u53ca\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\n\n\u51a0\u75c5\u786e\u8bca\u75c5\u4f8b\u5206\u4e3a5\u7ec4\u522b\uff0c\u7b2c1\u7ec4\u522b\u5c5e\u65e0\u75c7\u72b6\u3001\u7b2c2\u7ec4\u522b\u8f7b\u5fae\u75c7\u72b6\u3001\u7b2c3\u7ec4\u522b\u80ba\u90e8\u611f\u67d3\u3001\u7b2c4\u7ec4\u522b\u80ba\u90e8\u611f\u67d3\u53ca\u9700\u6c27\u6c14\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u7b2c5\u7ec4\u522b\u80ba\u90e8\u611f\u67d3\u53ca\u9700\u547c\u5438\u8f85\u52a9\u5668\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u63a5\u79cd\u540e\u6709\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\u987b\u5c31\u533b\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u6210\u4eba\u786e\u8bca\u540e\uff0c\u53ea\u6709\u8fdb\u5165\u7b2c3\u7ec4\u522b\uff0c\u5373\u51fa\u73b0\u80ba\u708e\u3001\u547c\u5438\u6025\u4fc3\uff0c\u8840\u6c27\u4f4e\u4e8e95%\u624d\u9700\u5165\u9662\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\u4f46\u513f\u7ae5\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0d\u540c\uff0c\u5373\u4f7f\u5c5e\u4e8e\u7b2c2\u7ec4\u522b\uff0c\u5982\u53d1\u70e7\u53ca\u611f\u5192\uff0c\u6709\u65f6\u5019\u4e5f\u9700\u8981\u4f4f\u9662\u3002\n\n\u5728\u8c08\u5230\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u65f6\uff0c\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u540e\u51fa\u73b0\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\u5206\u8f7b\u5fae\u3001\u4e2d\u5ea6\u53ca\u4e25\u91cd\uff0c\u8f7b\u5fae\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\u5305\u62ec\u53d1\u70e7\u3001\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u53d1\u7ea2\u53ca\u75b2\u52b3\uff1b\u4e2d\u5ea6\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\u5305\u62ec\u5934\u75bc\u3001\u808c\u8089\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u5173\u8282\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u6076\u5fc3\u3001\u6015\u51b7\u53ca\u6dcb\u5df4\u817a\u80bf\u80c0\uff1b\u4e25\u91cd\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u80f8\u75db\u3001\u5598\u3001\u7d2f\u3001\u5168\u8eab\u65e0\u529b\u3001\u5fc3\u8df3\u52a0\u901f\u3001\u6655\u7729\u3001\u8138\u90e8\u80bf\u80e9\u53ca\u4e25\u91cd\u7ea2\u7606\u3002\n\n\u201c\u4e00\u65e6\u51fa\u73b0\u4e25\u91cd\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\u5c31\u5fc5\u987b\u5c31\u533b\uff0c\u800c\u4e2d\u5ea6\u7684\u5c31\u56e0\u4eba\u800c\u5f02\u3002\u4e2d\u5ea6\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\u53ef\u5728\u5bb6\u5403\u9000\u70e7\u836f\uff0c\u82e5\u75c7\u72b6\u53ef\u572824\u5c0f\u65f6\u5185\u5f97\u5230\u7ebe\u7f13\u5c31\u4e0d\u9700\u9001\u9662\uff0c\u5426\u5219\u5c31\u9700\u53bb\u533b\u9662\u89c2\u5bdf\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u63a5\u79cd\u540e\u5e94\u907f\u514d\u6fc0\u70c8\u8fd0\u52a8\n\n\n\n\n\n\u5218\u8fd0\u539f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u81f3\u4eca\u6211\u56fd\u5df2\u5c06\u8fd1100\u4e07\u540d\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u622a\u81f3\u76ee\u524d\u6ca1\u6709\u51fa\u73b0\u4e25\u91cd\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\uff0c\u53ea\u67092\u30013\u4eba\u9700\u8981\u4f4f\u9662\u5e76\u5df2\u51fa\u9662\u3002\n\n\u201c\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u540e\uff0c\u5e94\u89c2\u5bdf\u81f3\u5c1115\u5206\u949f\uff0c\u4e3b\u8981\u770b\u6709\u6ca1\u6709\u4e25\u91cd\u654f\u611f\u53cd\u5e94\u3002\u82e5\u8981\u51cf\u5c11\u6ce8\u5c04\u90e8\u4f4d\u7684\u75bc\u75db\u548c\u4e0d\u9002\uff0c\u53ef\u7528\u5e72\u51c0\u51c9\u723d\u7684\u6e7f\u6bdb\u5dfe\u8d34\u670d\u6ce8\u5c04\u5904\u3002\u82e5\u8981\u51cf\u5c11\u53d1\u70e7\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\u4e0d\u9002\uff0c\u53ef\u670d\u7528\u836f\u7269\u3001\u591a\u559d\u6c34\u53ca\u7a7f\u7740\u8f7b\u4fbf\u3002\n\n\u4ed6\u63d0\u9192\u5bb6\u957f\uff0c\u513f\u7ae5\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u540e\u5e94\u907f\u514d\u6fc0\u70c8\u8fd0\u52a82\u661f\u671f\uff0c\u6700\u4e3b\u8981\u662f\u907f\u514d\u53d1\u751f\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u53ca\u5fc3\u5305\u708e\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u70b9\u51fb\u6b64\u5904\n\u89c2\u770b\u5f55\u5236\u7684Facebook\u76f4\u64ad\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Thomas Lau Yun Guan\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bintulu\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (UM), MRCPH (UK), GDip (Family Practice Dermatology, S'pore)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u6ca1\u6709\u75ab\u82d7\u53d8\u91cd\u75c7 \u2022 \u5218\u8fd0\u539f\uff1a\u513f\u7ae5\u5fc5\u987b\u63a5\u79cd\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u6ca1\u6709\u63a5\u79cd \u2022 \u5218\u8fd0\u539f\uff1a\u60a3\u5fc3\u808c\u708e\u51e0\u7387\u9ad8\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u513f\u7ae5\u786e\u8bc1\u500d\u589e4\u81f35\u500d \u2022 \u5965\u5bc6\u514b\u620e\u5371\u5bb3\u66f4\u5927\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n1\u5c81\u4e00\u4e0b\u8981\u66f4\u5c0f\u5fc3 \u2022 \u513f\u7ae5\u6709\u75c7\u72b6\u6216\u8bb8\u5165\u9662\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u57282022\u5e743\u670813 \u65e5\u7684\u300a\u661f\u6d32\u7f51\u300b\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/dangers-of-outside-food", "title": "Dangers Of Outside Food", "body": "\n\n\n\nDangers Of Outside Food\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 17, 2021\n \n\nFoodborne viruses have long been recognised as a growing concern to the food industry and can potentially become a serious public health issue. The Hepatitis A virus is responsible for most food-related outbreaks worldwide. Foods with high risks of contamination of Hepatitis A include shellfish, oysters, and fresh produce such as salads, fruit and vegetables.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTransmitted through faeces\n\n\n\n\n\nRestaurant food remains a common source of Hepatitis A as the virus often finds its way into restaurants through the people who work in these restaurants who themselves are infected with the virus. Hepatitis A is transmitted via faecal-oral transmission. This means that the virus is transmitted via food or water that has been contaminated by an infected person who probably handled the food/water without washing their hands after going to the bathroom. What is particularly troubling is the fact that infected individuals can transmit the virus up to two weeks before they themselves exhibit any symptoms, meaning that they often transmit the virus before they are even aware that they are infected.\n\nChefs, cooks, kitchen staff and other employees in a restaurant that handle food and beverage, can easily pass the virus through food, drinks, dishes, glasses, and utensils that are used by patrons of the restaurant. Strict hand hygiene such as thorough handwashing after using the bathroom and wearing gloves when handling food are key factors in preventing the spread of these viruses. It is also important for diners at a restaurant to practise good hygiene too to protect themselves from becoming ill. Steps such as washing their own hands before eating and after visits to the restroom are good habits to have.\n\nThe average time from exposure to onset of symptoms is about 28 days with a relative range of 15 to 50 days. Hepatitis A begins with symptoms of fever, reduced appetite with poor oral intake, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and generalised malaise. At onset or within a few days following initial symptoms, an individual may note jaundice which is yellowish discoloration of the eyes and skin. Additionally, they may find they have dark-coloured urine or light-coloured stools. They may also experience abdominal pain and tenderness. Examination by a doctor may reveal that their liver and/or spleen are enlarged.\n\u00a0\n\nOnce infected, no reinfections\n\n\n\n\n\nThere is no specific treatment for Hepatitis A. All measures of managing this infection are purely supportive. Hepatitis A infection is self-limiting as it may last for several weeks with relapsing symptoms. However, full recovery is expected although symptoms may persist on and off for a few weeks before the patient fully recovers.\n\nIndividuals who work at restaurants, grocery stores and supermarkets who have been diagnosed with Hepatitis A should be excluded from work for at least two weeks after their onset of symptoms. If they had experienced jaundice, they should not return to work for at least one week after the onset of jaundice. Once an individual has recovered from Hepatitis A, they cannot be reinfected. They are immune for life and do not continue to carry the virus.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCourse of action\n\n\n\n\n\nAccording to the World Health Organization, the most effective way to prevent Hepatitis A infection is to improve sanitation, practise proper handwashing techniques and ensure clean and hygienic handling of food. Avoid sharing food, cutlery and drinks with other people. Avoid eating raw or undercooked shellfish. When travelling, particularly in places with poor sanitation, drink bottled water and avoid food that might have been prepared using contaminated water.\n\nHepatitis A immunoglobulin is a drug that contains antibodies against the Hepatitis A virus. This drug can be taken within two weeks of exposure to the virus. It is around 85 percent effective but its effects are temporary and may last up to only three months. \nHepatitis A vaccination\n is still the preferred choice for prevention. Vaccines against Hepatitis A are available as inactivated single antigen vaccines or in combination with the Hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis A vaccines do not cause any severe reactions, and the benefits of vaccinating yourself and your family outweigh any risks. The best thing to do is to consult a \nphysician\n on your options for vaccination.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harpreet Kaur A/P Harnam Singh\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBS (IMU), MRCP (UK), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDangers of Outside Food - News Straits Times, 22 July 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Times, 22 July 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/delicious-diabetic-friendly-malaysia-breakfasts-recipes", "title": "Delicious & Diabetic-Friendly Malaysia Breakfasts Recipes", "body": "\n\n\n\nDelicious & Diabetic-Friendly Malaysia Breakfasts Recipes\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 02, 2015\n \n\nIn line with Columbia Asia Diabetes campaign focusing on healthy eating for World Diabetes Day 2015, our chefs from Caf\u00e9 Columbia worked closely with our dietitian to reinterpret Malaysian favourites and recipes so that the output is a diabetic-safe meal plan without compromising taste. Recipes from the Columbia Asia Master Chef Challenge 2015 and other healthy recipes have been compiled into a booklet.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDelicious & Diabetic-Friendly Malaysian Breakfasts\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/demi-mahu-melakukan-perubahan-hannah-pilih-jadi-jururawat", "title": "Demi Mahu Melakukan Perubahan Hannah Pilih Jadi Jururawat", "body": "\n\n\n\nDemi Mahu Melakukan Perubahan Hannah Pilih Jadi Jururawat\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 18, 2020\n \n\nHannah Fong suka berinteraksi dan bertemu dengan orang ramai. Malah ketika kecil, apabila cikgu bertanya apakah cita-citanya, jawapan Hannah sudah pastilah jururawat, kerjaya yang diimpikan.\n\nSebab itu, setelah tamat pengajian peringkat sekolah menengah, Hannah telah memilih kerjaya sebagai jururawat. Siapa sangka kerjaya pilihannya ini bukan sahaja mendekatkan Hannah dengan masyarakat tetapi ia turut membantunya cemerlang dalam pekerjaannya.\n\nWanita berusia 45 tahun ini berpengalaman luas dalam bidang kejururawatan. Kerjaya dalam bidang kejururawatan juga telah membawanya berkhidmat ke serata hospital swasta di Kuala Lumpur dan Singapura. Jawatan yang dipegangnya ketika di hospital-hospital tersebut juga tidak kurang hebatnya.\n\nBermula sebagai seorang jururawat biasa, kerjayanya telah berkembang, antaranya pernah menjadi Pengajar Jururawat, Jururawat Perbidanan dan Pengurus Jururawat. Di hospital tempatnya berkhidmat kini, iaitu Columbia Asia Puchong, Hannah berjawatan Chief of Nursing atau Ketua Kejururawatan.\n\nTanggungjawabnya amat berat namun Hannah tidak pernah merasakan itu satu beban. Dia seronok dengan tugasyang diamanahkan kepadanya itu.\n\n\"Tugas saya kini merangkumi segala-galanya berkaitan perkhidmatan dan penjagaan yang diberikan oleh jururawat kepada pesakit yang mendapat rawatan di hospital ini.\n\n\"Walaupun saya tidak lagi dapat melakukan tugasan sebagai jururawat kerana dengan jawatan yang diberikan ini, saya tidak ada lagi masa untuk mengurus dan merawat pesakit. Namun begitu saya masih boleh melawat dan melihat pesakit yang ada di hospital ini.\n\n\"Saya berpuas hati dengan jawatan yang saya pegang sekarang kerana saya boleh melakukan perubahan. Kuasa untuk mengubah itu amat besar. Saya boleh melakukan perubahan bagi memastikan pesakit dapat dirawat dengan baik. Paling penting, saya boleh menambah baiksesetengah hal berkaitan penjagaan pesakit oleh jururawat. Ujarnya.\n\nDengan jawatan yang dipegang itu juga telah membolehkan Hannah untuk mengetuai pasukan di bawah seliaanya.\n\nKebolehan untuk mengetuai adalah amat bermakna dan memberi kepuasan dalam diri saya terutamanya apabila semua orang dalam arah yang sama dengan saya dalam memastikan penjagaan pesakit dapat dilakukan dengan baik.\" Tambahnya lagi.\n\n\u00a0 \nBerpegang Pada Janji\n\nUntuk menjadi seorang jururawat yang cemerlang, seseorang itu perlu berpegang pada janji. Ini adalah pesan Hannah kepada semua jururawat di mana sahaja mereka berada.\n\n\"Kalau janji hendak buat, kena buat. Tak kira apa pun. Kadangkala apabila kita mahu melakukan sesuatu tetapi menjangkaui kebolehan diri, kita perlu cari jalan melakukannya. Cuba dekatkan diri dengan orang yang ada pengalaman untuk belajar mencari jalan penyelesaian.\n\n\"Dalam bidang kejururawatan, ia memerlukan kerjasama berpasukan yang mantap. Ini kerana di hospital bukan hanya jururawat sahaja yang ada, malah pelbagai bidang kerja ada di hospital. Oleh itu jururawat perlu berkerjasama dengan semua pihak.\" Jelas Hannah.\n\nPesannya lagi, kalau seseorang itu tidak ada sikap suka kepada orang ramai, janganlah pilih kerjaya sebagai jururawat.\n\nJururawat perlu ada sikap suka membantu orang lain dan perlu banyak berkorban demi mahu membantu pesakit yang memerlukan. Sekali lagi saya ingatkan, salah satu perkara penting mengenai kerjaya jururawat ini adalah diri perlu bersedia untuk berkhidmat kepada orang ramai.\" Tegasnya.\n\nTambah Hannah lagi, sikap sabar juga perlu ada dalam diri seorang jururawat kerana setiap hari mereka akan berjumpa dengan pelbagai perangai dan kerenah orang sakit. Tanpa kesabaran sudah pasti akan menyukarkan lagi kerja jururawat itu setiap hari.\n\nSasaran Hannah dalam kerjayanya adalah untuk membina pasukan yang mampu melakukan kerja sebaik mungkin.\n\nPengalaman dan ilmu dalam bidang kejururawatan sentiasa dijadikan panduan ketika berkhidmat.\n\n\"Saya berpuas hati dengan jawatan yang saya pegang ini kerana saya boleh melakukan perubahan. Kuasa untuk mengubah itu amat besar. Saya boleh melakukan perubahan bagi memastikan pesakit dapat dirawat dengan baik...\" Hannah sentiasa memastikan setiap jururawat di bawah seliaannya melakukan kerja dengan baik.\n\n\"Peranan saya sudah lain kerana saya berada di barisan kepimpinan. Saya tidak boleh kerja 24 jam seminggu. Oleh itu saya perlu membentuk satu pasukan pertengahan yang kuat untuk membantu saya menguruskan perkhidmatan kejururawatan di sini.\" Ulasnya.\n\nWalau sibuk dengan kerja dan tanggungjawab di hospital, Hannah tidak pernah lupa untuk menjaga dirinya sendiri.\n\n\"Rehat dan tidur adalah cara saya menghilangkan stres. Saya cuba mengamalkan gaya hidup seimbang dalam hidup bagi memastikan diri saya sentiasa sihat dan bertenaga untuk melakukan kerja yang saya suka ini.\" Akhiri Hannah.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDemi Mahu Melakukan Perubahan Hannah Pilih Jadi Jururawat \u2013 Mingguan Wanita, Februari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Srikandi, 1 Februari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/developing-a-champion-sportsperson", "title": "Developing A Champion Sportsperson", "body": "\n\n\n\nDeveloping A Champion Sportsperson\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 19, 2017\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWant your child to be a star athlete? Find out how on this month's edition of sports medicine, Dr Harjeet Singh speaks about development of athletes from the ground up. He is joined by a former national and development coach.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/dexamethasone-lee-chong-wei-story-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Dexamethasone: The Lee Chong Wei Story - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nDexamethasone: The Lee Chong Wei Story - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 25, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nNational sporting hero Dato' Lee Chong Wei has recently made headlines and broken hearts by failing a drug test. What was the drug they found though, and does it really constitute cheating? Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, offers his perspective.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/diabetes", "title": "Diabetes", "body": "\n\n\n\nDiabetes\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 19, 2015\n \n\nIn conjunction with World Diabetes Day, Dr Jalal from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau shares about Diabetes on the symptoms, types of diabetes, sugar intake as well as preventive steps with the listeners of Sinar FM.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/diabetes-children-bfm-podcast", "title": "Diabetes in Children [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nDiabetes in Children [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 07, 2013\n \n\nAs of 2010, an estimated 285 million people had diabetes, with this number expected to double by 2030, mostly in Asia and Africa. How much of this burden is being borne by children, and how do the symptoms and treatment differ from childhood to adulthood? We get two separate perspectives from Dr. Izzurina Bashah Mohamed Ibrahim and Ambreth Kaur, parent of 10-year-old diabetic patient, Veena.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/diabetic-foot", "title": "Diabetic foot", "body": "\n\n\n\nDiabetic foot\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 26, 2011\n \n\nThe current incidence of diabetes in Malaysian is about 23 percent - 1 in 5 Malaysian is a diabetic - this does not include the numbers undiagnosed.\n\nDiabetes affects multiple organ systems - even the musculoskeletal system is not spared. The feet in particular are at risk increasing the potential for infection, gangrene and limb loss - amputation. Diabetes may cause nerve damage that takes away the feeling in your feet. Diabetes may also reduce blood flow to the feet, making it harder to heal an injury or resist infection.\n\nAmputations reduce mobility and increase morbidity and mortality rates. To put it simply, having an amputated limb increase the risk of having other problems due to reduced ambulatory capacity and does reduce lifespan.\n\nAs always, prevention is better than cure and there are simple preventive measures to reduce chance of diabetic foot infection.\n\nFirst - \nHave good sugar control\n. This has always been a key need and will always be so.\nInspect your feet daily\n - Easy to do but most don\u2019t. Check for cuts or blisters - this may indicate areas suggesting ill-fitting footwear. Skin redness and swelling are also areas for concern particularly if the area of redness does not blanch with pressure. Always give your nail and the spaces between the toes a good look - these are usually the initial sites of infection. Don\u2019t forget the skin of the sole. Using a hand mirror simplifies looking at the bottom of your feet. Get worried and do see your doctor if things don\u2019t look normal.\nClean and wash feet with lukewarm water\n - Keep in mind that diabetics have reduced sensation over the feet due to nerve damage. Test water temperature either by dipping the points of your elbow in or ask someone else to do this. Keep your feet clean by washing them daily. Be gentle - wash them using a soft cloth or sponge. Ensure that you dry the feet well after wash.\nMoisturize your feet\n - Use a moisturizer daily to keep dry skin from itching or cracking. But DON\u2019T moisturize between the toes - this could cause a fungal infection.\nNail care\n - Cut nails straight and not in a curve. Never cut them too short. This can cause in growing nails with possible infection and worse. Cut them straight across and file the edges.\nCorns and Calluses\n - Please don\u2019t self treat these conditions. You are not the doctor - I am.\nWear clean, dry socks\n - I qualify this with this additional important instruction - change your socks daily. Ideally use cotton socks. Synthetic sock usually are less breathable. Avoid tight bands and thicker kinds of socks, which usually fit poorly. An ill fitting sock will cause shear and make your feet prone to injury\nShake out your shoes before wearing them\n - Diabetics may not be able to feel a pebble or other foreign object, so always inspect your shoes before putting them on.\nAvoid walking barefoot\n - Try practicing this even at home. Wear a soft shoe or slipper. You will be able to avoid unnecessary injury.\nDon\u2019t smoke - Duh\u2026.\n Smoking restricts blood flow and slows healing\nGet periodic foot exams\n - Get regular input from your friendly Orthopaedic Surgeon on foot care with periodic updates and assessment.\nDr. Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/diabetic-nutrition-eating-habits-menu", "title": "A diabetic Nutrition & Eating habits menu", "body": "\n\n\n\nA diabetic Nutrition & Eating habits menu\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 18, 2014\n \nRecipes and write-up by the team from Caf\u00e9 Columbia Seremban (left to right: Abu Hashim Bin Abdul Malik, Khairul Fahmi Bin Jomino, Nur Zaitie Binti Md Rais, Chef Ravindran a/l Mathavan, Food Service Manager- Mr. Gunaraj a/l Sivalingam, Rafidah Binti Azid, Food Service Coordinator- Ms. Chua Kai Jia, Haryatie Binti Ibrahim, Jayanthi a/p Arumugam)\n\nMany Diabetes patients often ask the Dietitian during their counselling sessions what is Diabetic food? We would like to emphasize that a diabetic patient can still enjoy his food as long as he follows the Dietitian\u2019s advice on food recommendation. Caf\u00e9 Columbia Seremban team has prepared a sample menu for a diabetic patient, supplemented with advice from their Dietitian.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSAMPLE ONE DAY MENU\n\n(1500 kilocalories per day which 45% comes from carbohydrates)\n\n\u00a0\n\nBreakfast\n\n\nMango Oat Smoothie (serving for 1)\n\n\n100g mango\n\n\n3 tablespoons oat\n\n\n100ml low fat milk/skimmed milk\n\n\n\nPreparation method: Blend all ingredients well.\n\nAs a quick start for the day, we suggest to have 1 glass of Mango Oat Smoothie and 2 slices of wholemeal bread with thin spread for mid-morning. Oat and wholemeal bread can increase the total fibre intake and substituting full cream milk with low fat milk/skimmed milk can reduce the total fat intake.\n\n\u00a0\n\nLunch\n\n\nMalaysia Fusion Pasta (serving for 1)\n\n\n1 cup spaghetti (cooked)\n\n\n50g chicken breast\n\n\n1 tablespoon chili powder\n\n\n10g dry chili\n\n\n30g bell pepper\n\n\n30g mushroom\n\n\n30g broccoli\n\n\n30g onion\n\n\n\nCooking method: Stir-fry all the ingredients with canola oil on a non-stick pan.\n\nOur Chef designed a special dish - Malaysia Fusion Pasta. Whole wheat spaghetti is suggested for its high fibre content. The colour variety for vegetables adds to enhance the nutrition, presentation and taste of this dish.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTea Time\n\n\nChanadal Pancake (serving for 1)\n\n\n60g chanadal (soaked and drained)\n\n\n20g spinach (chopped)\n\n\n30g carrot (grated)\n\n\n30g onions\n\n\n2-3 piece curry leaves\n\n\n\u00bd teaspoon green chili (chopped)\n\n\n\nCooking method: Mix all ingredients and pan-fry on a non-stick pan.\n\nMost local kuih are high in sugar or fat. We would like to introduce Chanadal Pancake which is neither high in carbohydrates nor fat.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDinner\n\n\nColumbia Heart Healthy Chicken Skewer (serving for 1)\n\nHeart Healthy Chicken Skewer\n\n\n90g cube chicken breast\n\n\n10g bell pepper\n\n\nCoarse black pepper and salt to taste\n\n\nDressing\n\n\n\u00bd whole red bell pepper\n\n\nCoarse black pepper, sugar and salt to taste\n\n\n\nCooking method: Marinate the cube chicken breast with black pepper and salt. Put the cube chicken breast and bell pepper into satay stick. Bake them in the oven. As for the dressing, blend the whole red bell pepper. Saut\u00e9 it on a non-stick pan and add some black pepper, sugar and salt to taste.\nVegetarian Fried Brown Rice\n\n\n1 cup brown rice (cooked)\n\n\n20g bell pepper\n\n\n20g baby corn\n\n\n<20g cauliflower\n\n\n1 whole egg\n\n\n\nCooking method: Stir fry all the ingredients using a non-stick pan.\n\nWe introduce the Columbia Heart Healthy Chicken Skewer which is served with vegetarian fried brown rice, mix salad and one serving of fruit (e.g. 1 small apple/ 1 small orange/ 1 slice of papaya) as a complete nutrition set.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSupper\n\n\n\nLight snack can be introduced before sleep e.g. one glass of warm low fat milk. There is no one prefect food. It is important to have a variety of foods but to take into consideration on portion size. People with diabetes can enjoy food with their friends and family. The diabetic only needs to make smart food choices and do menu planning.\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/diabetics-watch-your-eyes-press-clipping", "title": "Diabetics, watch your eyes [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nDiabetics, watch your eyes [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 20, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nNew Straits Times,\n\n20 November 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/diet-rendah-kalori-tidak-sihat", "title": "Diet Rendah Kalori Tidak Sihat", "body": "\n\n\n\nDiet Rendah Kalori Tidak Sihat\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 31, 2019\n \nFormula Hendak Cepat Kurus Ganggu Sistem Kimia Badan\n\n\u201cKajian juga membuktikan batu karang hempedu adalah penyakit yang diwarisi dan tidak bolen dihalang pembentukannya\"\n\nDr Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani @ Mamat, Perunding Pembedahan Am\n\nAmalan diet dengan mengambil makanan berka-lori rendah untuk meng-hilangkan berat badan dengan cepat akan meng-ganggu sistem kimia dalam badan.\n\nIni menyebabkan pundi hempedu kurang mengecut, sekali gus mendedahkan risiko menghidap batu karang hempedu.\n\nPerunding Pembedahan Am, sebuah hospital swasta, Dr Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani @ Mamat, berkata kebanya-kan orang terutamawanita terlalu obses untuk mem-peroleh bentuk badan yang cantik dengan mengamalkan diet makanan rendah kalori.\n\nBeliau berkata, pengam-bilan kalori yang rendah daripada sepatutnya boleh mengundang padah dan mudah dijangkiti batu karang hempedu.\n\nKatanya, walaupun penyakit ini sering dihidapi wanita berusia dan memiliki tubuh yang berisi, namun terdapat wanita seusia 20 ta-hun pernah menghidapinya. Malah, wanita lebih berisiko dua kali ganda berbanding lelaki.\n\n\"Kajian juga membuktikan batu karang hempedu adalah penyakit yang diwarisi dan tidak dihalang pembentukan-nya,\" katanya kepada BH.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGangguan Genetik\n\nTerdapat laporan di Amerika Syarikat, mengatakan banyak enam peratus dalam kalangan lelaki dan sembilan peratus daripada kalangan wanita ber-hadapan masalah berkenaan.\n\nManakala di Itali pula, kajian mendapati banyak 18 peratus daripada kalangan wanita dan 9.5 peratus lelaki mengalami batu hempedu.\n\nDr Khairul Izan berkata, ada ketikanya batu karang hempedu terlepas daripada pundi hempedu lalu masuk ke pankreas melalui duktus yang boleh mengakibatkan komplikasi pankreatitis, sekali gus mengancam nyawa.\n\n\"Simptom duktus hempedu tersumbat ialah kulit kekuningan dan kawasan mata menjadi putih (jaundis), air kencing berwarna gelap, demam berlarutan dengan keadaan pesakit menjadi panas dan sejuk berpanjangan.\n\n\n\n\"Kesan ini boleh dilihat dan dirasai secarajelas, pesakit perlu mendapatkan rawatan segera jika gejala berkenaan berterusan hingga menjejaskan keselesaan mereka,\" katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nUjian Darah Kesan Jangkitan\n\nBeliau berkata, memandang-kan batu karang hempedu sukar dikesan menerusi simptom awal, ia boleh dike-tahui menerusi ujian ultrasound atau imbasan tomografi berkomputer.\n\n\"Ketika pemeriksaan jaundis, pesakit akan menjalani ujian darah bagi mengesan sebarang jangkitan, tahap en-zim pankreatik atau hati yang tidak normal serta bilirubin berlebihan,\" katanya.\n\nKatanya, bagi merekayang menghidapnya, mereka boleh mendapat rawatan menerusi prosedur pembedahan lapa-roskopik kolesistektomi atau pembedahan terbuka bagi mengeluarkan pundi hempedu.\n\n\"Manakala rawatan bukan pembedahan, pesakit di-berikan pil garam hempedu (ubat ursodial - Actigall) bagi melarutkan batu kolesterol.\n\n\"Begitu juga dengan terapi gelombang bunyi (litotripsi gelombang kejutan extracorporeal), bertujuan meme-cahkan batu-batu berkenaan. Bagaimanapun, keadaan itu dikhuatiri boleh kembali ter--bentuk, melainkan menerusi pengambilan ursodial,\" katanya..\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nSimptom Awal Batu Karang Hempedu:\n\n\nRasa senak kronik - pesakit mengalami mual, origin, kembung perut dan sakit pada abdomen; Kesan sakit 15 hingga 30 minit, ada kalanya lebih satu jam.\n\n\nBermula pada bahagian tengah dan kanan abdomen hingga menular ke belakang atau bahu kanan;\n\n\nSerangan tidak menentu hingga bertahun.\n\n\nLoya dan muntah, ada kalanya demam panas.\n\n\nDipanggil 'gallstone'- disebabkan pengumpulan kolesterol, kalsium, garam bilirubin dan bendasing jangkitan parasitatau bakteria di dalam hempedu.\n\n\nBatu karang hempedu berkolesterol - berwarna kekuningan Batu karang berpigmen - berwarna coklat hitam atau gelap.\n\n\nTerbentuk kerana banyak bilirubin akibat mengalami sirosis, jangkitan trek biliari dan anaemia;\n\n\nSaiz batu karang hempedu sekecil sebutir pasir atau sebesar bola golf.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMD (UKM), Doctor of Surgery (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDiet Rendah Kalori Tidak Sihat \u2013 Berita Harian, 27 Julai 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 27 Julai 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/do-healthy-kids-need-vitamins-supplements", "title": "Do Healthy Kids Need Vitamins & Supplements?", "body": "\n\n\n\nDo Healthy Kids Need Vitamins & Supplements?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 20, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nAdequate nutrition intake is important for kids due to growth and development. On top of that, having a balanced nutrition helps in preventing health conditions such as malnutrition and overweight. \u00a0\n\nAre vitamins and supplements necessary for healthy children?\n\nKids are able to obtain adequate nutrients from their daily food intake. Therefore, vitamins and supplements are supposed to be given to children who have symptoms or diagnosed with vitamins deficiency. However, kids who are not taking balanced meal will tend to have inadequate nutrients. For examples, those kids are like picky eaters, having irregular meal intakes, having digestive health conditions or having food restrictions due to allergies. \u00a0\n\nBesides, kids who are on vegetarian or vegan diet tend to be lacking in iron, vitamin B12, zinc and calcium. Thus, vitamins and supplements are suitable to be given to kids in the categories mentioned. Children can take vitamins and supplements to boost their immune system and appetite. Besides, studies found that more than 50% of Malaysian children do not obtain adequate calcium and vitamin D as suggested in Recommended Nutrients Intake (RNI) Malaysia. Therefore, calcium and vitamin D supplements can be given to children who do not take dairy products and vegetables daily. \u00a0\n\nVitamins & Supplements Deficiency and Overdose in Children\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNutrients\n\n\nBenefits\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\n\nVitamin A\n\n\n\n\nFor healthy eye, growth, development and immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEye, skin, growth issues\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSevere headache, blurred vision and dizziness\n\n\n\n\nVitamin B complex\n\n\n\n\nHelps in energy production, promote cell health and appetite\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFatigue, nausea, anemia\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLost feeling in limbs, nervous system damage and live\n\n\n\n\nVitamin C\n\n\n\n\nAntioxidant that protect cells, improve iron absorption\n\n\n\n\n\n\nScurvy, aneamia, bleeding gums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiarrhea, nausea, gastric discomfort, increase rick of kidney stones\n\n\n\n\nCalcium and Vitamin D\n\n\n\n\nEssential for bone health and growth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRickets, weak bones/ nails, muscle cramp, confusion\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKidney stones, bone pain, muscle weakness\n\n\n\n\nIron\n\n\n\n\nFor growth, development and essential in blood production\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnemia, fatigue, poor concentration\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloody vomit/ stool, gastric discomfort\n\n\n\n\nZinc\n\n\n\n\nHelps in immune system and metabolism\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGrowth retardation, loss of appetite, impaired immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloody diarrhea, gastric discomfort\n\n\n\n\nProbiotics\n\n\n\n\nFor gut health, constipation, diarrhea and immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNot available\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloating, infection in critically ill child (depends on individual)\n\n\n\n\nPrebiotics\n\n\n\n\nWork together with probiotics, suitable for kids who does not take adequate fruits and vegetable daily\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConstipation, colic\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloating, intestinal discomfort\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNutrients\n\n\nBenefits\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\n\nVitamin A\n\n\n\n\nFor healthy eye, growth, development and immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEye, skin, growth issues\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSevere headache, blurred vision and dizziness\n\n\n\n\nVitamin B complex\n\n\n\n\nHelps in energy production, promote cell health and appetite\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFatigue, nausea, anemia\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLost feeling in limbs, nervous system damage and live\n\n\n\n\nVitamin C\n\n\n\n\nAntioxidant that protect cells, improve iron absorption\n\n\n\n\n\n\nScurvy, aneamia, bleeding gums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiarrhea, nausea, gastric discomfort, increase rick of kidney stones\n\n\n\n\nCalcium and Vitamin D\n\n\n\n\nEssential for bone health and growth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRickets, weak bones/ nails, muscle cramp, confusion\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKidney stones, bone pain, muscle weakness\n\n\n\n\nIron\n\n\n\n\nFor growth, development and essential in blood production\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnemia, fatigue, poor concentration\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloody vomit/ stool, gastric discomfort\n\n\n\n\nZinc\n\n\n\n\nHelps in immune system and metabolism\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGrowth retardation, loss of appetite, impaired immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloody diarrhea, gastric discomfort\n\n\n\n\nProbiotics\n\n\n\n\nFor gut health, constipation, diarrhea and immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNot available\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloating, infection in critically ill child (depends on individual)\n\n\n\n\nPrebiotics\n\n\n\n\nWork together with probiotics, suitable for kids who does not take adequate fruits and vegetable daily\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConstipation, colic\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBloating, intestinal discomfort\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVitamin A\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nFor healthy eye, growth, development and immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nEye, skin, growth issues\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nSevere headache, blurred vision and dizziness\n\n\n\n\nVitamin B complex\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nHelps in energy production, promote cell health and appetite\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nFatigue, nausea, anemia\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nLost feeling in limbs, nervous system damage and live\n\n\n\n\nVitamin C\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nAntioxidant that protect cells, improve iron absorption\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nScurvy, aneamia, bleeding gums\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nDiarrhea, nausea, gastric discomfort, increase rick of kidney stones\n\n\n\n\nCalcium and Vitamin D\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nEssential for bone health and growth\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nRickets, weak bones/ nails, muscle cramp, confusion\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nKidney stones, bone pain, muscle weakness\n\n\n\n\nIron\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nFor growth, development and essential in blood production\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nAnemia, fatigue, poor concentration\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nBloody vomit/ stool, gastric discomfort\n\n\n\n\nZinc\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nHelps in immune system and metabolism\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nGrowth retardation, loss of appetite, impaired immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nBloody diarrhea, gastric discomfort\n\n\n\n\nProbiotics\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nFor gut health, constipation, diarrhea and immune system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nNot available\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nBloating, infection in critically ill child (depends on individual)\n\n\n\n\nPrebiotics\n\n\n\n\nBenefits\n\nWork together with probiotics, suitable for kids who does not take adequate fruits and vegetable daily\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Deficiency\n\nConstipation, colic\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect of Overdose\n\nBloating, intestinal discomfort\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow to ensure that your child is getting enough nutrition through their diet?\n\n\nTake meal on time, avoid skipping meals\n\n\nTake balanced meal and adequate protein portion using Malaysian Healthy Plate (quarter quarter half)\n\n\nTake dairy products daily such as milk (2 glasses a day)\n\n\nIncrease intake of wholegrain products, choose wholegrain cereal, oat biscuit, etc\n\n\nAdd on healthy snacks by choosing fruits, vegetable chips, yoghurt, cereal, blended fruits sorbet, etc\n\n\nReduce on fast food, processed food, sugary beverages and high calorie snacks\n\n\nExpose to sunlight (15-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week) or do more outdoor activities for bone health \u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYap Pau Lin\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDo Healthy Kids Need Vitamins & Supplements? - BabyTalk\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nVitamins for Kids \u2013 BabyTalk, March 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in BabyTalk.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \n Dietetics and Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/do-you-have-bladder-problem", "title": " Do You Have A Bladder Problem?", "body": "\n\n\n\n Do You Have A Bladder Problem?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 14, 2016\n \n\nIf you think urinary incontinence affects only older women, think again. Bladder control issues affect younger and active women too.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWomen's Weekly, 14 April 2016\n.\n\n\nWomen's Weekly, 14 April 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/do-you-really-know-me-anesthetist%E2%80%99s-ramblings", "title": "Do you really know me? An anesthetist\u2019s ramblings", "body": "\n\n\n\nDo you really know me? An anesthetist\u2019s ramblings\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 23, 2011\n \n\nAs an anesthesiologist or more famously known as anesthetist or even \"mah sui\", we are behind the scene all the time. Even my spouse wasn't aware what I really do until she came to the operation theatre and saw with her own two eyes what I really do.\n\nMy friend once asked me, after you give the \"bius\", what do you do? \"So easy la your work\", he lamented. Then, comes the anesthetists fee. Why do you have to charge so much? These question even comes from doctors who have left the clinical side for so long they have forgot what its feel like to be responsible for another person's life.\n\nYes, that is how a true anesthetist feels. We are holding the responsibility of guarding your life when you are vulnerable and unable to do it yourself. More accurately called perioperative physicians, anesthetist will take you through the whole process of pre (before), intra (during) and post (after) operation.\n\nBefore you go for an operation, you need to be assessed whether you are in good health or not. This will affect the risk of your operation from low to high risk. Basically going for an operation under General Anesthesia is like undergoing a high level of strenuous exercise and we want to know whether your heart will be able to withstand this stress.\n\nYes, when you are older your heart will be less able to withstand this stress and puts you at a higher risk of getting a heart attack during the operation. Also the type of operation is important in determining whether it is high risk for you or not. The field of anesthesia has evolved from using chloroform to using more safe and short acting gases that facilitates earlier recovery and faster return to normal activities.\n\nTo make you anesthetized, it is not a \"one for all\" drug. Each patient has their own dose at which they become unconscious without falling into the \"deep end\". Yes, every drug is poison! Only the dose determines whether it is medicine or otherwise.\n\nThe real work starts here. Contrary to popular belief, it's not all over for anesthetists once you are asleep. This is when you are at your most vulnerable point. Your breathing pathway will be blocked and you will be paralyzed to facilitate the surgery. We will put in a tube for the breathing and ensure that you are getting enough oxygen by use of machines that breathes for you. We will monitor your blood pressure and make sure that it is enough to pass the oxygen to the whole body. All this is done while making sure that you are fully unconscious and your brain not aware of what is happening. Don\u2019t forget painkillers for good pain relief without compromising your breathing later.\n\nSurgery is over! Now the whole process needs to be reversed and you need to be brought back as close as possible to the condition you were before the surgery. The tube for breathing is taken out; the gases that are going in are stopped so you regain consciousness. Drugs that reverse the effect of paralysis are given. Of course there will be residual effects. In some cases their care even is extended in Intensive Care because of their poor medical condition or major operation.\n\nAll goes well and you wake up in recovery. More pain killers are given until you are pain-free before sent back to the ward.\n\nAll in a day's work!\nDr. Mohamed Asri B Kader Ibrahim\n\nConsultant Anaesthetist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/doctor-i-missed-my-period", "title": "Doctor, I missed my period!!!", "body": "\n\n\n\nDoctor, I missed my period!!!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 04, 2011\n \n\nThis is a common presentation to my clinic. My response will depend on the age of my patient and her intention. She is most probably pregnant or one who is approaching menopause. It could also be some drug (medication) side-effect. There are also other gynae causes for \u2018missed period\u2019, which I will write some time later.\n\nWorking as an O&G specialist in Puchong, with a relatively young and growing population, pregnancy is still the commonest diagnosis for \u201cmissed period\u201d. For this group of women, they come to confirm their pregnancy. Many have come with prior positive test on the urine pregnancy kit. A pelvic ultrasound scan will normally bring glow and joy to these mothers to be.\n\nMost women will come with their spouse, especially if this is their first child. The concerned husband will listen attentively as the excited mom shares her early pregnancy symptoms. I usually let them to clear their doubts, proceed to discuss the 9- month journey towards becoming the super \u201cMom & Dad\u201d and not forgetting the long list of do\u2019s and don\u2019ts during this critical time.\n\nMy most important message is that during the first 3 months (first trimester), the fetus develops rapidly. It is the most vulnerable period as it is prone to malformation caused by teratogen (factors that derail fetal development). Although most women will sail through this period without any untoward incident, some may encounter vaginal bleeding. The first three months is a critical time to determine if the pregnancy will continue or otherwise. The would-be \u201cMom and Dad\u201d leave my clinic with feelings of joy, and ready to brave through the sea of uncertainty.\nEarly Pregnancy, a time of sheer joy & uncertainty\nDr. Ng Soon Pheng\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Puchong\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/doktor-kongsi-12-tips-meneran-masa-bersalin", "title": "Doktor Kongsi 12 Tips Meneran Masa Bersalin", "body": "\n\n\n\nDoktor Kongsi 12 Tips Meneran Masa Bersalin\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 28, 2018\n \n\nMeneran adalah satu kemahiran yang perlu ada semasa proses kelahiran. Meneran dengan betul membantu mempercepatkan proses bersalin serta boleh mengelakkan pelbagai komplikasi kepada ibu dan bayi.\n\nMungkin ramai ibu yang tertanya-tanya cara meneran dengan betul bagi melicinkan proses kelahiran bayi. Ada yang keliru cara teran dan meneran pada muka menyebabkan rasa penat dan bayi tidak dapat dikeluarkan dengan efisien. Bayi yang hampir dikeluarkan pun boleh distress kerana terlalu lama di saluran peranakan.\n\nBagi ibu baru atau pertama kali melahirkan secara normal, ia mungkin agak sukar. Tambahan lagi setelah bergelut dengan kontraksi yang semakin kerap dan lama, ibu boleh jadi keliru! Oleh itu bimbingan & nasihat daripada perawat dan petugas perubatan perlu dipatuhi.\n\nDr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan, Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau berkongsi tentang \ncara meneran bersalin yang betul. Katanya cara yang betul ialah seperti meneran ketika membuang air besar. \n\n\u201cPara ibu perlu menghindari teran pada muka kerana ia cara yang salah dan boleh menyebabkan anda berasa cepat penat. Ini adalah kesilapan yang sering kali terjadi terutamanya bagi ibu pertama kali yang tidak mempunyai pengalaman bersalin normal.\u201d\n12 TIPS CARA MENERAN SEMASA BERSALIN\n\n\nAngkat kepala \nsehingga dagu mencecah dada.\n\n\nMata memandang \nke arah perut.\n\n\nTangan \npegang pergelangan kaki.\n\n\nElakkan mengeluarkan suara \nketika meneran. Simpan tenaga untuk meneran\n\n\nJangan sesekali angkat punggung\n agar luka tidak melibatkan dubur.\n\n\nTarik nafas dengan dalam dan \nteran seperti keadaan membuang air besar.\n\n\nPastikan anda \ntidak mengeluarkan nafas dengan kuat.\n\n\nTeran sekuat \u2013 kuatnya selama yang boleh (selama \n10 saat sekiranya boleh).\n\n\nRehat dan relaks ketika tiada kontraksi\n. Basahkan bibir dengan air dengan bantuan suami.\n\n\nCuri nafas\n dan teruskan meneran di setiap kontraksi.\n\n\nDengar arahan\n jururawat dan doktor\n\n\nElakkan menjerit \n\u2013 jerit supaya pembaziran tenaga dapat dielakkan.\n\n\nPOSTUR BADAN\n\nPostur badan perlu dipastikan sesuai supaya memudahkan ibu untuk meneran. Caranya ialah dengan;\n\nBerbaring dengan keadaan kedua belah kaki terbuka luas.\n\n\nKedua-dua kaki dilipatkan sedikit ke belakang.\n\n\nBahagian belakang akan ditinggikan bahagian sedikit.\n\n\nCuba pegang pada tumit atau meletakkan kaki pada penyokong besi yang disediakan.\n\n\nBEREHAT UNTUK MENGELAKKAN PEMBAZIRAN TENAGA\n\nProses meneran memerlukan tenaga. Anda disarankan \nberehat sebelum proses bersalin aktif \nuntuk mengelakkan pembaziran tenaga. \nBerjalan-jalan di sekitar wad\n boleh dilakukan sekiranya ia bertujuan untuk menenangkan fikiran dan mengurangkan tumpuan kepada perasaan sakit.\n\nSesetengah pakar perbidanan juga berpendapat berjalan semasa proses awal bersalin boleh membantu mempercepatkan proses bersalin kerana tekanan kepala bayi pada serviks.\nKurma boleh dijadikan snek semasa dalam proses kelahiran.\n\n\nAMBIL SNEK RINGAN BAGI MEMBERIKAN TENAGA\n\nAnda dibolehkan mengambil snek ringan sebelum masuk ke dewan bersalin. Antara \nsnek yang boleh diambil ialah seperti roti, minuman berkhasiat dan buah-buahan seperti pisang. Makanan ringkas dan berkhasiat diambil dalam kuantiti yang kecil sebagai mengalas perut dan membekalkan tenaga untuk meneran. \n\nMenurut Dr Sharina, kenyataan mengenai ibu yang ingin bersalin tidak dibenarkan adalah tidak benar sama sekali kecuali pada kes yang telah dijadualkan melahirkan menerusi pembedahan secara elektif. Manakala sepanjang masa di dewan bersalin, ibu diberikan air dalam kuantiti sedikit seakan-akan seperti membasahkan bibir dengan air untuk mengelakkan kehausan\nELAKKAN MENERAN TERLALU AWAL\n\nIbu perlu mengelakkan diri dari meneran terlalu awal iaitu sebelum bukaan serviks 10sm kerana ia boleh menyebabkan ibu berasa penat dan memberikan stres berlebihan kepada bayi. Meneran terlalu awal juga boleh menyebabkan serviks terkoyak.\nPEKA ARAHAN PETUGAS PERUBATAN\n\nDengar dan sentiasa peka kepada arahan yang diberikan oleh doktor dan jururawat yang bertugas. Teran apabila disuruh dan tahan apabila tidak perlu teran. Hal ini penting kerana doktor atau jururawat hanya akan memberi arahan teran setelah memantau kontraksi menerusi bacaan CTG dan keadaan bayi.\n\nAWAS! Menghembus nafas dengan kuat semasa meneran akan menyebabkan anda jadi cepat letih. Jika anda mempunyai masalah pernafasan seperti asma, beritahu doktor atau jururawat yang bertugas. Jangan lupa bawa ubat-ubatan seperti \nmetered dose inhalers.\n\nSumber: \nJangan Main-Main Ambil Selusuh, Sakit Kontraksi Boleh Jadi Berganda-Ganda, Bayi Pun Berisiko Lemas. Doktor Ini Jelaskan Kenapa\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rumau\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 28 December 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nDoktor Kongsi 12 Tips Meneran Masa Bersalin - Majalah Pa&Ma, 28 December 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/doktor-terangkan-7-risiko-kandungan-overdue", "title": "Doktor Terangkan 7 Risiko Kandungan Overdue", "body": "\n\n\n\nDoktor Terangkan 7 Risiko Kandungan Overdue\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 19, 2019\n \n\nJangan abaikan perihal berkaitan usia kandungan. Kandungan melepasi tarikh jangkaan bersalin atau overdue perlu diberikan perhatian ekstra & perlu dirujuk ke hospital segera. 7 Risikonya ini boleh menyebabkan impak besar kepada bayi & ibu.\n\nUsia kandungan melepasi tarikh jangkaan bersalin memang mendebarkan para ibu. Tentunya kerisauan akan bermain di fikiran, memikirkan tentang diri dan tertanya-tanya bagaimana keadaan bayi, mudaratkah situasinya?\n\nDr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau berkongsi info bahawa keadaan hamil \noverdue \nini banyak berlaku.\n\nHanya kira-kira 5% sahaja ibu yang melahirkan tepat pada tarikh jangkaan. Tarikh jangkaan bersalin biasanya ditentukan oleh doktor atau jururawat 40 minggu daripada tarikh hari pertama haid ibu yang terakhir. Ada juga keadaan di mana tarikh jangkaan ditentukan berdasarkan ujian imbasan bagi kes ibu yang mempunyai kitaran haid tidak teratur.\n\n\"Sekiranya anda mencapai usia kehamilan 41 minggu, anda akan diarahkan untuk ke hospital oleh doktor yang merawat. Doktor akan menyemak semula tarikh haid yang terakhir dan melakukan pemeriksaan kedudukan bayi dan saiznya. Selain itu, bukaan serviks juga diperiksa untuk melihat sama ada ia sudah bersedia untuk proses kelahiran,\" kata Dr Sharina.\nBAHAYA KANDUNGAN LEBIH TEMPOH / OVERDUE\n\nBagi kehamilan yang melepasi minggu 40, ibu dan bayi berisiko untuk berhadapan berhadapan dengan pelbagai masalah seperti berikut;\n\nBayi mati dalam kandungan.\n\n\nFetal distress\n di mana bayi menunjukkan reaksi seperti degupan jantung yang perlahan dan kurang pergerakan.\n\n\nMeningkatkan risiko bayi untuk mengalami Sindrom Aspirasi Mekonium yang boleh menyebabkan bayi tertelan najis selepas minggu ke40.\n\n\nAir ketuban yang berperanan untuk melindungi bayi semakin kurang isi padunya.\n\n\nIbu berisiko untuk mengalami trauma semasa proses kelahiran kerana kemungkinan bayi perlu dilahirkan menggunakan alat bantu seperti vakum atau forseps kerana saiz bayi yang besar.\n\n\nIntraparum hypoxia\n di mana bayi mengalami kekurangan oksigen.\n\n\nRisiko bahu bayi tersangkut semasa kelahiran atau \nshoulder dystocia\n. Ini disebabkan oleh saiz bayi besar.\n\n\nKENAPA SERING MENGALAMI OVERDUE\n\nMenurut Dr Sharina, kehamilan yang melepasi tempoh jangkaan bersalin atau overdue ini banyak terjadi kepada wanita hamil yang mempunyai ciri-ciri ini;\n\nIbu tidak pasti tarikh hari pertama haid terakhir sebelum hamil.\n\n\nKehamilan pertama.\n\n\nIbu mempunyai sejarah \noverdue\n sebelum ini. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika seorang ibu mengalami beberapa kehamilan yang \noverdue.\n\n\nHamil bayi lelaki.\n\n\nIbu mempunyai berat badan berlebihan.\n\n\nBayi mempunyai kecacatan secara biologi yang menyebabkan kekurangan hormon kortisol pada bayi yang melambatkan proses bersalin. Mereka juga berisiko untuk mengalami masalah kekurangan oksigen semasa kelahiran \n(intrapartum hypoxia)\n.\n\n\nCADANGAN SEKIRANYA IBU MENGALAMI OVERDUE\n\n\nIndius pada 41 minggu.\n\n\nMembrane sweeping \ndaripada minggu ke 38 ke atas.\n\n\nPERCEPATKAN KELAHIRAN\n\nSelain daripada membuat ujian imbasan dan memeriksa bukaan, doktor juga akan melakukan prosedur membrane sweep yang bertujuan untuk mencetuskan kelahiran.\n\nIa selalunya dilakukan semasa pemeriksaan bukaan di mana jari akan dimasukkan pada serviks dan perlahan-lahan ia digerakkan dalam bentuk pusingan bagi memisahkan membran kantung bayi dengan rahim.\nMembrane sweep\n jika dilakukan dengan betul akan merembeskan hormon prostaglandin yang mencetuskan kelahiran dalam masa 48 jam.\n\nSelain\n membrane sweep\n, berjalan kaki juga boleh mencetuskan kelahiran. Ia menggalakkan proses kelahiran bagi kandungan yang sudah mencapai usia 40 minggu. Ini kerana pergerakan membantu kepala bayi untuk memasuki pelvis.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rumau\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDoktor Terangkan 7 Risiko Kandungan Overdue - Majalah Pa&Ma, 19 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 19 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \n Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/dr-lee-kok-fung-clues-us-in-on-down-syndrome", "title": "Clues Us In On Down Syndrome", "body": "\n\n\n\nClues Us In On Down Syndrome\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 10, 2021\n \nOne of the many concerns of mummies-to-be is the off-chance of having a Down syndrome baby. It\u2019s an understandable fear that each mother has especially if it\u2019s something that\u2019s in an unknown territory for us.\n\n\nSo,\u00a0Motherhood Story got in touch to chat with Dr Lee Kok Fung, a Consultant Paediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban, to help us understand better about Down syndrome in kids.\n\n\nQ1. What is Down syndrome and what causes it?\n\n\nDown syndrome is by far the most common and best-known chromosomal disorder in humans and the most common cause of intellectual disability. It is primarily caused by trisomy of chromosome 21.\n\n\nQ2. What are the types of Down syndrome and the percentage that they occur?\n\n\nThere are three types of Down syndrome:\n\n\nTrisomy 21\n\n\nTrisomy 21 means there\u2019s an extra copy of chromosome 21 in every cell. This is the most common form of Down syndrome (95%).\n\n\nMosaicism\n\n\nMosaicism occurs when a child is born with an extra chromosome in some but not all of their cells. People with mosaic Down syndrome tend to have fewer symptoms than those with trisomy (21.2%).\n\n\nTranslocation\n\n\nIn this type of Down syndrome, children have only an extra part of chromosome 21. There are 46 total chromosomes. However, one of them has an extra piece of chromosome 21 attached (3%).\n\n\nQ3. How is prenatal screening or diagnosis done, and when should a pregnant mother do so?\n\n\nScreening tests have no risks of miscarriage, but can\u2019t determine with certainty whether a foetus is affected. \n\u00a0\n\n\nThere are 3 types of screening tests for Down syndrome: the combined first trimester screening, the non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), and the second trimester maternal serum screening.\n\n\nCombined First Trimester Screening\n\n\nThe combined first trimester screening test is done between 9 weeks and 13 weeks (plus 6 days) into the pregnancy to calculate the chance of a number of abnormalities, including Down syndrome. It is safe for both mother and baby.\n\u00a0\n\n\nA computer is used to combine results from 2 tests: A blood test, done between 9 and 12 weeks into the pregnancy, looks for hormonal changes that can suggest there is a problem with the baby\u2019s chromosomes.\n\u00a0\n\n\nAn ultrasound scan, done at 12 to 13 weeks into the pregnancy, measures the thickness of fluid behind the baby\u2019s neck, called the nuchal translucency. This is often larger in babies with Down syndrome. These results, combined with the mother\u2019s age, show the chance of Down syndrome.\n\u00a0\n\n\nNon-invasive Prenatal Test\n\n\nIt involves a simple blood test that analyses DNA from the baby that has passed into the mother\u2019s bloodstream. The test is done after 10 weeks and is more than 99% accurate for Down syndrome.\n\n\nSecond Trimester Screening\n\n\nSometimes called a maternal serum screen (MSS) or \u2018triple test\u2019, it is done between 14 and 18 weeks into the pregnancy. It is usually offered to women who missed the combined first trimester screening test. It involves a blood test to look for hormones that could indicate the baby has Down syndrome or other diseases such as neural tube defect.\n\n\nDiagnostic Tests\n\n\nDiagnostic tests, on the other hand, are extremely accurate at identifying certain abnormalities in the foetus, but carry a small\u2014generally less than 1 percent\u2014 risk of miscarriage.\n\n\nChorionic villus sampling (CVS)\n\n\nA needle, guided by ultrasound, is inserted through the mother\u2019s abdomen to take a sample of cells from the placenta. These are tested for missing, extra or abnormal chromosomes. The procedure is done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. It is not painful and takes about 20 minutes. The risk of miscarriage is less than 1 in 100.\n\n\nAmniocentesis\n\n\nA needle, guided by ultrasound, is inserted into the mother\u2019s abdomen, to take a sample of amniotic fluid. This is tested for missing, extra or abnormal chromosomes. This procedure is done between 15 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. It is not painful and takes about 20 minutes. The risk of miscarriage is also less than 1 in 100.\n\n\nPercutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS, or cordocentesis)\n\n\nYour doctor will take blood from the umbilical cord and examine it for chromosomal defects. It\u2019s done after the 18th week of pregnancy. It has a higher risk of miscarriage, so it\u2019s performed only if all other tests are uncertain.\n\n\nQ4. What makes a woman high risk for a Down syndrome baby?\n\n\nOccurrence is strongly dependent on maternal age. The incidence of this syndrome at various maternal ages is as follows:\n\n\n15-29 years \u2013 1 case in 1500 live births\n\n\n30-34 years \u2013 1 case in 800 live births\n\n\n35-39 years \u2013 1 case in 270 live births\n\n\n40-44 years \u2013 1 case in 100 live births\n\n\nOlder than 45 years \u2013 1 case in 50 live births\n\n\nBecause of the higher rate of delivery among younger generation, we did see more Down syndrome in young couple.\n\n\nQ5. How can one prevent Down syndrome during pregnancy?\n\n\nThere\u2019s no way to prevent Down syndrome. If you\u2019re at high risk of having a child with Down syndrome or you already have one child with Down syndrome, you may want to consult a genetic counsellor before becoming pregnant.\n\n\nQ6. What are other health conditions or risks that are associated with Down syndrome?\n\n\nDown syndrome is generally associated with increased risk of all health conditions, namely cardiovascular system, central nervous system, endocrine system, hematology system.\n\n\nA higher risk in congenital heart disease\n\n\nA higher risk in central nervous system: spine instability, higher chance of dementia in adulthood\n\n\nEndocrine system: congenital hypothyroid, higher chance of diabetes and obesity in adulthood, obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nHematology: easier to get infection such as ear infection, higher chance to have leukemia\n\n\nQ7. How will these conditions be tested or detected for?\n\n\nWe will have a checklist to follow during follow up for a child with Down syndrome and will involve multiple discipline team to monitor, from general paediatrician (usually the coordinator), cardiologist, endocrinologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, etc, according to the patient\u2019s condition. If a red flag is encountered, then further investigation will be carry out.\n\n\nA Down syndrome child requires life-long monitoring. Once a patient reaches 18 years old, the care will be transferred to the adult physician and family physician.\n\n\nQ8. In what other ways does down syndrome affect a child\u2019s life?\n\n\nHeart defects. About half the children with Down syndrome are born with some type of congenital heart defect.\n\n\nGastrointestinal (GI) defect\n\n\nImmune disorders\n\n\nSleep apnea\n\n\nObesity\n\n\nSpinal problems\n\n\nLeukemia\n\n\nDementia\n\n\nSocial: Down syndrome children are generally friendly and cheerful. However, the stigma from society may cause pressure to the child and family as well.\n\n\nQ9. What is the average life expectancy in someone with Down syndrome?\n\n\nThe lifespan for people with Down syndrome has improved dramatically in recent decades. In 1960, a baby born with Down syndrome often didn\u2019t see their 10th birthday. Today, life expectancy for people with Down syndrome has reached an average of 50 to 60 years.\n\n\nQ10. Do babies with Down syndrome need extra care?\n\n\nYes, from prenatal, neonatal, infancy, toddler, childhood, teenager to adulthood, even. People with Down syndrome are living longer and richer lives now more than ever. Though they can often face a unique set of challenges, they can also overcome these obstacles and thrive.\n\u00a0\n\n\nBuilding a strong support network of experienced professionals and understanding family and friends is crucial for the success of people with Down syndrome and their families.\n\n\nIn Malaysia, there are multiple support groups and NGOs that provide support to the child and family.\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Lee Kok Fung\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMD (USM), MRCPCH (UK), M Pediatrics (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDr. Lee Kok Fung Clues Us In On Down Syndrome \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 5 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 5 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/drink-four-cups-of-coffee-a-day", "title": "Drink Four Cups of Coffee A Day", "body": "\n\n\n\nDrink Four Cups of Coffee A Day\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2018\n \n\nAn expert shares whether we should actually take heed of this new-found claim.\n\nIn the first half of the year, researchers claimed that drinking three cups of coffee a day has some health benefits. A few months after, a study done by German researchers found that drinking four cups a day would not only help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, but also improve eyesight. Nurullatifah Fauzan, a dietician at Columbia Asia Hospital, Seremban, expounds on both these views.\nAddressing the matter\n\nFirstly, we need to look at the bigger picture, seeing as we are all unique and one size rarely fits all. Nurul cautions to \u201ckeep in mind that further research is still needed to evaluate the direct correlation (between coffee and its cardiovascular benefits). Also, several other factors such as the extra calories from syrup, sugar, and creamer consumed together with coffee can affect the overall health outcome.\u201d\nHealthy habits\n\nA healthy way of consuming coffee is to make conscious decisions about the food you\u2019re pairing it with. \u201cAs an example, if you\u2019re having a pastry with your cup of coffee, try to reduce the amount of calories in the coffee by adding low-fat milk instead of regular milk. Pass on the whipped cream, and sweeten it with an artificial sweetener or granulated sugar rather than flavoured syrup. This way, you can keep track of the amount of sugar consumed,\u201d Nurul advises. She also points out that according to a small study, consuming caffeine six hours prior to bedtime has disruptive effects on sleep.\nPlaying It Safe\n\n\u201cCaffeine in coffee has various degrees of effect on each individual depending on the tolerance, amount, and type of coffee consumed,\u201d Nurul explains.\nNurullatifah Fauzan\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nThis article first appeared in Her World, Issue September 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nShould You Ever Self-Diagnose - Her World, Issue September 2018\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/drugs-sports-and-sports-injuries-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Drugs in Sports and Sports Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nDrugs in Sports and Sports Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 31, 2012\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWhat drives accomplished, talented athletes to take the illegal quick fix of steroids and other performance enhancers, and what are some of the potential long-term effects of usage on the body? Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, untangles the complicated web of drug use in sports, exploring the three main areas: therapeutic, recreational and ergogenic.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/early-detection-and-prompt-treatment", "title": "Early Detection and Prompt Treatment", "body": "\n\n\n\nEarly Detection and Prompt Treatment\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 16, 2018\n \n\nBREAST cancer is one of the scariest and most frequently diagnosed cancers among women worldwide. Therefore, there is a need to spread awareness of how risk factors, regular screenings, early detection and prompt treatment come into play in the survival rates of breast cancer patients. Risk factors are factors that increase your chance of developing breast cancer.\nDr Kiran Kaur Amer Singh, consultant general surgeon with special interest in breast surgery\n at \nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\n, divides risk factors into two types: nonmodifiable and modifiable risk factors.\nNon-modifiable risk\n factors are factors that cannot be changed, which include gender, family history of breast cancer and being a carrier of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation. Hitting puberty early (below 12 years old) and menopause later in life (after 55 years old) increase one's risk of developing breast cancer as well. \u201cEarly menarche and late menopause cause prolonged lifetime exposure to endogenous ovarian hormones, that is, oestrogens.\n\nThe longer the exposure, the higher the breast cancer risk,\u201d says Dr Kiran.\nModifiable risks\n come down to lifestyle choices such as sedentary habits, alcohol consumption, smoking and even long-term intake of exogenous hormones in the form of oral contraceptive pills or hormone replacement therapy after hitting menopause. Not bearing children, full-term pregnancy after the age of 30 as well as not breastfeeding increase the risk further. According to Dr Kiran, \u201cNon-modifiable risks cannot be changed. However, risks may be lowered for some patients. For example, prophylactic mastectomy can be performed to lower breast cancer risks in BRCA gene mutation carriers. \u201cIn terms of modifiable risk factors, leading a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight will not only reduce risks of breast cancer but also its recurrence in survivors. \u201cLimiting the amount of alcohol consumed and cessation of smoking are also important.\u201d\n\nShe shares that although family history of breast cancer is a significant risk factor, only 5% to 10% of breast cancer cases are inherited. The remaining 90% to 95% of cases are sporadic. This means that individuals who do not have a family member with breast cancer are not spared from the disease. Therefore, it is essential for women to participate in breast cancer screening programmes and undergo mammogram or ultrasound if recommended so that immediate action may be taken should they be diagnosed.\n\nDr Kiran adds, \u201cThanks to breast cancer research over the years, treatment has come a long way, significantly improving the survival rate and prognosis especially for patients with early-stage breast cancer. \u201cThere has been advancement in \nsurgical techniques\n as well as \nadjuvant treatments\n, which are now widely available. \u201cWe have moved towards breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy) and sentinel lymph node biopsies for suitable patients with early-stage breast cancer. \u201cThis means that it may no longer be necessary to remove the entire breast as lumpectomy can be offered with equally good outcome. The idea of surgery is to completely resect the tumour with negative margins, followed by appropriate adjuvant therapy.\u201d Adjuvant therapy helps to reduce risk of recurrence after surgery. Types of adjuvant therapy available include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and targeted therapy. However, not all patients will benefit from these treatment modalities. Treatment offered is based on stage of disease, type and grade of tumour, patient\u2019s general health condition, hormone receptor status and other factors.\n\nAddressing the issue of patients seeking treatment only during the later stages of cancer, Dr Kiran believes that education and awareness are the best course to take to alleviate patients\u2019 fears. \u201cFear of losing one\u2019s breast is common. Therefore, patients should be made aware that if they undergo \nmastectomy\n for breast cancer, there are options for creating a new breast. \u201c\nBreast reconstruction\n generally falls into two categories: implant-based reconstruction and flap (autologous) reconstruction using the patient\u2019s own tissues. \u201cIn this region, the challenge that we face is beliefs. Many patients strongly believe in alternative medicine as the mainstay for cure of breast cancer, and that causes the delay in coming forward for treatment. \u201cThe problem of stigma is also common, which creates a significant barrier to medical care. Some don\u2019t even tell their family members about the disease,\u201d she explains.\n\nShe adds that other factors that may contribute to the reluctance in coming forward for \nscreening programmes\n and treatment are the potential cost and misconceptions surrounding breast cancer. \u201cOne common misconception is that the radiation of mammogram causes more harm than benefit. This is not true. Mammogram exposes patients to low-dose radiation and the benefit definitely outweighs the harm,\u201d says Dr Kiran. It is only with the eradication of such beliefs that we can see an increase in early detection and survival rate of breast cancer. \nEarly detection saves lives\n.\n\nFor more information, call 03-3346 7999.\nDr. Kiran Kaur D/O Amer Singh\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 14 October 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nEarly Detection and Prompt Treatment \u2013 The Star, 14 October 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/eat-your-way-fabulous-skin", "title": "Eat Your Way To Fabulous Skin", "body": "\n\n\n\nEat Your Way To Fabulous Skin\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 01, 2016\n \n\nA healthy and wholesome diet can affect the appearance and condition of your skin. Dr. R. Muthulaksmi, Consultant Dermatologist of Columbia Asia Hospital shares that as a rule of thumb, you should maintain a balanced diet, drink sufficient water, exercise regularly and have enough sleep to keep you complexion bright and well nourished.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHER WORLD Magazine, Issue Apr 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/eating-and-living-well-healthy-bones", "title": "Eating and Living Well for Healthy Bones", "body": "\n\n\n\nEating and Living Well for Healthy Bones\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 02, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.bfm.my\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nAs we age, we worry about osteoporosis and breaking our bones that turn more brittle with time. Yet it turns out that osteoporosis has its roots in our childhood. Today we learn about ways to grow and develop healthy bones and joints with Dr Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/eklampsia-benarkah-ia-datang-secara-tiba-tiba", "title": "Eklampsia: Benarkah Ia Datang Secara Tiba-tiba", "body": "\n\n\n\nEklampsia: Benarkah Ia Datang Secara Tiba-tiba\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 17, 2020\n \n\nEklampsia bukanlah hal biasa yang terjadi kepada ibu hamil. Satu hal yang perlu diketahui, elakkan penyebab-penyebab yang boleh mengakibatkan eklampia ini ketika hamil. Jangan terlepas pandang kerana ia boleh mengakibatkan kehilangan nyawa. Dr. Norintan Zainal Shah, Pakar Perunding Obstetriks & Ginekologi, Hospital Columbia Seremban berkongsi apakah itu eklampsia.\n\nEklampsia merupakan serangan sawan akibat tekanan darah tinggi ketika hamil. lanya amat serius kerana ibu boleh mengalami pelbagai masalah termasuklah kerosakan organ seperti otak, hati dan ginjal. Eklampsia juga menyebabkan pendarahan, koma, strok dan maut. Anak di dalam kandungan juga boleh mengalami masalah pramatang dan maut. Eklampsia boleh berlaku kepada sesiapa sahaja tanpa mengira usia, bangsa dan lokasi.\n\n\u00a0\n\nElak Hipertensi\n\n\n\nTMasalah eklampsia ini bermula dengan masalah tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi ketika hamil. Terdapat tiga kumpulan pesakit darah tinggi ketika mengandung ini iaitu hipertensi yang telah sedia ada sebelum hamil, masalah hipertensi yang bermula setelah hami (selepas kandungan berusia 20 minggu) dan pra-eklampsia. Penyakit hipertensi dalam ketiga-tiga kumpulan ini perlu dikawal dan diubati kerana jika tidak, eklampsia atau sawan, akan datang mendadak.\n\nDi antara tiga kumpulan hipertensi di atas, kumpulan pra-eklampsia adalah yang paling bahaya kerana ia kerap diikut dengan sawan. Pelbagai kajian dijalankan untuk memahami mengapa pra-eklampsia boleh berlaku tetapi para doktor masih belum dapat menemui sebab yang nyata. Apa yang diketahui setakat ini adalah pra-eklampsia bermula dengan masalah dalam pembentukan dan perkembangan uri dari awal kandungan, diikuti dengan masalah radang dan kerosakan endothelium sepanjang kehamilan. Secara amnya, masalah pra-eklampsia dikatakan mula berlaku apabila bacaan tekanan darah ibu yang hamil tadi mencecah 140/90mmhg dan kehadiran protein dalam air kencing yang melebihi 0.3gram/24jam.\n\nNamun, bacaan tekanan darah 140/90mmh tidak semestinya tepat untuk semua wanita. Apabila wanita hamil mendapati tekanan darah pada lawatan pertama di klinik antenatal adalah rendah (contohnya 90/60mmhg), mereka boleh juga mendapat masalah pra eklampsia jika bacaan diastolik (60mmhg) meningkat melebihi 15mmhg dan bacaan sistolik (90mmhg) meningkat sebanyak 30mmhg. Ini bererti, pra-eklampsia boleh berlaku apabila bacaan tekanan darah adalah 120/75mmhg!\n\nBagi kehadiran protein dalam air kencing pula, pemeriksaan air kencing di klinik antenatal selalunya menggunakan dip stick dan keputusannya ditulis sebagai negative trace, 1+, 2+, 3+ dan 4+ atau solid. Jika keputusan dip stick untuk air kencing didapati 2+ atau lebih, pesakit akan dimasukkan ke dalam wad obstetrik untuk rawatan pra-eklampsia.\n\nJika gagal mengenalpasti wanita-wanita hamil yang mengalami pra-eklampsia, maka wanita tersebut menghadapi risiko yang tinggi untuk mendapat sawan eklampsia. Jangkamasa pra-eklampsia menjadi eklamspsia adalah amat cepat! Malah, apabila serangan eklampsia berlaku, ianya merupakan satu situasi kecemasan yang amat mencabar dan sukar dirawati.\n\n\u00a0\n\nGolongan Berisiko\n\n\n\nKumpulan wanita hamil yang berisiko tinggi untuk mendapat pra eklampsia dan eklampsia perlulah berjaga-jaga. Antara kriteria mereka:\n\n\u00a0\n\nUsia belasan tahun/40 tahun ke atas.\n\n\nMengandung kali pertama.\n\n\nPernah mengalami pra-eklampsia/eklampsia dalam kandungan sebelumnya.\n\n\nMempunyai saudara, adik-beradik atau ibu yang pernah mengalami pra-eklampsia.\n\n\nMengalami obesity dengan BMI>30.\n\n\nWanita yang sudah pun mengalami hipertensi dan kencing manis sebelum hamil.\n\n\nWanita yang mengalami kandungan kembar atau molar (uri besar).\n\n\n\nSimptom-simptom eklampsia perlu dikenal pasti. Jika ada yang mengalami simptom berikut, segeralah ke hospital serta merta untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan air kencing. contohnya:\n\n\u00a0\n\nSakit kepala\n\n\nPening\n\n\nKabur mata\n\n\nPandangan bercahaya/silau\n\n\nSakit tengkok\n\n\nLoya atau muntah\n\n\nSakit ulu hati\n\n\nRasa kurang sihat\n\n\n\nWalaubagaimanapun, ramai juga pesakit pra-eklampsia dan eklampsia yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa simptom atau gejala. Ini menyukarkan doktor untuk menghalang eklampsia menyerang pesakit secara tiba-tiba!\n\n\u00a0\n\nJenis Rawatan\n\n\n\nBagi mereka yang berisiko terdapat pelbagai saranan, tip dan juga mitos untuk mengelakkan wanita hamil dari diserang eklampsia. Antaranya adalah:\n\n\u00a0\n\nKalsium\n\n\nKajian menyarankan ibu yang beriso tinggi mengambil pil kalsium 1.5- 2.0gram setiap hari.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nAspirin\n\n\nLow-dose aspirin 75mg juga didapati membantu untuk mengelakkan pra-eklampsia. Ada pendapat yang menyarankan low dose aspirin dimulakan ketika usia kandungan 12 minggu.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nUbat Tekanan Darah Tinggi\n\n\nSemua ibu hamil yang mempunyai masalah darah tinggi hendaklah mengambil ubat secara berdisiplin. Ubat seperti methyldopa misalnya sudah lama digunakan dan selamat untuk ibu dan anak.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nMagnesium Sulphate (MGS04)\n\n\nMgso4 adalah pilihan terbaik bagi masalah pra-eklampsia. la mengelakkan serangan sawan eklampsia. la juga digunakan untuk mengubati pesakit yang telah diserang sawan eklampsia.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKelahiran Bayi\n\n\nDalam kes pra-eklampsia yang serius, bayi akan dilahirkan walaupun belum ada tanda-tanda ibu akan bersalin. Jika bayi belum matang, doktor akan menyarankan kelahiran bayi untuk menyelamatkan ibu.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nSelepas Kelahiran\n\n\nPenggunaan ubat diteruskan bagi mengawal masalah hipertensi. Jika pesakit gagal mengambil ubat, serangan sawan eklampsia boleh berlaku sewaktu tempoh pantang selepas bersalin.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nRehat Di Rumah\n\n\nCadangan rehat di rumah untuk mengelakkan pra-eklampsia belum terbukti lagi.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nMengurangkan Garam Dalam Diet\n\n\nIni adalah cara hidup sihat tetapi belum terbukti boleh mengelakkan pra-eklampsia.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nVitamin C, D dan E\n\n\nSetakat ini, belum ada bukti kukuh yang menunjukkan vitamin-vitamin ini dapat mengelakkan masalah pra-eklampsia.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKesimpulannya, jika anda hamil dan mempunyai masalah darah tinggi, pastikan puan mendapat rawatan segera. Jika terdapat protein dalam air kencing, pastikan ianya bukan pra eklampsia. Jika ada gejala atau simptom yang disebut di atas, awasilah bacaan tekanan darah. Sikap berjaga-jaga serta rawatan rapi dari hospital amatlah penting untuk mengelakkan eklampsia menyerang secara tiba-tiba.\nPhoto Credit: Freepik.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nEklampsia: Benarkah Ia Datang Secare Tiba-tiba? \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 1 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa & Ma, 1 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/eksema-tiada-ubat-penyembuh-tapi-ada-cara-untuk-merawatnya", "title": "Eksema Tiada Ubat Penyembuh Tapi Ada Cara Untuk Merawatnya", "body": "\n\n\n\nEksema Tiada Ubat Penyembuh Tapi Ada Cara Untuk Merawatnya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 17, 2020\n \n\nEkzema adalah simptom keradangan dan kegatalan kulit. Ekzema yang paling biasa dihidapi oleh anak kecil atau orang dewasa dikategorikan dermatitis atopik (atopic dermatitis), atau ekzema atopik (atopic eczema). Dr Kartini Farah Rahim, Pakar Perunding Dermatologi, Avisena Women's & Children's Specialist Hospital menjelaskan secara terperinci tentang simptom dan cara rawatan yang betul bagi penyakit ekzema.\n\nBiasanya bagi bayi ia bermula dengan mendapat bintik-bintik merah di pipi dan kadang kala berair. Bayi juga akan kelihatan tidak selesa dan menggeselkan mukanya. Ada juga bintik-bintik merah di kawasan kulit yang lain.\n\nCiri-ciri ekzema atopik ini adalah gatal dan bintik merah kecil. Jika digaru, ruam boleh menjadi kasar, berair dan tebal. Kebiasaannya ruam terdapat pada muka, kulit kepala, leher dan kawasan pelipat siku dan lutut bayi.\n\nRisiko lebih tinggi jika ada sejarah alahan pada bayi atau keluarganya sama ada asma, resdung dan ekzema atopik.\n\n\u00a0\n\nApakah Masalah Yang Boleh Boleh Dihadapi oleh Bayi Ekzema Atopik?\n\n\nKulit pedih apabila luka digaru dan susah tidur lena kerana gatal.\n\n\nKerap menangis dan murung kerana tidak selesa.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKenapa Ekzema Atopik Terjadi?\n\n\nMasalah gen yang diwarisi contohnya mutase gen filaggrin. Ini menyebabkan kurangnya daya tahan kulit untuk menghalang bahan uaran masuk ke dalam kulit dan kelembapan mudah meruap keluar menyebabkan kulit kering.\n\n\nSistem imun bayi yang tidak matang.\n\n\nMasalah persekitaran\n\n\nEkzema tidak boleh berjangkit dan bukan disebabkan kurangnya kebersihan diri.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBagaimana Boleh Menghindari Dari Ekzema Berlaku Semula?\n\nCari pencetusnya. Setiap bayi mempunyai pencetusnya yang unik yang boleh berbeza dengan bayi yang lain. Contoh penecetus adalah jangkitan bakteria, hama rumah, debunga, haiwan peliharaan, pemakanan, perubahan cuaca, stress dan asap rokok.\n\nContohnya:\n\nFaktor hama habuk dalam rumah adalah salah satu sebab yang paling kerap mencetuskan eczema. Gunakan penyedut habuk yang mempunyai penapis HEPA, menukar cadar katil dengan kerap dan tidak menggunakan karpet dan alat mainan berbulu.\n\n\nHindarkan bayi dari terlalu panas dan berpeluh atau terlalu sejuk dan kering udaranya. Ikhtiarkan cara untuk mengurangkan stress bayi.\n\n\nDapatkan nasihat doktor dan pakar nutrisi jika ingin berpantang makan.\n\n\nMakanan yang kebiasaannya menyebabkan tercetusnya eczema adalah susu lembu, telur, soya, gandum, kekacang dan makanan laut.\n\n\nBerjumpa dengan doktor untuk mengetahui jika bayi memerlukan ujian alahan.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKawal Bayi Dari Menggaru\n\nMenggaru akan merosakkan permukaan kulit dan secara langsung memudahkan bahan alahan dan kuman masuk ke dalam kulit. Usahakan supaya kulitnya kurang gatal.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTip Mengurangkan Gatal Ekzema:\n\n\nPakai pelembap yang sesuai dengan kerap dan guna pembersih yang bebas sabun.\n\n\nSibukkan bayi dengan aktiviti yang boleh mengalihkan perhatian.\n\n\nPakai pembalut atau sarung fabrik yang lembut dan elastik untuk melindungi kawasan kulit berekzema daripada tergaru dan mengekalkan kelembapan kulit, contohnya Tubifast.\n\n\nPotong kuku jari pendek supaya tidak melukakan kulit jika tergaru.\n\n\nSapu ubat yang mengandungi mentol untuk mengurangkan kegatalan.\n\n\nMemakai pakaian yang diperbuat daraipada kain kapas yang lembut, ringan dan menyerap peluh.\n\n\nLapkan peluh terutama di kawasan pelipat kerana peluh boleh menyebabkan kegatalan.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nApakah Rawatan Untuk Ekzema?\n\n\n\nAda pelbagai cara untuk merawat ekzema dengan baik, walaubagaimanapun ianya tiada ubat penyembuh. Masalah ekzema ini boleh berulang-ulang apabila ada pencetusnya. Berita baiknya adalah lebih 60% kanak-kanak akan pulih dengan sendiri ekzemanya apabila dia meningkat remaja.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRawatan Ekzema:\n\n\nPenyapuan pelembap adalah rawatan yang paling penting dalam mengawal masalah ekzema.\n\n\nKrim atau minyak steroid dan calcineurin inhibitor adalah cara rawatan penting untuk mengawal keradangan dengan cepat dan berkesan.\n\n\nJika ekzema menjadi teruk seperti berair, bergelembung air, bengkak, bernanah dan berbau, sila bawa anak ke klinik pakar kulit untuk diperiksa kemungkinan memerlukan ubat antibiotik.\n\n\nPembalut fabrik elastik (wet wrap) (Lumur pelembap, sapu ointment, wet wrap. Tahan 4 jam.)\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKebaikan Wet Wrap\n\n\nmenyejukkan kulit\n\n\nmeninggikan kelembapan kulit\n\n\nmengurangkan gatal\n\n\nmenghalang dari tergaru\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nBagaimanakah Penggunaan Wet Wrap (Teknik Pembalut Basah)?\n\n\nGunakan pembalut yang ada di pasaran atau mana-mana stokin lembut dan selesa di pakai.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nLangkah\n\n\nSapu pelembap dahulu\n\n\nSapu steroid lembut (jika perlu) dan tunggu beberapa minit\n\n\nBalut lapisan basah\n\n\nBalut lapsian kering\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nPelembap Mana Sesuai Untuk Bayi Saya?\n\n\n\nPelembap yang sesuai dapat menghindari ekzema berulang semula. Oleh itu, sapuan pelembap mestilah menjadi satu rutin.\n\nAda pelbagai jenis pelembap di pasaran dan pemilihan pelembap bergantung kepada tahap kekeringan kulit, cuaca dan kesesuaian bayi dengan isi kandungan pelembap itu.\n\nSecara amnya kulit ekzema adalah kering dan perlu pelembap yang berminyak dalam kuantiti yang banyak untuk meliputi seluruh kawasan berekzema. Sapuan pelembap perlu diulang dengan kerap apabila kulit menjadi kering semula.\n\nPilih jenis pelembap mengikut kesesuaian cuaca. Contohnya pelembap yang kurang berminyak berbentuk krim, sesuai digunakan di waktu panas. Sapu pelembap yang jenis berminyak waktu malam atau udara kering contohnya jika pasang penghawa dingin.\n\nProduk yang tinggi kandungan minyaknya seperti 100% petroleum jelly melembapkan kulit dengan lebih lama dan sesuai digunakan untuk kulit yang sangat kering.\n\nKulit bayi boleh mendapat alahan kepada kandungan pewangi, pewarna dan pengawet oleh itu sebaiknya pilih pelembap yang khas untuk kulit bayi sensitif.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kartini Farah Rahim\n\n\nConsultant Dermatologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCP (UK), Diploma in Dermatology (Glasgow), Advance Master in Dermatology (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nEksema Tiada Ubat Penyembuh Tapi Ada Cara Untuk Merawatnya - Majalah Pa&Ma, 1 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 1 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDermatology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/elak-berusaha-separuh-jalan-press-clipping", "title": "Elak berusaha separuh jalan [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nElak berusaha separuh jalan [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 12, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nHarian Metro,\n\n12 November 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/empowering-man", "title": "Empowering Man", "body": "\n\n\n\nEmpowering Man\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 25, 2015\n \n\nEven with the advanced state of healthcare today, some men suffer from all kinds of health issues, including sexual disorders.\n\n\u00a0\n\nEmpowering Man \u2013 The Star - Your Health, 25 August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/endocrinologist-talks-about-thyroid-gland-butterfly-effect", "title": "An Endocrinologist Talks About the Thyroid Gland & The Butterfly Effect", "body": "\n\n\n\nAn Endocrinologist Talks About the Thyroid Gland & The Butterfly Effect\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 12, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nYou are sitting at your work desk, but you can hardly get any work done properly. You struggle to curb the trembling in your fingers.\u00a0\n\nSweat trickles down your back. You wonder why it feels this warm despite the air-conditioning blowing at maximum speed.\u00a0\n\nYou swear that you felt a missing beat from the normal pace of your heartbeat. It just feels like there was just something weird with your heartbeat.\u00a0\n\nYour friends have been complimenting you about how much weight you have lost, but you have a voracious appetite and you keep eating.\u00a0\n\nYour mercurial mood swings have kept them and other people around you at a distance.\u00a0\n\nWith all these going on, you just could not help thinking, are all these closely related to your scanty and irregular menses? Or is it part and parcel of that smooth neck swelling at your neck and your protruding eyes?\u00a0\nYou\u2019re not going crazy\u2014It could be your thyroid gland\n\nIf you had experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above, you may have a condition known as \nhyperthyroidism\n or \nthyrotoxicosis\n.\u00a0\n\nThis is a result of \nhigh levels of thyroid hormone\n, also known as thyroxine, circulating in your blood levels.\u00a0\n\nSitting at the neck and resembling a butterfly, the thyroid gland secretes and stores thyroxine, the hormone that plays a vital role in maintaining your daily metabolism and other bodily functions.\u00a0\n\nNormally, the levels of the thyroxine hormone are kept in check by your body\u2019s mechanism called homeostasis, with any alterations resulting in compensatory responses in your body.\u00a0\n\nWhen this mechanism fails, then the rising thyroxine hormone levels will eventually lead to the symptoms mentioned above.\u00a0\n\nThe most common cause of hyperthyroidism is a \u2018grave\u2019 one \n\n\nGraves\u2019 disease\n is one of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism.\u00a0\n\nIn this disease, the tyroxine stimulating hormone-receptor antibodies stimulate the thyroid gland to produce and release high levels of thyroxine into the blood levels.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nPeople with Graves\u2019 disease have \nsmooth neck swelling\n often accompanied by \nprotruding and swollen eyes\n as well as \nskin problems\n such as hives.\u00a0\n\nThis affliction often plagues \nwomen within the reproductive age\n, especially if they have other autoimmune diseases or family members with autoimmune thyroid diseases.\u00a0\n\nToxic nodules\n\nAnother cause of hyperthyroidism is the presence of thyroid tissue that \nindependently and uncontrollably releases thyroid hormones\n into the blood stream.\u00a0\n\nKnown as toxic nodules, this disease is more common in the \nolder population\n, especially those with past history of iodine deficiency.\u00a0\n\nThere can be just a single toxic nodule or multiple toxic nodules in the neck area, giving the appearance of an \nuneven neck swelling\n.\u00a0\n\nAt times the neck swelling can be large enough to cause \ndifficulties in swallowing or breathing\n.\u00a0\n\nOther possible causes of hyperthyroidism\n\nOther rarer causes include acute infection of the thyroid gland or side effects of certain medications.\u00a0\n\nIt is important to see a doctor when you think you have hyperthyroidism\n\nIf left untreated, chronically high levels of thyroid hormones may result in \nirregular fast beating\n of the heart and subsequently \nheart failure\n.\u00a0\n\nThis may also result in \nexcessive bone mineral loss\n that can give rise to \nosteoporosis\n.\u00a0\n\nSometimes, patients with hyperthyroidism may develop a severe life-threatening condition known as a \nthyroid storm\n if they are down with other acute medical condition such as a chest infection or heart attack.\u00a0\n\nA visit to the endocrinologist can be helpful if you think you may have hyperthyroidism, as sometimes the symptoms may be very vague in the early stages.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nOn top of a clinical assessment, a \nblood test\n is necessary to evaluate the thyroid function and confirm high levels of thyroid hormone in the blood.\u00a0\n\nAside from that, further tests such as antibody level testing, ultrasound of the neck, or even a radioactive iodine scan are required to determine the exact cause of hyperthyroidism.\u00a0\n\nThe right management plan can vary according to the different causes of hyperthyroidism\n\nFor instance, patients with Graves\u2019 disease may recover after 18 months of medical treatment. However, patients with toxic nodules usually require life-long medications to control their thyroid hormone levels. In such cases, other options such as surgery and radioactive iodine therapy can be considered.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kang Waye Hann\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Endocrinologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nMD (UNIMAS), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Endocrinology (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAn Endocrinologist Talks About the Thyroid Gland & The Butterfly Effect \u2013 HealthToday, 12 May 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in HealthToday, 12 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \n Internal Medicine \nin Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/every-child-at-risk-of-getting-hfmd", "title": "Every Child at Risk of Getting HFMD", "body": "\n\n\n\nEvery Child at Risk of Getting HFMD\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 10, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nMIRI (June 7): Every child is at risk of being infected with the Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD), although the threat is greater when it comes to those with certain medical conditions, or undergoing treatment that may impair their immune system such as chemotherapy and long-term steroids.\n\n\nIn this regard Dr Chung Ghi Waie, the consultant paediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital here, called upon parents to take extra precautions to prevent their children from being infected.\n\n\nHe said the HFMD could affect both children and adults, but 90 per cent of cases reported involved children aged five years old and below.\n\n\n\u201cThere is no vaccine or medication to counter HFMD infection. Therefore, good personal hygiene, especially regular hand-washing, is important.\n\n\n\u201cReduce person-to-person contact and avoid large crowds. Home cleanliness and good coughing etiquette are also important.\n\n\n\u201cIf you suspect that your child has HFMD, bring your child to the nearest clinic or hospital for assessment. Based on that assessment, the doctor should be able to explain and provide the necessary management for your child,\u201d he said during a question-and-answer (Q&A) session conducted by the private hospital recently.\n\n\nAdding on, Dr Chung said should there be more than one child at home, and one of them had contracted HFMD, the parents must implement good personal hygiene, especially hand hygiene, and also stop the siblings from sharing utensils.\n\n\n\u201cStudies have shown that solution containing 95 per cent ethanol is required to kill 99.99 per cent of Enterovirus-71 (EV71) \u2013 one of the components in HFMD infection.\n\n\n\u201cCleaning solution that contains 75 per cent ethanol and also hand-wash solution containing chlorhexidine gluconate in 70 per cent isopropanol, are not effective in killing EV71,\u201d he said, adding that a child with HFMD would often eat or drink less than usual because their mouth ulcers could cause pain. Thus, he reminded the parents to ensure that their children would drink adequately, at regular intervals.\n\n\n\u201cParents are encouraged to give their children cold drinks or semi-solids such as milk or other nutritious beverages, ice-cream, yogurt and jelly. Cooler liquid food is often soothing and very well-tolerated by the affected children.\n\n\n\u201cDoctors may prescribe your child with analgesic spray or gel for the oral ulcers, to relieve the pain,\u201d he advised.\n\n\nDr Chung also said early medical attention would be necessary if the child did not pass urine more often than once every four hours, or if the colour of the urine appeared concentrated, and/or the volume was less than half of what would usually be.\n\n\n\u201cThe affected child\u2019s urinary habit should also be observed closely.\u201d\n\n\nData from the Ministry of Health (MoH) stated that from the beginning of this year up to May 21, a total of 47,209 HFMD cases were reported nationwide.\n\n\n\u201cThe majority of HFMD cases are mild and self-limiting. However, there are severe cases that can affect the heart, the lungs and the brain, and may even lead to death \u2013 although such severe cases are rare,\u201d said Dr Chung.\n\n\nAccording to him, HFMD is a virus infection, commonly caused by Coxsackie Virus A16 and EV71.\n\n\n\u201cThe EV 71 was first isolated from a child with aseptic meningitis in California in 1969, and by 1974, the virus had been described as a new serotype of genus Enterovirus.\n\n\n\u201cIn the years following the initial isolation of EV71, outbreaks occurred in the US, Australia, Sweden and Japan.\n\n\n\u201cIn 1975, EV71 gained global attention when it was responsible for an outbreak in Bulgaria that resulted in 705 cases of poliomyelitis-like disease and the deaths of 44 people. Ninety-three per cent of the poliomyelitis-like disease cases occurred in children under the age of five,\u201d he elaborated.\n\n\nDr Chung added that a similar outbreak occurred in Hungary in 1978, which also involved many cases of poliomyelitis-like disease and 47 deaths.\n\n\n\u201cSince this time, outbreaks of EV71 have continued to occur throughout the world. More recently there has been an increase in EV71 activity in the Asia Pacific region with several epidemics of HFMD being reported,\u201d he said.\n\n\nDr Chung also pointed out that HFMD was \u2018moderately contagious\u2019, being able to be transmitted via person to person, spreading through direct contact with saliva and stools of an infected person who may even be completely asymptomatic, and spread through aerosol droplets.\n\n\nIt could also infect a child through contact with articles or surfaces contaminated with the causative enterovirus such as towels, toys, spoons, bottles and cups, he said.\n\n\n\u201cIt is most contagious during the first week of illness. However, the virus may persist in stools for several weeks.\u201d\n\n\nAsked about the worst HFMD case that he had ever witnessed, he said it occurred seven years ago.\n\n\n\u201cAn infant, who was brought in by the mother, was already at the severe stage of HFMD with multi-organ failures; the child later succumbed to the disease.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Chung Ghi Waie\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Miri\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (IMU), MRCPCH (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nEvery Child at Risk of Getting HFMD \u2013 Borneo Post Online, 7 Jun 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Borneo Post Online, 7 Jun 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/exercise-and-elderly-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Exercise and the Elderly - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nExercise and the Elderly - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 29, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nExercising has obvious and immediate health benefits. But what about in the future? Dr. Harjeet explains how exercise can have positive impacts on your health well into old age and how to exercise safely for the elderly.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/expert-debunks-common-skin-myths-may-surprise-malaysian-mums", "title": "Expert Debunks Common Skin Myths That May Surprise Malaysian Mums", "body": "\n\n\n\nExpert Debunks Common Skin Myths That May Surprise Malaysian Mums\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 29, 2021\n \u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\nHave you ever heard people say that by consuming coconut water or milk during pregnancy, your baby will have a fairer skin? Or perhaps, have you ever heard people say if you had some burns on your wounds, you should just put some butter or toothpaste?\n\n\nToday, we are going to have a dermatologist to help us to bust all the myths. For this episode, we have Dr Teeba Raja, a dermatologist from Columbia Asia Hospital Setapak to help us to explain and also to bust the typical myths that our community always talks about.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ1: Will soy sauce darken our scars?\n\n\nDr Teeba Raja\n: This kind of myth is actually very common, Chinese believes in it, Indians believe in it, Malays believe in it. So, one has to understand what causes the darkening of the skin.\n\n\n\n\n\nThis darkening of the skin happens especially in a dark-skinned person and there are some internal and external factors that influence this. But, definitely consumption of soy sauce is not one of them.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Causes of Scar Colours\n\n\u00a0 \n\nWhat causes the colour of the scars are; the first thing is the person inherited skin colour itself and the severity of the injury and the depth of the injury, and the stability of pigment cells.\n\n\nPigment cells produce melanin, which gives colour to our skin or even the scar. When this is active and then you will have more pigment and the scar is darker.\n\n\nAnd one important thing is the prevention of sun exposure. One thing that someone has to do is prevent yourself from sun exposure when you have wound healing and this would help to reduce the risks of dark scars.\n\n\nPlease enjoy your food with your soy sauce. It is not going to have any effect on your scar.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ2: Eating eggs or chicken will cause itchiness and will slow down the process of recovery \u2013 Is it true, Doctor?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDr Teeba Raja\n: This is not true. I also get this kind of question on a daily basis because we deal with patients with eczema, patients with scars or even we do some sort of post minor surgery and they ask you:\n\n\n\u201cDoctor, can I eat eggs, chicken, seafood?\u201d \n\n\n\u201cWill it cause itchiness?\u201d \n\n\n\u201cWill it slow down the wound healing process?\u201d \n\n\nActually, it is not. This is just a myth. Eating eggs or chicken does not cause itchiness or slow down the healing process.\n\n\nUnless someone is allergic to egg or chicken, and when they eat they do get reactions like weals, itchy weals.\n\n\nYes, in those kinds of patients, it is true. Otherwise, it is not.\n\n\nAnd, in fact, eggs have a good source of protein for wound healing and your egg yolk has vitamins such as Vitamin A and Vitamin D and also Zinc that promotes wound healing.\n\n\nSo, please eat a healthy diet that contains a high source of protein when you have a wound.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ3: Will essential oils help to cure acne, scars or even sunburns?\n\n\nDr Teeba Raja\n: So many it can cure. You almost don\u2019t need a dermatologist or each of us have to just carry an essential oil.\n\nThis is not true!\n\n\nEssential oil are oils, typically the fragrant ones that have been extracted from roots, stems, flowers and seeds.\n\n\nThere is no evidence-backed research showing that any illnesses, let me repeat this, any illnesses that can be cured with the use of essential oils.\n\n\nIn fact, in contrast to this, in some patients, essential oils can cause contact allergies because it contains allergens and those who are sensitive to this, they can develop contact allergies.\n\n\nSo, I wouldn\u2019t recommend any essential oils usage for any injuries; especially when there is a skin injury, there is a barrier defect there.\n\n\nI will advise patients to keep the wound clean, apply Vaseline or moisturiser. If your doctor prescribes antibiotic topicals, use that.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cPlease do not use essential oils or any other fragrant oils on injured skin.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nQ4: Is it true that sunscreen is only for adults and children do not need it?\n\n\u00a0\n\nDr Teeba Raja\n: This is not true, this is just a myth. Sunscreens are safe for everyone and it is also safe for children. Sun exposure can be harmful, especially a long term exposure to the sun can increase the risk of developing skin cancer and causes premature skin ageing.\n\n\nLike causing wrinkles, ageing spots. So, if you want to stay young, you should use sunscreen regularly.\n\n\nThere are two types of sunscreen:\n\n\nChemical Sunscreen\n\n\nChemical sunscreens, on its label, you will see ingredients such as avobenzone, oxybenzone, homosalate and octisalate. And these work like a sponge, it absorbs the sunlight and prevents it from entering our skin.\n\n\n\n\nPhysical Sunscreen\n\n\nWhereas, your physical sunscreen, on its label you will see ingredients such as titanium and zinc oxide. These work like a shield on our skin.\n\n\n\n\nIn children, especially young children, we are talking about the age of less than 6 months; their skin is very sensitive. So we recommend when you bring your toddlers out, please cover them properly with good clothing and wear shades.\n\n\nAnd if there is an exposed area, apply physical sunscreen.\n\n\nRemember, it\u2019s a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. And this also applies to patients with sensitive skin or eczema. We recommend using physical sunblock.\n\n\n\n\n\nWhereas, the rest of the healthy adults or older children, they can use chemical sunscreen. There is no proven evidence to see that this is harmful to their health.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSunscreen Recommendation for Children\n\n\n \n\n\nToddler below 6 months \u2013 physical sunscreen\n\n\nKids and Adults \u2013 chemical sunscreen\n\n\nThere is no contraindication for that unless they are allergic to any of the components.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTips to find Sunscreen\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Broad Spectrum \u2013 UVB & UVA Rays\n\n\nThe first thing is to look at the broad spectrum. Choose a sunscreen that has a broad spectrum; meaning it covers the UVB and UVA rays. UVB and UVA are parts of light wavelength.\n\n\n\n\nAmount of SPF\n\n\nThen, look for a sunscreen with at least SPF 30. It is good enough.\n\n\n\n\nWater-resistant\n\n\nAnd pick those that are water-resistant. There is no such thing as waterproof, but water-resistant.\n\n\n\n\nIf your children would like to go to the park every day, please apply sunscreen on them. Especially if you are taking them out at about between 10 o\u2019clock to 4 o\u2019clock. It\u2019s very important to apply sunblock during this period, and please reapply every 2 hours.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ5: Does applying butter or toothpaste if you have burns on your skin help?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDr Teeba Raja\n: This is actually a very, very common practice, I must say that. It also happens in my house. My mother believes it. So, it is not true.\n\n\nIn fact, applying butter and toothpaste to your burn injury can cause infection.\n\n\nSo, what should one do when there is a burn injury? Quickly run it under cool tap water or apply a wet or cold compression for about at least 10 minutes.\n\n\nAfter that, apply some petroleum jelly or Vaseline regularly; every 2-3 hours. And you may apply a non-stick sterile bandage on your wound and do not pop the blister. If there is a blister, just let it be.\n\n\nBecause if you pop the blister, the risk of infection becomes higher. And you may take some painkillers for pain control and eventually, just leave it to dry and get better on its own. You may apply some antibiotic cream if prescribed by your doctor.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSo, no butter, no toothpaste. No butter, no toothpaste, please.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nWhat you can do every day is to apply moisturiser to your baby regularly. Protect them from the sun with the sunblock and if there is any injury, and if it is a mild one, you may treat it as how Dr Teeba mentioned above.\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Teeba A/P Raja\n\n\nConsultant Dermatologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\nMRCP (UK), Advanced Master of Dermatology(UKM), Fellowship in Dermatology(UKM), SCE Dermatology (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nExpert Debunks Common Skin Myths That May Surprise Malaysian Mums - Motherhood.com.my, 12 October 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 12 October 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDermatology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fakta-ovarian-cyst-yang-perlu-anda-tahu", "title": "Fakta Ovarian Cyst Yang Perlu Anda Tahu", "body": "\n\n\n\nFakta Ovarian Cyst Yang Perlu Anda Tahu\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 02, 2011\n \n\n\u00a0\n\nOvarian cyst adalah poket yang mengandungi cecair yang terbentuk didalam ovari.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTerdapat pelbagai jenis ovarian cyst dan kebanyakkan daripada ovarian cyst adalah bukan kanser seperti mana yang ditakutkan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUmur , kesuburan, dan haid memainkan peranan besar dalam menentukan jenis Ovarian cyst.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBagi mereka yang berusia 60 keatas, ia lebih berkait dengan kanser.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBagi mereka yang muda, mengalami senggugut dan masalah kesuburan kemungkinan besar ia endometriotic cyst.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCyst yang dijumpai semasa hamil lebih dikaitkan dengan Dermoid Cyst atau Corpus Luteal Cyst.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCorpus luteal cyst selalunya akan hilang dengan sendiri selepas 12 minggu kehamilan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDermoid cyst selalunya akan membesar secara beransur- ansur dan boleh wujud di kedua dua belah ovari.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDermoid Cyst selalunya mengandungi lemak, gigi dan rambut didalamnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nEndometriotic cyst mengandungi darah yang berupa seperti coklat cair didalamnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCorpus luteal cyst pula mengandungi cecair didalamnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDiagnosa Ovarian cyst dengan senang dapat dibuat melalui ujian ultrasounds.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRisiko ovarian cyst termasuklah terpusing atau twisted yang menyebabkan kesakitan , pendarahan dalam cyst, jangkitan kuman dan pecah.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPembedahan pilihan ovarian cyst adalah mengunakan pembedahan Laparoscopy.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKebaikkan pembedahan laparoscopy termasuk kurang kesakitan selepas pembedahan, parut yang kecil, tempoh pemulihan yang cepat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRisiko Komplikasi terhadap laparoscopy termasuklah luka pada usus, salur darah ,pundi kencing, jangkitan kuman dan hernia walaubagaimanapun, kajian menunjukkan risiko adalah lebih kurang berbanding dengan kaedah \u2018Laparotomy\u2019.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRisiko untuk endometriotic cyst tumbuh semula adalah 10% dalam masa setahun dan 40% dalam masa 5 tahun\n\n\nDr. Raja Junaidah Bt Raja Abdullah\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Puchong\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fall-prevention-and-osteoporosis", "title": "Fall Prevention And Osteoporosis", "body": "\n\n\n\nFall Prevention And Osteoporosis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 28, 2011\n \n\nWhat comes to your mind when someone mentions \u201costeoporosis\u201d? We all know what that word conjures. Thanks to advertising, the image of an old lady hunched with a walking stick is the one that we always associate with whenever that word crops up. However, that is the least of the problems associated with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, on its own, does not pose much of a problem. Indeed, osteoporosis, like hypertension, often has no symptoms. It is only once the patient gets a fracture from a minor fall that the problem presents; and it is this complication of osteoporosis that can give a headache to the treating doctor.\n\nLet me illustrate this with an example. Early this week, I was called to the ER. The history: An 85 year old lady had a minor fall at one of the hypermarkets here. It was, in medical lingo, a low velocity trauma, one that if it were to happen to a young lady, would most probably leave her with no more than a sore buttock and probably some bruised ego as well. In an elderly lady, someone with weakened bone due to osteoporosis, a trivial fall like that would highly likely lead to a fracture. Coming back to this lady, she was unable to walk after the fall and complained of severe pain over the right hip. After a short chat and examination, I shifted my attention to her x-rays. The films confirmed my suspicions: the patient sustained a fracture of the right hip.\n\nPatients with osteoporosis typically sustain a fracture in three common places; the wrist, spine (back) and the hip. Now a hip fracture could be quite a debilitating thing to get. Beside the pain, one is usually bedridden unless surgery is done to correct the situation. (You can still be up and about if you sustain a wrist fracture) And depending on the severity and displacement of the fracture, the surgical options range from putting a metal plate and screw to a hip replacement.\n\nAdvancing age not only increases the risk of osteoporosis, but it also increases the risk of a fall. Well, the elderly are more susceptible to falls due to various reasons:\n\nThey might be on \nmedications\n causing drowsiness, and some high blood pressure pills can cause a transient drop in blood pressure as they get up from bed, leading to dizziness and risk of fall.\nFailing eyesight\n might cause them to trip over obstacles or steps, especially in poorly lit areas at night.\nMuscle tone\n decrease with advancing age, and can lead to poor balance. Also reflexes become slower, therefore making it difficult for the elderly to correct any imbalance quickly.\n\nCan we do something about this, you might ask. If you were to pose the question to me, I would say that beside the obvious, which is prevention and treatment of osteoporosis; (you can discuss this with your regular GP or your nearest friendly neighborhood orthopedic surgeon *wink*) the \nprevention of fall in an osteoporotic individual\n is an equally important fact that is often overlooked (simply because, they wouldn\u2019t have a fracture unless they fall would they?).\nHere are a few tips to prevent falls in the elderly\n\n\u00a0\n\nRegular exercise program:\n This increases increase balance, coordination, muscle strength. Tai-Chi and Yoga are excellent exercises as they offer controlled slow movements and non-impact exercises. The worst thing that you could do is starting a high impact exercise program as they have a detrimental effect on the joints and also increases the risk of a fracture.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReview the medication with your regular GP: \nsome medications can cause drowsiness or have different effect on the elderly. Also be wary of anti-hypertensive medications as some may cause a transient drop in blood pressure on getting up.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTest the vision and hearing regularly:\n as mentioned earlier, failing eyesight makes one more prone to falls and tripping over\n\n\n\nIf you have an elderly staying in your house here are a few tips to consider:\nLet them stay on the ground floor. \nIt is difficult, not to mention dangerous for the elderly to stay on the upper floor of a two-storey house as the danger of a mis-step or tripping over the steps are great. Talking about stairs, ensure that your house has handrails or banisters for the safety of the elderly.\nFloors need to be neat and tidy.\n I know that it sometimes difficult especially if you also have young children in the house as toys could be everywhere! Pay attention to electrical cords and telephone cords as this could pose a danger of tripping. Rugs and carpets should be flat on the floor.\nIn the kitchen and the bathroom:\n slippery floors can pose a danger as people can slip and fall. Try to keep it dry, and always caution them on the change in floor levels as they go into the other room. Bars or handles may be installed in the bathroom to hold on for stability. Consider a rubber mat in the shower.\nEnsure adequate lighting.\n Failing eyesight makes for a greater chance of tripping on objects or floors. Hallways and stairs need to be well lit. And it is also a good idea to have a bedside lamp so that it could be easily switched on as they get up out of bed in the night.\nWhen going out\n (to the mall, etc) pay particular attention to the floor, ramps and steps. Wet floors can be slippery and difference in the floor levels can cause one to trip.\n\nIn summary, Osteoporosis can be a potential risk. Simple steps can be taken to reduce the risk for falling, and by that, the risk of having a fracture.\n\nAnd that lady with a hip fracture? Well glad to say that she\u2019s doing well, after having had a partial hip replacement and is currently undergoing physiotherapy for rehab.\nDr. Saiful Akhtar Shamsudin\n\nOrthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/family-grounds-playing-safe", "title": "Family: Grounds for playing safe", "body": "\n\n\n\nFamily: Grounds for playing safe\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 09, 2011\n \n\"When supervising kids, be proactive, don\u2019t just sit and chat on the phone or read a book\"\n\nSYIDA LIZTA AMIRUL IHSAN finds out how parents and caretakers can minimize playtime pains for children FEW things make a child happier than a sunny afternoon at the playground with friends, running and chasing each other. It\u2019s a great learning place where kids interact with their peers, develop social skills and build physical strength.\n\nBut more than just child\u2019s play, a playground can be a battlefield that\u2019s more than just about who gets to go on the swing first. On average, 12,000 children get injured on local playgrounds annually, under supervision or otherwise. And that\u2019s the number of kids in 300 classrooms, assuming each class has 40 students.\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras consultant orthopaedic and arthroscopic surgeon Dr Azfar Rizal Ahmad says one in five children who visit a hospital\u2019s accident and emergency unit suffers from playground-related injury.\n\n\u201cOf the injuries, three-quarters of the kids fall, 10 per cent suffer from strike and impact, like getting hit by the swing and 1.5 per cent, from entanglement, especially when the play area has ropes.\u201d\n\nDr Azfar Rizal, a parent himself, says he was never aware of the danger in playgrounds until he did research on the topic and realized that \u201cplaygrounds can be a dangerous place to be for children.\u201d\n\nPlaygrounds are not safe because it\u2019s designed for all kids, when ideally, children of different ages and heights should play in areas with equipment specially designed for them. Children five years and younger require playing equipment that are 1.5m and below, while the ground has to be soft, with more padding.\n\n\u201cModern playgrounds use soft surfaces like wood chip, rubber or sand and that has cut down the incidences of head injury compared to the 1980s when playground floors were cemented.\n\n\u201cHere, playgrounds are for all children. Either that or the preschoolers\u2019 playground is just next to the regular one. We can\u2019t stop kids from running around, so we have to create a safe space for them to play in,\u201d he says.\n\nLike his colleagues, Dr Azfar Rizal says the monkey bar \u201cis only for monkeys, not children\u201d. When the height is more than 1.5m, a child would hang on to it but if his hand muscles are weak, he would let go of his non-dominant hand and when the dominant hand cannot contain his weight, the child will fall, perhaps resulting in a fracture.\n\n\u201cIn a research done in Singapore, 66 per cent of injuries resulted from the monkey bar. Lowering its height may reduce the incidences but more than that, playgrounds need to be properly designed, taking into consideration both designers and doctors\u2019 opinions on how to make them child-friendly in the real sense of the word.\u201d\n\nOf the types of injuries, fracture makes up 35 to 40 per cent, followed by laceration (25 per cent), abrasion (20 per cent) and sprain (11 per cent). He is concerned about fractures among children because although not life-threatening, the cost is high to the family and government.\n\nThe ratio of playground-related injury in boys and girls is 2:1, with those aged 5 to 9 being most susceptible.\n\nSo what should parents and caretakers do?\n\n\u201cThe benefits far outweigh the danger, so don\u2019t stop your kids from going to the playground because it is where they develop their physical skills, co-ordination and strength. The onus is on adults to create a safe environment for them.\n\n\u201cAlso, when supervising kids, be proactive, don\u2019t just sit and chat on the phone or read a book. You have to recognize dangerous behavior and parents should choose playgrounds carefully. Clothing is another important aspect that is often neglected. Remove all drawstrings and if the girl wears a tudung, make sure it is well-fitted to minimize the risk of strangulation,\u201d he says.\n*This article first appeared in New Straits Times. 2011.\nDr. Afzar Rizal\n\nConsultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Cheras\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/family-planning-and-fertility-podcast", "title": "Family Planning and Fertility [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nFamily Planning and Fertility [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 10, 2015\n \n\nIn this modern day and age, women being able to have it all has never seemed so simultaneously attainable and yet so far away. Striking the balance between climbing the corporate ladder and starting a family can be a tricky, trying experience - but now there are more options.\n\nIn this podcast, Dr. Mohd Suhaimi Hassan explains the potential held in fertility technologies such as egg freezing.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\nRelated article: \nCareer or Family\u2026Which Options?\nDr. Mohd Suhaimi Hassan\n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fasting-during-pregnancy", "title": "Fasting During Pregnancy", "body": "\n\n\n\nFasting During Pregnancy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 24, 2016\n \n\nIs it safe to fast during your pregnancy? Dr. Ainul Zahaniah, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist of Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya shares on how pregnant women can stay healthy during the fasting month of Ramadan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIbu Perlu Sihat Untuk Berpuasa \u2013 KOSMO!, Issue 24 June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fat-dictionary", "title": "\u2018Fat\u2019 Dictionary", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u2018Fat\u2019 Dictionary\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 20, 2014\n \n\nDo you understand the various terms referring to fats when reading your own blood results? We would like to share some knowledge of various types of fats in our body and its functions.\nFats:\n\nGroup of compounds made of glycerol and fatty acids. Fat is one of the macronutrient that provide energy to our body. Fat is part of the calorie balance equation, thus play a role in body weight. Compared to carbohydrates and proteins which provide 4 calories per gram, fats are concentrated energy source by supplying 9 calories per gram. However, fat is not the preferred fuel source. Fat helps to provide texture and adds satiety in all kinds of foods.\nAdipose tissue:\n\nScientific term for body fat. Adipose tissue is primarily located beneath the skin and found around internal organs. When we need an extra energy supply, the body can draw on this stored fat.\nDietary fat:\n\nFats found in food (from plants and animals).\nLipid:\n\nScientific term that refers to all fats, cholesterol and other fat-like substances. Lipid is the important constituent for the structure of cells.\nLipoproteins:\n\nLipoproteins are molecules made of proteins and fat. Lipoproteins carry cholesterol and similar substances in the bloodstream.\nCholesterol:\n\nCholesterol is a waxy substance found in foods of animal origin or synthesis by liver.\nBlood (serum) cholesterol:\n\nCholesterol that travels in the bloodstream. Total cholesterol in our blood test report is calculated based on HDLs, LDLs and triglycerides level in our body.\nDietary cholesterol:\n\nCholesterol in food that is found only in animal origin. Plants origin do not contain any dietary cholesterol.\nHDL (\u201cgood\u201d) blood cholesterol:\n\nCholesterol carried by high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) in bloodstream. HDLs help remove blood lipids from arteries to liver, lipids will break down in liver and excreted. People with high blood triglycerides, genetic factors, type 2 diabetes, consuming certain medications and lifestyle habits such as smoking, being overweight and being sedentary can all result in lower HDLs. Food do not contain HDLs.\nLDL (\u201cbad\u201d) blood cholesterol:\n\nCholesterol carried by low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) in bloodstream and circulate to body cells where they may be used. LDLs contributes to plaque, a thick and hard deposit that can clog arteries. If a clot forms and blocks a narrowed artery can result in heart attack or stroke. A diet high in saturated and trans fats raises LDLs.\nTriglycerides:\n\nExcess energy from our diet will be stored in the form of triglycerides in our body. Triglycerides act like saturated fat and can trigger the liver to synthesis cholesterol. People with diet high in carbohydrates, being overweight, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, excess alcohol intake, underlying diseases or genetic disorder can raises triglyceride level.\nFatty acids:\n\nBasic units of fat molecules with a chain of uneven number of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.\n\nFatty acids are usually derived from triglycerides or phospholipids (major component of cell membranes). Each of fatty acids has its own unique physiological effect in the human body.\nMonounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)*:\n\nMUFAs are fat molecules that have one unsaturated carbon bond (double bond) in the molecule. Foods high in MUFAs include plant based liquid oils e.g. olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, safflower oil and sesame oil.\nPolyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)*:\n\nPUFAs are fat molecules that have more than one unsaturated carbon bond (double bond) in the molecule. Foods high in PUFAs include plant based liquid oils (soy bean oil, corn oil and sunflower oil) and fatty fish.\n\n* Both MUFAs and PUFAs lower LDLs level in blood and reduce risk in developing heart disease.\nSaturated fatty acids (SFAs):\n\nSFAs are fat molecules that are saturated with hydrogen molecule (no double bond). SFAs occur naturally and mainly from animal source. Foods high in SFAs include meat, dairy products, baked goods and fried foods. Some plant based oils contain primarily SFAs e.g. palm kernel oil. SFAs (except **stearic acid) increase total cholesterol and LDLs in blood.\n\n**Stearic acid: a type of saturated fatty acid that appears to have a neutral effect, neither raising nor lowering blood cholesterol levels.\nHydrogenated fats:\n\nHydrogenation is the chemical process to turn liquid vegetable oil into solid fat. The extent of hydrogenation determines the quantity of trans fats. A product shown on a food label\u2019s ingredient listed as \u2018hydrogenated\u2019 is fully saturated and has no trans fats (trans-fat free).\nTrans fatty acids:\n\nThere are two types of trans fats found in foods: naturally-occurring and artificial trans-fat. Naturally occurring trans fats are produced in some animals and foods made from these animals. Artificial trans fats are created when there is partially hydrogenated process (hydrogen add to liquid vegetables oils to become solid fat). Most trans fatty acids in the diet come from partially hydrogenated fats. Trans-fats give foods a desirable taste and texture. Trans-fat raise LDLs and lower HDLs level. Look for labelling term on trans-fat to identify it.\nReference from: American Heart Association\n\nPhoto from: Freedigitalphotos.net\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fatty-liver", "title": "Fatty Liver", "body": "\n\n\n\nFatty Liver\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 31, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: howtocleanyourliver.com\n\nFatty liver occurs when there is abnormal accumulation of fats in the liver cells. Fatty liver links to metabolic syndrome. A non-complicated fatty liver disease is reversible in most case if managed properly. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) happens when the fatty liver becomes inflamed and eventually progress to liver cirrhosis (permanent liver scarring).\n\nTo prevent deteriorating of fatty liver, medical goals focus on treating associated conditions like obesity and diabetes which can cause fat to build up in our body. There is no special diet for fatty liver, however patients need to control body weight and glucose levels. It is important to control their high cholesterol and high blood pressure as well.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDietary recommendation :\n\n1.\u00a0OBESITY \n\nWeight loss is recommended for those who are overweight or obese.\nPhotocredit: liverdoctor.com\n\n\u00a0\n\nObesity can be defined by body mass index (BMI) or distribution of body fat. BMI greater than 23kg/m\u00b2 is classified as overweight. Increased visceral fat is more of a risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as a continued high release for fatty acids can cause insulin resistance in the body.\n\nIn men, high risk abdominal obesity is defined when a waist circumference is greater than 90cm; for women, when greater than 80cm. To maintain body weight in the healthy range, we need to balance physical activity and calory intake from foods. As adults, we should prevent gradual weight gain over time by reducing high calorie food intake. For example, high calorie food which is popular among Malaysian include rojak (1 plate with 752kcal), curry noodles (1 bowl with 681kcal) and kuew teow bandung (1 bowl with 540kcal) and etc.\n\n2.\u00a0DIABETIC PATIENTS\n\nControl on carbohydrate intake is part of the dietary management for diabetic patients.\nPhotocredit: lowcarbdietadvisor.com\n\n\u00a0\n\nInsulin resistance interferes with fat metabolism and causes accumulation of triglyceride fats in the liver cells. Adequate amount of carbohydrates should be consumed with at least 130g carbohydrates per day.\n\nRecommended carbohydrate serving for male diabetic patients should be between 3 \u2013 4 exchanges for main meal and 2 \u2013 3 exchanges for female patients. (1 exchange equivalent to 15g of carbohydrate - refer to previous article: \nCarbohydrate Myths for Carbohydrate Serving\n). Sugar intake from food and beverages should be limited to prevent excessive calorie intake from high sugar.\n\n3.\u00a0HYPERLIPIDAEMIA\n\nLimit foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol for treatment of hyperlipidaemia.\nPhotocredit: scripps.org\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe recipes need to be modified to minimise fats and oils in food preparation. Low fat cooking methods are encouraged e.g. baking, boiling, grilling, steaming and etc.\n\n4. SALT\n\nFor hypertensive patients, control your salt intake to less than 1 teaspoon of salt per day (2400mg sodium).\nPhotocredit: activelynorthwest.com\n\n\u00a0\n\nIn Asian countries, salt is added in cooking. It is present in sauces and seasonings and is the major source of sodium in the diet. It is strongly recommended to use natural spices to replace salt and sauces during cooking.\n\n5.\u00a0ALCOHOL\n\nThe alcohol that we consume is processed by the liver and it can accelerate the rate of liver damage.\nPhotocredit: mcohol.com\n\nIt is recommended to avoid alcohol and remain abstinent for life.\n\n\n6.\u00a0\nEXERCISE\n\nExercise helps to maintain a healthy weight.\nPhotocredit: learntolive.com\n\n\u00a0\n\nIncreasing physical activity will increase daily energy expenditures. In addition to that, a steady weight loss can be achieved if daily activities can gradually be increased to 90 minutes every day.\n\nReviewed and compiled by Dietitian, Columbia Asia\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fertility", "title": "Fertility", "body": "\n\n\n\nFertility\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 12, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: fertilityoxford.com\n\nPlanning for pregnancy? What is in the way in stopping you from getting pregnant? Does the food affect your chances in getting pregnant? Here is some advice from the experts in helping you to embark on the journey of pregnancy.\nWhen planning to start a family, what steps would you advise a woman to take?\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: efde.org\n\n\nA) Risk assessment\n\nWomen are encouraged to visit doctors prior to planning for pregnancy so that the level of risks during pregnancy can be assessed. The aim is to assess risk of harm of mother and baby. At risk, pregnancy should be identified and steps taken to reduce the complications\nB) Counselling\n\nAdvise on the nature and optimal health status prior to pregnancy in order to achieve best outcomes for both mother and baby.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: huffpost.com\n\n\nC) Education\n\nKnowledge and information regarding planning to start family is as important as personal health status. Appropriate exercise, food, medications to avoid, hazardous environment and lifestyle factors all play a crucial role in ensuring successful pregnancy. This will also ensure they have adequate resources and guidance on pregnancy problems and possible interventions.\nD) Medical Treatment\n\nPre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid problems or heart diseases should be attended to by proper medical care prior to pregnancy to minimise adverse pregnancy outcomes.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDo you believe natural methods such as changing your diet plans and lifestyle could help to increase a couple\u2019s chances of conceiving? Why?\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: askdoctork.com\n\n\nHealthy diet intake (low fat, low sugar and high fibre diet) is important to ensure good pregnancy outcomes apart from reducing the risks of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Eating potassium rich food such as banana, spinach, tomatoes have been shown to be able to reduce high blood pressure.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIn addition, losing weight will not only reduce complications during pregnancy but also reduce risks of operative deliveries. However, various factors will limit the nutritional intake of women such as economic, educational, social, the need for physical labour, inadequate housing or family disruption. Therefore, sufficient education and financial aids play a crucial role in achieving the goals.\n\nOverall, dietary modification and supplementation are important in achieving healthy pregnancy and good outcomes. However, it needs to be stressed that although various studies on dietary supplementations have been published in the literatures, no robust evidence so far to recommend other dietary supplementation in reducing congenital abnormalities.\n\nLately, obesity has become apparent in our community including women of childbearing age. Findings have shown that obesity has had adverse effects on pregnancy with associated increase in maternal morbidity and mortality. Weight reduction should ideally be started prior to pregnancy as trying to lose weight during pregnancy is not advisable. Healthy diet and regular exercise play an important role in achieving the goal in addition to readily accessible health care facilities and interventions.\nWill eating certain food increase the chances of fertility?\n\nPublished literatures so far have not advocate any particular food or categories of food to increase the chances of fertility. However, healthy diet still remains important not only for overall health but also to boost the immune system. There is no robust evidence to suggest certain food/diet will render a woman infertile either.\nShould women start eating supplements to improve their overall wellbeing before pregnancy or during pregnancy?\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: diyanapinkfaizcoklat.wordpress.com\n\n\nThe protective effect of folic acid supplementation against neural tube defect (NTD) (spina bifida) has been confirmed. The usual dose in Malaysia is 5mg although recommendation dose globally is 600microgram. It should be started before and continue 3 months into pregnancy. It can reduce the risk of neural tube defect by more than two thirds, both for normal and high risk women.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHigh risks groups include women with previously affected fetus and those taking antiepileptic medication. Multivitamin without folic acid have not been shown to prevent neural tube defect. Women with thalassaemia trait has increased incidences of neural tube defect in addition to their low haemoglobin status. It is recommended to advise 5mg folic acid and iron supplement for them. Fortification of food (such as flour) has been found to be effective in reducing the incidence of NTD. Nevertheless, folic acid has not been shown to be protective against other congenital abnormalities.\n\nWomen on high dose of vitamin A as either diet supplements or acne treatment should be informed about its teratogenic effects. Adequate contraception covered is important in counselling prior to prescribe vitamin A to women in childbearing age. Overall, dietary modification and supplementation are important in achieving healthy pregnancy and good outcomes.\n\nHowever, it needs to be stressed that although various studies on dietary supplementations have been published in literatures, no robust evidence so far to recommend other dietary supplementation in reducing congenital abnormalities.\nIs there anything that women should avoid eating or drinking while trying to get pregnant?\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: hubpages.com\n\n\nMajority of women in the reproductive age group should be counselled about the usage of medications especially over the counter medications. Although most drug are relatively harmless during pregnancy, but the safety level of most drugs during pregnancy have never been studied. The recommendations from recognise drug and food authority (e.g USA-FDA) around the world are mainly based on anecdotal studies or animal studies. When women are already on medication for certain illnesses such as epilepsy, stopping the medication is not advisable as it may result in recurrence epileptic attack with subsequent detrimental effects to both mother and developing fetus.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSpecial precaution must be taken for patients who suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure. Medications in the treatment of both conditions need to be either stopped or monitored closely during pregnancy.\n\nAlcohol consumption and cigarette smoking both increase the risk of miscarriages and small babies. Women who are planning to start a family should receive counselling to stop or abstain themselves from smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol. Preventative interventions in this respect are more important through community health talks and exhibitions as well as the banning of cigarette-smoking.\n\nPrevious research has shown that recreational drugs are associated with fetal abnormalities. For example, cocaine use is associated with sudden separation of placenta during pregnancy (placenta abruption) and potentially small babies. In addition, they are prone to have blood borne infections such as hepatitis B & C and HIV.\n\nIn our community, recreational drug usage among women is believed to be underestimated due to a lack of specialised substance abuse clinics. Therefore, it is crucial that women themselves come forward to be screened whenever they plan to start a family.\nWhat are the certain types of health conditions that women are not aware of that can decrease the chances of women getting pregnant?\n\nIt has increasingly been shown that women in the reproductive age group contract chlamyida infection. It is a form of sexually transmitted disease. Those who contract it may be asymptomatic. However, if it is not treated promptly, it will affect fertility resulting from the internal scarring and damage to the fallopian tubes. Screening for Chlamydia in women is easy as either urine or endocervical sample can be used for the test. The result will be available immediately. Counselling or treatment can executed promptly.\n\nWomen with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) condition will occasionally become subfertile due to the hormonal imbalance. The majority of women with PCOS present irregular menstruation, obesity and hirsutism (excessive hair growth). Ultrasound of the pelvis and hormonal profile test will allow the doctor to make the diagnosis. Early treatment and assistance from gynaecology is advisable. In addition, another gynaecological condition named endometriosis (retrograde flow of menstruation) may also affect women\u2019s fertility due to internal scarring and formation of ovarian cyst (endometrioma). Painful menstruation and painful sexual intercourse are signs of endometriosis.\n\nMaternal infections are potentially harmful not only to women themselves but to their partner and newborn baby. Infections can be transmitted to the baby during pregnancy and/or delivery causing grave consequences to the baby.\n\nVaccination against rubella and hepatitis B has long been established in our health care system. However it is advisable to screen for immunity for both the diseases prior to pregnancy. Rubella infection during pregnancy will have dire consequences to the developing baby. Hepatitis B carrier should also be identified, as appropriate treatment can be given promptly after delivery to prevent perinatal transmission. Varicella-zoster (chickenpox) vaccination has not been widely available in our community but the majority of reproductive-aged women have previous history of the disease and immunity.\n\nDuring pregnancy, it is potentially harmful and may cause deformity to the baby especially with contractions before 20 weeks gestations. Therefore vaccination in the susceptible group before pregnancy is desirable.\nDr. Haw Wan Lye\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fettuccine-pasta-chicken-terrine", "title": "Fettuccine Pasta with Chicken Terrine", "body": "\n\n\n\nFettuccine Pasta with Chicken Terrine\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 24, 2016\n \n\nFrom Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Taiping, Chef Ghazali Mohd Saied creates a special dish suitable for those who opt for simple cooking. But first, a short interview with the chef:\nQ: What is important to remember when preparing meals for inpatients?\n\nChef Ghazali: \nIt is very important to make sure that the main ingredient used is not instant or processed food.\nQ: Please describe the dish you are preparing today.\n\nChef Ghazali: \nIt is called Fettucine Pasta with Chicken Terrine, and it is suitable for all types of diets. I like to prepare simple food that is easy to cook and well-presented.\nQ: Have you modified anything in this traditional recipe in order to suit a healthy diet?\n\nChef Ghazali:\n This dish is based on a traditional recipe where Vegetable Aglio Olio is served with Chicken Terrine.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRECIPE\n\n\nFettuccine Pasta with Chicken Terrine\n\n\n\n\nServes 10\n\n\nIngredients\nChicken Terrine\n\n\n1kg Chicken breast, minced\n\n\n100g Carrot, minced\n\n\n50g Holland Onion, minced\n\n\n50g Chinese parsley, minced\n\n\nVegetable Aglio Olio\n\n\n600gm Fettucine\n\n\n150gm Carrot, cubed\n\n\n100gm Celery, cubed\n\n\n100gm Red/green capsicum\n\n\n100gm Holland Onion, cubed\n\n\n30gm Garlic, chopped\n\n\n30gm Onion\n\n\n500gm Cabbage\n\n\n20gm Olive oil\n\n\n10gm Salt\n\n\n20gm White pepper powder\n\n\n40gm Basil, fresh\n\n\n40gm Oregano, fresh\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\n\u00adBlend chicken breast, carrot, onion and Chinese parsley. Wrap this mixture using cling film and roll into a sausage shape. Steam-bake in an oven at 170\u00b0C for 15 minutes.\n\n\nBoil fettuccine in salted water until al dente. Drain and set aside. Saut\u00e9 onion and garlic with olive oil. Add carrot, capsicum, celery and cabbage. Add fettuccine, basil leave, oregano and stir well. Season with salt and white pepper.\n\n\nServe the pasta with chicken terrine.\n\n\nNutrient Content (per serving):\n\n\nCalorie (kcal) - \n411\n\nProtein (g) - \n36\n\nFat (g) - \n5 \n\nCarbohydrates (g) - \n56 \n\nSodium (mg) - \n532\n\nPotassium (mg) - \n740\n\nPhosphorus (mg) - \n261\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nChef Ghazali Mohd Saeid\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Taiping\n\nNutrition analysis by:\nKong Woan Fei\n\nDietitian\nColumbia Asia Hospital\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fever-children", "title": "Fever in Children", "body": "\n\n\n\nFever in Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 21, 2012\n \nWhat is fever?\n\nFever is the rise in body temperature above 37.5 degree Celsius (oral) or more than 38 degrees celsius(rectal) and can be caused by infections or any inflammatory process. Fever is the body's natural defence mechanism to fight against either viruses or bacteria. By having a temperature the body tries to create heat so that the virus or the bacteria cannot survive.\nWhat is the danger of fever?\n\nHowever this surge in temperature especially when very high can cause fits in children between the ages 6 months to 6 years. Fever also causes a lot of discomfort especially to the very young ones and can cause disruptions to feeding which in turn leads to dehydration and can also cause sleep and behavioural disturbances.\nWhat causes fever?\n\nMost fevers are caused by viral infections and these are self-limiting. However there are other causes of fever especially if prolonged or associated with other symptoms which may require the attention of a doctor who will then proceed to investigate the cause of the fever and treat accordingly.\nWhat can you do to alleviate fever?\n\n\nEnsure that your child is well hydrated and this can be achieved by giving him milk or any nourishing fluids such as soups, broth, fruit juices or oral rehydration salts. A good indicator that he is well hydrated is when he passes light coloured urine every 4 to 6 hours.\n\n\nAdminister the correct medications at the right dosage and timing. You can either use paracetamol or ibuprofen and these can be given every 6-8 hourly.\n\n\nYour child\u2019s temperature can be brought down by giving him a quick lukewarm shower or sponging and by allowing the water to evaporate from his body this will cool him down. Do not use ice cold water especially for infants as this can cause hypothermia and a lot of discomfort\n\n\nDo not overdress or swaddle your child with too many clothings as this will increase the body temperature. A single layer of clothing and a light blanket are all that is necessary.\n\n\nWhen should you be concerned?\n\nYou should be seeing a doctor preferably a paediatrician or seek treatment at the emergency unit if your child:\n\nis less than 6 months. Any baby below I month of age with fever must be seen by a doctor and investigated thoroughly\n\n\nHas fits or change in conscious level\n\n\nIs not feeding or vomiting and is at risk of dehydration\n\n\nHas a rash\n\n\nHas difficulty in breathing\n\n\nHas an underlying chronic medical problem\n\n\nHas a very high fever despite medications or sponging\n\n\nDo all children with fever have to be admitted?\n\nThis is not necessarily so. The indications for hospital admission are:\n\nIf the doctors suspect meningitis or any other serious infections such as Dengue fever.\n\n\nIf your child is dehydrated and requires intravenous drips especially if he cannot tolerate anything orally.\n\n\nIf your child is very young especially less than 2 months old and parents aren\u2019t sure how to monitor for worsening symptoms at home.\n\n\nIf your child has fitted or has had a prolonged fit (>15mins) and is taking some time to recover\n\n\nIf your child has an infection that requires intravenous antibiotics.\n\n\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel\n\nConsultant Paediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fever-children-and-management-febrile-fits-press-clipping", "title": "Fever in children and the management of febrile fits [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nFever in children and the management of febrile fits [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 01, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nOrange Bite Newsletter,\n\n1 September 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fever-in-children", "title": "Fever In Children", "body": "\n\n\n\nFever In Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 12, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: GetDocSays\n\nFever is one of the most common reasons for children to visit the clinic or hospital. Fever itself is not an illness, and is not a diagnosis. Rather, it is a sign or symptom of sickness. Fever is a sign that the body\u2019s defense system is trying to fight an infection, by enhancing the immune response towards the infection.\n\nBesides infection, fever can be due to less common conditions such as autoimmune conditions (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis), inflammatory diseases (Kawasaki disease) and also malignancy (leukemia).\n\nTemperature is the measurement of the degree of fever. It will vary with age, activity and time of day. Everyone has his or her own internal \"thermostat\" (hypothalamus in the brain) that regulates body temperature. A normal body temperature is around 98.6\u00b0F plus or minus about 1\u00b0F (37\u00b0C, plus or minus about 0.6\u00b0C). Fever is a result of the changes in the hypothalamic \u201cthermostat\u201d set-point, due to the conditions mentioned earlier. Generally, fever of less than 40.5\u00b0C is in itself not harmful, only if the level is above 41 to 42\u00b0C (called hyperpyrexia) will it have adverse physiological effects.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: express.co.uk\n\n\nRectal temperatures are the \u2018gold standard\u2019 for measuring central body temperature. But more common types of temperature measurement are from ear, mouth and armpit. You can get the fastest and most accurate results with a digital thermometer, which has a sensor on the end of the thermometer that touches the body part and reads the body temperature, either oral, ear, armpit or rectal.\n\nThere are many types of infections that can cause fever in children, but the most common one is viral fever caused by a viral infection, examples are roseola, dengue fever, measles, chickenpox and hand-foot-mouth disease. Generally, there are no specific treatment for viral infections, in other words, antibiotic treatment has no role in viral fever. The fever can be high for 3 to 4 days initially and can last up to a week or more. There is no evidence that high fever by itself will lead to \u201cbrain damage\u201d. But a viral fever can be potentially serious if the affected child has constitutional complaints such as poor feeding or vomiting, difficulty in breathing, drowsiness or irritability.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: healthdirect.gov.au\n\n\nThere are 2 ways of managing fever in children, either by taking medications (for example Paracetamol) or non-medicinal way by tepid sponging using tap or lukewarm water. Fever generally does not need to be treated with medication unless the child is uncomfortable or has a history of febrile fits. If he is eating and sleeping well and has periods of playfulness, he probably doesn\u2019t need treatment, unless the fever is making him extremely uncomfortable. Thus the primary goal of treating the febrile child should be to improve the overall comfort rather than focus on normalization of body temperature.\n\nAppropriate counselling on the management of fever is important. We must help parents, especially those who have \u201cfever phobia\u201d, to understand that fever, by itself is not known to endanger generally healthy children.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDr. Hew Khor Farn\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fikir-dahulu-sebelum-muat-naik-foto-anak-ini-4-kesannya", "title": "Fikir Dahulu Sebelum Muat Naik Foto Anak, Ini 4 Kesannya", "body": "\n\n\n\nFikir Dahulu Sebelum Muat Naik Foto Anak, Ini 4 Kesannya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 20, 2021\n \n\nKADANGKALA keterujaan ibu bapa memuat naik gambar si comel di platform media sosial seperti \nInstagram, Facebook, Twitter\n malah melalui aplikasi WhatsApp boleh mengundang padah.\n\nTidak salah untuk berkongsi kegembiraan atau memberitahu dunia tentang perkembangan anak-anak masing-masing, namun jangan keterlaluan!\n\nMengakui pandangan SinarPlus itu ada kebenarannya, Pakar (Pelawat) Psikiatri Kanak-Kanak dan Remaja, Hospital Columbia Asia Iskandar Puteri, Dr Nor Rahidah Abd Rahim menasihatkan agar ibu bapa perlu berhati-hati.\n\n\u201cJangan sewenang-wenangnya berkongsi gambar-gambar anak kecil dalam mana-mana platform pun terutama dalam media sosial,\u201d katanya.\n\nSebelum meneruskan rentetan artikel, SinarPlus ingin mengajak pembaca mengimbau tentang satu kes yang berlaku pada tahun 2015 yang melibatkan penuntut Malaysia yang dipenjara lima tahun oleh Southwark Crown Court, United Kingdom.\n\nPelajar yang ketika itu berusia 23 tahun telah ditangkap dan kemudian mengaku bersalah atas 17 pertuduhan memiliki, menghasilkan dan mengedar 30,000 imej dan video lucah kanak-kanak di bawah umur.\n\nLebih mengejutkan, sebanyak 601 keping daripada jumlah itu adalah imej dan video kategori A iaitu kategori yang membabitkan foto dan video memaparkan aktiviti persetubuhan dengan kanak-kanak.\n\nMengambil pengajaran daripada kisah tersebut, Dr Nor Rahidah berkata, budaya memuat naik foto anak-anak dalam pelbagai ragam dan aksi perlu difikirkan semula.\n\n\u201cMereka kena cakna dengan kesan-kesannya, jika ibu bapa tidak peka, ia boleh mengganggu perkembangan emosi, fizikal dan mental anak mereka itu nanti,\u201d katanya.\n\nBerikut antara implikasi yang bakal berlaku sekiranya penjaga berkongsi gambar si kecil secara meluas tanpa pertimbangan yang wajar:\n\n\u00a0\n\ni) Privasi terganggu\n\n\n\nSebelum memuat naik sebarang gambar anak di platform media sosial, pastikan ibu bapa berbincang atau mendapatkan kebenaran daripada anak terlebih dahulu sama ada mereka suka atau tidak gambar tersebut.\n\nJika mereka masih terlalu kecil, fikirkan sejenak akan perasaan mereka sekiranya melihat gambar itu dalam beberapa tahun akan datang.\n\nPada pandangan ibu bapa, gambar yang ingin dikongsi kelihatan comel, namun mungkin tidak pada mereka dan ia mungkin akan mendatangkan aib apabila mereka dewasa kelak.\n\nOleh itu, hormati keputusan dan pertimbangkan keizinan anak-anak.\n\n\u00a0\n\nii) Sukar dikawal dan dilupuskan\n\n\n\nPerlu diketahui bahawa gambar atau video yang telah direkod lalu dimuat naik menerusi media sosial bersifat tahan lama.\n\nSebagai contoh, paparan gambar yang tidak sepatutnya yang sudah tersebar, pastinya sangat sukar untuk dipadam secara keseluruhannya.\n\nApatah lagi, mustahil untuk melupus atau menghilangkan gambar-gambar tersebut daripada tatapan khalayak ramai secara langsung.\n\n\u00a0\n\niii) Gambar disalah guna\n\n\n\nTerdapat risiko penyalahgunaan gambar terutamanya foto yang memalukan anak kecil tersebut.\n\nIa boleh dianggap sebagai perlakuan buli yang pastinya akan memberi impak negatif kepada emosi si anak.\n\nLebih parah, keadaan tersebut akan memberi kesan kepada tahap kesihatan mereka. Tidak mustahil mereka akan mengalami masalah kemurungan dan keresahan.\n\n\u00a0\n\niv) Identiti dicuri\n\n\n\nSecara amnya, apabila ibu bapa membuat keputusan untuk berkongsi gambar anak, ia seakan-akan menjadi \u2018avatar\u2018 kepada perkara-perkara di luar jangkaan sehingga ada yang tidak masuk akal.\n\nMisalnya, gambar-gambar berkenaan akan menjadi \u2018perhatian\u2018 golongan-golongan yang berfikiran songsang seperti pedofilia dan pornografi. Pastinya, mereka akan \u2018memanfaatkan\u2018 sepenuhnya peluang tersebut.\n\nOleh itu, kepada ibu bapa di luar sana, Dr Nor Rahidah berpesan agar sentiasa mengawal diri daripada memuat naik gambar anak-anak yang dirasakan mampu mendatangan \u2018ancaman\u2018 kepada mereka.\n\n\u201cSebenarnya, pilihan berada di tangan ibu bapa sendiri. Fikir-fikirkanlah, ibu bapa mana yang tak mahu orang memuji anaknya comel, cantik dan cerdik. Pada masa sama, ibu bapa juga tak mahu dan tak boleh tidur malam jika dapat tahu gambar anak menjadi bahan hiburan golongan tidak bertanggungjawab.\n\n\u201cSebagai \u2018pencipta kandungan\u2018 ibu bapa perlu bijak dan menilai setiap keping potret yang ingin dikongsikan di media sosial kerana impaknya akan dapat dilihat dalam jangka masa panjang,\u201d pesannya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTIGA situasi gambar anak kecil yang tidak sesuai dikongsi ibu bapa dalam media sosial:\n\n\n1. Gambar yang menampakkan anak individu lain \n\nSekiranya ibu bapa hendak memuat naik gambar anak yang turut menampakkan anak individu lain, berhubung terlebih dahulu dengan ibu bapa mereka. Walaupun bagi penjaga gambar tersebut tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah, pandangan ibu bapa lain kadangkala berbeza.\n2. Gambar anak kecil sedang mandi atau tidur \n\nGambar ketika anak sedang mandi tidak sepatutnya dimuat naik. Ini kerana ketika sedang mandi ata tidur, mereka mungkin akan berada dalam keadaan bogel atau separuh bogel.\n3. Gambar lokasi si manja selalu berada \n\nJangan sesekali mendedahkan lokasi yang sering mereka kunjungi sama ada di rumah, sekolah, taska, taman permainan atau lokasi lain anak kecil selalu berada.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Nor Rahidah Abd Rahim\n\n\nConsultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMMD (UKM), MMED (Psychiatry) (UKM), Fellowship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFikir Dahulu Sebelum Muat Naik Foto Anak, Ini 4 Kesannya \u2013 SinarPlus, 28 Mac 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 28 Mac 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPsychiatry\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/first-aid-tips-when-your-kid-has-accident-home", "title": "First Aid Tips For When Your Kid Has An Accident At Home", "body": "\n\n\n\nFirst Aid Tips For When Your Kid Has An Accident At Home\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 10, 2020\n \n\nKnowing what to do in an emergency will help you deal with the situation calmly.\n\nKeeping children confined to the four walls of their home will inevitably make them restless. They may start whizzing about the house, knocking over hot drinks and bumping into furniture (or grandparents). These are undesirable scenarios, but accidents do happen! \nColumbia Asia\n regional emergency services coordinator and Consultant emergency physician, Dr Sharonpal Singh, shares emergency measures in the event of a household accident.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBurns\n\nA typical household will have multiple heat sources such as electric irons, hairdryers, electric kettles and of course, the kitchen stove. In the case of a burn, whether it comes from an open flame or hot metal, cool the burnt area under running water. You can use a cool compress to relieve the pain. Remove clothing and constricting items, such as rings or bracelets, from the affected area before swelling sets in. Blisters will develop but do not burst them! They are meant to protect the skin from infection.\n\nIf they break by accident, clean the area with mild soap and water. Apply some burn ointment. Do not apply medicated oil, anti-allergy creams or fragranced lotions, and certainly not toothpaste! To provide moisture and relief, you can apply petroleum-based ointment three times a day. Then loosely wrap the burnt area with sterile non-adhesive gauze before seeking medical attention.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFalls\n\nFalls and slips can happen anywhere in the house, from staircases to bathrooms to kitchens. If this happens and the person is responsive, gently move him/her to a safe area. Find out how the fall occurred and if he/she feels any pain. Look for bruises, bumps or any other signs of injury and apply a cold compress over it. If the injury is to the head and the person remains responsive, monitor him/her over 24 hours.\n\nLook out for headaches, vomiting, blurring of vision, weakness, new seizures, drowsiness, and blood or fluid leaking from the nose or ear. If you note any of these symptoms, call 999. In the meantime, do not move him or her until the ambulance arrives. This also applies if the patient is unresponsive immediately after the fall.\n\nChoking\n\nIf the person who is choking is able to speak, cry or cough, encourage him/her to cough and spit out the object. Do not try to dig out the object as you may be pushing it even further down the throat. If coughing does not work, hit the patient\u2019s back between the shoulder blades five times by using the heel of your palm. In case the patient is unable to speak or cry, immediately give the back blows mentioned.\n\nIf that still does not work, then stand behind the patient and wrap your arms around him/her with clenched fists on his/her belly button area. For obese or pregnant individuals, wrap your hands around their upper abdomen instead. Then, with swift and quick movements, pull the patient inwards and upwards as if you are lifting the patient. Do these abdominal thrusts five times and alternate with back blows for another five times. If this does not work, call 999 for medical direction.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCuts\n\nKitchen knives, gardening tools, scissors for arts and crafts; sharp objects in the house are just about everywhere. In the event of a cut, put on a pair of gloves if any, and check to see if there is any embedded object in the wound. If there is, press the sides of the wound to push it out. Wash the wound under running water. Apply and maintain pressure to the wound using a non-adhesive gauze or a clean towel. Dress the wound using a sterile adhesive bandage or gauze. If blood soaks through, add on another layer of dressing on top of the existing one. Rush the patient to the nearest hospital.\n\nElectric shocks\n\nWhether they are old or faulty, electrical items may pose risks of electric shocks especially when cables are exposed. If this happens, do not touch the patient with your bare hands. Switch off the main electrical supply first. Approach the patient when you are very sure that the electrical power has been cut off. If the patient is not breathing, immediately call 999 for medical direction.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPoisoning\n\nBored little minds may get curious and decide to explore the unlocked medicine cabinet or the cupboard where you store household detergents and cleaning liquids. In case of ingestion, look out for burns or redness around the mouth and lips. The patient\u2019s breath may smell of chemicals. There may be vomiting, difficulty in breathing, drowsiness and confusion. If the patient is alert, do not induce vomiting. Immediately rinse his/her mouth. Keep the product or medicine container to show the doctor later. If the substance has scathed the skin, carefully remove the contaminated clothing and wash the exposed areas with lots of room temperature water.\n\nIn the case of chemicals getting into the eye, rinse the eye with a gentle flow of water from a jug for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow the water to flow from the inner corner of the eye to its outer corner. Do not apply eye drops. If the poison is inhaled, from a strong bleach solution for example, the patient will need fresh air immediately. Loosen any tight clothing around the neck. Open all doors and windows. Avoid breathing in the fumes. If the person is unconscious due unknown gases, do not approach as you may be poisoned by the fumes as well. Wait for medical help to arrive.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBites and stings\n\nBees, wasps, even household ants can be dangerous especially to someone with sensitive skin or prone to allergic reactions. If you have a history of allergy, reactions can be serious. Symptoms include swelling of the face around the eyes, lips and tongue, breathing difficulties and rashes that are potentially life-threatening. Bring the patient to seek medical help immediately.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDangerous objects at home\n\nYoung children will marvel at just about anything they can get their hands on. Uncommon but extremely dangerous are small flat batteries and medicated patches. Store such items in a locked compartment.\n\nRound, shiny and coin-sized, these flat batteries used in watches and cameras, could come across as sweets. They are very dangerous to small children. A battery stuck in the esophagus can cause severe burns in as little as two hours. If you suspect that a child has swallowed one, immediately take the child to the hospital for an emergency X-ray. Doctor will have to remove the battery as soon as possible.\n\nAs for medical patches, these will come across as stickers which the child will want to stick onto the skin or put in the mouth. If you think your child has gotten hold of medicated patches, carefully inspect the child\u2019s skin, and the roof of the mouth in case the child has sucked on them. Remove the patch and small remnants that have stuck to the skin. Rinse with water and seek medical attention.\n\n\u00a0\n\n7 ways to stay safe at home\n\n1. Open the windows and doors to let air circulate.\n\n2. Clean the house frequently especially areas that are often touched such as doorknobs and light switches.\n\n3. Ensure your house has adequate lighting to prevent falls.\n\n4. Keep the bathroom dry to avoid slips. If it is a wet bathroom, watch that there are no pools of water. Consider using anti-slip mats or change to anti-slip tiles.\n\n5. To avoid drowning incidents, never leave water in a pail or basin unattended. Close the bathroom doors when they are not in use.\n\n6. Secondary smoke is just as dangerous as primary smoke. Stop smoking.\n\n7. Get rid of mosquito breeding grounds such as containers filled with rainwater.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharonpal Singh\n\n\nRegional Emergency Services Coordinator & Consultant Emergency Physician\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFirst Aid Tips For When Your Kid Has An Accident At Home - HerInspirasi.com, 7 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in HerInspirasi.com, 7 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/five-blood-cancer-myths", "title": "Five Blood Cancer Myths", "body": "\n\n\n\nFive Blood Cancer Myths\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 23, 2021\n \nContrary to popular belief, there are many types of blood cancers, as well as many effective treatment options. \u2014 123rf.com\n\n\n\nIn conjunction with Blood Cancer Awareness Month this month, let\u2019s take a look at some blood cancer myths.\n\nThe more truth we know, the less likely we are to panic and despair. Here are five of the most common beliefs that should be dismantled:\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. There is only one type of blood cancer, i.e. leukaemia.\n\n\n\nIncorrect!\n\nThere are many types of blood cancers, including leukaemia \u2013 a disease that is generally more familiar to the public.\n\nThere are some that arise from the bone marrow, such as acute leukaemia (lymphoid and myeloid types), myeloproliferative neoplasm (e.g. essential thrombocythaemia and primary myelofibrosis) and multiple myeloma.\n\nAnd other types arise from the lymph node glands, such as lymphoma, which itself has many different subtypes.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Leukaemia is a childhood disease.\n\n\n\nNo, leukaemia does not exclusively occur in children.\n\nIn fact, there are higher incidents of this blood cancer among senior citizens.\n\nHowever, certain types of leukaemia are more frequent in certain age groups.\n\nFor example, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia has a higher incidence in young children.\n\nThree-quarter of these cases involve children who are less than six years old.\n\nAcute myeloid leukaemia however, occurs most frequently in adults who are more than 60 years of age, with the median age of such patients being 65 years old.\n\nIt is not common in children, accounting for less than 15% of acute leukaemia in this age group.\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. There is no cure for blood cancer, so all hope is lost upon diagnosis. Although a diagnosis of blood cancer is devastating, the notion that there is no cure for cancer is unfounded.\n\n\n\nWith the advancement of cancer research and drug development, we are now better at understanding this disease, including its causes, origins, pattern of development and mechanisms.\n\nHence, we now have improved approaches and strategies in managing cancer.\n\nBlood cancers are generally sensitive to treatment, be it targeted therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.\n\nTherefore, for most cancer patients, there are always treatment options to be offered.\n\nIn fact, certain types of blood cancers have high remission rates, e.g. Hodgkin\u2019s lymphoma and acute promyelocytic leukaemia.\n\nThe remission rates of these cancers can be as high as over 80% with well-tolerated therapy.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. If you have blood cancer, your skin turns pale.\n\n\n\nThe symptoms and signs of blood cancer can come in a variety of forms, depending on the type of cancer. Pale skin normally indicates anaemia.\n\nAnaemia is caused by low haemoglobin levels, which may be a sign of bone marrow failure.\n\nBone marrow failure is a symptom of blood cancer.\n\nThere are numerous signs and symptoms of blood cancer, including easy bruising, recurrent fever, weight loss, night sweats and enlarged glands.\n\nHaving said that, pale skin due to anaemia can also be caused by other non-cancerous illnesses.\n\nThus, it would be best to see a doctor for a proper investigation before jumping to conclusions as to what the illness may be.\n\nSigns and symptoms have to be taken into context based on a proper medical history, physical examination and blood tests.\n\nAnd they need to be assessed and treated by a medical professional, not through self-diagnosis or self-medication.\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. All blood cancer patients need a bone marrow transplant.\n\n\n\nNot true.\n\nAs a matter of fact, the majority of blood cancer patients have no need of a bone marrow transplant.\n\nMost patients will be treated with combined and risk-adapted therapy, which may include targeted therapy, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.\n\nOf course, there are certain types of blood cancers, e.g. acute myeloid leukaemia, that will require a bone marrow transplant.\n\nAs this is such an intensive treatment, this course will be discussed at length between the patient, the patient\u2019s family and the doctor.\n\nIf you are experiencing any possible symptoms of blood cancer, speak to our \nhemotologist\n for any professional advice and enquiries.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Habibah Binti Abdul Halim\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Hematologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nBA (UK), MA (UK), MBBCh (UK), MRCP (UK), FRCPATH (Hematology)(UK), Fellowship in Hematology (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFive Blood Cancer Myths \u2013 The Star, 15 September 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 15 September 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/flat-feet-basics", "title": "Flat Feet - the Basics", "body": "\n\n\n\nFlat Feet - the Basics\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 12, 2011\n \n\nI have recently had a number of relatives and patients coming over with their children for an opinion on flat feet and it is interesting that most of them have gleaned a lot of information off the net, from friends and possibly from their friendly neighborhood aunty-pakcik-makcik too.\n\nTo start off this session it is necessary to understand how the foot develops in order to have an idea (and possibly worry a teeny weeny bit less) about flat feet.\n\nAt birth, the newborn usually has the foot turned outwards (eversion) and upwards (dorsiflexion). This is due to the natural position in utero. As the child starts standing \u2013 usually around the age of one year, the foot nearly always looks flat, particularly because there is a large pad of fat on the inner side of the foot. This is a normal.\n\nAs the child grows further, walking makes the child\u2019s feet look particularly flat. This is especially so, as the initial way of walking involves the foot being turned outwards. The arch of the foot starts developing at the age of 3 onwards. If it doesn\u2019t, and the feet remain flat, it is important to get a consultant to check for flexibility of the child in general and the foot in particular. Usually the child is more flexible and these feet are then called flexible flat feet which in principle require no treatment.\n\nSimple tests for flat feet include:\n\nGreat Toe Extension Test\n - moving the great toe upwards and seeing if the arch at the inner part of the foot forms. If so, don\u2019t worry! This means that in function, the arch does develop and biomechanically the foot is sound.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe Toe Off\n - In older children, you could ask them to tip toe while viewing from the back. Forming of a curve in the inner part of the foot with the heel turning inwards denotes good function.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf these tests seems complicated (or the way I explain then causes headaches, consider the simple wet tissue test - this helps determine whether the foot is flat in the first place). Get the child to step on a blotting paper or tissue after stepping into water first. The pattern formed indicates whether the foot is flat (overpronating).\n\n\n\nWhen do you worry? Please consider an early consultation if the child complains of pain over the inner and outer part of his feet \u2013 flexible flat feet are usually pain free. This is especially so if the foot seems rigid and less flexible. As always, when in doubt, please visit your friendly Orthopod!!\nDr. Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/food-poisoning-press-clipping", "title": "Food poisoning [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nFood poisoning [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 01, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nHealth,\n\n1 October 2012\n\n\nHealth,\n\n1 October 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/football-a-matter-of-life-and-death", "title": "Football - A Matter of Life and Death?", "body": "\n\n\n\nFootball - A Matter of Life and Death?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 16, 2016\n \n\nIt\u2019s football season and Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh returns for his monthly show that examines specific sports through a medical lens. Senior Lecturer from the Sports Centre of Universiti Malaya, Dr Mohd Faithal Hassan joins the conversation.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/fragile-bone-and-its-accompanying-package-problems", "title": "The Fragile Bone and its Accompanying 'Package' of Problems", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Fragile Bone and its Accompanying 'Package' of Problems\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 01, 2012\n \n\nElderly over the age of 60 has an increased risk of getting osteoporotic fractures - fractures that occur after a trivial fall that does not normally fracture bones in young and healthy individuals. These fractures frequently affect (starting from the most common) the wrists, the hips and the spine. Fractures involving the spine and hips unfortunately are associated with increased mortality rate of about 10-20 percent, due to immobility after the injury.\n\nImmobilized elderly may suffer from the following problems :\n\n\u00a0\n\nLung infection\n - lying down for prolonged periods of time will accumulate secretions in the lungs and this relative stasis may cause bacterial infection in the lungs - resulting in breathing difficulty, fever and, if not treated, septicemia (a condition where bacteria spreads to the blood circulation) and ultimately death. This is one of the most serious problem related to prolonged immobility in elderly.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBedsores\n - pressure on bony prominences for prolonged periods can cause breakage in the skin that, if infected, will lead to more problems. Pressure sores can affect the heel area, the ankles, the lower back (sacral sore) and also the hip region.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDeep vein thrombosis\n - When we walk, the muscles in our legs help to pump blood from the vessels in the legs back to the heart. Immobilized patients will have a relatively 'stagnant' blood in the vessels of their legs, leading to formation of blood clot called thrombus. This accumulation of blood clots in the vessels of the legs is another serious problem. It presents as swelling of the legs, pain in the calves and worse - dislodgment of these clots into the vessels of the chest, a condition called pulmonary embolism, a commonly fatal complication.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUrinary tract infection\n - infection can also affect the urine and its system. This condition may also cause septicemia in immobilized patients.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMuscle atrophy (wasting) from disuse \n- Muscle needs to be used frequently and repeatedly to gain its strength and bulk. Unused muscles will lose its strength causing weakness, loss of normal muscle bulk and contour. The more wasting these patients have, the time needed to redevelop these muscles will be significantly longer.\n\n\n\nSurgery is normally advised for patients suffering from osteoporotic fractures to avoid all these complications. Nevertheless, after-surgery care is essential to avoid the same set of problems and the aim is to get these individuals mobilized as soon as possible.\nDr. Mohd Nizlan Mohd Nasir\n\nConsultant Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/freezing-your-sperms-what-you-need-know", "title": "Freezing your sperms: What you need to know", "body": "\n\n\n\nFreezing your sperms: What you need to know\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 11, 2015\n \n\nSperm cryopreservation or sperm freezing is a method for men to preserve their sperm and store it in a bank for future use. Sperm freezing allows sperm to be used in the future for fertility treatments, such as intra uterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). If you do not need them you may also donate your sperms, provided you go through a proper counseling by your doctor and trained counsellor.\n\nNo one actually knows how long the sperms can be frozen for and remain effective. However, sperms more than 40 years old have been used for treatment resulting in successful pregnancies. It should also be noted that some sperms do not survive the freezing process.\nScreening Before Freezing\n\nYou must know the reasons for you to freeze your sperms. If you fit into this category, you need to see your doctor and counselor. They will discuss with you the risks involved with freezing and the possible social implications. Usually your doctor will screen you for infective diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis and rubella. You need to tell your doctor if you have genetic diseases such as thallasemia and cancer, which can be transmitted to the offsprings produced in the future. Your doctor will screen for thallasemia if this in your family history.\n\nYou must know the reasons for you to freeze your sperms. If you fit into this category, you need to see your doctor and counselor. They will discuss with you the risks involved with freezing and the possible social implications. Usually your doctor will screen you for infective diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis and rubella. You need to tell your doctor if you have genetic diseases such as thallasemia and cancer, which can be transmitted to the offsprings produced in the future. Your doctor will screen for thallasemia if this in your family history.\nWho Need to Freeze\n\n\nIf you are going for cancer treatment using chemotherapy and radiotherapy.\n\nFor example if you have blood cancer such as leukemia, you may need to go through chemotherapy to kill the cancer cells. The medications used to kill the cancer cells are strong and may also kill the testicular tissues where your sperms are being produced. As result of this treatment, production of sperm will become low or even become azoospermic (no more sperms).\n\nFollowing completion of treatment your remaining testicular tissue will not be able to produce any more sperms. Even if your testicular tissue produces some sperms after chemotherapy, the quality will be poor and usually the pregnancy resulting from these low quality sperms will be miscarried.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIf you are going through vasectomy\nPhotocredit: menshealth.com\n\nVasectomy is a process where men go throughs a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are severed and then tied in a manner so as to prevent sperm from entering into the seminal stream (ejaculate) and thereby prevent fertilization. The procedure is done when the couple has completed their family.\n\nWe do encourage men to freeze their sperms following the procedure as it can act as a standby sperms for future use. Sometime situation may change such as death of their child, new relationship and sudden need to expand their existing family.\n\nThe option then is to either to go through a surgical procedure to reverse the vasectomy or go through a surgical sperms retrieval. Having your sperms frozen earlier will save you from going through another surgical procedure.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYou have poor quality sperms\n\nSometimes men with low quality sperms will deteriorate to become azoospermic (zero sperms). This is due to some internal factors which cannot be corrected. It is a good practice to encourage them to freeze.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSome logistical reasons\u00a0\n\nSometime couples do not live together due to their work commitment. In Columbia Asia Hospita - Setapak we do have many women whose husband work overseas. They freeze their sperms so that their spouse can have treatment while they are away.\u00a0\n\nSome men have difficulty in producing their sperms on the day of treatment. These men need to freeze their sperms.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFreezing process\nPhotocredit: rainbowivf.in\n\nFollowing your screening process, you will be given a date for freezing. You should abstain for at least 2 to 3 days so that the quality of sperms are not compromised.\n\nYour sperms will be centrifuged so that only the good quality one are being frozen. All the sperms are filled into small tubes or vials. The vials are labeled with your name and date to avoid mistakes. They are then kept in a thank filled with liquid nitrogen.\n\nYou must be in control to your frozen sperms. Consent is needed and your doctor must be aware of your future needs, such as if you divorce your spouse or if you die. However your needs must suit your culture and the existing law of the country. You may also request for your sperms to be used for research or be donated to men with no sperms.\nPhotocredit: fertile.com\n\nYou can also withdraw freezing of your sperms at any time and decide on how long you want to keep your sperms frozen.\nRisks\n\nSo far medical research have shown that the offspring produced as result of treatment do not have any long term effect.\n\nBefore freezing your sperms, you should know the procedures involved especially the information in the consent forms. Clarify with your doctor of your actual need to freeze your sperms.\nDr Suhaimi Hassan\n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/from-fasting-to-feasting", "title": "From Fasting to Feasting", "body": "\n\n\n\nFrom Fasting to Feasting\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 20, 2023\n \n\nThe minute Ramadan ends, you can almost smell \"rendang\" in the air - all the rich and delicious foods after a month of fasting. People dive in with such enthusiasm that they regain weight lost the month before.\n\nFeasting generally starts from the first few days of Syawal and continues for the rest of the month, with open house invitations. That is a lot of calories to burn. However, if you lock in your calorie count for the day, you can plan (with a lot of willpower) what to eat or when to stop eating.\n\nIf you are visiting during lunchtime, try to keep your calorie count within your usual lunchtime calorie intake. Start with low calorie foods like fruits, before you even begin eating heavier dishes. Draw the line at foods that are rich in oil or santan (coconut milk) or have too much sugar, such as dodol, wajik and cakes.\n\nIf you do not see other options and don't want to offend the host, take a small quantity, like a spoonful or two. Curb your food intake by using a small plate. This way, you will not be able to fit too much food on your plate.\n\nFood must be taken in small portions anyway. For example, enjoy one ketupat with one piece of rendang (not beef or lamb, just chicken), plus one tablespoon of kuah kacang, and vegetables from sayur lodeh. If you eat at a relaxed pace, chew slowly and savour the flavours, you are bound to feel full even if you do not eat much.\n\nAs for Raya cookies, it is fair to eat one or two pieces at every house you visit. Choose those that are low in sugar and calories. Your choice of beverage also matters. Drink plain water and stay away from sweet, fizzy drinks.\nUnder Control\n\nAvoid going for seconds. The most important thing is to not eat until you are full. If that happens, it could mean your calorie count has gone through the roof.\n\nHosts, too, can play a part when they organise open houses. Plan the menu with options in mind. Include more vegetables and fruits instead of a meat-heavy menu.\n\nIf you are serving nasi minyak, add more carrots, brinjal and potatoes to the dhal curry.\n\nIf you are serving nasi tomato, serve it with a big plate of jelatah salad (cucumber, carrots and onions). Consider adding healthier main dish options like soto ayam or laksa, which have comparatively fewer calories compared with beef rendang and the santan-laden lontong.\n\nAlways leave a jug of plain water on the table so that guests can have a healthier beverage instead of sweet drinks. Malaysian drinks can be extremely sweet, be they hot beverages like teh tarik or cordial drinks like sirap bandung.\n\nIf you are serving tea or coffee, serve it with milk and sugar separately so that guests can prepare their drinks according to taste and sugar levels.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSiti Sarah Binti Mohd Juzup\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\n\n\nFrom Fasting to Feasting \u2013 New Straits Time, 17 April 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Time, 17 April 2023.\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDietetics and Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/frozen-ovarian-tissue-made-her-mother", "title": "Frozen Ovarian Tissue Made Her A Mother", "body": "\n\n\n\nFrozen Ovarian Tissue Made Her A Mother\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 24, 2015\n \nPhotocredit: \nwww.babble.com\n\nWith one ovary removed and another failed due to chemotherapy, what chances would a woman have of becoming a mother? In November 2014, a Belgian woman achieved just that with the help of frozen tissues collected from her removed ovary. Dr Mohd Suhaimi Hassan, Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist & Fertility Specialist of Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak helps us understand the procedure.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/functions-human-ears-dr-iqbal-farim-rizal-wong-al-hijrah-video", "title": "Functions of the Human Ears - Dr Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong [Al-Hijrah - Video]", "body": "\n\n\n\nFunctions of the Human Ears - Dr Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong [Al-Hijrah - Video]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 23, 2015\n \nDr Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya.\n\nThe TV station, Al-Hijrah recently interviewed Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya ENT Consultant, Dr Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong about his views on the function of the human ears.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/gallbladder-story", "title": "The Gallbladder Story", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Gallbladder Story\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 27, 2016\n \nDr. Haritharan Thamutaram, Hepatobiliary Surgeon\n\nIs the gallbladder really just a useless organ that might occasionally produce some offending stones? Hepatobiliary Surgeon, Dr Haritharan Thamutaram, gives us the insights into the commonly misunderstood gallstones.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/gallstones-and-their-complications-zh", "title": " \u80c6\u56ca\u7ed3\u77f3\u53ca\u5176\u540e\u9057\u75c7", "body": "\n\n\n\n \u80c6\u56ca\u7ed3\u77f3\u53ca\u5176\u540e\u9057\u75c7\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 05, 2022\n \n\n\u968f\u7740\u533b\u5b66\u77e5\u8bc6\u7684\u666e\u904d\u5316\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u5bf9\u4eba\u4f53\u5185\u7684\u4e00\u4e9b\u5668\u5b98\u4e5f\u5f00\u59cb\u521d\u6b65\u7684\u63a5\u89e6\u4e0e\u4e86\u89e3\u3002\u90a3\u5927\u5bb6\u5bf9\u80c6\u7684\u8ba4\u8bc6\u6709\u591a\u5c11\u5462\uff1f\u5e38\u4f1a\u9762\u5bf9\u4e0a\u8179\u90e8\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u8bf4\uff0c\u5e38\u63d0\u5230\u80c3\u75db\u7684\u670b\u53cb\u4eec\uff0c\u5c31\u9700\u8981\u4e3a\u5065\u5eb7\u6765\u79d1\u666e\u4e00\u4e0b\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u7684\u77e5\u8bc6\u4e86\u3002\n\n\u201c\u9996\u5148\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u8981\u660e\u767d\u9020\u6210\u4e0a\u8179\u90e8\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u5728\u80c3\u7684\u90e8\u4f4d\u4ea7\u751f\u75bc\u75db\u7684\u539f\u56e0\u6709\u5f88\u591a\uff0c\u4e0d\u80fd\u8bf4\u8fd9\u90e8\u4f4d\u4e00\u75db\uff0c\u5c31\u7b03\u5b9a\u8bf4\u662f\u80c3\u75c5\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u3002\u786e\u7acb\u75c5\u56e0\uff0c\u662f\u9700\u8981\u501f\u52a9\u533b\u5b66\u4eea\u5668\u7684\u5e2e\u52a9\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u80c6\u56ca\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e\u5728\u4eba\u4f53\u53f3\u8fb9\u7684\u809d\u810f\u4e8e\u80f0\u810f\u4e4b\u95f4\n\n\n\n\n\u80c6\u6c41\u52a9\u4eba\u4f53\u5206\u89e3\u8102\u80aa\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u6c11\u90fd\u9c81\u54e5\u4f26\u6bd4\u4e9a\u4e9a\u6d32\u533b\u9662\u653e\u5c04\u6027\u79d1\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\u8bf4\uff0c\u80c6\u56ca\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u68a8\u5f62\u7684\u5c0f\u5668\u5b98\uff0c\u4e0e\u80c6\u56ca\u76f8\u8fde\u7684\u5176\u4ed6\u90e8\u4f4d\u662f\u5341\u4e8c\u6307\u80a0\u3001\u80f0\u810f\u3001\u4ee5\u53ca\u4f4d\u4e8e\u80c6\u56ca\u4e0a\u65b9\u7684\u809d\u810f\uff0c\u800c\u80c3\u5c31\u5728\u80f0\u810f\u65c1\u8fb9\u3002\n\n\u201c\u80c6\u56ca\u4f4d\u4e8e\u8179\u90e8\u53f3\u4fa7\u809d\u810f\u7684\u4e0b\u65b9\u3002\u80c6\u6c41\u662f\u4ece\u809d\u810f\u5236\u9020\u540e\uff0c\u6d41\u5411\u80c6\u56ca\u8fdb\u884c\u50a8\u5b58\uff0c\u800c\u4eba\u4eec\u7a7a\u81794\u81f36\u5c0f\u65f6\u4e4b\u5185\uff0c\u80c6\u56ca\u4f1a\u50a8\u5b58\u6ee1\u80c6\u6c41\uff0c\u8fd9\u65f6\u7684\u80c6\u56ca\u5c31\u9f13\u8d77\uff0c\u50cf\u4e2a\u68a8\u5f62\u3002\u80c6\u6c41\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u6d88\u5316\u6db2\uff0c\u5e2e\u52a9\u4eba\u4f53\u5206\u89e3\u8102\u80aa\u3002\u5728\u4eba\u4eec\u5403\u4e86\u80a5\u8089\u3001\u714e\u70b8\u98df\u7269\u65f6\uff0c\u80c6\u56ca\u5c31\u4f1a\u91ca\u653e\u51fa\u80c6\u6c41\u3002\u201d\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u5982\u4f55\u5f62\u6210\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u7684\u5927\u5c0f\u53ef\u4ee5\u4ece\u5c0f\u5982\u6c99\u7c92\uff0c\u62161\u81f32\u516c\u5206\u5927\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u66f4\u5927\u4e5f\u6709\u3002\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u80c6\u56ca\u7ed3\u77f3\u7684\u539f\u56e0\u6709\u51e0\u9879\uff0c\u9ad8\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u662f\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\uff0c\u5176\u6b21\u662f\u611f\u67d3\u3002\n\n\u5f53\u8840\u6db2\u91cc\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8fc7\u9ad8\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u88ab\u809d\u810f\u6392\u653e\u5230\u80c6\u6c41\u91cc\u3002\u80c6\u6c41\u91cc\u7684\u6d53\u7f29\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u4e00\u65e6\u88ab\u50a8\u5b58\u65f6\u95f4\u592a\u4e45\uff0c\u5c31\u5f62\u6210\u7ed3\u6676\uff0c\u4e5f\u5c31\u662f\u6211\u4eec\u5e38\u8bf4\u7684\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u3002\n\n\u53e6\u4e00\u79cd\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u662f\uff0c\u5f53\u8eab\u4f53\u5176\u4ed6\u90e8\u4f4d\u53d7\u5230\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u8fdb\u5165\u8840\u6db2\u3002\u6240\u4ee5\u8840\u6db2\u7ecf\u8fc7\u809d\u810f\u5904\u7406\u540e\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u88ab\u6392\u5165\u80c6\u6c41\u5185\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5982\u4f55\u907f\u514d\u611f\u67d3\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u8981\u4ece\u6700\u6839\u672c\u7684\u539f\u56e0\u7740\u624b\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u63a7\u5236\u4f53\u5185\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002 \u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u529d\u75c5\u4eba\u5148\u4ece\u996e\u98df\u7740\u624b\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u5148\u628a\u9ad8\u8102\u9ad8\u7cd6\u7684\u996e\u98df\u4e60\u60ef\u5148\u6212\u9664\uff0c\u518d\u901a\u8fc7\u8fd0\u52a8\u6765\u63a7\u5236\u3002\n\n\u201c\u5982\u679c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u65b9\u5f0f\u4ecd\u65e0\u6cd5\u63a7\u5236\u4f4f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u7684\u6307\u6570\uff0c\u63a5\u4e0b\u6765\u7684\u6b65\u9aa4\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u5c31\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u75c5\u4eba\uff0c\u4ee5\u670d\u7528\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u836f \u7269\u6765\u8fdb\u884c\u63a7\u5236\uff0c\u9664\u4e86\u907f\u514d\u9020\u6210\u5176\u4ed6\u5065\u5eb7\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u6216\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\u5916\uff0c\u4e5f\u53ef\u540c\u65f6\u907f\u514d\u80c6\u6c41\u91cc\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8fc7\u6d53\u800c\u5f62\u6210\u7ed3\u77f3\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u6709\u6ca1\u6709\u75c7\u72b6\uff1f\u5982\u4f55\u533a\u5206\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u4f53\u5f81\u75c7\u72b6\u3002\u9664\u975e\u5f53\u75c5\u4eba\u8fdb\u884c\u8eab\u4f53\u68c0\u67e5\u65f6\uff0c\u624d\u4f1a\u4ece\u8102\u80aa\u809d\uff08fatty liver\uff09\u53d1\u73b0\u5230\u6709\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u72b6\u51b5\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u8102\u80aa\u809d\u4e0e\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\u662f\u540c\u6b65\u4ea7\u751f\u7684\u3002\n\n\u6709\u4e9b\u4eba\u4f1a\u5728\u996d\u540e\u89c9\u5f97\u8179\u90e8\u4e0d\u8212\u670d\u3001 \u6216\u6709\u8f7b\u5fae\u7684\u75bc\u75db\u3002\n\n\u201c\u8fd9\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u5403\u9971\u540e\uff0c\u80c6\u6c41\u4f1a\u6392\u51fa\u5e2e\u52a9\u8eab\u4f53\u6d88\u5316\u3002\u8fd9\u65f6\u7684\u80c6\u56ca\u5c31\u4f1a\u6536\u7f29\uff0c\u80c6\u56ca\u91cc\u7684\u7ed3\u77f3\u4f1a\u4e0e\u80c6\u58c1\u4ea7\u751f\u6469\u64e6\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u6709\u4e0d\u8212\u670d\u6216\u75bc\u75db\u7684\u611f\u89c9\u4ea7\u751f\u3002\u6025\u6027\u80c6\u56ca\u708e\u597d\u53d1\u4e8e\u5973\u6027 \u5c31\u4f1a\u963b\u585e\u80c6\u6c41\u7684\u6d41\u51fa\uff0c\u4e5f\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u80f0\u810f\u53d1\u708e\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCommon Bile Duct \u662f\u80c6\u603b\u7ba1\u3002\u7ed3\u77f3\u6709\u65f6\u4f1a\u968f\u80c6\u6c41\u4e00\u8d77\u6392\u9664\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u662f\u8f83\u5927\u7684\u7ed3\u77f3\u8fdb\u5165\u80c6\u7ba1\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u963b\u585e\u80c6\u6c41\u7684\u6d41\u51fa\uff0c\u4e5f\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u80f0\u810f\u53d1\u708e\u3002\n\n\n\n\n\u6025\u6027\u80c6\u56ca\u708e\u597d\u53d1\u4e8e\u5973\u6027\n\n\n\n\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\u533b\u751f\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u6025\u6027\u80c6\u56ca\u708e\u6700\u660e\u663e\u7684\u75c7\u72b6\u662f\u4e0a\u8179\u90e8\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u7531\u4e8e\u8fd9\u4f4d\u7f6e\u4e0e\u80c3\u90e8\u9760\u8fd1\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u4e3a\u4f55\u5e38\u88ab\u4eba\u8bef\u4ee5\u4e3a\u662f\u80c3\u75db\u800c\u5ef6\u8bef\u8bca\u6cbb\u3002\u6025\u6027\u53d1\u708e\u8fd8\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u53d1\u70e7\u548c\u9ec4\u75b8\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u773c\u7403\u767d\u8272\u90e8\u4f4d\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u6de1\u9ec4\u8272\uff0c\u8eab\u4f53\u76ae\u80a4\u4e5f\u4f1a\u51fa\u9ec4\u8272\u3002\n\n\u201c\u6025\u6027\u80c6\u56ca\u708e\u4e00\u822c\u662f\u5148\u7528\u6297\u751f\u7d20\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u4f46\u5982\u679c\u75c5\u60a3\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u6bd4\u8f83\u7d27\u6025\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u8fdb\u884c\u5fae\u521b\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u5c06\u80c6\u56ca\u5207\u9664\u3002\u5982\u679c\u518d\u62d6\u4e0b\u53bb\uff0c\u5c31\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u5f15\u8d77\u5168\u8eab\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u5230\u65f6\u7684\u5904\u7406\u60c5\u6cc1\u4f1a\u66f4\u68d8\u624b\u3002\u201d\n\n\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\u533b\u751f\u6307\u51fa\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u75c5\u60a3\u4e0d\u613f\u610f\u52a8\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u4e0e\u75c5\u60a3\u5546\u91cf\uff0c\u8bd5\u7740\u7528\u6297\u751f\u7d20\u6765\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u5982\u540e\u7eed\u6548\u679c\u4e0d\u4f73\uff0c\u6216\u6ca1\u6709\u8d77\u8272\uff0c\u8fd8\u662f\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u5207\u9664\u80c6\u56ca\u3002\n\n\u6709\u65f6\uff0c\u75c5\u60a3\u5728\u80c6\u56ca\u6025\u6027\u53d1\u708e\u9636\u6bb5\uff0c\u5f3a\u5fcd\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u6216\u81ea\u884c\u670d\u7528\u6b62\u75db\u836f\uff0c\u8fdf\u8fdf\u4e0d\u80af\u5c31\u533b\uff0c\u8fd9\u79cd\u60c5\u6cc1\u518d\u62d6\u4e0b\u53bb\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u6f14\u53d8\u6210\u751f\u8113\u6216\u80c6\u56ca\u7834\u6d1e\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u80c3\u90e8\u5f3a\u70c8\u75bc\u75db\u5e94\u5c31\u533b\n\n\n\n\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\u533b\u751f\u8b66\u544a\uff0c\u5230\u4e86\u8fd9\u4e00\u6b65\u7684\u540e\u679c\u5c06\u5f88\u4e25\u91cd\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u5982\u679c\u611f\u89c9\u80c3\u7684\u90e8\u4f4d\u6709\u5f88\u5f3a\u70c8\u7684\u75bc\u75db\u611f\uff0c\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u5c31\u533b\uff0c\u8d8a\u65e9\u786e\u5b9a\u75c5\u56e0\uff0c\u5bf9\u5eb7\u590d\u662f\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u5e2e\u52a9\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8f83\u5927\u7684\u9ed1\u8272\u90e8\u4f4d\u5c31\u662f\u80c6\u7684\u8d85\u97f3\u6ce2\u56fe\u50cf\u3002\u91cc\u9762\u767d\u8272\u4e00\u7c92\u7c92\u7684\u7269\u4f53\u5c31\u662f\u7ed3\u77f3\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u7ed3\u77f3\u7ea61\u516c\u5206\u5de6\u53f3\u3002\n\n\n\u4e00\u822c\u5bfb\u627e\u75c5\u56e0\u7684\u6b65\u9aa4\uff0c\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u75c5\u4eba\u5148\u7528\u8d85\u58f0\u6ce2\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u9996\u5148\u786e\u8ba4\u809d\u810f\u3001\u80c6\u56ca\u3001\u80f0\u810f\u6709\u6ca1\u6709\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u8fd93\u4e2a\u90e8\u4f4d\u4ece\u8d85\u58f0\u6ce2\u68c0\u67e5\u7684\u68c0\u51fa\u7387\u5f88\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u901a\u5e38\u51fa\u73b0\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u75c7\u72b6\u7684\u4eba\u9700\u8981\u8fdb\u884c\u80c6\u56ca\u5207\u9664\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u4f46\u5982\u672a\u5f15\u8d77\u4efb\u4f55\u4f53\u5f81\u548c\u75c7\u72b6\u7684\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\uff0c\u5219\u65e0\u9700\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\n\n\u56e0\u53d1\u708e\u800c\u5316\u8113\uff0c\u6216\u9020\u6210\u7684\u80c6\u56ca\u7834\u6d1e\uff0c\u4f1a\u6d41\u5411\u8179\u90e8\u7684\u5176\u4ed6\u5668\u5b98\u548c\u7ec4\u7ec7\uff0c\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u6574\u4e2a\u8179\u8154\u611f\u67d3\u3001 \u53d7\u5230\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u80c6\u6c41\u4e5f\u4f1a\u6d41\u5165\u8840\u6db2\u3002\u4e00\u65e6\u8fdb\u5165\u8840\u6db2\u91cc\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u5f62\u6210\u8d25\u8840\u75c7\uff0c\u8fd9\u5c06\u76f4\u63a5\u5f71\u54cd\u5230\u75c5\u4eba\u7684\u5b58\u6d3b\u7387\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u597d\u53d1\u4e8e\u7537\u6027\u6216\u5973\u6027\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\u533b\u751f\u79f0\uff0c\u597d\u53d1\u4e8e\u5973\u6027\uff0c\u7537\u5973\u7684\u5e73\u5747\u6bd4\u4f8b\u662f1\u6bd43\u3002\n\n\u4e3a\u4f55\u5973\u6027\u60a3\u4e0a\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u6bd4\u7537\u6027\u504f\u9ad8\uff1f\u56e0\u4e3a\u5973\u6027\u8d3a\u5c14\u8499\uff08\u4e5f\u5c31\u662f\u96cc\u6fc0\u7d20\uff09\u4f1a\u523a\u6fc0\u809d\u810f\u751f\u4ea7\u66f4\u591a\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u8fdb\u5165\u80c6\u6c41\u5185\u3002\n\n\u6000\u5b55\u671f\u95f4\u4e5f\u540c\u6837\u4f1a\u8ba9\u809d\u810f\u4ea7\u751f\u66f4\u591a\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u8fd9\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u5973\u6027\u5728\u6000\u5b55\u540e\uff0c\u8eab\u4f53\u5404\u65b9\u9762\u7684\u53d8\u5316\u6bd4\u8f83\u5927\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u996e\u98df\u4e0d\u63a7\u5236\u597d\uff0c\u60a3\u4e0a\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u4f1a\u66f4\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u201c\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u5973\u6027\u7684\u996e\u98df\u8981\u6bd4\u7537\u6027\u66f4\u52a0\u5c0f\u5fc3\uff0c\u4ee5\u907f\u514d\u809d\u810f\u4ea7\u751f\u8fc7\u591a\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5230\u80c6\u6c41\u91cc\u3002\u5c24\u5176\u8981\u7279\u522b\u6ce8\u610f\u9ad8\u8102\u9ad8\u7cd6\u5206\u7684\u98df\u7269\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u70b9\u51fb\u6b64\u5904\n\u89c2\u770b\u5f55\u5236\u7684Facebook\u76f4\u64ad\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Khor Foo Kiang\n\n\nConsultant Radiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bintulu\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (UMS), M.Rad (UKM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8bb8\u5bcc\u5f3a\uff1a\u6212\u9664\u9ad8\u8102\u9ad8\u7cd6\u996e\u98df \u2022 \u9ad8\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6613\u80c6\u7ed3\u77f3\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u6025\u6027\u80c6\u56ca\u708e\u597d\u53d1\u4e8e\u5973\u6027\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u57282022\u5e743\u670827\u65e5\u7684\u300a\u661f\u6d32\u7f51\u300b\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/gangguan-haid-selepas-keguguran", "title": "Gangguan Haid Selepas Keguguran", "body": "\n\n\n\nGangguan Haid Selepas Keguguran\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 12, 2019\n \n\nTidak semua wanita berkahwin bernasib baik apabila mengalami keguguran saat mengandungkan si kecil sedangkan ketika itu wanita terbabit sudah dibuai kegembiraan menjalani fasa kehamilan dan menunggu saat menjadi ibu.\n\nWalaupun sedih, murung dan putus asa tatkala mengetahui bayi yang dikandung keguguran, namun perasaan tersebut tidak boleh dibiarkan terlalu lama kerana dikhuatiri akan menjejaskan kitaran haid sekali gus menyukarkan wanita terbabit merancang kehamilan yang seterusnya.\n\nMenurut Pakar Sakit Puan, Hospital Columbia Asia Cheras, Dr. Haw Wan Lye, terdapat tiga kategori gangguan haid selepas keguguran iaitu keguguran awal, keguguran pertengahan kehamilan dan pengambilan ubat serta makanan selepas keguguran.\n\nKatanya, seseorang wanita perlu memberitahu doktor tentang cara berlakunya keguguran sama ada secara spontan atau keguguran tidak lengkap yang memerlukan ubat atau Dilatation and Curettage (D&C).\n\n\u201cSeseorang wanita akan mengalami pendarahan secara semula jadi selepas keguguran bagi tempoh seminggu secara purata. Kemudian wanita terbabit akan mengalami menstruasi tetapi haid tersebut akan terganggu sama ada cepat atau lambat kerana gangguan hormon.\n\n\u201cIni kerana semasa hamil, hormon estrogen tiada atau rendah sementara hormon progestron tinggi. Jika hormon progestron tinggi sahaja tidak akan berlaku haid,\u201d katanya.\n\nMenurutnya, amat penting untuk wanita memantau tempoh haid bagi mengelakkan perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku selain bagi membolehkan rawatan susulan dijalankan.\n\n\u201cNormal bagi wanita mengalami haid pada awal atau lambat dari kitaran haid sebenar untuk tempoh tiga bulan atau tiga kitaran, tetapi sekiranya melebihi tempoh tersebut mereka disarankan berjumpa doktor bagi mendapatkan pandangan dan rawatan.\n\n\u201cBagi keguguran tidak lengkap pula, tempoh pendarahan dijangka sehingga atau selama 10 hari dan kitaran haid juga tidak lancar bagi tempoh tiga kitaran,\u201d jelasnya.\n\nTambah Wan Lye, bagi wanita yang mengalami keguguran pada pertengahan kehamilan, mereka dijangka mengalami pendarahan selepas keguguran selama dua minggu atau boleh berlanjutan sehingga enam minggu.\nADA wanita tidak didatangi haid selepas keguguran akibat gangguan emosi seperti terlalu sedih. GAMBAR HIASAN\n\n\n\nIni kerana, mereka yang keguguran antara 13 dan 20 minggu perlu melalui proses seperti bersalin.\n\n\u201cKitaran haid mereka akan kembali normal hanya selepas badan berhenti menghasilkan susu. Menstruasi tidak akan berlaku jika susu badan masih terbentuk. Kebiasaannya, doktor akan memberi ubat bagi menghentikan pembentukan susu supaya haid kembali mengikut kitaran asal.\n\n\u201cHaid akan kembali dalam jangka masa enam bulan jika tiada pembentukan susu tetapi sekiranya tidak berlaku (haid) selepas tempoh itu, mereka juga disarankan berjumpa doktor untuk mengetahui punca dan langkah mengatasinya.\n\n\u201cWanita yang mengalami keguguran pada peringkat ini tidak boleh terlalu lama tidak didatangi haid kerana datang bulan penting bagi menentukan pengeluaran telur (ovulasi) dan kesuburan untuk merancang kehamilan,\u201d jelasnya.\n\nBegitu pun, terdapat situasi luar biasa apabila wanita tidak didatangi haid selepas keguguran akibat gangguan emosi seperti terlalu sedih, tekanan atau merindui kehamilan lalu.\n\nKeadaan tersebut amat merisaukan dan jika berlanjutan akan membawa kepada perkara yang menakutkan seperti selamanya tidak didatangi haid.\n\n\u201cWalaupun kes tersebut jarang berlaku, tetapi ada wanita pernah mengalaminya. Jika berlaku perkara sebegini, rawatan segera perlu dilakukan kerana ia bukan sahaja petanda tidak subur tetapi mengganggu selaput dalam rahim seperti pembentukan polip iaitu ketebalan selaput dalam rahim disebabkan hormon dan ketidakdatangan haid,\u201d katanya.\n\nAntara punca lain penyebab gangguan haid adalah pengambilan ubat-ubatan dan pemakanan. Namun, kesannya tidak sama kepada setiap wanita dan bergantung kepada latar belakang seseorang.\n\nSelain itu, pengambilan herba, jamu dan rempah yang terlalu banyak turut mengganggu haid kerana kandungan makanan tersebut bersifat panas dan mengandungi bahan-bahan yang mendorong kepada kelambatan proses kedatangan haid.\n\nBegitu juga pengambilan suplemen yang mengandungi kolagen turut memberi efek kepada kitaran haid.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Haw Wan Lye\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nGangguan Haid Selepas Keguguran \u2013 Utusan Malaysia, 12 Februari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGangguan Haid Selepas Keguguran \u2013 Utusan Malaysia, 12 Februari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Utusan Malaysia, 12 Februari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/gastric-during-fasting-month-ramadan", "title": "Gastric During Fasting Month of Ramadan", "body": "\n\n\n\nGastric During Fasting Month of Ramadan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 03, 2016\n \n\nGatric issue while fasting during Ramadan? Dr Razrim Rahim, Consultant General Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya explains to you about the cause and symptoms of gastric as well as how to deal with gastric during the fasting month.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKOSMO!, Issue 3 June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/gastrocnemius-muscle-tear-calf-tear", "title": "Gastrocnemius Muscle Tear (Calf Tear)", "body": "\n\n\n\nGastrocnemius Muscle Tear (Calf Tear)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 13, 2012\n \n\nThe patient was a 46 year old man, referred from his neighborhood GP.\n\nThe story was that he was helping a friend push a stalled car. While doing so, he heard a \"snapping\" sound from the back of his right leg. This was accompanied by pain; however he still managed to limp back. Back home, he applied some ice onto the leg (good for him), the swelling and bruising didn't appear until the next morning.\n\nHe related the story to me on the initial visit, nine days after the injury. Why nine days? Well apparently I was the fourth medical professional he has sought, the 3rd one being the GP who finally referred him here.\n\nListening to his story carefully, my initial suspicion was that he may have torn his achilles tendon. However a complete tear would render him almost incapable to walk; he was limping to my clinic, sure, but not to the extent that he had to be wheeled into the room.\n\nExamination of his leg showed some swelling of his lower leg, with bruising around the ankle and foot. Tenderness could be felt around the calf muscles. There was no palpable defect on his achilles tendon indicating a torn tendon nor was Simmons test positive for achilles cut.\n\nSo that rules out an achilles tendon injury.\n\nHmmm...\n\nAn ultrasound or MRI scan would help in this matter. I promptly sent him across the hallway to see the radiologist requesting for an ultrasound of his calf muscle, failing which we may proceed on to do a MRI scan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n<\n\n\n\nThe ultrasound report noted fluid/blood collection within the medial gastrocnemius (calf) muscle, which in the light of the patient\u2019s history, confirmed the patient's diagnosis:\nGastrocnemius muscle tear (calf tear)\n\nAs in this patient, the diagnosis can be confused with an achilles tendon rupture. However as explained above, palpation of the achilles tendon should demonstrate an intact tendon. In any case, imaging studies such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be useful to ascertain the diagnosis.\n\nOnly conservative management is required to treat ruptures of the gastrocnemius muscle.\nRICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)\n therapy together with adequate analgesics are the mainstay of treatment for the first 24-72 hours after injury. Ambulation withcrutches is advised with gradual weight bearing in the following weeks. A walker-type brace can be used. Physiotherapy is initiated as soon as the patient feels comfortable out of the walker.\nA walker type brace - patient would need a longer version\n\nSwelling and bruising should gradually decrease over the next couple of weeks. Recovery may take up to 6 weeks or more depending on the severity of the injury. Patients can expect a full recovery provided that the rehabilitation protocol is followed.\nDr. Saiful Akhtar Shamsudin\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/gastrointestinal-infections-infants", "title": "Gastrointestinal Infections In Infants", "body": "\n\n\n\nGastrointestinal Infections In Infants\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 04, 2020\n \n\nGastrointestinal (GI) infection is a common cause of hospital admission for young children especially infants (children less than 1 year old). It is estimated each year, approximately 1.9 million children younger than 5 years of age die of acute diarrhoea.\n\nIn medical terms, generally we call GI infection as gastroenteritis, which is the inflammation of the digestive tract by viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection. Viruses are the most common cause of GI infection in both developed and developing countries. In young children, rotavirus is the most common virus which causes them to develop gastroenteritis. Bacterial cause of GI infection is relatively more common in young infants especially those less than 3 months old and this requires urgent medical attention.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSymptoms to Watch Out For\n\nThe symptoms of GI infection in infants are mainly vomiting, followed by an increase in frequency and watery consistency of stools (called diarrhoea) as well as low grade fever, loss of appetite, tummy distension and discomfort, or even blood in the stools. Diarrhoea mainly lasts 4 to 8 days but can last longer in young infants.\n\nIn babies less than 3 months old, the symptoms will be slightly different as the cause of bacterial infection may be slightly higher. They will have less vomiting or diarrhoea; instead, the baby will have fever, tummy distension and will generally be less active. If a baby has such symptoms, urgent medical treatment is required.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Risk Factors\n\nThe main risk factors for a GI infection are environmental, demographics and personal. Poor environmental hygiene, poor handling of the baby, incorrect technique of changing diaper and improper washing of the milk bottle and milk preparation can contribute to gastroenteritis.\n\nYoung children with malnutrition, lack of proper protein and balanced nutrition intake or with immunodeficiency will also have higher risk of GI infection.\n\n\u00a0\n\nGetting the Right Treatment\n\n\n\n\nMost of the time, gastroenteritis amongst children can be monitored at home. As most of the GI infections are viral, antibiotics are not effective against it.\n\nTreatment is taking mainly oral rehydration salt (ORS). It\u2019s important to try to encourage babies to take them orally as much as possible even if just in small, frequent amounts.\n\nIf the child cannot drink, and vomiting or diarrhoea has increased, or present with dehydration, the child should be admitted to hospital. In the hospital, intravenous fluid is the mainstay for treatment, while paracetamol can be given to relieve the fever or abdominal discomfort.\n\nAntibiotics will be given if bacterial infection is suspected or in small infants less than 3 months of age.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPreventing GI Infection\n\nBreastfeeding is a simple way to prevent gastroenteritis in infants. Breastfed infants have significantly lower chance of gastroenteritis compared to formula-fed infants. For infants who are bottle-fed, caregivers should wash their hands properly with soap and water before preparing milk.\n\nCaregivers should also wash their hands thoroughly after changing diapers. Children with GI infection should not return to childcare centres until they are fully recovered. Additionally, young children should not touch reptiles and birds because these animals typically carry Salmonella bacteria, and infection is more severe in young children.\n\nThere are 2 vaccines available which are effective in preventing a Rotavirus infection. Both are to be given orally. However, the vaccine is not yet listed in our national immunization schedule. These vaccines should be given as early as 6 weeks and completed before 6 to 8 months of age to ensure its effectivity against Rotavirus.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sam Zhi Heng\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMMBBS (UM), M. Paeds (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nGastrointestinal Infections In Infants \u2013 BabyTalk Magazine, 1 October 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in BabyTalk Magazine, 1 October 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrician\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/getting-ahead-knee-pain-part-1", "title": "Getting Ahead of Knee Pain (Part 1)", "body": "\n\n\n\nGetting Ahead of Knee Pain (Part 1)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 13, 2012\n \n\nMalaysians are getting increasingly active as the benefits of sports and exercise for general health and chronic disease control becomes apparent.\n\nSports and exercise no longer remains the bastion of the younger population with older age groups getting increasingly involved. The term \u2018recreational athlete\u2019 was coined particularly to refer to the weekend athlete who exercises at a more social or leisurely level, though not less competitively.\n\nWhether it is the young elite athlete, the older athlete or the recreational athlete, knee pain is a common complaint found in sports\u2019 forums and discussion groups. Fortunately, knee pain can be well managed by understanding the possible causes, particularly those causing the most potential damage; scenarios in which immediate medical attention is prudent and most importantly, preventive strategies to avoid recurrences.\n\nKnee pain produces mind-boggling symptoms for patients and clinicians alike. For a treatment to be effective, an accurate diagnosis is crucial. This requires accurate clinical history, thorough examination and appropriate imaging.\n\nMore often than not, the clinical history points to the most obvious diagnosis.\n\nPain occurring acutely after sporting activity often points to a ligament, cartilage or meniscal injury. Knee swelling often confirms this diagnosis. Associated symptoms of instability \u2013 often described as a wobbly knee - denotes severe injury and warrants immediate specialist consultation. The inability to straighten the knee adequately is also a worrying symptom \u2013 the locked knee and is a surgical emergency.\n\nKnee pain progressing and worsening over a longer duration, especially in the older age group, particularly if associated with stiffness during inactivity, points to arthritis as a possible cause of the problem. Pain associated with stair climbing or standing up from a seated position suggests the patella femoral (knee-cap joint) as a target pain generator.\n\nInability to place one\u2019s weight (weight-bearing) on the painful limb warrants immediate medical attention. However, in children, any type of knee pain would warrant an early visit to the treating physician.\n\nIt is also prudent to keep in mind that knee pain can even result from problems of the lower back or hip joint.\n\nA good examination of the patient in general and knee in particular is done to evaluate the severity of the knee pain or injury, confirm the structures involved and rule out possible associated conditions which modify treatment decisions.\n\nImaging is guided by a clinical diagnosis and is best done after history taking and clinical evaluation. Radiographs are particularly effective in picking up fractures, evidence of overuse injuries and arthritis. The magnetic resonant imaging (MRI) allows for better delineation of cartilage, ligament and meniscal pathology.\n\nManagement of knee pain depends on diagnosis. Self-care techniques can be undertaken if the injury is mild.\nGENERAL CARE\n\nImmediate care strategies include:\n\nRest \u2013 to prevent worsening of pain.\n\n\nCryotherapy \u2013 the use of cooling techniques \u2013 this aids pain relief and also reduces any associated swelling.\n\n\nCompression of the knee with a bandage \u2013 this offers some support to the knee.\n\n\nElevation of the affected knee \u2013 keeping the knee above the level of the hip.\n\n\nSimple analgesics such as Paracetamol at a regular appropriate dosing.\n\n\n\nPain that is not resolving/getting better within the first 24 hours warrants a medical consult. Guidelines have been created to suggest immediate medical consult in the following instances:\n\nPersistent knee swelling in spite of appropriate rest and care.\n\n\nInstability symptoms \u2013 signifying possible major ligament injury.\n\n\nLocking of the joint.\n\n\nInability to bear weight.\n\n\nKnee pain in children.\n\n\nAdditional systemic signs such as fever, loss of appetite \u2013 which may signify an infection.\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/getting-ahead-knee-pain-press-clipping", "title": "Getting ahead of knee pain [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nGetting ahead of knee pain [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 01, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nThe Star,\n\n1 April 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/getting-cholesterol-clarity", "title": "Getting Cholesterol Clarity", "body": "\n\n\n\nGetting Cholesterol Clarity\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 08, 2022\n \n\u00a0\n\n\nDid you know that a research result published in 2019 by National Health & Morbidity Survey (NHMS) showed that four out of 10 people in Malaysia have high cholesterol? Out of this, one out of four are not aware of their condition.\n\n\nWhat we do not know could hurt us. We want to help more mummies be aware and lead a healthy lifestyle, thus highlighting the topic on cholesterol. We may often be reminded to eat healthy and watch our cholesterol levels, but we may not have a full understanding of how to do so, and the risks of other serious health threats it brings.\n\n\nDr Benjamin Leo Cheang Leng, Consultant Internal Medicine Physician & Interventional Cardiologist from Columbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau, sheds helpful information on what we need to know all about cholesterol. Read on for in-depth insights and tips!\n\n\nWhat is the guideline for healthy cholesterol levels, and do they differ by age or gender?\n\n\nMany countries produce guidelines for management of cholesterol and Malaysia is no exception. Malaysian healthcare professionals generally follow the 5th edition of Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Dyslipidaemia and the Primary & Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease that were released in 2017.\n\n\nDyslipidaemia (disordered lipid levels) has been well established as a Cardiovascular (CV) risk factor. It refers to the following lipid levels:\n\n\nTotal cholesterol (TC) > 5.2 mmol/l\n\n\nHDL-C < 1.0 mmol/l (males) < 1.2 mmol/l (females)\n\n\nTG > 1.7 mmol/l\n\n\nLDL-C levels \u2013 will depend on the patient\u2019s cardiovascular risk\n\n\nThe levels are not affected by a person\u2019s age or gender. However, age and gender will influence a person\u2019s overall CV risk, and this will in turn will determine the levels of cholesterol (especially LDL) that is acceptable for that particular person.\n\n\nWhat are the symptoms of having high cholesterol?\n\n\nMost people with high cholesterol do not experience any symptoms until cholesterol related atherosclerosis occurs and they get symptoms of a stroke or heart disease.\n\n\nSome people develop cholesterol deposition around the eyes (xanthelasma), at the cornea (corneal arcus) and at tendons of the finger or achilles tendon (tendon xanthomata), elbows (tuberous xanthomata), palm creases (striae xanthomata) and buttocks (eruptive xanthomata).\n\n\nTherefore, we shouldn\u2019t wait for symptoms to occur before checking our lipid (cholesterol) levels.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAt what age do people usually check on their cholesterol, and how often should checks be done?\n\n\nThe Guidelines encourage the screening of all adults above 30 years of age. These individuals should have a complete lipid profile (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG). The presence of other cardiovascular risk factors (such as blood sugar, blood pressure (BP), weight, smoking status, physical inactivity) should also be determined and the individual counselled appropriately.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nHowever, individuals who are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) should have a lipid profile earlier in life (> 18 years of age). This includes individuals with a family history of premature CVD, genetic dyslipidaemias, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus (DM) and abdominal obesity.\n\n\nHow often the checks should be done depends on the global risk, and whether treatment is initiated. If medications are given, it is recommended to recheck in 3 months to track efficacy of the treatment.\n\n\nYoung low risk individuals should check lipid profile every 4 years. Those older or at higher risk should check yearly.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat precautions can one take if high cholesterol runs in the family?\n\n\nIf high cholesterol runs in the family, do have a blood test to test for complete lipid profile. (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG) and get your global cardiovascular risk assessed. This will guide the management of the high cholesterol.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nStart implementing Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes like adhering to a healthy diet, regular exercise, avoidance of tobacco smoking and maintenance of an ideal weight. These remain critical components of health promotion and cardiovascular disease risk reduction.\n\n\nWhat makes our cholesterol levels go up?\n\n\nOur body naturally produces the cholesterol it needs. An unhealthy lifestyle makes our body produce more cholesterol than it needs. This is the cause of high cholesterol in most people.\n\n\nHowever, there are some people who inherit genes from their parents that cause them to have high cholesterol (Familial/hereditary hypercholesterolaemia). The severity of the Familial hypercholesterolemia is related to the duration and degree of the LDL cholesterol in the blood.\n\n\nAs mentioned before, high levels of cholesterol can lead to atherosclerotic heart disease and stroke.\n\n\nWhat are some of the risks and diseases that can be caused by high cholesterol?\n\n\nHigh cholesterol increases the risk of atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arterial blood vessels) and developing other medical diseases. The diseases occurring depends on which vessels are narrowed or blocked.\n\n\nThe main risk associated with high cholesterol is the increased risk of coronary heart disease. This occurs when there is cholesterol deposition at the arteries (atherosclerosis) causing the arteries of the heart to be narrowed or blocked.\n\n\nThis can result in angina (chest pain) when not enough blood flows to supply the muscles of the heart, or a heart attack, when the blood vessel is blocked completely and the heart muscles do not get blood supply and die.\n\n\nIf the blood vessels of the brain is involved, a stroke could occur. Part of the brain cannot get the blood supply and oxygen it needs and this will result in part of the brain dying (stoke).\n\n\nPeripheral arterial diseases (blood vessels that are outside the heart and brain) can occur as well. Again, atherosclerosis affecting the blood vessels in the body can affect the blood supply to the leg and feet and other organs like the kidneys. This could result in pain at the legs and kidney failure.\n\n\nType 2 diabetes is also linked to high cholesterol. People with diabetes tend to have higher levels of Triglyceride (TG), lower levels of HDL cholesterol and higher LDL cholesterol.\n\n\nHigh blood pressure is also linked with high cholesterol. When there is atherosclerosis, (arteries becoming narrow and hardened), the heart has to strain harder to pump blood through the diseased arteries. Blood pressure could be higher then.\n\n\nHow is high cholesterol treated and how quickly can it return to normal?\n\n\nThe first step is to encourage Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, i.e.:\n\n\nadhering to a healthy diet\n\n\nregular exercise\n\n\navoidance of tobacco smoking\n\n\nmaintenance of an ideal weight\n\n\nThis advice not only reduces cholesterol but reduce overall cardiovascular disease risk as well.\n\n\nIt generally takes between 3 to 6 months to see the effect of exercise and diet on cholesterol.\n\n\nThe effect of medication on cholesterol is faster, at 1 to 3 months.\n\n\nWhat kind of medication is usually prescribed to treat cholesterol? Are there any side effects?\n\n\nThere are a few lipid modifying drugs that are used to treat high cholesterol. Each class comes with its own benefits and side effects.\n\n\nThe most commonly prescribed class of drug is the HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins). The common side effects are myopathy and increased liver enzymes.\n\n\nThere is also a small increased risk of new onset diabetes.\n\n\nThe other medications used and their properties are listed in the table below.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDrug Class\n\n\nLipid Effects\n\n\nSide Effect\n\n\nContraindications\n\n\nHMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors\n\n(Statins)\n\n\nLDL-C \u2193 21-55%\n\nHDL-C \u2191 2-10%\n\nTG \u2193 6-30%\n\n\n\n\nMyopathy\n\n\nIncreased liver enzymes\n\n\n\n\nAbsolute:\n\n\nActive or chronic liver disease\n\n\nRelative:\n\n\nConcomitant use of certain drugs\n\n\n\n\nFibric-Acid Derivatives\n\n(Fibrates)\n\n\nLDL-C \u2193 20-35% (Fenofibrate)\n\nHDL-C \u2191 6-18%\n\nPrimarily TG \u2193 20-35%\n\n\n\n\nDyspepsia\n\n\nCholelithiasis\n\n\nMyopathy\n\n\n\n\nAbsolute:\n\n\nSevere hepatic disease\n\n\nSevere renal disease\n\n\n Relative:\n\n\nConcomitant use of certain drugs\n\n\n\n\nProprotein convertase subtilisin/\n\nkesin type 9\n\n(PCSK 9) inhibitors\n\n\nLDL-C \u2193 48-71%\n\nNon-HDL-C \u2191 49-58%\n\nTC \u2193 36-42%\n\n\n\n\nInjection site swelling or rash\n\n\nNasopharyngitis\n\n\nLimb pain\n\n\nFatigue\n\n\n\n\nAbsolute:\n\n\nHypersensitivity\n\n\n\n\nBile-Acid Sequestrants\n\n(Anion exchange resins)\n\n\nLDL-C \u2193 15-25%\n\nHDL-C \u2191 3-5%\n\nTG / \u2191\n\n\n\n\nGIT distress\n\n\nConstipation\n\n\nReduce absorption of folic acid and fat-soluble vitamins (A,D & K)\n\n\nDecreased absorption of certain drugs\n\n\n\n\nAbsolute:\n\n\nDysbetalipoproteinemia\n\n\nTG>4.5 mmol/L\n\n\n Relative:\n\n\nTG>2.3 mmol/L\n\n\n\n\nNicotinic Acid (Niacin)\n\n\nLDL-C \u2193 10-25%\n\nHDL-C \u2191 10-35%\n\nTG \u2193 20-30%\n\n\n\n\nFlushing\n\n\nHyperglycaemia\n\n\nHyperuricemia (or gout)\n\n\nUpper-GIT distress\n\n\nHepatotoxicity (rare but may be severe)\n\n\n\n\nAbsolute:\n\n\nChronic-liver disease\n\n\nSevere gout\n\n\nRelative:\n\n\nDiabetes (high doses only)\n\n\nPeptic Ulcer Disease\n\n\n\n\nCholesterol Absorption Inhibitors\n\n\nPrimarily LDL-C \u2193 10-18% (monotherapy)\n\nIn combination with (a) statins: Additional \u2193 25%\n\n(b) fenofibrate: \u2193 20-22%\n\n\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\nAbdominal pain\n\n\nDiarrhoea\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nFish oil\n\n\nFish oil may be useful in the treatment of elevated triglycerides but it is not a replacement for statins in the treatment of elevated cholesterol.\n\n\nCo-enzyme Q10\n\n\nThere is no definite evidence to support the use of Co-enzyme Q10 on the reduction of cholesterol levels and primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.\n\n\nRed yeast rice\n\n\nRed yeast rice contains substances that are structurally identical to statins. However, unlike statins, there are no data on its safety in long term use.\n\n\nCoconut oil\n\n\nVirgin coconut oil or coconut oil may worsen lipid profile. Its use is not supported by robust scientific evidence when taken on its own. If coconut oil is used as part of a daily eating plan and/or in food preparation, it is recommended that it be used within the context of a healthy dietary pattern\n\n\nWhat are foods that are high in cholesterol that we need to be mindful of?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlthough the role of serum cholesterol (especially LDL cholesterol) in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease is strong, the contribution of dietary cholesterols to blood cholesterol levels is more controversial.\n\n\nData does indicate that the impact of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels is weak. However, many high-cholesterol foods also contain high levels of saturated fats (SFA).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nThis includes dairy products, meat (especially beef and pork) and most processed foods. For this reason, international lipid guidelines recommend limiting dietary cholesterol to < 200 mg/day in secondary prevention.\n\n\nTo reduce trans fatty acid, we should minimise consumption of high fat processed meat (sausages, corned meat, nuggets, salami, burger, pepperoni, ham, serunding, etc.) and bakery products including cakes, biscuits, frozen pizza, cookies, crackers, and hard margarines and other spreads.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nBelow is a table on the recommended intake of various food groups.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nNutrition\n\n\nComments\n\n\nTotal Fats\n\n\n20 - 25% with an upper limit of 30% of total energy\n\n\nSaturated fat (SFA)\n\n\n< 10% of total calories.\n\n\u00a0 SFA should be replaced by:\n\nPUFA\n\n\nMUFA or\n\n\ncomplex CHO e.g. whole grain, oatmeal\n\n\n\n\nTrans Fat\n\n\n< 1% of total calories\n\n\nDietary cholesterol*\n\n\nKeep to < 200 mg per day.* High cholesterol foods also contain high levels of SFA (e.g. meat, organ meats, full cream dairy products and some processed foods).\n\n\nCarbohydrates (CHO)\n\n\nTotal CHO 50 - 60% of total calories intake with emphasis on whole grains. To reduce intake of refined CHO foods e.g. white rice. In the presence of High TG and low HDL-C, CHO intake should be lower.\n\n\nProtein\n\n\n15 - 20% of total calories intake with emphasis on vegetable protein.\n\n\nOmega-3 fatty acids*\n\n\n2 - 4g per day from food and/or supplements in patients with hypertriglyceridemia\n\n\nDietary fibre\n\n\nIncorporate fibre-rich foods that contribute at least 20 to 30g of fibre per day. Emphasis should be on soluble fibre sources (7 to 13g) such as fruits**, vegetables**, whole grains, high-fibre cereals, oatmeal, legumes and beans.\n\n\nPlant sterols and stanols\n\n\n2 - 3g per day. These include fortified milk, wheat germ, wheat bran, peanuts, vegetable oils (corn, sesame, canola, and olive oil), oats***, almonds and food supplements.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n*this applies to patients with Very High and High cardiovascular risk.\n\n\n**Juicing removes fibre from whole fruits and vegetables, thus it is not recommended\n\n\n***Adding \u22653 g (Oat/bran/grain)/d to the diet reduces LDL and total cholesterol by 0.25 mmol/L and 0.30 mmol/L, respectively, without changing HDL cholesterol or triglycerides.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat sort of lifestyle changes may improve our cholesterol levels?\n\n\nWe should implement therapeutic lifestyle changes in our lives.\n\n\nRegular exercise should be an important part of our lives. Regular exercise reduces the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in both healthy individuals and patients with cardiovascular disease by 20\u201330%.\n\n\nStudies show that regular aerobic exercise can increase HDL-C by 3\u201310% (up to 0.16 mmol/L) and reduce TG by about 11% (up to 0.34 mmol/L).\n\n\nThis should involve at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic exercise.\n\n\nSmoking is a strong and independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It accelerates coronary plaque development and may lead to plaque rupture. Smokers tend to have a higher TG and lower HDL-C.\n\n\nThere is significant reduction in cardiovascular morbidity within the first six months of smoking cessation. The risks of cardiovascular disease decreases gradually after smoking cessation and reaches that of non-smokers after 10-15 years. This benefit occurs independent of its effect on lipids. We should avoid tobacco smoking and passive smoking.\n\n\nWe should maintain an ideal weight, achieving a Body Mass Index (BMI) < 23 kg/m2 or at least 5-10% reduction in body weight over 1-2 years. Maintain a waist circumference of < 90 cm for men and < 80 cm for women.\n\n\nThese steps are critical components of health promotion and cardiovascular disease risk reduction.\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Benjamin Leo Cheang Leng\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Interventional Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Cardiology (Korea & Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nGetting Cholesterol Clarity With Dr Benjamin Leo \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 27 February 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 27 February 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/glaucoma-silent-thief-sight", "title": "Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight", "body": "\n\n\n\nGlaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 11, 2023\n \n\nGlaucoma is a term that many people are still not familiar with. This is mainly because of the lack of awareness in community regarding this insidious disease. However, it is one of the world\u2019s leading causes of irreversible blindness. It is a disease that often does not show any symptoms until much later, when irreversible damage and visual loss have occurred. Hence, it is also known as the silent thief of sight.\n\n\u00a0\n\nLeaving glaucoma too long\n\nDuring a routine screening, Mr Shafiq* (not his real name), 45, was found to have glaucoma in both eyes. His eye doctor started him on pressure-lowering eyedrops. However, since he did not feel any eye symptoms, and could not see how the eyedrops were helping his vision, Mr Shafiq stopped using the eyedrops after a few months.\n\nTwelve years later, Mr Shafiq complained of blur vision in both eyes. His glaucoma had developed into advanced glaucoma and cataracts. Hence, he underwent an operation to address both the cataracts and glaucoma; first in his right eye followed by his left.\n\nEven though, his vision became clearer after the cataract removal, Mr Shafiq had very limited field of vision due to his advanced glaucoma. The condition prevented him from doing many activities. He could not even drive anymore. When he consulted his doctors for treatment to regain his full vision, he was informed that due to glaucoma, his visual defects were irreversible.\n\n\u00a0\n\nExact cause is unknown\n\nThere are many types of glaucoma all of which result in damage to the optic nerve. The role of this nerve is to bring visual information from our eyes to our brain so that we can decipher what we see. This damage causes corresponding visual field loss in the affected individual that eventually leads to total blindness.\n\nAlthough the exact cause and pathological process of glaucoma disease is unknown, glaucoma has a definite link to eye (intraocular) pressure. We all have eye pressure, just like we have blood pressure. A buildup of pressure within the eye damages the optic nerve. The longer the pressure buildup persists, the worse the damage is to the nerve. Thus, most treatment strategies for glaucoma aim to reduce the intraocular pressure in order to control the progression of this disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\nVarious types of treatment\n\nIn the initial stages, eye doctors will usually start the patient on pressure-lowering eyedrops. Following that, there are many other types of treatments depending on the type and severity of the glaucoma. These include oral medications, lasers, surgeries, and ultrasound.\n\nToday, there is a new type of treatment available comprising different types of microdevices that are inserted into the eyes using minimally invasive techniques to reduce pressure. All these treatment modalities help to control the intraocular pressure and help reduce the progression of glaucoma.\nEye screening is vital\n\nAlthough numerous treatment options are available in these modern times, glaucoma is still an incurable disease that requires lifelong treatment. The earlier it is discovered, the better the long-term outcome. Thus, it is crucial to first identify the presence of this disease.\n\nThis can be done by seeing an eye doctor for a routine eye screening session. It is important for adults above 40 years of age to regularly check their eyes for glaucoma every one to two years. For people with increased risk of glaucoma, such as those with a family member with glaucoma, this screening should be done every year, at the very least.\n\nGlaucoma patients often ask what they can do in their everyday life to reduce the chances of losing vision due to this insidious disease. Once diagnosed with glaucoma, it is crucial to follow up regularly with your eye doctor. The eye doctor will monitor the progression of the disease with visual field tests, eye pressure measurements and special scans for the optic nerve called optical coherence tomography. It is also very important to be adherent to the prescribed eyedrops.\n\n\u00a0\n\nUnderlying factors leading to glaucoma\n\nApart from the above, tackling certain risk factors associated with glaucoma may also help to control the progression of the disease. Underlying systemic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension may cause glaucoma to progress faster. Thus, good sugar control and pressure control are essential. Other lifestyle changes that may help are aerobic exercises, quitting smoking and reducing caffeine intake. It is also important to get treated for specific conditions such as sleep apnea which is associated with glaucoma.\n\nAlthough a serious condition, with early diagnosis and proper treatment, glaucoma can be well controlled without progressing to blindness. Glaucoma management aims to maintain functional vision of the eyes that exceeds their lifespan. Thus, it is crucial to get annual eye examinations and adhere to the treatment regime as prescribed. With many more advanced treatment options being currently developed, we can expect an even better future for the treatment of glaucoma. Let\u2019s protect our eyes from this thief of sight so we can continue to appreciate the beauty of this world.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sudhashini A/P Chandrasekaran\n\n\nConsultant Ophthalmologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), M Ophthalmology (UM), Fellowship in Glaucoma (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nGlaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight \u2013 Natural Health\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nOphthalmology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/globesity-and-reproduction", "title": "Globesity and reproduction", "body": "\n\n\n\nGlobesity and reproduction\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 27, 2011\n \nWe are what we eat\n\nGlobalization, urbanization and changing habits in Asia have led to the adoption of a western lifestyle and diet. We rather ride in a car or take a bus than walk or cycle a few blocks round the corner to the shops these days. We have become \u201ccouch potatoes\u201d spending hours watching television and not exercising enough. We are now working longer hours compared to our parents. We prefer to eat out at restaurants and food outlets than eat healthy and nutritious home cooked food every day. McDonalds and other fast food outlets are available nearly everywhere nowadays is convenient alternative to eating at home. We are eating larger and larger portions of food each year and drinking more sweetened drinks than ever before.\nObesity is a growing problem\n\nObesity is a serious global epidemic. Obesity is excess fat deposition in the body and commonly measured in terms of body mass index or BMI. Obesity is not only serious global epidemic BUT a serious medical problem too.\n\nWorldwide, there are over 1 billion over-weight (BMI 25-30kg/m2) people and over 300 million obese (BMI>30kg/m2) individuals. In the UK, one-fifth of the population is either obese or overweight while in the USA, the figure is higher with nearly one third of the population being obese or overweight with childhood and adolescent obesity rapidly increasing.\n\nIn Asia, the figures are equally alarming. More importantly, the normal cut-off values for overweight and obese are lower in Asians.\nAre you an orange or a pear?\n\nWe now know that obesity is in part genetic and in part environmental. Apart from measuring one\u2019s BMI, waist circumference measurement is a reliable and practical indicator of fat deposition in the body.\n\nThe type of obesity that is commonly associated with medical disease, such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, is central or truncal obesity (fat deposition predominantly in the abdomen) and this occurs when the waist circumference or waist-hip ratio is high.\nWhat does obesity cause?\n\nObesity is associated with detrimental medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia or hypercholestrolaemia, cardiovascular disease (the metabolic syndrome), respiratory problems and cancer, just to name a few.\n\nIn reproductive health, obesity can affect both the non-pregnant and pregnant women and even her baby.\nObesity and female reproduction\n\nObesity causes distressing menstrual problems. Irregular periods (oligoamenorrhoea) and difficulty conceiving (infertility) can occur in obese women. Obese women may not even experience a menstrual period at times (amenorrhoea).\n\nObesity is associated with both male and female infertility and breast cancer.\n\nPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common occurrence in obese women leading to irregular cycles and infertility due to anovulation, excessive or abnormal hair growth (hirsuitism) and acne.\n\nEven if these women do become pregnant, the chance of having a miscarriage (3-4 fold increase) and birth defects is higher.\n\nObese women can have difficult pregnancies that are complicated by problems such as gestational hypertension and diabetes. Their labours too can be difficult and prolonged that could result in forceps or caesarian deliveries.\n\nObesity is also associated with many psychological problems such as premenstrual syndrome, depression and anxiety.\nWhat is the treatment for obesity?\n\nTreatment regimes in obesity consist of a combination of lifestyle modification, diet, physical exercise and drugs. A well-motivated patient is an important prerequisite for weight loss programmes.\n\nIt is important to set realistic goals for weight loss e.g. modest weight loss of 10% body weight over 6 months.\n\nA low calorie low-moderate fat diet that is low in carbohydrates and fat is advocated.\n\nModerate intensity exercise is recommended with a minimum of 30 mins, for 3-5 times per week to reduce cardiovascular disease. In weight management, a minimum of 45-60min of exercise on most days or every day is necessary for weight loss and maintenance.\n\nDrug therapy with anti-obesity drugs is most effective when used as an adjunct to diet and physical activity. In severely obese patients, surgery (bariatric) may be necessary in particular when medical methods have failed.\nDr. Sharad Ratna\n\nGeneral Obstetrician and Gynaecologist\n\nVisiting Consultant Columbia Asia Hospitals\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/golden-athletes-and-recovery-joint-injuries", "title": "Golden Athletes and Recovery from Joint Injuries", "body": "\n\n\n\nGolden Athletes and Recovery from Joint Injuries\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 27, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: \noutsideonline.com\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nIn last month\u2019s 29th SEA Games, we were all amazed by sportsmen and sportswomen at their prime, performing feats that many of us wouldn\u2019t even imagine. Today for our monthly show with Dr Harjeet, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, we will focus on athletes and acute joint injuries. Not just any athletes, but athletes competing at the international level when they are in their 60s, 70s or even 80s. How can older athletes excel at an age when our bodies are supposed to be deteriorating? And how would recent advances in joint injury treatment prevent progress to osteoarthritis?\n\nProduced by: Yao-Hua Law\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/golf-innovations-for-your-handicap", "title": "Golf Innovations For Your Handicap", "body": "\n\n\n\nGolf Innovations For Your Handicap\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 02, 2016\n \n\nPhotocredit : \ngolfinveneto.com\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nGolf is returning to the Olympics for the first time in more than a century. However, it has seen the withdrawal of several key golfers including World No. 1 through 4, Jason Day, Dustin Johnson, Jordan Spieth and Rory McIlroy. Their explanations ranged from worries over the Zika virus, poor conditions of the venue and lack of financial incentives. Weighing in on the future of golf are Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh, and golf equipment distributor, Sukhvender Singh.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/good-posture-minimise-injuries", "title": " Good Posture to Minimise Injuries", "body": "\n\n\n\n Good Posture to Minimise Injuries\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 22, 2020\n \n\nWe\u2019ve all done it \u2013 nagged a friend, family member or a loved one to sit up straight, shoulders back, chin up and etc. Truth is; most of us have probably been on the receiving end of the exact same comments too. Countless hours spent hunched over desks, watching TV, on our computers or tablets, and carrying around heavy loads like backpacks and bags can take a toll on our bodies and, above all, our posture.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat is posture?\n\nPosture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture is the correct alignment of body parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension against gravity. Without posture and the muscles that control it, we would simply fall to the ground.\n\nNormally, we do not consciously maintain normal posture. Instead, certain muscles do it for us, and we don\u2019t even have to think about it. Several muscle groups, including the hamstrings and large back muscles are critically important in maintaining good posture. While the ligaments help to hold the skeleton together, these postural muscles when functioning properly, prevent the forces of gravity from pushing us over forward. Postural muscles also maintain our posture and balance during movement.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhy is good posture important?\n\nGood posture helps us stand, walk, sit, and lie in positions that place the least strain on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement and weight-bearing activities. Correct posture:\n\nHelps us keep bones and joints in correct alignment so that our muscles are used correctly, decreasing the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could result in degenerative arthritis and joint pain.\n\n\nReduces the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together, minimising the likelihood of injury.\n\n\nAllows muscles to work more efficiently and the body to use less energy preventing muscle fatigue.\n\n\nHelps prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders, and even back and muscular pain.\n\n\n\nTo maintain proper posture, you need to have adequate muscle flexibility and strength, normal joint motion in the spine and other body regions, as well as efficient postural muscles that are balanced on both sides of the spine. In addition, you must recognise your postural habits at home and in the workplace and work to correct them, if necessary.\n\n\u00a0\n\nConsequences of poor posture\n\nPoor posture can lead to excessive strain on our postural muscles and may even cause them to relax, when held in certain positions for long periods of time. For example, you can typically see this in people who bend forward at the waist for a prolonged time in the workplace. Their postural muscles are more prone to injury and back pain.\n\nSeveral factors contribute to poor posture \u2013 most commonly, stress, obesity, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, abnormally tight muscles and high-heeled shoes. In addition, decreased flexibility, a poor work environment, incorrect working posture and unhealthy sitting and standing habits can also contribute to poor body positioning.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCan I correct my posture?\n\nIn a word, yes. Remember, however, that long-standing postural problems will typically take longer to address than short-lived ones, as often the joints have adapted to your long-standing poor posture. Conscious awareness of your own posture and knowing what posture is correct will help you consciously correct yourself. With much practice, the correct posture for standing, sitting, and lying down will gradually replace your old posture. This, in turn, will help you move towards a better and healthier body position.\n\nHere are some quick tips and tricks for maintaining ideal posture in sitting, standing, and while sleeping.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSitting\n\n\nDo:\n\n\nAvoid:\n\n\n\n\nKeep your head straight and face forward. If working at a computer, adjust your screen height accordingly.\n\n\nKeep your shoulders back.\n\n\nMake sure your feet are flat on the floor.\n\n\nSit with your knees at the level of or slightly lower than your hips.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWorking without support under your arms or wrists.\n\n\nTucking your feet under your chair.\n\n\nRounding and slouching your back\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nStanding\n\n\nDo:\n\n\nAvoid:\n\n\n\n\nUse your core muscles to stand straight.\n\n\nBreathe deeply from your diaphragm (belly breathing).\n\n\nKeep your shoulders back.\n\n\nKeep a slight bend in your knees.\n\n\nUse good shoes that offer support to your feet.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStanding in one position for too long.\n\n\nWearing shoes with heels for prolonged periods of time.\n\n\nSticking your chest out.\n\n\nLocking your knees back in extension.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nSleeping\n\n\nDo:\n\n\nAvoid:\n\n\n\n\nFind a position that\u2019s comfortable for you.\n\n\nMaintain a straight back using small pillows to fill any gaps.\n\n\nIf sleeping on your side, try putting a small pillow between your knees.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSleeping with too many or too few pillows under your neck. Your neck should be straight and in line with your body while resting on your pillow.\n\n\nIf possible, avoid sleeping on your stomach. This position can cause strain on the neck and lower back.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Gunaseelan A/L Ponnusamy\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMD (Indonesia), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest in Spine Surgery (Korea) & Pain Intervention (India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nGood Posture to Minimise Injuries \u2013 The Iskandarian, 21 August 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Iskandarian, 21 August 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/grandfathers-sport-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "The Grandfathers of Sport - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Grandfathers of Sport - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 07, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nSachin Tendulkar, Roger Federer, Andrea Pirlo - these are men playing at the highest level and against conventional wisdom, well beyond their years. What makes some athletes able to outlast and outplay the rest? How can older athletes compete with the younger ones? Dr. Harjeet Singh offers a perspective from the aisles of sports medicine.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/growing-up-in-a-pandemic-impact-on-childrens-development", "title": "Growing Up in a Pandemic: Impact on Children\u2019s Development", "body": "\n\n\n\nGrowing Up in a Pandemic: Impact on Children\u2019s Development\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 17, 2021\n \nAs a parent, concerns involving our children growth is a top priority. With the sudden emergence of COVID-19 in our lives, our lifestyle as we know it, has changed so much and it affects our children just as much as it affects us.\n\n\nHow and what can we do and help our children to grow better in these circumstances?\n\n\nWell, Motherhood Story managed to get Dr Vijaya Mohan, a paediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras for the past 10 years! Dr Vijaya shared a lot of insights on why children behave the way they are and how they cope with the pandemic in this episode of AskMeDoctor! Season 3.\n\n\nNow, let\u2019s get into the questions and answers.\n\n\nQ1: How does the new norm\u2019s lack of cognitive and social stimulation affect children?\n\n\nDr Vijaya Mohan\n: I think it affects everybody, including adults as well. And as for children, somewhat, some of them tend to cope better and some kids don\u2019t cope too well.\n\n\nSo, they have different issues depending on the family; their location, the size of the family. If the family is in the house, they will have better coping skills. Those with a single child; the children will be a bit delayed sometimes, in terms of speech.\n\n\nBecause there is nobody to interact with. I do see some kids coming to the clinic and they are speech delayed, their interaction is poor, they haven\u2019t interacted socially at all.\n\n\nBecause they are isolated. So, that\u2019s affecting many of the kids today. And I think it will take some time for them to come out of it as well.\n\n\nQ2: How do social restrictions affect children\u2019s interpersonal skills?\n\n\nDr Vijaya Mohan\n: I think all these things, there are also some good things that came out of COVID-19. We are more aware of viruses, and people are more aware about personal hygiene. So, they are washing their hands, they are using hand sanitisers.\n\n\nSo, those are the good things and there is more awareness of viruses. But, it will take time for them to insight people because the fear is there today. The fear of the virus via interaction. But, I think kids being kids, over time, they will overcome their fears and they will be team players and they will be quite happy to go to school again.\n\n\nQ3: What are the possible long term effects on children living through this pandemic?\n\n\nDr Vijaya Mohan:\n Children, in a sense, have a good resilience; which means they can adapt quite well. So, I think in the long term, children will just adapt to the new normal.\n\n\nFor them, wearing a face mask will be something that they are quite used to. I think older people would find it more difficult to adapt sometimes. Wearing a mask; they do forget.\n\n\nWhile kids in general, learn very fast. When the parents say, \u201cOkay let\u2019s go out\u201d, they are going to look for their masks. And then, they are going to get the hand sanitiser.\n\n\nSo, that will be a new norm for some time to come. I think that\u2019s a good thing. And I think with kids, we don\u2019t have to worry too much. They will eventually adapt because they are quite resilient.\n\n\nMore resilient than us, adults.\n\n\nQ4: Children have higher energy levels compared to adults. Can restricting that energy affects their behaviour?\n\n\nDr Vijaya Mohan:\n By staying at home actually, they don\u2019t have enough physical activity. Physical activity in children releases a lot of hormones, oxytocin; the happy hormone.\n\n\nSo, if they are not getting enough play time, they are going to get affected.\n\n\nI always advise parents to take them out to the field and have some fun. Only then, will they be happy and they will not be so stressed staying at home.\n\n\nSchools, the same thing. I think when they go to school, they are going to meet their friends, it is going to be their play time.\n\nYou cannot tell kids, \u201cGo to school, no playing\u201d. They are going to have fun in school.\n\n\nAnd over time they will get over this pandemic and distress that they have at home.\n\n\nThey are going to be quiet. They are going to be stressed at home.\n\n\nSome of them will show anger, tantrums, poor appetite and not eating well. Many of them are not eating well. And irritability, they get angry very fast.\n\n\nSo, that\u2019s happening a bit already, I can see them in the clinic. Hopefully, they get to go out more and those things are reduced.\n\nBut, I do see kids with problems. And obviously to overcome that is by taking them out more.\n\n\nLike you said, they can go to the park. They can go to the open spaces. They need to go out. It\u2019s time to go out, actually. Yeah, for all of us, I guess!\n\n\nQ5: How does stress experienced by parents affect their children?\n\n\nDr Vijaya Mohan:\n Stress by the parents definitely affects children. Because they look at the parents.\n\n\nIf the parents are stressed, the children get stressed as well. So, it\u2019s important for parents not to stress children out too much with their workload at home. Many are working from home and they have their own stressors with work. Children do not understand what is working from home or working from the office.\n\n\nSo, we need not stress ourselves too much at home because the kids are going to be there. I think over time, as parents go back to work, that will distress the kids as well. I think parents have to go back to work sometimes; to their offices.\n\n\nQ6: Does online learning work for children?\n\n\nDr Vijaya Mohan:\n Personally, I don\u2019t think so. If it\u2019s for a short period, I think it is fine. They are quite excited with the online learning. But, if it goes on for few months and months, they start to lose interest and they start to lose some classroom skills as well.\n\n\nAnd I think when they don\u2019t see their friends, there is no motivation for them to study sometimes. A lot of things happen in the class. Online class is fine for a short period of time but I think after that you have to go back to school.\n\n\nThere are some kids who don\u2019t have the opportunity to have a proper online device, they have poor Internet connections and these children are affected even more.\n\n\nWe need to look at everybody and I think the only way is to start school again, to be fair to everybody.\n\n\nQ7: How to recognise signs of stress in children?\n\n\nDr Vijaya Mohan:\n Signs of stress; I think I have mentioned a little bit earlier:\n\n\nSigns of stress in children\n\n\nGets anxious\n\n\nHaving poor appetite\n\n\nShows temper tantrums\n\n\nChanges in behaviours\n\n\nNot mixing with family much\n\n\nSo, we need to identify those signs in children at home early. Parents can also do more things to show love; they can play games with them at home. But I think parents should identify the signs of stress in their children early.\n\n\nAnd they can do that by noting changes in behaviour or eating habits as well.\n\n\nWhat I have noticed is that eating habits are a problem now. They are not eating well and they are losing weight, actually.\n\n\nBecause when you are not feeling well, you don\u2019t have an appetite. Plus, you are at home, the hormones are not there, the happy hormones are not coming out.\n\n\nFinal words from Dr Vijaya:\n\n\n\n\n\u201cDon\u2019t stress your kids too much. Go out and have fun. Look into their diets. Take more fresh fruits and vegetables and cut down on processed foods.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Vijaya Mohan R. Rasathurai\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nMBBS (India), MRCPCH (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nGrowing Up in a Pandemic: Impact on Children\u2019s Development \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 9 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 9 November 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrician\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/haemorrhoids", "title": "Haemorrhoids", "body": "\n\n\n\nHaemorrhoids\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 12, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: avrupacerrahimerkezi.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: drmatthewlublin.com\n\n\nMore than half of all people will at some point develop symptomatic haemorrhoids. Haemorroids are actually anal cushions which are specialized, highly vascular, connective tissue and smooth muscles in the submucosal space of anal canal. Its bleeding is bright red because of presinusoidal arterial bleeding. It is important for continence. Haemorroids are divided into internal and external.\n\nHaemorroids are divided into internal and external. External haemorrhoids are below dentate line and has somatic innervations. Predisposing factors include constipation, increased intra-abdominal pressure, aging, spending excessive periods of time on the toilet and use of western toilet. Human beings are designed to evacuate waste in the squatting position. In the sitting position, the colon system is in the continence mode, and it is difficult to evacuate waste effectively, resulting in the need to strain.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: Healthwise, Incorporated\n\n\n\nFirst degree haemorroid bulge into lumen of anal canal resulting in painless bleeding at end of daefecation. Second degree has pruritus ani and reduce spontaneously. Third degree has mucous discharge with sense of incomplete evacuation and reduced manually. Fourth degree is permanently prolapsed and irreducible.\n\nHaemorroids can become thrombosed causing acute pain, tender, bluish lump at distal anus with ulceration and bleeding. The end result is skin tags. Differential diagnosis includes anal fissure, perianal abscess, proctitis, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Colorectal cancer and anal Polyps. Relevant investigations include anoscopy, sigmoioscopy and colonoscopy.\n\nMedical management includes avoidance of constipation and hard stools, minimize straining the stool, dietary and lifestyle modifications, fluid and fiber in diet. Supplemental fibre agents add moisture to stool. Sitz bath (warm 40 C \u2013 degree symbol) with soaking time limited to 15 minutes, ice packs and drugs like daflon (Flavonoids) gives acute symptoms relief by decreasing capillary permeability and increasing lymphatic transport.\n\nFirst degree haemorrhoids can be treated with rubber band ligation as an office procedure. Surgical modalities include open haemorroidectomy, sclerotherapy, harmonic ultrasonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy, stapled haemorrhoidopexy and Laser Haemorrhoidopexy. Thrombosed external haemorrhoids presents itself as painful perianal mass that peaks in 48 hours and subsides after 3 days. Treatment is pain relief. Severe pain might require excision of thrombus under anaesthesia.\nDr. Venayagamurthy A/L Kanisan\n\nConsultant General and Colorectal Surgeon\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/haid-pada-usia-muda-tua-apa-anda-perlu-tahu", "title": "Haid Pada Usia Muda & Tua \u2013 Apa Anda Perlu Tahu?", "body": "\n\n\n\nHaid Pada Usia Muda & Tua \u2013 Apa Anda Perlu Tahu?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 18, 2020\n \n\nKitaran haid merujuk kepada kitaran tetap yang dialami wanita dalam tempoh usia matang tertentu. Dalam proses ini, wanita mengalami perubahan ritma pada rembesan hormon yang diperlukan untuk kesuburan atau pembiakan. Ia berlaku bermula tempoh akli baligh hinggalah wanita itu mencapai tempoh putus haid iaitu menopause.\n\nKebiasaannya kitaran haid pertama akan bermula ketika usia 12 ke 13 tahun. Namun terdapat juga wanita yang mengalami permulaan haid pada usia semuda 10 tahun dan paling lewat kira-kira 16 tahun. Sementara itu, kebanyakan wanita akan mengalami tempoh putus haid pada usia antara 45 hingga 55 tahun.\n\nPurata tempoh kitaran haid bagi wanita biasa adalah 28 hari, di mana hari pertama haid dikira sebagai hari pertama bagi setiap kitaran baru. Julat kitaran haid yang banyak dialami wanita adalah antara 20 ke 45 hari dan ia bergantung kepada usia seseorang, begitu juga dengan tempoh aliran keluar haid yang kebiasaannya adalah selama enam hari.\n\nNamun apakah yang membezakan kedatangan haid pada usia muda iaitu 20-an, berbanding ketika usia yang lebih lanjut sekitar 40-an hingga 50-an? Apabila anda semakin berusia, kitaran haid anda akan terus disesuaikan dengan perubahan hormon yang berkait dengan usia serta pengalaman seperti kehamilan. Dr Haw Wan Lye, Obstetrician & Gynecologist dari Hospital Columbia Asia Cheras berkongsi apa yang perlu anda tahu berkenaan proses kedatangan haid pada usia muda hingga ke peringkat yang lebih berusia.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKitaran Haid Pada Usia 20-an\n\nPada usia muda sebegini, kitaran haid anda boleh dibahagikan kepada tiga jenis kategori:\n\n\u00a0\n\nHaid biasa\n\nTanpa kitaran ovulasi yang tetap, seseorang bakal mengalami haid yang tidak menentu. Sukar untuk menjangka tempoh datang haid pada setiap bulan. Sementara itu, bagi wanita yang mengalami kitaran ovulasi yang normal, gejala seperti kekejangan abdomen, payudara lembut dan sindrom prahaid mungkin muncul. Namun gejala ini tidak semestinya sama bagi setiap wanita.\n\n\nKawalan kelahiran\n\nSekiranya seseorang wanita ada mengambil hormon pencegah kehamilan, ia akan memberi kesan pada kitaran haid setiap bulan. Sesetengah wanita akan mengalami pendarahan haid yang kurang tetapi tetap, kekejangan kurang berlaku dan masih juga mengalami sedikit tanda sindrom prahaid.\n\n\nKehamilan\n\nSemasa hamil, sememangnya wanita tidak akan mengalami sebarang haid hingga enam minggu selepas melahirkan. Sekiranya diteruskan dengan penyusuan bayi setelah bersalin, haid tidak akan kembali seperti biasa hingga lah proses menyusukan itu berkurang atau terus berhenti. Maka, kitaran haid akan kembali berjalan seperti biasa.\n\n\n\nTerdapat kes di mana wanita muda berusia 20-an mengalami amenorrhea iaitu tiada berlakunya pendarahan. Bergantung pada punca, seseorang wanita itu mungkin mengalami tanda atau gejala lain bersama dengan ketiadaan haid, seperti sakit kepala, penglihatan kabur, sakit pelvis, keguguran rambut dan keluarnya cecair pada puting payudara. Jangan ambil mudah dengan amenorrhea kerana ia boleh mendatangkan komplikasi lain seperti kemandulan dan osteoporosis. Penyebab paling biasa untuk amenorrhea adalah kehamilan, tetapi terdapat juga sebab lain yang memerlukan lebih perhatian, antaranya:\n\n\u00a0\n\nOrgan pembiakan\n \u2013 Menopause pramatang, uterine scarring dan organ pembiakan yang tidak normal.\n\n\nKelenjar endokrin\n \u2013 Tiroid, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) yang memberi kesan pada paras hormon dan tumor pituitari.\n\n\nFaktor gaya hidup\n \u2013 Kurang berat badan, melakukan senaman yang berlebihan dan tekanan.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKitaran Haid Pada Usia 40-an & 50-an\n\nApabila seseorang wanita mencecah usia 40 tahun dan ke atas, maka akan bermulalah turun naik paras hormon perimenopausal. Hal ini bakal menyebabkan berlakunya proses ovulasi yang tidak teratur, paras estrogen tidak stabil yang mengakibatkan ada masanya tidak mengalami haid, aliran darah yang banyak serta terdapatnya pendarahan berlaku di antara tempoh normal haid. Hakikatnya, perlu diingatkan bahawa walaupun corak ovulasi adalah tidak menentu pada usia lanjut, proses untuk hamil tetap boleh berlaku.\n\nTempoh putus haid bagi kebanyakan wanita adalah kira-kira pada usia 51 tahun. Terdapat tiga fasa yang akan dialami, di mana yang pertama dinamakan perimenopause, diikuti dengan menopause dan seterusnya post menopause. Berikut adalah beberapa tanda menopause yang biasa berlaku dan perlu diawasi:\n\nVagina kering\n\n\nBerpeluh pada waktu malam\n\n\nPerubahan mood\n\n\nKenaikan berat badan\n\n\nKulit menjadi kering\n\n\nTerasa panas dalam badan secara tiba-tiba\n\n\n\nAntara persediaan yang boleh dilakukan bagi menempuh tempoh menopause ini adalah dengan mengamalkan diet yang sihat dan seimbang. Ambil makanan dengan kandungan kalsium dan vitamin yang tinggi. Selain itu, wanita yang menghampiri menopause juga disarankan untuk sentiasa bersenam dan melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan menyeluruh terutamanya payudara dan kolon bagi mengesan jika wujudnya sel kanser, pemeriksaan tulang bagi mencegah osteoporosis serta pemeriksaan tahap kesihatan jantung.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Haw Wan Lye\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nBMedSci (UK), MBBCh BAO (Ireland),, MRCOG (UK), CCTC (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHaid Pada Usia Muda & Tua \u2013 Apa Anda Perlu Tahu? \u2013 HerInspirasi.com, 4 Februari 2020\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh HerInspirasi.com, 4 Februari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrician & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hamilkan-bayi-lelaki-ibu-berisiko-overdue-nak-bersalin-cepat-banyakkan-jalan-kaki", "title": "Hamilkan Bayi Lelaki Ibu Berisiko Overdue. Nak Bersalin Cepat Banyakkan Jalan Kaki.", "body": "\n\n\n\nHamilkan Bayi Lelaki Ibu Berisiko Overdue. Nak Bersalin Cepat Banyakkan Jalan Kaki.\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 28, 2019\n \n\nBila kandungan melepas tarikh jangkaan bersalin (overdue), ibu berdebar. Macam-macam yang bermain di fikiran. Bimbangkan si kecil & proses bersalin nanti.\n\nIbu yang kandungan overdue Jangan abaikan perihal berkaitan usia kandungan. Kandungan melepasi tarikh jangkaan bersalin atau overdue perlu diberikan perhatian ekstra & perlu dirujuk ke hospital segera. 7 Risikonya ini boleh menyebabkan impak besar kepada bayi & ibu.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nUsia kandungan melepasi tarikh jangkaan bersalin memang mendebarkan para ibu. Tentunya kerisauan akan bermain di fikiran, memikirkan tentang diri dan tertanya-tanya bagaimana keadaan bayi, mudaratkah situasinya?\n\nDr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau berkongsi info bahawa keadaan hamil overdue ini banyak berlaku.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nHanya Kira-Kira 5% Sahaja Ibu Yang Melahirkan Tepat Pada Tarikh Jangkaan.\n\n\n\n\u201cTarikh jangkaan bersalin biasanya ditentukan oleh doktor atau jururawat 40 minggu daripada tarikh hari pertama haid ibu yang terakhir. Ada juga keadaan di mana tarikh jangkaan ditentukan berdasarkan ujian imbasan bagi kes ibu yang mempunyai kitaran haid tidak teratur.\n\n\u201cSekiranya anda mencapai usia kehamilan 41 minggu, anda akan diarahkan untuk ke hospital oleh doktor yang merawat. Doktor akan menyemak semula tarikh haid yang terakhir dan melakukan pemeriksaan kedudukan bayi dan saiznya. Selain itu, bukaan serviks juga diperiksa untuk melihat sama ada ia sudah bersedia untuk proses kelahiran,\u201d kata Dr Sharina.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nBahaya Kandungan Lebih Tempoh/ Overdue\n\nBagi kehamilan yang melepasi minggu 40, ibu dan bayi berisiko untuk berhadapan berhadapan dengan pelbagai masalah seperti berikut;\n\nBayi mati dalam kandungan.\n\n\nFetal distress di mana bayi menunjukkan reaksi seperti degupan jantung yang perlahan dan kurang pergerakan.\n\n\nMeningkatkan risiko bayi untuk mengalami Sindrom Aspirasi Mekonium yang boleh menyebabkan bayi tertelan najis selepas minggu ke-40.\n\n\nAir ketuban yang berperanan untuk melindungi bayi semakin kurang isi padunya.\n\n\nIbu berisiko untuk mengalami trauma semasa proses kelahiran kerana kemungkinan bayi perlu dilahirkan menggunakan alat bantu seperti vakum atau forseps kerana saiz bayi yang besar.\n\n\nIntraparum hypoxia di mana bayi mengalami kekurangan oksigen.\n\n\nRisiko bahu bayi tersangkut semasa kelahiran atau shoulder dystocia. Ini disebabkan oleh saiz bayi besar.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKenapa Sering Mengalami Overdue?\n\nMenurut Dr Sharina, kehamilan yang melepasi tempoh jangkaan bersalin atau overdue ini banyak terjadi kepada wanita hamil yang mempunyai ciri-ciri ini;\n\nIbu tidak pasti tarikh hari pertama haid terakhir sebelum hamil.\n\n\nKehamilan pertama.\n\n\nIbu mempunyai sejarah overdue sebelum ini. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika seorang ibu mengalami beberapa kehamilan yang overdue.\n\n\nHamil bayi lelaki.\n\n\nIbu mempunyai berat badan berlebihan.\n\n\nBayi mempunyai kecacatan secara biologi yang menyebabkan kekurangan hormon kortisol pada bayi yang melambatkan proses bersalin. Mereka juga berisiko untuk mengalami masalah kekurangan oksigen semasa kelahiran (intrapartum hypoxia).\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nCadangan Sekiranya Ibu Mengalami Overdue\n\n\nIndius pada 41 minggu.\n\n\nMembrane sweeping daripada minggu ke 38 ke atas.\n\n\nPercepatkan Kelahiran\n\nSelain daripada membuat ujian imbasan dan memeriksa bukaan, doktor juga akan melakukan prosedur membrane sweep yang bertujuan untuk mencetuskan kelahiran. Ia selalunya dilakukan semasa pemeriksaan bukaan di mana jari akan dimasukkan pada serviks dan perlahan-lahan ia digerakkan dalam bentuk pusingan bagi memisahkan membran kantung bayi dengan rahim.\n\nMembrane sweep jika dilakukan dengan betul akan merembeskan hormon prostaglandin yang mencetuskan kelahiran dalam masa 48 jam. Selain membrane sweep, berjalan kaki juga boleh mencetuskan kelahiran. Ia menggalakkan proses kelahiran bagi kandungan yang sudah mencapai usia 40 minggu. Ini kerana pergerakan membantu kepala bayi untuk memasuki pelvis.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (UM), M Obs & Gyn (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHamilkan Bayi Lelaki Ibu Berisiko Overdue \u2013 Pa&Ma, 23 May 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Pa&Ma, 23 May 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/have-better-sex-tonight-press-clipping", "title": "Have better sex tonight! [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nHave better sex tonight! [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 01, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nShape,\n\nNovember 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/health-issues-30s-40s-50s-beyond", "title": "Health Issues 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond", "body": "\n\n\n\nHealth Issues 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 03, 2023\n \n\nFrom a medical point of view, men and women share a lot of similarities in terms of body organs and functions. Many health issues such as asthma, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and colon cancer can happen in both male and females.\n\nAlthough, some of these diseases that are shared by both genders can be more prone to a particular gender. For example, gallstones, depression, osteoporosis, irritable bowel syndrome are more common in women than in men.\n\nHowever, there are particular health issues that only concern women due to their unique female reproductive organs namely the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina and vulva.\n\nHealth issues can crop up at any time during a woman\u2019s life. With that said, many reproductive health issues occur between the ages of 15 and 44. But, serious conditions such as cancer or heart disease are more likely to develop during midlife, from age 50 onwards.\nHealth Problems in Teens\n\nMost major female health problems don\u2019t start during teenage years. There may be complaints presented to gynaecological clinics involving menstrual problems such as dysmenorrhea and irregular periods. These problems can be effectively treated with NSAIDs and birth control pills to regulate the menses.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHealth Problems in 20s\n\nAs most females become sexually active in their 20s, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is the main concern during this phase. Viruses such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes and HPV are transmitted via unprotected sex.\n\nProtection is key to protect women from being infected with such viruses. When used correctly and consistently every time couples have sex, condoms have been shown to be 98% effective against the transmission of STDs. There is also availability of Hepatitis B and HPV vaccinations to provide women with active immunity against these viruses. Some sexually transmitted infections such as Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia can result in damage of the tubal function and affect fertility if not treated promptly. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHealth Problems in 30s\n\nMany health problems women face in their 30s involve fertility, and complications resulting from pregnancy and childbirth. Fertility rate starts to decline after 30 and miscarriage rate starts to rise. Fibroids and endometriosis which affect up to 10-15% of women are also commonly diagnosed in this age group.\n\nFibroids can result in painful periods, heavy bleeding and miscarriage while endometriosis can result in dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, adhesion and tubal damage which can make natural conception difficult.\n\nCouples who are keen to have their own children but suffer from these fertility issues should not delay seeking an assessment and counselling from their gynaecologist or fertility specialist. Couples should also be aware that the successful rate of IVF declines when women ages.\nHealth Problems in 40s\n\nAs endometrial cancer risk rises after age 45, it is important for women who have heavy periods to get endometrial assessment to exclude malignancy. Women in their late 40s also frequently experience perimenopausal symptoms such as mood irritability, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and irregular periods. This is due to ovaries releasing fewer eggs and declining oestrogen and progesterone levels.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHealth Problems in 50s and Over\n\nCommon health issues in this age group include gynaecological malignancies, urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness and pelvic organ prolapse.\n\nAs most gynaecological cancers frequently occur during this phase, any suspicious health concerns, such as postmenopausal bleeding, ovarian cyst, uterine mass, cervical lesion or a breast lump, warrants further evaluation to exclude malignancy.\n\nWith HPV vaccination and regular pap smear examinations, most cases of cervical cancer can be prevented. The same goes for regular breast self-examination and mammogram screenings, after the age of 40, for early detection of breast cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nThe importance of a healthy lifestyle should not be overlooked. Obesity, harmful eating habits, constant emotional stress and practising a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a cascade of health issues in women.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Soon Khai Cherng\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Miri\nMD (Russia), MRCOG (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHealth Issues 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond - Natural Health, 3 January 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHealth Issues 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond - Natural Health, March 2023 VOL 131 Issue\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, 3 January 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/health-screening-guide-men", "title": "Health Screening Guide for Men", "body": "\n\n\n\nHealth Screening Guide for Men\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 29, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nThere are many common diseases that are more prevalent in men compared to women. Common diseases among men include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases especially coronary heart disease, chronic liver diseases, kidney-related diseases such as renal stones and enlarged prostate, cancer and mental health disorders such as depression.\n\n\nHeart matters\n\n\nCardiovascular health\n is one of the most important topics when it comes to men\u2019s health as it is the leading cause of death for men. Did you know, one out of two men will suffer a major heart attack or sudden death due to heart complications, and without prior symptoms?\n\n\nThe main driver of coronary artery diseases (CAD) are non-communicable conditions such as being overweight, obese, having diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking and a family history of heart diseases.\n\n\nMetabolic syndrome is fast becoming more important especially in the younger age group less than 40. This is a big problem currently as it increases risks of men getting non -communicable disease and complications such as heart attack and stroke. It includes abdominal obesity, high blood pressure with or without hypertension, high blood sugar due to either impaired fasting glucose or diabetes mellitus, high serum triglycerides, and low serum high-density lipoprotein.\n\n\nScreen your health, gentlemen\n\n\nTo start, based on statistics, men are less likely than women to go for medical check-ups and screenings. Most will wait until they are ill and sick! This explains why forty per cent of men will have at least one undiagnosed chronic condition.\n\n\nHealth screenings\n include testing for disease and conditions that have not yet caused any symptoms. Early detection will provide prompt treatment to prevent the condition from progressing. The main objectives of health screenings are to screen for medical diseases, assess risks of future medical problems, encourage healthy lifestyles, update vaccinations where necessary and know who and where to get help in case of an illness.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nHow often and what is involved\n\n\nGenerally, it is recommended to have a health screening annually or once every two years. Health screenings should start from the age of 40 and done annually upon reaching 50 since this is when diseases start to show prevalence among men.\n\n\nHowever, with changes in today\u2019s lifestyle particularly a poor diet and lack of exercise, we are seeing younger patients developing diseases. Thus, men below the age of 40 with risk factors such as obesity, are recommended to perform health screenings regularly.\n\n\nHealth screenings will start with a thorough physical examination to check vital signs such as blood pressure and to screen for hypertension. Your pulse or heart rate will also be checked to detect any problems in your heart rhythm. A BMI calculation will determine if you are overweight or having an obesity problem. A thorough physical examination will be performed to detect any abnormal signs of specific organs. A general mental health assessment is usually included. This will be followed by certain important blood tests including full blood counts, fasting sugar and cholesterol, liver, and kidney function with a few additional blood tests where necessary. Basic radiological examination including chest X-rays and ultrasound abdomen are also routinely included. Additional tests that can be done is, for example, exercise stress test and echocardiogram to evaluate cardiovascular health.\n\n\nThe big C among men\n\n\nBased on statistics, men generally have a higher rate of getting and dying from cancer compared to females. Most common types of cancer detected in men include prostate cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer.\n\n\nScreening for cancer has been one of the best ways to detect the disease early. Unfortunately, not all types of cancer screenings are recommended or specific. To add to that, each cancer has a different approach pertaining screenings. If the test turns out positive, the patient will be subjected to more detailed examination and investigation to confirm and stage the disease.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nCommon recommended tests\n\n\nProstate cancer screening includes a blood test called \u2018prostate specific antigen\u2019. Prostate examinations will be done in patients with symptoms.\n\n\nLung cancer can be detected early via a low dose CT scan of the lungs. Screening is also recommended for people with a chronic smoking history or a family history of lung cancer.\n\n\nColorectal cancer screening includes stool tests (to detect blood), colonoscopy and CT scan. This includes high risk patients, with inflammatory bowel disease or with a family history of colorectal cancer or a genetic predisposition such as familial adenomatous polyposis.\n\n\nApart from this, there are a few other cancer/tumour markers that you can take but not officially recommended as these acts only as a guideline as a cancer screening.\n\n\nColumbia Asia hospitals offer an extensive range of \nhealth screening packages\n for different ages and needs. We strongly encourage everyone to perform a health check to better manage your health and for early detection.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong\nBachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Internal Medicine (UKM), CIMA (NIOSH)\n \u00a0\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/health-screening-through-ages", "title": "Health Screening Through The Ages", "body": "\n\n\n\nHealth Screening Through The Ages\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 18, 2015\n \n\nIs it time for a full body check-up? Health screenings are not only for those who have contracted a disease or fallen ill. It\u2019s for everyone who wants to prevent themselves from getting diseases. Find out from Dr Sivah Sandrasakre, the Chief Medical Officer of Columbia Asia Hospital-Cheras about what you should be checking for at your age.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHealth Screening Through The Ages\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/healthy-food-and-clean-environment-vital-mother-newborn", "title": "Healthy Food and Clean Environment Vital for Mother, Newborn", "body": "\n\n\n\nHealthy Food and Clean Environment Vital for Mother, Newborn\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 05, 2020\n \n\nRECOMMENDED post-natal care focuses on the new mother\u2019s well-being including a healthy diet, said medical experts.\n\nThe Health Ministry has stated the monitoring parameters in its ante-natal book that is distributed at all mother and child health clinics.\n\nColumbia Asia Sdn Bhd consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Norintan Zainal Shah said it was important for mothers to be examined by medical personnel in the first 21 days after delivery to look for signs of a medical problem.\n\n\u201cBody temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate and breasts will be checked and examined.\u201d\n\nShe said the medical personnel would also measure the height of uterus, inspect Caesarean-section wound (if any) and lochia, check on hygienic maintenance of perineum as well as the mother\u2019s urinary and bowel functions, among others.\n\nShe added that it was important for a mother to be assessed on her ability to walk or ambulate and have her calves and legs examined to prevent or detect deep vein thrombosis.\n\n\u201cIf a mother shows signs of medical problems, she will be referred to the clinic or hospital, \u201d said Dr Norintan.\n\n\u201cThe medical personnel must also be vigilant about breastfeeding in post-natal mothers to address problems that may arise.\n\n\u201cAt the end of the puerperium, which is about six weeks, mothers are advised to visit the doctor for a physical examination, pelvis ultrasound, pap smear and family planning discussion, \u201d she added.\n\nColumbia Asia dietitian Rafidah Abdul Rashid said a mother\u2019s diet during this period was very important, for the benefit of both her and the newborn.\n\n\u201cA balanced and healthy diet not only helps her replace nutrients lost during pregnancy and delivery but it will also help the mother produce enough milk for her newborn.\u201d\n\nAs for the newborn, Columbia Asia consultant paediatrician Dr Jasvinder Kaur said the mother might need help to care for her baby.\n\nBesides the basics of feeding and cleaning, she said vital aspects include umbilical cord care and a hygienic environment.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Zainal\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Jasvinder Kaur\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMBBS (West Indies), MRCPCH (UK), Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology (Canada)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRafidah Abdul Rashid\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Taiping\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHealthy Food and Clean Environment Vital for Mother, Newborn \u2013 The Star, 21 February 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHealthy Food and Clean Environment Vital for Mother, Newborn \u2013 The Star, 21 February 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star Online, 21 February 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrician & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/healthy-local-flavours", "title": "Healthy Local Flavours", "body": "\n\n\n\nHealthy Local Flavours\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 26, 2017\n \n\nWith some tweaks, local dishes can be nutritional too. Shape Magazine worked with Columbia Asia dietitian Kong Woan Fei and Chef Mohd Reduan Mohtar of Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang for all these delicious spreads.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\u00a0\n\nHealthy Local Flavours \u2013 Shape Magazine, Issue June 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/healthy-skin-defined", "title": "Healthy Skin : DEFINED", "body": "\n\n\n\nHealthy Skin : DEFINED\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 09, 2017\n \nPhoto credit : \nwww.wetmarket.com\n\nOptimum skin health is achievable, according to the experts. Dr. Priya Gill, Consultant Dermatologist Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya gave her thought on identifying healthy skin.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHealthy Skin : DEFINED \u2013 Her World, Issue October 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/healthy-smoke-free-home", "title": " A Healthy, Smoke-free Home", "body": "\n\n\n\n A Healthy, Smoke-free Home\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 17, 2021\n \n\nTHE dangerous effects of smoking are well known. Inhaling nicotine and other toxic chemicals in cigarettes and vape devices can cause many illnesses, such as heart disease, lung cancer and stroke.\n\nThis includes first-hand smoke inhalation by a smoker or second-hand smoke inhaled by a non-smoker in the presence of a smoker.\n\nBut did you know there is such a thing as third-hand smoke? Third-hand smoke inhalation is not frequently talked about and is not as clearly understood.\n\n\"Third-hand smoke\" or THS is a term used to describe the contamination that persists after second-hand smoke has been emitted into the air. It refers to the smoke and chemicals that have settled or been absorbed into various surfaces indoors long after a cigarette has been put out.\n\nTHS is not just the smell of cigarette smoke lingering in a room after smoking. It includes the hazardous chemicals that may adhere to carpets, walls, furnishings, clothing, hair and toys.\n\nA person, a car or room can continue to smell of smoke after a cigarette has been extinguished.\n\nBut even after the smell has subsided, the tobacco residues on these surfaces may remain for years, and the concern by many clinicians is the effects they have on a person's health.\n\nHowever, THS is a relatively new concept and data on its effects are limited.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nClings to Fabric\n\n\n\n\n\nThe majority of compounds released into the air during smoking indoors will end up being absorbed by room surfaces, and nicotine and other compounds are absorbed by fabric.\n\nTHS residues deposited on surfaces can be re-suspended into the air over time, resulting in a lingering source of tobacco-related compounds.\n\nThe re-suspension back into the air is dependent on relative humidity and rate of air exchange in the indoor environment, and also varies with surface type.\n\nStudies have shown that the presence of THS compounds in dust is significantly more concentrated in the homes of smokers than in homes of non-smokers.\n\nMeasures to reduce cigarette smoke in a room, such as opening a window or turning on a fan, do not prevent THS. Regular cleaning methods are also not that effective in eliminating the chemical compounds associated with THS.\n\nMost of the time, replacing carpets, reupholstering furniture or repainting walls remain the only option.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nExposure Can Cause Death in Infants\n\n\n\n\n\nInfants and children are of particular interest and may be at risk of tobacco-related health problems when they inhale or touch substances containing THS.\n\nInfants and toddlers spend a lot of time on the floor, playing and crawling. They can ingest up to 0.25g of dust per day.\n\nWhen they play or sleep on surfaces with THS, they absorb the contaminants through their skin or breathe them in through their nose.\n\nChildren who live in smoking homes are vulnerable as they are also exposed to THS through clothing and skin when carried or cuddled by a family member who is a smoker.\n\nResearch has shown an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms among children exposed to THS at home. Infants exposed to THS are more likely to die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.\n\nThey are also at increased risk of developing asthma, and for those who already suffer from asthma, their symptoms may worsen.\nChildren are exposed to third-hand smoke through clothing and skin when carried or cuddled by a family member who is a smoker.\n\n\n\n\nCreate a Smoke-free Environment\n\n\n\n\n\nThe only way to protect children and non-smokers is to create a smoke-free environment. Make it a rule to not allow smoking in your home, car and places where your children play. Try to keep your children away from homes of people who smoke. Meet at smoke-free venues instead.\n\nThe best thing a smoker can do for their health and the health of their loved ones is to quit smoking.\n\nReduce the risk of THS exposure on family and friends by smoking outside, washing hands and hair frequently, and changing clothes before coming in contact with non-smokers, particularly infants and children.\n\nUltimately, the most important measure is to reduce the prevalence of smoking and encourage the introduction of smoke-free indoor and outdoor environments.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFast Facts\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2022 Residual nicotine/other chemicals from tobacco smoke left on indoor surfaces.\n\n\u2022 Clings to surfaces, clothing, furniture and bedding long after smoking has stopped.\n\n\u2022 Residue builds up over time and can remain for weeks, months or even years.\n\n\u2022 Hard to remove and can't be eliminated by airing out rooms/confining smoking to certain rooms.\n\n\u2022 Touching or breathing in the off-gassing from contaminated surfaces leads to exposure.\n\n\u2022 Children who crawl, touch surfaces, put things in their mouth are particularly susceptible.\n\n\u2022 Reducing the odour from THS does not protect against exposure.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nEliminating THS\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2022 Hard surfaces, fabrics and upholstery must be regularly cleaned or laundered.\n\n\u2022 Thoroughly wash walls and ceilings with detergent and hot water.\n\n\u2022 Repaint walls with two or three coats of paint but only after walls have been cleaned.\n\n\u2022 Replace all curtains/ window blinds.\n\n\u2022 Clean ventilation ducts, and replace filters in air conditioning/ heating systems.\n\n\u2022 Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter in the room.\n\n\u2022 The best prevention is a smoke-free home environment.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harpreet Kaur A/P Harnam Singh\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBS (IMU), MRCP (UK), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nA Healthy, Smoke-free Home - News Straits Times, 3 August 2021 \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Times, 3 August 2021. \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hearing-problems-aids-solutions", "title": "Hearing Problems, Aids & Solutions", "body": "\n\n\n\nHearing Problems, Aids & Solutions\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 31, 2023\n \n\nWorld Hearing Day is held on 3rd March every year to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world. Ear and hearing problems are among the most common problems encountered in the community as good hearing and communication are important at all stages of life.\n\nAccording to the World Health Organisation, it is estimated that up to 1.5 billion people live with hearing loss. A person is said to have hearing loss if they are not able to hear as well as someone with normal hearing.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThere are 3 types of hearing loss:\n\n\nConductive\n\n\nCaused by a problem in the outer ear or middle ear.\n\n\nUsually affects all frequencies to the same degree and is considered not severe.\n\n\nSensorineural\n\n\nCaused by a problem in the inner ear or auditory nerve.\n\n\nSounds may appear distorted even with the use of a hearing aid.\n\n\nMixed\n\n\nA combination of conductive and sensorineural losses.\n\n\nHearing loss is clarified into mild, moderate, sever and profound. It can affect one or both ears\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCategory of Deafness\n\n\nDegree of Loss (Decibel)\n\n\nEffect on Hearing\n\n\nMild\n\n\n25 - 40\n\n\nDifficulty in hearing in a noisy environment\n\n\nModerate\n\n\n41 - 60\n\n\nInability to hear whisper\n\n\nSevere\n\n\n61 - 80\n\n\nInability to understand soft, moderate and loud speech\n\n\nProfound\n\n\n> 81\n\n\nUnable to understand even very loud speech\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMild\n\n\n\n\nDegree of Loss (Decibel)\n\n25 - 40\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect on Hearing\n\nDifficulty in hearing in a noisy environment\n\n\n\n\nModerate\n\n\n\n\nDegree of Loss (Decibel)\n\n41 - 60\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect on Hearing\n\nInability to understand soft, moderate and loud speech\n\n\n\n\nProfound\n\n\n\n\nDegree of Loss (Decibel)\n\n> 81\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEffect on Hearing\n\nUnable to understand even very loud speech\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCause of Hearing Loss\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCongenital (From Birth)\n\n\nAcquired\n\n\nGenetic (Family History)\n\n\n\n\nLow birth weight\n\n\nInfection as Rubella or Syphilis\n\n\nSevere lack of oxygen to the brain at birth, infection of the brain (meningitis)\n\n\nOuter ear conditions (wax/infection)\n\n\nMiddle ear conditions (otitis media)\n\n\nInner ear conditions - viral infection of the cochlear nerve/tumour\n\n\nDrugs (ototoxic drugs) which are toxic to the ears in seeking treatment for other ailments such as cancer and tuberculosis\n\n\nExposure to loud noises - can occur suddenly or from occupational exposure\n\n\nChronic metabolic conditions such as diabetes mellitus, cholesterol and hypertension\n\n\nOld age related hearing loss\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGenetic (Family History)\n\n\n\n\nAcquired\n\n\nLow birth weight\n\n\nInfection as Rubella or Syphilis\n\n\nSevere lack of oxygen to the brain at birth, infection of the brain (meningitis)\n\n\nOuter ear conditions (wax/infection)\n\n\nMiddle ear conditions (otitis media)\n\n\nInner ear conditions - viral infection of the cochlear nerve/tumour\n\n\nDrugs (ototoxic drugs) which are toxic to the ears in seeking treatment for other ailments such as cancer and tuberculosis\n\n\nExposure to loud noises - can occur suddenly or from occupational exposure\n\n\nChronic metabolic conditions such as diabetes mellitus, cholesterol and hypertension\n\n\nOld age related hearing loss\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSigns of Hearing Loss\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren\n\n\nAdult\n\n\n\n\nNot responding to calls\n\n\nOnly loud sounds\n\n\nDelayed speech\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDifficulty in hearing in a noise environment\n\n\nDifficulty in communications with family and friends\n\n\nNeeds repetitive questioning\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChildren\n\n\n\n\nNot responding to calls\n\n\nOnly loud sounds\n\n\nDelayed speech\n\n\n\n\nAdult\n\n\n\n\nDifficulty in hearing in a noise environment\n\n\nDifficulty in communications with family and friends\n\n\nNeeds repetitive questioning\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nComplications of deafness\n\n\nCommunication difficulty\n\n\nSocial embarrassment\n\n\nLow esteem\n\n\nSense of isolation, frustration and loss of confidence\n\n\nDifficulty in Learning\n\n\nHow to detect early hearing loss?\n\nIt is possible to measure hearing in babies as early as before one month of age. Hearing assessment should be done when hearing loss is suspected by your healthcare provider.\n\nHow is hearing loss managed?\n\nThe role of an Audiologist is indispensable to detect the type of hearing loss using various methods of screening tests.\n\nChildren with congenital/early onset hearing loss should be enrolled into an early intervention programme as soon as possible to facilitate their language and cognitive development. Various communication options are available and will be facilitated by an Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist.\n\nThe management of hearing loss depends on the type of hearing loss.\n\nConductive hearing loss\n\nMost conductive hearing loss can be treated using medical or surgical treatment. Eg:\n\nImpacted wax \u2013 removal of wax\n\n\nInfection of the middle ear \u2013 medication or sometimes surgery\n\n\nOtosclerosis \u2013 ear surgery\n\n\nHearing aids once medical/surgical treatment is complete and to improve the patient\u2019s residual hearing\n\n\nSensorineural hearing loss\n\n\nMost sensorineural hearing loss is permanent and cannot be cured by medical or surgical treatment\n\n\nManagement of sensorineural hearing loss include:\n\nHearing amplification\n\n\nThrough usage of properly fitted hearing aids\n\n\nCochlear implant may be indicated to those with severe hearing loss and those that do not benefit from hearing aids.\n\n\n\n\nMixed Hearing Loss\n\n\nA conservative approach but may include hearing amplification\n\n\n\nChildren with congenital/early onset hearing loss should be enrolled into an early intervention programme as early as possible to facilitate their language and cognitive development. Various communication options are available and will be facilitated by an Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist.\n\nHow to prevent hearing loss?\n\nAbout 50% of cases with hearing loss can be prevented. It is also important to screen new-borns for high risk hearing loss as timely intervention and appropriate care can be sought out.\n\nWe recommend:\n\nGetting ear examinations and hearing checks regularly.\n\n\nHearing screening for newborns.\n\n\nTurn down the volume on personal listening devices such as headphones and earbuds.\n\n\nAvoid loud noises whenever possible.\n\n\nGive your ears a rest and take periodic breaks from noise.\n\n\nUse hearing protection such as earplugs or noise-cancelling earmuffs.\n\n\nAvoid ototoxic drugs.\n\n\nWear hearing protectors at high risk noise exposure environments.\n\n\nLimit the exposure time to noise such as loud music.\n\n\nGet ear examinations and hearing checks regularly.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Indirani A/P Batumalay\n\n\nConsultant ENT Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS(India), M ORL- HNS (UM), Fellowship in Rhinology (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHearing Problems, Aids & Solutions - Natural Health, 31 January 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHearing Problems, Aids & Solutions - Natural Health March 2023 VOL 131 Issue\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, 31 January 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nEar, Nose & Throat\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/heart-attack", "title": "Heart Attack", "body": "\n\n\n\nHeart Attack\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 12, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.zevandavidson.com\nProfessor Datuk Dr. Mohamed Rafiq, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Columbia Asia Hospital Bukit Rimau\n\nIt is not just a male disease, and it often looks nothing like what you see on television and in the movies. Heart attacks present differently in individuals, and it\u2019s crucial to know when to seek help. Explaining the symptoms to look out for, as well as the importance of practicing the best lifestyle to prevent heart attacks, is Professor Datuk Dr. Mohamed Rafiq. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist from Columbia Asia Hospital Bukit Rimau.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hemorrhoids-piles-what-do-you-do-about-them", "title": "Hemorrhoids (Piles) What Do You Do About Them?", "body": "\n\n\n\nHemorrhoids (Piles) What Do You Do About Them?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 16, 2018\n \nWhat are Hemorrhoids\n\nHemorrhoids are abnormal swelling of blood vessels lining the lowest part of the rectum and anus.\n\nThey developed when the veins in the anal canal get swollen and congested, just like the varicose veins in the leg, due to the weakness of the vessel wall and increased localized pressure in the vessels. With increasing age, the connective tissue degeneration leads to prolapsed blood vessels in the anus.\nThere Are Two Types of Hemorrhoids\n\n\nExternal hemorrhoids\n \u2013 which develop around the anus and the most uncomfortable ones. If blood clots are formed inside an external hemorrhoid, patients will have excruciating pain.\n\n\nInternal hemorrhoids\n \u2013 Can be found at the lower rectum. Usually painless.\n\n\nImage Credit : Mikael Haggstrom\n\n\nWho Will Get Hemorrhoids?\n\n\nMen\n - 60% of hospitalized hemorrhoid are male patients.\n\n\nWomen\n - Usually will get them during pregnancy and after childbirth. The enlarging womb of the pregnant mother presses on the veins and causes blood to pool and vessels engorgement.\n\n\nAge\n - The risk increases with older people due to degenerative disease.\n\n\nConstipation\n - Frequent straining, decreased intake of fibre\u00a0and\u00a0fluid, prolonged sitting on the toilet all contribute to poor blood flow at the anal vessels.\n\n\nInternal Hemorrhoid Grades\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGrade 1\n\nNo prolapse, just prominent blood vessels\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nGrade 2\n\nProlapse upon bearing down, but spontaneous reduction\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nGrade 3\n\nProlapse upon bearing down requiring manual reduction\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nGrade 4\n\nProlapse with inability to be manually reduced\n\n\n\n\nHow Are Hemorrhoids Diagnosed?\n\nPatients will get bleeding during defecation, lump at the anus, pain, or even itchiness.\n\nYour doctor might perform examinations and tests to confirm the diagnosis, such as proctoscopy (a device to visualize the anal canal) and colonoscopy (endoscopy of the large bowel and rectum, to rule out other causes of bleeding such as cancer or polyps.\nWhat Are The Treatment Option?\n1. Diet and Lifestyle Modification\n\n\nAdd more fiber intake in your food, and drink plenty of water to avoid constipation and straining. They soften stool and make it easier to pass, hence reducing pressure on hemorrhoids.\n\n\nDevelop a regular bowel\n habit by exercising more, which will stimulate bowel movement. Make it a habit to go to the toilet at a scheduled time, and to sit on a toilet for a few minutes to encourage defecation.\n\n\nA sitz bath is a warm water bath with salt added in, to relieve itching, swelling and muscle spasm. Apply after each bowel movement for around 20-30 minutes for symptoms relief.\n\n\n2. Medical Therapy\n\n\nHemorrhoidal medications, topical cream and stool softener will help to shrink and decrease swelling at the anus and stop bleeding as well. They can be prescribed by your family doctors.\n\n\n3. Daycare Procedures\n\n\nA number of minimally invasive procedures are available widely in the hospital, and patients do not need to be hospitalized to get treatment.\n\n\nExamples are rubber banding ligation, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy and infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids.\n\n\n4. Hemorrhoidal Surgery\n\n\nSome hemorrhoids just can\u2019t be managed by conservative treatment alone especially the bigger ones. Eventually, surgical treatment is the best option to treat the \u2018stubborn\u2019 hemorrhoids.\n\n\nOpen Hemorrhoidectomy: If the large protruding hemorrhoid is causing pain and bleeding, this is the best option available. It has a 95% cure rate and less complication but also has a notorious reputation for being painful.\n\n\nStapled Hemorrhoidopexy: This procedure treats prolapsed hemorrhoid and is less painful compared to a conventional hemorrhoidectomy.\n\n\nOther less painful procedures available are Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty and HAL- RAR (Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation \u2013 Recto Anal Repair), but the success rate is much lower compared to surgical excision.\n\n\nDr. Chong Hoong Weng\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n\n\u00a0\n\nHemorrhoids (Piles) What Do You Do About Them? - InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 24, Jan \u2013 Mar 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hepatitis-%E2%80%93-prevention-diagnosis-therapy", "title": "Hepatitis \u2013 Prevention, Diagnosis & Therapy", "body": "\n\n\n\nHepatitis \u2013 Prevention, Diagnosis & Therapy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 09, 2023\n \n\nHepatitis refers to inflammation of the liver, which can lead to acute or chronic health problems or complications that can be potentially fatal. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the global burden of hepatitis is mainly due to Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infections with about 354 million people living with these infections worldwide.\n\nThere are many causes of hepatitis which can broadly be divided into two types based on how it\u2019s caused: infectious and non-infectious. Infectious causes are primarily due to viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. Whereas non-infectious hepatitis can be caused by alcohol, drugs, autoimmune disease and metabolic issues.\n\nThere are many types of viral hepatitis, with the 3 most common being, hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Other viruses that cause hepatitis include the hepatitis D virus (HDV), hepatitis E virus (HEV), adenovirus, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).\n\nSymptoms of viral hepatitis depend on whether it is an acute infection or chronic infection. Symptoms of acute hepatitis include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and jaundice. Chronic viral hepatitis such as Chronic Hepatitis B or Chronic Hepatitis C can be asymptomatic or cause mild non-specific symptoms. Diagnosis of viral hepatitis can be confirmed by laboratory tests through the presence of deranged liver enzymes and positive serological tests of the respective hepatitis viruses.\n\nThe risk factors of viral hepatitis depend on the type of hepatitis and its transmission routes. The mode of transmission of HAV and HEV is through ingestion of contaminated food or water, hence this is a higher risk for those living in poorly sanitised areas. However, the mode of transmission for HBV and HCV is by contact of bodily fluid of the infected person \u2013 either sexual transmission or vertical transmission from mother to baby during childbirth, as well as exposure to infected blood products through transfusion.\n\nOn the other hand, non-viral hepatitis is mainly caused by alcohol consumption, drugs, toxins, as well as autoimmune diseases such as Autoimmune Hepatitis.\n\nTreatment of hepatitis depends on its underlying cause and differs from one cause to another. In many acute viral hepatitis cases, treatment is predominantly by supportive care, whereas for Chronic Hepatitis B and Chronic Hepatitis C, specific antiviral therapy can be started for a certain duration of time. In non-viral hepatitis, treatment is by discontinuation of the offensive drug, avoidance of toxins, or treatment of the underlying autoimmune disease. Not all cases of hepatitis have specific treatment and many cases only require supportive care while the liver recovers from its underlying disease.\n\nCertain lifestyle changes can help prevent occurrence of hepatitis or assist liver recovery. For example, alcohol avoidance and discontinuation of hepatotoxic substances (which are chemicals that cause liver injury) can help with recovery of hepatitis from acute liver injury due to the offensive agents. In infectious hepatitis, safe needle usage and safe sexual practice can reduce risk of hepatitis.\n\nPrevention of viral hepatitis, in particular HBV and HCV infections, can be achieved by public education and awareness of the disease risk factors, early disease detection during routine antenatal screening or during pre-employment medical examination (to prevent further transmission), or by vaccination for certain hepatitis viruses as well as employing harm reduction strategies in certain high risk groups.\n\nThere are vaccines available for the prevention of acute Hepatitis A, and the development of Chronic Hepatitis B. However, there is currently no available vaccine for HCV, HDV and HEV.\n\nHarm reduction strategies among targeted high-risk groups can help prevent HCV transmission. Hence education of safe needle usage and avoidance of needle-sharing among intravenous drug users is considered an important prevention strategy.\n\nWorld Hepatitis Day is annually observed on 28th July to promote and raise public awareness on hepatitis in particular viral hepatitis. Screening for Chronic Hepatitis B and Chronic Hepatitis C, particularly among high-risk populations, helps early detection of the disease to allow for early treatment to prevent long-term disease-related complications.\n\nThe World Health Organisation aims to reduce new hepatitis infections by 90% and deaths by 65% by 2030. It has also set a target for eradication of Hepatitis C by 2030.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Johan Bin Mohd Johari\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\nMBChB (UK), MMed Internal Medicine (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHepatitis \u2013 Prevention, Diagnosis & Therapy - Natural Health, 9 May 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, 9 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hepatitis-a-virus-food-safety-concern", "title": "\u8b66\u60d5\u75c5\u4ece\u53e3\u5165\uff01\u8fd9\u4e9b\u98df\u54c1\u53ef\u80fd\u542bA\u809d\u75c5\u6bd2", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u8b66\u60d5\u75c5\u4ece\u53e3\u5165\uff01\u8fd9\u4e9b\u98df\u54c1\u53ef\u80fd\u542bA\u809d\u75c5\u6bd2\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 07, 2022\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\u4f60\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u7ecf\u5e38\u5728\u5916\u7528\u9910\uff0c\u90fd\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u4e00\u4e9b\u97e9\u5f0f\u70e7\u70e4\u3001\u56db\u5ddd\u706b\u9505\u4e4b\u7c7b\u7684\uff0c\u5404\u79cd\u9c9c\u5ae9\u8089\u7247\u548c\u6d77\u9c9c\u53ea\u9700\u8981\u70e4\u4e00\u4e0b\u3001\u6dae\u4e00\u4e0b\u5c31\u5403\uff0c\u6b8a\u4e0d\u77e5\u8fd9\u4e9b\u672a\u7ecf\u4e25\u683c\u5904\u7406\u7684\u8089\u98df\u5f88\u5bb9\u6613\u5f15\u8d77A\u578b\u75c5\u6bd2\u6027\u809d\u708e\u3002\u90a3\u4e48\uff0cA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u4ec0\u4e48\u75be\u75c5\uff1f\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u9884\u9632\u5462\uff1f\u00a0\n\u5403\u591a\u4e86\u534a\u751f\u4e0d\u719f\u6d77\u9c9c\uff0c\u5c0f\u5fc3A\u809d\u627e\u4e0a\u4f60!\u00a0\n\n\u98df\u7269\u6765\u6e90\u6027\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u662f\u957f\u671f\u4ee5\u6765\u4e00\u76f4\u88ab\u8ba4\u4e3a\u662f\u98df\u54c1\u884c\u4e1a\u91cc\u4e3b\u8981\u53d7\u5173\u6ce8\u7684\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u5e76\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u6210\u4e3a\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u516c\u5171\u536b\u751f\u95ee\u9898\u3002\u7686\u56e0A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u6bd2\u5728\u5168\u7403\u66b4\u53d1\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u539f\u56e0\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u98df\u7528\u53d7\u6c61\u67d3\u7684\u6c34\u548c\u98df\u7269\u800c\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u3002\u4e3b\u8981\u5bb9\u6613\u53d7A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u6bd2\u6c61\u67d3\u7684\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u98df\u7269\u5305\u62ec\uff1a\u8d1d\u7c7b\u3001\u7261\u86ce\u3001\u751f\u869d\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u6c99\u62c9\u3001\u852c\u83dc\u6c34\u679c\u7b49\u65b0\u9c9c\u519c\u4ea7\u54c1\u3002\u00a0\n**\u5065\u5eb7\u5c0f\u7f16\u63d0\u9192**\n\u00a0\n\n\u5927\u5bb6\u6ce8\u610f\uff01\u7279\u522b\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u716e\u719f\u7684\u6d77\u4ea7\uff0c\u5982\u8d1d\u7c7b\u3001\u751f\u869d\u7b49\u4e5f\u4f1a\u5e26\u6709A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u5927\u5bb6\u5728\u5403\u706b\u9505\u7684\u65f6\u5019\u5982\u679c\u6ca1\u6709\u628a\u6d77\u9c9c\u716e\u719f\uff0c\u53ea\u662f\u5c06\u5176\u6dae\u4e00\u4e0b\u5c31\u5403\uff0c\u662f\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u60a3\u4e0aA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u7684\u3002\u00a0\n\nA\u809d\u901a\u8fc7\u7caa\u53e3\u9014\u5f84\u4f20\u64ad\n\nA\u578b\u75c5\u6bd2\u6027\u809d\u708e\u53c8\u88ab\u79f0\u4e3aA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u3001\u7532\u809d\uff08Hepatitis A\uff09\uff0c\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u7531A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u6bd2\uff08\u82f1\u6587\u7b80\u79f0\u4e3aHAV\uff09\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\uff0c\u4ee5\u809d\u810f\u708e\u75c7\u75c5\u53d8\u4e3a\u4e3b\u8981\u8868\u73b0\u7684\u4f20\u67d3\u6027\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u4e25\u91cd\u65f6\u53ef\u53d1\u5c55\u4e3a\u6025\u6027\u809d\u708e\u3002\u00a0\n\nA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u4f20\u64ad\u65b9\u5f0f\u4e3a\u201c\u7caa\u2014\u53e3\u4f20\u64ad\u201d\u3002\u800c\u6211\u4eec\u5f80\u5f80\u4f1a\u5728\u5916\u7684\u9910\u9986\u7528\u9910\u65f6\u53d7\u5230\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u9910\u9986\u7684\u98df\u54c1\u4ecd\u7136\u662fA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u7684\u5e38\u89c1\u6765\u6e90\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd9\u4e0d\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u98df\u7269\u6765\u81ea\u9910\u9986\uff0c\u800c\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u9910\u9986\u5458\u5de5\u6216\u51c6\u5907\u98df\u7269\u7684\u4eba\u611f\u67d3\u4e86A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\u8fd9\u610f\u5473\u7740\u75c5\u6bd2\u662f\u901a\u8fc7\u88ab\u611f\u67d3\u8005\u6c61\u67d3\u7684\u98df\u7269\u6216\u6c34\u4f20\u64ad\u7684\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u611f\u67d3\u8005\u53ef\u80fd\u5728\u53bb\u6d17\u624b\u95f4\u540e\uff0c\u672a\u6d17\u624b\u5c31\u5904\u7406\u4e86\u98df\u7269\u6216\u6c34\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u4ee4\u4eba\u4e0d\u5b89\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u53d7\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u4eba\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u81ea\u5df1\u672a\u51fa\u73b0\u4efb\u4f55\u75c7\u72b6\u524d\u4e24\u4e2a\u661f\u671f\u4f20\u64ad\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u8fd9\u610f\u5473\u7740\u901a\u5e38\u5728\u4ed6\u4eec\u610f\u8bc6\u5230\u81ea\u5df1\u88ab\u611f\u67d3\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u5df2\u628a\u75c5\u6bd2\u4f20\u64ad\uff01\u9910\u9986\u7684\u5927\u53a8\u3001\u4e8c\u53a8\u3001\u53a8\u623f\u5b66\u5f92\u548c\u5176\u4ed6\u5458\u5de5\u5f88\u5bb9\u6613\u901a\u8fc7\u5904\u7406\u7684\u98df\u6750\u548c\u996e\u6599\u3001\u4f7f\u7528\u7684\u7897\u789f\u3001\u676f\u5b50\u548c\u5668\u76bf\u4f20\u64ad\u75c5\u6bd2\u7ed9\u98df\u5ba2\u3002\u00a0\n**\u533b\u751f\u5c0f\u63d0\u9192**\u00a0\n\nDr. Harpreet Kaur\u8bf4\uff0c\u4e25\u683c\u7684\u624b\u90e8\u536b\u751f\u662f\u9632\u6b62\u8fd9\u4e9b\u75c5\u6bd2\u4f20\u64ad\u7684\u5173\u952e\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u5728\u4e0a\u5395\u6240\u540e\u8981\u5f7b\u5e95\u6d17\u624b\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u5728\u5904\u7406\u98df\u7269\u65f6\u6234\u4e0a\u624b\u5957\u7b49\u3002\u5bf9\u4e8e\u9910\u5385\u7684\u98df\u5ba2\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u4fdd\u6301\u826f\u597d\u7684\u536b\u751f\u4e60\u60ef\u4e5f\u5f88\u91cd\u8981\u3002\u4e3a\u4e86\u4fdd\u62a4\u81ea\u5df1\u514d\u4e8e\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u5728\u9910\u9986\u7528\u9910\u4e5f\u8981\u517b\u6210\u996d\u524d\u548c\u4e0a\u5395\u6240\u540e\u6d17\u624b\u7684\u826f\u597d\u536b\u751f\u4e60\u60ef\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5e38\u89c1\u7684A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u75c7\u5305\u62ec: \u00a0\n\nA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u7684\u4e00\u822c\u75c5\u6bd2\u6f5c\u4f0f\u671f\u4e3a15\u81f350\u5929\uff0c\u5e73\u5747\u4e3a28\u5929\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u53d1\u70e7\n\n\n\u98df\u6b32\u4e0d\u632f \u00a0\n\n\n\u6076\u5fc3 \u00a0\n\n\n\u5455\u5410 \u00a0\n\n\n\u8179\u6cfb\u00a0\n\n\n\u5168\u8eab\u4e0d\u9002\u00a0\n\n\n\u9ec4\u75b8\uff08\u76ae\u80a4\u548c\u773c\u767d\u53d1\u9ec4)\u00a0\n\n\n\u6df1\u8272\u5c3f\u6db2\u6216\u6d45\u8272\u5927\u4fbf\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\u8179\u75db\u548c\u8170\u75db\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u8fc7\uff0c\u4e00\u65e6\u611f\u67d3\u8fc7A\u578b\u809d\u708e\uff0c\u60a3\u8005\u5373\u4f1a\u7ec8\u751f\u514d\u75ab\u3002\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4e0d\u836f\u53ef\u6108\u4f46\u4e0d\u53ef\u8f7b\u89c6 \u00a0\n\nA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u6ca1\u6709\u7279\u5b9a\u7684\u6cbb\u7597\u65b9\u6cd5\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u91c7\u53d6\u652f\u63f4\u6027\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u6cbb\u7597\u63aa\u65bd\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u7f13\u89e3\u75c7\u72b6\u3001\u6539\u5584\u75c5\u60c5\u3002A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u81ea\u9650\u6027\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u5176\u75c7\u72b6\u53ef\u6301\u7eed\u957f\u8fbe\u6570\u5468\u6216\u6570\u6708\uff0c\u611f\u67d3\u540e\u75c7\u72b6\u6d88\u5931\u7684\u8fc7\u7a0b\u53ef\u80fd\u5f88\u7f13\u6162\uff0c\u4f46\u4e4b\u540e\u60a3\u8005\u4fbf\u80fd\u5b8c\u5168\u5eb7\u590d\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u5728\u9910\u9986\u3001\u6742\u8d27\u5e97\u548c\u8d85\u5e02\u5de5\u4f5c\u7684\u4eba\u88ab\u8bca\u65ad\u60a3\u6709A\u578b\u809d\u708e\uff0c\u5728\u51fa\u73b0\u75c7\u72b6\u540e\uff0c\u5e94\u7981\u6b62\u5de5\u4f5c\u81f3\u5c11\u4e24\u661f\u671f\u3002\u5982\u679c\u6709\u9ec4\u75b8\u7684\u75c7\u72b6\u8868\u73b0\uff0c\u5219\u5728\u9ec4\u75b8\u53d1\u4f5c\u540e\u81f3\u5c11\u4e00\u661f\u671f\u7981\u6b62\u91cd\u8fd4\u5de5\u4f5c\u5c97\u4f4d\u3002\u4e00\u65e6\u611f\u67d3\u904eA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u540e\u5eb7\u590d\uff0c\u5c31\u4e0d\u4f1a\u518d\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u5373\u4f1a\u7ec8\u751f\u514d\u75ab\uff0c\u4e26\u4e14\u4e0d\u518d\u4e3a\u75c5\u6bd2\u5e26\u539f\u8005\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u90a3\u4e48\uff0c\u5982\u4f55\u9884\u9632A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u5462\uff1f\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n1. \u6ce8\u5c04A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75ab\u82d7 \u00a0\n\nA\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75ab\u82d7\u662f\u9884\u9632\u7684\u9996\u9009\u3002A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75ab\u82d7\u53ef\u4f5c\u4e3a\u706d\u6d3b\u5355\u6297\u539f\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u6216\u4e0eB\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75ab\u82d7\u8054\u5408\u4f7f\u7528\u3002\u8fd9\u7c7b\u75ab\u82d7\u4e0d\u4f1a\u5f15\u8d77\u4efb\u4f55\u4e25\u91cd\u4e0d\u826f\u53cd\u5e94\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u4e3a\u81ea\u5df1\u548c\u5bb6\u4eba\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u7684\u597d\u5904\u7edd\u5bf9\u5927\u4e8e\u4efb\u4f55\u574f\u5904\u3002\u6700\u597d\u7684\u65b9\u6cd5\uff0c\u5c31\u662f\u54a8\u8be2\u533b\u751f\u5173\u4e8e\u6ce8\u5c04\u75ab\u82d7\u7684\u8d44\u8baf\u548c\u9009\u9879\u3002\u00a0\n2. \u4fdd\u6301\u73af\u5883\u536b\u751f \u00a0\n\n\u6839\u636e\u4e16\u754c\u536b\u751f\u7ec4\u7ec7\uff08WHO\uff09\u7684\u8bf4\u6cd5\uff0c\u9884\u9632A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u6700\u6709\u6548\u65b9\u6cd5\u662f\u6539\u5584\u536b\u751f\u6761\u4ef6\u3001\u7ec3\u4e60\u6b63\u786e\u7684\u6d17\u624b\u4e60\u60ef\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. \u907f\u514d\u63a5\u89e6\u4f20\u64ad\u9014\u5f84 \u00a0\n\n\u786e\u4fdd\u4ee5\u6e05\u6d01\u536b\u751f\u7684\u65b9\u5f0f\u5904\u7406\u98df\u7269\uff0c\u540c\u65f6\u907f\u514d\u4e0e\u4ed6\u4eba\u5206\u4eab\u98df\u7269\u3001\u5171\u7528\u540c\u4e00\u9910\u5177\u6216\u5171\u996e\u996e\u6599\u3001\u907f\u514d\u5403\u751f\u7684\u6216\u672a\u716e\u719f\u7684\u6d77\u9c9c\u8d1d\u7c7b\u3002\u65c5\u884c\u65f6\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u5728\u536b\u751f\u6761\u4ef6\u5dee\u7684\u5730\u65b9\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u559d\u74f6\u88c5\u6c34\uff0c\u907f\u514d\u98df\u7528\u53ef\u80fd\u7528\u53d7\u6c61\u67d3\u7684\u6c34\u5236\u6210\u98df\u7269\u3002\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. \u6ce8\u5c04A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u514d\u75ab\u7403\u86cb\u767d \u00a0\n\n\u6ce8\u5c04\u4e00\u79cd\u542b\u6709\u6297A\u578b\u809d\u708e\u75c5\u6bd2\u6297\u4f53\u7684\u836f\u7269\u3002\u8be5\u7c7b\u836f\u7269\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u63a5\u89e6\u75c5\u6bd2\u540e\u7684\u4e24\u4e2a\u661f\u671f\u5185\u670d\u7528\uff0c\u6709\u6548\u6027\u7ea6\u4e3a85%\uff0c\u4f46\u5176\u6548\u679c\u662f\u6682\u65f6\u7684\uff0c\u53ef\u6301\u7eed\u7ef4\u63013\u4e2a\u6708\u3002\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harpreet Kaur A/P Harnam Singh\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\n\n\u00a0\nMBBS (IMU), MRCP (UK), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n \n \u00a0 \n \n \n \n\n\nPDF and Online Articles: \n\n\n \n \n\u00a0\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\u8b66\u60d5\u75c5\u4ece\u53e3\u5165\uff01\u8fd9\u4e9b\u98df\u54c1\u53ef\u80fd\u542bA\u809d\u75c5\u6bd2 - \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \u00a0 \n \n \n \n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hepatitis-b-sayangi-hati-anda-press-clipping", "title": "Hepatitis B - Sayangi hati anda [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nHepatitis B - Sayangi hati anda [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 15, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nRapi,\n\n15 November 2012\n\n\nRapi,\n\n15 November 2012\n\n\nRapi,\n\n15 November 2012\n\n\nRapi,\n\n15 November 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/herpes-serang-mulut-alat-sulit", "title": "Herpes Serang Mulut, Alat Sulit", "body": "\n\n\n\nHerpes Serang Mulut, Alat Sulit\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 25, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nMeskipun dikategorikan sebagai jangkitan yang tidak berbahaya, penghidap Herpes Virus Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1) dan Type 2 (HSV-2), perlu sentiasa berhati-hati dalam kehidupan seharian berikutan jangkitan virus itu kerana ia mudah menjangkiti orang lain serta terdapatnya risiko pengaktifan semula.\n\n\nHSV-1 dikenali sebagai herpes mulut dan menjangkiti bahagian mulut serta muka.\n\n\nHSV-2 pula dikenali sebagai herpes genital dan menjangkiti bahagian faraj, zakar, kerandut zakar, punggung dan dubur.\n\n\nPerunding Dermatologi Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr. Teeba, berkata HSV-1 adalah sejenis penyakit berjangkit yang disebarkan melalui perkongsian rembesan cecair mulut.\n\n\nKatanya, menyebabkan virus ini tersebar pada individu sihat melalui perkongsian peralatan makanan seperti sudu, penyedut minum atau cawan.\n\n\nSelain itu, ia juga boleh tersebar melalui aktiviti yang membabitkan perkongsian cecair mulut termasuk ciuman.\n\n\n\"Jika penghidap mengamalkan seks oral, ia juga boleh tersebar pada bahagian genital.\n\n\n\"Selepas dijangkiti, virus ini akan tinggal kekal di dalam saraf ganglia individu dan jangkitan semula (pengaktifan semula virus) boleh berlaku walaupun individu tersebut sudah sembuh.\n\n\n\"Risiko jangkitan adalah tinggi jika virus itu sedang aktif atau penghidap sedang sakit,\" katanya.\n\n\nSimptom penyakit\n\n\nDr. Teeba berkata, simptom bagi HSV-1 pada lapisan mukosa dalam mulut menyebabkan rekahan kulit (ulser) yang sakit.\n\n\nKatanya, bagi jangkitan di bahagian luar mulut seperti bibir, penghidap akan mengalami ruam atau kudis berisi air yang kemudiannya akan pecah dan menjadi luka.\n\n\n\"Pada tahap ini, penghidap akan berasa sangat sakit hingga tidak boleh menelan atau mengunyah,\" katanya.\n\n\nBagi HSV-2, penghidap akan berasa gatal atau sakit di kawasan terbabit diikuti ruam yang mula timbul menyebabkan sakit semasa kencing (sekiranya pada zakar).\n\n\nSelain itu, ruam juga boleh menyebabkan lelehan cecair atau berdarah.\n\n\n\"Simptom lain yang mungkin dialami seseorang individu yang dijangkiti virus ini ialah demam, lemah badan dan bengkak kelenjar leher,\" katanya.\n\n\nRawatan mengelak jangkitan\n\n\nDr. Teeba berkata, bagi mengelakkan jangkitan daripada menjadi teruk dan untuk mengurangkan komplikasi, penghidap perlu mendapatkan rawatan segera atau sekurang-kurangnya dalam tempoh 48 jam.\n\n\nKatanya, walaupun tiada ubat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit itu, namun ubatan antivirus oral seperti acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir) dan valacyclovir (Valtrex), boleh membantu menyembuhkan ruam kulit dan mengurangkan jangkitan ulangan.\n\n\n\"Bagaimanapun, bagi kes yang tidak teruk atau jika tahap imuniti penghidap itu kuat, jangkitan ini mampu sembuh sendiri tanpa sebarang ubat,\" katanya.\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nTempoh pulih daripada penyakit itu antara tujuh sehingga 14 hari.\n\n\nBagi penghidap HSV-2 yang mengalami ulser pada bahagian genital, mereka akan diberikan ubat antibiotik untuk mengelakkan jangkitan bakteria (secondary bacterial infection).\n\n\nMereka juga boleh membuat rawatan di rumah dengan merendam bahagian yang mengalami ruam dan ulser di dalam besen yang diisi air dan garam selama 10 minit untuk mengeringkan dengan lebih cepat tempat terkena penyakit itu.\n\n\n\"Pesakit HSV-2 yang mengalami jangkitan bakteria perlu mendapatkan rawatan di hospital. Ini adalah kerana apabila berlaku jangkitan kuman bakteria, luka akan lambat sembuh, bengkak serta penghidap mungkin memerlukan 'dressing' pada alat sulit,\" katanya.\n\n\nJangkitan berulang\n\n\nDr. Teeba berkata, jika penghidap terutama yang imuniti rendah mendapat jangkitan berulang, mereka akan mengalami komplikasi serius seperti radang hati (hepatitis), masalah saraf (terutama di bahagian lapisan otak dan saraf tunjang) dan masalah respiratori.\n\n\nAntara faktor menyebabkan jangkitan berulang ialah tekanan, menstruasi (perubahan hormon), pendedahan cahaya matahari dan penyakit seperti penyakit seperti kencing manis, kanser, dan HIV.\n\n\n\"Bagaimanapun, punca jangkitan berulang kadangkala tidak dapat dikenali pasti manakala kekerapan berlaku jangkitan berulang adalah bergantung kepada individu.\n\n\n\"Sesetengah penghidap mengalami pengaktifan jangkitan kerap; lebih enam kali dalam setahun dan ada yang mengalaminya hanya sekali seumur hidup,\" katanya.\n\n\nPencegahan kawal penyakit\n\n\nBeliau berkata, bagi penghidap yang mendapat semula penyakit itu lebih enam kali setahun, mereka akan disyorkan ubat antivirus berterusan untuk jangka masa panjang (prophylactic antibiotics).\n\n\n\"Namun, sebagai permulaan mereka akan mengambil ubat antivirus ini untuk tempoh setahun dan kemudiannya menjalani pemeriksaan untuk menentukan sama ada perlu menyambung ubat atau sebaliknya,\" katanya.\n\n\nOleh kerana HSV-1 disebarkan melalui perkongsian rembesan cecair mulut, jangkitan dapat dikurangkan dengan mengelakkan perkongsian peralatan makanan.\n\n\nPenghidap juga perlu mengelak daripada mencium sesiapa termasuk pasangannya.\n\n\n\"Bagi penghidap HSV-2, amalkan aktiviti seks selamat dengan menggunakan alat perlindungan (kondom) bagi mengelakkan jangkitan pada pasangan,\" katanya.\n\n\nBukan semua ulser disebabkan oleh virus penyakit herpes.\n\n\nTerdapat banyak faktor lain yang boleh enyebabkan ulser mulut seperti penyakit kaki tangan dan mulut (HFMD), penyakit inflammasi, penyakit autoimmune dan jangkitan kuman atau kanser mulut.\n\n\nInfo:\n\n\nHSV-1\n\n\nDikenali herpes mulut\n\n\nMenyebabkan luka, lepuh di sekitar oral, mulut, bibir, gusi dan lidah\n\n\nHSV-2\n\n\nDikenali herpes kelamin\n\n\nMenyebabkan luka, lepuh di sekitar alat sulit\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Teeba A/P Raja\n\n\nConsultant Dermatologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMRCP (UK), Advanced Master of Dermatology(UKM), Fellowship\n\nin Dermatology(UKM), SCE Dermatology (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHerpes Serang Mulut, Alat Sulit \u2013 Berita Harian Online, 19 December 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian Online, 19 December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDermatology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hfdm-penyakit-berulang", "title": "HFDM Penyakit Berulang", "body": "\n\n\n\nHFDM Penyakit Berulang\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 01, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nKES demi kes dilaporkan bayi dan kanak-kanak menjadi sasaran wabak Tangan, Kaki dan Mulut (HFMD) yang kembali mengancam kesihatan golongan itu selepas hampir dua tahun penyakit itu seolah-olah 'bebas' daripada penularan sepanjang pandemik.\n\n\nKesan jangka panjang HFDM ialah pesakit boleh mendapat komplikasi perkembangan lambat atau sawan serta keadaan yang semakin merosot.\n\n\nMengulas lanjut, Pakar Perunding Pediatrik dan Kardiologi Pediatrik Columbia Asia Hospital - Setapak, Dr Jasvinder Kaur menjelaskan lazimnya pesakit HFMD majoritinya kanak-kanak hanya mendapat gejala ringan.\n\n\nAntara gejala itu termasuk demam, sakit tekak, ulser dalam mulut dan tekak serta ruam dan lepuh di kaki, tangan serta mulut.\n\n\nLebih parah, Dr Jasvinder memaklumkan komplikasi ensefalitis akan menyebabkan tahap kesedaran pesakit berkurangan dan boleh mengalami sawan.\n\n\n\"Bagi pesakit yang mengalami miokarditis, rentak jantung mereka akan menjadi tidak stabil, sama ada terlalu rendah atau tinggi, yang menjejaskan fungsi jantung serta menyebabkan komplikasi lain seperti air di keliling jantung atau jangkitan kuman dalam jantung.\n\n\n\"Pesakit memerlukan rawatan intensif dan pada kebanyakan masa, mereka memerlukan ubat-ubatan untuk menaikkan tekanan darah supaya tekanan itu lebih stabil dan mengawal keradangan selaput jantung,\" katanya.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nGolongan berisiko tinggi\n\n\nDr Jasvinder menjelaskan risiko lain adalah dehidrasi yang kerap berlaku apabila kanak-kanak dijangkiti HFMD tidak boleh makan atau minum kerana terdapat berpuluh ulser di dalam mulut, sekali gus perlu dimasukkan ke wad untuk dimasukkan air ke dalam badan.\n\n\nPesakit HFMD tertentu, khususnya kanak-kanak yang memiliki komorbiditi atau terdiri daripada golongan berisiko tinggi, terdedah pada komplikasi yang lebih serius.\n\n\n\"Kadang-kala, virus yang menyebabkan jangkitan HFMD boleh menyerang otak kanak-kanak dan menyebabkan ensefalitis, iaitu radang otak.\n\n\n\"Virus HFMD ini juga berisiko menyebabkan miokarditis pada pesakit, iaitu radang otot jantung.\n\n\n\"Sekiranya komplikasi ini berlaku pada pesakit yang kebanyakannya kanak-kanak, ia akan memudaratkan keadaan mereka. Namun, kedua-dua komplikasi ini jarang berlaku,\" katanya.\n\n\nPenyakit boleh berulang\n\n\nBeliau berkata, wabak ini boleh berlaku disebabkan beberapa jenis virus, namun lazimnya jangkitan di Malaysia disebabkan oleh dua virus utama iaitu Coxsackie A16 (CA16), Coksackie A6 (CA6) dan Enterovirus 71 (EV71).\n\n\nEV71 disahkan sebagai punca 29 kes kematian pesakit HFMD di Sarawak pada 1997.\n\n\nSehubungan itu, beliau menggesa ibu bapa lebih peka dengan risiko jangkitan HFMD memandangkan virus itu boleh menjangkiti pesakit berulang kali, khususnya dalam kalangan kanak-kanak berusia lima tahun ke bawah.\n\n\nTegasnya, ibu bapa perlu patuh dengan arahan kuarantin sekiranya anak mereka disahkan menghidap HFMD, dengan tempoh kuarantin kebiasaan yang diberikan adalah selama tujuh hari.\n\n\n\"Lebih penting, walaupun tempoh kuarantin selama tujuh hari sudah berakhir, virus yang menyebabkan HFMD masih boleh berjangkit untuk beberapa minggu hingga sebulan, walaupun ia bertukar lemah.\n\n\n\"Ini bermakna kanak-kanak yang dijangkiti HFMD selepas tujuh hari masih berisiko menyebarkannya kepada kanak-kanak lain dan ini antara punca banyak kes HFMD direkodkan setiap hari di hospital ketika ini,\" katanya.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nJaga kebersihan persekitaran\n\n\nDr Jasvinder menggesa ibu bapa sentiasa menjaga kebersihan dengan kerap mencuci tangan dan menukar baju sebaik pulang dari tempat kerja, memandangkan orang dewasa berisiko menjadi pembawa virus itu dan menyebarkannya anak-anak.\n\n\n\"KKM boleh memperbaiki prosedur operasi standard (SOP) jangkitan HFMD dengan segera mengarahkan penutupan operasi Taska dan Tadika jika terdapat satu kes HFMD yang disahkan, selain premis dibersihkan dengan teliti dan kerap,\" katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Jasvinder Kaur Nagindar Singh\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician and Pediatric Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (West Indies), MRCPCH (UK), Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology (Canada)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHFDM Penyakit Berulang \u2013 Berita Harian Online, 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian Online, 13 Jun 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hfmd-disease-spreads-wildfire", "title": "HFMD: The Disease that Spreads Like Wildfire", "body": "\n\n\n\nHFMD: The Disease that Spreads Like Wildfire\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 18, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nParents, be cautious about Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (HFMD) because it is a highly infectious disease and spreads very easily from one person to another. The disease is transmitted too easily by direct contact with the infected person\u2019s nasal discharge, saliva, feces or fluid from the person\u2019s rash.\n\n\nIt can also spread through indirect contact with contaminated toys, towels or eating utensils used by the infected individual. \u201cIf I were to rate the extent of its infectiousness, I would say it is a nine over 10,\u201d says Consultant Pediatrician from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak, Dr Margaret Kannimmel.\n\n\nA self-resolving disease\n\n\n\u201cAlthough it is highly contagious, HFMD very rarely causes death,\u201d assures Dr Margaret. \u201cThis disease is a mild infection that self-resolves within five to seven days without treatment.\n\n\n\u201cHowever, having said that, rare complications as a result of HFMD such as meningitis, encephalitis (brain-swelling) and myocarditis (swelling of the heart muscle), can cause death.\u201d\n\n\nAre HFMD and FMD the same?\n\n\nThis disease was first reported in New Zealand in 1957. It is caused by Enteroviruses, the most common being the COXSACKIE Virus A16 and then the Enterovirus 71.\n\n\nIt is vital to note that HFMD is not the same as Foot & Mouth disease (FMD). The latter affects animals like cattle and sheep. The HFMD that happens in humans cannot be transmitted to animals. Likewise, FMD in animals cannot be transmitted to humans.\n\n\nMore children than adults\n\n\nHFMD commonly affects children under five, but it can also affect older children and adults too. However, in the latter group, symptoms are less severe. In fact, even though adults may be carrying the HFMD virus, they are asymptomatic.\n\n\nThe reason why HFMD happens more in children than adults is because of their tendency to put their hands in their mouths. Most likely, they also do not wash their hands as often as adults. Children also have lower immunity compared to adults. As for the risk profile of children who are most likely to be infected with HFMD, Dr Margaret says, \u201cAny child is at risk, but those who are immunocompromised are likely to have more severe HFMD.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cEven if it is just one case at a nursery or daycare centre, the infected child should be quarantined at home, and a sanitization exercise of the nursery premises must be carried out to prevent other children from getting infected.\u201d\n\n\nThe unpleasantries\n\n\nRegarding symptoms of HFMD, Dr Margaret explains, \u201cCommonly, the child who is infected may first develop fever and feel unwell. The mouth ulcers and rash may appear within two to five days later. The rash commonly affects the palms and soles but can also appear on the limbs and buttocks. Occasionally, HFMD may also be accompanied by flu and a loss of appetite.\u201d\n\n\nAs for pain in HFMD, she says, \u201cPain can be caused by ulcers in the mouth causing poor oral intake leading to dehydration. Skin lesions on palms and soles can be itchy and painful at the same time.\u201d\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nSteps to take\n\n\nTo summarize, Dr Margaret advises keeping children healthy with adequate fluids and nutritious food. \u201cThat is important,\u201d she stresses and adds, \u201cAlways practice good hygiene such as washing hands with soap and water. Avoid sharing food or drinks, and eating utensils and towels with others.\n\n\n\u201cIf there is more than one child at home and one of them contracts HFMD, separate the infected child as far away as possible and do not share food or toys. Where possible, stay in a separate room or send the uninfected children to a relative\u2019s home. Disinfect surfaces and practice good hand hygiene. Look out for symptoms in other children who are not infected yet.\u201d\n\n\nIf you suspect your child has HFMD:\n\n\nSee a doctor to confirm the diagnosis especially if your child is unable to take anything orally or if he or she is vomiting. Admission to the hospital may be necessary to prevent dehydration.\n\n\nMake sure your child is well-hydrated and getting lots of rest.\n\n\nOffer a soft diet like soups or soft bread, as well as cold foods such as ice cream, jelly or pudding.\n\n\nKeep your child away from the nursery, schools, daycare centres and public places.\n\n\nInform the school or daycare centre in case other children are also infected.\n\n\nKeep your child at home till all lesions have dried-up and your child has recovered. This may take five to seven days.\n\n\nKeep your child\u2019s toys, books, eating utensils, towels and clothes separate from others.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel A/P Benson Fernando\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMD (UKM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHFMD: The disease that spreads like wildfire - BabyTalk\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in BabyTalk.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hockey-and-safety-bfm-podcast", "title": "Hockey and Safety [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nHockey and Safety [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 13, 2016\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nThe Sultan Azlan Shah Cup hockey tournament just ended on April 16th with Australia beating India to lift the title. Malaysia narrowly lost the third placing match to New Zealand in a 5-4 shootout. There are several forms and variations to the game, but they share one thing in common \u2013 manoeuvring a ball or puck into the opponent's goal with a hockey stick. To find out more about the game from a medical lens, we have Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/house-pain-relief-press-clipping", "title": "House of Pain Relief [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nHouse of Pain Relief [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 01, 2013\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nMens Health,\n\nFebruary 2013\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-ease-eczema-itch-dermatologist-way", "title": "How to Ease that Eczema Itch the Dermatologist Way", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow to Ease that Eczema Itch the Dermatologist Way\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 03, 2020\n \n\nFor people suffering from eczema, the constant itch that they experience can put a damper on their daily lives. A common skin condition, eczema presents a set of different symptoms from skin redness and dryness to itchiness. However, the intense itch is the most burdensome of them all.\n\nWhile eczema is a common skin condition and there are many treatments available, it is not an easy skin problem to rectify. Most of the time, those with eczema do not know what causes it or triggers it. This makes finding the right treatment a complicated process even though symptoms may be similar.\n\nDr. Low Dyoi-E, Consultant Dermatologist at Pantai Hospital Cheras explains that eczema can affect anyone \u2013 infants, children, as well adults and seems to be more common in certain families. \"Most people with eczema develop their first symptoms as children, before the age of five \u2013 intense itching of the skin, patches of redness, and skin flaking are common,\" says Dr Low.\n\nHe adds that symptoms also vary from one person to another and can appear in multiple areas. \u201cIn infants, there may be red, scaly, and crusted areas on the front of the arms and legs, cheeks or scalp; in children and adults, eczema commonly affects the back of the neck, the elbow creases and the back parts of the knees. Other affected areas may include the face, wrists, and the forearms. Skin may thicken and darken or even scarred, from repeated scratching. Other findings in people with eczema include dry scaly skin, plugged hair follicles causing small bumps, increased skin creasing on the palms and darkening of the skin around the eyes.\u201d\n\nEczema can be somewhat a mystery as scientists and doctors have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of this skin condition. However, the National Eczema Association remarks that for most types of eczema, researchers believe a combination of genes and triggers are involved. It is also found that people with eczema tend to have an over-reactive immune system that when triggered by a substance outside or inside the body, responds by producing inflammation. It is this inflammation that causes the red, itchy, and painful skin symptoms that appear in most types of eczema.\n\nAccording to Dr. Tee Shwu Hoon, a Consultant Dermatologist at Columbia Asia Hospital - Puchong, there are different types of eczema such as atopic eczema, seborrheic eczema, contact eczema, nummular/discoid eczema, dyshidrotic eczema, statis eczema and asteatotic eczema. Each of them may be associated or caused by different health or environment conditions and also present different symptoms.\n\nThe National Eczema Association further states that it is possible to have more than one type of eczema on your body at the same time. As each form of eczema has its own set of triggers and treatment requirements, a dermatologist should be consulted instead of self-treating it with over-the-counter medication.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Different Types Of Eczema\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nAtopic eczema\n\n\nA chronic, itchy inflammatory skin disease that occurs most frequently in children but can also affect adults. It follows a relapsing course. It is often associated with elevated serum immunoglobulin (IgE) levels and a personal or family history of type I allergies, allergic rhinitis, and asthma.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nSeborrheic eczema\n\n\nUsually presents with itchy reddish or scaly patches affecting areas with a high density of sebaceous glands, such as the face (lateral sides of the nose and the nasolabial folds, eyebrows and glabella, retroauricular folds), and scalp. Less commonly involved are the chest, upper back, and axillae. Dandruff of the scalp is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nContact eczema\n\n\nAny skin lesions or inflammation arising from direct skin exposure to a substance such as chemicals, detergents, soaps. It may either be allergic or irritant-induced.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nNummular / discoid eczema\n\n\nA chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease characterized by multiple itchy, coin-shaped, inflamed lesions on any part of body.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDyshidrotic eczema\n\n\nAn intensely itchy, chronic, and recurrent skin condition of unknown cause that typically presents with vesicles (small blisters) on the palms and soles and sides of the fingers.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nStasis eczema\n\n\nA common inflammatory skin condition of the lower limbs occurring in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (poor blood circulation) on legs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nAsteatotic eczema\n\n\nUsually presents with itchy inflamed skin on lower limbs due to extreme skin dryness. Low environmental humidity (eg. cold and dry weather) and exposure to harsh detergents or irritants are the exacerbating factors.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nItchy Triggers\n\n\n\n\nMany things can trigger an eczema flare-up. These triggers are often due to changes in the environment or contact with a source of allergen. \"There are various studies which have identified triggers for eczema flare. This include house dust mites, cold or dry environments, excessive sweating, emotional stress or anxiety, exposure to certain chemicals or cleaning solutions, including soaps and detergents, perfumes and cosmetics, wool or synthetic fibres, sand, and cigarette smoke. By identifying and eliminating the trigger, this will help to prevent eczema flares,\" Dr. Low says.\n\nFor those who often have eczema flares at night, temperature is a main contributor. \"Body temperature tends to cool down at night and the change of the temperature can cause the skin to feel itchy. Similarly, when one switches on the air conditioner at night with temperature less than 25\u2070C, this will product a drying effect on the skin which will then trigger the itch,\u201d he explains.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt is interesting to note that many sufferers describe eczema as \u201cthe itch that rashes\" because it can be so incessant and never goes away. Many doctors may suggest patients to stop scratching the itch as it can make eczema worse. However, it is easier said than done as scratching provides instant relief.\n\n\"Eczema flares are frequently triggered by the \u201citch-scratch cycle.\u201d This is when itching leads to scratching, which results in the release of inflammatory mediators, leading to the development of eczema and more dry skin. Dry skin and eczema flares lead, in turn, to more itching\u2014 and so the cycle continues, \"The National Eczema Association says. \"Itch is a complicated symptom of eczema. Multiple nerve pathways and chemical mechanisms have been identified\u2014as well as other contributing factors, including a defective skin barrier, external triggers and human nature.\"\n\n\u00a0\n\nEczema Control\n\nCurrently, there is no definite cure for eczema. Does that mean sufferers will need to live with the itch forever? The good news is for some lucky folks, eczema goes away on its own over time. But for some, it is indeed a lifelong burden to bear. Fortunately, there are ways to remedy the itch and effectively treat eczema symptoms to reduce frequent scratching.\n\n\"There is no one-size-fits-all eczema treatment. In order to find an eczema treatment that is suitable just for you, it\u2019s best to consult a dermatologist. By proper history taking, and sometimes performing special tests like skin prick or patch test, a dermatologist might be able to help identify the triggering factors for your eczema and design a specific treatment plan for you, \" Dr. Low advises.\n\nTreatments are usually targeted at healing affected skin and preventing flares. They also vary according to the causes and types of eczema.\n\n\"For example, contact eczema which is due to irritation or allergy requires avoidance of the causative agents that cause the eczema while infected eczema requires treatment with antimicrobial or antifungal therapy to address the skin infections. Additionally, eczema secondary to any underlying medical conditions requires optimization of the patient\u2019s medical conditions,\" Dr. Tee explains.\n\nDr. Tee reminds patients that a treatment that works for someone they know may not always work for them. \u201cThe most important thing to remember is that eczema and its symptoms are different for everyone. Patients should find an eczema treatment that is suited for them by looking at signs of improvement of symptoms such as relief in itchiness, resolution of skin inflammation, reduction in frequency of flares, improvement in quality of life as well as sleep. Apart from this, they should also be able to cope with the burden of treatment they have chosen, including time spent on treatment, cost of medications, and frequency of health provider visits.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDepending on the severity of a person's eczema, several types of medications may be prescribed. Doctors usually recommend the least invasive ones first like topical application to see how a patient's skin responds. \"Medication can include topical steroids, topical tacrolimus/pimecrolimus which are useful in sensitive areas such as the face and groin as well as oral steroids and oral antihistamines,\" says Dr. Low.\n\n\"For people with severe eczema who do not improve with other treatments, immunosuppressive drugs are sometimes recommended. However, these drugs weaken the immune system and can cause serious side effects, including an increased risk for infection.\n\nOther treatments like phototherapy or injectable medications such as Dupilumab are reserved for those with moderate to severe eczema that has not responded to other treatments.\"\n\n\n\n\n\nOther unique cases of eczema also require a different approach. Dr. Low gives an example: \"Another special scenario would be stasis eczema, which is usually caused by water retention over the gravity-dependent area. Thus, simple leg elevations while sleeping at night can actually help to relieve the symptoms, on top of using topical moisturizers and steroidal cream.\"\n\nCurrently, due to Covid-19, there is an increase of face masks usage which leads to a surge in facial eczema occurring below the eyes or around the mouth areas. According to Dr. Low, topical steroids sometimes worsen the condition in these cases; therefore topical tacrolimus/pimecrolimus should be used instead.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHome Remedies\n\n\n\n\nFor Dr. Low, he believes that home remedies can also help to keep the itch under control. He recommends several methods that people with eczema can do easily at home: \"Always keep your skin hydrated with moisturizers. I always tell my patient there is no limit of doing that. There are many good moisturizer brands out there, either cream or ointment form; just choose the ones that suit you best. Also take lukewarm baths or showers to hydrate and cool the skin. This temporarily relieves itching.\n\nAn unscented, mild soap or non-soap cleanser should be used sparingly. After bathing or showering, immediately apply moisturizer to prevent your skin from drying out as a result of water evaporation. Hot or long baths (more than 10 to 15 minutes) and showers should be avoided since they can dry out the skin.\"\n\nHe also advises patients to avoid scratching by applying anti-itch cream containing steroids or menthol which will help to relieve the itching sensation.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nAnother way is to put a cool compress to the itching skin. \"In this method, soak a clean towel in cool water, wring it till damp and then immediately apply the cool towel to the itchy skin, leave it as long as the cooling effect is still there, followed by moisturizer application.\"\n\nDr. Tee also recommends some of her go-to eczema home remedies that are simple to implement daily: \u201cWear soft, breathable clothing and pat the itchy skin rather than scratching. You can also use wet dressings (wet wraps) to help soothe the skin. It\u2019s best to avoid sitting on grass, rough carpet or dirty areas as there may be allergens.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tee Shwu Hoon\n\n\nConsultant Dermatologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nMBBS (IMU), Advanced Master in Dermatology (UKM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow to Ease that Eczema Itch the Dermatologist Way \u2013 Natural Health, Vol. 116, October 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, Vol. 116, October 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDermatology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-fasting-benefits-your-health", "title": "How Fasting Benefits Your Health", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow Fasting Benefits Your Health\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 17, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.onnit.com\n\nFasting does so much more than just reducing your weight. Dr. Bishnu Charan Pattnaik, Consultant Physician at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak chips in on how abstaining from eat can enhance your overall health.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow Fasting Benefits Your Health \u2013 Her World, Issue May 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-have-safe-pregnancy", "title": "How To Have A Safe Pregnancy", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow To Have A Safe Pregnancy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 19, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nA positive pregnancy test would surely bring a smile to any couple. I remember when my pregnancy test strip came out positive. I was over the clouds! So, what do you do after finding out you are pregnant? Here is where your pregnancy journey begins.\n\n\nEvery pregnancy is precious and indeed, there is nothing more desirable for an expecting couple other than to have a safe pregnancy journey. The journey into parenthood starts even before the pregnancy itself. A well-planned pregnancy is the stepping-stone towards a blissful parenthood phase.\n\n\nThose with pre-existing medical conditions are advised to \nconsult their Obstetrician \nabout their medication intake to make sure that the drugs are safe to use even during pregnancy. Counseling for expecting couples is also essential to outline and design a pregnancy plan including managing individual risk assessments.\n\n\nNumber one step is to scan\n\n\nDo get a scan to confirm the pregnancy. The location of the pregnancy is important. Pregnancy outside the womb is life-threatening and if diagnosed late, may be catastrophic. An early scan can also ascertain your expected delivery date.\n\n\nApart from an early viability scan as above there are some specialized scans that you may benefit from. Nuchal translucencies scan and detailed fetal anomaly scans (detail scan) performed by an accredited Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist is extremely important, to ascertain if there are any issues, risks or abnormalities concerning your baby.\n\n\nA nuchal translucency scan (NT scan) is ideally done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. It focuses on the fluid space behind the baby\u2019s neck. Measurements taken can be used to screen for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome. Early detection of pre\u2013eclampsia (severe complication of high blood pressure) can also be screened as well.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nSome scans can wait\n\n\nOn the other hand, a detailed scan by an accredited Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist is best done around 18 to 26 weeks. In some cases, that can be even later. These scans will screen the developing baby from head to toe for birth defects. Parents will feel relieved when findings are normal.\n\n\nHowever, if abnormalities are detected, further diagnostic tests may help, such as amniocentesis which is a safe procedure in which amniotic fluid is taken from the uterus for testing. This is crucial in managing the pregnancy.\n\n\nPrenatal genetic testing gives couples the opportunity to screen their unborn baby for genetic abnormality such as \nDown Syndrome\n. This test uses the mother\u2019s blood. It is best to consult your Obstetrician to see if this test is suitable for you. Unfortunately, those who are at high risk for genetic abnormality or with an abnormal NT scan/detail scan will require a diagnostic test such as amniocentesis instead.\n\n\nYou may also get a 3D or 4D scan to get a sneak preview of your baby in his or her own environment. 3D images are still images, while 4D captures the baby\u2019s movements in real time. This gives you an opportunity to bond with your unborn child!\n\n\n\u201cIs it necessary to find out if my child is abnormal?\u201d These are some of the questions thrown at me by some parents. The antenatal and delivery plan should be customized individually for these mothers and their babies. These could involve some other expertise if required. Hence, knowing is certainly better than to remain oblivious and always be in doubt.\n\n\nNo need to eat for two\n\n\nBeing Malaysian, food is an integral part of our diversity. Everything is celebrated with food. Our parents will advise us to eat more to cater for you and your baby. Eat for two, they would say! That statement is not actually true. Eating healthy is more important than how much you eat.\n\n\nAvoid caffeine, alcohol, raw meat or raw eggs. Instead, drink plenty of water; about eight to 12 cups a day. This will reduce constipation, prevent the risk of urinary tract infections and help to flush toxins from your body. Follow our Malaysia health plate \u2013 \n\u2018suku, suku, separuh\u2019 \n to keep track of your weight gain in pregnancy.\n\n\nA healthy lifestyle should be practiced throughout your pregnancy. Exercise is permissible unless you have certain conditions like chronic lung or heart diseases, a risk of preterm delivery such as twin pregnancy, a shortened cervix or bleeding in pregnancy.\n\n\nFor those wanting to exercise, try walking, stationary cycling, modified yoga, Pilates and swimming. These are safe exercise methods. Exercise helps reduce backaches, constipation, maintain a healthy weight as well as lung and heart capacity. Overall, it improves energy levels in pregnancy and gives positive vibes for expecting mothers!\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nDon't forget your supplements\n\n\nIron supplements are essential and there are many in the market. The elemental iron content may be different, so choose wisely after checking with your Obstetrician. Also make sure all supplements are approved by Malaysia\u2019s Ministry of Health.\n\n\nCovid-19 risks in pregnancy\n\n\nSomething that the pandemic taught us is that Covid-19 is never kind to a pregnant mother. But with the availability of Covid -19 vaccinations, we do see our pregnant mothers doing much better. Do get vaccinated! All vaccines including booster shots have been deemed suitable and safe for pregnant mothers.\n\n\nIt\u2019s always best to decide on the place of delivery earlier. This will you give you the chance to familiarize yourself with the environment. Choose an Obstetrician whom you are comfortable with. A good doctor-patient relationship is essential for optimized care. Keep an open mind for the mode of delivery. Things may change at the last minute. Remember that your safety and the safety of your baby is of utmost importance.\n\n\nChoose to breastfeed\n\n\nYour pregnancy journey will be more memorable if you choose to breastfeed your baby. The benefits are many, for both mother and baby. It provides ideal nutrition for your baby. Breastmilk contains natural antibodies and protects the baby against some bacterial and viral infections. As for you, breastfeeding lowers your risks of breast and ovarian cancer (and can help reduce your weight after delivery!).\n\n\nIn brief, a safe pregnancy journey starts with a planned pregnancy, a specifically tailored antenatal care and a trusted Obstetrician so you can sail through your antenatal phase and delivery.\n\n\nThere is only one pretty child in this world and every mother has it \u2013 A famous Chinese proverb.\n\n\nTo all soon-to-be or expecting moms out there, if you are looking for tips and guides on anything pregnancy related, our experts can help support you in your pregnancy journey. Make an appointment with our \nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Vijayaletchumi Thandayathany\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Maternal Fetal Medicine (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (India), MOG (UKM), Fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine (Malaysia & India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstretics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-lower-your-cholesterol", "title": "How To Lower Your Cholesterol", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow To Lower Your Cholesterol\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 24, 2021\n \n\n\nIs cholesterol Good or Bad?\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat is Cholesterol?\n\n\n\nCholesterol is found in our blood and is a type of fat (lipid). Cholesterol is needed by our bodies\u2019 cells. Our body produces all the cholesterol it needs (mainly in the liver) but it can also be obtained from the food that we eat. There are Bad cholesterol (LDL) and Good cholesterol (HDL)\n\nToo much of cholesterol causes a buildup in our arteries, which are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body. This causes a hardening in the arteries and is also known as atherosclerosis. The arteries involved will get narrow and this makes it difficult for blood to flow through it.\n\nCholesterol itself is not bad. It is needed for our bodies to function. However, too much of it is bad and can cause heart attacks and strokes (cardiovascular diseases).\n\nTrials have shown that if we reduce LDL-C (a type of \u201cbad cholesterol\u201d) by 1 mmol/L, cardiovascular death reduces by 22%.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhen to check for Cholesterol? \n\n\n\n\n\nThe Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines on Cholesterol recommends all persons more than 30 years old to be screened. These individuals should have a complete lipid (cholesterol) profile done. (Total Cholesterol (TC), Bad cholesterol (LDL-C) ,Good cholesterol (HDL-C) and Triglycerides (TG)).\n\nThe presence of other Cardiovascular risk factors (blood sugar), blood pressure (BP), weight, smoking status, physical inactivity, family history, should also be determined and the individual counselled appropriately.\n\nIndividuals who are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease should have a lipid profile earlier in life (> 18 years of age). This includes individuals with a family history of premature CVD, genetic dyslipidaemias, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus (DM) and abdominal obesity.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTips to reduce Cholesterol\n\n\n\n\n1. Exercise\n\nExercise can help to lower our LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides. Moderate exercise can help to raise our HDL (good) cholesterol. Do try to have 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic exercise. Suggested exercises are brisk walks, cycling, swimming, playing sports. In times of MCO when we are confined indoors, High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a good exercise regime which does not require much space, time or equipment. It is important to do an exercise you enjoy and look for a partner to join in. That will help keep you on track to exercise.\n2. Eat heart healthy foods\n\nReduce foods with \nsaturated fats\n. Red meat and dairy products are high in saturated fats. This will increase our total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. If we want to eat red meats, then choose leaner cuts of meat, low fat dairy and monounsaturated fats.\n\nWe should also reduce \ntrans fat\n. Trans fat reduces good cholesterol and increases bad cholesterol. Trans fat is found in fried foods and commercial products like frozen pizza, cookies, crackers and cakes. Read the labels on the packaging, \u201cpartially hydrogenated oil\u201d is also trans fat.\n\nTry to eat foods rich in \nomega 3 fatty acids\n. Although Omega 3 fatty acids do not have an effect on LDL (bad) cholesterol, they do increase HDL (good) cholesterol. However, there are studies that show that Omega 3 fatty acids do not have much effect on the rate of cardiovascular events.\n\nIncrease the intake of \nsoluble fibre\n like fruits, oats and oat bran, vegetables, beans and lentils. These help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. Research shows that people who eat 5g to 10g of oats saw a drop in their LDL.\n3. Quit smoking\n\nIf you smoke, do stop. This might increase your HDL (good) cholesterol. Quitting smoking is also very important to reduce your overall risk of heart disease. Within one year of stopping smoking, your risk is half of that of a smoker. After 15 years of stopping smoking, your risk is similar to someone who has not smoked before.\n4. Lose weight\n\nLosing weight is an important step for our general well being. Losing as little as 5% of your body weight would decrease LDL cholesterol levels. It also could result in a drop in blood pressure and sugar levels.\n\nTry to achieve Body Mass Index (BMI) <23 kg/m2 or at least 5-10% reduction in body weight over 1-2 years.\n\nDo look into your eating habits and daily exercise routine.\n5. Drink alcohol only in moderation\n\nIf you do drink alcohol, do drink in moderation. For healthy adults, this means not more than one drink a day for females of all ages and men older than 65, up to 2 drinks a day for men below 65 years old. Too much alcohol could lead to other serious problems like high blood pressure, heart failure and strokes.\n6. Do take your medications if prescribed\n\nIf you are taking medicines to lower your cholesterol, do take them regularly. Lowering cholesterol will lower your risk of cardiovascular diseases. We cannot cure cholesterol but we can manage it. Stopping medications will result in our cholesterol levels rising and therefore our risk of cardiovascular diseases rises as well.\n7. Do have regular checks with your doctor. \n\nCholesterol is not the only risk factor for cardiovascular disease. We should check for other risk factors as well and manage them too.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAnswers to common cholesterol questions\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. Do only fat people have high cholesterol? What about thin people?\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, while people who are overweight are more likely to have high cholesterol levels, thin and skinny people can have high cholesterol levels too. Regardless of weight, we should have our cholesterol checked regularly.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Can medication reduce cholesterol?\n\n\n\nYes. While not everyone will need to be on cholesterol lowering medicines, medication is effective in reducing LDL (bad cholesterol).\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Can supplements reduce cholesterol?\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, while supplements may help to reduce cholesterol, they are not a replacement for medications.\nFish oil \nsupplements - It may be useful in the treatment of elevated triglycerides. Fish oils is not a replacement for statins in the treatment of elevated LDL-C.\nCo- enzyme Q10 \n-No definitive evidence to support the use of Co-enzyme Q10 on the reduction of cholesterol level and primary prevention of CVD.\nRed yeast rice\n \u2013 Red yeast rice contains substances that are similar to statins. However, unlike statins, there is no data on its long-term safety.\nGarlic\n - Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database recently downgraded garlic to a rating of \u201cPossibly ineffective\u201d. Garlic can also cause drug interactions and increased risk of bleeding\nApple cider vinegar\n \u2013 There is no evidence at present for cardiovascular protection.\nVirgin coconut oil or coconut oil\n \u2013 The use is not supported by scientific evidence when taken on its own. It worsens the cholesterol profile., increases total cholesterol and LDL and HDL.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Can cholesterol lowering drinks reduce cholesterol?\n\n\n\nSterols and stenols are plant-based chemicals that are similar in size and shape to cholesterol. They are absorbed into the blood stream and prevents cholesterol from being absorbed. This lowers cholesterol in the body.\n\nAlthough we get sterols from plant-based foods like vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, whole grain, fruits and vegetables, they are generally not enough to lower cholesterol. Food companies have developed foods with plant stenols added to them such as yogurt drinks, milk and fat spreads.\n\nHowever, they are not effective enough to replace medications (if you need medications based on your cholesterol levels and risk).\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. How fast can cholesterol levels be reduced?\n\n\n\nUsually, with diet and exercise, we would expect changes in cholesterol levels in 3 to 6 months.\n\nAre you experiencing any symptoms of high cholesterol? Take up a \nheart screening package\n for early detection and consult our best cardiologists in Columbia Asia for advice.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Benjamin Leo Cheang Leng\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Interventional Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Cardiology (Korea & Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n or \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-much-do-malaysians-know-about-cancer", "title": "How Much Do Malaysians Know About Cancer?", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow Much Do Malaysians Know About Cancer?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 09, 2023\n \n\u00a0\n\nWorld Cancer Day is on February 4th of every year. During this month, you will possibly see more cancer-related articles in the media coupled with various fundraisers for cancer causes. But at the grassroot level, how much have we achieved when it comes to cancer awareness? We posed some cancer-related questions to Malaysians on the streets. Columbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau Consultant Medical Oncologist Dr. Kananathan Ratnavelu comments on their answers. \u00a0\n\nWhat is the most common type of cancer in Malaysia?\n\n\u201cI\u2019m not so sure, but I think maybe cancer that is related to the heart.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\u201cI feel that the main cancer is lung cancer, because there are a lot of smokers.\u201d \u00a0\n\nAccording to Dr Kana based on the Malaysian Cancer Registry with statistics from 2007 to 2011, breast cancer is the number one cancer in the country. Secondly is colorectal cancer followed by lung cancer, and then lymphoma or cancer of the lymph nodes, and finally nasopharyngeal cancer. \u00a0\n\n\u201cThere is still a lack of awareness of how important it is to screen early,\u201d he elaborates. \u201cThere are still many Malaysian women who are not coming forward to take up mammograms, even if these are being subsidized by the government. By the time they realize the seriousness of the disease, the cancer is in its late stage. And that is why breast cancer is the leading cancer in Malaysia.\u201d \u00a0\n\nDo you think you are risk-free if you have no family history of cancer?\n\n\u201cNo, I would say that there is still a risk because I heard cancer can be hereditary.\u201d \u00a0\n\n\u201cI think if you don\u2019t take care of yourself, and if it\u2019s meant to happen, then you might get it.\u201d \u00a0\n\nAs stated by Dr Kana, there is something called familial cancers which are hereditary such as breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. However, there are also cancers that science do not have answers to. \u201cWe don\u2019t know the cause,\u201d exclaims Dr Kana. \u201cIt could be due to smoking, or a viral infection, or Hepatitis B in liver cancer, or HSV (herpes simplex virus) for cervical cancer.\u201d \u00a0\n\nHe also mentioned environmental and lifestyle factors that put one at risk of getting cancer. \u201cThese are the things that can cause cancer, so there is no such thing as risk-free when it comes to cancer,\u201d adds Dr Kana. \u00a0\n\nDo the elderly and obese have a higher risk of getting cancer?\n\n\u201cI would say that people who have an unhealthy lifestyle, are at a risk of getting cancer.\u201d \u00a0\n\nDr Kana emphasizes that cancer can happen to anyone. However, he says that it is more common among the elderly. \u201cAs we age, our cells are not as strong as when we were younger, so this can lead to damaged cells which in turn, can result in the development of cancer,\u201d he says. On the other hand, he also mentions that there is a population of younger patients who are getting cancer. \u00a0\n\n\u201cThere are patients as young as 19 years old who get breast cancer and cervical cancer. Even children get cancer such as leukemia and brain cancer, but pediatric cancer is in a different category altogether,\u201d he notes. \u201cThe bottom line is cancer affects everyone from all segments of life.\u201d \u00a0\n\nIs there still hope for cancer patients?\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t think it\u2019s curable especially for those who are in stage 4, and it\u2019s like a death sentence for them.\u201d \u00a0\n\n\u201cI don\u2019t think it will be easy because I think you\u2019ll have to go through a few radiotherapies. Then you might have the chance to be cured.\u201d \u00a0\n\nThe dreaded disease is said to be curable under certain conditions, with Stage 1 being the most ideal time for treatment. This is when the cancer is confined to a small area and has not grown nor spread to other areas in the body. \u00a0\n\n\u201cIf you are able to detect cancer at stage 1, there is every chance that the patient can survive the disease. For example, stage 1 in colon cancer is when polyps are detected. After these are removed, and with consistent monitoring, the patient is basically cured,\u201d says Dr Kana. \u00a0\n\n\u201cThere are also patients in advanced stages who are cured,\u201d he adds. \u201cThe driving factor for any cancer patient to get better is to have hopes that they can get better.\u201d \u00a0\n\nThe doctor has spoken\n\nAt the end of the day, there is still much to be done to increase cancer awareness among Malaysians. The main objective is to encourage early cancer screenings in order to treat and hopefully cure the cancer. \u201d \u00a0\n\n\u201cWe are able to diagnose, treat, give chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In fact, we have a good day care center for our cancer patients. We also have a team of trained and experienced experts comprising clinical oncologists, a hemato-oncologist, a palliative physician, an interventional radiologist, a pain management doctos and a medical oncologist. But more important than all of these skills and facilities, is for patients to get the cancer before the cancer gets them.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kananathan A/L Ratnavelu\n\n\nConsultant Medical Oncologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (UM), FRCP (Ireland), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLet\u2019s Find Out How Much Malaysians Know About Cancer \u2013 Malaysiakini Facebook Page, 14 October 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Malaysiakini Facebook Page, 14 October 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nOncology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-pillows-endanger-babies", "title": "How Pillows Endanger Babies", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow Pillows Endanger Babies\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 22, 2020\n \n\nShould parents let their babies use a pillow? Or shouldn\u2019t they? There have been fatal incidents involving infants whose head is elevated due to pillow use. So, what is the connection between this seemingly harmless piece of bedding and your newborn baby? Consultant Pediatrician of Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya, Dr. Sam Zhi Heng presents the facts for parents to take note of.\n\n\u201cI still remember the time when I was doing my rounds at the government hospital. I found lots of parents bringing pillows to the hospital for their babies, some even for newborns. I asked my fellow medical officers during the rounds what was their opinion on this. Most of them simply mumbled. A question seemed simple but most of the doctors mumbled! So it is not surprising that parents will easily be echoing the views of others. So, let\u2019s talk about pillows today.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nDo babies need pillows?\n\nNo, babies do not need pillows.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhy don\u2019t babies need pillows?\n\nSpines of newborn babies and young infants are straight, especially near the neck region. This is unlike adults or older children who have developed a normal curve at the neck region. When a baby lies down, the back and head are on a horizontal plane.\n\nIf a baby sleeps on a pillow, the head will be higher than the body and the neck region will form a curve or bend. Hence, the chin will move nearer to the chest, which can limit baby\u2019s breathing and can even disturb the airways. In the long term, this can affect the normal growth of a baby\u2019s spine and bones.\n\nMany studies have shown that a pillow is one of the factors which can cause suffocation or sudden death among young infants. This occurrence is medically known as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhen do babies need pillows?\n\nAccording to the recommendation made by the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies aged one year and above can sleep on firm pillows. In fact, it is better to avoid pillows until the baby is 18-months old.\n\nStudies showed that soft toys, pillows and comforters are risk factors of SIDS as these objects can suffocate the baby.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCan a \u2018functional pillow\u2019 make your baby\u2019s head look nicer?\n\nIn the market, many sellers will boost their products and claim that their pillows will make the shape of the baby\u2019s head prettier. In truth, these products may not only produce such an effect. It will restrain the movement of the baby. Inversely it may cause a flat shape of the skull.\n\nA baby\u2019s skull bones fuse around two-years old when baby has lots of time for activities either during feeding or play time. These definitely will help the baby when the head grows.\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sam Zhi Heng\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (UM), M. Paeds (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrician\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-smoking-puts-you-at-higher-risk-of-contracting-the-coronavirus-zh", "title": "\u5438\u70df\u8005\uff1a\u8b66\u60d5\u611f\u67d3\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\uff01", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u5438\u70df\u8005\uff1a\u8b66\u60d5\u611f\u67d3\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\uff01\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 22, 2021\n \n\n\u5982\u679c\u4ee5\u524d\u7684\u79cd\u79cd\u539f\u56e0\u90fd\u4e0d\u80fd\u8ba9\u4f60\u6212\u70df\uff0c\u4e5f\u8bb8\u73b0\u5728\u662f\u65f6\u5019\u4e86\u3002\u968f\u7740\u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\u7684\u8086\u8650\uff0c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u4eba\u6570\u7684\u6500\u5347\uff0c\u6212\u70df\u6216\u8bb8\u80fd\u6551\u4f60\u4e00\u547d\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201c\u4e16\u754c\u536b\u751f\u7ec4\u7ec7\uff08WHO\uff09\u5728\u4e09\u6708\u4efd\u53d1\u8868\u4e86\u79d1\u5b66\u7814\u7a76\u8868\u793a\uff1a\u5438\u70df\u8005\u66f4\u6613\u611f\u67d3\u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\u3002\u8fd9\u4e3b\u8981\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u624b\u63a5\u89e6\u4e86\u6cbe\u6709\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u8868\u9762\u3002\u62bd\u70df\u65f6\uff0c\u5438\u70df\u8005\u4f1a\u7528\u624b\u63a5\u89e6\u5634\u90e8\uff0c\u8fd9\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u75c5\u6bd2\u8fdb\u5165\u4f53\u5185\u3002\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u4e5f\u540c\u6837\u5982\u6b64\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5438\u70df\u8005\u65b0\u51a0\u98ce\u9669\u9ad8\n\n\n\n\n\n\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u6839\u636e\u4e2d\u56fd\u7684\u5206\u6790\u62a5\u544a\u4e5f\u53d1\u73b0\uff0c\u5438\u70df\u8005\u7684\u80ba\u708e\u548c\u6b7b\u4ea1\u6bd4\u4f8b\u662f\u65e0\u5438\u70df\u8005\u7684\u4e24\u500d\uff01\u5728\u8fd9\u9879\u62a5\u544a\uff0c\u5176\u4e2d137\u4f4d\u5438\u70df\u60a3\u8005\u4e2d\uff0c\u91cd\u75c7\u4eba\u6570\u4e3a29\u4eba\uff0c\u91cd\u75c7\u6bd4\u4e3a21.2%\uff1b927\u4f4d\u975e\u5438\u70df\u60a3\u8005\u4e2d\uff0c\u91cd\u75c7\u4eba\u6570\u4e3a134\u4eba\uff0c\u91cd\u75c7\u6bd4\u4f8b\u4e3a14.5%\u3002\u4e3b\u8981\u539f\u56e0\u662f\u5f88\u591a\u70df\u6c11\u540c\u65f6\u4e5f\u60a3\u6709\u6162\u6027\u963b\u585e\u80ba\u90e8\u75be\u75c5(COPD)\u3001\u652f\u6c14\u7ba1\u708e\u3001\u80ba\u75e8\u3001\u80ba\u764c\u548c\u5176\u4ed6\u80ba\u75c5\u3002\u5438\u70df\u4e5f\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u3001\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u3001\u51a0\u5fc3\u75c5\u7b49\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\u3002\u8fd9\u4e9b\u90fd\u524a\u5f31\u4e86\u80ba\u90e8\u529f\u80fd\u548c\u514d\u75ab\u80fd\u529b\uff0c\u5bfc\u81f4\u4e25\u91cd\u80ba\u708e\u548c\u547c\u5438\u95ee\u9898\u3002\n\n\u5185\u79d1\u548c\u795e\u7ecf\u79d1\u4e13\u79d1\u7684\u9648\u4f1f\u9633\u533b\u751f\u7279\u522b\u4e3a\u8bfb\u8005\u8bf4\u660e\uff0c\u201c\u6253\u4e2a\u6bd4\u65b9\uff0c\u5438\u70df\u8005\u53ef\u80fd\u53ea\u670950%\u7684\u80ba\u529f\u80fd\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u4e0d\u5e78\u611f\u67d3\u4e86\u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\uff0c\u80ba\u90e8\u529f\u80fd\u8fdb\u4e00\u6b65\u4e0b\u8dcc\uff0c\u5f88\u53ef\u80fd\u5c31\u9700\u8981\u4f7f\u7528\u547c\u5438\u5668\uff0c\u8fd9\u4fc3\u4f7f\u590d\u539f\u7684\u673a\u4f1a\u8fdb\u4e00\u6b65\u51cf\u5c11\u3002\u66f4\u4e0d\u5e78\u7684\u662f\u5982\u679c\u5438\u70df\u8005\u611f\u67d3\u4e86\u65b0\u51a0\u80ba\u708e\uff0c\u75c5\u6bd2\u901a\u8fc7\u5438\u70df\u8005\u5410\u51fa\u7684\u70df\u96fe\u4e5f\u6709\u66f4\u9ad8\u7684\u673a\u7387\u4f20\u64ad\u7ed9\u8eab\u8fb9\u7684\u4eba\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8b66\u60d5\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u5371\u5bb3 \n\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd1\u5e74\uff0c\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u5728\u5168\u7403\u8303\u56f4\u5185\u6d41\u884c\u5f00\u6765\uff0c\u5404\u5730\u653f\u5e9c\u5bf9\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u7684\u89c4\u5b9a\u4e0d\u4e00\uff0c\u4e00\u4e9b\u56fd\u5bb6\u5982\u6cf0\u56fd\u3001\u65b0\u52a0\u5761\u548c\u5df4\u897f\u5b8c\u5168\u7981\u6b62\u516c\u4f17\u62bd\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u3002\u4f46\u53e6\u4e00\u4e9b\u56fd\u5bb6\u5982\u82f1\u56fd\uff0c\u5219\u652f\u6301\u56fd\u6c11\u4f7f\u7528\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u6765\u4ee3\u66ff\u4f20\u7edf\u9999\u70df\u3002\u5728\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\uff0c\u9664\u4e86\u67d4\u4f5b\u4e0e\u5409\u5170\u4e39\u65e9\u57282016\u5e74\u8d77\u5df2\u5168\u9762\u7981\u552e\uff0c\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u5728\u672c\u5730\u7684\u53d1\u5c55\u5176\u5b9e\u975e\u5e38\u8fc5\u901f\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u8fde\u5b66\u751f\u90fd\u5df2\u89c6\u62bd\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u4e3a\u6f6e\u6d41\u3002\n\n\u6839\u636e\u300a2016\u5e74\u5927\u9a6c\u9752\u5c11\u5e74\u9999\u70df\u4e0e\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u8c03\u67e5\u300b\uff0c\u6211\u56fd\u5171\u670930\u4e07\u540d\u5b66\u751f\u62bd\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u3002\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u662f\u5bf9\u542b\u6709\u5c3c\u53e4\u4e01\u548c\u9999\u7cbe\u7684\u6db2\u4f53\u8fdb\u884c\u52a0\u70ed\uff0c\u4ea7\u751f\u84b8\u6c7d\u6216\u55b7\u96fe\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u88ab\u5438\u5165\u3002\u5f88\u591a\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u7684\u6c14\u4f53\u4e5f\u5305\u542b\u5c3c\u53e4\u4e01\uff0c\u4f1a\u8ba9\u4eba\u4e0a\u763e\u3002\u4eca\u5e7410\u6708\uff0c\u7f8e\u56fd\u75be\u75c5\u63a7\u5236\u4e0e\u9884\u9632\u4e2d\u5fc3\uff08CDC\uff09\u516c\u5e03\u7684\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u7591\u56e0\u62bd\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u5bfc\u81f4\u80ba\u90e8\u75be\u75c5\u7684\u75c5\u4f8b\u589e\u52a0\u81f31299\u4e2a\uff0c\u5df2\u670926\u4eba\u6b7b\u4ea1\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u533b\u751f\u6709\u8bdd\u8bf4\uff1a \n\n\n\n\n\n\u76ee\u524d\u4e3a\u6b62\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5e76\u4e0d\u786e\u5b9a\u4f7f\u7528\u7535\u5b50\u9999\u70df\u77ed\u671f\u548c\u957f\u671f\u5065\u5eb7\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u6211\u4eec\u4e0d\u53ef\u8f7b\u5ffd\u5b83\u53ef\u80fd\u5e26\u6765\u7684\u5371\u5bb3\u3002\u91cd\u70b9\u5728\u4e8e\uff0c\u5e02\u9762\u4e0a\u6ca1\u6709\u53ef\u9760\u7684\u7814\u7a76\u8bc1\u660e\u7535\u5b50\u9999\u70df\u80fd\u5e2e\u52a9\u4eba\u4eec\u6212\u70df\uff0c\u5343\u4e07\u522b\u968f\u610f\u76f8\u4fe1\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u7684\u5ba3\u4f20\u5e7f\u544a\u3002\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u4e00\u822c\u9700\u8981\u9891\u5bc6\u7684\u624b\u5634\u63a5\u89e6\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u516c\u7528\u540c\u4e2a\u70df\u5634\u66f4\u5bb9\u6613\u4f20\u67d3\u75c5\u6bd2\uff01\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u6216\u4f60\u8eab\u8fb9\u7684\u4eba\u4e5f\u60f3\u6212\u70df\uff0c\u4e0d\u8981\u72b9\u8c6b\uff0c\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u884c\u52a8\uff01\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tan Wee Yong\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (UKM), RCP (UK), MMed (Internal Medicine) (Singapore), Fellowship in Neurology (Malaysia) (Australia), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5438\u70df\u8005\uff1a\u8b66\u60d5\u611f\u67d3\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\uff01- \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-spicy-foods-affect-your-body", "title": "How Spicy Foods Affect Your Body", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow Spicy Foods Affect Your Body\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 27, 2020\n \n\nThe hottest chillies in the world have names that are telling of their scathing taste; Dragon\u2019s Breath, Trinidad Scorpion, Armageddon, and Komodo Dragon, among others. One of the hottest, the \u2018Bhut Jolokia\u2019 that is grown in parts of India, is used to make chilli grenades: a non-lethal weapon developed by Indian military scientists, akin to tear gas and used to control rowdy crowds.\n\nWhich brings us to the question \u2013 can chillies be \nthat\n hot? Apparently, yes.\n\nThe substance that makes food taste hot is called capsaicin. Levels of capsaicin can be measured using the Scoville Scale. The higher the score, the fierier the taste. For example, Scoville readings of the humble capsicum, common red chili and a new breed of chili that outranks \u2018Bhut Jolokia\u2019 called the \u2018California Reaper\u2019 measure respectively at 0, 500 and 2.2 million!\n\nSince Malaysians love \nsambal\n (and all things spicy), let\u2019s find out more about how capsaicin affects our health.\nThe Expert:\n Dr Andy Easwaren Vasudevan, consultant internal medicine physician/gastroenterologist from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow does spiciness affect the body?\n\n\u201cFirstly, eating spicy foods can trick the brain into thinking that we are \u2018overheating\u2019. This can irritate the lining of our nose, leading to a runny nose and sweatiness. Spicy foods can also trigger indigestion and worsen irritable bowel syndrome if you already have irritable bowel syndrome, that is. Although it may not cause ulcers but it can lead to heartburn because spicy food leads to the relaxation of the lower oesophagus. When the lower oesophagus is relaxed, it is easy for acid to rise from the stomach and cause Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow much danger is there in consuming too much spicy foods?\n\n\u201cSpicy food is not usually dangerous but some people are sensitive to spicy food. They may get stomach pains and indigestion after consuming spicy food. Occasionally, they may experience a worsening of symptoms if they suffer from anal fissures or inflammatory bowel disease.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cIn its purest form, capsaicin is poison. Some data shows that consuming spicy food can be fatal if you are allergic or sensitive to capsaicin, or if you consume more than 12g of pure capsaicin. Most people cannot even consume even a quarter of this amount. But if you happen to overdo your capsaicin intake, you put yourself at risk of \u2018burning diarrhoea\u2019. There are no indicators to track the harms of capsaicin. So you need to be responsible for the way you eat spicy foods.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nShould children or the elderly avoid spicy foods?\n\n\u201cChildren and old folks are not more vulnerable to developing health problems due to spicy foods. The elderly can continue to eat spicy food until they find it intolerable or if it gives any disturbances. It all depends on how the stomach tolerates the spicy food intake. Track bowel habits to have an idea.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat are spicy food items one should stay away from if one has a sensitive stomach?\n\n\u201cAny spicy food that irritates the individual. This is determined through trial and error as each individual comes with a different threshold.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nAre there any health benefits of eating spicy foods?\n\n\u201cEating spicy foods can help promote weight loss and create a feeling of fullness, causing you to eat less. In addition, a longevity study carried out by the Harvard School of Public Health in 2015 showed that people who consume spicy foods six to seven times a week, tend to live longer!\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhy do some people seem to be able to take more spiciness than others?\n\n\u201cCapsaicin stimulates certain receptors in humans which detect spiciness and temperature. Some people can tolerate very spicy food more than others because they may have lesser receptors on their tongue.\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nCan we get addicted to spicy foods?\n\n\u201cYes. That\u2019s why sometimes you see someone complaining that the food they are eating is too spicy but they continue eating and even have second helpings! When spicy food is consumed, the capsaicin tricks the brain into thinking that it is \u2018burned\u2019. Thus, the brain releases endorphins. These are a natural pain-relieving substance akin to morphine. This means when people eat food that is high in capsaicin, they actually get somewhat \u2018intoxicated\u2019 from eating the spicy food.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat can we do in order to stop the tongue stinging from spicy foods?\n\n\u201cThe most common way is to drink milk or eat yogurt. Dairy products contain a certain protein called casein that helps break up capsaicin, relieving the tongue of that burning sensation. Some people consume a teaspoon of sugar. Bread and rice also soak up the capsaicin and maybe that\u2019s why curries taste better when eaten with bread and rice! Actually if you leave it be, it will go away but only after some time.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Andy Easwaren Vasudevan\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Gastroenterologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (UM), M Internal Medicine (UM), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow Spicy Foods Affect Your Body \u2013 Her Inspirasi, 20 February 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Her Inspirasi, 20 February 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n & \nGastroenterology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-stay-healthy-when-its-hazy", "title": "How to Stay Healthy When It's Hazy", "body": "\n\n\n\nHow to Stay Healthy When It's Hazy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 24, 2016\n \n\nPhotocredit : \nirp.ma-amsterdam.nl\n\nYour health and fitness shouldn\u2019t take a backseat when the skies start to suffocate you. Let the experts, Dr. Raymond George Varughese, Consultant Physician Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak and Dr Jamalul Aziz Abdul Rahaman, Head of Pulmonology Services from Ministry of Health clear the air (well, not literally) about what you can do and can\u2019t do during the haze.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow to Stay Healthy When It's Hazy \u2013 Men\u2019s Health, Issue July 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-to-lower-your-cholesterol-zh", "title": "\u4e0d\u5403\u836f\uff0c\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8feb\u964d", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u5403\u836f\uff0c\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8feb\u964d\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 24, 2021\n \n\n\u4f60\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u9ad8\u5417\uff1f\u5e74\u7ec8\u4f53\u68c0\u62a5\u544a\u4e0a\u7684\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u5413\u4e86\u4f60\u4e00\u5927\u8df3\uff1f\u5f53\u7136\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8fc7\u9ad8\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u901a\u5e38\u4f1a\u5efa\u8bae\u4f60\u5403\u836f\u6765\u964d\u4f4e\uff1b\u5176\u5b9e\uff0c\u751f\u6d3b\u4e0a\u8fd8\u662f\u6709\u8bb8\u591a\u529e\u6cd5\u53ef\u4ee5\u4e0d\u5403\u836f\u5c31\u964d\u4f4e\u4f60\u7684\u201c\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u201d\u5e76\u63d0\u9ad8\u201c\u597d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u201d\u3002\u4e0d\u5982\u6765\u7ec6\u770b\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7531\u5185\u79d1\u987e\u95ee\u3001\u5fc3\u810f\u4ecb\u5165\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f Dr. Benjamin Leo \u533b\u751f\u6240\u4e3a\u5927\u5bb6\u4ecb\u7ecd\u4e00\u4e9b\u5177\u4f53\u7684\u201c\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8feb\u964d\u201d\u5c0f\u7a8d\u95e8\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5173\u4e8e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u597d\u574f\u7684\u771f\u76f8\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u4ece\u4f55\u6765\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u5b58\u5728\u4e8e\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\u7684\u8102\u80aa\uff0c\u662f\u4eba\u4f53\u5185\u542b\u91cf\u6700\u591a\u7684\u8102\u7c7b\uff0c\u5b9e\u9645\u4e0a\u662f\u4eba\u4f53\u7ec4\u7ec7\u7ec6\u80de\u6240\u4e0d\u53ef\u7f3a\u5c11\u7684\u91cd\u8981\u7269\u8d28\u3002\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u4f1a\u81ea\u52a8\u751f\u4ea7\u6240\u9700\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u4e3b\u8981\u88ab\u5408\u6210\u6e90\u81ea\u4e8e\u809d\u810f\uff0c\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u4ece\u5e73\u65e5\u751f\u6d3b\u4e2d\u7684\u5403\u5403\u559d\u559d\u6765\u6444\u53d6\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u957f\u671f\u4ee5\u6765\uff0c\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u90fd\u88ab\u5212\u5206\u6210\u597d\u3001\u574f\u4e24\u79cd\uff0c\u597d\u7684\u662f\u6307\u9ad8\u5bc6\u5ea6\u8102\u86cb\u767d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff08HDL-C\uff09\uff0c\u800c\u574f\u7684\u662f\u4f4e\u5bc6\u5ea6\u8102\u86cb\u767d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff08LDL-C\uff09\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u597d\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u7684\u5f71\u54cd\uff1f \n\n\n\n\u8fc7\u591a\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u8eab\u4f53\u7684\u52a8\u8109\u5185\u6591\u5757\u7684\u79ef\u805a\uff0c\u6240\u8c13\u7684\u52a8\u8109\u5c31\u662f\u8840\u7ba1\uff0c\u662f\u5c06\u8840\u6db2\u5e26\u51fa\u5fc3\u810f\u7684\u8840\u7ba1\u3002\u957f\u671f\u4e4b\u4e0b\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u6709\u5173\u7684\u8840\u7ba1\u53d8\u7a84\uff0c\u9020\u6210\u8840\u6db2\u96be\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7\uff0c\u6700\u540e\u5bfc\u81f4\u52a8\u8109\u786c\u5316\uff0c\u4e5f\u79f0\u4e3a\u52a8\u8109\u7ca5\u6837\u786c\u5316(Atherosclerosis)\u3002\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5929\u6027\u4e0d\u574f\uff0c\u53cd\u800c\u662f\u7ef4\u6301\u6211\u4eec\u8eab\u4f53\u6b63\u5e38\u8fd0\u8f6c\u7684\u5fc5\u9700\u54c1\u3002\u4f46\u662f\uff0c\u8fc7\u591a\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5374\u4f1a\u7ed9\u8eab\u4f53\u5e26\u6765\u4e0d\u826f\u5f71\u54cd\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\u53d1\u4f5c\u548c\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u75be\u75c5\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\u4e2d\u98ce\u3002\u6839\u636e\u8bd5\u9a8c\u8bc1\u5b9e\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u6211\u4eec\u5c06\u201c\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187(LDL-C)\u201d\u964d\u4f4e1 mmol/L\uff0c\u5c06\u4f1a\u5927\u5927\u964d\u4f4e\u9ad8\u8fbe22%\u7684\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u6b7b\u4ea1\u98ce\u9669\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u68c0\u6d4b\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6700\u4f73\u65f6\u95f4\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u300a\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u4e34\u5e8a\u5b9e\u8df5\u6307\u5357\u300b\u5efa\u8bae\u6240\u670930\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u4eba\u58eb\u5b9a\u671f\u8fdb\u884c\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u68c0\u6d4b\uff0c\u901a\u8fc7\u9a8c\u8840\u8fdb\u884c\u5168\u5957\u7684\u8840\u8102\u68c0\u6d4b\u9879\u76ee\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u603b\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff08TC\uff09\u3001\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff08LDL-C\uff09\u3001\u597d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff08HDL-C\uff09\u548c\u7518\u6cb9\u4e09\u9178\u916f\uff08TG\uff09\u3002\u987a\u4fbf\u53bb\u68c0\u6d4b\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u6307\u6570\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u8840\u7cd6\u3001\u8840\u538b(BP)\u3001\u4f53\u91cd\u3001\u5438\u70df\u72b6\u51b5\u3001\u8fd0\u52a8\u80fd\u529b\u3001\u5bb6\u65cf\u53f2\u7b49\uff0c\u624d\u80fd\u4e86\u89e3\u3001\u786e\u5b9a\u81ea\u5df1\u662f\u5426\u5b58\u5728\u4efb\u4f55\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u5e76\u9488\u5bf9\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u6307\u6570\u8fdb\u884c\u54a8\u8be2\u3002\u5047\u5982\u4f60\u53d1\u73b0\u6709\u60a3\u4e0a\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u75be\u75c5\u7684\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u5177\u6709\u65e9\u671fCVD\u5bb6\u65cf\u53f2\u3001\u9057\u4f20\u6027\u8840\u8102\u5f02\u5e38\u3001\u4ee3\u8c22\u7efc\u5408\u5f81\u3001\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u548c\u8179\u90e8\u80a5\u80d6\u7b49\u7b49\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u65e9\u572818\u5c81\u524d\u5b9a\u671f\u5b89\u6392\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u68c0\u6d4b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u964d\u4f4e\u4f60\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5c0f\u7a8d\u95e8\n\n\n1. \u5b9a\u671f\u8fd0\u52a8\u953b\u70bc\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u8fd0\u52a8\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u52a9\u964d\u4f4e\u201cLDL\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u201d\u548c\u7518\u6cb9\u4e09\u9178\u916f\uff0c\u9002\u5f53\u7684\u8fd0\u52a8\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u52a9\u589e\u52a0\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u201cHDL\u597d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u201d\u3002\u5efa\u8bae\u5927\u5bb6\u5728\u6bcf\u661f\u671f\u8fdb\u884c150\u5206\u949f\u7684\u6709\u6c27\u8fd0\u52a8\uff0c\u6216\u6bcf\u661f\u671f\u505a75\u5206\u949f\u7684\u6709\u6c27\u8fd0\u52a8\u3002\n\n\n\u5efa\u8bae\u7684\u953b\u70bc\u65b9\u5f0f\uff1a\u5305\u62ec\u5feb\u6b65\u8d70\u3001\u9a91\u811a\u8f66\u3001\u6e38\u6cf3\u3001\u4f53\u80b2\u8fd0\u52a8\u3002\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u5927\u9a6cMCO\u884c\u7ba1\u4ee4\u65f6\u671f\uff0c\u6700\u63a8\u8350\u7684\u953b\u70bc\u65b9\u5f0f\u2014\u2014\u9ad8\u5f3a\u5ea6\u95f4\u6b47\u8bad\u7ec3\uff08HIIT\uff09\uff0c\u5176\u4e0d\u9700\u8981\u592a\u591a\u7684\u7a7a\u95f4\u3001\u65f6\u95f4\u6216\u8bbe\u5907\uff0c\u5728\u5bb6\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u8f7b\u677e\u5b8c\u6210\u3002\n\n\n\u4ece\u81ea\u5df1\u6700\u559c\u6b22\u7684\u8fd0\u52a8\u5f00\u59cb\u505a\u8d77\uff0c\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u662f\u627e\u4e2a\u5fd7\u540c\u9053\u5408\u7684\u8fd0\u52a8\u597d\u53cb\uff0c\u5e2e\u52a9\u4f60\u5728\u8fd0\u52a8\u8def\u4e0a\u5171\u540c\u524d\u8fdb\u3002\n\n\n2. \u6709\u5229\u5fc3\u810f\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u98df\u7269\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u51cf\u5c11\u6444\u53d6\u7ea2\u8089\u548c\u4e73\u5236\u54c1\u8fd9\u7c7b\u7684\u9ad8\u9971\u548c\u8102\u80aa\u7c7b\u98df\u7269\u3002\u8fd9\u4f1a\u5927\u5927\u589e\u52a0\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u603b\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u548c\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u5047\u5982\u771f\u7684\u60f3\u8981\u5076\u5c14\u5403\u7ea2\u8089\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u9009\u62e9\u7626\u8089\u90e8\u4f4d\u3001\u4f4e\u8102\u4e73\u5236\u54c1 (Low Fat Dairy)\u548c\u5355\u4e0d\u9971\u548c\u8102\u80aa(Monounsaturated Fats)\u3002\n\n\n\u51cf\u5c11\u6444\u53d6\u53cd\u5f0f\u8102\u80aa\uff0c\u5b83\u4f1a\u964d\u4f4e\u597d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5e76\u589e\u52a0\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u53cd\u5f0f\u8102\u80aa\u5e38\u89c1\u5728\u6cb9\u70b8\u98df\u54c1\u548c\u51b7\u51bb\u6bd4\u8428\u3001\u66f2\u5947\u3001\u997c\u5e72\u548c\u86cb\u7cd5\u7b49\u901f\u98df\u98df\u54c1\u3002\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u662f\u5b66\u4f1a\u591a\u770b\u770b\u5305\u88c5\u4e0a\u7684\u6807\u7b7e\uff0c\u5f53\u4e2d\u51fa\u73b0\u7684\u201c\u90e8\u5206\u6c22\u5316\u6cb9\u201d\uff08Partially Hydrogenated Oil\uff09\u4e5f\u662f\u53cd\u5f0f\u8102\u80aa\u7684\u4e00\u79cd\u3002\n\n\n\u6444\u53d6\u5bcc\u542bOmega 3\u8102\u80aa\u9178\u7c7b\u98df\u7269\u3002\u5c3d\u7ba1Omega 3\u8102\u80aa\u9178\u5bf9 LDL \u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6ca1\u6709\u8d77\u5230\u4efb\u4f55\u5f71\u54cd\uff0c\u4f46\u5b83\u4eec\u786e\u5b9e\u4f1a\u589e\u52a0 HDL \u597d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u867d\u7136\uff0c\u76ee\u524d\u5df2\u6709\u7814\u7a76\u8bc1\u660e Omega 3\u8102\u80aa\u9178\u5bf9\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u75be\u75c5\u5f71\u54cd\u4e0d\u5927\u3002\n\n\n\u589e\u52a0\u53ef\u6eb6\u6027\u7ea4\u7ef4\u6444\u53d6\u91cf\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u6c34\u679c\u3001\u71d5\u9ea6\u548c\u71d5\u9ea6\u9eb8\u3001\u852c\u83dc\u3001\u8c46\u7c7b\u548c\u5c0f\u6241\u8c46\u7b49\uff0c\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u964d\u4f4e LDL \u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u7814\u7a76\u8868\u660e\uff0c\u6bcf\u5929\u5403 5-10 \u514b\u71d5\u9ea6\u4eba\u58eb\u7684LDL\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\u4e0b\u964d\u4e86\u3002\n\n\n3. \u8bf7\u7acb\u523b\u6212\u70df\uff01\n\n\u76ee\u524d\u4e3a\u6b62\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5e76\u4e0d\u786e\u5b9a\u4f7f\u7528\u7535\u5b50\u9999\u70df\u77ed\u671f\u548c\u957f\u671f\u5065\u5eb7\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u6211\u4eec\u4e0d\u53ef\u8f7b\u5ffd\u5b83\u53ef\u80fd\u5e26\u6765\u7684\u5371\u5bb3\u3002\u91cd\u70b9\u5728\u4e8e\uff0c\u5e02\u9762\u4e0a\u6ca1\u6709\u53ef\u9760\u7684\u7814\u7a76\u8bc1\u660e\u7535\u5b50\u9999\u70df\u80fd\u5e2e\u52a9\u4eba\u4eec\u6212\u70df\uff0c\u5343\u4e07\u522b\u968f\u610f\u76f8\u4fe1\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u7684\u5ba3\u4f20\u5e7f\u544a\u3002\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u7535\u5b50\u70df\u4e00\u822c\u9700\u8981\u9891\u5bc6\u7684\u624b\u5634\u63a5\u89e6\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u516c\u7528\u540c\u4e2a\u70df\u5634\u66f4\u5bb9\u6613\u4f20\u67d3\u75c5\u6bd2\uff01\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u6216\u4f60\u8eab\u8fb9\u7684\u4eba\u4e5f\u60f3\u6212\u70df\uff0c\u4e0d\u8981\u72b9\u8c6b\uff0c\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u884c\u52a8\uff01\n\n\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u6709\u5438\u70df\u7684\u4e60\u60ef\uff0c\u8bf7\u7acb\u523b\u6212\u70df\uff01\u6212\u70df\u540e\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u5927\u5927\u589e\u52a0\u4f60\u7684\u201cHDL\u597d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u201d\uff0c\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u964d\u4f4e\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\u98ce\u9669\u3002\n\n\n\u6839\u636e\u7814\u7a76\u6570\u636e\uff1a\u6212\u70df1\u5e74\uff0c\u60a3\u51a0\u5fc3\u75c5\u7684\u5371\u9669\u662f\u5438\u70df\u8005\u7684\u4e00\u534a\uff1b\u6212\u70df15\u5e74\uff0c\u60a3\u51a0\u5fc3\u75c5\u7684\u5371\u9669\u4e0e\u4ece\u4e0d\u5438\u70df\u8005\u76f8\u4f3c\u3002\n\n\n4. \u51cf\u91cd\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u51cf\u91cd\u662f\u7ef4\u6301\u4f60\u8eab\u4f53\u7684\u6574\u4f53\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u91cd\u8981\u4e00\u6b65\u3002\u53ea\u8981\u51cf\u53bb 5% \u7684\u4f53\u91cd\uff0c\u5c31\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u964d\u4f4e LDL \u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u53ef\u80fd\u5927\u5927\u964d\u4f4e\u8840\u538b\u548c\u8840\u7cd6\u6307\u6570\u3002\n\n\n\u5efa\u8bae\u57281-2\u5e74\u5185\u4fdd\u6301\u4f53\u91cd\u6307\u6570\uff08BMI\uff09<23kg/m2\uff0c\u4f53\u91cd\u8d77\u7801\u964d\u4f4e5-10%\u3002\u522b\u5fd8\u4e86\u4fdd\u6301\u826f\u597d\u7684\u996e\u98df\u4e60\u60ef\u548c\u65e5\u5e38\u8fd0\u52a8\u4e60\u60ef\u3002\n\n\n5. \u9002\u5ea6\u996e\u9152\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u5e73\u65f6\u7231\u559d\u9152\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u8981\u5f00\u59cb\u8282\u5236\u996e\u9152\u3002\u5bf9\u4e8e\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u6210\u5e74\u4eba\uff0c\u8fd9\u610f\u5473\u7740\u6240\u6709\u5973\u6027\u548c65\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7537\u6027\u7684\u6bcf\u65e5\u996e\u9152\u91cf\u4e0d\u8d85\u8fc71\u676f\uff0c\u800c65\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7537\u6027\u7684\u6bcf\u65e5\u996e\u9152\u91cf\u5219\u4e0d\u8d85\u8fc72\u676f\u3002\u503c\u5f97\u5927\u5bb6\u6ce8\u610f\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u8fc7\u91cf\u996e\u9152\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u5176\u4ed6\u4e25\u91cd\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u3001\u5fc3\u529b\u8870\u7aed\u548c\u4e2d\u98ce\u3002\n\n\n6. \u9075\u533b\u5631\u670d\u7528\u836f\u7269\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u8bf7\u65f6\u523b\u8c28\u8bb0\u8981\u5b9a\u671f\u670d\u7528\u4f60\u7684\u964d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u836f\u7269\uff0c\u5c06\u6709\u6548\u964d\u4f4e\u60a3\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u75be\u75c5\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u3002\u867d\u7136\u5355\u7eaf\u7684\u670d\u7528\u836f\u7269\uff0c\u65e0\u6cd5\u6cbb\u597d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u4f46\u5374\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u52a9\u63a7\u5236\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u5927\u5bb6\u6ce8\u610f\uff01\u81ea\u884c\u505c\u6b62\u7528\u836f\u53cd\u800c\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\u5347\u9ad8\uff0c\u5f53\u7136\u60a3\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u75be\u75c5\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u4e5f\u4f1a\u540c\u6837\u5347\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\n7. \u5b9a\u671f\u53bb\u770b\u533b\u751f\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u4e0d\u662f\u5f15\u8d77\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u75be\u75c5\u7684\u552f\u4e00\u5371\u9669\u56e0\u7d20\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u6211\u4eec\u5e94\u8be5\u65f6\u523b\u68c0\u67e5\u5176\u4ed6\u98ce\u9669\u56e0\u7d20\u5e76\u52a0\u4ee5\u7ba1\u7406\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5e38\u89c1\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u95ee\u9898\u89e3\u7b54\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. \u53ea\u6709\u80d6\u5b50\u624d\u4f1a\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8fc7\u9ad8\u5417\uff1f\u7626\u5b50\u5462\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u5e78\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u666e\u904d\u4e0a\u6765\u770b\u8d85\u91cd\u7684\u80d6\u5b50\u90fd\u9762\u5bf9\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\u8fc7\u9ad8\u7684\u60c5\u5f62\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u7626\u7626\u7684\u4eba\u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u5177\u6709\u8f83\u9ad8\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\u3002\u65e0\u8bba\u4f60\u7684\u4f53\u91cd\u591a\u5be1\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u505a\u7684\u5c31\u662f\u6bcf\u4e00\u5e74\u5b9a\u671f\u68c0\u67e5\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. \u5355\u9760\u836f\u7269\u53ef\u4ee5\u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u662f\u7684\u3002\u867d\u7136\u5e76\u975e\u6240\u6709\u4eba\u90fd\u9700\u8981\u501f\u52a9\u964d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u836f\u7269\u6765\u51cf\u5c11\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u4f46\u836f\u7269\u7684\u786e\u6709\u6548\u5927\u5927\u964d\u4f4e LDL\u574f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. \u591a\u4e45\u624d\u80fd\u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u901a\u5e38\u5728\u533b\u751f\u7684\u89d2\u5ea6\u6765\u770b\uff0c\u60a3\u8005\u53ea\u8981\u4fdd\u6301\u826f\u597d\u7684\u996e\u98df\u4e60\u60ef\u548c\u5b9a\u671f\u8fd0\u52a8\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u4f30\u8ba1\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u6307\u6570\u4f1a\u57283\u81f36\u4e2a\u6708\u5185\u51fa\u73b0\u53d8\u5316\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. \u591a\u5403\u4fdd\u5065\u54c1\u53ef\u4ee5\u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u6709\u4e9b\u4eba\u4f1a\u5c1d\u8bd5\u5404\u79cd\u4fdd\u5065\u54c1\u6765\u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u53ef\u662f\uff0c\u5373\u4f7f\u67d0\u4e9b\u4fdd\u5065\u54c1\u53ef\u80fd\u771f\u7684\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u4f46\u5b83\u4eec\u89c9\u5f97\u65e0\u6cd5\u66ff\u4ee3\u836f\u7269\u3002\u4e3e\u4f8b\u4ee5\u4e0b\u591a\u79cd\u5e38\u89c1\u4fdd\u5065\u54c1\uff1a\n- \u9c7c\u6cb9\u8865\u54c1\n\uff1a\u636e\u8bf4\u53ef\u6cbb\u7597\u7518\u6cb9\u4e09\u916f\u5347\u9ad8\u6307\u6570\uff0c\u53ef\u662f\u9c7c\u6cb9\u4e0d\u80fd\u4ee3\u66ff\u4ed6\u6c40\u7c7b\u836f\u7269\u6cbb\u7597\u5347\u9ad8\u7684LDL-C\u3002\n- \u8f85\u9176Q10\n \uff1a\u76ee\u524d\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u786e\u5207\u7684\u8bc1\u636e\u652f\u6301\u8f85\u9176Q10 \u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5e76\u9884\u9632CVD\u3002\n- \u7ea2\u66f2\u7c73\n \uff1a\u7ea2\u66f2\u7c73\u4e2d\u542b\u6709\u4e0e\u4ed6\u6c40\u7c7b\u836f\u7269\u76f8\u4f3c\u7684\u7269\u8d28\u3002\u4f46\u662f\uff0c\u4e0e\u4ed6\u6c40\u7c7b\u836f\u7269\u4e0d\u540c\uff0c\u6ca1\u6709\u5173\u4e8e\u5176\u957f\u671f\u5b89\u5168\u6027\u7684\u6570\u636e\u3002\n- \u5927\u849c\n \uff1a\u5929\u7136\u836f\u7269\u7efc\u5408\u6570\u636e\u5e93\u6700\u8fd1\u5c06\u5927\u849c\u8bc4\u7ea7\u964d\u4f4e\u4e3a\u201c\u53ef\u80fd\u65e0\u6548\u201d\u3002\u5927\u849c\u4e5f\u4f1a\u5f15\u8d77\u836f\u7269\u76f8\u4e92\u4f5c\u7528\u5e76\u589e\u52a0\u51fa\u8840\u98ce\u9669\n- \u82f9\u679c\u918b \n \uff1a\u76ee\u524d\u5c1a\u65e0\u5fc3\u8840\u7ba1\u4fdd\u62a4\u7684\u8bc1\u636e\u3002\n- \u6930\u5b50\u6cb9 \n \uff1a\u4e0d\u7ba1\u662f\u521d\u69a8\u6930\u5b50\u6cb9\u6216\u7eaf\u6930\u5b50\u6cb9\uff0c\u76ee\u524d\u65e0\u4efb\u4f55\u79d1\u5b66\u4f9d\u636e\u3002\u5b83\u53cd\u800c\u4f1a\u4f7f\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u72b6\u51b5\u6076\u5316\uff0c\u589e\u52a0\u603b\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u4ee5\u53caLDL\u548cHDL\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n5. \u6240\u8c13\u7684\u964d\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u7c7b\u996e\u6599\u53ef\u4ee5\u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u753e\u9187(Sterols)\u548c\u82ef\u4e59\u70ef\u9187(stenols)\u662f\u690d\u7269\u7c7b\u5316\u5b66\u7269\u8d28\uff0c\u5176\u5927\u5c0f\u548c\u5f62\u72b6\u4e0e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u76f8\u4f3c\u3002\u5f53\u5b83\u4eec\u88ab\u5438\u6536\u5230\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\uff0c\u53ef\u963b\u6b62\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u88ab\u5438\u6536\uff0c\u4ece\u800c\u964d\u4f4e\u4e86\u4eba\u4f53\u5185\u7684\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u5c3d\u7ba1\u6211\u4eec\u4ece\u690d\u7269\u6027\u98df\u54c1\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u690d\u7269\u6cb9\u3001\u575a\u679c\u3001\u79cd\u7c7d\u3001\u5168\u8c37\u7269\u3001\u6c34\u679c\u548c\u852c\u83dc\u4e2d\u6444\u53d6\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\uff0c\u4f46\u5e76\u4e0d\u4ee3\u8868\u8db3\u4ee5\u964d\u4f4e\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u3002\u5373\u4f7f\u5e02\u9762\u4e0a\u7684\u98df\u54c1\u516c\u53f8\u5f00\u53d1\u4e86\u6dfb\u52a0\u690d\u7269\u753e\u9187\u7684\u98df\u54c1\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u9178\u5976\u996e\u6599\u3001\u725b\u5976\u548c\u8102\u80aa\u6d82\u62b9\u7269\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e0d\u8db3\u4ee5\u66ff\u4ee3\u836f\u7269\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Benjamin Leo Cheang Leng\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Interventional Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Cardiology (Korea & Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u5403\u836f\uff0c\u80c6\u56fa\u9187\u8feb\u964d - \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n or \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/how-to-prevent-chronic-kidney-disease-zh", "title": "\u5982\u4f55\u8fdc\u79bb\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u5982\u4f55\u8fdc\u79bb\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2022\n \n\n\u80be\u810f\u75c5\u5df2\u4e0a\u5347\u4e3a\u5168\u7403\u5341\u5927\u6b7b\u56e0\u4e4b\u4e00\u3002\u5927\u5bb6\u5bf9\u80be\u75c5\u7684\u4e25\u5cfb\u5f62\u52bf\u4e0d\u4e86\u89e3\uff0c\u6162\u6027\u80be\u75c5\u53ef\u9632\u53ef\u6cbb\uff0c\u65e9\u671f\u6cbb\u7597\u6548\u679c\u597d\uff0c\u53ef\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u53d1\u73b0\u65f6\u5df2\u7ecf\u9519\u8fc7\u4e86\u6700\u4f73\u6cbb\u7597\u65f6\u673a\u3002\u5927\u9a6c\u4eba\u8981\u5982\u4f55\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u3001\u65e9\u9884\u9632\uff1f\u80be\u810f\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\u51fa\u5fc3\u91cc\u8bdd\uff0c\u548c\u5927\u5bb6\u804a\u804a\u5982\u4f55\u8fdc\u79bb\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u80be\u75c5\u7684\u6b8b\u9177\u771f\u76f8\n\n\n\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u662f\u65e0\u6cd5\u5b8c\u5168\u6cbb\u6108\u7684\u3002\u66f4\u4ee4\u4eba\u62c5\u5fe7\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u56db\u5206\u4e4b\u4e09\u7684\u900f\u6790\u60a3\u8005\u5728\u7b49\u5f85\u5408\u9002\u80be\u79fb\u690d\u7684\u8fc7\u7a0b\u4e2d\u6b7b\u4ea1\u3002\u90a3\u4e9b\u6709\u5e78\u63a5\u53d7\u79fb\u690d\u624b\u672f\u7684\u4eba\uff0c\u5f80\u5f80\u4f1a\u56e0\u6392\u65a5\u6216\u79fb\u690d\u5931\u8d25\u800c\u4e0d\u5f97\u4e0d\u91cd\u65b0\u63a5\u53d7\u900f\u6790\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u65e9\u9632\u65e9\u6cbb\u662f\u5173\u952e\n\n\n\u201c\u6839\u636e\u4e00\u4efd\u5173\u4e8e\u5168\u7403\u80be\u75c5\u62a4\u7406\u80fd\u529b\u7684\u8be6\u7ec6\u62a5\u544a\uff08Kidney Health Atlas 2017\uff09\u6307\u51fa\uff0c\u5168\u4e16\u754c\u6709\u5341\u5206\u4e4b\u4e00\u7684\u4eba\u60a3\u6709\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u3002\u56e0\u6b64\uff0cColumbia Asia \u5427\u751f\u5206\u9662\u7684\u5185\u79d1\u987e\u95ee\u533b\u751f\u3001\u80be\u810f\u79d1\u533b\u751fDr. T Kalaiselvam Thevandran\u63d0\u9192\u4f60\uff1a\u552f\u6709\u65e9\u9884\u9632\u3001\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\uff0c\u624d\u662f\u907f\u514d\u52a0\u91cd\u6162\u6027\u80be\u75c5\uff08CKD\uff09\u7684\u9996\u8981\u5173\u952e\u3002\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u6000\u7591\u80be\u6709\u95ee\u9898\u600e\u4e48\u529e\uff1f\n\n\n\u80be\u75c5\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u201c\u65e0\u58f0\u6740\u624b\u201d\uff0c\u65e9\u671f\u51e0\u4e4e\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u660e\u663e\u4e0d\u8212\u670d\u7684\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u7b49\u5230\u51fa\u73b0\u4e0d\u8212\u670d\u65f6\u5927\u591a\u5df2\u7ecf\u662f\u5f88\u4e25\u91cd\u4e86\u3002\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u3001\u65e9\u6cbb\u7597\u5c24\u4e3a\u91cd\u8981\uff0c\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u5f97\u5230\u6709\u6548\u7684\u63a7\u5236\u53ca\u5ef6\u7f13\u75c5\u60c5\u3002\u6bcf\u5e74\u6700\u597d\u8fdb\u884c\u4e00\u6b21\u5065\u5eb7\u4f53\u68c0\u6d4b\u4e00\u6d4b\u201c\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u201d\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e00\u9879\u68c0\u67e5\u8d77\u5230\u81f3\u5173\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u4f5c\u7528\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u5b83\u53ef\u68c0\u6d4b\u51fa\u4efb\u4f55\u4eba\u3001\u4efb\u4f55\u9636\u6bb5\u7684\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5\u3002\u683c\u5916\u8981\u6ce8\u610f\u201c\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u68c0\u67e5\u201d\u7684\u9a8c\u5c3f\u3001\u8840\u808c\u9150\u3001GFR\u80be\u5c0f\u7403\u6ee4\u8fc7\u7387\u65b9\u9762\u7684\u68c0\u67e5\u7ed3\u679c\uff0c\u53ca\u65f6\u4e86\u89e3\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u72b6\u51b5\uff0c\u4e89\u53d6\u6709\u95ee\u9898\u53ef\u4ee5\u65e9\u8bca\u65e9\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\n\n\u5c3f\u5e38\u89c4\u66f4\u662f\u4e0d\u53ef\u5ffd\u89c6\uff0c\u56e0\u5176\u68c0\u67e5\u5230\u5c3f\u7ea2\u7ec6\u80de\u3001\u5c3f\u86cb\u767d\u53d8\u5316\uff0c\u4e5f\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u5224\u65ad\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u53d7\u635f\u7684\u75c5\u56e0\u3002GFR\u80be\u5c0f\u7403\u6ee4\u8fc7\u7387\u662f\u6307\u80be\u810f\u6bcf\u5206\u949f\u6ee4\u8fc7\u7684\u8840\u6d46\u91cf\uff0c\u6ee4\u8fc7\u7387\u8d8a\u9ad8\uff0c\u8868\u793a\u80be\u810f\u529f\u80fd\u8d8a\u597d\u3002\u5b83\u662f\u5224\u65ad\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u7684\u201c\u6743\u5a01\u6307\u6807\u201d\u3002\u6d4b\u5b9a\u5c3f\u6db2\u6216\u8840\u6d46\u4e2d\u7406\u60f3\u7684\u6ee4\u8fc7\u6807\u5fd7\u7269\u5982\u83ca\u7c89\u3001\u808c\u9150\uff0c\u800c\u8840\u808c\u9150\u662f\u68c0\u6d4b\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u7684\u6700\u5e38\u7528\u6307\u6807\u3002\n\nDr. T Kalaiselvam Thevandran\u533b\u751f\u7279\u522b\u63d0\u9192\uff0c\u8eab\u60a3\u6709\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u3001\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u3001\u80be\u7ed3\u77f3\u3001\u80be\u75c5\u5bb6\u65cf\u53f2\u3001\u5c3f\u6db2\u5f02\u5e38\u53ca\u8001\u5e74\u4eba\u8fd9\u51e0\u7c7b\u4eba\uff0c\u5c5e\u4e8e\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u7fa4\uff0c\u5e94\u8003\u8651\u5b9a\u671f\u505a\u80be\u75c5\u76f8\u5173\u68c0\u67e5\u3002\u4f8b\u5982\u6025\u6027\u80be\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u6bcf\u5929\u68c0\u67e5\u4e00\u6b21\u4ee5\u4e0a\uff1b\u5982\u679c\u75c5\u51b5\u7a33\u5b9a\uff0c\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u6bcf\u6708\u6216\u6bcf\u5e74\u5b9a\u671f\u68c0\u67e5\u3002\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u8c01\u662f\u80be\u75c5\u7684\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u65cf\u7fa4\uff1f\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u60a3\u8005\n\n\n\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\n\n\n\u80be\u75c5\u5bb6\u65cf\u53f2\n\n\n\u80a5\u80d6\n\n\n50\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u5e74\u957f\u8005\n\n\n\u57fa\u56e0\uff08\u5728\u975e\u6d32\u3001\u897f\u73ed\u7259\u3001\u571f\u8457\u548c\u4e9a\u6d32\u57fa\u56e0\u4eba\u673a\u7387\u8f83\u9ad8\uff09\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u5982\u4f55\u8bca\u65ad\u51fa\u80be\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\uff1f\n\n\n\u8981\u786e\u8bca\u4e3a\u6162\u6027\u80be\u75c5\uff0ceGFR\u503c\u5fc5\u987b\u4f4e\u4e8e60mL/min/1.72m2\u6301\u7eed\u4e09\u4e2a\u6708\u4ee5\u4e0a\uff0c\u6216\u6709\u5176\u4ed6\u80be\u810f\u635f\u5bb3\u5f81\u5146\uff0c\u5982\u86cb\u767d\u5c3f\u3001\u80be\u810f\u6d3b\u68c0\u7ed3\u679c\u5f02\u5e38\u7b49\u3002\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u4ec0\u4e48\u539f\u56e0\u5bfc\u81f4\u80be\u810f\u8870\u7aed\uff1f\n\n\n\u6839\u636e\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u7684\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u3001\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u3001\u80be\u5c0f\u7403\u75be\u75c5\u3001\u591a\u56ca\u80be\u75c5\u3001\u963b\u585e\u6027\u80be\u75c5\u662f\u80be\u8870\u7aed\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u5bfc\u56e0\u3002\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u6025\u6027\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u8870\u7aed\u662f\u4ec0\u4e48\u610f\u601d\uff1f\n\n\n\u6307\u80be\u529f\u80fd\u53d7\u5230\u6025\u6027\u7834\u574f\uff0c\u5bfc\u81f4\u4f53\u5185\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\u7684\u5e9f\u7269\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u79ef\u805a\u81f3\u5371\u9669\u6c34\u5e73\u3002\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u80be\u810f\u5065\u5eb7\u4e0e\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u4e4b\u95f4\u6709\u4f55\u5173\u7cfb\uff1f\n\n\n\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\uff0c\u5373\u5f53\u8840\u6db2\u4e2d\u7684\u8461\u8404\u7cd6\u8fc7\u591a\u65f6\uff0c\u80be\u810f\u53ef\u80fd\u65e0\u6cd5\u91cd\u65b0\u5438\u6536\u8840\u6db2\uff0c\u5bfc\u81f4\u51fa\u73b0\u5c3f\u7cd6\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u3002\u82e5\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u63a7\u5236\u4e0d\u4f73\uff0c\u53ef\u80fd\u5bfc\u81f4\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u80be\u75c5\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u662f\u672b\u671f\u80be\u75c5\u53d8\uff08ESRD\uff09\uff0c\u6700\u540e\u4ec5\u80fd\u91c7\u7528\u80be\u810f\u66ff\u4ee3\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\u8fc4\u4eca\uff0c\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u80be\u75c5\u5df2\u6210\u4e3a\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u672b\u671f\u80be\u75c5\u53d8\u7684\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u56e0\u7d20\uff0c\u9ad8\u8fbe 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T Kalaiselvam A/L Thevandran\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBSc (Medical Science)(UPM), MD (UPM), MRCP (UK), ISN - ANIO Nephropathology Certificate (USA), MSN Board Certified Nephrologist (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u80be\u75c5\u5341\u95ee\u5341\u7b54\uff01\u80be\u810f\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\u51fa\u5fc3\u91cc\u8bdd\uff0c\u6559\u4f60\u8fdc\u79bb\u80be\u810f\u75be\u75c5 - \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nNephrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hyperemesis-gravidarum-ohoh-nothing-seems-stay-my-tummy", "title": "Hyperemesis gravidarum - Oh,Oh!! Nothing seems to stay in my tummy", "body": "\n\n\n\nHyperemesis gravidarum - Oh,Oh!! Nothing seems to stay in my tummy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 03, 2011\n \n\nThe joy of knowing that one is pregnant is often interrupted by feeling of bloatedness, poor appetite and nausea. Most women (50-90%) will have these symptoms during their early stage of pregnancy but gradually subside by the 14-16th weeks. Morning sickness, another name for this condition is coined due to the belief that these symptoms are commonly experience by pregnant mothers in the morning.