{"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/10-class-activities-that-will-keep-your-students-engaged/", "title": "10 Class Activities That Will Keep Your Students Engaged", "body": "\n\nAs a teacher, it\u2019s your job to make sure your students are engaged in the material. But sometimes, no matter how interesting you make the subject matter, there are always a few students who just can\u2019t seem to stay focused.\u00a0\n\n\nIf you\u2019re struggling to keep your students engaged, don\u2019t worry\u2014you\u2019re not alone. We\u2019ve compiled a list of 10 tried-and-true class activities that are sure to keep even the most disengaged student involved. From group work to hands-on learning, these activities will get your students excited about learning again.\n\n\nGet Students Up And Moving With An Activity That Gets Them Out Of Their Seats\n\n\n\n\nEngaging your students in active learning is a great way to keep them focused and engaged in the lesson. There are many different ways to get students up and moving, so find one that works best for you and your students. For example, you could have them stand up and do a quick stretch every 10 minutes, or have them work in pairs to discuss a question. You could also have them do a hands-on activity, such as a science experiment or building something out of legos. No matter what you choose, just make sure it gets them out of their seats and moving around!\n\n\nIncorporate Some Friendly Competition Into Your Lesson\n\n\nWhen it comes to keeping your students engaged in class, there\u2019s nothing quite like a little friendly competition. Incorporating some competitive elements into your lesson can not only add an element of fun but also help to motivate your students to really get involved in what they\u2019re learning.\n\n\nThere are a few different ways you can incorporate competition into your lesson:\n\n\nGames\n: You can easily turn any lesson into a game by adding a competitive element. For example, if you\u2019re teaching a maths lesson, you could have students race to see who can solve the problem the fastest. Or, if you\u2019re teaching a history lesson, you could have teams compete to see who can answer the most questions correctly about the topic.\n\n\nQuizzes\n: This is a classic way to add competition to a lesson. To make it more interesting, you could give prizes for the top scorers or even have a penalty for getting answers wrong. For example, if someone gets an answer wrong they have to do 10 push-ups (if they\u2019re able!)\n\n\nProjects\n: If you\u2019re working on a project in class, you could have teams compete to see who can finish the project first or who can do the best job. This is a great way to get students really invested in what they\u2019re doing and working hard to produce their best work.\n\n\nDebates\n: This is another great way to get students engaged and thinking critically about what they\u2019re learning.\n\n\nMake Use Of Technology To Keep Students Engaged\n\n\n\n\nMany teachers are now using technology in the classroom to keep students engaged. By using tools such as PowerPoint, Pandai, and Kahoot, teachers can create engaging presentations that capture students\u2019 attention. Additionally, many teachers are using social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to post updates and assignments. This allows students to stay updated on what is happening in class and also provides them with a way to ask questions or get help outside of class.\n\n\nLet Students Work In Small Groups\n\n\nWhen it comes to class activities that will keep your students engaged, one of the best things you can do is let them work in small groups. This allows them to get to know their classmates better and also gives them a chance to practice their communication and collaboration skills.\n\n\nIf you have a large class, you can divide students into groups of four or five. If you have a smaller class, you can let students choose their own groups. Either way, make sure each group has a mix of boys and girls and of different abilities.\n\n\nOnce students are in their groups, give them a task to do together. It could be something as simple as coming up with a list of ideas for a project or writing a short story. The important thing is that they have to work together to complete the task.\n\n\nAs they\u2019re working, circulate around the room and offer help if needed. But resist the urge to take over \u2013 let the students figure out solutions for themselves. At the end of the activity, ask each group to share what they did and what they learned from the experience.\n\n\nUse Hands-On Activities Whenever Possible\n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for ways to keep your students engaged in class, one of the best things you can do is incorporate hands-on activities into your lesson plans. Whether it\u2019s working on a project together, doing an experiment, or playing a game, getting students up and moving around will help them stay focused and interested in what you\u2019re teaching.\n\n\nThere are endless possibilities when it comes to hands-on activities, so take some time to brainstorm ways that you can work them into your lessons. If you\u2019re not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available online or from your school\u2019s curriculum department. Once you\u2019ve come up with some ideas, try out a few and see how they go over with your students. With a little trial and error, you\u2019ll be sure to find the perfect activities to keep your class engaged and excited about learning.\n\n\nEncourage Student Input And Participation\n\n\nWhen it comes to keeping your students engaged in class, one of the best things you can do is encourage student input and participation. This means giving them opportunities to share their ideas, ask questions, and get involved in discussions.\n\n\nOne way to encourage student input is to ask them open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer. For example, instead of asking \u201cDo you understand this concept?\u201d you could say \u201cCan you explain this concept to me in your own words?\u201d This allows students to share their understanding of the material and gives you a chance to see where they may be struggling.\n\n\nAnother way to encourage student participation is to give them opportunities to lead activities or discussions. This could mean having them present a topic to the class, lead a small group discussion, or even teach a mini-lesson. Not only does this help engage them in the material, but it also helps build their confidence and leadership skills.\n\n\nMake Learning Fun!\n\n\nThis may seem like a no-brainer, but it bears repeating: if you want your students to stay engaged in class, make sure the material is interesting and engaging! One way to do this is to choose class activities that are hands-on and interactive. For example, instead of having students read a chapter out of a textbook, have them work in groups to solve a puzzle or build a model. Not only will this make the material more enjoyable for them to learn, but it will also help them retain the information better.\n\n\nOf course, not all material can be made into a game or an activity. In those cases, try to find ways to liven up the lesson by adding in some humour or using multimedia presentations. Anything that gets your students thinking and laughing is sure to keep them engaged!\n\n\nBe Creative In Your Lesson Planning\n\n\nTo keep your students engaged in the classroom, be creative in your lesson planning. There are a number of ways to do this, but some tips include adding movement and hands-on activities, using technology, and incorporating group work.\n\n\nAdding movement and hands-on activities to your lesson plans is a great way to engage your students. This can be as simple as having them stand up and move around the room during class or adding in a few minutes of physical activity. Getting them up and moving will help them to stay focused and engaged in the material.\n\n\nUsing technology is also a great way to engage your students. If you are not using it already, consider incorporating it into your lessons. There are many ways to do this, such as using online resources, incorporating interactive games or simulations, or having students create presentations or videos. Technology can help to make learning more engaging and fun for your students.\n\n\nIncorporating group work is another great way to engage your students. Working in groups can help students to better understand the material, share ideas and perspectives, and build teamwork skills. When planning group activities, be sure to consider the level of ability of each student so that everyone is able to participate and contribute.\n\n\nTry Something New And Unexpected\n\n\nWhen it comes to class activities, sometimes the best way to keep your students engaged is to try something new and unexpected. This could be anything from incorporating a new technology into your lesson to using an unconventional teaching method. Whatever you do, make sure that it\u2019s something that will pique your students\u2019 interests and get them thinking about the material in a different way.\n\n\nBrainstorming\n\n\nWhen it comes to keeping your students engaged in class, there are a number of activities you can do to ensure they are actively involved in the lesson. One way to do this is to incorporate brainstorming into your lesson plans.\n\n\nBrainstorming is a great way to get students thinking critically about a topic and it also encourages them to work together as a team. When conducting a brainstorming session, be sure to give each student an equal opportunity to share their ideas. You can also use the results of the brainstorming session to create group projects or assignments.\n\n\nAnother great way to keep your students engaged is by incorporating technology into your lessons. There are a number of online tools and resources that you can use to supplement your instruction. For example, you can create online polls or surveys that students can participate in during class. You can also use social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook to post questions or solicit feedback from your students.\n\n\nFinally, don\u2019t forget about the power of hands-on learning experiences. If you can find ways to incorporate interactive activities into your lessons, your students will be more likely to stay engaged and focused on the material. For example, you might have students work in groups to create presentations or role-play various scenarios related to the lesson topic. Whatever methods you choose, just be sure that your goal is always to keep your students actively involved in the learning process!\n\n\nGroup Work\n\n\n\n\nGroup work is a great way to get students engaged in their learning. It allows them to work together to solve problems and to share ideas. It also helps them to develop social skills and to learn how to cooperate with others. Here are some tips for using group work in your classroom:\n\n\nMake sure that the groups are heterogeneous\n. That is, don\u2019t put all the smart kids together or all the shy kids together. Mix it up so that everyone has a chance to shine.\n\n\nGive clear instructions on what the task is and what each student\u2019s role will be\n. This will help the students to stay focused and on task.\n\n\nSet a time limit for the task\n. This will help to keep the students from getting bogged down in discussion and from losing focus on the task at hand.\n\n\nBe available to answer questions and to provide assistance \nas needed, but don\u2019t do the work for them. The students need to learn how to work together and figure things out for themselves.\n\n\nDebrief with the class after the activity\n, asking for volunteers to share their experience with the group work. This will give you a chance to talk about what went well and what could be improved for next time.\n\n\nJigsaw Puzzles\n\n\n\n\nJigsaw puzzles are a great way to keep your students engaged. They are a fun and challenging activity that can be used to teach a variety of concepts. Here are some tips for using jigsaw puzzles in your classroom:\n\n\n\n\nUse puzzles to introduce new topics or review old ones.\n\n\nGive each student a different piece of the puzzle and have them work together to put it together.\n\n\nAsk questions as your students are working on the puzzles. This will help them to think critically about the concepts they are learning.\n\n\nEncourage students to try different strategies when working on the puzzles. Some students may want to start with the edge pieces while others may want to work from the middle out.\n\n\nHave students share their puzzle solving strategies with the class. This is a great opportunity for discussion and learning from each other.\n\n\n\n\nQuizzes\n\n\n\n\nQuizzes are a great way to keep your students engaged in the material. They can be used to test knowledge, review material, or simply get students thinking about the subject matter.\n\n\nWhen creating quizzes, be sure to make them interesting and relevant to your students. Avoid questions that are too easy or too difficult, as this will only lead to frustration. Instead, strike a balance and create questions that will challenge your students without being too overwhelming.\n\n\nThere are a variety of ways to deliver quizzes to your students. You can use a traditional paper-and-pencil format, or opt for an online quiz tool such as Pandai or Kahoot!. Whichever method you choose, be sure to provide clear instructions and allow adequate time for students to complete the quiz.\n\n\nFinally, don\u2019t forget to go over the quiz with your students afterwards. This is an important opportunity to address any misunderstandings and reinforce key concepts.\n\n\nWord Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWord games are a great way to keep your students engaged in the classroom.\n\n\nThey help to build vocabulary and improve spelling skills.\n\n\nThey can also be used to teach new concepts or review old ones.\n\n\nThere are many different types of word games that you can use in your classroom, so find one that works best for your students.\n\n\nA few popular word games include Scrabble, Boggle, and Word Ladder.\n\n\n\n\nDrawing\n\n\n\n\nWhen it comes to keeping your students engaged in class, there are a variety of activities you can do to ensure they are involved and excited about learning. Drawing is one such activity that can help bring lessons to life and get students thinking creatively.\n\n\nHere are a few ways you can incorporate drawing into your class:\n\n\nHave students draw pictures to represent what they are learning\n. For example, if you\u2019re teaching a lesson on the solar system, have students draw each planet. This will help them visualise the concept and make it more concrete in their minds.\n\n\nUse drawing as a way to assess student understanding\n. After a lesson, give them a prompt and have them illustrate what they learned in their own words. This will give you an idea of who grasped the concept and who may need additional help.\n\n\nEncourage free-drawing time during class\n. This can be used as a brain break or simply as a way to let students express their creativity. It\u2019s also a great opportunity for them to bond with classmates by sharing their drawings with each other.\n\n\nDrawing is just one simple activity that can make a big impact on student engagement. So next time you\u2019re planning your lessons, consider how you can incorporate some drawing time into the mix!\n\n\nSimon Says\n\n\nChildren dance in a line following dad.\n\n\nSimon Says is a classic game that can be played with any age group. It is a great way to get students up and moving, and it can be used to review material that has been covered in class.\n\n\nTo play Simon Says, one student is chosen to be Simon. The rest of the students line up behind Simon.Simon then gives a command, such as \u201cSimon says touch your nose,\u201d \u201cSimon says stand on one leg,\u201d or \u201cSimon says clap your hands.\u201d If Simon just gives a command without saying \u201cSimon says,\u201d then the students should not follow the command. For example, if Simon says \u201cJump in the air,\u201d then the students should not jump unless Simon starts the command with \u201cSimon says.\u201d\n\n\nThe goal of the game is for students to follow the commands of Simon without getting confused or mixed up. This game can be used to review any type of material that has been covered in class \u2013 from vocabulary words to math facts. It is also a great way to get students up and moving around!\n\n\nCharades\n\n\n\n\nCharades is a classic party game that is great for groups of all ages. It can be played with any number of people, and only requires a few supplies. To play charades, one player acts out a word or phrase while the others guess what it is.\n\n\nThis activity is perfect for classroom settings because it helps students practice their communication and problem-solving skills. It also gets them up and moving around, which can be a welcome break from sitting at desks all day. When choosing words or phrases for students to act out, be sure to choose ones that are appropriate for the age group and level of the class.\n\n\nHangman\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHangman is a classic game that can be played with any word.\n\n\nTo play, one person thinks of a word and the other tries to guess it by guessing letters.\n\n\nIf the letter is in the word, the person gets a chance to guess again. If the letter is not in the word, then an element of the hangman (usually a stick figure) is drawn.\n\n\nThe goal is to guess the word before the hangman is completed.\n\n\nThis game can be played with small groups or even as a whole class if you write the word on the board before starting.\n\n\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nEngaging your students in class is vital to their success. We hope that these 10 activities will help you keep your students engaged and interested in what you\u2019re teaching. If you have any other great ideas, be sure to share them with us in the comments below!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/10-tips-to-ace-your-studies-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/", "title": "10 tips to excel your studies during the Covid-19 pandemic", "body": "\n\nConcentrating on studies might not be easy when you are home all day during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here are 10 tips to ace your studies during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown.\n\n\nDuring this unprecedented time, people all around the globe are finding themselves homebound for weeks/months, things have to be done in a different manner even studying.\n\n\nNobody has any idea when this pandemic will end or when everything will be back to normal. Until then, we have to keep moving forward while taking all the precautionary measures.\n\n\nSchools and colleges are not open yet to maintain social distancing. Before the pandemic, when everything was normal it was much easier to distract and escape yourself from studying.\n\n\nIt can be taken as a positive point to focus on studies now because one doesn\u2019t have any other option left except for being at home and studying.\n\n\nNow is the time to adjust your focus. Start focussing on your skills and polish them.\n\n\nHere are 10 tips to excel in studies during the Covid-19 pandemic.\n\n\n1. Avoid distractions\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nExcessive use of mobile phones and laptops can create distraction. Fix a time to study and be focused.\n\n\nWhen you are done, fix a time to refresh yourself by listening to music, taking a nap or anything that you like.\n\n\n2. Communicate to others at home that will be studying\n\n\n\n\nIt is so important to let your family members know that you are studying to avoid unnecessary disturbance.\n\n\nThis will give you a quiet time so that you can concentrate.\n\n\n3. Focus\n\n\n\n\nThere is no point of studying when you are not focussed. During your chosen time, stay dedicated and focussed.\n\n\nIf you go over your decided study time, great! That means your hyper-focus helped you to study hard and prepare even more than you had planned.\n\n\nWhen feeling bored or unfocussed, you can take short breaks, stretch yourself, have some snacks and get back to study.\n\n\n4. Reward yourself\n\n\n\n\nWhen you study hard, don\u2019t forget to reward yourself. Studying in these times, when the whole world is going through a pandemic might be very difficult.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to reward yourself for doing so by eating your favourite desert, watching your favourite web series or just sleeping, whatever you like to do.\n\n\n5. Keep reading\n\n\n\n\nWhether you are reading out of pleasure or for reference, just keep reading.\n\n\nStudies show that reading increases your vocabulary and improves your grammar. It also helps to stimulate your mind in downtime.\n\n\n6. Set goals\n\n\n\n\nSet some realistic goals that you can achieve. The goals should not be easily achievable or hard to achieve. Analyse your calibre before setting them.\n\n\nOnce achieved, reward yourself again or take a break!\n\n\n7. Maintain your physical health\n\n\n\n\nBeing physically active is so important for an active brain. Play indoor, exercise often, dance and eat healthy food.\n\n\nWhen you are physically fit you think of more innovative ideas to be better.\n\n\n8. Manage mental health\n\n\n\n\nIt is so important to manage your mental health in these difficult times. Learn how to balance your emotions. Try to spend your time with family. \n\n\nA person who is emotionally strong is often more focussed and concentrated towards the goals they want to achieve.\n\n\n9. Boost your study skills\n\n\n\n\nFocus on becoming a better student. Improve your hand writing, learn how to make notes that you can remember for a longer time.\n\n\nBe an organised student, finish your assignment on time, and be creative.\n\n\n10. Keep your social connections\n\n\n\n\nConnect with your school friends and batch mates regularly through video chats and other applications.\n\n\nHave healthy discussions on various topics academically and non-academically. Social isolation may lead to loneliness. Make sure that you connect with them daily.\n\n\n*For reference this article is from \nindiatoday.in\n\u00a0website.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/16-ways-to-foster-a-healthy-curiosity-in-your-child/", "title": "16 Ways To Foster A Healthy Curiosity In Your Child", "body": "\n\nAs a parent, you want your children to be well-rounded and curious individuals. A healthy curiosity is key to a child\u2019s development, leading to a love of learning that will last a lifetime. Fostering a healthy curiosity in your child can be easy and fun, and it doesn\u2019t have to cost a fortune. Here are 16 simple ways you can encourage your child\u2019s curiosity.\n\n\nEncourage Them To Ask Questions\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to encourage your child to ask questions from a young age. This will help them to develop a healthy curiosity about the world around them. Why is asking questions important for your child\u2019s development? It helps them realise that there are things around them which they don\u2019t know. And instead of being afraid to ask questions, they will be encouraged to do so. Moreover, it also helps with problem-solving and critical thinking skills.\n\n\nHere\u2019s some ways you can encourage your child to ask critical questions\n\n\nBe a good role model\n. If you are curious about the world around you, your child will be more likely to develop that same curiosity. Encourage your child to ask questions by showing interest in their questions. Thank them for asking and let them know that you think their questions are important.\n\n\nCreate opportunities for your child to ask questions\n. For example, read a book together and ask if they have any questions about the story or characters. Encourage them to ask questions when they are trying to figure something out. For example, if they are trying to put together a toy, encourage them to ask you or another adult for help instead of just giving up.\n\n\nTeach your child how to ask questions in a polite way\n. For example, show them how to say \u201cCan you please tell me more about that?\u201d or \u201cCan you help me understand why that happened?\u201d. This is important so that they can continue to ask questions as they get older and are interacting with adults more often.\n\n\nAsk open-ended questions\n. For example, instead of asking them to draw a picture of a house, ask them to draw a picture of their dream home. This will encourage them to think outside the box and be more creative in their drawings.\n\n\nAsking critical questions is an important skill that all children need to develop. It helps them to think deeply about the world around them and to solve problems more effectively. By encouraging your child to ask critical questions from a young age, you can set them up for success in the future.\n\n\nHelp Them Find The Answers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf your child is constantly asking questions, it can be difficult to know how to foster their healthy curiosity. However, there are a few key ways that you can help them find the answers they are looking for.\n\n\nOne way is to encourage them to look for answers on their own. This can be done by teaching them how to use resources like books, the internet, and even people around them to find information.\n\n\nAnother way to help them find answers is to ask questions yourself. This will show your child that it is okay to not know everything and that it is important to ask questions in order to learn new things.\n\n\nFinally, you can also help your child by providing answers to their questions. This can be done by explaining things in simple terms, demonstrating how something works, or even showing them a video or picture that illustrates what they are asking about.\n\n\nAnother way to foster healthy curiosity in your child is to model curiosity yourself. If you are constantly asking questions and seeking out new information, your child will be more likely to do the same. You can also encourage them to share what they have learned with you so that you can both learn from each other.\n\n\nLastly, it is important to praise your child when they display curiosity. This will let them know that their curiosity is valued and appreciated, and it will encourage them to continue asking questions and seeking out new information.\n\n\nGet Involved In Their Interests\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf they are passionate about something, chances are they will be curious about it too. Showing an interest in what they are interested in will not only make them feel appreciated, but also encourage them to keep asking questions and exploring new things.\n\n\nOne way to get involved in their interests is to take them to places that relate to their interests. For example, if your child is interested in animals, you can take them to the zoo or on a nature hike. If they are interested in art, you can take them to the museum or help them create their own art projects at home.\n\n\nAnother way to get involved in their interests is to read books with them or buy them books that relate to their interests. This will help broaden their understanding of the topic and give them something new to think about.\n\n\nLastly, you can talk with your child about their interests and share your own thoughts and experiences with them. This will not only deepen their understanding of the topic, but also give you both a chance to bond over something that you both enjoy.\n\n\nEncourage Them To Be Creative\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBuilding a healthy curiosity among your children can be achieved by encouraging them to be creative. This can mean different things for different children, but some ideas include letting them explore new materials, providing opportunities for open-ended play, and encouraging them to come up with their own solutions to problems.\n\n\nSome children are naturally more creative than others, but all children can benefit from opportunities to express their creativity. It helps them to think outside the box, problem solve, and develop their own unique perspective on the world.\n\n\nEncouraging creativity doesn\u2019t have to be complicated or time consuming. Sometimes, simply setting aside some time each day for free play can make a big difference. Other times, it may mean providing specific materials or challenges that help spark your child\u2019s imagination.\n\n\nAnother effective way to encourage your kids to be creative is to provide opportunities for them to explore and experiment. This could be anything from setting up a play kitchen to giving them art supplies to use. Secondly, allow them to make mistakes \u2013 this is how they learn and grow. Encourage them to try new things and see what works for them. Finally, celebrate their successes with them! This will help build their confidence and encourage them to keep pursuing their interests.\n\n\nWhatever you do, remember that there is no \u201cright\u201d way to be creative. The important thing is to provide opportunities for your child to explore their own creativity in whatever way works best for them.\n\n\nHelp Them Explore the World, Safely.\n\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s no doubt about it, kids are curious. They want to know everything about the world around them and they\u2019re constantly exploring. As a parent, it\u2019s your job to help them explore the world safely.\n\n\nHere are some tips to help you do just that:\n\n\nBe there with them\n. When your children are exploring the world, be there with them. This way you can make sure they\u2019re staying safe and you can answer any questions they have.\n\n\nSet limits\n. It\u2019s important to set limits on what your children can and cannot do when they\u2019re exploring. This will help keep them safe and prevent them from getting into trouble.\n\n\nTeach them about safety. \nMake sure your children know the basics of safety before they start exploring the world. Teach them things like how to cross the street safely and what to do if they get lost.\n\n\nGive them space\n. While it\u2019s important to be there for your children, you also need to give them some space to explore on their own. This will help them build confidence and independence.\n\n\nEncourage their curiosity\n. Encourage your child\u2019s curiosity by answering their questions, taking them on field trips, and letting them play with age-appropriate toys and materials. Also, be sure to provide plenty of opportunities for outdoor play.\n\n\nHelp them understand their feeling\ns. It\u2019s important that you help your child understand their feelings. This will help them feel comfortable expressing themselves and will encourage them to keep exploring the world around them.\n\n\nAs a parent, it\u2019s your job to help your child explore the world safely. You can do this by teaching them about Stranger Danger, showing them how to cross the street safely, and always being there to answer their questions.\n\n\nEncourage Them To Be Persistent\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt can be difficult to watch your child struggle, especially when they are trying something new. You may be tempted to give up and move on to something else, but it is important to encourage your child to be persistent. This will help them to develop a growth mindset and will allow them to overcome challenges more easily in the future.\n\n\nThere are a few ways that you can encourage your child to be persistent:\n\n\nHelp them to set realistic goals\n. If they are trying something new, it is important that they have a realistic goal in mind. This will help them to stay focused and motivated.\n\n\nEncourage them to take small steps\n. When they are feeling overwhelmed, remind them that they can take things one step at a time. This will help them to break down the task into manageable pieces.\n\n\nHelp them to find a support system\n. When they are struggling, remind them that there are people who care about them and want to help them succeed. This could be family, friends, or even their teacher.\n\n\nEncourage them to celebrate their successes\n. It is important for your child to celebrate their successes, no matter how small they may seem. This will help them to see that they are making progress and will encourage them to keep going.\n\n\nExplain The World Around Them\n\n\n\n\ncute little boy study with mother and father at home together\n\n\n\n\nChildren are curious by nature and love to explore their surroundings. As parents, we can encourage this healthy curiosity by providing opportunities for our kids to learn about the world around them. Here are some ways to foster a healthy curiosity in your child:\n\n\nTake them on field trips \n\u2013 Field trips are a great way to introduce your child to new and interesting places. Make sure to choose destinations that are age-appropriate and will hold their attention.\n\n\nEncourage questioning \n\u2013 When your child asks questions, take the time to answer them fully and patiently. This will help them to understand their world better and also encourage them to keep asking questions.\n\n\nRead together \n\u2013 Reading is a great way to learn about new things together. Choose books that are interesting and informative, on topics that your child is curious about. You can even make it a game by quizzing each other on what you\u2019ve read afterwards.\n\n\nIntroduce them to new experiences \n\u2013 Try exposing your child to different cultures, foods, music, etc. This can help them develop an appreciation for the world around them and open their minds to new possibilities.\n\n\nHelp Them Find The Answers\n\n\n\n\nFather helping daughter with homework\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to help your child develop a healthy curiosity, one of the best things you can do is help them find the answers to their questions. This can be done by providing resources like books, websites, and other materials that they can use to explore their interests further. Additionally, you can encourage them to ask questions and offer assistance when they need it. Finally, it\u2019s important to model curiosity yourself so that your child sees it as a positive trait.\n\n\nHere\u2019s some tips on how to help them find answer and what to do if you don\u2019t know the answer:\n\n\nIntroduce them to different resources\n \u2013 There are many different resources available that can help your child learn about their interests. These include books, websites, videos, and even people who are experts on the topic. Help them explore these resources and find the ones that work best for them.\n\n\nOffer assistance when needed\n \u2013 There will be times when your child needs help finding the answer to their question. When this happens, offer assistance and guidance. This will help them feel supported and encourage them to keep seeking out new information. But it is also important to not offer assistance when they do not need it. Cultivating independence and a sense of self reliance is critical. A good balance is crucial.\n\n\nDon\u2019t Give Up\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt can be difficult to encourage your child to be curious when they\u2019re constantly bombarded with distractions like television and the internet. However, it\u2019s important to foster a healthy curiosity in your child as it can lead to a lifetime of learning and discovery. Here are a few tips on how to do so:\n\n\nDon\u2019t give up\n \u2013 even if your child seems disinterested, keep talking to them about the things that interest you and asking them questions. They may not show it, but they\u2019re likely taking everything in.\n\n\nEncourage exploration\n \u2013 both inside and outside of the home. Visit new places together or set up an obstacle course in the backyard. Let them get dirty and have fun!\n\n\nMake it a game\n \u2013 turn learning into a fun game or competition. This will make it more enjoyable for your child and encourage them to want to learn more.\n\n\nBe a role model \n\u2013 let your child see you being curious. Ask your partner questions, read books, or try out new things. This will show them that it\u2019s okay to be curious and that learning can be fun.\n\n\nPromote critical thinking \n\u2013 help your child develop their own opinions by discussing current events or controversial topics (in an age-appropriate way). Encourage them to think critically about what they see and hear.\n\n\nReward curiosity \n\u2013 catch your child being curious and praise them for it! This will reinforce their behaviour and make them more likely to continue showing curiosity in the future.\n\n\nBe A Good Role Model\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere is a reason why this blog post recommends being a good role model often. Children are like sponges, they absorb everything around them. If you show interest and excitement in the world around you, your child will too.\n\n\nTalk about what you\u2019re doing and why it\u2019s interesting. Share stories about things that have happened to you or that you have read about. Encourage your child to ask questions and really listen to the answers.\n\n\nDive into their world\n. Feel your inner child energy when you are with them. Try to show behaviour that you wanted to cultivate in them when they see you.\n\n\nHelp Them with Their Homework\n.This is a great way to stay involved in your child\u2019s learning, especially as they get older. Show an interest in what they are doing and try to help them when they get stuck. It can be frustrating for a child when they can\u2019t do their homework, so your support will be appreciated.\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t understand the work, ask the teacher or another parent for help. You can also look online for resources that might help. Just remember not to do the work for your child \u2013 they need to learn how to do it themselves!\n\n\nPromote Independent Learning\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOne of the best ways to foster a healthy curiosity in your child is to promote independent learning. This means encouraging them to explore their interests, try new things, and ask questions.\n\n\nIndependent learning is a key part of developing a lifelong love of learning. It allows children to control their own learning, set their own goals, and follow their own interests. This type of learning is also more engaging and motivating than traditional methods like lectures or rote memorization.\n\n\nThere are many ways you can promote independent learning in your child. Here are some ideas:\n\n\nEncourage them to ask lots of questions\n. Don\u2019t worry if they seem nosy \u2013 this is how they learn!\n\n\nGive them opportunities to explore their interests\n. This could be through books, toys, puzzles, art supplies, or any other materials that spark their curiosity.\n\n\nHelp them find answers to their questions\n. Whether it\u2019s looking up information online or visiting the library together, showing them that you value their curiosity will help them continue to be curious learners.\n\n\nAllow for some unstructured time each day\n. This doesn\u2019t mean letting them run wild \u2013 but giving them some time to just play and explore on their own can be very beneficial for their development.\n\n\nEncourage them to keep a journal or blog about their interests and discoveries\n. This is a great way for them to document their thoughts and progress over time.\n\n\nAllow For Free Time\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOne of the best ways to foster a healthy curiosity in your child is to allow for free time. This means providing opportunities for them to explore their interests without adult interference or expectations.\n\n\nIf your child expresses an interest in something, encourage them to explore it further. If they\u2019re not sure what they want to do, give them some time to figure it out.\n\n\nThis can be a difficult thing for parents to do because we naturally want our children to learn and grow. But if you allow your child the space they need to explore their interests, they\u2019ll likely find their own way in the end.\n\n\nProvide Opportunities for Discovery.\n In addition to free time, providing opportunities for discovery is another key way to help your child develop a healthy curiosity. You can do this by exposing them to new experiences and ideas. This might include taking them on trips and vacations, visiting museums or art galleries, or even just reading books together at home.\n\n\nThe important thing is that you provide opportunities for your child to discover new things in the world around them. When you do this, you\u2019ll help foster a natural curiosity that can last a lifetime.\n\n\nThis can be done in a number of ways. For example, you might set up a designated play area in your home with different materials and toys that encourage exploration. Or, you could take your child on regular trips to the library or park where they can roam freely and discover new things.\n\n\nWhatever approach you take, it\u2019s important to remember that kids need time to just be kids. So don\u2019t overschedule them or put too much pressure on them to achieve specific goals. Instead, let them follow their natural curiosity and see where it takes them!\n\n\nStimulate Their Senses\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to help your child develop a healthy curiosity, one of the best things you can do is stimulate their senses. This means providing them with plenty of opportunities to see, touch, smell, taste, and hear new things.\n\n\nTake them on trips to different places, whether it\u2019s the zoo or the beach. Give them a variety of different toys to play with, and don\u2019t be afraid to get messy \u2013 finger painting and playing in the mud are great ways to stimulate their senses.\n\n\nCook together often, and let them help with as much as possible so they can explore different textures and smells. And most importantly, read aloud to them every day \u2013 this will help them develop a love for learning and an inquisitive nature.\n\n\nTake Them On Adventures\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe best way to foster a healthy curiosity in your child is to take them on adventures. Go explore different neighbourhoods, visit a museum, or take a hike together. Talk about what you\u2019re seeing and encourage your child to ask questions. Share your own sense of wonderment with the world and show them that it\u2019s okay to be curious.\n\n\nIf you want your child to be curious, take them on adventures! Visit new places, try new things, and explore the world together. This will not only help foster their curiosity but also help them develop a sense of independence and confidence.\n\n\nThere\u2019s no need to wait for a special occasion to get out and explore with your child. Everyday errands and errand-running can be turned into opportunities for learning and discovery. The key is to be open to your child\u2019s questions and interests, and to let them guide the way.\n\n\nHere are some ways you can turn everyday adventures into learning opportunities:\n\n\n\n\nVisit the library together and let your child pick out books that interest them\n\n\nTake a nature walk and look for bugs, leaves, and other things of interest\n\n\nVisit a local museum or art gallery\n\n\nAttend a community event or festival\n\n\nCook a new recipe together\n\n\nPlant a garden together\n\n\n\n\nLet Them Fail\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFostering a healthy curiosity in your child means letting them fail. It\u2019s okay to let your child make mistakes \u2013 in fact, it\u2019s essential for their development. Making mistakes allows children to learn from their errors and figure out what works and what doesn\u2019t.\n\n\nIf you always step in to rescue your child when they make a mistake, they\u2019ll never learn how to deal with failure. Instead, offer support and encouragement, but let them find their own solutions. This will help them develop problem-solving skills and resiliency.\n\n\nWhen it comes to raising curious, independent children, one of the best things you can do is to let them fail. It may seem counterproductive, but giving your child the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them is a crucial part of their development.\n\n\nOf course, you don\u2019t want your child to hurt themselves or others, so it\u2019s important to provide guidance and support as they experiment. But ultimately, it\u2019s up to them to figure out how to solve problems and navigate the world around them.\n\n\nAllowing your child to fail also teaches them that it\u2019s okay to not be perfect. We all make mistakes, and that\u2019s what makes us human. By encouraging your child to embrace their mistakes and learn from them, you\u2019re helping them develop a growth mindset that will serve them well throughout their life.\n\n\nCelebrate Their Successes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen your child succeeds at something, big or small, take the time to celebrate with them. This not only shows them that you are proud of their accomplishments, but also helps foster a healthy sense of self-esteem and confidence.\n\n\nWhen kids see that their parents are happy for their successes, they start to develop a positive idea of who they are as a person. Many children with ADHD struggle with negative self-talk and low self-esteem, so celebrating their success is even more important.\n\n\nEncourage your child to set goals for themselves and then help them celebrate when they reach those milestones. This will teach them the value of hard work and give them a sense of pride in their accomplishments.\n\n\nBe sure to praise effort as well as success. For example, if your child is trying hard to learn a new skill but isn\u2019t quite there yet, tell them how impressed you are with their effort. This will show them that you value their effort and encourage them to keep trying.\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nWe hope that these tips have helped you figure out how to foster a healthy curiosity in your child. As parents, it is our job to help our children explore the world around them and instill in them a love of learning. By encouraging their natural curiosity, we can set them up for a lifetime of success.\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/2021-sesi-bersemuka-sesi-pdpr-welcome-back-to-school/", "title": "2021: Sesi Bersemuka & Sesi PdPR? Welcome Back to School!", "body": "\n\nHai adik-adik, sedar tak sedar, hari ini dah masuk minggu ke2 sesi persekolahan. Bagaimana perasaan belajar dengan melalui alam maya terutama bagi pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah?\n\n\n\n\nSeperti yang kita ketahui, seminggu sudah pun berlalu bahawa adik-adik semua telah belajar dengan cara perlaksanaan \nPengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR)\n. Pasti teruja kerana adalah pertama kali di tahun 2021, kita semua harus memulakan sesi persekolahan di tahun baru dengan cara pembelajaran yang baharu. Tahniah untuk adik-adik yang telah hadir ke sekolah dan mengikuti semua kelas secara online. Teruskan semangat untuk belajar tanpa rasa jemu. Pastikan sentiasa mendengar arahan dan fokus setiap sesi kelas yang berlangsung. Jangan main-main tau! Nanti adik akan ketinggalan!\n\n\n\n\nPada masa yang sama juga, pelajar yang perlu hadir ke sekolah di mana \nSesi Persekolahan Bersemuka\n telah bermula yang diutamakan kepada pelajar yang bakal menghadapi peperiksaan awam. Pelajar juga perlu bersemangat dalam menempuh cabaran terutama cabaran dalam keadan kita hadapi Covid-19. Jangan lupa sentiasa mematuhi SOP yang telah kerajaan tetapkan semasa berada di sekolah. Bagaimanapun, pembelajaran harus kita teruskan. Dalam menghadapi perubahan pendidikan, terdapat pelbagai cabaran pastinya terutama adik-adik sendiri, ibu-bapa termasuk guru kita.\n\n\nApapun cabaran yang mendatang, kita harus tempuh dengan tenang dan teruskan aktiviti pembelajaran seperti biasa. Macam, pelajar ni! Habis je waktu sekolah, dia buat \nPANDAI sebagai ULANGKAJI!\n\n\n\n\nBagi adik-adik yang ingin mengulangkaji pelajaran setelah tamat sesi PdPR, jom sama-sama buat kuiz harian di Pandai.\n Tak kisah siang ke malam. Boleh buat bila-bila masa. \nUnlimited Grade & Subject\n. \nBoleh tukar-tukar.\n \nTak susah tak senang, daftar sahaja Percuma di \nwww.pandai.org\n dan login seperti biasa.\n \nAda pelbagai kuiz untuk pelbagai subjek. Adik-adik juga dapat melihat jawapan berserta penerangan yang lengkap. Tak payah susah-susah cari buku untuk cari jawapan adik-adik salah. Pandai dah sediakan \nSEMUA!\n. Nak lebih lagi? \nLanggan sebagai Premium, adik akan dapat soalan \u2018Test & Exam\u2019 dan banyak lagi. Jadi Premium lagi best! \n \nLanggan sekarang!\n \n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/25000-pelajar-daftar-spm-tetapi-tidak-hadir/", "title": "25,000 Pelajar Daftar SPM Tetapi Tidak Hadir", "body": "\n\nMenurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Malaysia, Zul Fikri Zamir, kajian lapangan menemui bahawa hampir 100,000 pelajar dianggap tercicir daripada sistem pendidikan dan ini adalah realiti yang sangat mengkhuatirkan. Lebih kurang 25,000 pelajar yang telah mendaftar Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) tetapi tidak hadir dan tercicir. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) harus merangka satu pelan pemulihan yang akan membimbing pelajar sekolah yang tercicir dalam sistem pendidikan nasional ini.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cKebanyakan mereka ini, kita percaya memang tidak hadir ke sekolah\u2026 oleh sebab mereka tidak minat atau tidak berniat mengambil SPM\u2026 (tapi) nama mereka didaftarkan oleh guru atau sekolah masing-masing. Kedua kita ada lebih kurang 45,000 anak-anak SPM yang tidak berjaya mendapatkan sijil SPM mereka. Antaranya kerana tidak lulus Bahasa Melayu dan Sejarah.\u201d\n\n\nMengulas lanjut, beliau berkata penutupan sesi persekolahan selama 42 minggu akibat pandemik COVID-19 sebelum ini juga merupakan salah satu punca keciciran. Ramai juga pelajar yang tercicir disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor lain yang angkanya mencapai sekitar 30,000 setiap tahun.\u00a0 Katanya juga, kesan jangka masa panjang terhadap kualiti hidup golongan pelajar yang tercicir lebih membimbangkan.\n\n\n\u201cIni memberi kesan kepada kehidupan mereka di luar sana, jika tidak berjaya dapat sijil SPM, ada kebarangkalian mereka akan mendapat pendapatan lebih rendah seumur hidup.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cJadi ramai anak-anak ini tidak bekerja dapat gaji setimpal\u2026 tidak dapat bekerja. Saya difahamkan misalnya, kedai-kedai serbaneka biasa memerlukan syarat sekurang-kurangnya kelulusan SPM\u201d\n\n\n\u201cOleh sebab itu setiap tahun kita jangkakan lebih kurang 70,000 anak-anak kita yang tercicir SPM sama ada tidak hadir atau tidak berjaya mendapatkan sijil.\u201d\n\n\nDia mengatakan bahawa satu sistem pemulihan perlu dilaksanakan untuk menyelamatkan pelajar yang tercicir agar hak pendidikan yang sama dapat diberikan kepada semua warga negara.\n\n\n\u201cKalau kita tahu berapa besar masalah kita hadapi, lebih mudah kita menyediakan pelan pemulihan yang sesuai. Kalau kita confirm data keciciran kita 100,000 pelajar setiap tahun dan 10 tahun menjangkau satu juta anak-anak\u2026 jadi kita boleh memanfaatkan semua pihak untuk bekerjasama.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cKalau ia lebih besar daripada itu iaitu sama tara dengan negara Thailand (1.2 juta keciciran), kita juga harus cari cara bagaimana nak jejak anak-anak ini, ke mana mereka pergi sekarang\u2026 di mana mereka akan bekerja dalam masa dua hingga lima tahun selepas ini, supaya kita dapat membuat kira-kira berkenaan produktiviti negara.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cSemua ini memberi kesan bukan sahaja ekonomi negara, tapi kesan kepada produktiviti negara dalam masa lima hingga 10 tahun,\u201d \nkatanya lagi.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/4-aplikasi-pembelajaran-online-mudah-digunakan/", "title": "4 Aplikasi Pembelajaran Online Mudah & Sering Digunakan di Malaysia", "body": "\n\nSejak pandemik Covid-19 telah melanda di negara kita, pelbagai pembaharuan yang perlu kita lalui terutama dari segi sektor pendidikan. Kita bukan sahaja tidak boleh pergi ke sekolah malah kita perlu bersedia dan membiasakan diri dengan belajar secara online. Jadi, kebanyakan ibu bapa, pelajar dan guru sendiri akan mencari pelbagai aplikasi pembelajaran online\u00a0 yang boleh digunakan dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran \nonline\n memandangkan pandemik COVID-19 masih belum pulih.\n\n\nKeadaan ini mengakibatkan semua pelajar terpaksa menormalisasikan diri mereka agar belajar melalui atas talian.\n\n\n\n\nApakah maksud Aplikasi?\n\n\nMaksud aplikasi berdasarkan Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka adalah\n satu atur cara atau program komputer yang direka khusus untuk kegunaan tertentu\n. Dengan wujudnya sesuatu aplikasi, ia memudahkan para pengguna untuk menyampaikan sesuatu maklumat atau informasi kepada orang lain secara maya.\n\n\nManfaat Aplikasi Pembelajaran Online\n\n\nMampu menarik minat pelajar ketika sesi pembelajaran online.\nMengukur tahap kefahaman pelajar tentang topik yang diajar.\nMendedahkan pelajar dengan teknologi digital.\n\n\nJenis-Jenis Aplikasi Pembelajaran Online\n\n\nAntara aplikasi yang terkenal dalam kalangan guru-guru di Malaysia untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran \nonline\n adalah aplikasi \nWhatsApp, Telegram, Google Meet, Google Classroom\n dan \nZoom\n. Semua aplikasi yang dinyatakan tersebut sering digunakan oleh guru kerana mudah untuk diselenggara dan memuatkan lebih 50 orang dalam satu-satu masa.Namun hari ini, kita ingin berkongsi aplikasi lain selain aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut. Mari kita lihat aplikasi yang boleh membantu guru-guru untuk membina soalan secara \nonlin\ne.\n\n\nKahoot\n\n\n\n\nKahoot merupakan satu \naplikasi permainan yang mampu menarik fokus pelajar dan mengukur tahap pemahaman mereka terhadap pembelajaran\n. Lebih menarik lagi, aplikasi ini membolehkan para guru untuk \nmembina soalan dan jawapan sendiri berdasarkan topik yang diajar\npada hari tersebut. Selain itu, guru juga \nboleh membina soalan dengan memasukkan audio, video atau rajah\n yang berkaitan dengan soalan yang ingin ditanya.\nAplikasi Kahoot antara aplikasi yang mudah diselenggara dan ia tidak mengenakan sebarang caj sepanjang penggunaan, untung bukan? Oleh itu, anda bolehlah mencuba untuk membina soalan dalam aplikasi tersebut dan baca \nCara-Cara Menggunakan Aplikasi Kahoot.\n\n\n\n\n2. \nPandai \n\n\n\n\nPandai adalah aplikasi pembelajaran yang sangat aktif digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar kita buat masa ini. Pandai adalah aplikasi yang boleh didapati secara percuma dan berbayar. Walaubagaimanapun, pelajar masih boleh menggunakan secara percuma kerana Pandai dapat membantu pelajar menjawab soalan dalam mengulangkaji pelajaran mereka setiap hari dengan adanya kuiz, soalan-soalan ujian, soalan topikal dan banyak lagi. \nApa yang bagus, jawapan dan penerangan disediakan dan sangat lengkap. Ianya memudahkan pelajar untuk belajar dari kesilapan.\u00a0Jangan risau setiap soalan dalam Pandai ini sentiasa up to date mengikut silibus oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM). Dalam Pandai ini juga, ibu bapa boleh \u2018track performance\u2019 anak-anak mereka sendiri. \nApa lagi, anda semua boleh melayari laman web mereka di \nwww.pandai.org\n atau muat turun aplikasi Pandai di Google Playstore dan juga Apple Store. Daftar pun percuma. Selamat belajar yer.\n\n\n\n\n3. \nGoogle Form\n\n\n\n\nGoogle Form adalah salah satu aplikasi percuma di bawah Google. Aplikasi ini \nmesra pengguna kerana terdapat pelbagai fungsi\n untuk memanfaatkannya. Contohnya, dalam bidang penyelidikan, kebiasaannya para penyelidik menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk membuat tinjauan soal jawab tentang penyelidikan mereka.\n\n\nBegitu juga fungsinya dalam bidang pendidikan. Guru-guru boleh menggunakan Google Form untuk mereka soalan yang berkaitan dengan topik pembelajaran. Bezanya dengan aplikasi yang lain adalah Google Form ini kelihatan sedikit formal dan hanya \nboleh memasukkan rajah ketika membina soalan\n.\n\n\nAnda perlu cuba membina soalan menggunakan aplikasi ini kerana ia sangat mudah. Rujuk video di bawah untuk bantu anda menggunakan Google Form.\n\n\n\n\n4. \nWordwall\n\n\n\n\nWordwall adalah aplikasi yang \nmemberi lima\n template\n percubaan secara percuma\n dan yang paling menarik adalah permainan pembelajaran di dalam aplikasi ini jarang-jarang dijumpai di dalam aplikasi lain. Anda hanya \nperlu mendaftar akaun menggunakan emel\n anda dan anda boleh menggunakan semua template yang tersedia. Antara \ntemplate\n yang terdapat di dalam Wordwall adalah \nUnjumble, Word Search\n, \nRandom Wheel \ndan banyak lagi.\nAplikasi ini \nsesuai digunakan untuk pelbagai subjek termasuklah subjek Bahasa Arab\n kerana ia membenarkan untuk menggunakan tulisan jawi semasa membina soalan dan jawapan.\n\n\n\n\nKami berharap agar artikel ini mampu membantu pelajar, ibu bapa dan guru untuk menjadi lebih kritis dan kreatif untuk pembelajaran \nonline\n nanti. Selamat mencuba!\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel ini boleh lihat di laman web \nwebpendidikan.my\n.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/4-cara-cara-menangani-masalah-penggunaan-telefon-semasa-memandu/", "title": "4 Cara-cara Menangani Masalah Penggunaan Telefon Semasa Memandu.", "body": "\n\nBaru-baru ini, Australia menguatkuasakan penggunaan telefon kamera khas bagi mengesan pemandu yang menggunakan telefon bimbit di jalan raya. Penguatkuasaan itu menjadikan negara itu yang pertama di dunia berbuat demikian. Menggunakan sistem radar, kamera yang dipasang boleh merakam pemandu yang menggunakan telefon bimbit melalui cermin sisi kenderaan.\n\n\nLangkah yang diambil itu adalah bagi mengurangkan kecelakaan di jalan raya kerana satu daripada empat kes kemalangan yang berlaku di negara itu berpunca daripada penggunaan telefon bimbit\n\n\nTahap keseriusan pemandu yang menggunakan telefon bimbit amat membimbangkan sehinggakan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) meletakkan ia sebagai salah satu daripada enam punca utama berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya di Malaysia. Ini kerana sikap pemandu yang mengambil mudah aspek keselamatan diri dan pengguna lain menyebabkan mereka tidak kisah tentang larangan penggunaan telefon bimbit ketika memandu\n\n\nIni disebabkan apabila menaip, pemandu akan meibatkan beberapa jenis gangguan iaitu gangguan secara visual, fizikal dan kognitif yang boleh mengganggu tumpuan ketika memandu dan meningkatkan risiko untuk terlibat dengan kemalangan.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nTips bagaimana menggunakan telefon bimbit ketika memandu\n\n\n1.\u00a0\nMenggunakan alat\u00a0\nhands free ear phone\n.\n\n\nDengan cara ini, kedua-dua belah tangan boleh memegang stering dengan sempurna. Ini tidak memerlukan tangan untuk memegang telefon sambil memandu. Cukup sekadar bercakap dan memandu. Namun di India, penggunaan alat\u00a0\nearphone\u00a0\nini diharamkan kerana ia fokus pemanduan terganggu kerana buat dua kerja dalam satu waktu semasa memandu adalah berbahaya. \n\n\nPemandu boleh menggunakan aplikasi seperti \u201cdrive and driving\u201d yang terdapat pada Apple App Store dan Google Play Store yang akan meletakkan telefon bimbit dalam keadaan mod pemanduan seperti tetapan \u201cflight mode\u201d yang terdapat pada semua telefon bimbit bagi memastikan pemanduan selamat.\n\n\nPengeluar telefon bimbit pula boleh wujudkan mod atau sensor \u201cdrive\u201d yang mana semua aplikasi yang memerlukan input daripada pengguna tidak akan diaktifkan (disable) semasa memandu atau berada di dalam kenderaan.\n\n\n2.\u00a0\nMendapatkan bantuan kawan untuk memegang telefon bimbit.\n\n\nSekiranya anda membawa penumpang, bolehlah memintanya untuk memegangkan telefon tersebut dan gunakan\u00a0\nloud speaker\n\u00a0untuk bertutur. Dengan cara ini anda masih boleh bersembang tetapi memohon bantuan orang lain. Tapi dikhuatiri jika terlalu lama, orang itu kelenguhan tangan dan bosan.\n\n\nCr: Freepik\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nMenyambung\u00a0\nline\n\u00a0telefon ke aplikasi\u00a0\nbluetooth\u00a0\npada radio kereta.\n\n\nTerkini kebanyakan kereta jenama Honda, Toyota, Nissan ada dilengkapi dengan kemudahan aplikasi\u00a0\nbluetooth\n\u00a0ini.\u00a0\nCara menyambungkan aplikasi\u00a0\nbluetooth\u00a0\ntelefon bimbit ke radia kereta\n\u00a0ini hendaklah dengan membaca manual kereta tersebut kerana setiap kereta tidak sama. Dengan memilih\u00a0\nsetting\n\u00a0\nbluetooth\n\u00a0pada telefon dan juga radio kereta, anda akan dapat bercakap terus tanpa perlu meletakkan telefon bimbit di telinga. Ia seolah-olah anda berbual dengan seseorang dalam radio.\n\n\n4.\u00a0\nWakilkan penumpang untuk menyembang bagi pihak anda.\n\n\nIni adalah cara paling selamat. Anda menyerahkan telefon bimbit kepada penumpang kereta untuk bercakap bagi pihak anda. Jika terdapat soalan, penumpang tersebut akan bertanya anda. Segala percakapan boleh direkodkan, agar anda boleh mendengar semula apa yang dibual sebentar tadi.\n\n\nSementara itu pengeluar kereta boleh wujudkan \u201cfungsi wireless\u201d atau aplikasi yang boleh membaca dan menghantar masej melalui arahan suara pada semua model kereta. Namun pengunaanya perlu terhad kepada nombor kecemasan sahaja bagi meminimumkan interaksi antara pemandu dan gajet. Selain itu, operasi penguatkuasaan pihak berkuasa perlu dilakukan dengan lebih kerap dan menyeluruh di seluruh negara bagi mengekang masalah penggunaan telefon bimbit ketika memandu.\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/4-different-learning-styles-you-should-know/", "title": "4 Different Learning Styles You Should Know!", "body": "\n\nEvery student is different. It is readily observable that different students have different learning styles, that some students retain information easily when it is presented to them via a format or method that may confound one of their classmates.\n\n\nTo help educators develop strategies for reaching every student in their classroom effectively, educational scholars have devised various typologies of different styles of learning. Below, read about VARK, a commonly cited schema for assessing students\u2019 learning preferences, and the four different learning styles that comprise it, and discover some strategies for engaging with each type of learner. \nSo, let\u2019s check which one are your learning styles? Hmm..\nVisual Learners\n\n\n\n\nStudents who best internalize and synthesize information when it is presented to them in \na graphic depiction of meaningful symbols\n are described as visual learners. They may respond to \narrows, charts, diagrams and other visualizations of information hierarchy, but not necessarily to photographs or videos.\n \nBecause visual learners tend to be holistic learners who process information best when it is presented to them as a robust whole rather than piecemeal, they tend to see positive educational outcomes when they are presented with \nsummarizing charts and diagrams rather than sequential slides of information.\n\n\nAuditory Learners\n\n\n\n\nAuditory (or aural) learners are most successful when they are given the opportunity to \nhear information presented to them vocally\n. Because students with this learning style may sometimes opt \nnot to take notes during class in order to maintain their unbroken auditory attention\n, educators can erroneously conclude that they are less engaged than their classmates. However, these students may simply have decided that note-taking is a distraction and that their unbroken attention is a more valuable way for them to learn. \nAuditory learning is a two-way street: \nStudents who fall into this modality often find success in group activities \nwhere they are asked to discuss course materials vocally with their classmates, and they may benefit from reading their written work aloud to themselves to help them think it through\n\n\nReading/Writing Learners\n\n\n\n\nStudents who work best in the reading/writing modality demonstrate \na strong learning preference for the written word\n. This includes both written information presented in class in the \nform of handouts and PowerPoint slide presentations as well as the opportunity to synthesize course content in the completion of written assignments\n. This modality also lends itself to conducting research online, as many information-rich sources on the internet are relatively text-heavy.\nReading/writing-oriented students should be encouraged to take copious notes during classroom lectures to help them both process information and have an easier time recalling it later.\n\n\nKinesthetic Learners\n\n\n\n\nKinesthetic learners are \nhands-on, participatory learners who need to take a physically active role in the learning process in order to achieve their best educational outcomes.\n They are sometimes referred to as \n\u201ctactile learners,\u201d\n but this can be a bit of a misnomer; rather than simply utilizing touch, kinesthetic learners tend to \nengage all of their senses equally in the process of learning. \nBecause of \ntheir active nature,\n kinesthetic learners often have the most difficult time succeeding in conventional classroom settings. Some educators have found success encouraging kinesthetic learners \nto utilize flashcards for subjects like math and English to make rote memorization into an interactive experience.\n These students also often thrive in scientific subjects with lab components, as the skills-based, instructional training that occurs in these settings engages them in productive ways\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\neducationonline.ku.edu\n.\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/5-aktiviti-untuk-meraikan-bulan-kebangsaan-dalam-era-norma-baharu/", "title": "5 Aktiviti untuk Meraikan Bulan Kebangsaan dalam Era Norma Baharu", "body": "\n\nYay! Tinggal lagi 14 hari sebelum Hari Malaysia! Apa perancangan anda semua untuk sambutan di rumah?\n\n\nHaa? Tak ada perancangan? Janganlah macam tu\u2026 Walaupun tak ada sambutan besar-besaran macam dulu, tak bermakna perayaan kita ni \ncancel\n, ya!\n\n\nJom kita baca 5 aktiviti mudah yang dapat menaikkan lagi semangat patriotik kita sambil duduk di rumah.\n\n\n1. Kibarkan Jalur Gemilang\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Tonton Filem-Filem Patriotik\n\n\nSelain daripada dapat menjadi aktiviti keluarga yang bermakna, ia juga adalah peluang untuk mendidik anak-anak tentang peristiwa bersejarah secara menyeronokkan.\n\n\n\n\nKalau tanya saya? Semestinya saya akan cadangkan satu lagi filem Yasmin Ahmad iaitu \nTalentime (2009)\n \ud83d\ude09\n\n\n\n\n3. Selfie dengan Pakaian Tradisional\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Hidupkan Lagu Tradisional dan Rakyat\n\n\nSiapa di sini suka karaoke? Lagu-lagu patriotik memang sesuai kalau nak nyanyi kuat-kuat dan bersemangat kan? \ud83d\ude06\n\n\nSelain daripada lagu Tanggal 31, apa kata kita hidupkan semula lagu-lagu tradisional dan rakyat di Youtube dan Spotify kita. Contohnya, lagu \nRasa Sayang\n, \nNgajat Tampi\n, \nAyuh Juragan\n dan \nJingkli Nona\n.\n\n\nDi sini saya kongsikan satu interpretasi lagu rakyat Dayung Sampan & Tian Mi Mi (penyanyi asal Teresa Teng) yang senang je untuk layan:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Jawab Kuiz Bertemakan Kemerdekaan\n\n\nKalau 10 tahun lepas, majalah-majalah sering keluarkan kuiz interaktif yang mengikut perayaan semasa. Seronok! Sebab biasanya kita akan buat bersama kawan-kawan dan bandingkan markah masing-masing.\n\n\n\n\nKlik Link di bawah untuk jawab Kuiz \ud83d\udc47\nKuiz Kemerdekaan \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe: \nquiz.pandai.org/kuiz-merdeka/ \nKuiz Kenali Malaysiaku \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe: \nquiz.pandai.org/kenali-malaysia/\n\n\n\n\nSebenarnya, ada banyak lagi cara untuk kita menyambut Bulan Kebangsaan, lagi-lagi secara online. Kalau ikuti hashtag \n#PandaiAnakMalaysia\n atau \nartikel kami sebelum ini\n, Pandai Team telah menyenaraikan beberapa aktiviti lain yang berlangsung sehingga Hari Malaysia.\n\n\nAnda ada idea lain? Jom kongsikan di ruangan komen media sosial kami!\n\n\nJangan lupa follow kami sekali ya. \nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/5-effective-ways-on-note-taking-for-students-life-hack/", "title": "5 Effective Ways on Note-Taking for Students (Life-hack!)", "body": "\n\nThe first\u00a0\nstep\n\u00a0to taking good notes in class is to come to class prepared! \n\n\nHere in Pandai, we believe that being able to take clear comprehensive notes allows you to understand and learn the subject even better. Therefore, note taking is one\u00a0of the most important skills to master if you wish to be successful in class and most of all;\n\n\nConcentrate\n, come on!\n\n\nCr. Vector illustration.\n\n\nEven better when concentrate, the notes you\u00a0jot down provide a written record of the most important information\u00a0covered in class,\u00a0making life much easier when it is time to study for the final exam. Hence, note making is not just about writing down everything you hear or read. It is a process of reviewing, connecting and synthesising ideas from your teachers.\n\n\nWhat are the benefits?\n\n\nYou will stay active and engaged during your learning, reading and Live Tuition session! With this, you will understand what you are learning and clarify your thinking by being selective towards the notes you\u2019re taking and eventually identify the key ideas. \n\n\nAlso, you will remember the material better as your ideas are organise and structured. This will help you review and revise before exams effectively. \n\n\n1. Keep your notes with your books\n\n\nNo matter what you\u2019re taking notes on, it should be easy to carry with your reading material. Preferably small notebooks that can actually slide inside a book, but there are plenty of other options:\n\n\n\n\nPiece of paper that can double as a bookmark\n\n\nPost-it notes\n\n\nWriting directly in the book \n\n\n\n\n2. Separate out your notes\n\n\nMost notes can be divided between action items and details the way you want to retain. While reviewing your notes, it will come in handy when you\u2019re looking for a particular piece of information. The best approach is to switch between different coloured pens or highlighters. \nWhat your notes should contain\n\n\n\n\nSource information\n\n\nBig headings to help you identify the key topics\n\n\nKey points, examples, names, new ideas\n\n\nInteresting mnemonics, colour or drawings\n\n\n\n\nCr, iStock\n\n\n3. Your notes should not-be-perfect\n\n\nNotes can be beautiful\u2014 but it\u2019s also a very time-consuming. If you can read your notes and understand them, it\u2019s okay to have somewhat messy notes. After all, you\u2019re probably the only one who will ever see them. Beautifully scripted and perfectly laid-out notes are not necessary for effective learning but some level of organisation is useful if you are going to be able to make sense of them in the future.\n\n\nDon\u2019t try and cram too much writing on a single page, or make your writing so small that it\u2019s illegible. Use as much paper as you need to express all the ideas from the lecture in a clear and readable form. Draw diagrams or use flow charts or mind maps if they help you make sense of your ideas.\n\n\n4. Stick to the Essentials\n\n\nHow do you know what is essential information and what isn\u2019t? This can be tricky. Ultimately, whenever you aren\u2019t sure about whether you should include something or not in your notes, it\u2019s probably best to write it down. \n\n\n\n\nIf the Teacher mentions something that also appeared in the textbook, it\u2019s probably important.\n\n\nIf the Teacher gives you a definition, you should write it down exactly as worded.\n\n\nIf the Teacher brings up examples to support the main points, you should make note of each one.\n\n\nAnything that is written on a blackboard or included in a powerpoint should be copied into your notes: lists, graphs, historical dates, etc.\n\n\n\n\nHowever, if you\u2019re still not sure, don\u2019t be afraid to ask questions, even if it\u2019s just to ask whether a point needs to be recorded in your notes or to clarify what are the most important things to take away from the lecture. In Pandai, our tutors love questions!\n\n\nCr; SeekPNG\n\n\n5. Review Your Notes\n\n\nFirst, make sure all of the information in your notes is correct and accurately recorded. You may want to look over a friend\u2019s notes as well to see if there is anything that you might have missed. Review the material in the notes as soon as you can so that it remains fresh in your memory. The most important step is the lecturing to the wall technique. Basically, you summarize in your own words what you just covered in class.\n\n\nLook over your notes carefully; then put them away and pretend you are teaching someone else what you have just learned.\u00a0This technique forces your brain to wrestle with the facts and identify the areas you are weakest in.\n\n\nIn short, these five simple steps should have you well on your way to note taking success. By learning how to take careful notes and then review them, you teach yourself to focus, listen attentively, and quickly learn new material.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/5-important-habits-of-successful-students/", "title": "5 Important Habits of Successful Students", "body": "\n\nThe key to becoming an effective student is learning to \nstudy smarter, not harder.\n Most successful students achieve their success by developing and applying effective study habits. Therefore, if you want to become a successful student, don\u2019t get discouraged, and don\u2019t give up, just work to develop each of the study habits below and you\u2019ll see your grades go up your knowledge increase, and your ability to learn will improve.\n\n\nCr: Shutterstock.com\n\n\n1. Stay organized\n\n\nSuccessful students come to class with their materials organized. It\u2019s a good idea to have different notebooks for each subject, and always keep extra pencils, pens, and highlighters. Disorganized students are known to stay old, crumpled assignments in their backpacks, so make sure to clean out your school bag periodically. \nGood organization\n is a common successful student habit!\n\n\n2. Plan when you\u2019re going to study.\n\n\nSuccessful students \nschedule specific times\n throughout the week when they are going to study and then they stick with their schedule. Even if you\u2019re all caught up with your studies, create a weekly routine, where you set aside a period of time a few days a week, to review your subjects to ensure you develop habits that will enable you to succeed in your education long term.\u00a0\n\n\nAlso, do not attempt to cram your studying into one session!\n\n\nWith Pandai, we have our personalized \nLive Help and Pandai Tutor\n to help students to access all subjects properly and finished the syllabus in time! Like our Live Tuition schedule that is so informative and easy to access by our Young Pandai so they can learn and manage their study better.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Always review your notes!\n\n\nSuccessful students review what they\u2019ve learned. Always make sure to \ntake good notes\n in class. Before you start each study session, review your notes thoroughly to make sure you know how to complete the homework correctly. Reviewing your notes before each study session will help you remember important subject matter learned during the day, and make sure your studying is targeted and effective.\n\n\nThis way they\u2019re well prepared to continue learning new concepts that build upon previous homework and knowledge acquired. In Pandai, we believe in confidence hence we know that if you develop these habits, you\u2019ll see a major improvement in your academic success.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\n4. Actively participate in class\n\n\nRaise your hand, volunteer, and ask questions! Not only do our Pandai Teachers love students who participate, but these students also retain more information and will eventually better understand the material. Ultimately, these same students will develop a more positive outlook toward education by actively taking part in the learning process.\n\n\n5. Sleep on time!\u00a0\n\n\nOut of all the tips on this list, this could be the most important. \nStudies show\n that sleep plays an essential part in memory both before and after learning a new task. In Pandai, we also recommend you sleep for eight hours each night. There are loads of tips out there for falling and staying, asleep. But try simple things like avoiding caffeine after 12pm and turning off screens an hour before you want to fall asleep.\u00a0\n\n\nGood luck!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/5-petua-ajar-anak-faham-semasa-pdpr-pandai-atasi-kebimbangan-ibu-bapa/", "title": "5 petua ajar anak faham semasa PdPR. Pandai atasi kebimbangan ibu-bapa.", "body": "\n\n\u201cAsyik bermain je. Nampaknya anak aku tak ada minat langsung belajar. Menghafal formula apatah lagi. Dah macam-macam buku aku beli. Bukannya yang murah, ada tak cara belajar yang menyeronokkan untuk anak-anak ni?\u201d\n\n\nWalaupun anak anda hanya nak belajar dalam masa sesi persekolahan sahaja, anda masih boleh memperkenalkan beberapa cara untuk anak-anak enjoy belajar tanpa dipaksa!\u00a0\n\n\nCuba lakukan beberapa trick dan tips supaya anak belajar sekaligus memahami apa mereka pelajari dan tidak berasa bosan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Pandai.\n1.Kurangkan Guna Buku\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWalau apa jenis buku yang anda gunakan, anak-anak akan menganggapnya sebagai \u2018kerja\u2019 yang perlu disiapkan di meja belajar.\n\n\nUntuk membangkitkan semangat mereka, anda boleh menggunakan aplikasi pembelajaran yang lebih menarik dan interaktif. \nAplikasi \nPandai\n yang satu-satunya aplikasi pembelajaran yang mengikuti silibus KPM dan mempunyai ciri & sistem interaktif menarik pasti membuatkan pelajar tak bosan.\u00a0\n\n\nPandai juga menyediakan jawapan & penerangan agar anak-anak boleh belajar dari kesilapan.\n2. Rekod Pencapaian\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAnak-anak ni kalau nampak hasil dia buat on the spot, maka lagi rajin lah dia buat! Aplikasi Pandai ada semua ciri ini.\u00a0\n\n\nKad Laporan\nKad Skor\nLencana\nKedudukan dalam sekolah, negeri, dan negara.\u00a0\n\n\nMenarik kan? Memang suka sangat lah anak kita tu kalau nampak nama dia dalam carta kedudukan tu. Bermotivasi terus nak belajar. Kita tak payah suruh-suruh dah. Bukan setakat itu sahaja\u2026 Kad laporan adalah antara ciri paling panas dalam Pandai tau!\u00a0\n\n\nKeputusan analisis yang sangat terperinci dapat membantu pelajar kenal pasti kelemahan mereka dan area mana yang perlu mereka perbaiki. Hehe.. ciri ni bukan budak-budak je suka. Ibu bapa pun excited sekali!\u00a0\n3. Flashcard & Nota Ringkas\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTidak dapat dinafikan lagi, strategi pengajaran menggunakan flashcard dan nota ringkas adalah teknik sangat berkesan dalam membantu perkembangan pelajaran anak-anak.\u00a0\n\n\nKorang mesti tertanya-tanyakan kat mana boleh dapatkan latihan beserta jawapan & penerangan, rekod pencapaian, dan flashcard ni dalam satu aplikasi? Pandai kan ada\u2026 Sebab ciri-ciri penting dan menarik inilah, pengguna Pandai terus meningkat kepada 200,000 lebih pengguna dalam tempoh yang sangat singkat!\u00a0\n4. Sistem Gamifikasi\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCiri gamifikasi yang terdapat di dalam Pandai ni boleh mengelakkan pelajar berasa bosan. Kerana pelajar lebih berkobar untuk menjawab soalan dan topik seterusnya untuk mengumpul mata point.\u00a0\n\n\nHeart:\n Nyawa\n pelajar terima untuk menjawab Quiz\nXP: Coins.\n:\n Pelajar mengumpul \ncoins \nsemasa membuat Quiz.\u00a0\nTrophy:\n \nScore & goal\n\n\n5. Akaun Ibu Bapa Untuk Pantau Anak-anak\n\n\n\n\nPandai Parent suatu ciri terbaru khas untuk ibu bapa memantau perkembangan anak-anak mereka di dalam Pandai. Berikut merupakan kelebihan Pandai Parent yang \nramai ibu bapa tak tahu!\n\n\nLihat Report Card Anak-Anak\nMemantau Aktiviti Pembelajaran Anak-Anak\nKadar Langganan Berkurang\nMelihat Kemajuan Anak-Anak\n\n\nKat Mana Nak Dapatkan Aplikasi Pandai?\n \nSenang sahaja. Anda boleh melayari\n \nwww.pandai.org\n \njika anda lebih suka menggunakan website version!\u00a0\nBukan itu sahaja, anda juga boleh memuat turun Aplikasi Pandai di \nGoogle Playstore dan\n \nApple Store\n. Daftar secara percuma\n\n\n\n\nDan jangan lupa untuk\u00a0\nFOLLOW\n,\u00a0\nLIKE\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nSHARE\n\u00a0di\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nLaman Web:\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/5-quick-tips-to-prep-yourself-for-upcoming-exams/", "title": "5 Quick Tips to Prep Yourself for Upcoming Exams!", "body": "\n\nStudying and preparing are vital to success in exams. Some of these tips sound like \u2018common sense\u2019 and relate to the importance of looking after yourself. Others are more about how you do your studying. Both types are essential and will help you improve your studies and perform better in the exam. It is essential to focus on how much you have studied rather than how long. \n\n\nThere are always various activities that can be done separately or combined in enhancing one\u2019s experience. Herewith, there are a few guidelines respectively outlined to serve as a practical reference and preparation tips for students to help them study smarter and excel academically.\n\n\n1. Give yourself enough time to study\n\n\nStarting early with your exam preparation will give you ample time to review everything you have already studied. So do not leave anything for the last moment, and make sure you understand your subject thoroughly. This will make revision much more effortless. You can also set up a timetable to\u00a0\nmanage your time effectively\n. Write down how many exams you have, how many pages you have to learn, and the days you have left. Afterward,\u00a0\norganize your study habits\n\u00a0accordingly.\n\n\nRemember, you may want to devote more preparation time to some subjects than others, so try to achieve a balance at your convenience. \n\n\nLast-minute cramming is much less productive. Ideally, review each subject as you go, and make sure that you understand it fully as this will make revision much easier. Ultimately, the best tip is to study hard and know your subject, and starting early is the best way to achieve this.\n\n\n2. Use Visual Aids (Flashcards, Diagrams, etc) \n\n\nVisual aids\u00a0can be especially helpful when\n\u00a0\nrevising\u00a0the study material. At the start of a topic, write down everything you already know about the subject. Closer to the exam, transform your revision notes into a diagram. In that manner,\n visual remembrance\n can aid your readiness considerably when taking the exam. With Pandai, there is no need to worry, we organize your notes topic by topic with a useful Live Help for parents too, so they can help their children together on the subjects. \n\n\nYou can also try to make notes of everything you know about a particular topic and then when the exams are near, compress those notes into a one-page diagram.\u00a0\n\n\n3. \nReview and Practice Old Exam Papers\n\n\nReviewing and practicing old exam papers is one of the most effective ways to learn how to prepare for exams. It helps you to familiarise yourself with the format and structure of the question paper.\u00a0\n\n\nCr: Freepik \n\n\nTry timing yourself when practicing the old exam paper. This will help you know how much time you spend on each section. You can get past exam papers from your teacher, your university library, or even search online. \n\n\nMake sure that you have looked at past papers.\n This will ensure that you are prepared for the type of exam you will be sitting, whether multiple choice, short answer, or essay. This way, you can know what you are expected to do: for example, how many questions from each section will you have to answer? Of course, you still have to read the instructions on the paper itself and make sure that they are the same, but this will help you to feel comfortable with what will be expected.\n\n\nEven more important, make sure that you have practiced the right type of questions and know what will be expected of a \u2018good\u2019 and \u2018bad\u2019 answer.\n\n\n4. Take Regular Breaks \n\n\nRegular breaks are needed for the brain to regain its focus. It is not the best tactic to study for long hours because long-term\u00a0\nretention of knowledge\n\u00a0is almost impossible. It is essential to take regular breaks for longer retention of information and to freshen up your mind. You may find that some days you can do more, but mostly, one to one and a half hours is likely to be your limit before you need a break. The most important part of studying is to develop a\u00a0\nroutine\n\u00a0that fits your\u00a0\nstudy style\n. \n\n\nCr: Veectezy\n\n\nEveryone is different, so what works for you might not work for others. When building a study routine, consider taking intervals when it works best for you. For instance, take your break early if you study better at night. And if you are more productive in the morning, start studying before taking a break during lunchtime. \n\n\nWalk around a bit! \n\n\n5. \nSet Study Goals\n\n\nFor each study session, set a goal to keep track of what you are studying or revising. You can write down your study goals as soon as you start your study session or set them for the next one. Here are some examples of study goals you can select:\n\n\n\n\nI will work through at least five equations.\n\n\nI will go through and summarise chapters 5 and 6.\u00a0\n\n\nI will understand and learn the fundamental concepts taught in week 2 to 4 lectures.\n\n\n\n\nIn short, we all have different ways of working, and that includes preparing for exams. As you get more experienced in taking exams, you will find the ways that work best for you, and learn how best to prepare. In the meantime, these tips should give you a good starting point for studying. \n\n\nExplore every option and ask your friends to find out how they prepare for their exams \u2014 some of their final exam study tips might also help you.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can even seek guidance from your teachers at school or our tutors.\u00a0Pandai is here for you!\n\n\nGood luck!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/5-secret-daily-study-hacks-for-students-to-applied/", "title": "5 Secret Daily-Study-Hacks for Students to Apply!", "body": "\n\nFinding the best way to study is an ongoing process. It isn\u2019t something that can be left until the night before the test. \n\n\nYou should be constantly improving your study skills to better understand what works and what doesn\u2019t. \n\n\nLearning how to study better helps avoid panic and frustration the next time a big test is coming up. After all, you are more likely to do well and be less stressed before a test when you have had time to properly review and practice the material!\n\n\n1. Pay Attention In Class\n\n\nIt\u2019s important to concentrate and avoid distractions when the teacher is speaking. Practice active listening by concentrating on what\u2019s being said and taking notes in your own words. This will help make sure you hear and understand what is being taught in class.\n\n\nThe things that your teacher talks about in class are most likely topics that he or she feels are quite important to your studies. So, it\u2019s a good idea to become a thorough note-taker.\n\n\nThe following tips can help you become an efficient, effective note-taker:\n\n\n\n\nStick to the main points.\n\n\nUse shorthand when possible.\n\n\nIf you don\u2019t have time to write all the details, jot down a keyword or a name. After class, you can use your textbook to elaborate on these items.\n\n\nFor consistency, use the same organizational system each time you take notes.\n\n\nConsider writing your notes by hand, which can help you remember the information better. However, typing may help you be faster or more organized.\n\n\n\n\nRecording important points are effective because it forces you to\u00a0pay attention to what\u2019s being said\u00a0during the learning!\n\n\nCr: Pinterest\n\n\n2. Study In Short Bursts\n\n\nFor every 30 minutes you study, take a short 10-15 minute break to recharge. Short study sessions are more effective and help you make the most of your study time or study at your own pace.\n\n\nDo you digest content quickly, or do you need time to let the material sink in? Only you know what pace is best for you.\n\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s no right (or wrong) study pace. So, don\u2019t try matching someone else\u2019s speed.\n\n\n\n\nInstead, through trial and error, find what works for you. Just remember that slower studying will require that you devote more time to your schoolwork.\n\n\n3. \nRewrite your notes by hand.\n\n\nStudies show that when you take the time to rewrite them by hand, you learn more effectively than when using your computer, tablet, or laptop. You can also make a cheat sheet you\u2019ll never use\n.\n\n\nThough you\u2019ll obviously never use a cheat sheet during an exam or quiz, it can help to create one. In doing so, you\u2019ll need to sift through all of your notes and materials to find the key items and rewrite them on your sheet. \n\n\nThis helps you recognize what you need to learn, and rewriting helps you remember it.\n\n\n4. \nSwitch settings.\n\n\nVary your study settings. \nStudies show having a dedicated study area\n no longer works in your favor. When you gravitate toward the same spot each time, your mind makes a subconscious pairing between your atmosphere and the material. \n\n\nThis means, if you are constantly in the same space, you would perform best taking the exam in that space. If you change up your space, your mind will adapt more easily to your test-taking surroundings.\n\n\nCr: Freepik\n\n\n5. \nTeach.\n\n\nTeach someone else the material you\u2019re trying to learn. \n\n\nTeaching someone else is such an effective way for you to better understand the material, Plus, you\u2019ll earn karma points for helping out a classmate! Teaching is the best test to learn whether you know the concepts. Why do you learn through teaching? If you\u2019re teaching someone the material and you find you cannot answer basic questions about it, then you know you need to go back to square one.\n\n\nIn short, knowing how to study effectively is hard, and a skill that will benefit you for life. Developing those skills required time and patience. Just know what works best for you!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/5-tablet-sesuai-murah-bawah-harga-rm500-untuk-tahun-2021/", "title": "5 Tablet Sesuai & Murah Bawah Harga RM500 Untuk Tahun 2021", "body": "\n\nPada tahun 2021, semua pelajar harus memulakan sesi pembelajaran di rumah. Ya! Tentu adik-adik dan para ibu bapa sedang mencari mana-mana gajet yang mampu untuk dibelikan bagi penggunaan belajar secara online atau sesi PdPR yang telah pun bermula. Dalam pasaran kini, ada pelbagi gajet yang dapat membantu para ibu bapa dan pelajar menggunakan untuk belajar onlini ini. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan tablet. \n\n\nJika anda sedang mencari sebuah tablet dengan bajet RM500, disini kami cadangkan 5 tablet sesuai dengan bajet anda tersebut. \nSekarang sepertinya ramai ibubapa sedang mencari sebuah peranti bagi kegunaan anak-anak untuk menjalani sesi pembelajaran secara online (PdPR). Jadi murid akan kerap menggunakan aplikasi Google Classroom bersama gurunya.\n\n\nSelain itu, para pekerja juga dalam situasi yang sama iaitu\u00a0\nWork From Home\n. Mereka akan lebih menggunakan aplikasi Google Meet bagi tujuan meeting, sesi presentation dan sebagainya.\n\n\nOleh itu, selain menggunakan telefon pintar atau laptop, anda juga boleh menggunakan tablet dengan saiz yang tidak begitu besar dan tidak begitu kecil. Sesuai untuk murid belajar dan juga sesuai untuk pekerja menggunakannya. Dengan bajet RM500, mungkin senarai 5 tablet ini sesuai untuk anda pada tahun 2021 ini.\n\n\n5 Tablet Bawah Harga RM500 Bagi Tahun 2021\n\n\nDengan bajet yang begitu terhad, penggunaannya sesuai bagi pembelajaran dan kerja harian. Tapi jangan expect untuk bermain game berat atau menggunakan aplikasi berat pada tablet tersebut. Kesemua tablet ini menggunakan sistem Android.\n\n\n1 \u2013 Teclast P20 HD (recommended)\n\n\n\n\nSebuah tablet dengan spesifikasi yang sangat baik dengan harga bawah RM500. Tablet Teclast P20 HD menggunakan Android 10 dengan dikuasakan cip 8 teras. Dengan kapasiti 4GB RAM beserta 64GB ROM pastinya anda boleh menggunakan pelbagai aplikasi terutamanya berkaitan pendidikan dalam satu masa. Webcam juga disediakan disamping dengan bateri berkapasiti besar iaitu 6000 mAh.\n\n\n2 \u2013 Lenovo Tab M7\n\n\n\n\nDengan menggunakan Lenovo Tab M7 ini, para murid boleh dapatkan sambungan 4G LTE tau. Jadi sambungan internet pastinya lebih pantas.Jadi nak buat Google Classroom pun mudah la lepas ni. Disamping itu, ada 2GB RAM dan 32GB ROM untuk simpanan. Jangan risau, Webcam juga ada sebesar 2MP.\n\n\n3 \u2013\u00a0Huawei Tab S 10.1\n\n\n\n\nTablet ini juga sesuai untuk pembelajaran, kerana dengan saiz skrin sehingga 10.1-inci IPS HD lagi. Lebih terang. Ada WiFi dan ianya juga support dual sim. RAM nya juga cukup besar iaitu 4GB dan 64GB memori. Kalau tak cukup, jangan risau kerana ada disediakan slot kad memori yang boleh ditambah sehingga 128GB.\n\n\n4 \u2013 Huawei Tablet 10.5\n\n\n\n\nBagi mereka yang mencari tablet 10-inci dengan harga kurang RM500, boleh cuba Huawei Tablet 10.5 ini. Lagipun, ianya menawarkan sehingga 8GB RAM dan 512GB ROM. Selain itu, kamera antara yang terbesar dalam senarai iaitu 16MP pada kamera selfie dan 12MP pada kamera belakang. Support sambungan 4G juga tau.\n\n\n5 \u2013 Samsung Tablet 10.1\n\n\n\n\nUntuk musim kelas online dan bagi memudahkan pembelajaran murid di rumah, boleh dapatkan Samsung Tablet 10.1 ini. Skrin FHD, 8GB RAM dengan 128GB memori beserta ada juga kamera hadapan yang boleh dibuat sebagai webcam. Mudah untuk berinteraksi bersama cikgu ketika mengajar kan.\nSemoga tawaran harga tablet yang diberikan ini dapat membantu para ibu bapa dan pelajar mencari gajet-gajet untuk memudahkan urusan pembelajaran secara online di rumah. \n*Sebagai rujukan artikel ini boleh lihat di laman web \nhellokerja.com\n. \n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/6-langkah-menjadi-pelajar-yang-produktif-sebagai-pelajar/", "title": "6 Langkah Menjadi Pelajar Yang Produktif dengan betul.", "body": "\n\n\u200b\u200bAda sesetengah pelajar yang bimbangkan prestasi pelajarannya yang merosot kerana bimbang akan prestasi akademiknya yang tidak meningkat. Sudah menjadi fitrah pelajar yang ingin mendapatkan keputusan yang cemerlang.\u00a0\n\n\nPersoalannya, bagaimana?\n\n\nKadang kita dengar ada orang yang belajar 1 jam sehari sahaja sudah cukup, tetapi ada orang yang mengadap buku sehingga 3 jam, tetapi hanya faham satu muka surat sahaja.\u00a0 Ini kerana pembelajaran mereka tidak menghasilkan produktiviti yang sepatutnya!\u00a0\n\n\nPandai akan menyingkapkan satu persatu cara untuk meningkatkan prestasi pelajaran dengan meningkatkan produktiviti belajar dan juga prestasi akademik dengan betul.\n\n\n1. \nDuduk, Tulis dan Atur (DTA).\u00a0\n\n\nPernah dengar tak istilah ini?\n\n\nPertama sekali, ambil kertas, dan senaraikan apakah perkara yang perlu pelajar lakukan termasuklah kerja rumah, mengulangkaji pelajaran, menyiapkan kerja kursus, latihan bola tampar ataupun membasuh baju! Jangan biarkan tugasan-tugasan itu berserabut di dalam kepala pelajar. Tuliskan di atas kertas dengan teratur.\u00a0\n\n\nCr: studentlife.com\n\n\n2. \nKreatif dalam Mencipta kepelbagaian dalam Pembelajaran.\u00a0\n\n\nUntuk mengelakkan kebosanan, pelajar perlu lakukan langkah ini. Jangan terbelenggu dengan kaedah yang sama dalam belajar. Contohnya, selain daripada membaca dan membuat nota, pelajar boleh melakukan latihtubi serta belajar dalam kumpulan. Selain itu, daripada mengulangkaji di meja belajar, mungkin pelajar boleh mengulangkaji di halaman rumah atau di perpustakaan.\u00a0\n\n\n3. \nSentiasa \u201cup to date\u201d\u00a0 dalam pelajaran.\u00a0\n\n\nJangan tergelincir!\u00a0\n\n\nApa yang boleh dilakukan adalah, pelajar boleh menulis matlamat dan sasaran belajar pelajar di atas\n \u201cstudy board\u201d\n dan letakkan pada tempat yang mudah untuk dilihat. Jika perlu, buat versi \n\u201cpocket-size\n\u201d dan boleh bawa ke mana-mana. Jika belum buat, berusahalah sekarang!\n\n\n4. \nElakkan berlengah-lengah\n\n\nPelajar perlu elakkan penangguhan kerja kerana kerja rumah yang ditangguhkan boleh menjadi dua kali banyaknya unutuk esok, minggu ini dan minggu hadapan. Akibatnya, semakin banyak kerja-kerja yang mesti dibuat. Jadi, jauhkan sifat melarikan diri dari timbunan kerja. Cepat-cepatlah atasi dari sekarang!\n\n\n5. \nKatakan tidak kepada \u201cperfectionist\u201d\n\n\nSelalu nya, jika pelajar itu inginkan kerja nya sempurna dan tersusun, mereka akan menghabiskan banyak masa untuk hasil yang tidak seberapa. Kadangkala pelajar banyak menghabiskan masa untuk perkara yang tidak penting; semata-mata untuk menjadikannya sempurna sampai berpuluh minit hanya untuk satu perenggan! Akibatnya mereka akan menjadi lebih penat akan target yang perlu dicapai.\n\n\nCr: studentlife.com\n\n\n6. \nBerikan masa dan ruang yang cukup!\n\n\nJika ada banyak benda yang boleh diselesaikan, memberikan sedikit masa untuk menyusunya. Contohnya, ketidakfahaman konsep dalam belajar. Dalam situasi sebegini, tinggalkanlah ia buat sementara dan \n\u201cbookmark\u201d\n di bahagian tepi. Berilah sedikit masa untuk otak berfikir tentangnya. Jika masih tak dapat, bertanyalah kepada guru dan rakan pelajar.\u00a0\n\n\nDi Pandai, kami percaya akan peningkatan pelajar jika mereka berusaha. Cubalah satu persatu dan jadikan sebagai satu senarai harian untuk diamalkan secara beransur-ansur. Tetapkan sasaran peningkatan dari sehari ke sehari kemudian, buat lah analisa pelajaran pelajar setiap kali tiba hujung bulan.\u00a0\n\n\nSelamat berjaya!\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/7-last-minute-exam-planning-dos-and-donts-with-pandai/", "title": "7 Last-Minute-Exam Planning Dos and Don\u2019ts with Pandai", "body": "\n\nIf you\u2019re a student and currently facing the epic time of the year; \n\n\nExamination! \n\n\nThe last hours before an exam can be very stressful. You may be worrying that you have not done enough revision, or that what you do now will be all that you can remember.\u00a0However, it can also be an extremely useful period for consolidation, and should therefore be used wisely.\n\n\nOf course, it is possible that you have left all your revision to the last minute. While this is not ideal, some of these tips will also be useful.\u00a0Perhaps the most crucial tip, whether this is the end or the beginning of your revision, is DON\u2019T PANIC! It definitely won\u2019t help and is likely to seriously hinder your ability to concentrate. Stay calm, and all will be better.\n\n\nMaybe you\u2019re already super prepared and that\u2019s great. But that\u2019s not the case for every one of us. So if you\u2019re feeling stressed,\u00a0here are some tips for last-minute efficiency!\n\n\n#1 MANAGE YOUR WORKFLOW\n\n\nTo get the most out of the last-minute study, you need to manage your time effectively and prioritize revision. It sounds simple but studies show that students always procrastinate and find it hard to concentrate.\n\n\nOn the last day before your exam, every second doesn\u2019t really count. But by the end of the day, you are likely to feel as if it does, so you may as well start early and make the best of it. You should aim to be working productively no later than the time that your exam will start the next day so that you know you can do it.\n\n\nCr; iStock\n\n\nOne of the most popular frameworks is called \u201c\nGetting Things Done\n\u201c. It is a short and simple framework that was created to\u00a0help you prioritize things like emails, assignments, and revision tasks, and helps you focus on your most important tasks. The GTD framework is used by many time management training courses and is also included in our Pandai App that has everything under schedule including our Live Tuition, Notes, and Flashcards according to the subjects that you need to learn!\n\n\n#2 OPTIMIZE YOUR STUDY AREA \n\n\nTo study last minute, you need to optimize your study area and cut out distractions. Your study area could be your bedroom, living room, or even a public library, it doesn\u2019t matter. What does matter is learning\u00a0how to \nfocus on your study notes\n instead of social media.\n\n\n\n\nIf you prefer studying in\u00a0\nsilence\n, try using noise-canceling headphones to cut out distracting sounds while you study. \n\n\nIf you work better with\u00a0\nmusic\n, you can try using a music app to listen to focus-boosting soundtracks while you study.\u00a0Youtube and Spotify\u00a0also have some tremendous deep-focus tunes! Plus, it\u2019s free!\n\n\nFor ultimate\u00a0\nconcentration\n, we recommend turning off your Wi-Fi or even turning off your phone altogether. But if this sounds like a step too far, you can try using a productivity app such as\u00a0Forest that can help you to stay off your phone.\n\n\n\n\n#3 FOCUS ON YOUR WEAK SPOTS\n\n\nThe key to getting the most out of the last-minute study is focusing on your weak spots. You can\u2019t revise all of your class material and study notes, so don\u2019t. Instead,\u00a0focus on the stuff you don\u2019t know yet!\n\n\nCr: Freepikk\n\n\nTherefore, a good idea to \nread over summaries\n such as mind maps, or one-page bullet point summaries of each topic. If you have not already prepared those, doing so can be a good way to review the topic, and check your understanding. Writing essay plans for past exam questions can also be a good way to both checks your understanding and reassure yourself that you would have been able to answer questions in previous years.\n\n\nIf there is any topic that you feel particularly uncertain about, it may be helpful to review that in more detail.\n\n\nNot sure where to begin? Try taking a practice exam or answering a few sample questions and see how you score. Find the weakest areas and study up. Brushing up on your weak spots will have the biggest impact on your overall grades. Trust us, Pandai has all solutions you need. Our tutors are ready to help anytime! \n\n\n#4 EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWERS TO OTHERS\n\n\nA problem shared is a problem halved, and those around you may be able to help, even if it is only keeping out of your way, or making you cups of tea from time to time. Obviously, this will not work if everyone around you is also revising. But if you are at home with your parents, they may:\n\n\n\n\nbe glad to know that you are working and everything is under control;\n\n\nbe happy to stay out of your way; and\n\n\nmight even make you the odd drink or sandwich if you ask nicely.\n\n\n\n\nBeing able to explain something to someone else is the gold-standard test for true understanding.\u00a0If you\u2019re looking to get the most out of your last-minute study, this is one of the best exercises to do.\n\n\nFind a friend or family member and try to explain your notes, mind maps, or revision flashcards to them. Explaining your answers aloud to others will help you identify weak areas and spot any gaps in your knowledge. They will understand what you are going through, and are likely to be calming company.\n\n\n#5 TRY TO BE HEALTHY\n\n\nStaying healthy is one of the best things you can do when studying last minute. We recommend drinking water, eating nutritious food, and exercising.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re like us, then just the thought of last-minute study can have you reaching for another cup of coffee or a can of Red Bull. But don\u2019t!\u00a0Energy drinks can give you a short-term boost but often leave you feeling tired and irritable in the long term. The best advice is boring, but it works \u2013 drinks some water! It will keep you hydrated and helps you concentrate.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\n#6 PLAN, PLAN, PLAN\n\n\nMost people sleep easier knowing that their bags are packed for the following day. Make sure your pens, pencils, and other supplies are in good working order so you can go to bed with a clear mind.\u00a0Packing your bag the night before and planning your exam day can have a great effect on your performance. You\u2019ll sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever\u2019s in front of you.\n\n\nBy all means go to the library, especially if that has been your usual revision spot, but do avoid sitting around comparing how stressed you are, or how little you know. It will not help.\n\n\nIt is a particularly good idea to avoid anyone who you know is particularly stressed. Yes, of course, you need to look after your friends but,\u00a0\nright now\n, you are more important.\n\n\n#7 TAKE A BREAK\n\n\nSleep has an important effect on exam performance! Students who get a full night\u2019s sleep outperform their sleepier peers. This shows the dangers of pulling an all-nighter before your exams. Instead, focus on getting proper rest and having at least eight hours of sleep on the night before your exam.\n\n\nThis is because, you still need to vary what you are doing, to keep your mind interested. This is, perhaps, even more, important today than other days: falling asleep over your books is not going to improve your peace of mind. \n\n\n\n\nBEST OF LUCK! \n\n\n\n\nIf you\u2019re wondering how to study last minute, these tips will help you excel. You have done your revision, and it will be fine. It is, after all, only an exam, and not the end of the world. A positive attitude is likely to help you more than anything else tomorrow. From planning your time effectively to minimizing distractions and getting enough rest, you\u2019ll be well-prepared to give any exam your best shot!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/8077-candidates-to-resit-spm-from-sept-21/", "title": "8,077 candidates to resit SPM from Sept 21", "body": "\n\nPUTRAJAYA (Bernama): The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia Ulangan (SPMU) 2021 will be conducted from Sept 21 to 23 with 8,077 candidates registered to sit for the examination.\n\n\nThe Examination Board (LP) in a statement today said 1,568 examination personnel had been appointed to ensure the smooth management and handling of SPMU 2021 at 201 examination centres nationwide.\n\n\nLP reminded all candidates to refer to the examination timetable for information on the examination date, time, code and paper as well as directions and warnings to adhere to during the examination, which can be downloaded from the official LP portal at http://lp.moe.gov.my.\n\n\n\n\nCandidates are reminded to bring their identification document and examination registration statement to the examination centre as well as to comply with the Central Assessment and Public Examination Management Guidelines found in the latest School Management and Operation guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE).\n\n\nLP said candidates are also required to comply with the standard operating procedure (SOP) set by the National Security Council (MKN) and the Health Ministry (MOH) to ensure the smooth management of examination and to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection by downloading the guidelines at the official MOE portal at https://www.moe.gov.my. \u2013 \nthe star\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/active-recall-the-top-study-method/", "title": "Active Recall : The Top Study Method", "body": "\n\nIf you don\u2019t know, active recall is considered one of the most efficient ways to study. These methods are so good. These may seem like hard concepts to grasp, however, when used wisely they will result in a\u00a0massive jump in exam scores. \n\n\nWhat is Active Recall?\nActive Recall is a principle of\u00a0efficient learning\u00a0which actively stimulates the memory during the learning process. According to research,\u00a0active recall performs 50% better\u00a0than the normal studying process. \n\n\n\n\nIn this\u00a0\n2014 study\n, the authors describe some of the evidence behind active recall.\u00a0Two groups were given questions to read and understand. They found that even though the second group had more than double the study time, they ended up performing just as well as the first group.\u00a0This is because the first group used active recall while the second group didn\u2019t.\u00a0\nTherefore,\u00a0active recall\u00a0is superior as it\u00a0can achieve the same results in less than half the time.\n\n\nAnd, the \nActive Recall Revision\n helps you in remembering things quickly and for a long time. Students who were using active recall method for studying performed a lot better in the\u00a0concept mapping tests than their competitors.\n\n\nHere will be explaining 4 very powerful and ultimate active recall strategies which will completely change the way you currently study. \nThere 4 strategies that you can try it:\n1.Creating Flash Cards\nThe process of creating the flash-cards is perfect for letting yourself know about what you need to remember. \nIt captures the essence of active recall \u2013 put something on one side of the card and ask your brain to conjure up the answer (that\u2019s hidden on the other side!). You can do this in a magnitude of ways \u2013 buy a set of empty flashcards from the local store and handwrite out the things you need to study.\n\n\nAlternatively, you can use apps like\u00a0\nAnki\n\u00a0or what I use,\u00a0\nQuizlet\n\u00a0to create digital flashcards that you can study at anytime (like on the bus, or during your work break!)\n\n\n2. Teaching Someone\n\n\nExplaining something to someone else will force you to explore that thing from multiple perspectives. \u00a0\nThese will improves your learning process by increasing your metacognitive processing, increasing your use of effective learning strategies, increasing your motivation to learn the material, and increasing your feelings of competence and autonomy. \nTo take advantage of the prot\u00e9g\u00e9 effect, you can learn the material as if you\u2019re going to teach it, pretend to teach it to someone, or teach it to other people in reality, or you can use some combination of these techniques.\n\n\n3. Reading and Remembering\n \nRead short sections and try to remember by repeating 5-10 times while keeping your eyes closed. This is we called to test the memory and brain. \n\n\nWithin closing one\u2019s eyes actually does help an individual recall things in more accurate detail.\n4. Practice Testing\nTry creating test exams from your notes and textbooks and appear for the test exam that you created without cheating \u2014 like usual exams. Using summary notes (or on your initial reading of the topic), you can create a list of questions relating to the content. \nThis is a really simply way to practice active recall, but requires slightly different preparation to get set up.\n\n\nThen, whenever you need to do a study session, you can open up your document of questions and practice recalling that information.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\nrevisingrubies.com\n\u00a0and\u00a0\naspiringyouths.com\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/adakah-masyarakat-melayan-orang-kurang-upaya-dengan-baik/", "title": "Adakah Masyarakat Melayan Orang Kurang Upaya Dengan Baik?", "body": "\n\nGolongan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) secara umumnya dapat dikategorikan kepada dua kumpulan utama, iaitu kurang upaya secara kekal dan kurang upaya secara sementara. Walaupun banyak kekurangan yang ada,\u00a0\u00a0masyarakat kurang upaya ini tidak harus dipinggirkan kerana mereka juga turut memberi sumbangan kepada negara.Golongan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) secara umumnya dapat dikategorikan kepada dua kumpulan utama, iaitu kurang upaya secara kekal dan kurang upaya secara sementara. Walaupun banyak kekurangan yang ada,\u00a0\u00a0masyarakat kurang upaya ini tidak harus dipinggirkan kerana mereka juga turut memberi sumbangan kepada negara.\n\n\nCr: PngTree\n\n\nPersoalanya, adakah masyarakat melayan mereka dengan baik?\n\n\nTidak dapat dinafikan, masyarakat mungkin akan berasa kekok apabila berhadapan dengan orang kurang upaya sekeliling mereka. Sebelum ini kita mungkin hanya melihat mereka di akhbar, televisyen, mahupun di kawasan kejiranan tempat tinggal. Kali ini masyarakat perlu ubah \n\u201cmidset\u201d\n dengan bergaul dengan mereka. Apabila berhadapan dengan situasi ini, kita boleh meningkatkan pemahaman kita mengenai mereka dulu;\n\n\nTerdapat pelbagai sumber bacaan yang boleh didapati. Antaranya laman sesawang Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat ada menerangkan dengan terperinci mengenai jenis kecacatan orang kurang upaya. Selain itu, terdapat juga pelbagai pautan laman sesawang lain yang dapat memberi maklumat mengenai jenis kecacatan, cara berhadapan dengan golongan ini, the do\u2019s and don\u2019ts, dan lain-lain lagi. Secara tidak langsung, ini menunjukkan usaha kita untuk menyantuni dan berintegrasi dengan mereka.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nApakah usaha yang perlu kita lakukan?\n\n\nAntara usaha yang dapat dilakukan ialah\u00a0masyarakat perlu menerima kehadiran golongan kurang upaya ini seadanya dan membantu mereka menjalani kehidupan dengan sebaiknya. Hal ini kerana\u00a0\u00a0masyarakat perlu sedar bahawa OKU tidak meminta dilahirkan dalam keadaan yang tidak sempurna malah mempunyai hak untuk hidup sama seperti orang lain. Golongan Kurang Upaya (OKU) haruslah diberi layanan yang baik kerana mereka turut mempunyai perasaan yang sama seperti insan lain. \u00a0Dalam hal ini, ibu bapa berperanan penting dalam mendidik anak-anak dengan nilai-nilai murni seperti kasih sayang, simpati, belas kasihan dan tolong menolong agar mereka dapat membantu OKU dengan seikhlas hati.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nSelain itu,\u00a0media massa sama ada media elektronik atau media cetak juga berperanan penting\u00a0dalam membantu golongan kurang upaya ini. Pihak media massa perlu menyiarkan artikel dan rancangan khas tentang OKU kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat. Rancangan di TV3 seperti Bersamamu kerap kali memaparkah kisah sedih dan pilu OKU\u00a0\u00a0untuk perhatian masyarakat. Melalui rancangan ini , perasaan masyarakat pasti akan tersentuh dan secara tidak langsung wujud perasaan simpati dan terpanggil untuk menghulurkan bantuan. Dana dan tabung khas disediakan oleh pihak media bagi memudahkan masyarakat menyalurkan bantuan kewangan kepada OKU. \n\n\nKesimpulannya, golongan OKU sangat memerlukan bantuan daripada kita semua untuk meneruskan dan memajukan diri mereka ke tahap yang lebih baik lagi. Untuk merealisasikan hasrat tersebut semua pihak terutama kerajaan, swasta dan masyarakat mestilah berganding bahu menjayakan matlamat tersebut. Sekiranya kita tidak bersungguh-sunggguh membantu golongan ini sudah pasti mereka akan tersisih dalam era pemodenan negara menjelang tahun 2020 nanti. Kata pepatah\u00a0muafakat membawa berkat\u00a0sangat sesuai diamalkan oleh masyarakat kita dalam usaha membantu golongan OKU.\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/all-spm-2020-exam-papers-to-be-marked-online/", "title": "All SPM 2020 exam papers to be marked online", "body": "\n\nKUCHING:The Education Ministry (MOE) is fully implementing the online marking and grading method using the LPSkor system for all Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2020 examination papers, said Deputy Minister Dr Mah Hang Soon.\n\n\nHe said 23,885 examiners were involved in marking 5,180,871 units of answer scripts for 96 examination papers in SPM 2020.\n\n\n\u201cLPSkor can expedite the marking process and the release of the results while maintaining the principles of fairness, authenticity and trust.\n\n\n\u201cThe shortened marking period will enable the results to be released according to schedule and will not affect candidates\u2019 admission opportunities to higher education institutions or the workforce,\u201d he said in his speech at Majlis Kesyukuran Pengurusan SPM 2020 at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Samariang here, today.\n\n\nMah said the LPSkor system provided flexibility to examiners in which they could mark the answer scripts at any location and time while adhering to the standard operating procedures.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBesides that, he said there was no risk of loss or destruction of the answer scripts which have high confidentiality in which no identification of the candidates would be shown to the examiners.\n\n\n\u201cThe score tally is also being done automatically to avoid human error and reduce administrative work,\u201d he said.\n\n\nThe SPM 2020 examination, which started on Feb 22 and ended today, involves 401,105 candidates at 3,310 examination centres nationwide. \u2014 \nBernama\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/apa-yang-menarik-tentang-pandai-teacher-%f0%9f%a4%a9/", "title": "Apa yang Menarik Tentang Pandai Teacher? \ud83e\udd29", "body": "\n\nHi rakan-rakan guru,\n\n\nPandai Teacher ingin berkongsi dengan semua rakan-rakan guru apa yang menarik di Pandai Teacher! Ia dibina atas permintaan guru-guru dan boleh diakses di laman web (\nwww.pandai.org\n) 100% secara PERCUMA!