{"description": "This Dataset is a Hugging Face Reflection of the Sefaria Database. The following is the description of Sefaria from the sefaria.org website: Sefaria is home to 3,000 years of Jewish texts. We are a non-profit organization offering free access to texts, translations, and commentaries so that everyone can participate in the ongoing process of studying, interpreting, and creating Torah", "citation": "", "homepage": "https://github.com/Sefaria/Sefaria-Project", "license": "each source is individually licensed, see here: https://github.com/Sefaria/Sefaria-Export/blob/master/LICENSE.md", "features": {"meta": {"dtype": "string", "_type": "Value"}, "text": {"dtype": "string", "_type": "Value"}}, "builder_name": "parquet", "config_name": "mehdie--sefaria", "version": {"version_str": "1.2.1", "major": 1, "minor": 2, "patch": 1}, "splits": {"train": {"name": "train", "num_bytes": 1812799651, "num_examples": 12882, "dataset_name": "parquet"}}, "download_checksums": null, , "download_size": 5472963027, "dataset_size": 1812799651, "size_in_bytes": 1812799651}