\n\nHyperemesis gravidarum is associated with the rising pregnancy hormone (HCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin). Once the placenta is fully functional, the HCG hormone declines and hyperemesis improved. It does not affect the fetus but can be a challenging experience for most pregnant mothers. Besides the discomfort of nausea and bloated, medication is usually not necessary for most cases. Very rarely, severe hyperemesis is associated with liver (Wernicke\u2019s encephalopathy) or kidneys (acute renal failure) complications. Looking at the bright side, hyperemesis indirectly indicates a healthy ongoing pregnancy. Only in a normal pregnancy, the HCG hormone will rise accordingly. On the contrary, women with missed abortion or failed pregnancy will not have a decline in the serum HCG level, which clinically manifest as regression of symptom.\n\nI do not often prescribe anti-emetic drugs for my patients except if the hyperemesis is severe. I generally advise them to choose their food carefully, identify symptom triggers to avoid them, and take frequent but small snacks. There are also other alternative methods such as acupressure, acupuncture, taking ginger drinks and hypnosis but their effectiveness remains to be proven.\nEmbrace and welcome your pregnancy symptoms. They are challenging but mostly transient\nDr. Ng Soon Pheng\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Puchong\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hypoglycemia-diabetes", "title": "Hypoglycemia in Diabetes", "body": "\n\n\n\nHypoglycemia in Diabetes\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 11, 2011\n \n\nHypoglycaemia is a condition in which blood glucose levels is abnormally low. Healthy people usually do not become hypoglycaemic even if they do not eat as the body can utilise its reserves to produce enough glucose to maintain body metabolism.\n\nHypoglycaemia occurs most commonly in people with diabetes who are treated with medication to lower blood glucose levels. It may also occur in liver disease, excessive alcohol consumption, and in rare conditions such as insulinoma, (a tumour of the pancreas gland).\n\nThe blood glucose level at which diabetics on treatment develop hypoglycaemia may vary but they are at risk once blood glucose levels fall below 3.9 mmol/L(70 mg/dL)1. However some may experience symptoms above or below this; hence being aware of the symptoms of hypoglycaemia is important.\n\nThe most common symptoms are:\n\nTremors\n\n\nSweating\n\n\nPalpitations\n\n\nFeeling of anxiety\n\n\nHunger\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\nBlurred vision\n\n\n\nAs the blood glucose falls further more serious complications develop:\n\nConfusion and abnormal behaviour\n\n\nLoss of consciousness\n\n\nFits (seizures)\n\n\nComa\n\n\n\nThese complications are due to the effects of low glucose levels in the brain (neuroglycopaenia). Severe and prolonged hypoglycaemia may even result in death.\n\nDiabetics on medication which lower blood glucose may develop hypoglycaemia for various reasons:\n\nExcessive or wrong medication dosage.\n\n\nTaking medication while fasting or not having regular meals.\n\n\nExcessive exercise after taking medication.\n\n\nThe elderly who require smaller doses of medication.\n\n\nThose with kidney failure as medication may accumulate in the body.\n\n\nExcessive alcohol consumption.\n\n\n\nDiabetic patients who are on a combination of different types of diabetic medications or those on insulin injections are at a higher risk for hypoglycaemia. Some patients who have suffered hypoglycaemia may develop a fear of it and may stop taking their medication or self-medicate resulting in uncontrolled diabetes with equally serious consequences.\n\nIf symptoms suggestive of hypoglycaemia develop in a diabetic patient the blood glucose should be checked immediately if a blood glucose meter is available.\n\nIf a blood glucose meter is not available but symptoms of hypoglycaemia are present the patient should be treated as having hypoglycaemia without waiting to confirm the blood glucose level. Treatment should not be delayed as this can be harmful.\n\nFor mild hypoglycaemia, where the patient is conscious, something sweet to eat or drink should be given immediately. Many diabetics are able to recognise mild hypoglycaemia and can immediately treat themselves. For those who are drowsy or have lost consciousness there should not be any attempt to force them to take anything by mouth. This is because they may vomit and aspirate stomach contents into the lungs. Such patients should be immediately taken to a clinic or hospital where glucose can be given by intravenous injection.\n\nFollowing a hypoglycaemic attack the patient should be referred to their doctor for assessment to determine why the hypoglycaemia episode occurred. There may be a need to adjust the dosage or timing of medication, educate the patient or do further investigations.\n\n\u201cHypoglycaemic unawareness\u201d is a condition where a person has hypoglycaemia yet not experience symptoms. Hence the hypoglycaemic episode goes unrecognised. This may occur in those with frequent hypoglycaemia or in those with longstanding or advanced diabetes who have developed complications in their nervous system (autonomic neuropathy). The danger of hypoglycaemic unawareness is that such patients may develop severe hypoglycaemia, coma or even life-threatening complications. These patients should be reviewed by their doctors and the blood glucose monitored frequently.\n\nIn summary hypoglycaemia is a complication of diabetes treatment that patients and their relatives should be aware of. Early recognition of its symptoms and prompt treatment will help avoid serious complications from developing. Following an episode of hypoglycaemia it is advisable to investigate why it occurred in order to reduce the chances of it occurring again.\n\nMore information on diabetes and hypoglycaemia can be found at the Malaysian Diabetes Association website \nhttp://www.diabetes.org.my/\nReferences:\n\n\nAmerican Diabetes Association Workgroup on Hypoglycaemia: Defining and reporting hypoglycaemia in diabetes. Diabetes Care 28:1245-1249, 2005.\n\n\nDr. Tai Keen Sang\n\nConsultant Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospitals- Cheras\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/hyponatreamia-re-visited", "title": "Hyponatreamia Re-visited", "body": "\n\n\n\nHyponatreamia Re-visited\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 23, 2013\n \nDr. Ng Butt Chin, Consultant Physician\n\nIs a very common electrolyte disturbance and is not well addressed. This arises from an inadequate understanding of the aetiologies and often patients are given saline infusion when they are already grossly overloaded just because they are hyponatreamic.\n\nBasic fluid and electrolyte physiology-60% of body weight is made up of water.2/3 of water content is intracellular, 1/3 is extracellular. Extracellular compartment is subdivided into intravascular and interstitial.2/3 of ECF is interstitial while 1/3 is intravascular. The main intravascular cation is Na while intracellular cation is K. Even though there is a huge concentration gradient for potassium and sodium across the cellular membrane, there is no shift of sodium into the cells or shift of potassium out of cells because of the Na/K ATPase pump on the cell membrane. Plasma osmolarity is calculated by total of 2xNa, 2xK, glucosand urea.\n\nNormal plasma osmolarity is 285 mosmol/kg to 295 mosmol/kg.\n\nOsmolarity is regulated by ADH or vasopressin, produced by supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus and stored in the posterior lobe of pituitary. Vasopressin acts on V2 receptors on P (principle) cells of collecting ducts rendering it permeable to water thus absorbing water from the collecting ducts. This will dilute and reduce plasma osmolarity and concentrates urine. Increase in osmolarity will increase vasopressin release, above 285 mosmol/kg, vasopressin release is linearly related to osmolarity.Increase in osmolarity is sensed by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus. Which is very sensitive.1-2% change in osmolarity is enough to trigger the receptors.\n\nThe other factor which stimulates vasopressin is hypovolaemia.This is not sensitive; need at least 5% loss of intravascular volume to activate the baroreceptors which are carotid sinus and aortic arch. But it is a powerful stimulant, it overrides the osmoreceptors.It is important to note that Na concentration do not give us any clue as to the total sodium content in our body. It merely reflects the ratio between sodium content and water content in our body. Thus hyponatreamia do not equate to sodium depletion while hypernatreamia do not equate to sodium overload. In reality, most cases of hyponatreamia or hypernatreamia is due to change in t he water component.\n\nHyponatreamia may be classified as 1) hypovolaemic hyposmolar hyponatreamia 2) normovolaemic hyposmolar hyponareamia 3) hypervolaemic hyposmolar hyponatreamia.\n\nHypovolaemic hyponatreamia is due to true salt and water depletion. It occurs with diuretics especially thiazides and loop diuretics. Other causes are Addison\u2019s disease, salt loosing nephritis.Extrarenal losses are diarrhoea, vomiting and perspiration. Clinical presentations include loss of skin turgor, dry mucous membrane and postural hypotension. Treatment is salt and water replacement.\n\nNormovolaemic hyponatreamia are spurious hyponatreamia which occurs with grossly elevated lipid or protein like myeloma. Other causes are SIADH, hypothyroidism and hypopituitarism with impaired ACTH causing secondary hypocortisolaemia.SIA.DH is defined as inability to maximally dilute urine in presence of hyponatreamia .It is highly suspicious when plasma osmolarity is <275 mosmol/kg and urine osmolarity is >100 mosmol/kg.Clinically there is no hypertension or oedema. Renal, adrenal and thyroid dysfunction must be ruled out before diagnosing SIADH.Causes of SIADH are bronchogenic carcinoma, subarachnoid haemorrhage, traumatic brain injury and drugs like SSRI, tricyclic antidepressants and antiepileptics.\n\nClinical presentations depend more on rapidity of onset than actual sodium level. If onset is gradual over weeks etc, our brain can adjust by releasing active osmotic agent known as LMW inorganic osmolytes.This will reduce the intracellular osmolarity to keep pace with extracellular osmolarity.Thus the osmotic gradient is abolished and osmosis cannot take place.\n\nTreatment is fluid restriction if mild. Lithium and demeclocycline which induces diuresis may be used. If urgent correction is required, 3% hypertonic saline may be used.1 ml/kg/hour may be used. I tend to err on the conservative side and I give 30 ml/hour. To prevent pulmonary oedema in elderly patients, concomitant IV frusemide may be given.Frusemide also induces free water clearance and helps to increase sodium concentration by haemoconcentration.The rule is not to exceed an increase of 8-10 mosmol/kg in 24 hours. Too rapid correction cause central pontine myelinosis.\n\nHypervolaemic hyposmolar hyponatreamia or dilutional hyponatreamia occurs in cases of gross water and salt retention. Such examples are CCF, nephrotic syndrome and liver cirrhosis. The water overload overwhelms the salt overload; hence the hyponatreamia.Treatment is fluid and salt restriction. Never advise patient with CCF to have supplementary and good food intake. This will increase their water and solute content and make thing worse. Loop diuretics like frusemide promotes free water clearance and will correct hyponatreamia by haemoconcentration effect.\n\nI would like to share an interesting case of hyponatreamia which I managed 10 years ago.A 60 year old Chinese man was referred by the oncologist for incidental finding of hyponatreamia. He was on radiotherapy for NPC.Clinically; he has pallor not consistent with anaemia as his conjunctiva was pink. On suspicion of hypopituitarism, I directly asked him when he last shaved. He replied that he forgotten as it came to his realisation that he had not shaved for a long time. Test showed that he had secondary hypothyroidism and secondary hypocortisolaemia due to impaired TSH and ACTH respectively. I started him on hydrocortisone and thyroxine replacement. I presumed that his hypopituitarism may be due to radiation effect. Notice that I did not give fludrocortisone as is needed in Addison\u2019sdisease.His mineralcorticoid is not affected as aldosterone release is not regulated by the pituitary. Aldosterone release is regulated by volume status which is sensed by baroreceptors i.e. carotid sinus and aortic arch. Shortly after, he came back with a complain of polyuria and polydipsia.I checked his RBS and BUNSE which were normal. I expected this and without further investigation like water deprivation test, I started him on vasopressin which stopped his polyuria.In fact when he first saw me, he was already having cranial diabetes insipidus. As free water clearance requires glucocorticoid,and he did not had cortisol then, his diabetes insipidus could not be manifested. But the moment his cortisol was replaced, free water clearance occurred and his so called occult cranial DI was unmasked. Another interesting point was that his BUNSE was normal. We were taught that DI typically gives hypernatreamia and hyperosmolarity because of haemoconcentration effect. In reality this does not happen because of our thirst mechanism.1 to 2 % increase in osmolarity will trigger our thirst centre and we will drink water to compensate.Haemoconcentration with resultant hypernatreamia and hyperosmolarity happens only in elderly and sick patients who cannot request for water or in children who are denied free access to water.\nDr. Ng Butt Chin\n\nConsultant Physician\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/i-have-diabetes-and-im-only-25", "title": "I have Diabetes and I'm only 25!", "body": "\n\n\n\nI have Diabetes and I'm only 25!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 01, 2016\n \n\nAsk the person standing next to you if they've been tested for Diabetes and they might give you a stare and say NO! Dr Pavandeep Dhillon, Chief Medical Officer, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong shares with you on Diabetes which even youngsters should be wary of.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFemale Magazine, June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ibu-hamil-kerap-keguguran-fahami-11-punca-ini", "title": "Ibu Hamil Kerap Keguguran? Fahami 11 Punca Ini", "body": "\n\n\n\nIbu Hamil Kerap Keguguran? Fahami 11 Punca Ini\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 14, 2018\n \n\nKeguguran kerap berlaku pada kehamilan yang berusia kurang dari 24 minggu kehamilan. Ia terbahagi kepada dua keadaan iaitu \nearly miscarriage\n dan \nsecond trimester miscarriage\n. Ketahui 11 puncanya, termasuk bakteria yang dinamakan Group B Streptococcus (GBS).\n\nAda yang mengaitkan keguguran dengan keputihan yang dialami ibu sebelum dan semasa mengandung. Sesetengah ibu didapati ada jangkitan kuman pada faraj (Group B Streptococcus) yang menjadi punca keguguran.\nAPAKAH GROUP B STREPTOCOCCUS (GBS)?\nGroup B Streptococcus (GBS)\n merupakan bakteria yang didapati hidup secara \u201caman\u201d di dalam beberapa bahagian tubuh wanita iaitu faraj, usus, dubur dan pundi kencing. Kehadiran GBS tidak membahayakan kebanyakan manusia. Ia hanya menjadi kuman berbahaya kepada bayi ketika dilahirkan melalui faraj.\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Seremban, organisma yang dikenali sebagai \nGroup B\n \nStreptococcus \n(GBS) merupakan bakteria yang didapati hidup secara \u201caman\u201d di dalam beberapa bahagian tubuh wanita iaitu faraj, usus, dubur dan pundi kencing.\n\nKehadiran GBS tidak membahayakan kebanyakan manusia. Ia hanya menjadi kuman berbahaya kepada bayi ketika dilahirkan melalui faraj.\nJANGKITAN GBS BUKAN PENYAKIT KELAMIN\n\nGBS bukanlah penyakit akibat hubungan kelamin. Penggunaan \nantibiotik \nsebelum kelahiran bayi terbukti boleh \nmenurunkan risiko bayi daripada jangkitan \nGBS tadi. Ada kajian menunjukkan GBS mungkin menyebabkan keguguran TETAPI banyak sebab lain yang boleh menyebabkan masalah ini.\n\nBagi ibu yang keguguran akibat jangkitan GBS, lakukan ujian HVS dan ambil rawatan antibiotik jika GBS masih didapati wujud.\n6 PUNCA \nEARLY MISCARRIAGE\nSelain jangkitan kuman, ada lagi beberapa sebab lain yang boleh mengakibatkan keguguran. \nEarly miscarriage\n ialah keguguran yang berlaku \nsebelum atau pada 13 minggu kehamilan\n. Sebab-sebabnya termasuklah: \n\n\nMasalah genetik\n /kromosom dalam fetus/bayi,\n\n\nJangkitan\n kuman\n\n\nPendedahan kepada \nasap rokok\n\n\nPengambilan \narak\n\n\nPenyakit ibu (\ntiroid, lupus dan kencing manis\n)\n\n\nSebab-sebab lain yang tidak dapat ditemui.\n\n\n4 PUNCA \nSECOND TRIMESTER MISCARRIAGE\n\nTrimester kedua ialah usia kehamilan antara \n13 hingga 27 minggu.\n Faktor-faktor yang boleh menyebabkan \nsecond trimester miscarriage\n pula termasuklah; \n\n\nMasalah pangkal rahim yang lemah (\ncervical incompetence\n)\n\n\nRahim tidak normal seperti \nbicornuate uterus\n\n\nMasalah kesihatan ibu (\nAntiphospholipid Syndrome\n)\n\n\nIbu mengalami sakit/turun darah/turun air secara mengejut\n\n\n Dr Norintan menyarankan ibu-ibu yang mengalami keguguran untuk menjalani pemeriksaan doktor untuk mencari punca keguguran (jika mahu).\n\nNamun begitu, 70 \u2013 80% wanita akan hamil secara spontan dan melahirkan anak yang normal selepas mengalami keguguran sebanyak dua kali.\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 14 December 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\nIbu Hamil Kerap Keguguran? Fahami 11 Punca Ini - Majalah Pa&Ma, 14 December 2018\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ibu-kongsi-pengalaman-sebelum-semasa-selepas-berkhatan-bayi-lelaki-guna-teknik-laser", "title": "Ibu Kongsi Pengalaman Sebelum, Semasa & Selepas Berkhatan Bayi Lelaki Guna Teknik Laser", "body": "\n\n\n\nIbu Kongsi Pengalaman Sebelum, Semasa & Selepas Berkhatan Bayi Lelaki Guna Teknik Laser\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 31, 2020\n \n\u201cAdik tak nak sunat, adik takut lah!\u201d\n\u201cHaih, silap aku tak sunatkan anak aku ni semasa bayi, kan senang\u201d\n\nApabila anak khususnya anak lelaki sudah mencapai umur dalam lingkungan 6 tahun ke atas, pada masa inilah ramai dalam kalangan ibubapa yang akan menjalankan prosedur berkhatan. Bila nak pujuk anak supaya bersetuju tu, memang susahlah sebab terbayangkan prosedur berkhatan ini adalah sesuatu yang mengerikan! Jadi, ada dalam kalangan ibu bapa yang mengambil keputusan untuk mengkhatankan bayi, walaupun bayi lelaki semenjak dari kecil.\n\nUntuk ibu bapa yang bakal merasai pengalaman ini, jom kita baca perkongsian pengalaman yang dikongsikan oleh ibu dimana dia memilih untuk menggunakan teknik laser, mengkhatankan bayi lelaki.\n\nSebenarnya saya teragak-agak nak kongsi ataupun tidak pengalaman ini. Tetapi rasa terpanggil untuk kongsikan juga memandangkan tak banyak artikel pengalaman orang lain di internet yang saya boleh rujuk sebelum ini. Pertama sekali syukur ke hadrat Ilahi, anak saya Yuu baru sahaja selamat berkhatan semasa berumur 2 bulan setengah. Memandangkan semua mak ayah yang ada anak lelaki akan tempuh juga pengalaman berkhatan, disini saya nak kongsikan pengalaman berkhatan bayi lelaki. Sebenarnya plan asal kami nak khatankan Yuu semasa 3-4 bulan, tetapi memandangkan umur 2 bulan Yuu dah mula bergolek dan ada masalah yang menyebabkan perlu sunat segera. Maka, terpaksalah buat secepat mungkin.\n\nAda banyak teknik untuk berkhatan, tetapi kami memilih teknik laser di Columbia Asia Hospital, Iskandar Puteri. Prosedur dilakukan oleh Dr. Zulkarnain Hasan, Pakar Bedah. Saya kongsikan pengalaman sebelum dan selepas:\n\n\u00a0\n\nSebelum Berkhatan\n\n\n\n\nDari hari sebelum lagi saya dah berdebar sebenarnya. Almaklumlah anak lelaki pertama, tak ada pengalaman. Saya cuma pastikan Yuu betul-betul cukup tidur sahaja pada hari sebelum sambil mencari pengalaman mak ayah lain. Saya juga sudah sediakan kelengkapan \u201cperang\u201d sebelum keluar rumah, antaranya:\n\nRancang lokasi nak tukar diaper yang lebih selesa dan praktikal di rumah sebab proses menukar diaper pasti ambil masa lebih lama selepas berkhatan untuk proses mencuci dan letak ubat.\n\n\nSelesaikan kerja-kerja rumah yang tertunggak supaya boleh fokus pada pengurusan anak sekurang-kurangnya 2-3 hari pertama. (Basuh cadar, vacuum, mop, basuh baju, bersihkah habuk ataupun apa-apa yang \u201cmenyakitkan\u201d mata).\n\n\nKemas beg anak untuk ke hospital, bawa:\n\nSpray air (untuk membersihkan anak sebelum proses berkhatan).\n\n\nDiaper yang saiz besar sedikit daripada biasa (3 keping).\n\n\nKain bedung yang selesa (digunakan nanti).\n\n\nSepasang baju tambahan (bawa yang jenis baju berbutang bahagian depan).\n\n\n\u201cNursing cover\u201d.\n\n\nPuting tiruan (untuk menenangkan anak semasa dan selepas proses berkhatan). *tapi tak berkesan untuk anak saya.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nSemasa Berkhatan\n\n\n\n\nSebelum masuk ke bilik rawatan, saya pastikan Yuu betul-betul kenyang dan selesa supaya prosedur berkhatan berjalan lancar nanti. Periksa juga diaper anak betul-betul bersih.\n\nNak cerita bagaimana doktor melakukan prosedur berkhatan, takut tersalah beri info. Cuma ini proses yang anak saya alami semasa berkhatan,\n\nBaju anak perlu dibuka sepenuhnya sebelum proses berkhatan.\n\n\nJururawat membedung bahagian tangan anak untuk limitkan pergerakan.\n\n\nBahagian kemaluan akan dibersihkan lagi seterusnya doktor mencucuk ubat bius anak di 2 lokasi. (Anak saya mula menangis kuat semasa ini)\n\n\nWalaupun baru umur 2 bulan setengah, tapi agak kuat anak saya menendang nak minta dilepaskan kaki dan tangannya. Agaknya kalau dah lagi besar mesti lagi mencabar nak limitkan pergerakan anak.\n\n\nBila anak dah menangis kuat, saya cuba beri puting tiruan tapi tak berjaya. Menyanyi dan bercakap dengan anak pun tak berjaya. Hanya mampu usap-usap sahaja kepala anak.\n\n\nYang penting mak ayah jangan menangis atau stress, nanti anak pun turut stress dan risau menganggu kerja doktor.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApabila selesai sahaja proses berkhatan, proses menjahit pula tak silap saya 6 jahitan. Semuanya hanya mengambil masa 15-20 minit.\n\n\nAkhir sekali, kawasan dikhatan disapu ubat dan dibalut menggunakan gauze lembut utk mengurangkan pergerakan.\n\n\nPada awalnya saya risau juga macam mana nak bawa anak balik, rupanya tak ada masalah pun pakaikan diaper dan baju seperti biasa.\n\n\nAnak saya berhenti menangis selepas selesai proses menjahit malah tertidur kepenatan masa saya dukung berjalan ke kereta. Dalam hati tak putus-putus rasa bersyukur semuanya berjalan lancar sambil memikirkan penjagaan anak lepas berkhatan.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nSelepas Berkhatan\n\n\n\n\nSebenarnya saya membayangkan anak saya akan menangis selepas berkhatan, dari pagi sampai tak tidur malam. Tetapi alhamdulillah anak hanya menangis masa berkhatan sahaja. Lega. Berikut adalah diari selepas anak saya berkhatan untuk panduan saya juga jika ada rezeki dapat anak lelaki lagi.\nHari Pertama:\n\n\nAnak saya tidur nyenyak sepanjang keluar hospital seterusnya sambung tidur di rumah mungkin penat sangat menangis tadi.\n\n\nJururawat ada maklumkan yang balutan tadi kena tunggu 24 jam baru boleh buka.\n\n\nMemandangkan anak tak boleh mandi, saya cuma lap-lap sahaja badan anak dengan kain lembab dan hanya guna spray air semasa proses menukar diaper.\n\n\nJangan usik kawasan balutan dan jangan meniarapkan bayi semasa ini. Perlu sangat hati-hati semasa mengangkat bayi.\n\n\nUntuk memastikan anak saya tidur nyenyak dan risau anak menahan sakit malam-malam. Saya beri ubat demam/tahan sakit (paracetamol) pada anak seperti yang dibekalkan. Kuantiti ubat perlu mengikut berat anak.\n\n\nSaya kerap tukar diaper anak dan pastikan diaper kering sebelum anak tidur lama waktu malam.\n\n\nUntuk sendawakan bayi, saya guna teknik meniarapkan di paha dan pastikan tekanan lebih di perut dan dada anak.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHari Kedua:\n\n\nAnak tidur malam macam biasa, tak seperti yang saya jangkakan. Syukur sangat!\n\n\nBenda pertama yang saya buat bila anak bangun tidur ialah tukar diaper dan periksa balutan sebab risau balutan dah terbuka dan ganggu kawasan jahitan.\n\n\nSelepas 24 jam daripada waktu anak selesai berkhatan barulah boleh buka balutan.\n\n\nJururawat ada kata kalau tak berani nak buka balutan sendiri boleh buat di hospital.\n\n\nPerlu basahkan dengan air dahulu pelekat baru tarik pelekat sebab gamnya agak kuat.\n\n\nDah buka semua, barulah saya mandikan anak guna air suam yang mengalir di sinki yang bersih.\n\n\nLepas dah lap bersih, pakaikan ubat sapu yang dibekalkan hospital seterusnya pakai baju macam biasa.\n\n\nSaya pakaikan baju yang jenis jumper suit berbutang depan, supaya kurang tekanan di bahagian bawah dan mudah nak periksa diaper anak.\n\n\nSaya periksa diaper anak setiap 2 jam.\n\n\nDisebabkan anak dah mula bergolek, perlu perhatian lebih sebab dia agak stress bila tak boleh meniarap.\n\n\nHari Ketiga:\n\n\nAnak tidur seperti biasa, waktu ini saya betul-betul rasa yang khatankan anak masa bayi tak adalah ngeri seperti bayangan saya.\n\n\nKerap periksa diaper anak seperti biasa.\n\n\nHari ini saya dah mula nampak ada benang yang sudah mula tertanggal dan kawasan jahitan pun ada yang mula kering dan tak merah sangat.\n\n\nWaktu ini saya dah mula berani meniarapkan bayi menggunakan bantal menyusu (nursing pillow) dan pastikan tekanan lebih di lutut dan siku anak, bukan di kawasan kemaluan.\n\n\n\nHari keempat dan seterusnya dah mula mudah, sebab kawasan jahitan dah mula kering dan benang tertanggal dengan sendiri. Anak saya dah mula bergolek-golek dan meniarap semasa hari kelima. Temujanji dengan doktor semasa hari ketujuh, syukur sangat tak ada komplikasi semasa berkhatan.\n\nFuhh, lega sangat dah selesai. Terima kasih kepada Dr. Zulkarnain dan team! Kebetulan dalam minggu yang sama, sepupu Yuu juga berkhatan tetapi menggunakan teknik clamp di klinik swasta. Sepupunya hanya beza umur 3 hari sahaja dengan Yuu dan tahap perkembangan juga sama, sudah bergolek dan meniarap sendiri. Pendapat saya, ada pros dan cons bagi kedua-dua teknik ini.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKelebihan dan Kekurangan Beza Teknik Berkhatan\n\n\n\n\nBagi teknik laser, risiko tinggi jika dilakukan oleh orang tidak mahir sebab saya yang melihat pun seriau tengok! Sebab itu kami memilih melakukan prosedur ini dengan doktor pakar bedah. Tetapi yang bagusnya sakitnya hanya sekali dan anak saya menangis semasa proses berkhatan sahaja. Malamnya dan hari seterusnya tak ada merengek kesakitan walaupun semasa tukar diaper dan mandi.\n\nBagi teknik clamp pula, mengikut cerita kakak saya. Semasa proses berkhatan, anak menangis kuat juga dan selepas-lepas itu juga kerap merengek seperti menahan sakit tak selesa waktu malam pertama hinggalah hari ketiga clamp dibuka. Anaknya menangis setiap kali kencing, tukar diaper dan semasa buka clamp. 2 minggu baru kulit jadi normal dan sembuh sepenuhnya.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDitambah lagi, anak ada reaksi alergi terhadap ubat sejak lepas bius kaki bengkak sampailah malam pertama. Habis satu badan bengkak merah. 3 hari duduk di wad untuk pemantauan doktor pakar kulit. Syukur sangat tak ada apa yang serius. Cuma selepas ini perlu sentiasa ingat yang anak ada alergi dengan paracetamol dan ubat bius.\n\nJadi, dalam kes kakak saya mungkin kes terpencil tak semua bayi ada alergi ubat. Kalau ada yang tanya saya, jika ada rezeki dapat anak lelaki nak sunatkan semasa bayi lagi ataupun tidak? Saya akan kata ya dan memilih teknik laser berbanding teknik clamp untuk bayi.\n\nTapi kalau tanya kakak saya, kakak saya tak mahu dah sunatkan anak semasa bayi sebab ada sejarah anak alergi ubat bius dan paracetamol (ubat tahan sakit) dan keluarga saya juga ramai yang ada masalah alergi. 2 minggu juga baru anak pulih sepenuhnya.\n\nLain orang, lain pengalamannya. Ini sekadar pengalaman kami khatankan anak lelaki semasa bayi dari perspektif mak ayah. Apa-apa pun sila rujuk dengan doktor untuk konsultasi. Di akhir tahun ini ramai mak ayah yang khatankan anak. Saya harap perkongsian saya ini membantu untuk mak ayah lain dapatkan gambaran khatankan anak. Silakan share sekiranya bermanfaat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Zulkarnain Hasan\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMD (USM), AFRCS (Ire), M.Med. Surgery (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIbu Kongsi Pengalaman Sebelum, Semasa & Selepas Berkhatan Bayi Lelaki Guna Teknik Laser \u2013 SirapLimau, 7 December 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SirapLimau, 7 December 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ibu-obes-turun-5-7-berat-badan-sebelum-mengandung-kurangkan-risiko-janin-cacat-bayi", "title": "Ibu Obes Turun 5-7% Berat Badan Sebelum Mengandung Kurangkan Risiko Janin Cacat & Bayi Meninggal", "body": "\n\n\n\nIbu Obes Turun 5-7% Berat Badan Sebelum Mengandung Kurangkan Risiko Janin Cacat & Bayi Meninggal\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 04, 2019\n \n\nBerat badan memainkan peranan penting dalam kehamilan. Obesiti atau kegemukan akan mengundang pelbagai risiko yang tidak baik kepada diri dan kandungan.\n\nMenurut Dr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau, wanita obes yang merancang untuk hamil boleh berjumpa pakar sakit puan atau primary care physician untuk mendapatkan nasihat yang tepat berkenaan berat badan optimum dan cara hidup sihat yang perlu diamalkan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTurun 4.5Kg\u00a0Kurangkan Risiko Diabetes 40%\n\nKajian yang dibuat di Sweden mendapati penurunan berat badan sekurangnya 4.5kg boleh menurunkan risiko mendapat kencing manis semasa hamil sebanyak 40% pada kandungan yang seterusnya.\n\nBerat optimum yang perlu dicapai adalah BMI yang normal (BMI 18-24.9) BMI adalah berat dibahagi dengan ketinggian kuasa dua.\nBMI yang lebih daripada 25 adalah dalam kategori berat badan berlebihan dan BMI lebih daripada 30 ke atas adalah \u2018obes\u2019. Terdapat tiga kategori obesiti iaitu Kelas 1 (BMI 30-34.9), Kelas 2 (BMI 35-39.9) dan Kelas 3 atau morbid obese (BMI lebih 40).\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPersediaan Untuk Hamil\n\nSelain mencapai berat badan optimum dan mengikuti saranan pakar, wanita obes yang ingin hamil juga perlu melakukan beberapa perkara sebelum kehamilan agar kesihatan ibu dan kandungan berada di tahap yang optimum.\n\nMengambil asid folik 5mg\n atau lebih setiap hari sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sebelum kehamilan dan diteruskan sehingga trimester pertama.\n\n\nMengambil Vitamin D\n sekurang-kurangnya 10microgram sehari sepanjang kehamilan dan diteruskan sehingga selepas kelahiran bayi dan sepanjang tempoh penyusuan susu ibu.\n\n\nMenurunkan berat badan.\n Wanita disarankan menurunkan sekurang-kurangnya 5-7% dari berat asal untuk memastikan proses kehamilan yang sihat dan kurang berisiko.\n\n\nBahaya Obesiti Semasa Hamil\n\nObesiti berbahaya kerana boleh mengundang pelbagai risiko buruk kepada kedua-dua ibu dan bayi. Justeru ia perlu dicegah bagi mengelakkan berlakunya komplikasi.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nRisiko Kepada Ibu\n\n\nKeguguran secara berulang (recurrent miscarriages)\n\n\nDiabetes semasa mengandung (gestational diabetes)\n\n\nPraeklampsia iaitu tekanan darah tinggi semasa mengandung yang merbahaya dan boleh mengakibatkan sawan, strok dan kegagalan organ-organ lain.\n\n\nVenous thromboembolism iaitu darah beku pada salur darah yang bolehmengakibatkan kegagalan fungsi pernafasan dan membawa maut\n\n\nKelahiran secara induksi.\n\n\nKelahiran secara pembedahan Caesarean.\n\n\nKomplikasi bius.\n\n\nJangkitan pada luka pembedahan caesarean atau episiotomi.\n\n\nKesukaran memulakan penyusuan susu ibu.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRisiko Kepada Bayi\n\n\nStillbirth atau bayi meninggal dalam kandungan.\n\n\nKecacatan kongenital seperti spina bifida dan jantung berlubang\n\n\nKelahiran secara pramatang.\n\n\nMacrosomia iaitu bayi bersaiz besar.\n\n\nKematian neonatal.\n\n\nRisiko bayi menjadi kanak-kanak obes dan mendapat penyakit metabolik.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (UM), M Obs & Gyn (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIbu Obes Turun 5-7% Berat Badan Sebelum Mengandung Kurangkan Risiko Janin Cacat & Bayi Meninggal\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 3 June 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/im-skinny-but-im-fat", "title": "I\u2019m Skinny but I\u2019m Fat", "body": "\n\n\n\nI\u2019m Skinny but I\u2019m Fat\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 04, 2019\n \n\nHuh? It certainly is strange to hear two opposing adjectives to describe one person. How can you be fat when you don\u2019t look fat? Apparently, being skinny fat is even more dangerous than being overweight! If this sounds a bit too much to digest, let Consultant Internal Medicine Physician, Dr. T Kalaiselvam A/L Thevandran from \nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\n shed some light on the matter.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nTools that can be useful for finding out skinny fat are caliper measurements, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), and clinical tests.\n\nIn general, some symptoms or signs that very suggestive of skinny fat:\n\n\nFeeling dizzy or light-headed after mild exercise\n\n\nLack of resistance exercises for many years\n\n\nFlabby arms\n\n\nWeak muscles\n\n\nIncreased Body fat percentage more than recommended.\n\n\nExcess belly fat\n\n\nUnhealthy eating habits with a neutral weight\n\n\nFamily history of Diabetes, Hypertension, Ischaemic Heart Disease\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIs the term \u201cskinny fat\u201d a real thing?\nYes, skinny fat is a real, remarkably common phenomenon and can be deadly even. It describes lean individuals (BMI < 25kg/m2) with a dangerously high percentage of body fat compared to lean muscle mass. Many terms had been coined with skinny fat like Thin Outside Fat Inside (TOFI), Metabolically-Obese Normal-Weight (MONW), Normal Weight Obesity (NWO) and Sarcopenic Obesity (SO). In a recent research study, it was estimated that 14% of the men and 12% of the women scanned with a BMI 20\u201325 kg/m 2 were classified as TOFI. Being lean doesn't mean you're healthy.\n\n\nWhat does \u201cskinny fat\u201d look like?\nPhenotypically, they look lean and healthy, but when we check them out they have high levels of body fat and inflammation. This ectomorph body build has hidden high levels of body fat. They appear thin and flabby.\n\n\nHow do we know whether we\u2019re considered \u201cskinny fat\u201d? What can we do to find out? What are the symptoms?\nWeight is not the main measurement to use when determining the presence of skinny fat. The best way to tell if a body has excess fat stores on a smaller frame is to have their body composition checked out.\n\nOnce you\u2019re able to get reliable information about your body fat percentage, you can compare it against the recommended percent body fat ranges. The recommended ranges for healthy men are between 10-20% body fat, and for women, the ranges are 18-28%. If your body fat exceeds these ranges, but you have a normal weight when you stand on the scale, you may be skinny fat.\n\n\nWho does this usually affect? Is it common?\nAll age groups in both genders are affected and it is common.\n\n\nWhy do people who are \u201cskinny fat\u201d end up that way?\nMost skinny fat people are the way they are because they don\u2019t lift heavy weights or do any resistant exercise. Skinny fat people have low muscle mass. Their fat percentage is high compared to their muscle mass.\n\nIf someone is slim (means have low-fat percentage), you would be able to see their abs and their bodies wouldn't be flabby (especially their upper arms, thighs, and bellies).\n\n\nIs it a dangerous issue? Are there any health risks?\nYes, skinny fat does lead to adverse clinical outcomes. The medical term for \u2018skinny fat\u2019 is technically MONW or \u201cmetabolically obese, normal weight\u201d and \u201cSarcopenic obesity\u201d. Skinny fat people are often a normal weight (or underweight!) but because of their sedentariness, lack of muscle, or poor diet, they have a high percentage of body fat.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nOften, skinny fat people are at risk of certain medical issues as listed:\n\n\nRaised blood sugar, leading to insulin resistance or diabetes.\n\n\nIncreased inflammatory markers in the body, which is linked to an increased risk of certain cancers, heart disease, arthritis, psoriasis, and depression.\n\n\nElevated blood pressure, which puts you at an amplified risk of stroke and dementia.\n\n\nHigh triglycerides, which can root to heart disease.\n\n\nVitamin deficiencies that can lead to conditions such as chronic fatigue, anemia, and more\n\n\nDigestive issues like IBS or acid reflux.\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\nA study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed that 1 in 4 skinny people have prediabetes and are \u2018metabolically obese.\u2019 This study also found that if you are \u2018skinny fat\u2019 at the time you are diagnosed with diabetes, then your risk of death is double that of someone who is an overweight diabetic. \n\n\nIf the answer is yes, how do we combat that \u201cskinny fat\u201d?\nIf you\u2019re officially a part of the skinny fat club, what can you do about it? The good news is, your health is in your hands! It\u2019s up to you to make a few lifestyle changes to go from skinny fat to strong, healthy, and balanced. Do these things to start making the transformation from skinny fat to healthy.\n\n\nExercise Often (Including Strength Training)\nBeing skinny fat, you need to switch from a sedentary lifestyle to one that includes both cardiovascular exercise and strength training. Building muscle is crucial to moving back the negative health effects of being skinny fat. Strength training can be done with weights or with your own bodyweight alone; there\u2019s no fancy equipment required. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC recommends 150 minutes of cardiovascular activity for a week, and you may start strength training 2-3 times per week. Putting on muscle will re-balance your body composition, making you healthy and strong.\n\nApart from gym workups, a simple taking more steps can be a good starter. Get a pedometer and aim for an initial goal of more than 5,000 steps daily and then ultimately, at least 8-10,000 steps daily. This will simultaneously allow you to increase endurance and strength.\n\n\nManage Your Food Choices\nEnsure that you\u2019re \neating healthy\n with foods that nourish your body and muscles. Make sure you\u2019re eating a vegetable-rich diet and include clean sources of protein (like lean chicken breast, salmon, and occasionally red meat) as well as healthy fats (olive oil, avocados, nuts) and fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Importantly, lowering carbs is vital to lower fat.\n\n\nManage Stress\nStress management is vital for general overall health. Studies show that chronic stress predisposes onto visceral fat which is harmful. Make meditation a daily practice, take time to unplug from devices, try yoga, and practice deep breathing when faced with difficult situations. The most important thing to remember is that your health is more internal than external.\n\n\nRegular checks and tests\nTake charge of your health and get all your numbers checked, not just your weight. The important numbers to know for your health are your body composition (the ratio of muscle to fat), your blood pressure, your blood sugar, and your cholesterol (including the \u201cgood cholesterol,\u201d the \u201cbad cholesterol,\u201d and your triglycerides). Getting these numbers in the normal range is so much more important than any number on the scale.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat Not to Do\n\n\u00a0\n\nDon\u2019t starve with very low-calorie diets.\nWhen a person is looking to increase their muscle mass, calorie restricting is the last thing they want to do. Human bodies need those calories for energy, and a lot of energy goes into beefing up muscle mass.\n\n\nDon\u2019t overdo the cardio.\nWhen a person puts themselves through an intense cardio session, especially when they don\u2019t have the calories to burn, their bodies will start consuming muscle. This is the last thing they want to happen when trying to rid themselves of skinny fat.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kalaiselvam Thevandran\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine and Nephrology\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\nBSc (Medical Science)(UPM), MD (UPM), MRCP (UK), ISN - ANIO Nephropathology Certificate (USA), MSN Broad Certified Nephrologist (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nI\u2019m Skinny but I\u2019m Fat \u2013 Female Magazine, Issue June 2019\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Female Magazine, Issue June 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/importance-healthy-bones-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "The Importance of Healthy Bones - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Importance of Healthy Bones - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 13, 2011\n \n\nConsultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Harjeet Singh expounds the importance of keeping our bones healthy and strong, and ways on how to best do this.\n\nHe also touches on the occurence of bone fractures, and how to deal with the problem should it befall you.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/influenza-fakta-yang-perlu-anda-tahu-mengenai-virus-ini", "title": "Influenza... Fakta Yang Perlu Anda Tahu Mengenai Virus Ini", "body": "\n\n\n\nInfluenza... Fakta Yang Perlu Anda Tahu Mengenai Virus Ini\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2020\n \n\n\nTahap pemulihan mangsa Influenza berbeza antara satu individu dengan individu yang lain.\n\n\n\n\n\nJUMLAH kes influenza di beberapa negeri mencatatkan peningkatan dengan kebanyakannya melibatkan pelajar sekolah dan kanak-kanak.\n\nWalaupun Influenza ini menjadi sebutan setiap hari, namun ada juga yang masih belum tahu apa sebenarnya penyakit ini.\n\nMenurut Pakar Perubatan Dalaman & Neurologi, Columbia Asia Hospital Setapak, Dr Tan Wee Yong, Influenza adalah penyakit yang sebabkan oleh virus yang dikenali sebagai Influenza.\n\n\"Virus influenza yang paling biasa adalah virus influenza A dan Influenza B. Ia adalah penyakit berjangkit yang disebarkan melalui titisan udara sama ada melalui percakapan, bersin dan batuk.\n\n\"Dipercayai virus ini boleh disebarkan sejauh kira-kira dua meter,\" kongsinya kepada mStar.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\nSelsema Influenza berbeza dengan selsema biasa.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKenali gejala Influenza\n\n\n\nOrang yang dijangkiti akan mengalami demam tinggi, batuk, sakit otot dan kelesuan yang teruk. Kebanyakan pesakit akan mengalami kekurangan air dalam badan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKumpulan yang paling mudah terjejas\n\n\n\nOrang tua berusia lebih 65 tahun, orang dengan penyakit kronik, wanita hamil dan kanak-kanak kurang daripada lima tahun. Kumpulan ini mempunyai imuniti yang kurang.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMencegah jangkitan Influenza\n\n\n\nCara terbaik untuk mencegah adalah untuk mendapatkan vaksin. Disarankan supaya mengamalkan kebersihan peribadi yang asas seperti mencuci tangan lebih kerap ketika berada di luar dan pakai topeng muka di tempat terbuka serta sesak atau ketika menggunakan pengangkutan awam.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPerkara perlu dibuat sekiranya Terjejas oleh virus influenza\n\n\n\nDoktor akan memberi ubat anti virus dan rawatan simptomatik lain seperti paracetamol, ubat batuk dan antihistamin. Pesakit disarankan menghabiskan ubat antiviral yang diberi.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCiri-ciri dijangkiti virus influenza\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\nPegawai kesihatan turut membuat pemantauan kesihatan terhadap pelajar-pelajar sekolah.\n\n\n\n\n\nOleh kerana ciri-ciri selesema dan selesema biasa hampir sama, satu-satunya cara yang tepat untuk mendiagnosis adalah melakukan swab hidung untuk menguji virus selesema.\n\nAnda dicadangkan untuk mengambil lebih banyak cecair, mengelakkan aktiviti berat dan isolasi daripada orang lain.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTempoh pulih\n\n\n\nPemulihan biasanya berbeza bagi setiap individu. Biasanya ia mengambil masa seminggu untuk pulih, tetapi anda mungkin masih merasa lemah sehingga beberapa minggu.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPunca kes meningkat di Malaysia\n\n\n\nMalaysia terletak di khatulistiwa, oleh itu tiada musim Influenza yang jelas di Malaysia, sekaligus bermakna negara ini akan terdapat virus influenza sepanjang tahun. Dipercayai akhir tahun adalah musim kemuncak rakyat Malaysia melancong dan melawat negara lain dan pada masa berkenaan akan membawa virus ini masuk ke Malaysia.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tan Wee Yong\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (UKM), RCP (UK), MMed (Internal Medicine) (Singapore), Fellowship in Neurology (Malaysia) (Australia), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nInfluenza... Fakta yang perlu anda tahu mengenai virus ini- mStar, 19 Januari 2020\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh mStar, 19 Januari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n and \nNeurology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/influenza-no-vaccine-now-what", "title": "Influenza: No Vaccine Now What\uff1f", "body": "\n\n\n\nInfluenza: No Vaccine Now What\uff1f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 16, 2020\n \n\nInfluenza vaccine is updated yearly some time in August and September. This is comforting to know as according to Columbia Asia Hospital - Setapak Consultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist, Dr. Tan Wee Yong, the best way to prevent contracting influenza is to take the influenza vaccine yearly.\n\nHowever, currently it has been a challenge to keep up with vaccine requests from the public in light of the climbing number of influenza cases in the country. So what does one do in the mean time? \u201cYou can boost your own immune system by drinking lots of water, and eating more fruits and vegetables,\u201d says Dr Lee, \u201c\u2026but the most important and obvious thing to do is to strengthen your personal hygiene habits.\u201d\n\nIt may seem like furious OCD behavior but this is a time when the clich\u00e9 \u2018better be safe than sorry\u2019 can be stressed upon with conviction. \u201cWash basins are not available everywhere but you still have to have clean hands all the time if that is possible. So apart from applying the handwashing technique of scrubbing your palms, back of your palms, interlacing your fingers, scrubbing them clean -- make it a habit of carrying a small bottle of hand sanitizer wherever you go and use it frequently,\u201d advises Dr. Tan. He also calls for members of the public to start wearing a proper mask. \u201cImagine you are on board a train crammed with other passengers. You need to be aware of the risk you are taking every time you inhale in that environment.\u201d\n\nInfluenza is a highly contagious disease transmitted by air droplets by people who talk, sneeze and cough. Did you know that an infected person can spread it to another person who is standing six feet away? That\u2019s how easily this current situation can get out of hand.\n\nTaking precautions goes both ways. As much as you don\u2019t want to contract influenza from others, others do not want to contract it from you either. Regardless of whether one carries the influenza virus or not, if you need to cough or sneeze, there are ethics to be adhered to such as covering your mouth and turning your head away from people.\n\n\u201cSome people believe in air purifiers to keep influenza at bay but there has not been much evidence of that. The disease is spread by droplet from a person to a person, even in clean air surroundings,\u201d says Dr Lee.\n\nIn some people, the risk of infection is much higher. Because of their low immunity than the average person, children under five and adults above 65 as well as pregnant women and those with chronic diseases may get a more serious infection. \u201cThose in the high risk group may take a longer time to recover compared to others. They may also get a secondary infection which will require additional treatment including oxygen support and antibiotics,\u201d says Dr Lee.\nPhoto Credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tan Wee Yong\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (UKM), RCP (UK), MMed (Internal Medicine) (Singapore), Fellowship in Neurology (Malaysia) (Australia), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u5c0f\u5fc3\u53e6\u4e00\u6ce2\u6d41\u611f \u2013 Nan Yang, 8 March 2020\n\n\n\u6d41\u611f10\u77e5/\u9648\u4f1f\u9633\u533b\u751f \u2013 Nan Yang, 8 March 2020\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Nan Yang, 8 March 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n and \nNeurology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/injury-management-sports", "title": "Injury Management in Sports", "body": "\n\n\n\nInjury Management in Sports\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 22, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: \nskysports.com\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nAfter just five weeks of the 2017-2018 season, Premiership Rugby clubs are already dealing with depleted squads due to early-season injuries. We discuss if rugby is facing an injury crisis, whether painkillers in sport is a career necessity, and the role of inflammation in healing.\n\nProduced by: Tina Carmillia\n\nPresented by: Meera Sivasothy\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/injury-prevention-and-treatment-racquet-based-sports-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Injury Prevention and Treatment in Racquet-Based Sports - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nInjury Prevention and Treatment in Racquet-Based Sports - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 20, 2011\n \n\nAs much a part of our national identity as our food and culture, children can be seen playing badminton over house gates everywhere around Malaysia. But how much damage might our bodies be sustaining with badminton and other racquet sports? Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon and sports enthusiast, tells us more.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/injury-prone-athlete-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "The Injury Prone Athlete - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Injury Prone Athlete - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 05, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nThe news that Rafael Nadal will not be defending his US Open Grand Slam title due to a wrist injury marks the most recent injury-blighted chapter of Nadal's stellar career. Dr. Harjeet Singh examines why some athletes are more prone to injury and how this can be avoided.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/integrated-medical-fitness-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Integrated Medical Fitness - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nIntegrated Medical Fitness - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 14, 2013\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nHow can doctors, trainers and physiotherapists come together to better manage injuries and other conditions? Dr. Harjeet Singh lays out a roadmap.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/intra-articular-injection-treatment-knee-osteoarthritis", "title": "Intra-Articular Injection in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis", "body": "\n\n\n\nIntra-Articular Injection in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 25, 2020\n \n\nKnee osteoarthritis (OA), is a degenerative joint disease, typically the result of wear and tear and progressive loss of articular cartilage. OA is common in elderly persons and a major cause for disability. The intensity of the clinical symptoms may vary with everyone, but it typically becomes more severe and debilitating over time. The rate of severity and progression varies for each individual, and so their clinical symptoms and knee pain. The prevalence of knee OA will continue to increase as life expectancy, and obesity rises. Studies have found that the majority of the OA patients were asymptomatic, although with radiographic findings.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDid you know\n\nPain is the hallmark symptom of osteoarthritis\n\n\u00a0\n\nRISK FACTORS FOR KNEE OA\n\n\nModifiable\n\n\nNon-modifiable\n\n\n\n\nOccupation - prolonged standing and repetitive knee bending\n\n\nWeight\n\n\nHealth - metabolic syndrome\n\n\nMuscle weakness or imbalance\n\n\nArticular trauma\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAge\n\n\nGenetics\n\n\nGender - females more common than males\n\n\nRace\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe treatment for OA can be classified from the conservative approach to ultimately surgical treatment options. Intra-articular (IA) treatment for osteoarthritis (OA) is a non-surgical treatment option. This non-surgical intervention does not alter the underlying disease process but may substantially diminish pain and disability. Intra-articular injections may be useful for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, especially where there is a considerable inflammatory component. The different intraarticular injection is corticosteroids, viscosupplements and blood-derived products.\n\nThe delivery of the corticosteroid directly into the knee may reduce local inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and minimize the systemic effects of the steroid. Whereas the other injectable option, the hyaluronic acid (HA) injections is a glycosaminoglycan that is found throughout the human body and is an important component of synovial fluid and articular cartilage. HA injection into the joint acts as a lubricant and may help to increase the natural production of HA in the joint.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOsteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, and generally, the chances of developing osteoarthritis rises after age 45 with the knee being one of the most affected areas. The most common cause of osteoarthritis of the knee is age, and Malaysia is fast developing into an ageing society. InfoMed sat down with Dr Ang Hock Leong, Consultant Orthopedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital - Klang to understand the medical options available for the treatment of osteoarthritis, precisely the non-surgical option.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCOMMON ADVERSE EFFECTS OF IA CORTICOSTEROID INJECTION AND IA HA INJECTION\n\n\nIntra-Articular Corticosteroid Injection\n\n\nIntra-Articular HA Injection\n\n\n\n\nInfections\n\n\nAllergic reaction\n\n\nPain and swelling\n\n\nSkin discoloration at the site of injection\n\n\nElevated blood sugar\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFever\n\n\nMuscle pain\n\n\nInjection site pain\n\n\nTrouble walking\n\n\nChills\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS - KNEE PAIN\n\n\nWorsening overtime\n\n\nWorse with prolonged activity\n\n\nWorse with inactivity\n\n\nWorse with repetitive bending or stairs\n\n\nBetter with rest\n\n\nBetter with ice or anti-inflammatory medication\n\n\nKnee stiffness\n\n\nKnee swelling\n\n\nDecreased ambulatory (walkabout) capacity\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nDid you know\n\nStudies have shown multiple times injections of steroids which are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, in the long term can cause further cartilage to thin out.\n\n\nAn Interview with Dr. Ang Hock Leong, Consultant Orthopedic, Trauma & Joint Replacement Surgeon - Klang\n \u00a0\n\n\n\nWho are the best candidates for intra-articular injection?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis usually respond well with hyaluronic acid (HA), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or combination of both.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow long does an intra-articular injection last?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Studies have shown that HA and PRP can last more than six months. In my practice, most patients do it annually.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nDoes this procedure require hospitalization?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n It is usually done as an outpatient or daycare procedure.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIs there any post-injection physiotherapy requirement?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Usually, there will be slight swelling post-injection, and patients are advised to do regular cold pack and elevation for the first few days. Physiotherapy is helpful for osteoarthritis in terms of pain relief, reduce stiffness and thigh muscle strengthening.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIntra-articular injection is a steroid. Any side-effects?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Intra-articular steroid injection can provide an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. It is usually done for acute exacerbation of osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis. Since it is injected into joint space, systemic absorption into the bloodstream is minimal to cause systemic side effects. However, studies have shown multiple times injections of steroid in the long term can cause further cartilage thin out.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIs age a factor in considering intra-articular injection as an alternative to TKR?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Yes. For a patient who is too young for TKR, or elderly who has multiple medical co-morbidities who is unfit for surgery.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nOlder adults often have complex and multiple disorders. As a surgeon, how do you view your challenges in improving the quality of life of older people?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n TKR is proven to improve the quality of life of knee osteoarthritis patient. However, every surgery carries certain risks and possible complications, especially in elderly who has multiple medical co-morbidities. Recent medical advancement has allowed pretty decent control over multiple chronic disorders, improvements in surgical techniques, advancement in materials, and instruments have lead to shorter operation time, less bleeding, lower infection rates. Better implant design improves longevity and addresses osteoporotic bone in elderly. In general, post-operation recovery is faster, and shorter rehabilitation process has reduced other risks like deep vein thrombosis, improve surgical outcomes and implant longevity, and subsequently better quality of life. In my practice, if medical co-morbidities are reasonably controlled, and surgical benefits outweigh the risks, surgery is still my preferred choice of treatment.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAre there any restrictions for doing an intra-articular injection?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Generally, if there is active knee infection, the injection should not be given. In my practice, do not give HA/PRP during acute exacerbation of arthritis except steroid to avoid excessive swelling and pain. The injection should not also be given if the patient is allergic to the component of HA /PRP.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nAre the options and the personal goals of the patient discussed in arriving at the best treatment?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Good clinical practice should always explore patient expectations before the commencement of any treatment plan. Current evidence does not suggest intra-articular injection as a cure for knee osteoarthritis. It is merely an adjunctive to ease symptoms and functions. There are still non-invasive and non-pharmacological options available like weight reduction, activities modification, low impact exercises, applying topical NSAIDs, rest, walking aid and oral pain killer during bad days etc., and of course a more proven treatment method, TKR.\n\nIn my practice, patients are always informed regarding the effectiveness of intra-articular injection, which may not last long, or it may not be effective at all before they consented for the procedure. Available options are always discussed at the same time.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCan you tell us about platelet-rich plasma use in intra-articular injection?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Platelet-rich plasma or PRP, a mixture of high concentration of platelet and associated growth factors, derived from the centrifugal separation of patient own whole blood or other persons whole blood. It is injected into the knee joint in the hope of promoting healing in wear and tear joint. More and more studies have shown promising outcomes of PRP, especially in younger patients. However, further studies still needed to determine the details like optimum preparation methods, volumes, concentration etc.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe key symptom of knee osteoarthritis is pain. What are the options available with intra-articular injection in minimizing this pain?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Hyaluronic acid (HA), is the natural collagen in our connective tissue. The function is providing cushioning, lubricating and viscous effects in knee joints. HA injection or viscosupplementation is to replace or supplement the progressive loss of HA in osteoarthritis knee. It can be avian derived or produced via bacteria fermentation. The higher molecular weight variant (more than 1 million Dalton) is shown to be more effective. It is also shown to be more effective when used in combination with intra-articular steroid.\n\nIntra-articular steroid injection is very effective in treating the pain during acute exacerbation of osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid and gouty arthritis.\n\nIntra-articular stem cell injection. The mesenchymal stem cell is used in intra-articular knee injection with the hope that stem cell will proliferate and differentiate into cartilage to replace and repair the damaged host cartilage. These cells are usually sourced from patient own bone marrow aspirates, adipose tissue, or peripheral blood. Although many active studies are ongoing, there is still no strong evidence to suggest the stem cells as a cure to osteoarthritis. In fact, there is still a lot of debate going on regarding its efficacy, cell harvesting, processing, characterization and delivery.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIn intra-articular injection, are there any risks that might overshadow their potential benefits?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Although it is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure, but a small risk of introducing infection into the joint cavity still possible. It may cause skin redness, skin irritation over the injection site, especially avian derived HA if the patient is allergic to avian products.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat about the recovery and regain process after the intra-articular injection?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Most patients will have some knee swelling post-injection which may last a few days, but they are generally able to walk independently immediately after injection. They are advised to use a cold pack and elevate the knee when at rest. It is not advisable to receive this treatment too near to their planned trip or vacation.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat are the current challenges in intra-articular injection for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis?\n\n\nDr Ang:\n Efficacy of intra-articular injection is not consistent, and a lot of time is short-lived. We do not know exactly which patient will respond well even though they are in the same stage of the disease. We also do not know how long it will last. Intra-articular injections are still not a cure to osteoarthritis as none of them have shown to replace or to regenerate cartilage especially in advance stage of osteoarthritis and also in the elderly who usually do worse when it comes to tissue regeneration capacity.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Ang Hock Leong\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic, Trauma & Joint Replacement Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), Fellowship in Adult Joint Reconstruction (Singapore)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIntra-Articular Injection in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis \u2013 InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 34, Jul - Sep 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 34, Jul - Sep 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/irregular-bowel-movements", "title": "Irregular Bowel Movements", "body": "\n\n\n\nIrregular Bowel Movements\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 22, 2018\n \n\nConstipation is common in childhood. Parents often become very worried about their child\u2019s bowel habit. The main thing to realise is that every child is different. Normal can vary quite a bit. It is a change in what is normal for your child that suggests a problem. The frequency of bowel movements is not very important. What is important is that the stools are soft, well-formed and passed easily.\n\nBabies will open their bowels anything from several times per day to once every few days. As your baby grows up, into a toddler and then a young child, you may see further changes in the stool frequency and consistency, often dependent on what they are eating. Anything from three times a day to once every other day is common and normal.\n\nConstipation in children or babies can mean any, or all, of the following:\n\nDifficulty or straining when passing stools.\n\n\nPain when passing stools, sometimes with a streak of blood on the toilet paper, due to a small tear in the skin of the anus.\n\n\nPassing stools less often than normal. Generally, this is less than three proper stools per week.\n\n\nStools that are hard and perhaps very large, or pellet-like and small, like rabbit droppings.\n\n\n\nYour child may be constipated because they are not eating enough high fibre foods or drinking enough water. When paired with good hydration, fibre keeps your digestive tract moving along as it should. This prevents and can even treat constipation.\n\nChildren between the ages of 1 and 18 should be getting between 14 and 31 grammes of fibre a day. Foods which are high in fibre are fruit, vegetables, cereals and wholemeal bread.\n\nThe list below can give you some ideas of what your child should eat to increase her fibre intake:\n\nWhole-wheat and whole-grain bread has an average of 2g of fibre per slice.\n\n\nHigh-fibre cereals like raisin bran-type cereals, contain about 5g of fibre per bowl.\n\n\nEach medium banana or orange contains 3.1g of fibre, which makes it a great afternoon snack.\n\n\nOne small apple contains 3.6g of fibre.\n\n\nOne medium baked sweet potato with peel contains 3.8g of fibre.\n\n\nDried (or semi-dried) apricots or raisins for snacks.\n\n\n\nParent should encourage children to drink plenty of water.\n\nHowever, some children get into the habit of only drinking squash, fizzy drinks or milk to quench their thirst.\n\nThese may fill them up and make them less likely to eat proper meals with food that contains plenty of fibre. Try to limit these kinds of drinks and give them water as the main drink.\n\nIf you think your child may be constipated, take him to the doctor. The treatment for constipation depends on your child\u2019s age. The longer your child is constipated, the more difficult it can be for them to get back to normal, so make sure you get help early.\n\nAnswers provided by Dr Lim Kok Chong, consultant paediatrician, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2014 Bukit Rimau.\nPublished in New Straits Times, 20 November 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nWorm Infections \u2013 New Straits Time, 20 November 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/irritable-bowel-syndrome-children-part-1", "title": "Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children (Part 1)", "body": "\n\n\n\nIrritable Bowel Syndrome in Children (Part 1)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 30, 2023\n \n\nIrritable bowel syndrome or IBS, is a chronic inflammation of the gut. It causes abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and bloody stools. It usually starts in childhood before the age of 16.\n\nFor kids, IBS can reduce their quality of life, preventing them from enjoying or participating in daily activities like learning and playing.\n\nWe sat down with Dr Jayagauri A/P Balakrishnan, Consultant Pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya, to learn more about IBS in children and what parents can do if their kids have this condition.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ1: What are some of the most common symptoms of IBS?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere are 3 subtypes in childhood IBS: Crohn\u2019s disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) and IBD unclassified (IBD-U). These diseases are not contagious and sometimes it\u2019s hard to differentiate between them.\n\nBut we have found some common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) include:\n\nAbdominal pain or discomfort (with varying intensity)\n\n\nChanges in bowel movements (diarrhoea or constipation)\n\n\nMucus or blood in the stool\n\n\nFatigue\n\n\nJoint pain: 7 to 20 percent of people with IBS suffer from arthritis, typically the large joints of the lower extremities.\n\n\nAnxiety and depression\n\n\n\nIBS symptoms can vary from person to person. Some may experience only a few of these symptoms, while others may experience several and the severity also varies over time.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ2: What are some of the causes of IBS in children?\n\n\n\nThe cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in children is unclear and can have various causes.\n\nSome of the factors or triggers that may contribute to IBS in children include:\n\nGenetics\n\n\nCertain genes that you were born with may make it more likely that you will get IBS. So, if one or both of your parents has IBS or if your child has a family history of IBS, then chances are they will inherit the condition.\n\n\nInappropriate Immune Response\n\n\nThis can take the form of either hyper or hypo-immunity. When a person\u2019s immune system reacts inappropriately which causes inflammation of the intestine leading to the gastrointestinal symptoms listed previously.\n\n\nAbnormal Gastrointestinal Motility\n\n\nMuscles which control movement of food through the digestive system may contract too strongly or weakly, leading to IBS symptoms.\n\n\nMicrobiome Imbalance\n\n\nImbalance of the gut microbiome can also be blamed for IBS. This happens when the good and bad bacteria in the gut are not balanced.\n\n\nEnvironment\n\n\nEnvironmental factors also cause IBS symptoms. Things that you are exposed to, such as food (highly processed food) can trigger IBS symptoms. In some children the common food triggers are dairy, gluten, and high-fat foods.\n\n\nPsychological Factors\n\n\nSometimes the triggers can be entirely in the mind. Stressful situations and anxiety attacks can worsen IBS symptoms especially in children.\n\n\nMedications\n\n\nCertain types of drugs and medical treatments can unfortunately cause IBS symptoms. For instance, taking antibiotics multiple times early in life increases the risk of IBS. Repetitive infections and exposure to toxins also known to increase the risk of IBS.\n\n\nQ3: How is IBS diagnosed in children?\n\n\n\nDoctors diagnose IBS by looking at medical history, studying the symptoms, carrying out physical examinations and other tests.\n\nSome of the tests that doctors may use to diagnose IBS in children include:\n\nBlood Tests:\n inflammation, haemoglobin, low blood protein, etc.\n\n\nStool Tests:\n blood, infections, inflammation markers\n\n\nBreath Tests:\n bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine\n\n\nImaging Tests:\n ultrasound, barium meal, MRI, capsule endoscopy.\n\n\nEndoscopy:\n intestinal examination and biopsy.\n\n\n\nTo diagnose IBS in children, doctors usually consider the symptoms the child is experiencing and the results of any tests they may undergo.\n\nThe healthcare provider will carefully evaluate the child and use their professional judgment to make the diagnosis.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ4: How do you treat children with IBS?\n\n\n\nThe treatment of IBS in children is based on the severity of their symptoms, their age, and their individual needs. It is complex and should involve a multi-disciplinary team.\n\nThe goal of treatment includes:\n\nto relieve symptoms and improve the child\u2019s quality of life and maintaining the patient\u2019s remission for long period of time\n\n\nhealing the intestine and preventing complications\n\n\nto maintain normal growth and development\n\n\nrestoring quality of life\n\n\n\nTo accomplish these goals involves the implementation of the following steps:\n\nMedications \n\n\nCertain medications can help manage specific symptoms of IBS. Medication also helps control the swelling and irritation (ulcers).\n\n There are several types of medications used and chosen based on where the disease is located and the severity of the irritation.\n\nDoctors may also prescribe probiotics, which are live bacteria that promote gut health.\n\n\nNutritional Management\n\n\nDietary changes may help to alleviate IBS symptoms.\n\nAvoid foods that may trigger symptoms, such as high-fat foods or dairy products. Increasing fibre intake and drinking plenty of fluids.\n\nPoor diet can cause poor growth and poor weight gain.\n\nThis is why it\u2019s important that an IBS team includes dieticians who can plan an individual nutritional plan catered to your child\u2019s specific needs.\n\n\nStress Management\n\n\nStress and anxiety can exacerbate IBS symptoms, so stress reduction techniques such as relaxation exercises, biofeedback, or counselling may be recommended.\n\n\nSurgery \n\n\nSurgery is an important part of effective treatment for some patients when medicine alone cannot control the symptoms or reverse the bowel damage.\n\n\nQ5: How can parents help manage their child\u2019s symptoms at home?\n\n\n\nDepending on the symptoms, a doctor may prescribe different treatments for each child. This includes lifestyle changes and how to manage their condition at-home.\n\nHowever, here are some general steps that parents can take to support their child\u2019s if they have IBS:\n\nConsistent Routine\n\n\nChildren often benefit from a regular routine that includes consistent sleep, meal, and activity times. This helps stabilise their mood, energy levels, and overall health.\n\n\nGood Nutrition\n\n\nA healthy and balanced diet can help reduce inflammation, boost immunity, and support overall health. Encourage your child to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Limit foods which can exacerbate symptoms.\n\n\nHydration \n\n\nHelp your child stay hydrated which can help reduce symptoms like constipation. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water and limit sugary drinks.\n\n\nManage Stress\n\n\nEncourage your child to engage in stress-reducing activities such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. Make time for fun and relaxation activities.\n\n\nDoctor\u2019s Visit\n\n\nIf your child is experiencing significant symptoms, it\u2019s important to call and discuss them with their healthcare provider.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Jayagauri A/P Balakrishnan\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMD (Russia), M Pediatric (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDoctor Tells All on Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children (Part 1 of 2)\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 29 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nPediatric\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/irritable-bowel-syndrome-children-part-2", "title": "Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children (Part 2)", "body": "\n\n\n\nIrritable Bowel Syndrome in Children (Part 2)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 30, 2023\n \n\nIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in children can cause all sorts of bowel issues. For children, this condition can severely reduce their quality of life.\n\nWe sat down with Consultant Pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya, Dr. Jayagauri A/P Balakrishnan, to learn more about this disease. Read Part 1 of our conversation \nhere\n.\n\nIn the first half of our chat, we covered some important topics about irritable bowel syndrome in children. These include symptoms, causes, tests, treatments and at-home management.\n\nIn Part 2, we will cover everything else that you need to know, including complications, parental support, differences between adult and children, takeaways, and resources.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ1: What are the long-term complications associated with childhood IBS?\n\n\n\nIBS is generally not associated with serious long-term health complications, but it can have a significant impact on a child\u2019s quality of life.\n\nChildren with IBS may experience the following long-term complications:\n\nPoor growth:\n malnutrition, possible delayed puberty.\n\n\nChronic pain:\n abdominal pain interfering with day-to-day life.\n\n\nMedication associated:\n Immunosuppression, increase in opportunistic infection (e.g., TB reactivation).\n\n\nStrictures:\n Narrowing of the intestine obstruction of the bowel causing reduced food intake, severe nausea and vomiting and pain after eating.\n\n\nNon-digestive complications:\n Eye inflammation, joint pain or swelling (arthritis), skin sores, liver disease.\n\n\nMalignancy:\n Colorectal carcinoma and medication-induced lymphoma\n\n\nPsychological impact:\n anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems particularly during the adolescent period.\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to note that these long-term complications are not inevitable for all children with IBS.\n\nWith appropriate management and treatment, many children with IBS can lead normal, healthy lives.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ2: How can parents and caregivers support children with IBS?\n\n\n\nParents and caregivers can play a critical role in supporting children with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in several ways:\n\nPediatric Consultation\n\n\nWork closely with your child\u2019s healthcare provider, be sure to follow the healthcare provider\u2019s recommendations regarding medication, diet, and lifestyle changes.\n\n\nBe Informed\n\n\nLearn as much as possible about your child\u2019s condition and treatment options. This can help you understand your child\u2019s symptoms, anticipate potential triggers, and be better prepared to help them manage their symptoms.\n\n\nCommunicate\n\n\nEncourage your child to talk about their symptoms and how they\u2019re feeling. Create a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable discussing their concerns.\n\n\nEmotional Support\n\n\nStress can trigger or worsen IBS symptoms, so it\u2019s important to help your child manage stress. Encourage relaxation techniques, and find activities that help your child relax and feel good.\n\n\nHealthy Lifestyle\n\n\nEncourage your child to eat a healthy and balanced diet, get regular exercise. Healthy lifestyle helps manage IBS symptoms and improve overall health.\n\n\nQ3: How does IBS in children differ from in adults?\n\n\n\nSome of the key differences between IBS in children and adults include:\n\nSymptoms\n\n\nChildren with IBS may experience symptoms differently than adults. While adults with IBS commonly report abdominal pain and altered bowel movements, children may have more other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and poor appetite. Many of the symptoms in children may overlap with other digestive illness thus diagnosing IBS in children can be challenging. A doctor may need to rule out other conditions before making a diagnosis of IBS in children.\n\n\nTreatment\n\n\nMany of the treatment options for IBS are similar for both adults and children, but some medications may not be appropriate for children due to the side effects. Plus, dietary and lifestyle changes may be more challenging to implement in children. However, this may be difficult for picky eaters who have food preferences or have difficulty adhering to strict dietary restrictions.\n\n\nQuality of Life\n\n\nIBS can have a significant impact on a child\u2019s quality of life, including school attendance, social activities, and academic performance. It\u2019s important to consider these factors when treating a child with IBS. In terms of unique challenges in treating children with IBS, doctors need to take into account the developmental stage of the child, as well as their individual needs and preferences. Children may require more support from their caregivers to manage symptoms and stick to treatment plans.\n\n\n\nOverall, a multidisciplinary approach that includes healthcare providers, parents/caregivers, and schools can be effective in managing IBS in children.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ4: What should parents keep in mind if their child is diagnosed with IBS?\n\n\n\nIf your child has been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), here are some key takeaways for parents to keep in mind:\n\nEducate yourself about IBS:\n this can help you better understand your child\u2019s condition and provide better support.\n\n\nWork with a healthcare professional:\n It\u2019s important to work closely with your child\u2019s healthcare professional to develop an appropriate treatment plan that works best for your child.\n\n\nEncourage healthy eating habits:\n Encourage your child to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid foods that are known to trigger IBS symptoms.\n\n\nHelp your child manage stress:\n Stress can trigger or worsen IBS symptoms, so it\u2019s important to help your child manage stress in healthy ways.\n\n\nCommunicate with your child:\n Talk to your child and encourage your child to talk about their symptoms and how they are feeling. This can help you provide better support and help them manage their condition more effectively.\n\n\nQ5: What are some resources on IBS for parents?\n\n\n\nThere are many resources available to help parents learn more about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including:\n\nOnline Resources\n\n\nThere are many online resources available, such as the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), which provides information on IBS symptoms, causes, and treatment options.\n\n\nHealthcare Professionals\n\n\nOne of the most important resources for parents of children with IBS is their child\u2019s healthcare professional. Pediatricians, gastroenterologists, and other healthcare professionals can provide information, advice, and treatment options tailored to your child\u2019s specific needs.\n\n\nBooks and Articles\n\n\nHThere are many books and articles written by healthcare professionals and patient advocates that provide information on IBS.\n\n\nSupport Groups\n\n\nJoining a support group for parents of children with IBS can be a great resource for learning more about the condition, sharing experiences, and finding emotional support. The IBS Association and IFFGD both offer support groups for parents and caregivers of children with IBS.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Jayagauri A/P Balakrishnan\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMD (Russia), M Pediatric (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDoctor Tells All on Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children (Part 2 of 2)\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 29 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nPediatric\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/is-surgery-the-only-way-remove-hemorrhoids", "title": "\u751f\u75d4\u75ae\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u5f00\u5200\uff1f", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u751f\u75d4\u75ae\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u5f00\u5200\uff1f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 03, 2020\n \n\n\u00a0\n\n\u751f\u75d4\u75ae\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u5f00\u5200?\n\n\u201c\u5148\u8fdb\u6fc0\u5149\u956d\u5c04\u5fae\u521b\u6cbb\u7597\u201d\u66ff\u4f60\u8ba9\u4f60\u65e0\u9700\u5f00\u5200\u4e5f\u80fd\u53bb\u9664\u75d4\u75ae\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u75d4\u75ae . \u4e0d\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u53ef\u4ee5\u9ad8\u8c08\u9614\u8bba\u7684\u8bdd\u9898\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u8c08\u53ca \u201c\u75d4\u75ae\u201d \uff0c\u6216\u8bb8\u591a\u6570\u4eba\u4f1a\u89c9\u5f97\u8fd9\u662f\u4e2a\u9690\u79c1\u7684\u8bdd\u9898\u800c\u907f\u800c\u4e0d\u8c08\u3002\u56e0\u4e3a\u75d4\u75ae\u4f3c\u4e4e\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u7981\u5fcc\uff0c\u4e0d\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u53ef\u4ee5\u516c\u5f00\u8ba8\u8bba\u7684\u8bdd\u9898\u3002\n\n\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u5417?\u5176\u5b9e\u75d4\u75ae\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u975e\u5e38\u666e\u904d\u7684\u75be\u75c5!\u6574\u4e2a\u793e\u4f1a\u6709\u5c06\u8fd1\u4e00\u534a\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u7537\u6027\u548c\u5973\u6027\u60a3\u6709\u6216\u60a3\u6709\u8fc7\u75d4\u75ae\u3002\u6216\u8bb8\uff0c\u73b0\u5728\u4f60\u8eab\u8fb9\u5c31\u6709\u4eba\u9ed8\u9ed8\u7684\u627f\u53d7\u7740\u75d4\u75ae\u5e26\u6765\u7684\u75db\u82e6\u4e0e\u70e6\u607c\u3002\n\n\u591a\u6570\u4eba\u5728\u60a3\u4e0a\u75d4\u75ae\u540e\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u56e0\u4e3a\u89c9\u5f97\u7f9e\u803b\u800c\u4e0d\u54a8\u8be2\u4e13\u4e1a\u533b\u751f\uff0c\u6700\u540e\u9009\u62e9\u81ea\u5df1\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\u8feb\u4e8e\u65e0\u5948\u4e0b\uff0c\u5230\u836f\u5242\u884c\u8d2d\u4e70\u75d4\u75ae\u818f\u6210\u4e86\u770b\u4f3c\u552f\u4e00\u7684\u529e\u6cd5\uff0c\u5373\u4f7f\u60a3\u8005\u5fc3\u91cc\u660e\u767d\uff0c\u75d4\u75ae\u818f\u5e76\u4e0d\u80fd\u6c38\u4e45\u6027\u7684\u6539\u5584\u75bc\u75db\u611f\uff0c\u66f4\u4e0d\u80fd\u4ece\u6839\u672c\u89e3\u51b3\u75d4\u75ae\u95ee\u9898\u3002\u5f53\u60c5\u51b5\u6108\u6765\u6108\u4e25\u91cd\u65f6\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u75d4\u75ae\u51fa\u8840\u540e\uff0c\u60a3\u8005\u624d\u4f1a \u201c\u88ab\u8feb\u201d \u5230\u533b\u9662\u5bfb\u6c42\u5e2e\u52a9\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u6c38\u4e45\u53bb\u9664\u75d4\u75ae \u53ea\u80fd\u624b\u672f\u5272\u9664\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u63d0\u5230 \u201c\u6c38\u4e45\u53bb\u9664\u75d4\u75ae\u201d\uff0c\u4e0d\u77e5\u5927\u5bb6\u8111\u6d77\u91cc\u662f\u5426\u6d6e\u73b0\u51fa\u7535\u89c6\u8282\u76ee\u4e2d\u7684\u6f14\u5458\uff0c\u5728\u52a8\u624b\u672f\u5272\u9664\u75d4\u75ae\u540e\u5750\u5728\u6e38\u6cf3\u5708\u4e0a\u51cf\u8f7b\u75db\u695a\u7684\u753b\u9762\uff1f\n\n\u53bb\u9664\u75d4\u75ae\u7684\u4f20\u7edf\u624b\u672f\u7597\u6cd5\u7684\u786e\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u4e00\u5b9a\u7684\u75db\u695a\u3002Columbia Asia Hospital \u73b0\u5df2\u63d0\u4f9b\u6700\u5148\u8fdb\u7684\u201c\u6fc0\u5149\u956d\u5c04\u5fae\u521b\u6cbb\u7597\u201d\uff0c\u8ba9\u75d4\u75ae\u60a3\u8005\u65e0\u9700\u901a\u8fc7\u624b\u672f\u5f00\u5200\uff0c\u4e5f\u80fd\u89e3\u51b3\u70e6\u607c\uff01\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u6fc0\u5149\u956d\u5c04\u5fae\u521b\u6cbb\u7597\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u4e3a\u4e86\u75d4\u75ae\u60a3\u8005\u4ece\u5fb7\u56fd\u5f15\u8fdb\u4e86\u5148\u8fdb\u7684\u6fc0\u5149\u956d\u5c04\u4eea\u5668\u3002\u52a0\u4e0a\u533b\u9662\u4e13\u4e1a\u4e14\u5177\u7ecf\u9a8c\u7684\u533b\u7597\u56e2 \u961f\uff0c\u80fd\u591f\u4ee5\u66f4\u8f83\u5c0f\u7684\u4fb5\u5165\u6027\u5e72\u9884\u8ba9\u60a3\u8005\u4e0e\u75d4\u75ae\u8bf4\u518d\u89c1! \u8fd9\u53f0\u770b\u4f3c\u4e0d\u8d77\u773c\u7684\u4eea\u5668\uff0c\u80fd\u591f\u7cbe\u51c6\u653e\u5c04\u51fa\u6fc0\u5149\uff0c\u901a\u8fc7\u4e00\u4e2a\u5c0f\u4e8e 2 \u6beb\u7c73\u7684\u523a\u5b54\uff0c\u963b\u65ad\u75d4\u75ae\u9759\u8109\u8840\u4f9b\uff0c\u8ba9\u75d4\u75ae \u7ec4\u7ec7\u840e\u7f29\u5e76\u5230\u6700\u540e\u5b8c\u5168\u6d88\u5931\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4e3a\u4f55\u63a8\u8350\u6fc0\u5149\u6cbb\u7597\u9664\u75d4\u75ae?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u901a\u8fc7\u6fc0\u5149\u6765\u4f7f\u7a81\u51fa\u809b\u95e8\u7684\u75d4\u75ae\u7ec4\u7ec7\u840e\u7f29\uff0c\u5168\u7a0b\u4e0d\u9700\u8981\u5f00\u5200\u5207\u9664\u4efb\u4f55\u8eab\u4f53\u7ec4\u7ec7\u3002\u8ddf\u4f20\u7edf\u624b\u672f\u5f00\u5200\u624b\u6cd5\u76f8\u6bd4\u4e4b\u4e0b\uff0c\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\u4e0d\u4ec5\u7597\u7a0b\u540e\u75db\u5904\u8f83\u5c11\uff0c\u624b\u672f\u540e\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u7684\u5927\u5927\u51cf\u4f4e\u3002\u60a3\u8005\u4e5f\u80fd\u591f\u5f88\u5feb\u6062\u590d\u6b63\u5e38\u751f\u6d3b\uff0c5 \u81f3 7 \u5929\u5c31\u80fd\u75ca\u6108\u3002\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\u4e5f\u4e0d\u4f1a\u4f24\u5230\u62ec\u7ea6\u808c\u800c\u5f15\u8d77\u65e5\u540e\u6392\u4fbf\u7684\u56f0\u96be\u3002\u603b\u7ed3\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u4f7f\u7528\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\u53bb\u9664\u75d4\u75ae\u7684\u60a3\u8005\u75db\u695a\u5c11\u3001\u75ca\u6108\u5feb\u3001\u98ce\u9669\u4f4e!\n\n\u00a0\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u533b\u751f\u8ba9\u4f60\u66f4\u4e86\u89e3\u75d4\u75ae\n\n\n\n\u75d4\u75ae\u7684\u5f62\u6210\u662f\u7531\u4e8e\u9759\u8109\u957f\u65f6\u671f\u53d7\u538b\u529b\uff0c\u5bfc\u81f4\u809b\u95e8\u9644\u8fd1\u7684\u8840\u6db2\u5faa\u73af\u53d7\u963b\u6216\u6dcb\u5230\u5468\u56f4\u7684\u7ec4\u7ec7\u53d8\u5f31\uff0c\u5f15\u8d77\u8840\u7ba1\u80bf \u80c0\u53ca\u8840\u7ba1\u7ec4\u7ec7\u7a81\u51fa\u3002\n\n\u4efb\u4f55\u5e74\u9f84\u5c42\u90fd\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u60a3\u6709\u75d4\u75ae\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u957f\u65f6\u95f4\u4e45\u5750\u6216\u4e45\u7ad9\u7684\u4eba\u7fa4\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u5fb7\u58eb\u53f8\u673a\u3001\u671d\u4e5d\u665a\u4e94\u7684\u4e0a\u73ed\u65cf\u7b49\u3002 \u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u559c\u98df\u8f9b\u8fa3\u523a\u6fc0\u98df\u7269\u3001\u9157\u9152\u4eba\u58eb\u3001\u5b55\u5987\u3001\u8001\u5e74\u4eba\u7b49\u76f8\u5bf9\u800c\u8a00\u75d4\u75ae\u53d1\u75c5\u7387\u4e5f\u8f83\u9ad8\u3002\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u75d4\u75ae\u4e5f\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u9057\u4f20!\n\n\u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u901a\u5e38\u4f1a\u4ece\u4fbf\u79d8\u3001\u6392\u4fbf\u65f6\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u6392\u51fa\u8840\u4fbf\u4ee5\u53ca\u809b\u95e8\u6709\u8f6f\u5757\u6216\u75bc\u75db\u80bf\u80c0\u7b49\u75c7\u72b6\u5bdf\u89c9\u51fa\u81ea\u5df1\u60a3\u6709\u75d4\u75ae\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u6240\u63d0\u4f9b\u7684\u201c\u6fc0\u5149\u956d\u5c04\u75d4\u75ae\u7597\u6cd5\u201d\uff0c\u5c06\u4f1a\u7531\u4e13\u4e1a\u53c8\u4eb2\u5207\u53cb\u5584\u7684 Dr. Zulkarnain Hasan \u4ee5 \u53ca Dr Kerwin Teoh Tze Phin \u8d1f\u8d23\u8fdb\u884c\u3002\u533b\u751f\u5728\u8fdb\u884c\u7597\u6cd5\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u4e0e\u60a3\u8005\u8fdb\u884c\u8be6\u7ec6\u7684\u8bb2\u89e3\uff0c\u786e\u4fdd\u60a3\u8005\u4e86\u89e3 \u6574\u4e2a\u7597\u7a0b!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Zulkarnain Hasan\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMD (USM), AFRCS (Ire), M.Med. Surgery (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Kerwin Teoh Tze Phin\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMBBS (IMU), MRCS (Ireland), M. Med. Surgery (USM), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u751f\u75d4\u75ae\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u5f00\u5200? \u201c\u5148\u8fdb\u6fc0\u5149\u956d\u5c04\u5fae\u521b\u6cbb\u7597\u201d\u66ff\u4f60\u8ba9\u4f60\u65e0\u9700\u5f00\u5200\u4e5f\u80fd\u53bb\u9664\u75d4\u75ae\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728 2020 \u5e74 9 \u6708 8 \u65e5\u7684\u201dJOHOR NOW \u5c31\u5728\u67d4\u4f5b\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/is-tap-water-ruining-my-skin", "title": "Is Tap Water Ruining My Skin?", "body": "\n\n\n\nIs Tap Water Ruining My Skin?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 30, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.thesun.co.uk\n\n\u201cIs Tap Water Ruining My Skin?\u201d Do you wonder about this each time you rinse your face? Read on to find out the answers.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIs Tap Water Ruining My Skin? \u2013 Her World, Issue August 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/jangan-mandi-malam-press-clipping", "title": "Jangan mandi malam [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nJangan mandi malam [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 05, 2014\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nBerita Harian,\n\n5 July 2014\n\n\nBerita Harian,\n\n5 July 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/jantung-terhenti-mengejut", "title": "Jantung Terhenti Mengejut", "body": "\n\n\n\nJantung Terhenti Mengejut\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 28, 2020\n \n\nSelain sakit jantung yang sering dikaitkan sebagai \u2018pembunuh senyap\u2019, jantung terhenti mengejut atau sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) sebenarnya lebih berbahaya.\n\nKebiasaannya situasi itu berlaku secara tiba-tiba, tanpa amaran. Mangsa akan terus tumbang, tiada nadi, gagal bernafas dan meninggal dunia dalam beberapa minit jika tidak dirawat serta-merta.\n\nJika dibandingkan dengan serangan jantung, dalam keba\u00adnyakan kes mangsa masih boleh diselamatkan kerana terdapat pelbagai tanda awal untuk mengenal pasti penyakit itu termasuk sakit di bahagian dada, sukar untuk bernafas, berpeluh dan pening.\n\nBerbeza dengan SCA yang boleh menimpa siapa sahaja termasuk individu yang sihat, cergas dan bebas daripada penyakit jantung.\n\nPakar Perunding Kardiologi Intervensi, Hospital Columbia Asia, Petaling Jaya, Dr Nandakumar Ramakrishnan, berkata SCA adalah keadaan di mana jantung seseorang itu terhenti secara tiba-tiba.\n\nBagi memahami SCA, kita perlu mengetahui bagaimana jantung berfungsi. Jantung mempu\u00adnyai sistem elektrik yang mengawal nadi dan irama denyutan jantung. Ia berfungsi untuk mengepam jantung secara teratur.\n\n\u00a0\n\nGangguan arimitmia\n\n\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, apabila berlaku gangguan terhadap sistem elektrik jantung, ia menyebabkan denyutan jantung menjadi tidak seragam dikenali sebagai aritmia,\u201d katanya.\n\nMengulas lanjut, Dr Nandakumar berkata, gangguan aritmia ini menyebabkan jantung berdenyut dalam keadaan yang pelbagai sama ada terlalu cepat, perlahan mahupun tidak seragam.\n\n\u201cAda aritmia yang menyebabkan jantung berhenti mengepam darah ke dalam badan sekali gus mengakibatkan berlakunya SCA.\n\n\u201cContoh aritmia jenis ini termasuk ventricular fibrillation (VF) atau pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT).\n\n\u201cJika ini berlaku, darah akan berhenti mengalir ke otak dan organ lain yang penting sekali gus menyebabkan mangsa tidak mampu bernafas dan tidak sedarkan diri,\u201d katanya.\n\nDr Nandakumar berkata, terdapat beberapa punca yang boleh menyebabkan serangan SCA.\n\nIndividu yang diserang sakit jantung boleh mengalami SCA. Sekiranya serangan jantung dihidapi agak teruk disebabkan arteri koronari tersumbat, ia boleh mencetuskan aritmia yang menyebabkan SCA.\n\n\u201cSelain itu, mereka yang menghadapi masalah cardiomyopathy iaitu jantung lemah atau bengkak dan kecacatan pada struktur jantung sejak lahir (congenital heart disease) turut boleh menjadi punca SCA,\u201d katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, ia turut berpunca daripada masalah penyalahgunaan dadah.\n\nWalaupun sukar untuk mengesan SCA berikutan tiada tanda-tanda yang jelas, kadangkala terdapat simptom untuk mengenal pasti kehadirannya.\n\nIa termasuk sakit dada, sukar bernafas, berasa lemah, denyutan jantung yang laju, sakit kepala dan hampir pengsan.\n\n\u00a0 \nPhoto Credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\nBuat pemeriksaan berkala\n\n\n\nJusteru, sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, Dr Nandakumar menggalakkan masyarakat membuat pemeriksaan berkala khususnya mereka yang berpotensi menghidap SCA.\n\n\u201cMereka perlu mengetahui sejarah keluarga. Risiko lebih tinggi sekiranya ada dalam kalangan ahli keluarga menghidap sakit jantung mahu pun meninggal dunia pada usia muda tanpa sebab.\u201d\n\n\u201cSelain itu, amalkan hidup sihat dan lakukan pemeriksaan rutin seperti ujian kolesterol, tekanan darah dan paras gula.\u201d\n\n\u201cIndividu berisiko termasuk mereka yang merokok, obesiti, mengamalkan gaya hidup tidak aktif dan mengalami tekanan darah tinggi atau pernah mengalami serangan jantung.\u201d\n\n\u201cGolongan itu disarankan merujuk kepada pakar kardiologi bagi menjalani ujian termasuk elektrokardiogram (ECG), echo\u00adcardiogram, menjalani prosedur angiogram dan imbasan Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),\" katanya.\n\nNandakumar turut berkata, kesedaran mengenai bahaya SCA perlu dipertingkatkan dalam kalangan masyarakat meman\u00addangkan ia boleh menyebabkan kematian jika tidak diberikan rawatan kecemasan dalam tempoh beberapa minit sahaja.\n\n\u201cApabila jantung terhenti dan tidak ada bantuan kecemasan dalam kadar segera, ia menyebabkan oksigen tidak sampai ke otak.\u201d\n\n\u201cJika tidak dirawat dalam beberapa minit, mangsa meninggal dunia serta-merta.\u201d\n\n\u201cJusteru, rawatan kecemasan yang boleh diberikan adalah memberikan tekanan kepada dada mangsa, bantuan pernafasan kecemasan (CPR) atau menggunakan alat defibrilator,\u201d katanya.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nKaedah rawatan\n\n\n\nMenyentuh mengenai kaedah rawatan bagi pesakit yang disah\u00adkan menghidap SCA, mereka dinasihatkan untuk menjalani pembedahan kecil dengan memasang Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD).\n\n\u201cICD adalah alat kecil yang diletakkan di bawah kulit di dada.\u201d\n\n\u201cFungsinya untuk memantau dan mengawal aritmia berbahaya dengan memberi kejutan elektrik ketika berlaku gangguan pada jantung.\u201d\n\n\u201cICD perlu ada dalam badan pesakit SCA seumur hidup memandangkan terdapat risiko berlakunya gangguan berulang,\u201dkatanya.\u201d\n\nPesakit dinasihatkan menjalani electrophysiology study dan radio\u00adfrequency ablation untuk mengurangkan atau membetulkan gangguan elektrik pada jantung.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Nandakumar A/L Ramakrishnan\n\n\nConsultant Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (India), MRCP(Edinburgh), Fellowship in Cardiology IJN (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nJantung Terhenti Mengejut \u2013 Berita Harian Online, 22 Februari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nJantung Terhenti Mengejut \u2013 Berita Harian, 22 Februari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 22 Februari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/joint-pain-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Joint Pain - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nJoint Pain - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 26, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nJoint pain is one of the most common discomforts adults feel in daily life. Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, explains when one would need to see a doctor and what it might indicate.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kaedah-puasa-penghidap-barah", "title": "Kaedah Puasa Penghidap Barah", "body": "\n\n\n\nKaedah Puasa Penghidap Barah\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 28, 2020\n \n\nPesakit barah memerlukan pola pemakanan seimbang yang di lengkapi nutrien mencukupi, tinggi kalori dan protein. Ia penting untuk menyembuhkan tisu yang rosak selepas menjalani rawatan dan meningkatkan sistem ketahanan badan pesakit. Pesakit barah yang berpuasa pada Ramadan perlu mengekalkan amalan ini bagi mengelakkan masalah kekurangan nutrisi penting yang akan meningkatkan risiko kekurangan zat makanan iaitu malnutrisi. Pusat Rawatan Kanser Amerika Syarikat melaporkan, hampir 65 hingga 70 peratus pesakit barah mengalami malnutrisi. Barah berkaitan malnutrisi akan menyebabkan pesakit berasa letih. lemah dan gagal mencapai matlamat rawatan yang diberikan.\n\nPakar Dietitian Columbia Asia Hospital - Cheras, Nor Alifah Mokhtar berkata, ada beberapa jenis makanan yang boleh diambil pesakit barah ketika berpuasa. Menurutnya, pesakit dinasihati tidak meninggalkan sahur kerana ia dapat membantu memberikan tenaga sepanjang berpuasa. Waktu bersahur paling digalakkan ialah 30 minit sebelum imsak.\n\n\u201cMereka perlu mengutamakan pengambilan karbohidrat kompleks dan tinggi serat seperti nasi beras perang, oat dan roti atau biskut mil penuh. Ini kerana makanan itu lebih mengenyangkan dan dapat membekalkan tenaga bagi tempoh yang lebih lama serta mengurangkan rasa lapar ketika berpuasa,\u201d katanya.\n\nNor Alifah berkata, pesakit barah memerlukan sumber protein yang tinggi dan mereka hendaklah memastikan mengambil sumber itu dalam setiap hidangan.\n\n\u201cProtein amat penting untuk membaiki tisu yang rosak dan memberi kekuatan bagi meningkatkan sistem ketahanan badan dalam melawan jangkitan kuman. Protein turut melambatkan proses pencernaan kerana strukturnya lebih kompleks. Contoh makanan tinggi protein seperti ikan, ayam, daging, telur, kekacang, susu dan produk tenusu,\u201d katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, pesakit disarankan memulakan berbuka dengan makan tiga butir kurma dan minum segelas air kosong.\n\n\u201cKurma mengandungi gula ringkas fruktosa yang memberikan tenaga segera dan mengembalikan kecergasan badan dengan cepat. Kurma juga kaya dengan sumber mineral seperti potassium, fosforus, kalsium, sodium dan zat besi. Selain itu. makanan ini mengandungi serat yang membantu proses penghadaman,\u201d katanya.\n\nJelasnya, pesakit boleh mengembalikan tenaga sepanjang berpuasa dengan mengambil makanan yang sihat dan seimbang.\n\n\u201cCaranya ialah mengamalkan pinggan sihat iaitu Suku Suku Separuh. la merangkumi suku pinggan untuk bijirin (nasi, mi dan roti), suku pinggan bagi protein (ikan, ayam, telur dan tofu) dan separuh pinggan adalah buah-buahan serta sayur-sayuran. Selain memilih sajian berasaskan bijiran penuh, pesakit harus memperbanyakkan pengambilan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran segar dalam menu harian. Ia (buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran) membekalkan vitamin, mineral serta serat. Pastikan setiap hidangan mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya satu sajian berkenaan,\u201d katanya.\n\nNor Alifah berkata, minuman manis seperti kordial boleh diganti dengan jus buah-buahan segar tanpa gula.Jadikan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran sebagai hidangan moreh berbanding kuih atau manisan yang tinggi kalori.\n\nMenurutnya, pesakit barah perlu mengutamakan pengambilan air masak yang secukupnya iaitu sekurang-kurangnya lapan gelas sehari bagi meningkatkan kandungan air dalam badan.\n\n\u201cSelain itu, pengambilan cecair juga dapat ditingkatkan dalam bentuk minuman, sup, bubur, puding dan makanan yang mengandungi kandungan air yang tinggi seperti tembikai, timun serta tomato. Untuk moreh pula, pesakit dinasihati mengelak daripada mengambil makanan berat seperti nasi dan mi goreng kerana badan tidak memerlukan tenaga yang banyak pada waktu malam. Cukup sekadar menikmati snek ringkas seperti sandwich, biskut, roti dan kuih muih, tetapi kuantiti snek yang diambil tetap perlu dikawal.\u201d katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, ada dua kategori pesakit barah yang tidak digalakkan berpuasa iaitu pesakit yang sedang menjalani rawatan radioterapi dan kemoterapi.\n\nKatanya, ini kerana mereka berisiko mengalami kesan sampingan yang boleh mempengaruhi pengambilan makanan sekali gus menyebabkan masalah nutrisi.\n\n\u201cKesan sampingan yang selalu dialami pesakit semasa dan selepas menerima rawatan (radioterapi dan kemoterapi) ialah hilang selera makan, loya, muntah, perubahan deria rasa, bau, sakit mulut, tekak serta cirit birit. Kesan sampingan ini akan mempengaruhi proses penghadaman dan penyerapan nutrien daripada makanan yang diambil. Kekurangan nutrien akan meningkatkan risiko malnutrisi,\u201d katanya.\n\nNor Alifah berkata, seterusnya ialah pesakit yang mempunyai barah masih aktif atau merebak ke bahagian organ badan lain juga tidak disarankan berpuasa.\n\n\u201cBagi pesakit barah, pengambilan makanan yang optimum adalah penting untuk meningkatkan keupayaan badan melawan penyakit berkenaan dan meningkatkan tindak balas dan penerimaan pesakit terhadap rawatan diberikan,\u201d katanya.\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNor Alifah Mokhtar\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKaedah Puasa Penghidap Barah - Harian Metro, 17 Mei 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 17 Mei 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kanser-hati-sukar-dikesan", "title": "Kanser Hati Sukar Dikesan", "body": "\n\n\n\nKanser Hati Sukar Dikesan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 02, 2019\n \nPhoto credit : Harvard Health Publishing\n\n\n\nKeluarga pesakit hepatitis kronik dinasihatkan jalani pemeriksaan\n\nPeringkat awalnya kanser hati sukar dikesan dan amat penting bagi mereka yang berisiko menjalani ujian saringan terperinci bagi mengenal pasti jika ada tanda penyakit\u201d Dr Khairul Izan.\n\nWalaupun kanser hati sukar dikesan pada peringkat permulaan kecuali mereka yang berisiko menjalani ujian saringan secara menyeluruh, tanda awal boleh dilihat menerusi kesan muntah darah, sakti perut dan sakit bahagian abdomen. Tanda lain kanser yang dikenali sebagai hepatoma ini termasuk kekuningan pada mata dan kulit (jaundis), manakala gejala ketara tahap kritikal, pesakit koma disebabkan kegagalan fungsi hati atau hepatic encephalopathy.\n\nPerunding Pembedahan Am, Hospital Columbia Asia Malaysia, Dr Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani @ Mamat, berkata muntah darah disebabkan oleh pendarahan varices pada saluran makan (Oesophagus). Katanya, keadaan itu juga berpunca daripada sirosis atau penyebaran hepatoma ke dalam saluran darah. Akibat pendarahan dalaman hepatoma pesakit akan mengalami sakit perut, pada masa sama tidak selesa pada bahagian abdomen (rusuk kanan).\n\n\u201cKesan kesakitan disebabkan berlakunya pembesaran hepatoma dan memberi tekanan kepada struktur atau organ berdekatan.\n\n\u201cManakala jaundis pada mata dan kulit akibat tahap bilirubin tinggi hingga menyebabkan pesakit koma disebabkan organ hati gagal berfungsi,\u201d katanya kepada BH.\nJalani ujian darah\n\nDr Khairul Izan berkata, peringkat awalnya kanser hati sukar dikesan dan amat penting bagi mereka yang berisiko menjalani ujian saringan terperinci bagi mengenal pasti jika ada tanda penyakit. Katanya, simptom hanya dapat dirasai apabila kanser hepatoma sudah membesar.\n\n\u201cMereka berisiko (penghidap hepatitis kronik dan sirosis hati daripada punca lain) dinasihat menjalani ujian saringan dengan ujian ultra bunyi dan ujian darah alpha feto protein (tumour marker). Seterusnya mereka dinasihat menjalani saringan CT scan atau Pengimbas Imej Magnetik (MRI) bertujuan sebagai pengesahan diagnosis hepatoma dan dijadikan rujukan perubatan kemudian,\u201d katanya.\n\nDr Khairul Izan berkata, penghidap juga akan mengalami kesan keletihan teruk, hilang berat badan dan kerap demam. \u201cPesakit rasa pembengkakan hati di bahagian abdomen, sakit tulang akibat penyebaran kanser ke tulang dan Ascites (pengumpulan cecair akibat sirosis di bahagian abdomen,\u201d katanya.\n\nKatanya, punca utama hepatoma disebabkan jangkitan kronik Hepatitis B dan C, iaitu dianggarkan 80 peratus daripada keseluruhan kes hepatoma. \u201cHepatoma juga dikenal pasti penyebab kematian kepada 250,000 hingga sejuta individu setiap tahun di seluruh dunia. \u201cKajian menunjukkan hepatoma menduduki tangga ketiga kematian berpunca daripada kanser secara keseluruhannya,\u201d katanya.\n\nKatanya, Asia Timur seperti China, Taiwan dan Hong Kong, manakala Malaysia, Indonesia dan Thailand termasuk dalam kawasan pertengahan. \u201cMalah, perangkaan National Cancer Registry, menunjukkan kanser hati dikesan pada 2.8 bagi setiap 100,000 penduduk di Semenanjung dan seorang daripada 10 kanser utama membabitkan lelaki. Dianggarkan 5.24 peratus daripada populasi negara ini menghidap Hepatitis B kronik dan dua peratus menghidap Hepatitis C kronik. Kedua-dua kategori ini berisiko mendapat hepatoma,\u201d katanya.\nBuang sebahagian hati\n\nDr Khairul Izan berkata, hepatoma boleh sembuh jika mendapat rawatan awal, namun sekiranya lewat, hanya rawatan palliatif sahaja diberikan bagi meringankan sakit. Rawatan lain termasuk menjalani prosedur pembedahan hepatektomi, iaitu membuang sebahagian hati yang diserang sel kanser. Kaedah ini mempunyai kadar sembuh yang tinggi bagi pesakit hepatoma, bergantung pada peringkat hepatoma dan keadaan keseluruhan pesakit serta kepakaran yang ada.\n\n\u201cPemindahan hati perlu dipertimbangkan sekiranya dikesan ada tanda kanser hati berukuran kurang lima sentimeter. Radiofrequency ablation, iaitu penggunaan haba secara radio frekuensi terus kepada sel kanser di hati yang dijalankan pakar radiologi. Begitu juga suntikan ethanol secara terus kepada sel kanser yang dijalankan pakar radiologi. Suntikan kemoterapi kepada sel tumor melalui salur darah pesakit oleh pakar radiologi atau dikenali juga dengan istilah TACE (Transarterial chemoembolisation),\u201d katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, pencegahan lebih baik daripada merawat, hepatoma sering dikaitkan dengan pengambilan alkohol. \u201cJusteru, ahli keluarga pesakit Hepatitis B atau C kronik, perlu menjalani saringan untuk penyakit Hepatitis B atau C itu,\u201d katanya.\nKanser hati atau hepatoma\n\n\nPenyebab kematian 250,000 hingga sejuta setahun.\n\n\nHepatoma menduduki tempat ketiga bagi kematian berpunca daripada kanser.\n\n\nSukar dikesan, pesakit hanya mengetahui selepas kanser berada pada tahap kritikal.\n\n\nPenyakit kuning atau jaundis bagi orang dewasa antara simptom nyata.\n\n\nPesakit hepatoma dikesan berpunca daripada jangkitan Hepatitis B kronik.\n\n\nChina, Taiwan dan Hong Kong merekodkan kes hepatoma tertinggi di Asia.\n\n\nMalaysia, Indonesia dan Thailand kawasan pertengahan penghidap hepatoma.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKanser Hati Sukar Dikesan \u2013 Berita Harian, 2 Februari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 2 Februari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kecederaan-ketika-bersukan-press-clipping", "title": "Kecederaan ketika bersukan [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nKecederaan ketika bersukan [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 12, 2013\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nMingguan Malaysia,\n\n12 May 2013\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kecoh-tentang-hfmd-kenali-penyakit-ini-dan-cara-mencegahnya", "title": "Kecoh Tentang HFMD - Kenali Penyakit Ini Dan Cara Mencegahnya", "body": "\n\n\n\nKecoh Tentang HFMD - Kenali Penyakit Ini Dan Cara Mencegahnya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 10, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\n\u201cMasa tu anak saya asyik menangis,\u201d kata Puan Aishah Aljuned, ibu kepada Amal yang berusia tiga tahun ketika anaknya dijangkiti Penyakit Tangan, Kaki dan Mulut (HFMD atau Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease).\n\n\n\u201cDalam mulut dia terasa pedih disebabkan ulser. Walaupun lapar, susah dia nak kunyah makanan. Terpaksalah saya berikan dia bubur. Aiskrim pun saya bagi sebab kesian saya tengok dia, asyik merengek. Di punggung pula banyak lepuh, macam chicken pox. Kita sebagai ibu tengok dia pun, kita sedih.\u201d\n\n\nIbu bapa pastinya terkesan melihat keadaan anak yang payah makan, lesu dan berasa gatal serta pedih khususnya di kawasan tangan, kaki and mulut.\n\n\nTambahan pula bila terbaca penyakit HFMD ini boleh mendatangkan kematian, pasti ibu bapa risau dan tidak keruan dibuatnya.\n\n\nNamun, tahukah anda bahawa kematian disebabkan HFMD jarang sekali berlaku?\n\n\nMari kita dengarkan fakta dari Pakar Kanak-Kanak dari Hospital Columbia Asia \u2013 Cheras, Dr Kenneth Looi, tentang HFMD supaya tidak panik apabila ahli keluarga dijangkiti.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cMula-mula tu \u2018suspen\u2019 juga\u201d\n\n\n\u201cPenyakit HFMD ialah suatu penyakit berjangkit yang biasanya terjadi dalam kalangan bayi serta kanak-kanak,\u201d kata Dr Kenneth.\n\n\n\u201cJika tidak ditangani dengan baik, ia boleh merebak sehingga menjadi wabak walaupun kadar jangkitan di tahap sederhana. Dalam kes-kes yang amat serious, ia boleh mendatangkan maut tetapi ini sangat jarang berlaku. Sekiranya berlaku, ia adalah HFMD varian Enterovirus 71 atau EV71,\u201d tambahnya.\n\n\nMenurut Dr Kenneth, penyakit HFMD disebabkan jangkitan sistemik dengan Enterovirus manusia.\n\n\nEnterovirus manusia terdiri dari satu genus dari kumpulan gene Picornavaridae. Antara \u2018ahli keluarga\u2019 gen enterovirus yang menjangkiti manusia termasuklah virus polio dan virus Coxsackie.\n\n\nSebuah badan kesihatan awam di Amerika Syarikat, Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, membayangkan ia sebagai suatu penyakit yang walaupun tidak \u2018serius\u2019 tetapi kadar jangkitannya sangat cepat.\n\n\nJika hilang kawalan dan menjadi wabak, ini yang akan mendatangkan lebih banyak masalah pada peringkat penjagaan kesihatan.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nIsolasi satu tanggungjawab\n\n\nSekiranya ada kes HFMD di sekolah, besar kemungkinan ia akan merebak. Satu kes pun sudah cukup untuk sekolah mengambil tindakan menutup sekolah sekurang-kurangnya selama seminggu.\n\n\nMenurut Dr Kenneth, simptom boleh bertahan sehingga tujuh atau 10 hari. Oleh sebab itu, ibu bapa yang bertanggungjawab akan mengasingkan anak mereka di rumah supaya tidak bercampur dengan kanak-kanak lain.\n\n\nPuan Aishah berkongsi, \u201cMula-mula tu \u2018suspen\u2019 juga tapi di sekolah Amal tu, asalkan satu kes HFMD, sekolah akan ditutup selama seminggu. Kemudian bila semua sudah ok, datang pulak satu lagi kes HFMD. Sekali lagi sekolah tutup.\n\n\n\u201cBegitulah seterusnya. Tutup buka tutup buka. Sebagai ibu bapa, itu yang sebaiknya, asal kesihatan anak-anak didahulukan.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cDoktor lihat ada cacar pada tangan anak saya\u201d\n\n\nUlser HFMD kebiasaannya tumbuh di lelangit, lidah serta bahagian dalam pipi dan bibir (mukosa bukal).\n\n\nKadangkala ulser ini kecil dan tidak banyak. Kadangkala ulsernya besar sehingga menjadi stomatitis (radang di dalam mulut). Lebih banyak ulser, lebih pedih rasa sakitnya.\n\n\nKepala pening, badan lesu, rasa lemah dan senak di bahagian perut serta ruam gatal di tangan dan kaki.\n\n\n\u201cDi klinik, doktor cuma sekali lalu tengok tapak tangan Amal,\u201d kata Puan Aishah. \u201cDia nampak ada beberapa \u2018boils\u2019. Dari situ doktor kata ini macam HFDM ni.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cMemang salah satu gejala yang paling ketara penyakit HFMD ini adalah ulser di tapak tangan, tapak kaki dan dalam mulut, serta demam,\u201d kata Dr Kenneth. Menurutnya gejala-gejala ini mungkin tidak akan kelihatan pada hari jangkitan tetapi pada hari berikutnya.\n\n\nUmumnya kanak-kanak dalam lingkungan bawah lima tahun akan menunjukkan kesan HFMD yang lebih ketara berbanding kanak-kanak yang lebih tua. Ini kerana sakit ulser di mulut membuat mereka sangat tidak selesa dan susah untuk makan.\n\n\nAir liur terkumpul di dalam mulut kerana kanak-kanak tersebut berasa sakit apabila menelan. Tabiat ini akan menyebabkan stomatitis atau gingivitis (penyakit gusi). Ramai pesakit HFMD dimasukkan ke hospital dan disambung dengan titisan IV sehinggalah mereka boleh menelan air dengan selesa.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nJangan dekat-dekat\n\n\n\u201cWalaupun penyakit ini umum terjadi di kalangan kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun kebawah, sesiapa sahaja boleh dijangkiti sebenarnya,\u201d kata Dr Kenneth.\n\n\n\u201cVirus ini menjangkiti apabila pesakit berdekatan dengan orang lain. Oleh itu penyakit ini sering tersebar di sekolah-sekolah dan tadika. Jika ada adik-beradik lain di rumah, mereka pun mungkin turut dijangkiti.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cPenyakit HFMD ialah suatu penyakit yang terhad rawatannya kerana kebiasaannya ia akan sembuh dengan sendirinya. Apa yang kita boleh lakukan ialah memberi bantuan untuk membuat pesakit lebih selesa.\n\n\n\u201cJumpa dengan doktor atau ahli farmasi untuk mendapatkan ubat demam. Pastikan anak anda boleh minum dengan betul sekurang-kurangnya air suam atau susu supaya dia tidak mengalami dehidrasi, Minuman sejuk juga boleh mengurangkan rasa pedih ulser.\n\n\n\u201cJika ke klinik, kemungkinan doktor akan mengesyorkan gel untuk ulser atau pun ubat semburan atau lozenge bagi mengurangkan rasa pedih ulser.\n\n\n\u201cSekiranya ada tanda-tanda HFMD semakin serious, bawa pesakit berjumpa dengan pakar kanak-kanak dengan segera,\u201d ujar Dr Kenneth lagi.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nTanda-tanda HFMD semakin serius\n\n\nSakit dada\n\n\nSakit tengkuk\n\n\nNanah atau bengkak di ulser atau lepuh\n\n\nDehidrasi\n\n\nMulut kering\n\n\nKurang/Tidak buang air kecil\n\n\nMata cengkung\n\n\nDemam tinggi\n\n\nSawan\n\n\nSangat penat dan lesu\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nKurangkan risiko jangkitan HFMD\n\n\nBiasakan cuci tangan selalu dengan air dan sabun atau penyahkuman (sanitiser).\n\n\nCuci dan nyahkuman permukaan yang sering disentuh dan dikongsi seperti permainan kanak-kanak dan tombol pintu.\n\n\nJangan sentuh mata, hidung dan mulut.\n\n\nJangan hampiri mereka yang tidak sihat.\n\n\nJangan kongsi gelas atau cawan, sudu garfu, sapu tangan serta barangan peribadi seperti tuala dan berus-berus.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kenneth Looi Chia Chuin\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (IMU), MRCPCH (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKecoh Tentang HFMD - Kenali Penyakit Ini Dan Cara Mencegahnya \u2013 Getaran, 4 Jun 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Getaran, 4 Jun 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kegel-menguatkan-otot-lantai-pelvis-buat-senaman-ini-3-kali-sehari", "title": "Kegel Menguatkan Otot Lantai Pelvis, Buat Senaman Ini 3 Kali Sehari!", "body": "\n\n\n\nKegel Menguatkan Otot Lantai Pelvis, Buat Senaman Ini 3 Kali Sehari!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 02, 2020\n \n\nKecantikan seorang wanita bukan sahaja terhad kepada luaran, rupa yang cantik atau badan yang langsing tetapi juga memerlukan kecantikan dalaman yang sihat. Bagi seorang wanita ia merupakan kebiasaan untuk seseorang itu menjalankan senaman yang kerap untuk otot- otot anggota atas, anggota bawah, belakang and abdomen tetapi kebanyakan wanita kerap mengabaikan kepentingan penjagaan otot lantai pelvik mereka.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMengapa kekuatan otot lantai pelvik penting?\n\n\n1. Menyokong organ-organ dalam pelvik dan memudahkan proses bersalin.\n\nPFM dapat menyokong organ-organ dalam pelvik. Bagi wanita yang mengandung, ia dapat membantu untuk menampung berat bayi dalam rahim. Jika kerap melakukan senaman pelvik, ia akan memudahkan proses peneranan bayi keluar dari faraj.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Mengelak daripada gejala mudah terkencing dan organ prolaps.\n\nSekiranya anda sering mengalami gejala mudah terkencing ketika ketawa, mengangkat barang atau bangun dari tempat duduk, senaman PFM dapat membantu mengurangkan dari inkontinesia urin iaitu pengaliran air kencing atau najis yang tidak sengaja. Selain daripada itu, ia juga dapat mengelak daripada organ prolaps (Rahim - \u2018cystocele\u2019) yang melalui termasuk ke faraj (cystocele) dan rectocele (Rektum- \u2018rectocele\u2019) yang tertekan di dubur.\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Meningkatkan keyakinan diri dan penting untuk fungsi seksual.\n\nPFM dapat meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan seseorang malah boleh memberi kesan kepada hubungan seksual dengan pasangan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Mengatasi masalah perbelanjaan kos rawatan yang tinggi termasuklah kos pembedahan.\n\nOtot lantai pelvis yang kuat dapat mengatasi masalah seperti:\n\ni) Infeksi salur kencing, \u2018pruritus\u2019 akibat dari kekerapan penggunaan tuala wanita dan lampin orang dewasa\n\nii) Mengambilan Ubat\n\niii) Rawatan pembedahan\n\n\u00a0\n\nCara-cara menangani masalah kelemahan otot lantai pelvis\n\n\n1. Senaman Kegel\n\ni) Kempiskan perut dan lakukan proses \u2018kemut-lepas-kemut\u2019\n\nii) Lima kontraksi pantas\n\niii) Diikuti dengan kontraksi perlahan, kontrakkan PFM dan tahan untuk kiraan sepuluh, ulangi pergerakkan ini untuk \n20 kali\n.\n\niv) Adalah disarankan senaman di atas dilakukan sebanyak tiga sesi sehari untuk \nmengekalkan\n kekuatan PFM\n\nv) Bagi \nmenguatkan otot\n PFM yang lemah, pesakit disarankan untuk mengulangi kontraksi PFM perlahan sebanyak tiga sesi sehari dan setiap sesi \n30 ulangan\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nGambarajah 1:\n\nKontraksi otot lantai pelvis dengan pernafasan seperti biasa\n\n\nGambarajah 2:\n\nSenaman lengkukan pinggang sambil kontraksi otot lantai pelvis dalam posisi baring. \n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nGambarajah 3:\n\nSenaman lengkukan pinggang kontraksi otot lantai pelvis dalam posisi duduk.\n\n\nGambarajah 4:\n\nSenaman kontraksi otot lantai pelvis dengan mengunakan bola dan angkat punggung\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Bantuan peralatan perawatan sekiranya PFM terlalu lemah atau lansung tidak dapat melakukan kontraksi\n\ni) EMS, electrical muscular stimulator\n\nii) Vibrance kegel device\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Pakar perubatan\n\ni) Mengambilan ubat\n\nii) Alat perawatan masalah PFM ditempatkan di faraj\n\niii) Pembedahan\n\n\u00a0\n\nBagaimana cara mengenalpastikan keberkesanan senaman \u2018Kegel\u2019 \n\n\n\nKeberkesanan /kekuatan otot lantai pelvis boleh dikenalpasti apabila seseorang menjalankan senaman mengikut senaman yang ditetapkan untuk jangka masa selama sekurang-kurangnya 3 bulan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n1. Maklumbalas daripada pasangan seksual\n\n\n2. Kawalan kencing lebih baik\n\n\n3. Pegurangan penggunaan tuala wanita atau lampin orang dewasa\n\n\u00a0\n\nOtot lantai pelvis juga akan menjadi renggang dan lemah secara semulajadi bukan sahaja disebabkan oleh kekurangan senaman, ia juga akan berlaku apabila usia meningkat. Oleh itu, para wanita disarankan agar menjalankan senaman untuk menguatkan otot lantai pelvis sekerap tiga sesi sehari untuk mengekalkan serta menguatkan otot lantai pelvis bagi mengekalkan kejelitaan dalaman anda.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLee Heng Ho\n\n\nPhysiotherapy Manager\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKegel Menguatkan Otot Lantai Pelvis, Buat Senaman Ini 3 Kali Sehari! \u2013 Mingguan Wanita, 18 November 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Mingguan Wanita, 18 November 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kekal-aktif-walaupun-hamil", "title": "Kekal Aktif Walaupun Hamil", "body": "\n\n\n\nKekal Aktif Walaupun Hamil\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 04, 2020\n \n\nMengandung bukan lagi alasan untuk tidak melakukan sebarang aktiviti.\n\nPasti ramai masih beranggapan wanita hamil tidak perlu bergerak aktif dengan alasan menjaga kandungan. Tidak dinafikan ramai akan bimbang tentang keadaan anda sekiranya melakukan senaman bila berbadan dua. Hakikatnya, senaman sangat membantu kandungan dan tubuh anda untuk gaya hidup yang lebih sihat ketika hamil. Ramai juga masih tidak tahu terdapat beberapa aktiviti yang digalakkan untuk anda lakukan ketika hamil.\n\nAnda boleh lakukan senaman yang mudah dan ringkas malah tidak membebankan tubuh badan anda. Dengar kata tubuh, dan jika terasa letih, berehat seketika dan buat sekadar yang mampu. Jangan memaksa tubuh anda untuk melakukan aktiviti tersebut sehingga anda tercungap atau susah bernafas. Pilih senaman yang sesuai dengan kondisi tubuh badan anda.\n\n\"Secara umumnya sekiranya wanita hamil itu sihat, senaman semasa hamil adalah selamat dan tidak menambahkan risiko keguguran atau kelahiran pra-matang. Sungguhpun demikian, anda hendaklah merujuk kepada pakar sakit puan terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan senaman yang bersesuaian\" kata Dr Salmi Daraup, Pakar Obstetrik & Ginekologi daripada Hospital Columbia Asia Iskandar Puteri.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMANFAAT PADA TUBUH\n\nSenaman yang bersesuaian semasa hamil boleh mengurangkan sakit belakang, melawaskan, mengurangkan risiko untuk menghidap kencing manis (gestational diabetes mellitus) dan pre-eclampsia, risiko berat badan yang berlebihan dan seterusnya menambah stamina. Bukan sahaja senaman dapat memudahkan proses kehamilan anda malah ia sangat membantu tubuh badan anda selepas hamil.\n\nIdealnya, wanita hamil disarankan melakukan aktiviti senaman aerobik intensiti sederhana seperti brisk walking atau berkebun sekurangnya 150 minit seminggu. Wanita hamil dinasihatkan memulakan aktiviti senaman secara berperingkat dimulakan dengan brisk walking selama lima minit sehari dan menambahkan masa senaman anda secara berperingkat.\n\n\u00a0\n\nELAKKAN INIKALA SEDANG HAMIL:\n\n\nSenaman mudah cedera seperti bermain ski dan menunggang kuda.\n\n\nAktiviti yang perlu melompat dan berlari.\n\n\nAktiviti lasak seperti bermain bola tampar, bola keranjang dan bola sepak.\n\n\nBersenam di temp at yang panas seperti sauna dan tab panas.\n\n\nLatihan intensiti tinggi seperti lompat bintang.\n\n\nSenaman angkat berat seperti angkat dumbel.\n\n\nLatihan yang melibatkan baring untuk jangka masa panjang seperti sit-up dan crunches.\n\n\n\nIni boleh menambahkan stamina dan melancarkan peredaran darah. Selain brisk walking, senaman yoga atau pilates yang bersesuaian dapat mengurangkan tekanan dan membaiki emosi anda. Penjagaan emosi wanita hamil memberi kesan pada tumbesaran bayi anda. Selain itu, sebahagian daripada senaman pernafasan juga boleh dipraktikkan ketika bersalin kelak. Latih did anda dengan kaedah pernafasan yang betul untuk wanita hamil sebagai persediaan awal ketika bersalin.\n\u201cSecara umumnya sekiranya wanita hamil itu sihat, senaman semasa hamil adalah selamat dan tidak menambahkan risiko keguguran atau kelahiran pra-matang.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nKETAHUI TEKNIK BERSESUAIAN\n\nTeknik atau cara senaman anda turut dititikberatkan supaya tiada kesan sampingan terjadi pada kandungan anda. Senaman yang tidak bersesuaian boleh mengakibatkan beberapa kesan sampingan seperti risiko kecederaan kepada anggota badan atau kandungan. Risiko pendarahan dan kelahiran pra-matang mungkin berlaku sekiranya wanita hamil itu diagnosis sebagai placenta previa.\n\nSekiranya wanita hamil dikehendaki bed rest contohya seperti dalam situasi placenta previa, anda tidak digalakkan untuk bersenam. Anda turut dinasihatkan untuk menyelesaikan tempoh bed rest tersebut bagi mengelakkan risiko pendarahan atau kelahiran pramatang. Oleh itu, pakar sakit puan akan menyarankan beberapa langkah utk mengelakkan risiko deep vein thrombosis seperti pemakaian stoking DVT.\n\nApapun aktiviti yang mahu anda lakukan perlu dapatkan nasihat dan pandangan doktor pakar sakit puan terlebih dahulu. Anda perlu sentiasa berpada-pada dan tidak terlalu memaksa diri untuk melakukan senaman. Lakukan aktiviti sekadar yang mampu tetapi secara berterusan agar kandungan anda kekal sihat. Senaman yang dilakukan juga perlu seiring dengan penjagaan makanan anda.\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Salmi Daraup\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\nMBBS (IIUM), Doctor of OBS & GYN (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHidangan Raya Pesakit Diabetes Perlu Berpada-pada \u2013 HerInspirasi.com, 1 Mei 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh HerInspirasi.com, 1 Mei 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kenal-pasti-jangkitan-uti", "title": "Kenal Pasti Jangkitan UTI", "body": "\n\n\n\nKenal Pasti Jangkitan UTI\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 23, 2019\n \n\nRASA pedih dan seakan-akan tidak puas membuang air kecil antara situasi menakutkan dan merimaskan kebanyakan wanita hamil.\n\nKeadaan ini antara gejala jangkitan saluran urinari (UTI) yang kerap berlaku kepada kebanyakan wanita malah wanita hamil turut berisiko mengalaminya.\n\nMeskipun UTI boleh berlaku kepada semua jantina tanpa mengira usia, wanita lebih mudah mengalami jangkitan itu berbanding lelaki disebabkan struktur saluran urinari (uretra) wanita lebih pendek.\n\nStruktur bukaan saluran urinari wanita juga lebih dekat dengan dubur dan memudahkan bakteria daripada najis menjangkiti saluran itu.\n\nPakar Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Cheras Dr Norshida Brahim berkata, UTI lebih biasa berlaku ketika hamil berikutan berlaku perubahan pada sistem imun menyebabkan jangkitan bakteria lebih mudah menyerang.\n\nKatanya, sistem imun wanita ketika hamil biasanya lebih rendah dan lebih mudah terdedah kepada jangkitan termasuk UTI.\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, keadaan ini tidak perlu dikhuatiri kerana biasanya UTI boleh dirawat dengan pemberian antibiotik dan ubatan lain untuk pesakit.\n\n\u201cCuma, wanita hamil sering menyalah anggap simpton dan gejala yang dialami adalah disebabkan bayi yang semakin membesar menekan pundi kencing hingga rasa ketidakselesaan semasa membuang air kecil.\n\n\u201cSebab itu, amat penting ibu hamil memberitahu doktor ketika lawatan pemeriksaan sekiranya mereka merasakan ada kelainan yang berlaku ketika kencing. Biasanya fasiliti perubatan akan membuat ujian air kencing untuk mengenal pasti jangkitan,\u201d katanya.\n\nDr Norshida berkata, walaupun penyakit ini tidak memberi kesan secara langsung terhadap bayi dalam kandungan, jika tidak dirawat segera menyebabkan risiko jangkitan merebak ke buah pinggang.\n\nKatanya, jangkitan yang tidak dirawat juga menyebabkan kontraksi pramatang bagi ibu mengandung. Justeru, rawatan awal UTI boleh mengelakkan risiko pada bayi.\n\n\u201cAda sesetengah ibu hamil merasakan gejala UTI yang dialami adalah perkara biasa semasa hamil dan melengahkan rawatan.\n\n\u201cAda sesetengah kes tidak dirawat boleh menyebabkan ibu mengalami demam teruk, jadi saya nasihatkan agar semua ibu hamil tidak mengambil mudah jika terdapat tanda jangkitan,\u201d katanya.\n\nMenurutnya, UTI boleh dirawat secara selamat dengan antibiotik ketika kehamilan dan pakar perubatan biasanya menetapkan antara tiga ke tujuh hari pengambilan antibiotik yang selamat untuk ibu hamil serta bayi.\n\nBerjumpa doktor jika anda mengalami demam, menggigil, sakit pada bawah perut, loya, muntah, kontraksi atau jika selepas mengambil ubat selama tiga hari, anda masih rasa pedih dan membakar ketika membuang air kecil.\nTanda Dan Gejala UTI\n\n\nRasa tidak selesa, pedih dan seperti terbakar ketika kencing.\n\n\nLebih kerap kencing daripada biasa.\n\n\nTiba-tiba ingin kencing (tidak boleh tahan).\n\n\nTiba-tiba ingin kencing (tidak boleh tahan).\n\n\nAir kencing yang pekat atau berbau.\n\n\nRasa kurang sihat.\n\n\nKesakitan ketika hubungan seksual.\n\n\nCara Kurangkan Risiko Jangkitan\nAmalan kebersihan diri yang baik.\n\n1. Mandi setiap hari, basuh kemaluan dan pastikan anda bersihkan dari depan ke belakang selepas ke tandas. Kebanyakan UTI adalah disebabkan bakteria daripada punggung yang disebarkan secara tidak sengaja ke uretra (lubang kencing).\n\n2. Jangan tahan kencing. Pergi ke tandas sebaik saja anda terasa ingin membuang air kecil.\n\n3. Cuci kemaluan sebelum dan selepas melakukan hubungan seks. Ini membantu membuang bakteria di sekitar uretra.\n\n4. Minum air kosong mencukupi. Ketika hamil, mungkin ada yang tiada selera atau mengalami alahan mengandung, namun pastikan anda minum air secukupnya.\n\n5. Minum jus kranberi. Jus kranberi atau kapsul kranberi adalah kaedah semula jadi untuk meningkatkan daya tahan anda terhadap UTI.\n\n6. Elakkan memakai seluar dalam atau seluar yang ketat. Pakai seluar dalam daripada fabrik kapas agar pengudaraan yang baik.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norshida Brahim\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKenal Pasti Jangkitan UTI - Harian Metro, 23 April 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKenal Pasti Jangkitan UTI\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 23 April 2019\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kenali-jenis-bakteria-penyebab-keracunan-makanan-ketahui-cara-mengelaknya", "title": "Kenali Jenis Bakteria Penyebab Keracunan Makanan, Ketahui Cara Mengelaknya", "body": "\n\n\n\nKenali Jenis Bakteria Penyebab Keracunan Makanan, Ketahui Cara Mengelaknya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 07, 2022\n \n\nMakan itu satu nikmat yang tidak terkata, tetapi cara penyediaan yang tidak bersih boleh menyebabkan kemudaratan. Tiada yang nikmat bila perut mula sakit, mulut terasa loya, muntah-muntah dan badan terasa lemah lesu.\u00a0\n\nIni bukan sahaja boleh berlaku di gerai atau restoran. Malahan, di dapur rumah juga ia boleh berlaku sekiranya tatatertib kebersihan tidak diberatkan.\u00a0\n\nMungkin ada di antara anda yang tidak sedar bahawa terdapat beberapa jenis bakteria yang menjadi penyebab kepada keracunan makanan. Bakteria-bakteria ini tercetus daripada jenis makanan-makanan tertentu.\u00a0\n\nPakar Pemakanan, Siti Sarah Juzup dari Hospital Columbia Asia, Setapak akan membawa anda mengenali bakteria-bakteria yang menjadi penyebab keracunan makanan.\u00a0\n\nBahkan, Siti Sarah juga turut membantu untuk memberikan tip mengenai bagaimana kita mahu mengelak daripada diserang keracunan makanan dan diet yang diharuskan seandainya kita mengalami keracunan makanan.\u00a0\n\nDiet yang diharuskan ini termasuk mengelakkan beberapa jenis makanan atau minuman yang tertentu jika kita ingin pastikan kondisi kita sewaktu mengalami keracunan makanan itu tidak menjadi semakin teruk.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKenali bakteria penyebab keracunan makanan\n\n\nSalmonella\n\nSelalunya salmonella berkaitan dengan produk haiwan seperti telur, ayam, ikan dan susu. Sayur mentah dan air juga boleh mengandungi salmonella. Salmonella boleh terdapat semasa mengendalikan makanan atau semasa kilang pemprosesan.\nE.coli\n\nE.coli selalu berkaitan dengan daging yang kurang masak. E.coli juga terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis makanan termasuk produk segar, daging, kekacang dan air. Simptom sekiranya termakan makanan yang tercemar dengan E.coli adalah loya, muntah, cirit-birit bergantung kepada jenis E.coli.\n\n\n\n\nShigella\u00a0\n\nShigella boleh dipindahkan melalui pengendali makanan yang dijangkiti, dan seterusnya menjangkiti orang lain dan ianya disebabkan oleh amalan kebersihan yang kurang baik. Selain daripada manusia, serangga perosak seperti lalat juga boleh memindahkan bakteria ini. Simptomnya adalah kejang perut dan najis berdarah.\u00a0\nBotulism\n\nIni ialah salah satu bakteria yang menjadi penyebab keracunan makanan yang teruk. Botulism terdapat di dalam makanan bertin atau khinzir dan ham. Bakteria ini boleh menghasilkan neurotoksin yang boleh menyebabkan lumpuh. Simptom yang lain termasuk sakit badan, loya, muntah, lemah dan hilang kebolehan untuk menelan.\nListeria\n\nJangkitan bakteria ini berlaku dengan mengambil makanan yang tercemar dan tidak diproses dengan betul seperti makanan mentah atau diproses seperti sayur-sayuran,buah-buahan, daging, susu atau produk tenusu yg tidak dipasturkan.\u00a0\n\nJangkitan listeria boleh menyebabkan cirit-birit dan demam. Jangkitan ini sangat berbahaya kepada wanita hamil dan boleh menyebabkan gugur, kelahiran pra-matang dan kematian kepada bayi yang baru lahir.\n\nCara-cara untuk mengelakkan keracunan makanan \n\nPenyebab keracunan makanan adalah berbeza dan ini adalah sebahagian cadangan untuk mengelakkan keracunan makanan:\n\nBasuh tangan anda dengan sabun dan air bersih sebelum dan selepas menyediakan makanan. Selain itu, anda juga perlu basuh tangan selepas mengendalikan pelbagai jenis makanan.\n\n\nPastikan makanan masak dengan betul dan tidak lagi mentah atau kemerah-merahan. Makanan mentah pula harus disimpan berasingan. Contohnya, jangan letak sebekas ayam mentah sebelah buahan-buahan.\u00a0\n\n\nGunakan papan pemotong dan pisau yang berlainan untuk mengendalikan sayuran-sayuran dan makanan/daging mentah. Sekiranya memotong salad atas papan yang dipotong daging mentah, dikhuatiri bekas daging akan melekat ke salad yang bakal dimakan tanpa dimasak.\u00a0\n\n\nSuhu makanan panas hendaklah dikekalkan pada 60 darjah celcius ke atas dan makanan beku dalam -18 darjah celcius. Sentiasa pastikan peti sejuk anda berfungsi dengan baik supaya makanan di dalamnya selamat dimakan.\u00a0\n\n\nPastikan semua makanan yang terdedah ditutup kemas. Jangan biarkan sebarang makanan pada suhu bilik selama lebih dari dua jam.\u00a0\n\n\n \n\n\nDiet yang harus sewaktu keracunan makanan\n\nSemasa anda mengalami keracunan makanan, anda perlu minum banyak air untuk menggantikan elektrolit dan air yang hilang, contohnya minuman sukan. Selepas episod keracunan makanan, disyorkan pesakit untuk mengambil makanan yang mudah dihadam seperti nasi, pisang, sup kosong, ubi dan ayam panggang tanpa kulit.\u00a0\n\nNasi dan pisang memberi faedah terutamanya kepada kanak-kanak yang mengalami cirit birit. Kandungan nutrien dan kanji amat sesuai bagi individu yang baru pulih dari keracunan makanan. Selepas satu atau dua hari, bolehlah mengambil makanan yang normal.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMakanan yang perlu dielakkan semasa mengalami simptom keracunan makanan adalah:\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\nMinuman berkafein seperti teh dan kopi serta minuman berkarbonat.\n\n\nMakanan yang tinggi kandungan lemak seperti makanan bergoreng, dan makanan berproses, contohnya makanan segera.\n\n\nMakanan dan minuman yang mengandungi gula yang tinggi seperti kek, donut atau air manis.\n\n\nSusu dan produk tenusu yang mengandungi laktosa seperti keju dan yogurt.\n\n\nMakanan yang pedas, dan mengandungi cili atau herba yang berasa pedas.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSiti Sarah Binti Mohd Juzup\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\n\n\nKenali Jenis Bakteria Penyebab Keracunan Makanan, Ketahui Cara Mengelaknya \u2013 Getaran, 24 September 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Getaran, 24 September 2022.\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDietetics and Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kenali-jenis-makanan-bayi", "title": "Kenali Jenis Makanan Bayi", "body": "\n\n\n\nKenali Jenis Makanan Bayi\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 01, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nFASA yang cukup kritikal ialah dua tahun pertama bagi perkembangan nutrisi kanak-kanak kerana tempoh itu memberi kesan kepada tumbesaran otak serta fizikal lain si kecil anda.\n\n\nDetik yang paling mengujakan untuk tempoh dua tahun terbabit ialah saat anak atau bayi diperkenalkan dengan makanan pejal pertama.\n\n\nMenurut Pakar Dietetik Hospital Columbia Asia Klang, Teen May Yen, pendedahan dan kaedah ibu bapa dalam memperkenalkan makanan pertama untuk anak boleh memberi kesan kepada kehidupan pada fasa seterusnya.\n\n\n\"Sejak hari pertama iaitu usia bayi enam bulan sehinggalah ke usia dua tahun, jenis dan pilihan makanan diperkenalkan kepada anak dalam tempoh itu sangat penting.\n\n\n\"Makanan bersesuaian terutama dari sumber bahan yang segar dan sihat seperti protein, karbohidrat, serat dan juga lemak baik sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan mereka.\n\n\n\"Pilihan yang baik ialah kombinasi pelbagai jenis variasi makanan dalam diet bayi sehinggalah usia mereka dua tahun sangat penting.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Kepelbagaian jenis makanan baik dan sihat diberikan pada kanak-kanak membantu membentuk tabiat baik terutama menangani isu seperti memilih makanan (picky eater) dan juga berkait dengan berat badan,\" katanya.\n\n\nTambah pakar itu, kesediaan bayi untuk menerima makanan pejal boleh dilihat pada keadaan atau gerakan bayi itu sendiri.\n\n\n\"Memang garis had umur disarankan pakar adalah enam bulan dan ibu bapa boleh lihat pola perlakuan anak mereka yang menunjukkan tanda-tanda bersedia untuk makan.\n\n\n\"Pertama, keadaan bayi dari bahagian kepala dan leher sudah stabil yang mana menunjukkan pergerakan seperti mengangkat kepala atau sudah pun dalam posisi duduk.\n\n\n\"Selain itu ada juga pergerakan mulut atau mengeluarkan air liur apabila melihat orang dewasa makan. Ini antara gerakan yang biasa dilihat pada bayi berusia sekitar enam bulan dan ke atas jika mereka bersedia untuk makan,\" katanya.\n\n\nKata May Yen, sebaik melihat reaksi itu ditunjukkan bayi mereka, ibu bapa perlu persiapkan makanan dalam tekstur yang sesuai dengan tahap atau perkembangan anak itu.\n\n\n\"Bagi makanan pejal yang pertama memang bermula dengan tekstur puri kerana usus bayi masih lembut selain masih belum tumbuh gigi.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Bentuk puri membantu peralihan lebih baik dari susu iaitu diperoleh dalam bentuk cecair kepada makanan.\n\n\n\"Sebaiknya perkenalkan dengan satu menu dalam tempoh seminggu secara konsisten sebelum beralih kepada menu lain.\n\n\n\"Ini penting bagi mengenal pasti masalah alahan selain kecenderungan anak sama ada suka atau tidak makanan terbabit.\n\n\n\"Jika anak masih tidak suka, masih perlu ibu bapa terus memperkenalkan makanan yang tidak disukai bagi melatih untuk tidak bersikap memilih makanan.\n\n\n\"Kaedahnya dengan banyakkan bahagian makanan disukai dan diselit dengan bahagian tidak disukai sedikit. Lama-kelamaan anak boleh biasakan diri untuk makan apa juga jenis makanan,\" katanya.\n\n\nMay Yen tidak menafikan bayi berkemungkinan tidak menyukai hidangan sayur atau buah tertentu kerana tekstur dan rasa.\n\n\n\"Memang terdapat kajian mengatakan kanak-kanak tidak makan sayur kerana tekstur dan rasanya pahit.\n\n\n\"Tetapi jika didedahkan secara perlahan-lahan, tunas rasa bayi yang baru rasa sayur atau sumber lain termasuklah buah-buahan boleh menerima dengan baik,\" katanya.\n\n\nKata May Yen, sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan sangat penting kerana sumber serat tinggi mencegah masalah sembelit dalam kalangan bayi serta kanak-kanak.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDalam pada itu pakar dietetik itu juga tidak lupa menitipkan tip penting, termasuklah sikap ibu bapa dalam proses memperkenalkan makanan pejal terhadap anak mereka.\n\n\n\"Cuma dalam proses memperkenalkan makanan pejal ini ibu bapa perlu ada inisiatif dan konsisten.\n\n\n\"Maksudnya jika tiba satu tempoh yang ibu bapa sibuk dan mereka tidak sempat menyediakan makanan pejal untuk bayi, mereka hanya membekalkan susu kepada anak.\n\n\n\"Sebenarnya ini adalah salah dan ibu bapa tetap perlu menyediakan makanan pejal pada tempoh berkenaan. Andai tidak sempat menyediakan sendiri, gunakan produk makanan bayi sedia ada dalam pasaran.\n\n\n\"Selain itu, seiring dengan pemberian makanan pejal, jumlah susu diambil juga berkurangan. Sebaiknya patuhi jadual pemeriksaan anak bersama doktor sepanjang dua tahun supaya perkembangan anak termasuklah berat badan dapat dipantau dengan baik,\" katanya.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTeen May Yen\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKenali Jenis Makanan Bayi - Harian Metro, 17 Jun 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 17 Jun 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDietetics & Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kenapa-perlu-minum-air-gula-ketika-hamil", "title": "Kenapa Perlu Minum Air Gula Ketika Hamil", "body": "\n\n\n\nKenapa Perlu Minum Air Gula Ketika Hamil\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 15, 2020\n \n\nSatu persoalan yang sering ditanya oleh setiap wanita hamil. Minum air gula bukanlah hal yang disengajakan. Hakikatnya ada beberapa sebab yang memerlukan ibu hamil untuk minum kandungan air gula ini sebaiknya. Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin daripada Hospital Columbia Asia, Seremban menjawab segala persoalan.\n\nDiabetes atau kencing manis I adalah penyakit yang boleh berlaku sebelum hamil, ia juga boleh berlaku sewaktu hamil. Oleh kerana kencing manis membahayakan wanita yang hamil dan juga bayi di dalam kandungan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) telah mengeluarkan memo supaya ibu hamil yang berisiko untuk melakukan ujian saringan untuk melakukan Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) pada 24-28 minggu ke hamilan dengan ujian modified OGTT (mOGTT). mOGTT inilah yang dikenali sebagai ujian Minum Air Gula! Bagi pesakit-pesakit diabetes yang belum hamil, mereka perlulah menghadiri pre-pregnancy counselling (PPC) sebelum hamil supaya mereka mampu mengawal paras gula dalam darah dengan lebih baik sebelum dan sewaktu kehamilan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMemanglah tidak sedap minum air gula untuk ujian mOGTT ini, yang dibuat daripada 75g serbuk glukos yang dilarutkan dalam segelas air. Rasanya amat manis, malah perlu dihabiskan sehingga habis dalam masa 20 minit. Bila masuk ke dalam tekak, rasa payau dan mual mula berlaku. Kadang-kala menyebabkan pesakit muntah dan ini menyebabkan ujian mOGTT terbatal dengan sendirinya. Pesakit sering mengeluh kerana mereka akan dipanggil untuk datang semula bagi ujian yang sama dalam satu atau dua minggu kemudian.\n\nPenat lelah pesakit serta kakitangan kesihatan dalam menjayakan ujian minum air gula ini ada sebabnya. Di antaranya ialah: Pertama, jumlah kes kencing manis ( Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) di negara kita Malaysia meningkat dari 11 % ( 2006) hingga 15% ( 2011). Bagi wanita hamil pula, satu kajian menunjukkan kes gestational diabetes dalam wanita hamil juga meningkat sama hingga ke 27.9%! ( 2017, Selangor) Kedua, kencing manis sewaktu hamil atau \"Gestational diabetes\" membawa risiko kepada ibu dan bayi.\n\n\u00a0\n\nJIKA ANDA SUDAH SEMEMANGNYA \nSEORANG PESAKIT KENCING MANIS\n, DAPATKAN NASIHAT DOKTOR UNTUK MENSTABILKAN \nGLUKOS DALAM DARAH\n, MENJAGA PEMAKANAN, \nMENJALANI SENAMAN YANG SESUAI\n, BERHENTI DARI AKTIVITI TIDAK SIHAT SEPERTI \nMEROKOK\n DAN SEBAGAINYA.\n\nYang ketiganya, sebanyak 17 -63% wanita yang mengalami \"gestational diabetes\" akan terus berisiko untuk mengidap penyakit kencing manis selepas bayi dilahirkan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nJadi Siapakah Wanita Yang Berisiko Ini?\n\n\n1. Wanita yang mempunyai BMI melebihi 27 kg/m2.\n\n2. Wanita yang pernah mengalami gestattional diabetes.\n\n3. Wanita yang mempunyai ibu, bapa, adik-beradik yang juga pesakit kencing manis.\n\n4. Wanita yang pernah melahirkan bayi 4kg atau lebih.\n\n5. Sejarah perbidanan, keguguran, kelahiran yang bermasalah.\n\n6. Pemeriksaan air kencing didapati mempunyai glukos (sebanyak 2 kali).\n\n7. Masalah kandungan seperti darah tinggi, air tuban bayi yang berlebihan dan penggunaan steroids ketika hamil.\n\nBagi wanita-wanita yang berisiko, staf klinik kesihatan dan hospital akan menasihati wanita ini untuk menjalani ujian minum air gula secepat mungkin.\n\nBagi wanita berusia 25 tahun ke atas, tidak mempunyai risiko, akan disarankan menjalini ujian saringan mOGTT tadi ketika bayi berusia di anatara 24 ke 28 minggu.\n\nBagi wanita berusia 25 tahun ke bawah dan tidak mempunyai risiko, anda bernasib baik kerana tidak perlu minum air gula.\n\nUjian mOGTT memerlukan darah diambil dua kali. Kali pertama juga dikenali fasting blood sugar, dikatakan normal jika keputusannya kurang atau sama dengan 5.1mmol/L. Kali kedua, darah diambil dua jam selepas minum air gula ( 2-hour-post prandial), keputusannya mestilah 7.8mmol atau kurang dari itu.\n\n(Jika keputusan fasting blood sugar lebih tinggi dari 7 mmol/L, besar kemungkinan wanita ini sudah mengalami diabetes SEBELUM hami lagi).\n\nJika keputusan saringan mOGTT anda melebihi hadnya, seterusnya ibu hamil akan diberi kaunselling mengenai \"diabetic diet\" DAN menjalani empat ujian darah yang dikenali sebagai blood sugar profile atau BSP. Jika keputusan BSP adalah normal, pesakit akan terus mengamalkan diabetic diet sehingga kelahiran bayi. Jika keputusan BSP menunjukkan tahap glukos dalam darah terlalu tinggi, doktor akan memulakan penggunaan insulin sebagai rawatan bagi \"gestational diabetes\" ini.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPhoto Credit: Freepik.com\n\n\n\n\nElak Diri Dari Ujian?\n\nApakah yang boleh berlaku jika mereka yang berisiko \"lari\" dari menjalani ujian minum air gula ketika hamil? Golongan wanita sebegini mungkin mengalami penyakit kencing manis tanpa disedari.\n\nKetika hamil, hormon kehamilan merupakan faktor utama mengapa insulin tidak mencukupi di dalam tubuh wanita yang mengandung. Fenomena ini dikenali sebagai \"insulin resistance\".\n\nKeadaan di mana insulin tidak mencukupi mengakibatkan tahap glukos dalam darah wanita hamil ini berada ditahap tinggi. Glukos yang tinggi boleh menyebabkan masalah di dalam bayi seperti Keguguran Kelahiran pramatang Polyhydramnios ( Air ketuban yang banyak) Makrosomia ( Bayi yang besar) Sudden fetal death ( Kematian bayi dalam kandungan secara tiba-tiba) Masalah jantung dan tulang belakang di dalam bayi Masalah bagi ibu pula adalah seperti sentiasa kerap kencing, sering lapar dan dahaga, kenaikan berat badan dan jika paras glukos dalam darah semakin tinggi, berat badan boleh menurun.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSelain itu ibu juga adakan merasa penat dan tidak bertenaga, risiko kelahiran secara Caesarean section juga menghadapi risiko mengidap penyakit kencing manis di masa hadapan/di usia yang lebih tua.\n\nBagi mengelakkan masalah-masalah ini, pada pendapat saya, setiap wanita yang ingin hamil mestilah berusaha untuk menjaga kesihatan dari peringkat \"sebelum hamil\" lagi. Jalani hidup yang sihat, lakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan, pastikan tiada kencing manis, darah tinggi dan masalah tiroid misalnya.\n\nPastikan berat badan sesuai dengan ketinggian. Jika anda sudah sememangnya seorang pesakit kencing manis, dapatkan nasihat doktor untuk menstabilkan glukos dalam darah, menjaga pemakanan, menjalani senaman yang sesuai, berhenti dari aktiviti tidak sihat seperti merokok dan sebagainya. Doktor juga akan menasihati puan mengenai senarai ubat-ubatan yang selamat diambil ketika hamil.\n\nKesimpulannya, jika kita hamil di usia 25 tahun ke bawah dan tidak mempunyai risiko untuk kencing manis, kita tidak perlu untuk minum air gula ketika hamil. Bagi wanita-wanita yang lain, nampaknya pilihan yang yang bijak adalah untuk cekalkan hati dan jalani ujian mOGTT ini.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\n\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKenapa Perlu Minum Air Gula Ketika Hamil \u2013 Majalah Pa & Ma, 25 Januari 2020\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kenapa-ramai-pesakit-diabetes-meningggal-dunia-akibat-covid-19-ini-jawapannya", "title": "Kenapa Ramai Pesakit Diabetes Meningggal Dunia Akibat Covid-19? Ini Jawapannya", "body": "\n\n\n\nKenapa Ramai Pesakit Diabetes Meningggal Dunia Akibat Covid-19? Ini Jawapannya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 27, 2020\n \nSEHINGGA\n hari ini jumlah kematian akibat Covid-19 adalah 157,970 orang seluruh dunia melibatkan ratusan negara di seluruh dunia (20 April 2020).\n\nPusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit di Amerika Syarikat melaporkan, dari jumlah pesakit Covid-19 yang dimasukkan ke hospital, 90 peratus menghidapi sekurang kurangnya satu penyakit kronik.\n\nDi antaranya adalah darah tinggi, obesiti, diabetes mellitus, penyakit paru-paru dan penyakit jantung.\n\nMenurut Pakar Perubatan Dalaman Hospital Columbia Asia, Puchong Dr Muhammad Shahruddin diabetes mellitus menyumbang hampir 30 peratus dalam statistik ini.\nPesakit diabetes lebih berisiko tinggi berdepan dengan kematian akibat Covid-19.\n\n\n\n\"Sebahagian besar dari pesakit Covid-19 yang mengalami simptom teruk, komplikasi atau maut, dikesan menghidapi penyakit kencing manis. Antara faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada tahap and kesan jangkitan Covid-19 adalah jumlah virus, replikasi virus di paru paru dan juga reaksi imuniti terhadap virus.\n\n\"Lapan puluh peratus dari pesakit yang dijangkiti Covid-19 akan sembuh kerana sistem imun mereka bertindak balas secara normal. Namun dalam sesetengah pesakit, sistem imuniti bertindak secara melampau atau berlebihan menyebabkan keadaan pesakit boleh merosot,\" jelasnya kepada \nmStar.\nTeori saintis\n\nSalah satu teori saintis mengapa pesakit diabetes mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi adalah kerana sistem imuniti yang terjejas atau tidak normal.\n\n\"Ini menyebabkan perbezaan dalam respon imun kepada jangkitan Covid-19. Masalah ini juga dilihat dalam pesakit diabetes yang dijangkiti kuman lain seperti influenza dan bakteria.\n\n\"Selain dari tindak balas imun yang tidak sempurna atau normal itu, pesakit diabetes yang dijangkiti Covid-19 juga boleh mendapat komplikasi dari penyakit diabetes itu sendiri seperti kandungan glukosa terlalu tinggi atau rendah (hipoglisemia) serta komplikasi ketoasidosis kencing manis.\nWarga emas yang mengalami diabetes berisiko tinggi dengan kematian sekiranya dijangkiti Covid-19.\n\n\n\n\"Oleh itu, pesakit yang menghidapi penyakit kencing manis perlu menjaga kesihatan dengan baik terutamanya dalam memastikan stok ubat mencukupi dan mengambil rawatan yang diberikan doktor untuk memastikan kandungan gula dalam badan terkawal,\" jelasnya.\n\nDi samping itu juga perlu mengawal pengambilan makanan terutamanya yang mengandungi kadar gula atau karbohidrat yang tinggi. Selain itu, praktikkan juga penjarakan sosial dan penjagaan kebersihan. Ini adalah sangat penting untuk mengelak dari terkena jangkitan kerana mencegah lebih baik dari merawat.\n\nDi Malaysia, rekod kematian sehingga 21 April adalah 92 orang dengan rekod positif keseluruhan 5,483 kes.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nBachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Internal Medicine (UKM), CIMA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKenapa Ramai Pesakit Diabetes Meningggal Dunia Akibat Covid-19? Ini Jawapannya - mStar, 22 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh mStar, 22 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kesan-af-awal-cegah-strok", "title": "Kesan AF Awal, Cegah Strok", "body": "\n\n\n\nKesan AF Awal, Cegah Strok\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 05, 2019\n \n\nSeringkali apabila berjumpa doktor terutama dalam kalangan mereka yang berusia 40 tahun ke atas soalan yang sering ditanya adakah mereka mempunyai risiko diserang penyakit jantung. Namun amat jarang yang bertanya sama ada mereka mempunyai risiko menghidap penyakit fibrilasi atrium (AF).\n\nPenyakit AF mempunyai kaitan dengan serangan strok atau angin ahmar dan berlaku apabila ruang atas jantung menjadi bengkak hingga menyebabkan litar elektrik di kawasan itu terganggu atau menjadi tidak teratur.\n\nMenurut Pakar Kardiologi Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr. Ng Yau Piow, pesakit yang menghidap AF boleh mengalami strok atau angin ahmar kerana wujudnya darah beku di bahagian atas jantung ekoran denyutan nadi yang tidak teratur.\n\n\u201cDarah beku ini boleh mengalir ke otak dan menyebabkan strok. Penghidap AF, malah orang ramai lazimnya tidak sedar mereka menghidap AF kerana tanda-tandanya tidak ketara,\u201d ujar beliau.\n\nJusteru, pengesanan AF menjadi lebih penting atas keperluan mendapatkan cara dan rawatan yang efektif bagi mencegah strok.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nFaktor umur adalah salah satu faktor utama menyebabkan seseorang itu menghidap AF. Semakin berusia, risikonya lebih tinggi dan lazimnya ia mempunyai hubung kait dengan penyakit lain antaranya darah tinggi, kencing manis, penyakit obesiti, masalah injap jantung dan tiroid.\n\n\u201cBiasanya pesakit jarang merungut tentang masalah denyutan nadi yang tidak teratur ini cuma mereka akan kata penat, sesak nafas atau jantung berdegup laju,\u201d katanya.\n\nPengesanan awal penyakit AF amat mudah dilakukan iaitu pesakit hanya perlu menjalani pemeriksaan elektrokardiogram (ECG).\n\n\u201cUntuk mengesan penyakit berkaitan jantung, doktor akan melakukan pelbagai pemeriksaan dan ujian terhadap pesakit selain angiogram. Ini mengambil masa yang lama tetapi jika seseorang itu melakukan\n\n\n\npemeriksaan ECG terlebih dahulu kita akan dapat mengenal pasti siapa penghidap AF dan dengan rawatan yang efektif ia dapat mengelaknya daripada diserang strok,\u201d katanya lagi.\n\nMenurut Dr. Yau Piow, pengesanan AF lebih awal amat penting untuk mengelak atau mencegah pesakit daripada strok iaitu dengan cara pengambilan ubat cair darah. Bagaimanapun pesakit perlu mendapatkan nasihat doktor sama ada ubat itu sesuai untuk diberi kepada mereka atau sebaliknya.\n\nAntara ubat yang diberi doktor untuk mencegah strok dalam kalangan pesakit AF dikenali sebagai Novel Oral Anticoagulation (NOAC), ubat antipembekuan atau antipenggumpalan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencegah pembentukan darah beku daripada berlaku.\n\nAntara NOAC yang ada di pasaran ialah Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban atau Apixaban yang lebih mudah diambil berbanding warfarin yang sebelum ini merupakan ubat pencair darah untuk pencegahan strok.\n\nBeliau berkata, pengambilan warfarin memerlukan pesakit kerap hadir ke hospital setiap dua minggu atau sebulan untuk memastikan sama ada darah terlalu pekat atau cair .\n\n\u201cSelalunya orang ramai peka terhadap serangan jantung sebab mereka tahu penyakit ini boleh membawa kematian secara tiba-tiba tetapi mereka tidak fikir bahawa strok juga memberi impak yang besar terhadap diri pesakit dan keluarga sedangkan kita boleh halang strok dengan pengambilan ubat ini,\u201d ujar beliau.\n\nKata Dr. Yau Piow, penyakit AF adalah sejenis penyakit gaya hidup justeru untuk mengurangkan risiko orang ramai dinasihatkan mengamal cara hidup sihat, mengurangkan berat badan selain kerap melakukan pemeriksaan darah dan paru-paru.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Ng Yau Piow\n\n\nConsultant Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nMBBS (UM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKesan AF Awal, Cegah Strok \u2013 Utusan Malaysia, 4 Ogos 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Utusan Malaysia, 4 Ogos 2019.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ketagih-gajet-jadual-makan-tidak-teratur-punca-anak-kecil-kurang-selera", "title": "Ketagih Gajet, Jadual Makan Tidak Teratur Punca Anak Kecil Kurang Selera", "body": "\n\n\n\nKetagih Gajet, Jadual Makan Tidak Teratur Punca Anak Kecil Kurang Selera\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 04, 2021\n \n\n\u00a0\n\nSOALAN 1:\n\nDOKTOR, anak saya berumur 2 tahun 9 bulan, selera makannya pun tidak berapa baik. Dalam sehari, beliau kadang-kadang langsung tidak mahu menjamah makanan dan hanya mengambil beberapa suap makanan sahaja. Apakah cara terbaik untuk menaikkan selera makan beliau? Bantu saya doktor.\n-INGIN TAHU, SITI FAIRINA FUZI, 36, KUALA SELANGOR, SELANGOR\n\n\u00a0\n\nJAWAPAN\n\nMASALAH kurang selera makan dalam kalangan kanak-kanak memang amat meresahkan ibu bapa.\n\nSecara ringkasnya, selera anak-anak kecil berumur 1 hingga 5 tahun akan menurun apabila kurang sihat akibat demam, batuk dan selsema. Perkara itu biasanya bersifat sementara dan kebanyakan mereka akan kembali berselera apabila sudah pulih.\n\nSelain itu, kanak-kanak yang sembelit akan cuba mengelak daripada makan kerana tindak balas gastrokolik selepas makan menyebabkan si kecil senak usus dan sakit pada bahagian duburnya.\n\nRamai juga kanak-kanak di peringkat umur tersebut gemar bermain dan suka minum susu atau air yang manis secara berlebihan sehingga menyebabkan kurang pengambilan makanan pejal harian.\n\nBukan itu sahaja, isu ketagihan menggunakan gajet dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dan jadual tidur yang bercelaru berkait rapat dengan masalah tingkah laku dan kelainan aktiviti pemakanan anak-anak di era moden kini.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBerkenaan cara untuk menaikkan selera makan seperti yang diajukan, saya mencadangkan beberapa langkah yang boleh diguna pakai iaitu:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSebagai permulaanya, ibu-bapa digalakkan agar mencipta persekitaran aktiviti pemakanan yang sihat dan menceriakan. Usahakan rutin dan masa makan utama yang tetap secara berkala setiap hari.\n\n\nPastikan sarapan pagi diambil. Disarankan mengambil snek ringan seperti kekacang (bagi yang tiada masalah alergi), yogurt dan avokado boleh membuka selera kanak-kanak.\n\n\nMinum air masak sejam sebelum waktu makan untuk membantu mengaktifkan sistem usus.\n\n\nKenal pasti makanan kegemaran anak dan gunakan kreativiti dan inovasi sendiri untuk menyediakan makanan bagi membuka selera anak. Ia termasuklah mempelbagaikan jenis diet, warna dan bentuk-bentuk makanan yang menarik perhatian.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSuka juga diingatkan, usaha untuk memujuk anak untuk makan memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi. Jangan sesekali memarahi, mendenda apatah lagi memukul kerana tindakan itu hanya akan membuatkan anak memberontak dan membenci masa makan.\n\nPuan, seboleh-bolehnya, cari jalan agar budaya menggunakan gajet ketika memberi anak makan dihentikan. Selain itu, anak-anak yang kecil tubuhnya biasanya mengambil makanan dengan kuantiti yang sedikit pada satu-satu masa.\n\nOleh itu, jangan memaksa, sebaliknya pastikan pertumbuhan terus normal semasa pemeriksaan bulanan di klinik. Paling penting, aktiviti senaman keluarga bersama anak-anak dapat membantu menaikkan kadar metabolisme tubuh anak dan seterusnya menaikkan selera mereka.\n\nNamun demikian, tidak dinafikan ada sebilangan anak-anak yang memerlukan nasihat dan pemeriksaan pakar kanak-kanak, pakar nutrisi atau pasukan pakar kaedah pemakanan kanak-kanak.\n\nIa adalah kerana berkemungkinan anak kecil mempunyai permasalahan kesihatan yang melibatkan sistem pemakanan seperti mengunyah, menelan ataupun kelainan sistem tiub makan (esofagus) dan usus.\n\nTidak kurang juga yang mengalami masalah yang berkaitan dengan tingkah, autisme dan kelainan sensori (deria rasa).\n\nJadi, eloklah berjumpa dgn pakar kanak-kanak untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan dan maklumat lanjut juga mengesahkan permasalahan si kecil dengan lebih tepat dan rawatan yang sewajarnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAnak hilang selera makan selepas demam perkara biasa\n\n\nSOALAN 2:\n\nDOKTOR, anak saya berumur 1 tahun 5 bulan. Saya ingin bertanya, kenapa anak saya sekarang seakan-akan seperti hilang selera makan. Sebelum ini beliau memang suka makan, tetapi selepas keluar dari wad akibat demam panas, selera makannya sudah berkurang. Bukan itu sahaja, anak saya juga kerap muntah. Mohon penjelasan doktor.\nIBU GUSAR, ROZAINA JAMAL, 31, SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN.\n\n\u00a0\n\nJAWAPAN\n\nTERIMA kasih atas soalan yang diajukan. Saya amat memahami kegusaran puan apabila melihat anak yang asalnya seronok makan, kini beliau hilang selera secara tiba-tiba.\n\nNamun demikian, perlu diketahui ia adalah satu fenomena biasa bagi kanak-kanak malah orang dewasa yang baru sembuh daripada demam apabila mengalami masalah putus selera makan dan kelesuan.\n\nPenting untuk diketahui, masalah berkenaan bergantung atas faktor individu dan tahap jangkitan yang dialami (ia boleh memakan masa selama beberapa hari atau minggu).\n\nLazimnya, keadaan berkenaan hanya bersifat sementara dan saya menjangkakan pada minggu berikutnya anak puan akan kembali mendapat selera makan asalnya semula, malah tidak kurang juga beliau akan makan lebih daripada biasa.\n\nPuan juga ada menyatakan bahawa anak kerap muntah, jika simptom itu terjadi selepas pulih daripada demam, saya nasihatkan agar berjumpa dengan pakar segera untuk pemeriksaan selanjutnya kerana bimbang berlakunya komplikasi kesihatan lain.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRESIPI AYAM PARMESAN\n\n\nBahan-bahan untuk salutan ayam\n\n\n1/2 cawan tepung serba guna\n\n\n2 biji telur\n\n\n2/3 cawan serbuk roti\n\n\n1/3 cawan keju parmesan\n\n\n1/4 sudu teh garam\n\n\n1/4 sudu teh lada hitam\n\n\n2 sudu besar campuran herba segar yang dicincang halus seperti thyme, pasli atau rosemary\n\n\nBahan-bahan untuk ayam\n\n\n4 ketul bahagian dada ayam tanpa tulang, ditumbuk sehingga 1/4 ketebalan\n\n\nGaram dan lada hitam\n\n\n2 sudu besar minyak sayuran\n\n\n2 sudu besar minyak zaitun\n\n\nLemon\n\n\nCara penyediaan:\n\n\nSediakan tiga bekas atau mangkuk untuk proses penyediaan iaitu masing-masing diletakkan tepung, telur dan herba yang dicincang.\n\n\nAyam digaul rata bersama garam dan lada hitam.\n\n\nKemudian, celupkan ayam ke dalam mangkuk pertama berisi tepung dan goyangkan sedikit sehingga lebihan tepung jatuh. Hanya lapisan nipis sahaja kekal tersalut pada ayam.\n\n\nSeterusnya, celupkan ayam ke dalam telur, terbalikkan ayam sehingga telur bersalut rata pada ayam. Pastikan tiada lebihan salutan telur pada ayam.\n\n\nAkhir sekali, celupkan ayam dalam campuran herba, terbalikkan ayam beberapa kali untuk memastikan campuran herba menyaluti ayam dengan baik.\n\n\nLetakkan ayam yang tersedia bersalut di dalam pinggan lain. Terus ulangi langkah yang sama pada isi ayam yang lain.\n\n\nCampurkan kedua-dua minyak dan panaskan dalam kuali dengan api sederhana.\n\n\nApabila minyak sudah panas, masukkan ayam yang sudah bersalut dan masakkan selama 2 hingga 3 minit sehingga ayam bertukar berwarna coklat keemasan.\n\n\nHidangkan ayam parmesan bersama potongan lemon.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Azhar Napis\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMD (UKM), MRCPCH (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKetagih Gajet, Jadual Makan Tidak Teratur Punca Anak Kecil Kurang Selera - SinarPlus, 3 Januari 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKetagih Gajet, Jadual Makan Tidak Teratur Punca Anak Kecil Kurang Selera \u2013 SinarPlus, 3 Januari 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 3 Januari 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kick-starting-fitness-without-injury-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Kick Starting Fitness Without Injury - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nKick Starting Fitness Without Injury - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 17, 2013\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nDoctor Harjeet Singh Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon talks to us about kick starting your fitness without injury this year. I know most of us have made New Years Resolutions to go to the gym to be healthier this year. But after a long holiday break period and all that binging that we\u2019ve done with food how do you kick start that fitness program. He\u2019s going to shed more light on that!\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/kolestrol-jangan-fitnah-santan", "title": "Kolestrol : Jangan Fitnah Santan", "body": "\n\n\n\nKolestrol : Jangan Fitnah Santan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 18, 2021\n \n\nJANGAN guna santan segar dalam masakan kerana ia mengandungi kolesterol yang boleh menyebabkan masalah kesihatan\u2019.\n\nIni antara ayat popular yang sering dikaitkan dengan santan segar membuatkan ramai mempercayainya.\n\nHinggakan ada sanggup beralih kepada penggunaan santan kotak yang disangka tiada kandungan kolesterol.\n\nTidak kurang juga ada yang memilih menggunakan susu bagi menggantikan santan segar semata-mata mahu masakan yang dimasak lebih sihat.\n\nKekeliruan ini sudah lama wujud dan kembali tular baru-baru ini, Pegawai Perubatan Columbia Asia Hospital, Dr S Malar Santhi berkata, sebenarnya santan segar tidak mempunyai kolesterol kerana ia daripada tumbuh-tumbuhan yang hanya mempunyai kandungan lemak.\n\n\u201cPengambilan makanan berlemak akan diproses menjadi kolesterol di dalam badan. Proses itu (kolesterol) dilakukan oleh pundi hempedu dan hati,\u201d katanya.\n\nMenurutnya, makanan yang mengandungi kolesterol adalah daripada haiwan atau tubuh manusia.\n\nBeliau berkata, terdapat tiga jenis makanan berlemak iaitu lemak tepu, lemak tidak tepu serta lemak trans.\n\n\u201cLemak adalah sumber tenaga yang diperlukan tubuh sama seperti karbohidrat, protein dan nutrien lain. Pengambilan apa juga jenis tenaga berlebihan (bukan saja santan) boleh menyebabkan masalah obesiti serta tinggi kolesterol.\n\n\u201cOleh itu, \u2018memfitnah\u2019 santan sebagai pilihan makanan tidak berkhasiat adalah tidak wajar.\n\n\u201cSekiranya makan di restoran, kita perlu peka dengan jenis makanan yang diambil, sama ada ia terdiri daripada kategori berkenaan atau tidak,\u201d katanya.\n\nDr Malar berkata, makanan yang mengandungi lemak tepu adalah seperti ayam, daging, minyak sapi dan santan.\n\n\u201cNamun, apabila kita mengambil makanan yang mengandungi lemak tepu, hati dan pundi hempedu akan memprosesnya menjadi lipoprotein ketumpatan rendah (LDL) yang dikategorikan sebagai kolesterol jahat.\n\n\u201cSelalunya LDL ini menyebabkan serangan jantung, angin ahmar dan penyakit kronik yang lain.\n\n\u201cWalaupun santan tidak mempunyai kolesterol, kandungan kalorinya adalah tinggi. Sebab itu, orang dahulu seperti nelayan dan petani mengambil santan bagi mendapatkan lebihan kalori untuk melakukan kerja berat,\u201d katanya.\n\nJelasnya, bagi individu yang mengambil makanan tinggi kalori, ia (kalori) akan digunakan sebagai tenaga di dalam badan, sama ada untuk bekerja, bernafas, membina protein, sel seperti hormon, enzim dan sebagainya.\n\n\u201cSebaliknya, jika terdapat lebihan kalori, ia akan ditukar menjadi lemak yang tersimpan dalam badan.\n\n\u201cBukan saja santan, lebihan kalori daripada makanan lain seperti nasi dan gula juga akan melalui proses sama,\u201d katanya.\n\nDitanya sama ada pengambilan santan dalam hidangan adalah sihat atau sebaliknya, Dr S Malar berkata, ia bergantung kepada berapa banyak dan kerap mengambil makanan bersantan.\n\n\u201cDi samping itu, perlu tahu bagaimana mahu membakar kalori berkenaan. Ramai dalam kalangan individu yang aktif bersenam di gimnasium dan atlet, mengambil banyak makanan tinggi protein seperti susu serta telur.\n\n\u201cIni kerana mereka memerlukan banyak tenaga dan kemudian membakar semula kalori berkenaan untuk membina otot badan,\u201d katanya.\n\nMenurutnya, apa yang lebih penting adalah, keseimbangan di antara pengambilan kalori dan membakarnya menerusi aktiviti fizikal untuk kesihatan tubuh.\n\nDr S Malar berpendapat, tidak salah mengambil makanan bersantan asalkan pengambilannya bukan secara berlebihan.\n\n\u201cAda orang elak mengambil makanan bersantan, tetapi mereka masih makan makanan segera termasuk kentang goreng, keju, sosej dan sebagainya.\n\n\u201cSebenarnya makanan ini (makanan segera) mengandungi lemak trans iaitu sejenis lemak yang tidak sihat dan juga tinggi kalori.\n\n\u201cKentang goreng yang dijual di restoran menggunakan minyak lemak trans kerana minyak jenis ini lebih sesuai digunakan berulang kali,\u201d katanya.\n\nMenurutnya, pengamal perubatan turut memberi tip, pilihan minyak yang lebih selamat ialah seperti minyak zaitun dan minyak bunga matahari.\n\nKatanya, lemak tidak tepu sebenarnya adalah pilihan lemak lebih selamat berbanding lemak tepu.\n\n\u201cLemak tidak tepu terdiri daripada minyak zaitun, kacang badam, kekacang dan ikan. Makanan berunsur ini (lemak tidak tepu) sebenarnya lebih sihat daripada segi pilihan lemak yang diambil,\u201d katanya.\n\nKatanya, apabila memasuki usia 40 tahun, seseorang itu perlu berubah ke arah pemakanan sihat iaitu mengira kalori makanan, kategori lemak dan kurangkan penggunaan garam dalam masakan.\n\nPaling penting ialah bersenam.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Malar Santhi A/P Santherasegapan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nM.D (CSMU), IES (London), MBA (Hons, UTM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKolestrol : Jangan Fitnah Santan \u2013 MYKMU.NET, 26 Mac 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh MYKMU.NET, 26 Mac 2021.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/komplikasi-ulser-perut-press-clipping", "title": "Komplikasi ulser perut [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nKomplikasi ulser perut [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 06, 2014\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nHarian Metro,\n\n6 July 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/laparoscopic-appendectomy", "title": "Laparoscopic Appendectomy", "body": "\n\n\n\nLaparoscopic Appendectomy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2011\n \nWHAT IS THE APPENDIX?\n\nThe exact function of the appendix is essentially unknown.The appendix produces a bacteria-destroying protein called Immunoglobulins which help fight infection in the body. This function, however, is not major. People who have had appendectomies do not have an increased risk towards infection. Other organs in the body like the Liver and the Spleen produce a lot more Immunoglobulins to serve this function.\nWHAT IS A LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY?\n\nAppendicitis is one of the most common surgical problems. One to two out of every 1,000-2,000 people has an appendectomy sometime during their lifetime. Treatment requires an operation to remove the infected appendix. Traditionally, the appendix is removed through an incision in the right lower abdominal wall.\n\nIn most laparoscopic appendectomies, surgeons operate through 3 small incisions (each \u00bc to \u00bd inch) while watching an enlarged image of the patient\u2019s internal organs on a television monitor.\nADVANTAGES OF LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY\n\nResults may vary depending upon the type of procedure and patient\u2019s overall condition. Common advantages are:\n\n\u00a0\n\nLess postoperative pain\n\n\nMay shorten hospital stay\n\n\nMay result in a quicker return to bowel function\n\n\nQuicker return to normal activity\n\n\nBetter cosmetic results\n\n\nARE YOU A CANDIDATE FOR LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY?\n\nAlthough laparoscopic appendectomy has many benefits, it may not be appropriate for some patients. Early, non-ruptured appendicitis usually can be removed laparoscopically. Laparoscopic appendectomy is more difficult to perform if there is advanced infection or the appendix has ruptured. A traditional, open procedure using a larger incision may be required to safely remove the infected appendix in these patients.A thin patient with early Appendicitis may be better treated with conventional open Appendectomy.An obese lady with a doubtful diagnosis of Appendicitis may be better treated with Laparoscopic Appendectomy since other abdominal and pelvic organs can ve inspected at the same time.\nHOW IS LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY PERFORMED?\n\nThe words \u201claparoscopic\u201d and \u201copen\u201d appendectomy describe the techniques a surgeon uses to gain access to the internal surgery site.\n\nMost laparoscopic appendectomies start the same way. Using a cannula (a narrow tube-like instrument), the surgeon enters the abdomen. A laparoscope (a tiny telescope connected to a video camera) is inserted through a cannula, giving the surgeon a magnified view of the patient\u2019s internal organs on a television monitor. Several other cannulas are inserted to allow the surgeon to work inside and remove the appendix. The entire procedure may be completed through the cannulas or by lengthening one of the small cannula incisions. A drain may be placed during the procedure. This will be removed before you leave the hospital.\nWHAT HAPPENS IF THE OPERATION CANNOT BE PERFORMED OR COMPLETED BY THE LAPAROSCOPIC METHOD?\n\nIn a small number of patients the laparoscopic method is not feasible because of the inability to visualize or handle the organs effectively. When the surgeon feels that it is safest to convert the laparoscopic procedure to an open one, this is not a complication, but rather sound surgical judgment. Factors that may increase the possibility of converting to the \"open\" procedure may include:\n\n\u00a0\n\nExtensive infection and/or abscess\n\n\nA perforated appendix\n\n\nObesity\n\n\nA history of prior abdominal surgery causing dense scar tissue\n\n\nInability to visualize organs\n\n\nBleeding problems during the operation\n\n\n\nThe decision to perform the open procedure is a judgment decision made by your surgeon either before or during the actual operation. The decision to convert to an open procedure is strictly based on patient safety.\nWHAT SHOULD I EXPECT AFTER SURGERY?\n\nAfter the operation, it is important to follow your doctor\u2019s instructions. Although many people feel better in just a few days, remember that your body needs time to heal.\n\n\u00a0\n\nYou are encouraged to be out of bed the day after surgery and to walk. This will help diminish the risk of blood clots in your legs and of soreness in your muscles.\n\n\nYou will probably be able to get back to most of your normal activities in one to two weeks time. These activities include showering, driving, walking up stairs, working and engaging in sexual intercourse.\n\n\nIf you have prolonged soreness or are getting no relief from the prescribed pain medication, you should notify your surgeon.\n\n\nYou should call your surgeon and schedule a follow up appointment for about 1-2 weeks following your operation.\n\n\nWHAT COMPLICATIONS CAN OCCUR?\n\nAs with any operation, there are risks including the risk of complications. However, the risk of one of these complications occurring is no higher than if the operation was done with the open technique.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBleeding\n\n\nInfection\n\n\nRemoval of a normal appendix\n\n\nA leak at the edge of the colon where the appendix was removed\n\n\nInjury to adjacent organs such as the small intestine, ureter, or bladder.\n\n\nBlood clot to the lungs\n\n\n\nIt is important for you to recognize the early signs of possible complications. Contact your surgeon if you have severe abdominal pain, fever, chills or rectal bleeding.\nWHEN TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR\n\nBe sure to call your physician or surgeon if you develop any of the following:\n\n\u00a0\n\nPersistent fever over 101 degrees F (39 C)\n\n\nBleeding\n\n\nIncreasing abdominal swelling\n\n\nPain that is not relieved by your medications\n\n\nPersistent nausea or vomiting\n\n\nChills\n\n\nPersistent cough or shortness of breath\n\n\nPurulent drainage (pus) from any incision\n\n\nRedness surrounding any of your incisions that is worsening or getting bigger\n\n\nYou are unable to eat or drink liquids\n\n\n\nThis article is not intended to take the place of your discussion with your surgeon about the need for an appendectomy. If you have questions about your need for an appendectomy, your alternatives, billing or insurance coverage, or your surgeon's training and experience, do not hesitate to ask your surgeon or his/her office staff about it. If you have questions about the operation or subsequent follow-up, please discuss them with your surgeon before or after the operation.\nSource: \nhttp://www.sages.org\nAbd Hamid Mat Sain\n\nConsultant Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/laparoscopic-inguinal-hernia", "title": "Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia", "body": "\n\n\n\nLaparoscopic Inguinal Hernia\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2011\n \n\nHernia repair operations are commonly performed by the conventional \"open\" method in Malaysia. Some are performed laparoscopically. Laparoscopic hernia repair is a relatively new surgical technique to fix tears in the abdominal wall (muscle) using small incisions, a patch (mesh), and special cameras to view inside the body.\n\nIt frequently offers a more rapid recovery for the patient, less post-operative pain, and a quicker return to work and normal activities.\nWhat is a Hernia?\n\nA hernia occurs when the inside layers of the abdominal muscle have weakened, resulting in a bulge or tear. In the same way that an inner tube pushes through a damaged tire, the inner lining of the abdomen pushes through the weakened area of the abdominal wall to form a small balloon-like sac. This can allow a loop of intestine or abdominal tissue to push into the sac. The hernia can cause severe pain and other potentially serious problems that could require emergency surgery. Both men and women can get a hernia. You may be born with a hernia (congenital) or develop one over time. A hernia does not get better over time, nor will it go away by itself.\nWhat causes a Hernia?\n\nThe wall of the abdomen has natural areas of potential weakness. Hernias can develop at these or other areas due to heavy strain on the abdominal wall, ageing, injury, an old incision or a weakness present from birth. Anyone can develop a hernia at any age. Most hernias in children are congenital. In adults, a natural weakness or strain from heavy lifting, persistent coughing, and difficulty with bowel movements or urination can cause the abdominal wall to weaken or separate.\n\nLaparoscopic Hernia Repair is a technique to fix tears in the abdominal wall (muscle) using small incisions, telescopes and a patch (mesh). If may offer a quicker return to work and normal activities with a decreased pain for some patients. The scars are cosmetic and it allows inspection and repair of concomitant obturator, femoral and bilateral inguinal hernias in the same sitting.\nAre you a candidate for laparoscopic Hernia Repair?\n\nOnly after a thorough examination can your surgeon determine whether laparoscopic hernia repair is right for you. The procedure may not be best for some patients who have had previous abdominal surgery or underlying medical conditions.\nWhat preparation is required?\n\n\u00a0\n\nMost laparoscopic hernia operations require a short hospital stay, and therefore you will probably go home on the next day after the operation is performed.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPreoperative preparation includes blood work, medical evaluation, chest x-ray and an ECG depending on your age and medical condition.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAfter your surgeon reviews with you the potential risks and benefits of the operation, you will need to provide written consent for surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIt is recommended that you shower the night before or morning of the operation.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAfter midnight the night before the operation, you should not eat or drink anything except medications that your surgeon has told you are permissible to take with a sip of water the morning of surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDrugs such as aspirin, blood thinners, anti-inflammatory medications (arthritis medications) will need to be stopped temporarily for several days to a week prior to surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nQuit smoking and arrange for any help you may need at home.\n\n\nHow is the procedure performed?\n\nA laparoscope (a tiny telescope) connected to a special camera is inserted through a trocar, a small hollow tube, allowing the surgeon to view the hernia and surrounding tissue on a video screen.\n\nOther trocars are inserted which allow your surgeon to work \"inside.\" Three 1/2 to 1 cm incisions are usually necessary. The hernia is repaired from behind the abdominal wall. A small piece of surgical mesh is placed over the hernia defect and held in place with small surgical staples or sutures. This operation is usually performed under general anesthesia.\n\nWhat happens if the operation cannot be performed or completed by the laparoscopic method?\n\nIn a small number of patients the laparoscopic method cannot be performed. Factors that may increase the possibility of choosing or converting to the \"open\" procedure may include obesity, a history of prior abdominal surgery causing dense scar tissue, inability to visualize organs or bleeding problems during the operation.\n\nThe decision to perform the open procedure is a judgment decision made by your surgeon either before or during the actual operation. When the surgeon feels that it is safest to convert the laparoscopic procedure to an open one, this is not a complication, but rather sound surgical judgment. The decision to convert to an open procedure is strictly based on patient safety.\nWhat complications can occur?\n\nAny operation may be associated with complications. The primary complications of any operation are bleeding and infection, which are uncommon with laparoscopic hernia repair.\n\nThere is a slight risk of injury to the urinary bladder, the intestines, blood vessels, nerves or the sperm tube going to the testicle.\n\nDifficulty urinating after surgery is not unusual and may require a temporary tube into the urinary bladder.\n\nAny time a hernia is repaired it can come back. This long-term recurrence rate is not yet known. Your surgeon will help you decide if the risks of laparoscopic hernia repair are less than the risks of leaving the condition untreated.\n\nWhat should I expect after surgery?\n\nFollowing the operation, you will be transferred to the recovery room where you will be monitored for 1-2 hours until you are fully awake.\n\nOnce you are awake and able to walk, you will be sent home.\n\nWith any hernia operation, you can expect some soreness mostly during the first 24 to 48 hours.\n\nYou are encouraged to be up and about the day after surgery.\n\nWith laparoscopic hernia repair, you will probably be able to get back to your normal activities within a short amount of time. These activities include showering, driving, walking up stairs, lifting, working and engaging in sexual intercourse.\n\nCall and schedule a follow-up appointment within 2 weeks after you operation.\nWHEN TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR\n\nBe sure to call your physician or surgeon if you develop any of the following:\n\n\u00a0\n\nPersistent fever over 39 C\n\n\nBleeding\n\n\nIncreasing abdominal or groin swelling\n\n\nPain that is not relieved by analgesic drugs\n\n\nPersistent nausea or vomiting\n\n\nInability to urinate\n\n\nChills\n\n\nPersistent cough or shortness of breath\n\n\nPurulent drainage (pus) from any incision\n\n\nRedness surrounding your incisions that is worsening or getting bigger\n\n\nYou are unable to eat or drink liquids\n\n\n\nThis information is not intended to take the place of your discussion with your surgeon about the need for laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery. If you have questions about your need for hernia surgery, your alternatives, billing or insurance coverage, or your surgeons training and experience, do not hesitate to ask your surgeon or his/her office staff about it. If you have questions about the operation or subsequent follow-up, please discuss them with your surgeon before or after the operation.\nTHE ABOVE INFORMATION HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM THE SAGES WEBSITE FOR PATIENT INFORMATION\nDr. Shanker Sathappan\n\nGeneral & Laparoscopic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Taiping\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/laparoscopy", "title": "Laparoscopy", "body": "\n\n\n\nLaparoscopy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2020\n \n\nInsight into minimally invasive surgery.\n\nLaparoscopic surgery is an operation performed within the abdominal or pelvic cavity using small incisions with the aid of a camera. Laparoscopy which is a minimally invasive procedure which allows the surgeon to see inside of the body in real-time, without open surgery\n\nLaparoscopy is a revolutionary procedure which has seen the greatest advance in surgery that benefits both the patients and the doctors. It is almost the same as the open surgery procedure but using a different method of access. Due to improved patient outcomes, in the last two decades, laparoscopic surgery has been adopted by various surgical sub-specialities, including gastrointestinal surgery, gynecologic surgery, cardiology, orthopaedics and urology.\nDid you know Laparoscopy invented by George Kelling in 1901, in Germany?\n\n\u00a0\n\nLAPAROSCOPIC DEVICES\n\nDevices typically used during laparoscopy which enables the surgeon to operate through small incisions, generally between 3 to 5 mm.\n\n\u00a0\n\nENDOSCOPIC DEVICES\n\nComprise flexible tubes attached to cameras and lights. Aids the surgeon in the use of the laparoscopic devices during the surgery to oversee the entire surgical procedure.\n\nDevelopments in laparoscopic instrumentation and procedures are still ongoing, both in the application of vision system and the automation of instruments. The camera is an important component in laparoscopic surgery as it acts as the eyes of the surgeon. Recent advances have been made in enhancing the experience of surgeons through 3D technologies, improving the image quality and the field of vision of endoscopic cameras.\n\nApplications have been developed, enabling multiple views for surgeons using 3D technology. The endoscope 3D visualization system provides customized 3D image with adjustable disparity to serve the very different eye movements and visual of each surgeon at very different operating environment. The fusion of advanced 3D technology provides flexible depth perception adjustment to accommodate doctors during surgery. The 3D images come in handy for the surgeons to perform more precisely and safely. Moreover, it shortens the operating time significantly.\n\nRobots since the year 2000 have been used in operating theaters to facilitate laparoscopic surgeries in various disciplines. It was first approved for prostatectomy and has become the mainstream procedure of minimally invasive surgery of localized prostate cancers in USA and United Kingdom. For surgeons, the recognized advantages of robotic laparoscopic surgery include 3D vision, ten-fold magnification, Endo-wrist technology and tremor reduction. They are thus enabling the surgeon with better control and higher precision to work beyond the limitation of conventional open surgery. Thus, delivering better outcomes for the patients.\n\nInfoMed spoke with Dr Md Hamsan bin Abdul Wahab, Consultant General Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital -Klang on laparoscopic surgery to get his perspective on the procedure.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat is laparoscopic surgery?\n\nDr Hamsan: Laparoscopic surgery is a surgical technique in which the surgeon uses a series of small incisions in the patient to insert a camera to view the surgical field, along with the necessary tools for the surgical procedure or is a type of surgery that uses smaller cuts than you might expect.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat are the surgical interventions suitable for laparoscopy?\n\nDr Hamsan: Laparoscopy surgery is suitable for gallbladder surgery and gynaecology operations. Then it came in play for the hernia, intestines, liver, joints surgery and other organs surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhen would laparoscopic surgery be considered better to open surgery\n\nDr Hamsan: Nowadays most of the elective surgeries especially gallbladder, gynaecology operations, hernia and joint surgery or for emergency cases like perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer and appendicitis, are suitable for laparoscopy surgery. Working this way has several advantages compared with traditional surgery. Because it involves less cutting:\n\nYou have smaller scars.\n\n\nYou get out of the hospital quicker.\n\n\nYou\u2019ll feel less pain while the scars heal, and they heal quicker.\n\n\nYou get back to your normal activities sooner.\n\n\nYou may have less internal scarring.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhen would you recommend your patients for surgical intervention?\n\nDr Hamsan: It depends on the disease, pathology, symptoms that patient suffers from, risk and benefit of the laparoscopy surgery to the patient.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat\u2019s your speciality interest?\n\nDr Hamsan: My special interest is laparoscopy cholecystectomy, appendicectomy, perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer, hernia and adhesiolysis for adhesion colic due to previous operation or infection in the abdomen.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat per cent of your surgeries are performed as minimally invasive?\n\nDr Hamsan: About 25%\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow long does it take to recover from a laparoscopy?\n\nDr Hamsan: Most of the laparoscopy surgery have shorter recovery time with the average around two to five days, depending on the type of surgeries.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: Blausen\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAre all patients suitable for laparoscopy?\n\nDr Hamsan: Not all patients suitable for laparoscopy surgery. It depends on the risk and comorbid illness of the patient.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCan you perform most of the minimally invasive surgeries as a day-care procedure?\n\nDr Hamsan: Depend on the type and risk of the patients, in general most of the low-risk patient\u2019s laparoscopy surgery can be performed as a daycare procedure.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIs the recovery from a laparoscopic surgery much faster?\n\nDr Hamsan: Yes, as I mentioned earlier, the recovery from laparoscopy surgery is faster as compared to open surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMinimally invasive surgery is more cost-effective with better outcomes. Your views?\n\nDr Hamsan: Overall costs for minimally invasive procedures are significantly lower than open procedure costs for appropriately indicated patients. A 2011 study published in the SAS Journal showed the cost for minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion was $14,183 on average, versus $18,633 for open lumbar fusion.\n\nLess invasive procedures can be performed in the outpatient setting, including the ambulatory surgery centre, which typically costs less than inpatient hospital stays. Eliminating the hospital stay and lowering the risk for complications and re-operations creates significant cost-savings for laparoscopy procedures.\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nWhat are the risks in laparoscopy surgeries, and how do you mitigate them?\n\nDr Hamsan: The risk of laparoscopy surgeries can be divided into two types, namely risk of anaesthesia and risk of surgery. For risk of anaesthesia, normally are patients with many comorbid illness, they need to be optimized and medically stabilized first by physician before the operation and these patients need multi-disciplinary approach involving anaesthetist, ICU intensive service, physio and dietician support for preoperative and post-operative care. For surgical risk like wound infection, the patients will be given antibiotics pre and post-operation. Bleeding can be minimized using good surgical technique and energy device like harmonic scalpel.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDoes laparoscopy prevent or reduces infections after surgery?\n\nDr Hamsan: Yes, due to small wounds for access to surgeries.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat new laparoscopic services would be introduced in the near future?\n\nDr Hamsan: In some countries the robotic laparoscopy has been the trend for laparoscopy surgeries, however in Malaysia only certain medical centres have the robotic facilities.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAdvances in laparoscopy that would improve further the surgical outcomes?\n\nDr Hamsan: Since the first laparoscopy surgery 32 years ago, evidence indicating laparoscopic surgery\u2019s superiority over open alternative has been provided for a variety of procedures and the advanced laparoscopic surgery has been extended hepatectomy, pancreatectomy, urology and gynecology. Given the time, expertise and the advances in laparoscopy surgery, this revolutionary procedure would continue to grow over the years to improve the surgical outcome. This continuous development would enhance the surgeon\u2019s experience and capability to efficiently perform the tasks and make it affordable for the patients.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCan we consider minimally invasive surgery is evolving towards precision surgery?\n\nDr Hamsan: In general laparoscopy or minimally invasive surgery is evolving towards precision surgery.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe use of robotics in laparoscopic surgeries. Your views?\n\nDr Hamsan: The use of robotic surgery is a more precise and effective way of doing surgery, but it will require training for the operators which have different learning curve, and it is involved high investment cost for any health centres.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow is the progress with the latest surgical techniques?\n\nDr Hamsan: The laparoscopy surgery is always progressing parallel to the progression of the technology and new surgical devices. Good progress has been done for the vision system of laparoscopy including improvement of viewing angle and field of view, and clarity of images.\n\n\u00a0\n\nADDITIONAL BENEFIT OF LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY\n\n\nDecreased risk of postoperative venous thromboembolism.\n\n\nFewer complications.\n\n\nReduced risk of acquiring infections.\n\n\nReduced hemorrhaging, which reduces the chance of needing a blood transfusion.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. MD Hamsan Bin Abdul Wahab\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCS (UK), MS (General Surgery)(UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLaparoscopy - InfoMed Malaysia, Jan - Mar 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in InfoMed Malaysia, Jan - Mar 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/lega-buasir-boleh-dirawat-hanya-guna-laser", "title": "Lega\u2026 Buasir Boleh Dirawat Hanya Guna Laser", "body": "\n\n\n\nLega\u2026 Buasir Boleh Dirawat Hanya Guna Laser\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 25, 2019\n \nHemorhoid Atau Lebih Dikenali Sebagai Buasir Merupakan Penyakit Yang Sering Menjadi Sasaran Kepada Golongan Lelaki.\n\nIa berpunca daripada beberapa faktor, termasuk mengangkat barang berat yang memberi tekanan di bahagian pinggang ke bawah.\n\nMenurut Pakar Bedah Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani, terdapat faktor lain yang turut menjadi punca yang tidak disedari iaitu duduk terlalu lama di \u201ctandas duduk\u201d sambil bermain telefon bimbit, tidak kira lelaki atau wanita.\n\n\u201cIni yang biasa dilakukan oleh ramai orang, iaitu duduk di tandas duduk dengan begitu lama, sambil bermain telefon bimbit, ini juga menjadi punca berlakunya buasir, ramai yang tidak tahu perkara ini.\n\n\u201cJadi selepas ini perlu lebih berhati-hati,\u201d katanya kepada FMT.\n\n\u00a0 \n\nMenurutnya, buasir kini mendapat peratusan lebih tinggi menyerang golongan lelaki iaitu 60 peratus sementara 40 peratus daripadanya adalah wanita.\n\nMalah jika dahulu mereka yang berumur 60 tahun keatas lebih berisiko menghidap penyakit itu, namun kini penyakit tersebut menyerang golongan lelaki seawal usia 40 tahun.\n\nTambahnya, bagi golongan wanita, ia sering terjadi kepada mereka yang mengandung.\n\nMenurut Khairul, rawatan buasir sebelum ini perlu melalui kaedah tradisional dan ia bergantung kepada tahap keseriusan buasir itu berlaku.\n\nNamun dengan adanya rawatan laser yang mula diperkenalkan sejak 2011, pesakit tidak lagi perlu gusar dengan kesakitan yang perlu dihadapi.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cKaedah yang paling popular digunakan dulu adalah \u2018rubber band\u2019 dan \u2018stapler\u2019 untuk tahap 1 hingga 3. Manakala \u2018open technique\u2019 untuk tahap 4 pula mengambil masa yang lama untuk sembuh sehinggakan anda terpaksa menggunakan kerusi roda selama 3 minggu.\n\n\u201cKini, anda tidak perlu lagi melalui semua itu kerana jika anda menggunakan kaedah rawatan laser, selain kurang rasa sakit ia juga mampu menjimatkan masa \u2018procedure\u2019 iaitu sekitar 30 minit sahaja,\u201d katanya.\n\nBagaimanapun menurut Khairul, kaedah laser hanya boleh dilakukan kepada pesakit yang menderita sehingga tahap 3 sahaja.\n\nJika tahap 4, ia perlu menggunakan kaedah asal iaitu \u201copen technique\u201d.\n\n\n\n\u201cCaranya kita akan guna laser dan forcep, saya akan tarik buasir guna forcep, kemudian ibaratnya kita akan \u2018welding\u2019 iaitu hanya masukkan laser ini, memang tak ada pendarahan yang banyak, pembedahan yang sangat terkawal,\u201d katanya lagi.\n\nRawatan laser untuk buasir semakin popular sejak 3 tahun lalu kerana bukan semua hospital menggunakan keadah ini yang dikategorikan sebagai kaedah baru di Malaysia.\n\nJadi bagi pesakit buasir, anda tidak perlu lagi bimbang menanggung kesakitan secara berlarutan kerana kaedah laser mampu merawati tanpa sebarang kesan.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Khairul Izan Mohd Ghani\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMD (UKM), Doctor of Surgery (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLega\u2026 Buasir Boleh Dirawat Hanya Guna Laser \u2013 Free Malaysia Today, 22 Julai 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Free Malaysia Today, 22 Julai 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/lelaki-lebih-terdedah-kanser-kolon", "title": "Lelaki Lebih Terdedah Kanser Kolon", "body": "\n\n\n\nLelaki Lebih Terdedah Kanser Kolon\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 22, 2020\n \n\nPakar masih mencari punca tercetusnya penyakit maut itu, namun pemakanan dikatakan menjadi faktor.\n\nDUA minggu lalu, dunia hiburan anlarabangsa dikejutkan dengan pemergian pelakon yang terkenal dengan watak Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman di Los Angeles, Amerika Syarikat.\n\nAdiwira kulit hitam pertama di dunia yang berusia 43 tahun itu bukan mati di tangan musuhnya, Thanostetapi disebabkan kanser kolon atau kanser usus.\n\nBoseman sebenarnya telah didiagnosis menghidap kanser itu pada tahap tiga beberapa tahun lalu, namun tiada siapa pun yang mengetahui penderitaannya itu sehinggalah selebriti yang sedang mencipta nama itu menghembuskan nafas terakhir.\n\nApabila berita kematiannya disahkan sebagai kanser kolon, carian mengenal penyakit itu dalam bahasa Melayu menerusi Google semakin popular.\n\nBerdasarkan data Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, kanser merupakan penyebab kedua tertinggi kematian di Malaysia. Kanser kolon telah disenaraikan sebagai kanser tertinggi dalam kalangan lelaki dan kedua tertinggi bagi kaum Hawa.\n\nSebenarnya, apakah itu kanser kolon? Bagi memperincikan lebih lanjut mengenainya, SinarPlus mendapatkan pandangan Perunding Kolorektaldan Pakar Bedah Umum, Pusat Pakar Perubatan Loh Guan Lye, Pulau Pinang, Dr R. Prabhu.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nUjar Dr Prabhu, kanser kolon sebenarnya dideritai lebih kurang 1,400 rakyat Malaysia pada setiap tahun.\n\n\"Sesiapa sahaja dalam kalangan orang dewasa boleh menghidapnya. Bagaimanapun, ia jarang bertaku pada mereka di bawah lingkungan umur 50 tahun.\n\n\"Fakta seterusnya, lelaki lebih terdedah kepada kanser ini berbanding wanita,\" katanya sambil menambah, berdasarkan trend semasa, rata rata pesakit yang didiagnosis sudah berada pada tahap tiga dan empat.\n\nMengulas lanjut, Dr Prabhu berkata, punca kanser kolon masih tidak diketahui, namun penyakit itu sering dikaitkan dengan karsinogen (agen penyebab kanser) dalam diet ataupun pemakanan seharian seperti makanan yang diproses dan rendah serat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nKetumbuhan kecil\n\nUjarnya, kanser usus selalunya bermula dengan satu ketumbuhan kecil bukan kanser (benigna) yang wujud pada dinding usus yang dikenali sebagai polip adenoma \"Sesetengah polip boleh berkembang menjadi kanser kolon malignan dari masa ke masa jika ia tidak dikeluarkan semasa kolonoskopi (prosedur melihat lapisan dalam usus).\n\n\"Jika hal itu bertaku (tidak dikeluarkan), sel-sel yang telah berubah menjadi sel kanser usus besar akan 'menceroboh' dan merosakkan tisu sihat yang terdapat berhampiran tumor utama sekali gus menyebabkan timbulnya banyak komplikasi yang tidak diingini,\" jelasnya.\n\nTerang beliau, selepas tumor berkembang, sel-sel kanser boleh bergerak melalui sistem darah dan limfa sebelum merebak ke bahagian badan yang lain.\n\n\"la (sel kanser) juga boleh tumbuh di beberapa tempat, menyerang dan memusnahkan tisu sihat yang lain di seluruh badan.\n\n\"Satu satu rawatan kanser itu semakin rumit jika pengesanan dan rawatan pada peringkat awal tidak dilakukan,\" ungkap Dr Prabhu.\n\nPakar itu menambah, selain pemakanan yang dipercayai menjadi faktor tercetus penyakit berkenaan, terdapat kajianyang menyatakan bahawa kanser usus terjadi disebabkan oleh 'kesilapan' usus membina DNA mereka sehingga terbentuknya kanser.\n\n\"Namun, ada juga kebarangkalian kanser yang terbentuk pada dinding usus adalah disebabkan jangkitan daripada tumor yang lain (metastasis). Oleh itu, sangat mustahak untuk seseorang merawat kanser yang ada, sebelum ia merebak ke bahagian lain di dalam tubuh badan,\" katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSaringan\n\nMengenat rawatan, Dr Prabhu berkata, kanser jenis itu biasanya akan dirawat mengikut tahap. Secara lazimnya, pesakit perlu menjalani pembedahan untuk membuang bahagian di mana kanser itu terbentuk.\n\nSeterusnya, rawatan lanjutan seperti kimoterapi dan radioterapi akan diberikan bergantung pada tahap kesihatan pesakit itu sendiri.\n\n\"Perlu ditegaskan sekali lagi, kanser usus berpotensi untuk menjangkiti bahagian lain tubuh seperti hati, paru paru, otak dan juga lapisan rongga perut jika ia sudah mencapai tahap empat,\" beritahunya.\n\nSementara itu, Pakar Bedah Umum, Hospital Columbia Asia Iskandar Puteri, Johor Bahru, Dr Zulkarnain Hasan turut melontarkan pandangannya.\n\nKatanya, kanser kolon turut disebut sebagai kanser kolorektal kerana ia terjadi di kawasan di antara pangkal usus besar hinggalah penghujungnya yang dipanggil rektum.\n\n\"la bermula sebagai gumpalan kecil dipanggil polip yang lama kelamaan boleh bermutasi menjadi barah,\" ujarnya mengukuhkan lagi fakta yang diutarakan oleh Dr Prabhu.\n\nDalam hal itu, Dr Zulkarnain menegaskan peri penting seseorang melakukan pemeriksaan awal.\n\nDalam hal tertentu katanya, kanser usus juga boleh menyerang orang muda termasuklah kanak kanak.\nKANSER kolon perlu didiagnosis lebih awal agar la tidak merebak ke bahagian lain badan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBerikut ialah kaedah pengesanan dan saringan kanser kolon yang sering digunakan:\n\n\nUjian darah okultik fecal imunologi\n\n\nUjian ini memerlukan sampel najis yang diuji untuk mengesan kehadiran darah. Ini kerana pendarahan tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar. Andai terdapat darah, pesakit perlu menjalani ujian kolonoskopi. Jika ujian tersebut negatif, ia perlu diulang setiap dua tahun.