\n\n\nBerikut merupakan fitur yang guru boleh akses secara PERCUMA:\n\n\n\n\nRancang sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara mudah dan pantas melalui \neRPH \n\ud83d\udcc5\n\n\nNilai pemahaman para pelajar menggunakan \nQuiz Builder\n dan bina soalan melalui Bank Soalan Pandai \ud83d\udcdd\n\n\nLihat rumusan prestasi pelajar melalui \nDashboard Kelas\n \ud83d\udcaf\n\n\nDapatkan teknik pengajaran terbaru melalui \neLADAP\n, dan tuntut sijil pembangunan profesionalisme \ud83c\udf93\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProgram Pemerkasaan Guru-Guru melalui Projek Rintis PANDAI@SCHOOL bersama Penasihat Pandai Education, Profesor Dato\u2019 Dr. Noraini binti Idris.\n\n\n\n\nPandai Teacher dapat membantu guru-guru di Malaysia untuk menjadikan aktiviti didalam kelas darjah lebih menarik. Ia juga dapat membantu guru memberi latihan dan ulangkaji dengan menggunakan Bank Soalan Pandai untuk murid-murid dengan lebih mudah. Bukan juga itu, rakan guru juga dapat memantau anak murid yang menjawab set soalan dan aktiviti yang diberi oleh rakan guru. Terdapat lebih beratus testimonial daripada guru-guru yang telah menggunakan Pandai Teacher. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Daftar akaun Pandai Teacher dengan segera untuk akses pelbagai fitur yang menarik!\n\n\nPerkongsian tentang web aplikasi Pandai Teacher kepada Guru Panitia Sains dan Matematik dari Sekolah Menengah di Daerah Sentul.\n\n\nBagi menikmati fungsi kami secara menyeluruh, pastikan rakan guru sahkan akaun Pandai Teacher dengan menyertakan \nscreenshot\n salah satu daripada dokumen pengesahan rasmi seperti \nletterhead\n sekolah, surat tawaran ataupun surat contoh daripada pihak sekolah. Bagi guru-guru yang berkhidmat di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, \ngunakan emel akaun DELIMa KPM untuk pengesahan automatik\n.\n\n\nBuat yang belum lagi mendaftar dengan Pandai Teacher, klik pautan \nini\n untuk mendaftar akaun secara PERCUMA! Juga, jangan lupa untuk ikuti laman sosial @pandaiteacher di Facebook, Instagram dan Tiktok untuk informasi yang menarik dan lebih lanjut di masa akan datang. Jangan lupa kongsikan maklumat ini bersama semua rakan-rakan guru anda!\n\n\nUntuk sebarang pertanyaan dan maklum balas, boleh email kami di \n[email\u00a0protected]\n.\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/apakah-kepentingan-konsep-sekolahkusejahtera-dan-elemen-14-nilai-murni/", "title": "Apakah Kepentingan Konsep #SekolahkuSejahtera dan Elemen 14 Nilai Murni?", "body": "\n\nKonsep Sekolahku Sejahtera merupakan konsep baharu yang dilaksakan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran menerusi penerapan 14 elemen nilai kehidupan secara semula jadi kepada murid semasa sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan konsep ini adalah bagi memberikan \npenekanan terhadap nilai murni \nmenerusi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di sekolah. Selain itu, tujuan konsep ini adalah ke arah \npembentukan budaya amalan\n baik di sekolah oleh guru dan murid.\n\n\n\n\n\u201c14 elemen yang terkandung dalam konsep ini selamat, seronok, sihat, etika, empati, jati diri, adab sopan, harmoni, tekun, teliti, terampil, eksplorasi, rasional dan artikulasi\u201d\n\n\n-Menteri Kanan Pendidikan, Datuk Dr Radzi Md Jidin-\n\n\nKonsep Sekolahku Sejahtera ini dilancarkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin pada 21 Februari 2022 di Putrajaya. Ini akan diperkenalkan pada sesi persekolahan akan datang dan tidak akan membebankan guru serta murid kerana konsep ini akan diterapkan secara semula jadi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran.\n\n\n14 Nilai Sekolahku SEJAHTERA\n\n\nTerdapat 14 nilai yang terkandung di dalam konsep ini iaitu:\n\n\n\n\nSelamat\n\n\nSeronok\n\n\nSihat\n\n\nEtika\n\n\nEmpati\n\n\nJati diri\n\n\nAdab sopan\n\n\nHarmoni\n\n\nTekun\n\n\nTeliti\n\n\nTerampil\n\n\nEksplorasi\n\n\nRasional\u00a0\n\n\nArtikulasi\n\n\n\n\nPelaksanaan konsep ini akan diterapkan menerusi \npengajaran dan pembelajaran\n oleh para guru kepada murid. Sebagai contoh, apabila guru sedang mengajar mata pelajaran Sejarah, jika ada perkara-perkara dalam topik yang diajar itu kepada murid mempunyai kaitan dengan 14 elemen, perkara tersebut boleh diperjelaskan kepada murid. \n\n\nPembelajaran di Pandai juga telah menerapkan elemen konsep ini dalam kalangan murid kerana ini dilaksanakan secara holistik bersama dalam dan luar sekolah bagi kesejahteraan murid.\n\n\nSelain itu, konsep ini juga bertujuan untuk mewujudkan \nsuasana sekolah yang selamat\n, aman, selesa, menggembirakan, membina dan inklusif ke arah mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat. Ini juga akan membolehkan para murid akan \nmeneroka pelbagai cabang\n ilmu, idea dan penemuan baharu yang sentiasa berfikiran kreatif dan inovatif dalam penyelesaian masalah.\n\n\nPendek kata, konsep Sekolahku Sejahtera dirangka berteraskan prinsip dan hasrat bagi mewujudkan suasana sekolah yang selamat, aman, selesa, menggembirakan, membina dan inklusif ke arah mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat.\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/aplikasi-pandai-efektif-untuk-pelajar-spm-sekolah-luar-bandar/", "title": "Aplikasi Pandai Efektif Di Sekolah Luar Bandar!", "body": "\n\nRantau Panjang, Kelantan: \u201cDhia dah buat exam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris! Best teacher!\u201d, kata Dhia, pelajar tingkatan 5 SMK Gual Periok. Dhia memberi maklum balas yang positif kepada Cikgu Azhani, guru Bahasa Inggerisnya terhadap penggunaanya kepada aplikasi Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nCikgu Azhani Abdul Rahman merupakan cikgu subjek Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1 \u2013 5 di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Gual Periok, Kelantan dan mempunyai pengalaman mengajar selama 30 tahun. Beliau\u00a0 juga merupakan pemeriksa kertas SPM Bahasa Inggeris selama 11 tahun. Beliau telah mengenalkan Program \u201cGeng Pandai SPM\u201d kepada pelajar SMK Gual Periok.\n\n\nProgram \u2018Geng Pandai SPM\u2019 merupakan satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan pencapaian akademik calon-calon SPM 2021 susulan pengisytiharan penutupan sekolah secara bersemuka akibat pandemik Covid 19 pada 18.3.2020.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSekitar pengenalan Geng Pandai SPM semasa Kolokium Sekolah TS25 Peringkat Negeri Kelantan Tahun 2022\n\n\nObjektif perlaksanaan Program Pandai di SMK Gual Periok adalah untuk mengatasi masalah pembelajaran pelajar yang terjejas akibat pandemik semasa Tingkatan 4 dan 5. Ianya juga untuk membantu pelajar mengurus masa sendiri untuk persediaan menghadapi peperiksaan selain memotivasikan murid untuk belajar menggunakan Aplikasi \nPandai.\u00a0\n\n\nCikgu Azhani mengatakan bahawa aplikasi ini menjadi pilihan utama kerana ia merupakan satu aplikasi interaktif yang hanya memerlukan telefon bimbit, capaian internet dan semua pelajar dapat mengakses ianya dengan mudah. Walaupun SMK Gual Periok merupakan sekolah luar bandar, tetapi seramai 37 pelajar telah pun mendaftar untuk menggunakan aplikasi Pandai.\n\n\nMenurut beliau juga, aplikasi Pandai ini dapat diakses secara percuma dan setakat ini 27 orang pelajar telah memberikan respons yang positif dan mereka seronok menggunakan Pandai untuk belajar. Selain itu, 14 orang pelajar telah pun menaik taraf akaun mereka kepada Pandai Premium untuk menikmati akses tuisyen atas talian bagi semua subjek SPM.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAntara maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pelajar SMK Gual Periok\n\n\nImpak yang diberikan oleh Pandai kepada pelajar di sekolah ini amatlah besar. Pada Julai 2021, pelajar-pelajar\u00a0 di SMK Gual Periok telah berjaya meraih tempat dalam carta\n 20 teratas Peringkat Kebangsaan dan juga Peringkat Negeri Kelantan.\n Ini membuatkan mereka bersemangat dan berlumba \u2013 lumba\u00a0 untuk melayakkan diri masuk ke dalam carta \u201cLeaderboard\u201d.\n\n\nBeliau berkata lagi kekuatan utama Pandai adalah \n\u201cGamefication\u201d\n \ndalam kuiz harian, ujian topikal, dan sampel peperiksaan menjadi asbab utama pelajar mengulangkaji pelajaran dengan lebih efektif dan mempunyai semangat daya saing yang tinggi antara pelajar sekolah tersohor yang lain.\n\n\nTambahan lagi, Pandai menyediakan soalan-soalan yang mirip kepada soalan peperiksaan SPM sebenar dan ianya membantu pelajar untuk lebih bersedia dan mengulangkaji pada kadar yang optimum dan baik. Disamping itu, pelajar juga menjawab soalan dengan mudah dan jelas terutamanya pada subjek matematik kerana setiap jawapan digred secara automatik beserta penjelasan dan jalan pengiraan.\u00a0\n\n\nCiri-ciri \u2018Smart Bots\u2019 atau robot pintar, \u2018micro credentials\u2019 (penganugerahan lencana pencapaian, e-sijil dan sebagainya) serta \u2018differentiated learning\u2019 yang berfokuskan individu, menjadi pemangkin dalam meningkatkan pemahaman sekaligus memaksimakan pencapaian terbaik pelajar.\n\n\n\n\nMaklum balas dari Guru di SMK Gual Periok\n\n\nPenyampaian hadiah juga dijalankan sebagai tanda penghargaan dan pemangkin untuk pelajar-pelajar yang berjaya meletakkan dirinya dalam carta Peringkat Kebangsaan. Nur Aifaa Aqilah berjaya mendapat tempat ke-2 terbaik Peringkat Kebangsaan manakala Muhammad Alif Shahril berjaya mendapat tempat ke-7 terbaik Peringkat Kebangsaan. Hadiah berupa KFC telah diberikan sebagai penghargaan dan motivasi supaya para pelajar lebih bersemangat membuat latihan dengan Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nAplikasi Pandai merupakan aplikasi yang sangat membantu pelajar SMK Gual Periok pada saat motivasi intrinsik mereka sangat rendah. Pandai juga membantu dalam membuka dan memberikan pandangan yang baru terhadap penggunaan alat komunikasi seperti telefon\u00a0pintar, komputer riba, tablet dan sebagainya bukan punca utama kegagalan pelajar untuk bermain permainan atas talian sahaja malah ianya digunakan untuk pembelajaran yang lebih pantas dan mudah untuk diakses dihujung jari sahaja. Menurut Cikgu Azhani, guru perlulah bertindak mengikut keperluan masa kini dan mengambil kira semua kaedah yang bersesuaian kepada pelajar di zaman kini.\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/aplikasi-pandai-tawar-sesi-pembelajaran-interaktif-utusan-sarawak/", "title": "Aplikasi Pandai Tawar Sesi Pembelajaran Interaktif \u2013 Utusan Sarawak", "body": "\n\nTerima kasih Utusan Sarawak! \ud83e\udd17\nRabu, 11 Ogos 2021 \u2013 \u2018Aplikasi Pandai Tawar Sesi Pembelajaran Interaktif\u2019. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nYa. Aplikasi Pandai telah membantu seramai lebih 256,000 pelajar di Malaysia menggunakannya setiap hari. \nAplikasi Pandai juga telah menyediakan lebih 78 juta soalan pembelajaran sejak Januari 2020, di mana dapat membantu para pelajar dalam mengulangkaji pelajaran mereka. Bahkan, apa yang lebih menarik, Pandai telah memperkenalkan dan menyediakan platform buat penggunaan para pelajar, ibu-bapa dan guru. \n\n\n\n\nSegera dapatkan Aplikasi Pandai hari ini! \nLearn everyday, anywhere with Pandai\n#senangjernakpandai\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/april-giveaway-join-iq-brain-workout/", "title": "April Giveaway: Join IQ Brain Workout", "body": "\n\nHai semua! Kalau anda nak tahu, pada bulan April, Pandai mengadakan \nApril Giveaway\n buat semua!\n\n\nYa, April Giveaway kali ini adalah \nIQ Brain Workout.\n\n\nApa itu IQ Brain Workout?\nIQ Brain Workout adalah salah satu aktiviti yang memberi peluang anda menjawab soalan dengan berfikir secara di luar kotak. Anda harus meneka serta memberikan ulasan atau sebab bagi jawapan yang diberikan. Ya, aktiviti IQ Brain Workout ini menarik tau. \nTengok soalan di bawah! Teka sekarang!\n\n\n\n\nApril Giveaway ini terbuka buat semua orang tidak kira tua atau muda. Sesiapa sahaja boleh mencuba dengan memberikan jawapan yang kreatif. Tulis jawapan di ruangan komen media sosial Pandaiofficial agar kami dapat memilih anda sebagai pemenang bertuah! Senang, kan? Huhu..\n\n\nAda pelbagai tawaran hadiah yang menarik yang disediakan oleh Pandai untuk aktiviti giveaway kali ini.\n\n\nHadiah Pertama akan menerima KFC dan bagi saguhati adalah Llaollao! Yahoo!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRugi sesiapa yang tak join. Tengoklah menarikkan hadiah nya? \nPercuma\n\u00a0je untuk join April Giveaway ini. Nak tahu cara memenangi hadiah ini semua?\u00a0 \n\n\nJom ikuti syarat dibawah:\n1. \nFollow\n\u00a0Instagram \n@pandaiofficial\n\u00a0 \n2. \nLike, Share dan Tag\n rakan anda\n3. \nKomen jawapan\n anda yang paling \nkreatif\n\n\nMudah je giveaway ni. Hanya berikan jawapan anda yang penuh dengan imaginasi dan kreativiti. Ajak rakan-rakan anda join April Giveaway ini!\n\n\nSelamat berjaya.\u00a0\n\n\nUntuk mendapatkan maklumat dan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai, ikuti media sosial kami di bawah.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/are-flashcards-effective-check-on-3-ways-they-can-boost-your-grades/", "title": "Are flashcards effective? Check on 3 ways they can boost your grades!", "body": "\n\nFlashcards: \nthey\u2019re not glamorous but they are effective and help you ace your exam. Here are the top 3 scientific reasons for why flashcards are so effective.\n\n\nYou see your classmates carefully color coding their biology flashcards and you wonder:\u00a0\nAre flashcards effective?\n\u00a0Like\u00a0\nactually\n, though?\n\n\n\n\nFlashcards may have a reputation as being one of the most boring ways to study. But there\u2019s a reason that flashcards have been a preferred study method for hundreds of years:\u00a0\nThey friggin\u2019 work!\n\n\nWhile they won\u2019t necessarily instill focus and motivation in an otherwise helpless student, flashcards are hands-down the most effective way for\u00a0\nmotivated\n\u00a0learners to study and retain factual knowledge, especially when the flashcards are used properly. And there are good scientific reasons for that.\n\n\nHere are the top 3 reasons why flashcards are so effective.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Flashcards engage \u201cactive recall\u201d\n\n\nWhen you look at the front side of a flashcard and think of the answer, you are engaging a mental faculty known as \nactive recall\n. In other words, you are attempting to remember the concept from scratch rather than simply staring at the passage in your textbook or recognizing it on a multiple choice quiz.\n\n\nActive recall has been shown t\no create stronger neuron connections\n for that memory trace. And because flashcards can so easily facilitate repetition, they are the best way to create multiple memory-enhancing recall events. Some research has found that this kind of active recall retrieval practice leads\n to 150% better retention \nthan passive studying.\n\n\nThe take-away:\u00a0\nflashcards are effective because they make you pull information out of your memory (instead of just reading it), and this helps you do better tests.\n\n\n2. Flashcards engage your metacognition\n\n\nWhen you reveal the answer side of a flashcard to assess your correctness, you are essentially asking yourself \u201cHow did my answer compare to this correct answer?\u201d and \u201cHow well did I know (or not know) it?\u201d This act of self-reflection is known as metacognition.\u00a0\n\n\nResearch consistently finds that applying metacognitive strategies tends \nto ingrain memories deeper\n into your knowledge and leas to better learning outcomes. It allows students to focus on their weakness, plan their study better, and more accurately judge how well they know the material.\n\n\n\n\n3. Flashcards allow for confidence-based repetition\n\n\nBecause flashcards exist loosely, rather than tied to a book or document, you are able to separate them into piles based on whether (or how often) you need to study them again.\n\n\nThis practice of our unique \nconfidence-based repetition\n approach (\na derivative of spaced-repetition\n) is proven by decades\u00a0of research to be the most scientifically optimized way to improve memory performance.\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website \nbrainscape.com\n.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/back-to-school-photo-contest-sertai-sekarang-sehingga-15-mac-2021/", "title": "Back to School Photo Contest! Sertai sekarang sehingga 15 Mac 2021!", "body": "\n\nHai, adik-adik di luar sana. \nJom sertai Contest atau pertandingan terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nContest apa tu?\n\n\nHah! \nBack to School Photo Contest!\n\n\n\n\nYa! Ianya \npercuma dan terbuka buat semua pelajar mahupun guru atau ibu bapa untuk sertai.\u00a0\n\n\nContest atau pertandingan Back to School Photo Contest\u00a0 diadakan adalah \nsempena meraikan pembukaan persekolahan bagi sesi 2021 buat para pelajar, pendidik mahupun ibu bapa.\n\n\nWow! Saya nak sertai! Apa syaratnya?\n\n\nSyarat untuk pertandingan ini. Mudah sahaja. Ikuti di bawah:\n\n\nPelajar/ Ibu bapa/ Guru perlu \nmemuat naik gambar atau video\n yang menarik sempena kembali ke sekolah di media sosial.\nSetelah post, jangan lupa \nletakkan hashtag di caption\n anda iaitu \n#backtoschoolxpandai\nTag Media sosial Pandaiofficial\n sama ada di Instagram atau Facebook\n\n\nAh! Senang kan? Yer mudah je. Hadiah yang disediakan menarik tau!\n\n\nPemenang bertuah akan memenangi hadiah utama iaitu Voucher KFC dan bagi saguhati akan menerima Voucher Tealive.\n\u00a0\n\n\nHadiah Utama \u2013 KFC\n\n\nJom raikan dan meriahkan dalam join Back to School Photo Contest hari ini.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSelamat berjaya.\u00a0\n\n\nUntuk mendapatkan maklumat dan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai, ikuti media sosial kami di bawah.\u00a0\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/bagaimana-subjek-rbt-diajar-menerusi-pdpr/", "title": "Bagaimana subjek RBT diajar menerusi PdPR?", "body": "\n\nApabila Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) dimulakan sejak Mac 2020, persoalan pertama yang timbul adalah bagaimana guru akan mengajar dalam talian sedangkan kebiasaan sebelum ini, ia dibuat secara berdepan.\n\n\nKetika itu, semuanya masih samar dan di luar jangkauan pemikiran. Bagaimanapun, selepas masuk fasa ketiga PdPR kita mula menyedari terdapat sebahagian mata pelajaran yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kaedah berkenaan.\n\n\nAntaranya mata pelajaran Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT) yang sinonim dengan tugasan berasaskan projek. RBT sebenarnya mata pelajaran baharu yang diperkenalkan bagi menggantikan Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu.\n\n\nSumber dari Internet\n\n\nBagaimanapun kurikulumnya berbeza kerana RBT memberi ruang kepada murid bukan hanya mendapatkan pengetahuan tetapi menguasai asas kemahiran praktis, kemahiran mereka bentuk, amalan asas keusahawanan selain kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan asas teknologi.\n\n\nMenerusi mata pelajaran ini, murid berpeluang untuk menghasilkan produk berasaskan projek dengan menggunakan kemahiran yang dipelajari dan sentuhan kreatif kendiri.\n\n\nBerdasarkan Kemahiran Pembelajaran Abad ke-21 (PAK21), pelajar bukan sahaja menjadi pengguna teknologi yang berpengetahuan tetapi pelajar itu juga disediakan sebagai pencipta produk juga pencetus idea pembaharuan.\n\n\nJusteru, adakah kaedah pengajaran dalam talian ini akan membataskan keupayaan dan kreativiti pelajar? Jujurnya, dalam hal ini, PdPR tidak akan menjadi penghalang kemampuan murid menguasai RBT jika kedua-dua pihak iaitu guru, murid dan ibu bapa masing-masing menjalankan peranan mereka.\n\n\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal diboleh lihat di laman web\u00a0\nberita harian.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/bantuan-belajar-pasca-banjir-2022/", "title": "Bantuan Belajar Pasca Banjir 2022", "body": "\n\n1. Pendahuluan\n\n\nBerdasarkan bencana banjir yang telah melanda beberapa negeri semenjak akhir tahun 2021, Team Pandai ingin menyediakan sumbangan Bantuan Belajar Pasca Banjir 2022 buat semua pelajar Malaysia yang terkesan akibat bencana ini.\n\n\nBantuan ini bertujuan untuk meringankan beban para ibu bapa dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan pembelajaran buat anak-anak sejurus memberi peluang kepada para pelajar untuk menikmati pembelajaran menggunakan \nPandai Premium secara\n \npercuma selama 3 bulan.\u00a0\n\n\nDengan Pandai Premium, para pelajar akan menerima bahan dan perkhidmatan pembelajaran digital seperti yang berikut:\n\n\nBahan rujukan tanpa had seperti nota, buku teks, video tutorial, dll.\nBahan ulangkaji seperti soalan latihan kuiz dan ujian, kad imbasan, dll.\nKelas tuisyen online setiap hari (\nmaklumat lanjut\n)\nLive chat bersama tutor bagi bertanyakan soalan-soalan akademik\n\n\nKesemua perkhidmatan yang disediakan adalah di dalam ekosistem Pandai yang boleh diakses menggunakan telefon pintar atau komputer, melalui laman web atau aplikasi yang dimuat turun.\n\n\n\n\n2. Jenis-Jenis Bantuan\n\n\n\n\nKumpulan\nJenis Pelajar\nJenis Bantuan\nA\n\u2022 Pengguna Pandai baharu\n\u2022 Pengguna Pandai Basic sedia ada\nAkses PERCUMA kepada Pandai Premium selama 3 bulan\nB\nPengguna Pandai Premium sedia ada\n\u2022 Akses PERCUMA kepada Pandai Premium selama 3 bulan\n\u2022 Study Kit (buku nota & alat tulis)\n\n\n3. Penerimaan Bantuan\n\n\nMana-mana pelajar sekolah Malaysia yang terkesan layak untuk memohon Bantuan Banjir Pasca Banjir 2022. Namun, penerimaan bantuan ini adalah terhad kepada \n200 orang pelajar sahaja\n. Pendaftaran akan ditapis dan keutamaan akan diberikan kepada calon-calon SPM 2021.\n\n\nSelepas proses penapisan, para pendaftar akan dihubungi melalui e-mel tentang keputusan penerimaan bantuan. Arahan bagi cara-cara mengakses Pandai Premium akan dijelaskan melalui e-mel juga.\n\n\n\n\n4. Pendaftaran\n\n\nTarikh Pendaftaran: 10 Jan \u2013 20 Jan 2022\n\n\nKlik di sini untuk mendaftar\n\n\nNota: Selain butiran kenalan, pemohon perlu melampirkan gambar kejadian sebagai bukti.\n\n\n\n\n5. Penutup\n\n\nDi Pandai, kebajikan pembelajaran anak-anak adalah hal yang paling utama, selepas penjangkauan pendidikan berkualiti untuk semua. Kami harap, sumbangan yang termampu ini akan sedikit sebanyak menyuntik semula semangat anak-anak untuk terus kuat dan mengambil langkah kehadapan.\n\n\nSebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan kepada Support Team kami di +6018-2524143 (WhatsApp).\n\n\nAyuh! Kita bangkit semula dan Capai Bersama.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/bermula-esok-didiktv-kpm-siaran-pertama-terbaru-inisiatif-tambahan-murid-belajar-di-rumah-sesi-pdpr/", "title": "Bermula Esok DidikTV KPM Siaran Pertama Terbaru Inisiatif Tambahan Murid Belajar di Rumah & Sesi PdPR", "body": "\n\n\n\nKuala Lumpur: Ibu bapa kini boleh menarik nafas lega apabila Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) memperkenalkan TV Pendidikan dikenali DidikTV KPM sebagai antara usaha menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Di Rumah (PdPR).\n\n\nDidikTV KPM akan bersiaran dari jam 7 pagi hingga 12 tengah malam setiap hari mulai esok dengan majlis pelancarannya disempurnakan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pada jam 8 pagi.\n\n\nJurukimpal, Mohd Ridzuan Mohd Yusof, 40, berkata, dia bersyukur susulan wujudnya DidikTV KPM kerana dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah PdPR terutama buat mereka yang tinggal di pedalaman.\n\n\n\u201cDiharap dengan wujudnya DidikTV KPM dapat membantu anak saya berusia tujuh dan 10 tahun untuk lebih fokus dalam pembelajaran.\n\n\n\u201cMalah, penggunaan pembelajaran secara grafik dan animasi di DidikTV KPM pastinya menarik minat murid untuk belajar,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nMenurutnya, dia berharap DidikTV KPM diteruskan pada masa akan datang dan tidak hanya tertumpu ketika pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) sahaja.\n\n\nPresiden Majlis Permuafakatan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru Nasional, Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohamad Ali Hasan berkata, kewujudan DidikTV KPM boleh mengatasi kekangan peralatan peranti elektronik dan capaian Internet yang dihadapi pelajar terutama di luar bandar.\n\n\n\u201cPerancangan untuk Perdana Menteri menyempurnakan pelancaran saluran itu pada hari pertama siarannya juga menunjukkan satu petanda bahawa negara begitu prihatin terhadap pendidikan,\u201d katanya dalam panggilan video secara langsung di Buletin Bernama yang disiarkan Bernama TV, semalam.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, dengan adanya DidikTV KPM, pendidikan yang berkualiti dan bermutu tinggi dapat dicapai oleh semua rakyat negara ini tanpa berlakunya keciciran terutama mereka yang tinggal di luar bandar dan pedalaman.\n\n\nSementara itu, KPM berkata, inisiatif mewujudkan saluran khusus itu adalah usaha berterusan kementerian dalam meningkatkan akses kepada pendidikan berkualiti untuk semua murid di seluruh negara.\n\n\n\u201cSebelum ini, KPM menyediakan program TV Pendidikan selama 11 jam melalui TV Okey RTM, Tutor TV Astro dan\u00a0DidikTV@ntv7.\n\n\n\u201cKini buat pertama kalinya, KPM memperkenalkan saluran khusus TV Pendidikan secara terestrial dengan pengisian dari jam 7 pagi hingga 12 tengah malam setiap hari,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nSiaran DidikTV KPM boleh ditonton menerusi saluran 107 di MYTV, saluran 147 di Astro dan saluran ntv7 di TV UNIFI.\n\n\n\u201cSelain itu, bagi set TV Digital Bersepadu (iDTV) yang menggunakan antena, carian saluran DidikTV KPM boleh dilakukan menerusi penalaan automatik.\n\n\n\u201cDidikTV KPM akan menyiarkan program yang diterbitkan khusus dengan berteraskan kurikulum dan kokurikulum KPM,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nSaluran berkenaan akan menyiarkan berita mengenai dunia pendidikan, program bercorak didik hibur serta kandungan yang dihasilkan oleh murid selain program antarabangsa yang bersesuaian.\n\n\n\u201cDidikTV KPM juga satu platform untuk memperkasakan budaya ilmu, menerapkan nilai murni dan mewujudkan masyarakat berinformasi. KPM sentiasa komited untuk terus melakukan yang terbaik,\u201d katanya. \u2013 \nHarian Metro\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/buku-teks/", "title": "Buku Teks Digital Percuma dari Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia", "body": "\n\nKementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah menyediakan buku teks digital kepada murid sekolah dari Tahun 1 hingga ke Tingkatan 5. \n\n\nBuku ini telah didigitalkan dalam format PDF yang boleh dimuat turun dari platform \nGoogle Drive \nsecara terus menggunakan akaun Google \nmoe-dl.edu.my\n murid yang disediakan KPM.\n\n\nUntuk memudahkan murid mendapatkan buku-buku ini, kami telah menyenaraikan dengan mudah dan menyediakan pautan bagi semua buku teks mengikut Tahun dan Tingkatan. Senarai buku teks tersebut boleh diakses dengan pautan dibawah.\n\n\nSekolah Rendah \n\n\nNo\nTahun\nPautan\n \nBuku\n (SK, SJKC, SJKT)\n1\nTahun 1\nhttps://book.pandai.org/year1\n2\nTahun 2\nhttps://book.pandai.org/year2\n3\nTahun 3\nhttps://book.pandai.org/year3\n4\nTahun 4\nhttps://book.pandai.org/year4\n5\nTahun 5\nhttps://book.pandai.org/year5\n6\nTahun 6\nhttps://book.pandai.org/year6\n\n\n\n\nSekolah Menengah \n\n\nNo\nTingkatan\nPautan\n \nBuku\n (SMK)\n1\nTingkatan 1\nhttps://book.pandai.org/form1\n2\nTingkatan 2\nhttps://book.pandai.org/form2\n3\nTingkatan 3\nhttps://book.pandai.org/form3\n4\nTingkatan 4\nhttps://book.pandai.org/form4\n5\nTingkatan 5\nhttps://book.pandai.org/form5\n6\nPeralihan\nhttps://book.pandai.org/peralihan\n\n\n\n\nTahniah dan terima kasih kepada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia yang menyediakan buku-buku teks sekolah dalam format digital yang memudahkan murid mengakses buku dimana-mana sahaja dengan peranti mobil, laptop atau komputer.\n\n\nDiharap buku teks digital ini memudahkan murid mendapatkan akses buku teks untuk tujuan pembelajaran di rumah. Murid-murid juga boleh menggunakan aplikasi Pandai bagi membuat ulang kaji latihan dan parktis kendiri terhadap subjek dan topik yang dipelajari.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/cabaran-ibu-bapa-keluar-bekerja-hadapi-pdpr/", "title": "Cabaran ibu bapa keluar bekerja hadapi PdPR", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) memberi cabaran yang bukan sedikit kepada ibu bapa terutama mereka yang perlu keluar bekerja.\n\n\nKaunselor Berdaftar, Bahagian Perkhidmatan Sumber Manusia, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Siti Fatimah Abdul Ghani, berkata tidak dinafikan sesetengah ibu bapa mungkin akan berasa sedikit tertekan memandangkan anak-anak terutama pra sekolah atau sekolah rendah memerlukan bimbingan sepenuhnya daripada ibu bapa.\n\n\nNamun begitu, ini adalah sebahagian norma baharu yang diharungi dalam menyokong usaha Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) untuk terus mendidik anak bangsa.\n\n\nKatanya, perkara penting yang perlu dititikberatkan dalam menangani cabaran PdPR adalah kesediaan mental dan emosi ibu bapa, guru dan anak-anak sendiri.\n\n\n\u201cKehidupan kita hari ini perlu membiasakan diri dengan norma baharu. Ia terpakai bukan saja di alam pekerjaan tetapi juga sistem pendidikan.\n\n\n\u201cDalam hal ini ibu bapa perlu mencari solusi atau penyelesaian jika terdapat kekangan. Berbincanglah dengan baik, pasti ada solusi yang boleh diambil bagi memastikan anak-anak tidak ketinggalan pembelajaran mereka,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, selain itu persediaan fizikal seperti peralatan alat bantu seperti peranti mencukupi selain perlunya sokongan sosial komunikasi antara pihak sekolah dan ibu bapa.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cKita memahami kekangan ibu bapa kini yang mempunyai bilangan anak lebih daripada seorang.\n\n\n\u201cDi sinilah pentingnya sokongan sosial emosi untuk ibu bapa. Berbincang sesama sendiri dengan membahagikan masa. Dalam situasi kini, kita tahu organisasi atau tempat ibu bapa bekerja ada yang mengehadkan empat jam tempoh bekerja.\n\n\n\u201cDengan kaedah itu, ibu bapa boleh merancang aktiviti atau perjalanan PdPR anak masing-masing. Komunikasi bersama-sama pihak sekolah terutama guru kelas atau mata pelajaran juga penting supaya anak-anak tidak ketinggalan membuat tugasan yang diberikan sama ada melalui Google Classroom atau platform lain,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, ibu bapa perlu menguruskan masa dengan baik bagi membolehkan agihan tugas untuk memantau atau menemani anak-anak.\n\n\n\u201cPastikan ibu bapa membuat penggiliran untuk tujuan itu. Contohnya giliran bekerja di pejabat atau bekerja dari rumah. Ada juga kedua-dua ibu bapa perlu keluar bekerja sedangkan anak masih belum mampu berdikari, jadi perlulah berbincang secara baik dengan majikan serta guru untuk pengecualian mengikuti PdPR.\n\n\n\u201cSaya percaya, ada sedikit kelonggaran bagi yang tidak dapat mengikuti sesi pembelajaran dalam talian yang mana guru memberikan tugasan di Google Classroom untuk disiapkan.\n\n\n\u201cDengan syarat, ibu bapa perlu memaklumkan pihak guru supaya tidak timbul salah faham atau tanggapan yang negatif,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nTambahnya, disiplin diri antara ibu bapa dan anak-anak perlu dipupuk sebaik mungkin. Persediaan awal pada malam hari untuk kelas keesokan harinya adalah langkah terbaik. Pastikan jadual PdPR dan ingatkan anak untuk membuat persediaan awal.\n\n\n\u201cPdPR kali ini bukan yang pertama kali, jadi guru lebih bersedia dan sistem juga sudah sistematik. Apa yang penting adalah komunikasi,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBagi kakitangan pengurusan, Nurulfarahshah Jamil,33, berkata beliau bimbang anak yang belajar di tahun satu ketinggalan dalam pelajaran kerana tidak banyak peluang untuk memantau sesi PdPRnya.\n\n\nTegasnya, walaupun sudah cuba sedaya upaya, masih banyak tugasan yang diberikan guru tidak dapat diselesaikan.\n\n\n\u201cSaya perlu keluar bekerja, anak-anak yang lain dijaga mentua. Jadi sepanjang saya di pejabat, anak ikuti PdPR sendiri.\n\n\n\u201cMujurnya, pihak sekolah dan guru memahami apatah lagi PdPR kali ini bukan yang pertama. Guru juga sangat bekerjasama dengan memaklumkan modul tugasan dan apa yang perlu ibu bapa lakukan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nTambahnya, semua tugasan dan sesi pembelajaran dalam talian juga dimaklumkan beberapa hari lebih awal yang nyata sangat membantu ibu bapa sepertinya.\n\n\nSementara itu bagi eksekutif akaun, Izzati Alia Mohd Ashar,33, berkata PdPR yang dijalankan kali ini lebih tersusun berbanding sebelumnya.\n\n\nKatanya, guru dan pihak sekolah mengambil kira pandangan serta kesusahan ibu bapa terutama mereka yang bekerja.\n\n\n\u201cJika PdPR sebelum ini semua berlumba-lumba untuk buat pembelajaran secara dalam talian, tetapi kali ini jadual dan modul yang disusun nampak lebih teratur dengan pembahagian kerja secara \u2018offline\u2019,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nKatanya, berbanding dahulu beliau tidak sempat untuk memantau semua tugasan yang diberikan oleh guru mata pelajaran, tetapi kali ini ia lebih memudahkan ibu bapa yang bekerja.- \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/cabaran-pdpr-kepada-guru-pelajar-dan-ibu-bapa/", "title": "Cabaran PdPR kepada guru, pelajar dan ibu bapa.", "body": "\n\n\n\nKuala Lumpur: Pelaksanaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) bagi pelajar dan murid di seluruh negara dilihat bukan sahaja membawa cabaran kepada ibu bapa, malah guru dan pelajar juga terpaksa berdepan dengan pelbagai isu.\n\n\nSeorang guru yang mengajar di sebuah sekolah di Putrajaya berkata, kehadiran kelas secara dalam talian dalam kalangan murid dari kelas \u2018belakang\u2019 dilihat agak rendah.\n\n\n\u201cContohnya kehadiran murid kelas hadapan adalah 24 orang dari 27 orang jumlah keseluruhan, tetapi kehadiran kelas belakang dilihat hanya enam dari jumlah keseluruhan iaitu 19 orang. Murid yang pandai akan \u2018selamat\u2019 dan yang lemah akan terus ketinggalan.\n\n\n\u201cKalau di sekolah, guru boleh panggil murid bersemuka dan berikan motivasi, tapi bila kelas dijalankan secara dalam talian, ia bergantung kepada persediaan murid itu dari segi peranti, pelan data dan motivasi sendiri,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi, hari ini.\n\n\nBeliau yang enggan dikenali berkata, cabaran lain kelas dalam talian ialah, sukar untuk memantau disiplin dan tumpuan pelajar, malah ada pelajar yang mengaku membuka dua paparan di komputer riba \u2013 satu untuk kelas dalam talian dan satu lagi untuk bermain \u2018permainan dalam talian\u2019.\n\n\nBagi pelajar Tingkatan Tiga sebuah sekolah di Selangor, Syakir Fazly, 15, cabaran belajar di rumah yang dihadapi ialah, adik-adiknya sering membuat bising dan mengganggu ketika dia mengikuti kelas secara dalam talian.\n\n\n\u201cSukar untuk saya dengar suara cikgu dan pelajar lain. Kalau pelajar ada soalan hendak tanya soalan pun, cikgu hanya teruskan mengajar sahaja kerana tidak dengar soalan dan suara pelajar. Selain itu tidak semua yang cikgu ajarkan dapat difahamkan dengan jelas, kerana skrin telefon bimbit kecil. Pautan yang diberikan cikgu selalu sukar untuk diakses dan tersekat-sekat,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nSeorang ibu. Shahidah Musa, lewat 30-an, pekerja swasta yang mempunyai anak yang bersekolah di Tahun Satu dan Dua di Selangor pula berkata, ada guru yang tidak konsisten dan bertukar-tukar platform media sosial dan medium, dalam mengendalikan PdPR.\n\n\n\u201cAda masa gunakan platform WhatsApp, kemudian bertukar Telegram. Medium pembelajaran juga berubah-ubah, dari aplikasi Zoom ke Google Meet dan panggilan video. Selain itu waktu kelas bermula juga berubah hari pertama 9.30 pagi, hari kedua 10 pagi. Ibu bapa terpaksa sentiasa menunggu maklumat dan kemas kini dari guru,\u201d katanya yang terpaksa membeli telefon bimbit untuk anaknya.\n\n\nShahidah berkata, ada ibu bapa yang terpaksa \u2018belajar\u2019 aplikasi Google classroom dan sebagainya untuk membantu anak masing-masing menyiapkan tugasan, terutama yang memerlukan mereka merakam video.\n\n\nNorazah Muda, 49, yang juga seorang ahli perniagaan berkata, anak bongsunya yang sepatutnya memasuki Tingkatan Satu di sebuah sekolah agama swasta berasrama di Negeri Sembilan belum memulakan PdPR untuk tahun ini, setakat hari ini.\n\n\n\u201cSaya risau untuk belikan telefon bimbit atau komputer riba kepada anak saya, kerana berdasarkan pengalaman saya pada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) tahun lepas, anak saya sangat obses permainan video malah turut membeli-belah dalam talian ketika tiada kelas,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nNorazah berkata ketika PKP tahun lepas beliau hanya membenarkan anaknya membuat kerja rumah dan belajar menggunakan telefon bimbit miliknya.\n\n\nSeorang ibu di Johor,\n \nHairunnisak Aman, 39, yang mempunyai anak berusia enam, lapan dan 10 tahun, berkata PdPR bukan sahaja menuntut disiplin tinggi murid, malah ibu bapa juga perlu memainkan peranan dalam memastikan anak-anak tidak tercicir.\n\n\n\u201cAgak mencabar kerana memerlukan komitmen tinggi untuk menyertai sesi \u2018Google Meet\u2019, \u2018Google Classroom\u2019, Telegram, WhatsApp, untuk tiga anak yang kesemuanya bersekolah rendah secara serentak, namun, buat masa ini, saya masih boleh \u2018curi-curi\u2019 masa memantau mereka,\u201d kata pengusaha katering itu ketika dihubungi Bernama, hari ini \u2013 \nHarian Metro\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/calon-spm-2020-kena-ke-sekolah-januari-ini/", "title": "Calon SPM 2020 Kena Ke Sekolah Januari Ini", "body": "\n\n\n\nPelajar SPM 2020 diwajibkan ke sekolah pada Februari 2021\n\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Para pelajar Tingkatan 5 tahun 2020 yang dijadual menduduki peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) pada bulan Februari 2021 perlu hadir ke sekolah seperti biasa apabila sesi persekolahan dibuka semula 20 Januari ini.\nTimbalan Menteri Pendidikan 1, Muslimin Yahaya berkata, ia bagi memberi peluang kepada proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) secara bersemuka sebelum kumpulan tersebut berdepan peperiksaan besar.\n\n\n\u201cUntuk pengetahuan yang berhormat, pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 5 2020 akan berada di persekolahan 2021 sehingga mereka memulakan sesi peperiksaan\u00a0 pada Februari.\n\n\n\u201cIni supaya kita boleh memberi sedikit ruang kepada mereka bersemuka dengan cikgu-cikgu sebelum menghadapi peperiksaan sebagaimana ditakwimkan Kementerian Pendidikan,\u201d katanya ketika menggulung perbahasan Rang Undang-undang (RUU) Perbekalan 2021 bagi kementeriannya di Dewan Negara.\n\n\nBeliau berkata demikian menjawab celahan Senator Datuk Razali Idris berhubung perkara itu.\n\n\nSebelum ini, Kementerian Pendidikan meminda tarikh peperiksaan SPM, Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM) dan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) kepada 22 Februari 2021.\n\n\nPeperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) pula dianjak ke 8 Mac 2021.\n\n\nMenteri Kanan Pendidikan, Dr. Mohd. Radzi Md. Jidin memaklumkan perincian mengenai semua peperiksaan awam itu akan dimaklumkan dalam masa terdekat.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, penjadualan semula peperiksaan awam tidak akan menjejaskan kemasukan ke institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA). \u2013 \nUTUSAN\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/can-downloading-e-books-save-trees/", "title": "Can Downloading E-books, Save Trees?", "body": "\n\nMany studies confirm that\u00a0reading comprehension is better with physical books than with eBooks. Over the years, OverDrive readers have checked out more than 1 billion digital books and, in that time,\u00a015.8 million trees have been saved.\n\n\nAlthough young people may read more quickly on an eReader, the speed and potential distractions of links, scrolling, and advertisements usually mean people remember and retain what they are reading better in physical books.\n\n\nIt may appear odd to think that e-readers have less negative impacts on the environment than traditional printed books, the truth is\u00a0e-readers take very\n little resources for production \ncompared to traditional books. This makes them very helpful when it involves saving the environment. Apart from the fact that electronic books consume little resources, electronic books also \ndo not release as much carbon footprint\n into the environment like printed books. As a result of the reduced carbon footprint from e-books,\u00a0they are ultimately the best choice for a healthy planet. As they are\n easy to carry, \nstudents can always keep it with them and access the content during breaks, while traveling etc. While printed books take quite a lot of space in their bags, and carrying multiple books everywhere is not something that students would prefer, eBook seems like a convenient option.\n\n\nCr: Freepik\n\n\nWhat Are The Advantages?\n\n\nE-Books can be downloaded and stored for later use. One can carry the eBook around and read them whenever they want. Students and employees can go through the learning material while at home and even while travelling. It is convenient for people on the go. Some eReaders come with the option of offline accessibility, allowing people to use it even in the absence of an internet connection.\n\n\nAlso, the contents on the eBooks are mostly cloud-based, meaning it can be updated any time. Authors and publishers can always add the up-to-date information, providing users with the\u00a0\nlatest digital content\n. This saves reprinting costs and the time involved in the process as it can also be shared with multiple users and allows sharing and liking of content, which is not possible with printed books. Hence, students and teachers can use this feature to collaborate! \n\n\nhe user can even bookmark a certain page or find a word in a quick and effortless way. It also allows users to make annotations. There are multiple such interactive features which can be included in order to enhance the overall reading experience. Pandai also includes interactive features to make the reading experience a more engaging one like Quiz Battle, Flashcards and Live Tuition that can be embedded with audio and videos and recordings! \n\n\nCan You Print An EBook?\n\n\nIf you\u2019re an eBook reader who wants to print physical copies of your eBook project, keep in mind that the process is more complicated than simply pressing the \u201cprint\u201d button on your computer. Digital books typically consist of dynamic computer files which allow the reader to change print size, zoom in on images, leave virtual bookmarks, highlight passages, and otherwise interact with their book. In Pandai, everything is online, it can be used in most places without having to print it, so as long as you can keep your devices charged. Most eReaders can even be used to read or learn in the dark. Pandai can also contain thousands of syllabus at all times, allowing you to carry an entire library with you.\n\n\nCr: Freepik\n\n\nHowever, evaluating the\u00a0\nenvironmental impact \nfor e-books\u00a0is complicated. For one, it depends on how many books you read on an eReader, studies indicate you need to read between twenty-two and one hundred books on an eReader to be more environmentally conscious than simply reading hard copy books. In addition, you need to consider that eReaders need to be recycled properly, have to recharge regularly, and contain some toxic metals requiring proper disposal.\n\n\nIn short, \u00a0eBooks already have an upper hand when it comes to user engagement. eBooks are also cost-effective, not only for the publisher but also for the user. Print books definitely have a traditional value to it, but eBooks are something which will completely transform the reading and learning experience in the near future.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/can-graffiti-be-viewed-as-art-or-vandalism/", "title": "Can Graffiti be Viewed as Art or Vandalism?", "body": "\n\nGraffiti, while once considered vandalism, is becoming more widely recognized as a type of artwork. However, it is still not always positively received or universally accepted as art by the general public. Graffiti Art takes the techniques and methodologies behind street Graffiti and applies them to other mediums\n\n\nThe term Graffiti was originally a reference to ancient inscriptions. These could be words or figure drawings found on the walls of ancient sepulchers, public buildings, or ruins. The use of the word \u201cGraffiti\u201d has evolved over the centuries to refer to text or graphics applied to surfaces. For a long time, the term Graffiti was synonymous with vandalism.\n\n\nCr: Freepik\n\n\nIs Graffiti Art?\n\n\nGraffiti, while once considered vandalism, is becoming more widely recognized as a type of artwork. However, it is still not always positively received or universally accepted as art by the general public.\n\n\nGraffiti Art takes the techniques and methodologies behind street Graffiti and applies them to other mediums. At the same time, all Graffiti can be considered art. The distinction between Graffiti and Graffiti Art is usually used when Graffiti leaves city surfaces and moves to another more traditional art surface, such as a canvas. Graffiti Art takes Graffiti off the streets and allows it to be sold, exhibited, and displayed in other environments.\u00a0Graffiti is still a predominantly public and urban art form\n\n\nCr; Freepik\n\n\nHow Graffiti Started\n?\n\n\nForms of Graffiti has existed in many forms throughout history, it didn\u2019t become a widely visible and well-known phenomenon until the 1960s. The modern and commonly recognized form of Graffiti started in the mid-sixties. This contemporary form of Graffiti is often referred to as hip-hop Graffiti. Historical Graffiti was usually carved or painted, but contemporary Graffiti still typically uses spray paint. Graffiti Art also predominantly uses spray paints to recreate a Graffiti aesthetic into fine art forms.\n\n\nGraffiti has always been about making the artist\u2019s name or message visible, which is why it is created in public spaces. Graffiti artists of the late 20th-century were often individuals who didn\u2019t have access to more traditional means or platforms of expression to get their name or message out. The culture of Graffiti and tagging revolves around leaving a mark so other artists and taggers can see your tag in the community.\n\n\nCr: Freepik\n\n\nWhat Is the Purpose of Graffiti?\n\n\nGraffiti aims to be seen without being caught or to spread an important message. The end purpose of Graffiti, like other art is to tell a story or express oneself.\u00a0It allows artists to express themselves, even if it is not in a publicly acceptable manner. Graffiti can also be used to mark territories and is well established in gang culture.\u00a0\n\n\nGraffiti can be criminal, political, humorous, or even beautiful. Graffiti challenges societal norms and laws, and it does not aim to be legal. The thrill and risk of creating Graffiti are part of the culture.\u00a0\n\n\nGraffiti often represents rebellion, so it is often the visual language of the unheard or disenfranchised. Graffiti can tell you a lot about the people, politics, subcultures, counter-cultures, and socio-economics of an area.\u00a0\n\n\nCr; Freepik\n\n\nIs Graffiti Good or Bad?\n\n\nOnce firmly regarded as vandalism, the public perception of Graffiti continues to move closer to appreciation. However, art is always subjective, and some people may never accept Graffiti as art.\n\n\nGraffiti can be technically good artwork. Creating Graffiti takes a high level of skill, and some artists are exceptionally talented. There are many Graffiti and street artists whose artwork clearly shows an immense level of technical painting\u00a0or artistic ability.\n\n\nIn short, not everyone thinks Graffiti art is good, but acceptance and appreciation are not the purposes of these artworks. Graffiti is a rebellious counter-culture statement that is created for self-expression, often by disenfranchised individuals. It is usually made primarily for other Graffiti artists in the community and does not usually seek public acceptance.\u00a0\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/cant-study-all-the-time-6-fun-study-break-ideas/", "title": "Can\u2019t study all the time: 6 Fun Study Break Ideas", "body": "\n\nIf you\u2019re a high school student, I\u2019m sure your brain has been working overtime on finals, any exam preparation, or any number of other study-related activities, so let\u2019s switch gears for a bit and discuss something fun: study breaks! If you want to stay sharp throughout your study sessions, it\u2019s crucial to occasionally step away from your studies.\n\n\nAccording to Robert Pozen, senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, \u201cWorking for 75 to 90 minutes takes advantage of the brain\u2019s two modes: learning or focusing and consolidation. When people do a task and then take a break for 15 minutes, they help their brain consolidate information and retain it better.\u201d Of course, some study break activities are more beneficial than others, so let\u2019s take a look at six fun and productive study break ideas!\n\n\n1. Activate your body\n\n\n\n\nWhen you study, you are probably in a seated position for an extended period of time. Study mode is a period of intense focus and concentration, so one of the simplest study break ideas is \nto get up and move your body.\n You could take \na brief walk, put on some music and dance, or even do some light stretching.\n Anything that shakes off the stillness and gets your blood flowing is recommended. Ideally, you can turn off your mind temporarily and return to your studies reinvigorated to tackle the next round.\n\n\n2. Meditate\n\n\n\n\nSpeaking of turning off your mind, \nmeditation\n is an excellent way to spend your study break. Studying requires intense concentration; whereas meditation invites your mind to completely relax. \nMeditating can clear your head in a way that few other activities can\n. Once you return to your studies, you will be equipped with a newfound focus that will allow you to continue working with a sense of relaxation and ease. If you are uncertain about where to begin, there are plenty of guided meditations on YouTube. You can also find a number of apps on your phone, such as Headspace and Insight Timer.\n\n\n3. Have a healthy snack or cook a quick meal\n\n\n\n\nHealthy snacks provide clean energy to keep you fueled and focused throughout your study sessions. Some of your options include fresh or dried fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, yogurt, string cheese, popcorn, and more! Alternatively, you could spend your study break whipping up a quick meal. Cooking is \na fantastic way to take your mind off of your studies for a bit.\n Consider nutritious foods high in protein, including eggs, chicken, fish, oats and sweet potatoes. All of these foods can give you that extra boost to keep studying effectively and efficiently.\n\n\n4. Laugh\n\n\n\n\nHumor and laughter can add a much needed boost to the monotony of studying. In fact, by activating the brain\u2019s dopamine reward system, \nhumor can stimulate long term memory.\n We all have a different sense of humor, so find whatever it may be that tickles your fancy. Perhaps you follow social media accounts that always make you laugh; feel free to pull one or two up for a few minutes. Watch a couple of clips of your favorite comedian or funny tv show. You could even call a friend who always manages to put a smile on your face. No matter how you decide to engage in humor or laughter, limit yourself to about 15 minutes so you can be sure to resume studying in time.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Tidy Up\n\n\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re studying, it is easy to neglect other tasks that need your attention. You just want to get your work done and decide you\u2019ll figure everything else out afterwards. \nTidiness is often one of the sacrifices students make in these situations.\n However, using your study break time to clean up your space can give your brain a rest while still maintaining your productivity. We all know how easily a study space can get cluttered, so why not spruce things up for a few minutes? When you return to your studies, you will have peace of mind knowing that the space around you is neat and won\u2019t require any additional work later when you\u2019re more likely to be tired.\n\n\n6. Quick Shower or Power Nap\n\n\n\n\nLet\u2019s face it, studying isn\u2019t the most exciting activity in the world. At some point while studying, you\u2019ve probably wanted to fall asleep or maybe you have fallen asleep\u2014it\u2019s not uncommon. However, sleeping when you should be studying can hinder your progress, and isn\u2019t it much easier to get a good night\u2019s sleep once you\u2019ve completed all of your assignments? To combat sleep, you could take a shower to wake you up and make you feel refreshed and energized. I suggest alternating between hot and cold water, ending with 30 seconds of the coldest water you can withstand. Cold showers jumpstart your circulation and get the blood flowing, so they are an excellent way to give you that extra energy to complete your studies. Sometimes though you just need to listen to your body and rest. \nA 10-20 minute power nap can do wonders for your productivity, but be sure to set an alarm so you don\u2019t fall asleep for hours.\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website \neliteprep.com.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/cara-mudah-kuasai-bahasa-inggeris/", "title": "Cara mudah kuasai Bahasa Inggeris", "body": "\n\nBahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa ketiga paling popular dengan sejumlah 1.35 bilion penutur di seluruh dunia. Menariknya, kebanyakan mereka ini bukan dalam kalangan penutur asli bahasa itu. Di Malaysia khasnya, Bahasa Inggeris juga diberikan status sebagai bahasa rasmi kedua dengan hampir kesemua penduduk menggunakannya di dalam urusan seharian secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung. Hal ini kerana hampir keseluruhan aspek kehidupan masa kini memerlukan tahap penguasaan \nBahasa Inggeris yang baik.\n\n\n\n\nDari sekecil-kecil urusan seperti jual-beli di pasar raya mewah sehingga urusan akademik dan profesional yang membabitkan warga antarabangsa, kepentingan bertutur dalam bahasa itu tidak dapat disangkal lagi. Namun, meskipun capaian kepada pembelajaran \nBahasa Inggeris sudah meluas dan ia dapat dipelajari dengan mudah, masih terdapat segelintir daripada kita yang berasa ragu-ragu akan keupayaan untuk mempelajari bahasa ini. Sebenarnya, kefasihan di dalam \nBahasa Inggeris ini tidak mustahil untuk dicapai asalkan kita mendapat pendedahan serta latihan secukupnya.\n\n\nBagaimana menguasai \nBahasa Inggeris?\n\n\n1. Bacalah\n \ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udcbb \n\n\nAntara langkah mudah yang boleh dilakukan adalah dengan membaca. Mungkin ini kedengaran klise, namun pupuklah minat membaca terutamanya dalam bahasa sasaran yang ingin kita dipelajari. Sastera klasik, surat khabar, laman web, e-mel, suapan media sosial anda atau kotak bijirin, jika ia ditulis dalam \nBahasa Inggeris, bacalah. Kenapa? Hal ini kerana umumnya semua itu dipenuhi kosa kata baharu yang menarik dan mungkin tidak pernah kita temui. Ia juga dapat meluaskan bilangan kosa kata yang sudah diketahui. Selain itu kita juga akan memperoleh pendedahan secara semula jadi mengenai bagaimana kosa kata ini digunakan di dalam konteks yang betul, sebelum ia boleh kita gunakan dalam perbualan sehari-hari. Ia juga dapat membantu kita untuk lebih mengingati kosa kata ini untuk jangka masa yang panjang.\n\n\n2. Perhati dan pantau kosa kata baharu\n \ud83d\udcda\n\n\nSeterusnya, kita juga boleh memerhatikan atau memantau kosa kata baharu ini secara aktif. Ketika mempelajari sesuatu bahasa, kita sentiasa menikmati keindahan bahasa itu terutamanya dengan penemuan kosa kata yang baharu sehingga ia mustahil untuk dilupakan. Bagaimanapun, tidak semua kosa kata ini mampu untuk diingati sekali gus. Justeru, kita perlulah membiasakan diri untuk membawa buku nota atau peranti ke manamana sahaja. Setiap kali kita terdengar atau terbaca satu perkataan atau ungkapan yang baharu, tuliskan catatan mengenai maksud ungkapan itu di dalam buku nota. Kaedah ini juga dapat menjimatkan masa kerana kita tidak perlu lagi tercari-cari makna sesuatu ungkapan itu jika menemuinya lagi pada masa depan.\n\n\n3. Layari rancangan audio siar maya\n \ud83c\udfa7\n\n\nSelain membaca, kita juga boleh mendengar audio siar atau \u2018podcast\u2019 dan saluran Youtube yang berbahasa Inggeris. Lawak jenaka, politik, tips memasak, gaya hidup, dan keagamaan adalah antara topik sohor kini yang ditawarkan menerusi medium ini. Langganlah seberapa banyak saluran yang kita mahu dan dengarkanlah pada setiap kesempatan yang ada. Mungkin pada awalnya kita merasakan loghat penutur asli \nBahasa Inggeris ini sukar untuk diikuti. Namun seiring waktu dan istiqamah yang tinggi, kita akan mula memahami apa yang kita didengari, seterusnya mempelajari banyak ungkapan baharu daripada medium ini.\n\n\n4. Cari kawan baharu dalam kalangan penutur asal\n \ud83d\udc6d\ud83d\udc6c\u00a0\n\n\nSeterusnya, kita juga boleh berkomunikasi dengan penutur asli di dalam \nBahasa Inggeris. Apalah gunanya mempelajari sesuatu bahasa seandainya tidak digunakan untuk berkomunikasi sesama kita? Memang kita boleh menyatakan hasrat dan keinginan tanpa perlu bersuara sedikitpun, terima kasih kepada aplikasi mesej sosial seperti Whatsapp dan Telegram, tetapi di dalam keadaan yang mendesak, kebolehan bertutur dalam sebarang bahasa dapat membantu kita untuk lebih mengingati ungkapan yang dituturkan. Malah salah satu cara mengatasi halangan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa ini adalah dengan berkomunikasi.\n\n\n5. Ikuti perkembangan selebriti penutur asal\n \ud83e\udd33\ud83d\udd74\n\n\nJika meminati kehidupan selebriti terutamanya selebriti antarabangsa, kita juga boleh\n\n\nmenjadikan mereka sebagai idola atau panduan dalam mempelajari \nBahasa Inggeris. Layarilah pautan yang mengandungi maklumat berkenaan mereka di dalam \nBahasa Inggeris. Tontonlah sesi temubual mereka dan pelajarilah lenggok pertuturan. Catatkan ungkapan menarik yang digunakan. Slanga, anekdot, dan humor yang sering kali menjadi perencah utama di dalam sesi seperti ini pasti dapat mendedahkan kita dengan \nBahasa Inggeris yang dituturkan oleh penutur asli. Lebih menarik lagi, ungkapan atau kosa kata ini boleh pula kita aplikasikan.\n\n\n6. Tanamkan keyakinan diri\n \ud83d\ude4b \ud83d\ude4b\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\n\n\nAkhir sekali, raikanlah keupayaan diri untuk menguasai \nBahasa Inggeris ini walau sekecil apa pun kejayaan itu. Kita semua mampu untuk berbahasa Inggeris, dan tidak perlulah untuk membandingkan tahap penguasaan kita dengan orang lain. Hal ini hanya akan mengaburi keupayaan dan pencapaian sebenar kita.\n\n\nTanamkanlah di dalam diri kita setiap hari bahawa \u201csaya boleh berjaya dan mampu menguasai \nBahasa Inggeris.\u201d Keazaman dan keyakinan harus dibina untuk terus menggunakan bahasa ini. Tidak perlulah untuk kita terlalu terkesan dengan stigma mereka yang beranggapan bahawa kebolehan seseorang itu berkomunikasi adalah dinilai daripada kesempurnaan berbahasa semata-mata. Kesempurnaan adalah relatif, dan semestinya lebih afdal untuk kita saling menyempurnakan di antara satu sama lain. Apa yang lebih penting lagi, tetaplah berusaha dan mencuba dengan lebih baik lagi, kerana tidak ada hasil yang akan mengkhianati usaha kita.\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal diboleh lihat di laman web\u00a0\nberita harian.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/celcom-is-offering-three-months-free-pandai-premium-subscriptions/", "title": "Celcom Is Offering Three Months Free Pandai Premium Subscriptions!", "body": "\n\nPandai is designed to help you learn at your own pace, answer daily quizzes and topical tests, monitor your learning progress, collect rewards and in turn improve your academic performance in examinations.\n\n\nGreat news to all Pandai active users! Pandai scholarships are now available thanks to our business unit\u2019s cooperation with Celcom. This could help many students who are studying for examinations since exam season is just around the corner! Continue reading until the end of this blog post to know how you can get Pandai scholarship!\n\n\nCelcom Malaysia\n\n\nAs a business, Celcom believes that being a good corporate citizen is one of the core values of their vision to become the finest enterprise in Malaysia. That is why Celcom has established a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme that is very near and dear to their hearts.\n\n\nThe CSR programme focuses on three areas: education, environment, and community development. They believe that by helping these areas, they are contributing to the betterment of society as a whole.\n\n\nTrue to its vision of being the most inspiring digital organization by 2021, Celcom has been continuously developing its corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability agenda this year by championing its community program in education, and Pandai is humbled to be a part of it.\n\n\nPandai Premium Scholarship by Celcom!\n\n\nWe are excited to announce that Celcom will provide Pandai Scholarship, which will be given to 1,700 Pandai students! This scholarship will be activated in 3 waves. The first wave will be given to 100 selected students, who will have full access to Pandai Premium features for three months! \n\n\nStudents must be between the ages of 7 and 17 to be eligible for the scholarship. This scholarship provides selected Pandai Free users with all-premium access, including Live Tuition, Unlimited Practice, and much more! Both Pandai and Celcom hope this Scholarship will benefit you in your preparation for the upcoming end-of-year exam.\n\n\nSo, who are eligible for the scholarship? Find out below:\n\n\n\n\nMust use Pandai actively.\n\n\nCompleted a minimum total of 35 Quizzes.\n\n\nCompleted a minimum total of 10 Battles.\n\n\nScored a minimum of 150 scores.\n\n\nOnly open to Pandai Free users.\n\n\n\n\nDo you meet all of the above criteria? Don\u2019t miss out! This registration will be closed on November 19, 2022! Take advantage of the opportunity to study with Pandai. APPLY NOW!\n\n\nScholarship Register Link: \nhttps://app.pandai.org/register/contest/pandai-scholarship\n\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\n\nLimit to 100 applicants only.\n\n\nRegistration closes on 19 November 2022\n\n\nScholarship valid from 21 November 2022 \u2013 21 February 2023\n\n\nNotify successful applicants by 21 November 2022 onwards via Phone Calls and WhatsApp\n\n\n\n\nPandai can be accessed using an Android device, iOS device or via the Web. If you are currently using your phone or tablet, click \nhere\n to register Pandai NOW!\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/challenges-kids-face-while-learning-online/", "title": "Challenges Kids Face While Learning Online", "body": "\n\nAs the world\u2019s education sector moves toward a technology-based platform, traditional classes will become obsolete. Education, being an essential part of social structure, is moving to the internet, and online learning is becoming the new norm.\n\n\nHow To Help Kids Overcome Online Learning Challenges\n\n\nThe paradigm shift we are facing in the education sector, where more institutes have started conducting online classes, is both reasonably anticipated and challenging to get our heads around. Kids, especially, find it hard to get into the mindset of understanding the benefits of online education and getting used to studying in a new environment. There is a range of challenges children face when they are subjected to online classes or remote learning. In this article, we will bring out some of those challenges and show how you, as a parent, can get your kids to overcome them.\n\n\nMotivation Is Essential\n\n\nThe first and foremost thing to do before you introduce your kids to online learning is to get them prepared and interested in new ways of learning. Motivation plays an essential role in any new endeavor and is equally important in educating your kids online.\n\n\nOne of the best ways to motivate your kids is to be involved with their projects and stay up to date with their learning. Make sure you know about their subjects in detail and keep up their interest in the same by asking them questions now and then. For instance, if your kid is learning to program, you can enquire about specific commands, syntaxes, and languages while having dinner or playing catch with them.\n\n\nYou don\u2019t have to put extra effort to keep your kids motivated. You just have to be interested in what they are learning and act accordingly. If you sense that your kid is finding it difficult to get their head around a concept, you can work with them to overcome that issue. If you are unable to help them on your own, get them a comprehensive book on the subject so they better understand the concept.\n\n\nYou must get your kids to understand that online learning is valuable and worth their time. Moreover, you need to always be there to support them and help them get over difficult concepts.\n\n\nNew Educational Paradigms\n\n\nAs the world\u2019s education sector moves toward a technology-based platform, traditional classes will become obsolete. Education, being an essential part of social structure, is moving to the internet, and online learning is becoming the new norm.\n\n\nIn these rapidly changing scenarios, we must get our kids to adapt to the change and prepare for what\u2019s coming. The rate at which everything is becoming dependent on technology is awe-inspiring and seems to point toward a future where most of the jobs we know will either become a thing of the past or develop into something entirely new. In the near future, we might also see jobs that don\u2019t exist yet.\n\n\nNow is the time, more than ever, to prepare your kids and get them accustomed to the changing scenarios. Online learning is here to stay and, therefore, must be taken seriously and enthusiastically.\n\n\nChallenges Kids Face With Online Learning\n\n\nAs per recent research, a few things come in between kids getting optimum education from online platforms. Removing these hurdles can help your kids learn through online learning and acknowledge its importance. Regardless of what your kid is interested in and what career they want to pursue, optimizing their online learning experience will help them achieve their goals effectively.\n\n\nPhysical Space And Distracting Elements\n\n\nThe space that the kids sit in to study is significant and relevant. A studying space should encourage learning behavior, minimize destructive elements, and help learners retain the knowledge they have acquired. The same goes for online learning.\n\n\nWhen getting your kids to learn online, make sure the space they are sitting in is clean and has a comfortable seating arrangement. You can transform a room or space into an online learning space by removing all the potential distractions from it and installing devices that facilitate the learning process.\n\n\nMake Online Learning Fun\n\n\nLearning should be mixed with a little fun for kids to pay proper attention. Getting bombarded with concepts, ideas, and theories often robs kids of their interest in a particular subject. Therefore, a kid\u2019s learning experience should be accompanied with fun elements.\n\n\nFor instance, if your kid is learning to code, providing them with an encouraging and supportive environment could not be enough. You must introduce interactive and entertaining elements in their education for them to not grow bored of programming. You can introduce your kids to block coding through Scratch as \nblock coding is considered the best programming language \nfor beginners in the coding field.\n\n\nA class where children can interact with other children, express their ideas, and come together to create or ideate new projects is a class that would have them interested in the subject. You can pick a place that expertise in online learning and has several years of experience in this field.\n\n\nInexperienced Teachers\n\n\nInexperienced teachers are another factor that keeps kids from gaining an interest in online learning. Inexperience does not necessarily have to be limited to the knowledge of the subject they are teaching but also the ins and outs of online education. A teacher can be reasonably well experienced in a particular subject, but if they don\u2019t know how to format their class, prepare an online lesson, and interact with their students, they will still be categorized as inexperienced.\n\n\nIn an online class, kids should have the freedom to ask questions and interact with their peers. It is the teachers\u2019 responsibility to make sure their classes are conducted seamlessly where every kid is satisfied with what they have learned.\n\n\nMoreover, the online educator should also be encouraging and supportive of their class without being too easy going.\n\n\nLearning By Doing\n\n\nTraditional classes base their entire learning process on homework and the hope that kids will do their homework on their own. However, homework is a slow and tedious process of gaining knowledge.\n\n\nNow that the world is moving forward, thanks to the implementation of technology, the most effective way for kids to learn is by doing. It not only prevents them from spending hours on homework but also better prepares them for the changing world.\n\n\nGet your kids to practice what they have learned on their own accord and come up with creative new ways to implement their new-found knowledge. Let their creativity soar and not be limited by what the instructor teaches them to do.\n\n\nThink Differently\n\n\nThinking out of the box is the requirement of the time. One can learn to think differently by learning to code.\n\n\nWhile on the surface level, coding seems like writing codes for a computer program, it is much more than that. It teaches you to be creative, intuitive, patient, and strong-footed in the face of difficult situations. Coding also brings out and enhances problem-solving skills. Moreover, coding has been known to be the foundation for many upcoming new and upcoming jobs.\n\n\nIf you are looking to introduce your kids to a future-ready skill and have them interested in it, get them to learn coding at an early age.\n\n\n*For reference this article is from \nelearningindustry.com\n website.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/chinese-new-year-2022-fast-like-the-tiger/", "title": "Chinese New Year 2022 : Fast Like The Tiger", "body": "\n\nAdakah anda Fast Like The Tiger?\n \ud83d\udc2f\n\n\nHi budak Pandai! Bermula dari 1 hingga 28 Februari 2022, Team Pandai akan melancarkan kempen Fast Like The Tiger sempena perayaan Tahun Baru Cina, bagi memupuk semangat pelajar serta menjadikan sesi mengulangkaji pada kali ini lebih menyeronokkan.\n\n\nNak tahu tak? Jom ketahui \nTIGA\n aktiviti yang akan berlangsung sepanjang kempen ini:\n\n\n388 Challenge\n\n\nLencana Fast Like The Tiger 388 Challenge\n\n\nMenurut kebudayaan Cina, nombor-nombor tertentu mempunyai tafsiran dan maksud yang tersendiri. Oleh itu, kami memilih \u201c388 Challenge\u201d sebagai nama aktiviti kami adalah kerana maksud nombor 388 mengikut kebudayaan Cina adalah membawa maksud \u201chidup kaya-kaya\u201d.\nSertai cabaran ini dengan mengumpul skor kuiz sebanyak 388 untuk memenangi lencana edisi terhad daripada Pandai.\nUntuk menjadikan cabaran ini lebih menyeronokkan, anda boleh bersaing dengan rakan anda untuk menyertai aktiviti ini dan lihat siapa yang lebih pantas untuk memenangi lencana edisi terhad ini! Ajaklah rakan-rakan anda dan lihat siapa yang terpantas di 388 challenge ini \ud83d\ude09\n\n\n \n2. How To Study Fast Like The Tiger\n\n\nDisamping \u201c388 Challenge\u201d, Team Pandai juga akan mengongsikan tips-tips pembelajaran untuk pelajar mudah memahami, menghafal formula dan mahir dalam sesuatu subjek dengan hanya menggunakan \u201cFeatures\u201d di dalam Aplikasi Pandai.\nTips-tips tersebut akan dikongsikan di laman media sosial kami (Facebook & Instagram), setiap hari Jumaat sepanjang bulan Februari ini. Istimewa untuk bulan ni sahaja okay!\nKalau tak nak lepaskan peluang keemasan ini, jom ikuti laman media sosial kami @PandaiOfficial untuk perkembangan tentang perkongsian ini!\n\n\n 3. Pandai Youtube Time\n\n\nJangan lepaskan peluang anda untuk menonton sesi perkongsian kami mengenai sambutan Tahun Baru Cina di \nYoutube Pandai\n. Apa yang lebih menarik adalah anda semua dapat mempelajari sedikit sebanyak tentang kebudayaan Cina ketika menyambut Tahun Baru Cina bersama kami. \n\n\nJom tonton video sesi perkongsian kami pada setiap hari Sabtu & Ahad, 2PM.\n\n\nLanggani \nYoutube Pandai\n dan tekan loceng notifikasi untuk tidak terlepas sesi yang menarik ini!\n\n\nJadual Program CNY di Pandai YouTube sepanjang bulan Februari 2022\n\n\nMacam mana? Seronok tak aktiviti-aktiviti ini semua? Kami di Pandai tidak sabar untuk menyaksikan siapa yang bakal memenangi lencana \u201cFast Like The Tiger\u201d yang menarik ini!\nPerkara yang paling penting adalah benda yang menarik ini haruslah dikongsi bersama! Jangan lupa untuk mengongsikan berita menarik ini kepada rakan-rakan anda yang lain! Kalau nak post di media sosial, gunakan hashtag #FastLikeTheTiger okay \ud83d\udc2f\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0atau;\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/colouringcontest2021/", "title": "Pandai Colouring Contest 2021 #PandaiAnakMalaysia Dilancarkan!", "body": "\n\n \nProudly Presenting\u2026\n\n\n #PandaiAnakMalaysia Colouring Contest 2021, A special event for Bulan Kebangsaan, from 17th August \u2013 17th September 2021 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to participate?\n \ud83d\udc68\ud83c\udffc\u200d\ud83c\udfa8\n\n\nRegister as participants at the Colouring Contest Registration Form\nIf you already \nhave Pandai Account\n; click Submit\nDo not have Pandai Account\n; Create new account and click Submit\nDownload & Print Colouring Template\nStart your colouring process!\nSnap & post the artwork on your own Facebook or Instagram account and put only your \nName, Category & #PandaiAnakMalaysia Hashtag\n on the caption!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow to win this contest?\n \ud83c\udfc6\n\n\nYou must \n\u2018Like\u2019\n and \n\u2018Share\u2019\n Pandai Colouring Contest 2021 \nofficial poster\n.\nFollow all Pandai Social Media at \nFacebook\n, \nInstagram\n, \nTwitter\n & \nTikTok\nBe Creative! You may use colour pencils, crayons, watercolours, spray paint or if you have skills in digital artwork, you can use a tablet or computer.\nShare the artwork on your own social media account feed. You can use your parent or sibling account.\n10 winners will be chosen by Pandai Team for EACH Category (10 Primary, 10 Secondary)\n3 Grand Prize Winner\n (1st, 2nd & 3rd Place)\n7 Pandai Pick\u2019s Winner\n (Consolation Prize)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImportant Dates\n \ud83d\udcc5\n\n\nLive Announcement 1: Open Registration\n17th August 2021\nArtwork submission on Social Media\n17th \u2013 31st August 2021\nLive Announcement 2: Featured Artwork\n27th August 2021\nClose Registration \n \n31st August 2021\n \nLive Announcement 3: Results & Winners! \n17th September 2021\n*Live announcement will be on Pandai Youtube Channel\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRegistration For Pandai Colouring Contest #PandaiAnakMalaysia is officially closed!\n\n\nThank you for joining and keeping the hashtag alive!\nOur judges are currently going through all of your marvelous artworks. The winners will be announced during our Youtube Live Announcement 3 on 17 September 2021. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel @PandaiOfficial if you don\u2019t want to miss it!\n\n\nIn the meantime, sit back, relax and keep learning with Pandai App. \ud83d\udcda\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrizes & Merchandise\n \ud83c\udf81\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBe in the running to win these \namazing\n prizes!\n\n\nFor each category\u2026\n\n\nFirst Place (1st Place)\nSamsung Galaxy Tab S 8.5\u2033 + Pandai Merchandise*\nRunner Up (2nd Place)\nSmart Watch T500Plus + Pandai Merchandise*\nFirst Runner Up (3rd Place)\nWireless Earbuds + Pandai Merchandise*\nPandai\u2019s Pick (4th-10th Consolation)\nTablet Memo + Pandai Lanyard + Pandai Cap\nAll Participants\nColouring Contest E-Certificate\n\n\n*Pandai Merchandise consists of Pandai T-shirt, Lanyard & Cap\n\n\n\n\nUnleash Your Creativity & Good Luck Guys!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \nTerms & Conditions\n \n\n\nThe registration for Pandai Colouring Contest 2021 #PandaiAnakMalaysia is \nFREE OF CHARGE\n and no payment will be collected.\nPandai Colouring Contest 2021 is open for students from 7 to 17 years old only.\nThere are TWO (2) available categories:\nPrimary ( 7 \u2013 12 Years Old)\nSecondary (13 \u2013 17 Years Old)\nEvery contestant must colour the template according to the age category, Primary or Secondary.\nEvery contestant can simply \ndownload\n the artwork right after the registration is complete.\nThe artwork must be printed on an A4 or A3 (recommended) paper size. \nEvery contestant will receive an E-Cert and ten (10) winners will be chosen from each category to receive a special prize from Pandai Education.\nEvery contestant is allowed to use any type of colouring tool to colour the artwork, conventional colouring tools or digital tools.\nIt completely depends on every contestant\u2019s creativity in adding any elements to the artwork and colouring method.\nIt is \ncompulsory\n to upload the finished product of the artwork on your Facebook or Instagram account feed.\nPut your \nName, Category & #PandaiAnakMalaysia Hashtag\n on the caption and make sure the post is set to PUBLIC.\nE-Cert will be available on your registered account, two (2) weeks after the competition ends.\nPandai Education has the right to cancel any participation, not sending an E-Cert or prizes to the contestant if any of the rules above are broken.\nPandai Education has the right to change the terms and conditions of the competition at any time.\nThe judges for colouring contest is from Pandai Team.\nThe prizes cannot be exchange with cash money or any type of goods.\nThe result of the competition is final and no changes will be made after the result announcement.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/covid-19-pendidikan-menerusi-dunia-maya-cabaran-baharu-buat-guru/", "title": "COVID-19: Pendidikan Menerusi Dunia Maya Cabaran Baharu Buat Guru", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Banyak perkara berubah akibat COVID-19. Jika dahulu peranti telekomunikasi seperti telefon pintar dan gajet platform aplikasi dalam talian dilarang dibawa ke sekolah, namun kini sebaliknya apabila dunia pendidikan berada dalam alam maya dan dilakukan di rumah.\n\n\nKrisis global akibat penularan wabak COVID-19 bukan sahaja menyebabkan pembelajaran dan pengajaran secara konvensional tertangguh, bahkan menjadikan tugasan guru semakin mencabar apabila mereka perlu menyesuaikan diri dengan norma kehidupan dan kebiasaan baharu yang memerlukan proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PnP) dilaksanakan secara dalam talian.\n\n\nDalam alaf baharu yang mengutamakan kemahiran pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, tiada pilihan selain memanfaatkan teknologi dan aplikasi pendidikan dalam talian. Konteks pendidikan masa kini memerlukan guru menguasai dan mempunyai literasi teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat (ICT).\n\n\nBertema \u2018Berguru Demi Ilmu, Bina Generasi Baharu\u2019, sambutan Hari Guru tahun ini menyentuh peranan guru dalam memperkasa keilmuan dan profesionalisme bagi embina generasi baharu negara yang dapat memenuhi matlamat Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan.\nDalam tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) sejak 18 Mac dan kini Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB), guru-guru tidak duduk diam dan terus mencurah ilmu menerusi PnP dalam talian.\nPresiden Ikatan Guru-Guru Muslim Malaysia (i-Guru), Mohd Azizee Hasan, berpendapat warga pendidik, khususnya guru, kini perlu melengkapkan diri dengan penguasaan dalam teknologi digital dan menguasai ilmu berkaitan \u2018e-learning\u2019, untuk menyampaikan ilmu kepada pelajar.\n\u201cSemua guru perlu meningkatkan ilmu, kompetensi, keupayaan, kemahiran, perubahan sikap dan kesiapsiagaan dalam menerima normal baharu dalam pendidikan terutama pembelajaran dalam talian. Kesiapsiagaan ini akan dapat dilihat perubahan dari aspek pengajaran, pentaksiran dan penyampaian ilmu yang mencabar tugas keguruan.\n\n\n\u201cGuru perlu mempunyai anjakan paradigma untuk menerima senario baharu pendidikan global dan menyiapkan generasi yang celik teknologi maklumat. Ini penting dalam menyiapkan mereka (pelajar) bagi menghadapi cabaran Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan bersedia menjadi generasi digital,\u201d katanya.\nMengakui wujud kekangan dalam pendidikan dalam talian seperti masalah capaian Internet, ketiadaan peranti digital pintar serta sikap murid dan pelajar sendiri, Mohd Azizee menegaskan guru sebaliknya perlu memikirkan cara untuk memastikan penyampaian ilmu itu tetap diteruskan.\nBeliau berkata, pelajar yang menghadapi masalah belajar secara dalam talian perlu diberi peluang berjumpa dengan guru di sekolah bagi mendapatkan ilmu secara bersemuka yang disifatkan lebih mudah dan jelas supaya mereka tidak tercicir dalam proses pembelajaran.\n\u201cKerana tidak semua pelajar boleh menerima cara pembelajaran dalam talian, masih ada lagi pelajar yang perlu bimbingan secara konvensional untuk mereka lebih mudah memahami. Yang penting kita hendak memastikan pelajar itu tidak hilang semangat untuk menimba ilmu, begitu juga guru tidak hilang semangat untuk menyampaikan ilmu,\u201d katanya.\nSeorang guru, Zuraini Eusope, 51, memberitahu suasana pengajaran dan pembelajaran jelas berbeza dalam tempoh PKP berbanding sebelumnya memandangkan hampir semua kaedah pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc) dijalankan secara dalam talian seperti Google Classroom, Google Meet, Youtube, Zoom Cloud Meeting, dan pelbagai kuiz.Bertugas di Sekolah Kebangsaan Marian Convent Ipoh, Perak, beliau mengakui tidak semua guru celik teknologi maklumat yang dapat membiasakan diri dengan norma dan normal baharu itu, terutamanya golongan guru yang dikategorikan sebagai \u2018orang lama\u2019.\n\n\n\u201cRamai juga guru veteran yang agak sukar menguasai tetapi kebanyakan kami akan cuba yang terbaik, macam saya juga. Memang ia mengambil masa tetapi alah tegar perkara biasa. Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan, serta perlu yakin boleh walaupun lambat,\u201d katanya yang mengajar mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik.\n\n\nTelah mencurah bakti hampir 25 tahun, Zuraini berkata, walaupun guru telah menyediakan pelbagai bahan dan persiapan, masih terdapat murid dan pelajar yang tidak menyiapkan kerja rumah dan tidak menghadiri kelas di dunia maya, sehinggakan guru perlu menunggu kehadiran anak murid selama hampir dua jam.\n\n\n\u201c\u2026 terutama kelas-kelas menduduki peperiksaan Tahun 6. Sambutan sudah semakin berkurangan walaupun macam-macam kami (guru) bagi seperti video, kartun, lagu dalam bentuk PdPc mengikut tajuk. Namun, ada guru yang rajin telefon ibu bapa tanya dengan berhemah supaya semua murid dapat buat dan ikuti pengajaran,\u201d jelasnya.\n\n\nLain pula bagi sekolah di kawasan pedalaman, yang menurut Zubair Shuhaime, 29, seorang guru di SK Kuala Kebulu, Sebauh di Bintulu, Sarawak, kebanyakan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian adalah terbatas kerana berdepan dengan kekangan capaian Internet serta ketiadaan alat peranti pintar.\n\n\nMenurutnya, sepanjang tempoh PKP ini, guru-guru di sekolah yang dikategorikan sebagai Pedalaman Tiga itu akan menghantar tugasan melalui aplikasi WhatsApp dalam kumpulan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG), manakala bagi yang tiada akses, guru itu sendiri akan menghantar tugasan kepada mereka secara bersemuka.\n\n\n\u201cSekolah ini terletak kira-kira lima hingga enam jam dari bandar besar Bintulu bergantung kepada keadaan cuaca. Bagi perjalanan ke rumah mereka (murid-murid), guru perlu melalui jalan balak atau menggunakan perahu. Perjalanan dari sekolah ke rumah mereka yang paling dekat antara 12 hingga 15 minit dan paling jauh boleh mencecah sehingga dua jam.\n\n\n\u201cSekiranya murid telah menyiapkan tugasan, mereka perlu menghantar bukti supaya guru dapat menyemak hasil kerja mereka. Seterusnya laporan dan bukti pengajaran dan pembelajaran akan dihantar ke pihak pentadbir,\u201d katanya yang telah berkhidmat selama enam tahun di sekolah itu.\n\n\nMengakui dunia pendidikan di luar bandar berhadapan cabaran lebih getir, Zubair berkata cabaran lebih besar adalah kepada ibu bapa murid dan pelajar sendiri sama ada mereka benar-benar prihatin dengan kepentingan pendidikan anak mereka atau sebaliknya.\n\n\nMenceritakan situasi satu keluarga yang tinggal di kawasan terpencil, beliau berkata, dengan kemudahan telefon pintar yang ada namun capaian Internet terhad, keluarga itu sanggup berjalan kaki ke kawasan tinggi yang mempunyai capaian Internet \u2018kuat\u2019 bagi memuat turun tugasan yang diberikan oleh guru.\n\n\n\u201cMereka sekeluarga akan duduk di situ untuk \u2018sedut\u2019 segala kerja yang guru beri, dan suruh anak mereka buat dekat situ juga sebab hanya di situ ada line kuat. Mereka juga tidur bermalam di kawasan berdekatan demi menyiapkan kerja sekolah, sebab hendak submit semula kena ada line. Ini contoh ibu bapa yang betul-betul prihatin,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nHakikatnya hubungan guru dan ibu bapa membentuk perwatakan dan kejayaan seseorang pelajar.\n\n\nBuat semua guru di Malaysia, meskipun tiada sorak-sorai dan kegirangan anak murid dan pelajar meraikan beramai-ramai Hari Guru di sekolah, penghayatan bagi menghargai pengorbanan guru dalam mendidik, membimbing serta membentuk anak bangsa pastinya sentiasa tersemat di hati setiap orang.\n\n\nJasa insan bergelar pendidik ini amat besar dan setiap orang menginsafi hakikat bahawa kehadiran guru dalam kehidupan banyak membentuk keperibadian dan keterampilan seseorang untuk menjadi manusia berguna. Terima kasih Cikgu. \u2013 \nBERNAMA\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/covid-19-turns-online-learning-the-way-forward-in-education/", "title": "Covid-19 Turns Online Learning The Way Forward In Education", "body": "\n\n\n\nKUALA LUMPUR (Dec 27): As the year 2020 comes to an end, the country has seen an unprecedented change to the dynamic and culture of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic, causing schools and varsities to halt operation at certain period.\n\n\nThe situation has \u2018forced\u2019 millions of students across the country to fully utilise their laptops or devices and start learning from home via online. The question for us now is: \u201cIs Malaysia\u2019s education ready for the new era of learning?\u201d\n\n\nNonetheless, the result of the pandemic has implied the importance of technology in transforming how we teach and learn, at the same time highlighting that there is room for improvement, especially for internet connectivity.\n\n\nThe first wave of Covid-19 infection started on Jan 24, with the identification of 22 cases, of which 12 had a travel history to affected countries and regions, eight cases were close contacts and two were from a humanitarian mission.\n\n\nOn Jan 30, the Education Ministry (MoE) had postponed the registration of students from Wuhan, China and its surrounding areas at all educational institutions in the country.\n\n\nAs the second wave hit the country on Feb 27, MoE had directed the postponement of all large gatherings such as sports programmes and co-curricular activities in all schools across the country, with effect from March 13.\n\n\nThe government later imposed the Movement Control Order (MCO) nationwide on March 18 leading to the closure of all pre-schools, government and private schools including daily schools, residential schools, international schools, tahfiz centres and other primary, secondary and pre-university institutions as well as colleges and institutions of higher learning.\n\n\nWith all schools shut down, teachers were advised to make online teaching the way forward, besides determining the best teaching and learning methods based on the constraints and situations faced by students at home during the MCO.\n\n\nHowever, there were limitations pertaining to online teaching and home-based learning as the findings of an MoE survey, involving 670,000 parents and about 900,000 pupils showed that only six per cent of students had personal computers, tablets (5.76%), laptops (9%) and smartphones (46%), while 36.9% of students do not have as many devices.\n\n\nSenator Dr Radzi Jidin, who headed the ministry starting March 10, said it was important for teachers to take into account the constraints faced by students at home in determining the methods to be used to implement the teaching and learning process at home.\n\n\nAs lockdowns ease and daily Covid-19 cases were going down, after months of \u2018school holidays\u2019, secondary schools across the country finally reopened their doors on June 24 for students sitting for public examinations this year, namely Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM), Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM), Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) and equivalent examinations.\n\n\nForm One to Form Four and Remove Class students, as well as Standard Five and Six pupils, returned to school starting July 15, while Standard One to Four pupils on July 22.\n\n\nThe government has also decided to move the dates for SPM, SVM and STAM to Feb 22, 2021; while STPM would be held on March 8, 2021. The Form Three Assessment (PT3) and Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), as well as Kafa Class Assessment Test (UPKK) examinations, have been cancelled this year.\n\n\nUnfortunately, concerned parents felt the decision was made in a rush and they feared Covid-19 cases would spike once schools reopened.\n\n\nParents\u2019 nightmare turned reality. As the third wave of Covid-19 hit the country in late September after Sabah election, the government abruptly announced on Nov 8 (Sunday) that schools and vocational colleges would close starting the next day (Nov 9) until the end of the 2020 academic calendar year.\n\n\nAs for the tertiary education students both in private and public institutions, the Higher Education Ministry (MOHE) announced that all lectures must be conducted purely online, with no face-to-face lessons allowed, starting May 27 until Dec 31.\n\n\nThe announcement has led university students to grasp on online learning as the new normal, hence, many of them requested for the fees to be reduced, as they no longer fully utilising the university facilities.\n\n\nTaking into consideration the feedbacks and complaints from students and parents whose household income was badly affected by the pandemic, Higher Education Minister Datuk Dr Noraini Ahmad announced the hostel and service fees at all public universities for the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic session had been reduced by up to 15%.\n\n\nThe move involved a total allocation of RM72 million, of which RM20 million was approved by the Ministry of Finance and the other RM52 million will be from the internal allocation of the universities.\n\n\nFor 2020, the education sector in Malaysia has seen a paradigm shift in teaching and learning process and shaping the community for the new normal, with the technology dependence has massively increased, not just for students, but also for lecturers, teachers and all of the people involved in the institution.\n\n\nThe question is, are we totally ready for it? \u2013 \ntheedgemarkets.com\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/daftar-pandai-parents-untuk-syiling-dan-nyawa-lebih/", "title": "Daftar Pandai Parents untuk Syiling dan Nyawa lebih!", "body": "\n\nBerita baik! Berita benar! Free users mesti suka \ud83d\ude04\n\n\nSeperti anda tahu, kami telah melancarkan Pandai Parents sebagai pelengkap pengalaman pembelajaran pengguna di Pandai App.\n\n\nDengan Pandai Parents, ibu bapa dapat memantau semua perkembangan dan pencapaian anak masing-masing dengan mudah. Para ibu bapa boleh melihat kad laporan yang terperinci dan menetapkan target dan ganjaran untuk memastikan anak-anak dapat meningkatkan gred dan pemahaman subjek dengan cekap.\n\n\nMaklumat lanjut di sini\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUntuk meraikan pendaftaran ibu bapa di Pandai Parents, kami ingin memberi bonus kepada pengguna (anak-anak\u2026anda semua) iaitu\u2026\n\n\nSetiap pengguna yang mendaftarkan ibu bapa mereka di Pandai Parents menggunakan link di akaun masing-masing akan mendapat\u2026\n\n\n30 syiling + 5 nyawa EXTRA! \ud83e\udd29\n\n\nWOW kan?! Tak percaya? Kena percaya juga!\n\n\nKami ingin meluaskan komuniti Pandai dengan memberi pengalaman yang holistik apabila melibatkan ibu bapa. Berbaloi kan?\n\n\nPara pengguna, kalau anda berminat untuk mengumpul tawaran hebat ini, ikuti langkah-langkah yang senang seperti di bawah. Pastikan anda buat bersama-sama dengan ibu bapa yang nak mendaftar tu ya!\n\n\n\n\n\ud83d\udc48. \nBoleh Klik untuk Video Tutorial\n \ud83c\udf1f\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLog masuk akaun Pandai.\nTekan pada kad pendaftaran Pandai Parents.\nCopy\n \nlink \npendaftaran dan kongsikan dengan ibu bapa melalui WhatsApp, Telegram, atau lain-lain.\nBuka \nlink \ntersebut di web.\nIsikan butiran ibu bapa yang mendaftar untuk mencipta akaun Pandai Parent baharu.\nSiap!\n\n\n\n\nSekarang, anak-anak akan dapat menikmati syiling dan nyawa yang extra dengan serta-merta. Ibu bapa pula, boleh terus mula mengubahsuai akaun masing-masing dan menyertai pengalaman pembelajaran anak-anak dengan Pandai App, dengan lebih \nhands-on\n.\n\n\n\n\nMacam mana? Suka tak?\n\n\nKalau suka, jomlah dapatkan tawaran bonus tu sekarang supaya boleh cepat-cepat naikkan ranking kita di Leaderboard!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/daftar-untuk-menjadi-model-pandai-sekarang/", "title": "Daftar Untuk Menjadi Model Pandai Sekarang!", "body": "\n\nBerminat untuk menjadi model Pandai? Inilah masanya untuk anda serlahkan bakat anda!\n\n\nSenang je nak daftar tau! Ada 3 kategori yang berbeza untuk menjadi model Pandai ini. Mari lihat di bawah!\n\n\n\n\nKategori Pandai Students\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBerumur 7 \u2013 17 tahun\n\n\nRakyat Malaysia\n\n\nMempunyai personaliti yang menarik dan ceria\n\n\nPengguna aktif Pandai\n\n\nSelesa di hadapan kamera\n\n\nMemakai pakaian kasual atau uniform sekolah\n\n\nMenetap di Kuala Lumpur / Selangor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKategori Pandai Parents\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIbu bapa kepada Pandai Students\n\n\nRakyat Malaysia\n\n\nMempunyai personaliti yang menarik dan ceria\n\n\nPengguna aktif Pandai Parents\n\n\nSelesa di hadapan kamera\n\n\nMemakai pakaian kasual \n\n\nMenetap di Kuala Lumpur / Selangor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKategori Pandai Teacher\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPengguna aktif Pandai Teacher\n\n\nRakyat Malaysia\n\n\nMempunyai personaliti yang menarik dan ceria\n\n\nSelesa di hadapan kamera\n\n\nMemakai pakaian kasual \n\n\nMenetap di Kuala Lumpur / Selangor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBagaimana untuk mendaftar? Senang je! \n\n\nAnda hanya harus mengisi borang di bawah dengan lengkap! Salah satu syarat untuk mendaftar ialah anda perlu memuat naik 2 keping gambar terbaru dan 1 video pengenalan (15 saat) anda. Klik pautan di bawah untuk mendaftar mengikut kategori masing masing. \n\n\nPandai Students\n : \nSTUDENTS APPLY HERE\n\n\nPandai Parents\n : \nPARENTS APPLY HERE\n\n\nPandai Teacher \n: \nTEACHERS APPLY HERE\n\n\nPihak kami akan menghubungi anda jika anda berjaya di proses pemilihan! \n\n\nOh, kami juga akan merakam video testimoni anda semasa pengambaran dijalankan. \n\n\nPhoto dan video-shoot akan diadakan pada bulan Februari (sila tunggu kemaskini dari kami)\n\n\nTunggu apa lagi? Jom daftar sekarang sehingga \n28 Disember 2022.\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/dapatkan-lencana-edisi-terhad-sempena-pandaianakmalaysia/", "title": "Dapatkan Lencana Edisi Terhad sempena #PandaiAnakMalaysia!", "body": "\n\nMerdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!\n\n\nBulan perayaan yang bermakna bagi semua rakyat Malaysia \ud83e\udd29\n\n\nDan sempena sambutan online tahun ini, semestinya cara yang terbaik adalah bersama Pandai App!\n\n\n\n\nJom sertai \nMerdeka Challenge\n bersama-sama sepanjang kempen #PandaiAnakMalaysia tahun ini \n\ud83d\ude0e\n\n\nYa, ini adalah sebuah cabaran! Dan kalau dah ada cabaran, mesti ada ganjarannya!\n\n\nSemua skor anda yang terkumpul sepanjang 17 Ogos \u2013 17 September 2021 akan menyumbang kepada peluang anda untuk mendapat \nLencana Edisi Terhad Merdeka\n \n\ud83d\ude32\n\n\nDaripada jumlah 5 lencana, yang sudah diterbitkan adalah:\n\n\n\n\nCantik kan!!\n\n\nSiapa dah dapat lencana-lencana tu? Angkat tangan \n\u270b\n\n\nTahniah yaa. Yang dapat lencana Bunga Raya tu mesti hebat! Yang dapat lencana Jalur Merah & Putih, \nlaaagi hebat\n!\n\n\nHaa kenapa saya kata macam tu? Sebab\u2026\n\n\nLencana Bunga Raya adalah lencana umum. Cabaran untuk mendapatkannya berlangsung sepanjang program empat minggu ni. Users hanya perlu mengumpulkan 250 skor dari sekarang hingga 17 September. Senang je kan?\n\n\nYang mencabar sikit adalah lencana-lencana mingguan, macam lencana Jalur Merah & Putih. Untuk memperolehkannya, user perlu mengumpul sekurang-kurangnya 100 skor sebelum minggu berkenaan berakhir.\n\n\nOkay.. Untuk senang sikit nak fahamkan, ini adalah senarai lencana dan syarat-syarat untuk mendapatkannya \ud83d\ude04\n\ud83d\udc4d\n\n\n\n\nAtau, boleh tengok \npage lencana di Pandai App\n\n\nMenarik kan?\n\n\nCuba tengok cabaran untuk lencana Minggu ke-4. Skor yang perlu dikumpulkan banyak sikit. Kenapa ya?\n\n\nIni sebab lencana Minggu ke-4 adalah yang paling istimewa dan grand sekali!\n\n\nSemua lencana minggu lain sebenarnya adalah petunjuk atau hint kepada lencana Minggu ke-4 tu. Jadi, sambil-sambil kumpul lencana, bolehlah cuba teka apakah lencana yang unik tu. Anda ada idea? Kalau ada, tinggalkan comment dekat Facebook atau Instagram kami ok! \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nBest kan? Macam main game pulak ada challenge-challenge ni \n\ud83d\ude1d\n\n\nNak tambah lagi best? Setiap minggu, kami akan post semua username yang dapat menyelesaikan cabaran mingguan. Yayy dapat shoutout!\n\n\nNak lagi lagi best? Sudahlah dapat lencana edisi terhad (di mana orang yang lambat takkan dapat pamerkan dekat profil macam kita), dapat shoutout dekat social media, tapi yang paling bestnya, kalau dah kumpul banyak-banyak skor untuk Merdeka Challenge ni, \nmestiii\n ranking korang dekat Monthly Leaderboard pun akan cepat je naik!\n\n\nFuhhh. Banyak betul kelebihan buat Merdeka Challenge ni kan? Hehehe\n\n\nSooo\u2026 jangan tunggu-tunggu dah okay! \nThe clock is ticking\n!\n\n\nJom mulakan Merdeka Challenge sekarang!\n\n\nJangan lupa bagitahu semua kawan-kawan yang lain dan gunakan hashtag #PandaiAnakMalaysia ya!\n\n\nNak maklumat lanjut tentang program-program lain sepanjang #PandaiAnakMalaysia? \nTekan sini\n.\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/do-learning-apps-actually-help-you-learn-better/", "title": "Do Learning Apps Actually Help You Learn Better?", "body": "\n\nIn a world where we are constantly bombarded with new information, it can be hard to keep up. Whether you\u2019re trying to learn a new language, or just studying for an upcoming exam, there are countless apps and programs out there that claim to help you learn better. But do they actually work? In this blog post, we will explore the evidence for and against learning apps. We will also provide some tips on how to pick the right app for you and your needs.\n\n\nThe Popularity Of Learning Apps\n\n\n\n\nThere are a lot of different learning apps available on the market today. Some of them are free, while others you have to pay for. But do they actually help you learn better?\n\n\nMany people believe that learning apps can be helpful. They can provide you with a way to review material that you\u2019re struggling with and can give you extra practice with things that you find difficult. Additionally, some learning apps also offer games and other activities that can make learning more fun.\n\n\nHowever, there is also some research that suggests that learning apps might not be as effective as we think. One study found that students who used a learning app performed no better on tests than students who didn\u2019t use the app. So, it\u2019s important to consider whether or not an app is actually going to be helpful before spending money on it or downloading it.\n\n\nIf you decide to use a learning app, there are a few things to keep in mind. Make sure to choose an app that is appropriate for your level of learning. If you\u2019re a beginner, look for an app with basic material. If you\u2019re more advanced, look for an app with challenging material. Additionally, it\u2019s important to find an app that you will actually use. There\u2019s no point in downloading an app if you never open it!\n\n\nIs It Effective?\n\n\n\n\nThere is no one definitive answer to whether or not learning apps actually help you learn better. Some students and educators may find them helpful as supplemental resources, while others may find that they interfere with more traditional forms of learning.\n\n\nThere are a few potential benefits of using learning apps that should be considered. First, they can provide structure and organisation for learners who struggle with self-regulation. Additionally, they can offer engaging and interactive content that may hold attention better than a textbook or lecture. Finally, they can be customised to meet the individual needs of each learner.\n\n\nHowever, there are also some potential drawbacks to using learning apps. They can be expensive, and some students may not have access to the technology required to use them. Additionally, they can be addictive and may cause students to spend more time on their devices than interacting with peers or completing other tasks.\n\n\nUltimately, whether or not learning apps actually help you learn better is up to the individual learner. Some students may find them helpful, while others may prefer more traditional methods of instruction.\n\n\nWhat Kind Of Learning Apps Should You Choose?\n\n\nWhen choosing learning apps, it is important to consider the type of learner you are. Some people learn best by listening to audio recordings, others by reading texts, and others by watching videos. There are also different types of learning apps for different subjects. For example, there are apps that focus on teaching maths, science, history, or language arts.If you are not sure what type of learner you are, there are assessment tests that can help you determine your learning style. Once you know your learning style, you can choose an app that caters to your needs. For example, if you are a visual learner, you might want an app that has lots of pictures and diagrams. \nPandai\n has \nbeautifully designed questions\n to help you get started with your learning.\n\n\n\n\nThere are also apps that allow you to customise your learning experience. For instance, you can choose the pace at which you want to learn and the topics that you want to focus on. This can be helpful if you only have limited time for studying or if there are specific topics that you need to brush up on.\n\n\nFinally, make sure to choose an app that is compatible with your devices and operating system. There is no point in downloading an app if it will not work on your phone or tablet.\n\n\nThere are many great learning apps available, so take some time to explore your options and find the ones that work best for you. With the right learning app, you can improve your grades, learn more about the world around you, and even have some fun while doing it!\n\n\nLearning Apps Influence On Academic Performance\n\n\n\n\nThere is a lot of debate surrounding the effectiveness of learning apps. Some argue that they are helpful and can improve academic performance, while others claim that they are ineffective and can even hinder learning.\n\n\nThe key seems to be in finding the right app for the task at hand. For example, an app that helps you \nmemorise vocabulary words\n is likely to be more effective than an app that simply provides information about a topic. Similarly, an app that provides practice problems and feedback is likely to be more effective than an app that simply allows you to read about a topic.Thus, it seems that whether or not a learning app actually helps you learn better depends on the specific features of the app and h\now well it aligns with your learning goals\n. If you\u2019re looking for a learning app to help you improve your academic performance, be sure to choose one with features that are aligned with your goals and that has been shown to be effective in research studies.\n\n\nBenefits Of Learning Apps On Attention And Focus\n\n\n\n\nThere are a lot of different opinions out there about whether or not learning apps actually help you learn better. Some people believe that they do, while others think that they might just be a waste of time.\n\n\nSo, if you\u2019re looking for a way to improve your attention and focus, using learning apps might be a good option for you. Just make sure to choose an app that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.\n\n\nThe Effect Of Learning Apps On Motivation And Engagement\n\n\nThere is a lot of debate surrounding the effectiveness of learning apps. Some people argue that they are helpful and can improve your understanding of a concept. Others say that they are a waste of time and do not actually help you learn better. However, there is some evidence to suggest that learning apps can have a positive effect on motivation and engagement.\n\n\nOne study found that students who used educational apps were more engaged in their studies than those who did not use them\n. The study also found that the students who used apps had a higher level of intrinsic motivation, which means they were more likely to continue using the app even when it was no longer required for their course.\n\n\nAnother study looked at the effect of game-based learning on motivation and engagement\n. The study found that students who played educational games were more likely to be intrinsically motivated and engaged in their studies than those who did not play games. This suggests that learning apps have the potential to improve motivation and engagement.\n\n\nOverall, the evidence suggests that learning apps can have a positive effect on motivation and engagement. However, it is important to remember that each person is different and what works for one person may not work for another. If you are struggling with motivation or engagement, it is worth trying out some different learning apps to see if they can help you.\n\n\nDo You Really Need Learning Apps?\n\n\nWhen it comes to learning apps, there is no one definitive answer. Some students find that they help them learn better, while others find that they do not see a significant difference in their learning when using apps. Ultimately, it is up to the individual student to decide whether or not they think learning apps will be helpful for them. \nHowever, we definitely recommend \nPandai\n as it was designed by teachers and educational practitioner to improve learning.\n\n\nThere are a few things to keep in mind when deciding if learning apps are right for you. First, consider what type of learner you are. If you are someone who struggles to focus on one task at a time, an app that allows you to break down your studies into smaller chunks may be helpful. Additionally, take into account how much time you have to dedicate to using the app. If you only have a few minutes here and there, an app that requires a lot of time investment may not be the best fit.\n\n\nFinally, remember that there is no shame in trying out an app and then deciding it\u2019s not for you. Learning is personal, and what works for one person might not work for another. Don\u2019t be afraid to experiment until you find a learning method \u2013 including apps \u2013 that work best for you!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/do-trial-exams-help-improve-students-grade/", "title": "Do Trial Exams Help Improve Students\u2019 Grade?", "body": "\n\n\n\nIn Malaysia, every student must take trial exams, especially the UPSR, PT3 and SPM students, as they are the crucial examinations. In a few schools, they even conducted multiple trial exams prepared for their students to ensure that their students pass the exams with flying colours.\n\n\nMeanwhile, on behalf of the students, there are sighs. To them, trial exams are tiring. They have already done many exercises and assessments in the classroom, yet they still have to do trial exams. Doesn\u2019t it add pressure to the students? They might get stressed out.\n\n\nIn this article, we will find out whether it is true that trial exams can help improve students\u2019 scores in the real examination? Or is it the opposite as there are possibilities that too many exams might get them stressed out that made their focus stirred?\n\n\nThis finding is based on 150 Pandai students\u2019 trial exam scores and comparing them with their scores in the real examination. These students answered the trial exam sets in Pandai prior to the real exams such as UPSRx and PT3x, which are the exams conducted by Pandai. The scores of another 150 Pandai students who took the actual exam without taking the trial exam are also being used in this finding. Both results are displayed in the bar chart below.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 1. Average Score of Students with Trial Exam Preparation\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2. Average Score of Students with without Trial Exam Preparation\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe graph shows the average score of 150 students with trial exam preparation and 150 without trial exam preparation in the trial exam and real examination.\n\n\nBased on the graph of students with trial exam preparation, the average score obtained in the trial exam is 51.2%, which is grade C and the average score in the real examination is 88.9%, which is grade A. It shows an increment of 37.7% in the score. The students ended their school happily by achieving an excellent grade\n\n\nNext, the other graph shows no value for trial exam score as these students did not undertake the trial exam. In the real examination, the students manage to get an average score of 70.1%, which is grade B. Hmm, it is unlikely that students are satisfied with obtaining grade B, especially when it is already near C.\n\n\nFor better illustration, let us see the line graph in figure 3 below.\n\n\nFigure 3. Summarized Average Score of Students with Trial Exam Preparation and without Trial Exam Preparation\n\n\nThe line graph shows a summarized version of the bar graphs. From the chart, we can clearly see the difference in the real examinations score of both groups. The students who took the trial exam preparation had a better score in the actual examination than those who took the actual exam without trial exam preparation. The difference of 18.8 percentage points in the real examination score between the two groups showed that trial exams impacted the students\u2019 performance in real examinations.\n\n\nThus, with these results, we can conclude that trial exams do help improve students\u2019 grades.\n\n\nBefore we end this discussion, here is some advice. The trial exam is like a final rehearsal before the big show. Your test results are powerful indicators of how you can perform the final examinations, as they are often less than three months from the actual examinations. Defining your performance for each subject will allow you to prepare your final examinations for a better and more effective study plan. Don\u2019t get upset if you haven\u2019t scored well! At least now you know which topics you are weak at, and it enables you to concentrate more on those specific topics. You still have time to resolve and learn from your mistakes. Well, good work if you scored! You now generally know what you can do for these subjects to maintain or even improve.\n\n\nLast but not least, Gosling, a professor from the University of Texas, said, \u201cRepeated testing is a powerful practice that directly enhances learning and thinking skills, and it can be especially helpful to students who start off with a weaker academic background.\u201d\n\n\nSo now you know why your school loves conducting a lot of assessments and exams. It\u2019s none other for the success of their beloved students.\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/duit-raya-syawal-menang-rm100-setiap-hari/", "title": "Duit Raya Syawal : Menang RM100 Setiap Hari!", "body": "\n\nAssalammualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera semua!\n\n\nMacam mana dengan sambutan Hari Raya tahun ni? Mesti meriah kan sebab dah dua tahun tak sambut Hari Raya?\n\n\nUntuk memeriahkan lagi suasana Hari Raya adik adik tahun ni, Pandai ada buat satu program Lucky Draw yang bernama \u201cDuit Raya Syawal\u201d untuk korang menang duit raya berjumlah RM100 setiap hari! Haaa, best kan?\n\n\nProgram ini terbuka kepada \nsemua pelajar Tahun 1 sehingga Tingkatan 5 secara PERCUMA!\n Anda hanya perlu mendaftar sebagai \u201cPandai Student\u201d untuk menyertai Lucky Draw ini.\n\n\nMacam Mana Nak Sertai & Menang? Senang Je!\ud83d\ude09\n\n\n\ud83d\udccd\nBagaimana nak sertai Program Duit Raya Syawal?\n1. Jawab soalan di Pandai untuk capai skor 25 atau lebih!\n2. Nama anda automatik akan tersenarai dalam Lucky Draw Pandai. \n3. Nantikan Sesi Live Lucky Draw Setiap Hari untuk ketahui 1 Hari 1 Pemenang Bertuah Duit Raya RM100. \n#Paling best, Lucky Draw ni akan berjalan setiap hari di bulan Syawal ini! Kami akan umum nama pemenang di laman sosial kami secara \nLIVE\n setiap hari untuk pemenang hari sebelumnya. \n\n\n\ud83d\udccd\nBagaimana untuk mengetahui jika anda disenaraikan untuk cabutan bertuah?\n\n\nLog masuk akaun Pandai\nKlik Duit Raya Syawal Newscard\nSemak nama anda\nNama anda tiada? Mula menjawab kuiz, peperiksaan atau ujian topikal sekarang!\n\n\n\ud83d\udccd\nKalau anda Pemenangnya, bagaimana nak \u2018Claim\u2019 Duit Raya RM100? Mudah sahaja\n!\n\n\nTeam kami akan contact/hubungi anda untuk mendapatkan maklumat akaun anda.\nDuit Raya anda akan kami lakukan Transaksi pada hari tersebut.\n\n\nJadi, tunggu apa lagi? \nSambut Hari Raya bersama kami dengan menyertai program menarik ini! Jangan lupa untuk share berita ini bersama rakan \u2013 rakan lain! \nDan yang paling penting, jangan lupa ikuti kami di sosial media untuk saksikan nama pemenang Lucky Draw Duit Raya Syawal setiap hari!\n\n\nGood luck and have fun! \ud83e\udd17\n\n\nLog Masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/e-ladap-khas-buat-guru-guru-malaysia/", "title": "eLADAP: Khas buat Guru-Guru Malaysia", "body": "\n\nHai cikgu!\n\n\nCikgu-cikgu pasti tidak asing lagi dengan CPD, atau dipanggil sebagai Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan (LADAP Guru). Ia amat penting bagi memastikan para guru terus meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan untuk sentiasa berada di tahap terbaik profession mereka. Jadi, ada apa dengan LADAP? Jom baca lagi.\u00a0\n\n\nDi penghujung tahun 2020, Pandai telah mempersembahkan idea projek CINTA (Continuous Improvement in Teaching App) dalam pertandingan MyHackathon, anjuran Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Malaysia \u00a0yang bertujuan untuk menggembleng kreativiti sektor swasta bagi menyelesaikan masalah-masalah sektor awam. Solusi CINTA telah berjaya memenangi sejumlah geran bernilai RM250,000 yang telah digunakan sepenuhnya untuk membangunkan projek ini di bawah nama baru, eLADAP.\u00a0 \u00a0\n\n\nPihak pengurusan Pandai menerima sijil graduasi program MyHackaton daripada Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Dato\u2019 Sri Dr. Adham Baba pada 1 Disember 2021.\n\n\n\n\nBerita baiknya adalah, eLADAP sudahpun boleh digunakan sekarang oleh guru-guru seluruh Malaysia secara \nPERCUMA \ndi platform Pandai Guru!\n\n\n\n\nPandai Guru menyediakan pelajaran LADAP secara atas talian\n\n\nKebanyakan guru kurang berminat untuk menghadiri kursus LADAP kerana mereka perlu memperuntukkan masa untuk kursus tersebut dan akan mengganggu tugas mereka untuk mengajar. Dengan eLADAP, guru-guru dapat belajar mengikut kemampuan masing-masing dan pastinya tidak akan terikat dengan masa dan tempat. Dengan cara ini, para guru dapat belajar dengan lebih efisien tanpa perlu mengenepikan tugas hakiki.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSiapakah yang menyumbang kepada kandungan eLADAP?\n\n\nKandungan CPD eLADAP disumbang oleh para guru, barisan profesor dan pakar-pakar dalam bidang pendidikan. Mereka berkongsi amalan-amalan terbaik dan kaedah-kaedah yang terbukti berkesan untuk mengendalikan pelajar. Jadi, kandungan-kandungan ini adalah sangat praktikal dan semestinya boleh dipraktikkan oleh guru-guru yang lain.