\n\n\n\n\nKolonoskopi\n\n\nKaedah ini merupakan piawai standard untuk mendiagnosis kanser kolon dan rektum. Tiub fiber optik khas yang disambungkan dengan sistem kamera video digunakan untuk melihat ke dalam usus dan seterusnya mengambil sampel jika terdapat bahagian yang disyaki mengalami kanser atau penyakit lain. Sampel akan dihantar ke makmal untuk menjalani pengesahan jenis penyakit yang dialami.\n\n\n\n\nUjian darah\n\n\nUjian darah dilakukan untuk melihat kandungan hemoglobin darah kerana kebiasaannya kanser kolon akan mengakibatkan pendarahan dalam usus. Ujian pengesanan tumor antigen karsinoembrio (CEA) juga boleh dijalankan. Namun demikian, tahap CEA dalam darah biasanya digunakan untuk memantau pesakit yang telah disahkan menghidap kanser kolon dan rektum.\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Zulkarnain menambah, sekiranya kanser kolon didapati telah merebak ke bahagian lain badan, pakar perubatan mungkin akan membuat ujian pengimejan tomografi berkomputer \n(CTScan)\n.\n\n\"Ujian itu antara lain menentukan keadaan kanser tersebut sebelum sebarang pembedahan dilaksanakan,\" kata beliau.\n\n\u00a0\n\nLANGKAH-LANGKAH yang boleh diambil untuk mencegah kanser kolon:\n\n\nMembuat pemeriksaan kanser kolon dengan doktor jika mempunyai keluarga yang pernah menghidap kanser tersebut.\n\n\nPada usia 45 tahun, pastikan kekerapan pemeriksaan dilakukan berdasarkan keputusan pemeriksaan pertama.\n\n\nSekiranya tiada ahli keluarga yang pernah menghidap kanser berkenaan, lakukan pemeriksaan pertama pada usia 50 tahun. Kekerapan pemeriksaan selanjutnya adalah berdasarkan keputusan pemeriksaan pertama.\n\n\nKerap bersenam untuk mengekalkan berat badan dan menjaga kesihatan tubuh.\n\n\nMakan makanan yang menjamin kesihatan usus seperti sayur sayuran, buah buahaa bijiria daging dan ayam tanpa lemak serta produk tenusu rendah lemak.\n\n\nKurangkan atau berhenti menghisap rokok sepenuhnya.\n\n\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Zulkarnain Hasan\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMD (USM), AFRCS (Ire), M.Med. Surgery (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLelaki Lebih Terdedah Kanser Kolon - Sinar Harian, 13 September 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPunca kematian Black Panther, kenali kanser kolon \u2013 SinarPlus, 13 September 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Sinar Harian, 13 September 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGastroenterology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/lets-fight-dengue", "title": "Let\u2019s Fight Dengue!", "body": "\n\n\n\nLet\u2019s Fight Dengue!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 20, 2020\n \n\nWhile we take pride in our efforts in controlling COVID-19 pandemic in our country, dengue cases have been increasing at a worrying pace. According to data from Ministry of Health, since January 2019 until 6th June 2020, a total of 48,584 dengue cases have been reported. An increase of 8% of dengue cases recorded every week is of grave concern with 84 deaths and counting. Majority cases which were fatal were due to patients\u2019 delay in seeking treatment. According to Malaysia\u2019s Health Director-General, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, the surge of dengue cases in 2020 is from June till September.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRe-introducing dengue\n\nDengue is a vector-borne disease caused by the dengue virus. The virus spreads through the Aedes mosquito which is most active during sunrise and sunset. There are four strains of the dengue virus; namely, DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 and DEN 4. A person who has contracted a particular strain of the dengue virus will have immunity against that particular strain only. For example, a patient with DEN 1 only has immunity against the DEN 1 virus strain so he/she is still at risk of contracting dengue fever from DEN 2, DEN 3 or DEN 4.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat to look out for\n\nA dengue patient will show symptoms after four to seven days after being bitten by the Aedes mosquito. These include:-\n\nFever\n\n\nJoint pain\n\n\nMuscle pain\n\n\nHeadaches\n\n\nEye pain\n\n\nNausea\n\n\nDiarrhoea\n\n\nRashes\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe three phases of dengue\n\nDengue fever can be divided into three phases: febrile, critical and recovery.\n\nThe febrile phase comprises of fever that lasts three to five days. During this phase, the patient experiences fever, joint pain, muscle pain, headaches and other symptoms mentioned earlier.\n\nAfter three to five days, the patient enters the critical phase. This lasts between 48 to 72 hours. During this phase, the patient recovers from fever but there is a fall in platelet count and white blood cell count. Following that, the patient starts showing different symptoms. Some of them do not has serious symptoms whereas some experience complications such as internal bleeding, water retention in the lungs or stomach, low blood pressure, kidney failure and liver failure as well as coma.\n\nThis can lead to death.\n\nAfter 48 to 72 hours, the patient will go through the recovery phase where dengue symptoms dissipate while blood platelets and white blood cells return to normal count.\n\nOn average and from end to end, it takes seven to 10 days before a dengue patient starts recovering from the disease. The following diagram is from the 2015 Management of Dengue Infection in Adults \u2013 Malaysia Clinical Practise Guidelines. It explains all three phases:\n\nWhat to do when you display symptoms\n\nTo date, there are no specific treatments or immunisation for dengue fever. Patients who experience signs and symptoms of dengue must seek treatment immediately. Blood test must be carried out in order to get the diagnosis. Dengue cases must be notified to health officers so that preventive actions can be taken. This includes fogging in the patients\u2019 area of residence.\n\nFor patients who have mild symptoms, he or she should rest at home under observation with daily blood tests at the clinic or hospital. For those who have warning signs, he or she must be referred to the hospital for treatment and close monitoring. On average and from end to end, it takes seven to 10 days before a dengue patient starts recovering from the disease. The following diagram is from the 2015 Management of Dengue Infection in Adults \u2013 Malaysia Clinical Practise Guidelines. It explains all three phases:\n\n\u00a0\n\nWarning signs include:-\n\n\nStomach pains\n\n\nVomiting more than three times in 24 hours\n\n\nDiarrhoea more than three times in 24 hours\n\n\nWater retention in the lungs, heart and stomach\n\n\nSpontaneous bleeding\n\n\nFatigue\n\n\nDisorientation/confusion\n\n\nLiver tenderness on palpation\n\n\nAbnormal blood test results\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe high risk group\n\nApart from patients who have warning signs as mentioned above, high risk patients should also be referred to the hospital for close observation. These comprise patients with the following existing conditions:\n\nDiabetes mellitus\n\n\nHigh blood pressure\n\n\nHeart disease\n\n\nKidney disease\n\n\nObesity\n\n\nAged 65 and older\n\n\nPregnant\n\n\nOn blood thinning medication\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat we can do to improve situation\n\nOne of the most effective ways to do this is to ensure that the Aedes mosquito has no breeding grounds. The Aedes mosquito breeds in stagnant water even if the container is as small as a 50-cent coin. Therefore, we must be vigilant and make sure that we:-\n\nPour out water that collects in plant pots and trays.\n\n\nDispose containers that could potentially collect water.\n\n\nUnclog drains including rooftop drains.\n\n\nEnsure water tanks are covered.\n\n\n\nTry to avoid getting bitten by the Aedes mosquito. Avoid outdoor activities during sunrise and sunset because this is when the Aedes mosquito is active. If you need to be outdoors during that time, wear bright-coloured clothing with long sleeves and long pants. Apply mosquito repellent on exposed areas. Should you find Aedes mosquitos in your house compound, use a mosquito repellent spray.\n\nIn short, we must work together to fight dengue. Just like COVID-19, dengue too is a fatal disease. Always be vigilant and protect yourself and your family against dengue.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tee Shin Kuan\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBS (UM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTakutkan Covid-19, Jangan Sampai Abai Gigitan Aedes \u2013 mStar, 26 Jun 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s Fight Dengue! \u2013 The Iskandarian, 15 July 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s Fight Dengue! \u2013 Waves Lifestyle, 15 July 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in mStar, 26 Jun 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n and \nNephrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/letter-doctor-exercising-during-mco", "title": "A Letter from a Doctor On Exercising During the MCO", "body": "\n\n\n\nA Letter from a Doctor On Exercising During the MCO\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 14, 2020\n \n\nStaying active has perhaps become more important than ever.\nMedical frontliners Image credit: DepositPhotos\n\n\n\nMalaysia\u2019s frontliners are national heroes today (and rightly so!) because of the deep sacrifices they have made for our nation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are working long hours, exposing themselves to the risk of infection, barely getting any sleep and even forced to stay away from loved ones so they don\u2019t pass the virus on to their families.\n\nOne doctor from Johor, Dr Hazli Sufian Sulaiman, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital Tebrau, took time off during this Movement Control Order (MCO) period to stress on the importance of exercise while we stay home and help the country flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases.\n\nHere\u2019s what he said:\n\n\u201cAll of us are adjusting to this \u201cnew normal\u201d life where physical interaction becomes limited and emotional adjustments need to be made. Staying active has perhaps become more important than ever to keep your physical and mental well-being intact (click here for ways to stay mentally well during this time). One of the ways you can stay active during this MCO period is by exercising. Exercise helps your body and mind in many ways as it can help manage stress levels, improve energy levels, for weight management and reduces the risk of serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.\n\nBut, more importantly now given the current situation, regular exercise helps boost your immune system.\n\nAlthough your usual workout routine may no longer be possible, there are still lots of ways to get a good workout, even if you are in self-isolation. If you are new to exercise, even 10 minutes of movement a day can help your body and mind feel better. You can start small, with 10 minutes of yoga or low impact aerobics a day, and gradually build up. If a structured routine is not your style, you can get creative and build your own exercise routine like using household items such as water bottles and canned foods for weights, jumping jacks, jogging on the spot for 30 second intervals, sit-ups and push-ups. Anything to get your heart rate up a little will benefit you greatly.\n\nAnother popular option now is to take your workout online. There are many free online videos that are suitable for various fitness levels and are suitable for even a small-sized living space. From low-impact aerobics that are easier on your joints, to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), to strength workouts, Zumba, Pilates and Yoga (check out this easy yoga routine you can do in bed). With just the click of a button, you can choose to do these workouts at any time of the day. There are also many great workout apps available now, where you can mix and match your routines, if you prefer to do exercises at your own pace.\n\nOther enjoyable ways to increase your physical activity, and perhaps include your kids and family members in as well, are virtual reality and physical movement games from Nintendo Switch, Xbox Kinect and Playstation 4 Move. Some of the games available include Ring Fit, Fitness Boxing (Switch), Kinect Sports Rivals, Zumba Fitness World Party (XBox Kinect) and Just Dance 2019 (PS4). All of these games cater for various levels of fitness and are fun ways to spend quality time with your family members during this MCO.\n\nBut don\u2019t worry if you don\u2019t have any of those things. You can opt to just walk around inside the house. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise because of its low impact to your joints, ability to keep your heart rate up, the fact that you can still do it within a confined space, and because it doesn\u2019t cost you anything!\n\nWhen all else fails, a simple increase in physical activity doing domestic chores such as mopping the floor, vacuuming or even gardening can build up a sweat, and be beneficial for your heart health.\u201d\n\nThank you, Doctor! And thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to all the frontliners in the medical field, and others who provide food, and various essential services. Stay safe, stay healthy.\n*This letter was provided to SHAPE by Columbia Asia Hospital.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Hazli Sufian Bin Sulaiman\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest Arthroplasty (Germany)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nA Letter from a Doctor On Exercising During the MCO - HerInspirasi.com, 9 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in HerInspirasi.com, 9 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/lightweight-runners-and-teenage-weak-bones", "title": "Lightweight Runners and Teenage Weak Bones", "body": "\n\n\n\nLightweight Runners and Teenage Weak Bones\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 26, 2017\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh returns for his monthly show to talk about bones. In this episode, we pore over three recent studies that found weaker bones in idle teenagers and that lighter runners were at higher risk for stress fractures.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/limb-deformity-length-discrepancy", "title": "Limb Deformity/ Length Discrepancy", "body": "\n\n\n\nLimb Deformity/ Length Discrepancy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 29, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: depuysynthes.com \n\nLimb deformity is an abnormality in the shape of the limb. Deformities can happen in upper limbs or lower limbs. Arms or legs can appear bent, rotated or shortened. Joints, commonly knees and ankles, can also be deformed or bent. Among the common deformities are bowlegs, knock knees, limb length discrepancies and other conditions. One may be born with deformities (congenital) or acquire it as a result of an injury, accident, tumour or infection.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDeformities can disturb our functions, causing disability. It can affect our appearance and cause cosmetic disturbances. At times, we are unable to perform routine chores or our activity of daily living due to deformities. Deformity involving lower limbs/ legs are more prominent since it affects our walking pattern. A person with lower limb deformity walks with an abnormal gait and a limp especially if there is shortening. This often leads to pain over the bones or joints. Some deformities may worsen over years, making the limbs or joints appear more bent and causing more disability. If limb deformities are left untreated, they may lead to long-term complications. Complications such as chronic back pain, early osteoarthritis of nearby joints and chronic pain are among the possible long term effects of untreated limb deformities.\n\nThose with deformity can benefit from treatment. Treatment depends on the type and severity of deformity as well as the age of the person. In some cases, the limb deformity corrects naturally especially in children. However, some deformities can persist or the abnormality becomes more severe.\n\nTreatment can consist from simple braces and exercises or even shoe raise if the deformity is mild or the limb length discrepancy is minimal. However, in more prominent deformities, surgical correction is needed. Short limb with significant limb length discrepancy requires limb lengthening. In a patient with deformity, a thorough examination with measurements is done by the surgeon. Necessary imaging including X-rays will be done before any treatment or surgery is done.\n\nCorrective surgery generally involves using either internal implants such as plates and nails or external implants. With proper planning and surgery, most deformities and shortening can be corrected. Arms or legs can be realigned. Deformed joints can be straightened. Limb length discrepancies are corrected by lengthening the affected bone to achieve near normal limb. As a result, patients improve in cosmetic appearance, function and gait. This also reduces the incidents of possible long-term complications.\nDr. Ramesh Naidu a/l Applanaidu\n\nConsultant Orthopedic\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/limping-gait-in-children", "title": "Limping Gait in Children", "body": "\n\n\n\nLimping Gait in Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 31, 2016\n \n\nLimping Gait is defined as deviation from normal gait resulting in an asymmetrical walking pattern. Limping gait also means, the stance phase on the affected limb is shorter than normal side. Dr. Paul Ngalap Ayu, Consultant Orthopedic & Pediatric Orthopedic / Spine Surgeon shares with you on Limping Gait in Children.\n\n\u00a0\n\nLimping Gait in Children \u2013 Parenthood, Issue July 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/liposuction", "title": "Liposuction", "body": "\n\n\n\nLiposuction\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 21, 2012\n \n\nWhile definitely not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise, modern-day liposuction surgery (sometimes referred to as liposculpturing) can safely and permanently address those hard-to-lose fatty deposits that simply don't respond to diet and exercise, creating big improvements in body contour and shape.\n\nFor some of us, certain areas of the body are immune to exercise. No matter how many miles we run, sit-ups we do, weights we lift, or laps we swim, the fat remains, unless it is removed\u2014with liposuction.\n\nLiposuction is appropriate for large, disproportionate hips, buttocks, thighs, the abdomen and \"love handles\", as well as fat deposits on arms, back, knees, sides, and under the chin. Very often, many different areas can be treated during a single operation.\nIs Liposuction safe?\n\nLiposuction is a relatively safe surgery when performed within the safe limits. However, even large volume liposuctions have been performed safely without complications. Liposuction should be safely performed in a hospital setting by an experienced plastic surgeon.\nThe Surgery\n\nSurgery begins with a tiny incision inconspicuously located in a natural skin fold or crease in an area to be treated. Next, a salt water/anaesthetic solution is injected through a micro cannula.\n\nDuring surgery, the doctor moves the micro cannula back and forth under the skin. With the help of a high pressure suction machine, the unwanted fatty deposits are removed permanently and the desired shape is created.\nAfter surgery\n\nAfter surgery a tight-fitting garment must be worn over the area. This will help your skin shrink and conform smoothly to the new shape of your underlying tissue. You will be up and around in a day or two after surgery but strenuous activities should be restricted the first week or two. For several days after surgery you may experience mild discomfort and stiffness, which can usually be controlled by medication. Some patients experience numbness or discomfort for varying periods of time.\n\nYour scars will be barely noticeable and will soon seem to disappear. To help your skin shrink properly, we will provide you with an appropriate garment which is to be worn for several weeks. If you had skin dimpling (cellulite) before surgery, you will still have it afterward, but it may be somewhat improved. Expect some swelling and bruising which will subside within a few months. Sometimes the skin may have an uneven or slightly rippled effect. The final body contour after liposuction may take between 3 to 6 months to be noticeable. This is due to the swelling in the tissues, and by wearing the garment continuously the final result will be apparent in the due course of time. Occasionally, permanent sagging of the skin happens when the amount of fat removed exceeds the ability of the skin to shrink. Overweight patients who have localized areas of fat removed must be willing to accept a greater chance of contour irregularities and less than ideal skin redraping in exchange for improving the way they look in clothing.\nDr. A. ANANDA DORAI\n\nConsultant Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nImage Source: howstuffworks.com\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/long-term-care-options-elderly-and-severely-disabled-bfm-podcast", "title": "Long Term Care Options for the Elderly and Severely Disabled [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nLong Term Care Options for the Elderly and Severely Disabled [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 27, 2009\n \n\nLong Term Care Options for the Elderly and Severely Disabled - Dr Ramnan Jeyasingam.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/long-term-healthcare-for-aged", "title": "Long-term Healthcare for Aged", "body": "\n\n\n\nLong-term Healthcare for Aged\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 31, 2017\n \nPhoto credit : thinkhealth.priorityhealth.com\n\nMALAYSIANS are living longer going by figures from the department of statistics. The population is expected to live up to an average of 74.8 years this year compared to 74.3 years in 2011.\n\nTo top that, life expectancy is also increasing, where men and women are expected to live another 15.0 and 17.1 years respectively. It is also estimated that the ageing population will increase to 7.2% by the year 2020 and 14.5% 2040.\n\nMalaysia\u2019s growing ageing population also means there is an urgency to address the need for long-term care, especially for those who, in the august of their lives, are affected by illness and become infirmed or disabled.\n\nLong-term care or chronic care refers to a continuum of medical and social services that support the needs of patients living with chronic medical conditions or severe disabilities that affect their ability to go through their daily routines without physical help and support from others.\n\nThis refers to a person\u2019s basic daily self-care activities such as toilet hygiene, continence, mobility, dressing, bathing and eating.\n\nIt also includes continuous medical monitoring and timely intervention when medical complications are detected early.\n\nApart from medical services, long-term care also requires skilled nursing and rehabilitation services.\n\nGenerally, it can be broadly categorised into:\n\nInstitutionalised care which includes:\n\na) inpatient admission to hospitals which provides skilled nursing care (also known as skilled nursing facility); and\n\nb) nursing homes;\n\n\nCommunity care. This includes:\n\na) adult daycare centres; and\n\nb) hospices; and\n\n\nInformal care, defined as home care by family and friends, with the support of visiting nurses, visiting physical therapists and visiting doctors. In severe cases, full-time nursing services and domestic workers are employed to help out with home care. This option is gaining popularity as patient care is carried out within the setting of the patient\u2019s home.\n\n\nDemand for Long-Term Care\n\nOur medical and healthcare services are comprehensive overall and are mainly geared towards acute care services and short-term hospitalisation.\n\nWhere long-term care needs are concerned, the estimated demand for them is complicated because it involves extensive data collection on the prevalence of medical diagnoses and the limitations in functional abilities of the patients involved.\n\nBut due to the increase in the aging population and growing number of non-communicable diseases, there is a definite need for them.\n\nThe following scenario well describes a typical situation \u2015 A 60-year-old man with diabetes and high blood pressure sustains a massive stroke and is admitted to an acute care facility. After a week\u2019s stay in hospital, he is discharged. However, the patient also suffers from physical disabilities as a result of the stroke. He experiences weakness in his arms and legs, and needs assistance in his daily self-care.\n\nIt is estimated that 10 per cent of stroke patients succumb immediately to the disease. The remaining 50-60 per cent continue to live with disabilities. This is where long-term care comes in.\n\nApart from stroke, other chronic diseases in the elderly that typically require long-term care include advanced dementia, advanced Parkinson Disease, severe brain injury, spinal cord injury and other debilitating neurological conditions, terminal cancers (some patients are also channeled to hospices) and pathological fractures.\n\nYounger adults may also seek or require extended care for conditions such as traumatic brain injury, where some of these patients remain in a vegetative state with variable outcomes.\nFinancial Impact and Cost of Long-Term Care\n\nThe cost of long-term care is difficult to estimate because data on it is still scarce. However, in general, the financial charges depend on a few factors, such as:\n\nComplexity of patient\u2019s illness or disability;\n\n\nCost of certain consumables such as diapers and milk;\n\n\nSudden change in patient\u2019s medical condition or sudden acute illnesses; and\n\n\nUse of certain medications for patient.\n\n\nHowever, the future holds promise for a more holistic and integrated view of healthcare delivery. What will affect the demand will be factors like the impact of population increase, changes in medical diagnoses and treatment, healthcare delivery, lifestyle and behaviour patterns of patients.\n\n\n\nA point to ponder, future generations of the elderly and disabled are likely to be different\u2014 they\u2019d be better educated, are more health conscious than today\u2019s population.\n\nOne could argue then that there will be an increased life span but no change in the onset of illness, requiring longer care as more people live long enough to develop disabling conditions.\n\nThe opposite view would be that improved treatment or prevention of disabling conditions would lessen long-term care needs independent of the death rate.\n\nHowever, even under an optimistic scenario, the overall demand for long-term care will still rise signi\ufb01cantly because of the steady increase in the elderly population.\nPublished in Malaymail, 19 October 2017\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nLong-term Healthcare for Aged \u2013 Malaymail, 19 October 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/looking-after-young-eyes-press-clipping", "title": "Looking after young eyes [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nLooking after young eyes [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 02, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nThe Star,\n\n2 September 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/lower-back-pain-bfm-podcast", "title": "Lower Back Pain [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nLower Back Pain [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 04, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.indianexpress.com\nDr Ahmad Norshahrid Zahari, Consultant Orthopaedic & Spine Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya.\n\nYou wake up, you stretch and get out of bed, then you spend the rest of the day sitting at your desk and in traffic jams. Well, you might actually be lying on a bad mattress, sitting with poor posture and putting unnecessary strain on your back. All of which can lead to lower back pain.\n\nFind out more about what causes lower back pain and when you need to seek medical help with Dr Ahmad Norshahrid Zahari, Consultant Orthopaedic & Spine Surgeon from Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/lupus-organ-damage-what-damaged-asian-patients", "title": "Lupus organ damage: What is damaged in Asian patients?", "body": "\n\n\n\nLupus organ damage: What is damaged in Asian patients?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 23, 2011\n \n\nAssessment of organ damage has become the standard outcome measure for morbidity and mortality in patients with lupus. Ethnicity is thought to be a marker for genetic, environmental, behavioral, and other variables that may affect disease outcomes.\n\nPrevious studies suggest that Asians residing in western countries had significantly higher prevalence of damage compared with Whites. In contrast, studies performed in Chinese, Korean and Arab patients showed that the overall prevalence of damage and the most commonly involved organs (neuropsychiatric and musculoskeletal) were similar to Whites. Compared with their Asian counterparts, Pakistani and Jewish patients appeared to have a higher prevalence of damage, most likely secondary to longer disease duration. Chinese patients had an increased prevalence of premature gonadal failure, whereas patients residing in western and southern Asia had more skin damage.\n\nWhen compared with Whites, Asian patients had more renal damage but less ocular and cardiovascular damage. Risk factors associated with organ damage in Asian lupus patients included older age, higher disease activity, and the use of cyclophosphamide and steroids. Further investigations into other determinants such as genetic predisposition, socioeconomic factors, prevalence and severity of disease manifestations, and treatment, is needed in order to understand the variation in damage accrual in lupus patients from different ethnicities.\nDr. Kuan Woon Pang\n\nConsultant Physician & Rheumatologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mak-ayah-lengkapkan-perlindungan-maksimum-imunisasi-dalam-proses-tumbesaran-anak", "title": "Mak Ayah! Lengkapkan Perlindungan Maksimum Imunisasi Dalam Proses Tumbesaran Anak", "body": "\n\n\n\nMak Ayah! Lengkapkan Perlindungan Maksimum Imunisasi Dalam Proses Tumbesaran Anak\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 02, 2020\n \n\nDi dunia ini, kita wujud berdampingan dengan pelbagai jenis bakteria dan virus. Kebanyakkan mikroorganisma ini tidak mendatangkan kemudaratan namun ada yang berpotensi untuk sebaliknya. Vaksin memainkan peranan untuk mencegah penyakit berjangkit seperti polio, batuk kering dari merebak dan menjangkiti kita.\n\nVaksin mengandungi bakteria/virus atau komponennya yang telah dilemahkan atau dimatikan. Apabila diperkenalkan ke badan, ia akan merangsang sistem imun/pertahanan kita untuk bertindak dan mengenal pasti bakteria/virus ini sebagai ancaman, dan membina antibodi yang bersesuaian untuk memusnahkannya. Antibodi yang dibina ini akan bertindak sebagai memori pertahanan badan untuk melawan jangkitan yang serupa pada masa depan.\n\nGolongan yang patut dilindungi dengan pemberian vaksin adalah golongan bayi dan kanak-kanak yang berisiko tinggi kerana sistem imun mereka masih tidak matang. Contohnya, vaksin BCG diberi kepada bayi selepas lahir untuk mencegah tuberculosis (batuk kering). Kerajaan mewajibkan pengambilan vaksin seperti yang disenaraikan dalam Jadual KKM di bawah.\n\n\u00a0\nSumber: \nwww.myhealth.gov.my\n\nTerdapat juga vaksin tambahan/pilihan seperti pneumococcal, meningitis, Hepatitis A, influenza, varicella (cacar air), dan rotavirus yang boleh didapati di kemudahan perubatan swasta.\n\nTerdapat sesetengah vaksin memerlukan lebih daripada satu dos untuk memberi perlindungan maksimum (batuk kering, diptheria, tetanus) manakala ada sesetengah vaksin pula hanya memberi perlindungan untuk tempoh terhad (contohnya, tetanus) maka booster dos diperlukan. Adalah sangat penting untuk melengkapkan siri vaksin untuk memastikan perlindungan maksimum. Cuba untuk mematuhi jadual immunisasi yang ditetapkan dan jika sekiranya terpaksa ditunda, digalakkan untuk mengambil immunisasi secepat mungkin.\n\nVaksin, seperti semua ubat-ubatan, berkemungkinan mendatangkan kesan sampingan. Bukan dikatakan semua yang mengambil vaksin akan mendapat kesan sampingan tetapi jika ada, biasanya adalah ringan seperti demam dan sakit pada tempat suntikan yang boleh sembuh dengan cepat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCharis Yap\n\n\nPharmacy Manager\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMak Ayah! Lengkapkan Perlindungan Maksimum Imunisasi Dalam Proses Tumbesaran Anak \u2013 Mingguan Wanita, 20 Ogos 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Mingguan Wanita, 20 Ogos 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/management-atrial-fibrillation", "title": "Management of Atrial Fibrillation", "body": "\n\n\n\nManagement of Atrial Fibrillation\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 20, 2013\n \n\nAtrial fibrillation is one of the most common arrthymia encountered. It presents as a totally irregularly irregular rhythm. Causes of AF are-\n\nThyrotoxicosis\n\n\nMitral valvular heart disease\n\n\nChest infection\n\n\nCOPD\n\n\nHypertension\n\n\nIschemic heart disease\n\n\nConstrictive pericarditis\n\n\nA SD-secundum.\n\n\n\nBasic cardiac physiology required to understand AF better. 1) Atrial contraction contributes 20 % of cardiac output. Thus with onset of AF, there is loss of 20% of left ventricular systolic function which may result in cardiac failure in patients with pre-existing compromised LVF. 2) Left ventricular filling occurs during diastole. The duration of diastole is inversely proportional to ventricular rate, thus in AF with rapid ventricular rate, the diastolic phase is short and LV filling is impaired. One cardiac cycle may not fill enough to generate a radial pulse. It may require 2 or 3 consecutive cardiac cycles to give a radial pulse. This explains the concept of pulse deficit, whereby in AF the apex beat, is more than the radial pulse. 3) Ventricular rate in AF is reflected clinically by the apex beat and not the radial pulse.\n\nAF manifests as palpitations, giddiness, cardiac failure and thromboembolic phenomenon like stroke.AF may be classified as paroxysmal, persistent or permanent. As the intention is to discuss basic principles of management, the various classes would not be elaborated on. The dispute over rate control over rhythm control is ongoing. Previously, it was thought that everyone with AF should be given one chance for cardioversion (Quote Prof Chu Pak Lau of Hong Kong University). Following the result of AFFIRM (AF follow up investigation of rhythm management), it was shown that rate control or rhythm control have no difference in outcome. The benefit of restoring sinus rhythm is nullified by the adverse effect of antiarrthymic drugs. It is therefore acceptable to leave AF alone and focus on ventricular rate control and thrombophylaxis.Cardioversion is still needed for symptom control if persist despite well controlled ventricular rate.\n\nAcute management of AF depends on time of presentation and haemodynamic state. If patient is haemodynamically unstable like hypotensive with very rapid ventricular response, there is no dispute that immediate electrical cardioversion is mandatory. If presentation is less than 48 hours of onset, if one feels cardioversion is needed, it can be done safely without fear of thromboembolism.However if presentation is more than 48 hours; option is limited for cardioversion then must be done electively with prior anticoagulation for at least 1 month. Alternatively, a transoesophageal echo may be done to rule out LAA (left atrial appendage) thrombus prior to cardioversion.\n\nVentricular rate control may be by beta- blockers, digoxin or nondihydropyridine calcium blockers like verapamil or diltiazem.My preference is beta blockers to digoxin as beta-blocker can control exercise induced tachycardia whereas digoxin is only good for resting tachycardia.\n\nThrombophylaxis is traditionally with vitamin K antagonist, warfarin.The thromboembolic risk is determined by CHADS2 score which include factors of age(>75 years), diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiac failure and history of ischaemic stroke. Those with CHADS2 score of 2 or more are advised anticoagulation.Warfarin is notorious for having a narrow therapeutic window and requires regular monitoring of INR.Interaction with other drugs and food restrictions must be considered. New anticoagulants are available like dabigatran which is a direct thrombin inhibitor and rivaroxaban which is a factor Xa inhibitor. These new agents are convenient in that it requires no blood monitoring. The drawback is that we are unable to track compliance.\n\nOther invasive interventions like RF ablation restores sinus rhythm in AF patient (MANTRA-PAF trial).AV nodal ablation prevent the atrial impulse from reaching the ventricles. After AV node is ablated, the ventricle will beat at a slow rate and a permanent pacemaker has to be inserted.\nDr. Ng Butt Chin\n\nConsultant Physician\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/management-chronic-renal-failure", "title": "Management of Chronic Renal Failure", "body": "\n\n\n\nManagement of Chronic Renal Failure\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 09, 2013\n \n\nDefinition- Chronic renal failure or CKD (chronic kidney disease) is defined as renal dysfunction which is irreversible unlike acute renal failure. Causes of CKD include DM, analgesic abuse, chronic glomerulonephritis, hypertension, polycystic kidney, medullary cystic kidneys etc.\n\nCKD is a continuum ranging from stage 1 which is the earliest stage to stage 5 which is also referred to as end stage renal failure (ESRF).Diagnosis of CKD is based on history like history of DM, analgesic abuse, obstruction like renal stones supported by renal imaging like renal ultrasound and blood test of urea, creatinine and estimation of GFR.When seeing a patient for first time, it is important to always assume it is acute renal failure until proven otherwise. This requires repeat test like blood test. It is advisable that patient be referred to a nephrologist for initial workout to confirm the diagnosis and rule out any reversible factors which may be contributing to the kidney failure. Once this is done, patient may be followed up by his regular doctor. When he approaches advanced renal failure, he should be referred back to the nephrologist for counselling and prepare for renal replacement therapy. It is to be noted that not all CKD patients will reach ESRF.A proportion of them dies before reaching the terminal state and the major cause of mortality in CKD patients are cardiovascular events. Patients should preferably be followed up by a particular doctor who keeps track of his regular blood results like creatinine and urea. Over a period of time, based on the test results, a rough prediction of when ESRF occurs can be made.Meanwhile, treatment is conservative including lifestyle, dietary modification and medications.\n\nA low protein diet of 0.8-1 gram/kg/day is advised. Low protein diet slows progression of renal failure by reducing intraglomerular pressure. Malnutrition with low albumin level on the other hand must be avoided, as hypoalbuminaemia is a predictor of increased mortality.\n\nNephrotoxic drugs like NSAID and traditional medicine must be avoided. I have encountered patients who insisted on seeing sinsehs who assure them that they can be cured and dialysis is not necessary. It is difficult if not impossible to convince them otherwise. Nevertheless, it is our responsibility to explain to them so they can at least make an informed choice. When patient is oliguric, salt and water need to be restricted.\n\nActivation of vitamin D occurs at the liver and kidneys. Impaired activation of vitamin D causes renal osteodystrophy.Phosphate retention is another factor. To reduce the phosphate level, phosphate binders are used. Commonly used are CaCO3 which binds phosphate and is also a source of calcium. Newer agents like lantanum carbonate are much more expensive. When a patient reaches stage 3 of CKD, addition of vitamin D analogues will suppress SHPT (secondary hyperparathyroidism).\n\nHypertension must be treated aggressively as hypertension accelerates renal damage. The aim is to bring down the BP with whatever drugs.ACEI/ARB are shown to have effects beyond BP lowering in proteinuric renal disease. One has to be aware of its hyperkalaemic effect and effect in lowering GFR.\n\nCKD is recognised to predispose to coronary heart disease and all risk factors must be addressed. The usual principle applies. Stop smoking, exercise, and loose weight. Treatment of dyslipidaemia in CKD is now advocated following the result of SHARP (study of heart and renal protection) which shows that treatment with simvastatin and ezetimide in CKD patients reduces mortality from cardiovascular disease and strokes. Reduced dosage of statins may be considered.\n\nIn DM, tight glycaemic control slows renal dysfunction. My preference is to use insulin, though oral hypoglycaemics like second generation sulphonylurea are claimed to be safe in renal impairment, albeit in reduced dosage. It is important to ensure that tight glycaemic control should not be at the expense of frequent hypoglycaemia which is deleterious. In certain groups like in advanced age with multiple co morbid conditions like CHD stroke and is not expected to live long, a certain degree of allowance is necessary as tight control is of not much benefit.\n\nErythropoietin produced by kidneys stimulate RBC production and lack of this hormone contributes to anaemia of CKD.A high proportion of patients with CKD are also deficient in iron, and iron supplements or haematics are routinely given unless contraindicated like in thalassaemia or carrier state. Correction of anaemia has been shown to improve quality of life, exercise tolerance and cardio respiratory function. Use of erythropoietin may be started in the predialysis stage. Various preparations are available. Some are given 2x or 3x per week. Some are given once a month.\n\nWhen the patient is approaching ESRF, he should be referred to a nephrologist for counselling on the various options. Family members are to be involved. The options available are haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis i.e. continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and renal transplant. Patients at advanced age with multiple complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, CHD and cerebrovascular disease generally have poor outcome inspite of dialysis. In this group it is justified to advise against dialysis but to opt for conservative management i.e. to optimise medical treatment and allow nature to take it\u2019scourse.For those who opt for dialysis even for CAPD,it is imperative that long before the expected onset of ESRF,at least 6 months, they should be referred for the construction of an arteriovenous fistula(AVF).This is usually done by a urologist or a vascular surgeon. An AVF takes time to mature, at least a month or longer. Diabetic patients with vasculopathy take much longer to mature and even need repeat construction. The advantage of having an AVF on standby is that anytime haemodialysis is required, there is no worry of vascular access. Patients who have not reached ESRF may occasionally be admitted for acute on chronic renal failure precipitated by events like sepsis, dehydration, ingestion of nephrotoxic drugs. A period of temporary dialysis is required. An AVF will save the patient and the doctor the hassle of having to insert an internal jugular catheter for temporary vascular access\nDr. Ng Butt Chin\n\nConsultant Physician\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/managing-musculoskeletal-pain-opioids-bfm-podcast", "title": "Managing Musculoskeletal Pain with Opioids [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nManaging Musculoskeletal Pain with Opioids [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 08, 2015\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nOpioids, such as morphine, are used regularly to manage pain, but are we abusing them? Reports show that orthopaedic surgeons in the USA are the third top prescribers of opioids. Dr Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, discusses the use of opioids in managing musculoskeletal injuries.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/managing-pain-caused-cancer", "title": "Managing the Pain that is Caused by Cancer", "body": "\n\n\n\nManaging the Pain that is Caused by Cancer\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 12, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nCertain cancers are more painful than most.\u00a0\n\nAnd most types of cancer, especially in the later stages (stage 4), are painful.\u00a0\n\nAmong the most painful types of cancer are bone cancer, head and neck cancer, and brain and spinal cord cancer.\u00a0\n\nThe presence of pain depends mainly on the location of the cancer and the stage of the disease.\u00a0\n\nPain in cancer may arise from a tumour compressing or infiltrating nearby body parts; treatments and diagnostic procedures; or changes to skin, nerves and other tissues caused by a hormone imbalance or immune response.\u00a0\n\nHowever, the pain from most types of cancer can be controlled.\u00a0\n\nWhile most cancer pain can be managed with pharmacological treatment (using drugs such as opioids, anti-neuropathics, anti-depressants, etc), about 10% to 20% of cancer pain would need other methods, such as interventional pain management techniques and other non-pharmacological techniques like psychosocial management, physiotherapy techniques, and traditional and complementary medicine.\u00a0\n\nPain management is important in palliative care.\u00a0\n\nPalliative therapy represents active care for patients whose illness is not responding to the curative treatment.\u00a0\n\nIt aims to provide comfort and prevent the suffering of patients, especially towards the end of their life.\u00a0\n\nThus, treatment of the pain presents an important integral part of palliative care.\u00a0\n\nProper pain management can achieve a better quality of life for patients and their families.\u00a0\n\nMeanwhile, poor pain management has been shown to increase complications and reduce a patient\u2019s life expectancy.\u00a0\n\nProper assessment required\n\nPatients with cancer pain need to undergo a comprehensive assessment of their pain.\u00a0\n\nThis is the first step to achieving successful cancer pain management.\u00a0\n\nSimilar to other clinical assessments, a complete pain assessment requires a detailed medical history, physical examination and relevant investigations.\u00a0\n\nThe assessment aims to determine the nature and pathophysiology of the pain, severity of the pain, impact of the pain on functions and quality of life, and the response to interventions.\u00a0\n\nFrom the assessment, a plan can be formulated to help treat the patient\u2019s pain.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nMethods of pain management\n\nManaging cancer pain is highly complex. It can be divided into pharmacological treatment, anti- cancer treatments, non-pharmacological methods and interventional techniques.\u00a0\n\nPharmacological treatment includes using drugs such as opioids (e.g. morphine), drugs to treat neuropathic pain (anti-epileptics, antidepressants etc), and steroids.\u00a0\n\nNon-pharmacological methods include exercise therapy, psychosocial therapy, and traditional and complementary medicine (e.g. acupuncture).\u00a0\n\nAnti-cancer treatment includes radiotherapy and chemotherapy.\u00a0\n\nMeanwhile, there is a wide range of interventional techniques available for the relief of cancer pain.\u00a0\n\nThese methods should be considered when conventional therapy, as mentioned above, fails to provide adequate pain control.\u00a0\n\nExamples of interventional techniques are nerve blocks, neurolysis, and insertion of an intrathecal morphine pump.\u00a0\n\nA nerve block is done by injecting local anaesthetics \u2013 sometimes combined with steroids \u2013 to block sensation to an area of the body.\u00a0\n\nFor instance, if a patient has bone cancer of the arm, we would inject local anaesthetics around the nerve that supplies the arm in order to stop the pain sensation there.\u00a0\n\nHowever, the application of local anaesthetics may not last long due to the drugs\u2019 limited time effect, thus, this is usually done for diagnostic purposes.\u00a0\n\nNeurolysis is a technique that is used to alleviate pain.\u00a0\n\nIt is done either by using chemical agents (e.g. alcohol or phenol) or thermal techniques (e.g. radiofrequency ablation) on the nervous system.\u00a0\n\nNeurolysis is only used when the disease has progressed to a point where no other pain treatments are effective.\u00a0\n\nAnd an intrathecal pump is a device that delivers small quantities of pain medication such as morphine, directly to the spinal fluid.\u00a0\n\nWhen these drugs are used and delivered in smaller doses, it may minimise the side effects often experienced with larger oral doses of the same medications, and patients may also experience better pain relief.\u00a0\n\nPatients who should be considered for these interventions include those with significant pain from locally- advanced disease, severe neuropathic pain, and severe pain on movement.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nChallenges in pain management\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere are barriers to effective pain management in cancer patients, including:\n\nRestrictive policies governing healthcare practice.\n\n\nRegulatory scrutiny when prescribing controlled substances.\n\n\nLack of knowledge among patients, healthcare providers and caregivers about cancer pain management.\n\n\nThe use of religious and cultural strategies to cope with pain.\n\n\nInadequate attention to pain in certain patient populations, and\n\n\nPatient concerns about addiction and the harmful effects of pain treatment.\n\n\n\nAlthough effective cancer pain management is highly recommended, the patient\u2019s cultural beliefs may ingrain a deep pain tolerance, thus discouraging effective treatment of cancer pain. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nSome cultural and religious beliefs may discourage the use of certain pain management methods, such as medications, while others uphold alternative therapies or spiritual practices to cope with pain.\u00a0\n\nSome examples would be:\u00a0\n\nBelief in karma\n\n\nIn many cultures, pain and suffering are perceived as a result of past actions and may be necessary for spiritual growth. \u00a0\n\n\nThis belief can result in patients not seeking treatment or not reporting their pain because they feel that it is deserved. \u00a0\n\n\nBelief in spiritual healing\n\n\nSpiritual practices such as prayer or meditation, are believed to be more effective at managing pain than medications.\u00a0\n\n\nWhile these practices can provide some relief, they may not be sufficient for more severe or chronic pain. \u00a0\n\n\nSome also believe that certain medications or medical procedures are \u201cimpure\u201d or interfere with spiritual purity. \u00a0\n\n\nFear of addiction\n\n\nSome cultures and religions view pain medications as addictive, and therefore, discourage its use.\u00a0\n\n\nThis can result in patients not receiving adequate pain relief because they are afraid of becoming addicted to such medications.\n\n\nRelieving the suffering\n\nExpertise in pain management techniques is continuously growing. \u00a0\n\nHence, healthcare professionals should be aware of their roles and appropriately refer their patients to specialists who are trained in pain management where available.\u00a0\n\nTo a cancer patient, the pain he or she feels can stand in the way of positive treatment outcomes.\u00a0\n\nWhen the pain is managed and becomes bearable \u2013 if not gone altogether \u2013 the patient\u2019s focus can shift from one of suffering to one of hopefulness.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Rushin A/L Maria Dass\n\n\nConsultant Anesthesiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMD (UNIMAS), M Anesthesiology (UM), Fellowship in Pain Management (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nManaging the Pain that is Caused by Cancer \u2013 The Star, 10 May 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 10 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \n Anesthesiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/masalah-ekzema-si-manja", "title": " Masalah Ekzema Si Manja", "body": "\n\n\n\n Masalah Ekzema Si Manja\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 16, 2020\n \n\nMasalah ekzema bukanlah sesuatu yang baharu dalam masyarakat kita. Sering kali kita melihat perkongsian ibu bapa tentang anak mereka yang mengalami ekzema. Ekzema merupakan sejenis penyakit kulit yang menyebabkan kegatalan dan kemerahan pada kulit la tidak berjangkit dan boleh dikawal dengan rawatan dan pengambilan ubat tertentu.\n\nSetengah penghidap ekzema mungkin mengalaminya kerana keturunan. Sesetengah gen dalam tubuh akan menyebabkan kulit menjadi sensitif. Sistem imun yang terlalu aktif dan ciri tidak normal pada kulit yang menyebabkan kelembapan kulit terjejas dan jangkitan kuman juga antara pencetus ekzema. Untuk menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang ekzema, Pa&Ma mendapatkan penerangan daripada Dr Azura Mohd Affandi, Pakar Perunding Dermatologi, Hospital Columbia Asia, Petaling Jaya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nJenis-jenis Ekzema\n\n\n\nTerdapat beberapa jenis ekzema yang boleh dihidapi oleh pesakit. \nAtopic Dermatitis, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis dan Contact Dermatitis\n adalah antara jenis-jenis ekzema yang biasa dihidapi oleh kanak-kanak.\n\nEkzema yang menyerang orang dewasa dan bayi adalah tidak sama walaupun kelihatan serupa. Bahagian yang diserang ekzema juga boleh terjadi di tempat-tempat yang berbeza.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAtopic Dermatitis\n\n\n\nEkzema yang sering terjadi dalam kalangan bayi atau kanak-kanak adalah jenis \nAtopic Dermatitis\n (AD). Biasanya ia berlaku pada enam bulan pertama usia bayi. Bayi atau kanak-kanak yang mengalami ekzema kebiasaannya mempunyai sejarah keluarga menghidap asma dan resdung. Risiko mereka untuk mendapat penyakit tersebut juga adalah lebih tinggi.\n\nSimptom untuk ekzema jenis ini adalah kulit mengalami kekeringan, bersisik kemerahan dan penghidapnya akan merasa gatal-gatal pada bahagian tertentu seperti di pipi, pergelangan tangan dan kaki.\n\n\n\nEkzema yang menyerang orang dewasa dan bayi adalah tidak sama walaupun kelihatan serupa. Bahagian yang diserang ekzema juga boleh terjadi di tempat-tempat yang berbeza.\n\n\n\n\n\nContact Dermatitis\n\n\nContact Dermatitis\n juga merupakan salah satu jenis ekzema yang boleh terjadi kepada bayi dan kanak-kanak. la disebabkan oleh penggunaan produk kulit yang tidak sesuai, menyebabkan alergi dan radang kulit.\n\nAntara bahan yang menyebabkan alergi dan ekzema adalah seperti bahan kimia, sabun pencuci, asap rokok, cat, bahan peluntur, bulu haiwan, produk kosmetik dan sebagainya.\n\nSimptom yang boleh dilihat pada penghidapnya adalah seperti ruam kemerahan, kesan seperti terbakar dan bengkak atau lepuhan yang berair.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nSeborrheic Dermatitis\n\n\n\nIa sering ada pada kulit kepala dan kelihatan berkuping seperti kelemumur. Kulit kepala juga berminyak dan kemerahan.\n\nEkzema jenis ini turut dipanggil sebagai \nCradle Cap\n dan tidak semestinya berlaku pada kulit kepala. la juga boleh menyerang bahagian lain pada tubuh seperti muka, atas dada dan belakang.\n\nEkzema sebenarnya boleh menjejaskan kehidupan penghidapnya kerana ia menyebabkan kegatalan pada kulit dan menimbulkan rasa kurang selesa. Selain itu, masalah ekzema juga mengganggu pola tidur, pergaulan serta menggugat emosi si manja (apabila mereka semakin membesar).\n\nIa tidak boleh hilang begitu sahaja kerana berkait dengan gen dalam badan. Pun begitu, kita boleh mengawalnya agar tidak menjadi lebih teruk.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\u00a0\n\nApa yang boleh dibuat?\n\n\u00a0\n\nSentiasa memastikan ruang kediaman bebas habuk.\n\n\nElakkan permaidani.\n\n\nElakkan memelihara binatang peliharaan yang berbulu di dalam rumah buat sementara waktu sehingga ekzema anak hilang.\n\n\nKuku si manja perlulah sentiasa pendek untuk mengelakkan kulit tercalar ketika menggaru.\n\n\nTuaman menggunakan pek ais mengurangkan kegatalan.\n\n\nTutup bahagian yang gatal dengan pakaian Jika ekzema sedang aktif di bahagian mukanya, boleh pakaikan bayi dengan sarung tangan untuk mengelakkan mereka dari menggaru muka yang boleh menyebabkan jangkitan kuman.\n\n\nMenggosok bahagian kulit yang gatal perlahan-lahan untuk melegakan. Jangan digaru!\n\n\nAmalkan penyusuan susu ibu Tapi ibu perlu elakkan dari memakan makanan yang pencetus alergi.\n\n\nBila anak mula makanan pejal, elakkan kekacang, telur dan makanan laut yang boleh menimbulkan alergi dan kegatalan. Pendedahan kepada bahan ini mungkin boleh menyebabkan radang ekzema tercetus.\n\n\nSegera mencuci mulut anak setiap kali selepas makan kerana ia juga boleh menjadi punca ekzema menjadi teruk.\n\n\nJangan berlengah menukar lampin untuk mengelakkan kerengsaan akibat ekzema semakin teruk.\n\n\nSelepas mandi, elakkan mengelap dengan cara menggosok, sebaliknya hanya menekan lembut sahaja kulit anak dengan tuala untuk mengelakkan kelembapan semula jadi kulitnya hilang.\n\n\nSapukan bayi dengan krim pelembap setiap kali selepas mandi terutama sekali pada bahagian yang terbabit ekzema. Pelembap kulit yang diperbuat daripada bahan organik dan tidak mengandungi steroid adalah pilihan terbaik.\n\n\nPakaikan bayi dengan pakaian yang tidak menyebabkannya panas dan berpeluh. Pakaian yang berpotongan longgar, nipis dan menyerap peluh seperti kain kapas amat disarankan.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Azura Binti Mohd Affandi\n\n\nConsultant Dermatologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMBChB (UK), MRCP (UK), Advanced Master of Dermatology (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMasalah Ekzema Si Manja \u2013 Majalah Pa & Ma, 1 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa & Ma, 1 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDermatology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/masalah-penyusuan-ibu-bekerja", "title": "Bakal Tamat Tempoh Berpantang dan Kembali Bertugas? Apa Kata Semak Tip Penyusuan Bayi, Info Penting Untuk Ibu Bekerjaya", "body": "\n\n\n\nBakal Tamat Tempoh Berpantang dan Kembali Bertugas? Apa Kata Semak Tip Penyusuan Bayi, Info Penting Untuk Ibu Bekerjaya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 14, 2020\n \n\nKAUM ibu yang bekerjaya pastinya risau untuk kembali bertugas selepas tamat tempoh cuti bersalin.\n\nApa tidaknya, hati pasti berbelah bahagi sama ada untuk teruskan bekerja atau menjaga si comel yang masih kecil dan memerlukan penyusuan sempurna setiap hari.\n\nNamun jangan risau memandangkan masalah ini boleh diatasi dengan beberapa tip penting yang dikongsikan oleh Pakar Perunding Kesihatan Kanak-Kanak & Kaunselor Penyusuan Susu Ibu dari Colombia Asia Hospita-Tebrau.\n\nJelas Dr Farzana Yusof, wanita yang bekerjaya dapat meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu dengan cara memerah dan menyimpannya sebagai stok harian.\n\nTambahnya, semua wanita boleh menyusukan bayi kerana mereka mempunyai tisu buah dada.\n\n\"Di dalamnya ada kelenjar yang menghasilkan susu, duktus yang mengeluarkan susu. Tidak kira apa sekali pun saiz buah dada,\" kongsinya kepada mStar.\n\n\u00a0 \nMemerah susu dengan tangan lebih lembut berbanding menggunakan pam.\n\n1. Kebaikan/kelebihan memerah susu ibu dengan tangan\n\nTidak risau jika bateri habis/alat ganti rosak seperti pam\n\n\nPemerahan tangan lebih lembut dari pam (boleh dikawal kuat atau lembut)\n\n\nBoleh perah sedikit dahulu untuk mempercepatkan penyusuan bayi yang betul-betul lapar\n\n\nSesuai untuk payu dara yang terlalu penuh atau ada duktus tersumbat\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nPilih pam susu yang sesuai.\n\n2. Cara memilih pam susu\n\nBeli pam yang senang digunakan\n\n\nCari yang mudah dibeli serta alat ganti dengan harga yang bersesuaian\n\n\nPerlu selesa dengan penggunaan pam tersebut seperti kedudukan tangan, kadar suction dan berat pam tersebut\n\n\nCorong yang tersedia dengan pam itu, adakah saiznya sesuai dengan buah dada ibu, apakah ia mudah dibeli di pasaran\n\n\nSusu yang telah dipam dapat disimpan di dalam bekas lain atau terus dipam ke dalam botol susu\n\n\nPam senang digunakan dan senang dicuci\n\n\nProduk yang mudah dibuka dan dipasang semula dengan hanya beberapa bahagian yang senang dipasang tanpa kelengkapan rumit\n\n\nPam mempunyai manual penggunaan yang mudah difahami\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nPastikan label nama dan bertarikh terutamanya jika susu perlu dihantar ke taska/penjaga.\n\n3. Bagaimana mengendalikan penyimpanan susu ibu\n\nBasuh tangan sebelum memerah/mengepam\n\n\nBekas simpanan perlulah sesuai seperti bekas lutsinar yang boleh lihat keadaan susu yang disimpan\n\n\nBekas plastik/kaca yang bersih atau disterilkan\n\n\nSimpan hanya amaun yang bayi perlu dalam satu susuan sahaja, contoh untuk bayi baru lahir hingga sebulan mungkin perlu simpan 30ml sahaja dalam satu bekas\n\n\nJika banyak bekas simpanan, pastikan label nama dan bertarikh terutamanya jika susu perlu dihantar ke taska/penjaga\n\n\nGunakan susu yang telah dipam secara turutan mengikut tarikh ia dipam\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nBayi aktif akan menyusu sekurang-kurangnya lapan kali sehari.\n\n4. Cara penyimpanan susu ibu\n\nSusu boleh disimpan dlm peti ais\n\n\nIa boleh dibekukan dalam deep freezer selama enam bulan\n\n\nJika disimpan dalam peti ais dua pintu bahagian atas ianya boleh dibekukan selama tiga bulan\n\n\nSusu yang disimpan di dalam freezer peti ais satu pintu, ianya hanya boleh bertahan dua minggu\n\n\nJika disimpan di bahagian dalam peti ais dua pintu dengan suhu 2-4C, ia boleh disimpan selama lapan hari\n\n\nSetelah dicairkan, susu hanya boleh bertahan 24 jam dan tidak boleh dibekukan semula\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nJangan rebus atau guna microwave kerana ia boleh merosakkan susu\n\n5. Cara mencairkan susu ibu yang telah dibekukan\n\nDari bahagian freezer perlu dikeluarkan dan diletakkan di bahagian dalam peti ais\n\n\nHanya keluarkan amaun yang bayi minum sahaja kerana susu yang telah dicairkan tidak boleh dibekukan semula\n\n\nSusu ini perlu direndam dalam air suam dan diguna dengan kadar segera\n\n\nJangan rebus/gunakan microwave/masak dalam kuali di atas api kerana ia akan merosakkan susu tersebut dan membakar mulut bayi kerana terlalu panas\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nWujud ikatan istimewa antara ibu dan anak apabila menyusu badan\n\n6. Kelebihan meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu setelah kembali bekerja?\n\nBayi yang menyusu susu ibu kurang mendapat penyakit, oleh itu tidak banyak cuti diambil untuk ibu menjaga anak yang sakit\n\n\nKelebihan untuk meluangkan masa berharga dengan bayi dan lebih rapat dengan bayi\n\n\nAda special bond dengan bayi yang terjalin lebih erat dengan penyusuan lebih lama\n\n\nMajikan dapat \u2018retain\u2019 pekerja yang lebih mahir bekerja setelah ibu kembali bekerja selepas cuti bersalin\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nBayi buang air besar sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali sehari petanda si comel mendapat cukup susu.\n\n7. Ketahui sama ada susu cukup untuk bayi\n\nBayi aktif akan menyusu sekurang-kurangnya lapan kali sehari\n\n\nBayi nampak selesa dan rasa kenyang serta tidur nyenyak selama beberapa jam dalam sehari\n\n\nBayi kencing/lampin basah sekurang-kurangnya enam kali tukaran sehari dengan air kencing yang cair dan berwarna kuning cair\n\n\nBayi buang air besar sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali sehari\n\n\nIbu berasa yakin dan selesa dengan penyusuan apabila puting serta buah dada tidak sakit\n\n\nBuah dada berasa lebih penuh sebelum menyusukan bayi dan ia lebih ringan selepas menyusukan bayi\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nJangan malu untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan sokongan.\n\n8. Dapatkan khidmat nasihat dan sokongan\n\nDi semua hospital dan klinik kerajaan terdapat kumpulan sokongan penyusuan susu ibu. Selain itu terdapat banyak juga kumpulan sokongan yang ditubuhkan oleh ibu-ibu yang banyak pengalaman di dalam komuniti melalui media sosial.\n\nIbu-ibu juga boleh berjumpa doktor di hospital swasta. Yang paling adalah sokongan keluarga dan rakan-rakan rapat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Farzana Binti Mohamed Yusof\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMD (UKM), MMed (Pediatrics) (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBakal tamat tempoh berpantang dan kembali bertugas? Apa kata semak tip penyusuan bayi, info penting untuk ibu bekerjaya\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh mStar, 20 Disember 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mata-asyik-kabur-waktu-mengandung-bukan-biasa-kalau-biar-berisiko-kena-sawan", "title": "Mata Asyik Kabur Waktu Mengandung Bukan Biasa Kalau Biar Berisiko Kena Sawan", "body": "\n\n\n\nMata Asyik Kabur Waktu Mengandung Bukan Biasa Kalau Biar Berisiko Kena Sawan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 08, 2019\n \n\nSawan boleh berlaku pada wanita hamil. Ia disebabkan oleh masalah epilepsi, jangkitan di bahagian otak (encephalitis) dan ketumbuhan (tumor) di otak tetapi sebab utama berlakunya sawan ketika hamil adalah eclampsia. Sawan eklampsia ini adalah satu kes kecemasan. Ia membahayakan ibu dan juga bayi di dalam kandungan. Berlaku secara tiba-tiba dan jarang sekali dapat diramalkan kejadiannya.\n\nApabila kecemasan sebegini berlaku di hospital, semua doktor pakar perbidanan, kecemasan, bius dan staf yang ada diperlukan dan akan bekerjasama melakukan yang terbaik untuk menyelamatkan ibu yang mengalami sawan. Boleh anda bayangkan apa yang berlaku jika kes kecemasan yang sama berlaku di rumah wanita itu dan bukan di hospital? Dr Norintan Zainal Shah, Pakar Obstetrik & Ginekologi, Hospital Columbia Asia, Seremban mengulas lanjut mengenai hal ini.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBagaimana Berlakunya Sawan?\n\nEklampsia berlaku kerana masalah tekanan darah yang tinggi pada wanita yang mengandung. Jika ibu hamil memang sedia ada darah tinggi, risiko untuk mendapat eklampsia juga lebih tinggi. Setiap wanita yang hamil dinasihatkan untuk melakukan \u201cantenatal booking\u201d di klinik kesihatan atau klinik berhampiran dan salah satu pemeriksaan yang penting adalah bacaan tekanan darah.\n\nRamai wanita akan mengeluh apabila bacaan tekanan darah mereka rendah : nasihat saya, jangan risau kerana bacaan tekanan darah yang rendah adalah perubahan yang NORMAL sewaktu hamil. Bacaan ini akan naik semula ke tahap \u201ctekanan darah yang normal\u201d selepas kehamilan melintasi minggu yang ke-20.\n\nTekanan darah dikategorikan sebagai tinggi jika ia sama atau melebihi 140/90 mmHg, bacaan ini diukur sekali lagi selepas 4 jam.\n\n\n\n\nAda juga doktor yang berpendapat, jika tekanan darah diastolik meningkat 15mmHg dan sistolik meningkat 30mmHg, ini cukup untuk meletakkan wanita tadi dalam pemerhatian rapi kerana tidak semua wanita yang mengalami eklampsia mempunyai tekanan darah 140/90mmHg.\n\n\n\nNamun, bacaan tekanan darah 160/110mmHg ke atas adalah perkara serius, maka tidak perlu untuk \u201ctunggu dan lihat\u201d, malah wanita tadi memerlukan rawatan hospital dengan segera.\n\nKetika ibu hamil mengalami tekanan darah yang tinggi, protein di dalam air kencing perlu diperiksa misalnya dengan menggunakan dipstik, jika ia 1+ atau lebih, keadaan ini dinamakan sebagai pre-eklampsia. (Pre-eklampsia bererti \u201csebelum berlakunya eklampsia\u201d)\n\nMengapa rawatan segera penting dalam kes-kes darah tinggi dan/atau pre-eklampsia? Ini adalah untuk satu tujuan sahaja iaitu menyelamatkan nyawa ibu yang hamil tadi dan mengelakkan dari berlakunya sawan atau eklampsia. Bacaan tekanan darah semakin tinggi sewaktu pre-eklampsia dan eklampsia dipercayai menyebabkan otak membengkak dan seterusnya mencetuskan sawan atau eklampsia pada ibu yang hamil itu.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApakah Kesannya Jika Sawan Ini Berlaku?\n\nJika eklampsia berlaku, ibu akan menerima rawatan resusitasi dan ubat dimulakan untuk eklampsia dan darah tinggi. Setelah stabil, bayi akan dilahirkan walaupun usia bayi belum matang lagi.\n\nEklampsia adalah sawan yang berlaku hanya ketika wanita itu hamil. Bayi dan uri dalam kandungan adalah penyebabnya. Untuk merawat dan menyelamatkan wanita tadi, \u201cpenyebab\u201d eklampsia perlu \u201cdilahirkan\u201d. Kebanyakan kes eklampsia akan semakin pulih selepas kelahiran bayi TETAPI ada juga kes-kes yang kritikal dan tidak pulih, malah meninggal dunia akibat eklampsia. Ini adalah kerana eklampsia boleh menyebabkan komplikasi yang serius di dalam pelbagai organ seperti:\nPendarahan di otak / strok\n\n\nPendarahan yang tidak berhenti/ DIVC\n\n\nPendarahan di hati dan ginjal\n\n\nMasalah paru-paru berair\n\n\nMasalah jantung / \u201cheart failure\u201d\n\n\nKoma\n\n\nMeninggal dunia\n\n\nJika Keadaan Ini Berlaku, Apa Risiko Pada Bayi Dalam Kandungan?\n\nMasalah eklampsia berkait rapat dengan masalah placenta/uri dalam kandungan. Kajian menunjukkan uri adalah organ yang menyalurkan darah dari ibu kepada bayi untuk bekalan oksigen dan nutrisi tetapi dalam kes tekanan darah tinggi, pre eklampsia dan eklampsia, perjalanan darah di dalam uri semakin berkurangan dan boleh menyebabkan kandungan tadi mengalami masalah tumbesaran dalam kandungan. Bayi dalam kandungan juga boleh meninggal dunia.\n\nJika ibu mengandung mengalami pre-eklampsia atau eklampsia, bayinya terpaksa dilahirkan dan ini mungkin berlaku sebelum bayi itu matang. Bayi pramatang boleh mengalami masalah paru-paru dan pendarahan di otak. Bayi pramatang boleh juga mengalami masalah usus yang dikenali sebagai necrotizing enterocolitis. Mereka juga mudah mengalami jangkitan kuman di paru-paru misalnya.\n\nBayi-bayi ini juga boleh mengalami masalah visual dan pendengaran di kemudian hari.\nBagaimanakah Cara Nak Elakkan Sawan Ketika Hamil?\n\nPada waktu ini tidak ada bukti kukuh untuk mengurangkan risiko eklampsia, tetapi penggunaan ubat \u201clow dose aspirin\u201d, kalsium, L-arginin dan antioksidan banyak digunakan bagi tujuan ini.\n\nPada waktu yang sama, ibu dinasihatkan supayaya berhati-hati jika:\nTermasuk dalam golongan yang berisiko tinggi\n\n\nBerlaku kenaikan bacaan tekanan darah, kenaikan berat badan dan keputusan air kencing menunjukkan adanya protein ketika pemeriksaan kehamilan\n\n\nAdanya simptom-simptom pre-eklampsia (walaupun tekanan darah normal ketika itu), hendaklah terus pergi ke hospital!\n\n\n\nGolongan wanita yang berisiko tinggi adalah:\nHamil buat kali pertama\n\n\nHamil buat kali pertama dengan pasangan yang baru\n\n\nPernah mengalami pre-eklampsia\n\n\nIbu atau adik-beradik pernah mengalami pre-eklampsia\n\n\nMengandung anak kembar (atau lebih)\n\n\nMengalami masalah darah tinggi SEBELUM hamil\n\n\nBerat badan naik dengan mendadak\n\n\nUjian air kencing dipstick menunjukkan adanya protein\n\n\n\nSimptom-simptom atau gejala-gejala pre-eklampsia boleh berlaku sebelum tekanan darah melonjak tinggi. Jika anda mengalaminya, pergi ke hospital dengan segera. Di antaranya adalah:\nSakit kepala atau migrain\n\n\nPening\n\n\nLoya\n\n\nSakit ulu hati/ gastrik\n\n\nKabur mata\n\n\nMuntah\n\n\n\nKesimpulannya kes-kes sawan eklampsia ini masih merupakan kes kecemasan yang utama dan serius di mana-mana hospital. Oleh itu, pihak kakitangan hospital dan juga semua wanita hamil hendaklah sentiasa berjaga-jaga jika tekanan darah mula meningkat tinggi.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMata Asyik Kabur Waktu Mengandung Bukan Biasa Kalau Biar Berisiko Kena Sawan \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 3 Oktober 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 3 Oktober 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/meeting-patient-expectations-and-medical-ethics", "title": "Meeting Patient Expectations and Medical Ethics", "body": "\n\n\n\nMeeting Patient Expectations and Medical Ethics\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 25, 2011\n \n\nPatients who attend a healthcare facility have certain expectations that need to be met in order for a good treatment outcome to be achieved. Firstly, they expect to be treated by qualified doctors and a team of healthcare personnel who are well-trained and professional. Secondly, they would like to be treated promptly with the least amount of discomfort or pain. Next, they want to be treated in a facility that is clean, comfortable and well-equipped with the latest medical equipment and a diverse range of services. They also want the best treatment modality at the lowest possible cost and the shortest possible hospitalization. Of course, accessibility and the ease of getting treatment even during odd hours are great pulling factors for a hospital to become favorable with patients. Patients who seek medical attention are often fearful of the implications of their illnesses and the unknown, so the doctors and hospital staff should be patient, attentive and reassuring in order to make the hospital stay a pleasant one.\n\nDifferences in patient expectations occur due to differences in educational and social backgrounds, family upbringing, cultural and religious beliefs as well as past experiences. Also, patients who attend a private medical facility may demand more in terms of treatment options, the choice of doctors, a more comfortable stay and the speed of delivery of services. At the same time, they are also apprehensive about the cost of medical treatment and whether they are getting the best value for their money. Some patients are worried that they may be over-investigated or over-treated by doctors who are motivated by money. On the other hand, there are patients who want to be over-investigated (but not necessarily over-treated) especially if they have medical insurance coverage. Doctors who are more than happy to meet the expectations of these latter group of patients will only drive up the cost of medical care which will ultimately push up the medical insurance premium. This is highly unfair to other insured patients who seek medical care only when they are genuinely ill. Of course, there are also patients who bear unrealistic expectations, disproving the idea that \"the customer is always right\". This situation must be handled with care and sensitivity so that the patients will not feel offended should their demands not be met. Dealing with difficult patients requires a lot of soft skills and patience. The body language which encompasses the facial expression, the tone of the voice, the body posture and gestures is far more important than the verbal language alone since 70% of a message is conveyed via the body language.\n\nIn the private practice, financial considerations have a great influence on the medical treatment. Treatment modalities have to be decided based on affordability to the patients. Therefore, it is paramount that doctors use their clinical skills and training to map out the best treatment route in order to avoid unnecessary and costly investigations or treatment. Unfortunately, money, being labelled by some as \"the root of all evils\", is a major motivator for some doctors who would take advantage of their patients for personal gains. Patients are coerced or even threatened by these errant doctors to accept investigations or medical treatment purely for monetary gains. Even the medical profession is not spared from these black sheep, unfortunately. Therefore, peer reviews are important to ensure that the medical ethics and professionalism are adhered to.\n\nIn this era of the world wide web, patients are getting more well-informed about their health and their rights as patients. Numerous publications are also accessible in the mainstream media regarding healthcare and patients are better educated about their ailments and are more aware of the new treatment options available. So, naturally, they would go see their doctors with medical questions in mind and would hope to be able to take part in making treatment decisions. Doctors should not feel intimidated by this trend but should instead embrace it positively that the patients are now taking more responsibility in their own health. Patients\u2019 wishes for a second opinion should be respected and should not be viewed as a rejection of the medical advice by the primary doctors.\n\nThe medical facility also has a big role to play to ensure that the medical services provided are up to date and that the staffs are well-trained to perform their jobs efficiently and professionally. Medical care is about the provision of a service rather than selling of a physical commodity. Nurses and other healthcare providers can only give their best service if they have training opportunities, good remunerations and are also treated with respect. Other ancillary service providers including the dietary services, housekeeping and security are no less important in their roles in making the hospital a comfortable place and a 'home away from home\". Although private hospitals are established with the purpose of making money, they also have a corporate social responsibility that needs to be fulfilled so that the caring touch is not lost. Rigidity and inflexibility when dealing with patients will only serve to remove the humane factor from what would otherwise be an efficient but cold hospital.\n\nIn order for a hospital to become successful, teamwork is paramount. Doctors, nurses, other healthcare personnel and the hospital management team should work together to ensure that the working environment is conducive for personal development and job satisfaction. Communication is important so that differences in opinions and disagreements can be ironed out amicably. Everyone has a respectable role to play and one cannot work alone without the others. We must also care for one another if we want to preach the values of caring for our patients. The management adage of \"praising in public but reprimand in private\" is invaluable in ensuring that the staff is motivated to learn from their mistakes without the feeling of being humiliated in public. If we can treat each other and our patients with sincerity and goodwill, this will certainly create the ideal atmosphere for the development of the ultimate healthcare facility. After all, we also want to work in a \"home away from home\".\nDr. Chaw Chee Kien\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Cheras\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/men-are-weaker-women-dr-abdul-rahman-mohamad-bfm-podcast", "title": "Men Are Weaker Than Women - Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamad [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nMen Are Weaker Than Women - Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamad [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 11, 2014\n \nDr. Abdul Rahman Mohamad, Columbia Asia Group Medical Director\n\nWith Father\u2019s Day coming up, we look at the male of our species and the various reasons why they should go for health screenings - earlier deaths, higher rates of chronic illnesses and injury being but a few. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamad explains the specifics of male health and the importance of awareness.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/men-more-protein-not-necessarily-better-build-muscle", "title": "Men: More Protein Is Not Necessarily Better to Build Muscle", "body": "\n\n\n\nMen: More Protein Is Not Necessarily Better to Build Muscle\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 10, 2014\n \n\nMen always believe: Extra protein builds more muscle. However, consuming extra protein that is beyond the amount recommended from food or dietary supplements do not make a difference for overall fitness or strength building. We still need to work out for our muscles.\n\nWhen assessing daily protein requirement, consideration must be given to training undertaken and desired outcomes. The protein requirement for sedentary males and females will be 0.8-1.0g protein/kg body weight per day; the amount of protein is equal for those on recreational endurance. Recommendation for moderate intensity endurance is 1.2g protein/kg body weight per day for males and 1.0g protein/kg body weight per day for females.\n\nAccording to Malaysia Adult Nutrition Survey, Malaysians consume an average of 8.74 servings of protein (122g protein) per day. Most of us are getting enough protein or amino acids from foods. Amino acids are building blocks for protein. Dietary food provides amino acids that follow our body needs, same as amino acids supplements. So it is not necessary to go for an amino acid supplement in order to increase muscle size or strength.\n\nIn facts, we need to be careful with high protein diet because it may also be high in fat. Additionally, extra protein will be stored as body fat when it is not needed by the body. Therefore, when eating protein foods, try to replace protein that are higher in solid fats with choices that are lower in solid fats. Solid fats are fats that are solid at room temperature and mainly come from animal foods or made from vegetable oils through hydrogenation.\n\nHigh biology value protein along with whole grain products shall supply sufficient protein for most active trainer. Good high biology value protein sources include lean meat, poultry, fish, low fat / fat free milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, beans and tofu, and nuts or seeds. It is advisable to prepare protein rich foods together with others nutrition balance foods to achieve overall nutrient needs.\n\nIf using protein supplements, allocate use to certain periods and limit to less than 1-2 servings a day. Protein around the time of training improves gain in lean mass and improved strength gains\n\nExample of one serving of protein (based on 14g per serving) :\n\nOne serving of dairy \u2013 1 glass of milk, 1 slice of cheese, 1 cup of yogurt\n\n\nOne serving of fish/poultry/meat/eggs/legume \u2013 1 medium fish, 1 chicken drumstick, 2 pieces of lean beef, 2 whole eggs, 1 cup of beans, 2 pieces of tempeh.\n\n\nWhey Vs Casein\n\nBoth are high quality proteins that contain all essential amino acids in dairy foods. Whey is a fast digesting protein and helps to stimulate the synthesis of muscle protein because of high levels of *Leucine. Casein has a slower rate of digestion and ability to provide amino acids for longer hours in bloodstream. Research shows a combination of whey and casein provide greater support in building body mass.\n*Leucine, is one of the essential amino acids that must be supplied from food.\nReference: Malaysian Dietary Guidelines, American Dietetic Association\n\nPhoto source: freedigitalphotos.net\n\nPrepared by Columbia Asia Dietitian\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mengapa-perlu-minum-air-gula-semasa-hamil", "title": "Mengapa Perlu Minum Air Gula Semasa Hamil", "body": "\n\n\n\nMengapa Perlu Minum Air Gula Semasa Hamil\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 22, 2020\n \n\nBagi wanita yang pertama kali hamil mungkin tertanya-tanya mengapa perlu minum air gula. Apatah lagi dalam masa sama, anda juga dikehendaki berpuasa. Bermula jam 10 malam hingga keesokan hari (pada tarikh temujanji) hingga setelah selesai ujian darah diambil kali kedua, barulah ibu-ibu dibenarkan makan dan minum.\n\nDan jika sepanjang tempoh ini (selepas minum air gula dan sebelum darah diambil untuk kali kedua) ada dalam kalangan ibu-ibu muntah, ia perlu diambil sekali lagi. Ada yang gusar? Baca dengan teliti huraian dan penjelasan Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin, Konsultan Obstetrik & Ginekologi Hospital Columbia Asia, Seremban.\n\nDiabetes atau kencing manis adalah penyakit yang boleh berlaku sebelum hamil dan juga boleh berlaku sewaktu hamil. Oleh kerana kencing manis membahayakan wanita yang hamil dan bayi dalam kandungan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) telah mengeluarkan memo supaya ibu hamil yang berisiko untuk melakukan ujian saringan Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) pada 24 hingga 28 minggu kehamilan dengan ujian modified OGTT (mOGTT).\n\nmOGTT inilah yang dikenali sebagai ujian Minum Air Gula! Bagi pesakit-pesakit diabetes yang belum hamil, mereka perlulah menghadiri \npre-pregnancy counselling (PPC)\n sebelum hamil supaya mereka mampu mengawal paras gula dalam darah dengan lebih baik sebelum dan sewaktu kehamilan.\n\nMemanglah tidak sedap minum air gula untuk ujian mOGTT ini kerana ia dibuat daripada 75g serbuk glukos yang dilarutkan dalam segelas air. Rasanya amat manis, malah perlu dihabiskan sehingga habis dalam masa 20 minit. Apabila masuk ke dalam tekak, rasa payau dan mual mula terasa. Kadang-kala menyebabkan pesakit muntah dan ini menyebabkan ujian mOGTT terbatal. Pesakit sering mengeluh kerana mereka akan dipanggil untuk datang semula bagi ujian yang sama dalam satu atau dua minggu kemudian.\n\nTahukah anda, penat lelah pesakit serta kakitangan kesihatan dalam menjayakan ujian minum air gula ini ada sebabnya. Di antaranya ialah:\n\n\n\nJumlah kes kencing manis ( Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) di Malaysia meningkat dari 11 % (2006) hingga 15% (2011). Bagi wanita hamil pula, satu kajian menunjukkan kes gestational diabetes dalam wanita hamil juga meningkat sama hingga ke 27.9% (2017, Selangor)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKencing manis sewaktu hamil atau \"Gestational diabetes\" membawa risiko kepada ibu dan bayi.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSebanyak 17 hingga 63% wanita yang mengalami \"gestational diabetes\" akan terus berisiko untuk mengidap penyakit kencing manis selepas bayi dilahirkan.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWanita Yang Berisiko\n\n\n\n\nWanita yang mempunyai BMI melebihi 27 kg/m2.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWanita yang pernah mengalami gestattional diabetes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWanita yang mempunyai ibu, bapa, adik-beradik yang juga pesakit kencing manis.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWanita yang pernah melahirkan bayi 4kg atau lebih.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSejarah perbidanan, keguguran, kelahiran yang bermasalah.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPemeriksaan air kencing didapati mempunyai glukos (sebanyak 2 kali).\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMasalah kandungan seperti darah tinggi, air tuban bayi yang berlebihan dan penggunaan steroids ketika hamil.\n\n\n\n\n\nBagi wanita yang berisiko, staf klinik kesihatan dan hospital akan menasihati untuk menjalani ujian minum air gula secepat mungkin. Manakala bagi wanita berusia 25 tahun ke atas, tidak mempunyai risiko, akan disarankan menjalini ujian saringan mOGTT tadi ketika bayi berusia di anatara 24 ke 28 minggu. Bagi wanita berusia 25 tahun ke bawah dan tidak mempunyai risiko, anda bernasib baik kerana tidak perlu minum air gula.\n\nUntuk mendapatkan keterangan lanjut dan huraian lebih terperinci, ibu-ibu boleh bertanya dan merujuk doktor di klinik kesihatan semasa melakukan pemeriksaan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMengapa Perlu Minum Air Gula Semasa Hamil? Ini Penjelasan Doktor. Bukan Suka-Suka Suruh Minum Ya\u2026 - Gempak, 28 Ogos 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cStressnya Minum Air Gula!\u201d Rasa Payau & Mual, Minum Dalam Satu Nafas Saja! \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 2 Oktober 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Gempak, 28 Ogos 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mengenali-anak-autisme", "title": " Mengenali Anak Autisme", "body": "\n\n\n\n Mengenali Anak Autisme\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 20, 2021\n \n\nAnak-anak adalah pemberian yang sangat ternilai, dan tiada ibu bapa di dunia ini dijadikan bersedia untuk menerima anak-anak yang mempunyai kekurangan.\n\nBegitu juga ibu bapa yang dianugerahkan dengan anak-anak autisme. Rata-rata anak-anak autisme dilahirkan dengan keadaan fizikal yang sempurna dan sama comel seperti kanak-kanak yang lain.\n\nNamun, sedikit demi sedikit, simptom autisme akan dapat dikenal pasti oleh ibu bapa. Antara kriteria utama yang dilihat adalah dari segi komunikasi, perkembangan sensori dan masalah kelakuan berulang.\n\nKanak-kanak autisme mengalami masalah mengekspresikan diri. Gangguan komunikasi ini bukan sahaja melibatkan pertuturan, malah ekspresi wajah serta gerak-geri badan.\n\nKanak-kanak yang normal umumnya mudah menerima dan memahami sebarang maklumat.\n\nNamun bagi mereka yang autistik, proses ini terlalu kompleks. Ini membuatkan mereka tidak keruan dan boleh mengalami \n\u2018meltdown.\u2019\n\nAnda tentu pernah mendengar perkataan \n\u2018meltdown\u2019\n. \nMeltdown\n berlaku apabila anak-anak autisme merasa tidak selesa dalam diri mereka, yang mendorong mereka untuk bertindak luar jangkaan seperti menghantukkan kepala, menggigit diri sendiri, melompat-lompat atau menghempaskan badan ke lantai.\n\nNyata, masalah autistik ialah suatu masalah yang rumit dan sensitif. Bukan sahaja sukar untuk anak autisme memahami orang lain, orang lain turut sukar memahami mereka.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTingkah laku anak autisme\n\n\n\nTerdapat pelbagai isu tingkah laku yang dikaitkan dengan anak-anak autisme. Ini bergantung kepada tahap autisme yang dialami mereka.\n\nAda yang kelihatan senyap dan seperti berada di dalam dunia mereka tersendiri, manakala ada yang bertindak hiperaktif, impulsif dan agresif.\n\nMereka mengelak dari berhubung mata dengan orang lain (eye contact) dan kadangkala kurang bertindakbalas apabila namanya dipanggil. Mereka sukar untuk melakukan aktiviti berkumpulan dan lebih suka untuk melakukan aktiviti yang manarik minat mereka sahaja.\n\nTetapi, ada kalanya mereka menunjukkan kelebihan yang tertentu seperti melukis atau menghafal dialog! Namun, kadar kebolehan tidak seimbang kerana mereka tidak mampu berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi.\n\nDalam keadaan autisme yang ringan, sesetengah ibu bapa menganggap tingkah laku seperti ini adalah normal di kalangan kanak-kanak kecil, seterusnya terlepas pandang situasi sebenarnya.\n\nLazimnya, ibu bapa dapat mengesan sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan anak-anak mereka apabila perkembangan pertuturan anak-anak terjejas. Antara ciri-ciri yang dapat dikenal pasti oleh ibu bapa adalah apabila anak-anak lain sudah mula bertutur namun, anak mereka masih belum boleh mencantum perkataan. Biasanya, keadaan ini berlaku apabila anak autisme berumur sekitar tiga tahun ke atas.\n\nSebenarnya, autisme dapat dikesan seawal usia 12 hingga 18 bulan. Malah, pakar yang terlatih akan mengenalpasti tanda-tanda autisme dengan lebih awal.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRutin jangan ditukar\n\n\n\nAntara langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mengurangkan isu tingkah laku di kalangan anak-anak autisme adalah dengan mengadakan rutin harian. Anak autisme lebih selesa mengikut rutin. Contohnya mandi dulu atau makan dulu, pakai baju dulu atau seluar dulu dan sebagainya.\n\nIni mungkin nampak remeh kepada kita, tetapi ianya amat penting untuk anak autisme. Jika sesuatu rutin sudah dijalankan, anak autisme tidak dapat membayangkan rutin yang lain. Oleh itu, jangan menukar rutin secara tiba-tiba kerana ia boleh menyebabkan mereka merasa tidak selesa dan menunjukkan tingkah laku yang sukar difahami.\n\nKedua, kenali keadaan-keadaan yang boleh mencetuskan emosi mereka. Ibu bapa hendaklah memerhatikan apakah sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada anak-anak autisme mereka berang secara tiba-tiba.\n\nAdalah penting juga untuk ibu bapa kenal pasti, apakah situasi yang memberi ketenangan kepada anak-anak ini. Apabila punca sudah dikenal pasti, anda boleh menjana suasana asuhan yang lebih terpelihara untuk anak syurga anda.\n\nSokongan padu dari ahli-ahli keluarga lain juga diperlukan supaya mereka faham cara menangani anak autisme.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBukan semua anak autisme sama\n\n\n\nSatu lagi perkara yang masyarakat perlu tahu ialah autisme mempunyai tahap yang berbeza. Dari satu spektrum, tingkah laku mereka sukar difahami atau tidak dapat difahami langsung oleh orang sekeliling mereka.\n\nDari satu spektrum yang lain, anak-anak ini kelihatan normal seperti anak-anak yang lain, namun berkemungkinan mempunyai masalah komunikasi dan mempunyai masalah untuk bersosial.\n\nDisebabkan oleh masalah memproses maklumat yang berbeza dengan kanak-kanak lain, kadangkala mereka lewat memberi respon kepada sesuatu maklumat.\n\nTetapi, tahukah anda kebanyakan mereka mempunyai tahap sensitif deria yang lebih tinggi dari biasa? Deria mereka amat sensitif hinggakan bunyi yang kita anggap biasa contohnya bunyi putaran kipas yang lembut dan tenang, boleh diproses sebagai suatu jeritan yang bingit.\n\nApa reaksi anda apabila mendengar jeritan? Pasti takut, keliru, terganggu, stres, hairan atau berang. Bayangkan anak autisme yang derianya lebih sensitif dari deria kita. Logik jika yang dizahirkan ialah amuk yang mendadak!\n\nNamun ada juga yang mempunyai sensitiviti yang rendah, di mana mereka menunjukkan reaksi yang sedikit terhadap kesakitan ataupun suhu. Ibu bapa pula yang keliru bila anak-anak ini tidak mengadu apa bila terjatuh atau luka, ataupun bersahaja bila terpengang sesuatu yang panas.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPentingnya memahami anak autisme\n\n\n\nAda juga anak autisme yang memaparkan sifat peramah dan penyayang secara berlebihan sehingga menerpa dan menyentuh orang yang tidak dikenali. Keadaan ini boleh membawa salah sangka dan menyebabkan anak autisme berasa lebih tertekan. Di sinilah kempen kesedaran autisme memainkan peranan di kalangan masyarakat.\n\nDari spektrum yang lain pula, ada anak autisme yang mampu faham dan difahami. Malah, mereka juga mampu menjaga diri sendiri. Anak autisme dalam spektrum ini berpeluang meraih pekerjaan dan berdikari apabila dewasa nanti.\n\nJika anda syak anak anda autistik, hubungi pakar kanak-kanak dengan segera. Pengesanan awal serta langkah-langkah intervensi boleh memberi pencerahan tentang autisme. Ini bukan sahaja membantu kanak-kanak tersebut, ia turut membantu ibu bapa mengasuh anak syurga mereka dengan lebih cekap dan selamat.\nFoto Kredit: \nFreepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Nor Rahidah Abd Rahim\n\n\nConsultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMMD (UKM), MMED (Psychiatry) (UKM), Fellowship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMengenali Anak Autisme \u2013 Getaran, 2 April 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Getaran, 2 April 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPsychiatry\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mengidam-makanan-manis-manis-masa-hamil-boleh-jadi-moody-kalau-tak-dapat-mama-kena", "title": "Mengidam Makanan Manis-manis Masa Hamil & Boleh Jadi Moody Kalau Tak Dapat? Mama Kena Hati-hati", "body": "\n\n\n\nMengidam Makanan Manis-manis Masa Hamil & Boleh Jadi Moody Kalau Tak Dapat? Mama Kena Hati-hati\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 02, 2018\n \n\nMengidam atau teringin makan sesuatu yang manis kerap berlaku, tidak terhad kepada wanita hamil sahaja, orang yang tidak hamil juga boleh mengalaminya. Tapi bagi ibu hamil, berhati-hati dan kawal pengambilan makanan manis sangat penting. Lebih-lebih lagi yang mengalami \ngestational\n \ndiabetes mellitus\n (GDM) atau masalah kencing manis ketika hamil.\n\nGula dalam darah atau glukos dikawal oleh sejenis hormon yang dinamakan insulin. Insulin merupakan hormon yang dihasilkan oleh pankreas supaya tahap glukos terkawal dan tidak kekal tinggi. Di kalangan wanita yang hamil pula, hormon-hormon yang dihasilkan ketika hamil akan berlawan dengan insulin.\nFAHAMI TENTANG KENCING MANIS MASA HAMIL\n\nKeadaan ini menyebabkan paras glukos wanita hamil mudah meningkat naik. Setelah bayi dilahirkan dan uri dikeluarkan, tahap glukos akan kembali normal semula. Inilah yang dikenali sebagai \ngestational\n \ndiabetes mellitus\n (GDM) atau masalah kencing manis ketika hamil.\n\nBagaimana pula bagi wanita yang hamil mengidamkan makanan manis walhal beliau mengalami GDM? Menurut Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Seremban hal tersebut bukan mengidam sebaliknya ketagihan kepada gula.\nKALAU TAK DIPENUHI, BOLEH JADI \nMOODY\n\nKetagihan gula atau menginginkan makanan yang manis berlaku di dalam individu yang hamil dan juga bukan hamil. Jika disekat gula daripada diet mereka, pasti akan berlaku perasaan murung atau marah. Malah ada yang\n moody\n dan tidak sedap badan.\n\nJika anda mengalami masalah ini, anda perlu jalani ujian untuk kencing manis SEBELUM hamil. Jika terbukti mengalami masalah kencing manis, tahap glukos dalam darah MESTI dikawal sebelum hamil kerana boleh menimbulkan pelbagai kemudaratan kepada bayi.\nCARI PEMANIS ALTERNATIF\n\nPenggunaan bahan pemanis sebagai pengganti gula misalnya \naspartame,\n dibenarkan ketika hamil ( kecuali dalam wanita yang mengalami masalah \nphenylketonuria).\n Kadang kala \naspartame\n boleh menyebabkan sakit kepala dan migran. Oleh itu ia perlu digunakan secara sederhana dan berhati-hati.\nTIP PEMAKANAN WANITA KENCING MANIS MASA HAMIL\n\nBeberapa perubahan kehidupan sehari-harian juga boleh membantu wanita \ngestational\n diabetes untuk mengawal selera pemakanan. Di antaranya adalah:\n\nBawa bekalan makanan ketika keluar bekerja.\n\n\nElakkan makan makanan di luar supaya boleh kawal portion dan kandungan gula/ karbohidrat.\n\n\nBekalan makanan hendaklah makanan yang sesuai dengan selera anda supaya anda boleh meneruskan corak pemakanan tersebut dengan berterusan.\n\n\nMakan dengan rakan-rakan yang mengamalkan pemakanan seimbang. Jika kita dikelilingi oleh rakan-rakan yang makan makanan berkalori tinggi, anda akan mudah \u201cterjebak\u201d sama.\n\n\nJangan seksa diri sendiri dengan melihat buku-buku resipi atau blog masakan atau rancangan makanan/masakan. Ia membuatkan anda nak makan dan mencuba makanan yang dilihat!\n\n\nPilihlah untuk berjalan kaki, aktiviti fizikal yang ringan seperti bersiar-siar di luar rumah untuk mengawal paras gula dalam darah.\n\n\n\nTerdapat banyak artikel dan buku mengenai jenis makanan yang sesuai untuk \ngestational\n diabetes TETAPI nasihat yang terbaik untuk anda yang mengalami masalah ini adalah untuk berjumpa, berbincang dan berbual dengan pakar dietetik di klinik atau hospital berdekatan.\n\nSumber: Majalah Pa&Ma\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 2 November 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nMengidam Makanan Manis-manis Masa Hamil & Boleh Jadi Moody Kalau Tak Dapat? Mama Kena Hati-hati - Majalah Pa&Ma, 2 November 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mengurus-gejala-andropos", "title": "Mengurus Gejala Andropos", "body": "\n\n\n\nMengurus Gejala Andropos\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 23, 2020\n \nGEJALA andropos boleh menyebabkan perubahan emosi.\n\nAndropos mungkin boleh menjadi antara perkara ditakuti lelaki selain masalah mati pucuk.\n\nIni kerana andropos menyebabkan fungsi kelakian terjejas seperti masalah ketegangan zakar dan nafsu seks menurun, berikutan kemerosotan hormon testosteron.\n\nHormon testosteron perlu kepada seorang lelaki untuk nafsu keinginan seksual, ketegangan zakar dan pancutan sperma.\n\nPakar Perunding Urologi Hospital Columbia Asia-Cheras, Dr S Thana Balan berkata, lazimnya, lelaki mula mengalami andropos pada usia 50-an iaitu sekitar 30 hingga 40 peratus.\n\n\"Lelaki yang mengalami andropos pada usia ini (50-an) dinasihati tidak malu berbincang dengan doktor mengenai gejala dialami untuk mendapatkan diagnosis yang lebih baik.\n\n\"Namun, jika gejala sudah mula timbul pada lewat usia 40 tahun, mereka juga diminta berjumpa doktor segera supaya dapat mengurus (gejala) dialami dengan sebaik-baiknya tanpa menjejaskan kualiti hidup,\" katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, tidak dinafikan ada segelintir lelaki seolah-olah menafikan diri mereka sudah memasuki fasa andropos.\n\n\"Ini kerana mereka menganggap perubahan hormon dan fisiologi tubuh adalah proses penuaan yang normal apabila mencapai usia 50 tahun ke atas.\n\n\"Disebabkan ini juga mereka tidak mengambil sebarang rawatan untuk merawat hormon testosteron.\n\n\"Berbeza dengan lelaki di Eropah, mereka menitikberatkan perkara ini dan mendapatkan rawatan seperti terapi ganti hormon testosteron bagi memastikan fungsi seksualnya tidak terganggu,\" katanya.\n\nDr S Thana berkata, tidak ramai mengetahui andropos boleh dirawat menggunakan terapi gantian hormon.\nTERAPI gantian hormon testosteron dalam bentuk gel.\n\n\"Ia boleh diambil melalui suntikan, kebiasaannya tiga bulan sekali dan perlu diteruskan seumur hidup.\n\n\"Namun, rawatan ini mempunyai kesan sampingan yang lelaki itu berisiko menghidap barah prostat disebabkan peningkatan hormon testosteron.\n\n\"Kajian terbaharu menunjukkan sekiranya seorang lelaki mengambil suntikan berkenaan, tetapi memantau tahap antigen spesifik prostat (PSA) secara berkala, risiko diserang barah prostat kurang daripada 0.5 peratus,\" katanya.\n\nDitanya kemungkinan penyakit lain boleh dihidapi lelaki yang mengalami andropos, beliau berkata, berdasarkan pengalamannya merawat pesakit mendapati, kebiasaannya mereka menghidap kencing manis, darah tinggi dan penyakit jantung iskemik.\n\n\"Andropos turut dikaitkan dengan beberapa mitos oleh masyarakat iaitu secara genetiknya lelaki tidak boleh didiagnosis masalah ini seperti wanita (menopaus).\n\n\"Tidak kurang juga ada menganggap mereka yang mengalami andropos lebih cepat meninggal dunia.\n\n\"Andropos turut dikaitkan penyebab mati pucuk sedangkan ia adalah dua keadaan yang berbeza,\" katanya.\n\nKatanya, andropos akan dialami setiap lelaki walaupun mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat kerana ia adalah proses fisiologi semula jadi golongan berkenaan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Thana Balan V. Sivaratnam\n\n\nConsultant Urologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nMBBS (India), MS (General Surgery) (UKM), FRCS (Urology)(Glasgow), Fellowship in Urology (MY)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMengurus Gejala Andropos \u2013 Harian Metro, 15 November 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 15 November 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nUrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/menieres-disease", "title": " Meniere's Disease", "body": "\n\n\n\n Meniere's Disease\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 07, 2016\n \n\nThere are several causes for dizziness (vertigo) and the most common cause will be Meniere's Disease. Dr. Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya shares the symptoms, cause as well as the treatment for Meniere's disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\nNanyang, 7 April 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/meningkatkan-kualiti-hidup-si-pesakit-diabetes", "title": "Meningkatkan Kualiti Hidup Si Pesakit Diabetes", "body": "\n\n\n\nMeningkatkan Kualiti Hidup Si Pesakit Diabetes\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 26, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nMalaysia memang terkenal dengan pelbagai jenis makanan. Cendol dengan gula Melaka pekat memang mencengkam kalbu! Makanan kaya karbohidrat seperti beriani, nasi lemak, roti canai dan sebagainya, memang lazat hingga menjilat jari.\n\n\nTahukah anda, mengikut kajian yang dijalankan oleh Tinjauan Kebangsaan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi 2019 (National Health and Morbidity Survey/NHMS), setiap hari 53.2 peratus rakyat Malaysia gemar minum air manis yang dibancuh sendiri yang mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya tiga sudu kecil gula sehari.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nManakala 4.2 peratus pula suka minum minuman berkarbonat dan 6.7 peratus suka minuman segera 3 in 1 bergula.\n\n\nMaka tidak hairanlah kes diabetes di Malaysia melonjak dari setahun ke setahun. Tabiat pemakanan rakyat Malaysia memainkan peranan besar sebagai salah satu punca kes diabetes yang berleluasa.\n\n\nSelain daripada pemakanan, gaya hidup juga adalah salah satu punca diabetes.\n\n\nSebanyak 25 peratus rakyat Malaysia tidak bersenam. Ditambah pula dengan tabiat pemakanan yang disebutkan tadi, 50 peratus berisiko menjadi obes sekali gus menambah menambah risiko mendapat penyakit diabetes.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nMenurut data yang diperolehi oleh Tinjauan Kebangsaan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi 2019 (National Health and Morbidity Survey/NHMS), kesihatan seorang daripada lima rakyat Malaysia berumur 18 tahun ke atas, terjejas akibat diabetes mellitus atau lebih dikenali dengan istilah singkat, diabetes.\n\n\nBayangkan, bilangan pesakit diabetes meningkat dari 11.2 peratus dalam tahun 2011 ke 18.3 peratus pada tahun 2019!\n\n\nSetakat ini, tiada ubat yang dapat memulihkan penyakit ini sepenuhnya. Namun itu bukan bermakna kita harus murung dan hidup dalam kesengsaraan.\n\n\nKesihatan pesakit mesti dikawal dengan baik supaya penyakit ini tidak melarat dan komplikasi diabetes tidak berlaku.\n\n\nKetahuilah bahawa pesakit diabetes juga boleh menikmati kualiti hidup yang baik sekiranya ada strategi pengurusan diabetes serta pesakit mengamalkan gaya hidup yang sihat.\n\n\nDi sini, penulis ingin berkongsi beberapa tip tentang pengurusan penyakit diabetes supaya dapat menjaga kesihatan dengan lebih baik bagi menikmati kehidupan yang memuaskan.\n\n\nTabiat sihat ini harus diterapkan dalam kehidupan seharian sama ada anda pesakit diabetes atau tidak, untuk mengekalkan tahap glukosa yang sihat.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJangan makan terlampau banyak!\n\n\nMengawal saiz hidangan adalah sangat penting. Kempen Suku Suku Separuh anjuran Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia menyediakan garis panduan porsi makanan yang sihat dan bersesuaian.\n\n\nSeparuh dari pinggan hidangan haruslah terdiri dari serat iaitu sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan, suku untuk protein dan suku terakhir untuk karbohidrat.\n\n\nMotivasikan diri untuk bersenam\n\n\nCuma 30 minit sehari, lima kali seminggu, sudah mencukupi untuk mengawal tahap gula dalam darah. Sebenarnya senaman adalah satu cara untuk mengelak diri daripada penyakit diabetes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPantau kandungan gula dalam darah\n\n\nPesakit diabetes harus sentiasa memantau tahap gula dalam darah walaupun di rumah\n\n\nSebelum makan, tahap gula yang biasa sepatutnya 4.4 hingga 7 mmol/L. Selepas makan pula, tahap glukosa harus berada di antara 4.4 dan 8.5mmol/L. Tahap gula yang rendah boleh menyebabkan rasa menggigil, pening, lapar, berpeluh dan keliru.\n\n\nApabila pesakit mengalami mana-mana simptom di atas, tahap gula mesti diperiksa serta-merta.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nKurangkan minum air perisa manis\n\n\nSeperti yang diketengahkan oleh kajian NHMS 2019, minuman manis ialah punca nombor satu mengapa kandungan gula tinggi di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Biasakan diri untuk meminum air kosong untuk menghilangkan dahaga.\n\n\nWalaupun buah-buahan digalakkan kerana mengandungi serat dan vitamin tetapi jika anda pesakit diabetes, hati-hati supaya tidak makan terlalu banyak buah-buahan terutamanya yang sangat manis seperti pisang, mangga dan anggur.\n\n\nIni termasuk jus dan versi buah kering/terhidrat.\n\n\nJangan \u2018skip\u2019 makan ubat diabetes!\n\n\nTerdapat juga pesakit diabetes yang memerlukan ubat oral atau suntikan insulin. Mereka yang dirawat dengan insulin mesti mengikut jadual suntikan dengan teliti kerana bukan semua insulin sama.\n\n\nAda insulin yang harus disuntik dua kali sehari sahaja. Ada pula yang memerlukan suntikan tiga sehari. Tambahan lagi, ada juga yang memerlukan insulin sebelum tidur sahaja.\n\n\nAda pula pesakit yang tidak konsisten pengambilan ubatnya, atau tidak menjaga jadual ubat dengan betul. Mereka mungkin berasa sihat tetapi pengambilan ubat mesti diteruskan; mengikut jadual dan arahan doktor.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nKomplikasi diabetes jejaskan fungsi organ badan\n\n\nAmat penting untuk pesakit diabetes memahami bahawa diabetes boleh menyebabkan komplikasi dalam badan yang melibatkan penglihatan, jantung dan buah pinggang.\n\n\nKomplikasi yang paling sering berlaku ialah diabetik neuropati iaitu rasa kebas di kaki atau/dan tangan. Ini menyebabkan pesakit cenderung kepada kecederaan.\n\n\nLuka di kaki dan batu dalam kasut?\n\n\nPesakit diabetes harus memeriksa kaki mereka untuk sebarang luka-luka. Jika ada sebarang luka, dapatkan rawatan segera.\n\n\nSebelum memakai kasut, periksa dulu sekiranya ada batu kecil di dalam kasut yang boleh melukakan tapak kaki anda. Elakkan dari memakai kasut yang terlalu ketat.\n\n\nJangan pula rendam kaki dalam air panas apabila kaki terasa kebas kerana kaki kebas pun boleh melecur tanpa anda sedari kerana tiada rasa sakit.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nSemua tip ini menunjukkan bahawa diabetes boleh ditangani dengan gaya hidup sihat dan beberapa perubahan dalam tabiat yang boleh menjauhkan pesakit daripada keadaan penyakit yang lebih teruk.\n\n\nPesakit juga harus terus dapatkan pemeriksaan doktor serta saringan kesihatan untuk memantau sebarang risiko komplikasi diabetes. Selain itu, Insya-Allah, pesakit diabetes dapat menjalani kehidupan yang baik dan bermutu.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tee Shin Kuan\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBS (UM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMeningkatkan Kualiti Hidup Si Pesakit Diabetes \u2013 Getaran, 28 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Getaran, 28 November 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/menstrual-problems-what-mess-and-pain-times", "title": "Menstrual problems - what a mess and pain at times", "body": "\n\n\n\nMenstrual problems - what a mess and pain at times\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 28, 2011\n \n\nMenstrual disorders are a very common problem in women in their reproductive age. Disturbances of menstruation are one of the most common reasons for women to attend their gynaecologist.\nWhat is normal menses?\n\nA woman\u2019s menstrual periods starts with the menarche (first menstrual period) and ends with the menopause (last menstrual period). In general, a woman will experience a period every 21-35 days with 3-7 days of menstrual flow.\nIs heavy and prolonged menstruation normal?\n\nExcessive menstrual blood loss is a common problem and is very subjective in nature because the perception of the severity menstrual blood loss varies form one woman to another. A marked change from what is considered usually normal should be considered as a problem and thoroughly investigated.\nIs irregular and unpredictable menstruation normal?\n\nIrregular and erratic troublesome menstruation is normally due to anovulatory menstrual cycles i.e when there is a lack of ovulation where the ovary does not release an egg each month, and can result in both heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding when menstruation does eventually occur. Irregular vaginal bleeding is also a well-recognized consequence of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in particular in women in their reproductive age. Rarely, irregular bleeding can be due to uterine cancer or pre-cancer. Nearly 10% of women on HRT will experience unscheduled irregular bleeding.\n\nInter Menstrual Bleeding (IMB) is bleeding between two regular periods and Post Coital Bleeding (PCB) is bleeding after sexual intercourse. The two problems usually coexist and may be due to a common cause. Most cases are due to benign disease of the female genital tract where no major problem can be found. Bleeding that occurs in the mid-cycle is usually physiological and normal and should not be a cause for concern. More often, the use of the contraceptive pill or female hormones containing progesterone can cause unscheduled sporadic bleeding. Chlamydiae infection or the clap, a sexually transmitted infection, may present with IMB and PCB. Polyps in the cervix (neck of womb) and endometrium (lining of womb) can cause IMB and PCB. Rarely, cervical cancer can present in this manner.\nAre painful periods normal?\n\nPainful periods are a very common complaint and typically consist of crampy lower abdominal pains which start at the onset of menstruation. They are most usually harmless but may sometimes be due to other troublesome gynaecological causes. The most common form mainly affects the younger aged woman usually in her teens and is not associated with any pelvic problem of significance. The less common type of period pains occurs at a later age and can be due to a recognizable pelvic problem, such as endometriosis or pelvic infection.\nDoes PMS really exist?\n\nPre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) is the occurrence of cyclical physical, psychological and emotional symptoms in the second half of the menstrual cycle and resolves at the end of menstruation. Symptoms of PMS can include abdominal bloatedness, weight gain, breast tenderness, fatigue, depression and irritability just to name a few. PMS when severe can be very debilitating for some women. There are a variety of different medications that can be given to improve PMS symptoms considerably well.\nWhy is peri- menopausal and post-menopausal bleeding a concern?\n\nIrregular periods are common and normal during peri-menopause. But, other conditions can cause abnormalities in menstrual bleeding during the menopause transition. Potential causes of abnormal bleeding include hormonal imbalances, hormonal contraception, pregnancy, fibroids, and rare blood clotting problems or, rarely, cancer.\n\nPost-Menopausal Bleeding (PMB) is bleeding form the genital tract one or more years following the cessation of menses. This symptom is always abnormal and must be taken seriously. Most cases are benign in nature but it is important to exclude cancer of the genital tract in every woman who complains of PMB.\nDr. Sharad Ratna\n\nGeneral Obstetrician and Gynaecologist\n\nVisiting Consultant Columbia Asia Hospitals\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/methods-pain-relieve-labor", "title": "Methods of pain relieve in labor", "body": "\n\n\n\nMethods of pain relieve in labor\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 04, 2011\n \n\nMany factors affect pain perception in labor ; fear, number of previous births, fetal presentation, cultural ideas of labor, beta-endorphin levels and women\u2019s natural pain threshold. Contraction of the uterine muscles stimulates the nerve endings of the uterus/cervix, which causes this pain felt during labor. Gone are the days where the mother in labor curses her husband for making her go through the torture of labor. With the advancement in anesthesia, we can now offer various alternatives to relieve labor pain!\nNon-pharmacological pain control:\n\n\nPsychological preparation/education\n - By joining antenatal classes, the expectant mothers & their spouses will be more knowledgeable with the birthing process hence gain more satisfaction with the experience and this will be followed by a less complicated delivery.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWater therapy (birthing underwater)\n - Immersion in warm water helps to relax the muscles during the first stage of labour.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMassages (reflexology) \n- Based on reflex zones on the feet as they correspond to different parts of the body. These zones are massaged in order to increase the circulation within the body, reducing tension and enhance relaxation.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHypnosis\n - Induces a state of concentration, combined with relaxation, to reduce pain perception.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAcupuncture\n - Application of pressure to increase the level of endorphins (natural pain-relieving chemicals) in the body.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBreathing exercises\n \u2013 The type of breathing that is most beneficial at the beginning of a contraction, while it lasts and as it ends.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)\n - A machine generating low level electrical impulses that are transmitted through electrodes placed on the women\u2019s back. Pain relief is achieved by impulses stimulating nerves in the back and interfere with the pain signals transmitted to the brain which also encourages a build-up of the natural pain-relieving chemicals (endorphins) in the body.\n\n\nPharmalogical pain control :\n\n\nEntonox gas inhalation\n \u2013 It is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen given through a demand valve mask during contraction pain. Side-effects are dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, disorientation and sedation.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPethidine\n \u2013 It is a synthetic opioid and a potent analgesic, but can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sedation, delayed breast feeding in the mother and respiratory depression in the baby as this drug crosses the placenta blood barrier.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nEpidural\n \u2013 This method has the minimum side-effects to mother and baby. It is the ideal mode of pain relief and currently is the commonest and most preferred mode of analgesia. It is a method by which a fine tube is inserted into the epidural space by which a dose of local anesthetic medication is introduced into the epidural space which blocks the conduction of pain sensation on the nerves of the pelvic region(uterus/cervix/vagina).\n\n\n\nEpidural is recommended in twin/multiple pregnancy, caesarean delivery and painful/prolong labour.\nMyths related to epidural:\n\n\nBackache/back pain\n\nDue to the shift of the center of gravity during pregnancy, the spine will move back to the normal anatomical position after delivery, thus causing these symptoms, especially in mothers who had more than normal weight gain.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nParalysis\n\nSpinal cord ends at L2/L3 level and the epidural is inserted below this level, thus injury to the main cord is unlikely. When modalities like these are present with the advancement of medical practices, birthing experiences have been transformed from one which was difficult, stressful and never-the-less, painful, to something relaxing, easy and painless.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Paul Puhalanthy\n\nConsultant Anesthetist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/migrain-press-clipping", "title": "Migrain [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nMigrain [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 01, 2013\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nRapi, 1 January 2013\n\n\nRapi, 1 January 2013\n\n\nRapi, 1 January 2013\n\n\nRapi, 1 January 2013\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/minyak-zaitun-dapat-kurangkan-risiko-kematian-akibat-penyakit-kronik", "title": "Minyak Zaitun Dapat Kurangkan Risiko Kematian Akibat Penyakit Kronik", "body": "\n\n\n\nMinyak Zaitun Dapat Kurangkan Risiko Kematian Akibat Penyakit Kronik\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 28, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nDARIPADA menu sarapan pagi hingga ke tengah malam, pastinya penggunaan minyak masak untuk menggoreng apa sahaja menu tidak dapat dielakkan.\n\n\nSelain minyak masak, terdapat produk lain yang boleh menggantikan minyak masak yang diperbuat dalam kelapa sawit itu. Salah satunya ialah minyak zaitun.\n\n\nMemetik laporan CNN Indonesia, satu kajian mendapati, pengambilan minyak zaitun dapat mengurangkan sekitar 34 peratus risiko kematian.\n\n\nTergolong dalam kategori lemak tidak tepu, penggunaannya untuk memasak memang amat disarankan.\n\n\nBerdasarkan pecahan penyakit, sebanyak 19 peratus lebih rendah untuk meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung, 17 peratus lebih rendah menghidap barah, manakala 29 peratus lebih rendah menghidapi penyakit terkait demensia dan alzheimer.\n\n\nJusteru, jom kita semak apa lagi kelebihan minyak zaitun dalam penggunaan seharian:\n\n\n1. Khasiat\n\n\nMemetik laman web columbiaasia.com, Pakar Pemakanan Hospital Columbia Asia, Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Yap Pau Lin berkata, minyak zaitun mengandungi lemak mono tidak tepu (MUFA), lemak poli tidak tepu (PUFA), omega 3 dan omega 6.\n\n\nMinyak zaitun juga katanya, kaya dengan antioksidan seperti squalene, beta karotin, oleocanthal dan hydroxytyrosol. Selain itu, terdapat juga kandungan vitamin E tokoferol dan vitamin K.\n\n\n2. Kurangkan stres\n\n\nNampak remeh, tetapi minyak zaitun secara saintifiknya dapat mengurangkan tekanan atau stres seseorang.\n\n\nHal tersebut terbukti apabila individu yang mengambil minyak zaitun akan mengalami 48 peratus masalah emosi atau depresi lebih rendah berbanding mereka yang mengambil lemak trans.\n\n\n3. Mencegah radang\n\n\nGangguan ketidakselesaan perut akan menyebabkan kita berasa tidak selesa sehingga hilang fokus dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara.\n\n\nBagi mengelakkan hal itu berlaku, pengambilan dua hingga tiga sudu minyak zaitun sehari dapat membantu mencegah penyakit radang usus besar atau ulcerative colitis.\n\n\nBukan sahaja melibatkan kesihatan dari sudut sains, minyak zaitun yang dihasilkan daripada buah zaitun turut terbukti berkesan menurut agama Islam.\n\n\nMalah, kehebatan buah zaitun turut disebut di dalam al-Quran menerusi Surah an-Nuur (ayat 35), At-Tiin (ayat 1), Al-an'aam (ayat 99 dan 141), An-Nahl (ayat 11), Al-Mu'minuun (ayat 20) dan Abasa (ayat 29).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYap Pau Lin\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMinyak Zaitun Dapat Kurangkan Risiko Kematian Akibat Penyakit Kronik. Berikut Manfaat Lain Penggunaan \u2013 SinarPlus, 14 Januari 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMinyak Zaitun Dapat Kurangkan Risiko Kematian Akibat Penyakit Kronik. Berikut Manfaat Lain Penggunaan \u2013 MSN News, 14 Januari 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMinyak Zaitun Dapat Kurangkan Risiko Kematian \u2013 MYKMU.NET, 14 Januari 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 14 Januari 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDietetics & Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/misconceptions-understanding-fertility-and-couple", "title": "Misconceptions - Understanding fertility and the couple", "body": "\n\n\n\nMisconceptions - Understanding fertility and the couple\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 01, 2011\n \nWhat are the chances of natural conception in any couple?\n\nConception is most likely to occur in the first month of trying with a 30% conception rate. The chance of spontaneous conception or natural conception over the first 6 months of regular unprotected intercourse is approximately 75% and this rises to 90% after 1 year and 95% after 2 years of trying to conceive. In other words, at the end of 1 year, over 90 % of couples will have conceived provided both partners are normal and have no obvious reproductive problems.\nWhat is \u2019subfertility\u2019?\n\n\u201cSubfertility is the inability to conceive after 1 year of regular unprotected intercourse. The current recommendation to improve the chances of conception in any couple is a frequency of sexual intercourse of at least 3 to 4 times a week.\n\nIn order for a normal pregnancy to occur, an egg must be produced from the female ovary, adequate sperm must be released from the male testes, the sperm must reach the egg, fertilisation must occur and the fertilised egg must implant in the womb. If there is a problem in any of these steps, subfertility occurs.\nHow common is subfertility?\n\nFertility problems in a couple are increasingly becoming more common nowadays. It affects every 1 in 6 to couples or 15% of couples worldwide and the prevalence in increasing globally.\nWhat factors affect the chances of successful conception?\n\nThe chances of spontaneous conception is affected by a number of factors including the age of the female partner, previous pregnancy history, duration of subfertility, frequency of sexual intercourse, timing of intercourse during the natural cycle, body mass index or weight, smoking and if there is any reproductive problem present. The single most important factor in determining fertility is the age of the female partner, with fertility reducing rapidly in women over the age of 35 years of age.\n\nGenerally speaking, a third of fertility problems occur in the female partner, a third of problems occur in the male partner and remaining third occur in the both partners.\n\nProblems contributing to subfertility can be broadly grouped into:\n\n\u00a0\n\nOvulation problems (30%)[defective release of egg]including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,\n\n\nMale problems (25%)[defective sperm],\n\n\nTubal problems (25%) [sperm cannot meet egg],\n\n\nUnexplained (25%),\n\n\nImplantation problems (30%),\n\n\nEndometriosis,\n\n\nFibroids,\n\n\nCervical and coital problems (<5%).\n\n\n\nIn 30-40% of couples, a problem will be found in both partners.\nWhen to investigate for subfertility?\n\nFertility investigations are usually commenced after 1 year of regular unprotected intercourse but it is advisable to start investigations earlier if selected cases, such as, in women more than 35 years or those with known gynaecological pathology.\nWhat are the recommended investigations for subfertility?\n\nInitial investigations should be completed within a few months and these should establish if the woman is ovulating or not, if semen quality is good or not and if the patency of the fallopian tubes are normal or not. Both partners must be investigated in parallel as both male and female factors can occur concurrently.\n\nInitial investigations should establish the following points.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDoes the woman ovulate?\n\n\nIf not, then why not?\n\n\nIs there tubal damage(damage to fallopian tubes) or uterine abnormality(abnormality in the womb)\n\n\nIs the semen quality normal?\n\n\nHow to test for ovulation problems?\n\nThe recommended test is the measurement of gonadotrophins (FSH and LH) in the blood in the first half of the menstrual cycle and the hormone progesterone in the blood in the second half of the menstrual cycle in a woman with regular cycles, commonly known as the mid-luteal progesterone level. The progesterone test is usually done on day 21 of the cycle in a woman with a 28 day cycle or 7 days before expected menses.\n\nAlternatively, serial ultrasound scan measurements of ovarian follicles can be performed to measure follicular growth and confirm ovulation.\n\nIn women with irregular cycles, additional hormone tests are required to look for any endocrine abnormality such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), raised prolactin or thyroid problems.\nHow to test for tubal problems?\n\nTests of fallopian tubal patency all rely on visualisation of solutions passing through the tubes into the abdominal cavity. The two commonly done test to determine tubal patency are the Laparoscopy and Dye test and Hysterosalphingography (HSG)\n\nThe \u2018Lap and Dye\u2019 test as it is commonly referred to involves a laparoscopy or a minor key hole surgical procedure and needs a general anaesthesia. Tubal patency is then tested by instilling a dye through the cervix and observing the spillage of dye from the tubes. It allows a thorough assessment of the pelvis and tubal patency and enables treatment of any abnormality, such as endometriosis or adhesions, to be carried out at the same time.\n\nHSG, on the other hand, is an outpatient radiological procedure that involves injecting contrast media into the uterine cavity and using x- ray imaging to follow the flow of contrast into the tubes and detect spillage into the abdominal cavity. There is no spillage into the abdominal cavity when there is tubal blockage.\nHow do we test for semen quality?\n\nThe investigations in the male partner are relatively simple and straightforward and consists of producing a semen sample for analysis in the laboratory for measurement of semen quality specifically measuring parameters such as sperm concentration (quantity), motility (movement) and morphology(shape).\n\nHowever, it is important that the semen analysis is performed under proper conditions i.e the semen sample should ideally be produced by masturbation after 3 to days of sexual abstinence.\nHow can fertility problems affect a couple\u2019s general wellbeing?\n\nSubfertility can be a very stressful life event. Couples usually present to a fertility specialist because they have not conceived as quickly as they had expected. Some are concerned that they have a serious problem that will stop them from having a family. Many couples find it stressful to seek professional help for such an intimate problem and feel a sense of failure at having to do so. The whole experience can be very stressful for the couple and can even lead to a breakdown in sexual relationship or marriage and occasionally depression. Professional counselling by trained personnel is necessary to alleviate anxiety and reduce stress and to provide reassurance that there are successful treatments available.\nDr. Sharad Ratna\n\nGeneral Obstetrician and Gynaecologist\n\nVisiting Consultant Columbia Asia Hospitals\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mitigating-muscle-loss", "title": "Mitigating Muscle Loss", "body": "\n\n\n\nMitigating Muscle Loss\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 29, 2015\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nSidelined for two weeks by injuries and you may lose up to one-third of your muscle strength, according to Danish scientists in a study published earlier this month. What explains such drastic loss just from a brief break in physical activity? More importantly, how can we prevent such muscle loss? Dr Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, shares his tips on building up muscle health for both children and adults.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mitos-datang-mudarat", "title": "Mitos Datang Mudarat", "body": "\n\n\n\nMitos Datang Mudarat\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 17, 2020\n \n\nJIKA di Amerika Syarikat, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) sudah memulakan kempen pengharaman walker bayi kerana menjadi punca lebih 9,000 kemalangan dalam kalangan bayi sejak 2018.\n\nIbu bapa di Malaysia perlu lebih prihatin termasuk melihat implikasi peralatan itu terhadap anak mereka. Tidak mustahil, tragedi membabitkan walker bayi mungkin boleh berulang seperti mana kejadian bayi lapan bulan digilis treler di Soi Suksawat, Thailand tahun lalu apabila menggelongsor ke jalan raya daripada kediamannya.\n\nMenurut \nPengurus Fisioterapi Hospital Columbia Asia \u2013 Setapak, Zubaidah Yusop\n, pandangan masyarakat mengenai penggunaan 'walker' bayi untuk membantu anak mereka cepat berjalan hanyalah mitos.\n\nKatanya berbanding manfaat, peralatan itu lebih banyak mendatangkan mudarat terutama kepada perkembangan sensori-motor atau pergerakan anak mereka.\n\n\"Ramai ibu bapa akan bertindak membeli apabila anak mereka di peringkat permulaan berjalan. Kebiasaannya ia dibeli pada umur seawal enam bulan dan ke atas.\n\n\"Andaian mereka mungkin kelebihan dimiliki alat bantuan itu yang mempunyai empat roda dilihat memberi kemudahan untuk melakukan kerja harian.\n\n\"Apabila bayi duduk dan bergerak di dalam walker bayi, ibu tidak perlu berpenat mengejar bayi yang sedang aktif bergerak di dalam rumah.\n\n\"Selain ada beranggapan alat itu memberi bantuan untuk bayi itu sendiri melatih diri berjalan lebih awal dan ibu bapa pula berfikiran tidak perlu perhatian yang berterusan jika anak berada di dalam walker bayi,\" katanya.\n\nHakikatnya implikasi penggunaan adalah bertentangan yang mana bukan sahaja ada isu keselamatan di sebalik penggunaan alat itu malah ia boleh menjejaskan tumbesaran bayi.\n\n\"Kalau pada usia seawal enam bulan digunakan, boleh diketahui kadangkala tempat duduk walker bayi terlalu tinggi dan menyebabkan kaki mereka tergantung. Jadi biasanya bayi hanya menggunakan hujung jari dan keadaan itu menyebabkan pengurangan penggunaan kaki.\n\n\"Ia sama seperti otot bahagian itu dimanjakan kerana kurangnya latihan sekali gus menyebabkan kelemahan otot ketika proses peringkat berjalan,\" katanya.\n\nTambah Zubaidah lagi koordinasi kaki dan mata terganggu apabila alat berkenaan menghalang penglihatan bayi dengan kedudukan kaki ketika bergerak.\n\nLebih rumit apabila bayi itu berada pada ruang lebih berisiko seperti dapur, tangga dan luar rumah kerana mereka tidak dapat kawal arah atau pergerakan roda walker bayi yang laju.\n\n\"Ini lagi satu kesilapan sering dilakukan ibu bapa apabila meletakkan bayi mereka dalam alat berkenaan. Mereka perlu faham perhatian perlu diberikan sebagaimana bayi di luar.\n\n\"Ada seribu satu kejadian boleh berlaku termasuklah jatuh akibat bayi sedang panjat keluar, walker terbalik, jatuh tangga dan 'ligat' mencapai objek berbahaya.\n\n\"Bayi adalah peringkat umur yang mana sifat ingin tahu tinggi dan mereka akan capai apa sahaja tanpa tahu kesan sama ada objek itu bahaya atau tidak. Jadi pemerhatian ibu bapa adalah setiap masa apabila mereka ini sedang bermain,\" katanya.\n\nKebimbangan Zubaidah pastinya kecederaan seperti patah tulang, hentakan kepala dan lain-lain yang mungkin berlaku dan boleh memberi komplikasi buruk termasuk kecederaan kekal dan lebih buruk kemalangan nyawa. Berbanding melatih anak cepat berjalan dengan peralatan terbabit, Zubaidah turut berkongsi tip atau peranan ibu bapa dalam membantu anak ketika fasa ini:\n\n\u00a0\n\nLatihan peringkat awal\n\nBiar bayi duduk tanpa bantuan alat dan pastikan kaki bayi menyentuh lantai. Pastikan posisi badan betul dengan kekuatan tulang belakang menyokong ketika duduk selain pergerakan pinggang yang kuat. Galakkan bayi bangun mengambil mainan dan duduk semula. Bayi akan membentuk kekuatan lutut dan paha untuk bangun dan duduk.\n\nLetakkan barang mainan di jarak berbeza di atas lantai untuk bayi cuba capai untuk meningkatkan pergerakan otot dan keseimbangan kaki. Beban ketika berjalan bukan sahaja untuk menambah kekuatan kaki malah punggung, badan dan bahu.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCari minat anak\n\nTunjukkan objek yang menarik minat bayi kerana itu membantu pergerakan kepala dan leher tatkala berdiri dan berjalan. Cari alat mainan dapat membantu mereka belajar berdiri dan bergerak seperti walker yang guna daya tolakan menggunakan kedua-dua tangan.\n\nSelain itu alat yang mengeluarkan bunyi dan sentuhan akan merangsang keseronokan aktiviti ini. Pastikan alat bantuan yang digunakan stabil dan tidak terlalu ringan untuk mengelakkan kemalangan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRangsangan dari tapak kaki\n\nBiarkan bayi berjalan tanpa stokin dan kasut di dalam rumah. Tapak kaki akan dapat memberi pengalaman kepada bayi mengenai tekstur permukaan lantai.\n\nDaya refleks ini akan memberi kestabilan dan koordinasi pada anak itu. Bayi juga boleh belajar membezakan permukaan lembut, kasar atau licin ketika melatih diri.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBantu anak berjalan\n\nIbu bapa memainkan peranan penting ketika memberi bantuan latihan berjalan. Pastikan mengikut pergerakan dari belakang atau sebelah sambil memegang tangan atau bahagian lengan atas untuk membantu keseimbangan badan.\n\nBantu bayi untuk berdiri dan dan mula berjalan sehingga bayi tidak memerlukan lagi bantuan dan mencapai keseimbangan sepenuhnya. Setiap bayi berjalan mempunyai tempoh tersendiri dan biasanya selewat umur 18 bulan.\n\nTiada istilah lambat atau cepat apabila tahap proses tumbesaran masih berlaku. Ibu bapa digalakkan berbincang dengan doktor atau pakar kanak-kanak jika tidak pasti dengan perkembangan anak mereka.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nZubaidah Yusop\n\n\nPhysiotherapy Manager\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMitos Datang Mudarat \u2013 Harian Metro, 9 Julai 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Keluarga, Mei - Jun 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/more-malaysians-are-suffering-heart-attacks-at-a-younger-age", "title": "More Malaysians Are Suffering Heart Attacks at a Younger Age", "body": "\n\n\n\nMore Malaysians Are Suffering Heart Attacks at a Younger Age\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 20, 2020\n \n\n\u2018Heart attacks are for the old\u2019 is a common misconception among young adults. The NCVD-ACS (National Cardiovascular Disease Database \u2013 Acute Coronary Syndrome) registry of 2014-2015 showed that Malaysians suffer heart attacks at a younger age compared to those in developed countries; the average age being 58.6 years compared to between 63.4 to 68 years in most developed countries. The heart of the matter (pun intended) is for us to realise that from a young age, our lifestyles play a role in our cardiovascular health.\n\nWhen it comes to heart diseases, there is no one single cause. There are merely risk factors that when combined, could result in heart diseases. The more risk factors you have, the higher the chances of having a heart attack. Having heart diseases run in the family is a risk factor too but most risk factors are modifiable. Monitoring risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress and diet can lower the lifetime risk of developing heart diseases.\n\n\u00a0\n\nA Word About Atherosclerosis\n\nThe word \u2018atherosclerosis\u2019 is derived from ancient Greek, where \u2018athero\u2019 means \u2018gruel-like\u2019 and \u2018pasty\u2019. This merges with \u2018sclerosis\u2019 which means \u2018abnormal hardening\u2019. What it actually denotes is that atherosclerosis begins as lumpy, fatty deposits that subsequently come together and form plaques that harden, narrowing arterial walls. High amounts of the \u2018bad cholesterol\u2019 or LDL (low-density lipoprotein) will make their way into the lining of arteries and progressively build up from tiny crystals to large deposits, taking on the form of fatty streaks. These fatty streaks gradually increase in size to form plaques. They eventually develop fibrous caps and form mature plaques. These \u2018stable\u2019 plaques cause the narrowing of the arteries triggering a chest pain known as angina. But this is not what causes massive heart attacks.\n\nA massive heart attack occurs when there is a sudden complete blockage of an artery due to a blood clot. When a plaque ruptures, the body immediately reacts by forming blood clots on the plaques as a way of damage control. These clots will lead to complete blocks of the artery which in turn reduces blood-flow to parts of the heart muscle, causing oxygen deprivation. Lack of oxygenation leads to death of the muscle cells and this generates a heart attack. This also results in a person experiencing sudden, intense chest pain.\n\nAtherosclerosis is a slow, insidious process that takes years to build up, with its onset happening as early as during childhood. However, the heart attack that ensues happens rapidly within a matter of minutes.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBirth weight matters\n\nCertain connections have been documented between low birth weight and the risk of developing atherosclerosis years later. A review of 18 studies looking at the correlation between birth weight and occurrences of heart diseases later in life was done in 2007. The conclusion from this research was that being born with low birth weight is a risk factor of heart diseases in adulthood. It has also been found that there exists an association between low birth weight and risks of stroke. Infants of a smaller birth weight are known to be at risk of developing insulin resistance, high cholesterol and high blood pressure during childhood.\n\nFurthermore, rapid catch-up weight gain in infancy adds to these risks. Some also hypothesise that maternal factors play a role such as poor maternal nutrition and smoking as well as a low socio-economic background.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nThe single most important culprit spanning across all ages for developing atherosclerosis is smoking. There is increasing evidence that exposure to second-hand smoke is just as hazardous as smoking. Another study done on children in 2007 showed that children who have been exposed daily to passive smoke display a significant impairment of the expansion abilities of their arteries when more blood-flow is required to their tissues. This kind of continuous exposure from a young age is what leads to the early onset of diseases and illnesses.\n\n\u00a0\n\nYoungsters, take heart!\n\nThe risk factors of heart disease are the same in both young adults and those of advanced age. As mentioned earlier, these include history of heart disease in the family, smoking, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, a sedentary lifestyle and low educational level.\n\nOne study in particular gave a good overall picture of these risk factors. The researchers evaluated over 5,000 young adults between the ages of 18 to 30 and monitored them up to 15 years. The reason was to find out how their risk factors influenced coronary artery calcifications, as detected by CT scanning. It was found that smoking 10 cigarettes a day increased the likelihood of coronary artery disease by 50 per cent; each 30 mg/dL rise in LDL cholesterol increased risk by 50 per cent; each 10 mm Hg rise in systolic blood pressure increased risk by 30 per cent; and each 15 mg/dL rise in blood sugar levels increased risk by 20 per cent.\n\nRisk factors were found to increase during teenage years, particularly in boys. Following puberty, the level of insulin resistance and triglycerides rise in males while HDL cholesterol levels fall. For females, it is the opposite. While hormones play a part to some extent, habits that affect health cannot be discounted. For example; teenage boys smoke more and consume more fast food than girls from the same age group.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nEducate our children\n\nSuffering a heart attack at any age is indeed a significant occurrence with far-reaching consequences. Those who suffer an attack at a younger age have a better outcome because they often have single-vessel disease and well-preserved heart muscle. Despite this, remember that it is just a hint of what lies beneath and that the disease will progress if no serious action is taken. In one study of men who had a heart attack at an average age of just 36, 30 per cent died within 15 years. In another study of men and women who were afflicted before age 40, 25 per cent were dead in less than 15 years.\n\nHeart attack has been the leading cause of death in Malaysia for the past 13 years. Despite great advances made in treating them, prevention is undoubtedly the management of choice. Children should be educated from a young age on healthy and positive lifestyle choices which will prove beneficial in later life. The issue that needs to be dealt with is getting the message across to young people that they should be screened even though they might appear to be of seemingly good health.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nLooking at the current state of affairs, many doctors do not routinely screen this group of people. Young adults remain oblivious to the possible consequences of their cardiovascular health. Despite various campaigns and awareness programmes, many remain in the dark about the risks of heart diseases. A survey consisting of over 4,000 healthy individuals with an average age of 30 found that more than 65 per cent were unable to identify any of the six major cardiac risk factors. Looking at how low birth weight is connected to heart diseases in later life, obstetricians and paediatricians play a role too in maintaining good heart health. Obstetricians can work towards improving maternal health habits while paediatricians can start screening for cardiac risk factors from a young age.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTake action now\n\nOn an individual level, here are some steps to take in order to stay abreast of one\u2019s cardiovascular health. Getting information on significant family history for diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cholesterol would be a good place to start.\n\nNext, let us remember one of the single most important and debilitating risk factors -- smoking. Avoid active and passive smoking as well as other forms of smoking such as e-cigarettes. Furthermore, begin monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol levels from your early twenties.\n\nThe American College of Cardiology defines high blood pressure as a reading exceeding 130/80 mmHg. It has also been found that the prevalence of high blood pressure is increasing steadily to a point that it is expected to triple in men and double in women under the age of 35.\n\nAttention must be paid to diet and exercise. Incorporate more plant-based foods and reduce red meat in your diet. A recent study in 2017 found a connection between red meat and mortality that is linked to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stroke and diabetes. As for exercise, allocate at least 30 minutes a day for it.\n\nBe curious about the health of this integral organ of our body. Remember that it is never too early to start a healthy lifestyle. Start young and keep your heart pumping strong and as Confucius said, wherever you go, go with all your heart.\n\nConsult with our \nheart specialists\n today for more advice and any concerns related to cardiovascular health\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Nandakumar A/L Ramakrishnan\n\n\nConsultant Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (India), MRCP(Edinburgh), Fellowship in Cardiology IJN (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMore Malaysians are suffering heart attacks at a younger age \u2013 The Star\u00a0Online, 16 October 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star Online, 16 October 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/more-than-just-chest-pains", "title": "More Than Just Chest Pains", "body": "\n\n\n\nMore Than Just Chest Pains\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 10, 2018\n \n\"Sometimes, people are in denial about heart issues because they play sports and believe they do not have a problem, but there are people who died while playing sports because they may have experienced pain in the past yet did not turn to a medical professional to investigate.\"\n\nA man experiencing difficulty breathing while having his palm on his chest and in obvious pain is the classic image one may associate with a heart attack or heart disease. While the scenario is indeed possible, Dr Shahrul Zuraidi Idris, consultant interventional cardiologist and physician at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang, reveals that there is more to heart attacks than excruciating chest pains.\n\n\u201cThe most classic signs of a heart attack, especially among males, are a central crushing pain, feeling of pressure around the chest, and pain radiating towards the arm or jaw. Females can have atypical symptoms. The nature of their pain or discomfort may vary from males, including an electrical sensation, pins and needles, giddiness, neck pain, and numbness on the arm without any chest pain at all.\u201d\n\nIn addition, a significant number of people who have diabetes can develop \u201csilent angina\u201d or \u201csilent heart attack\u201d where they can have coronary artery blockage without any chest pain symptoms. As the signs of heart disease or a heart attack are diverse, Dr Shahrul warns not to be fooled by the various types of pain or downplay the seriousness of these symptoms.\n\nA greater danger is when people live in denial about the possibility of having heart diseases due to age or lifestyle. He says, \u201cNowadays, people of the younger generation also get heart attacks. In my years of practice, the youngest heart attack patient I have treated was 15 years of age.\n\n\u201cSometimes, people are in denial about heart issues because they play sports and believe they do not have a problem, but there are people who died while playing sports because they may have experienced pain in the past yet did not turn to a medical professional to investigate.\u201d\n\nFor this reason, Dr Shahrul believes it is best to investigate for heart issues than to live in oblivion. He recommends taking extra precaution and going for a heart check-up should individuals ever feel any kind of pain around the central chest area as it could be a turning point in life. As heart disease is a chronic condition, patients may require long-term treatment and incur huge financial costs should they fail to receive early diagnosis and treatment.\n\nThe unfortunate reality, however, is that females tend to only consult a doctor or cardiologist at a later stage because they are not aware of the subtle and atypical signs to look out for. People should thus be concerned with the various risk factors associated with heart disease, which include smoking, family history of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, lack of exercise and high daily stress levels.\n\nRegarding people who may have heart disease even if they lead an active lifestyle, Dr Shahrul says, \u201cWhen you talk about sports or exercise, you are only talking about reducing one risk factor. It is never mentioned that if you do a lot of sports, your blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels will always be low. Addressing only one risk factor may not be enough.\n\n\u201cHeart disease affects everyone. There are modifiable and non-modifiable risks. Hence, doctors stress the importance of undergoing health screenings, especially for people over the age of 40.\u201d According to him, most prolonged and severe chest pain should be treated seriously unless proven harmless by medical tests, be they an electrocardiogram (electrical conduction of the heart), echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart), blood tests, stress test or coronary angiogram.\n\nHe points out that even if a chest pain symptom was not caused by a heart attack, other conditions that require immediate medical attention are aortic dissection (the tearing or bursting of the aorta wall), perforated stomach (gastritis due to ulcer), pneumothorax (where the lung covering gets in contact with air) and pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lung tissues).\n\nFor more information, call 03-3345 7999.\nDr. Shahrul Zuraidi Bin Idris\n\nChief Of Medical Services, Consultant Physician & Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 29 September 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nMore Than Just Chest Pains \u2013 The Star, 29 September 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/most-precious-bones-world-month-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "The Most Precious Bones in the World (For a Month) - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Most Precious Bones in the World (For a Month) - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 28, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWorld Cup Fever will soon be in full swing, and for us it may just mean a month of sleeplessness and high excitement. But for the footballers in Brazil, it represents the pinnacle of their physical commitment and skill. Taking us through the training and preparation as well as the possibility of injury, is Dr. Harjeet Singh in this World Cup Ortho Primer.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mudah-jer-kawal-darah-tinggi-di-rumah-fahami-kaedahnya", "title": "Mudah Jer Kawal Darah Tinggi Di Rumah, Fahami Kaedahnya", "body": "\n\n\n\nMudah Jer Kawal Darah Tinggi Di Rumah, Fahami Kaedahnya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 04, 2021\n \nBERDASARKAN\n statistik, hipertensi atau penyakit darah tinggi membabitkan kira-kira satu dalam setiap tiga orang dewasa Malaysia berumur 18 tahun dan ke atas.\n\nSebanyak 35.3 peratus menghidap penyakit berkenaan dengan bacaan 140/90 atau lebih tinggi.\n\nBagaimanapun, bagi setiap dua pesakit yang didiagnosis, ada tiga lagi pesakit yang kekal tidak didiagnosis dan tidak dirawat kerana penyakit tersebut dikatakan berkembang tanpa sebarang simptom, menyebabkan mereka berisiko untuk mendapat serangan jantung dan strok.\n\nMeskipun dalam tinjauan OMRON Healthcare yang dijalankan baru-baru ini mendapati, 85 peratus daripada 504 responden telah memeriksa tekanan darah mereka tahun lalu, 42 peratus berpendapat, tekanan darah mereka tidaklah serius atau memerlukan pemantauan secara berkala.\n\nNamun, dengan hipertensi yang semakin kerap melanda orang muda, penting untuk kita memahami betapa pentingnya memantau tekanan darah secara berkala.\n\nSeperkara yang perlu ketahui, pesakit hipertensi didapati mengalami kesan yang lebih buruk akibat Covid-19 berbanding individu yang sihat.\n\nPakar Perubatan Perunding Dalaman, Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr Mohd Arifin Mohd Ali berkata, tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi adalah pembunuh senyap dan penyebab utama serangan jantung dan strok.\n\n\u201cPeluang seseorang untuk mendapat penyakit ini meningkat dengan usia dan dengan masalah kesihatan kronik yang sedia ada. Ini bermakna, jika seseorang menghidap diabetes, obesiti atau kolesterol tinggi, mereka lebih cenderung untuk mendapat penyakit ini.\n\nJika ada sejarah hipertensi dalam keluarga, mereka berdepan dengan peluang 50 peratus lebih tinggi untuk menghidap penyakit ini dan lebih berisiko mendapat strok, serangan jantung atau masalah buah pinggang terutama jika tekanan darah tidak dikawal dengan baik,\u201d katanya yang juga Presiden Persatuan Hipertensi Malaysia (MSH).\n\nJusteru, kata Dr Mohd Arifin, disebabkan kadar pesakit hipertensi kian meningkat dalam kalangan orang dewasa yang lebih muda, maka setiap orang dewasa perlu memantau tekanan darah mereka secara berkala bermula dari umur 18 tahun ke atas.\n\n\u201cOleh kerana hampir 70 peratus orang dewasa Malaysia berisiko mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah dan hanya 37.4 peratus daripada pesakit yang dirawat mencapai tahap tekanan darah yang terkawal, kesedaran lebih besar menjadi kunci untuk mengurangkan kadar kelaziman hipertensi dalam masyarakat,\u201d ujar Dr Mohd Arifin.\n\nBuat semak diri dalam usaha untuk membantu mengenalpasti mereka yang berisiko tinggi, OMRON bekerjasama dengan MSH menghasilkan senarai semak diri yang mudah untuk menggalakkan orang ramai memeriksa tekanan darah dan mendapatkan nasihat mengenai cara mencegah atau merawat hipertensi yang tidak didiagnosis.\n\nPengarah Pemasaran Serantau, OMRON Healthcare Asia Pasifik, Alexis En berkata, di OMRON, pihaknya mempunyai visi yang dipanggil GEN 0 (Gen Sifar).\n\n\u201cIa merujuk kepada generasi yang tidak ditentukan oleh usia, satu generasi yang bebas daripada serangan jantung dan (atau) strok.\n\nUntuk maklumat selanjutnya, sila kunjungi \nbit.ly/HypertensionSelfCheck\n untuk mengambil senarai semak diri dan laman web Persatuan Hipertensi Malaysia untuk penerangan lanjut tentang penyakit tekanan darah tinggi.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAnekdot\n\n\n\nCara mudah ringankan tekanan, kegelisahan:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Bersenam\n\nBersenam secara teratur dapat membantu mengurangkan tekanan dan kegelisahan dengan melepaskan endorfin dan meningkatkan kualiti tidur dan imej diri.\n2. Pertimbangkan makanan tambahan.\n\nMakanan tambahan tertentu dapat mengurangkan tekanan termasuk mengamalkan ashwagandha (sejenis herba), asid lemak omega-3, teh hijau dan lemon.\n3. Aromaterapi.\n\nAromaterapi juga dapat membantu. Nyalakan lilin atau gunakan minyak pati untuk menikmati aroma yang menenangkan.\n4. Kurangkan pengambilan kafein.\n\nKafein dalam kuantiti yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan tekanan dan kegelisahan. Bagaimanapun, \u2018kepekaan\u2019 seseorang individu terhadap kafein adalah berbeza-beza.\n5. Menulis.\n\nMembuat jurnal atau menulis segala yang terbuku dalam hati merupakan praktik yang disarankan kerana ia dapat membantu seseorang memberi fokus kepada perkara yang positif.\n6. Mengunyah gula-gula getah.\n\nMenurut beberapa kajian, gula-gula getah boleh membantu seseorang berehat. Ia juga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan mengurangkan tekanan.\n7. Luangkan masa dengan rakan dan keluarga.\n\nMempunyai hubungan sosial yang kuat antara formula yang berkesan.\n8. Ketawa.\n\nLuangkan masa dengan menonton rancangan komedi atau bersama rakan-rakan yang mempunyai karakter kelakar.\n9. Belajar mengatakan \u2018tidak\u2019.\n\nCuba jangan menerima atau mengambil tugasan di luar jangkaan untuk dikendalikan. Mengatakan tidak ada satu cara untuk mengawal tekanan.\n10. Belajar untuk tidak menunda kerja.\n\nDengan \u2018melangsaikan\u2019 tugasan bermula di senarai teratas hingga bawah, dapat membantu mengatasi tekanan yang berkaitan dengan penundaan.\n11. Ikuti kelas yoga.\n\nAktiviti itu dapat membantu menurunkan tahap hormon stres.\n12. Amalkan praktis ketara sedar.\n\nAntara kaedah yang dicadangkan adalah terapi kognitif berdasarkan perhatian, pengurangan tekanan berdasarkan perhatian, yoga atau bermeditasi.\n13. Memeluk.\n\nSentuhan positif daripada pelukan, ciuman dan hubungan seks dapat membantu menurunkan tekanan dengan melepaskan oksitosin dan menurunkan tekanan darah.\n14. Dengarkan muzik yang menenangkan.\n\nMendengarkan muzik yang disukai boleh menjadi kaedah yang baik untuk menghilangkan tekanan.\n15. Bernafas secara dalam-dalam.\n\nBernafas secara dalam-dalam mengaktifkan tindak balas relaksasi. Ia juga meningkatkan sistem saraf simpatik lalu memberi isyarat kepada badan untuk kekal tenang.\n16. Luangkan masa dengan haiwan kesayangan.\n\nMenghabiskan masa dengan haiwan kesayangan antara praktis menyeronokkan bagi kebanyakan orang di seluruh dunia.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Arifin Mohd Ali\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMBBS (Monash), MRCP (UK), AM (Malaysia), MBA (Australia), FRCP (UK), FNHAM\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMudah jer kawal darah tinggi di rumah, fahami kaedahnya \u2013 SinarPlus, 6 December 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 6 December 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mudarat-kencing-berdiri", "title": "Mudarat Kencing Berdiri", "body": "\n\n\n\nMudarat Kencing Berdiri\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 17, 2020\n \n\nAMALAN membuang air kecil berdiri dan duduk menjadi topik perbincangan hangat sejak tandas moden diperkenalkan pada abad ke-19.\n\nIni kerana semakin ramai lelaki memilih amalan kencing berdiri yang dianggap lebih mudah dan cepat tanpa perlu menanggalkan seluar bagi melepaskan hajat.\n\nDitambah pula semakin banyak mangkuk kencing berdiri disediakan di tandas awam dan ia menjadi pilihan pertama lelaki untuk membuang air kecil.\n\nDi kebanyakan negara barat, posisi kencing berdiri adalah perkara biasa.\n\nBerbeza di negara timur dan Asia, lelaki membuang air kecil dengan cara duduk serta mencangkung.\n\nKajian pengamal perubatan di Ayurveda Medical menjelaskan bahawa membuang air kecil secara berdiri adalah amalan tidak baik kerana boleh menjejaskan kesihatan lelaki.\n\nKetua Pegawai Perubatan Columbia Asia Hospital-Cheras Dr Mohd Fadhli Mohd Yusof berkata, keburukan membuang air kecil secara berdiri dapat dilihat daripada aspek kebersihan.\n\n\u201cMembuang air kecil dalam posisi berdiri boleh meningkatkan halaju air kencing yang ketara.\n\n\u201cIni menyebabkan individu terbabit lebih mudah terkena percikan air kencing yang akan mengotorkan tubuh dan pakaian.\n\n\u201cMalah, tandas turut kotor dengan percikan air kencing berkenaan,\u201d katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, daripada aspek kesihatan, kebanyakan mangkuk kencing tidak dilengkapi dengan punca air untuk tujuan mencuci kemaluan menyebabkan ramai tidak atau jarang mencuci kemaluan dengan bersih selepas membuang air kecil secara berdiri.\n\n\u201cKemaluan yang tidak dicuci dengan bersih akan meningkatkan risiko jangkitan di kawasan kemaluan seperti kandidiasis (jangkitan fungus) dan balanitis (jangkitan pada bahagian kepala zakar),\u201d katanya.\nBOLEH melemahkan syahwat lelaki.\n\nMenurutnya, posisi paling sesuai bagi lelaki membuang air kecil ialah duduk atau mencangkung.\n\n\u201cPada kedudukan ini kedua-dua tapak kaki mencecah lantai, badan membongkok sedikit ke hadapan dan lutut dalam keadaan bengkok.\n\n\u201cSelain itu, dalam posisi ini, otot bahagian bawah abdomen, otot pelvis dan otot belakang badan berada dalam keadaan rehat yang maksimum,\u201d katanya.\n\nSekumpulan penyelidik di Leiden University Medical Center, Belanda mendedahkan lelaki yang membuang air kecil secara mencangkung dapat mengosongkan pundi kencing mereka sepenuhnya.\n\nJelasnya, manakala membuang air dalam keadaan berdiri, otot pelvis berada dalam keadaan tegang dan ia menyukarkan air kencing keluar sepenuhnya.\n\nDr Mohd Fadhli berkata, setakat ini tiada kajian menunjukkan amalan membuang air secara duduk lebih baik berbanding berdiri bagi seorang lelaki sihat.\n\n\u201cNamun, bagi pesakit yang mengalami masalah gejala saluran kencing yang lebih rendah (LUTS) seperti pembengkakan kelenjar prostat, membuang air kecil dalam posisi duduk terbukti lebih baik daripada berdiri.\n\n\u201cIni kerana, pada posisi duduk, otot-otot pelvis berada dalam keadaan rehat yang memudahkan pengeluaran air kencing dan sisa air kencing tidak tertinggal dalam pundi kencing,\u201d katanya.\n\nMenurut beliau, air kencing yang tertinggal dalam pundi kencing akan meningkatkan risiko mendapat jangkitan pundi kencing dan masalah batu karang bagi pesakit LUTS.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Fadhli Mohd Yusof\n\n\nGeneral Practice & Occupational Medicine\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nMD (UKM), OHD (NIOSH)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMudarat Kencing Berdiri \u2013 Harian Metro, 15 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMudarat Kencing Berdiri \u2013 Harian Metro, 15 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 15 Mac 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOccupational Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/mungkinkah-pejabat-anda-ada-sindrom-bangunan-sakit", "title": "Mungkinkah Pejabat Anda Ada 'Sindrom Bangunan Sakit'?", "body": "\n\n\n\nMungkinkah Pejabat Anda Ada 'Sindrom Bangunan Sakit'?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 27, 2020\n \n\n\u201cPelik sungguh. Tadi bersin tak berhenti, mata pedih, kepala macam nak pecah, badan lesu. Sekarang dah hilang, \" bisik hati penulis.\n\nApa yang penulis alami ini bukanlah yang pertama, malah sudah beberapa kali dan ianya berlaku sebaik sahaja kaki melangkah masuk ke bangunan yang satu itu. Keadaan penulis akan kembali sihat selepas beberapa jam beredar daripada bangunan berkenaan.\n\nPenulis bawa berbincang dengan beberapa orang rakan dan akhirnya mencari-cari di internet lalu terjumpa \u201cjawapan\u201d di laman sesawang \nhttp://www.myhealth.gov.my\n yang mungkin merungkai penyakit misteri yang penulis alami dan mungkin juga ramai lagi di luar sana.\n\nPernah dengar \nSindrom Bangunan Sakit\n (Sick Building Syndrome) atau SBS?\n\nLebih tepat, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia pada tahun 2008 menjelaskan SBS adalah keadaan di mana individu yang berada di dalam bangunan mengalami gejala serta rasa tidak selesa tanpa sebab yang jelas, Malahan, kajian yang dipaparkan di \nhttps://www.who.int\n berkaitan kualiti udara menunjukkan, kualiti udara dalaman yang tidak baik (IAQ) adalah antara penyumbang kepada SBS.\n\nMerungkaikan SBS yang dikaitkan dengan IAQ tidak baik yang sering dihadapi pekerja di Malaysia, Ketua Pegawai Perubatan dan Doktor Kesihatan Pekerjaan, Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr Mohd Fadhli Mohd Yusof menjelaskan sesiapa sahaja boleh mendapat SBS namun ia lebih terkesan kepada mereka yang menghabiskan banyak masa di dalam bangunan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRISIKO UDARA DALAMAN TERCEMAR\n\nMenurut Dr Mohd Fadhli, keadaan tersebut disebabkan oleh majoriti bahan unsur cemar antara udara persekitaran luar dan udara dalam bilik iaitu bahan cemar yang halus (PM), ozone (O3), nitrous diokside dan karbon monoksida adalah sama tetapi jumlah dan kepekatannya adalah lebih rendah berbanding udara dalam bangunan.\n\nPenyumbang utama kepada kualiti udara dalaman tidak sihat ini berpunca daripada pengudaraan yang tidak baik dan kekurangan pengaliran udara segar dari luar.\n\nTurut menjadi sebahagian faktor udara tercemar ialah sistem ventilasi dan penghawa dingin yang tidak selenggara dengan baik serta kadar kelembapan yang tinggi yang diakibatkan oleh kebocoran.\n\n\u201cKeadaan ini disebabkan oleh kehadiran kulat, bakteria, pengudaraan yang tidak baik dan kehadiran bahan kimia di dalam bangunan. Biasanya masalah ini didapati di bangunan lama yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik secara berkala,\" jelasnya kepada Bernama.\n\nMemburukan keadaan, pendedahan dalam tempoh lama terhadap udara tercemar bukan sahaja memberi kesan kepada sistem pernafasan terutama individu yang mempunyai penyakit paru-paru kronik seperti asma atau Penyakit Pulmonari Obstruktif Kronik (COPD) malah boleh meningkatkan risiko angin ahmar, serangan jantung dan risiko sesetengah jenis kanser.\n\nDr Mohd Fadhli berkata, peningkatan risiko ini disebabkan bahan cemar yang halus, yang kurang daripada 2.5 micronmeter) yang berkemampuan untuk terapung di udara lebih lama dan apabila disedut, ia bukan sahaja boleh memberi kesan kepada paru-paru malah akan meresap ke dalam salur darah.\n\nLebih membimbangkan risiko juga menanti pekerja yang bertugas berjam-jam lamanya di bangunan lama memandangkan kondisi bangunan berusia itu sendiri mengalami proses degradasi atau penguraian sebatian kimia terutamanya bahagian siling, dinding dan cat.\n\n\u201cBertambah buruk apabila bangunan lama tersebut mempunyai perabut lama yang dibuat menggunakan \u2018pressed wood\u2019,\u201d katanya.\n\nBukan itu sahaja, asap tembakau, sebatian organik meruap yang dibebaskan oleh penggunaan pelarut dan ozon yang dibebaskan dari mesin fotokopi dan pencetak laser turut menjadi antara punca menyumbang pencemaran udara dalaman bangunan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPENGHAWA DINGIN BERPUSAT TINGKAT RISIKO\n\nMengulas lanjut, Dr Mohd Fadhli juga tidak menolak penggunaan penghawa dingin berpusat yang menjadi pilihan utama majikan yang beroperasi di bangunan besar kerana kos lebih murah turut mengundang risiko kesihatan yang tinggi ke atas pekerja.\n\n\u201cAda benarnya penggunaan penghawa dingin jenis unit asing lebih rendah risikonya berbanding penghawa dingin berpusat.\n\n\u201cIni kerana, jika tidak diselenggara dengan berkala, penapis akan tepu dan tidak mampu untuk menapis sementara bahan pencemar pula akan masuk ke sistem pengudaraan am, yang sekali gus mencemarkan udara di dalam seluruh bangunan,\u201d katanya.\n\nJika ini berlaku, tidak mustahil majikan terpaksa berdepan ketidakselesaan pekerja dan tahap kesihatan yang tidak menentu yang sekali gus menjurus kepada ketidakhadiran dan produktiviti yang rendah.\n\nMeskipun penyakit disebabkan IAQ lemah ini majoritinya \u2018under diagnose\u2019 disebabkan pertindihan simptom dengan penyakit yang lain dan tiada trend yang jelas dari aspek kemasukan ke hospital namun masalah kesihatan yang paling ketara dikaitkan dengan IAQ ini adalah alahan, masalah pernafasan, kerengsaan mata, sinusitis, bronkitis dan jangkitan paru-paru.\n\n\u201cMalahan pendedahan berterusan terhadap udara tercemar kepada golongan berisiko pula mampu mengakibatkan serangan asma atau COPD yang teruk, meningkatkan kadar kemasukan ke hospital dan boleh menyebabkan kematian.\n\n\u201cDisebabkan itulah, penilaian kualiti udara dalaman perlu dilakukan setiap lima tahun bagi memastikan pekerja tidak terdedah kepada sebarang risiko kesihatan,\u201d jelasnya.\n\nDari aspek gender pula, Mohd Fadhli menjelaskan, kajian yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2000 di Jerman yang membabitkan 1,500 responden, mendapati wanita mendapati SBS adalah dua kali ganda berbanding lelaki.\n\nDalam dalam kajian yang sama turut mendedahkan golongan pekerja lanjut usia mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat SBS terutamanya lelaki. Pun begitu, faktor lain juga harus diambil kira iaitu merokok,\u201d jelasnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPATUHI KOD AMALAN INDUSTRI\n\nMeneliti Kod Amalan Industri bagi Kualiti Udara Dalaman yang diperkenalkan oleh Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH) pada 2010, ia secara jelas menetapkan garis panduan dan piawaian untuk melindungi kesihatan pekerja dan penghuni lain dari persekitaran dalaman atau tertutup yang menggunakan pengudaraan mekanikal atau penyaman udara.\n\nLebih menarik, paparan di laman sesawang \nhttps://www.dosh.gov.my\n mengenai Kod Amalan Industri ini turut menggariskan julat yang boleh diterima bagi parameter fizikal tertentu bagi penggunaan penghawa dingin adalah 23 hingga 26 darjah celcius, 40-70 peratus bagi kadar kelembapan relatif manakala pergerakan udara ialah 0.15 hingga 0.50m/s (meter per saat).\n\nJusteru, menjadi tanggungjawab majikan dan pekerja mematuhi peruntukan yang ditetapkan di bawah Seksyen 15 Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 (OSHA) serta Seksyen 17 OSHA.\n\nIni bagi memastikan kesihatan kedua-dua pihak dilindungi daripada risiko kualiti udara dalaman yang tidak baik, yang sekali gus menjejaskan produktiviti mereka.\n\nBagaimana agaknya keadaan bangunan di mana anda bekerja?\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Fadhli Mohd Yusof\n\n\nGeneral Practice & Occupational Medicine\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nMD (UKM), OHD (NIOSH)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMungkinkah Pejabat Anda Ada 'Sindrom Bangunan Sakit'? \u2013 Bernama.com, 25 Ogos 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHealth Hazards Of Working In A \u2018sick\u2019 Building \u2013 Bernama.com, 25 August 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Bernama.com, 25 Ogos 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOccupational Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/muscle-health-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Muscle Health - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nMuscle Health - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 03, 2013\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nHealthy muscles matter - and not just for the Mr. Universe competition. They can also play a huge role in general health and disease prevention. Dr. Harjeet tells us more.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/musculoskeletal-injuries-adults-and-children", "title": "Musculoskeletal Injuries in Adults and Children", "body": "\n\n\n\nMusculoskeletal Injuries in Adults and Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 21, 2023\n \n\nMusculoskeletal injuries are common injuries that may occur everyday. Certain injuries are more common in certain age groups. This might be due to differences in the anatomy, physiology and the activities of people in this age groups.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDifferent risks and results\n\nFor children and teenagers, bones are immature. The weakest point of their growing skeleton is the growth plate. This is a necessary structure in every child and young person who continue to grow, making their bones more susceptible to injuries. Therefore, fractures around the wrist and elbow are more commonly seen in this age group following a fall.\n\nHigh risk accidents that commonly happens to children will cause falls and fractures. Usually this tends to happen around the elbow and wrist because children are usually at play when this happens, such as falling at the playground\u2019s monkey bar with one hand automatically reaching out to the ground to catch themselves. Sometimes this action can cause fractures of the forearm that occurs near the wrist joint.\n\nBehaviour also determines the risk of injuries to a child. Between a child who is super active and a child who is timid and shy, chances are the former may experience falls more than the latter. As habit would have it, children and teenager are naturally more active. Their engagement in active play poses risk of injuries. Children with smaller sized bones are also more susceptible to injuries compared to a larger-sized child.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTeens, adults and the elderly\n\n\n\nAs for teenagers, they tend to get fractures from overused injuries with the most common part being the knee and foot. This can affect their growth plates along with bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons. When the growth plate is affected, it will need immediate treatment as this affects how the bone will grow in the future. If nothing is done after the injury, the bone may become crooked. It may even become shorter than the opposite limb.\n\nWhen it comes to adults, the common injuries will usually involve vehicle accidents and sport injuries. As an adult, in urban areas especially, driving is something you do every day. The risks are always there especially if you are not a safe driver. Fractures and ligamentous injuries by far are the most common in accidents.\n\nAs for the elderly, they posses a reduced sense of balance and coordination that contributes to an increase in susceptibility to falls. More over, osteoporosis will result in the reduction of their bone density. This will make the bone more prone to fractures even when faced with trivial accidents such as a fall in the bathroom.\n\nFor example, a young man in his 20s who falls on his buttocks may get up, brush himself off and carry on walking. But a man who is in his 70s need only to slip on a slippery surface and suffer a serious fracture. These are osteoporotic fractures which happen among the older generation because their bones are porous and weak.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPrevention tips\n\n\n\nVigilance in supervising children during their activities will help in reducing these injuries. Being more cautious especially at the playground. For example, it is common for children to fall while playing monkey bar at the park.\n\nTo prevent injuries from happening to children, parents need to be more vigilant in supervising their children (even some teenagers need supervising!). Be more cautious at the park as they run around the playground, skating rink or football field. There have been many cases where children experience falls at the monkey bar thus causing fractures.\n\nA home with young children needs to be child-proofed. Likewise, our elders. Provide a safe environment for them so as to eliminate risks of falling. Ensure floors and rugs are not slippery. The bathroom is one of the most dangerous areas in the house. Make sure the tiles are dry before walking in or use a non-slip mat to avoid slipping. If you have to walk in when tiles are wet, ensure you hold on to something for support like the sink or the towel rack. Also, avoid thick carpets to prevent an uneven surface which can be an accident risk too.\n\nOther than road accidents, hobbies can become a risk too such as futsal, football, tennis and the likes. Of course, one must exercise but do not forget to warm up and play with the right technique and in the right attire, in order to minimise chances of injury. Don\u2019t underestimate the importance of proper socks and shoes to cushion stomping action. Most importantly -- warm up before you start any form of sports.\n\nThis is a must!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Paisal Hussin\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nMBBS (UM), M Orthopedic Surgery (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nLook for \nOrthopedics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/my-baby-has-abnormal-ears", "title": "My baby has abnormal ears", "body": "\n\n\n\nMy baby has abnormal ears\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 15, 2011\n \n\nRecently I had to counsel a young couple who just had the birth of their first child. Their baby was noted to have an abnormal ear on one side. Otherwise the baby was healthy and had no other medical problems.\n\nThe news of having a newborn baby with an abnormality is devastating for the parents. It is a normal reaction as one tries to cope with the fact that there is \u2018something wrong\u2019. It often takes time for the parents as well as the attending doctor to help the parents to accept the condition of their baby.\nWhat is microtia?\n\nMicrotia is a condition when there is abnormal development of the outer ear that results in a small or underdeveloped pinna. It is a congenital condition that occur one in every 6,000 births. It occurs more often in boys than girls. It typically involves one ear but can occur in both ears. Patients may have narrowed or absent ear canal (canal atresia).\n\nThe hearing of the affected ear is reduced because of the abnormal ear canal. Usually the inner ear (cochlea) is normal. Hearing rehabilitation is important if both ears are involved.\nWhat assessments are necessary at birth?\n\nMicrotia is not a life threatening condition. However it can be feature of a syndrome such as Goldenhar syndrome, hemifacial microsomia or Treacher Collins syndrome. The pediatrician will normally assess for any syndromic features and associated anomalies soon after birth.\n\nThe hearing of the affected ear is usually reduced because the structures in the middle ear can be affected as well. In children with unilateral microtia, hearing in the other ear is usually normal. However a hearing test must be done to confirm this. A baby with normal hearing in only one ear will usually develop speech and language as other babies with no hearing problems.\n\nIf both ears are affected, a hearing aid is fitted as early as possible. A bone conduction hearing aid is recommended and it is often worn on a headband in a very young child.\nWhat is the management plan for the child?\n\nIf the initial assessments done at birth show that the microtia is an isolated problem and that hearing issues are resolved then the child\u2019s developmental milestones should be normal.\n\nA computed scan of the temporal bone (ear) is usually done when the child reaches 4-5 years old. This scan will show the status of the middle ear structures such as the ossicles and the size of the middle ear cavity. It will also show if there is cholesteatoma present. Cholesteatoma is accumulation of dead skin trapped within the absent ear canal. If cholesteatoma exists, the ENT surgeon would perform an ear exploration surgery to remove the cholesteatoma.\nWhen is ear cosmetic surgery considered?\n\nEar (pinna) reconstruction is considered when the child is of school-going age. The child\u2019s ear reaches adult size around the age of 6 years. Any surgery performed before this age will result in mismatched ears.\n\nThere are a few treatment options available for ear cosmetic surgery:\n\nEar reconstruction using rib graft\n\n\n\nThe pinna can be reconstructed using the patient\u2019s rib cartilage as a graft. The rib cartilage is harvested and carved into the shape of the pinna before implanting under the skin. This surgery is usually performed at an older age around 10 years old to ensure adequate rib cartilage size. Ear reconstruction surgery is done in stages with 3 to 6 months apart between each procedure.\n\nProsthetic ears\n\n\n\nThe child can be fitted with false ear which can be fixed onto the skull through implants and fixtures. This surgery can be performed when the child is around 7 years old. The false ear is sculptured from a silicone material and colored according to the patient\u2019s skin tone. The surgery is usually performed in 2 stages.\nIs there surgery to improve the hearing?\n\nSurgery to improve hearing is performed after the pinna reconstruction surgery is completed. The canal reconstruction surgery involves drilling out the bone to form a new ear canal and lining the canal with split skin graft. The hearing outcome of this surgery depends on the condition of the middle and inner ear structures. The ENT surgeon would advise if the patient is suitable for this surgery based on the CT scan images.\nDr. Mazita Ami\n\nConsultant Ear, Nose, Throat- Head & Neck Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/my-child-has-not-started-talking", "title": "My Child Has Not Started Talking", "body": "\n\n\n\nMy Child Has Not Started Talking\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 20, 2020\n \n\nI recently met a couple with a 2\u00bd-year old son who voiced out their concerns to me that their son has not started talking. He has not uttered a single comprehensible word and he only uses finger-pointing and gesturing for communicating. Other than this, he had an uneventful birth history, is a very active and energetic toddler with normal physical development, and has no symptoms to suggest any underlying illness. What could be the reason for this speech delay?\n\nBefore we start to discuss the possibilities, in this case, I would like to comment that children develop progressively on their own timeline. About 10 to 20 percent of two-year-olds, the majority being boys, are late to develop speech and language. Given time, most of them would catch up by three years old. There might not necessarily be a serious problem if a child seems to start speaking a bit later than others because he or she is a \u2018late bloomer\u2019. However, there are things that are typical for the common majority of children depicting what they can do at a certain age. For instance, a typical two-year-old will be able to speak up to 50 words in two or three-word sentences. The vocabulary of a three-year-old is certainly much higher with up to 1000 words. They can even tell short stories. Knowing what is normal helps to detect what is not. \nBelow are the common speech milestones in children:\n\n\nBirth to five months: \nCoos / Laughs / Cries / Giggles / Makes noise when talked to\n\n\nSix to 11 months: \nBabbles / Says first word / \u2018Ma-ma\u2019 or \u2018Pa-pa\u2019 / Repeats sounds\n\n\n12 to 17 months: \nVocabulary of about 5 words / Can imitate simple words\n\n\n18 to 23 months: \nUses two-word sentences / Vocabulary 50 words / Unclear pronunciation\n\n\nTwo to three years: Uses three-word sentences / Answers simple questions / Uses pronouns like \u2018you\u2019, \u2018I\u2019, \u2018me\u2019 / Uses descriptive words such as \u2018happy\u2019, \u2018big\u2019 / Strangers may not understand speech\n\n\nThree to four years: \nIdentifies colors / Describes the use of objects / Expresses feelings and emotion / Strangers may understand what is said\n\n\n\nA child may have speech delay if he or she is unable to fit in the common milestones. Most of the time they will catch up at a later age but it is important to not miss actual problems that cause speech and language delay. They include:\n\nHearing loss\n\n\nPrematurity and development delay\n\n\nAutism spectrum disorder\n\n\nLearning disability\n\n\nNeurological disorders \u2013 Cerebral palsy / Muscular dystrophy / Traumatic brain injury\n\n\nAnkyloglossia or tongue-tie\n\n\nParental neglect or lack of stimulation\n\n\n\nA suspected child with speech delay will be assessed for risk factors of having the conditions above. Questions will be asked on birth history, family history, speech and language capabilities, and developmental milestones. The child\u2019s ears, mouth, palate, tongue, and the neurological system will also be examined. Depending on this initial screening, the child can be further subjected to audiological tests, referred to as an ear, nose & throat surgeon, speech-language pathologist, or a pediatric neurologist.\n\nAudiological tests to assess the child\u2019s hearing include Otoacoustic emissions (OAE), tympanometry, and brain stem evoked audiometry (BSER). If a child is found to have hearing loss, this is further categorized to type; conductive hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss and severity of the hearing loss; mild to profound.\nTreatment of speech delay will depend on the cause.\n If the developmental delay is merely speech with no other associated conditions, speech and language therapy may be the only treatment needed. It offers a good outcome especially when initiated early. Even when speech delay is caused by other additional factors, speech and language therapy by a trained therapist helps as part of an overall effective treatment plan.\n\nWhen the speech delay is associated with other disorders as mentioned above, it is important to address those issues as well, in addition to speech and language therapy. These include treating the hearing loss, correcting mouth or tongue abnormalities, physical or occupational therapy, behavioral therapy and also treating underlying neurological disorders.\n\nAs parents, it is good practice to be observant of your children\u2019s capabilities and developmental milestones. Equally commendable would be to encourage and nurture your child\u2019s speech by the \nmethods\n below:\n\nTalk to your child. Use proper words with good eye contact. Give your full attention.\n\n\nPoint or gesture to the objects as you describe or narrate.\n\n\nRead together with your child. Tell easy to understand stories.\n\n\nBe patient when talking to them. Explain things carefully using simple words.\n\n\nSing together simple songs or nursery rhymes.\n\n\nLet them answer questions posed by other people instead of answering on their behalf.\n\n\nAsk them questions with multiple answers and give them plenty of time to answer.\n\n\nAllow your child to interact and play with children who have good speech and language skills.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nAs a closing note, your child\u2019s speech delay might just be him or her being a \u2018late bloomer\u2019 but it can be caused by something else as mentioned above. Be vigilant. Bring your child to a medical practitioner preferably before three years old for an early assessment and intervention as this has proven to bear successful outcomes. \n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Adzreil Bin Bakri\n\n\nConsultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCS (ENT) (Edinburgh), M ORL-HNS (UM), CMIA (NIOSH), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMy Child Has Not Started Talking \u2013 BabyTalk\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in BabyTalk.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nEar, Nose & Throat\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/my-vision-stolen", "title": "My VISION Is Stolen!!!", "body": "\n\n\n\nMy VISION Is Stolen!!!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 03, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: stjameshospital.com\nWhat is Vision?\n\nSIGHT: sense faculty to see people and things around us.\nWhy is Sight Important?\n\nVisual Acuity defines the clarity of the visual perception of an image. Vision can be lost at birth or during the lifetime painlessly or painfully for various reasons.\n\nPain in vision draws one\u2019s attention to seek medical treatment.\n\nPainless loss of vision is akin to termites silently causing destruction from the inside without initial symptoms. One common permanent loss of vision is Glaucoma.\nWhen does GLAUCOMA occur?\n\nGlaucoma is a condition where the optic nerve is damaged from increased intraocular pressure without us being aware.\nGlaucoma damage is permanent and it is not reversible.\n \n\nAqueous humor controls the pressure inside the eyes to keep the eyeball firm. It is secreted in the ciliary body and passed through the pupil into the space between the iris and the cornea. Aqueous is drained through the Trabecular meshwork at the anterior chamber angle (Fig 1).\n\n\u00a0\n\nFig 1. Cross Section of the Eye\n\n\nGroups at Risk:\n\n\nMale/female over 40\n\n\nEast-Asian/African American ancestry\n\n\nFamily history of glaucoma\n\n\nPeople who have high eye pressure; either far-sighted or near-sighted; have an eye injury; taking steroid eye drops or orally; thinner central corneal thickness; thinning optic nerve; diabetes; migraines; hypertension or other health-related problems\n\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO) Eye Screening Recommendation\nGlaucoma has no symptoms in early stages.\n\nMany people are unaware of this silent but preventable blindness. Regular eye screening helps to detect this disease before vision is lost.\nGlaucoma Screening for normal individuals:\n\n\nOnce in every 2 years for persons 40 years and above\n\n\nYearly for persons 50 years and above\n\n\nScreen for intraocular pressure if immediate family is diagnosed with glaucoma\n\n\nFull eye examination every 5 to 10 years if person is below 40 years with no known risk factors (American Academy of Ophthalmology)\n\n\nScreening schedules for individuals at risk of glaucoma:\n\n\n1 \u2013 3 years for persons aged 40 \u2013 50 years\n\n\n1 \u2013 2 years for persons aged 55 \u2013 64 years\n\n\n6 \u2013 12 months for persons aged 65 years and above\n\n\nHow is Glaucoma treated?\n\nPrognosis through medication and surgery to prevent further optic nerve damage is good.\nTreatment Options\n\n\nGlaucoma is usually controlled with eye drop medications. Used daily, the eye drops lower intraocular pressure by reducing the amount of aqueous fluid produced by the eyes or helps the fluid flow better through the drainage angle.\n\n\nLaser surgery helps to drain the aqueous fluid from the eye. The various procedure types can be carried out in the ophthalmologist\u2019s clinic or as outpatient in the surgical centre:\n\nTrabeculoplasty\nThis surgery is for persons with open-angle glaucoma. The surgeon uses the laser to facilitate the drainage angle function better, in order for the fluid to flow out properly, thus reducing the eye pressure.\n\n\nIridotomy\nThis procedure is recommended for persons with angle-closure glaucoma. The ophthalmologist uses the laser to create a tiny hole in the iris allowing the fluid to flow towards the drainage angle.\n\n\n\n\nSurgery\n\nTrabeculectomy\nThe surgeon creates a tiny flap in the sclera and a bubble in the conjunctiva called a filtration bleb to drain the aqueous humor (Fig 2).\n\nIn the bleb, the fluid is absorbed by the tissue around the eye, hence lowering the eye pressure.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFig 2. Trabeculectomy\n\n\n\n\nGlaucoma Drainage Implant\n- The ophthalmologist may implant a tiny drainage tube in the eye (Fig 3).\n\n- It sends the fluid to a collection area called a reservoir.\n\n- The surgeon creates the reservoir beneath the conjunctiva.\n\n- The fluid is absorbed into nearby blood vessels.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFig 3. Glaucoma Drainage Implant \n\n\n\n\n\n\nAdvisory Highlights\n\n\nTeam effort between patients and doctor\n\n\nAdhere to doctor\u2019s instructions\n\n\nVisit the doctor every 3 \u2013 6 months\n\n\nRefer enquiries to consultant\n\n\nDr. Mohd Hassan @ Maung Maung Win\n\nConsultant Ophthalmologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/myths-about-breast-cancer-and-why-they-arent-true", "title": "Myths About Breast Cancer and Why They Aren\u2019t True", "body": "\n\n\n\nMyths About Breast Cancer and Why They Aren\u2019t True\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 04, 2019\n \n\nWe are surrounded by tons of information about breast cancer \u2013 some good and some bad.\n\nThe Internet can be a huge help, but it can also cause a lot of confusion. While our family members and friends have the best intentions in giving information to protect us, not everything they say may be true.\n\nHere are some of the common misconceptions or myths that we often come across:\nMyth: If you do not have a family history of breast cancer, you are safe. You will not get it.\nTruth\n: Although family history of breast cancer is a significant risk factor for developing breast cancer, only 5-10% of breast cancer cases are inherited. The remaining 90-95% of cases are by chance. This simply means that if we do not have a family member with breast cancer, we are not spared from the disease.\n\nAs mentioned, the vast majority of patients with breast cancer have no family history, suggesting that there are many other factors involved in developing the disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nMyth: Wearing an underwired bra causes breast cancer.\nFact\n: The proposed theory for this myth is that wearing an underwired bra could restrict the flow of lymphatic fluid out of the breasts, causing a build-up of toxins within breast tissue, which then leads to the development of breast cancer.\n\nHowever, research has found no evidence that any aspect of bra-wearing is associated with increased risk of breast cancer. You can keep wearing your bra, ladies!\nMyth: Using underarm antiperspirants leads to breast cancer.\nFact\n: There are rumours that underarm antiperspirants, especially those containing aluminium salts and other chemicals such as parabens, are absorbed into the lymph nodes and breast tissue, therefore increasing the risk of breast cancer.\n\n\n\nShaving is also believed to make things worse as the small cuts or nicks from shaving purportedly increase the rate of absorption of such chemicals. Some studies have shown that women who use aluminium-based underarm products have higher concentrations of aluminium in their breast tissues.\n\nHowever, based on available literature, there is no evidence of a link between the use of antiperspirants and breast cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMyth: Mammograms are unsafe because they give out too much radiation.\nFact\n: The mammogram remains the gold standard for early detection of breast cancer.\n\nThere is often a misconception that a mammogram causes more harm than benefit as it involves high doses of radiation. However, modern mammography equipment is able to produce high quality breast images with low doses of radiation. The total dose for a standard screening mammogram is only about 0.4 miliSievert (mSv).\n\nTo put that number in perspective, we are typically exposed to an average of 3 mSv of radiation each year from background sources such as rocks and soil. There is no doubt that the benefits of early detection and early treatment of breast cancer far outweigh the possible harm from the very low dose radiation exposure by mammograms.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMyth: Only women develop breast cancer. Men do not get breast cancer.\nFact\n: Although breast cancer commonly affects women, it does occur in men too. Sadly, there is lack of awareness among men and they are less likely to suspect that a lump in their breast could be cancerous. This causes a delay in seeking treatment.\n\nIn the presence of any suspicious breast lump in men, they should come forward quickly for assessment.\nMyth: Consuming dairy products increase the risk of developing breast cancer.\nFact\n: The association between dairy intake and breast cancer risk is often discussed. If we think about it carefully, assessment of dietary factors in relation to cancer risk is difficult and is affected by many potential biases.\n\nFor example, persons with high milk consumption may likely consume large amounts of meat or other high fat foods that could also contribute to an increased cancer risk. Therefore, it is difficult to completely separate the effects of milk or dairy products from other nutrients in order to assess the risk.\n\nAnother important question is whether the cow, which is the source of the milk has received any growth hormones, which could potentially increase the insulin-like growth factors that could in turn stimulate malignant cells to grow rapidly. Although several interesting hypotheses link dairy products and breast cancer, the available evidence does not support a strong association between these two.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kiran Kaur D/O Amer Singh\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\nBSc (Hons) (Biomedicine) (UPM), MD (UPM), M Surgery (UM), Special Interest In Breast Surgery\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMyths About Breast Cancer and Why They Aren\u2019t True \u2013 The Star Online, 22 October 2019\n\n\nMyths About Breast Cancer and Why They Aren\u2019t True \u2013 The Star, 22 October 2019\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 22 October 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/myths-old-wives-tales-about-pregnancy-revealed", "title": "Myths & Old Wives Tales About Pregnancy: Revealed", "body": "\n\n\n\nMyths & Old Wives Tales About Pregnancy: Revealed\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 24, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nThere are so many local myths and old wives tales about pregnancy. While some of them are entertaining, others can be downright harmful. Especially those that involve the mother and baby\u2019s health and wellbeing.\u00a0\n\nWe had a chat with Dr Victor Chin, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Cheras to help debunk some of these popular myths and old wives tales about pregnancy so that you can make informed decisions about you and your child\u2019s health.\u00a0\n\nMyth 1: You should eat for two during pregnancy.\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nSo, as far as I\u2019m concerned, in pregnancy, it\u2019s important to maintain a good nutrition intake and normal calorie intake. As long as you\u2019re maintaining your regular diet, healthy diet along with proper supplements, that should be fine.\u00a0\n\nThat should be enough and sufficient for both mummy and baby. So, you don\u2019t really have to take extra or force yourself to eat much or eat for two. Eating for one person would be enough. Intake should also be according to the mother\u2019s lifestyle as well.\u00a0\n\nLet\u2019s say, she wants to exercise. Just light and gentle exercises; like brisk walking, some yoga. That should be fine. In terms of diet, just a regular diet, you know, less sugar, high protein, high fibre intake, that would be just sufficient.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nOn top of that, for the first trimester, add on things like folic acid, and you know, you have plenty of supplements available in the market that you can do your own survey. You don\u2019t really have to force feed. A regular diet, your normal diet should be sufficient.\u00a0\n\nMyth 2: All bleeding during the first trimester means a miscarriage.\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nIt depends on where the bleeding is coming from. So, in the female reproductive tract, we have the uterus, cervix and vagina.\u00a0\n\nIf the bleeding is coming from the vagina or the cervix, it does not necessarily mean that you\u2019re having a miscarriage. Of course, the chances of miscarriage during the first trimester are about 20 to 25%, which is quite common.\u00a0\n\nIf you have any bleeding, especially if the bleeding is a fresh red colour, you might want to visit your doctor to get yourself checked.\u00a0\n\nThere are some common cases of bleeding that may happen when you\u2019re in your first trimester.\u00a0\n\nFor example, if you have a polyp on the cervix, it can cause bleeding. Or if you have a cyst in the vagina which ruptures during the pregnancy, it can cause bleeding as well.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nAnd of course, if you have a miscarriage, you can have bleeding. Certain pregnancy conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, it can manifest as early pregnancy bleeding.\u00a0\n\nSo, it does not necessarily mean that you have a miscarriage. Having said that, being prepared for any potential pregnancy complication is important as it can help to minimise risk and ensure the best possible outcome for both mother and baby.\u00a0\n\nIf you are in pain and bleeding, you should get to your doctor as soon as possible. But if the bleeding has stopped, for example, sometimes you might have some bleeding in the middle of the night. Or probably just brownish discharge.\u00a0\n\nThis could be due to an infection. Or possibly a miscarriage. You can always contact your doctors, the next day to have yourself examined.\u00a0\n\nSo, don\u2019t panic. Just take it easy.\u00a0\n\nMyth 3: Being healthy guarantees a smooth pregnancy.\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nIt depends on what is your definition for healthy.\u00a0\n\nSome girls, they might have underlying conditions. Like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Or some people might not have had any medical examinations before.\u00a0\n\nSo preferably, all women that are pregnant need to have proper blood tests and physical examinations before they call themselves healthy.\u00a0\n\nSo how it works is usually at the very beginning of the pregnancy, we will triage a lady based on her risk factors.\u00a0\n\nFor example, age, based on their family history, based on their previous history, we will triage them based on those risk factors.\u00a0\n\nThen we will categorise them based on low risk, medium risk or high-risk pregnancy.\u00a0\n\nSo even though you are healthy, it\u2019s always good to see your doctor earlier in the pregnancy stages to have all these things sorted out, and then you can have better planning for your pregnancy and a smoother pregnancy experience.\u00a0\n\nMyth 4: All mothers are blissful and happy after childbirth.\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nChildbirth is a tedious process. Giving birth is a labour.\u00a0\n\nYou need to go through many long hours of pushing. You know, it\u2019s physically tiring.\u00a0\n\nThen you have a newborn. And when the baby cries, you\u2019ll be feeding the baby; then you get tired.\u00a0\n\nSo, for the first few days, postpartum blues is very common.\u00a0\n\nEspecially the first 2 to 5 days perhaps, and subsequently you might get mothers who fall into postpartum depression. So, these are the period where the mum needs to be well observed and well taken care of.\u00a0\n\nAnd that\u2019s when your doctors, or your carers come into play.\u00a0\n\nPartners are very important as well. So, all the daddies out there, you need to keep an eye on your wife.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Victor Chin\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nMBBS (India), MRCOG (UK), Fellowship in Advanced Gynecologic Endoscopic Surgery (Australia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMyths & Old Wives Tales About Pregnancy: Revealed \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 23 May 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 23 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/nak-bersalin-anak-kembar-ketahui-risiko-masa-process-kelahiran", "title": "Nak Bersalin Anak Kembar, Ketahui Risiko Masa Process Kelahiran", "body": "\n\n\n\nNak Bersalin Anak Kembar, Ketahui Risiko Masa Process Kelahiran\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 14, 2018\n \n\nKandungan kembar adalah dalam kategori kandungan berisiko tinggi dan perlu dipantau doktor pakar sepanjang kehamilan dan kelahiran. Bagaimana untuk merancang kelahiran kandungan kembar?\n\nMenurut Dr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan, Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau mengenai persediaan yang perlu dilakukan dan proses kelahiran bayi kembar.\n\n\u201cBiasanya doktor akan berbincang dengan pesakit akan cara kelahiran dan menyarankan kaedah kelahiran yang sesuai situasi kehamilan. Kira-kira enam daripada 10 kandungan kembar akan lahir secara pembedahan caesarean,\u201d kata Dr Sharina.\n\nIdealnya kandungan kembar harus dipantau oleh pakar sakit puan dan seeloknya kelahiran di hospital yang mempunyai kemudahan seperti NICU ( Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) kerana kandungan kembar berisiko tinggi untuk bersalin awal.\nSejak dulu lagi, telah menjadi praktis biasa oleh semua pakar sakit puan untuk menggalakkan kelahiran secara normal sekiranya kembar pertama berada pada kedudukan kepala di bawah\n\nWalaubagaimanapun, pakar-pakar mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza dan pakar di luar negara mungkin mempunyai pendapat berlainan tentang cara terbaik menyambut kelahiran kembar berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan di negara berkenaan.\nBOLEHKAH DILAHIRKAN SECARA NORMAL?\n\nKelahiran secara normal boleh dilakukan dengan syarat kandungan atau ibu tersebut adalah;\n\nKembar tidak lebih daripada dua dan bukan kembar bercantum/siam (conjoint twin).\n\n\nKedudukan bayi yang sesuai untuk kelahiran- kembar pertama mestilah berada dalam kedudukan kepala berada di bawah(kedudukan kepala kembar kedua begitu penting kerana kebanyakan masa kedudukan mereka akan berubah selepas kelahiran kembar pertama)\n\n\nIbu tidak mempunyai komplikasi tekanan darah tinggi yang berbahaya (pre eclampsia)\n\n\nIbu tidak mempunyai penyakit kronik yang lain seperti Penyakit Jantung\n\n\nberat bayi melebihi 2kg\n\n\nkandungan bukan pramatang\n\n\ntiada komplikasi \u2018growth restriction\u2019 pada bayi (bayi terlalu kecil)\n\n\ntiada growth discordant (satu bayi terlalu kecil berbanding dgn kembarnya)\n\n\nkedua dua bayi sihat ( tiada Fetal compromise or abnormal\n\n\nSejarah kelahiran caesarean atau pembedahan lain ke atas rahim sebelum ini (kerana boleh meningkatkan risiko uterine rapture).\n\n\nKELAHIRAN SECARA NORMAL BERISIKO\n\nKelahiran normal bagi kembar memerlukan kedudukan kepala bayi pertama di bawah.\n\nSekiranya kedua dua kepala bayi berada di bawah, bayi kedua akan dilahirkan pada kontraksi seterusnya selepas kelahiran bayi pertama\n\nSekiranya bayi kedua pula melintang ( prosedur External Cephalic Version (ECV) atau Internal Podalic Version (ICV) perlu dilakukan untuk menukar posisi menjadi songsang (breech)/ kepala dibawah(cephalic). ICV adalah sangat berisiko tinggi dan jarang jarang dilakukan pada masa kini.\n\nAdalah penting untuk memastikan bayi berada dlm keadaan longitudinal/memanjang dan tidak melintang. Sekiranya bayi kekal melintang, bayi terpaksa dilahirkan melalui pembedahan Caesarean.\n\nNamun, perlu diketahui kelahiran kembar secara normal haruslah dilakukan dengan kehadiran doktor pakar yg berpengalaman kerana banyak komplikasi boleh berlaku seperti cord prolapse (tali pusat terkeluar dan bayi boleh lemas) dan fetal distress (bayi lemas).\nKESELAMATAN JANIN\n\nAntara sebab utama doktor mengesyorkan ibu untuk melahirkan secara pembedahan caesarean ialah keselamatan kedua-dua bayi dan untuk mengelakkan keadaan retained second twin ( bayi kedua kekal dalam keadaan melintang) atau bayi kedua lemas kerana kesukAran memantau kedua dua bayi semasa dalam proses bersalin\n\nKontraksi rahim merupakan satu bentuk \nstress\n kepada bayi dan boleh mengakibatkan bayi lemas.\n\nKadangkala adalah sukar untuk memantau (monitor) kembar kedua kerana kedudukannya yg mungkin berada dia belakang kembar pertama. Sekiranya ada kesukaran ini, sesetengah doktor pakar akan mencadangkan kelahiran secara pembedahan Caesarean\nPEMILIHAN HOSPITAL MESTI MEMPUNYAI CIRI-CIRI INI\n\nSelepas mengetahui akan risiko yang boleh berlaku dalam proses kelahiran maka, ibu bapa perlu bijak merancang lebih awal dan mempertimbangkan saranan daripada doktor. Antara perkara yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan hospital bersalin ialah;\n\nMengutamakan pemilihan hospital yang mempunyai kemudahan untuk ibu dan anak.\n\n\nMempunyai wad penjagaan neonatal yang mencukupi untuk menempatkan bayi yang kembar yang lazimnya lahir pada usia pramatang.\n\n\nBekalan darah yang mencukupi kerana kelahiran kembar mempunyai risiko tumpah darah sangat tinggi dimana rahim sukar untuk mengecut.\n\n\nJumlah pakar pediatrik yang mencukupi iaitu seorang bagi setiap bayi.\n\n\nMempunyai kemudahan teknikal yang mudah kerana kemungkinan pesakit memerlukan pembedahan caesarean secara kecemasan amat tinggi.\n\n\n5 INFO MENGENAI KELAHIRAN KEMBAR\n\n\nBagi kandungan kembar tiga ke atas, mereka hanya boleh dilahirkan secara caeserean sahaja.\n\n\nBiasanya bagi kandungan yang perlu dilahirkan secara caesarean, pembedahan akan dijadualkan pada minggu ke-3 hingga ke-37 atau lebih awal bergantung pada keadaan ibu dan janin dan juga bergantung kepada jenis kembar (monochorionic atau dichorionic)\n\n\nmasa untuk kelahiran kembar bergantung pada jenis kembar; seawal 32 minggu sekiranya kembar berkongsi plasenta dan berada dalam kantung amnion yg sama (monochorionic monoamniotic)\n\n\nKembar dua yang mempunyai dua plasenta berasingan dan berada dalam kantung amnion berbeza (selalunya boleh bersalin normal jika keadaan ibu sihat dan tiada komplikasi lain.Ini adalah jenis kembar yang paling kurang berisiko kerana kedua dua bayi mempunyai unit plasenta nya sendiri\n\n\nMasalah \u2018retained second twin\u2019 boleh berlaku di mana bayi kedua terperangkap dalam rahim dengan keadaan songsang dan pembedahan caesarean kecemasan perlu dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa bayi.\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rumau\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 14 September 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nNak Bersalin Anak Kembar, Ketahui Risiko Masa Process Kelahiran - Majalah Pa&Ma, 14 September 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/nak-hamil-anak-pertama-tiada-masalah-tapi-anak-kedua-susah-pula-nak-lekat", "title": "Nak Hamil Anak Pertama Tiada Masalah, Tapi Anak Kedua Susah Pula Nak Lekat", "body": "\n\n\n\nNak Hamil Anak Pertama Tiada Masalah, Tapi Anak Kedua Susah Pula Nak Lekat\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 07, 2018\n \n\nKesukaran untuk anak kedua atau seterusnya sering dihadapi sesetengah pasangan. Anak pertama berupaya hamil dengan mudah, tetapi bila anak kedua, ketiga atau seterusnya, mama jadi sukar untuk hamil. Kenapa ye?\n\nAda yang mengadu kitaran haid tidak menentu walhal sebelum ini tiada masalah. Ada kala tiada haid, haid yang singkat dan ada waktunya haid keluar berketul-ketul. persoalannya adakah masalah kitaran haid ini yang menjadi punca sukar untuk mendapatkan cahaya mata?\n\u201cSECONDARY INFERTILITY\u201d \nATAU MASALAH KESUBURAN SEKUNDER\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Seremban, \nkeadaan ini sebagai \n\u201csecondary infertility\u201d \natau masalah kesuburan sekunder.\n Ia berlaku apabila seseorang wanita mendapati dirinya sukar untuk hamil semula setelah mengalami satu atau lebih kehamilan atau keguguran.\n\nBagi mengesan punca, pasangan suami isteri perlu hadir sendiri ke klinik untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan dan penyiasatan yang melibatkan ujian asas sebelum memberi ubat subur kepada pasangan yang bermasalah.\n\n\u201cSaya ingin menekankan bahawa haid yang tidak teratur bukan bermakna seseorang wanita itu tidak menghasilkan telur atau benih. Tetapi haid yang tidak teratur mungkin bererti telur atau benih yang dihasilkan adalah secara rambang sehingga menyebabkan pasangan sukar untuk menentukan bilakah waktu subur untuk mengadakan hubungan intim bersama suami,\u201d kata Dr Norintan.\n\nSebanyak 33% pasangan lulus ujian kesuburan tetapi masih belum hamil dikenali sebagai\n unexplained infertility\n.\nGUNAKAN KIT OVULASI\n\nWanita yang menghadapi masalah untuk mengira atau menentukan hari subur bolehlah menentukan waktu subur menggunakan kit ovulasi yang asli untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang lebih tepat!\n\nJika kit menunjukkan anda tidak mempunyai ovulasi (waktu subur), doktor boleh melakukan pemeriksaan imbasan atau \u201c\ntransvaginal ultrasound\n\u201d untuk memeriksa keadaan ovari dan memantau pengeluaran telur (\ndominant follicle)\n. Pemeriksaan mungkin kerap jika doktor ingin memastikan telur tadi berkembang dan seterusnya matang.\nPERLU JALANI PEMERIKSAAN DARAH\n\nKegagalan untuk \nmenghasilkan sebiji \ndominant follicle\n \nmemerlukan pemeriksaan darah yang dikenali sebagai \nhormonal assay\n untuk memastikan pesakit sebegini tidak mengalami masalah-masalah seperti;\n\nPolycystic ovarian syndrome\n (PCOS)\n\n\nHyper \natau \nhypo-thyroidism\n\n\nHyperprolactinemia. \n\n\n\nDoktor akan juga memastikan wanita terbabit tdiak menghidap kencing manis. Jika ada, ia wajib dirawat dan distabilkan sebelum cuba untuk hamil.\nFIBROID, CYST & POLYP PENGHALANG HAMIL\n\nSelain itu, masalah fibroid dan \novarian cyst\n selalunya menjadi penghalang kehamilan. \nLebih-lebih lagi jika \novarian cyst\n tadi merupakan \nendometrioma\n atau endometriosis kerana ianya menurunkan kadar kesuburan kepada 20 hingga 30%\n\nManakala \nendometrial polyp\n pula menyebabkan dinding rahim tidak sesuai untuk kehamilan\n. Ujian \nhysterosalphingogram \n(HSG) untuk memeriksa salur Fallopian.\n\nJika kedua -dua salur Fallopian didapati tersumbat, pesakit akan dirujuk ke Unit IVF di Hospital yang mempunyai Unit Infertiliti. Namun sekiranya kedua-dua atau salah satu salur Fallopian normal tersumbat, ujian air maninya akan dilakukan kepada suami.\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 7 December 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nNak Hamil Anak Pertama Tiada Masalah, Tapi Anak Kedua Susah Pula Nak Lekat - Majalah Pa&Ma, 7 December 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/nak-mengandung-anak-pertama-mudah-tapi-anak-kedua-bertahun-cuba-susah-pula-nak-lekat", "title": "Nak Mengandung Anak Pertama Mudah Tapi Anak Kedua Bertahun Cuba Susah Pula Nak Lekat", "body": "\n\n\n\nNak Mengandung Anak Pertama Mudah Tapi Anak Kedua Bertahun Cuba Susah Pula Nak Lekat\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 28, 2019\n \nKesukaran Untuk Anak Kedua Atau Seterusnya Sering Dihadapi Sesetengah Pasangan. Anak Pertama Berupaya Hamil Dengan Mudah, Tetapi Bila Anak Kedua, Ketiga Atau Seterusnya, Mama Jadi Sukar Untuk Hamil. Kenapa Ye?\n\nAda yang mengadu kitaran haid tidak menentu walhal sebelum ini tiada masalah. Ada kala tiada haid, haid yang singkat dan ada waktunya haid keluar berketul-ketul. persoalannya adakah masalah kitaran haid ini yang menjadi punca sukar untuk mendapatkan cahaya mata?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSecondary Infertility\u201d Atau Masalah Kesuburan Sekunder\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Seremban, keadaan ini sebagai \u201csecondary infertility\u201d atau masalah kesuburan sekunder. Ia berlaku apabila seseorang wanita mendapati dirinya sukar untuk hamil semula setelah mengalami satu atau lebih kehamilan atau keguguran.\n\nBagi mengesan punca, pasangan suami isteri perlu hadir sendiri ke klinik untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan dan penyiasatan yang melibatkan ujian asas sebelum memberi ubat subur kepada pasangan yang bermasalah.\n\n\u201cSaya ingin menekankan bahawa haid yang tidak teratur bukan bermakna seseorang wanita itu tidak menghasilkan telur atau benih.\n\n\n\n\u201cTetapi haid yang tidak teratur mungkin bererti telur atau benih yang dihasilkan adalah secara rambang sehingga menyebabkan pasangan sukar untuk menentukan bilakah waktu subur untuk mengadakan hubungan intim bersama suami,\u201d kata Dr Norintan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSebanyak 33% Pasangan Lulus Ujian Kesuburan Tetapi Masih Belum Hamil Dikenali Sebagai Unexplained Infertility.\n\n\nGunakan Kit Ovulasi\n\nWanita yang menghadapi masalah untuk mengira atau menentukan hari subur bolehlah menentukan waktu subur menggunakan kit ovulasi yang asli untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang lebih tepat!