\n\n\n\n\nBagaimana cara untuk mengakses eLADAP?\u00a0\n\n\nIkuti langkah-langkah di bawah.\n\n\nPergi ke \nwww.pandai.org\n.\nKlik \u2018Log Masuk\u2019.\nPilih Daftar untuk membuat akaun baru (disarankan untuk menggunakan emel moe-dl.edu.my bagi pengesahan status serta merta) dan pilih untuk membuat akaun guru\u00a0\natau\nisi sahaja nama pengguna dan kata laluan bagi yang sudah mempunyai akaun Pandai Guru.\nSetelah anda mendaftar masuk, anda akan terus dibawa ke halaman eLADAP.\n\n\n\n\nPertandingan pembinaan kandungan eLADAP\n\n\nBuat cikgu-cikgu yang sedang membaca artikel ini, kami dengan sukahati menjemput anda untuk menyertai pertandingan pembinaan kandungan eLADAP. Caranya mudah sahaja.\u00a0\n\n\nHasilkan video selama 3-5 minit mengenai \u2018best practices\u2019 dalam pengajaran.\nSediakan soalan-soalan uji pengetahuan (sebelum pelajaran), pop kuiz (tentang pelajaran) dan refleksi (pengajaran daripada pelajaran).\nEmelkan penyertaan ke \n[email\u00a0protected]\n sebelum 31 Januari 2022.\n\n\n*Penyertaan berganda amatlah dialu-alukan.\n\n\nApakah hadiahnya?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTunggu apa lagi? Jom mula fikir idea video apa yang menarik untuk menang. Jangan lupa ajak rakan-rakan guru yang lain juga ya. Lagi ramai lagi meriah!\n\n\n\n\nShout out: we\u2019re not regular teachers. We are Pandai Teachers!\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terkini daripada Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nJom daftar Pandai Guru sekarang!\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/edtech-startups-in-malaysia/", "title": "EdTech Startups in Malaysia", "body": "\n\n\n\nPandai\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://pandai.org\nCategory: Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing: Free, Premium starts from RM9/month\n\n\n\n\nPandai is a learning app for students to learn through personalized syllabus-based daily quizzes. It contains the syllabus for primary and secondary school students. Pandai was founded in 2019 by Pandai Education Sdn. Bhd. Pandai app can be downloaded for free from App Store and Play Store.\n\n\nAnak2U\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://anak2u.com.my/\nCategory: Management, Kindergarten, Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing:\u00a0Free, Starter starts at RM200/month\n\n\n\n\nAnak2U is an EdTech startup that can help students from kindergarten to secondary school. It also helps parents to monitor their children\u2019s results. Anak2U is also created for teachers as a learning aid and to update the students\u2019 reports. Other than that, Anak2U is also available for school administration to manage the staff and students, financial and attendance. Anak2U app has been created by Anak2U Sdn Bhd since 2019. This app can be downloaded for free from App Store and Play Store\n\n\nQuadby\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.quadby.com/\nCategory: Communication\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nQuadby is an education social app specialised for millennial students to find and chat on campus. It helps students within campus to communicate with each other. This app is suitable for university students. It was created by 8Campus Sdn Bhd in 2018. This app can be downloaded for free from App Store and Play Store.\u00a0\n\n\nSync School\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://sync.my\nCategory: Communication, Management, Kindergarten, Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing:\u00a0Free, Premium starts at RM600/month\n\n\n\n\nSync is an education technology company that provides communication app that helps teachers to share updates about the students to their parents. Sync also has billing features where parents can pay school fees for their kids via this app. This app is suitable for kindergarten, primary and secondary school. Sync was produced by Sync Lab Sdn Bhd in 2011. This app can be downloaded for free from App Store and Play Store.\u00a0\n\n\nAOneSchools\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://aoneschools.com/\nCategory: Management, Kindergarten, Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing:\u00a0RM4000/500 students (after subsidy)\n\n\n\n\nAOne Schools is a management app for school administration. This app can help an institution to manage students and teachers data, class scheduling, announcements and fee collection. AOneSchools was introduced in 2011 by My AOne Learning Sdn Bhd. It is available in the App Store and Play Store for free. It is also available on the web.\n\n\nGnowledge\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.gnowledge.com\nCategory: Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nGnowledge is a free website that helps teachers to create quizzes then it can be shared to\u00a0 students and others. Gnowledge was created in 2010 by Gnowledge Sdn. Bhd.\n\n\nStudentQR\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nht\ntps://www.studentqr.com/\nCategory: Management, Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School & University\nPricing: Free\n\n\n\n\nStudentQR is an EdTech Startup that provides a free application that can be used for the attendance system using QR code. StudentQR also has behaviour assessment features where students can gain points when they do something good. StudentQR was created by Virtuocity Systems Sdn Bhd in 2019. It can be downloaded from App Store and Play Store.\n\n\nRecqa\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.recqa.com/\nCategory: Adult Learning & Management\nPricing: RM6/user *price may vary based on requirement\n\n\n\n\nRecqa is a platform that helps a company to preserve collective knowledge so organisations can connect and align people, processes, and best practices. It centralised and searchable knowledge-based repository for team members. Recqa was created in 2020 by Unoya Sdn Bhd. It is a web-based application with RM6 minimum charges per user depending on user requirements.\n\n\nBeED\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.beed.world/\nCategory: Management, Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nBeED can be divided into 3 services which are BeEd LMS, BeED Journey and BeED Nexus. BeEd LMS helps school administration to manage the students. It can grade learners, check the attendance, manage timetables, send out notifications to parents and help schools to organize a customizable programme that suits the students. BeED Journey helps students to learn by traveling and experiencing the learning by themselves. BeED Nexus is a marketplace for educational content, online tests and other educational-related goods. BeED is suitable for primary and secondary schools\u2019 students. BeED was established in 2017 by Beeducation Adventures Sdn Bhd. BeED is available on websites and also in the App Store and Play Store for free.\n\n\nFrogasia\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://frogasia.com\nCategory: Management, Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School & University \nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nFrogasia is a cloud-based virtual learning. Frogasia helps teachers to give lessons and keep track of students\u2019 performances virtually. Frogasia also helps students to obtain learning and revision material and collaborate with each other. Meanwhile, parents can be updated with their children\u2019s academic progress. School administrators also can use Frogasia to manage school calendars and create school notices. Other than that, Frogasia also has an educational game application named Frogplay. Frogasia was created in 2015 by FrogAsia Sdn Bhd. It is available on web and app platforms for free.\n\n\nXentral Methods\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.xentralmethods.com\nCategory: Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School & University\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nXentral Methods is an e-library and online bookstore that contains a lot of books for users to read and buy. The books suit all categories of ages. Xentral Methods also created few application for primary school such as Kata Hubung. Xentral Methods was created by is an EdTech startup called Xentral Methods Sdn Bhd in 2011. Xentral Methods is available on their website and in the App Store and Play Store for free.\n\n\nString souls\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://stringsoul.co/\nCategory: Kindergarten, Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing: Free trial for first 25 minutes.\n\n\n\n\nString souls is an app that provide a platform for online piano practice sessions. This app provides teachers to teach the piano lessons. String souls was founded by String Soul Sdn Bhd in 2019. String soul is available on the web and in App Store and Play Store for free.\n\n\nZapzapmath\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.zapzapmath.com/\nCategory: Kindergarten & Primary School\nPricing:\u00a0Free, \n\n\n\n\nZapzapmath is a mathematics game application that is suitable for kindergarten and primary schools\u2019 students. Zapzapmath was founded by Zapzapmath Inc in 2015. Zapzapmath is in the App Store and Play Store for free.\n\n\nBACFlix\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://bacflix.com/\nCategory:\u00a0Primary School, Secondary School & University\nPricing: Free\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nBACFlix is a free web platform that provides e-learning platform for every subject for UPSR, PT3, SPM, SJKC, SJKT, and IGCSE. It also provides quizzes, learning videos, and seminars for every subject. BACFlix is owned by BAC Education Group and founded in 2013.\n\n\nEdukate\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.edukate.com.my/\nCategory:\u00a0Primary School\nPricing:\u00a0Free, RM80 for 60 days package\n\n\n\n\nEdukate is an e-learning portal\u00a0 that provides multimedia lessons, interactive activities and tests and assessments for students in standard 4, 5 and 6. It also has e-books and educational games. Other than that, parents can keep track of their children\u2019s progress through report cards that have been provided. Edukate was founded by Edukate Malaysia Sdn Bhd in 2005.\n\n\niLearnAce\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.ilearnace.com/\nCategory:\u00a0Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing:\u00a0RM193 for 180 days\n\n\n\n\niLearnAce is a hybrid learning and teaching platform. It is suitable for primary and secondary school students to learn interactively with the practices provided. Parents and teachers can create activities or quizzes for their children. Other than that, teachers can exchange the points with the books that are available in the application. iLearnAce is owned by Sasbadi Online Sdn. Bhd. and founded in 2015. This app can be downloaded for free from App Store and Play Store.\n\n\nOsem\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://osem.me/\nCategory:\u00a0Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing:\u00a0Free, Premium starts at RM69.90/month\n\n\n\n\nsem is a free application that provides simple revision notes for primary and secondary school students. Students also can answer the quizzes on the syllabus and collect points. Osem also has features where students and teachers can follow each other to make easier communication between them. Osem was founded by Think Osem Sdn. Bhd in 2012. Osem can be\u00a0 downloaded for free from App Store and Play Store.\n\n\nmyGuru\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://myguru.com.my/\nCategory:\u00a0Primary School & Secondary School\nPricing: RM50 per subject/month for myTUTOR and myCOACH, RM69/subject for myLESSONS and myQUESTIONS\n\n\n\n\nmyGuru provides learning modules, bank questions for primary and secondary school students. myGuru also provides professional Tutor and Coach to teach the students according to the subjects. myGuru was previously known as Learning Port. It was founded in 2012 by Learning Port Sdn Bhd. myGuru is available on the website with minimum fee RM50.\n\n\nRITE Education\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.rite.education/\nCategory: Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School & University\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nRITE Education is a web based educational platform that provides resources for learning. Other than that, it also provides soft skills development and training and education programme development. It helps the kindergarten until university students develop their soft skills. Rite Education was founded by RITE Education Sdn Bhd in 2016.\n\n\nYouthopia\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.youthopia.co/\nCategory: Kindergarten & Primary School\nPricing:\u00a0RM30\n\n\n\n\nYouthopia is a web-based platform that provides training for 4C skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication) for kindergarten and primary school students. Youthopia provides foundational skills to create life-long learners that can adapt to a rapidly changing world. Youthopia provides quizzes, videos and games to visualise content to improve the students\u2019 comprehension. Using Youthopia, parents can monitor their children progress via Parent Dashboard. Youthopia was founded by Youthopia Sdn Bhd in 2019. The minimum fee to register the Youthopia is RM30.\n\n\nEzyspark\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://ezyspark.com/\nCategory:\u00a0Adult Learning\nPricing:\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nEzyspark is a web-based platform that helps providing trainers for a company. Whenever a company needed a trainer for specific training, Ezyspark can provide it. Ezyspark was founded by Ezyspark Asia Sdn Bhd in 2017.\n\n\nEdu Advisor\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://eduadvisor.my/\nCategory: University\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nEdu Advisor is a platform that guides students to apply for universities. Students can search courses, compare the institutions, and find scholarships to help them to further their studies. Edu Advisor also provides career quizzes that can help students find the course that might be suitable for them. Edu Advisor was founded by Distinctive Education Advisor Sdn. Bhd. in 2014.\n\n\nEasy Uni\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.easyuni.com/\nCategory:\u00a0University\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nEasy Uni is a platform that guides students to apply for universities. It has courses guide and university review that can help students to find a suitable courses and places to further their studies. Other than that, it also has country guides that can help students to find a suitable country for them to further studies in overseas. Easy Uni was founded by EasyUni Sdn Bhd in 2008.\n\n\nUni Enrol\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://unienrol.com\nCategory:\u00a0Secondary School & University\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nUni Enrol is another platform that guides students to apply for universities. It offers services such as course searching, institutions comparison, scholarships, and preparation test for students before further their studies. Other than that, Uni Enrol also provides SPM masterclass for SPM candidates. Uni Enrol was founded by Uni Enrol Sdn Bhd in 2017.\n\n\nEdu Reviews\n\n\n\n\nWebsite: \nhttps://www.edureviews.com/my/\nCategory: Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School & University\nPricing:\u00a0Free\n\n\n\n\nEdu Reviews is a platform that helps users to search for schools, universities, and tuition. Edu Reviews also has enrolment advice services for parents to guide them before enrolling their children. Edu Reviews also provides e-learning platforms for kindergarten until secondary school students. It also has e-library services. Edu Reviews was founded by EduReviews in 2019.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/eduobbywinner/", "title": "Pandai Roblox EduObby Winner Announcement! \ud83c\udfc6", "body": "\n\n\n\nToday is the day! We are finally announcing the winners of our Pandai Roblox EduObby Contest from 17th October until 26th October 2022. \ud83c\udfc6\n\n\nMassive thanks to everyone for participating! It has been a great pleasure receiving a lot of participants in this contest, you\u2019re all fantastic!\n\n\nAnd now we\u2019d like to congratulate our Top 10 Players, who have become the fastest and undoubted winners. They will receive our exclusive prizes, Roblox Gift Cards, and Badges.\n\n\nWe want to take this opportunity to thank all the participants who have made this contest a success. You will receive our limited edition badge in the Pandai account.\n\n\nTo those who missed out on the contest, stay tuned for updates and join all our upcoming activities! Let\u2019s celebrate too! \ud83d\udc4f\n\n\nCongratulations to all winners!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAll Top 10 winners must claim their prizes as soon as possible through:\n\n\n\n\nWhatsapp Pandai Support: \n+60 18-252 4143\n \n Or;\n\n\nSend the email to \n[email\u00a0protected]\n* Fyi, please share your Pandai Username & active email to be easier for us to send your prize, Roblox Gift Card\n\n\n\n\nIf the prize remains unclaimed within \n14 working days\n after the winner\u2019s announcement was made (Sunday, 6th November 2022), the prize will be forfeited. For any other queries, feel free to Whatsapp us at Pandai Support (018-2524143).\n\n\nAgain, congratulations to all the participants! Let\u2019s keep up the good work! See you guys in our next campaign! \ud83d\ude0e\n\n\nStay tuned for more updates!\u00a0\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to Log in or Sign Up at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\n\n\nDownload Pandai App now via\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFollow us on our Social Media Now!\n\n\nFacebook:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTikTok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#AchieveTogether\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/eye-care-tips-for-online-learning-in-pdpr-era/", "title": "Eye care tips for online learning in PdPR Era!", "body": "\n\nOnline learning can mean staring at screens all day long. Plus, it can lead longtime screen-gazers to experience dry eyes, double vision, blurred vision, and more. Other symptoms go beyond just your eyes\u2014they include neck pain, shoulder pain, and mild to debilitating headaches.\ud83d\ude35\u200d\ud83d\udcab\n\n\nTo maintain your eyesight and keep your eyes healthy during and beyond this period of online learning, try these 9 simple tips \ud83c\udf1f:\n\n\n1. Stick to the 20-20-20 rule \n\n\n\n\nDr. Jeff Anshel\u00a0came up with the idea and tells us to:\u00a0Take breaks from screen use every 20 minutes, focus on something 20 feet (6 meters) away & look at it for 20 seconds. \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udcbb\ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udcbb\n\n\n*To add more of an incentive, consider tacking a poster of your favorite idol or Kpop superstar (yay, BTS) on a distant wall.\ud83d\ude1c\n\n\n2. Minimize display glare\n\n\n\n\nIf you can, position your screen to prevent glare; for example, try to angle it away from the window. Or, if you have fluorescent lights above you, you may find that they\u2019ve been causing overhead glare. Alternatively, an anti-glare screen/matte screen protector\u00a0can help you banish glare to some distant land. \n\n\n3. Adjust screen display\n\n\nEnsure that your screen is in good contrast. For example, if your screen is too bright if the white background on it resembles a source of light itself, and is too dim if it looks greyish. Your eyes will experience more strain when the contrast between the\u00a0text and the background is very jarring (dark text on light is a safe bet). \n\n\n4. Exercise\n\n\n\n\nRelieve and move your eye muscles by\u00a0Rolling your eyes, closing and cupping your eyes, like that \u201cSee-No-Evil Monkey\u201d/Mizaru emoji and Blinking \ud83d\ude1d\n\n\n5. Healthify your diet \n\n\n\n\nWhat you eat plays a starring role in the play,\u00a0\nMe, My Eyes, and I.\n\u00a0Indeed,\u00a0I suggest infusing your diet with fish, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and, of course, water! Having such a diet arms you with the diverse nutrients you need to keep your eyes healthy.\ud83e\udd66\ud83c\udf57\ud83c\udf73\ud83c\udf52\ud83c\udf53\n\n\n6. And, of course, sleep\n\n\n\n\nWhat do I say here\u2026 One of the key ways that your eyes get the rest they deserve is when they\u2019re, like, closed and relieved from light sources. So, get\u00a0your 7-9 hours of sleep every night!\ud83d\ude34\n\n\nWhile you\u2019re studying here, definitely make use of these (where necessary).\n\n\nWhether you\u2019re completing assignment or having class with teacher, remind yourself to pause and\u00a0recall \u201cOne\u2026or two, three\u2026or four\u2026\u201d of these tips, and\u00a0give your eyes a quick rest! \ud83e\udd24\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/fahami-tekanan-perasaan-dalam-kalangan-pelajar/", "title": "Fahami tekanan perasaan dalam kalangan pelajar", "body": "\n\nKebelakangan ini, terdapat banyak laporan mengenai masalah tekanan perasaan dalam kalangan pelajar susulan pelaksanaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR).\n\n\nAda yang melihatnya sebagai hal remeh namun sebenarnya masalah tekanan perasaan adalah persoalan serius dan tidak benar untuk mengatakan ia sengaja diada-adakan atau mengada-ada.\n\n\nBerdasarkan data dan analisis, \ntekanan perasaan atau tekanan hidup itu wujud dan perlu diberi perhatian\n. Ramai dalam kalangan individu yang berhadapan dengan masalah sebegini lebih cenderung membunuh diri berbanding berusaha mengatasinya. Keadaan ini menjelaskan mengapa bilangan kes membunuh diri adalah tinggi dalam kalangan remaja.\n\n\nHal ini juga dianggap sebagai jalan keluar kerana tekanan perasaan bukanlah perkara ringan yang mampu dilalui oleh seseorang. Ia menguasai minda dan bagi sebilangan individu keadaan itu amat sukar untuk dilalui secara bersendirian.\n\n\nBagaimanapun, masalah ini boleh ditangani dengan rawatan pakar. Ia boleh diurus dengan panduan yang betul daripada pakar psikologi selain menerusi terapi yang diberikan secara profesional.\n\n\n\n\nDalam persoalan PdPR, amat mudah untuk difahami mengapa ia menjadi beban psikologi kepada sesetengah murid. Ia tentunya disebabkan pembelajaran menerusi PdPR adalah perkara baharu. Mereka perlu berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran antaranya \nbelajar sendiri tanpa bantuan guru\n di depan mereka atau rakan sekelas seperti kebiasaannya. \nPergerakan mereka juga terbatas\n kerana perlu duduk di hadapan komputer dari pagi hingga petang untuk sesi pembelajaran. Keadaan ini memberi tekanan kerana \nrasa \u2018terkurung\u2019 dan tidak bebas bergerak.\n\n\nSelain itu ada sesetengahnya datang daripada \nkeluarga yang kurang berkemampuan\n. \nKetiadaan peranti atau perlu berkongsi dengan adik beradik lain\n juga sebenarnya mendatangkan cabaran dan tekanan tersendiri.\n\n\nMungkin ada segelintir ahli masyarakat yang lebih tua merasakan permasalahan tekanan sebegitu hal biasa dan generasi hari ini kelihatan lebih lemah atau lembik berbanding mereka ketika berada dalam lingkungan usia serupa. Justeru tanggapan sedemikian mencetuskan pelbagai reaksi dan istilah seperti\n \u2018generasi jeli\u2019.\n Sebenarnya, sebagai rakyat yang bertanggungjawab anggapan yang sebegitu tidak molek untuk dibuat kerana ia memberi kesan kepada mereka.\n\n\nNamun, dari satu segi pandangan sedemikian menjelaskan bahawasanya masyarakat Malaysia kurang pengetahuan atau kesedaran mengenai permasalahan psikologi sebegini. Jika seseorang itu tahu akan apa yang dihadapi individu yang tertekan dengan masalah hidup, pasti ungkapan seperti generasi jeli ini tidak muncul.\n\n\nSebenarnya, masalah tekanan hidup ini sudah ada sejak sekian lamanya dalam masyarakat tetapi ia tidak diendahkan atau kita tidak menyedari mengenai kewujudannya.\n\n\nKeadaan sedemikian mungkin disebabkan mereka yang berhadapan dengan masalah begini tidak mendapat diagnosis daripada pakar. Selain itu, ilmu mengenai kesihatan mental yang dicanangkan kini dan dulu amat berbeza \nmenyebabkan permasalahan kesihatan mental lebih banyak dikesan ketika ini.\n\n\n\n\nJusteru dalam konteks inilah kita tidak seharusnya mudah menyebut tekanan perasaan terjadi kerana generasi muda masa kini \u2018lembik\u2019 atau lemah. Ini kerana kita seharusnya menyedari PdPR itu adalah pembelajaran dalam talian yang belum dilaksanakan secara serius sebelum ini. Justeru memang terdapat potensi untuk seseorang itu \nberhadapan dengan gangguan mental jika mereka tidak berinteraksi dengan manusia atau rakan dalam tempoh yang lama.\n\n\nDalam hal ini, pihak sekolah juga harus berusaha memahami situasi yang dihadapi oleh semua pelajar. \nPasti sahaja dalam sejumlah pelajar yang mengikuti PdPR terdapat murid yang tidak mempunyai kemudahan yang sepatutnya untuk mengikuti pembelajaran dalam talian.\n Selain peranti, \nmasalah seperti capaian internet, ruang belajar yang selesa atau keadaan keluarga yang berantakan\n turut menyumbang kepada ketidakupayaan mereka mengikuti pembelajaran dalam talian. Faktor itulah kemudiannya berpotensi untuk menjadi penyebab kepada tekanan.\n\n\nMungkin, PdPR bukanlah halangan untuk terus belajar bagi sekumpulan murid tetapi bagi kelompok yang lain mereka berpotensi berhadapan masalah tekanan perasaan.\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal diboleh lihat di laman web\u00a0\nberita harian.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/garis-panduan-pengurusan-dan-pengoperasian-sekolah-4-0-diumum-bulan-ini%ef%bf%bc/", "title": "Garis Panduan Pengurusan dan Pengoperasian Sekolah 4.0 diumum bulan ini\ufffc", "body": "\n\nKOTA BHARU: Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) dijangka membentangkan Garis Panduan Pengurusan dan Pengoperasian Sekolah 4.0 bulan ini.\n\n\nGaris panduan berkenaan termasuk aktiviti kokurikulum dibenarkan antara sekolah berbanding sebelum ini hanya berlangsung dalam sekolah, selain penggunaan kantin.\n\n\nMenteri Kanan Pendidikan, Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin, berkata pihaknya kini di peringkat akhir perbincangan sebelum garis panduan terbabit diumumkan.\n\n\n\u201cUntuk pengoperasian sekolah ini, kita ada prosedur operasi standard (SOP) tertentu. Kita kini dalam peringkat akhir untuk memuktamadkan Garis Panduan Pengurusan dan Pengoperasian Sekolah 4.0.\n\n\n\u201cMengambil kira peralihan negara ke fasa endemik, beberapa perincian yang sedang dalam perbincangan dengan Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) bagi memastikan garis panduan yang kita siapkan ini mengambil pandangan dari sudut kesihatan.\n\n\n\u201cGaris panduan itu juga meliputi aktiviti kokurikulum antara sekolah dibenarkan berbanding sebelum ini aktiviti itu hanya berlangsung di dalam sekolah,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBeliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas meninjau pengoperasian sekolah tanpa penggiliran di Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Seri Ketereh, di sini, hari ini.\n\n\nPada masa sama, Radzi berkata, bagi pelajar yang tinggal di asrama dan mempunyai kontak rapat kepada pesakit positif COVID-19 namun tidak bergejala, mereka tidak perlu lagi menjalani kuarantin kendiri dan boleh hadir ke kelas seperti biasa.\n\n\n\u201cKita harap semua pihak termasuk guru, ibu bapa dan pelajar sekolah memainkan peranan supaya sentiasa mematuhi segala SOP yang ditetapkan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nPada hari ini, seramai 130,177 murid dan pelajar yang sebelum ini terbabit dengan sistem penggiliran kembali hadir ke sekolah tanpa sistem berkenaan. \u2013 Nor Fazlina Abdul Rahim, Berita Harian\n\n\nMurid-murid hadir ke sekolah tanpa penggiliran ketika tinjauan di Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Seri Ketereh. \u2013 Foto NSTP/ Nik Abdullah Nik Omar\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/guru-semakin-cekap-anak-pula-dah-lebih-fahami-pdpr/", "title": "Guru semakin cekap, anak pula dah lebih fahami PdPR", "body": "\n\nCheras: \u201cGuru kini lebih cekap memberikan tugasan serta mengadakan kelas\u00a0\nonline\n\u00a0(dalam talian).\n\n\n\u201cAnak saya juga kini lebih memahami sesi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) dan lebih selesa,\u201d kata suri rumah, Halily Kamaruzaman, 37.\n\n\nHalily memberi reaksi itu bagi mengulas mengenai sesi persekolahan yang dibuka semula menerusi sesi PdPR selepas cuti Aidilfitri.\n\n\nMenurutnya, PdPR kali ini lebih sistematik memandangkan pihak sekolah, guru, murid dan ibu bapa sudah biasa dengan situasi pendidikan norma baharu itu.\n\n\nDia yang juga menetap di Cheras Jaya, di sini, turut mengakui lebih mudah memantau PdPR ketiga-ketiga anaknya yang masing-masing berusia 11, 13 dan 15 tahun berbanding ketika awal pelaksanaan PdPR.\n\n\n\u201cWalaupun Hari Raya masih dirasai, kami menyambutnya sederhana dengan hanya duduk di rumah dan anak juga dilihat tiada masalah memasuki sesi PdPR seawal kelas, 8 pagi tadi,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di kediamannya, hari ini.\n\n\nHalily berkata, ibu bapa yang bekerja pastinya mempunyai cabaran tertentu terutama dari segi pembahagian masa dalam memantau proses PdPR anak mereka.\n\n\n\u201cSudah masanya ibu bapa celik dengan teknologi dan digital serta perlu yakin dengan kebolehan anak dalam memahami proses PdPR itu sendiri.\n\n\n\u201cPdPR bukan lagi baharu, ia sudah lama diperkenalkan dan seharusnya anak kini sudah memahaminya manakala ibu bapa hanya tinggal pantau sahaja,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nKatanya, keluarganya tidak mempunyai masalah dari segi capaian internet mahupun keperluan teknologi seperti komputer riba dan telefon bimbit.\n\n\n\u201cNamun, nasib setiap keluarga berbeza terutama golongan B40 dan mereka yang tinggal di luar bandar.\n\n\n\u201cPeranan pihak sekolah penting dalam memastikan murid golongan ini tidak tercicir di samping sokongan serta bantuan daripada kerajaan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nKongsinya, dia turut tampil dengan inisiatif sendiri dengan melanggan modul e-pembelajaran di portal ITTV bagi membolehkan anaknya memahami lebih baik dalam subjek tertentu.\n\n\nSementara itu, pelajar Tingkatan 3 Sekolah Agama Menengah Muhammadiah, Sabak Bernam, Selangor, Nur Aisyah Hasnan berkata, walaupun dia lebih suka sesi pembelajaran diadakan secara bersemuka, dia tetap memulakan PdPR di rumah seperti biasa hari ini.\n\n\n\u201cHanya sebulan dapat jumpa kawan dan guru di sekolah. Belajar secara bersemuka di sekolah lebih seronok berbanding di rumah.\n\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, saya memahami ia dilaksanakan kerana Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dan akan terus mengikuti kelas PdPR selama dua minggu ini sebelum cuti penggal nanti,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi.\n\n\n\n\nNur Aisyah yang menetap di Petaling Jaya turut memulakan sesi PdPR hari ini di kediamannya secara kelas dalam talian bermula seawal 8 pagi tadi.\n\n\nSesi pembelajaran PdPR bermula hari ini sehingga 28 Mei bagi sekolah kumpulan B (sekolah-sekolah di Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak, Kuala Lumpur, Labuan dan Putrajaya).\n\n\nBagi sekolah kumpulan A, (sekolah-sekolah di Johor, Kedah, Kelantan dan Terengganu) sesi pembelajaran itu telah bermula pada Ahad sehingga 27 Mei.\n\n\nTerdahulu, Menteri Kanan (Pendidikan), Senator Datuk Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin memaklumkan selepas tempoh PdPR itu, murid dan pelajar akan menyambung cuti penggal yang bermula 28 Mei sehingga 12 Jun bagi sekolah kumpulan A dan 29 Mei sehingga 13 Jun bagi sekolah kumpulan B. \u2013 \nHarian Metro\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/guru-sudah-bersedia-laksana-pdpr/", "title": "Guru sudah bersedia laksana PdPR", "body": "\n\nSHAH ALAM \u2013 Guru-guru sentiasa bersedia melaksanakan pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah (PdPR) sekiranya berlaku gelombang keempat kes Covid-19.\nPresiden Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan Semenanjung Malaysia (NUTP), Aminuddin Awang berkata, aspek kesihatan dan keselamatan perlu dilihat terlebih dahulu bagi memastikan peningkatan kluster dalam sektor pendidikan dapat dikurangkan.\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian\n\n\n\u201cSekarang, kita perlu lihat kepada aspek keselamatan dan kesihatan dulu, itu yang kita perlu pentingkan manakala pendidikan nombor dua.\n\u201cTidak ada kepentingan kalau sekolah dibuka, tetapi guru berada dalam kerisauan dan terdedah dengan risiko sehingga menjejas kerja pengajaran mereka.\n\n\n\u201cSehinggakan kadang-kadang kita pun tidak tahu murid-murid dari mana, siapa kontak rapat dia, itu yang menjadi keutamaan, barulah kita fikir tentang pendidikan,\u201d katanya ketika dihubungi Sinar Harian pada Isnin.\n\n\nMengulas mengenai kelemahan pelaksanaan PdPR, Aminuddin mengakui masalah peranti dan capaian internet yang dialami pelajar pada awal pelaksanaan PdPR menjadi kebimbangan para guru.\n\n\nBeliau bagaimanapun berkata, kekurangan itu dapat diatasi apabila kerajaan dijangka mengumumkan pemberian telefon pintar dan capaian internet kepada 2.7 juta keluarga berpendapatan rendah (B40) pada Mei ini.\n\n\nJelasnya, pemberian bantuan tersebut adalah hasil kerjasama Yayasan YTL dan NUTP bagi membolehkan pelajar belajar dari rumah.\n\n\n\u201cSaya juga melihat sudah ada usaha kerajaan dalam memastikan pelajar khususnya pelajar B40 ini tidak ketinggalan dalam pelajaran.\n\n\n\u201cUsaha itu dari masa ke masa akan membolehkan peningkatan pemilikan peranti dan capaian internet yang lebih baik berbanding tahun lepas,\u201d ujarnya.\n\n\nUntuk rekod, pada Januari lalu, Malaysia telah melaksanakan PdPR di seluruh negara dalam membendung penularan Covid-19 sekali gus tidak mahu pelajar tercicir dalam sukatan pelajaran mereka. \u2013 \nSinar Harian\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/happy-mid-autumn-festival/", "title": "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!", "body": "\n\nJom sambut Pesta Kuih Bulan atau Perayaan Pertengahan Musim Luruh bersama-sama di Pandai!\n\n\nBermula daripada 21 hingga 30 September 2021, kami telah melancarkan dua aktiviti istimewa untuk memupuk semangat perayaan ini sambil menjadikan sesi mengulangkaji menyeronokkan.\n\n\n1. Mooncake Festival Trivia\n\n\n\n\nApakah lagenda di sebalik peristiwa bermakna ini?\n\n\nApakah amalan yang dipraktikkan sempena perayaan ini?\n\n\nMelalui 15 soalan dan penjelasan di dalam kuiz ini, mesti adik-adik akan berseronok sambil belajar sesuatu yang baru!Kalau dah selesai menjawab, jangan lupa screenshot markah anda dan post di media sosial. Tag-lah sekali kawan-kawan lain untuk mengajak mereka menguji pengetahuan sekali! Bolehlah tengok siapa yang paling expert dalam kalangan geng adik-adik \n\ud83d\ude0e \ntapi yang paling utama, jangan lupa tag @PandaiOfficial ok!\n\n\n2. Lencana Edisi Terhad: Kuih Bulan\n\n\n\n\nSeperti biasa, lencana yang cantik dan edisi terhad ni tak boleh didapatkan dengan begitu sahaja! Cabaran yang ditetapkan bagi mendapat Lencana Kuih Bulan adalah:\n\n\nKumpulkan 500 skor dari 21 hingga 30 September\n\n\nTak mudah, tak susah kan? \nJust right \n\ud83d\udc4d\n\n\nCepat ya adik-adik! Sekali dah habis tempoh yang diberikan, peluang untuk mendapatkan lencana lawa ini tutup sepenuhnya! Tapi, kalau dah dapat, lencana ini akan dipamerkan di profil adik-adik sampai bila-bila\u00a0 \ud83d\ude4c\u00a0\n\n\nHaa.. tengah kira berapa kuiz nak siapkan dalam seharilah tu \n\ud83d\ude06\n\n\nJangan risau, adik-adik mesti boleh punya!\n\n\nApa-apa pun, kalau dah dapat selesaikan cabaran lencana edisi terhad atau trivia, post-lah di media sosial dan tag kami ok!\n\n\nSekali lagi, kepada mereka yang menyambutnya, Selamat Meraikan Pesta Pertengahan Musim Luruh!\n\n\nLog in or register at our website \nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\n\n\nDownload the Pandai App at \nGoogle Play\n or \nApp Store\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow us on social media too!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/holidays-are-for-resting-and-recharging/", "title": "Holidays are for Resting and Recharging!", "body": "\n\nWhat have you got planned for the week-long mid-term break? I bet it has become a tad bit hard to decide on school holiday activities since eating out, watching movies at the cinema, and visiting museums are ruled out (at least for now).\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry! As usual, the Pandai Team is always here to back you up, even during breaks and rest time. We believe that pacing yourself is important in achieving quality results for your goals!\n\n\nSo, read ahead. Here are 5-holiday activity suggestions for you to Rest & Recharge before school starts again.\n\n\n1. Put that phone away!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. Step out of your normal routine\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Get some fresh air and sunlight!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Get your creative gears going\n\n\nAs proven in our previous \nColouring Contest\n, you guys are \nstinking talented\n!! This school holiday is the perfect excuse to get more of those creative juices flowing. It doesn\u2019t necessarily mean you need to paint and draw, okay! You could write, sculpt, play music, do some DIY, cook, do some gardening\u2026the list goes on!\n\n\n\n\nEmbracing your imaginative side allows you to be more critical and attentive to details. In other words, it makes your brain healthier and stronger (of course)! Not to mention, it keeps our mental health in check and helps us appreciate ourselves more. Besides, ain\u2019t it simply just a lot of fun? And that\u2019s what taking a break is all about, right.\ud83d\ude09\n\n\n5. Choose quality over quantity\n\n\nI know we said no book-talk but sometimes, it\u2019s just hard to get away from \u2013 even during school holidays. I mean, how can you dismiss study time when the big exams are just around the corner? Plus, like it or not, that pile of homework isn\u2019t going to complete itself. The trick is simple: \n\u201cstudy smart, not study hard\u201d.\n \n\n\n\n\nWe recommend getting your homework out of the way early so that you can enjoy the rest of your holidays worry-free. And if you feel like doing more, just come back to Pandai as we\u2019ve made revisions to be easy breezy, lemon squeezy. One gamified quiz a day is enough for a quality study session over the holidays.\n\n\nAll good now? Great! Enjoy your holidays! \ud83d\ude0e\n\n\nThis article is based on a piece by Ingrid Delange at \nKognity\n.\n\n\nLog in or register at our website \nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\n\n\nDownload the Pandai App at \nGoogle Play\n or \nApp Store\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow us on social media too!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/how-to-easily-earn-your-first-100-coins/", "title": "How To Easily Earn Your First 100 Coins?", "body": "\n\nGetting your first 100 coins in Pandai is not that hard.\n\u00a0\n\n\nAnd the coins that you earned can be used to redeem various great rewards like Roblox promo codes? Opps! I\u2019ve spoiled the surprise.\u00a0\n\n\nNever mind, read on!\n\n\nIn the Rewards > \nClaim Coins\n page, we prepared various challenges from the easiest level to the hardest for all users to complete. Once you complete a task, you can claim a great amount of free coins! And the coins earned can be used to redeem rewards.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLearn menu in Pandai App\n\n\nClaim coins Page in Pandai App\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHmm, confused about which challenge to start with? Let me suggest a few challenges. I promise, only the easiest ones for you. Don\u2019t be surprised that by the end of you completing all these challenges, you would have already earned 100 coins. Boom, magic!\n\n\n\n\nTips on how to earn 100 coins\n\n\nRedeem Rewards from Pandai with Your Coins!\n\n\nThis is the best part of learning with Pandai! With the coins that you\u2019ve earned, you are able to redeem extremely great rewards from us!\nGo to the Rewards page, choose either \neVoucher\n or \nAvatar\n to be claimed or redeemed with your coins, follow the redeem instructions and enjoy your rewards! Easy-peasy!\n\n\n\n\ne-Voucher page in Pandai app\n\n\nAvatar page in Pandai App\n\n\n\n\nSpecial news, Pandai wil come out with more types of rewards soon! Stay tuned!\n\n\nSo, what are you waiting for? Let\u2019s \nLEARN to EARN\n great rewards with Pandai!\n\n\nLog in or register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0or;\nDownload Pandai Now on\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/how-to-ensure-your-kids-actually-enjoy-learning-english/", "title": "How To Ensure Your Kids Actually Enjoy Learning English?", "body": "\n\nThere are a lot of reasons why learning English is important for children. But let\u2019s be honest, most kids don\u2019t care about learning English. They just want to have fun. So how do you ensure that your kids actually enjoy learning English? This is a blog that will help make learning English more fun for kids and help them learn at the same time.\n\n\nWhy English is Important to Children\n\n\nThere are many reasons why English is important to children. For one, it is the language of instruction in most schools around the world. This means that children who want to succeed in school need to be proficient in English. Additionally, English is the lingua franca of international business and commerce, so children who want to have successful careers need to be able to communicate effectively in English. Furthermore, with the rise of the internet and social media, much of the content that is consumed by children and teenagers are in English. Therefore, being able to understand and engage with this content is essential for modern children.\n\n\nFinally, as English becomes increasingly prevalent as a global language, it is important for children to be exposed to it early on so that they can become comfortable using it.\n\n\nCr: Veectezy\n\n\nFun with English: games, songs, stories\n\n\nWhen it comes to learning English, there\u2019s no need to be bored! There are tons of fun ways to incorporate the language into everyday life, through games, songs, and stories.\n\n\nOne great way to make learning English fun is by playing games. There are all sorts of games out there that can help with English skills, from word games to pronunciation games to grammar games. And the best part is, they\u2019re all actually fun to play!\n\n\nFor games, try something like Hangman or I Spy. Both are classic games that can be easily played in English. For songs, try teaching your kids some classic nursery rhymes or children\u2019s songs. And for stories, there are a ton of great resources out there specifically designed for teaching English through stories. Whatever you do, make sure your kids are having fun while they learn! Songs are another great way to have fun while learning English. There are endless songs out there in English, from nursery rhymes to pop songs, that can help with everything from vocabulary to pronunciation. And just like with games, singing along is actually enjoyable!\n\n\nFinally, stories are a great way to both learn about the language and have fun at the same time. Whether it\u2019s reading bedtime stories in English or listening to audiobooks, stories provide a context for learning new words and phrases. Plus, they\u2019re usually pretty entertaining too!\n\n\nTips for making English learning fun for kids\n\n\nStart with the basics\n \u2013 Teach your kids the alphabet, numbers, and simple words first. This will help them feel more confident as they move on to more difficult concepts.\n\n\nMake it interactive\n \u2013 Use games, songs, and other fun activities to help your kids engage with the material.\n\n\nEncourage participation\n \u2013 Get your kids involved in conversations and have them practice their English skills as often as possible.\n\n\nReward progress\n \u2013 Celebrate your kids\u2019 accomplishments and give them positive reinforcement to keep them motivated.\n\n\nBe patient\n \u2013 Learning a new language can be tough, so be patient with your kids and yourself!\n\n\nIncorporate music and movement\n \u2013 Songs and rhymes are a great way to help kids learn new vocabulary and concepts. And getting them up and moving around will keep them engaged and interested.\n\n\nEncourage communication\n \u2013 Provide opportunities for your kids to practice speaking English, whether it\u2019s with you, a friend, or a family member. The more they use the language, the better they\u2019ll become at it.\n\n\nKeep it positive\n \u2013 Learning should be enjoyable for your kids, so make sure to create a positive environment where they feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes\n\n\nThe best resources for teaching English to kids\n\n\nWhen it comes to teaching English to kids, the best resources are those that make learning fun and engaging. There are a number of great resources available that can help you do just that. Here are a few of our favorites:\n\n\n1\n. The British Council\u2019s LearnEnglish Kids website \n\u2013 This website is packed with fun and interactive games, stories, and activities that will help your child learn English in a way that is both enjoyable and effective.\n\n\n2. The EducationCity website\n \u2013 This website offers a variety of educational games and activities specifically designed for young learners of English.\n\n\n3. Pandai website and app\n \u2013 Pandai offers one of the best learning experiences and thousands of English questions that are based on KSSR and KSSM. This will make your kids practice their English as well as practice their school material.\n\n\n4\n. The Starfall website\n \u2013 This website provides a wide range of fun and interactive games and activities that will help your child learn basic English skills such as reading, writing, and spelling.\n\n\n5\n. The PBS Kids GO! English website\n \u2013 This website offers a variety of great resources for teaching English to kids, including games, videos, printables, and more.\n\n\n6.\n The LeapFrog My First LeapPad books \u2013\n These books are specifically designed for pre-readers and early readers, and feature fun characters and stories that will help your child learn basic English skills such as sight words, phonics, and simple sentences.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nEncouragement: praise, rewards, motivation\n\n\nOne of the best ways to encourage your kids to enjoy learning English is to praise their efforts, no matter how small. Every time they correctly say a word or use a new sentence structure, tell them how proud you are of them. This positive reinforcement will motivate them to continue trying new things. This is backed by study, especially if you do it in a way that is specific. For example, if your child says a sentence correctly, don\u2019t just say \u201cGreat job!\u201d Instead, say \u201cThat was a great sentence! You used the correct verb tense and you pronounced all the words perfectly!\u201d\n\n\nYou can also offer rewards for good behavior or learning progress. This doesn\u2019t have to be something big \u2013 even a simple sticker chart can work wonders. Just make sure the rewards are something your kids will actually want. Learning a second language is tough, so it\u2019s important to be patient with your kids as they learn English. They will make mistakes, and that\u2019s okay! Just help them understand their mistakes so they can avoid making them again in the future.\n\n\nIf you get frustrated or angry when they make a mistake, they will quickly lose motivation and become discouraged. So instead of getting upset, try to stay calm and be understanding. If you need help staying patient, try counting to 10 or 20 before responding to their mistakes. Kids learn best when they\u2019re having fun, so try to make your English lessons enjoyable. If they\u2019re bored or not engaged, they won\u2019t be motivated to learn.\n\n\nThere are a number of ways to make learning English fun, such as playing games, singing songs, or watching educational videos. You can also try incorporating their interests into your lessons. For example, if they love animals, you could teach them English words for different animals.\n\n\nThe most important thing is to be creative and have patience. With a little effort, you can help your kids enjoy learning English!\n\n\nAnother way to encourage your kids is to offer rewards for their efforts. This could be something as simple as allowing them extra screen time if they complete their English homework without complaint. Whatever you choose, make sure the rewards are realistic and attainable so that your kids stay motivated.\n\n\nFinally, remember that every child is different and will respond to different forms of encouragement. Some may need more praise than others, while some may respond better to tangible rewards. Pay attention to what works for your child and adjust your approach accordingly. With a little bit of effort, you can ensure that your kids actually enjoy learning English!\n\n\nCr: Shutterstock\n\n\nReal life: using English in everyday life\n\n\nTry to incorporate the language into everyday life as much as possible. This means speaking English at home as often as possible, reading English books together, and watching English movies and TV shows together.\n\n\nAdditionally, you can take advantage of opportunities to travel to English-speaking countries or visit English-speaking attractions in your own city. By making English a part of your daily routine, your kids will be more likely to enjoy learning the language and will be less likely to view it as a chore.\n\n\nThe best way to learn a new language is to be immersed in it as much as possible. This means listening to English being spoken around you, reading it, writing it, and speaking it yourself as often as possible.\n\n\nWhile it may not be possible to live in an English-speaking country, there are still many ways to immerse yourself in the language. Try to find English-language movies, TV shows, youtube channels, books, and music that you and your family can enjoy together. You can also look for opportunities to practice speaking English with native speakers.\n\n\nConclusion: the benefits of learning English\n\n\nThere are many benefits to learning English, both in the short and long term. In the short term, English can help your child communicate better with their peers, improve their grades in school, and feel more confident in their abilities. In the long term, English can open up opportunities for higher education and career advancement.\n\n\nBeyond the obvious advantages, learning English also has some hidden benefits. For example, English is the language of science, so by learning English your child will have a better foundation for understanding science concepts. Additionally, English is a global language and fluency can help your child connect with people from all over the world.\n\n\nSo how can you ensure that your child actually enjoys learning English? The key is to make it fun! There are a variety of ways to do this, from incorporating games into lessons to watching English-language movies together. Whatever you do, just make sure that your child is actively engaged in the process and enjoying themselves.\n\n\nLog in and register at \nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at \nGoogle Play\n or \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/how-to-motivate-students-to-learn-better-in-classroom-tutor-edition/", "title": "How to Motivate Students to Learn better in Classroom \u2013 Tutor Edition!", "body": "\n\nAs we all know, teachers spend years of hard work to become experts in their content areas. They endure hours of professional development so students are well-versed in all the current educational pedagogy and use the best practices in the classroom. Teachers also develop assessments for students so that they can track their progress. With the help of Pandai, it can ease their burden as all chapters, practices, and textbooks are well equipped not only for them but for the students too! \n\n\nHowever, why there are students that are still unmotivated to learn?\n\n\nEven with the perfect lesson plan in place, an unmotivated student will not learn. A great teacher recognizes that student motivation is necessary for success in learning and that teachers are in the perfect position to improve student motivation. Here are some strategies that can be used in the classroom to help motivate students:\n\n\nCr; Pinterest\n\n\n1. Promote a \ngrowth mindset over a \nfixed mindset.\n\n\nA fixed mindset suggests that people are born with or without certain abilities that cannot be changed. Fixed mindset learners try to prove themselves and will often shy away from challenges because they do not want to appear to be struggling. A growth mindset learner, on the other hand, believes that abilities and talents can be cultivated and improved through hard work. Growth mindset students enjoy a challenge and see struggles and failures as necessary parts of growth. Learners with a growth mindset are certainly more motivated to work hard.\n\n\nHow do we foster a growth mindset in the classroom?\n\n\nOne of the most powerful elements of feedback for our learners is to praise them. Praise for their abilities and efforts reinforces the fixed mindset that they have the power to improve their academic success. We are all learners and should be encouraged as such.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cI can tell that you have been practicing your reading\n\u201d \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThe practice is paying off on your time\u2019s tables\u201d\n\n\n\n\nThroughout a learning cycle, teachers assess student progress by incorporating formative and summative assessments. Some formative assessments are a \nthumbs up/thumbs down\n check for understanding, a quiz in small groups, or an exit slip at the end of a lesson. This cycle of learning will improve results on a later summative assessment.\n\n\nAs a teacher, they can model the growth mindset. Have courage and ask students for feedback about your teaching and be willing to make necessary changes. Be dedicated and work hard for students and share how hard work and dedication translate to success and growth. This feedback shows that we, too, are learners. It also invites the students to continue on the learning journey alongside us. Students are always willing to work hard for a teacher that is reciprocating that hard work.\n\n\nCr; Dreamstime\n\n\n2. Develop meaningful and respectful relationships with your students.\n\n\nIf we are going to truly inspire and motivate all of our students, teachers should know each of them on a personal level. We need to know their interests and hobbies, who they hang out with, their family situations, and what gets them excited. Each student is going to require different motivational strategies, and we have to know them to be able to predict what strategies might work.\n\n\nIn order to begin that \u201cknowing,\u201d try allowing for five minutes where students may share \n\u201cGood News\n\u201d session. This is an opportunity for us to learn about the students as people and to let them know that we care about them individually. This also provides an avenue for teachers to share some details about their lives outside of school. When teachers are willing to share personally and become vulnerable, students are more likely to do the same. When learners see one another as whole people, they are more willing to take risks and ask the questions they need to ask in order to obtain success.\n\n\n3. Grow a community of learners in your classroom.\n\n\nStudents need a classroom environment that is safe, where they are willing to take risks and struggle. To achieve this goal, the students and teacher must work together towards common collective goals. Students must be willing to work with and assist other students in class. The struggle should be acceptable and encouraged as a part of the learning process.\n\n\nCr: Clipart World\n\n\nTraditional teaching consists of teachers lecturing and learners taking notes, followed by the learners doing independent work to check for understanding. Transforming this outdated model to collaborative group work should be the activity between the teacher\u2019s learning and independent work. This is the time when students can digest information and ask questions collectively. Learners participate in what could be considered the \n\u201cproblem solving\u201d\n phase of their development with new ideas, and together they come to new learnings. \n\n\nAlso, student work should be proudly displayed throughout the classroom. This sends a message to students that they are active participants in creating knowledge in the classroom. Additionally, teachers can use language that promotes the community of learners \u2013 including the teacher \u2013 rather than a room full of individual learners. \n\n\n4. Establish high expectations and establish clear goals.\n\n\nSetting high expectations and supporting students as they struggle allows learners to rise to meet those expectations. When expectations are transparent, students know where their learning is headed and are motivated to get there because it seems possible: the path is visible. Working towards daily, weekly, and yearly goals gives students a purpose and meaning for the hard work that they do.\n\n\nWhat teachers can do is establish the \u201c\ngoal of the day\n\u201d at the start of the lesson gives students a purpose for their learning. Students can also formatively assess themselves at the end of each lesson by checking to be sure they have met the learning goals. If we expect students to interact in a certain way together, we need to teach them how and hold them accountable. Teachers need to model it and expect it. Once the routines to support expectations are established and clear to the learning community, learning becomes the most important action in the classroom.\n\n\nCr; iStock\n\n\n5. Be inspirational.\n\n\nInspirational teachers represent success to their students. Through their triumphs, students can learn what success looks like and go after it. Once our students decide that they want success, they pay close attention to the behaviors and choices, and even sacrifices that led us to our success. These behaviors include hard work, willingness to struggle, and the ability to learn from our mistakes. Students internalize our behaviors and strategies as a way to accomplish their own goals. We give them an opportunity to do so in our everyday routines, assignments, and encounters with them.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/how-to-prepare-for-math-competitions-the-ultimate-guide/", "title": "How to Prepare for Math Competitions: The Ultimate Guide", "body": "\n\nFor many math students, competitions are the ultimate test of their abilities. It takes months of preparation to get ready for just one competition, and the stakes are high. A good performance can mean a college scholarship or a spot on a prestigious team, while a bad one can be demoralizing. This guide will show you how to prepare for math competitions, from what resources to use to what strategies to employ. Whether you\u2019re aiming for individual or team events, we\u2019ve got you covered. Read on to learn everything you need to know about preparing for math competitions!\n\n\nChoose the right competition\n\n\nWhen it comes to math competitions, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best way to prepare for a math competition is to choose the right competition for your child.\n\n\nThere are many different types of math competitions, each with its own set of rules and regulations. Some competitions are based on speed, while others focus on accuracy. Some require the use of calculators, while others forbid them.\n\n\nThe best way to find the right competition for your child is to ask their teacher or consult with a local math club. They will be able to advise you on which competitions are most appropriate for your child\u2019s skill level and learning style.\n\n\nStart practicing early\n\n\nschool children drawing math icon on the chalkboard\n\n\nOne of the most important things you can do to prepare for maths competitions is to start practising early. The sooner you start, the more time you will have to perfect your skills. There are a few different ways you can practise for maths competitions.\n\n\nYou can start by solving practice problems. This will help you get used to the types of questions that are asked on competition exams. You can find practice problems in textbooks, online, and in competition prep books.\n\n\nYou can also try taking practice tests under timed conditions. This will help you get used to working quickly and accurately under pressure. You can find practice tests in competition prep books or online.\n\n\nFinally, it\u2019s important to make sure you understand the format of the competition you\u2019re preparing for. Each math competition has its own rules and regulations. Familiarising yourself with the format ahead of time will help ensure that you don\u2019t encounter any surprises on test day.\n\n\nUnderstand the format of the competition\n\n\nIn any maths competition, you will be given a set of problems to solve within a certain time frame. The format of the competition will determine how many problems you will need to solve and how much time you will have to complete them.\n\n\nThere are three main types of maths competitions: timed, untimed, and team. In a timed competition, you will be given a set amount of time to complete as many problems as possible. In an untimed competition, you will need to complete all of the problems in one sitting. In a team competition, you will work with a partner or group to complete the problems.\n\n\nThe most important thing to remember is that you need to be familiar with the format of the competition so that you can budget your time appropriately. If you are not sure about the format, ask your teacher or coach for help.\n\n\nCreate a study schedule\n\n\nIt can be difficult to find time to study for a maths competition when you have other classes and extracurricular activities, but it is important to create a study schedule and stick to it. Here are some tips:\n\n\nSet aside some time each day to study.\n Even if it is just 30 minutes, this will help you keep up with the material.\n\n\nMake sure to review old material as well as new material\n. This will help you retain what you have learned and also prepare you for questions that may be similar to ones on previous competitions.\n\n\nCreate a study group with friends or classmates who are also competing\n. This way you can work together on problems and bounce ideas off of each other.\n\n\nTake practice tests under timed conditions\n to get used to the pressure of solving problems quickly.\n\n\nBy following these tips, you will be better prepared for the competition and more likely to do well.\n\n\nTake practice tests\n\n\n\n\nIt is essential that you take practice tests under timed conditions to get a feel for the pacing of the competition and to identify any areas in which you need improvement. There are many online resources that offer practice tests, so make use of them! In addition, you can create your own practice tests by timing yourself while working through old math competition problems.\n\n\nGet plenty of rest\n\n\nWhen it comes to preparing for math competitions, one of the most important things you can do is to get plenty of rest. Not only will this help you physically, but it will also help you mentally. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night leading up to the competition. If possible, try to avoid any late nights or early mornings. Also, limit your caffeine intake as much as possible. Too much caffeine can make you anxious and jittery, which is not ideal when taking a math test.\n\n\nBe positive\n\n\nOne important mindset to have when preparing for math competitions is to be positive. This means having faith in your abilities and believing that you can succeed. It can be easy to get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the bigger picture, but staying positive will help you stay on track.\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re feeling positive, it\u2019s easier to stay motivated and focused on your goals. You\u2019ll be more likely to put in the hard work required to do well on the competition, and you\u2019ll be better able to handle any setbacks that come your way. So believe in yourself and stay positive throughout your preparation!\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nThank you for reading our guide on how to prepare for math competitions. We hope that you found it helpful and informative, and we wish you the best of luck in your future math competitions. Remember to stay focused and dedicated, and always give 110% effort. With hard work and determination, anything is possible!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/how-to-read-more-effectively-5-tips-for-an-effective-reading-session/", "title": "How To Read More Effectively: 5 Tips For An Effective Reading Session", "body": "\n\nWhen it comes to reading, many people simply do not take the time to do it effectively. For many, reading is something they do on the weekends while they relax. In reality, however, reading can be a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. If you want to read more effectively, consider following these five tips for an effective reading session. By doing so, you\u2019ll be able to get the most out of your reading and achieve your goals faster.\n\n\nFinding What You Want To Read\n\n\n\n\nThere are a few things you can do to make your reading experience more efficient. First and foremost, be honest with yourself about what you want to read and don\u2019t try to force yourself into something that you\u2019re not interested in. Secondly, take the time to scan through the first few pages of a book or article before diving in. This will give you an idea of what the content is about and whether or not it\u2019s something that you\u2019re interested in reading further. Finally, make sure you focus on what the author is trying to say rather than getting wrapped up in their writing style or focusing too much on individual words.\n\n\nSetting Up Your Reading Environment\n\n\nThere are a few key things you can do to make your reading experience more productive and effective.\n\n\nOne of the most important things you can do to improve your reading experience is to set up your reading environment correctly. Make sure that you have plenty of light, comfortable seating, and a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may also want to invest in an electronic reader if possible, as they allow for faster page turns and more flexibility when it comes to format (for example, being able to zoom in on specific text areas).\n\n\nTake Breaks Throughout The Reading Session\n\n\nIt is important to take regular breaks throughout the reading session so that you don\u2019t get too overwhelmed or bogged down by the material. A good rule of thumb is to take a 20 minute break every two hours or so. This will allow you to both refresh yourself mentally and physically. Additionally, try to schedule short breaks in between longer blocks of material so that you can explore your surroundings and take some time for yourself.\n\n\nAllow Yourself Time To Process The Material After Reading It\n\n\nOnce you finish reading an article or book, it is important to allow yourself time to process what you read. Spend some time thinking about the information presented, asking yourself questions about it, and drawing your own conclusions. Doing this will help you better understand the material and apply it in future situations.\n\n\nMaking Time For Reading\n\n\n\n\nReading is one of the best ways to learn new information and gain knowledge. However, reading can be time-consuming if you don\u2019t make time for it. Here are tips for an effective reading session:\n\n\n1. Establish a routine. Reading should be a part of your daily routine, not something that you do only when you have free time. Make sure to set aside at least 20 minutes each day to read, even if you only read a small amount of material.\n\n\n2. Start with short reads. When you first start reading for pleasure, avoid long, complex texts or books. Instead, start with shorter pieces that are easier to understand and follow. This will help you get used to the process of reading and allow you to build up your stamina over time.\n\n\n3. Set goals and incentives. If reading is becoming a drag instead of an enjoyable activity, set goals for yourself before sitting down to read. Write down what you want to accomplish while reading this piece or book, then give yourself rewards (such as food or caffeine) once you reach your goal(s). This will help keep you motivated and focused on what\u2019s important \u2013 learning!\n\n\nBreaking Up Your Reading Session\n\n\n\n\nBreaking up your reading session can help you to read more effectively. Here are a few tips for breaking up your reading session:\n\n\n1. Set a timer and try to read for 20 minutes. If you can\u2019t finish the book, set the timer for another 10 minutes and try again.\n\n\n2. Break up your reading session by taking a 5-minute break after every chapter or section. This will help you to stay engaged in the book and will also allow you to take in the new information.\n\n\n3. Try using flashcards or a study guide while you\u2019re reading. This will help you to remember what you\u2019ve read and will also give you some additional practice while you\u2019re reading.\n\n\nSetting Goals For Your Reading Session\n\n\n\n\nWhen you set goals for reading, it helps to focus and keep your reading session productive. Here are five tips for setting effective reading goals:\n\n\nSet realistic goals\n. It\u2019s important to remember that you can\u2019t read through a whole book in one sitting. Instead, try to aim for shorter reading sessions of 15-30 minutes throughout the day. This way, you\u2019ll be able to stay engaged and learn more from each selection.\n\n\nMake time for reading\n. If setting unrealistic goals is problematic, then making time for reading may also prove difficult. However, by creating a dedicated reading slot on your calendar, you can ensure that the task is at least scheduled and not pushed off until later in the day or week.\n\n\nChoose books based on your interests and level of comprehension\n. When choosing books to read, consider what topics or genres interest you and what level of comprehension you\u2019re comfortable with. For example, if you\u2019re a beginner reader who would like to understand more advanced concepts in a novel, choose something more difficult than a movie reviewer newspaper article.\n\n\nTaking Notes During Your Reading Session\n\n\n\n\nWhen you read, it\u2019s important to take copious notes. This helps you remember what you\u2019ve read, and it can also help you better understand the material. Here are some tips for taking effective notes during your reading session:\n\n\nMake a list of the main points that you want to remember from the article. Be as specific as possible, and try to include details about what was said, how it was said, and when it was said.\n\n\nWrite down all of the questions that come to mind as you\u2019re reading. This will help you focus on what\u2019s being written and help you better understand the material.\n\n\nTake breaks between sections of the article so that your brain can process everything that\u2019s been read. This will allow you to consolidate the information into long-term memory, which will make comprehension much easier in future readings sessions.\n\n\nIf something comes up while you\u2019re reading that doesn\u2019t seem to fit with what\u2019s been written in the article, try looking up supplemental information or consulting a dictionary or encyclopaedia to get a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.\n\n\nRemembering What You Read\n\n\n\n\nTo remember what you read, use these tips:\n\n\n1. Make a list of the main points you want to remember. This will help you focus on the material.\n\n\n2. Use flashcards or other visual aids to help you recall key information.\n\n\n3. Take notes in your journal or on paper to further remember the material.\n\n\n4. Think about how you can apply what you\u2019ve learned to your life situation. This will help ensure that the information sticks with you long-term.\n\n\nSummary\n\n\nEffective reading is essential for learning and retaining information. Whether you are a student trying to understand a new textbook or a businessperson trying to stay ahead of the competition, taking the time to read carefully and understand what you are reading is key.\n\n\nThere are several tips for effective reading that can help you maximize your learning experience. Follow these tips and you will be on your way to becoming an efficient reader:\n\n\nSet reading goals\n. When it comes to reading, there is no magic number of pages that must be read in one sitting. Instead, set realistic goals for how much material you want to consume each day or week. This will help keep reading sessions manageable and allow the material to be absorbed more effectively.\n\n\nPay attention to details\n. When you are reading, take the time to pay attention to all of the details in the text. This includes understanding the words used, recognizing relationships between different concepts, and decoding complex sentences structure. Doing so will help you better understand the information being presented and increase your recall of what was learned.\n\n\nBreak up long readings into smaller chunks\n. If a piece of literature is too difficult for one sitting, break it up into smaller pieces that can be easier understood over time. This will help avoid feeling overwhelmed by the material and give you more opportunities to remember what was learned. \n\n\nPrioritise content based on importance \n. When it comes time to read materials, prioritize those that are most important to.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/how-to-use-pandai-flashcards/", "title": "How to Use Pandai Flashcards?", "body": "\n\nGreetings!\u00a0\n\n\nDo you know that\u00a0\nflashcards\n\u00a0have remained as one of the most popular and effective study methods? Flashcards are a traditional method for improving students\u2019 abilities to recall and understand information. Studying with flashcards is \nhighly effective \nbecause it engages with active recall.\u00a0\n\n\nPandai would like to share Pandai Flashcards \nuser guide \nwith all of you. This user guide would help you navigate on how easy to access the Pandai flashcards. We did not only share how to access the web version but we also include how to access the Pandai Flashcards via Mobile. \n\n\nWe are excited for you to enhance and improve your memory experience through practice information recall with Pandai Flashcards. Managing your studies is now made easy with Pandai Flashcards. \n\n\nLet\u2019s not wait! Click below to find out more about the user guide :\n\n\nPandai Flashcards User Guide\n\n\nWe wish you all the best on using Pandai Flashcards! Have fun!\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to Log in or Sign Up at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\nDownload Pandai App now via\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nFollow us on our Social Media Now!\nFacebook:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTikTok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n#AchieveTogether\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/i-study-hard-so-why-do-i-get-bad-grades/", "title": "I STUDY HARD, SO WHY DO I GET BAD GRADES?", "body": "\n\nYou studied hard, knew the material\u2026 but you still failed the test.\n\n\nWhat\u2019s going on?\n\n\nIt might sound strange, but studying hard doesn\u2019t automatically mean you\u2019re going to ace your test\u2014it\u2019s just one part of preparing for an exam.\n\n\n\u201cI KNOW THE MATERIAL, BUT I STILL FAILED THE TEST!\u201d\n\n\n\n\nStudying effectively\u00a0is the real key to a successful grade. And if you\u2019re studying hard but still getting bad grades, it\u2019s probably the part you\u2019re missing\n\n\nSo, now you know the secret isn\u2019t studying hard, it\u2019s studying more effectively. But where should you start?\n\n\nThe first step is figuring out what your problem might be and how to address it.\n\n\nHere are the 9 most common reasons students get bad grades, despite studying (plus tips to help).\n\n\n\n\nCause #1: You\u2019re Struggling With Test Anxiety\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0If you feel so nervous that your mind goes blank when you sit down for a test, you could be struggling with test anxiety. This makes it hard to remember what you studied and concentrate on answering the questions in front of you.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0If you\u2019ve studied and you know the material, try to relax on test day. Think positive thoughts (\u201cI studied for this, I know the material\u201d) and practise taking deep breaths while you\u2019re taking the test.\n\n\nCause #2: You\u2019re Not Studying to Understand\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0When you study, you only memorize the material rather than thinking about what it means.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0It\u2019s important to not just memorize the material; you need to understand it. Think about how the material you\u2019re reviewing connects to other topics and ideas. This will give you a deeper, more complete understanding of what you\u2019re studying.\n\n\nCause #3: You Don\u2019t Start Studying Early Enough\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0You procrastinate studying, not leaving yourself enough time to absorb the material before test day.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0Create a routine that involves reviewing your notes regularly. Each night, take a few minutes to go over your notes from class. This ongoing review will help make sure you remember the material long-term.\n\n\nCause #4: You\u2019re Pulling All-Nighter Study Sessions\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0You pull all-night cram sessions instead of studying a little bit each day leading up to the test.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0Sleep is when material is moved from short-term to long-term memory, so getting a good night\u2019s sleep before a test is more effective than staying up all night. Plan ahead and start studying at least 3 days before your test to avoid last minute late-night studying.\n\n\nCause #5: You\u2019re Trying To Do Too Much\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0You study for hours at a time with no breaks. But spending more time studying doesn\u2019t always mean you understand the material any better.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0Instead of studying in large time blocks, use the\u00a0\nspacing study method\n. This means studying for set amounts of time with time intervals between each session. This will help your brain absorb and retain the material more effectively.\n\n\nCause #6: You\u2019re Missing A Study Plan\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0You don\u2019t have a plan to guide your study sessions, making it hard to know what you should focus on while you are studying.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0Set goals for each of your study sessions of what you want to accomplish. This will help you keep track of your progress and know which areas you still need to review.\n\n\nCause #7: You\u2019re Studying The Wrong Things\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0Your study sessions go fine, but when you sit down to take the test you see questions that you didn\u2019t include in your review notes.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0Start creating more organized and effective study notes. Pay close attention in class to important things your teacher says (especially if he or she repeats something!). Highlight these things in your notes so you know to come back to them.\n\n\nCause #8: You Only Study For The Exam\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0Studying is something that you only do when you are preparing for an upcoming test.\n\n\nThe solution\n:\u00a0Take advantage of studying opportunities like in class discussions, peer study groups, and reviewing your notes after class. Studying a little bit each day makes it easier to study (and remember) the material, giving you a head start when it comes to test time.\n\n\nCause #9: You\u2019re Using The Wrong Learning Method\n\n\nThe problem\n:\u00a0You are using a study method that doesn\u2019t match with the way you learn. For example, auditory learners learn best by hearing, not writing notes.\n\n\nThe solution:\n\u00a0Find out your learning style with our\u00a0\ncomplete study guide\u00a0\nfor every type of learner. Then, try different study methods to find the ones that work best for you:\n\n\nAuditory learners\n: read your notes aloud while you are reviewing material\nVisual learners:\u00a0\nvisualize the material with mind maps or use visual elements like colour\nRead/Write learners:\n\u00a0read over class notes and write out new study notes to review\nKinaesthetic (hands-on) learners:\n\u00a0create hands-on study activities, like a matching game\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\noxfordlearning.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/ideas-for-incorporating-technology-into-your-lesson-plans/", "title": "Ideas for Incorporating Technology Into Your Lesson Plans", "body": "\n\nTechnology has become an integral part of modern education, with many schools and teachers finding it an effective way to engage and motivate students. With the increasing importance of technology in our daily lives, it is important for students to develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a tech-driven world. As such, incorporating technology into lesson plans can be a powerful tool for facilitating learning and preparing students for the future. In this post, we will explore some tips and examples for integrating technology into lesson plans, and consider the benefits and next steps for teachers looking to incorporate more tech into their teaching.\n\n\nTips for Incorporating Technology into Lesson Plans\n\n\n\n\nUsing technology to facilitate group work and collaboration: One of the key benefits of technology is the ability to facilitate communication and collaboration among students. By using tools like Google Docs, online forums, or video conferencing platforms, students can work together on projects and assignments in real-time, regardless of their physical location. This can be especially helpful for distance learning or hybrid learning environments, where students may not all be in the same place at the same time.\n\n\nIncorporating educational apps and websites into lessons: There are many educational apps and websites available that can be used to supplement traditional lesson plans and provide students with additional learning opportunities. For example, educators can use apps like Kahoot or Quizlet to create interactive quizzes and games, or use websites like Khan Academy or Duolingo to provide online lessons and activities. By using these tools, teachers can provide students with a more diverse and engaging learning experience.\n\n\nUsing technology to facilitate formative assessment and give feedback: Technology can also be used to facilitate formative assessment and give students more personalised feedback. For example, teachers can use tools like Google Forms or Socrative\u00a0 to create quizzes or surveys that allow students to self-assess their understanding of a concept. Additionally, teachers can use tools like Google Classroom or Canvas to provide individualised feedback on assignments and projects, helping students to better understand their strengths and areas for improvement.\n\n\nUsing technology to create and share multimedia projects: Finally, technology can be used to help students create and share multimedia projects, such as videos, podcasts, or presentations. By using tools like Flipgrid, Animoto, or Prezi, students can express their learning in a more creative and engaging way, while also developing important skills like digital literacy and communication.\n\n\nExamples of Technology Integration in Action\n\n\n\n\nUsing technology to facilitate group work and collaboration: To illustrate the benefits of using technology to facilitate group work and collaboration, consider the following example:\n\n\nA high school history teacher is tasked with having her students create a multimedia presentation on a historical event of their choice. To do this, she divides the class into small groups and assigns each group a different event to research. She then sets up a Google Doc for each group, allowing them to collaborate on their research and share their findings with one another in real-time. By using technology to facilitate this process, the teacher is able to give students a more personalised and engaging learning experience, while also preparing them for the collaborative nature of the modern workplace.\n\n\nIncorporating educational apps and websites into lessons: For an example of how educational apps and websites can be incorporated into lessons, consider the following scenario:\n\n\nA middle school maths teacher is looking for ways to make her lessons more engaging for her students. She decides to try using the app Pandai to create interactive quizzes and games that allow students to practise their maths skills in a more fun and interactive way. She also incorporates the website Pandai.org into her lessons, providing students with additional lessons and activities to complete on their own time. By using these tools, the teacher is able to give students a more personalised and engaging learning experience, while also preparing them for the collaborative nature of the modern workplace. Additionally, the teacher is able to easily track and monitor the progress of each group, and provide individualised feedback as needed. Overall, the use of technology in this scenario not only enhances the learning experience for students, but also helps the teacher to be more efficient and effective in her teaching.\n\n\nAnother benefit of using technology to facilitate group work and collaboration is the ability to connect with students and colleagues beyond the classroom. For example, a teacher could use a video conferencing platform to connect with other teachers or experts in the field, or could use an online forum to facilitate discussions and debates with students from other schools or countries. By leveraging the power of technology to facilitate connections and collaborations, teachers can create a more global and dynamic learning environment for their students.\n\n\nConclusion and Next Steps\n\n\nIncorporating technology into lesson plans can be a powerful tool for engaging and motivating students, as well as preparing them for a tech-driven world. By using technology to facilitate group work and collaboration, incorporate educational apps and websites into lessons, facilitate formative assessment and give feedback, and create and share multimedia projects, teachers can provide students with a more diverse and engaging learning experience.\n\n\nThat being said, it is important for teachers to approach the incorporation of technology into their lesson plans with care and consideration. It is not always necessary or appropriate to use technology in every lesson, and it is important for teachers to think critically about when and how technology can best be used to support learning. Additionally, it is important for teachers to be mindful of the potential challenges and barriers that may arise when using technology in the classroom, such as the need for technical support or the need to ensure that all students have equal access to technology.\n\n\nOverall, incorporating technology into lesson plans can be a rewarding and meaningful way to support student learning, and there are many resources available to help teachers get started. By experimenting with different tech tools and strategies, and seeking out professional development opportunities, teachers can continue to evolve and improve their use of technology in the classroom.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/improve-didiktv-content-to-remain-relevant-urge-academics/", "title": "Improve DidikTV content to remain relevant, urge academics.", "body": "\n\nPhoto from News Straits Times\n\n\nKUALA LUMPUR : In less than a month after the launch of Education TV channel DidikTV KPM, various reactions have been received from the community about the Education Ministry\u2019s (MOE) efforts to increase access to education nationwide.\n\n\nAs soon as it came on air, DidikTV KPM was bombarded with criticism at a teacher featured in one of its programmes, with some questioning MOE\u2019s credibility in maintaining content quality.\n\n\nOthers questioned DidikTVs approach to the concept of edutainment, which seemed to stray further from the original purpose of the implementation of Education TV (\nTV Pendidikan\n).\n\n\nSenior Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin recently said that DidikTV would continue even though schools will be fully reopened in April, its quality of content must be given priority to ensure that it remains relevant.\n\n\nThe content should be in line with the latest technology, and should also be monitored by a committee comprising those from outside and within the MOE to evaluate and provide views on improvements from time to time.\n\n\nAs DidikTV content is controlled by the MOE with presentation by expert teachers, there should be no quality issues in its content, said Associate Prof Dr Azlin Norhaini Mansor, chairman of the Centre for Leadership and Education Policy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).\n\n\n\u201cI have watched several programmes on the channel and I found some to be very good, some were okay and some were less interesting. For me, this is normal, as the channel is still new and definitely faces many weaknesses and challenges,\u201d she told Bernama recently.\n\n\n\u201cOf course, many people want to know what MOE\u2019s goals are for DidikTV, especially for the next five to 10 years. Will it be a programme that will disappear once the Covid-19 pandemic eases?\u201d she said.\n\n\nShe also said that if the channel is managed properly, it would be a medium that could narrow the achievement gap among students.\n\n\nDidikTV can be an alternative for students who are unable to attend school due to illness, lack of access or living in rural areas, those who are unable to attend school due to poverty or dropouts or repeats that allow them to study at home and take private exams, she said.\n\n\n\u201cThere are many benefits of the channel if implemented seriously because this can complement the role of parents in helping children understand what they are learning as well as helping teachers to learn from more expert teachers, and encourage students to manage their own learning by choosing which series to watch and to repeat episodes that they do not understand,\u201d she said.\n\n\nSharing the sentiment was Prof Dr Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub, lecturer at the Foundations of Education Department, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) who said that DidikTV content should be improved from time to time to give a greater impact in strengthening the educational process.\n\n\nHe said there should be integration between students and teachers, with content and technology as well as good scriptwriting, so that the teaching process can be implemented perfectly.\n\n\n\u201cIt is very important to choose teachers or personalities who can convey their knowledge effectively \u2013 not only will this make it easier for students to understand the subject but also will make DidikTV programmes good learning support material for students in the future.\n\n\n\u201cTherefore, there must be an interesting presentation of knowledge so that students will be easily attracted to the knowledge imparted\u2026 when it is interesting they will continue to watch and DidikTV will complement their learning when they are less proficient in one subject,\u201d he said.\n\n\nA similar view was also expressed by academician Dr Wan Zah Wan Ali who described DidikTV as not just educational but should also entertain and meet the needs of its audience.\n\n\nWan Zah said DidikTV should also be in line with the current needs of students, and should use the best approach to attract students in the city as well as interior areas.\n\n\n\u201cI remember Education TV around the 80s, where at that time where teachers tried to use it in teaching. When the schedule was prepared, the teacher said that the broadcast was not on time and a video recorder was provided, but other problems arose, such that the Education TV programmes at that time were not satisfactory,\u201d Wan Zah said.\n\n\nHowever Wan Zah said she was confident that the channel would be able to fulfil the wishes of educators where students are taught beyond books and syllabus.\n\n\nDidikTV KPM was launched on Feb 17 by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to meet the needs of students from low-income families and those living in rural and remote areas facing lack of internet access and devices, particularly after the MOE implemented the home-based teaching and learning (PdPR) sessions during the Movement Control Order (MCO) 1.0 and 2.0.- \nBernama\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/introducing-new-feature-pandai-personality/", "title": "Introducing New Feature : Pandai Personality", "body": "\n\nWe are excited to announce we have launched our latest interesting feature, Pandai Personality!\n\n\nWhat is Pandai Personality?\n\n\nPandai Personality helps our users to find their unique personalities. They will get to know what are the effective ways to study and their potential careers according to their courses. It is open for \nstandard 4 \u2013 form 5\n students.\n\n\nWhat do you need to do?\n\n\nYou would just need to answer 50 questions in 30 minutes to discover your unique personality! Premium users can come back for reassessment after a month. And remember, don\u2019t cheat when you are answering the questions. Be as truthful as possible to get the most accurate result. How easy is that?\n\n\n\n\nProduct Details\n\n\n\n\nIt will help you to discover your ONE true personality out of the 5 personalities below based on the 50 questions answered:\n\n\nVisual \u2013 Spatial / Visual \u2013 Ruang\nNaturalist / Naturalis\nLinguistic \u2013 Verbal / Verbal Linguistick\nLogical-Mathematical / Logik-Matematik\nInterpersonal\n\n\nWhat are the benefits of Pandai Personality\n\n\nHighlights individuals\u2019 strengths and weaknesses\nIdentifies interests and skills\nHelps students to prepare ahead for career (competitions, extracurricular activities, volunteering etc.)\nImproves grades with the right study method\nDesigned and developed by psychometrician KPM (personality is developed by a member of Malaysia\u2019s psychology department & Counselling)\n\n\nJoin our Get To Know Yourself Challenge from 25 Feb \u2013 16 March 2022 to win a lucky draw!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10 Lucky Winners will get our exclusive vouchers!\n\n\nSo, upload a selfie with your personality result on your social media NOW and stand a chance to win the lucky draw! T&C apply.\n\n\nLog in or register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0or;\n\n\nDownload Pandai Now on\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/introducing-pandai-avatar-%f0%9f%a4%a9/", "title": "Introducing Pandai Avatar! \ud83e\udd29", "body": "\n\nPandai has released another exciting and fun feature, Avatar!\n\n\nStudents can now choose their favourite Avatar from over 10,000 customised P-Bot Avatars. This fun feature allows students to use their favourite Avatar as their profile picture and many more! Who doesn\u2019t love their own personalised Avatar? Let\u2019s find out more\u2026\n\n\n\n\nHow To Grab The Avatars\n?\n\n\nYou can now buy the exclusive avatars at Pandai Shop with the coins you have collected in your account \ud83d\udcb0 . The Avatars will be released from time to time and price for each avatar varies depending on the design. \n\n\n5 Quick Steps To Grab Pandai Avatars :\n\n\nCollect coins \nGo To Profile\nClick On The \u201d Collections\u201d Tab\nChoose Preferred Avatar Design\nClick \u201cBuy\u201d To Redeem Avatar\n\n\n\n\nWho Can Buy The Avatars?\n\n\nBoth Premium and Free users will get the chance to enjoy the Avatars. However, Free users will only get access to LIMITED number of designs whereas Premium users will get to access all Avatars! \n\n\nWhat makes the Pandai Avatars more special? One Avatar design is Exclusively Limited to only ONE owner! Yes, each user will get to enjoy their very own personalised Avatar like no other!\n\n\nStart collecting your coins NOW so you can redeem these unique Avatars created exclusively for you! Upgrade to Premium NOW for unlimited number of Avatar designs!\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to Log in or Sign Up at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\nDownload Pandai App now via\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nFollow us on our Social Media Now!\nFacebook:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTikTok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/introducing-pandai-new-feature-flashcards/", "title": "Introducing Pandai Flashcards!", "body": "\n\nGreetings to all of our beloved readers! \n\ud83d\udc4b\n\n\nThere are a lot of different study methods out there, but do you know that \nflashcards\n have remained one of the most popular and effective ones? Flashcards are a traditional method for improving students\u2019 abilities to recall and understand information. Studying with flashcards is highly effective because it engages with active recall.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is Active Recall?\n\n\nActive recall\n is one of the most important revision techniques because active recall involves retrieving information from our brain, thus strengthening the connection between the knowledge in your brain.\n\n\nIntroducing Pandai Flashcards!\nIndustry professionals specially curated Pandai\u2019s flashcards to ensure that the students understand the core concepts of each subject. The good news is Pandai\u2019s flashcards feature also includes\n spaced repetition!\n This technique states that spacing out intervals between studying the same information again will increase recalling that information based on the research by \nChristopher D. Smith and Damian Scarf.\n\n\nImage source: \n3Hours.com\n\n\nMany of the students swear by the flashcard feature as it has proven to help improve your memory and understanding of a concept tremendously. Currently the flashcards are \navailable to all of our Premium users from Year 4-6 and Form 4-5, \nbut fear not because we are rolling out more flashcards for different grades. For Year 4-6 and Forrm 4-5 students, read on to find out how you can ace your next test!\u00a0\n\n\nHow to Use Pandai Flashcards?\n\n\nFor premium users from Year 4-6 and Form 4-5 students, you can utilize the flashcards feature by following these few steps.\n\n\nGo to \nhttps://pandai.org/\n and log into your account\nGo to practice and click into the subject of your interest\nClick on the flashcard feature\u00a0\nStart going through the flashcards at your own pace\u00a0\nBased on how strong your memory is for the contents, the system will let you know when you should practice the deck again\nCome back daily to see what are the flashcards deck recommended for you to practice today\u00a0\nRepeat the process until you ace your tests \ud83d\ude42\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to Log in or Sign Up at \nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\nDownload Pandai App now via\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nFollow us on our Social Media Now!\nFacebook:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTikTok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n#AchieveTogether\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/introducing-pandai-premium-lite-at-just-rm30-month/", "title": "Introducing Pandai Premium Lite At Just RM30/MONTH!", "body": "\n\nDear All,\n\n\nWe are pleased to introduce the latest addition to our current monthly subscription package, \nPandai Premium Lite\n.\n\n\nWith Premium Lite, you will be able to access all features below at just RM30/month \u203c\ufe0f\n\n\n\u2705\u00a0High Quality Questions\n\n\n\u2705\u00a0Unlimited Quizzes\n\n\n\u2705 Academic Tests and Exams\n\n\n\u2705\u00a0Achievements\n\n\n\n\nHowever you \nwon\u2019t be able \nto access \nLive Tuition, Live Help and Support\n with Premium Lite. \n\n\nIf you want to enjoy all features in Pandai, you can subscribe to \nPandai Premium\n only at \nRM96/month\n.\n \nPandai Premium offers a complete pack of interesting features that helps students to improve their academic performances.\n\n\nHow To Subscribe?\n\n\n\n\nGo to \nhttps://pandai.org/en/pricing \nand click \u201cActivate Premium Lite Plan\u201d\nRegister or Log into your account\nChoose Pandai Premium Lite Monthly Subscription\nClick Subscribe Pandai Premium now\n\n\nPandai wants everyone to enjoy our Premium packages at an affordable rate and will continue to give our best to provide the best education with Pandai App.\n\n\nReady to make study more fun? Join the hundred of thousands other users who have discovered the difference Pandai Premium makes to their daily productivity!\n\n\nLog in or Sign Up at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\nDownload Pandai App now via\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nFollow us on our Social Media Now for more updates!\nFacebook:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTikTok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n#AchieveTogether\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/is-technology-making-students-attention-spans-shorter/", "title": "Is Technology Making Students\u2019 Attention Spans Shorter?", "body": "\n\nThere are numerous factors influencing a person attention span and it is not certain that technology is entirely to blame. Studies have reached conflicting conclusions in response to this question. It is claimed that over-reliance on technology has shortened our attention span from 12 minutes to 5 minutes. \n\n\nStudents have spent more time online this year than ever before, from online lectures and seminars to online society socials and catching up with friends over lockdown. \nConstant digital stimulation \nis one of the primary reasons why students\u2019 attention spans are short. Every time they get a notification on their phone or see an update on social media, their attention is drawn away from what they should be concentrating on. But with revision and exam season approaching, do studies show that using technology reduces our attention span significantly?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cOur brains have been trained to expect almost instant results and therefore dependent on the actions of others\u201d\n\n\n\n\nCr: Shutter Stock\n\n\nThere are some simple measures which can help:\n\n\n1. \nPay attention to your screen time\n\n\nYou can make a personal decision on whether any changes need to be made, and then you can set realistic, measurable targets.\n\n\n\n\nStudents can use various techniques to focus their attention, such as focussing on one task at a time and breaking down tasks into smaller goals.\n\n\nHelping students learn how to manage their stress levels, as high levels of stress can also lead to difficulty paying attention. Meditation, breathing exercises, and journaling are great ways to help reduce stress.\n\n\nStudies have shown that listening to certain types of music can help improve focus and concentration. The kind of music is crucial.\n\n\n\n\n2. \nA Social Media Detox\n\n\nA typical solution, but one which could genuinely have a positive impact. Simply switch your phone off for a couple of hours and substitute the time you would have spent in front of the screen with alternative activities that may prove to be more enriching.\n\n\n\n\nIf students show signs of restlessness or fatigue, brain breaks where students learn for 30 minutes and then take a break means learning is more effective for longer.\n\n\nMoving around or doing brain-teaser activities helps to re-engage their minds. Making sure students are getting enough downtime away from screens, exercising, and engaging in other active pursuits can help them focus.\n\n\nPhysical activity can help improve focus and concentration, so encourage students to take breaks throughout the day and explain the importance of \u2018aerating\u2019 the brain.\n\n\nTake a few minutes each day to do something that is unrelated to work or school, such as reading for pleasure, spending time in nature, or listening to music. This will help refresh and rejuvenate the brain.\n\n\n\n\nCr; Freepik\n\n\n3. \nAllocating times to\n for your \u201cfree time\u201d\n\n\nRather than scrolling on your screen for an uncontrolled number of hours, save time by allocating certain times during the day when you can use social media as you please.\n\n\n\n\nStudents can use various techniques to focus their attention, such as focussing on one task at a time and breaking down tasks into smaller goals.\n\n\nHelping students learn how to manage their stress levels, as high levels of stress can also lead to difficulty paying attention. Meditation, breathing exercises, and journaling are great ways to help reduce stress.\n\n\nStudies have shown that listening to certain types of music can help improve focus and concentration. The kind of music is crucial.\n\n\n\n\nWatch longer videos or read longer posts\n\n\nBy doing this, you will be able to persevere when engaging with content that takes a longer time to digest. Therefore, you will get used to focusing on a particular piece for a longer period of time.\n\n\n\n\nMicrolearning , which may include blogs, games, quizzes, podcasts, simulations and videos, is an e-learning format. With Pandai, it is more effective and convenient and enables students to control their time and learning experience.\n\n\nLearning at school should avoid rambling on and covering too many topics in one sitting. Being clear, to the point, and often checking for understanding helps to improve focus and concentration.\n\n\n\n\nIn short, it is particularly difficult to limit screen time when a lot of activities have been moved online, yet it is possible to use technology in a more constructive way to prevent ourselves from getting overly distracted.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/jadual-terkini-tarikh-pelaksanaan-spm-2022-2023/", "title": "JADUAL TERKINI TARIKH PELAKSANAAN SPM 2022 \u2013 2023", "body": "\n\nLembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia telah memuktamadkan jadual peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) dan Ujian Pencapaian Bahasa Antarabangsa (UPBA) 2022 yang akan berlangsung pada bulan Februari dan Mac 2023.\n\n\nBerikut ialah tarik terkini yang dikongsikan oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia untuk peperiksaan SPM, khususnya untuk calon-calon yan bakal menduduki peperiksaan ini:\n\n\nJADUAL WAKTU:\n\n\nUJIAN BERTUTUR BAHASA MELAYU\n\n\nUJIAN MENDENGAR BAHASA MELAYU\u00a0\n\n\nUJIAN BERTUTUR BAHASA INGGERIS\n\n\nUJIAN MENDENGAR BAHASA INGGERIS\n\n\nUJIAN AMALI SAINS\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJADUAL\u00a0 WAKTU PEPERIKSAAN BERTULIS:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nARAHAN AM\n\n\n\n\nCalon wajib menduduki semua kertas peperiksaan bagi mata pelajaran yang didaftar. Calon yang tidak menduduki mana-mana kertas peperiksaan bertulis atau melaksanakan Ujian Bertutur, Ujian Mendengar, Ujian Lisan, Ujian Amali Sains dan Kerja Kursus akan dianggap TIDAK HADIR bagi mata pelajaran berkenaan. Calon yang tidak dapat menduduki atau tidak hadir sesuatu kertas peperiksaan dikehendaki mengemukakan dokumen sokongan seperti surat perakuan doktor atau surat kebenaran khas Pengarah Peperiksaan. Dokumen sokongan ini hendaklah diserahkan kepada Ketua Pengawas Peperiksaan/Ketua Pentaksir Pusat Ujian/Ketua Pentaksir (Assessor) / Ketua Pengawas Amali sebelum tamat tempoh peperiksaan SPM 2022.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCalon hendaklah menyemak butiran pada Pernyataan Pendaftaran Peperiksaan sebelum peperiksaan. Calon hendaklah memaklumkan kepada pihak JPN sekiranya terdapat kesilapan maklumat dan mengisi Borang Pembetulan Maklumat Calon. Calon dikenakan bayaran RM30.00. Pembayaran hendaklah dibuat kepada pihak JPN atas nama Akauntan Negara Malaysia menggunakan Kiriman Wang/Wang Pos.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCalon hendaklah mengemukakan Pernyataan Pendaftaran Peperiksaan kepada Ketua Pengawas Peperiksaan/Ketua Pentaksir Pusat Ujian/Ketua Pentaksir (Assessor)/Ketua Pengawas Amali di pusat peperiksaan selain dari pusat peperiksaan asal calon. Ketua Pengawas Peperiksaan/Ketua Pentaksir Pusat Ujian/Ketua Pentaksir (Assessor)/Ketua Pengawas Amali hendaklah menyemak maklumat calon dan maklumat mata pelajaran sebelum membenarkan calon menumpang di pusat peperiksaan seliaannya.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCalon hendaklah membaca Garis Panduan dan Arahan Peperiksaan yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Waktu Peperiksaan SPM 2022 dan menandatangani Borang Pengakuan Calon.\n\n\n\n\nJadual waktu peperiksaan/ujian ini juga boleh dimuat turun melalui portal rasmi Lembaga Peperiksaan di pautan berikut : \nJadual waktu peperiksaan SPM 2022-2023\n\n\nOleh itu, semua calon diingatkan untuk merujuk jadual peperiksaan untuk maklumat mengenai hari, masa, kod, dan kertas peperiksaan serta arahan penulisan yang diperlukan.\n\n\nPelajar boleh bersiap sedia untuk menjawab SPM dengan mengulang kaji menggunakan aplikasi pandai. Terdapat nota ringkas, buku teks, latihan dan soalan tahun lepas mengikut subjek dan silibus yang diperkenalkan di sekolah khas buat pelajar tingkatan 4 & 5.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/jangan-hanya-kejar-deretan-a-demi-pencapaian/", "title": "Jangan hanya kejar deretan A demi pencapaian", "body": "\n\nKECEMERLANGAN akademik selalu menjadi ukuran kejayaan apatah lagi dalam sistem pendidikan yang berorientasikan peperiksaan, deretan A selalunya menjadi lambang murid itu pandai.\n\n\nBagaimanapun, setiap murid mempunyai kelebihan dalam bidang masing-masing. Tidak semua murid mampu meraih A untuk setiap subjek tetapi masih mampu berjaya dalam akademik.\n\n\nNamun itu tidak pula bermakna, mendapat keputusan cemerlang tidak penting namun sebagai ibu bapa, kita perlu menyedari setiap anak mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri.\n\n\nMurid-murid di sekolah rendah dalam lingkungan usia tujuh hingga 12 tahun sedang berada dalam peringkat pembesaran yang pesat. Jika kita merujuk teori pembangunan psikososial Erikson, kumpulan usia itu adalah fasa berdaya usaha untuk melawan rasa rendah diri.\n\n\nDalam kumpulan usia ini, setiap mereka sedang dalam fasa mempelajari kemahiran baharu dan menangani risiko perasaan rendah diri jika gagal atau tidak cekap terhadap sesuatu perkara.\n\n\nMisalnya murid yang baru memasuki alam persekolahan, mereka akan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk mendapat kedudukan terbaik dalam kelas, selain sering bersaing dengan rakan sebaya dalam aktiviti yang dilakukan.\n\n\nGambar dari laman web Keluarga\n\n\nNamun dalam masa sama, murid ini juga akan berasa rendah diri apabila gagal mencapai apa yang diinginkan. Jika mereka berjaya mencari keseimbangan pada tahap ini, ia akan membuatkan mereka berasa kuat (cekap), sekali gus membangunkan kepercayaan mereka berupaya mengendalikan tugas yang ditetapkan.\n\n\nKetika dalam proses ini, ada segelintir kanak-kanak yang akan mempunyai kemahiran dalam pendidikan, sukan, seni lukis atau muzik. Ibu bapa prihatin akan menyedari potensi dan kecenderungan anak mereka dan tidak akan mengukur kecemerlangan anak berdasarkan bilangan A dalam peperiksaan.\n\n\nApabila murid diberikan tekanan untuk memperoleh bilangan A yang banyak akan berlaku dua kemungkinan iaitu ilmu yang diperoleh tidak berpanjangan disebabkan sasaran mereka hanyalah untuk mendapat markah tinggi selain berpotensi berhadapan tekanan perasaan.\n\n\nDalam hal, konsep kejayaan dalam pendidikan sebenarnya banyak bergantung kepada sistem kepercayaan atau pemikiran ibu bapa.\n\n\nTidaklah menjadi kesalahan jika anak gagal memperoleh bilangan A yang banyak atau menduduki tangga teratas kecemerlangan akademik jika sekiranya dia membesar sebagai anak yang sopan, berhemah, berterima kasih dan menghormati sesama manusia.\n\n\nMalah lebih utama, anak seharusnya dididik bukan menjadi murid paling pandai di sekolah sebaliknya sebagai manusia yang cintakan ilmu, rajin membaca dan penuh rasa ingin tahu.\n\n\nSemua ini juga definisi kejayaan seperti kata pengarang terkemuka Hamka, kecantikan yang abadi terletak pada keelokan adab dan ketinggian ilmu seseorang.\n\n\nBerikut adalah panduan mendidik anak dari segi akademik\n\n\n1. Tidak membanding anak dengan anak orang lain atau adik-beradik\n\n\nIbu bapa sering membanding-bandingkan kebolehan ataupun kelemahan anak mereka dengan anak orang lain. Ada juga yang suka membandingkan antara adik-beradik, maka perasaan cemburu dan iri hati akan tertanam dalam diri mereka. Sekiranya perbandingan dibuat dengan orang lain, anak-anak akan mudah berasa rendah diri dan hilang kekuatan bersaing. Maka, contoh kejayaan orang lain hanya sesuai diceritakan sewaktu tiadanya tekanan ataupun desakan emosi dalam diri anak-anak.\n\n\n2. Tidak merendahkan kebolehan anak-anak\n\n\nSebagai manusia biasa, kita sering kali merendahkan kebolehan anak secara tidak langsung dan tanpa sedar. Biasanya, ibu bapa yang resah mengenai masalah anak meluahkan keluhannya kepada orang lain di hadapan anak-anak. Ibu bapa perlu sedar akan perkara ini, iaitu setiap perkataan yang kita diungkap kepada anak-anak adalah doa. Oleh itu, ibu bapa perlu cari kebaikan dalam diri anak-anak walaupun kecil. Di samping itu, sebagai ibu bapa jangan mengharapkan perubahan yang mendadak dalam diri anak kerana mereka masih belajar.\n\n\n3. Menjadi pendengar yang baik\n\n\nRamai ibu bapa yang tidak menganggap aspek ini penting bagi mereka. Menjadi pendengar yang baik bukanlah sukar dipraktikkan, cuma ibu bapa sahaja yang tidak memainkan peranan mereka sebagai pendengar. Apabila anak-anak semakin dewasa, mereka cuba merahsiakan banyak perkara daripada pengetahuan ibu bapa. Antara sebabnya adalah disebabkan sewaktu kecil, luahan dan keluhan hati mereka tidak diberikan perhatian oleh ibu bapa. Hal ini boleh membawa kepada pelbagai akibat pada masa hadapan termasuklah penderaan emosi serta gangguan dalam sesuatu hubungan.\n\n\n4. Memberi kasih sayang\n\n\nAnak-anak yang kurang kasih sayang akan menunjukkan dua watak yang berbeza iaitu sikap lain ketika di rumah dan lain di sekolah. Oleh sebab itu, ada kalanya ibu bapa tidak boleh menerima apabila guru-guru mengadu dan beritahu bahawa anaknya bermasalah. Seharusnya, ibu bapa harus memberi perhatian dan kasih sayang yang penuh kepada anak-anak. Perhatian dan kasih sayang daripada ibu dan bapa mampu menjadi tunggak kejayaan kepada seseorang anak-anak.\n\n\n5. Menjadi contoh kepada anak-anak\n\n\nIbu bapa seharusnya menjadi contoh utama kanak-kanak, kerana mereka belajar daripada pemerhatian. Jika mahu anak menjaga masa, kita harus tepati masa. Jika mahu anak pegang pada janji, kita tidak boleh memungkiri janji kita pada mereka. Jika mahu anak solat, kita kena solat depan matanya. Jika mahu anak rajin belajar, kita perlu meningkatkan budaya membaca dan mencari ilmu dalam keluarga. Memberi arahan tanpa menunjuk kepada anak-anak tidak akan membuahkan hasil. \u2013 \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/join-tiktok-giveaway-follow-pandai-menang/", "title": "Join TikTok Giveaway! Follow Pandai & Menang!", "body": "\n\nSempena TikTok Pandai telah pun bermula secara rasminya, kami sangat teruja untuk mengumumkan bahawa minggu ini akan berlangsung \nTikTok Giveaway\n. Yahoo!\n\n\nGiveaway TikTok ini terbuka kepada semua orang tidak kira tua atau muda.\n Aktiviti TikTok Giveaway ini adalah aktiviti pertama kali yang diadakan oleh Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAda pelbagai tawaran hadiah yang menarik yang disediakan oleh Pandai untuk aktiviti giveaway kali ini.\u00a0Anda akan menerima \nt-shirt Pandai, botol air, Tealive voucher, KFC Voucher dan banyak lagi\n. Wow.. Menarik sungguh la hadiah kali ini.\nPercuma\n je untuk join. Nak tahu cara memenangi hadiah yang menarik ni semua?\n\n\nSenang sahaja. Tugas anda hanya \nFollow Tiktok Pandai je! \n\n\n\n\nSyarat untuk menang:\n1. \nFollow\n TikTok \n@pandaiofficial\n \n2. \nTag 3\n rakan anda\n3. Komen \n#budakpandai\n\n\nMudah je giveaway ni. Semudah ABC je tau. Jom follow TikTok Pandai dan sama-sama sebarkan TikTok Giveaway ini!\u00a0\n\n\nSelamat berjaya.\u00a0\n\n\nUntuk mendapatkan maklumat dan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai, ikuti media sosial kami di bawah.\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/jom-dapatkan-pandai-coins-dengan-mudah/", "title": "Jom Dapatkan Pandai Coins Dengan Mudah!", "body": "\n\nHi Young Pandai!\n\n\nSeperti yang Young Pandai tahu, Pandai Coins ialah ganjaran dan fitur yang menarik disediakan dalam aplikasi Pandai. Pandai coins dapat ditebus melalui beberapa aplikasi yang menarik!\n\n\n\n\nTak susah pun bagi Young Pandai untuk mendapatkan coins di Pandai. Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk Young Pandai memperoleh 100 syiling pertama dengan mudah!\n\n\n\n\nCara lain untuk dapatkan lagi banyak Pandai Coins!\n\n\n\n\nFitur yang disukai ramai adalah Quiz Battle; anda boleh dapatkan Pandai Coins apabila mengalahkan lawan anda!\n\n\nFlashcard juga ada fitur terbaru iaitu Quick Recap; setiap kali anda menjawab Quick Recap setelah menyelesaikan Flashcard, anda juga akan dapat Pandai Coins!\n\n\nTerdapat juga Daily dan Weekly Claim untuk anda semua dapat coins setiap hari. Boleh dapat 2-13 Pandai Coins tau!\n\n\nSertai \nYoung Pandai Club Discord Server\n dan join aktiviti di sana untuk dapatkan lebih banyak Pandai Coins.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nNak buat apa dengan Coins banyak-banyak ni? Belanja dalam Pandai la kan! Banyak voucher yang boleh anda tebus antaranya TeaLive, KFC, Shopee dan juga Roblox! Malah, setiap bulan kami akan kemaskini voucher baru untuk anda semua. Let\u2019s learn to earn with Pandai!\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/jom-jana-pendapatan-bersama-pandai-teacher/", "title": "Jom Jana Pendapatan Bersama Pandai Teacher", "body": "\n\nHai rakan-rakan guru \ud83e\udd70 Kami ada berita baik untuk semua rakan-rakan guru yang telah berdaftar dengan kami! Pandai ada menawarkan komisen yang menarik untuk setiap akaun premium yang berjaya didaftar menggunakan link guru-guru.\n\n\nJika 20 pelajar sudah berjaya mendaftar dengan link cikgu, itu dah hampir RM100 tau! Yang masih belum berdaftar sebagai guru, jangan risau! Layari\u00a0\npandai.org\n\u00a0dan daftar sebagai guru sekarang! Senang je caranya!\n\n\nApa tunggu lagi? Jom sertai dan jadi ahli affiliate kami hari ini dan ikuti langkah mudah dibawah! Saya sertakan rajah di bawah untuk rujukan cikgu:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMudah kan? Cikgu juga boleh layari\u00a0\nhandbook Pandai Teacher\n\u00a0yang telah kami sediakan untuk rujukan selanjutnya.\n\n\nUntuk sebarang pertanyaan dan maklum balas, boleh email kami di\u00a0\n[email\u00a0protected]\n\u00a0atau mesej menggunakan WhatsApp di\u00a0\n018-252 4143\n\n\n#DariGuruUntukGuru\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nWeb\n\n\nFacebook\n\n\nInstagram\n\n\nTikTok\n\n\nTelegram\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/jom-kenal-apa-itu-badge-bagi-score-streak/", "title": "Jom kenal : Apa itu Badge bagi Score & Streak", "body": "\n\nDalam Pandai, anda pasti mengetahui dan melihat terdapat badge atau lencana di bahagian \n\u2018Pencapaian\u2019 atau \u2018Achievement\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nTahukah anda apa \nfungsi badge iaitu Lencana Skor dan streak ini?\n Terutama penggunaan kedua-dua ini, macam mana dalam Pandai?\n\n\nBaiklah, kali ini, ingin kami akan bongkarkan dan beritahu apa itu dan fungsinya sekali \u2018Badge\u2019 iaitu \u2018Skor\u2019 dan \u2018Streak\u2019 dalam Pandai!\n\n\n\n\nBadge atau Lencana\n\n\n\n\nBadge atau lencana dalam Pandai merupakan \nlencana atau reward pencapaian yang Pandai sediakan buat pelajar.\n Ianya bertujuan memberi motivasi buat pelajar agar terus berusaha dalam menjawab soalan dan belajar berterusan dengan Pandai. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nApa itu Badge Score atau Lencana Skor\n\n\n\n\nBadge Score atau Lencana Skor merupakan \nmata yang dikumpul oleh para pelajar menjawab dalam Pandai.\n Setiap markah yang mereka betul semasa menjawab kuiz mahupun soalan-soalan topikal dan ujian serta sebagainya, akan direkod dalam lencana skor ini. Hah, menarik!\nDekat sini juga dalam lencana skor ini juga akan merujuk dan bakal menentukan ranking atau kedudukan anda dalam Pandai. \n\n\nNak dapat lencana skor banyak? Senang! \nTips:\n \nJawab soalan dalam Pandai setiap hari. Jawab bersungguh-sungguh agar semua jawapan anda Betul!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApa itu Badge Streak atau Lencana Streak\n\n\n\n\nBadge Streak atau Lencana Streak adalah pengumpulan mata atau lencana yang diperoleh oleh para pelajar yang berterusan menjawab soalan dalam Pandai. Para pelajar ini tidak pernah ketinggalan menjawab soalan dalam Pandai. \nLencana ini dapat menunjukkan penggunaan pelajar yang aktif secara berterusan. \n\n\nJadi bagaimana nak skor lencana streak ini?\nMudah sahaja. Jika anda lihat, lencana tersebut ada bilangan hari tertentu. Ya, ikut sahaja bagi mendapatkan lencana tersebut. Sebagai contoh untuk mendapatkan lencana streak pertama memerlukan 2 hari. \nTips: \nJawab soalan Pandai dalam 2 hari berterusan. Jangan tinggal pada hari esoknya. Kalau anda tinggal, streak akan mengira semula pada hari seterusnya sebagai hari pertama. Dah membazir, kan! Jadi jangan \u2018stop\u2019 buat Pandai. Hehe\n\n\n\n\nHah, bagaimana? Jelas tak apa itu Lencana skor dan Lencana Streak? Senang dan mudah! \n\n\nApapun, tetap buat Pandai setiap hari. \n\n\nBagi yang belum berdaftar dengan Pandai. Jom daftar secara percuma di laman web, \nwww.pandai.org\n atau \ndownload Aplikasi Pandai \ndi Google Playstore atau Apple Store. \n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nNak Pandai? Daftar je dengan Pandai!\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/kemahiran-dari-3m-ke-4m/", "title": "Kemahiran dari 3M ke 4M", "body": "\n\nKEMAHIRAN 3M adalah kemahiran asas dalam sistem pendidikan di Malaysia namun menjelang 2011, Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) diperkenalkan secara berperingkat menggantikan Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah (KBSR).\n\n\nPengenalan KSSR ini menambah satu \u201cM\u201d lagi iaitu menaakul. Kemahiran menaakul ini merujuk kepada kemahiran berfikir berasaskan logik akal dan kemampuan berfikir secara rasional.\n\n\nDasar Pendidikan Negara menggariskan KSSR dibentuk bagi memperkembangkan potensi individu setiap murid secara menyeluruh bagi melahirkan modal insan yang seimbang, harmonis, berakhlak mulia, kritis, kreatif, inovatif serta memiliki kemahiran insaniah sebagai persediaan untuk menghadapi cabaran semasa dan abad ke-21.\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian\n\n\nDalam KSSR, tahap satu sekolah rendah yang merangkumi Tahun Satu hingga Tiga tertumpu kepada penguasaan 4M selain kemahiran asas teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat, perkembangan sosio emosi, kerohanian, fizikal, kognitif, sikap dan nilai.\n\n\nBagi tahap dua sekolah rendah (Tahun Empat hingga Enam ) akan tertumpu kepada pengukuhan dan aplikasi 4M, kemahiran asas ICT, perkembangan sosio emosi, kerohanian, fizikal, sikap dan nilai.\n\n\nBagaimanapun, kemahiran sama ada 3M atau 4M dibimbangi pandemik COVID-19 membesarkan lagi angka keciciran murid sekali gus kadar cilik huruf di Malaysia.\n\n\nSecara umum, kadar celik huruf di Malaysia pada usia 10 tahun ke atas sudah mencapai 92 peratus pada 2000 dengan rekod keciciran murid sekolah rendah di Semenanjung Malaysia adalah pada kadar 0.26 hingga 0.74 peratus bagi 2014 hingga 2016.\n\n\nKadar keciciran di Sabah, Sarawak dan Labuan adalah antara 0.05 hingga 0.10 peratus untuk tempoh yang sama.\n\n\nNamun, kadar keciciran dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah semakin meningkat susulan penularan wabak COVID-19.\n\n\nSebelum ini, Menteri Kanan Pendidikan Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin dilaporkan berkata kadar keciciran di peringkat sekolah rendah meningkat daripada 0.12 peratus pada 2019 kepada 0.13 tahun lalu. \u2013 \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/kemaskini-tahun-gred-sempena-tahun-sekolah-yang-baru/", "title": "Kemaskini Tahun Gred Sempena Tahun Sekolah Yang Baru!", "body": "\n\nHi budak pandai!\n\n\nSelamat kembali ke sekolah!\n\n\nNak tanya ni, korang dah tukar tahun gred korang dah untuk tahun ni?\n\n\nJika belum, pastikan tahun gred korang telah dikemaskini untuk menghadiri kelas tuisyen Pandai, membuat ulangkaji dan melakukan persediaan untuk peperiksaan mengikut tahun gred masing masing.\n\n\nSenang je nak tukar tahun gred ni!\n\n\nCara cara seperti di bawah :\n\n\nKlik pada pilihan \u201cakaun saya\u201d di menu navigasi.\nKlik pada \u201cprofil saya\u201d .\nDi kotak tahun gred, pilih tahap yang diinginkan.\nTekan butang \u201ckemaskini\u201d.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUntuk tutorial video, klik butang \u201cplay\u201d di bawah :\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMudah sahaja kan? Tunggu apa lagi? Ajaklah rakan rakan lain yang belum menukar tahun gred untuk kemaskini sekali! \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/keputusan-spm-kejayaan-bersejarah-semua-calon/", "title": "Keputusan SPM: Kejayaan bersejarah semua calon", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Keputusan Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia (SPM) yang diumumkan hari ini membuktikan kejayaan semua pihak khususnya pelajar Tingkatan Lima yang terpaksa menempuh kesukaran untuk meneruskan pembelajaran sewaktu pandemik COVID-19.\n\n\nPengarah Lembaga Peperiksaan, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Datuk Pkharuddin Ghazali, berkata penganjuran SPM pada tahun 2020 bukan sahaja berbeza berbanding tahun sebelumnya malah bersejarah kerana menjadi peperiksaan pertama yang terpaksa ditunda sebanyak tiga kali.\n\n\nKatanya, situasi itu menjadikan calon SPM pada tahun lalu sebagai kelompok pelajar yang tabah dan kental kerana terpaksa bersedia beberapa kali sebelum berjaya menduduki ujian peperiksaan pada Februari lalu.\n\n\n\u201cCalon SPM 2020 saya boleh gambarkan sebagai calon yang istimewa kerana menempuh satu perjalanan yang bersejarah buat sistem pendidikan negara.\n\n\n\u201cKita bukan sahaja kali pertama kali menganjurkan peperiksaan dalam tempoh pandemik malah pelajar juga terpaksa belajar secara Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR\u200b). Sudah tentu ini satu perjalanan yang cukup mencabar buat mereka.\n\n\n\u201cWalaupun PdPR yang belum lagi sempurna, calon ini tekad untuk menduduki SPM kerana peperiksaan ini bukan sahaja ditunda selama empat bulan malah tiga kali ditunda dan pengumuman keputusan hari ini adalah sesuatu yang perlu diraikan,\u201d katanya dalam temubual Bernama TV secara maya, hari ini.\n\n\n\n\nPhakaruddin berkata, perjalanan SPM 2020 juga bukan perkara yang mudah kerana banyak perkara yang terpaksa ditempuh Lembaga Peperiksaan sebelum kejayaan dirasai pada hari ini.\n\n\n\u201cSejak awal tahun 2020 lag, kita mula merancang perkara yang sepatutnya dilaksanakan khususnya apabila kerajaan mengumumkan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) kerana pelajar akan memulakan PdPR.\n\n\n\u201cPerkara yang menjadi perhatian serta kerisauan umum adalah mengenai jadual peperiksaan lebih-lebih lagi SPM yang mempunyai taraf sijil. Oleh itu sejak awal lagi, kami memikirkan apa kaedah terbaik untuk menguruskan calon SPM 2020 dan apa yang perlu dilaksanakan untuk ia terus relevan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, pelbagai pendekatan baharu dilakukan Lembaga Peperiksaan untuk menguruskan seramai lebih 400,000 calon SPRM dan antaranya adalah menambah 15,000 bilangan petugas SPM berbanding tahun sebelumnya.\n\n\nKata Phakaruddin, kejayaan SPM 2020 akan menjadi aspirasi bagi menguruskan peperiksaan itu pada tahun ini, yang dijangka pada Mac, tahun depan.\n\n\n\u201cNasihat saya kepada calon SPM 2021, lihatlah kejayaan yang dicapai calon tahun lalu. Jika mereka boleh berjaya anda juga mampu. Walaupun ada tempoh belajar di rumah, kita juga boleh berjaya sekiranya mengikut setiap arahan dan kewajiban yang dituntut,\u201d katanya. \u2013 \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/kesan-baik-dan-buruk-globalisasi-terhadap-masyarakat-dan-negara/", "title": "Kesan Baik dan Buruk Globalisasi terhadap Masyarakat dan Negara", "body": "\n\nIstilah globalisasi merupakan satu \u2018\nwadah\n\u2019 yang\u00a0menyebarkan unsur-unsur terkini yang menyangkut segala informasi secara mendunia melalui media cetak mahupun media elektronik. Jika dilihat pada perkembangan hari ini, terlalu banyak artikel mengenai pengaruh globalisasi dunia tanpa sempadan dalam kalangan remaja. Namun ramai kalangan remaja yang sudah menyedari bahawa arus globalisasi ini akan memberi impak yang besar dalam kalangan mereka. \n\n\nGlobalisasi bererti dunia tanpa sempadan akibat kemajuan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi. Di mana berlaku aliran barangan, perkhidmatan, idea dan maklumat secara bebas antara negara tanpa sekatan. Mari kita lihat kebaikan dan keburukan globalisasi.\n\n\nCr: Dreamstime\n\n\nKesan-Kesan Baik\u00a0\nGlobalisasi\n\n\n\n\nEkonomi Negara\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKemajuan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) mempergiat perdagangan antarabangsa\u00a0\n\n\nPeniaga dapat meluaskan pasatan ke seluruh dunia\u00a0\n\n\nPersidangan video, internet dan e-mel telah memudahkan perhubungan\u00a0\n\n\nE-dagang dan e-perbankan juga dapat dijalankan\u00a0\n\n\nPeniaga dan pengguna menual dan membeli barangan melalui intrnet\u00a0\n\n\nEkonomi negara berkembang pesat\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Sistem Pendidikan\n\n\n\n\nSistem pendidikan akan terus berkembang maju dengan adanya internet. Pendidikan jarak jauh dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan sama ada di dalam atau di luar negeri. Pendidikan bertaraf dunia dapat diwujudkan di Malaysia dalam era globalisasi.\u00a0\n\n\nPendedahan pelbagai maklumat kepada rakyat Malaysia conth: bidang perubatan- makanan berkhasiat, senaman yang betul.\u00a0\n\n\nIlmu-ilmu ini menjadikan rakyat Malaysia berilmu pengetahuan yang luas.\n\n\n\n\nCr: Pinterest\n\n\n3.\u00a0Perdagangan Bebas\n\n\n\n\nWujudnya perdagangan bebas, pengaliran modal secara bebas, menggalakkan persaingan, peluasan pasaran,peningkatan kualiti prosuk dan berlakunya aliran buruh mahir dan separa mahir(pemangkin kepada kemajuan negara)\u00a0\n\n\nSyarikat-syarikat multinasional Malaysia juga telah meningkat pelaburan mereka ke seluruh dunia seperti Syarikat Telekom Malaysia Berkad, Maybank dan Petronas \u2013 sebaris dengan syarikat gergasi luar negara.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nKesan-Kesan Buruk Globalisasi\n\n\n\n\nPenjajahan Ekonomi\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKedudukan ekonomi negara mundur dan negara sedang membangun diketahui negara maju.\u00a0\n\n\nNegara maju dapat memanipulasikan ekonomi negara-negara lain demi kepentingannya\u00a0\n\n\nNegara maju mempengaruhi minda penduduk Dunia Ketiga\n\n\n\n\n2. Pencemaran Budaya\n\n\n\n\nBudaya liar dari Barat dapat disebarkan melalui internet dan televisyen satelit\u00a0\n\n\nBudaya liar ini langsung tidak ditapis\u00a0\n\n\nGenerasi muda terikut-ikut akan nilai runtuh\u00a0\n\n\nBudaya Barat menjadi dominan\u00a0\n\n\nBudaya tempatan yang murni akhirnya terkikis\u00a0\n\n\nAnak tempatan hilang identiti diri dan runtuh akhlaknya\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nCr: Vector Stock\n\n\n3. Teknologi\n\n\n\n\nPenyalahgunaan teknologi akan membahayakan manusia seperti teknologi nuklear\u00a0 \u2013 boleh dibuat senjata nuklear, kebocoran tenaga nuklear\u00a0\n\n\nTeknologi pembuatan senjata-senjata moden telah banya memusnahkan kehidupan manusia\u00a0\n\n\nPengintipan yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara maju melalui satelite untuk mendapatkan maklumat negra-negara musuh mereka.\n\n\n\n\nGlobalisasi telah membawa kesan yang besar\u00a0dan penduduk dunia perlu bersedia untuk menghadapi kesan globalisasi. Dengan cara ini, barulah globalisasi benar-benar mendatangkan faedah kepada kita\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/know-yourself-with-pandai-personality/", "title": "Know Yourself With Pandai Personality!", "body": "\n\nHey dear readers! \n\n\nIt\u2019s currently a long school holiday.\n\n\n How was it? Is it fun? Blasting? Having fun with your family? Yes? That\u2019s very good! As you guys are enjoying the holiday, Pandai team is also happily discovering and creating new things for you! Read on!\n\n\nDo you ever wonder what you\u2019re good at? I think all of us do. Most of the people in the world don\u2019t really know what they want in life and that is OKAY \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude09.\n\n\nThinking about what you are good at and what you should be after PT6, PT3 or SPM can be worrying. But, do not worry, let us share the good news with you. Pandai just released its very own personality test called \u2018\nPandai Personality\n\u2019, designed specially for all of our beloved users!\n\n\nWhat is Pandai Personality?\n\n\nPandai Personality is a personality test that consists of 50 questions and can be done in less than 30 minutes! At the end of the test, you will get to know a little more about\u00a0\n\n\nyour strength,\nthe most effective study methods for you\nand some of the career choices\n that you may or may not choose.\u00a0\n\n\nKeep reading to find out more about the 5 different traits that we have for our personality test.\u00a0\n\n\nNaturalist\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nAs someone with a naturalist personality, you have a high interest in living things and the entire ecosystem as a whole. You learn best doing practical and experiential activities and can explore jobs like veterinarian, landscape designer and astronomer.\n\n\nLinguistic-verbal\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAs someone with a linguistic-verbal personality, you have a strong interest in storytelling and learning new words/languages.You learn best through reading, discussing, and listening and can explore jobs like teacher, lawyer and politicians.\n\n\nLogical-mathematical\n\n\n\n\nAs someone with a logical-mathematical personality, you have a strong interest in numbers and solving complex problems. You learn best through solving problems, asking questions and can explore jobs like scientist, software engineer and accountant.\n\n\nVisual-spatial\n\n\n\n\nAs someone with a visual-spatial personality, you are a creative thinker and have a vivid imagination. You learn best by watching demonstrations and tutorials and can explore jobs like mechanic, graphic designer and architect.\n\n\nInterpersonal\n\n\n\n\nAs someone with an interpersonal personality, you are a strong communicator and are good at working with people. You learn best by group projects and teaching and can explore jobs like diplomat, educator and director.\n\n\nNo matter what personality type you end up getting, remember that this is just a guidance for you. As you experience more things in life, your personality might change but at this time, those study methods and jobs might fit you the most.\n\n\nWhat are you waiting for? Let\u2019s take the personality test today! Just click \nhere\n and you\u2019re ready to go. \n\n\nPsst, you have a chance to win a giveaway when you share your results on your social media and tag Pandai Official account! \n\ud83c\udf81\ud83c\udf81\ud83c\udf81\n\n\nLog in or register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0or;\n\n\nDownload Pandai Now on\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/kpm-cadang-pelajar-kelas-peperiksaan-kembali-ke-sekolah-lebih-awal-radzi-jidin/", "title": "KPM cadang pelajar kelas peperiksaan kembali ke sekolah lebih awal \u2013 Radzi Jidin", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR \u2013 Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) telah mencadangkan kepada Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) supaya pelajar kelas peperiksaan dibenarkan kembali ke sekolah lebih awal daripada Fasa Ketiga Pelan Pemulihan Negara.\n\n\nMenteri Kanan Pendidikan, Senator Datuk Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin berkata, bagi menyokong permohonan itu, KPM juga memohon kepada Jawatankuasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin Covid-19 (JKJAV) supaya pemberian vaksin kepada guru dan pelajar kategori itu dapat dipercepatkan.\n\n\n\u201cNamun ini semua tertakluk kepada keputusan MKN bila anak-anak kelas peperiksaan ini dapat kembali ke sekolah secara bersemuka. Urusan vaksinasi pula di bawah JKJAV, maka segala proses itu akan dilaksanakan oleh mereka.\n\n\n\u201cDalam konteks pendidikan, kita akan bincang bagaimana kita boleh laksanakan (vaksinasi) di sekolah atau sebagainya dan ini memerlukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam,\u201d katanya dalam Wawancara Pelan Pemulihan Negara secara dalam talian, pada Selasa.\n\n\n\n\nMenurut beliau, setakat ini 36 peratus atau 148,580 guru telah menerima sekurang-kurangnya satu dos vaksin.\n\n\nDitanya jika guru-guru dan pelajar selain kelas peperiksaan juga akan diberikan keutamaan dalam pemberian vaksin, Radzi berkata, KPM membuat cadangan kepada JKJAV berdasarkan keutamaan atas faktor bekalan vaksin yang terhad.\n\n\n\u201cKalau boleh kita mahu semuanya divaksin namun dilihat dari sudut priority (keutamaan) disebabkan bekalan yang terhad dan sebab itu kita mohon supaya murid dan guru Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) didahulukan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBerdasarkan Pelan Pemulihan Negara diumumkan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin baru-baru ini, sektor pendidikan akan dibenarkan beroperasi secara berperingkat bermula fasa ketiga apabila negara berjaya memenuhi tiga nilai ambang yang dijangka dapat dicapai paling awal pada akhir Ogos.\n\n\nNilai ambang tersebut adalah purata kes harian menurun ke paras bawah 2,000 kes, sistem kesihatan awam berada pada tahap selesa dengan penurunan kadar penggunaan katil di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) ke paras mencukupi dan 40 peratus populasi negara ini telah menerima dua dos suntikan vaksin.\n\n\nSementara itu, Radzi menjelaskan keputusan terdahulu dibuat KPM termasuk membatalkan Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3) tahun ini tidak akan berubah meskipun jika mereka yang terlibat telah menerima vaksin nanti.\n\n\nMengenai pengambilan khas 18,702 pendidik bagi menyelesaikan isu kekurangan guru di sesetengah negeri, Radzi menegaskan bahawa calon yang mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan akan diberi keutamaan sebelum ia dibuka kepada graduan lain.\n\n\nGambar dari The Star\n\n\nNamun sekiranya calon kelulusan lain yang tidak mempunyai latar belakang ikhtisas pendidikan dipilih, mereka akan diberikan latihan secukupnya bagi memastikan bakal guru itu dapat menjalankan sesi pembelajaran dan pengajaran dengan baik.\n\n\n\u201cKita amat menitikberatkan kualiti guru-guru di sekolah jadi ini bukan pengambilan sembarangan sebaliknya satu proses tersusun dan teliti untuk kita lihat. Sekiranya guru untuk subjek tertentu tidak dapat diisi oleh graduan ikhtisas pendidikan, kita akan pastikan calon yang dipilih itu mendapat latihan secukupnya.\n\n\nBeri keyakinan kepada kami kerana kami cuba menyelesaikan isu yang telah berlarutan lama dan pendekatan yang kami ambil ini tidak akan menjejaskan kualiti guru yang bakal mengajar di sekolah kelak,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nDalam pada itu, Radzi berkata, KPM juga sedang berusaha menyelesaikan isu perpindahan guru \u201cduka lara\u201d dan meminta semua pihak memberi sedikit masa untuk kementerian menyusun pendekatan yang lebih menyeluruh.\n\n\nGuru \u201cduka lara\u201d biasanya merujuk sebagai guru-guru yang terpisah jauh antara suami dengan isteri seperti seorang di Semenanjung manakala seorang lagi di Sabah atau Sarawak, atau dalam kes tertentu anak dengan ibu bapa. \u2013 \nBernama\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/kuiz-online-latihan-ulangkaji-percuma-di-pandai-homework-online-untuk-pelajar/", "title": "Kuiz Online Latihan Ulangkaji Percuma di Pandai.", "body": "\n\nMemandangkan Covid-19 masih melanda dalam negara kita, semua pelajar dan guru perlu bersedia belajar dan menjalankan aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara online. \nMesti ibu bapa, guru dan pelajar sendiri runsing keadaan belajar secara online. Bukan sahaja persediaan peralatan gajet perlu dilakukan malah ramai daripada kita dah start mencari mana-mana aplikasi pembelajaran online yang boleh anak-anak mereka guna untuk belajar.\n\n\nJadi, nak dapatkan latihan tambahan atau ibu bapa mahupun guru nak gunakan platform yang mudah kepada pelajar untuk ulangkaji?\n\n\nHah! Pandai ada ni. Percuma tau! Daftar sahaja percuma di \nwww.pandai.org.\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSetelah anda berdaftar, secara automatik, \nTahniah! Anda adalah salah seorang pengguna Pandai. \nWalaupun ianya percuma, kesemua pengguna atau pelajar boleh menjawab soalan kuiz setiap hari yang berbeza mengikut subjek di Pandai tau! \nUnlimited nak tukar subjek dan gred dari Tahun 1 hingga Tingkatan 5 tau!!!\n\n\n\n\nYang best lagi, setiap soalan kuiz ini, akan ada \njawapan dan penerangan jawapan yang lengkap.\nTak perlu pelajar susah-susah cari buku teks tak pun nota anda sebagai rujukan pada jawapan.\u00a0\nCuba Tengok Contoh Di Bawah ! Soalan dan Jawapan termasuk Penerangan!\n\n\n\n\nKonsep dalam Pandai ni, anda boleh \nbelajar dari kesilapan\n. Sangat details buat anda\n\n\n\n\nPaling penting setiap kuiz atau soalan dalam Pandai mengikut silibus yang terkini oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM).\u00a0\n\n\nBukan itu sahaja, untuk Free User dalam Pandai, anda juga dapat menikmati:\n\u2013 Kuiz Harian Mengikut Subjek\n\u2013 Auto Marking Jawapan dan Penerangan yang Lengkap\n\u2013 Menonton Pandai Video\n\u2013 Dapat melihat analisis pencapaian dalam kad skor\n\u2013 Mengetahui ranking anda mengikut gred seluruh pelajar di Malaysia\n\n\n\n\nApa lagi, jom daftar Percuma! 5 Soalan setiap hari bagi setiap subjek!\nJom praktis jawab soalan kuiz di Pandai. Tak perlu bayar pun. Daftar sahaja. Anda boleh jawab dan tukar subjek termasuk gred dari Tahun 1 hingga Tingkatan 5 yang diinginkan. Guru dan Ibu bapa boleh sahaja menyuruh pelajar dan anak-anak mereka jadikan Kuiz di Pandai ini sebagai \u2018homework\u2019 di rumah.\u00a0 Efektif tau!\nBoleh jawab di web dan download app Pandai di telefon bimbit.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSenang sahaja! Jom Jadi Pandai! Macam tu jugak la \n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/launch-news-gamified-quizzes-terbaru-di-pandai-sekarang-launching-today/", "title": "Launch News : Gamified Quizzes Terbaru di Pandai Hari Ini! Launching Today!", "body": "\n\nWow! Wow! Pandai ada berita baru untuk dikongsi bersama anda semua. Nak tahu tak apa dia? Ha ha! Jeng.. jeng.. Jeng..\u00a0\n\n\nJumaat, 26 Februari 2021, Pandai telah melancarkan \nGaming Version atau \u2018Gamified Quizzes\u2019\n secara rasminya di setiap akaun Pandai.\u00a0\nYa! Officially Gamified Quizzes dah launch guys!!\n Kami sangat excited! Cuba anda log masuk akaun anda sekarang! Pandai dah ada gaming version! Uuww\u2026\n\n\nApa itu Gamified Quizzes??\n\n\n\n\nGamified Quizzes di Pandai merupakan version terbaru yang telah dibangunkan untuk semua pengguna Pandai. \nGamified Quizzes adalah \u2018game\u2019 berbentuk kuiz pembelajaran harian mengikut subjek yang lebih menarik dan interaktif\n. Tujuan utama yang paling penting adalah nak bantu semua pelajar di luar sana dapat belajar dan mengulangkajii pelajaran dengan menjawab kuiz agar lebih aktif dan menyeronokkan.\nPelajar bukan sahaja dapat belajar malah dapat mencabar diri menjawab soalan kuiz \nmengikut peringkat atau level yang disediakan setiap hari.\n Anda boleh mengumpul markah setiap kuiz dan \nboleh mengulangkaji dengan jawapan dan penerangan yang lengkap bagi setiap soalan.\nSebagai pengetahuan juga, Gamified Quizzes kini \nhanya available di website Pandai sahaja\n. Jadi, nak try Gamified Quizzes? Login akaun Pandai di web Pandai tau. Ingat!!\nApa yang lagi best dalam Gamified Quizzes ini, \nPercuma buat semua pengguna Pandai! Tidak kira anda pengguna Percuma mahupun Premium!\n\n\nTetapi!!\n \nNak tahu ada perbezaan kepada pengguna basic dan premium dalam \u2018Gamified Quizzes\u2019 ini! Check it out:\n\n\nPandai Basic:\n\u2013 Limited 5 Nyawa\n\u2013 Masa Menjawab adalah terhad\n\u2013 Perlu jawab mengikut \u2018level\u2019 disediakan\n\n\nPandai Premium :\n\u2013 \u2018Unlimited\u2019 Nyawa\n\u2013 Masa Menjawab tidak terhad dan bebas\n\u2013 Boleh memilih \u2018level\u2019 untuk menjawab\n\n\n\n\nJom lihat Kelebihan Gaming Quizzes dalam Pandai!\n\n\nDapat belajar dengan lebih menyeronokkan\nJawapan dan penerangan disediakan dengan lengkap bagi setiap soalan\nKuiz yang lebih interaktif dan efektif\nDapat menguji pengetahuan menjawab soalan secara berperingkat atau level\nSusunan kuiz mengikut silibus dan topik terkini\nPelbagai subjek disediakan untuk menjawab kuiz\nDapat mengumpul mata skor dalam setiap kuiz\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNampak tak? Banyak kelebihan dan perkara yang best dalam Gamified Quizzes Pandai terbaru ini. Kepada masih belum mendaftar dengan Pandai. Inilah peluang!\nDaftar Pandai sekarang! Percuma sahaja dan anda boleh terus bermain Gamified Quizzes ini.\n\n\nNak tahu cara mendaftar Pandai?\u00a0\n\n\nPergi sahaja ke laman web Pandai di \nwww.pandai.org\n atau muat turun Pandai di Google Playstore dan Apple Store sekarang.\u00a0\n\n\nBagi yang telah mempunyai akaun Pandai, apa lagi jom battle kuiz hari ini! Ahh, best wei!\n\n\n\n\nKami dah cuba! Menarik.. Anda bila lagi? Tak kan nak tengok je? Jom lawan kumpul mata skor dalam Gamified Quzzies Pandai!\u00a0\n\n\nJumpa anda di sana!\u00a0\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai. \n\n\nNak Pandai? Daftar je dengan Pandai!\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB:\n\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/learn-to-earn-with-pandai-e-voucher/", "title": "Redeem Pandai e-Vouchers With Coins!", "body": "\n\nIt\u2019s out! You can now redeem your e-Vouchers in Pandai App! \n\n\nThink about it, isn\u2019t it fun to reward yourself with gifts after you study? Pandai is giving you that opportunity now! Start earning your rewards when you learn with Pandai!\n\n\nHow To Redeem e-Vouchers?\n\n\nEasy peasy! e-Vouchers can be redeemed with coins by :\n\n\nSubmitting quizzes\nFulfilling assigned tasks\n\n\nWhat are the available e-Vouchers that can be redeemed?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTerms & Conditions :\n\n\ne-Voucher redeem is open for \nPremium users\n only\nLimit use of \n300 coins per month\n and per user to redeem eVoucher\ne-Vouchers are subject to availability \n\n\nSteps to redeem e-Vouchers :\n\n\nOpen Pandai app / Login to\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\nGo to \u201cLearn\u201d & choose \u201cRewards\u201d / Go to \u201cRewards\u201d\nChoose \u201ceVoucher\u201d\nChoose any eVoucher and click Claim\nUse the voucher when making payment at the outlets\n\n\nIsn\u2019t is amazing? You can now reward yourself with these e-Vouchers after a day of studying! \n\n\nOhh and we also have more rewards coming soon! \ud83d\ude0a \n\n\nStart earning more coins with Pandai and redeem your vouchers here : \nRedeem e-Voucher\n\n\nLog in or register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0or;\nDownload Pandai Now on\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/left-brain-vs-right-brain-which-one-you-used-more/", "title": "Left brain vs. right brain: Which one you used more?", "body": "\n\nThe two hemispheres or sides of the brain \u2014 the left and the right \u2014 have slightly different jobs. But can one side be dominant and does this affect personality?\nSome people believe that a person is either left-brained or right-brained and that this determines the way they think and behave.\n\n\nThe brain is a complex and hardworking organ. It is made up of as many as 100 billion neurons or brain cells but only weighs 3 pounds. It is an energy-intensive organ, making up around 2 percent of a person\u2019s weight but using a huge 20 percent of the body\u2019s energy.\n\n\nThe theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you\u2019re mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, you\u2019re said to be left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you\u2019re thought to be right-brained.\n\n\nAccording to Sperry\u2019s dated research, the left brain is also connected to:\n\n\nlogic\nsequencing\nlinear thinking\nmathematics\nfacts\nthinking in words\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe right brain is more visual and intuitive. It\u2019s sometimes referred to as the analog brain. It has a more creative and less organized way of thinking.\n\n\nSperry\u2019s dated research suggests the right brain is also connected to:\n\n\nimagination\nholistic thinking\nintuition\narts\nrhythm\nnonverbal cues\nfeelings visualization\ndaydreaming\n\n\n\n\nSo, what do you think about this? Did you used both left and right brain? Or which one you user more? Hmm..\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDon\u2019t worry! Here we would like to share some \ntips for keeping your brain sharp.\n Here are a few tips to keep your brain stimulated:\n\n\nTips and tricks\n\n\nSpend some time each day\n reading, writing, or both.\nNever stop learning. Take a class, go to a lecture, or try \nto acquire a new skill.\nTackle challenging \ncrossword and sudoku puzzles.\nPlay \nmemory games, board games, card games or video games.\nTake on a \nnew hobby\n that requires you to focus.\n\n\nIn addition to thinking exercises, your brain benefits from \na good physical workout.\n Just 120 minutes of aerobic exercise a week can help improve learning and verbal memory.\n\n\nYou should avoid junk food and be sure to get all the essential nutrients you need through diet or dietary supplements. And, last but not least, of course aim for a full night\u2019s sleep every night.\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\nhealthline.com\n and \nmedicalnewstoday.com.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/lets-explore-the-educational-system-in-india/", "title": "Let\u2019s Explore The Educational System in India", "body": "\n\nEducation is a very important factor in the economic development of any country. India since the early days of independence has always focused on improving the literacy rate in our country. Even today the government runs many programs to promote Primary and Higher Education in India. \n\n\nEducation in India\u00a0\n\n\nEducation in India means the process of teaching, learning, and training human capital in schools and colleges. This improves and increases knowledge and results in skill development hence enhancing the quality of the human capital. Our government has always valued the importance of education in India and this is reflected in our economic policies.\n\n\nThe mode of teaching in India\u2019s education system during past years was Sanskrit. With changing times and modern equipment, Education In India experienced a drastic change. The Current Education System In India emphasizes fostering qualities like \nconfidence, good practices, sympathy, and imagination\n. It is a complete blend of culture, history, and human values. \n\n\nThe Stages of \nSchool System In India\n\n\nIn India, after the preschool stage, the school system starts from class nursery all the way to twelfth. Students must study all subjects such as English, Hindi, Maths, science, and human values. After class, they can opt for either arts or commerce, or science as per their interest. Those that are understudies, they need to generally gain proficiency with a typical educational plan until the finish of secondary school and learn three dialects, in particular, English, Hindi, and their first language.\n\n\nCr; Freepik\n\n\nElementary Education in India\n\n\nIn comparison to expenditure done on elementary education and higher education, the major share was grabbed by elementary education. On the contrary, expenditure per student on higher education was higher than that of elementary education.\n\n\nAs the expansion of school education is going on, we need more trained teachers who have studied at educational institutes.\n\n\nTo improve the Current Education System In India, the Government of India came up with \nNational Education Policy (NEP), 2020\n. It brought a few significant reforms at both the school and college levels. The following are its impact on Education In India:-\n\n\n\n\nIt aims at achieving a 100% gross enrollment ratio in school education by 2030.\n\n\nA new higher education governing body will be established. It will work to improve and innovate India\u2019s teaching and learning system.\n\n\nThe new education policy further aims at making all higher education institutions multidisciplinary by 2040. This means students can take up any course of their interest and skills.\n\n\nAn undergraduate student will have multiple exit options. A college will provide a degree to students after completing one year of study. However, this is applicable only to diplomas and not to degree courses.\n\n\nNow schooling age will be 3 rather than 6. This will aid students to complete their schooling early and save their year from waste.\n\n\n\n\nCr: Pinterest\n\n\nEducational Achievement in India\n\n\nThe Indian government considers education as a key area where drastic growth and development are required. So various future prospects have been considered and policies are drafted. The vision is to ensure that education in India is of the highest quality and available to the whole population without discrimination. \n\n\nEducation for all\n\n\nThough the education level has increased for both youth as well as adults, still the number of illiterates is as much as the population was at the time of independence. The constituent assembly passed the Constitution of India in the year 1950. Free and compulsory education for children till 14 years of age within 10 years from the commencement of the constitution was noted as a Directive Principle of the constitution. The following are the factors which make education for all a dream:\n\n\n\n\nGender bias\n\n\nLow rural access\n\n\nAn increasing number of illiterates\n\n\nPrivatization\n\n\nLow expenditure on education by the government\n\n\n\n\nIn short, India has an openly supported education and development sector, the third biggest on the planet, close to the United States and China. It is clear that the Current Education System In India is more theory-oriented than job-oriented. It focuses more on theory and exams. However, with the new education policy, there has been a drastic change in the education system in India as the division of stages has been made to conform to the mental development that a youngster experiences typically. It has become more vibrant and skill-oriented. \n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/looking-back-at-2020-social-initiatives-and-projects-at-pandai/", "title": "Looking back at 2020 \u2013 Social Initiatives and Projects at Pandai", "body": "\n\n2020 is almost over! Perhaps it is a good time to share some of the initiatives that the Pandai team has managed to organise in our first year of operation.\n\n\nAt Pandai, our social mission is to bring quality education in a way that is accessible for most students, regardless of their economic and geographical background.\n\n\nWe believe in working towards the greater good. We believe in benefiting the largest number of students with the highest amount of benefit. In this way, we strive to do social good.\nDespite the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, we have been active in various educational initiatives in service of our mission. Among them are:\n\n\nPandai App Free Account For All, Forever!\n\n\nUsers can download and use the Pandai app for free, with academic content covering all major subjects for students in Year 1 to Form 5. This function will be free forever. With the free account, users can enjoy daily quizzes for all subjects, for all year grades without any limitation.\n\n\nPandai at Schools\n\n\n\n\nPandai at Schools is a free program to introduce Pandai to schools. The pilot project will be launched in the first half of 2021, involving 500 students from 5 schools in Penang. In this project, we will provide free Android devices to students. The students will use Pandai to assess their understanding of school subjects and improve their academic performance.\n\n\nPandai Road Tour\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBefore the MCO in March 2020, Pandai has organized school trips to more than 200 schools around Malaysia to introduce the Pandai App. During the Pandai Road Tour, the Pandai team organises several activities, including quizzes, multimedia presentations, hands-on science experiments, and group games. The Pandai Road Tour is free for schools and covers all states in Malaysia, including Sabah, Sarawak, and Labuan. In total, more than 20,000 students attended these programs.\n\n\nPandai Labs\n\n\n\n\nDuring the MCO, the Pandai team has developed Pandai Labs, an online series featuring science experiments to introduce students to scientific concepts.\n\n\nPandai Videos\n\n\n\n\nPandai Videos is a collection of teaching videos made by Malaysian teachers. The video contents are aligned to the national curriculum and are available to the public on Youtube. The Pandai team has curated the videos and sorted them based on levels, subjects, chapters, and topics, to make it easier for students to learn, especially during the MCO.\n\n\nThese are among the social impacts that Pandai has been working on in 2020.\nWe hope that these activities will drive our mission \u2014 which is to provide access to quality education to students nationwide \u2013 forward.\n\n\nIf any organisation would like to partner with Pandai on any social initiatives, please reach out to our team. Happy New Year!\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/makanan-sihat-untuk-otak-cerdas-buat-pelajar/", "title": "Makanan Sihat Untuk Otak Cerdas Buat Pelajar!", "body": "\n\nSesi persekolahan 2021 telah pun bermula. Pasti ramai pelajar sedang bersemangat untuk belajar bagi memulakan proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Ibu bapa dan guru turut akan mula menitik berat dalam penyediaan makanan yang baik untuk anak-anak mereka. Hal ini bertujuan bagi meningkatkan kecerdasan minda agar kekal aktif di sekolah dan belajar di rumah.\n\n\nSebenarnya\u00a0amalan gaya hidup sihat\u00a0diikuti\u00a0diet yang seimbang\u00a0merupakan kunci penting yang dapat membantu otak kita menjalankan fungsinya dengan lebih baik.\u00a0Otak merupakan organ yang paling banyak menggunakan tenaga. Ianya menggunakan kira-kira sebanyak\u00a020 peratus kalori dalam badan, jadi ia memerlukan makanan yang bagus untuk mengekalkan konsentrasi yang baik sepanjang hari.\u00a0\n\n\nPerkongsian pada kali ini akan menekankan aspek penting dalam diet anda yang akan membantu anda dapatkan otak yang cantik dan sihat. Di sini disenaraikan\u00a020 Makanan Terbaik untuk Otak yang telah disarankan oleh pakar kesihatan. \n\n\n1. Kekacang\n\n\n\n\nKacang merupakan sumber nutrisi yang baik untuk otak. Ini kerana terdapat bahan\u00a0asid lemak omega-3 dan antioksida\u00a0di dalamnya. Pengambilan kekacang secara menyeluruh dapat\u00a0menjana fungsi otak dengan lebih baik.\n\n\n2. Minyak Ikan\n\n\n\n\nIndividu yang mengamalkan pengambilan minyak ikan juga mempunyai kebolehan berfikir dengan lebih baik. Antara minyak ikan yang mnegandungi tahap omega-3 yang tinggi termasuklah salmon, tenggiri, tuna, ikan parang, dan juga sardin. \n\n\n3. Avokado\n\n\n\n\nBuah avokado juga\u00a0mampu meningkatkan prestasi otak. Ia dapat menciptakan sarung di sekitar otak yang dikenali sebagai\u00a0mielin. Mielin dapat membantu memproses informasi dengan lebih cepat iaitu sekitar 300km/jam.\n\n\n4. Dark Chocolate\n\n\n\n\nDark Chocolate yang juga dikenali sebagai coklat gelap terkenal dengan manfaatnya dalam\u00a0membekalkan nutrien penting untuk perkembangan otak. Antaranya nutrien yang terdapat dalam coklat gelap termasuklah\u00a0flavonoid, kafein dan juga antioksida. Flavonoid yang terdapat dalam coklat akan terkumpul di kawasan otak yang digunakan untuk\u00a0proses pembelajaran dan proses mengingat.\n\n\n5. Brokoli\n\n\n\n\nDalam brokoli juga terdapat\u00a0vitamin C dan flavonoid. Bahan- bahan ini merupakan agen antioksida yang boleh\u00a0meningkatkan kesihatan dan prestasi otak\u00a0seseorang individu.\n\n\n6. Kopi\n\n\n\n\nKafein yang terdapat dalam kopi mempunyai pelbagai kebaikan untuk otak. Antaranya termasuklah\u00a0meningkatkan kepekaan. Kafein dapat membantu otak menjadi lebih peka dengan menyekat adenosina, bahan yang boleh membuat anda berasa mengantuk. Selain itu, ia juga boleh\u00a0menambahkan fokus dan meningkatkan tumpuan anda.\n\n\n7. Oat / Oatmeal\n\n\n\n\nOatmeal tergolong dalam kumpulan\u00a0bijiran penuh. Ianya berperanan penting untuk\u00a0membekalkan tenaga yang konsisten dalam sistem tubuh. Ia membebaskan tenaga dengan perlahan, jadi\u00a0tenaga yang dibekalkan dapat bertahan lama. Ini membuatkan kita akan kekal fokus walaupun perlu bekerja untuk tempoh yang lama.\n\n\n8. Teh Hijau\n\n\n\n\nTeh hijau juga boleh meningkatkan fungsi otak. Ianya telah terbukti dapat\u00a0meningkatkan kepekaan, prestasi, memori dan juga fokus dalam sesuatu perkara.\n\n\n9. Telur\n\n\n\n\nTelur merupakan sumber penting untuk anda dapatkan vitamin B yang bagus seperti\u00a0vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, dan juga asid folik. Kajian terbaru menunjukkan bahawa vitamin-vitamin ini boleh\u00a0menghalang pengecutan otak dan melambatkan penurunan kognitif.\n\n\n10. Beri Biru\n\n\n\n\nBeri biru memberi pelbagai manfaat kepada kesihatan tubuh, termasuklah bahagian otak.\u00a0Antioksidan yang terdapat dalam beri biru juga boleh membantu meningkatkan komunikasi antara sel otak. Jadi, apabila sel otak berhubung, idea yang dikeluarkan akan menjadi lebih bernas!\n\n\n11. Buah Limau\n\n\n\n\nVitamin C merupakan bahan penting yang dapat\u00a0mengelakkan penurunan fungsi otak. Selain itu, vitamin C juga merupakan sumber antioksida yang kuat. Ianya dapat membantu\u00a0menentang pembentukan radikal bebas\u00a0yang boleh memusnahkan sel otak. Jadi, ianya juga dapat menyokong kesihatan otak sepanjang hayat anda\n\n\n12. Kunyit\n\n\n\n\nDi dalam kunyit, terdapat bahan yang dikenali sebagai\u00a0curcumin. \u00a0Curcumin ini boleh melalui otak secara terus\u00a0tanpa perlu melalui penghalang\u00a0antara darah ke otak. Curcumin juga dapat\u00a0\nmembantu perkembangan sel otak baru\n.\n\n\n13. Minyak Kelapa\n\n\n\n\nMungkin ramai di antara kita sering menggunakan minyak kelapa dalam masakan. Selain sering menjadi bahan utama dalam masakan, minyak kelapa juga dapat\u00a0meningkatkan kekuatan otak.\n\n\n14. Bayam\n\n\n\n\nBayam diperkaya dengan\u00a0vitamin K. Berdasarkan kajian yang dijalankan oleh Persekutuan Persatuan Amerika untuk Eksperimen Biologi, dengan mengamalkan pengambilan sayuran hijau yang mengandungi Vitamin K,\u00a0pengurangan memori dan fungsi kognitif dalam kalangan individu dewasa akan menjadi lebih perlahan\n\n\n15. Kacang Hitam\n\n\n\n\nKacang hitam merupakan sumber protin yang mudah didapati. Ianya mengandungi\u00a0magnesium dan folat\u00a0yang baik untuk otak. Magnesium mempunyai fungsi untuk\u00a0meningkatkan fungsi kognitif dan daya mengingat. Selain itu, kacang juga bagus untuk pengaliran darah. Jadi, pengaliran darah ke seluruh bahagian badan termasuk otak akan menjadi lebih cekap dan cepat.\n\n\n16. Biji labu\n\n\n\n\nBiji labu mengandungi \u00a0antioksida yang kuat\u00a0yang boleh melindungi badan dan otak daripada kerosakan radikal. \n17. Susu dan yogurt\n\n\n\n\nProduk tenusu seperti susu dan yogurt diperkaya dengan\u00a0protein, vitamin D dan B. Vitamin-vitamin ini mempunyai fungsi penting \u00a0untuk\u00a0pertumbuhan jaringan otak, neurotransmitter dan enzim. Vitamin D sebagai contoh merupakan nutrien yang berguna untuk memelihara fungsi saraf dan juga otot.\n\n\n18. Ubi Bit Merah\n\n\n\n\nUbi bit merah juga sebenarnya sangat bagus untuk otak. Ianya mempunyai\u00a0betaine. Betaine menyokong \u00a0pembentukan serotonin\u00a0di dalam otak. Folik asid dalam ubi bit merah juga penting kerana ianya dapat\u00a0mengekalkan kestabilan emosi dan kesihatan mental.\n\n\n19. Kacang Soya\n\n\n\n\nProduk yang mengandungi kacang soya kaya dengan kumpulan antioksida yang dikenali sebagai\u00a0polifenol.\u00a0Polifenol boleh mengurangkan risiko mendapat penyakit dementia iaitu penyakit lupa ingatan.\n\n\n20. Tomato\n\n\n\n\nTomato mengandungi sejenis bahan antioksida yang dikenali sebagai\u00a0lycopene. Ianya dapat\u00a0mengawal pembebasan radikal bebas ke otak.\nRadikal bebas ini boleh menyebabkan sistem otak terjejas dan juga boleh meningkatkan risiko seseorang individu untuk mendapat penyakit\u00a0dementia.\n\n\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal boleh lihat di laman web\u00a0\nneuroversiti.com\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/making-learning-fun-again/", "title": "Making learning fun again", "body": "\n\nPETALING JAYA: Scrapping the centralised Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) exam is a positive move that will make learning fun again and lead to a more holistic development in children, say educationists.\n\n\nDescribing it as an \u201cunnecessary\u201d exam that has created a lot of stress for children, teachers and parents, Universiti Malaya Faculty of Education senior lecturer and teacher-trainer Dr Zuwati Hasim said UPSR was one of the daunting \u201chigh-stake exams\u201d that primary pupils should not have to be burdened with.\n\n\n\u201cWhat is more important at primary level, \u201d she said, \u201cis to develop interest in learning.\n\n\n\u201cInstead of having high-stake exams, we are better off \u2018humanising\u2019 assessments to ensure pupils and teachers benefit from the outcomes.\n\n\n\u201cAbolishing UPSR can lead to an environment that promotes continuous teaching and learning through the promotion of formative and summative assessments, \u201d she said, adding that school-based assessment (SBA) and classroombased assessment (CBA) were more beneficial than an exam-driven system.\n\n\nWithout UPSR, teachers will be able to focus more on teaching effectively, knowing the needs of their learners, and preparing teaching materials and lessons to help their pupils understand better, instead of just getting them ready for the exam.\n\n\nSchools and teachers must be given more autonomy to decide on what is best for their learners in line with the curriculum.\n\n\n*Gambar sekadar hiasan\n\n\nAssessments could be standardised across state and zone levels, Zuwati said, but the workload of teachers must be reviewed if SBA and CBA were to be effectively implemented.\n\n\n\u201cMany parents are sceptical about SBA and CBA. They are afraid that there is bias involved when their children are being assessed.\n\n\n\u201cBut teachers are professionals. There are various ways to eliminate bias, such as inter-rater marking, close parent-teacher collaboration where learning outcomes are regularly shared, and continuous teacher training, to ensure assessments are done objectively, \u201d she said.\n\n\nZuwati said mutual respect and open communication between parents and teachers was crucial in ensuring that assessments were done well.\n\n\n\u201cParents should put their trust in teachers and teachers should be open to suggestions from parents, \u201d she said.\n\n\nOn April 28, Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin announced that UPSR would be scrapped.\n\n\nThe move, he said, was part of the government\u2019s plan to create an education system that did not focus on exams.\n\n\nImplemented to test a pupil\u2019s ability to read, write, perform basic arithmetic and reason, UPSR was a component of the Primary School Assessment Report (PPSR) which included classroom, psychometrics, physical activities, sports and co-curricular activities.\n\n\nFrom now on, Year Six pupils will be evaluated through an enhanced SBA that has been practised since 2016, before they proceed to secondary school.\n\n\nUniversiti Utara Malaysia School of Education senior lecturer Dr Muhammad Noor Abdul Aziz called on parents to embrace the changes.\n\n\nHe said the current \u201cexamination mindset\u201d did not support children who were lagging behind in their studies.\n\n\nThere have been numerous reports and incidents of pupils becoming stressed and depressed over exams.\n\n\nSadly, some even ended up harming themselves or ending their lives, he said.\n\n\n\u201cYears of being stuck in an exam-oriented system have taken a toll on many because children tend to compare their achievements against their peers.\n\n\n\u201cExams make it seem like those who don\u2019t score do not deserve to be in school. This could lead to dropout cases escalating.\n\n\n\u201cWe should worry less about exams and more about whether learning is taking place in schools, \u201d he said.\n\n\nHe said the abolishment of UPSR should come as no surprise.\n\n\nMuhammad Noor added that the national assessment in the primary schools started its paradigm shift when exams for schooling children aged seven to nine were abolished and SBA was introduced.\n\n\nTeachers have since been trained to assess pupils in the classroom to reduce stress over exams.\n\n\n\u201cThey have been trained and they are professionals. We should trust them to guide our children like how we trust doctors with their prescriptions.\n\n\n\u201cThe ministry\u2019s curriculum development division and the Examinations Syndicate have been continuously training and providing online resources for teachers to apply SBA in schools, \u201d he said.\n\n\nSBA, he explained, referred to the assessment of pupils based on whether they were able to perform certain tasks rather than whether they could answer a set of standardised questions even when they were feeling under the weather.\n\n\n\u201cWith SBA, pupil\u2019s communication and collaborative skills, knowledge, creativity, confidence and characteristics can be gauged through projects, presentations, drama performances, experiments, journal entries, individual reports and portfolios, whereas exams only reflect their intellectual capabilities, \u201d he said, adding that SBA was more transparent and easy to understand.\n\n\nThe move to abolish UPSR gives teachers more autonomy and empowers our educators to bridge theory and practice.\n\n\nTeachers, he added, were trained professionals and capable of producing pupils with values that were in line with the National Philosophy of Education.\n\n\nMuhammad Noor urged parents to embrace the decision to scrap UPSR and allow our children to learn.\n\n\n\u201cLet\u2019s invite fun into schools again and allow our children to be really engaged in activities, play and pick up skills as they grow instead of forcing them to sit and answer exam questions, \u201d he said.\n\n\nEducationist Prof Tan Sri Dr T. Marimuthu said the education culture in the country was \u201cvery exam-oriented\u201d and that it was important to change people\u2019s outlook and attitude towards assessments.\n\n\nHe emphasised that exams were not the be-all and end-all of life and that going to school should be enjoyable instead of being burdened with exams.\n\n\nSpecial education teacher Dr Muhamad Khairul Anuar Hussin said abolishing UPSR would allow pupils to develop and grow according to their respective needs and abilities.\n\n\n\u201cThis is because every child is different and unique, \u201d he said.\n\n\nBy consistently leaning on exam grades and scores, he said pupils were stressed from filling their time with tuition and revisions.\n\n\n\u201cIt robs them of their childhood. Having a standardised exam for special needs pupils isn\u2019t fair either.\n\n\n\u201cAssessments are important but it is equally vital to see how it impacts pupils\u2019 future holistically, especially special needs pupils who are more skills-based, \u201d Muhamad Khairul said.\n\n\nRetired teacher Samuel Yesuiah JS Moses said the ministry\u2019s decision should be applauded and welcomed.\n\n\n\u201cPupils sit for six to eight papers depending on whether they are in national or vernacular schools.\n\n\n\u201cEven university students do not sit for so many papers in their term exams \u2013 imagine 12-year-olds doing it over a five-day period, \u201d he said.\n\n\nHe said the word \u201cexamination\u201d itself conjured fear, anxiety and pressure even to adult learners.\n\n\n\u201cExams take the joy out of learning. Teachers and parents were giving too much emphasis on UPSR \u2013 extra classes, workshops and countless mock exams were the norm.\n\n\n\u201cSome schools even use time periods for non-exam subjects like Art, Music and Physical Education to drill pupils on UPSR subjects.\n\n\n\u201cEven those in Years Four and Five were pressured to prepare for the exam as their results determine the key performance index of the schools and teachers, \u201d Samuel said, adding that SBA was a more comprehensive assessment of the child\u2019s full potential. \u2013 \nThe Star\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/managing-overwhelming-task-for-overwhelmed-people-with-too-many-things-to-do/", "title": "Managing Overwhelming Task: For Overwhelmed People with Too Many Things To Do", "body": "\n\nBreaking down tasks into manageable chunks is a great way to deal with overwhelming tasks, whether they be personal or professional. In this blog, I\u2019ll show you how to break down overwhelming tasks and make them seem much more manageable!\n\n\nWhen it comes to managing our time and getting things done, we often feel like we\u2019re up against a brick wall. We have a million things to do, and not enough hours in the day to get them all done. This can leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and completely exhausted.\n\n\nBut it doesn\u2019t have to be this way! There are plenty of strategies we can use to make even the most overwhelming tasks seem much more manageable. In this guide, we\u2019ll show you some of the best ways to get a handle on your time and start getting things done.\n\n\nSo if you\u2019re ready to start taking control of your time, let\u2019s get started!\n\n\nHow to Break Down and Tackle Overwhelming Tasks\n\n\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re feeling overwhelmed by a task, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Here\u2019s how:\n\n\n1. Make a list of everything that needs to be done. This will help you see the task in its entirety and identify which parts are most important.\n\n\n2. Prioritize the items on your list. Start with the most important tasks and work your way down to the less essential ones.\n\n\n3. Take action on one task at a time. Focusing on just one thing will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed.\n\n\n4. Set a timer for each task and work until the timer goes off. This will help you stay focused and make progress on the task at hand.\n\n\n5. Reward yourself for completing each task. This will help motivate you to keep going and tackle the next item on your list!\n\n\nUsing Positive Self Talk to Make a Difficult Task Less Intimidating\n\n\n\n\nWhen we\u2019re faced with a difficult task, it\u2019s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out. But if we can learn to talk to ourselves in a more positive way, we can make the task seem much less intimidating.\n\n\nHere are some tips for using positive self-talk to make a difficult task seem more manageable:\n\n\n1. Break the task down into smaller steps.\n\n\nWhen you\u2019re looking at a huge project, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will help you feel less overwhelmed and more confident that you can complete the task.\n\n\n2. Remind yourself that you\u2019ve successfully completed similar tasks in the past.\n\n\nIf you\u2019re feeling doubty about your ability to complete a task, remember that you\u2019ve likely successfully completed similar tasks in the past. This can help build your confidence and remind you that you have the ability to do this.\n\n\n3. Focus on why you\u2019re doing the task and what the outcome will be.\n\n\nIt can be helpful to keep your eye on the prize so to speak, and remember why you\u2019re doing the task and what the outcome will be. This can help motivate you to push through when things get tough.\n\n\nThe Power of List Making in Managing Your Time and Energy\n\n\n\n\nThe power of list making cannot be understated when it comes to managing your time and energy. By writing down everything that you need to do, no matter how small, you can take control of your to-do list and avoid feeling overwhelmed by all that you have to accomplish.\n\n\nIn addition to taking the time to write out your list, it is also important to prioritize each item on the list in order of importance. This will ensure that you are tackling the most important tasks first and avoiding any unnecessary stress.\n\n\nBy following these simple tips, you can make even the most daunting tasks seem much more manageable. So go ahead and get started on those lists!\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nIf you\u2019re feeling overwhelmed by a task, don\u2019t despair \u2014 there are ways to make it seem more manageable. By breaking the task down into smaller chunks, setting a deadline, and making a plan of action, you can take on anything that comes your way. And remember, even if things don\u2019t go according to plan, you can always adjust and adapt as needed. With these tips in mind, you\u2019ll be ready to tackle any daunting tasks that come your way.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/mohe-conducting-study-on-effectiveness-of-online-pdp/", "title": "MOHE conducting study on effectiveness of online PdP", "body": "\n\nPUTRAJAYA:\u00a0\nThe Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) is conducting a study on the effectiveness of online Learning and Teaching (PdP) to improve the learning process.\n\n\nIn a statement today, the ministry said it was concerned with the constraints and difficulties facing students and lecturers in conducting PdP during the COVID-19 pandemic and suggested institutions of higher learning (IPT) to refer to the advisory note issued by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) on Feb 8 as a guide to conduct their study programmes during the movement control period.\n\n\n\n\nBased on the advisory note, providers of higher education (PPT) are given the flexibility to conduct their PdP activities online and are required to prepare action plans according to the suitability of the teaching needs by taking into account the current situation.\n\n\n\u201cVarious online learning methods have been introduced and can be implemented according to the suitability of the courses offered.\n\n\n\u201cFor courses or learning components that require face-to-face interaction and cannot be replaced through online learning methods, they can be shifted to the next learning week or semester or after PPT has developed appropriate online learning method,\u201c it said.\n\n\nThe ministry said PPT could also take the initiative to implement programmes based on flexible schedules, including extending assessment and evaluation activities on an ongoing basis.\n\n\nFor students with problems, it said the IPT provides counseling services and psychosocial support for them.\n\n\nThe ministry, in collaboration with the Counseling Council and Careers of Public Universities of Malaysia (MAKUMA), is also in the process of developing a Mental Health module for IPT Students to deal with stress, depression and anxiety.\n\n\n\u201cMOHE hopes that with this module, it can be used as a guideline for officers at IPTs to deal with mental health cases involving students,\u201c it said.\n\n\nIn the statement, the ministry also extended its condolences to the family of Nurul Natasya Ezreen Azemi, 22, a diploma student in Office Management and Technology at the Faculty of Management and Business, Kedah branch Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and Muhammad Adham Hazim Mohd Rizaini, 21, a Diploma in Civil Engineering student at Pahang branch UiTM Pahang Branch who died recently. \u2013 \nBernama\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/motivation-is-not-enough-to-succeed-in-school-you-need-this-instead/", "title": "Motivation is Not Enough to Succeed in School. You Need This Instead", "body": "\n\nWe\u2019ve all been there before. You\u2019re trying to get through school and you just can\u2019t seem to find the motivation to do so. You\u2019re not alone. In fact, according to a recent study, nearly 60% of college students feel unmotivated at some point during their academic career. So, if motivation alone isn\u2019t enough to get you through school, what is? The answer may surprise you. Keep reading to find out why you need more than motivation to succeed in school.\n\n\nThe Dangers Of Relying On Extrinsic Motivation\n\n\nIt\u2019s no secret that extrinsic motivation can be dangerous. Relying on external factors to motivate you can lead to a number of negative consequences, including:\n\n\n\n\nYou become more focused on the reward than the task at hand.\n\n\nYou become less likely to persist when things get tough.\n\n\nYou may start to view yourself as someone who needs external motivation in order to succeed, which can lead to low self-esteem.\n\n\nYou may develop an unhealthy obsession with achieving the next goal or reaching the next level of success, which can lead to burnout.\n\n\nYou may begin to take shortcuts or cut corners in order to achieve the desired result more quickly, which can jeopardise your long-term success.\n\n\n\n\nWhile there is nothing wrong with using extrinsic motivation as an occasional boost, it\u2019s important to be aware of the dangers of relying on it too heavily. If you find yourself constantly needing external motivation in order to succeed, it may be time to reassess your approach and focus on developing intrinsic motivation instead.\n\n\nDefining Success\n\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s more to success than just motivation. In order to be successful in school, you need a good work ethic, organisation, and time management skills.\n\n\nWithout these things, you\u2019ll likely find yourself struggling to keep up with your coursework and eventually falling behind. That\u2019s why it\u2019s so important to develop these skills early on \u2013 they\u2019ll set you up for success in school and in life.\n\n\nHere are a few tips for developing a good work ethic:\n\n\n\u2022 Always do your best\n\n\n\u2022 Don\u2019t cut corners\n\n\n\u2022 Be persistent\n\n\n\u2022 Never give up\n\n\nWith a strong work ethic, you\u2019ll be able to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. So don\u2019t let anything stand in your way of success \u2013 put in the hard work and you\u2019ll reach your goals.\n\n\nThe Difference Between Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation\n\n\nIntrinsic motivation is driven by a personal interest or enjoyment in the task itself. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from external factors such as rewards or punishments.\n\n\nSo why is intrinsic motivation important? Studies have shown that people who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks. They\u2019re also more likely to report higher levels of satisfaction with their work.\n\n\nIntrinsic motivation is often more powerful than extrinsic motivation because it\u2019s self-sustaining. Once you start doing something because you enjoy it or find it interesting, you\u2019re more likely to continue doing it even if there are no external rewards.\n\n\nExtrinsic motivation can be helpful in getting started on a task, but it\u2019s usually not enough to keep you going in the long run. So if you\u2019re struggling to stay motivated, take a look at what\u2019s driving your behaviour. If it\u2019s only external factors such as grades or approval from others, you may need to find ways to increase your intrinsic motivation.\n\n\nHow To Find Your Intrinsic Motivation\n\n\n\n\nWhen it comes to succeeding in school, intrinsic motivation is key. There are many ways to find your intrinsic motivation. One way is to think about what you enjoy doing and what you\u2019re good at.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat are your passions? What topics do you like learning about? Do you have any hobbies that you\u2019re really interested in? Once you have a list of things you\u2019re passionate about, try to find ways to incorporate them into your schooling.\n\n\nFor example, if you love writing, see if there are any writing-based assignments that you can do for class. Or if you love history, try reading extra books on historical periods that interest you.\n\n\nAnother way to find your intrinsic motivation is to set personal goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve in school? What kind of grades do you want to get? Once you have a goal in mind, work towards it little by little each day.\u00a0\n\n\nBreaking down your goal into smaller steps will make it feel less daunting and more achievable. Seeing yourself accomplish small tasks along the way will also give you a sense of pride and satisfaction, which can help keep you motivated.\n\n\nNo matter what method(s) you use to find your intrinsic motivation, It\u2019s not always easy to find your intrinsic motivation. Sometimes it can be buried under a pile of other things that seem more important. But if you want to succeed in school, it\u2019s worth taking the time to uncover your intrinsic motivation.\n\n\nHere are four steps to help you get started:\n\n\nStep 1: Know yourself\n\n\nThe first step is to get to know yourself. What are your values? What do you care about? When you know what matters to you, it\u2019s easier to find activities and projects that align with your values.\n\n\nStep 2: Set goals\n\n\nSetting goals for yourself can help you stay focused and motivated. Make sure your goals are specific, attainable, and relevant to your interests and values.\n\n\nStep 3: Find a role model\n\n\nIdentify someone who inspires you and try to emulate their success habits. A role model can show you what\u2019s possible and give you the motivation to keep going when things get tough.\n\n\nStep 4: Take action\n\n\nFinally, take action! The best way to find out if something is truly motivating for you is to jump in and try it. Experiment with different activities and see what sticks. And don\u2019t forget, even small steps can lead to big achievements over time.\n\n\nHow To Set The Right Goals\n\n\nIt can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of starting a new school year and setting goals for yourself. But it\u2019s important to take a step back and make sure you\u2019re setting the right goals for yourself.\n\n\nThere\u2019s no question that setting goals is important. But what\u2019s even more important is setting the right goals. The right goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.\n\n\nIn other words, your goals should be SMART:\n\n\nS \u2013 Specific: What exactly do you want to achieve?\n\n\nM \u2013 Measurable: How will you know when you\u2019ve achieved your goal?\n\n\nA \u2013 Achievable: Is your goal realistic?\n\n\nR \u2013 Relevant: Does your goal matter to you and align with your values?\n\n\nT \u2013 Time-bound: When do you want to achieve your goal?\n\n\nIf your goals don\u2019t meet all of these criteria, they\u2019re likely not going to be effective. So take some time to think about what you really want to achieve, and make sure your goals are SMART.\n\n\nFor example, let\u2019s say your goal is to get better grades this year. That\u2019s a great goal, but it\u2019s not very specific. To make it more specific, you could set a goal to get 6 As this year.\n\n\nNow, let\u2019s say your goal is to get in shape. That\u2019s also a great goal, but it\u2019s not very specific. To make it more specific, you could set a goal to lose 4 kilograms by the end of the year.\n\n\nWhen you set specific goals, it\u2019s much easier to create a plan to achieve them. And when you have a plan, you\u2019re much more likely to succeed.\n\n\nHow To Build Discipline\n\n\nThere\u2019s no question that motivation is key to success in school. But what happens when motivation isn\u2019t enough? When you hit a roadblock or face a setback, it\u2019s your discipline that will help you push through and keep going.\n\n\nBuilding discipline starts with setting clear goals\n. What do you want to achieve? Why is it important to you? Once you know your goals, you can develop a plan of action to help you reach them. This plan should include specific steps that you need to take, as well as deadlines for each step.\n\n\nSticking to your plan can be difficult, especially when things get tough. That\u2019s why it\u2019s important to have a support system in place. Talk to your family and friends about your goals. Let them know how they can help you stay on track. You might also want to find a mentor or tutor who can offer guidance and advice.\n\n\nRemember that discipline is a journey, not a destination\n. There will be times when you slip up or make mistakes. But as long as you keep moving forward, you\u2019ll eventually reach your goal. Talk to your parents, teachers, or other trusted adults about your goals and ask for their help in holding you accountable.\n\n\nThere\u2019s a great quote that says,\u00a0 \u201cDiscipline is committing hard on what you want.\u201d When you keep your goals in mind, it will be easier to stay on track. Keep your goals in mind and don\u2019t give up, even when things get tough. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.\n\n\nFinally, don\u2019t be afraid to celebrate your successes along the way. Every time you reach a milestone, give yourself a pat on the back. This will help keep you motivated and focused on the ultimate goal: graduation!\n\n\nWhat Are Some Examples Of Good Goals?\n\n\n\n\nOne goal might be to get all As in school. Another good goal might be to complete all homework assignments on time. A third example of a good goal could be to develop better study habits. Finally, a fourth objective that would be beneficial to set for oneself would be to participate more in class. These are just a few examples of good goals that students could set for themselves in order to improve their academic performance.\n\n\nWhen it comes to setting goals, it\u2019s important to make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Below are some examples of good goals that meet these criteria:\n\n\n\n\nI will study for one hour every night after dinner.\n\n\nI will get a score of 80% or higher on my next maths test.\n\n\nI will read 20 pages of my history book by the end of the week.\n\n\nI will run three times a week for 30 minutes each time.\n\n\n\n\nHow to Monitor Your Performance\n\n\nThere are a few key things you can do to monitor your performance and ensure that you are on track to succeed in school.\n\n\nFirst, make sure to keep track of your grades. This can be done by using a grade tracker or simply keeping a running tally in a notebook. Knowing where you stand academically at all times will help you to identify areas of improvement and celebrate successes.\n\n\nIn addition to tracking your grades, also take note of any feedback you receive from teachers or professors. This feedback can be invaluable in helping you understand what areas you need to work on and what concepts you are struggling with. If possible, discuss this feedback with your instructor so that you can develop a plan for improving your performance.\n\n\nFinally, be sure to set goals for yourself both short-term and long-term. Having specific goals that you are working towards will help to motivate you and keep you on track. Make sure to review your goals regularly and adjust them as necessary based on your progress.\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nMotivation is important, but it\u2019s not the only thing you need to succeed in school. You also need focus, discipline, and perseverance. If you can find a way to cultivate all of these qualities, you\u2019ll be well on your way to academic success.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/nafi-meniru-amirul-tegas-hanya-guna-apliksi-pandai-untuk-belajar-semasa-pkp/", "title": "Nafi meniru. Amirul tegas hanya guna apliksi Pandai untuk belajar semasa PKP", "body": "\n\n\u201cSaya tak pasti ini betul ke tipu \u2013 anak-anak makin suka belajar! Alhamdulillah!\u201d \u2013 Puan Liyana, ibu 3 orang anak, terpegun selepas memuat turun aplikasi Pandai.\n\n\nKuantan\n: Seorang usahawan wanita berusia 39 menggunakan \nPandai Parent\n untuk memantau aktiviti & pencapaian anaknya dalam pembelajaran. Ini kerana, Puan Liyana berasa pelik dengan sikap anaknya yang makin suka belajar menggunakan aplikasi Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cMujur Pandai ada menawarkan sistem percuma untuk ibu-bapa juga. Boleh la saya tahu pencapaian dan progress anak ketika membuat latihan di Aplikasi Pandai!\u201d- Puan Liyana,\u00a0 Peniaga baju\n\n\nAmirul, Tingkatan 5\n\n\nWalaupun sibuk dengan perniagaan atas talian, beliau tidak perlu risau lagi kerana Pandai Parent membolehkan beliau sentiasa memantau aktiviti anaknya dalam pembelajaran.\u00a0 Tambahan pula latihan yang disediakan di dalam \nPandai \nberpandukan silibus KPM, selesai sahaja sesi kelas online PdPR, anaknya suka betul menguji kefahaman dirinya di Pandai. Jawapan & penerangan turut disediakan!\n\n\n\n\nAnda ibu bapa prihatin seperti Puan Liyana? Muat turun aplikasi Pandai untuk anak anda juga di Google Playstore atau Apple Store. Atau terus layari ke laman web utama Pandai iaitu \nwww.pandai.org\n untuk mendapatkan keterangan dengan lebih lanjut. \n\n\n\n\nDan jangan lupa untuk\u00a0\nFOLLOW\n,\u00a0\nLIKE\n\u00a0dan\u00a0\nSHARE\n\u00a0di\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nLaman Web:\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/need-help-pandai-guide-sedia-membantu-anda/", "title": "Need Help? Pandai Quick Guide Sedia Membantu Anda!", "body": "\n\nHai, semua pengguna-pengguna Pandai. \nMesti anda ada tertanya-tanya dengan pelbagai soalan untuk Pandai. \nBagi pengguna baru, pasti anda yang paling banyak buntu kan?\n \nMacam mana nak daftar la, tukar bahasa la, tukar password la dan banyak lagi!\n\n\nJadi, jangan risau semua! Pandai Guide ini boleh hilangkan runsing anda!\nDemi Anda! Here! Pandai Quide Guide For You!\nAnda boleh memilih panduan bagi Mobile App dan Web App\nKlik sahaja \nPandai Quick Guide\n\n\n\n\nDalam Pandai Guide ini bukan sahaja dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah anda dalam penggunaan \n\u2018Mobile\u2019\n malah isu dalam \n\u2018Web\u2019\n pun ada.\u00a0\nSebagai contoh, anda boleh tengok di bawah:\nPandai Mobile Guide\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPandai Web Guide\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJangan susah-susah fikir! Klik sahaja apa masalah yang anda hadapi sekarang dalam Pandai Guide ini!\n\n\nJust Klik dan Semua Step Tersedia buat Pengguna Pandai. Special For You Guys!\n\n\nSo, tak payah cari-cari Customer Support Pandai! Hanya di hujung jari je dan klik sahaja mana-mana anda perlukan bantuan! Klik dan terus dapat Jawapan!\n\n\nTetapi, kalau anda masih tak dapat dan tak faham? \nAPA?!!!\n Hehe..Boleh sahaja email kami di bawah.\u00a0\n\n\nJangan lupa teruskan pembelajaran anda dengan Pandai. Belajar dengan cara yang mudah! \nStudy Smart with Pandai!\nLearn Anytime & Anywhere!\nLayari laman web kami di \nwww.pandai.org\n#SenangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/nervous-heres-how-to-get-exam-ready/", "title": "Nervous? Here\u2019s how to get Exam Ready!", "body": "\n\nExams are near! And we can hear your nervous heartbeats from here \ud83d\ude31\n\n\nBut, don\u2019t worry! Here\u2019s a study tip that works\u00a0\n#FastLikeTheTiger\n.\n\n\n\n\nPandai\u2019s Year-End Exam mock papers will get you feeling ready and confident in no time! \ud83d\udc2f\n\u3164\nHere\u2019s why:\n1. It has a built-in timer.\n\n\nWe know this will be helpful, especially for those who are pressured by the not-so-helpful advices like \u201cyou must only use 1 minute per question if you want to complete it on time!\u201d Now, just chuck aside that worry and start on a subject! With a few rounds of practice, you\u2019ll definitely be able to beat the clock to the finish line during your exams!\n\n\n2. \nIt\u2019s an easy and quick way to go through most topics\n\n\nIn any exam practice, a set of questions will cover most to all topics in a subject. So, coverage \u2013 check \u2705\nAnd, as a bonus from Pandai, each question comes with its own comprehensive explanation \u2013 like why the answer is right or wrong, what does it mean, additional quick references, etc.. So, extra points to help understand and remember easier \u2013 double check \u2705\u2705\nThis is an absolute plus side because you don\u2019t need to go through lengthy textbooks, cover to cover, to revise anymore. Just swiftly go through our exam papers! After a day\u2019s worth of practice, it will most probably be a sufficient A-Z revision effort!\n\n\nWhat a tiger-ific solution, right?\n\n\nNow, how can you access these papers?\n\n\nLogin to your Pandai account.\nChoose \nPractice \nfrom the menu bar.\nChoose a subject.\nChoose \nterm exams\n.\nChoose a paper to start on.\n\n\nHere\u2019s how the journey looks like on the app:\n\n\n\n\nYes, it\u2019s as simple as that!\n\n\nThere\u2019s nothing else to wait for. Time to scare your pre-exam jitters away with Pandai\u2019s Year-End Practice Papers, TODAY! And ace that exam. You go, tiger! \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nPssst. Don\u2019t forget to tell your friends all about this, too!\n\n\nPandai\u2019s Year End Exam practice papers are available for all subjects and levels, for all Pandai Premium students.\nLet\u2019s #GOPremium.\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0atau;\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/new-feature-pandai-live-tuition/", "title": "New Feature: Pandai Live Tuition! \ud83e\udd29", "body": "\n\nHi budak Pandai! Lama dah kita tak bersembang\u2026 Sorry ya \ud83d\ude06 \nTeam Pandai busy kemaskini aplikasi dengan feature baru untuk adik-adik, hehe.\n\n\nBercakap pasal feature baru, ada satu update terbaru yang menjadi buah mulut ramai pelajar Pandai. Kami tengok, sejak launch feature ni, ramai yang seronok dan berminat nak jadi pelajar Premium.\n\n\nHaa korang tahu tak feature apa? Semestinya\u2026\n\n\nPANDAI LIVE TUITION!\n \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83c\udfeb\ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83c\udfeb\n\n\n\n\nYa! Live tuition di Pandai! \ud83e\udd29\nSemua subjek, untuk semua tahap pembelajaran, dari Tahun 1 sampai Tingkatan 5, setiap malam, \nin the comfort of your own home \n\ud83d\ude0e\n\n\nTonton Video Pembelajaran Bersama Pandai Tutor \ud83d\udc47\n\n\n\n\nBest kan, padat dengan tips exam. Ni baru sikit! Kalau ada apa-apa topik yang tertinggal atau tak faham di sekolah, boleh lah \ncatch up \ndengan Pandai Tutors yang mengajar live tuition ni!\u00a0\n\n\nKalau korang nak tahu, Pandai Tutor ni semua peramah. Meriah kelas! Makin senanglah nak ulangkaji sendiri dengan Pandai.Pandai Tutors akan sentiasa memastikan kelas adalah \ninteraktif, inklusif \ndan \nefektif\n.Yang paling penting, Pandai Tutors akan memberi latihan bagi meningkatkan keberkesanan kelas dengan menggunakan \nbahan rujukan/latihan Pandai\n. Jadi, korang tak payah dah nak susah-susah cari buku lain atau keluarkan duit untuk fotostat soalan kalau nak mantapkan lagi pengetahuan dan skor exam!\n\n\nSenarai Kelas\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSekolah Rendah\n\n\nTahun 1-3 :\nEnglish\nBahasa Melayu (akan datang)\nMatematik (akan datang)\nSains (akan datang)\nTahun 4-6\nEnglish\nBahasa Melayu \nMatematik\nSains\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSekolah Menengah\n\n\nTingkatan 1-3\nEnglish\nBahasa Melayu \nMatematik\nSains\nTingkatan 4-5\nEnglish\nBahasa Melayu \nMatematik\nSains\nMatematik Tambahan\nFizik\nKimia\nBiologi\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJadual Kelas\n\n\nKelas akan diadakan setiap malam dari jam 8PM \u2013 9.30PM. Untuk jadual kelas, korang boleh rujuk dekat Instagram atau Facebook page Pandai Official \u2013 Team Pandai akan update jadual semua tahap dan subjek setiap minggu di situ. Kalau nak lagi senang, follow social media kami ok!Satu lagi, kalau jadual kelas tak matching dengan waktu korang, jangan risau! Semua kelas adalah \nrecorded\n. Jadi, kalau terlepas atau nak tengok semula, boleh buka balik dan tengok \ud83d\ude01\n\n\nYuran\n\n\nTIADA YURAN TAMBAHAN bagi pelajar Pandai Premium. Ya! Kalau dah subscribe, terus dapat akses kepada semua kelas. Sudahlah jimat masa dan tenaga sebab belajar dekat rumah je, jimat duit jugak! Sebab, dengan \nRM96 \nsebulan sebagai pelajar Pandai Premium, korang boleh dapat kelas tuisyen, Live Help, bahan rujukan dan bahan latihan ulangkaji yang pelbagai. Lengkap!\n\n\nCara Mengakses Pandai Live Tuition\n\n\n1. Daftar sebagai pelajar Pandai Premium.\n\n\n2. Klik pada newscard \nPandai Live Tuition \natau \nClass/Kelas\n di laman utama.\n\n\n\n\n3. Pilih subjek.\n\n\n\n\n4. Pilih kelas (samada kelas live atau rakaman).\n\n\n\n\nSenang kan! Mudahnya nak belajar dengan Pandai \ud83e\udd13\n\n\nTeam Pandai akan sentiasa mengemaskini feature yang sedia ada dan yang baru untuk memberi budak Pandai pengalaman pembelajaran yang holistik dan lengkap. Kami harap, korang suka belajar dengan Pandai dan suka dengan feature terbaru ni.\n\n\nDan kalau dah suka, ajaklah kawan-kawan lain untuk join Pandai Live Tuition sekali ya \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nSelamat ber-tuisyen!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/new-feature-pandai-tutor/", "title": "New Feature: Pandai Tutor", "body": "\n\nHello! Selamat kembali ke PdPR \n\ud83d\ude03\nSeronok tak cuti sekolah kali ni? Anda semua buat aktiviti apa di rumah?\n\n\nKami berharap, seminggu yang lalu ni, waktu ulangkaji dan kerja rumah anda diselitkan dengan hobi-hobi dan perkara-perkara yang merehatkan minda. Keseimbangan antara waktu belajar dan rehat tu penting tau! Kalau nak belajar dengan efektif\u2026 tak boleh stress-stress \ud83d\ude1c\n\n\nHaa.. Sebab itulah Pandai keluarkan satu feature baru\u2026\nMemperkenalkan\u2026\nPandai Tutor!\n\n\n\n\nPerlukan penerangan lebih tentang soalan kuiz atau kerja sekolah?\n\n\nNak berbincang dengan seseorang tentang topik yang anda tak faham?\n\n\nNak tahu lebih lanjut tentang pertandingan seperti Kangaroo Maths?\n\n\nAtau apa-apa saja?\n\n\nPandai Tutor sedia membantu!\n\n\nDari pukul 8AM \u2013 10PM setiap hari, online tutor Pandai bersedia untuk menjawab apa saja persoalan anda. Anda boleh berbual dan berbincang dengan Pandai Tutor secara live tau!\n\n\nCaranya mudah je\u2026 Selepas dah \nlog in\n, pergi je dekat home page dan tekan \nPandai Tutor Chat Card.\n\n\n\n\nSelepas dah click situ, anda akan dibawa ke \nruangan chat bersama live online tutor kami\n. Kemudian, kenalkan diri dan terus mulakan!\n\n\n\n\nSenang je kan \ud83d\ude06\n\n\nFeature ini adalah khas untuk pelajar sekolah rendah yang menggunakan Pandai Premium, dan akan berlangsung daripada 17 Julai sehingga 15 Ogos 2021.\n\n\nPandai Tutor dicipta supaya dapat membantu para pelajar dalam sesi ulangkaji, dengan menjadi satu solusi yang cepat, tepat dan cekap bagi apa-apa persoalan. Dengan itu, motivasi pelajar sewaktu PdPR dapat digalakkan, lantas meningkatkan kualiti pembelajaran individu dalam jangka masa panjang.\n\n\nBest kan? Mesti dah terfikir nak tanya tentang homework yang baru dapat tu \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nTalk to Pandai Tutor now, ok!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/new-feature-public-profile/", "title": "New Feature: Public Profile", "body": "\n\nHai adik-adik! Sedang buat apa tu? Cuti Sekolah dah tamat tau! \nWake up\n adik-adik! Hehe\ud83d\ude06\nMeh sini, hari ini Team Pandai nak beritahu benda terbaru dalam Pandai. Khas untuk adik-adik yang menggunakan Pandai!\nSebagai makluman, Pandai telah melancarkan muka baru profil buat semua pengguna Pandai tau. \n\n\nCuba teka apa itu? Hmm..\ud83e\udd14\n\n\nMemperkenalkan.. \nPublic Profile\n! \n\n\n\n\nPublic Profile ini disediakan bertujuan agar semua pengguna Pandai dapat melihat profil berserta rekod aktiviti dan pencapaian yang mereka peroleh dengan lebih interaktif dan menarik.\u00a0\ud83d\ude0d\n\n\nPublic Profile ini lebih best jika adik-adik dapat berkongsi dengan orang ramai tau. Jadi, rakan-rakan atau pengguna Pandai yang lain dapat melihat Public Profile anda dengan mudah.\u00a0\n\n\nBukan sahaja dapat melihat prestasi anda, malah hasil dari kemajuan anda juga boleh didapati dari Public Profile ini terutama lencana-lencana yang anda kumpul.\u00a0 Best, tau!\n\n\nBagaimana nak dapatkan Public Profile ini? Ikuti langkah dibawah:\n\n\nLogin akaun Pandai anda.\u00a0\nKlik pada Akaun Saya dan pilih Lihat Profil Saya.\n\n\n\n\nSetelah anda klik pada Lihat Profil Saya, secara automatik Public Profile akan ditayangkan. Ye, mudah sahaja. \n\n\nTada! Public Profile Diana Adam\n\n\nSelain daripada itu, mesti anda tertanya \nbagaimana nak share atau kongsikan Public Profile anda dengan orang lain\n. Rujuk, langkah dibawah.\u00a0\n\n\nAnda pergi ke Akaun Saya dan klik pada Kemasikini Profil Saya\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. \nKemudian, anda akan melihat URL pada profil anda\n di sebelah kiri. \n\n\n\n\n3. \nCopy & paste\n URL tersebut untuk berkongsi Public Profile anda dengan sesiapa sahaja yang anda mahukan. \n\n\nSenang, bukan?\n\n\nHah! Setelah adik-adik ketahui benda baru ini, apa kata anda semua mencuba dan melihat sendiri Public Profile anda.\u00a0\n\n\nJangan risau! \nPERCUMA\n sahaja. Jadi, akses sekarang untuk melihat Public Profile anda dari kami.\u00a0\n\n\nLagi best, bila anda semua berkongsi Public Profile anda di media sosial adik-adik. Wow!\ud83d\ude0e\n\n\nPasti, ada rakan-rakan adik akan tergugat tengok aktiviti dan prestasi adik lakukan di Pandai. Hehe.\u00a0\ud83d\ude1c\n\n\nApa tunggu lagi. Jom cuba di Pandai sekarang.\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/new-feature-simulasi-eksperimen/", "title": "New Feature: Simulasi Eksperimen", "body": "\n\nHello Pandai\u2019s Science Geniuses! \ud83d\ude4c\nDah setahun lebih dah tak pergi sekolah ni, mesti korang rindu nak masuk lab kan \ud83d\ude41 \nSebelum PdPR, tiap-tiap minggu dapat masuk makmal untuk buat macam-macam eksperimen \u2013 eksperimen cahaya lah, kepantasan lah, campuran bahan kimia lah\u2026 ahh seronoknya! \n(p/s: Masuk makmal sebab belajar sejuk-sejuk pun best jugak \ud83d\ude06)\nKami dari Pandai Team faham sangat perasaan korang semua! Sebab itulah kami keluarkan fungsi \neksperimen\n, terbaru di Pandai Web!\n\n\n\n\nTu baru satu \u2013 best kan!\n\n\nMelalui fungsi ini, korang boleh jalankan simulasi ala-ala dalam makmal, untuk fahamkan tajuk-tajuk pembelajaran dengan lebih mendalam.\n\n\n\n\nPelbagai jenis eksperimen telah dilancarkan untuk semua tahun pembelajaran, sekolah rendah dan menengah. Antaranya adalah simulasi fizik, matematik, kimia dan lain-lain.\n\n\nDah cukup meyakinkan tak sekarang? Belum lagi? Okay, kami belanja satu lagi video lah \ud83d\udc40\n\n\n\n\nSee! Dengan latihan simulasi eksperimen ni, tak dapat dinafikan yang pembelajaran online boleh jadi seronok!\n\n\nOkay jadi, macam mana nak buka fungsi eksperimen ni? \nIkuti langkah di bawah:\n1.\nLog masuk akaun Pandai\n2.\nPergi ke Belajar\n3.\nPilih Eksperimen\n\n\nDan di situ, boleh nampak pelbagai jenis eksperimen, ready untuk dicuba!\n\n\nHaa.. tak sabarlah tu nak cuba sendiri! Go and check it out okay! \nKalau suka, jangan lupa bagitahu kawan-kawan lain ya? Dan, comment sekali dekat tiktok atau IG kami \ud83d\ude0e\n\n\nHave fun, budak Pandai!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/new-feature-university-matching-partnered-with-uni-enrol/", "title": "New Feature: University Matching! \ud83d\udd25", "body": "\n\n\n\nDear\n \nAll! \n\n\nWe are proud to announce that Pandai has recently partnered up with \nUni Enrol \nto launch our latest feature : University Matching!\n\n\nWhat is University Matching?\n\n\nUniversity Matching combines technology and human experience to bring personalised info for you, so you can further your study with confidence, no regrets, and peace of mind. \n\n\nIt is open for form 5 students and helps you to easily compare universities for your desired subject/course across 80+ universities. Once you have completed your profile that includes academic results, personal background and preferences, results would instantly calculate the nett fee you need to pay for your courses i.e. the total tuition fee deducted by your highest eligible instant scholarship and your total PTPTN loan amount.\n\n\nWith this feature, you can immediately know which university you can afford based on the final budget required e.g. nett fee to study Computer Science in APU vs. MMU, Medical Science in IMU vs. Manipal Melaka, Psychology in HELP vs. Taylor\u2019s or any courses and university that matches your selected preferences in your profile.\n\n\nPandai X Uni Enrol\n\n\nCredit : Crunchbase, Uni Enrol\n\n\nPandai University Matching is a service provided by \nUni Enrol\n. \n\n\nUni Enrol is an online platform authorised by more than 70 private universities and colleges in Malaysia to help students choose the right course, save more on education and apply to universities for free. You can choose confidently from your best education options through the service. It has helped more than 1200 students nationwide to enrol into top private institutions with total scholarships worth over MYR 20,000,000. (Uni Enrol Website)\n\n\nFind your matching universities now! Let\u2019s get to know more about this new feature at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n.\nDownload and register Pandai at Google or Apple store now!\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/new-years-resolutions-we-are-here-to-help-you/", "title": "New Year\u2019s Resolutions? We Are Here To Help You!", "body": "\n\nThis time of year has returned. As we approach the start of a brand new year, many of us are considering the resolutions we made last year. When a new school year begins, it is midway through the academic year for students like you. Whether you\u2019ve had a terrific school year or believe you could do better, you still have time to establish new objectives, overcome old habits, and become an even better student and friend. There are a lot of individuals who haven\u2019t decided what they want to do yet, and if you\u2019re one of those people, we\u2019re here to help you figure it out.\u00a0\n\n\nDiscover New Experiences\n\n\n\n\nThe variety of whatever you accomplish keeps things fascinating and increases your desire to learn more. This is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself by pursuing a new interest this year. When you do this, you force yourself out of your comfort zone, which leads to personal growth and the development of new skills. As a result, this resolve is among the most common new year\u2019s resolutions among students.\n\n\nLook After Your Mental Health\n\n\nMental health in schools.\n\n\nIn today\u2019s world, this is a significant issue to discuss. It must be addressed seriously and given high priority. Anxiety and stress can develop during a student\u2019s academic, financial, or personal life transitions. Being continually overburdened or under a strict deadline may be bad to your mental health, and it\u2019s tough to maintain academic performance when you\u2019re exhausted. To start off the new year on the right foot, resolve to prioritise your mental and emotional health as much as your physical health by checking in with yourself often and learning to say \u201cno\u201d when necessary. You may improve and prioritise your mental health by trying to lower stress, exercising, cheering more, getting plenty of sleep, kicking unhealthy habits, and detoxing from social media, among other things.\n\n\nSay No to Procrastinating!\u00a0\n\n\nSticky post with handwriting the word Later stick on alarm clock on solid yellow background with copy space using as procrastination, self discipline or laziness concept.\n\n\nWe recognise that procrastination is difficult to manage in student life, but ultimately, it will raise your stress and burden throughout your project or assignment. While it\u2019s true that many people have trouble getting things done on time, it doesn\u2019t mean you have to always put off what has to be done. When you learn to finish tasks without putting them off, you\u2019ll have more time in your day and less anxiety about what needs to be done.\u00a0\n\n\nStudy Routine For The Best\n\n\n\n\nMake a commitment to yourself to establish a proper study routine this year if this is the first time you haven\u2019t previously. A study schedule might be as basic as reading your class notes for a couple minutes each day, as related to saving all of your studying for the days before an exam. So, why don\u2019t you just do it? Make a solid, achievable study plan for the upcoming school year as your New Year\u2019s resolution. Make a list of all the subjects with essential chapters and allocate time to each of them based on your state of readiness.\n\n\nFocus More On Learning, Not Grades\n\n\n\n\nDespite the importance of grades in a student\u2019s life, studying efficiently is absolutely essential for long-term development and improvement. If you are just focused on obtaining a good mark without regard for the learning outcomes, you may achieve short-term success, but not long-term success. Although you may find that only some classes are your cup of tea, this is the year to really dig in and see what interests you, inspires you, and motivates you to do well academically. You may find greater enjoyment in your schooling if you view learning as a journey rather than a means to a good mark.\u00a0\n\n\nGiven that you, the individual, are unique, feel free to pick and choose from among these resolutions or come up with your own depending on your own personal objectives. We believe that you now have a better understanding of all the plans for the next new year. We also hope that you will be successful in keeping your resolutions throughout next year!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/night-vs-day-which-is-more-effective-for-studying/", "title": "Night Vs Day: Which is More Effective for Studying?", "body": "\n\nby Nur Zafirah Mohd Faudzi\n\n\n\n\nStudying is part of your life if you are a student. Even if you aren\u2019t now, you must\u2019ve been one before. It is undeniable that patience and preparation are essential to set the best time for studying. Some people have better mornings for studying and others have a better time learning in the evening or at night. It\u2019s up to you!\n\n\nAccording to the \nScience\n of \u201cgood timing,\u201d also known as chronobiology, peak performance is hardwired into our DNA. Our biological clock, which has been inside our brain since we were young, allows us to determine when our study timetable is adequate. Although new studies indicate that time cannot be everything, you do need to build and perform consistently at best.\n\n\nScience has shown that learning performs best when the brain is in a learning mood, generally from 10 am to 2 pm and once more from 4 pm to 10 pm. The time around 4 am and seven is when it is less adequate time for learning.\n\n\nBefore anything else, let us look at the benefits of studying in the day and at night in the figure below.\u00a0\n\n\nFigure 1. Benefits of Studying at Night and Day\n\n\nAs we can see, each time has its benefits for learning. Now, what we are going to figure out is which time is more effective for studying?\n\n\nTo figure this out, we will compare students from Pandai to decide if there is a difference in performance between night and day study. This result is based on the average score from four core topics which are Mathematics, Science, English and Bahasa Melayu. The day time is between 8 am to 7 pm and night time starts from 7 pm until 8 am the next day. Let us see first which time do most of our students preferred to study?\n\n\nFigure 2. Percentage of Students Who Studied at Night and Day\n\n\nThe pie chart shows the percentage of Pandai students who studied at night and day. The time of study is defined by the time the students submitted the exams.\u00a0\n\n\nFrom the pie chart, it is clear that most students, rather than the day, prefer studying at night. Sixty-three percent of the students studied at night out of 500. The remaining 37% studied during the day. This result indicates that most of the students go to school during the day, so they can only study during the night. Some of them only have a chance to study during the day on weekends or school days off.\n\n\nNow, let\u2019s move on to the primary investigation to look at the difference in the average score of the students who studied at night and during the day.\n\n\nFigure 3. Average Score of Each Subject (Year 6)\n\n\nThe bar chart above illustrates the results of 400 students of year 6 in four subjects, 200 who studied at night and 200 who studied during the day.\n\n\nThere is a slight difference in the average score of students studying overnight and during the day in Mathematics subject from the graph. With a distinction of 2.43 percentage points, students who studied during the day overscored those studied at night. Besides that, the students studying during the day in Science are a slightly higher average score than the students who studied overnight which is by 0.43 percent. However, for English subject, the students who studied during the day scored slightly lower than the students who studied at night which is less by 1.32 percentage points. Finally, the average score for Bahasa Melayu subjects in both groups varies by 1.68 percent and is favored by students studying overnight.\u00a0\n\n\nIn summary, we can see only a small variation in all subjects in the average score of students in both groups. The overall score was similarly balanced.\n\n\nNow that we\u2019ve seen Year 6 students\u2019 results, we will now take a look at Form 3 students\u2019 results in the same subjects.\n\n\nFigure 4. Average Score of Each Subject (Form 3)\n\n\nThe graph shows the average score of 400 form 3 students who studied at night and during the day by subject.\n\n\nAs we can see, students who studied at night achieved an average score of 60.21% in Mathematics with a slight 0.4 percentage points greater than the students studying in the day. The difference in Science is even slimmer which shows a difference of 0.19 percent with favorable over students studying overnight. However, it shows a difference of 0.84 percent favored by students studying during the day for English subject. Lastly, the students who studied during the day scored slightly better in Bahasa Melayu subject. They achieved an average score of 56.88%, which is 1.17 percentage points higher than the students studying overnight.\n\n\nOverall, students of both groups performed similarly in all subjects. Results for both students who studied at night and during the day were roughly comparable.\n\n\nIn summary, there is no time to study a \u2018good\u2019 day. When we have the most energy, we all have our most efficient time of day. Some people wake up with a lot of energy in the morning. Others are owls of the night and in the evening, they have more energy.\n\n\nJust like every student has a particular learning style, different students can learn better at various times of the day. Some of these students will find it easier to concentrate on the school\u2019s work in the morning, while others may find it easier to study at night. It\u2019s essential to plan your studies to make you more productive and active. Finding the best time of the day will save you time, help you improve your learning and make your study time much enjoyable.\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pahlawannegara/", "title": "Cabaran Untuk Anda \u2013 Program Pahlawan Negara!", "body": "\n\n\n\nAdik-Adik,\u00a0\n\n\nTidak lama lagi, kita akan menyambut bulan Ogos iaitu bulan kemerdekaan dimana kita semua meraikan dan menghargai jasa-jasa perjuangan pemimpin dan pahlawan kita pada masa dahulu.\n\n\nBahwasanya, tanpa mereka, kita tidak mampu untuk merasai kesenangan dan kebebasan pada hari ini.\n\n\nJadi, buat pertama kali, Pandai menyediakan program terbaru, Pahlawan Negara, buat anda semua untuk kita bersama-sama mengenali dan mengenang jasa perjuangan pahlawan yang berkorban demi keamanan negara kita.\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe\n\n\n\n\nBeberapa program bakal dilangsungkan sepanjang bulan Julai ini yang memberi anda peluang untuk mengumpul lencana edisi terhad koleksi Pahlawan Melayu serta hadiah eksklusif dari Pandai.\n\n\n1. In-App Challenge\n \u2013 \nSkor 150 Setiap Minggu\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\nJom sertai Pahlawan Negara In-App Challenge di dalam Aplikasi Pandai yang akan bermula 11 Julai 2022. Aktiviti ini \nPercuma dan Terbuka \nbuat semua pelajar yang berdaftar dengan Pandai bagi mendapatkan Koleksi Lencana Edisi Terhad Pahlawan ini. \n\n\nSemua skor anda yang terkumpul sepanjang \n11 Julai \u2013 16 Ogos 2022\n akan menyumbang kepada peluang anda untuk mendapat \nLencana Utama Edisi Terhad Pahlawan dan hadiah eksklusif \n\u00a0jika anda berjaya mengumpul kelima-lima lencana bagi setiap minggu. Wow, best kan!\n\n\nBagaimana untuk mengumpul kesemua lencana ini?\nSenang sahaja! Kumpul \nskor 150 setiap minggu\n dengan menjawab pelbagai kuiz di Pandai untuk mendapatkan kesemua lencana seperti jadual dibawah.\n\n\nPendaftaran\n6 Julai \u2013 14 Ogos\n\u2013\nCabaran Minggu 1\n11 Julai \u2013 17 Julai \nLencana Hang Kasturi\nCabaran Minggu 2\n18 Julai \u2013 24 Julai\nLencana Hang Lekiu\nCabaran Minggu 3\n25 Julai \u2013 31 Julai\nLencana Hang Lekir\nCabaran Minggu 4\n1 Ogos \u2013 7 Ogos\nLencana Hang Jebat\nCabaran Minggu 5\n8 Ogos \u2013 14 Ogos\nLencana Hang Tuah\nPenerima Lencana Utama\n16 Ogos\nLencana 5 Pahlawan\nPenerima Hadiah Eksklusif\n20 Ogos\n\u2013\n\n\nBagaimana untuk mendapatkan Hadiah E-Voucher dari Pandai?\nLencana mingguan Terhad kepada 100 Pemenang Terawal sahaja\n dan nama anda akan dipaparkan di sosial media Pandaiofficial. \nBagi mereka yang \nberjaya mendapatkan kelima-lima lencana mingguan\n, anda akan memperoleh \nLencana 5 Pahlawan dan hadiah E-Voucher\n. Nantikan!\n\n\n\n\nOleh itu, pastikan anda tidak melepaskan peluang untuk menyertai In-App Challenge. Bukan sahaja, anda bakal menerima hadiah eksklusif dari kami malah ranking anda di Monthly Leaderboard akan meningkat tau!\n\n\nJika anda berani menyahut cabaran kami, jangan tunggu lagi! Mulakan Hari Ini!\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\n\ud83d\udccd\nKlik Link ini untuk Join & Daftar Pahlawan Negara Challenge:\n \ngo.pandai.org/pahlawannegarachallenge\n\n\n\n\n2. Guess & Win Pahlawan\n\n\n\n\nKalau anda nak tahu! Pandai juga sediakan Giveaway sepanjang Program Pahlawan Negara ini. Anda hanya perlu bersedia dan nantikan setiap minggu soalan atau teka-teki di Instagram & Facebook Pandaiofficial.\u00a0\n\n\nPelbagai \nhadiah \u2018limited-edition\u2019 \nbakal kami sediakan buat semua pengguna Pandai yang berjaya dan bertuah di setiap Guess & Win Challenge kali ini.\u00a0\n\n\nKalau nak menang, pastikan anda mengikuti segala syarat yang diberikan. Diingatkan! Kami mencari pemenang \nPengguna Pandai Sahaja\n! Hehe~\nNak jadi user Pandai? \nDaftar Percuma\n Aplikasi Pandai sekarang di laman web, \nwww.pandai.org\n atau Google/Apple Store Hari Ini\n\n\n3. Public Quiz\n\n\nAdakah anda mengenali kesemua pahlawan Negara? Anda yakin?\n\n\nKalau betul power!\u00a0 Jom jawab Public Quiz Ini.\u00a0\n\n\nDalam kuiz ini, anda akan diuji 25 soalan bertemakan Pahlawan di Malaysia.\u00a0\n\n\nJangan lupa share dan cabar rakan-rakan anda bagi menjawab kesemua soalan yang disediakan\n\n\n\ud83d\udccdKlik Link Bawah untuk menjawab Kuiz Viral Pahlawan Sekarang: \nKuiz Pahlawan Negara\n\n\nSeronok dan menarik kan program terbaru ini?\nJangan lupa kongsi berita menarik ini bersama rakan-rakan lain!\nJom Sahut Cabaran Kami!\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\nSemoga Berjaya!\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di Google Play atau App Store.\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-a-smart-solution-for-trying-times/", "title": "Pandai: A smart solution for trying times", "body": "\n\nIn January, Khairul Anwar Mohamad Zaki launched the Pandai learning app with his team, unaware of the challenges that were about to befall them. Just a few months later, the pandemic would spread throughout Malaysia and movement restrictions would be imposed on its residents.\n\n\nFive days into the Movement Control Order (MCO) in March, Khairul and his team were in a meeting room, discussing what they needed to do to save their two-month-old product. Pandai is a learning mobile and web app that helps students study the national syllabus through interactive quizzes.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cPandai is meant to complement school learning. But schools were closed due to the MCO. We thought of producing videos to teach students but it was too hard to do it in that time period,\u201d says Khairul.\n\n\nEventually, they decided to use existing online education videos and arrange them according to the syllabus in their Pandai system. Students could watch the videos to learn for free on the website and then test their knowledge with the Pandai app.\n\n\nIt was a success. The videos, posted on the Pandai website, attracted 1.9 million unique visitors in a few days and increased the number of Pandai app registered users by tenfold in less than two weeks.\n\n\n\u201cNobody had launched anything like this at that time. Students could watch the videos without logging in but after watching it, they could register for Pandai\u2019s services,\u201d says Khairul.\n\n\n\n\nSince then, Pandai has attracted more than 100,000 paying users, he adds. When schools were closed, parents were looking for alternatives to keep their children occupied, and the app happened to fill the gap.\n\n\nPandai is aligned to the KSSM (standard curriculum for secondary schools) and KSSR (standard curriculum for primary schools) set by the Ministry of Education. It is available for students from Year 1 of primary school to Form 5 in secondary school.\n\n\nThe subjects covered for primary school students are mathematics, science, English and Bahasa Melayu. Form 1 to Form 3 students can use Pandai for mathematics and science, while Form 4 and Form 5 students have access to mathematics, additional mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and science.\n\n\nBy paying from RM9 to RM39 per month, users can get access to daily quizzes, topical tests and term exams. They will also be able to review their results and read detailed explanations for each question.\n\n\nPrior to launching Pandai, Khairul was organising educational programmes in Malaysia through Ardent Educational Sdn Bhd. The company ran the Kangaroo Math Competition, Malaysian Junior Science Olympiad and Malaysian Astronomy Olympiad, among others. Most of these activities were paper-based and in person.\n\n\n\u201cBut we realised that we could reach even more students with a digital platform and technology. The impact can be continuous and we can put up new content daily. We can also add personalised elements,\u201d says Khairul, explaining why they decided to launch Pandai.\n\n\nReacting quickly to the situation\n\n\n\n\nThe fact that Pandai was able to grow so quickly in 2020 is a testament to the demand from parents and students for an alternative learning platform at this time when schools are closed. It is also due to the Pandai team\u2019s resourcefulness and agility.\n\n\nOther than launching the video series early on, the team reacted quickly to introduce various programmes in response to customer demand. For instance, it created quite a stir when it launched free online tests called UPSRx and PT3x in September.\n\n\nKhairul emphasises that the tests were done just to help students remember what they had learnt and are not meant to replace the actual exams, which were cancelled due to the MCO.\n\n\n\u201cWe launched this because we realised that students had prepared so hard for these exams, but these were cancelled. They may forget almost everything they learn when they return to school next year, so we wanted to create a solution for these students,\u201d he explains.\n\n\nStudents who took these tests, held on the original dates of UPSR and PT3, received a digital certificate, transcript and detailed analysis of their performance. This enables them to do a thorough self-assessment. Due to grading limitations, the tests only covered multiple-choice questions.\n\n\n\u201cWe had thousands of participants from all over Malaysia,\u201d says Khairul.\n\n\nOther than that, the Pandai team is preparing to launch Pandai Guru soon. After launching the app, Khairul received requests from teachers who said they needed help in creating quizzes and homework during this time.\n\n\n\u201cThey told us that one of the most challenging things for them is to create homework assignments and exercises. Since we have a question bank, we can give teachers access to this resource. Pandai Guru will allow teachers to choose a topic and then generate a set of random questions,\u201d he says.\n\n\nThe teachers can either create a custom quiz for students to take on the Pandai app or on other digital platforms like Kahoot!. They can also print the questions and distribute them to students.\n\n\nA new way of learning\n\n\nPandai has come to market in Malaysia at a time when the education environment has been severely disrupted by the pandemic. Students were suddenly expected to learn from home, and teachers had to change their curriculum and teaching methods.\n\n\n\n\nHowever, many reports have highlighted the challenges of learning from home. Not all students have gadgets and sufficient connectivity and it can be hard for teachers to capture their attention remotely and ensure that they complete their assignments, especially if their parents do not step in to monitor them.\n\n\n\u201cWhen children are at school, they have six hours of supervision by teachers. But at home, they do a one-hour class and that\u2019s it. It\u2019s up to the parents to supervise but parents may not understand the materials. I have three children, and even I feel like giving up after tutoring them for one hour. It\u2019s even more challenging for parents who are working from home,\u201d says Khairul.\n\n\nA solution like Pandai can play a role in this environment by making learning fun, as students can test their knowledge on an interactive app via fun quizzes and competitions. It also does not require much bandwidth and the quizzes can be pre-loaded to be used offline.\n\n\nTo further test out Pandai in a school environment, Khairul enrolled the app in the government\u2019s National Technology and Innovation Sandbox recently. This will allow him to roll out Pandai in five selected schools for six months next year.\n\n\n\u201cThe students will receive devices and use the app for free. Forty primary school students from one class are to be selected in each school. They will use Pandai in class. If the pandemic persists [and schools continue to be shut], Pandai will be used as part of the students\u2019 assignments. It\u2019s good that this is in the national agenda now and we can test if Pandai is suitable for use in a school environment,\u201d says Khairul.\n\n\nNext year, he plans to launch Pandai Parent and Pandai School. Pandai Parent allows parents to monitor their children\u2019s progress, results and scorecard on Pandai while Pandai School is a customised dashboard for schools.\n\n\n\u201cAll countries are still finding ways to get past this stage now. I think this is not something that a single entity can resolve. But I think the silver lining in all of these is that it is expediting the digital learning process and somewhat democratising education [by allowing all students to have access to the same resources online if they have the right gadgets and connectivity],\u201d says Khairul.\n\n\n\n\nThank you so much\u00a0\nThe Edge Markets\n for creating a good article about Pandai.\nSo, let\u2019s get to know more about Pandai at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n.\nDownload and register Pandai at Google or Apple store now! Have fun!\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website \nThe Edge Markets.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-benefits-of-ai-for-students/", "title": "Pandai \u2013 Benefits of AI for students", "body": "\n\nArtificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of science producing and studying the machines aimed at the stimulation of human intelligence processes. The main objective of AI is to optimize the routine processes, improving their speed and efficiency. Artificial Intelligence has had a tremendous impact across industries, among them education.\u00a0\n\n\nAI tools mostly comply with 3 basic principles:\u00a0\n\n\nLearning:\n\u00a0Acquiring and processing the new experience, creating new behavior models\nSelf-correction:\n\u00a0Refining the algorithms to ensure the most accurate results\nReasoning:\n\u00a0Picking up the specific algorithms to resolve a specific task\n\n\nRegarding the big opportunities, AI tools open for every sector including the educational one. \n\n\nThere are several Benefits of AI for students, especially in Pandai Application. \n\n\nBenefits Of AI For Students\n\n\n24/7 Access To Learning\n\n\n\n\nTraditionally, students have had to wait until they are in class or professors are available to resolve any questions or doubts.\u00a0\n\n\nBut, not anymore. With AI helpers based online, students always have access to learning. They are free to plan their day without being linked to a specific place. They can study on the go, at any place and time they want. They can build their schedule based on their most productive hours.