\n\nJika kit menunjukkan anda tidak mempunyai ovulasi (waktu subur), doktor boleh melakukan pemeriksaan imbasan atau \u201ctransvaginal ultrasound\u201d untuk memeriksa keadaan ovari dan memantau pengeluaran telur (dominant follicle). Pemeriksaan mungkin kerap jika doktor ingin memastikan telur tadi berkembang dan seterusnya matang.\nPerlu Jalani Pemeriksaan Darah\n\nKegagalan untuk \nmenghasilkan sebiji dominant follicle\n memerlukan pemeriksaan darah yang dikenali sebagai hormonal assay untuk memastikan pesakit sebegini tidak mengalami masalah-masalah seperti;\n\nPolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)\n\n\nHyper atau hypo-thyroidism\n\n\nHyperprolactinemia.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nDoktor Akan Juga Memastikan Wanita Terbabit Tidak Menghidap Kencing Manis. Jika Ada, Ia Wajib Dirawat Dan Distabilkan Sebelum Cuba Untuk Hamil.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFibroid, Cyst & Polyp Penghalang Hamil\n\nSelain itu, masalah fibroid dan ovarian cyst selalunya menjadi penghalang kehamilan. \nLebih-lebih lagi jika ovarian cyst tadi merupakan endometrioma atau endometriosis kerana ianya menurunkan kadar kesuburan kepada 20 hingga 30%!\n\nManakala \nendometrial polyp pula menyebabkan dinding rahim tidak sesuai untuk kehamilan.\n Ujian hysterosalphingogram (HSG) untuk memeriksa salur Fallopian.\n\nJika kedua -dua salur Fallopian didapati tersumbat, pesakit akan dirujuk ke Unit IVF di Hospital yang mempunyai Unit Infertiliti. Namun sekiranya kedua-dua atau salah satu salur Fallopian normal tersumbat, ujian air maninya akan dilakukan kepada suami.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nNak Mengandung Anak Pertama Mudah Tapi Anak Kedua Bertahun Cuba Susah Pula Nak Lekat \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 24 Ogos 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 24 Ogos 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/need-for-health-checks", "title": "Need for Health Checks", "body": "\n\n\n\nNeed for Health Checks\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 21, 2017\n \n\nBeing told you have a critical illness is devastating but there are approaches you can take in order to alleviate fear and anxiety. \u201cMy advise is \u2013 don\u2019t wait for bad news. It is extremely important to go for regular screenings that can detect critical illness. The earlier you find out, the earlier you can respond\u2026\u201d Read on what our Medical Officers have to say about Health-Screenings.\n\n\u00a0\n\nNeed for Health Checks \u2013 The Star, 20 April 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/neglected-injuries-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Neglected Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nNeglected Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 23, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWhether through willful ignorance or wishful thinking, sometimes injuries get ignored. However that can cause serious long-term damage that would take more time and effort to fix than the original injury. Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, tells us more about this.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/no-burn-no-slim", "title": "No Burn, No Slim", "body": "\n\n\n\nNo Burn, No Slim\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 20, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nEvery living body needs energy to function. It is not just about the energy for jumping, dancing or running.\n\n\nEven in-body activities such as protein synthesis, maintenance of body temperature, cardiac output, respiration, muscle functions, storage and metabolism of food sources, need energy.\n\n\nYou are what you eat\n\n\nDid you know that more than 95 per cent of the food you eat provides your body's energy needs? Carbohydrates, protein and fat \u2014 these are dietary components that are sources of energy for your body.\n\n\nWhile carbohydrates and fats are completely digested in the body, protein is only partially digested.\n\n\nWhatever is undigested becomes excretion of urea and other nitrogenous products. Meanwhile, whatever is digested and absorbed from your gastrointestinal tract produces energy.\n\n\nWhenever there is excess energy and unused at that, it is stored as adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is commonly known as body fat. It is found all over the body; under the skin as subcutaneous fat, wrapped around internal organs as visceral fat, in between muscles, within the bone marrow and in breast tissues. This leads to an increase in total body fat.\n\n\nIn short, if you don\u2019t use the energy that you produce from your food intake, you gain weight. But with a little knowledge, you can strive for energy balance that will help you manage your weight better.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nStart counting calories\n\n\nThe unit for measuring body energy is called kilocalories. For every gram of carbohydrate or protein digested, the yield is four kilocalories. However, for every gram of fat digested, the yield is around nine kilocalories. Plainly put, fatty foods are high in calories.\n\n\nIf you wish to manage your body weight, it is advisable to take note of your calorie count based on your food intake. With some discipline, counting calories can help you stay within your daily calorie requirement. This is called energy balance.\n\n\nHowever, if your calorie count goes beyond your calorie requirement, you need to burn those extra calories (this is where exercise comes in), failing which, the unburnt calories will result in adipose tissues and settle in your body as fat.\n\n\nHere is an example. If your required calorie intake is 1500 a day, this means you only need that much energy to get through your day. But, say you consume 2000 calories. Now, you have an excess of 500 calories. If you don\u2019t burn 500 calories, you gain weight.\n\n\nNowadays, there are multiple apps to help you keep track of your energy expenditure. Not only can you note down your daily calorie intake, but you can also find out how many calories you burn from your physical activities.\n\n\nIf you are striving towards energy balance, monitoring the above details is a step in the right direction.\n\n\nBurning energy round the clock\n\n\nDid you know that even when you are at rest, your body still burns calories? Not as much as when you are active of course, but still, there is some in-body activity going on that relies on energy. Even breathing needs energy! Resting Energy Expenditure or REE is the amount of energy needed when we are at rest. It represents the calories required by your body during a non-active period. Your REE is influenced by age, sex, body weight, pregnancy, and hormonal status.\n\n\nAs you age, your metabolism slows down. The highest rate of energy expenditure per unit of body weight occurs during infancy and childhood but declines through adulthood.\n\n\nFor example, in your 20s, you may find that you can eat much and not gain much weight. But in your 50s, you may find it difficult to shed those extra pounds even when you eat less than before.\n\n\nAs a child, in-body activities work round the clock. There is a lot of energy that is going on inside a child\u2019s body. The energy is being produced because the child is growing. But as the child grows older, they need more REE due to body physiology.\n\n\nIn adult life, the decline continues at approximately two per cent every 10 years because of a decline in lean body mass.\n\n\nThere is a significant relationship between energy expenditure and fat-free mass, body surface area, and body weight.\n\n\nIt is also interesting to note that females have a lower energy expenditure per unit of weight than males, because generally, females have a higher proportion of body fat.\n\n\nPregnancy increases energy expenditure to support fetal growth and the increase in maternal tissues.\n\n\nSeveral hormones, including thyroxin, catecholamines, and insulin, also increase energy expenditure. Those who are obese also have a higher REE than those with normal weight.\n\n\nRich people problems\n\n\nThere are downsides to having easy access to rich foods (including fast food). Hence, body weight and obesity are rising in both developing and developed countries.\n\n\nTo maintain a stable body weight, your energy intake must match your energy expenditure in the long term for energy balance. If it far exceeds your energy expenditure, obesity becomes a risk.\n\n\nTherefore, an understanding of the physiologic control of energy balance can be useful for designing interventions to tackle obesity worldwide.\n\n\nAs a summary, by increasing the use of energy received by doing physical activities, more people will start moving (literally!) to the regulated zone of energy balance. As a result, you will have better body weight control!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNur Aiman Taslim Galli\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya \n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nNo burn, no slim - the reality behind achieving a healthy body \u2013 Sinar Daily, 12 April 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Sinar Daily, 12 April 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nDietetics & Nutrition\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/no-more-jet-lag-press-clipping", "title": "No More Jet Lag [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nNo More Jet Lag [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 01, 2015\n \n\n\u00a0\n\nNo More Jet Lag - HER WORLD Magazine, Issue May 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/no-sleep-tonight", "title": "No Sleep Tonight", "body": "\n\n\n\nNo Sleep Tonight\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2017\n \n\nDo you feel sluggish all the time? Are the usual pick-me-ups not doing their magic? Find out what may be getting between you and a good night\u2019s sleep.\n\n\u00a0\n\nNo Sleep Tonight \u2013 Her World, Issue September 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/normalising-the-need-for-eye-surgery", "title": "Normalising the Need for Eye Surgery", "body": "\n\n\n\nNormalising the Need for Eye Surgery\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 16, 2020\n \n\nTaking care of our eyesight is no easy feat as not everyone is blessed with 20/20 vision. However, as technology gets more advanced, many procedures can now be done to improve our eyesight. One of the many procedures available is vitreoretinal surgery.\n\nDr Ling Kiet Phang, consultant ophthalmologist at Columbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri, explains that vitreoretinal surgery is a group of procedures that are performed to treat eye problems involving the retina, macula and vitreous fluid. Procedures include vitrectomy, scleral buckling and intravitreal injection.\n\n\"One of the most common procedures is vitrectomy, where three micro-cannulas are inserted through the conjunctiva and sclera (white of the eye), to enable fine instruments to enter the eye,\" says Dr Ling.\n\nDifferent eye conditions require different type of procedures. Dr Ling says that there are five major conditions that require patients to undergo a vitrectomy such as vitreous haemorrhage, retinal detachment, macular surface disease, intraocular inflammation and dropped lens from primary cataract surgery.\n\nWhile it is normal for patients to be worried about the outcome of certain procedures, Dr Ling assures patients that the success rate for this surgery is relatively high. \"Vitrectomy is a fairly routine surgery and can usually be performed safely as an outpatient procedure. With the improvements in surgical techniques and advancement in instrumentation, vitreoretinal surgery has evolved rapidly over past decades.\"\n\nOther than the success rate, side effects as well as recovery time are also cause for concern for patients. Complications can include bleeding, infection, cataract and retinal detachment. Dr Ling says that while the success rate is high, the complications from vitrectomy are relatively unusual.\nA vitrectomy can usually be performed as an outpatient procedure because of advancements in surgical techniques and instrumentation.\n\nDr Ling explains, \"Bleeding inside the eye is not uncommon, especially in diabetic vitrectomy, but it mostly resolves itself. Infection in the eye (endophthalmitis) is rare but can give rise to serious loss of sight. Retinal detachment, which can happen within the first two months following vitreoretinal surgery, will require further surgery in order to repair it.\n\n\"Almost all patients develop cataract more rapidly than normal following this type of surgery. Following surgery, intraocular pressure (pressure within the eye) may rise, so you may require eye drops to control the pressure for a while.\"\n\nIn regard to the recovery time taken, Dr Ling says, \"After surgery, your vision should gradually improve, but it may take up to six months or longer to regain ideal vision.\n\nDepending on the additional procedures involved, most people are able to return to their daily activities after two to four weeks, but a full recovery often takes several months.\"\n\nDr Ling believes that many patients do not fully understand the cause of eye disease and consequences of delaying surgery, hence they worry they would become blind following the surgery.\n\nHis advice for patients who are hesitant about surgery is to bring their caregivers along to discussions with their surgeons. The patients and caregivers must be given the opportunity to receive all the information objectively and, if necessary, shown a video of the procedure the surgeon intends to perform. Vitrectomy is a low-risk procedure, but as with all procedures, talk to your doctor about what to expect before, during and after it is done.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Ling Kiet Phang\n\n\nConsultant Ophthalmologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri & Tebrau\nMBBS (UM), MD (OPHTHALMOLOGY) (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nNormalising the Need for Eye Surgery \u2013 The Star, 8 March 2020\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 8 March 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOphthalmology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/obstetric-epidural-labor-pain-control", "title": "OBSTETRIC EPIDURAL FOR LABOR PAIN CONTROL", "body": "\n\n\n\nOBSTETRIC EPIDURAL FOR LABOR PAIN CONTROL\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 07, 2011\n \n\nAlmost all women experiences pain during the process of labor and delivery. In some societies, pain during labor is considered as natural phenomenon and should be tolerated by women. Some consider childbirth's uterine contraction as severe and need intervention. In one study, 60% of primiparae described labor pain as severe and intolerable, and another 30% experienced moderate pain. In comparison, 45% of multiparae describe it as severe, and 30% experienced moderate pain.\n\nThere are multi-factors that influence the intensity of pain during labor such as age and parity, frequency of uterine contraction, stage of labor, fetal size and presentation, as well as psychological factors.\n\nWomen who experience pain during uterine contractions in childbirth can have adverse physiological effects such as prolong stomach highly acidic contents emptying, hyperventilation, increase blood pressure, dis-coordinate uterine contraction and reduced placental perfusion. These adverse effects can be minimized by effective pain control.\nWHAT METHODS OF PAIN RELIEF IS AVAILABLE?\n\nNon-pharmacological methods which might reduce use of medication to ameliorate pain\n\n\u00a0\n\nCoping strategies and support such as prepared childbirth, support from a partner and midwives, calm breathing and massage during labor, aromatherapy, reflexology, water bath.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTranscutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS)\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAcupuncture\n\n\nPharmacology methods which are commonly used\n\n\u00a0\n\nEntonox- a mixture of 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen, which is breath through a mask. It is quick to act, but effect only last for a short while. It does not reduce the pain completely, and cause dizziness.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIntramuscular opiods injection which is usually injected by midwives. It takes about half an hour to work and last for a few hours. It can cause nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, and respiratory depression to the newborn.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nEpidural analgesia is the most effective way of pain relief for labor pain. This procedure is performed by the trained anesthetists under aseptic technique.\n\n\nOBSTETRIC EPIDURAL \u2013PROCEDURES INVOLVED\n\nFirst, an intravenous cannula will be inserted on the hand, in order to run intravenous drip. Then you have to sit bending forward. The anesthetist will clean the lower back with antiseptic. After identifying the point of insertion of epidural at the lower back, the anesthetist will inject local anesthetic into your skin, so that putting in the epidural needle does not usually cause much pain. An epidural catheter (a very thin tube) is then threaded through epidural needle to reach near the nerves in your spine. The epidural catheter is left in place when the needle is taken out so local anesthetic can be given via the epidural catheter to provide pain relief throughout the course of labor.\nFigure 1: Image of epidural catheter and epidural needle\nFigure 2: Site of epidural needle insertion\nBENEFIT OF EPIDURAL ANALGESIA:\n\n\u00a0\n\nEpidurals provide better pain relief than any other treatment.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGenerally do not affect the newborn such as respiratory depression.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSpinal analgesia can be given first in the technique called combined spinal-epidural analgesia for a quicker effect of pain relief.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCan be used to provide anesthesia if caesarean section is required.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPOSSIBLE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH EPIDURAL ANALGESIA:\n\n\u00a0\n\nSecond stage of labor is longer.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHigher incidence of low blood pressure and itchiness.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMay have leg weakness if higher concentration of local anesthetic is used.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMay have difficulty in passing urine temporary.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nCan develop headache which is usually self-limiting after treatment. This is caused by accidentally puncture of dural sac (bag with fluid that surround the spinal cord).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Tan Kok Hui\n\nConsultant Anesthetist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospitals- Cheras\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/obstructive-sleep-apnea-the-not-so-silent-killer", "title": "Obstructive Sleep Apnea \u2013 The Not-So-Silent Killer", "body": "\n\n\n\nObstructive Sleep Apnea \u2013 The Not-So-Silent Killer\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 15, 2017\n \n\nArticle credit : InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 20, Jan \u2013 Mar 2017\n\nSnoring is a familiar experience afflicting both sufferers and their sleep partners (sometimes even beyond the bedroom!) and affects all of us at some point in our lives. While most see it as merely a social nuisance, which in itself can be a significant problem, there is a more sinister and dangerous condition linked to snoring.\n\nObstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a condition where a sufferer stops breathing after a period of snoring due to the collapse of soft tissues in the upper airway, particularly in the oral cavity, throat and nose. This cessation of breathing is punctuated by a moment of arousal before the cycle of snoring and \u201cchoking\u201d repeats itself. Throughout these events, the patient is not aware, but his or her partner is the one who would note such episodes.\nSO WHAT\u2019S THE BIG DEAL WITH OSA? \n\nOSA is a serious medical condition which needs urgent attention and treatment. The repeated episodes of cessation of breathing, especially if left untreated, causes strain to the heart and lungs as well as denying the brain and body the sufficient oxygen and rest it needs. It can lead to early onset of hypertension and diabetes which then leads to heart disease and stroke. For men, OSA can also cause sexual dysfunction and impotence.\n\nOSA too results in poor quality of sleep as sufferers rarely achieve deep sleep from the repeated arousals which causes tiredness and daytime sleepiness. This leads to poor work performance, mood swings, emotional irritation and increases the likelihood of motor vehicle accidents. The sleep disturbance snoring can put strain on bed partners relationship.\nWHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF OSA? \n\nApart from loud snoring, sleepiness and emotional issues highlighted earlier, patients often wake up at night to urinate. This is because the \u201clightness\u201d of their sleep makes patients aware of their bladder contents during sleep which a non-OSA sufferer otherwise would not have. They too often complain of morning headaches, dry mouth and sore throat.\nHOW IS OSA DIAGNOSED? \n\nA sleep study or polysomnography is performed to confirm and diagnose OSA. It can be done in a hospital or, ideally, in the comfort of the patient\u2019s bedroom as the test requires a minimum of six hours\u2019 sleep. The Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) is the key result from the sleep study which denotes the number of times one stops breathing (apnea) and experiences partial airway blockage (hypopnea) in an hour of sleep. An AHI of 5 or less is considered normal or insignificant; 5-15 mild OSA; 15-30 moderate OSA and 30 or more severe OSA. OSA is associated with a number of factors. Chief among them are obesity and craniofacial abnormalities such as a small or receding jaw.\nASSESSMENT \n\nWhen a patient with OSA visits his or her doctor (usually an Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon), a general physical examination is conducted particularly concentrating on the head and neck region. Things that a doctor will look for include obesity (measurement of Body Mass Index (BMI)), large neck circumference, teeth malocclusion, craniofacial anomalies, oral and nasal cavity obstructing structures such as large tonsils or nasal polyps and noisy breathing or stertor. In some patients with very severe OSA, their sleepiness is so pronounced that they may fall asleep during the consult! The doctor may perform an endoscopic examination called the Muller\u2019s Manoeuvre using a flexible telescope to assess soft tissue collapse at various points in the nose and throat region.\nWHAT ARE THE TREATMENT OPTIONS? \n\nThere is no one-fits-all treatment in OSA as the best treatment plan depends on the individual patient. In general, treatment of OSA can either be in the form of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) or surgery. CPAP is a machine that forces air into the airway via a facemask, overcoming any physical airway obstruction, during sleep, therefore, delivering the necessary oxygen to the body. This is still considered the \u201cGold Standard\u201d in treating OSA.\n\nFor a patient with obvious obstructive features in the airway like a broad soft palate, large tonsils or long uvula, surgery would be an option. This may include tonsillectomy, Cautery Assisted Palate Stiffening Operation (CAPSO), nasal surgery or even craniofacial surgery depending on the source of the problem. The effectiveness of surgery in OSA would be less in obese patients. A patient who is extremely obese (BMI of more than 40) will need to lose a significant amount of weight before any surgery could be considered. This can be done via strict diet on the advice of a dietician or bariatric surgery such as gastric banding or stapling. While undergoing such procedure and awaiting the desired results, a patient is usually put on CPAP to treat the sleep apnea before repeat assessment is done at a later time.\nCONCLUSION\n\nObstructive Sleep Apnea is a lot more common than most people realise, as a lot of the time it is just passed off as a \u201csnoring problem.\u201d This condition is a lot more serious than it seems and needs urgent attention. Various treatment options are available, and new ones are being regularly introduced, but treatment should be tailored to the individual patient. Hence, an ENT Surgeon should always be consulted in such cases.\nDr. Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong\n\nConsultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n\n\u00a0\n\nObstructive Sleep Apnea \u2013 The Not-So-Silent Killer - InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 20, Jan \u2013 Mar 2017 \n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ocular-anatomy", "title": "Ocular Anatomy", "body": "\n\n\n\nOcular Anatomy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 23, 2015\n \n\nThe eyes are one of the most complex and highly specialized sensory organs in our body. It is about 1 inch in diameter and has a volume of about 3-4 cc. They are situated within the large bony sockets called orbital cavity. The cavity is formed by 7 bones namely maxilla, palatine, zygomatic, sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid and lacrimal bone.\n\nThe eye ball is located beneath the forebrain and above the maxillary sinus. Each eye has 6 muscles attach to it and is protected by the eyelids and the tough bony orbital rim.\nImage credit: K. Holoski\n\nIt is very important that we take care of our eyes by practicing good eating habits and going for regular check-ups. Please do not take your eyes for granted as damage to the eyes can be permanent or irreversible. So, go for a comprehensive eye examination today.\n\nThe image below shows the 6 muscles attached to the eyes.(4 rectus muscle and 2 oblique muscle) which is responsible for the various eye movements.\nImage credit: ultrasoundpedia.com\n\nThe image below shows the 7 bones forming the orbital cavity and the nerve openings.\nImage credit: mjc.edu\n\nInteresting facts about the eye:\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe human eye sees in 576 megapixels.\n\n\nThere are over 2 million working parts in the eye.\n\n\nThe eye muscles are the most active muscles in the body.\n\n\n80% of what a child learns is visual.\n\n\nDr Dinesh Kumar\n\nConsultant Ophthalmologist\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/once-and-for-all-heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-vitamin-c", "title": "Once And For All, Here\u2019s What You Need To Know About Vitamin C", "body": "\n\n\n\nOnce And For All, Here\u2019s What You Need To Know About Vitamin C\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 18, 2017\n \n\nWe found out what the experts have to say about the micronutrient\nCredit: ISTOCK\n\nA few weeks ago, we read an interesting article on kidney stones and vitamin C by a colleague from Men\u2019s Health USA, and decided to share it online. To our surprise, the topic generated a rather heated debate, especially on the \u201ccorrect\u201d dosage of vitamin C. To get a clearer picture, we spoke to three experts, covering the spectrum of\u00a0\npurpose, dosage and effect of vitamin C\n. \u00a0\nHow Much Vitamin C Should You Consume?\n\nThe first tell-tale sign of overconsumption is diarrhoea, according to Kong Woan Fei, dietitian from the Columbia Asia Group. Although the tolerable upper intake level for vitamin C is said to be 2,000mg\u00a0Recommended Nutrients Intake, she says adults should not ingest more than\u00a0\n1,000mg\n\u00a0to avoid health risks. \u00a0\u00a0\n\nLike Kong, Yeoh Ee Ling, education manager of Fitness Innovations, says that 1,000mg of vitamin C supplementation is agreeable to the body. \u00a0\u00a0\nBottom line: \nConsumption of 1,000mg of vitamin C supplementation is safe. \u00a0\nHow About Vitamin C from Food?\n\nAlthough the experts differ on the exact amount, it falls in the range of\u00a0\n70mg to 100mg\n. \u201cRecommended dietary allowance is 90mg for males and 75mg for females,\u201d Yeoh says. However, Kong says 70mg of vitamin C is sufficient for adults up to age 90. As for Datuk Dr. Selvalingam Sothilingam, consultant urologist from \nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n, he suggests adults consume between 90g and 100mg of vitamin C from food. \u00a0\u00a0\n\nAll three experts agree that vitamin C supplementation is unnecessary if you have a balanced diet. Dr. Sothilingam, for one, doesn\u2019t believe in it. \u201cThe vitamin C that you get from food is enough for your body. You don\u2019t need high doses to boost your immune system and antioxidant levels,\u201d he says. To ensure you get enough, you just need to know which foods contain high levels of vitamin C, he adds. Citrus fruit, broccoli, sweet potatoes and cauliflower, for example, are rich in the micronutrient. \u00a0\u00a0\nBottom line:\n Vitamin C supplementation is not necessary if you have a balanced diet. \u00a0\nWho Really Needs Vitamin C?\n\nNevertheless, some are advised to boost their intake. \u201cIf you don\u2019t eat healthfully, that\u2019s when vitamin C supplementation can benefit you,\u201d Dr. Sothilingam says. \u00a0\u00a0\n\nVitamin C can\u2019t boost your athletic performance though, but it is essential if you have a high-intensity training regime, Yeoh says. Those in a weight-sensitive category or on a low-calorie diet might also need supplementation, as their vitamin C consumption from food would be lower. \u00a0\u00a0\nBottom line:\n\u00a0Vitamin C supplementation is recommended for those who are not getting enough of the micronutrient from food. \u00a0\u00a0\nWill I Get Kidney Stones?\n\nNo and yes. Consuming excessive amounts of vitamin C doesn\u2019t always cause \nkidney stones\n, but it does\u00a0\nincrease their likelihood\n, Dr. Sothilingam says. However, \u201ctypically, stone formation is\u00a0\nmultifactorial\n,\u201d meaning it is determined by a combination of factors such as your genes, urinary system and diet, he adds. \u00a0\u00a0\n\nIf you\u2019re worried about stones in your kidneys, Dr. Sothilingam advises\u00a0\nreducing your intake of sodium and purine\n, which are found in food such as red meat, nuts and offal. Bodybuilders should also be cautious when taking protein supplements, as they are known to increase the risk of kidney stones. \u00a0\u00a0\nBottom line:\n There is no definitive evidence that consuming excessive amounts of vitamin C will cause kidney stones. However, some studies have found that consuming more than 1,000mg of vitamin C over a period of time will increase the risk. \u00a0\u00a0\nThe Misconceptions\n\nDue to the successful marketing of vitamin C supplements, some Malaysians think that they need to do more to ensure they take enough of the micronutrient \u2013 going so far as to get regular vitamin C shots from clinics, Dr. Sothilingam says. \u201cThey claim it gives them a feel-good factor, but a lot of that might be due to a\u00a0\nplacebo effect\n.\u201d \u00a0\u00a0\n\nMeanwhile, Yeoh wants to debunk a common belief. \u201cMost people think that vitamin C \u2018cures\u2019 colds.\u201d In truth, it only serves as a\u00a0\npreventive\n\u00a0measure, she explains. \u00a0\u00a0\nBottom line:\n\u00a0Vitamin C is not a magic pill. It doesn\u2019t treat colds; it can only make you less vulnerable to bugs. \u00a0\nPublished in Men\u2019sHealth, 3 August 2017\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nDiet Men's Health, August 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/oncology-breast-screening", "title": "Oncology - Breast Screening", "body": "\n\n\n\nOncology - Breast Screening\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 10, 2015\n \nDr. Suhaila, Consultant Radiologist from Columbia Asia Hospital\n\nPetaling Jaya shares about the importance on early detection for breast cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPink October - Early Detection Saves Lives \u2013 FEMININE Magazine, Issue October 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/one-nice-two-fun-and-three-crowded", "title": "One is Nice, Two is Fun and Three is Crowded!", "body": "\n\n\n\nOne is Nice, Two is Fun and Three is Crowded!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 07, 2015\n \n\nHaving twins or multiple pregnancy seems to be the desire of most couples who undergone fertility treatment.\n\nAfter all, most of us know normal, healthy twins, or read newspaper articles of families who are delighted with their twins or triplets following IVF treatment.\n\n\u201cOh, I wish I had twins, I hope I have twins, why not have two at a time? \u201c pleading to their doctors.\n\nWhat could be better than completing your family in one go, with twins or even more babies?\n\nHowever the reality is that for many twins and triplets, life can be fragile and difficult.\n\nReproductive specialists are always being pressured by couples to put in more than 2 embryos during their IVF treatment. Putting in more embryos would result in higher pregnancy rate but the rate of higher order multiples such as twins and triplets also increases.\n\nAt present, about 1 in 4 IVF pregnancies lead to a multiple birth. This means that after IVF/ICSI, you are around 20 times more likely to have a multiple pregnancy than you would be if you have conceived naturally.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWomen should understand that the human womb was created for just one baby.\n\nHaving two is fun but three is a crowd for a small womb.\n\n\n\nYes, we do understand that having twins or multiples are fun, but it is not without risks.\n\nCompared to having one baby, twins and other multiples are more likely to have serious and even life threatening health problems.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe risks may involve both the mother and baby.\n\n\n\nIt can cause early or late miscarriage more than singleton. As a result of the miscarriage due to the twins occupying larger area of the uterus, it may results in heavy bleeding following the miscarriage. Most women with twins will end up with surgical procedure to evacuate the remaining tissues left in the uterus after a miscarriage.\n\nMedical condition risks such as gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced hypertension tend to be higher in women with multiple pregnancies. Women with gestational diabetes will have the risk of sudden intra uterine death which can be devastating to women who has been waiting long to get pregnant.\n\nTwins are five times more likely than single-birth babies to die within a month of birth. There are many reasons for this which includes being born prematurely i.e. born before the actual expected time, small size of the baby (low birth weight) and possibly birth defects which include cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is more likely found in premature babies.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTwins and other multiples are much more likely than single babies to be born early. According to statistics from the UK, 60% of all twins were born prematurely, compared to 11% of single babies. And 12% of these twins were born very prematurely i.e. before 32 weeks of gestation, compared to about 2% of single babies. Singleton babies are usually carried for about 40 weeks and tend to have normal birth weights.\n\nAt least half of twins are born before 37 weeks and with low birth weights, making them at high risk of serious health problems and death. Many are born before 35 weeks, when they often need neonatal care. Their birth weight is around 800\u20131000g less than singletons. Low birth weight may also results in hearing or vision loss.\n\nTwins also have higher risk of anemia or low hemoglobin during pregnancy. Hemoglobin carries oxygen, and if the oxygen is low, it will affect the growth of the baby in the womb. The women will also have a higher risk of bleeding following delivery. Bleeding can also takes place before delivery.\n\nEmotional risk tends to be higher in those with twins. It can be costly emotional roller coaster to go through IVF treatment but having premature babies can add to the psychological burden. Hence their post natal recovery can be slow leading to postnatal depression or post natal blues.\n\nDuring birth, mothers of twins are more likely to require intervention, more likely to experience serious problems and more likely to die than mothers of singletons.\n\nCaesarean is common among twin births. Most women would request for Caesarean as generally they would not like to go through the risk of normal labor .Other reasons as to why Caesarean increases is because of higher risk of placenta praevia(low lying placenta), malposition of the first twins such as breech and the presence of medical conditions such as gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced hypertension.\n\n\u00a0\n\nScreening for chromosomal anomalies such as Down\u2019s syndrome can be difficult and challenging for obstetricians.\n\n\n\nScreening is usually done by scan to check for the baby\u2019s nasal bone and the thickness of the skin around the neck at around 11 to 13 weeks. At 14 to 18 weeks, screening can also be done using maternal blood. However interpretation of results usually tends to be difficult. For women who need further investigation such as amniocentesis, the risk of miscarriage is very much higher due to the procedure. The women may also face with ethical dilemma if only one of the twins is having Down\u2019s Syndrome and the other twins is healthy. Terminating the Down\u2019s Syndrome baby can also lead to miscarriage of the normal baby.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIn identical twins who shared the same placenta, there is a 10% risk of twin to twin transfusion syndrome which can cause serious health problems and death. In this syndrome one of the babies received enough oxygen from the umbilical cord and the other one is being deprived of oxygen. The baby receiving less oxygen is because of less blood goes to the baby. This problem does not occur in non identical twins.\n\nWomen with twins or multiples especially first time parents should also consider the potential problem of bringing up twins in relation to financial burden, difficulty in breast feeding and the psychological impact. These issues could lead to long term impact to the couple leading to separation of family in the future which is often overlooked. These affect life with twins not just as babies but as they get older as well. Dividing care and attention between two children can be unexpectedly difficult.\n\n\u00a0\n\nResearch shows that parents of singleton babies are more likely to enjoy family life and feel confident about parenting.\n\n\n\nIf women have twins or multiples, it is not the end of the world for you. You will need to have more checks with their obstetrician throughout the pregnancy. Even though the obstetric performance of twin women tends to be difficult, most of the time your obstetrician can manage and guide you to a healthy pregnancy resulting in healthy twins. For those with triplets or more you have the option of fetal reduction. This involves aborting one or more of the fetuses resulting in singleton or twins pregnancy. However this procedure is not without risks. It may cause miscarriage of all the fetuses.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOne way of preventing multiple pregnancy is by going through a single embryo transfer. Surely by putting in one embryo can result in lower pregnancy rate. This disadvantage can be overcome by putting in a day 5 embryo called blastocyst instead of day 2 or day 3 embryos. The success rate of pregnancy following a single blastocyst transfer is always higher than a day 2 or day 3 embryos.\n\nMultiple pregnancies can also lead to higher cost for health care provider. Twin pregnancies can cause tax payers millions of ringgit per year. This is due to increase hospitalization to prevent premature births, increase in intensive care for babies born prematurely and increase risk of lifelong disabilities like cerebral palsy in multiples.\n\nHaving multiples can be fun but understanding the risks is very important before you embark on IVF treatment. It is my hope that this article will guide you on deciding the number of embryos to be put into your womb during your treatment.\nDr Suhaimi Hassan\n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/orang-muda-pun-boleh-kena-kanser-kolon-kalau-masih-lakukan-6-perkara-ini", "title": "Orang Muda Pun Boleh Kena Kanser Kolon Kalau Masih Lakukan 6 Perkara Ini", "body": "\n\n\n\nOrang Muda Pun Boleh Kena Kanser Kolon Kalau Masih Lakukan 6 Perkara Ini\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 02, 2020\n \n\nPernah tak anda rasa lesu, sakit perut yang teruk, muntah, hilang berat badan secara tiba-tiba atau berlaku sesuatu yang pelik pada corak pembuangan najis? Jangan ambil mudah, kerana inilah antara simptom kanser kolorektal!\n\nKanser kolon merupakan antara kanser yang biasa ditemui di Malaysia dan sebanyak \n80%\n kes kanser ini di Malaysia didiagnos di kalangan mereka yang berusia \n45 tahun ke atas!\n\n\u00a0\n\nApa itu kanser kolorektal?\n\nKanser ini juga dikenali dengan nama kanser kolon atau kanser usus yang menyerang bahagian kolon, usus dan rektum (bahagian usus besar yang terlibat dalam pencernaan makanan dan pembuangan bahan kumuh).\n\nKebiasaanya bermula sebagai polip, iaitu bonjol kecil pada permukaan dalam usus yang kebanyakannya tidak berbahaya. Tetapi jika dibiarkan, akan membesar dan menjadi kanser.\n\nKanser kolon kebiasaannya menyerang mereka yang berumur 50 tahun ke atas, tetapi tidak bermakna golongan berusia seawal 40 tahun dan kanak-kanak bebas daripada\n pembunuh ke-2 di kalangan lelaki\n, dan\n ke-3 di kalangan wanita\n di Malaysia ini!\n\nAda banyak sebab yang menjadi punca penyakit ini dan jangan tak percaya, golongan muda juga berisiko mendapat kanser kolon jika masih melakukan 6 perkara ini:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Tidur\n\nWaktu tidur yang ideal antara 6 ke 8 jam, tetapi ada yang hanya tidur 3 ke 4 jam setiap hari. Bila tidur tak cukup, mulalah produktiviti semakin menurun dan kesihatan terjejas.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2. Kurang aktiviti fizikal\n\nSudahlah di pejabat lebih banyak duduk menghadap komputer, di rumah pula duduk menghadap fon... Nak buat aktiviti fizikal 60 minit sehari pun susah!\n\n\u00a0\n\n3. Diet tak sihat\n\nKurang makan sayur, buah dan bijirin. Banyak pula makan daging merah dan makanan tinggi lemak serta kurang serat. Anda juga digalakkan ambil herba kunyit yang tinggi antioksidan dan boleh menghalang proliferasi sel kanser.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4. Merokok\n\nMerokok bukan sahaja merbahaya kepada perokok tetapi turut menjejaskan orang yang berada berhampiran. Perokok berisiko menghidapi pelbagai penyakit termasuk kanser peparu dan kolon.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Berlebihan berat badan\n\nBila makan tak jaga, mulalah berat badan meningkat dan tak terkawal. Bukan je kanser kolon, tetapi darah tinggi, kencing manis dan penyakit jantung mula bertandang.\n\n\u00a0\n\n6. Tak pantau kesihatan\n\nWalaupun pada zahirnya nampak sihat tetapi kenalah lakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan dengan kerap mengikut saranan.\n\nSelain pemeriksaan kesihatan secara berkala, anda boleh juga lakukan saringan awal untuk mengesan kanser kolon. \nAda beberapa tempat anda boleh lakukan ujian ini termasuklah di Columbia Asia Hospital.\n\nDengan adanya ujian saringan, anda boleh mengesan kanser lebih awal sebelum munculnya tanda dan simptom. Melalui ujian ini, polip boleh dibuang sebelum bertukar menjadi sel kanser. Ujian ini perlu dilakukan lebih awal sekiranya ada di kalangan ahli keluarga anda menghidap kanser kolon.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Venayagamurthy A/L Kanisan\n\n\nConsultant General and Colorectal Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nMD (UKM), MS (General Surgery) (UKM), AM (Malaysia), CIMA (NIOSH), Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery (Australia & India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nOrang Muda Pun Boleh Kena Kanser Kolon Kalau Masih Lakukan 6 Perkara Ini \u2013 Sinar, 17 Ogos 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Sinar, 17 Ogos 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/orthopaedic-surgery-and-sports-medicine-review-bfm-podcast", "title": "Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Review [BFM - PODCAST]", "body": "\n\n\n\nOrthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Review [BFM - PODCAST]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 22, 2015\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWe take a look at some of the most interesting stories that Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh shared with us this year.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/orthopaedics-and-physiotherapy-part-1-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Orthopaedics and Physiotherapy Part 1 - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nOrthopaedics and Physiotherapy Part 1 - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 07, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nAlisha Bajerai, Principal Physiotherapist\n\nTwo disciplines that work closely to get us back on track and moving right: orthopaedics and physiotherapy. We explore how they intertwine, where they philosophically diverge and converge - with Dr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Alisha Bajerai, Principal Physiotherapist.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/orthopaedics-and-physiotherapy-part-2-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Orthopaedics and Physiotherapy Part 2 - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nOrthopaedics and Physiotherapy Part 2 - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 05, 2014\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nAlisha Bajerai, Principal Physiotherapist\n\nDr. Harjeet and Alisha are back to explain how their two disciplines (orthopaedics and physiotherapy) intertwine, especially when it comes to the specifics of injuries, ageing and healing.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/osteoarthritis", "title": "Osteoarthritis", "body": "\n\n\n\nOsteoarthritis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 19, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.fitnessjournal.co.nz\n & \nwww.vincihealth.com\nDr. Mohamed Kamal Mohamed Hisa, Chief of Medical Services and Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\n\nThere is no cure, no silver bullet, and even prevention isn\u2019t a sure thing. All we can do once it strikes, is try to manage it. The disease in question, is osteoarthritis.\n\nWhich is why it\u2019s so important to seek medical help as early as possible, to ensure that it doesn\u2019t degenerate and deteriorate.\n\nDr. Mohamed Kamal Mohamed Hisa, Chief of Medical Services and Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon from Columbia Asia Hospital-Puchong, explains when to seek help and what symptoms to look out for.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/osteoarthritis-of-knee", "title": "Osteoarthritis of Knee\u819d\u76d6\u8f6f\u9aa8\u7ec4\u7ec7\u8001\u5316, \u4eba\u5de5\u5173\u8282\u53ef\u4ee3\u52b3?", "body": "\n\n\n\nOsteoarthritis of Knee\u819d\u76d6\u8f6f\u9aa8\u7ec4\u7ec7\u8001\u5316, \u4eba\u5de5\u5173\u8282\u53ef\u4ee3\u52b3?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 21, 2017\n \n\nWould rather suffer in pain when walking than going for a knee replacement surgery, because own knee is definitely better than an artificial knee?\n\nVery often the middle-aged group people have misperception towards knee replacement surgery -- the fear of being unable to walk after the surgery. The purpose of knee replacement surgery is to overcome the pain and restrictions in walking due to Osteoarthritis of the knee, and improve their quality of life.\n\n\u8d70\u8def\u75bc\u75db\u96be\u5fcd\u81f3\u4e00\u7638\u4e00\u62d0\u4e5f\u4e0d\u613f\u66f4\u6362\u819d\u5173\u8282\uff1f\u4eba\u5de5\u7684\u4e0d\u6bd4\u539f\u6765\u7684\u597d\u4f7f\uff1f\u4e2d\u8001\u5e74\u4eba\u95fb\u300c\u4eba\u5de5\u819d\u5173\u8282\u300d\u8272\u53d8\uff0c\u6df1\u6015\u52a8\u4e86\u7f6e\u6362\u624b\u672f\u540e\u65e0\u6cd5\u6b63\u5e38\u884c\u8d70\u3002\u66f4\u6362\u819d\u5173\u8282\u4e3b\u8981\u76ee\u7684\u4e3a\u89e3\u51b3\u819d\u76d6\u75bc\u75db\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u8ba9\u60a3\u8005\u514d\u9664\u884c\u8d70\u4e0d\u4fbf\u7684\u75db\u82e6\uff0c\u4e26\u8fc7\u4e0a\u66f4\u6709\u7d20\u8d28\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\nOsteoarthritis of Knee\u819d\u76d6\u8f6f\u9aa8\u7ec4\u7ec7\u8001\u5316, \u4eba\u5de5\u5173\u8282\u53ef\u4ee3\u52b3\uff1f- Oriental Daily, 16 November 2017\n\n\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nOsteoarthritis of Knee\u819d\u76d6\u8f6f\u9aa8\u7ec4\u7ec7\u8001\u5316, \u4eba\u5de5\u5173\u8282\u53ef\u4ee3\u52b3\uff1f- Oriental Daily, 16 November 2017\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/osteoarthritis-what-you-should-know", "title": "Osteoarthritis (what you should know)", "body": "\n\n\n\nOsteoarthritis (what you should know)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 02, 2011\n \n\nOsteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is usually seen especially among older people. Sometimes it is seen in younger people who had previous joint injuries eg accidents or sports injuries. Osteoarthritis mostly affects cartilage which is the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones. Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another. This enables movements in a smooth, quiet and painless manner. In osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks / crumbles and wears away. This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. Many patients also notice that their joints creak (noisy) on movement.\n\nOver time, the joint may lose its normal shape. Sometimes, bone spurs may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint space. This causes more pain and damage. Occasionally, the joint becomes jammed (locked) because of this.\n\nBoth men and women have the disease. Before age 45, more men than women have osteoarthritis; after age 45, it is more common in women. It is also more likely to occur in people who are overweight and in those with jobs that stress particular joints.\n\nOsteoarthritis most often occurs in the hands, spine, knees, and hips. People with osteoarthritis usually experience joint pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis affects different people differently. It may progress quickly, but for most people, joint damage develops gradually over a period of years. In some people, osteoarthritis is relatively mild and interferes little with daily life. In others, it causes significant pain and disability. Some people may note deformity (bowing) especially at the knee joints.\n\nUsually, osteoarthritis comes on slowly. Early in the disease, your joints may ache after physical work or exercise. Later on, joint pain may become more persistent. You may also experience joint stiffness, particularly when you first wake up in the morning or have been in one position for a long time. Commonly, patients may experience pain after standing up after dinner or after watching a long TV program.\n\nCommon areas affected by osteoarthritis are the hands, back, hips and knees. There is no \u2018best\u2019 of treatment of osteoarthritis, neither is there a cure for this disease.\nCommonly methods of treatment are:\nExercise:\n Exercise can improve mood and outlook, decrease pain, increase flexibility, strengthen the heart and improve blood flow, maintain weight, and promote general physical fitness. Walking, swimming, and water aerobics are a few popular types of exercise for people with osteoarthritis. The common saying, if it hurts, something is wrong.\nWeight control:\n Osteoarthritis patients who are overweight or obese should try to lose weight. Weight loss can reduce stress on weight-bearing joints, limit further injury, and increase mobility.\nHeat and cold:\n Heat or cold (or a combination of the two) can be useful for joint pain.\nMassage: \nIn this pain-relief approach, a massage therapist will lightly stroke and/or knead the painful muscles. This may increase blood flow and bring warmth to a stressed area. However, arthritis-stressed joints are sensitive, so the therapist must be familiar with the problems of the disease.\nComplementary and alternative therapies:\n Some people have found pain relief using acupuncture, a practice in which fine needles are inserted by a licensed acupuncture therapist at specific points on the skin.\nNutritional supplements:\n such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have been reported to improve the symptoms of people with osteoarthritis, as have certain vitamins. There are several brands in the market. At best, these supplements help maintain the joint health.\nTraditional Medications:\n Traditional medications have varying effects on osteoarthritis. Sometimes, steroids are added in traditional medications. While these medications are extremely effective in pain relief, they carry significant complications including weight gain and bone damage and this should be avoided at all cost.\nMedications to control pain\nParacetamol:\n A medication commonly used to relieve pain, acetaminophen, is available without a prescription. It is often the first medication doctors recommend for osteoarthritis patients because of its safety relative to some other drugs and its effectiveness against pain.\nNSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs):\n Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen are examples of NSAIDs. They are often the first type of medication used. Some NSAIDs are available over the counter, while more than a dozen others, including a subclass called COX-2 inhibitors, are available only with a prescription.\nNarcotic or central acting agents: \nTramadol is a prescription pain reliever and synthetic opioid that is sometimes prescribed when over-the-counter medications don\u2019t provide sufficient relief. It works through the central nervous system to achieve its effects.\nInjections: Corticosteroids\n are powerful anti-inflammatory hormones made naturally in the body or man made for use as medicine. They may be injected into the affected joints to temporarily relieve pain.\nViscosupplements:\n hyaluronic acid substitutes are designed to replace a normal component of the joint involved in joint lubrication and nutrition. Depending on the particular product your doctor prescribes, it will be given in a series of three to five injections.\nSurgery\n\nFor many people, surgery helps relieve the pain and disability of osteoarthritis. Surgery may be performed either to remove of loose pieces of bone and cartilage from the joint if they are causing symptoms of buckling or locking (arthroscopy), repositioning of bones (osteotomy) or resurfacing (smoothing out) bones (knee replacement).\n\nSurgeons may replace affected joints with artificial joints called prostheses. These joints can be made from metal alloys, high-density plastic, and ceramic material. The decision to use surgery depends on several factors, including the patient's age, occupation, level of disability, pain intensity, and the degree to which arthritis interferes with his or her lifestyle. After surgery and rehabilitation, the patient usually feels less pain and swelling and can move more easily.\n\nNewer methods to perform knee replacement may use the aid of computers to further enhance the accuracy of fixing the implants to the affected joint.\n\nOn the left side, there is loss of the cartilage which is present on the right side (pearly white in colour). The pink tissue seen on the left side is bone. Rubbing bones cause pain.\n\nExtra pieces of bone growing on the right side of the knee joint.\n\n(borrowed image): of the fingers.\n\nA tray containing the templates used in a knee replacement, being laid out for a knee replacement procedure.\n\nImplants being laid out just before being cemented into the knee joint.\n\nKnee implants securely in place at the end of the knee replacement just before closing the skin.\n\nOne of the knee replacement surgery in Columbia Asia Hospital using a computerized knee replacement.\n\nScreen shot showing the amount of bone being cut (mm) and the accuracy of the cut (degrees).\nDr.\u00a0Yoga Raj\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospitals- Nusajaya\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ovarian-hyperstimulation-syndrome-an-unwanted-outcome-in-ivf-treatment", "title": "Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: An Unwanted Outcome in IVF Treatment", "body": "\n\n\n\nOvarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: An Unwanted Outcome in IVF Treatment\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 13, 2015\n \nOvarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)\n is a potentially serious complication of fertility treatment, particularly of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.\n\nIVF treatment involves giving medications in the form of injection to stimulate the ovaries. The aim is to get a reasonable number of follicles/eggs from the ovaries so that enough embryos are produced following fertilization.\n\nIn \novarian hyperstimulations\n, as a results of abnormal response of the ovaries to medications, lots of follicles/eggs are produced. The ovaries will become enlarged and there will be lots of fluid in the abdomen called ascites.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe symptoms are abdominal swelling or bloating because of enlarged ovaries, nausea and as the condition gets worst, vomiting.\n\nOHSS can be categorized as mild, moderate or severe so that the treatment the women received following OHSS can be more symptomatic.\n\nMild symptoms are common in women having IVF treatment.\nAs many as one in three (33%) women develop mild OHSS. About one in 20 (5%) women develop moderate or severe OHSS.\n\nThe risk of OHSS is increased in women who have polycystic ovaries , under 30 years, have had OHSS previously and become pregnant, particularly if this is a multiple pregnancy (twins or more).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nOHSS Categories\n\n\nMILD OHSS\n\nMild abdominal swelling or bloating, abdominal discomfort and nausea.\nMODERATE OHSS\n\nSymptoms of mild OHSS but the swelling and bloating is worse because fluid is building up in the abdomen. There is abdominal pain and vomiting.\nSEVERE OHSS\n\nSymptoms of moderate OHSS includes extreme thirst and dehydration because so much fluid is building up in the abdomen, passing very small amounts of urine which is very dark in color (concentrated). There can be difficulty in breathing due to the build-up of fluid in the chest and a red, hot, swollen and tender leg due to a clot in the leg or lungs (thrombosis).\n\n\nWhy OHSS can be dangerous?\n\nOverstimulated ovaries enlarge and release chemicals into the bloodstream that make blood vessels leak fluid into the body. Fluid leaks into your abdomen and, in severe cases, into the space around the heart and lungs. OHSS can affect the kidneys, liver and lungs. A serious, but rare, complication is a blood clot (thrombosis). A very small number of deaths have been reported especially if treatment starts late.\nInitial treatment of OHSS\n\nMost of your symptoms should usually be resolved in a few days. If you have mild OHSS, you can be looked after at home. If your fertility treatment does not result in a pregnancy, OHSS will get better by the time your period comes. If your fertility treatment results in a pregnancy, OHSS can get worse and last up to a few weeks or longer.\n\nMake sure you drink clear fluids at regular intervals. Make sure you do not drink in excess. If you have pain, take ordinary paracetamol or codeine (no more than the maximum dose). You should avoid anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin or aspirin-like drugs such as ibuprofen), which can affect how the kidneys are working. Even if you feel tired, make sure you continue to move your legs. You may also take anti vomiting tablets if you feel sick.\n\nYou need to see your doctor if you develop any of the symptoms of severe OHSS, particularly if you are not getting any pain relief. If you start to vomit, have urinary problems, chest pain or any difficulty breathing contact your fertility clinic immediately. If your symptoms worsen, or if you have the symptoms of severe OHSS, your doctor may advise you to be admitted to hospital. At the hospital, the doctor will carry out the tests for OHSS such as blood tests and ultrasound.\n\nIf you are vomiting, you may need a drip to replace the fluids you have lost. The fluid will help to keep you hydrated and may contain sugar and carbohydrates (for energy), minerals and chemical elements (for regulating and maintaining the organs in your body).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTreatment at the hospital\n\nThere is no specific test that can diagnose OHSS. A diagnosis is made on the basis of your symptoms. Your doctor will ask you to describe your symptoms and will examine you. In addition, your doctor may ask about how much urine you are passing and whether it is darker than normal. Your doctor will take an initial measurement of your waistline to see if the fluid is building up or reducing in your abdomen and also check your weight daily.\n\nYou will need an ultrasound scan of your ovaries to measure how big they are and whether there is any fluid build-up in your abdomen. Some blood test to measure how concentrated your blood is and how well your kidneys are working.\n\nYour doctor may also need to give daily injections to prevent a clot in the legs or lungs from forming. If the fluid in the abdomen causing the abdomen to be tense and swollen, a procedure called paracentesis may be offered. This involves a thin needle or tube is inserted into the abdomen to remove the excessive fluid.\n\nOHSS should be identified early to avoid severe complications. If treatment is commenced early, all the risks can be reduced to avoid fatality. For those with successful pregnancy, there is no evidence of problems in the baby as a result of OHSS.\nDr. Suhaimi Hassan \n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/overview-common-threats-womens-health", "title": "Overview of Common Threats to Women\u2019s Health", "body": "\n\n\n\nOverview of Common Threats to Women\u2019s Health\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 26, 2022\n \nThis week we look into some of the health threats which are common to women. To understand more about this, we talk to Dr Silvam Sellapan, a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong, who gives us pointers on to what to watch out for and how to take better care of ourselves.\n\n\nNot only that, for mummies who have daughters, these are good pointers to help with their health as they get into adolescent years, too. Read on!\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ1: What are the most common health issues that affect women in Malaysia?\n\n\nSome of the general threats are obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and their related problems. More specific areas include menstruation problem, pelvic pain and related issues.\n\n\nQ2: What sort of prevention can women take to avoid these health risks?\n\n\nGood health related education from a young age helps to prevent, or at least diminish the severity and complication of the problems. Some preventive measures to take are weight management, regular Pap smear and gynae check-up.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nQ3: At what age groups do women face these health issues?\n\n\n\nPresentation and difficulties varies according to age groups such as:\n\nAdolescent stage\n\n\nYoung Adults\n\n\nOlder adults\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nQ4: What are the essential screening tests every woman needs, and at what age should they start getting them?\n\n\u00a0\n\nThese are some of the essential screening tests:\n\n\nPrimary, secondary school: General health screening, mental health. (e.g.: height, weight, BMI, etc.)\n\n\nSexually active adults: Pap smear screening, HPV screening test\n\n\nOlder adults: General\u2014Blood pressure, sugar level, lipid\n\n\nSome more specific tests for ladies are:\n\n\nPelvic ultrasound\n\n\nBreast self-examination\n\n\nMammogram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ5: What is the difference between a pelvic exam and a Pap smear?\n\n\nPelvic examination: This is a physical examination done to identify pelvic organs and verification of any abnormalities especially for uterus and ovaries.\n\n\nPap smear and HPV screening: These are simple clinical tests to identify abnormal cells at cervical mucosa (cervix\u2014lower part of the womb).\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ6: How often should women get a pelvic exam and a Pap smear?\n\n\nPelvic examination: Once a year\n\n\nPap smear: Once a year\n\n\nHPV Screening: Once in 5 years\n\n\nExcept for special conditions, where these tests should then be scheduled more frequently.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nQ7: What does a routine Pap smear show?\n\n\u00a0\n\nA routine Pap Smear is done:\n\n\nTo evaluate adequacy of cells, presence of endocervical cells, microscopic appearance of cells.\n\n\nTo detect presence or absence of infection like trichomoniasis and other bacteria.\n\n\nAs a main interpretation is to identify intraepithelial lesion (cellular lesion) or malignancy.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nQ8: What are cervical or ovarian cancer symptoms to watch for?\n\n\u00a0\n\nCervical Cancer:\n\n\nUsually no symptoms.\n\n\nCan present with post-coital bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding, abnormal Pap smear.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nOvarian Cancer:\n\n\nUsually no symptoms (Organ inside the body).\n\n\nCan present with ovarian cyst, abdominal distension, irregular vaginal bleeding (late symptoms).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nQ9. What are the best methods to screen for ovarian and breast cancer?\n\n\nOvarian Cancer\n\n\nRegular clinical examination including pelvic examination after 40 years.\n\n\nTumour marker like CA 125 (non-specific).\n\n\nHighly vigilant regarding menstrual abnormality, or sudden abdominal distension.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nBreast Cancer\n\n\nBreast self-examination\n\n\nMammogram (usually after 40 years)\n\n\nTumour marker (eg: CA 153), non-specific.\n\n\nLet\u2019s step up and take up an active role in ensuring that we are always in tip top and healthy condition so that we can take care of our family and give them the best of us. Share this important article with all the women out there so that they too can do the needful.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Silvam Sellapan\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Special Interest in Gyne-oncology\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong\nMBBS (UM), M Obs & Gyn (UM), RCOG/BSCCP (D/T) (UK), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nExpert Shares Overview of Common Threats to Women\u2019s Health \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 17 December 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 17 December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ovulasi-dan-keturunan-dua-faktor-yang-jadi-penyebab-utama-risiko-kanser-ovari", "title": "Ovulasi Dan Keturunan \u2013 Dua Faktor Yang Jadi Penyebab Utama Risiko Kanser Ovari", "body": "\n\n\n\nOvulasi Dan Keturunan \u2013 Dua Faktor Yang Jadi Penyebab Utama Risiko Kanser Ovari\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 30, 2023\n \n\nPada tahun 2018, seorang wanita di Connecticut, Amerika Syarikat, dibedah untuk mengeluarkan ketumbuhan seberat 60 kg dari ovarinya! Sebelum pembedahan, simptomnya cuma peningkatan berat badan yang mendadak.\n\nWalaupun ketumbuhan sangat besar, pesakit tidak langsung menyedari ada sesuatu yang asing sedang tumbuh di dalam badannya. Syukur, ketumbuhan itu bukan kanser dan pesakit pulih sepenuhnya.\n\n\u00a0 \nBagaimana jika ketumbuhan itu kanser?\n\nOvari ialah organ reproduktif wanita yang menghasilkan telur serta hormon wanita iaitu estrogen dan progtesterone. Kanser ovari adalah kanser yang terhasil dari sel-sel tidak normal yang tumbuh dalam ovari. Ketumbuhan kanser ovari mungkin tidak seberat 60 kg tetapi ia juga membesar di dalam badan secara perlahan-lahan, kadang-kadang mengambil masa bertahun-tahun.\n\nKanser ovari biasanya tidak mempunyai sebarang gejala yang spesifik pada peringkat awal. Selalunya simptom kanser ovari ini timbul di peringkat akhir. Disebabkan itu, kanser ovari digelar silent killer iaitu kanser yang membunuh secara senyap-senyap.\n\nKanser ovari juga lambat dapat dikesan kerana kedudukan organ itu yang letaknya jauh di dalam pelvis berbanding pangkal rahim (serviks) dan juga endometrium (dinding rahim).\n\nUmumnya, ketumbuhan dalam ovari bukanlah kanser terutama di kalangan wanita dalam usia reproduktif. Untuk kanser ovari pula, kebanyakannya merupakan kanser yang timbul daripada permukaan ovari (epithelial cancer) dan sebahagian kecil berasal daripada sel-sel benih telur (germ cell cancer) yang lebih banyak berlaku di kalangan mereka yang berusia 30 tahun ke bawah.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFaktor yang menentukan risiko\n\nPunca sebenar kanser ovari masih belum diketahui, tetapi ada beberapa faktor yang boleh meningkatkan risiko seseorang itu mendapat kanser ini.\n\nRisiko kanser ovari terbahagi kepada dua faktor utama iaitu ovulasi dan keturunan. Risiko ini lebih tinggi di kalangan mereka yang datang haid pada awal usia, menopaus di lewat usia, bersalin pada usia lebih dari 35 tahun, pengambilan androgen atau ubat fertiliti serta obes dengan BMI sekurang-kurangnya 30 kg/m2.\n\nRisiko kanser ovari juga tinggi di kalangan wanita menopaus yang menggunakan monoterapi estrogen selama lebih lima hingga 10 tahun.\n\nWanita yang mengandung, bersalin buat kali pertama dan menyusu badan pada usia tidak melebihi 25 tahun serta wanita yang mengambil pil cegah hamil sekurang-kurangnya selama lima tahun mempunyai risiko kanser ovari yang rendah iaitu sebanyak 30 hingga 60 peratus kurang dari mereka yang berisiko tinggi.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKaitan dengan kanser lain\n\nSebanyak 15 peratus dari kes kanser ovari adalah disebabkan faktor genetik. Jika ahli keluarga yang rapat seperti ibu, adik-beradik atau anak mendapat kanser ovari sebelum usia 50, risiko untuk mendapat kanser yang sama bertambah sebanyak enam hingga 10 kali ganda.\n\nMereka yang ada ahli keluarga yang mengidap kanser usus juga mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk mendapat kanser ovari. Kaitan kekeluargaan ini disebabkan mutasi genetic seperti BRCA1, BRCA 2 dan yang berkaitan dengan Lynch syndrome. Semakin berumur, semakin tinggi risiko kanser ovari terutamanya apabila mencapai usia 80 ke atas. Risiko juga meningkat sekiranya ada kes kanser payudara dalam keluarga.\nPrihatin kunci pencegahan\n\nTiada jaminan bahawa seseorang wanita itu tidak akan mendapat kanser ovari. Walau bagaimanapun, risikonya boleh dikurangkan dengan mengawasi tanda-tanda kanser.\n\nSekiranya ramai ahli keluarga yang mendapat kanser, anda disyorkan untuk mendapatkan kaunseling genetik. Kekalkan berat badan, amalkan pemakanan dan gayahidup yang sihat untuk merendahkan lagi risiko kanser ovari.\n\nSeperti juga kanser yang lain, kanser ovari tidak semestinya menunjukkan sebarang gejala di peringkat awal. Di peringkat akhir, simptom yang nyata ialah rasa kembung atau tertekan di bahagian abdomen, rasa sakit di bahagian abdomen atau pelvis, cepat berasa kenyang, penambahan atau pengurangan berat badan yang mendadak dan pendarahan faraj yang tidak normal.\n\n\u00a0\n\nProsedur untuk diagnosis\n\nDiagnosis kanser ovari biasanya didapati pada peringkat akhir kanser. Walaupun begitu, simptom adalah sangat umum dan kabur. Untuk mendapatkan diagnosis yang lebih tepat, berikut adalah prosedur yang biasa dilakukan:\nUjian pelvis\nIni ialah ujian pertama yang akan dijalankan ke atas pesakit apabila disyaki ada kanser ovari. Secara klinikal melalui pemeriksaan pesakit, doktor akan menjumpai ketumbuhan yang keras di dalam pelvis atau kadang-kadang ketumbuhan berupa sista (cyst) air atau campuran cecair dan ketumbuhan yang keras.\nImbasan Bunyi (Ultrasound)\nPenggunaan gelombang bunyi untuk menghasilkan imej organ dalaman termasuk ovari, uterus dan serviks. Saiz ketumbuhan ciri-ciri tertentu dapat membantu doktor untuk mengenalpasti sama ada ketumbuhan itu normal atau tidak.\nUjian darah\nUjian tumor antigen CA 125 boleh dijalankan. Ianya merupakan sejenis protin yang dihasilkan oleh kanser ovari. Malangnya protein CA 125 ini juga dihasilkan juga oleh keadaan lain seperti endometriosis, fibroid serta keadaan radang pada dinding peritoneum. Bezanya adalah pada keadaan kanser ovari bacaannya selalu sangat tinggi kadang-kadang menghampiri atau jauh melebihi 1000 iu.\nPembedahan\nIni merupakan kaedah yang paling tepat untuk membuat diagnosis kanser ovari. Ianya hanya akan dilakukan setelah ujian-ujian di atas dilakukan dan pesakit sudah dipastikan dalam keadaan optimum untuk menjalani pembedahan. Tahap penyakit (staging) akan dibuat semasa pembedahan serta ketumbuhan akan dibuang sebanyak yang mungkin. Ketentuan tahap penyakit (staging) adalah berlandaskan The International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO).\nImbasan Tomografi Berkomputer (CT scan)\nIa membantu mengesan kanser di ovari, tiub fallopian dan peritoneum.\nImbasan Pengimejan Resonans Magnetik (MRI)\nIa mengesan ketumbuhan atau ketumbuhan yang tumbuh semula di bahagian badan yang lain. \nImbasan Tomografi Pancaran Positron (PET scan)\nIni adalah ujian imbasan untuk memeriksa aktiviti tisu dan organ. Imbasan ini menggunakan ubat radioaktif untuk memaparkan keadaan organ sama ada berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak. Kadangkala, imbasan ini boleh mengesan penyakit sebelum ianya kelihatan pada ujian imbasan yang lain. \nMelawan kanser ovari\nKetiadaan simptom di peringkat awal kanser ovari menjadi cabaran terbesar dalam sebarang rawatan kanser. Kebanyakan kes dikesan apabila sudah di peringkat akhir. Di peringkat ini, langkah perubatan yang biasa diambil ialah pembedahan.\nPembedahan \u2018debulking\u2019\nIni ialah langkah bedah dan dedah serta membuang ketumbuhan kanser yang kelihatan. Pembedahan adalah langkah yang pertama dan paling penting untuk memastikan (confirm) ianya diagnosis, mengetahui tahap penyakit (staging) serta membuang sebanyak mungkin ketumbuhan yang nampak dengan nyata.\nKemoterapi\nGabungan ubat-ubatan yang kuat dengan dos yang tinggi untuk mematikan sel-sel kanser. Pada masa yang sama, mengurangkan kerosakan kepada bahagian tubuh yang lain. \nRadioterapi\nSinaran radiasi bertenaga tinggi untuk membunuh sel kanser. \nTerapi bersasar\nUntuk menghalang enzim poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) dari mengesan DNA yang rosak yang terkandung dalam sel kanser. Perencat PARP ini boleh menghalang sel kanser dari pembaikpulihan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRingkasan\n\nUntuk mengurangkan risiko diri dari mendapat kanser ovari, pastikan anda menjaga kesihatan dengan teliti dari segi berat badan, aktiviti seharian serta tabiat pemakanan. Banyakkan memakan sayur serta buah-buahan. Prihatin dengan kesihatan diri sendiri, sejarah kesihatan keluarga serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi risiko kanser.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Khairiah Binti Seman\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\nMBBS (Australia), MMed (Obs & Gyn)(USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOvulasi Dan Keturunan \u2013 Dua Faktor Yang Jadi Penyebab Utama Risiko Kanser Ovari - Getaran, 20 Mei 2023\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Getaran, 20 Mei 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pain-dont-take-it-lightly-anesthetists-ramblings", "title": "Pain - Don't take it lightly! An anesthetist's ramblings", "body": "\n\n\n\nPain - Don't take it lightly! An anesthetist's ramblings\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 27, 2011\n \n\nWhat is a vital sign? Well, it depends on the situation. If you are in love then whatever signal your partner gives should be one. Well in my business, I deal with human and a lot of pain so I'm talking about the human vital sign.\n\nYes, PAIN! Don't take it lightly as it is the 5th human vital sign. Do you know the other 4? Well, no price for guessing. It is the Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Temperature and Respiratory Rate.\n\nPain is the 5th vital sign. What does that mean to you? That means the nurse should be recording your Pain Score each time he/she checks your blood pressure. Pain score can be given as a numerical number from 1 to 10, 1 being least pain and 10 being the worst pain you have ever had in your life. My humble opinion is that nobody should be suffering in pain when they are in a hospital because we have everything we need to treat you. Anything more than a number 5 requires immediate attention. That's the least we can do for you. I think it is mentioned somewhere in the Hippocratic Oath.\n\nUntreated pain raises your blood pressure, releases a lot of bad chemicals from the body resulting in poor wound healing, poor lung function after operation and a list of other bad things. Surgeons might want to take a note.\n\nOk, as a patient in this day and age you have a right to voice out your concerns and anxieties especially when you are in PAIN. Ask for pain relief. Don't be timid, don't be shy. It is definitely not a test of your endurance to PAIN. So next time you see me give a shout.\nDr. Mohamed Asri B Kader Ibrahim\n\nConsultant Anaesthetist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pancreatic-cancer-is-the-best-outcome-a-good-death", "title": "Pancreatic Cancer - Is The Best Outcome A Good Death?", "body": "\n\n\n\nPancreatic Cancer - Is The Best Outcome A Good Death?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 23, 2016\n \n\nPancreatic cancer remains a captain of death among us having gained notoriety for being universally fatal. 9 in 10 persons diagnosed with pancreatic cancer will be lost within five years of diagnosis despite best available treatment. The disease affects more than 330,000 persons a year worldwide and the incidence is rising.\n\nDr. Haritharan Thamutaram, Consultant General & Hepatobiliary Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya shares with you about Pancreatic Cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\nInfoMed Malaysia, Issue 19, Oct \u2013 Dec 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/patah-tulang-kanak-kanak", "title": "Patah Tulang Kanak-Kanak", "body": "\n\n\n\nPatah Tulang Kanak-Kanak\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 16, 2019\n \n\n\u201cBila tulang anak saya nak baik ni, doktor?\u201d\n\n\u201cKalau saya beri suplemen kalsium untuk anak saya, bolehkah doktor?\u201d\n\n\u201cKalau masuk besi tulang anak saya lagi cepat bercantumkah doktor?\u201d\n\nIni adalah antara soalan yang kerap ditanya oleh ibu bapa kepada doktor apabila membawa anak mereka ke hospital akibat terjatuh dan mengalami kepatahan tulang. Situasi ini selalunya terjadi apabila kanak-kanak terjatuh ketika sedang asyik bermain, lebih-lebih lagi semasa memanjat monkey bar di taman permainan atau pokok yang tinggi di pekarangan rumah. Biasanya kanak-kanak ini jatuh dalam keadaan lurus atau bengkok sambil bahagian tapak tangan menekan ke tanah untuk mengelakkan bahagian muka atau kepala daripada tercedera.\n\nIni akan menyebabkan patah tulang lengan pada bahagian atas siku. Kanak-kanak yang cedera ini kemudian akan dibawa ke unit kecemasan dalam keadaan kesakitan akibat siku bengkak dan kadang kala bengkok. Dalam kes-kes yang serius, kepatahan ini boleh menyebabkan kecederaan pada saraf di bahagian lengan atau menekan salur darah utama, brachial artery yang mana boleh menyebabkan tangan pesakit mati atau gangrene.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nMenurut Pakar Runding Ortopedik, Arthroskopik Bahu dan Lutut, Hospital Columbia Asia Cheras, \nDr. Azfar Rizal Ahmad\n, kepatahan tulang bererti repihan pada tulang dan keadaan ini dikelaskan sebagai patah terbuka atau kompaun apabila salah satu atau kedua-dua hujung tulang yang patah menembusi kulit.\n\n\u201cTulang kanak-kanak adalah lebih fleksibel dan kurang cenderung untuk pecah atau patah. Kepatahan tulang kanak-kanak dialami oleh mereka yang berusia 18 tahun ke bawah,\u201d jelasnya.\n\nUjar beliau, patah tulang dalam kalangan kanak-kanak selalunya berlaku di bahagian siku, tangan dan paha. Terdapat pelbagai punca termasuk jatuh, bergurau (tolak-menolak) atau penderaan. Apabila meningkat remaja, golongan ini sering mengalami kepatahan tulang apabila bersukan kemalangan jalan raya kerana menunggang motosikal tanpa lesen.\n\n\n\nBerbeza dengan golongan dewasa, tulang kanak-kanak diselaputi oleh selaput tulang atau periosteum yang lebih tebal. Lapisan periosteum yang tebal ini menyalurkan banyak darah dan nutrisi kepada tulang kanak-kanak dan ini membolehkan tulang yang patah cepat sembuh. Periosteum yang tebal ini juga menyebabkan tulang patah tidak banyak beralih dan rawatan lebih mudah kerana majoriti boleh sembuh dengan sendiri tanpa memerlukan pembedahan.\n\nTulang kanak-kanak lebih banyak liang daripada orang dewasa, sebab itulah ia kurang padat berbanding dewasa dan menyebabkan ia lebih lembut dan cenderung membengkok sebelum patah. Sementara itu, jenis-jenis patah berbeza kerana ia boleh melibatkan plet pertumbuhan (fisis). Sekiranya ini berlaku boleh menjejaskan tumbesaran tulang tersebut.\n\nDr. Azfar Rizal memberitahu, kepatahan kanak-kanak didiagnosis menggunakan imbasan sinar-X. Imbasan CT atau MRI jarang digunakan sebagai panduan untuk rawatan, melainkan kepatahan itu adalah kepatahan teruk dan melibatkan sendi atau melibatkan saraf.\n\n\u201cSelain penggunaan radiologi untuk diagnosis dan prognosis, pemeriksaan klinikal juga penting untuk mengenal pasti masalah-masalah yang melibatkan vaskular atau saraf. Jika ini berlaku, pembedahan kecemasan terpaksa dilakukan untuk memulihkan masalah tekanan pada salur darah atau pada saraf.\n\n\u201cDisebabkan oleh faktor pertumbuhan tulang yang pesat, rawatan pembetulan tulang patah bagi kanak-kanak tidak perlu terlalu tepat seperti pesakit dewasa. Tulang kanak-kanak yang sembuh akan meneruskan tumbesarannya dan pada masa sama akan membetulkan sendiri (remodelling) masalah bengkok mahupun masalah kependekan yang tidak ketara. Lebih muda kanak-kanak terbabit, lebih banyak masa untuk tulang patah pulih kembali,\u201d jelasnya lagi.\n\nKatanya, majoriti patah tulang pada kanak-kanak tidak perlu dirawat dengan pembedahan dan hanya perlu dibetulkan kembali kepada kedudukan asal sebelum dibelat dengan bahan belat. Bergantung juga kepada tahap kepatahan tulang, doktor akan membuat pilihan sama ada untuk membelat sepenuhnya atau separa. Simen kapur dan gentian kaca ialah bahan belat yang biasa digunakan untuk membalut tangan.\n\nWalaupun majoriti kes tulang kanak-kanak boleh dirawat secara konservatif, ada juga kepatahan pada kanak-kanak yang terpaksa dibedah.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Azfar Rizal Ahmad\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Shoulder and Knee Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nMBBS (Australia), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPatah Tulang Kanak-kanak \u2013 Utusan Online, 7Julai 2019\n\n\nPatah Tulang Kanak-kanak \u2013 Utusan Online, 7Julai 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Utusan Online, 7 Julai 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pelamin-angan-ku-musnah-kerana-talasemia", "title": "Pelamin Angan Ku Musnah Kerana Talasemia", "body": "\n\n\n\nPelamin Angan Ku Musnah Kerana Talasemia\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 23, 2021\n \n\nDI MALAYSIA, setiap pasangan yang ingin mendirikan rumah tangga diwajibkan melakukan ujian saringan (HIV). Selain itu, mereka sangat digalakkan menjalani ujian talasemia.\n\nSesetengah daripada kita mungkin berpendapat hanya ujian saringan HIV lebih relevan, namun hakikatnya talasemia juga sangat signifikan demi menjamin kebahagiaan dan masa depan yang cerah bagi sesebuah keluarga.\n\nPeri penting ujian berkenaan telah mendorong Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) melaksanakan saringan talasemia untuk pelajar Tingkatan Empat dilakukan sejak tahun 2016 lagi.\n\nMemetik kenyataan Ketua Penolong Pengarah Kanan, Sektor Kesihatan Sekolah, Bahagian Pembangunan Kesihatan Keluarga, KKM, Dr Don Ismail Mohamed berkata, pendekatan itu merupakan langkah tepat untuk memberi kesedaran kepada remaja sebelum berkahwin dan memperoleh cahaya mata.\n\nBerdasarkan Laporan Talasemia Malaysia, KKM 2019, seramai 8,042 individu di negara ini telah direkodkan sebagai pesakit dan juga pembawa talasemia. Menurut myhealth.gov.my pula, lebih kurang 600,000 hingga 1 juta orang adalah pembawa talasemia. Angka itu nampaknya bukan kecil.\n\nUntuk mengulas lebih mendalam definisi penyakit itu dan impaknya kepada masyarakat, \nSinarPlus\n menghubungi Pakar Perunding Hematologi Hospital Columbia Asia di Bukit Rimau, Shah Alam, Selangor, Dr Habibah Abdul Halim.\n\nUjar Dr Habibah, talasemia merupakan penyakit yang berkaitan dengan penghasilan darah merah yang tidak efektif. Ia diwarisi daripada ibu atau bapa kepada anak melalui baka.\n\n\u201cTalasemia terjadi apabila mutasi berlaku pada hemoglobin (protein dalam sel darah merah yang memberikan warna pada darah dan membawa oksigen) sama ada jenis Alfa, Beta globulin atau Beta talasemia.\n\n\u201cKebanyakan mutasi ini akan diturunkan kepada generasi seterusnya. Kadangkala, percampuran atau pertambahan mutasi daripada ibu bapa yang merupakan pembawa talasemia boleh menyebabkan keadaan pesakit semakin serius,\u201c terangnya.\n\nSecara asasnya, penyakit genetik itu terbahagi kepada dua kumpulan iaitu Alpha dan Beta. Alpha terdiri daripada empat jenis iaitu \nAlpha thalassemia trait, Hemglobin H disease (HbH), Hydrops fetalis (Alpha thalassemia major)\n dan \nSilent carier\n. Sementara Beta pula terbahagi kepada dua iaitu \nBeta thalassemia minor\n dan \nBeta thalassemia major\n atau lebih dikenali sebagai \nCooley anemia\n.\n\nUniknya tentang penyakit tersebut, ia berfokus kepada kumpulan etnik tertentu. Menerusi penyelidikan bertajuk Kajian Pemerhatian Mengenai Status Talasemia Semasa di Malaysia: Laporan daripada Pendaftaran Talasemia Malaysia, sebilangan besar pesakit dilaporkan dari negeri Sabah (22.72 peratus); kumpulan umur terbesar yang terjejas adalah 5 hingga 24.9 tahun (64.45 peratus).\n\nSementara, kumpulan etnik terbesar yang terlibat adalah kaum Melayu (63.95 peratus) dan diagnosis utama adalah hemoglobin E/Beta talasemia (34.37 peratus). \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBanyak komplikasi\n\n\n\n\n\nMenurut laman web perubatan terkemuka Amerika Syarikat, Medline Plus, simptom-simptom talasemia biasanya mudah dikesan kepada mereka yang mengalami Beta thalassemia major dan HbH Disease.\n\nAntaranya mata mereka akan kekuningan, muka pucat, perut membesar dan perubahan pada tulang seperti dahi yang membonggol, di samping tulang gigi yang tumbuh dengan tidak sekata.\n\n\u201cMereka yang menghidap Alpha thalassemia major boleh menyebabkan kematian kepada bayi yang sedang dikandung atau pada peringkat akhir kehamilan.\n\n\u201cKanak-kanak yang dilahirkan dengan Cooley anemia pula biasanya nampak normal semasa dilahirkan, tetapi mengalami anemia teruk pada tahun pertama kehidupannya,\u201c kata Medline Plus.\n\nKomplikasi akibat talasemia bukan sembarangan. Tanpa rawatan, jantung pesakit akan gagal berfungsi, selain berdepan dengan masalah hati. Hal tersebut akan menjadikan seseorang lebih cenderung untuk menghidap jangkitan.\n\n\u201cTransfusi darah dapat membantu mengawal beberapa gejala, tetapi membawa (risiko) kesan sampingan dari segi zat besi yang terlalu banyak,\u201c kata laman web itu lagi.\n\nBerdasarkan informasi daripada healthline.com pula, antara kesan sampingan lain adalah tumbesaran pesakit akan terencat, gigi akan rosak, hipotiroid (kelenjar tiroid tidak aktif), selain mengalami anemia dan kencing manis.\n\nBagaimana pula dengan rawatannya? Laman web perubatan itu menjelaskan, ia bergantung kepada jenis dan keseriusan penyakit. Antara yang dicadangkan adalah kaedah transfusi darah, pemindahan sumsum tulang ubat, pembekalan makanan tambahan dan berkemungkinan penghidap perlu melalui pembedahan untuk membuang limpa atau pundi hempedu.\n\nDalam pada itu, Dr Habibah berkata, pesakit talasemia memerlukan rawatan susulan dan pemerhatian klinikal daripada pakar darah.\n\n\u201cIa juga bergantung kepada tahap penyakit dan jenis talasemia. Rawatan susulan adalah berbeza bagi setiap individu. Ini kerana keperluan rawatan pesakit bergantung kepada simptom anemia, keperluan transfusi, komplikasi daripada talasemia seperti terlebih zat besi dan penyakit-penyakit kronik lain yang berkaitan.\n\n\u201cOleh itu, nasihat saya, sebaik sahaja disahkan ada talasemia, pesakit dinasihatkan untuk mengikut saranan rawatan dan memenuhi temu janji,\u201c katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPilih pasangan sesuai\n\n\n\n\n\nBercakap tentang transfusi darah, \nSinarPlus\n mewawancara Ketua Bahagian Transfusi Pusat Darah Negara, Dr Nor Hafizah Ahmad.\n\nUjar beliau, berdasarkan taburan pesakit talasemia, negeri Sabah memerlukan bekalan darah tertinggi disebabkan rata-rata pesakit yang mendapatkan rawatan memiliki kadar bacaan hemoglobin rendah.\n\nMenurut satu kajian yang dijalankan pada tahun 2016, dianggarkan kurang daripada 6,000 pesakit talasemia memerlukan bekalan darah pada setiap bulan di Malaysia. Dianggarkan sebanyak 17 hingga 20 peratus bekalan darah daripada jumlah keseluruhan bekalan darah di seluruh negara setiap tahun perlu diperuntukkan untuk mereka, beritahu Dr Nor Hafizah.\n\nDalam pada itu, ujar beliau, pesakit yang perlu menerima darah secara kerap boleh terdedah kepada pelbagai komplikasi sama ada dari segi jenis akut atau kronik.\n\n\u201cContoh reaksi akut adalah suhu badan boleh naik secara mendadak dan pesakit akan mengalami seram sejuk dan menggigil. Tindak balas ini dinamakan \nFebrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction\n.\n\n\u201cTindak balas protein di dalam darah yang dimasukkan ke dalam badan dengan sistem imun pesakit juga boleh merangsang (tindak balas) alergi iaitu pesakit akan mengalami ruam kulit, kegatalan di seluruh badan dan dalam kes yang serius, mereka boleh mengalami sesak nafas,\u201c katanya.\n\nDi samping itu, kekerapan transfusi darah juga akan memberi kesan jangka panjang yang mana tubuh akan menghasilkan antibodi akibat daripada tindak balas kepada darah penderma yang diterima.\n\n\u201cProses penghasilan antibodi ini akan mendedahkan pesakit kepada Reaksi Hemolisis Akut. Ia adalah satu keadaan yang serius. Jika tidak dirawat dengan segera, pesakit berpotensi mengalami kegagalan buah pinggang dan boleh menyebabkan kematian (jika berada pada tahap serius),\u201c jelasnya.\n\nPersoalannya, adakah pesakit talasemia boleh sembuh? Menurut seorang pakar pediatrik terkenal Indonesia, Dr M Dejandra Rasnaya, meskipun terdapat kaedah transfusi darah dan transplantasi tulang, namun pesakit masih memiliki kesan sampingan terhadap kesihatan pesakit, misalnya kegagalan pada ginjal dan hati.\n\n\u201cAkibatnya, kualiti kehidupan penghidap talasemia menurun. Lazimnya mereka boleh hidup dalam lingkungan usia 20 hingga 30 tahun. Namun demikian, ada juga yang bertahan hingga mencapai umur 50 tahun,\u201c katanya.\n\nYa, talasemia sememangnya boleh dibendung sekiranya kita berusaha menjejak genetik pasangan kita.\n\nCinta sejati sememangnya penting dalam perhubungan, namun faktor kesihatan juga memainkan peranan yang besar.\n\nJika kombinasi genetik mempunyai talasemia, ibu bapa pasti akan mewariskan penyakit berbahaya kepada anak-anak. Fikir-fikirkanlah.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTunang angkat kaki lepas tahu hal sebenar\n\n\n\n\n\nNADIA MUHAMMAD, 38, (bukan nama sebenar) seorang penghidap talasemia. Kata wanita itu, beliau menderita penyakit itu sejak kecil.\n\nBukan sahaja dirinya, seorang adiknya turut terkesan. Ironinya, mereka berdua akan bersama-sama melakukan transfusi darah sebulan sekali.\n\n\u201cIbu saya seorang pembawa talasemia, sementara bapa saya tidak. Namun, baka ibu itu diwarisi oleh kami berdua,\u201c ujar Nadia yang juga rakan penulis.\n\nKepada \nSinarPlus\n Nadia berkata, beliau menganggap dirinya seorang yang malang.\n\n\u201cTunang saya telah meninggalkan saya sebaik mengetahui saya pembawa talasemia. Pada awalnya saya tak beritahu dia kerana tak sanggup berpisah, namun rahsia itu pecah apabila rakan saya sendiri bongkarkan kebenaran. Cincin pertunangan telah dipulangkan selepas dua tahun kami bertunang.\n\n\u201cKatanya, dia tak mahu nanti bakal anak kami akan mendapat macam-macam penyakit. Saya sangat tertekan kerana saya juga mahu bahagia seperti orang,\u201c kata anak kelahiran Negeri Sembilan itu sambil menangis teresak-esak.\n\nSejak peristiwa pahit itu, Nadia yang mengalami masalah kemurungan telah diberhentikan kerja gara-gara prestasi kerjanya yang tidak memberangsangkan.\n\nDalam pada itu, seorang pakar kaunseling, Nur Liyana Abdullah yang turut berkhidmat dengan Talian Kasih berkata, sokongan moral sangat penting untuk pesakit talasemia.\n\n\u201cDi samping itu, pesakit juga perlu memiliki keazaman yang tinggi untuk sembuh. Benar, apabila disahkan menghidap penyakit kronik, ia bukan satu kenyataan yang mudah untuk diterima. Namun, kena sentiasa berfikiran positif dan reda dengan takdir,\u201c katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Habibah Binti Abdul Halim\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Hematologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nBA (UK), MA (UK), MBBCh (UK), MRCP (UK), FRCPATH (Hematology)(UK), Fellowship in Hematology (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPelamin Angan Ku Musnah Kerana Talasemia \u2013 SinarPlus, 4 Julai 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 4 Julai 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pelvic-floor-muscle", "title": "Pelvic Floor Muscle", "body": "\n\n\n\nPelvic Floor Muscle\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 20, 2017\n \n\nHaving strong pelvic floor muscles gives us control over the bladder and bowel. If our pelvic floor muscles are weak, that means the internal organs are not fully supported and you may have difficulty controlling the release of urine, faeces (poo) or flatus (wind).\n\nCommon causes of a weak pelvic floor include childbirth, obesity and straining of bowel during chronic constipation. Pelvic floor exercises are designed to improve muscle tone and prevent the need for corrective surgery.\n\nPelvic floor muscles are layers of muscles that support our pelvic organs and protect the bottom of pelvis. The pelvic organs are the bladder and bowel in men, and bladder, bowel and uterus in women.\n\nThe pelvic floor muscle layer has hole for passages to pass through. There are two passages in men (the urethra and anus) and three passages in women (the urethra, vagina and anus). There is also an extra circular muscle around the anus (the anal sphincter) and around the urethra (the urethral sphincter). Although the pelvic floor is hidden from view, it can be consciously controlled and therefore trained, much like our arm, leg or abdominal muscles.\n\nPelvic floor muscles provide support to the organs that lie on it. The sphincters can control the release of urine, faeces and flatus (wind) and allow us to delay emptying until it is convenient. When the pelvic floor muscles are contracted, the internal organs are lifted and the sphincters tighten the openings of the vagina, anus and urethra. Relaxing the pelvic floor allows passage of urine and faeces.\nWhat could affect the pelvic floor muscles?\n\n\nPregnancy and childbirth\n\n\nStraining on the toilet\n\n\nChronic coughing\n\n\nHeavy lifting\n\n\nHigh impact exercise\n\n\nAge\n\n\nObesity\n\n\nHow do I know if I have a Pelvic Floor weakness/problem? \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\naccidental leakage of urine when exercising, coughing or sneezing\n\n\nNeed to go to the toilet in a hurry or not making it there on time.\n\n\nvisit to the toilet frequently\n\n\ndifficult to empty bladder/ bowel\n\n\npelvic pain, uterus prolapse\n\n\npain/poor sensation during sexual intercourse\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow can I strengthen these muscles?\n\n\nSqueeze and draw in the muscles around your back passage and your vagina at the same time. Lift them UP inside. You should have a sense of \u201clift\u201d each time you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles.\n\n\nTry to hold them strong and tight as you count to 8. Now, let them go and relax. You should have a distinct feeling of \u201cletting go\u201d.\n\n\nRepeat \u201csqueeze and lift\u201d and let go. It is best to rest for about 8 seconds in between each lift up of the muscles. If you can\u2019t hold for 8, just hold for as long as you can.\n\n\nRepeat this \u201csqueeze and lift\u201d as many times as you can, up to a limit of 8 to 12 squeezes.\n\n\nTry to do three sets of 8 to 12 squeezes each, with a rest in between.\n\n\n\nDo this whole training plan (three sets of 8 to 12 squeezes) each day while lying down, sitting or standing. There are so many other therapeutic exercises which is equally important to help strengthen our pelvic floors. They are also known as the Low intensity core exercises.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTo learn more about these exercises, please do contact us for appointments or any enquiries. Please contact Columbia Asia Hospital - Seremban Physiotherapy Department at +606-603 3157.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences \n\n\nwww.continence.org.au\n\n\nwww.continence.org.au/pages/how-do-pelvic-floor-muscles-help.html\n\n\n \n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pengambilan-1200-kalori-sehari-kuatkan-tulang", "title": "Pengambilan 1,200 Kalori Sehari Kuatkan Tulang", "body": "\n\n\n\nPengambilan 1,200 Kalori Sehari Kuatkan Tulang\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 17, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nBoleh dikatakan tulang seorang atlet lebih kuat berbanding tulang seseorang yang bersukan sebagai hobi, apatah lagi individu yang langsung tidak aktif bersukan. \u00a0\n\nSebagai seorang profesional, atlet harus menjaga pemakanan, bergerak aktif dengan teknik yang betul, mengambil suplemen yang diperlukan tulang. \u00a0\n\nMenurut Pakar Bedah Ortopedik dan Trauma Columbia Asia Hospital Setapak, Dr Sharizan Mohamed Yusoff, semua tabiat ini bersesuaian dengan gaya hidup atlet yang menjadikan tulang mereka lebih kuat. \u00a0\n\nKatanya, tidak bersenam meningkatkan risiko kecederaan tulang dan tidak aktif, mengamalkan pergerakan yang minimum sepanjang hari dan diet tidak menentu menyebabkan tulang mereka tidak akan berada pada tahap optimum. \u00a0\n\n\"Keadaan itu juga meninggikan berisiko untuk menghidap masalah tulang. Aktiviti fizikal adalah satu-satunya intervensi yang dapat meningkatkan jisim dan kekuatan tulang. \u00a0\n\n\"Ia membantu imbangan badan yang akan mengurangkan risiko terjatuh. Insiden jatuh ialah punca utama kecederaan,\" katanya. \u00a0\n\nPanduan menguatkan tulang\n\nBeliau menambah, cara bersenam untuk pencapaian maksimum seharusnya dilakukan dengan magnitud atau kadar regangan tinggi, seperti melompat untuk bahagian bawah badan dan sukan raket untuk bahagian atas badan. \u00a0\n\nBagi mencapai faedah maksimum (tulang kuat dan fleksibel), senaman itu dicadangkan seperti berikut: \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nSenaman dinamik dan bukan statik\n\n\nMencapai keamatan yang mencukupi\n\n\nSerangan diskret dan berselang-seli\n\n\nMerangkumi corak pergerakan berubah-ubah\n\n\nPengambilan Kalsium dan Vitamin D yang mencukupi\n\n\nDisokong pemakanan seimbang yang optimum\n\n\nTiga komponen tulang\n\nBeliau berkata, tulang adalah tisu hidup dan sentiasa berubah (bertumbuh dan diperbaharui dari masa ke semasa). Tulang meliputi tiga komponen utama yang menjadikannya fleksibel dan kuat. \u00a0\nPertama:\n Kolagen, iaitu protein yang memberikan tulang rangka kerja yang fleksibel. \u00a0\nKedua:\n Kompleks mineral kalsium-fosfat yang menjadikan tulang keras dan kuat.\u00a0\nKetiga:\n Sel tulang hidup yang menggantikan bahagian tulang yang rosak atau lemah.\u00a0\n\nPengukuhan tulang melalui pemakanan\n\n\nMakan Sayur-sayuran\n\nIa terbukti membantu menghasilkan tulang sihat ketika zaman kanak-kanak dan melindungi jisim tulang pada orang dewasa dan yang lebih tua. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nAmbil protein yang mencukupi\n\nPengambilan protein yang rendah boleh menyebabkan kehilangan ketumpatan tulang, manakala pengambilan protein yang tinggi boleh membantu melindungi kesihatan tulang semasa penuaan dan penurunan berat badan. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nMakan makanan berkalsium tinggi sepanjang hari\n\nKalsium adalah mineral utama yang terdapat dalam tulang dan mesti dimakan setiap hari untuk melindungi kesihatan tulang.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nDapatkan banyak vitamin D dan Vitamin K\n\nMenerusi makanan atau makanan tambahan juga boleh membantu melindungi kesihatan tulang. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nMengambil suplemen kolagen\n\nBukti yang terkini menunjukkan bahawa penambahan kolagen bantu memelihara kesihatan tulang dengan mengurangkan pecahan kolagen. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nMakanan tinggi magnesium dan zink\n\nMagnesium dan zink memainkan peranan penting dalam mencapai jisim tulang optimum ketika zaman kanak-kanak dan mengekalkan ketumpatan tulang ketika dewasa dan membantu kekuatan tulang pada warga emas. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nAmbil makanan tinggi lemak omega-3\n\nAsid lemak omega-3 didapati menggalakkan pembentukan tulang baru dan melindungi daripada kehilangan tulang pada orang tua. \u00a0\n\nPengukuhan tulang melalui senaman\n\n\nLakukan latihan kekuatan dan angkat berat\n\nDua latihan ini membantu meningkatkan pembentukan tulang ketika pertumbuhan dan melindungi kesihatan tulang untuk orang dewasa dan lebih tua terutama yang mempunyai ketumpatan tulang rendah. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nElakkan diet sangat rendah kalori\n\nIni perlu kerana ia didapati mampu mengurangkan ketumpatan tulang, walaupun digabungkan dengan senaman rintangan.\n\nAmbil diet seimbang dengan sekurang-kurangnya 1,200 kalori setiap hari untuk memelihara kesihatan tulang.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nKekalkan berat badan stabil dan sihat\n\nMenjadi terlalu kurus atau terlalu berat boleh menjejaskan kesihatan tulang. Tambahan pula, mengekalkan berat badan yang stabil dan bukan berulang kali kehilangan dan peningkatan semula, boleh membantu memelihara ketumpatan tulang.\n\nSementara itu, beliau berkata keinginan tulang yang kuat dan prestasi yang hebat tidak harus bersandarkan risiko masalah kesihatan pada organ lain.\n\nLatihan dan pemakanan adalah jalan yang ideal, dan mampan untuk jangka panjang. Dari sekejap hebat bawa mudarat, baik lambat tetapi selamat.\n\nBagi atlet lebih tahan sakit berbanding orang biasa?\n\nToleransi terhadap kesakitan bergantung pada pelbagai faktor, seperti genetik, jantina, usia, tahap kesihatan, kebiasaan aktiviti harian atau jenis sukan yang diceburi.\n\nContohnya atlet sukan 'angkat berat' mempunyai ketumpatan tulang lebih daripada biasa, dan secara tidak langsung membantu 'pain management' jika berlaku kecederaan pada tulang atlet sukan itu.\n\nJadi apakah yang membantu atlet yang terjatuh untuk bangkit semula?\n\nSaintis mendapati bahawa atlet bergantung pada strategi tertentu untuk membantu mereka menangani kesakitan. Ia lebih berkait dengan minda berbanding fizikal.\n\nDalam jurnal 'Pain' dibentangkan 15 eksperimen yang mengkaji ambang kesakitan dan toleransi kesakitan pada atlet dan bukan atlet.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharizan Mohamed Yusoff\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\nMD (UKM), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), Special Interest in Arthroplasty\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPengambilan 1,200 Kalori Sehari Kuatkan Tulang \u2013 Berita Harian Online, 12 Januari 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n Artikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian Online, 12 Januari 2023. \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \n Orthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pentingnya-literasi-kesihatan-di-kalangan-wanita", "title": "Pentingnya Literasi Kesihatan di Kalangan Wanita", "body": "\n\n\n\nPentingnya Literasi Kesihatan di Kalangan Wanita\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 28, 2020\n \n\nKESIHATAN ibu dan anak antara fokus utama penjagaan kesihatan di Malaysia. Namun kajian menunjukkan hanya 6.6 peratus rakyat di negara ini mempunyai tahap literasi kesihatan yang baik.\n\nTernyata ia memberi kesan yang buruk terhadap individu dan komuniti. Sebagai contoh, penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi yang tidak terkawal, tabiat merokok, kadar obesiti yang tinggi serta gerakan anti vaksin adalah antara manisfestasi literasi kesihatan yang rendah.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPakar Obstetriks & Ginekologi Hospital Columbia Asia - Seremban, Dr Jamali Wagiman, berkata dari sudut penjagaan kesihatan wanita, situasi yang sama juga dapat diperhatikan.\n\n\u201cSepanjang mengendalikan perkhidmatan kesihatan wanita di Malaysia, saya perhatikan ramai wanita yang keliru dengan penentuan waktu subur dan kehamilan yang selamat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cPenggunaan pil perancang masih lagi mempengaruhi keputusan mereka. Tidak ketinggalan juga segelintir yang enggan menjalani pembedahan dan rawatan kemoterapi walau disahkan menghidap kanser.\n\n\u201cBagi wanita berkahwin dan berhasrat mendapatkan zuriat, penentuan waktu subur amat membantu, begitu juga bagi mereka yang ingin menangguhkan kehamilan boleh mengelakkan dari melakukan hubungan kelamin sepanjang tempoh suburnya.\n\n\u201cBerdasarkan kajian daripada lebih 5,000 ibu selepas bersalin, hampir 43 peratus kehamilan itu tidak dirancang. Bayangkan jika membabitkan pasangan yang belum berkahwin pada usia remaja,\u201d katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nSementara itu, \u2018Mother to Child Transmission of HIV\u2019 menunjukkan HIV dalam kalangan wanita meningkat daripada 11 peratus pada 2008 kepada 29 peratus, pada 2016.\n\n\u201cUsaha mengawal jangkitan ibu kepada anak sejak 1997 berhasil apabila Malaysia berjaya mengelakkan jangkitan dari ibu ke anak sepenuhnya,\u201d katanya.\n\nDulu wanita dengan HIV terpaksa melalui pengguguran, pembedahan cesarean semasa bersalin dan pemandulan kekal sebagai usaha mengekang jangkitan.\n\nBagaimanapun, katanya, sekarang keadaan jauh berubah apabila rawatan penuh semasa mengandung dan kelahiran secara normal boleh dijalankan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nBayi diberi rawatan dan dipantau penuh selama enam bulan, malah wanita yang bersuami penghidap HIV boleh hamil menggunakan kaedah IUI atau pensenyawaan in-vitro (IVF) manakala hubungan seksual dilakukan dengan penggunaan kondom sepenuhnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nKanser Utama Semakin Meningkat\n\n\nMengenai kanser, beliau berkata ketika ini dilihat ramai wanita menghidap beberapa kanser utama yang boleh membawa maut.\n\nKanser pangkal rahim, umpamanya adalah pembunuh ketiga tertinggi dengan 2, 000 kes baru dikesan sepanjang tahun.\n\nAda program saringan pap smear, tetapi tidak digunakan sepenuhnya.\n\nBeliau berkata, hari ini pendekatan lebih proaktif digunakan dengan gabungan HPV imunisasi, ujian mengesan kehadiran DNA HPV dan meneruskan program pap smear.\n\nImunisasi HPV dikendalikan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan bagi pelajar sekolah dan Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) bagi pelajar kolej dan universiti di bawah umur 26 tahun.\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, program itu kurang mendapat sambutan dan jika ia berterusan matlamat mencapai sifar pesakit kanser pangkal rahim menjelang 2030 akan jadi impian saja.\n\nBerikutan itu, tidak mustahil jika beberapa penyakit yang dihapuskan sebelum ini akan muncul semula. Situasi ini jelas bukan kerana ketiadaan infrastruktur kesihatan, tetapi disebabkan kegagalan masyarakat menerima dan bertindak balas dengan betul.\n\n\u201cDengan literasi kesihatan yang baik, individu dan masyarakat akan lebih terdidik dan mampu bersama menggalas tanggungjawab itu,\u201d katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Jamali Bin Wagiman\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMD (USM), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nElak Kompilasi Penyakit Berbahaya \u2013 Berita Harian, 15 Februari 2020\n \u00a0\n\n\nElak Kompilasi Penyakit Berbahaya \u2013 Berita Harian, 15 Februari 2020\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 15 Februari 2020 \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/penyakit-apendiks-akut-acute-appendicitis", "title": "PENYAKIT APENDIKS AKUT (ACUTE APPENDICITIS)", "body": "\n\n\n\nPENYAKIT APENDIKS AKUT (ACUTE APPENDICITIS)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2011\n \n\nApendiks merupakan satu organ seakan kantung yang terkeluar dari kolon di bahagian bawah dan kanan abdomen anda. Walaupun fungsi struktur organ ini tidak begitu dikenalpasti tetapi ini tidak bermaksud organ tersebut tidak akan mendatangkan masalah. Apendisitis (= radang Apendiks) merupakan satu keadaan di mana apendiks itu akan membengkak dan dipenuhi nanah. Adalah dianggarkan lebihkurang 2% dari mana-mana kalangan masyarakat akan mengalami penyakit radang apendiks dalam jangka hayat mereka\n\nSimptom utama apendisitis adalah rasa sakit yang bermula di bahagian perut (tengah abdomen) dan beralih ke bahagian bawah kanan abdomen. Rasa sakit apendisitis selalunya menjadi bertambah sakit dalam tempoh 6 - 12 jam dan lama-kelamaan ianya menjadi lebih teruk.\n\nSesiapa sahaja boleh mengalami apendisitis tetapi lazimnya ia terjadi kepada mereka yang berumur di antara 10 - 30 tahun. Apendisitis merupakan salah satu sebab utama surgeri di bahagian abdomen kanak-kanak dilakukan.\n\nRawatan yang biasa dilakukan untuk apendiks ialah dengan mengeluarkan apendiks tersebut. Kaedah ini agak ringkas dan pesakit boleh pulih dengan segera. Tetapi jika apendiks telah pecah, surgeri yang akan dilakukan agak rumit dan pesakit mungkin akan mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk sembuh. Apendisitis yang telah pecah tetapi tidak diberi rawatan dengan segera akan mengakibatkan komplikasi yang lebih serius seperti jangkitan kuman di dalam darah. Dalam beberapa kes yang jarang berlaku, apendisitis yang melibatkan apendiks yang telah pecah boleh mengakibatkan maut.\nTanda-tanda dan Simptom\n\nApendisitis boleh mengakibatkan pelbagai simptom yang boleh berubah pada bila-bila masa sahaja. Simptom awal yang biasa dialami ialah rasa sakit di sekitar kawasan pusat yang akan bergerak ke bahagian bawah kanan abdomen. Rasa kesakitan itu akan menjadi lebih teruk apabila inflamasi di apendiks itu merebak ke tisu-tisu yang berhampiran, lebih-lebih lagi ke bahagian dalam lapisan (peritoneum) abdomen anda.\n\nLama-kelamaan, rasa sakit itu akan bergerak ke bahagian kanan bawah abdomen anda \u2013 kawasan ini dikenali sebagai poin McBurney. Bahagian ini terletak kira-kira di bahagian pertengahan di antara perut dan bahagian atas tulang pelvik kanan anda. Walaubagaimanapun, bagi ramai pesakit yang mengalami apendisitis, bahagian yang sakit mungkin berbeza bergantung kepada umur dan posisi apendiks tersebut, lebih-lebih lagi kanak-kanak dan juga orang tua yang mungkin mengalami sakit apendisitis di tempat yang berlainan dari yang disebut di atas.\n\nJika anda tekan secara perlahan di kawasan yang sakit itu, ia akan terasa lembut. Tetapi, apabila anda lepaskan tekanan itu, lebih-lebih lagi jika anda melakukannya secara tiba-tiba, rasa sakit apendiks itu akan menjadi lebih teruk (rebound tenderness). Ia juga akan menjadi lebih teruk jika anda batuk, berjalan atau melakukan sebarang pergerakan. Tambahan pula jika apendiks yang membengkak itu bersentuhan dengan peritoneum \u2013 lapisan membran selembut sutera yang meliputi dinding abdomen dan usus. Namun demikian, jika anda membaringkan tubuh anda di sisi dan menarik lutut ke dada anda, rasa sakit yang dialami akan berkurangan.\n\nSelain daripada rasa sakit yang dialami, anda mungkin akan mengalami satu atau lebih daripada tanda-tanda dan simptom-simptom berikut:\n\n\u00a0\n\nrasa mual dan muntah\n\n\nhilang selera makan\n\n\ndemam ringan selepas timbul tanda-tanda dan simptom lain\n\n\nsembelit\n\n\ntidak boleh mengeluarkan gas/angin (kentut)\n\n\ncirit-birit\n\n\nbengkak di bahagian abdomen\n\n\nPunca-punca berlakunya Apendisitis\n\nSetakat ini tiada sebarang penjelasan yang tepat kenapa penyakit apendisitis berlaku. Kadangkala ianya disebabkan halangan yang berlaku apabila terdapat sisa makanan atau ketulan najis yang keras (fecal stone) terperangkap di dalam saluran apendiks anda.\n\nApendisitis juga mungkin terjadi akibat jangkitan seperti jangkitan virus di dalam usus atau ia mungkin terjadi akibat inflamasi yang lain. Dalam kedua-dua konteks, bakteria akan merebak dengan cepat, menyebabkan apendiks itu membengkak dan dipenuhi nanah. Jika tidak dirawat dengan segera, apendiks anda mungkin akan pecah.\nUjian Penyaringan dan Diagnosis\n\nRasa sakit dari apendisitis akan berubah dari masa ke semasa, jadi adalah agak sukar untuk mendiagnosiskannya. Tambahan pula, rasa sakit di abdomen mungkin berpunca dari pelbagai masalah kesihatan selain dari apendisitis. Keadaan-keadaan lain yang berkaitan sakit di abdomen yang menyerupai apendisitis termasuk:\n\n\u00a0\n\nkehamilan ektopik.\n Rasa sakit di abdomen mungkin berpunca dari kehamilan ektopik (kehamilan di luar rahim)\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nsista ovari.\n Sista di sebelah kanan ovari mungkin mendatangkan rasa sakit di kawasan yang sama dengan apendisitis.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nbatu karang.\n Kadangkala, batu karang dari buah pinggang sebelah kanan akan keluar melalui ureter yang terletak di antara buah pinggang ke pundi kencing, dan terperangkap di situ. Ini akan menyebabkan rasa sakit yang seakan apendisitis, lebih-lebih lagi di kalangan orang dewasa.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nJangkitan air kencing.\n Ini kerap berlaku di kalangan kaum wanita.Ianya boleh juga berlaku di kalangan pesakit yang sedang mengalami penyakit batu karang di dalam buah pinggang yang belum dirawat.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\npenyakit Crohn.\n Keadaan ini yang menyebabkan inflamasi yang kronik pada trek pencernaan, juga seakan apendisitis.\n\n\n\nUntuk mendiagnosis apendiks, doktor anda akan memeriksa abdomen anda. Apabila kawasan yang sakit itu ditekan dan dilepaskan dengan tiba-tiba, rasa sakit apendisitis itu akan menjadi lebih teruk lebih-lebih lagi jika peritoneum yang berhampiran membengkak. Doktor anda juga akan memerhatikan tanda-tanda lain termasuk kekakuan yang berlaku di abdomen dan kebarangkalian anda mengeraskan otot abdomen anda apabila tekanan diletakkan ke atas apendiks yang membengkak (guarding). Di samping itu, doktor anda akan menyarankan prosedur-prosedur berikut:\n\n\u00a0\n\nUjian darah.\n Doktor anda akan mengira bilangan darah putih yang tinggi jika terdapat sebarang radang apendiks.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUjian air kencing.\n Anda mungkin dikehendaki menjalani ujian air kencing untuk memastikan jika terdapat sebarang jangkitan di trek urinari atau batu karang yang mengakibatkan rasa sakit itu. Jika ianya batu karang, sel darah merah akan kelihatan apabila pemeriksaan mikroskopik dijalankan ke atas air kencing si pesakit.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUjian imbasan.\n Doktor anda mungkin akan menyarankan sinaran-x atau imbasan ultrasound dilakukan ke atas bahagian abdomen anda yang akan mengesahkan tidak terdapat penyakit lain yang menyerupai apendisitis. Imbasan ultrasound yang menggunakan gelombang bunyi berfrekuensi tinggi dan teknologi komputer akan menghasilkan imej organ dalaman anda. Lebih kerap lagi, imbasan tomografi berkomputer (computerised tomography \u2013 CT) digunakan untuk mengesahkan sesuatu diagnosis. Imbasan CT merupakan satu ujian imbasan yang menggunakan satu siri sinar-x yang dihasilkan oleh komputer untuk menghasilkan pandangan yang lebih komprehensif terhadap organ dalaman anda berbanding sinaran-x yang konvensional. Ia juga akan membantu mendedahkan sebarang diagnosis yang lain jika apendiks anda bukan merupakan punca sakit yang dialami. Disebabkan imbasan CT akan menghasilkan radiasi, adalah perlu untuk pesakit wanita memastikan dirinya tidak hamil sebelum mengadakan imbasan CT.\n\n\n\nWalaupun berbagai-bagai ujian di atas mungkin dilakukan ke atas sesetengah pesakit yang mengalami sakit perut yang sukar dibuat diagnosis, pada umumnya untuk pesakit ynag mengalami radang apendiks, pemeriksaan fizikal oleh pakar bedah adalah yang paling penting untuk membuat diagnosis apendisitis akut. Sungguhpun begitu diagnosis yang dibuat hanyalah sekadar syak yang tinggi apendisitis akut mengikut kebarangkalian klinikal. Memandangkan begitu banyak punca sakit perut yang lain yang boleh menyerupai apendisitis akut, pakar bedah yang yang berpengalaman luas amat jarang untuk memberi jaminan 100% bahawa diagnosis adalah apendisitis akut sebelum pembedahan dijalankan.\nKomplikasi\n\nKomplikasi yang lebih serius terhadap apendisitis adalah jangkitan di bahagian lapisan kaviti abdomen anda (peritonitis). Ianya mungkin terjadi jika apendiks anda pecah dan isi kandungan usus dan organisme akan berjangkit masuk ke dalam kaviti itu. Apabila ini terjadi, anda akan rasa lega secara tiba-tiba. Tetapi, sejurus kemudian, seluruh bahagian abdomen anda akan dipenuhi gas dan cecair sebelum ianya mengeras dan terasa sakit apabila disentuh. Anda juga akan berasa sakit di bahagian abdomen tetapi mungkin tidak seteruk rasa sakit apendisitis yang normal. Tambahan pula, anda mungkin tidak boleh mengeluarkan angin (kentut) atau membuang air besar disebabkan inflamasi usus. Lain-lain tanda atau simptom adalah demam, rasa haus yang keterlaluan dan pembuangan air kecil yang amat sedikit.\n\nPeritonitis adalah satu kes kecemasan yang memerlukan rawatan. Jika anda atau anggota keluarga menghidap tanda-tanda jangkitan abdomen, anda dinasihatkan pergi ke wad kecemasan mana-mana hospital atau mana-mana klinikal yang beroperasi 24jam dengan segera. Walaupun dengan mendapatkan rawatan segera, peritonitis boleh menjadi lebih serius.\n\nKanak-kanak akan lebih cenderung mengalami apendiks yang pecah daripada orang dewasa. Disebabkan kanak-kanak tidak selalunya menghidap simptom-simptom biasa apendisitis, ibubapa mungkin akan lengah untuk mendapatkan rawatan. Atas sebab itu, adalah dinasihatkan agar ibubapa tidak mengambil sikap acuh tak acuh jika anda atau mana-mana anggota keluarga mengalami kesakitan di bahagian abdomen. Walaupun jika anda mengesyaki \u2018sakit perut\u2019 itu tidak serius, sila hubungi doktor anda untuk memastikannya.\n\nAdakalanya, jangkitan atau penyerapan kandungan usus akan membentuk lapisan nanah (appendiceal abscess) sekecil biji kacang atau sebesar buah limau. Walau apa pun saiznya, ia memerlukan surgeri sebelum nanah itu menembusi dinding usus itu dan menyebabkan peritonitis.\nRawatan\n\nJika anda mempunyai apendisitis yang teruk, anda perlu menjalani pembedahan untuk mengeluarkan apendiks tersebut (apendektomi). Pakar bedah anda akan melakukan pembedahan terbuka yang tradisional dengan menggunakan insisi di abdomen (di antara 3 \u2013 7cm) atau melakukan surgeri laparoskopik di mana ia hanya memerlukan beberapa insisi yang kecil di bahagian abdomen (di antara 0.5 \u2013 1cm).\n\nDalam prosedur laparoskopik, pakar bedah anda akan memasukkan satu laparoskop \u2013 tiub senipis pensil yang mempunyai sistem lampu dan kamera video kecil ke dalam abdomen melalui kanula (satu tiub lompang). Prosedur ini hanya memerlukan insisi yang kecil. Video kamera ini akan memberi gambaran di bahagian dalam abdomen anda di monitor video dan pakar bedah anda boleh melakukan surgeri ini dengan lebih jelas. Untuk mengeluarkan apendiks anda, pakar bedah anda akan menggunakan alat kecil yang dimasukkan melalui satu atau dua insisi kecil di abdomen anda.\n\nSecara amnya, surgeri laparoskopik memberi peluang kepada anda untuk sembuh dengan cepat dan tanda parut yang kurang. Tetapi, jika apendiks anda telah pecah dan jangkitan telah merebak melampaui kawasan apendiks, atau jika terdapat nanah, anda memerlukan insisi yang lebih besar untuk membolehkan pakar bedah anda membersihkan kaviti abdomen dengan lebih teliti. Anda akan menerima antiobiotiks secara intravena dan perlu tinggal di hospital beberapa hari untuk proses pemulihan.\n\nKos pembedahan biasa apendiks adalah sekitar RM 4,000. Tetapi kadangkala pesakit terpaksa menjalani pembedahan kecemasan pada waktu luar pejabat yang akan menelan kos di sekitar RM 5,000-6,000 di sesetengah hospital. Kos pembedahan apendiks juga berbeza-beza jika pembedahan dilakukan secara laparoskopik, pembedahan yang lebih rumit kerana pesakit lebih obes, apendiks yang sudah pecah atau kedudukan apendiks yang di luar kebiasaan. Kos rawatan apendisitis pada keseluruhannya juga boleh berbeza akibat dari ujian-ujian yang terpaka pakar bedah lakukan di dalam proses mendiagnos apendisitis akut.\nDr. Abd Hamid Mat Sain\n\nConsultant Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Seremban\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/penyakit-jantung-koronari-hindarinya-sebelum-terlambat", "title": "Penyakit Jantung Koronari, Hindarinya Sebelum Terlambat", "body": "\n\n\n\nPenyakit Jantung Koronari, Hindarinya Sebelum Terlambat\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 15, 2021\n \n\nPenyakit jantung merupakan sesuatu yang sering kita dengar dalam kehidupan harian. Ramai yang terkesan dengannya, pernah melaluinya sendiri dan ramai juga pernah kehilangan orang tersayang gara-gara penyakit ini.\n\nAdakah cara untuk mengelak atau mengatasi penyakit tersebut?\n\nSempena Hari Jantung Sedunia 29 September nanti, kami kongsikan sesi soal jawab bersama Dr. Benjamin Leo, seorang pakar jantung yang akan menjelaskan tentang penyakit jantung koronari dan langkah-langkah mencegahnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n1. Boleh kongsikan statistik penting tentang penyakit Jantung di Malaysia? \n\n\n\n\nPenyakit jantung ialah punca kematian paling tinggi 13.9% di Malaysia pada tahun 2017.\n\n\nKadar kematian ini telah meningkat 54% berbanding dengan tahun 2007.\n\n\nSetiap hari di Malaysia, 37 orang meninggal dunia akibat penyakit jantung.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n2. Apakah penyakit jantung koronari?\n\n\n\nJantung adalah satu organ yang penting untuk badan. Jantung berfungsi untuk mengepam darah yang membawa oksigen dan nutrien kepada semua organ dan anggota badan. Jantung mempunyai bekalan darah sendiri melalui arteri koronari (pembuluh darah koronari).\n\nPenyakit jantung koronari berlaku akibat gangguan bekalan oksigen pada otot otot jantung.\n\nHal ini selalunya disebabkan oleh kerosakan pada dinding saluran darah atau pengumpulan kolesterol di dinding saluran darah yang menyebabkan saluran darah menjadi sempit atau tersumbat.\n\nApabila bekalan oksigen kepada otot jantung terjejas, otot jantung akan kurang berfungsi dan menimbulkan perasaan/simptom sakit jantung (angina).\n\nJika tidak dirawat dan dibiarkan berterusan, otot jantung akan rosak dan mengakibatkan serangan jantung. Serangan jantung boleh menyebabkan kematian jika tidak dirawat dengan segera.\n\n\n3. Apakah simptom atau tanda tanda sakit/serangan jantung?\n\n\n\n\nSakit dada yang mengencang atau menekan.\n\n\nSakit dada yang timbul atau bertambah teruk ketika membuat pekerjaan atau aktiviti.\n\n\nSakit dada yang berkurangan dan hilang ketika rehat.\n\n\nSakit yang merebak ke bahagian rahang, leher atau lengan (selalunya lengan kiri).\n\n\nSakit ini boleh terjadi dalam beberapa minit sahaja.\n\n\nSakit ini boleh disertai dengan kesesakan nafas, rasa loya, berpeluh dingin atau pengan.\n\n\nPesakit yang lebih berumur, yang mengidap penyakit kencing manis (diabetes) atau wanita, kadang-kadang tidak mengalami simptom penyakit ini tetapi mengalami sesak nafas, mual, pengsan dan keletihan yang amat sangat.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n4. Apakah faktor-faktor risiko penyakit jantung koronari?\n\n\n\nFaktor-faktor risiko penyakit jantung koronari boleh dibahagikan kepada dua:-\n\n\u00a0\n\nFaktor-faktor yang boleh diubah seperti:\n\n\nMerokok (pada 2015 23%, (5 juta) penduduk Malaysia > 15 tahun merokok).\n\n\nObesiti (pada 2011, Malaysia 44,2% warga Malaysia obes, kadar paling tinggi di Asia Tenggara).\n\n\nKurang bersenam (pada 2015, Kurang dari 8% orang Malaysia bersenam dengan aktif).\n\n\nTekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi). (30% penduduk Malaysia).\n\n\nKadar kolesterol dan lemak yang tinggi (hiperlipidaemia) (43% lelaki, 52% wanita).\n\n\nKencing manis (Diabetes) (16% lelaki, 18% wanita).\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nFaktor-faktor yang tidak boleh diubah seperti:\n\n\nUmur (risiko sakit jantung meningkat dengan umur).\n\n\nSejarah sakit jantung dalam keluarga terdekat.\n\n\nJantina (risiko serangan jantung lebih pada lelaki).\n\n\nGenetik.\n\n\n\n\n5. Apakah langkah-langkah pencegahan penyakit jantung?\n\n\n\nBanyak risiko-risiko sakit jantung boleh dirawat atau dikawal. Contohnya, kita boleh henti merokok and meningkatkan aktiviti senaman.\n\nKita boleh mengawal tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis, kolesterol dan berat badan. Kadangkala, ubat diperlukan untuk mengawal risiko-risiko ini.\n\n\u00a0\n\nJangan Merokok\n\nAsap rokok mengandungi lebih daripada 4000 jenis bahan kimia beracun antaranya nikotin, karbon monoksida dan tar. Nikotin boleh merosakkan saluran darah dan mengganggu pengaliran darah.\n\nNikotin juga akan mengecutkan saluran darah serta mengurangan bekalan oksigen ke jantung dan seluruh badan. Nikotin meningkatkan kadar denyutan jantung.\n\nKarbon monoksida akan mengurangkan bekalan ke jantung dan seluruh badan. Tar boleh menyebabkan pelbagai jenis barah.\n\nMerokok merupakan sejenis ketagihan. Untuk berhenti rokok, kita perlu semangat dan ketabahan. Selalunya, kita perlu bantuan daripada keluarga dan pegawai kesihatan.\n\nTerdapat banyak klinik henti rokok yang menyediakan kaunseling, bimbingan dan ubat henti merokok.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSajian dan diet\n\nKita harus mengamalkan pemakanan sihat. Makan pelbagai jenis makanan berpandukan piramid makanan. Imbangkan pengambilan makanan dengan aktiviti fisikal.\n\nPilih lebih banyak bijirin dan kekacang. Makan lebih sayur sayuran dan buah buahan. Pilihlah juga makanan yang rendah lemak dan kolesterol serta sederhana kandungan gula dan garam.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBersenam\n\nBersenam sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali seminggu. Lakukan aktiviti fisikal seperti berjalan, berjoging, berenang, berbasikal, senamrobik dan bersukan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nElakkan obesiti\n\nKawal berat badan untuk mencapai Indeks Jisim Badan yang betul.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMengelakkan tekanan (stres)\n\nRancang masa secara bijak. Sedar kemampuan diri. Berfikiran positif. Tangani kritikan dengan baik. Berani kata \u201cTidak\u201d. Buat keputusan dengan bijak. Rancang perubahan dalam hidup. Jalin persahabatan. Kongsi masalah dengan orang lain.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDapatkan permeriksaan kesihatan secara berkala\n\nPemeriksaan kesihatan secara berkala boleh mengesan lebih awal faktor-faktor risiko penyakit jantung supaya rawatan boleh dilakukan segera.\n\nDisyorkan untuk dapatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan secara berjadual sekiranya anda berumur 35 tahun ke atas.\n\nBagi mereka yang berumur di bawah 35 tahun tetapi berisiko tinggi, adalah dinasihatkan untuk menjalani saringan kesihatan.\n\nDapatkan saringan kesihatan untuk indeks jisim badan (Body Mass Index), glukos dan kolesterol darah, tekanan darah dan komposisi lemak badan.\n\nJika kita pernah menghidapi penyakit darah tinggi, kencing manis atau kolesterol tinggi, jangan leka tentang ubat.\n\nPenyakit ini boleh dikawal dengan diet, senaman dan ubat. Ianya mungkin tidak akan sembuh sepenuhnya tetapi selagi dikawal, risiko sakit jantung akan lebih rendah. Jika tidak dikawal, risiko sakit jantung akan meningkat.\n\n\n6. Bagaimana cara untuk mengesan penyakit jantung koronari?\n\n\n\n\nECG(electrocardiogram)\n\nIni adalah sejenis siasatan yang dijalankan dengan menampal pelekat (sticker) kecil di bahagian dada, tangan dan kaki untuk mengesan aktiviti elektrikal dan keadaan jantung.\n\n\u00a0\n\nX-ray dada\n\nUntuk melihat saiz jantung dan paru-paru.\n\n\u00a0\n\nUjian stres\n\nMerakam aktiviti elektrikal jantung semasa pesakit berjalan kaki atau berlari di atas mesin treadmill.\n\n\u00a0\n\nEkokardiografi\n\nMelihat struktur anatomi dan fungsi jantung menggunakan ultrasound.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCT koronari angiografi\n\nDengan mengunakan sinaran X-ray dan mesin CT (computed tomography), kita boleh melihat gambaran keluasan dan rupa bentuk saluran darah jantung (arteri koronari).\n\nPewarna akan disuntik melalui tangan/lengan. Seterusnya pesakit akan dibaringkan dan ditolak masuk perlahan-lahan ke dalam mesin CT yang seakan-akan terowong kecil.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAngiografi\n\nSejenis prosedur untuk menggambarkan keluasan dan keadaan arteri koronari menggunakan X-ray. Doktor pakar jantung akan meletakkan sebatang tiub kecil dari tangan atau celah peha ke arteri koronari.\n\nSejenis pewarna akan disuntik melalui tiub dan dengan sinaran X-ray, kita boleh melihat rupa bentuk saluran darah koronari. Dengan kaedah ini, kita boleh melihat sama ada saluran darah koronari sempit atau sumbat.\n\n\n7. Apakah jenis rawatan yang boleh didapatkan mengikut peringkat penyakit jantung koronari?\n\n\n\n\nUbat\n\nBerbagai jenis ubat berkesan dan efektif untuk mengawal and merawat penyakit jantung tertakluk kepada peringkat penyakit jantung. Adalah penting bahawa pesakit tidak lupa memakan ubat-ubat mengikut nasihat doctor.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAngioplasti\n\nJika ada kesempitan atau keadaan tersumbat dalam saluran darah jantung, pakar jantung boleh menjalankan prosedur angioplasti di mana sejenis belon dimasukkan ke saluran darah jantung yang sempit dan dikembungkan untuk meluaskannya.\n\nSelain dari itu sejenis gegelung besi (stent) bakal ditempatkan di saluran darah jantung yang sempit dan dikembangkan. Kini, terdapat teknologi baru dan moden melibatkan belon dan stent yang nipis dan disaluti ubat.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPembedahan pintasan saluran jantung (CABG - \nCoronary artery bypass graft\n)\n\nSatu prosedur di mana arteri koronari diganti dengan saluran darah dari bahagian betis atau dada.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Benjamin Leo Cheang Leng\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Interventional Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Cardiology (Korea & Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPenyakit Jantung Koronari, Hindarinya Sebelum Terlambat \u2013 Getaran, 26 September 2021\n\n\n\n\u00a0\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Getaran, 26 September 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n or \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/percutaneous-procedures-lower-back-pain", "title": "Percutaneous Procedures for Lower Back Pain", "body": "\n\n\n\nPercutaneous Procedures for Lower Back Pain\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 14, 2015\n \n\nPercutaneous procedures are minimally invasive procedures that can be done without open surgery. Most of the procedures are done under x-ray guidance. The benefits of these procedures are:\n\nCan be done as outpatient or daycare basis.\n\n\nRequires only local anesthesia therefore eliminate general anesthesia and its risks.\n\n\nLess traumatic and almost no scar compare to open procedures.\n\n\nElimination of complications and risks that may result from open surgery.\n\n\nRapid recovery time, patient can go home the same day of treatment.\n\n\nAbout 80% success rate when indication is correct.\n\n\nIndication to choose patients or candidates for these percutaneous procedures must be done judiciously by a trained spine surgeon in order to produce a succesful outcome.\n\nSome of the percutaneous procedures which are available in Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya are as followings:\n\n\u00a0\n\nNeuroforamina Injection\n\nIndicated for patient who has radiculopathy which means radiating pain to lower limb or sciatica secondary to inflamation of spinal nerve root. Steroids and local anesthetics are injected into neuroforamina under xray guidance.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nThe injection will reduce the inflammation of the affected spinal nerve root thus reduce the radiating pain.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFacet Joint Injection\n\nIndicated in patient with axial back pain secondary to facet joint arthritis.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nThe involved facet joint is injected with steroids to reduce inflammation and\n\nthus reduce the pain. Procedure done\n\nunder x ray guidance.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRhyzolysis\n\nThis procedure utilizes the radiofrequency energy to disrupt the facet\u2019s medial branch nerve so that it can no longer transmit pain from the injured facet joints. The outcome, no more axial back pain cause by facet joints arthropathy.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nProcedure also done under x-ray guidance.\n\nRhyzolysis gives better and longer pain relief compare to facet joint injection. under x ray guidance.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nNucleoplasty\n\nThis is a percutaneous procedure to decompress the intervetebral disc thus relief pain and sciatica in patient with slipped disc without doing open surgery.\n\nIt uses either radiofrequency energy or plasma light to dissolve the slipped disc nucleus and indirectly decompress the disc and relief the symptoms.\n\nHowever, careful patient selection is important for an excellent result.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nThis procedure is indicated for patient who suffers from a contained slipped disc as noted in MRI scan.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr Ahmad Norshahrid Zahari\n\nConsultant Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/phrenic-nerve-pacemaker-long-term-ventilation", "title": "Phrenic Nerve Pacemaker for long term ventilation", "body": "\n\n\n\nPhrenic Nerve Pacemaker for long term ventilation\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 02, 2011\n \n\nPhrenic Nerve Pacing is an alternative to long term use of conventional positive-pressure ventilators. Though this technology has been available for more than 20 years, it remains largely unknown to most Malaysian healthcare providers.\n\nThe main components of Phrenic Nerve Pacemakers are the:\n\n\u00a0\n\nExternal transmitter\n\n\nExternal antennae for transmission of radiofrequency signals\n\n\nSubdermal receivers\n\n\nElectrodes which directly depolarize each Phrenic Nerve\n\n\n\nIn comparison with conventional ventilators, size and portability remain the main advantage of this system. It is particularly useful for younger patients with medical problems such as high cervical spinal cord injuries, congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, primary alveolar hypoventilation, certain forms of brainstem stroke, head injuries and brain tumors.\n\nDespite having many advantages, this product is only effective on patients with intact phrenic nerve function. As such, proper evaluation of phrenic nerve function is imperative before surgical implantation of electrodes. Though the surgery can be performed at very reasonable charges, the actual product is costly and may be accessible to only a handful of patients. Nevertheless, the manufacturer estimates a full return on investment within a period of 4 years, when compared to the use of conventional ventilators.\n\nSurgical placement of electrodes can either be done by the cervical or thoracic approach, depending on the individual Surgeon\u2019s preference. The surgery itself is rather straight forward with most patients being discharges 2 days after the procedure. Initiation of pacemaker use is usually commenced about 6 weeks after surgery, allowing sufficient time for any edema surrounding the phrenic nerves to subside.\n\nTo date, this surgery has only been performed once in Malaysia - a joint effort between Institut Jantung Negara and Columbia Asia Extended Care Hospital to treat a quadriplegic patient with high cervical spinal cord injury.\n\nBilateral surgical wounds measuring approximately 2 \u00bd inches.\n\nIn summary, increased awareness towards the availability of such products will go a long way in providing better quality of life for selected patients. For more details on phrenic nerve pacing, please visit the manufacturer\u2019s webpage: \nwww.averybiomedical.com\nDr. Ramnan Jeyasingam\n\nChief of Medical Services\n\nColumbia Asia Extended Care Hospital\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pilih-sajian-tepat-elak-derita-ketika-berpuasa", "title": " Pilih Sajian Tepat Elak 'Derita' Ketika Berpuasa", "body": "\n\n\n\n Pilih Sajian Tepat Elak 'Derita' Ketika Berpuasa\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 21, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\n\"MAKAN apa untuk berbuka hari ini?\" Satu soalan yang biasa kita dengar daripada kawan-kawan dan keluarga.\n\n\nLebih dua minggu berpuasa, namun masih ada yang tetap lepas geram sewaktu berbuka. Hati-hati dengan pilihan kita supaya kesihatan tidak terjejas lebih-lebih lagi jika ada antara mereka mempunyai penyakit gastrik.\n\n\nSama ada membeli makanan dari bazar Ramadan atau masak sendiri, pastikan pilih hidangan yang boleh mengisi keperluan tubuh dengan diet yang sihat dan bernutrisi.\n\n\nKatakan tidak kepada makanan yang kurang nutrisi seperti kuih-muih manis, lauk bersantan atau bergoreng.\n\n\nMemang sangat mencabar, namun bubur chacha, sirap selasih, kuih kria dan pelbagai makanan yang popular di bulan puasa memang sedap tetapi tinggi kandungan gula, lemak dan berminyak.\n\n\nJika mahu menjaga diet sebelum Ramadan ini, kemungkinan agak sukar untuk meneruskan rutin pemakanan sihat lebih-lebih lagi apabila kita lapar. Mungkin terlintas di fikiran, \"Tidak mengapa. Saya kan puasa sepanjang hari. Bulan ini, bagi peluang saya menikmati hidangan apa sahaja!\" Sayangnya kalau rutin diet sihat dimusnahkan akibat menurut hawa nafsu.\n\n\nYang penting, semua individu wajar mengubah cara pemakanan sepanjang Ramadan untuk memastikan lebih sihat dan bertenaga.\n\n\nProtein, serat tingkatkan tenaga\n\n\nPakar Gastroenterologi dan Perubatan Dalaman dari Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong, Dr Cheong Kuan Loong berkongsi penerangan jenis makanan yang elok dan sebaliknya untuk berbuka dan bersahur.\n\n\n\"Protein pilihan yang bagus untuk membuat berasa kenyang lebih lama di waktu siang. Makanan seperti badam, walnut dan kekacang sangat bagus kerana tinggi kandungan protein dan serat,\" katanya.\n\n\nBanyak cara untuk menghidangkan makanan sihat di waktu sahur. Cubalah resipi minuman protein dan tinggi serat seperti kisar badam bersama oat dan susu.\n\n\nMenu itu mudah dan mengenyangkan. Oat boleh mengurangkan kolesterol dan tahap gula dalam darah.\n\n\nOat juga menyebabkan proses pencernaan menjadi lebih perlahan, justeru kita akan berasa kenyang dan bertenaga dengan lebih lama.\n\n\nSalah satu makanan sangat baik dan tinggi kandungan karbohidrat, potasium dan magnesium, ialah kurma yang sesuai untuk berbuka dan bersahur.\n\n\nKandungan kalsium dan vitamin yang tinggi menjadikan ia sumber vitamin sangat baik. Ia menjadikan anda berasa kenyang pada tahap hidrasi yang sihat.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\n\"Pastikan ada kurma kerana ia kaya dengan nutrisi, membekalkan tenaga selepas sehari suntuk berpuasa.\n\n\n\"Sayur-sayuran berhidrasi pula boleh memindahkan air daripada sayur ke kulit kita. Ia menyejukkan dan mengelakkan sembelit apabila berpuasa, contohnya timun dan salad,\" katanya.\n\n\nMinum air suam sangat penting untuk mengelak hidrasi. Air mengimbangi kandungan elektrolit dalam badan, iaitu garam yang penting untuk kesihatan seperti sodium, potasium dan kalsium.\n\n\nDehidrasi dan rasa kekeliruan adalah tanda bahawa tahap elektrolit tidak seimbang.\n\n\nBijak pilih menu\n\n\nDr Kuan Loong menjelaskan, makanan yang terlalu masin boleh menyebabkan seseorang berasa lebih dahaga.\n\n\nAir berkarbonat pula boleh menyebabkan anda sukar untuk tidur dan fikiran yang tidak tenang. Ia juga menyebabkan dehidrasi yang akan menyebabkan dahaga sepanjang hari.\n\n\nTambahan lagi, minuman berkenaan boleh menyebabkan individu kehilangan mineral sihat di dalam badan.\n\n\nKarbohidrat terproses hanya mengenyangkan selama tiga atau empat jam sahaja. Tambahan lagi, ia kurang nutrisi.\n\n\nContohnya donut, pastri dan aiskrim.\n\n\nMinuman caffein seperti kopi, menjadi satu minuman wajib untuk mereka yang kaki kopi tetapi tahukah anda caffein semasa perut kosong boleh meninggikan kandungan asid gastrik di dalam perut?\n\n\nJika anda mahu sangat untuk minum kopi, pastikan tunggu sekurang-kurangnya dua jam selepas berbuka puasa.\n\n\nMakanan penyebab gastrik\n\n\n\"Satu lagi katakan 'tidak' ialah makan terlampau banyak karbohidrat terproses. Karbohidrat terproses mengandungi banyak asid contohnya burger, sosej dan makanan dalam tin.\n\n\n\"Tidak ramai yang tahu tetapi tomato juga mengandungi banyak asid. Ini akan menyebabkan gastrik lebih teruk,\" kata Dr Kuan Loong.\n\n\nHidangan pedas dan dalam tin atau yang diproses terutama makanan berasaskan tomato mempunyai banyak bahan asing termasuk bahan pengawet yang akan menambah masalah gastrik.\n\n\nElakkan juga makanan dan minuman buah-buahan sitrus seperti lemon, limau nipis, limau gedang dan oren, di awal waktu berbuka.\n\n\nPanduan lain perlu diikuti\n\n\nMerokok dikaitkan dengan radang di bahagian lapisan perut. Jadi bulan puasa ini waktu yang sangat baik dan sesuai untuk berhenti merokok atau mengurangkan merokok.\n\n\nMerokok boleh melambatkan penyembuhan ulser perut dan menyumbang kepada keberangkalian ulser gastrik.\n\n\nBeliau juga menasihatkan pengambilan ubat-ubatan juga perlu diberi perhatian seperti elakkan ubat yang boleh menyebabkan radang dalam lapisan perut.\n\n\nPastikan makan ubat mengikut preskripsi doktor ketika sahur atau buka bagi mereka yang menghidapi penyakit tertentu.\n\n\nPilih makanan dipanggang di dalam oven, kurangkan makanan bergoreng atau yang banyak lemak. Makan dengan kuantiti yang sederhana.\n\n\nRamadan juga ada pembahagian porsi makanan suku, suku, separuh, selain jangan melewatkan buka puasa.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Cheong Kuan Loong\n\n\nConsultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nMBBS (UM), M.Med (Int. Med.) (UM), Fellowship in Gastroenterology (Mal)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPilih Sajian Tepat Elak 'Derita' Ketika Berpuasa \u2013 Berita Harian Online, 18 April 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian Online, 18 April 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGastroenterology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/plantar-fasciitis-heel-pain", "title": "Plantar Fasciitis - Heel Pain", "body": "\n\n\n\nPlantar Fasciitis - Heel Pain\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 27, 2011\n \n\nHey Doc, I have a spur la\u2019, said my buddy and hockey devil Avtar. \u2018What makes you think so huh?\u2019 I asked worried. \u2018I have pain over my heel. What else can it be la?\u2019 he retorted.\n\nThat started me on a long lecture about how not all heel pain is caused by a spur. Well, I concede that while plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain, other causes need to be ruled out by the treating doctor for effective and accurate care. These include stress fractures of the calcaneum, tendonitis of the tendo Achilles or foot flexors, arthritis of the foot joint and nerve irritation being the more common differential diagnoses.\n\nOnce other causes have been ruled out, getting rid of that irritating pain of Plantar Fasciitis is a logical end goal! So\u2026 The million-dollar question - How do we do that? To treat plantar fasciitis one must understand the condition well.\nWhat Is Plantar Fasciitis?\n\nThe plantar fascia is a band of tissue attached to the heel and extends to the toes - specifically from the medial calcaneal tubercle to the bases of the proximal phalanges. It functions to maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot and is important in the dynamics of proper foot function. In plantar fasciitis, the fascia becomes inflamed due to repeated injury-irritation resulting in heel pain. This can be as a consequence of a poorly treated acute injury or the end result of overuse.\nCauses\n\nThe most common cause of plantar fasciitis relates to faulty structure of the foot whether congenital or acquired:\n\nReduced flexibility at the ankle especially that due to a tight Achilles tendon is an independent risk factor for fasciitis\n\n\nPoor footwear especially with hard heel regions places an undue stress to the region of the plantar fascia. This coupled with job descriptions that require prolonged standing and walking predispose to plantar fasciitis.\n\n\nObesity may also contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis.\n\n\nSymptoms\n\nThe symptoms of plantar fasciitis are:\n\nPain on the bottom of the heel. This is worse upon rising in the morning and usually subsides with activity. There may remain a residual dull ache in the heel. The pain returns or is worsened by long periods of immobilization.\nDiagnosis\n\nAccurate diagnosis requires a detailed history and clinical examination. Other causes of heel pain should be ruled out systematically. Pain to pressure over the medial part of the heel is pathognomonic. Palpation of the fascial band is essential to not miss a rupture or tear of the fascia. Associated assessment of the tendoachilles for tightness is essential for optimal care.\n\nAlthough diagnosis is essentially via clinical evaluation, diagnostic imaging studies such as x-rays or other imaging modalities may be used to distinguish the different types of heel pain.\n\nSometimes heel spurs are found in patients with plantar fasciitis, but these are rarely a source of pain. When they are present, the condition may be diagnosed as plantar fasciitis/heel spur syndrome.\nNon-Surgical Treatment\n\nTreatment of plantar fasciitis begins with first-line strategies, which you can begin at home:\nStretching exercises.\n Exercises that stretch out the calf and toe flexor muscles help ease pain and assist with recovery. These concentrate of stretching the Achilles tendon.\nShoe modifications. \nWearing supportive shoes that have good arch support and a slightly raised heel reduces stress on the plantar fascia. This aids in the acute phase. Prevention of recurrence circles around continuance of optimum footwear.\nMedications. \nOral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation.\n\nIf these methods fail or if symptoms worsen, it is good to get an expert opinion from your Orthopedic Surgeon. You may be then advised on these methods:\nOrthotic devices / Splints. \nCustom orthotic devices that fit into your shoe help correct the underlying structural abnormalities causing the plantar fasciitis. Splints are usually used as an adjunct to stretching exercises and are usually prescribed for night use.\nInjection therapy.\n In some cases, corticosteroid injections are used to help reduce the inflammation and relieve pain. Newer options such as platelet rich plasma to restart the healing process are currently popular in recalcitrant cases.\nExtracorporeal Short Wave Therapy. \nThe use of ESWT is gaining popularity as a therapy in chronic symptomatic cases.\nWhen Is Surgery Needed?\n\nAlthough most patients with plantar fasciitis respond to non-surgical treatment, a small percentage of patients may require surgery. The decision for surgery is usually taken in the group of patients who remain symptomatic in spite of compliance to a structured stretching and rehabilitation program. Post-surgery, rehabilitation has to be continued to obtain optimum benefit.\n\nLong-term Care\n\nIt is important to understand that the causative elements of plantar fasciitis may often remain. This underlines the need for continued preventive measures. Appropriate supportive shoes, properly done stretching programs and using orthotic devices where appropriate are the mainstay of long-term treatment for plantar fasciitis.\nDr. Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/playing-sports-safely-press-clipping", "title": "Playing sports safely [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nPlaying sports safely [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 22, 2014\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nStar Special,\n\nJuly 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/playing-surfaces-and-injuries-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Playing Surfaces and Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nPlaying Surfaces and Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 04, 2013\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nThere's been a lot of research done on running on different surfaces, but what about playing on different surfaces and courts, and what that might be doing to our limbs and joints? Dr. Harjeet explains.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pneumonia-children", "title": "Pneumonia in children", "body": "\n\n\n\nPneumonia in children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 20, 2012\n \nWHAT CAUSES PNEUMONIA\n\nPneumonia is inflammation of the lungs which can be caused by infective organisms such as viruses, bacteria or fungi. There are also non- infective causes of pneumonia caused by smoke inhalation, toxic fumes, gasteroesophageal reflux or foreign bodies.\n\nThe most common causes are due to viral infections such as adeno virus ,respiratory syncitial virus or parvo virus. Childhood diseases such as chicken pox, measles or rubella can also present with pneumonia.\n\nCommon bacteria that cause pneumonia are the pneumococcus,streptococcus, staphylococcus and Haemophilus.\n\nChildren with recurrent pneumonia should have their immune system and lung anatomy evaluated by a doctor to ensure they have no other underlying diseases that make them prone to pneumonia.\nSYMPTOMS OF PNEUMONIA\n\nIt usually begins with symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection such as high fever with cough and a runny nose. As the child falls sicker his breathing may become more rapid and laboured , he may have a wheeze, flaring of the nostrils and retractions of his intercostal muscles between his ribs. His feeding may slow down and he may not be as active as usual.\n\nSome children can also start vomiting as a result of coughing and this can lead to dehydration. In severe pneumonia the child can have bluish discolouration of his lips and fingers which denotes poor oxygenation and this a serious sign.\nDIAGNOSIS OF PNEUMONIA\n\nDiagnosis is made after taking the history and physical examination and further tests like blood counts, chest X-Ray will confirm the diagnosis.\nTREATMENT OF PNEUMONIA\n\nThose with severe infection or those who are dehydrated only need to be admitted. The treatment would depend on the cause of the infection. If it is caused by bacteria then a course of antibiotics will be started for duration of 5 to 7 days. This can be given orally if the child can tolerate orally but if the child is vomiting this can be administered via the intravenous line. Hydration is of utmost importance and should the child be dehydrated this can be corrected with intravenous fluids. Nebulisation of brocho-dilating agents and physiotherapy will help clear any lung congestion and ease breathing. Sometimes supplementing the child with Oxygen can also help improve his breathing.\n\nIt is not advisable to use cough suppressants as this will suppress the cough reflex which is necessary to expel the secretions.\nIS PNEUMONIA CONTAGIOUS\n\nYes pneumonia is an airborne disease therefore it can be contagious. Contacts within the house hold and nursery need to take precaution as this can spread through secretions of the upper respiratory tract.\n\nMost pneumonias if mild lasts from a few days to a week. Most children recover within a week but may have a lingering cough.\nPREVENTION\n\nA good start to a healthy child is to breastfeed your baby from birth as this will offer some form of protection from the maternal antibodies.\n\nVaccination can help prevent pneumonia caused by pneumococcus,haemophilus, measles rubella and flu viruses.\n\nAvoidance from smoke and fumes will prevent your child from getting non infective pneumonias. Make sure your child has a healthy diet and lifestyle so that he is not more prone to infections.\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel\n\nConsultant Paediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/poached-seabass-cauliflower-puree", "title": "Poached Seabass With Cauliflower Puree", "body": "\n\n\n\nPoached Seabass With Cauliflower Puree\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 21, 2016\n \n\nIn a survey conducted by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, parents ranked highest as nutrition role models by kids below 12. However, the majority are unaware that their children look up to them to develop a healthy lifestyle.\n\nHere are some tips to boost a child\u2019s nutrition knowledge:\n\n\u00a0\n\nTry new healthy foods or recipes regularly.\n A lot of parents choose to cook what their children love the most because the children refuse to try new food. This will limit the child to explore more food variety. The tip here is to try and modify the new food and present it using different cooking methods. Parents should never give up trying to introduce new healthy food to their children even if they reject it the first time.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nLet the kids serve themselves and learn food preparation.\n The Nutrition Society of Malaysia encourage parents to cook together with their children. Food experts encourage parents to bring their children grocery-shopping as well. Thus, parents can teach their children how to read nutrition labels and understand better the healthy ingredients from different food groups.\n\n\n\nChef Mahmor Abas from Columbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri presents a simple dish that can be prepared by kids under parental guidance and supervision.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nQ: Share with us your experience in cooking with children.\n\nChef Mahmor:\n From my tenure in the hotel industry, I have experience participating in kids cooking classes whereby we teach children how to prepare simple dishes. I also enjoy spending time cooking at home with my kids.\nQ: How safe is it for kids to be cooking?\n\nChef Mahmor:\n It is safe as long as they are well-supervised by adult to ensure their safety.\nQ: What dish will you be introducing to us today?\n\nChef Mahmor:\n Poached seabass with cauliflower puree. This is a healthy recipe. It only takes around 20 minutes to cook.\nQ: In its preparation, which cooking method is involved?\n\nChef Mahmor:\n Poaching is the main cooking method for this dish. Poaching means submerging food in liquid (stock) in low temperature (relatively low temperature compared with simmering and boiling).\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nRecipe\n\n\nPoached Seabass with Cauliflower Puree\n\n\n\n\nServes 10\n\n\nIngredients:\nPoached Seabass\n\n\n\u00bd medium Carrot\u00ad\u00ad\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad\u00bd stalk Celery\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad\u00bd medium Zucchini green\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad1 tablespoon Olive oil\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad\u00bd teaspoon Fennel seed\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad\u00bd teaspoon Parsley, chopped\n\n\n3 cups Water\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad4 pieces Seabass fillet (approximate 120gram per fillet)\n\n\n\u00ad\u00adLemon juice, to taste\n\n\n\u00ad\u00adSalt, to taste\n\n\nPepper, to taste\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\nCut vegetables into cubes.\n\n\nHeat oil in sauce pan. Add vegetables and season with salt and pepper.\n\n\nCover and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.\n\n\nRemove vegetables from pan and set aside.\n\n\nAdd water to sauce pan. Season with salt and pepper and boil for 8 minutes over low heat.\n\n\nAdd seabass into pan. Simmer for 6 minutes over low heat. During cooking, turn seabass once.\n\n\nPut back the vegetables into the pan for 2 minutes (before seabass is fully cooked).\n\n\nRemove the cooked seabass from pan (the seabass is cooked when flesh feels firm to touch). Sprinkle with lemon juice and serve with vegetables.\n\n\nPuree of Cauliflower\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad1 small Cauliflower\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad1 \u00bd cup Potatoes, mashed\n\n\n\u00ad\u00ad3 tablespoons Unsalted butter\n\n\n2 tablespoons Low fat milk\n\n\n\u00ad\u00adSalt, to taste\n\n\nPepper, to taste\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\nRemove and discard outer leaves from cauliflower. Wash and cook the whole cauliflower in salted boiling water (core side down). Cook for approximate 15 minutes depending on size.\n\n\nRemove cauliflower and drain the water. Divide into large florets and force through sieve into bowl.\n\n\nPlace pureed cauliflower into sauce pan and cook on very low heat for 3 minutes.\n\n\nAdd mashed potatoes, unsalted butter and low fat milk. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well and serve together with seabass.\n\n\nNutrient Content (per serving):\n\n\nCalorie (kcal) - \n303\n\nProtein (g) - \n27\n\nFat (g) - \n15\n\nCarbohydrates (g) - \n15\n\nSodium (mg) - \n203\n\nFibre (g) - \n3\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nChef Mahmor Bin Abas\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\n\nNutrition information by:\nKong Woan Fei\n\nDietitian\nColumbia Asia Hospital\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos-nutshell", "title": "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in a Nutshell", "body": "\n\n\n\nPolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in a Nutshell\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 06, 2021\n \n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat is it?\n\nPolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormone abnormality of reproductive-aged women, occurring in up to 10% of such individuals. It is characterized by excess production of the testosterone, menstrual irregularity when ovulation does not occur and enlarged ovaries containing multiple small follicles. These ovaries lined up on the surface of the ovaries, which appears like a \u201cpearl necklace.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat causes it?\n\nThe exact cause of PCOS is unknown. It is more prevalent among family members than in the general population, suggesting that genes can influence the development of PCOS. One study in Sweden had shown that daughters of women with PCOS are five times more likely to have it too. Lifestyle, including diet and exercise, also affects the severity of PCOS. Weight gain can worsen both reproductive and metabolic abnormalities.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat are the signs and symptoms of PCOS?\n\nThere are several combinations of signs and symptoms that may be accounted for in the diagnosis of PCOS, resulting in different phenotypes for the same syndrome.\n\nSome have minimal signs/symptoms, while others may experience several of them. It can vary widely which may include irregular menses, excess body and facial hair, overweight or obesity, acne, darkening or thickening of the skin on the neck and armpits as well as scalp hair loss.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow to diagnose?\n\nThere is no single test that can diagnose PCOS. It is based on a combination of clinical findings such as medical history, physical examination, ultrasound findings of the ovaries, as well as blood investigations. Currently, health professionals are using the Rotterdam criteria to diagnose PCOS.\n\n\u00a0\n\nComplications of PCOS?\n\nWomen with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that can affect their overall health and appearance. It can cause a woman difficulty in getting pregnant. She also has a higher risk of miscarriage and developing diabetes mellitus and hypertension during pregnancy.\n\nWomen with PCOS also at increased risk of development of metabolic syndrome with its associated risks of heart disease and stroke. They are also at risk of mood disorders such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. The hormone imbalance also increases the risk of endometrial cancer (cancer of the inside lining of the uterus).\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat happens if PCOS is left untreated?\n\nIf PCOS left unchecked or untreated, those women are at higher risk of developing:\n\nType 2 diabetes mellitus, especially if women are overweight (BMI>25). Even if the BMI is normal, a woman with PCOS should be screened for diabetes if age is more than 40 years old, has a personal history of gestational diabetes, or has a family history of diabetes. PCOS is classified as a nonmodifiable risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance that occurs in PCOS leads to compensatory hyperinsulinemia, which in turn increases ovarian androgen synthesis by direct ovarian actions and by stimulating Luteinizing Hormone secretion. Insulin resistance also induces dyslipidemia, therefore increase the risk for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.\n\n\nNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Recent studies indicated that PCOS is associated with lowgrade chronic inflammation and that women with PCOS are at increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.\n\n\nEndometrial cancer: The hormone imbalance also increases the risk of endometrial cancer (cancer of the inside lining of the uterus). Low level of progesterone that occur in PCOS, causing unopposed estrogen stimulation of endometrium resulting in endometrial hyperplasia and cancer.\n\n\nSleep apnoea: The prevalence of sleep apnoea is increased in obese women with PCOS. Hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance are positively associated with obstructive sleep apnoea in PCOS.\n\n\nMood disorders such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders.\n\n\nOverall, the health risks associated with PCOS is lifelong.\n\n\nDoes PCOS affect pregnancy?\n\nOne of the features of PCOS in anovulation, i.e. failure of the follicular/ovum development. This can result in difficulty in getting pregnant. She also has a higher risk of miscarriage and developing diabetes mellitus and hypertension during pregnancy.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIs PCOS linked to other health issues?\n\nYes definitely! For those women less than 50 years old with PCOS, they are at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Maybe because they are more likely to be overweight and have high blood pressure and diabetes compare to those without PCOS. However, for those above 50 years old, there was no difference in terms of risk of cardiovascular disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat are the treatments of PCOS?\n\nThere is no cure for PCOS, and it does not go away on its own. The overall goals of therapy of women with PCOS include the mitigation of hyperandrogenic symptoms, management of metabolic abnormalities and reduction of risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, prevention of endometrial hyperplasia, planning and obtaining a safe pregnancy if desired, and improving general well-being and quality of life. These goals are ideally achieved by a multidisciplinary team providing patient-centered care.\n\nLifestyle modification is the key to managing PCOS in an overweight woman. Even a modest weight loss can improve symptoms. Knowing the right types of foods to eat together with exercise can bring down insulin levels and can help with weight loss. Diet and exercise are also important for cardiovascular health and improve mood.\n\nMetformin, an Insulin sensitizer has long been used in women with PCOS to counteract the Insulin resistance and its sequelae. Also, combined oral contraceptive pills to decrease the androgens level as well as for endometrial protection.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe latest research of PCOS?\n\nFew studies had shown that women with PCOS have a lower level of Vitamin D. Therefore, it is recommended that women with PCOS be given a Vitamin D supplement that may decrease chronic inflammation associated with PCOS.\n\nImproved PCOS symptoms correlate with gut bacteria. It was noted that women with PCOS have less diverse gut bacterial composition. Studies in the mouse model have shown improvement in PCOS symptoms with exposure to healthy gut bacteria. Therefore, prebiotics and probiotics may be used as part of treatment for women with PCOS.\n\nHaving said that, a lot more research is needed to understand this disease further and to improve the treatment outcome.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Khairiah Binti Seman\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\nMBBS (Australia), MMed (Obs & Gyn)(USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in a Nutshell \u2013 InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 35, Oct - Dec 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 35, Oct - Dec 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/post-pregnancy-weight-loss-zh", "title": "\u8ddf\u7740\u81ea\u5df1\u8282\u594f\u8d70 \u4ea7\u540e\u51cf\u91cd\u5728\u4e8e\u6301\u7eed\u975e\u901f\u6210", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u8ddf\u7740\u81ea\u5df1\u8282\u594f\u8d70 \u4ea7\u540e\u51cf\u91cd\u5728\u4e8e\u6301\u7eed\u975e\u901f\u6210\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 17, 2022\n \n\n\u5b55\u5987\u4f53\u91cd\u7684\u589e\u52a0\u8303\u56f4\u9700\u53d6\u5f97\u5e73\u8861\uff0c\u8fc7\u591a\u6216\u8fc7\u5c11\u90fd\u4e0d\u597d\u3002\u5176\u5b9e\u8fd9\u4e9b\u91cd\u91cf\u4e0d\u5168\u90fd\u662f\u5230\u4e86\u80ce\u513f\u8eab\u4e0a\uff0c\u4e5f\u4e0d\u662f\u5927\u4f17\u6240\u60f3\u50cf\u7684\u5355\u7eaf\u53d8\u80d6\u6216\u8102\u80aa\u589e\u52a0\uff0c\u800c\u662f\u8eab\u4f53\u5728\u505a\u51c6\u5907\uff0c\u4ee5\u4fbf\u5e2e\u52a9\u5b55\u5987\u548c\u80ce\u513f\u5065\u5eb7\u5b89\u5168\u5ea6\u8fc7\u6574\u4e2a\u5b55\u671f\u3001\u5206\u5a29\u548c\u54fa\u4e73\u671f\u3002\u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\uff0c\u5904\u4e8e\u6b63\u5e38BMI\u8303\u56f4\u7684\u5973\u6027\uff0c\u6574\u4e2a\u5b55\u671f\u589e\u52a0\u5927\u7ea611.5\u81f316\u516c\u65a4\u6700\u4e3a\u7406\u60f3\uff0c\u5373\u5e73\u5747\u6bcf\u6708\u589e\u52a01.6\u516c\u65a4\u3002\n\n\u201c\u6000\u5b55\u671f\u95f4\u4f53\u91cd\u589e\u52a0\u662f\u5fc5\u7136\u7684\uff0c\u7136\u800c\u6211\u4eec\u4e0d\u65f6\u80fd\u770b\u89c1\u2018\u660e\u661f\u6000\u5b55\u53ea\u80d64\u516c\u65a4\uff01\u2019\u6216\u2018\u827a\u4eba\u6000\u5b55\u53ea\u80d6\u809a\u5b50\u56db\u80a2\u4ecd\u7ea4\u7ec6\uff01\u2019\u7b49\u65b0\u95fb\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48\u5b55\u5987\u7684\u4f53\u91cd\u589e\u52a0\u591a\u5c11\u624d\u662f\u6b63\u5e38\u7684\u5462\uff1f\n\n\u4e8b\u5b9e\u4e0a\uff0c\u5b55\u5987\u4f53\u91cd\u9002\u5f53\u5730\u589e\u52a0\u5f88\u91cd\u8981\uff0c\u8fd9\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u5e2e\u52a9\u8eab\u4f53\u5ea6\u8fc7\u598a\u5a20\u671f\u6240\u505a\u7684\u51c6\u5907\uff0c\u592a\u591a\u6216\u592a\u5c11\u90fd\u4e0d\u59a5\u3002\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u53ea\u6709\u5927\u7ea6\u4e09\u5206\u4e4b\u4e00\u5b55\u5987\u8fbe\u5230\u533b\u5b66\u5efa\u8bae\u7684\u4f53\u91cd\u6807\u51c6\uff0c\u5176\u4ed6\u5219\u662f\u8fc7\u591a\u5bfc\u81f4\u80a5\u80d6\uff0c\u4e0d\u7136\u5c31\u662f\u8fc7\u5c11\u6216\u5b8c\u5168\u6ca1\u6709\u589e\u91cd\u3002\n\n\u6211\u4eec\u4e3b\u8981\u4ee5\u5b55\u524d\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u8d28\u91cf\u6307\u6570\uff08Body Mass Index\uff0cBMI\uff09\u8ba1\u7b97\u3002\u5904\u4e8e\u6b63\u5e38BMI\u8303\u56f4\uff0818.5\u81f324.9\uff09\u7684\u5973\u6027\uff0c\u6574\u4e2a\u5b55\u671f\u589e\u52a0\u5927\u7ea611.5\u81f316\u516c\u65a4\u6700\u4e3a\u7406\u60f3\uff0c\u5373\u5e73\u5747\u6bcf\u6708\u589e\u52a01.6\u516c\u65a4\u3002\u82e5\u672c\u8eab\u4f53\u91cd\u8fc7\u8f7b\uff08BMI\u4f4e\u4e8e18.5\uff09\uff0c\u5219\u53ef\u4ee5\u63a5\u53d7\u5b55\u671f\u65f6\u589e\u591a\u4e00\u4e9b\uff0c\u5927\u7ea612.5\u81f318\u516c\u65a4\u3002\u5b55\u524d\u4f53\u91cd\u4e3a\u8fc7\u91cd\uff08BMI\u4ecb\u4e8e25\u81f329.9\uff09\u6216\u80a5\u80d6\uff08BMI\u572830\u4ee5\u4e0a\uff09\u8005\uff0c\u5219\u5efa\u8bae\u4f53\u91cd\u589e\u52a0\u63a7\u5236\u57287\u81f311.5\u516c\u65a4\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca5\u81f39\u516c\u65a4\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u53cc\u8eab\u5b50\u987b\u5403\u53cc\u500d\u5206\u91cf\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u5927\u591a\u6570\u4eba\u4f1a\u8bf4\u5b55\u5987\u662f\u2018\u53cc\u8eab\u5b50\u2019\u6240\u4ee5\u9700\u8981\u5403\u53cc\u500d\u5206\u91cf\uff0c\u4e8b\u5b9e\u4e0a\u4e0d\u592a\u6b63\u786e\u3002\u8bb8\u591a\u5b55\u5987\u5728\u5b55\u65e9\u671f\uff080\u81f313\u5468\uff09\u4f1a\u6709\u6076\u5fc3\u548c\u5455\u5410\u7b49\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u7531\u4e8e\u98df\u6b32\u4e0d\u632f\uff0c\u5403\u5f97\u4e5f\u4e0d\u591a\u3002\u7b49\u5230\u4f53\u5185\u8377\u5c14\u8499\u7684\u6539\u53d8\u8d8b\u5411\u7a33\u5b9a\uff0c\u5979\u4eec\u5c31\u4f1a\u611f\u5230\u809a\u5b50\u997f\u6216\u98df\u6b32\u589e\u52a0\uff0c\u7a81\u7136\u5f00\u59cb\u5403\u5f97\u5f88\u591a\uff0c\u4f53\u91cd\u5c31\u8fc5\u901f\u4e0a\u5347\u3002\u6b64\u65f6\u5979\u4eec\u5f80\u5f80\u4f1a\u62c5\u5fc3\u81ea\u5df1\u80d6\u5f97\u592a\u5feb\u4e86\uff0c\u6216\u8bb8\u8fd8\u4f1a\u60f3\u8981\u51cf\u80a5\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u8bf7\u522b\u5fd8\u4e86\u81ea\u5df1\u5728\u4e00\u5f00\u59cb\u662f\u51e0\u4e4e\u6ca1\u6709\u589e\u91cd\u7684\u3002\n\n\u5b55\u5987\u4f53\u91cd\u7684\u589e\u52a0\u4f1a\u56e0\u5b55\u65e9\u671f\u3001\u4e2d\u671f\u548c\u665a\u671f\u6709\u6240\u4e0d\u540c\u3002\u5728\u6000\u5b55\u7684\u99963\u4e2a\u6708\uff0c\u4ed6\u4eec\u4e0d\u9700\u8981\u989d\u5916\u589e\u52a0\u70ed\u91cf\u6444\u5165\uff0c\u4fdd\u6301\u548c\u5b55\u524d\u4e00\u6837\u5c31\u53ef\u3002\u5230\u4e86\u5b55\u4e2d\u671f\uff0814\u81f326\u5468\uff09\uff0c\u6bcf\u65e5\u9700\u8981\u589e\u52a0\u5927\u7ea6350\u5927\u5361\uff0c\u5230\u4e86\u5b55\u665a\u671f\uff0827\u81f340\u5468\uff09\u5219\u53ef\u4ee5\u914c\u60c5\u589e\u52a0\u7ea6450\u5927\u5361\u3002\n\n\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u5b55\u5987\u4f53\u91cd\u7684\u589e\u52a0\u8303\u56f4\u9700\u53d6\u5f97\u5e73\u8861\uff0c\u8fc7\u591a\u6216\u8fc7\u5c11\u90fd\u4e0d\u597d\u3002\u5176\u5b9e\u8fd9\u4e9b\u91cd\u91cf\u4e0d\u5168\u90fd\u662f\u5230\u4e86\u80ce\u513f\u8eab\u4e0a\uff0c\u4e5f\u4e0d\u662f\u5927\u4f17\u6240\u60f3\u50cf\u7684\u5355\u7eaf\u53d8\u80d6\u6216\u8102\u80aa\u589e\u52a0\uff0c\u800c\u662f\u8eab\u4f53\u5728\u505a\u51c6\u5907\uff0c\u4ee5\u4fbf\u5e2e\u52a9\u5b55\u5987\u548c\u80ce\u513f\u5065\u5eb7\u5b89\u5168\u5ea6\u8fc7\u6574\u4e2a\u5b55\u671f\u3001\u5206\u5a29\u548c\u54fa\u4e73\u671f\u3002\n\n\u5728\u8fd9\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u5b55\u5987\u7684\u4e73\u623f\u4f1a\u589e\u52a0\u7ea60.5 \u81f3 1.5 \u516c\u65a4\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u589e\u52a0\u7684\u4e73\u817a\u548c\u8102\u80aa\u7ec4\u7ec7\u90fd\u662f\u4e3a\u6bcd\u4e73\u5582\u517b\u505a\u51c6\u5907\u3002\u5176\u6b21\uff0c\u539f\u672c\u5982\u4e00\u9897\u4e52\u4e53\u7403\u5927\u5c0f\u7684\u5b50\u5bab\u4e5f\u4f1a\u968f\u7740\u80ce\u513f\u957f\u5927\u800c\u53d8\u5927\uff0c\u5927\u7ea6\u589e\u52a01\u516c\u65a4\u3002\u522b\u5fd8\u4e86\u80ce\u76d8\u5927\u7ea6\u4f1a\u53600.5\u81f31\u516c\u65a4\uff0c\u800c\u7f8a\u6c34\u5927\u7ea61\u516c\u65a4\uff0c\u82e5\u662f\u6000\u6709\u53cc\u80de\u80ce\u5219\u4f1a\u6709\u4e24\u4e2a\u7f8a\u6c34\u6c60\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48\u91cd\u91cf\u5c31\u4f1a\u591a\u51fa\u8bb8\u591a\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u8840\u5bb9\u91cf\u589e\u6613\u6c34\u80bf\n\n\n\n\u7531\u4e8e\u5b55\u671f\u8377\u5c14\u8499\u53d8\u5316\uff0c\u5b55\u5987\u7684\u8840\u5bb9\u91cf\u4f1a\u589e\u52a0\u5927\u7ea61.5\u81f32\u516c\u65a4\u3002\u6216\u8bb8\u5927\u5bb6\u4e5f\u542c\u8fc7\u5b55\u5987\u63d0\u53ca\u5c0f\u817f\u6d6e\u80bf\u7b49\uff0c\u6c34\u80bf\u73b0\u8c61\u5728\u598a\u5a20\u671f\u975e\u5e38\u5e38\u89c1\uff0c\u800c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u6db2\u4f53\u53ef\u80fd\u67091\u81f31.5\u516c\u65a4\u3002\u6700\u540e\uff0c\u6709\u5927\u7ea62\u81f34\u516c\u65a4\u7684\u91cd\u91cf\u662f\u8eab\u4f53\u8d2e\u5b58\u7684\u8102\u80aa\uff08fat 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muscles\uff09\u672c\u662f\u975e\u5e38\u5f3a\u7684\u808c\u8089\uff0c\u800c\u6000\u5b55\u671f\u95f4\u5b83\u9700\u8981\u652f\u6491\u80ce\u513f\u3001\u589e\u5927\u7684\u5b50\u5bab\u548c\u7f8a\u6c34\uff0c\u957f\u671f\u7684\u627f\u91cd\u548c\u62c9\u957f\u53ef\u5bfc\u81f4\u9aa8\u76c6\u808c\u677e\u5f1b\uff0c\u5bfc\u81f4\u4ea7\u540e\u4e00\u4e9b\u6f0f\u5c3f\u95ee\u9898\u3002\u82e5\u6709\u591a\u6b21\u6000\u5b55\u800c\u6ca1\u6709\u5c06\u65f6\u95f4\u95f4\u9694\u5f00\u6765\uff0c\u5c31\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u4ea7\u540e\u7684\u5b50\u5bab\u8131\u5782\u3002\n\n\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u6000\u5b55\u540e\u5973\u6027\u8377\u5c14\u8499\u7684\u5206\u6ccc\u589e\u52a0\uff0c\u4f1a\u4fc3\u8fdb\u4e73\u817a\u53d1\u80b2\uff0c\u4e3a\u54fa\u4e73\u505a\u51c6\u5907\uff0c\u80f8\u90e8\u4f1a\u53d8\u5f97\u6bd4\u8f83\u9971\u6ee1\u3002\u7ed3\u675f\u54fa\u4e73\u671f\u540e\uff0c\u4e00\u4e9b\u4e73\u817a\u548c\u7ec4\u7ec7\u4f1a\u8f6c\u5316\u6210\u8102\u80aa\u800c\u6ca1\u6709\u6d88\u5931\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u5979\u4eec\u7684\u5185\u8863\u53ef\u80fd\u9700\u8981\u5927\u4e00\u4e2a\u7f69\u676f\u3002\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\n\u76c6\u9aa8\u5f00\u8eab\u5f62\u53d8\u5bbd\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u5f97\u4e0d\u63d0\u7684\u4fbf\u662f\u76ae\u80a4\u6269\u5f20\u7eb9\uff08stretch marks\uff09\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u4e00\u822c\u4eba\u8ba4\u77e5\u7684\u598a\u5a20\u7eb9\u3002\u751f\u4ea7\u4e4b\u540e\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u76ae\u80a4\u4e0a\u6697\u8272\u7684\u75a4\u75d5\u4f1a\u6e10\u6e10\u968f\u7740\u65f6\u95f4\u53d8\u6d45\u53d8\u7ec6\uff0c\u4f46\u4e0d\u4f1a\u5b8c\u5168\u6d88\u5931\u3002\n\n\u4e0d\u4ec5\u5982\u6b64\uff0c\u5979\u4eec\u7684\u4f53\u578b\u4e5f\u4e0d\u4f1a\u5b8c\u5168\u6062\u590d\u5982\u521d\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u6000\u5b55\u65f6\u808b\u9aa8\u8154\u901a\u5e38\u4f1a\u53d8\u5bbd\uff0c\u5206\u5a29\u65f6\u76c6\u9aa8\uff08pelvic 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impact\uff09\u8fd0\u52a8\u5982\u6e38\u6cf3\u3001\u745c\u4f3d\u5e94\u8be5\u662f\u65e0\u788d\u7684\u3002\u82e5\u8981\u5c1d\u8bd5\u5176\u4ed6\u6216\u63d0\u5347\u5f3a\u5ea6\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u54a8\u8be2\u81ea\u5df1\u5404\u81ea\u7684\u533b\u751f\uff0c\u4ee5\u8bc4\u4f30\u662f\u5426\u4f1a\u5bf9\u8eab\u4f53\u9020\u6210\u4f24\u5bb3\u3002\n\n\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u56fa\u5b9a\u5f0f\u811a\u8e0f\u8f66\uff08stationary bike\uff09\u4e5f\u662f\u633a\u4e0d\u9519\u7684\u9009\u62e9\uff0c\u80fd\u591f\u589e\u5f3a\u808c\u529b\u548c\u5e2e\u52a9\u51cf\u91cd\u3002\u53ea\u662f\u5728\u4ea7\u540e\u6709\u4f24\u53e3\u6216\u7f1d\u7ebf\u7684\u4eba\uff0c\u8d77\u521d\u4f1a\u611f\u5230\u6bd4\u8f83\u4e0d\u8212\u670d\u3002\u603b\u7684\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u4ea7\u540e\u51cf\u91cd\u80e5\u89c6\u4e2a\u4eba\u8eab\u5fc3\u72b6\u51b5\u548c\u610f\u613f\uff0c\u7528\u9002\u5408\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u6b65\u4f10\u524d\u8fdb\u5c31\u597d\u3002\u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\u4ea7\u540e12\u5468\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u4ece\u4f4e\u51b2\u51fb\u8fd0\u52a8\u8fc8\u5165\u4e2d\u7b49\u5f3a\u5ea6\u8fd0\u52a8\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u52ff\u4ee5\u660e\u661f\u4f5c\u5bf9\u7167\n\n\n\n\u73b0\u4eca\u7684\u65b0\u95fb\u4e0d\u65f6\u62a5\u5bfc\u540d\u4eba\u6216\u660e\u661f\u4eec\u4ea7\u540e\u7626\u8eab\u8fc5\u901f\uff0c\u4e0d\u4e00\u4f1a\u513f\u5c31\u5728\u5e55\u524d\u5c55\u73b0\u51fa\u7a88\u7a95\u7684\u8eab\u6750\uff0c\u88ab\u8d5e\u2018\u751f\u5b8c\u50cf\u6ca1\u751f\u8fc7\u2019\u7b49\u3002\u8fd9\u4e9b\u4ea7\u540e\u7626\u8eab\u8bdd\u9898\uff0c\u6216\u591a\u6216\u5c11\u90fd\u8ba9\u8f9b\u82e6\u751f\u4e0b\u5b69\u5b50\u7684\u5973\u6027\u500d\u611f\u538b\u529b\uff0c\u751a\u81f3\u4f1a\u5f00\u59cb\u8ba4\u4e3a\u81ea\u5df1\u4e0d\u591f\u597d\u3001\u4e0d\u591f\u52aa\u529b\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u7626\u5f97\u4e0d\u591f\u5feb\uff0c\u4ea7\u751f\u8d1f\u9762\u60c5\u7eea\u3002\n\n\u5176\u5b9e\u5988\u5988\u4eec\u5343\u4e07\u522b\u56e0\u6b64\u611f\u5230\u538b\u529b\uff0c\u4fdd\u6301\u826f\u597d\u7684\u72b6\u6001\u4e0e\u8eab\u6750\u662f\u660e\u661f\u7684\u5de5\u4f5c\u9700\u6c42\uff0c\u5979\u4eec\u51cf\u91cd\u7684\u65b9\u6cd5\u6709\u65f6\u975e\u5e38\u6fc0\u70c8\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u996e\u98df\u4e0a\u63a7\u5236\u5f97\u975e\u5e38\u4e25\u683c\uff0c\u4e0d\u50cf\u6211\u4eec\u666e\u901a\u4eba\u6bd4\u8f83\u8f7b\u677e\u4e00\u4e9b\uff0c\u5076\u5c14\u53ef\u4ee5\u2018\u5077\u5403\u2019\u4e00\u4e9b\u4e0d\u5065\u5eb7\u7684\u98df\u7269\u3002\n\n\u8bf4\u6765\u4e5f\u662f\u633a\u9057\u61be\uff0c\u4e0d\u4ec5\u662f\u6211\u4eec\u56fd\u5bb6\uff0c\u4e16\u754c\u8bb8\u591a\u5730\u65b9\u90fd\u5c06\u82d7\u6761\u548c\u6f02\u4eae\u89c6\u4e3a\u5b8c\u7f8e\u3002\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u8eab\u6750\u82d7\u6761\u548c\u8138\u86cb\u6f02\u4eae\u5e76\u4e0d\u610f\u5473\u7740\u4e00\u4e2a\u4eba\u5728\u5065\u5eb7\u65b9\u9762\u4e00\u5207\u90fd\u597d\u3002\u6211\u66fe\u89c1\u8fc7\u4e0d\u5c11\u8eab\u6750\u7626\u5c0f\u5973\u6027\u6709\u8bb8\u591a\u5065\u5eb7\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u4e0d\u5e94\u5c06\u82d7\u6761\u89c6\u4e3a\u4e00\u4e2a\u6807\u51c6\u3002\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\n\u62fc\u7626\u8eab\u8bf1\u4ea7\u540e\u5fe7\u90c1\n\n\n\n\u6000\u5b55\u662f\u4e00\u8d9f\u7f8e\u4e3d\u7684\u65c5\u7a0b\uff0c\u6bcf\u4e2a\u4eba\u7684\u7ecf\u5386\u4e0d\u4e00\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u4e0d\u8981\u4ee5\u67d0\u67d0\u4eba\u4f5c\u4e3a\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u5bf9\u7167\u3002\u4e0e\u5176\u8ba9\u8fc7\u7a0b\u53d8\u5f97\u2018\u7ade\u4e89\u6027\u2019\uff0c\u4e0d\u5982\u53bb\u4eab\u53d7\u8fd9\u4e2a\u8fc7\u7a0b\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u5fc3\u7406\u5065\u5eb7\u4e5f\u81f3\u5173\u91cd\u8981\u3002\u6709\u65f6\uff0c\u5973\u6027\u4ea7\u540e\u60f3\u8981\u8fc5\u901f\u7626\u8eab\u6062\u590d\u4ea7\u524d\u81ea\u4fe1\u5fc3\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u8ba4\u4e3a\u8fd9\u662f\u793e\u4f1a\u7684\u6807\u51c6\u7b49\uff0c\u6700\u7ec8\u627f\u53d7\u4e86\u5de8\u5927\u538b\u529b\uff0c\u8fd9\u6837\u4e00\u6765\u975e\u5e38\u5bb9\u6613\u8fdb\u5165\u4ea7\u540e\u5fe7\u90c1\u3002\n\n\u4e08\u592b\u672c\u8eab\u4e5f\u5e94\u8be5\u660e\u767d\u8fd9\u4e2a\u4e8b\u5b9e\uff0c\u7ed9\u4e88\u59bb\u5b50\u6700\u5927\u7684\u652f\u6301\u3002\u5feb\u901f\u51cf\u91cd\u4e0d\u662f\u4ea7\u540e\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u4e8b\u60c5\uff0c\u56de\u5f52\u5065\u5eb7\u751f\u6d3b\u548c\u996e\u98df\u4e60\u60ef\uff0c\u4ece\u4e2d\u8ba1\u5212\u6b63\u786e\u548c\u53ef\u6301\u7eed\u6027\u7684\u51cf\u91cd\u66f4\u4e3a\u91cd\u8981\u3002\u5973\u6027\u5728\u4ea7\u540e\u9700\u8981\u5e94\u5bf9\u7684\u4e8b\u60c5\u592a\u591a\u4e86\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u7ecf\u5e38\u544a\u8bc9\u4ed6\u4eec\uff0c\u6309\u7167\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u8282\u594f\u6765\u5c31\u597d\uff0c\u7167\u987e\u597d\u751f\u7406\u548c\u5fc3\u91cc\u5065\u5eb7\u4f18\u5148\uff0c\u4e0d\u8981\u6025\u7740\u5c06\u81ea\u5df1\u5957\u5165\u4ee5\u524d\u7684\u67d0\u4ef6\u7d27\u8eab\u88d9\u3002\n\n\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u5e02\u9762\u4e0a\u5b58\u5728\u8bb8\u591a\u5ba3\u79f0\u6709\u7626\u8eab\u6548\u679c\u7684\u4ea7\u54c1\uff0c\u6709\u4e9b\u751a\u81f3\u662f\u6ca1\u6709\u51c6\u8bc1\u7684\uff0c\u6211\u66fe\u89c1\u8fc7\u8bb8\u591a\u4eba\u5c1d\u8bd5\u800c\u5f97\u5230\u5e76\u53d1\u75c7\u3002\u5176\u5b9e\u6700\u4f73\u51cf\u91cd\u65b9\u6cd5\u662f\u6539\u53d8\u751f\u6d3b\u65b9\u5f0f\uff0c\u63a7\u5236\u996e\u98df\u548c\u8fd0\u52a8\uff0c\u4e0d\u5728\u4e8e\u901f\u6210\uff0c\u800c\u662f\u5728\u4e8e\u6301\u7eed\u3002\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u8bf7\u4eab\u53d7\u6000\u5b55\u3001\u4ea7\u540e\u4ee5\u53ca\u54fa\u4e73\u7684\u8fc7\u7a0b\uff0c\u60f3\u8981\u51cf\u91cd\uff0c\u8ddf\u7740\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u8282\u594f\u8fdb\u884c\u5373\u53ef\uff01\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\n\u4ea7\u540e\u51cf\u91cd2\u95ee\uff1a\u5582\u6bcd\u4e73 \u6bcf\u5929\u8017500\u5927\u5361\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u95ee1\uff1a\u8bde\u4e0b\u5a74\u513f\u5f53\u5929\uff0c\u5b55\u5987\u4f53\u91cd\u4f1a\u9aa4\u964d\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u7b54\uff1a\u9664\u4e86\u80ce\u513f\u672c\u8eab\u5927\u7ea6\u4e09\u56db\u516c\u65a4\u7684\u91cd\u91cf\uff0c\u7f8a\u6c34\u6d41\u5931\u548c\u80ce\u76d8\u5206\u79bb\u5206\u522b\u53601\u516c\u65a4\uff0c\u5b50\u5bab\u4e5f\u4f1a\u7f29\u56de\u81f3\u539f\u672c\u5927\u5c0f\uff0c\u52a0\u8d77\u6765\u5927\u7ea6\u662f\u516d\u4e03\u516c\u65a4\u5de6\u53f3\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e9b\u662f\u5206\u5a29\u4e4b\u540e\u4f1a\u9a6c\u4e0a\u51cf\u5c11\u7684\u91cd\u91cf\u3002\u4e4b\u540e\u8eab\u4f53\u81f3\u5c11\u9700\u89816\u5468\u8ba9\u8377\u5c14\u8499\u6062\u590d\u81f3\u5b55\u524d\u72b6\u6001\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u6bcd\u4eb2\u4eec\u7684\u6c34\u80bf\u73b0\u8c61\u4f1a\u9010\u6e10\u7f13\u89e3\uff0c\u4f53\u91cd\u6162\u6162\u4e0b\u964d\u3002\u81f3\u4e8e\u5176\u4ed6\u7684\u8102\u80aa\u7ec4\u7ec7\u4e0d\u4f1a\u81ea\u7136\u6d88\u5931\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u4e00\u4e9b\u65f6\u95f4\u548c\u52aa\u529b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u95ee2\uff1a\u6bcd\u4e73\u5582\u517b\u6709\u52a9\u4e8e\u51cf\u91cd\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u7b54\uff1a\u6bcd\u4e73\u5582\u517b\u6709\u7740\u8bb8\u591a\u597d\u5904\uff0c\u533b\u5b66\u4e0a\u5efa\u8bae6\u4e2a\u6708\u4ee5\u4e0b\u7684\u5a74\u513f\u5b8c\u5168\u5582\u6bcd\u5976\uff0c\u4e4b\u540e\u53ef\u4ee5\u6301\u7eed\u54fa\u4e73\u5e76\u642d\u914d\u526f\u98df\u54c1\uff0c\u6bcd\u4eb2\u53ef\u4ee5\u6301\u7eed\u54fa\u4e73\u957f\u8fbe2\u5e74\u3002\u5bf9\u5a74\u513f\u800c\u8a00\uff0c\u8fd9\u662f\u6700\u4e3a\u4f73\u7684\u8425\u517b\u6765\u6e90\u3002\u6bcd\u4e73\u4e2d\u6709\u5f88\u591a\u4e0d\u540c\u7684\u6297\u4f53\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u53ef\u4ee5\u51cf\u5c11\u5a74\u513f\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u3002\u7814\u7a76\u8bc1\u5b9e\uff0c\u6bcd\u4e73\u5582\u517b\u7684\u5b69\u5b50\uff0c\u65e5\u540e\u53d1\u751f\u7b2cII\u578b\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u964d\u4f4e\uff0cIQ\u6c34\u5e73\u4e5f\u6bd4\u8f83\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u5bf9\u6bcd\u4eb2\u800c\u8a00\uff0c\u54fa\u5582\u6bcd\u5976\u65f6\u8eab\u4f53\u4f1a\u5206\u6ccc\u50ac\u4ea7\u7d20\uff08oxytocin\uff09\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u52a9\u5b50\u5bab\u6536\u7f29\u3001\u51cf\u5c11\u4ea7\u540e\u51fa\u8840\uff0c\u66f4\u5feb\u5e2e\u52a9\u5b50\u5bab\u56de\u590d\u4ea7\u524d\u72b6\u6001\u3002\u4e0d\u4ec5\u5982\u6b64\uff0c\u54fa\u4e73\u8ba9\u6bcd\u5a74\u4e4b\u95f4\u6709\u66f4\u591a\u4eb2\u5bc6\u63a5\u89e6\u673a\u4f1a\uff0c\u8fc7\u7a0b\u4e2d\u6109\u60a6\u65f6\u5149\u80fd\u591f\u964d\u4f4e\u4ea7\u540e\u5fe7\u90c1\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u3002\u957f\u671f\u4e0b\u6765\uff0c\u6bcd\u4eb2\u7f79\u60a3\u4e86\u5375\u5de2\u764c\u3001\u4e73\u764c\u3001\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u3001\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u548c\u5173\u8282\u708e\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u4e5f\u964d\u4f4e\u3002\n\n\u9664\u4e86\u8282\u7701\u5976\u7c89\u94b1\uff0c\u66f4\u68d2\u7684\u662f\u6bcd\u4e73\u5582\u517b\u53ef\u4ee5\u6bcf\u5929\u989d\u5916\u6d88\u8017500\u5927\u5361\u3002\u5f53\u7136\uff0c\u524d\u63d0\u662f\u6bcd\u4eb2\u7684\u996e\u98df\u9700\u8981\u5747\u8861\uff0c\u8fd9\u6837\u7684\u8bdd\u54fa\u4e73\u5bf9\u4e8e\u51cf\u91cd\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u7684\u5e2e\u52a9\u3002\n**\u6e29\u99a8\u63d0\u9192\uff1a\u6587\u7ae0\u4e0e\u5e7f\u544a\u5185\u63d0\u53ca\u4ea7\u54c1\u3001\u670d\u52a1\u53ca\u4e2a\u6848\u4ec5\u4f9b\u53c2\u8003\uff0c\u4e0d\u80fd\u4f5c\u4e3a\u770b\u8bca\u4f9d\u636e\uff0c\u987b\u4ee5\u533b\u751f\u7684\u610f\u89c1\u4e3a\u4e3b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Vijayaletchumi Thandayathany\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Maternal Fetal Medicine (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (India), MOG (UKM), Fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine (Malaysia & India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8ddf\u7740\u81ea\u5df1\u8282\u594f\u8d70 \u4ea7\u540e\u51cf\u91cd\u5728\u4e8e\u6301\u7eed\u975e\u901f\u6210 \u2013 \u533b\u8bc6\u529b, \u661f\u6d32\u7f51\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u57282022\u5e745\u67084\u65e5\u7684\u300a\u533b\u8bc6\u529b, \u661f\u6d32\u7f51\u300b\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/post-scoliosis-surgery-rehabilitation", "title": "Post-Scoliosis Surgery Rehabilitation", "body": "\n\n\n\nPost-Scoliosis Surgery Rehabilitation\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 24, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nIn severe cases of scoliosis, surgery may be the only way to prevent the patient's spinal curvature from getting worse.\u00a0Spinal fusion surgery, while generally effective, is a major operation from which it typically takes months to fully recover. Here is some advice for those who are about to undergo this surgery. After Day One of surgery, try walking slowly with or without walking aids, wear a rigid back brace while walking and try to walk frequently as it helps with post-surgery healing.\u00a0\n\n\nNow, for the smaller details. If you are a caregiver of a child who has just had this surgery, here are some rehabilitation steps you can do at home:\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nLet\u2019s do breathing exercises\n\n\nAfter spinal surgery, your\u00a0breathing is usually slower. The breaths you take now aren\u2019t as deep as your normal breaths, risking complications such as pneumonia. Note that breathing exercises can improve your breathing pattern.\n\n\nFirst sit in a comfortable position or lie flat on your bed. Relax your shoulders. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose, making your stomach expand. Make sure your stomach is moving outward while your chest remains relatively still. Purse your lips, press gently on your stomach, and exhale slowly through your mouth.\n\n\nWatch your sleeping positions\n\n\nTo sleep on your back, try elevating your upper back, shoulder, and head with supportive pillows. Also, placing a pillow or rolled-up blanket under your knees will help relieve pressure after the back surgery. Try keeping your arms on your sides. Placing them under or over your head may seem like a comfortable position but it adds additional pressure to your back and shoulders. If you prefer to sleep on your left or right side, it is recommended to change sides ever so often to enhance your spine\u2019s alignment.\n\n\nExercising in bed\n\n\nYes, it\u2019s possible and it is effective! For post-spinal surgery patients, these moves will get your blood flowing even while you are recuperating in bed.\n\n\nAnkle pumps\n\nMove your ankles up and down, clockwise and anticlockwise for 30 repetitions in each direction. This will help to improve blood flow and prevent your legs from swelling.\n\n\nHeel slides\n\nLying on your back, bend one knee slowly to your chest as much as you can and then straighten it back to its original position. Alternate sides.\n\n\nFree movements for upper limb\n\nMove your shoulder up and down, side raise, bend your elbow and straighten back, and move your wrist and fingers to prevent limitation in movements.\n\n\nPelvic tilt\n\nLie on your back with knees bent and hands resting below the ribs. Tighten abdominal muscles to squeeze ribs downwards and towards the back. Be sure not to hold your breath.\n\n\nStraight Leg Raise\n\nLie on your back with one leg straight and one knee bent. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilise your lower back. Slowly lift leg straight up about six to 12 inches and hold for one to five seconds. Lower leg slowly. Repeat 10 times.\n\n\nDon\u2019t bend, lift or twist\n\n\nNever bend your back. If need be, you can bend from the knees and hips but not from your back. For the first two weeks after surgery, avoid lifting anything heavier than 2kg (check with your doctor as this number may differ from patient to patient). Some common household items can also pose weight risks like a full laundry basket, vacuum cleaner, or even a 2-litre bottle of milk. One more thing that you should not do is to twist your spine. Sometimes we don\u2019t even realise it but simple tasks such as reaching for something behind you require a twist of the spine. That motion will have to be restricted during recovery.\u00a0\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nThree months after surgery\n\n\nYou should be able to carry out these exercises by now. If in doubt, check with your medical professional.\n\n\nWall squats\n\nWhile leaning on the wall, slowly lower your buttocks until thighs are parallel. Tighten thigh muscles and return. Repeat 10 times and hold for 10 seconds each time.\n\n\nPelvic bridging\n\nLay down on the floor and slowly raise your buttocks off the floor while keeping your stomach tight. Slowly release your back to the floor. Repeat 10 times and hold for 10 seconds each time.\n\n\nSuperman\n\nKneel on all fours. Tighten the stomach and raise the right leg and opposite arm to a 180-degree position. Keep your trunk rigid.\n\n\nPiriformis stretches\n\nCross your right leg on top of your left. Gently pull other knee toward chest until you feel a stretch in the buttock area.\n\n\nSingle knee to chest\n\nLie down on your back. Bend one knee upwards and then pull it towards your chest. Alternate sides. Use hands only to support this position.\n\n\nHamstring stretches\n\nSupporting the right thigh behind the knee, slowly straighten your knees until a stretch is felt in the back of the thigh.\n\n\nCalf stretch\n\nStand with the right foot back with your leg straight. Forward leg bent and keeping heel on floor. Lean into wall until a stretch is felt in the calf.\n\n\nQuadriceps stretch\n\nKneeling on the right knee, slowly push the pelvis down while slightly arching the back until a stretch is felt on the front of hip.\n\n\nTips to lifting safely\n\n\nKeep a wide base of support.\n\n\nSquat Down\n, bending at the hips and knees only. If needed, put one knee to the floor and your other knee in front of you, bent at a right angle (half kneeling).\n\n\nKeep good posture.\n\u00a0Look straight ahead, and keep your back straight, your chest out, and your shoulders back.\n\n\nSlowly lift\n\u00a0by straightening your hips and knees (not your back). Keep your back straight, and don't twist as you lift.\n\n\nHold\n\u00a0the load as close to your body as possible, at the level of your belly button.\n\n\nUse your feet\n\u00a0to change direction, taking small steps.\n\n\nLead with your hips\n\u00a0as you change direction. Keep your shoulders in line with your hips as you move.\n\n\nSet down\n\u00a0your load carefully, squatting with the knees and hips only\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nGetting out of bed safely\n\n\nWhen lying on your back, never lift your head and upper back to sit up in or get out of bed. Keep your arms to your sides. First bend your knees. Pull your abdomen in and breathe as you roll onto your side keeping your knees, hips and shoulders moving as one unit. Keep your abdomen pulled in and use your hand and elbow to raise your upper body as you carefully place your legs over the side of the bed in one motion. Sit on the edge of the bed for a moment or two before you stand up to avoid blood rushing to your head and making you feel giddy.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKalaimanan Tarmalinggam\n\n\nPhysiotherapist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPost-Scoliosis Surgery Rehabilitation \u2013 Natural Health, Vol. 124, November/December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, Vol. 124, November/December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pregnancy-acne-press-clipping", "title": "Pregnancy Acne [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nPregnancy Acne [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 01, 2014\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nBaby Talk,\n\nDecember 2014\n\n\nBaby Talk,\n\nDecember 2014\n\n\nBaby Talk,\n\nDecember 2014\n\n\nBaby Talk,\n\nDecember 2014\n\n\nBaby Talk,\n\nDecember 2014\n\n\nBaby Talk,\n\nDecember 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pregnancy-and-systemic-lupus-erythematosus-sle", "title": "Pregnancy and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)", "body": "\n\n\n\nPregnancy and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 30, 2011\n \nFast facts\n\n\u00a0\n\nFertility is usually normal in SLE, although disease activity and certain drugs can contribute to menstrual disorders.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPlanning before pregnancy is important.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThe patient should have no signs or symptoms of SLE and be taking no medications for at least six months before she becomes pregnant.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAs SLE can flare during pregnancy, it is important for the patient to be under a doctor\u2019s care during pregnancy.\n\n\n\nAlthough pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is considered high risk, most women with SLE carry their babies safely to the end of their pregnancy. However, it must be stressed that planning before pregnancy is important. Ideally, a woman should have no signs or symptoms of SLE and be taking no medications for at least six months before she becomes pregnant.\nProblems during pregnancy\n\nIt is important for the mother with SLE to be under a doctor\u2019s care during pregnancy as frequency of flares is slightly higher in pregnant than in non-pregnant SLE patients, especially during the second and third trimester, and most commonly after the delivery of the baby. This is due to changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, i.e., increased estrogen level. Kidney flares tend to pre-dominate while musculoskeletal flares seem to decrease. Prompt treatment will help to keep the mother healthy.\nSome points to note:\n\n\u00a0\n\nWomen with SLE have a higher rate of miscarriage and premature births compared with the general population.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWomen who have anti-phospholipid antibodies are at a greater risk of miscarriage in the second trimester because of their increased risk of blood clotting in the placenta.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSLE patients with a history of kidney disease have a higher risk of pre-eclampsia (hypertension with a build-up of excess watery fluid in cells or tissues of the body).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPregnant women with SLE, especially those taking corticosteroids, are also more likely to develop high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), and kidney complications, so regular care and good nutrition during pregnancy are essential.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIt is advisable to have access to a neonatal (newborn) intensive care unit at the time of delivery in case the baby requires special medical attention\n\n\nMonitoring during pregnancy\n In women with stable kidney disease before the pregnancy, the pregnancy does not jeopardize kidney function in the long term. However, SLE kidney disorder may manifest for the first time in pregnancy. Doctors must take note that lupus flares may be difficult to diagnose during pregnancy since many of the features may also occur in normal pregnancy.\n\nMonthly follow-ups are best done in combined (obstetric and medical) clinics. History and physical examination remains the mainstay of monitoring disease activity in pregnancy. Early control of disease activity is essential. Initial assessment involves:\n\n\u00a0\n\ntesting for anti-ro and anti-la antibodies\n\n\u00a0\n\n\ntesting for anti-phospholipid antibodies for those with past pregnancy losses.\n\n\nManagement of lupus pregnancy\n\nMedications which can be used during pregnancy are:\n\n\u00a0\n\naspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which are used in the relief of joint or muscle pain. NSAIDs other than aspirin should be avoided in the second and third trimester.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nanti-malarials such as plaquenil which is useful for those with skin and joint disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nlow-dose prednisolone. As pregnancies should be planned only when the disease is under control, most patients are already be on low-dose prednisolone by the time they become pregnant. As there are certain risks of gestational diabetes and hypertension, doctors should try to keep the prednisolone below the 10mg daily level.\n\n\n\nIn the event of a lupus flare, intravenous methylprednisolone can be used. However, cyclophosphamide should be avoided because of its association with birth defects.\nDecision to terminate the pregnancy\n\nDoctors take into consideration the following factors:\n\n\u00a0\n\nis the mother\u2019s health likely to deteriorate irreversibly if pregnancy continues?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nis the baby likely to grow better delivered than in the womb?\n\n\n\nMaternal complications are more often pregnancy related than lupus related. Vaginal or caesarian section is an obstetric decision. Specific lupus issues rarely determine the delivery route, though they may upgrade urgency for operation.\nPost-partum period\n\nit is advisable to continue steroid medication for two to three months after the post-partum period (six weeks after delivery) if there was active SLE throughout the pregnancy. Care should be taken as flares are most frequent in the second and third trimester and the post-partum period. It would be useful to alert the neonatology staff about the new mother\u2019s anti-ro and anti-la status.\nBreast feeding\n\nSLE patients can breastfeed. Generally very little steroid is transmitted to breast milk, especially when the patient is on low-dose prednisolone. The neonatal effect of using 20mg prednisolone daily or less is insignificant. The exposure of the baby to steroids can be further minimized by breastfeeding just prior to taking the prednisolone. Anti-coagulants such as heparin are safe, while cytotoxics such as cyclophosphamide are not safe.\nNeonatal lupus\n\nThis is a rare disorder that can occur in newborn babies in which auto-antibodies in the mother\u2019s blood called anti-ro and anti-la are thought to have the potential effect of skin rashes and to injure fetal heart conduction tissue. There are usually skin rashes during the first to third months after birth, which disappear without treatment after about six months. In those rare cases (less than 2%) where there is congenital heart block, the condition is usually irreversible and the baby may require a pacemaker.\nAnti-phospholipid syndrome\n\nA syndrome characterized by \u201csticky blood\u201d was described by Dr Graham Hughes in 1983, and is associated with the presence of circulating antibodies against phospholipids. Two tests are usually requested \u2013 anti-cardiolipin antibody and lupus anti-coagulant. The major features of anti-phospholipid syndrome are:\n\n\u00a0\n\nvein thrombosis, i.e. Arm vein thrombosis, thrombosis in the eye, leg vein thrombosis, and thrombosis of the veins of the brain.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\narterial thrombosis, i.e. Leg artery clots or heart attack.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nrecurrent miscarriage\n\n\n\nOther features are low platelet count, blotchy skin rash, migraine, and positive blood tests for anti-phospholipid antibodies.\n\nFor patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome, pregnancy loss is most typically in the second trimester. Treatment is with aspirin plus heparin. Heparin is stopped at the time the patient goes into labor but is resumed after delivery. The greatest thrombotic risk to mother is during the post-partum period.\nChildhood\n\nAlthough there are few long-term follow-up studies of children born to SLE mothers, there seem to be very little risk of SLE in the children born to patients. Male children seemingly had more learning disabilities compared with female children.\nConclusion\n\nSuccessful pregnancy is now achievable by women with SLE. You do not have to deny yourself the happiness of being a mother, but be aware of the situation and take special care during and after your pregnancy. Be sensible and follow your doctor\u2019s advice as to when it is safe to get pregnant.\nDr. Pagalavan Letchumanan\n\nConsultant Physician & Rheumatologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Nusajaya\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pregnancy-dos-and-donts", "title": "Pregnancy - Do's and Don'ts", "body": "\n\n\n\nPregnancy - Do's and Don'ts\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 21, 2012\n \n\nHi congratulations if you are pregnant or just delivered and wish you best of luck if you are trying to conceive.\n\nI would like just share a few tips on common issues which you should know during this period. Hopefully it will be helpful for you.\nDo\u2019s\n\n\nSee your Doctor early in fact the best time to see is during pre-pregnancy period. The doctor will look at your present state of health and do some basic examinations. Continue regular checks during pregnancy up to delivery and post-partum 6 weeks.\n\n\nStart Folic Acid as soon as you planned to get pregnant as this 5mg tablet can prevent skull and spine defects in baby.\n\n\nEat healthy and balanced diet-consume adequate amount of water, take enough vegetables, fruits along with your routine meal.\n\n\nPlease take pregnancy supplements as per your care provider\u2019s advice. These supplements are given to meet the increase demand during your pregnancy especially iron, calcium ,Vitamin C, B complex etc. Please do not take iron and calcium with milk/tea/coffee as the certain ingredients in this reduce their absorption. Try to take it before bed time or early morning 1/2-1hr before breakfast.\n\n\nContinue exercises at moderate levels. Stretching exercises like yoga are very useful during pregnancy and they are many centers offering Yoga during pregnancy in Malaysia.\n\n\nYou can climb stairs and continue to do routine activities in early pregnancy. None of these activities will cause miscarriage as you fear. Your pregnancy is well protected and it is shocks prove as long it\u2019s a healthy pregnancy.\n\n\nYou can travel by car, air and ship during pregnancy as long as you are fine. Air travel is restricted maximum up to 36 weeks (except for mom\u2019s who had premature delivery previously up to 28weeks) and be cautious to go in the ship if you have severe morning sickness in early pregnancy as sea sickness will aggravate the condition.\n\n\nCertain common medications like panadol/paracetamol/flu medicine like piriton/certain antibiotics are classified as relatively safe and can be taken if in need. So please do not hesitate to take if your doctor prescribes for you. However self-medication is not recommended at all during pregnancy.\n\n\nYou can continue to work during pregnancy. Certain work conditions like working in X-ray departments, Chemical factories, cement factories and physically strenuous and challenging works are prohibited.\n\n\nDriving is allowed and please wear seat belt all the time. It\u2019s advisable to have chauffeur, car pool yourself or use public transport in late third trimester.\n\n\nDon\u2019ts\n\n\nAvoid tobacco, alcohol, too much of caffeine during pregnancy all of these are related with untoward effects in pregnancy.\n\n\nNo self-medication without consulting your doctor. Especially in first 3 months of pregnancy as your baby's organs are forming now. Even your supplements like multi-vitamins, iron and calcium is recommended after 2 months.\n\n\nPlease be careful with your herbal products like herbs, herbal teas, ginseng, and other stuff during pregnancy. Similar to most of the allopathic drugs, even these herbal products do not have proper evidence or proof of safety during pregnancy. In fact some moms who have taken these products tend to bleed excessively during delivery.\n\n\nAvoid Stress and tension. This is one of the main culprits which attack your physical body in surprising ways. For example, in pregnant women, stress can cause variety of pains, insomnia, and even lead to preterm or low birth weight. Not only will it cause a lot of stress in you but also on the people surrounding you. So please be relaxed and enjoy your pregnancy.\n\n\nDo not handle cat or cat litters as the cat might transmit Toxoplasmosis which causes birth defect to your fetus.\n\n\nPlease be careful with food like nasi lemak, nasi kandar, roti canai, fast foods or any rich food like too much of chocolate/cheese etc. All these food can cause indigestion, bloatedness, reflux and gastritis as your digestion is slower during pregnancy.\n\n\nNo raw food, no raw egg, be careful of certain fish like shark, mackerel, tuna and etc which may contain high levels of mercury.\n\n\nPlease avoid all the extra supplements like spirulina and others. Not enough is known about the use of blue-green algae during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid. Please stick to your doctor\u2019s recommendation. Look for FDA aproval or ministry of health approval for pregnancy in any herbal supplements.\n\n\nPlease do not take excessive levels of 'ikan haruan essence\u2019 or other products like 'gamat', etc. for healing purposes, some of them create bad keloids. Please maintain in moderations.\n\n\nConsumption of herbal alcohol products like Dome/Yomeishu during post-partum period is not recommended but some of the traditional old folks will insist during confinement period. As a general rule, it takes 2 hours for an average woman to get rid of the alcohol from 1 standard alcoholic drink. So remember stick to 1 standard glass ~ 30ml and drink immediately after breast feeding and next feeding should be after 3-4 hrs. Another way is to express your milk and keep for next subsequent feedings before taking these drinks.\n\n\n\n.....and before I end, a small quote for moms who are going to deliver soon..\n\nJust as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth. -Virginia Di Orio\u2026..Wish you best of luck..\nDr. Rama Krishna Kumar\n\nConsultant Obstretics and Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/preparing-unexpected", "title": "Preparing For the Unexpected", "body": "\n\n\n\nPreparing For the Unexpected\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 09, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nPregnancy can be nerve-racking, for both first time mums and experienced mums. You may be constantly wondering if everything is going as it should. \u00a0\n\nChildbirth may come with many surprises, and not all of them pleasant. \u00a0\n\nSo it\u2019s so important to prepare yourself physically and mentally for what could possibly happen. As well as learn how you can reduce your risks. \u00a0\n\nPreparing for birth also means preparing for the unexpected. \u00a0\n\nWe sat down with Dr Sundar Gugan, visiting consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Petaling Jaya, to talk about pregnancy\u2014preparing for the unexpected. \u00a0\n\nHere are some things every expecting mother should know about the unexpected risks and symptoms of pregnancy, as well some fool-proof tips on how to navigate them. \u00a0\n\nQ1: Who is at risk for pregnancy complications? And do we all have the same risk?\n\nAnyone can be at risk of complications during their pregnancy, but your risk is higher if you have chronic medical conditions or you have some illness prior to pregnancy.\u00a0\n\nSome examples of health conditions or diseases that may cause complications during pregnancy are diabetes or cancer. \u00a0\n\nAlso, some people have high blood pressure, hypertension, prior to pregnancy while others develop it during pregnancy. This can cause the baby to not get enough blood. \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nKidney problems, epilepsy, anaemia and other factors that may increase the risk of pregnancy complications include being older than 35, being younger than 20, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and taking illicit drugs. \u00a0\n\nOf course, being pregnant with multiple babies like twins, triplets or more. And those who have a history of repeated miscarriages. \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nBeing over- or underweight also increases pregnancy risk. Obesity, BMI more than 30 and anorexia, which is BMI less than 20. \u00a0\n\nSo maybe while pregnancy is a natural and normal process, it does come with risks for some women. \u00a0\n\nAnd every woman is different and may have varying degrees of risk for pregnancy complications depending on their health status, age and other factors like the doctor mentioned just now. \u00a0\n\nQ2: What are the most common complications of pregnancy?\n\nHere are some common complications during pregnancies. The first is ectopic pregnancy, a condition where the fertilised egg implants outside the uterus. \u00a0\n\nMiscarriage is also a big pregnancy complication. It is a loss of pregnancy in the first 20 weeks. It occurs about 10% of the time, about one in five pregnancies. \u00a0\n\nThere is also hyperemesis gravidarum, which is a severe form of nausea, vomiting in pregnancy. \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nIt can cause severe dehydration, lean body weight loss and causes electrolyte imbalance and it could be quite catastrophic, actually. \u00a0\n\nOf course, congenital disorders. \u00a0\n\nIf your doctor suspects the foetus has a health issue or a congenital disease, you\u2019re at higher risk for complications during the pregnancy. \u00a0\n\nThis may mean you need additional monitoring and your baby needs special care after birth. \u00a0\n\nAnother one is preeclampsia is a blood pressure problem which occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy. \u00a0\n\nIt occurs about 10% of people who develop this during pregnancy. It\u2019s more common with people who already have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy. \u00a0\n\nGestational diabetes, is another one, which is a type of diabetes which occurs during pregnancy. \u00a0\n\nIt happens because the pregnancy hormone makes it harder for the body to metabolise the blood sugar. So usually you would be given a sugar screening test during your pregnancy. \u00a0\n\nOther things include infections, viral and bacterial infections can complicate pregnancy, like urinary tract infection, which can cause preterm labour. There\u2019s also group B Streptococcus which can cause infection to the baby. \u00a0\n\nThere\u2019s also sexual transmitted infection which also causes preterm labour and infection to the baby and such. \u00a0\n\nAnd of course, we call the Torch Infection which is like toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes which causes congenital infections for the baby. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\nVaginal bleeding which could be either heavy or excessive bleeding during pregnancy. That is an emergency and that one you need to see your doctor immediately if such happens. \u00a0\n\nPlacenta increta. So the increta is when the placenta is embedded deeply into the uterine tissue and it\u2019s very difficult to come out after the delivery and causes severe bleeding and sometimes, we need to remove the womb to arrest the bleeding. \u00a0\n\nAnd the worst part of the placenta increta spectrum is called percreta. \u00a0\n\nAnd percreta actually the placenta invades not only into the uterine tissue as well, it goes to the adjacent tissue like bladder, bowel and such. \u00a0\n\nAnd not only does it might require the removal of the womb but there might be injury to the bowel and bladder and such. \u00a0\n\nPreterm labour, which is a delivery before the age before your gestational age before 37 weeks. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\nThis can cause a problem for your baby because the baby might be born with a lower birth weight and slightly underdeveloped organs, depending on the gestation.\u00a0\n\nOligohydramnios, which is actually like a low level of amniotic fluid because the baby is swimming inside the amniotic fluid.\u00a0\n\nAnd if it\u2019s less, it of course causes risk of premature birth or iatrogenic birth because we might consider delivering earlier as well polyhydramnios, which is the other version of it where there\u2019s more a lot of excessive fluid.\u00a0\n\nAlso causes preterm birth as well.\u00a0\n\nAnd the most sinister of all is amniotic fluid embolism. It has a very high mortality rate that means it causes a higher amount of death and usually we kind of diagnose it much later.\u00a0\n\nSo basically, what happens is the debris from the amniotic fluid or the foetus goes into the maternal circulation and causes cardiovascular collapse. It\u2019s almost immediate and sudden.\u00a0\n\nDepression, anxiety and extreme sadness during pregnancy and mainly after post-delivery. It is overwhelming and can affect a baby\u2019s development and the family.\u00a0\n\nAnaemia can be bad because the haemoglobin, which is the low level which we call anaemia, it carries oxygen throughout very important parts of your body.\u00a0\n\nSo, it needs to be corrected. And the usual cause of it is iron deficiency. So it can be corrected with the supplementation of iron or injection, now what we have.\u00a0\n\nIn Malaysia, we should be looking out for other anaemia such as thalassemia. Yes, that\u2019s a problem because the haemoglobin kind of dies much faster than usual. So that\u2019s another cause.\u00a0\n\nIt\u2019s so important for mums to recognise disease symptoms and seek help as early as possible.\u00a0\n\nQ3: Can pregnancy complications cause a premature birth? What are the health effects on premature babies?\n\nPremature birth is a birth which is a baby being born before 37 weeks of pregnancy.