\n\n\nLess Pressure\n\n\n\n\nLessons tailored to the needs of different learning groups allow students to stop comparing them to each other. Earlier, a student should have asked a teacher for help in front of the class. Now, it\u2019s enough to type a query using a personal virtual assistant and get an instant explanation.\n\n\nAlso, AI powers the platforms that digitize textbooks and allow students to access them on different devices from anywhere, at any time.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThis is great for students who are not able to attend classes to study & catch up certain subjects. So, they can pay attention to such data and provide students with customized and specific feedback to allow them to learn effectively and improve performance.\n\n\nSuch tools can also track their progress and generate meaningful reports for teachers to be able to continue creating materials that are relevant for each student.\n\n\nBetter Engagement\n\n\n\n\nIndividualized schedules, custom tasks, interaction with digital technologies, and personal recommendations are part of the personal approach each student gets using AI. Besides, a personal approach helps students feel special, increasing their engagement and raising interest in studies in such a way.\n\n\nThese opportunities offered by AI in Pandai make personal progress come to the fore, reducing the pressure in the classroom. Less pressure means less stress and more enthusiasm to study.\n\n\nSo, don\u2019t wait! Let\u2019s get and download Pandai now at Google and Apple Store. To get more details, go to our website at www.pandai.org.\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n\n\n\nReferences:\nAI Study: \nelearningindustry.com\n & \nideamotive.co\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-colouring-contest-2021-tamat/", "title": "Pandai Colouring Contest 2021 Tamat!", "body": "\n\nHai Adik-Adik \ud83d\ude0a,\n\n\nAkhirnya, Pandai Colouring Contest 2021 telah pun tamat. Syukur semuanya berjalan dengan lancar! Terima kasih kepada semua yang tak henti-henti mengikuti live dan join aktiviti Pandai Colouring Contest 2021 sempena kempen Bulan Kebangsaan #PandaiAnakMalaysia di Pandai. \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe\n\n\nJujur! Kami sangat teruja melihat karya seni adik-adik yang sangat menarik dan kreatif. Kalah kami semua! Kami berasa sangat gembira melihat penglibatan dan sokongan anda semua bagi setiap sesi live Pandai adakan di \nYoutube Pandaiofficial\n.\u00a0\n\n\nMinggu lepas, pada 17 September 2021, Pandai telah mengadakan Sesi Live Terakhir bagi Kempen Bulan Kebangsaan iaitu Pengumuman Keputusan Peraduan Mewarna Pandai 2021.\u00a0Kita ada Kak Kamila, Sir Faizul dan Kak Hani bersama-sama memeriahkan lagi sesi live yang lepas. Pelbagai aktiviti dilakukan bersama seperti aktiviti bermain teka lukisan, bernyanyi dan banyak lagi.\n\n\n\n\nAnda semua pun seronok kan? Pandai pun seronok. Terima kasih yer semua! \ud83d\ude07\nSekali lagi, Pandai juga ingin mengucapkan Tahniah kepada semua pemenang dalam Peraduan Mewarna Pandai 2021 #PandaiAnakMalaysia kali ini. Karya-karya anda sangat terbaik!\n\n\nJom sama-sama kita hargai karya mereka. Lihat di bawah bagi pemenang-pemenang utama dalam setiap Kategori Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah. \ud83d\ude4f\n\n\nKategori Sekolah Rendah \ud83d\udc4f:\n\n\nTempat Pertama: Eve Damia Binti Yusaimi\n\n\n\n\nTempat Kedua: Jayden Chong Yan En\n\n\n\n\nTempat Ketiga: Ayuna Nazeerah Nasrullah\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKategori Sekolah Menengah \n\ud83d\udc4f:\n :\u00a0\n\n\nTempat Pertama: Muhammad Solahuddin Ramli\n\n\n\n\nTempat Kedua: Ang Jia Yi\n\n\n\n\nTempat Ketiga: Gracelyn Loh Yee Thing\n\n\n\n\nMenarik dan hebat, kan? Ya! Kami pun terpesona! Hehe.\u00a0\n\n\nBaiklah. Adik-adik yang terlepas Sesi Live Pengumuman Keputusan lepas, jangan risau anda boleh menonton semula!. Boleh sahaja klik dibawah.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBagi sesiapa yang tidak memenangi, anda tetap hebat. Sebagai tanda penghargaan dalam mengikuti peraduan mewarna ini, kami turut sediakan E-Sijil buat adik-adik. Nantikan, E-Sijil di akaun Pandai masing-masing yer pada awal Bulan Oktober ini.\u00a0\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\n\n\nTeruskan semangat anda menyokong dan mengikuti segala aktiviti Pandai sediakan. Yup, banyak lagi aktiviti pertandingan yang bakal kami adakan. Nantikan.. Jeng jeng jeng\u2026\ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude0f\n\n\nSemoga Bulan Kebangsaan tahun ini adalah bermakna bagi anda semua. \nTeruskan belajar dengan Pandai! \ud83d\ude0d\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n atau;\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-crowned-winner-of-the-2022-hlb-launchpad/", "title": "Pandai Crowned Winner of the 2022 HLB Launchpad", "body": "\n\n\n\nHello everyone!\n\n\nWe have great news to share with you guys. Pandai have been crowned the winner of Hong Leong Bank Launchpad 2022!\n\n\nOn 30th September, Pandai applied for the HLB launchpad 2022, a collaborative effort from Hong Leong Bank with startups companies in Malaysia to accept the challenge of jointly developing unconventional approaches to rethink the banking and financial services sector to be more sustainable. On 18th November, Pandai was listed in the top 6 finalists and proceeded for a pitch presentation.\n\n\nHLB launchpad 2022 is the fifth iteration of their long-running programme to assist Malaysian entrepreneurship and the startup ecosystem. For this year\u2019s theme they are looking for new partners that can offer shared opportunities and a multiplier effect on the economy through the development of talent and high-quality education. They are partnering with Hong Leong Foundation (HLF) for this year\u2019s resolution.\u00a0\n\n\nHong Leong Bank announced on their facebook last week that Pandai is the honorary recipient along with Accelerate Global as the winners of the HLB launchpad 2022. The winner will take home RM50,000 and will start a mentorship program under Hong Leong Group as well as kicking off the pitched project from the Pandai team called HLB x Pandai @ School.\u00a0\n\n\nMr. Khairul Anwar, CEO of Pandai felt honoured that his team will be receiving this recognition from Hong Leong Group. He believed that this would be a great opportunity for the company to get the support and guidance from Hong Leong Foundation as well.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cThis honour is a reflection of our team\u2019s perseverance and passion, as well as our determination to use Pandai\u2019s cutting-edge educational technology to have a beneficial societal effect.\u201d He said\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cWe see a lot of possibilities for collaboration between Pandai and the Hong Leong company in assisting not only parents and teachers, but also poor children.\u201d\u00a0\n\n\nMr. Khairul also stated that with the help of Hong Leong, he looks forward to utilizing this recognition to keep changing lives in Malaysia and beyond and to further our aim to use technology to alter the learning environment.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-di-kosmo-kenali-pengasas-kami/", "title": "Pandai di KOSMO!: Kenali pengasas kami", "body": "\n\nYay! Pandai telah dipaparkan dalam surat khabar KOSMO! pada 4 Oktober yang lepas. Semua beli tak paper semalam? Hehehe\n\n\nKalau belum, takpe! Mujur semua dah online kan sekarang \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nTeruskan membaca untuk tengok apa yang mereka kongsikan tentang pengasas dan latar belakang kami \ud83d\udcaa\n\n\n..\n\n\nKHAIRUL ANWAR berpengalaman lebih 12 tahun dalam bidang pendidikan optimis membangunkan Pandai, sebagai platform pendidikan online yang holistik.\n\n\nBERKECIMPUNG\n\u00a0dalam bidang pendidikan lebih daripada 12 tahun memberi laluan mudah bagi anak kelahiran Shah Alam, Selangor ini untuk mengasaskan satu platform pendidikan dalam talian dikenali sebagai Pandai.\n\n\nMelihat kepada kepentingan akses pendidikan dalam talian masa kini,mendorong pemilik nama lengkap\nKhairul Anwar Mohamad Zaki, 39, memperkenalkan platform berkenaan.\n\n\nPernah mengendalikan lebih 500 program di sekolah seluruh negara turut membantu mempromosikan jenama yang dibawa itu ke mata dunia.\n\n\nLebih manis, Khairul Anwar dan dua rakan kongsinya turut dilantikmenjadi penasihat kepada Kementerian\nPendidikan bagi mata pelajaran Sains Komputer.\n\n\nMelalui konsep pendidikan berkualiti dan diperibadikan untuk semua, Pandai berhasrat untuk membantu agenda pendidikan negara ke arah lebih cemerlang demi menjadikan anak-anak Malaysia lebih pandai dan\nholistik dalam segala aspek.\n\n\n1) Siapa saudara dan apa karier yang dijawat sebelum ini. Adakah memang terlibat secara langsung dalam arena pendidikan atau bagaimana?\n\n\nSebelum tertubuhnya Pandai, saya telah menamatkan pengajian di Purdue University, Amerika Syarikat dan memulakan kerjaya di Motorola Technology sebagai Jurutera Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan.\n\n\nPada tahun 2007, saya dan rakan-rakan telah menubuhkan Aidan Group of Companies yang mempunyai anak syarikat Aidan Technologies (syarikat penyelesaian teknologi) dan Ardent Educational Consultants (syarikat perunding pendidikan) yang memberikan kami pengalaman dalam bidang edutech selama lebih 12 tahun.\n\n\nMenerusi ArdentEdu, kami telah menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah, mengeluarkan bahan pendidikan bercetak dan menganjurkan pertandingan akademik di peringkat kebangsaan serta antarabangsa.\n\n\n2) Apa yang mendorong saudara untuk mengasaskan platform pembelajaran online dan kelebihannya berbanding segmen perniagaan lain?\n\n\nKami bersyukur kerana program-program pendidikan yang kami jalankan sebelum ini telah berkembang baik, mendapat pengiktirafan dari Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, dan disertai hampir 100,000 pelajar sekolah seluruh Malaysia setiap tahun.\n\n\nNamun, kami mempunyai impian untuk memberikan impak yang lebih besar kepada para pelajar.Oleh itu, tercetuslah idea untuk aplikasi Pandai, sebuah inisiatif untuk menawarkan pendidikan berkualiti melalui teknologi secara berterusan kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah.\n\n\nKami optimis dengan potensi aplikasi Pandai ini memandangkan anak-anak kita rata-ratanya celik menggunakan peranti seperti komputer, tablet dan telefon pintar.\n\n\nDORONGAN dan sokongan berterusan pasukan Pandai membantu syarikat itu untuk mencapai hasrat agenda dan aspirasi bagi menawarkan pendidikan berkualiti melalui teknologi secara berterusan.\n\n\n3) Setiap perniagaan yang diusahakan pasti ada cabaran dan dugaan tersendiri. Boleh saudara kongsikan antara cabaran yang terpaksa ditempuhi saudara sepanjang mengasaskan Pandai?\n\n\nKami telah melancarkan aplikasi Pandai pada Januari 2020. Pada peringkat awal, sambutan aplikasi Pandai kurang memberangsangkan kerana masih baharu.\n\n\nNamun, dengan penambahbaikan berterusan yang dibuat, kami mula mendapat sambutan yang menggalakan\nterutama ketika sekolah-sekolah mula ditutup akibat penularan virus maut Covid-19.\n\n\nDengan bantuan daripada agensi-agensi kerajaan dan swasta dalam dan luar negara yang berkaitan, kami telah berjaya mengharungi pelbagai cabaran awal.\n\n\nDalam masa yang singkat, kini lebih dari 300,000 pelajar sekolah dari seluruh Malaysia sudah menggunakan aplikasi Pandai.\n\n\n4) Perancangan perjalanan perniagaan saudara untuk lima ke sepuluh tahun akan datang?\n\n\nKami berhasrat untuk menjadikan Pandai sebagai sebuah platform pendidikan \u2018one-stop-centre\u2019 atau pusat sehenti yang merangkumi keseluruhan ekosistem pendidikan dan mempunyai fungsi-fungsi yang diperibadikan, holistik serta menyeronokkan bagi para pelajar, bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi di seluruh Asia Tenggara.\n\n\nPandai juga akan dilengkapi dengan modul khas untuk ibu bapa dan guru-guru agar mereka dapat berinteraksi di samping menilai dan memantau prestasi pelajar secara berterusan.\n\n\nIa sekali gus mengekalkan minat pelajar untuk belajar sendiri dan akhirnya membantu meningkatkan gred serta tahap pengetahuan.\n\n\n5) Sedikit tip bagi anak muda atau mana-mana individu di luar sana yang berminat dalam perniagaan dan ingin mencuba menggunakan perkhidmatan Pandai?\n\n\nSelagi masih muda dan bertenaga, carilah pengalaman di mana-mana sahaja seperti bekerja, berniaga, mengembara, jadi aktivis, sertai badan kebajikan atau apa sahaja.\n\n\nProses mengenali diri sendiri seperti memahami kecenderungan atau bakat yang ada adalah sangat penting supaya kita tahu hala tuju yang sesuai.Bina keupayaan dan kemahiran berdasarkan apa yang kita tetapkan. Urusan inilah yang akan diguna pakai untuk membina kehidupan, menyara keluarga, dan mencipta legasi hidup anda sendiri dan untuk ditinggalkan bila sudah tiada nanti.\n\n\nDi Pandai, kami turut menyediakan peluang menjana pendapatan sampingan melalui program Konsultan Pandai dan kami mengalu-alukan sesiapa yang ingin menjadi sebahagian dari pasukan kami. Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang Pandai, layari www.pandai.org. \u2013 \nK! ONLINE\n*Untuk membaca di laman web KOSMO!, \ntekan sini\n.\n\n\nTerima kasih \nKosmo\n kerana mengeluarkan artikel yang menarik mengenai Pandai.\nOleh itu, mari kita ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai Pandai di \nwww.pandai.org\n.\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-holiday-adventure-2021-pandai-daily-funtivities/", "title": "PANDAI HOLIDAY ADVENTURE 2021 #Pandai Daily Funtivities", "body": "\n\nProudly Presenting\u2026\n\n\n#PandaiHolidayAdventure 2021, A special event for School Holidays, \nfrom 14th December \u2013 31st December 2021.\n\n\nPANDAI DAILY FUNTIVITIES\n \ud83c\udf38\n\n\nAn event special for all Malaysian school students \n\u2013 brought to you through Pandai Holiday Adventure!\n\n\n\n\nAbout\nStarts: 14 December 2021\nEnds: 30 December 2021\n\n\nThe Pandai Team has put together a dynamic line up for you to have some fun learning this school holiday. Don\u2019t worry, we emphasize on the \u201cfun\u201d \u2013 no school books are involved!\n\n\nFor these 3 weeks, get ready to pick up a new hobby or skill from our Pandai experts. All you have to do is go through this schedule and organize your time accordingly.\n\n\nSchedule\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote: All sessions will be held from 10AM to 12PM.\n\n\nHow to Join?\n1. Log on to pandai.org and register an account.\n2. Head over to the main page.\n3. Click on the \u201cPandai Daily Funtivities\u201d newscard. This will redirect you to Pandai Classroom.\n\n\nWho Can Join?\nAnybody! All Malaysian school students are invited \u2013 just be sure you have a Pandai student account. And yes, this is open to even Pandai Basic students! Want to amplify the fun? Be sure to share this event and invite your friends to join you!\n\n\nEXTRA: Pandai Mobile Explorace\n\n\nAt the end of every session, the speaker will reveal a \nphrase\n as a \nclue \nto the Weekly Destination. Dear adventurers, keep your eyes open!\n\n\nRead more & click here to join: \nPandai Mobile Explorace\n\ud83d\ude80\n\n\nWe can\u2019t wait to watch you grow during these funtivities. Who knows, you\u2019ll be able to play a ukulele like a pro, or become a coding master among your friends by the start of next year? Exciting!\n\n\nSee you at Pandai Classroom!\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-holiday-adventure-2021-pandai-mobile-explorace/", "title": "PANDAI HOLIDAY ADVENTURE 2021 #Pandai Mobile Explorace", "body": "\n\n\n\nYOU ARE INVITED\n \ud83d\ude80\nPandai is taking you on a global explorace this school holiday.\nThere will be puzzles, challenges and badges to collect.\nComplete the Weekly Explorace and solve the Weekly Destination to win.\n\n\nDo you accept this adventure?\n\n\nAbout\nDuration: 14 December 2021 \u2013 31 December 2021 (3 weeks)\n\n\nThough far apart, the Pandai Team brings this mobile explorace to connect everyone and bring travelling around the world with our gadgets. We would like to take you to \n3 different destinations\n \u2013 one each week. But to get there, you must solve Daily Puzzles and figure out which country we are heading to each week.\n\n\nFor all you smart adventurers who get the answers right: prizes and limited edition badges await!\n\n\nHow To Play\n\n\n\n\nA) Timeline\n\n\nWeek\nDay 1\nMonday\nDay 2\nTuesday\nDay 3\nWednesday\nDay 4\nThursday\nDay 5\nFriday\nDay 6\nSaturday\nDay 7\nSunday\n1\n14 \u2013 19 Dec\nLive Opening\nDaily Puzzle 1\nDaily Puzzle 2\nDaily Puzzle 3\nAnswer Submission\nWeekly Explorace Badge 1 Reveal\nWinner Announcement\n2\n20 \u2013 26 Dec\nDaily Puzzle 1\nDaily Puzzle 2\nDaily Puzzle 3\nDaily Puzzle 4\nAnswer Submission\nWeekly Explorace Badge 2 Reveal\nWinner Announcement\n3\n27 \u2013 31 Dec\nDaily Puzzle 1\nDaily Puzzle 2\nDaily Puzzle 3\nDaily Puzzle 4\nAnswer Submission\nLive Closing & Winner Announcement\n\n\nB) Daily Puzzles\n\n\nKeep an eye on Pandai\u2019s social media pages to receive your Daily Puzzle. Treat the puzzles as clues to solve the Weekly Destination.\n\n\nC) Answer Submission\n\n\nA link to submit your answer for Weekly Destination will be provided with the announcement of the answering period. Stay updated through our social media pages for further instructions.\n\n\nD) Weekly Destination & Clues\n\n\nFor each week, there will be a Weekly Destination for you to solve. Collect clues through Daily Puzzles to crack which country is the highlight of the week.\nEXTRA: Join Pandai Daily Funtivities, where speakers will reveal a special phrase as a clue, at every end of a session.\n\n\nWho Can Join?\nAll Malaysian school students, from Year 1 to Form 5 are invited. To participate, be sure to register as a Pandai student first.\n\n\nPrizes & Rewards\n\n\n\n\nWeek 1\nWeekly Explorace Badge 1\nKFC E-Voucher\nWeek 2\nWeekly Explorace Badge 2\nMPH E-Voucher\nWeek 3\nWeekly Explorace Badge 3\nTealive E-Voucher\nComplete all Weekly Exploraces\nGlobal Explorace Badge\nShopee E-Voucher\nE-Certificate\n\n\nHow to Win?\n1. Register as a Pandai student.\n2. Follow our @PandaiOfficial at Instagram/Facebook/TIkTok, Twitter and stay updated for instructions.\n3. Complete Daily Puzzles and collect clues.\n4. Solve the Weekly Destination and key in the correct answer.\n5. BONUS: Complete all 3 Weekly Exploraces.\n\n\nTerms & Conditions\n1. Only registered Pandai students are eligible to participate.\n2. Only participants who have completed all 3 Weekly Exploraces are eligible to receive the Global Explorace Badge, Shopee E-Voucher and E-Certificate.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-is-celebrating-3rd-year-anniversary/", "title": "Pandai is Celebrating 3rd Year Anniversary!", "body": "\n\nAs we all know, Pandai Education is an interactive educational app for primary and secondary students. \nThey are growing rapidly since our humble beginning in January 2020. In Pandai, they aim to provide high-quality education to our students. They constantly received good feedback on its convenience as it is accessible anywhere as it is an advanced learning method than the traditional paper-pencil, which captivates students\u2019 attention and eases the parents as well.\u00a0\n\n\nHowever, COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to the strong need to accelerate digital readiness among schools and organisations. In the same year, we developed the Pandai app as an online learning solutions for students to thrive \u2013 in line with our mission to transform the learning space with technology. This year, we presented our pitch to Hong Leong Bank LaunchPad 2022 and managed to go to the final round with only 5 other applicants. \n\n\nHong Leong Bank LaunchPad 2022\n\n\nOther than that, we work hand-in-hand with experienced teachers and schools towards developing Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable, competent, and able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of society. Today, they are commencing widely in Brunei and currently doing a free premium feature for all students at a young age.\n\n\nPandai provides practice questions to help students learn and build a conceptual understanding of major school subjects in the National Curriculum. In addition to the content developed by the Pandai team, the learning materials on Pandai are sourced from experienced educators and leading academic publishers, with new practice questions being added every day.\u00a0 The content is designed to be dynamic in order to support students from other countries, with bilingual content for Mathematics and Sciences. They are also planning on adding Chinese content soon.\u00a0\n\n\nPandai Tutor Photoshoot\n\n\nPandai question bank is categorized using different ranges of thinking skills and difficulty to cater to all progress levels. For gamification elements, they are integrated to motivate and engage students to self-study using the app. Their unique diagnostic tools identify students\u2019 strengths and weaknesses, and recommend specific lessons and practices to improve. In order to support students\u2019 achievement beyond school, Pandai also provides extracurricular content such as competition preparation materials for mathematics, science, and computational thinking. Pandai also is developing separate Pandai Parents and Pandai Guru apps to complete the ecosystem.\n\n\nPandai is now active with Pandai @ Schools which was designed and implemented to assist and relieve teachers\u2019 burdens on tasks outside of school hours through the App\u2019s features such as Quizzes, Exams, Flashcards, and Live Tuition. The project focuses on the four core subjects (BM, BI Maths, and Science) that they can also learn outside of the syllabus; such as KAFA, Kangaroo Maths, and Beaver Computational Thinking.\n\n\nSchool Outreach (Johor Edition) \u2013 SMK Mohd Khalid\n\n\nAs we celebrate our third anniversary today, we reflect on our journey to be the positive disruptor in education for our communities. With close to 500,000 students benefitted thus far, we are humbled and thankful to have grown so much with all our Pandai app users.\n\n\nAs media liaisons, we act as spokespeople for the company when the media cites us and our team will guide us on how to respond to media queries. We will remain steadfast to realise our vision to equip today\u2019s young minds for tomorrow!\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey at Pandai. We couldn\u2019t have done it without you, and we are grateful for your support. We can\u2019t wait to see what the next year has in store for Pandai\u201d\n\n\n-Encik Khairul Anwar (CEO)- \n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-is-eaf-certified/", "title": "Pandai is EAF-Certified!", "body": "\n\nHello everyone!\u00a0\n\n\nGood news to us means good news to all of dearest Pandai users too which makes us very excited to share this news. \nPandai is now certified by Education Alliance Finland!\n\n\nWhy Finland and What\u2019s EAF?\n\n\nFinland is the 8th most educated country in the world\nIn Education ranking by Countries, Finland has a total score of 1.631K ranking at 3rd position in 2021\nFinland has the highest ranking in High School Completion Rate\nWorld Economic Forum\u2019s Global Competitive study ranks Finland as having the most well-developed education in the world\n\n\nSource: \nhttps://leverageedu.com/blog/finland-education-system/\n\n\n\n\nEAF\n is a leading international independent EdTech evaluating body. Pandai submitted its platform for evaluation to Education Alliance Finland, an independent international EdTech evaluating body (EAF). With its scientific approach developed by top education experts, EAF is a trusted player in the industry, measuring the effectiveness of educational tools against a comprehensive standard that accommodates the demands of different national curricular and 21st-century skills. Because of their high quality, EAF-certified products are widely used by educators all over the world.\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0As of this month, we are proud to announce that \nPandai\n received \nofficial certification\n for the quality of its educational methods. It was not easy but we made it!\n\n\nThe High Educational Quality aspects of Pandai as approved by EAF.\n\n\nEAF recommended using Pandai for better grades!\n\n\n\n\nSo, what does this mean for students, educators and parents?\n\n\nWith this certification, we are even more confident in providing you with educational products that teach and educate the students. Pandai will always strive to be the best education provider for all. To all students, parents, and teachers, do not miss out on trying the Pandai products today!\u00a0\n\n\nTo speak with our team about how Pandai products can enhance your grades, contact us \nhere\n!\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow us on social media to get the latest updates from Pandai.\n\n\nLet\u2019s register Pandai today!\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-is-now-featured-on-the-main-page-of-malaysiakini/", "title": "Pandai Is Now Featured On The Main Page Of Malaysiakini!", "body": "\n\n\n\n\u2018KitaMalaysia\u2019 \nis a new initiative by Malaysiakini to showcase selected Malaysian companies, innovations, products and people.\n\n\nWe are so excited to share with everyone about Pandai, a smart education that can help all students, parents and teachers to use it as a mobile learning tool. Besides, allowing the students to learn continuously and effectively.\n\n\nPandai is an app that sends daily syllabus-based quizzes to school students. Students get personalised contents according to their age, subjects and performance \u2013 allowing them to study continuously, track progress, collect rewards and improve performance.\n\n\nTo view this temporary section, just go to Malaysiakini.com (English version) and scroll down.\n\n\nYou also can click this link to get more details:\nhttps://kitamalaysia.com/company/148#Pandai_-_The_Learning_App_For_School_Students\n\u00a0\n\n\nThanks to Proficeo & \n@malaysiakini\n for inviting and selecting us to be included.\u00a0\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-1-drawing-float-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 1: Drawing Float Experiment", "body": "\n\nHave you ever wished your drawings would come alive or any drawing objects could move around? What sounds impossible actually is not! So let\u2019s get ready to start the experiment!\n\n\nOn 15 October 2020, Thursday, we make a drawing move around by letting it float on water. It was the first experiment for the Pandai Lab Show. The Pandai Lab Show was started on Live Facebook Pandai Official at 2pm. It was fun.\u00a0\n\n\nHere our details experiment:\n\n\nDate:\n 15 October 2020\nTitle\n: Drawing Float Experiment\n\n\nMaterials\n: Dry erase markers, plate, glass, water\n\n\nProcedures:\n1. Choose one color of your dry erase markers and make a drawing on your first plate such as a stick figure, a heart, or any shapes.\n\n\n2. Let it dry for a couple of seconds and then pour just enough water in glass onto your plate to cover the drawing\n\n\n3. Wait and observe the drawings float on water.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nThese markers are usually used to write on white boards or glass surfaces and can easily be erased to make space for more writing or drawing. When you make your drawing on the surface of a smooth plate or tray, the solvent, or alcohol, that dissolves the ink ingredients will evaporate. This leaves the color pigment and polymer behind on the surface. This is because the acrylic polymer resin in the permanent marker makes it stick to the surface, while the oily silicone polymer in the dry erase marker prevents it from sticking. The permanent marker drawing should have remained stuck to the plate. Again, this difference is due to the special polymer in the dry erase marker ink. As this ingredient prevents the ink from attaching to the plate, the water can slip underneath, and as the ink is lighter than water, it can float.\u00a0\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details: \nhttps://www.sciencebuddies.org/stem-activities/floating-drawing#instructions\n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 1 for you:\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-10-self-inflating-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 10 : Self-inflating Experiment", "body": "\n\nHave you tried any vinegar and baking soda experiment? This time, our experiment is also easy and exciting to watch. Self-inflating experiment also known as \nSTEM project\n. You can see the reaction between vinegar and baking soda on one time.\nThis simple activity will explore the air pressure concept too. It was fun and can be done at home. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n1 December 2020\nTitle:\n Self- Inflating Experiment\nMaterials:\n balloons, water bottle, baking soda, a spoon & vinegar\n\n\nProcedures:\n1. Pour 1-2 spoonfuls of baking soda into the opening of the balloon, using a spoon.\n2. Then, pour some vinegar into the plastic bottle until it is about an inch or two deep. Exact amounts do not matter.\n3. After that, carefully stretch the opening of the balloon that has baking soda inside. Stretch the balloon around the mouth of the bottle leaving it hanging down until you are ready for the reaction.\n4. Use a spoon to stir the food coloring into the oil. It will not mix, but stirring will help to break the food coloring into smaller droplets.\n5. Now, when you are ready to see the chemical reaction happen, lift up the balloon allowing the baking soda to fall down into the bottle.\n6. You might see the balloon will self-inflate. It is awesome.\n\n\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom the experiment, you might see a reaction happened. Baking soda and vinegar create an awesome chemical reaction. When the vinegar and baking soda combine there is a reaction between an acid and a base. The gas from combining the two will cause the balloon to inflate. The more gas there is created, the larger the balloon will get. This reaction between the two causes a gas called carbon dioxide to bubble and foam. This gas having nowhere else to go, expands the balloon making the self-inflating balloon happen.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://www.messforless.net/self-inflating-balloon-experiment/\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 10\u00a0 for you:\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-11-static-electricity-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 11 : Static Electricity Experiment", "body": "\n\nAs we know, our life was filled with electricity, especially static electricity. Have you noticed every little thing this happened in your daily day? So, Pandai Lab 11 wants to try\u00a0 any static electricity experiment that can be done at home. This is so easy and exciting to try. Believe me!\n\n\nThis simple activity will explore and focus on the static electricity concept. All of these experiments are fun and provide a good \u201cwow factor!\u201d. Let\u2019s do it. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n8 December 2020\nTitle:\n Static Electricity Experiment\nMaterials:\n balloons, tin can, cutting papers, a ruler, a cloth, water and paper cups\n\n\nProcedures:\nA. Attract paper on a ruler\n\n\n\n\n1. Tear off several bits of paper about the size of a pea or smaller and place them on a table or counter.\n2. Then, rub a ruler on a cloth.\u00a0\n3. After that, bring the comb near to the paper bits.\n4. You may see the paper sticks on the ruler. It was amazing.\n\n\nB. Balloon and tin can\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n1. Rub a balloon on a cloth.\u00a0\n2. Then, put the can on its side on a table or the floor. You can place any flat and smooth surface. Hold it with your finger until it stays still.\n3. Hold the balloon about an inch in front of the can. The can will start to roll.\n4. Move the balloon away from the can. The can will move slowly and the can will follow the balloon.\n5. If you move the balloon to the other side of the can, the can will roll in the other direction.\n\n\nC. Bend water with a ruler/balloon\n\n\n\n\n1. Rub a ruler on a cloth.\u00a0\n2. Then, turn on the faucet so only a thin stream of water is running.\n3. Bring the ruler to the side of the water. The water will bend when the ruler is brought near it.\n\n\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nAlright, now you can see all the results from this experiment. It is awesome, right? Ya! You guys already learned a new concept that is called static electricity. First, what is static electricity?\nStatic electricity is the result of an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object. These charges can build up on the surface of an object until they find a way to be released or discharged. The rubbing of certain materials against one another can transfer negative charges, or electrons.\u00a0The material is made up of atoms. And atoms are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. Electrons revolve around a nucleus formed by protons and neutrons. If we draw two materials close together, electrons usually jump from one to the other. There are materials that, on losing electrons, are left with positive charge (hair, papers or water) and materials that are left with negative charge (balloon, cellophane, tin cans). Materials with an opposite load will be attracted, whilst those with the same load will be repelled.\nAll of these experiments, we are manually moving electrons from one material to another. The ruler and balloon stands up because it is full of electrons. The electrons don\u2019t like each other and are trying to get as far away from each other as possible.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://frugalfun4boys.com/static-electricity-science-experiments/ \nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 11 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-13-floating-egg-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 12 : Floating Egg Experiment", "body": "\n\nHave you ever wondered why some objects float in water and others sink such as you float in the ocean ? Have you learned about density concepts or float and sink in Science learning? \u00a0So, Pandai Lab 12 will do and explore an experiment that is easy to do at home.. This is so exciting to try because you just need the eggs.\u00a0\n\n\nThis science experiment is really easy to set up + clean up, and the lesson learned on the density of water. All of these experiments are fun and will be a success to try. Believe me! Let\u2019s do it. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n15 December 2020\nTitle:\n Floating Egg Experiment\nMaterials:\n Two eggs, two glasses of water, salt, water & a spoon.\u00a0\n\n\nProcedures:\n1. Fill one of the drinking glasses almost to the top with plain tap water.\n2. Then, choose one of the glasses, add four tablespoons of table salt to the water, and stir. Fill the rest of the cup with water, almost to the top.\n3. After that, gently drop one of the eggs into the water-filled glass. It sinks right to the bottom!\n4. Next, gently place the second egg into the saltwater solution.\u00a0\n5. Wow, you will find a float egg in the saltwater solution. It is a success!\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened\n?\n\n\n\n\nAlright, from this experiment, you will start to think for both eggs. It is awesome, right? Ya! You guys already learned the density concept. \nDensity\n is a measure of the mass per unit volume of a substance. Simply said, how much \u201cstuff\u201d in a given volume. Water has a density of 1 g/mL (g/cm3). Objects will float in water if their density is less than 1 g/mL. Objects will sink in water if their density is greater than 1 g/mL. The egg is denser than the fresh water, this causes it to sink.\u00a0 When you start dissolving salt in the water, this is increasing the density. Besides, the water becomes denser than the egg causing the egg to float.\u00a0 When you carefully add fresh water again, this fresh water is less dense than the salt water so it floats right on top!\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://tinkerlab.com/science-experiment-the-floating-egg/\n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 12 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-13-magic-water-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 13 : Magic Water Experiment", "body": "\n\n\n\nPandai Lab 13, you will learn how to make a magic!. Yes! It is a Magic Water Experiment!. Let\u2019s amaze your kids with this experiment! As you can see, this experiment was so easy to prepare for your kids.\u00a0\n\n\nThis experiment is simple, quick and a lot of fun. You can ask your kids the prediction. Ask your child what they think will happen as the upside-down glass rises to the surface of the water. Will the colored water stay in the glass, or spill out? Let\u2019s see their answers! After that, start this magic experiment for them.\nHere the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n22 December 2020\nTitle:\n Magic Water Experiment\nMaterials:\n Food colourings, a glass & a bowl of water.\nProcedures:\n1. Add food colouring to a bowl with water..\n2. Submerge your glass into the bowl.\n3. Turn the glass upside down, keeping it fully submerged. You will see the water still in the glass.\n4. Slowly lift the glass up, without letting the top of the glass rise above the surface of the water\n5. Try lifting the glass fully above the bowl, breaking the surface. The water also goes out from the glass.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nHere that you need to know. This experiment makes you guys learn the pressure and gravity concept too. The water is able to stay inside the glass, even try to be lifted up, because air pressure is pushing down\n \non the water\u2019s surface. This forces the water up into the glass. As you gradually lift the glass above the surface of the water you lose the pressure that was keeping the water suspended in air. Gravity then does its job, causing the water to fall out. So, it is easy and fun, right? This is can be an exciting trick for your kids to do a magic with them.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://amothershipdown.com/water-suspension-science-experiment/\n \nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 13 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-14-candle-in-jar-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 14 : Candle in Jar Experiment", "body": "\n\nPandai Lab 14 will do a simple experiment and can amaze your kids and students. You want to know what kind of that experiment? Yes, it is a candle in a jar experiment. Your kids will be amazed by this simple burning candle in water science experiment. This rising water experiment will teach your kids the effect of air pressure.\nThis science experiment is easy to prepare but you have to be more cautious because you will use candles in this experiment. You may be wondering how this Science experiment will work with the candle being under water. Want to know what happened from this experiment. Let\u2019s do it. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n29 December 2020\nTitle:\n Candle in Jar Experiment\nMaterials:\n Food colourings, candles, plate, water and a glass.\nProcedures:\n1. Prepare a glass of water. Add 2-3 drops of food coloring to the water.\u00a0\n2. Pour the colored water into the plate. You want about a half-inch (1 cm) deep puddle in the plate.\u00a0\n3. Set the candle straight up in the puddle in the center of the plate.\u00a0\n4. You may add and pour the water into the plate.\u00a0\n5. Get ready, light up the candle.6. Cover the candle with the glass and watch what happens.\n6. Water slowly starts collecting inside the glass and when the flame goes off, there is a bigger gush of water going into the glass.\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nOkay, now. Let\u2019s check what happened from this experiment. As we know, when the flame is burning, the hot air expands quickly. As you cover the candle, some of the expanding air escapes from under the glass.. When the flame slowly fades and goes out, the air in the glass cools down and the air contracts, therefore taking up less space. This contraction \u2013 low pressure \u2013 creates a very weak vacuum in the container. Where\u2019s the higher pressure? Right! It\u2019s outside the container pressing down on the water in the plate. The outside air pushes water into the glass until the pressure is equalized inside and outside the glass. The water stops rising when that pressure equalization is reached. As a result, the high-pressure air outside the glass pushes on the water, forcing the water into the glass. Visually, we can see the water level rising until the air pressure inside the glass is the same as the air pressure outside the glass.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://www.mombrite.com/burning-candle-in-water-experiment/\n \nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 14 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-2-rainbow-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 2: Rainbow Experiment", "body": "\n\nCan you imagine that candy will transform a rainbow? It is cool, right? Here, our Pandai Lab 2 brings you to transform Skittles into a rainbow within seconds by the power of dissolving!\u00a0\n\n\nOn 19 October 2020, Monday, we make a rainbow using Skittles candy. This colourful science experiment is as easy as 1-2-3 and will keep them amused for as long as you can spare more Skittles.\n\n\nHere the details:\n\n\nDate:\n 19 October 2020\nTitle: \nRainbow Experiment\nMaterials:\n Skittles candy, white plate & a glass of water\n\n\nProcedures:\n1.Arrange the Skittles in a single row coloured pattern around the edge of the plate.\n2. Pour over enough water on the center to cover all the Skittles and the plate itself.\n3. The colours will move towards the middle and create a whirl of colour.\n4. Watch and wait as a rainbow appears on the plate.\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nCandy is full of dye (usually), which means the combination of dye and sugar dissolves quickly in water. Skittles are particularly good for this experiment because they are colorful and dissolve even faster than other candies. When you add warm water to the Skittles, the sugar and food coloring start to dissolve. They have similar amounts coated on them so they dissolve at similar speeds and stay in their lanes. The sugar is moving to areas of water with lower sugar concentration. If the water is poured in the center, this is happening for each Skittle at relatively the same speed.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://raisinglifelonglearners.com/skittles-rainbow-science-experiment/\n \n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 2 for you:\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-3-refraction-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 3: Refraction Experiment", "body": "\n\nHave you tried any refraction experiments at home or school? Here, Pandai Lab 3 brings you to learn the refraction concept and at the same time you play a magic trick! Sounds cool, right? This special experiment using zip lock bags only and check on the magic trick happened!\n\n\nOn 22 October 2020, Thursday, we will make a refraction experiment using simple materials. This Zip Lock Bag Water Refraction is good to try. Just draw anything you want, then a picture will disappear in water. Here the details:\n\n\nDate: \n22 October 2020\n\n\nTitle:\n Refraction Experiment\n\n\nMaterials:\n zip lock bags, markers, A4 papers & a jug filled with water.\n\n\nProcedures:\n\n\n1. First, we cut A4 paper into the appropriate size, just to fit the size of the ziplock bag\n\n\n2. Use the marker to draw your hand and any bacterias on the paper, then put the A4 paper into the ziplock bag and then seal it.\n\n\n3. Repeat the hand part to draw on the ziplock only.\u00a0\n\n\n4. Put the picture in the jug that is filled with water from the top. This is critical. You have to look in the same direction from the top to get this trick to work.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n5. When you look at the picture from the top, the bacteria you draw on the paper will disappear and you will only see the hand you draw on the zip lock bag.\u00a0\n\n\n6. When the zip lock bag is taken out of the water, the bacteria will appear again.\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nThis experiment is all about the refraction. Make sure you look from the top and the ziplock bag should be placed as vertically as possible. In general, total internal reflection takes place at the boundary between two transparent media when a ray of light in a medium of higher index of refraction approaches the other medium at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle. When we look at the water from the top of the beaker the total reflection will occur and the light from the drawing on the paper will not enter our eyes, so the part written on the paper in the ziplock bag cannot be seen while the part written on the ziplock bag is not totally refracted so you can still see it. When we lifted the ziplock bag out of the water we could see two parts.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://www.ronyestech.com/2020/05/zip-lock-bag-water-refraction-halloween.html\n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 3 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-4-gravity-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 4: Gravity Experiment", "body": "\n\n\n\nHave you tried the parachute? Have you designed one that can fall slowly to the ground before putting it to the test? Here, Pandai Lab 4 brings you to learn about air resistance with gravity concept! You can design and modify your parachute as your creativity and imagination.\u00a0\n\n\nA parachute is a device that creates air resistance or drag which pushes against gravity slowing down the fall of a person or object. On 27 October 2020, Tuesday, we will make a parachute using simple materials. Here the details:\n\n\nDate: \n27 October 2020\n\n\nTitle:\n Gravity Experiment\n\n\nMaterials:\n a plastic bag, markers, scissors, strings & a paper cup.\n\n\nProcedures:\n \n\n\n1. Cut the handles off of the plastic bag. Then cut the bag in half, making it into two large squares.\n\n\n2. Design the plastic bag using markers as your creativity.\u00a0\n\n\n3. Poke 4 evenly spaced holes around the top of the cups (alternatively, you can tape the string to the cups)\n\n\n4. Measure and cut four 12\u201d pieces of string with the same length.\u00a0\n\n\n5. Tie the string to the four corners of the bag.\n\n\n6. Tie (or tape) one string through each hole in the cup. Make sure you align the parachute above the cup as you tie the strings so the strings don\u2019t get crossed as you attach them.\u00a0\n\n\n7. You\u2019re ready to fly! Climb to the top of your stairs, or just stand on a chair, then let your parachute fall to the ground below.\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nThis experiment is all about gravity. Gravity is a force that pulls everything to the ground. Air resistance or drag is a force that keeps something from being pulled to the ground or slows the speed of something being pulled to the ground. So, a parachute enables a person or object to fall from an airplane to the ground at a safe speed. Parachutes float slowly to the ground due to the drag created by the large surface area. This increases the air resistance drastically and allows the parachute to slowly float to the ground. You\u2019ll notice the more weight you add to the cup, the quicker the parachute falls. This is because the weight is increasing the terminal velocity of the cup, and counteracting the air resistance from the parachute. The larger the surface area the more air resistance and the slower the parachute will drop.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details: \nhttps://www.engineeringemily.com/make-a-parachute-steam-activity-for-kids/\n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 4 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-5-sound-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 5: Sound Experiment", "body": "\n\n\n\nSound is caused by vibrations traveling through a medium. Loud sounds can make nearby objects vibrate. So, Pandai Lab 5 brings you to learn about sound experimentation! This experiment, you can see and hear the sound vibrations. It is cool, right?\n\n\nOn 3 November 2020, you will discover how music creates vibrations you can see using salt and a portable speaker! Then try experimenting with different genres of music to see which ones make the salt dance more.\u00a0\n\n\nHere the details:\n\n\nDate: \n3 November 2020\n\n\nTitle:\n Sound Experiment\n\n\nMaterials:\n a plastic cup, a balloon, scissors, salt & a speaker.\u00a0\n\n\nProcedures:\n\n\n1. Cover the plastic cup with the balloon. You want to make sure to stretch the balloon wrap very tight across the top of the plastic cup.\n\n\n2. Wrap the rubber band around the plastic cup to hold the balloon wrap in place.\n\n\n3. Place the bowl very close to a speaker.\n\n\n4. Sprinkle some salt on the balloon wrap.\n\n\n5. Play your favorite music through the speaker. Turn the volume up and watch what happens to the salt!\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nThis experiment is all about sound. Sound is caused by vibrations traveling through a medium. In the \nstring telephone experiment\n, we saw that sound can travel through the air to the cup, then through the string, to the cup on the other side, and eventually reaching our eardrum. When you place the bowl next to a speaker, vibrations in the speaker moved through the air and reached the balloon wrap. Speakers, like your bluetooth speaker, produce sound by creating vibrations in the air. Normally, we only hear these vibrations, and we can\u2019t easily see them. Balloon wrap, though, is lightweight and thin enough to vibrate in response to the sounds coming from the speakers. These vibrations move through the balloon wrap unevenly, pushing and shoving the salt around in interesting patterns. As a song progresses, these vibrations change, and the salt moves as if it were dancing.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details: \nhttps://frugalfun4boys.com/science-demonstration-kids-sound-vibrations/\n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 5 for you:\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-6-flower-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 6 : Flower Experiment", "body": "\n\nPandai Lab 6 brings you to learn about flowers and plants! This experiment is one of super fun science experiments that can amaze your kids and students for all ages. This magical blooming flowers experiment will have your students gasp in surprise as the paper flowers unfold right in front of their eyes!\nOn 5 November 2020, you will learn and love designing your own paper flowers with creativity. You can also do this experiment with flowers design and learn to fold the papers. It is a STEM Experiment. This simple STEM project is a fun science and art activity in one. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n5 November 2020\nTitle:\n Flower Experiment\nMaterials:\n Colour papers, marker pens, scissors, water & tray\u00a0\n\n\nProcedures:\n1. Printable flower templates or draw them yourself on colour paper. Then, cut the outer line of flowers using a scissor.\u00a0\n2. Color and design the flowers. Place a sticker in the middle or write a message if you wish!\n3. Fold the petals one by one toward the center.\n4. Pour water in a tray or container of your choice.\n5. Place the paper flower or star into the water with the petals side up.\n6. Watch the petals open up!\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nThis experiment is all about plants. The paper flowers magically bloom in water due to a phenomenon called capillary action! Yes! This capillary action as part of a plant that lives in the water or called aquatic plants such as lotus and water lily. The water lily is an example of a floating plant. Floating plants grow on the surface of the water and are anchored by their roots to the bottom of the body of water. So, paper is made out of tiny wood fibers. There are small gaps or spaces between the wood fibers that form vessels where liquid or air may pass through. When the paper comes into contact with water, the amazing power of capillary action rapidly draws water into all these tiny spaces. That is happening because the water is slightly more attracted to the wood fibers than to itself.\n\n\nWater molecules are \u201csticky,\u201d meaning that they like to stay close together as well as adhere to other substances. When you place the paper flowers in the water, water molecules immediately stick to the walls of the vessels. It will continue to travel up the vessels and drag other water molecules along. As the paper absorbs more and more water, the creases flatten out. As a result, the flower petals unfold and slowly open up like a real water lily blossoms.\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://teachbesideme.com/blooming-paper-flowers-experiment/\n \n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 6 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-7-volcano-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 7 : Volcano Experiment", "body": "\n\nHave you tried the volcano experiment at school or home? Here, Pandai Lab 7 brings you to make volcano experiments using lemons! It is awesome, right? This lemon volcano can create something really beautiful incorporating all the colours of the rainbow.\u00a0\nOn 10 November 2020, Pandai will bring you to do an epic experiment. This lemon volcano experiment is no exception and is a colorful, hands-on way to explore early chemistry concepts. It was so much fun. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n10 November 2020\nTitle:\n Volcano Experiment\nMaterials:\n lemons, spoon, fork, food colouring & baking soda.\n\n\nProcedures:\n1. Cut the top and bottom off the lemon so it stands upright.\u00a0\n2. Use a spoon to break up/partially scoop out the inside of the lemon.\u00a0\n3. Pour some baking soda on top of the lemon.\u00a0\n4. Use a fork to mix the baking soda with the inside of the lemon.\n5. Keep mixing with the fork periodically, and adding more baking soda, until the reaction stops.\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nThis experiment is a volcano. The reaction is the same as a lemon volcano with chemical reaction and concepts. So, when we add baking soda to the lemon, we\u2019re combining citrus acid with sodium bicarbonate, which forms a gas called carbon dioxide. What we\u2019re seeing is a chemical reaction between an acid and a base. lemon juice contains citric acid which when mixed with the base, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), reacts to form carbon dioxide and sodium citrate which causes the liquid to fizz and bubble. Once the citric acid and the baking soda have neutralized each other, the reaction stops, so eventually your volcano will stop erupting.\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://teachingexceptionalthinkers.com/2019/06/28/lemon-volcanoes/\n \nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 7 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-8-air-pressure-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 8 : Air Pressure Experiment", "body": "\n\nPandai Lab 8 brings you to learn air pressure experiment! The materials are so easy to find at your home. Believe me! This experiment is an easy activity. Super simple. You can learn and have fun with air pressure demonstration.\n\n\nOn 17 November 2020, Pandai will bring you to do an air pressure experiment. \u00a0This experiment and demonstration are related with STEAM activity. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n17 November 2020 \nTitle:\n Air Pressure Experiment \nMaterials:\n plastic bottle, balloons, straws, glass,\u00a0\n\n\nProcedures:\n\n\n1. First, carefully make a small hole about half-way up the bottle using a scissor.\n2. Push the straw through the bottle leaving 1/3 to 1/2 on the outside.\n3. Fill the bottle about three quarters full with water.\n4. Then, start to blow up the balloon and carefully place the end of the balloon on the neck of the bottle.\n5. Make sure the air from the balloon does not come out of the bottle.\n6. Place a glass/cup underneath the straw.\n7. When you\u2019re ready remove your hand from holding the balloon and watch as the water shoots out of the straw into your glass!\u00a0\n8. Be careful, the water might shoot out of the straw further than you expect.\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nThis experiment is an air pressure experiment. What is air pressure? Air pressure is the force of these particles hitting a surface. Air and its particles are crashing into us all the time. From this experiment, this works because air presses down equally on the water in the bottle and in the straw when there is no balloon present but when the air from the balloon comes out to the bottle , air from the balloon increases the air pressure in the bottle pushing down on the water, forcing it through the straw. This activity also can be related to when you suck a straw. You will reduce the pressure inside the straw, making the pressure outside the straw acting on the liquid greater than the pressure inside the straw, this pushes the liquid up the straw, allowing you to drink!\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://www.science-sparks.com/air-pressure-demonstration-drinks-dispenser/\n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 8 for you:\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-9-water-firework-experiment/", "title": "Pandai Lab 9 : Water Firework Experiment", "body": "\n\nHave you seen the fireworks? It is beautiful, right? Now, have you tried to do water fireworks? This is also fireworks but it is different because you may see in water. So, Pandai Lab 9 brings you to make water firework experiments using simple materials!\u00a0\nOn 24 November 2020, this simple activity explores the science of liquid densities in a truly mesmerizing way. This is a fun science experiment that you can do again and again, using just everyday items you probably already have at home. Here the details for experiment:\n\n\nDate: \n24 November 2020 \nTitle:\n Water Firework Experiment\nMaterials:\n food colourings, a jar, water, cooking oil, a glass\n\n\nProcedures:\n1. Begin by filling an empty jar 3/4 of the way with water.\n2. Pour a little oil into the other glass (1 to 2 tablespoons).\n3. Then, you can have several drops of food coloring into the glass.\n4. Use a spoon to stir the food coloring into the oil. It will not mix, but stirring will help to break the food coloring into smaller droplets.\n5. Now, pour the container of oil into the jar of water.\n6. After a moment or two the oil will settle at the top of the jar, but the food coloring will begin to shoot down and mix into the water, creating a \u201cfireworks\u201d effect!\n7.The food colors will continue to shoot down like fireworks until all of the droplets have fallen from the oil.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat makes this possible and happened?\n\n\n\n\nAs you probably experienced, oil and food coloring do not mix well. Food coloring dissolves in water, but not in oil. So when you pour in your food coloring/oil mixture the oil will float at the top of the water because it is less dense, and the food coloring will begin to dissolve once they sink through the oil and into the water. Oil is less dense than water, so the oil will float at the top of the glass. As the colored drops sink to the bottom of the oil, they mix with the water. The color diffuses outward as the heavier colored drop falls to the bottom\n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link for more details:\nhttps://www.sciencefun.org/kidszone/experiments/water-fireworks/\n\n\nCheck out this video Live Pandai Lab 9\u00a0 for you:\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-lab-show-watch-win-akan-bermula-oktober-2020-apa-itu-pandai-lab/", "title": "Apa itu Pandai Lab?", "body": "\n\n\n\nPertama kali, Pandai akan mengadakan Pandai Lab yang merupakan rancangan atau pertunjukan aktiviti eksperimen Sains.\u00a0\n\n\nPandai Lab ini akan dijalankan secara langsung di dalam platform Facebook Pandai setiap minggu pada hari Selasa bermula jam 2 petang.\u00a0\n\n\nAktiviti Eksperimen akan dikendalikan oleh team Pandai sendiri. Kesemua bahan dalam aktiviti eksperimen Pandai Lab ini dipilih secara mudah didapati di rumah malah selamat digunakan.\u00a0\n\n\nTujuan Pandai Lab ini diadakan adalah memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk memupuk lebih minat dalam bidang sains serta memberi pendedahan kepada mereka mengenai konsep pembelajaran secara interaktif dan praktikal.\n\n\nMelalui Pandai Lab ini juga, pelajar akan dapat berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi secara langsung dengan cuba menjawab soalan kuiz di akhir setiap aktiviti eksperimen yang dijalankan. Ini dapat mencetus semangat pelajar ingin tahu dan belajar memahami konsep sains dengan lebih dekat. Pelajar yang berjaya menjawab soalan kuiz secara pantas, mereka akan memenangi pelbagai \u2018voucher\u2019 sebagai hadiah saguhati.\u00a0\n\n\nSemoga program Pandai Lab ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada pelajar terutama dalam menghayati dan meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap ilmu dipelajari secara teori dalam kelas.\u00a0\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-malaysian-learning-app-for-primary-secondary-students-malaysia/", "title": "Pandai: Malaysian Learning App for Primary & Secondary Students Malaysia", "body": "\n\nT\nheir Agenda Is To Get Your Kid To Spend More Time On Their Phone, But Hear Them Out!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThat\u2019s what the co-founders of\u00a0\nPandai\n\u00a0are hoping for.\n\n\nPandai is an educational app whereby students can do daily quizzes, tests and exams that suit their curriculum to increase their knowledge of a subject.\n\n\nCo-founder Khairul told Vulcan Post that the team is aware that students spend a lot of time on mobile devices already, albeit with little to no academic content in their daily usage patterns.\n\n\nHe also shared that according to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), 85% of Malaysian students aged 5 to 17 already have access to mobile phones, and 75% of them have access to the internet.\n\n\nTherefore, this is where Pandai aims to capitalise on the trend.\n\n\nTackling Tough Tasks First\n\n\nThe game plan for the team is for their app to cover all academic subjects at both primary and secondary level, but they began by emphasising science and mathematics subjects like Additional Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and more.\n\n\n\u201cThese subjects have the reputation of being the most difficult subjects and there is a high demand for preparation materials for them,\u201d Khairul reasoned.\n\n\nUsers can access Pandai\u2019s features in 2 different modes: Daily Quizzes, and Tests & Exams.\n\n\nDaily Quizzes work as a daily challenge that comes in a set of 3-5 problems for each subject, and it\u2019s given in every subject following the schedule of how they\u2019re taught in school.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThey\u2019re designed to map to the chapters, topics and subtopics in the national curriculum, which are explained in the\u00a0\nDokumen Standard Kurikulum & Pentaksiran\u00a0\n(DSKP), a document issued by the Ministry of Education.\n\n\nIn Tests & Exams, students can get full-length tests based on the topics in each chapter.\n\n\nThey can also get midterm and final exams at the corresponding periods in the academic calendar, namely in May and September.\n\n\nBeing so differently structured, these two modes of course have their own objectives.\n\n\nDaily Quizzes are aimed for consistent engagement, taking only a short duration for completion and are to be done on a daily basis, while Tests & Exams are aimed towards giving students deeper comprehension in a more structured way.\n\n\n\u201cWhile it may seem that Pandai only has assessment content, the real secret sauce is in the explanations to all the quizzes and tests,\u201d Khairul added.\n\n\nThe Pandai content team took great care in detailing and explaining every step and fact used in the solution as they believe students would be more interested to know why they were right or wrong.\n\n\n\u201cThe explanations that appear in Pandai do not simply explain why the answer is such-and-such, but go even further to explain the thought process behind an answer,\u201d Khairul said.\n\n\nHe elaborated, \u201cSometimes we even provide historical/real-life context to the material that appears in the curriculum (for example, the history of Fibonacci sequence that appear in Mathematics).\u201d\n\n\nMaking Learning \u2018Fun\u2019\n\n\nPandai has both a free version and a Pandai Premium subscription option for those who want more content.\n\n\nThe latter includes a higher number of daily quizzes, additional tests and exams, preparation contents for various educational competitions, and other premium features which they add regularly.\n\n\nBut with all this talk about helping students get better at their academia, we asked Khairul how they actually measure the success of their app\u2019s purpose.\n\n\nAccording to his reply, it really boils down to the student\u2019s discipline.\n\n\n\u201cThe purpose of Pandai is as a self-diagnostic tool, similar to how students use exercise books. It is not meant to replace classroom teaching and human engagement in school,\u201d he said.\n\n\n\u201cTherefore, as any self-diagnostic tool, the key to successful use is regularity. Students who use Pandai regularly should see an improvement in their comprehension of the subject.\u201d\n\n\nAnd to keep students interested in learning through Pandai, the team has introduced a few gamification elements that allow students to build their Pandai assets.\n\n\n\u201cAt the moment, we discover that students who use Pandai daily do so in order to complete new challenges every day to maintain their daily streaks which are recorded on their dashboard,\u201d Khairul shared.\n\n\n\n\nFor certain streaks and achievements, students can unlock badges.\n\n\nTo me, this concept sounded familiar\u2014I\u2019ve used Duolingo, the international language learning app before, and it did what Pandai is now doing.\n\n\nAnd speaking of language, Pandai\u2019s content currently comes in two languages, Bahasa Melayu and English.\n\n\nKeeping Parents And Teachers In The Loop\n\n\nIn just 3 months, Pandai has managed to sign up 5,000 active students to their app.\n\n\nBut they haven\u2019t forgotten about the parents and teachers either.\n\n\nCurrently, they are developing upcoming features for parents like monitoring tools and data analytics for their children\u2019s performance as well as printable tests.\n\n\nFor teachers, they\u2019re creating a crowdsourced question bank where teachers can be incentivised to submit their own content, a quiz/homework generator, and monitoring tools for students in their class.\n\n\nWhile the journey has been nothing but fun for the Pandai team, their main challenge has been to identify the actual demands among users.\n\n\n\u201cThe general public have opinions about education and are happy to give them unsolicited, but people seldom go out of their way to observe actual students\u2019 behaviour and collect field data,\u201d Khairul noted.\n\n\nSo, the way the team approaches demand is through observing how students engage with the app, and asking them about the pain points and what improvements they\u2019d want to see in the app.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cIt is tempting to think that an education app should have this and that features, and incorporate this and that pedagogical tools, while in reality what the actual customers want and are willing to pay for are totally different,\u201d Khairul said.\n\n\nHe also shared that Pandai has embarked on a 3-year execution phase to develop other features and explore other educational markets in the region.\n\n\nSimultaneously, they\u2019re in the process of developing an adaptive learning system using AI and machine learning to personalise Pandai content to each user.\n\n\n\u201cWith Artificial Intelligence Assisted Learning (AIAL), students will be able to grow at their own pace, while the system learns about students\u2019 strengths and weaknesses and adapt the content correspondingly,\u201d he added.\n\n\nFor the long-term, Pandai wants to create a content-rich online platform that\u2019s accessible from the web and mobile devices.\n\n\nIt shall be able to simulate the learning and assessment experience of a physical classroom, without replacing the need for social interaction that takes place in one.\n\n\n\n\nThank you so much \nVulcan Post \nfor creating a good article about Pandai. \nSo, let\u2019s get to know more about Pandai at \nwww.pandai.org\n. \nDownload and register Pandai at Google or Apple store now! Have fun!\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\nVulcan post.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-mission-to-bring-quality-education-to-as-many-students-as-possible/", "title": "Pandai\u2019s Mission \u2013 To Bring Quality Education To As Many Students As Possible", "body": "\n\nOur mission in Pandai is to bring quality education to as many students as possible.\n\n\nEducation is a great leveler. With education, a child from a modest background can rise through hardships and realize her full potential. A good education leads to the development of good character as well as to economic opportunities. A requisite to leading a full, happy, and meaningful life is an excellent education at a young age.\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, access to education is not equal. Access to quality education is not equal. Some children were born into families with financial means and educational know-how, who encounter opportunities after opportunities. Some children do not.\n\n\nAt Pandai, our social mission is \nto bring quality education in a way that is accessible for most students, regardless of their economic and geographical background\n. We believe in working towards the greater good. We believe in benefiting the largest number of students with the highest amount of benefit. In this way, we strive to do social good.\n\n\n\n\nWe believe in the democratisation of education to ensure that every child gets an opportunity to learn. We are committed to empowering children in the most remote geographies and underserved communities through our tech-driven learning programs.\n\n\nWhy do we care?\n\n\nWe believe that education is the most critical effort in nation-building.\nWe believe that by giving our young the opportunity of a good education, we help open the doors to other opportunities.\nWe believe that by working together with other stakeholders in education, we can help more students achieve their fullest potential.\nWe at Pandai are dreamers: we dream of a future Malaysia where all children can access quality education and contribute to our nation as productive and erudite citizens. A Malaysia where opportunities are open to all children regardless of which family they are born into.\n\n\nOur mission, in other words, is to work towards our dream.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-on-tech-in-asia-malaysian-edtech-firm-bags-2m-from-yc-500-global/", "title": "Pandai on Tech in Asia: Malaysian edtech firm bags $2m from YC, 500 Global", "body": "\n\nHello everyone.\n\n\nWe have great news to share with you guys. Pandai is featured on Tech In Asia News today! Let\u2019s read more about the article from \nTech in Asia\n.\n\n\n\n\nMalaysian edtech firm bags $2m from YC, 500 Global\n\n\nMalaysia-based edtech startup Pandai raised a total of US$2.03 million (RM8.5 million) from world-renowned international tech investors.\n\n\nKEY HIGHLIGHTS\n\n\n\u25cf \nPandai\n raised a total of US$2.03 million (RM8.5 million) investment from a group of world-renowned tech investors, as well as local investors under the Dana Penjana Nasional investment programme.\n\n\n\u25cf Prior to fundraising, Pandai became the first Malaysian education technology startup to be accepted into the prestigious Y Combinator accelerator programme, based in Silicon Valley.\n\n\n\n\n(From left) Pandai founders Mohd Suhaimi Ramly, Mohd Akmal Akhpah, and Khairul Anwar Mohamad Zaki / Photo credit: Pandai\n\n\nPRESS RELEASE\n\n\nPandai Education Sdn Bhd (\u201c\nPandai\n\u201d), an education technology startup based in Kuala Lumpur, recently raised a total of US$2.03 million investment from a group of local and international investors.\n\n\nAmong the investors that participated in the rounds are:\n\n\nGlobal investors: Y Combinator, Global Founders Capital, 500 Global, Soma Capital, Harvard;\nMalaysian investors: RHL Ventures, Falnas Capital, and Kembara Kapital;\nAngel investors: ex-Google director, unicorn startup founders, and prominent entrepreneurs from Malaysia, Australia, India, Indonesia, and USA.\nStage: Pre-seed and seed.\n\n\nThe investment under RHL Ventures is part of the government\u2019s Dana Penjana Nasional, which is an investment fund set up by the Government of Malaysia to encourage venture capital firms to invest in high potential start-ups.\n\n\nKhairul Anwar bin Mohamad Zaki, Pandai Co-founder, and CEO, said, \u201cWe launched Pandai in 2020 to make quality, personalized education accessible to every student. We are glad that investors believe in our vision and want to work together with Pandai to help improve the education system. We want to bring impact not only in Malaysia but also in other countries by expanding Pandai to other markets in the\nfuture.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cThe fund will be used to enhance the app to give a better learning experience for school students, as well as assist their parents and teachers. We are also looking to collaborate with educational institutions and other education providers.\u201d\n\n\nPrior to the current fundraising, Pandai became the first Malaysian education technology startup to be accepted into the prestigious Y Combinator accelerator programme, based in Silicon Valley, USA.\n\n\nABOUT PANDAI\n\n\nPandai (\nwww.pandai.org\n) is a learning app that focuses on learning and assessment to help primary and secondary school students improve their academic performance.\n\n\nPandai was founded in January 2020 by Khairul Anwar Mohamad Zaki, Akmal Akhpah, and Suhaimi Ramly, who have been in the education industry for the past 14 years.\n\n\nThrough Pandai, students learn using gamified quizzes aligned to the national curriculum. Students also receive personalized analysis using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that allow them to identify their strengths and weaknesses.\n\n\nDedicated modules for Parents and Teachers are also integrated within the app to monitor and support students\u2019 progress. Pandai now has more than 300,000 registered students and prides itself as a Social Enterprise that balances social impact with best commercial practices.\n\n\nPandai recently received certification from Education Alliance Finland (EAF), an international pedagogical accreditation agency that evaluates learning solutions based on global quality standards.\n\n\nPreviously, Pandai received various awards and grants from Bumiputera Agenda Steering Unit (TERAJU), Cradle Fund, Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC), Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB), and other organisations.\n\n\nThe Pandai app can be used on the web or mobile devices, Android and iOS, in free and premium versions. For more information, visit \nwww.pandai.org\n\n\n\n\nThank you so much\u00a0\nTech in Asia\n\u00a0for creating a good article about Pandai.\nSo, let\u2019s get to know more about Pandai at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n.\nDownload and register Pandai at Google or Apple store now! \nHave fun!\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\nTech in Asia\n.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-parent-memudahkan-pemantauan-pembelajaran-anak/", "title": "Pandai Parent Memudahkan Pemantauan Pembelajaran Anak", "body": "\n\nHai, pengguna Pandai! Adakah anda tahu bahawa Pandai telah mewujudkan platform Pandai yang baharu khas untuk ibubapa?\n\n\nKini, bukan pelajar sahaja yang boleh menggunakan Pandai. Ibubapa pun boleh menggunakan platform ini untuk memantau kemajuan anak-anak mereka!\n\n\nMenarik, bukan? Jom baca lagi.\n\n\n\n\nApa itu Pandai Parent?\n\n\nPandai Parent merupakan suatu aplikasi terbaru khas buat ibubapa di Malaysia. Melalui Pandai Parent, ibubapa dapat memantau kemajuan dan prestasi anak dalam pelajaran selain dapat berinteraksi dengan anak sepanjang proses pembelajaran dengan mudah!\n\n\nApa yang menarik dalam Pandai Parent?\u00a0\n\n\nIbubapa memperoleh akses sepenuhnya untuk melog masuk ke akaun anak.\u00a0\nIbubapa berupaya melihat setiap aktiviti pembelajaran anak dalam akaun Pandai mereka. Segala aktiviti anak seperti subjek kuiz yang dibuat, skor setiap kuiz dapat dipantau pada setiap masa.\u00a0\u00a0\nIbubapa juga\u00a0 boleh melihat tahap prestasi anak di kad laporan melalui akaun Pandai Parent. Kad laporan memberi maklumat tentang kemajuan anak-anak mengikut subjek dan topik.\nIbubapa boleh menetapkan sasaran untuk anak dan hadiah jika mereka mencapai sasaran tersebut. Fungsi ini membuatkan pembelajaran anak lebih interaktif dan lebih menarik minat mereka untuk membuat latihan. \nRujuk blogpost ini \nhttps://blog.pandai.org/pandai-parents-goals-and-rewards/\nIbubapa juga boleh memperbaharui langganan dan membuat pembayaran Premium anak melalui akaun Parent. Fungsi ini memudahkan ibubapa untuk menyemak status dan memperbaharui langganan jika perlu.\n\n\nSenang dan mudah, bukan? \nSegalanya di hujung jari. Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut tentang ciri-ciri Pandai Parent, \nklik pada link ini \nhttps://bit.ly/ciri-ciripandaiparent\n\n\n\n\nSelepas ini, ibubapa dan anak yang menggunakan Pandai boleh saling berhubung dan berinteraksi sepanjang proses pembelajaran melalui platform Pandai Parent ini.\u00a0\n\n\nJom daftar akaun Pandai Parent secara\n PERCUMA\n! Bukan itu sahaja, anak boleh mendaftarkan akaun Parent bagi pihak ibubapa dan terima \nganjaran berganda\n! \nUntuk ketahui caranya sila rujuk blogpost ini \nhttps://blog.pandai.org/daftar-pandai-parents-untuk-syiling-dan-nyawa-lebih/\n\n\nJadi, tunggu apa lagi? Kepada semua ibubapa di luar sana, jom daftar akaun Pandai Parent sekarang!\n\n\nMacam mana nak daftar? Senang sahaja. Ikuti langkah dibawah:\n\n\nCara mendaftar Pandai Parent:\n\n\nLayari \nwww.pandai.org\nPilih \u2018Daftar\u2019.\nKemudian pilih pengguna sebagai \u2018Ibubapa\u2019.\nIsi maklumat bagi pendaftaran akaun Pandai Parent.\n\n\nBanyak kelebihan penggunaan Pandai Parent ini. \nKepada yang masih belum mendaftar dengan Pandai, rebutlah peluang ini dengan segera!\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terkini daripada Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nJom daftar Pandai Parent sekarang!\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-parents-goals-and-rewards/", "title": "Pandai Parents: Goals and Rewards", "body": "\n\n\u201cSeronoknya nak study hari ni! Terima kasih Mak dan Ayah!\u201d \ud83d\ude0a\n\n\nFuhh\u2026 Senang je rasa apabila anak-anak bersemangat untuk buat ulangkaji sendiri, kan? Mengikut kadar dan subjek yang tepat pula tu!\n\n\nAnda pun nak berikan motivasi kepada anak anda untuk belajar? Jom gunakan ciri terbaru Pandai Parents!\n\n\n\n\nSeperti anda tahu, Pandai Parents dilancarkan bagi membantu ibu bapa meneliti perkembangan pembelajaran anak-anak dengan lebih mudah dan berkesan. Lagi-lagi dengan feature tetapan gol yang terkini ini; kami pasti ia akan menaikkan semangat anak-anak \ndan\n ibu bapa!\n\n\nCiri Goals and Rewards ini membolehkan ibu bapa untuk menetapkan sasaran dan ganjaran peribadi. Maksudnya, semua butiran tentang sasaran dan ganjaran yang ingin ditetapkan 100% terpulang pada anda!\n\n\nUlangkaji jenis apa?\n\n\nSubjek apa?\n\n\nTarikh akhir bila?\n\n\nGanjarannya apa?\n\n\nSemuanya anda sendiri yang tentukan!\n\n\n\n\nMengikut sasaran yang pernah dibina, kebanyakkan ibu bapa telah menjanjikan ganjaran kasut dan makanan kepada anak-anak. Tetapi, memandangkan butiran rewards bukan pilihan A, B, C dan boleh ditaipkan sendiri, anda boleh saja kalau nak tetapkan ganjaran mengikut value. Contohnya, satu jam tambahan untuk main game atau anak dikecualikan daripada tugas membasuh pinggan untuk 2 hari.\n\n\nSelain itu, ciri ini boleh diakses oleh semua pengguna Pandai \u2013 tidak kira Premium atau Basic. Cuma bezanya, pengguna Premium boleh menetapkan beberapa sasaran pada satu masa.\n\n\nKami membolehkan kelebihan ini kerana kami percaya bahawa ibu bapa paling mengetahui cara untuk memotivasikan anak masing-masing.\n\n\nKami juga percaya bahawa feature ini dapat meningkatkan lagi prestasi anak-anak kerana ulangkaji mereka dapat dipantau secara terperinci dan lebih fokus kepada bidang atau kadar yang diperlukan.\n\n\nCiri ini memang pelengkap kepada kelebihan Pandai Parents yang dapat mengikuti prestasi anak-anak melalui Kad Laporan.\n\n\nUntuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari sini: \ud83d\udc47\n\n\nPandai Parents tu apa?\nPandai Premium vs Pandai Basic\nPromosi (Terhad) untuk Pandai Premium\n\n\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-percuma-vs-premium/", "title": "Pandai: Percuma vs Premium", "body": "\n\nSeperti yang kita ketahui, Pandai merupakan aplikasi pembelajaran no 1 bagi pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah di Malaysia.\nSedar tak sedar, \nlebih 200,000 orang pelajar\n di seluruh Malaysia telah berdaftar dan menggunakan Pandai yang sememangnya membantu mereka dalam mengulangkaji pelajaran.\u00a0\n\n\nSebagai makluman, Pandai telah mengeluarkan \n61,000,000 \nbilangan jumlah soalan dengan pelbagai subjek mengikut pelbagai tahap pelajar dalam membantu para pelajar belajar dengan lebih mudah dan efektif.\u00a0\n\n\nTerdapat pelbagai kelebihan yang boleh diperolehi oleh pelajar itu sendiri dengan menggunakan Pandai. Terutama sekali pelajar dapat belajar dengan \npenuh keseronokan dan dapat mengakses secara 24 jam\n. Ini adalah peluang yang baik buat pelajar kini sememangnya harus belajar di rumah secara \u2018online learning\u2019. \n\n\n\n\nTidak dinafikan juga pencirian dalam Pandai itu sendiri menjadi kekuatan ramai pelajar setia dengan Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nApa yang menarik, setiap soalan di dalam Pandai akan disediakan \njawapan dan penerangan yang lengkap secara sistem auto-grading\n merupakan salah satu faktor dan kekuatan dalam Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nMereka dapat \nbelajar secara serta merta malah segala rekod prestasi pelajar juga disediakan\n dengan terperinci bagi membantu pelajar mengenalpasti kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam pembelajaran mereka.\u00a0\n\n\nPandai boleh diakses dan berdaftar secara \nPercuma!\n Tetapi apa yang lebih menarik, Pandai juga mempunyai pencirian \nPandai Premium\n dimana pelajar dapat menikmati \npelbagai kelebihan setelah menaik taraf kepada Pandai Premium\n\n\nPasti anda nak tahu, apa perbezaan bagi berdaftar dan melanggan Pandai secara Percuma atau Premium? Jom lihat dibawah;\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMerujuk gambar di atas, menaik taraf kepada Pandai Premium, pelajar akan dapat mengakses kesemuanya secara \u2018\nunlimited\u2019\n. Best, kan?\nJadi apa tunggu lagi, mari sertai sebagai Pengguna Premium. Langgan dan Naik Taraf Pandai Premium sekarang dengan \nharga serendah RM96 sebulan.\n\n\n\n\nKlik link ini untuk melanggan Pandai Premium di \nhttps://www.pandai.org/en/pricing\n.\n\n\nMari kekalkan prestasi akademik yang cemerlang dengan latihan berterusan menerusi \nlangganan Pandai Premium\n!\n\n\nRakan-rakan anda dah mendaftar Pandai! Anda bila lagi?\nJom daftar segera! Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, layari laman web \nwww.pandai.org\n.\u00a0\n\n\nBoleh juga muat turun Aplikasi Pandai di \ndi Google Playstore dan Apple Store.\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-premium-dengan-tawaran-terendah-bulan-mac-subscribe-now/", "title": "Pandai Premium Dengan Tawaran Terendah Bulan Mac! Subscribe Now!", "body": "\n\nTahukah anda? \nBermula 1 April 2021,\n harga bagi melanggan premium akan berubah kepada RM96 kepada bulanan di web mahupun aplikasi.\u00a0\n\n\nBukan itu sahaja, \nharga bagi RM96/sebulan ini hanya boleh membuat langganan dengan pembayaran secara auto atau \u2018auto-payment\u2019\n. Tiada lagi pembayaran secara manual tau termasuk \u2018one-time payment\u2019 seperti sebelum ini.\u00a0\n\n\nJadi, untuk mendapatkan harga yang berpatutan dan ingin melanggan dengan \nHarga Terendah\n, anda semua berpeluang untuk melanggan dan book harga sekarang pada bulan ini. Ya! Bulan Mac sebelum perubahan harga ini akan mula berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 2021.\u00a0\n\n\nJika anda membuat langganan premium sekarang, anda berpeluang menikmati mendapatkan harga yang menarik dan berpatutan seperti di bawah \nterutama bagi pengguna Free dan baru nak kenal dengan Pandai :\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHah! Menarik kan?\u00a0\n\n\nPesanan:\n \nNak bagitahu juga! Kepada yang telah pun melanggan Pandai Premium secara tahunan, anda Jangan Risau! Pelajar masih boleh menggunakannya sehingga tamat langganan premium anda!. Tiada apa-apa yang akan berlaku bagi akaun anda mengenai pengumuman ini. \n\n\n\n\nNak tahu? Kenapa kena langgan sekarang sebelum 1 April 2021 ini!!??\n\n\nHarga di Pandai pada bulan Mac adalah terendah dan berpatutan \u2013 \nRM199/ setahun dan RM39/Bulanan\nKalau anda langgan, RM96/bulanan bermula 1 April 2021. Anda akan \u2018renew\u2019 setiap kali bulanan dan harga setahun untuk langganan anda akan menjadi semakin tinggi !! Omg!\nBoleh menikmati melanggan secara bayaran manual atau \u2018one-time payment\u2019.\n Ini peluang anda!\nDapat menikmati semua kelebihan menjadi pandai premium\n seperti unlimited gamified quizzes, akses soalan-soalan ujian dan topikal, soalan persediaan pertandingan dan banyak lagi.\n\n\n\n\nJangan tunggu lagi! Daftar Pandai! Kemudian, langgan dan upgrade kepada premium sekarang!\n\n\nCara melanggan pandai premium:\n\n\nPergi sahaja ke laman web Pandai, \nwww.pandai.org\n atau muat turun Pandai app di Google store atau Apple Store\nDaftar dan login dengan memasukkan \nemail anda.\n Anda akan menerima email untuk aktifkan akaun dengan \npassword yang diberi. \nLogin akaun dengan \nusername/email dan password anda.\u00a0\nPergi ke \u2018\nAkaun Saya\u2019 \ndan klik kepada \n\u2018Naik taraf ke Premium\u2019\nPilih untuk membuat langganan kepada \u2018\nBayaran Auto\u2019 atau \u2018Bayaran Sekali\u2019\nIkuti langkah seterusnya untuk\n proses pembayaran dan akaun anda akan menjadi Premium secara auto.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYaa! Tahniah! Hah! Senang sahaja. Jom cepat-cepat langgan premium dengan tawaran terendah kaw-kaw Bulan Mac sebelum perubahan berlaku pada 1 April 2021.\u00a0\n\n\nAda pelbagai \u2018features\u2019 dalam Pandai akan diperkenalkan lagi. Sentiasa up to date dengan kami yer!\n\n\nBagi mendapatkan maklumat atau berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai, follow sahaja media sosial di bawah.\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nMudah je nak Pandai! Belajar je dengan Pandai!\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-premium-penstrukturan-semula-ganjaran-syiling/", "title": "Pandai Premium: Penstrukturan Semula Ganjaran Syiling", "body": "\n\nPengenalan\n\n\nPengumuman buat pelajar Pandai Premium! \ud83d\udce2\ud83d\udce2\n\n\n\n\nMulai 1 Oktober 2021, fungsi ganjaran syiling tanpa had akan melalui perubahan dan digantikan dengan ciri baru. Tiada lagi tanda \u221e di paparan jumlah syiling anda\u2026\n\n\nTapi jangan risau ok! Walaupun ciri tersebut sudah dimansuhkan, anda masih akan merasai keistimewaan Premium dengan mendapat ganjaran syiling berganda dan peluang-peluang lain yang akan ditambah dari semasa ke semasa!\n\n\nada peringkat awal ini, semua pengguna Premium akan mendapat \n30 syiling percuma\n sebagai ganjaran permulaan (sekali sahaja).\n\n\nPenggunaan Fungsi Syiling\n\n\n\n\nFungsi syiling adalah pemboleh untuk anda menjalankan ulangkaji dengan kuiz harian. Untuk terus menjawab banyak-banyak soalan tanpa gangguan, berikut adalah cara menggunakan dan mengumpulkan syiling:\u00a0\n\n\n\u2705 Lengkapkan satu set kuiz = ganjaran 1 syiling\n\n\n\u2705 Pemilihan kuiz tidak mengikut urutan level = perlukan 1 syiling\n\n\n\u2705 Melihat soalan tanpa menghantar jawapan = perlukan 1 syiling\n\n\nBerbeza dengan akaun Pandai Basic, syiling-syiling yang terkumpul tiada tarikh luput.\n\n\nMengapa perubahan ini diperkenalkan?\n\n\n\n\n\u2705 Meningkatkan motivasi anda dalam mengulangkaji\n\n\n\u2705 Menyimpan syiling untuk digunakan di Pandai Shop (akan datang!)\n\n\nFYI: Pandai Shop?! \n\ud83c\udfea\n\ud83d\ude2f\n\n\nPandai shop adalah cetusan idea daripada pengguna Pandai yang ingin mendapatkan pelbagai barangan edisi terhad dan cenderamata yang akan dilancarkan dalam masa terdekat.\n\n\nNantikan maklumat terkini daripada Pandai Team berkenaan dengan Pandai Shop dan penggunaan syiling di Pandai Shop.\n\n\nKesimpulan\n\n\n\n\nPelajar Premium akan tetap mendapat fungsi-fungsi istimewa di Pandai, walaupun melalui perubahan ciri syiling ini. Selain daripada melangkau level kuiz dan kemudahan ketika berbelanja di Pandai Shop, kami bakal mengeluarkan pelbagai ciri-ciri lain untuk melengkapkan fungsi \u201ckumpul syiling\u201d yang terkini ini.\n\n\nNantikan ciri-ciri terbaru lain di Pandai. Kumpullah syiling mulai sekarang dan rancang perbelanjaan syiling anda dengan bijak! \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-school-holi-yay-to-beat-the-boredom/", "title": "Pandai School Holi-YAY To Beat The Boredom!", "body": "\n\nHi Parents! Hi Students!\u00a0\ud83d\udc4b\n\n\nWe\u2019re halfway through 2022, and you know what that means; the holiday season is rolling in. It\u2019s School\u2019s out, everyone!\u00a0\ud83d\udce3\n\n\nWhen the long-awaited school holiday starts, kids are a bundle of joy and excitement at the prospect of what fun it will bring. So, if you want your children to have fun and memorable school holidays?\nCatch up with us to join our exciting program this time!\n\n\n\ud83c\udf89 \nPANDAI SCHOOL HOLI-YAY 2022\n \ud83c\udf89\nA special event for School Holidays,\nfrom 7th June \u2013 10th June 2022.\nFree & Special for All Malaysian School Students\n\n\nAbout\n\n\nStarts: 7 June 2022\nEnds: 10 June 2022\n\n\nFor this 1 week, get ready to pick up a new skill & knowledge from our Pandai experts through \nLIVE Special Talkshow & Daily Funtivities\n in Pandai School Holi-Yay programme. \n\n\n\n\nVarious exciting activities can help you to enjoy yourself during this school holiday. Don\u2019t worry, we emphasize on the \u201cfun\u201d \u2013 no school books are involved!\nAll you have to do is organize your time accordingly to follow the schedule below.\n\n\nSchedule:\n \n\n\n\n\nNote: Links to Live Announcement School Holi-Yay!: \nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BbACvoNj2U\n Links Talkshow: What\u2019s Next After SPM & Let\u2019s Talk About Careers: \nYoutube\n & \nFacebook\n Pandaiofficial \n\n\nHow to Join?\n\n\n1. Log on to \npandai.org\n and register an account.\n2. Head over to the main page.\n3. Click on the \u201cTalk Show\u201d &\u00a0 \u201cPandai Daily Funtivities\u201d \nNewscards / Poster Activity\n. This will redirect you to\n Pandai Classroom\n.\n4. Join!\n\n\n\n\nWho Can Join?\n\n\nAnybody! All Malaysian school students are invited \u2013 just be sure you have a Pandai student account. And yes, this is open to even Pandai Basic students! Want to amplify the fun? Be sure to share this event and invite your friends to join you!\n\n\n\n\nWe can\u2019t wait to watch you grow and learn something new during these Pandai School Holi-Yay!\u00a0\n\n\nSee you soon! It\u2019s going to be FUN!\n\n\nLog in or register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0or;\nDownload Pandai Now on\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-school-holi-yay/", "title": "Pandai School Holi-Yay! Let\u2019s Learn And Explore", "body": "\n\nPandai School Holi-Yay is back!\u00a0\n\n\nCurated with meaningful and entertaining activities to fill your school holiday, Pandai School Holi-Yay is finally here!\n\n\nWith less than two weeks to go until the return of your favourite holiday activities, feast your eyes on our wide range of Holi-Yay programs!\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nIntroducing Pandai School Holi-Yay!\n\n\nWith 10 interesting Programs from\u00a0\n\n\n12 \u2013 23 December 2022\n\n\n Free & Special for All Malaysian School Students!\n\n\n\n\nFill your boredom during the school holiday by learning new things!\u00a0\n\n\nThe school holiday is the perfect time for students to take a break from academic classes and shift their focus to other things that they are not normally able to address during the school year, such as exploring hobbies!\n\n\nHere are the lists of program to keep you entertained!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInsects Build a Home\nTeacher Iman, Miss Liang\n\n\n\n\nRaising butterflies indoors is just fun, educational, organic, scientific, and amazing. In this program, we will deeply discuss and share the experience of how to raise a caterpillar into a butterfly or moth indoors. Let\u2019s join this program on Dec 12 and have fun during your school holiday!\n\n\nStory Telling: Puppet Show\nTeacher Zahida\n\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s DIY time! This time, we will do storytelling differently, almost similar to a puppet show. You can hear the story and do hands-on activity at the same time. Fun isn\u2019t? Come join on Dec 14 and don\u2019t miss out the program!\n\n\nPopcorn Time!\nTeacher Zahida, Ms Sakinah\n\n\n\n\nDo you like watching movies? If yes, then this is the right time for you to explore and talk about your favourite all time movies, Harry Potter and Mat Kilau. In this session, we will treasure the story line, the characters, and the impact of \u201cThe Wizarding World of Harry Potter\u201d in modern society. Not only that, students will be able to learn how to make the coolest magic potion in Harry Potter movies and also Keris- a Malay traditional weapon in the Mat Kilau movie. What are you waiting for? Come and join us on Dec 16!\n\n\nGarden of Hydroponics\nMiss Liang, Teacher Iman\n\n\n\n\nHydroponics in its simplest form, is growing plants by supplying all necessary nutrients in the plants water supply rather than through the soil. Unique isn\u2019t? During this school holiday, let\u2019s join us to develop the art of growing plants without soil! Sign up for the class now and see you on Dec 20!\n\n\nDunia Warisan Kita\nCikgu Atiqah, Cikgu Nurul\n\n\n\n\nTime to get to know more of our own culture and traditions! Students will learn the art of Malay culture in terms of musical instruments, fashion, dance and traditional Malay songs. Throughout this entire program, students are expected to be well-educated about Malay culture, uphold and maintain our unique tradition in this modern era. Sign up for the class now and see you on Dec 22!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBijak Kraftangan\nCikgu Izham, Cikgu Irfan\n\n\n\n\nGet familiar with the various and unique Malaysian handicrafts by joining this program! Let\u2019s learn how to make simple traditional handicrafts using a new technology approach! See you on Dec 13!\n\n\nA Quiet Place\nSir Faizol, Sir Shah\n\n\n\n\nLet\u2019s learn about sign language! In this program, you will have fun learning sign language where words are not the only way to communicate with others. Sign up for the class now and see you on Dec 15!\n\n\nDIY Fashion Show\nSir Shah, Sir Faizol\n\n\n\n\nCome explore the Malay culture and express your creativity by decorating and preparing the Malay traditional attire with other students! What are you waiting for? Come join us on Dec 19!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJutawan Bahasa\nCikgu Izham, Cikgu Irfan\n\n\n\n\nEveryone knows that learning a language can be very repetitive and boring. THUS, we bring you guys something FUN! Therefore, through the Language Millionaire program, students can learn about a variety of grammar, vocabulary and language comprehension through interactive games. Come join us on Dec 21!\n\n\nPermata Pintar\nCikgu Othman, Cikgu Najmuddin\n\n\n\n\nThe \u2018Permata Pintar\u2019 program will revolutionise the use of ideas, creativity and language innovation (Right Brain Hemisphere application \u2013 HOKA) & arithmetic touch (Left Brain Hemisphere application \u2013 HOKI) for the exposure of product prototype designs. Students will be exposed to Creative Critical Thinking Techniques that include a combination of (creative) thinking styles, thinking tools and thinking hats before the production of product inventions. This program is a great start for students in this Industry 4.0 era! They will be able to apply and reflect themselves as students with a first-class mindset and superior qualities. Sign up for this program now and see you on Dec 23!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \nPandai School Holi-Yay Schedule\n\n\n\n\nInterested to get our latest Exclusive Physical Certificate and Pandai\u2019s latest merchandise pack and bonus item?\u00a0\nGrab our \nExclusive School Holi-Yay\n kit for only \nRM29.99\n available starting from 12 \u2013 31 December 2022!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere are the FIVE reasons why you should join \nPandai School Holi-Yay!\n\n\n\n\nDevelop Independence\n\n\n\n\nEncourage self-development and independence with guidance from a tutor.\n\n\n\n\nExposure to Diversity\n\n\n\n\nPandai provides the opportunity for students to develop friendships with a diverse group of peers.\n\n\n\n\nSelf-esteem Boost\n\n\n\n\nBoost your confidence in terms of communication and socialising skills!\n\n\n\n\nLearning new skills\n\n\n\n\nStudents learn something new outside of the classroom\n\n\n\n\nWonderful memories\n\n\n\n\nYou will have a good time and tons of good memories, silly shenanigans and fun activities!\n\n\n\n\nCheck out the video below for more information :\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPandai School Holi-Yay activities are gonna be FUN, exciting and meaningful! Oh and we emphasised on the word \u201cFUN\u201d a lot cause books won\u2019t be involved in these activities!\n\n\nOnly at \u201cPandai School Holi-Yay\u201d. Don\u2019t forget to register with us now!\n\n\nLog in or register at \nhttp://go.pandai.org/schoolholiyay\n or;\n\n\nDownload Pandai now on Google Play or App Store!\n\n\n \n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too:\n\n\nFB: @pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter: @pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok: @pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog: blog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-videos-belajar-percuma-seperti-dalam-kelas-online-dan-mudah/", "title": "Pandai Videos : Belajar Percuma Seperti Dalam Kelas! Online dan Mudah!", "body": "\n\nHai adik-adik! Kali ini, Pandai nak ceritakan tentang \nPandai Videos!\n\n\nApa tu Pandai Videos? \nKalau nak tahu Pandai Videos adalah suatu inisiatif yang disediakan dalam Pandai sewaktu mula-mula PKP berlaku pada Mac 2020. Jadi, Pandai Videos ini mendapat sambutan yang hangat dari ramai pelajar dan ibu bapa tau. Mereka boleh melihat video-video yang membantu pelajar belajar dari rumah.\u00a0\n\n\nSekarang ini, kita perlu biasakan diri belajar di rumah dan menggunakan segala pembelajaran secara dalam talian atau online. Tak perlu runsing, Pandai dah bantu anda semua dan susun mengikut tahun dan tingkatan bagi melihat video-video untuk belajar.\n\n\n\n\nNak Tahu Kenapa Kena Belajar Dengan Pandai Videos?\u00a0\n\n\nPercuma\nMudah digunakan\nMenepati silibus yang terbaru dari KPM\nDisusun mengikuti Subjek, Bab dan Topik\nMeliputi subjek bagi Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah\nVideo dihasilkan oleh para pendidik yang mahir dan pakar\n\n\n\n\nDah lebih 100,000 pelajar mendaftar dan belajar dengan Pandai! \nTak kan anda nak tengok je. \nPercuma\n je. \nDalam Pandai ini, pelajar dapat buat kuiz subjek harian, track performances anda termasuk boleh akses Pandai Videos ini.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBagi yang masih tiada akaun Pandai dan ingin mendaftar. Ikuti sahaja langkah di bawah:\n\n\nLayari \nwww.pandai.org\n atau download\n Pandai app di Google Playstore dan Apple Store\n\n\nKlik \nDaftar akaun\n dengan memasuki email anda.\u00a0\n\n\nKemudian, semak email anda bagi mendapat \npassword.\n\u00a0\n\n\nSekarang, anda boleh \nLogin Pandai\n. Tahniah anda sekarang pengguna Pandai\n\n\n\n\nMudahkan? Semudah ABC je! Bila dah daftar, apa lagi jom akses Pandai Video!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBAGAIMANA SAYA NAK MULA MENGAKSES PANDAI VIDEO?\n\n\nPenggunaan Pandai Videos amatlah mudah dan sangat simple untuk kita nak masuk ke web Pandai. Terdapat sudah banyak hebahan melalui whatsapp mengenai Pandai Videos dan pengguna hanya perlu tekan kepada link yang diberikan seperti di bawah! Mudah bukan?\n\n\nSek. Rendah\n\n\nTahun 1 : \nvideo.pandai.org/year1\n\n\nTahun 2 : \nvideo.pandai.org/year2\n\n\nTahun 3 : \nvideo.pandai.org/year3\n\n\nTahun 4 : \nvideo.pandai.org/year4\n\n\nTahun 5 : \nvideo.pandai.org/year5\n\n\nTahun 6 : \nvideo.pandai.org/year6\n\n\nSek. Menengah\n\n\nTingkatan 1 : \nvideo.pandai.org/form1\n\n\nTingkatan 2 : \nvideo.pandai.org/form2\n\n\nTingkatan 3 : \nvideo.pandai.org/form3\n\n\nTingkatan 4 : \nvideo.pandai.org/form4\n\n\nTingkatan 5 : \nvideo.pandai.org/form5\n\n\n\n\nHah, tak susah pun kan. Tersusun rapi dalam Pandai ini. Apa lagi, jom belajar dengan Pandai Videos.\u00a0\n\n\nUntuk mendapatkan maklumat terbaru dari Pandai, follow sahaja Media Sosial Pandai\u00a0di bawah. \nAda pelbagai lagi features yang ada dan akan diperkenalkan dalam Pandai. \nStay tuned with Pandai, Okay! \n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n \n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\n \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-x-dubai-expo-2020/", "title": "Pandai X Dubai Expo 2020", "body": "\n\nWe are excited to share that Pandai has recently took part in Dubai Expo 2020!\n\n\nWhat is Dubai Expo 2020\n?\n\n\nDubai Expo is a global event that\u00a0links innovation, technology, art, and culture for a progressive thoughts of the world in one place, With 191 countries\u2019 pavilions, events, attractions, and amazing experiences, the expo is a platform that inspires the world for\u00a0\nsustainability, opportunity and mobility. \n\n\nIt creates opportunities to step ahead in a better future other than offering inspiring collections of technology and innovation to face the most critical challenge of this world. (Indian Holiday, Feb 2022)\n\n\nPandai Live Tuition at Dubai Expo 2022\n\n\n(From left) Pandai founders Akmal Akhpah, CTO and Khairul Anwar bin Mohamad Zaki, Pandai CEO at Dubai Expo\n \n2020\n\n\nKhairul Anwar bin Mohamad Zaki, Pandai CEO \nreceiving a certificate of participation from Dato\u2019\u00a0Suriani\u00a0binti\u00a0Dato\u2019 Ahmad, Secretary General Ministry of Entrepreneur Development & Cooperation\n\n\nPandai has officially launched its latest feature, Pandai Live Tuition and provided an immersive experience to the visitors at \nExpo 2020.\n\n\nYBHG. Dato Suriani binti Dato Ahmad, Secretary General Ministry of Entrepreneur Development & Cooperation officiated the launching ceremony on 14 February 2022. Pandai founders, Khairul Anwar bin Mohamad Zaki, CEO and Akmal Akhpah, CTO were also in attendance to receive the recognition.\u00a0\n\n\nThe event was attended by other companies representing \u201cStart-ups Local End Up Global\u201d in week 20.\n\n\nPandai Live Tuition is one of the application\u2019s key features. It provides an integrated online classroom for students to learn from the best tutors. It covers all school subjects for both primary and secondary students (7-17 years old). Students can communicate live with their favorite tutor daily, 8:00PM \u2013 9:30PM. It is also free to all premium students without any additional charges.\u00a0By providing an engaging live teaching, this new innovative feature is catering to student\u2019s needs, aligning with the brand\u2019s vision and commitment.\n\n\nPandai Business Meetings \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \nPandai founders Khairul Anwar bin Mohamad Zaki, CEO \nand \nAkmal Akhpah, CTO during business meetings with partners and investors\n\n\nBoth founders had the chance to discuss business\u00a0opportunities to attract investments, potential partnerships and promote international cooperation with interested parties from both middle east and Europe.\n\n\nPandai Exhibition Booth\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPandai Exhibition Booth at Dubai Expo 2022\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPandai also opened an exhibition booth at the Expo to introduce and promote the application to its visitors.\u00a0\n\n\nThe exhibition took place in Week 20. Other than providing brochures for visitors to refer to, Khairul Anwar bin Mohamad Zaki, co-founder and CEO of Pandai also gave a \u201cproduct tour\u201d and overview of the application\u2019s development.\u00a0\n\n\nWith a growing number of application users within two years after being launched, Pandai interactive features are attracting audiences at the exhibition.\u00a0\n\n\nPandai has been recognised for its wide spectrum of achievements. It is new, young and vibrant. It has benefitted hugely from showcasing itself in front of a growing global audience at Expo 2020 in Dubai.\u00a0\n\n\nGO Premium to enjoy Pandai Live Tuition NOW!\n\n\nPsst\u2026 Stay tuned to our social media as we will be releasing videos of us visiting other countries\u2019 pavilion at the Expo soon!\n\n\nLog in or register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0or;\n\n\nDownload Pandai Now on\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pandai-x-murai-pilihan-yang-lebih-pandai-sudah-tentu-pandai-kini-mempunyai-pakej-baharu-premium-lite/", "title": "Pandai X Murai: Pandai Kini Mempunyai Pakej Baharu, Premium Lite!", "body": "\n\nAplikasi Pandai bukanlah asing dalam kalangan pelajar, ibubapa dan guru-guru. Ia merupakan aplikasi pembelajaran no 1 bagi pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah di Malaysia. Hampir 400 ribu pelajar di seluruh Malaysia telah berdaftar dan menggunakan Pandai. Manakan tidak, aplikasi ini sememangnya membantu mereka dalam mengulangkaji pelajaran.\n\n\nUntuk info, sehingga kini, lebih 250 ribu soalan latihan tersedia di Pandai merangkumi semua subjek mengikut pelbagai tahap pelajar bagi membantu para pelajar belajar dengan lebih mudah dan efektif. Banyak kelebihan yang boleh dimanfaatkan oleh pelajar dengan menggunakan aplikasi Pandai lagi-lagi jika pembelajaran secara dalam talian.\n\n\nDengan elemen belajar sambil bermain, pelajar boleh mengulang kaji dengan rasa seronok dan bersemangat dengan Pandai. Pelajar boleh mengumpul mata setiap kali belajar di Pandai yang boleh ditukar kepada baucar Roblox, Shopee, Tealive dan banyak lagi. Yang masih belum pernah mencuba aplikasi ini, berikut Murai MY ingin kongsikan beberapa kelebihan lain dengan Pandai.\n\n\nSetiap soalan di dalam Pandai akan disediakan jawapan dan penerangan yang lengkap secara sistem auto-grading.\nPelajar dapat belajar secara serta merta malah segala rekod prestasi pelajar juga disediakan\u00a0dengan terperinci bagi membantu pelajar mengenalpasti kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam pembelajaran mereka.\nPandai boleh diakses dan berdaftar secara\u00a0Percuma!\n\n\nPandai Premium LITE\n\n\nWalaubagaimanapun, Pandai kini mempunyai pakej istimewa di mana pelajar yang berdaftar akan dapat menikmati pelbagai kelebihan setelah menaik taraf kepada Pandai\u00a0\nPremium LITE.\n\n\nBerikut Murai MY kongsikan perbezaan bagi pengguna yang berdaftar dan melanggan Pandai Premium LITE\u00a0atau dengan Premium.\u00a0Jom lihat dibawah;\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPandai Premium LITE menawarkan harga langganan yang berpatutan sesuai kepada mereka yang tidak memerlukan Tuisyen dan Bantuan Live. Pelajar juga dapat menikmati banyak ciri istimewa dalam aplikasi. Antaranya, lebih banyak kuiz tersedia dan boleh menjawab soalan kuiz tanpa had berbanding akses secara Percuma.\n\n\nSelain itu pelajar juga dapat mengakses soalan peperiksaan dan ujian akademik mengikut subjek pelajaran. Lebih menarik, selepas menjawab ujian atau peperiksaan, pelajar dapat melihat pencapaian menerusi laporan dan analisis mengikut subjek pelajaran yang disediakan oleh aplikasi Pandai.\n\n\nManakala, pelajar yang melanggan pakej Premium pula akan dapat memanfaatkan ciri ciri tambahan iaitu\u00a0Tuisyen dan Bantuan Live. Tuisyen Live yang dijadualkan secara harian mengikut subjek dan tahap pembelajaran memberi ruang kepada pelajar untuk berinteraksi secara langsung bersama Tutor Pandai. Pelajar juga dapat berbincang secara langsung di ruangan sembang langsung (live chat) bersama tutor untuk membincangkan apa-apa perkara berkaitan pembelajaran di Bantuan Live.\n\n\nBerikut kami kongsikan pengalaman seorang ibu dan pelajar yang menggunakan Pandai dan pernah berada di kedudukan No. 1 dalam carta pendahulu Pandai. Jom dengar apa yang mereka ingin sampaikan.\n\n\nJadi apa tunggu lagi, jom sertai sebagai Pengguna Premium LITE. Daftar dan langgani Pandai Premium LITE sekarang dengan harga serendah RM30 sebulan dan bersedia untuk menjadikan pembelajaran lebih menyeronokkan\n\n\nKlik link ini untuk melanggan\n\u00a0\nPandai Premium LITE.\n\n\nKepada yang belum mendaftar, jom mengenali lebih lanjut tentang Pandai di www.pandai.org. Muat turun dan daftar Pandai di Google Store atau Apple sekarang!\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n \u2013 by PHIC ARMAN , Murai.my\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/panduan-cara-mengajar-menguasai-subjek-sains-ketika-pdpr/", "title": "Panduan & Cara mengajar, menguasai subjek Sains ketika PdPR", "body": "\n\nPengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) memberi cabaran tersendiri kepada guru yang mengajar subjek Sains. Selain kedudukannya sebagai subjek penting, kaedah pengajarannya sebelum ini disampaikan menggunakan prosedur dan proses terperinci sama ada ia berlangsung di kelas atau makmal.\n\n\nBagaimanapun dengan kaedah pembelajaran semasa, pengajaran subjek Sains sangat mencabar bukan hanya untuk guru tetapi juga pelajar. Lebih mencabar lagi, tahap kemampuan pelajar memahami Sains juga berbeza-beza. Ada yang cepat faham, sederhana dan ada pula yang memerlukan masa yang lebih panjang.\n\n\nSubjek Sains sudah dipelajari murid sejak sekolah rendah dengan memberi pendedahan kepada bidang penciptaan saintifik dan penggunaan teknologi terkini. Ia adalah sebahagian usaha Dasar Sains dan Teknologi (1986) yang bertujuan menggalakkan penciptaan saintifik dalam kalangan pelajar.\n\n\nApabila berada di sekolah menengah, subjek ini dibahagikan secara terperinci kepada Biologi, Kimia dan Fizik.\n\n\nBagaimanakah agaknya subjek Sains dapat dikuasai menerusi kaedah pembelajaran terkini? PdPR membawa norma baharu bersamanya iaitu, Sains perlu dipelajari secara kendiri tanpa bergantung kepada guru sepenuhnya.\n\n\nKebanyakan pelajar tidak minat Sains dan mempunyai persepsi negatif mengenainya, itu hal yang biasa kita dengar. Bagi mereka, Sains adalah subjek yang perlu dihafal, susah hendak difahami dan tidak menyeronokkan. Bagaimanapun hal itu boleh diubah jika mereka dibantu untuk menguasainya walaupun mempelajarinya dalam talian.\n\n\n1) Peta minda beranimasi\n\n\n\n\nHanya guru yang bercakap, murid mendengar, kaedah pengajaran ini sangat membosankan. Sebaliknya, minta pelajar sediakan peta minda berserta animasi merujuk kepada teori Sains dan eksperimen. Ibu bapa boleh membantu anak-anak menyediakan peta minda dengan berbincang topik berkaitan bersama mereka. Peta minda beranimasi membantu memudahkan pelajar mengingati dan memahami apa yang dipelajari. Ibu bapa juga dapat memantau dan menilai tahap kefahaman anak dan mengesan di mana kelemahan mereka. Tidak semestinya menggunakan peranti, peta minda juga boleh dilukis dengan tangan.\n\n\n2) Perbincangan santai dalam PdPR\n\n\n\n\nGuru juga boleh berkongsi dengan pelajar pautan laman sosial berkaitan topik atau tajuk yang ingin diajar. Selain itu, artikel atau berita berkaitan perkembangan Sains juga boleh dijadikan bahan bacaan tambahan untuk dibincangkan dalam kelas. Perbincangan akan lebih menyeronokkan jika ia dibuat secara tidak formal. Dalam hal ini, guru berperanan mewujudkan suasana perbincangan supaya ia tidak terlalu serius sekali gus menggalakkan pelajar mengeluarkan pendapat dengan lebih santai. Ia juga boleh diselitkan dengan interaktif seperti lukisan, komik, permainan mudah yang bertujuan menarik minat dan fokus pelajar.\n\n\n3) \u2018Makmal\u2019 di rumah\n\n\n\n\nJadikan rumah sebagai \u2018makmal\u2019 yang menyeronokkan. Pelajar boleh mendekati Sains dengan cepat dan mudah dengan membuat eksperimen yang tidak membabitkan kos seperti rangsangan dan gerak balas, pengamatan struktur pembiakan bunga, ujian ketumpatan objek di dalam air, pengambilan nutrisi makanan dan lain-lain. Hasil eksperimen di rumah boleh dibentangkan melalui buku skrap dengan kreativiti sendiri. Uji kaji Sains ini lebih menyeronokkan jika dilakukan bersama ahli keluarga sebagai aktiviti santai secara harian atau di hujung minggu. Dalam hal ini, ibu bapa juga boleh berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman mereka berkaitan uji kaji yang dibuat bagi memudahkan pemahaman murid.\n\n\n4) Rakaman video pendek\n\n\n\n\nBuat rakaman video pendek berkaitan topik Sains. Hasil tugasan ini boleh dibincangkan bersama di dalam kelas melalui pembentangan video dan ulasan secara lisan. Contoh video yang boleh dilakukan seperti proses penyediaan dan menanam sayur di dalam pasu (seperti salad, sawi, kangkung dan bayam) di mana pelajar boleh kaitkan aktiviti ini melalui penggabungan beberapa topik lain seperti proses hidup tumbuhan, fotosintesis dan pengkelasan tumbuhan.\n\n\n5) Sains dan media sosial\n\n\n\n\nSains tidak hanya tertumpu kepada teori dan eksperimen. Sebaliknya, ia juga membabitkan hubungan antara manusia, alam sekitar, tumbuhan dan haiwan. Pembelajaran Sains boleh diharmonikan melalui penggunaan teknologi media sosial selari dengan minat generasi muda yang boleh dikatakan setiap pelajar terdedah dengan teknologi maklumat dan gajet. Perkongsian rakaman video di media sosial secara tidak langsung juga dapat memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat umum tentang kepentingan alam sekitar dan hidupan liar terhadap ekosistem. Galakan seperti ini juga dapat menerapkan nilai cinta generasi muda terhadap bumi dan hidupan lain. Perkongsian itu mungkin aktiviti berkaitan alam sekitar dan hidupan liar misalnya kempen cintai alam sekitar, sayangi sungai kita atau konsep semula.\n\n\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal boleh lihat di laman web \nberita harian.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/panduan-kenal-pasti-bakat-kecerdasan-murid/", "title": "Panduan kenal pasti bakat, kecerdasan murid", "body": "\n\nTAHAP pembelajaran seorang murid boleh dibantu dengan mengenal pasti bakat dan minatnya yang dikenali sebagai kecerdasan pelbagai.\n\n\nTerdapat lapan jenis kecerdasan pelbagai yang dimiliki kanak-kanak iaitu; verbal linguistik, logik matematik, visual ruang, kinestetik, muzik, intrapersonal, interpersonal dan naturalistik.\n\n\nBagaimana lapan jenis kecerdasan pelbagai ini boleh membantu murid? Minda kanak-kanak penuh dengan perasaan ingin tahu. Mereka sentiasa mahu meneroka dunia yang menakjubkan dan baharu. Sebagai guru dan ibu bapa kita harus menyediakan persekitaran yang dapat mengoptimumkan kebolehan mereka.\n\n\nAktiviti yang dirancang untuk anak-anak seharusnya dapat memberikan hala tuju dan pemahaman yang lebih baik bagaimana cara untuk mengurus alam dan persekitaran mereka. Aktiviti ini seharusnya juga dapat meningkatkan minat dan kebolehan supaya mereka menyedari bakat yang dimiliki.\n\n\n\n\nJenis kecerdasan ini perlu diasah dan dimanfaatkan khususnya bagi membantu pembelajaran murid.\n\n\nTanggapan salah terhadap murid\n\n\n\u2022 Sebenarnya, kita sebagai orang dewasa selalu memberi tanggapan yang salah mengenai kecerdasan kanak-kanak. Terdapat pendapat yang menyatakan kecerdasan mereka adalah tetap dan tidak boleh diubah. Justeru, sangat biasa untuk melihat murid yang lemah selalu dipinggirkan tanpa diberi peluang untuk menunjukkan kecerdasan atau kebolehan. Contohnya, kanak-kanak yang tidak mahir matematik selalu dianggap lemah dalam pembelajaran yang lain juga. Sedangkan, mereka mempunyai kebolehan lain yang seharusnya dipupuk.\n\n\n\u2022 Kita juga sering tidak meletakkan harapan kepada murid yang lemah malah beranggapan kebolehan dan kecerdasan adalah tuah yang hanya untuk mereka yang bernasib baik. Sebenarnya, kecerdasan kanak-kanak yang pelbagai ini boleh dilatih dan ditingkatkan.\n\n\n\u2022 Kecerdasan bukan hanya diwarisi daripada ibu bapa yang bijak, tetapi ia adalah perkara yang boleh ditingkatkan dan boleh dipengaruhi oleh persekitaran. Justeru itulah, sebagai ibu bapa dan guru kita perlu menyediakan persekitaran yang bersesuaian.\n\n\nApa sebenarnya kecerdasan pada diri anak-anak? Seorang murid tidak hanya berkebolehan dalam sesuatu hal sahaja sebaliknya mereka mempunyai pelbagai kecerdasan malah berkemungkinan memiliki kombinasi beberapa daripadanya.\n\n\nContohnya, seorang murid yang bijak dalam matematik, dia juga kemungkinan baik dalam bermain alat muzik dan mempunyai kebolehan dalam bersukan. Namun ada murid lain pula mempunyai kebolehan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dan mampu menguasai beberapa bahasa dengan baik.\n\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, kombinasi dan jenis kecerdasan kanak-kanak ini adalah bersifat dinamik. Adanya latihan dan jenis pengalaman yang dapat disusun dengan baik, kecerdasan kanak-kanak ini boleh ditambah dan ditingkatkan. Contohnya, kanak-kanak yang tiada bakat muzik pada awalnya, tetapi oleh kerana persekitaran dan latihan yang diberikan bakat dan kecerdasan dalam bidang itu dapat dibentuk dan ditingkatkan. Justeru, kanak-kanak ini berhak diberi peluang untuk mengenal dan membangunkan kecerdasan mereka.\n\n\nDalam hal ini, guru dan ibu bapa harus memberi dorongan supaya murid dapat mengenal potensi diri mereka dan seterusnya memberi keyakinan kepada mereka dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan diri masing-masing.\n\n\nMengenal lapan kecerdasan\n\n\nGambar dari verywell website\n\n\nTerdapat lapan jenis kecerdasan pada diri kanak-kanak. Justeru guru dan ibu bapa boleh mengenalpasti dan menggunakan jenis kecerdasan ini untuk mengoptimumkan cara pembelajaran kanak-kanak.\n\n\n1. Kecerdasan verbal linguistik \u2013\n\u00a0merujuk kepada kemampuan kanak-kanak menggunakan perkataan secara berkesan sama ada secara lisan atau tulisan termasuk kebolehan memanipulasikan ayat, gaya bahasa dan pengucapan dengan baik dan sempurna. Melalui kecerdasan ini gaya pembelajaran kanak-kanak boleh dipelbagaikan dengan menyediakan aktiviti seperti bercerita, bersajak atau melalui aktiviti perdebatan. Sebagai contoh, pembelajaran sains melalui bercerita adalah antara aktiviti pembelajaran sains yang berkesan.\n\n\n2. Kecerdasan muzikal \u2013\n\u00a0merujuk kemampuan kanak-kanak untuk menggemari dan meluahkan perasaan melalui muzik. Kecenderungan ini termasuk kepekaan terhadap ritma, melodi dan kesukaan kepada hasil muzik. Banyak aktiviti pembelajaran yang boleh digunakan dengan menggunakan cara pembelajaran ini. Sebagai contoh, untuk menghafal nama-nama rasul kita boleh menggunakan cara muzik dan ritma yang dapat memudahkan kanak-kanak untuk menghafal.\n\n\n3. Kecerdasan kinestatik \u2013\n\u00a0\niaitu pergerakan dan kemahiran fizikal seperti koordinasi, keseimbangan dan kelenturan badan. Ibu bapa dan guru boleh menggunakan pergerakan anggota badan untuk meluahkan idea dan perasaan semasa pembelajaran kanak-kanak. Contohnya, guru boleh merancang aktiviti permainan yang membabitkan pergerakan dan interaksi bagi pembelajaran matematik. Penggunaan otot dan sentuhan akan membolehkan kanak-kanak mudah faham dan lebih mudah untuk mengingat.\n\n\n4. Kecerdasan logik matematik \u2013\n\u00a0merujuk kepada kebolehan kanak-kanak menggunakan nombor, mengenal pasti corak, menunjukkan perkaitan, dan memberikan sebab dan akibat yang logik. Kecerdasan ini membabitkan pemikiran kanak-kanak secara inkuiri dan sifat ingin tahu. Aktiviti dalam kecerdasan logik matematik ini dapat menyediakan kanak-kanak dengan cara pemikiran yang saintifik dan memberikan sebab dan jawapan yang konkrit. Aktiviti seperti menggalakkan pertanyaan dan memberikan soalan yang mencabar minda kanak-kanak akan dapat menyediakan mereka dengan jenis kecerdasan ini.\n\n\n5. Kecerdasan visual-ruang \u2013\n\u00a0iaitu kebolehan kanak-kanak untuk mencipta gambaran mental dan mengamati dunia visual. Murid yang tinggi dalam jenis kecerdasan ini lebih peka terhadap warna, garis bentuk dan ruang. Mereka mempunyai kebolehan dalam membayangkan dan mengaitkan diri dalam matriks ruang. Banyak jenis permainan minda yang dapat mencabar jenis kecerdasan visual ruang kanak-kanak. Antaranya adalah permainan catur, kiub rubik dan sudoku. Jenis permainan ini mencabar kemampuan kanak-kanak untuk berfikir dalam\u00a0 tiga dimensi. Kecerdasan ruang ini memungkinkan kanak-kanak untuk menterjemahkan apa yang dibayangkannya atau melukis bayangan itu.\n\n\n6. Kecerdasan interpersonal \u2013\n\u00a0ia berkait dengan bagaimana kanak-kanak dapat memahami perasaan, keinginan serta perasaan kawan mereka. Kecerdasan ini memungkinkan mereka untuk berkawan dan berinteraksi, bahkan kanak-kanak juga mampu menjaga hubungan sosial. Aktiviti pembelajaran yang boleh dirancang oleh ibu bapa dan guru termasuklah perbincangan, belajar secara berkumpulan atau menyelesaikan tugasan belajar secara berpasangan.\n\n\n7. Kecerdasan intrapersonal\n\u00a0\npula merujuk kepada kesedaran kanak-kanak mengenai diri sendiri. Kesedaran ini merujuk kepada perasaan, \u2018mood\u2019 dalaman, kehendak, motivasi, dorongan dan kemampuan untuk mendisiplinkan diri mereka. Kanak-kanak boleh digalakkan untuk bercerita mengenai perasaan mereka dan meluahkan apa dirasai. Beri peluang mereka belajar dalam situasi atau keadaan persekitaran yang diinginkan. Misalnya, peluang untuk menghias tempat belajar mengikut gaya cita rasa dan \u2018mood\u2019 mereka.\n\n\n8. Kecerdasan naturalistik\n\u00a0iaitu merujuk kepada kepekaan terhadap perubahan dan keadaan alam sekitar. Kanak-kanak dari peringkat bayi lagi sudah mula mengenal pola dan corak persekitaran mereka dan belajar menyesuaikan diri dengannya. Justeru, ibu bapa dan guru seharusnya memberi peluang kepada kanak-kanak untuk mencintai dan menghargai alam sekitar. Banyak aktiviti pembelajaran boleh dikaitkan dengan persekitaran kanak-kanak seperti membawa mereka ke taman dan tempat rekreasi.\n\n\nFakulti Pengajian Pendidikan Universiti Putra Malaysia\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal diboleh lihat di laman web\u00a0\nberita harian.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pdpr-calon-spm-2021-paling-terkesan/", "title": "PdPR: Calon SPM 2021 paling terkesan", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Selepas berakhirnya cuti pertengahan tahun, pelajar kembali menyambung sesi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) pada minggu ini, susulan penularan kes COVID-19 yang masih tinggi.\n\n\nPada situasi semasa, PdPR kaedah terbaik bagi mengurangkan risiko jangkitan dalam kalangan pelajar, berikutan wujudnya beberapa kluster institusi pendidikan, selain trend terbaharu jangkitan dalam kalangan kanak-kanak melalui gelombang ketiga yang dilaporkan.\n\n\nWalaupun kebanyakan ibu bapa berasa lega apabila PdPR disambung untuk tempoh 25 hari lagi, namun timbul juga kebimbangan sekiranya tempoh pembelajaran itu berlanjutan dalam tempoh lebih lama lagi.\n\n\nJika berlanjutan, sudah pasti memberi cabaran besar terutamanya kepada pelajar yang bakal menduduki peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2021, memandangkan sejak tahun lepas lagi, mereka kurang mendapat peluang belajar secara bersemuka di sekolah, berikutan penularan pandemik itu.\n\n\n\n\nBerbeza dengan pelajar SPM 2020, mereka berpeluang menjalani sesi persekolahan secara fizikal ketika Tingkatan Empat dan hanya menghadapi kemelut pembelajaran ketika memasuki tingkatan lima.\n\n\nPensyarah Kanan (Bimbingan dan Kaunseling), Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Dr Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah mengakui pihaknya menerima banyak rungutan mengenai kebimbangan terhadap isu kaedah pembelajaran berkenaan.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, berdasarkan tinjauan dan pemerhatian, kebanyakan ibu bapa, biarpun berasa lega dan selamat apabila anak-anak mereka berada di rumah, pada masa sama bimbang jika PdPR berlangsung dalam tempoh lebih lama.\n\n\n\u201cMemang pelajar SPM 2021 golongan paling terkesan ketika ini.\n\n\n\u201cKerisauan ibu bapa lebih kepada ketidakpastian sama ada anak mereka faham atau sebaliknya, apabila belajar secara PdPR, selain tidak bersemangat kerana pelbagai masalah atau kekangan dihadapi ketika belajar secara dalam talian,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nSyed Mohamad berkata, isu itu bermaksud penyesuaian ibu bapa serta pelajar dalam PdPR kerana ibu bapa masih berpandangan sesi secara bersemuka di sekolah amat penting dalam membantu mendapatkan pembelajaran lebih baik.\n\n\nDalam menangani faktor kebimbangan serta kelesuan motivasi dalam kalangan pelajar khususnya calon SPM 2021, pendekatan sebaiknya pada masa ini ialah menjadikan kejayaan serta semangat pelajar SPM 2020 sebagai satu indikator buat mereka untuk lebih fokus dan kekal berdaya juang.\n\n\n\u201cMereka tidak perlu bimbang tetapi sebaiknya mengambil semangat abang, kakak SPM 2020 yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang, meskipun dalam situasi pembelajaran tidak menentu menerusi PdPR. Maksudnya, ini bukanlah penghalang meraih kejayaan.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cSebenarnya, mereka yang SPM 2020 berhadapan cabaran lebih sukar memandangkan tengah belajar secara tiba-tiba pengoperasian sekolah bertukar kepada kaedah PdPR dan ketika itu kita sedia maklum pelbagai masalah dihadapi disebabkan ia masih baharu,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBiarpun mengakui masih terdapat beberapa masalah dalam melaksanakannya, usaha menambah baik yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, mahupun guru memastikan pengajaran PdPR lebih menarik bagi meningkatkan penerimaan pelajar.\n\n\nCalon SPM 2021 sebenarnya mempunyai \u2018kelebihan\u2019 kerana didedahkan awal dengan PdPR dan pengalaman itu pastinya membantu memudahkan mereka untuk mengadaptasi dengan lebih baik.\n\n\nBeliau percaya sekolah mempunyai pelan dan strategi sekiranya kaedah pembelajaran secara dalam talian ini berlanjutan lebih lama, berdasarkan pengalaman yang ditempuh sebelum ini.\n\n\nPelbagai alternatif dalam melaksanakan PdPR turut dijalankan dan tidak hanya tertumpu secara dalam talian sahaja. Ini termasuk saluran televisyen pendidikan seperti DidikTV KPM serta pembabitan pelbagai agensi lain dan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) yang turut membantu memastikan sesi pembelajaran PdPR kali ini, lebih baik berbanding sebelumnya.\n\n\n\u201cWalaupun bertambah baik, keberkesanan PdPR masih perlu dibuat kajian lanjut oleh Kementerian Pendidikan bagi mengenal pasti pelbagai kelompongan, kekurangan, supaya dapat diatasi segera. Kita mungkin tidak dapat membuat penambahbaikan sekali gus, tetapi usaha ini perlu dipertingkat dari semasa ke semasa seperti membantu golongan berpendapatan 40 peratus terendah (B40) dalam pelajaran,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nSementara itu, Pakar Psikologi Universiti SEGI, Prof Datin Dr Mariani Md Nor berpandangan kementerian itu boleh menggunakan DidikTV KPM dengan sasaran lebih menyeluruh untuk mengetengahkan program yang dapat membantu mengurangkan tekanan pelajar.\n\n\nMariani berkata, menerusi saluran televisyen, pihak sekolah, guru dan ibu bapa boleh memainkan peranan masing-masing dalam ekosistem pandemik pada masa kini, bagi memastikan emosi dan minda pelajar stabil.\n\n\n\u201cDengan situasi belajar di rumah, saya cadangkan supaya khaskan satu episod di DidikTV KPM untuk kita wujudkan bengkel atau webinar yang boleh membantu dan mendidik pelajar, agar mereka tenang dan lebih positif dalam mendepani cabaran menghadapi pandemik.\n\n\n\u201cGuru bukan hanya mengajar, sebaliknya boleh membimbing. Tampilkan guru bimbingan dan kaunseling yang boleh memberi khidmat nasihat kepada pelajar,\u201d katanya. \u2013 \nBERNAMA\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pdpr-kembali-dua-minggu-selepas-cuti-aidilfitri/", "title": "PdPR kembali dua minggu selepas cuti Aidilfitri", "body": "\n\nPUTRAJAYA: Sesi pembelajaran selepas cuti Aidilfitri akan diteruskan dengan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) selama dua minggu bagi menggantikan sesi bersemuka di sekolah.\n\n\nMenteri Kanan Pendidikan, Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin, berkata sesi pembelajaran itu bermula 16 hingga 27 Mei bagi sekolah kumpulan A (sekolah di Johor, Kedah, Kelantan dan Terengganu) dan 17 hingga 28 Mei bagi sekolah kumpulan B (sekolah di Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak, Kuala Lumpur, Labuan dan Putrajaya).\n\n\n\n\nRadzi berkata, keputusan itu dibuat bagi mengelak risiko jangkitan COVID-19 di sekolah selepas cuti sekolah bagi meraikan Aidilfitri yang dijadualkan pada 7 hingga 15 Mei bagi sekolah kumpulan A dan 8 sehingga 16 Mei bagi sekolah kumpulan B.\n\n\nSelepas tempoh PdPR itu, katanya, murid dan pelajar akan menyambung cuti penggal bermula 28 Mei sehingga 12 Jun bagi sekolah kumpulan A dan 29 Mei sehingga 13 Jun bagi sekolah kumpulan B.\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian Online\n\n\n\u201cIni sesuatu yang baharu kita belajar. Jika tahun lalu ketika Aidilfitri sekolah tutup ketika itu, jadi kita tidak tahu data selepas raya macam mana.\n\n\n\u201cKita khuatir terutama mereka yang akan pulang ke asrama kerana menjangkakan ada jangkitan dari luar, jadi kita ambil langkah ini untuk mengawal penularan kerana selepas perayaan pelajar berada di rumah lebih lama,\u201d katanya pada sidang media di sini, hari ini.\n\n\nRadzi berkata, pelajar dan murid yang tinggal di asrama sekolah di bawah KPM di seluruh negara, akan dibenarkan pulang bagi menyambut Aidilfitri dan akan melalui PdPR dalam tempoh dua minggu selepas cuti itu.\n\n\nSebelum ini, takwim sekolah bagi 2021 menetapkan selepas cuti Aidilfitri, pelajar dan murid perlu hadir semula ke sekolah bagi meneruskan sesi pembelajaran selama dua minggu dan bercuti penggal selepas itu. \u2013 \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pdpr-making-home-based-learning-possible-for-all/", "title": "PdPR: Making home-based learning possible for all", "body": "\n\nDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, home-based learning was introduced in all schools\u00a0to make learning as seamless as possible at home, without the need for physical interaction in close proximity to other students.\n\n\nAs time passes, some of the changes introduced during the pandemic not be implemented any longer, as we hope. However, we predict that home-based learning will continue to exist in some part of your child\u2019s education.\n\n\nPut it simply, home-based learning is having lessons, classroom interaction and lesson materials accessible from home. The school\u2019s home-based learning may also come with a timetable that your child has to adhere to, hence your child will not be doing it at their own pace.\n\n\n\n\nAs parents and teacher we\u2019ve taken the time to dissect what home-based learning really is and find out what steps you can take to enable your child to learn better. There are different challenges actually and ways to overcome to face on this home based learning become more meaningful to our children. \n\n\nHowever, these changes will keep us safe and learning during these challenging times. They also push us ahead in making learning more efficient and effective.\n\n\nSo, let\u2019s watch the video of interview from Astro Awani to CEO of Pandai Education, Khairul Anwar Mohamad Zaki.\n\n\n\n\nCEO of Pandai Education, Khairul Anwar Mohamad Zaki shares the challenges and ways to make home-based learning or PdPR possible for all Malaysians.\n\n\nCheck out this video here:\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\nYou can check the reference on this link:\nhttps://www.astroawani.com/video-malaysia/pdpr-making-homebased-learning-possible-all-1908237 \n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pelajar-sekolah-menengah-pdpr-2-minggu-mulai-21-mac%ef%bf%bc/", "title": "Pelajar sekolah menengah PdPR 2 minggu mulai 21 Mac", "body": "\n\nPUTRAJAYA: Pelajar sekolah menengah akan menjalani pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah (PdPR) selama dua minggu mulai 21 Mac ini bagi Penggal 1 Sesi Persekolahan 2022/2023\n\n\nMenteri Kanan Pendidikan, Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin, berkata pelajar terbabit kemudian akan menghadiri pembelajaran secara bersemuka tanpa penggiliran di sekolah, mulai 4 April depan.\n\n\n\u201cPelajar berkenaan meliputi murid berkeperluan khas (MBK), peralihan, Tingkatan Satu hingga Tingkatan Enam, prauniversiti, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) dan peperiksaan antarabangsa setara,\u201d katanya melalui rakaman video dimuat naik dalam Facebook beliau, hari ini.\n\n\nSeterusnya bagi sekolah rendah yang mempunyai enrolmen melebihi 600 pelajar, Radzi berkata, murid Tahun Tiga hingga Tahun Lima perlu hadir ke sekolah secara penggiliran.\n\n\nBagi MBK, penerima Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT), prasekolah, Tahun Satu, Tahun Dua dan Tahun Enam pula, beliau berkata, pelajar perlu hadir ke sekolah tanpa penggiliran.\n\n\n\u201cSemua ketetapan ini turut terpakai kepada murid sekolah swasta, termasuk sekolah ekspatriat dan sekolah antarabangsa yang setara dengan sekolah rendah Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM).\n\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, sekolah rendah swasta yang mempunyai enrolmen melebihi 600 pelajar, boleh mengemukakan permohonan kepada KPM untuk beroperasi sepenuhnya tanpa penggiliran. KPM akan membuat pertimbangan sebelum kelulusan diberikan.\n\n\n\u201cBagi sekolah rendah yang mempunyai kurang daripada 600 murid, semua pelajar sama ada di sekolah harian atau swasta, akan hadir ke sekolah tanpa penggiliran,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nDalam pada itu, Radzi berkata, pihaknya menggalakkan semua pelajar sama ada sekolah rendah atau menengah, untuk memakai pakaian seragam apabila hadir ke sekolah nanti.\n\n\n\u201cNamun, kita sedar ada anak-anak kita yang pakaiannya (seragam sekolah) sudah tidak sesuai. Oleh itu untuk pelajar ini, kita membenarkan mereka hadir ke sekolah dengan pakaian sopan dan sesuai,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nMengulas mengenai kehadiran pelajar ke sekolah, Radzi menjelaskan sebagaimana dilaksanakan sebelum ini, sekiranya ibu bapa memilih untuk tidak menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah, ketidakhadiran itu tidak dianggap sebagai satu kesalahan disiplin.\n\n\n\u201cNamun, ibu bapa yang tidak menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah, perlu memaklumkan hal itu kepada pihak sekolah untuk tujuan rekod,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nSeterusnya, Radzi memaklumkan, sebanyak 10 peratus daripada murid sekolah rendah akan menjalani ujian kendiri COVID-19 di rumah.\n\n\n\u201cKPM akan membekalkan kit ujian berkenaan dan murid terbabit perlu melakukannya di rumah serta melaporkan keputusan ujian itu kepada pihak sekolah.\n\n\n\u201cKita sudah melaksanakan pendekatan ini pada penggal sebelum ini. Kita akan menggunakan pendekatan sama apabila penggal persekolahan baharu bermula nanti,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nRadzi menjelaskan, pengoperasian sekolah kali ini lebih terbuka dan dapat dilihat hampir keseluruhan pelajar akan hadir ke sekolah tanpa penggiliran.\n\n\nBagaimanapun, beliau berkata, KPM akan terus memantau keadaan dari semasa ke semasa bagi memastikan tarikh sesuai untuk semua pelajar hadir ke sekolah tanpa penggiliran.\n\n\n\u201cApa yang penting, ketika sesi pembukaan sekolah nanti, KPM berharap ibu bapa, pelajar, guru dan seluruh warga pendidikan ini dapat bersama-sama mematuhi prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang ditetapkan.\n\n\n\u201cSama-samalah kita memastikan sesi persekolahan ini dapat berlangsung dengan selamat serta teratur dan anak-anak kita dapat datang ke sekolah secara bersemuka, seperti sebelum ini,\u201d katanya. \u2013 Berita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pemakaian-uniform-di-sekolah-tingkatkan-etika-pelajar/", "title": "Pemakaian Uniform di Sekolah; tingkatkan Etika pelajar?", "body": "\n\nPernahkan anda terfikir?\n\n\nMengapa sekolah-sekolah di Malaysia dan sebahagian besar negara di Malaysia mewajibkan pemakaian uniform di sekolah? Berlainan dengan sekolah-sekolah di Amerika atau Sweden yang hanya berpakaian casual? Ini disebabkan, pakaian seragam \nmenggambarkan perpaduan\n dan memupuk rasa kesaksamaan antara semua. Tambahan pula Malaysia mempunyai latar belakang penduduk berbilang kaum. Setiap pelajar datang dari sosioekonomi keluarga yang berbeza dan uniform akan membuatkan mereka setaraf di sekolah.\n\n\nOleh itu, kerapnya berlaku \nkejadian membuli\n walaupun memakai pakaian seragam. Kejadian buli mungkin bertambah teruk jika tanpa pakaian seragam. Ini kerana, manusia sering menggunakan pakaian sebagai salah satu ekspresi diri termasuklah kanak-kanak. Jika seorang pelajar itu mengekspresikan diri mereka dengan cara yang berbeza dengan orang lain, dia mungkin akan dianggap pelik dan mudah menjadi mangsa buli atau ejekan. Malah, perbezaan ini juga mampu mencipta jurang antara pelajar.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nSeterusnya, pakaian seragam mencegah daripada rasa kurang yakin pelajar. Tapa uniform, pelajar yang tidak memiliki pakaian fesyen terkini mungkin akan berasa kurang yakin. Kurang keyakinan bole menjadi salah satu penghalang terbesar dalam pertumbuhan akademik. Uniform juga membuatkan pelajar lebih fokus kepada pembelajaran, bukannya kepada pemilihan pakaian yang sesuai atau mengikut trend.\n\n\nApabila mengenakan pakaian seragam, \nminda pelajar\n akan berubah kepada mood belajar.\n\n\nDi samping itu, dengan pemakaian uniform, pelajar dengan mudah dapat membezakan diri mereka dengan orang luar. In dapat \nmeningkatkan keselamatan\n diri pelajar di waktu sekolah. Di luar sekolah pula, pemandu di jalan raya juga dapat lebih berhati-hati ketika menghampiri pelajar berpakaian uniform. Ketika lawatan di luar sekolah, orang ramai mudah mengenali pelajar beruniform sekiranya mereka terpisah daripada kumpulan.\n\n\nCr; iStock\n\n\nApabila sekolah mewajibkan pakaian seragam, kod pemakaian pelajar akan \nmenjadi lebih ringkas\n. Jika sekolah membenarkan pakaian biasa pula, mereka perlu menyenaraikan standard pakaian yang lebih panjang. Para guru pula tidak perlu memeriksa murid dengan kerap bagi mencari kesalahan pemakaian sekiranya sekolah mewajibkan uniform. Pemakaian uniform juga dilihat lebih sopan berbanding pakaian biasa.\n\n\nBagi para ibu bapa pula, persiapan pada waktu pagi akan \nmenjadi lebih mudah\n bagi pelajar dan ibu bapa. Mereka tidak perlu memikirkan apa yang perlu dipakai setiap hari sekiranya sekolah mewajibkan pemakaian uniform. Hasilnya menjadi lebih tenang pada permulaan hari juga akan memberi kesan yang besar kepada seluruh pembelajaran mereka pada hari itu.\n\n\nIni juga dapat \nmerancang kewangan ibu bapa\n dengan lebih baik. Kebanyakan uniform dijual pada harga yang berpatutan dan tidak terlalu membebankan. Uniform juga biasanya akan dibeli setahun sekali atau lebih. Jika berpakaian biasa ke sekolah, kanak-kanak mudah terpengaruh dengan apa yang dipakai oleh rakan mereka. Mereka akan meminta ibu bapa membeli pakaian berjenama tau trend yang berubah-ubah, sama seperti rakan mereka dan ia mungkin lebih mahal berbanding uniform.\n\n\nCr; Clipart\n\n\nAkhir sekali, pakaian seragam sekolah membantu pelajar untuk lebih \nbersedia menghadapi dunia\n nyata. Apabila diajar sejak kecil untuk memakai uniform yang kemas dan seragam, kanak-kanak tidak akan berasa kekok berpakaian secara profesional ketika di alam pekerjaan kelak.\n\n\nJelaslah bahawa terdapat kebaikan dalam mewajibkan murid-murid memakai pakaian seragam sekolah, walaupun jika murid-murid tidak menggemarinya. Perkongsian di media sosial juga menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakkan ibu bapa lebih selesa dengan polisi pemakaian uniform sekolah. Dari segi sosiologi, sememangnya penggunaan uniform setiap organisasi dilihat dapat menyingkirkan konflik status antara ahli-ahli uniform.\u00a0\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pemenang-pandai-ramadan-brain-challenge-2022/", "title": "Pemenang Pandai Ramadan Brain Challenge 2022", "body": "\n\nHello Budak Pandai,\n\n\nYay! Waktu yang dinanti nantikan dah tiba! \n\n\nPertama sekali, Pandai ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah menyertai pertandingan Ramadan Brain Challenge! Kami telah menerima bilangan penyertaan yang tinggi untuk cabaran kali ini! \ud83d\ude0a\n\n\nSeperti yang dijanjikan, semua yang menyertai cabaran ini tidak akan pulang dengan tangan kosong! Hadiah disediakan bagi \nsemua peserta\n, tetapi hadiah \nteristimewa\n adalah bagi pemenang-pemenang cabaran \ud83d\ude09\u00a0\n\n\nPemenang cabaran akan menerima Lencana edisi terhad Ramadan-Raya 2022 di dalam profil masing masing. Bukan itu sahaja, bagi pemenang yang mendapat markah 90 keatas, anda akan diberikan duit raya daripada Pandai!\n\n\nTahniah kepada semua pemenang Ramadan Brain Challenge untuk program Raya Pandai 2022!\n*\nsenarai\n \nnama pemenang telah dikemaskini semula pada 9 Mei.\n\n\nPemenang Ramadan Brain Challenge 2022\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDuit Raya RM10\nGolden Ketupat\nComeback Sate\nLowkey Lemang\nMVP Tart Nenas\nSyafiq Adam Bin Syazwan Hazimin\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nSyafiq Danial Bin Syazwan Hazimin\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nSyafiqah Sofea Binti Syazwan Hazimin\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNurul Damia Isad\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMAIZATUL NABILLA BINTI SAYED NASARUDDIN\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nRaja Muhammad Zeyad\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nSaif Umar Saiful Azam\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNurul Fatihah\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMUHAMMAD HAZIQ BIN MUHAMMAD AFIQ\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nAsyikin\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nFayyadh Alzuhaily\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nAzwany\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nRAJA MUHAMMAD RAED\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMohamad Aaliy Ezran bin Mohamad Zafran\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nDhaniyah Inarah\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMuhammad Zafri Harith\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNur Zuhayra Aisara\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nDhya Marissa Norhaziman\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMuhammad Zarul Hafiz\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nAhmad Iman\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNur Afeef bin Nur Azim\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nDAYANA BATRISYIA\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nSuri Sofiyah\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nLily\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nRAEIQA BINTI IRMAN HADI\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nEMYLIA\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMAISARAH\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNorhaslinda Abu Bakar\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nAli\n/\n/\n/\n/\n/\nSYAHMINA SURAIYA\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNaznin Nazhifah Mohd Afiq\n/\n/\n/\n/\nRaeisa Irman Hadi\n/\n/\n/\n/\nSalniena Anggon\n/\n/\n/\n/\nAMIR DANI\n/\n/\n/\n/\n._Syah_.\n/\n/\n/\n/\nRamadan Aiman\n/\n/\n/\n/\nHanushree\n/\n/\n/\n/\nYASMIN\n/\n/\n/\n/\nSITI AFIQAH BINTI ABDUL RAHMAN\n/\n/\n/\n/\nAina Syakirah\n/\n/\n/\n/\nsyahidatul huda\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNUR ADLIN ZAHIRAH BINTI NAZRI\n/\n/\n/\n/\nABANG ADWA RAYYAN BIN ABANG RAZALI\n/\n/\n/\n/\nIZZ ZAYANI\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNur Eryna Batrisya binti Yusnizan\n/\n/\n/\n/\niman\n/\n/\n/\n/\nATIKAH\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMuszaphar\n/\n/\n/\n/\nARIEF YUSUF BIN NOR ASMADI Moe\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNurul Fatihah\n/\n/\n/\n/\nNurul Batrisyia Is Ad Binti Mahadhar\n/\n /\n/\n/\ndanirayyan\n/\n/\n/\n/\nHAWRA AZ-ZAHRA BINTI MOHD SANUSI Moe\n/\n/\n/\n/\nAlyaa\n/\n/\n/\n/\nUmar Khaleef\n/\n/\n/\n/\nMOHAMAD SYAHMI HAIKAL BIN ABDUL AZIZ\n/\n/\n/\n/\nDHIA JASMIN SHUKRAN HILMI\n/\n/\n/\nRAJA ATHIRA SOFEA\n/\n/\n/\nsHrEe ViEnA aNeIv EeRhS\n/\n/\n/\nNUR HALLIEZA HAFIQAH\n /\n/\n/\nSHAZWANI NAYLI BINTI MOHD NIZAM MOE\n/\n/\n/\nNUR SOLEHAH WAFA BINTI MUHAMAD RUSDI\n/\n/\n/\nNURANISAH\n/\n/\n/\nSALSABILA\n/\n/\n/\nNUR QISTINA BINTI HASNOR ISRAF\n/\n/\n/\nnurul \u2018izzati\n/\n/\n/\nHasif\n/\n/\n/\nNUR ALISSA NATASHA BINTI MOHD FAIZAL\n/\n/\n/\nAlya\n/\n/\n/\nDamia Afifah\n/\n/\n/\nAisy\n/\n/\n/\nNEONIMUS MALAYSIA\n/\n/\n/\nAmmar Rayyan bin HairulEffendy\n/\n/\n/\nNURFARISYA ALEEYA ROSYADAH BINTI OTHMAN\n/\n/\n/\nArjun Hermogenes\n/\n/\n/\nNurul Danisha\n/\n/\n/\nKhairunnisa\n/\n/\n/\nIzzah Nurul Kamilah Binti Suhaimi\n/\n/\n/\nAjwad Fawwaz\n/\n/\n/\nQaseh Qishina\n/\n/\n/\nMUHAMMAD AIDIL KU BIN ABDULLAH\n/\n/\n/\nZhanhui Toh\n/\n/\n/\nUMESH GANESHAMOORTHY\n/\n/\n/\nZAHRAA INSYIRAH BINTI YAHAYA\n/\n/\nNurul ain binti kamalrun\n/\n/\nAthirah\n/\n/\nMUHAMMAD AMIL DANISH BIN YAAFAR\n/\n/\nAQEEL AZLAN\n/\n/\nNIA\n/\nanaalisya binti Marbawi\n/\nDANIAL AMV\n/\nLow Chen Hee\n/\nNURUL IMAN\n/\nAina hassan\n/\nNur Iman Irdina binti Bahazman\n/\nSham Nureen Mirza Mohd Suhazli\n/\nAfkar\n/\nMUGHAMBIGHAI KANAGARAJ\n/\nNUR AISYAA AZLAN\n/\nQaira Umaira\n/\nFAYYADH\n/\nNuha Insyirah\n/\neyja\n/\nNURUL AINI BINTI MOHD SALIMI Moe\n/\nrA\u03b5i\u03b4\u03b1 iR\u03fb\u03b1N\n/\nmaha\n/\nSITI NUR NAJWANNIE AZIERA BINTI MISWAN\n/\nCANDYLOLLIPOP\n/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTahniah sekali lagi kepada semua pemenang cabaran! Untuk yang tidak memenangi hadiah istimewa, jangan risau kerana kami akan kembali dengan cabaran baru untuk program program akan datang. Nantikan info selanjutnya daripada kami.\u00a0\n\n\nJangan lupa untuk menyertai Pertandingan Pandai Raya Challenge kami di Tik Tok! Pemenang pertama bakal memenangi duit raya sebanyak RM200! \n\ud83d\ude2f\u00a0\n\n\nKlik pautan dibawah untuk maklumat lanjut :\n\n\nPandai Raya Challenge Di Tik Tok\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pendidikan-berkualiti-pemangkin-pembangunan-lestari/", "title": "Pendidikan Berkualiti Pemangkin Pembangunan Lestari", "body": "\n\n\n\nPendidikan berkualiti bukan sahaja menfokuskan terhadap subjek dan isi kandungan sesebuah mata pelajaran, tetapi turut dilihat dengan lebih mendalam mengenai impak dan keberkesanan sesuatu subjek itu terhadap pelajar itu sendiri. \u2013 \nNSTP/Shazreen Zamzuri\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKehadiran COVID19 memberi impak sangat tinggi kepada setiap insan tidak kira usia, pangkat dan bangsa. Seperti sektor lain, bidang pendidikan juga turut terkena tempias dan terkesan dengan kehadiran wabak ini. Kehadiran pandemik membantutkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) secara fizikal bukan sahaja pada peringkat sekolah, malah universiti turut terjejas.\n\n\nHasilnya, aktiviti PdP terpaksa dijalankan secara dalam talian dengan tanggapan semua pelajar mempunyai akses internet sempurna. Namun, hakikatnya, tidak semua pelajar mempunyai capaian internet yang baik untuk menjalani aktiviti PdP secara dalam talian. Jika dilihat dari sudut pandangan yang positif, kehadiran pandemik ini membuka mata banyak pihak mengenai ketersediaan Malaysia dalam mencapai Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (SDG) digariskan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) yang keempat, iaitu pendidikan berkualiti.\n\n\nPendidikan berkualiti bukan sahaja menfokuskan terhadap subjek dan isi kandungan sesebuah mata pelajaran, tetapi turut dilihat dengan lebih mendalam mengenai impak dan keberkesanan sesuatu subjek itu terhadap pelajar itu sendiri.\n\n\nDiberi situasi seorang pelajar tercicir dalam pelajaran ketika pandemik ini dengan alasan tidak mempunyai capaian internet yang bagus.\u00a0\n\n\nSenario ini bercanggah dengan matlamat keempat dalam SDG, iaitu pendidikan berkualiti, di mana setiap insan akan diberi hak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan tidak kira dalam apa juga situasi.\n\n\nTular pada awal 2020 mengenai seorang gadis yang terpaksa berkampung dan memanjat bukit demi mendapatkan capaian internet yang stabil bagi membolehkannya menjawab peperiksaan peringkat universiti secara dalam talian.\n\n\nIni menunjukkan bahawa ada lompong yang besar terhadap ketersediaan Malaysia dalam menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualiti terhadap rakyatnya.\n\n\nJika dilihat melalui skop lebih besar, masih banyak kawasan luar bandar yang menghadapi atau mengalami masalah pautan internet yang tidak stabil.\u00a0\n\n\nKehadiran wabak COVID-19 bukan sahaja membuka mata banyak pihak, malah ia juga merangsang pemikiran pihak yang bertanggungjawab untuk berfikir secara kritikal dan kreatif bagi mengisi lompong yang ada.\u00a0\n\n\nLangkah pantas diambil kerajaan untuk menyelesaikan isu capaian internet dengan meningkatkan infrastruktur jaringan telekomunikasi di kawasan berkenaan. Langkah ini tidak seharusnya hanya terhenti di kawasan terbabit sahaja, malah perlu diperluaskan ke seluruh kawasan pedalaman dan luar bandar di Malaysia.\n\n\nIni mengambil kira bahawa di kawasan terbabit juga terdapatnya pelajar yang menderita dengan masalah sama.\n\n\nDengan berbuat sedemikian, Malaysia dilihat mengambil langkah proaktif dan akan lebih maju setapak ke hadapan dalam melaksanakan SDG yang keempat, iaitu menyediakan pendidikan berkualiti dengan memastikan semua rakyat mendapat hak untuk memperoleh ilmu.\n\n\nIni sekali gus menjadikan rakyat Malaysia sebagai rakyat yang intelektual dan berpendidikan demi kemajuan negara.\n\n\nHuda Sofea Hazuari,\nPelajar Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan, artikel ini di ambil melalui laman sesawang bharian.com.my.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pendigitalan-sistem-pendidikan-perlu-disegerakan/", "title": "Pendigitalan sistem pendidikan perlu disegerakan", "body": "\n\nSATU hal yang perlu diakui, sistem pendidikan hari ini seharusnya didigitalkan selari dengan perkembangan dunia teknologi komunikasi ditambah pula dengan senario kehidupan semasa yang dihimpit penularan pandemik COVID-19.\n\n\nMalah hal ini turut disentuh Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, pendigitalan pendidikan seharusnya perlu disegerakan.\n\n\nMenurutnya, menyegerakan proses mendigitalkan bidang pendidikan akan memudahkan lagi guru, murid juga ibu bapa berdasarkan situasi semasa. Ia juga harus dibuat dengan menyeluruh merangkumi capaian internet terutamanya di kawasan pedalaman selain penyediaan peranti yang bersesuaian.\n\n\nDiakui perkembangan teknologi komunikasi mengubah banyak perkara dalam kehidupan sama ada capaian kepada maklumat sehinggalah kaedah kanak-kanak bermain malah dalam konteks hari ini, belajar.\n\n\nNamun satu hal yang perlu difahami, pembelajaran dalam talian bukan hanya mengenai penggunaan teknologi.\n\n\nWalaupun \ncapaian internet adalah faktor penting dalam menjayakan pembelajaran dalam talian tetapi mendigitalkan pendidikan itu jauh lebih besar dari istilah \u2018belajar dalam talian\u2019.\n\n\nDalam menjayakan agenda pendigitalan pendidikan, \nkomponen terpenting adalah guru\n. Apabila Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) dilaksanakan, guru tidak banyak pilihan selain memindahkan persekitaran pembelajaran fizikal kepada ruang maya.\n\n\nIdea Kreatif PdPR CIkgu Liana\n\n\nGuru juga dituntut untuk menjadi lebih aktif berinovasi, memainkan peranan penting mengaplikasikan pembelajaran dan pengajaran dalam talian demi mencapai objektif pengajaran mereka.\n\n\nJusteru, guru bukan hanya mengajar tetapi juga mereka bertindak \nsebagai perancang, pembangun iklim pembelajaran, pembimbing dan menjadi pakar rujuk kepada pelajar untuk mentafsirkan dan melaksanakan kurikulum.\n\n\nLalu, tidak harus dinafikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara digital menjadi salah satu agenda yang sangat signifikan dalam kalangan pendidik.\n\n\nJika disemak semula, Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025 menetapkan akses, kualiti, keadilan, kesatuan dan kecekapan sebagai aspirasi utama untuk sistem pendidikan negara kita.\n\n\nDalam mencapainya, pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) memainkan peranan penting untuk \nmelestarikan ekosistem pendidikan selari dengan pelan pembangunan pendidikan itu menerusi platform pendidikan digital.\n\n\nSehubungan itu, KPM sebelum ini sudah mengumumkan penyegaran semula platform pembelajaran digitalnya untuk guru dan pelajar melalui DELIMa, atau \u2018Digital Educational Learning Initiative Malaysia\u2019.\n\n\nPlatform ini adalah puncak usaha KPM semenjak beberapa tahun yang lalu bersama-sama dengan pihak Google, Microsoft dan Apple. \nIa menawarkan semua aplikasi dan perkhidmatan yang diperlukan oleh guru dan pelajar dalam sistem persekolahan Malaysia, termasuk teknologi dan sumber yang memperkasa pembelajaran digital seperti Google Classroom, Microsoft 365 dan Apple Teacher Learning Center.\n\n\nWalaupun platform yang kondusif untuk menjayakan pendigitalan pendidikan sudah dibangunkan, namun guru perlu dilatih dengan sebaik mungkin supaya dapat mengintegrasikan aplikasi pendidikan digital dengan lebih berkesan. Hal ini selari dengan matlamat Pembangunan Kelestarian ke empat oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu yang memperjuangkan pendidikan berkualiti dan menyeluruh untuk membangunkan masyarakat yang aman dan lestari.\n\n\nSudah terbukti bahawa guru memainkan peranan penting dalam menentukan laluan pembelajaran pelajar mereka. Justeru, \nguru perlu diberi latihan berbentuk memberi kemahiran baharu (reskilling) dan meningkatkan kemahiran sedia ada (upskilling) bagi menyediakan guru dalam penggunaan media digital yang lebih berkesan.\n\n\nIa penting untuk membangunkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan, interaktif dan berkesan.\n\n\n\n\nPelaburan bagi memantapkan kemahiran guru ini sangat kritikal selari dengan tujuan memodenkan amalan pengajaran dan pendigitalan pendidikan.\n\n\nIni bagi memastikan semua guru cekap dan kekal relevan dalam ekosistem pendidikan digital. \nAspek penting yang perlu ditekankan ialah pedagogi digital, termasuk kewarganegaraan digital, reka bentuk pembelajaran, kepelbagaian dan juga merangkumi pelajar, maklum balas dan penilaian serta pembelajaran sepanjang hayat.\n\n\nGuru juga diharapkan terus kekal inovatif dalam sesi pengajaran dengan kemahiran penerapan set pedagogi segar yang dirancang untuk konteks pendigitalan pendidikan.\n\n\nSelain itu, guru perlu diberi kemahiran dalam mengaplikasi alat digital secara berkesan dan strategi pengajaran yang bersesuaian dengan era pendigitalan pendidikan, sama ada di ruang fizikal dan digital.\n\n\nMalah guru dituntut menjadi lebih kreatif dalam mencetuskan rasa ingin tahu dan kegembiraan dalam kalangan murid bagi menghasilkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang kondusif.\n\n\nPenulis adalah Dekan Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal boleh lihat di laman web \nberita harian\n.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pengoperasian-sekolah-takwim-persekolahan-2021-dilanjutkan-sehingga-mac-2022-radzi-jidin/", "title": "Pengoperasian sekolah: Takwim persekolahan 2021 dilanjutkan sehingga Mac 2022 \u2013 Radzi Jidin", "body": "\n\nPUTRAJAYA:\n\u00a0Takwim Penggal dan Cuti Persekolahan 2021, yang sepatutnya berakhir pada Disember tahun ini, akan dilanjutkan sehingga bulan Mac 2022, kata Menteri Kanan Pendidikan Datuk Radzi Jidin.\n\n\nKetika bercakap di Sidang Media \u2013 Pengoperasian Sekolah, di sini hari ini, beliau berkata, ia membawa maksud peralihan darjah atau tingkatan akan berlaku pada bulan Mac, sekali gus memberi tempoh dua bulan untuk proses intervensi, sekiranya ada murid-murid keciciran.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, ia merupakan anjakan baharu dalam konteks Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), bagi menangani masalah jika sebahagian murid yang tidak dapat mencapai tahap sepenuhnya sepanjang tempoh Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) yang diamalkan sebelum ini.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cTempoh dua bulan ini (Januari \u2013 Februari 2022) akan digunakan oleh KPM untuk melihat tahap penguasaan anak-anak, dan melihat bantuan, atau sokongan, atau dokongan, untuk mereka naik ke kelas berikutnya, serta memastikan mereka dah bersedia sepenuhnya.\n\n\n\u201cUntuk sebab itu, golongan murid yang ada tahap penguasaan yang lemah, maka fokus pada waktu (dua bulan) itu adalah bagi melaksanakan program intervensi, supaya mereka dapat menguasai tahap minimum sebelum naik ke tahap selanjutnya,\u201d katanya lagi.\n\n\nBagi murid yang mencapai tahap cemerlang pula, Radzi berkata, tempoh masa itu akan digunakan bagi meningkatkan lagi pemahaman mereka, supaya terus cemerlang. \u2013 \nAstro Awani\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pentaksiran-dan-pemerhatian-prestasi-murid-guru-harus-bermula/", "title": "Pentaksiran dan pemerhatian prestasi murid, guru harus bermula", "body": "\n\nKuala Lumpur: Sekolah perlu melakukan pentaksiran dan pemerhatian ke atas prestasi murid selepas pembukaan semula sekolah secara keseluruhan secara bersemuka membabitkan hampir lima juta pelajar di 10,223 sekolah seluruh negara bulan hadapan.\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian Online\n\n\n\n\nKetua Pengarah Pelajaran Dr Habibah Abdul Rahim berkata, langkah itu perlu agar tidak ada yang tercicir dalam pembelajaran.\n\n\n\u201cSekiranya kita mengetahui prestasi murid, kita boleh merapatkan jurang dalam aspek pembelajaran dan KPM (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia) telah melakukan penjajaran kurikulum, dari segi kandungan, pedagogi dan pentaksiran bagi membolehkan ia berlaku.\n\n\n\u201cKPM turut mengadakan program transisi murid tahun satu 2021, ini adalah program intervensi bagi murid prasekolah yang tidak dapat hadir ke prasekolah (tahun lepas) dan kini telah melangkah ke tahun satu,\u201d katanya dalam ditemu bual \u2018Setahun Pencapaian Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia\u2019 pada program Selamat Pagi Malaysia di TV1 hari ini.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, program transisi tahun satu tersebut bertujuan untuk mengurus murid daripada aspek sosioemosi, sikap, literasi dan numerasi agar mereka tidak ketinggalan dalam aspek berkenaan.\n\n\nMenurut Habibah, sesi pembelajaran secara bersemuka dibuat selepas melihat perkembangan situasi pada Januari dengan kelas peperiksaan 2020 dibenarkan ke sekolah, kemudian diikuti murid prasekolah, tahun satu dan dua pada 1 Mac manakala minggu ini pula murid tahun tiga hingga enam.\n\n\nKatanya, secara keseluruhan, ia membabitkan hampir tiga juta murid di 7,781 sekolah rendah di seluruh negara.\n\n\nPembukaan semula sekolah menengah pada 4 Apr membabitkan Kumpulan A iaitu Johor, Kelantan dan Terengganu, manakala Kumpulan B pula akan memulakan persekolahan pada 5 Apr.\n\n\nSementara itu, Habibah berkata, KPM turut memberi perhatian kepada isu yang dibangkitkan ibu bapa berkaitan pembukaan sekolah seperti aspek pemakaian seragam sekolah dan keselamatan warga sekolah.\n\n\nKatanya, KPM memberi kelonggaran kepada murid yang belum mempunyai pakaian seragam sekolah untuk memakai pakaian biasa yang sesuai, kemas dan sopan bermula 1 hingga 26 Mac.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, KPM turut memperuntukkan RM300 juta bagi penyediaan termometer, pensanitasi tangan, sabun serta lain-lain keperluan di sekolah untuk memastikan penjagaan keselamatan serta kesihatan murid dalam usaha mengekang penularan Covid-19 \u2013 \nBernama\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/pentaksiran-tingkatan-tiga-dimansuh%ef%bf%bc/", "title": "Pentaksiran Tingkatan Tiga dimansuh\ufffc", "body": "\n\nPUTRAJAYA: Menteri Kanan Pendidikan, Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin hari ini mengumumkan pemansuhan Pentaksiran Tingkatan Tiga (PT3), pada tahun ini.\n\n\nSebaliknya, beliau berkata, Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) mengambil pendekatan untuk memperkasakan pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah (PBS) melalui Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik.\n\n\nKatanya, biarpun kini tiada peperiksaan pentaksiran Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan PT3, penguasaan dan pencapaian murid boleh diukur melalui pentaksiran secara sumatif yang dijalankan pada akhir tahun, bermula tahun ini.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, keputusan memansuhkan sistem penilaian akademik yang diguna pakai sejak 2014 itu bertujuan untuk membina kemenjadian dan kompetensi murid, selain memberi ruang untuk melaksana intervensi terhadap murid yang didapati ketinggalan serta tidak mendapat tahap penguasaan sepatutnya.\n\n\n\n\nSumber : Berita Harian Online\n\n\n\u201cPentaksiran sumatif adalah pentaksiran yang dibuat pada akhir tempoh atau sesi akademik.\n\n\n\u201cKita sudah biasa laksanakan di sekolah, khususnya melalui ujian akhir tahun atau pertengahan penggal,\u201d katanya pada Sidang Media Khas di kementeriannya, petang ini.\n\n\nMenegaskan keputusan itu bukan bersifat menggantikan UPSR dan PT3, Radzi berkata, ia sebaliknya membolehkan pentaksiran terhadap penguasaan murid dilakukan setiap tahun.\n\n\nKedua-dua pentaksiran UPSR dan PT3 tidak dijalankan pada 2020 dan 2021.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, sebelum ini, apabila tiada peperiksaan UPSR dan PT3, setiap sekolah dikatakan menyediakan soalan berbeza-beza menimbulkan rungutan bahawa ada sekolah menyediakan soalan yang kompleks manakala ada sekolah yang menyediakan soalan yang udah.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cIni bukan untuk menggantikan UPSR dan PT3, cuma kita nak isi kekosongan, apabila kita terima banyak pandangan ibu bapa, guru dan pentadbir sekolah, mengenai tidak ada satu piawaian soalan yang boleh digunakan dan dipercayai,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, ketika UPSR dan PT3 digunakan untuk mentaksir penguasaan murid, ia akan turut memasukkan apa yang dipelajari pada tahun sebelumnya.\n\n\nKatanya, bermula tahun ini, sekolah rendah dan menengah akan melaksanakan Pentaksiran Sumatif melalui Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik, dengan bank soalan akan disediakan KPM.\n\n\nRadzi, berkata ujian itu akan membabitkan murid Tahun Empat, Lima dan Enam bagi sekolah rendah serta Tingkatan Satu, Dua dan Tiga bagi sekolah menengah.\n\n\nUntuk tujuan itu, katanya, KPM akan menyediakan bank soalan bagi lima mata pelajaran untuk murid sekolah rendah iaitu bagi Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Matematik, Sains dan Sejarah, manakala soalan mata pelajaran lain akan disediakan guru.\n\n\nBagi sekolah menengah, Radzi memaklumkan, KPM akan menyediakan bank soalan untuk semua mata pelajaran.\n\n\n\u201cJika kita lihat, apabila bercakap UPSR dan PT3, ini adalah pentaksiran sumatif, bukan hanya pada tahun itu tapi tahun-tahun sebelumnya.\n\n\n\u201cIa bukan hanya menilai silibus pada Tingkatan Tiga saja (bagi PT3) tapi turut menilai pembelajaran bagi Tingkatan Satu dan Dua. Jadi, murid sudah lama tinggalkan dan pada Tingkatan Tiga, mereka rasa gugup (untuk berdepan PT3).\n\n\n\u201cJusteru, dalam pendekatan baharu yang kita perkenalkan ini, kita akan laksanakan penilaian mengikut tahun dan tingkatan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nPada masa sama, pelaporan Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PDB) yang juga antara komponen PBS akan dilaksanakan secara lebih menyeluruh.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, ia akan dilaksanakan dua kali setahun iaitu bermula tahun ini untuk PBD akhir tahun manakala bagi pertengahan sesi ia akan dimulakan pada sesi 2023-2024, tahun depan.\n\n\nKatanya, melalui pelaporan itu ia merangkumi diskriptor bagi tahap penguasaan lebih komprehensif dan jelas; penilaian tahap usaha murid dalam pembelajaran; ulasan guru kelas dan guru mata pelajaran serta cadangan intervensi bagi murid yang tidak mencapai tahap penguasaan minimum. \u2013 Rafidah Mat Ruzki dan Zanariah Abd Mutalib (Berita Harian)\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/peperiksaan-makin-dekat-jangan-risau-young-pandai/", "title": "Peperiksaan makin dekat? Jangan risau Young Pandai!", "body": "\n\nHi Young Pandai! Pernahkah adik-adik lalui detik-detik dimana apa yang dipelajari tak dapat difahami dengan jelas? Jika ya, ia mungkin berpunca dari cara ulangkaji yang tak efektif atau tak berkesan pada adik-adik. Jangan risau, artikel kali ini dapat membantu anda sedikit sebanyak untuk mengulangkaji dengan cara yang efektif!\n\n\nMasa yang sesuai\n\n\nDalam mengulangkaji, masa itu sangatlah penting. Dengan menyusun jadual, ia dapat membantu anda untuk menjadi lebih terurus dan bersesuaian dengan kemampuan anda untuk ulangkaji. Jika anda terus mengulangkaji tanpa rehat, ini boleh menyebabkan minda yang penat dan apa yang dipelajari tak dapat difahami sepenuhnya. Aturkan masa ulangkaji dan aktiviti lain dengan munasabah supaya diri, mental, dan fizikal tidak penat.\n\n\nTidur yang mencukupi\n\n\n\n\nUntuk memastikan otak dan minda yang sihat, tidur adalah satu faktor yang sangat penting. Tidur dan rehat yang tidak mencukupi dapat mengganggu anda dalam aktviti harian. Ia memberi aspek yang sangat besar dalam prestasi akademik anda. Terdapat juga kajian yang mengatakan pelajar yang mendapat rehat yang mencukupi, mereka mempunyai prestasi yang lebih baik berbanding pelajar yang tidak mencukupi rehat. Jadi, untuk pastikan ulangkaji yang efektif, tidur yang mencukupi dapat membantu anda.\n\n\nNota Ringkas\n\n\nNota ringkas juga membantu anda untuk memahami isi-isi penting dalam satu subjek atau topik. Nota ringkas boleh dirujuk sebelum anda ulangkaji dengan lebih mendalam tentang satu topik. Dengan adanya nota ringkas, anda boleh lebih bersedia dan mendapat gambaran tentang soalan yang mungkin ada dalam kertas soalan. Namun, tetaplah bersedia dengan soalan yang mungkin diluar jangkaan anda. Oleh sebab itu, wujudnya nota ringkas untuk membantu anda memahami topik bagi setiap subjek.\n\n\nSet soalan peperiksaan lepas\n\n\n\n\nSet soalan peperiksaan lepas dapat membantu anda untuk memahami tentang format peperiksaan. Anda boleh mengulangkaji dengan menjawab set-set soalan yang lepas supaya dapat anda dapat sediakan diri dengan peperiksaan yang bakal diduduki. Bukan itu sahaja, ada kemungkinan bahawa soalan yang telah dijawab dalam set soalan peperiksaan yang lepas akan keluar di peperiksaan yang akan datang. Anda juga boleh akses set soalan yang lepas menggunakan Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nDengan harapan, tips yang diberikan dapat membantu adik-adik untuk menjawab peperiksaan dengan jayanya. Selamat berjaya, Young Pandai!\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/perbandingan-antara-pandai-vs-i-learn-ace/", "title": "Perbandingan antara Pandai vs i-Learn Ace", "body": "\n\nPandai vs i-Learn Ace: Aplikasi Pembelajaran manakah yang terbaik untuk anak anda?\n\n\nBila anda mula untuk mencari platform pembelajaran atas talian (online learning), mungkin ada beberapa ciri penting yang perlu anda ketahui. Mari kita lihat perbandingan antara 2 aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian ini.\n\n\n\n\nPandai\n dan \ni-Learn Ace\n merupakan dua aplikasi pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah di Malaysia. Kedua-dua aplikasi ini mempunyai satu objektif yang sama, iaitu menawarkan bahan pembelajaran buat pelajar, tetapi\u2026 yang mana satu terbaik untuk anak-anak anda?\n\n\nJom kita lihat kelebihan dan kekurangan serta perbandingan langsung kedua aplikasi ini!\n\n\nPandai vs i-Learn Ace\u00a0\n\n\nPandai \nmerupakan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian yang boleh dikatakan friendly user, simple, dan interaktif. Yang membezakan Pandai dengan aplikasi lain adalah ia menawarkan pembelajaran yang \nperibadi\n melalui \nkuiz, ujian, peperiksaan, nota, video harian\n berdasarkan kurikulum, dan banyak lagi.\u00a0\u00a0\ni-LEARN Ace\n, aplikasi mereka merupakan platform pengajaran dan pembelajaran hibrid, ia bukan sahaja boleh digunakan secara dalam talian (\nonline\n) tetapi juga secara\n luar talian \n(\noffline\n).\n\n\nBagi membolehkan anda membezakan dua aplikasi ini dengan lebih jelas, jom lihat kotak di bawah.\u00a0\n\n\nPandai\n \ni-Learn Ace\nTahap\nTahun 1 \u2013 Tingkatan 5\nTahun 1 \u2013 Tingkatan 5\nMata pelajaran utama\nBahasa Melayu\nBahasa Inggeris\nSains\nMatematik\nSejarah\u00a0\nPendidikan Islam\nGeografi\nBahasa Melayu\nBahasa Inggeris\nSains\nMatematik\nSejarah\nPendidikan Islam\nPendidikan Moral\nBahasa Cina\nMata pelajaran elektif\nBiologi\nKimia\nFizik\nMatematik Tambahan\nAsas Sains Komputer\nReka Bentuk & Teknologi\nBiologi\nKimia\nFizik\nMatematik Tambahan\nEkonomi\nPrinsip Perakaunan\nKandungan bukan akademik\nFlashcard\nNota\nVideo Pembelajaran\nPeta Minda\nNota\u00a0\nVideo Pembelajaran\nKuiz Harian\n\u2705 \n\u274c\nLatihan Topikal\n\u2705\n\u2705\nLatihan Peperiksaan\n\u2705\n\u2705\nKemajuan\n\u2705\n\u2705\nKad Laporan\n\u2705\n\u274c\nAnalisa Kemajuan\n\u00a0\n\u2705\n\u2705\nNota Ringkas\n\u2705\n\u2705\nVideo Pembelajaran\n\u2705\n\u2705\nPeta Minda\n\u274c\n\u2705\nFlashcard\n\u2705\n\u274c\nKamus\n\u274c\n\u2705\nCiri Gamifikasi\n\u2705\n\u2705\nAkaun Ibu bapa\n\u2705\n\u2705\nAkaun Guru\u00a0\n\u2705\n\u2705\nVersi Web\n\u2705\n\u2705\nVersi Aplikasi Android\n\u2705\n\u2705\nVersi Aplikasi iOS\u00a0\n\u2705\n\u2705\nRating Google Play\n4.8\n3.8\nRating Apple App Store\n4.7\n3.0\nPakej Langganan\nPercuma\nPremium\nLink: \nhttps://pandai.org/en/pricing\nPremium Sahaja\n7 hari trial penggunaan percuma\nLink: \nhttps://www.mindtechedu.com/products/i-learn-ace/ \n\n\n\n\nMacam mana? Anda dah buat keputusan ke yang mana satu menjadi pilihan untuk anak anda.\u00a0\n\n\nWalaupun ada beberapa ciri yang Pandai tawarkan tetapi i tidak,\u00a0 dan juga sebaliknya. Namun, Kedua aplikasi ini masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan mereka tersendiri seperti ciri yang mereka keluarkan hebat-hebat belaka tau. Amat berguna untuk membantu pelajar.\u00a0\n\n\nKandungan\nBeberapa perkara yang perlu anda tahu berkenaan kandungan pembelajaran yang ditawarkan oleh Pandai dan i-Learn Ace sebelum anda memutuskan yang manakah terbaik untuk anak anda.\n\n\nPandai:\n \nIsi kandungan di dalam Pandai mengikuti silibus KPM manakala i-Learn Ace tidak. Selain itu, persediaan pertandingan yang disahkan oleh KPM juga ada ada disediakan di dalam Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nI-Learn Ace: \nKandungan yang terdapat di dalam i-Learn Ace seperti latihan objektif & subjektif, Ujian lisan, ganjaran bermain game apabila mata point capai jumlah tertentu.\u00a0\n\n\nRupa Bentuk\u00a0\nOk! Sekarang, jom kita lihat pulak kepada \u201cview\u201d\u00a0 kedua aplikasi ini. Antara ciri yang perlu kita titik beratkan adalah dari segi \nwarna, susunan & kekemasan\n bahan pembelajaran. Haaa, barulah membuatkan anak-anak kita tak bosan dan enjoy belajar!\n\n\n\n\nKedua aplikasi ini mempunyai view dan layout yang baik. Susunan topik yang mengikut silibus dan juga warna yang menarik. Tetapi, jika dilihat dari segi kemasan layout, nampaknya Pandai lebih ringkas dan mesra pengguna. Namun, pilihan di tangan anda untuk memilih antara dua aplikasi ini.\u00a0\n\n\nHarga\u00a0\nMari kita lihat harga dan pakej langganan bagi kedua-dua produk ini.\n\n\nPandai\n: \nPandai menawarkan 2 pilihan langganan iaitu (Percuma & Premium). Dan bagi akaun Guru & Ibu Bapa adalah percuma sahaja.\u00a0\n\n\nPercuma:\n Pandai menawarkan pembelajaran \npercuma\n buat mereka yang tidak melanggan Pandai Premium. Pelajar masih boleh mengakses ciri percuma seperti membuat latihan di kuiz harian, melihat jawapan & penerangan, kad laporan keseluruhan, nota & video pembelajaran.\u00a0\n\n\nPremium: \nHarga langganan Pandai Premium adalah sebanyak RM88/sebulan. Pakej premium Pandai sungguh mudah, dengan satu harga rata untuk semua mata pelajaran.\u00a0\n\n\nDengan Pakej Premium, pengguna boleh mendapatkan akses ke seluruh mata pelajaran utama dan elektif, selain kandungan bukan akademik seperti pertandingan Matematik Kangaroo, Kancil Sains, Beaver Computational dan Kijang Ekonomi.\n\n\ni-Learn Ace: \ni-Learn Ace tidak menawarkan pakej percuma. Anda hanya ada 7 hari free trial untuk menggunakan aplikasi mereka. Berikut merupakan senarai harga untuk melanggan i-Learn Ace.\u00a0\n\n\nAkaun Murid 180 hari: \nRM175\nAkaun Murid 365 hari: \nRM350\nAkaun Guru 365 hari:\n RM350\n\n\nDengan melanggan i-Learn Ace, anda akan dapat mengakses keseluruh ciri yang ditawarkan di dalam aplikasi tersebut seperti bina sendiri peta minda, mengakses nota, latihan objektif & subjektif, dan berpeluang perolehi mata point yang banyak. Jika anda merupakahan pengguna percuma dimana hanya ada 7 hari free trial, anda dibenarkan mengakses 2 topik terawal sahaja.\n\n\n\n\nKesimpulan\n\n\ni-Learn Ace:\n \nKeistimewaan i-learn Ace adalah menawarkan sistem yang unik di dalamnya seperti kamus trilingual & peta minda yang boleh dibina sendiri oleh pelajar. Namun, susun atur yang agak kompleks, padat dan mengandungi banyak teks.\nPandai: \nPandai mempunyai susun atur yang ceria dan mesra pelajar, dengan UIUX seperti aplikasi Games. Fungsi yang istimewa seperti Flashcard & analisis Kad Laporan membolehkan pelajar dapat belajar secara express & mengetahui kelemahan mereka.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/periodic-table-memory-trick-2-minutes-to-memorize-any-element/", "title": "Periodic Table Memory Trick: 2 Minutes To Memorize Any Element", "body": "\n\nWhen we think of the periodic table, we usually have a few things in mind \u2013 it\u2019s a difficult subject to learn, there are 100+ elements in total, and it can take years to go through all of the different components. But what if I told you that getting a handle on your periodic tables doesn\u2019t have to be nearly as complicated as you think?\n\n\nIt only takes a few minutes to memorize the periodic table with this simple memory trick. Just follow these steps:\n\n\n1. Look at the first column of elements and memorize the first 10 elements (hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, sodium).\n\n\n2. Then look at the second column and memorize the next 10 elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium).\n\n\n3. Repeat this process for the remaining columns until you have memorized all of the elements in the periodic table.\n\n\n4. Finally, test your knowledge by trying to recall the names and symbols of various elements from memory.\n\n\nMemory Trick\n\n\nThere are lots of ways to memorize the periodic table, but one of the quickest and most effective ways is to use a memory trick. Here\u2019s how it works:\n\n\nFirst, take a look at the periodic table and find the element you want to memorize. For this example, we\u2019ll use carbon.\n\n\nNext, associate that element with something that\u2019s easy to remember. For carbon, you might think of a coal mine or a diamond.\n\n\nNow, create a mental image of the thing you associated with the element in the middle of the periodic table. So, for our example, you would imagine a coal mine in the middle of the table.\n\n\nFinally, remember the position of the elements around your chosen element. For carbon, you would need to know that nitrogen (N) is above it and oxygen (O) is below it. Phosphorus (P) is to the left and silicon (Si) is to the right.\n\n\nBy using this memory trick, you can easily memorize any element on the periodic table in just minutes!\n\n\nHow It Works?\n\n\nWhen you look at the periodic table, do you see a confusing jumble of letters and numbers? If so, you\u2019re not alone. The periodic table can be daunting to memorize, but there\u2019s a trick that can help.\n\n\nHere\u2019s how it works: First, familiarize yourself with the first 20 elements in the periodic table. This is the easiest part, as these are the elements that make up most of the world around us. Next, break the remaining elements down into groups of four. For example, lithium (Li), beryllium (Be), boron (B), and carbon (C) are all in Group 1.\n\n\nNow comes the fun part: using mnemonic devices to help you remember each group. For Group 1, you might think of LiBeBC as \u201clickable Bee Bee Cee.\u201d Groups 2-16 can be remembered with this handy rhyme:\n\n\n\u201cBoys Lie Butterscotch Candies Get Eaten By Girls In The Evening\u201d\n\n\nSo for Group 2, you\u2019d think of Be as \u201cbutterscotch,\u201d B as \u201ccandy,\u201d C as \u201ceaten,\u201d and N as \u201cgirls.\u201d\n\n\nGroup 3 would be \u201cCrazy Bums Get Drunk Every Night.\u201d And so on.\n\n\nWith a little practice, you\u2019ll be able to Memorize the periodic table in no time!\n\n\nConclusion\n\n\nI hope this periodic table memory trick has helped you memorize the elements quicker and more easily. As you can see, it\u2019s a simple but effective way to learn the information and commit it to memory. With a little bit of practice, you\u2019ll be able to recite any element on the periodic table in no time at all!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/permainan-dalam-talian-suntik-elemen-ceria-pdpr/", "title": "Permainan dalam talian suntik elemen ceria PdPR", "body": "\n\nPelaksanaan Pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah (PdPR) kembali lagi buat kali ketiga. Hal ini sebenarnya bukanlah di luar jangkaan jika kita melihat senario semasa pandemik COVID-19 di seluruh dunia.\n\n\nJusteru apabila Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) mengumumkan bahawa PdPR yang dilaksanakan pada Januari lalu kini dimulakan kembali selepas Aidilfitri selama 10 hari, ia bukanlah terlalu mengejutkan.\n\n\nPersoalannya, adakah guru dan murid sudah bersedia? Berdasarkan pengalaman sebelum ini, terlalu banyak rungutan mengenai kaedah pembelajaran PdPR.\n\n\nBosan, tertekan, malah ada murid yang tidak hadir ke kelas kerana pelbagai masalah termasuk ketiadaan gajet atau tiada liputan perkhidmatan telekomunikasi.\n\n\nBagaimanapun, dari satu sudut yang lain guru seharusnya sudah bersedia kali ini untuk berhadapan PdPR. Kaedah mengajar membosankan atau statik seperti yang menjadi rungutan sebelum ini seharusnya sudah tiada.\n\n\nGuru seharusnya sedar murid masa kini adalah generasi digital. Ini bermakna, mereka lebih berminat dengan penggunaan teknologi berbanding kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran seperti generasi terdahulu.\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian Online\n\n\nJusteru, satu daripada kaedah yang boleh diusahakan guru untuk menjayakan PdPR adalah dengan menggunakan kaedah permainan dalam talian atau disebut juga sebagai gamifikasi.\n\n\nPermainan dalam talian mempunyai pelbagai ciri-ciri menarik yang boleh disesuaikan dengan gaya pembelajaran murid, meningkatkan motivasi dan penyertaan mereka dalam proses pembelajaran.\n\n\nKaedah ini dari satu segi, berupaya mengurangkan beban guru dalam penyediaan soalan serta penandaan jawapan.\n\n\nSebagai contoh, Kahoot! dan Quizizz adalah antara dua program permainan dalam talian yang boleh memperkukuhkan pembelajaran murid.\n\n\nTerdapat dua kebaikan utama yang boleh dicapai oleh guru dan murid apabila mereka mengintegrasikan permainan dalam talian dalam proses PdPR.\n\n\nPertamanya, permainan dalam talian dapat meningkatkan tahap motivasi pembelajaran murid dan mengekalkannya. Kedua, ia dapat mengurangkan beban kerja guru. Misalnya, menerusi permainan dalam talian membolehkan guru terus memberikan jawapan bagi setiap soalan diberikan selepas murid selesai menjawabnya.\n\n\nApabila murid menggunakan permainan dalam talian itu, guru mendapat maklum balas secara automatik. Pada semua tahap, jawapan yang betul bagi setiap soalan akan disediakan.\n\n\nMurid juga boleh melihat jawapan mereka dan menilai semula jika ia salah. Hal ini boleh terjadi dalam tempoh singkat, serta-merta, malah dalam persekitaran yang sama. Jawapan kepada soalan juga akan segera tertera. Mereka berpeluang membuat pembetulan dan pengubahsuaian terhadap teknik belajar dan cara mereka berfikir.\n\n\nKeadaan ini membolehkan mereka belajar daripada kesilapan malah saling berlumba untuk menjadi murid yang menjawab paling betul dengan banyak.\n\n\nStrategi permainan dalam talian yang baik membolehkan murid menjadi lebih bermotivasi untuk meneruskan pembelajaran dan meningkatkan tahap pengekalan tumpuan mereka.\n\n\nSecara tidak langsung ia dapat memupuk dan mempraktik teknik penyelesaian masalah menerusi pelbagai tahap yang berbeza apabila menggunakan permainan dalam talian. Murid juga boleh bermain mengikut masa dan tempat yang mereka mahu.\n\n\nSelain itu, paparan skrin yang menarik, pilihan warna serta latar belakang muzik turut membantu mengekalkan minat murid dalam bermain permainan dalam talian.\n\n\nAda kala mereka akan diberi kata-kata pujian seperti hebat, bagus selain disertakan animasi, bunyi tepuk tangan atau visual yang menarik. Ini akan menaikkan lagi semangat murid untuk mencuba dan menjadi bangga dengan pencapaian mereka.\n\n\nSelain itu terdapat juga perisian permainan dalam talian ini membenarkan pemain melanjutkan masa atau tempoh permainan apabila mereka berjaya mencapai sesuatu tahap pencapaian. Adakalanya penerangan dalam bentuk \u2018flag\u2019 disediakan bagi soalan yang salah. Ini membantu murid belajar secara berdikari.\n\n\nBagi meningkatkan emosi dan hubungan sosial murid pula, mereka patut diberi pujian selepas berjaya menamatkan permainan atau mendapat markah tinggi. Amalan ini adalah sebahagian usaha untuk menggalakkan murid supaya mengambil bahagian yang aktif di dalam proses pembelajaran.\n\n\nSatu lagi kebaikan pengajaran secara permainan dalam talian ialah guru boleh membina soalan ujian dan peperiksaan serta menanda kertas jawapan di dalam ruang perisian itu.\n\n\nApabila terdapat ramai murid dalam kelas, maka beban kerja guru juga bertambah. Kini banyak soalan ujian merangkumi pelbagai topik dan bidang sudah disediakan secara percuma atau dengan caj bayaran yang minima di dalam talian.\n\n\nSatu lagi keistimewaannya, penggunaan permainan dalam talian membolehkan guru membina bank soalan dan perisian itu yang akan menyusunnya.\n\n\nOleh itu, setiap murid akan mendapat set soalan yang berbeza. Ini membantu guru dalam mengurangkan tahap meniru murid sekiranya ujian itu dijalankan dalam kelas. Murid tidak boleh bertanya jawapan daripada rakan lain kerana turutan soalan yang berbeza.\n\n\nApabila soalan ujian diletakkan dalam sistem pengurusan pembelajaran dalam talian, pendidik boleh mengakses soalan berkenaan di mana sahaja mereka berada asalkan mereka mempunyai capaian internet.\n\n\nSebenarnya dalam pelaksanaan PdPR, guru berperanan untuk memastikan pelajar terbabit secara aktif, memahami peraturan, menjaga emosi dan mengawasi hubungan sosial. Kelebihan yang terdapat di dalam penggunaan aplikasi seperti ini di dalam tempoh pelaksanaan PdPR diyakini akan dapat mengekalkan motivasi pembelajaran murid.- \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/peroleh-sijil-e-ladap-melalui-pandai-teacher/", "title": "Peroleh Sijil e-Ladap Melalui Pandai Teacher!", "body": "\n\nHai rakan guru,\n\n\nGuru-guru pasti tidak asing lagi dengan CPD, atau dipanggil sebagai Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan (LADAP). Ia amat penting bagi memastikan para guru terus meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan untuk sentiasa berada di tahap terbaik profession.\n\n\nUntuk memudahkan para guru, Pandai Teacher telah menyediakan fungsi eLADAP secara PERCUMA di platform Pandai Teacher berbentuk mikro, hanya di hujung jari!\n\n\nCikgu tidak perlu meninggalkan sekolah kerana ianya boleh diakses di mana sahaja! Berikut adalah aliran modul eLADAP dan ganjaran sijil akan diberikan kepada cikgu-cikgu yang menyelesaikan 10 artikel/video:\n\n\n\n\nMudah sahaja! Apa tunggu lagi? \nLogin/Log Masuk\n di Pandai Teacher SEKARANG dan mula membaca! Turut disertakan disini link kepada \nhandbook Pandai Teacher\n untuk rujukan cikgu berkaitan cara mendapatkan sijil eLADAP. Untuk sebarang pertanyaan dan maklum balas, boleh email kami di \n[email\u00a0protected]\n atau mesej menggunakan WhatsApp di \n018-252 4143\n\n\n#DariGuruUntukGuru\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai Teacher di media sosial juga!\n\n\nWeb\n\n\nFacebook\n\n\nInstagram\n \n\n\nTikTok\n\n\nTelegram\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/persediaan-ujian-khas-ukkm-kemasukan-mrsm-di-pandai-2/", "title": "Persediaan Ujian Khas UKKM Kemasukan MRSM di Pandai", "body": "\n\nSeperti yang kita ketahui, Majlis Amanah Rakyat, MARA akan mengadakan Ujian Khas untuk kemasukan ke Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) bagi pelajar Tingkatan 1 dan 4 tahun 2023, secara berperingkat mulai 27 November sehingga 16 December 2022.\n\n\nUntuk pengambilan pelajar MRSM tahun 2023, pelajar Tahun Enam dan pelajar Tingkatan 3 yang berminat untuk memohon kemasukan ke Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) diwajibkan menduduki ujian ini. Ujian ini adalah untuk menguji potensi dan minat pelajar sebelum melayakkan diri ke peringkat pertimbangan kemasukan ke MRSM.\n\n\nJadi, bagi membantu para pelajar membuat persediaan menghadapi ujian UKKM yang sebenar, Pandai telah menyediakan 16 set latihan Ujian Kecenderungan Kemasukan MRSM (UKKM) merangkumi subjek Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Matematik dan Sains mengikut perincian format yang dikongsikan oleh MARA bagi Tingkatan 1 dan Tingkatan 4. Set soalan ini boleh diakses di Pandai pada bahagian \nPeperiksaan Penggal atau \u2018Term Exams\u2019\n.\n\n\n\n\nKesemua 16 set latihan ujian ini boleh diakses secara percuma dan eksklusif bagi pengguna premium sahaja. Kami juga telah menyenaraikan dengan mudah dan menyediakan pautan bagi semua set ujian ini mengikut Tahun 6 dan Tingkatan 3 buat anda semua. Setiap Set Ujian tersebut boleh diakses dan klik sahaja dengan pautan dibawah.\n\n\nTahun 6\n\n\nBahasa Melayu\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\nBahasa Inggeris\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\nMatematik\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\nSains\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\n\n\nTingkatan 3\n\n\nBahasa Melayu\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\nBahasa Inggeris\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\nMatematik\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\nSains\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nSet 4\n\n\nUntuk makluman, set soalan ini mengandungi contoh-contoh soalan latihan untuk membantu persediaan pelajar menghadapi UKKM. Set soalan ini bukan ujian rasmi daripada MARA. Ia bukan set soalan UKKM yang sebenar, atau set soalan UKKM yang terdahulu. Ini kerana MARA tidak pernah melantik ejen atau pihak ketiga dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan dan penjualan set soalan UKKM bagi kemasukan pelajar ke MRSM.\n\n\nDiharap dengan adanya set latihan ujian UKKM di dalam Pandai boleh membantu pelajar membuat persediaan yang lebih baik untuk mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dan dapat memasuki MRSM yang di cita-citakan. \n\n\nSelamat berjaya diucapkan untuk adik-adik!\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/persediaan-ujian-khas-ukkm-kemasukan-mrsm-di-pandai/", "title": "Persediaan Ujian Khas UKKM Kemasukan MRSM di Pandai", "body": "\n\nSeperti yang kita ketahui, Majlis Amanah Rakyat, MARA akan mengadakan Ujian Khas untuk kemasukan ke Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) bagi pelajar Tingkatan 1 dan 4 tahun 2022, secara berperingkat mulai bulan Disember hingga Januari 2022. \nUntuk pengambilan pelajar MRSM tahun 2022, pelajar Tahun Enam dan pelajar Tingkatan 3 yang berminat untuk memohon kemasukan ke Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) diwajibkan menduduki ujian ini. Ujian ini adalah untuk menguji potensi dan minat pelajar sebelum melayakkan diri ke peringkat pertimbangan kemasukan ke MRSM.\n\n\nJadi, bagi membantu para pelajar membuat persediaan menghadapi ujian UKKM yang sebenar, Pandai telah menyediakan 16 set latihan Ujian Kecenderungan Kemasukan MRSM (UKKM) merangkumi subjek Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Matematik dan Sains mengikut perincian format yang dikongsikan oleh MARA bagi Tingkatan 1 dan Tingkatan 4. Set soalan ini boleh diakses di Pandai pada bahagian \nPeperiksaan Penggal atau \u2018Term Exams\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nKesemua 16 set latihan ujian ini boleh diakses secara \npercuma dan eksklusif bagi pengguna premium\n sahaja. Kami juga telah menyenaraikan dengan mudah dan menyediakan pautan bagi semua set ujian ini mengikut Tahun 6 dan Tingkatan 3 buat anda semua. Setiap Set Ujian tersebut boleh diakses dan klik sahaja dengan pautan dibawah.\n\n\nTahun 6 \n\n\nBahasa Melayu\nSet 1\nSet 2\n \nSet 3\nSet 4\nBahasa Inggeris\nSet 1\nSet 2 \nSet 3\nSet 4\nMatematik\nSet 1\nSet 2 \nSet 3\nSet 4\nSains\nSet 1\nSet 2\n \nSet 3\nSet 4\n\n\nTingkatan 3\n\n\nBahasa Melayu\nSet 1\nSet 2 \nSet 3\nSet 4\nBahasa Inggeris\nSet 1\nSet 2 \nSet 3\nSet 4\nMatematik\nSet 1\nSet 2 \nSet 3\nSet 4\nSains\nSet 1\nSet 2 \nSet 3\nSet 4 \n\n\nUntuk makluman, set soalan ini mengandungi contoh-contoh soalan latihan untuk membantu persediaan pelajar menghadapi UKKM. Set soalan ini bukan ujian rasmi daripada MARA. Ia bukan set soalan UKKM yang sebenar, atau set soalan UKKM yang terdahulu. Ini kerana MARA tidak pernah melantik ejen atau pihak ketiga dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan dan penjualan set soalan UKKM bagi kemasukan pelajar ke MRSM.\n\n\nDiharap dengan adanya set latihan ujian UKKM di dalam Pandai boleh membantu pelajar membuat persediaan yang lebih baik untuk mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dan dapat memasuki MRSM yang di cita-citakan.\nJangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini! Semoga Berjaya!\n\n\n\u201cBefore anything else, preparation is the key to success.\u201d-Alexander Graham Bell\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/powerful-tips-to-study-smarter-and-remember-longer/", "title": "Poweful Tips To Study Smarter and Remember Longer!", "body": "\n\nHow can students ditch bad study habits, study smarter and remember what they studied for longer? It\u2019s not as easy as you think! Most students have experienced studying for hours for a test only to forget most of what they studied the next day. How can students spend hours reviewing notes only and not remember anything? There has to be a way to make study time more efficient and effective so that students can spend less time studying, and spend more time remembering. \n\n\nDeveloping excellent study habits is one key way of combating what\u2019s known as the \u2018\nforgetting curve\n.\u2019 Study skills such as problem-solving, paraphrasing, and active learning can help students avoid last-minute cram sessions and help them retain what they\u2019ve studied for more than a week.\n\n\nFOUR POWERFUL TIPS TO STUDY SMARTER AND REMEMBER LONGER:\n\n\n1. USE THE\u00a0\nSPACED REPETITION\n\u00a0METHOD\n\n\n\n\nEven after an hour, your memory can only recall 44% of the information you read. To remember the information you\u2019ve learned for the long-term, use spaced repetition.\u00a0Spaced repetition involves reviewing materials in intervals to decrease the deterioration of your memory over time.\u00a0\n\n\nHere\u2019s how to used spaced repetition:\n\n\nTake notes after each class and write down any questions\n. Before exams and tests, make flashcards and review them every few days rather than only the day before.\n\n\n\n\n2. USE ACTIVE REITERATION\n\n\n\n\nOne of the most effective ways to remember study facts is \nto teach them to someone else!\n The act of teaching, known \nas the protege effect,\n involves preparing to teach information to others to help you remember that information. Active reiteration can increase metacognitive processing and makes individuals more actively aware of their learning. This can also allow students to feel more confident about learning!\n\n\n\n\n3.\u00a0\nREAD ON PAPER\n\n\n\n\nLaptops and tablets are being used to take notes more than ever. A 2019 study was the third of its kind to find that \nreading on paper is still much more effective for comprehension and retention.\n\u00a0Reading on paper \ncan help with spatial awareness, recall, and retain a student\u2019s focus\n. Laptops allow access to the internet, which can be great for \nmultitasking\n but can also be distracting when trying to learn.\n\n\n\n\n4.\u00a0\nPARTICIPATE IN GROUP DISCUSSIONS\n\n\n\n\nGroup discussions allow students\n to actively process the information and material they learned in class\n. If students are confused about certain topics, questions, or details, they can ask other students. Research shows that group discussions can improve \nengagement and long-term retention\n for students. If an in-person group discussion is not possible, students can utilize online forums or conferencing services to discuss their studies.\u00a0\n\n\nNext class, switch the laptop for a notebook and use these long-term memory retention tips to improve study habits. Students will feel more confident and comfortable for the next exam!\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website \noxfordlearning.com.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/praktis-soalan-ujian-dan-peperiksaan-di-hujung-jari/", "title": "Praktis Soalan Ujian dan Peperiksaan di Hujung Jari", "body": "\n\nHai, pelajar-pelajar Pandai, bagaimana hari persekolahan anda? Pasti anda semua seronok kan masuk semula ke sekolah. Yer la boleh jumpa kawan-kawan, guru dan paling best sekali adik-adik semua boleh belajar semula dalam kelas. Itu yang anda semua rindu kan? Hehe. \n\n\nAlright!. Hari ini, nak share \u2018Praktis Soalan Ujian dan Peperiksaan di Hujung Jari\u2019. Tahun 2021, kita semua boleh je \njawab soalan dan buat latihan ujian atau peperiksaan dengan guna telefon bimbit je tau. \n\n\nHah, kat mana tu? Macam mana nak buat?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nSenang je! Kalau adik-adik nak tahu, \nmelalui aplikasi Pandai\n, anda semua boleh menjawab secara \non the spot\n \nuntuk mengulangkaji di mana-mana.\n Itu yang paling best.\u00a0\n\n\nJika pelajar melanggan premium, anda dapat mengakses kesemua bahan-bahan pembelajaran dalam Pandai terutama \nSoalan-Soalan Ujian Topikal dan Peperiksaan.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKenapa kena cuba jawab soalan-soalan ujian topikal dan peperiksaan dalam Pandai?\n\n\nAuto Marking\n bagi jawapan betul dan salah\nSetiap soalan akan ada \njawapan dan penerangan yang lengkap\nSoalan-soalan digubal \nmengikut silibus terkini oleh KPM\nTerdapat dalam \ndwibahasa\n iaitu Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris\nBoleh melihat \nrekod jawapan sebagai rujukan\nBoleh \nmuat turun\n kertas soalan ujian dan peperiksaan\nBoleh menjawab semula dengan \n\u2018try again\u2019 button\nBoleh merujuk \nKad laporan\n selepas tamat ujian atau peperiksaan disediakan\nSusunan ujian topikal \nmengikut silibus dan topik terkini\nPelbagai subjek \ndisediakan untuk menjawab ujian atau peperiksaan\nBoleh mengakses soalan-soalan ujian atau peperiksaan bagi \ngred lain\n\n\n\n\nSenarai Ujian Topikal bagi Subjek Sains Tingkatan 3\n\n\n\n\nSenarai Peperiksaan bagi Subjek Matematik Tingkatan 3 \n\n\n\n\nBanyakkan kelebihannya ? Kalau nak tahu, ramai dah menggunakan Pandai untuk berlatih menjawab ujian topikal termasuk soalan-soalan peperiksaan.\nSeramai 200,000 pelajar dah guna! Anda bila lagi?\n\n\nApa yang menarik. Pandai boleh buat secara \n24 jam\n.\nJadi, dengan adanya Pandai, pelajar boleh menjawab soalan pada bila-bila dan di mana-mana sahaja. Senang dan mudah. \nSelepas ini, tiada lagi isu yang anda tak ulangkaji pelajaran setiap hari.\u00a0Jangan cakap sis tak payung! Hehe\n\n\nSantai-santai je jawab soalan dengan Pandai. Best, bukan?\n\n\n\n\nDah tahu tentang Pandai? Jom la langgan Pandai sekarang! Cara nak dapatkan Pandai Premium senang sahaja. \nKalau nak tahu, sekarang Pandai tengah promosi tau! \nAnda boleh dapatkan Harga Pandai dengan berpatutan dan terendah sebelum perubahan harga pada 1 April 2021\n\n\nLanggan Pandai Premuium dengan \nhanya RM39/sebulan atau RM199/setahun.\n \nAnda juga boleh memilih untuk \nmembuat bayaran secara Auto atau Manual.\n\n\nIkuti langkah dibawah untuk dapatkan Pandai Premium:\n\n\nPergi sahaja ke laman web Pandai di \nwww.pandai.org\n atau \nmuat turun\n Pandai di Google Playstore dan Apple Store sekarang.\u00a0\nPilih\n \u2018Akaun Saya\u2019\n kemudian pilih \n\u2018Naik Taraf ke Premium\u2019\nKlik bagi \npemilihan langganan bulanan atau tahunan\nIkuti langkah seterusnya untuk proses pembayaran\n\n\nYup, senang kacang je kata orang. Jangan risau pelajar-pelajar semua. Pandai akan sentiasa up to date soalan-soalan terbaru buat anda. Itu sudah kepastian! \n\n\nSelamat belajar dengan Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/program-raya-2022-misi-duit-raya-pandai/", "title": "PROGRAM RAYA 2022 : MISI DUIT RAYA PANDAI!", "body": "\n\nKami cabar anda!\n\n\nJom tengok siapa yang bakal kumpul duit raya \nterbanyak \nmelalui \nMisi Duit Raya Pandai\n!\n\n\nBeberapa program bakal dilangsungkan sepanjang bulan April dan Mei yang memberi anda peluang untuk mengumpul lencana edisi terhad serta duit raya eksklusif.\n\n\n1. Ramadan Brain Challenge\n\n\n\n\nDua tiga kucing berlari,\n\n\nMana nak sama si kucing belang;\n\n\nDua jam saja masa diberi,\n\n\nSelesaikan \npuzzle\n, terus menang!\n\n\nAdakah \nanda\n si Pandai yang boleh menyelesaikan \n40 teka-teki \natau \npuzzle\n bertemakan Ramadan-Raya, dalam masa 2 jam sahaja?\n\n\nKami cabar anda! Dan rakan-rakan anda!\n\n\nJangan risau, semua yang menyertai cabaran ini tidak akan pulang dengan tangan kosong! Hadiah disediakan bagi \nsemua peserta\n, tetapi hadiah \nteristimewa\n adalah bagi pemenang-pemenang cabaran \ud83d\ude09\n\n\nLagi Tinggi Skor, Lagi Banyak Hadiah!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKategori\n\n\nSkor\n\n\nDuit Raya RM10\n\n\nGolden Ketupat\n\n\n \nComeback Sate\n\n\nLowkey Lemang\n\n\n \nMVP\nTart Nenas\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPerfect Score\n\n\n90% \u2013 100%\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRunner Up\n\n\n80% \u2013 89%\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSecond Runner Up\n\n\n70% \u2013 79%\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThird Runner Up\n\n\n60% \u2013 69%\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\n\n\n\nParticipating\n\n\n0% \u2013 59%\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u2705\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNak kumpul lencana edisi terhad Ramadan-Raya Pandai 2022? Mulakan latihan teka-teki dan \npuzzle-solving\n anda dan \ndaftar \nRamadan Brain Challenge\n sekarang!\n\n\nBerikut adalah aliran program yang bakal berlangsung:\n\n\nAgenda\nTarikh/Tempoh Berlangsung\nPlatform/Pautan\nPendaftaran\n6 April \u2013 17 April 2022\nTELAH DI TUTUP\nPenerimaan Pautan Masuk Ramadan Brain Challenge\n21 April 2022\nMelalui e-mel\nRamadan Brain Challenge\n22 April \u2013 24 April 2022\nMelalui pautan yang bakal dikongsikan di e-mel\nPengumuman Pemenang\n30 April 2022\nMedia sosial dan laman blog Pandai\nPenerimaan Lencana\nBermula 30 April 2022\nTerus ke profil pandai para pemenang\nPenerimaan Duit Raya\nBermula minggu ke-2 bulan Mei/Syawal\nTerus ke akaun bank ibu bapa pesertaPara pemenang akan menerima e-mel bagi permohonan butiran akaun bank terlebih dahulu\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJadi, macam mana? Beranikah anda menyahut \nRamadan Brain Challenge\n ini? Daftar sekarang dan ajak kawan-kawan anda yang lain. Kita tengok siapa yang bakal memenangi lencana dan duit raya terbanyak!\n\n\n2. Guess & Win Giveaway\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nBaik-baik mengirai padi,\n\n\nTakut memercik ke muka orang;\n\n\nBaik-baik berteka-teki,\n\n\nDi media sosial, kami nantikan pemenang.\n\n\nKalau anda nak tahu! Pandai juga sediakan Giveaway sepanjang bulan Ramadhan untuk anda kumpul duit raya dengan lebih banyak. Wow, kan!\n\n\nSenang sahaja. Anda hanya perlu bersedia dan nantikan setiap minggu soalan atau teka-teki dalam Guess & Win Giveaway di \nInstagram, Facebook dan Twitter Pandai.\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nPastikan anda set reminder atau noti di media sosial kami untuk \nFollow, Like, Tag dan Komen\n jawapan cepat-cepat dalam Guess & Win Giveaway!\u00a0\n\n\nYa! \nSiapa cepat dia dapat!\n Apa yang menarik, kami akan memilih \n5 pemenang bertuah untuk memenangi E-Duit Raya\n yang bernilai RMX. Jeng Jeng Jeng \ud83d\ude0f. Rahsia!\u00a0\n\n\nJadi, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk nantikan Guess & Win Giveaway di media sosial Pandai yang bakal bermula Jumaat ini. Semoga berjaya!\ud83e\udd2d\n\n\n3. TikTok Pandai Raya Challenge\n\n\n\n\nSudilah tuan jalan berempat,\n\n\nJalan berempat di siang hari;\n\n\nSudilah adik tunjukkan bakat,\n\n\nAgar meriah raya kita nanti.\n\n\nJom kita jadi kreatif untuk video Raya di Tik Tok! Dah lama tak balik kampung? Tempah baju raya cantik cantik untuk \u201cOOTD\u201d ? \n\n\nSertai pertandingan \u201cPandai Raya Challenge\u201d dengan menghasilkan video yang kreatif di Tik Tok dari 23 April hingga 6 Mei 2022!\n\n\nYang paling best 10 orang pemenang yang dipilih bakal memenangi duit raya yang berjumlah RM50 sehingga RM200! \n\n\nAnda boleh menyanyi, menari, kongsi resepi kuih atau hidangan raya, OOTD gambar raya dan sebagainya! \n\n\nSenang sahaja untuk sertai pertandingan ini! \nSyarat \u2013 syaratnya\n seperti di bawah :\n\n\nVideo menggunakan aplikasi Tik Tok\nAudio : Lagu lagu raya\nPakaian : Baju Raya \nIkuti Tik Tok @pandaiofficial \ud83d\udc49 \nhttps://bit.ly/36Zkky6\nTag Tik Tok @pandaiofficial di video\nGunakan hashtag \n#PandaiRayaChallenge \nPost menggunakan SATU akaun sahaja \nTukar profil kepada awam supaya video boleh dilihat oleh pihak Pandai\nTempoh pertandingan : \n23 April \u2013 6 Mei 2022\n\n\nTunggu apa lagi? Kongsi bakat anda sekarang dan menangi hadiah hadiah istimewa dari Pandai! Seronok kan? Jangan lupa kongsi berita menarik ni bersama rakan-rakan lain! \n\n\nYang paling penting, jangan lupa gunakan hashtag \n#PandaiRayaChallenge!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/rancangan-pengajaran-harian-dengan-pandai-teacher/", "title": "Rancangan Pengajaran Harian dengan \u201cPandai Teacher\u201d", "body": "\n\nApakah RPH?\n\n\nPara pengajar semestinya mengetahui kepentingan menyediakan Rancangan Pengajaran Harian (RPH). RPH ialah rancangan pengajaran harian yang semua guru perlu sediakan sebelum sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran bermula. \n\n\nRPH boleh disediakan dalam apa jua bentuk yang munasabah dan sesuai dengan teknologi semasa. Ia dibina sebagai panduan para guru untuk mengajar dengan lebih sistematik serta mampu untuk mencapai apa yang diobjektifkan dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran kelak.\n\n\nKEPENTINGAN RPH\n \n\n\nMenentukan objektif pengajaran tercapai\nMemberikan keyakinan kepada guru sepanjang sesi pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPC)\nMenjadikan sesi pengajaran yang dirancang bermula dan berakhir mengikut yang telah dirancang\nMemastikan guru mengikut masa aktiviti yang diperuntukan sepanjang sesi pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPC)\nMenentukan strategi pengajaran yang sesuai dengan kebolehan murid\nGuru mengetahui kelemahan dan penambahbaikan yang perlu dilakukan pada sesi akan datang berdasarkan refleksi pengajaran sebelum ini\n\n\nISI KANDUNGAN RPH\n \n\n\nMata Pelajaran\nTarikh/Hari\nBidang Pembelajaran\nObjektif/Kriteria Kejayaan\nAktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran\nABM/BBM\nElemen Merentas Kurikulum\nTahap Pemikiran\nPeta Pemikiran i-Think\nPenilaian Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran\nTahap Penguasaan\nPenilaian\nRefleksi \n\n\n\n\nMasalah Yang Dihadapi Oleh Para Guru\n\n\nPenyediaan Rancangan Pengajaran Harian (RPH) mengambil masa yang lama\nRekod penyimpanan RPH yang kurang sistematik dan sukar akses\nPendigitalan RPH memerlukan guru-guru hidup dengan teknologi\n\n\nMemperkenalkan \u201cFeature\u201d Terbaru Pandai Teacher : eRPH\n\n\nUntuk menyenangkan para pendidik, Pandai Teacher telah menyediakan sistem RPH yang mudah akses dan mesra guru. Ianya \npercuma\n buat semua guru di Malaysia. Selain itu, Fungsi (aktiviti saranan) di dalam Pandai Teacher juga akan membantu guru menjimatkan masa untuk membina RPH. Cara untuk menggunakan sistem ini mudah sahaja, guru hanya perlu mendaftar akaun Pandai Teacher di laman Web \nPandai.org\n .\n\n\nCara \u2013 cara menggunakan eRPH \n\n\n1. Selepas berjaya mendaftar akaun Pandai Teacher, para guru hanya perlu pergi ke fungsi \u201ceRPH\u201d dan selepas itu tekan butang \u201cCreate New Lesson Plan\u201d.\n\n\n\n\n2. Lengkapkan maklumat RPH dengan memilih bahasa, silibus, mata pelajaran dan tahun. Tekan butang \u201cApply\u201d selepas selesai\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Mencipta RPH dengan mengisi semua butiran yang diberikan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaftar Pandai Teacher Sekarang\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSelain daripada eRPH, Pandai Teacher juga menyediakan pelbagai fungsi dan ekosistem pendidikan yang sistematik untuk semua pendidik. \n\n\nMicro CPD \u2013 pembangunan kandungan profesional yang mudah dihadam di hujung jari anda\nPembinaan Kuiz \u2013 menghasilkan kertas latihan dan pentaksiran berdasarkan kurikulum kebangsaan malaysia dengan pantas\n\n\nImpak Pandai Teacher kepada Pendidik\n\n\nGuru dapat mengenal pasti idea pengajaran yang terbaik didalam negara\nGuru dapat berkongsi aktiviti pengajaran yang berkualiti bersama semua guru\nGuru dapat meningkatkan kualiti perancangan pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPC) sepanjang tempoh berkhidmat.\nMatlamat jangka panjang \u2018Pandai Teacher\u2019 ialah ingin melihat lanskap pendidikan negara berubah ke arah lebih baik pada masa hadapan\n\n\nNantikan pelancaran Pandai Teacher : eRPH dalam masa terdekat! Perkembangan selanjutnya akan diberitahu secepat mungki\nn\n\n\nTunggu apa lagi? Jom daftar Pandai Teacher sekarang untuk pengajaran yang lebih mudah dan sistematik!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0Pandai Teacher melalui \nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0atau;\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/ranking-saya-di-pandai-jom-tengok-leaderboard-anda/", "title": "Ranking Saya di Pandai? Jom tengok Leaderboard anda!", "body": "\n\nHai, pelajar-pelajar Pandai, anda tahu tak apa itu \nLeaderboard di Pandai\n?\u00a0\n\n\nHah Leaderboard itu adalah Ranking anda di Pandai!\n\n\nLeaderboard \u2013 Grade Form 3\n\n\nRanking di Pandai? Apa tu?\n\n\nOkay, biasa kita selalu kat sekolah, mesti nak tau kedudukan kita dalam kelas selepas kita jawab Ujian atau Peperiksaan kan? Betul tak?\n\n\nHah, Pandai pun sedia kan untuk anda. Yahoo!\nLeaderboard ini bertujuan membantu pelajar mengetahui kedudukan dalam Pandai mengikut gred di seluruh Malaysia. Ya, ranking dalam seluruh Malaysia tau.\n\u00a0\n\n\nKedudukan atau ranking ini penting ke? Apa kaitannya?\n\n\n\n\nKedudukan atau Ranking penting sebab:\n1. Pelajar dapat \nmemotivasikan diri untuk berusaha lebih lagi dan aktif belajar\n dengan Pandai\n2. Pelajar dapat \nmengetahui kelemahan sesuatu pembelajaran atau topik\n3. Pelajar dapat \nmelihat pencapaian sendiri \nbagi mengetahui kedudukan/ranking mengikut gred masing-masing.\n4. Ranking di leaderboard adalah \nreward\n sebagai pencapaian mereka terutama bagi pelajar yang aktif dengan Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYa! Betul. Memang best Leaderboard ini. Tak susah, hanya dengan aktif dan sentiasa menjawab kuiz dan soalan-soalan dalam Pandai. \nPasti score anda akan meningkat dan ranking akan naik! Ingat ni tips ni tau! Hehe.\u00a0\n\n\nAlright! Saya nak tau ranking saya? Caranya macam mana?\n\n\n\u00a0Ikuti langkah dibawah untuk mengetahui ranking anda:\n\n\nLogin\n akaun Pandai\nPergi ke \n\u2018Achievement\u2019 \ndan klik ke \n\u2018Leaderboard\u2019\nKemudian, \nsemak ranking\n anda! Lihat di \nbawah sekali\n dan \nnombor kedudukan anda di sebelah kiri. Tahniah!\n\n\n\n\nJangan risau! Anda masih boleh berpeluang untuk naikkan ranking di Pandai. \u00a0\n\n\nTips: Shh! Jangan skip soalan-soalan dan kuiz di Pandai okay. Jawab setiap hari! Hehe\n\n\n\n\nYa tu je. Simple kan? Menarik Pandai ini! Semua ada!\n\n\nBagi sesiapa yang masih belum mendaftar dengan Pandai! Nak try Pandai? Jom daftar sekarang!\n\n\n\n\nPercuma\n sahaja. Jangan risau.\nNak jawab lebih lagi soalan dalam Pandai, pun boleh\u2026\nNaik taraf kepada Premium Pandai!\nPergi sahaja ke laman web Pandai di \nwww.pandai.org\n atau download Pandai app di Google Store atau Apple Store.\n\n\n\n\nMudah je! Nak jadi budak Pandai, belajar je dengan Pandai!\n\n\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/recap-aktiviti-cuti-sekolah-jom-teroka-sains-bersama-pandai/", "title": "Recap Aktiviti Cuti Sekolah: Jom Teroka Sains Bersama Pandai!", "body": "\n\nBetul ke ikan jerung tak ada tulang dalam badannya?\n\n\nMinyak petroleum datang dari batu mineral, fosil atau meteor?\n\n\nSempena cuti sekolah yang lalu, Team Pandai telah menjalankan sebuah sesi perkongsian yang menarik dan santai dalam \nJom Teroka Sains Bersama Pandai \n\ud83d\ude03\n\n\nProgram bersasarkan pelajar sekolah rendah ini telah diadakan di Youtube Live pada 23 Julai 2021. Dan ia berjaya!\n\n\nTerima kasih kepada semua yang telah bersama kami pada pagi jumaat itu dan memeriahkan program tersebut ^_^\n\n\nPadat dengan informasi, kami telah membincangkan beberapa fakta-fakta menarik tentang Sains, serta ciri-ciri yang terbaru di aplikasi dan laman web Pandai. Bersama Kak Kamila daripada Team Pandai, enam \nfun facts\n yang dikongsikan adalah bertemakan Biologi Manusia, Haiwan dan Bumi Kita.\n\n\n\n\nYess\u2026 Memang satu sesi pertukaran ilmu yang menyeronokkan! Lagi-lagi, apabila kami kongsikan link untuk \n7-day Free Premium Account Trial\n pada hujung program \ud83d\ude06\n\n\nApa? Anda terlepas? Jangan risau! Kami masih menyimpan video \nlive session\n itu di \nYoutube Channel\n kami! Khas untuk sesiapa yang ingin \nre-live\n waktu yang lalu \ud83d\ude0e.\n\n\nJangan lupa like dan share ya!\n\n\nSelain itu\u2026 kalau anda suka content sebegini, beritahu kami di ruangan komen okay!\n\n\nBelajarlah dengan kami, mesti #senangjenakpandai!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nBoleh juga, klik di bawah untuk tonton semula. Selamat menonton\u270c\ufe0f\nhttps://www.youtube.com/pandaiofficial\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/recap-untuk-exam-dengan-flashcards/", "title": "Recap untuk Exam dengan Flashcards!", "body": "\n\nBerdasarkan faktor-faktor di bawah, yang manakah yang membuatkan anda rasa paling gementar apabila menjelang kertas peperiksaan sains/aliran sains?\nA. Takut lupa formula tertentu\nB. Takut lupa point penting\nC. Takut belum cukup ulangkaji lagi\nD. Takut lupa maksud istilah tertentu\n\n\nKalau tanya kami, jawapannya kami \u201csemua yang di atas\u201d! \ud83d\ude05\n\n\nTapi iya lah, siapa je tak nervous kan! Lagi-lagi malam sebelum peperiksaan tu \ud83d\ude25 Sempat lagi ke nak buat persediaan saat akhir? Risauuuu!\n\n\nKalau dah #GOPremium dengan Pandai, apa yang nak risau? Kan ada \nkad imbasan!\n \ud83e\udd29\n\n\nKalau ikutkan, pembelajaran menggunakan kad imbasan atau flashcards ni kena mula awal dan diamalkan secara konsisten serta sistematik. Tapi, untuk \u201crecap\u201d balik laju-laju satu malam sebelum exam pun sesuai juga!\n\n\nMeh sini, kami ceritakan kenapa best nak \u201cquick recap\u201d untuk peperiksaan menggunakan kad imbasan:\n\n\n\n\n \n \n@pandaiofficial\n \nPART 2! Sambil baring2 pun boleh ready untuk exam esok \ud83d\ude06 share this with your friends ok! \n#exam\n \n#examtips\n \n#tipsbelajar\n \n#studytips\n \n#studyhacks\n \n#sekolah\n \n#onlinelearning\n \n#pdpr\n \n#fyp\n \n#pandai\n \n#examhacks\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\n \n#flashcards\n \n#spmtip\n \n#spmtips\n \n#spm2021\n \n\u266c Polaroid Love \u2013 ENHYPEN\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n1. Kandungan kad imbasan yang disediakan dalam Pandai meliputi formula, istilah dan perkara-perkara utama bagi setiap topik. Sekali imbas, dah cukup semua \u201cpoint\u201d penting!\n\n\n2. Maklumat pada setiap kad imbasan adalah padat dan ringkas. \u201cStraight to the point\u201d dan tak panjang lebar. Senang je nak \u201ccopy & paste\u201d masuk ruang ingatan masing-masing \ud83d\ude0f\n\n\n3. Kad imbasan di Pandai boleh \u201cflip-flip\u201d \u2013 sebelah tajuk perkara dan sebelah satu lagi maklumatnya. Ibaratnya macam kita nak hafal sesuatu dari buku: kita baca, tutup mata, dan semak semula. Leceh sikit kan macam tu? Kalau guna kad imbasan kami, senang dan pantas je nak tangkap. Semuanya \u201ctap tap and swipe\u201d je!\n\n\nBest kan? Mesti nak pergi try sekarang kan \ud83d\ude0c\n\n\nBuat masa sekarang, kad imbasan Pandai hanya tersedia di aplikasi (telefon pintar). Berikut adalah cara-cara untuk mengakses ciri ini:\n\n\n1. Log masuk atau daftar akaun Pandai.\n2. Pergi ke \u201c\nlatihan\n\u201c.\n3. Pilih subjek.\n4. Pilih kad imbasan.\n5. Pilih topik yang ingin dipelajari.\n\n\nMudah je!\n\n\nMacam mana? Ok kan tips belajar #FastLikeTheTiger ni? \ud83d\udc2f Tak payah nervous dah nak jawab kertas sains esok. Malah, kalau nak guna kad imbasan untuk subjek lain pun boleh jugak tau! Semuanya boleh!\n\n\nJom sama-sama mula buat \u201clast recap\u201d dengan kad imbasan malam ni, okay!\n\n\nKad Imbasan Pandai tersedia untuk mata pelajaran tertentu bagi semua tahap pembelajaran, untuk semua pelajar Pandai Premium. Jom #GOPremium!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0atau;\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/report-card-pandai-mudah-pantau-pelajar-semasa-pdpr/", "title": "Report Card Pandai Mudah Pantau Pelajar Semasa PdPR", "body": "\n\n\u201cAntara benda yang best ialah app ni sediakan Report Card untuk kita, senang nak pantau budak2 ni masa PdPR\u201d \u2013 Pn Siti ibu kepada 3 orang anak.\n\n\n\n\nSesi pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PdPR) akan diteruskan lagi dan mungkin berpanjangan pada kali ini bagi mengelak risiko jangkitan Covid-19 di sekolah. Walaupun anak-anak belajar online dirumah dan peperiksaan dimansuhkan, kerisauan ibu bapa dah semakin berkurang tidak seperti di awal PdPR tahun lalu.\u00a0\n\n\nIni kerana pendedahan pengetahuan ibu bapa terhadap aplikasi \nPandai\n yang banyak membantu pelajar belajar dari rumah. Sejak setahun lalu PdPR bermula, terdapat peningkatan kepada pengguna Pandai seramai 200,000 orang.\n\n\nIni mungkin kerana silibus pembelajaran di dalam Pandai \nselaras dengan KPM\n, dimana memudahkan lagi pelajar untuk mengulang kaji selepas sesi kelas online. Bukan itu sahaja, setiap soalan didatangkan bersama \njawapan & penerangan\n yang lengkap.\u00a0\n\n\nBeberapa interview dan survey telah dilakukan bagi mengenal pasti keberkesanan Pandai buat pelajar. Dan ini antara komen yang diterima dari salah seorang penjawat awam yang berkhidmat di Jabatan Keselamatan Negara.\n\n\n\u201cContoh Report Card untuk ibu bapa senang nak pantau anak-anak menggunkan Pandai\u201d- Pn Siti.\n\n\n\n\nIbu bapa dinasihatkan untuk memuat turun aplikasi Pandai ini juga bagi membantu anak-anak dalam pembelajaran mereka. Dengan\n ciri \nmenarik, pasti anak-anak enjoy guna Pandai!\n\n\nAtau terus layari ke laman web utama Pandai iaitu \nwww.pandai.org\n untuk mendapatkan keterangan dengan lebih lanjut. \n\n\n\n\nDan jangan lupa untuk \nFOLLOW\n, \nLIKE\n dan \nSHARE\n di\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nLaman Web: \nwww.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/safety-tips-for-returning-to-school-during-covid-19/", "title": "Safety tips for returning to school during COVID-19", "body": "\n\nGambar di ambil dari petikan OhBulan\n\n\nReturning to school has taken on new meaning and a new set of worries for parents and other caregivers during the age of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Schools must now balance the educational, social and emotional needs of their students along with the health and safety of students and staff in the midst of the evolving\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0pandemic.\n\n\nThe decision on what school and learning looks like is usually made on the local level by school boards and government officials. Overall, schools largely choose from one of three options:\n\n\nDistance learning.\n\u00a0All instruction is done remotely in this model using technology and other tools.\nIn-person schooling.\n\u00a0This model is similar to traditional schooling with enhanced health and safety precautions and procedures.\nHybrid schooling.\n\u00a0This model includes elements of both distance and in-person schooling.\n\n\nSchools may adopt one or more approaches during the course of the school year and pandemic. Being prepared for a variety of schooling environments can empower you and your child and reduce anxiety. \nIn each case, there are steps you can take to reduce the risks of\u00a0COVID-19, help your child feel safe and make informed decisions during the\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0pandemic.\n1. Practice safe distancing\n\n\n\n\nSocial distancing, or physical distancing, is the practice of allowing enough space between individuals to reduce the spread of disease. During the\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommend keeping at least 6 feet (2 meters) of space between yourself and people outside your household to meet these goals.\n\n\nBut that might not be practical in some schools or with younger children. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says following strict physical distancing can conflict with ideal academic, social and emotional learning standards. It\u2019s also not clear how easily\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0spreads among children.\n\n\nSteps to encourage social distancing during in-person schooling may include:\n\n\nEliminating lockers or grouping them by student groups, or cohorts\nCreating one-way traffic in school hallways\nUsing outdoor spaces when possible for instruction, meals and recess\nReducing the number of children on school buses\nSpacing desks out and having them all face in the same direction\nUsing physical barriers, such as plexiglass shields and partitions, to separate educators and students\nDividing students up into distinct groups or cohorts that stay together during the school day and reducing interaction between different groups\n\n\nWeighing the risks and benefits of in-person schooling for children may mean different levels of social distancing based on the child\u2019s age and developmental stage. For example, the\u00a0AAP\u00a0recommends allowing interactive play for preschoolers while encouraging cohorting of students and face coverings for older children.\n\n\n2. Wear Masks\n\n\n\n\nThe\u00a0CDC\u00a0and\u00a0WHO\u00a0recommend wearing cloth face masks in public places where it\u2019s difficult to avoid close contact with others, and schools are no exception. This advice is based on data showing that people with\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0can transmit the virus before realizing that they have it.\n\n\nIf your child\u2019s school requires or encourages the use of cloth face masks, consider these tips:\n\n\nWearing cloth face masks should be a priority especially when it\u2019s hard to maintain social distance, such as on the bus, at carpool drop-off or pickup, and when entering the building.\nHave multiple cloth face masks available for your child. Provide your child with a clean mask and back-up mask each day and a clean, resealable bag for them to store the mask when they can\u2019t wear it, such as at lunch.\nLabel your child\u2019s mask clearly so it\u2019s not confused with another child\u2019s.\nPractice properly putting on and taking off cloth face masks with your child while avoiding touching the cloth portions.\nRemind your child that they should clean their hands before and after touching their mask.\nInstruct your child to never share or trade masks with others.\nTalk to your child about the importance of wearing a face mask and model wearing them as a family.\nDiscuss with your child why some people may not be able to wear face masks for medical reasons.\n\n\nDon\u2019t place a face mask on a child younger than age 2, a child who has any breathing problems, or a child who has a condition that would prevent him or her from being able to remove the mask without help.\n\n\n3. Wash Hands Regularly\n\n\n\n\nPractice hand-washing at home with your child and explain why it\u2019s important to wash his or her hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before and after eating, coughing/sneezing, or adjusting a face mask. To prevent rushing, suggest washing hands for as long as it takes to sing the \u201cHappy Birthday\u201d song twice. When hand-washing isn\u2019t available, suggest that your child use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Also, explain that he or she should avoid touching his or her eyes, nose, and mouth.\n\n\nSchools should encourage routines that encourage frequent hand-washing and following good hand hygiene practices, such as asking children to cover their mouths and noses with their elbows or tissues when they cough or sneeze and then washing their hands.\n\n\nIf your child attends in-person schooling, develop daily routines before and after school that foster healthy habits, such as packing a back-up face mask and hand sanitizer in the morning and washing their hands as soon as they come home.\n\n\n4. Stay Home If Sick\n\n\n\n\nYou should monitor your child each day for signs of\u00a0COVID-19. These include:\n\n\nFever\nNasal congestion or runny nose\nCough\nSore throat\nShortness of breath\nFatigue\nHeadache\nMuscle aches\nNausea or vomiting\nDiarrhea\nPoor appetite\nNew loss of taste or smell\nBelly pain\nPink eye (conjunctivitis)\n\n\nSome schools may recommend daily temperature readings as a part of\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0symptom screening. But since many of these symptoms overlap with other conditions, such as the common cold, allergies and influenza, the effectiveness of this screening can be limited.\n\n\nTo limit the spread of\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0as well as other germs, children should stay home from school and other activities if they have any signs of illness or a fever. Contact your doctor if you have questions.\nFollowing these steps can help you feel assured that your child is as safe as possible during the\u00a0COVID-19\u00a0pandemic. Don\u2019t forget to follow all the SOP. Stay Safe everyone!\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website \nmayoclinic.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/sambung-belajar-atau-bekerja-selepas-spm-mana-satu-lebih-baik/", "title": "Sambung Belajar atau Bekerja Selepas SPM, Mana Satu Lebih Baik?", "body": "\n\n\n\nKerja atau sambung belajar, mana satu yang lebih baik? Ramai yang keliru sama ada hendak sambung belajar atau terus bekerja selepas tamat SPM ataupun Diploma. Sesetengah orang berpendapat lebih baik sambung belajar alasannya masih muda dan mudah menghadam apa yang diajarkan di dalam kuliah. Tamat pengajian tangga gaji lebih baik berbanding jika hanya ada SPM sahaja.\n\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, ada segolongan pula beranggapan lebih baik bekerja dulu dan ambil peluang untuk melatih diri dalam suasana bekerja. Apabila ada rezeki lebih nanti barulah teruskan niat untuk sambung belajar. Anda pula bagaimana? Lebih suka belajar atau bekerja dahulu? Apa pun pilihan anda, mungkin artikel ini sedikit sebanyak boleh membantu anda membuat pilihan yang tepat.\u00a0 Diakhir perkongsian ini, fikirkanlah sendiri baik dan buruknya.\n\n\n\u00a0KERJA ADALAH LEBIH BAIK\n\n\nMenimba Pengalaman Sebenar\n\n\nRamai di antara pelajar yang beranggapan bahawa apabila mereka menamatkan belajar tidak kira walaupun hanya di peringkat SPM atau diploma, terus bekerja merupakan langkah yang terbaik. Mereka yakin bahawa dengan bekerja mereka mampu menimba pelbagai ilmu yang berguna bukan sahaja terhad hanya di dalam kelas sahaja. Bagi mereka pembelajaran di dalam kelas dan di dunia sebenar itu sangat berbeza.\n\n\n\n\nDengan bekerja juga, mereka percaya bahawa mereka mampu memperoleh banyak pengalaman yang akan membantu diri sendiri dalam\u00a0 mendapatkan kerjaya yang lebih cerah pada masa hadapan. Golongan ini juga amat yakin bahawa pada hari ini majikan lebih melihat kepada pengalaman kerja berbanding kelulusan semata-mata.\n\n\nMengumpul Pendapatan\n\n\nAntara salah satu sebab mengapa segelintir daripada mereka gemar untuk terus bekerja daripada menyambung pengajian adalah ingin merasa gaji lebih awal berbanding rakan lain yang meneruskan pengajian ke kolej atau universiti. Boleh kumpul wang lebih awal untuk persiapan hari tua, beli rumah, kereta dan sebagainya.\n\n\nTambahan pula, pada hari ini gaji seorang yang hanya memegang kelayakan sijil diploma boleh mencecah atau melebihi RM2500 berbekalkan pengalaman yang ada. Siapa yang tidak mahu memilih untuk bekerja berbanding belajar?\n\n\nDapat Mengasah Kebolehan\n\n\nIni juga adalah faktor utama mengapa pelajar lebih berminat untuk terus bekerja berbanding untuk menyambung belajar. Mereka dapat mengasah bakat terpendam tanpa perlu ke kelas atau mengambil peperiksaan di universiti. Mereka dapat terus menjalani latihan praktikal dan mengasah bakat dalam bidang yang minati.\n\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, niat sambung belajar itu ada cumanya belum masa yang sesuai atau belum timbul lagi kesedaran untuk melanjutkan pengajian. Mungkin apabila ianya diperlukan kelak boleh sambung sebagai pelajar separuh masa PJJ.\n\n\nSAMBUNG BELAJAR ADALAH LEBIH BAIK\n\n\nPeluang Pekerjaan yang bagus\n\n\nBagi sesetengah pelajar mendapatkan kelulusan yang tinggi adalah perkara yang penting dan serius dalam mendapatkan kerjaya yang menjamin masa hadapan. Semakin tinggi kelulusan yang diperoleh semakin mudah mereka mendapatkan peluang-peluang pekerjaan yang bagus dengan tangga gaji yang lumayan. Tetapi, mereka perlu diingatkan bahawa bukan semua graduan mampu untuk mendapatkan peluang pekerjaan yang baik kerana keputusan peperiksaan yang kurang memuaskan atau hanya sekadar \u2018lepas pagar\u2019 tidak akan dipandang majikan.\n\n\nMudah Dinaikkan Pangkat\n\n\nDengan mempunyai kelulusan yang tinggi seperti di peringkat ijazah, master mahupun PhD, golongan yang mementingkan pelajaran ini merasakan kelayakan mereka untuk mendapatkan pangkat atau jawatan dalam sesebuah syarikat/organiasasi adalah lebih terjamin. Semakin tinggi kelayakan yang dimiliki semakin mudah untuk mereka mengejar cita-cita yang diinginkan selain kurangnya persaingan dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut.\n\n\n\u00a0Gaji Yang Lebih Lumayan\n\n\nSeperti mana yang anda sedia maklum, kebiasaannya apabila seseorang individu itu mempunyai kelulusan yang baik, pendapatan atau gaji yang diterima juga akan bertambah. Selalunya golongan yang mempunyai segulung ijazah ini, majikan telah meletakkan standard gaji tertentu dan jumlah gaji akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan pengalaman yang diperolehi. Tidak perlu bermula daripada bawah seperti mana kelulusan rendah. Walau pengalaman banyak, gaji hanya naik sedikit sahaja.\n\n\nJadi kesimpulanya, mana satu yang menjadi pilihan anda? KERJA atau BELAJAR? Fikir-fikirkanlah sebaiknya kerana jalan yang anda pilih itu baik atau buruknya anda yang bakal laluinya. Selamat datang ke dunia orang dewasa yang penuh dengan liku-liku kehidupan ini!\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/sambut-bulan-kebangsaan-dengan-pandaianakmalaysia/", "title": "Sambut Bulan Kebangsaan dengan #PandaiAnakMalaysia", "body": "\n\nBulan Kebangsaan tahun ini tak semeriah sebelum ni, kan? \ud83d\ude1e\n\n\nMesti anda semua sama seperti kami \u2013 merindukan sambutan kemerdekaan bersama. Memang terasa semangat kesatuan itu dahulu kan; apabila jalan raya dihiasi dengan kereta-kereta yang penuh dengan Jalur Gemilang; anak-anak pula menghentak kaki dengan sepenuh hati sambil menyanyikan \u201cTanggal 31\u201d\u2026\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe\n\n\nHaihhh\u2026 rindunya!\ud83d\ude0d\n\n\nTak mengapa, jangan sedih! Walaupun kita jauh secara fizikal, zaman sekarang ni, apa je yang tak boleh buat online, kan?\n\n\nSebab itulah, sempena Bulan Kebangsaan tahun ini, Pandai Team melancarkan kempen\u2026\n\n\n#PandaiAnakMalaysia! \ud83c\udf3a\n\n\nDari 17 Ogos hingga 17 September, nantikan pelbagai aktiviti dan program yang bertemakan \nSemangat Anak Malaysia\n untuk semua pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah!\n\n\n[1] \nMERDEKA SPECIAL PROMOTION\n\n\n\n\nMerdeka Promo & Special Gifts\nHarga yang paling \nmurah\n yang tak akan kembali semula!\nDapat hadiah pula tu! (Rujuk poster di atas \ud83d\ude09)\nHanya sehingga 31 Ogos 2021. Jangan terlepas!\nMaklumat Lanjut\n\n\n\n\n[2] \nKUIZ KEMERDEKAAN\n\n\n\n\nKuiz Kemerdekaan\nJom uji pengetahuan masing-masing tentang negara kita, Malaysia \u2728\nYang mana satu ranking anda?\n\ud83c\udf3a 25 : Negarawan terulung\n\ud83c\udf3a 20-24 : Negarawan\n\ud83c\udf3a 15-19 : Pencinta Negara\n\ud83c\udf3a 10-14 : Rakyat Patriotik\n\ud83c\udf3a 5-9 : Rakyat Prihatin\n\ud83c\udf3a 0-4 : ????\nKuiz ini terbuka kepada semua orang! Kongsikan link di bawah dengan semua kenalan anda ya \ud83d\udc47\nJawab Kuiz Kemerdekaan Sekarang!\nNak jawab kuiz lain?\nPengguna Pandai boleh cuba \nKuiz Kenali Malaysiaku\n juga!\n\n\n\n\n[3] \nMERDEKA CHALLENGE DI PANDAI APP\n\n\n\n\nMerdeka Challenge di Pandai App\nLencana edisi \nTERHAD \nsempena Bulan Kebangsaan!\nHanya untuk mereka yang menyelesaikan cabaran di Pandai App \ud83d\ude0e\nKumpul skor yang ditetapkan untuk lencana baru setiap minggu\nSambil meneka lencana misteri yang paling istimewa pada minggu yang terakhir\nApabila tercapai, kejayaan anda akan dipaparkan di profil selamanya \ud83d\ude33\nMaklumat Lanjut\nMulakan Merdeka Challenge Sekarang!\n\n\n\n\n[4] \nPANDAI COLOURING CONTEST\n\n\n\n\nPandai Colouring Contest\nTerbuka kepada \nsemua\n pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah!\nSerlahkan kreativiti anda dan anda berpeluang untuk memenangi hadiah utama kami:\nSamsung Galaxy Tab S 8.5\u201d\nPenghantaran kerja seni adalah melalui post anda di media sosial.\nJangan lupa follow dan tag \n@Pandai Official\n dan \n#PandaiAnakMalaysia\n ya!\nDaftar Sekarang!\nMaklumat Lanjut\n\n\n\n\nSemuanya untuk \nanda\n semua! Mesti anda dah rasa seakan-akan ada hadiah yang memanggil anda kan?\n\n\nAdakah ia lencana edisi terhad? Atau Samsung Galaxy Tab? Atau Wireless Earbuds?\n\n\nGo for it, now\n! Jangan tunggu-tunggu lagi \n\ud83d\ude06\n\n\nJangan lupa untuk ikuti kami di media sosial untuk sentiasa mendapat update terkini.\n\n\nDan, gunakan hashtag rasmi kempen ini, #PandaiAnakMalaysia untuk apa-apa sahaja yang berkaitan, ya?\n\n\nTerima kasih! Semoga Bulan Kebangsaan tahun ini adalah bermakna bagi anda semua.\n\n\nSemangat #PandaiAnakMalaysia!\n \ud83d\ude0d\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/say-hello-to-pandaibot/", "title": "Say Hello to PandaiBot!", "body": "\n\nCeria\nComel\nBoleh terbang\nSuka belajar di Pandai\nKorang kenal tak siapa ni?\n\n\nYa, tepat tekaan semua! Katakan \u2018Hai\u2019 kepada Pandai Bot \ud83d\ude06\ud83e\udd16\n\n\nPandai Bot, atau P-Bot ni ialah kawan baru kita di Pandai. Dia memang sentiasa bersemangat untuk belajar dan mengulangkaji, lagi-lagi bila bersama-sama dengan anda semua di Pandai. Lepas ni, makin best lah kan, sebab dah ada \nstudy buddy. \n\ud83d\udcd6\nJom kita sama-sama sambut mesra pelancara P-Bot dengan menonton video premiere-nya di\u00a0 \nYoutube Pandai Official\n. Dalam video ni, P-Bot memperkenalkan dirinya dengan menunjukkan emosi-emosi dan riak wajahnya yang berbeza-beza \u2013 saja, nak berkongsi!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTerus semangat, budak pandai!\n\n\nLog in atau daftar di \nwww.pandai.org\n di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/school-calendar-group-a/", "title": "School Calendar Group A", "body": "\n\n\n\nGroup A are schools in Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.\n\n\nThe calendar for Group A can be found \nhere\n.\n\n\nHoliday\nDate Start\nDate End\nNotes\nNew Year Holiday\n1 January\n19 January\nChinese New Year\n10 February\n13 February\nFirst Mid-term Break\n26 March\n3 April\nHari Raya Aidilfitri\n11 May\n14 May\nMid-year Break\n28 May\n12 June\nSecond Mid-term Break\n16 July\n24 July\nHari Raya Korban\n20 July\n20 July\nJohor only\nHari Raya Korban Holiday\n21 July\n21 July\nexcept Johor\nThree Mid-term Break\n10 September\n18 September\nDeepavali\n3 November\n7 November\nYear End Holiday\n10 December\n31 December\nChristmas\n25 December\n25 December\n\n\nCheck out this article for group B: \nhttps://blog.pandai.org/?p=1416\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/school-calendar-group-b/", "title": "School Calendar Group B", "body": "\n\n\n\n\n\nGroup B: Schools in Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Penang, Sabah, Sarawak, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Putrajaya and Federal Territory of Labuan.\nThe school calendar for Group B can be found \nhere\n.