\u00a0\n\nSome health problems can raise the risk of premature birth such as problems with the uterus, cervix, sometimes we call it cervical incompetence or placental issues.\u00a0\n\nSome infections like we talked about earlier and many of the amniotic fluid and lower genital tract.\u00a0\n\nOngoing health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes also could be the cause of premature delivery or iatrogenic premature delivery. This means we facilitate the delivery for some issues.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\nAnd of course, injuries or trauma to the body sometimes can cause premature delivery as well.\u00a0\n\nBabies born prematurely may have more health problems at birth and later in life than babies born at full term because their organs did not have enough time to fully develop.\u00a0\n\nThe baby might have some issues which includes breathing problems because the lung is not fully developed so they can\u2019t breathe properly, they need assistance.\u00a0\n\nFeeding difficulties, sucking, taking in the milk and of course, higher risk of developing cerebral palsy, vision problems, hearing problems.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\nPremature babies also need to spend some time in the newborn intensive unit called the NICU.\u00a0\n\nPremature baby stays in the NICU until the organs develop enough to stay alive by themselves without medical support.\u00a0\n\nAnd some babies need to be in the NICU for weeks or months until they can breathe on their own, eat by their own mouth and feed themselves and maintain their body temperature and body weight.\u00a0\n\nBabies born preterm are also at risk of developmental delays and that can affect their behaviour and ability to learn.\u00a0\n\nFinding and treating health problems as early as possible can help premature babies lead to healthier lives. I do know many parents who had premature babies that grew up to be healthy and happy.\u00a0\n\nThanks to advances in medical care, even babies born prematurely are more likely to survive and thrive today than ever before.\u00a0\n\nBabies that are born prematurely are required to stay in the hospital\u2019s newborn intensive care unit (NICU) to receive medical treatment until they are well enough to go home.\u00a0\n\nQ4: Do all premature babies go through caesarean section?\n\nIn some cases, premature babies can be delivered naturally, but it depends on the circumstances and gestation age of the baby.\u00a0\n\nFor a premature labour baby before 37 weeks of pregnancy, your doctor will evaluate the situation to determine the safest method of delivery for both mum and the baby.\u00a0\n\nIn some cases, if the baby is in a good position, which is basically what we call cephalic when the baby\u2019s head is down and the cervix is fully dilated, a vaginal delivery is possible.\u00a0\n\nIn other cases, an emergency caesarean section may be recommended for preterm births.\u00a0\n\nIf there are such medical reasons, such as there are concerns for the safety of your baby, and there\u2019s a life threatening emergency for you or your baby.\u00a0\n\nIf your labour is not progressing normally and there are complications, such as bleeding during the labour, severe preeclampsia, the high blood pressure.\u00a0\n\nThose are some of the reasons why we might end up doing the caesarean section.\u00a0\n\nQ5: Is it possible to prevent pregnancy complications? If so, how?\n\nThere are several steps that can be taken to prepare for pregnancy complications.\u00a0\n\nOf course, seeking prenatal care early and regular prenatal care can help to identify and manage any potential complications.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\nIt is important to attend all the appointments and to communicate very openly with your healthcare provider about any concerns of your symptoms that you may experience.\u00a0\n\nMaintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco or alcohol or illicit drugs can help to reduce risk of complications.\u00a0\n\nEducating yourself. Learn about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm labour; this can help you to recognise when to seek medical attention.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\nBuilding a support system. Having a very supportive partner, family members and healthcare team can make a big difference in managing complications, navigating the challenges that may arise during pregnancy.\u00a0\n\nRemember, while it is important to be aware of the risk of pregnancy complications and take steps to prepare, it is also important to focus on the positive aspect of pregnancy and enjoy this special time in your life.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sundar Gugan A/L Santhana Dass\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMD (UPM), MRCOG (UK), Diploma in Minimal Invasive Surgery\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhy You Shouldn\u2019t Play it Cool When it Comes to Heatstroke \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 9 May 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 9 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/preventing-digital-eye-strain", "title": "Preventing Digital Eye Strain", "body": "\n\n\n\nPreventing Digital Eye Strain\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 30, 2016\n \n\nTime to take a closer look at the all-inclusive digital age and the resulting computer vision syndrome. The twenty-first century is an era of electronic gadgets. New products are introduced into the market from time to time. Due to the extensive use of modern gadget, many studies have been conducted to address the concern of the safety of Video Display Terminals (VDT) on our health. Dr. Dinesh Kumar Ramesh Chandra, Consultant Ophthalmologist Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya shares on preventing digital eye strain.\n\n\u00a0\n\nInfoMed Malaysia, Issue 18, July \u2013 September 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/preventing-injury-while-keeping-new-years-resolutions-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Preventing Injury While Keeping New Year\u2019s Resolutions - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nPreventing Injury While Keeping New Year\u2019s Resolutions - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 21, 2015\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nIn the rush to fulfill New Year's resolutions of hitting the gym, it can be easy to forget about the protective measures one needs to take to keep safe. Here\u2019s Dr. Harjeet Singh with a friendly reminder.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/problem-with-your-sinus", "title": "Problem With Your Sinus", "body": "\n\n\n\nProblem With Your Sinus\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2020\n \n\n\nA blocked nose and facial pain are common symptoms of rhinosinusitis.\n\n\n\n\n\nOn a rainy day in Kuala Lumpur, a lady in her early 30\u2019s, looking very tired and stressed out, came to my clinic, complaining of a blocked nose for the past two weeks, which disturbed her daily activities.\n\nShe also complained of a severe headache over her forehead and cheek region, making it difficult to concentrate on her work. She felt a lot of thick mucus behind her nose and throat, which was difficult to clear, causing her to frequently clear her throat and cough in an attempt to remove it.\n\nThese symptoms became more apparent when she was lying down and sleeping at night, as well as during prayer time when she bent forward.\n\nShe had sought multiple medical opinions and treatments, however, her symptoms were not fully resolved.\n\nShe had had infections like this in the past, but never quite so severe with such persistent symptoms.\n\nI personally hate having a blocked nose as it disturbs my work.\n\nI can\u2019t concentrate when my nose is blocked as I have to breathe through my mouth, which makes my throat dry and uncomfortable.\n\nI\u2019d just recovered from a common cold, which lasted about 10 days. It was the worse experience I have ever had.\n\nBecause of the nose block, I couldn\u2019t sleep well at night. My symptoms were similar to those of the lady above.\n\nMy patient and I were suffering from acute rhinosinusitis \u2013 a common condition also known as resedung in Bahasa Malaysia.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCaused by inflammation\n\nOur symptoms are related to the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (which surround the nose or nasal cavity) and nasal mucosa, leading to swelling of the turbinates (soft tissue that projects into the nasal cavity from its walls) and increased mucus production.\n\nThese are the major contributions to the blocked and \u201crunning\u201d nose in acute rhinosinusitis.\n\nThe inflammatory changes in nasal mucosa lead to the congestion, and inefficient drainage and ventilation, of the paranasal sinuses.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nRhinosinusitis affects one in eight adults, making them miss work or decrease their productivity.\n\n\n\n\nThe stagnation of mucus in the sinuses may lead to bacterial infection if treatment is not given.\n\nThis may result in headache, facial pain, thick yellowish or greenish mucus, and fever.\n\nSinusitis refers to inflammation in the paranasal sinuses, while rhinitis refers to inflammation in the nasal mucosa.\n\nThe term \u201crhinosinusitis\u201d \u2013 a combination of rhinitis and sinusitis \u2013 is preferred to \u201csinusitis\u201d, as inflammation of the sinuses rarely occurs without concurrent inflammation of the nasal mucosa.\n\nAcute rhinosinusitis lasts less than four weeks, whereas symptoms lasting more than 12 weeks are classified as chronic rhinosinusitis.\n\nRecurrent acute rhinosinusitis occurs when a patient has four or more episodes of rhinosinusitis a year, without persistent symptoms in between.\n\n\n\n\n\nA patient has complicated rhinosinusitis when the inflammation has spread outside the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity at the time of diagnosis (e.g. affecting the nerves, eyes or other soft tissue).\n\nI am frequently asked by patients, \u201cI catch colds quite frequently, but this is the worst cold I\u2019ve ever had, is there any particular reason for this?\u201d\n\nThere are certain conditions that may contribute to the severity of the rhinosinusitis.\n\nThese include a family history of rhinosinusitis; asthma, especially in the presence of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps; allergies; chronic bronchitis; chronic rhinitis; a personal history of acute rhinosinusitis; gastroesophageal reflux; sleep apnoea and adenotonsillitis.\n\nPeople with these conditions are also prone to having recurrent rhinosinusitis.\n\n\u00a0\n\nA common infection\n\nRhinosinusitis poses a major health problem. Its effect on quality of life, productivity and finances are substantial.\n\nIt affects one in eight adults and accounts for close to 16 million doctor visits per year.\n\nIn Asia, the infection rates reported in Korea, China and Singapore are 7%, 8% and 2.7% respectively.\n\nThe direct cost of managing acute and chronic rhinosinusitis exceeds US$11 billion (RM45.2 billion) per year, not including the cost from lost productivity, reduced job effectiveness and impaired quality of life.\n\nMore than one in five antibiotics prescribed for adults are for sinusitis, making it the fifth most common diagnosis responsible for antibiotic therapy.\n\nAn accurate diagnosis and management contribute to improved treatment outcome and reduce the financial burden of the disease.\n\nAlthough it is a common illness, rhinosinusitis presents a number of diagnostic and management challenges to doctors.\n\nIts diagnosis is usually based on symptoms, supported by diagnostic imaging or nasal endoscopy, which is difficult to access in primary care clinics because of limited radiological and endoscopy facilities.\n\nThe most common cause of acute rhinosinusitis is a viral infection associated with the common cold, which is usually self-limiting in nature (will improve by itself).\n\nSupportive care with medications to alleviate the symptoms are the main aim of treatment. Antibiotics are not necessary.\n\nHowever, distinguishing between acute viral rhinosinusitis related to colds and influenza-like illnesses from bacterial infection is a frequent challenge to the primary care doctor or general practitioner (GP).\n\nA thorough history-taking and clinical examination are important to reach the diagnosis.\n\nAs a general guide, symptoms that last less than 10 days are likely to be viral in origin.\n\nAcute bacterial rhinosinusitis is diagnosed when the symptoms and signs of acute rhinosinusitis \u2013 greenish or yellowish nasal discharge with blocked nose and/or facial pain/pressure/fullness \u2013 persist without improvement for at least 10 days.\n\nAnterior rhinoscopy can be done in primary care when acute rhinosinusitis is suspected.\n\nHowever, it has limited value in diagnosing chronic rhinosinusitis, compared to nasal endoscopy, due to its limited visualisation of the nasal cavity.\n\nNasal endoscopy allows the doctor to better see problems in the nose, like anatomical variations, mucosa inflammation, polyps and nasal discharge.\n\nIn recurrent rhinosinusitis, the doctor may test for allergies and immune function, as well as look for nasal polyps.\n\nRadiographic imaging is unnecessary if the diagnostic criteria for acute rhinosinusitis are met.\n\nThe most common imaging study done to evaluate the paranasal sinuses is a CT (computed tomography) scan, supplemented by an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), if complications are suspected.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTreating the symptoms\n\nMost patients will seek treatment at the GP\u2019s clinic, and the majority will recover completely.\n\nThe aim of treatment is to reduce the severity of the symptoms and prevent complications.\n\nIn viral rhinosinusitis, treatment is usually symptomatic with medicines for fever and pain.\n\nAntibiotics should only be given when acute bacterial rhinosinusitis is diagnosed.\n\nIf the symptoms worsen or fail to improve with the initial treatment seven days after diagnosis or worsens during the initial treatment, the doctor should reassess the patient to confirm acute bacterial rhinosinusitis, exclude other causes of illness and detect complications.\n\nIf that is the case or if there is any doubt, a further evaluation like nasal endoscopy and imaging should be done.\n\nSurgery may be required in certain situations, when complications arise, such as involvement of the eye or brain, and in the case of failed optimal medical treatment.\n\nThe aims of surgery are to reduce the inflammation and improve the delivery and effectiveness of intranasal medications.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Gan Chon Chean\n\n\nConsultant ENT Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nMBBS (India), M ORL \u2013 HNS (UM), CMIA (NIOSH), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nBlocked Nose All The Time? That 'Cold' May be a Sinus Infection\u2013 The Star Online, 8 January 2020\n\n\nProblem with your sinus? \u2013 The Star, 5 January 2020\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star Online, 8 January 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nEar, Nose & Throat\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/proses-bersalin-yang-sangat-lama-punca-bahu-bayi-tersangkut-ibu-hidap-kencing-manis", "title": "Proses Bersalin Yang Sangat Lama Punca Bahu Bayi Tersangkut! Ibu Hidap Kencing Manis Golongan Berisiko", "body": "\n\n\n\nProses Bersalin Yang Sangat Lama Punca Bahu Bayi Tersangkut! Ibu Hidap Kencing Manis Golongan Berisiko\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 19, 2019\n \n\nBahu bayi tersangkut ketika kelahiran \n(shoulder dystocia)\n ialah antara masalah kecemasan yang boleh berlaku ketika kelahiran. Ikuti penerangan Dr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau.\n\nBahu bayi tersangkut ketika kelahiran ia adalah keadaan di mana kepala bayi yang telah lahir tetapi bahunya tersangkut pada tulang pubis ibu. Sekiranya berlaku, doktor perlu melakukan langkah kecemasan tambahan (\nadditional manouvres)\n untuk membantu melepaskan bahu bayi yang tersangkut pada tulang pubis tersebut.\n\nKebanyakan masa bahu bayi boleh dilepaskan tanpa sebarang masalah tetapi dalam beberapa kes bahu tersangkut ini kadangkala boleh menyebabkan masalah kepada bayi seperti patah tulang bahu, kecederaan pada saraf dan kekurangan oksigen \n(birth asphyxia)\n\nMasalah ini boleh berlaku dalam 1 dalam 150 kelahiran (0.7%) dan lebih kerap berlaku pada ibu-ibu yang menghidap penyakit kencing manis semasa mengandung. Hakikatnya ia sangat sukar diramal.\nGolongan berisiko tinggi\n\nOleh sebab ia sukar diramal ketika hamil, ibu-ibu yang perlu memahami siapa yang berisiko tinggi untuk mengalami bahu bayi tersendat ketika kelahiran. Dengan ini perlu mengambil langkah awal serta persediaan mental dan fizikal.\n\nSejarah bahu bayi tersendat ketika kelahiran sebelumnya\n\n\nIbu yang menghidap kencing manis\n\n\nBayi yang besar dan ibu menghidap kencing manis\n\n\nIndeks jisim tubuh ibu lebih dari 30\n\n\nKelahiran secara paksa (induksi)\n\n\nProses bersalin yang sangat lama\n\n\nKelahiran menggunakan\n ventouse\n atau forseps\n\n\nKes kecemasan\n\nBagi kes kecemasan di mana ia terjadi tanpa jangkaan atau dikenali sebagai \nobstetric emergency\n, pakar sakit puan dan bidan yang bertugas akan memberikan rawatan segera. Sekiranya berlaku bahu bayi tersendat semasa proses kelahiran, \nred alert\n akan dimulakan untuk mendapat bantuan dari pasukan perubatan. Ibu akan diminta berhenti meneran untuk mengelakkan kecederaan lebih teruk pada bayi.\n\nDoktor pakar perbidanan dan bidan akan meminta ibu membengkokkan paha dan lutut ke arah perut ibu bagi menambah ruang vagina supaya bahu bayi boleh dilepaskan dari tulang pubis ibu. Ini dipanggil Mc Roberts \nmanouvre\n.\n\n\nSekiranya \nmanouvre\n pertama gagal, langkah seterusnya ialah doktor pakar akan menekan pada bahagian abdomen ibu iaitu pada atas tulang pubis bertujuan untuk menolak dan melepaskan bahu bayi yang tersangkut.\n\n\nAndai \nmanouvre\n kedua gagal, doktor akan masukkan tangan dala vagina dan cuba menolak bahu bayi dan cuba melepaskan bahu bayi yang tersangkut. Guntingan episiotomi akan dilakukan sekiranya belum dibuat untuk memudahkan \nmanouvre \ntersebut di atas.\n\n\nAkhir sekali sekiranya semua gagal ibu mungkin akan disuruh menelangkupkan badan \n(on all four hands and legs)\n kerana ini juga boleh membantu melepaskan bahu bayi.\n\n\nIbu menghidap kencing manis\n\nMasalah bahu bayi tersangkut ini sukar dielakkan kerana sukar diramal. Cara yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengelakkannya ialah dengan adalah ambil langkah berjaga-jaga jika ibu mempunyai risiko terutamanya ibu yang menghidap kencing manis. Bersalin secara induksi boleh mengelakkan masalah ini. Elakkan sama sekali kehamilan yang terlebih tempoh bagi ibu yang mempunyai kencing manis. Doktor selalunya akan mencadangkan bersalin melalui pembedahan \nCaesarean\n jika berat bayi melebihi berat normal iaitu 4kg. Walau bagaimanapun risiko bahu tersangkut masih boleh berlaku pada bayi yang mempunyai berat kurang dari 4kg lebih-lebih lagi jika ibu menghidap diabetes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rumau\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nProses Bersalin Yang Sangat Lama Punca Bahu Bayi Tersangkut! Ibu Hidap Kencing Manis Golongan Berisiko - Majalah Pa&Ma, 19 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 19 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \n Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/puasa-bukan-tiket-mudah-untuk-kurus", "title": "Puasa Bukan Tiket Mudah Untuk Kurus", "body": "\n\n\n\nPuasa Bukan Tiket Mudah Untuk Kurus\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2021\n \n\nPADA bulan Ramadan, lazimnya ramai di antara kita memasang impian untuk menurunkan berat badan.\n\nIa disebabkan jadual pola pemakanan kita jauh berubah berbanding pada hari-hari biasa.\n\nKita hanya bersahur dan 12 hingga 13 jam selepas itu, barulah kita berbuka puasa.\n\nNamun demikian, ramai yang hampa matlamat berkenaan tidak tercapai.\n\nLebih mengecewakan, ada sesetengah individu merungut bahawa berat badan mereka menjadi semakin bertambah sebaik tamat bulan puasa.\n\nDi manakah silapnya dan apa yang tidak kena?\n\nBagi mendapatkan jawapan, SinarPlus mengajukan persoalan itu kepada Pakar Pemakanan, Hospital Columbia Asia, Iskandar Puteri Johor, Yap Pau Lin.\n\nUjar Pau Lin, berat badan seseorang sama ada semakin naik atau turun adalah bergantung kepada jumlah pengambilan tenaga atau kalori sepanjang hari.\n\n\u201cJika jumlah makanan yang dimakan semasa hari berpuasa sama seperti hari-hari biasa, berat badan pasti akan kekal sama.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cSebaliknya, jika jumlahnya berkurang, tetapi mereka menikmati makanan tambahan seperti snek, kuih-muih, buah-buahan, pencuci mulut dan minuman bergula atau mengandungi susu selain lauk-lauk yang berlemak juga akan meningkatkan jumlah kalori,\u201c jelasnya.\n\n\n\nAkhirnya, berat badan akan kekal sama atau kadangkala akan semakin bertambah!\n\n\u00a0\n\nStor glukosa\n\n\n\nMenerangkan lebih lanjut, pakar pemakanan itu berkata, semasa berpuasa, glukosa atau gula dalam darah akan berkurangan disebabkan ia telah digunakan sebagai sumber tenaga pertama untuk sel-sel dan organ-organ badan berfungsi.\n\n\u201cJika gula dalam darah tidak mencukupi untuk membekalnya ke organ-organ badan, otak akan terus memberi isyarat kepada hati yang berfungsi sebagai stor untuk glukosa. Hati kemudiannya berperanan untuk membekalkan gula ke dalam darah dan pada masa sama dihantar ke organ-organ lain,\u201c katanya.\n\nProses itu sekali gus menyaksikan tubuh badan akan tetap berfungsi seperti biasa walaupun seseorang tidak menjamah sebarang makanan.\n\nBeritahu Pau Lin lagi, selepas berbuka puasa dan bersahur, gula akan ditambah semula ke dalam stor hati.\n\n\u201cJadi, makan makanan yang seimbang dan mencukupi pada dua waktu tersebut (berbuka dan sahur) sangat penting sepanjang Ramadan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cNamun, bagi sesetengah individu yang menghidapi penyakit kencing manis, sistem badan mereka yang mengawal dan membekal glukosa tidak sensitif seperti orang biasa. Justeru, pemantauan lebih rapi oleh pesakit kencing manis kena lebih teliti,\u201c ujarnya lagi.\n\n\n\nDaripada fakta yang dihuraikan itu, jelas Pau Lin, sememangnya puasa selama sebulan tidak menjamin seseorang itu boleh kurus.\n\n\u201cSilapnya cuma satu iaitu kaedah memilih makanan yang kurang tepat,\u201c katanya.\n\nDalam pada itu, ramai yang seolah-olah \u2018menuding jari\u2019 tentang kepelbagaian makanan di Malaysia yang telah membuatkan ramai rambang mata.\n\n\u201cIa tidak salah, tetapi kecenderungan orang ramai yang lebih gemar memilih sajian berminyak, berlemak dan mengandungi gula yang tinggi.\n\n\u201cCara memasak juga lebih kepada kaedah menggoreng, menggunakan santan, kerisik, krim, mentega atau marjerin. Ditambah dengan sos yang sememangnya mempunyai kalori yang tak diperlukan oleh badan.\n\n\u201cOrang ramai kena peka dan tahu, makanan dan minuman yang mengandungi gula tinggi akan merencatkan diet kita. Gula putih, gula perang, madu, susu pekat, sirap, coklat atau krim melimpah dalam setiap masakan, semuanya tidak berapa elok jika berlebihan,\u201c tegasnya.\n\nSekiranya kuantiti menu yang diambil dalam kuantiti yang besar juga meskipun tidak mempunyai kalori yang tinggi, boleh menyumbang kepada masalah berat badan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSenam sebelum sahur\n\n\n\nUjar Pau Lin, bukan tidak boleh langsung menyentuh makanan yang lazat yang sedia terhidang di depan mata, namun semuanya perlu dikawal.\n\nBerikut panduan yang terbaik bagi mengawal saiz hidangan seperti yang disyorkan oleh pakar berkenaan:\ni) Elak sediakan atau membeli makanan secara berlebihan.\n\nRancang setiap menu yang ingin dimakan dan memadai menikmati juadah bersaiz yang kecil.\nii) Amalkan konsep suku-suku separuh.\n\nPraktikkan amalan suku pinggan makanan berkanji, suku pinggan makanan protein dan separuh pinggan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. Selain itu, letakkan makanan dalam pinggan sebelum mula makan dan elak menambah makanan.\niii) Tentukan masa dan jumlah untuk makan makanan sampingan.\n\nHadkan masa untuk menjamah snek, makanan ringan atau buah-buahan. Elakkan juga kekerapan mengunyah snek selepas iftar.\n\nAdakah senaman yang konsisten pada bulan puasa dapat memberi berita gembira kepada mereka yang mahu turunkan berat badan?\n\nMenjawab pertanyaan itu, Pau Lin berkata, terdapat beberapa pilihan waktu yang dicadangkan.\n\nBerikut adalah perinciannya:\n1. Senaman awal pagi selepas matahari terbit.\n\nBaik: Badan akan berasa lebih cergas untuk waktu pagi.\n\nBuruk: Jika bersenam selepas sahur, badan menggunakan kalori daripada makan sahur. Oleh itu, badan akan mengalami kekurangan tenaga sepanjang hari jika senaman berlebihan dilakukan.\n2. Senaman lewat petang sebelum berbuka.\n\nBaik: Membantu untuk membakar lemak berlebihan kerana badan menggunakan sumber daripada lemak jika gula dalam darah dan hati tidak cukup untuk membekal tenaga semasa bersenam.\n\nBuruk: Mengalami masalah kurang tenaga semasa senaman, berasa pening atau menyebabkan gula dalam darah berkurangan jika senaman berlebihan dilakukan.\n3. Senaman waktu malam selepas berbuka.\n\nBaik: Menggunakan kalori daripada makanan yang dimakan ketika berbuka puasa. Senaman yang dilakukan akan mengelakkan kalori berlebihan disimpan sebagai lemak dalam badan dan lebih bertenaga untuk buat senaman yang berintensiti lebih tinggi.\n\nBuruk: Jika seseorang terus bersenam selepas berbuka puasa, proses itu akan mengganggu penghadaman makanan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cDaripada semua itu, saya sarankan seseorang bersenam sebelum sahur atau dua hingga tiga jam selepas berbuka puasa selama 30 hingga 40 minit, selain memberi fokus kepada senaman yang berintensiti rendah ke sederhana seperti joging, zumba ringan, berbasikal dan lain-lain.\"\n\n\n\n\u201cNamun, jangan lupa minum air yang mencukupi iaitu antara lapan hingga 10 gelas atau 2 hingga 2.5 liter dalam sehari,\u201c pesannya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTidur selepas sahur\n\n\n\nSementara itu, Pakar Pembedahan Am dan Pembedahan Saluran Gasto-Usus Atas, Hospital Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur, Dr Yeap Chee Loong mempunyai perspektifnya sendiri.\n\nKetika diwawancara SinarPlus, beliau menyentuh tentang tabiat tidur selepas bersahur.\n\n\u201cTidur selepas sahur sangat tidak digalakkan kerana akan memberi kesan dan bakal membahayakan kesihatan.\n\n\u201cIni kerana makanan memerlukan masa selama dua hingga empat jam untuk melalui proses pencernaan. Jika seseorang memilih untuk tidur dalam tempoh masa itu, proses pencernaan akan terganggu, begitu juga dengan penyerapan nutrien.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cMakan makanan yang telah dimakan ketika sahur juga tidak mampu menghasilkan tenaga yang diperlukan tubuh,\u201c tambahnya.\n\n\n\nSelain itu, terdapat beberapa kesan sampingan lain. Antaranya adalah:\ni) Risiko kegemukan.\n\nTidur selepas makan akan mendorong kepada peningkatan berat badan.\n\n\u201cLebih-lebih lagi jika makan makanan bergoreng, berlemak dan manis lebih pada hari biasa. Makanan itu semua akan menyebabkan tubuh badan tidak dapat mencerna dengan baik dan nutrisi makan yang dimakan akan berkumpul menjadi lemak pada tubuh,\u201c jelas beliau.\nii) Cepat lapar.\n\nBukan itu sahaja, amalan tidur semula selepas sahur akan menjadikan makanan yang dimakan itu tidak dapat diproses dengan sempurna.\n\n\u201cSebahagian besar nutrien akan bertukar ke simpanan lemak dengan amat cepat. Ini akan membuatkan seseorang itu merasa lapar dengan cepat seawal jam 10 pagi,\u201c beritahunya.\niii) Gangguan kepada saluran pencernaan.\n\nPosisi berbaring sewaktu tidur juga boleh menyebabkan gangguan kepada proses pencernaan makanan.\n\n\u201cMasalah refluks esophagitis boleh berlaku dan ini amat merisaukan yang mana bahagian bawah esophagus boleh terdedah kepada pengaliran asid perut.\n\n\u201cKeadaan itu secara tidak langsung akan mengganggu proses pencernaan makanan tidak dapat dilakukan dengan sempurna ketika tidur,\u201c katanya.\n\nSebagai seorang doktor prihatin, pakar pembedahan itu berpesan kepada semua umat Islam agar jangan sesekali meninggalkan sahur.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u201cKesannya, ia akan merangsang kepada tahap metabolisme rendah sehingga waktu berbuka tiba,\u201c ujar beliau.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nMisi Mohd Ikbar turunkan berat badan gagal\n\n\n\nHANYA dua minggu sahaja, berat badan Mohd Ikbar Muhaimin Ahmad, 28, bertambah sebanyak 3 kilogram.\n\nKata Mohd Ikbar, beliau sangat terkejut melihat transisi itu kerana dirinya memang memasang matlamat mahu menurunkan berat badan sempena Ramadan yang mulia ini.\n\nKalau diikutkan berat asalnya adalah 77 kilogram dan misinya mahu turun kepada 70kg.\n\n\u201cSaya memang berhajat mahu kurus sedikit pada bulan puasa ini, tetapi sebaliknya yang berlaku,\u201c katanya ketika dihubungi SinarPlus baru-baru ini.\n\nPun demikian, Mohd Ikbar mengakui tentang kesilapan tabiat pemilihan makanannya ketika berbuka dan bersahur.\n\n\u201cSaya makan umpama tiada hari esok. Saya akan membeli kuih-muih, roti, aneka nasi dan air di bazar pada setiap hari. Saya seboleh-bolehnya akan menghabiskan makanan tersebut. Bimbang membazir,\u201c ujar lelaki yang berasal dari Ipoh, Perak itu.\n\nApabila bersahur pula, beliau akan mula makan pada pukul 4 pagi.\n\n\u201cSeusai itu, saya akan tidur seketika sementara menunggu masa untuk menunaikan solat Subuh dan bersiap ke tempat kerja,\u201c tambahnya.\n\nMelihat kepada rutin itu, Mohd Ikbar mengakui, pendekatan yang dilakukannya bukan sahaja tidak betul, malah memudaratkan kesihatan dan misinya untuk kurus pasti tidak akan tercapai.\n\n\u201cSelepas mendapat nasihat daripada rakan sekeliling, pada minggu-minggu terakhir ini, saya cuba untuk mengubah corak pemakanan dan gaya hidup Ramadan saya.\n\n\u201cPertama sekali, saya akan elak minum air manis. Selain itu, saya cuba terapkan dalam diri agar bersederhana dalam apa sahaja dilakukan terutama ketika menikmati makanan,\u201c katanya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYap Pau Lin\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPuasa Bukan Tiket Mudah Untuk Kurus \u2013 SinarPlus, 2 Mei 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 2 Mei 2021. \n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/puasa-ibu-hamil", "title": "Puasa Ibu Hamil", "body": "\n\n\n\nPuasa Ibu Hamil\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 24, 2019\n \n\nSETIAP kali tibanya Ramadan timbul kebimbangan dalam kalangan ibu hamil untuk berpuasa kerana memikirkan tentang kemudaratan yang bakal dialami terhadap bayi dikandung jika mereka melaksanakan ibadah tersebut.\n\nMenurut Pegawai Dietitik Hospital Columbia Asia Cheras, Nurul Atilia Abdullah, berpuasa tidak akan mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada bayi jika ibunya mengamalkan pemakanan yang mengandungi nutrisi mencukupi. Makanan yang diambil ibu hamil perlu mempunyai tiga elemen penting iaitu karbohidrat kompleks, protein dan fiber yang mesti diambil semasa bersahur, berbuka puasa dan sebelum tidur atau ketika moreh.\n\n\u201cLazimnya saya cadangkan mereka mengambil karbohidrat kompleks seperti nasi putih, nasi perang atau makanan yang mempunyai fiber tinggi seperti oat untuk memberi tenaga berpanjangan sepanjang berpuasa,\u2019\u2019 katanya.\n\nNurul Atilia juga mewajibkan ibu hamil yang hendak berpuasa agar bersahur kerana dibimbangi jika tidak berbuat demikian akan memudaratkan bayi kerana tidak memperoleh tenaga dan nutrisi mencukupi.\n\nOleh itu, ibu hamil yang sukar menjamah nasi atau makanan berat ketika bersahur digalakkan mengambil susu kurma kerana minuman ini mempunyai zat pemakanan yang seimbang iaitu fiber dan karbohidrat daripada oat dan kurma serta protein daripada susu.\n\n\u201cSama ada bersahur atau berbuka puasa, susu kurma boleh diambil oleh ibu hamil normal atau yang menghidap diabetik cuma jangan ditambah gula,\u2019\u2019 katanya.\n\nBeliau juga menasihatkan ibu hamil bersahur dalam tempoh setengah jam atau satu jam sebelum imsak bagi membina ketahanan diri semasa berpuasa selain tidak terlalu aktif.\n\n\u201cTidak bersahur akan menyebabkan mereka cepat penat dan memberi kesan bukan sahaja pada diri mereka juga ibadah yang dilakukan sepanjang Ramadan. Apapun jika mereka tidak boleh meneruskan berpuasa lebih baik mereka berbuka. Jangan memaksa diri kerana mereka telah diberi kelonggaran dalam melaksanakan ibadah ini,\u2019\u2019 katanya.\n\nNurul Atilia tidak menggalakkan ibu hamil minum kopi dan teh atau apa-apa minuman berkafein ketika bersahur kerana akan menyebabkan tubuh mengalami dehidrasi.\n\n\u201cMinuman berkafein menyebabkan ibu hamil kerap membuang air kecil sekali gus mengurangkan air dalam badan,\u2019\u2019 katanya.\n\nBeliau juga menggalakkan ibu hamil di peringkat trimester kedua (15-29 minggu) dan ketiga (30 minggu ke atas) agar mengambil juadah lengkap terutama juadah utama selain susu kerana semasa tempoh tersebut bayi sedang membesar dan memerlukan tambahan kalori.\n\nKalori yang perlu ditambah pada kehamilan peringkat trimester pertama ialah 90 kalori dan sebanyak 270 kalori semasa trimester kedua manakala trimester ketiga, ibu hamil perlu menambah sebanyak 470 kalori. Ibu hamil yang menghidap kencing manis digalakkan mengambil banyak sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan namun tidak digalakkan mengambil buah-buahan lain jika telah mengambil tiga biji kurma semasa berbuka puasa.\n\nKata Nurul Atilia, tiada halangan bagi ibu-ibu berkenaan mengambil air kosong bercampur madu ketika berbuka puasa namun tidak dibenarkan ditambah kurma sebaliknya mereka boleh memilih salah satu daripada manisan tersebut untuk berbuka puasa.\n\n\u201cAda ibu hamil yang mengalami kencing manis tidak dibenarkan untuk makan kerana bimbang paras gula naik namun mereka lupa bayi dalam kandungan memerlukan nutrisi daripada ibu mereka. Sebab itu ibu-ibu ini perlu makan, tidak boleh ditinggalkan,\u2019\u2019 kata beliau.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNurul Atilia Abdullah\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPuasa Ibu Hamil \u2013 Utusan Melayu, 12 May 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPuasa Ibu Hamil \u2013 Utusan Melayu, 12 May 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Utusan Melayu, 12 May 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/pulled-elbow-wailing-child-no-fracture", "title": "Pulled Elbow \u2013 The wailing child with no fracture", "body": "\n\n\n\nPulled Elbow \u2013 The wailing child with no fracture\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 17, 2012\n \n\nWith the school holiday on, I thought this topic would be appropriate.\n\nThe pulled elbow occurs in children following a peculiar type of mechanism to the injury.\n\nIt usually involves a tug to the elbow of a child \u2013 which usually happens when the caregiver \u2013 parent/nanny is trying to prevent the child from falling or preventing the child from crossing the street.\n\nThe child classically holds the elbow straight or slightly bent and particularly resists movement at the affected elbow. This often mimics a fracture at the elbow.\nWhat happens?\n\nThe elbow joint consists of 3 bones \u2013 the arm bone, the humerus; the two forearm bone, the radius and ulna. The forearm bone is linked at the elbow by the annular ligament and it is the slipping of the head of the radius from this ligament which brings about the condition.\nTreatment\n\nA good history \u2013 if classical and clinical evaluation is all that is required for a diagnosis. Often an x-ray is not necessary. I request for an x-ray to rule out a fracture around the elbow if the examination of the child me doubt the diagnosis of a pure pulled elbow \u2013 this usually is the case if the elbow is unduly swollen.\n\nManipulation is done in the clinic-emergency room. If done correctly - with reduction of the radial head, the child is comfortable within minutes and often starts using the limb. It is therefore important to review the child after 15-20 minutes. An arm sling is often used but often unnecessary with the child often discarding it within hours.\nCredit \u2013 Images from Netter\u2019s Atlas of Orthopaedics\nDr. Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/punca-najis-berdarah-dan-rawatan-sesuai-untuk-atasinya", "title": "Punca Najis Berdarah Dan Rawatan Sesuai Untuk Atasinya", "body": "\n\n\n\nPunca Najis Berdarah Dan Rawatan Sesuai Untuk Atasinya\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 19, 2018\n \n\nPernahkah anda mengalami masalah najis berdarah? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan najis berdarah dan bagaimanakah cara untuk merawatnya? Dr Rosliza Ghazali, pakar bedah di Hospital Columbia Asia, Klang kongsikan punca najis berdarah dan cara untuk rawatinya.\n\nMenurut Dr Rosliza, najis berdarah adalah tanda pesakit mengalami masalah usus. Pendarahan mungkin disebabkan daripada usus besar atau dubur. Sebahagian besar gejala najis berdarah adalah disebabkan masalah yang tidak serius seperti buasir dan \u2018anal fissure\u2019 (luka pada dubur) di mana rawatannya adalah asas dan tidak kompleks.\n\nTambah Dr Rosliza lagi, masalah najis berdarah ini tidak boleh dipandang ringan kerana ia boleh menjadi tanda penyakit usus yang merbahaya seperti kanser usus. Mendapatkan rawatan awal untuk kanser usus adalah penting untuk penyembuhan sepenuhnya. Berikut adalah fakta mengenai najis berdarah.\nPunca Najis Berdarah\n\n\nBuasir (haemorrhoids) \u2013 pembengakkan saluran darah di bahagian anus (lubang dubur)\n\n\nLuka pada dubur (anal fissure)\n\n\nDiverticular disease- dinding usus yang lama membentuk poket kecil di sepanjang dinding usus besar.\n\n\nColitis \u2013 keradangan usus yang disebabkan kuman atau masalah kronik (ulcerative colitis)\n\n\nPolip \u2013 Ketumbuhan pada dinding usus.\n\n\nKanser usus.\n\n\nTanda Amaran Lain Untuk Penyakit Usus Besar Selain Najis Berdarah.\n\n\nSembelit atau cirit birit yang berpanjangan.\n\n\nNajis berlendir atau berwarna hitam\n\n\nPemeriksaan Yang Akan Dilakukan Oleh Doktor.\n\n\nPemeriksaan pada bahagian abdomen (perut) untuk merasa ketumbuhan/benjolan.\n\n\nPemeriksaan di bahagian dubur untuk melihat sekitar lubang dubur dan warna najis.\n\n\nPesakit Yang Memerlukan Rawatan Lanjutan\n\n\nBerusia 40 tahun ke atas\n\n\nMempunyai sejarah keluarga yang pernah menghidap kanser usus\n\n\nPernah melalui pemeriksaan awal tanpa menemui sebab sakit\n\n\nJenis Ujian Lanjutan Yang Diperlukan\n\n\nColonoscopy/Sigmoidoscop- Skop ini dalah sejenis alat berbentuk tiub yang mudah lentur. Di hujung tiub, dilengkapi kamera bagi membolehkan doktor melihat di dalam usus besar untuk mencari punca pendarahan.\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Jelita \u2013 1 March 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nPunca Najis Berdarah Dan Rawatan Sesuai Untuk Atasinya \u2013 Jelita, 1 March 2018\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/punca-pengsan-ketika-senaman", "title": "Punca Pengsan Ketika Senaman", "body": "\n\n\n\nPunca Pengsan Ketika Senaman\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 06, 2022\n \n\nBaru-baru ini kita dikejutkan dengan pemergian Mejar Dr Mohd Attaful Uzair, abang kepada pelakon dan pengacara Uyaina Arshad. Arwah merupakan seorang doktor tentera. Kalau kita perhatikan tubuhnya, beliau tegap, aktif bersukan dan tidak obes. Sungguhpun begitu, arwah rebah ketika berbasikal.\n\nApabila saya menghubungi Uyaina, diketahui bahawa arwah ayah mereka pernah pengsan tiga kali ketika bersukan, dan meninggal dunia tidak lama kemudian pada usia yang muda juga.\n\nIni mungkin sesuatu yang dianggap pelik. Bukankah seseorang yang aktif bersukan itu sihat? Kenyataannya, bersukan juga boleh mendatangkan pelbagai komplikasi. Saya akan jelaskan dengan lebih lanjut tentang punca-punca pengsan atau rebah ketika bersukan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHyponatremic Dehydration (Dehidrasi Akibat Kekurangan Garam)\n\nIni yang paling kerap mengakibatkan seseorang itu rebah ketika bersukan. Secara umumnya, kita semua maklum bahawa apabila bersukan, seseorang akan berpeluh. Peluh mengandungi air dan garam. Apabila seseorang berpeluh dengan banyak, tahap garam yang keluar dari tubuh adalah tinggi. Bila tubuh kekurangan garam, ia tidak dapat berfungsi secara biasa. Seterusnya, segala fungsi dalam badan terhenti lantas menyebabkan seseorang itu pengsan. Sekiranya kandungan garam terlampau rendah hinggakan jantung tidak boleh berfungsi secara normal, individu akan rebah, nafasnya akan terhenti dan jantungnya berhenti berdegup.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nAntara tanda-tanda awal seseorang itu mengalami \u2018hyponatremic dehydration\u2019 adalah seperti berikut:\n\nRasa dahaga yang amat sangat\n\n\nMulut kering\n\n\nSeakan tiada air liur/tidak dapat meludah\n\n\nPening-pening lalat\n\n\n\nSekiranya anda mengalami gejala demikian ketika bersukan, pastikan anda berhenti rehat, minum air dan pertimbangkan jika anda masih bertenaga untuk meneruskan aktiviti tersebut atau tidak. Untuk mengelakkan situasi begini, pastikan anda minum air secukupnya sebelum dan ketika bersukan.\n\n\u00a0\n\nStrok Haba (Heat Stroke)\n\nKetika bersukan, tubuh akan menghasilkan haba yang banyak. Sepatutnya tubuh kita berupaya menyingkirkan haba secara efektif untuk mengekalkan suhu badan yang normal. Namun, apabila keadaan tidak mengizinkan, contohnya cuaca terlampau panas atau pakaian terlampau ketat atau tertutup, badan akan mengalami dehidrasi dan gagal menyingkirkan haba. Akibatnya, tubuh akan mengalami kenaikan suhu secara tinggi dan mendadak yang akan menyebabkan strok haba.\n\nAntara simptom awal adalah:\n\nPening\n\n\nMuntah-muntah\n\n\nKeliru/tidak boleh fokus\n\n\nPengsan\n\n\n\nUntuk mengelakkan strok haba, pastikan anda memakai pakaian yang sesuai yang membenarkan aliran udara. Elakkan bersukan jika cuaca terlampau panas.\nMasalah Jantung\n\nRamai yang berasa mereka tiada masalah jantung. Persoalannya, adakah mereka pernah membuat saringan jantung? Masalah jantung bukan hanya melibatkan saluran darah tersumbat. Masalah jantung yang menyebabkan seseorang itu rebah secara tiba-tiba ketika bersenam boleh berpunca dari:\n\nRitma (rhythm) jantung yang tidak normal\n\n\nContohnya, pelakon Uyaina sendiri mempunyai masalah Supraventricular Tachycardia. Masalah ini hanya boleh dikesan dengan ujian ECG. Adakalanya ECG juga tidak mampu mengesan masalah ini kecuali dijalankan selama 24 hingga 48 jam. Ini dipanggil Holter Monitor Test.\n\n\n\n\nOtot atau struktur jantung tidak normal\n\n\nContohnya Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Ini adalah satu keadaan di mana otot jantung lebih besar dari biasa, akibat faktor genetik. Sekiranya ada ahli keluarga yang meninggal secara mengejut pada usia muda, ianya mungkin diakibatkan oleh masalah ini. Doktor akan membuat ujian scan (imbasan) jantung untuk memeriksa otot jantung. Di Instagram Uyaina, beliau pernah bercerita tentang salah satu injap jantungnya yang tidak normal. Ini hanya boleh dikesan melalui scan oleh pakar. Biasanya seseorang itu tidak menyedari keadaan ini kecuali ia pernah pengsan, atau sering rasa berdebar ketika bersukan.\n\n\n\n\nSaluran jantung tersumbat\n\n\nIni ialah sesuatu yang biasa berlaku terutamanya jika seseorang itu menghidap diabetes, darah tinggi, kolesterol tinggi atau kombinasi antara tiga. Pasti ramai yang berasa mereka tiada masalah ini tetapi pernahkah diperiksa?\n\nTiga dari 10 orang penduduk di Malaysia menghidap darah tinggi, tetapi 50 peratus dari mereka tidak menyedarinya. Ini yang menjadi punca utama insiden rebah secara tiba-tiba.\n\nWalaupun anda berusia muda dengan berat badan yang bersesuaian, dan tidak menghidap sebarang penyakit tiga serangkai (kencing manis, tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung koronari) serta tiada penyakit ini dalam sejarah keluarga, risiko untuk menghidap penyakit darah tinggi atau kolesterol tinggi zaman sekarang tetap tinggi.\n\nIni akibat gaya hidup masa kini di mana stres menjadi sebab utama tekanan darah tinggi. Pemakanan juga menjadi satu faktor penyakit. Tabiat makan yang tidak dikawal, contohnya gemar makanan segera dan makanan berkalori tinggi, boleh mengakibatkan kolesterol tinggi di kalangan masyarakat muda.\n\nSelain dari itu, kehidupan di bandar, bekerja sepanjang masa, tiada masa untuk bersenam; ini semua boleh menyebabkan kencing manis, kenaikkan berat badan dan banyak masalah lain walaupun pada usia muda.\n\nSeeloknya kita mengambil tindakan segera dengan menjalankan pemeriksaan kesihatan menyeluruh, terutamanya jika anda gemar bersukan.\n\nTidak apa kalau anda belum bersedia untuk menerima sebarang rawatan. Yang penting, anda mengenali tubuh anda.\n\nSekiranya anda sedar anda berkolesterol tinggi, ataupun tahap kencing manis atas pagar, anda akan ada motivasi lebih tinggi untuk memulakan gaya hidup sihat. Malahan, dari segi perubatan, langkah pertama dalam mengawal kolesterol atau kencing manis adalah usaha pesakit sendiri, dan tidak bergantung kepada ubat semata-mata.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Malar Santhi A/P Santherasegapan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nM.D (CSMU), IES (London), MBA (Hons, UTM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/queries-on-colic", "title": "Queries On Colic", "body": "\n\n\n\nQueries On Colic\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 19, 2017\n \n\nColic is a common albeit exasperating condition characterised as excessive crying or fussing in babies who are otherwise healthy and thriving. It affects both baby boys as well as baby girls equally. The most telling sign of colic is the crying and it\u2019s most likely to begin in the late afternoon or early evening although they can occur at any time of the day or night. Dr. Phang Yuk Jean, Consultant Pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang shares on her answers on the queries.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQueries On Colic \u2013 Baby Talk, Issue October 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/questions-anyone", "title": "Questions, anyone?", "body": "\n\n\n\nQuestions, anyone?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 27, 2017\n \n\nGot a questions that you\u2019re either too shy or embarrassed to ask? Here are the answers from the experts from different fields to your curious questions about having children, smell during cycle, visiting gynecologist. menopause, health-screening and so on.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQuestions, anyone? \u2013 Her World, Issue March 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ramadan-berat-badan-turun-atau-naik", "title": "Ramadan: Berat Badan Turun Atau Naik?", "body": "\n\n\n\nRamadan: Berat Badan Turun Atau Naik?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 30, 2020\n \n\nSudah menjadi rutin setiap tahun, umat Islam diwajibkan berpuasa, selain memenuhi tuntutan syariat, ia memberikan pelbagai manfaatnya termasuk dari segi kesihatan tubuh.\n\nBagaimanapun, puasa anda lebih sempurna kepada tubuh jika tahu yang betul, selain dapat bertahan tempoh yang lama.\n\nApabila berpuasa, tahap glukosa akan berkurangan. Oleh itu, tubuh akan beralih ke glikogen yang tersimpan di dalam organ hati untuk membantunya mengeluarkan glukosa.\n\nIni adalah simpanan rezab tenaga glukosa untuk bertahan selama 18 hingga 24 jam.\n\nDalam keadaan kekurangan glukosa ini, ada juga otot yang turut terproses menjadi glukosa. Bergantung kepada keadaan kesihatan seseorang, proses ini boleh jadi berbeza-beza.\n\nMereka yang berpenyakit seperti diabetes akan terkesan dengan cara lain.\n\nOleh sebab itu, golongan ini disarankan untuk mendapat nasihat pakar perubatan sebelum berpuasa.\n\nWalaupun badan menggunakan glukosa semasa kita berpuasa pada waktu siang, pengambilan kalori yang tinggi semasa berbuka puasa akan menyebabkan kurangnya impak kepada penurunan berat badan.\n\nMalah, sesetengah individu mengalami peningkatan berat badan pada bulan puasa. Ini kerana jumlah kalori seharian melebihi jumlah sepatutnya.\n\nIni berikutan kepelbagaian jenis makanan berkalori tinggi yang dihidang ketika berbuka.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCiri-ciri makanan berkalori tinggi ialah:\n\n\nMakanan yang mengandungi santan, marjerin yang banyak.\n\n\nMakanan yang digoreng.\n\n\nMakanan yang tinggi kandungan gula (bukan gula asli dari sumber makanan)\n\n\nMakanan yang ditumis dengan minyak yang banyak.\n\n\n\nJika berat badan anda pada tahap yang sesuai dan anda ingin kekalkan begitu, anggaplah pengambilan kalori pada Ramadan sama seperti pengambilan kalori pada hari biasa.\n\nSahur seperti makan tengah hari, iftar seperti makan malam dan snek waktu malam seperti sarapan. Hati-hati dengan kuih-muih serta air manis kerana ini boleh meninggikan jumlah kalori anda dengan ketara.\n\nMengawal saiz hidangan ialah cara terbaik untuk menjaga kalori dan menikmati hidangan berbuka puasa.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHidratkan badan setiap waktu\n\nMeminum air sedikit-sedikit selepas berbuka puasa sehingga sahur adalah lebih praktikal daripada meminum air yang banyak sekali gus.\n\nApabila kita minum dengan kerap walaupun sedikit, kandungan air bertahan lebih lama untuk hidrasi badan.\n\nJika kita minum dengan banyak sekaligus, hasilnya akan terbuang kerana kekerapan membuang air kecil.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTips\n\n\nSediakan sebotol besar air yang tidak berperisa untuk dihirup sepanjang waktu selepas berbuka puasa. Contohnya, air ais yang ditambah lemon, pudina atau teh hijau tanpa ditambah gula.\n\n\nKurangkan minum kopi atau air yang mengandungi kafein kerana ianya akan membuat kita kerap buang air kecil. Ini akan menyukarkan tubuh untuk menyimpan air bagi tujuan hidrasi.\n\n\n\nBaik buruk senaman pada Ramadan dan strategi senaman.\n\nBagi yang memilih untuk meneruskan aktiviti senaman sepanjang bulan puasa, terdapat beberapa pilihan masa yang boleh dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian setiap individu. Setiap pilihan mempunya kelebihan dan kekurangan yang tertentu.\n1. Bersenam awal pagi \u2013 selepas matahari terbit\n\nPro\n\nDapat sumber tenaga dari snek sebelum tidur dan makanan sahur\n\nCon\n\nKurang membantu untuk recovery process bagi tenaga dan rehydration berikutan puasa sepanjang hari.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTips\n\n\nPilih makanan yang tinggi kandungan sodium sewaktu sahur untuk membantu hidrasi dan liquid retention.\n\n\nMakan selambat yang boleh pada waktu sahur.\n\n\nPilih makanan rendah Glycemic index dan tinggi serat bagi membolehkan bekalan tenaga glukosa digunakan secara perlahan-lahan oleh tubuh.\n\n\nPilih casein protein yang dihadam secara perlahan untuk membekalkan badan dengan sumber protein berpanjangan selepas senaman. Contoh: 'low fat' Greek yogurt dan makanan berasaskan tenusu.\n\n\n1. Bersenam lewat petang sehingga waktu berbuka\n\nPro\n\nDapat bekalan nutrisi terus untuk 'recovery process' selepas bersenam dan sepanjang malam.\n\nCon\n\nKurang nutrisi semasa dan sebelum senaman\n\n\u00a0\n\nTips\n\n\nElakkan bersenam semasa cuaca panas\n\n\nMakan makanan tinggi karbohidrat semasa berbuka bagi menggantikan glukosa yang digunakan semasa senaman.\n\n\nMakan protein (minimum 20g) yang mudah dihadam semasa berbuka, dan sumber protein berkualiti tinggi sepanjang malam dan sahur keesokannya.\n\n\n1. Bersenam di waktu malam, dua hingga tiga jam selepas berbuka\n\nPro\n\nDapat bekalan nutrisi penuh untuk sebelum, semasa dan selepas senaman.\n\nCon\n\nBerkemungkinan mengganggu waktu tidur berikutan masa hadaman yang sempit di waktu malam.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTips\n\n\nElakkan makan berlebihan ketika berbuka. Makan sekadar perlu dan kawal pengambilan snek.\n\n\nMakan sedikit jumlah karbohidrat semasa senaman untuk tenaga berterusan. Contoh: Jus buah tanpa gula tambahan, susu rendah lemak atau roti disapu peanut butter.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nTerapi nutrisi bekas pesakit COVID-19\n\nMereka yang pulih dari COVID-19 dan tidak lagi di hospital, tumpuan kini adalah untuk membekalkan tubuh dengan nutrisi melalui kandungan kalori yang mencukupi serta protin untuk meningkatkan sistem imuniti.\n\nBioavailability protein yang tinggi membantu tubuh untuk membina sel dan otot. Untuk yang sudah berumur, keperluan protin adalah lebih tinggi kerana proses penuaan dan proses baik pulih.\n\nBagaimanapun, nasihat terapi nutrisi perubatan yang khusus diperlukan untuk individu yang berpenyakit sedia ada seperti Penyakit Buahpinggang Kronik. Sumber protin yang baik adalah daging lembu tanpa lemak, ayam tanpa kulit, ikan, tempeh, tofu, telur, susu rendah lemak dan keju.\n\nUntuk meninggikan sistem imuniti dalam badan, lebihkan jenis sayur dan buah-buahan. Warna sayur-sayuran yang berbeza mengandungi vitamin dan antioksida yang juga berbeza.\n\nVitamin C membantu untuk sistem imuniti. Tubuh kita tidak dapat menghasilkan Vitamin C. Oleh itu, amat penting untuk mendapatkan Vitamin C melalui sumber makanan. Ia akan perbaiki sel, memudahkan menyembuhan luka dan melawan radikal bebas yang mencerobohi tubuh badan.\n\nLihat jadual di bawah untuk pengambilan Vitamin C yang sesuai mengikut jantina dan kadar umur (dari Recommended Nutrients Intake For Malaysia 2017).\n\n\n\n\n\nUMUR LELAKI PEREMPUAN\n\n1-330mg/sehari30mg/sehari\n\n4-630mg/sehari30mg/sehari\n\n7-935mg/sehari35mg/sehari\n\n10-1865mg/sehari65mg/sehari\n\n19-6570mg/sehari70mg/sehari\n\n>6570mg/sehari70mg/sehari\n\n\nBUAH/SAYUR-SAYURAN JUMLAH VITAMIN C\n\n\u00bd biji jambu batu 228 mg\n\n1 biji limau mandarin24 mg\n\n1 potong betik150 mg\n\n1 biji kiwi135 mg\n\n1 sudu makan perahan lemon atau limau nipis5 mg\n\n100g bayam56.4 mg\n\n100g cekur manis136 mg\n\n100g bak choy60 mg\n\n100g kangkong48.3\n\n100g ulam raja65 mg\n\n100g lada benggala112 mg\n\n100g bunga kobis42.6 mg\n\n100g lobak merah53 mg\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmalkan pengambilan sekurang-kurangnya dua hidangan buah dan tiga hidangan sayur setiap hari. Ini untuk memastikan keperluan vitamin dan serat dapat dipenuhi bagi menyokong sistem ketahanan badan disamping membantu rasa kenyang lebih lama dengan kalori yang rendah.\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNurullatifah Fauzan\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKegunaan Kalori Dalam Tubuh - Berita Harian, 25 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRamadan: Berat Badan Turun Atau Naik? - Berita Harian Online, 25 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 25 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ramdhan-al-mubarak-how-far-should-the-children-be-involved", "title": "Ramdhan Al-Mubarak \u2013 How Far Should the Children Be Involved ", "body": "\n\n\n\nRamdhan Al-Mubarak \u2013 How Far Should the Children Be Involved \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 30, 2016\n \n\nMuslims are required to fast during the month of Ramadhan. Fasting means to abstain \"completely\" from foods, drinks as well as performing acts which break \u201cfast\u201d. Muslim children are not required to fast for Ramadan until they reach the age of maturity (puberty). However, parents are encouraged to educate their children in this holy month. How far the children should go when it comes to fasting?\n\n\u00a0\n\nRamdhan Al-Mubarak Sejauhmanakah Penglibatan Anak-anak Kita Di Bulan Ini - Mami Baby, Issue June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rawat-anak-hiperaktif-press-clipping", "title": "Rawat anak hiperaktif [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nRawat anak hiperaktif [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 14, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nHarian Metro,\n\n14 November 2012\n\n\nHarian Metro,\n\n14 November 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rawat-segera-rabun-kanak-kanak", "title": "Rawat Segera Rabun Kanak-kanak", "body": "\n\n\n\nRawat Segera Rabun Kanak-kanak\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 25, 2019\n \n\nBerdasarkan laporan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO), menjelang tahun depan - dijangka 2.56 bilion penduduk dunia menghidap rabun jauh (miopia), peningkatan dua kali ganda daripada jumlah 1.8 bilion penghidap sekarang. Melalui Kajian Penyakit Mata Pediatrik Segamat, Johor (SEGPAEDS-Disember 2017) melibatkan 1,287 kanak-kanak prasekolah mendapati sebanyak 12.5 peratus daripada mereka (161 kanak-kanak) mempunyai masalah penglihatan dan daripada jumlah itu, 61 peratus daripadanya mempunyai masalah pada kedua-dua mata.\n\nPakar Mata Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr. Palanyraj Naicker berkata, rabun terbahagi kepada tiga kategori selain miopia, terdapat hiperopia (rabun dekat) dan astigmatisme (silau) namun dalam kalangan kanak-kanak, miopia dan astigmatisme merupakan rabun yangsering dialami malah ada yang menghidap kedua-dua penyakit mata itu. Tegas beliau, masalah rabun dalam kalangan kanak-kanak merupakan isu penting yang memerlukan rawatan segera pada usia awal bagi mengelakkan mereka mengalami penyakit mata malas (ambliopia).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nJika kanak-kanak terbabit disahkan mengalami ambliopia, penggunaan cermin mata tidak akan dapat membantu penglihatan pesakit sehingg tahap maksimum atau sempuma, sekali gus boleh mengehadkan potensi kanak-kanak dan mengurangkan keyakinan diri mereka malah jika dikesan pada tahap serius, rawatan amat sukar dilakukan.\n\nDalam pada itu menurut Dr. Palanyraj, masalah miopia boleh berlaku secara perlahan-lahan namun jika terlalu pantas maka miopia menjadi lebih tinggi sehingga menimbulkan pelbagai masalah seperti saraf mata terlekang (retnal detachment) iaitu saraf retina tertanggal daripada belakang mata dan memerlukan pembedahan serta merta untuk memperbaiki kedudukan saraf terbabit.\n\nSelain itu, masalah lain termasuklah kemerosotan makular (macular degeneration) iaitu perubahan pada saraf dalam mata yang boleh\n\n\n\nmenyebabkan gangguan penglihatan kekal yang teruk selain masalah katarak iaitu isu yang lazimnya dihidap oleh individu berusia lebih 50 tahun tetapi boleh juga berlaku pada individu berusia 30 hingga 40-an.\n\n\"Bagaimanapun jika miopia meningkat terlalu pantas, pesakit akan disaran memulakan ubat titis khas (Atropin) untuk memperlahankan peningkatan miopia bagi tempoh setahun sehingga dua tahun namun keputusan untuk memberi ubat tersebut hanya akan dibuat selepas pesakit menjalani ujian saringan bagi mengesahkan miopia dihidap benar-benar terlalu tinggi atau sedang meningkat pada kadar yang terlalu cepat,\" ujarnya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nKata beliau, antara simptom miopia dalam kalangan kanak-kanak ialah mereka sering menonton televisyen dan memegangbukupadajarak terlalu dekat, selalu membuat kesilapan semasa menyalin nota, kerap menggosok mata dan mengecilkan mata untuk melihat sesuatu, juling (berlaku di peringkat mata malas), akan memaling muka untuk melihat sesuatu, keputusan peperiksaan sekolah merosot dan kerap sakit kepala.\n\nFaktor genetik kemungkinan besar menjadi punca kanak-kanak mengalami rabun namun risiko untuk mereka menghidap rabun adalah lebih tinggi jika ibu atau bapa menghidap masalah rabun dan risiko bertambah tinggi jika kedua-duanya mengalami masalah tersebut.\n\n\n\n\n\nSelain itu, katanya, terlalu banyak aktiviti dalam rumah dan kurang aktiviti di luar rumah boleh menyebabkan rabun terutama jika kanak-kanak lebih banyak menghabiskan masa dengan gajet seperti telefon bimbit dan komputer selain terlalu banyak membaca kerana tumpuan terhadap objek terlalu dekat menyebabkan otot mata tegang.\n\nMenurut Dr. Palanyraj untuk merawat miopia, penyakit itu perlu dikesan di peringkat awal justeru pemeriksaan mata perlu dilakukan terhadap bayi pada usia enam bulan sehingga 12 bulan dan seterusnya pada usia tiga tahun dan sebelum memulakan persekolahan.\n\nPemeriksaan mata yang dilakukan di peringkat permulaaan persekolahan untuk mengesan rabun dianggap terlalu lewat. Malah beliau mendapati di peringkat ini terdapat ramai kanak-kanak berumur antara tiga sehingga empat tahun telah menghidap masalah rabun malah ada yang terpaksa memakai cermin mata dengan kuasa kanta dalam lingkungan tinggi..\nFaktor Rabun Dalam Kalangan Kanak-kanak\n\n\nFaktor genetik kemungkinan besar penyebab rabun. Risiko lebih tinggi jika ibu atau bapa mempunyai masalah rabun atau kedua-duanya mengalami masalah tersebut.\n\n\nMenuggu sehinga pelajar berusia tutjuh tahun untuk melakukan pemeriksaan mata pertama terlaly lewat.\n\n\nTabiat menatap gajet sehingga tertidur akan menyebabkan mata mengalami keletihan.\n\n\nTerlalu banyak aktiviti dalam rumah boleh menyebabkan rabun terutama jika kanak-kanak menghabiskan banyak masa dengan gajet selain terlalu banyak membaca.\n\n\nCahaya matahari boleh membantu untuk memperlahankan miopia dan melihat objek jauh di luar rumah juga membantu otot dalam mata untuk berehat.\n\n\nIbu bapa perlu memastikan anak mereka yang menghidap rabun sentiasa memakai cermin mata.\n\n\nAmalkan 20-20-20 Rule. Selepas 20 minit j membaca atau menggunakan komputer. lihat objek yang jauh 20 kaki (enam meter) selama 20 saat untuk ' membolehkan otot mata berehat.\n\n\nGalakkan kanak-kanak bermain di luar rumah sekurang- -kurangnya dua jam sehari.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Palanyraj Naicker\n\n\nConsultant Ophthalmologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nMBBS (India), M Ophthalmology (UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nRawat Segera Rabun Kanak-kanak - Utusan Malaysia, 22 September 2019\n\n\n\n\n \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOphthalmology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rawatan-penyakit-tibi", "title": "Rawatan Penyakit Tibi", "body": "\n\n\n\nRawatan Penyakit Tibi\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 23, 2021\n \n Dalam pandemik Covid-19 yang kita lalui sekarang ini, ada penyakit berjangkit lain yang juga berbahaya. Salah satunya ialah tuberculosis, penyakit yang lebih dikenali dengan nama penyakit tibi. Tahukah anda bahawa sebab kematian tertinggi di dunia akibat penyakit berjangkit ialah penyakit tibi? Mungkin ada yang memikirkan bahawa tibi sudah tidak ada lagi di zaman ini kerana vaksin yang sedia ada. Jadi bagaimana ini boleh terjadi?\n\nMenurut \nWorld Health Organisation\n, pada tahun 2014, dianggarkan ada sebanyak 8.6 juta kes Tibi yang telah mengakibatkan 1.5 juta kematian.\n\nSeperti virus Covid-19, jangkitan bakteria penyakit Tibi adalah melalui udara. Apabila pesakit Tibi bersin, bercakap atau batuk, kuman Tibi akan tersebar ke udara sekeliling. Seseorang yang berdekatan dengan pesakit tersebut akan dijangkiti apabila berkongsi ruang udara yang mengandungi bakteria Tibi. Bakteria ini boleh melekat di paru-paru dan mula merebak dari situ. Ia boleh masuk ke dalam darah dan merebak ke lain-lain bahagian badan.\n\nTanda-tanda tibi ialah batuk lebih dari tiga minggu, batuk yang diiringi kahak berdarah, sakit dada atau rasa sakit ketika bernafas atau batuk, berat badan menurun dengan tidak sengaja, keletihan yang amat sangat, demam, basah berpeluh di waktu malam dan kurang selera makan.\n\nLimabelas sehingga 20 peratus penyakit tibi ini boleh menjejaskan bahagian tubuh anda termasuklah buah pinggang, tulang belakang, perut dan otak. Apabila tibi berlaku di luar kawasan paru-paru, pesakit biasanya akan berasa sakit di kawasan tersebut. Seterusnya, organ tersebut akan menunjukkan tanda-tanda tibi. Contohnya, tibi di perut akan menyebabkan cirit-birit berterusan sementara tibi di buah pinggang akan menyebabkan darah dalam air kencing.\n\nJika kemungkinan seseorang itu dijangkiti tibi atau bergaul dengan pesakit tibi, pergi berjumpa doktor atau jabatan kesihatan untuk diuji. Terdapat dua jenis ujian untuk mengesan tibi; melalui kulit dan melalui darah. Yang paling sering digunakan ialah ujian kulit. Bahan ujian \ntuberculin\n disuntik di bawah kulit. Dalam tempoh dua atau tiga hari, anda akan diuji lagi untuk melihat tindakbalas. Kadang-kadang ujian darah dijalankan untuk mengesan kuman Tibi. Ujian ini mengukur bagaimana imuniti seseorang itu bertindakbalas dengan kuman yang menyebabkan Tibi.\n\nDiagnosis pulmonari tibi boleh disimpulkan apabila pesakit memaparkan tanda-tanda klinikal yang khusus, perubahan x-ray dada yang klasik dan calitan \nAcid-Fast Bacili\n (AFB) kahak positif (kahak yang dikeluarkan dari bahagian dalam paru-paru) untuk mengesan Tibi\n\nSecara umumnya, pakar perubatan akan mengumpulkan contoh kahak selama tiga hari berturut-turut untuk membuat calitan AFB. Cara ini akan menunjukkan kadar kesan Tibi dalam lingkungan 70 peratus berdasarkan standard rujukan kultur penyakit Tibi. Untuk ketahui jika seseorang itu ada penyakit tibi, ujian-ujian lain turut diperlukan, seperti X-ray dada dan contoh kahak untuk dibuat kultur kuman Tibi.\n\nJika seseorang itu menghidap penyakit tibi, beliau harus dapatkan rawatan dengan segera. Mereka juga mesti tahu bagaimana mengambil ubatan dengan betul dan habiskan ubatan mengikut arahan doktor.\n Umumnya, rawatan ini melibatkan empat jenis ubat untuk dihabiskan dalam masa enam bulan. Pesakit Tibi mesti prihatin bahawa jika dia berhenti mengambil ubat, dia mungkin akan jatuh sakit lagi. Sekiranya mereka tidak makan ubat dengan cara yang betul, kuman yang masih bertahan akan menjadi lali kepada ubat atau payah untuk di rawat di masa hadapan. Tambah lagi, mereka mestilah pergi ke setiap temujanji doktor. Mereka juga mesti prihatin tentang orang lain supaya penyakit ini tidak berjangkit ke orang lain, apabila rawatan baru bermula dalam beberapa minggu atau apabila doktor sahkan yang pesakit tidak lagi dalam fasa berjangkit asalkan mereka menjaga adab batuk dan respirasi yang bersih.\n\nAdab batuk maksudnya menutup mulut anda semasa batuk atau bersin dengan menggunakan tisu. Masukkan tisu terpakai ke dalam beg plastik, ikat ketat dan buang ke dalam tong sampah. Sekiranya anda tidak mempunyai tisu, gunakan lengan baju atau siku apabila anda hendak bersin atau batuk. Jangan sekali-kali batuk ke dalam tangan sendiri. Selepas batuk atau bersin, cuci tangan anda dengan bersih.\n\nPesakit tibi haruslah memakai topeng muka di kala jangkitan paling tinggi kerana ia akan mengurangkan risiko bakteria tibi (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) dari berpindah kepada orang lain.\n\nTopeng muka memainkan peranan penting dalam memerangkap zarah yang lembab berdekatan mulut dan hidung seseorang, langsung mengelakkan kuman dari terlepas ke udara.\n\nPesakit tibi dinasihatkan untuk tidur berasingan di dalam sebuah bilik yang asing dengan kitaran udara yang sihat. Jangan menggunakan kenderaan awam, duduk di rumah selepas pulang dari pejabat/sekolah atau sebarang tempat awam di mana ramai berkumpul. Kurangkan berinteraksi atau aktiviti sosial. Pasang kipas atau buka tingkap supaya angin boleh masuk\n\nAda pepatah berkata, baiklah sesuatu itu dijauhkan dari dirawat. Langkah pertama ialah menghentikan jangkitan tibi dari merebak. Selepas itu baharulah proses menyembuhkannya menggunakan rawatan ubat. Dengan penjagaan tibi yang baik dan berkesan, risiko jangkitan berkurangan.\n\nJuga penting dalam rawatan penyakit tibi ialah vaksin Bacillus Calmette-Guerin atau lebih dikenali sebagai vaksin BCG. Lebih 80 peratus bayi dan kanak-kanak diinokulasi dengan vaksin BCG di negara yang ada program imunisasi kanak-kanak. Walaupun terbukti vaksin ini dapat melindungi kanak-kanak dari jangkitan tibi serta jangkitan tibi di lain-lain bahagian badan, ia tidak dapat melindungi mereka yang dewasa dari penularan kuman tibi ke organ-organ lain.\n\nKita juga harus memastikan setiap individu yang tubuhnya lemah dan menghadapi kesukaran melawan bakteria, untuk menjauhkan diri dari pesakit tibi. Mereka yang berisiko ini termasuk mereka yang ada jangkitan HIV, mereka yang mengambil dadah menerusi suntikan, bayi dan kanak-kanak kecil, warga emas, pesakit kencing manis, pesakit pelbagai jenis kanser dan mereka yang mempunyai berat badan yang rendah.\n\nSekiranya anda dijangkiti tibi dan tidak mendapatkan rawatan, komplikasi seperti kerosakan fungsi paru-paru, penularan bakteria ke lain-lain bahagian badan yang menyebabkan sakit tulang, meningitis dan kepincangan buah pinggang atau hati, boleh berlaku. Malahan, maut juga boleh berlaku.\n\nTibi sebenarnya boleh dijauhkan dan boleh dirawat. Dengan meningkatkan kesedaran orangramai tentang pengesanan awal penyakit tibi serta pesakit yang berdisiplin dalam mengikuti nasihat dan rawatan doktor, tidak mustahil untuk komuniti maju ke arah era tanpa tibi.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Cheong Kuan Loong\n\n\nConsultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nMBBS (UM), M.Med (Int. Med.) (UM), Fellowship in Gastroenterology (Mal)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nLooking for \nGastroenterology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rawatan-tak-sepatutnya-boleh-jadi-punca", "title": "Rawatan Tak Sepatutnya Boleh Jadi Punca", "body": "\n\n\n\nRawatan Tak Sepatutnya Boleh Jadi Punca\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 21, 2017\n \n\nTidak tahu hamil sehingga usia kandungan mencecah tujuh bulan kedengarannya agak pelik. Ini kerana mustahil si ibu tidak merasai pergerakan bayi atau pertambahan berat badan secara mendadak sedangkan dia pernah melalui kehamilan sebelum ini. Tanda kehamilan walaupun bukan semua mengalami alahan biasanya akan ditunjukkan namun kurang disedari wanita.\n\nMenjelaskan lebih lanjut, menurut Perunding Obstetrik & Ginekologi Hospital Columbia Asia Setapak Dr Sharmina Kamal Shamsul Kamal, ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan wanita tidak menyedari mereka hamil antaranya haid tidak teratur. Kebiasaannya golongan ini tidak datang bulan dalam tempoh yang lama seperti dua hingga empat bulan.\n\n\u201cApabila haid tidak teratur mereka biasanya tidak ambil kisah mengenai sebarang tanda kehamilan kerana beranggapan ia berpunca daripada menyusukan bayi, baru saja melahirkan anak atau mengalami masalah kesihatan seperti PCOS. Simptom kehamilan juga tidak dirasai dan ini menguatkan lagi kata hati yang mereka tidak mengandung,\u201d katanya.\n\nKatanya, pengesanan kehamilan yang lewat walaupun tidak mendatangkan sebarang gangguan kepada ibu, perlu diambil perhatian terutama wanita yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan seperti penyakit jantung, kencing manis atau darah tinggi kerana ia bukan saja memberi kesan kepada ibu tetapi bayi dalam kandungan.\n\nIbu juga mungkin tidak sedar mereka mengambil ubat-ubatan atau rawatan yang tak sepatutnya seperti imbasan sinar-X dan tidak menjalani rutin pemeriksaan bulanan secara berkala. Namun pengambilan ubat-ubatan tidak mendatangkan sebarang masalah sekiranya ibu mengamalkan pemakanan seimbang.\n\n\u201cBagi ibu berusia 40 tahun ke atas masalah akan timbul sekiranya ujian imbasan teliti dilakukan lewat bagi mengetahui sebarang keganjilan terutama penyakit genetik. Ubat-ubatan untuk penghidap diabetes juga lambat diberikan yang akan memberi kesan kepada ibu dan bayi yang dikandung,\u201d jelasnya.\nAWASI TANDA HAMIL\n\nBagi yang pertama kali hamil, mungkin ramai tidak mengalami sebarang simptom awal kehamilan terutama golongan muda yang aktif. Sesetengah pula tidak perasan sebarang tanda kehamilan sehinggalah kandungan mencecah beberapa bulan.\n\nBagaimanapun, jelas Dr Sharmina, ada beberapa simptom awal kehamilan yang mungkin dirasai antaranya:\n\nPerubahan pada payudara - Ia disebabkan perubahan hormon pada awal kehamilan. Ia membuatkan payudara terasa lebih padat, sensitif dan tegang. Puting payudara pula kelihatan sedikit menonjol dan berwarna lebih gelap serta pembuluh darah yang nampak lebih ketara pada permukaan kulit payudara.\n\n\nSering membuang air kecil - Pada awal kehamilan wanita akan selalu membuang air kecil terutama pada waktu malam. Malah semakin hari keinginan buang air kecil lebih meningkat disebabkan oleh pembesaran rahim yang menekan bahagian pundi kencing.\n\n\nMerasa sangat letih - Ramai wanita hamil mengalaminya pada awal kehamilan sehingga memasuki tiga bulan pertama. Keadaan ini disebabkan peningkatan kadar progesteron dan perubahan pada pengaliran darah, degupan jantung dan metabolisme tubuh.\n\n\nMual dan muntah - Walaupun tidak semua wanita merasainya namun simptom ini berlaku pada usia kehamilan enam minggu. Ramai juga yang mengalaminya lebih awal. Namun ia akan hilang selepas memasuki usia kehamilan mencecah 12 hingga 16 minggu. Muntah dan loya sering berlaku pada waktu pagi disebabkan asid yang terbentuk ketika tidur.\n\n\nSensitif terhadap bau - Mual yang dialami pada awal kehamilan disebabkan oleh deria bau yang menjadi lebih sensitif terhadap bau-bauan tertentu seperti minyak wangi, masakan atau beraroma negatif seperti asap rokok. Ada wanita langsung tidak boleh menghidu bau makanan yang digoreng atau nasi yang sedang dimasak. Mereka akan muntah, loya dan pening.\n\n\nHilang selera makan atau lebih berselera - Peningkatan kadar hormon dan kadar sensitiviti terhadap bau-bauan akan membuat wanita kurang berselera untuk makan. Namun keadaan ini berbeza bagi wanita yang langsung tiada alahan kerana mereka akan lebih berselera dan makan dalam kadar yang lebih.\n\n\nLebih beremosi yang berpunca daripada perubahan hormon - Biasanya mereka mudah terasa tanpa alasan yang jelas.\n\n\nKerap sakit kepala disebabkan penurunan tekanan darah dan penyempitan pembuluh darah.\n\n\nTompok darah menerusi vagina. Ia menjadi tanda penempelan sel telur pada dinding rahim.\n\n\nSesetengah wanita mengalami rasa tegang pada perut sebagai tanda awal kehamilan. Ini berlaku disebabkan proses implantasi pada rahim yang berlaku di antara lapan hingga 10 hari selepas ovulasi atau sekitar empat hingga enam hari sebelum haid berikutnya. Ramai wanita keliru dengan rasa kesakitan pada perut ini kerana menganggap ia sebagai senggugut kerana rasa yang hampir sama.\n\n\nLAKUKAN UJIAN\n\nSekiranya anda mempunyai semua tanda di atas ditambah pula dengan kelewatan haid selama seminggu, anda boleh membuat pemeriksaan sendiri di rumah. Jika garisan biru kelihatan dalam kotak alat penguji, ia menandakan anda akan bergelar seorang ibu.\n\nLangkah seterusnya buatlah temu janji dengan doktor bagi memastikan kandungan berada di dalam rahim dan menilai usia kandungan anda.\n\nBagi wanita yang mempunyai alahan teruk mereka seharusnya makan dengan lebih kerap namun dalam kuantiti sedikit. Ini bagi mengelak perut terlalu penuh atau kosong. Jangan terlalu memaksa untuk makan sebaliknya makan apa saja yang diinginkan walaupun hanya biskut bersama secawan coklat panas. Minum banyak air bagi mengelak kekeringan dan amalkan amalan hidup sihat dengan kekal aktif dan banyak bergerak.\n\n\u201cBagi mereka yang mempunyai alahan yang teruk doktor akan memberikan ubat tahan muntah. Anda juga akan dimasukkan ke wad bagi pemantauan selanjutnya,\u201d katanya yang menasihati wanita hamil agar menjaga pemakanan dengan mengambil makanan kaya protein dan vitamin serta mengurangkan gula, garam dan minyak.\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh myMetro - 16 November 2017\n\n\u00a0\n\nRawatan Tak Sepatutnya Boleh Jadi Punca \u2013 myMetro, 16 November 2017\n\n\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nRawatan Tak Sepatutnya Boleh Jadi Punca \u2013 myMetro, 16 November 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/reading-the-beauty-ingredient-labels", "title": "Reading the Beauty Ingredient Labels", "body": "\n\n\n\nReading the Beauty Ingredient Labels\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 15, 2017\n \n\nArticle credit : KOSMO!\n\nKULIT merupakan organ terbesar tubuh yang berfungsi untuk melindungi, mengawal keseimbangan cecair, mengatur suhu badan, pembentukan vitamin D dan menyerap cahaya matahari. Bahan kimia dan toksin yang meresap masuk ke dalam salur darah menerusi kulit lebih berbahaya berbanding masuk melalui mulut kerana tidak melalui proses detoks oleh hati serta buah pinggang. Sehubungan itu, ramai wanita memilih produk-produk kecantikan wajah organik dan bebas bahan kimia berbahaya.\n\nMenurut Pakar Perunding Dermatologi, Hospital Columbia Asia - Petaling Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Dr. Priya Gill, produk kecantikan yang 100 peratus organik sepatutnya tidak mengandungi bahan terlarang seperti Genetically Modified Organism, paraben, pewangi tiruan dan silikon. Paraben adalah bahan pengawet yang digunakan dalam produk kosmetik dan farmaseutikal. \u201cBagi memastikan ia benar-benar organik, bahan itu perlu melepasi piawaian yang ketat dan mendapat persijilan daripada badanbadan yang diiktiraf seperti Skin Organik Malaysia, Pertubuhan Pergerakan Pertanian Organik dan Japanese Organic Association.\n\n\u201cPemantauan dan kawalan terhadap produk organik di pasaran sangat penting bagi memastikan ia tidak dimanipulasi oleh pengusaha yang hanya ingin mengaut keuntungan kerana produk semula jadi dijual pada harga lebih mahal,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Kosmo! baru-baru ini. Tambah Priya, pengguna perlu mengenali jenis kulit masing-masing bagi mengelakkan berlakunya alahan. Namun begitu, penggunaan bahan kecantikan bebas kandungan kimia adalah lebih baik. Sehubungan itu, pengguna dinasihatkan membaca dan memahami label produk, kandungan, pengilang, syarikat pengeluar serta badan yang mengeluarkan sijil.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBaca Label, Kandungan Produk Kecantikan Sebelum Membeli - KOSMO! Issue 31 Jan 2016 \n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/recovering-injury-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Recovering from Injury - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nRecovering from Injury - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 15, 2013\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nThe road to recovery from an injury can be a slow and arduous one, not to mention dull and limiting. They can be slow to recover from, yet recovering well is crucial to future health and fitness. Telling us about the path of getting back to 100% and how important it is to follow your doctor's instructions is Dr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopardic Surgeon.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/recurrent-abdominal-pain-in-children", "title": "Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children", "body": "\n\n\n\nRecurrent Abdominal Pain in Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 15, 2017\n \n\nArticle credit : InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 20, Jan \u2013 Mar 2017\n\nA common condition in children, clinically challenging to diagnose and treat.\n\nAs a pediatrician, one of the most common yet challenging medical conditions in daily practice is the recurrent abdominal pain (RAP). It is undoubtedly common, affecting 10% to 20% of school-going children. It is also very disruptive to families and often not accompanied by easily definable organic pathology. In fact, despite extensive investigations, there are no identifiable organic causes in the majority of the cases.\n\n\u2018Recurrent Abdominal Pain\u2019 is commonly defined as pain that occurs for at least three episodes within three months and is severe enough to affect a child\u2019s activities. It occurs most commonly between ages 4 and 14 years, with peaks in incidence at 4-6 years and 7-12 years. Girls are probably affected more often than boys.\nCOMMON CAUSES\nConstipation\n is a major cause of chronic or recurrent abdominal pain in children from toddler age to the preteen years. Constipation is best defined as the failure to achieve complete evacuation of the lower colon rather than regarding infrequency or firmness of stool. Many children experience crampy abdominal pain especially after large meals, reduced appetite and abdominal distension which typically worsen in the evening. Passing hard stools can be very painful. Hence, most constipated children avoid passing stools and this, in turn, leads to hard impacted stools \u2013 the vicious cycle of constipation. However, one must also remember that some of the children can have overflow incontinence \u2013 where watery stool leaks around the hard-impacte stool and can be mistaken as diarrhea. A careful examination of the abdomen might reveal fecolith at the lower quadrant of the abdomen.\n\nThe \npeptic disorders\n include reflux esophagitis, antral gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, and H. pylori infection. Children with peptic disease usually present with early morning pain \u2013 usually epigastric or periumbilical, early satiety and night arousal. The pain is not relieved by defecation and there is usually no change in bowel habit. However, there is often a positive family history; fifty percent of children with duodenal ulcer have a first-degree relative with peptic ulcer disease. On the other hand, the role of H. pylori infection in RAP remains unclear, as many children suffering from RAP with associated H. pylori has persistent pain even after successful treatment.\n\nIt can be challenging to diagnose lactose intolerance as the pain only appears a few hours after milk ingestion. Most children have increase in flatulence, with or without diarrhoea. Other carbohydrates that may be responsible for RAP include sorbitol, a food additive. Mostly, diagnosis of carbohydrate intolerance can be made by means of food withdrawal and challenge. Laboratory tests, such as breath hydrogen test, are often unnecessary.\nAbdominal migraine\n is another possible cause of recurrent abdominal pain. By definition, there must be no evidence of an inflammatory, anatomical, metabolic, or neoplastic process that explains symptoms. There should be two or more episodes in the preceding 12 months and must include all of the following:\n\nParoxysmal episodes of intense, acute periumbilical pain lasting for one or more hours.\n\n\nIntervening periods of usual health, lasting weeks to months.\n\n\nThe pain interferes with normal activities.\n\n\nThe pain is associated with two or more of the following: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, headache, photophobia, pallor.\n\n\n\nChildren with \nInflammatory bowel\n disease often have pain which typically occurs in the lower abdomen, is cramping in nature and increases after meals or activity. Some may also have loss of appetite, general lethargy, fever, diarrhoea and nonintestinal manifestations such as arthralgia, arthritis or delay in pubertal developments. Patients with ulcerative colitis might present with abdominal pain with bloody stools. The diagnosis is established by small bowel barium contrast x-ray and colonoscopy with biopsies.\n\nSome \nsurgical conditions\n can present as RAP. These include recurrent intussusceptions, Meckel diverticulitis, intestinal malrotation, choledochal cyst and intestinal lymphoma.\nAlarm signs and symptoms\n\n\n\n\nRED FLAG SIGNS\n\n\nEvidence of weight loss or decline in height velocity\n\n\nPallor/jaundice\n\n\nOrganomegaly or palpable mass in the abdomen\n\n\nLocalised tenderness away from the umbilical region\n\n\nPerianal abnormalities\n\n\nJoint swelling, redness or warmth, finger clubbing\n\n\nVentral hernia of the abdominal wall\n\n\n\n\nRED FLAG SYMPTOMS\n\n\nLocalisation of pain away from the central abdominal region\n\n\nPain associated with changes in bowel habit, particularly diarrhea, constipation or nocturnal bowel movement\n\n\nPain associated with night-walking\n\n\nConstitutional symptoms such as recurrent fever, and loss of appetite and energy\n\n\nRAP in very young children aged < 4 years\n\n\nHistory of weight loss or poor growth\n\n\nRecurrent unexplained fever\n\n\nRecurrent bloody stools\n\n\nUnexplained pallor\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCLINICAL APPROACH\n\nThe most important approach in RAP is still taking a detailed history-taking and careful clinical examination. Extensive investigations are not recommended and are only carried out to exclude particular conditions suggested by the history and examination. It is useful to pursue further diagnostic testing only in the presence of alarm symptoms.\nMANAGEMENT\n\nThe management of RAP often requires a multidisciplinary approach. Pharmacological treatment, nutritional recommendation, behavioural therapy and family therapy need to be tailored for each individual. Clinicians must be empathic and acknowledge that the pain is \u2018real\u2019 while providing ample reassurance that there is no serious underlying organic cause. Long term follow up is important because as much as 30% of patients have symptoms persisting into adulthood.\nDr. Kenneth Looi Chia Chuin\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nReferences \n\n\nQuek SH; Recurrent abdominal pain in children: a clinical approach. Singapore Med J. 2015 Mar;56(3):125-8; quiz 132.\n\n\nBerger MY, Gieteling MJ, Benninga MA; Chronic abdominal pain in children. BMJ. 2007 May 12;334(7601):997-1002.\n\n\nGray L; Chronic abdominal pain in children. Aust Fam Physician. 2008 Jun;37(6):398-400.\n\n\nAlan M. Lake; Chronic Abdominal Pain in Childhood: Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician. 1999 Apr 1;59(7):1823-1830.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nRecurrent Abdominal Pain in Children - InfoMed Malaysia, Issue 20, Jan \u2013 Mar 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/red-baked-fish", "title": "Red Baked Fish", "body": "\n\n\n\nRed Baked Fish\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 18, 2015\n \n\nFor healthy living, there is a phrase: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and eat dinner like a pauper. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is the meal that tops up our glucose level in our body after fasting the night before.\n\nStudy shows that this eating pattern that follows the body\u2019s circadian rhythm can assist in weight management. Following this study are recommendations that include switching your eating patterns. Have larger breakfasts and smaller dinners that are within your daily nutritional needs. On top of that, consume fibre-rich whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein at each meal. These are important diet tips for a satisfying meal.\n\nMalaysians digest large meals at night. This can result in weight gain, as excessive calories are stored as body fat. Hence, Chef Rose Marshita Ruslan of Columbia Asia Hospital-Bukit Rimau would like to introduce an easy way to prepare a dinner dish for those who are concerned with weight control.\nQ: How long have you joined Columbia Asia?\n\nChef Rose:\n I have been with Columbia Asia for almost five years as a Kitchen Executive. I monitor kitchen operations in terms of hygiene, production, in-patient menu, caf\u00e9 menu and train the staff to improve kitchen skills.\nQ: Have you handled any low calorie diet for in-patients?\n\nChef Rose: \nYes, usually I will modify the recipe for main dish if there is a request for a low calorie diet. We choose lean meat. For example, we remove the skin from chicken breasts. I will also use less sugar and cooking oil by steaming, grilling and baking when preparing low-calorie dishes.\nQ: What dish would you recommend for those who want to manage their weight?\n\nChef Rose:\n I would like to introduce red baked fish with fruits & mixed salad as a dinner selection for a low-calorie diet. This dish is simple where you just need to marinate the fish and bake it. It can be combined with any food such as a variety of salads, fruits or any carbohydrate meal.\nQ: Is this dish suitable for diabetic patients?\n\nChef Rose:\n Yes. We substitute the sugar with raw honey and brown rice sugar syrup. This is more suitable for diabetic patients. The red colour is from the sugar, thus removing the brown sugar will not affect the taste.\nQ: Is there a specific way to cook dory fish? Are there any other fish type that is suitable for this dish?\n\nChef Rose:\n Dory fish does not need any special care. All you need is to marinate it with some spices and herbs to enhance the taste. You can also use salmon fish, tenggiri and any other boneless fish for this dish.\n\nThis recipe has been featured in Harian Metro.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRECIPE\n\n\nRed Baked Fish\n\n\n\n\nServes 10\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\n10 Pieces Dory fish\n\n\n15gm Brown Sugar\n\n\n1 Teaspoon Oregano Herbs\n\n\n15gm Paprika\n\n\n10gm Thick soy sauce\n\n\n4gm Chili Flakes\n\n\n1 Pinch Salt\n\n\n1 Pinch Pepper\n\n\nVegetables\n\n\n30gm Eggplants\n\n\n30gm Carrot\n\n\n60gm Capsicum\n\n\n40gm Potato\n\n\n1 Teaspoon Olive Oil\n\n\n1 Pinch Salt\n\n\n1 Pinch Paprika\n\n\n1 Pinch Mixed Herbs\n\n\nFruit salad\n\n\n300g Banana\n\n\n300g Green Apple\n\n\n300g Grapes\n\n\n300g Papaya\n\n\nMixed Salad\n\n\n300g Cherry Tomato\n\n\n300g Romance Salad\n\n\n300g Japanese Cucumber\n\n\n300g Baby Carrot\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\nMarinate dory fish with ingredients above. Bake at 180\u00b0 Celsius for 20 minutes.\n\n\nCut vegetables into small pieces. Saut\u00e9, bake or steam the vegetables with olive oil. Season with salt, paprika and mixed herbs.\n\n\nTo make the salad, cut the ingredients, mix and toss.\n\n\nNutrient Content (per serving):\n\n\u00a0\n\nCalorie (kcal) - \n294\n\nProtein (g) - \n31\n\nFat (g) - \n7\n\nCarbohydrates (g) - \n29\n\nSodium (mg) - \n224\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nChef Rose Marshita Binti Ruslan\n\nKitchen Executive\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/reignite-the-spark", "title": "Reignite The Spark", "body": "\n\n\n\nReignite The Spark\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 09, 2016\n \n\nDo you recall the last time you weren\u2019t feeling stressed? Feeling stressed has become as common as breathing and sleeping \u2013 and that\u2019s obviously not ideal. According to a report by Business Insider Malaysia, more than 70% of people struggle with physical and psychological symptoms caused by stress.\n\nWork. Eat. Sleep. Retreat. It\u2019s time to break the cycle with our wellness guide that helps revitalise you physically and mentally.\n\n\u00a0\n\nReignite The Spark \u2013 Her World Magazine, Issue Sep 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rejuvenate-feminine-life-starting-cosmetic-gyneacology", "title": "\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5987\u79d1\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\u5e2e\u4f60\u627e\u56de\u81ea\u4fe1", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5987\u79d1\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\u5e2e\u4f60\u627e\u56de\u81ea\u4fe1\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 03, 2020\n \n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5973\u6027\u5fc5\u8bfb!\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5987\u79d1\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\uff0c\u65e0\u521b\u4f24 + \u96f6\u4fee\u590d\u671f\uff0c\n\n\u89e3\u51b3\u4f60\u7684\u79c1\u5bc6\u70e6\u607c\uff0c\u627e\u56de\u81ea\u4fe1\n\n\n\n\u542c\u5230 \u201c\u79c1\u5bc6\u5904\u6574\u5f62\u201d \uff0c\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u4f1a\u89c9\u5f97\u8fd9\u662f\u4e2a\u6bd4\u8f83\u9690\u79c1\u4e14\u4ee4\u4eba\u5bb3\u7f9e\u7684\u8bdd\u9898?\u5728\u8fd9\u4e2a 21 \u4e16\u7eaa\uff0c\u793e\u4f1a\u4e0a\u4ecd\u7136\u5b58\u5728 \u8bb8\u591a\u5973\u6027\u9762\u5bf9\u79c1\u5bc6\u5904\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u5374\u56e0\u89c9\u5f97\u96be\u4ee5\u542f\u9f7f\u800c\u95ed\u53e3\u4e0d\u63d0\uff0c\u8ba9\u539f\u672c\u53ef\u4ee5\u88ab\u89e3\u51b3\u6216\u6539\u5584\u7684\u95ee\u9898\u9519\u8fc7\u6cbb\u7597\u7684\u9ec4\u91d1\u65f6\u671f\u3002\n\n\u79c1\u5bc6\u5904\u6574\u5f62\u5e76\u975e\u50cf\u5176\u5b83\u8eab\u4f53\u90e8\u4f4d\u6574\u5f62\u4e00\u6837\uff0c\u7eaf\u7cb9\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u7f8e\u5316\u5916\u89c2\u3002\u4e8b\u5b9e\u4e0a\uff0c\u5973\u6027\u5728\u7ecf\u5386\u751f\u4ea7\u540e\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u5230\u4e86\u4e00\u5b9a\u7684\u5e74\u7eaa\uff0c\u6709\u5f88\u5927\u7684\u673a\u4f1a\u4f1a\u9762\u4e34\u9634\u9053\u677e\u5f1b\u3001\u5c3f\u5931\u7981\u53ca\u76c6\u8154\u5668\u5b98\u8131\u5782\u7b49\u751f\u7406\u95ee\u9898\u3002\u751f\u80b2\u80fd\u529b\u662f\u4e0a\u5929\u7ed9\u4e88\u5973 \u4eba\u4e00\u4efd\u7f8e\u597d\u7684\u793c\u7269\u3002\u7ecf\u5386\u8fc7\u751f\u4ea7\u7684\u5973\u4eba\u751f\u7406\u548c\u5fc3\u7406\u4e0a\u90fd\u5e94\u8be5\u5f97\u5230\u5b8c\u5584\u7684\u7167\u987e\u3002\u968f\u7740\u79d1\u6280\u7684\u8fdb\u6b65\uff0c\u5973\u6027\u56e0\u751f\u4ea7\u3001\u751f\u7406\u8001\u5316\u6216\u5176\u5b83\u539f\u56e0\u5bfc\u81f4\u7684\u79c1\u5904\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u5176\u5b9e\u5e76\u975e\u50cf\u5e74\u957f\u4e00\u8f88\u4f20\u7edf\u8ba4\u77e5\u90a3\u6837\u65e0\u6cd5\u88ab\u6539\u5584\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u4f4d\u4e8e\u67d4\u4f5b\u65b0\u5c71 South key \u7684\u5168\u65b0\u5206\u9662 Tebrau \u548c\u4f4d\u4e8e Taman Kesihatan Afiat \u7684 Iskandar Puteri \u5206\u9662\u76ee\u524d\u662f\u5168\u67d4\u5c11\u6570\u63d0\u4f9b\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5987\u79d1\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\u7684\u533b\u9662\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5987\u79d1\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\uff0c\u6216\u8bb8\u5728\u672c\u5730\u6211\u4eec\u6bd4\u8f83\u5c11\u542c\u8bf4\u8fc7\u8fd9\u4e2a\u7597\u7a0b\uff0c\u4f46\u5176\u5b9e\u5728\u56fd\u5916\u5df2\u7ecf\u975e\u5e38\u76db\u884c\u4e86\u3002\u5728\u8fd9\u65b9\u9762\u62e5 \u6709\u4e13\u4e1a\u6280\u672f\u7684 Columbia Asia Hospital \u80fd\u591f\u9488\u5bf9\u6027\u5730\u89e3\u51b3\u5404\u79cd\u5973\u6027\u79c1\u5904\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u9634\u9053\u677e\u5f1b \u3001\u538b\u529b\u6027\u5c3f\u5931 \u7981\u3001\u9634\u9053\u840e\u7f29\u4ee5\u53ca\u76c6\u8154\u5668\u5b98\u8131\u5782\u7b49\u3002\u72ec\u7279\u7684\u6536\u7d27\u6280\u672f\uff0c\u9ad8\u5b89\u5168\u6027\u3001\u65e0\u521b\u4f24\u4e14\u96f6\u4fee\u590d\u671f\uff0c\u4e0d\u4ec5\u80fd\u7acb\u5373\u6539\u5584\u5973 \u6027\u7684\u5987\u79d1\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u4e5f\u80fd\u8ba9\u5973\u6027\u76f4\u63a5\u6295\u5165\u6b63\u5e38\u751f\u6d3b\u8fd0\u4f5c\uff0c\u7ed9\u4e88\u975e\u5e38\u5927\u7684\u4fbf\u5229\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5173\u4e8e\u9634\u9053\u7d27\u7f29\u7597\u6cd5\n\n\n\n\u79c1\u5904\u677e\u5f1b\uff0c\u4e0d\u4ec5\u4f1a\u5f71\u54cd\u5973\u6027\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u8d28\u91cf\uff0c\u540c\u65f6\u4e5f\u4f1a\u8ba9\u5973\u6027\u5931\u53bb\u539f\u6709\u7684\u81ea\u4fe1\u3002\u6536\u7d27\u6280\u672f\u80fd\u63d0\u9ad8\u9634\u9053\u7684\u7d27\u5b9e\u5ea6\u53ca\u5f39\u6027\uff0c\u91cd\u62fe\u5e78\u798f\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u3002\u4e0d\u4ec5\u5982\u6b64\uff0c\u9634\u9053\u708e\u75c7\u7684\u60a3\u8005\u4e5f\u80fd\u63a5\u53d7\u8fd9\u9879\u6cbb\u7597\u5462!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5173\u4e8e\u538b\u529b\u6027\u5c3f\u5931\u7981\u6cbb\u7597\n\n\n\n\u4f60\u53ef\u66fe\u78b0\u8fc7\u8fc7\u6253\u55b7\u568f\u6216\u5927\u7b11\u65f6\u6f0f\u5c3f\u7684\u5c34\u5c2c\u5c40\u9762?\u5c3f\u5931\u7981\u5176\u5b9e\u5728\u7ecf\u5386\u8fc7\u9634\u9053\u5206\u5a29\u548c\u4e2d\u8001\u5e74\u5987\u5973\u8eab\u4e0a\u662f\u975e\u5e38\u666e\u904d\u7684\u3002Columbia Asia Hospital \u66fe\u63a5\u89e6\u8fc7\u65e0\u6570\u7c7b\u4f3c\u6848\u4f8b\uff0c\u5e76\u6210\u529f\u66ff\u5987\u5973\u6539\u5584\u5c3f\u5931\u7981\u73b0\u8c61\uff0c\u8ba9\u5979\u4eec\u65e0\u9700\u518d\u53d7\u56f0\u6270\uff0c\u63d0\u5347\u751f\u6d3b\u54c1\u8d28\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5173\u4e8e\u76c6\u8154\u5668\u5b98\u8131\u5782\u6cbb\u7597\n\n\n\n\u76c6\u8154\u810f\u5668\u8131\u5782\u4e5f\u662f\u5728\u5e74\u957f\u5987\u5973\u7fa4\u4e2d\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u91cd\u5ea6\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u8d28\u91cf\u751a\u81f3\u4f1a\u53d7\u5230\u4e25\u91cd\u5f71\u54cd\u3002\u5728\u8fd9\u65b9\u9762\uff0c Columbia Asia Hospital \u5c06\u4f1a\u4e3a\u60a3\u8005\u5efa\u8bae\u65e0\u521b\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\uff0c\u4e0d\u4ec5\u53ef\u4ee5\u51cf\u7f13\u8131\u5782\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u76f8\u8f83\u4e8e\u4f20\u7edf\u624b\u672f\u6cbb\u7597\u5bf9\u60a3\u8005 \u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u5f71\u54cd\u4e5f\u66f4\u5c0f\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5173\u4e8e\u9634\u9053\u840e\u7f29\u6cbb\u7597\n\n\n\n\u9488\u5bf9\u9634\u9053\u840e\u7f29\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u65e0\u521b\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\u4e5f\u80fd\u591f\u523a\u6fc0\u9634\u9053\u7c98\u819c\u518d\u751f\uff0c\u6539\u5584\u76f8\u5173\u5987\u79d1\u95ee\u9898\u3002\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u4e13\u4e1a\u7684\u533b\u751f\u5728\u8fdb\u884c\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5987\u79d1\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u7a0b\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u4e0e\u60a3\u8005\u8fdb\u884c\u8ba8\u8bba\u53ca\u8f85\u5bfc\uff0c\u518d\u4e3a\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u5ba2\u5236\u5316\u4e00\u7cfb\u5217\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u4ee5\u8fbe\u5230\u4ee4\u60a3\u8005\u6ee1\u610f\u7684\u6cbb\u7597\u6548\u679c\u3002\u8bb8\u591a\u75c7\u72b6\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u75c5\u4eba\u4f1a\u89c9\u5f97\u75c5\u60c5\u96be\u4ee5\u5411\u533b\u751f\u542f\u9f7f\uff0c\u76f4\u5230\u5f71\u54cd\u5230\u65e5\u5e38\u751f\u6d3b\u624d\u51b3\u5b9a\u5c31\u533b\u3002\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u6b63\u9762\u4e34\u4efb\u4f55\u4e00\u4e2a\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u5987\u79d1\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u5207\u8bb0\u8981\u53ca\u65e9\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u624d\u80fd\u8fbe\u5230\u6700\u4f73\u6cbb\u7597\u7597\u6548\u3002\u51b5\u4e14\uff0c\u4e00\u6b21\u7f8e\u5bb9\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u7a0b\u53ea\u9700 15-20 \u5206\u949f\u7684\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u96f6\u4fee\u590d\u671f\uff0c\u5b8c\u6210\u7597\u7a0b\u540e\u9a6c\u4e0a\u5c31\u80fd\u79bb\u5f00\u533b\u9662\u4e86\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Quek Yek Song\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMD (Unimas), M Obs & Gyn (UM), AM (Malaysia), Special Interest in Cosmetic Gynecology\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Eliza Binti Mohd Noor\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau\nMD (UKM), MRCOG (UK), Special Interest in Cosmetic Gynecology\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u819d\u5973\u6027\u5fc5\u8bfb!\u7f8e\u5bb9\u5987\u79d1\u6fc0\u5149\u7597\u6cd5\uff0c\u65e0\u521b\u4f24 + \u96f6\u4fee\u590d\u671f\uff0c\u89e3\u51b3\u4f60\u7684\u79c1\u5bc6\u70e6\u607c\uff0c\u627e\u56de\u81ea\u4fe1\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728 2020 \u5e74 8 \u6708 18 \u65e5\u7684\u201dJOHOR NOW \u5c31\u5728\u67d4\u4f5b\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrician & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rhinitis-in-children", "title": "Rhinitis In Children", "body": "\n\n\n\nRhinitis In Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.u-nizwa.net\n & face4pets.files.wordpress.com\n\n\u00a0\n\nDear Doctor,\n\nI have allergic rhinitis and have been struggling with this condition for years. My mother and brothers have it too. I have a 5-year-old daughter and I\u2019m concerned that she may have inherited the condition. How should rhinitis be managed in children?\n\nLeong, Banting\n\n\n\nAllergic rhinitis is not uncommon in children nowadays, especially those with a significant family history of a similar condition. Rhinitis means inflammation of the mucus membranes in the nose. The common symptoms associated with rhinitis are an itchy nose, red eyes, watery discharge from the nose and/or eyes, a blocked nose and sneezing. The symptoms can appear shortly after exposure to an allergen, such as house dust mites, pets and moulds.\n\nSome children may develop complications, such as inflammation of the airspaces within the bones of the face (sinusitis), nose bleeds, glue ear and temporary hearing loss. Research has shown that children with rhinitis may have difficulty sleeping, become irritable and show lack of concentration during waking hours. These problems can affect a child\u2019s ability to cope with their normal daily routine. It is important to try to limit exposure to allergens where possible.\n\nAvoidance of known allergens like domestic cats or dogs can be helpful too. For house dust mites and moulds, the allergen load can be reduced through environmental measures such as vacuuming mattresses and pillow barrier covers as well as avoiding soft furnishings, for example, carpets.\n\nMedication for allergic rhinitis can be very effective and is important in helping improve your child\u2019s quality of life. Some medications work by blocking the allergic response, others by reducing inflammation. Anti-histamines are probably the best known type of allergy medication.\n\nWhile anti-histamines used to have a reputation for making people drowsy, more modern anti-histamines only occasionally have those side effects. Nasal steroid sprays and drops are very effective in treating the inflammation of allergic rhinitis, and very little of the medicine is absorbed into the body so side-effects normally associated with oral steroids are rare.\n\nAnswers provided by Dr Lim Kok Chong, consultant paediatrician, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2014 Bukit Rimau.\nPublished in New Straits Times, 23 May 2017\n\n\u00a0\n\nRhinitis In Children \u2013 New Straits Time, 23 May 2017\n\n\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nRhinitis In Children \u2013 New Straits Time, 23 May 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/risiko-demam-denggi", "title": "Risiko Demam Denggi", "body": "\n\n\n\nRisiko Demam Denggi\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 17, 2020\n\n\n\nDemam denggi adalah penyakit virus yang disebarkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes. Ia boleh berlaku di tahap ringan hingga teruk. Dalam keadaan teruk (severe dengue), ianya berisiko menyebabkan kematian. Oleh kerana itu, jika anda demam, penting untuk mengetahui sama ada anda menghidap demam denggi atau tidak. Ini adalah lebih penting jika anda tinggal di kawasan rawan denggi.\n\n\nPada tahun ini, dari Januari hingga 6 Jun, sebanyak 48,584 kes demam denggi telah dilaporkan, dengan jumlah kematian sebanyak 84 orang. Walaupun jumlah keseluruhannya terdapat penurunan 11% daripada 54,524 kes tahun lalu dalam jangka masa yang sama, namun sejak enam minggu yang lepas didapati trend peningkatan kes demam denggi berterusan -- iaitu dengan purata peningkatan sebanyak lapan peratus (8%) setiap minggu! Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia menjangkakan akan berlaku peningkatan kes demam denggi gelombang kedua tahun ini bermula awal Jun sehingga September 2020 berdasarkan trend kes Demam Denggi selama lima tahun.\n\nVirus Denggi\n\nTerdapat empat serotip virus denggi (DENV) yang berbeza iaitu DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 dan DENV-4. Pemulihan daripada jangkitan oleh salah satu serotip dipercayai memberi imuniti sepanjang hayat terhadap serotip itu sahaja. Jangkitan berikutnya (secondary infection) oleh serotip lain meningkatkan risiko terkena demam denggi yang teruk.\n\n\nSuatu kajian serotip telah dilakukan di dua hospital tertiari di Malaysia pada tahun 2014 hingga pertengahan 2017. Serotip denggi yang terbanyak ialah DENV-1. Manifestasi klinikal yang tidak teruk adalah lazim pada jangkitan yang disebabkan oleh DENV-1 dan DENV-3. Sementara penderita dengan jangkitan DENV-2 menunjukkan tanda amaran yang signifikan dan menghidap denggi yang teruk.\n\n\nVirus denggi menular ke manusia melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes yang dijangkiti. Nyamuk boleh dijangkiti dari orang yang menghidap penyakit virus denggi. Penularan virus dari manusia ke nyamuk boleh berlaku dua hari sebelum seseorang menunjukkan gejala penyakit sehingga dua hari setelah hilang demam. Sebilangan besar darah pesakit mempunyai virus selama kira-kira 4-5 hari. Nyamuk yang sudah dijangkiti virus denggi ini mampu menyebarkan virus sepanjang hayatnya. Oleh kerana itu, sekiranya anda tahu anda menghidap denggi, perlu mengelakkan dari digigit nyamuk, terutama pada minggu pertama penyakit. Anda mungkin menyebarkan virus denggi kepada nyamuk baru yang tidak dijangkiti, dan pada gilirannya dapat menjangkiti orang lain.\n\nTanda dan gejala\n\nGejala demam denggi biasanya berlangsung selama 2-7 hari. Tempoh inkubasi pula ialah 4-10 hari. Demam denggi disyaki apabila terdapat demam tinggi (biasanya sekitara 40C) disertai oleh dua atau lebih gejala berikut: sakit kepala yang teruk, sakit di belakang mata, sakit otot dan sendi, loya, muntah, bengkak kelenjar atau ruam.\n\n\nPesakit dibahagi kepada tiga fasa iaitu fasa demam, fasa kritikal dan fasa pemulihan. Fasa kritikal merupakan fasa yang perlu diperhatikan. Fasa ini berlangsung kira-kira 3-7 hari selepas penyakit bermula. Pada fasa ini, demam menurun (dibawah 38 C), akan tetapi tanda amaran yang berkaitan dengan denggi yang teruk dapat muncul. Tanda-tanda amaran yang perlu diperhatikan ialah sakit perut, kerap muntah, cirit-birit berterusan, sesak nafas, perdarahan, keletihan atau kegelisahan. Denggi yang teruk berpotensi membawa maut, ini disebabkan oleh kebocoran plasma, penggumpulan cairan, gangguan pernafasan, pendarahan teruk atau gangguan organ.\n\nDiagnosis\n\nDengan meningkatnya kejadian jangkitan denggi, diagnosis penyakit denggi semasa fasa awal harus menjadi keutamaan dan perhatian setiap fasiliti kesihatan. Saat ini terdapat ujian diagnosis cepat (rapid test) yang boleh digunakan untuk diagnosis demam denggi. Rapid test ini hanya memerlukan kira-kira 20 minit untuk menentukan hasilnya. NS1(NonStructural protein 1) adalah glikoprotein yang terdapat pada kadar yang tinggi dalam sera pesakit demam denggi semasa fasa klinikal awal, ianya boleh dijumpai dari hari ke-1 sehingga hari ke-9 setelah permulaan demam. Oleh kerana itu, test adanya NS1 ini (NS1Ag) memperbolehkan diagnosis demam denggi secara awal, iaitu sejak hari pertama demam.\n\nRawatan\n\nTiada rawatan khusus untuk demam denggi. Amat penting ialah pengambilan minuman sebanyak 2-3 liter sehari. Anda perlu merekodkan jumlah urin yang keluar dan kekerapan membuang air besar. Perlu juga melihat warna najis, sekiranya najis berwarna hitam atau mengandungi darah. Ubat pengurang demam boleh diambil untuk mengawal demam, sakit otot dan sendi, khususnya paracetamol. Ubat anti-radang non-steroid seperti ibuprofen dan aspirin harus dielakkan. Ubat ini boleh menipiskan darah dan bila terjadi perdarahan dapat memperburukkan prognosis pesakit denggi.\n\nPencegahan\n\nPada masa ini, kaedah utama untuk mengawal penularan virus denggi ialah dengan memerangi vector nyamuk aedes. Ini termasuk pembasmian tempat pembiakan nyamuk (air bertakung), perlindungan gigitan dengan menggunakan penghalau nyamuk, memakai pakaian berwarna terang dan lengan panjang dan seluar panjang ketika berada di luar rumah, memasang skrin serangga di pintu dan tingkap, penggunaan kelambu atau penggunaan racun serangga.\n\n\nSatu-satunya cara untuk mengesahkan diagnosis demam denggi adalah dengan ujian darah. Segera berjumpa doktor sekiranya anda fikir anda mungkin menghidap demam denggi. Diagnosis awal adalah penting untuk mengurangkan risiko komplikasi dan mengelakkan penyebaran virus lebih lanjut.\n\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sudarwin Tjanaka\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak \nMD (Indonesia), MMed (Internal Medicine) (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\nRisiko Demam Denggi - Berita Harian, 13 Jun 2020\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 13 Jun 2020\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/risiko-hamil-kembar-berbilang", "title": "Risiko Hamil Kembar Berbilang", "body": "\n\n\n\nRisiko Hamil Kembar Berbilang\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 28, 2019\n \n\nBeranak kembar menjadi idaman sesetengah pasangan yang menjalani rawatan kesuburan in vitro (IVF). Antara rayuan yang dikemukakan kepada doktor, \u201cOh, saya inginkan anak kembar!\u201d, \u201cSaya harap saya mendapat anak kembar!\u201d ataupun \u201cDoktor, saya ingin mengandung anak kembar!\u201d\n\nAlangkah seronoknya bila ahli keluarga bertambah dua atau lebih sekali gus, tetapi tahukah anda bahawa memiliki bayi kembar berbilang boleh membahayakan kesihatan ibu dan kandungannya?\n\nPakar reproduktif kerap diminta untuk menanam lebih daripada dua embrio dalam rahim ibu sewaktu prosedur IVF. Cara ini akan meningkatkan peluang kehamilan, tetapi ia juga akan meningkatkan kejadian kembar tiga, empat atau lebih!\n\nKetika ini, satu antara empat kehamilan menerusi IVF menghasilkan kelahiran kembar. Ini bermakna, selepas prosedur IVF/ICSI, peluang seorang wanita mendapat kembar adalah lebih 20 kali berbanding hamil secara biasa.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRisiko Ketika Hamil\n\n\nSaiz rahim manusia bukan saja muat untuk menampung seorang bayi, bahkan juga dua orang bayi, tetapi semakin ramai, semakin sempit. Mengandung bayi kembar berbilang meningkatkan risiko komplikasi kelahiran, malah boleh membahayakan nyawa ibu serta anak-anak.\n\nAntara risiko mengandung kembar berbilang adalah:\n\nKeguguran awal atau lewat sewaktu hamil\n\n\nIbu mendapat diabetes gestasi\n\n\nKematian bayi/bayi-bayi dalam kandungan disebabkan diabetes gestasi\n\n\nHipertensi disebabkan kehamilan\n\n\n\nRisiko kematian bayi dalam bulan pertama selepas kelahiran adalah lima kali ganda berbanding kelahiran biasa. Antara sebab kematian ialah bayi tidak cukup bulan, bayi bersaiz kecil, berat badan terlalu rendah dan kecacatan termasuk palsi serebum terutamanya dalam kalangan bayi tidak cukup bulan.\n\n\n\n\nMemudaratkan Ibu\n\nSeparuh daripada jumlah ibu yang mengandung anak kembar melahirkan sebelum masuk minggu ke-37. Berat badan bayi amat rendah lantas meningkatkan risiko menghidap penyakit serius atau kematian. Ada juga yang melahirkan sebelum minggu ke-35 yang mana bayi-bayi akan memerlukan penjagaan neonatal.\n\n\n\nKeadaan ini boleh menyebabkan ibu berisiko:\n\nMendapat anemia atau haemoglobin rendah sewaktu mengandung. Hemoglobin merupakan alat pengangkutan untuk oksigen dalam badan. Oksigen yang rendah akan menjejaskan pertumbuhan bayi-bayi dalam Rahim.\n\n\nIbu mengalami pendarahan sewaktu melahirkan atau sebelum melahirkan.\n\n\nIbu mengalami gangguan emosi. Proses IVF menyebabkan emosi terganggu. Jika berjaya hamil, tetapi bayi tidak cukup bulan dan meninggal, dikhuatiri ibu akan menghadapi kemurungan.\n\n\nPemulihan selepas melahirkan bayi kembar berbilang adalah lemah dan perlahan menyebabkan kemurungan selepas bersalin.\n\n\n\nMelahirkan bayi kembar berbilang kemungkinan memerlukan intervensi sewaktu proses melahirkan bayi disebabkan komplikasi yang membahayakan nyawa ibu dan juga bayi-bayi.\n\n\n\n\n\nBersalin melalui pembedahan Caesarian adalah perkara biasa untuk ibu kepada anak-anak kembar, malah ramai yang sengaja memilih pembedahan Caesarean kerana enggan melalui sakit bersalin cara biasa.\n\nPembedahan Caesarian juga perlu untuk ibu yang mengalami previa plasenta (plasenta yang rendah dalam rahim), malposisi bayi yang boleh menyebabkan kelahiran songsang serta diabetes gestasi atau hipertensi disebabkan kehamilan.\n\nSaringan anomali kromosom seperti Sindrom Down adalah sesuatu yang sukar untuk dilakukan oleh pakar obstetrik sekiranya ada bayi Sindrom Down dalam kalangan bayi normal kandungan berbilang.\n\nKembar berbilang yang seiras berkongsi satu plasenta, ada 10 peratus risiko sindrom transfusi yang boleh menyebabkan masalah kesihatan yang serious. Sindrom ini mengakibatkan seorang bayi mendapat bekalan oksigen yang mencukupi dari tali pusat, manakala seorang lagi kurang mendapat bekalan oksigen. Kekurangan oksigen ini disebabkan kurangnya darah yang dibekalkan untuk bayi terbabit. Masaalah ini tidak timbul dalam kes kembar tidak seiras.\n\nIbu-ibu yang mengandung kembar lebih daripada dua, harus dipantau dan diperiksa oleh doktor dari saat hamil hingga saat kelahiran. Sekiranya terpaksa, doktor harus membuat keputusan sama ada untuk menggugurkan seorang bayi, tetapi ini amat tinggi risikonya dan boleh menyebabkan kesemua bayi-bayi berada dalam bahaya.\n\nMemahami risiko kembar berbilang amat penting sebelum anda menjalani rawatan IVF. Semoga rencana ini membantu anda dalam membuat keputusan mengenai bilangan embrio yang ingin ditanam di dalam rahim.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Suhaimi Hassan\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist & Reproductive Medicine\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (UKM), MRCOG (UK), MRCP (Ireland), DRCOG (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nRisiko Hamil Kembar Berbilang \u2013 Hijab & Heels, 20 Ogos 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Hijab & Heels, 20 Ogos 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/risiko-wanita-hamil-di-luar-rahim-adakah-pembedahan-ivf-diperlukan", "title": "Risiko Wanita Hamil di Luar Rahim, Adakah Pembedahan IVF Diperlukan?", "body": "\n\n\n\nRisiko Wanita Hamil di Luar Rahim, Adakah Pembedahan IVF Diperlukan?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 06, 2022\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nKEHAMILAN adalah satu proses paling indah bagi wanita yang telah mendirikan rumah tangga.\u00a0\n\nNamun, seperti yang sering kita dengar, setiap badan \u2018pembawakannya\u2018 berbeza-beza. Sesetengahnya, tiada masalah langsung.\u00a0\n\nNamun, terdapat individu merentas satu pengalaman yang cukup mendebarkan. Rakan penulis misalnya, pernah \u2018menghuni\u2018 sebuah hospital hampir tujuh bulan selepas mengandung anak kembar.\u00a0\n\nDoktor yang merawatnya terpaksa berbuat demikian disebabkan kandungannya yang lemah.\u00a0\nItu adalah salah satu contoh kesulitan. Terdapat Satu lagi masalah yang ditakuti. Tidak lain tidak bukan adalah hamil di luar rahim atau kehamilan ektopik. Difahamkan, keadaan itu adalah punca utama kematian dalam kalangan wanita yang hamil (bagi 3 bulan pertama).\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nDifahamkan, keadaan itu adalah punca utama kematian dalam kalangan wanita yang hamil (bagi 3 bulan pertama).\u00a0\n\nMendengar hal itu pasti membuatkan sesiapapun tidak senang duduk. Bagi memperhalusi apakah maksud di sebalik kandungan di luar rahim seperti yang pernah berlaku kepada selebriti popular tanah air, Shima Anuar, SinarPlus menghubungi Perunding Obstetrik dan Ginekologi, Columbia Asia Hospital Seremban, Dr Sathya S Anandarajah..\u00a0\n\nUjar Dr Sathya, kehamilan itu adalah sejenis komplikasi apabila telur disenyawakan telah menempel di dalam tiub fallopio. Bagi kandungan normal, embrio yang terhasil akan bergerak melalui tiub berkenaan dan melekat pada dinding rahim seterusnya menjadi bayi.\u00a0\n\n\u201cPun begitu, bagi kehamilan ektopik, embrio tidak bergerak seperti biasa dan itu yang menjadi punca kepada kandungan di luar rahim,\u201c jelasnya sambil memberitahu 98 peratus kandungan luar rahim selalunya terjadi dalam tiub fallopio.\u00a0\n\nIa juga boleh berlaku pada ovari, serviks (pangkal rahim) termasuk berpotensi menempel pada bahagian abdomen perut caesarean sebelum ini.\u00a0\n\n\u201cKadangkala, terdapat juga komplikasi dalam kandungan iaitu ada dua implantasi tisu yang disenyawakan di dalam dan luar rahim pada masa sama yang dipanggil kehamilan heterotopik,\u201c ujarnya.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nTak jejas kesuburan \u00a0\n\nBeritahu Dr Sathya, di Malaysia kehamilan seumpama itu jarang berlaku. Hanya 1 hingga 2 peratus yang berdepan situasi berkenaan.\u00a0\n\nBerdasarkan laman web perubatan keluarga, Very Healthy Family (VHF) yang memetik sumber March Of Dimes, kira-kira satu dalam setiap 50 kehamilan di Amerika Syarikat berdepan dengan permasalahan tersebut. \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nBagaimana seseorang ibu mengetahui mereka sedang berdepan dengan masalah itu? Berikut adalah huraiannya:\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nSakit di bahagian bawah perut sama ada di sebelah kiri atau kanan dan juga pada ari-ari perut.\n\n\nBerlaku pendarahan faraj yang tidak normal. \u00a0\n\n\nRasa mahu pitam dan pening. \u00a0\n\n\nSakit apabila membuang air besar. \u00a0\n\n\nSakit pada bahagian bahu.\n\n\n\nLazimnya, petanda-petanda tersebut akan terjadi ketika enam hingga 10 minggu kehamilan. Dalam tempoh itu, keguguran juga kadangkala tidak dapat dielakkan, kata pakar berkenaan. \u00a0\n\nKepada satu soalan, Dr Sathya menjelaskan, terdapat beberapa sebab kehamilan ektopik tercetus.\u00a0\n\n\u201cAntaranya wanita itu mempunyai sejarah kandungan di luar rahim sebelum itu, selain terdapat jangkitan kuman pada bahagian pelvis. Ibu itu juga mungkin seorang perokok atau pernah membuat rawatan pembedahan untuk tiub fallopio.\u00a0\n\n\u201cFaktor lain adalah menjalani pembedahan pemandulan iaitu membuang sebahagian tiub fallopio dan pernah membuat rawatan kesuburan,\u201c terangnya.\u00a0\n\nMarch Of Dimes dalam penulisannya pula mengatakan, kehamilan jenis itu biasanya boleh terjadi kepada mereka yang berusia lebih 35 tahun.\u00a0\n\nPenyakit endometriosis juga boleh menjadi salah satu punca. Endometriosis merupakan satu keadaan yang tidak merbahaya, tetapi boleh menyebabkan kesakitan dan pelbagai masalah lain yang kerapkali mengganggu pengeluaran benih serta menyekat saluran peranakan wanita.\u00a0\n\nSeandainya seorang wanita pernah mengandung di luar rahim, bagaimana agaknya situasi mereka untuk kelahiran pada masa akan datang? \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nMenjawab persoalan itu, VHF berkata, kira-kira satu dalam tiga wanita yang pernah berdepan dengan masalah itu dapat meneruskan kehamilan yang sihat. \u00a0\n\n\u201cJika pernah mengalaminya (kehamilan ektopik), anda juga mempunyai kira-kira 15 peratus peluang untuk hamil lagi,\u201c kata sumber tersebut.\u00a0\n\nSementara itu, mengenai tahap kesuburan seorang wanita yang pernah menjalani pembedahan membuang tiub fallopio, Dr Sathya berkata, ia sama sekali tidak akan terjejas. \u00a0\n\n\u201cDalam hal ini, penting untuk mereka bersedia dari aspek fizikal dan mental sebelum sekali lagi cuba untuk hamil,\u201c ujarnya.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nIVF (in-vitro)\u00a0\n\nDalam pada itu, Pensyarah Perubatan yang juga Pakar Obstetrik dan Ginekologi, Hospital Pengajar Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dr Ahmad Shuib Yahaya berkata, pesakit yang telah kehilangan satu tiub fallopio kerana kandungan di luar rahim masih boleh mengandung secara biasa tanpa kaedah reproduksi bantuan jika masih memiliki satu lagi tiub yang normal.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\u201cMaksud saya di sini adalah tiada kaedah atau nasihat yang mewajibkan kaedah rawatan kesuburan persenyawaan in-vitro (IVF) sebagai salah satu cara mengandung (selepas kehamilan di luar rahim). \u00a0\n\n\u201cIndikasi dicadangkan untuk rawatan IVF masih perlu diteliti. Hanya jika kedua-dua tiub fallopio telah rosak atau tiada, maka rawatan IVF merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk seseorang wanita boleh mengandung. Selain itu, penyakit lain pada pesakit seperti endometriosis juga menjadi penyebab dinasihatkan jalani kaedah IVF,\u201c terangnya.\u00a0\n\nMenyentuh mengenai rawatan untuk kandungan ektopik, Dr Ahmad Shuib berkata, jika kandungan (ektopik) telah pecah dan menyebabkan pendarahan, maka pembedahan perlu dilakukan. Berikut disenaraikan opsyen rawatan, namun pemeriksaan susulan perlu dilakukan terlebih dulu: \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nPerubatan\n\n\u201cPendekatan ini biasanya akan menggunakan sejenis ubat iaitu methotrexate yang diberikan secara suntikan. Kriteria membolehkan rawatan perubatan ini termasuk kehamilan ektopik yang tidak pecah, diameter kantung kehamilan kurang daripada 3 sentimeter, tahap serum beta-hCG kurang daripada 3,000 IU dan imbasan ultrabunyi tidak menunjukkan pendarahan dalam pelvis.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nKonservatif\n\nHanya sebahagian kecil pesakit yang sesuai dipantau tanpa diberikan sebarang rawatan ubat atau pembedahan. Antara ciri-ciri yang sesuai untuk pemantauan sebegini adalah mereka yang stabil dan tiada tanda sakit mahupun pendarahan, saiz kandungan yang kecil serta bersedia untuk menjalani pemeriksaan yang kerap.\u00a0\n\nPemantauan dilakukan selagi mana pesakit stabil dan bacaan serum beta-hCG menunjukkan trend penurunan sehingga kembali normal (negatif).\u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nPembedahan\n\nRawatan secara pembedahan laparoskopi (pembedahan teropong) adalah pendekatan pilihan bagi kebanyakan kehamilan ektopik. Namun, ia bergantung pada kewujudan peralatan pembedahan dan kepakaran doktor. \u00a0\n\nPendekatan minimum ini bertujuan membolehkan pesakit pulih dengan kadar yang lebih cepat dan mengurangkan risiko komplikasi seperti jangkitan, pendarahan dan masalah luka pembedahan. \u00a0\n\nUntuk kes tiub yang telah pecah dan keadaan seseorang wanita tidak stabil, pembedahan terbuka (laparotomi) terpaksa dilakukan (berbanding pembedahan laparoskopi) kerana proses pembedahan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih cepat. \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nBerbanding pembedahan laparoskopi, luka yang terhasil adalah lebih besar dan pesakit selalunya mengambil masa yang lebih lama untuk pulih. Jika berlaku kes kehilangan darah yang banyak, pemindahan darah diperlukan. \u00a0\n\nMengulas lanjut, Dr Ahmad Shuib berkata, kehamilan di luar rahim memang tidak dapat dicegah. Bagaimanapun, wanita hamil dinasihatkan membuat pemeriksaan awal dan melakukan ujian imbasan ultrabunyi seawal yang mungkin.\u00a0\n\n\u201cWalaupun cara itu tidak dapat mencegah risiko kehamilan ektopik, tetapi jika dapat dikesan dengan cepat, kita dapat elakkan komplikasi seperti pendarahan teruk dan kehilangan nyawa.\u00a0\n\n\u201cTambahan pula, jika mereka masih dalam keadaan stabil dan kandungan jenis itu dikesan masih awal, rawatan ubatan menggunakan ubat methotrexate dapat diberikan, sekali gus mengelakkan perlunya pembedahan,\u201c katanya sambil menambah, kehamilan ektopik boleh menyebabkan kematian ibu apabila berlaku pendarahan dalaman yang tidak segera dihentikan. -NUR SUHAIMA NORDIN\u00a0\n#kisahresponden \u00a0\nTiada masalah untuk mengandung sekali lagi walau tiub fallopia pecah \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nTIADA siapa yang mahu ditimpa segala macam penyakit. Namun, bagi Nor Atika Fatin Giman, beliau reda apabila terpaksa membuang tiub fallopionya disebabkan disahkan mengandung di luar rahim. \u00a0\n\nBeritahu wanita berusia 24 tahun itu, doktor terpaksa berbuat demikian kerana janinnya telah pecah sehingga tiub berkenaan terkena jangkitan kuman. \u00a0\n\n\u201cSewaktu awal kehamilan, saya hanya buat ujian menggunakan alat ujian kehamilan di rumah kerana kebetulan saya perlu kuarantin seminggu dari 16 hingga 22 Februari lalu disebabkan positif Covid-19. \u00a0\n\n\u201cPada ketika itu, saya alami muntah-muntah sama seperti wanita lain pada awal kehamilan. Namun, tak sempat nak rujuk doktor,\u201c katanya ketika dihubungi baru-baru ini. \u00a0\n\nKepada SinarPlus, Nor Atika Fatin berkata, sepanjang mengandung, dirinya tidak mengalami sebarang pendarahan, tetapi terpaksa dibawa ke hospital disebabkan pitam selepas perut di bahagian bawah sakit teruk. \u00a0\n\n\u201cSelepas pemeriksaan dan pembedahan dilakukan, saya terkejut apabila dimaklumkan oleh doktor bahawa saya mengandung di luar rahim (pada 25 Februari lalu). Sewaktu itu, usia kandungan saya baru hampir sebulan,\u201c katanya yang pasrah dengan situasi tersebut walaupun kesedihannya tidak tertanggung. \u00a0\n\nTiada sebarang komplikasi yang berlaku, namun paras haemoglobin (HB) Nor Atika Fatin agak rendah sehingga memerlukannya makan ubat yang disyorkan ketika berpantang.\u00a0\n\n\u201cSelepas dua minggu, baru HB saya dalam keadaan baik dan luka pembedahan pula mengambil masa dalam sebulan untuk pulih,\u201c ungkapnya.\u00a0\n\nPembantu operasi di sebuah syarikat itu berkata, hasil konsultasi, doktor memberitahu bahawa beliau tiada masalah untuk mengandung sekali lagi, tetapi kehamilan seterusnya perlu dirancang dengan teliti.\u00a0\n\nNamun, durasi masa yang perlu diambil mestilah selepas tujuh bulan bagi memastikan keadaan beliau betul-betul sembuh dan bersedia sepenuhnya. \u00a0\n\n\u201cJika ditakdirkan saya mempunyai rezeki untuk hamil lagi, doktor menggalakkan saya untuk membuat pemeriksaan seawal mungkin bagi memastikan kejadian yang sama tidak berulang,\u201c ujarnya sambil menambah, tiada seorang pun daripada ahli keluarganya yang pernah hamil di luar rahim.-NUR SUHAIMA NORDIN \u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sathya S. Anandarajah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMBBS (India), MRCOG (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\nPDF and Online Articles: \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRisiko wanita hamil di luar rahim, adakah pembedahan IVF diperlukan? Ini jawapan pakar \u2013 SinarPlus, 25 September 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nRisiko wanita hamil di luar rahim, adakah pembedahan IVF diperlukan? Ini jawapan pakar \u2013 MSN News, 25 September 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh SinarPlus, 25 September 2022.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLook for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rotavirus-as-explained-by-a-pediatrician", "title": "Rotavirus. As explained by a Pediatrician", "body": "\n\n\n\nRotavirus. As explained by a Pediatrician\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 21, 2017\n \n\nBabyTalk interviewed Dr. Shalini Shanmugam, Consultant Pediatrician from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya on the subject of Rotavirus.\nBabyTalk\n What is Rotavirus and who is most at risk to get it?\nDr. Shalini\n Rotavirus is a common stomach virus that is easily contracted. Children are most at risk especially those less than 5 years old.\nBabyTalk\n What are the symptoms of Rotavirus to look out for?\nDr. Shalini\n Rotavirus causes symptoms such as fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. The symptoms may be server, with vomiting and diarrhoea up to 10-20 times a day. This may lead to dehydration and other complications such as seizures.\nBabyTalk\n What should a parent do if he or she suspects that their child has rotavirus?\nDr. Shalini\n If a child is suspected to have Rotavirus, it is important to keep them away from daycare/school and even from their young siblings if possible. It can spread easily through close contact.\n\nEnsure hydration of the child by giving fluids i.e. oral rehydration salts. Breastfeeding can be continued, or if they are on formula milk, it should not be diluted.\n\nIf a child is getting dehydrated i.e. passing less urine than usual, is lethargic and has a dry, coated tongue, then immediate medical attention should be sought.\nBabyTalk\n How does the rotavirus vaccine work?\nDr. Shalini\n The vaccine contains a weakened form of the virus which when administered, helps the body to build antibodies towards rotavirus. So the next time a vaccinated child comes into contact with the virus, his/her immunity is protected by the previously formed antibodies.\nBabyTalk\n What are the health and safety information that parents should be aware of in regards to rotavirus?\nDr. Shalini\n Rotavirus is common and it spreads easily. Despite having good hygienic practices, the disease may occur as the virus cannot be killed by hand soaps or household cleaning products. It can even live on toys and surfaces for weeks. This virus is also known to cause outbreaks at waterparks.\nBabyTalk\n Other than vaccines, is there any other way to prevent rotavirus?\nDr. Shalini\n Yes, and they are as follows:\n\nAvoid going to work/school/daycare until at least 48 hours after symptoms have subsided.\n\n\nWash hands thoroughly with disinfecting soap after using the toilet, changing diapers, before handling food, etc.\n\n\nWash contaminated items and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces.\n\n\nAvoid sharing items such as cutlery, towels, etc among ill persons.\n\n\nEnsure proper hygiene when handling food and drinks\n\n\nDispose of soiled diapers etc properly to avoid contamination.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nRotavirus \u2013 BabyTalk, Issue March 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/rugby-and-injuries-bfm-podcast", "title": "Rugby and Injuries [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nRugby and Injuries [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 22, 2016\n \nPhoto credit: metro.co.uk\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nThe 2016 Six Nations Championship, which started on 6th February just concluded last week, with England lifting the trophy in this edition. Rugby has grown in popularity and form. In fact, Malaysia is known to develop the ten-a-side variation of rugby, which has been successfully exported to several other Asian countries including Indonesia, Hong Kong and Thailand. But why isn\u2019t it as popular as football, badminton and even tennis? Could the physical contact element of the sport turn many away? Dr Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, shares his views.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/running-injuries-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Running Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nRunning Injuries - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 09, 2011\n \n\nFor an activity that can create the famous 'runner's high', it is also infamous for how hard it can be on the body, specifically, one's feet, joints and back. Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, weighs in on the best techniques and gear for running and on some controversial options.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/running-safe-and-not-scared-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Running Safe and Not Scared - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nRunning Safe and Not Scared - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 21, 2013\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nFrom the ancient San Bushmen of the Kalahari to the extraordinary feats of Usain Bolt, humans have always run, whether to eat, compete or improve their health. We all possess the genetic blueprint to make us efficient runners. This has evolved over the millennia. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Harjeet Singh explains.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/safety-first-preventing-kids-injuries-from-happening", "title": "Safety First! Preventing Kids Injuries From Happening", "body": "\n\n\n\nSafety First! Preventing Kids Injuries From Happening\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 28, 2022\n \n\u00a0\n\n\nAs a parent, we are always trying to protect our children from all these bumps, bruises, scrapes and falls.\n\n\nBut we do believe that these are just part of growing up for an active, curious child. But with some practical steps and planning, these incidents are more likely to be the kind that a kiss, cuddle and bandaid will fix.\n\n\nHowever unintentional injuries, not diseases, can be the cause of serious injuries. Worry not, as we have Dr. Priya Sathish Chandran, a mother and a Paediatrician from Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong, that can explain to us about child injuries and accidents.\n\n\n1. What are the most common injuries or accidents in children?\n\n\nDr Priya\n: The common injuries and accidents that young children go through are falls, sometimes, burns. and broken bones. These are in broad categories.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n2.\u00a0What can I do to prevent serious child injuries?\n\n\nDr Priya\n: Yes, prevention is always better. It is always better than treating the injuries. So, remember that toddlers and young children or even older children are very active and forever exploring.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nWe need to have some preventive measures. For example, to keep the big windows close. Of course in corona\u2019s situation, we always keep the windows open, but then they have the tendency to look down out of the windows, climbing on to the windows.\n\n\nTo keep windows closed, install grills to prevent them from falling down from the windows. That\u2019s the first one.\n\n\nAnother thing is if there are some water or oil spilt on the floor, please wipe it immediately. Do not wait for them to skid down the water and fall down.\n\n\nThen, be aware that children can bump into furniture, hit their head and all and that can cause cuts and bruises. We need to have some covers on the sharp edges to prevent serious injuries.\n\n\n3.\u00a0What should I do if my child is injured?\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr Priya\n: This is a dilemma for many parents. To say; \u201cShould I rush to a hospital?\u201d or \u201cShould I watch and read first?\u201d Blood presence is always a matter of panic. So, first and foremost, make sure that your child is conscious and alert.\n\n\nIf your child fell down and he\u2019s not responding to your calls, that is the sign that you need to rush to a hospital immediately.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to wait. You can call the ambulance if there\u2019s a hospital nearby, but if it is going to take an hour, you might as well bring them directly.\n\n\nQ: Is there any difference between a paediatrician or a hospital? Sometimes as a parent, like when there\u2019s an injury, when do we bring them to a hospital and when do we bring them to a paediatrician?\n\n\nDr Priya\n: In any hospital, the emergency room is the best place to approach at least for an assessment. To say something like, \n\u201cOkay, this is a minor injury, perhaps you can bring them home.\u201d Or, \u201cPerhaps the next day you can go to a paediatrician.\u201d Or, \u201cNow we must do something now!\u201d\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSo, that\u2019s the best place to go. Assessment can be done as well as immediate treatment.\n\n\nFor example, if there is a minor injury, the child is put on some gauze bandage, applying bandage, and then the bleeding is stopped\u2014good enough.\n\n\nOr if the child has a broken bone, you will be given a splint support, and later go for an x-ray to prove that there\u2019s a bone injury.\n\n\nThat can be done in due time. But immediately, you go to the emergency room for an assessment. That\u2019s the purpose of an emergency room as well.\n\n\n4. How do I childproof my home?\n\n\nDr Priya\n: So, what does childproofing mean in the first place? It means you keep the environment safe for your active toddlers or young children.\n\n\nSo, as I mentioned just before, keep the drawers closed, use fasteners, use some covers on the sharp corners of the tables and chairs. That\u2019s important.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAnother important place is the bathroom. Children and toddlers like to crawl into the bathroom and explore, So, always keep the door closed, it\u2019s a big thing. It will make a lot of difference. So, we need to keep the active and curious toddlers out of the water area.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSometimes, they can even drown in a quarter bucket of water. These are some of the important things to remember.\n\n\nThe other thing is using mats in the bathroom so that they won\u2019t slip and fall. and have bone injuries and all that.\n\n\nQ: A lot of accidents happen in bathrooms, right?\n\n\nDr Priya\n: Yes, yes. Sometimes, they can fall down and have head injuries. So, all of that can be taken care of by doing simple measures. Like using mats in the bathroom.\n\n\nAnd also, using gates at the kitchen and at the stairs. I think those are important as well.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nThis is because they tend to wander into the kitchen and then they do exploring themselves where they reach onto the kitchen table and pull down hot kettles or pull down the wires and hot water.\n\n\nThe other area is the stairs. Having a gate at the stairs could prevent them from climbing and they crawl up the stairs at about nine months old, but then, they are not coordinated to come down safely until about two years old.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nOnce they go up and then they are stuck there, they will do some manoeuvres to come down, and through the process, they can fall down and have severe injuries as well.\n\n\nSo, it\u2019s important to have a gate to prevent them from climbing the stairs. Until it\u2019s safe and they are old enough to climb up and down the stairs.\n\n\n5.\u00a0When should I bring my child to the doctor?\n\n\nDr Priya\n: So, any child who is injured needs an assessment. Although the injury might appear very simple, but then the important thing is: Is the child able to recover and get on with their usual activities?\n\n\nIf not, you would need to bring them to an emergency room for an assessment to make sure they are safe and they are not suffering from serious consequences of the injuries.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nQ: What would be the few actions that I should take when an accident happens?\n\n\nDr Priya\n: First and foremost, check whether your child is awake and alert. And is the child crying? That\u2019s a good sign. Although it makes you panic.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIs there any bleeding point? If not, you can calm the child down and watch the child and see are they able to do their usual activities or not? If not, it\u2019s time to go to a hospital.\n\n\nThat\u2019s a lot of information about common child injuries, mummies! Now you know the basics, thanks to Dr Priya and her expertise.\n\n\nMake sure to childproof your homes and be vigilant when letting the little monster loose in the wilderness!\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Priya Sathish Chandran\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (India), MRCPCH (UK), Diploma in Learning Disorders Management & Child Psychology (Singapore)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSafety First! Preventing Kids Injuries From Happening \u2013 Motherhood.com.my, 22 February 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Motherhood.com.my, 22 February 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/saiz-bayi-dalam-kandungan-kecil-masalah-besar", "title": "Saiz Bayi Dalam Kandungan Kecil, Masalah Besar?", "body": "\n\n\n\nSaiz Bayi Dalam Kandungan Kecil, Masalah Besar?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 15, 2020\n \nSaiz bayi sememangnya memainkan peranan penting sebagai bukti bahawa bayi membesar sihat dan mendapat sumber nutrisi yang tepat ketika di dalam kandungan ibu. Namun bagaimana pula jika berdepan dengan masalah saiz bayi yang terlalu kecil? Apa risiko dan bagaimana masalah ini berlaku?\n\n\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zaina Shah, Pakar Obstetrik & Ginekologi daripada Hospital Columbia Asia, Seremban, saiz bayi yang kecil biasanya terjadi oleh beberapa sebab yang ketara. Ikuti penjelasan lengkap daripada beliau mengenai permasalahan saiz bayi yang kecil ini.\n\nSemua bayi di dalam kandungan membesar dalam kadar yang tersendiri. Oleh itu, ketika bayi dilahirkan, ada bayi yang beratnya dua, tiga dan ada yang mencapai empat kilogram (malah mungkin lebih lagi). Kepelbagaian berat badan bayi ini berlaku sepanjang minggu kehamilan. Pengumpulan data berat bandan bayi dan tumbesaran bayi dari beribu-ribu ibu yang hamil membolehkan kita membina satu graf yang dinamakan sebagai normogram (Normogram juga dikenali sebagai \"fetal growth chart\"). Normogram inilah yang membantu doktor memantau pertumbuhan bayi dalam kandungan.\n\nApabila berat badan fetus atau bayi diukur melalui pemeriksaan ultrasound, terdapat segelintir bayi yang akan dikategorikan sebagai kecil. Masalah ini dikenali sebagai IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). Ketika dilahirkan, bayi sebegini dikatakan sebagai \"small for gestational age\" (ringkasannya \"SGA\") jika berat badan bayi itu kurang dari 10% di dalam carta normogram tadi.\n\nMengapa masalah IUGR/SGA ini penting? lanya penting kerana bayi-bayi ini sering dilanda masalah-masalah lain ketika dalam kandungan, sewaktu kelahiran dan selepas dilahirkan.\n\nDiantara masalah-masalahnya adalah:\n\nBerat badan bayi sukar meningkat atau naik ketika dalam kandungan\n\n\nMungkin mengalami masalah kekurangan oksigen\n\n\nMudah \"lemas\" jika melalui kelahiran biasa\n\n\nMudah mengalami masalah \"meconium\" dalam proses kelahiran\n\n\nSetelah dilahirkan, kurang gula/ glukos dalam darah\n\n\nMudah mendapat jangkitan kuman\n\n\nMasalah tumbesaran dari bayi hingga ke alam kanak-kanak dan seterusnya\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nOleh kerana pelbagai masalah di atas, ibu bapa pastinya tertanya-tanya mengapa masalah ini berlaku? lanya sering berlaku kerana masalah \"placenta\" atau uri. Uri adalah organ yang membawa oksigen dan nutrisi bagi tumbesaran bayi.\n\nOleh itu jika uri kurang berfungsi, maka bayi akan kurang mendapat \"makanan\" dan menyebabkan masalah tumbesaran. Masalah uri ini berlaku di kalangan wanita yang mempunyai penyakit-penyakit seperti :\n\nKencing manis yang tidak dikawal\n\n\nMasalah darah tinggi\n\n\nPesakit jantung\n\n\nMerokok\n\n\nMinum arak\n\n\nPenggunaan dadah berbahaya\n\n\nPenyakit kronik seperti masalah buah pinggang, paru-paru dan usus misalnya\n\n\nIbu yang mengalami masalah nutrisi\n\n\nJangkitan kuman ketika hamil (misalnya rubella)\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \nApakah yang boleh dilakukan oleh seseorang wanita bagi mcngurangkan risiko IUGR dan SGA ini?\n\nLakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan bukan sahaja sebelum hamil, malah sebelum berkahwin. Jika ada masalah kesihatan, dapatkan rawatan sebelum hamil.\n\nMakan makanan yang sihat\n\n\nDapatkan waktu untuk rehat dan tidur yang cukup\n\n\nElakkan perkara yang boleh mengakibatkan kemurungan dalam hidup\n\n\nJauhi ketagihan dadah, tabiat merokok dan minum arak\n\n\nJika disahkan hamil, dapatkan pemeriksaan di klinik perbidanan seawal mungkin\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSaiz Bayi Dalam Kandungan Kecil, Masalah Besar \u2013 Majalah Pa & Ma, 23 Disember 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sakit-belakang-di-kalangan-ibu", "title": "Sakit Belakang Di Kalangan Ibu", "body": "\n\n\n\nSakit Belakang Di Kalangan Ibu\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 28, 2019\n \n\nMasalah sakit belakang terutama pada bahagian yang mendapat suntikan epidural sering menyebabkan ramai tertanya-tanya apakah penyebab sebenar di kalangan ibu-ibu. Ini penjelasan doktor mengenainya.\n\nMenurut Dr Aminudin Mohamed, Pakar dari Jabatan Ortopedik, Hospital Columbia Asia, Setapak kebanyakan ibu akan kerap berasa \nsakit belakang selepas pengambilan epidural \nketika bersalin adalah disebabkan oleh prosedur epidural tersebut sahaja. Biasanya sakit ini hanya untuk sementara waktu.\n\nDalam kes-kes di mana sakit belakang tersebut berlanjutan selepas bersalin, punca-punca yang lain perlu dikenal pasti melalui \npemeriksaan fizikal lanjut \nuntuk memastikan tiada jangkitan kuman, tiada kebocoran pada cecair tulang belakang, tiada gangguan saraf mekanikal seperti \nslipped disc\n dan sebagainya.\nKENAPA IBU SELALU SAKIT BELAKANG?\n\nKerap kali proses kehamilan itu sendiri melibatkan perubahan hormon yang secara tidak langsung memberi kesan melembutkan struktur sokongan saluran kelahiran seperti ligamen-ligamen tulang pinggul dan tulang belakang. Kesan daripada \npelembutan struktur-struktur ligamen \nini, membuatkan para ibu berisiko untuk mendapat\n slipped disc.\n\nTiada usia yang spesifik untuk menyatakan golongan ibu dalam lingkungan berapa tahun yang berisiko mengalami masalah kesakitan pada bahagian belakang. Apa yang pasti, pelbagai gejala bergantung kepada tahap keterukan keadaan ini.\nCARA ATASI SAKIT BELAKANG\n\nTerdapat pelbagai kaedah rawatan selepas pengesahan penyakit dibuat melalui pemeriksaan fizikal dan pemeriksaan radiologi.\nRADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION (RFA)\n\nKaedah rawatan termasuklah penggunaan ubat-ubatan, terapi fizikal dan kaedah rawatan sakit belakang menggunakan \nRadiofrequency Ablation (RFA)\n. Kaedah rawatan RFA ini adalah \nberkesan, cepat dan tidak melibatkan pembedahan.\n Sebahagian besar daripada mereka yang mengalami gangguan seperti ini dapat dirawat dengan kaedah-kaedah ini. Hanya sebahagian kecil pesakit yang memerlukan prosedur pembedahan dilaksanakan.\nLUMBAR CORSET\n\nAlat-alat sokongan yang boleh digunakan oleh para ibu semasa proses rawatan adalah antaranya penggunaan \nlumbar corset. \nDi samping itu, para ibu juga perlu diberi latihan untuk memberikan\n latihan teknik duduk, berjalan dan tidur yang betul.\nKEKALKAN BERAT BADAN IDEAL\n\nSelain itu, para ibu yang menghidap sakit tulang belakang juga perlu \nmenjaga berat tubuh\n badan agar berada pada tahap optimum. Kesemua faktor ini dapat memastikan kesembuhan segera dan mengelakkan masalah ini daripada berulang.\nRUTIN SENAMAN ELAK SAKIT BELAKANG\n\nIbu terbabit juga perlu melakukan rutin senaman \nstretching, core strengthening exercises \ndan memastikan keadaan persekitaran yang ergonomik semasa berada di rumah dan di pejabat.\nPEMAKANAN\n\nSecara umumnya, \npengurangan pengambilan kalori dalam bentuk karbohidrat\n dapat memastikan berat badan tidak berlebihan dan sekali gus tidak membebankan struktur-struktur tulang belakang. Di samping itu, pastikan ambil makanan yang tidak diproses, kurang kandungan gula dan memperbanyakkan pengambilan makanan yang segar.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Aminudin Mohamed\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic, Sports Medicine and Shoulder Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSakit Belakang Di Kalangan Ibu - Majalah Pa&Ma, 28 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 28 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sakit-tumit", "title": "Sakit Tumit", "body": "\n\n\n\nSakit Tumit\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 24, 2011\n \n\nPernahkah anda merasa sakit di bahagian tumit sejurus selepas tumit anda mencecah lantai diwaktu pagi? Bagaimana pula setelah berjalan agak lama? Disini saya ingin berkongsi pengetahuan mengenai masalah yang selalu membawa pesakit berjumpa dengan doctor. Sakit tumit ini mempunyai berbagai punca. Antara punca utama kesakitan di tumit adalah penyakit yang dipanggil \u201cplantar fasciitis\u201d\nApakah dia \u201cplantar fasciitis\u201d\n\nPlantar fascia merangkumi sejenis tisu panjang yang terdapat di bawah tapak kaki, bermula dari ibu jari kaki hingga ke tumit. Antara fungsi utama tisu ini adalah untuk menyerap hentakan di kaki dan juga untuk mengekalkan bentuk \u201carch\u201d di kaki. Dalam kes-kes tertentu, tisu ini mengalami keradangan (inflammation). Tidak diketahui apakah yang menyebabkan keradangan ini tetapi telah dipostulasikan bahawa proses degenerasi memainkan peranan. Satu lagi postulasi adalah mungkin disebabkan trauma mikro berulang kali ke atas tisu tersebut.\nSiapa yang berisiko tinggi menghadapi sakit tumit ini\n\nDisebabkan masalah ini berpunca dari segi degenerative, oleh itu ia selalu melibatkan pesakit di lingkungan pertengahan umur. Antara factor risiko lain adalah berat yang berlebihan ( obesity), ahli sukan pelari, dan golongan dimana pekerjaan memerlukan berjalan dengan banyak seperti jururawat. Bentuk dan anatomi kaki juga memainkan peranan. Kaki yang mempunyai \u201carch\u201d yang tinggi, tapak yang leper, dan otot betis yang tegang juga mempunyai risiko mendapat masalah ini.\nApakah yang dapat dibuat untuk melegakan sakit ini\n\nBeberapa cara mudah boleh di gunakan untuk mengurangkan masalah ini. Pesakit dinasihati supaya sentiasa memakai \nkasut yang sesuai\n. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan sesuai adalah kasut yang mempunyai tapak yang lembut seperti yang diperbuat dari getah atau foam sepertimana terdapat dalam kasut sukan.\n\nSatu lagi cara, ialah menggunakan \u201c\ninsole\n\u201d di bahagian tumit, selalunya diperbuat dari siliko.\n\nPesakit juga boleh cuba meletakkan \nketulan ais\u00a0\nyang telah dibungkus dengan plastic dan kain keatas tumit yang sakit tadi.\nSenaman\n untuk meregangkan tisu plantar boleh dibuat beberapa kali sehari, dan disyorkan tiga kali sehari. Kajian menunjukkan senaman ini lebih berkesan jika ia dimulakan dalam masa enam minggu bermulanya sakit tumit. Seeloknya senaman untuk regangan ini dibuat pada waktu pagi, dan juga sebelum berdiri setelah duduk pada waktu yang lama.\nRawatan Doktor\n\nSebelum doktor memulakan rawatan, beliau mungkin akan menasihati supaya \nX-ray\u00a0\ndibuat keatas tumit tersebut untuk melihat tanda-tanda ketumbuhan tulang di tumit. Ini boleh menunjukkan kesan kalsifikasi keatas tisu plantar tersebut. Dalam kes-kes tertentu, doktor pakar mungkin juga mengambil keputusan membuat imbasan \nMRI\n dimana ini dapat menunjukkan kesan inflamasi di tumit tersebut.\n\nDisebabkan tisu plantar fascia mengalami proses radangan ( inflammation) ini, maka doctor boleh memberi pesakit \nubat anti-inflammatory\n selama beberapa hari untuk mengurangkan radangan ini. Sesi fisioterapy dengan \nultrasound\n juga dapat mengurangkan proses radangan ini.\n\nSelain dari terapi ultrasound, satu lagi jenis terapi yang bukan invasif adalah penggunaan \nExtracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT)\n. Seakan ultrasound, impuls gelombang ditujukan kepada tisu plantar fascia itu untuk merangsang proses pemulihan.\n\nUntuk mempercepatkan proses pengurangan radangan ini, \nsuntikan steroid\n mungkin juga dapat dilakukan disekitar plantar fascia ni. Walaupun begitu, pesakit dinasihatkan supaya tidak mendapat suntikan ini terlalu kerap kerana ini mungkin menyebabkan komplikasi.\nPerlukah pembedahan\n\nKebanyakan pengidap masalah plantar fasciitis ini boleh sembuh dengan cara yang disebutkan diatas, walaupun ia mengambil masa beberapa bulan untuk sembuh. Dalam segelintir kecil pesakit, sakit ini tidak sembuh walaupun beberapa modality telah dibuat. Doktor pakar mungkin harus membuat kajian dengan lebih teliti untuk memastikan bahawa sakit tumit pesakit bukan berpunca dari masalah selain dari plantar fasciitis.\n\nModality pembedahan boleh juga ditawarkan untuk segelintir pesakit diatas dimana rawatan biasa masih tidak berkesan. Rawatan baru bernama \nRadiofrequency microtenotomy\n boleh digunakan untuk mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan ini. Dalam prosedur ini, keratan dibuat di tumit pesakit dan plantar fascia yang sakit itu ditebuk dengan alat TOPAZ, supaya proses penyembuhan dapat berlaku.\nDr. Saiful Akhtar Shamsudin\n\nOrthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/salam-aidilfitri", "title": "Salam Aidilfitri", "body": "\n\n\n\nSalam Aidilfitri\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 14, 2018\n \nEID MUBARAK TO ALL MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD\n\nRamadan, beyond being a month of fasting is also about spiritual contemplation, personal reflection and physical practice. This year, Ramadan concludes with the planned sighting of the new moon in the West following sunset on the evening of 14 June. Eid-ul-Fitr, which is a religious, cultural and social celebration will follow.\n\nIn Malaysia, Eid-ul-Fitr is observed with great enthusiasm by Muslims and fellow Malaysians. Delicious food and drinks, and precious time spent with family and friends are the quintessential features of this month-long celebration.\n\nIn this edition of Make A Difference Magazine, we have prepared some suggestions for a healthy way to celebrate this special time. We hope you enjoy reading this issue. Feel free to share these tips and suggestions with your loved ones.\n\nOn behalf of Columbia Asia Group, we wish you, in every shared smile and laughter; in every silent prayer answered; in every opportunity that comes your way \u2013 may God bless you immensely!\n\n\u00a0\n\nMake A Difference e-Magazine \u2013 Issue 2, Hari Raya edition\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/salmon-pasta", "title": "Salmon Pasta", "body": "\n\n\n\nSalmon Pasta\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 31, 2015\n \n\nChef Din is the Head Chef for the newly launched Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya. He has been working in the food industry for more than 27 years. This is his first time working in a hospital environment.\n\nToday Chef Din and CAH-PJ Kitchen Executive Mohd Sharil would like to recommend a special dish for you called Salmon Pasta. Salmon is a signature dish of this hospital.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRECIPE\n\n\nSalmon Pasta\n\n\n\n\nServes 4\n\n\nIngredients\n\n\u00a0\n\nFillet of salmon, 80gm\n\n\nFresh oregano leaves (to cook with spaghetti), 5gm\n\n\nSpaghetti, 200gm\n\n\nMarinade\n \u00a0\n\nDijon Mustard (to marinade the salmon fillet), 40gm\n\n\nCreamy Sauce\n \u00a0\n\nFlour, 10gm\n\n\nUnsalted butter, 150gm\n\n\nGarlic, chopped, 20gm\n\n\nOnions, chopped, 40gm\n\n\nCarrots, chopped, 40gm\n\n\nRed and green pepper, chopped, 80gm\n\n\nBay leaves, 5gm\n\n\nDried oregano leaves (to cook with cream sauce), 40gm\n\n\nParmesan cheese, grated, 50gm\n\n\nSalt, 5gm\n\n\nGround black pepper (to taste), 20gm\n\n\nLow fat fresh milk, 200ml\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nMethod\n\n\n\u00ad Boil spaghetti in salted water until al dente. Drain and put aside. Saut\u00e9 garlic in olive oil for 30 seconds. Add spaghetti and stir well.\n\n\nMelt the butter over low heat. Add in the flour slowly and stir until smooth. Add the milk while stirring constantly. Add other ingredients. Season with salt and pepper.\n\n\nPreheat grill with medium heat and grill the marinated salmon until it is cooked.\n\n\nPut spaghetti into a warm bowl. Pour the sauce over the pasta and salmon. Toss well. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Serve immediately\n\n\nNutrient Content:\n\n\nCalorie (kcal) - \n460\n\nCarbohydrates (gm) - \n11\n\nProtein (gm) - \n36\n\nTotal fat (gm) - \n11\n\nSaturated fat (gm) - \n21.4\n\nMonounsaturated fat (gm) - \n9.3 \n\nPolyunsaturated fat (gm) - \n1.6\n\nTrans fat (gm) - \n1.3\n\nCholesterol (mg) - \n108\n\nSodium (mg) - \n860\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHealthy Eating Tips:\n\n\n\n*Chef Din suggests replacing fresh milk with whipping cream. This option can reduce total fat by 30g per serving.\n\n**Usually children do not enjoy fish because of the fishy smell. Chef Din suggests the fish to be sliced into smaller pieces and garnished with colourful vegetables. This interesting presentation will attract children\u2019s attention.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nRecipe prepared by:\nKhairudin Nordin\n\nChef\u00a0\nMohd Sharil\u00a0\n\nKitchen Executive\u00a0\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/scoliosis", "title": "Scoliosis", "body": "\n\n\n\nScoliosis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 04, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.sierraneurosurgery.com\nDr. Paul Ngalap Ayu, Consultant Orthopedic and Paediatric Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya A Healthy Business - Richard Evans, Chairman, Columbia Asia Group of Companies.\n\nWhile you might be concerned over many aspects of your child\u2019s health, observing the degree of their spine curvature might not top the list. However, excessive curving of the spine could be a sign of scoliosis - a condition which can be managed with treatments such as exercise and even just medical observation.\n\nBut it needs to be diagnosed and diagnosed early. Find out how doctors investigate this condition, when to seek medical help and what treatments are available, with Dr. Paul Ngalap Ayu, Consultant Orthopedic and Paediatric Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon from Columbia Asia Hospital Petaling Jaya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/scoliosis-0", "title": "Scoliosis", "body": "\n\n\n\nScoliosis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 10, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.fitnessjournal.co.nz\n & \nwww.vincihealth.com\nDr. Paul Ngalap Ayu, Consultant Orthopedic & Pediatric Orthopedic / Spine Surgeon from Columbia Asia Hospital\n\nPetaling Jaya shares about different types of scoliosis and how it affects the patients.\n\n\u00a0\n\nScoliosis \u2013 Affecting Health \u2013 FEMININE Magazine, Issue October 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/scope-it-out-press-clipping", "title": "Scope It Out [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nScope It Out [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 01, 2015\n \n\nUncover the importance of keeping your bowels moving. Find out input from Dr Andy Easwaren Vasudevan, Consultant Internal Medicine Physician & Gastroenterologist of Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya.\n\n\u00a0\n\nScope It Out - HER WORLD Magazine, Issue June 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sexually-transmitted-diseases-std-symptoms-and-diagnosis", "title": "Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) - Symptoms and Diagnosis", "body": "\n\n\n\nSexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) - Symptoms and Diagnosis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 27, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nWhat are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?\n\n\nSexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that are transmitted from one person to another through intimate physical contact either vaginally, orally or through anal sex. Having said that, there is a possibility of transfer from mother to baby during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.\n\n\nA person can have an STD without showing symptoms of the disease. Common symptoms of STDs include vaginal discharge, urethral discharge or burning in men, genital ulcers and abdominal pain.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nWhat causes STDs?\n\n\nMore than 30 different bacteria, viruses and parasites are known to cause STDs. Some examples are syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis, which are curable. However, hepatitis B, herpes simplex virus (HSV or herpes), HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV) still remain incurable.\n\n\nMore than 1 million STDs are acquired every day. Each year there are an estimated 374 million new infections with chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis. Without proper management, the burden of disease will further increase.\n\n\nWhat are the symptoms of STDs?\n\n\nNot all patients with STDs present with symptoms. Some may be asymptomatic or present with mild symptoms.\n\n\nThe symptoms may be some unusual discharge from the vagina or penis with an abnormal odour. There may be sores or warts on the genital area causing redness and itching. Blisters and sores around the mouth can be found in patients that engage in oral sex. The patient may complain of painful urination which may aggravate a urinary infection. Fever may follow if the infection is sudden and severe.\n\n\nHow are STDs diagnosed?\n\n\nIn cases where STDs are suspected, a good history and thorough clinical examination coupled with either a screening or diagnostic test would aid in the final diagnosis. There are multiple screenings and diagnostic tests available using blood, swabs or biopsies taken from the lesions. Your doctor will advise on the most suitable test for you, hence do get consulted prior to a test.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nWhat are the treatments for STDs?\n\n\nAntibiotics can be used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Some analgesia can be used to alleviate the pain. Unfortunately, there are not many treatment options available to cure STDs caused by the virus.\n\n\nAre there vaccines available for protection against STDs?\n\n\nThere are some vaccines available for protection against viral STDs such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B and \nHuman Papilloma Virus (HPV)\n.\n\n\nCan STDs be prevented?\n\n\nThe strategies for reducing STDs are many and multifactorial, such as the introduction of a vaccination program (HPV vaccination program), promoting monogamy among couples and the road toward sex education for all sexually active adolescents may be the way in the future.\n\n\nThe correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading STDs.\n\n\nSexually transmitted diseases have a drastic impact on the patients. Not only are they subjected to being stigmatized, but having an STD impacts their sexual and reproductive health.\n\n\nIf you are experiencing any symptoms or need any health professional\u2019s advice, book an appointment with our \ngynecologists\n or browse our \nhealth packages\n here!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Vijayaletchumi Thandayathany\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Maternal Fetal Medicine (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (India), MOG (UKM), Fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine (Malaysia & India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/should-you-ever-self-diagnose", "title": "Should You Ever Self-Diagnose", "body": "\n\n\n\nShould You Ever Self-Diagnose\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2018\n \n\nWith so much information on the internet, should you first ask Google or head to the clinic when you\u2019re ill?\n\nWe asked a few doctors for their thoughts.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDR IQBAL FARIM RIZAL WONG\nConsultant ENT Surgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\n\n\u201cI actually welcome Google as among other things, it gives the general public some idea on the problem that is afflicting them \u2013 which will tell them where or whom to seek help from. For example, with dizziness or vertigo, an uninformed person may just go to a general practitioner (or even just dismiss it). But those who have done some research may know that the best person to go to is an ear, nose and throat surgeon. Because of this, some doctors may find that patients these days are asking more questions, which I personally think is a good thing. I prefer my patients informed, especially if they are to go for surgery, as they need to understand the risks involved and what to expect in terms of outcome. Self-diagnosis is not necessarily dangerous as long as you seek professional help. However, self-treatment is.\u201d\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDR QUEK YEK SONG\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri \n\n\u201cI use Google to look up any new information or journal papers to keep myself updated. With the improvement of AI, a simple possible diagnosis can be made in the future to give patients a clue on what is going on. But, unreliable and fake info can lead to wrong treatment or delayed medical care.\u201d\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDR KERWIN TEOH\nConsultant General Surgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri \n\n\u201cA Google search is very much dependent on keywords, and it returns with a mix of true and false information from various sources. There is no filter to differentiate actual facts from pseudo-experts on health. Do visit your doctor who can examine you physically and order required tests before coming to a diagnosis. You may well just discover that you have gastritis, rather than ZollingerEllison syndrome. Patients should not self-diagnose, but instead can use Google to learn more about a diagnosis. However, there are patients who keep second-guessing the doctor and it can render treatments ineffective.\u201d\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nDR THOMAS LAU\nConsultant Pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bintulu\n\n\u201cGoogle does help to a certain extent, provided the patient browses through a reliable website. Also, patients today can communicate more freely with their doctors regarding the concerns and worries which they learnt through the net.\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Her World, Issue September 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nShould You Ever Self-Diagnose - Her World, Issue September 2018\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/shoulder-injuries-sports", "title": "Shoulder Injuries in Sports", "body": "\n\n\n\nShoulder Injuries in Sports\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 10, 2017\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nIt has been part of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964, but it's not the most popular competitive sport in Malaysia. Yet, volleyball still features heavily in co-curricular programmes in schools; and go to any beach and you are sure to find a variation of beach volleyball being played. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh breaks down the physical elements of volleyball and shares his thoughts on why shoulder injuries present heavily in many sports-related traumas.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/shoulder-pain-50-year-old-lady", "title": "Shoulder Pain in a 50-year-old Lady", "body": "\n\n\n\nShoulder Pain in a 50-year-old Lady\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 11, 2012\n \n\nMadam S is a 50-year-old government servant who came to see me about a year ago with a complaint of right shoulder pain for 3 months' duration. The pain started as vague discomfort in her shoulder whenever she does overhead activities such as wiping her house windows, combing her hair or hanging clothes at home. She also has pain in the shoulder whenever she lies on the affected shoulder at night.\n\nLately, she thinks that the pain had gotten worse as she also started to have pain even on slight movement in her shoulder while doing her administrative work at the office. She found it difficult to button her bra and also to clean her back while bathing.\n\nMadam S was diagnosed to have diabetes mellitus 3 years ago when routine blood checks revealed that she had elevated fasting blood glucose. She has quite a strong family history of diabetes, with her late father and two brothers were diagnosed to have diabetes.\n\nExamination of her shoulder revealed subtle reduction in movement in her shoulder especially when she was asked to touch her back. Otherwise the examination was unremarkable.\n\nHer X-rays were normal.\n\n\u201cWhat's wrong with my shoulder Doc?\u201d she asked with a rather concerned face. \u201cDoes this condition have something to do with my diabetes? Is it an infection Doc?\u201d\n\nThis lady was suffering from 'frozen shoulder' - a condition caused by inflammatory shrinking and thickening in the shoulder capsular tissue (the encasing tissue of the shoulder joint). The inflammation causes the shoulder to become increasingly painful, and, with time, the shoulder becomes stiff and it will be quite difficult to move the affected shoulder in almost all directions.\n\nThe causes of frozen shoulder are:\n\nUnknown cause\u00a0- this condition is also called 'adhesive capsulitis'; in the majority of cases the cause is not identified but there is an association with certain medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, thyroid gland problems (hyper or hypo-) and Parkinson's disease (a neurological condition that is progressive and characterized by involuntary movements and generalized rigidity of joints).\n\nThis type of frozen shoulder affects around 2% of the population and typically involves those in the 40-60 years age group. Women are more commonly affected than men.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nProlonged immobilization\u00a0- patients with shoulder injury particularly fractures or dislocations involving or near the shoulder that was operated upon or managed by immobilizing the shoulder joint has a high risk of developing this type of frozen shoulder.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIrradiation to the shoulder region\u00a0- patients who received radiation therapy (e.g. in breast cancer patients) may also develop this condition.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSecondary to a specific shoulder problem\u00a0for example in shoulder impingement syndrome. Impingement syndrome occurs as a result of tightening of space for the tendons of the shoulder to move, making overhead movements painful and limited. As a result of patients not moving their shoulder due to this pain, the shoulder gets stiffened and a 'secondary' frozen shoulder results. A tear in the tendon of shoulder movement (termed rotator cuff tear) may also result in secondary frozen shoulder.\u00a0\n\n\nStages of Frozen Shoulder\n\nFrozen shoulder has three stages - these stages tend to overlap and could take as long as two years to resolve even with proper treatment.\u00a0\nStage I\n\u00a0- 'freezing stage', characterized by increasing pain in the shoulder with movement; however shoulder motion is only mildly affected. This stage lasts from 2 to 4 months.\nStage II\n\u00a0- 'frozen stage'. As the name denotes, the main feature of this stage is stiffness of the shoulder, pain is slowly improving despite worsening in stiffness. The first movement to be affected is inward movement of the arm (for example - difficulty in scratching one's back or strapping the bra) however in advanced stage II all movements are restricted. Duration - 4 months to 1 year.\nStage III\n\u00a0- 'thawing stage'. Pain is completely alleviated and stiffness improves during this final stage. This stage takes a year or longer to complete.\n\n\u00a0\nDr. Mohd Nizlan Mohd Nasir\n\nConsultant Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sir-have-you-checked-your-prostate", "title": "Sir, Have You Checked Your Prostate?", "body": "\n\n\n\nSir, Have You Checked Your Prostate?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 28, 2022\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nProstate cancer is the fifth most common cancer among men in Malaysia. It can happen to men as \u2018young\u2019 as 40, and as elderly as 75. \u00a0\n\nThe risk of prostate cancer increases with age as cancer develops very slowly over time. In fact, more than 60 percent of cases are discovered at Stage 3 and 4. \u00a0\n\nHowever, did you know that if detected early, prostate cancer has the highest survival rate compared to other cancers? \u00a0\n\nSince November is Men\u2019s Health Awareness Month, perhaps it is an ideal time to start monitoring your prostate health. \u00a0\n\nFirstly - the prostate\n\nThe prostate is a small muscular gland in the male human body, located below the bladder. Its main function is to produce seminal fluid that nourishes sperm. \u00a0\n\nA young man\u2019s prostate is the size of a walnut. As a man ages, the prostate grows and can become as big as a ping-pong ball, or even an orange. Sometimes, this growth may trigger cancer cells resulting in prostate cancer. \u00a0\n\n\u201cTo this day, the cause of prostate cancer is still a mystery,\u201d says Consultant Medical Oncologist, Dr Kananathan Ratnavelu who is based at the newly launched Columbia Asia Cancer Center at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau, Selangor. \u00a0\n\n\u201cBut certain risk factors have been noted down such as advancing age, family history of cancer, genetic risks, diet and lifestyle.\u201d \u00a0\n\nWarning signs of prostate cancer\n\n\u201cSome common symptoms of prostate cancer include an increased frequency to urinate especially at night, weak or intermittent urinary flow, trouble withholding urine, trouble urinating, a sensation that the bladder is not completely empty even after urinating, dull pain in the groin and blood in the urine,\u201d says Dr Kanan. \u201cIn fact, in advanced stages of prostate cancer, back pain and bone pain can also be symptoms.\u201d \u00a0\n\nFinding out is a process\n\n\nProstate Specific Antigen test (PSA)\n\n\nThere is a type of protein made only in the prostate gland called the prostate specific antigen (PSA). A basic blood test can show levels of PSA in the body. High levels may mean high chances of prostate cancer; hence the patient will need to be evaluated further.\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDigital Rectal Examination (DGE)\n\n\nAnother way to detect prostate cancer is via a digital rectal examination (DRE). This is carried out by a trained medical professional.\n\n\n\u201cA DRE is actually a quick and simple test, but because the procedure itself is invasive, it comes across as daunting and somewhat uncomfortable,\u201d says Dr Kanan. \u00a0\n\n\nAccording to him, the patient will be more accepting of a DRE if he is well-informed of the exact location of the prostate. In this case, the prostate is positioned right in front of the rectum. By inserting a finger into the rectum directly, the doctor will be able to feel the prostate for suspicious lumps. \u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nProstate Biopsy\n\n\n\u201cWhenever a cancer screening shows that further tests are needed, the gold standard of a follow-up is a prostate biopsy,\u201d shares Dr Kanan.\n\n\nA prostate biopsy is a procedure where a needle is used to collect tissue samples from the prostate. These samples are analyzed closely to determine if they are cancerous or not. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTo know or not to know?\n\n\u201cDefinitely to know,\u201d exclaimed Dr Kanan. \u201cI cannot over emphasize the urgency of screening for prostate cancer, especially if you are over 50. Knowing early can save your life.\u201d \u00a0\n\nTo find out more about prostate screenings and other cancer care services of Columbia Asia Cancer Center at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau, visit\n https://www.columbiaasia.com/oncology/\n.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Kananathan A/L Ratnavelu\n\n\nConsultant Medical Oncologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (UM), FRCP (Ireland), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSir, have you checked your prostate? \u2013 Malaysiakini, 1 November 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Malaysiakini, 1 November 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nOncology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/six-steps-of-ivf-from-conception-to-completion", "title": "Six Steps of IVF from Conception to Completion", "body": "\n\n\n\nSix Steps of IVF from Conception to Completion\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 09, 2015\n \n\nIVF treatment has helped thousands of couples worldwide overcome a wide variety of infertility diagnoses enabling them to realize their dreams of becoming parents. IVF helps infertile couples become pregnant by joining the egg and sperm together in an embryology laboratory where embryos are created that can later be transferred back into the woman's uterus. Not many people know exactly how the process of IVF works.\nSTEP 1 \u2013 INITIAL CONSULTATION AND OVARIAN SUPPRESSION\n\nYour Consultant will plan a treatment protocol suitable for you. This is the most important step of treatment as you will need to understand the complete treatment cycle including the treatment following embryos replacement.\n\nYou will be given medication to suppress your natural menstrual cycle, often in the form of a daily injection for around two weeks. These injections will stop your ovary from functioning as any hormones coming out from the ovary during treatment will ruin your IVF treatment process. As result of your ovarian suppression, you will have the symptoms similar to menopausal women such as mood swings, hot flushes and lethargic.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSTEP 2 - OVARIAN STIMULATIONS\n\nAfter 2 weeks of treatment to suppress your ovaries, a fertility hormone is given, again in the form of a daily injection for between 10 and 12 days. It increases the number of eggs you produced compared to naturally where there is only one egg. On average, between 5 to 10 eggs are produced from the treatment. Your doctor may cancel your treatment if you under response to treatment producing less than 3 eggs or over response to treatment producing lots of eggs causing a complication called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSTEP 3 - THE TRIGGER SHOT\n\nYour doctor will then monitor you to around 34 to 38 hours before your eggs are due to be collected. You will be given a final hormone injection that helps your eggs to mature. Your doctor will decide the timing of the trigger shot depending on the size and number of your follicles and the level of your estrogen in your blood.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSTEP 4 - EGG COLLECTION\n\nFor the egg collection you will be sedated and your eggs are collected using ultrasound as a guide.\n\nA needle is inserted through the vagina and into each ovary. The eggs are then collected through the needle.\n\nSometimes you will need to undergo full sleep (general anaesthesia) to collect your eggs especially if the sedative method is difficult or you cannot cope with pain.\n\nYour husband sperms are also collected at the same time as egg collection.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSTEP 5 - EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT INSIDE THE LAB\n\nThe collected eggs are mixed with your husband/partner\u2019s sperm and after 16 to 20 hours they are checked to see if any have been fertilized.\n\nIf the sperm are few or weak, each egg may need to be injected with individual sperm by a process called intracytoplasmic sperms injection (ICSI).\n\nThe fertilized eggs, embryos then continue to grow in the laboratory for one to five days before they are transferred back into the womb.\n\nOnce the woman's eggs have been collected she is given medication, including progesterone, to help prepare the lining of the womb to receive an embryo.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSTEP 6 - EMBRYO REPLACEMENT\n\nThe embryos are transferred back into your womb. This method is usually pain free and you do not need any sedation. Your will need to discuss with your doctor on the number of embryos to be put into your womb. The more the number of embryos you put in, the higher is the risk of multiple pregnancies. Your doctor will usually limit to only 3 embryos and would advised you to freeze the surplus embryos if the qualities are good.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollowing embryo replacement you will need to continue with some hormonal medications for further 14 days before you check your pregnancy test.\n\nMost women will find this phase of treatment very stressful while waiting for the outcome. You are advised to drink lots of water and must be fully prepared with whatever the outcome of treatment.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIf your pregnancy test is positive, you will need to continue with your hormonal medications until your pregnancy is 12 weeks.\n\nIf your pregnancy test is negative, you will need to stop all medications. Usually you will need to rest for 3 months before starting with your next cycle. Your doctor will discussed with you what happened during your previous treatment and decide any changes with the protocol to help you have a better outcome with your subsequent treatment.\n\nIf you have your embryos frozen, you have the choice of either use your frozen embryos or to go through another fresh cycle.\nDr. Suhaimi Hassan \n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/smart-parent-safe-kids", "title": "Smart Parent Safe Kids", "body": "\n\n\n\nSmart Parent Safe Kids\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 15, 2011\n \nStay Smart, Stay Safe\n\nWe cannot be watching our children 24/7, but practicing basic accident prevention measures can save parents a lot of anguish.\n\nEver wondered where the phrase \u2018Home Sweet Home\u2019 came from? Originating from a popular song in the 19th century, the phrase today has become an icon to everything that is good and safe about home.\n\nBut wait - the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) reports that accidents are the number one health hazard for children and cause more than one-third of childhood deaths between the ages of one and fourteen. This number is more than the total amount of deaths caused by five leading fatal diseases, making it the largest cause of disabilities in children below the age of one.\n\nSo while we embrace the concept of Home Sweet Home, are we also holding true to the principle of Home Safe Home?\nMaking the home safe\n\n\u201cAccidents can happen to anyone anywhere,\u201d says Dr Cheah Choong Wooi, consultant pediatrician from Columbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau. \u201cBut when parents and caregivers are more mindful of the potential dangers in their home and surroundings, children are less likely to get hurt.\u201d\n\nMost accidents tend to happen at home because that is where parents and caregivers tend to let their guard down. Familiarity does not necessarily spell safety, as some parents find out (sometimes too late). Recent cases of deaths resulting from home accidents such as being crushed by a falling television or table, strangulation from curtain strings and choking from milk bottles are tell-tale signs that parents are not paying enough attention to child safety.\n\nOne of the most overlooked aspects is that child safety tends to be age-specific. \u201cThe most common home accidents happens to children aged between one to four, because a child below nine months does not have the fine motor skills to pick things up and put them into his mouth,\u201d explains Dr Cheah\n\nAfter the age of one, they would be inquisitive and active. This is when they would attempt to climb chairs and stairs, pull on dangling wires or taste everything they can get their hands on. Cases of scalding and falling are most common for children of this age group.\n\nAt three to five, they would be curious about their own bodies. Dr Cheah has had his fair share of treating bawling children who are brought in by ashen-faced parents for having stuffed things like paper, coins, small batteries or tudung pins into their ears or noses.\n\nSometimes parents would suspect their children of swallowing a foreign object and insist for an x-ray to confirm their suspicions. What they may not know is that only metal objects will show up in an x-ray. In these cases, the child will be referred to a gastroenterologist, who will conduct a scope and try to fish the object out.\n\nThe most common home accidents are actually falls, both on flat and raised ground. The level of injury would depend on the height of the fall. \u201cBaby walkers are not encouraged because they are the most common cause of falls. Parents with babies aged 4-6 months who are just learning to turn over should also be careful about placing their babies on raised surfaces such as sofas and beds,\u201d adds Dr Cheah.\n\nWhat can parents or caregivers do when an accident happens? The first thing to do is not to panic, he advises. Calm the shocked child and perform the necessary first aid measures. \u201cRecall what happened and document your first aid measures. The more specific your description, the easier it is for the doctor to recommend treatment,\u201d says Dr Cheah.\n\nSo how can we make our homes safer for children? Unfortunately there are no set answers.\n\n\u201cYou know your child best. For example, stair gates may be helpful for a one-year-old but for a ten-year-old, it can be more detrimental if it\u2019s being used to climb. Research on what is appropriate for your child and take 30 minutes to go through your home to make those changes,\u2019 he advises.\nHidden dangers at playgrounds\n\nApart from the home, the playground is another area where parents and caregivers tend to lax because they are in a relaxed mode. Instead of keeping a watchful eye over their children, they are often chatting, texting or reading, notes Dr Saiful Akhtar, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau.\n\nDr Saiful sees the most fractures during the school holidays. \u201cUsually, children are not really aware of how certain equipment is supposed to be used. Parents and caregivers ought to show them and caution them about potential dangers,\u201d he says.\n\nMovable equipment is just as dangerous as non-movable equipment as they are subject to weather conditions as well as wear and tear. That is why parents need to survey a playground first before allowing their children to play there.\n\nThe key word is \u2018active supervision\u2019, stresses Dr Saiful. \u201cTrust your gut feeling. When you see a lot of rusty and broken equipment, go somewhere else. And when supervising, sit in clear view, not behind a bush or tree where you can\u2019t see your child.\u201d\n\nAs playgrounds regulations are unclear and maintenance are often poor, many playgrounds pose safety hazards to users. Examples include animal feces in sandpits, drains and roads that are too close to the play area and not having soft rubber padding. Although playgrounds are supposed to be places for children, youths and adults may also frequent them, leaving unsafe elements such as cigarette butts, broken glass or leftover food lying around. Children who run around bare-footed may get injured stepping on broken glass or slipping on rotting food.\n\nA child who suffers a fracture would need to spend the next 3 to 6 weeks in a cast. This spells many days lost from school and for the parents, from work. Family life is also disrupted when one child needs to be hospitalized. Sometimes fractures, especially hairline fractures, go unnoticed because the only symptom is a little swelling. What happens if they are left untreated?\n\nThey will still heal by themselves, says Dr Saiful, but may cause the limbs to be deformed if the fracture happens too near to a joint. \u201cA misaligned joint at the legs may cause a limp, whereas deformity at the hands means you can\u2019t play sports or write well,\u201d he cautions.\nWater dangers\n\nYou might already know that one can drown in 3 inches of water and so you empty all your buckets or keep water barrels covered. But imagine this - the drain at the bathroom is blocked and there is a piece of soap on the floor. You or your child falls, hits the head and passes out. If you or your child happened to fall face down, there is high possibility of drowning.\n\n\u201cParents can never be too careful when there is water around,\u201d says Lee Soon Keong, a Lifesaving Trainer from Life Saving Society Malaysia (Perak branch). \u201cWhether you have a koi pond or an Olympic-sized swimming pool in your home, you must not leave children unsupervised because they might get into trouble when you are not looking\u201d.\n\nHe warns that apartments and condominiums with swimming pools usually do not have certified life-guards, and security guards or cleaners act as ad-hoc lifesavers. \u201cI was at a pool once when a boy got into trouble in the swimming pool. The security-cum lifeguard, instead of doing something to help, ran away out of fear!\u201d he relates.\n\n55% of all drowning cases happen just 10 feet away from land, says Lee. Out of these, 42% happen just 6 feet away from land. One thing most people are unaware of is that \u2018you don\u2019t have to be a swimmer to be a life saver\u2019. He explains, \u201cIf a drowning person is within reach, lie down on your stomach and reach out your hand. Don\u2019t do it standing up, or else you might fall into the water too\u201d. If the drowning person is too far away, use a branch, broom-stick, shirt or any floating object to draw him/her to land. Conduct CPR if the person is unconscious.\n\nWith rapid increases in drowning cases over the years, Lee stresses that everyone should have water safety knowledge especially on what to do in the event of a drowning. The Life Saving Society (Malaysia) has branches nationwide where the public can go for courses and swimming classes.\n\nWhile it appears that danger lurks in every corner of the world, it is impractical for parents to keep their children cocooned.\n\n\u201cWhat\u2019s important is being aware and taking the necessary precautions so that severe injuries and death can be minimized,\u201d says Dr Cheah. Dr Saiful and Lee agrees. \u201cChildhood is a wonderful phrase of life. Making sure we keep our children safe will allow our children to enjoy their childhood and experience happy memories that will last a lifetime,\u201d says Dr Saiful.\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Bukit Rimau\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sneeze-symphony", "title": "Sneeze Symphony", "body": "\n\n\n\nSneeze Symphony\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 19, 2018\n \n\nConsider the following scenario: our child, usually at pre-school to primary school-going age, waking up in the morning with intense bouts of sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and violent rubbing of his or her nose. These episodes happen, for the most part, in the morning and are a daily occurrence. The poor child also suffers from ongoing asthma and eczema, which does not seem to abate despite multiple medications.\n\nI suspect this scenario rings a bell with many of us. It is as one in three of children suffer from some degree of persistent nasal symptoms.\n\nWe often hear the terms resdung and sinus being bandied around when describing a series of nasal symptoms from nasal blockages to headaches and facial pains. As an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, I often delve into it a little bit more so that I know what is actually afflicting my patient when they mention those two aforementioned terms.\nWhat is resdung, really?\n\nResdung can be divided into two related, often co-existing, but nonetheless distinct, conditions;\n\nRhinitis, which, by definition, is the inflammation of the inner lining of the nasal cavity; and\n\n\nSinusitis which is the inflammation of the sinus cavities around the nose within the skull.\n\n\n\nRhinitis, in turn, can be divided into two; one, Allergic Rhinitis (AR) which is rhinitis caused by external irritants (or allergens) such as dust, fumes, certain foods etc; and Non-Allergic Rhinitis which is usually triggered by change in climate rather than irritants.\n\nFor the purposes on this article, the focus will be on Allergic Rhinitis as children are affected more by this sub-category of rhinitis. You may ask why children are more affected by AR. The simple explanation to that is that children\u2019s immune system is constantly being exposed to new allergens or irritants hence it tends to react more aggressively. In adults, unless they are overtly allergic to specific substances such as certain drugs, the immune system \u2018adapts\u2019 to many allergens thus reacting in a less violent manner.\nWhat are the symptoms of AR?\n\nThe typical symptoms of AR include sneezing (especially in the mornings), nasal itchiness, runny nose and nasal blockage that is usually caused by exposure to certain allergens. Commonly seen in children, though not exclusively so, patients with AR often rub their noses which can sometimes cause a horizontal crease in the middle of their nasal bridge. Patients with Non-Allergic Rhinitis display similar symptoms though they experience less sneezing and itchiness.\nHow is AR diagnosed?\n\nNormally a doctor would diagnose AR based on clinical symptoms as elaborated above. If a patient also has other allergic-type problems such as asthma and eczema, it would further support the diagnosis of AR. Specifically, an Allergic Panel test would be very useful in not only the diagnosis of AR but also in the treatment strategy.\nHow is AR treated?\n\nFor effective treatment of AR, allergy avoidance is essential. In order to determine the offending allergens, an Allergic Panel test should be done. This is a blood test that would test our blood against over 30 common allergens. Once the offending allergens are identified, these need to be avoided in combination with usage of medications such as anti-histamines and nasal steroid sprays. Once the symptoms are well-controlled, the medications can then slowly be tapered down usually over the course of a few weeks to a few months.\nDoes AR need surgery?\n\nGenerally, surgery is not required for AR or Non-Allergic Rhinitis unless there are structural problems within the nose such as bony deviations or abnormal growths that are not adequately treated with medications.\n\nIn a nutshell, Allergic Rhinitis is common but is often a poorly managed condition in children. AR is a very treatable problem provided the treatment plan is properly devised and planned. Allergy avoidance is often underestimated, even by many medical practitioners, but it is a vital component in the management plan. The success of the management of other conditions related to hypersensitivity such as asthma, would be influenced by how well the rhinitis is controlled or treated.\nDr. Iqbal Farim Rizal Wong\n\nConsultant ENT Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Times, 16 October 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nSneeze Symphony \u2013 New Straits Times, 16 October 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/snoring-it-cause-concern", "title": "Snoring - is it a cause for concern?", "body": "\n\n\n\nSnoring - is it a cause for concern?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 03, 2011\n \nWhy does snoring occur?\n\nSnoring occurs due to narrowing of the airway causing vibration of the soft tissues of the throat during sleep. It is a phenomenon that is observed during sleep especially by the bed partner.\nHow common is snoring?\n\n\nIt is more common in men generally whereby 45% of men and 30% of women snore on a regular basis\n\n\nRisk factors for snoring include overweight, increasing age, nasal blockage, sedating medications, alcohol, sleeping position and thick neck\n\n\nIt is important to recognize if snoring is related to an underlying medical problem such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or is an isolated problem\n\n\nSnoring can also lead to bedroom disharmony. It can affect the quality of life of not just the snorer but also the bed partner\n\n\nWhat is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?\n\nIt is a severe form of snoring which has serious health consequences. OSA occurs due to complete collapse or obstruction of the upper airway, at one or a combination of these levels:\n\nNasal Airway\n\n\nSoft Palate/Tonsils\n\n\nTongue Base\n\n\nPharyngeal Walls\n\n\n\nThe collapse of the airway at these possible sites can lead to apnea, which is total cessation of airflow during breathing for more than 10 seconds. Therefore this will lead to a drop in the blood oxygen saturation level.\n\nConsequently OSA is related to serious health problems such as increased risk of heart attacks, heart disease, hypertension and stroke when left untreated.\nWhat are the complaints related to OSA?\n\n\nLoud, irregular snoring\n\n\nDaytime tiredness with increased tendency to fall asleep during the day\n\n\nHeadaches in the morning\n\n\nLack of concentration\n\n\nDeterioration of intellectual capabilities\n\n\nPersonality changes\n\n\nPotency problems\n\n\nNight sweats\n\n\nTendency to depression\n\n\nHow does the doctor diagnose OSA?\n\n\nA thorough history and clinical examination is performed. The weight and height are measured to determine the body mass index (BMI)\n\n\nA complete ear, nose and throat examination by endoscopy is performed in the clinic to assess the possible sites of airway obstruction during sleep\n\n\nSleep study is often recommended to confirm the diagnosis and to assess the severity of OSA:\n\n\nOSA severity is indicated by the Apnea / Hypopnea Index (AHI) as determined by a Sleep Study\n\n\nMild: 5 \u2013 15 events / hour\n\n\nModerate: 16 \u2013 30 events / hour\n\n\nSevere: > 30 events / hour\n\n\nIs it important to recognize and treat OSA?\n\nIt is very important to recognize and treat OSA because if left untreated it can lead to serious health consequences. It is also important to inform your attending doctor if you are diagnosed with OSA especially before undergoing surgery.\n\nHealth consequences related to OSA include:\n\nHypertension\n\n\nMyocardial infarction\n\n\nStroke\n\n\nType II diabetes\n\n\nDepression\n\n\nCognitive dysfunction\n\n\nImpotence, sexual dysfunction, or reduced libido\n\n\nMorning headaches\n\n\nGeneral preventive measures for snoring\n\n\nSleep habits modification\n\nRegular sleep-wake timesPeaceful surroundings at night\n\n\nModerate room temperature\n\n\nAvoidance of night shift and changing work shifts\n\n\n\n\nReduction of weight\n\n\nExercise\n\n\nAvoidance of alcohol and sedatives\n\n\nTreatment options for OSA\n\n\nAPAP (Automated Positive Airway Pressure) with Mask\n\nIt is the Gold Standard treatment for Sleep Apnea. Patients are required to wear a face or nasal mask which blows in humidified air. This will help to \u2018splint\u2019 the airway open during sleep.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nOral appliance\n\nOral Appliance Therapy is a suitable front-line treatment option for mild to moderate OSA sufferers and simple snorers. The Oral Appliance is worn during sleep to maintain the patency of the upper airway by increasing its dimensions and reducing collapsibility. Best are those which are custom made for the patient as it will fit more snugly according to the dimensions of the oral cavity\n\n\nSurgical treatment options for OSA\n\nThe aim of the surgery is to overcome the sites of obstruction. Therefore the type(s) of surgery recommended varies between patients.\n\nThe surgeries that can be performed include:\n\nTonsillectomy and adenoidectomy for enlarged tonsils and adenoids\n\n\nSeptoplasty when there is significant nasal septum deviation causing nose block\n\n\nTurbinate surgery when there is enlarged turbinates which contribute to nose block\n\n\nSoft palate surgery to improve the airway diameter of the throat which includes pillar implant procedure, radiofrequency tissue volume reduction procedure or cautery assisted palatal stiffening operations.\n\n\nBase of tongue surgery if there is a bulky tongue which flops backwards and obstructs the airway\n\n\nSurgery to facial bones such as the mandibular advancement surgery when there is a small jaw or receding chin\n\n\nCan OSA occur in children?\n\nYes, it can occur in children who have snoring. The symptoms may differ from adults as they can present with mouth breathing, behavioural problems/ irritability, learning difficulties, hyperactivity and bedwetting. Often these children have large tonsils and adenoids which cause the airway obstruction. Obesity is a less common reason for OSA in children.\nDr. Mazita Ami\n\nConsultant Ear, Nose, Throat- Head & Neck Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/snoring-or-obstructive-sleep-apnea-syndrome-osas-in-children", "title": " Snoring or Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) in Children", "body": "\n\n\n\n Snoring or Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) in Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 31, 2016\n \n\nParents may notice snoring and pauses in the child's breathing while the child is sleeping. Snoring in children is quite common - about 15 to 20 children in every 100 will snore. OSAS is less common - about two to three children in every 100. Dr. Lai Eng Meng, Consultant Pediatrician Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya shares on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) and Snoring in children.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSnoring or OSAS in Children \u2013 Mom\u2019s Baby, Issue July 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sperma-faq", "title": "Sperma FAQ", "body": "\n\n\n\nSperma FAQ\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 02, 2011\n \n\nJika satu sperma sahaja yang perlu untuk menghasilkan satu bayi, kenapa seorang lelaki memerlukan jutaan sperma untuk satu kehamilan ? Berapa lama ia hidup dan bagaimana untuk menghasilkan sperma yang sihat adalah diantara soalan yang kerap ditanya.\nBerapa lama sperma boleh hidup?\n\nIa sebenarnya bergantung kepada beberapa fakta. Yang paling penting ialah dimana sperma tersebut berada. Sekiranya ia terlekat pada pakaian atau kain, sperma selalunya akan mati sebaik sahaja air mani menjadi kering. Sekiranya sperma berada didalam air atau tub mandian, ia mungkin akan hidup lebih lama terutama kalau air agak suam.\n\nWalaubagaimanapuan untuk kehamilan disebabkan sperma masuk kedalam faraj wanita semasa berendam dalam tub yang mengandungi sperma hampir tidak mungkin berlaku..\n\nDalam badan wanita selepas ejakulasi didalam faraj, sperma boleh hidup sehingga 5 hari. Sekiranya anda bersama beberapa hari sebelum ovulasi terjadi, kemungkinan anda untuk hamil adalah tinggi.\nBerapa bilangan sperma yang diperlukan untuk terjadi kehamilan?\n\nWalaupun kita memerlukan satu sperma sahaja untuk menghasilkan satu bayi, perjalanan sperma dari faraj ke salur fallopian adalah sangat jauh dan berliku menyebabkan berjuta juta sperma mati sebelum sempat sampai kerahim. Dari beratus juta cuma ratusan sperma sahaja yang akhirnya sampai ke saluran fallopian dan cuma satu sperma yang paling sihat dan kuat sahaja yang boleh menembusi dinding telur yang tebal. Saintis percaya ini adalah sebahagian dari proses semulajadi untuk memastikan sperma yang terbaik dan berkualiti sahaja yang boleh bersenyawa bagi mempastikan kejadian janin yang sihat.\nAdakah terdapat amalan atau ubat yang boleh menghasilkan sperma yang sihat?\n\nMemang ada. Ia termasuklah:-\n\n\u00a0\n\nKurangkan merokok\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPastikan anda tidak terdedah kepada toksin persekitaran seperti pembunuh serangga dan sebagainya.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKurangkan minuman alkohol.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMakan makanan yang sihat dan cuba kurangkan berat badan kalau lemak berlebihan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSekiranya ada penghidap kencing manis dan sebagainya, pastikan ia dalam keadaan terkawal.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKurangkan pemakaian jeans atau seluar dalam ketat kerana haba yang tinggi pada skrotum menyebabkan pengeluaran sperma menjadi kurang.\n\n\nApa yang kita boleh ketahui melalui analisa air mani?\n\nAnalisa air mani adalah salah satu ujian kerap dibuat untuk menentukan punca kenapa pasangan gagal hamil. Kajian menunjukkan 40% dari sebab infertility berpunca dari air mani yang tidak normal. Selalunya air mani di kumpul didalam bekas plastik selepas mastubasi dan pemeriksaan dibawah mikroskop akan dibuat \u00bd -1 jam kemudian.\n\n\u00a0\n\nJumlah dan kepekatan air mani:\n Isipadu normal adalah diantara 2-6 mls atau lebih kurang 1 sudu kecil. Terlalu sedikit menunjukkan sperma yang tidak cukup dan terlalu banyak pula adalah tanda ia terlalu cair dan kepekatan sperma yang kurang. Air mani selalunya berketul sebaik sahaja dikeluarkan dan menjadi cair selepas 15 min. Air mani yang tidak menjadi cair dan masih berketul menyebabkan sperma sukar bergerak dan perjalanan sperma ke rahim sukar berlaku.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKepekatan Sperma.\n Ia adalah bilangan sperma dalam setiap 1 mL air mani. 20 juta sperma atau lebih dalam satu mL adalah normal.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPergerakkan Sperma.\n Ini adalah peratus sperma yang bergerak dan cara pergerakkannya. Selepas 1 jam, 50% daripada sperma sepatutnya sudah dapat bergerak dalam garisan lurus.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBentuk Sperma.\n Analisa rupa, saiz, dan tentang kecacatan sperma. Sebagai contoh berkepala dua, putus ekor dan sebagainya.\n\n\nAdalah lelaki akan berhenti mengeluarkan sperma selepas lanjut usia?\n\nBerbeza dengan kaum wanita dimana kesuburan berhenti selepas menopos. Lelaki akan tetap menghasilkan sperma walaupun sudah lanjut usia walaupun mungkin produksi sperma menjadi lebih kurang dari usia muda.\nDr. Raja Junaidah Bt Raja Abdullah\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Puchong\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sports-medicine-dr-harjeet-singh-consultant-orthopedic-surgeon-bfm-podcast", "title": "Sports Medicine - Dr Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nSports Medicine - Dr Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 09, 2011\n \n\nSports and exercise medicine is not simply about treating stress fractures and torn muscles. Find out more about sports medicine as Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh seeks to broaden our minds.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sports-related-arthritis-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Sports-Related Arthritis - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nSports-Related Arthritis - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 25, 2012\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nArthritis is thought of as the domain of the old, lessening their movement and causing pain. But sports injuries and repetitive movements can also be culprits causing arthritis in the young and active. Dr. Harjeet Singh explains sports-related arthritis to us.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sports-related-injuries-young-girls-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Sports Related Injuries in Young Girls - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nSports Related Injuries in Young Girls - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 30, 2012\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nToday, Sport figures are more revered than they have ever been. Some Kids and their parents will do whatever it takes to get there. But will it be at a cost? Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh talks about the dangerous injuries both males and females concur when playing sports within the wrong age/time. There is a greater risk when the child breaks through the injuries and pain while continuing his/her sporting activities to please the parents. Tune in to find out more.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sports-science-and-potential-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Sports Science and Potential - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nSports Science and Potential - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 17, 2015\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nIn February, Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin announced plans to revamp and overhaul our sports program, and a part of that would be to bring sports science to the fore and make it a central part of the plan. Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, discusses the role that athletes can play in bringing out the true potential of young athletes.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast\u00a0\nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/spot-lump", "title": "Spot That Lump", "body": "\n\n\n\nSpot That Lump\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 01, 2015\n \n\nBreast cancer is one of the most talked about cancers amongst women. Here is what every woman should know about the disease\n\n\u00a0\n\nSpot That Lump - FEMALE Magazine, Issue Oct 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/stay-away-from-HPV-zh", "title": "\u8fdc\u79bb\u4eba\u4e73\u5934\u7624\u75c5\u6bd2 (HPV)", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u8fdc\u79bb\u4eba\u4e73\u5934\u7624\u75c5\u6bd2 (HPV)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 31, 2022\n \n\n\u5173\u4e8e\u751f\u75c5\u8fd9\u4ef6\u4e8b\uff0c\u6700\u5c34\u5c2c\u548c\u96be\u4ee5\u542f\u9f7f\u7684\u5e94\u8be5\u5c31\u662f\u79c1\u5bc6\u90e8\u4f4d\u3002\u65e9\u5e74\u7684\u4fdd\u5b88\u6559\u80b2\uff0c\u8ba9\u6027\u6559\u80b2\u6210\u4e3a\u4e0d\u53ef\u8bf4\u7684\u79d8\u5bc6\uff0c\u5982\u4eca\u6027\u6240\u5f15\u8d77\u7684\u75be\u75c5\u3001\u793e\u4f1a\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u6210\u4e3a\u56fd\u5bb6\u3001\u6559\u80b2\u548c\u533b\u7597\u673a\u6784\u81f4\u529b\u89e3\u51b3\u7684\u76ee\u6807\u4e4b\u4e00\u3002\n\n\u8bb8\u591a\u4eba\u5728\u79c1\u5bc6\u90e8\u4f4d\u51fa\u73b0\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u5f02\u5473\u3001\u9a9a\u75d2\u65f6\uff0c\u90fd\u9009\u62e9\u9ed8\u9ed8\u5fcd\u53d7\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u81ea\u884c\u5904\u7406\u3002\u968f\u7740\u7f51\u7edc\u8d44\u8baf\u7684\u53d1\u8fbe\uff0c\u52a0\u4e0a\u6211\u56fd\u536b\u751f\u90e8\u548c\u653f\u5e9c\u5728\u591a\u5e74\u524d\u4e5f\u4e00\u76f4\u529b\u63a8\u5404\u9879\u5065\u5eb7\u89c9\u9192\u8bb2\u5ea7\u548c\u6d3b\u52a8\u540e\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u5f00\u59cb\u542c\u5230HPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\n\nHPV\u662f\u4eba\u7c7b\u4e73\u7a81\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u6027\u75c5\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\u5b83\u4e0e\u5f88\u591a\u79c1\u5bc6\u90e8\u4f4d\u7684\u764c\u75c7\u6709\u5bc6\u5207\u5173\u7cfb\u3002\u90a3\u4e48\u4ec0\u4e48\u662fHPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u5462\uff1f\n\n\u00a0\n\n12\u79cdHPV\u53ef\u81f4\u764c\n\n\n\n\u201c\u76ee\u524d\uff0c\u5728\u533b\u5b66\u4e0a\u5df2\u77e5\u7684HPV\u591a\u8fbe150\u79cd\u7c7b\uff0c\u5176\u4e2d12\u79cdHPV\u53ef\u81f4\u764c\uff0c\u800c75%\u81f380%\u7684\u7537\u5973\u53ef\u80fd\u90fd\u5df1\u611f\u67d3HPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\u201d\n\n\u54e5\u4f26\u6bd4\u4e9a\u4e9a\u6d32\u533b\u9662\u5987\u4ea7\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\u6307\u51fa\uff0c\u6bd4\u8f83\u666e\u904d\u7684HPV\u75be\u75c5\u5c31\u662f\u751f\u6b96\u5668\u75a3\uff0c\u4e5f\u5c31\u662f\u4fd7\u79f0\u7684\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\u6027\u75c5\uff0c\u53ca\u53e3\u8154\u764c\u3002\n\n\u201c\u53d1\u751f\u5728\u5973\u6027\u7684HPV\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u8f83\u4e3a\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u662f\u5b50\u5bab\u9888\u764c\u3001\u5bab\u9888\u817a\u764c\u3001\u9634\u9053\u764c\u3001\u5916\u9634\u764c\uff1b\u7537\u6027\u7684\u9664\u4e86\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\u4e4b\u5916\uff0c\u6709\u53e3\u8154\u764c\u3001\u809b\u95e8\u764c\u7b49\u3002\u201d\n\nHPV\u5c31\u4e00\u5b9a\u4f1a\u5f97\u764c\u75c7\u5417\uff1f\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u666e\u904d\u4e0a\u6c11\u4f17\u5bf9HPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u8ff7\u601d\u4e4b\u4e00\u3002\u5979\u8bf4\uff0c\u6709HPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u4e0d\u4e00\u5b9a\u5c31\u4f1a\u5f97\u764c\u75c7\uff0c\u5b83\u53d6\u51b3\u4e8e\u75c5\u6bd2\u662f\u5426\u75c5\u53d8\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u800c\u8a00\uff0c\u75c5\u6bd2\u7ecf\u8fc75\u81f320\u5e74\u5185\uff0c\u4ea7\u751f\u75c5\u53d8\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u7387\u4f1a\u6bd4\u8f83\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u75c5\u6bd2\u75c5\u53d8\u52063\u9636\u6bb5\n\n\n\n\u201cHPV\u75c5\u5bff\u7684\u75c5\u53d8\u5206\u4e3a3\u4e2a\u9636\u6bb5\uff0c\u4e00\u65e6\u8fdb\u5165\u7b2c3\u9636\u6bb5\u7684\u75c5\u53d8\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u6bd4\u8f83\u68d8\u624b\uff0c\u6210\u764c\u7387\u6781\u9ad8\u3002\u201d\n\n\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\u533b\u751f\u79f0\uff0c\u5728\u5927\u9a6c\uff0c\u5b50\u5bab\u9888\u764c\u662f\u5973\u6027\u7684\u5934\u53f7\u6740\u624b\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u5987\u79d1\u6076\u6027\u80bf\u7624\u4e2d\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\u4e00\u79cd\uff0c\u597d\u53d1\u4e8e40\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u4eba\u7fa4\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd1\u5e74\u6765\u7684\u5b50\u5bab\u81f4\u764c\u5374\u9010\u6e10\u51fa\u73b0\u5e74\u8f7b\u5316\u7684\u8d8b\u52bf\u3002\u8fd9\u8bf4\u660e\u5973\u6027\u8d8a\u6c34\u8d8a\u65e9\u719f\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u8fc7\u65e9\u6709\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\u3002\n\n\u201c\u5728\u5927\u9a6c\uff0c\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u7684HPV\u7c7b\u578b\u662fHPV 16\u300118\u300152\u300158\u3002\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\u662f\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u4e14\u975e\u5e38\u5177\u6709\u4f20\u67d3\u6027\u7684HPV\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u5728\u5927\u9a6c\u6bcf\u5e74\u670936\u4e07\u5de6\u53f3\u7684\u7537\u5973\u4f1a\u611f\u67d3\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\u3002\u5176\u4e2d90%\u7684\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\u6027\u75c5\u662fHPV 6\u3001 HPV 11\u53f7\u81f4\u3002\u8fd9\u5c5e\u4e8e\u6ee1\u4e25\u91cd\u7684\u4e00\u79cd\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u5728\u6cbb\u7597\u540e\uff0c\u5927\u90e8\u5206\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\u90fd\u4f1a\u5728\u6570\u6708\u5185\u5faa\u73af\u590d\u53d1\uff0c\u96be\u4ee5\u6839\u6cbb\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u63a5\u79cd\u75ab\u82d7\u53ef\u9884\u9632HPV \u2022 \u5973\u6027\u5e94\u5f53\u6bcf\u5e74\u4f53\u68c0\n\n\n\n\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\u533b\u751f\u5f3a\u8c03\u63a5\u79cdHPV\u75ab\u82d7\u662f\u6700\u6709\u6548\u7684\u9884\u9632\u65b9\u6cd5\uff0c\u5e76\u5efa\u8bae\u5973\u6027\u6bcf\u5e74\u8fdb\u884c\u5b50\u5bab\u9888\u62b9\u7247\uff08Pap Smear\uff09\u68c0\u67e5\u3002\u4ece\u8fd9\u9879\u68c0\u67e5\u5c31\u53ef\u5f97\u77e5HPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u6709\u6ca1\u6709\u75c5\u53d8\uff0c\u5982\u679c\u6709\uff0c\u63d0\u524d\u68c0\u67e5\u548c\u6cbb\u6108\u7387\u8fd8\u662f\u5f88\u9ad8\u3002\u5979\u8bf4\uff0c\u76ee\u524d\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u79cd\u68c0\u67e5\u5c31\u662f\u4eba\u7c7b\u4e73\u5934\u72b6\u7624\u75c5\u6bd2\uff08HPV\uff09\u68c0\u67e5\uff0c\u8fd9\u9879\u68c0\u67e5\u53ef3\u5e74\u8fdb\u884c\u4e00\u6b21\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n3 \u75ab\u82d7\u9632\u62a4\u4e0d\u540c\n\n\n\n\u81f3\u4e8eHPV\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u76ee\u524d\u5e02\u9762\u4e0a\u67093\u79cd\uff0c\u5373Cervarix\uff082\u4ef7\u75ab\u82d7\uff09\u3001 Gardasil 4\uff084\u4ef7\u75ab\u82d7\uff09\u53ca Gardasil 9\uff089\u4ef7\u75ab\u82d7\uff09\u30022\u4ef7\u30014\u4ef7\u548c9\u4ef7\u75ab\u82d7\u7684\u6570\u5b87\uff0c\u4ee3\u8868\u75ab\u82d7\u53ef\u5bf9\u51e0\u79cdHPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u8d77\u5230\u9632\u62a4\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u4ef7\u683c\u4e5f\u4e0d\u540c\u3002\n\nCervarix\uff082\u4ef7\u75ab\u82d7\uff09\u9488\u5bf9HPV 16\u3001HPV 18\u75c5\u6bd2\u5f15\u53d1\u7684\u611f\u67d3\uff1b\u53ef\u4ee5\u9884\u9632\u5b50\u5bab\u9888\u764c\u9ad8\u8fbe70%\uff1b\u5927\u9a6c\u653f\u5e9c\u514d\u8d39\u4e3a\u6240\u670913\u5c81\u5c11\u5973\u63a5\u79cd\u3002\n\nGardasil 4\uff084\u4ef7\u75ab\u82d7\uff09\u5df2\u4e8e2020\u5e74\u505c\u6b62\u751f\u4ea7\uff0c\u5c06\u5168\u9762\u7531Gardasil 9\u53d6\u4ee3\u3002\u5b83\u53ef\u9488\u5bf9HPV6\u300111\u300116\u300118\u75c5\u6bd2\u611f\u67d3\u63d0\u4f9b\u9632\u62a4\uff1b\u5176\u4e2dHPV 6\u300116\u662f\u5f15\u53d1\u751f\u6b96\u5668\u75a3\uff08\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\uff09\u7684\u75c5\u6bd2\uff0c\u53ef\u9632\u62a4\u9ad8\u8fbe90%\u3002\n\nGardasil 9\uff089\u4ef7\u75ab\u82d7\uff09\u4e8e2017\u5e74\u5f00\u59cb\u5728\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u63a8\u51fa\uff0c\u9488\u5bf9HPV6\u300111\u300116\u300118\u300131\u300133\u300145\u300152\u300158\uff0c9\u79cdHPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u8d77\u5230\u9632\u62a4\uff1b\u53ef\u9884\u9632\u9ad8\u8fbe90%\u7684\u5b50\u5bab\u9888\u764c\u53ca\u9ad8\u8fbe90%\u7684\u6930\u83dc\u82b1\u6027\u75c5\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u7537\u751f\u4e5f\u5e94\u63a5\u79cd\n\n\n\n\u76ee\u524d\uff0c\u5168\u4e16\u754c\u5df2\u670923\u4e2a\u56fd\u5bb6\u5f00\u59cb\u63d0\u4f9bHPV\u75ab\u82d7\u7ed9\u7537\u751f\u548c\u5973\u751f\u3002\u7531\u4e8e\u7537\u6027\u662fHPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u5a92\u4ecb\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\u533b\u751f\u5efa\u8bae\uff0c\u7537\u6027\u4e5f\u5e94\u8be5\u63a5\u79cdHPV\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u6765\u4fdd\u62a4\u8eab\u8fb9\u6240\u7231\u7684\u4eba\u3002\n\n\u7531\u4e8eGardasil 9\u4ef7\u683c\u8f83\u9ad8\uff0c\u76ee\u524d\u653f\u5e9c\u533b\u9662\u672a\u6709\u63d0\u4f9b\uff0c\u6709\u9700\u8981\u7684\u6c11\u4f17\u53ef\u5230\u79c1\u4eba\u533b\u9662\u54a8\u8be2\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\nHPV\u5982\u4f55\u4f20\u64ad\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u987e\u540d\u601d\u4e49\uff0c\u6027\u75c5\u662f\u7531\u6027\u63a5\u89e6\u5f15\u8d77\u3002\u5b83\u53ef\u4ee5\u901a\u8fc7\u540c\u6027\u4e4b\u95f4\u7684\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\u4e92\u76f8\u611f\u67d3\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u809b\u4ea4\u3001\u4ea4\u3001\u7537\u5973\u4e4b\u95f4\u7684\u81ea\u7136\u6027\u4ea4\u3001\u751f\u6b96\u5668\u4e4b\u95f4\u7684\u63a5\u89e6\u3001\u76ae\u80a4\u548c\u751f\u6b96\u5668\u4e4b\u95f4\u3001\u4ee5\u53ca\u808c\u80a4\u4e0a\u7684\u63a5\u89e6\u3002\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u201c\u808c\u80a4\u4e0a\u7684\u63a5\u89e6\u591a\u6570\u53d1\u751f\u5728\u6bcd\u4eb2\u4e0e\u5a74\u513f\u4e4b\u95f4\u3002\u5047\u5982\u6bcd\u4eb2\u5728\u6000\u5b55\u65f6\u5df2\u6709HPV\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48\u5a74\u513f\u5728\u81ea\u7136\u4ea7\u7684\u8fc7\u7a0b\u4e2d\uff0c\u7ecf\u7531\u9633\u9053\u51fa\u751f\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u88ab\u611f\u67d3\u3002\u867d\u7136\u8fd9\u79cd\u6848\u4f8b\u8f83\u5c11\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u611f\u67d3\u9014\u5f84\u3002\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u8981\u5982\u4f55\u907f\u514d\u60a3HPV\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u4e25\u683c\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u8981\u907f\u514d\u60a3\u4e0aHPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u5c31\u8981\u907f\u514d\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\uff0c\u76f8\u4fe1\u8fd9\u662f\u6bd4\u8f83\u96be\u7684\u4e00\u4e2a\u70b9\u3002\u53e6\u4e2a\u65b9\u5f0f\u5c31\u662f\u4f7f\u7528\u907f\u5b55\u5957\uff0c\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u6700\u5b89\u5168\u7684\u5c31\u662f\u901a\u8fc7\u63a5\u79cdHPV\u75ab\u82d7\u6765\u8fdb\u884c\u9884\u9632\u3002\n\n\u53ea\u8981\u6709\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\u5c31\u4f1a\u5b58\u5728\u98ce\u9669\u3002\u4f8b\u5982\u592a\u8fc7\u5e74\u8f7b\u5c31\u6709\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\u3001\u62e5\u6709\u8d85\u8fc7\u4e00\u4e2a\u6027\u4f34\u4fa3\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u4f60\u7684\u7537/\u5973\u670b\u53cb\uff0c\u6216\u4e08\u592b/\u59bb\u5b50\uff0c\u66fe\u7ecf\u6709\u8d85\u8fc7\u4e00\u4e2a\u6027\u4f34\u4fa3\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u98ce\u9669\u6709\u591a\u9ad8\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\u533b\u751f\u4e3e\u4f8b\uff0c\u5047\u5982A\u5973\u5df2\u6709HPV 1\uff0c\u5979\u7684\u7537\u670b\u53cb\u6709HPV 2\uff0c\u4e24\u4eba\u5728\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\u8fc7\u540e\uff0c\u5f7c\u6b64\u90fd\u4f1a\u62e5\u6709HPV 1\u548cHPV 2\u75c5\u6bd2\u3002\u6240\u4ee5\uff0c\u611f\u67d3\u98ce\u9669\u6709\u591a\u9ad8\uff0c\u53d6\u51b3\u4e8e\u5f7c\u6b64\u7684\u6027\u4f34\u4fa3\u6709\u591a\u5c11\u3002\n\n\u301d\u611f\u67d3\u7684HPV\u79cd\u7c7b\u8d8a\u591a\uff0c\u611f\u67d3\u9ad8\u5371\u7684HPV 16\u300118\u300152\u548c58\u75c5\u6bd2\u51e0\u7387\u5c31\u8d8a\u9ad8\u3002\u201d\n\n\u8d8a\u65e9\u6709\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\uff0c\u611f\u67d3HPV\u7684\u79cd\u7c7b\u5c31\u4f1a\u8d8a\u591a\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48HPV\u75c5\u6bd2\u75c5\u53d8\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u3001\u60a3\u764c\u7684\u98ce\u9669\uff0c\u4e0e\u8f83\u6162\u6709\u6027\u884c\u4e3a\u7684\u4eba\u7fa4\u76f8\u6bd4\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u6bd4\u8f83\u9ad8\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u70b9\u51fb\u6b64\u5904\n\u89c2\u770b\u5f55\u5236\u7684Facebook\u76f4\u64ad\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Abi Ling Ung Ping\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bintulu\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (Manipal), MRCOG (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u6797\u6c76\u5bbe\uff1a\u751f\u6b96\u5668\u75a3\u5177\u4f20\u67d3\u6027 \u2022 HPV 5\u81f320\u5e74\u75c5\u53d8\u98ce\u9669\u9ad8\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u57282022\u5e743\u670820\u65e5\u7684\u300a\u661f\u6d32\u7f51\u300b\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/stay-healthy-during-haze", "title": "Stay Healthy During the Haze", "body": "\n\n\n\nStay Healthy During the Haze\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 20, 2019\n \n\nClear skies are hardly visible these days. That\u2019s how bad the haze situation has become. As of 12 th September, 2019, our beloved Kuala Lumpur is ranked 17 in the list of world\u2019s most polluted cities as deemed by AirVisual, a Switzerland-based pollution mapping company. On some days, KL goes up to number one on the list, with readings above 150 AQI or Air Quality Index, also known here in Malaysia as Air Pollution Index or API. At that level, KL\u2019s readings exceed those of well-known congested cities including Jakarta and Delhi.