\n\n\nHoliday\nDate Start\nDate End\nNotes\nNew Year Holiday\n1 January\n19 January\nChinese New Year\n10 February\n13 February\nFirst Mid-term Break\n27 March\n4 April\nHari Raya Aidilfitri\n11 May\n14 May\nMid-year Break\n29 May\n13 June\nHarvest Festival\n30 May\n31 May\nSabah and Federal Territory of Labuan only\nHari Gawai\n1 June\n2 June\nSarawak only\nSecond Mid-term Break\n17 July\n25 July\nHari Raya Korban\n20 July\n20 July\nexcept Perlis\nHari Raya Korban\n21 July\n21 July\nPerlis only\nThird Mid-term Break\n11 September\n19 September\nDeepavali\n3 November\n5 November\nexcept Sarawak\nDeepavali\n4 November\n5 November\nSarawak only\nYear End Holiday\n11 December\n31 December\nChristmas\n25 December\n25 December\n\n\n\n\nCheck this out for group A: \nhttps://blog.pandai.org/?p=1412\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/sekolah-kembali-laksanakan-pdpr-6-teknik-yang-boleh-cikgu-guna/", "title": "Sekolah kembali laksanakan PdPR \u2013 6 Teknik yang boleh cikgu guna", "body": "\n\nSeperti yang kita tahu, sekolah akan mula belajar secara PdPR dan bakal dijalankan selepas cuti sekolah. Oleh itu, semua murid perlu mengikuti kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) mengikut jadual sekolah yang dibekalkan oleh guru masing-masing.\n\n\nDalam konteks ini, adakah guru-guru sudah bersedia sepenuhnya untuk berPdPR seperti sebelumnya? Adakah anda bersedia?\n\n\n\n\nMemandangkan PDPR ini dijalankan secara online , jadi guru yang mengajar perlu menukar teknik pengajaran yang sesuai mengikut kaedah yang digunakan. Baik, di sini kami akan kongsikan beberapa teknik yang boleh digunakan supaya pelajar dapat tumpukan perhatian yang penuh dalam kelas PdPR yang dijalankan.\n\n\nAntara teknik-tekniknya adalah:\n1) Live Streaming\n\n\n\n\nIni merupakan kaedah yang terbaik boleh dilakukan oleh guru. PKP di sesetengah tempat telah menjadikan para guru di Malaysia menggali banyak ilmu untuk memantapkan sesi PdPR. Pelbagai aplikasi sememangnya tersedia untuk digunakan antaranya \nGoogle Meet, Zoom, Streamyard, Youtube Live, Facebook Live\n dan banyak lagi.\nJika murid mempunyai kemudahan internet yang baik, maka inilah platform yang terbaik untuk digunakan. \n\n\n2) Rakaman video\n\n\n\n\nKekangan waktu bekerja ibu bapa memungkinkan sesi live guru bersama murid agak kurang mendapat sambutan. Justeru guru boleh merakam video PdPR mereka yang dijalankan secara Google Meet dan kemudiannya dimuat naik ke saluran Youtube bagi membolehkan murid mengakses sesi PdPR pada bila-bila masa\n\n\nGuru-guru juga secara kreatif boleh menghasilkan video PdPC hanya menggunakan aplikasi mudah seperti Microsoft Power Point.\nTonton video cara hasilkan video menerusi Power Point di bawah:\nhttps://youtu.be/GQiDTKid9dk\n\n\n3) Nota info grafik\n\n\nKaedah pemberian soalan latihan tanpa penerangan sebenarnya adalah sesuatu yang memberi kesukaran kepada murid dan juga ibu bapa. \nSekiranya para guru berhadapan dengan kesukaran dengan capaian internet berkelajuan tinggi, maka nota secara info grafik juga boleh \nmembantu memberi kefahaman kepada murid dalam menyiapkan tugasan yang diberi.\n\n\nContoh Nota Info Grafik Menarik\n\n\nNota secara info grafik ini boleh diedarkan sama ada melalui Whatsapps Group atau pun modul bertulis yang boleh diedarkan secara berkala.\n\n\n\n\n4) Bersedia dengan bahan bantu mengajar\n\n\n\n\nDisebabkan sepanjang PdPR ini perlu menjalankan kelas secara online , maka guru-guru perlu menyediakan bahan bantu mengajar yang lain. supaya dalam masa yang sama pelajar akan dapat menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya ketika pembelajaran dijalankan.\nSebagai contoh di dalam gambar yang diberi , guru boleh menggunakan apa-apa sahaja bentuk flashcard sesuai pada topik yang akan dipelajari oleh pelajar. Lagi menarik jika flashcard yang digunakan itu berwarna dan mempunyai tulisan yang jelas supaya pelajar lebih mudah untuk ingat dan faham apa yang dipelajari.\n5) Sediakan Aktiviti sepanjang PdPR\n\n\n\n\nDengan teknologi sekarang yang lebih maju dan menarik ini , guru mempunyai banyak pilihan untuk mencipta games/permainan bagi pelajar mereka hanya menggunakan pelbagai digital platform seperti \nwordwall, Kahoot, puzzle factory termasuk Pandai dan sebagainya\n.\nGuru hanya memilih kaedah yang ingin digunakan untuk menyampaikan pembelajaran dengan cara yang mudah kepada pelajar. Sekaligus dapat memudahkan pelajar untuk memahami dan mengingat pembelajaran mereka dengan melakukan games/permainan yang menarik tersebut.\n6) Sediakan Modul Softcopy\n\n\n\n\nSebelum terjadinya pembelajaran norma baharu ini , pelajar menggunakan buku teks sepanjang pembelajaran mereka. Tetapi dengan keadaan sekarang guru perlu sediakan softcopy untuk modul tersebut. Dengan ini pelajar dapat meneruskan silibus yang terdapat dalam modul yang digunakan sepanjang kelas dijalankan.\nBukan itu saja , guru dan pelajar juga boleh terus mengaplikasikan tulisan tambahan dalam modul tersebut bagi topik yang sedang diajar\u00a0 supaya pelajar lebih fokus dengan apa yang diterangkan. Itu lebih mudah dan berkesan !\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal boleh lihat di laman web\n\u00a0gpsbestari.com\n dan \nbeanahomequran.com\n.\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/selamat-kembali-ke-sekolah-sesi-2021-sesi-pembelajaran-bersemuka-telah-bermula/", "title": "Selamat Kembali Ke Sekolah Sesi 2021! Sesi Pembelajaran Bersemuka Telah Bermula!", "body": "\n\nPandai ingin mengucapkan Selamat Memulakan Sesi Pembelajaran Bersemuka Sesi 2021! Dengar cakap cikgu tau! Belajar rajin-rajin. \n\n\n\n\nKUALA LUMPUR:\n\u00a0Segala persiapan telah diatur bagi menyambut kehadiran murid prasekolah, Tahun Satu dan Tahun Dua di sekolah rendah seluruh negara hari ini, selepas ditutup berikutan pandemik COVID-19.Bagi murid yang belum mempunyai pakaian seragam, Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) membenarkan mereka memakai pakaian biasa ke sekolah dan kebenaran tersebut diberikan sehingga 26 Mac ini (apabila cuti penggal pertama bermula).\n\n\nPembukaan semula sesi persekolahan secara bersemuka selepas ia ditutup di seluruh negara mulai 9 Nov tahun lepas, juga menyaksikan murid dan guru menyesuaikan diri dengan norma baharu serta prosedur operasi standard (SOP).\nTidak mengambil mudah aspek SOP, KPM mengedarkan Garis Panduan Pengurusan Pembukaan Semula dan Model Pengawalan Keberadaan Murid di Pintu Pagar Sekolah untuk semua sekolah di seluruh negara.\nIa mengandungi panduan pengurusan dalam pelbagai aspek merangkumi bermula murid sampai ke pintu pagar sekolah, ketika murid berada di sekolah dan SOP ketika pulang ke rumah.\nSelain sekolah rendah, Kolej Vokasional juga dibuka hari ini.Bagi murid Tahun Tiga hingga Tahun Enam mereka akan memulakan sesi persekolahan pada 8 Mac manakala sekolah menengah akan bermula pada 4 April (di Johor, Kedah, Kelantan dan Terengganu) dan pada 5 April bagi negeri-negeri lain.\nSekolah antarabangsa dan institusi pendidikan swasta akan dibuka semula pada 8 Mac.\nBagaimanapun, sesi persekolahan secara bersemuka di daerah Kuching, Samarahan, Julau, Meradong, Sibu, Kapit, Bintulu, Subis dan Miri di Sarawak ditangguhkan sehingga 14 Mac disebabkan situasi semasa COVID-19 di kawasan itu.\nWalaupun keadaan pandemik COVID-19 masih belum reda di Malaysia dan terdapat juga beberapa negeri yang masih di bawah pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP), pembukaan semula sekolah dilihat perlu bagi mengimbangi keperluan akses pendidikan dalam persekitaran yang selamat bagi memastikan pelajar tidak jauh ketinggalan dalam pembelajaran. \u2013 \nBERNAMA\n\n\nGambar di ambil dari petikan Kosmo.\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/selamat-menduduki-peperiksaan-spm-2020/", "title": "Selamat Menduduki Peperiksaan SPM 2020!", "body": "\n\nHai calon-calon peperiksaan SPM 2020, macam mana dengan kertas peperiksaan pertama anda? Jangan risau, yang lepas biarkan berlalu. Sekarang fokus untuk kertas peperiksaan seterusnya! Yang pasti, anda semua dah buat yang terbaik!\nDi sini, kami Team Pandai ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menduduki Peperiksaan SPM 2020. Semoga anda semua dipermudahkan dalam menjawab semua soalan dalam peperiksaan SPM yang berlangsung.\u00a0\n\n\nTahukah anda, seramai 401, 105 calon tahun ini akan menempuh SPM 2020!? Lihat berita di bawah:\n\n\n\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Hari ini, seramai 401,105 pelajar di seluruh negara mula menduduki peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2020 dalam suasana negara masih berdepan pandemik COVID-19 yang menuntut mereka membawa \u2018perisai\u2019 tambahan.\n\n\nSelain berbekalkan pen dan ilmu pengetahuan seperti kebiasaannya apabila memasuki dewan utama peperiksaan, kelainan bagi calon SPM 2020 ialah mereka juga perlu membawa \u2018perisai\u2019 iaitu pelitup muka atau pelindung muka bagi mencegah penularan wabak itu.\n\n\nPada hari pertama peperiksaan hari ini, calon akan menjawab subjek Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 dan 2, masing-masing bermula jam 8 pagi dan 2 petang.\n\n\nKumpulan pelajar Tingkatan Lima termasuk pelajar Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM) itu menjadi kumpulan pertama yang menduduki peperiksaan SPM dalam pembudayaan norma baharu.\n\n\nBagi menjamin keselamatan calon sepanjang peperiksaan, penyediaan 3,310 pusat peperiksaan SPM di seluruh negara dilaksanakan mengikut garis panduan dan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) ditetapkan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) serta Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM), termasuklah proses disinfeksi dewan peperiksaan.\n\n\nSemua pelajar juga perlu menyerahkan borang perisytiharan kesihatan yang lengkap setiap hari sebelum memasuki dewan peperiksaan selain mengambil suhu badan dan memakai pelitup muka sepanjang tempoh menduduki peperiksaan.\n\n\nSelain itu, calon yang didapati positif COVID-19 atau calon yang diarahkan menjalani kuarantin kerana merupakan kontak rapat tidak dibenarkan menduduki peperiksaan pada hari berkenaan dan hanya boleh menduduki kertas peperiksaan yang dijadual semula selepas disahkan berada dalam keadaan sihat oleh doktor yang merawat berserta surat pengesahan doktor.\n\n\nSeramai 48,014 pengawas peperiksaan akan memastikan SOP yang ditetapkan dipatuhi sepenuhnya sepanjang tempoh peperiksaan yang dijadualkan berlangsung hingga 25 Mac.\n\n\nCalon SPM pada hari ini juga adalah kumpulan pelajar yang mengikuti sesi kelas SPM tahunan terpanjang iaitu hampir 14 bulan yang memaksa mereka beralih kepada pembelajaran dalam talian menerusi aplikasi seperti Google Meet, Google Classroom dan Skype gara-gara penularan pandemik COVID-19.\n\n\nPeperiksaan SPM, SVM dan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) diadakan pada November setiap tahun, namun bagi tahun 2020, peperiksaan terbabit terpaksa ditangguh kepada Januari 2021 sebelum dianjak sekali lagi kepada Februari 2021 berikutan penularan pandemik COVID-19 yang memaksa penutupan sekolah. \u2013 \nBERNAMA\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/selamat-tinggal-upsr/", "title": "Selamat tinggal UPSR", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Selepas tiga dekad dilaksanakan bagi menguji kognitif pelajar sebelum menamatkan persekolahan di peringkat rendah, tiba masanya untuk Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) mengundur diri daripada sistem peperiksaan negara.\n\n\nPengumuman Menteri Kanan Pendidikan, Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin mengenai pemansuhan peperiksaan UPSR, semalam memberi signifikan cukup besar dalam usaha mentransformasikan peperiksaan secara tradisional kepada kaedah penilaian yang lebih baik.\n\n\nIni kerana sejak UPSR dimulakan pada tahun 1988 bagi menggantikan Penilaian Darjah Lima, jutaan murid telah menduduki peperiksaan ini yang dikatakan amat penting bagi menentukan hala tuju pelajar yang bakal memasuki sekolah menengah.\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian Onlinec\n\n\nKeputusan peperiksaan UPSR menjadi sandaran untuk pelajar memasuki sekolah terpilih seperti sekolah berasrama penuh mahupun Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) yang menjadi kebanggaan dalam melahirkan pelajar cemerlang dalam bidang akademik.\n\n\nSituasi yang sudah berkurun lama berlaku ini sebenarnya banyak memberi impak kepada komuniti pelajar kurang cemerlang ini dalam perihal pembangunan sahsiah diri apabila mereka mula tidak percaya dengan kebolehan diri, takut untuk mencuba benda baharu serta sentiasa beranggapan diri sebagai \u2018individu tidak berjaya\u2019.\n\n\nHakikatnya, pembelajaran berorientasikan peperiksaan sudah lama menjadi \u2018kudis\u2019 dalam sistem pendidikan yang sekian lama dan sering kali menjadi perdebatan mahupun perbincangan hangat dalam kalangan pakar akademik.\n\n\nCadangan memansuhkan UPSR bukan sesuatu yang baharu, sebaliknya sudah kedengaran sejak lebih 10 tahun lalu bagi mengurangkan beban terutamanya kepada pelajar yang masih terlalu muda untuk diasingkan potensi mereka melalui pencapaian UPSR.\n\n\nMalah, Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan Malaysia (NUTP) juga sudah berulang kali membangkitkan isu pemansuhan UPSR dengan meminta Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) memberi fokus kepada kemenjadian serta pendidikan murid secara lebih menyeluruh dan bukannya melalui UPSR yang dilihat sangat terhad dalam mengukur keupayaan pelajar.\n\n\nOleh itu, pengumuman bersejarah yang semestinya sudah lama ditunggu-tunggu ini mengenai pemansuhan UPSR, pastinya boleh dianggap sebagai satu kejayaan besar kepada usaha dan perjuangan mengubah sistem pendidikan negara terutamanya dalam aspek penilaian pelajar.\n\n\nSejajar dengan langkah yang diputuskan KPM itu, Radzi turut menjelaskan mengenai usaha pemerkasaan pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah selain Pentaksiran Kemasukan Sekolah Khusus (PKSK) bagi murid yang berhasrat memasuki sekolah berasrama penuh untuk dilaksanakan sepenuhnya.\n\n\nUsaha ini akan mengetepikan peperiksaan secara tradisional dengan menggantikan pemikiran baharu yang disesuaikan dengan perubahan semasa.\n\n\nApabila pandemik COVID-19 melanda dunia dan negara, tindakan ke arah pemansuhan ini dapat dipercepatkan apabila bentuk peperiksaan yang telah dilaksanakan sejak 33 tahun lalu terpaksa ditangguhkan pada tahun lalu, sekali gus menyebabkan desakan semakin kuat kedengaran bagi meminta KPM memansuhkan peperiksaan ini.\n\n\nKeadaan ini memberi satu paradigma bahawa kita tidak boleh lagi menunggu dalam bentuk peperiksaan yang sebenarnya kerana ia sudah ketinggalan dari segi pengalamannya, menurut Dr Anuar Ahmad dari Pusat Kajian Pendidikan dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti, Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).\n\n\nKatanya, perlaksanaan UPSR sejak sekian lama didapati tidak memberi manfaat besar kepada perkembangan pendidikan pelajar kerana pengukuran yang tidak holistik, terutamanya dalam membangunkan keupayaan keseluruhan pelajar khususnya dari aspek minat dan kebolehan mereka.\n\n\n\u201cAdalah tidak wajar mengkategorikan keupayaan murid pada peringkat yang terlalu awal dan dengan pemansuhan ini sekali gus akan membuka peluang untuk pendidikan negara memberi tumpuan kepada pembangunan bakat dan potensi, bukannya akademik pada awal usia murid,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nSememangnya, ramai yang bersetuju pada awal usia tujuh hingga 12 tahun, persekolahan kanak-kanak tidak sepatutnya dibebankan dengan pembelajaran berasaskan peperiksaan.\n\n\nPada waktu ini, perkembangan kognitif mereka baharu bermula dengan emosi yang sedang berkembang serta tingkah laku yang sedang disusun dengan pembentukan nilai dalam diri.\n\n\n\u201cTerlalu awal untuk menghukum anak yang sepatutnya pada usia 7 hingga 12 tahun, adalah waktu mereka menunjukkan potensi, minat, kebolehan, keinginan dan kecenderungan.\n\n\n\u201cTetapi, apa yang berlaku dalam sistem pendidikan di sekolah rendah, anak yang sedang berkembang terutamanya dalam aspek mengenali diri mereka, telah pun ditekan dengan satu sistem pendidikan sekolah yang sangat \u2018rigid\u2019 (tegar) dengan subjek yang khusus, penjadualan yang ketat, sehinggakan segala minat dan keseronokan pembelajaran dan persekolahan tidak dapat dilaksanakan,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nOleh itu, penganalisis pendidikan ini mencadangkan agar agenda pembangunan bakat murid haruslah dibangunkan melalui aktiviti kokurikulum yang perlu diangkat sama penting dengan aktiviti pembelajaran di dalam bilik darjah.\n\n\nPelajar sepatutnya dibangunkan bakat dan minat mereka mengikut kecenderungan dengan lebih berkesan dan terancang.\n\n\nKonsep pembelajaran latih tubi dan penghafalan dalam kurikulum sekolah yang sudah tidak sesuai perlu digantikan dengan menyediakan modul pembelajaran yang memerlukan pelajar melakukan penyelesaian masalah, kreativiti, komunikasi serta kolaborasi.\n\n\nApabila pendidikan yang diterima dan dipelajari di sekolah penuh keseronokan dengan mencakupi aspek rohani, jasmani, intelek dan sosialisasi, sudah pasti pembelajaran akan menjadi satu keseronokan di sekolah serta tidak jumud dan mampan sepanjang zaman. \u2013 \nBernama\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/seminar-persediaan-pentaksiran-kemasukan-sekolah-khusus-pksk-di-pandai/", "title": "Seminar Persediaan Pentaksiran Kemasukan Sekolah Khusus (PKSK) di Pandai", "body": "\n\nSusulan pembatalan Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah memperkenalkan satu kaedah baharu bagi pemilihan murid untuk kemasukan ke Sekolah Khusus bermula tahun 2021.\n\n\nSekolah Khusus yang dimaksudkan adalah terdiri daripada sekolah berikut:\n\n\n\n\nSekolah Berasrama Penuh (SBP),\n\n\nSekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA)\n\n\nSekolah Menengah Teknik (SMT)\n\n\nKolej Vokasional (KV)\n\n\nMaktab Tentera Diraja (MTD)\n\n\n\n\nModul Pentaksiran Kemasukan Sekolah Khusus (PKSK) \nadalah satu kaedah pentaksiran standard secara berpusat bagi kemasukan murid ke Tingkatan 1 dan Tingkatan 4 ke Sekolah Khusus bagi tahun 2023/2024 secara dalam talian yang menggunakan kaedah\n single entry point\n. Semua murid yang didaftarkan di dalam Aplikasi Pangkalan Data Murid (APDM) Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia layak untuk memohon dan menduduki PKSK.\n\n\nFormat PKSK\n\n\n\n\nTarikh Ujian PKSK 2023\n\n\nDiingatkan kepada semua pelajar, Ujian PKSK akan diadakan pada tarikh berikut:\n\n\nTingkatan 1: \nBermula 6-16 Februari 2023\n\n\nTingkatan 4: \nBermula 25 Januari \u2013 3 Februari 2023\n\n\nJadi, bagi membantu para pelajar Tahun 6 dan Tingkatan 3 membuat persediaan menghadapi ujian PKSK yang sebenar, Pandai akan menyediakan seminar persediaan PKSK secara percuma pada hari Sabtu 7 Januari & Ahad 8 Januari bermula dari pukul 10 pagi hingga 12.30 tengahari yang akan dilakukan di platform Pandai Classroom dan akan dikendalikan oleh Cikgu Maria. \nPandai juga boleh mendapatkan Set Latihan Eksklusif PKSK untuk persediaan PKSK yang merangkumi persediaan Bahagian B iaitu: Kecerdasan Intelek yang meliputi IQ, Pengetahuan Am dan Penyelesaian Masalah dimana memerlukan 70% tertinggi bagi pencapaian skor. \nKesemua set latihan ini boleh diakses secara eksklusif bagi pengguna Pandai Premium & Pandai Premium Lite sahaja.\nPelajar boleh klik sahaja pautan dibawah untuk menyertai seminar ini:\u00a0\n\n\nTahun 6\nSet 1\nSet 2 \nSet 3\nPendaftaran\nTingkatan 3\nSet 1\nSet 2\nSet 3\nPendaftaran\n\n\n\n\nBuat pelajar yang dah daftar seminar sebelum ini, boleh login melalui pautan link \nhttps://go.pandai.org/registerpksk\n. Semak semula maklumat pendaftaran dan anda boleh menonton rakaman seminar persediaan PKSK Tahun 6 & Tingkatan 3. Buat pelajar yang belum daftar pula, boleh melawat ke laman web pendaftaran yang sama, daftar serta letakan maklumat peribadi dan boleh menonton rakaman seminar persediaan PKSK Tahun 6 & Tingkatan 3. anda juga boleh terus untuk mendaftar akaun premium lite dan premium melalui pautan ini dan juga boleh untuk menjawab latihan persedian PKSK. \n\n\nDiharap dengan adanya seminar PKSK dan Set Soalan Latihan yang disediakan oleh Pandai ini boleh membantu pelajar membuat persediaan yang lebih baik untuk mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dan dapat memasuki ke sekolah khusus yang diinginkan. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/senang-je-nak-daftar-pandai-teacher-rupanya/", "title": "Senang Je Nak Daftar Pandai Teacher Rupanya!", "body": "\n\nHai rakan-rakan guru semua!\n\n\nTahukah kami di Pandai Teacher ada menyediakan fungsi seperti \nQuiz Builder, eLADAP, dan eRPH \nuntuk membantu guru-guru di Malaysia memudahkan sesi pengajaran di dalam kelas? \n\n\nYang paling best, ianya PERCUMA je!\u00a0\nSehingga penghujung November 2022, lebih 14,000 guru dari pelbagai jenis sekolah di seluruh negara telah mendaftar dan menikmati perkhidmatan Pandai Teacher\n tau! \n\n\nTetapi, cikgu-cikgu perlulah daftar akaun dahulu untuk menikmati fungsi kami secara menyeluruh! Verifikasi akaun cikgu dan dapatkan akses khas kepada bank soalan Pandai Teacher untuk membina bahan latihan menggunakan fungsi Quiz Builder. Senang je, jom ikuti langkah langkah mudah dibawah! \n\n\n\n\nDaftar Sebagai Guru\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. \nPengesahan Akaun \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMudah kan? Bagi guru-guru yang berkhidmat di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia,\u00a0\ngunakan emel akaun DELIMa KPM untuk pengesahan automatik\n. Cikgu juga boleh layari\u00a0\nhandbook Pandai Teacher\n\u00a0yang telah kami sediakan untuk rujukan selanjutnya.\n\n\nTunggu apa lagi? Sertai Pandai Teacher sekarang untuk menikmati banyak fungsi yang dapat meringankan beban para guru.\n\n\nJangan lupa untuk ikuti laman sosial @pandaiteacher di Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok dan kongsikan maklumat ini bersama semua, rakan-rakan guru anda juga!\n\n\n#DariGuruUntukGuru\n\n\nDaftar atau Log Masuk di \nWeb\n\n\nIkuti laman sosial @pandaiteacher di \nFacebook\n \nInstagram\n\u00a0\nTikTok\n \nTelegram\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/sesi-bersemuka-bermula-bagi-pelajar-sekolah-menengah/", "title": "Sesi Bersemuka Bermula Bagi Pelajar Sekolah Menengah", "body": "\n\nIPOH: \u201cMemang lega betul rasa apabila dapat belajar semula di sekolah dan kini boleh memberi tumpuan penuh untuk peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM),\u201d kata Sanat Mifzal Shaharuddin, 16, pelajar Tingkatan Empat, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Anderson yang ditemui pada hari pertama pembukaan semula sekolah bagi pelajar Tingkatan 1 hingga 4, hari ini.\n\n\nKatanya, dia gembira berpeluang kembali belajar di dalam kelas selepas sekian lama mengikuti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Di Rumah (PdPR), disebabkan pandemik COVID-19.\n\u201cLega dan seronok, sebab belajar bersemuka ini lebih (mudah), berbanding belajar secara dalam talian.\n\n\n\u201cSaya akan belajar dengan lebih baik dan menumpukan perhatian dalam pelajaran untuk cemerlang dalam SPM nanti,\u201d katanya ketika ditemui di hadapan sekolah berkenaan, di sini hari ini.\n\n\nKatanya, dia tidak bimbang ke sekolah kerana penjarakan fizikal dan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) dijaga ketika berinteraksi bersama rakan.\n\n\n\u201cSaya berharap semua rakan dapat hadir ke sekolah kerana sebelum ini semasa belajar dalam talian, ada yang tidak sertai,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian Online\n\n\n\n\nPelajar Tingkatan Satu, Muhammad Sufi Afizuddin Anuar, 13, pula berkata, dia tidak sabar berkenalan dan mendapat rakan baharu.\n\n\n\u201cSeronok sangat sebab sudah berbulan-bulan tunggu untuk masuk ke sekolah menengah, dapatlah belajar dan berjumpa dengan rakan baharu daripada duduk di rumah asyik, tengok telefon bimbit sahaja,\u201d kata anak ketiga daripada empat beradik itu.\n\n\nSementara, bapa pelajar, Anuar Mat Ariffin, 47, mengakui lega selepas kerajaan membenarkan pelajar kembali ke sekolah kerana percaya anaknya lebih fokus ketika belajar di dalam kelas.\n\n\nTinjauan di luar perkarangan sekolah berkenaan mendapati, guru memantau kehadiran pelajar bagi memastikan mereka mematuhi SOP ditetapkan sebelum memasuki pintu sekolah.\n\n\nPelajar Tingkatan Satu hingga Empat di Johor, Kelantan, Terengganu dan Kedah memulakan sesi persekolahan semalam manakala bagi negeri lain bermula, hari ini. \u2013 \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/sesi-persekolahan-di-labuan-mulai-3-oktober/", "title": "Sesi persekolahan di Labuan mulai 3 Oktober", "body": "\n\nLABUAN: Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) bersetuju untuk membuka semula sekolah di Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan di sini, mulai 3 Oktober depan dengan fasa pertama membabitkan pelajar Tingkatan 5 dan 6.\n\n\nMenteri Kanan Pendidikan, Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin, berkata keputusan untuk membuka semula sesi persekolahan di Labuan itu dibuat setelah menilai bahawa pulau bebas cukai ini adalah satu-satunya wilayah negeri dan Persekutuan yang memasuki Fasa 4 Pelan Pemulihan Nasional (PPN) dengan jangkitan COVID-19 yang dapat dikawal.\n\n\n\u201cMemandangkan Labuan telah memasuki Fasa 4 PPN, sekolah-sekolah dapat dibuka kembali pada 3 Oktober bagi Tingkatan 5 dan 6, dan pembukaan semula sekolah di pulau ini akan dilakukan secara berperingkat,\u201d katanya pada sidang media selepas perjumpaan dengan guru besar dan pengetua di Labuan, bertempat di dewan konvensyen sebuah resort di sini, hari ini.\n\n\nKatanya, fasa kedua sekolah akan dibuka semula membabitkan pelajar lain (murid sekolah rendah dan pelajar sekolah menengah Tingkatan 1, 2, 3 dan 4) dengan kapasiti (kehadiran) 50 peratus akan dilakukan dalam tempoh dua minggu akan datang (selepas 3 Oktober) melalui kaedah \u2018flip classroom\u2019.\n\n\nSumber dari Internet\n\n\nRadzi berkata KPM telah menerima input dan pandangan mengenai cadangan pembukaan semula sekolah dari Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Labuan semalam yang dianggotai oleh Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Labuan, Dr Ismuni Bohari dan Pengerusinya Rithuan Ismail.\n\n\n\u201cSaya telah mengadakan perbincangan dengan wakil-wakil sekolah termasuk pengetua dan guru besar serta wakil dari pelbagai Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) dalam satu slot libat urus untuk mendapatkan input dan persetujuan mereka bagi membuka semula sesi persekolahan.\n\n\n\u201cSebagaimana saya sebutkan sebelum ini, sekolah yang dibuka semula di seluruh negara akan mengambil kira fasa-fasa pemulihan di bawah PPN,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nMenurut Radzi pembukaan sesi persekolahan di Labuan itu juga sejajar dengan pembukaan semula sektor ekonomi di bawah Fasa 4 PPN.\n\n\n\u201cKami mempertimbangkan pelbagai faktor sebelum memutuskan sesi persekolahan dibuka semula di Labuan\u2026 pastinya dengan pematuhan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang lebih ketat\u2026 kita perlu memberi penekanan bahawa sekolah yang dibuka semula di sini adalah selamat,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nRadzi berkata sebelum 3 Oktober depan, kemungkinan akan terdapat negeri lain yang beralih kepada Fasa 4 PPN dan membolehkan sekolah di negeri berkenaan dibuka semula. \u2013 \nBerita Harian\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/sesi-persekolahan-dilewatkan-3-oktober-depan/", "title": "Sesi persekolahan dilewatkan 3 Oktober depan", "body": "\n\nPUTRAJAYA \u2013 Sesi persekolahan di seluruh negara yang sepatutnya bermula 1 September ini ditangguhkan kepada 3 Oktober depan.\n\n\nPerkara itu dimaklumkan Menteri Kanan (Pendidikan), Datuk Dr. Radzi Jidin menerusi rakaman video di laman sosial Facebook, hari ini.\n\n\nRadzi berkata, pembukaan sesi persekolahan itu dilewatkan sedikit selepas meneliti situasi perkembangan semasa membabitkan penularan Covid-19 di seluruh negara.\n\n\nBeliau berkata, pembukaan sekolah akan dibuat secara berperingkat bermula dengan kelas peperiksaan.\n\n\n\u201cPerincian pembukaan sekolah mengikut fasa Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN) akan diperincikan dan dimaklumkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) dalam masa terdekat.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cNamun, berdasarkan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN), tidak ada sekolah yang akan dibuka untuk negeri Fasa 1 PPN.\n\n\n\u201cSaya amat berharap penjelasan ini dapat meredakan kebimbangan dalam kalangan ibu bapa tentang pembukaan semula sekolah,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nKatanya, keputusan itu dibuat selepas mengambil kira keselamatan anak-anak dan kebimbangan ibu bapa.\n\n\n\u201cBagi negeri-negeri Fasa 2 pula, sekolah dibenarkan buka bagi murid kelas peperiksaan sahaja.\n\n\n\u201cNegeri Fasa 3 pula, sekolah dibenarkan buka bagi murid kelas peperiksaan dan murid-murid lain,\u201d jelasnya.\n\n\nBagaimanapun, Radzi berkata, bagi negeri Fasa 2 dan 3 pula, pembukaan sekolah dibenarkan selepas penilaian risiko penularan wabak di negeri berkenaan. \u2013\nKosmo\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/should-students-be-allowed-to-use-phones-in-high-schools/", "title": "Should Students be allowed to use phones in High Schools?", "body": "\n\nThe number of\u00a0mobile phone users across the globe has increased significantly over just the last few years that includes a large number of younger generation,\u00a0as well. In most of the schools, phones are not allowed and also most of the people think that it has a lot of disadvantages as it causes a lot of disturbance. However, many of them have policies against students taking their cell phones out of their backpacks during the day or even bringing them to school at all.\n\n\nAccording to Education Ministry, it is time to let students bring their devices to the classrooms but there must be regulations to prevent the privilege from being abused but with strict guidelines on usage to prevent issues that could arise from such a move.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cThere must be guidelines to ensure that students are disciplined and responsible in their use of smartphones in schools\u201d\n\n\nDatin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim (Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia)\n\n\nCr: Vector Illustration\n\n\nShe said, online learning should be used to supplement lessons and mobile phones should be encouraged in schools, more so now that students are comfortable with online learning, she added. This is because, as we evolve with technology, there is a need to use mobile phones for education and allowing mobile phones will make it easier for parents to communicate with their children now that schools have reopened. Therefore, the Ministry will have to ensure accessibility for all students including B40 students if a decision is made to allow mobile phones in school.\n\n\nAlthough students may misuse their devices and cause distractions during lessons, the devices are beneficial if used to facilitate learning\n\n\nWhat are the benefits?\n\n\nThey should be allowed because it can be used for educational related tasks like calculator, searching up information or taking notes when the students forget their notebook. As we all know, mobile phones has calendar apps, clocks, alarms, and reminders that students can use to help them stay more organized. These tools can help them keep track of their homework to make sure they\u2019re not late to class, and plan out their study time efficiently. However, teachers should limit the usage of it, like during lessons and only to use during phones work time. Definitely not during examination time! \n\n\nWe are living in the twenty first century, people have to recognize that we are getting more into technology and getting rid of paper and pencil. Electronics are moving there way into our lives and there\u2019s nothing we can do to stop it.\u00a0When students are able to use their mobile phones in class, they\u2019ll have access to technology. This can be especially beneficial in classrooms that don\u2019t have enough tablets or computers for each student. Students can use their cell phones to conduct research, answering classroom polling questions, or even type their responses to questions or essays.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nNext, students should be able to have their cell phones with them in the event there is an emergency at school. This will allow them to contact their parents. Many students walk home alone or stay after school for a club, and may need to get in touch with their parents or emergency services. Without a phone, this won\u2019t be easy.\n\n\nIn addition to using their mobile phones to communicate with their parents and friends, students can also use their cell phones to communicate with their teachers. This can allow students to share feedback and questions with teachers easily and receive answers whenever the teacher has time. If the teacher doesn\u2019t have time to read a student\u2019s question until after the school day, the student could see the reply immediately, rather than waiting until the next day.\nAlso, many e-books and necessary course materials are available online. If students are able to use access these materials through their phones, it can allow schools to save money by not purchasing materials they otherwise would need to. Teachers can also share many documents digitally and cut down on printing and copying costs. This can teach students in saving money by cutting down on the number of print resources. Students will have a positive impact towards the environment by learning to do less printing, copying, using less paper, ink, power, and other resources. \n\n\nAs a result, these will prepare students for the future. Allowing students to use their cell phone and increase their proficiency with technology can help prepare them for a future career and teaching them proper mobile phone etiquette. For example, students can learn when it is and is not OK to use their phones in different contexts and how to look up to show respect when someone is speaking to them. Without this practice in school, students may not be prepared to interact with their phones and others properly in the future. \n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nIdeas How Mobile Phones Can Be Used Effectively in the Classroom\n\n\nThere is a multitude of educational apps out there designed for students of all ages and all subject areas. Choosing a few of these apps to use to give your students extra practice on a skill or target a specific area of need can be quite beneficial. Like Pandai, we equipped our students will all subjects with experienced tutor that can provide them with digital feedback or additional questions to consider. \n\n\nTeachers can also have the students answer polling questions through their phones to assess their understanding of a given topic. These questions may be written as true/false, multiple-choice, or short answers. There are many different programs and websites that can create quizzes and surveys for your students. Worry not, Pandai has a new feature called Quiz Battle that allow students to battle with their friends and win various rewards! \n\n\nIn short, using technology in class is definitely a yes. There\u2019s so much more you can do when using things like mobile phone and other electronic devices. Sometimes students will be off task but they will still get there work done.\u00a0\n\n\nOver all phones should be allowed in schools for educational reasons\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/spaced-repetition-tips-to-remember-everything-you-learn/", "title": "Spaced Repetition: Tips to Remember Everything You Learn", "body": "\n\nBefore learning about spaced repetition systems, it\u2019s important to understand how our brains work. In order for us to retain any information in our brain, we have to refresh it periodically with specific time intervals. So, this method spaced repetition will help students to remember what they learn. Its fantastic to see the result! \n\n\nWhat Is Spaced Repetition?\n\n\nSpaced repetition sounds complicated but all it is is the process of\u00a0\nspacing out when you revise\n. If you learn about the pumping system of the heart one day, then the next day you should revisit it, then one week after that, then the week after that.\n\n\nWhen something is learned\u00a0\nyou start forgetting it straight away\n. Initially you forget it very quickly, however, if you revive/recall the information the next day, your level of forgetfulness decreases. In other meaning, spaced repetition is where you space out your study sessions at increasing intervals. For example, studying on day 1, day 7 and then day 30.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSo, now, after you getting to know \nwhat is Spaced Repetition\n, you have to deal, \nhow to use it, right? How it works?\n\n\nCheck it out here: \nHow to Use Spaced Repetition for Effective Learning?\n\n\nHaving a schedule is one thing, but then it\u2019s a matter of using it and retaining information. Also, if a schedule is too complicated for you, this 4-step method is easy to get into and should yield similar results.\n\n\n\n\n1. Review Your Notes\n\n\nWithin 20-24 hours of the initial intake of information, make sure the information is written down in notes and that you have reviewed them for short term retention. During the reviewing session, you want to read them, but then look away and try to recall the most important points.\n\n\nRemember, there is a difference between rereading and recalling, so be certain you look away and pull from your memories.\n\n\n2. Recall the Information for the First Time\n\n\nAfter a day, try to recall the information without using any of your notes as much. Try recalling when you\u2019re taking a walk or sitting down and relaxing.\n\n\nYou can also increase your efficiency by creating flashcards of the main ideas and quizzing yourself on the concepts.\n\n\n3. Recall the Material Again\n\n\nAfter that, recall the material every 24-36 hours over the course of several days. They don\u2019t have to be lengthy study sessions. Try a recall session when you\u2019re standing in an elevator or waiting in line. You are still free to look at your notes or flashcards, but try recalling while working with those notes.The idea with this step is to ask yourself questions and to quiz yourself in order to retain and recall this information in your long-term memory.\n\n\n4. Study It All Over Again\n\n\nAfter several days have passed, take out your material and study it all over again. If this information is for a test, make sure that this is done within a week before the test. This allows your brain to reprocess concepts.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\nrevisingrubies.com\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nlifehack.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/special-offer-untuk-peserta-kangaroo-matematik/", "title": "Special Offer untuk Peserta Kangaroo Matematik", "body": "\n\nTahukah anda, Pandai masih berkolaborasi dengan Pertandingan Kangaroo Matematik Malaysia pada tahun 2021. \u00a0\n\n\nYa, Pandai menyediakan bahan-bahan persediaan bagi pelajar membuat ulangkaji dan berlatih menjawab kuiz dan soalan-soalan sampel pertandingan Kangaroo Matematik.\u00a0\n\n\nSoalan-soalan di dalam Pandai adalah terdiri daripada soalan pertandingan yang lepas agar memudahkan pelajar \u2018familiar\u2019 bagi membuat persediaan dalam pertandingan yang akan berlangsung tidak lama lagi pada bulan April.\u00a0\n\n\nDi dalam pandai, pelajar bukan sahaja dapat mengulangkaji sampel-sampel soalan pertandingan malah pelbagai features yang dapat dinikmati jika melanggan Pandai Premium seperti di bawah:\n\n\n\n\nMenarik, kan? Kalau nak tahu, \nseramai 200,000 pelajar telah pun berdaftar dengan Pandai\n. Mereka pun dah belajar menggunakan Pandai di app atau web.\u00a0\n\n\nPelajar di luar sana jangan risau, Pandai menyediakan dua bahasa untuk pelajar senang menggunakannya dalam \nBahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris\n. Malah, pelajar dapat \nmenukar gred bila-bila masa sahaja untuk mengakses soalan-soalan dalam Pandai\n. Best, \nUnlimited untuk tukar gred.\u00a0\n\n\nPaling Penting!\n\n\nPandai menggunakan \nsistem Auto-Grading\n dan setiap semua soalan yang berada di dalam Pandai mempunyai \njawapan dan penerangan yang lengkap\n. Tak perlu nak cari buku untuk rujuk semula. Semua tersedia untuk pelajar Pandai. \nNak belajar dengan Pandai pun bila-bila masa dan di mana-mana jua.\u00a0\n\n\nTak nak cakap banyak! Bagi yang telah pun mendaftar dalam pertandingan Kangaroo Matematik, jangan buang masa dan tenaga untuk cari soalan-soalan di kedai buku atau laman web, mai sini\u2026\n\n\nPandai dah sediakan semua. Hanya dengan RM97 untuk langganan setahun!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u201cWow, Saya nak lah practice jawab soalan pertandingan!\u201d \u201cTapi, macam mana yer?\u201d\n\n\nAhha! Cara nak dapatkan ni semua. Mudah je awak. Ikuti langkah di bawah\n\n\nPergi ke laman web \nwww.kangaroomath.com.my\nKlik \nPreparation with Pandai\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nMudah kan? Apa lagi dapatkan sekarang Pandai Premium. \nPertandingan dah dekat? Tak buat apa-apa preparation? OMG bahaya bahaya. \nJadi, nak ulangkaji dengan pantas dan cepat. Let\u2019s go and subscribe Pandai la!!!\n\n\nFollow semua media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru:\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/students-sitting-for-major-exams-to-continue-with-home-learning-in-phase-2-of-nrp/", "title": "Students sitting for major exams to continue with home learning in Phase 2 of NRP", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): The teaching and learning sessions for students who are sitting for major examinations in the five states that are transitioning into Phase Two of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) starting on Monday (July 5) will continue to be conducted via the home-based teaching and learning (PdPR) approach until the mid-term break.\n\n\nThe mid-term break for states in Group A will begin on July 16 and July 17 for states in Group B.\n\n\nThe Ministry of Education (MOE) in a statement on Sunday (July 4) said the announcement on school reopening for the next term slated for July 25 would be made at least a week before.\n\n\n\u201cBased on the standard operating procedures (SOP) set by the National Security Council (NSC) for Phase Two NRP, face-to-face learning sessions are allowed for students sitting for examinations only.\n\n\n\u201cHowever, the MOE School Calendar for 2021 will remain as announced by Senior Education Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Radzi Jidin at a press conference on June 6,\u201d read the statement.\n\n\n\n\nDuring the press conference, Radzi said the PdPR would be implemented for 25 school days starting June 13 and 14 according to the respective groups until the mid-term break.\n\n\nOn Saturday (July 3), Senior Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced that Perlis, Kelantan, Perak, Pahang and Terengganu would move to Phase Two of the NRP starting Monday.\n\n\nHe said this decision was made based on the threshold values achieved by these states.\n\n\nThe three indicators for transition into the second phase are the national daily average Covid-19 cases must drop below 4,000, the utilisation of beds in the intensive care unit (ICU) should be at a moderate level and at least 10 per cent of the population should be fully vaccinated.- \nThe Star\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tahniah-kepada-pemenang-back-to-school-photo-contest-pandai-jumpa-di-contest-yang-lain/", "title": "Tahniah kepada Pemenang Back To School Photo Contest Pandai!", "body": "\n\nTahniah! Tahniah! Kami di Team Pandai ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua ibu bapa dan guru yang mengikuti Back to School Photo Contest. Pelbagai gambar-gambar dan video yang menarik dan telah pun berkongsi dengan kami. Excited tau kami nak pilih!\n\n\nSebagai pengetahuan, Back to School Photo Contest telah bermula pada 8 Mac yang lalu dan telah berakhir pada 15 Mac.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nOleh itu, sepanjang pertandingan ini berlangsung di media sosial seperti Facebook dan Instagram. Pelbagai pemerhatian telah kami lakukan. Apa yang pasti, ramai anak-anak dan pelajar mula berasa seronok dan gembira untuk ke sekolah. Syukur semua pelajar dan guru bersemangat nak ke sekolah tetapi jangan lupa untuk mengikuti segala SOP yang telah keluarkan oleh Kementeriaan Kesihatan Malaysia kita.\u00a0\n\n\nBaiklah, di sini, Pandai ingin mengumumkan dan mengucapkan tahniah kepada pemenang utama yang memenangi KFC dan tidak lupa kepada pemenang saguhati yang menerima Tealive Voucher. Tahniah kerana sanggup berkongsi gambar yang kreatif dan caption yang menarik dalam mengikuti Back to School Photo Contest..\u00a0\n\n\nJadi jom tengok, gambar-gambar pemenang bertuah bagi Back to School Photo Contest. Tahniah kami ucapkan!\n\n\nPemenang Pertama- Winner memenangi KFC Voucher\n:\nFacebook \nLim Sooi Ping\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPemenang Saguhati memenangi Tealive Voucher:\nFacebook \nFoo Tai Ling\n\n\n\n\nFacebook \nHarpreet Kaur Gill\n\n\n\n\nInstagram \nMazsleen\n\n\n\n\nInstagram \nAbsiey\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYa, menarik semuanya. Baiklah, bagi yang mengikuti pertandingan ini dan tidak memenangi apa-apa jangan risau. Ada banyak lagi contest dan giveaway yang akan dijalankan sepanjang tahun 2021. Sentiasa \u2018stay tuned\u2019 dengan Pandai.\n\n\nNak tahu aktiviti-aktiviti dan berita yang terbaru dari Pandai. Follow media sosial Pandai dibawah:\n\n\nSekarang ini, TikTok Giveaway telah berlangsung tau. Jom sama-sama join aktiviti ini dan follow TikTok Pandai. Banyak hadiah menarik yang pandai sediakan.\n\n\nNak tahu TikTok Giveaway aktiviti? Baca & Klik link ini \n\u201cTikTok Pandai Giveawaway\u201d\n\n\nSelamat berjaya.\u00a0\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/takwim-persekolahan-sesi-2023-2024-bermula-19-mac-ini/", "title": "Takwim Persekolahan Sesi 2023/2024 Bermula 19 Mac ini", "body": "\n\nKPM memaklumkan ketetapan untuk menangguhkan pembukaan sekolah bagi sesi persekolahan Kalendar Akademik Sesi 2023/2024 yang dijadualkan bermula pada 12 Mac 2023 bagi Kumpulan A dan 13 Mac 2023 untuk Kumpulan B itu bertujuan supaya pengoperasian peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar.\n\n\nMakluman ini penting bagi ibu bapa, penjaga, pelajar dan juga guru sebagai peringatan tentang tarikh rasmi pembukaan sekolah sesi 2023 seluruh negeri di Malaysia. Pelbagai persediaan perlu dilakukan oleh semua pihak terutamanya ibu bapa dalam memastikan anak-anak menghadiri persekolahan dalam keadaan yang lengkap dan teratur.\u00a0\n\n\nCr; Freepik\n\n\nSelain daripada itu, Datuk Dr. Radzi Jidin juga mengumumkan Murid Tahun 1 bagi persekolahan 2022 akan ke sekolah bermula Mac 2022. Pelajar dibenarkan untuk memakai pakaian yang sesuai, kemas dan sopan jika pakaian seragam sekolah tidak sesuai dipakai ketidak hadiran pelajar ke sekolah tidak dianggap kesalahan disiplin jika ibu bapa bimbang keselamatan pelajar tetapi perlu memberikan makluman dengan surat kepada pihak guru atau sekolah.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u201cKalendar Akademik akan dikekalkan untuk memastikan KPM mematuhi Peraturan Pendidikan bahawa jumlah hari persekolahan dalam kalendar akademik hendaklah tidak kurang daripada 190 hari\u201c\n\n\n\n\nTambahan lagi, KPM juga mengambil kira pelbagai pandangan yang diterima daripada pemegang taruh untuk mengelakkan peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) diadakan pada November dan Disember kerana bertembung dengan musim tengkujuh.\n\n\nWalau bagaimanapun, KPM sentiasa melihat kepada keperluan dan kesesuaian penyediaan kalendar akademik untuk tahun seterusnya bagi memastikan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dapat dilaksanakan secara optimum.\n\n\nCr ; Berita Harian Online\n\n\nCr ; Berita Harian Online\n\n\nCr ; Berita Harian Online\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tarikh-operasi-institusi-pendidikan-ikut-fasa-baharu-ppn/", "title": "Tarikh operasi institusi pendidikan ikut fasa baharu PPN", "body": "\n\nKUALA LUMPUR: Susulan beberapa negeri catat peralihan fasa Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN) hari ini, pembukaan institusi pendidikan di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) akan dilaksana mengikut ketetapan fasa baharu, selepas dua minggu tarikh peralihan fasa.\n\n\nBerikutan ketetapan itu, semua institusi pendidikan di bawah KPM di Johor akan dibuka bermula 10 Oktober depan berdasarkan pengoperasian bagi negeri Fasa 2 Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN).\n\n\nSekolah di Pahang pula kekal dibuka pada 4 Oktober, berdasarkan ketetapan pengoperasian bagi negeri Fasa 2 PPN dan beralih mengikut ketetapan Fasa 3 PPN bermula 11 Oktober depan, berikutan negeri itu beralih ke Fasa 3, hari ini.\n\n\n\u201cBagi Negeri Sembilan, pembukaan institusi pendidikan bawah KPM kekal pada 4 Oktober 2021 berdasarkan ketetapan pengoperasian institusi pendidikan bagi negeri Fasa 3 PPN.\n\n\n\u201cBagaimanapun, berikutan Negeri Sembilan beralih ke Fasa 4 pada hari ini, pengoperasian institusi pendidikan di Negeri Sembilan berdasarkan Fasa 4 PPN akan bermula pada 18 Oktober depan,\u201d kata kenyataan itu, hari ini.\n\n\nTarikh pembukaan institusi pendidikan KPM itu dibuat dengan mengambil kira pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob pada Rabu, berkaitan peralihan fasa PPN bagi Johor, Pahang dan Negeri Sembilan berkuat kuasa hari ini.\n\n\n\n\nKPM menetapkan, jika sesebuah negeri beralih ke fasa seterusnya, pengoperasian institusi pendidikannya mengikut ketetapan fasa baharu akan dilaksanakan selepas dua minggu dari tarikh peralihan ke fasa berkenaan.\n\n\nKenyataan KPM memaklumkan, Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) juga memberi kelulusan untuk pelajar Tingkatan 6 Semester 2 dan kelas peperiksaan antarabangsa (IGCSE O-Level) di negeri Fasa 1 hadir ke institusi pendidikan tanpa penggiliran.\n\n\n\u201cOleh itu, pengoperasian institusi pendidikan di Kedah akan bermula pada 10 Oktober 2021 untuk kumpulan murid berkenaan. Murid lain kekal mengikuti pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah.\n\n\n\u201cSusulan pengumuman Langkawi sebagai kawasan gelembung pelancongan pada 16 September lalu, pengoperasian institusi pendidikan bermula pada 3 Oktober depan adalah berdasarkan ketetapan negeri Fasa 4 PPN,\u201d katanya.\n\n\nBagi institusi pendidikan di negeri lain yang tidak terbabit dengan peralihan fasa, pengoperasian institusi pendidikan adalah berdasarkan ketetapan fasa sedia ada seperti diumumkan kementerian pada 12 September lalu.\n\n\nKPM menjelaskan, institusi pendidikan bawah KPM merujuk kepada sekolah, kolej vokasional, kolej matrikulasi dan institut pendidikan guru.\n\n\nKatanya, ia juga terpakai kepada institusi pendidikan swasta yang berdaftar bawah KPM bagi kategori sekolah dan kategori pusat.\n\n\n\u201cKPM juga menyarankan supaya ketetapan ini turut terpakai di semua institusi pendidikan yang tidak berdaftar dengan KPM, termasuk institusi pendidikan bawah kerajaan negeri,\u201d katanya. \u2013 \nBerita Harian \n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/teachmint-partners-with-pandai-to-power-live-classes-for-students-in-malaysia/", "title": "Teachmint Partners with Pandai to Power Live Classes for Students in Malaysia", "body": "\n\nHey everyone,\n\n\nWe have great news to share with you guys. \n\n\nWe are so excited to announce a partnership with \nTeachmint\n, an education infrastructure provider and India\u2019s largest teaching platform to deliver the best online class experience to Malaysian students by integrating Teachmint\u2019s revolutionary live class technology into Pandai \u2018s learning platform. We are really looking forward to working with them. \n\n\n\n\nThe partnership comes as a part of Teachmint\u2019s Video-as-a-Service (VaaS) offering for EdTech organizations across the globe to enable them with their proprietary, state-of-the-art plug-and-play live class solutions.\n\n\nWith the latest development, Teachmint solidifies its expansion into Asia. Recently, the startup has also partnered with Dhaka-based EdTech startup Shikho to power live classes for millions of students in Bangladesh.\n\n\nTeachmint is a video-first teaching platform that provides a tutor management software platform. It also offers features such as virtual classrooms with assignment and notes sharing, administration management, students information management, and progress tracking, etc.\n\n\nPandai, founded in 2020, focuses on K-12 learning and assessment to help school students perform better in school. Through its platform, students learn using gamified quizzes which are aligned to the curriculum and receive personalized analysis using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that allows them to identify their strengths and weaknesses.\n\n\n\n\nBacked by Y Combinator, Pandai currently has more than 300,000 registered users in the Malaysian market alone. Dedicated functions for parents and teachers are also integrated to monitor and support students\u2019 progress.\n\n\n\n\nTeachmint is building the infrastructure for education globally and their VaaS offering is specifically enabling EdTech organizations to deliver a distinctive online learning experience to their students. The offering is also significantly reducing go-to-market time for EdTech players by providing them with ready-to-launch classroom solutions.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGupta further added, \u201cToday, Teachmint is the only player catering to end-to-end infrastructure needs \u2013 from independent teachers to even EdTech players. We have created a new category within EdTech that is focused on building the core infrastructure of online teaching itself. Our LIVE class platform is functioning at an unprecedented scale with over 10 million users adopting our platform in just over 15 months since inception. With our international partnerships, we want to revolutionize digital education across the globe and help education providers and learners truly reap its benefits.\u201d\n\n\n\u201cUnity is strength\u2026 when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.\u201d ~ Mattie Stepanek \n\n\nRead more: \nhttps://lnkd.in/gZ7x_hJn\n \n\n\nPandai Press Release: \nhttps://lnkd.in/gKvkdYu3\n \n#education\n \n#technology\n \n#learning\n \n#teaching\n \n#students\n \n#pandai\n \n#teachmint\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tech-its-all-about-consumer-demands-at-clla-demo-day/", "title": "#TECH: It\u2019s all about consumer demands at CLLA demo day", "body": "\n\nCYBERJAYA: The Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator (CLLA) 2021 Demo Day saw five homegrown startups pitch their innovative digital solutions to investors and venture capitalists (VC), in an online session held by Cyberview Sdn Bhd (Cyberview).\n\n\nThese solutions support the digitisation and transformation of sectors including educational technology (EduTech), property technology (PropTech) and industrial sectors, amidst changing business environment and consumer demands due to the on-going pandemic.\n\n\nThe participating start-ups are Roomah, Pandai, LinkUp Smart Solutions, Synapse Innovation, and Move Robotic.\n\n\nThe CLLA programme provides a launchpad for startups and innovators to accelerate their business development and growth in Cyberjaya. The city of Cyberjaya serves as a sandbox for these companies to conduct proof-of-concept testing of their products and solutions.\n\n\nCyberview\u2019s head of technology hub development division, Shafinaz Salim, said, \u201cI\u2019m pleased to share that the CLLA have successfully garnered investments of over RM158 million cumulatively from renowned venture capitalists and investors. We are optimistic that this value will accelerate with the graduation of the 15th cohort. Their achievements thus far, have truly made us very proud. Despite the pandemic, they were optimistic and determined in developing and deploying their solutions.\u201d\n\n\nTHE COHORT\n\n\nTo elevate homeowners\u2019 living experience in the new normal, LinkUp Smart Solutions applies Internet of Things (IoT) and automation technologies to offer seamless interconnectivity in the home.\n\n\nOn the other hand, Roomah features a property management platform that flips vacant hotel rooms into medium-term rentals that cater to nomadic living trends among younger people.\n\n\nPandai on the other hand offers a curriculum-based learning application for home-bound school students while Synapse Innovation provides predictive analytics solutions powered by Machine Learning and Cloud technologies to boost industrial efficiencies.\n\n\n\n\nMove Robotic provides autonomous robot services to empower companies that are considering remote capabilities for business sustainability in the new normal.\n\n\n\u201cThe proliferation of consumer choice and demand in this new normal have driven local innovators to develop digital solutions to meet these expectations. We are thrilled to be able to support these start-ups as they take their business ideas to the next level through the Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator (CLLA) programme in Cyberjaya,\u201d said Cyberview\u2019s managing director, Najib Ibrahim.\n\n\nThe start-ups will have opportunities to network and connect with relevant industry experts during the five-month process of mentorship, strategy formulation, and consultancy, guided by Cyberview.\n\n\nWhile they are based at a smart city collaborative space provided by Cyberview known as CoInnov8, the start-ups can enjoy value added services worth over RM100,000 on top of it.\n\n\n\u201cEduTech, PropTech, and other tech-based solutions developed by the latest cohort have growing potentials in the current business environment. The worldwide market for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) services will grow to US$12 billion in 2023, while PropTech is revolutionising the multi-trillion-dollar global real estate market and is expected to grow further in the new normal. The start-ups are on the right direction with their business ideas, and we are confident that it will peak the interests of investors and VCs,\u201d added Najib.\n\n\nSince its inception in 2013, Cyberview has nurtured 85 start-ups to advance their innovations under the CLLA Programme, including those that had pitched in this Demo Day.\n\n\nApart from the RM158 million in investments, the programme has also managed to help start-ups generate more than RM241 million in total revenue with more than 550 jobs created to date.\n\n\nAmong the successful graduates are NEXPlatform, ERTH, Moovby and Govicle. \u2013 \nThe New Straits Times\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/technology-in-education/", "title": "Technology in Education", "body": "\n\nThe term \neducational technology\n refers to the use of technology in educational settings, whether it be elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, corporate training sites, or independent study at home.\u00a0\n\n\nTechnology and Learning\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMost schools in Malaysia have adopted teaching and learning via technology as many teachers are well-equipped and readily progressing towards 21st century skills for students.\n\n\nAs an English language teacher, Kamilah Abdullah, who represented the country in E2 last year, said the most challenging part is encouraging students to use the language as much as possible.\n\n\nFrom her observation, technology is one of the most powerful tools to support language use inside the classroom.\n\n\n\u201cTechnology empowers learners to take charge of their learning. By using technology in class, students are free to learn at their own pace.\u201d\n\n\nKamilah added technology does not change the teachers\u2019 role in class but helps them to vary their teaching strategy and empowers students\u2019 learning.\n\n\n\u201cNo matter how advanced the technology used in class, a personal touch and face-to-face interactions between the teachers and students are still vital to teaching and learning.\u201d\n\n\nHowever, she believes that using technology can transform higher education in Malaysia.\u00a0Although there is limited research in some areas, there is evidence that the use of educational apps does help children learn. Apps can act as built-in lessons and aid a teacher in tracking a student\u2019s progress. Furthermore, the right app can enhance a teacher\u2019s lesson by offering another approach to a subject.\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/teknik-pdpr-bagi-murid-oku/", "title": "Teknik PdPR bagi murid OKU", "body": "\n\nPERNAHKAH anda terfikir \nbagaimana seorang murid berkeperluan khas atau orang kurang upaya (OKU) menjalani proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR)?\n\n\nBagaimanapun pula guru menangani kelompok murid sebegini setelah sekian lama terbiasa dengan kelas secara fizikal?\n\n\nDasar Pendidikan Negara menekankan mengenai setiap rakyat berhak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan. \nSehubungan itu, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) turut memperkenalkan program khusus kepada kumpulan pelajar OKU menjalani PdPR.\n\n\nPelaksanaan dasar dan program pendidikan khas ini termaktub dalam Akta Pendidikan 1996 dan Akta OKU 2008. Melaluinya, murid OKU dapat memperoleh pendidikan sama rata dengan pelajar arus perdana.\n\n\nBagaimanapun, kurikulum, kaedah dan teknik pengajaran serta pembelajaran memerlukan pengubahsuaian. Sebenarnya, penyampaian kurikulum akan lebih berkesan sekiranya guru pendidikan khas berjaya menggunakan bahan pengajaran interaktif mengikut keupayaan dan keperluan yang berbeza.\n\n\nPerbezaan itu terjadi disebabkan kategori keperluan khas atau keadaan dialami pelajar berkeperluan khas tidak sama, malah penerimaan mereka terhadap topik diajar juga berbeza mengikut tiga aras keupayaan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor iaitu rendah, sederhana dan tinggi.\n\n\nDalam memastikan penyampaian PdPR yang berkesan kepada pelajar pendidikan khas, guru mestilah menggunakan teknik dan gaya belajar berkonsepkan Visual, Auditori dan Kinestetik (VAK) yang membabitkan gaya belajar menggunakan deria penglihatan (visual), mendengar (auditori) dan gerakan (kinestetik).\n\n\nGambar dari Berita Harian\n\n\nKaedah Gaya Belajar VAK\n\n\n\n\n1. Kaedah gaya belajar secara visual dapat diaplikasi \nmenggunakan media interaktif yang menarik melalui huruf, saiz teks, font warna, imej dan grafik.\n\n\n2. \nGaya pembelajaran secara auditori\n pula memerlukan bahan bantu mengajar yang menggabungkan imej dan suara jelas supaya maklumat yang diterima oleh murid khas dapat difahami serta diingati dalam jangka panjang.\n\n\n3. \nGaya belajar kinestatik\n memerlukan murid khas melaksanakan secara langsung (hands-on), kebiasaannya guru khas melaksanakan pengajaran dalam mata pra vokasional iaitu masakan, jahitan dan pertanian.\n\n\nGabungan gaya belajar menggunakan VAK berjaya dilaksana semasa PdPR kepada murid kategori austime, down syndrome, lembam dan hyperaktif melalui penggunaan rakaman video dan pautan di Youtube.\n Pada masa yang sama penilaian hasil pembelajaran turut menggunakan \u2018google form\u2019 dan aplikasi pembelajaran, wordwall.\n\n\nSementara itu, bagi kategori pelajar berkeperluan khas Kurang Upaya Penglihatan dan Kurang Upaya Pendengaran, tidak begitu sukar mengajar mereka kerana silibus diguna pakai adalah sama dengan pelajar arus perdana dengan bantuan berasaskan teknologi serta bantuan modul mata pelajaran.\n\n\nCuma cabaran besar dihadapi guru pendidikan khas adalah ketika mendidik pelajar yang berdepan masalah pembelajaran, seperti autisme, disleksia, lembam, sindrom down, kurang upaya intelektual, spastik, hiperaktif serta gangguan mental.\n\n\n\n\nBagaimanapun, berbekalkan kemahiran dan pengalaman mengajar dimiliki mereka, guru pendidikan khas tahu membezakan teknik paling sesuai diadaptasikan mengikut kategori permasalahan pelajar ketika PdPR\n. Berikut adalah beberapa kaedah yang digunakan;\n\n\n1. Jika pelajar itu berkeupayaan mendengar, seperti masalah penglihatan guru akan \nmenggunakan aplikasi Google Classroom\n untuk mengajar serta memberi arahan.\n\n\n2. Bagi pelajar kurang upaya penglihatan, \nPdPR dikendalikan menggunakan perisian Job Access With Speech (JAWS) \nuntuk membolehkan mereka menulis dan membaca perkongsian diberikan guru dalam tulisan Braille, malah mencetak bahan menggunakan mesin khas.\n\n\n3. Jika membabitkan pelajar kurang upaya pendengaran, \nguru perlu menggunakan teknik pengajaran visual, seperti video dengan medium komunikasinya adalah Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (BIM) ataupun Kod Tangan Bahasa Melayu (KTBM).\n\n\n4. Pengendalian PdPR bersama pelajar autisme memerlukan guru m\nemberikan arahan pendek, ringkas dan padat melalui video\n kerana mereka ini mengalami masalah pemahaman juga tumpuan yang terhad.\n\n\n5. Bagi pelajar disleksia yang mempunyai masalah membaca pula, guru mendekati mereka melalui\n kaedah \u2018multisensory\u2019\n iaitu bertujuan meningkatkan kemahiran komunikasi, pendengaran dan penulisan untuk memastikan tunjuk ajar diberi mampu dikuasai. \nKaedah multisensory ini juga sesuai untuk kanak-kanak lembam, sindrom down, kurang upaya intelektual, spastik, hiperaktif serta gangguan mental.\n\n\nPengajaran yang berbentuk terapi juga boleh dilaksanakan\n melalui PdPR contohnya terapi pertuturan melalui aktiviti latihan pertuturan menggunakan multimedia yang interaktif.\n\n\nSelain itu, PdPR membabitkan pelajar pendidikan khas ini perlu \ndilaksanakan secara interaktif dan pelbagai cara, seperti menggunakan video, gambar, saiz teks, reka bentuk skrin, warna, muzik dan permainan menarik supaya mereka tidak cepat bosan.\n\n\nWalaupun dalam setiap kelas pendidikan khas hanya ada lima hingga lapan pelajar, tetapi masalah mereka berbeza, justeru bagi memastikan penyampaian PdPR mampu dikendalikan dengan berkesan, ibu bapa harus memberikan sokongan penuh dengan membantu anak mengikuti proses belajar, terutama apabila membabitkan pelajar berkeperluan bermasalah pembelajaran berkefungsian rendah aras rendah.\n\n\nSatu hal yang boleh dikongsikan, dalam memastikan kaedah secara dalam talian lebih berkesan, KPM diharap dapat memberikan kursus dalam tempoh terdekat kepada guru pendidikan khas berhubung penyediaan bahan bantu mengajar berbentuk pelbagai media selari dengan IR 4.0 dalam masa yang sama memperkasakan pelaksanaan Program Pendidikan Inklusif ini dicapai sebaik mungkin supaya dirasai oleh warga pendidik di Malaysia.\n\n\nKetika ini guru mengajar dengan menggunakan bahan yang mereka ubah suai dari kurikulum untuk disesuaikan dengan diri setiap murid, jadi sudah tiba masa mereka diberikan kemahiran teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi serta penyediaan bahan lebih interaktif serta menggunakan aplikasi mudah alih yang terkini.\n\n\nHal ini dapat membantu melancarkan PdPR sama ada daripada pihak guru atau murid.\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal boleh lihat di laman web\n \nberita harian. \n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/the-6-note-taking-skills-every-students-should-master/", "title": "The 6 Note Taking Skills Every Students Should Master", "body": "\n\nIn a fast-paced world where information travels at the speed of light, note taking skills can make all the difference between effective and ineffective learning. Students can perform way better if they master the art of note taking. In this regard, we want sharing the 6 important note taking skills students need.\n\n\nNote taking skills summarized in the handy acronym \nLISTEN\n. Listen stands out for :\n\n\nL\n:Lead\nI\n: Ideas\nS\n: Summarize\nT\n: Talk\nE\n: End\nN\n: Notes\n\n\n1- Lead:\nLead entails doing course reading ahead of time and being prepared for the lecture topic.\n\n\n2- Ideas\nSeize upon main ideas instead of writing everything down.\n\n\n3- Summarize\nSummarize the most important information and significant ideas in your own words within 24 hours of each lecture.\n\n\n4- Talk\nTalk to your teacher and classmates to discuss ideas.\n\n\n5- End\nEnd each lesson or lecture by reviewing and summarizing notes, identifying any problems that you might need to ask about.\n\n\n6- Notes\nTake down only essential points and listen for signal words or important concepts.\n\n\nBesides, you can also use this method as the picture below. Good luck. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\neducatorstechnology.com\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/the-9-different-types-of-intelligence-which-smart-are-you/", "title": "The 9 Different Types of Intelligence \u2013 Which Smart are you ?", "body": "\n\nDid you know there are 9 types of intelligence? These range from musical, interpersonal, spatial, and more. The question is: Which intelligence type do you have?\n\n\nWhen you think of intelligence, you might think of IQ tests. You might think of geniuses who can recite entire lines of mathematics, or people accepting Nobel Prizes. Many of us consider intelligence as an innate ability to learn and remember information and ideas. However, in recent decades, our understanding of intelligence has changed.\u00a0\n\n\nWhat is an Intelligence Type?\n\n\nAn intelligence type is an indicator of your strengths and areas where you excel. Each intelligence type indicates different skills or \u201csmarts\u201d you are best suited for. There are \n9\n intelligence types:\n\n\n1. \n\n\n1. Naturalistic \u2013 nature smart\n\n\n\n\nNaturalistic learners feel a connection to the earth. You learn by working with nature. People may say you have a green thumb or that you\u2019re an animal whisperer. In school, you always loved having class outside and you may have engaged in hobbies such as bird watching or rock collecting.\nNaturalistic careers:\n\u00a0Zookeeper, Veterinarian, Botanist, Gardener, Geologist, Astronomer\nTo cultivate Naturalistic intelligence:\n\u00a0Keep a nature journal, start a small garden, go outside for everyday activities, take care of a pet.\nFamous people with existential intelligence:\n\u00a0Steve Irwin (\u201cThe Crocodile Hunter\u201d), Jane Goodall, Gregor Mendel\n2. Musical \u2013 sound smart\n\n\n\n\nYou understand and appreciate the art of music. You do well at listening, composing and performing music. You use rhythms and patterns to understand things. You can probably remember and even replicate a sound or listening passage you\u2019ve only heard once.\nAuditory-Musical careers:\n\u00a0Composer, DJ, Band Director, Singer.\nTo cultivate Auditory-Musical intelligence:\n\u00a0Listen to music while studying, connect music to a lesson, write a short song.\nFamous people with Auditory-Musical intelligence:\n\u00a0Mozart, Yo-Yo Ma, Alicia Keys.\n\n\n3. Logical-Mathematical \n\n\n\n\nCalculating, classifying, and finding patterns are all your strong suits. You like to experiment, solve puzzles, and identify relationships. You light up at the idea of a \u201cdeductive reasoning\u201d exercise. This is the other most highly regarded intelligence in traditional education, so you\u2019ve probably done well in school.\nLogical-Reasoning careers:\n\u00a0Scientists, Computer programmers, Inventors, Accountant, Computer analyst, Economist\nTo cultivate Logical-Reasoning intelligence:\n\u00a0Play logic and pattern games like Sudoku, organize a collection, develop and prove a hypothesis, find the pattern in a poem.\nFamous people with Logical-Reasoning intelligence:\n\u00a0Nicola Tesla, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates.\n\n\n4. Existential \u2013 Spirit smart\n\n\n\n\nThis intelligence\n \nhas only recently been identified and was not included in the scoring of this quiz. It is the ability to deal with the big questions of human existence and metaphysics. People may say you have a \u201csixth sense\u201d, a \u201cstrong aura,\u201d or an \u201cold soul\u201d. No matter your age, you give off a feeling of inner peace and wisdom. People with this type of intelligence tend to be sensitive and have the ability to ask deep questions about human existence and the meaning behind our existence.\nInterpersonal careers:\n\u00a0Shaman, yogi, clergyman, psychic, philosopher, writer, blogger\nTo cultivate existential intelligence:\n\u00a0practice meditation, write down some \u201cbig\u201d questions and write down the answers that come to you\nFamous people with existential intelligence:\n\u00a0Buddha, Lao Tzu, Joan of Arc, Simone de Beauvoi\n\n\n5. Interpersonal \u2013 People Smart\n\n\n\n\nYou enjoy socializing, sharing, conducting interviews and cooperating. People may consider you extroverted and/or empathetic to others. You\u2019re an excellent group leader and team player.\nInterpersonal careers:\n\u00a0Politician, teacher, social worker, counselor, Human Resources, Public Relations\nTo cultivate Interpersonal intelligence:\n\u00a0Engage in group activities, volunteer for community service, teach a class or a friend something.\nFamous people with existential intelligence:\n\u00a0Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phill, Mother Teresa.\n\n\n6. Intrapersonal \u2013 Self Smart\n\n\n\n\nIntrapersonal-intelligent people are highly skilled at understanding themselves. You are introspective, independent, and self-motivated. You learn best by working alone and setting individual goals.\nInterpersonal careers:\n\u00a0Psychologist, poet,\u00a0therapist.\nTo cultivate Intrapersonal intelligence:\n\u00a0Keep a daily journal, read self-help books, imagine yourself in other people\u2019s shoes.\nFamous people with existential intelligence:\n\u00a0Anne Frank, Aristotle, Gandhi, Hellen Keller.\n\n\n7. Bodily-Kinesthetic \u2013 Body Smart\n\n\n\n\nYou learn best through touch and movement. You process information through the body and may have fine-tuned motor skills. People probably say that you\u2019re \u201cwell-coordinated\u201d and \u201cathletic\u201d. You usually need to do something to remember it and you may have a hard time working at a desk all day.\nBodily-Kinesthetic careers:\n\u00a0Dancer, actor, construction worker, sculptor.\nTo cultivate Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence:\n\u00a0Physical activities, manipulate objects, using fine and gross motor skills, build things.\nFamous people with Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence:\n\u00a0Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mary Lou Retton.\n\n\n8. Verbal Linguistic \u2013 Word Smart\n\n\n\n\nYou learn best through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You probably enjoy writing poetry and stories. You\u2019re good at identifying grammar errors and you may have a talent for learning foreign languages. This is traditionally one of the most highly-prized intelligence in education systems worldwide, meaning it\u2019s likely that you\u2019ve been successful in your scholarly pursuits.\nTo cultivate Verbal-Linguistic intelligence:\n\u00a0Write in a journal, play word games (like Scrabble and crossword puzzles), read more books, and debate issues more often.\nVerbal-Linguistic careers:\n\u00a0Writers, public speakers, lawyers, Librarian, YouTuber, TV Host, Radio announcer\nFamous people with Verbal-Linguistic intelligence:\n JK Rowling, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr, and Junot Diaz.\n\n\n9. Visual-Spatial \u2013 Picture Smart\n\n\n\n\nYou have an excellent ability to draw, visualize, and design. You benefit greatly from having access to pictures, diagrams, and other visual aids. You enjoy puzzles and mazes and you can visualize and manipulate objects with your mind\u2019s eye.\nVisual-Spatial careers:\n\u00a0Architect, computer scientist, designer, photographer, pilot, engineer\nTo cultivate Visual-Spatial intelligence:\n\u00a0Take a photography or drawing class, draw mind maps of your plans or ideas, do puzzles and mazes for fun\nFamous people with Visual-Spatial intelligence\n: Galileo Galilei, Salvador Dali, and Steve Jobs.\n\n\n\n\n*As a reference to the original article can be seen on the website\u00a0\nthemindsjournal.com\n\u00a0and\u00a0\nscienceofpeople.com\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/the-origins-of-christmas-tradition-and-history/", "title": "The Origins of Christmas: Tradition and History!", "body": "\n\nFor two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. Early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight that are called Christmas. It is celebrated on December 25 and is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. \n\n\nThe end of December was a perfect time for celebration in most areas of Europe. With the spread of Christianity beyond Europe and North America, the celebration of Christmas was transferred to societies throughout the non-Western world. In many of these countries, Christians are not the majority population, and, therefore, the religious holiday has not become a cultural holiday. Christmas customs in these societies thus often echo Western traditions because the people were exposed to Christianity as a religion and cultural\u00a0artifact\u00a0of the West.\n\n\nCr; Pinterest\n\n\nHistory check!\n\n\nFor centuries, Christmas was celebrated not as a single day, but as a whole season in parts of the world begins with December 24th, Christmas Eve. The practice of celebrating the evening before the big day is an echo from ancient Jewish reckoning. Among earlier Jews, a day began at six in the evening and ran until six the following evening. \n\n\nChristmas means \u201cChrist-mass.\u201d Although the date is a guess, the tradition of observing it goes back to at least the fourth century. Under the influence of the church, Christian traditions replaced pagan solstice festivals throughout Europe. Often the more innocent pagan practices (such as bringing in a Yule log, decorating with holly and the like) were carried over into the Christmas observance, transfigured with new meaning.\n\n\nWho is Santa Claus?\n\n\nInspired by St. Nicholas, this Christmas tradition has Christian roots, rather than pagan ones. Born in southern Turkey around 280, he was a bishop in the early Christian church and suffered persecution and imprisonment for his faith. Coming from a wealthy family, he was renowned for his generosity towards the poor and disenfranchised. The legends surrounding him abound, but the most famous is how he saved three daughters from being sold into slavery. There was no dowry to entice a man to marry them, so it was their father\u2019s last resort. St. Nicholas is said to have tossed gold through an open window into the home, thus saving them from their fate. Legend has it that the gold landed in a sock drying by the fire, so children started hanging stockings by their fires in hopes St. Nicholas would toss gifts into them.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nWhat are the traditions? \n\n\nThe tradition of celebrating Christmas as a\u00a0secular\u00a0family holiday is splendidly illustrated by a number of English \u201c\nChristmas\n\u201d carols such as \u201c\nHere We Come A-Wassailing\n\u201d or \u201c\nDeck the Halls\n.\u201d It can also be seen in the practice of sending\u00a0Christmas card which began in England in the 19th century.\n\n\nThe morning of December 25 has become the time for the exchange of gifts in North America. These popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. As given the importance of Christmas, one of the major Christian feast days is under the most European countries observe and Christian influence. Hence, December 26 as a second Christmas holiday. \n\n\nHidden Meaning of Christmas\n\n\n\n\nEvergreen Trees\n\u00a0were the symbol of eternal life. Martin Luther introduced them to the Reformation Church as a picture of our endless life by bringing in a tree to his family on\u00a0Christmas\n\n\nCandles\n\u00a0are a picture that Christ is the Light of the world.\n\n\nHolly\n\u00a0speaks of the thorns in His crown \n\n\n \nRed\n\u00a0is a color of Christmas that speaks of Christ\u2019s blood and death.\n\n\nGifts\n\u00a0are a reminder of the gifts of the Magi to baby\u00a0Jesus. Each of them speak to a component of His incarnation: Majesty in life, Bitterest Agony in Death and He as God\u2019s Perfect gift to us. \n\n\nBells\n\u00a0are associated with ringing out news.\n\n\n\n\nIn short, where ever you may be, and whatever traditions you follow, we wish you the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of holidays!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tip-skor-a-matematik-calon-peperiksaan-boleh-follow/", "title": "Tip skor A Matematik- Calon Peperiksaan Boleh Follow!", "body": "\n\n\u201cSusah la Matematik ni\u201d \u201cLantak lah Matematik dapat C\u201d \u201cTak reti la jalan kira dia\u201d\n\n\nHmm.. Ramai pelajar merasakan Matematik adalah subjek yang susah nak skor. Bila nampak je nombor besar dan banyak dalam soalan atau kertas peperiksaan kita. Ada segelintir pelajar dah mengelabah. Terus berpeluh dan cemas. \nJadi, bagaimana nak hilangkan tanggapan \u201cSusah\u201d dalam Matematik ini? Jom baca tips yang dikongsi oleh seorang guru bagi membantu pelajar di luar sana untuk skor A dalam Matematik. \n\n\nUntuk dapat result A dalam Matematik, pelajar perlu mengetahui teknik dan cara belajar subjek Matematik dengan betul. Antaranya adalah\n1. Fokus dalam kelas\n\n\n\n\nOtak manusia perlu fokus hanya pada satu perkara sekiranya dia ingin menyerap semua fakta ke bahagian ingatannya. So, \nfokus\n adalah perkara utama yang wajib dilakukan semasa belajar Matematik dalam kelas.\n\n\nFokus macam mana jalan kira sesuatu soalan yang diberi oleh guru.\n\u00a0Bila kita fokus, kita tahu di mana yang kita tak faham dan di mana yang kita faham. \nKalau tak faham, tanda siap-siap dan bersedia untuk pergi berjumpa guru\n.\n\n\n2. Wajib latihan Matematik 1 jam 30 minit setiap hari\n\n\n\n\nSelalu mesti akan ada suara-suara negatif akan cakap\u2026eh tak sempatlah nak buat latihan\u2026 banyak kerja sekolah\u2026nak study subjek lain lagi.\nKetepikan semua suara-suara negatif tersebut. Apa yang wajib kita buat, \nschedule kan waktu bila latihan Matematik wajib di buat.\n\n\nSaya suka letakkan masa study Matematik saya adalah dari pukul 12 malam \u2013 1.30 pagi, sebabnya time ni dah study akhir. Jadi saya wajibkan buat latihan soalan Matematik dalam lima soalan yang baru dipelajari di sekolah.\n\n\nMatematik adalah subjek mengira. Jika kita hanya membaca formula dan gerak kerja hitungan, kita tidak mampu pergi dengan lebih lanjut. So, mesti wajib buat latihan Matematik setiap hari. Dont ever to miss dari buat latihan.\u00a0\nMatematik adalah subjek yang mesti dibuat latihan setiap hari untuk mengelakkan lupa di samping melatih otak untuk aktif bekerja dalam proses gerak kerja operasi mengira.\n\n\n3. Wajib ada cikgu @ rakan berbincang\n\n\n\n\nSoalan-soalan Matematik selalunya mencabar dan memerlukan proses berfikir luar dari kebiasaan. Ini kerana Matematik adalah subjek untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Dan jugaMatematik adalah subjek berfikir. Bagi pelajar yang boleh berfikir LUAR KEBIASAAN, insya-Allah dia mesti mampu selesaikan jalan kira Matematik.\n\n\nSebaliknya kalau pelajar tersebut tidak mampu berfikir lebih dari biasa, itu yang problem baginya, time ni dia akan fikir susahnya belajar Matematik. So, apa yg perlu buat adalah, \nwujudkan rakan khas untuk belajar Matematik\n. Wujudkan di sekolah.\n\n\nDi sekolah, \nshare dengan rakan yang bijak Matematik kenapa kita tak mampu jawab soalan tersebut.\n Minta kawan tunjukkan cara berfikir untuk solve soalan. Bukan bermakna minta kawan buatkan, sebaliknya minta kawan ajar proses berfikir untuk selesaikan soalan Matematik tersebut.\n\n\n4. Latihan soalan Matematik yang susah dan mencabar minda\n\n\n\n\nSaya sangat suka buat latihan bagi soalan-soalan yang mencabar minda saya. Saya suka soalan yang perlukan saya berfikir luar dari biasa.\n\n\nAkibat dan kesannya ialah\u2026pelajar akan terbiasa dan terdedah dengan soalan yang mencabar minda dan susah. So bila exam nanti, kita sudah biasa untuk menjawab soalan susah. Soalan exam selalunya lebih mudah daripada level susah tu\u2026sebab soalan exam perlukan keseimbangan antara susah dan senang.\n\n\nJadi sudah tentu soalan yang senang kita mudah buat sebab selalu kita buat latihan untuk soalan yg susah. \nAt the same time, soalan exam yang susah pun mudah untuk diselesaikan oleh kita.\u00a0 Itulah trick dan cara seorang pelajar belajar subjek Matematik. buat latihan bagi soalan susah.\n\n\n5. Formula Matematik\n\n\n\n\nPerkara ni wajib bagi pelajar hafal dan ingat sebab pelajar tidak dapat lari daripada formula Matematik. Formula Matematik perlu digunakan dalam setiap operasi hitungan Matematik.\u00a0\nBiasakan diri menghafal formula Matematik\u2026penting sangat untuk skor A.\n\n\n6. Tip akhir: Tanamkan dalam diri dan minda pelajar bahawa belajar Matematik amat mudah\n\n\n\n\nYakinkan diri bahawa belajar \nMatematik amat mudah.\n\n\nBila minda dan pemikiran cakap mudah, so bila cikgu ajar subjek Matematik, diri akan rasa gembira dan enjoy nak belajar. Bila enjoy belajar Matematik, baru mudah nak kuasai silibus yang diajar guru.\n\n\nBila mudah kuasai, baru rasa seronok belajar. Walaupun rasa susahnya jalan kira yang cikgu ajar tu, just rasa susah tapi set kan dalam minda \u201csenang je ni sebab aku boleh belajar jalan kiranya. Dah tahu jalan kira, mudahlah\u201d.\n\n\nSo belajar Matematik mudah bila kena dengan tekniknya. Saya suka Matematik.\n\n\n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal boleh lihat di laman web\n gpsbestari.com\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tips-on-how-to-build-self-confidence-and-bigger-self-esteem/", "title": "Tips On How To Build Self-Confidence And Bigger Self-Esteem", "body": "\n\nEveryone wants confidence, and it\u2019s easy to tell when someone else has it. Unfortunately, it might seem impossible to get ourselves to believe in ourselves. This confidence is easier than it may seem. There are techniques to boost your self-esteem. Boosting your chances of success in both your personal and professional life is a healthy dose of self-confidence. According to studies, more confident people perform better academically.\n\n\nStop Making Comparisons to Others\n\n\n\n\nWhen you become aware of making comparisons, how do you boost your confidence? First, it\u2019s important to keep in mind that doing so would only serve to affect your progress. Nothing in life is a race; we\u2019re all just trying to do our best. Focusing on what you have control over, even if it\u2019s just a little part of your overall objective, will give you the confidence you need to keep going. Furthermore, remember that boosting your confidence will boost your confidence even more. The best way to establish lasting self-assurance is to focus first on the areas over which you exert the most influence.\n\n\nTake A Stand Against Your Inner Voice\n\n\n\n\nYou may be hesitant to trust yourself because you have previously received negative comments from authoritative individuals such as parents, teachers, or leaders, and you have absorbed their critiques as your own opinions. However, there comes a moment when this input is no longer useful in your present situation. Standing up to previous critiques might help you gain new confidence. People you spend time with might have a greater impact on your thoughts and perceptions about yourself than you know. If you feel horrible about yourself after spending time with someone, it may be time to put an end. Instead, engage yourself with individuals who genuinely care about you. Seek out people that are upbeat and can help you increase your confidence. Positivity and self-assurance go hand in hand.\n\n\nTreat Yourself With Care\n\n\n\n\nIf you want to be more understanding of yourself while you\u2019re going through tough times, self-compassion is a trait you should work on developing. As a result, you may be able to shift from self-deprecating to self-affirming conversations. If you find yourself in a trying situation in the future, remind yourself that flaws and weaknesses are natural in the human condition. Try to treat yourself with kindness while you go through these challenges.\n\n\nHard Times Are Temporary\n\n\n\n\nThe phases of emotion have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Emotions are moving fast, despite how powerful they may seem in time. Feelings, in their most elemental definition, are the body\u2019s reaction to different influences. You may realise that your fears were wrong and that making a few missteps isn\u2019t the end of the world. The more you accomplish, the more assured you\u2019ll feel in your abilities. Finally, this can assist you to avoid taking dangerous chances that could have devastating results.\n\n\nLack of self-assurance is a problem that affects everyone. There are, fortunately, many ways to improve one\u2019s sense of self-worth. Learning to act confidently may often lead to an increase in genuine self-assurance. In order to have a more satisfying existence, it is important to regain that sense of self-assurance.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tips-persediaan-menghadapi-peperiksaan/", "title": "Tips Persediaan Menghadapi Peperiksaan", "body": "\n\nHai adik-adik! Takut tak dengan nama peperiksaan ini? Hah, tak kisah la anda calon peperiksaan UPSR, PT3, SPM, STPM atau STAM sekali pun. Bagaimana persediaan adik-adik untuk menghadapi peperiksaan? Tidak kira apapun subjek yang bakal anda hadapi, persediaan sebelum menempuh peperiksan itu penting tau! Adakah anda dah bersedia? Berapa peratus tu? 80% atau masih 50%? Hmm..\n\n\nTidak mengapa, jangan bimbang, apapun kertas esok untuk peperiksaan subjek seterusnya. Pastikan dah ulangkaji dan percaya yang anda boleh lakukan! Tidak ada yang mustahil! \nNak tahu, persediaan apa lagi yang anda tak buat sebelum menghadapi peperiksaan ni! Jom lihat!\n\n\n1. Elakkan Diri Study Last Minit\n\n\nKorang \n\u201cPlease jangan study last minute\u201d.\n Melainkan korang memang dalam kelas jenis yang fokus dan tumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya dalam kelas. Paling tak pun korang nie jenis yang study sebelum masuk kelas.\n\n\nApapun setiap daripada kita mempunyai cara yang berbeza. Ada orang mungkin study last minit tapi dalam kelas dia faham dan cepat pick up apa yang disampaikan oleh guru di hadapan kelas.\n So, tak hairanlah dia boleh skor dalam exam. \nWalau bagaimanapun, jangan amalkan \u201cstudy last minit\u201d. Luangkan sedikit masa untuk mengulangkaji. \nTak salah persiapkan diri lebih awal kerana kita akan lebih relaks dan kurang tekanan menghadapi peperiksaan yang akan datang.\n2. Two Head Is Better Than One\n\n\n\u201cDua kepala lebih baik daripada seorang\u201d\n. \nCuba ajak kawan buat study group atau belajar secara berkumpulan tentang topik yang korang kurang mahir.\n Ada sesetengah orang dia mungkin kurang mahir bab matematik tetapi bab sejarah dia paling \nPOWER!\n\u00a0\n\n\nDengan adanya \u201cStudy Group\u201d korang boleh berbincang tentang sesuatu topik yang mana korang lemah. \nBelajar berkumpulan ini bukan sahaja dapat bantu mereka yang kurang mahir dalam sesuatu subjek malah korang juga boleh meningkatkan pemahaman dan daya ingatan dengan mengajar orang lain\n.\n\n\nJangan kedekut ilmu tau! Insya\u2019Allah, kita mudahkan urusan orang lain, Allah mudahkan urusan kita pula.\n\n\n3. Sediakan Nota Ringkas & Padat\n\n\nHah ini penting tau! \nKalau boleh elakkan daripada copy paste ayat dalam buku teks.\n Cukuplah korang senaraikan point penting dan cuba untuk memahami dan meringkaskan point tersebut dalam bentuk yang korang sendiri boleh ingat.\n\n\nMenurut kajian psikologi, nota yang berwarna-warni dapat membantu meningkatkan daya ingatan serta merangsang mood pelajar.\n Be kreatif dalam menulis nota. Tetapi tips ini tidak semestinya di aplikasikan kepada semua orang. Ada yang jenis tak suka tengok nota warna pelangi. Ada pelajar yang suka conteng buku. Ada juga yang tak tulis nota langsung. Hahaha depends on you.\n4. Jaga Pemakanan & Kesihatan\n\n\nSelain daripada persediaan dari segi akademik. \nJangan sampai abaikan pemakanan dan juga kesihatan korang. \nAmalkan diet yang seimbang dan kurangkan makan makanan ringan dan kurang sihat. Makanan memainkan peranan yang sangat penting untuk mengekalkan tumpuan dan tenaga kita.\u00a0\nRajinkan diri untuk bersenam kerana otak juga memerlukan rehat yang cukup setelah penat menghadap buku sepanjang hari. \nSeperti badan kita, otak kita juga pandai penat.\n\n\n5. Kurangkan Hiburan & Media Sosial\n\n\nTidak dinafikan hiburan seperti menonton tv, drama korea, anime dan juga media sosial (whatsapp, twitter, instagram) sedikit sebanyak mengganggu kita untuk kekal fokus dalam mengulangkaji.\n Please stop dengan segala perkara yang boleh menganggu anda untuk fokus! Kali ini sahaja minta dijauhkan! Fokus!\u00a0\n\n\nSo, kalau boleh bersabarlah dahulu daripada pegang handphone atau laptop. Caranya senang saja, jangan letak handphone kat tepi buku kalau nak study. Nanti nafsu anda menarik tangan anda untuk sentuh handphone tu. Hahaha\n\n\n6. Minta Doa & Restu Orang Tua\n\n\nYang jauh jangan lupa call parents minta restu mereka supaya dipermudahkan korang menjawab nanti. \nYang dekat jangan segan nak peluk cium tangan mak ayah minta restu setiap kali korang nak exam. Penting sangat waktu ini meminta doa dan restu untuk mendapat berkat dari kedua ibu bapa kita. Barulah nak jawab peperiksaan dengan tenang.\nSolat pun jangan lupa. Hargai masa dengan sebaiknya. Caranya adalah dengan solat apabila masuk waktunya. \nTinggalkan nota korang tu. Minta petunjuk dan doa kepada Tuhan untuk korang menjawab paper nanti. Apabila kita jaga hubungan kita dengan Tuhan, pasti Tuhan akan permudahkan urusan kita dikemudian hari.\nSemoga tips yang share ini dapat sedikit sebanyak membantu pelajar-pelajar disana dalam menghadapi peperiksaan. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan semasa menjawab peperiksaan. \n\u201cStay positive and believe yourself\u201d\n. \n*Sebagai rujukan artikel asal boleh lihat di laman web\u00a0\nsiinurul.com.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tips-tips-menjawab-soalan-peperiksaan-dengan-bantuan-aplikasi-pandai/", "title": "Tips-tips Menjawab Soalan Peperiksaan Dengan Bantuan Dari Aplikasi Pandai", "body": "\n\nMasa semakin suntuk untuk persediaan peperiksaan akhir? Jangan risau kerana \u201cfeatures\u201d aplikasi Pandai sedia membantu anda! Mari kenali contoh2 features yang anda boleh gunakan untuk persediaan Final Exam nanti.\n\n\nFinal Exam Mock Papers\n\n\n\n\nUntuk yang mempunyai masalah \u201ctiming\u201d semasa menjawab soalan peperiksaan, mock papers Pandai mempunyai \nbuilt-in-timer \ndimana anda boleh menjawab soalan2 yang diberikan dengan masa yang telah ditetapkan. \n\n\nSelain itu, set soalan yang telah Pandai sediakan juga merangkumi semua topik dalam setiap subjek. Setiap soalan juga mempunyai penjelasan yang menyeluruh dan rujukan untuk menyenangkan anda menjawab soalan. Sangat membantu kan? \n\n\nFlashcards\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPembelajaran menggunakan flashcards atau kad imbasan ni kena mula awal dan diamalkan secara konsisten serta sistematik. Tapi, untuk \u201crecap\u201d balik laju-laju satu malam sebelum exam pun sesuai juga! \n\n\nKandungan kad imbasan yang disediakan dalam Pandai meliputi formula, istilah dan perkara-perkara utama bagi setiap topik. Sekali imbas, dah cukup semua \u201cpoint\u201d penting!\nMaklumat pada setiap kad imbasan adalah padat dan ringkas. \u201cStraight to the point\u201d dan tak panjang lebar. Senang je nak \u201ccopy & paste\u201d masuk ruang ingatan masing-masing\u00a0\nKad imbasan di Pandai boleh \u201cflip-flip\u201d \u2013 sebelah tajuk perkara dan sebelah satu lagi maklumatnya. Ibaratnya macam kita nak hafal sesuatu dari buku: kita baca, tutup mata, dan semak semula. Leceh sikit kan macam tu? Kalau guna kad imbasan kami, senang dan pantas je nak tangkap. Semuanya \u201ctap tap and swipe\u201d je!\n\n\nLive Tuition\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSemua subjek, untuk semua tahap pembelajaran, dari Tahun 1 sampai Tingkatan 5, setiap malam,\u00a0\nin the comfort of your own home\u00a0\n\u2026 \nTIADA YURAN TAMBAHAN \nbagi pelajar Pandai Premium. Ya! Kalau dah subscribe, terus dapat akses kepada semua kelas.\n\n\nBest kan, padat dengan tips exam. Ni baru sikit! Kalau ada apa-apa topik yang tertinggal atau tak faham di sekolah, boleh lah\u00a0\ncatch up\u00a0\ndengan Pandai Tutors yang mengajar live tuition ni!\u00a0\n\n\nPandai Tutors akan sentiasa memastikan kelas adalah\u00a0\ninteraktif, inklusif\u00a0\ndan\u00a0\nefektif\n.Yang paling penting, Pandai Tutors akan memberi latihan bagi meningkatkan keberkesanan kelas dengan menggunakan\u00a0\nbahan rujukan/latihan Pandai\n. Jadi, korang tak payah dah nak susah-susah cari buku lain atau keluarkan duit untuk fotostat soalan kalau nak mantapkan lagi pengetahuan dan skor exam!\n\n\nKelas akan diadakan setiap malam dari jam 8PM \u2013 9.30PM. Untuk jadual kelas, korang boleh rujuk dekat Instagram atau Facebook page Pandai Official \u2013 Team Pandai akan update jadual semua tahap dan subjek setiap minggu di situ. Kalau nak lagi senang, follow social media kami ok! Semua kelas adalah\u00a0\nrecorded\n. Jadi, kalau terlepas atau nak tengok semula, boleh buka balik dan tengok. \n\n\nJadi tunggu apa lagi? Jom lah belajar dengan Pandai! Naik taraf akaun anda ke Premium untuk \u201cExtra Help\u201d dari Team kami! Last but not least, Good Luck and All The Best! \n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0atau;\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/tips-untuk-pelajar-yang-selalu-ulangkaji-last-minute/", "title": "Tips Untuk Pelajar Yang Selalu Ulangkaji \u201cLast Minute\u201d", "body": "\n\nSiapa dekat sini yang suka study last minute? Semua student selalunya gemar study bila dah nak final exam. Hari-hari terakhir tu mula lah nak refer balik notes yang bersepah-sepah tanpa ada tujuan yang betul. Hari ini, \nPANDAI\n nak share serba sedikit tips buat student yang buntu nak ulang kaji masa last minute. \n\n\n\u201cRelaks. Jangan panic\u201d\n\n\n\n\nSource : www.chinemeiloh.com\n\n\n1. Rujuk nota-nota ringkas\n\n\nGuna highlighter yang berwarna-warni untuk point out definisi, fakta penting dan isi kandungan dalam buku teks yang confirm masuk exam! Nota-nota pendek selalu nya straight to the point dan senang nak hafal. Semak key point yang penting untuk buat summary yang padat. Biasanya untuk dapat teknik menghafal dengan berkesan, student selalu menggunakan teknik \u201cMnemonic Device\u201d iaitu teknik singkatkan huruf untuk membentuk acronym. Jadi, boleh cuba taktik macam ini. \n\n\nPandai pon ada ciri khas \nNota ringkas\n tau. Nota Pandai adalah inisiatif penyediaan nota ringkas pembelajaran berdasarkan kurikulum sekolah kebangsaan (KSSR & KSSM). Setiap nota disusn mengikut tahun, subjek, bab dan topik berdasarkan Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM). Inisiatif ini merupakan usaha Pandai untuk memastikan semua pelajar sekolah mendapat nota pendidikan yang berkualiti.\n\n\n\n\nSource : istockphoto\n\n\n2. Study Group Works!\n\n\nBagi yang suka study sendiri tu, ulang kaji beramai-ramai sangat lah berguna di saat-saat akhir. Lebih-lebih lagi untuk berkongsi nasihat cikgu semasa dalam kelas. Konsep idea-idea bernas akan keluar secara berulang kali bila dibuat dalam kumpulan. Cara study group juga menjimatkan masa tau, student akan jadi lebih fokus kerarah point-point penting. Dapat juga mengeratkan silaturrahim dengan rakan-rakan!\n\n\n\n\nSource : Dreamstime.com\n\n\n3. Elak gangguan teknologi\n\n\nMemang susah nak berenggang dengan internet lagi-lagi bila semua informasi dalam laptop. Kebanyakkan maklumat cikgu bagi dalam laptop ialah kerana kelas online. Tapi, pelajar mestilah bijak menggunakan masa supaya tak tengok benda yang tidak berfaedah. Sebagai contoh, pelajar boleh rujuk ciri ciri yang ada dalam Aplikasi Pandai. Pandai mempunyai flashcard yang colourful, kuiz yang tidak berulang, jawab contoh soalan peperiksaan dan macam macam lagi. Boleh ke website kami \nhttps://pandai.org/\n untuk tahu lebih lanjut ya! \n\n\n\n\nSource : Health Lab Blog \u2013 Michigan Medicine\n\n\n4. Tidur yang cukup!\n\n\nPastikan tidur secukupnya sebelum menjelang peperiksaan. Kalau kurang tidur, badan jadi lemah, susah nak fokus dan silap-silap semua point yang hafal semalam hilang! Jadi, potensi untuk blank atau hilang fokus sangat besar kerana otak tidak berfungsi dengan baik. Untuk mengelakkan perkara ini berlaku, student perlu mengamalkan makanan yang berkhasiat seperti buah-buahan segar, smoothies, telur, ikan, kacang dan green tea. Semua makanan tu ada fiber yang tinggi untuk tolong otak berfikir dengan lebih effektif.\n\n\n\n\nSource : MDLinx\n\n\n5. Lapangkan fikiran!\n\n\nBila dah last minute tu, macam macam nak fikir. Kad matrik tiba-tiba hilang lah, slip exam lambat print dan banyak lagi. Jadi, waktu-waktu macam ini kena isolate ke tempat yang sesuai untuk belajar seperti library ke atau pun tempat tidak menganggu perhatian. Tinggalkan komitmen yang ada terlebih dahulu dan tumpukan sepenuhnya untuk belajar. Student juga boleh memberikan kata-kata semangat kepada diri sendiri supaya lebih bermotivasi.\n\n\nJom ikuti 5 Tips ni untuk pelajar yang suka study last minute! Lebih baik sebenarnya kalau kita bersiap sedia dengan lebih awal, tapi kalau belajar last minute lagi senang nak hadam maklumat, ikutlah yang mana kita lebih selesa. \n\n\nLog in atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/top-5-method-of-improving-students-productivity-in-school/", "title": "Top 5 Method of Improving Students Productivity in School", "body": "\n\nDo you want some tips to help you power through the hectic days? Check out these practical productivity list for a student like you!\n\n\nFor students, productivity refers to their efforts and ability to perform efficiently in their studies. This involves how well they manage their time, their ability to prioritize, and their overall input into achieving academic success.\u00a0It is essential to look out for ways to be productive in your education by focusing on the things that will help you meet your goals. \n\n\nWhat is productivity in education?\n\n\nProductivity in education can be defined as the level of effort put into accomplishing positive academic results. Excelling in education can be attributed to many factors aside from a student\u2019s personal efforts and circumstances. The quality of learning is an important factor. It\u2019s like garbage in, garbage out; the output depends on the input.\n\n\nIf the school only aims only to produce excellent students. In that case, they must invest in high-quality learning and other things that will lead to good academic performance. This will, in turn, give students all the necessary tools needed to make good grades.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow to measure productivity for students\n\n\nProductivity for students is measured by simply assessing their academic performance. It is the cumulative effect of your hard work in your assignments, school projects,\u00a0 and studying for your exams.\n\n\nA mastery of study materials, demonstration of the knowledge you have learned, and how well you retain information are all used to evaluate how productive you have been as a student with your time.\u00a0\n\n\n1. Set a Timetable / Develop Your Own Productivity Routine. \n\n\nFor any student who has a myriad of things to do daily, scheduling and prioritisation skills are indispensable. One has to dedicate time and energy to finishing homework, such as quizzez, attending tutorial classes, and attending curricular activities\n\n\nDeveloping and cultivating habits that maximise your time and being flexible is the goal. Moreso, having a routine helps you find your footing during unprecedented times when you still need to be productive at school.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n2. Tackle the Hardest Tasks First to Prevent Procrastination. \n\n\nDreading a particular homework only delays it further and increases the to-do pile. Because you can\u2019t avoid that tedious report forever, get on with it as soon as you are able. The sooner you start doing it, the sooner you can get it over with.\n\n\nHow you perceive the task\u2019s difficultness\u00a0can affect your interest, or lack of, in doing it. This tendency to procrastinate may also have to do with perceived self-control or moods and feelings at the moment. It\u2019s helpful to look into these matters when creating appropriate strategies involving difficult subjects.\n\n\n3. Take Regular Breaks\n\n\nIt\u2019s amazing how ideas would come to you, like a catchy title for an essay, when you are in the bathroom and hardly thinking about anything. Stretching, walking, solving the day\u2019s Puzzle, or snacking can re-energise your about-to-be-fried brain.\u00a0\n\n\nTaking breaks helps sustain your energy and focus for as long as they are well-spaced and not intended to disrupt your rhythm. Rest your head and hands for a bit in the middle of a task or before jumping into the next one in your queue.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n4. Tune out distractions \n\n\nBy now you have picked a favourite place for studying. But no matter how perfect the location is, distractions still exist. So in addition to the tips provided here, check out the following when something else grabs your attention:\u00a0\n\n\nHow to Deal with Distractions\n\n\n\n\nSet time for checking homework and revision time\n\n\nTurn off push notifications in your phone\n\n\nInvest in noise-cancelling headphones.\n\n\nBe clear about objectives and goals when studying in a group.\n\n\nThink of deadlines to submit school work as motivation.\n\n\nPrepare a big reward for all your hard work.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Use Tech Tools to Stay Organised.\n\n\nThankfully, technology helps maximise productivity by automating tasks and keeping you on track. Consider these tools for a more organised day:\n\n\n\n\nDigital planner: Go paperless in plotting your everyday schedule and more.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote-taking app: Use it for handwriting to text recognition or for taking notes digitally.\n\n\nCloud storage: Save and back up all your files.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nProject management: Stay on top of your work and more with customisable, virtual boards.\n\n\n\n\nIn short, productivity is a premium in school to achieve high ranks and top of the class. But you are not really without experience because time management, resourcefulness, communication, and creativity, among other skills mastered as a student could be put into good use when you start working. Also, you have these tips to make your day easier to manage!\n\n\nLike Pandai, we have a complete set of learning aid that students need to excel in their subjects. It is useful as it is accessible in your phone, computers or any of your gadgets. Therefore, it is important to be up-to-date in all things especially learning!\n\n\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/top-8-educational-attractions-for-families-in-malaysia/", "title": "Top 8 Educational Attractions for Families in Malaysia", "body": "\n\nAre you looking for the perfect destination for your next family holiday? Look no further than Malaysia! This beautiful and diverse country in Southeast Asia offers a wide range of educational and exciting attractions for families.\n\n\n\n\nOne of the top destinations for families in Malaysia is the National Museum of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. This museum features exhibits on the country\u2019s history, culture, and natural history, making it a great place to learn about Malaysia and its people. The museum\u2019s collections include artifacts, artworks, and other objects that provide insight into the country\u2019s rich and diverse heritage. Visitors can explore the museum\u2019s galleries and exhibits to learn about the different ethnic groups in Malaysia, the country\u2019s historical events and milestones, and its natural environment and wildlife.\n\n\n\n\nThe National Planetarium in Kuala Lumpur is another popular attraction for families. This facility offers educational shows and exhibitions about astronomy and space, making it a fun and fascinating place to visit for children of all ages. The planetarium\u2019s state-of-the-art equipment and interactive displays provide a unique and immersive experience that allows visitors to learn about the stars, planets, and other wonders of the universe. The planetarium also hosts regular events and activities, including stargazing sessions and workshops, making it a great destination for families looking to learn more about space and astronomy.\n\n\n\n\nIf you love nature, be sure to visit the Penang National Park in Penang. This park is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including monkeys, monitor lizards, and over 150 species of birds. It\u2019s a great place for hiking and wildlife spotting.\n\n\nThe Penang National Park covers an area of over 1,231 hectares. The park is known for its rich biodiversity and is home to a wide range of plant and animal species. The park\u2019s forests, beaches, and wetlands provide habitat for a variety of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, including monkeys, monitor lizards, otters, and numerous species of birds.\n\n\nVisitors to the Penang National Park can enjoy a variety of activities, including hiking, birdwatching, and picnicking. The park has several well-marked hiking trails that allow visitors to explore the forests and beaches on foot. The park also offers boat tours that take visitors along the coast to spot wildlife and enjoy the beautiful scenery.\n\n\n\n\nFor a glimpse into the traditional lifestyles of the various ethnic groups in Malaysia, visit the Sarawak Cultural Village in Kuching. This village showcases the customs and traditions of the different groups in Sarawak, making it a unique and educational experience. The Sarawak Cultural Village is located on the outskirts of Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak, and is easily accessible by car or bus.\n\n\nThe Sarawak Cultural Village is a living museum that recreates the traditional villages of the different ethnic groups in Sarawak. Visitors to the village can experience the customs, traditions, and lifestyles of the various groups, including the Iban, Bidayuh, Orang Ulu, and Melanau. The village features replicas of traditional houses, handicrafts, and other artifacts that provide insight into the culture and history of the different ethnic groups.\n\n\nIn addition to its cultural exhibits, the Sarawak Cultural Village also offers a variety of activities and performances, including traditional dance and music performances, cooking demonstrations, and craft workshops. Visitors can also enjoy a variety of traditional food and drinks at the village\u2019s restaurants and cafes.\n\n\n\n\nAnother must-visit destination for nature lovers is the Taman Negara National Park in Pahang. This park is one of the oldest rainforests in the world and is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including elephants, tigers, and tapirs. The park covers an area of over 4,300 square kilometers and is located in the heart of the Malaysian peninsula.\n\n\nVisitors to the Taman Negara National Park can take a guided tour to learn more about the park and its inhabitants. The park offers a variety of activities, including hiking, birdwatching, and river cruises. The park\u2019s well-marked trails allow visitors to explore the forests and spot a variety of animals, including monkeys, elephants, and birds. The park also offers boat tours along the rivers, providing an opportunity to spot wildlife and enjoy the beautiful scenery.\n\n\nIn addition to its natural beauty, the Taman Negara National Park also has a rich cultural heritage. The park is home to several indigenous communities, including the Orang Asli, who have lived in the forests for generations. Visitors can learn about the culture and traditions of these communities by taking a guided tour or participating in cultural activities.\n\n\nOverall, the Sarawak Cultural Village and the Taman Negara National Park are must-visit destinations for families looking to learn more about the culture and nature of Malaysia. These unique and educational attractions offer a glimpse into the rich and diverse heritage of the country and provide a fun and exciting experience for visitors of all ages.\n\n\n\n\nVisitors to the Kinabatangan River can take a boat tour along the river to spot wildlife and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The river is a great place to spot a variety of animals, including monkeys, crocodiles, and birds. The boat tours also offer the opportunity to learn about the river\u2019s ecosystem and the animals that live there.\n\n\nIn addition to boat tours, the Kinabatangan River also offers guided hikes through the rainforest. The hikes allow visitors to explore the forests on foot and spot a variety of animals, including birds, insects, and reptiles. The hikes are led by experienced guides who can provide information about the rainforest and its inhabitants.\n\n\n\n\nNo trip to Malaysia would be complete without a visit to the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur. These towers are the tallest twin towers in the world and offer breathtaking views of the city from the observation deck. The towers are located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur and are easily accessible by public transportation.\n\n\nVisitors to the Petronas Twin Towers can take an elevator to the observation deck, located on the 86th floor of the towers. From here, they can enjoy panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. The observation deck also offers interactive displays and exhibits that provide information about the history of Petronas Twin Towers.\n\n\n\n\nFinally, be sure to visit the Cameron Highlands in Pahang. This popular hill station is located in the central region of the Malaysian peninsula and is known for its cool weather, tea plantations, and strawberry farms. The Cameron Highlands covers an area of over 712 square kilometers and is easily accessible by car or bus from Kuala Lumpur.\n\n\nOne of the main attractions of the Cameron Highlands is its cool and pleasant weather. The highlands are located at an altitude of over 1,500 meters and have a cooler climate than the rest of Malaysia. The temperature in the Cameron Highlands is typically between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, making it a great place to escape the heat and humidity of the lowlands.\n\n\nThe Cameron Highlands is also known for its tea plantations. The highlands are home to several tea plantations, including the Boh Tea Plantation, which is one of the largest tea plantations in Malaysia. Visitors to the plantations can take a tour to learn about the history and production of tea and taste a variety of teas.\n\n\nIn addition to tea, the Cameron Highlands is also known for its strawberry farms. The highlands have a cooler climate and fertile soil, making it a perfect place for growing strawberries. Visitors to the strawberry farms can pick their own strawberries and taste the delicious fruits.\n\n\nOverall, the Cameron Highlands is a great place to relax and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Its cool weather, tea plantations, and strawberry farms make it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.\n\n\nWith so many educational and exciting attractions, Malaysia is the perfect destination for your next family holiday. Plan your trip today and experience all that this amazing country has to offer!\n\n\nThe National Museum of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur\n\n\nThe National Planetarium in Kuala Lumpur\n\n\nThe Penang National Park in Penang\n\n\nThe Sarawak Cultural Village in Kuching\n\n\nThe Taman Negara National Park in Pahang\n\n\nThe Kinabatangan River in Sabah\n\n\nThe Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur\n\n\nThe Cameron Highlands in Pahang\n\n\nThese are just a few examples of the many educational and exciting attractions that Malaysia has to offer. Plan your trip today and experience the beauty, culture, and history of this amazing country!\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/ujian-akhir-sesi-akademik-uasa-peperiksaan-baharu-untuk-menjamin-prestasi-pelajar/", "title": "UASA KPM : Format, Tarikh Pelaksanaan dan Contoh Soalan", "body": "\n\nSeperti yang dimaklumkan, Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3) telah dimansuhkan pada pertengahan tahun ini.\u00a0Mulai Januari 2023, Kementerian Pendidikan akan melaksanakan format baharu peperiksaan utama bagi murid Tahun 4 hingga 6 di sekolah rendah dan Tingkatan 1 hingga 3 di sekolah menengah yang dikenali sebagai Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik (UASA).\u00a0\n\n\nPelajar kini akan dinilai mengikut kemahiran kognitif dan intelektual serta penguasaan pelajar pada setiap mata pelajaran. UASA juga akan dilaksanakan secara bertulisan untuk semua subjek. \n\n\nSekolah Rendah\n \u2013 \nTahap 2\n\n\nKPM akan menyediakan 5 subjek untuk Tahun 4, Tahun 5 dan Tahun 6 Sekolah Rendah\n \niaitu: \n\n\n\n\nBahasa Melayu\n\n\nBahasa Inggeris\n\n\nMatematik\n\n\nSains\n\n\nSejarah. \n\n\n\n\nSekolah Menengah\n \u2013 \nTahap 1\n\n\nUASA bagi Tingkatan 1, Tingkatan 2 dan Tingkatan 3 Sekolah Menengah akan mengandungi 20 subjek:\n\n\n\n\nBahasa Melayu\n\n\nBahasa Inggeris\n\n\nMatematik\n\n\nPendidikan Islam/Moral\n\n\nSejarah\n\n\nSains\n\n\nGeografi\n\n\nAsas Sains Komputer\n\n\nReka Bentuk dan Teknologi\n\n\nBahasa Arab\n\n\nMaharat al-Quran\n\n\nAl-Lughah/al-\u2018Arabiah, al-Mu\u2019asirah\n\n\nAl-Syariah\n\n\nUsul Al-Din\n\n\nBahasa Cina\n\n\nBahasa Tamil\n\n\nBahasa Punjabi\n\n\nBahasa Kadazandusun\n\n\nBahasa Iban\n\n\nBahasa Semai\n\n\n\n\nSubjek seperti Seni Muzik dan Seni Tari adalah tertakluk kepada yang disediakan oleh sekolah. Tempoh peperiksaan ini akan ditentukan oleh KPM tetapi pihak sekolah dibenarkan untuk menetap jadual ujian sendiri. Peperiksaan ini juga akan melibatkan komponen seperti pentaksiran bilik darjah (PBD), pentaksiran aktiviti jasmani, sukan dan kokurikulum (PAJSK) dan pentaksiran psikometrik (PPsi).\n\n\nFormat UASA \n\n\nSubject\nFormat\nSains (Year 4,5,6)\nTiga Bahagian \nBahagian A: 10 Soalan \n(10 markah)\n, item objektif aneka pilihan \nBahagian B: 2 Soalan \n(8 markah)\n, item objektif pelbagai bentuk \nBahagian C: 4 Soalan \n(32 markah)\n, item struktur\nSains (Form 1,2,3)\nTiga Bahagian \nBahagian A: 20 soalan \n(20 markah),\n item objektif aneka pilihan \nBahagian B: 5 Soalan \n(20 markah), \nitem objektif pelbagai bentuk \nBahagian C: 6 Soalan \n(60 markah),\n item struktur\nGeografi (Form 1,2,3)\nTiga bahagian \nBahagian A (20 soalan MCQ)-Jawab semua \nBahagian B (3 soalan subjektif)-Jawab semua, soalan aras rendah \nBahagian C (4 soalan subjektif)- jawab 2 soalan sahaja, soalan aras tinggi\nMatematik (Year 4,5,6)\nDua bahagian (1 jam 15 minit) \nBahagian A: 13 soalan (26 markah), item respon terhad \nBahagian B: 2 soalan (24 markah), item struktur\nMatematik (Form 1,2,3)\nTiga Bahagian (2 jam) \nBahagian A: 20 soalan (20 markah), item objektif aneka pilihan \nBahagian B: 5 Soalan (20 markah), item objektif pelbagai bentuk \nBahagian C: 6 Soalan (60 markah), item subjektif (respons terhad & berstruktur)\nAsas Sains Komputer (Form 1,2,3)\nTiga Bahagian (1 jam 30 minit) \nBahagian A: 10 soalan (10 markah), item objektif aneka pilihan \nBahagian B: 10 Soalan (40 markah), item objektif pelbagai bentuk \nBahagian C: 2 Soalan (20 markah), item subjektif\nSejarah (Year 4,5,6)\nTiga Bahagian (1 jam 15 minit) \nBahagian A: 20 soalan (20 markah), item Objektif Aneka Pilihan \nBahagian B: 4 soalan (20 markah), item Objektif Pelbagai Bentuk \nBahagian C: 2 soalan (10 markah), item Subjektif Respons Terhad\nSejarah (Form 1,2,3)\nTiga Bahagian (2 jam) \nBahagian A: 20 soalan (20 markah), item Objektif Aneka Pilihan \nBahagian B: 4 soalan (40 markah), item Subjektif Respons Terhad \nBahagian C: 2 soalan (20 markah), item Subjektif Respons Terbuka\nBahasa Melayu (Year 4,5,6)\nTiga Bahagian (1 jam 15 minit)(50 markah) \nBahagian A: 10 markah. Item Objektif Aneka Pilihan \u2013 Tatabahasa (3-5 soalan) \u2013 Pemahaman Petikan (5-7 soalan)(Teks Tunggal dan Pelbagai) \nBahagian B: 10 markah. Item Objektif Pelbagai Bentuk dan Subjektif Respons Terhad \u2013 Pemahaman Petikan dan Tatabahasa (Bersepadu) (3-5 soalan) \u2013 Respons Kritis dan Kreatif (1 soalan) \nBahagian C: 10 markah. Item Subjektif Respons Terbuka \u2013 Penulisan Perenggan (1 soalan) \nBahagian D: 20 markah. Item Subjektif Respons Terbuka -Penulisan Karangan (1 soalan)\nBahasa Melayu (Form 1,2,3)\nKertas 1 Ujian Bertulis \u2013 Pemahaman (1 jam 30 minit) \nBahagian A: (15 markah). Item Objektif Aneka Pilihan \u2013 10 soalan morfologi, frasa, sintaksis, peribahasa \u2013 5 soalan pemahaman petikan \nBahagian B: (30 markah). Item Objektif Pelbagai bentuk \u2013 4 soalan pemahaman petikan \u2013 1 soalan novel KOMSAS \nBahagian C: (15 markah). Item Subjektif Respons Terhad \u2013 1 soalan pemindahan maklumat \nKertas 2 Ujian Bertulis \u2013 Penulisan (1 jam) \nBahagian A: (10 markah). Item Subjektif Respons Terhad \u2013 1 soalan karangan \nBahagian B: (30markah). Item Subjektif Respons Terbuka \u2013 3 soalan karangan (Pilih 1)\nRBT (Form 1,2,3)\nTiga Bahagian (1 jam 30 minit) \nBahagian A: 10 soalan (10 markah), item objektif aneka pilihan \nBahagian B: 10 Soalan (40 markah), item objektif pelbagai bentuk \nBahagian C: 2 Soalan (20 markah), item subjektif\nEnglish (Year 4,5,6)\nTwo Components (50 total marks) \u2013 Aligned with CEFR \u2013 1 hour 15 minutes (7 parts) (27 questions) \nPart 1 to Part 5 (Total 25 marks \u2013 1 mark each question) \nPart 6 (10 marks) \nPart 7 (15 marks) \nComponent 1: The reading and use of English (4 parts) (20 questions)\n \nPart 1: Short texts with 5 questions and 3 MCQ answer options for each question. \nPart 2: Cloze passage (longer texts) with 4 questions and 3 MCQ answer options for each question. \nPart 3: Reading comprehension (linear or non-linear texts) with 5 questions and 3 MCQ answer options for each question. \nPart 4: Multiple short texts with 6 questions (matching information based questions). \nComponent 2: Writing (5 questions and 2 essays) \nPart 5: Theme based spelling questions (5 questions). \nPart 6: Short essay 30-50 words response to an email or message. \nPart 7: Long essay 60-80 words email.\nEnglish (Form 1,2,3)\nTwo Papers \u2013 Aligned with CEFR \n\u2013 Paper 1: 40 marks \n\u2013 Paper 2: 60 marks \nPaper 1: Reading and use of English 12/1\n \n(5 parts) (40 questions) (1 hour 30 minutes) (A2-B1 levels of CEFR) (Answer on answer sheet)\n \nPart 1: Short texts with 8 questions and 3 MCQ answer options for each question. \nPart 2: Error correction in extended text (8 questions). \nPart 3: Information transfer from extended text (8 questions). \u2013 The answer must not be more than 5 words. \nPart 4: \nDifferent between Form 1 and Form 2 + Form 3\n \nForm 1\n: Short answer and True and False based on extended text (8 questions). \nForm 2\n and \nForm 3\n: Short answer based on extended text (10 questions). \nPart 5: \nDifferent between Form 1 and Form 2 + Form 3\n \nForm 1\n: Cloze passage \u2013 2 extended text (8 questions). \nForm 2 \nand \nForm 3\n: Cloze passage \u2013 1 extended text (6 questions). \nPaper 2: Writing 12/2 (2 parts) (2 questions) (1 hour) (A2-B1 levels of CEFR) (Answer in the question paper)\n \nPart 1: Essay 80 words response to an email or message. \nPart 2: Essay based on a mind map \nForm 1\n: 70 \u2013 90 words response (3 focus points that are derived from the mind map) \nForm 2\n: 80 \u2013 100 words response (4 focus points that are derived from the mind map) \nForm 3\n: 100 \u2013 120 words response (5 focus points that are derived from the mind map)\n\n\nPenilaian UASA\n\n\nDari segi penilaian pula, UASA tidak akan menggunakan format gred atau markah, sebaliknya pelajar akan diukur melalui sistem baharu yang dikenali sebagai Tahap Penguasan (TP). Sistem ini diukur dari TP1 hingga TP6 mengikuti deskriptif tahap tersebut:\n\n\n\n\nTP 1: \nTahu\nPelajar boleh melaksanakan tugas asas, memiliki pengetahuan asas, atau bertindak balas terhadap situasi mudah.\n\n\nTP 2: \nTahu dan Faham\nPelajar menunjukkan pemahaman dengan menyesuaikan gaya komunikasi mereka atau dengan menterjemah dan menghuraikan apa yang telah mereka pelajari.\n\n\nTP 3: \nTahu, Faham dan Boleh Buat\nPelajar menunjukkan pemahaman dengan menyesuaikan gaya komunikasi mereka atau dengan menterjemah, menghuraikan dan mengaplikasikan apa yang telah mereka pelajari.\n\n\nTP 4: \nTahu, Faham dan Boleh Buat dengan Beradab\nPelajar mempraktikkan sesuatu kemahiran dengan melalui proses atau secara berkaedah.\n\n\nTP 5: \nTahu, Faham dan Boleh Buat dengan Beradab Terpuji\nPelajar menunjukkan bakat dalam suasana novel dengan mematuhi protokol atau bertindak secara teratur, konsisten dan positif.\n\n\nTP 6: \nTahu, Faham dan Boleh Buat dengan Beradab Mithali\nPelajar mampu bersikap optimistik, kreatif, dan berimaginasi, dan mereka boleh menunjukkan contoh dengan menggunakan pengetahuan dan kebolehan mereka secara sistematik untuk situasi baharu.\n\n\n\n\nPada minggu kedua Januari 2023, pihak sekolah akan memuat turun dan mencetak soalan mengikut subjek yang ditawarkan. Manual pentadbiran dan pemarkahan UASA kemudiannya akan dipraktikan sebagai persediaan ujian tersebut. Peperiksaan ini akan dijalankan pada minggu 3 Januari hingga pertengahan Februari 2023.\n\n\nPelajar boleh bersiap sedia untuk menjawab peperiksaan UASA ini dengan mengulang kaji menggunakan aplikasi pandai. Terdapat set soalan sample UASA untuk pelajar tahun 4,5 dan 6 serta pelajar tingkatan 1,2 dan 3. Aplikasi Pandai juga menyediakan fungsi nota ringkas, quiz battle, buku teks dan latihan mengikut subjek dan silibus yang diperkenalkan di sekolah. Terdapat juga fungsi Live Tuition dimana kelas bersama Team Tutor Pandai yang membantu pelajar mengupas topik dan subjek yang susah secara dalam talian. Lihat cara-cara untuk mengakses set soalan latihan UASA:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLog masuk atau daftar di\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0di web\n\n\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0atau\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa ikuti Pandai di media sosial juga!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/up-close-personal-with-pandai-orgs-co-founders/", "title": "\u2018UP CLOSE & PERSONAL\u2019 WITH PANDAI CO-FOUNDERS!", "body": "\n\nIt has been over two years now since the Pandai app\u2019s inception in 2020, and close to 500,000 Malaysian students impacted thus far by our learning app. In line with the Pandai app\u2019s third anniversary recently, we interviewed our co-founders \u2013 Khairul Anwar, Chief Executive Officer; Suhaimi Ramly, Chief Operations Officer and Akmal Akhpah, Chief Technology Officer \u2013 to understand their journey in coming together to help students get better grades in school. Read on to find out more about it!\n\n\n\n\nThe three of you co-founded Pandai.org in January 2020. Briefly, tell us a bit about yourself.\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\nHi everyone! I\u2019m Khairul Anwar, and I\u2019m the Chief Executive Officer of Pandai.org. As the lead and face of Pandai.org, I keep my team aligned with our mission to transform the learning space with technology. To realise our mission, I hire the right talent in line with our sense of purpose to help students get better grades in school. I\u2019m excited to share that our team now comprised forward-looking individuals who are strong believers in our vision to equip today\u2019s young minds for tomorrow.\n\n\nOn top of these, I oversee our external stakeholders\u2019 collaboration and investment with us. I graduated with a bachelor\u2019s degree in Engineering & Economics from Purdue University in 2005 and landed my first job as an engineer with Motorola as a \u2018Research & Development Engineer\u2019.\n\n\n\n\nAs I\u2019ve always been involved in many business ventures since my university years, I then completed my MBA in Marketing in 2011. I am a Sagittarius and I consider myself a tech geek. My interests include building businesses and getting to know people. Whenever I\u2019m not busy, I enjoy playing futsal with my friends and spending quality time with my family.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nI\u2019m Suhaimi, and I\u2019m Pandai.org\u2019s, Chief Operations Officer. Before anything else, I must admit that I\u2019m a proud nerd. I spent my schooling years learning about advanced Maths. My love for Maths led me to complete my bachelor\u2019s degree in it from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (or in short, MIT) in 2005. Surprisingly, I love writing and I minored in one at MIT.\n\n\nI also started blogging since then. My four years at MIT were an eye-opener for me as I was surrounded by many geniuses from across the world. As an avid reader, my reading interests can be just about anything that I came across. For example, I recalled buying a book about pottery in Japan and becoming immersed in it. I enjoy collecting books so much that I even had my library at home together with wheeled ladders to fetch them. Khairul would always joke that my home library is akin to Hogwart\u2019s library from the Harry Potter movies.\n\n\nAt Pandai.org, I\u2019m responsible to oversee the learning journey of our users and designing personalised education content to help children realise their full potential. Coming from a working-class family that prioritises education, I am humbled to work with Pandai.org to give back to the community and our nation.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nNow that you\u2019ve heard from Khairul and Suhaimi. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I\u2019m Akmal and I serve as the Chief Technology Officer for Pandai.org. My love for tech started when my parents bought me a computer when I was eleven, which led to my early exposure to coding.\n\n\nLike Khairul and Suhaimi, I\u2019m also a tech geek and a proud nerd. However, I\u2019m not your normal nerd. I love arts first, and my second love is coding or IT. I graduated with a bachelor\u2019s degree in computer science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York in 2005, before completing my master\u2019s in software engineering at University Teknologi Mara in 2011. Since 2007, I\u2019ve co-founded several tech companies to improve government and public sector services and provide high-quality education to children. I am an OKR enthusiast and an entrepreneur by heart.\n\n\n\n\nI am passionate about solving real-life problems with tech and enabling students to thrive academically with it. As a seasoned programmer, I oversee Pandai.org\u2019s UI/UX design since our platform is relatively cloud-based. I also work closely with our digital and creative team. All in all, the three of us are childhood friends and had known each other for more than 20 years. Our varied backgrounds complement each other well in our respective areas.\n\n\nAll of you were batchmates in MRSM Jasin. How did your early MRSM days inspire all of you to come together for Pandai.org?\n\n\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\nWe were fortunate that our paths crossed in 1998 during our secondary schooling years at MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba in Jasin, Malacca, one of the top schools in Malaysia today. With its huge school compound, students were segregated by 16 classes per batch, studied different subjects and stayed in segregated dorms. MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba\u2019s motto has always been \u2018we strive for infinite excellence\u2019, and it has developed our outlook to pursue everything we do with great excellence.\n\n\nAfter our high school days, we parted ways and pursued our dreams overseas and later became busy climbing the corporate ladder. I think it was fated that one of our batchmates organised a reunion at an Indian restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, and the three of us were eventually reunited.\n\n\nWe were amazed to know that each one of us had side gigs in the field of education. It felt like the stars were all aligned for us from there on. After numerous meetings and toying with the idea to go all out in our side gigs, we did something that would be considered insane back then (and till now).\n\n\nIf you\u2019re wondering if we eventually resigned from our stable-paying jobs, then you got it right! It was rather a risky move, and I would not recommend others to follow in our footsteps in pursuing their startup ideas. Despite our risky move, we\u2019re glad that we boldly took it and we\u2019ve gone a long way since our early MRSM days. If you\u2019re eager to find out how our MRSM days led to the catalyst that inspired us to venture into businesses related to education, my co-founder Suhaimi will tell you more about it.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nJust to add to what Khairul shared earlier, I was blessed to be the beneficiary of a good school throughout my secondary years 24 years ago. MRSM\u2019s education system was indeed top-notch, and our teachers were cr\u00e8me de la cr\u00e8me who are experts in their fields.\n\n\nWhen I became a father, I realised that proper education is the only way children can change their life for the better and break the vicious poverty cycle \u2013 if they are inevitably shackled in one. I\u2019m blessed that MRSM had opened many doors for me in life. At 16, I represented Malaysia in the Mathematics championship and many other competitions thanks to MRSM\u2019s great support system.\n\n\nOn top of these, MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba\u2019s library was my go-to place and I think I spent most of my time there. I guess I was showing so much eagerness in academics and extra co-curricular activities back then, I was elected as the Head, Boy there to represent my entire batch. I must admit that my strong inclination and performance in academics since young is proof that students can thrive if placed in an ideal learning environment that exponentially nurtures their growth.\n\n\nSimply said, MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba was a great example of one, and since my teenage years, I\u2019ve always wondered how much other students can benefit from a great education ecosystem \u2013 just as I did there. We strongly believe that our MRSM days were life-changing, and we want to emulate the same effect to inspire our youths to love learning and excel in their studies with the Pandai app.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nI must agree with what Suhaimi said about MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba being an ideal learning environment for us regardless of the different streams we pursued back then. The teachers there demonstrated great compassion and character \u2013 which was the reason why most of us excelled not only in academics but also character-building since young.\n\n\nWe also learnt about the importance of upholding great values in life since we were very young, and why we must apply strong critical skills in our growth journey. Best of all, MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba had all the right support systems and materials for us to pursue knowledge in our area of interest. Most of the teachers there studied abroad and had extensive teaching experience in their repertoire. It would be impossible for you to go to class and not feel inspired by them.\n\n\nI mean, more than just teaching us how to excel in our studies, they also helped us understand why the knowledge was essential for us, and how we can apply it effectively. Recalling all the fond secondary schooling memories at MRSM, we\u2019re indeed thankful that our paths crossed there over two decades ago \u2013 and we were able to fully harness its optimal learning ecosystem.\n\n\nHow did your experience with Ardent Edu as your previous edutech lead to the foundation of Pandai.org?\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\n\n\nWhen we left our jobs, we wasted no time registering Arden Corporation which includes four subsidiaries \u2013 Arden Technology Sdn Bhd, Arden Consultation Sdn Bhd & Arden Marketing Solution Sdn Bhd. Okay, this part, I must admit, is a bit crazy. We skipped the process of registering our company as an enterprise \u2013 which is a sensible entrepreneurship step. Metaphorically speaking, it was like skipping the pool and jumping right into the ocean upon learning how to swim.\n\n\nWe had no substantive offerings (be it products or services) at that time. With Arden Education & Consultancy, we sold gamified learning programmes related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (or in short, STEM). Till today, Arden Edu is still up and running and we continue to manage it well as part of our ventures, on top of what we do here at Pandai.org.\n\n\nCompared to our Pandai app, Arden Edu is non-tech and focuses on fundamental teaching methods. Also, it has always been customised to the rather elite student segments since its early years. Despite Arden Edu\u2019s business performing well back then, we felt the need to make our learning offerings inclusive to all student segments \u2013 despite them being elite students or not. Doing so was key for us to help change our students\u2019 lives for the better, regardless of whether they are rich or poor.\n\n\nThis is how our Pandai app became Arden Edu\u2019s extension and aimed to make education fun, personalised and best suited for all student types \u2013 rather than it being a one-fit-all learning solution.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nSince Ardent Edu\u2019s inception in 2007, I continue to serve (till now) as its Managing Director. I recalled back then we went on various tours and roadshows at schools nationwide and organised national competitions in STEM. It was exhausting but we found joy in doing so as it enabled us to better understand how students react to our learning modules and it helps to enhance our legitimacy as a trusted name in education startups.\n\n\nBack then, I have always focused on education content creation, and trained others to run competitions to foster a healthy competition mindset among students. It was just the three of us running Arden Edu from the ground up, every day, and we only hired our first staff, Izzati three years later. Till today, Izzati is still with Arden Edu and she is currently a part of our team.\n\n\nAfter 10 years of driving Arden Edu\u2019s growth, we finally a great synergy in what we call the \u2018X-Factor\u2019 of education mixed with the \u2018Y-Factor\u2019 of tech. In a nutshell, Pandai.org is not an accidental idea. It is a logical culmination of our work at ArdentEdu for the past 15 years, as well as my work in the mathematical education community.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nI have a slightly similar story with other partners. I led Arden Technologies and I recalled providing website-building services for just 500 ringgits! We went door-to-door to get buy-ins by printing pamphlets to promote our website-building offerings. Some of this humbled episode of our journey includes building tech for diverse folks \u2013 from small to big-scale businesses across government agencies, and various corporations.\n\n\n\n\nSimply said, we went where the money goes to grow our business \u2013 just like any other start-up out there. Also, in that very first year upon founding Arden Edu, we achieved a breakthrough success! We were approached by a state government to conduct a state-wide STEM development programme, focusing on top schools and top state students. We quickly assembled a team and closed a deal worth half a million ringgit with the state government.\n\n\nThis was a large sum of money for us back then. We were three 25 years old chaps who have just founded a new company, with a tiny office (more like a broom closet), with little-to-no savings at all. To close a deal this size in our first year was something we would consider divine intervention. Whenever we recalled how much we\u2019d grown with Arden, we stopped second-guessing our decisions to resign from our corporate jobs to pursue our true calling to become education entrepreneurs.\n\n\nWhat are some existing pain points that the Pandai app is trying to solve for its target audience and help improve the country\u2019s education system?\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\nAlthough I feel that our education system is moving in the right direction, we still have a lot more work to do \u2013 especially in empowering teachers as its key players. We need to invest more in teachers\u2019 upskilling and reskilling to fit today\u2019s increasingly digitalised world and to accelerate their readiness in unpacking the curriculum for their students. I believe our teachers can do this at a large scale, but there needs to be strong emphasis or an ambitious programme that innovates the way teachers teach. Training teachers traditionally won\u2019t cut it anymore.\n\n\nAfter all, our teachers are the backbone of society. They are role models to our children, offer guidance and dedication and unlock our youth\u2019s potential with education. Because of great teachers in the past too, our countries were able to further develop socially and economically and develop great life-changing leaders! Therefore, we want to help improve the status quo for our teachers with our Pandai app.\n\n\nSimply said, we want them to teach easier and enjoy better engagements with their students. For example, with our app\u2019s question bank, exam generator and class dashboard features for teachers, teachers too can benefit from increasing their students\u2019 attention, curiosity, and optimism by engaging students the \u2018Pandai\u2019 way. If you\u2019re keen to find out more about how our teachers have benefitted from our app, head over to our website, and check out reviews from hundreds of our teachers\u2019 user experiences.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nWhile Khairul shared on teachers as our education system\u2019s key players, I\u2019d like to touch on how students learn and our efforts to improve the status quo for them too. Imagine this, when students received their school report cards back then, the report would have little-to-no clear indications of how they can improve. Also, in the conventional education system, teachers are usually overwhelmed in teaching a large class which restricts them from giving personalised learning interventions.\n\n\nCoupled with the reality that students nowadays are digitally immersed, we can understand why they may easily get disengaged while studying. After all, they are growing up in a digital world filled with distractions or noises. Let\u2019s face it, it is not uncommon for kids nowadays to have tons of screen time. In this regard, we need to find the right balance between capturing their interest to learn and making the process fun, easy and enjoyable.\n\n\nWith our app, we work hard to change our students\u2019 learning journey for the better through our three pillars of \u2018learn\u2019, \u2018practice\u2019 and \u2018progress\u2019. To ensure our students have fun and \u2018learn\u2019, we have features such as live tuitions, live help, flashcards, videos, quick notes and interactive experiments.\n\n\nMeanwhile, to ensure that our students \u2018practise\u2019 well, we introduced features such as quizzes & games, topical tests, term exams, automatic answers, step-by-step solutions, and detailed answers. Lastly, we want them to be gung-ho about their \u2018progress\u2019 through our features such as score card, report card, detailed analysis, leader board, badges and daily goals.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nPersonally, this topic feels close to home for me. I\u2019m a father with two kids myself. Most parents out there are eager to be involved with their children\u2019s learning process, and I\u2019m one of them. It\u2019s honestly tough to connect with our kids when what we learnt back then is so much different than what they learn today. At certain times, it can be overwhelming.\n\n\nAlso, just like what Suhaimi said, they are growing up in a vastly different world now. We have also seen first-hand how the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent school closures led to parents assuming full-time roles of educating their children and supporting them to learn virtually. With all these problem statements in mind, we conceptualised Pandai to give the best education solution to our kids so that parents, like us, can also be part of the process and become a strong support system.\n\n\nThis is why parents are our third key player that we continue to emphasise as part of our overall student learning journey from our app. Our mantra for parents is that \u201csupporting your child to succeed in school should not be overwhelming when you do it the \u2018Pandai\u2019 way\u201d.\n\n\nTo ensure that parents are well-equipped in this space, we introduced features that enabled them to have access to their children\u2019s dashboards and get regular notifications on their children\u2019s progress. Best of all, with our \u2018multiple children\u2019 feature, parents can have visibility of multiple children\u2019s accounts, and experience personalised reporting of how each child is progressing with our app.\n\n\nIn a nutshell, how can the country\u2019s education ecosystem benefit from the Pandai app?\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\nLet\u2019s start first by covering briefly our app\u2019s quality learning content that aligns with our country\u2019s national curriculum from the Ministry of Education. We create the module by topics and sub-topics and we even include an additional section on comprehension level for our learning module. On top of these, our app has Artificial Intelligence-generated learning, with detailed explanations to assist struggling students to understand specific questions of interest.\n\n\nOn another note, our personalised learning is more than just a buzzword. It means that we ensure our student\u2019s learning journey is based on individual capabilities and progress. As we were students once, we reflected on our experience while studying, especially how all of us responded differently to education. When we design our students\u2019 learning journey or roadmap, we know by heart that personalisation is the game-changing element for our students to excel and thrive.\n\n\nSome examples of our personalised learning features for our student users include \u2018live tuition\u2019 where they can learn real-time from experienced tutors and \u2018live help\u2019 where they can chat with our tutors to help them with homework. To ensure quality content and personalised learning, our many content team members work around the clock to deliver to ensure that our users enjoy the most value for every ringgit spent on our app.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nI know I\u2019ve mentioned it just now, but I\u2019d like to add more to the significance of our detailed report card feature. Before that, let\u2019s reflect on why the report card is an important learning tool and must be used rightly. A report card is usually the parameter of how one performs, based on prescribed grade levels.\n\n\nWith our detailed report card feature, we ensure that our reports are not just simple scorings of how our users perform. In contrast, we go above and beyond to identify areas of improvement for our students. This includes a detailed analysis of our student\u2019s strengths and weaknesses for their selected topics.\n\n\nJust like how children felt emotionally connected to their video game characters upon seeing reports of how their characters progress, we want them to have the same emotional connection with their real-life learning experience in our app.\n\n\nOn another note, our topical test ensures that our student users\u2019 knowledge is tested on specific topics till they gradually achieve mastery. Meanwhile, our topical exams prepare them for the real exam with time-based summative assessments.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nAs Khairul and Suhaimi have both shared a lot about our app\u2019s value propositions, I\u2019ll briefly touch on our gamified quiz. Our gamified quiz encourages our students to practise by answering quizzes and challenging themselves to beat their scores. This is a feature that makes our app stands out and attractive to our student users and it is essential!\n\n\nAfter all, gamification in learning is a positive addiction that promotes knowledge retention. For example, when our brain wants to reward us, it releases dopamine into our bodies, so when we win a game or achieve something important to us, we feel good. This is the \u2018feel-good feeling\u2019 we want to create for our students when learning with our app. We want it to be a rewarding experience for them! Oh, speaking about rewards, here\u2019s a fun fact for you!\n\n\nOur in-app \u201cgamified\u201d learning also includes features such as avatars, leaderboards, and coins which are redeemable with real-life video game vouchers such as Roblox! On top of these, we also cater to our students who want to prepare for competitions. With our in-app\u2019s tutors that are experts in their fields, we continue to increase our students\u2019 readiness for their competitions and enrich their overall learning experience.\n\n\nJust like how Suhaimi excelled and proudly represented our country during his MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba days, we want to create the same effect by providing a great support system for competitions in our app.\n\n\nWhen the Pandai app was created in January 2020, it only has less than 500 registered students. Less than two years later (now), you have 400,000+ registered students. What led to the Pandai app\u2019s rapid growth?\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0Khairul:\n\n\nTo be frank, we\u2019re blessed that our Pandai app was started on the right footing \u2013 right before the pandemic hits. If you could recall during the pandemic, thousands of students were forced to stay at home, and this was an unprecedented disruption for our schools. Coupled with the varying government movement restrictions imposed and the closure of schools, I think our key players (our students, teachers and parents) naturally gravitated towards an online learning platform like ours. Also, in the thick of the pandemic, schools encourage virtual learning from home or what we would call PDPR in Malaysia.\n\n\nWe realised then that our key players need an alternative platform that is practical to increase knowledge based on the national curriculum yet interactive to ensure learning continuity. The pandemic has brought with it a strong need for accelerating digital readiness among organisations and our schools. Learning and digital integration are no longer optional, it is a must. This is how our app stood up and became the online learning solution that everyone needs to thrive.\n\n\nYes, our Pandai app has helped close to 500,000 Malaysian students to-date practise and complete over 1 million questions since January 2020. However, we won\u2019t rest on our laurels just yet. We will remain steadfast to continue being the positive disruptor in education for our communities, promoting innovative reform in how digitalised learning becomes the new normal for all of us.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nJust to add to what Khairul said on how we started on the right footing during the pandemic, we designed our app\u2019s offering back then to best suit students from all backgrounds. To get the buy-in of the online learning market, we offered the app for free to users in our first year. This led to a few hundred users signing up for it and there\u2019s no trial period for this free version. Usually, if you go to the app store, you\u2019ll see that users will enjoy a free version for up to a month or sometimes, an even shorter period of 14 days.\n\n\nHowever, we don\u2019t want to just profit blindly from our users, and get all of them to pay up, especially in 2020 when everyone was just learning how to cope with the pandemic. We wanted them to understand that we are here because we genuinely care about their user experience and learning takeaways when using our app. It was the right thing to do for us. Only after our first year, we offered more extensive content to suit students\u2019 personalised learning needs \u2013 with our premium lite version at RM30 monthly and our premium version at RM96 monthly.\n\n\nDespite transitioning into a paid-for version of our app, we still retain our basic version of the app for free to help underserved students and give back to our communities. In our free basic version of the app, we still have all high-quality education features, ten levels of quizzes and a report card summary of how students perform.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nOur Pandai app became a big hit with our users because our learning content is well aligned with our national education curriculum. We worked very closely with the State Education Department and the Ministry of Education to ensure that our tools are relevant and aligned for our users\u2019 benefits. On top of these, our users are also aligned and bought-in into our social impact philosophy that education is for all.\n\n\nWe believe in democratising learning to ensure that every Malaysian child gets access to quality education. We are committed to empowering children in the most remote area and underserved communities through our tech-driven learning programmes. We live in exciting times where digital enablers give us the chance to make education inclusive, regardless of a children\u2019s geography, cultural frameworks or readiness to infrastructures like schools and transport.\n\n\nEducation will drive social improvement, especially among the young \u2013 which is why we work hard to deliver learning opportunities to children regardless of where there are. Just to share with you how rural schools and their students are benefitting from our app, we had a rural school coming on top in our school leaderboard last year. This was indeed a great revelation for us, and we know that we are gradually moving in the right steps to make education empowering with its life-changing benefits for all our users.\n\n\nWhat are some challenges that Pandai hopes to overcome to ensure more Malaysian teachers and students can benefit from it?\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\nThere are various key challenges for us in Pandai in terms of marketing our digital learning solutions to the masses. Firstly, is the issue of device unavailability and low internet coverage that affects our students from getting the most out of our app.\n\n\nThis is a fundamental issue that affects most students\u2019 acceptance and transition into online-based learning even today, especially those staying in rural areas. We remembered when schools or learning institutions were coping with the pandemic while ensuring learning continuity, there were some cases where students were left out or even had to go to extreme measures of climbing trees for a stable network to undergo examinations.\n\n\nAs we strive to make our app beneficial for all types of students with our digitalised learning solutions, we went above and beyond to ensure that students with a lack of internet access can still learn. With these in mind, we came out with an offline version of the app for our users to download its many learning features from wherever they can and use them to continue learning at home \u2013 if they don\u2019t have access to the Internet.\n\n\nOn top of these, we are also actively collaborating with foundations or corporations that are willing to sponsor or subsidise tablets to our users, especially to the types of students who need them the most.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nWith our Pandai app, we want to be the positive disruptor that enables the education system to use gamification as a prominent part of learning. There are so many benefits of gamification that our communities, especially the masses, are not aware of. It is an innovative concept that is used widely in higher learning institutions, and some organisations that I know too are looking to gamify their employee upskilling experience.\n\n\nLearning through gamification allows learners to see the real-world applications and benefits of the subject matter. They are also able to get a first-hand look at how their choices within the game result in consequences or rewards.\n\n\nRegardless of your audience or subject matter, learning through gamification can help you to create exciting, educational, and entertaining content. It\u2019s not meant to turn learning into a game per se, but it does contribute immensely to the users\u2019 psychology that drives engagement and fulfilment.\n\n\nWith this in mind, we made significant improvements to personalisation in our gamification section. This is to identify the students\u2019 capability in pinpointing the challenges and motivate them through heightened excitement while learning! Hopefully, with us pushing hard with gamified learning experience with our app, it will inspire more players in the digital space learning ecosystem and our education system will also benefit from it.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nJust to probe further on to what Khairul said earlier about enhancing device readiness for our users to use Pandai to its full potential, our tech team work hard to ensure that our app can work across different platforms, be it desktop, and across android as well as apple mobile devices.\n\n\nNot only that, but during our user acceptance testing process, we realise that some of our users might have low Internet bandwidth. They might not have home WiFi and rely on their postpaid data to access our app \u2013 or they could be in a location with a lack of internet coverage. Also, we understand that sometimes our users might come from underserved families that do not own many devices, as there are cases where students had to use only one phone to use our app.\n\n\nTo ensure seamlessness among our students\u2019 and parents\u2019 experience when using our app, we also enable interchangeability between both users\u2019 accounts on our app. That way, we don\u2019t leave anyone behind, and we fully harness our team\u2019s tech capabilities to deliver next-level learning solutions for all types of users. Best of all, our tech team are always gung-ho about our app\u2019s user interface and user experience, as we want to reduce clutter and make our students learning experience simplified and engaging.\n\n\nCan you share a bit about the major initiatives that Pandai is working on or any of its recent milestones?\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\nI\u2019m humbled and proud to share that our Pandai app has received many noteworthy recognitions as well as awards and achieved many milestones. Statistically, 92% of our users have observed academic performance after using our Pandai app for two months.\n\n\nAs a testament that our students love to use Pandai, we\u2019re pleased to share that we have 1 million questions completed by them monthly and they spent an average of 57 minutes on our app daily. Since the Pandai app\u2019s inception in January 2020, it has had over 168 million learning activities completed to date. Meanwhile, on the recognition and awards fronts, I\u2019m pleased to share that we have received many local and international awards.\n\n\nOne of the most renowned recognitions for us includes our acceptance into Y Combinator, which is an American technology start-up accelerator launched in March 2005. Y Combinator has been used to launch more than 3,000 companies, including Airbnb, Coinbase, Cruise, DoorDash, Dropbox, Instacart, Quora, PagerDuty, Reddit, Stripe and Twitch. We were the second Malaysian start-up that was accepted to join them, apart from 16,000+ start-ups\u2019 globally which are backed by global investors.\n\n\nAll these are great results for us, but we do not wish to settle just yet. This is a great benchmark to have but we aim to get the numbers higher and have better benefit traction for our users when using our app moving forward. On top of these, we hope to raise the bar of excellence for our team further so that we can proudly represent Malaysia as a prominent life-changing edutech across the Region one day.\n\n\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nAs Khairul has shared mostly on our accolades, I would like to specifically cover the Pandai@School programme that we\u2019re embarking on. The said programme was financed through the National Technology & Innovation Sandbox (in short, NTIS), a commercialised grant by the Malaysian government as part of its short-term recovery plan announced in June 2020.\n\n\nThis grant was spearheaded by the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation with the Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation as its Secretariat. Back then, Pandai.org won this grant in collaboration with the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation. Okay now that you\u2019ve known more about the programme\u2019s backstory, let\u2019s deep dive more into how it works from the onset. For this programme, we had 200 primary school students in Keramat\u2019s State Education Office selected to join and receive six-month free access to our full premium features.\n\n\nThere are 40 students from each of the five schools represented since September 2022, and we also provide tablets and booklets to the students to help them with their digital learning experiences. These five schools include SK Dato Keramat 2, SK Padang Tembak, SK Convent Bukit Nenas 1, SK Wangsa Jaya and SK Taman Melati. In a nutshell, we want to validate the effectiveness of digital learning in a supportive and student-centred environment with our Pandai@school programme.\n\n\nWe also want to collect data on student performance and behaviour upon using our digital learning platforms and their many features. Lastly, we want to provide a working model for a comprehensive implementation of digital learning in schools, and these five schools\u2019 outcomes will be a good case study for everyone to learn from.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nI\u2019d like to share more about my reflection on how our Pandai app has impacted the lives or outlooks of our users. I recalled this heart-warming story when we went to Sekolah Padang Tembak where the students mostly have military parents.\n\n\nIt was a great moment for me because although we were supposed to organise a handover tablet ceremony for the students there, their parents also came along to show their support for this initiative. Some of them even went up to me and said that they requested leave and that they\u2019re glad that we went all the way there to enable their children to get tablets for them to get up-to-speed with digital learning.\n\n\nThere is also another fond story I recall when my mom, who was a teacher for many years, forwarded a text message from her friend whose son is a proud user of Pandai. In that text message, I read that my mom\u2019s son has managed to learn a lot with our Pandai app and it has helped him to perform better at school.\n\n\nFrom time to time, I like to go back to our website to see personalised reviews received from our students, teachers and parents. Their positive testimonies on how our app has helped foster great learning interest and result-driven changes are great reminders of why we need to continue to go above and beyond for them.\n\n\nBriefly, share with us a reflection on how your journey has been with Pandai and what\u2019s next for you.\n\n\n\n\nKhairul:\n\n\nAs much as the three of us have used the word \u2018life-changing\u2019 to describe our Pandai app\u2019s effect towards our users, we have also experienced the same effect too. From our MRSM to Arden Education days and now to our endeavours with Pandai.org, we are blessed that our long-lasting friendship has enabled us to create immense value to ensure our communities reap the benefits of proper education.\n\n\nWith this journey of ours, we find ourselves learning more every day and we\u2019re thankful to have like-minded individuals to work with us and believe in our sense of purpose. With our Pandai app, we don\u2019t want to just benefit students in Malaysia. We want to go regional and inspire many communities to have their young members adept at learning with digital enablers.\n\n\nA few months back, we launched Pandai app in Brunei and we\u2019re already making huge efforts to map our learning content to be granular so that it can be flexible and align well with any country\u2019s learning curriculum. There is a huge opportunity for the Pandai app to benefit many users across many countries with emerging markets. Just to share a few examples, the Philippines has 2 million students, Thailand has 10 million students and Bangladesh has 24 million students.\n\n\nThe stars are the limit for us, and we can assure you one thing \u2013 we\u2019ll do everything we can to realise our mission to transform the learning space with technology.\n\n\nSuhaimi:\n\n\nI\u2019m committed to my position as mentioned earlier, and I\u2019m blessed to be able to go through this opportunity to build Pandai.org into what it is today with my lifelong friends, Khairul and Akmal. I\u2019ve learnt a lot from Pandai.org since the onset and I have also made mistakes that helped me grow. These are parts and parcels of my learning journey here and I\u2019m glad to know that I\u2019ve great team members who are resilient and strong believers in our cause.\n\n\nWe do not want to be the next unicorn start-up just for the sake of achieving great profitability from selling our products. Deep down, we know that we have a big responsibility to fill in line with our growing influence in our education system and our communities. Therefore, every day, we continue to remind ourselves why we are here and why we do what we do \u2013 in line with our social mission to foster a learning community that drives social improvements.\n\n\nSpeaking of social impact, we\u2019re proud to share that Pandai.org is a proud participant in the Social Impact Challenge Accelerator, organised by the Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme. As mentioned earlier, we are passionate about changing the fate of students out there. After all, education changes lives and can help break the vicious cycle of poverty among communities.\n\n\nAkmal:\n\n\nAgain, I\u2019m going to tell you that as a father of two children, I\u2019m invested in what I do here at Pandai beyond ringgits and sens \u2013 because I believe truly in our vision of Equipping today\u2019s young minds for tomorrow. I see the effect of what I do with the Pandai app not only to change my children\u2019s lives for the better with our digital learning solutions but also millions of other parents\u2019 children out there.\n\n\nThe journey thus far has been rewarding and I could not have been more thankful to be able to go through it with Khairul and Suhaimi, whom I have known for the past 25 years. Statistically, we currently have close to 500,000 student users, that\u2019s not even 10% of the whole 5 million Malaysian students. Hopefully, we can get more students to benefit from our app here and in other countries.\n\n\nOur app\u2019s growth is on the right track and hopefully, we can reach more students and benefit them all with our interactive yet immersive learning features. Coupled with the trend where we see most students are losing interest in education as of late, we hope to continue to be the positive disruptor in the industry to reignite their passion towards education.\n\n\nJust like Nelson Mandela said once that \u201cEducation is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world\u201d. In line with this belief, we\u2019ll remain steadfast in supporting children to reach their full potential with our app. Thank you for your continuous support in our journey, and we hope you\u2019ve enjoyed getting to know what we do here at Pandai.org.\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/upsr-dan-pt3-akan-dipertimbangkan-semula-pada-tahun-2025/", "title": "UPSR dan PT3 akan dipertimbangkan semula pada tahun 2025.", "body": "\n\nPertimbangan untuk mengembalikan Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan Pentaksiran Tingkatan Tiga (PT3) akan dibuat selepas pembentangan laporan Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan yang akan tamat pada 2025. \n\n\nMenurut Pensyarah Kanan Pusat Kajian Kepelbagaian Pendidikan Fakulti Pendidikan UKM, Dr Anuar Ahmad, sistem pendidikan moden tidak lagi memerlukan peperiksaan berpusat seperti UPSR dan PT3 kerana sistem pendidikan kini lebih tertumpu kepada pentaksiran berasaskan pembelajaran berbanding berasaskan pemeriksaan.\n\n\nKenyataan ini disokong oleh Menteri Pendidikan Fadhlina Sidek yang berkata sebarang keputusan untuk kembalikan peperiksaan itu, perlu merujuk kepada fakta dan data yang dikumpul sepanjang tempoh PPPM 2025, dan bukan kepada kecenderungan sedia.\n\n\n\n\n\u201cKita kena bentangkan hasil laporan PPPM 2025 untuk melaksanakan penambahbaikan sistem pendidikan dan laporan tersebut akan menunjukkan keberhasilan melibatkan peperiksaan dan proses pembelajaran anak-anak\u201d\n\n\n\n\nMengulas lanjut, Fadhlina berkata, isu berhubung dua peperiksaan berkenaan itu melalui proses perbincangan yang sangat panjang, membabitkan pemegang taruh, guru dan ibu bapa. Fadhlina berkata perubahan semula takwim persekolahan juga perlu mengambil jadual peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) dan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) serta faktor ekonomi setempat dan banjir pada hujung tahun. Bagaimanapun, Fadhlina berkata perkara berkenaan masih belum boleh dilaksanakan tahun hadapan, memandangkan perlu menyelesaikan pelbagai justifikasi mengikut Akta Pendidikan 1996. \n\n\nSebelum ini, sesi persekolahan berubah susulan penularan wabak Covid-19 yang melanda negara dan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) yang menyebabkan takwim persekolahan bagi 2022/2023 bermula pada Mac 2022. \n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/upsr-mungkin-dimansuhkan/", "title": "UPSR Mungkin Dimansuhkan", "body": "\n\n\n\nKementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM)\n sedang dalam peringkat akhir kajian untuk memansuhkan Ujian Pencapain Sekolah Rendah (UPSR).\n\n\nTimbalan Menteri Pendidikan I, Muslimin Yahaya, berkata bagaimanapun keputusan muktamad mengenai pemansuhan itu akan dibuat tidak lama lagi.\n\n\n\u201cKemungkinan besar tidak akan ada lagi UPSR pada tahun hadapan dan selama-lamanya.\u00a0\n\n\n\u201cKementerian sekarang pada peringkat akhir membuat kajian mengenainya dan insya-Allah akan membuat keputusan muktamad tidak lama lagi,\u201d katanya selepas menyampaikan anugerah kepada 148 pelajar cemerlang UPSR 2019 Parlimen Masjid Tanah di Kompleks Sukan Masjid Tanah, dekat sini hari ini.\n\n\nSeramai 148 bekas murid 38 Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) dan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (SJK) seluruh Parlimen Masjid Tanah menerima sumbangan wang tunai dan caruman Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional (SSPN).\n\n\nBagaimanapun katanya, KPM tidak membuat kajian sama ada UPSR akan diganti dengan ujian baharu yang sama fungsi dengannya.\n\n\nSebaliknya tegas beliau, pencapaian akademik murid tahun enam dinilai melalui pentaksiran sepanjang masa, ujian esei dan temu duga bagi penempatan di lima jenis sekolah khusus.\n\n\nKPM pada 15 April lalu mengumumkan UPSR dan Pentaksiran Tingkatan Tiga (PT3) tahun ini dibatalkan berikutan pandemik COVID-19.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/urban-versus-rural-areas-education/", "title": "Urban Versus Rural Areas Education", "body": "\n\nby Nur Zafirah Mohd Faudzi\n\n\n\n\nIf you are asked, between urban schools and rural schools, which gives better education, what is your answer? I think 100% of us would choose urban, right? We assume that urban schools give a better education because they have more money, extraordinary technical ab\n\n\nility and quality teachers. These are the reasons for the differences in achievement in urban and rural school students.\n\n\nLet\u2019s address a few similar studies by the researchers. There was a study by \nMelvin (1999)\n on the academic performance between urban and rural areas in Kentucky, United States. The study produced a result showing that the students from both areas performed similarly on tests of educational performance. Another study by \nMichael (1998)\n also found out that there is no significant in students\u2019 performance from urban and rural areas in America.\n\n\nBased on these studies, let\u2019s see whether these studies\u2019 results also imply to the students in Malaysia. Data of Pandai students will be utilized for this finding. Firstly, the students will be categorized according to the city of their schools. The cities are determined as urban or rural based on the number of populations. The number of population is according to the current statistics in Malaysia as of 2020.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 1. Populations of Urban Areas\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2 . Populations of Rural Areas\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNext, to identify if there is a difference in the education performance in both areas, the average score of Mathematics, Science, English and Bahasa Melayu of 200 students from Year 6 and Form 3 is being compared. The data are being classified based on the city of their schools. \n\n\nFigure 3. Average Score of Each Subject Based on Locality (Year 6)\n\n\nThe bar chart shows the average score of Mathematics, Science, English and Bahasa Melayu subjects of 200 students of Year 6 from urban and rural areas.\n\n\nAs the bar chart above shows, students from urban areas scored an average of 59.45% on Mathematics, whereas with less than 2.25 percent, students from rural areas scored 57.20%. For Science subject, urban area\u2019s students scored an average of 61.65% while rural area\u2019s students scored 60.10% with a negative 1.55 percent difference. On the other hand, with a difference of 2.43 percent, urban area\u2019s students overscored rural area\u2019s students in English with an average of 78.87%. There is a 2.15 percent difference in the average score of Bahasa Melayu subject of the students from both areas, favored by the urban area\u2019s students.\n\n\nOverall, we\u2019re starting to see that the students from urban areas showed an advantage in all subjects\u2019 performance. They surpassed the rural area\u2019s students\u2019 average score in most subjects by more than 2 percent. Now that we\u2019ve seen Year 6 students\u2019 results, we will now take a look at Form 3 students\u2019 performance.\n\n\nFigure 4. Average Score of Each Subject Based on Locality (Form 3)\n\n\nThe bar graph shows the average score of 200 Form 3 students from both urban and rural areas in subjects of Mathematics, Science, English and Bahasa Melayu.\n\n\nAs can be seen, the average score of Mathematics shows a significant difference of 3.47 percent, which favors the urban. In Science subject, with 2.15 percentage points more than the rural area\u2019s students, the urban scored an average of 58.38%. Besides that, the urban and rural area\u2019s students scored an average of 74.48% and 71.68%, respectively, with a gap of 3.1 percentage points for English subject. While the other three subjects showed an advantage over the urban, in contrast, the rural area\u2019s students surprisingly show a more excellent average score in Bahasa Melayu subject with a slight difference of 1.25 percent.\n\n\nOverall, it clearly shows a continuous trend that the urban areas\u2019 students scored better than the rural area\u2019s students in most of the subjects since year 6. However, the rural areas\u2019 students have overtaken Bahasa Melayu subjects by a slight difference in form 3.\n\n\nTo better identify whether the urban area\u2019s students performed better than rural, let us look at the top 100 students of Pandai are being analyzed. The city of their school is categorizing the data.\n\n\nFigure 5. Overview of Top 100 Students Based on Locality\n\n\nHere\u2019s the pie chart that shows the top 100 students of the urban and rural area from both Year 6 and Form 3 students. The top students were determined by calculating the total score of all subjects attempted by each student.\n\n\nThe pie chart shows that 52%, which is more than half of the top 100 students, is from the urban area. With a small difference, the other 48% are students from rural areas.\n\n\nNow that we have seen the results, we can say that the urban areas\u2019 students are better in education performance. However, since there is just a slight difference in the percentage, we can also say that educational performance is quite similar between the students from these two areas.\n\n\nIn conclusion, the students from urban schools performed better than their peers in rural schools in the four subjects, Mathematics, Science, English and Bahasa Melayu. Comparing the top 100 students with the highest scores, urban school students are the majority. However, the difference is tiny, proving that the chances of equivalently being excellent in education are similar for students from both urban and rural areas. This study concluded that the study results by both researchers mentioned implying similarly to our country as well.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/ways-to-integrate-social-emotional-learning-into-your-teaching/", "title": "Ways to Integrate Social-Emotional Learning Into Your Teaching", "body": "\n\nIntroduction\n\n\nSocial-emotional learning (SEL) is a process through which students develop the skills and knowledge needed to understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is an important aspect of education, as it not only helps students to succeed academically, but also helps to create a positive and supportive learning environment. In this post, we will explore some tips for incorporating SEL into lesson plans, and consider the benefits and next steps for teachers looking to prioritise SEL in their teaching.\n\n\nWhat is Social Emotional Learning and How to Incorporate it in your teaching\n\n\n\n\nSocial-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing skills related to emotions, relationships, and personal responsibility. It involves helping students to recognize and manage their own emotions, as well as to understand and respond to the emotions of others. Incorporating SEL into your lessons can have numerous benefits for your students, including:\n\n\nImproved academic performance: Research has shown that students who have strong social-emotional skills tend to have better grades and test scores, as well as higher attendance rates and lower dropout rates.\n\n\nEnhanced mental health and well-being: SEL can help students to develop resilience and cope with stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. It can also promote positive relationships and a sense of belonging, which can contribute to overall well-being.\n\n\nGreater social skills and interpersonal relationships: SEL can help students to develop empathy, communication skills, and problem-solving skills, which can improve their relationships with their peers and adults.\n\n\nEnhanced self-regulation and self-management: SEL can help students to develop self-awareness, self-control, and self-motivation, which can lead to better self-regulation and self-management.\n\n\nThere are many ways to incorporate SEL into your lessons, including through activities such as role-playing, discussions, and mindfulness practices. It\u2019s important to remember that SEL is not just a one-time lesson or activity, but rather a continuous process that should be integrated into all aspects of the learning experience. By prioritizing SEL in your teaching, you can help your students to become emotionally intelligent, well-rounded individuals who are better equipped to navigate the challenges of life.\n\n\nTips for Incorporating SEL into Lesson Plans\n\n\n\n\nIncorporating SEL into daily routines and practices: One of the simplest and most effective ways to incorporate SEL into lesson plans is to incorporate SEL into daily routines and practices. This might involve starting each day with a morning meeting or circle time, during which students can share their thoughts and feelings, or setting aside time for mindfulness or relaxation activities. By making SEL a regular part of the school day, teachers can help students to develop important skills like self-regulation, communication, and conflict resolution.\n\n\nUsing SEL activities and exercises to facilitate learning: There are many SEL activities and exercises that teachers can use to facilitate learning and help students develop important skills. For example, teachers can use role-playing or simulation activities to help students practise empathy and perspective-taking, or use journaling or art activities to help students express and process their emotions. By incorporating these activities into lesson plans, teachers can help students to develop important SEL skills in a meaningful and engaging way.\n\n\nUsing literature and media to teach SEL skills: Another effective way to incorporate SEL into lesson plans is to use literature and media as a way to teach important skills and concepts. For example, teachers can use children\u2019s books or films to help students understand and manage their emotions, or use news articles or documentaries to teach about social justice and diversity. By using literature and media as a way to teach SEL skills, teachers can help students to connect what they are learning to the real world and make the content more meaningful and relevant.\n\n\nIncorporating SEL into project-based learning: Finally, teachers can incorporate SEL into project-based learning by designing projects that require students to work together, solve problems, and make responsible decisions. For example, a teacher might have students work in groups to create a plan for improving their school or community, or might have students design a service project to help a local organisation. By incorporating SEL into project-based learning, teachers can help students to develop important skills like collaboration, communication, and decision making in a real-world context.\n\n\nExamples of SEL Integration in Action\n\n\n\n\nIncorporating SEL into daily routines and practices: To illustrate the benefits of incorporating SEL into daily routines and practices, consider the following example:\n\n\nA kindergarten teacher starts each day with a morning meeting or circle time, during which students are invited to share their thoughts and feelings about the day ahead. The teacher creates a calm and supportive environment by playing calming music and providing students with pillows and blankets to create a sense of comfort and relaxation. During this time, students are also invited to participate in activities like breathing exercises or visualisation techniques to help them regulate their emotions and prepare for the day ahead. By incorporating SEL into daily routines and practices, the teacher is able to help students develop important skills like self-regulation and communication, while also creating a positive and supportive classroom culture.\n\n\nUsing SEL activities and exercises to facilitate learning: To illustrate the benefits of using SEL activities and exercises to facilitate learning, consider the following example:\n\n\nA high school English teacher is looking for ways to help her students understand and analyse the themes and characters in a novel they are reading. To do this, she incorporates a role-playing activity in which students take on the roles of different characters in the novel and act out scenes from the book. By participating in this activity, students are able to practise empathy and perspective-taking, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations. Additionally, the teacher is able to use this activity as a way to facilitate discussion and analysis of the novel, helping students to develop critical thinking and communication skills.\n\n\nUsing literature and media to teach SEL skills: To illustrate the benefits of using literature and media to teach SEL skills, consider the following example:\n\n\nA middle school history teacher is looking for ways to teach her students about social justice and diversity. To do this, she uses a documentary film about the Civil Rights Movement as a way to introduce the topic and spark discussion. During the film, the teacher pauses to ask questions and facilitate discussion about the events depicted, helping students to think critically about the issues being presented. Additionally, the teacher incorporates related readings and activities to help students further explore and\n\n\nConclusion and Next Steps\n\n\nIncorporating social-emotional learning (SEL) into lesson plans can be a powerful way to support student learning and create a positive and supportive learning environment. By incorporating SEL into daily routines and practices, using SEL activities and exercises to facilitate learning, using literature and media to teach SEL skills, and incorporating SEL into project-based learning, teachers can help students to develop important skills like self-regulation, communication, empathy, and conflict resolution.\n\n\nThat being said, it is important for teachers to approach the incorporation of SEL into their lesson plans with care and consideration. It is not always necessary or appropriate to use SEL activities in every lesson, and it is important for teachers to think critically about when and how SEL can best be used to support learning. Additionally, it is important for teachers to be mindful of the potential challenges and barriers that may arise when using SEL in the classroom, such as the need to establish trust and build relationships with students, or the need to ensure that all students feel included and supported.\n\n\nOverall, incorporating SEL into lesson plans can be a rewarding and meaningful way to support student learning, and there are many resources available to help teachers get started. By experimenting with different SEL strategies and activities, and seeking out professional development opportunities, teachers can continue to evolve and improve their use of SEL in the classroom.\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/what-are-the-most-advanced-japan-technological-invention/", "title": "What are the Most Advanced Japan Technological Invention?", "body": "\n\nRoughly every five years, Japan\u2019s Ministry of International Trade and Industry draws up a list of major fields of technology. It is widely believed in Japan that the country is entering the age of fourth-generation material from provision of vending machines containing clothes and shoes to automatic doors that open shifting accordingly to your body shape; the Japanese incorporate technology into their everyday lives. \n\n\nThe source of Japan\u2019s technological advancement is undoubtedly from the youth of Japan.\n\n\nJapan have created many exemplary inventions, such as:\n\n\n1. \nRound Keyboards\n\n\nDrum set keyboards were developed by the Japanese Google input development team, these keyboards are faster and more efficient than regular keyboards. Since this keyboard was produced in Japan, it is only available nationally and in the Japanese language. In the future however, it is expected that these circular-shaped keyboards will be introduced in other parts of the world as well.\n\n\n2. \nRobot Hotel Staff\n\n\nNagasaki\u2019s Henn-na Hotel, is run entirely by robots. It is a famous capsule hotel renowned for its high-tech facilities. When you enter, a mechanised dinosaur guides you through check-in and a luggage bot wheels your suitcase into your room beside you. When you wish to sleep, your robot companion turns off the lights for you.\u00a0\n\n\nBy replacing human staff with robots\u2019 labour costs decrease, bringing benefits to people. A main benefit that we would receive is that robots would be able to work more than people. Humans can become ill or quit the job, but by having robots as staff, all factors of sickness and tiredness are eliminated. This means that the we wouldn\u2019t have to deal with giving days off to its staff, making the business more convenient. Also, robots are far faster at completing work, and are communicative and courteous at all times.\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nWorld\u2019s thinnest phone glass\n\n\nFairly recently, Japan has produced the world\u2019s thinnest float glass, with improved light transmittance and flexibility. It was invented by the Design and Research Institute. It can withstand the impact of a 1.95oz steel ball falling from a height of 3.3ft. The price of Japan\u2019s touch screens is set to surely fall, which will benefit the entire electrical device market.\n\n\n5G\n\n\nJapan is the world\u2019s hotspot market for tech innovation and 5G is no exception. According to NTT Docomo in February 2021, in cooperation with an international group of other leading firms, a basic agreement has been signed to establish a consortium to provide 5G solutions paving the way for the future.\n\n\nFast infrastructure\n\n\nPerhaps the most well-known aspect of the technological innovation which can be found in Japan is its fast infrastructure. The first high-speed train, or so-called bullet train, was built in Japan. The line was built between two massive hubs, Tokyo and Osaka, and was inaugurated in 1964. The high-speed train has carried around 10 billion riders since its inauguration and has an incontestable record of safety as there have not been any fatal derailments or collisions. Moreover, the average delay of the high-speed train is 36 seconds\n\n\nAs only 20 percent of the country\u2019s land is habitable, the high-speed train was an amazing solution for workers to live in distant areas and easily commute to the metropolis such as Tokyo in just a few hours. Also, another benefit which Japan has received is the booming tourism. Tourists who often come to large cities are more likely to visit also relatively underdeveloped areas increasing the local economy in those places.\u00a0\n\n\nCr: iStock\n\n\nIn short, Japan was one of the first countries to understand the true power of technology and has embraced its benefits.\u00a0\n\n\nLog in and register at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\n\nDownload Pandai App at\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/what-to-do-during-school-holiday-students-edition/", "title": "What to do During School Holiday; Students Edition!", "body": "\n\nSchool holiday is here! \n\n\nWhether your kids have been back to physical school or are still in virtual classes, school holidays will always be the best part for your children as they know they can enjoy more playtime at home, with their siblings and probably more screen time too! Some of us might have already had some school holiday vacation planned but for the days that your family is at home, especially this is a great time to spend more quality time with them. If you have no idea what school holiday activities you can enjoy together as a family!\n\n\nHere are some planned-activities that you can try!\n\n\nCr: Dreamstime\n\n\n1. Read a new book!\n\n\nAlthough it is a school holiday, you still probably will also want your kids to do some learning as well. The best way to do that is by buying them a selection of new fun children\u2019s books and asking them to read a new book per week in their own time. Not only will they \nsharpen their reading\n and grammar skills, but the children\u2019s book will also let them be creative and use their imagination.\n\n\nThey give us new ways to think and new ideas. They expand our universe beyond time and place and inspire our own original thoughts. Books develop critical thinking skills. Parents can also read to your child to expose them to all types of subjects and concepts, building our children\u2019s understanding of humanity and the world around them. They learn new vocabulary from parents and when following verbal instructions they use their listening skills. A skill all parents want our kids to grasp as soon as possible so they can start listening!\n\n\n2. Arts & Crafts\n\n\nSpeaking on creativity, \n\n\nArts & Crafts are always the popular go-to for parents to enjoy with their kids. All you need is to stock up on some art supplies and make an Arts & Craft corner station at home for all the creativity to happen. You can enjoy this activity together with your kids or let them explore their creative side all by themselves. A sense of independence during these Art activities will help your child\u2019s brain to be stimulated and develop well.\n\n\nBy doing something creative, you allow for \nself-expression\n and this lets kids express and cope with their feelings. It also fosters mental growth in children by providing opportunities for trying out new ideas, new ways of thinking and problem-solving. In children, creativity develops from their experiences with the process, rather than concern for the finished product. Creativity is not to be confused with talent, skill, or intelligence.\u00a0Creativity is not about doing something better than others, it is about thinking, exploring, discovering, and imagining.\n\n\nCr; iStock\n\n\n3. Indoor Scavenger Hunt\n\n\nAnother exciting way to not make your kids feel bored at home during the long school holiday is by organizing an indoor scavenger hunt. You can create a treasure-hunting scene in your home by hiding various things around the house, making your own maps and clues for your kids to enjoy.\n\n\nAlso, scavenger hunts\u00a0\nallow kids to practice problem-solving in a tangible way\n. It helps to reinforce and act-out methods they have been taught by parents or teachers in a physical way, leading to increased retention of the lessons. Scavenger hunts are easy to customize to your child\u2019s abilities and interests.\n\n\n4. Pandai School Holi-Yay\n\n\nHave you ever heard of this program?\n\n\n\n\nFill your school holiday with a two weeks curated and entertaining activities\u00a0that is free for all Malaysian school students. We have a lineup of tutors that are ready to teach new skills out of the classroom. It\u2019s going to be exciting to have a good time and tons of good memories and fun activities!\n\n\nWhat are you waiting for? Register now!\n\n\n5. Picnic!\n\n\nOn a sunny afternoon, a picnic is a perfect escape from your daily routine and going on a picnic allows you to focus on your kids without distractions. Picnics are the perfect opportunity to make your kids feel loved and heard. Plus, you never know what you might learn from your kids. A little family competition playing picnic games will also help your family bond\n\n\nAlso, spending time outside benefits our physical health. Breathing in fresh air is beneficial for children with respiratory problems like asthma. A picnic on a sunny day also aids in vitamin D and calcium absorption, which helps to build strong bones and teeth and helps prevent diseases like osteoporosis and rickets. Just don\u2019t forget the sunblock when spending time in the sun!\u00a0\n\n\nPicnics is a fun and peaceful environment. It\u2019s important to give children time to be alone and learn about themselves through self-reflection, which can easily be done on a picnic.\n\n\nLog in or register at\u00a0\nhttp://go.pandai.org/schoolholiyay\n\u00a0or;\n\n\nDownload Pandai now on Google Play or App Store!\n\n\nDon\u2019t forget to follow Pandai on social media too:\n\n\nFB: @pandaiofficial\n\n\nInstagram:@pandaiofficial\n\n\nTwitter: @pandaiofficial\n\n\nTiktok: @pandaiofficial\n\n\nBlog: blog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-for-pandai-rewards/", "title": "Redeem Your Coins with Pandai Rewards", "body": "\n\nHello budak Pandai,\n\n\nWe know that your time table is full with back to back classes , practicing exam questions, participating in contests and so much more! Of course you would like to release all the stress and get something in return to reward all your hard work! Fret not, you can now do that with Pandai Rewards! \n\n\nFrom \njoining discussions, attending Live Tuitions, answering quizzes, practice flashcards, to submit topical tests\n, ALL users (premium and free) can now complete the tasks given under each Pandai feature\u2019s category to earn coins and claim your reward.\n\n\nUse Pandai\u2019s interesting features to complete the tasks! Now you can have a goal / objective whenever you are using the app. Isn\u2019t that great? While using the feature, you can complete the tasks at the same time! How cool is that? \ud83d\ude42\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nHow to redeem the reward?\n\n\nLog in your Pandai Account at www.pandai.org.\nGo to \u201cShop\u201d and click \u201cRedeem Coins\u201d\nComplete the tasks given\nNext, click \u201cclaim\u201d on the given task to redeem your coins for free! \n\n\n\n\nPremium users can also redeem their coins to grab Pandai Avatars for FREE! \n\n\nStay tuned for more exciting rewards!\n\n\nGo to \nwww.pandai.\norg\n \nnow to complete the tasks and collect coins to redeem your reward!\n\n\nLog in or Sign Up at\u00a0\nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\nDownload Pandai App now via\u00a0\nGoogle Play\n\u00a0or\u00a0\nApp Store\n.\nFollow us on our Social Media Now for more updates!\nFacebook:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTikTok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n#AchieveTogether\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-gamified-quizzes-di-aplikasi-pandai-dah-launch/", "title": "What\u2019s New: Gamified Quizzes di Aplikasi Pandai dah launch!", "body": "\n\nMinggu ini, ingin kami kongsikan bahawa, Gamified Quizzes telah pun dilancarkan di Aplikasi Pandai.\nSebelum ini, seperti yang kita ketahui, Gamified Quizzes hanya boleh di akses pada pautan web sahaja,\u00a0 \nwww.pandai.\norg\n.\n\n\nTetapi, kini. Tidak Lagi. Jangan bimbang!\nSecara rasminya, Gamified Quizzes atau Kuiz mengikut Level boleh di akses pada web dan juga aplikasi.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nPenggunaannya masih lagi sama seperti di web. Apa yang berbeza kali ini, semua pelajar dan boleh jawab dan bermain di aplikasi Pandai.\nBagi yang ingin tahu, \nGamified Quizzes atau Kuiz mengikut Level adalah \u2018game\u2019 berbentuk kuiz pembelajaran harian mengikut subjek dan mempunyai pelbagai level. \nTujuan utama versi ini dibangunkan buat semua pelajar semestinya ingin membantu pelajar dapat belajar dan mengulangkaji pelajaran agar lebih aktif dan menyeronokkan.\n\n\nYa!. Gamified Quizzes ini boleh digunakan buat pengguna percuma dan juga premium.\n\n\nTetapi masih lagi sama, ada ada perbezaan kepada pengguna basic dan premium dalam \u2018Gamified Quizzes\u2019. \n\n\nPandai Basic/Free:\n-Limited 5 Nyawa\n-Masa Menjawab adalah terhad\n-Perlu jawab mengikut \u2018level\u2019 disediakan\n\n\nPandai Basic/Free\n\n\nPandai Premium :\n-\u2018Unlimited\u2019 Nyawa\n-Masa Menjawab tidak terhad dan bebas\n-Boleh memilih \u2018level\u2019 untuk menjawab\n\n\nPandai Premium\n\n\n\n\nWalaubagaimanapun, pelajar masih boleh mencuba bermain \u2018\nGamified Quizzes\u2019\n ini di aplikasi dan web dah.\nMenarik!. Jadi, apa tunggu lagi, daftar Pandai sekarang di \nlaman web Pandai, \nwww.pandai.org\n atau muat turun Pandai di Google Playstore dan Apple Store.\n\n\nAjak rakan-rakan anda battle kuiz hari ini! Yahoo!!\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nNak Pandai? Daftar je dengan Pandai!\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-april-leaderboard-mengikut-sekolah/", "title": "What\u2019s New on April : Leaderboard mengikut Sekolah", "body": "\n\nHai, semua. Macam mana hari anda? Dah buat Pandai ke? Bagi yang sesiapa yang belum menjawab soalan dalam Pandai, jawab hari ini sekarang!\n\n\nAlright, Hari ini team Pandai nak kongsi atau share berita baru buat semua pengguna Pandai.\nPada bulan April ini, Pandai telah melancarkan \u2018new feature\u2019 iaitu \n\n\nLeaderboard by School\n\n\n\n\nYa! Yahoo! Lepas ini boleh la pelajar-pelajar yang menggunakan Pandai tengok ranking kawan anda dalam sekolah!~ Huhu\n\n\nBagi sesiapa yang belum tahu mengenai Leaderboard atau Carta Pendahulu! Leaderboard atau Carta Pendahulu\u00a0 ini adalah ranking anda di Pandai! Leaderboard ini bertujuan membantu pelajar mengetahui kedudukan keseluruhan pencapaian dalam Pandai mengikut gred di seluruh Malaysia. \n\n\nSebelum ini, kalau anda nak tahu Pandai hanya mempunyai Leaderboard mengikut Gred.\n\n\nTetapi kini, Pandai telah \nmeng\u2019upgrade\u2019 leaderboard anda semua kepada\u00a0 \u2018Leaderboard by School\u2019.\u00a0\n\n\nKini Pandai sediakan ranking anda bukan sahaja mengikut gred di \nMalaysia\n dan \nnegeri\n malah melalui \nsekolah anda sendiri.\n\n\nMelalui Leaderboard ini, pelajar dapat \nmemotivasikan diri\n untuk berusaha dan \naktif belajar\n dengan Pandai. Pelajar dapat \nmengetahui kelemahan\n sesuatu pembelajaran atau topik. Yang paling penting \u2018ranking\u2019 dalam leaderboard ini adalah \nsatu reward \nuntuk anda semua sebagai pencapaian menggunakan Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nCuma ada syaratnya!\n\n\nPastikan anda dan rakan-rakan harus menggunakan Aplikasi Pandai \nsekurang-kurangnya 5 orang pelajar dalam satu sekolah.\n Setelah itu, baru anda dapat melihat Carta Pendahulu atau Leaderboard mengikut Sekolah.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nTak susah pun, senang sahaja.\u00a0\n\n\nMacam mana nak tengok \u2018Leaderboard\u2019 anda?\n\n\n\n\nAlright. Ikuti langkah di bawah:\n\n\nLogin\n akaun Pandai\nPergi ke \n\u2018Achievement\u2019\nKlik \n\u2018 Leaderboard\u2019\nPilih untuk melihat \u2018Leaderboard\u2019 mengikut \n\u2018Malaysia\u2019 / \u2018Negeri\u2019 / \u2018Sekolah\u2019\nKemudian, \nsemak \u2018ranking\u2019 anda!\n\n\nDah tengok ranking anda? Bagaimana anda berpuas hati tak?\n\n\nAhaa! Kalau tak berpuas hati, jangan risau masih ada peluang untuk tingkatkan ranking anda.\u00a0\n\n\nCara dia senang sahaja, sentiasa jawab soalan dalam Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nPasti ranking anda akan lebih baik! Hehe. Selamat berjaya\n\n\nJadi, apa tunggu lagi, bagi yang tak boleh melihat ranking mereka dalam sekolah,\nSolusi anda mudah sahaja, ajak rakan-rakan anda join belajar dengan Aplikasi Pandai ini. \nPercuma sahaja.\n\n\nBagi sesiapa yang masih belum mendaftar dengan Pandai! Daftar sekarang!\n\n\n\n\nPergi sahaja ke laman web Pandai di \nwww.pandai.org\n atau download Pandai app di Google Store atau Apple Store.\n\n\nNak jadi budak Pandai, belajar je dengan Pandai!\n\n\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-february-2021-trial-spm/", "title": "What\u2019s New on February 2021: Trial SPM", "body": "\n\nTrial SPM di Pandai! Dah Ready ke nak jawab SPM? \nPERSEDIAAN SPM BUAT PELAJAR!\n\n\nPeperiksaan SPM semakin hampir! Ahhh!!! Bagaimana persediaan calon-calon SPM 2020 sekarang? \nBerapa percent anda dah bersedia? 80% atau 50%?\u00a0 \nAdakah anda-anda semua ada menjawab mana-mana trial SPM sebelum ini? \nOleh itu, jangan risau Pandai telah menyediakan Trial SPM untuk calon-calon SPM membuat persediaan secara online!\n\n\nTrial SPM di Pandai\n\n\n\n\nNak Tahu Kenapa TRIAL SPM as Mock Exam Penting Buat Pelajar?\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nJadi siapa kata tak penting Trial SPM? \nAmatlah penting untuk melihat tahap kesediaan kita sebelum menempuh hari sebenar SPM! \nJangan risau calon-calon, Pandai akan bantu anda belajar dengan mudah.\n\n\n____________________________________________________________________\n\n\nKenapa mudah pulak Trial SPM dalam Pandai ni!!??\n\n\nSebab Trial SPM dalam Pandai:\n\n\nBukan 1 Set tetapi 3 Set Trial SPM bagi setiap subjek dikeluarkan!\u00a0\nSoalan Trial SPM digubal mengikut silibus Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM)\nMasa menjawab disediakan dan fleksibel.\nJawapan & penerangan disediakan\nKeputusan adalah serta merta dengan menggunakan sistem Auto Marking.\nBoleh memuat naik turun kertas soalan.\n\n\n\n\nJadi!! Apa lagi Calon-calon SPM mahukan!!!\u00a0 \nJom naik taraf kepada Pandai Premium! \nUji tahap persediaan anda dengan Pandai sebelum peperiksaan SPM menjelang tiba!\n\n\nBila lagi nak upgrade kepada Pandai Premium! Banyak lagi kelebihan menjadi Premium!! Bukan Trial SPM je ade!\u00a0\nTopical Test ada, Term Exam ada, Daily Kuiz ada, Report Kad ada, Button Try Again utk test sekali lagi ada, Past year Paper Competition Kangaroo/ Beaver/ Kancil/ Kijang pun ada dan banyak lagi..\n\n\n\n\nTak susah tak senang!\nJom subscribe sebagai Premium Pandai. Jangan lupa jawab Trial SPM yer! \nPraktis dan teruskan praktis sehingga A+ dalam genggaman anda! \n\n\nLebih 100,000 pelajar telah menggunakan Pandai, anda bila lagi ???\nNak tau lebih lanjut terus ke laman web Pandai di \nwww.pandai.org\n.\n\n\n\n\nJangan lupa untuk \nFOLLOW\n, \nLIKE\n dan \nSHARE\n di\u00a0\n\n\nFACEBOOK:\n \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nINSTAGRAM:\n \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\n#SENANGJENAKPANDAI\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-january-2020-report-card/", "title": "What\u2019s New on January 2021 : \u201cReport Card\u201d", "body": "\n\nBelajar Dari Rumah Pun Boleh Ada Report Card?\n\n\n\u201cSekolah tak buka?\u2026Pembelajaran anak melalui online?\n \u201cTAK TAHU LAH\n anak-anak faham ke tak! Merisaukan lah!\u201d\n\n\nIbu-ibu, bapa-bapa, guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar sekalian. Dah tak perlu runsing lagi pikir jalan macam mana nak kenal pasti pencapaian anak-anak dan pelajar sepanjang pembelajaran online ni. Diorang ni sebenarnya faham ke tidak? Meh sini Team Pandai nak bagitahu\u2026\n\n\n\n\nTeam Pandai sangat memahami bahawa ramai ibu bapa kat luar sana tertanya-tanya ada ke satu sistem teknologi pendidikan yang boleh bantu anak-anak mereka meningkatkan kefahaman semasa musim pembelajaran online ni?\n\n\nANAK-ANAK TAK FOKUS, CEPAT MENGANTUK, TIADA JAWAPAN & PENERANGAN LENGKAP? TAK TAHU ANAK-ANAK NI FAHAM SEPANJANG BELAJAR ONLINE?\nDengan feature \u2018Report Card\u2019 atau kad laporan ini para ibu bapa dan pelajar sendiri boleh kenal pasti dekat mana kelemahan yang mereka tak dapat kuasai. Analisis di dalam \u2018report card\u2019 ni pun sangat detail dan menarik! Adik-adik mesti lagi excited bila dapat tengok \u2018report card\u2019 mereka dengan lebih terperinci. Hehe\n\n\n\n\nKat sini, kami akan kongsikan kepada anda semua tentang \u2018details analisis report card\u2019 untuk subjek yang telah pelajar jawab. Sebagai contoh bagi subjek;\nEnglish\n\n\n\n\nSains\n\n\n\n\nPandai.org\n merupakan platform pembelajaran secara interaktif dalam membantu pelajar untuk \nmengulangkaji pelajaran dan membuat latih tubi secara berterusan\n. Malah, \ndapat\n \nmemantau prestasi mereka\n dan \nmencapai gred yang lebih baik\n bagi setiap subjek. \n\n\nDengan adanya ciri terbaru Report Card ini, mesti pelajar lebih bersemangat untuk belajar kan? Selamat belajar dengan menggunakan Pandai! Dan jangan lupa untuk \nFOLLOW, LIKE\n dan \nSHARE\n di\u00a0\n\n\nFACEBOOK:\n \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\nINSTAGRAM:\n \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\n#SENANGJENAKPANDAI\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-january-2021-try-again-button/", "title": "What\u2019s New on January 2021: \u201cTry Again Button\u201d", "body": "\n\nPraktis jawab \u2018TEST & EXAM\u2019 banyak kali dengan\u00a0 \u201cTry Again\u201d button sampai Pandai!\u00a0Wow!!\n\n\nRamai dari kalangan pengguna Pandai menyatakan hasrat dan \u2018request\u2019 kepada Team Pandai untuk mewujudkan satu ciri di mana mereka boleh \nmenjawab semula\n \nsoalan latihan dan peperiksaan\n. \nWE HEAR YOU! \nKami percaya dengan \n\u201cpractice makes perfect\u201d\n boleh membuatkan seseorang itu berjaya. Oleh itu, Pandai telah mencipta satu \n\u201cfeature\u201d\n baru untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini!\n\n\n\u201c\nTry Again Button\n\u201c\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKenapa \u201cJawab Semula\u201d Penting Buat Pelajar?\u00a0\n\n\nFahami Bentuk Soalan peperiksaan\nBelajar dari pembetulan\u00a0\nMelatih pelajar dengan soalan-soalan KBAT\nBUAT PELAJAR LALI DENGAN KONSEP SOALAN YANG PELBAGAI!!\n\n\n\n\nDr Fadzilah Kamsah juga telah menulis di dalam penulisannya \u201c35 Petua Pelajar Cemerlang\u201d untuk sentiasa membuat latihan yang berulang kali untuk lebih memahami trend dan bentuk soalan.\n Antara tip jawab soalan \u2018Objektif\u2019 dengan teliti, pelajar pasti tak akan buat silap adalah menjawab semula latihan yang telah diberikan oleh guru. \nSemak jawapan dan buat pembetulan. Lalu, ulang sampai pelajar faham dan tidak kekok dengan soalan-soalan itu.\u00a0\n\n\nIni sangat berkait rapat dengan latihan yang disedikan di dalam Pandai, memandangkan semua soalan di dalam Pandai adalah di dalam bentuk objektif dan jawapan dan penerangan juga amat lengkap. Pelajar tak perlu runsing lagi dekat mana nak dapatkan pembetulan jawapan oleh guru lagi-lagi musim pembelajaran online ni!\n\n\n\n\nSetakat Januari ini sahaja, Pandai telah menerima lebih \n21,000 pengguna baru \natas kesan impak features baharu di Pandai. Pelajar-pelajar ini memerlukan penyelesaian masalah yang mereka hadapi dari segi kenal pasti kefahaman ketika pembelajaran online, belajar dari rumah tapi perlukan Report Card, Jawab Semula peperiksaan online untuk melatih diri lebih faham dan tidak kekok, semua ini\u00a0\nPANDAI TELAH SELESAIKAN!\u00a0\n\n\nDengan adanya ciri terbaru \n\u2018Try Again Button\u2019 \nini, diharap pelajar sentiasa cuba jaya dan praktis soalan di\n \u2018Test & Exam\u2019 \ndengan lebih lagi! Selamat belajar dengan menggunakan Pandai! Dan jangan lupa untuk \nFOLLOW\n, \nLIKE\n dan \nSHARE\n di\u00a0\n\n\nFACEBOOK:\n \n@pandaiofficial\nINSTAGRAM:\n \n@pandaiofficial\n\n\n#SENANGJENAKPANDAI\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-july-discussion-ruangan-berbincang-buat-pengguna-pandai/", "title": "What\u2019s New on July: \u2018Discussion\u2019 Ruangan Berbincang buat Pengguna Pandai", "body": "\n\nHai semua! Bagaimana aktiviti pembelajaran harian anda sekarang? Anda masih belajar sendirian ke?\n\n\nBaiklah, hari ini Team Pandai akan kongsikan berita terbaru yang mampu membawa keceriaan buat anda. Hehe..\n\n\nSebelum itu, adik-adik pernah join study group bersama rakan anda tak? Atau belajar dalam kumpulan?\n\n\nKalau anda nak tahu, Pandai baru sahaja mengeluarkan ciri atau feature terbaru iaitu \nFeature Discussion buat semua pengguna Pandai!\n\u263a\ufe0f\n\n\n\n\nMesti anda tertanya-tanya apa itu ruangan Discussion ini?\nApa tujuan feature ini dikeluarkan? Adakah ianya sama seperti belajar dalam kumpulan?\n\n\nYa, sini. Team Pandai nak cerita kepada anda.\u00a0\ud83d\ude07\n\n\nDiscussion adalah perkataan daripada Bahasa Inggeris yang membawa maksud \nperbincangan\n.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nPerbincangan adalah satu kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang efektif yang melibatkan beberapa orang.\u00a0\n\n\nJadi, Feature Discussion terbaru dalam Pandai ini adalah ruangan \nPerbincangan yang boleh digunakan oleh semua pengguna Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nFeature Discussion ini dikeluarkan bertujuan \nmemberi peluang pengguna Pandai berbincang atau berkongsi sebarang idea, pendapat dan sebagainya berkaitan soalan/topik pembelajaran di Pandai\n mengenai soalan yang anda sedang jawab. \n\n\nSelepas ini, jika anda dan mana-mana pelajar\u00a0 ingin berkongsi pendapat. Ya! Ruangan Discussion inilah tempat yang anda nanti-nantikan.\u00a0\n\n\nApa salahnya, anda berbincang bersama-sama dengan komuniti pengguna Pandai kan? Anda bukan sahaja dapat bertukar maklumat malah dapat memberi maklum balas dan bertanya dengan komuniti Pandai bagi suatu topik atau soalan yang anda kurang fahami. Hehe. Menarik, bukan?\u00a0\n\n\nOkay. Macam mana nak cari ruangan discussion?\n\ud83e\udd14\n\n\nRuangan Discussion terletak di \nbahagian bawah setiap Penerangan dalam soalan.\n Jangan risau, kesemua soalan dalam Pandai akan disediakan ruangan Discussion.\u00a0\nJadi, anda harus \nmenjawab\n mana-mana soalan, kemudian anda \nlihat di bahagian bawah soalan\n. Terdapat ruangan \nPenerangan dan Discussion\n disediakan. Anda hanya perlu \nklik pada ruangan Discussion\n. Selepas itu, anda boleh memulakan discussion pada mana-mana soalan pun di dalam Pandai. Boleh rujuk gambar di bawah. \ud83d\udc47\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSenang kan?\u00a0\n\n\nJangan tunggu lagi. Jom cuba feature terbaru, Discussion ini di Pandai sekarang. Platform atau ruangan Dicussion ini boleh diakses di web sahaja buat masa ini.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nKalau nak lagi seronok, jangan lupa ajak kawan-kawan anda guna Pandai dan mulakan ruangan berbincang iaitu Discussion ini bersama-sama.\n\n\nPandai sangat mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda dan rakan-rakan anda.Hehe\n\n\nBagi yang belum berdaftar dengan Pandai. Jom daftar secara percuma di laman web, \nwww.pandai.org\n atau \ndownload Aplikasi Pandai \ndi Google Playstore atau Apple Store.\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\nNak Pandai? Daftar je dengan Pandai!\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-july-simpan-soalan-penting-dengan-bookmark/", "title": "What\u2019s New on July: Simpan soalan penting dengan Bookmark!", "body": "\n\nHi semua! Dah jawab berapa soalan dekat Pandai hari ini? 10? 20? 100? \ud83d\ude1c\n\n\nDalam menjawab banyak-banyak soalan tu, pernah tak terfikir \n\u201cHey, menarik juga soalan ni. Nak simpanlah untuk tengok balik lain kali,\u201d \nataupun \n\u201cKena \ntake note\n-lah soalan ni, kalau tak silap cikgu kata topik ni penting!\u201d\nHaa.. Kalau pernah\u2026 Bolehlah try feature terbaru Pandai: \nBookmark\n!\n\n\n\n\nBookmark dapat membantu pengguna Pandai untuk \ntanda\n atau \nsave\n soalan yang telah dijawab, supaya senang untuk dirujuk semula pada masa hadapan. Mana-mana soalan pun boleh Bookmark, tak kisahlah quiz, test atau exam!\n\n\nJadi, macam mana nak guna? Senang aje!\n\n\n\n\nSelepas menjawab soalan, anda hanya perlu \nclick\n pada \nBookmark\n yang terdapat pada belah atas, kanan soalan tersebut. Ya, sebelah perkataan report tu. Dan\u2026 \nsiap\n!\n\n\nTak perlu lagi dah nak salin secara manual, \nscreenshot\n, atau tercari-cari semula soalan penting dalam test dan quiz yang telah dibuat. Kami dah tolong \nsave\n-kan semuanya, sekali dengan penjelasan jawapan, nota-nota atau video yang berkaitan.\n\n\nKemudian, apabila anda sudah \nready\n untuk tengok semula semua soalan yang telah anda Bookmark, pergi sahaja ke \nLearn \ndan pilih \nBookmarks.\n\n\n\n\nDekat situ, anda boleh nampak semua soalan yang pernah anda \nsave\n, disusun mengikut set-set quiz, test atau exam soalan tersebut.\n\n\n\n\nSenang kan?\n\n\nMakin mudahlah nak ulangkaji bila guna Pandai! Yay!\n\n\nApa lagi? Mesti tak sabar nak \ntry\n Bookmark soalan baru hari ini. Kalau nak lagi seronok, jangan lupa ajak kawan-kawan untuk naikkan gred bersama dengan menggunakan Pandai. Jadi Budak Pandai sama-sama! \n\ud83d\ude06\n\n\nUntuk maklumat lanjut: layari \nwww.pandai.org\nMuat turun aplikasi Pandai sekarang di \nGoogle Play\n atau \nApp Store\n.\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#senangjenakpandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-june-latih-diri-menjawab-peperiksaan-pertengahan-mid-term-exam-di-pandai/", "title": "What\u2019s New on June: Latih diri menjawab Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun di Pandai.", "body": "\n\nBermula minggu ini, bagi siapa yang tidak ketahui lagi, Pandai baru sahaja mengeluarkan Soalan Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun atau \u2018Mid Term Exam\u2019 bagi tahun 2021.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nYa! Pandai telah membuat penambahan kepada soalan-soalan latihan bagi Peperiksaan Penggal terutama kemudahan pengguna-pengguna Pandai Premium. Ini bertujuan memberi peluang para pelajar di luar sana dapat mengulangkaji dalam menghadapi peperiksaan yang sebenar kelak.\n\n\nJangan risau! Latihan Peperiksaan Penggal bagi pelbagai subjek telah disediakan mengikut \nsilibus terkini yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM)\n. Bukan itu, terdapat \npelbagai subjek\n untuk menjawab disediakan seperti Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Matematik, Sains dan sebagainya\u00a0\n\n\nKesemua soalan Peperiksaan Penggal dikeluarkan mengikut gred bagi sekolah rendah dan juga menengah. Jadi, inilah peluang bagi mencuba jaya dan praktis menjawab soalan Peperiksaan Pertengahan di Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nTerdapat pelbagai manfaat yang bakal pelajar perolehi dalam menjawab peperiksaan ini. Antaranya adalah:\n\n\nPemarkahan serta merta beserta laporan terperinci berdasarkan tahap kesukaran dan kemahiran berfikir\nUlangkaji jawapan bagi setiap soalan dengan penerangan lengkap yang disediakan\nFungsi \u2018Timer\u2019 untuk membiasakan diri dengan tempoh menjawab soalan pada peperiksaan sebenar\n\n\nBagaimana anda ingin mendapatkan soalan Peperiksaan Pertengahan di Pandai?\n1. \nLogin\n akaun Pandai\n2. Pergi ke \nUjian\n, kemudian \npilih subjek\n yang ingin jawab\n3. Klik pada \nPeperiksaan Penggal\n dan pilih \nPeperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun \n\n\n\n\nJadi, jom sama-sama jawab Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun di Pandai sekarang. \nBagi sesiapa yang belum menaiktaraf kepada premium, inilah masa yang harus lakukan segera!\n\n\nNaik taraf kepada premium dan nikmati pelbagai manfaat sebagai Pengguna Premium Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nMari kekalkan prestasi akademik yang cemerlang dengan latihan berterusan menerusi \nlangganan Pandai Premium\n!\n\n\n\n\nBagi yang belum berdaftar dengan Pandai, daftar Pandai sekarang di \nlaman web Pandai di \nwww.pandai.org\n atau muat turun Pandai di Google Playstore dan Apple Store.\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-on-march-pandai-guru/", "title": "What\u2019s New on March: Pandai Guru", "body": "\n\nWow! Pandai Guru sudah dilancarkan! Tahniah kami ucapkan.\u00a0\n\n\nHai, pengguna Pandai, tahukah anda pada 29 Mac 2021, Pandai telah melancarkan Pandai Guru secara rasmi buat semua guru di Malaysia.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKini, bukan hanya pelajar sahaja boleh melanggan Pandai. Guru pun boleh menggunakan platform ini untuk mengurus pelajar mereka dalam Pandai!\n\n\nYahoo! Menarik, bukan? \nApa itu Pandai Guru?\n\n\nPandai Guru merupakan \nsuatu aplikasi yang terbaru buat guru-guru di Malaysia\n. Pandai Guru adalah aplikasi atau platform yang ramai yang menantikannya. Melalui Pandai Guru, guru \nboleh menggunakan aplikasi ini sebagai pembelajaran secara online dalam mengurus\u00a0 pelajar mereka mengikut kelas masing-masing. \n\n\nApa yang menarik! Pelbagai kelebihan menggunakan Pandai Guru. Guru yang berdaftar dengan Pandai Guru \ndapat menyediakan atau mencipta kuiz mereka sendiri untuk pelajar-pelajar mereka.\n Jadi, mudah sangat la lepas ni guru bagi kuiz harian atau tugasan buat pelajar mereka dengan melalui Pandai. Malah, \nguru dapat membentuk dan menyusun setiap nama kelas dalam Pandai Guru itu sendiri.\n Paling penting, guru juga \ndapat melihat prestasi pelajar-pelajar mereka.\u00a0\n\n\nSenang dan mudah! Semua di hujung jari sekarang.\u00a0\n\n\nLepas ini, pelajar yang menggunakan Pandai \nboleh saling berhubung dan berinteraksi bersama-sama dengan guru\n bagi proses pembelajaran dalam platform Pandai Guru ini.\u00a0\n\n\nDaftar dengan percuma sahaja. Jangan risau semua!\nJadi, apa tunggu lagi? Kepada semua warga pendidik di luar sana, jom daftar dengan Pandai Guru.\u00a0\n\n\nSenang sahaja. Ikuti langkah dibawah:\nCara mendaftar Pandai Guru:\n\n\n\n\nLayari \nwww.pandai.org\n \nPilih \u2018Daftar\u2019\nKemudian pilih pengguna sebagai \u2018Guru\u2019 atau \u2018Pelajar\u2019\nIsi maklumat bagi pendaftaran akaun Pandai Guru.\n\n\n\n\nBanyak kelebihan penggunaan Pandai Guru terbaru ini. Kepada masih belum mendaftar dengan Pandai. Inilah peluang anda segera!\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\u00a0\n\n\nJom daftar Pandai Guru sekarang.\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-pandai-on-tiktok-omg/", "title": "What\u2019s New: Pandai on TikTok! OMG!", "body": "\n\nHa Ha Ha! Dengan secara rasminya, \nPandai kini berada di TikTok!\n Wow! We\u2019re so excited guys!!\nYes! This is New! Pandaiofficial at TikTok!! \n\n\n\n\n\n\nMana pelajar-pelajar yang mempunyai akaun Tiktok ,apa lagi?! Jom la. Ikuti kami!\n\n\nKenapa Kena Follow TikTok \n@pandaiofficial\n ni:\n\n\nPandai akan share \naktiviti-aktiviti atau contest\n untuk anda join.\nPandai akan cerita lebih lagi tentang \nSemua Features di Pandai\n. Oh yes!\nPandai akan bantu anda \nGo Through untuk Start Belajar dengan Pandai\n. Yeay!\nPandai akan share \ntips-tips dan artikel menarik tentang pendidikan\n. Huhu\nPandai akan update \nall the news tentang Education di Malaysia\nPandai akan bantu anda untuk \ntips-tips belajar\n yang menarik dan sebagainya\nPandai akan \nshare apa yang berlaku atau on going di Pandai\n\n\nYa, banyak lagi akan kami share dengan anda. Menarik. Don\u2019t miss the chance!\n\n\nJangan tunggu dan tenung je. Follow Tiktok Pandai sekarang !\n\n\n\n\nKlik Button \n\u201cFollow\u201d\n \nsekarang!\n\n\nNak dapatkan maklumat terbaru dari Pandai, follow Media Sosial Pandai di bawah!\n\n\nFB:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok:\u00a0\n@pandaiofficial\nBlog:\u00a0\nblog.pandai.org\n#senangjenakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/whats-new-pandai-parents-kini-di-pandai/", "title": "What\u2019s New: Pandai Parents Kini di Pandai", "body": "\n\nHai semua! Bagaimana hari anda? Ya, pada bulan April ini, ada berita gembira tau yang kami nak share ni!\nKalau nak tahu, Pandai telah melancarkan \nPandai Parents \nyang terbaru dan terhangat sekarang. \nSiapa yang boleh guna Pandai Parent ini? Semestinya, khas dibangunkan buat \npara ibu bapa\n yang ingin memantau anak mereka menggunakan Pandai. \n\n\nMenarik, kan! Inilah masa yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh ibu bapa. Terutama para ibu bapa yang nak tengok \nprogres pencapaian\n anak mereka dengan menggunakan Pandai. Di atas permintaan ramai dalam kalangan ibu bapa, Pandai dah bangunkan untuk anda semua! Yahoo!\n\n\n\n\nPandai Parents merupakan \nsuatu aplikasi yang terbaru\n buat ibu bapa di Malaysia. Penggunaan Pandai Parents adalah aplikasi atau platform yang ramai nantikan. \n\n\nApa yang best dengan Pandai Parents ini adalah:\n1. Ibu bapa dapat \nmemantau prestasi\n anak mereka melalui kad skor, ranking dan sebagainya\n2. Pendaftaran hanya \npercuma\n3. Ibu bapa dapat \nmenukar akaun mereka\n untuk masuk ke akaun anak mereka dengan menekan butang \u2018switch account\u2019.\u00a0\n4. Ibu bapa boleh memasukkan maklumat akaun seberapa banyak jumlah anak yang ada. Ahaa.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBest, kan? Memang best semua di hujung jari sekarang.\u00a0\n\n\nJadi, apa tunggu lagi? Buat semua ibu bapa yang telah mendaftarkan anak mereka dengan Pandai, anda berpeluang untuk menggunakan Pandai Parents ini.\u00a0\n\n\nIkuti langkah di bawah bagi \nCara mendaftar Pandai Parents:\n\n\nLayari \nwww.pandai.org\n\u00a0\nPilih \u2018Daftar\u2019\nKemudian pilih pengguna sebagai \u2018Parent\u2019\nIsikan maklumat anda\nKlik \u2018Daftar\u2019\nTekan login untuk memulakan Pandai Parents dengan memasukkan email yang didaftar serta kata laluan yang diterima.\u00a0\n\n\nSetelah mendaftar, jika anda ingin memasukkan maklumat akaun anak anda? Ya. Anda perlukan \n\u2018Children pin code\u2019\nMana nak dapatkan children pin code?\u00a0\nBoleh ikuti langkah pada gambar di bawah:\n\n\n\n\nMudah sahaja. Apa lagi? Jom daftar Pandai Parents sekarang!\n\n\nJangan lupa follow media sosial Pandai untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru dari Pandai.\n\n\nFB: \n@pandaiofficial\nInstagram:\n@pandaiofficial\nTwitter: \n@pandaiofficial\nTiktok: \n@pandaiofficial\nBlog: \nblog.pandai.org\n\n\n#SenangJeNakPandai\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/which-gender-has-better-reading-and-writing-skills/", "title": "Which Gender Has Better Reading and Writing Skills?", "body": "\n\nHi! We meet again! Last time, I wrote an article on \u201cWho is Better in\u00a0 Computation and Problem-Solving Boy or Girl?\u201d which is explicitly concluded by girls\u00a0 acquiring these skills better than boys in the early and middle of secondary school.\u00a0 Then, it showed a twist when the school come to its end.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nThis time, I would like to research other skills that I am also curious about \u2013 reading and writing skills. Before we start, let\u2019s take a look at a few related articles.\u00a0 Based on the article by Alia Wong (2018) titled \u201cWhy Girls are Better at Reading Than\u00a0 Boys?\u201d, she shared research by Keith Topping, a professor from Scotland\u2019s University of Dundee,\u00a0\n\n\n\u201c\nGirls tend to do almost everything more thoroughly than boys,\u201d Topping told\u00a0 me over email, while conversely, boys are \u201cmore careless about some, if not\u00a0 most, school subjects.\u201d And notably, as countless studies have shown, girls are\u00a0 also more likely to read for pleasure.\u00a0\n\n\nAn article was written by Jamie Ballard (2018), a data journalist of YouGov.com, said that in America, women generally read more books than men.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nBased on the articles mentioned, as a hypothesis, we can say that girls read\u00a0 more than boys, which helps turn out girls to have better grammar and enable them\u00a0 to have a quick understanding and score better in reading and writing.\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nTo have better insights, I\u2019m going to use the data from users of Pandai. They\u00a0 are the students of year six and form 3. I will compare the test results of their English,\u00a0 Bahasa Melayu, Mathematics and Science subjects to see which of them scored better.\u00a0\n\n\nLet\u2019s take a look at the bar chart below. For this illustration, the score of 250 year-six boy and girl students is used.\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nThe chart presents comparisons in the score between boys and girls in English, Bahasa Melayu, Mathematics and Science subjects of year six students. There is a statistically slight difference between the two groups for English and Bahasa Melayu, while for Mathematics and Science, it shows quite a large gap between the scores.\n\n\nAs we can see, in English subject, girl scored an average of 80.7%, with a tiny gap more significant by 1.3% than the boy. For Bahasa Melayu, even with a slight difference, it also seemed to be dominated by girls with greater by 1%. In Mathematics, it shows a 5.9-point gap and a 1.5-point gap in Science, both favoured by girls.\n\n\nOverall, it is clear that girls performed better than boys in all four subjects during primary school.\n\n\nNow that we\u2019ve got the insights for primary school, I am curious, how is it in secondary school?\n\n\n\n\nThe bar chart illustrates the score of boys and girls of form 3 students in four subjects. A total of 200 students from both boys and girls are used.\n\n\nThe result shows a similar pattern as in primary school, where girl students dominated the achievement in all subjects. The boy and girl students scored an average of 74.3% and 75.2% in English, 64.1%, and 66.1% in Bahasa Melayu, respectively. There is a 0.9-point gap in the average score of English and a difference of 2 percentage points in Bahasa Melayu between both genders. Both favouring girls. As for Science and Mathematics, we can see girls overscored boys with a difference in 4.9% in Mathematics and 2.5% in Science.\n\n\nConclusively, we can say that in secondary school, girls maintained their excellency in all four subjects. \n\n\nThe results in Figure 1 and Figure 2 showed that girl\u2019s performance in the four subjects is often higher than boys from primary school up to secondary school. Girls significantly outperformed boys in reading and writing ability across all grades. This is because girls tend to have a quicker understanding compared to boys.\n\n\nBased on the results that we got, few approaches should be applied. Educators may need to concentrate more on reading and writing for boys in the classroom. Besides that, teachers should also be aware that more varied reading and writing learning strategies are essential for students, especially boy students who are not good at both. Apart from that, higher motivated boys perform better than those with poorly written motivation, so educators can focus on students\u2019 motivation to influence student results more indirectly.\n\n\n\n\nReferences\n\n\n1. \nhttps://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/09/why-girls-are-better- reading-boys/571429/\n\n\n2. \nhttps://today.yougov.com/topics/lifestyle/articles- reports/2018/08/14/reading-books-men-women\n\n"} {"url": "https://blog.pandai.org/who-is-better-in-computation-and-problem-solving-male-or-female/", "title": "Who is Better in Computation and Problem-Solving? Male or Female?", "body": "\n\nby Nur Zafirah Mohd Faudzi\n\n\n\n\nWe often heard that females always study harder than males resulting in a better examination result for them. Males play a lot while studying, showing their unseriousness to perform in their studies. Are these true? Do females are the ones who always perform and not males? Is there by any chance that males may perform better than females? Let us take a look at the best figure in the world. Firstly, the best mathematician in the world was Pythagoras, the best engineer in the world was Archimedes. Both of them are males. Next, the world\u2019s best scientist, Albert Einstein, is also a male. Males are better than females, nothing more needs explanation.\n\n\nBefore jumping into the main discussion, let us take a look at a few studies by past researchers in similar topics. Their studies have identified gender differences in computation skill and problem-solving performance.\n\n\nA study by \nArmstrong (1981)\n shows that typically, no gender differences in achievement have been found through junior high school. However, by the end of secondary school, surprisingly, male students have higher achievement scores and are frequently reported as doing better on higher-level cognitive tasks. Thirteen-year-old females are better at computation than their male counterparts. By the end of high school, like in a drama, the situation twisted. Twelfth-grade male students show superior scores on problem-solving measures, and females have lost their advantage in computation. Does this study make sense? Feeling dissatisfied?\n\n\nOkay now, let us proceed to see another research. \nHyde (1990)\n performed a meta-analysis of 100 studies of gender differences in Mathematics performance. An analysis of trends of age revealed that in elementary and secondary school, the computation was moderately distributed. Apart from that, in primary or early secondary schooling, there were no gender differences in problem-solving. However, in the final year of secondary and college, gaps were noticed in favor of males.\n\n\nFigure 1. Average Score Mathematics and Science for Primary School (Year 6)\n\n\nThe bar chart above shows the average score of 12-year-old students in Mathematics and Science. Based on the result, male students scored an average of 70.4%, while female students scored 77.1% in Mathematics. It shows a significant difference in the average score of male and female students in Mathematics which is by seven percentage points favored by the female. As for Science, male students scored an average of 71.9%, while female students scored 73.8%. It shows a slight difference of 2 percentage points favored by the female. Overall, females show higher performance in both Mathematics and Science in primary school.\n\n\nFigure 2. Average Score Mathematics and Science for Secondary School (Form 3)\n\n\nNow let\u2019s see what we got here. In the middle of secondary school, the result shows a similar trend as in primary school where female students dominated the achievement in both Mathematics and Science. The male and female students scored an average of 57.8% and 62.7% in Mathematics, 64.3% and 66.8% in Science respectively. There is a five-percentage-point gap in the average score of Mathematics and a slight difference of 2 percentage points in Science between both genders. Both favoring females. It shows that female students perform better in Mathematics and Science in the middle of secondary school.\n\n\nNow we can see where these results have brought us to. Based on the results in Figure 1 and Figure 2, the performance of female students in Mathematics and Science consistently better than male students since primary school until the middle of secondary school, thus it shows that females acquire better computation and problem-solving skills than males.\n\n\nBut wait! It\u2019s not the end yet. There is still a chance to prove that males can also outperform females in these subjects. The next reference was made to see whether there is any significant difference in the performance of Science and Mathematics between male and female at the end of secondary school. The average score of 100 male and 100 female 17-year-old students in Mathematics and Science is compared. The result is as in Figure 3.\n\n\nFigure 3. Average Score Mathematics and Science for Secondary School (Form 5)\n\n\nThe result in Figure 3 shows a surprisingly extraordinary result. The result clearly shows a contradiction of which appear in Figure 2. Based on the result, male students overscored female students in the final year of secondary school. On average, the female students scored 63.3% in Mathematics, whereas with a difference of additional two percentage points, the male students scored 65.8%. For the Science subject, the male students scored an average score of 65.3%, which is greater than female students by six percentage points. It shows that male students showed up better in both Mathematics and Science approaching the end of the secondary school upon entering the college.\n\n\nResult in A Glance\n\n\nFigure 4. Overall Average Score in Mathematics and Science\n\n\nBased on the analysis, it shows the same result as found by Flanagan and Hyde. It can be concluded that females acquire better computation abilities and problem-solving skill in primary school. Entering secondary school, females carry the same as or greater than males in both knowledge and skills. Along the secondary school years, males catch up with and then surpass the females in some regions of Mathematics and Science achievement. As a result, males turned out to score better than females at the end of secondary school.\n\n\nIn college, males beat females in subjects related to computation and problem-solving. That is why, like has been stated by \nSusan (1999)\n in the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, \u201cWomen have made substantial employment gains in business, law, medicine and behavioral sciences during the past generation, but there has not been a corresponding increase in the number of women engineers. Explanations for the slow progress of women in engineering fields often assume that women do not have the same level of mathematical or visual-spatial skills as men.\u201d\n\n"}