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBe in the Know\n\nLet\u2019s take a look at API readings and the indications. Good is 0 to 50, Moderate is 51 to 100, Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups is 101 to 150, Unhealthy is 151 to 200, Very Unhealthy is 201 to 300 and Hazardous is above 300.\n\nRecently, Rompin, a small town in Pahang, reached a record of 224 API compared to other places in Malaysia! This was just on the 12th of Sept, 2019. It doesn\u2019t look like the air pollution is leaving us any time soon.\n\nHowever, while we wait for the air to clear up, we can arm ourselves with some basic knowledge to care for our health during this hazy season. \u201cWe must exercise caution,\u201d says Columbia Asia Hospital-Setapak Medical Officer, Dr Andrew Chan.\n\n\n\nHe urges everyone to monitor the API readings in order to gauge how safe it would be to be in the outdoors, especially for those with sensitive respiratory issues. Whenever the API index is high, his advice is to remain indoors and avoid outdoor activities. So mums and dads, as much as the young ones will complain, we will have to put our foot down and say no to field sports and playground outings for the time being. That is if the schools are still open.\n\n\u00a0\n\nLife Goes On\n\nIf for any reason, you cannot avoid from being outside like the thousands of pedestrians who must get to work regardless of rain or shine (or haze), Dr Chan emphasizes the use of air-purifying respirators. These are believed to be more efficient than the three-ply tissue paper mask. Other than type of mask, how you wear the mask is equally important. It must fit the face snugly without leaving any gaps for polluted air to seep through.\n\n\u00a0 \nIncrease Your Immunity\n\nYoung children and the elderly are the hardest hit in a situation like this. The extra dirt in the air can also clog pores and cause skin problems among regular adults and adolescents. Cases of asthma attacks, coughs and colds are occurring in most households as we speak.\n\n\u201cTake your medication regularly if you are suffering from existing illnesses especially respiratory and heart diseases,\u201d adds Dr Chan. \u201cDrink more. At least two litres a day. And go easy on coffee and alcohol. It\u2019s also good to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to strengthen your immune system.\u201d Evidently, the extra hydration and Vitamin C can help remedy these nasty effects of the haze.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nHaze Trapped Indoors\n\nDid you know that there is such a thing as indoor air pollution? As the haze enters the airways of your house, air quality becomes worse as pollution is trapped and lingers for longer than it does outdoors. \u201cIt\u2019s best to limit or avoid anything that will add to the polluted air, for example fumes from frying food or smoking,\u201d stresses Dr Chan. Especially if ventilation is poor, you may want to consider an air purifier to ease this condition.\n\nThese are just some of the things you can do to keep healthy throughout the haze season. Hopefully it clears up soon so we all can have our days in fresh air and sunshine again. As for the good health habits you have instilled, continue for life!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Andrew Chan\n\n\nMedical Officer\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMBBS (AIMST), MBA Healthcare Management (AIMST)\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/steps-to-healthy-ageing", "title": "Steps To Healthy Ageing", "body": "\n\n\n\nSteps To Healthy Ageing\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 28, 2016\n \n\nA healthy diet and positive outlook are keys to growing old gracefully. Engaging in healthy behaviour event later in life can prevent, delay and control diseases. Dr. Geetha Palaniappan, Medical Office, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya shares on how ones can grow old healthily.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSteps to Healthy Ageing \u2013 New Strait Times, Issue 28 June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/stomach-cancer-colorectal-cancer-can-be-cured-if-detected-early", "title": "\u80c3\u764c\u4e0e\u80a0\u764c\u82e5\u63d0\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u88ab\u6cbb\u6108", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u80c3\u764c\u4e0e\u80a0\u764c\u82e5\u63d0\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u88ab\u6cbb\u6108\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 03, 2020\n \n\n\u00a0\n\n\u9ed1\u8c79\u4e3b\u89d2\u56e0\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u53bb\u4e16! \u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u80c3\u764c\u4e0e\u80a0\u764c\u82e5\u63d0\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u88ab\u6cbb\u6108\u5417?Columbia Asia Hospital \u63d0\u4f9b\u65e0\u75db\u80a0\u80c3\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\n\n\n\n\u8fd1\u671f\u9ed1\u8c79\u9970\u6f14\u8005 \u67e5\u5fb7\u7ef4\u514b \u56e0\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u53bb\u4e16\uff0c\u6b64\u62a5\u9053\u4e00\u51fa\u9707\u60ca\u5404\u754c! \u7684\u786e\uff0c\u764c\u75c7\u5df2\u7ecf\u4e0d\u518d\u662f\u5e74\u957f\u4eba\u58eb\u7684\u4e13\u5229\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u662f\u80a0\u764c\u60a3\u8005\u6709\u9010\u6e10\u5e74\u8f7b\u5316\u7684\u8d8b\u52bf\u3002\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u662f\u5927\u9a6c\u7537\u6027\u6700\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\u764c\u75c7\uff0c\u4e5f\u5973\u6027\u7b2c\u4e8c\u5e38\u89c1\u7684\u764c\u75c7\uff0c\u5a01\u80c1\u4ec5\u5728\u4e73\u764c\u4e4b\u540e!\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u4e5f\u662f\u5927\u9a6c\u4eba\u6700\u5e38\u7f79\u60a3\u7684\u4e09\u5927\u764c\u75c7\u4e4b\u4e00\uff0c\u53ef\u662f\u8bb8\u591a\u56fd\u4eba\u5374\u5bf9\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u4e86\u89e3\u4e0d\u6df1\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u6700\u53ef\u6015\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u6ca1\u6709\u7279\u5b9a\u660e\u663e\u5f81\u5146!\u4e00\u4e9b\u60a3\u8005\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u975e\u7279\u5b9a\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u6700\u660e\u663e\u7684\u662f\u6392\u4fbf\u4e60\u60ef\u6539\u53d8\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u4fbf\u79d8\uff0c\u5176\u4ed6\u75c7\u72b6\u5305\u62ec\u4fbf\u8840\u3001\u8179\u90e8\u4e0d\u9002\u4ee5\u53ca\u4f53\u91cd\u51cf\u8f7b\u7b49\u3002\u4f46\u4e00\u4e9b\u60a3\u8005\u5219\u53ef\u80fd\u5b8c\u5168\u6ca1\u6709\u8fd9\u4e9b\u75c7\u72b6\u663e\u73b0!\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u5728\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\uff0c\u591a\u6570\u7ed3\u76f4\u80a0\u764c\u60a3\u8005\u5728\u786e\u8bca\u65f6\u5df2\u7ecf\u6765\u5230\u4e86\u65e0\u6cd5\u6cbb\u6108\u7684\u665a\u671f\u9636\u6bb5\u3002\n\n\u4f46\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\uff0c\u80a0\u764c\u82e5\u53ca\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\uff0c\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u88ab\u6cbb\u6108\u5417?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u7cbe\u5bc6\u80a0\u80c3\u955c\u68c0\u67e5. \u63d0\u9ad8\u80a0\u80c3\u75be\u75c5\u6cbb\u6108\u673a\u7387\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u4e3a\u4e86\u80a0\u80c3\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u4ece\u65e5\u672c\u5f15\u8fdb\u4e86\u5148\u8fdb\u7684\u80a0\u80c3\u955c\u68c0\u6d4b\u5668\u6750\uff0c\u80fd\u591f\u4ee5\u66f4\u8f83\u5c0f\u7684\u4fb5\u5165\u6027\u5e72\u9884 \u8ba9\u60a3\u8005\u770b\u6e05\u695a\u80a0\u80c3\u91cc\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u3002\u901a\u8fc7\u4e00\u4e2a\u5c0f\u4e8e 1 \u5398\u7c73\u7684\u76f4\u5f84\u7684\u5668\u6750\uff0c\u5c31\u80fd\u591f\u62cd\u6444\u5230\u7ed3\u80a0\u548c\u5927\u80a0\u5185\u90e8\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\uff0c \u8ba9\u533b\u751f\u53ef\u4ee5\u66f4\u6e05\u695a\u5730\u4e86\u89e3\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u75c5\u60c5\uff0c\u53ca\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u95ee\u9898\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u9664\u4e86\u80a0\u764c\uff0c\u80c3\u764c\u4e0e\u80c3\u90e8\u75be\u75c5\u4e5f\u80fd\u900f\u8fc7\u80c3\u955c\u88ab\u53d1\u73b0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u6839\u636e Columbia Asia Hospital \u7684\u80a0\u80c3\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u8868\u793a\uff0c\u534e\u4eba\u5728\u4e09\u5927\u79cd\u65cf\u4e2d\u7f79\u60a3\u80c3\u764c\u673a\u7387\u6700\u9ad8\uff0c\u5176\u4e2d\u539f\u56e0\u4e4b\u4e00\u5c31\u662f\u56e0\u4e3a\u534e\u4eba\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u814c\u5236\u98df\u54c1\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u54b8\u9c7c\u3001\u54b8\u86cb\u3001\u9178\u83dc\u3001\u706b\u817f\u7b49\u3002\u800c\u591a\u6570\u80c3\u764c\u5c5e\u4e8e\u817a\u764c\uff0c\u65e9\u671f\u4e5f\u4e0d\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u660e\u663e\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u4e0a\u8179\u4e0d\u9002\u3001\u55f3\u6c14\u7b49\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u5e38\u88ab\u8bef\u4ee5\u4e3a\u662f\u80c3\u708e\u3001\u80c3\u6e83\u75a1\u7b49\u80c3\u6162\u6027\u75be\u75c5\u800c\u9519\u8fc7\u9ec4\u91d1\u6cbb\u7597\u65f6\u95f4\u3002\n\n\u80c3\u955c\u80a0\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\u662f\u76ee\u524d\u53d1\u73b0\u80c3\u80a0\u9053\u708e\u75c7\u3001\u6e83\u75a1\u3001\u80bf\u7624\u53ca\u764c\u524d\u75c5\u53d8\u7b49\u6700\u7b80\u4fbf\u3001\u6700\u5b89\u5168\u3001\u6700\u6709\u6548\u7684\u65b9\u6cd5\u3002\u80c3\u955c\u80fd\u591f\u68c0\u6d4b\u5230\u98df\u9053\u3001\u80c3\u548c\u5341\u4e8c\u6307\u80a0\u91cc\u7684\u72b6\u51b5\uff0c\u8ba9\u533b\u751f\u63d0\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u95ee\u9898\u3002\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u505a\u80a0\u80c3\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\u75db\u5417?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u63d0\u5230\u7167\u80a0\u955c\u80c3\u955c\uff0c\u5927\u5bb6\u8111\u6d77\u5e94\u8be5\u4f1a\u6d6e\u73b0\u4e00\u4e2a\u95ee\u9898:\u201c\u628a\u957f\u957f\u7684\u7ba1\u5b50\u63d2\u5165\u8eab\u4f53\u91cc\uff0c\u5e94\u8be5\u5f88\u75db\u5427?\u201c \u653e\u5fc3\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u7684\u7b54\u6848\u662f:\u4e0d\u75db!\n\n\u7167\u80c3\u955c\u7684\u60a3\u8005\u4ec5\u4f1a\u611f\u5230\u5589\u5499\u6709\u8f7b\u5fae\u4e0d\u9002\u611f\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u7a0d\u6709\u53cd\u80c3\u7684\u611f\u89c9\uff0c\u6574\u4e2a\u68c0\u67e5\u8fc7\u7a0b\u4ec5\u82b1\u8d39 2-5 \u5206\u949f\u3002\u7167\u80a0\u955c \u5219\u4f1a\u5728\u7ba1\u5b50\u8f6c\u5f2f\u65f6\u611f\u5230\u7a0d\u6709\u70b9\u75db\uff0c\u4f46\u8fd8\u5c5e\u4e8e\u5e38\u4eba\u53ef\u63a5\u53d7\u8303\u56f4\uff0c\u6574\u4e2a\u8fc7\u7a0b\u4e5f\u53ea\u9700 10 \u5206\u949f\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u6709\u80a0\u80c3\u65b9\u9762\u7684\u70e6\u607c\uff0c \u8bf7\u8ba9 Columbia Asia Hospital \u5e2e\u52a9\u4f60\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u6240\u63d0\u4f9b\u7684\u7cbe\u5bc6\u80a0\u80c3\u955c\uff0c\u5c06\u4f1a\u7531\u4e13\u4e1a\u53c8\u4eb2\u5207\u53cb\u5584\u7684 Dr. Mohd Salehudin \u8d1f\u8d23\u8fdb\u884c\u3002\u533b\u751f \u5728\u8fdb\u884c\u68c0\u67e5\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u4e0e\u60a3\u8005\u8fdb\u884c\u8be6\u7ec6\u7684\u8bb2\u89e3\uff0c\u4ee5\u53ca\u4e86\u89e3\u60a3\u8005\u7684\u75c5\u60c5\uff0c\u786e\u4fdd\u60a3\u8005\u4e86\u89e3\u6574\u4e2a\u7597\u7a0b!\n\n\u4eba\u4eba\u90fd\u5bb3\u6015\u764c\u75c7\uff0c\u90fd\u8bf4\u764c\u75c7\u7edd\u75c7\uff0c\u4f46\u63d0\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u75be\u75c5\u80fd\u591f\u5927\u5927\u63d0\u9ad8\u6cbb\u6108\u7684\u673a\u7387!\u82e5\u4f60\u6000\u7591\u81ea\u5df1\u6709\u5927\u80a0\u764c\u548c\u80c3 \u764c\u7684\u5f81\u5146\uff0c\u8d76\u5feb\u524d\u6765\u68c0\u67e5!\u6b22\u8fce\u5927\u5bb6\u5230 Columbia Asia Hospital \u5411\u533b\u751f\u54a8\u8be2\u6709\u5173\u80a0\u80c3\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\u7684\u66f4\u591a\u8be6\u60c5~\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Salehudin Bin Che Zan @ Che Zain\n\n\nConsultant General Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau\nMBBS (IIUM), MS (General Surgery) (IIUM), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u9ed1\u8c79\u4e3b\u89d2\u56e0\u7ed3\u80a0\u764c\u53bb\u4e16! \u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u80c3\u764c\u4e0e\u80a0\u764c\u82e5\u63d0\u65e9\u53d1\u73b0\u6709\u53ef\u80fd\u88ab\u6cbb\u6108\u5417?Columbia Asia Hospital \u63d0\u4f9b\u65e0\u75db\u80a0\u80c3\u955c\u68c0\u67e5\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728 2020 \u5e74 9 \u6708 22 \u65e5\u7684\u201dJOHOR NOW \u5c31\u5728\u67d4\u4f5b\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/stop-eating-frenzy", "title": "Stop the Eating Frenzy", "body": "\n\n\n\nStop the Eating Frenzy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 25, 2020\n \n\nWhen there isn\u2019t much to do at home during the Restricted Movement Order (RMO), opening the fridge door every few minutes has become a habit! Apparently, eating is an easy option whenever boredom sets in. Instant noodles and canned food are the first to clear on supermarket shelves which implies that when confined, people think this is all there is.\n\nOn the contrary, even when isolated, we can still eat healthy. It\u2019s just a matter of changing your mindset and making the right choices. And with COVID-19 running amok in Malaysia currently, the least we can do is to consume the right foods to keep ourselves healthy.\n\nWe ask Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya Dietitian, Nurullatifah Fauzan for suggestions on how to eat healthy during this challenging period.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSchedule your mealtimes\n\nDo not spend time munching out of boredom. Small frequent meals help to control appetite and hunger. Suggested mealtimes:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBreakfast\n\n\n7am \u2013 8am\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMorning snack\n\n\n10am\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLunch\n\n\n12pm \u2013 1pm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTea time\n\n\n4pm \u2013 5pm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDinner\n\n\n7pm \u2013 8.30pm\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you feel hungry frequently, try drinking plain water first and eat small portions but frequently. Do not skip meals. When you eat, choose high fiber and light protein snacks because they take some time to digest which helps you feel fuller for a longer time. For example, low-fat milk, a piece of fruit, one palm-sized plain nuts, low-fat yogurt and tuna sandwich.\n\n\u00a0\n\nQuarter-quarter-half\n\nAlways practice the quarter-quarter-half concept when it comes to main meals. Ensure that half of your plate is filled with vegetables and one fruit. This helps increase your fiber intake so you feel fuller on low-calorie foods. Use the following healthy plate as reference:-\n\n\u00a0\n\nAvoid processed foods\n\nProcessed foods such as canned food and instant noodles contain high sodium and preservatives. Some of its content can be high in calories, sugar and fat. Relying on these foods for a long period of time is not advisable. This can cause weight gain and subsequently Non-Communicable Diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBoost your immune system\n\nThis is a time that demands a strong immune system. Strengthen it with foods that are high in vitamins and antioxidants. The more colourful the food (natural colour), the more variety of vitamins and antioxidants you get. For example, carrots, green cabbage, purple cabbage, any green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, yellow/green/red bell peppers, eggplants, cucumber, tomatoes and fruits of all variety.\n\nSome vegetables can be kept for a long time while some must be cooked within one or two days. Frozen vegetables such as broccoli and mixed vegetables, as well as fruits that are available in supermarkets have the same nutritional value as the fresh ones. If you are worried about shelf life, you can always opt for frozen fruits and vegetables while maintaining its nutritional value.\nDistract yourself from eating\n\nExercise at home or plan new indoor activities with the family. Make this an enjoyable time for everyone in order to avoid unnecessary eating. Now there is even technology to bond with friends and families. It would also be a good idea to not surf for pictures of food!\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNurullatifah Fauzan\n\n\nDietitian\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nStop the eating frenzy! - Malay Mail, 31 March 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u9632\u75ab\u4e5f\u8981\u5403\u7684\u5065\u5eb7\u8425\u517b\u5e08\u5206\u4eab\u996e\u98df\u6cd5 - Sin Chew, 11 April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Malay Mail, 31 March 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/strenuous-exercise-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Strenuous Exercise - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nStrenuous Exercise - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 31, 2012\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nHow do elite athletes train so strenuously without injuring their bodies? Can the regular exercise enthusiast replicate these results with enough attempts and enough high-intensity training, or would it be detrimental to our fitness? Dr. Harjeet Singh shares his perspective as a specialist in sports medicine, on the planning and recovery of strenuous exercise.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/stroke-3rd-largest-cause-death-malaysia", "title": "Stroke - 3rd largest cause of death in Malaysia", "body": "\n\n\n\nStroke - 3rd largest cause of death in Malaysia\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 07, 2011\n \n\nStroke is the third largest cause of death in Malaysia after heart disease and cancer. More often than not stroke does not kill. It results in disabilities that affects a person\u2019s ability to continue working or living a normal life. Hence strokes result in hardship, both on patients and their families, who may need to provide prolonged care and support for the affected person.\n\nStrokes are due to sudden interruption of the blood supply to the brain. This can occur in two ways; when a blood vessel is blocked due to a clot (known as ischaemic stroke) or when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures leading to bleeding in the brain (known as haemorrhagic stroke). About 80% of strokes are of the ischaemic type and 20% haemorrhagic.\n\nA stroke on one side of the brain results in loss of function of the opposite side of the body; for example, a blockage of a blood vessel in the left side of the brain results in weakness of the right side of the body.\n\nStrokes or \u2018brain attacks \u2018usually occur suddenly, out of the blue, and the affected person may not even realise that he or she is having a stroke. It is important to seek medical attention immediately as early treatment may reduce the severity of the stroke and in some cases even reverse it.\n\nIf you, a friend or a relative develop the any of the following symptoms suddenly, it may be a sign of stroke:\n\nWeakness of limbs on one side of the body.\n\n\nNumbness or altered sensation on one side of the body.\n\n\nSlurred speech, difficulty in talking or problems understanding speech.\n\n\nDrooling of saliva from the mouth or problems with swallowing.\n\n\nBlurring or loss of vision.\n\n\nDizziness, unsteadiness, or incoordination of movements.\n\n\nDrowsiness, confusion or loss of consciousness.\n\n\nSevere headache especially if associated with nausea and vomiting.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe affected person may also have a combination of the above symptoms.\n\nSometimes a person with the above symptoms recovers spontaneously and completely within 24 hours. This is known as a transient ischaemic attack (or TIA) and is different from a true stroke. However a person who has had a TIA has a high risk of developing a full-blown stroke (about 10% chance within the next 3 months) and should seek medical advice promptly.\n\nWhat are the risk factors for developing stroke? One is increasing age and as the population ages there will be an increase in the number of people getting strokes. However the majority of risk factors for strokes can be controlled, both with a healthy lifestyle and medical intervention when necessary.\n\nThese risk factors include:\n\nHigh blood pressure.\n\n\nSmoking.\n\n\nDiabetes.\n\n\nHigh cholesterol levels.\n\n\nIrregular heart rhythms such as atrial fibrillation.\n\n\nObesity and sedentary lifestyle.\n\n\nUnhealthy diets.\n\n\nHeavy alcohol consumption.\n\n\n\nIt is important for us to be aware of these risk factors and to be medically screened for them. Your doctor will be the best person to advice on this. What if you already have a stroke? While early treatment of strokes may reduce its severity, most strokes almost always result in some form of permanent disability. The degree of disability may range from very minor to severe depending on the area and size of the brain that is affected.\n\nOnce a stroke is established treatment consists of rehabilitation to assist recovery and medical treatment to prevent further strokes. Rehabilitation includes physiotherapy to help motor recovery, speech therapy for speech problems, occupational therapy to help recover functional abilities and return to work and other supportive therapies.\n\nMedical treatment includes treating risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and modifying lifestyle and diet. If the stroke is of the ischaemic type due to blockage of blood vessels, treatment to prevent further blockages with medication such as anti-platelet drugs, for example aspirin or clopidogrel, would be required. For those with strokes due to irregular heart rhythms such as atrial fibrillation, blood-thinning medication, such as warfarin is usually indicated.\n\nMore information on stroke and services for stroke patients can be found on the National Stroke Association of Malaysia website: \nwww.nasam.org\nDr. Tai Keen Sang\n\nConsultant Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospitals- Cheras\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/suami-merokok-jejaskan-peluang-isteri-untuk-hamil", "title": "Suami Merokok Jejaskan Peluang Isteri Untuk Hamil", "body": "\n\n\n\nSuami Merokok Jejaskan Peluang Isteri Untuk Hamil\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 28, 2018\n \n\nBagi yang sedang merancang untuk hamil atau trying to conceive, tabiat merokok perlu dihindari. Ia boleh menyebabkan ketidaksuburan kepada lelaki dan menyebabkan pasangan sukar untuk hamil.\n\nMerokok menggugat peluang isteri untuk hamil. Menurut Dr Norintan Binti Zainal Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Hospital Seremban, wanita yang berusaha untuk hamil tetapi mempunyai suami yang merupakan perokok tegar boleh menggugat peluang mereka untuk hamil. Ia memberikan besar kepada kepada kualiti dan kuantiti air mani.\n8 KESAN MEROKOK KEPADA KESUBURAN LELAKI\n\n\nJumlah air mani dan \nbilangan sperma berkurang sebanyak 20 peratus.\n\n\nMengurangkan keupayaan sperma untuk berenang\n ke arah ovum wanita sebanyak 10 peratus.\n\n\nKelajuan dan keaktifan sperma berkurang\n lalu menyebabkan sperma menjadi \u2018lembap\u2019.\n\n\nMengurangkan jumlah sperma yang berbentuk normal!\n\n\nKecacatan sperma\n bertambah. Hal ini termasuk insiden coiled sperm (ekor sperma tersimpul antara satu sama lain) di samping bermacam kecacatan lain.\n\n\nKerosakan DNA pada sperma\n sehingga menghalang proses persenyawaan.\n\n\nRacun termasuk nikotin dalam rokok menyebabkan paras hormon pituitari menjadi tidak seimbang\n sehingga penghasilan hormon seks terjejas dan pembentukan sperma terganggu.\n\n\nBahan kimia dalam rokok m\nengurangkan nutrien penting dalam air mani\n termasuk ascorbic acid, zink, kuprum, superoxide dismutase dan lain-lain.\n\n\nSECOND HAND SMOKER MEMBAHAYAKAN ORANG SEKELILING\n\nSelain daripada itu, Dr Norintan juga memberitahu bahawa asap rokok yang disedut oleh isteri (yang tidak merokok) adalah sama bahayanya dengan bahaya terhadap si perokok.\n\nAda juga laporan yang mendapati bahawa ia LEBIH merbahaya jika disedut oleh isteri dan orang sekeliling yang tidak merokok. \nTahap kesuburan isteri juga boleh berkurangan akibat \nsecondhand smoking\n ini!\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 18 December 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nSuami Merokok Jejaskan Peluang Isteri Untuk Hamil - Majalah Pa&Ma, 18 December 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/suntikan-insulin-makanan-anak-press-clipping", "title": "Suntikan insulin 'makanan' anak [Press clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nSuntikan insulin 'makanan' anak [Press clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 12, 2012\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nHarian Metro,\n\n12 November 2012\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sup-kuman-penyebab-pelbagai-penyakit", "title": "'Sup Kuman' Penyebab Pelbagai Penyakit", "body": "\n\n\n\n'Sup Kuman' Penyebab Pelbagai Penyakit\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 17, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nBaru-baru ini tular berkaitan seorang pemuda yang mencicah roti ke dalam air banjir lalu memakannya. Suatu 'stunt' yang bukan sahaja memualkan, tetapi boleh membawa penyakit berbahaya. Setiap musim banjir, kes cirit-birit serta lain-lain penyakit bawaan air meningkat secara mendadak. Daripada warna dan bau, jelas air banjir tercemar dengan sampah, najis, air longkang dan pelbagai lagi jenis kotoran pembawa penyakit. \u00a0\n\nAir banjir itu bagaikan sup kuman yang boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit seperti konjunktivitis atau yang jauh lebih serius seperti jangkitan saluran pernafasan, leptospirosis dan denggi. Salah satu penyakit yang amat berbahaya ketika musim banjir ialah cirit-birit berjangkit atau \ninfectious diarrhea\n. Penyakit cirit-birit menghasilkan najis yang cair dan berair hinggakan pesakit berulang-ulang kali ke tandas untuk membuang air. \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nAda beberapa penyakit yang mendatangkan cirit-birit akibat air banjir: \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nDisentri\n\n\nDisentri ialah suatu jangkitan disebabkan radang usus. Najis menjadi cair bercampur lendir dan darah. Ia merebak melalui makanan atau air yang tercemar dengan najis. Rata-rata, ia disebabkan bakteria Shigella tetapi boleh juga disebabkan oleh bakteria, amoeba atau parasit. Selalunya, mereka yang dijangkiti penyakit ini terdiri daripada golongan kanak-kanak yang kurang kesedaran tentang kebersihan. Contohnya kanak-kanak yang bermain dan terminum air banjir dengan tidak sengaja. \u00a0\n\n\nKolera\n\n\nKolera atau taun ialah suatu jangkitan usus yang mudah menular melalui makanan dan minuman yang tercemar. Ia disebabkan bakteria Vibrio Cholera. Penyakit ini menyebabkan cirit-birit yang sangat teruk sehingga tubuh mengalami dehidrasi. Jika tidak ditangani, penyakit ini boleh membawa maut. Simptom utama ialah najis berair yang boleh berlaku beberapa jam atau beberapa hari selepas dicemari bakteria kolera. Kadangkala, ia berlaku tanpa simptom. Untuk merawat dehidrasi, pesakit harus segera diberi garam hidrasi oral atau pun cecair yang dimasukkan ke dalam tubuh melalui kaedah intravena bagi meningkatkan kandungan air dalam badan. Umumnya, inilah dua rawatan wajib untuk cirit-birit. \u00a0\n\n\nSalmonellosis\n\n\nJangkitan Salmonellosis disebabkan bakteria Salmonella. Ia menyebabkan demam, cirit-birit dan kekejangan perut atau cramps. Jangkitan ini juga dikenali sebagai demam typhoid. Punca jangkitan bakteria ini ialah air dan makanan yang dicemari najis haiwan. Pencemaraan begini memang suatu kebiasaan dalam situasi banjir. Pesakit harus dirawat segera dengan terapi antibiotik oral untuk jangkitan yang sederhana dan suntikan intravenous untuk jangkitan yang lebih serius. \u00a0\n\n\nPembawa bakteria Salmonella selalunya tidak sedar bahawa dia telah menjangkiti orang lain, kerana mereka yang dijangkiti tiada simptom serta merta. Lantas pesakit berterusan menjangkiti mereka yang berjarak dekat dengannya. Oleh itu, di Malaysia, mereka yang ingin bekerja dalam bidang pengendalian makanan wajib mendapatkan suntikan vaksin typhoid sebelum mula bekerja. \u00a0\n\n\nCovid-19 di musim banjir\n\n\nWalaupun sudah banyak kelonggaran peraturan Covid-19 di negara kita, contohnya mengadakan keramaian dan tidak memakai topeng muka, rakyat Malaysia belum lepas sepenuhnya daripada ancaman Covid-19. Sesuatu yang harus diingatkan ialah langkah berjaga-jaga terhadap penyakit bukan sahaja ketika banjir, tetapi selepas banjir. Mereka yang melakukan kerja-kerja pembersihan banjir serta mereka yang tinggal di pusat pemindahan sementara (PPS) tidak terkecuali daripada ancaman penyakit musim banjir. \u00a0\n\n\nRisiko jangkitan Covid-19 adalah tinggi di PPS dan harus ditangani secara berhati-hati. Umumnya, jangkitan mungkin berkaitan kebersihan makanan serta minuman, juga kesesakan manusia jarak dekat di mana kes-kes penyakit bawaan air boleh meningkat seperti kolera. Beberapa langkah harus diambil kerana mangsa-mangsa banjir semuanya di bawah satu bumbung di PPS. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang disyorkan: \u00a0\n\nPastikan air minuman bersih.\n\n\nPastikan makanan diterima masih segar dan tidak basi.\n\n\nPersekitaran serta tandas harus bersih.\n\n\nSusuan badan untuk bayi bagi mengelakkan isu kebersihan botol susu.\n\n\nKerap cuci tangan dengan sabun serta cecair penyahkuman.\n\n\nPastikan luka-luka dan kecederaan tidak terdedah. Tutup dan rawat dengan baik untuk mengelakkan jangkitan.\n\n\nJangan bermain atau berenang dalam air banjir kerana air kotor dan keruh ini bukan sahaja meningkatkan risiko jangkitan bawaan air, tetapi juga risiko mati lemas, gigitan ular, biawak dan lain-lain haiwan serta risiko terpijak objek tajam. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nKesimpulannya, pastikan anda memakai kasut but, topeng muka dan pelindung muka apabila melakukan kerja-kerja pembersihan selepas kejadian banjir. Ia bagi memastikan kita tidak terpercik air serta selut banjir ke dalam mulut atau mata. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nBachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Internal Medicine (UKM), CIMA (NIOSH) \n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n'Sup Kuman' Penyebab Pelbagai Penyakit - Harian Metro, 3 Januari 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 3 Januari 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \n Internal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/sweet-talk-sugar-safe-children", "title": "Sweet Talk : Is Sugar Safe For Children?", "body": "\n\n\n\nSweet Talk : Is Sugar Safe For Children?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 28, 2019\n \n\nSugar has had its share of attention in the past years, from being defended to being demonized. It's not something that can be easily avoided in this modern world, for almost all foods you can find in the grocery store contains some form of it. These days, it's not surprising to find shoppers scrutinizing labels in search for 'hidden sugars' as well! When it comes to children's nutrition, the question is, how much sugar can a child safely take? To answer this question and more, Baby Talk had a chat with Dr. Phang Yuk Jean, Consultant Pediatrician, Columbia Asia Hospital, Klang, and here's what we got from it.\nBT: When is the ideal age for sugar to bo added to a child's diet and why?\n\nDr Phang: Not all sugar is evil - our bodies use sugar as a source of energy. Sugar may be derived from either the breakdown of complex carbohydrates or may come from simple sugars. Complex carbohydrates are found in natural foods such as grains, vegetables and fruit and they provide valuable nutrients as well as energy for our bodies.\n\nHowever, simple sugars (which are present in sweet processed foods such as cereal bars, cookies, cakes, sweetened cereals and sweetened beverages) have little added nutritional value. Consumption of these foods and beverages can lead to excessive sugar intake which can cause problems such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.\n\nThe American Heart Association recommends less than 25 grams (6 teaspoons) of sugar per day for children ages 2 to 18 years. That includes no more than 8 ounces of sugar-sweetened drinks per week. Children younger than 2 years should have no sugar at all. This is because their calorie needs are lower, and taking sugar-laden foods and beverages would fill them up and leave less room for nutrient-dense foods.\nBT: Does the intake of sugar and sugary food has anything to do with the steady rise in communicable illnesses such as diabetes, obesity and inflammation among our youngest age group today?\n\nDr Phang: The intake of excessive sugary foods and especially beverages contribute to the increased energy intake from 'empty calories', and can lead to unhealthy weight gain, especially when paired with a sedentary lifestyle. Often children (and even adults) underestimate how much sugar goes into sweetened beverages or foods. For example, how many of us are aware that a can of Cola contains 6 teaspoons of sugar, a bottle of popular berry drink has 13 teaspoons of sugar, or some cans of commercial iced tea may contain 16 teaspoons of sugar? Unless they are weight-watchers themselves or are well-read on the subject, most parents may be completely unaware of this.\n\nObesity is on the rise, and up to 30% of Malaysian children are currently affected. Overweight and obese children are at higher risk of developing serious health problems including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver problems, gallstones, sleep disorders, and even depression.\n\nChildhood obesity also increases the risk of noncommunicable diseases, premature death and disability in adulthood. Obese children are likely to grow up to become obese adults (there is a 50% risk of an obese 6 year old to become an obese adult, and between 70-80% risk of an obese teenager to become an obese adult). Worse still, even if an overweight child loses this weight, he/she will still have a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease (twofold risk).\nBT: Can sugar be addictive to a young child?\n\nDr Phang: Taste preferences begins early in life, and so children who are exposed to sweet foods or beverages (even something considered as 'healthy' e.g. fruit juice) at a young age often grow up to have a sweet tooth and develop a taste for these foods for the rest of their lives. Thus, limiting added sugars may help children develop a lifelong preference for healthier foods.\nBT: What is your advice for parents who wish to raise their children on a diet which restricts sugar to a minimum?\n\nDr Phang: Read food labels carefully. Offer healthy choices at every meal (e.g. plenty of whole foods, more fruits and vegetables) and limit processed foods, and especially, sugary drinks. Sweet treats can be given as a treat, in reasonable portions on special occasions.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Phang Yuk Jean\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\nMBBS (India), M Paeds(UM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSweet Talk : Is Sugar Safe For Children? \u2013 Baby Talk, November 2019\n\n\n\n\n \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \npediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/swimming-science-of-speed", "title": "Swimming - Science Of Speed", "body": "\n\n\n\nSwimming - Science Of Speed\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 27, 2016\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nHumans evolved from sea creatures but we\u2019ve certainly shed a lot of the features meant for effective swimming over the millennia. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh takes a dive into the biophysics of swimming and discusses what makes Katie Ledecky and Michael Phelps the best and fastest swimmers in the world. Dr Mohd Faithal Hassan from the Sports Centre of Universiti Malaya joins the conversation.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/symptoms-and-signs-of-meningitis-children", "title": "Symptoms and Signs of Meningitis in Children", "body": "\n\n\n\nSymptoms and Signs of Meningitis in Children\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 30, 2016\n \n\nMeningitis is a term used to describe an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain or the spinal cord. Meningitis, especially bacterial meningitis, is a potentially life-threatening condition that can rapidly progress to permanent brain damage, neurologic problems, and even death. Doctors need to diagnose and treat meningitis quickly to prevent or reduce any long-term effects. Dr. Lai Eng Meng, Consultant Pediatrician of Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya shares with you on Meningitis in Children.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSymptoms and Signs of Meningitis in Children \u2013 Mom\u2019s Baby Issue June 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/taboos-and-myths-during-confinement", "title": "Taboos and Myths During Confinement \u5750\u6708\u5b50\u7981\u5fcc\u548c\u8ff7\u601d", "body": "\n\n\n\nTaboos and Myths During Confinement \u5750\u6708\u5b50\u7981\u5fcc\u548c\u8ff7\u601d\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 25, 2016\n \n\nThere is a saying \u2013 \u2018Once you give birth, you become prettier\u2019. That\u2019s right! The confinement period is a golden time for women to turn prettier and healthier! Just one month of being cautious during confinement, you may bid farewell to your body aches and pains. Nowadays, women tend to get stressed out after giving birth because of taboos from the elders; \u201cDo not wash your hair.\u201d \u201cDo not use the fan.\u201d \u201cDo not use the air conditioner.\u201d\n\nHowever, such confinement taboos are merely myths. Women should stop following these myths blindly. Even confinement traditions need to be rational and scientifically proven. In this issue of \u2018Consultant\u2019s Column\u2019, Dr. Nicholas Lim Lye Tak, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist, Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya will address the worries faced by every mother-to-be.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMombaby Magazine, Issue September 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tackling-problematic-sinusitis", "title": "Tackling Problematic Sinusitis", "body": "\n\n\n\nTackling Problematic Sinusitis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2020\n \n\nOne of the most common condition that affects us all.\n\nThe inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is known as sinusitis. Since sinusitis rarely occurs without a preceding episode of rhinitis and the interrelationship between sinusitis and rhinitis, nowadays clinicians refer to sinusitis as rhinosinusitis.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSUMMARY - SINUSITIS VS RHINOSINUSITIS\n\n\n\n\nSINUSITIS VS RHINOSINUSITIS\n\n\nThe inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is known as sinusitis. Is most often associated with upper respiratory tract infections and asthma.\n\n\nRhinitis is the inflammation of the mucosa overlying the nasal cavity.\n\n\nCAUSES\n\n\nSinusitis is most of the time caused by bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Hemophilus influenza. In rare cases, fungi can also give rise to this condition.\n\n\nRhinitis can be due to the exposure to allergens in which case it is known as allergic rhinitis. Non-allergic rhinitis is often caused by infectious agents.\n\n\nBEHAVIOR\n\n\nClinical features of sinusitis:\n\nHeadache\n\n\nPurulent rhinorrhea\n\n\nFacial pain with tenderness\n\n\nFever\n\n\n\n\nClinical features of rhinitis:\n\nTiredness\n\n\nSlight pyrexia\n\n\nMalaise\n\n\nSneezing\n\n\nProfuse watery nasal discharge\n\n\n\n\nTREATMENT\n\n\nBacterial sinusitis can be treated with nasal decongestants and antibiotics such as co-amoxiclav. Anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes used to alleviate the discomforts due to mucosal swellings.\n\nIn case of recurrent sinusitis and if any complications arise, it is appropriate to take a CT scan.\n\n\nFunctional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is required rarely for the ventilation and drainage of the sinuses.\n\n\n\n\nRhinitis is treated with:\n\nAllergen avoidance\n\n\nH1 antihistamines- commonest therapy (ex: Chlorphenamine, Hydroxyzine, Loratidine, Desloratadine, Cetirizine, Fexofenadine)\n\n\nDecongestants\n\n\nAnti-inflammatory drugs\n\n\nCorticosteroids- most effective\n\n\nLeukotriene\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA quick conversation with Dr Azlina Saaban, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospital - Cheras on the causes and treatment of sinusitis.\n1. Are sinus infections caused by bacteria or a virus?\n\n\nSinus infection is infectious to the sinuses\n\n\nIf it is a viral origin, it is contagious\n\n\nIf it caused by bacteria, usually it is not contagious\n\n\nSinusitis is inflammation of the sinus wall\n\n\nIt could be due to allergy irritation fumes which is not contagious\n\n\n2. What is the difference between sinusitis and common cold?\n\nSinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinus wall and presents almost similar to common cold like feverish, running nose, block nose, headache. Usually common cold lasts for a few days whereas sinusitis lasts longer like few weeks.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCOMMON COLD (NONALLERGIC RHINITIS)\n\nA variety of respiratory viruses such as rhinovirus (the most commonest), coronavirus, and adenovirus can cause this highly infectious illness. The disease characteristics are limited to the upper respiratory tract because the virus grows well at 33'C which is the local temperature of the upper respiratory tract. The transmission is mainly through close personal contact (nasal mucus on hand) or respiratory droplets.\n3. What allergies and pollutants that can lead to sinus infections?\n\nThe commonest allergen is house dust mites which can cause rhinitis and which later may lead to sinusitis. Any air pollutants can cause sinusitis thru the airway, whereas water pollutants, for example for swimmers, can lead to a similar problem.\n4. Survey data confirm a remarkable overuse of antibiotics for acute sinusitis that is most likely viral rather than bacterial. Your advice?\n\nAntibiotic is prescribed if the sinusitis is of bacterial origin and the patient has mucopurulent discharge. And the discharge starts to change colour from thick yellow to green, has a fever, headache, etc.\n5. When do you recommend nasal irrigation for sinusitis?\n\nI recommend for all cases of sinusitis to do nasal irrigation even from the beginning of acute sinusitis e.g. whenever the patient feels as having a blocked nose or when there is mucus in the nose.\n6. What are the preventive measures for recurrent sinus infections?\n\n\nAvoidance of anything that the patient thinks he/she is allergic to, e.g. certain food, cats, dust.\n\n\nUse a mask or avoid dusty/ smoky area.\n\n\nAvoidance of fluffy/soft toys for children.\n\n\nAvoid using of carpets or any dust collecting material.\n\n\nTo use proper pillow and bed cover to avoid exposure to house dust mite.\n\n\nTo use an air filter.\n\n\nCompliance to medication, e.g. steroid nasal spray, antihistamine, and sinus rinse as prescribed by a qualified doctor.\n\n\n7. Can over-the-counter medications be considered as the first line of treatment?\n\nYes, some medication, e.g. antihistamine, sinus rinse, and some nasal sprays.\n8. Identifying the root cause for the infection should be the first line of treatment for sinus infections. Your views?\n\nTreatment over the counter first is acceptable before we investigate further. If the problem persists or recur, then we need to further check/examine the patient by doing endoscopic examination or imaging\n9. Would you recommend taking the annual flu shot as a preventive measure for senior citizens?\n\nThe flu vaccine is to prevent influenza infection and not for sinusitis.\n10. What practical test is available to diagnosis chronic rhinosinusitis?\n\nEndoscopic examination of the nose. CT scan of the paranasal sinus. An allergy test may help to determine the allergen.\n\nSURGICAL PROCEDURES\n\n\nFESS\n (Functional endoscopic sinus surgery)\n\nA minimally invasive surgical treatment which uses nasal endo scopes to enlarge the nasal drainage pathways of the paranasal sinuses to improve sinus ventilation.\nSeptoplasty\n\nA surgical procedure to straighten the bone and cartilage dividing the space between the two nostrils (septum).\nTurbinoplasty\n\nAn operation performed to reduce the size of swellings (turbinates) that are present on the side wall of the nasal passageways.\n11. Rhinosinusitis is a common illness. What's the diagnostic and management challenge to the doctor?\n\nDiagnosing rhinosinusitis is based on patient symptoms and clinical examination findings. Endoscopic examination is important to visualise the condition of the nose, e.g. appearance of the mucosa, presence of polyps or discharge, condition of the septum and turbinates. Further test by doing the CT scan to see the whole view of the paranasal sinuses may be needed.\n\nConservative management of rhinosinusitis is by using sprays, sinus rinse, antihistamine, montelukast, and antibiotic. Surgery include FESS, septoplasty, turbinoplasty help to have better space to the nose and to the sinuses.\n\nThe challenge is when the problem is recurrent despite the treatment. It can be in relation to the patient's compliance with the medication and unavoidable environmental problem that triggers for the patient, e.g. the housing area or workplace.\n\n\u00a0\n\nACUTE VERSUS CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS\n\n\n\n\nCLASSIFICATION\n\n\nDURATION\n\n\nSYMPTOMS\n\n\nAcute Rhinosinusitis\n\n\nLasts less than 12 weeks\n\n\nMost cases caused by viral infections associated with common cold. Symptoms include nasal congestion, cough that usually worse at night, sore throat, facial pain, pressure, or fullness (pain on bending forward), headache, toothache or/and fever.\n\n\nChronic Rhinosinusitis\n\n\n12 weeks or more\n\n\nCombination of nasal congestion, facial pain, headache, night-time coughing, an increase in previously minor or controlled asthma symptoms, general malaise, thick green or yellow discharge, feeling of facial fullness or tightness that may worsen when bending over, dizziness, and/or aching teeth.\n\n\n\n\n12. Is asthma a dominant factor for recurrence in chronic rhinosinusitis?\n\nAsthma is related to allergy and allergy is related to sinusitis and nasal polyps. Thus, allergy plays a more important role.\n13. What other comorbid diseases and conditions are associated with chronic rhinosinusitis?\n\nAllergic rhinitis, asthma, and chronic bronchitis.\n14. What are the recommended medical treatments for chronic rhinosinusitis?\n\n\nDecongestant nasal spray\n\n\nSteroid nasal spray\n\n\nMucolytic agent\n\n\nOral steroid (short course)\n\n\nSinus rinse\n\n\nAntibiotics\n\n\n15. When is surgery an option for chronic rhinosinusitis?\n\n\nWhen the symptoms persist despite optimum medical treatment.\n\n\nWhen a complication arises e.g. infection to the eyes, brain abscess.\n\n\nWhen there is medical obstruction, e.g.:\n\ndeviated nasal septum\n\n\npresence of polyps obstructing the sinus ostium\n\n\n\n\n16. What are recent advances in medicine that show promising interventions for chronic rhinosinusitis in the future?\n\n\nIt is still FESS.\n\n\nOther like balloon sinuplasty still has its own limitation.\n\n\nHowever, we cannot ignore the medication and avoidance factor, as mentioned before play an important role.\n\n\nRecurrence may still occur, which we don't know when.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nDid you know?\n\nMost cases of acute rhinosinusitis are viral in origin and symptoms usually resolve within five to seven days.\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Azlina Saaban\n\n\nConsultant ENT Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\nMBBS (UM), MMed (ORL-HNS) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTackling Problematic Sinusitis - InfoMed Malaysia, Jan - Mar 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in InfoMed Malaysia, Jan - Mar 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nEar, Nose & Throat\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tak-lalu-makan-asyik-muntah-tubuh-tak-cukup-zat-ibu-hamil-disaran-ambil-suplemen", "title": "Tak Lalu Makan Asyik Muntah, Tubuh Tak Cukup Zat, Ibu Hamil Disaran Ambil Suplemen!", "body": "\n\n\n\nTak Lalu Makan Asyik Muntah, Tubuh Tak Cukup Zat, Ibu Hamil Disaran Ambil Suplemen!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 04, 2020\n \n\nKehamilan sememangnya cukup indah namun menempuh trimester pertama ternyata cukup menguji kekuatan ibu hamil. Ada daripada kita yang langsung tidak mahu makan dek kerana tiada selera mahupun muntah berpanjangan sehingga ibu hamil takut untuk makan.\n\nNamun ada juga kes di mana ibu hamil merasa loya dan tidak berselera setiap kali melihat makananan, sudahnya ibu hamil hanya minum air dan jus untuk mendapatkan tenaga. Jadi bagaimanakah ibu hamil dapat memberikan nutrisi pada tubuh dan sekaligus bayi di dalam kandungan. Dan adakah perlu ibu hamil mengambil suplemen?\n\nMenurut Dr. Jamali Wagiman, Pakar Perunding Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan, Hospital Columbia Asia, Seremban, terdapat banyak vitamin dan mineral di dalam pasaran. Pengambilannya kerap menjadi topik utama semasa pemeriksaan di klinik atau sesi soal jawab di seminar pra-natal.\n\nAsas sebenar pengambilan vitamin dan mineral tambahan semasa hamil adalah untuk mengurangkan komplikasi buruk yang mungkin berlaku kepada ibu dan bayi. Oleh itu, hanya zat besi dan folic acid sahaja perlu diambil.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWalaupun keperluan zat besi hanyalah 60 mg sehari dan asid folik 400 mg, tubuh manusia tidak mampu menyerap 100 peratus dari pil yang ditelan. Untuk itu, ibu hamil perlu mengambil zat besi, antara 180mg hingga 500mg bergantung kepada formula yang diambil.\n\nSentiasa perhatikan juga label pada botol dan rujuk semula kepada doktor kerana terdapat formula yang mengandungi paras zat besi yang terlalu sedikit walaupun perisa dan bungkusannya lebih menarik.\n\nKalsium, Vitamin A, dan zink hanya perlu diambil dalam kes-kes tertentu sahaja manakala pengambilan mineral micronutrient seperti vitamin B6, E, C dan D tidak perlu ditambah.\n\nKesimpulannya, untuk sihat ketika hamil tidak memerlukan pengambilan berbilang zat dan mineral. Ambil sahaja suplemen yang disarankan oleh doktor kerana itu sebaiknya.\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Jamali Bin Wagiman\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMD (USM), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTak Lalu Makan Asyik Muntah, Tubuh Tak Cukup Zat, Ibu Hamil Disaran Ambil Suplemen! \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 18 Oktober 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAsyik Muntah Buat Ibu Hamil Tak Lalu Makan, Jadi Lemah Sebab Tak Cukup Zat, Ini Suplemen Patut Ambil! \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 2 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 18 Oktober 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/taking-flight-during-pregnancy", "title": "Taking Flight During Pregnancy \u5b55\u5988\u54aa\u642d\u98de\u673a\u6ce8\u610f\u4e8b\u9879", "body": "\n\n\n\nTaking Flight During Pregnancy \u5b55\u5988\u54aa\u642d\u98de\u673a\u6ce8\u610f\u4e8b\u9879\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 31, 2017\n \n\nSometimes pregnancy does come unexpectedly. With the flight ticket being booked earlier and she\u2019s all set to travel, does an expecting Mommy need to give up her travel plans?\n\nCan a pregnant Mommy travel by air? What does she need to pay attention to if she is in flight?\n\nFear not. Dr. Yip Kar Weng, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang is here to share more about the topic.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMommy Baby Magazine, Issue October 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/taste-flavour-life", "title": "Taste the Flavour of Life", "body": "\n\n\n\nTaste the Flavour of Life\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 03, 2020\n \n\nToday, the importance of women in our society is beyond imagination. Women with their ambitions, intelligence and strength have surely contributed to the development of a modern society.\n\nAs a gynaecologist, I believe in women\u2019s strength and needs, always wanting to enhance and maintain their functionality. Women\u2019s aesthetic appearance and anatomy will change especially their body and pelvic floor as a result of childbirth, abdominal delivery, instrumental delivery, ageing, and other factors. It is a gynaecologist\u2019s duty to address these concerns and assist them in reaching a higher level of physical and mental satisfaction.\n\nCosmetic Gynaecology has become one of the fastest growing subspecialties for women and it is also the pooling of interest from specialists in gynaecology, urogynecology, urology, and plastic surgery world widely. This includes non-surgical and surgical cosmetic procedures to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the vulvo/vaginal region and a functional vaginal repair to enhance or help restore sexual function. A variety of new methods like hormones, platelet rich plasma (PRP), hyaluronic acid (HA), adipose tissue, laser, radio-frequency devices have been explored. These aim to solve women\u2019s problems including vulva/vagina deformity, scars, tenderness, atrophy, prolapses, incontinence as well as enhance sexual pleasure. Furthermore, to maintain functionality and aesthetic appearance of a woman is far more complex than using a simple idea of hormone replacement for all. Multiple hormones are involved which need to be weighed between the different types, forms, benefits and potential risks. Thus, case selection, customization, discussion and counselling are very important steps to achieve a fair result.\n\nNumerous scientific studies supporting vaginal rejuvenation are surfacing and being presented at scientific meetings throughout the world. However, it is vitally important for more high-level scientific studies to be completed in order to validate these procedures for women.\n\nTo mention some examples; Madam M is a 60-year old woman presented with mild stress incontinence for the past 10 years. She felt shy and uncomfortable with the symptoms and odour. It affected her daily social life and did not improve even with pelvic floor exercises. She looked for a solution that did not involve surgical intervention. A clinical examination showed that she had stage 1 cystocele (prolapsed bladder) due to anterior vaginal wall compartment defect. Discussion and options were given to her and she decided to try laser therapy. A usual three cycles of stress incontinence and prolapse protocol was planned for her. Her symptoms were treated after the first cycle of laser therapy. In the 4th month of follow-up, she remained asymptomatic and was discharged from further follow-ups. In fact, her remaining second cycle was cancelled due to failure to insert the probe caused by significant vagina wall constriction. She went home and agreed to avoid lifting heavy items and continue her pelvic floor exercises.\n\nAnother example is Madam K, a 54-year old lady who had undergone menopause. She complained of difficulty to urinate when prolapse occurred. She had a tape insertion many years ago for her stress incontinence. This was a tape placed under the urethra to stop urine leakages. A clinical examination showed that she had stage 2 cystocele with a mild left hydronephrosis (kidney swollen with urine that does not drain properly) and elevation of creatinine level which implied an inefficient kidney. Discussion and options were given to her include a ring pessary insertion, laser therapy and surgical intervention. In the absence of insurance support and her reluctance to undergo surgery, she decided on laser therapy. Three cycles of stress incontinence, prolapse and rejuvenate protocols were arranged for her. There was a 50 per cent symptomatic relief after the first cycle. She was able to urinate comfortably and claimed that her cystocele protruded less. In the fourth month of follow-up after the completed treatment, she was still able to urinate comfortably. Clinically, her cystocele reduced to stage 1, her creatinine level became normal and her left side hydronephrosis was absent. With this significant improvement, she was discharged and advised to avoid heavy lifting and prolonged squatting while continuing her pelvic floor exercises.\n\nIn conclusion, women\u2019s perception and perspective towards quality of life has advanced to a higher level. Instead of living a life, as a gynaecologist, we shall work together with women to savour the flavour of life. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Quek Yek Song\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMD (Unimas), M Obs & Gyn (UM), AM (Malaysia), Special Interest in Cosmetic Gynecology\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTaste the Flavour of Life \u2013 The Iskandarian, Issue April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in \nwww.theiskandarian.com\n, Issue April 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrician & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/technology-advancement-sports-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Technology Advancement in Sports - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nTechnology Advancement in Sports - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 16, 2013\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.\n\nLeaps and bounds have been made in sports, especially in terms of the equipment that's now available. But have all these been done for the benefit and betterment of the sportsperson? Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Harjeet Singh discusses why there was a need for the use of advanced materials in sporting goods and it's impact for the sportsperson.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tekanan-digital-mata", "title": "Tekanan Digital Mata", "body": "\n\n\n\nTekanan Digital Mata\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 18, 2017\n \n\nSudah menjadi tabiat kita melayari laman media sosial menerusi telefon pintar sejurus bangun pagi untuk memeriksa notifikasi atau berita terkini. Tabiat yang sama juga dilakukan sebelum tidur. Situasi demikian menggambarkan gaya hidup di Malaysia kini dan ia juga adalah fenomena dunia yang kian meningkat.\n\nBerdasar kajian, penduduk Asia Pasifik adalah pengguna tertinggi gajet dengan paparan skrin digital berbanding penduduk bahagian lain dunia. Dianggarkan mereka meluangkan masa tujuh jam sehari menatap skrin digital dengan dua jam daripadanya melayari telefon pintar dan pada masa sama menonton televisyen.\n\nRakyat Malaysia pula secara puratanya meluangkan antara lima hingga lapan jam sehari menatap skrin digital termasuk pendedahan kepada pelbagai jenis perkakas seperti komputer riba, komputer, telefon pintar, tablet dan televisyen.\n\nPenggunaan pelbagai skrin digital ini adalah amalan harian yang disesuaikan oleh populasi digital Malaysia yang kian meningkat dalam mendapatkan berita dan maklumat serta menjalankan tugas mereka di tempat kerja.\n\nWalaupun kebergantungan kita ke atas teknologi untuk menjalani kehidupan harian membawakan pelbagai kemudahan, ia juga membawa pelbagai kesan berbahaya kepada kesihatan antaranya tekanan digital terhadap mata.\n\nPerunding Oftalmologi Hospital Columbia Asia Klang, Dr Siva Kumar Sundralingam berkata, tekanan digital terhadap mata adalah ketidakselesaan yang dialami organ penglihatan itu selepas lebih dua jam menatap skrin digital dalam jarak dekat.\n\nIa biasanya dicirikan dengan gejala seperti keletihan, kemerahan, rasa kasar, penglihatan kabur, pening dan sakit bahu serta leher akibat postur skrin yang tidak betul.\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, rasa tidak selesa pada mata bukan disebabkan paparan skrin semata-mata, sebaliknya pendedahan kepada sinaran biru yang dipancarkan oleh paparan skrin dalam jangka lama secara berterusan boleh menyebabkan komplikasi yang serius.\n\n\u201cSinaran biru mempunyai jarak gelombang yang sangat pendek dan ini membuatkan ia menghasilkan sejumlah tenaga yang lebih tinggi. Kajian menunjukkan pendedahan pada sinaran biru secara berlebihan dalam jangka panjang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan serius kepada mata.\n\n\u201cIni kerana, sinaran biru menjangkau jauh ke dalam mata dan kesan kumulatifnya iaitu pendedahan sedikit demi sedikit dalam jangka panjang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan kepada retina,\u201d katanya pada sesi bicara kesihatan mata anjuran Systane, baru-baru ini.\n\nDr Siva Kumar berkata, kekerapan tekanan digital terhadap mata boleh mengakibatkan masalah mata kering yang jika tidak dirawat boleh mendatangkan kesan buruk terhadap penglihatan seseorang. Masalah mata kering menjejaskan kebolehan seseorang dalam menjalankan aktiviti harian, malah menjejaskan kemampuan seseorang untuk memandu dan membaca.\n\n\u201cSatu lapisan air mata yang nipis sepatutnya menyaluti permukaan mata setiap kali mata berkelip. Apabila seseorang mempunyai masalah mata kering, kelenjar air mata tidak menghasilkan cecair yang secukupnya untuk melembapkan dan melindungi mata seterusnya mengakibatkan ketidakselesaan dan kerengsaan.\n\n\u201cInilah yang terjadi akibat daripada pendedahan yang terlalu lama dan berpanjangan daripada tekanan digital terhadap mata. Apabila tidak dirawat, ia boleh mengakibatkan kesan jangka panjang yang berbahaya dan impak secara langsung kepada kesihatan mata seseorang.\n\n\u201cNamun, masalah mata kering juga disebabkan punca seperti menghidap penyakit, perubahan persekitaran dan penuaan. Gejala bagi mata kering seperti mata pedih, rasa kasar seperti berpasir, kemerahan, pandangan kabur dan tidak tahan silau,\u201d katanya.\n\nBeliau berkata, teknologi sememangnya banyak kelebihannya, namun ia perlu digunakan secara bertanggungjawab untuk mengelakkan kesan berbahaya kepada kesihatan kita. Terdapat amalan mudah yang dapat digunakan dalam rutin untuk mengelakkan mata daripada mengalamai masalah kekeringan dan tekanan.\n\n\u201cRehatkan mata daripada menatap skrin selama 20 saat pada setiap 20 minit dan melihat pemandangan pada jarak 20 kaki. Di samping itu, selaraskan kadar terang cahaya pada komputer atau telefon pintar kepada tahap yang selesa bagi mata.\n\n\u201cMenatap skrin digital pada jarak yang selesa dan elakkan daripada menatapnya terlalu dekat. Pengguna juga digalakkan melembapkan mata sebelum kekeringan berlaku menerusi ubat titis mata yang boleh memberikan perlindungan daripada masalah mata kering.\n\n\u201cPengguna dinasihat melakukan pemeriksaan mata sekurang-kurangnya sekali setahun bagi memastikan mata dan penglihatan mereka kekal dalam keadaan baik,\u201d katanya.\n\nSementara itu, Pengurus Novartis Malaysia, Joshi Venugopal berkata, selain menyediakan penyelesaian kepada pengguna menerusi rangkaian ubat titis mata, pihaknya turut menjalankan usaha yang berterusan bagi meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai masalah mata kering dan apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasinya.\n\n\u201cBaru-baru ini, kami melancarkan laman Facebook sebagai platform untuk berhubung dengan komuniti Malaysia dan mendidik mereka mengenai penjagaan mata yang betul serta penyelesaian yang ada untuk mereka sekiranya mengalami tanda-tanda mata kering.\n\n\u201cKami berharap supaya dapat menggunakan laman sosial ini untuk mencapai seramai pengguna yang boleh untuk mewujudkan kesedaran amalan mata yang tidak sihat yang dapat membawa kepada isu penglihatan pada jangka masa yang panjang,\u201d katanya.\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh myMetro - 6 Ogos 2017\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nmyMetro, 6 August 2017\n.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/terlalu-bersih-mengundang-alahan", "title": "Terlalu Bersih Mengundang Alahan", "body": "\n\n\n\nTerlalu Bersih Mengundang Alahan\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 16, 2019\n \n\nAlahan terutama dalam kalangan kanak-kanak kini diterima sebagai suatu penyakit yang biasa berlaku di negara ini namun di negara barat peningkatan kes penyakit terbabit begitu membimbangkan pakar kesihatan. Di Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan beberapa negara barat lain, jumlah kanak-kanak yang menghidap alahan makanan meningkat lebih 50 peratus antara tahun 1997 dan 2011.\n\nMalah sejak kebelakangan ini, kes kanak-kanak yang meninggal dunia akibat alahan makanan menjadi perhatian negara berkenaan ekoran terdapat campuran yang tersembunyi dalam makanan tidak berbahaya seperti sandwic dan biskut.\n\nPada masa yang sama para saintis yang menyelidik beberapa hipotesis tentang punca dan bagaimana alahan boleh berlaku percaya sikap masyarakat yang terlalu menjaga kebersihan anak masing-masing mungkin menyebabkan peningkatan penyakit ini.\n\nPerkara ini diakui oleh Pakar Kanak-kanak Hospital Columbia Asia, Dr. Hew Khor Farn yang memberitahu, berdasarkan kajian epidemiologi, perkara tersebut sering dibangkitkan dalam hipotesis kebersihan (hygiene hypothesis) yang mencadangkan semakin bersih tubuh badan dan persekitaran, semakin tinggi peluang berlakunya penyakit alahan.\n\n\u201cMalaysia merupakan sebuah negara sedang membangun justeru semakin maju sesebuah negara maka semakin meningkat penyakit alahan. Bagi kes alahan makanan sudah pasti kes kematian wujud di Malaysia akibat alahan ini tetapi jumlahnya kecil,\u2019\u2019 katanya.\n\nNamun ujar beliau, meskipun penjagaan kebersihan badan dan persekitaran berjaya mengurangkan jangkitan kuman, tetapi di sebalik `kebersihan\u2019 ini menyebabkan tubuh badan seseorang hilang keseimbangan.\n\nIni akan menyebabkan peningkatan alahan seperti penyakit asma, alahan hidung (allergic rhinitis) dan alahan kulit (eczema). Begitu juga dengan penyakit autoimun seperti penyakit kencing manis jenis 1 (type 1 diabetes mellitus) dan penyakit radang usus (inflammatory bowel disease).\n\nKatanya, sistem pertahanan badan mestilah dalam keadaan seimbang untuk melawan jangkitan kuman dan juga untuk mencegah alahan. Ini kerana ketidakseimbangan sistem ini akan menyebabkan berlakunya lebih banyak penyakit alahan kepada seseorang.\n\n\u201cSistem pertahanan badan menjadi terlebih sensitif (over sensitive) dan seterusnya menimbulkan reaksi alahan terhadap bahan-bahan yang tidak bahaya terhadap badan kita. Contohnya makanan-makanan tertentu seperti kekacang, telur, makanan laut, habuk dan debunga,\u2019\u2019 ujar Dr. Khor Farn.\nAMY MAY-SHEAD mengalami kerosakan otak akibat alahan kacang selepas menikmati makanan di sebuah restoran.\n\n\n\nAlahan makanan yang serius boleh mengganggu sistem badan dan menjejaskan fungsi sistem kardiovaskular, menyebabkan penurunan tekanan darah serta kegagalan denyutan jantung, iaitu renjatan jantung (cardiogenic shock) yang mungkin menyebabkan kematian jika tidak diberi rawatan segera.\n\nSecara amnya penyakit alahan makanan di negara ini merangkumi alahan terhadap makanan yang biasa seperti telur, ikan, kerang, kacang, soya, gandum selain alahan protein susu lembu iaitu simptom-simptom alahan pada bayi yang diberikan susu lembu.\n\nSindrom enterokolitis protein makanan atau FPIES merupakan simptom-simptom alahan berlaku secara lebih lambat yang boleh menyebabkan muntah dan cirit-birit teruk sehingga menyebabkan dehidrasi.\n\n\u201cPuncanya disebabkan ketidakseimbangan sistem pertahanan badan akibat sistem pertahanan badan menjadi terlebih sensitif dan menimbulkan reaksi alahan terhadap bahan-bahan yang biasanya tidak bahaya terhadap badan kita,\u2019\u2019 katanya.\n\nAntara simptom alahan melibatkan kulit ialah timbul kemerahan atau ruam kulit, kegatalan kulit, bengkak di bahagian mata atau muka manakala alahan sistem pernafasan melibatkan selesema, batuk, sesak nafas dan nafas berbunyi (wheezing).\n\nBagaimanapun simptom paling bahaya adalah anafilaksis (anaphylaxis) yang mana akan menjejaskan beberapa sistem badan dan mungkin boleh membawa maut.\n\nSimptom-simptom alahan boleh dirawat dengan ubat-ubatan seperti steroid, anti-histamine manakala untuk alahan yang serius seperti anafilaksis, suntikan adrenalin atau dengan pen adrenalin boleh menyelamatkan nyawa.\n\n\u201cSatu lagi cara rawatan yang agak berkesan tetapi mahal dan memakan masa yang lama adalah imunoterapi (Immumotherapy).\u2019\u2019 ujarnya.\n\nTegas beliau cara pencegahan yang paling berkesan adalah menghindari makanan dan bahan yang alah dan membina sistem pertahanan badan yang kuat.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Hew Khor Farn\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTerlalu Bersih Mengundang Alahan \u2013 Utusan Online, 13 Januari 2019.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Utusan Online, 13 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/the-basics-about-colon-cancer", "title": "The Basics About Colon Cancer", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Basics About Colon Cancer\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 30, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nDid you know that colorectal cancer is the most common cancer among Malaysian men and the second most common cancer among Malaysian women? Overall, it is the third most common cause of cancer deaths in Malaysia, according to a research carried out by a collaboration of varsities in 2020 under the Be Cancer Alert Campaign. Let\u2019s find out more about Colorectal Cancer from Dr. Yong Yuen Geng who is the Consultant General & Colorectal Surgeon at \nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak.\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\nWhich part of the colon does most cancer occur?\n\n\nFirst, let\u2019s take a look at the entire makeup of the large intestine. It consists of cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum. The left colon which is the descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum, make up about 70 percent of colorectal cancer. Cecum and ascending colon comprise 20 percent of all colorectal cancers while transverse colon makes up 10 percent of all the cases.\n\n\nHow is colon cancer diagnosed?\n\n\nColorectal cancer is confirmed through a biopsy for a histopathological examination obtained during a colonoscopy.\u00a0 Occasionally, the diagnosis can only be confirmed after the histopathological examination of the tumor in the excised colon.\n\n\nAre there any symptoms of colon cancer patients can look out for?\n\n\nEarly colorectal cancer may not show any symptoms. When the tumor grows, it may result in symptoms such as altered bowel habits, passing blood in stools, abdominal pain or discomfort or bloating, and an urge to open bowel even though the bowel is empty. Other symptoms include unintentional weight loss and loss of appetite.\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nWhat are the risk factors of colon cancer?\n\n\nThe risks of colorectal cancer are an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, obesity or being overweight, lack of dietary fiber, heavy alcohol consumption and smoking. Diets rich in refined carbohydrates, red and processed meats are also associated with a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Personal or a family history of colorectal cancer or adenoma, hereditary gene mutations or syndromes, carry an increased risk of colorectal cancer. So does chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn\u2019s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.\n\n\nWhat is the recommended age for getting screened for colon cancer?\n\n\nAs more than 70 percent of colorectal cancer cases in Malaysia are, unfortunately, diagnosed late at stage three and four, it is imperative to undergo screening for early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer. The recommended age for \nscreening of colorectal cancer\n was 50 years old previously. However, evidence has shown that the age should be reduced from 50 to 45 years old due to increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in younger populations. If there is a first degree relative (siblings, children or parents) with colorectal cancer, you are recommended to undergo screening colonoscopy at an age 10 years before the age of diagnosis of colorectal cancer of the first degree relative or at 40 years old, whichever comes first.\u00a0 Colonoscopy is not only a good diagnostic procedure, but it is also a preventative procedure for colorectal cancer as your doctor will also normally excise the polyps detected during the colonoscopy. Polyps are precancerous swellings in the inner lining of the large intestine from which colorectal cancers arise.\n\n\nHow do you prepare for a colonoscopy?\u00a0\n\n\nOn the day before the colonoscopy, you are allowed to have only plain or fish porridge, plain white bread and clear fluids. And then you will be given laxatives to be taken on the night before and the morning of the colonoscopy for bowel evacuation. You are then expected to pass only clear watery contents without any residue before the colonoscopy examination. This is because it is important to have a well-cleansed bowel prior to the colonoscopy so that the view during the colonoscopy is not obscured. Your doctor will also advise you to stop taking any blood thinners or any supplements with blood thinning effects, a week prior to colonoscopy. This is to minimize the risk of bleeding due to the blood thinning effects of the medications.\n\n\nWhat should you expect on the day of a colonoscopy?\n\n\nUsually you will be admitted into the daycare ward in the morning. The nurse will hand you a hospital gown for you to wear when you are at the ward. You will be given sedation prior to and during colonoscopy. A fibreoptic flexible tube with a light source and a camera on its tip is inserted through the anus to view your large intestine. This procedure usually takes about 30 minutes. Some patients may feel abdominal bloating during and after the colonoscopy.\u00a0 This problem will resolve after you pass wind. When you are fully conscious, your doctor will explain all the findings and the procedure, giving you the relevant advice regarding your condition. You will be discharged home in the same evening. You are advised not to drive home by yourself.\n\n\nWill I need other tests before we can decide on treatment?\n\n\nOnce the colonoscopy and biopsy confirm the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, you will need to undergo a CT scan. Most likely an MRI scan too, in the case of rectal cancer, to determine the stage of the disease. Blood investigations including a baseline tumor marker, CEA, are obtained prior to the treatment.\n\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital offers an extensive range of health packages. Learn more about our \nhealth packages.\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Yong Yuen Geng\n\n\nConsultant General & Colorectal Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMBBS (India), M Surgery (UM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery (Malaysia & Korea), CMIA (NIOSH), AM (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe Basics About Colon Cancer - Natural Health, 28 March 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, 28 March 2022.\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGeneral Surgery\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/the-lowdown-of-hfmd", "title": "The Lowdown of HFMD", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Lowdown of HFMD\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2018\n \nENTEROVIRAL\n vesicular stomatitis, the medical term for hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), is a common infection in children and one that can affect any child regardless of demographic and logistic differences. Lately in Malaysia, there has been an outbreak of HFMD cases in major pandemic proportions.\nCauses\n\nHFMD is caused by the coxsackie virus of the enteroviral group of virus that belongs to the Picornaviridae family, which includes poliovirus. The most common virus is the one that is causing HFMD Coxsackie A followed by Enterovirus 71. The Picornaviridae virus thrives in human body secretions such as saliva and stool.\nSymptoms\n\nThe most common symptoms are fever and a general feeling of being unwell (less active and lethargic).Within 24 to 48 hours of fever, skin manifestation is noted on the extremities (around the mouth, hands, palms, feet and soles) and ulcers in the oral cavity (tongue and palate). Fever can start at a low grade but commonly, it spikes up to 40 degrees especially in the first 24 hours. The skin manifestation is commonly flat and discoloured spots or bumps. The skin manifestation is not itchy but for some children, it can be painful thus their refusal to bear weight (stand and walk) if the abundance of lesions are on their feet and soles. The mouth ulcers would result in a refusal to swallow, hence the drooling and inability to tolerate either liquid or solid intake orally.\nHow HFMD spreads\n\nThe HFMD is mainly transmitted through nasopharyngeal secretions, which are directly in contact with virus particles of the body secretions, especially the saliva of an affected child. It can also be transmitted through faecal-oral transmission due to poor hand hygiene after coming in contact with the stool of an affected child. Therefore, it is common for outbreaks to take place in nurseries, playschools or classrooms. Another example of how HFMD can spread to other children is through direct contact with contaminated saliva from swimming pools and playgrounds.\nDiagnosis\n\nThe only laboratory method to diagnose HFMD is through viral detection from infected secretions but this process is tedious, expensive and slow in getting results. The main diagnostic tool is the clinical features of the skin rash and oral ulcers. The doctor can easily diagnose HFMD based on a clinical assessment.\n\nA good history can also help in diagnosis especially if a child has been in contact with an affected child.\nTreatment\n\nThe mainstay of treatment is to ensure adequate hydration. This means the child should be able to drink fluids and still be able to pass urine. Reduction in solid intake is not a major concern, though.\n\nOther symptomatic treatments include antipyretic, topical drop or cream for oral ulcers. On occasion, if the symptoms are florid (red or flushed complexion), some clinical centres advocate intravenous antiviral. Topical cream is not needed for the skin rash as this has proven to be ineffective to treat the HFMD skin rash. We should totally avoid administering antibiotics as the illness is due to a viral infection.\n\nAdmission to the ward is mainly for intravenous hydration, when a child shows a reduction in intravascular volume, such as tears and urine.\nPrevention\n\nThe main prevention method is to ensure good hygiene especially of the oral cavity. No vaccines are available to date despite the 2015 vaccine for Enteroviral 71 which was implicated, but there has been no further development since. Prevention of contact with affected children should be put in place if outbreaks occur. Avoid going to nurseries when this happens.\nWhat should parents do\n\n\nAs parents, we would want our children to be as healthy as they can be. Ensuring good hygiene is crucial such as practising oral hygiene, taking frequent baths and avoiding crowded areas such as swimming pools and playgrounds.\n\n\nBring your child to the doctor if the child shows symptoms of HFMD. Make sure your child is able to drink healthy fluids while waiting to be treated at the clinic. Parents should provide adequate hydration including cold milk. Also check the presence of urine by checking the child\u2019s diapers. Poor hydration will reduce urine output.\n\n\nAntipyretic (drug to reduce fever) can be given to the child but due to the difficulty in swallowing because of the pain, administrating suppository via rectal antipyretic is another option. Parents should not worry if the child refuses to eat. Hydration and fluid intake are more important than food intake. Do note that having your child hospitalised for intravenous hydration to boost appetite is not useful. Intravenous hydration is mainly to rehydrate due to loss of fluid and not because of the child\u2019s refusal to eat. The application of topical (localised) oral gels or creams which help to heal oral ulcers can help accelerate the increase of oral fluid intake.\n\n\nAvoid unnecessary treatments like skin creams and antibiotics as these measures are of no effect and may even cause side effects. Administering multivitamins to increase appetite is also not indicated and unnecessary.\n\n\nCurrently, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has authorised hospitals to inform MOH regarding cases of HFMD so that the ministry can pin down the source.\n\n\nDr. Khairul Zaman Omar\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nThis article first appeared in Malaymail, 9 August 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Lowdown of HFMD \u2013 Malaymail, 9 August 2018\n\n\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Lowdown of HFMD \u2013 Malaymail, 9 August 2018\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/the-management-of-placenta-previa-in-pregnancy", "title": "The Management of Placenta Previa in Pregnancy \u5982\u4f55\u964d\u4f4e\u80ce\u76d8\u524d\u7f6e\u7684\u98ce\u9669", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Management of Placenta Previa in Pregnancy \u5982\u4f55\u964d\u4f4e\u80ce\u76d8\u524d\u7f6e\u7684\u98ce\u9669\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 25, 2016\n \n\nIn a normal pregnancy, the placenta attaches itself to the front, side, back or upper part of the uterine cavity. As the uterus expands from week to week during pregnancy, the main parts of the placenta will grow upwards. However, Placenta Previa will form if the placenta remains too low or blocks the cervix after 28 weeks of pregnancy. Bleeding during pregnancy, hypoxia, premature delivery and other adverse effects from Placenta Previa are not to be taken lightly.\n\nHow much does a mother-to-be understand about Placenta Previa? And how to better manage Placenta Previa during pregnancy? Dr. Nicholas Lim Lye Tak, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist, Columbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya shares with you on the management of placenta previa in pregnancy.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMombaby Magazine, Issue October 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/the-many-ways-diabetes-affects-your-eyes", "title": "The Many Ways Diabetes Affects Your Eyes", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Many Ways Diabetes Affects Your Eyes\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 15, 2018\n \n\nDiabetes can affect the eyes in many ways. Diabetic retinopathy affects blood vessels in the light-sensitive tissue called the retina that lines the back of the eye.\n\nIt is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes and the leading cause of vision impairment and blindness in adults.\n\nThis condition usually develops in anyone who has poorly controlled type 1 or type 2 diabetes.\n\nDiabetic eye diseases also include cataract and glaucoma:\n\nCataract: Adults with diabetes are two to five times more likely than those without diabetes to develop cataract. It also tends to develop at an earlier age.\n\n\nGlaucoma: Certain types of glaucoma are associated with elevated pressure inside the eye. In adults, diabetes nearly doubles the risk of glaucoma.\n\n\n\nAll forms of diabetic eye disease have the potential to cause severe vision loss and blindness.\nDiabetes can affect many different organs in the body.\n\n\nTypes of diabetic retinopathy\n\nThere are three types of diabetic retinopathy:\n\nNon-proliferative retinopathy is an early form of the disease, where the retinal blood vessels leak fluid or bleed.\n\n\nMacular oedema is a swelling of the macula, caused by the leakage of fluid from retinal blood vessels. It can damage central vision.\n\n\nProliferative retinopathy is an advanced form of the disease and occurs when blood vessels in the retina disappear and are replaced by new fragile vessels that bleed easily. This can result in a sudden loss of vision.\n\n\n\nOne might not have symptoms in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy. It usually affects both eyes.\n\nAs the condition progresses, symptoms may include:\n\nSpots or dark strings floating in your vision (floaters).\n\n\nBlurred vision.\n\n\nFluctuating vision.\n\n\nImpaired colour vision.\n\n\nDark or empty areas in your vision.\n\n\nVision loss.\n\n\nWhat causes diabetic retinopathy?\n\nChronically high blood sugar from diabetes is associated with damage to the tiny blood vessels in the retina, leading to diabetic retinopathy.\n\nIt can cause blood vessels in the retina to leak fluid or haemorrhage (bleed), distorting vision.\n\nIn its most advanced stage, new abnormal blood vessels proliferate (increase in number) on the surface of the retina, which can lead to scarring and cell loss in the retina.\n\nDiabetic retinopathy may progress through four stages:\n\nMild non-proliferative retinopathy\n\n\nModerate non-proliferative retinopathy\n\n\nSevere non-proliferative retinopathy\n\n\nProliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).\n\n\n\nAt this advanced stage, growth factors secreted by the retina trigger the proliferation of new blood vessels, which grow along the inside surface of the retina and into the vitreous gel, the fluid that fills the eye.\n\nThe new blood vessels are fragile, which makes them more likely to leak and bleed.\n\nAccompanying scar tissue can contract and cause retinal detachment \u2013 the pulling away of the retina from underlying tissue, like wallpaper peeling away from a wall. This can lead to permanent vision loss.\n\nThe risk of developing diabetic retinopathy can increase as a result of:\n\nDuration of diabetes \u2013 The longer one has diabetes, the greater risk of developing diabetic retinopathy.\n\n\nPoor control of blood sugar level.\n\n\nHigh blood pressure.\n\n\nHigh cholesterol levels.\n\n\nPregnancy.\n\n\nSmoking.\n\n\n\nDiabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema are detected during a comprehensive dilated eye exam that includes:\n\nVisual acuity testing.\n\n\nPupil dilation \u2013 allowing a physician to examine the retina and optic nerve.\n\n\nOptical coherence tomography (OCT) \u2013 Scanning of the nerve fibre layers.\n\n\n\nA comprehensive dilated eye exam allows the doctor to check the retina for:\n\nChanges to blood vessels.\n\n\nLeaking blood vessels or warning signs of leaky blood vessels, such as fatty deposits.\n\n\nSwelling of the macula (DME).\n\n\nChanges in the lens.\n\n\nDamage to nerve tissue.\n\n\nComplications of diabetic retinopathy\n\nComplications can lead to serious vision problems such as:\n\nVitreous haemorrhage \u2013 The new blood vessels may bleed into the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the centre of eye.\n\n\n\nIf the amount of bleeding is small, one might see only a few dark spots (floaters).\n\nIn more severe cases, blood can fill the vitreous cavity and completely block vision.\n\nRetinal detachment \u2013 The abnormal blood vessels associated with diabetic retinopathy stimulate the growth of scar tissue, which can pull the retina away from the back of the eye, which will cause severe vision loss.\n\n\nGlaucoma \u2013 New blood vessels may grow in the front part of your eye and interfere with the normal flow of fluid out of the eye, causing pressure in the eye to build up.\n\n\nBlindness \u2013 Eventually, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma or both can lead to complete vision loss.\n\n\nIn proliferative diabetic retinopathy, fragile new blood vessels grow along the inside surface of the retina and into the vitreous gel, which are likely to leak and bleed. Accompanying scar tissue can contract and cause retinal detachment, which can lead to permanent visionloss.\n\n\nPreventing diabetic retinopathy\n\nRegular eye exams, good control of your blood sugar and blood pressure, and early intervention for vision problems can help prevent severe vision loss.\n\nManage your diabetes. Make healthy eating and physical activity a part of your daily routine.\n\n\nTake oral diabetes medications or insulin as directed.\n\n\nMonitor blood sugar level. You may need to check and record your blood sugar level several times a day.\n\n\nKeep blood pressure and cholesterol under control.\n\n\nStop smoking. Smoking increases the risk of various diabetes complications, including diabetic retinopathy.\n\n\nPay attention to vision changes.\n\n\nTreating diabetic retinopathy\n\nVision lost to diabetic retinopathy is sometimes irreversible. However, early detection and treatment can reduce the risk of blindness by 95%.\n\nBecause diabetic retinopathy often lacks early symptoms, people with diabetes should get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year.\n\nPeople with diabetic retinopathy may need eye exams more frequently, and women with diabetes who become pregnant should have a comprehensive dilated eye exam as soon as possible.\n\nAdditional exams during pregnancy may be needed.\nEarly diabetic retinopathy\n \u2013 If one has mild or moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, one may not need treatment right away.\n\nHowever, the eye doctor will closely monitor the eyes to determine when you might need treatment.\n\nWork with a diabetes doctor (endocrinologist) to determine if there are ways to improve diabetes management. When diabetic retinopathy is mild or moderate, good blood sugar control can usually slow the progression.\nAdvanced diabetic retinopathy\n \u2013 If one has proliferative diabetic retinopathy or macular oedema, one will need prompt surgical treatment.\n\nPhotocoagulation, also known as focal or grid laser treatment, can stop or slow the leakage of blood and fluid in the eye.\n\nDuring the procedure, leaks from abnormal blood vessels are treated with laser burns. It is usually done in an eye clinic.\n\nPanretinal photocoagulation, also known as scatter laser treatment, can shrink abnormal blood vessels.\n\nDuring the procedure, the areas of the retina away from the macula are treated with scattered laser burns. The burns cause the abnormal new blood vessels to shrink and scar.\n\nSome loss of peripheral vision or night vision after the procedure is possible.\n\nIn vitrectomy, a tiny incision is made in the eye to remove blood from the middle of the eye (vitreous), as well as scar tissue that\u2019s tugging on the retina.\n\nIt\u2019s done in a surgery centre or hospital using local or general anaesthesia.\n\nThe eye doctor may also suggest injecting medication into the vitreous of the eye.\n\nThese medications, called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors, may help stop growth of new blood vessels by blocking the effects of growth signals the body sends to generate new blood vessels.\n\nThe doctor may recommend these medications, also called anti-VEGF therapy, as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with panretinal photocoagulation.\n\nAll the above treatments slow or stop the progression of diabetic retinopathy, but it\u2019s not a cure. Because diabetes is a lifelong condition, future retinal damage and vision loss are still possible.\nDr Angela Loo Voon Pei is a consultant ophthalmologist and vitreoretinal surgeon. This article is courtesy of Columbia Asia Hospital.\nDr. Angela Loo Voon Pei\n\nConsultant Ophthalmologist & Vitreoretinal Surgeon (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Many Ways Diabetes Affects Your Eyes \u2013 The Star, 8 October 2018\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/the-spread-of-tb", "title": "The Spread of TB", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Spread of TB\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 19, 2017\n \n\nTuberculosis (TB) is extremely contagious and outbreaks can occur in crowded environments. With a recent outbreak reported in the country, find out what tuberculosis does to the body and how you can prevent is from taking more lives.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Spread of TB \u2013 Her World, Issue September 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/the-truth-about-back-pain", "title": "The Truth About Back Pain", "body": "\n\n\n\nThe Truth About Back Pain\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 26, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nIf you have lower back pain, you are not alone. Back pain is one of most common reasons people see a doctor or miss days at work. Even school-going children can have back pain.\n\n\nBack pain can range in intensity from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp or shooting pain. It can begin suddenly as a result of an accident or by lifting something heavy, or it can develop over time as we age. Getting too little exercise followed by a strenuous workout can also cause back pain.\n\n\nThere are two types of back pain:\n\n\nAcute\n, or short-term back pain that lasts a few days to a few weeks.\n\n\nChronic back pain\n is defined as pain that continues for 12 weeks or longer. About 20 percent of people affected by acute low back pain develop chronic low back pain with persistent symptoms in a span of one year.\n\n\nWhat causes lower back pain?\n\n\nMost acute low back pain is mechanical in nature, meaning that there is a disruption in the way the components of the back (the spine, muscle, intervertebral discs, and nerves) fit together and move. Some examples of mechanical causes of low back pain include:\n\n\nCongenital\n\n\nSkeletal irregularities\n such as scoliosis (a curvature of the spine), lordosis (an abnormally exaggerated arch in the lower back), kyphosis (excessive outward arch of the spine), and other congenital anomalies of the spine.\n\n\nSpina bifida\n which involves the incomplete development of the spinal cord and/or its protective covering. This can cause problems involving malformation of vertebrae and abnormal sensations and even paralysis.\n\n\nInjuries\n\n\nSprains\n (overstretched or torn ligaments), \nstrains\n (tears in tendons or muscle), and spasms (sudden contraction of a muscle or group of muscles).\n\n\nTraumatic Injuries\n from playing sports, car accidents, or a fall that can injure tendons, ligaments or muscles, causing the pain, as well as compress the spine and cause discs to rupture or herniate.\n\n\nDegenerative problems\n\n\nIntervertebral disc degeneration\n which occurs when the otherwise rubbery discs wear down as a normal process of aging and lose their cushioning ability.\n\n\nSpondylosis\n is the general degeneration of the spine associated with normal wear and tear that occurs in the joints, discs, and bones of the spine as people get older.\n\n\nArthritis or other inflammatory disease in\n the spine, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as spondylitis, an inflammation of the vertebrae.\n\n\nNerve and spinal cord problems\n\n\nSpinal nerve compression, inflammation and/or injury\n\n\nSciatica\n (also called radiculopathy), caused by something pressing on the sciatic nerve that travels through the buttocks and extends down the back of the leg. People with sciatica may feel shock-like or burning low back pain combined with pain through the buttocks and down one leg.\n\n\nSpinal stenosis\n, the narrowing of the spinal column that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves\n\n\nSpondylolisthesis\n, which happens when a vertebra of the lower spine slips out of place, pinching the nerves exiting the spinal column\n\n\nHerniated or ruptured discs\n can occur when the intervertebral discs become compressed and bulge outward\n\n\nInfections\n involving the vertebrae, a condition called osteomyelitis; the intervertebral discs, called discitis; or the sacroiliac joints connecting the lower spine to the pelvis, called sacroiliitis\n\n\nCauda equina syndrome\n occurs when a ruptured disc pushes into the spinal canal and presses on the bundle of lumbar and sacral nerve roots. Permanent neurological damage may result if this syndrome is left untreated.\n\n\nOsteoporosis \n (a progressive decrease in bone density and strength that can lead to painful fractures of the vertebrae)\n\n\nNon-spine sources\n\n\nKidney stones\n can cause sharp pain in the lower back, usually on one side\n\n\nEndometriosis\n (the build up of uterine tissue in places outside the uterus)\n\n\nFibromyalgia\n (a chronic pain syndrome involving widespread muscle pain and fatigue)\n\n\nTumors\n that press on or destroy the bony spine or spinal cord and nerves or outside the spine elsewhere in the back\n\n\nPregnancy\n (back symptoms almost always completely go away after giving birth)\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nWhat are the risk factors for developing low back pain?\n\n\nAnyone can have back pain. Factors that can increase the risk for low back pain include:\n\n\nAge:\n The first attack of low back pain typically occurs between the ages of 30 and 50, and back pain becomes more common with advancing age. Loss of bone strength from osteoporosis can lead to fractures, and at the same time, muscle elasticity and tone decrease.\n\n\nFitness level:\n Back pain is more common among people who are not physically fit. Weak back and abdominal muscles may not properly support the spine. \u201cWeekend warriors\u201d\u2014people who go out and exercise a lot after being inactive all week\u2014are more likely to suffer painful back injuries than people who make moderate physical activity a daily habit. Studies show that low-impact aerobic exercise can help maintain the integrity of intervertebral discs.\n\n\nWeight gain:\n Being overweight, obese, or quickly gaining significant amounts of weight can put stress on the back and lead to low back pain.\n\n\nGenetics:\n Some causes of back pain, such as ankylosing spondylitis (a form of arthritis that involves fusion of the spinal joints leading to some immobility of the spine), have a genetic component.\n\n\nJob-related factors:\n Having a job that requires heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling, particularly when it involves twisting or vibrating the spine, can lead to injury and back pain. Working at a desk all day can contribute to pain, especially from poor posture or sitting in a chair with not enough back support.\n\n\nMental health:\n Anxiety and depression can influence how closely one focuses on their pain as well as their perception of its severity. Pain that becomes chronic also can contribute to the development of such psychological factors. Stress can affect the body in numerous ways, including causing muscle tension.\n\n\nBackpack overload in children: \nA backpack overloaded with school books and supplies can strain the back and cause muscle fatigue.\n\n\nHow is low back pain diagnosed?\n\n\nA complete medical history and physical exam can usually identify any serious conditions that may be causing the pain. Neurologic tests can help determine the cause of pain and appropriate treatment. Imaging tests are not needed in most cases but may be ordered to rule out specific causes of pain, including tumors and spinal stenosis. Occasionally the cause of chronic lower back pain is difficult to determine even after a thorough examination.\n\n\nTests include:\n\n\nBlood tests\u00a0\n\n\nBone scans\n\n\nDiscography\n\n\nElectrodiagnostics\n :\n\nElectromyography (EMG)\n\n\nEvoked potential studies\n\n\nNerve conduction studies (NCS)\n\n\n\n\nDiagnostic imaging tests\n allow specialists to see into the body without having to perform exploratory surgery. Imaging includes:\n\nComputerized tomography (CT)\n can show soft tissue structures that cannot be seen on conventional x-rays, such as disc rupture, spinal stenosis, or tumors.\n\n\nMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)\n creates a computer-generated image of bony structures and soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels. An MRI may be ordered if a problem such as infection, tumor, inflammation, disc herniation or rupture, or pressure on a nerve is suspected\n\n\nX-ray imaging\n can show broken bones or an injured or misaligned vertebra.\n\n\n\n\nMyelograms\n\n\nHow is back pain treated?\n\n\nAcute back pain \nusually gets better on its own. Acute back pain is usually treated with:\n\n\nMedications\n designed to relieve pain and/or inflammation\n\nAnalgesics\n such as acetaminophen and aspirin\n\n\nNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs \n(\nNSAID\ns) such as ibuprofen and naproxen may be sold over the counter; some NSAIDS are prescribed by a physician\u00a0\n\n\nMuscle relaxants \nare prescription drugs that are used on a short-term basis to relax tight muscles\n\n\nTopical pain relief \nsuch as creams, gels, patches, or sprays applied to the skin stimulate the nerves in the skin to provide feelings of warmth or cold in order to dull the sensation of pain. Common topical medications include capsaicin and lidocaine.\n\n\n\n\nHeat and/or ice \nmay help ease pain, reduce inflammation, and improve mobility for some people\n\n\nGentle stretching \n(not vigorous exercise) upon advice by your healthcare professional\n\n\nExercising, bed rest, and surgery are typically not recommended for acute back pain.\n\nChronic back pain is most often treated with a stepped care approach, moving from simple low-cost treatments to more aggressive approaches. Specific treatments may depend on the identified cause of the back pain.\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nStep 1: Early treatments\n\n\nMedications \nmay include:\n\n\nAnalgesics and NSAIDS\n\n\nOpioid drugs \nprescribed by a physician (opioids should be used only for a short period of time and under a physician\u2019s supervision, as opioids can be addictive, aggravate depression, and have other side effects)\n\n\nAnticonvulsants\n\u2014prescribed drugs primarily used to treat seizures\u2014may be useful in treating people with sciatica\n\n\nAntidepressants \nsuch as tricyclics and serotonin, and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors have been commonly prescribed for chronic low back pain (prescribed by a physician)\n\n\nSelf-management\n:\n\n\nHot or cold packs\n\n\nResuming normal activities \nas soon as possible may ease pain; bed rest is not recommended\n\n\nExercises \nthat strengthen core or abdominal muscles may help to speed recovery from chronic low back pain. Always check first with a physician before starting an exercise program and to get a list of helpful exercises.\n\n\nStep 2: Complementary and alternative techniques include:\n\n\nAcupuncture \nis moderately effective for chronic low back pain. It involves inserting thin needles into precise points throughout the body and stimulating them (by twisting or passing a low-voltage electrical current through them), which may cause the body to release naturally occurring painkilling chemicals.\n\n\nTranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation \n(TENS) involves wearing a battery-powered device which places electrodes on the skin over the painful area that generate electrical impulses designed to block or modify the perception of pain\n\n\nPhysical therapy \nprograms to strengthen core muscle groups that support the low back, improve mobility and flexibility, and promote proper positioning and posture are often used in combination with other interventions\n\n\nSpinal manipulation and spinal mobilization \nare approaches in which doctors of chiropractic care use their hands to mobilize, adjust, massage, or stimulate the spine and the surrounding tissues. Manipulation involves a rapid movement over which the individual has no control; mobilization involves slower adjustment movements.\u00a0\n\n\nSpinal injections \ninclude: \nTrigger point\n injections can relax knotted muscles (trigger points).\n\n\nEpidural steroid injections,\n Pain relief associated with the injections tends to be temporary and the injections are not advised for long-term use.\n\n\nRadio frequency ablation\n involves inserting a fine needle into the area causing the pain through which an electrode is passed and heated to destroy nerve fibers that carry pain signals to the brain.\u00a0\n\n\nStep 3: More advanced care options\n\n\nSurgery\n\nWhen other therapies fail, surgery may be considered to relieve pain caused by worsening nerve damage, serious musculoskeletal injuries, or nerve compression. Specific surgeries are selected for specific conditions/indications. However, surgery is not always successful. It may be months following surgery before the person is fully healed and there may be permanent loss of flexibility. Surgical options include:\n\n\nVertebroplasty and kyphoplasty \n\n\nSpinal laminectomy\n\n\nDiscectomy and microdiscectomy\n\n\nForaminotomy\n\n\nNucleoplasty\n\n\nRadio frequency denervation,\n destroys part of the target nerves and offers temporary pain relief.\n\n\nSpinal fusion \nis used to strengthen the spine and prevent painful movements in people with degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis (following laminectomy). The spinal disc between two or more vertebrae is removed and the adjacent vertebrae are \u201cfused\u201d by bone grafts and/or metal devices secured by screws.\n\n\nArtificial disc replacement \nis an alternative to spinal fusion for treating severely damaged discs.\u00a0\n\n\nInterspinous spacers \nare small devices that are inserted into the spine to keep the spinal canal open and avoid pinching the nerves.\n\n\nRehabilitation programs\n\nThe programs are designed to help the individual reduce pain and reliance on opioid pain medicines. Programs last usually two to three weeks and can be done on an in-patient or out-patient basis.\n\n\nCan back pain be prevented?\n\n\nRecurring back pain resulting from improper body mechanics may be prevented by avoiding movements that jolt or strain the back.\n\nRecommendations for keeping one\u2019s back healthy:\n\n\nExercise regularly to keep muscles strong and flexible. Consult a physician for a list of low-impact, age-appropriate exercises that are specifically targeted to strengthening lower back and abdominal muscles.\n\n\nMaintain a healthy weight and eat a nutritious diet with sufficient daily intake of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D to promote new bone growth.\n\n\nUse ergonomically designed furniture and equipment at home and at work. Make sure work surfaces are at a comfortable height.\n\n\nSwitch sitting positions often and periodically walk around the office or gently stretch muscles to relieve tension. A pillow or rolled-up towel placed behind the small of the back can provide some lumbar support. Put your feet on a low stool or a stack of books when sitting for a long time.\n\n\nWear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.\n\n\nSleeping on one\u2019s side with the knees drawn up in a fetal position can help open up the joints in the spine and relieve pressure by reducing the curvature of the spine. Always sleep on a firm surface.\n\n\nDon\u2019t try to lift objects that are too heavy. Lift from the knees, pull the stomach muscles in, and keep the head down and in line with a straight back. When lifting, keep objects close to the body. Do not twist when lifting.\n\n\nQuit smoking. Smoking reduces blood flow to the lower spine, which can contribute to spinal disc degeneration. Smoking also increases the risk of osteoporosis and impedes healing. Coughing due to heavy smoking also may cause back pain.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Gunaseelan A/L Ponnusamy\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMD (Indonesia), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest in Spine Surgery (Korea) & Pain Intervention (India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPain in the back \u2013 The Star, 5 December 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 5 December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/therapeutic-ultrasound-ust", "title": "Therapeutic Ultrasound (UST)", "body": "\n\n\n\nTherapeutic Ultrasound (UST)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 20, 2017\n \nWhat is Ultrasound?\n\nUltrasound is an inaudible high frequency vibration that is converted from electrical energy which passes through crystals in the transducer head. Ultrasound can be used as a diagnostic modality and for treatment purposes.\n\nTherapeutic ultrasound is one of the most commonly used and well accepted electrotherapy modality in treating various musculoskeletal conditions.\n\nUltrasound therapy is usually used with the help of a coupling media. The coupling media, such as water, oil or gel prevents reflection of the ultrasonic wave away. It also allows easy movement of the transducer onto the skin, thus prevents friction and allows more evenly-spread penetration.\nSome of the effects of ultrasound are:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDecreases soft tissue inflammation (example: tendonitis, bursitis)\n\n\nIncreases tissue extensibility\n\n\nEnhances scar tissue remodelling\n\n\nDecreases localised pain\n\n\nImproves soft tissue healing\n\n\nReduces soft tissue swelling (edema)\n\n\nImproves blood flow around the tissue\n\n\nReduces muscle spasms\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUltrasound therapy is usually set at a frequency of 1MHz or 3Mhz. 1Mhz is usually used for deeper penetration (3cm-5cm), while 3Mhz is usually set for superficial penetration (1cm-2cm). Ultrasound can be used in either continuous or pulsed mode for a duration of 5 to 8 minutes.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFor appointment or any enquiries, please contact Columbia Asia Hospital - Seremban Physiotherapy Department at +606-603 3157.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences \n\n\nAmerican Physical Therapy Association\n\n(A Survey of Therapeutic Ultrasound Use by Physical Therapists Who Are Certified Specialists)(2016) 87 (8): 986-994\n\n\nOxford Journals, Medicine & Health, Rheumatology\n\n(Rheumatology)(2001) 40 (12): 1331-1336\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/three-common-cause-for-backache-zh", "title": "\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db3\u5927\u5e38\u89c1\u539f\u56e0", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db3\u5927\u5e38\u89c1\u539f\u56e0\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 16, 2020\n \n\n\u4f60\u5728\u65e5\u5e38\u751f\u6d3b\u4e2d\u662f\u5426\u4e5f\u65f6\u4e0d\u65f6\u53d1\u51fa\u8fd9\u6837\u7684\u201c\u54c0\u568e\u201d\uff1f\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u5982\u4eca\u5df2\u4e0d\u518d\u662f\u4e0a\u4e86\u5e74\u7eaa\u7684\u957f\u8f88\u4eec\u7684\u201d\u4e13\u5229\u201d\uff0c\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c80%\u7684\u4eba\u4e00\u751f\u4e2d\u4f1a\u7ecf\u5386\u81f3\u5c11\u4e00\u6b21\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u8fd8\u6709\u5e74\u8f7b\u5316\u8d8b\u52bf\u5462\uff01\u82e5\u4f60\u4e5f\u9762\u5bf9\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u7684\u56f0\u6270\uff0c\u5148\u522b\u6025\u7740\u627e\u201c\u8c37\u6b4c\u533b\u751f\u201d\uff0c\u4e0d\u5982\u8ba9 Columbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri \u9a7b\u9662\u9aa8\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u2014\u5d14\u4f1f\u6770\u533b\u751f\u4e86\u89e3\u5e38\u89c1\u76843\u4e2a\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u539f\u56e0\u5427\uff01\n\n\u00a0\n\n#\u7834\u89e3\u8ff7\u601d: \u4e00\u8d77\u5411\u9aa8\u79d1\u4e13\u79d1\u5d14\u4f1f\u6770\u533b\u751f\u4e86\u89e3\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db3\u5927\u5e38\u89c1\u539f\u56e0, \u9664\u4e86\u808c\u8089\u62c9\u4f24\u539f\u6765\u8fd8\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u2026\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nABOUT BACKACHE\n\n\n\n\u4e0d\u8bf4\u4f60\u4e0d\u77e5\uff0c\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u5e38\u89c1\u76843\u5927\u539f\u56e0\u6709\u8fd9\u4e9b\uff01\n\n\u5d14\u533b\u751f\u5148\u540e\u5728\u9a6c\u6765\u4e9a\u5927\u5b66\u83b7\u5f97\u533b\u79d1\u5b66\u58eb\u548c\u9aa8\u79d1\u7855\u58eb\u4e13\u4e1a\uff0c\u968f\u540e\u66fe\u5230\u65b0\u52a0\u5761\u63a5\u53d7\u534a\u5e74\u7684\u810a\u690e\u9aa8\u79d1\u8bad\u7ec3\uff0c\u5e76\u6bcf\u5e74\u6839\u636e\u653f\u5e9c\u89c4\u5b9a\u63a5\u53d7\u57f9\u8bad\u3002\u62e5\u670920\u5e74\u9aa8\u79d1\u4e13\u79d1\u7ecf\u9a8c\u7684\u4ed6\u8bf4\uff0c\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u662f\u73b0\u4ee3\u666e\u904d\u7684\u75c5\u75c7\uff0c\u867d\u713680%\u7684\u4eba\u66fe\u7ecf\u5386\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\uff0c\u4f46\u5f53\u4e2d90%\u7684\u60a3\u8005\u53ea\u8981\u4f11\u606f\u5c31\u4f1a\u75ca\u6108\uff0c\u53ea\u6709\u5c11\u90e8\u5206\u4eba\u9700\u8981\u836f\u7269\u548c\u624b\u672f\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\u636e\u4ed6\u89c2\u5bdf\uff0c\u73b0\u4ee3\u4eba\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u5e38\u89c1\u76843\u4e2a\u539f\u56e0\u5305\u62ec\uff1a\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\u3010\u539f\u56e0 \u2460\uff1a\u808c\u8089\u62c9\u4f24\u3011\n\n\n\n\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u4ee5\u4e3a\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u662f\u810a\u690e\u95ee\u9898\uff0c\u4f46\u5176\u5b9e\u6025\u6027\u808c\u8089\u6216\u97e7\u5e26\u62c9\u4f24\u624d\u662f\u6700\u666e\u904d\u539f\u56e0\uff0c\u4f8b\u5982\u751f\u6d3b\u4e2d\u6211\u4eec\u7ecf\u5e38\u4e60\u60ef\u6027\u5730\u9519\u8bef\u59ff\u52bf\u3001\u8fd0\u52a8\u8fc7\u5ea6\u6216\u642c\u91cd\u7269\u7b49\uff0c\u90fd\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u810a\u690e\u5468\u56f4\u97e7\u5e26\u4e0e\u808c\u8089\u6025\u6027\u626d\u632b\u4f24\u3002\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u957f\u65f6\u95f4\u7684\u808c\u8089\u548c\u97e7\u5e26\u6162\u6027\u52b3\u635f\u4e5f\u4f1a\u8bf1\u53d1\u810a\u690e\u5468\u56f4\u808c\u8089\u75c9\u631b\u3002\u8fd9\u4e2a\u539f\u56e0\u9020\u6210\u7684\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u4ee5\u5e74\u8f7b\u4eba\u3001\u8fd0\u52a8\u8005\u3001\u9700\u642c\u91cd\u7269\u804c\u4e1a\u8005\u5c45\u591a\u3002\u82e5\u653e\u4efb\u4e0d\u7ba1\uff0c\u5c31\u4f1a\u53d8\u6210\u53cd\u590d\u53d1\u4f5c\u7684\u6162\u6027\u75c5\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u25b2 \u6848\u4f8b\u5206\u4eab\uff1a\u5370\u5ea6\u821e\u821e\u8e48\u8001\u5e08\u957f\u671f\u626d\u5934\uff0c\u5bfc\u81f4\u9888\u690e\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u7a81\u51fa(\u7ea2\u5708\u5904)\u3002\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\u3010\u539f\u56e0 \u2461\uff1a\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u7a81\u51fa / \u9aa8\u523a / \u9aa8\u8d28\u758f\u677e\u3011\n\n\n\n\u9664\u4e86\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\uff0c\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u5076\u5c14\u89c9\u5f97\u624b\u811a\u9ebb\u75f9\u5462\uff1f\u90a3\u4f60\u53ef\u80fd\u6709\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u7a81\u51fa\u95ee\u9898\uff01\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u4f4d\u4e8e\u4e24\u8282\u810a\u690e\u4e4b\u95f4\uff0c\u7528\u4e8e\u6d3b\u52a8\u65f6\u5438\u6536\u9707\u52a8\uff0c\u4f46\u957f\u65f6\u95f4\u7684\u59ff\u52bf\u4e0d\u826f\u6216\u642c\u91cd\u7269\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u538b\u529b\u8fc7\u5927\u800c\u5411\u5916\u7a81\u51fa\u3002\u5d14\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\uff0c\u5728\u4e0b\u80cc\u75bc\u75db\u7684\u75c5\u4eba\u4e2d\uff0c\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u7a81\u51fa\u5360\u5f88\u5927\u6bd4\u4f8b\uff0c\u4e14\u4ee5\u5e74\u8f7b\u4eba\u4e3a\u4e3b\u3002\u201c\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u7a81\u51fa\u53ef\u4e0d\u662f\u80cc\u75db\u90a3\u4e48\u7b80\u5355\uff0c\u82e5\u7a81\u51fa\u7684\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u538b\u8feb\u5230\u795e\u7ecf\u7ebf\uff0c\u4f1a\u9020\u6210\u624b\u811a\u9ebb\u75f9\u3002\u201d\n\n\u82e5\u662f\u8001\u5e74\u4eba\uff0c\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u8001\u5316\u548c\u810a\u690e\u8fc7\u5ea6\u8d1f\u8377\u4f1a\u4ea7\u751f\u9aa8\u523a\uff0c\u7eed\u800c\u538b\u8feb\u5468\u56f4\u7684\u795e\u7ecf\u9020\u6210\u5750\u9aa8\u795e\u7ecf\u75db\u3002\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u505c\u7ecf\u540e\u7684\u5973\u6027\u56e0\u8377\u5c14\u8499\u51cf\u5c11\u9020\u6210\u9aa8\u8d28\u6d41\u5931\uff0c\u9aa8\u6298\u673a\u7387\u4f1a\u9ad8\u51fa\u8bb8\u591a\u3002\u82e5\u6c92\u6709\u9002\u5f53\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u4f1a\u5f62\u6210\u6162\u6027\u80cc\u90e8\u75bc\u75db\u3001\u9a7c\u80cc\u751a\u4e27\u5931\u884c\u52a8\u80fd\u529b\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u25b2 \u6848\u4f8b\u5206\u4eab\uff1a\u5341\u51e0\u5c81\u7684\u5c11\u5e74\u5bb9\u6613\u56e0\u690e\u95f4\u76d8(\u9ed1\u8272\u90e8\u5206)\u7a81\u51fa\u800c\u80cc\u75db\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u7a81\u51fa\u548c\u9aa8\u523a\u9020\u6210\u7684\u75bc\u75db\u5341\u5206\u76f8\u4f3c\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u53ef\u901a\u8fc7\u5e74\u9f84\u5206\u8fa8\u3002\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b9\u6cd5\u662f\uff0c\u690e\u95f4\u76d8\u7a81\u51fa\u662f\u65e0\u65f6\u65e0\u523b\u5728\u75db\uff0c\u4f46\u901a\u8fc7\u4f11\u606f\u3001\u5403\u836f\u6216\u7269\u7406\u6cbb\u7597\u5219\u60c5\u51b5\u4f1a\u597d\u8f6c\uff1b\u9aa8\u523a\u7684\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u5219\u662f\u5728\u6e05\u6668\u8d77\u5e8a\u65f6\u8170\u80cc\u90e8\u7279\u522b\u9178\u75db\u50f5\u786c\uff0c\u4f46\u8d77\u5e8a\u6d3b\u52a8\u540e\u4f1a\u83b7\u5f97\u7f13\u89e3\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u3010\u539f\u56e0 \u2462\uff1a\u75be\u75c5\u3011\n\n\n\n\u5973\u6027\u82e5\u89c9\u5f97\u4e0b\u8179\u9690\u9690\u4f5c\u75db\u7c7b\u4f3c\u7ecf\u671f\u7684\u611f\u89c9\uff0c\u5e76\u4f34\u6709\u5206\u6ccc\u7269\u4ea7\u751f\u5c31\u5f97\u6ce8\u610f\u4e86\uff0c\u56e0\u4e3a\u8fd9\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u9aa8\u76c6\u8154\u53d1\u708e\u521d\u671f\u7684\u4fe1\u53f7\uff01\u82e5\u4e0d\u53ca\u65f6\u5230\u5987\u4ea7\u79d1\u6cbb\u7597\uff0c\u4fbf\u4f1a\u56e0\u6b64\u4e0b\u80cc\u75bc\u75db\u5594~\u7537\u58eb\u4eec\u4e5f\u5f97\u6ce8\u610f\uff0c\u5e38\u89c1\u4e8e\u4f60\u4eec\u7684\u8f93\u5c3f\u7ba1\u548c\u80be\u7ed3\u77f3\u4f1a\u8ba9\u4f60\u89c9\u5f97\u8179\u80a1\u6c9f\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u5e76\u9010\u6e10\u8f6c\u79fb\u5230\u80cc\u90e8\uff0c\u5e76\u4f34\u968f\u4e00\u9635\u9635\u75c9\u631b\u75db\u611f\u3001\u9891\u5c3f\u548c\u8840\u5c3f\u60c5\u51b5\u3002\u82e5\u4f60\u51fa\u73b0\u4ee5\u4e0a\u75c7\u72b6\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u5230\u6ccc\u5c3f\u79d1\u6cbb\u7597\u3002 \u764c\u75c7\u65b9\u9762\uff0c\u5d14\u533b\u751f\u8bf4\u4e00\u822c\u9aa8\u5934\u51fa\u73b0\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u662f\u4ece\u5176\u5b83\u5730\u65b9\u7684\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u6269\u6563\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u5f53\u9aa8\u5934\u53d1\u73b0\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u65f6\u901a\u5e38\u5df2\u5f88\u96be\u6cbb\u6108\u3002\u4ed6\u4e3e\u51fa\u524d\u51e0\u5929\u521a\u78b0\u5230\u7684\u4e00\u4e2a\u6848\u4f8b\uff1a\u4e00\u540d\u5987\u5973\u56e0\u80cc\u75db\u5411\u4ed6\u95ee\u8bca\uff0c\u7ecf\u68c0\u67e5\u624d\u53d1\u73b0\u90a3\u540d\u5987\u5973\u5df2\u60a3\u6709\u4e73\u764c\u7b2c\u56db\u671f\uff0c\u764c\u7ec6\u80de\u6269\u6563\u81f3\u810a\u690e\u624d\u5bfc\u81f4\u5979\u80cc\u75db\u3002\u5c3d\u7ba1\u4ece\u533b20\u591a\u5e74\uff0c\u4f46\u9762\u5bf9\u8fd9\u6837\u7684\u75c5\u60a3\uff0c\u5d14\u533b\u751f\u4ecd\u96be\u63a9\u54c0\u601c\u4e4b\u60c5\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\nABOUT: ORTHOPEDIC\n\n\n\n\u6301\u7eed\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u8bf7\u54a8\u8be2\u4e13\u4e1a\u533b\u751f\uff0c\u9aa8\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u95ee\u8bca\u8303\u56f4\u8fd8\u5305\u62ec\u8fd9\u4e9b\u2026\n\n\u770b\u5b8c\u4e0a\u97623\u4e2a\u5e38\u89c1\u539f\u56e0\uff0c\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u6b63\u5728\u6276\u7740\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u8170\uff0c\u5bfb\u601d\u81ea\u5df1\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u7684\u539f\u56e0\u5462\uff1f\u5d14\u533b\u751f\u5efa\u8bae\uff0c\u82e5\u75c5\u60a3\u7ecf\u4f11\u606f\u548c\u5403\u836f\u540e\uff0c\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\u60c5\u51b5\u4ecd\u4e0d\u89c1\u7f13\u89e3\uff0c\u6700\u597d\u5bfb\u6c42\u4e13\u4e1a\u533b\u751f\u5224\u65ad\u3002\u533b\u751f\u4f1a\u901a\u8fc7\u8be2\u95ee\u75c5\u53f2\u548c\u6d3b\u52a8\u6027\u6d4b\u8bd5\u7b49\uff0c\u901a\u8fc7\u6392\u67e5\u505a\u51fa\u4e34\u5e8a\u8bca\u65ad\uff0c\u518d\u914d\u5408 X-ray\u3001CT Scan \u548c MRI \u53bb\u627e\u51fa\u539f\u56e0\u3002\n\n\u9664\u4e86\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db\uff0c\u9aa8\u6298\u3001\u521b\u4f24\u3001\u5173\u8282\u3001\u8fd0\u52a8\u53d7\u4f24\u3001\u5c0f\u513f\u79d1\u3001\u810a\u67f1 (\u810a\u690e\u521b\u4f24\u3001\u9000\u5316) \u548c\u80bf\u7624\u7b49\uff0c\u90fd\u5c5e\u4e8e\u9aa8\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u7684\u8bca\u7597\u8303\u56f4\uff0c\u800c\u5728 Columbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\uff0c\u9aa8\u79d1\u8fd8\u6709 Dr. Yoga Raj \u548c Dr. Aswadi Mohd Ariff \u53e6\u59162\u540d\u533b\u751f\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u5d14\u533b\u751f\u7b11\u8a00\u8fd9\u4e2a\u79d1\u5ba4\u6c47\u96c6\u4e86\u4e09\u5927\u6c11\u65cf\u3002\u4e3a\u4e86\u63d0\u4f9b\u5168\u65b9\u4f4d\u670d\u52a1\u4e88\u75c5\u60a3\uff0c\u533b\u9662\u4e5f\u63d0\u4f9b\u5176\u4ed6\u533b\u7597\u670d\u52a1\uff0c\u5982\u56fe\u50cf\u8bca\u65ad\u3001\u8eab\u4f53\u68c0\u67e5\u3001\u4e34\u5e8a\u5316\u9a8c\u548c\u4f4f\u9662\u7b49\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\nABOUT: COLUMBIA ASIA HOSPITAL\n\n\n\n\u67d4\u4f5b\u9996\u95f4\u5206\u884c\u4f4d\u4e8e\nISKANDAR PUTERI\n\uff0c\u73b0\u4ee3\u5316\u533b\u7597\u73af\u5883\u4e0e\u4e13\u4e1a\u533b\u751f\u83b7\u8ba4\u53ef\n\n\u4f5c\u4e3a\u4e00\u95f4\u56fd\u9645\u77e5\u540d\u79c1\u4eba\u533b\u9662\uff0c \nColumbia Asia Hospital\n \u4e8e1996\u5e74\u8fdb\u9a7b\u5927\u9a6c\uff0c\u76ee\u524d\u5168\u9a6c\u8bbe\u670913\u95f4\u5206\u884c\uff0c\u800c2010\u5e74\u4e8e Iskandar Puteri \u8bbe\u7acb\u7684\u8fd9\u95f4\u5206\u884c\u6b63\u5f0f\u67d4\u4f5b\u7b2c\u4e00\u95f4\u300210\u5e74\u6765\uff0c\u8fd9\u95f4\u7efc\u5408\u6027\u79c1\u4eba\u533b\u9662\u9664\u4e86\u9887\u5177\u540d\u8a89\u7684\u9aa8\u79d1\u3001\u795e\u7ecf\u79d1\u548c\u5987\u4ea7\u79d1\uff0c\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\n \u8fd8\u8bbe\u6709\u8033\u9f3b\u5589\u5934\u9888\u79d1\u3001\u6ccc\u5c3f\u79d1\u3001\u5fc3\u810f\u79d1\u3001\u5c0f\u513f\u79d1\u7b49\u517111\u4e2a\u79d1\u5ba4\uff0c\u5171\u670924\u540d\u4e13\u79d1\u533b\u751f\u30019\u540d\u5ba2\u5ea7\u533b\u751f\u548c5\u540d\u9a7b\u9662\u533b\u751f\u5728\u8fd9\u91cc\u95ee\u8bca\u3002\u8fd9\u91cc\u5360\u573022000 sq. ft.\uff0c\u5171\u6709135\u5f20\u5e8a\u4f4d\u5e76\u9884\u8ba1\u4f1a\u5728\u660e\u5e74\u589e\u52a0\u81f3168\u5f20\u5e8a\u4f4d\u3002\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u4e8e2017\u5e74\u83b7\u5f97\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u5065\u5eb7\u54c1\u8d28\u5c40\u8ba4\u53ef\uff0c\u4e14\u66fe\u83b7\u5f97 BrandLaureate \u5168\u7403\u6700\u4f73\u54c1\u724c\u5956 (\u5065\u5eb7\u4e0e\u79c1\u4eba\u533b\u9662\u7ec4\u522b)\uff0c\u8db3\u89c1\u5176\u73b0\u4ee3\u5316\u7684\u533b\u7597\u8bbe\u65bd\u3001\u533b\u672f\u9ad8\u8d85\u7684\u533b\u751f\u548c\u8bad\u7ec3\u6709\u7d20\u7684\u62a4\u58eb\u83b7\u5f97\u8ba4\u53ef\u3002\u4f4d\u4e8eIskandar Puteri \u7684\u8fd9\u95f4 Columbia Asia Hospital \u7ef4\u6301\u4e00\u8d2f\u98ce\u683c\uff0c\u7a7a\u95f4\u5bbd\u655e\u3001\u5e72\u51c0\u3001\u660e\u4eae\uff0c\u88c5\u6f62\u72b9\u5982\u9ad8\u7ea7\u9152\u5e97\uff0c\u66f4\u6ca1\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u201c\u836f\u6c34\u5473\u201d\uff0c\u5b8c\u5168\u8df3\u8131\u6211\u4eec\u5bf9\u4e8e\u533b\u9662\u7684\u4f20\u7edf\u5370\u8c61\u3002\u53e6\u5916\uff0c\u8fd9\u91cc\u8ddd\u79bb\u51e0\u4e2a\u65b0\u5174\u4f4f\u5b85\u533a\u5982 Nusa Idaman\u3001Horizon Hills\u3001Educity\u3001SiLC\u3001Ledang\uff0c\u8ddd\u79bb\u65b0\u5c71\u5e02\u533a\u7ea620\u5206\u949f\uff0c\u76f8\u5f53\u65b9\u4fbf\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Chooi Wai Kit\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nAM (Mal), MBBS (Mal), Master of Orthopedic Surgery (Mal)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u8170\u9178\u80cc\u75db3\u5927\u5e38\u89c1\u539f\u56e0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u57282020\u5e7410\u670819 \u65e5\u7684 \u201d\u65b0\u5c71\u751f\u6d3b\u8a8c / JB City Guide\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/thyroid-health", "title": "Thyroid Health", "body": "\n\n\n\nThyroid Health\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 22, 2021\n \n\nThere are many different types of thyroid disorders which may affect either its structure or function. Generally, there are five common thyroid disorders. The first is hypothyroidism which happens when there is insufficient amount of thyroid hormone production.\n\nThen there is Hyperthyroidism which signifies an excessive amount of thyroid hormone production. Next comes Thyroid nodules which are abnormal lumps or masses within the thyroid gland. Goiter is also a common thyroid disorder. It is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, regardless of cause and may be associated with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or normal thyroid function.\n\nLast of all, thyroid carcinoma or more commonly known as thyroid cancer.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWho are at risk?\n\nThyroid disease can affect anyone from infants to the elderly but there are several factors that put one at a higher risk of developing thyroid disease. This includes those who already have a family history of thyroid disease or a personal history of autoimmune disorder, also those who are taking medicine that is high in iodine such as amiodarone plus those who have had treatment for a thyroid condition or thyroid cancer (thyroidectomy or radiation). What makes the risk even higher is if you are a woman and especially so if you are above 60.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSymptoms of thyroid disorder\n\nSo how do we know if you have a problem with your thyroid? That really depends on the type of thyroid condition you have. If you have palpitations, heat intolerance, experience weight loss, lethargy, menstrual disturbance, subfertility, hand tremors, nervousness, irritability and diarrhea, you may have hyperthyroidism.\n\nHowever, if you experience weight gain, poor concentration, feel sleepy, experience bloating, menstrual changes, cold intolerance, constipation, hair loss, coarse dry skin and hair as well as memory loss, you may have hypothyroidism. The best thing is to check with a medical professional such as a neurologist in order for you to determine your diagnosis.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDiagnosing thyroid diseases\n\nIn addition to a thorough medical history investigation and physical examination, there are specific tests to diagnose thyroid disorders. First and foremost is a blood test and a special one too, called Thyroid Function Test (TFT). This test measures levels of thyroid hormones. Another test is the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) which utilises your hyroid autoantibodies affecting the anti- thyroglobulin (anti Tg), anti-thyroperoxidase (anti-TPO) and TRAb (TSH receptor autoantibodies).\n\nImaging can also determine thyroid symptoms. The ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland is commonly used when thyroid nodules or enlargements are present. Another option is the thyroid uptake scan, carried out to evaluate the function of thyroid nodules comprising either \u2018hot\u2019 or \u2018cold\u2019 nodules. \u2018Hot\u2019 nodules are hyperfunctioning nodules. \u2018Cold\u2019 nodules do not produce excess hormone and can sometimes represent cancer. Finally, the enterologist can order a fine needle aspiration and a biopsy. This is to obtain a sample of cells or tissues from the thyroid gland for further examination by a pathologist.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThyroid diseases: long-term or short-term treatment?\n\nIn most cases, thyroid disorders can be well-managed with medical treatment. Only some conditions may need radioactive iodine therapy (RAI) or surgery. The duration of treatment will depend on any particular disease of the thyroid.\n\nSynthetic thyroid hormone is given to replace the inadequacy of thyroid hormone in hypothyroidism. Antithyroid drugs are given to block the excessive production of thyroid hormone in hyperthyroidism. Radioactive iodine therapy is given when hyperthyroidism is not controlled with medications. Surgery is also an option if thyroid carcinoma is confirmed or the enlarged thyroid gland is causing obstruction to the adjacent structures.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCommon causes and prevention of thyroid diseases\n\nCommon causes of hypothyroidism are Hashimoto\u2019s thyroiditis and other types of thyroidism such as postpartum thyroiditis and acute thyroiditis. The common causes of hyperthyroidism are Graves\u2019 disease, toxic multinodular goiter, solitary toxic nodule, excessive iodine consumption and the likes.\n\nThere are no specific precautions or steps to take to avoid getting thyroid disorders. Still, for those who have hyperthyroidism, it is recommended to avoid food and drinks that contain caffeine as this can worsen symptoms. The doctor will also advise you to consume food with low iodine content. You can take calcium and vitamin D supplements for bone health if you don\u2019t take foods rich in calcium. For those who have hypothyroidism, it is recommended to take iodine-rich foods. And last but not least, avoid alcohol consumption and smoking!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Rohaya Abdul Razak\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nand Endocrinologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Taiping\nMBBS (UM), M Internal Medicine (UM),\n\nFellowship in Endocrinology (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tips-dan-info-penyakit-diabetis-sinar-fm-podcast", "title": "Tips dan info penyakit diabetis [Sinar fm - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nTips dan info penyakit diabetis [Sinar fm - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 14, 2014\n \nDr. Abdul Rahman Mohamad (Columbia Asia Group Medical Director) & Dr. Feisul Idzwan Mustafa (Public Health Physician)\n\nDengarkan podcast SINAR fm untuk mengetahui tips dan info penyakit diabetis di Malaysia serta kesedaran tentang penyakit tersebut dengan kerjasama Columbia Asia sempena Bulan Diabetes Antarabangsa dan Hari Diabetes Sedunia.\n\n\u00a0\n\nColumbia Asia\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\nColumbia Asia - Sambutan Hari Diabetis Sedunia\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\nManfaat dari Tabung Walk For Cure 2014\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\nPesakit Diabetis \"Type 1\"\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\nStatistik Pesakit Diabetis\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTahap kesihatan rakyat Malaysia\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFaktor penyakit Diabetis di kalangan kanak-kanak\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAktiviti dan pemakanan di kalangan kanak-kanak\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tips-penjagaan-kaki", "title": "Tips Penjagaan Kaki", "body": "\n\n\n\nTips Penjagaan Kaki\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 25, 2012\n \n\nPara pesakit kencing manis mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi untuk mendapat jangkitan kuman (yang kadangkala boleh menjadi serius dan mengancam nyawa), terutamanya ke atas anggota badan yang sering terdedah seperti kulit, tangan dan kaki.\n\nRisiko jangkitan ini akan menjadi lebih tinggi sekiranya pesakit-pesakit tersebut mengalami keadaan kebas pada anggota terbabit akibat kencing manis yang tidak terkawal, lantas mendedahkan mereka kepada kecederaan kulit dan anggota yang tidak disedari dan seterusnya mengundang pelbagai bentuk jangkitan sekunder (secondary infection). Lebih menakutkan lagi apabila jangkitan tersebut merebak dan menyebabkan pesakit kehilangan anggota yang terlibat (amputasi, gambar).\n\u00a0\n\nBagaimanakah cara untuk mengelakkan kecederaan dan seterusnya jangkitan pada kaki? Berikut adalah beberapa tips mudah bagi menjaga kaki kita daripada mendapat kecederaan tanpa kita sedari :\n\nJagalah \ntahap gula\n dalam darah anda \u2013 ini sangat penting, kerana tahap kencing manis yang tinggi akan menjadikan jangkitan kuman sukar dikawal.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPeriksalah kaki anda \nsetiap hari\n dan awas terhadap kewujudan lepuh-lepuh (blisters), luka (tidak kira berapa kecil saiznya), kemerahan pada kulit, dan tanda bengkak. Gunakan cermin bagi memeriksa kulit pada tapak kaki dan kawasan lain yang terlindung.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nGunakan \nkasut yang selesa dan sesuai\n sewaktu berjalan di luar, dan pakailah stokin yang bersih bagi menyerap kelembapan berlebihan pada kulit kaki di dalam kasut. Pakailah kasut yang lebar hujungnya (large toe-box, gambar) bagi mengelakkan jari kaki terkepit di dalam kasut yang akan mengurangkan aliran darah dan menambah risiko kecederaan pada jari kaki. Elakkan penggunaan selipar kerana bahagian kaki akan terdedah kepada benda-benda tajam yang mungkin mencederakan kulit kaki. Jangan berjalan 'kaki-ayam' di luar rumah.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBasuhlah kaki setiap hari\n dengan air yang bersih (!!! jangan gunakan air panas) dan laplah kaki sehingga kering selepas dibasuh. Elakkan dari menggunakan sabuh atau pencuci yang bersifat menghakis (corrosive) kerana ianya akan melukakan kulit kaki. Jangan lupa mengeringkan kulit di antara jari kaki yang mungkin mengundang jangkitan kulat sekiranya dibiarkan lembap selepas dicuci.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nSapulah losyen\n pada kulit kaki bagi memelihara kelembapan dan mengelakkan rekahan (ini adalah gi mereka yang mempunyai kulit yang sentiasa kering dan merekah).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPotonglah kuku kaki\n dengan berhati-hati seminggu sekali dan jangan memotongnya terlalu pendek bagi mengelakkan kecederaan pada lapisan kulit berdekatan kuku. Mintalah pertolongan orang lain sekiranya penglihatan anda tidak begitu jelas. Gunakan pemotong kuku yang sesuai (nail-clippers) dan bukannya pisau bagi mengelakkan kecederaan pada kulit anda sewaktu kuku dipotong.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nElakkan berjalan di kawasan yang \nterlalu panas\n (contohnya di kawasan pantai) atau \nterlalu sejuk\n (contohnya lantai simen yang sejuk) tanpa alas kaki yang sesuai.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAmalkan \nsenaman regangan kaki dan jari\n selalu terutama sewaktu berehat di rumah. Ini bagi menggalakkan aliran darah yang lebih berkesan ke anggota-anggota tersebut.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPergilah \nberjumpa doktor anda dan jalanilah pemeriksaan kaki secara berkala\n dengan doktor anda.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Mohd Nizlan Mohd Nasir\n\nConsultant Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tips-staying-healthy-during-lockdown-period", "title": "Tips for Staying Healthy During the Lockdown Period", "body": "\n\n\n\nTips for Staying Healthy During the Lockdown Period\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 24, 2020\n \n\nOur immune system is complex and involves numerous defense mechanisms. Proper hygiene practice and following the advice issued by the government are the main steps in avoiding infection. A balanced diet and adequate fluid/water intake may help you protect yourself during this lockdown.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Prepare simple meals at home with the guide of the Healthy Plate concept which provides essential amount of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals that the body needs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Avoid binge-eating and snacking on unhealthy snacks. Practice constant meal timings as you are free to plan a proper mealtime at home.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Ensure enough water intake to stay hydrated. The Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysia is six to eight glasses (1.5L to 2.0L) a day.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Reduce fast food and processed food intake to prevent consumption of excessive sodium and fat.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Reduce gravy intake or eliminate the gravy from canned foods if you have no other options. For example, only take the fish out of canned sardines and prepare the sauce with fresh tomatoes and onions.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. Reduce salt. Use herbs and spices instead. Also, reduce your oil intake. Restrict sugar and alcohol consumption too.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Do simple exercises in your home compound.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. Don\u2019t waste food. Prepare meals according to demand. Don\u2019t share food off your plate with family members. Don\u2019t even share your cutleries or utensils.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nA Balanced Diet\n\n\n\nAccording to Malaysia Dietary Guidelines, a balanced diet is defined as a diet that combines foods with a proper balance of nutrients including fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and dairy. We cannot depend on only one superfood or supplement to help our immune system. In fact, we need to have a complete and balanced diet to strengthen it.\n\n\u00a0\n\nProtein\n\n\n\nDuring this lockdown period, please do ensure that you have enough protein sources such fish, poultry, lean meat, seafood, soy products (tofu and tempe, for instance) as well as beans/lentils. Protein is needed for cell and tissue repairs/regeneration. Indirectly, this secures our immune system mechanism. This is especially for mucous membrane regeneration which produces immune cells as the body\u2019s first line of defense. An example of a sufficient protein intake is one palm-sized meat/chicken/fish or one piece of tofu (200g) per main meal is suggested for generally healthy people (those without kidney diseases).\n\n\u00a0\n\nCarbohydrate\n\n\n\nEat adequate rice and other cereal products (preferably wholegrain) and tubers because carbohydrate is our main source of energy in daily life. The basis for most meals should include unrefined cereals or minimal intake of processed cereals and grains (whole grain or whole meal), where fortified cereals and grains are recommended (Malaysia Dietary Guidelines, 2010). Thus, an appropriate amount of carbohydrate is essential to sustain our daily life\u2019s needs.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFruits and Vegetables\n\n\n\nFruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals that are needed to secure our immune system, including Vitamin A, B, C, D and E. Iron and zinc that play an essential role in our immune system are commonly found in food from animal sources.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Vitamins\n\n\nVitamin A\n is found abundantly in spinach, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, bell peppers, liver, cod liver oil as well as vegetables and fruits that are dark yellow and orange in colour. Vitamin A is also needed to strengthen the immunity barrier as it is involved in mucous secretion and the organ protective lining (epithelium) formation that defends against pathogen invasion especially for both respiratory tract and intestine mucus layer. On top of that, vitamin A is also needed to form blood cells (macrophage) required in the immune system (Huang , Liu , Qi, Brand, & Zheng, 2018).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOther vitamin sources are \nVitamin B6\n in eggs, lean meat, seafoods; \nVitamin B9\n in soy and soy product; \nVitamin B12\n in yogurt and cheese. \nVitamin B\n helps in regulating immune responses in terms of cell production differentiation and the activation of white blood cells (Mikkelsen, Stojanovska, Prakash, & Apostolopoulos, 2016).\nVitamin C\n is well-known for its antioxidant properties. This helps in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C supports the outer layer of our protective surface against pathogens. It promotes the oxidant-scavenging activity of the skin and supports various cellular functions of the immune system (Carr & Maggini, 2017). Vitamin C is common in citrus fruits, guava and dark green vegetables.\nVitamin D\n is derived from sun exposure. Dietary vitamin D is found in mushrooms, potatoes, salmon, mackerel, sardines, eggs and dairy products. A Vitamin D deficiency will increase susceptibility to infection as the vitamin D receptor is expressed on immune cells (Aranow, 2011).\nVitamin E\n in found in vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower, corn and soybean oil, and nuts such as almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts/filberts. It is another powerful antioxidant that has the ability to modulate the host\u2019s immune functions. It helps in the differentiation of immature immune cells in thymus (Moriguchi & Muraga, 2000).\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Minerals\n\n\nIron\n which is heme-iron from animal-sourced foods including liver, red meat and egg yolk, is important to prevent anemia. Anemia depreciates the body\u2019s immune system (Viana, 2011). Meantime, iron can also have direct effects on the growth of microbial pathogens as it is part of the component of the innate anti-microbial defense mechanism (Cherayil, 2010).\nZinc\n is rich in shellfish, red meat, eggs, liver and nuts. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient. Studies show that proper zinc supplementation decreases oxidative stress markers and the generation of inflammatory cytokines (Prasad, 2008). Zinc deficiency leads to a negative impact of the immune cells.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBibliography\n\n\n\nAranow, C. (2011). Vitamin D and the Immune System. \nJournal of Investigative Medicine\n, 881-886.\n\nCarr, A., & Maggini, S. (2017). Vitamin C and Immune Function. \nNutrients\n.\n\nCherayil, B. (2010). Iron and immunity: immunological consequences of iron deficiency and overload. \nArchivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis\n.\n\nHuang , Z., Liu , Y., Qi, G., Brand, D., & Zheng, S. (2018). Role of Vitamin A in the Immune System. Journal of Medical Medicine. Mikkelsen, K., Stojanovska, L., Prakash, M., & Apostolopoulos, V. (2016). The effects of vitamin B on the immune/cytokine network and their involvement in depression. \nMaturitas\n, 58-71.\n\nMoriguchi, S., & Muraga, M. (2000). Vitamin E and Immunity. \nVitamins and Hormones\n.\n\nPrasad, A. (2008). Zinc in Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells. \nMolecular Medicine\n, 353-357.\n\nViana, M. (2011). Anemia and infection: a complex relationship. \nRevista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia\n, 90-92.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAdeline Wong Kai Chii\n\n\nDietitian (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Miri\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/track-field", "title": "Track & Field", "body": "\n\n\n\nTrack & Field\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 29, 2017\n \nPhoto credit: \ndailytrackpic.wordpress.com\nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nConsultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Harjeet Singh returns for his monthly show on sports medicine and orthopaedics. This month, he focuses on athletics. Most professional track and field athletes specialise in only a small number of disciplines. Traditionally, the title of the World's Greatest Athlete has been given to the person who wins the Olympic decathlon - which combines foot races, throwing and jumping disciplines. Is that still accurate in modern sports?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/travel-safety-tips-during-covid-19-zh", "title": "\u65b0\u51a0\u75ab\u60c5\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u5b89\u5168\u65c5\u884c\uff1f", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u65b0\u51a0\u75ab\u60c5\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u5b89\u5168\u65c5\u884c\uff1f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 18, 2022\n \n\n\u968f\u7740\u6211\u56fd\u653f\u5e9c\u9010\u6e10\u653e\u5bbd\u65b0\u51a0\u9632\u75ab\u653f\u7b56\uff0c\u4e16\u754c\u5404\u56fd\u9010\u6b65\u653e\u5f00\u65c5\u6e38\u9650\u5236\uff0c\u505c\u6ede\u5df2\u4e45\u7684\u65c5\u6e38\u4e1a\u4e5f\u968f\u4e4b\u91cd\u542f\u3002\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u5e7f\u5927\u65c5\u6e38\u7231\u597d\u8005\u6240\u671f\u76fc\u7684\u4e00\u5929\uff0c\u75ab\u60c5\u540e\uff0c\u4f60\u60f3\u53bb\u54ea\u91cc\uff1f\u63d0\u9192\u5927\u5bb6\uff0c\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u8bb0\u5f97\u9632\u75ab\u4e09\u4ef6\u5957\uff1a\u53e3\u7f69\u3001\u6d17\u624b\u6db2\u3001\u6d88\u6bd2\u55b7\u96fe\uff0c\u4f60\u51c6\u5907\u597d\u4e86\u5417\uff1f\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u4f60\u51c6\u5907\u597d\u4e86\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u5728\u8fd9\u4e2a\u4e0e\u75c5\u6bd2\u5171\u5b58\u7684\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u8bf7\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u786e\u4fdd\u4f60\u7684\u65c5\u6e38\u8ba1\u5212\u662f\u4e07\u65e0\u4e00\u5931\u7684\u3002\u9996\u5148\uff0c\u968f\u8eab\u643a\u5e26\u4e2a\u4eba\u9632\u62a4\u7528\u54c1\u5982\u53e3\u7f69\u3001\u6d88\u6bd2\u55b7\u96fe\u548c\u6d88\u6bd2\u6d17\u624b\u6db2\u5df2\u7ecf\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u5171\u8bc6\uff0c\u4f46\u4e5f\u8981\u786e\u4fdd\u4f60\u5e26\u7684\u7528\u54c1\u662f\u8db3\u591f\u5e94\u4ed8\u65c5\u6e38\u7684\u5929\u6570\u7684\u3002\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u5728\u786e\u5b9a\u4f60\u7684\u8ba1\u5212\u524d\uff0c\u8bf7\u52a1\u5fc5\u8bc4\u4f30\u81ea\u8eab\u7684\u72b6\u6001\u3002\u5018\u82e5\u8eab\u4f53\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u7684\u4e0d\u9002\uff0c\u8bf7\u7b49\u5230\u8eab\u4f53\u6062\u590d\u4e86\u624d\u65c5\u884c\u3002\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u8c28\u8bb0\u8eab\u4f53\u7684\u5065\u5eb7\u624d\u662f\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u3002\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\n\u6211\u9002\u5408\u65c5\u884c\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u4eba\u7fa4\u5982\u6162\u6027\u80ba\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u3001\u5fc3\u810f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u3001\u80be\u810f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u3001\u809d\u810f\u7c7b\u60a3\u8005\u3001\u7cd6\u5c3f\u75c5\u60a3\u8005\u3001\u9ad8\u8840\u538b\u60a3\u8005\u3001\u8fc7\u5ea6\u80a5\u80d6\u60a3\u8005\u548c\u514d\u75ab\u529f\u80fd\u4f4e\u4e0b\u7684\u4eba\u7fa4\u90fd\u662f\u76f8\u5bf9\u98ce\u9669\u8f83\u9ad8\u7684\u4eba\u7fa4\u3002\u9664\u6b64\u4e4b\u5916\uff0c60\u5c81\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u4eba\u7fa4\u4e5f\u5c5e\u4e8e\u9ad8\u98ce\u9669\u7684\u4eba\u7fa4\u3002\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u662f\u7b26\u5408\u4ee5\u4e0a\u7684\u9ad8\u5371\u4eba\u7fa4\uff0c\u800c\u4e14\u8fd8\u6ca1\u63a5\u79cd\u5168\u5242\u91cf\u7684\u75ab\u82d7\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48\u662f\u975e\u5e38\u4e0d\u5efa\u8bae\u65c5\u884c\u7684\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u81ea\u9a7e\u65c5\u6e38\u4f1a\u6bd4\u4e58\u642d\u98de\u673a\u548c\u706b\u8f66\u5b89\u5168\u5417\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u60f3\u5fc5\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u90fd\u4f1a\u89c9\u5f97\u81ea\u9a7e\u65c5\u884c\u4f1a\u6bd4\u4e58\u642d\u98de\u673a\u548c\u706b\u8f66\u8fd8\u6765\u5f97\u5b89\u5168\u3002\u51fa\u4e4e\u610f\u6599\u7684\uff0c\u6839\u636e2020\u5e749\u6708MIT\u65af\u9686\u7ba1\u7406\u5b66\u9662\u6559\u6388\u963f\u8bfa\u5fb7\u2022\u5df4\u5185\u7279\u5148\u751f\u9610\u8ff0\u7684\u6570\u636e\u663e\u793a\uff0c\u4e00\u4f4d\u4e58\u5ba2\u5750\u5728\u6ee1\u5ea7\u7684\u98de\u673a\u4e0a\u611f\u67d3\u4e0a\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u4e3a0.03%\u3002\u5982\u679c\u662f\u5728\u9694\u4e00\u4e2a\u5ea7\u4f4d\u7684\u72b6\u51b5\u4e0b\uff0c \u4e00\u4f4d\u4e58\u5ba2\u611f\u67d3\u4e0a\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u662f0.02%\u3002\u4e5f\u5c31\u662f\u8bf4\uff0c\u4e58\u642d\u98de\u673a\u611f\u67d3\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u662f\u610f\u5916\u7684\u5c0f\u7684\u3002\n\n\u9057\u61be\u7684\u662f\uff0c\u81f3\u4eca\u4e5f\u8fd8\u6ca1\u6709\u5173\u4e8e\u81ea\u9a7e\u65c5\u6e38\u611f\u67d3\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u5b8c\u6574\u6570\u636e\u3002\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u81ea\u9a7e\u65c5\u884c\u662f\u5426\u6bd4\u4e58\u642d\u98de\u673a\u8fd8\u5371\u9669\u4f9d\u7136\u662f\u4e2a\u672a\u77e5\u6570\u3002\n\n\u5f53\u7136\uff0c\u5728\u9a7e\u8f66\u65c5\u884c\u7684\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u8bf7\u907f\u514d\u75b2\u52b3\u9a7e\u9a76\u5e76\u5728\u7cbe\u795e\u5145\u8db3\u7684\u72b6\u6001\u9a7e\u9a76\u4ee5\u964d\u4f4e\u8f66\u7978\u53d1\u751f\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u3002\u6b64\u5916\uff0c\u9632\u8303\u63aa\u65bd\u4e5f\u662f\u5fc5\u4e0d\u53ef\u5c11\u7684\u3002\u5728\u4e2d\u9014\u7684\u6682\u65f6\u505c\u7559\u7684\u5730\u65b9\uff0c\u6bd4\u5982\uff1a\u52a0\u6cb9\u7ad9\u548c\u4f11\u606f\u7ad9\u7b49\uff0c\u90fd\u8981\u7ef4\u6301\u52e4\u6d17\u624b\u3001\u6234\u597d\u53e3\u7f69\u7684\u4e60\u60ef\u3002\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\n\u5982\u4f55\u964d\u4f4e\u5728\u98de\u673a\u4e0a\u611f\u67d3\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u98ce\u9669\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u6709\u4e9b\u98de\u673a\u4f1a\u88c5\u7f6e\u9ad8\u6548\u7070\u5c18(HEPA)\u7684\u7a7a\u6c14\u8fc7\u6ee4\u7cfb\u7edf\u4ee5\u5feb\u901f\u7684\u6e05\u7406\u98de\u673a\u91cc\u7684\u75c5\u6bd2\u548c\u7ec6\u83cc\uff0c\u4ece\u800c\u6700\u5927\u9650\u5ea6\u7684\u51cf\u5c11\u4e86\u4efb\u4f55\u6f5c\u5728\u7684\u4f20\u67d3\u53ef\u80fd\u3002\u4f46\u662f\uff0c\u57fa\u4e8e\u98de\u884c\u7684\u6574\u4e2a\u8def\u7a0b\u90fd\u662f\u5904\u4e8e\u4e00\u4e2a\u5bc6\u5c01\u7684\u7a7a\u95f4\uff0c\u5728\u98de\u884c\u9014\u4e2d\u611f\u67d3\u4e0a\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u62c5\u5fc3\u4e5f\u662f\u65e0\u53ef\u539a\u975e\u7684\u3002\u56e0\u6b64\uff0c\u81ea\u8eab\u7684\u9632\u75ab\u63aa\u65bd\u8fd8\u662f\u8981\u505a\u597d\u7684\u3002\n\n\u9664\u4e86\u57fa\u672c\u7684\u52e4\u7528\u9152\u7cbe\u6d88\u6bd2\u53cc\u624b\u548c\u968f\u65f6\u6234\u597d\u53e3\u7f69\uff0c\u767b\u4e0a\u98de\u673a\u540e\u5c31\u5c3d\u91cf\u907f\u514d\u89e6\u6478\u5468\u56f4\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u81ea\u5df1\u7684\u8138\u3002\n\n\u5047\u5982\u6ca1\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u9700\u8981\u6458\u4e0b\u53e3\u7f69\u7684\u7406\u7531\uff0c\u5c31\u7edd\u5bf9\u4e0d\u8981\u6458\u4e0b\u3002\u5f53\u7136\uff0c\u6392\u961f\u5982\u5395\u548c\u4e0a\u4e0b\u98de\u673a\u7684\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u4e5f\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u4e0e\u5176\u4ed6\u4e58\u5ba2\u4fdd\u6301\u8ddd\u79bb\u3002\n\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\n\n\u5728\u5916\u66f4\u5b89\u5168\u7684\u7528\u9910\n\n\n\n\u56e0\u5728\u5916\u7528\u9910\u800c\u4e0d\u5e78\u611f\u67d3\u4e0a\u65b0\u51a0\u75c5\u6bd2\u7684\u6848\u4f8b\u4e0d\u8ba1\u80dc\u6570\u3002\u4e3a\u6b64\uff0c\u5927\u591a\u6570\u7684\u4eba\u90fd\u662f\u9009\u62e9\u5728\u5bb6\u81ea\u884c\u70f9\u996a\u6216\u8005\u70b9\u9001\u5916\u5356\u3002\u7136\u800c\uff0c\u96be\u5f97\u51fa\u95e8\u65c5\u884c\uff0c\u5728\u5916\u7528\u9910\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u662f\u5728\u6240\u96be\u514d\u7684\u3002\u5bf9\u6b64\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u9009\u62e9\u5ba4\u5916\u7528\u9910\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u8f83\u4e3a\u901a\u98ce\u7684\u9910\u5385\u3002\n\n\u4e5f\u8bf7\u7262\u8bb0\uff0c\u5c3d\u91cf\u9009\u62e9\u5c11\u4eba\u7684\u9152\u5e97\u9910\u5385\u6216\u5bb4\u4f1a\u5385\u3002\u5982\u679c\u662f\u5728\u5ba4\u5185\u7684\u7528\u9910\u7684\u8bdd\uff0c\u826f\u597d\u7684\u901a\u98ce\u7cfb\u7edf\u7684\u9910\u5385\u548c\u4eba\u6570\u8f83\u5c11\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u624d\u662f\u76f8\u5bf9\u7406\u60f3\u3001\u5b89\u5168\u7684\u3002\u5f53\u7136\uff0c\u6700\u7406\u60f3\u7684\u72b6\u51b5\u8fd8\u662f\u51cf\u5c11\u5916\u51fa\u7684\u7528\u9910\uff0c\u88ab\u611f\u67d3\u7684\u98ce\u9669\u66f4\u53ef\u4ee5\u5927\u5927\u7684\u51cf\u4f4e\u3002\uff08\u7f16\u8f91\u63d0\u9192\uff1a\u8bb0\u5f97\u8981\u4f7f\u7528\u516c\u7b77\u516c\u52fa\uff01\uff09\n\n\u603b\u7ed3\u6765\u8bf4\uff0c\u4e25\u683c\u7684\u6267\u884c\u4e2a\u4eba\u7684\u9884\u9632\u63aa\u65bd\u662f\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u3002\u4fdd\u62a4\u597d\u81ea\u5df1\uff0c\u4e5f\u662f\u4fdd\u62a4\u4ed6\u4eba\u7684\u65b9\u6cd5\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5c3d\u53ef\u80fd\u907f\u514d\u6458\u4e0b\u53e3\u7f69\uff0c\u5c24\u5176\u5728\u4eba\u7fa4\u91cc\u9762\u3002\n\n\n\u4e0e\u522b\u4eba\u4fdd\u6301\u81f3\u5c111\u7c73\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u8ddd\u79bb\u3002\n\n\n\u6253\u5f00\u7a97\u6237\u6216\u7ef4\u6301\u901a\u98ce\u7684\u5ba4\u5185\u7a7a\u95f4\u3002\n\n\n\u907f\u514d\u5c01\u95ed\u6216\u62e5\u6324\u7684\u5ba4\u5185\u7a7a\u95f4\u3002\n\n\n\u52e4\u6d88\u6bd2\u5e76\u6e05\u6d17\u53cc\u624b\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Chong Pei Wen\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMBBS (AIMST), MRCP (Ireland)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u901f\u770b\uff01\u65b0\u51a0\u75ab\u60c5\u671f\u95f4\uff0c\u8be5\u5982\u4f55\u5b89\u5168\u65c5\u884c\uff1f- \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/travelers-diarrhoea", "title": "Traveler\u2019s Diarrhoea", "body": "\n\n\n\nTraveler\u2019s Diarrhoea\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 01, 2015\n \n\nTraveler\u2019s diarrhea (TD) is usually caused by enterotoxigenic bacteria or viruses or protozoa from contaminated food or water. It can be happened at any time while traveling and even after returning home.\n\nAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), both cooked and uncooked foods are a concern on high risk destinations such as certain countries in the continent of Asia and Africa. Risky foods include raw or undercooked meat and seafood and raw fruits and vegetables. Tap water, ice and unpasteurized milk and dairy products can be increased risk too.\n\nSymptoms: diarrhoea (often with blood and mucus), intestinal rumbling, abdominal cramp, fever, nausea, vomiting and malaise.\nDietary recommendation:\n\n\nPrevent dehydration. Extra amounts of clear liquids should be taken during the acute stages. Oral rehydration therapy solutions may be useful.\n\n\nReduce irritation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Provide no irritating and low fibre food such as rice, bread, potatoes, plain crackers and banana.\n\n\nEnsure food and water supplies are clean to prevent reinfection.\n\nuse safe bottled water for drinking and brushing teeth\n\n\nwash hands before eating using antiseptic gel or hand wipes\n\n\navoid ice in drinks\n\n\ndo not eat raw vegetables or salads, raw fruits or unpasteurized dairy products\n\n\navoid street foods where unhygienic conditions are present\n\n\ndiscard cooked foods that are left more than 2 hours at room temperature\n\n\n\n\nReintroduce fibre once tolerated to restore bowel motility. May include probiotic such as yogurt with live cultures to improve gut function.\n\n\nReference from: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care\n\nPhotocredit: travelreadymd.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/treatment-frozen-shoulder", "title": "Treatment of Frozen Shoulder", "body": "\n\n\n\nTreatment of Frozen Shoulder\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 28, 2012\n \n\nAs this condition involves inflammation with subsequent thickening and scarring of the shoulder capsule (the tissue which envelopes the joint), the main problem that most patients face is stiffness of the affected shoulder. Almost all movements will be restricted and their daily activities will be disturbed bythis limitation in movement. Overhead activities (wiping the windows, combing hair, playing racket sports) will be difficult and, in the early stage, painful. The patients will also find it difficult to wash or scratch their own back, and strapping bras for ladies will be a nightmare.\n\nAfter a careful evaluation and after ruling out other causes, the Doctor will usually start the treatment by thoroughly explaining the condition - it is very important for patients to realize that frozen shoulder is a SELF-LIMITTING condition, meaning that the condition will improve by itself after a period of time even without treatment. Nevertheless, certain situations will need to be treated by surgical means, as will be described later.\n\nTreatment starts with physical therapy (range of motion exercises). This is the mainstay or the gold standard in all frozen shoulder conditions. Physical therapy ensures that the patient will continue to move the joint despite having a painful shoulder. This is particularly important in the second stage of this condition where the stiffness will be at its maximum and even though the pain is subsiding. Passive stretching of the joint in all directions using the opposite limb is done 3-4 times a day, every day. Assistive devices such as a towel, table or wall, and a broom- or walking-stick could also be used to provide maximum effect (see picture).\n\nPain can be treated by heat therapy, or analgesics usually prescribed by the treating doctor. This is often unnecessary unless the pain is unbearable and is very much disturbing daily activities. Long-term intake of analgesics is often discouraged.\n\nIn conditions where the stiffness cannot be overcome even with frequent stretching exercises, manipulation of the shoulder (where the surgeon will 'break' the thickened capsular tissue by forced movement under general anesthesia) is an option. Often a surgery is not needed after this procedure, unless the stiffness is persistent. In this rare instance, the surgeon will perform an arthroscopic capsular release whereby the thickened capsule is divided under direct vision (using an arthroscope - see picture below).\nAn arthroscopic image of the divided capsule (white tissue on the top right area) exposing the underlying muscles (red color). \n\nPlease visit your Orthopedic Surgeon for further information on this condition.\nDr. Mohd Nizlan Mohd Nasir\n\nConsultant Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital-Setapak\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/trekking-and-hiking-dr-harjeet-singh-alex-laevaert-bfm-podcast", "title": "Trekking and Hiking - Dr Harjeet Singh & Alex Laevaert [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nTrekking and Hiking - Dr Harjeet Singh & Alex Laevaert [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 30, 2015\n \nPhoto credit: \nwww.bfm.my\nDr Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Alex Laevaert, Asian Trail Explorers\n\nMore and more urbanites are putting on trekking shoes and venturing into the forests and hills, pacing the trails for a sports adventure in the outdoors. But is trekking for everyone, and is there a difference between hiking and trekking? We learn more about the health aspects of hiking and trekking as from consultant orthopaedic surgeon Dr Harjeet Singh and Alex Laevaert, experienced hiker and trekker.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/trust-your-gut", "title": "Trust Your Gut", "body": "\n\n\n\nTrust Your Gut\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 19, 2018\n \n\nDURING celebrations such as the upcoming Hari Raya, it is not uncommon to see antacids being passed around after everyone is done feasting. Bloating, abdominal discomfort and difficulty breathing after meals may be a normal thing for you, but it could be a sign of a more serious problem.\n\nDyspepsia, commonly known as indigestion, is a chronic disorder of sensation and movement (peristalsis) in the upper digestive tract. It can cause abdominal and upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract discomfort, especially after a meal.\n\nAccording to a study in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, the prevalence of this disorder is around 20% in Malaysian adults, whether due to heavy chilli intake, use of analgesia or chronic illness.\n\n\u201cA lot of people with this problem will not seek medical treatment because it is a self-limited condition, which means that it resolves spontaneously with or without specific treatment,\u201d says Dr Cheong Kuan Loong, consultant physician, gastroenterologist and hepatologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Puchong.\n\n\u201cIn 25% of patients, we can identify a structural, metabolic or biochemical defect that causes dyspepsia. The remaining 75% have functional dyspepsia.\n\nFunctional dyspepsia is difficult to treat and control due to the lack of apparent symptoms and underlying causes.\u201d\n\nSome conditions that can lead to or exacerbate functional dyspepsia are:\n\nGastric dysmotility\n \u2013 A group of conditions that includes delayed or rapid stomach emptying after meals and subsequent satiety issues, hypermotility, gastric arrhythmia and impaired gastric accommodation (in males).\n\n\nVisceral hypersensitivity\n \u2013 Bloating is sometimes painful, but some people find it more painful than others. A lower pain threshold when it comes to bloating, a condition called visceral hypersensitivity, could signify digestive problems.\n\n\nBacterial infection\n \u2013 Helicobacter pylori has been identified as a possible cause of functional dyspepsia. It could also be a reason for gastric dysmotility or contribute to smooth muscle dysfunction.\n\n\nPsychosocial dysfunction\n \u2013 Dyspepsia has been associated with generalised anxiety disorder, amnesia and depression. Patients with these conditions regularly report feeling nauseous or having GI discomfort during periods of high stress.\n\n\n\nDr Cheong says, \u201cPatients who come in with gastric problems are classified by age. If a patient is more than 60 years old, an upper endoscopy with gastric biopsy is performed. Younger patients only need an endoscopy if they display four important symptoms.\u201d\n\nThese symptoms are:\n\nClinically significant weight loss, which is defined by a 5% to 10% weight loss over a six- to 12-month period.\n\n\nOvert GI bleeding that is characterised by vomiting blood or passing tarry stools\n\n\nMore than two alarm features Rapidly progressive alarm features\n\n\n\nAlarm features for GI tract problems are:\n\nDifficulty swallowing\n\n\nPainful swallowing\n\n\nUnexplained iron-deficient anaemia\n\n\nPersistent vomiting\n\n\nPalpable mass in the abdomen\n\n\nPalpable lymph nodes\n\n\nFamily history of cancer in the upper GI tract\n\n\n\nAccording to Dr Cheong, antacids are not a cure-all and should not be treated as such. Proper diagnosis and medication are needed, especially in cases of persistent gastrointestinal problems.\n\nIf drug therapy is not effective, he says doctors may put their patients through less popular treatments such as psychotherapy or gastric emptying studies.\n\nPeople can develop dyspepsia no matter their age. However, if GI tract problems occur at a later age, caution should be exercised by consulting a physician because these problems could indicate cancer, peptic ulcer disease or other organic problems.\n\nFor more information, call 03-8064 8688.\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 3 June 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nTrust Your Gut \u2013 The Star, 3 June 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tumpah-darah-lepas-bersalin-bukan-hal-biasa-biasa", "title": "Tumpah Darah Lepas Bersalin Bukan Hal Biasa-Biasa", "body": "\n\n\n\nTumpah Darah Lepas Bersalin Bukan Hal Biasa-Biasa\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 12, 2018\n \n\nKes kematian ibu selepas melahirkan anak bukanlah hal biasa yang boleh dipandang ringan oleh ahli keluarga. Disebabkan itulah orang-orang lama selalunya menasihatkan ibu berpantang supaya ditemani suami atau ahli keluarga ketika berpantang.\n\nSepanjang 42 hari selepas dilahirkan, ibu yang baru melahirkan anak mudah terdedah dengan pelbagai risiko yang mampu mengundang bahaya sehingga menyebabkan kematian mengejut. Antara salah satu sebab kematian dikalangan ibu melahirkan anak adalah tumpah darah.\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Shah daripada Hospital Columbia Asia, kes kematian ibu selepas 42 hari bersalin diklasifikasikan sebagai \u201clate maternal death\u201d.\nPunca Kematian Ibu\n\nBanyak masalah yang menjadi punca kematian ibu selepas bersalin. Antara salah satu penyebab yang utama adalah masalah tumpah darah ketika bersalin.\n\nMasalah tumpah darah selepas bayi dilahirkan dikenali sebagai post-partum hemorrhage (PPH). Sebanyak 25 peratus kes Maternal Mortality ratio atau MMR disebabkan oleh PPH ini.\n\nKes-kes tumpah darah berlaku kerana rahim tidak mengecut atau masalah uri yang dikeluarkan (selepas kelahiran bayi) tidak lengkap.\n\nIbu yang melahirkan bayi di rumah mempunyai risiko yang dilaporkan 3 hingga 5 kali lebih tinggi untuk mengalami PPH. Mereka yang mengandungkan bayi kembar atau berganda juga lebih berisiko untuk mengalami PPH.\n\nPara wanita yang mengandungkan anak ke 6 atau lebih dari itu, juga mengalami risiko PPH. Walau bagaimana pun, risiko tumpah darah atau PPH ini boleh dikurangkan dengan cara ini:\n\nMengamalkan perancangan keluarga agar tidak hamil lebih dari 5 orang.\n\n\nMelahirkan bayi anda di hospital-hospital besar.\n\n\nElakkan memilih untuk bersalin sendiri\n\n\n\nOleh itu, bagi ibu yang mengandung anak pertama terutamanya harus mendapatkan informasi lebih mengenai hal ini. Tambah ilmu dan ketahui pendarahan bagaimana samada normal atau berlebihan sehingga mengundang risiko dan bahaya pada nyawa.\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 12 November 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nTumpah Darah Lepas Bersalin Bukan Hal Biasa-Biasa - Majalah Pa&Ma, 12 November 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tumpah-darah-penyebab-kematian-ibu-bersalin-di-malaysia", "title": "Tumpah Darah Penyebab Kematian Ibu Bersalin Di Malaysia", "body": "\n\n\n\nTumpah Darah Penyebab Kematian Ibu Bersalin Di Malaysia\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 05, 2018\n \n\nMasalah tumpah darah selepas hamil dikenali sebagai \npost partum hemorrhage\n (PPH). Ia adalah sebab utama ibu hamil meninggal dunia di Malaysia. Nak elakkannya, boleh lakukan 10 perkara yang dicadangkan ini.\n\nMenurut Dr Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Columbia Asia Seremban, kes seperti Ros ini boleh dielakkan dengan beberapa langkah berikut;\nSEBELUM HAMIL\n\n\nPastikan tahap \nhemoglobin melebihi 11.5g%. Wanita yang kekurangan darah lebih berisiko untuk mengalami PPH.\n\n\nPastikan ujian \npelvic ultrasound.\n Jika mempunyai fibroid, ia menyebabkan kesukaran untuk rahim mengecut dan seterusnya boleh berlaku PPH.\n\n\nPastikan t\niada masalah seperti kencing manis dan darah tinggi sebelum hamil.\n Wanita yang mempunyai masalah darah tinggi dan kencing manis berkemungkinan besar perlu bersalin secara indius. Proses indius boleh menyebabkan rahim sukar mengecut selepas bersalin lalu menyebabkan PPH.\n\n\nSEMASA HAMIL\n\n\nPastikan membuat \na\nntenatal booking\n di hospital yang mempunyai kemudahan tabung darah.\n\n\nPastikan anda \nmemantau tahap hemoglobin\n. Disiplin dalam memakan zat besi, folik asid, Vitamin C dan B kompleks. Kesemua vitamin ini perlu untuk pembentukan hemoglobin di dalam tubuh.\n\n\nPastikan bayi tidak terlalu besar.\n Jika besar, air ketuban banyak dan ini boleh menjadi penyebab PPH.\n\n\nJika pada akhir kehamilan, doktor berpendapat bersalin melalui casearean adalah terbaik, maka ikutilah nasihat doktor.\n\n\nSETELAH BERSALIN\n\n\nPastikan anda memantau darah nifas ketika berpantang\n. Jika banyak, berketul-ketul sehingga basah ke kain, terus ke hospital. Tidak kira ia awal pagi atau tengah malam. Tindakan pantas boleh menyelamatkan nyawa. PPH boleh berlaku bila-bila masa walaupun sudah pulang ke rumah.\n\n\nAnda perlu dapatkan\n rawatan dari hospital secepat mungkin\n apabila mengalami masalah tumpah darah selepas bersalin. Jika lambat, anda akan mengalami perubahan dalam darah di mana ia tidak boleh berhenti daripada berdarah (DIVC) yang boleh berakhir dengan maut.\n\n\nPPH juga lebih kerap berlaku kepada \nwanita yang hamil terlalu rapat atau terlalu ramai.\n Bincanglah dengan doktor mengenai cara-cara merancang keluarga. Suami juga bertanggungjawab menjaga nyawa isteri. Jadi, kerjasama adalah perlu dalam hal ini.\n\n\nDr. Norintan Zainal Abidin Shah\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 5 November 2018\nClick for Online Article:\n\n\u00a0\n\nTumpah Darah Penyebab Kematian Ibu Bersalin Di Malaysia - Majalah Pa&Ma, 5 November 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/tumpuan-rawatan-untuk-penyakit-kronik", "title": "Tumpuan Rawatan Untuk Penyakit Kronik", "body": "\n\n\n\nTumpuan Rawatan Untuk Penyakit Kronik\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 17, 2020\n\n\n\nBerikut ialah beberapa cadangan kepada pesakit sekiranya mengalami masalah kesihatan selain simptom Covid-19.\n\nUntuk pesakit kronik\n Contohnya seperti kencing manis , sakit jantung dan sakit buah pinggang , sila pastikan anda mempunyai bekalan ubat yang mencukupi. Hubungi doktor anda untuk bertanya tentang kesesuaian untuk menangguhkan temujanji. Dapatkan bekalan ubat melalui pos ataupun pandu-lalu.\n\n\nUntuk pesakit hemodialisis\n \n Mereka dikehendaki untuk menghadirkan diri 3 kali seminggu seperti biasa untuk menjalankan dialisis. Pemantauan tanda \u2013 tanda batuk , deman dan sebagainya. Sekiranya terdapat tanda-tanda sakit atau demam, beritahu kepada pusat dialisis. Jaga kesihatan dan kebersihan anda. Pulang ke rumah terus selepas rawatan hemodialisis. \n\n\nUntuk pesakit yang mengalami sakit yang ringan\nContohnya seperti selesema dan sakit kepala, cuba makan ubat\ndan rehat dengan mencukupi. Sekiranya sakit tidak bertambah baik, sila mendapatkan rawatan daripada klinik atau hospital yang berdekatan.\n\n\nUntuk pesakit yang mengalami keadaan yang tidak bertambah baik\nWalaupun dengan ubat dan rehat atau pun berada dalam keadaan yang serius seperti sakit dada, sesak nafas , kaki bengkak, koma, sakit perut yang serius \u2013 mesti datang ke hospital. Sekiranya anda tidak tahu sama ada keadaan anda memerlukan rawatan di hospital atau tidak, anda boleh menelefon doktor yang anda kenali untuk mendapatkan nasihat\n\n\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tee Shin Kuan\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician & Nephrologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBS (UM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\nTumpuan Rawatan Untuk Penyakit Kronik - Berita Harian, 13 Jun 20200\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 13 Jun 2020\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n and \nNephrology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/ulser-peptik-apa-yang-anda-perlu-tahu", "title": "ULSER PEPTIK \u2013 Apa yang anda perlu tahu", "body": "\n\n\n\nULSER PEPTIK \u2013 Apa yang anda perlu tahu\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 01, 2011\n \n\nTidak lama dahulu, tanggapan normal yang dikaitkan dengan punca ulser terjadi adalah stres dan memakan terlalu banyak makanan pedas.\n\nUlser peptik merupakan luka terbuka yang terdapat di bahagian dalam lapisan perut, bahagian atas usus kecil atau esofagus. Simptom yang paling biasa bagi ulser peptik adalah rasa sakit.\n\nTidak lama dahulu, ulser peptik dikatakan berpunca daripada cara seseorang itu menjalani kehidupannya. Tetapi kini, para doktor telah membuat penemuan bahawa punca kebanyakan ulser di perut dan bahagian atas usus kecil (duodenum) adalah jangkitan kuman atau medikasi dan bukannya stres atau diet. Ulser esofageal juga boleh terjadi dan lazimnya dikaitkan dengan refluks asid perut.\n\nUlser mempunyai nama yang berbeza bergantung kepada lokasinya:\n\n\u00a0\n\nUlser gastrik.\n Ulser peptik ini terjadi di dalam perut anda.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUlser duodenal.\n Ulser ini terdapat di dalam bahagian pertama usus kecil anda (duodenum)\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUlser esofageal.\n Selalunya, ulser esofageal ini terdapat di bahagian bawah esofagus. Ianya sering dikaitkan dengan penyakit refluks gastroesofageal (GERD).\n\n\n\nUlser peptik adalah satu penyakit yang biasa dialami oleh kebanyakan orang. Yang eloknya, rawatan ulser ini mengambil masa hanya selama beberapa minggu.\nTanda-tanda dan simptom-simptom\n\nRasa sakit seakan terbakar merupakan simptom biasa bagi ulser peptik. Rasa sakit ini disebabkan oleh ulser dan ianya bertambah sakit lagi apabila asid perut terkena kawasan ulser. Rasa sakit ini mungkin:\n\n\u00a0\n\ndirasai di mana-mana kawasan dari kawasan pusat ke bahagian tulang dada\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nmengambil masa daripada beberapa minit ke beberapa jam\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nmenjadi lebih teruk apabila perut anda kosong\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nmengembang pada waktu malam\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nboleh dikurangkan sementara rasa sakit itu dengan memakan berbagai makanan yang akan menjadi penampan kepada asid perut atau dengan mengambil ubat yang mengurangkan asid.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\ndatang dan pergi untuk beberapa hari atau minggu\n\n\n\nAdakalanya, ulser akan menunjukkan tanda-tanda atau simptom-simptom seperti:\n\n\u00a0\n\nmuntah darah \u2013 seakan kemerahan atau kehitaman\n\n\u00a0\n\n\ndarah pekat di dalam najis atau najis yang kehitaman atau seakan tar\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nrasa mual atau muntah-muntah\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nkehilangan berat badan yang tidak diketahui puncanya\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nsakit dada\n\n\nPunca-punca\n\nWalaupun stres dan makanan pedas pernah dikaitkan sebagai punca ulser peptik, kini, para doktor telah mendapat tahu bahawa punca kebanyakan ulser berpunca daripada bakteria yang berbentuk \u2018cockscrew\u2019 \nHelicobacter pylori (H.pylori)\n. \nH.pylori\n tinggal dan bercambah di dalam lapisan mukus yang menyelaputi dan melindungi tisu-tisu di dalam perut dan usus kecil. \nH.pylori\n jarang mendatangkan sebarang masalah. Tetapi, adakalanya ia akan mengganggu lapisan mukus, menginflamasikan serta menghakis tisu-tisu pencernaan yang akan menghasilkan ulser. Satu sebab hal ini terjadi adalah mereka yang mempunyai ulser peptik telahpun merosakkan lapisan di dalam perut atau usus kecil \u2013 menyebabkan mudah bagi bakteria menceroboh dan menyerang tisu-tisu tersebut.\nH.pylori\n merupakan satu jangkitan gastrointestinal yang biasa. Di Amerika Syarikat, terdapat 1 dalam 5 orang di bawah 40 tahun dan separuh daripada mereka yang berumur lebih daripada 60 tahun telah dijangkiti bakteria ini. Walaupun cara \nH.pylori\n merebak tidak begitu dikenalpasti, ia mungkin disebarkan melalui sentuhan intim seperti ciuman. Selain daripada itu, \nH.pylori\n juga boleh disebarkan melalui makanan dan minuman.\n\nWalaupun jangkitan \nH.pylori\n merupakan punca yang paling biasa bagi ulser peptik, tetapi ianya bukanlah satu-satunya punca penyakit ulser terjadi. Lain-lain punca atau faktor-faktor yang boleh memburukkan lagi keadaan ulser itu termasuklah:\n\n\u00a0\n\nPenggunaan ubat mengurangkan sakit.\n Dadah anti-inflamasi bukan steroid (NSAIDs) boleh merengsakan atau menginflamasikan lapisan di dalam perut dan usus kecil. Terdapat medikasi yang boleh diperolehi melalui prekripsi dan di kaunter farmasi. NSAIDs bukan prekripsi termasuklah aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve) dan ketoprofen (Oridus KT). Untuk mengelakkan masalah pencernaan, anda dinasihati mengambil NSAIDs selepas makan.\n\n\n\nNSAIDs menghalang penghasilan enzim (siklosigenase) yang menghasilkan prostaglandins. Bahan seakan hormon ini membantu melindungi lapisan perut anda daripada tercedera secara kimia dan fizikal. Tanpa perlindungan ini, asid perut boleh menghakis lapisan tersebut dan menyebabkannya berdarah serta menjadi ulser.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMerokok.\n Nikotin yang terkandung di dalam tembakau meningkatkan tahap kepekatan asid di dalam perut dan ini akan meninggikan risiko anda menghidapi ulser. Merokok juga boleh memperlahankan pemulihan sewaktu rawatan ulser.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPengambilan alkohol secara berlebihan.\n Alkohol yang diambil secara berlebihan juga boleh merengsa dan menghakis lapisan mukus di dalam perut anda serta meningkatkan jumlah asid perut yang dihasilkan. Walaubagaimanapun, samada faktor ini merupakan satu-satunya punca yang menyebabkan ulser atau samada faktor-faktor lain harus wujud seperti bakteria \nH.pylori\n atau medikasi lain yang menyebabkan ulser seperti NSAIDs.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nStres.\n Walaupun stres sahaja bukanlah satu-satunya punca ulser peptik, tetapi ianya merupakan faktor yang menyumbang kepada penyakit ulser. Stres akan memburukkan lagi simptom-simptom ulser peptik dan dalam beberapa kes, mampu melengahkan proses perawatan. Anda mungkin akan mengalami stress disebabkan situasi yang mengganggu emosi anda, surgeri atau trauma fizikal seperti kes kebakaran atau kecederaan teruk yang lain.\n\n\nBila anda perlu mendapatkan nasihat pakar doktor\n\nUlser bukanlah merupakan sesuatu penyakit yang anda boleh rawati secara sendirian tanpa pertolongan doktor. Walaupun antasid atau ubat penyekat asid yang boleh didapati di kaunter farmasi, ianya boleh mengurangkan kesakitan yang dialami dan kelegaannya adalah sementara. Jika anda mempunyai simptom-simptom ulser, sila berjumpa doktor anda. Dengan bantuan kepakaran doktor, anda boleh mendapatkan kelegaan daripada sakit ulser dengan serta-merta dan pulih sepenuhnya.\nPenyaringan dan diagnosis\n\nPada mulanya, doktor anda mungkin melakukan sinar-X di bahagian atas gastrointestinal (GI) yang menunjukkan esofagus, perut dan duodenum. Sewaktu sinar-X dilakukan, anda akan menelan cecair metalik berwarna putih (barium) yang akan melapisi trek pencernaan anda dan menunjukkan lokasi ulser yang dialami dengan lebih jelas. Sinar-X di bahagian atas GI ini mampu mengesan beberapa ulser walaupun tidak semua ulser yang dialami.\n\nEndoskopi mungkin perlu dilakukan jika keputusan sinar-X itu menunjukkan kemungkinan terdapatnya ulser itu atau jika doktor anda telah pun melakukan endoskopi terlebih dahulu. Dalam prosidur yang lebih sensitif ini di mana satu tiub panjang dan berongga dengan kamera di hujungnya dimasukkan secara perlahan-lahan ke dalam tekak dan esofagus ke dalam perut dan duodenum anda. Dengan instrumen ini, doktor boleh melihat bahagian atas trek pencernaan dan mengenalpasti ulser. Jika terdapat ulser, doktor anda akan mengambil sampel tisu kecil (biopsi) berhampiran lokasi ulser. Sampel-sampel ini diperiksa di bawah mikroskop untuk memastikan ianya bukan kanser. Biopsi juga boleh mengesan \nH.pylori\n dalam lapisan perut anda.\n\nSelain daripada biopsi, terdapat 3 ujian lain yang boleh memastikan punca ulser yang dialami adalah berpunca daripada jangkitan \nH.pylori \n:\n\n\u00a0\n\nUjian darah.\n Ujian ini memeriksa kehadiran antibodi \nH.pylori\n. Tetapi kekurangan ujian ini adalah adakalanya ia tidak boleh membezakan dedahan luka di masa lepas ataupun jangkitan yang baru berlaku. Selepas bakteria \nH.pylori\n dibasmikan, anda mungkin masih mempunyai keputusan positif buat beberapa bulan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nUjian pernafasan.\n Prosidur ini menggunakan atom karbon radioaktif untuk mengesan \nH.pylori\n. Mula-mula, anda dikehendaki menghembuskan nafas ke dalam beg plastik kecil dan ikat beg plastik tersebut ketat-ketat. Kemudian, minum segelas kecil air yang jernih dan tidak berperisa. Cecair itu mengandungi karbon radioaktif sebagai sebatian (urea) ayng akan dipecahkan oleh \nH.pylori\n. 30 minit kemudian, anda dikehendaki menghembuskan nafas anda sekali lagi ke dalam beg plastik kedua dan ikat beg plastik tersebut ketat-ketat. Jika anda dijangkiti \nH.pylori\n, sampel nafas anda yang kedua akan mengandungi karbon radioaktif dalam bentuk karbon dioksida.\n\n\n\nJika anda mengambil medikasi yang dikenali sebagai pam perencat proton, adalah penting untuk anda berhenti mengambil ubat tersebut 3 hari sebelum ujian pernafasan dilakukan kerana medikasi tersebut boleh mengganggu keputusan ujian.\n\nKelebihan ujian pernafasan ini adalah ia boleh mengawas keberkesanan rawatan yang digunakan untuk membasmikan \nH.pylori\n, mengesan waktu apabila bakteria telah dibasmikan. Melalui ujian darah, kadangkala antibodi \nH.pylori\n juga boleh dikesan dalam masa satu tahun atau lebih selepas jangkitan itu hilang.\n\n\u00a0\n\nUjian antigen najis. Ujian ini memeriksa kehadiran \nH.pylori\n di dalam sampel najis. Ianya amat berguna dalam mendiagnosis jangkitan \nH.pylori\n. Ia juga mungkin berguna untuk mengawas samada sesuatu rawatan itu berjaya atau tidak.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nKomplikasi\n\nJika tidak dirawat, ulser peptik mungkin menyebabkan berlakunya perdarahan dalaman dan boleh mengakibatkan lubang di dinding perut atau usus kecil anda, lantas meletakkan anda pada risiko jangkitan serius di kaviti abdomen (peritontis). Ulser peptik juga akan menghasilkan tisu parut yang boleh menyekat laluan makanan melalui trek pencernaan dan menyebabkan anda terasa kenyang dengan mudah, muntah-muntah dan hilang berat badan.\nRawatan\n\nDisebabkan kebanyakan ulser berpunca daripada bakteria \nH.pylori\n, doktor-doktor menggunakan kaedah bercabang 2 iaitu:\n\n\u00a0\n\nmembunuh bakteria\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nmengurangkan tahap keasidan dalam sistem pencernaan untuk melegakan rasa sakit dan mempercepatkan penyembuhan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nUntuk melakukan kedua-dua langkah tersebut, ia memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 2 atau kadangkala 3 hingga 4 daripada medikasi berikut:\n\n\u00a0\n\nAntiobiotik.\n Beberapa antibiotik yang digabungkan mampu memusnahkan \nH.pylori\n. Dan kebanyakan medikasi adalah efektif. Walaubagaimanapun, untuk memastikan rawatan itu efektif, adalah penting untuk anda mematuhi arahan doktor secara teratur. Lazimnya, antibiotik yang diarahkan untuk rawatan \nH.pylori\n termasuklah amoxicillin (Amoxil), clarithromycin (Biaxin) atau metronidazole (Flagyl). Beberapa syarikat farmaseutikal telah menggabungkan pakej yang mengandungi kombinasi dua antibiotik dengan penyekat asid atau agen cytoprotectif khas untuk merawat jangkitan \nH.pylori\n. Kombinasi kedua-dua rawatan ini dijual di bawah nama Prevpac dan Helidac. Anda perlu mengambil antibiotik tersebut selama satu hingga dua minggu, bergantung pada jenis dan bilangannya. Selalunya, medikasi lain yang diarahkan bersama antiobiotik ini diambil untuk jangkamasa yang lebih lama.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPenyekat asid.\n Penyekat asid juga dikenali sebagai penyekat histamine (H-2). Ia mampu mengurangkan jumlah asid hidroklorik yang dibebaskan ke dalam trek pencernaan serta mengurangkan sakit ulser dan menggalakkan penyembuhan. Penyekat asid berfungsi dengan menghalang histamine daripada mendekati reseptor histamine. Histamine merupakan satu sebatian yang terdapat di dalam tubuh anda. Apabila penyekat asid tersebut bertindak dengan reseptor histamine, reseptor-reseptor ini mengisyaratkan sel-sel yang merembeskan asid di dalam perut untuk membebaskan asid hidroklorik. Penyekat asid yang boleh didapati secara prekripsi atau di kaunter farmasi adalah medikasi seperti ranitidine (Zantac), famotidine (Pepcid) dan Cinetidine (Tagamet).\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAntasid.\n Doktor anda mungkin memasukkan antasid ke dalam pengambilan ubat anda. Antasid boleh diambil sebagai tambahan kepada penyekat asid atau untuk menggantikan penyekat asid tersebut. Tanpa mengurangkan rembesan asid, antasid meneutralkan asid yang terdapat di dalam perut dan boleh memberi kelegaan dengan segera.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPam perencat proton.\n Satu cara lain untuk mengurangkan asid di dalam perut ialah dengan menutup \u2018pam-pam\u2019 di dalam sel-sel yang merembeskan asid. Pam perencat proton ini mengurangkan asid dengan cara menyekat pam-pam kecil ini daripada bertindak. Ini termasuklah prekripsi medikasi omaprazole (Prilosec), lansoprazole (Prevcacid), rabeprazole (Aciphex) dan esomeprazole (Nexium). Dadah pantoprozole (Protonix) boleh diambil secara oral atau intravena di hospital. Pam perencat proton juga boleh merencatkan kehadiran \nH.pylori\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nAgen cytoprotective.\n Medikasi-medikasi ini boleh melindungi tisu-tisu yang melapisi perut dan usus-usus kecil anda. Ini termasuklah prekripsi medikasi sucralfate (cerafate) dan misoprostol (Cytotec). Contoh agen cytoprotective bukan prekripsi adalah seperti bismuth subsalicyclate (Pepto-Bismol). Di samping melindungi lapisan dalam perut dan usus anda, persediaan bismuth seakan merencatkan aktiviti \nH.pylori\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nJika \nH.pylori\n tidak dikesan di dalam sistem anda, kebarangkalian ulser anda berpunca daripada NSAIDs \u2013 dadah anti-inflamatori bukan steroid \u2013 yang mana anda patut berhenti mengambilnya jika boleh; atau asid refluks (ulser esofageal). Dalam kedua-dua kes, doktor anda akan mengurangkan tahap keasidan dengan menggunakan penyekat asid, antasid atau pam perencat proton. Dan kemungkinan besar anda juga dikehendaki mengambil dadah cycloprotection.\nUlser-ulser yang gagal disembuhkan\n\nPeptik ulser yang tidak dapat disembuhkan setelah dirawat dikenali sebagai ulser refraktori. Terdapat beberapa sebab kenapa ulser gagal disembuhkan walaupun setelah mendapatkan rawatan. Salah satu sebabnya adalah pesakit ulser tidak mengambil medikasi mengikut arahan yang diberikan oleh doktor. Sebab yang lain adalah terdapat beberapa jenis \nH.pylori\n yang \u2018tahan\u2019 kepada antibiotik. Faktor-faktor lain yang boleh mengganggu proses pemulihan termasuklah penggunaan tembakau, alkohol atau NSAIDs. Namun demikian, ada ketikanya punca masalah ini adalah secara tidak disedari di mana ramai yang tidak menyedari medikasi yang mereka ambil mengandungi NSAIDs.\n\nDalam beberapa kes, ulser refraktori mungkin terjadi akibat daripada:\n\n\u00a0\n\nPenghasilan asid perut secara berlebihan seperti yang terjadi di dalam sindrom Zollinger-Ellison\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nJangkitan lain selain daripada \nH.pylori\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPenyakit pencernaan yang lain, termasuk Crohn\u2019s atau kanser\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nRawatan untuk ulser refraktori termasuklah faktor penyingkiran yang akan mengganggu proses penyembuhan, bersama sukatan medikasi ulser yang lebih kuat. Kadangkala, medikasi tambahan diperlukan. Sugeri untuk membantu menyembuhkan ulser adalah perlu hanya apabila ulser tidak menunjukkan sebarang tindakbalas terhadap rawatan dadah yang agresif.\nPenjagaan diri\n\nSebelum \nH.pylori\n dikesan, doktor kerap menasihati mereka yang menghidap ulser untuk makan makanan yang terkawal dietnya dan mengurangkan stres dalam kehidupan mereka. Kini, memandangkan faktor pemakanan dan stres telah dikenalpasti sebagai bukan punca utama ulser, ianya tidaklah begitu penting. Walaubagaimanapun, sementara ulser itu sedang dalam proses penyembuhan, anda dinasihatkan untuk mengambil berat tentang pemakanan dan mengawal stress anda. Stres mungkin menambahkan asid dan melambatkan pencernaan. Ini menyebabkan makanan dan asid pencernaan kekal di dalam perut dan usus anda untuk jangkamasa yang lebih lama. Jika stres yang dialami agak serius, ia akan melambatkan penyembuhan ulser.\n\nSelain daripada itu, doktor anda mungkin akan mencadangkan langkah-langkah berikut:\n\n\u00a0\n\nBerhenti merokok.\n Merokok akan mengganggu lapisan yang menyelaputi perut anda dan menyebabkannya lebih mudah untuk ulser merebak. Selain daripada itu, merokok juga boleh meningkatkan kandungan asid di dalam perut.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nHadkan atau elakkan alkohol.\n Penggunaan alkohol secara berlebihan boleh merengsakan serta menghakis lapisan mukus di dalam perut dan usus anda lalu menyebabkannya inflamasi dan berdarah.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nElakkan dadah anti-inflammasi bukan steroid (NSAIDs).\n Jika anda kerap menggunakan pil penahan sakit, anda digalakkan menggunakan acetaminophen (Tylenol, dll)\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMengawal refluks asid.\n Jika anda menpunyai ulser esofageal yang kerapkali dikaitkan dengan refluks asid, anda boleh mengambil beberapa langkah untuk membantu refluks asid. Ini termasuklah elakkan makanan pedas dan berlemak, elakkan berbaring selepas makan untuk sekurang-kurangnya 3 jam, tinggikan bahagian kepala katil anda dan kurangkan berat badan anda. Dengan mengelakkan diri daripada merokok, minum alkohol dan NSAIDs akan membantu anda mengawal refluks asid.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDr. Abd Hamid Mat Sain\n\nConsultant Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/understanding-cardiac-arrest-what-it-what-causes-it-and-how-do-you-act-it", "title": "Understanding Cardiac Arrest: What it is, What causes it, and How do you act on it?", "body": "\n\n\n\nUnderstanding Cardiac Arrest: What it is, What causes it, and How do you act on it?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 03, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nWhat is Cardiac Arrest?\n\nCardiac arrest is a life threatening medical emergency when our heart suddenly stops beating. It requires immediate intervention like Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). One of the main functions of the heart is to pump the blood that contains oxygen to be delivered to all the cells, tissues and organs. When cardiac arrest occurs, there is no blood flow to our vital organs like our brain. Brain cells will start to die off within 4min if CPR is not performed after cardiac arrest. The longer the brain is without oxygen, the risk of permanent damage to the brain is higher. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat are the prevalence of Out of hospital Cardiac Arrest in Malaysia?\n\nAccording to a research published by PATOS in 2015, these are some of the findings:\n\nThe witnessed cardiac arrest contributes about 47% compared to non-witness cardiac arrest \n(45%)\n.\n\n\nThe bystander CPR is only \n22.6%\n.\n\n\nThe average age of the cardiac arrest patient in Malaysia is \n57\n years old.\n\n\nThe prevalence is more in males about \n71%\n.\n\n\n22.6%\n of them are patients with risk factors of heart diseases.\n\n\nThe survival rate of patients discharged from hospital is only \n0.5%\n.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat causes Cardiac Arrest?\n\nThere are several known factors that can contribute to sudden cardiac arrest like coronary heart disease, abnormal heart rhythm(arrhythmias), cardiomyopathy, hereditary condition like Brugada syndrome, drug abuse and also risk factors like hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, smoking and others. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow do you know that the person is having a Cardiac Arrest?\n\nCardiac arrest can occur suddenly with or without warning. Below are some of the symptoms or signs that might indicate that the person is suffering from Cardiac Arrest:\n\nSudden loss of consciousness\n\n\nAbsence of breathing\n\n\nAbsence of pulse or heartbeat\n\n\n\nOne of the main risk factors to cardiac arrest is due to Acute Coronary Syndrome. There are also some warning signs that might indicate the person is having Acute Coronary Syndrome like:\n\nChest pain or discomfort\n\n\nShortness of breath\n\n\nNausea or vomiting\n\n\nProfuse sweating\n\n\n\nThere is also some atypical presentation of Acute Coronary Syndrome especially in the older population, female and diabetic patients. These patients might not be having chest pain but may present:\n\nUpper abdominal pain\n\n\nShortness of breath without chest pain\n\n\nProfuse sweating without chest pain\n\n\nNausea and vomiting without chest pain\n\n\nNon-specific symptoms like lethargy or back pain\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow do you approach a cardiac arrest patient?\n\nCurrently, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends \u201cHand Only CPR\u201d for a lay person provider. It is a 2-step approach. This 2-step approach is the simplified version of CPR that can be performed by anyone without the need for mouth to mouth breathing. \u00a0\n\u00a0\u00a0\nStep 1\n: Call for Emergency Medical Services\n\nThe first step is to call for help. If you witness a person collapsing or find someone unresponsive, call Malaysia Emergency Response System or \n999\n immediately.\n\n\nStep 2\n: Start Hands-Only CPR\n\nOnce you have called for help, start hands-only CPR. Place the heel of one hand in the centre of the chest. Next, place the other hand on top of the first hand and interlock your fingers. Then, start pushing hard and fast on the person\u2019s chest. The recommended rate of compression is at least 100 to 120 compression per min. The compression needs to be continued until the person starts breathing or the EMS arrives and takes over.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow to prevent cardiac arrest?\n\nUnfortunately, the majority of sudden cardiac arrest cases cannot be identified in advance. The best way to prevent is:\n\nRecognise the signs and symptoms of impending cardiac arrest and Coronary Heart Disease.\n\n\nAnnual health check-up or cardiac assessment if you have the risk factors. There are several modalities of investigation that can be done for screening of coronary heart disease such as stress test and CT scan of the heart.\n\n\nAdopt a healthy life style that includes a balanced diet, adequate sleep and exercise.\n\n\nStop smoking and vaping.\n\n\nProper follow up with your doctor.\n\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nWhat can we do more in the society to improve the survival rate of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest?\n\nTeaching Hands-Only CPR in primary school. In Japan, hands-only CPR is a compulsory topic taught in primary school. Malaysia can also adapt this topic into their syllabus.\n\n\nHave Automated External Defibrillation (AED) available in public places for example in all sports centres, condominiums and offices.\n\n\nMake it compulsory to have CPR and AED taught to all company employees as part of their Human Resource Training.\n\n\nTax relief for those who have attended a Basic Life Support Course.\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr Jonathan Yeap Han Hsiung\n\n\nConsultant Emergency Physician and Head Of ER\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Petaling Jaya\nMD (India), M Med (Emergency Medicine) (UM), FISQUA, AMM\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/understanding-mens-health-press-clipping", "title": "Understanding men's health [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nUnderstanding men's health [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 22, 2014\n \nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nThe Star,\n\n22 July 2014\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/understanding-peripheral-arterial-disease-pad", "title": "Understanding Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)", "body": "\n\n\n\nUnderstanding Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 20, 2020\n \n\nPeripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) can cause claudification, which is fatigue or heaviness in the leg muscles. These muscles affect the thighs, calves, and buttocks. People experiencing this symptom may have a hard time walking, climbing stairs, riding a bike, or performing other activities.\n\nPAD affects not only how well you live but also how long you may live. You may find that that you can\u2019t walk as far or for as long as you used to\u2014and that\u2019s frustrating\u2014but if you have PAD, you are also at greater risk for having a heart attack and stroke\n\nApproximately 160,000 to 180,000 of the estimated 18 million Americans with PAD will undergo a limb amputation as a result of PAD-related condition this year, resulting in lower quality of life, high medical costs, and shorter life expectancy\n\nPeripheral arterial disease or PAD is a common circulatory problem that limits the blood flow to your limbs. One of the symptoms of such a disease is a pain in your legs when walking. This disease is often caused by atherosclerosis. In atherosclerosis, fatty deposits (plaques) build up in your arterial walls and reduce blood flow.\n\nWhile this situation is common with the heart, this could also cause a problem in the lower limbs when blood flow is restricted in certain areas. People who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol has a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSign & Symptons\n\nWhile most of the patients with PAD have mild or no symptoms, some may have leg pain when walking (claudication). Some of the common symptoms may include painful cramps in your hip, thigh or calf muscles after certain activities, such as walking or climbing the stairs. You may also experience hair loss or slower hair growth on your legs. The legs may have a weak pulse or no pulse at all. Either foot could feel cold or change color/darkens. Furthermore, there can be sores or ulcers on your toes, feet or legs that won\u2019t heal; these are diabetic foot ulcers. In men, a symptom of PAD could also be erectile dysfunction.\n\n\u00a0\n\nComplications\n\nFailure to recognize and treat the disease may likely result in serious consequences such as Critical limb ischemia (CLI), which may result in gangrene possibly requiring amputation of the affected limb. It could also result in sepsis \u2013 non-healing ulcers especially in diabetics who are more prone to infection.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDiagnosis\n\nWhen you experience some of the symptoms, your doctor may perform the following tests to confirm the diagnosis; ankle-brachial index, duplex ultrasound, CT angiography, and invasive angiography. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nTreatment Options\n\nThere are two main objectives in treating peripheral arterial disease. Firstly, to manage the symptoms by increasing blood flow to the affected limb. This will reduce the progression of gangrene thus salvaging the limb from the risk of amputation. Secondly, to stop the progression of atherosclerosis throughout the body to reduce risks of heart attack and stroke. \u00a0\n\nDepending on the severity of your condition, your doctor may initiate medications to optimize blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol control. He may also recommend angioplasty, an invasive procedure whereby a balloon and/or stent is inserted into the blood vessel to restore blood flow to the affected limb. Last of all is the option of a bypass surgery which is open surgery to create a graft bypass to the occluded/narrowed blood vessel. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Alan Koay Choon Chern\n\n\nConsultant Interventional Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Taiping\nMD (UPM), MRCP (UK), FSCAI (USA), Fellowship in Caridiologist (Malaysia), Fellowship in Endovascular Intervention (IJN)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nUnderstanding Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) \u2013 Natural Health\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/understanding-tennis-elbow", "title": "Understanding Tennis Elbow", "body": "\n\n\n\nUnderstanding Tennis Elbow\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 26, 2012\n \n\nMy elbow is killing me today! I often hear this from my patients and friends alike.\n\nMost of them are weekend warriors and active at racquet sports. But it is not only them who complain, a fair share are non-sporting and a good number are homemakers.\n\nPain over the outer part of the elbow has been called several things. Most people call any pain in the region of the outer elbow Tennis Elbow. This is dangerous as not every painful condition over the outer part of the elbow is \u2013 Details of these other conditions at some other time.\n\nComing back to Tennis Elbow - Mind you, it doesn\u2019t only happen in tennis players! The medical terminology is Lateral Epicondylitis and it is the most common of elbow injuries, typically occurring between the ages of 40 \u2013 60 and affecting up to 3 percent of the population.\nWhat is the Pathological Process?\n\nTennis elbow occurs when there is damage to the muscle and its tendon over the outer aspect of the elbow. The muscles, which run over the back of the forearm, are mainly attached to the outer part of the elbow. Theses muscles help to extend the wrist and fingers (movements which cause you to curl your wrists upwards and straighten your fingers)\n\nSmall tears (micro tears) form in the tendons and muscles, which control the movement of the forearm. These tears happen because the tendons do not stretch. Repeated stress strains the tendon causing it to fray in a similar way that a rope frays. This then causes a restriction of movement, inflammation and pain. As this area is prone to heal poorly with high chance of repeated injury, these micro tears eventually lead to the formation of scar tissue and calcium deposits. This tissue is of poor quality and is prone to further tearing, thus causing persistent pain and dysfunction.\nWhat Causes Tennis Elbow?\n\nThe most common cause of tennis elbow is repeated injury due to over use. Any action which places a repetitive and prolonged strain on the forearm muscles, coupled with inadequate rest, will tend to strain and overwork those muscles. Poor technique in sports increases strain on the involved muscles and will contribute to the condition, such as using ill-fitted equipment, like tennis racquets, golf clubs, work tools, etc. It is important to remember that these injuries don\u2019t only occur in those involved in sports. Movements that predisposed to tennis elbow are:\n\nRotation of the elbow with a bent wrist such as using a screwdriver.\n\n\nGripping something strongly while rotating the wrist.\n\n\nHitting movements such as usage of a hammer.\n\n\nThrowing movement that is not done smoothly (jerky).\n\n\n\nThere are also many other causes, like a direct injury - a bump or fall onto the elbow. Understand that poor levels of general fitness and conditioning will also contribute to the development of this condition\nSigns and Symptoms\n\nPain is the most common and obvious symptom associated with tennis elbow. Pain is most often experienced on the outside of the upper forearm, but can also be experienced anywhere from the elbow joint to the wrist. Weakness, stiffness and a general restriction of movement are also quite common in sufferers of tennis elbow. Even tingling and numbness can be experienced.\nPreventing Tennis Elbow.\nWARM UP: \nThorough and correct warm up will help to prepare the muscles and tendons for any activity to come. Without a proper warm up the muscles and tendons will be tight and stiff. There will be limited blood flow to the forearm area, which will result in a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the muscles. This is a sure-fire recipe for a muscle or tendon injury.\nSTRETCHING: \nFlexible muscles and tendons are extremely important in the prevention of most strain or sprain injuries. Proper flexibility levels allow muscles to move and perform without being over stretched. Tight and stiff muscle on the other hand, may be pushed beyond their natural range of movement. This predisposes to injury.\nSTRENGTHENING: \nStrengthening and conditioning the muscles of the forearm and wrist will also help to prevent tennis elbow.\n\nStretches for Prevention of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) \u2013 These are to be done with controlled movements. The exercises should not be done if it brings about pain or causes more pain.\n\nLift your arms to about shoulder height and place your hands together in front of your chest, keeping your fingers together. Your fingers should be just under your chin. Lower your hands towards your waist and stop when you feel a mild stretch. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 4 times.\n\n\nExtend your arm out in front of you, palm down, and push your hand towards you with the other hand until you feel a stretch. Hold for 20 seconds.\n\n\nExtend your arm out in front of you, palm up, and push your hand towards you with the other hand until you feel a stretch. Hold for 20 seconds.\n\n\nPractice squeezing a tennis ball, holding the ball for a few seconds before releasing. Do this twice a day.\n\n\nPlace a rubber band around all of your fingers, including thumb, and practice opening your fingers against the rubber band. Do this twice a day.\n\n\nTreating Tennis Elbow.\n\nThe occurrence of acute pain should bring about cessation of the initiating activity.\n\nIt is advisable to obtain a consult from an Orthopaedic Surgeon to obtain diagnosis. Not every painful episode over the lateral (outer aspect) of the elbow is due to tennis elbow.\n\nThe RICE protocol should be carried out for the first 24-48 hours. This involves R \u2013 Rest; I \u2013 Ice; C \u2013 Compression; E \u2013 Elevation. Usage of ice treatment should be done properly for best benefit (Use of Cold and Heat in Injury)\n\nThe next phase of treatment (after the first 48 to 72 hours) involves a number of physiotherapy techniques. This begins with passive methods such as heat and ultrasound therapy and thereafter moves on to the preventive and rehabilitative phase once the pain control is good.\n\nThe ultimate aim of this phase is to regain and improve the strength, power, endurance and flexibility of the muscles and tendons that have been compromised.\nDr Harjeet Singh a/l Puran Singh\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital, Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/usah-bergantung-susu-formula", "title": "Usah Bergantung Susu Formula", "body": "\n\n\n\nUsah Bergantung Susu Formula\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 28, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nMengandung buat kali pertama? Tahniah saya ucapkan. Sebagai seorang kaunselor laktasi, ingin saya berkongsi tentang kebaikan susu ibu. Ianya dapat menjalinkan ikatan yang mesra antara ibu dan bayi. Sentuhan yang dirasai antara ibu dan bayi ini mendatangkan perasaan kasih sayang, belas dan manja. Namun ramai juga ibu-ibu baru yang belum maklum sepenuhnya tentang kebaikan susu ibu atau mendengar maklumat yang tidak benar, lantas terlalu cepat membuat keputusan untuk memberi bayi mereka susu formula. Nanti dulu. Mari saya senaraikan antara perkara-perkara yang sering dikhuatiri seorang ibu tentang menyusu badan serta fakta yang harus dipertimbangkan.\n\n\nSusu formula pun lebih kurang sama\n\n\nSama sekali tidak. Tahukah anda betapa kuatnya antibodi dalam susu ibu? Ia boleh melindungi bayi dari sebarang jangkitan kuman. Susu ibu juga dapat merangsang penglihatan dan menggalakkan pertubuhan yang sihat. Susu formula mungkin mengenyangkan tetapi khasiatnya berbeza jika dibandingkan dengan khasiat susu ibu. Tambahan lagi, menyusu badan bukan sahaja baik untuk bayi, malahan ibu juga dapat manfaat. Dengan menyusu badan, si ibu dapat mempercepatkan pengecutan rahim selepas bersalin, mengurangkan pendarahan dan membantu beliau untuk kembali ke bentuk badan sebelum mengandung.\n\n\nBanyak belanja nak beli pam susu segala\n\n\nSebenarnya susu formulalah yang memerlukan perbelanjaan yang tinggi. Susu formula bayi bukan susu tepung biasa. Formulanya amat khusus untuk bayi yang baru lahir jadi sudah tentu harga pun bersesuaian. Itu belum lagi botol susu, berus, sabun, puting dan alat menyahkuman. Bila dijumlahkan setiap bulan, memang belanjanya agak tinggi. Susu ibu pula, selain sedia ada, bersih dan segar, ia dapat meringankan beban kewangan keluarga kerana tiada perbelanjaan diperlukan KECUALI pam untuk ibu menyusu yang bekerja.\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nSakit belakang kerana asyik membongkok\n\n\nPosisi penyusuan yang betul juga memainkan peranan dalam proses pengeluaran susu ibu. Posisi yang betul bukan sahaja membuat bayi selesa, malah ibu juga akan merasa selesa. Keselesaan ibu dan anak amat penting untuk pengalaman menyusu yang positif. Pegang bayi anda rapat dengan anda supaya badan bertemu badan. Pastikan kepala, leher dan badan bayi selari menghadap payudara ibu. Ampu kepala dan bahu bayi dengan lengan anda. Pastikan hidung bayi menghadap ke arah puting ibu supaya bayi dapat menghidu bau payu dara. Ini membuatkan bayi membuka mulut dengan lebih luas dan mula menyusu dengan lebih mudah.\n\n\nBagaimana untuk memastikan mulut bayi melekap dengan betul di puting ibu dan bayi minum dengan puas atau tidak? Pastikan mulut bayi terbuka luas, bibir bawah bayi melengkup keluar, dagu bayi menyentuh payudara ibu, serta sebahagian besar areola ibu berada di dalam mulut bayi dan harusnya kelihatan lebih banyak areola di bahagian atas (areola adalah kawasan yang berwarna gelap di sekeliling puting ).\n\n\nMenyusu badan pun kena mengikut jadual\n\n\nBayi yang baru lahir tidak faham istilah \u2018jadual\u2019. Asalkan dia lapar, dia akan perlukan ibunya pada bila-bila masa. Ibu yang menyusu badan memang harus mengikut rentak bayi dan bukan sebaliknya. Satu lagi perkara; tiada had masa untuk setiap sesi penyusuan. Ketika menyusu, biarkan bayi menghisap sebelah payudara ibu dalam satu sesi penyusuan sahaja sehingga kenyang dan tertidur. Untuk ketahui jika bayi minum dengan betul dan puas, bayi akan kelihatan menelan dengan perlahan dengan hisapan yang mendalam dan kadangkala berhenti seketika. Ibu juga dapat melihat pipi bayi kembang-kembung ketika menyusu.\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nSusu mak tak banyak keluar, nak\n\n\nIni banyak dipengaruhi oleh makan dan minum si ibu. Pengambilan makanan buat ibu semasa tempoh penyusuan amatlah penting untuk penghasilan susu ibu yang optimum. Ibu perlu mengambil hidangan yang seimbang berpandukan piramid makanan. Ibu perlu memperbanyakkan pengambilan air sekurang-kurangnya lapan hingga 12 gelas sehari. Makan pelbagai jenis makanan yang kaya dengan protein, karbohidrat dan lemak supaya dapat menghasilkan susu yang berkhasiat untuk bayi. Tiada suplemen tambahan untuk memperbanyakkan pengeluaran susu ibu. Ibu perlu tahu bahawa teknik penyusuan yang betul boleh menggalakkan pengeluaran susu ibu yang lebih banyak.\n\n\nKalau dah sedawa maksudnya dah kenyang\n\n\nTepat sekali! Lagi satu tanda kenyang ialah bayi akan melepaskan sendiri payudara ibunya. Kelihatan mata bayi tenang dan otot muka bayi mengendur. Dapat dilihat juga ton otot bayi akan mengendur, genggaman tangannya dibuka dan tangan serta kakinya dalam keadaan rehat. Bayi tersenyum dan mengeluarkan bunyi kepuasan. Bayi juga akan kelihatan mengantuk dan ingin tidur.\n\n\nIbu yang memahami dan mendalami ilmu penyusuan susu ibu terutamanya dengan pakar laktasi ketika hamil, akan dapat menikmati betapa indahnya pengalaman menyusu susu ibu. Bukan sahaja ini amat baik untuk kesihatan ibu dan anak, ia juga merapatkan ikatan ibu dan anak. Dan akhir sekali, jangan lupa - untuk menggalakkan pengeluaran susu, ibu hendaklah sentiasa berfikiran positif!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSiti Shazzeela Shereen Md Isa\n\n\nLactation Counselor\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nUsah Bergantung Susu Formula \u2013 Berita Harian, 22 Januari 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Berita Harian, 14 Januari 2022.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/usah-meneran", "title": "Usah Meneran", "body": "\n\n\n\nUsah Meneran\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 07, 2019\n \n\nBiarpun sembelit dan buasir bukan satu subjek yang selesa untuk diperkatakan, namun masalah itu sering membelenggu selain biasa 'menyerang' ibu hamil, lebih kerap daripada yang kita sangkakan. Masalah itu disebabkan perubahan hormon yang berlaku ketika hamil mendorong pergerakan usus yang agak perlahan hingga najis menjadi keras dan sukar membuangnya.\n\n\u201cJangan pandang ringan jika berlaku sembelit, kesakitan dan pendarahan ketika proses membuang najis. Dapatkan segera bantuan daripada penyedia kesihatan terdekat untuk mengurangkan simptom dan merawat penyakit itu.\u201d\n\nSembelit dan buasir sememangnya tidak dapat dipisahkan, malah sememangnya jika dibincangkan masalah pembuangan air, kedua-dua penyakit ini bersangkutan kerana sembelit yang keterlaluan mampu mengundang buasir.\n\nPakar Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Cheras Dr Norshida Brahim berkata, tindakan meneran ketika buang air besar boleh menyebabkan kerosakan kepada dinding dubur dan seterusnya mengakibatkan buasir. Menurutnya, penyakit itu tidak akan berlaku mendadak kerana prosesnya berlaku secara berperingkat. Tahap pertama barangkali hanya rasa gatal dan sakit, tetapi jika tidak dirawat ia akan mencapai tahap kronik hingga berlaku pendarahan ketika membuang najis. Tahap kedua katanya, usus besar menjadi luka dan usus terkeluar sedikit namun pada tahap ketiga saluran najis terkeluar tidak boleh dimasukkan semula selain kemungkinan trombosis (salur darah tersumbat) yang memerlukan prosedur pembedahan.\nJANGAN abai masalah sembelit yang boleh mengakibatkan buasir.\n\n\n\n\"Buasir yang terkeluar dari dubur boleh menyebabkan sukar untuk duduk dalam posisi yang betul, andainya ia tersepit, bekalan darah ke saluran najis akan terhalang dan mencetuskan kesakitan berganda lalu ia memerlukan prosedur untuk menolak masuk semula ke dalam rektum.\n\n\"Ia bukan saja terjadi kepada wanita yang sedang berada pada peringkat akhir kehamilan, malah wanita selepas bersalin juga berpotensi untuk mengalami masalah sembelit dan buasir akibat tekanan yang dikenakan terhadap rektum,\" katanya.\n\nJusteru katanya, ibu hamil perlu mendapatkan khidmat nasihat pakar sekiranya mengalami pendarahan ketika atau selepas membuang air besar. Doktor akan melakukan pemeriksaan dan diagnosis sama ada pendarahan berpunca daripada buasir atau penyakit serius lain sebelum memberi rawatan sepatutnya. Rawatan akan diberikan kepada pesakit buasir bagi menangani ketidakselesaan dan menghindari komplikasi lebih teruk.\n\n\u201cIni penting kerana buasir mungkin membesar dan membahayakan ibu hamil jika dibiarkan tanpa rawatan. Buasir biasanya dirawat menerusi pengubahsuaian diet dan gaya hidup ibu hamil, pengambilan ubat-ubatan makan atau sapuan atau prosedur pembedahan.\nPERBEZAAN usus besar sihat (kiri) dan mengalami buasir (kanan).\n\n\n\n\u201cJangan pandang ringan jika berlaku sembelit, kesakitan dan pendarahan ketika proses membuang najis. Dapatkan segera bantuan daripada penyedia kesihatan terdekat untuk mengurangkan simptom dan merawat penyakit itu,\u201d katanya.\n\nKatanya, sembelit masih boleh menjadi masalah pada dua hingga tiga minggu selepas bersalin dan pada peringkat itu adalah penting untuk meminum air secukupnya serta memakan makanan berserat tinggi untuk memudahkan pembuangan air besar. Secara umumnya, pengambilan serat satu kaedah rawatan yang selamat, berkesan dan murah. Lebihkan pengambilan serat dalam pemakanan anda dengan makan buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran hijau dan bijirin bagi memastikan kelancaran proses pembuangan najis. Serat akan melembutkan dan meningkatkan saiz najis serta mengurangkan kebarangkalian pesakit meneran ketika membuang air besar. Keadaan ini seterusnya dapat mengurangkan tekanan pada dubur dan kejadian buasir dapat dielakkan.\n\nSelain pengambilan makanan kaya serat, pengambilan air yang banyak, kurang pengambilan lemak, kerap bersenam, menjaga kebersihan dubur, kurangkan meneran dan sebagainya bagi mencegah dan merawat buasir. Buasir ketika mengandung sering bermula di peringkat akhir kandungan sehingga akhir waktu berpantang. Ada amalan berpantang yang menyarankan ibu untuk mengurangkan minum air dan mengelakkan memakan buah atau sayur-sayuran tertentu sekali gus mungkin akan mengakibatkan masalah buasir.\n\nOleh itu, mereka dinasihatkan untuk berhati-hati ketika berpantang dan mendapatkan nasihat dan rawatan doktor sekiranya mengalami sembelit atau simptom buasir ketika tempoh berpantang.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norshida Brahim\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nUsah Meneran \u2013 Harian Metro, 31 December 2018.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Harian Metro, 31 December 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \n Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/vaccination-for-kids", "title": "Vaccination For Kids", "body": "\n\n\n\nVaccination For Kids\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 17, 2020\n \nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\nAn in-depth overview of vaccination, especially pneumococcal vaccination.\n\nVaccination for children is one of the most effective ways for parents to protect infants and children from potentially harmful diseases that can be serious and even deadly. Infants have natural immunity from their mothers in their earliest months. As that begins to wane, vaccines are given to take over and help keep babies from falling ill. In Malaysia, the vaccines are routinely offered to infants and children for free at the public health facilities. The Ministry of Health, Malaysia recommended schedule for vaccinations is as given in Figure 1.\n\nVaccines help protect children against diseases that their friends, playmates, classmates, and family members may introduce to them.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 1\n*\nSee table below for more information\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nNotes\n \nVaccines given at government health facilities:\n\n\nBacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), vaccine that gives protection against tuberculosis\n\n\nDTaP is the combination of diphtheria(D), tetanus(T) and accelullar pertussis(aP)\n\n\nDT is a booster dose which protects against diphtheria (D) and tetanus (T)\n\n\nHib is Haemophilus Influenza type B\n\n\nMMR is the combination of Measles(M), Mumps(M) and Rubella(R)\n\n\nMR vaccine provides protection against Measles (M) and Rubella (R). MR Dose 2 at 7 years old, until year 2022\n\n\nJE is vaccine against Japanese Encephalitis. This vaccine is only provided in Sarawak\n\n\nHPV is Human Papillomavirus. This vaccine is provided only for girls aged 13 years. Dose 2 is given 6 months after dose 1\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nVACCINATIONS MYTHS (\nwww.health.harvard.edu.my\n)\n\n\nMYTH\n\n\nFACT\n\n\nI'll catch the flu from the influenza\n\n\nThe injectable flu vaccine is not a live vaccine, so it cannot, in any way, transmit the flu virus.\n\n\nThe flu vaccine isn\u2019t effective in older adults.\n\n\nEach year, the flu vaccine formulation is based on predictions of which strains are most likely to circulate in the coming flu season. Other strains may enter the mix. But even if you catch a flu virus that wasn\u2019t in the vaccination, the vaccine isn\u2019t useless. It could make the infection less severe.\n\n\nVaccines contain mercury, which could make me sick.\n\n\nAccording to the CDC, there is no evidence that the low doses of thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines, is harmful. If you\u2019re still concerned, you can ask your doctor for a thimerosal-free flu vaccine.\n\n\nVaccines overload the immune system.\n\n\nConsidering that the immune system faces constant bombardment from microbes in the environment, the small amount of bacteria and viruses in one vaccination can barely be considered an assault. In fact, vaccines strengthen the immune system by arming it against infectious agents.\n\n\nOlder adults don\u2019t need to be vaccinated.\n\n\nThe opposite is actually true. Among many older individuals, the immune system loses some of its ability to protect against infectious diseases even as they face an increasing number of chronic health conditions that can leave them more susceptible to infection.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nIMMUNE SYSTEM\n\nThe body\u2019s immune system helps protect against pathogens that cause infection. Most of the time, it\u2019s an efficient system. It either keeps microorganisms out or tracks them down and gets rid of them.\n\nHowever, some pathogens can overwhelm the immune system. When this happens, it can cause serious illness.\n\nThe pathogens most likely to cause problems are the ones the body doesn\u2019t recognize. Vaccination is a way to \u201cteach\u201d the immune system how to recognize and eliminate an organism. That way, your body is prepared if you\u2019re ever exposed.\n\nVaccinations are an important form of primary prevention. That means they can protect people from getting sick. Vaccinations have allowed us to control diseases that once threatened many lives, such as:\n\nMeasles\n\n\nPolio\n\n\nTetanus\n\n\nWhooping Cough\n\n\n\nA healthy immune system defends against invaders. The immune system is composed of several types of cells. These cells defend against and remove harmful pathogens. However, they have to recognize that an invader is dangerous.\n\nVaccination teaches the body to recognize new diseases. It stimulates the body to make antibodies against antigens of pathogens. It also primes immune cells to remember the types of antigens that cause infection. That allows for a faster response to the disease in the future.\n\nWhen the body responds to the vaccine, it builds an adaptive immune response. This helps equip the body to fight off an actual infection.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTYPES OF VACCINES\n\n\n(US Department of Health & Human Services)\n There are several different types of vaccines. Each type is designed to teach your immune system how to fight off certain kinds of germs \u2014 and the serious diseases they cause. When scientists create vaccines, they consider:\n\nHow your immune system responds to the germ\n\n\nWho needs to be vaccinated against the germ\n\n\nThe best technology or approach to create the vaccine\n\n\n\nBased on a number of these factors, scientists decide which type of vaccine they will make.\n\nThere are 4 main types of vaccines:\n\nLive-attenuated vaccines\n - use a weakened (attenuated) version of a virus or bacterium.\n\n\nInactivated vaccines\n - made from a virus or bacterium that is not living.\n\n\nSubunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines\n - take a structural component from a virus or bacterium that can train your immune system to attack this part of the germ.\n\n\nToxoid vaccines\n - come from a harmful chemical or toxin that is made by bacteria or viruses. Toxoid vaccines do not make you immune to the germ. Instead, they make you immune to the harmful effects from the toxin of a germ.\n\n\nTHE FUTURE OF VACCINES\n\nScientists are still working to create new types of vaccines. Here are two exciting examples:\n\nDNA vaccines\n are easy and inexpensive to make - and they produce strong, long-term immunity.\n\n\nRecombinant vector vaccines\n (platform-based vaccines) act like natural infection, so they're especially good at teaching the immune system how to fight germs.\n\n\n\nInfoMed spoke with Dr. Tan Ru Wei, Consultant Pediatrician, \nColumbia Asia Hospital - Klang\n\u00a0on vaccination and specifically in relation to the pneumococcal vaccine for children. Also known as the pneumonia vaccine The pneumococcal vaccine protects against serious and potentially fatal pneumococcal infections.\n\nPneumococcal infections are caused by bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and can lead to pneumonia, septicaemia (a kind of blood poisoning) and meningitis. At their worst, the pneumococcal infections can cause permanent brain damage or even death.\n\nAlthough the pneumococcal infection can affect anyone, babies, adults above 65 years old and children and adults with certain long-term health conditions, such as a serious heart or kidney condition are at higher risk of serious illness.\n\n\u00a0\n\nAre you looking for a vaccination program for your baby or kids ? Click here to find out more about our \npediatric services\n and \nvaccination packages.\n\n\nAn Interview with Dr. Tan Ru Wei, Consultant Pediatrician - Klang\n \u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat\u2019s the checklist of vaccines and the ages at which they should be ideally be given for kids?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n There is a National Vaccination Schedule published by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. Majority of these vaccines will be completed by 18 months of age with some booster doses to be given at school going age. These include BCG; Hep B; 5-in-1 vaccine against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, and Haemophilus Influenzae Type B; MMR that covers Measles, Mumps and Rubella. There are also some vaccines no included in the National Schedule but highly recommended, such as Pneumococcal vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine, Influenza vaccine, Meningococcal vaccine and Varicella vaccination. These vaccines are readily available in most private hospitals and GP clinics.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIf you miss any of the vaccines at the recommended age, is it possible to catch up later in life?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n There are many reasons why vaccination needs to be postponed. The good news is other than Rotavirus vaccine that needs to be completed before 32 weeks of age, all other vaccines in the National Vaccination Schedule can be given later for catch up immunization. However, it is advisable to stick to the vaccination schedule as much as possible for optimal protection.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat is the primary reason for the vaccinations in the context of the present situation?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n Based on WHO estimation, globally 1 in 26 children die before the age of 5 in the year 2018. More than half of these deaths can be prevented or treated with simple, affordable interventions including vaccination, adequate nutrition, safe water and food, and appropriate care by a trained health care provider. The main purpose of vaccinations is to help our body build up immunity against some of the deadly childhood diseases.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCan you elaborate on the importance of pneumococcal vaccine (PCV) for babies?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n The bacteria pneumococcus can attack different parts of the body, leading to meningitis, pneumonia, bacteraemia, or otitis media. It can lead to brain damage, hearing loss and even death. It is recommended that infants receive at least three doses PCV within the 1st year of life, starting as young as six weeks of age to prevent pneumococcal diseases.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow does the pneumococcal vaccine work, and how do children respond to the vaccine?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei\n PCV works by of the vaccine into the body to stimulate the normal immune system to produce antibodies that are directed against the bacterium. Children, in general, respond very well to the vaccine.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCan the PCV (vaccine) cause the disease they protect against?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n Short answer: No. Long answer: There are two types of pneumococcal vaccines. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) that is used for children, and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) for adults. Both vaccines are inactivated or \u201ckilled\u201d vaccine that does not contain any live organisms. They cannot cause the disease they protecta against.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nSHOULD PCV be delayed or avoided completely for anymore and why?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n The only reason PCV should be avoided is when there is reported severe local reaction at the injection site from a previous does or reported a severe allergic reaction to a previous PCV does or one of the components of the vaccine. Vaccination can be postponed during an acute fever episode.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat are the side effects of the pneumococcal vaccine for kids?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\nSevere side effects are rare, common and short term side effects seen in children include soreness and redness on the injection spot and fever. Other possible side effects include reduced appetite, irritability, drowsiness.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe implications for not giving the PCV for kids?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\nIndividually, children not vaccinated against pneumococcus are at higher risk of being infected by the bacteria. Whenthe pickup rate of a vaccine in a community, the incidence of the disease reduces significantly within the community. This will help those who are not able to receive the vaccine.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIn the current situation of COVID-19 spreading, how or to what extent does the pneumococcal vaccine gives protection?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n To expect pneumococcal vaccine protect against COVID-19 is like taking antihypertensives to bring down the blood sugar. It just doesn\u2019t work that way. The best way to prevent COVID-19 spread is to wash hands, avoid touching one\u2019s face, wear mask and self-isolate if symptomatic, and cut down unnecessary travelling.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPlease explain briefly on children\u2019s flu vaccine?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n Flu vaccine is meant to protect the child against influenza viruses. There two major types of Influenza vaccine available. The Tetravalent vaccine that against 2 Influenza A virus and 2 Influenza B virus. The Trivalent vaccine which excludes 1 Influenza B virus. Everyone 6 months or older should get the flu vaccine. It is especially important for children from 6 months to 5 years old, or who have chronic underlying diseases such as asthma, heart conditions, HIV infection. Children who never received the vaccine before requiring a 2nd dose 4 to 6 weeks after the 1st dose. For continuing yearly protection, revaccination is required.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow does it work and does it help to build up the child\u2019s immunity?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n Like PCV, Influenza vaccine uses inactivated viruses to induce an immune response to the antigens present on the virus. It is estimated to have an efficacy of 70 - 90%.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nOnce the flu vaccine is started, does it have to be given every year and why?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n Yearly vaccination is required because the flu virus changes constantly and rapidly. Every year WHO will review the flu vaccine formulation and update it to keep up with the changing flu viruses. Another reason is because our body\u2019s immune response from vaccination declines over time, and yearly vaccination is needed for optimal protection.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow is the flu vaccine for children administered?\n\n\nDr Tan Ru Wei:\n There are two ways flu vaccination can be administered, either via injection or via nasal spray method. Recent studies show that nasal mist administration has a lower efficacy in flu prevention compared to a flu jab. Also, nasal spray uses a weakened form live virus as a vaccine, therefore is not suitable for immunocompromised patients. It is however a good alternative for parents and children who are anxious of getting a needle injection.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nRECOMMENDED VACCINATIONS FOR KIDS:\n\n\nChickenpox (varicella) vaccine.\n\n\nDiphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTaP)\n\n\nHepatitis A vaccine (HepA)\n\n\nHepatitis B vaccine (HepB)\n\n\nHib vaccine.\n\n\nHuman papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.\n\n\nInfluenza vaccine.\n\n\nMeasles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR)\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tan Ru Wei\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Klang\nMBBS (IMU), MRCPCH (UK), Pediatrics Bioethics (USA)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nVaccination For Kids - InfoMed Malaysia, Apr - Jun 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in InfoMed Malaysia, Apr - Jun 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrician\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/vaccinations-keep-your-child-safe", "title": "Vaccinations Keep Your Child Safe", "body": "\n\n\n\nVaccinations Keep Your Child Safe\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 10, 2023\n \n \u00a0\n\nImportance of vaccination for children\n\nDiseases still persist today even if our healthcare system and hygiene standards have improved. While improved medical treatment and cleanliness standards decrease the development of diseases, they are insufficient to completely eradicate them. This is because the majority of infections spread through contact. The people who are most vulnerable to these diseases are our children.\n\nWhen you are a new parent, the topic of childhood vaccinations or immunisations may seem overwhelming. The Child Development Centre (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians all propose vaccination schedules that cover around 13 different diseases.\n\nDr Margaret Kannimmel explains that by eradicating or significantly reducing harmful diseases that used to travel from child to child, vaccinations not only keep your child safe from devastating illnesses like polio, tetanus, and diphtheria but also keep other children safe.\n\nA vaccination is a disease-causing bacterium that has been killed, rendered weak, or otherwise altered. When children are exposed to a disease in vaccine form, their immune system, which is the body\u2019s germ-fighting machine, is able to build up antibodies that protect them.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHere is why vaccination is important for children:\n\n\nYour baby is very vulnerable to infections\n\n\nProtection offered through breast milk (maternal immunity) is not enough\n\n\nImmunity through natural infection is risky. Children\u2019s bodies cannot always fight off these diseases.\n\n\nYour child can still catch a dangerous infection even though your child seems healthy and strong.\n\n\nChildhood Immunisation is the most effective way to protect children.\n\n\n\nImmunity will wane over time, so remember to get the boosters.\n\n\u00a0\n\nThe Malaysian National Immunisation Programmed (NIP)\n\nThe National Immunisation Program (NIP) of Malaysia was initiated in the early 1950s. The Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) of the World Health Organization (WHO) served as the model for our Malaysian NIP\u2019s creation (EPI). The EPI urges all nations to immunise children against six illnesses. Our Malaysian National Immunisation Program (NIP), however, has increased protection against 13 important pediatric illnesses.\nDiseases that the National Immunisation Programme (NIP) covers today:\n\n\nDiphtheria\n\n\nAn infectious disease caused by bacteria that live in the mouth and throat of the infected person.\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzaetype B (Hib)\n\n\nA serious infection that mainly affects children under 5 years.\n\n\nHepatitis B\n\n\nInfection of the liver by the Hepatitis B virus.\n\n\nHuman papillomavirus (HPV)\n\n\nMost common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that causes cervical cancer which is the third most common cancer in women.\n\n\nJapanese encephalitis (JE)\n\n\nInfection of the brain caused by JE virus.\n\n\nMeasles\n\n\nA highly contagious viral disease.\n\n\nMumps\n\n\nA viral infection that is the most common cause of inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).\n\n\nPertussis \u2013 Whooping Cough\n\n\nHighly contagious, with violent and persistent coughing that may cause a child to struggle to breathe and, turn blue (cyanosed).\n\n\nPoliomyelitis (polio)\n\n\nAn infectious and incurable viral disease that attacks the nervous system.\n\n\nRubella\n\n\nAlso known as German measles that may cause abnormalities to the fetus.\n\n\nTetanus\n\n\nAlso known as lockjaw, caused by bacteria toxins that attacks the body\u2019s nervous system.\n\n\nTuberculosis (TB)\n\n\nA disease that commonly infects the lungs, but can also attack other parts such as the kidney, spine, skin, intestines and brain.\n\n\nPneumococcal\n\n\nA bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae that can affect the lungs and other parts of the body.\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhere can our children receive their vaccinations under the National Immunisation Programme (NIP)?\n\nThe National Immunisation Programme (NIP) vaccinations are provided free-of-charge at all government clinics across the country. They are also available at private clinics, where you may have to pay a small fee.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhen does my child have to get these vaccines?\n\nThere is a National Immunisation Programme (NIP) schedule (see below). It is important to follow this schedule closely as doctors and other public health experts have worked hard to come up with the optimal vaccination schedule, affording the most complete and safest protection possible. It is not advisable to skip or delay vaccines, as this will leave the child vulnerable to disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\nCommon childhood vaccines and their benefits\n\nBecause proof of immunisation is often a prerequisite for enrollment in school or day care, it\u2019s important to keep your children up to date on their vaccines. The benefit of doing so is that your children will be protected from diseases that could cause them serious health problems. The recommended immunisations for children 0-6 years of age include:\n\nHepatitis B\n\n\nRotavirus\n\n\nDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis\n\n\nHaemophilus influenzae type B\n\n\nPneumococcal\n\n\nPoliovirus\n\n\nInfluenza\n\n\nMeasles, mumps, rubella\n\n\nVaricella (chickenpox)\n\n\nHepatitis A\n\n\nMeningococcal (for certain high-risk groups)\n\n\nCOVID-19\n\n\nAdditional recommended vaccines for children\n\nThere are currently 5 other vaccines that prevent diseases that can be deadly to children.\n\nChickenpox (varicella)\n\n\nA highly contagious disease which causes fever and blistering skin.\n\n\nHepatitis A\n\n\nInfection of the liver by the hepatitis A virus.\n\n\nInfluenza\n\n\nA viral infection of the nose, throat and lungs.\n\n\nMeningococcal disease\n\n\nA bacterial infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord that can lead to permanent disability.\n\n\nRotavirus\n\n\nCauses vomiting and severe diarrhoea in babies.\n\n\n\nNumerous of the immunisations described above offer protection against prevalent pediatric illnesses. Additionally, these advised vaccinations have the power to halt the spread of epidemics and disease. They are just as crucial to protecting your kids from diseases that can be prevented by vaccination as regular immunisations. Like the NIP, there is a recommended schedule for the best protection for our little ones. Your doctor will advise you on the appropriate timing of the vaccines.\n\n\u00a0\n\nImmunisation schedule\n\n\n \u00a0\n\nRisks and concerns surrounding vaccination?\n\nMost people don\u2019t have any serious side effects from vaccines. The most common side effects\u2014like soreness where the shot was given\u2014are usually mild and go away quickly on their own.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat are common side effects of vaccines?\n\nThe most common side effects after vaccination are mild. They include:\n\nPain, swelling, or redness where the shot was given\n\n\nMild fever\n\n\nChills\n\n\nFeeling tired\n\n\nHeadache\n\n\nMuscle and joint aches\n\n\n\nFainting can also happen after any medical procedure, including vaccinations.\n\nKeep in mind that most common side effects are a sign that your body is starting to build immunity (protection) against a disease.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat about serious side effects?\n\nSerious side effects from vaccines are extremely rare. For example, if 1 million doses of a vaccine are given, 1 to 2 people may have a severe allergic reaction.\n\nSigns of a severe allergic reaction can include:\n\nDifficulty breathing\n\n\nSwelling of your face and throat\n\n\nA fast heartbeat\n\n\nA bad rash all over your body\n\n\nDizziness and weakness\n\n\n\nCall your vaccination provider or your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow to make an informed decision about vaccination for your child?\n\n\nVaccines protect against diseases\n\nDifferent types of vaccines work in different ways to offer protection. With all types of vaccines, your body will remember how to fight that virus in the future. It typically takes a few weeks after vaccination for the body to build up that protection.\n\n\u00a0\n\nStrengthening your baby\u2019s immune system\n\nImmunity is the body\u2019s way of preventing disease. Your baby\u2019s immune system is not fully developed at birth which can put your baby at a greater risk for infection. Vaccines reduce your child\u2019s risk of infection by working with the body\u2019s natural defenses to help safely develop protection against disease.\n \u00a0\n\nVaccine ingredients\n\nToday\u2019s vaccines use only the ingredients they need to be as safe and effective as possible. \nAll ingredients of vaccines play necessary roles\n either in making the vaccine, triggering the body to develop immunity, or in ensuring that the final product is safe and effective.\n\nSome of these include:\n\nAdjuvants\n help boost the body\u2019s response to a vaccination. (Also found in antacids, antiperspirants, etc.)/li>\n\n\nStabilizers\n help keep a vaccine effective after it is manufactured. (Also found in foods such as Jell-O\u00ae and resides in the body naturally)\n\n\nFormaldehyde\n is used to prevent contamination by bacteria during the vaccine manufacturing process. It resides in body naturally (more in body than vaccines). (Also found in environment, preservatives, and household products.)\n\n\nThimerosal\n is also used during the manufacturing process but is no longer an ingredient in any vaccine except multi-dose vials of the flu vaccine. Single dose vials of the flu vaccine are available as an alternative. No reputable scientific studies have found an association between thimerosal in vaccines and autism.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Margaret Kannimmel A/P Benson Fernando\n\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Setapak\nMD (UKM), MRCP (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nVaccinations Keep Your Child Safe \u2013 Baby Talk, 10 Feburary 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Baby Talk, 10 Feburary 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/vaginal-bleeding-early-pregnancy", "title": "Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy", "body": "\n\n\n\nVaginal bleeding in early pregnancy\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 02, 2011\n \n\nThis is one of the commoner presentations from my clinic besides the general antenatal workload.\n\nThe euphoria of early pregnancy (first trimester) is sometimes interrupted by symptom of vaginal bleeding. There is usually high anxiety level, which is only natural. This bleeding varies from brownish discharge to fresh red bleeding. This symptom can be associated with lower abdominal cramps. Most couple comes early for consultation. My assessment during this consultation is to attempt to ascertain the cause of vaginal bleeding and demonstrate pregnancy viability.\n\nIt is understandable that couple would want to know if \u2018the pregnancy or fetus is alright\u2019. However, there is no single clinical assessment, blood test or ultrasound feature that provides a reliable prediction of the pregnancy outcome following such event. The current treatment this condition remains empirical. Most doctors advocate bed rest and hormonal support, although the evidence is lacking.\n\nOn the contrary, it is not uncommon to find a cervical polyp as the source of vaginal bleeding. This condition can be treated with removal of the polyp to relieve the symptom. The pregnancy is usually left undisturbed.\n\nOur clinical experience has shown that about half of the early pregnancies with complication of vaginal bleeding is associated with good prognosis. In these cases, the vaginal bleeding stop gradually over time and the pregnancy continues to term.\nEarly pregnancy vaginal bleeding is common and requires immediate medical attention\n\nThe joy of knowing that one is pregnant is often interrupted by feeling of bloatedness, poor appetite and nausea. Most women (50-90%) will have these symptoms during their early stage of pregnancy but gradually subside by the 14-16th weeks. Morning sickness, another name for this condition is coined due to the belief that these symptoms are commonly experience by pregnant mothers in the morning.\n\nHyperemesis gravidarum is associated with the rising pregnancy hormone (HCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin). Once the placenta is fully functional, the HCG hormone declines and hyperemesis improved. It does not affect the fetus but can be a challenging experience for most pregnant mothers. Besides the discomfort of nausea and bloated, medication is usually not necessary for most cases. Very rarely, severe hyperemesis is associated with liver (Wernicke\u2019s encephalopathy) or kidneys (acute renal failure) complications. Looking at the bright side, hyperemesis indirectly indicates a healthy ongoing pregnancy. Only in a normal pregnancy, the HCG hormone will rise accordingly. On the contrary, women with missed abortion or failed pregnancy will not have a decline in the serum HCG level, which clinically manifest as regression of symptom.\n\nI do not often prescribe anti-emetic drugs for my patients except if the hyperemesis is severe. I generally advise them to choose their food carefully, identify symptom triggers to avoid them, and take frequent but small snacks. There are also other alternative methods such as acupressure, acupuncture, taking ginger drinks and hypnosis but their effectiveness remains to be proven.\nEmbrace and welcome your pregnancy symptoms. They are challenging but mostly transient\nDr. Ng Soon Pheng\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Puchong\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/vestibular-rehabilitation", "title": "Vestibular Rehabilitation", "body": "\n\n\n\nVestibular Rehabilitation\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 20, 2017\n \nWhat is vestibular rehabilitation?\n\nVestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based program, designed by a specialized physical therapist, to improve balance and reduce dizziness-related problems.\nWho benefits from vestibular rehabilitation?\n\nPatients who are typically referred for vestibular rehabilitation therapy are those diagnosed with dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, Meniere\u2019s syndrome, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), neck-related dizziness and migraines. It can also benefit patients who have had a stroke or brain injury or whom are frequently fall.\nHow is dizziness defined?\n\nDizziness is defined as feelings of unsteadiness; wooziness (swimming feeling in head); lightheadedness; feelings of passing out; and sensations of moving, spinning, floating, swaying, tilting, or whirling (sensations known as vertigo).\n\nThese sensations can occur when standing still, lying down or when changing positions. The symptoms can last from seconds to minutes to days. For some people the symptoms are constant; others experience only short episodes of symptoms.\nWhat causes dizziness?\n\nEach year over 10 million patients visit a physician due to dizziness. It is the most common complaint among elderly patients but can occur in patients of any age.\n\nDizziness is generally not serious, but is often a sign of a mechanical problem. Dizziness can be due to an inner ear disorder, a side effect of medications, a sign of neck dysfunction, or it can be due to a more serious problem such as a brain or a heart problem.\nCommon symptoms that can be helped with vestibular rehabilitation include:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDizziness or blurry vision with head movements\n\n\nNeck tightness, stiffness and/or pain\n\n\nImbalance or the need to hold onto objects when walking\n\n\nHeadaches\n\n\nFrequent falls\n\n\nGeneralized \u201cdizziness, wooziness and foggy head\u201d feelings\n\n\nVertigo/spinning\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat type of recovery/outcome can I expect from vestibular rehabilitation?\n\nExpected vestibular rehabilitation outcomes include:\n\nDecreased fall risk\n\n\nDecreased dizziness symptoms\n\n\nImproved balance\n\n\nImproved ability to stabilize vision/gaze\n\n\nIncreased body strength\n\n\nReturn to prior level of movement/function\n\n\nIncrease in confidence in ability to maintain balance\n\n\nImproved neck motion, reduced symptoms\n\n\nVestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)\n\nVestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that uses specialized exercises that result in gaze and gait stabilization. Most VRT exercises involve head movement, and head movements are essential in stimulating and retraining the vestibular system. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy has been a highly effective modality for most adults and children with disorders of the vestibular or central balance system.\n\n\u00a0\n\nDo visit us for further clarification and for the treatment and exercises.\n\nFor appointment or any enquiries, please contact Columbia Asia Hospital - Seremban Physiotherapy Department at +606-603 3157.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \n\n\nBSF Vestibular Rehab Exercises Journal\n\n\nMcDonnell MN, Hillier SL. Vestibular rehabilitation for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction. \n\n\nHorak FB. Postural orientation and equilibrium: what do we need to know about neural control of balance to prevent falls?\n\n\nemedicine.medscape.com/article/883878\n\n\nMeli A, Zimatore G, Badaracco C, De Angelis E, Tufarelli D. 2006. Vestibular rehabilitation and 6-month follow-up using objective and subjective measures\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/vitro-maturation-ivm-cheaper-and-safer-alternative-vitro-fertilization-ivf", "title": "In Vitro Maturation (IVM) : A Cheaper And Safer Alternative To In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)", "body": "\n\n\n\nIn Vitro Maturation (IVM) : A Cheaper And Safer Alternative To In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 12, 2015\n \n\nSince the birth of Louise Brown in 1978, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has advanced tremendously and has proven to be a very successful treatment for infertile couples. However, there are some drawbacks to this mode of treatment which may deter many women from treatment.\n\nIn vitro maturation (IVM) was first introduced by doctors in Denmark in the late 1990s. It is a revolutionary treatment technique developed to help couples with infertility problems which could potentially lead to cheaper and safer treatment compared to the conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF). To date there are about 400 babies who have been born worldwide using IVM compared with around two million by IVF.\n\nInfertility involves 1 in every 7 couples after 1 to 2 years of trying to conceive. It can be due to male or female factor or a combination of both. Treatment differs and can be as simple as timed coitus or a more technological demanding process like the IVF.\n\nThe current IVF treatments use daily injections of medications to induce the development of multiple follicles in the ovaries in the hope of making the eggs mature faster within the follicles. Once the follicles are of appropriate size, the mature eggs within the follicles are harvested and then fertilised with sperm in the laboratory to create embryos.\n\nIVM does not involve stimulation of ovaries by daily drugs injections. Only minimal medications are required. Therefore the eggs within the ovarian follicles are not mature. The immature eggs are harvested in a similar way to the IVF technique, and kept in the laboratory\u2019s Petri dish for 24 to 48 hours until they are mature. Following maturity, the eggs are then fertilized by micro injecting sperm directly into them by a process called ICSI or intra cytoplasm sperm injection. Hence the eggs maturation happens in the laboratory rather than the ovaries. This is the basis of IVM treatment. Two or three days after fertilisation, the developing embryos are transferred to the mother\u2019s womb. The treatment is also expected to be shorter than IVF.\n\nIn IVF, the ovaries are stimulated with medications such as gonadotrophins to increase the number of mature eggs. As result of this, there is high cost involved as the drugs are very expensive. The women require daily injection with the medications and frequent monitoring which can be a nuisance. There are potential side effect from the medications which can cause abdominal bloating, breast tenderness and mood swing. There is possible link to ovarian cancer which has not been quantified and may deter many women from having treatment.\nImmature egg immediately after retrieval\n\n\nMature egg after 36 hours of culture\n\n\n\nThe most important well-recognised danger to the women undergoing IVF treatment is ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS). The most severe form occurs in 1 % of women undergoing treatment especially those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Those with ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome as results of daily injections with medications will produce too many eggs which may be associated with ovarian enlargement, abdominal distension, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and blood in the body to be concentrated. These conditions if severe can be fatal. It is more likely to happen in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a leading cause of infertility. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are usually obese, have irregular menstrual cycle and infertile.\n\nIn IVM all the risks associated with IVF are being minimised. It is presently a useful procedure for two groups of women: those who are fertile, with normal cycles, who don't need stimulating hormones to help them to become pregnant, but who are undergoing IVF because their partners have impaired sperm, and for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who are at an increased risk of developing ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS) during IVF hormone treatment.\n\nIn IVF, one of the main factors affecting the success rate is the age of the women. This is likely to be the case in IVM. Generally women who are less than 35 years tend to respond better. The other important factor is the number of immature eggs collected. The more number of eggs collected, the more embryos are produced, and therefore the greater the choice of embryo selection for transfer. About 70% of the immature eggs retrieved will be successfully matured in the laboratory. But only 60% of the mature eggs, following fertilisation will develop into embryos.\n\nThe major disadvantage in IVM is its success rate which is only between 20 to 25%. This figure is very low compared to IVF which can be as high as 45%. However IVM is at the infant stage. When IVF started in the 1980s the success rate then was only 14%. Another major shortcoming with IVM is that the cultured mature eggs have hardened egg shells. As result of this, insemination can only be done by micro injection of sperm into the egg or ICSI. Finally the culture media use to nurture the eggs to maturity need to be improved. It is hope that by improving the culture media, the percentage of mature eggs per cycle of treatment would improve.\n\nIVM is a potentially cheaper, shorter and a safer option of treatment for infertility. However, its usefulness is presently limited to only a few groups of patients. More research is needed to support its use. It\u2019s now up to the scientists to explore this revolution in fertility treatment.\nSummary:\n\n\nIVF is more expensive than IVM. The cost of treatment ranges between RM15000 to RM18000 while IVM may cost only around RM5000 to RM8000 per treatment cycle.\n\n\nAll risks associated with IVF are less in IVM especially Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).\n\n\nIVM is a new technology and hence the success rate is low compared to IVF. More research is needed to support its use.\n\n\nIVF will remain the mainstay of treatment for infertile couple while IVM may be suitable to certain groups.\n\n\nDr Suhaimi Hassan\n\nConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist\nColumbia Asia Hospital- Setapak\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/waktu-hamil-jangan-hentam-makan-sampai-berat-naik-mendadak-boleh-kemurungan-lepas", "title": "Waktu Hamil Jangan Hentam Makan Sampai Berat Naik Mendadak Boleh Kemurungan Lepas Bersalin", "body": "\n\n\n\nWaktu Hamil Jangan Hentam Makan Sampai Berat Naik Mendadak Boleh Kemurungan Lepas Bersalin\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 09, 2019\n \n\nMasalah kenaikan berat badan yang berlebihan pastinya akan menyebabkan para wanita hamil ditegur oleh kakitangan klinik atau hospital. Pada waktu itu, kita akan mengimbas kembali, apakah yang kita makan semalam, atau sepanjang minggu itu? Kenaikan berat badan ketika hamil adalah sesuatu yang normal tetapi tidak boleh secara mendadak. Setiap ibu hamil boleh merujuk kepada carta berat badan yang ideal sepanjang mengandung. Ikuti penerangan lanjut tentang topik ini oleh Dr Norintan Zainal Shah, Pakar Obstetrik & Ginekologi dari Columbia Asia Hospital Seremban.\n\nSebelum kita semua panik, marilah kita lihat apakan kenaikan berat badan yang dianggap \u2018normal\u2019 ketika hamil. Kenaikan berat badan ketika hamil secara purata adalah 12 kilogram sepanjang kehamilan. Pun begitu, bagi wanita yang \u201cunderweight\u201d iaitu BMI 18.5 atau kurang, anda boleh mengalami kenaikan berat badan sebanyak 20kg sepanjang kehamilan. Untuk wanita yang mengalami obesiti pula, (BMI lebih dari 30.0), anda hanya boleh naik berat badan sebanyak 5kg sepanjang kehamilan.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNaik Berat Badan Ikut Usia Kehamilan\n\nPada trimester pertama, keadaan ibu yang kurang selera atau mengalami loya menyebabkan kenaikan berat badan adalah minimum 1kg setiap bulan atau ada yang kehilangan berat badan.\n\nPada trimester kedua, berat badan akan naik 1kg setiap bulan. Jika berat badan tidak naik disebabkan masalah muntah yang berpanjangan, anda hendaklah berjumpa doktor untuk pemeriksaan lanjut (pastikan tiada masalah tiroid, masalah hati atau masalah usus/pankreas).\n\nPada trimester ketiga, berat badan selalunya naik 1.5 -2kg setiap bulan. Jika, berat badan naik lebih dari bacaan yang dinyatakan, pihak hospital atau klinik akan memastikan anda tidak mengalami masalah kencing manis, darah tinggi atau masalah pemakanan berlebihan.\n\n\n\n\nJika Berat Badan Naik Mendadak, Akan Dipantau\n\nIni bagi mengelakkan masalah seperti eklampsia, kematian ibu dan bayi (disebabkan oleh darah tinggi) atau masalah bayi yang obes, atau kematian bayi secara mengejut (disebabkan oleh masalah kencing manis sewaktu hamil). Biasanya doktor akan menasihatkan ibu supaya tidak makan berlebihan sehingga menyebabkan diri ibu dan bayi dalam kandungan menjadi obes.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nJika kita melahiran bayi yang mempunyai berat badan berlebihan, risiko yang kita alami adalah:\n\nProses kelahiran yang lama\n\n\nGagal untuk lahir secara normal dan perlu dibedah akhirnya\n\n\nPenggunaan alat seperti vakum dan forsep bagi membantu kelahiran di mana bayi dan ibu boleh mengalami kecederaan.\n\n\nSelepas kepala bayi keluar, bahu pula boleh tersangkut (shoulder dystocia) di mana otot, tulang dan urat saraf bayi boleh cedera dan kecederaan mungkin kekal! Otak bayi juga boleh mengalami kekurangan oksigen.\n\n\nSetelah bayi dilahirkan, uri juga besar jika bayi puan besar. Dalam sesetengah kes, ia sukar dikeluarkan. Selepas uri keluar, rahim pula lambat mengecut dan boleh berlaku masalah tumpah darah.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBuat Rekod Kenaikan Berat Badan\n\nIbu mengandung seharusnya menyimpan rekod kenaikan badan. Dengan cara ini, anda akan peka dengan kenaikan berat badan. Beli mesin penimbang dan timbang berat badan dua kali sehari (waktu pagi dan malam sebelum tidur).\n\nCampur berat badan anda pada hari itu dan bahagi dengan dua untuk mendapat purata berat badan. Simpan rekod berat badan selama seminggu dan kira puratanya.\n\nJika berat badan naik terlalu cepat ( lebih dari 0.5kg seminggu), makaa anda hendaklah menjaga pemakanan pada minggu seterusnya.\n\nMasalah kenaikan berat badan yang berlebihan juga mempunyai kesan selepas bersalin. Di antaranya ialah masalah stres dan murung. Kesukaran untuk menyusu anak juga dikaitan dengan wanita yang obes selepas kelahiran bayi. Jika mengalami pembedahan caesarean, luka lambat baik, lebih mudah mengalami jangkitan dan lebih mudah dilanda masalah darah beku di kaki (deep vein thrombosis).\n\nKesimpulannya, jangan panik jika berat badan naik ketika hamil. Sebaliknya, simpanlah rekod berat badan anda sendiri. Jagalah pemakanan dan berjumpalah dengan pakar pemakanan jika perlu. Lakukan senaman setiap hari jika mampu. Ikutlah nasihat doktor kerana jika perlu, pemeriksaan untuk kencing manis dan darah tinggi akan dilakukan bagi memastikan keselamatan puan dan bayi dalam kandungan.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWaktu Hamil Jangan Hentam Makan Sampai Berat Naik Mendadak Boleh Kemurungan Lepas Bersalin \u2013 Majalah Pa&Ma, 5 Oktober 2019\n\n\nIbu Hamil Akan Dipantau Jika Berat Naik Mendadak \u2013 Majalah Pa & Ma, Isu November 2019\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 5 Oktober 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/wanita-lebih-mudah-mendapat-penyakit-autoimun", "title": "Wanita Lebih Mudah Mendapat Penyakit Autoimun", "body": "\n\n\n\nWanita Lebih Mudah Mendapat Penyakit Autoimun\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 25, 2020\n \n\nPenyakit autoimun ini salah satu penyakit yang kurang diketahui umum dan masyarakat. Disebabkan itu ia kurang mendapat perhatian ramai. Namun begitu, kebiasaannya wanita lebih mudah mendapat penyakit autoimun jika dibandingkan dengan lelaki.\n\nPakar Perundingan Perubatan Hospital Columbia Asia Puchong, Dr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin berkata secara umumnya penyakit autoimun ini adalah di mana badan manusia itu menghasilkan antibodi sendiri yang menyerang sel-sel badan atau organ manusia itu sendiri.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\"Sepatutnya sistem keimunan dan antibodi kita ini adalah untuk menyerang penyakit seperti contohnya bakteria, fungus dan virus dari luar. Tetapi dalam kes penyakit autoimun ini, badan kita menghasilkan antibodi yang sama dan menyerang organ dalam diri sendiri. Ini kerana sistem imun badan tidak dapat membezakan sel atau tisu badan sendiri dan menganggapnya sebagai sel atau tisu asing\"\n\n\n\nAda banyak jenis penyakit autoimun yang dikenalpasti setakat ini. Jumlah penyakit adalah lebih 80 jenis di dalam spektrum penyakit autoimun ini. Biasanya dalam sesuatu penyakit autoimun itu dari segi insidennya 80 hingga 90 peratus dihidapi oleh wanita.\n\n\u00a0 \nKenapa Wanita ?\n\n\n\nJelas Dr. Muhammad, kebiasaanya penyakit autoimun ini akan menyerang umur wanita yang sedang dalam jangka waktu subur.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\"Contohnya di antara usia 15 hingga 45 tahun. Namun, ada juga kes yang melibatkan wanita berusia 45 tahun dan ke atas, tetapi ia jarang berlaku.\"\n\n\u00a0\n\n\"Ia masih dalam kajian yang dilakukan oleh para saintis. Salah satu teori yang saintis terangkan adalah wanita ini sistem keimunannya lebih kuat sedikit daripada lelaki. Oleh itu dari segi jangkitan penyakit berjangkit, lelaki lebih senang mendapat kuman berbanding wanita.\"\n\n\u00a0\n\n\"Mungkin juga disebabkan keimunan wanita itu lebih kuat daripada lelaki itu telah menyebabkan risiko mendapat penyakit autoimun lebih tinggi. Tetapi kebanyakan saintis mengatakan bahawa penyebab autoimun ini adalah kombinasi dari faktor genetik dan persekitaran.\"\n\n\u00a0\n\n\"Selain daripada itu, penyakit autoimun itu juga berkait rapat dengan genetik. Sebagai contohnya jika ada ahli keluarga seperti ibu dan nenek menghidap penyakit autoimun, seorang wanita itu boleh mendapat penyakit yang sama.\"\n\n\u00a0\n\n\"Bagi mengesan secara genetik, tidak ada ujian khusus yang boleh dilakukan. Secara asanya, bila doktor bertemu pesakit, dia akan bertanya sejarah penyakit yang menyerang keluarganya.\"\n\n\n\nGenetik itu bukannya semestinya mendapat penyakit yang sama. Ia boleh menghidap penyakit dalam spektrum penyakit autoimun itu.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\"Dalam penyakit autoimun ini, contohnya jika ibu menghidap penyakit tiroid, tidak bermakna anaknya akan mendapat penyakit tiroid. Ada kemungkinan jika ibu mendapat penyakit SLE, anaknya mungkin akan mendapat penyakit yang lain berkaitan dengan autoimun contohnya penyakit tiroid, psoriasis atau rheumatoid arthritis.\"\n\n\nJenis-Jenis Penyakit Autoimun Yang Menyerang Wanita\n\n\n\nApabila penyakit autoimun berlaku, antibodi ini akan menyerang organ tubuh badan yang tertentu.. Contoh-contoh adalah seperti berikut :\n\n\u00a0\n\n1-Sendi-sendi.\n\n\n\nSendi-sendi akan sakit dan membengkak. Contoh penyakit sendi ini adalah rheumatoid arthritis.\n\n\u00a0\n\n2-Systemic Lupus Erythematosus atau SLE\n\n\n\nSLE ia boleh memberi kesan pada lebih dari satu organ dalam seluruh badan dan di antara jenis yang paling kerap di diagnosa. Ia akan menyerang sendi tetapi tidak seteruk rheumatoid arthritis. Ia juga boleh menyerang kulit sehinggakan kulit naik ruam-ruam, ruam-ruam pada muka, rambut gugur.\n\nPaling teruk apabila SLE ini menyerang buah pinggang. Apabila buah pinggang telah diserang dan kita tidak dapat mengesannya terlebih awal, ia boleh menyebabkan kerosakan buah pinggang jika tidak dirawat.\n\nSLE juga boleh menyebabkan serangan antibodi ke bahagian otak sekaligus menyebabkan radang otak.\n\n\u00a0\n\n3-Penyakit Tiroid\n\n\n\nPenyakit tiroid lebih banyak menyerang wanita. Puncanya adalah antibodi menyerang organ tiroid. Dua jenis penyakit tiroid ini adalah Graves disease dan Hashimoto disease.\n\nGraves disease berlaku apabila hormon tiroid berlebihan manakala Hashimoto disease berlaku apabila hormon tiroid terlalu rendah. Punca-punca berlaku adalah sama tetapi rawatan yang akan dilakukan adalah berbeza.\n\n\u00a0\n\n4-Penyakit Psoriasis\n\n\n\nPenyakit psoriasis juga adalah penyakit autoimun. Ini berlaku apabila antibodi badan menyerang kulit sehinggakan kulit menggelupas. Cara untuk mengesahkan penyakit psoriasis ini adalah dengan mengambil sampel dan hantar ke makmal untuk diuji. Cara rawatan adalah untuk menurunkan sistem imum dengan rawatan tertentu oleh pakar kulit.\n\n\u00a0\n\n5-Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)\n\n\n\nITP ini adalah masalah darah. Apabla berlaku, antibodi menyerang platelet dan menyebabkan bacaan bilangan platelet menjadi rendah. Ia membuatkan seseorangan itu mudah lebam. Ia juga boleh menyebabkan pendarahan hidung dan pendarahan gusi.\n\nBahaya ITP ini pada ibu mengandung adalah jika bacaan platelet itu rendah, ia boleh menyebabkan pendarahan. Penyakit ITP ini biasanya dirawat oleh pakar hematologi (darah)\n\nSelain dari penyakit yang disebut di atas, banyak lagi penyakit autoimun lain yang wujud. Contohnya \nCeliac disease, Addison's disease, scleroderma, Myasthenia gravis dan Type 1 Diabetes mellitus.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBagaimana Penyakit Autoimun Dikesan ?\n\n\n\nPermulaanya, simptom-simptom tidak spesifik dan tidak jelas. Antaranya adalah seperti berikut :\n\n1. Biasanya simptom-simpton itu akan bermula dengan rasa letih, lemah dan badan atau otot-otot rasa sakit.\n\n2. Selepas itu kebiasaanya seseorang itu akan mula demam yang tidak tinggi (suhu badan 37.5 dan 37.8 Celsius). Tetapi demam ini agak lama dan berterusan lebih kurang seminggu hingga dua minggu.\n\n3. Sendi-sendi juga akan rasa sakit dan bengkak. Sukar untuk bergerak sebaik bangun tidur pada waktu pagi.\n\n4. Keguguran rambut yang berlebihan\n\n\u00a0\n\nLakukan Pemeriksaan\n\n\n\nNasihat Dr Muhammad agar mereka yang menghidap simptom-simptom ini agar tidak menganggap simpton-simpton ini normal. Segeralah bertemu doctor bagi memeriksa apa sebenarnya yang berlaku pada tubuh anda.\n\nJelasnya lagi, sebaik bertemu doktor perubatan atau doktor pakar, pemeriksaan akan dilakukan. Antaranya :\n\n- Doktor akan melihat simptom-simptom yang pesakit alami\n\n- Doktor akan membuat pemeriksaan fizikal yang lengkap\n\n- Doktor membuat ujian darah yang asas\n\nJika kemungkinan pesakit menghidap penyakit autoimun, doctor perubatan akan merujuk kepada doktor pakar yang berkaitan. Rawatan penyakit autoimun akan bergantung kepada gejala dan jenis penyakit tertentu.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Puchong\nBachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Internal Medicine (UKM), CIMA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWanita Lebih Mudah Mendapat Penyakit Autoimun \u2013 Wanita Mingguan, 5 Februari 2020\n\n\nWanita Lebih Mudah Mendapat Penyakit Autoimun \u2013 Wanita Mingguan, 5 Februari 2020\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Wanita Mingguan, 5 Februari 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/wanita-obes-boleh-ke-hamil-periksa-bacaan-bmi-anda-sebelum-hamil", "title": "Wanita Obes Boleh Ke Hamil? Periksa Bacaan BMI Anda Sebelum Hamil", "body": "\n\n\n\nWanita Obes Boleh Ke Hamil? Periksa Bacaan BMI Anda Sebelum Hamil\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 18, 2019\n \n\nBerat badan memainkan peranan penting dalam kehamilan. Obesiti atau kegemukan akan mengundang pelbagai risiko yang tidak baik kepada diri dan kandungan. Dr Sharina Mohd Razali, Pakar Perbidanan & Sakit Puan Hospital Columbia Asia Bukit Rimau memberikan penerangan berkenaan perkara ini.\n\nWanita obes yang merancang untuk hamil boleh berjumpa pakar sakit puan atau \nprimary care physician\n untuk mendapatkan nasihat yang tepat berkenaan berat badan optimum dan cara hidup sihat yang perlu diamalkan. Kajian di Sweden mendapati penurunan berat badan sekurangnya 4.5kg boleh menurunkan risiko mendapat kencing manis semasa hamil sebanyak 40% pada kandungan yang seterusnya.\nBacaan BMI\n\nBerat optimum yang perlu dicapai adalah BMI yang normal (BMI 18 \u2013 24.9). BMI adalah berat dibahagi dengan ketinggian kuasa dua. BMI yang lebih daripada 25 adalah dalam kategori berat badan berlebihan dan BMI lebih daripada 30 ke atas adalah obes. Dalam pada itu, terdapat tiga kategori obesiti iaitu Kelas 1 (BMI 30-34.9), Kelas 2 (BMI 35-39.9) dan Kelas 3 atau \nmorbid obese \n(BMI lebih 40).\n\nSelain mencapai berat badan optimum dan mengikuti saranan pakar, wanita obes yang ingin hamil juga perlu melakukan beberapa perkara sebelum kehamilan agar kesihatan diri dan kandungan berada di tahap yang optimum.\n\nMengambil asid folik 5mg atau lebih setiap hari sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sebelum kehamilan dan diteruskan sehingga trimester pertama.\n\n\nMengambil Vitamin D sekurang-kurangnya 10mcg sehari sepanjang kehamilan dan diteruskan sehingga selepas kelahiran bayi dan sepanjang tempoh penyusuan susu ibu.\n\n\nMenurunkan berat badan. Wanita disarankan menurunkan sekurang-kurangnya 5 \u2013 7% dari berat asal untuk memastikan proses kehamilan yang sihat dan kurang berisiko.\n\n\nBahaya obesiti semasa hamil\n\nObesiti berbahaya kerana boleh mengundang pelbagai risiko buruk kepada si ibu dan bayi. Justeru ia perlu dicegah bagi mengelakkan berlakunya komplikasi.\nRisiko kepada ibu\n\n\nKeguguran secara berulang (\nrecurrent miscarriages\n)\n\n\nDiabetes semasa mengandung (\ngestational diabetes\n)\n\n\nPraeklampsia iaitu tekanan darah tinggi semasa hamil yang merbahaya dan boleh mengakibatkan sawan, strok dan kegagalan organ-organ lain.\n\n\nVenous thromboembolism\n iaitu darah beku pada salur darah yang boleh mengakibatkan kegagalan fungsi pernafasan dan membawa maut.\n\n\nKelahiran secara induksi.\n\n\nKelahiran secara pembedahan \ncaesarean\n.\n\n\nKomplikasi bius.\n\n\nJangkitan pada luka pembedahan \ncaesarean\n atau episiotomi.\n\n\nKesukaran memulakan penyusuan susu ibu.\n\n\nRisiko kepada bayi\n\n\nStillbirth \ntau bayi meninggal dalam kandungan.\n\n\nKecacatan kongenital seperti \nspina bifida \ndan jantung berlubang.\n\n\nKelahiran secara pramatang.\n\n\nMacrosomia \niaitu bayi bersaiz besar.\n\n\nKematian neonatal.\n\n\nRisiko bayi menjadi kanak-kanak obes dan mendapat penyakit metabolik.\n\n\nRintangan insulin\n\nKegemukan yang dialami oleh wanita bukan sahaja disebabkan oleh pengambilan diet yang tidak seimbang, malah ia juga disebabkan oleh ketidakseimbangan hormon seperti \nPolycystic Ovary Syndrome\n (PCOS) yang menyebabkan rintangan terhadap insulin. Wanita hamil yang obes akibat faktor hormon ini perlu disaring dan dipantau bagi penyakit kencing manis semasa hamil \n(gestational diabetes),\n praeklampsia dan perlu menjalani pemeriksaan antenatal dengan pakar sakit puan. Doktor yang memantau akan memberikan preskripsi metformin bagi mengurangkan risiko keguguran yang berulang \n(recurrent miscarriage)\n; iaitu salah satu komplikasi kehamilan bagi wanita berlebihan berat badan.\nSaranan berat badan;\nKenaikan berat semasa hamil yang ideal\n\n\nBerat badan di bawah paras ideal: 12.7kg \u2013 18kg\n\n\nBerat badan ideal: 11.3kg \u2013 16kg\n\n\nBerlebihan berat badan: 6.8kg \u2013 11.3kg\n\n\nObes (semua kelas): 5kg \u2013 9kg\n\n\nSenaman\n\nMengawal berat badan semasa hamil dengan bersenam amat disarankan. Biarpun begitu, anda perlu memastikan senaman yang dilakukan haruslah jenis yang selamat. Bagi yang jarang melakukan senaman, anda boleh memulakan dengan senaman ringan seperti berjalan \n(brisk walking).\n\nPada peringkat awal, senaman selama lima minit setiap hari sudah mencukupi tetapi haruslah konsisten dan dilakukan setiap hari. Tempoh senaman boleh ditambah lima minit lagi pada minggu yang berikutnya sehinggalah mencapai objektif untuk bersenam sekurang-kurangnya 30 minit sehari setiap hari.\n\nBerenang juga merupakan contoh senaman yang baik untuk wanita mengandung kerana air boleh menampung berat badan wanita mengandung dan mengelakkan kecederaan pada otot dan sendi.\nTangani \nemotional eater\n\nPerasaan lapar menyebabkan kita perlu makan. Namun, ada kalanya kita akan makan kerana perasaan bosan, tertekan, merasa sunyi, rasa kosong daripada segi kerohanian, ketakutan malah juga kegembiraan!\n\nPada trimester ketiga kehamilan, emosi ibu bercampur baur dengan rasa tidak bersedia untuk bersalin, penat melayan kerenah anak yang lebih tua atau bimbang dengan apa yang bakal dihadapi dengan kelahiran bayi. Jadi, tidak hairanlah para ibu makan lebih sehingga menyebabkan berat badan jadi berlebihan.\n\nApabila makan melebihi jumlah yang sepatutnya dan berat badan naik mendadak, ibu akan mula risau dan akan mula beremosi. Ini seterusnya membuatkan para ibu makan dengan lebih lagi dan kitaran ini akan berterusan \n(vicious cycle).\nBagi menghentikan masalah ini, ibu perlu mengenal pasti emosi manakah yang akan menyebabkan diri makan berlebihan.\n\n\nCatat log makanan dengan menyenaraikan apa yang dimakan serta perasaan anda pada sebelum dan selepas makan.\n\n\nSelepas seminggu kenal pasti emosi mana yang menyebabkan anda makan berlebihan dan catat .\n\n\nSetelah mengenal pasti emosi tersebut (contohnya makan berlebihan apabila suami balik lambat) cuba atasinya dengan melakukan perkara-perkara yang boleh mengatasi emosi seperti bersenam, telefon ibu atau kawan untuk berbual, membuat Sudoku, membaca dan sebagainya.\n\n\nElak makan untuk dua orang\n\nWanita obes harus mengamalkan amalan pemakanan yang sihat dan seimbang. Jangan mengamalkan sikap \u2018makan untuk dua orang\u2019 kerana perlu mengehadkan kenaikan berat badan semasa mengandung. Keperluan tambahan pada trimester kedua dan ketiga hanyalah sebanyak 300 kalori (secawan susu rendah lemak dan sekeping sandwic!). Jadi para ibu haruslah makan mengikut keperluan kalori dan memastikan makan makanan sihat yang rendah lemak dan gula.\n\nKajian memang telah mendapati wanita obes yang mengandung akan melahirkan kanak-kanak yang obes juga. Saiz bayi yang besar semasa lahir berkait rapat dengan\n\nkecenderungan mendapat penyakit metabolik pada usia kanak-kanak. Kajian yang dijalankan dalam kalangan kanak-kanak obes juga mendapati kebanyakannya mempunyai ibu yang obes. Jadi, penyakit ini bolehlah dikatakan penyakit keturunan yang akan diwariskan kepada generasi akan datang.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Sharina Binti Mohd Razali\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bukit Rumau\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWanita Obes Boleh Ke Hamil? Periksa Bacaan BMI Anda Sebelum Hamil - Majalah Pa&Ma, 18 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArtikel ini disiarkan oleh Majalah Pa&Ma, 18 Januari 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \n Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/weekend-warriors", "title": "Weekend Warriors", "body": "\n\n\n\nWeekend Warriors\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 25, 2012\n \nRecreational athletes need to realise that more than anyone else, they need to take measures to prevent injuries from occurring.\n\n\n\nAS we embark on our respective careers, sports and games, more often than not, take a backseat.\n\nEventually, we may start re-indulging in some sporting activity or other, albeit at an erratic pace and consistency.\n\nThis is when we turn into what is called the \u201cweekend warrior\u201d, a term referring to recreational athletes. However, the term recreational does not make us any less competitive than the younger athletes we play with or against.\n\nIs this safe? The number of sporting injuries \u2013 both acute and overuse \u2013 are significantly skewed towards those who are recreational athletes. There are, however, ways not to add to these statistics and to continue enjoying your activities for the longest possible period.\n\nFirst and foremost, we need to understand and accept the fact that our body is no longer as seemingly formidable as that of a teenager\u2019s. Simple as it may seem, this is an essential fact to remember.\n\nSecondly, understand that every facet of sports and games evolve with time. The trick is to get everything right from the outset:\nAttire\n\nModern sport is flooded with state-of-the-art attire extolling better performance, often with absurd prices. The prudent action is to purchase attire that is comfortable and functional.\n\nFor example, runners should ideally wear breathable and lightweight attire, which allows cooling down of the body, particularly in humid weather. This need not be an expensive exercise.\n\nAdditionally, in any sport, it is best to invest in proper footwear \u2013 sport-specific is best. Having proper socks is equally imperative. Many a time, a lot of money is spent on the latest footwear, with scant attention to the socks worn with them \u2013 the difference is potential injury!\n\nAdditionally, be mindful that innerwear is as important as the outerwear.\nEquipment\n\nThis is an elementary and crucial factor. The right equipment keeps you from harm\u2019s way \u2013 those who play hockey without shin pads or a ball-guard will attest to this.\n\nThis is particularly pertinent in the older athlete who is less nimble in getting out of risky situations. The correct type of equipment, ie racquet, golf club or hockey stick will prevent both acute injuries and the more common injuries arising from overuse. This is particularly the case in recreational athletes.\nTechnique\n\nMost weekend warriors think they have it all figured out. Whilst it is true that some of them might have been playing a particular sport for years, the techniques in most sports evolve as sports medicine brings about newer concepts in therapy and preventive strategies.\n\nEven the playing surface has changed with the times.\n\nTherefore, techniques have to be re-learnt. And when re-learning a particular technique, the trick is to break it down into small manageable steps and gradually moving on to the new technique as a whole. This is very effective in preventing injuries.\nIntensity\n\nControl the intensity of your exercise. Don\u2019t try to keep up with the younger, more conditioned athlete. I promise you a visit to the clinic if you do this once too often.\n\nThis does not mean that the weekend warrior needs to just roll over and give in. It simply means that a prudent approach involving a more gradual increase in intensity and frequency can allow for a sport to be enjoyed for a longer period.\n\nThe idea is to enjoy the game and not injure yourself doing it.\n\nJust to put a practical spin to this idea, in weightlifting, the oft-quoted protocol is increasing your load between 10-15% weekly. For the recreational athlete, it would be wise to keep this at 10% \u2013 you will ultimately get there too.\nThe play-rest cycle\n\nHaving a good play-rest cycle allows for adequate recovery. This is particularly effective in preventing overuse injuries, which occur during repeated activity of a body part, at non-maximal load. It is the frequency that causes the injury, and not the intensity of the load.\n\nOn the rest day, it is not necessary to stop exercising completely. However, it is advisable to carry out exercises that involve different muscle groups. This in turn introduces variety and fun in your activities.\nManaging the day after sport\n\nParticularly after a heavy session of sporting activities or exercise, the weekend warrior often complains of the body feeling sore the next day.\n\nSoreness is a common consequence of sports and exercise. It is often said that one has to accept soreness as an inevitable part of exercising. It\u2019s an indication that one has exercised well.\n\nHowever, it is important to know that soreness after exercise usually eases off within 16-24 hours. If there is any soreness still felt thereafter, it means that you have potentially over-reached and over-exercised your current capabilities.\n\nHere too, prevention is better than cure. Understand that the pre-exercise or pre-sport \u201cwarm up-stretching-game-warm-down\u201d cycle allows for a gradual easing of the body into and out of exercise.\n\nThis prevents potential injury and eases recovery.\n\nFurthermore, soreness can be negated by cryotherapy, post-exercise or post-sport. This can be via the use of custom-made icepacks, or simply, crushed ice placed in a plastic bag and wrapped in a moist towel.\n\nCryotherapy applications, two to three times for 20 minutes each time, every two hours, often helps in superficial joint injury in the shoulder, knee and ankle.\n\nStiffness felt on the morning after exercise is often relieved by the application of heat \u2013 often simply by a warm shower.\nKnow when to seek help\n\nThe weekend warrior, like other athletes, often understimates the severity of an injury. Signs that necessitate early medical attention include:\n\nThe inability to bear weight on the injured part.\n\n\nInability to move a joint through its whole range of motion comfortably.\n\n\nFeeling of joint instability.\n\n\nSevere swelling of the body part.\n\n\nPersistent pain in spite of resting, particularly with use of pain medications.\n\n\n\nLike any other sports participant, the recreational athlete aims to enjoy his/her sport, while at the same time, hoping to avoid injury. It is best to \u201clisten\u201d to the signs shown by one\u2019s body.\n\nFor example, playing through pain is never a good idea. Stop-ping when tired is often a safe decision.\n\nHeeding such simple rules allow for the enjoyment of a sport or activity, for as long as one wants.\nDr Harjeet Singh is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon. This article was contributed by Columbia Asia Hospitals, which are participating in the Star Health Fair today at the Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur. They will be at booths A023, A024, A026 & A027 in Hall 1. The inaugural Star Health Fair 2012 is organised by The Star, with Great Eastern Life as the event\u2019s partner. It will be held in Halls 1 to 3 of the exhibition centre from 10am to 7pm, and admission is free.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Harjeet Singh Puran Singh\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), MS (Orthopedics) (UKM), MRCS (Edinburgh), Fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy (Germany), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPodcast:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nListen to the podcast here\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/weight-loss", "title": "Weight Loss", "body": "\n\n\n\nWeight Loss\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 23, 2018\n \nLOSING WEIGHT IS A MIND GAME.\n\nCHANGE YOUR MIND CHANGE YOUR BODY.\n\nWhen it comes to losing weight, we have been told time and time again to eat right and exercise regularly.\n\nFrom following a healthy diet plan to working out regime, those who want to lose weight try every possible plan in order to get a fitter body. But often, we miss on some basic yet important things which might also affect our weight loss journey.\n\nOur team of experts consists of certified personal trainers, fitness coaches, doctor and image consultant shares tips and advices to help us with the weight loss journey in improving the diet, streamlining the workouts and shedding weight the healthy way.\n\nTopics being covered in this issues :\n\nTips For A Healthy Body Towards Body Wellness\n\n\nLean Meal Recipes for Weight Loss\n\n\nAll You Need To Know About Insulin Resistance\n\n\nBack into Shape With Smoothies\n\n\nKurangkan Berat\n\n\nYoga Untuk Mengurangkan Berat Badan\n\n\nWeight Loss Workout \u2013 Work Your Way Towards Your Ideal Weight With these Specific Moves\n\n\nPlanning a Successful Wellness Programme\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nMake A Difference e-Magazine \u2013 Issue 3, Weight Loss edition\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/weight-loss-readiness-assessment", "title": "Weight-Loss Readiness Assessment", "body": "\n\n\n\nWeight-Loss Readiness Assessment\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAugust 01, 2014\n \n\nA positive attitude and self-motivation can determine whether you will be successful on weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance. Below are questions to assess if you are ready for weight loss program.\n\n\u00a0\n\nHow would you describe your own body shape?\n\nUnderweight\n\n\nNormal weight\n\n\nOverweight\n\n\n\n\nI am ready to cut down my carbohydrates intake to achieve weight lost\n\nYes\n\n\nNo\n\n\n\n\nI am ready to cut down my weight as soon as possible\n\nYes\n\n\nNo\n\n\n\n\nI know what is my appropriate weight lost goal\n\nYes\n\n\nNo\n\n\n\n\nI am ready to increase my physical activities levels\n\nYes\n\n\nNo\n\n\n\n\nI will give up if the weight not coming down after\n\n1 month\n\n\n3 months\n\n\n6 months\n\n\nnever\n\n\n\n\nI shall withhold my weight lost plan when stressful or vacation\n\nYes\n\n\nNo\n\n\n\n\nI am ready to change my unhealthy eating habit for lifelong\n\nYes\n\n\nNo\n\n\n\n\nI believe that weight loss can solve all my health problems\n\nYes\n\n\nNo\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/wfh-avoid-posture-related-strain-and-injury", "title": "WFH: Avoid Posture Related Strain and Injury", "body": "\n\n\n\nWFH: Avoid Posture Related Strain and Injury\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nNovember 30, 2021\n \nThe Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly changed our working life. In an effort to minimise physical contact among individuals and prevent transmission of infection, many companies have implemented work-from-home (WFH) policies as a way for businesses to continue to run without the need to go to the office.\n\n\nMalaysia started implementing this around March last year and despite the recent exponential containment of Covid-19 cases, WFH is still very much in fashion.\n\n\nFor some employees, WFH is probably a first for them in their career.\n\n\nWork-related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries are injuries associated with workplace risk factors.\n\n\nThey include repetitive strain or overuse injuries. For example, lifting heavy items can cause neck and back pain.\n\n\nFor those who spend a great deal of time on computers (or laptops, tablets, video display units), work-related neck or back pain is a common problem.\n\n\nThere is no denying that the increased usage of these devices is our cultural adaptation to the convenience of new technology.\n\n\nGetting It Right\n\n\nThe home environment is likely to be faulty in many aspects compared with the office. In particular, the absence of ergonomic office furniture at home may impede the adoption of a healthy posture and may promote the onset of MSK injuries like neck pain and back pain.\n\n\nWorking in a sedentary position for prolonged periods increases the risk of neck pain and/or low back pain. This is not surprising, considering that spine pain is one of the most frequent health problems in the working-age population worldwide.\n\n\nA comfortable workplace at home may help in preventing MSK injuries. The average adult sits nine hours a day during work. Research has shown that adding bouts of standing works better for your back and neck.\n\n\nGive yourself a break every 30 minutes. Walk around, make a cup of coffee, stretch your legs. Just get up and move.\n\n\nIf you are sitting all day, it is obvious that muscles will get weak and tight. Transitioning from sitting to standing while working may be helpful.\n\n\nSlouching over your laptop or lying down while typing is also damaging to your neck and lower back. This is especially so when your 15-minute online meeting turns into an hour.\n\n\nTo avoid this, it is advisable to choose a chair which supports your back and is comfortable to sit on. If you are sitting too far forward, you are arching your back. Too far back and you are slouching.\n\n\nThe chair must be adjustable in height so that both feet are well-placed and supported on the ground. In the absence of a height-adjustable chair, the use of a footrest is advised. The use of non-ergonomic equipment may increase neck or back pain.\n\n\nDo The Necessary\n\n\nAdjustments to the computer monitor or computer screen may also be required. It must be at an appropriate eye level so as not to force a persistent head tilt.\n\n\nGood lighting at your worktable is equally important. Position a steady table or floor lamp nearby if natural light is not easily accessible. Poor lighting will cause you to crane your neck and strain your eyes.\n\n\nHowever, adapting to all these preventive measures may be easier said than done. Please remember that some cases of neck and low back pain may be a medical emergency.\n\n\nIf you experience any of these symptoms, please seek medical opinion immediately:\n\n\nNew weakness or tingling in the arms and legs\n\n\nNumbness in the buttock area with a shooting pain down your thigh\n\n\nPain that wakes you up at night\n\n\nUrinary or faecal incontinence\n\n\nIf you are working from home during this pandemic, try to make the best of the situation. It might not be the same as before, but human beings are good at adapting to changes.\n\n\nDo some adjustments to your home environment to allow for a more conducive and comfortable workspace. Your body and mind will thank you for it.\n\n\nWork-From-Home Ergonomics\n\n\nGet The Right Chair\n\n\nInvest in a good office chair with proper armrests. The chair should allow for ideal seating, enabling your feet to rest flat on the floor with your hips and knees at or slightly greater than a 90-degree angle.\n\n\nIf your feet aren't flat on the floor, use a footrest or a box or book to get the same effect.\n\n\nDon't Stray\n\n\nAvoid working on the couch or armchair in your living room even if it seems more comfortable.\n\n\nIf you have no other option, use pillows/cushions to provide back support and ensure you work in an upright position.\n\n\nAdjust\n\n\nAn external monitor (one that is separate from your laptop) is more ideal for display. It should be placed about an arm's length away with the top of the monitor at or below eye level. Use a book or box to elevate the monitor, if needed.\n\n\nAdjust blinds or curtains at your workstation to help reduce screen glare.\n\n\nIncreasing font size on your screen may decrease eye strain.\n\n\nIf using an external mouse, maintain a neutral (straight) wrist posture.\n\n\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Hazli Sufian Bin Sulaiman\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest Arthroplasty (Germany)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWFH: Avoid posture related strain and injury - New Straits Times, 16 November 2021\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in New Straits Times, 16 November 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-are-gallstones", "title": "What Are Gallstones?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat Are Gallstones?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 28, 2016\n \nGallstones comprise cholesterol stones, pigment stones and \u2018mixed stones\u2019, which are stones comprising different ratios of pigment and cholesterol. Photo: Wikimedia Commons\n\nThe gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ intimately related to the liver and the digestive tract in form and function.\n\nIt serves as a reservoir of bile, which is a vital body fluid produced in the liver and flows through the bile ducts to the intestines.\n\nAs bile is continuously secreted, excess bile flows passively into the gallbladder. At variable intervals \u2013 usually when food is ingested \u2013 the gallbladder actively contracts to squirt its contents into the intestines through the bile ducts.\n\nGallstones are tricky customers. Certainly, not all gallstones are the same. Scientifically, they comprise cholesterol stones, pigment stones and \u201cmixed stones\u201d, which are really what they sound like, i.e. stones comprising different ratios of pigment and cholesterol.\n\nPure pigment stones are rare. Cholesterol stones, however, are very common. They make up the vast majority of gallstones and are responsible for the largest share of the problem.\n\nAs such, let me limit this discussion to these stones.\n\nCholesterol is essential to life. In the human body, it is produced in cells. Ingested cholesterol, from eating meat or animal products such as butter, cheese and lard, is also absorbed into the body.\n\nExcess cholesterol is excreted in a complex manner, but mostly by the liver cells through bile.\n\nCholesterol is dissolved in bile and is further concentrated in the gallbladder by the absorption of water. The longer bile is retained in the gallbladder, the more concentrated it becomes.\n\nThe gallbladder empties itself under the influence of hormones such as cholecystokinin and secretin, which are released on the ingestion of foods.\n\nDue to factors that are still not clear, for some people, the process of gallbladder contraction becomes inefficient over time. This leads to the stagnation of bile, which then becomes too viscid, leading to the formation of cholesterol particles.\n\nEventually, these particles coalesce to form stones. As such, it is the diseased gallbladder that gives rise to gallstones.\n\nWhile this is true, there is no doubt that many underlying factors predispose to gallstone formation and conspire to provide the ideal environment for this phenomenon.\n\nObesity, a diet rich in animal products (which include not just meat and poultry, but dairy products and lard as well), hormonal changes in women as they approach menopause, crash diets and excessive vitamin supplementation, among others, have been implicated in the formation of gallstones.\nNatural history of gallstones\n\nPrecipitation of cholesterol in bile will, in time, coalesce to form stones.\n\nStone size and number vary greatly \u2013 for the most part, they are between 0.5-2cm in size.\n\nIn some, these stones come to partially obstruct the outlet channel of the gallbladder, called the cystic duct. Attempts by the gallbladder to empty its content against this resistance triggers biliary colic, which are episodes of upper abdominal discomfort that often follow a meal.\n\nRepeated episodes cause the gallbladder wall structure to thicken, pushing the stones up against the cystic duct. Stone impaction at this site is likely to cause severe, unrelenting pain.\n\nThe end result of gallstone formation will be chronic cholecystitis \u2013 the irreversible state of a diseased gallbladder that has lost the ability to perform its functions and becomes the source of chronic pain.\n\nThis process takes a variable amount of time. For many, this process is so slow, they remain pain-free throughout their natural lives. As such, it is entirely possible that one may have gallstones that never really cause any symptoms.\n\nIn fact, there is ample evidence to suggest that if one is diagnosed with gallstones and has no symptoms, it is much more likely than not they will remain asymptomatic for the rest of their lives.\n\nFor others, the disease process continues more quickly.\n\nIn a small number, about 2%, serious life-threatening complications arise.\n\nAmong these include acute cholecystitis, acute cholangitis and acute pancreatitis.\n\nThe association between gallstones and cancer of the gallbladder is controversial, in that while only a tiny number of patients with gallstones develop cancer, the vast majority of patients with gallbladder cancer have gallstones.\nTreatment of gallstones\n\nGallstones that are found incidentally and cause no trouble, are best left alone.\n\nLarge studies have shown that fewer than 20% of these will ever give rise to symptoms. Serious complications are even less likely.\n\nIn certain groups of people however, one must be cautious, for example, those with chronic haemolytic anaemias like thalassaemia.\n\nMedical treatment of gallstones has not proven to be very useful in the long term. There is evidence that ursodeoxycholic acid, a bile component found in both humans and bears, can promote dissolution of gallstones.\n\nThe treatment may well work, although it is costly and has been associated with long-term side effects.\n\nUnfortunately, the gallstones often recur with cessation of treatment.\n\nAnecdotal and online reports of treatments to expel gallstones, the gallbladder \u201cflush\u201d or \u201ccleanse\u201d, which aims to cause a strong contraction of the gallbladder to force out the stones through the bile ducts by oral ingestion of a large amount of fatty acids such as olive oil or apple sauce, are not supported by clinical evidence.\n\nThe treatment for troublesome gallstones is surgery. Surgical removal of the gallbladder (called a cholecystectomy) is curative.\n\nThis can be performed with either laparoscopy or a more traditional \u201copen\u201d incision, depending on the clinical circumstances.\n\nThis procedure has been carried out since the 18th century, when it was proven that the gallbladder was not essential for life.\n\nHowever, the procedure should not be taken lightly.\n\nPotential side effects exist for cholecystectomy and these are more likely when the operation is carried out hastily.\n\nNevertheless, for the person who suffers recurrent episodes of pain due to gallstones, surgery remains the most effective option for relief. It also protects the patient from life-threatening complications that may arise as a result of gallstones.\nComplications of gallstones\n\nThese complications are rare, but when they occur, they can be serious and frightening.\n\nAcute cholecystitis is a condition where the gallstones relentlessly obstruct the gallbladder, triggering an infection. The pain is continuous and made worse by fever.\n\nPrompt surgery provides the best results in this situation, although it is technically challenging (as opposed to surgery in elective and less pressing circumstances).\n\nThe pancreas is a gland that is involved in the production of digestive enzymes. It is also closely related to the gallbladder and bile ducts.\n\nGallstones can migrate down the bile duct and obstruct the pancreas, leading to pancreatitis.\n\nPancreatitis is a painful condition that has an unpredictable course \u2013 although the majority of patients recover completely, serious complications have led to fatal outcomes in a few.\n\nEarly cholecystectomy is advised to prevent recurrence.\n\nGallstones can also obstruct the bile ducts, giving rise to jaundice. Jaundice is a yellow discolouration of the skin and the whites of the eyes.\n\nIt is a frightening symptom, especially if it occurs over a short time. Jaundice is frequently accompanied by intense itching and a deep darkening of the urine, which is often described as tea-coloured.\n\nTreatment for this complication is less straightforward as it can be coupled with a dangerous infection. Laparoscopic bile duct clearance and cholecystectomy are an effective treatment where the expertise exists.\n\nClearing the bile duct using an endoscope, followed by surgical removal of the gallbladder later to prevent recurrence is another option.\n\nGallbladder cancer is a rare type of cancer, which is also associated with gallstones.\n\nIt is found incidentally in one percent of patients undergoing surgical removal of the gallbladder for gallstones.\n\nThe incidence may be even higher in persons known to be at higher risk. If removed while in the early stages, gallbladder cancer can be cured. At later stages, the disease is not treatable.\n\nGallstones are a frequent cause of discomfort and early treatment is very effective. The symptoms are upper abdominal discomfort and flatulence related to rich, fatty meals.\n\nA healthy lifestyle can be preventive. When in doubt, consult a doctor. Prompt treatment can avoid needless complications.\nDr. Haritharan Thamutaram \n\nConsultant General & Hepatobiliary Surgeon\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Petaling Jaya\nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\u2022\u00a0\u00a0\nThe Star Online, 28 February 2016\n\n\u2022\u00a0\u00a0\nVernacular National Paper Tamil Thanthi, 27 March 2016\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-do-if-someone-experiences-heatstroke", "title": "What To Do if Someone Experiences Heatstroke", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat To Do if Someone Experiences Heatstroke\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 01, 2023\n \n\nAs parts of the world, including Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia, continue to experience extremely hot weather, it\u2019s important to safeguard yourself against the dangerous and potentially life-threatening condition known as heatstroke.\n\nThere are two types of heatstroke: classic and exertional. Classic heatstroke typically affects those who aren\u2019t physically active, and is usually caused by exposure to hot and humid conditions.\n\nIn contrast, exertional heatstroke typically affects athletes or individuals who perform physical activities in hot environments. It occurs when the body generates heat faster than it can dissipate, leading to an increase in core body temperature.\n\nThe older adult population and adults with comorbidities make up the highest proportion of fatalities. This is because as people age, their bodies become less able to regulate temperature and adapt to heat stress.\n\nAdditionally, older adults may have chronic medical conditions or take medications that can interfere with their body\u2019s ability to regulate temperature, making them more susceptible to heatstroke.\n\nInfants and younger children are also at risk, especially of classic heatstroke. This is because their bodies have a higher ratio of surface area to mass, which means they absorb heat more quickly.\n\nTheir thermoregulatory system is also not fully developed, which makes it harder for them to release heat effectively.\n\nAdditionally, they have a smaller blood volume in comparison with their body size, which limits their ability to conduct heat and leads to a buildup of heat in their bodies.\n\nLastly, they have a lower perspiration rate, which makes it harder for them to cool down through sweat evaporation.\n\n\u00a0\n\nEmergency measures\n\nWhen dealing with someone who has heatstroke symptoms, swift action is necessary to prevent further harm.\n\nHere are some steps that can be taken:\n\nTransfer the person to a cooler area \u2013 if possible, a place with shade or air conditioning.\n\n\nHelp the person remove any excess clothing that could trap heat.\n\n\nDecrease their body temperature by using a fan; applying a cool cloth or ice pack to their neck, forehead, armpits, and groin; or spraying them with cool water.\n\n\nHydrate the person by giving them water or other fluids to drink, but avoid beverages that contain alcohol or caffeine as these can dehydrate the body.\n\n\n\nIf the individual\u2019s symptoms do not improve or they become unconscious, seek emergency medical assistance immediately.\n\n\u00a0\n\nRecovery\n\nRecovery from heatstroke depends on the severity of the condition and the timeliness of treatment. Mild cases can often be treated effectively with rest and rehydration, and individuals usually recover fully without any long-term effects.\n\nHowever, more severe cases can lead to permanent organ damage, in which case the recovery process may take longer. In some instances, rehabilitation may be necessary to help individuals regain lost physical or cognitive abilities.\n\nAdditionally, those who have experienced heatstroke are at an increased risk of developing it again in the future. As such, it is important to follow your doctor\u2019s instructions for recovery and prevention.\n\nWith proper treatment and care, most individuals can fully resume normal activity. However, it is essential to avoid heatstroke recurrence by keeping hydrated, avoiding prolonged exposure to hot environments, and taking breaks from physical activities during hot weather.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Syed Farid Almufazal Bin Syed Salim\n\n\nConsultant Emergency Physician & Head of Emergency Department\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMBBS (UK), MMed (Emergency Medicine) (UKM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat To Do if Someone Experiences Heatstroke \u2013 Free Malaysia Today, 10 May 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Free Malaysia Today, 10 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThink you or someone else may be experiencing heatstroke?\n\n\nSeek immediate medical attention at your nearest \nhospital\n.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-do-when-you-cant-find-flu-vaccine", "title": "What to Do When You Can't Find Flu Vaccine", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat to Do When You Can't Find Flu Vaccine\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2020\n \n\nThe influenza vaccine is updated yearly, in August and September. This is comforting to know, as Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak Consultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist, Dr. Tan Wee Yong, affirms that the best way to avoid contracting influenza is to get the vaccine yearly.\n\nHowever, currently it has been a challenge to keep up with vaccine requests from the public in light of the increasing number of influenza cases in the country. So, what does one do in the meantime? \u201cYou can boost your own immune system by drinking lots of water, and eating more fruits and vegetables,\u201d says Dr Tan, \u201cBut the most important and obvious thing to do is to strengthen your personal hygiene habits.\u201d\n\nIt may seem like furious OCD behavior but this is a time when the clich\u00e9 \u201cbetter be safe than sorry\u201d can be stressed upon with conviction. \u201cWash basins are not available everywhere but you still have to have clean hands all the time if that is possible. So apart from applying the handwashing technique of scrubbing your palms, back of your palms, interlacing your fingers, scrubbing them clean \u2014 make it a habit of carrying a small bottle of hand sanitizer wherever you go and use it frequently,\u201d advises Dr Tan. He also calls for members of the public to start wearing a proper mask. \u201cImagine you are on board a train crammed with other passengers. You need to be aware of the risk you are taking every time you inhale in that environment.\u201d\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow Contagious is Influenza?\n\nInfluenza is a highly contagious disease transmitted by air droplets by people who talk, sneeze and cough. Did you know that an infected person can spread it to another person who is standing six feet away? That\u2019s how easily this current situation can get out of hand.\n\nTaking precautions goes both ways. As much as you don\u2019t want to contract influenza from others, others do not want to contract it from you either. Regardless of whether one carries the influenza virus or not, if you need to cough or sneeze, there are ethics to be adhered to such as covering your mouth and turning your head away from people.\n\n\u201cSome people believe in air purifiers to keep influenza at bay, but there has not been much evidence of their efficacy. The disease is spread by droplet from a person to a person, even in clean air surroundings,\u201d says Dr Tan.\n\n\n\n\n\nIn some people, the risk of infection is much higher. Because of their low immunity than the average person, children under five and adults above 65 as well as pregnant women and those with chronic diseases may get a more serious infection. \u201cThose in the high-risk group may take a longer time to recover compared to others. They may also get a secondary infection which will require additional treatment including oxygen support and antibiotics,\u201d says Dr Tan.\n\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Tan Wee Yong\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician and Neurologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (UKM), RCP (UK), MMed (Internal Medicine) (Singapore), Fellowship in Neurology (Malaysia) (Australia), CMIA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat to do When You Can't Find Flu Vaccine \u2013 Her Inspirasi, 23 January 2020\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Her Inspirasi, 23 January 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nInternal Medicine\n and \n Neurology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-does-your-period-blood-colour-mean", "title": "What Does Your Period Blood Colour Mean?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat Does Your Period Blood Colour Mean?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 08, 2019\n \n\nThere are a variety of factors that affect the color of menstrual blood, including hormonal activity, the age of the blood, and infection. Your period may be used as a vital health sign. Anything from the length of your cycle to the textures and colors you see may indicate something important about your health.\n\nYou may see colors of blood ranging from black to bright red, brown to orange.\n\nAlthough most colors can be considered \u201cnormal\u201d or \u201chealthy,\u201d others may be a reason to see your doctor.\nBlack\n\nThis color is related to brown blood, which is old blood. Black blood is usually blood that\u2019s taking some extra time to leave the uterus.\nBrown\n\nIs typically a sign of old blood. The blood has had time to oxidize, which is why it\u2019s changed hues from the standard red.\n\nWhen your flow is slow, the blood may take longer to exit your body. When blood stays in the uterus longer, it may become brown in color. The blood may also be leftover from your last period.\nDark Red\n\nThe deep color may simply mean that the blood has been sitting in the uterus for a while but hasn\u2019t oxidized to the point of turning brown.\n\nYou may also see this color blood toward the end of your normal menstrual period as your flow slows.\nBright Red\n\nYour period may start with bright red bleeding. This means that the blood is fresh and is flowing quickly. Your blood may stay this way your whole period or may darken as your flow slows.\nPink\n\nYour blood may appear pink in color at the beginning or end of your period, especially if you\u2019re spotting. This lighter shade likely indicates that the blood has mixed with your cervical fluid, diluting its hue.\nOrange\n\nWhen blood mixes with cervical fluid it may also appear orange. As a result, you may see orange discharge for the same reasons you see pink discharge.\nGray\n\nSeeing gray or off-white discharge is a reason to call your doctor. Gray blood is associated with: Infection\n\nThis hue may indicate that you have an infection brewing, like bacterial vaginosis. Other signs of infection include:\n\nfever\n\n\npain\n\n\nitching\n\n\nfoul odor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Mohd Suhaimi Hassan\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist & Reproductive Medicine\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Setapak\nMD (UKM), MRCOG (UK), MRCP (Ireland), DRCOG (UK)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat Your Period Blood Colour Says About Your Health - Female Magazine, 26 September 2019\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Female Magazine, 26 September 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-electrotherapy", "title": "WHAT IS ELECTROTHERAPY?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWHAT IS ELECTROTHERAPY?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2011\n \n\nElectrotherapy is a drug free, non-invasive and non-addictive treatment option. The use of electrical current in this modality of treatment may surprise you but you can rest be assured that it is safe and has been in use since 1855. Electrotherapy delivers small, pulsating current to muscles and nerve endings. This current causes repeated muscle contraction and relaxation. Such stimulation allows the involved muscles to strengthen, relax and thus relieves pain.\nTHEREUPETIC USES OF ELECTROTHERAPY\n\n\u00a0\n\nPain management\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTreatment of neuromuscular dysfunction\n\n\u00a0\n\nImprovement of strength\n\n\nImprovement of motor control\n\n\nRetards muscle atrophy\n\n\nImproves local blood circulation\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nImproves range of joint mobility\n\n\u00a0\n\nInduces repeated stretching of contracted soft tissues\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTissue repair\n\n\u00a0\n\nEnhances microcirculation and protein synthesis to heal wounds\n\n\nRestores integrity of connective and dermal tissues\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAcute and chronic edema\n\n\u00a0\n\nAccelerates absorption rate\n\n\nImproves blood vessel permeability\n\n\nIncreases mobility of proteins, blood cells and lymphatic flow\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPeripheral blood flow\n\n\u00a0\n\nAccelerates absorption rate\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nInduces arterial, venous and lymphatic flow\n\n\nTYPE OF ELECTROTHERAPY\n1. TENS\n\nTENS stands for Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. (Transcutaneous simply means through the skin)\n\nElectrodes applied to the skin deliver low voltage, intermittent stimulation to superficial nerves causing transmission of pain signals to be blocked and release of endorphins. Endorphins are naturally occurring pain-killers within the body.\n2. ULTRASOUND\n\nUltrasound is a high frequency sound wave. These waves vibrate tissues deep within injured areas, creating heat that draws blood flow into the affected tissues. The tissues then respond to the influx of healing nutrients and the repair process thus begins.\n\nTreatment is given with an ultrasound head that is moved gently in strokes or circles over the injured area. It lasts just a few minutes. The procedure may be performed in combination with a topical anti-inflammatory drugs or gels.\n3. INTERFERENTIAL\n\nInterferential therapy is the application of two medium frequency current to produce a low frequency effect.\n\nIt is based on the principle of interference as a result of which a beat frequency is produced.\n\nPaired electrodes are lined up on the skin of the injured area. This results in current flow between each pair of electrodes. The flowing current obstructs the transmission of pain at the spinal cord level. Additionally, this process focuses on delivering electrical current to the damaged tissues while minimizing its effect on cutaneous nerves.\nELECTROTHERAPY MAY BENEFIT THOSE SUFFERING FROM:\n\n\u00a0\n\nChronic Pain\n\n\nPost Herpetic Neuralgia\n\n\nStump Neuroma & Phantom Limb Pain\n\n\nTrigeminal Neuralgia\n\n\nChronic Neck Pain\n\n\nChronic Backache\n\n\nChronic Leg Pain\n\n\nPost \u2013 Operative Pain\n\n\n\nFor example Cholecystectomy, Menisectomy\n\nRheumatoid Arthritis\n\n\nOsteoarthritis\n\n\nDupuytren\u2019s Contracture\n\n\nTennis elbow\n\n\nGolfer\u2019s elbow\n\n\nSupraspinatus Tendinitis\n\n\nDe Quervain\u2019s Tenosinovitis\n\n\nBicipital Tendinitis\n\n\nSubdeltoid Bursitis\n\n\nSubacromial Bursitis\n\n\nMetatarsalgia\n\n\nPlantar Fascitis\n\n\nCalcaneal Spur\n\n\nMuscle Strain\n\n\nLigament Sprain\n\n\nAdhesion of structures around joints\n\n\nTenosinovitis\n\n\nTendon / muscle contracture\n\n\nDr. Ramnan Jeyasingam\n\nChief of Medical Services\n\nColumbia Asia Extended Care Hospital\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-everyone-should-know-about-pressure-sores", "title": "What everyone should know about Pressure Sores", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat everyone should know about Pressure Sores\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 03, 2011\n \nRisk factors for pressure sores:\n\n\u00a0\n\nAdvanced age \u2013 the skin loses its elasticity as one ages\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nImmobility\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nIncontinence and exposure to moisture\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMalnutrition and dehydration\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nReduced ability to sense discomfort and change body posture frequently\n\n\nAreas that are prone to pressure sores are depicted below:\nPrevention of Pressure sores:\n\nIn general, pressure sores can be prevented by observing the following:\n\n\u00a0\n\nPressure relief \u2013 using devices like Ripple Mattresses and Low Memory Foam Cushions.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nFrequent change of position, preferably every 2 hours\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nPreventing exposure to moisture, such as frequent diaper changes or temporary use of urinary catheters and colostomy bags.\n\n\nMaintenance of proper nutritional and hydration status.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nTreatment of coexisting conditions such as Anemia or Diabetes.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMaintaining a high index of suspicion and actively looking for pressure areas to commence early treatment.\n\n\nTreating Sores:\n\nTreatment of pressure ulcers depend on it stage and the presence of other complications. It is best left in the hands of medical professionals who have sufficient experience in managing these problems. At times, surgical intervention and the use of antibiotics may be required as a life saving measure.\n\nAlways remember, pressure sore can be life threatening and prevention is less complicated than treatment.\nDr. Ramnan Jeyasingam\n\nChief of Medical Services\n\nColumbia Asia Extended Care Hospital\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-is-a-heart-attack", "title": "What is a Heart Attack? ", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat is a Heart Attack? \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nSeptember 28, 2020\n \n\nOur heart is the most important organ in the human body as this organ pumps relentlessly from the day that we are born and doesn\u2019t stop beating even when we are asleep. In fact, our heart pumps about a million barrels of blood in an average lifespan. Therefore, the heart is like the engine of the human body. If anything goes wrong with the heart, all the other organs will also be affected.\n\nThe prevalence of heart disease in Malaysia is ever increasing. What used to be a disease of the elderly is now seen much earlier. Nowadays, Malaysians in their 20\u2019s and 30\u2019s are suffering from heart attacks. Heart disease is still the number 1 killer in Malaysia. Almost 1 in every 4 deaths is caused by heart disease. On average, about 140 persons for every 100,000 people will suffer from a heart attack during their lifetime.\n\nThe risk factor for heart disease can be divided into non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors. The non-modifiable risk factors are age, sex and family history. The modifiable risk factors are namely diabetes, hypertension, smoking, hyperlipidaemia and obesity.\n\nThe typical symptoms of a heart attack are left sided or central chest pain, nausea, sweating, left arm pain and jaw pain. However, some patients like those with diabetes may not have chest pain and only have difficulties in breathing. Women are another group that often doesn\u2019t have the typical symptoms, and they often present with epigastric pain.\n\nWhat actually happens during a heart attack? Our heart has 3 main blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle with a diameter between 2.5 to 4mm. A diseased blood vessel can slowly get narrowed over time due to atherosclerosis. In an acute myocardial infarction, the atherosclerotic plaque ruptures and the blood that normally flows within the lumen of the blood vessel is exposed to the lipid rich contents of the atherosclerotic plaque. This causes the blood to form a clot and thus occludes the flow of blood within the blood vessel. Once this happens, the heart muscle cells will start to die and the heart will become weaker until it finally fails to pump blood.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTime is of the Essence\n\nHeart attacks can occur at any time, but they usually occur in the early hours of the morning. This is due to our Circadian rhythm. During a heart attack, time is of the essence. Every second that passes results in millions of heart muscle cells dying and the heart getting weaker. Therefore, the most important thing to do if one is suspected to have a heart attack is to call 999 to get to the nearest hospital with 24-hour primary angioplasty.\n\nIt is important to emphasise here that not all hospitals provide 24-hour primary angioplasty and that only thrombolysis may be done. Primary angioplasty has been proven to be superior to thrombolysis. Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Iskandar Puteri is one of the hospitals which have been offering 24-hour primary angioplasty since July 2018. Led by Interventional Cardiologist, Dr Dhanan Umadevan, Columbia Asia\u2019s catheterization laboratory is staffed around the clock on standby to provide emergency treatments to patients with acute heart attack. For more information and enquires, please call 07-233 9999.\n\nConsult with our \nheart specialists\n today for more advice and any concerns related to cardiovascular health\nPhoto credit: Freepik.com\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Dhanan Umadevan\n\n\nConsultant Cardiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Iskandar Puteri\nMD (USM), MRCP (UK),, Interventional Cardiology IJN (Mal), CBCCT (USA), OHD NIOSH (Mal)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat is a Heart Attack? \u2013 The Iskandarian, 17 September 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Iskandarian, 17 September 2020.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nCardiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-is-febrile-seizure", "title": "What is Febrile Seizure?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat is Febrile Seizure?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 10, 2017\n \nPhotocredit : YouTube\n\nIn simple terms, a febrile seizure or convulsion is a seizure caused by fever. It occurs when there is a sudden rise in body temperature, usually a fever above 38\u2070C. This can be due to a viral or bacterial infection in the body. Febrile seizures usually occur on the first or second day of fever and affects children aged 6 months to 6 years of age. Studies in Western Europe quote a figure of 3 to 4% of children, less than 5 years old, experiencing febrile seizures.\nHow does a febrile seizure present itself?\n\nThe child will usually lose consciousness and does not respond to calls. His eyes might roll backwards and he might look blue or red in the face. He might have stiffening or jerky movements of his limbs. Some children might wet themselves during a seizure episode. Seizures usually last for less than 5 minutes and abort spontaneously. After a seizure, the child will usually feel sleepy for some time.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: snotty-noses.com\n\n\nWhat should I do when my child is having a febrile seizure?\n\nFirst, don\u2019t panic! It is indeed a horrifying experience for parents to witness their child having a seizure but parents must remain calm.\n\nNote the time the seizure starts and put the child in recovery position \u2013 lying by his/her side with head slightly tilted to the back. This is to prevent the child from swallowing or aspirating his vomitus and to maintain the airway.\n\nIt is important not to put anything in the child\u2019s mouth, including parents own fingers. The child will not choke or swallow their tongue. If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, or if another seizure occurs shortly after the 1st episode, the child should be brought to the nearest hospital.\nHow do we treat febrile convulsion?\n\nMost of the time, febrile convulsions last less than 5 minutes and does not require any treatment. However, in the rare occasion that seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, doctors might give medication to stop the seizure.\n\nAll children having had seizures should visit the doctor as soon as possible for a proper examination in order to get a proper diagnosis and rule out serious infections such as meningitis.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nPhoto credit: hello-sehat.com\n\n\nWill my child develop febrile seizures again after experiencing the first episode? Will he develop epilepsy when he grows up?\n\nThirty percent of children who have had febrile seizures can develop a second episode of febrile seizures when they have another febrile illness. Risk factors for recurrence include family history of febrile seizures, onset aged less than 18 months, lower temperature or shorter duration of fever at onset of seizure.\n\nThe risk of developing epilepsy (seizures occurring in the absence of fever) is 2 to 7%, which is similar to the risk of epilepsy in normal children population.\nCan I prevent my child from developing febrile seizures?\n\nFebrile seizures usually occur on the first or second day of the seizure. Despite popular belief, giving regular antipyretics (fever medication such as paracetamol and ibuprofen) does not reduce the number of febrile seizures. Research also showed that medication such as oral diazepam or phenobarbitone does not prevent febrile seizures.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nReferences:\n\n\nhttp://patient.info/health/febrile-seizure-febrile-convulsion\n\n\nhttp://patient.info/doctor/febrile-convulsions#ref-8\n\n\nhttps://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Febrile-Seizures-Fact-Sheet#3111_8\n\n\nhttp://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Febrile-convulsions/Pages/Introduction.aspx\n\n\nhttp://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/febrile_convulsions/\n\n\nPaediatric Protocols for Malaysian Hospitals 3rd edition\n\n\nDr. Kenneth Looi Chia Chuin\n\nConsultant Pediatrician\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-is-sarcoma", "title": "What is Sarcoma?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat is Sarcoma?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 30, 2021\n \n\nSarcomas represent only 1% of the total burden of malignancy in the population, and because of their rarity are not commonly encountered by members of the medical profession. Indeed, most members of the public will not even be aware they exist.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat type of cancer is Sarcoma? \n\n\n\n\n\nA sarcoma is a type of cancer that starts in tissues of mesenchymal cell origin, quite similar to adenocarcinoma which is from glandular cells, and squamous cell carcinoma from epithelial cells. Bone and soft tissue sarcomas are the main types of sarcoma. Soft tissue sarcomas can originate virtually from any form of soft tissue, like fat, nerves, wall of blood vessels, deeper layers of skin and so on. So they are very varied in origin, behavior, and can be found in any part of the body.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat are the different types of Sarcoma? \n\n\n\n\n\n\u2022 Angiosarcoma develops from the cells that make up the walls of blood vessels\n\n\u2022 Bone sarcoma is a cancer that starts in the bone\n\n\u2022 Chondrosarcoma originates from cartilage\n\n\u2022 Ewing's sarcoma also from bones, and most common among younger age group\n\n\u2022 Fibroblastic sarcoma from fibrous tissues eg muscles, tendons, ligaments\n\n\u2022 Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) arise from some specialized cells of the smooth muscle of the stomach or intestines.\n\n\u2022 Liposarcomas, which develop in fatty tissues\n\n\u2022 Leiomyosarcomas, which originate in smooth muscles\n\n\u2022 Rhabdomyosarcomas, which start in skeletal muscles\n\n\u2022 Synovial sarcomas, which start in tissues that surround joint\n\n\u2022 Dermatofibrosarcoma forms in the tissue under the skin, commonly found in the trunk or limbs.\n\nSarcomas are extraordinarily heterogeneous, comprising more than 70 distinct histological subtypes, with additional layers of biologic variability as a result of differences in genetic complexity and driver molecular mutations. There is also particularities in clinical factors such as age of onset and anatomic site of affliction.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat is the most common type of Sarcoma in Malaysia? \n\n\n\n\n\nSoft tissue sarcomas are by far the most common. Osteosarcomas (sarcomas of the bone) are the second most common, while sarcomas that develop in the internal organs, such as the ovaries or lungs, are diagnosed least frequently.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIs Sarcoma hereditary? \n\n\n\n\n\nThey are usually acquired during life rather than having been inherited before birth, but can also arise in the setting of a recognized heritable cancer predisposition syndrome. E.g. neurofibromatosis, Li Fraumenis syndrome, etc.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat causes Sarcoma? \n\n\n\n\n\nThey occur mainly due to DNA mutations, which are usually acquired during life. Many of these acquired mutations may result from exposure to radiation or cancer-causing chemicals. In many cases, they occur for no apparent reason.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhere does Sarcoma usually start in the body?\n\n\n\n\n\nIn general, they occur throughout the body, but depending on the type, there is a predilection for certain sites eg you\u2019ll find angiosarcoma occurs most commonly on face and scalp, but can also affect skin, liver, breast, and spleen tissue; whereas Ewings sarcoma and osteosarcoma most commonly affects long bones, GIST tumours will affect mostly the stomach and intestine.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow aggressive is Sarcoma, how fast does it spread and is it deadly? \n\n\n\n\n\n\"Agressiveness\" is a very subjective term that may not best describe sarcomas. Firstly, sarcomas in general are quite rare & hard to detect and diagnose early. For a cancer patient, it is more dangerous to have a news of being diagnosed with sarcoma rather than carcinoma. This is due not only because of its rarity, but also due to the fact that sarcomas have widely variable behavior pattern, and progression and subsequent treatment may be influenced by variety of factors.\n\nSome of these factors are grade, stage, and cancer biology in-toto, as determined by their molecular and gene profile characteristics (intrinsic). Sometimes they can be extremely aggressive, especially in a situation where the patient may have been compromised by poor immune status, age, co morbid conditions, \u201cbad genes\u201d, and location of the cancer (extrinsic factors).\n\nIn these situations the sarcomas can invade neighbouring tissues, and have high metastatic potential through the genes that determine their migration, invasiveness and angiogenesis. On the other hand, they may be more indolent and have a fairly good outlook, even if diagnosed very late.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nIs Sarcoma a \u2018silent killer\u2019 (no symptoms) If not, what are the symptoms? \n\n\n\n\n\nIn comparison to aggressive cancers like ovarian cancer, which are indeed \u201csilent killers\u201d, sarcomas tend to grow and spread relatively slower. Delayed diagnosis is usually because the symptoms and signs are masked by the slow growth, absence of pain, being unable to feel them due to deep seated location, and other doctor-asociated and socioeconomic factors. However the high grade tumours can spread quickly to lymph nodes and through lymphatic and vascular channels.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat does a Sarcoma lump feel like? Is it like a breast cancer lump which is hard and defined?\n\n\n\n\n\nA sign of adult soft tissue sarcoma is a lump or swelling in soft tissue of the body. A sarcoma may appear as a painless lump under the skin, often on an arm or a leg. Sarcomas that begin in the abdomen may not cause signs or symptoms until they get very big.\n\nSoft tissue sarcomas are hard to spot, because they can grow anywhere in your body. Most often, the first sign is a painless lump. As the lump gets bigger, it might press against nerves or muscles and make you uncomfortable or give you trouble breathing, or both.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nHow is Sarcoma diagnosed? \n\n\n\n\n\nA diagnosis of sarcoma is made by a combination of clinical examination by a doctor and imaging tests. Soft tissue sarcomas are hard to spot, because they can grow anywhere in your body. Most often, the first sign is a painless lump. It is confirmed by the results of a biopsy of the mass or lesion detected clinically. There is unfortunately no salvia, urine, stool or blood tests that can be used to diagnose a sarcoma. Tissue samples, obtained from either a biopsy or from an excised tumor, must be analyzed by a skilled pathologist who specializes in these rare cancers in order to render a diagnosis of sarcoma & histological sub type.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat treatment options are available for Sarcoma patients, and how effective are they? \n\n\n\n\n\nBest treatment for sarcoma, is surgery if in early stage, or if it is of low grade (not likely to spread to other parts of the body). Most people diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma are cured by surgery alone.\n\nMore aggressive sarcomas are harder to treat successfully. It is more likely to be cured if all of the cancer can be removed by surgery. Those that are high grade and larger than 2 inches (5 cm) are often treated with a combination of surgery and radiation therapy. Radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be used before surgery to shrink the tumor and make removal easier. Hence the importance of multidisciplinary/multimodal treatment strategies in treating sarcomas.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat is the survival rate of sarcoma patients? \n\n\n\n\n\nThe overall 5-year survival rate for sarcoma is 65%. About 60% of sarcomas are found as a localized sarcoma. The 5-year survival rate for people with localized sarcoma is more than 80%.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCan we prevent ourselves from developing sarcoma? \n\n\n\n\n\nAt this time, there's no known way to prevent this cancer. The only way to reduce risk some soft tissue sarcomas is to avoid exposure to risk factors like radiation, certain chemicals like herbicides, dioxin, etc, whenever possible. Still, most sarcomas develop in people with no known risk factors. And for those people needing radiation therapy, there's usually little choice, but to accept the small but significant risk. It may also be a new norm in the future to know one\u2019s genetic predisposition, eg whether there is a link with conditions such as neurofibromatosis, Li-Fraumenis syndrome, retinoblastoma gene. But for the moment, there are not a lot of genetic tests to accurately predict one\u2019s risk of sarcomas. \n\u201cIt appears to be too rare a condition to worry about cost effective screening and detection strategies\u201d\n.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nCan Sarcoma be cured completely? \n\n\n\n\n\nSarcomas can be cured, as with most cancers, if patients present at an early stage, when surgical resection is feasible. If you look at the survival rates, you will notice the difference in survival based on stage. However there are other factors that determine the outcome, very important of these are grade of tumour, histological type of sarcoma, site of tumour, age and overall health, and so on. Quality of treatment also appears to play an important part, especially in the more advanced stages, as those that tend to do well are those that have access to multimodality treatment strategies.\n\nOverall the 5 yr survival rate is about 65%\n\n\u00a0\n\nEER Stage\n\n\n5-Year Relative Survival Rate\n\n\nLocalized\n\n\n81%\n\n\nRegional\n\n\n57%\n\n\nDistant\n\n\n16%\n\n\nAll SEER stages combined\n\n\n65%\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Jayendran Dharmaratnam\n\n\nConsultant Clinical Oncologist (Visiting)\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Bukit Rimau\nMBBS (India), FFR.RCSI (Radiotherapy) (Ireland)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\nLooking for \nOncology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-it-takes-to-be-a-midwife", "title": "What It Takes To Be A Midwife", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat It Takes To Be A Midwife\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 19, 2017\n \n\nBeing a nurse, they say, is not for everyone. When you\u2019re working in a labour ward, the wellbeing of mothers and their newborns are in your hands and that\u2019s quite a responsibility to take on. Royani Binti Hj Singsan, 39, has been involved in midwifery services for the past 19 years. She started her career at Columbia Asia Hospital - Puchong and stayed on. Here\u2019s her story.\n\n\u00a0\n\nWhat It Takes To Be A Midwife \u2013 Baby Talk, Issue September 2017\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-mortality-morbidity", "title": "What is Mortality & Morbidity?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat is Mortality & Morbidity?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 02, 2011\n \n\nMore famously called M&M in the field of medicine. Mortality is self-explanatory, morbidity is complications that occur to patients whether small or big. This is something that we should always evaluate to ensure our standards are upheld and harm to the patients are minimized. The Hippocratic Oath does say Do No Harm to the Patients and I believe this is something that the doctors should believe deeply. Whatever our actions should reflect this oath that we took.\n\nHowever despite the best intentions some side effects or complications do occur maybe due to the patients\u2019 pre-existing medical condition or the complexity of the surgery. Recently one of my patients had quite a bad sore throat and it made me think. We need to make people more aware of the common complications that can and do occur. I\u2019ll talk about anesthesia since that\u2019s what I do.\n\nWith modern advances in medications, monitoring technology, and safety systems, as well as highly educated anesthesia providers, the risk caused by anesthesia to a patient undergoing routine surgery is very small. Mortality attributable to general anesthesia is said to occur at rates of less than 1:100,000. Minor complications occur at predicable rates, even in previously healthy patients. The frequency of anesthesia-related symptoms during the first 24 hours following ambulatory (daycare) surgery is as follows:\n\n\u00a0\n\nVomiting - 10-20%\n\n\nNausea - 10-40%\n\n\nSore throat - 25%\n\n\nIncisional pain - 30%\n\n\n\nAgain, pain is not well controlled as we would like them to be. It has a whole list of complications attached to it. We\u2019ll save it for another day. Nausea and vomiting can be minimized with good hydration and use of good prophylactic anti-emetics (a bit expensive but worth all the pennies) such as ondansetron. Sore throat can be minimized if we minimize the use of endotracheal tubes (the plastic tubes that help you breathe during anesthesia). To do this we need to adhere to the fasting guidelines. As a conclusion I think to have a pleasant anesthesia, we both need to play our part. And please, no smoking at least 24 hrs before anesthesia, you\u2019re just multiplying your risks by a factor of 10 if you do.\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-pain-press-clipping", "title": "What a Pain! [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat a Pain! [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 01, 2014\n \n\nHealth Smarts, pp. 124-129; Expert panel from CAH is Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Dr. Haw Wan Lye.\nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nHer World,\n\nJanuary 2014\n\n\nHer World,\n\nJanuary 2014\n\n\nHer World,\n\nJanuary 2014\n\n\nHer World,\n\nJanuary 2014\n\n\nHer World,\n\nJanuary 2014\n\n\nHer World,\n\nJanuary 2014\n\n\nHer World,\n\nJanuary 2014\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-to-do-when-you-get-gamers-thumb-from-too-much-gaming", "title": "What To Do When You Get Gamer's Thumb From Too Much Gaming", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat To Do When You Get Gamer's Thumb From Too Much Gaming\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 06, 2022\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nIn the early 1980s, playing video games would require you to go to the arcade, but with the advancement of technology, video game screens got smaller and became wonderfully portable, which was great for gamers.\u00a0\n\nFast forward to the 21st century and you don\u2019t even have to step out of bed to play video games.\u00a0\n\nMobile phones allow you to download games any time, anywhere with just the tap of a finger.\u00a0\n\nThere is no doubt that gaming can be a fun distraction or hobby, or even a competitive sport in the form of esports.\u00a0\n\nHowever, there are health risks that can come from too much gaming.\u00a0\n\nTry playing a video game on your mobile phone or using a controller for a few hours straight, and you will notice that you will start having sore thumbs.\u00a0\n\nThis repetitive stress injury to the thumb is called \u201cgamer\u2019s thumb\u201d or de Quervain tenosynovitis of the thumb.\u00a0\n\nIt is an inflammation of the tendons located over the base of the thumb, running up to the wrist and forearm.\u00a0\n\nPatients will typically experience: \n\n\nPain and swelling below the thumb\n\n\nA grip that is painful or weak \u00a0\n\n\nTenderness around the thumb and wrist region \u00a0\n\n\nPain that radiates up to the forearm and thumb, and \u00a0\n\n\nWrist pain that worsens with every movement. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nOf course, there are other factors that can cause de Quervain tenosynovitis.\u00a0\n\nThese include carrying heavy bags or lifting a baby, playing sports like golf or racket sports, or even playing the piano.\u00a0\n\nBasically, it can happen with repetitive wrist and hand movements.\u00a0\n\nJust think about the amount of use the thumb goes through while you scroll or text, or play video games on the mobile phone.\u00a0\n\nSimple prevention tips\n\nAs overuse of the thumbs is the main cause of gamer\u2019s thumb, there are preventive measures you can take to ease the pain and prevent it from worsening.\u00a0\n\nMost importantly, take frequent breaks from your mobile phone or playing video games.\u00a0\n\nAlso, shorten the time period of using your mobile phone or playing video games.\u00a0\n\nDo some stretching exercises for your thumbs and wrists.\u00a0\n\nIn the event that the pain and swelling occurs so often that it gets in the way of your daily activities, then it is time to get it checked by a qualified doctor.\u00a0\n\nOnce the diagnosis is consistent with gamer\u2019s thumb or de Quervain tenosynovitis, we will advise the patient to rest and reduce the amount of time they spend on their mobile phone and/or playing video games.\u00a0\n\nTopical analgesics or creams can be applied, as well as an ice pack over the affected thumb and wrist.\u00a0\n\nOral painkillers can be prescribed.\u00a0\n\nThe thumb and wrist area can be splinted or braced to rest them.\u00a0\n\nA qualified occupational therapist can also create a treatment plan involving exercises that will increase the mobility of your thumb and reduce the pain.\u00a0\n\nIf the swelling and pain are severe, a corticosteroid injection to the affected area will drastically reduce those symptoms.\u00a0\n\nAs a final resort, surgery can be done to relieve the pain.\u00a0\n\nSuch surgery involves cutting the sheath around the tendons to allow more room for it to move more freely.\u00a0\n\nLike many other activities that have both benefits and harm, moderation is key.\u00a0\n\nEducation is also important in preventing injuries.\u00a0\n\nSimple advice like taking breaks and stretching can make a huge difference.\u00a0\n\nLimit your number of hours spent in front of the screen and engage in healthier activities like exercising or socialising in the real world, instead of the virtual world.\u00a0\n\nIt is important for us to integrate the real world into our lifestyle, which should include plenty of sleep, a healthy diet and exercise, rather than letting the game become your life.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Hazli Sufian Bin Sulaiman\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest Arthroplasty (Germany)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\nPDF and Online Articles: \n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHadoken! Adoh pain! What to do when you get gamer's thumb from too much gaming \u2013 The Star, 21 August 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 21 August 2022.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLook for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-you-eat-affects-your-pregnancy-outcome", "title": "What You Eat Affects Your Pregnancy Outcome", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat You Eat Affects Your Pregnancy Outcome\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 19, 2022\n \n\nThere is a saying \u201cyou are what you eat\u201d. From preconception to antenatal period, what you consume can potentially affect your pregnancy outcome.\n\nPre-pregnancy folic acid\n\nFolic acid is the synthetic form of folate, which is a naturally occurring B vitamin. Folate helps make DNA and other genetic material. It is especially important in prenatal health.\u00a0\n\nStudies show that consuming 400mcg of folic acid per day can reduce risk of neural tube defect by more than 70%.\u00a0\n\nThe two most common types of neural tube defects are anencephaly and spina bifida. Anencephaly is a serious birth defect in which parts of a baby\u2019s brain and skull do not form correctly. Almost all babies born with anencephaly will die shortly after birth. Spina bifida is a serious birth defect in which a baby\u2019s spine does not form correctly and can result in some severe physical disabilities. \u00a0\n\nEvery woman who is capable of becoming pregnant should get 400 mcg of folic acid every day.\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nThere are three ways women can get enough folic acid. They can choose to: \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nTake a vitamin supplement containing 400 micrograms of folic acid daily, or\n\n\nEat a fortified breakfast cereal daily which contains 100% of the recommended daily amount of folic acid (400 micrograms). \u00a0\n\n\nIn addition, increase consumption of foods fortified with folic acid (e.g., \"enriched\" cereal, bread, rice, pasta and other grain products) in addition to consuming food folate from a varied diet (e.g., orange juice and green vegetables).\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nSay no to alcohol consumption during pregnancy\n\nAlcohol in the mother\u2019s blood passes to the baby through the umbilical cord. Alcohol use during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and a range of lifelong physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities. These disabilities are known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). \u00a0\nChildren with FASDs might have the following characteristics and behaviors: \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAbnormal facial features, such as a smooth ridge between the nose and upper lip (this ridge is called the philtrum)\n\n\nSmall head size \u00a0\n\n\nShorter than average height \u00a0\n\n\nLow body weight \u00a0\n\n\nPoor coordination \u00a0\n\n\nHyperactive behavior \u00a0\n\n\nDifficulty with attention \u00a0\n\n\nPoor memory \u00a0\n\n\nDifficulties in school (especially with maths) \u00a0\n\n\nLearning disabilities \u00a0\n\n\nSpeech and language delays \u00a0\n\n\nIntellectual disability or low IQ \u00a0\n\n\nPoor reasoning and judgment skills \u00a0\n\n\nSleep and sucking problems as a baby \u00a0\n\n\nVision or hearing problems \u00a0\n\n\nProblems with the heart, kidney, or bones \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nThere is no known safe amount of alcohol use for mothers during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. There is also no safe time for alcohol use during pregnancy. All types of alcohol are equally harmful, including all wines and beer. FASD is preventable if the baby is not exposed to alcohol before birth. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nNo Smoking during pregnancy\n\nTobacco use during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and birth defects of mouth and lips. \u00a0\n\nE-cigarettes and other tobacco products containing nicotine (the addictive drug found in tobacco) are not safe to use during pregnancy. Nicotine is a health danger for pregnant women and developing babies. It can damage a developing baby\u2019s brain and lungs. Also, some of the flavorings used in e-cigarettes may be harmful to a developing baby. \u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nMaintain normal body weight before pregnancy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nObesity is a strong risk factor for any pregnant woman.\n\n\u00a0\n\nObesity is associated with increased risks of almost all pregnancy complications: \u00a0\n\n\ngestational hypertension \u00a0\n\n\npreeclampsia \u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\ngestational diabetes mellitus \u00a0\n\n\ndelivery of large-for-GA infants \u00a0\n\n\nhigher incidence of congenital defects (heart defect, neural tube defect)\n\n\nThromboembolism \u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nMiscarriage \u00a0\n\n\n\nYet, most obesity cases are modifiable risk factors for pregnancy via lifestyle changes. A healthy pre-pregnancy weight can be achieved via regular exercise and diet control. \u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nRemember, you are what you eat! By consuming a proper diet, and maintaining a negative calory balance, weight loss is possible. \u00a0\n\nA negative calorie balance state occurs when you burn more calories than you take in.\n\nObese women also have higher chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus which itself can increase the risks of congenital fetal anomaly.\n\nIn summary, a lifestyle modification is hard for the majority of people, but once you can deliver a healthy baby, all your effort is worthwhile.\n\n\u201cStay fit! Stay healthy! Healthy mum, healthy baby!\u201d\n\nYou do your part, and the rest, let your obstetrician guides you through your wonderful pregnancy journey. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Soon Khai Cherng\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Miri\n\n \u00a0\nMD (Russia), MRCOG (UK) (Malaysia)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n \n \n \u00a0 \n \n\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMaternal Nutrition: Things Mums Need to Know \u2013 The Borneo Post, 18 December 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMaternal Nutrition: Things Mums Need to Know \u2013 The Borneo Post, 18 December 2022\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Borneo Post Online, 18 Dec 2022.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrics & Gynecology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-you-need-know-about-hypertension", "title": "What You Need To Know About Hypertension", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat You Need To Know About Hypertension\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJuly 11, 2023\n \n\nHypertension (HPT) or high blood pressure, is a well-known silent killer. Defined as consistent high blood pressure (BP) with systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg. Diagnosis is made when the elevated blood pressure is recorded on two separate visits two weeks apart, at the very least.\n\nIt is one of the most common non-communicable diseases alongside Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.\n\nPrevalence increases significantly with age although nowadays there is an increase in diagnosis in younger age groups. Studies show that almost 50% of patients are unaware of them having HPT and only about 40% of patients on treatment achieve the target BP. In Malaysia, the prevalence of HPT in people aged 18 years and above is around 35 to 40 per cent!\n\n\u00a0\n\nRisk factor of heart diseases\n\nHypertension is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease especially stroke and heart disease. An early diagnosis leads to optimal treatment to prevent unwanted complications and in turn, reduce the rate of mortality or death.\n\nPrimary HPT is also known as essential HPT. This constitutes more than 90 per cent of all cases of HPT diagnosis. The causes are multifactorial and associated with genetic or a family history of HPT. Apart from advanced age as a major risk factor, obesity and environmental stress also play important roles in increasing risks of HPT.\n\nEssential hypertension can be present in both a benign state, in which onset is gradual and prolonged. Or in a malignant state, where the onset of abrupt and short dramatic BP increases. Without urgent intervention, the latter can be fatal.\nSecondary hypertension\n\nSecondary hypertension results from an identifiable cause such as hormonal or endocrine diseases, kidney disease or heart conditions. This makes up the five to 10 percent of prevalence for hypertension diagnosis. Thus in these diseases, treatment of the underlying disease will be able to control patients\u2019 blood pressure.\n\n\u00a0\n\nStage of hypertension\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClassification*\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n\nOptimal\n\n\n<120\n\n\nand\n\n\n<80\n\n\n30.7\n\n\nNormal\n\n\n120 - 129\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n80-84\n\n\n25.3\n\n\nAt Risk\n\n\n130 - 139\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n85-89\n\n\n18.6\n\n\nHypertension\n\n\nStage 1 (Mild)\n\n\n140 - 159\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n90-99\n\n\n17.3\n\n\nStage 2 (Moderate)\n\n\n160 - 179\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n100 - 109\n\n\n5.7\n\n\nStage 3 (Severe)\n\n\n\u2265180\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n\u2265110\n\n\n2.4\n\n\nIsolated Systolic Hypertension\n\n\n\u2265140\n\n\nand\n\n\n<90\n\n\n11.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nClassification: Optimal\n\n\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n<120\n\n\n\n\n\n\nand\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n<80\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n30.7\n\n\n\n\nClassification: Normal\n\n\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n120-129\n\n\n\n\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n80-84\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n25.3\n\n\n\n\nClassification: At Risk\n\n\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n130-139\n\n\n\n\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n85-89\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n18.6\n\n\n\n\nHypertension: Stage 1 (Mild)\n\n\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n140-159\n\n\n\n\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n90-99\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n17.3\n\n\n\n\nHypertension: Stage 2 (Moderate)\n\n\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n160-179\n\n\n\n\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n100-109\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n5.7\n\n\n\n\nHypertension: Stage 3 (Severe)\n\n\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n\u2265180\n\n\n\n\n\n\nand/or\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n\u2265110\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n2.4\n\n\n\n\nHypertension: Isolated Systolic Hypertension\n\n\n\n\nSystolic (mmHg)\n\n\u2265140\n\n\n\n\n\n\nand\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiastolic (mmHg)\n\n<90\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrevalence in Malaysia\u00b3\n\n11.2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable 1-A Classification of Clinic Blood Pressure Levels in Adults\n\n\n\nHPT is known as the silent killer because, usually there will be no significant symptoms especially at the early stages. As the disease advances and blood pressure increases, without treatment patients will start to develop symptoms such as headache, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, flushing and blurring of vision.\n\nUpon diagnosis the treating doctor will perform routine blood and urine tests, electrocardiogram (ECG) and if needed chest X-ray. These are to see the extent of hypertension, organ damage and also screening of other associated diseases.\n\nIn some cases especially with borderline HPT, non pharmacologic therapy can be considered for first line treatment of hypertension such as sodium restriction, weight loss for overweight individuals, exercise, caffeine restriction and cessation of smoking and/or alcohol.\n\nIn patients with hypertension, weight loss is shown to be one of the most beneficial to reduce BP. A 3-4 kg reduction would achieve improvement of systolic BP 4-5mmHg. WHO recommends reduction of salt intake less than 5g per day (one teaspoon salt) in assisting BP control.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\nIn patients with excessive environmental stress, relaxation and breathing techniques are also shown to be beneficial. If these lifestyle modifications fail then the patient will eventually require medications.\n\nPharmacological treatment primarily involves the usage of a variety of anti hypertensive methods, which work using different pathways in the human body. There are few different groups of medications to treat hypertension. Often than not patients will require a combination of 2 or 3 medications to achieve good BP control in trying to reduce complications and ultimately mortality.\n\nAfter starting medications, the next step is to treat the blood pressure to reach the target goal. Aim to achieve the target within 3-6 months.\n\n\u00a0\n\n<80 years old target <140/90\n\n\n>80 years old target <150/90\n\n\nHigh risk individuals target <130/80\n\n\n\n\n\nRegular follow up is needed and intervals will be individualised according to risk, blood pressure and control, plus types of medications used. Once BP is well controlled, a follow up is recommended at least every 6 months.\n\nOne of the common myths of HPT is that once you are subjected to medications, it has to be continued lifelong. In fact in patients with very good BP control, doctors can consider to titrate down the medications and in some cases stop it completely, especially if aggressive lifestyle modifications can be made. Of course some criteria is needed in this category, such as, patients in stage 1 HPT should have good BP control at least for more than 1 year, besides continuing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.\n\nHowever we can\u2019t avoid some common complications of uncontrolled hypertension that can lead to death including coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, ischaemic or hemorrhagic stroke and kidney failure. These events will usually affect the patient greatly in terms of quality of life. Another important complication from long standing uncontrolled HPT is retinopathy or hypertensive eye disease causing blurred vision. Thus, it is also recommended for hypertensive patients to undergo eye screening.\n\nIn summary, a blood pressure check at every opportunity is highly recommended. Anyone above 18 should at least have 1 (one) BP recorded. People with higher risks such as family history of HPT and obesity need more frequent monitoring. The usage of electronic blood pressure devices is acceptable. Blood pressure measurement has to be optimum including using the right cuff size and must be done in a relaxed manner.\n\nHome blood pressure monitoring in high risk and hypertensive patients is highly recommended as this will help the treating doctor in managing hypertension better. Early diagnosis of hypertension is very important as this allows early treatment and control of blood pressure. This will reduce the number of patients with acute or long term complications and make our nation a healthier one, besides reducing the economic burden in the health system.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Muhammad Bin Shahruddin\n\n\nConsultant Internal Medicine Physician\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nBachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Internal Medicine (UKM), CIMA (NIOSH)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhat You Need To Know About Hypertension \u2013 Natural Health\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLook for \nInternal Medicine\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-you-should-know-about-female-dna", "title": "What You Should Know About Female DNA", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat You Should Know About Female DNA\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 30, 2020\n \n\nCan you use your DNA as an excuse for your thoughts and behaviour? Find out what our expert shares about the female and male DNA.\nWhat makes us a woman? The simple answer would be \u2014 our \u2018female\u2019 DNA. Unfortunately, like many other things in life, nothing is simple. Least of all what we make of our DNA.\n\n\u00a0\n\nBack to basics\n\nFirstly, let us ponder on that word, \u2018female\u2019. This word could be used for both \u2018gender\u2019 and \u2018sex\u2019. The female gender refers to the feminine characteristics which are mostly influenced by society. The female sex however is biologically determined. However, the terms sex and gender, for both male and female are usually used interchangeably.\n\nHuman beings are made of cells. All cells except for reproductive cells, have 46 chromosomes. Those 46 chromosomes are arranged in pairs hence we have 23 pairs in each cell. Out of the 23 pairs, 22 are called autosomes and the last pair is called sex chromosomes.\n\n\u00a0\n\nLife with one less X\n\nThe X and Y chromosomes are sex chromosomes. They determine a person\u2019s sex. We were taught in our secondary school that men are XY (written as 46XY), women are XX (written as 46XX). Research suggests that some female babies can be born with a single X (45X) instead of two. They are known as Turner Syndrome. A baby who has Turner syndrome usually grow up with a short stature, with a heart shaped face, has webbing of her neck, possibly has a heart lesion and elbow deformities as well as a poorly developed gonadal/reproductive tract.\n\nA fetus can also have only one Y, without an X chromosome (45Y). However, this genetic combination is not compatible with life. Clearly the X chromosome is needed for survival.\n\n\u00a0\n\nFemales with a Y\n\nSome fetuses are born with more than one sex chromosomes. These are called sex polysomies, for example 47XXX. These babies will grow up to be tall females with normal mental development (unfortunately the extra X does not make one a Superwoman!).\n\nThere are also fetuses born with 47XXY. Even though the baby has a pair of X chromosome, the baby external appearance is of a male baby. This is because, the presence of the Y chromosome act as the main inducer for the male appearance (also known as the male \u2018phenotype\u2019). Another example will be an individual with 48XXXY, who will also have a male phenotype due to the presence of a Y chromosome.\n\nMale at birth\n\nKlinefelter\u2019s Syndrome refers to 47XXY. Even though they are born as male babies, as they grow older, their testes will not be well developed and there will be no production of sperm. The extra X chromosome is said to cause them to have less facial hair, less muscle mass and grow to be tall with breasts, broad hips and long legs.\n\nIn addition to all those genetic variations above, there are some males born 46XX. This is due to the translocation of a tiny section of Y chromosome onto the 46XX individual. Presence of the tiny section of Y chromosome is responsible for the development of testes in the embryo/fetus! Later, section of the Y chromosome will induce the external appearance of a male.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTwo sexes in one body\n\nInversely, there are also some females born as 46XY. This occur because the Y chromosome suffer some mutation, hence fails to induce embryonic testes, as a result ovaries will develop instead! There are some individuals born with 46XY because they cannot respond to the hormone \u201ctestosterone\u201d produced by their testes, as a result they will have all or some external appearance of a woman despite the male genes. This is known as \u2018Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome\u2019.\n\nWhen an individual has both male and female sexual organs, they are known as hermaphrodite. Hermaphrodite: this word comes from two names of Greek God and Goddess, Hermes and Aphrodite. Theoretically, when cell divisions occur in the fetus, it is possible to have both cells of 46XX and 46XY in the same fetus. This is what they call mosaicism. As a result, the individual will have both male and female \u2018apparatus\u2019. Sadly, hermaphrodites are usually infertile, and thus they cannot impregnate themselves.\n\n\u00a0\n\nIt\u2019s never straightforward!\n\nClearly sex is complicated, yet beautiful. Gender, in my mind, is the perfect example of nature versus nurture. All these amazing variations of combinations of the sex chromosomes humbly show us the infinite diversity of life. Always remember that not all females are XX and not all males are XY. Each of us are being influenced by our own unique internal genetic materials and the orchestra of hormonal balances as well as many external developmental and environmental factors.\n\nDr Norintan Zainal Shah is a consultant obstetrician and gynecologist at \nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Norintan Binti Zainal Shah\n\n\nConsultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMBBCh BAO (Ireland), LRCP & SI (Ireland), MMed (Obs & Gyn) (USM)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat You Should Know About Female DNA - HerInspirasi.com, 4 March 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in HerInspirasi.com, 4 March 2020\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nObstetrician & Gynecologist\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-you-should-know-about-tuberculosis-tb", "title": "What You Should Know About Tuberculosis (TB) ", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat You Should Know About Tuberculosis (TB) \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 21, 2021\n \n\nTuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death related to infectious diseases worldwide. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is estimated that TB is responsible for 8.6 million new cases in 2014 and approximately 1.5 million deaths. Locally, TB is rampant, with an incidence rate of about 80 patients in 100,000 population.\n\nThe main route of transmission of TB is airborne. When a person is infected with TB, a disease of the lungs, whenever he coughs, speaks, or sneezes, the TB germs are spread into the surrounding air. A nearby person becomes infected by means of breathing in the TB bacteria. The bacteria can settle in the lungs and begin to grow. From there, they can move through the blood to other parts of the body, such as the kidney, spine, and brain if the person is immunocompromised.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMost commonly, a TB patient\u2019s lungs are affected. Symptoms include coughing that lasts three or more weeks, coughing up bloody sputum, chest pain, or pain with breathing or coughing, unintentional weight loss, fatigue, fever, drenching night sweats and decreased appetite. Fifteen to 20 per cent of TB can also affect other parts of your body, including your kidneys, spine, guts or brain. When TB occurs outside your lungs, organ-specific symptoms may be the presenting complaints. For instance, TB of the gut may bring about chronic diarrhoea, and tuberculosis in your kidneys might cause blood in your urine.\n\nIf someone is suspected to have TB or has come into contact with a TB patient, they should go to their doctor or local health department for tests. There are two tests that can be used to help detect TB infection: a TB skin test or TB blood test. The skin test is the one that is most often used to detect TB. A small needle is used to put a testing material called tuberculin, under the skin. In two to three days, you return to your health care worker who will check to see if there is a reaction to this test. In some cases, a TB blood test is used to test for TB infection. This blood test measures the reaction of a person\u2019s immune system against the germs that cause TB.\n\nA diagnosis of pulmonary TB can be reached when the patient displays a typical clinical presentation, classical chest x-ray changes and positive sputum (phlegm that is coughed up from deep in the lungs) smears for TB which are Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB). Generally, a clinician collects phlegm samples for three consecutive days to smear for AFB. This practice has a sensitivity of TB detection approximately 70 per cent when the culture-confirmed TB disease is the reference standard. To tell if someone has TB disease, other tests such as chest x-ray and a sample of sputum sent to culture the deadly bugs, may be needed.\n\nPeople with TB need to promptly seek treatment, know how to take their TB drugs properly and complete the full course of medicines prescribed. Commonly, the treatment involves taking four medications for six months. It is vital to understand that if TB patients stop taking the drugs prematurely, they can fall sick again. If they do not take the drugs correctly, the germs that are still alive may become resistant to standard drugs or difficult to treat in the future. In addition, they need to fulfil all their doctor appointments. They also need to know how to make sure that they do not pass TB on to other people during their first few weeks of treatment, or until their doctor says they are no longer contagious by observing cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene.\n\nCough etiquette means that you cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. It is prudent to seal the tissue in a plastic bag, then dispose it into a bin. If you do not have a tissue then you should cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow. You should not cough into your hands. You should wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.\n\nA TB patient should wear a face mask during the infectious period as it can mitigate the spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (the bacteria responsible for TB) from the patient to other people. The face mask plays a vital role in capturing huge moist particles near the mouth and nose of the patient, preventing the germs from being released into the surroundings.\n\nIt is advisable for patients infected with TB in the early phase of the disease to sleep alone in a separate, adequately ventilated room, if possible. Avoid using public transport and stay home from work, school, or other public places where large numbers of people gather, minimise social gatherings or interactions and use a fan or open windows to circulate fresh air.\n\nAs the common maxim goes, prevention is better than cure. The first step to halt the transmission of TB from one adult to another is identifying people with active TB, and then curing them through the provision of drug treatment. With proper TB treatment, someone with TB will very swiftly not be contagious hence can no longer spread TB to others.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnother crucial armamentarium in the fight against TB is the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, which was invented in the 1920s. It is one of the most widely used vaccine of all current vaccines. It has inoculated more than 80 per cent of all new-born children and infants in countries where it is part of the national childhood immunisation programme. Although it has been proven to protect children against the disseminated forms of TB, it occupies a lesser role in interrupting transmission among adults.\n\nWe also need to ensure certain susceptible individuals who have conditions that make the body weaker and difficult to fight off the TB bacteria to stay away from TB patients as much as possible. These high-risk group includes people with HIV infection, illicit intravenous drug users, babies and young children, elderly people, people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus, certain types of cancer, and being underweight.\n\nIf you are infected but untreated, you can end up with such complications as lung function damage, systemic spread of the bacteria to other parts of your body causing bone pain, meningitis, kidney or liver malfunction. In worse case scenario, mortality can befall the untreated patients.\n\nIn conclusion, TB is not only contagious and deadly, but also highly preventable and curable. Heightened public awareness in early detection, treatment, and a diligent completion of the full course of treatment, following the do\u2019s and don\u2019ts when infected, it is possible to curb the transmission of TB thus leading the way forward to a TB-free society in the future.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Cheong Kuan Loong\n\n\nConsultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Puchong\nMBBS (UM), M.Med (Int. Med.) (UM), Fellowship in Gastroenterology (Mal)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhat You Should Know About Tuberculosis (TB) - Natural Health, Vol.118, March 2021 \n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, Vol.118, March 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nGastroenterology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/what-you-will-experience-after-anesthesia-surgery-zh", "title": "\u9ebb\u9189\u624b\u672f\u9192\u6765\u540e\uff0c\u4f60\u4f1a\u7ecf\u5386\u4ec0\u4e48\uff1f", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u9ebb\u9189\u624b\u672f\u9192\u6765\u540e\uff0c\u4f60\u4f1a\u7ecf\u5386\u4ec0\u4e48\uff1f\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nOctober 11, 2021\n \n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u542c\u8bf4\u8fc7\u201c\u9ebb\u9189\u201d\u5374\u4e0d\u4e86\u89e3\u5b83\uff0c\u7279\u522b\u662f\u75c5\u4eba\u4e00\u542c\u89c1\u9ebb\u9189\u5c31\u5f88\u5bb3\u6015\u81ea\u5df1\u4e00\u7761\u4e0d\u9192\uff0c\u53ef\u662f\u6211\u4eec\u5374\u6ca1\u60f3\u8fc7\u9ebb\u9189\u9192\u6765\u4e4b\u540e\u4f1a\u6709\u4ec0\u4e48\u611f\u89c9\uff1f\uff01\u5230\u5e95\u75c5\u4eba\u5728\u9ebb\u9189\u624b\u672f\u9192\u6765\u540e\uff0c\u5f53\u9ebb\u9189\u6548\u679c\u6e10\u6e10\u6d88\u5931\uff0c\u4f60\u4f1a\u7ecf\u5386\u4ec0\u4e48\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u51e0\u4e4e\u6bcf\u4e00\u53f0\u624b\u672f\u90fd\u9700\u8981\u9ebb\u9189\u533b\u751f\u5168\u7a0b\u53c2\u4e0e\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u624b\u672f\u524d\u3001\u624b\u672f\u4e2d\u4ee5\u53ca\u624b\u672f\u540e\u3002\u9ebb\u9189\u4e3b\u8981\u5206\u4e3a\u4e09\u5927\u7c7b\uff1a\u5168\u8eab\u9ebb\u9189 (General Anesthesia\uff0c\u7b80\u79f0GA)\u3001\u5c40\u90e8\u9ebb\u9189 (Local Anesthesia\uff0c\u7b80\u79f0LA) \u4ee5\u53ca\u533a\u57df\u9ebb\u9189 (Regional Anesthesia)\u3002\u5b83\u4eec\u7684\u4e3b\u8981\u529f\u80fd\u53ca\u76ee\u7684\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u8fbe\u5230\u4ee5\u4e0b3 \u70b9\uff1a\n\n\u2714\ufe0f \u8ba9\u75c5\u4eba\u77ed\u6682\u5931\u53bb\u610f\u8bc6\n\n\u2714\ufe0f \u5931\u53bb\u79fb\u52a8\u80fd\u529b\n\n\u2714\ufe0f \u963b\u65ad\u75bc\u75db\u7684\u611f\u89c9\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5168\u8eab\u9ebb\u9189:\n \u53ef\u4ee5\u6210\u529f\u8fbe\u5230\u4ee5\u4e0a3\u79cd\u8981\u6c42\u3002\n\n\n\u533a\u57df\u9ebb\u9189:\n \u5982\u534a\u8eab\u9ebb\u9189\uff0c\u6216\u8005\u80a2\u4f53\u9ebb\u9189\uff0c\u75c5\u4eba\u8fd8\u662f\u5728\u6e05\u9192\u6216\u534a\u6e05\u9192 (\u836f\u7269\u8f85\u52a9) \u7684\u72b6\u6001\uff0c\u53ea\u662f\u4e27\u5931\u4e86\u79fb\u52a8\u80fd\u529b\u548c\u6ca1\u4e86\u75bc\u75db\u7684\u611f\u89c9\u3002\n\n\n\u5c40\u90e8\u9ebb\u9189:\n \u4e3b\u8981\u662f\u9ebb\u9189\u8f83\u5c0f\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u90e8\u4f4d\u5982\u624b\u6307\u6216\u67d0\u76ae\u80a4\u90e8\u4f4d\uff0c\u8ba9\u5176\u4e27\u5931\u75bc\u75db\u7684\u611f\u89c9\uff0c\u79fb\u52a8\u80fd\u529b\u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u88ab\u51cf\u5c11\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0 \n\n\u00a0\n\n\u9ebb\u9189\u540e\u5bf9\u8eab\u4f53\u7684\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u8299\u84c9\u54e5\u4f26\u6bd4\u4e9a\u533b\u9662\u7684\n\u9ebb\u9189\u79d1\u987e\u95ee\u533b\u751f\u2014\u2014\u5f20\u51ef\u94a6\u533b\u751f\n\u900f\u9732\uff0c\u9664\u975e\u75c5\u4eba\u6709\u7279\u6b8a\u7684\u75be\u75c5\uff0c\u5426\u5219\u4e00\u822c\u4e0a\u7684\u9ebb\u9189\u98ce\u9669\u662f\u6781\u4f4e\u7684\u3002\n\n\u800c\u5f88\u591a\u6ca1\u6709\u52a8\u8fc7\u624b\u672f\u7684\u4eba\u5927\u90e8\u5206\u90fd\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\uff0c\u5728\u5168\u8eab\u9ebb\u9189\u624b\u672f\u8fc7\u540e\uff0c\u4e00\u65e6\u75c5\u4eba\u9192\u6765\u901a\u5e38\u4f1a\u611f\u89c9\u8f7b\u5fae\u7684\u526f\u4f5c\u7528\uff0c\u6bd4\u5982\u5934\u75db\u3001\u5934\u6655\u7b49\u75c7\u72b6\u3002\u518d\u52a0\u4e0a\u591a\u6570\u7684\u75c5\u4eba\u5728\u7981\u98df\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0b\u63a5\u53d7\u9ebb\u9189\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u53c8\u7ecf\u5386\u4e86\u4e00\u6bb5\u6f2b\u957f\u7684\u624b\u672f\u8fc7\u7a0b (\u624b\u672f\u65f6\u95f4\u53ef\u80fd\u5f88\u77ed\uff0c\u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u957f\u8fbe\u6570\u5c0f\u65f6)\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u5f53\u75c5\u4eba\u6062\u590d\u610f\u8bc6\u5f53\u513f\uff0c\u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u51fa\u73b0\u6076\u5fc3\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u3002\n\n\u518d\u8005\uff0c\u5728\u7279\u6b8a\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0b\u9ebb\u9189\u5e08\u6709\u65f6\u4e0d\u4f46\u9700\u8981\u7528\u836f\u8ba9\u75c5\u4eba\u5931\u53bb\u77e5\u89c9\u3001\u610f\u8bc6\uff0c\u6709\u4e9b\u4eba\u5c31\u8fde\u547c\u5438\u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u9700\u8981\u7528\u201c\u9ebb\u9189\u673a\u5668\u201d\u6765\u8fdb\u884c\u547c\u5438\u8f85\u52a9\u3002\u5728\u8fd9\u4e2a\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0b\uff0c\u533b\u751f\u5c31\u4f1a\u5728\u75c5\u4eba\u7684\u5589\u5499\u7f6e\u5165\u5bfc\u6c14\u7ba1\uff0c\u56e0\u6b64\u8fd9\u4e00\u4f4d\u75c5\u4eba\u4e5f\u53ef\u80fd\u5728\u6e05\u9192\u540e\u611f\u89c9\u5589\u5499\u5fae\u75db\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u82e5\u51fa\u73b0\u4e00\u4e9b\u5e38\u89c1\u75c7\u72b6\uff1a\u5982\u610f\u8bc6\u6682\u65f6\u6027\u53d7\u5f71\u54cd\u3001\u5224\u65ad\u80fd\u529b\u51cf\u4f4e\u548c\u53cd\u5e94\u4e0d\u654f\u6377\uff0c\u8bf7\u5367\u5e8a\u4f11\u606f\u6570\u5c0f\u65f6\u3002\n\n\n\u82e5\u75c5\u4eba\u8fdb\u884c\u65e5\u95f4\u624b\u672f\uff0c\u56de\u5bb6\u540e\u51fa\u73b0\u4efb\u4f55\u7d27\u6025\u4e8b\u6545\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u5bfb\u6c42\u6700\u8fd1\u7684\u533b\u7597\u5e2e\u52a9\uff0c\u53ef\u7acb\u5373\u62e8\u7535999\uff01\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u9ebb\u9189\u540e\u7684\u6ce8\u610f\u4e8b\u9879\uff1f\n\n\n\n\u4e00\u822c\u60c5\u51b5\u4e0b\uff0c\u5728\u8fdb\u884c\u5168\u9ebb\u624b\u672f\u540e\uff0c\u75c5\u4eba\u5927\u6982\u9700\u8981 45 \u81f3 60\u5206\u949f\u624d\u4f1a\u6062\u590d\u610f\u8bc6\u3002\u533a\u57df\u6216\u5c40\u90e8\u9ebb\u9189\u540e\uff0c\u4e00\u822c\u4eba\u9700\u8981 4 \u81f3 6\u4e2a\u5c0f\u65f6\uff0c\u8ba9\u9ebb\u9189\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u90e8\u4f4d\u9010\u6e10\u4ece\u5c40\u90e8\u6162\u6162\u6062\u590d\u5230\u5b8c\u5168\u6b63\u5e38\u7684\u72b6\u6001\u3002\u4e00\u822c\u89c6\u4e4e\u9ebb\u9189\u836f\u7684\u65f6\u6548\uff0c\u4e5f\u5728\u4e8e\u836f\u7269\u7684\u79cd\u7c7b\u548c\u4efd\u91cf\u3002\u5f53\u9ebb\u9189\u6548\u679c\u6e10\u6e10\u6d88\u5931\u540e\uff0c\u4f60\u7684\u4f24\u53e3\u81ea\u7136\u4f1a\u5f00\u59cb\u611f\u5230\u8f7b\u5fae\u7684\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u8fd9\u4e5f\u662f\u6b63\u5e38\u7684\u3002\n\n\u8fd9\u65f6\u5019\uff0c\u4e3b\u6cbb\u533b\u751f\u901a\u5e38\u4f1a\u4e3a\u75c5\u4eba\u914d\u4e0a\u9002\u5f53\u7684\u6b62\u75db\u836f\u3002\u82e5\u662f\u75c5\u4eba\u8fd8\u662f\u6301\u7eed\u611f\u89c9\u975e\u5e38\u7684\u75bc\u75db\uff0c\u9ebb\u9189\u533b\u751f\u5c31\u4f1a\u63d0\u4f9b\u75bc\u75db\u6cbb\u7597\u670d\u52a1\u3002\u51fa\u9662\u540e\uff0c\u75c5\u4eba\u53ef\u4ee5\u4f9d\u636e\u672c\u8eab\u7684\u8eab\u4f53\u72b6\u51b5\uff0c\u7136\u540e\u4f9d\u7167\u533b\u5631\u5904\u65b9\u670d\u836f\u3002\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5982\u679c\u9ebb\u9189\u533a\u7684\u77e5\u89c9\u5c1a\u672a\u6062\u590d\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u5c3d\u91cf\u5367\u5e8a\u4f11\u606f\u3002\n\n\n\u5982\u53cc\u811a\u611f\u89c9\u65e0\u529b\u3001\u4f7f\u4e0d\u4e0a\u52b2\uff0c\u8bf7\u5c3d\u53ef\u80fd\u8ba9\u5bb6\u4eba\u5e2e\u5fd9\u6400\u6276\u3002\n\n\n\u6062\u590d\u77e5\u89c9\u540e\u82e5\u8eab\u4f53\u7684\u75bc\u75db\u611f\u6301\u7eed\u589e\u52a0\uff0c\u8bf7\u5728\u533b\u751f\u7684\u6307\u5bfc\u4e0b\u670d\u7528\u6b62\u75db\u836f\u3002\n\n\n\u7531\u4e8e\u9ebb\u9189\u4f5c\u7528\uff0c\u60a3\u8005\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u5728\u624b\u672f\u540e\u768412\u5c0f\u65f6\u5185\u51fa\u73b0\u6076\u5fc3\u3001\u5455\u5410\u548c\u5934\u6655\u7684\u75c7\u72b6\u3002\u5efa\u8bae\u91c7\u53d6\u59ff\u52bf\u5982\u5e73\u5367\u3001\u7ad9\u7acb\u548c\u6b63\u786e\u7684\u5750\u59ff\uff0c\u5e76\u91cd\u590d\u8fd9\u4e9b\u59ff\u52bf\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u9ebb\u9189\u540e\u7684\u8fdb\u98df\u6ce8\u610f\u4e8b\u9879\uff1f\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u5efa\u8bae\u7981\u98df\u7981\u6c34\u6700\u5c114~6\u4e2a\u5c0f\u65f6\u4ee5\u907f\u514d\u5728\u534a\u6e05\u9192\u72b6\u6001\u51fa\u73b0\u5455\u5410\u60c5\u51b5\u3002\n\n\n\u5f53\u75c5\u4eba\u5728\u795e\u5fd7\u5b8c\u5168\u6e05\u9192\u4e0b\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u53ef\u4ee5\u996e\u7528\u5c11\u91cf\u7684\u767d\u5f00\u6c34\u6216\u679c\u6c41\u3002\n\n\n\u907f\u514d\u8fdb\u98df\u4e00\u4e9b\u751c\u70b9\u7c7b\u98df\u54c1\uff0c\u6216\u662f\u8f9b\u8fa3\u3001\u6cb9\u817b\u548c\u96be\u4ee5\u6d88\u5316\u7684\u98df\u54c1\u3002\n\n\n\u5efa\u8bae\u4e00\u5f00\u59cb\u4ee5\u5c11\u91cf\u6d41\u8d28\u548c\u6e05\u6de1\u6613\u6d88\u5316\u7684\u98df\u7269\u4e3a\u4e3b\u3002\n\n\n\u5982\u611f\u89c9\u8eab\u4f53\u4e0d\u9002\uff0c\u5982\u51fa\u73b0\u6076\u5fc3\u3001\u5455\u5410\u3001\u4f4e\u8840\u538b\u7b49\uff0c\u5efa\u8bae\u75c5\u4eba\u7acb\u5373\u5367\u5e8a\u4f11\u606f\u3002\n\n\n\u82e5\u957f\u65f6\u95f4\u4e0d\u80fd\u8fdb\u98df\u6216\u4e25\u91cd\u5455\u5410\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u544a\u8bc9\u533b\u751f\u7ed9\u4e88\u9002\u5f53\u7684\u6cbb\u7597\u3002\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Chong Kai Chin\n\n\nConsultant Anesthesiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Seremban\nMD (UNIMAS), M Anesthesiology (UM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u9ebb\u9189\u624b\u672f\u9192\u6765\u540e\uff0c\u4f60\u4f1a\u7ecf\u5386\u4ec0\u4e48\uff1f - \u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u8fd9\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u9996\u6b21\u520a\u767b\u5728\u300a\u5065\u5eb7\u65f6\u5c1a\u6742\u5fd7/GoodHealth Magazine\u300b\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nAnesthesiology\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/whats-hot-and-hyped-injury-care-and-prevention-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "What's Hot and Hyped in Injury Care and Prevention - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhat's Hot and Hyped in Injury Care and Prevention - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 13, 2012\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nFrom hip replacements to kinesiology tape, there are a multitude of ways in which the medical industry and orthopaedics continue to accelerate, adapt and innovate. Dr. Harjeet Singh dissects some of what's hyped up in injury care and prevention today and gives his take on where the industry is headed and what doctors need to do to keep up.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/when-diabetes-strikes-young-press-clipping", "title": "When diabetes strikes the young [Press Clipping]", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhen diabetes strikes the young [Press Clipping]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 22, 2013\n \n\nNew Straits Times - The number of diabetes cases among adolescents and children is growing. Nadia Badarudin gets some tips on its management.\n\n\u00a0\n\nSee our Press Clipping:\n\n\nNew Straits Times,\n\n22 January 2013\n\n\nNew Straits Times,\n\n22 January 2013\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/when-teenagers-get-arthritis", "title": "When Teenagers Get Arthritis", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhen Teenagers Get Arthritis\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJanuary 25, 2022\n \n \u00a0\n\nWhen you hear the word \u2018arthritis\u2019, young people rarely come to mind. But did you know that arthritis also happens to children? Children suffering from arthritis can be as young as six months to 16 years old. Although arthritis happens more among adults, one in every 1k children in the there are many children who suffer from it that makes this topic worth addressing.\n\n\nArthritis, first and foremost, is an inflammation, swelling and irritation of the synovial (pronounced: suh-no-vee-ul) membrane which lines the joints such as the knees or knuckles. When it becomes inflamed, fluid is produced. The joints become stiff, swollen, painful and warm to the touch. Over time, the inflammation in these joints can damage the cartilage and bone.\n\n\nThe title of this article, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, is not just about arthritis among teenagers. The word \n\u2018Idiopathic\u2019\n is a medical term doctors\u00a0use to describe a disease that has no known causes.\n\n\nAlthough that may be the case, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common kind of arthritis among children and teenagers. Children usually find out they have this disease between the ages of six months and 16 years. You also might have heard JIA being referred to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis or JRA.\n\n\nWhat Happens When Someone Has JIA?\n\n\nThose with JIA may have pain and stiffness that can change from day to day or from morning to afternoon. These symptoms come and go. When the condition becomes more active and the symptoms worsen, it's known as a \u2018flare-up\u2019.\n\n\nJuvenile Idiopathic Arthritis often causes only minor problems, but in some cases, it can cause serious joint damage or limit growth. Although JIA mostly affects the joints and surrounding tissues, it can also affect other organs like the eyes, liver, heart, and lungs.\n\n\nJIA is a chronic condition, meaning it can last for months and years.\u00a0Sometimes the symptoms just go away with treatment, which is known as\u00a0\nremission\n. Remission may last for months, years, or a person's lifetime. In fact, many teens with JIA eventually enter full remission with little or no permanent joint damage.\n\n\nTypes of JIA\n\n\nThere are seven types of JIA:\n\n\u00a0\n\nSystemic JIA\n\u00a0affects the whole body. With this type of JIA, someone may have high fever that often increases in the evenings and may suddenly drop to normal temperature. During the onset of fever, the patient may feel very ill, pale or develop a rash. The rash may suddenly disappear and then just as quickly reappear. The patient's lymph nodes might become enlarged. Eventually many of the body's joints are affected by swelling, pain and stiffness.\n\n\nOligoarthritis\n\u00a0affects four or fewer joints. A person will notice pain, stiffness or swelling, often in the\u00a0knee and ankle joints. Sometimes oligoarthritis gives someone an inflammation of the iris (the colored area of the eye) that's\u00a0known as\u00a0\niridocyclitis\n, \niritis\n, or \nuveitis\n.\n\n\nPolyarticular arthritis, rheumatoid factor negative\n is a kind of JIA that affects more girls than boys. A person\u00a0will have swelling or pain in five or more joints. The small joints of the hands are usually affected as well as the weight-bearing joints like the knees, hips, ankles, feet, and neck. In addition, a person may have a low-grade fever, as well as bumps or nodules on parts of the body subjected to pressure from sitting or leaning.\n\n\nPolyarticular arthritis, rheumatoid factor positive\n is the type of JIA that is most like adult arthritis. This is one of the least common types of JIA, but it carries a higher risk of joint damage.\n\n\nPsoriatic arthritis\n is when a person has both psoriasis\u00a0and arthritis.\n\n\nEnthesitis-related arthritis\n usually affects the lower joints (like the ankle) and the spine. Kids with this type of arthritis also may have \njuvenile ankylosing spondylitis\n\u00a0\u00a0if joints of the lower back are inflamed. Arthritis that is accompanied by inflammatory bowel disease (like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) also falls into this category of JIA.\n\n\nUndifferentiated arthritis\n is a doctors\u2019 terminology\u00a0when someone's arthritis doesn't fit into any of the above categories or falls into more than one of the six categories described above.\n\n\nWhat Causes JIA?\n\n\nAlthough doctors don't yet know exactly what causes JIA, scientists are researching it. Experts do know that JIA happens because of problems with a person's immune system.\n\n\nWhen the immune system isn't working properly, which is something that happens with\u00a0JIA, it has difficulties telling the difference between the body's own tissues and damaging germs. This confusion causes the immune system to attack and damage the body's healthy tissues. That is what causes the kind of inflammation\u00a0that goes along with JIA.\n\n\nJIA isn't contagious.\n You can't catch it from someone else or pass it along to another person the way you might a cold or other infections.\n\n\nWhat Do Doctors Do?\n\n\nIt's not always easy for doctors to diagnose JIA right away. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis itself can have lots of different symptoms. Some infections, like Lyme disease, have similar symptoms akin to JIA. So doctors will want to rule out any other possibilities before deciding on a JIA diagnosis.\n\n\nIf a doctor suspects a patient has JIA, he or she will ask about the person's symptoms. He will also find out if others in the family have had arthritis, and then carry out a complete physical examination to look for joint swelling, eye problems, and rashes. A doctor may also do blood tests and X-rays. In some cases, doctors may use a needle to take a sample of synovial fluid from a person's joint.\n\n\nSometimes, a doctor might need to see a patient\u00a0for several months to determine the particular type of JIA the person has.\n\n\nHow Is JIA Treated?\n\n\nWhen JIA is diagnosed early and treated appropriately, it can usually be managed effectively. There is no cure, but there are many doctors who can help ease the symptoms of JIA and prevent or limit damage to joints.\n\n\nFor some people, taking medications like ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce inflammation. Some patients need to take a weekly medication called methotrexate. Newer medications \u2014 such as etanercept, adalimumab, abatacept, and tocilizumab \u2014 can keep the immune system in check and control the disease far better than what was possible a few years ago. For arthritis flare-ups, doctors may also use medicines called corticosteroids (like prednisone), but they try to limit these to avoid side effects.\n\n\nPhysical therapy exercises that improve flexibility and the use of heat can help people with JIA control symptoms. It is rare that joints get damaged in a person's teens, but surgery can repair damaged joints if needed.\n\n\nLiving With JIA\n\n\nIf you have JIA, it may be hard to get out of bed during some mornings. Periods of inactivity, like sleeping for eight hours, can be followed by stiffness.\n\n\nIt may be tempting to roll back into bed and sleep the day away, but that can make things worse. Even though you may feel lousy sometimes, gentle movements can help you feel better. Just as runners, bodybuilders, and other athletes do stretching exercises to warm up, \ngentle massaging and stretching can help soothe the muscles and ligaments around sore joints.\n\u00a0\n\n\nOnce a person is up and moving, the discomfort usually lessens.\n Exercise can help keep full motions in your joints and strengthen your muscles and bones. A physical therapist can help you plan an effective exercise program to do at home. \nProper nutrition can improve anyone's overall health.\n A dietitian can help you to understand the basics of a healthy diet. For example, when your symptoms flare up, you might feel sick and unable to eat as much. A dietitian can help you find foods that have a higher nutritional value to make up for having a poor appetite.\n\n\nA positive mental outlook is just as important as exercises and a healthy diet. \nIf you feel depressed or angry, talk to someone who can support you.\n\u00a0\u00a0Tell your parents, your doctor, or a friend about how you feel. It may also help to do simple things that we often take for granted. For example, each day try to do something that you enjoy and makes you happy.\n\n\nMost teens with JIA do the same activities as other teens \u2014 go to schools, hang out with friends, and stay active physically, academically, and socially. Learning more about JIA and taking change of your medical care\u00a0can help some people feel more in control, too.\n\n\nYour doctor and other medical professionals are there to support you and help you manage the condition so that it has the least possible impact on your life.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Gunaseelan A/L Ponnusamy\n\n\nConsultant Orthopedic Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Tebrau\nMD (Indonesia), Doctor of Orthopedic & Traumatology (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH), Special Interest in Spine Surgery (Korea) & Pain Intervention (India)\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nJuvenile Arthritis: When Teenagers Get Arthritis \u2013 Natural Health, Vol. 124, November/December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Natural Health, Vol. 124, November/December 2021.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nOrthopedic\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/who-are-we-radiologists", "title": "Who are we - the Radiologists?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWho are we - the Radiologists?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nFebruary 28, 2011\n \n\nMany patients have visited Imaging Department of the hospital for various imaging procedures. Some of the patients left the department without encountering us. Some of the patients know the existence of a radiologist when an ultrasound or interventional procedures were being performed on them. Some are really concerned about us for dealing with daily radiation.\n\nIn Imaging Department, there are several working groups of people to provide a complete set of radiological services. These include the radiologists, the radiographers and the nurses.\n\nRadiologists are medical doctors (MDs) or doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) who specialize in diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries using medical imaging techniques, such as X-Rays, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nuclear Medicine, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and Ultrasound.\n\nRadiologists graduate from accredited medical schools, pass a licensing examination, and then go on to complete a residency of at least four years of unique post-graduate medical education in, among other topics:\n\n\u00a0\n\nRadiation safety and protection\n\n\nRadiation effects on the human body\n\n\nAppropriate performance and interpretation of quality radiological and medical imaging examinations\n\n\n\nRadiological procedures are medically prescribed and should only be conducted by appropriately trained and certified radiologists.\n\nWe play a Key Role in Your Health by:\n\n\u00a0\n\nActing as an expert consultant to your referring physician (the doctor who sent you to the radiology department or clinic for testing) by aiding him or her in choosing the proper examination, interpreting the resulting medical images, and in using test results in your care.\n\n\nTreating diseases by means of minimally invasive, image-guided surgery (interventional radiology).\n\n\nCorrelating medical image findings with other examinations and tests.\n\n\nRecommending further appropriate examinations or treatments when necessary, and conferring with referring physicians.\n\n\nDirecting radiology technologists (personnel who operate the equipment) in the proper performance of quality exams.\n\n\nWe have the Right Training, Knowledge, and Experience\n\nWhen your referring doctors tell you they have reviewed your studies, what they usually mean is that they have reviewed the radiology report and gone over the study with your radiologist.\n\nWe must remember that good health care is a team effort from the family doctors, to the nurses, to the radiologists. And while the radiologists may not be the star quarterback, they are certainly taking one for the team.\n\nThe radiographers (radiologic technologists) are the \u2018backbone\u2019 of Imaging Department. They run the X-ray equipment and work directly with the patient and radiologist. A radiologist needs a good quality set of images provided by radiographers for interpretation. The radiologic nurse usually develops and manages a care plan to help patients understand procedures and, later, recuperate from the procedures. This may also include working with a patient's family. The nurse can perform examinations or carry out preventive health measures within the prescribed guidelines and instructions of the radiologist. Often, a radiologic nurse will assist during examinations or therapy.\n\nComputers and the digital world have influenced the science of Radiology bringing it to what it is today. Storage of digital images is undertaken by a picture archiving and communication system (PACS).\nDr. Wong Soon Li\n\nConsultant Radiologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospitals- Bukit Rimau\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/why-isnt-my-child-talking", "title": " Why isn't my child talking?", "body": "\n\n\n\n Why isn't my child talking?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nApril 20, 2023\n \n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\u201cWhy isn\u2019t my child talking yet?\u201d is a question that voices panic and concern. When other children can already hold simple conversation with mummy and daddy, you struggle to get any words from your little one. Before we get into the details of speech delay in children, let\u2019s take a look at the basics.\n\nThe definition of speech and language\n\nSpeech is how we say sounds and words, using the mouth, lips and tongue. It includes articulation. For example, we need to be able to say the \u201cr\u201d sound to say \"rabbit\" instead of \"wabbit.\u201d Using our vocal folds and breath, we also use the frequency of our voice to produce sounds that are loud, soft, high-pitched or low-pitched.\n\nFluency matters too. This has to do with the rhythm of our speech. Stuttering is an example of what can happen when you have a problem with speech rhythm.\n\nMost importantly is the language we speak to refer to the words we use, and how we use them to share ideas. Language addresses what words mean. Some words have more than one meaning. For example, \u2018star\u2019 can be a bright object in the sky or someone famous. Language also allows new words such as \u2018friend\u2019, \u2018friendly\u2019 or \u2018unfriendly\u2019 with each on denoting different meaning. It is how we put words together. For example, in English we say, \u201cLisa walked to the new store,\u201d instead of, \u201cLisa, walk, store, new,\u201d. \u00a0\nCommon speech milestones of a child \n\nBefore a child reaches one year old, he should be able to coo and babble. It is also normal for a toddler to mimic different sounds and words he hears, much to the amusement of parents who have no idea yet of what is being said. The child would also use gestures to communicate such as waving and pointing. When you call his name, he would turn around to look at you. He would understand names of common items like 'ball', 'milk or 'shoe\u2019.\n\nBetween one to two years old, toddlers should be able to follow simple instructions, identify a few body parts, use single words consistently, starts using some two-word phrases like \u2018no milk' or \u2018mommy go\u2019. They can also ask simple questions such as \u2018what is that?\u2019. When they reach two to three years old, they can follow two-step instructions like \u2018take the book and give it to daddy\u2019. They would also understand concepts. They use two- to three-word utterances like 'daddy shoe blue\u2019. They understand simple questions.\n\nAt three to four years, they can identify colors. They can also use four to five-word utterances. They can answer 'where' questions. Most importantly, their speech is easily understood by listeners who are unfamiliar with the child\u2019s speech. Upon reaching four years and above, they can follow longer and more complex instructions. They can even tell a simple story, and use conjunctions such as 'and', 'but', 'so', in order to connect phrases and sentences. \u00a0\n\nRed flags for speech and language delay \n\nSpeech and language delay is when a child is unable to reach speech and language milestones as expected. If you refer to the milestones mentioned above, you can see if your child\u2019s language milestone development tallies. There are certain occurrences that should raise an alarm for concern, other than not showing an interest in communicating.\n\nNo babbling by 12 months.\n\n\nDoes not respond to his/her name by 12 months.\n\n\nDoes not use gestures like waving \u2018bye bye\u2019 or shaking head for \u2018no\u2019 by 12 months.\n\n\nDoes not point to objects or pictures when asked to, by 17 months.\n\n\nNo first words by 18 months.\n\n\nDoes not understand basic commands by 18 months.\n\n\nNo word combinations by 24 months.\n\n\nCauses of speech delay \n\nThere are several causes for speech delay in children. They can be related to Global Developmental Delay where a child takes a longer time to reach certain development milestones compared to other children their age. This may include learning to walk or talk, movement skills, learning new things and interacting with others, socially and emotionally. If the child has Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy, or hearing impairment, he or she would most likely experience a delay in speech development.\n\nAnother reason for speech delay is excessive screen time. Long hours of being on the phone or tablet tend to create a breakdown in two-way communication resulting in poor parent-child interaction. The child may also imitate cartoon-like speech, prefers using gestures rather than talking, and seemingly obsessed with visual lightings and sounds.\n\nStimulate language in your child\n\nExperts use four types of language stimulation to help with speech delay. Here are some examples for you to emulate:\n1. Self-talk\n\nWhenever you are engaged in an activity, describe your actions by using short and simple sentences. For example, \u201cMummy is cooking.\u201d or \u201cDaddy is eating biscuits.\u201d\n2. Parallel Talk\n\nThis is a reverse of the above where you describe the actions your child is doing. Likewise, use short, simple and easy-to-understand sentences, such as \u201cYou are kicking a ball.\u201d, or \u201cAishah is drinking milk.\u201d.\n3. Repetition\n\nRepeat what your child says. For example, when your child points to a car, you can reiterate by saying, \u201cYes, that is a car.\u201d Or, if he points to a bird in the sky, you can say, \u201cYes, that is a bird.\u201d.\n4. Extension\n\nBuild your child\u2019s vocabulary by adding on suitable words to what he or she says. For example, when your child says, \u2018teeth\u2019, you can add on by saying \u201cBrush teeth.\u201d Or if he or she says \u2018water\u2019, you can add on \u201cYou are drinking water.\u201d.\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\nSeeking the help of a speech therapist \n\nThe job of a speech therapist is to provide clinical services for speech, language, communication, feeding and swallowing problems. The experts use play activities during therapy which is literally an acronym for:\nP - People Skills \n\nPeople skills are about requesting, asking permission, taking turns, sharing, negotiating, and discussing.\nL - Language Skills\n\nThese consist of new vocabulary and concepts, as well as sequence and narrative skills, and the ability to follow simple to complex commands.\nA - Attention \n\nThis requires attention to details and information; hence it focuses on listening skills, following instructions and rules.\nY - Youthful Imagination \n\nChildren\u2019s brains are stimulated to create endless ideas and stories.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nWong Yee Ling\n\n\nSpeech Language Therapist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Bintulu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSpeech Delay in Children: Issue Beyond Sounds, Languages \u2013 Borneo Post, 9 April 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Borneo Post, 9 April 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nLooking for \nPediatrics\n in Columbia Asia?\n\n\nMake an Appointment\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/why-reading-toilet-bad-you", "title": "Why Reading In The Toilet is Bad For You", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhy Reading In The Toilet is Bad For You\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 13, 2019\n \nSitting on the toilet for a prolonged period of time is no good news.\n\nDo you have the habit of spending more time than needed when you\u2019re in the toilet because you\u2019re too caught up on that gossip or news column on your phone? You\u2019re not alone \u2013 reading in the toilet is a popular habit, but it isn\u2019t necessarily good for you. We spoke to Dr Venayagamurthy Kanisan, consultant general and colorectal surgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital, and he explained to us how you should only reserve the time at the cubicle for two purposes.\nFocus on your Number 1 and Number 2\n\n\u201cYour body needs to be conditioned in such a way that when you see the toilet, it is only for urination or defecation. The process of defecation in controlled by nerves and muscles. If someone focuses on gadgets instead of the act of defecation, it may result in in-coordination of the pelvic floor muscles which can result in a prolonged defecation or excessive straining. Time spent in the toilet should only be around 10 minutes,\u201d Dr Venayagamurthy shared.\nDetrimental to your health\n\nDr Venayagamurthy added that \u201csitting too long on the toilet also exerts excessive pressure on the blood vessels, muscles, tissues, and nerves in the anal region. This leads to engorgement of the anal cushions in the anal canal, resulting in haemorrhoids. Besides that, it can weaken the pelvic muscles and lead to rectal prolapse (lower part of large intestine protruding out of anus). Other possible complications include hernia (due to prolonged straining) and exacerbation of varicoceles (bag of veins in the testicles).\n\nSo, focus on toilet matters when you\u2019re in the toilet. The reading and scrolling can come later!\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Venayagamurthy A/L Kanisan\n\n\nConsultant General and Colorectal Surgeon\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Cheras\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nWhy Reading In The Toilet is Bad For You - Herinspirasi May 8, 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in HerInspirasi.com, 8 May 2019\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/why-you-shouldn%E2%80%99t-play-it-cool-when-it-comes-heatstroke", "title": "Why You Shouldn\u2019t Play it Cool When it Comes to Heatstroke", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhy You Shouldn\u2019t Play it Cool When it Comes to Heatstroke\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 26, 2023\n \n\nThis serious and life-threatening condition occurs when the body\u2019s temperature regulation system is overwhelmed by heat.\n\nThe recent deaths of two children in Kelantan from heatstroke has prompted the health ministry to send out warnings, driving home the fact that Malaysia\u2019s high temperatures cannot be taken lightly.\n\nA serious medical condition that requires immediate attention, heatstroke occurs when the body\u2019s temperature regulation system is overcome by heat. Symptoms may include:\n\nA high body temperature above 40\u00b0C;\n\n\nRapid heartbeat;\n\n\nRapid or laboured breathing;\n\n\nHeadache, dizziness or lightheadedness;\n\n\nconfusion or disorientation;\n\n\nNausea or vomiting;\n\n\nSeizures; and/or\n\n\nLoss of consciousness.\n\n\n\nEmotional sensations such as anxiety and agitation, and a sense of being overwhelmed can also occur due to the body\u2019s response to high temperatures. Failure to treat heatstroke could lead to organ damage or be fatal.\n\nThat said, it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between someone who is simply hot and sweaty, and someone who is experiencing heat exhaustion.\n\nWith the latter, one\u2019s body temperature typically rises above 40\u00b0C. The skin might feel dry and hot, causing sweating to stop altogether.\n\nIn contrast, those who are merely exerted usually continue to perspire, and are unlikely to experience the symptoms above.\n\n\u00a0\n\nTreatment and severity\n\nIn mild cases, heatstroke is often treated effectively through rest and rehydration. The individual usually recovers without any long-term effects.\n\nBut in more severe instances, damage to the body\u2019s organs and tissues can be permanent, leading to long-term health complications. For example, heatstroke could cause damage to the brain, resulting in cognitive impairment, memory problems, and difficulties with coordination and movement.\n\nIt may also cause damage to the kidneys, liver, and heart, leading to organ failure and other serious complications.\n\nThe duration of sun exposure that leads to heatstroke varies depending on factors such as the overall temperature and humidity, as well as the individual\u2019s age, health, and physical wellbeing.\n\nThere is no set amount of time for how long someone needs to be out in the sun to get heatstroke. It could develop within just a few hours of exposure to high temperatures and humidity, especially if the person is performing strenuous activity.\n\nAs some individuals may be more susceptible than others, it\u2019s crucial to take precautions such as wearing light clothing, using umbrellas or taking breaks in shaded or cool areas, and drinking lots of water.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIndoor risks\n\nHeatstroke can occur indoors, too, especially during extended periods when the outdoor temperature is very high. Indoor temperatures can rise to the point that it is equal or greater than outside, especially in buildings with poor ventilation or no air conditioning.\n\nAs such, individuals who spend prolonged periods indoors \u2013 especially the elderly, infants, and those with chronic health conditions \u2013 are also at risk of heatstroke. In large cities, those who live in high-rise buildings with inadequate ventilation and no air conditioning are vulnerable during heatwaves.\n\nFurthermore, certain indoor activities, such as cooking in a hot kitchen, using hot tubs or saunas, or working in high-temperature environments, increase the risk of heat exhaustion.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nTo avoid heatstroke while indoors, use fans or air conditioning, or open windows to increase ventilation. Do note, however, that the latter could result in hot air from outside coming into the room.\n\nAgain, wear appropriate clothing, try to keep cool by using a cold compress, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids even if you don\u2019t feel thirsty.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Syed Farid Almufazal Bin Syed Salim\n\n\nConsultant Emergency Physician & Head of Emergency Department\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital - Seremban\nMBBS (UK), MMed (Emergency Medicine) (UKM)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nPDF and Online Articles:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWhy You Shouldn\u2019t Play it Cool When it Comes to Heatstroke \u2013 Free Malaysia Today, 9 May 2023\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThis article first appeared in Free Malaysia Today, 9 May 2023.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\nThink you or someone else may be experiencing heatstroke?\n\n\nSeek immediate medical attention at your nearest \nhospital\n.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nFollow us for latest Health Tips:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/why-you-so-fat-ah", "title": "Why You So Fat Ah?", "body": "\n\n\n\nWhy You So Fat Ah?\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMay 14, 2016\n \n\nMalaysia is the fattest nation in Southeast Asia, a situation that's bound to have far-reaching implications for all areas of life. Find out the truth behind the pandemic and how to keep your health in check.\n\n\u00a0\n\nMen's Health, May 2016\n.\n\n\nMen's Health, May 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/women-and-fitness-dr-harjeet-singh-bfm-podcast", "title": "Women and Fitness - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]", "body": "\n\n\n\nWomen and Fitness - Dr Harjeet Singh [BFM - Podcast]\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMarch 15, 2012\n \nDr. Harjeet Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon\n\nWhile we covered some ground in our last interview with Carolyne Anthony, Dr. Harjeet Singh, consultant orthopaedic surgeon offers a different take on women and fitness, discussing the physiological differences between men and women and why some results will necessarily be different.\n\n\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast \nhere\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/worm-infections", "title": "Worm Infections", "body": "\n\n\n\nWorm Infections\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 19, 2018\n \n\nWORM infections are very common and spread easily. They often don\u2019t have symptoms and are often under-reported. There are different types of worm infections. Pinworms are a common kind that affect young children. Hookworms, roundworms and whipworm infections are also common. Children get worms when they come into contact with infected soil in playgrounds or during outdoor play. When they put their hands into their mouth such as for thumb sucking, the worms or eggs will go into their intestine. Touching pets or their excrement infected with worms is another common way to get worm infestation.\n\nVery often, a worm infestation does not show symptoms or the symptoms may be so slight and gradual that they are overlooked. It is one of the leading causes of stomach ache in children. Depending on the type of worm infection and the severity of the infections, a child with worms may have some common signs or symptoms, like a sore tummy, weight loss, loss of appetite, irritability, nausea or vomiting, itching or pain around the anus. Very rarely if there are many worms, there can be blockage of the intestines.\n\nIf left untreated, they can become severs, as the worms can lead to intestinal bleeding. This can then lead to malnutrition, weight loss and complications like anaemia. Infected children then become more vulnerable to illness, as their immune systems are damaged. If the condition persists, the worm infection can also harm the infected child\u2019s physical and intellectual development, delaying growth and affecting cognitive function, especially if it results in anaemia and malnutrition.\n\nThe treatment of worm infection is quite simple and often involves a course of anti-parasitic medicine. Don\u2019t buy over-the-counter medicines or herbal remedies, as some anti-worm medicines may be unsuitable for children less than 2 years old. You may also be tempted to try alternative medicines like herbal remedies but there isn\u2019t any evidence proving their effectiveness. It is best to obtain professional advice from your physician.\n\nThe World Health Organisation recommends that preschool children receive regular deworming treatments every six months after they turn one.\n\nHere are a few things you can do to keep your child safe from worm infections:\n\nAlways ensure that your child plays in a clean, dry area.\n\n\nKeep your toilet clean.\n\n\nIf your child is old enough, teach him to wash hands after going to the toilet every time.\n\n\nAlways drink boil or filtered water.\n\n\nWash fruit and vegetables thoroughly in clean water.\n\n\nCook meat and fish thoroughly till there are no raw bits.\n\n\n\nYou can always speak to your doctor for more information and the required treatment.\n\nAnswers provided by Dr Lim Kok Chong, consultant paediatrician, Columbia Asia Hospital \u2014 Bukit Rimau.\nPublished in New Straits Times, 5 June 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nWorm Infections \u2013 New Straits Time, 5 June 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/your-essential-office-snacks", "title": "Your Essential Office Snacks", "body": "\n\n\n\nYour Essential Office Snacks\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJune 02, 2016\n \n\nWhile you are busy with back to back meetings or stressed out over a big project, keep your body and brain fuelled with these healthy eats.\n\n\u00a0\n\nYour Essential Office Snacks - HER WORLD Magazine, Issue Jan 2016\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "/malaysia/health-articles/your-weight-matters", "title": "Your Weight Matters", "body": "\n\n\n\nYour Weight Matters\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDecember 12, 2018\n \n\nDuring pregnancy, many factors contribute to the baby\u2019s well-being. Dr Haw Wan Lye, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras, shares his concerns about the increasing body mass indices (BMIs) in the population, especially that of pregnant women.\n\n\u201cIf a woman with a high BMI experiences high weight gain during pregnancy, her risk of developing gestational diabetes will be increased,\u201d says Dr Haw.\n\n\u201cTherefore, if your BMI is already high, you must be careful of your calorie intake. The guidelines for weight gain during pregnancy state that a 12kg to 15kg weight gain is adequate for a mother who is underweight or of normal weight, while an 8kg to 10kg weight gain would be appropriate for a pregnant woman whose BMI is above 23.\u201d\n\nDr Haw advises that there is a need for expecting mothers to monitor their diets and pay attention to the glycaemic index values of different foods to ensure that their babies receive adequate nutrition and reduce their risk of developing gestational diabetes.\n\n\u201cA diet plan is divided into three categories \u2013 carbohydrates, protein and fat. If one\u2019s BMI is high, her carbohydrate intake should be decreased to control her blood sugar level and weight gain,\u201d says Dr Haw.\n\nHe recommends that pregnant women undergo a modified glucose tolerance test to check for their risks of developing gestational diabetes, so doctors can advise them on their diet plans accordingly.\n\nHe also states that a balanced diet is essential to a baby\u2019s growth. Subsequently, he discourages pregnant women from relying too much on alternative medicine as certain supplements can cause more harm than good to them and their babies.\n\nHe says, \u201cIt is strongly advised that you take alternative medicine sparingly as there is no scientific evidence that proves their actual benefits.\u201d\n\n\u201cIntake of fresh fruits and vegetables is encouraged. Supplements such as multivitamins, calcium and docosahexaenoic acid can be taken according to your doctor\u2019s discretion.\u201d\n\nDr Haw insists that it is important for pregnant women to undergo regular health check-ups, including HbA1c tests to monitor their blood sugar levels over a period. Regular exercise such as prenatal yoga, swimming, jogging and walking are encouraged, especially in the second trimester.\n\n\u201cIt is better for women to optimise their weight before they get pregnant. However, if a woman with a high BMI gets pregnant, she should seek dietary advice from a doctor or dietician,\u201d he advises.\n\nWomen with a high risk of developing gestational diabetes must get tested. Those with a history of having bigger babies or a high amniotic fluid index need to be careful to prevent premature labour.\n\nIf a woman is underweight and it is affecting the growth of the baby, it is necessary for her to increase her protein intake.\n\nFor more information, call \n03-9086 9999\n.\nHeading: Finding a balance\n\nAccording to Dr Haw Wan Lye, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Columbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras, going through a pregnancy with the appropriate weight gain is crucial because putting on too much or too little weight can cause complications.\n\nBelow is a list of complications that mother and baby can face because of the mother\u2019s excessive or inadequate weight gain during pregnancy.\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nExcess weight gain in mother\n\n\nInadequate weight gain in mother\n\n\nMother\n\n\n\n\nDelivery complications\n\n\nIncreased risk of infections\n\n\nIncreased likelihood of operative delivery\n\n\nIncreased risk of preterm labour\n\n\nTrauma from severe tearing\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIncreased risk of preterm labour\n\n\n\n\nBaby\n\n\n\n\nObese baby\n\n\nHypoglycaemic immediately after birth\n\n\nRespiratory problems\n\n\nSlower maturity of cells\n\n\nIncreased risk of developing diabetes later in life if mother is diabetic\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAffected growth\n\n\nSmaller than normal for gestational age\n\n\nHypoglycaemic immediately after birth\n\n\nHypothermic immediately after birth\n\n\nProblems with cardiovascular system\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDr. Haw Wan Lye\n\nConsultant Obstetrics & Gynecologist\n\nColumbia Asia Hospital \u2013 Cheras\nThis article first appeared in The Star, 4 December 2018\n\n\u00a0\n\nYour Weight Matters \u2013 The Star, 4 December 2018\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}